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Готовый перевод One Piece The Ship of Lust / Корабель хтивості: Гарри Поттер и сумасшедшие идиоты2

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Адреса змісту:https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12562072/1/Harry-Potter-




Гарри Поттер

Гарри Поттер и сумасшедшие идиоты



Выполняя первое задание Турнира Трех Волшебников, Гарри видит

свой шанс сразить своих врагов – и пользуется им. Вот Гарри,

который умеет думать и рассуждать. Really Bash!AD, EWE, Clueful!HP

Eventual HP/HG/DG/FD NL/HA/SB и другие. Без извинений! АУ.


Художественная литература M

– Английский – Драма – [Гарри П., Гермиона Г., Флер Д., Дафна Г.] –

Главы: 84 - Слов: 745 285 - Обзоры:

12 053

- Избранное: 16 081 - Читает: 16 948 - Обновлено:

24.04.2018, 08:58:49

– Опубликовано:

07.07.2017, 10:27:49

– id: 12562072

46. Apologies Abound

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to the proverbial Duchess of

Magic, JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high

falutin' companies. No matter how much I whine about not owning anything

related to the HP universe, other than a few fanfic plots, I do not profess to

own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful

world... Damn it!

Chapter Forty Six - Apologies Abound




When Harry walked out into the fifth floor public corridor, the auror

gave him a peculiar look.

He just glanced at the man and said, "The ladies are talking things over. I

decided to get out of the way and wait out here, after all."

The auror grinned back and muttered, "Probably wise."

About ten minutes later, when Neville turned up at the end of the

corridor from down near the stairs escorting the two 'Puffs as he expected

the other boy to do, Harry smiled in pleasure.

When they reached him, Neville and the girls each gave him a funny look

that asked why he was out there. Answering the unasked question, he

replied, "Daphne needed a few moments, so I decided to wait out here for


When it looked like they then understood he said, "Should be long

enough by now." Then gestured to the door and asked, "Shall we?"

When they agreed, he strode across the corridor, opened the main door

and let them in.

After Neville stepped in, the three waited for him to walk in and close the


Then he gestured onward while striding forward and muttered, "This

way. We're in Apartment Nine."

Taking them to the door he opened it and looked inside. Daphne had

calmed down again and was dabbing her face with a handkerchief. Her

eyes were still red-rimmed and her cheeks a little swollen, though.

He stepped back out of the way and gestured the other three inside as he

saw Hermione rise to greet them.

She said, "Welcome to the House of Potter apartment. Our place for the

duration, I think."

Harry stepped in after Neville again and closed the door.

Concerned he gave a look to Hermione that asked, "Is everything


She clearly recognised it as genuine concern, gently smiled and nodded


Relieved he looked about and could see that there wouldn't be enough

seating for the seven of them, so quietly summoned Dobby.

"Yes, Master Harry?" he asked.

"Is there something you can do about fitting in more couches or sofas in

here so everyone can sit, little buddy?"

Dobby quickly looked about and said, "If Master Harry and his guests can

be moving away a bit. Dobby can fix."

"Great," he smiled. Looking to the guests he said, "Hermione, would you

mind giving our latest guests the two-penny tour while Dobby adds more

seating in here?"

A quick glance around herself and she could see what Harry meant. "Of

course," she agreed. "Neville? Susan? Hannah? Want the tour?"

"I'd love to," replied Susan as both the others nodded.

As Hermione led them off to the furthest room, his room, he asked

Daphne and Tracey to join him a little apart from the sofas.

As soon as they did, Dobby rearranged things a bit, popped out with the

two armchairs and popped back in with an extra long sofa that could sit

three. With the twin two-seat sofas there was now enough seating for


"Thank you, Dobs," he said.

Dobby gave him a pleased smile and popped away again, but not before

also refreshing their tea setting and adding extra crockery and teaspoons

on the coffee table.

"Please, sit," he told the two girls. Both returned to the same sofa.

When he sat opposite with a sigh, he looked to Daphne and quietly said,

"I'm very, very sorry I upset you."

With an almost jump of a start of shock, she looked back at him, wide

eyed. "Y-you didn't!" she exclaimed.

Tracey smiled back and decided to help her friend out. "Harry, what you

said was above and beyond what Daphne, even me, expected. Daphne's

happy and very relieved you're open to this."

Surprised, he gave a very relieved sigh. "Alright, then. I feared I had

really upset you and we'd be wasting our time discussing this any


"No," she said. Then gave him a smile. It was a bit 'watery', but it was still

a smile.




Once the other four returned from their tour, they sat as expected.

Hermione sat with him while Neville sat between the two 'Puff girls on

the triple that sat at right angles to and facing up between the two

parallel and facing two-seaters.

Neville, looking at Daphne with concern, asked her, "Are you alright,

Daphne? Do I need to take Harry out the back and beat some sense into


Surprised by Neville's questions, Harry just grinned at him in amusement

and chuckled a little.

Daphne even gave her own lady-like snort of sudden amusement and

smiled back at the boy. "No, Neville; but, thank you for the offer. What

Harry has done is just made me both very relieved and very happy."

Relieved, Neville said, "Well, thank Merlin for that. I think I might have

been able to get one, maybe two, hits in before Harry pounded me flat!"

That had them all laugh. Since the return of his parents, the true nature

of Neville was coming more and more to the fore. He was actually quite

funny and usually had a somewhat dry humour about him, but the

calmness and placidity remained without the shyness that also used to be


Once they'd settled again, Daphne looked to Harry and said, "Well, since

everyone is here, Alliance Secret. I inform you all that Lord Potter's and

my discussion proved most fruitful. I shall be informing my father that I

wish for him to approach Lord Potter's representative with the hopes of

negotiating a Concubine Bond Agreement between myself and Lord


"I believe we currently have an agreement-in-principle for me to become

a Concubine Presumptive to Lord Potter."

As the girls, less Daphne and Hermione, practically clapped in

approbation, Neville gave a relieved, "Yes."

Meanwhile, Harry and Daphne smiled at one another.

"That does not mean, however," he firmly said, "That Daphne will become

my concubine. It means Daphne will be under a Concubine Bond

Agreement to me, only. This is House Potter aiding House Greengrass in

protecting one of its daughters.

"What happens down the road is not set in stone. The agreement may

eventually convert to a contract, or it may not. That is a matter for

another time."

"Ah!" said Susan. "That's very clever. Daphne is taken 'off the market', so

to speak, so her father can no longer be legally pressured. Yet is free to

make her own choice later?"

Harry smiled at her and nodded. "Precisely."




As the dinner hour closed in, the seven walked as one down to the Great

Hall, only separating once they walked in through the double doors. They

took the 'main route' down and, as intended, were seen by quite a few

other students.

The 'news' that they did that would be around the castle by late that

evening. Which, of course, is why they did it. It was visual proof the

Potter-Longbottom Alliance was once again active.

This time, finally, Harry's meal wasn't interrupted by people demanding

his attention.




Down in the bowels of the Ministry, the Spectral Threat team had just

received a report from the Knight's Shadow team.

Scimitar, accepting the note and reading it, said to the others, "As

expected, the Knight and Bookworm returned to the castle, this morning."

That had a few breathe a sigh of relief.

Continuing, Scimitar added, an inside contact has informed us both

moved into the rarely used Lords' Quarters. Apparently, Little Old Witch

had no problem with it."

"She wouldn't," said one. "That's what they're there for."

"Hmm..." said Scimitar. "We can now confirm Monocle has organised a

rotating force of eight aurors for the castle. We now have three in their

ranks. Eight's an increase of two since the return of the White Knight and


"Any further news on White Beard?" asked one.

"It's finally confirmed he suffered a heart attack," replied Scimitar.

"Monocle had managed to have the information of it tied up tighter than

a merman's arsehole and it took us until late today to confirm.

"He's alive and currently a guest in the auror secure ward. Apparently,

Monocle doesn't want anyone knowing he's there."

"Wise, I suppose," said another.

"Oh, this is interesting. Apparently, there were rumours she'd declared

him a Dark Lord."

"Wow!" said the first. "How'd she do that without dragging him before the


Scimitar grinned and said, "She used a loophole in the law that

Dumbledore used to abuse. By law, she's three distinct people; Acting

Minister, Director of the DMLE and Regent of House Bones. She used

those three distinct persons she is and, for each, declared him a Dark


"Our analysts have since checked the oath books and confirmed it. Ha! I

bet that stung old White Beard. Hoist by his own petard!"




Once dinner was over, Harry and Hermione returned to their apartment.

As soon as they walked in, Harry said, "I need to contact Sirius about how

we got on for our first day and, while I'm on the mirror with him, ask to

speak to Ted if he's there."

"You're warning him about the CBA with Daphne Greengrass and that

Lord Greengrass is likely to approach him?"

"Yes," he replied. "Plus, I should write to Lord Greengrass, Samuel, and let

him know Daphne has now talked to me about it and he should contact

Ted to negotiate it."

Hermione said, "And I need to write to my parents to let them know how

we got on."

"Save a bit of space at the bottom for me?" he asked. "I'll let them know,

in my own words, you're safe and sound."

Hermione hesitated a bit and asked, "Do we let my parents know I'm in

the Lords' Quarters with you?"

"That's up to you," he replied. "If you decide you want to let them know

that, I'm happy with it. If you don't, I understand.

"You might want to wait for a little while until you're sure one way or the

other, though. Once you've informed them you can't take it back."

When it looked like she was going to worry her bottom lip with her top

teeth again, he walked over, took her in his arms and kissed her. "If

you're this concerned about what to do, delay telling them."

After feeling all gooshy, yet again, because of the kiss, she sighed and


"Great!" he said, backing off. "Now I need you to tell me what you can of

what was discussed between you three girls when I went outside to wait

for the others."

Looking a touch suspiciously at him, she asked, "Why?"

"I don't need specifics," he said. "I just need to know whether or not this

is something she truly wants. And I want to know if you know what her

thoughts are on this.

"Daphne is a pureblood, raised to always obey her father and Lord of her

House. When she replied and said to me this is something she wants,

what she could actually have been saying is, 'This is something I want,

because it's something my Lord wants.' Understand?

"While she'd not necessarily admit the truth directly to me, she more than

likely will to her witch peers. And it's a method by which she can inform

me of the truth of what she wants without coming straight out with it."

"Ah," she replied. She then seemed to think about it before she started to

explain. "She's scared. She knows what is going to happen if you or

Neville can't help her. She'd approach Neville next, if you turned her

down, by the way.

"The one putting the most pressure on her father, at the moment, is

Caracticus Nott for a Betrothal Agreement for his grandson, Theodore.

But, he's not the only one. So is Lucius Malfoy, Corban Yaxley and others

she doesn't even want to think about.

"Until you 'outed' him during the first task, Malfoy was the forerunner.

Now, it's Nott. And Nott's contract has the stipulation that Daphne's son

be handed the Lordship the moment he becomes eligible. It also states

that Nott will become Regent, with full access to the Greengrass Estates,

for said son if anything happens to Samuel. Daphne said, reading

between the lines, it is obvious her father would be killed very soon after

any child she births is born.

"Next, she never believed she would be anything but a concubine to

another. That you are giving her the option to cancel it shocked her to

her core. She realised, by the way, it's obviously for if she meets someone

who can offer her a 'marriage'; or if she decides she can't be a concubine,

after all.

"You didn't meet her expectations, Harry, you exceeded even her hopes

and dreams. That's why she... burst into tears like she did. In her own

words, she never even dared to dream such a thing would be available to


Looking off into the distance, Harry thought about what his betrothed

had told him and then muttered, "Hunh!" Looking directly back to her he

said, "So, I did good, then."

She smiled back with a twinkle in her eye and said, "Yes, Harry; you did

good. That is, you're doing good."

He thought about it a bit more and, starting to climb back to his feet,

said, "I need to go get my communications mirror." He hadn't even

realised he'd sat down during Hermione's explanation.

He'd taken only a single step before Dobby popped in before him and

offered it to him.

"Oh! Thank you, Dobby," he said, sitting back down.




Up in the Headmistress's office, the four Heads of House, the Deputy

Headmaster, Madam Hooch and the Captains of the four House Quidditch

teams met for the draw of the abbreviated inter-House Quidditch


After explaining the design of the competition, Madam Hooch held up a

small bag and asked each Captain to draw a stone from within. They

were numbered.

The numbers drawn had 1, Ravenclaw; 2, Slytherin; 3, Hufflepuff; and, 4,


Madam Marchbanks explained, "That means, Ravenclaw will draw the

two teams they will play. If not chosen by Ravenclaw, Slytherin will not

need to draw as they would be playing the other two. If chosen by

Ravenclaw they will only draw one."

Though they looked confused, Hooch held the bag for Roger Davies, the

Captain of Ravenclaw, to draw two.

They would be playing Hufflepuff and Slytherin.

"Chosen to play Ravenclaw in one of their matches, Slytherin will now

draw one. "

The Slytherin captain drew Gryffindor.

"As Slytherin has drawn Gryffindor, that means Slytherin will be playing

Ravenclaw and Gryffindor. Which means Hufflepuff will be playing

Ravenclaw and Gryffindor. And Gryffindor will be playing Slytherin and


"That's the four games of the shortened season. Are there any questions?"

Davies immediately piped up and asked, "When will the games be?"

"Madam Hooch will design a schedule and post it as soon as she can,"

replied Marchbanks while Hooch nodded.

Hooch added, "I'll draw up a fair schedule, but don't expect the first game

for about a month. That should give you all time to rebuild your teams, if

you need to."

"Thank you, Madam Hooch," he replied.




After describing their first day back in the castle to Sirius, he then had a

'godfather/godson' secret to tell him and told him of the approach by

Daphne on behalf of her father.

Sirius was not surprised. "It makes sense," he said.

Then he asked if Ted was there and if he could have a word.

Ted was and he did.

Once Harry finished describing his thoughts on what a CBA between he

and Daphne should be like, Ted said, "Alright, just to clarify: You want

escape clauses for the both of you along similar lines as the Betrothal

Agreement between you and Hermione, without penalty to either party;

the same with those clauses becoming void if Daphne falls pregnant."


"You don't want there to be any business clauses that become active on

signing of the agreement, in case it's voided, but you do not mind

business clauses in the agreement that only become active if the

agreement becomes the contract."


"You want the conditions that convert the agreement into the contract

the same, or as close to the same, as the conditions in the agreement

between you and Hermione."


"And, finally, while any child or children born of the agreement will

carry the name 'Greengrass' and be of the Noble and Ancient House of

Greengrass, you want to maintain the right to both call and treat them as

your son/sons and daughter/daughters."

"Right. I don't want to have anyone think of me as 'just providing stud

services' or I was 'just the semen donor' or anything like that."

"I can work with that," said Ted.

"Thank you, Ted," he said. "Now, I need to write a letter to Lord

Greengrass and inform him I would like him to sit down with my Law-

wizard of Record to hammer out an agreement."

"I'll leave you to it," said Ted.

As Samuel Greengrass was of an allianced House, Harry wasn't too

finicky with his prose. He kept his letter to the man simple and to the


After that, he finally managed to get back to the day's assignments.




After an interrupted night's sleep due to the late night Astronomy lesson

on the Astronomy tower, both teens rose as normal to attend breakfast.

They did not have classes until after morning tea, but both - individually

- felt they had enough sleep.

Harry had risen in time for breakfast but was being quiet about it when

Hermione walked out from her room into the living room, where he was.

Again, she looked stunning. Betsy did really good work.

When he heard her and turned to her, he said, "Sorry. Did I wake you?"

"No," she replied. "I knew you'd be up early, so I set my alarm to be up

early, too."

He smiled and said, "You didn't need to do that."

"And let you go down to the Great Hall for breakfast without me or

Neville as backup?" she put. "Not going to happen."

"Actually," he said, "Now that you mention that, I just realised we have a

kitchen and pantry in here. And we both saw Dobby and Betsy have fully

stocked it."

She smiled at him and said, "Good point. However, 'Lord Potter' needs to

put in an appearance at all meal times, at least for the next few days, so

that people don't start whining about how you're getting even more


"Rights," he muttered.

"Not to them," she disagreed.

Nodding in agreement, he said, "You're right. They would think that."




The two of them walked into the Great Hall about fifteen minutes later.

They were neither early, nor late. The Hall was about half full and it was

about half an hour before the owls turned up.

That gave them plenty of time to sit and eat before the 'mail bomb' and

time to be done eating to allow others to approach.

However, both were surprised when Neville walked in about five minutes

after they did. And he seemed to be at least as surprised to see them as

they were he.

Joining them, they gave the somewhat obligatory greetings before he

said, "I did not expect to see either of you down here for breakfast."

Hermione replied, "And we didn't expect to see you; though, we should

have, I guess. You were always an early riser."

"And I thought, irrespective of when you rose, you'd make use of that

kitchen in your apartment," he explained.

"We will," she said. "Just... Harry needs to put in an appearance at all

meal times for at least the first few days."

Surprised, Neville said, "Yeah, I can see that. Clever."

As the three ate their breakfasts in peace, all three were just as aware of

all the looks from the hundreds of students directed their way, as they'd

been directed their way since well before what went down, went down.

This time, no one interrupted them.

When the Daily Prophet was delivered by Hedwig, Harry was quick with

the bacon. Now that his Lordship was public, it would not look good for

him to be publicly berated by his mail owl in front of the school.

Opening it up, the front page was pretty much as he expected.

~ # ~


Expected to return to Hogwarts with the rest of the school on Sunday evening,

Lord Harry Potter (14) did not put in an appearance, writes investigative

journalist, Kate Erister.

Questioning some of the students who did turn up as they should, it's been

learned Lord Potter needed to attend to some 'family business' and would

arrive 'soon'. It was only expected to be a day or two.

When asked if Lord Potter, an under-aged wizard who has yet to sit his OWLs,

would be arrested or fined for his non-attendance, Madam Amelia Bones,

Director of the DMLE said, "Of course not. Lord Potter has been declared of-

age. As such and irrespective of whether or not he's earned his OWLs, he's a

fully qualified wizard."

And what of his betrothed, the muggleborn Hermoine Grainger? She replied,

"Her magical guardian, Lord Sirius Black, notified Headmistress Lady Griselda

Marchbanks she would be delayed by a couple days. Headmistress Lady

Marchbanks has approved the delay."

Why have they been given this privilege? Is Lord Potter simply flaunting and or

abusing his new authority? Is it out of simple arrogance?

~ # ~

Reading through to the end of the article, Harry chuckled in amusement

before handing it to his lady.

Once Hermione read it, she asked, "Are you sending Ted after her, this


"Nope!" he replied. "To use a fishing analogy, I'm letting her have her

head by letting the line out. That way, when I hook her, I'll have hooked

her good and proper."

"You're baiting her to get more and more outlandish," she accused,

though smiled when she said it.

He just grinned at her.




After breakfast, the two took Neville back up to their apartment. Harry

really wanted to talk to his mate about his own views on his pending

betrothal and Susan's concubinage to him.

Once inside, they sat and relaxed for a while before Neville finally said,

"Well. I know you want to ask, so ask."

Hermione looked surprised, but Harry just grinned back. "You're getting

better, Nev."

The other boy barely blushed this time and only smiled back.

"Very well," said Harry. "How do you feel about your pending Betrothal

Agreement and Concubine Bond Agreement?"

With a sigh, Neville replied, "You know what? Happy and... relieved."

"Relieved?" asked Hermione.

"Yep," he replied. "It means I don't have to ask a girl to marry me." And


Harry laughed while Hermione appeared a little miffed. "Betrothal

Agreement or not, Neville; when the time comes to switching the

Betrothal Agreement to a contract, you should still do the right by

Hannah and propose."

He shook his head, "Hannah doesn't want that. Besides, that's a muggle

thing, anyway. Hannah wants the traditional wizarding ceremonies."

Confused, Hermione said, "I didn't know―"

"Wizards don't do weddings, Hermione," he explained. "We do

'handfastings' before a druid in a Druidic ceremony.

"For engagements, House Longbottom hold a convocation where the

prospective new member is introduced to the family at-large. It's also

when the agreement is agreed to become the contract."

Harry explained, "That's something like an engagement party, Hermione;

but, family only."

Concentrating to understand it, she said, "I need to read up on this. I just


Harry nodded and called, "Dobby!"

"Yes, master Harry?" said the little elf immediately after it popped in.

Looking to it, Harry asked, "Can you get Hermione a couple of books on

wizarding traditions associated with hand-fastings and concubinage? She

has a new study project."

"Yes, Master Harry," he replied, popping away again.

Moments later, two books from Pottermore, they had the book-plates that

showed them as such, appeared on the coffee table before her. She was

quick to pick them up and look at them.

Turning back to Neville, he said, "You know you're effectively going to

have two wives, don't you? And those two have been together since they

were toddlers. You're going to be out-manned"

Neville chuckled and replied, "I know."

"Any idea on when the negotiations are going to be finalised?"

"Dad told me he hopes to have both done by Friday; before the weekend,"

he replied.

"When will you know?" asked Hermione.

Neville grinned and replied, "He will send me a note to that effect by

Harry's house elf express."

"After the girls, I expect to be the first to be informed," Harry mock-

scowled at his mate.

Neville laughed and said, "That's what I planned, yes."

Harry sat forward and said, "Good. Because there's something I want you

to consider, when it's finalised."

"Oh?" Neville carefully asked.

Harry firmly replied, "I want you to consider asking Headmistress Lady

Marchbanks if you and your two can have your own Lord's Quarters up

here with us."

Neville seemed to slump in disappointment before he said, "Though I'll be

betrothed and have a presumptive concubine, I still won't be a Lord.

These are 'Lords' Quarters', remember?"

Harry shook his head and replied, "That's just the name for them, Neville.

Just... promise me you'll ask. Even if she says, 'No,' that's all that will

happen. You won't get in trouble for it.

"Besides, I'm pretty sure she'll say, 'Yes.' Don't forget, she's also Lady

Marchbanks of the House of Marchbanks; a member House of the

Alliance. I also think your father may hint at it to her, too."

Neville thought about it for a long few moments before he said, "Alright,

Harry. I'll do it because I owe ya. But, I'll run it past the girls, first."

"I've told you before, you don't owe me; and I'd be cross with you if you

didn't ask the girls, first, anyway. But, I really don't think they'll say,





After morning tea, which they had in the apartment just to keep Dobby

and Betsy happy, they headed down to Care of Magical Creatures and yet

another of the new Professors. This time it was with Professor Oliver

Senkinhall; the professor who was charged with caring for Errol after he

was stunned by the new Defence Professor while carrying a Howler

towards Ron.

Professor Senkinhall was a 'retired' exotic magical creature reserve

worker; born and raised in wizarding Britain, but worked on the reserve

in Africa. Thankfully, he retained his British accent but, at odd moments,

used a distinctly different idiom. At least, after seeing the looks of

confusion on the faces of his students, he'd apologise and correct himself.

When Hermione asked about what had happened to the Blast-Ended

Skrewts, the Professor calmly replied, "Euthanised. They were illegally

bred, so had to be put down."

Harry was surprised Hermione wasn't upset about that.

After class and as they walked back up the castle he asked her, "Why

weren't you upset to learn the Skrewts had been euthanised?"

"They were dangerous, Harry," she replied. "Because they were...

effectively... a new species, no one had any idea what they would

eventually grow into. Not even Hagrid, who bred them.

"They could have proven to be even more dangerous than, say... a one

thousand year old basilisk. That sort of thing should never be anywhere

near a school. And he had about two dozen of the things."

Pleased, he gave her a nod and smile back. "My thoughts, exactly. I'm

pleased you realised that. Especially after what you said to Malfoy about


She smiled back and said, "You know I just said that to annoy... the little

ferret, don't you?"

He laughed.

As they continued to trek back up the grassy slope to the school, Ron

came trotting up.

"Errr.. Ha- Lord Potter, may I have a quick word?"

Surprised the boy was being polite, he replied, "Walk with us."

When Ron appeared relieved he quickly stepped up next to Harry and

said, "I was... hoping we could have our talk before this afternoon."

"Oh?" he asked. "Why the rush?"

Again, the hesitation. "I need to let Aunt Muriel know I've... talked to

you; and you've heard me out. I don't think Pig will be able to fly back

later this afternoon and make it before dark."

Surprised at the boy's candidness, he thought for a moment before he

replied, "Very well. We shall head for the antechamber where we all

gathered prior to our Sortings and speak there.

"You don't have a problem with Hermione and Neville joining us, do


Though it appeared he might well have been uncomfortable with that,

Ron replied, "No."

"Then I shall speak with you then, Mister Weasley," he firmly stated.

Knowing he'd just been dismissed, Ron quietly backed away again, by

slowing down.

When he was clear, Neville moved back up.

"I'll be having the meeting with Ron as soon as we get back to the castle,"

explained Harry, before he could be asked. "I'd like it if you two would

join me."

"We can do that," said Neville.

Hermione asked, "I take it you don't want to be alone with him in case he

tries something?"

"Yes," he replied. "I don't think he intends to try something, but two

witnesses would save possible problems later."




Once they entered the entrance hall of the castle, the trio went directly to

the antechamber. Ron was less than a minute behind them.

After throwing a Colloportus at the door and throwing up a privacy

charm, Harry turned to Ron and said, "Alright, Mister Weasley; you

wanted this meeting and I've been accommodating. Now, what is it you

wanted of me?"

Ron, though he seemed a little irritated, seemed to give himself a bit of a

nod, closed his eyes for a moment and muttered something to himself,

before he then looked at Harry with a firm expression.

"Har- Lord Potter," he began. "I should offer my apologies for my

behaviour over the past three and a half years, without expectation of

your acknowledgement either way. It was wrong of me to accept

payment from the... from Dumbledore to be friends with you. I accepted

it because I intended to be your friend, in the first place.

"Once I worked it out I said to the... to Dumbledore I didn't need his

galleons; but, he said I had earned them, so―" He shrugged.

"It has been made clear to me that... it is now obvious to even me that

doing that was so wrong it wasn't even funny. I am now no longer

surprised you want nothing to do with me. If it was done to me I would

see it as a major act of betrayal, too.

"However, I was told that offering you my apology was the right thing to

do so―"

When it looked like he'd wound down and turned a hopeful look on

Harry, Harry said, "Well, you've said you want to offer your apology,

Ron. However, I've not yet heard you actually apologise. Don't you think

you should get to that, then?"

Ron looked back in a shock and confusion before he demanded, "What do

you mean?"

Harry sighed and said, "I'll step you through it. First, you said, 'I should

offer my apologies'. That does not mean you apologise, that just means

you should offer such an apology.

"You then said how you were wrong to accept Dumbledore's blood

money. You're right, you were. But, that is still not an apology.

"And then added how it was wrong to betray me like you did. Still no

apology yet.

"And, finally, you said, 'I was told that offering you my apology was the

right thing to do so...' That's only a recognition someone told you you

should apologise. But you still haven't done it!

"Stop explaining your actions, stop explaining how you were wrong, stop

explaining what someone else told you to do... and actually do it!"

"I..." he started, his anger morphing to confusion. "I thought I had."

Harry threw up his arms in frustration, turned his back on the boy and

walked over to the other side of the room.

Neville said to the confused boy. "No, Ron. Harry's right. You haven't

apologised. You said you were offering it, then didn't. And finished with

how someone told you you should, and still didn't. In all that you didn't

once start a sentence with 'I apologise for...' or 'I'm sorry I...' or anything

like that.

"As Harry said; if you're going to apologise, apologise."

It appeared Ron had finally understood when he slumped in on himself.

"Merlin, I―" Finally, he braced himself up and again stared directly at

Harry. "I apologise for pretending to be your friend. I apologise for taking

the Head- for taking Dumbledore's money to spy on you. I apologise for

being a prat. I apologise for not being there for you, when I should have

been there for you if I was a real friend."

"Bravo!" said Harry, turning back. "That's how you apologise."

Walking back over he said, "I accept your apology, Mister Weasley.

However, understand you'll never have my forgiveness. Your actions have

told me I cannot trust you.

"One day... maybe... decades from now... I might be able to at least trust

you enough not to be wary of you; after you first prove, on multiple

occasions, you can be trusted. However, we will never be friends.

"You had that opportunity that very first day. You had to have known,

even back then, it was wrong for Dumbledore to pay you to spy on me.

All you had to do was tell the old man, in your own way, to 'Piss off!' If

you had told me you'd done that, you and me would have been very firm

friends. You would have shown, right from that first day, my friendship

meant more to you than a measly few galleons. And, as a result, I would

have happily shared with you all I had.

"Even if you had, at any time over the past few years, approached me and

said, 'Harry, mate, I need to come clean with you about something,' and

honestly explained what was going on? You had a chance to redeem

yourself with me. But, you didn't! It wasn't until I 'outed' you and

Dumbledore during the first task that you realised you'd been well and

truly caught.

"You allowed your rampant greed and jealousy to corrupt you, Mister

Weasley. You went for the quick gold. A pitiful amount of it at that. And

now it's cost you dearly.

"Do you understand and accept that?"

The boy had turned his eyes down in shame before Harry finished the

first few sentences. Finally, he sadly replied, "Yeah. Sorry, Harry."

"And that, I believe, is the first, real, freely offered, apology you've ever

given me, Ron. Again, apology accepted."

He let that sink in for a moment before he, in a much lighter voice, said,

"Now, I know what a trial it is for you to even think of skipping a meal.

So, I think it behooves the four of us to go to lunch, yeah?"

Ron gave a wan smile back, blushed a little and softly said, "Yeah."

With a firm expressionless nod back, Harry removed the privacy charm

and the Colloportus on the door before he said to Ron, "Go join your

friends for lunch, Mister Weasley. I'll be joining mine."

The very obvious inference he wasn't to join them was clear.

As he held the door open for the other three, Harry waited until they

were all out before pulling the door shut behind him.




After quickly eating and finishing his lunch, during which Harry thought

about what to do next, he gave a mental sigh and pulled his satchel

around onto his lap and pulled out an off-cut of parchment, quill and ink.

Then began to write.

Hermione, though curious, did not try to read over his shoulder. And

Neville never would.

Once it was written, he showed it to Hermione. And, once she'd read it,

she understood what he was about to do. Meanwhile, he'd been putting

his writing paraphernalia back in his satchel.

"Want me and Neville to come with?" she quietly asked.

"If you'd like," he replied. "However, I do not distrust Angie, like I do

Ron. She won't try anything."

She gave a nod and said, "If you're not back in time, I'll ask Neville to

escort me when he escorts Susan and Hannah to Transfiguration."

"Good idea," he said. Just before he rose he gave her a quick peck on the


With his satchel firmly on his hip, he made his way down the table.

He paused opposite where the three Lions' chasers were sitting and

quietly handed Johnson the note, which she silently accepted.

Not even waiting for her to say anything he continued to walk out the


Puzzled, Johnson opened the note and read:

~ # ~

Miss Johnson,

If your need to talk to me is as urgent as your rude behaviour indicated by

interrupting on multiple occasions an important conversation I was having,

without so much as a by-your-leave, I will be in the antechamber in which the

Firsties gather before their Sorting for the next ten minutes. I will speak with

you then.

Otherwise, send a damned note if you need my attention and I'm already

otherwise engaged, in future!

Lord Harrison Potter

~ # ~

Johnson didn't even need to hand it to her friends to read as they'd

crowed in to read it over her shoulder.

"The nerve of that boy!" said Bell.

"No, he's right," sighed Johnson. "That's exactly what I should have done.

It's exactly what you're supposed to do, when dealing with the nobles or

someone who's otherwise a Head of House. I'd forgotten that."

Spinnet pulled away and groaned, before she bounced her forehead off

the table before her three times in slow beat.

Watching her, Bell asked, "That's what his problem is?"

"Yyeeesss," moaned Spinnet.




Harry had been waiting in the antechamber for only two minutes when

the door opened and Johnson tentatively walked in. Spinnet and Bell

where at her shoulders.

They left the door open.

Harry stood, not quite full-on to them, with his hands clasped behind his

back, and asked, "Now, Miss Johnson; what is the urgent matter you

risked my physical and or magical retaliation to communicate with me


Looking uncomfortable, she remained silent for a few moment before it

looked like Spinnet jabbed her in the back a little.

With a start at the probable jab she said, "We want you to rejoin the


"I already knew that," he snapped. "And I've already told you I won't.


"But, why not?" she begged.

"Do I really need to explain it to you?" he demanded. "Are you that bereft

of logic you cannot figure it out for yourselves?"

Looking frustrated, with the other two glaring back at him, she

eventually sighed and said, "Yes, alright? I don't know why."

Giving a grunt of annoyance he said, "Fine. I'll explain it to you. I hope

you'll be able to learn from it.

"First, back in 1991 McGonagall saw me catching in the air on a broom

Neville Longbottom's Remembrall, which had been thrown at the wall of

the castle by Malfoy. I managed to catch it one handed only a few feet off

the wall.

"McGonagall comes storming outside, snaps at me, 'With me, Potter!'

Turns about and storms off again. She never said a word about where we

were going. I actually feared I was about to be expelled.

"She leads me up to the DADA classroom, knocks on the door, sticks her

head in and asks Quirrell if she could talk to Wood for a moment. Wood

comes out. She says to him, 'Wood; I've found you a new seeker,' and

indicates me. Then she turns about and storms off again.

"I was never asked if I wanted to be on the team. I just got it dumped on

me. What about what Harry Potter wanted, hmm? Nah, fuck him!

"Our first game and Wood says to me, 'Potter! Catch the snitch or die

trying!' Besides Wood, there are five older students in the room with me.

I think, 'Is this bloke serious?' and then wait for one of the other five to

say something along the lines of, 'Wood! You can't go saying something

like that to a little firstie! What the hell is wrong with you?!'

"Is that what happens? Did any of you three, who were three of that five,

say something like that to the fucking moron? Nope! In other words, by

your inaction, you were saying, 'Fuck, the little firstie! Why should we

care? If he does die, there's plenty of others who can step up'.

"Ten minutes later the first game happens, Quirrell hexes my broom

making it try to buck me off. The twins see it and fly up to try and catch

me if I do fall. You three do fuck all! And then, even the twins leave me

when that prick Wood orders them to, even when he saw what was


"So, again, you prove to me you don't give a fuck about little firstie me.

"That was just my First Year and very first game. Want me to continue?

Or, have you finally figured out why?"

Johnson and the other two heard him out. At first, they frowned. But, as

he went through it for them, they started to stare back in horrified


"Yeeeeaaaah," he sneered. "I see you three are starting to 'get it'. You

three bitches, through your inaction, tried to kill me. If I had died, you

would have ended the line of a Noble and Most Ancient House!

"So. Do you have any chance of convincing Lord Harrison Potter to rejoin

the Lions Quidditch Team? Absolutely... positively... fuck no!

"Now, will there be anything else?"

When all three dropped their eyes and shook their heads in shame, he

sneered and said, "Thought not."

Then he strode past them and out the still open door. He didn't even

verbally wish them well; because, he actually didn't. He also needed to

get to Transfiguration.

Harry manage to make it in time to walk in with the stragglers and found

Hermione kept his seat for him. Neville was with the two 'Puff's, again

sitting directly behind.




After Transfiguration came DADA and another new Professor. This time it

was Professor Ian Murdstock. The one who didn't hesitate to stun Errol

out of the air, though Harry and Hermione did not know that.

As they settled he waited until he knew, obviously by counting heads as

they came in, they were all in the classroom before he simply banished

the door shut. He then spun about and caused his name to appear on the

blackboard with his 'academic achievements' directly under it and spun


"That's up there for those who care," he said. "I promised the

Headmistress I'd give you the information, so there it is.

"Personally, I have greater respect for those who do great achievements."

He gave that moment before he said, "I've learned that your previous so-

called teacher in this subject was an escaped marked Death Eater. I've

also learned he taught you the Unforgivables. If I ever see any of you

casting one, let alone on another person, I will personally put you down.

The Imperious curse is the only one I will not immediately start with

lethal curses.

"For the first couple of weeks we're going to revise what you should have

been taught in this subject by this stage in your education. If you are as

poorly instructed as your fellow students in the other classes I have

already begun this upon, I will not be surprised. But, I warn you, it

means you're going to be pushed hard just to get your skills up to


The class then went straight into revision. And both Harry and Hermione

were relieved they'd spent the day at Pottermore a couple days earlier

doing precisely this.

At the end of the class, though, it was clear just how behind they were

compared to schools overseas. The Professor was right. They were

lagging well behind.




Because the meeting with Ron occurred immediately before lunch, they

didn't have the meeting for immediately after class. So, the two decided

to return to their apartment.

On the walk back, Harry remembered he still hadn't spoken with

Professor Babbling about changing electives from Divination to Ancient

Runes, so reminded Hermione of it.

She gave a small start of shock, stopped, turned to him and said, "Come

on. Let's go see her now." And started to head back the other way.

Harry would have preferred to go back to the apartment first, just to drop

off their satchels if nothing else, but knew when his betrothed was in this

determined mood it was often just easier to go along. So, he did.

He had no idea where the classroom was and had to rely on Hermione to

lead him there.

She turned into a corridor he couldn't remember walking along before

and, partway along, stopped before a classroom door.

She gave a quick rap of her knuckles on it and immediately opened it.

Following her in, he was pleased to see the Professor was inside and at

her desk.

She looked up from whatever she was working on and saw them. "Miss

Granger... and Mis- Lord Potter. What can I do for the two of you?"

Hermione wheeled about and said, "Harry?"

Giving her a nod back he stepped up alongside her and said to the

Professor, "I ask for and would like the opportunity to test for entrance

into the Fourth Year Ancient Runes class in place of Divination.

Surprised at the request, she put her quill down and sat back.

"Hmm..." she said. "If I remember correctly, you were considered an

average student. However, we're all now fully aware that was nought but

a smokescreen you erected to hide your true self. Plus, I believe you

informed the Headmistress you would be wanting to sit the Third Year

end-of-year examination for the subject, once you returned.

"Have you been studying the subject in your own time, Lord Potter?"

With a nod, he replied, "I have."

She pulled out a schedule and ran her finger down it. Looking up she

said, "I have a free period immediately following the single Fourth Year

class tomorrow for Fourth Period. That's the one immediately before


"How about you attend that class, then hold back to sit the exam?"

He smiled and replied, "That would be wonderful, Professor. Thank you."

"Then, I shall see you both then," she declared.

As the 'interview' was clearly over, Hermione wheeled about and led

them both back out of the classroom.




Finally back in their apartment, Hermione dropped her satchel on the

coffee table and headed direct for the office. Harry dropped his own

satchel on the coffee table right next to hers and sat on the sofa with a

relieved sigh. His talks with both Ron and the Lions' chasers, on top of

the classes, had been mentally exhausting.

When Hermione returned, she was carrying a small stack of books. Harry

was only surprised with how short the stack actually was.

She handed him the Third Year Ancient Runes text and said, "We need to

cram as much of that into your head as we can between now and

tomorrow after morning tea."

"Hermione," he sighed. "I told you, I've been studying the subject for quite

a while."

"Yes, but you haven't experienced the subject from the point-of-view of

the classroom environment. On top of that, you didn't have access to any

of the notes taken during the class. And, further, you didn't have access

to the notes and such of the short period of first term this year.

"I want to revise with you and make sure you study the right subject

areas for the exam tomorrow."

"Fiiiiine!" he sighed, sitting back up and accepting the book off her.

With the intensity Hermione was displaying, they had a late night ahead

of them.

An hour and half later, Harry wrote a note to Neville informing him he

and Hermione would be having a 'Dobby' dinner in their apartment while

they reviewed for Harry's exam the next day. And then asked Dobby to

deliver it.

It was a long night, too. They didn't get to bed until after eleven.




47. Revision and Negotiations

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to the proverbial Duchess of

Magic, JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high

falutin' companies. No matter how much I whine about not owning anything

related to the HP universe, other than a few fanfic plots, I do not profess to

own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful

world... Damn it!

A/N: Once again it seems I need to remind readers that, at times, Harry can

be a right arse. He's not perfect, not by a long shot; he's human. In this story,

my Harry can be and sometimes is a wholly unlikable person, but not evil. If

you want a story where Harry is always a little angel, go read the great many

on this site where that is the case. Personally, I find such Harrys to be boring.

Chapter Forty Seven - Revision and Negotiations




Though tired the next morning, both teens managed to climb out of their

beds, get themselves ready and head down together to the Great Hall for


Dropping somewhat bonelessly onto the bench, Harry groaned, "I feel like

I got stomped on by a hippogriff."

"Eat," Hermione demanded. "Just nothing too heavy. You need brain

food, so I recommend eating at least one banana and carrying one on you

in case you get hungry before the next break."

"Double Charms," Harry muttered. "I don't think Professor Flitwick is

going to allow me to munch on banana during class."

"He might," she said. "Especially if you tell him you have an exam to sit

before lunch."

Harry eventually added a banana to his breakfast and stuffed another in

his pocket. It would not hurt to carry it.

When the mail arrived and on top of the Daily Prophet he received a

couple items. After scanning them first, he read them.

One was from Samuel Greengrass. From the tone of the letter, Harry

could almost feel the gratitude oozing off the page. If Ted had not

contacted him that day, he'd be contacting Ted. He wanted this done

with all haste.

The second was from Ted, thereby rendering his first thought moot.

It was a copy of a standard Concubine Bond Agreement, but with the

amendments Ted thought Harry wanted. He wanted Harry to read it and,

if there was something he specifically wanted to not be included, he was

to send him a message by house elf as soon as he could.

He also said that, even if he didn't receive news from Harry, he'd be

contacting Lord Greengrass this day to set up an appointment. He hoped

to have that appointment within the next week.

Harry thought, from the tone of Greengrass's letter, he'd be lucky to hold

the man off from wanting it immediately.




Riddle was furious. He had just finished reading the article in that

morning's Daily Prophet that stated Potter was back at Hogwarts, safe and

sound. MacNair had failed him.

"Wormtail!" he wheeze-yelled.

The ugly, dumpy man quickly scurried in and asked, "Y-yes, Master?"

"Get a message to MacNair," snarled the homunculus "He is to be before

me no later than the sixth hour after noon; tonight!"

"Y-yes, Master!" Pettigrew was quick to reply, before he hurried back out

of the room.




As a class with a Professor who wasn't new to staff, in Charms they only

had a short period of revision before they moved onto new material.

However, Flitwick also warned them they were now operating under an

accelerated learning curve, as they were doing work they should have

done six weeks earlier.

Neither Harry nor Hermione had any problems with that. And Neville,

with his new wand, was almost vibrating in his seat next to Hermione in


Glancing to him, Harry quietly chuckled.

One of the first they tried was the Summoning Charm, Accio. It seems

they were working in reverse order, as that was the last charm they were

working on before the first task.

The Professor had set up a series of small cushions under the desk and

began asking students to attempt to summon them. As they were all in

the first row, they were among the first to try.

When it was Neville's turn, he looked with almost anticipation before he

firmly intoned, "Accio cushion!" And all dozen or so of them flew straight

at the boy.

As Harry tried to dive under the bench he heard Hermione give a little

"Eep!" sound and saw Neville look almost horrified before all of them hit

the three of them with some force.

Harry was lucky enough to have ducked far enough under the bench only

to be tagged by a single cushion that clipped his shoulder, while both

Hermione and Neville found themselves knocked back off their stools and

onto the floor behind from the force of the hits.

"Oh, I say!" exclaimed the Professor.

Chuckling to himself, Harry was able to help Hermione to her feet again

as Neville scrambled to his, looking both sheepish and smug.

While the rest of the class were apparently stunned by the power the boy

demonstrated, Harry already knew what the likely outcome was - he

remembered about the mass stunning of the owls before they left for the

unanticipated long break. It was why he was quick to duck under the


Hermione then grabbed one of the cushions - one that had remained on

their desk - by a corner and gave the sandy-haired boy a whack with it.

"Neville!" she snapped. "Haven't you got all that power under control yet?"

Then gave him another couple of whacks.

Neville was doing an admirable job of blocking her strikes with his

closest forearm, but was clearly pleased. "Sorry," he said, grinning away.

"Miss Granger!" barked the Professor. "Please cease with your attempts to

beat young Mister Longbottom half to death with a cushion!"

Hermione jumped in surprise, spun to look back to the front and the

Professor, dropped the cushion and exclaimed, "Sorry!"

However, while the Professor was doing his best to try to display a stern

expression, he couldn't maintain it and laughed.

When he got control of himself again he said, "Forgive me; but, that

would have to be one of the funniest things I've witnessed as a Professor.

And I've seen some doozies."

Harry had already bent back down and started to stack all the cushions

on their side of the desk onto their desktop. After about three he just

resorted to tossing them directly onto the floor under the blackboard.

After all, they were just conjured cushions.

After that, Neville focussed on getting his power back under control by

casting repetitive Lumos charms and regulating the amount of magical

energy he was pushing.




After Charms came morning tea. Then they were on to Ancient Runes.

Though he'd given all outward signs he was unconcerned about his

chances in the exam to Hermione - all to keep her calm, which didn't

work - Harry was actually somewhat worried.

He realised Hermione was right in that, while he'd read and studied the

assigned texts and others while self-studying, he'd not had access to the

class notes and the like.

Thankfully, Hermione remembered where she'd stored them at home and

called Betsy to go and get them for her.

When the little female elf popped in and Hermione told her, she replied,

"But, Mistress Herm-i-o-ne, Betsy did packs them. They be in your room."

And indicated towards Hermione's room.

Surprised, Hermione looked to the door of her room before turning back

to the elf. "Thank you, Betsy. Would you mind getting them and bringing

them in here, please?"

"Yes, Mistress," the elf replied. It popped away and was back a moment

later, holding the notes and offering them.

Accepting them, Hermione smiled at her and said, "Thank you, Betsy.

You may return to what you were doing."

Once the elf popped away yet again, she went to sort them out and

realised they already were. Then she handed them to Harry.

"This is all my notes and assignments from Third Year," she explained.

"Read through them and, as you're going, if you don't understand

something just ask me and I'll try to clarify it for you."

Those notes, as he expected, were extensive. And he did have quite a few


Now it was the next day and he was sitting in the Ancient Runes class

while the class was revising.

Before they entered he'd managed to snag Daphne and asked her if she

wanted to sit next to him.

"I know that's not something you can do in our other classes," he said,

"But, you're the only Slytherin in this class. Hermione told me you've sat

with her the past year and a bit, so it won't look odd if you sit with her,

this time. I'll just be joining you."

Her smile back showed she was happy with that. And did join the pair of


He expected her to sit on the other side of Hermione. However, she chose

to push him along where he sat at the end of the desk and sat next to him

on the other side from Hermione.

"That's going to send a message," he quietly muttered to her.

"That's the intent," she muttered back and smiled.




Once the class was done, the Professor called him to come and sit at the

front row of desks.

He was just sitting down when he heard her say, "Do you need anything,

Miss Granger, Miss Greengrass?"

"Errr... No," replied a now blushing Hermione. "We were just waiting for


The Professor said, "The exam will take about an hour. I suggest you wait

for him back at your apartment."

Both witches gave a nod of agreement in return and quickly left.

When he turned back from seeing the girls out it was to see the Professor

drop the multi-paged exam on the desk before him. As usual, it was face


"You'll need quills, ink and a couple of sheets of blank parchment in case

you need to work something out and prefer to see it with your own eyes,"

she explained. "Once you have those out you may not retrieve anything

else from your bag. It must remain on the floor until you are done.


"Yes, Professor," he replied, quickly pulling out the necessary stationery.




Fifty five minutes later Harry sighed, laid his quill down, looked to the

professor and said, "Professor? I believe I'm done."

She quickly checked the time, smiled back at him and said, "Very well,

Lord Potter. You may go. I believe there are two ladies back in your

apartment who are most eager to learn from you how well you believe

you did."

Packing his stationery away, he stood, shouldered the satchel and gave

the professor a little bow. "Thank you for you efforts in assisting me,


She smiled again and replied, "You're welcome, Lord Potter. I should be

giving you the results at or by dinner, this evening."

He gave another nod, spun about and calmly walked from the room. As

he pulled the door shut behind him and headed for the Lords' Quarters,

he needed to massage the quill cramp out of his writing hand. He'd

written quite a bit.




Checking the time, himself, he saw that lunch had just started. He hadn't

even heard the bell. So decided to hurry a bit.

As he was climbing the stairs from the fourth to fifth floors he met both

girls coming back down.

Hermione almost brought both herself and him into tumbling down the

stairs when she gave a little girlish 'Squee' and dived at him for a Hermi-

Hug. He'd managed to catch them both.

"Easy, Hermione!" he exclaimed. "You nearly had us both tumbling down

the stairs."

But, it seemed she hadn't even realised what she'd nearly done or what he

said, as she'd already launched into Hermione-babble of old. "How did

you do, Harry? Were there any questions you missed? If so, was that

because I didn't think to cover them? I'm pretty sure I covered all of

them, but I could have been wrong. Did you provide enough information

for all the questions? Did you get the names of all the runes right? Oh, I

do so hope you did well. It'll be nice to have you in the class with us."

Instead of trying to answer, he just held her in his arm and let her wind

herself out. Once she was done, he pushed her away to arms length and

looked her dead in the eye.

"I believe I did very well," he calmly replied. "I do not believe there is

anything more we could have done preparing me for the exam. I am

confident I will be approved for placement in the class. The Professor will

let me know before or at dinner. Worrying about it now is pointless.

Now, we just wait. It won't be long. Alright?"

With her eyes cast down in embarrassment - she knew she'd slipped back

to her old ways - she more calmly replied, "Yes, Harry. Sorry. You're

right." Then looked him back in the eye.

His smile back relieved her.




After lunch they were back in the DADA classroom with a double. Again,

they were revising and Harry was having fun. He'd completely forgotten

he was waiting for the results of the exam.

And the class was over even faster than he anticipated.

As they walked out, again with Neville accompanying them, he looked to

Hermione and said, "That was fun!"

Neville chuckled and said, "Yeah, it was. Dad had me revising a lot of my

work as an attempt at helping me get control of my magic before school


"Oh?" Harry smirked. "So, what happened in Charms, then?"

The boy blushed and led them off to one side. He quickly looked about to

see if they'd be overheard and leaned in. Quietly, he said, "Believe it or

not, that was deliberate." And grinned.

Hermione stared at him in shock as Harry let loose a big belly laugh.

Once he'd managed to calm down again, he leaned in himself and said,

"You did that, to show everyone you're not really a squib, after all. Didn't


Neville grinned back and said, "Guilty."

That had Harry laughing again as Hermione laid 'girly' punches on

Neville's arm. "That wasn't nice!" she said.

Again having to fend off getting hit, he explained, "It wasn't my intention

you'd get hit, Hermione. That part was an accident."

She gave him a glared frown of, 'I'm still not happy with you,' but

dropped it.

Thinking for a bit, Harry asked, "Hey, Nev. Wanna grab your two girls

and meet Hermione and me in the library for some research and


Though Hermione was surprised, she didn't say anything. However,

Neville smiled and replied, "Actually, that was already our plan. Coming

out of the apartment to join us lesser folk?"

Harry just blew him a raspberry in retaliation.

As they began to head to the library, Hermione asked, "Where will they

meet us?"

Neville replied, "In the library."

Hermione, a little worried, said, "I need to go up to the apartment to

collect my assignments."

"Is there some place you keep them?" asked Harry.

"Yes, on my tallboy," she replied.

"Duck into a vacant classroom or broom closet on the way and call Betsy

to get them for you," he said.

Hermione sighed. "I'm going to get lazy."

"No, you're really not," he disagreed. "It will give you more time to start

making an effort towards other research and study. You also need to

work more on your Occlumency."

"I do that every night when I go to bed," she said.

He was surprised and said, "I didn't know that. But, there's still what you

need to learn of the nobility. The wife of a Lord needs to know everyone

of importance. It's important for when the Lord and Lady of the House

are entertaining, plus much more."

Hermione nodded and said, "I did make a start on that. But, other things

keep cropping up."

He gave a nod and said, "That's going to happen."




Just before they reached the library, Hermione spotted a broom closet,

popped inside, called Betsy and had her elf collect her assignments for

her. The elf was back with them in moments.

All up, she was only in there for less than twenty seconds.

When they walked into the library it was to see the two 'Puffs already

there and working on assignments.

As soon as they spotted the three, the two 'Puffs split apart to give Neville

room between them. And Harry and Hermione sat opposite.

After quiet greetings, in case they earned the ire of the 'dragon of the

library', Madam Pince, they were soon hard at work on their assignments.

They were even quietly helping each other out with advice on what to

look for, or suggestions on where to go.

It was a couple hours later when Pince walked past and suggested they

hurry to the Great Hall. Dinner had already just begun and she wanted to

close the library up while she ate, herself.




Once in the Great Hall and heading for their seats, Babbling intercepted

Harry as he was about to walk around the head end of the Gryffindor

table and handed him a note with his results. She was smiling.

As he quickly unrolled the note, she quietly said, "Very well done, Lord


Harry discovered he'd scored a low Outstanding. Still, it was actually

above what he expected - an Exceed Expectations.

He smiled back and said, "Thank you, Professor."

She gave him a nod and went back to her seat two to the left of

Marchbanks and sat down, as Harry finally rounded the table and sat

next to Hermione.

She was bouncing so much in her seat in excitement he had to offer the

note to the girl before she slipped and snatched it out of his hands. That

would mean he'd have to berate her again; and he really did not want to

do that.

After dinner they returned to the library and returned to their

assignments. And had to be, yet again, 'tossed' from the library when the

time was quickly approaching curfew.




Once back in their apartment, Harry was quick to pull out the

concubinage agreement Ted had sent him that morning

He and Hermione read it through before he started to list down a few of

the changes he wanted to see included in his and Daphne's; and clauses

he wanted removed.

He listed down on a spare sheet of parchment clauses for both of them to

easily void it if they'd not had sex. Then clauses she - but not he - could

void it if they did have sex. Then clauses they could void it if they'd had

sex and she'd fallen pregnant from it. Each one more restricting than the


It took a while to write that as he was blushing furiously the whole time.

It was only employing his iron will and determination to do what was

right that had him continue.

He then included the rest of the information he'd already told Ted he

wanted to see included.

Once he was done and Hermione had read what changes he wanted

included, she smiled at him and said, "I cannot see any changes I'd like to

see included in what you've written. Send it."

With a huge sigh of relief, he had Dobby take it up to the owlery and

send it off using Hedwig. It was already too late in the evening for him to

have Dobby just deliver it direct.

With that out of the way, they both headed for bed.




For the Fourth Year Gryff's, Friday's classes ended at lunch unless you

also attended Muggle Studies. The entire afternoon was theirs to do with

as they wished.

But, they still had a pretty full morning: A single of History of Magic with

the 'Puffs, a single of Charms with the 'Claws, morning tea and wrapping

up with a double of Potions with the Snakes.

After getting an earlier night's sleep both teens were up and ready in

plenty of time for breakfast.

As they were ready and about to leave, Harry suggested, "How about we

have breakfast in the apartment tomorrow?"

"That would be nice," said Hermione. "But, what about mail?"

He thought about it for a moment and shrugged, "It'll be there at lunch,

as usual for those who don't show up for brekky."

Closing the door behind them while Harry paused a moment, she said,

"It'll upset Hedwig."

"I'll figure something out," he said.




MacNair almost had to call in sick, that morning; but, he couldn't. The

Dark Lord had given him a new task to do relating to work in the

Ministry and he had to get it done that day.

The previous evening, the Dark Lord had been very generous with the

Cruciatus upon him. He was not happy to learn that MacNair had found

where he believed Potter to be staying, but did not think he had

sufficient evidence to take back to his master.

After much yelling and a few Cruciatus curses, the Dark Lord then

attacked his mind with brutal force Legilimency. Again, the pain was

almost excruciating, but of a different form.

When the Dark Lord withdrew it was so sudden MacNair collapsed to the

ground, panting in agony.

"You've been obliviated, MacNair!" the Dark Lord sneered. "Multiple times.

And also had Compulsion charms laid on you.

"Believe yourself lucky I discovered that or Nagini would now be

enjoying her dinner of you!"

"Y-y-yes, M-master!" gasped MacNair, wishing he could just curl up and


"Since you were a failure at this simple task, I have another for you,"

sneered Riddle. "Consider this one a test. Fail at it and your life is forfeit."

"Y-yes, M-master!" he gasped.

"You are to go to the Ministry and discover just what wards have been

placed upon the residence you've been monitoring for the past few

weeks," explained Riddle. "You are also to discover how many, and

which, aurors have been assigned to watch over the property now that

the Potter boy is back at Hogwarts.

"Once you have that, you are to ensure the information reaches me with

all due speed. I will be unhappy if it is delayed even a single hour.

"Y-yes, Master."

"Succeed at that and I will have more work for you to do. Now, begone!"

"Y-yes, Master!" he gasped yet again, as he tried to stand. He couldn't

properly and was forced to almost crawl out of the room. He was

thankful that, as soon as he was out of the Dark Lord's sight, Pettigrew

half-carried him out.

He thought the man was showing a rare moment of kindness, but he was

not. Pettigrew just wanted him gone, lest the Dark Lord's ire again rise

and be directed at him.




After breakfast for the students of the castle it was the morning classes,

then morning tea and then on to Potions.

History of Magic was another new Professor for Harry and Hermione. At

breakfast Neville had told them the new History of Magic Professor was

also the new Deputy Headmaster.

"We were a little wary of him, at first, but he's actually alright," explained

the boy. "He also makes the subject interesting now. But, that might have

more to do with how he refused to focus on goblin wars.

"He said we've more than adequately studied those and it was beyond

time for us to spend time on other historical events."

"What did he focus on last Monday?" asked Hermione.

"The foundation of the Ministry of Magic and the Wizengamot," replied


"Awww, damn," said Harry. "And I missed it?"

This time the professor focussed on the formation of the ICW and which

member nations were the charter members of the then fledgling


Their new Deputy Headmaster and Professor of History of Magic was

both staid and excited about his subject. It was like watching a rocket on

the pad as the jets fire up, but the rocket doesn't move. He spoke clearly

and concisely with almost a drawl, but at the same time spoke with

enthusiasm. He was a vocal contradiction.

Harry loved it.

When they left to head for Charms, Hermione was clearly just as excited

about the class. "That was wun-derful!" she exclaimed. "He clearly really

knows what he's talking about. I'll have to see Susan and Hannah and see

if I can get a copy of their notes for the first class they had with him on





Dumbledore was entering his fourth day under the dubious care of the

medi-witches and Healers of the DMLE secure ward at Saint Mungo's and

had yet to figure out how he was going to get out of having to answer the

Bones woman's questions under Veritaserum, let alone get out of her

clutches completely. And he knew he was getting well enough he'd soon

be moved back into a holding cell in the DMLE at the Ministry.

In his mind he'd already run through many ideas and calculations. After

all, what else could he do? He wasn't even allowed a copy of the Daily

Prophet to read.

All he was allowed was a quill, ink and a few sheets of parchment. And

he knew those were only given to him on the off chance he would write

something that would aid Bones in her interrogations.

Each time a medi-witch or -wizard came in, he'd ask her or him questions

to try to find out what was going on out in the wider wizarding

community. Each time, they would respond with bland answers that

provided no information, at all.

The one time he flat-out asked if anyone had asked about him, he was

told simply, "No one, but Madam Bones."

To him, that meant they were either lying to him, or no one knew he was

currently an unwilling resident of the DMLE secure ward, or even in Saint

Mungo's at all.

Each morning, the Bones woman would come in, find out his progress in

person and leave again. She was due any moment.

Sure enough... the door opened and she walked in.

"Madam Bones," he quietly greeted her.

"Well," she exclaimed. "It seems you can teach an old dog new tricks,

after all."

When he scowled, she asked, "Does this new attitude towards employing

proper respect when speaking with others also come with a change of

attitude towards answering my questions, Mister Dumbledore?"

"As I have said before, Madam Bones, I will happily answer what I can,"

he huffed. "I will not answer any question related to the security of the


"And since you will not answer any questions relating to Lord Potter,

means you consider the matters surrounding Lord Potter to be a security

of the realm issue," she said. "Thank you, for that. It gives me an angle

through which I can research."

He gave another huff of annoyance and looked away. 'Damn it!' he


Smirking at him, she said, "By the way, Albus; you should be

congratulating me."

"Why is that?" he snarked, which only made her grin even more.

"I am in the final stages of seeing to my niece, Susan, being bonded

through a Concubine Bond Agreement to young Neville Longbottom," she

explained. "She is very happy with that arrangement, as it's what she's

wanted since she was a little girl."

She did not know why, nor cared, that this news made the old man

angry. However, he never said anything. She had no idea, yet, that

Dumbledore considered young Neville the 'alternate' to go after Tom if

Harry failed to properly sacrifice himself to the man. And that such a

Bonding would mean young Neville would be even more unlikely to

sacrifice himself for the Greater Good than without one.

"See you tomorrow, Albus! We're getting closer and closer to that custom

version of Veritaserum for you!" she over-cheerily said to him, before she

walked to the secure medi-witches' station and knocked on the door. She

was let in a moment later.

"Blast it!" he muttered.




In Charms, the professor only revised back to the beginning of Third

Year. That was done by about halfway through the second half of the

second class of the double period. He then told them they'd be focussing

on the Banishing charm.

"Some see it as the opposite of the Summoning charm, but it's really not,"

he explained. "The Summoning charm will summon an object to you from

a specific spot, while the Banishing charm will just send the object away

from you. That may or may not be in the direction you wanted it to go,

or as far as you want it to go. That sort of control takes finesse you're not

expected to achieve yet."

They then used the same cushions they used for the Summoning charm to

banish them towards the blackboard. Harry was carefully watching

Neville. The boy gave a slight smirk, at one stage, then clearly shook his

head and applied normal power.

Harry thought, 'I think he might have been tempted to put the cushion

through the blackboard, for a moment there.'

That's when Harry got the idea of banishing the cushion towards the

blackboard, then immediately summoning it back, before again banishing


Flitwick watched him and then laughed, "Yes, Lord Potter. Five points to

Gryffindor for alternatively using the banishing and summoning charms

on your cushion."

That had others then copying him. Another fun exercise to end the class;

and, for the Gryffindor Fourth Years, the week.




Straight after class, Harry suggested to Hermione they immediately head

back to their apartment and change.

"Why?" she asked.

"You need to start being comfortable wearing upmarket, but casual,

wizardingwear, Love," he explained. "I know you prefer jeans, jumper

and trainers for this time of year; however, for a little while, you need to

project an image. For at least the next few weeks, I'd like it for you to be

aware of your status as Lady Presumptive in front of these kids and the


"I have a class on this afternoon, Harry," she replied. "Arithmancy."

"Oh!" he exclaimed. "Sorry. I completely forgot you were also taking that


"Actually, that's not quite true," he corrected himself. "I just didn't know

when the class was on."

She smiled back and said, "I have a double Arithmancy on Friday

afternoons, and a single on Mondays immediately before lunch."

"Thank you," he replied. "I'll note that down on my schedule. And I

apologise for not being a good betrothed and asking you when those

classes were for you.

"I still want to get changed, though, if that's alright with you."

"Of course it's alright," she smiled.

"However," he said, "After you finish Arithmancy, I still want to see you

change into wizardry casual, alright?"

"Alright, Harry. I'll do that."




Walking into the Great Hall they'd only entered when, within fifteen

seconds the noise of all the children and staff dropped to about a quarter

of what it was. Again, they were being stared at.

They found Neville again already waiting for them. He was still in

Hogwarts robes.

Sitting down they both greeted him and began to build a lunch each.

However and unusually, even he was looking at them in surprise.

"Errr... Harry?" he asked. "Why aren't you wearing Hogwarts uniform?"

Harry calmly replied, "No classes this afternoon for us Gryffindor Fourth

Years, Neville; except those doing Arithmancy such as Hermione, here

and, probably, those doing Muggle Studies. We're done for the week."

With an expression that showed dawning understanding, Neville was

about to say something when Professor Babbling came down and said,

"Lord Potter, why are you not wearing your Hogwarts uniform?"

Harry looked to her and said, "I have no classes on this afternoon,

Professor. I'm done for the week."

She frowned and said, "It is a school rule that you must wear Hogwarts

robes, Lord Potter."

Harry looked confused for a moment before he stood and said, "Professor,

please step over here." And gestured to a spot out of the way near the

wall and between the head table and the Gryffindor table.

Without even waiting for her to agree, Harry stepped over the bench and

walked over to where he said. Then waited for her to join him. She was

still frowning with both confusion and determination.

Knowing they were being watched by both students and staff alike, he

flicked up a privacy bubble and said, "Professor, why do you believe I

have to be wearing Hogwarts uniform?"

"It's in the school rules, Lord Potter," she replied.

Harry gave a small snort and calmly said, "Professor, you seem to be

operating under an error of fact. The school rules state that all students

must wear Hogwarts uniform for, 'A', the school feasts - this not a feast -

and, 'B', for all classes, unless leave is otherwise given by a member of

staff with the authority to grant such leave - and this is not a class.

"As such, as per the school rules, I am quite within the rules of the school

to be wearing civilian wear right now. My school day is done. Actually,

since this is a Friday, my school week is done.

"Do you have any questions for me, Professor, concerning the information

I have just clarified for you?"

As Harry spoke the Professor's face changed from confusion to shock. He

knew she wasn't being malicious with her question to him about his lack

of uniform, so he'd chosen to remain polite and gently lead her through

to the truth.

"Errr... No, Lord Potter," she eventually replied. "Thank you. I shall

endeavour to update my knowledge on the school rules with some

measure of haste."

He gave a small abbreviated bow and said, "That sounds wise, Professor."

When he returned to the table, a worried Hermione immediately asked,

"Are you in trouble?"

"No," he replied. "The Professor was operating under a misunderstanding

of the rules of the school. I clarified it for her."

Surprised, she asked, "She didn't know the rules?"

He smiled back and said, "Do you?"

Confused, she asked, "Sorry?"

He smirked and asked, "Tell me, Miss Granger, what is the first rule of the

school rules?"

As she tried to remember she suddenly realised she had no idea, and

looked back at him in shock. She quietly replied, "I... don't know."

"The first rule of the school rules is that all students and staff must read,

understand and obey the school rules," he replied. "Have you breached

that rule, Miss Granger?"

Shocked even more Harry saw her try to figure that out before her

expression suddenly closed and she looked at him with suspicion. "You

have a copy of them, don't you?"

"Of course," he grinned. "And, before you ask, I'll give it to you once we're

back in the apartment."

She scowled back for a moment before she switched to her own smirk.

She turned to the side and softly called, "Betsy."

When the elf quietly popped in she said, "Could you locate for me a

Potter copy of the Hogwarts school rules and put it on the table, here?"

"Yes, Mistress," the elf curtseyed and popped away again.

She spun back to Harry and smirked at him. Harry quietly chuckled and

gave her a little quiet clap.

About five seconds later the elf was back with a copy of the book that

contained the school rules, the history of the changes to the rules and the

charter of the school.

She immediately flicked it open and began to read the first few pages.

"Lunch, first, Hermione," he chided her. "The information in the book is

not going anywhere."

She gave a small blush and said, "Just the introduction, Harry. I promise."

Knowing the introduction was only a couple of paragraphs he nodded.




Meanwhile, up on the head table as Babbling returned to her seat,

Marchbanks asked, "What was that about, my dear?" Though, she

actually had a fair idea.

Babbling continued to sit and then leaned forward to look around Sinistra

to answer. "According to Lord Potter, the rules state he does not need to

wear his Hogwarts uniform to meals other than the feasts."

Marchbanks frowned and said, "Of course not. Whatever gave you the

idea he did?"

Blushing in embarrassment, she replied, "I believed they did because they

always do."

Marchbanks made a little 'Tsk' sound of annoyance and said, "Have you

not read the Hogwarts rules for yourself, dear?"

"I did not know they were written down anywhere," she replied.

That made Marchbanks frown even more. "Of course they are. How can

you expect the students, or even yourself, to obey the rules if they and

you do not know what they are?"

"I... had not thought of that," she shamefully admitted.

"Well!" huffed Marchbanks. "It appears we need to correct that knowledge

with some level of alacrity!"

She then looked to Harry and watched as his young lady summoned an

elf behind her. A few moments later, what she recognised as a copy of

the rules even from this distance, appeared on the table before her.

'Clever,' she thought.




As lunch broke up due to students needing to get to afternoon classes,

including Hermione, Harry asked her to show him where the Arithmancy

classroom was.

"Frowning in confusion, she asked, "Why?"

"Because I'm just curious?" he asked right back.

"You've never... oh," she replied. "That was the old Harry."

"Yup," he replied.

"Are you thinking of also adding Arithmancy to your schedule?" she


"No," replied. "I won't have the time. I've no doubt I'll have enough work

to do with the added load of being the Lord of One of the Seven."

"Well, alright then," she replied.

He was glad she didn't push it, as the reason he wanted to know where it

was had to do with his promise to Wendell and his personal desire to

protect her. He felt he'd have an easier time of it if he knew her

approximate location during classes throughout the week.

Though Marchbanks had made it clear to all her views and the new

punishments for attacks within the school, there would still be those who

thought themselves above that sort of thing; or thought they'd get away

with it, if they were caught. Harry had no intention of Hermione being

the one attacked by those who thought they could.




After finding out the Arithmancy classroom was in the same area of the

school as the Ancient Runes classroom, he saw her enter the room and

walked off.

He hadn't even realised where he was headed until he realised he was

walking up the corridor towards the Headmas- Headmistress's office


'Hunh!' he thought. 'Why not?'

Approaching the gargoyle he said to it, "Lord Potter to see the

Headmistress, if she's available."

The gargoyle didn't move for a few long seconds before it suddenly,

nimbly hopped aside, as the stairs beyond began to rotate upwards.

Stepping through and onto the stairs, he patiently rode them up to the

top. Then knocked on the door.

"Enter," he heard from within.

Opening the door and walking in, he saw the woman sitting behind her

desk at the other end and calmly walked forward. She appeared to be

writing something down.

As he did, she glanced up for a moment and conjured a comfortable

cushioned chair before her desk. "Good afternoon, Lord Potter," she said.

"Take a seat."

As Harry sat down, Marchbanks finished up what she was looking

through, set it aside and asked, "What can I do for you?"

"Something I had meant to mention to you much earlier that this, but had

slipped my mind," he began, "Are you aware Dumbledore removed from

the mandatory book lists for First Years the need for a copy of the school


"I am now," she replied. "After your short discussion with Professor

Babbling about the school rules, I asked her why she did not already

know that. She, apparently, had no idea the rules were even written


"That led me to coming up here and checking the booklists. Though I

guess I should not have been, I was surprised to see the book was... as

you just pointed out... not included in them.

"It will be back on them for next year. Actually, I'll be putting it on the

booklists for every Year for next year."

"Thank you," he said. "That saves me having to convince you to do it. For

your information, though, my research a couple years ago identified

Dumbledore had removed it from the booklists about two years after he

first became Headmaster. That was about 1957. That's why Professor

Babbling, who didn't attend her own first year until well after then, did

not know it was supposed to be there.

"I do recommend, though, you alert Obscurus Books, the publisher of the

text, you'll be putting it on the booklist and that you'll be needing about

four hundred copies. As very few now even know about the text, I don't

think they've been publishing all that many over the years."

"Well reasoned, Lord Potter," she replied. "I shall do just that."

"My next point," he said. "I seem to have lost my auror detail. Except for

one, that is. Is there something I need to know about that?"

She smirked back and replied, "You have and have not. You still have

aurors watching after you. However, now it's the entire school."

Harry gave a snort and muttered, "Disillusioned."

"Possibly," she murmured. "I will neither confirm nor deny that


Again he gave a snort. "Next, Alliance Secret time. Two points."

"Go on," she said.

"First, Heir Longbottom has informed me about the negotiations for the

BA and CBA between his father, Madam Bones and Mister Abbott. He

expects that negotiation will be completed by the end of the weekend.

Later, I advised him to request access to the Lords' Quarters direct from

you. He was hesitant, but I told him that all you would tell him if he

couldn't have said access was 'No'; and it didn't hurt to ask. I think I've

convinced him enough."

"Well done," she said. "For your information, Lord Longbottom has

already been in contact with me to inform me he, Madam Bones and

Mister Abbott will be visiting the school tomorrow afternoon. There's

little doubt as to why."

"No, I guess not," he replied.

"Next?" she asked.

"Ah! Secondly, I have already been approached by Heiress Greengrass on

behalf of her father to float the idea of a CBA between her and I. From

that, I have contacted my Law-wizard of Record, Ted Tonks, to act as my

negotiator for this; and Lord Greengrass that I was open to the suggestion

and he should contact Ted if Ted had not already contacted him.

"Yesterday, Law-wizard Tonks sent me a modified standard Concubine

Bond Agreement and asked me to list down what other changes I wanted.

I sent that back to him last night."

"Good," she firmly stated. "The news of Heiress Greengrass the elder

entering concubinage will take a lot of pressure off Samuel."

"That's why I'm willing to go through with this," he agreed. "However,

I've told Ted it's a deal breaker if the Agreement does not include easy,

no-penalty escape clauses out the whazoo."

Leaning forward a little she stared directly at him and asked, "And what

if she falls pregnant? Will the escape clauses still be in effect?"

"Hell no!" he blurted. Calming a little he added, "That is, escape clauses

may still be there, but different ones that are a great deal harder to

execute. The easy ones included are there for if nothing... ummm...

physical happens between us. They're for if she's uncomfortable with

concubinage, after all."

She sat back and stared at him for a few moments as her face relaxed to a


Eventually, she said, "You're an amazing young man, Lord Potter. I very

much doubt there would be many who would be so kind."

Harry blushed and had to look away. He shrugged and said, "I can help.

But that doesn't mean I can... will... take advantage of the situation. It

wouldn't be right."

Looking back, he said, "It doesn't even matter to me that Greengrass is an

allianced House; but, it certainly helps."

"Indeed," she smiled.

"Oh," he said. "I think this is going to happen pretty quickly. Do I have

your advanced permission, with Lord Greengrass's permission once this is

done, to ask Heiress Greengrass to move into that third bedroom of my

Lord's Quarters?"

"Of course," she replied. "That is, after all, why I warned you of that third


"Ummm... yeah," he softly said. He'd temporarily forgotten that. His

embarrassment made him forget.




After meeting up with Hermione as she came out of the Arithmancy

classroom, Harry asked her how it went.

"Mar-vellous," she smiled. "Arithmancy is my favourite subject."

"Good," he replied. "She wasn't too upset with you for missing the first

class on Monday?"

"No," she replied. "Monday was just an overview of what was planned for

the year. Daphne gave me a copy of her notes. She's about on par with

me when it comes to taking notes in the class."

"Anything you need to do now before we return to the Lords' Quarters?"

he asked.

"Just assignments and I need to copy Daphne's notes so I can give hers

back to her," she replied. "But, we can do that in the apartment."

"Then, let's return to the apartment and continue with getting

assignments out of the way," he suggested. "Though 'fake' Harry didn't

care, 'real' Harry really doesn't like the idea of having assignments

hanging over his head over the weekend."

She smiled back and said, "I really like this part of the 'real' Harry.




48. Neville and His Girls Get


Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to the proverbial Duchess of

Magic, JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high

falutin' companies. No matter how much I whine about not owning anything

related to the HP universe, other than a few fanfic plots, I do not profess to

own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful

world... Damn it!

Chapter Forty Eight - Neville and His Girls Get 'Hitched'




With the next day a Saturday, their first back in the castle, the two teens

had breakfast in their apartment. Hermione, as promised, was wearing

wizardingwear casual.

After breakfast they immediately set to work to get all the rest of their

assignments for the week out of the way and had them done well before


Finally, they exited the rooms into the public part of the castle, not that

long before they needed to get to the Great Hall if they wanted to have

lunch there. They did.

She asked, "Feels better not having assignments to do when you're

goofing off, doesn't it?"

"I know," he replied.

"What now?" she asked.

"How about, lunch; then, if it's what you want to do, we visit the

Gryffindor common room," he suggested.

"Why do you want to go to the Gryffindor common room?" she asked.

"I don't, really," he replied. "I thought you might want to."

She gave a little huff of amusement and replied, "I don't."

"Fair enough," he said. "Then, I guess we'll figure out something to do

during lunch."

As they walked, it was about three minutes later when Hermione asked,

"Heard back from Ted, yet, about the... CBA?"

"No," he replied. "It's only been half a day, Hermione. Give the man some


"You still think this is going to happen pretty quickly, though?"

He gave a firm nod and replied, "I do. Nothing has changed my belief

Samuel Greengrass wants this done fast."

"Then how about, after lunch, we go back to the apartment. Just the two

of us," she suggested. "There's something private I need to talk to you


"We can do that," he agreed.




Lunch was normal for a Saturday. Due to no classes - and, therefore, no

class timetables - people came and went as they felt like it. Their only

limitation was lunch did not start until 12noon and ended at 1.30pm.

You could stay longer or arrive earlier, but no food appeared until noon

and all food was removed at 1.30pm sharp.

Harry and Hermione walked in at 12.30pm. That meant they arrived

after the 'ravenous' ones ran in and who also probably skipped breakfast,

but still had plenty of time before the stragglers realised they were going

to miss out if they didn't get a wriggle-on and tried to bolt their food


Neville joined them about ten minutes later and, on seeing them, broke

into a wide grin and lead his two girls over.

Hermione gestured for them all to sit.

When the two girls looked uncomfortable with that, Harry said, "The only

time you are restricted to your House tables for meals is; the welcoming

feast, the breakfast where class schedules are distributed, any special

feast that arises and the leaving feast. That's it. You are allowed and,

according to the rules, even encouraged to sit at other tables at all other


Both and Neville, looked back in shock.

"Really?" squeaked Susan.

"Really," he wryly returned.

Hermione reached for her satchel and realised it wasn't there. Then

sighed. Meanwhile, Neville and the two girls sat opposite with Neville in

the middle.

Harry noticed Hermione had reached for her satchel and said, "Look it up

when we get back to the apartment, Love."

She nodded, "I will."

Neville, sensing the break in the conversation quietly said, "I have news.

Harry, can you put up that privacy charm you do?"

Harry gave a nod, looked to see how far away the nearest people to them

were, gave a second nod and cast the charm.

"There," he declared. "Only those who come right in close will be able to

hear anything other than an annoying buzz."

"Thank you," said Neville. Grinning to the two girls, who were almost

bouncing on the bench either side of him, he said, "Dad sent me an owl,

this morning―"

Susan cut in, "And Auntie Ami and Mister Abbott sent us owls, too!"

Which had Hannah happily nodding as well.

"Good news?" smirked Harry.

"The best!" grinned Neville, though he looked a little nervous. "He,

Madam Bones and Mister Abbott are coming to the school tomorrow,

after lunch. We're to meet with them in the Headmistress's office at

1.30pm. They'll be signing the agreements there and Lady Marchbanks

will be witness."

"That is the best news!" laughed Harry. "Nev, that's fantastic! I'm so happy

for you; for all three of you, actually."

"Me too!" squealed Hermione. Unable to contain herself any more, she

popped up, ran around the table and, as the girls were rising, dragged

them both into a Hermi-Hug.

Once the two were clear of the bench, they all hugged each other and

jumped around in joy.

While the girls were otherwise occupied, Harry said to Neville, "While

you're there, mate; don't forget to ask the Headmistress for permission to

move into the Lords' Quarters with the girls. Trust me."

Neville firmed up, gave a nod back and said, "I will."




After signalling to Daphne and Tracey, who were sitting at the Slytherin

table watching and clearly understanding what was happening, the five

went out to the antechamber they'd used previously.

A couple of minutes later, both Slytherins came out of the Great Hall and

hurried over, slipping in through the door.

Both Hannah and Susan turned to them, squealed in happiness and

launched themselves at both girls.

"Yes?" asked Tracey.

"Yes!" both girls replied, before Hannah added, "Tomorrow!"

That had all four now happy.

Daphne managed to separate and walked over to where Neville was

standing a little apart with Harry and Hermione.

Without a word, she laid a big hug on him; behaviour, Harry never

expected of her.

Once she'd hugged Neville, Harry asked her, "Mind stepping over here for

a moment?" And moved a little further away.

She gave a nod and joined him apart from everyone else.

"I have contacted my Law-wizard of Record, Ted Tonks of the House of

Black, to inform him of my decision to approach your father seeking a

Concubine Bond Agreement between you and me," he told her. "I also

sent an urgent message to your father, at the same time, letting him

know we had an agreement-in-principle and that Ted would be in contact

with him.

"Ted sent me a modified standard agreement yesterday and I sent back

the changes I wanted to see included.

"Just so you know what the gist of them are, they are: One; so long as

nothing... physical... happens between us, both of us will have easy

escape clauses we can activate at any time. Two; if something physical

happens, you will still have the easy escape clauses, but I will not; mine

will have significant financial penalties involved. Three; if we... if you...

f-fall pregnant from s- physical activity between us, then escape clauses

will still exist; but, such escape clauses will have serious financial

penalties for the one who then breaks the agreement, especially me."

As he was talking he worked hard to keep from blushing, but wasn't

completely successful. It was hard enough to get through saying it.

"There will not be a clause that requires you to... you won't be required to

do anything you don't want to; understand?"

As she looked at him with wide eyes she couldn't speak. She just nodded

back while staring fixedly at him.

"This is to keep you safe from those who would mean you and or your

House harm―"

That was as far as he got before she mimicked a Hermi-Hug and jumped

at him, throwing her arms around him in a tight hug.

"Thank you, Harry," she sniffled.

"You're welcome," he replied, finally bringing his own arms up to caress

her back.

After a few moments he gently pushed her away to again look into her

now watery eyes. "Now it just depends on your father. If he tries to use

this situation to demand fiscal benefits... then, I'm sorry, I've instructed

Ted not to proceed."

"He won't," she earnestly promised. "Father's not an idiot. He'll very

quickly work out what you're doing and will approve."

"Good," he said, relieved. "I also want you to know that, if you want out

because you've met someone and would prefer to be with them, I'm open

to discussing that; alright?"

"Thank you, Harry," she replied.

"I don't ever want you to think that you'll be with me, or are with me,

because you have to be with me. You get to choose."

She nodded and smiled, her eyes sparkling with brimming moisture.

When they pulled apart to turned back to the others, it was to see them

watching back. Harry checked Hermione and saw not a hint of jealousy.

If anything, she clearly approved.




After they'd left the antechamber and he was walking alone with

Hermione returning to their apartment, Hermione looked to Harry and

said, "You did good, in there."

"I don't think I could do anything else," he simply returned.

"No, I don't think so, either," she agreed.

As they approached the door to the Lords' Quarters, it was to see Malfoy

and his pet bookends step out of an alcove with a smirk on his face. All

three had their wands drawn. It was clear Malfoy wanted to 'start'


Harry sighed. He knew this was going to happen, sooner or later. Malfoy

just couldn't help himself.

As a mutter loud enough for only Hermione to hear, he said, "Whatever

you do, do not retaliate. Let the new wards do their job."

"Understood," she quietly replied.

When they were about twenty feet away, Malfoy raised his wand to a

more ready position and said, "Potter. Rumour has it―"

But, surprising Malfoy, Harry didn't even pause as he expected. Instead,

he kept walking forward; which brought Malfoy's little monologue to an

abrupt and confused halt.

When he was about four feet away, Harry finally stopped. He chose the

distance as it put him in reach to snatch Malfoy's wand out of his hand if

the little white ferret tried to launch a curse or hex.

With a sigh, he said, "Mister Malfoy, is it your intent to piss off the Lord

of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Potter, or the Heir Tertiary of

the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black?"

When Malfoy looked confused, he continued, "I only ask as I'll need to

know if I shall be contacting your father directly, as Lord Potter, to

inform him how badly his Heir completely and utterly screwed up; or

Lord Black, so he can have the honour."

When Malfoy still looked confused - Potter didn't retaliate, as he expected

- Harry continued to explain, "And, I only ask because your father will

want to know why it is he's just discovered his marriage contract has

been irrevocably torn asunder, the Black dowry your mother received

from the House of Black has been yanked out of his own accounts back to

the House of Black accounts and your mother and you have been


Malfoy went white. "Y-you wouldn't!"

"I would," he shot back. "And faster than you can say, 'Wait 'til my father

hears of this'."

Malfoy stood there for a few moments more before his face flushed and

he developed an angry scowl. "You'll get yours, Potter!"

"My Share? Oh, I intend to, Malfoy," he happily declared back. "I'm sure

Lord Black will happily give me my share of what was part of the Malfoy

fortune, when he yanks it out of your father's accounts. What do you

think; is one fifth of it a fair cut?

"After all, I'll have been the one that pushed you far enough you engaged

your wand and not your brain, didn't think it through and had a shot at

me; which allowed Lord Black to legally take it.

"You see, Mister Malfoy; I do not think it's a matter of 'if' with you, only a

matter of 'when'. And I'm happy to bide my time until your over-

developed sense of self-entitlement exceeds your pitiful authority and

gives me that excuse."

The whole time Harry was smirking at the boy in amusement, Malfoy

could only stand there feeling impotent. And he now knew Potter knew


Harry chuckled and said, "I do not know why you bother to engineer

these little incidences between you and me, Malfoy. Unless your

godfather has been there to pull your nads out of the fire by swooping in

and assigning me and others with me with spurious losses of points and

detention, you've never won a single one of them; not on the grounds, not

on the Express, not here in the castle. Even then, you never won; he did,

by abusing his authority as a Professor.

"Well, he's now in Azkaban partly because of that abuse of authority. So,

regarding him, I won in the end.

"Now, will there be anything else, or will you blurt 'Wait 'til my father

hears of this' and storm off like you usually do?"

Clearly furious, Malfoy lowered his wand, backed up half a step started

to say, "Wai―" before he snapped his mouth shut and stormed off.

Harry watched him go and looked to the two now confused bookends.

"Well?" With a flick of his fingers he indicated Malfoy's direction and

said, "Your lord and master went that way. Best hurry to catch up.

Without you both standing there looking mean, someone's liable to laugh

at him."

Both boys, still confused, turned and hurried to catch up with the blonde


Harry then heard chuckling and turned just in time to see an auror

standing ten feet away dispel the last of a Disillusionment charm as he

watched the three hurry away.

Turning his attention to Harry he said, "That was hilarious." And

chuckled again.

"I'm glad you're amused," Harry smirked back. "And I'm sure you'd never

consider sharing the memory of that with the auror bullpen. That would

be shameful behaviour. Lucy Malfoy might find out about it if you did

that and go into a right royal snit."

The auror laughed again and said, "You're an evil young man, Lord

Potter." Then turned and walked away as he re-donned his

disillusionment charm.

Once they were sure he'd gone, Hermione asked, "How'd you know he

was there?"

"I didn't," he replied. "I just suspected he or another was. However, I'm

also aware of the new and reactivated wards Headmistress Lady

Marchbanks has activated. As soon as Malfoy fired a curse, the entire

staff would have been alerted to it. All we both needed to do was avoid it

and wait. That's why I specifically said, 'Don't retaliate'."




Once inside the apartment, where Harry was still chuckling a little,

Hermione said, "Take a seat. I need to get something from my room for

our talk."

As he sat back Harry managed to calm down and waited for his Love. He

was thinking about how much easier life in Hogwarts was going to be

with both the new wards and the presence of the aurors. And how

accepting Hermione had apparently become of the still-developing CBA

between he and Daphne.

Hermione then re-entered the living room wearing the same fluffy pink

dressing gown he'd accidentally seen her wearing their last morning at

the Granger residence, when he'd heard her cry out and raced up stairs to


Same as then, it did not look like she was wearing anything under it.

However, this time, she wasn't wearing the white towel wrapped around

her head for her hair.

As she walked forward, she asked, "Remember this?"

"Errr... yes?" he replied. His throat felt a little tight.

As she got closer she said, "Well, if you were about ten seconds slower,

you would have seen this!"

And, just like that, she flicked the robe off her shoulders and allowed it to

drop to the floor as she stopped about five feet and in front of him.

She was naked.

As she stood there, with her left knee closed over her right a little to

'cover' the lower part of her lady bits, Harry couldn't utter a word.

Finally, he managed to squeak out, "I... I... W-wow!"

Quickly snapping his eyes back up to hers, he was in time to see her stop

worrying at her bottom lip with her top teeth and smile back.

"Y-you... Y-you're gorgeous!" he blurted.

Her smile widening into a blushing grin she softly said, "Thank you,


When he then tried to stand so he wasn't face to... lady cauldron, she

stepped forward, placed a hand in his chest and pushed him back into the


As soon as he was back in it she spun around and sat on his lap. She was

very pleased to feel he definitely appreciated her looks. And gave a little


As soon as she saw the slight expression of pain flit across his face, she

stopped as she did not want to hurt him; and leaned into him with her

arms around his neck.

All Harry knew was that he now had a lap full of a very attractive naked

young woman and 'little Harry' had painfully popped up to say, 'Hello!'

When she leaned into him and wrapped her arms around his neck, he

reactively wrapped his arms around her waist. Her... naked... waist. And

that led to a slow snogging kiss.

Little Harry was calling out, 'Hey! Here I am! The twins and I are getting

crushed here!'

Finally getting his will power back under control, he gently pushed her

back to sit upright a little to give him some room to breathe and

managed to say, "Not that I don't appreciate it, very much; but, what

brought this on?"

She gave another little squirm and replied, "Multiple reasons. First and

foremost, I wanted to. I think our relationship should progress a bit more

and I didn't think you'd be against it―"

"I'm not!" he quickly blurted.

Pausing to smile at him, she continued, "Second, if the Concubine Bond

Agreement between you and Daphne is finalised as quickly as even I now

suspect, Daphne will be up here with us before very long; and I don't

think I could do this - walk out here and be nude - if she was here.

"And, third, as you've now finished reading that book Sirius had you

read, I wanted to give you the gift of seeing, at least the part of it about a

woman's body, in the flesh."

Standing up again, she stepped away and gave a slow twirl with her arms

out a little. "What do you think?"

"I said it already," he breathily replied, looking her over again. "Wow!"

When she gave a little giggle, she chose this time to sit alongside him and

sit back.

Which caused him to slide a little further away and turn towards her.

She sat there, leaning back onto the back cushions, her hands clasped

over her lower tummy and her legs out straight before her with her

ankles crossed.

"Now," she smiled. "Review time. About chapter eight―"

Giving a start, he blurted, "But that's about your... umm―" And indicated

towards the junction of her legs.

"I know," she quietly said, smiling while uncrossing her ankles and slowly

allowing her legs to spread.

However, Harry could also see the worry buried in her eyes, too. He was

determined he wasn't going to mess this up. He'd rather die, first.




Hermione finally managed to coax him into touching her, "You need to

touch some places to feel for yourself, Harry. You can't see them

without... sticking your face in there and forcing me open."

When she was sure Harry had 'felt' everything he needed to understand,

she managed to coax him to disrobe. "Don't you think it's a little unfair

you get to see me and I don't get to see you?"

"But... ummm... you see―"

"You have an erection," she simply stated. "It's natural."

While he was blushing madly she finally managed to get him out of his

clothes and lay back like she did.

Then she convinced him to allow her to touch him.

And, as she was touching him, he had to warn her about something...

Then it was too late.

Mortified while Hermione didn't seem that surprised, she eventually

managed to calm him down again. "It's alright, Harry," she soothed. "No

need to be embarrassed. I'm actually quite happy that happened." And

used his wand - the wooden one - to clean up the mess.

After that 'accident', they were able to sit there and let their hands do the

walking for a while as they asked each other intimate questions about

each other's bodies.

But, after almost two hours, she said, "I think we'd better stop and get

dressed again. Dinner's not that far away. Besides," she giggled, "You

need to wash."




After that couple of hours of learning about each other's bodies, both

redressed and were ready for dinner in plenty of time.

Once dressed, Hermione said, "Now, how about we invite the other Heirs

up here for dinner, tomorrow night?"

Dressed himself but still pulling his shoes on - he did need that shower

first - Harry replied, "Sounds good. We'd have to subtly check with

Neville and his two girls first, though. They might have only just moved

into their own Lord's Quarters and want to experience it on their own."

"We'll ask," she replied.

Lacing his second shoe up and standing up, Harry said, "I'm ready."

"Just in time," she replied, then indicated the door. "Shall we?"

Harry smiled, nodded and headed for the door to open it for her.

As they walked down the short hallway to the main door back into the

public corridor, he said, "Thank you. That was... wonderful."

She smiled back and said, "You're welcome. And thank you, for allowing

me to explore, as well.

"And, because you didn't push for more, I think we can allow hands to

wander a little more freely when we... snog... in future."

He happily smiled back.




Before they went down for breakfast the next morning, Harry called


"Yes, Master Harry?" he asked.

Indicating the large window in the room, he asked, "Is it possible to do

something to that window to allow owls to travel through it without

vanishing the glass, or something?"

"Oh, yes, Master Harry," replied the little elf. "Dobby can be using elf

magic to make the glass so owlies can pass through. It be stoppings

everything else, though."

"That's excellent, Dobs," replied a relieved Harry. "Can you do that and

set up a roost for owls near it? I have a feeling Hedwig would be

welcoming of it."

"Dobby can gets it done, Master Harry," the elf firmly replied.

"Thank you, Dobby," he said.

Less than thirty seconds later, Dobby caused the large window to glow

blue for a moment, then turned slightly and set up a roost that would fit

two to three owls. Directly with it he also conjured a small tray for owl

treats and water. And under it he conjured a tray that would catch any


Harry was somewhat amazed. "Brilliant, Dobby! That looks perfect!"

Dobby gave a pleased smile, caused the owl treat tray and water to be

stocked and popped away again.

After quietly watching Dobby perform the work, Hermione said, "That's

actually quite clever."

"Thank you," he said.




Ten minutes later, the two walked in through the doors of the Great Hall.

Today was the day Neville would be entered into two relationship

agreements; a Betrothal Agreement and a Concubine Bond Agreement.

And they wanted to make sure all three were alright and weren't about to


Looking to the Hufflepuff table as they walked, both could see both girls

were fine. If anything, they were both ineffably pleased and excited. The

only darkness in their moods was when they looked to Neville and

worried a little.

As they walked past to round the head end of the Gryffindor table, Harry

could see his mate looking almost sick. He cast a quick glance in

Hermione's direction before they moved to sit either side of him.

After sitting and his mumbled greetings, Hermione asked Neville, "How

are you with your assignments? Up to date?"

Confused, he looked to her and muttered, "Sorry? I've had other things on

my mind."

"We noticed," she said. "So, how are your assignments coming along?"

"Hermione, you know they're fine," he grumbled. "Why are you asking?"

"It's called 'distraction therapy', Neville," she replied. "You're way too

focussed on something that's making you fret. I want you to focus on

something else."

"I'm fine," he muttered.

"That won't work," she smiled. "That's Harry's default response when he's

unhappy about something."

Harry chuckled and replied, "It is, too!"

Neville sighed and said, "I don't think you're going to be able to 'distract'


"Hmmm," said Harry. Then quietly asked, "What if Hermione shows you

her breasts. Would that distract you?"

As Neville's head snapped around to stare back in shock, Hermione

quietly exclaimed, "Harry!"

That had the boy blush to the roots of his hair and try to look anywhere

but at either of them.

Hermione firmly, but quietly, declared, "I am not going to show Neville

my breasts!"

"I'm not saying you should, Hermione," said Harry. "I'm just trying to set a

level at which Neville can be distracted."

"Errr... Ummm―" Neville stuttered.

"Mmm," said Harry. "Maybe something else, then."

"Definitely," snapped Hermione.

"How about..." he mused. "After breakfast, we all head to the library.

Neville, my educating of Hermione on pureblood and noble customs and

etiquette has, so far, been rather slap-dash. I've been teaching her what I

can, but my knowledge is not that much older than hers.

"That I can do!" Neville was quick to say. 'Anything to get off the subject

of Hermione's boo- err... breasts,' he thought.

"Great!" exclaimed Harry. "Now, she knows the basics; such as, the

various levels of Houses, the various levels of nobility, the various levels

of heirs, that sort of thing. But, I meant to go over how a House is created

and another elevated. It would also help her to know how a House can

be, though rarely, dropped back a rank.

"Do you think that's something you can help teach?"

"Yes," Neville firmly replied. "Gran made sure I knew all of that before I

even started at Hogwarts... here."

"Excellent," grinned Harry. Leaning around him he said to Hermione,

"Looks like you won't have to show him your breasts after all, Love."

Again, Neville blushed and refused to look at either of them.

"Harrison James Potter!" she quietly but firmly declared. "You and I will be

having words later."

"I never said you should or will show him your breasts, love," he said,

oozing sincerity. "I just asked if it would distract him."

Neville finally turned to look at him and smirked, "That was... evil."

"Hey!" he said. "It worked, didn't it? I've now got your promise you're

going to help me teach Hermione, after breakfast, more about the


Hermione glared back, but he could also see she'd put two and two

together and figured out what he'd done.

"Fine," grinned Neville. "It worked. Happy?"

"Yup!" he happily declared back. "Now, while we eat, how about we go

over a plan of attack of what to teach her?"

With a sigh, Neville replied, "As you said, how a House is formed,

promoted or demoted. We can do all that in that order. I'm sure the

library, here, has the books we need."

Harry nodded and said, "If not, we can ask the elves to collect the books

you might need from our two Households. Now, eat up. We can't have

you collapse at the table in the library from hunger while you're trying to


And, finally, Neville was able to eat without feeling as if he was just

going to vomit it all back up again.




A little while later, as Neville was trying to go over with Hermione an

overview of what he'd be teaching, Harry excused himself to go over to

the 'Puff table and talk to the two girls.

Immediately sitting in a space opposite, he quietly said to them, "Neville

was on the verge of throwing up when Hermione and I turned up. He was

shaking somewhat and looked a little faint.

"To snap him out of it I gave him something to think about other than

fretting over what's going to happen immediately after lunch."

Suspicious, as she'd been carefully watching Neville's reactions, Hannah

immediately asked, "What did you do?" It even sounded accusatory.

Looking to make sure no one was trying to listen in, he leaned forward

and quietly said, "Don't hex me for it, as it clearly worked; but, I asked

him if Hermione showing him her breasts would work."

Both girls looked back, stunned. Susan gasped, "Y-you didn't!"

"I did," he firmly replied. "That did not mean I expected Hermione to

actually do that. It was meant to shock him enough, and be embarrassed

enough for Hermione, that it caused his mind to... stop thinking about

this afternoon and try to think of a way to get the conversation onto a

completely different track.

"It worked. Then I asked him if he could help me teach Hermione more

about how Houses are created, promoted and demoted. We're heading for

the library straight after breakfast and getting onto that.

"That's why he's now eating and is a lot more calmer."

Susan smirked at him and said, "Maybe we wanted him thinking about

our breasts." Which had Hannah immediately blush.

Harry smirked back and said, "I wanted him embarrassed; not eager."

When Susan looked down in her own embarrassment, he added, "Besides,

it led to me being able to convince him to help educate Hermione. And,

that's why I've come over here. I think you should join us and also ask

Daphne and Tracey to join us.

"I hope you don't mind me thinking it, but I think educating Hermione up

to the level of a Lady Presumptive should be an Alliance project for us of

the same age."

Susan said, "I thought Hermione was going for lessons this summer with

Lady Longbottom."

"And Lady Ogden, if I remember right," nodded Harry. "But, this is

something Neville needs to do, whether he knows it or not, so he doesn't

fret so much about the signings later."

Both girls then understood and said they'd go over and talk to Daphne

and Tracey in a little while and convince them to come help.

Smiling, Harry gave both a nod, rose and said, "Ladies." And returned to

sit with Hermione and Neville.




Twenty minutes later, Harry was walking with Hermione and the other

five towards the library. As they walked, she pushed him separate from

the group a little and quietly said, "Don't think I didn't know exactly what

you were doing by asking Neville if he'd be distracted if I showed him my


"I knew you would," he smiled.

She tried to scowl at him but couldn't help smiling. "It worked, though."

"Yep," he grinned.

Walking into the library, they found a table large enough for the seven of

them up the back and selected it. Then, while the others went in search

of the books they wanted, Harry erected a privacy field over the entire


Ready, he called Dobby and asked him to bring Hermione's satchel

loaded with parchment, quills and ink.

"Yes, Master Harry, Sir," replied the elf before he popped away again.

Dobby was back even before any of the others, and Harry had the lot put

on the table, ready.

Daphne and Tracey were the first two to return, carrying a couple of

books each.

"These, we think," said Daphne.

Tracey explained, "These are the ones we were taught this."

When the others returned, Hermione was surprised to see the writing

paraphernalia already set up and waiting, and sat next to Harry.

"Dobby?" she quietly asked.

"Yep," he replied.

Once everyone was sitting again, he said to the table at-large, "I've

erected a privacy and silencing field over the table. We can talk freely

without risk of Madam Pince coming over and making a fuss about the


"Good idea," said Susan.

And they got into it.

Hermione was taking quite the prodigious notes, while the others were

talking, giving her information and also setting books aside for her to

check out and read later.

They worked right through morning tea and almost to lunch.

As the others taught and Hermione listened, Harry took quill and

parchment for himself and began to draft a letter to Ted. He wanted his

Law-wizard of Record to organise research into the muggle nobility

family of Finch-Fletchley.

He still had it in the back of his mind that, if Finch-Fletchley proved to be

a worthwhile House, the House be invited to join the Alliance. He was

very sure Justin was both a muggleborn and no one else in his family was

magical; but, if his nobility carried over into the magical world as he

suspected it might, would they be able to create the House known as the

Noble and Magical House of Finch-Fletchley based on that nobility?

To that end, he was also listening to what Hermione was being taught

regarding the creation of a new House in the magical world and using

that in his letter to Ted.




Surprised by Madam Pince coming over and informing them they needed

to hurry if they wanted lunch, the seven hurriedly packed away what

they were working on, returned books and made their way out.

The last thing Harry did was remove the silencing charms.

As they walked, Harry asked Neville if he'd like to bring his two ladies to

their apartment for a celebration dinner. He was surprised.

After glancing at his two, who had overheard and nodded back, he said,

"We'd be honoured. Thank you."

Turning to the two Slytherins he asked, "Ladies? Care to join us? We'll

have the room."

Replying for the both of them, Daphne replied, "Yes, thank you. We'd be


"Good," he firmly nodded. "That now gives me plenty of time to come up

with a menu. Any allergies I need to know about?"

No one had any.

Neville asked, "Will you be cooking, Harry?"

"Yup," he grinned. "I don't think any of you have had the opportunity

before for a Harry Potter gourmet delight, have you?"

Hermione was quick to add, "Don't worry. You're going to enjoy this.

Harry is a wonderful cook."

"He cooks, too?" asked Tracey.

"I don't cook, Tracey," he disagreed. "I... chef!"

Susan asked, "There's a difference?"

"Philistine!" he declared mock-insulted. "Was Picasso a painter? Did Noah

just build a big boat? Was Michelangelo just a rock carver? Nay, I say! I...

create gastronomic art!"

By then, Hermione was giggling. Attempting to explain, she said, "Harry

doesn't just cook, Susan. He treats preparing food as an art form. You're in

for a treat.

"He cooked for us all the time at my place. That is, when his house elf,

Dobby, didn't block him from doing so."

Neville snickered, "I saw him doing that, a couple times. It was funny."

"Yeah, yeah," snarked Harry. "Laugh it up, chuckles. The Great 'Potterini'

will not be denied his rightful place before the altar of food, the stove,

this day. That foul fiend - the sawn off little munchkin, Dobby - shall not

deny me!"

That had the others relax and even laugh as they walked in through the

doors of the Great Hall.




The five remained in the Great Hall, dining and then talking, until


Then Neville gave a sigh of relief and said, "We'd better go. We're

expected in the Headmistress's office in five minutes."

"Good luck," called Hermione.

Neville and the two girls were about to step away when Neville suddenly

froze in shock.

Turning back with a look of almost fear on his face he said, "I don't know

where the Headmistress's office even is!"

When the others, except Hermione, looked confused, Harry snickered and

said, "Hermione and I do. If you follow me, I'll take you there."

The immediate look of profound relief on the other boy's face had Harry

snickering again.

After telling Hermione he'd meet her back at the apartment, Harry

escorted Neville, Hannah and Susan through the castle and to the

gargoyle that guarded the Headmistress's office entrance.

On the way, he quietly said to Neville, "Don't forget to ask about the

apartment in the Lords' Quarters."

"I won't," the boy softly but firmly replied.

Reaching the gargoyle and indicating it, Harry said, "It's through here. To

have the gargoyle step out of the way for you, you need the password.

However, if you don't have it and you need to see her, just inform the

gargoyle and wait."

When Neville stepped forward to put deed to word, but hesitated, Harry

gestured for him to go on and smiled.

Neville then firmly said, "Heir Longbottom, Heiress Bones and Miss

Abbott to see the Headmistress."

Harry ignored how the statement almost turned into a question at the

end. And waited for the gargoyle to step aside.

"Give it a few seconds," he said.

Almost as he finished speaking, the gargoyle did it's nimble little jump to

the side and the stairs beyond began rotating upwards.

"There ya go," he said. "Step in and ride the stairs to the top."

Neville gave a nod, turned to the girls and let them precede him past.

"Thank you, Harry," he said.

Once they were on their way up, Harry smiled in fondness, mentally

wished them the best and made his way back towards his and Hermione's





Reaching the top of the stairs and the small landing, the two girls waited

for Neville before the only and heavy oak door.

Neville took a deep breath and knocked.

Straight away, they heard the Headmistress call, "Come in, please!"

Relieved, he opened the door and yet again allowed the ladies to precede

him inside.

As he stepped within he then closed the door behind him before turning

back - and stopped to gawk about.

All those portraits of old and dead Headmasters and -mistress's were

quite intimidating, before you even looked at the rest of the room.

The three were snapped out of their looking about by Marchbanks

calling, "Come forward, you three."

As soon as their attention was back on who else was in the room, both

girls almost squealed as they ran forward into the arms of their loved

ones. Neville was able to more calmly walk to his father, before the man

wrapped him in as much of a hug as the two girls were being wrapped by

Hannah's father and Susan's aunt.

After a few seconds, the adults pulled back. And Marchbanks said, "We're

all here. Let's get on with this."

After conjuring a table and chairs in the middle of the room she gestured

for them all to sit.

Twenty minutes later, after all three had the details of the agreements

explained to them and all three agreed with them, the signing went

ahead. As expected Marchbanks, in her role as Lady Griselda

Marchbanks, signed them as official witness.

Once it was done, Neville felt quite relieved and almost cried in


Looking to Marchbanks after a glance at his father, he said,


"Yes, Heir Longbottom?"

"I was wondering if..." he stuttered, "That is... I would like to... No, that's

not it." Bracing himself up he firmly said, "I request permission to move

myself, Hannah and Susan into the Lords' Quarters."

As his father looked upon him with pride and Marchbanks grinned, she

replied, "Request granted, Heir Longbottom."

Though Harry had said he doubted she'd say no, he was still surprised she

granted it so easily.

Turning slightly to the side she called, "Toby."

When a little elf appeared, unknown to the others as the same elf

Marchbanks had called to take Harry and Hermione's trunks to their

apartment, she ordered, "Please move Heir Longbottom's, Heiress Bones's

and Miss Abbott's personal effects from the Fourth year Gryffindor boys'

dormitory and the Fourth Year Hufflepuff girls' dormitories,

respectively... and move them to Apartment 10 in the Lords' Quarters."

"Yes, Lady Headmistress," the elf replied before popping away.

Turning back to look at Neville and the two girls, she said, "Your

apartment will be the one right across from Lord Potter and his Lady

Presumptive. Also a three-bedroom. I hope that is suitable?"

"Yes," replied Neville, relieved. "Thank you."

With a nod back she said, "I'll send a note to Lord Potter asking him to

meet you outside your new apartment and showing you how to claim it

and enter it."

"Thank you, Headmistress," he replied.




Not too long back in the apartment, Harry was in the kitchen going

through the pantry and cold storage when a house elf popped in and

offered him a note. "From the Lady Headmistress, sir!"

Harry indicated the counter next to him and said, "On the counter,


With a snap of it's fingers the note appeared where Harry indicated and

the elf popped away again.

He cast the detection charms he knew on the parchment, found nothing

untoward and picked it up.

Opening it, he read and learned the Headmistress was asking him to

show Neville and his girls how to get into Apartment 10, the one across

from theirs, when they arrived. And that they were heading there,


With a wide grin he walked into the living room. Hermione was sitting

on the couch and reading one of the books they'd collected from the

library that very morning.

As he walked over to her she looked up. He offered her the note and said,

"It's done and he did it. He asked for an apartment."

Accepting the note she read and grinned back. "You thought he might


"Yeah," he replied. "I didn't know if he would be able to 'man up' in front

of the guardians of his two ladies, let alone his father, and ask. I was

pretty sure he would, but there was a chance he wouldn't."

"You going to wait outside for him?" she asked.

"No, no need," he replied. "They know what apartment we're in and he'll

knock on the door."

She nodded back.




49. Sorting Agreements

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to the proverbial Duchess of

Magic, JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high

falutin' companies. No matter how much I whine about not owning anything

related to the HP universe, other than a few fanfic plots, I do not profess to

own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful

world... Damn it!

Chapter Forty Nine - Sorting Agreements




Harry had made up his mind what he was going to cook for dinner and

was setting up his preparation area with everything to hand, when they

received that knock on their door.

He quickly hurried out and over to the door, opening it.

The three, Neville and his two girls, were standing on the other side.

Grinning at each other, he asked, "Ready to see your new home?"

"Yes!" squealed Hannah, before Neville even got a chance to open his

mouth to reply.

Harry stepped out, not even bothering to close their door and took the

three steps across the corridor to the opposite door. OIt never dawned on

him that none of the three 'Longbottoms' had told him which apartment

would be theirs. Thankfully, none of the three even noticed.

A quick explanation, Neville claimed it, then Hannah and Susan stepped

up to gain access and Neville accepted it.

"There ya go," said Harry. "Now it's keyed only to you three. If anyone

else touches the door handle they'll be stunned and the staff will be


With nods back he indicated the door and said, "Neville, you need to be

the first to open the door."

With a deep fortifying breath, Neville again stepped forward, open the

door and pushed it open wide. Then stepped back to let the girls in first.

From outside, Harry heard lots of squealing and calls of joy as the girls

charged through the apartment, investigating everything.

As Harry was standing there with a bemused Neville, Hermione came out

of their apartment and smacked him on the bum as she walked past and

into the, now, House of Longbottom apartment.

'Jeez!' he thought. However, it did get him moving forward to step inside,

himself, after Neville.

When the girls had settled a little Harry asked them, "Did Headmistress

Lady Marchbanks have the elves move all your possessions up here?"

"Yes!" replied Susan.

"In that case, the other girls in your dorm might become a bit concerned

when all your stuff suddenly disappeared," he explained. "You might

want to think of going back down there, pretty soon, to explain to them

why you're no longer there."

Both girls glanced at each other with looks that said to Harry, 'They

really didn't care what those girls thought'. But, hey, they're 'Puffs; they'd

do it.

Before he left them to get used to their new apartment, Harry said,

"Dinner tonight will be a light salad with a lemon vinaigrette; roast beef

with red wine jus; poached and snap-baked potato, sweet potato, carrot

and onion; steamed corn with butter tabs, and steamed peas pre-soaked

in a light mint vinegar. Dessert will be a surprise.

"Expect to turn up about 6.30pm to sit at 6.45pm."

Other than Hermione, the others all looked back in shock.

Hermione snickered at their expressions as Harry walked out, back across

the corridor and re-entered the Potter apartment.

Susan stuttered, "W-when you said he could cook―"

Hermione grinned back and said, "The word 'cook' is much too pedestrian

for what Harry does with food. You'll see.

"Don't snack before you come, or you'll regret it."




Harry was well into preparing the food for dinner half an hour later and

was advising Dobby on what he wanted prepared for dessert when there

came a knock on the door.

Hermione immediately called out in a sing-song voice, "I'll get it!

Moments later, Neville walked into the kitchen.

Surprised, Harry asked, "What brings you here already, Nev? The girls

already sick of you and throw you out?"

Neville gave a snort of amusement and replied, "I just got back from the

Gryffindor tower, where I advised Ron, Dean and Seamus I've moved into

the Lords' Quarters. While Dean and Seamus looked happy for me, the

look of jealousy on Ron's face..." And he petered off with a shrug.

Harry said, "Yeahhh, I know what you mean. So long as he doesn't say

anything negative, I guess we'll just ignore it."

"My thoughts, too," he replied. "On Sunday night, though... when I told

him you'd no longer be in the dorm, but in the Lords' Quarters... he was

quite scathing."

Harry stopped what he was doing and turned to look back. "Did you say

anything to him about it?"

Neville blushed and replied, "I threatened to call him out for it and duel

him if I ever heard him say anything like that again.

"You should also know that, the next morning, their family owl was

carrying in a Howler for him. But, one of the professors stunned it before

it even got to him and removed the enchantment. Then he said that the

staff now consider Howlers to be a form of bullying and they were now


"Good," Harry firmly said. "About how Howlers are banned, that is. The

Howler from Molly was probably because their family clock alerted her

to her son suddenly being 'In Danger' and realised why.

"Ron's whole family have warned him not to piss me off. And part of that

is by him running his mouth off."

As Neville had decided to hang about until the girls got back, he stayed

in the kitchen talking with Harry. Harry even explained what he was

doing and had the boy assist.

When the girls returned, neither looked happy.

Neville took one look at them both, put down what he was doing and led

them back into the family room and over to a corner.

Both girls then left about two to three minutes later, heading back to

their apartment. Neville came back into the kitchen and said, "Sorry,

Harry. I've gotta go. Apparently, the other three girls in their dorm were

happy Hannah and Susan would no longer be there.

"I don't think it was maliciousness on their part, they're 'Puffs, but my

two were upset by it."

"Then, what are you doing standing here for, Nev?" asked Harry. "Go! Go

take care of and cuddle with your ladies."

Neville smiled, said, "Thanks Harry," and left.




After earlier sending a note by HEED to Daphne and Tracey about when

he was expecting them for dinner, they turned up right on time. Though

neither had dressed up, it was clear they'd both applied 'touch-ups' to

their make-up.

Almost on their heels, Neville walked in escorting Hannah and Susan.

That had Daphne and Tracey give squeals of excitement and hug them. It

was the first time both Slytherins had seen them since they'd left the

Great Hall for the signing.

With rapid-fire talking between the girls, Neville turned a slightly pained

look to Harry and asked, "Harry? Mind if I show Daphne and Tracey―"

"Your apartment," Harry finished. "Of course, not. Go! Dinner's not for

another fifteen to twenty minutes."

Ushering the girls back out - or, rather, being dragged out by them -

Neville took the girls back across the corridor and into the House of

Longbottom apartment.

They weren't long. Not even ten minutes.

"It's the same, but mirror image!" declared Tracey.

"I'm not surprised by that," said Harry. "I'm pretty sure Lady Marchbanks

planned it that way."

Neville seemed to get it first and said, "Because, she considers you and I

to be equals!"

"Yup," said Harry.

Dinner was that light salad he mentioned, followed by the magnificent

and succulent roast, followed by dessert. The dessert consisted of

individual warmed chocolate cakes, inverted, covered with hot chocolate

sauce with a ball of Fortescue's icecream on top, slowly melting from the

heat. He could have charmed the icecream not to melt, but thought it

was authentic if it did. No one minded.

Once done, Neville sat back and groaned. "I don't think I've ever eaten so

well or so much!"

"That... was... fan-tas-tic!" declared Tracey, using her spoon to scoop up

the very last traces of chocolate sauce.

That lead to more praise, which had Harry happy but blushing away.

Hermione just sat there and grinned in happiness for her betrothed.

Daphne said, "You're right. You don't cook. That was much too good and

delicious to be called cooking."

"I hope you're going to cook for us again, in future," said Hannah.

"I plan to," he said. "If I can swing it, I want to do this every Saturday or

Sunday evening, at least."

No one was against that - except, maybe, Dobby.




After everyone had left for the evening, Hermione asked Harry for the

mirror as she'd promised Sirius she'd contact him, once things had

'settled' at school.

Not even thinking about using Dobby, he'd gone to get it himself when

the elf popped before him with the mirror.

With a sigh, he said, "Thank you, Dobby."

With a smirk the elf popped away again.

Harry returned to the sofa and handed the mirror to Hermione. "Cheeky

little ratbag," he muttered.

Hermione just giggled back. Obviously, he had no support from her in


With the mirror held before her, Hermione firmly intoned, "Padfoot."

She had to wait a few seconds before the face of Sirius appeared in the


"Hermione, love!" he happily greeted her. "Listen. You don't happen know

of the whereabouts of my godson, do you? He seems to have dropped off

the face of the Earth. I remember him telling me he'd be leaving for

Hogwarts the next morning and a quick word a day or two later, but that

was oh so long ago, now, I fear he may have forgotten all about me."

Hermione was giggling away while Harry, sitting next to her, was

grumbling about up-themselves pureblood Lords with overboard senses

of their entitlements.

Laughing, she replied, "I'll put him on as soon as we're finished. How are


"I'm good!" he replied. "I've finally gotten all the Black accounts set back

to rights. So, all that parchmentwork is done for a while.

"You should have seen the look on my account manager's, Bloodrock's,

face when I dumped the lot on his desk. It was a mix between horrified

and pleased. Ha!

"Now... how have you settled back in at good ol' Hoggy Hoggy


"Good and yes," she replied. "Did you know that, because I'm betrothed to

Harry and he was eligible to move into the Lords' Quarters, I'd be moved

in with him?"

"Huh!" he replied. "I should have remembered that and I'd forgotten it.

Not that Harry was eligible, but that it would be assumed you would be

moved there, too.

"Are you happy being that close to Harry, or would you prefer I request

you be moved out? As you're only betrothed it's an option."

"No," she replied. "I just didn't expect it. However, not having to share a

dorm with those two gossipers is actually a relief. And Harry's been a

good 'host'."

"Fair enough!" he declared. "Then, I won't interfere."

"Thank you, Sirius," she said.

After their conversation and, with a grin, Hermione silently handed the

mirror to Harry.

"Sirius," said Harry.

"Godson!" Sirius exclaimed. "Wow! Look how big you're getting!"

Harry sighed.

Giggling again, Hermione walked off towards her room.

Harry said, "You and Hermione didn't discuss it, but you should know

that Neville and Hannah Abbott entered into a Betrothal Agreement

today; and then Neville immediately entered into a Concubine Bond

Agreement with Susan Bones."

Sirius appeared surprised. "I knew they were going to be discussing it, I

just didn't know it would happen so quickly."

"Yup," he confirmed. "The three are now in their own Lord's Quarters

apartment directly across the hallway from ours."

"They are?" asked Sirius. "Hang on. I thought you said they were both

only agreements."

"As far as I know, they are," he replied. "At least, when I called them

agreements, neither Neville or either of the ladies corrected me.

"I think it's Lady Marchbanks and Lord Longbottom somewhat abusing

the privileges for Neville. As it's rude to ask if the girls are with Neville

due to agreements or contracts, no one's going to find out either way

unless Neville or either of his girls mention it."

"Good point," mused Sirius.

After their chat, Harry disconnected the mirror and left it on the coffee

table. As either he or Hermione could be called and the apartment was

secure, he thought it was a good idea to leave it there for them both.

After kissing his betrothed good night, they both went to bed.




The next morning was the start of the second week of second term. Both

Harry and Hermione confessed to each other they wondered if they

should knock on the door of 'the Longbottoms' when their door was

knocked upon.

Grinning, Harry rose and opened it to find them standing there.

Neville asked, "Want to walk down, together?"

Harry laughed and said, "Come in, for a moment."

As they trooped in, he said, "Hermione's just trying to escape from Betsy.

Her ladies elf won't let her leave unless she is, as she calls it, presentable."

Susan said, "That's not a bad thing, Harry." And both girls walked over to

Hermione's door and, as it was ajar, let themselves in.

Once the girls left, he turned to Neville and said, "We were wondering if

we should come over and knock on your door. You, knocking on ours,

made that choice moot."

Hesitating a bit, Neville blushed and looked away. "Harry... ummm... you

know how Seamus and Dean told us... ummm―"

Harry grinned with a slight blush of his own and said, "Say no more."

Turning away a bit, he called, "Dobby."

"Yes, Master Harry?"

"Can you get me the first of those two books Sirius made me read,

please?" he asked.

"Yes, Master Harry," replied the elf. A quick pop away and back again, he

was offering the book.

As Harry took it, he said, "Thank you, Dobby."

As Dobby popped away again, he offered it to Neville and said, "Quickly,

go run this back to your room. When you get a chance to read it, you'll

find it very informative."

Neville, after a quick read of the cover, gave a still-blushing nod back and

scurried out the door.

He was back just as all three girls came out of Hermione's room, talking

to one another.

"Harry?" muttered Neville, a little worried.

"That's between you and me, Nev," he quietly replied. "No more needs be

said. And I won't be questioning you on it."

With a sigh of relief, Neville breathed, "Thanks, Harry."




After breakfast, where Hannah and Susan joined them on the Gryffindor

table to break their fasts, their first two morning classes were Herbology

(with the Hufflepuffs) followed by CoMC (with the Slytherins). Harry

thought Neville had the right of it when he mentioned how it saved so

much effort that those two singles were together. Then History and a free

period for Harry, but Arithmancy for Hermione, between morning tea

and Lunch.

When there were some Gryff's who looked about to jack up about there

being two 'Puffs sitting at their table and eating, Harry quite clearly said,

"You don't know just how happy I am that at least two Hufflepuffs realise

that the school rules... not just allows Houses to sit at other tables for

their meals... but encourages it. I despaired for wizarding Britain's youth

they hadn't learned anything since the first task."

Professor Babbling, bless her soul, piped up and said, "Quite right, Lord

Potter. Five points, each, to Hufflepuff... Miss Abbott and Miss Bones...

for recognising you're allowed to sit at other tables for meals other than

official feasts."

That had quiet exclamations of surprise ripple through the student body.

And also stopped the Gryff's, who were getting upset about it, from

arcing up about it.

Harry turned a grin on his now favourite Professor after Marchbanks. She

winked back.

As they were heading down to the greenhouses together, Harry asked

Neville, "As he'll very likely be sitting with you again, can you suss out

Finch-Fletchley for me? I'm looking to see if he can make a good ally for

the Alliance."

Apparently only a little surprised, Neville replied, "Sure! And I think

you're right."

Harry gave a pleased nod back and said, "Alliance Secret. I have

commissioned an investigation into the muggle nobility of the Finch-

Fletchley family. And also on how an existing, muggle, noble family can

have that nobility officially recognised in the magical world."

Neville gave a slow whistle and said, "I know it was done in the past.

That is how the nobility entered our world, after all. But I've no direct

idea, myself."

"Hence the research," he smiled.




Going from Herbology to CoMC an hour later was a mere short walk

across the lawns. And Harry could see why Neville was so happy about it.

If you got dirty in Herbology there was no need to get overly cleaned up,

just a wash of hands, before going to CoMC; as there would be a need if

going to any other class. Then you just cleaned up before going to, in this

case, morning tea.

On the walk, Neville quietly said to Harry, "Finch-Fletchley puts on a

brave front, but he really just wants to fit in. He also finds it hard to trust

anyone because of who his grandfather is. Oh, by the way, his

grandfather is some sort of... 'Dook'?"

Unexpectedly to the other two, Harry suddenly stopped dead where he

stood and stared at Neville in shock. That caused their trio to separate a

little. Hermione, who hadn't heard Neville try to explain who Finch-

Fletchley's grandfather was, had also taken an extra step, but stopped


Turning back after taking another couple of steps himself, a confused

Neville looked at Harry and asked, "Harry; mate. What's wrong?"

Harry quickly looked around and saw it was only he, Neville and


Stepping a little closer to Neville he asked, "Did Finch-Fletchley tell you

which Duke?"

"Ummm..." uttered Neville as he tried to think. "Dook... Duke? Duke of...


"Kendal?!" Harry quietly exclaimed.

As Hermione gasped in shock Neville replied, "Yeah, that's it."

"Holy bloody hell!" gasped Harry.

Hermione, in shock herself, didn't berate him for his language.

Neville, concerned now, asked, "I... take it that's a big thing?"

Calming down a little, Harry replied, "Neville, that's a very big thing. It

means, effectively, Finch-Fletchley is probably related to the royal family

in some way."

"Oh," said a now surprised Neville.

"Yeah," said Harry. "I expected an Earldom, at an outside a Marquessate,

but a Dukedom? I should have realised as soon as we found out it's his

grandfather who holds the main title. I was an idiot that I didn't realise


"So, what do we do with that knowledge?"

Harry sighed and said, "At the moment? Nothing. I'll pass that

information on to Ted Tonks and see if he can discover more. Now that

we know it's the Dukedom of Kendal, that's not going to be too hard for

him to do.

"And, if I'm right, the young Viscount of Lonsdale, Justin Finch-Fletchley,

is going to find himself invited to join the Alliance. His so-called

muggleborn status just got tossed out the window. His muggle House is at

least on a par with a Noble and Most Ancient House. In the muggle

world, his House outranks even the Seven... by a wide margin."

"Wow!" said Neville.

Hermione hadn't said a word until then.

As they hadn't moved for a little while, other Gryffindors also walking

their way were starting to look at them funny.

"Come on," said Harry, indicating they really should get moving again.

"We need to hurry up."

"Harry," called Hermione. "Do you know what this means?"

"Yeah!" he said. "If I'm right, Finch-Fletchley is due for a seat on the

Wizengamot; muggleborn or not."




When the class finished and they returned to the castle, the three

Gryffindors were both quick to change and quick to get down to the

Great Hall.

As soon as Harry had built himself a small morning tea, he pulled out

writing equipment and quickly penned a note to Ted. He'd send it

straight after the next class and after escorting Hermione to the

Arithmancy classroom, while he was 'enjoying' one of his few free


After History of Magic - where he was unable to properly focus on the

class, even if it was interesting - he was quick to escort his beloved to

Arithmancy. Then practically ran up to the owlery.

As Hedwig saw him she immediately flew down to land on his shoulder

and rub her head into his temple.

"Hi, girl," he breathed, panting a little in exertion. "I've got a very

important note for you to take to Ted Tonks."

She flew over to a close-by perch, landed on it, spun about and held out

her leg for him. He was quick to affix the note and make sure it was

secure before then helping her out the window.

With a, "Fly safe, girl," from him, he launched her into the air. Then

watched her until he could no longer see her in the sky.

"When Ted reads that he's going to go into shock,' he thought. 'As a

muggleborn he must know who His Grace, the Duke of Kendal, is.'

Now calmer, Harry walked back to the Lords' Quarters. He knew Neville

also didn't have a class, this class period.

They'd chat for a bit.




After knocking on Neville's door and being let in, Harry finally got his

tour of the apartment. And, Tracey was right, it was almost a perfect

match for the Potter apartment, just 'flipped'.

After settling down, Harry asked the other boy if he had and used a

personal elf while at the school.

"No," he replied. "Gran refused me one because she said having one

would make me lazy. And I don't think Dad's thought of it."

"Now that you're betrothed and with a concubine presumptive you might

want to consider asking him if you can have one," said Harry. "If

anything, the ladies should be pampered, don't you think?"

It was no surprise when Neville didn't even baulk at the idea. He

immediately returned, "You're right. I'll send him a letter and suggest just





After picking up Hermione outside the Arithmancy classroom the two

teens headed directly to lunch.

She asked, "Did you get your note sent off to Ted?"

He nodded and said, "As soon as I dropped you off at Arithmancy I went

straight up the owlery."

"Hedwig give you any trouble?" she asked.

"Nope," he smiled. "She's bright, I'll give you that, but she's not aware of

just how much I use HEED for a lot of my mail. Besides, before Dobby

was bonded to me I wasn't using her any more than I am now."

As they walked, Hermione glanced over and grinned back.




After lunch was a double of Ancient Runes, where again Daphne sat with

Harry and Hermione.

When Daphne appeared worried, Harry quietly said to her. "I've not

heard anything yet, Daphne. But, it's only been a few days. And not

having heard anything could also be a good thing. At least it means your

father didn't immediately turn down my demands."

The girl then relaxed and gave a weak smile back.




After a worrying day working in the Ministry, MacNair was finally able

to return to his master with the information he had collected.

At Riddle Manor, Wormtail announced him.

When the rat came out the odious little man merely said, "He's waiting."

Entering the 'throne room', MacNair knew to keep his head down and his

hands open, showing he wasn't carrying a wand. He walked with purpose

forward before dropping to his knees ten feet shy of his master's chair.

The required distance and obedience.

"Well, MacNair?" demanded Riddle. "Have you been successful?"

"I believe so, my Lord," he immediately replied.

"Let's hear it, then."

Over the next twenty minutes MacNair spoke of what he knew, or knew

again, of the Granger residence, the home of 'the Potter spawn's

mudblood supposed Lady Presumptive's parents'. There was nothing

written down that wasn't behind major security charms about the

remaining auror contingent on the property. However, rumour he'd

overheard in the auror bullpen while hiding within indicated there was

only one at all times.

The Granger house was also warded, but the ward scheme was with the

goblins. The DMLE were aware of them but, they too, were under major

security charms. He did learn, however, that the Granger house had

'some' exemptions regarding wards that were usually not allowed on

muggle homes.

"They're just muggles," Riddle sneered. "They won't be much."

"My thoughts, too, My Lord," offered MacNair.

He had also tried to gain access to the Department of Mysteries and

failed. However, he was able to waylay a junior Unspeakable and use

that woman to learn that information concerning the Potter spawn was

under what was called Deep Secret provisos.

That had Riddle frown. From his single Unspeakable Death Eater

follower, Rookwood, he knew that Deep Secret was the strongest security

the Department had. MacNair would not learn anything of that matter

unless he was both an Unspeakable and high enough up in their ranks to

be cleared to know. That meant Section Leader, or a member of a section

upon which the Deep Secret was focussed.

MacNair had no idea why an Unspeakable was at the Granger house and,

apparently, Obliviated and Compulsed him. He expected to be cursed for

that, but wasn't.

Continuing he said, "While in the ward records office I also discovered

news concerning the wards of Hogwarts, My Lord; and was eager to learn

of them for your benefit."

"Well?" demanded Riddle. "Let's hear of it, then."

MacNair explained how the Ministry ward masters had been requested by

the new Headmistress of Hogwarts and ordered to help by the Acting

Minister, Bones.

He explained about the anti-bullying, dangerous artefacts, dark magic

and assault wards that had been reactivated. He then explained of the

new wards that had been erected when the deactivated wards were

reactivated; the use of magic in corridors outside of class and a location

charm, linked to a map, that will allow the staff to know who and where

someone is in the castle at all times.

"Of most concern though, My Lord, is they've managed to create and

erect an anti-Dark Mark ward over the school. Anyone bearing your



MacNair was left writhing on the ground in agony for ten seconds before

the curse was lifted.

"You should have informed me of that last one... first!"

"Yess, My Lord; s-sorry, My Lord," the man grovelled, trying not to stutter

or show any further pain.

"An anti-Dark Mark ward, you say?"

"Yes, M-my Lord."

"What happens if the ward is triggered?" Riddle demanded.

"It's a n-notification w-ward keyed to the sstaff," replied MacNair, trying

to get off his side and back onto his knees. "As soon as someone b-bearing

the Mark enters the grounds, the staff w-will know of it and know where

that person is to be found."

MacNair, still looking at the ground, waited for his master's next demand.

A few seconds later Riddle hissed, "Isss that allll?"

"Yes, Master," MacNair was fast to reply.

Again the long silence.

"Very well," Riddle finally said. "I have decided you have provided the

information I expected, plus exceeded what was required. You get to

live... for now."

"Thhhank you, My Lord."

"If you do not hear from me beforehand, you are to report back here on

Friday night."

"Yes, My Lord."

"You may leave my presence," sneered Riddle.

"Thank you, M-my Lord," said MacNair, rising to his feet and backing out

the door.




After a quiet Monday afternoon and evening spent doing and completing

their assignments for the day, both Harry and Hermione were early to


The next morning, Harry was up early and had planned, if Hermione also

rose early, on an early breakfast.

He had just entered the living room, collected his school satchel and

changed the contents to load it with the necessary texts and fresh

parchment for the day when an owl flew in through the charmed

window, circled the room and landed on the owl perch Dobby had set up

for such visits. As soon as he saw it, Harry recognised it as Ted's 'office'

owl; a Northern Hawk Owl named 'Justice'.

A quick cast or three of detection charms over the bird and he had the

owl released of its load. Irrespective of recognising it he knew Ted could

have been compulsed to send him parchment with a curse or two

embedded in it.

Summoning the letter from off the floor where it had fallen, he was quick

to check what it was. He was unsurprised to find it to be a shrunken

document or package.

Taking the package to the coffee table as the owl helped itself to water

and the treats, he put it on the table and unshrunk it. It opened into a

somewhat thick document.

He then used upon it the parchment 'flattening' charm Marchbanks had

taught he and Hermione and picked it up.

Straight away he knew what it was. Ted had even left a note as a 'cover

letter' for it.

~ # ~

Lord Harrison J. Potter

Head of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Potter

c/- Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry


Lord Potter,

Included, as you have no doubt already seen, is the most current negotiated

Concubine Bond Agreement between the Noble and Most Ancient House of

Potter and the Noble and Ancient House of Greengrass, regarding yourself and

Heiress Daphne O. Greengrass.

Please read it with all due haste and seek to immediately inform me if you will

accept it in its current form, or seek to make additional changes. I inform you

Lord Greengrass has been most compliable with your demands for escape

clauses. He has even taken them further, as you shall discover on reading the


If you choose to accept it in it's current form please send a note back with

Justice that simply states you accept. If you choose to make additional

changes please send a note back that states so.

If I do not hear from you otherwise, Lord Greengrass and myself will meet

with you directly to sign the agreement.

I look forward to hearing from you soonest.

Edward Tonks

Wizard at Law

Law-wizard of Record for the Noble and Most Ancient House of Potter

~ # ~

Harry quickly scanned through the document and was stunned to find

that Lord Greengrass both recognised what Harry was up to and wished

to take it a step further. He was willing to sign over complete authority of

Daphne to him. And it only took moments for Harry to figure out why.

'He does not want any power to cancel the agreement in his hands!' he

thought. 'Damn! That's bloody clever.'

Quickly ducking into the office, sitting at the desk and pulling blank

parchment, ink and quill to him from where they were now kept close to

hand, he dashed off a response.

~ # ~

Edward Tonks

Wizard at Law

Law-wizard of Record for the Noble and Most Ancient House of Potter

c/- Diagon Alley


Mister Tonks,

I accept the agreement in its current form. However, I wish to first allow Miss

Daphne Greengrass to read it for herself and give her blessing to go ahead

before I will be willing to sign it. If she is against, then I will not proceed.

Please act as if she will accept, at this time. If she does not, I will send an

immediate notification to you of such. For that you should expect my elf. We

can then determine where we will go from there.

Without contrariness from her, we go ahead.

Lord Harrison James Potter

Head of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Potter

~ # ~

Walking back into the living room he immediately approached the owl

and tied the note to the bird's leg.

"Thank you, Justice," he whispered to it. "You may return to Ted now."

The bird gave a bob, turned about and launched itself back out the


He stood watching it go.

"Wasn't that Ted's owl?" asked Hermione.

Startled, as he had not realised Hermione had entered the room, he spun

to her.

"Errr... yeah," he replied. "He's sent me the latest version of the CBA."

He walked over to the coffee table, picked it up with its cover letter and

handed it to her.

After she read through it, Hermione looked just as surprised as he was.

"He's signing her over to you," she said. "Almost as if she's... she's... an

asset." It was easy to see she was appalled.

"For the purposes of this, she is," he agreed. "But, he's being smart."

When she frowned back in not a little anger he added, "By handing over

any authority over her to me, he is putting himself in the situation where

he simply cannot be forced, compulsed, whatever to cancel the agreement

from his side. He will be incapable of it."

That had her surprised. Then her expression turned back to a troubled

one. "But, from this, you could abuse her."

A little hurt at the insinuation, but understanding she was asking as a

general overview rather than just him personally, he replied, "Legally,

yes. But, I believe it's clear he trusts me not to do that.

"And, really, would you have anything to do with me if you thought I

would be that sort of person?"

"No," she replied. "However, I know you a lot better than Lord Greengrass

knows you."

"Noted," he said. "But, what else can he do?"

She had no answer to that and sadly nodded.




Knocking on the Longbottom's door and being admitted by Neville, it was

to see that Neville was up, dressed and ready, but the girls weren't.

He quickly went and let them know the 'Potters' were there, by knocking

on their doors and calling to them through the closed door.

On his return Harry explained about receiving the CBA and asking for the

aid of the two girls to approach Daphne in the Great Hall and sending her

to the antechamber before they entered. Harry and Hermione would be

waiting for her within.

He was all for it and, once the girls emerged, told them what was going

on. They, too, agreed.

As the five then walked down the stairs of the grand staircase to the

ground floor, Harry, Hermione and Neville waited in the entrance hall

while the two girls stuck their heads in the door to see if Daphne was

already there.

A quick glance was all it took before Hannah turned back and said, "She's

there. Sue and I'll go let her know." Then both ducked inside.

Harry turned to Neville and said, "You'd best go inside, too. Otherwise

someone might figure out you're not with the girls and wonder what's

going on.

"Besides, it's probably better if Daphne didn't have such a large audience

when she hears what I have to say."

Neville gave a nod, said "Good Luck." And walked in through the doors as

Harry and Hermione walked in to the antechamber.

A minute later, Daphne and Tracey walked in. Daphne was clearly

worried and agitated.

As soon as they approached, he said, "I received correspondence from

Ted Tonks. It's a copy of the amended Concubine Bond Agreement.

"Firstly, as promised, all escape clauses I informed you I demanded to be

included, have been included. However, your father has also added

stipulations for those; to activate the clause or clauses they can only be

done so at Gringotts and only after which of us wants to activate the

clause has first been tested free of enchantments or potions that are

compelling us to seek such.

"Secondly, so your father cannot be compelled to find a way to break the

agreement he has... Daphne, in a nutshell, he's basically demanding I

become your magical guardian. He's ceded authority over you to me."

Harry then drew the copy of the agreement from out of his inside robe

pocket and silently handed it to her. Then said, "Go ahead and read it."

Daphne never said a word for that whole time. Even when she began to

read the document she never said a word. However, she gave out the

occasional slight sound of shocked surprise.

When she was done, she looked back at Harry and handed it back. There

were tears in her eyes, but Harry couldn't tell if they were from happiness

or sorrow. Her expression didn't reflect it either way.

"Now the important question, Daphne," he quietly said. "Having read it, I

want to know if you still want me and your father to sign it."

As a single tear slid down her cheek, she silently nodded.

"Very well," he said. "In that case, I shall send an urgent message off to

Ted Tonks to arrange a time in the very near future where the agreement

can be signed and witnessed.

"As Madam Marchbanks acted as witness for the agreements Neville,

Hannah and Susan were entered into, I have little doubt she'll be willing

to act in the same role for this one and in her office. I shall suggest that

to Mister Tonks.

"Also as we appear to have reached an accord, I believe this will happen

no later than within the next two days. I want you to be there for it, just

as I want Hermione there for it. Right up until I sign, you can come to me

at any time and tell me you don't want to go through with it and I will not


"If you don't want to be there when it's signed, I understand. It's your


"Thank you, Harry," she quietly said. "I th- I believe I do want to be


"You're welcome," he replied with a smile. "Now, once you've fixed your

face a bit, I suggest you return to your breakfast. Hermione and I will

leave you now so you have time to do what you need to do."

With a gesture at Hermione as Daphne nodded back, he and his betrothed


His last view of her was as Tracey closed in and took the girl into a hug.




As they walked into the Great Hall, Hermione was also almost in tears.

She looked to him and firmly said, "Once you fully take up your role as a

member of the Wizengamot, I want you to do everything in your power

to end these sort of agreements; betrothal ones, too.

"They shouldn't be able to force anyone into a... relationship of

convenience. It's just wrong."

"It will be one of my priorities, love," he replied. "I assure you."




As they walked out of their double of Transfiguration, Ted's house elf

popped in before the five - the two 'Puffs were with them - and silently

handed Harry a note.

~ # ~

Lord Potter,

Lord Greengrass confesses to being under extreme pressure right now and seeks

to finalise this within an hour or two of noon.

Lady Marchbanks has already been contacted and has welcomed us to use her

office for the signing. It will be held at 1.15pm today.

On departure I shall be going directly to the Daily Prophet to formally

announce the concubinage of Heiress Daphne Ophelia Greengrass to Lord

Harrison Potter this very day.

Lord Greengrass and I will be of fervent hope this will immediately relieve

Lord Greengrass of the pressure he currently faces from 'unnamed' Houses

seeking an agreement for Daphne Greengrass and a son of their House.

Ted Tonks

~ # ~

With a quietly muttered, "Shit." Harry handed the note to Hermione.

After reading it, she sighed, "Alright. That's fast, but Ted explains why."

Looking to Harry she asked, "Are you ready for this?"

"Yes," he nodded. "I wouldn't have even entertained the concept if I wasn't


After handing the note to Neville to read, he took the other four aside

into a vacant classroom and said, "I'm sorry to ask this again, girls; but,

can you again approach Daphne and let her know what's going on?"

Before they could even answer he added, "Actually―" Turning to Neville

he said, "Pass the note on to the girls and they can quietly hand it to


Neville had already finished reading it and was showing he was just as

concerned. He silently handed the note to Hannah, who was the closest

of the two to him at the time.

After reading it herself, Hannah said, "Will do, Harry. We'll pass it as

soon as we see them for morning tea." Susan had read it over her





The plan went off without a hitch. The girls had managed to pass the

note to Tracey, who then passed it to Daphne. As Harry was already

sitting at the Gryffindor table with his back to the wall, he was able to

surreptitiously watch as Daphne read it, look to him and firmly nodded.

Looked down at his small plate, he quietly said to the others, "She has it

and has read it. She now knows."

After what felt like an interminable time in Herbology, they were

actually released a little early, as usual, so they could change.

All five - Harry, Hermione, Neville and his two - hurried up to the Lords'

Quarters to clean up and change, if and where necessary, into clean

robes. Harry, knowing he would need to get to the meeting during the

latter part of lunch, made sure he didn't get any dirt on himself during

the class. Unsurprising to him, neither did Hermione.




At lunch and though nervous, Harry clamped down on his emotions

through sheer force of will and managed to eat. However, he did keep

glancing towards the head table at Headmistress Lady Marchbanks.

For all her body language showed, the woman didn't have a care in the

world. She most definitely was not watching Harry, Daphne or any of the

other heirs of the Alliance.

However, his constant monitoring of her meant he was immediately

aware when she rose and walked from the room through the staff

entrance at a few minutes after 1.00pm. He'd even checked his watch -


Judging her speed and the distance she'd have to travel in his mind, then

comparing it with his own faster speed and the great distance he'd have

to travel, he guessed he could leave within five minutes and easily make

it there after her and before the time.

He was just about to leave when he realised neither Daphne nor Tracey

were likely to know how to find the Headmistress's office.

'Shit,' he thought

He turned to Hermione and told her the problem.

Hermione had the solution before he even finished explaining. "I'll

approach her about talking to her about an Arithmancy assignment. Then

suggest we go somewhere to talk. That'll allow me to escort her to the

Headmistress's office."

With a slight slump of relief he smiled and said, "That would be perfect.

Thank you."

She smiled back. "You'd best go now. That gives me the excuse to go and

approach Daphne."

He gave her a quick peck on the cheek, again causing her to blush from

the suddenness of it, rose and headed for the main doors. Hermione only

hesitated a moment before she rose to head to the Slytherin table.




Harry waited only two to three minutes before he saw Hermione and

Daphne walking up the corridor from the grand staircase, heading his


He gave a little sigh of relief. His worry was that, with Hermione apart

from him, she'd encounter trouble.

When they turned up, both sporting smiles, he asked, "Any trouble?"

"Only Malfoy and Nott trying to deny me approaching Daphne," said

Hermione. Her smile then widened into a grin and she added, "When

they both realised they were doing that, they turned on each other."

He gave a snort of amusement. "Obviously, they both think Daphne, here,

is to be theirs."

"That's exactly what they both think," growled Daphne.

"Well, let's go and make sure that won't be possible," said Harry.

He turned to the gargoyle and said, "Three to see the Headmistress,

please. I believe we have an appointment."

Immediately turning back while they waited, he looked to Daphne and

asked, "Still okay with this?"

She immediately firmed up and strongly replied, "I am."

He smiled back as he heard the gargoyle step aside and heard the stairs

start to ascend.

A quick glance to make sure and he gestured, "After you, ladies."




50. Bye Ron

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to the proverbial Duchess of

Magic, JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high

falutin' companies. No matter how much I whine about not owning anything

related to the HP universe, other than a few fanfic plots, I do not profess to

own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful

world... Damn it!

Chapter Fifty - Bye Ron




Walking into the office and as they'd been there before, neither Harry nor

Hermione hesitated. And Daphne only gave a very slight pause before she

hurried forward behind them to catch up.

In the office was Marchbanks, of course; but also present were Samuel

Greengrass, Ted Tonks and... Sirius.

Both Harry and Hermione grinned as they walked forward. As Harry

started to step forward to get a hug out of Sirius, he was beaten to it by

Hermione. So, he turned to Samuel just as Daphne pulled back from her

hug with her father, and shook the man's hand.

"Lord Greengrass," he firmly said, offering his hand to shake. "A


"Lord Potter," the other man returned, shaking his hand. "Thank you, very

much, for doing this."

"My pleasure, sir," said Harry. "It is my fervent hope your Heir Primary,

Daphne, finds security within the Noble and Most Ancient House of


"As it is mine, Lord Potter," he returned.

Then Harry suddenly felt himself yanked sideways into Sirius's arms for a


"Oi!" he mock-complained. "How am I supposed to give the impression

I'm the big, bad, tough, no-nonsense Lord of one of the Seven if you go

ahead and ruin it like that?"

Sirius laughed and released him while Harry also saw Samuel relax and


Ted then gave a slight cough to get everyone's attention before he looked

to Harry and asked, "Lord Potter, is it your intention... free of magics

compulsing you... to enter a Concubine Bond Agreement between the

House of Greengrass and your own, for Daphne Ophelia Greengrass to

become your Concubine Presumptive?"

"Yes," Harry firmly replied.

"You are aware and accept that, based on the clearly defined situations

and stipulations in the agreement, the agreement will become a contract

if the as-stated situations come into effect? And that both the agreement

and the contract requires you to provide for the health and protection of

Heiress Daphne Ophelia Greengrass of the Noble and Ancient House of


"Yes and I do," he firmly stated.

Ted gave a nod and small smile back. "Very well, as your Law-wizard of

Record I recommend you proceed with signing the agreement."

Harry asked right back, "Edward Tonks, as Law-wizard of Record for the

Noble and Most Ancient House of Potter, do you attest to there being no

additional alterations to the copy of the agreement you had caused to be

sent to me and which I received early this morning?"

Surprised for a moment, Ted then grinned and replied, "I do, Lord


Harry grinned back and then turned to Daphne. "Last chance, Daphne. Do

I sign or not?"

She immediately replied, almost begging, "Please sign it."

He gave her a nod and smile before spinning back. "Let's do this."

Less than two minutes later, it was done. Once Lady Marchbanks and

even Sirius signed as witnesses, Ted created legal copies of them and

distributed them, one each, to the four signatories.

Turning back to a clearly very relieved Daphne he was about to ask her a

question when she jumped forward and tightly hugged him. Her head

rested on his collarbone. "Thank you," she fervently squeaked.

"You're welcome," he said, moving her back out to arms reach. "With the

behaviour of certain members in the House of Slytherin, is it your desire

to move into the Potter apartments within the Lords' Quarters, in your

own room, until things settle down again?"

Surprised at the offer, she hesitated and said, "I... yes. I think that would

be for the best." And immediately looked to her father.

Harry also turned to him and asked, "Do you have a problem with this

idea, Lord Greengrass? I will not be offended if you do."

"No, actually," he replied. "I believe it a very wise idea."

Relieved, Harry turned to Marchbanks and asked, "Headmistress?"

Marchbanks just smiled back and turned away for a moment, "Toby."

When the elf popped in she organised with it to move Daphne's effects

out of the Slytherin dorms and up into the spare bedroom in the Potter


Turning back to Daphne, Harry said, "It will be easier for me to watch

over you if you're in the apartment with Hermione and me. But, I'm

sorry, I can do nothing along these lines for Tracey or Astoria."

Then he glanced at Samuel with a cocked eyebrow.

Samuel was no idiot. He knew exactly what Harry was implying. He gave

a little throat clear and said, "Lord Potter, the House of Greengrass will

be in your debt if you act with my authority to step in, when and where

necessary, to protect from harm my Heir Secondary, my second daughter,


"I accept, Lord Greengrass," Harry immediately replied. "If I am alerted to

your daughter, Astoria, encountering danger or harm and I am able to

step in to protect her, then under your authority I shall do so."

And both bowed to one another.

Sirius chuckled. "Very clever, Harry."

It now meant Harry could deal with any idiot who tried anything with

Astoria, now that Daphne was 'unavailable' and legally untouchable.

As they were starting to talk a little, Harry heard a sob from behind

where Daphne was standing. Suddenly, she burst into tears and Hermione

had to jump forward to hold her up from collapsing to the ground.

The Headmistress was quick to conjure a sofa for her and Hermione. And

Hermione guided her into it.

While Harry might have been a little confused as to why she suddenly

reacted like that, the Headmistress wasn't.

"Hmm..." she muttered. "I believe, Miss Greengrass, I shall be excusing

you from attending afternoon classes, this afternoon. A single of Potions,

and another of Transfiguration I believe? Yes."

When Daphne didn't appear to react to the question, she continued, "I'll

take that as a 'yes'."

As Samuel stepped forward to comfort his daughter, she then turned her

attention to Harry and Hermione. "As you two only have a single of

Potions this afternoon, I shall be excusing you from attending while

you... assist Miss Greengrass to settle in to the Potter apartment. Yes."

Both Harry and Hermione replied, "Thank you, Headmistress." Harry

didn't know if Daphne had heard, or not.

Harry asked her, "Can you call an elf to have delivered a note to Miss

Tracey Davis, to inform her of where her friend will be? I do not wish to

see her worry."

"I shall organise it," she smiled back.

After Daphne settled a bit and after not wanting an offered calming

potion, the three gave their goodbyes and left.

With the two walking either side of her, they escorted Daphne up to the


Before entering though, Harry stepped her through being accepted as a

resident of the apartment and quickly authorised it. "You can now come

and go as you please," he explained to her. "You no longer have to wait to

be allowed entrance."

She just nodded back.

As Hermione then practically helped the girl to her new room, she asked

her, "What do you want to do now?"

"If you don't mind," replied Daphne. "I'd like to take a nap."

"We don't mind at all," replied Hermione. "Do you want to be woken if...

when, I guess... Tracey comes up?"

"Can you just send her in?"

"Of course," replied Hermione.

After ensuring her effects were all in the room or in the ensuite, Daphne

laid on the bed and was soon asleep. Hermione had left as soon as the

girl dropped onto the bed and laid down.




Walking out and dropping onto the couch alongside Harry she said, "She's

been terrified for so long. She hasn't shown it, but she has. I could tell."

"I know," he replied. "Hopefully, this will give her peace."

"How about organising some afternoon tea?" she asked.

"Mmm..." he muttered. But, before he had a chance to call Dobby, there

appeared on the coffee table before them a full tea serving for two with

little freshly baked biscuits.

Harry gave a snort of amusement, said to the air, "Thank you, Dobby."

And sat forward to make a cup for them each.

Hermione quietly said, "Once we enjoy this, I think we should try to get

our day's assignments out of the way. We may need that available time


He muttered, "Of course."




Within a few minutes of hearing the bell signalling the end of the last

period of class, there was a soft knock on the door. Harry opened it and

saw a fretful Tracey standing there. "May I?" she gestured in. She gave all

the signs of having run the whole way from class.

Harry calmly stepped clear and said, "Of course you may."

Tracey stepped in and looked around.

From where she was sitting working on assignments, Hermione indicated

Daphne's room and said, "She's taking a nap. She asked if you'd come in

and see her when you got here."

Tracey gave a quick nod back and said, "Thank you." Before hurrying

across the room, giving a soft knock on the door, opening it and walking

in before closing the door behind her.

After seeing Tracey hurry across the room to the door, Harry just closed

the 'front' door and made his way back to his seat next to Hermione. As

did she, he still had a bit of work yet to do on the day's assignments.

About ten minutes later, Tracey stuck her head out the door and called,


When both turned to look at her, she was looking at Hermione and

gestured for her to come. "Can you come in? We want to have a 'girl talk'


"Of course," said Hermione. As Tracey again withdrew her head, both

teens turned back. Hermione immediately packed up her things and said,

"I don't think this is going to take too long. How about organising for us

to have dinner here."

Surprised, he replied, "That's actually a very good idea. Dobby!"

The elf popped in and asked, "Dinner in, Master Harry?"

"Yes, please, Dobs," he replied. "I'll even let you cook tonight."

Dobby grinned back and said, "Master Harry is too kind to Dobby." And

popped away before Harry could retort.

"Cheeky little―" he muttered. And shook his head in exasperation,

returning to his assignments.

A few minutes later, Susan and Hannah knocked on the door; and, once

Harry opened the door wide for them, looked hopeful.

Harry just gestured to Daphne's room and said, "In there."

The two girls grinned back and hurried to the door. This time, Harry

decided to just leave the door open.

He was glad when, less than thirty seconds later and he'd just returned to

sit on the sofa, Neville stood in the doorway. "Harry?"

"Come on in, Nev," he replied. "Your two are in with my two and Tracey

in Daphne's room."

Coming over and sitting on the sofa opposite, Neville smiled and asked,

"So, the signing obviously went ahead as planned?"

"Yep," he replied. He gave a quick glance to the door, leaned towards his

friend and quietly said, "But, Daphne kinda... broke down... immediately

after it. I think she's been so stressed with worry for so long that... when

the signing was done and she became my concubine presumptive and,

therefore, protected... it all caught up with her.

"As soon as we got back, she went into her room. Hermione said she did a

quick check to make sure all her effects were here, collapsed onto the

bed, laid down and almost immediately went to sleep."

"Understandable," said Neville. "The pressure that was put on Lord

Greengrass has been going on for years. It's only recently that its really

been brought to bear. I have no idea how he was able to hold out for so

long. And he's not been one to keep Daphne or Astoria in the dark about


Harry said, "Mmm..." Then sat back again. "I'm organising dinner for just

her, Hermione and I for tonight. I think we need a little alone time to

start to get comfortable with one another. And, I'd definitely not leave

Hermione out of that."

"Good idea," his friend returned. "My two and I will go to the Great Hall

for dinner. I also have an idea I want to put to you."

Surprised, Harry asked, "Oh?"

With a grin, he replied, "In order for Daphne to be protected, others need

to know that she's now in a Concubine Bond Agreement with you. I was

wondering if you'd like my two, as you call them, to... let slip... to Parvati

and Lavender about the truth of that."

Harry looked back in surprise for a moment before he let out a quiet

chuckle. "Neville, that's brilliant! I know Ted left here immediately after

the signing to go to the Daily Prophet to 'officially' inform them of the

CBA; and Lord Greengrass will confirm it. But, it being 'confirmed' by

rumours already within the castle? Hah!

"What a truly Slytherin thing to do. Just the right amount of political

shenanigans to have others sit up and take notice you're a 'player',

without pissing anyone off."

Grinning wider and clearly pleased, Neville said, "I'll let the girls know.

They're looking forward to it."

After the time crept closer towards the scheduled dinner time in the

Great Hall, Harry called Betsy to have the elf inform the girls that dinner

would soon be served and they needed to get a wriggle on.

Five minutes later, the door to Daphne's room opened and disgorged


As Susan and Hannah walked over to Neville, who'd just stood up, he

said, "Harry said, do it."

That had both turn to Harry and grin. "This is going to be fun," said


"Just... don't go overboard," he warned. "Stick to the facts, no matter how

much they try to demand more."

"Oh, don't worry so much, Harry," said Hannah. "We can handle those

two witches."

The way she said 'witches' Harry knew it was with a silent initial 'B', not a


As Neville and his two left, Tracey left with them. Which left Harry's two

in the living room with him.

Following Tracey, he closed the door behind her and turn to face them.

Looking to Daphne and concerned, he asked, "Are you feeling better? I

hope you don't mind, but I've organised with Dobby for us to have dinner

in here―"

It was as far as he got before Daphne quickly covered the intervening

distance and wrapped him in another tight hug. She'd not said a word

and still hadn't while hugging him.

Not knowing what else to do he wrapped his own arms around her and

tried to rub her back in such a way it didn't come off as if he was trying

to 'cop a feel'.

Hermione just stood back and watched with a small smile of contentment

on her face. While Harry was worried she might turn a little jealous, she

hadn't yet.

After a long few seconds, Daphne eased back until she was standing just

close enough to have her hands holding him by his sides under his arms.

"You... are amazing," she firmly said.

Instantly blushing a little, he stumbled over his words before he said, "I...

just... only know how to do the right thing. That's all I'm doing."

"No," she smiled. "Thank you." Then she leaned in and kissed him.

It wasn't a snog of an engaged or newly-wed couple. It wasn't the peck of

a friend to a friend. It was... a simple lips-to-lips kiss.

His blush deepening a little, he tried to change the subject.

"How's the room?" he asked. "Is it alright? We can change it, if you want.

Or, just replace the furniture. You can also add anything you want. If you

still feel threatened, or anything, I won't even mind if you put a lock on

the door, or something―"

As he kept trying to find something else to talk about she stepped back a

bit more and turned with a grin at Hermione. "You're right. When he

blushes he gets real cute and babbles."

Suddenly stopping, he asked, "Hunh?"

"I was telling her how cute you looked when you blush," replied

Hermione. "She wanted to see it for herself."

"Oh," he softly said, and blushed again.

Daphne said, "In answer to some of your questions; I love my room. I

don't think I'll change anything for a while. And, even then, only to put

up some pictures or something. And, no, I will not be putting a lock on

my door. I do not feel threatened by you; I actually feel a great deal


Managing to not blush this time because of her remarks, he asked, "What

about a personal elf―"

"Hermione's already offered to share Betsy with me," she replied.

He then gave a massive pout and said, "And here I was, hoping to come

across a hero by asking Hermione to share her, and she beats me to it."

She gave a laugh, said, "You didn't need to do that to be my hero, Harry.

You did that by the offer and wording of the agreement." Then she

stepped forward and kissed him on the cheek before stepping back again.

As soon as she saw he blushed again, she turned to Hermione with a grin

and asked, "Does that ever get old?"

Hermione smiled and said, "No."

Trying his best to clamp down on his blush he said, "I'm going to go see

how Dobby is getting on with dinner." And left for the kitchen.

Or, perhaps it was better to say, fled to the kitchen.




After a delicious Dobby dinner, the three returned to completing

assignments. Or, rather, Harry and Hermione returned to them while

Daphne made a start on hers.

When Daphne found out from Hermione Harry had caused for a great

swag of Potter family library books relating to the subjects they were

studying to be brought to the school to populate the bookcases in the

library, she was quick to dash in there to look for herself.

Seconds later she gave a small, 'un-Daphne-like' squeal of joy; and

Hermione grinned at Harry. He just smiled back and gave one of his half-


He knew 'The Ice Queen' was as much of a façade as 'old' Harry. But, he

had no idea she was or would be this free with her emotions when not

forced to be her 'public' self. It was pleasing to see and hear. She wasn't

even this free with herself when it was in the company of the Alliance.

For him, it demonstrated she truly did trust him and Hermione.

They'd been at their work for almost an hour when there was a knock on

the door. Harry rose and answered it to find the Longbottom's grinning at


With a smirk and cocked eyebrow he stepped back and gestured them


"It worked," said Neville moving to sit on the triple-seat sofa again. Both

girls, of course, immediately moved to sit either side.

"It was funny!" declared Susan, who suddenly broke out in laughter.

"It went as planned, then?" asked Harry.

"Like clockwork," replied Hannah.

"We were lucky, too," said Susan. "We ran into Patil and Brown in the

entrance hall, before we went in. Hannah also immediately saw the

opportunity and, in a voice both could hear, said to me―"

"... Isn't it surprising Potter's entered into a Concubine Bond Agreement

with Greengrass," finished Hannah in a 'stage' whisper.

Susan took it up again, "That had Patil and Brown in our faces as if they'd

apparated there, demanding to know more."

Neville added his own bit. "I told them both, quite sternly mind... Parvati

and Lavender, that is... that Harry wouldn't like them gossiping about his

private life."

Laughing Hannah said, "Then he said, 'Besides, Daphne is a lovely girl

and will make Harry very happy'."

"Thereby confirming it was true," grinned Harry.

Neville slightly blushed.

Hermione, who found out at dinner what the Longbottoms were going to

do, thought it was a bit unfair to use Patil and Brown like that. Then

decided it couldn't have happened to a 'nicer' pair of witches. Just like the

two 'Puffs, Hermione sounded as if she put a silent 'B' to the last word.

Susan, now getting into it, explained, "That then led to what happened in

the Great Hall."

Still laughing, Hannah said, "Both Patil and Brown practically ran into

the Great Hall ahead of us. Before we even walked in they were already

going from witch to witch in their gossip network across Gryffindor,

Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff."

Explaining, Hannah said, "There are two Ravenclaws who then spread the

word to Slytherin."

"Uh-hmm," said Susan. "Thinking we might have had to help spread the

word, Hannah and I were prepared to sit back at Hufflepuff. However, it

was instantly clear we wouldn't have to. So, we sat with Neville at

Gryffindor with our backs to the wall and just... watched it all happen."

Neville said, "It was astonishing. I think we'd only just sat down when

Nott jumped to his feet and yelled, 'No! Greengrass is mine!' Which had

everyone stare at him."

Hannah said, "It looked like Headmistress Marchbanks was going to

berate him; but, before she could say anything, Malfoy jumps to his feet,

draws his wand and snarls at Nott, 'Greengrass is mine, Nott! My father is

organising it as we speak!'"

Neville, laughing, said, "It looked like there was going to be a challenge

to duel, right there in the Great Hall, as Nott and Malfoy went at each

other. But, the Headmistress stood and fired off a Cannonblast charm

before things escalated too far."

"Spoil sport!" declared Susan, mock piously.

Neville said, "She then slowly stood and demanded, 'Who is responsible

for the spread of this private information of two Noble and Ancient


"Almost every witch in the place looked right at Patil and Brown."

Susan said, "Then Lavender, obviously realising even the Headmistress

was now staring at her, stands and declares, 'Parvati and I were told by

Abbott and Bones.'"

Hannah immediately added, "That's when Susan stood and said―"

Susan smoothly cut in and said, "We did not tell Miss Patil nor Miss

Brown. Both... witches... overheard a private conversation of members of

the Potter-Longbottom Alliance that was of a sensitive nature.

"Heir Longbottom, when they tried to demand more information,

immediately warned both of them that the information was both private

and that speaking of it would offend Lord Potter and he would not

appreciate his private life being a subject of gossip.

"Apparently, they ignored that warning."

"Oh, this is getting better and better," said Harry.

Neville nodded and said, "That's when the Headmistress immediately

docked them both twenty five points each and assigned them a month's


Hannah said, "And then she said both girls should consider themselves

very lucky that the information that Miss Greengrass was now in an

agreement... but not what type... with Lord Potter was true."

Hannah said, "That's when both Malfoy and Nott were shouting, yet

again, about how Daphne was supposed to be 'theirs'. And she docked

both of them twenty five points each. Plus, assigned the same month's

worth of detention."

Susan took it up. "When she turned her attention back to Patil and Brown

she added they should thank Merlin it was true because, if it wasn't, Lord

Potter would have the right to demand satisfaction from them both for

defaming the Lord of a Noble and Most Ancient House. And that she'd be

unable to save them if he did, because you had the right under the law to

deal with them, directly."

Susan said, "Both were crying, by that time."

Neville cut in again and said, "That's when she confirmed the real facts,

but still left out it was a Concubine Bond Agreement, only saying it was a

formalised legal relationship agreement and said she could only say that

because she knew the public announcement of it would be in tomorrow

morning's Daily Prophet.

"Then she warned everyone about the consequences of gossiping about

the Nobles, how Lord Harrison Potter is not the meek young boy

everyone thought him to be and told them, from that point on, anyone

caught gossiping such sensitive information should expect to be sent

home suspended, if not expelled."

Hermione mused, "It sounds like she was looking for an excuse to state


Harry turned a surprised look to her and said, "You know; I think you're

probably right."

While Hermione looked back, pleased, he turned to see how Daphne was

handling it.

When he saw her expression, he thought, 'Obviously alright with it, from

that smirk.'

"So," he said, "We've been outed in a very cunning and beneficial plan by

the House of Longbottom. Very well done, you three."

Neville almost preened he was so pleased.

"What's even better," added Daphne, "Is no one would ever suspect

Neville Longbottom or two 'Puffs would engineer something so devious.

Even if told outright what they'd planned and had done, no one would

believe them."

Again, Neville was right pleased.

Turning her attention to Harry, she said, "Your cunning and deviousness

has already been, as you would say, 'outed'. But, Neville's, Susan's and

Hannah's has not. I recommend we keep that as quiet as possible, for as

long as possible."

"You're thinking of using them to spread information and or

disinformation in future," said Hermione. "Clever."

"Yes," she freely admitted.

"We can do that," nodded Neville, as both girls also nodded.




After the other four had left for the evening, Harry called on Dobby,

whispered some instructions into his ear and sent him on his way. But,

Hermione had seen him do it.

"Harry, if I may know, what was that about?"

Looking a little shamefaced he replied, "I sent Dobby to tail Tracey back

to the Slytherin dorms while invisible. If she faces any trouble, he's to

deal with it from cover or while being disillusioned or remaining


Clearly pleased, Daphne said, "Thank you, Harry."

Harry just gave a lopsided shrug and said, "If anyone does try to take

advantage of the fact she's alone, they won't know what'll hit them. If

they don't know it's a house elf giving them a magical spanking, they

won't be able to protect themselves from it if they try again later."

"Are you going to have Dobby follow her everywhere?" asked Hermione.

"No," he replied. "Only when I know she's going to be alone. When she's

moving about with other Slytherins of her year - such as, going from class

to class, class to Great Hall, dorms to Great Hall, etcetera - then she's

protected by numbers.

"Someone, sooner or later, is going to blatantly prove themselves to be a

daft moron and attack one of us. I suspect it is likely to be either of you

two or Tracey who becomes their target. As soon as they do, I want it

nipped in the bud. Then, I'm going to turn into Lord Potter, one of the

Seven, power personified, and go all feral on 'em.

"I'm going to come down upon them so hard it will be talked about, right

across the wizarding world, as the day Lord Harrison Potter laid down the


While Daphne stared at him wide-eyed, her cheeks visibly pinked.

Hermione, without her slowly building Occlumency helping, flushed a

little and slightly moaned. When she realised she'd done it she snapped

her mouth shut and her flush became a blush where she couldn't look at


Harry, ever so clueless, had no idea. But, it seems Daphne did. She just

turned to look at the other witch and also blushed.




During the very early hours of the next morning, Hermione and Harry

joined Neville, Susan and Hannah for the trip to the Astronomy tower for

their single Astronomy lesson before returning back to the Lords'

Quarters. They left Daphne to sleep, undisturbed. Harry had ensured,

though, both Betsy and Dobby knew to come and get him if she had any


After the hour on the tower, the five trudged their way back to their

apartments and quietly wished either other a good night before entering

their own.

Once inside and closing the door, Harry was about to head for bed when

Hermione approached, slowly wrapped her arms about his middle and

snuggled in before lifting her head for a kiss. A kiss that turned into a

long snog on their feet.

Pulling back when he needed air, he asked, "Not that I'm complaining,

mind. But, what brought that on?"

"Just keeping you interested," she replied with a smirk.

"You never need to do that," he said. "I've been interested in getting

closer to you since I started... well... that was the point where girls went

from being funny looking boys to 'Cor-blimey, I wonder what she looks

like under her clothes?'"

She gave a little giggle and replied, "You know that now."

With a half-shrug he said, "I'd still like to learn more of what's under

there, though."

"You will," she replied with a smile. "Just, not tonight."

Then she gave him a last quick kiss, pulled out of his arms, turned and

walked away with her hips sashaying back and forth.

Staring at her bum as she walked away, he sighed.




Early to rise again the next morning, hump day, Harry and Hermione

were first to put in an appearance. When Harry kept looking towards

Daphne's door, Hermione saw it and said, "I made sure she knows when

we're likely to leave to head to the Great Hall, Harry. She should―"

And her door opened.

Harry was relieved as she stepped out, saw them both and smiled.

"We'd not have left without her, Harry," said Hermione. "I'd have gone in

and woken her, if necessary."

Daphne had overheard, smiled again and said, "No need. Betsy did that,

even though I was starting to get up, anyway. Besides, this is the normal

time I rise, because there's always such a fight for the showers in the

Slytherin dorms."

Hermione asked, "Nice to have your own ensuite, though; right?"

Again Daphne smiled, "Right."

So, as the Longbottoms were also early to rise and ready, they knocked

on their door.

When Harry let them in he said, "Good morning, I thought you lot might

be sleeping in.

"And miss seeing the reaction of you walking in with Daphne on your

arm?" asked Susan. "Not likely."




They again walked with the Longbottoms down to the Great Hall for

breakfast - six, this time, instead of five.

Walking into the Great Hall, now that Daphne was 'known' to be with

Harry, it allowed both her and Tracey to join them on the Gryffindor

table. Tracey joined them when she walked in five minutes later. They

sat with Hermione, Harry, Daphne and Tracey on one side with Susan,

Neville and Hannah on the other, their backs to the Hall.

Once the other Gryffindors finished giving them suspicious or filthy

looks, which both girls ignored, they were well into their breakfasts when

there was a sudden shout down near the main doors and Ron Weasley

came storming up the aisle with fury on his face. He was looking at Harry

and the two Slytherin girls.

― ― ―

Over at the Burrow, Molly was at the sink while Arthur was finishing his

breakfast before heading for the Ministry, talking about the article in the

Daily Prophet. It reported Heiress Daphne Greengrass and Lord Harrison

Potter were now involved in a written formal relationship agreement or


Then the family clock suddenly went 'Dong! DONG!'

As Arthur spat out his mouthful of tea and whirled toward the clock in

shock, Molly whirled in terror to also stare at the same clock. Ron's hand

was now pointing at 'Mortal Peril'.

"Arthur!" she screamed in fear.

― ― ―

Harry gave a sigh and almost-whined, "Am I going to have to deal with

this idiot, right now?"

When he was about ten feet away Ron jabbed his finger towards the two

Slytherins and snarled, "Potter! What are those two slimy―"

"Mister Weasley!" barked Professor Babbling, storming down from the

head table.

― ― ―

Arthur was up and running for the floo.

Molly yelled, "They'll all be in the Great Hall for breakfast."

"Right!" Arthur barked back.

He stopped for a moment, thought, and ran to grab the only remaining

broom in the house. It always sat next to the back door.

Snatching it up, he ran back to the fireplace, grabbed a pinch of floo

powder and tossed it in the grate.

"The Three Broomsticks!" he barked.

As soon as the flames turned green he stepped in and was gone.

Molly hurried back to the kitchen to stare at the clock - and prayed her

husband would be in time.

― ― ―

Harry was so focussed on Ron he didn't even realise the little Runes

Professor had also seen the idiot boy and was already moving to counter


Ron's eyes immediately snapped to see the clearly angry professor, his

new Head of House with McGonagall gone, charging down towards him

from the dais and paled only slightly.

"Professor," he snapped. "There are two slimy―"

"Weasley, be silent!" she barked.

― ― ―

Arthur came out of the fireplace in the Three Broomsticks and didn't even

slow down in his run for the door.

As soon as he had the door open, he ran through - diving off the top step,

mounting the broom as he went - and urged it as fast as he could for the

gates. Diving through them, he urged the broom as fast as it could go for

the main doors of the castle in the distance.

― ― ―

When she was only four feet away from Ron, just past Harry and the

others, Babbling stopped and said, "You will keep your mouth shut, you

will not say a word, you will not make a single utterance, you will listen

with your mouth firmly closed."

When she saw the boy was doing exactly what she'd told him to, she said,

"I do not know why it is that your ears suddenly snap close when food

appears before your eyes, but you should know that if you had finished

saying what I highly suspect you were about to say, there is no doubt in

my mind it would have ended badly for you!

"Last night it was leaked by a pair of stupid girls that Miss Daphne

Greengrass, one of those two witches wearing the green trim you were

being scathing towards, has entered into a written formal relationship

agreement or contract with your ex-friend, Lord Potter. If I had allowed

you to continue to say what you were clearly wanting to say, I have no

doubt Lord Potter would have dealt with you."

"Yes, Professor; I would have," said Harry, quite firmly. "I personally

warned Mister Weasley... to his face... only a couple of weeks ago of the

consequences of verbally attacking me or mine. It appears he is Hell-bent

on committing suicide."

When Ron flicked his eyes to Harry's all he could see looking back was

coldness that spoke of death.

"Pay attention, Mister Weasley," barked Professor Babbling.

That had Ron snap his eyes back to the professor's.

She was about to open her mouth again when Arthur Weasley came

running in through the doors of the Great Hall, which had everyone turn

their eyes to him. He was carrying a broom in his offhand with his drawn

wand in the other.

― ― ―

As soon as he saw his youngest son, still alive, Arthur slowed down and

visibly sagged in relief for a moment. Then fortified himself and strode


The Headmistress called out, "Arthur? I take it you are here because of

something changing on that famous family clock of yours?"

"Yes, Gr- Headmistress Lady Marchbanks," he clearly replied, still walking

forward. "My youngest son's hand suddenly moved from 'At School' to

'Mortal Peril'."

By then he had reached about five steps from Ron and glared at the boy.

Ron turned ghostly white and began visibly shaking in fear, before he

spun to again stare at Harry. Harry was grinning at him with a cold grin

that still promised death.

'How could I have been so stupid!' he thought.

Forcibly pulling his gaze away from Harry, he was just in time to hear

the new Headmistress ask, "And your intent, Arthur?"

Arthur's gaze flicked from Ron to Harry and then to Marchbanks. He

replied, "It is my intent to immediately withdraw my youngest son,

Ronald, from Hogwarts and enter him into a home-schooling

environment in order to save him from his own fool mouth."

Ron closed his eyes and mentally groaned. He knew what that now


"Granted, Arthur," said Marchbanks. "I believe it will be saving your son's

life, withdrawing him from Hogwarts. I shall forward on the required

parchmentwork as soon as I am able.

"I trust you to return it via floo with all due haste."

"Thank you, Headmistress," he nodded back, barely taking his eyes from

Ron to look at the Headmistress.

"Professor Babbling," called Marchbanks.

Babbling spun on the spot to look at the Headmistress.

"Please escort both Misters Weasley to the Gryffindor tower, so Mister

Ronald Weasley may pack," she said. "Then, see him on his way via the

nearest floo, if you don't mind."

"Yes, Headmistress," replied Babbling, before she spun back to Ron and

indicated the door. She simply but firmly said, "Go."

As Ron quickly hurried from the Hall, his father and Professor Babbling

followed a little slower.

― ― ―

At the Burrow, Molly slumped into tears of relief when Ron's hand moved

from 'Mortal Peril' back to 'At School' with a 'Dong! Ding!'.

Twenty minutes later it moved briefly to 'Travelling' before moving to 'At


Her youngest son was now a Hogwarts student only in name. When his

father received, signed and sent back the relevant parchmentwork, he

wasn't even that.

― ― ―

When Mister Weasley the eldest and Professor Babbling walked out the

door after Ron, Harry had to yet again endure the stares of his fellow


That remark about some special family clock that showed Ron Weasley's

hand at 'Mortal Peril', after getting upset about two Slytherins sitting at

the Gryffindor table, was not lost on them. They might not know what

magic was involved, but they knew magic did not lie. If the magic of this

clock said Ron Weasley was in mortal peril, then Ron Weasley's life was

in imminent danger.

Based on what they had been witnessing of the boy until then, that

mortal peril had to be as a result of berating the Lord Potter about the

two Slytherins sitting at the Gryffindor table. That meant Lord Potter

considered both, one or the other to be under the protection of the Noble

and Most Ancient House of Potter.

For those who hadn't realised until then that Lord Potter and 'his' were

definitely hands-off, they did now.

Harry ignored it all and returned to his breakfast.

Neville quietly said, "The whole school is terrified of you again, Harry."

"Meh!" he blandly returned. "Been there, done that. Second year,


"I'm happy they are," said Daphne.

When Hermione gave her a funny look around Harry, she explained, "The

more people are scared of him, the more you and I are protected,

Hermione. And that fear to have Harry turn his attention upon them also

means Astoria and Tracey are safer right along with us."

After thinking about that for long few seconds, Hermione gave a single

firm nod, looked to Harry and said, "In that case... You go right along

continuing to be scary, Harry."

Harry just smirked at her for a moment before returning to his breakfast.

Susan said, "I'm glad I was proven correct to come to breakfast, this

morning. That certainly was entertaining."




When the owls came in, with Hedwig as usual carrying Harry's copy of

the Daily Prophet, Harry was quick to free her of her load and offered her

the choicest bacon rashers. She took two, as her due, and flew up to

perch on his shoulder as she ate them.

As soon as Hedwig had chosen her bacon, Harry was quick to open the

paper to find the relevant article. It was on the second page. Harry

thought it was only on the second page and not the front because of some

massive riot at a Quidditch game in Ireland that said there were a few

witches and wizards dead.

~ # ~


Through official notification delivered to our offices yesterday, your preferred

and trusted daily newspaper, the Daily Prophet, has the news that Lord Harry

Potter (14) has entered into a second formal relationship contract, reports

investigative journalist Kate Erister.

This time the lucky girl is the gorgeous Heiress Primary of the Noble and

Ancient House of Greengrass, Miss Daphne Greengrass (14).

Speaking with Lord Greengrass, the father of Miss Greengrass, he tells us, "I

am very happy to confirm my daughter is now in an ironclad relationship

agreement with Lord Potter. I know Lord Potter to be both a trustworthy and

honourable young man and know he will provide and care for her as well as

my wife and I would."

When he asked if he had been approached by others for such an agreement, he

replied, "Of course. However, Lord Potter's offer was far above and beyond the

offers of all others. As such, I simply could not turn it down. It would have

been an insult to Lord Potter to have done otherwise."

Lord Potter had a pre-prepared statement where he had this to say, "I am very

happy to have successfully earned the hand of Miss Greengrass from fellow

Potter-Longbottom Alliance member, Lord Samuel Greengrass. She will make a

wonderful addition to my household and I am grateful to her she is as

accepting of me as I am of her. I would not have gone ahead with this

formalised relationship if she wasn't as agreeable to it as I am."

Though neither stated, nor appeared willing to state, the nature of the

agreement, we here at the Daily Prophet believe it to be a Concubine Bond

Agreement or contract. We remind you, the Daily Prophet was the first to

bring you the news of Lord Potter's Betrothal Agreement with the muggleborn

witch, Hermonie Ginger (15), a few weeks ago.

Law-wizard Ted Tonks, Law-wizard of the Noble and Most Ancient House of

Potter, also stated it is a serious offence to defame or otherwise attack a Lord

of such a House. And warns he will seek to prosecute all those who attempt to

do so.

{The Daily Prophet was required to include that last paragraph to absolve

ourselves of guilt of fomenting such an attack if any of our readers attempt to

do so.}

~ # ~

After reading the article he went to pass it to Daphne, so she could read

it, and realised she was already reading her own copy. So, he passed it to


"Alright, folks," he sighed. "This means, from this point on for at least the

next week or so, we are going to be careful what we handle of mail."

"Oh, yeah," said Neville. "I remember what happened the day after the

article about Harry's first task came out. All those owls with Howlers,

tainted mail, death threats―"

"And you, with one massive overcharged Stunner, knocking them all out,"

said Hermione.

Harry snickered and said, "Think you can do it again tomorrow, Nev? It'd

save us having to stun each one, separately."

Neville blushed a little and replied, "Sure, Harry. I can do that."

Tracey leaned forward and asked, "So the rumour you stunned all those

owls with one charm was correct? Wow. And there was Malfoy, accusing

you of being a squib."

Hannah, who was pointing to the article in Susan's copy of the Daily

Prophet asked, "Shouldn't this last paragraph mean you won't get any of

those sort of letter's Harry?"

"If everyday wizards and witches had a lick of sense, yes," he replied.

"But, there'll be a lot because there's more than you could image who

think they'd either never get caught, or the paragraph didn't mean them

because they consider themselves a light witch or wizard or whatever.

You'll see."




With no classes for the Gryffindor and Hufflepuff members of their little

group until after morning tea, they bid the two Slytherins a happy class

in Herbology and Transfiguration and would meet up with them at the

first break. Then left when the time for the first class approached.

Returning to their room, Hermione pulled out a sheet of parchment from

her inner robe pocket and dropped it onto the coffee table. When she saw

Harry glance curiously at it, she said, "Tracey's notes from the Potions

class we missed yesterday afternoon, together with the assignment."

"Ah!" he said. "I guess I'll need my stuff, then." And headed for his room

just as Hermione had already headed for hers.




51. Luna's Protectors

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to the proverbial Duchess of

Magic, JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high

falutin' companies. No matter how much I whine about not owning anything

related to the HP universe, other than a few fanfic plots, I do not profess to

own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful

world... Damn it!

Chapter Fifty One - Luna's Protectors




The rest of the day was uneventful. Harry kept expecting trouble from

the other students because of Daphne, or to Daphne. It never happened.

He had no idea that, any trouble that had almost instantly begun to

develop, was immediately snuffed out again by Ron's actions and the

result of that.

A lot of the students had either forgotten that Harry had warned them he

was not the meek and mild child they thought him to be and would,

therefore, be a push over; or thought him lying. That incident brought it

all home again and proved he wasn't.

When the Weasley boy found out he was supposedly in mortal peril at

that point, one look at Harry's face confirmed for them the truth of that

belief. No one doubted he was prepared to kill even his supposed ex-

friend in protecting those he thought were his.

After the last class for the day, DADA for Harry and Hermione and

Charms for Daphne, the three returned to their apartment to drop off

school bags and satchels and prepare for assignments.

As they re-congregated in the living room, Harry asked Daphne, "Come

sit on the sofa for a minute, please."

When her expression suddenly snapped closed with Occlumency shields

going up, Harry chose to ignore it. He knew he had her trust, but also

knew that trust wasn't unlimited yet. She still had her moments and

wished he could have saved her from those that caused her to react like


Sitting at one end he sat half-twisted so Daphne could sit counter to him

at the other end, looking back. She did.

After she sat and made herself comfortable, he said, "Thank you. Now, I

want you to know... in your heart... that you are not a prisoner here. I

want you to know you can come and go as you please. All I ask is that,

since I'm now responsible for your care and safety, you let either

Hermione or myself know where you're supposed to be going and when

you're supposed to be back.

"So, if you... for instance... decide right now you want to go and visit

Tracey down in the Slytherin dorms? You just need to say something

along the lines of, 'Harry, I'm going down to Slytherin to talk to Tracey. I

should be back by dinner.' Alright?"

As Harry explained Daphne's eyes widened a little at a time until it was

clear she was quite surprised. Instead of replying she simply nodded. He

didn't know, but suspected, it was because she was trying to hold back

breaking down again.

"Good," he firmly said. "I just needed to know you knew that. Thank you

for hearing me out.

"Now," he said, rising, "I've got assignments to do."

As he rose, so did Daphne. He was about to turn away to go make a start

on his assignments when Daphne took the two steps to him, grabbed him

and kissed him. "Thank you," she quietly said.

Then she quickly hurried away.

Surprised at what just happened, he turned to Hermione to see her

smiling back at him.

"Don't seem so surprised, Harry," she said. "Daphne has... had... all these

ideas of how she'd be treated under a CBA and it was far, far worse than

how you're treating her."

With a slight scowl he said, "That would be wrong."

"Yes, it would," she agreed. "However, I'm led to believe her belief is

often not far from the reality."




Daphne didn't choose to go to the Slytherin dorms, after all. Instead, she

told both, "I need to give it at least a few days for all the idiots to figure

out my concubinage is not a joke or a scam. It's real.

"I think I should give it until the weekend. And Tracey agrees."

"In that case, you should think about inviting her up here," said


Harry nodded and said, "Concubinage with me does not mean you have

to say goodbye to your friends or family."

"That's a good point," said Hermione. "You should also think of inviting

Astoria up here, so she can see for herself you're alright."

"You're... alright with that?" Daphne softly asked Harry.

"Of course," he said. "I'm sorry I didn't think to mention it to you before. I

just thought it was a 'given'.

Seeing her surprise he added, "I'll say it again, Daphne; you are not a

slave. You are a witch, free to do what she wants. I just need to be

informed, for safety issues, not asked permission of.

"Read the agreement again, if you need. There is nothing in it that

requires you to obey me or be subservient to me. Even me saying I need

to be informed of your movements is only a firm request."

As they were sitting around the coffee table doing assignments, Daphne

had set her quill down to stare back for a few moments before she said,

"Again, thank you. It never occurred to me about Stori. You're right that I

should talk to her. She'll be worried."

"Then talk to her, dear girl," he firmly said.

She firmed up and replied, "I will. I'll invite her for after dinner."

"Good," he returned.




Daphne had sent her sister a note via Betsy. And, as expected, the

younger girl joined them as they headed back to the apartment from


Harry was amused that she kept looking at him with expression changing

between, awe, fear, anger and a few others. He knew why. He just smiled


In reverse order, he thought Astoria to be angry with him he had 'taken'

her sister from her, afraid he'd do her harm and probably surprised he

wasn't doing it already.

When they entered the apartment, Daphne immediately dragged her into

her room for about twenty minutes before they both returned to the

living room.

Astoria then marched up to Harry, dragged him to his feet and hugged

him. "Thank you for looking after my sister," she firmly said.

"You're welcome," he smiled back.

When she pulled away and joined her sister on one of the other sofas he

told her about what he promised her father concerning her.

"I know," she replied. "Father told me."

"You're not upset with that?" he asked.

"No," she smiled. "I was worried that, with Daphne no longer in the

dorms, I might have been at greater risk. I made sure the word has now

been spread I'm under your personal protection. That should keep me


He firmly told her, "If anyone bothers you... that way... you are to

immediately let me know, alright?"

"I will," she smiled.




Astoria returned to the Slytherin dorms in plenty of time to make sure

she wasn't caught out after curfew. He even again had Dobby tail her

while invisible, just to make sure she didn't come to harm.

When Daphne had overheard part of the orders whispered to Dobby, she

smiled at him in gratitude.

When Hermione went to bed early, he caught the end of a quick silent

conversation between her and Daphne. Hermione seemed to be firm

about something and gave Daphne a single nod before she walked to her

room, walked in and closed the door.

Harry just took his time packing things away.

Once done, he set it aside, turned to Daphne, smiled and said, "Well, I'm

for bed."

She hesitated only a moment before she quietly asked, "Can we talk for a

bit, please?"

As he was starting to stand up, he immediately aborted that and sat back

down, turning his whole attention to her. "Of course," he said, as if it was

obvious. Then waited for her to get her thoughts together.

It was a few moments before she began. She was also looking down when

she did.

"All my life, since I've been old enough to understand, I've known I would

be the subject of a Line Continuation Clause in a Betrothal Contract, or


"I didn't even know what concubinage was for the next couple of years,

until Mum explained it to me. I already knew, by then, what was meant

by a Line Continuation Clause."

Harry sat quietly as she explained her history relating to such agreements

until less than a year earlier.

"That's when things really changed," she said. "Daddy was getting really

worried and kept giving me looks of pain. It wasn't hard to figure out he

was really worried about me.

"Last summer I finally managed to get him to come clean with what was

going on. I learned of how much pressure was being brought to bear on

him from... certain families... about, effectively, handing me and the

Greengrass Estate over in what I saw as nothing less than a... than a... sex

slave contract. One where I would be bound by magic to... service my

'master' any way and whenever he wanted.

"I've known of those from others. There are others who have been

subjected to those in the recent past alone. They get... they have to...

provide those same services to whomever and whenever they are ordered

to by their master. They have... I would have... no choice in the matter.

"Dad had been able to fend them all off by making outrageous demands

back. He'd instantly dismiss anyone who stated he was to also hand over

control of the Greengrass estates and demand back the same. He'd claim

me to be highly sought after and others were making similar demands for

me. He'd claim he was the one with the... commodity, and he, therefore,

would set the price.

"He'd been able to do that by practically setting three others to have to

attempt to outbid one another. It created a sort of détente... a situation

where no one would move and everyone was waiting for the others to

make a mistake.

"Then came you suddenly stepping up and reactivating the Alliance. In

doing that you also saw Malfoy suddenly on the outs, which put

Parkinson and Nott making moves to take the leadership of the dark.

From what I understand, a deal was made between them.

"And then the combined pressure against my Dad increased from now

only two working together, with the third also increasing their own

pressure. A schism in their ranks had occurred and I seemed to be the...

prize; or, one of them, at least.

"Dad went to Lord Longbottom and Lord Longbottom immediately

pointed to you. According to Dad, Lord Longbottom told him young Lord

Potter will not be as against this as he may have believed. That he was to

talk to the boy; you.

"He checked with others in the Alliance and they all said the same. That

led to him telling me, as a peer of you, to talk to you about it. He thought

you would be more willing to listen if it was me asking, rather than him."

"He's right," he replied. "I was. But, that does not mean I would not have

talked to him. It just coming from you meant you were more invested. I

needed to know this is something you wanted. As I've explained before, I

would not accept you if you were being forced into it. To me, that's

slavery. That's something I would not have put up with."

She then looked at him with a curious expression.

"I'd been approached by members, who urged me to act," he continued.

"As soon as I learned of the pressure and hearing direct from you, that's

exactly what I did. If I'd known of the pressure before then, I would have

acted sooner.

"By me taking you under concubinage, you are lawfully unapproachable.

That is, your father is lawfully unapproachable about you.

"Secondly, it now means your sister will not require a Line Continuation

Clause in any Betrothal Agreement she's entered into. That should make

it a great deal easier for your father to organise a much better deal for

your sister. And faster."

She seemed to think about that for a while before she again looked him

in the eye. "You're right," she said. "That's exactly what it means for


"And, our agreement," he said. "Has sufficient escape clauses for you that,

if you meet someone you want to be with instead of me, you can

withdraw from it and enter a new one.

"Once things settle down and we know the pressure on your father has

eased, even if you don't meet anyone else you can still withdraw from


"I want you to know this well, know this in your heart, I will not be


"I know," she softly said and smiled. "Hermione made me very aware of

that. Hearing it direct from you, though, is still a relief."

"Good," he said and smiled.

"There's just one problem," she smiled in return, but Harry could also see

she was a little afraid of saying it. "I do not think I'll ever want to


He thought about that for a few moments before he said, "I'm... you need

to know this... umm... I... Hermione and I haven't... you know."

As he felt his face heat, he thought, 'Damned blush!'

Trying to continue, he said, "I don't... ummm... You also need to know I

solemnly promise I will never require you to... ummm... as you put it,

provide service. Understand?

"That, too, is not in the agreement or the contract part. The only part in

there about... that... is what happens if we do... that... and you fall

pregnant from it. Not that we have to do that."

"You mean have sex," she replied with a smile.

"Errr... yeah," he blushed even harder.

"And what if I want to?" she blatantly asked.

"Ummm... I'm not ready?"

"That's alright," she returned. "Neither am I."

"When I am ready, though," he said. "I want my first time to be with

Hermione. Therefore, she has to be ready, too. And, she then also has to

be fully accepting of me... doing that with you."

"You don't need to worry about that, Harry," she said. "That's something

between Hermione and me to sort out."

He nodded, trying to get his blush back under control.

As he sat there, she rose, made her way across to him, bent forward and

kissed him on the cheek. "Good night, Harry," she said. Then turned and

headed for her room.

Harry made his way to his own room a few minutes later. He soooo

wanted to stare at her bum as she walked away. But, thought that would

be cheating on Hermione.




The next morning no mention was made of the previous night's chat. He

knew Hermione knew they had it. He'd not missed her pointed looks at

Daphne to stay behind while she went to bed. Nor did he miss similar

pointed looks, with a following smile between them, the next morning.

This time they crossed the Lords' Quarters hallway and knocked on the

door of the Longbottoms.

And, only five minutes later, were heading down to the Great Hall.

Susan explained the reason for the delay was due to Hannah misplacing

her watch. That led to a ten minute search, which only culminated

seconds before Harry knocked on their door when it was found tucked

down between the cushions of one of the sofas.

Again, all six walked in together into the Great Hall and Tracey, who had

until then been sitting at the Slytherin table, immediately rose and walk

over to join them.

This time the Longbottoms sat with their backs to the wall, while the

Potters and Tracey sat facing it. When Neville had offered to always sit

the other way, Harry immediately countered with the constant switching


"Sitting at the same place every time opens you up to a pre-prepared

attack," he said. "Some, knowing where we'd each be sitting later, could

slip something onto our 'place' at the table before anyone else arrived.

Then have it trigger when they knew that person would be there."

There were no interruptions for breakfast; not even a pointed sneer in

their direction from other Gryffindors. If anything, the other Gryffindors

were very purposefully avoiding even looking in their direction.

When the mail arrived with a flurry of many mail owl wings, Harry

looked up in time to see Hedwig stoop down on to the table before him.

Moments later, other owls began to descend onto the table, all trying to

land in front of Daphne and have their loads freed.

Daphne, already warned the previous morning, did not move to touch

any of them except those she knew. Neville immediately stood, drew his

wand, glared furiously at all the owls and stunned the lot. Yet again he

did it with one massive cast.

Those owls still trying to find a spare spot on the table among the earliest

owls, cutlery, crockery, serving platters, condiments and the like dropped

onto the table as if they were marionettes whose strings had just been


"Mister Longbottom," called Professor Babbling.

"Yes, Professor?" he called back, staring at everything before him for an

owl to suddenly start moving again.

"Why did you just stun all those owls?" she called.

"Because the last time this happened, Professor," he replied. "Lord Potter

was attacked by booby-trapped mail!"

Before she could say another word, there was a sudden rustling of

material from behind and just off to one side of Neville, an auror

removing an invisibility cloak. A catch of movement in the corner of his

eye saw another auror, further down the table, also remove such a cloak.

The first one firmly declared, "Aurors! We'll take it from here."

That had many of the students gasp in shock. They had no idea aurors

were within the school and invisible until that moment.

Headmistress Lady Marchbanks, not missing a beat, firmly called,

"Aurors, the crime scene, if it is a crime scene, is yours."

The auror didn't say a word back and, as his partner - at least, the second

auror Harry had spotted - walked up to join him, he said, "Lord Potter,

Heir Longbottom and friends, please stand up and step away from the


The seven were happy to comply, as were the next four along, where

owls had also dropped onto the table after being stunned.

The first auror was already casting detection charms over the whole table

before they'd all finished getting to their feet, stepping back over the

benches and moving out of the way.

"Yep!" he declared, as even Harry saw at least three of the loads on owls

glow for a moment. "Definitely tainted mail."

Looking to the Headmistress he said, "It's now official, Ma'am. Under my

authority as senior auror on site, I now deem this part of this table... and

ten feet of it either side of me... to be a crime scene.

He then turned to the students and said, "Go find somewhere else to sit

and finish your breakfasts."

Susan immediately said, "The Hufflepuff table will welcome us." And led

the way.

The four non-group Gryffindors that sat nearby all moved further down

the table and found gaps to sit there.

As Susan and Hannah, leading the other five, approached the Hufflepuff

table, the 'Puffs all slid down to give them enough room at the end.

While he'd followed, Harry was ropeable. Someone had dared to attack

one of his. Some ones had dared to attack one of his.

He was just in the process of sitting down between Hermione and Daphne

when he stopped. "No!" he snarled.

Stepping back over the bench he spun and stormed back to the

Gryffindor table.

One of the aurors, seeing him approach, said, "Lord Potter, this is a crime

scene. Please go and sit down."

"No!" he barked back, coming closer. "Not just no; but, Hell No!

"This," he snapped, jabbing a finger at all the still stunned owls, "Was an

attack upon the Noble and Most Ancient House of Potter. By my

authority as One of the Seven, I demand to be informed of the identity of

all those who dared... DARED!... to send one of mine tainted mail."

"Errr..." stuttered the auror. "Madam Bones has been contacted and I

expect her presence, shortly."

"Right," he snarled. "No moves are to be made to free or awaken any of

the owls until each and every sender of such mail is identified.

Understand me, Senior Auror?"

"Y-yes, sir!" he snapped back.

There were very few times anyone outside of the auror chain of

command could give an order to an auror. One of the Seven, doing so to

protect their House, was one such. The auror knew that. All aurors knew

that. It was one of the first things they learned at the Auror Academy.

They also learned it was a very bad thing for them and theirs if they did

not immediately obey.

Harry was standing still in his rage, staring at the still stunned owls.

Everyone was silent. And it was because the young man standing in front

of the aisle not far from the head of the Gryffindor table, almost in front

of the head of the Ravenclaw table next to it, was radiating magic in a

near palpable aura.

"Lord Potter?" called Headmistress Lady Marchbanks.

Harry appeared not to have heard her for a moment before he turned his

cold expression upon her.

"Your intent?" she asked. She need not ask more and she knew it.

"To deal with the perpetrators... personally," he quietly replied. However,

with the power of magic he was effusing, his words were heard clear

down to the bottom of the Hall.

She hesitated a moment before she asked, "Do you not feel that might be

a little... extreme?"

"If one of those items was designed to cause harm?" he asked. "No."

Just then Madam Bones rushed in with a half dozen aurors hurrying to

keep up with her.

Seeing Harry standing there and effusing magic, she hesitated a moment

before she hurried over to the head end of the Gryffindor table.

"Johnson," she snapped. "Report."

With a glance to Harry, who was now coldly staring back, the auror,

Senior Auror Johnson apparently, immediately and quickly gave his

report, indicating the three Harry had seen glow green earlier.

"And, Ma'am," he added, "Lord Potter wants the identity of those who

sent the tainted mail."

Bones spun around to stare at Harry. "Why?" she demanded.

Harry just stared back for a moment before he firmly replied, "You're not

a daft moron, Madam Bones. Please don't pretend to be one."

She stared back for a long moment before she said, "My aurors can

handle this, Lord Potter."

"Really?" he sneered. "How many of those who sent tainted mail to me

after the first task did you discover?"

When she didn't answer he said, "Someone with a lick of sense will apply

tracking charms to each and every bloody owl to find out who naffing sent


Bones winced as if in pain. They'd not thought to do that. And it was

patently obvious.

She turned to quickly look at the ankles of all the owls she could quickly

see, to see if any of them had the blue ankle band that showed them to

have come from the Owl Post Office; none of them did. That meant they

were all personal owls; or, at least, family owls.

Turning back, she said, "Then trust me when I tell you we will be doing

precisely that."

"And, when you discover the identity of the senders?" he demanded.

She quickly replied, "They will be prosecuted to the full extent of the


"Each of those was an attack upon someone under my personal

protection, Madam Bones," he said. "Each of those was an attack on

someone under a relationship agreement to me, personally. Each of those

was an attack on the bonded of a Lord of a Noble and Most Ancient


"When you say they will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law, you

know what that means, don't you?"

Again, she winced. "Yes, Lord Potter. The Veil."

That had quite a few students suddenly give gasps of shock.

"All those who sent those," he said, again giving a flick of his fingers

towards the owls, would only have found out about the relationship

agreement of Heiress Presumptive Daphne Greengrass of the Noble and

Ancient House of Greengrass to me, had to have read of it in yesterday's

Daily Prophet.

"If you had read the article, you would have also seen the warning given

in the article about the consequences of attacking either myself or Heiress

Greengrass. Therefore, they do not have the excuse of not knowing what

would happen if they attempted such harm.

"If they do not confess and willingly accept full punishment, I will have

their names and I will face them on the duelling piste!"

She gave a firm nod back and said, "Yes, Lord Potter. I understand. I shall

have a report back to you of whom were involved and how they pleaded

while interrogated."

"And also please make sure Lord Samuel Greengrass also receives a copy

of that report."

Again the single nod back, "Yes, Lord Potter."

Harry just stared back for a moment before he spun away and stalked

back to the Hufflepuff table.

As he did so, he heard Bones say with a sigh of relief, "Right. Analyse the

entirety of that. Just like last time, direct to a linked auto-quill. Then

we're going to put trackers on each and every owl, if we don't already

know the identity of the sender, and send them on their way without

their loads. Let's be about it, peoples."




For the rest of the day, students gave Harry and, through him, the others

of the next generation of the Alliance quite the wide berth. If anything, it

was even worse that when the school thought him to be the Heir of

Slytherin. However, this time that wide berth was justifiably earned.

Charms had the five Gryff's and 'Puffs of their group sit together again.

And, after a quick word to Hermione, had her make sure Justin Finch-

Fletchley joined them again. He was wary, but the boy did join them.

At morning tea he received mail, all the mail collected that morning that

was for him was returned by the aurors. There was only one, from Ted.

Since it wasn't marked urgent he decided to hang onto it until he could

read it in private.

After morning tea he was off with Hermione to Ancient Runes, where he

joined up with Daphne again. As his now bonded it was no surprise she

sat on his right, while Hermione sat on his left at their table of three.

The next period was a 'freebie', where they returned to the apartment and

worked on the two assignments of the day. It was also when he pulled

out the letter from Ted to read.

A quick read through - it wasn't long - and he was handing it off to

Hermione with a smile. Daphne was in class.

After she read it she looked back to him with a smile he knew meant she

was happy for him. When she then slid across and sat on his lap to give

him a hug and a short snog; he knew she was really happy for him

"So, Potter Cottage has been fully restored," she sighed.

"Yup," he happily agreed. "And all it's furnishings."

Curious, she asked, "Why did that take the longest? I thought the

building, itself, would have taken more time than the interior."

"The magical items in the cottage," he replied. "The building wasn't

enchanted, other than to have a minor expansion charm on it. But, many

of the interior fittings and such had some pretty powerful enchantments

on them. That was what took them time to complete."

"And what are you going to do with it?" she asked.

"After taking a good long wander through it... possibly, even a few good

long wanders through it... I'm going to have the furnishing stripped out

and put in the vault and put it back into stasis. It'll make a lovely

wedding present for our first born."

The grin she gave him back could power the strongest of Patronuses

At lunch, Harry was still stared at with a little fear of those outside their

group. But it at least meant they all were finally beginning to understand

what it meant to be in a school with One of the Seven; and not just the

few purebloods of high enough standing and knowledge to know.

After lunch it was the double of DADA, shared with the 'Claws. With no

'Claws in their group it meant Harry, Hermione and Neville sat together,

as always.




When class finished Neville scuttled off to ensure 'his two' were safe and

would also be escorting Daphne back up the apartment for Harry.

When they arrived, the other boy didn't even stick his head in the door to

say what he done. It was left up to Daphne to explain it.

"He feels he owes you a debt he could never repay, no matter how hard

or for how long he tries," she explained.

"I know," he sighed. "But, he really doesn't. I helped his parents because it

was the right thing to do; not because it got me the gratitude of the


She said, "Many would have done it just to have a house of One of the

Seven beholden to them. That you did not do it for that purpose, rather

because you thought it the right thing do, shows the strength of your

character, Harry."

"Hmm," he mutter-grunted. It was the sort of verbal nod he gave when he

was acknowledging what he was told, but didn't didn't really want to be

told in the first place.

Now knowing he was uncomfortable discussing it, Daphne dropped it.

Instead, she asked, "Assignments?"




Over in Ravenclaw, Luna's Hogwarts life had definitely changed for the

better in the past week and a half she'd been back at the school. Her

confrontation with Fawcett had quickly been spread through the girls'

dorms and almost as quickly through the boys' dorms.

It was only the day after the initial confrontation, plus after classes, that

the new Seventh Year Girls' Prefect had walked into the room, just on

curfew, and said, "Listen up!"

When she had the attention of all five she glanced at Luna, clearly

considering something, before continuing. "Just before the School Board

gave us the option of going home for the extended break, you learned

Professor Flitwick had lost his position as our Head of House. You also

learned it was, in part, because he failed to act to protect Miss Lovegood

from harm from her fellow Housemates. That would be you.

"Professor Sinistra has made sure all new Prefects she installed after

Professor Flitwick fired all the previous ones were made aware she will

not be losing her Head of House status for Ravenclaw because she failed

to act in a similar situation. Therefore, all Ravenclaw Prefects... us new

ones... have as one of our primary responsibilities the command from her

to ensure no student, especially Miss Lovegood, is treated anything but

with respect by all for their entire time at Hogwarts.

"I now like being a Prefect. I intend to be a Prefect right through to

graduation. Therefore, I will be very determined to ensure Professor

Sinistra does not look upon me with disfavour.

"As such, if I even hear a rumour someone has decided to once again

target Miss Lovegood, I will be coming for you with the full weight of

both my authority and magical power. By the time I am finished with

you, you will be begging to be expelled just to get away from me.

"Have I made myself perfectly clear to you all?"

There were a couple of uncomfortable shifts but only Luna replied,


The Prefect gave her an almost negligent nod of acknowledgement to

Luna before her expression towards the other four and darkened.

She barked, "I asked you lot a bloody question and you will answer me!"

All other four instantly blurted back, "Yes!" Some added the girl's name,

Maxine. They all looked back in fear.

She glared around the room for a long moment before her eyes softened

as they turned back to Luna. "I want your promise, Miss Lovegood; that,

if anyone gives you a hard time in future, you will immediately come to

me or one of the other Prefects and directly inform me or us."

"I will," Luna firmly replied.

The Prefect gave a slight nod back and said, "Thank you, Miss Lovegood."

Then she again glared at the other four before she turned about and

walked out the door.

Looking to the four, who now stared at her a little afraid, she smirked

and held up both hands, palm out. Nodding to her left, she gave it a

jiggle and said, "Your ability and chance to remain in Hogwarts." Then

looked to her right and gave it a jiggle. "The palm of my hand." Then

gestured as if to dump the imaginary contents of her left hand into her

right, before looking back at them as she closed the fingers of that hand

and made a fist. "Understood?"

All four fearfully nodded back.

With a nod of satisfaction to them, she turned and made herself ready for


Now a week and a half later, she had been aware of attempts by a couple

of housemates to treat her as if she didn't even exist. They attempted to

outright shun her.

However, within hours, those individuals had been almost rudely

dragged from the common room by seniors; especially Prefects. When

they returned, those first dragged away were shaking and casting furtive

looks of fear towards Luna.

The third to have been done so was also the last. The message had finally

been imparted and learned.

Knowing she was now the most protected student in Ravenclaw, if not for

'Lord Potter' the most protected student in the school, meant Luna did not

have to act as if expecting some form of attack at any moment. Her

Hogwarts experience was now turning into the pleasurable experience

her late mother told her it could be.

She had a lot to tell her new mind-healer friend when she next spoke

with her on Saturday morning in the office next to her new Head of

House's office.




In Gryffindor tower Ginevra 'Ginny' Weasley was talking and chatting

with her dorm-mates in the Gryffindor girls' dorms. A great change had

come over her since she started talking with the mind-Healer that still

unknown rich pureblood witch had allowed her.

Her father had tried to find out who it was, but the mind-Healer was

under oath not to divulge what she knew.

"Besides," the Healer had said, "I don't know who it is, either."

Since she had begun talking to the lady, Ginny learned her attraction to

'Harry Potter' was only that of infatuation with a myth. The 'Harry Potter'

she thought she knew all about didn't exist. The healer had stepped her

through how he was definitely not the 'Harry Potter' who, until recently,

she thought to be the close friend of her brother, Ron.

Part of her talks were a comparison of the Harry Potter in the books with

the truth all of wizarding Britain, since those trials, knew of the real

Harrison 'Harry' Potter. And showed her how they couldn't possibly be

the same person.

That took a lot for her to accept. But, after hours of talking it through,

she had no choice but to accept the truth.

With that out of the way, they now talked about Ginny's future from

there; getting a boyfriend, setting limits with him, opening herself up to

friendship with other girls and... yes... even sex.

Though they had now returned to school, those talks would continue. She

would be meeting with the lady again this Saturday morning, just as she

met with her last Saturday morning, in the vacant office next to her Head

of House's office.




Both girls had no proof, but suspected, the other of also regularly

meeting with the mind-Healer.

Of the two, Ginny's were the most intense, but that had little to do with

what the two spoke about; and more to do with Molly Weasley, Ginny's


No matter how many times Arthur had told her to stay out of it. Each

time the woman had come to their home, Molly kept trying to find

excuses to enter Ginny's bedroom, where she and the mind-Healer would

meet. She would come up to ask if they needed anything, then hang back

to ask what they were talking about, she would come in stating she

needed to clean up, or she would enter and try to surreptitiously re-

establish listening charms and the like, for instance, which the mind-

Healer had only minutes earlier stripped away."

After only two weeks of this, the mind-Healer established a procedure

where she and Ginny would enter the room, she would immediately erect

silencing and privacy charms, wizard lock and silence the door with such

a strong locking charm Molly couldn't budge it and made sure both of

them and the room were clear of any other privacy-invasion charms.

After the first week of that, as soon as they both stepped out of the room,

Molly railed against her for locking her out.

The mind-Healer had stood there, calmly heard her out, then simply said,

"With me!" and walked out the door.

Ginny did not know what they then talked about, but when her mother

re-entered the house she was white and shaking.

She asked the next week and learned that the Healer had threatened to

give her professional opinion as a Master mind-Healer to the DMLE that

her mother was engaging in abusive behaviour towards her daughter and

her daughter's guests; and that the DMLE should give careful

consideration to investigating her mother for causing psychological abuse

of her children.

Now being at the school, her mother could not even approach the school

without first making an appointment with whom she needed to speak to

in advance. And was not permitted to deviate from that time or place

within the school the Headmistress allowed.

For Luna, almost the exact opposite was the case. Her father, after first

ensuring the woman meant no harm to his daughter, flatly refused to get

involved unless his daughter specifically asked him to. Which only

happened once, to date.

He would greet the woman at the door, direct her to Luna's room or

where Luna would otherwise be at the time, and then purposefully make

himself scarce.

Where Ginny was being over-mothered, Luna was being under-fathered.




For all the drama of the morning of the previous day, Friday morning

was quite tame.

It was as the six were about to leave their apartments to head down to

the Great Hall that a breathless Tracey came up to them first.

As the Potter apartment door was wide open at the time, she was able to

almost stagger in through the door.

Harry, first to see her, was by her side almost immediately to guide her

to a seat on one of the sofas.

Hermione immediately started, "Tracey? Why are you here? Is something

wrong? Did something happen to someone? What is―"

Harry instantly barked, "Hermione!" When she instantly shut up and

appeared shocked Harry had practically yelled at her. He firmly said,

"Enough! Give the girl a chance to regain her breath before you attempt

to interrogate her without her even being able to get a word in edgewise."

That had Hermione immediately blush and look down in contrition.

"Sorry!" she quickly but quietly exclaimed.

Still a little exasperated with his betrothed, Harry gave a huff and turned

back to their Slytherin friend.

"When you're ready, Tracey," he quietly said.

It took her about another thirty seconds to regain her breath but, when

she did, she was almost frantic to tell them why she'd run the whole way


"It's Nott," she said. "He's... he's really angry at Harry. He thinks Harry's

stolen Daphne from him." Looking to Harry she said, "He's going to try to

ambush you, somewhere. He's going to curse you in the back and try to

frame someone else for it. I think that someone else is Malfoy."

Harry gave a second huff of annoyance and firmly said, "It won't work.

The frame job, that is. The new wards will instantly detect it and there's

both a book and a map in the Headmistress's office that will record what

actually happened; including who actually cast such a curse."

"But it won't stop you being cursed in the first place," said Hermione.

"No," he replied. "For that I must rely on the fact we now always, with

the exception of Tracey, travel in groups. I trust you, all, to have my


He could see that sink into their minds and be welcomed.

"Secondly, I must rely on my reaction speed. I do not believe Nott to be

capable of silent or wandless casting. And, though I will not discount the

concept he may be capable of either, I also cannot allow for a situation

where he can get at me fester until he does find such a time. Therefore, I

believe we, together, will have to lay a trap for him or those he

manipulates into initiating an attack at a time and place of our choosing.

That way, we will have some measure of control when he finally makes

good on his threat."

Though the others were frowning back they could not see another avenue

available to them.

"I don't like it," said Neville, frustration evident in his voice and posture.

"But, I can't think of a better idea."

"Harry, no!" said Hermione, horrified Harry was going to offer himself as

bait. "We can go to a Professor. We can talk to Madam Bones."

"About what, Hermione?" he asked back. "It is not illegal or even worth a

single night's detention to voice a desire to hurt someone. All it will do is

alert them that someone squealed. That will put Tracey at risk. Do you

want to do that?"

Again, Hermione felt a little ashamed. But her slight thrust of defiance in

her chin also showed she wasn't willing to go along with this.

"Hermione!" he said. "You will not speak of this outside this group. I

forbid it."

When she looked at him in shock, he said, "This is not like last year,

where you took your concerns to Professor McGonagall about my Firebolt

and think it might have been sent to harm me. If you speak of this

outside of this group you place Tracey at even more risk than I would be


"Tracey has taken a great risk to come and alert us to this. She has placed

trust in us all we will not disclose this information outside our group.

"Do you understand?"

"But..." she tried, "Surely a professor will not speak of this with anyone―"

He just cocked an eyebrow at her and slightly smirked. The message was

clear, 'Oh, really?'

She slumped with a sigh. ""Alright, alright. I see your point. I still don't

like it, though."

Daphne, almost coldly and not a little threateningly, said, "What an

amazing utopian world you live in, Miss Granger."

Hermione sadly shook her head. "Live in? No," she replied. "Want to live


Before things got out of hand, Harry said, "Hermione, Daphne; this is not

to be spoken about outside of this group until such time as Mister Nott

makes good on his threat. I order it."

Neville, not daft, immediately said, "As do I."

"And that puts paid to that," said Susan. "That just leaves us with coming

up with a plan to deal with Nott, or who it is he connives to do it for


"Already working on it," said Daphne. "This is what I think we can do..."

And they discussed it for the next five minutes, before they believed they

needed to make their move down to breakfast.

Thankfully, Nott did not make his move at that time; as they truly were

not ready yet.




After breakfast Harry kept looking at Nott down to the very occasional

glance. Though, as the owls streamed in, he did pay a bit of closer

attention to the other boy, as he knew the boy would be looking to the

owls to see if he could spot his own family owl in among them.

Surprising Harry, not only did Hedwig come down and drop off his copy

of the Daily Prophet as expected; but a second owl, this one wearing the

red anklet band of a Ministry owl dropped off a small package.

He was quick to deal with Hedwig and her load first, lest he earn her ire.

Then turned his attention to the Ministry owl.

Freeing it of it's load and offering it a strip of bacon - accepted - he

scanned the package, finding it free of anything but a slight impervious

weather repelling charm and the shrinking charm.

Unshrinking it and snapping open the Ministry seal with his wand tip, he

allowed the contents to slide out on the tabletop. Another couple of

detection charms and he felt safe enough to handle them with his hands.

He was surprised to discover it had a list of all those who owned one of

those owls that had sent mail to Daphne. They had seventeen of nineteen

names. For each it also included what the mail contained.

Of the nineteen letters/packages sent, fourteen were sent to Daphne - five

were of congratulatory messages from important families, seven were

anything from reproachful to abusive, but two were booby-trapped. One

of those was yet another of bubotuber pus linked to a mild explosive hex.

And one of the abusive ones was of an owl belonging to someone who

swore an oath they had no idea how their owl was 'used to do something

so disgusting as abuse one of the ladies of that wonderful young man'.

Of those, aurors had already been to speak with all those who sent

abusive mail with the two who sent the booby-trapped mail arrested on

the spot and 'dragged' to her holding cells. She would be questioning

them throughout the day and, 'It is highly likely both will be charged and

front the Wizengamot at the February session for their crimes.'

The other for whom they had no idea of ownership actually was a

Ministry owl and also one of the abusive ones. And, until then, who used

the owls was not recorded. Madam Bones could only posit that someone

sent it 'from work within the Ministry'. It was one sent to Harry.

She would be working towards having permanent charms set on all the

Ministry owl anklets that tracked who sent them from within the

Ministry. Harry had no idea how she'd accomplish that, but mentally

wished her luck.

The third booby-trapped mail item was sent to Harry. Madam Bones had

moved to personally arrest that person; a minor Heir of one of the dark

families, who was using the opportunity that he knew would be a

confusing time when all the owls arrived, to attempt to curse Harry with

a compulsion potion that could be absorbed through the skin.

That person, as soon as they realised they'd been 'busted', fought back

and was killed by one of the aurors while resisting arrest. An auror witch

had been hurt, but Madam Bones was quick to assure him she was

recovering well in St Mungo's with no expected long-lasting effects.

The other mail to Harry was also either outright scathing of his decision

to accept a relationship agreement with Greengrass, or questioning him

and begging him to see a healer to discover what potions or other illicit

compulsions he was under.

She then went on to beg him to allow the DMLE to handle the entire

matter as per the laws that applied to all; and not go after 'anyone' as

One of the Seven - even though she knew he could and she could do

nothing about it if he did. She promised she would not be asking for a

reduced sentence or similar and would be asking for the full penalty to be

applied in each case.

She also informed him that his concept of applying tracking charms to

the owls was so successful it would be entered into the DMLE procedure

rulebook for aurors and be taught at the Academy. Harry thought it was

a clear 'bribe' on her part for him not to go after the main culprits.

Harry thought he'd let her have this one, but also warned her that 'next

time' the gloves will be off and 'people will die by my wand or hand'.

Yes; it was blatant threat. But, not to her. He wanted her to be able to tell

all and sundry he'd told her that.

Once he finished going through it, he handed it off to Daphne.

And, once she went through it with a frown of anger on her face, she

looked up and said, "Do I ask Dobby to see to pressing your duelling


"Actually, I don't have any," he replied. "Something for me to see about

soon. And something I'll be very public about doing when I do, I think."

She smiled back in slight amusement and said, "Very Slytherin."

"And, don't worry," he said. "I will be discussing with your Lord what to

do about these people before I act. I believe he has a right to voice his

opinion, first."

She gave a slight nod back and said, "Thank you. I believe he'll appreciate





52. From Frying Pan to Fire

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to the proverbial Duchess of

Magic, JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high

falutin' companies. No matter how much I whine about not owning anything

related to the HP universe, other than a few fanfic plots, I do not profess to

own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful

world... Damn it!

A/N: Fair warning - There is a minor torture scene at the end of this chapter.

And there'll be similar in the next one, at least.

Chapter Fifty Two - From Frying Pan to Fire




The Friday of their second week turned out to be another quiet day. Nott

had not and did not make his move as yet, but the group were feeling a

little tense being on heightened alert for the entire day.

When they returned to the apartments after lunch, bringing Tracey with

them, Harry had to promise both Daphne and Hermione he would not

escort them both to the Arithmancy classroom.

"While I appreciate the effort you go to so we are safe," said Hermione.

"When Daphne and I enter the classroom you will then be walking back

to our apartment or wherever, alone."

"She's right, Harry," said Daphne. "Please promise us you'll remain here

until after we returned."

"In other words, I'm grounded," he huffed.

"If you want to see it that way," replied Hermione, "Yes."

Her affirmation actually surprised him. He expected her to 'hum' and

'hah' about it before he'd smile and say he was kidding. That she didn't,

showed she truly was worried.

"Very well," he said. "I shall remain in the Lords' Quarters, but may

invade the Longbottom apartment out of sheer boredom."

"If you make a start on the research for the Charms and Potions

assignments," she suggested, "Writing down some good bibliography, it'll

help Daphne and me in getting them knocked over that much quicker."

Yup," he replied. "That, I can do."

Turning to Tracey, he asked, "What about you, Tracey? What do you have

on this afternoon?"

"Muggle Studies," she quickly replied.

He gave a little snort and asked, "Muggle recent history, don't you mean?"

"Oh, no!" she replied. "The new professor, Professor Claystock, is... I

think... a muggleborn. She's brilliant. She's teaching us the far more up-

to-date information on muggles."

That had him perk up. "Do you think she'd mind if I sat in?" he asked.

Tracey frowned a little in thought before she replied, "I don't see why


Turning to look at 'his' girls, obviously his expression told them what he

was asking.

The two glanced at one another for a bare moment before Hermione

sighed and said, "Yes, Harry. So long as you stick with Tracey, you can go

to Muggle Studies."

He grinned back, kissed both, and prepared to get ready to go by

restocking his satchel.

He didn't realise both girls were now blushing. Tracey, however, could

see it and was grinning at the both of them.




With nothing untoward happening between the apartment and the

Muggle Studies Classroom - somewhere in the castle Harry had only

passed through without stopping in the past - both he and Tracey entered

the classroom.

When the professor entered, a witch who was wearing a hooded

sweatshirt for Eton College over a pair of jeans and trainers, she saw him,

studied him for a moment and then decided to ignore him.

Taking that as permission to remain in the class, Harry settled back and

prepared to enjoy the lesson.

By even a quarter of the way through the lesson it was clear the professor

knew her stuff. Not only was her information, as far as could tell,

completely accurate; but, when one of the attending purebloods scoffed

at what she'd said about man being on the moon, she turned to Harry and

asked, "Lord Potter?"

"Yes, Professor?" he asked.

"I believe you were raised in a muggle home, were you not?" she asked.

"Yes, Professor."

"And attended muggle schooling right up to summer break in which you

turned eleven?"

"Yes, Professor."

She gave a small nod and a smirk in his direction. "Identify for me the

name of the National Aeronautical and Space Administration, commonly

referred to by it's acronym NASA, mission that first saw man... muggles...

land on the moon?"

"I can do more than that, Professor," he grinned.

"The name of the mission was simply referred to as Apollo 11," he

replied. The two men who first stepped onto the surface of the moon

were Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin. That occurred on the twentieth of

July, 1969.

"Since then, I believe there have been a further ten people who have set

foot on the moon's surface - all muggles."

She smiled back and said, "Correct. Do you remember what Mister

Armstrong said as he stepped onto the surface of the moon, being the

first man to do so?"

"Yes, Professor," he grinned. "He said, 'One small step for man; one giant

leap for mankind'. However, I believe he was supposed to say, 'for a


"Again, correct," she nodded, before turning back to the pureblood. "Does

the fact Lord Potter, who probably didn't even realise he was going to be

here today, was able to give that information prove to you the basic facts

I've been trying to get you to understand?"

"Errr... Yes, Professor," mumbled the Ravenclaw boy, looking away.

After class, Harry approached the Professor and thanked her for not

tossing him out when she first saw him.

"Why would I do that?" she asked. "Just because it wasn't your class, and

so long as you were not being a hindrance to my teaching of the class, I

cannot see any reason you shouldn't be allowed to attend."

He smiled back and said, "Still; thank you, Professor."

His trip back to the apartment was done in the company of Susan and

Hannah. Until he walked in and saw them in the classroom he had no

idea they both took that class.

Tracey had made her way back to Slytherin in the company of Blaise

Zabini, but had promised to head for the apartment after dinner.




After a quiet Friday afternoon and evening, and a surprisingly quiet

weekend, Monday was quickly upon them.

It took them a while to plan how they were going to deal with an ambush

by Nott, but Tracey was able to learn more about it over the same time


It was Sunday evening when she found out enough information to form

some idea of what the boy was up to and when his attack was most


"It'll be during the next Hogsmeade visit, Harry" she explained. "He

believes the wards that will alert the staff to a student being attacked and

by whom are only in effect on the grounds.

"As such, he feels confident enough to take you out during the next visit

to Hogsmeade."

Harry was surprised at the information. "So, Nott's proven himself

smarter than Malfoy, then. Mind you, that shouldn't come as a surprise, I


"There's a Hogsmeade visit this weekend," said Hermione.

"Then, I think it behooves us to go; don't you?" he asked.




At the Monday morning fire-side, the Unspeakables were discussing the

latest when Scimitar stood to give his report.

"It's confirmed," he said, right off the wand-tip. "White Knight had a

Horcrux under that scar of his, or at least attached to it. Through muggle

surgery it was removed and destroyed."

"Wha?" one of the junior Unspeakables blurted. "How is that possible?"

While some of the Unspeakables frowned at the young man, Scimitar

smiled and waved them off. "It's a legitimate question."

He thought for a bit and then said, "It had never occurred to us that

muggle means could destroy a Horcrux. It had always been the belief of

our best thinkers of the subject that there was no magical means by

which such a person could be freed of a Horcrux. No... magical... means.

"That's what surprised everyone when the Black Healer figured out a

way. She had the boy operated upon by a muggle surgeon; a muggle

surgeon who is the father of a muggleborn girl recently graduated from


"The surgeon, a specialist in what's known as micro-surgery, excised the

entire area around and including the scar. With it, the excising also

removed all traces of the dark magic emanating from the site. They then,

literally, stitched him up and sent him on his way.

"Our observers have seen the site since then and it has become apparent

that, as soon as the Black Healer got him back to the where he was

staying, she knocked him out again, removed the stitching and applied

magical healing to the wound site. It healed.

"We've since checked him and the wound site and there's no longer any

sign of the Horcrux. All clear.

"What of the prophecy?" asked another. "Surely―"

"With the removal of what we believe to have been a Horcrux from White

Knight's head, we believe the prophecy to be voided," he replied. "That

means, anyone can kill him now."

That surprised them all, but for those who already knew.




It was on the Tuesday afternoon that Harry was mumbling about how to

get fit that Dobby popped in and suggested the 'Come and Go' Room.

Looking to Hermione, Harry could see she had that 'I've been a daft

moron' expression, which must've also been on his own face; Daphne was

just confused.

"The 'Room of Requirement'," sighed Harry. "Why didn't we think of that?"

Visiting the Longbottoms, Harry invited them up to see the 'special room'

they'd been shown by Dobby back at the beginning of the school year

before the First Task.

"Dobby calls it the 'Come and Go' Room," he explained to them.

"However, we know it to be properly named the 'Room of Requirement'.

You need to come and see this."

"If you say so, Harry," said Susan, rising to her feet. That soon had the

others all on their feet, as well.

That led to an 'excursion' up to the seventh floor.




Walking off the stairs at the seventh floor, the six of them, with Harry

and Hermione leading the way, headed across to the dead-ended corridor

where the door would magically appear.

Once there, Harry began walking for about ten paces before he spun

about and walked back the other way. On his third pass, as he passed the

other two, a door appeared.

A couple of the girls gasping in surprise as he walked past on the third

time told him the door had appeared. Immediately heading for the door,

he opened it and entered.

As he walked in he got a better look at the room to see how close it fitted

his thoughts and desires.

In the room in rows were all the cardio equipment, weight-lifting

equipment, universal rigs, plus more he would expect to find in a

'muggle' fitness gym. And, across the room, were two doors marked 'Male'

and 'Female'.

'Change rooms,' he thought.

"Wow!" he heard Hermione say from just behind.

Turning about and smiling at them, he asked, "Do you know what this


"We can get fit," said Hermione.

"What is all this?" asked a clearly confused Daphne.

"Fitness equipment," replied Hermione. "It's what muggles use to get and

stay fit."

Harry gave a nod to agree and walked over to investigate what he

thought to be change rooms. Walking into the Male one, he found he was

right. It was a small communal change room complete with two showers,

two toilets, four sinks and even six lockers.

Shaking his head a little in amazement and with Neville now following

behind he returned to the main room. He noticed the girls were gone.

Knowing they were probably in the change room he walked over to one

of the treadmills and, standing on it, felt it immediately start. He had to

quickly jump off, which turned it off again.

The girls came out and were grinning at him.

"Harry," said Hermione. "This is brilliant. Do you know what this means?"

With a smirk he cocked an eyebrow at her and asked, "Forget, already, I

asked for it?"

With only a light blush, she replied, "No, but that doesn't mean you know

what it means for all of us."

"We can get fit, which is what I've already said" he replied. "All we need

to do is source some sports clothing to exercise in and we're good to go."

"Well... yes," she replied.

He said, "Hermione, we need to ask your Mum to do some shopping for


She grinned back and said, "Clothes shopping? She'll leap at the chance."

After Harry and Hermione answered a few questions about the

equipment they walked back to their apartments. Hermione spent most of

the time explaining to Daphne why they'd need different clothes and gave

her some idea what they'd look like.

Though Daphne was hesitant upon hearing what she'd be 'asked' to wear

for these so-called training sessions, when both Susan and Hannah also

expressed their desire to wear such clothing and train, she agreed. Neville

thought it sounded like a good idea to get fit, so didn't need much


Hedwig was sent that very day to the Grangers with a large shopping list

containing Hermione's belief as to what sizes and how many of each and

which articles of clothing she needed for them all. Though Tracey, who

hadn't been with them at the time, hadn't said anything one way or

another, Hermione just went right ahead and added what the girl would

need to the list.

From his stash of muggle currency, Harry added ₤800 and wrote that he

hoped it was enough.

On seeing what he wrote, Hermione grinned and said, "More than

enough, Harry."




As the week progressed the Heirs, a name by which the group found out

it was now unofficially known, planned their day for Saturday.

Neville and his two would go early. They'd be keeping an eye out for

both Nott and Malfoy and their respective 'supporters' Tracey had cause

to make known to them. Then Harry would go with his two.

Hermione asked, "What about you, Tracey?"

She smiled and replied, "I'm going with Millie and Alana. We're making a

girls' day of it."

It also came to light that Nott was planning on having Harry separated

from his two girls. That was what his 'hench-wizards' were for, while Nott

took his revenge on Harry.

What Nott had not seemed to take into consideration was 'interference'

from anyone else; including Neville and his two.

Malfoy, however, wanted Daphne with Harry when he called him out.

Malfoy's intent was to challenge Harry to a duel with the winner taking

Daphne. What Malfoy hadn't yet made known, or hadn't even thought of,

was what did he bargain to lose.

Harry thought it was the latter.

Also learned by way of letter from the Grangers, Monica would be going

shopping for the clothing on the Saturday morning. She stated the 'eight

hundred pound' was far more than enough, but would use the extra to

buy some extra items of clothing.




On the Saturday morning, a little over two weeks since his heart attack,

Dumbledore was prepared for his daily visit from that infernal Bones

woman. Each morning since the day he found himself here, she came by

to taunt him.

As she walked in the door, he sighed and thought, 'Right on time.'

She walked over to the foot of his bed and stood looking down at him,

not saying a word.

Finally, he'd had enough. He knew she wouldn't speak until he did and

was sick of her games.

"Get on with it, Madam Bones," he quietly said. "But, I'll save time by

telling you I will not readily or willingly tell you what it is you want to


"Your willingness is no longer needed," she quietly said.

When he looked to her with surprise she said, "As far as Saint Mungo's is

concerned, you're healed. As such, you're being removed from this place

and returned to your cell in the DMLE holding cells.

"Holiday's over. Time to get dressed."

Without waiting for him to say anything back, she turned and went to the

medi-witches' station. A quick rap of knuckles on the door and she was

let within as Robards handed his wand to Moody and walked forward to

remove the bed-manacles from Dumbledore's wrists.

As soon as the old man was free of them, Robards said, "Don't move just

yet." He backed away and quickly accepted his wand back.

Dumbledore stayed sitting there, propped up while massaging his wrists.

He continued to scowl at them all.

Two minutes later, a medi-witch and two burly 'assistants' came out and

approached him. The medi-witch was carrying a set of prison robes.

Still scowling, he turned to her and said, "I'll be wearing my own robes,

thank you."

"The ones you came in wearing were destroyed when the healers had to

strip you to tend to your health," she returned. "It's these or you leave

here wearing your hospital prison robes. I care not which."

She then dumped them on the foot of his bed, turned and walked back

out again.

The two burly 'gentlemen', the medi-wizard aides, backed away out of

reach and just stood and watched him; as did the two Master Aurors and

DMLE Master Healer that had come in with Bones, Moody and Robards -

Pockridge. All five now stood there, staring at him.

Dumbledore sat there, wondering what to do and being petulant about it,

when Pockridge said, "Master Aurors, if he won't get up on his own

within the next ten seconds, drag Mister Dumbledore out of his bed and

strip him. If he won't dress himself in his given robes, we'll drag him from

here to the floo point, naked, if necessary."

Shocked they would do such a thing, it wasn't until Moody and Robards

started to move towards him that Dumbledore suddenly flicked his

blankets back and swung his legs over the side of the bed.

"I'm getting up, already," he snapped.

As both Moody and Robards then stopped moving forward, Dumbledore

sighed in relief before he moved to the foot of his bed on his own feet

and lifted the prison robes.

Once they were in his hands he turned to look at all five and said, "Would

you mind turning about so I may dress?"

"Yes," practically all five returned. None of them turned about.

"Will you not allow me this simple dignity―" he tried.

"Strip him!" snapped Pockridge, cutting him off.

As the aurors, and even the two medi-wizard aides, headed towards him

again, he snapped, "Alright! Alright!" And started to remove his hospital


That halted the four again. Pockridge hadn't moved.

"You are a prisoner, Mister Dumbledore," she said. "No member of the

DMLE is going to turn their back on you, ever again. Get used to it."

Dumbledore didn't say a word back, as he continued to dress himself.

Two minutes later, he was dressed in the standard vertically-striped black

and white prison robes of pants and over-robe over simple grey boxer

shorts. He was allowed to keep his hospital white canvas slippers for his


Once dressed, Moody cast a couple of charms over him. Dumbledore

recognised and felt a resizing charm, to make the clothing fit; but added

two tracking charms. Oce he'd stepped back again Pockridge then

stepped forward and cast health monitoring charms on him over those.

Then also stepped back, with a nod to the two Master Aurors.

Robards said, "Turn around, Prisoner Dumbledore, and put your hands

together behind your back."

Dumbledore sighed as if in disappointment, but did so.

Once he was in position, Robards again handed his wand to Moody and

walked forward, drawing the magic-inhibiting 'cuffs from his belt as he

did so.

After attaching them, ensuring they were firmly in place and backing

away again, he recovered his wand from Moody.

Once he was ready for transport, Pockridge gave one of the medi-wizard

aides a nod and the man went to the door of the medi-witches' station

and knocked on the door.

Bones was out moments later.

"Any trouble?" she immediately asked.

"None that were not anticipated," said Robards.

She gave a firm nod back and said, "Bring him." Then headed for the

main door.

Moody and Robards stepped up either side of Dumbledore and grabbed

him by his upper arms, turning him about and guiding him ahead of

them as they headed for the door.

Bones exited first, followed by Moody and Robards with their prisoner

between them, then Pockridge.

Moments after Pockridge stepped out the door there was a major flash of

light that blinded them all and very loud bang that deafened them all. A

half a second later, there were multiple flashes of red.

Bones, Moody, Robards and Pockridge were all down, as were the two


Also blinded by the flash and deafened from the explosion, Dumbledore

could only stop right where he was. He feared moving forward and

tripping over something. If he did, with his hands behind his back, if he

fell forward he wouldn't be able to catch himself before he smashed his

face into the floor, or whatever. A moment later, he felt the sensation of

something pulled over his head and down to his elbows before his own

world went black.

Seconds later there was the sound of an alarm as healers, medi-witches

and -wizards and other staff hurried to where the four DMLE staff and

two aides were down and unconscious on the floor. As for Dumbledore,

there was no sign of him.

The Dark Lord known as Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, 'Ol'

Twinkles', the 'White Whiskered Wanker', the 'Manipulative Old Fool/

Bastard/Arsehole', was apparently on the loose. And only the four DMLE

personnel on the floor and unconscious, plus a young Dicta-quill operator

Auror Second Class, knew him to be anything but Mister Dumbledore.

Even the medical staff of the DMLE-secured ward of Saint Mungo's did

not know he was a declared dark lord.




At the same time Madam Bones was walking into the DMLE secure ward

at Saint Mungo's to collect her prisoner, the students of Hogwarts were

excitedly making ready for their day by getting down early to breakfast.

By no means the first to finish breaking their fasts, the 'Heirs' were done

well before the end of the breakfast period.

Almost surreptitiously they had watched both Nott and Malfoy quickly

finish their own breakfasts and 'leg it' out the door.

Malfoy still had his pair of bookends with him, plus Parkinson; while

Nott had a couple of fifth years, Fergus Cowley and Thomas McGruder,

walk out with him. Both groups had looked over to the Gryffindor table

to ensure for themselves their quarry was right where they expected him

to be.

"Two Fifth Years, Harry," said a worried Daphne. "Neither, I'm led to

understand, is a slouch with a wand."

Calmly, Harry said, "It's alright, Daphne. All you need to do is shield. Let

me worry about going on the offensive."

"And Hannah, Susan and I will be there within seconds; once the attack

starts," said Neville.

While worrying at an edge of a page of the Daily Prophet, Hermione

fretted and said, "I still don't like it."

Susan said, "Harry's right. Until they actually do something, they can't be

touched. There is nothing illegal about saying to a friend you want to do

someone an injury. You actually have to attempt it."




The seven waited until five minutes had passed before they rose and

made ready to go to Hogsmeade for the day. Well, at least until either

Nott or Malfoy made their move.

All seven knew that, for Harry at least, his day out would be over right

then. He'd have to return to the school so investigations could be made.

Therefore, Hermione and Daphne were determined to get Harry into as

many stores as needed to get what they needed, first; then onto the stores

where he could get what he wanted, but didn't necessarily need.

Hopefully, he could get all that done before Nott or Malfoy made their


So, with Neville and his ladies leaving five minutes earlier - and Tracey

already leaving with her friends and dorm-mates, Millie Bulstrode and

Alana Runcorn - the Potters were walking out the door and on their way.

A quick ride on one of the carriages between the castle and the entrance

to the village, the three were quickly off and heading for the shops.




Lying on stretchers in the corridor immediately outside the secure DMLE

ward at Saint Mungo's, Madam Bones snapped awake with a jolt. And

immediately recognised she'd just been enervated.

Quickly sitting up she looked around.

"Easy, Minister Bones," one of the attending Healers chided her. "You've

just been enervated after someone magically attacked you."

"I'm aware," she snapped back.

She could see her two Aurors, Master Healer and the two burly aides also

beginning to try to get to their feet, but couldn't see who she really

needed to see.

"Where's Prisoner Dumbledore?" she snapped.

Her two Master Aurors and Master Healer both also looked about and

turned back to her with somewhat masked expressions of horror.

"Not here," growled Moody.

The healer who'd chided her a moment earlier said, "He's gone. You four

were the only one's here seconds after the magical blast went off."

"Anyone know what happened to him?" she demanded.

"No one," replied the healer. "This part of the hospital had been cleared,

as per your orders."

Wincing, Bones climbed to her feet and looked to her three

supranumeraries. "Check the site directly outside the door of the secure

ward. What happened, happened there. I want forensics."

Moody and Robards gave nods back and immediately moved back down

the corridor to the site of the attack. Both were casting as they went.

Looking to Pockridge, she asked, "You're alright?"

"You're all alright," said the healer, cutting in. "However it was done, by

whomever did it, they just caused an explosion that was all bright light

and noise. We believe it was meant to stun only. It temporarily robbed

you of both your sight and hearing, but with no lasting damage.

"We believe it was some form of ultra-bright Lumos and Cannonblast

charm, combined; though one of our muggle-raised referred to it as a

'flash-bang' and something muggle made."

"Right," sighed Bones, when she saw her two senior aurors return. They

both shook their heads. It meant no worthwhile magical trace could be


"Thank you, Healers and staff," she said, before putting all her attention

to on her own staff. "Back to the DMLE. We need to track down our

escaped prisoner before he does any more harm."




In somewhere unknown to most Dumbledore was awake, but unable to

do anything as he was still manacled and still had some large black bag

over his head and down to his elbows. He was sitting on what felt like a

hard wooden or metal chair. His hands were still manacled behind him

and felt as if they were through a gap between the chair back and seat.

He did not know if his sight had returned, but suspected it was as his

hearing was back. He had tried to call out for someone's attention, but

heard in response.

However, from the echo of his voice he knew himself to be in a

moderately sized room with either furniture or light sound baffling on

the walls. The echo of his voice had that slight muffled sound that comes

from when in a room that has furniture. Mind you, he had not thought

about the effects of the hood, but suspected it was of reasonably thin

material considering how it's weight felt upon his head.

He had also tried to get off the chair he was sitting upon, but discovered

he couldn't. Someone had stuck him to it with a sticking charm on both

his bum and his back.

He had been sitting there for almost half an hour since he woke when he

was startled by the bag being yanked off his head and torso in one quick


Blinking the bright light out of his eyes he found himself sitting before a

desk and back about five feet. A few seconds later and he realised he was

sitting in what could be thought an office, except there was just the desk,

two chairs and a few pictures on the walls.

But it was who was sitting on the other side of that desk that surprised


"Algernon?" he blinked.

"Dark Lord Dumbledore," the Head of the Unspeakables quietly said back.

Dumbledore visibly winced.

"A misunderstanding, I assure you," he quietly said. "Now, if you can see

yourself to removing these manacles from my wrists I can get on with the

very important tasks I need to complete."

Croaker smirked and said, "You mean, get total control of Harry Potter in

order to shape him into your personal weapon to point at Tom Riddle

and have them fight each other until one of them dies?"

Dumbledore was stunned silent. He was at a loss for words.

Knowing he'd just shocked the old man to his hospital slippers Croaker

continued, "The reason you are here is because we don't want Amelia

Bones killing you before the answers to our questions are eventually

dragged out of you. We're better at it than she is."

That immediately put the old man on his guard. "I'm sure I do not know

what you mean."

Suddenly his vision turned a slightly reddish haze. Looking down he

could see he was glowing with a red glow.

His eyes snapped up to look at Croaker in shock.

"Yes, Albus," smirked Croaker. "That's a Truth Chair."

"They're banned!" cried Dumbledore.

"We're the Unspeakables," retorted Croaker.

When Dumbledore again appeared at a loss, Croaker chuckled. "My, how

the mighty have fallen.

"The muggles have a saying, Dumbledore. It's quite apt, here. 'Power

corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely'. You are corrupted

absolutely, old man. You have no redemption within you. It's why Bones

was able to confirm with magic you are a Dark Lord."

"But... you don't understand," tried Dumbledore. "Harry Potter must face

Voldemort. It's the only chance our world has. Surely, you must know


"I know a great deal more than you think I know, old man," he shot back.

"I know a great deal more about this situation than even you know."

When Dumbledore appeared confused, trying to work out what Croaker

could know that he didn't, Croaker just grinned at him.

"For instance," he said, "You believe Harry Potter must die in order to

defeat Riddle, right? Because you believe he has a Horcrux behind that

scar of his?"

The old man, trying to use his Occlumency to show no sign of recognition

of the Unspeakable's words, had no idea how badly he was failing at that.

Croaker was very well versed in the muggle expertise of reading micro-

expressions. Even expert Occlumencers couldn't completely hide those.

Croaker chuckled and said, "I can see by your expression I'm correct."

Still carefully watching he could see the old man was trying to figure out

how he, Croaker, was able to 'read' him so well.

Dumbledore actually thought it was some form of subtle Legilimency.

Croaker decided to throw him a bone. "Well, it'll interest you to know he

does not. Only a couple weeks ago, Andromeda Tonks - already knowing

there was a soul fragment behind the young Lord's scar - took the boy to

a muggle hospital. There, they excised all the corrupt tissue out,

unknowingly together with the actual Horcrux, and healed the boy back

up again.

"I've already had my experts on soul magics check the boy out and they

confirm the Horcrux is gone.

"So, how about that, Albus? The muggles have a way to fix the problem

where the magical world didn't. Master Healer Tonks is about to release a

paper to the International Healer Collegiate on using muggle surgery to

excise magically corrupt tissue from patients with wounds that cannot be

healed magically - which removes that which is blocking the magical

healing - then apply the magical healing.

"Our healers have already read the drafts of the paper and concur.

Further, they've already adopted her recommendations into their

procedures for all such curse wounds in future."

Croaker leaned forward a little and, with a self-satisfied smirk on his

face, said, "So, Albus, with the Horcrux gone from within the boy, the

boy does not have to die in order to defeat Tom Riddle for good. You...

were hell-bent on seeing young Lord Potter... a child... practically commit

suicide because of a falsehood you believed to be the truth."

Again sitting back as he watched Dumbledore's eyes as he clearly tried to

work through what he'd just been told.

While the old man was thinking, somewhat lost in his thoughts, Croaker

suddenly demanded, "Albus, how many other of Riddle's Horcruxes do

you know of?"

Again, Dumbledore's eyes snapped to his in shock.

"Well?" demanded Croaker.

"Errr..." stuttered the old man. "I'm not sure―" As his vision started to

develop a red haze again, he shut up.

"Come on, Albus," snapped Croaker. "Your verbal manipulations are not

going to work. How many of them are there?"

With his Occlumency up to as strong as he could get, Dumbledore

replied, "I'm sorry; but, for the security of the magical world, I cannot

give you that information."

"Well, how about a bargain before we get serious," suggested Croaker.

"You tell us how many you think he made, and we'll tell you how many

we've already collected."

Again, Dumbledore's Occlumency wasn't enough for him not to give a

slight change to his expression.

Croaker chuckled back, but it wasn't of humour. To Dumbledore, it

sounded almost evil.

"Wh-what do you mean?" he asked.

With his smirk not changing one whit, Croaker said, "You get nothing

back until you answer my question. Tell me how many you think he

made, first."

The old man firmed his lips in defiance and refused to answer. Then, his

first sign something was going to happen was when Croaker flicked a


Then he felt incredible pain in his mind. A Legilimencer had attacked. A

blink of an eye later and he realised it wasn't one Legilimencer, but

multiple. Three.

While his Occlumency, unharmed, could withstand the attack of even

Riddle, it was not prepared to withstand the attack of three... no, four...

Legilimencers working in concert.

"How many Horcruxes!?" demanded Croaker, loud and firm enough for the

old man to hear, even through the almost blinding pain he was feeling in

his mind.

Suddenly, the pain stopped as the Legilimencers, clearly standing behind

him, all suddenly withdrew.

"He believes six," replied a new voice. "Six parts of the soul and the

remaining prime."

"Interesting," said Croaker.

It took Dumbledore a few long moments before he could properly see

again. When he could again focus on Croaker it appeared the man's smirk

back hadn't changed a jot from before the attack.

"As we now have that information, Albus," said Croaker. "I can tell you

we have already found three. That, together with the diary young Lord

Potter destroyed in June, 1993, tells me four of the six have been dealt


"Five," said another voice from behind. "He believes the soul fragment

that was in the young Lord Potter's head was one created accidentally."

Croaker gave a snort of amusement and said, "You cannot create an

accidental Horcrux. What nonsense. It was a soul fragment, yes; but not a

Horcrux. That's why the muggle Healers were able to successfully remove


"He believes it was one of the six, though," said the second voice.

"Hmmm..." Croaker non-committally muttered. "Which just goes to show

why you, Dumbledore, should have brought this to our attention back

when you first learned of it. Anyone with expertise in soul magics would

have been able to tell you it was impossible to create an accidental


"Albus," he continued, "We are the Unspeakables. The security of the

magical world is our job... not yours. When you were Headmaster, the

only security that was your problem was security of the castle and its

inhabitants. When you were Chief Warlock, if there was an issue with the

security of wizarding Britain your responsibility was to inform us. Then,

we'd take care of it. And, when you were Supreme Mugwump, if there

was an issue with the security of wizarding world your responsibility was

to inform the ICWs Unspeakables; or us.

"You are still bound by that responsibility, Albus. So, inform us.

"If you do not, we're not only going to eventually dose you with our

version of Veritaserum, but my team of Unspeakable Legilimencers are

simultaneously going to rip away at your mental defences until there is

not a shred left. You've now already felt the effects of that.

"In effect, they're going to mind rape you of anything and everything.

We're going to know if the rumour concerning you and Gellert

Grindelwald... that you were actually young lovers... is true or not. We're

going to know if you murdered your sister, Ariana, or not. We're going to

know of every crime you've ever committed. We're going to know... ev-


Croaker gave that a moment to sink in before he said, "Next; what do you

believe the Horcruxes to be? And, I remind you, not answering the

question will see you suffer yet another Legilimency attack of such power

even your vaunted Occlumency shields will not be able to withstand it."

"Which ones do you believe you have?" he asked right back.

"Again, my question first," said Croaker. "However, this time, if you do

not answer my question without the information being ripped out of your

mind, then you will not learn what we have collected.

"So... again... What do you believe the Horcruxes to be?"

"I do not know―" tried Dumbledore, before his vision took on a red tint


This time he didn't even see the finger flick.

Pain, agony, pressure. Dumbledore felt the four Legilimencers rip though

his mind. However, this time the attack did not appear to last anywhere

near as long. He knew that was because his shields were already battered

to almost worthlessness.

That same second voice said, "The diary of Tom Marvolo Riddle,

destroyed by Mister Potter in June 1993; Lord Potter's scar, destroyed by

the muggles; Riddle's wand; the Hufflepuff Cup; Slytherin's locket;

Slytherin's potions athame; the cape brooch of Godric Gryffindor; and the

Ravenclaw Diadem."

A new voice added, "Possible locations: Gaunt Cottage in Little

Hangleton, where his mother grew up; Riddle Manor in Little Hangleton,

where his father grew up; the old Wool Orphanage, where Riddle himself

grew up; a cave along the seaside cliffs, near the town of Falmouth in

Cornwall; in the Ministry, somewhere near the Minister of Magic's office,

if not within the office; and the school, possibly... even probably... within

the Chamber of Secrets, or in the Slytherin dorms."

The second voice said, "He believes Riddle to want famous and lost

artefacts of the Founders of Hogwarts to be his Horcruxes and he wants

to put them in places of importance to him."

"Which just goes to show he never wanted to make Harrison Potter a

Horcrux," said Croaker.

Dumbledore slumped in his seat, breathing heavily. His head was

throbbing and he desperately wished for a headache relieving potion that

would not do more harm than good. However, he knew that taking such

a potion would wreak havoc on his ability to rebuild his Occlumency

shields later. The only treatment for a Legilimency attack that had no

negative side-effects was quiet rest in a darkened room and wait the

headache out.

A few moments later, Croaker again fixed Dumbledore with a stare and

demanded, "Albus, do you know where Riddle is now?"

Dumbledore struggled to lock that knowledge deep in his mind and said,

"I don't―"

Red haze. Pain.

He didn't even know he'd screamed until the pain stopped.

"Probably back in England, somewhere," said the third voice. "He

suspects such, based on Potter's name coming out of the Goblet of Fire.

He believes Crouch Junior, irrespective of what he said during his trial,

to have been in contact with him. He believes the information was locked

in Crouch's mind under secrecy charms."

"Hmmm..." said Croaker. "Then, we'll just have to visit the prison and get

the information out of his head."

Dumbledore valiantly tried to gain information for himself. "Wh-what...

items... do you... claim... to have?"

"I told you, Albus," said Croaker. "You lost the right to even ask for that

information when you refused to freely answer mine."

"Wh... where... were... they?"

"Hmmm..." said Croaker. "As you were never actually asked where you

thought them to be, I'll freely answer that one. One was in the school, as

you thought one to be, but not in the Chamber or the Slytherin dorms. It

was in a hidden room called the Room of Requirement. Two more were

in places you didn't know; one was at the Black home in Grimmauld

Place, Kings Cross, and another was in a vault within Gringotts. It took us

a lot of effort to get that one."

"Whhhat... were―"

Croaker cut him off and replied, "I told you, Albus; you don't get to ask

that question.

"My turn," he continued. "Why had you not already gone to search the

places you thought them to be for yourself?"

"No... time," replied the old man. "For... Harry... to do."

Croaker gave an amused snort and said, "You effectively left in place

what would be a treasure hunt for a fourteen year old boy to figure out."

He thought about that for a long few moments before he said, "That was

the purpose of those so-called traps in that corridor back in 1991/92,

wasn't it? You wanted to see how well Potter could puzzle something


"N-no," said Dumbledore. "I did not... know... of the Horcruxes until...


"But, you still wanted to test his ability to puzzle things out, though;


It was a long few moments before Dumbledore finally admitted, "Yes."

Croaker nodded back and said, "Now you're starting to be upfront and

honest. It's a start. Because you're now answering questions with the

truth, I'll reward you by giving you a break.

He then looked behind Dumbledore's back and said, "Take him to his cell.

Leave the light off for him so he doesn't suffer further pain from the light.

His head must be pounding."

Dumbledore felt the magic restraining him to the Truth Chair and only

able to face forward release. As he slumped, hands grabbed him by his

upper arms from either side and lifted him out of the chair. Then that

blasted bag was yanked over his head again and he could see no more.

After being walked though doorways and down hallways, a couple

minutes later he was marched into a room after he heard a heavy door

released of it's locks.

Then he was marched forward about five feet and held still. Suddenly,

the manacles on his wrists were released and the bag over his head

immediately yanked off and away.

For barely a second he only stood there as his eyes tried to see, before he

was forcefully spun about and shoved backwards to sit on what felt like a

small bed or cot.

Then the two Unspeakables that had forced him here, without a word

spun away, walked out and slammed the door shut. Then he heard the

sound of a large bolt being thrown shut, locking him in.

The only light he had in the room was what was coming from under the

door and through a 'peephole' slot high up on the same door. But, it was

enough for him to see in the dim light he had the cot he was sitting upon,

complete with blankets and a pillow, a sink and a toilet. No window, no

decorations, no idea or way to learn what time it was. Even the light

outside the door would not give him some idea as it would very likely be

permanently on.




Once Dumbledore was out of the room, the remaining Spectral Threat

team members, who were hugging the walls of the Interrogation room

under Secrecy charms, all stepped forward and cancelled the charms. It

was those charms that was actually stopping the old man from looking

around other than at Croaker, not the magics of the chair.

"Well?" asked Croaker.

"Monocle's right," said Scimitar. "White Beard's a Dark Lord. He just

doesn't believe it. He won't accept it."

"I'm aware," said Croaker. "Tell me what I don't know."

"We'll want to pump him for a lot more information than just about

White Knight, Riddle and the prophecy. For example, while Whip was

whacking away at the bastard's pain receptors, we learned the following:

He believes Bookworm is his Heir - or, at least the Heir of the Minor

House of Dumbledore. He believes her to be the many times great

granddaughter of his maternal grandparents, Tiberius and Elizabeth

Puckle; making her his maternal cousin, four times removed."

Croaker gave him a look and demanded, "Has he informed her of this?"

"No," replied Scimitar. "It appears he would rather she never learn of it.

He'd rather see the Line of Dumbledore end with him and his brother."

"And, just how did he plan on stopping her from going to the goblins for

an inheritance test?"

"Minor compulsion charms," he replied. "Knight's Shadow have already

checked all of the White Knight's family and friends and did not find any

such charm on her at the time. White Beard's been nowhere near her

since then, so he can't have put one on since."

"And the compulsion charm I ordered put on said family and friends not

to remind our little knight to come in to hear the prophecy?"

"Still holding," he replied. "As is the charm on the elf not to check for


"Hmm..." said Croaker. "Next?"

"His sister, Ariana, the one who died as a child soon after White Beard

finished Hogwarts," he replied. "She was an obscurial."

That clearly surprised the Head of the Department. "Who stopped her

before she killed everyone?"

"He and Gellert Grindelwald, working together," replied Scimitar. "And,

yes, the evidence of he and Grindelwald being friends before White Beard

headed for France to take on an apprenticeship with Flamel are not only

true, but more than that.

"He and Grindelwald were, as suspected, lovers. So, yes, he's a

homosexual. But, it's surprising to learn, so was Grindelwald."

Croaker's only expression of surprise was a little grunt of


"And, about Grindelwald," said Scimitar.

"Go on."

"He's not dead, as we surmised," he replied. "He's locked up in the highest

point of Nurmengard. That's why White Beard only ever says he 'defeated'

him, whenever anyone pressured him on it. Because, he could not truly

claim he 'killed' him."

"Hmmm..." said Croaker. "As Grindelwald is clearly locked within his own

prison and hasn't managed to escape in all this time, I guess we can

consider him secure, for now."

Scimitar nodded.

"Anything else?"

"A lot of bits and pieces I'll need to sift through," he replied. "Nothing yet

germane, though. I'll write up a report on it all, this afternoon."

Croaker nodded and said, "I'll want it complete before I drag the old

bastard back in here, tomorrow.

"In the meantime, you now have other possible locations and identities of

Horcruxes to investigate. Set your team going on that while you write

your report."

Scimitar gave a nod and he and his team quietly left.




53. Hogsmeade and Anthills

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to the proverbial Duchess of

Magic, JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high

falutin' companies. No matter how much I whine about not owning anything

related to the HP universe, other than a few fanfic plots, I do not profess to

own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful

world... Damn it!

Chapter Fifty Three - Hogsmeade and Anthills




After flooing out of Saint Mungo's and direct to her DMLE Director's

office, Bones immediately began rattling off orders to the three of her

staff who'd accompanied her.

With the three then immediately leaving to get them done she tried to

figure out what to do next. There was only one option available to her.

Entering the bullpen she summoned all aurors still there into a gathering

and barked, "Listen up!"

When the quiet talking almost instantly tapered off, she gave it a moment

before she said in a clear and carrying voice, "Prisoner Albus

Dumbledore, during the transfer from the secure ward at Saint Mungo's

back to our holding cells here, was aided in escaping lawful custody.

"Myself, Master Aurors Moody and Robards and Master Healer Pockridge

were escorting him at the time. We were attacked and all knocked

unconscious. When we were woken less than a minute later by medical

staff of Saint Mungo's, Dumbledore had already scarpered.

"He is an escapee of lawful custody and is to be considered extremely

dangerous. If spotted, he is not to be directly approached. Instead, we are

to be immediately alerted here, so a force of significant size can move in

to re-apprehend him.

"Do not try to be a hero by apprehending him, yourself. This is the man

the last two Dark Lords had reason to fear. This is the man we always

feared of what would happen if he went dark. Well, he's done exactly


"We know he seems to have a very unsettling focus on young Lord Potter.

So, we expect he may move to try and infiltrate the school. I will be

alerting the standing force at the school, as well as Headmistress Lady

Marchbanks, to be on the watch for him. That standing―"

"Ma'am?" said a young female auror, interrupting.

Bones frowned at her and snapped, "You'd better―"

"Today's a Hogsmeade visit day at the school, Ma'am," the young auror

interrupted for a second time. "I believe Lord Potter and his party intend

to visit the village today. He should be―"

"Shit!" Bones suddenly exclaimed, already knowing where the auror was


Switching to action she barked, "I want the ready reaction force

apparating to Hogsmeade right now! Your task is to find Lord Potter and

his retinue and get them back to the castle, fast! Go!

"Next, Aurors Second Class; I want you on the floo and contacting our

people. I don't care if it's their day off! Tell them to get their guts here,

right now; on my order!

"Senior Aurors; start forming teams of four of those here... not the

Seconds who're making those calls. No more than one Senior Auror, per!

As soon as you have a team, go! Your task is to get the rest of the

students back to Hogwarts. Take no guff from any of them; this is a

DMLE directive!

"I also want a Master Auror volunteer to remain here and co-ordinate the

forming of those teams while I go to the school and co-ordinate from the


One immediately did, Proudfoot.

Looking around, she spotted a First Class who was looking for a team but

had not yet been snagged for one. "Wilks!" she barked.

As the young auror spun to look at her, she ordered him, "Go into my

office and get on the floo to Headmistress Lady Marchbanks. Inform her

of the escape of Dumbledore and she's to immediately halt any further

students from leaving the castle and recall all that she can. Go!"

The auror, 'got'; running to her office and charging inside.

Spinning back to the front, she spotted who she was looking for, the

auror who had interrupted her, and barked, "McManus!"

When the Second Class spun to look at her from the team she'd already

been dragged into, she forced herself to use a calmer voice and said, "Job

well done! Spotting an emergency and cutting in like that took guts. Go

with your team and get those students back to the castle."

"Yes, Ma'am!" the auror barked back. Moments later, she, with the team

she'd been snagged for, were gone in the swirl of a DMLE authorised and

created portkey.

Looking around at the proverbial anthill she'd just kicked over, Bones

gave a nod of satisfaction and stalked back to her office.

Walking in, she could see young Wilks with his head in the fire. "Wilks!"

she barked.

When the auror started to move, she barked, "Let Lady Marchbanks know

I need to step through!"

The young auror signalled he'd heard. A moment later he withdrew and

said, "She asks you give her twenty seconds to contact her staff and let

them know what's going on, Ma'am; then step through."

Bones gave a nod back and went to her desk, from behind it she pulled

an 'emergency' broom off the wall, kept there for when they needed to

quickly move about in a very large anti-portkey anti-apparation warded

area, such as the manor-hold of one of the Seven... or Hogwarts.

She gave it a quick check to make sure there were no immediately visible

signs of problems, then walked back to the grate.

"Alright, Wilks," she said. "You're with me."

The auror, who hadn't moved to leave the office yet, gave a nod back and

replied, "Yes, Ma'am.

A quick thought of how long it'd been and she said, "That should be long

enough, Wilks. Open the floo."

Quickly moving to obey, he had the floo open in moments and

immediately stepped through.

Bones was right on his heels.




With Neville, Hannah and Susan trying to surreptitiously watch them

from afar, Harry was escorting Hermione and Daphne into Scrivenshaft's

where, they informed him, they needed to restock on parchment, ink and


They'd just left that shop and were heading for Honeydukes - for anti-

Dementor chocolate, of course - when, out of the corner of his eye, Harry

saw a curse fly towards them.

Instantly recognising Daphne was the target, he called, "Down!" as he

dropped and swept her legs out from under her.

The curse, a simple stunner, flew bare inches over her head. Thankfully,

Hermione was somewhat used to this after their prior adventures and had

already dropped into a low crouch as she also spun to where the curse

originated; another had just missed her, also a stunner. Both came from

the small gap between Scrivenshaft's and Gladrags Wizardwear.

Almost as if bouncing, Harry was back up and spinning to where the

curses came from; between the two shops, as expected.

He was already casting before he even realised his wand was out and


Harry was surprised to see his own stunner shielded by one of the Fifth

Years - a very shocked Fifth Year - as that Slytherin's second cast, an

Incarcerous, was ducked by Harry. The attackers, the three Slytherins,

were about thirty to forty feet from them. Realising their ambush failed,

they began to cast as fast as they could. It meant more spells in the air,

but less accuracy.

Though down in a crouch - while Harry was shielding from another,

more possibly lethal curse - yet another curse was targeted at Daphne as

she struggled to rise to her feet again. This one clipped her on her

shoulder. With a startled yelp, she was spun away and collapsed to the


Harry was just in time to see it before another curse, a cutting curse,

clipped Hermione on the wand arm. She gave a slight scream as she

dropped her wand from nerveless fingers.

Spinning back and seeing the blood on his betrothed's arm, already

seeping out from between her fingers where she now clutched tightly at

the wound with her offhand, was enough for Harry.

He did something the three pureblood Slytherins least expected. For a

start, he didn't stand still and 'duel'. Nope! He immediately cast a shield

and charged. And it was the look of fury on his face, combined with how

he had cast a shield and was charging behind it as he did so, which

caused them to hesitate in shock. A tactical error.

No one before, that the three Slytherins knew of, had ever cast a Protego

shield and ran with it ahead of them. No one, as far as they knew, knew

you could do that. Until then, it was believed a shield could only be cast

in a fixed location. Harry, when he cast the charm, unknowingly but

instinctively cast it to anchor off the tip of his wand, rather than in a

specific location.

Nott and Cowley, after about a three second delay due to the shock, were

able to snap off a Blood Boiling curse and a Cutting hex each

respectively, where both ricocheted off that shield, before Potter was

among them.

One moment the three were feeling somewhat elated, as they'd just taken

out Potter's two bitches, then he was in their faces. His wasn't a happy


Confused with how fast the boy had moved, McGruber didn't even have

an arm up to block when Harry's right cross hit him in the left temple.

One moment McGruber was seeing his target casting spells back, more

quickly than he could believe; then he was in his face, then seeing stars,

then nothing.

Ducking away from a falling and unconscious McGruber, Harry next took

out Cowley. All it took was a single step towards the boy with his left

foot, then going for what the Americans called a 'punt'. It might have

been a few years since Harry had last kicked a football (soccer ball), but

he hadn't lost the skill. And his target might have been off the ground by

about three and a half feet, but it didn't make it any harder to kick. If

anything, the fraction of a second extra time for 'leg swing' gave it more


Bringing his foot forward, aiming to kick the boy in the twins, Harry's

foot connected with both, right on target; right where the bottom of his

laces would be over the top of the foot just back from the toes. Forgetting

about his added power and strength due to the healing potions he'd taken

while at the Grangers, he truly had no idea how hard he'd kicked the boy

until he'd lifted him a good foot off the ground.

Stepping forward onto the raised foot, slamming it onto the ground, he

used the force to rabbit punch the Fifth year in the face, turning his nose

into nothing more than shapeless pulp. The boy was unconscious before

he even felt the pain.

Nott, on seeing Potter charge forward, had frozen in shock. He still hadn't

moved when he took out McGruber before turning on Cowley.

It was only as Potter had kicked Cowley in the family jewels that he

finally began to move and cast. However, Potter had taken that step

forward just as his cast left wandtip - meaning his cast missed, behind -

and at only a range of about four feet, too.

As Potter then whirled on him, with an expression that clearly meant he

was going to die, Nott tried to jump back. However, he was far too hasty

to move and managed to trip over his own feet, landing on his arse on

the ground.

Then Potter stepped forward and snapped that foot forward again.

Nott then knew exactly what Cowley felt. Having had his father cast the

Cruciatus curse on him as 'training for when the Dark Lord returns' he

now knew his father was wrong to call that the worst pain imaginable.

This was.

Committing the unforgivable of dropping his wand just to use both hands

to cup his testicles, Nott attempted to curl up into a foetal position and

roll to his side. He then began to utter a soft but high pitched keening

sound of pain. His fight was over, but he didn't care. In the back of his

mind he rather hoped Potter would just kill him so he wouldn't have to

bear this pain any longer.

When he heard the cry of "Aurors!" he barely managed to turn his head to

the sound to see. And all he saw was Harry 'Bloody' Potter; standing over

him, with a look of absolute fury on his face; with his wand pointing at

him, a nasty yellow glow on its tip.

Potter did not seem to have heard the call.

Standing over the curled and whimpering boy, Harry raised his wand

even more and quietly stated, "Attacking the Lord of a Noble and Most

Ancient House without provocation is a death sentence, Nott.

"So, name your pleasure... the way in which you are going to die. Simple

cutting curse, such as a ribbon cutter, removing your head from your

shoulders? Or, how about I simply blow it off with an old favourite, a

Reducto. No? A piercing curse, right between the eyes, perhaps?

"Name it, Nott!" he ended with a snarl.

Nott never said a word as he continued to lie there and whimper.

"Lord Potter, don't!" he heard from behind.




As the Auror Ready Reaction Team portkeyed into the middle of

Hogsmeade, already facing out with wands drawn, they were met with

the scene of three teens, a boy and two girls, rushing to the aide of two

other teens, two girls, lying on the ground and wounded. Another teen

was charging across the space between the girls and the buildings, clearly

determined to hurt someone. And others were either running away or

rushing to help.

The Ready Reaction Team were exactly as the name suggested. When

something urgent occurred, they were always together and standing - or,

rather, quietly sitting when not training - waiting for the moment when

they had to get somewhere fast due to an emergency. As the risk of the

escaped Dumbledore going to Hogsmeade was considered such an

emergency, they were on their feet, their team leader - already

authorised to do so - immediately created a portkey for the emergency

site and they were gone. From the time Bones ordered the Team to go to

when they actually did, was less than twenty seconds.

"My front!" barked the one who saw them first. That had the other four

spin to where he was facing.

"I see no hostiles," said one.

"Down between Gladrags and Scrivenshaft's," said the first, already

hurrying forward.

As the RR Team quickly moved forward, while also scanning their

surroundings, the team healer bent down to check both downed teens.

One, the brunette, had taken a cutting curse to the upper right arm, but

seemed to be holding it firm, causing only slight bleeding. However, the

blood was already running down past her elbow.

Quickly checking the second, the field medi-wizard of the Team

discovered the girl to have taken a bludgeoning curse to the shoulder.

She had what appeared to be a broken humerus, scapula acromion and

possibly clavicle. She wouldn't die from it, but it would be incredibly


"Broken arm and shoulder," she said to the girl, keeping it simple. "Don't

try and move it too much." She gave the girl a quick pain relief potion

and forced her to take it before turning back to the first.

Vanishing the sleeve right from under the girl's offhand before then

pulling a vial of Essence of Dittany out of her medi-pouch, she said, "I

need you to move your hand, Miss."

Gently, Hermione pulled her hand away and, as she did so, the medi-

wizard gently poured the essence over it. A few seconds later, as the skin

and tissue inside the wound bubbled, it stopped bleeding.

Pulling the vial away she said, "That'll hold it until you get back to the

castle and Madam Pomfrey, which I must ask you to make all due haste

to return to."

"Pomfrey's gone," said Hermione, checking her wound out. "A Healer

Robinson is the medi-wizard of the school now."

"Right," said the medi-wizard. "I'd forgotten."

Hermione, looking past the medi-wizard wearing aurors robes, asked,

"Where's Harry?" She indicated the narrow alley and said, "He went

charging down there after Nott and his flunkies, who ambushed us."

As they'd been talking, more aurors began to arrive in force, seconds

apart and in groups of four. Then started immediately corralling the kids

and ordering them back to the school.

When one Ravenclaw tried to complain, the auror just glared back and

said, "DMLE orders! Obey or be arrested. Your choice!"

That was more than enough to get those hesitant to return to the castle,

moving. As they were doing so, the carriages waiting for them were

immediately leaving as soon as they had at least five kids in them.




In the narrow alleyway, three of the aurors of the Team of five had just

charged in to see Lord Potter standing over a prone and whimpering boy

while two others were unconscious on the ground behind him. Neither

appeared to have been magically attacked, but both were just as clearly

unconscious. One of the aurors nominally based at the castle was

standing back just a bit with his wand drawn.

Potter appeared to be demanding of the third boy which form of curse he

preferred to be killed by.

The senior Senior Auror of the Team, out in front with his remaining two

Team members back a pace and watching, said, "Lord Potter, don't!

Harry never moved. He stood there with his wand tip glowing with what

appeared to be a ribbon severing charm. A lethal cutting curse considered

quite grey, but not dark. And that was because any injury from it that

wasn't immediately fatal could be healed, including severed limbs being


"Come on, Nott!" snarled the boy. "Name the method of your death!"

"Lord Potter!" the auror barked. "Aurors! Please stand down!"

Not taking his eyes off his 'opponent', Harry snarled back. "This piece of

shit attacked and injured the bonded... two bonded... of the Lord of a

Noble and Most Ancient House! It. Is. My. Right... To end him!"

"I'm aware!" said the Auror carefully stepping closer, but not too fast,

worrying he'd startle the young Lord into carrying out his threat before

he could talk him out of it. "Please, Lord Potter. Let us Aurors deal with


A long moment later, Harry allowed his wand tip to dim and he slowly

lowered it back to his side. "You're a lucky boy, Nott. These Aurors just

saved you from dying, here and now, lying in the dirt of an out-of-the-

way laneway.

"However, if I find you ever again in Hogwarts, your life will be

immediately forfeit; as will the lives of your two minions, here. Got me?"

Still whimpering, Nott could only nod as he continued to hold his 'boys',

wishing he could simply pass out from the pain until he was healed.

As the Senior auror came up alongside Harry, he asked, "What's wrong

with him?"

"He attacked my right foot with his testicles," said Harry.

That had the auror pause for a moment while he figured that one out.

Then he smirked and asked, "How's your foot, then?"

"I think he bruised it," said Harry.

"Need a Healer to take a look?" the auror asked him.

Before Harry could reply Nott moaned, "Yyyyeeeessss."

The auror looked down and said, "I wasn't asking you, Prisoner Nott. Oh,

by the way, you're under arrest for attacking the Lord of a Noble and

Most Ancient House, plus for attacking the bonded... two counts... of a

Lord of a Noble and Most Ancient House, causing severe injury to both.

Are you going to get up, or do I just portkey you from off the ground?"

Nott just moaned and whimpered.

"I'll take that as, 'Portkey me from off the ground, thanks'," said the


Once portkeys were dropped onto all three, one of the aurors portkeyed

out with them to the DMLE holding cells.

Once they were gone, Harry mumbled something about having to slap

down idiots too stupid to know they were outmatched, out-gunned and

outwitted as he followed the remaining three aurors back to the street.

The auror, who had already been there before the RR Team arrived,

appeared unhappy the senior auror of the Team had stopped Harry

killing the idiot, but did not say anything.

As he walked out of the lane Harry could see Madam Bones had just

arrived and was talking to Hermione and looking in their direction.

"Lord Potter," she snapped. "You and yours need to get back to the castle,


Harry looked around and could see that what few remaining students

there were, were quickly being herded by aurors towards the carriages.

"Alright," he said. "Why the evacuation?"

"I'll explain back at the castle," she returned, still looking carefully about

rather than at him. "I need you moving, right the Hell now."

He gave her a nod and saw that both his ladies were ambulatory, at least.

He gave them a quick check to make sure they weren't in imminent

danger and indicated to the carriages waiting for them.

"Come on," he said. "Let's get you two back to see medi-wizard Robinson."

With his wand still out and carefully walking with them - Daphne was

trying not to jiggle her arm too much - he asked Bones, "Now that we're

moving, how about you give me the quick synopsis of why the students

are being ordered by you back to the castle?"

With the eyes of all aurors surrounding them, now numbering in their

immediate area more than a dozen pairs, she quietly said, "Dumbledore

managed to escape lawful custody, this morning."

That had all three instantly on alert, with Harry quite furious. "I'll be

expecting you to give me a better overview than that, once we're back

inside the school, Madam Bones."

"You can expect it all you like," she retorted. "I'll tell you what I deem

you need to know; nothing more. And, yes, that will be once I get you

three back inside the castle."




After having caught the end of the attempted attack on Potter, the

mudblood and Greengrass by Nott and his paid cronies from his vantage

point across the street, hunkered under a Notice-me-Not alongside the

plant shop Dogweed and Deathcap, Malfoy managed to hold off being

found by the aurors until one of the last in the school to be in the village.

With Parkinson, Crabbe and Goyle he ended up in the carriage right

behind the Potters.

He was actually there only to keep an eye on Nott and his two to see

what they were up to. So, he saw the entire attack and Potter's reaction

within seconds of it starting.

When he saw Potter's near instant reactions and speed, he gave a small

shudder. He knew he had no chance of developing that sort of reaction

time or casting speed himself. Therefore, Potter would wipe the floor

with him if he tried to confront the other boy front-on. No, he'd have to

be Slytherin about it and take him from ambush.

Mind you, that's exactly what Nott tried and he still got his arse handed

to him. No, he'd need more minions and have to space them further apart

than just the yard and a half as Nott did.

This would require far more planning than the so-called 'extensive' plans

he'd already dreamed up.




As soon as the three arrived at the steps of the castle, they were greeted

by both the Longbottoms and the Headmistress.

The latter took one look at both Potter ladies and firmly stated,

"Infirmary; right now. I'll make sure medi-wizard Robinson is there and

ready for you."

Both Hermione and Daphne nodded back and were escorted by Susan

and Hannah. Neville hung back for Harry. Marchbanks turned slightly

away and called for an elf, telling it what it needed to do before it

popped away again.

When she saw Bones she asked, "Mine are all back?"

Bones replied, "If there are any stragglers they're trying to hide from my

aurors. They'll be found and brought back. If there are any, it'll only be a


"Oh, and three won't be returning tonight, if at all."

Marchbanks just cocked an eyebrow.

"Theodore Nott, Tom McGruder and someone Cowley," said Bones. All

Slytherins. All three laid in wait to ambush Lord Potter and his ladies.

Both his ladies were hurt, as you saw, and Lord Potter... put them down."

"Dead?" asked Marchbanks.

Taking Marchbanks aside, she replied, "No, but at least one of them is

wishing he was, Nott."

"Oh?" asked Marchbanks.

"According to my Senior Auror, first on the scene, he reported that Lord

Potter... how can I put this... claimed that Mister Nott attacked his right

foot with his testicles."

Marchbanks cocked an eyebrow as she smirked back. "And how is the


Grinning back, Bones said, "Lord Potter believes Mister Nott may have

managed to bruise his foot. My auror, the conscientious young man he is,

immediately charged Mister Nott with attacking Lord Potter and injuring

him. That's on top of the charges for attacking and injuring Lord Potter's

two bonded."

Marchbanks had to work hard with her Occlumency to ensure she didn't

cackle with glee.

A moment later, she was all business again. "Any sign of Albus?"

As if she'd been dosed with cold water, Bones braced up a little and

replied, "No. However, I've left a large standing guard under

disillusionment in the village to keep an eye out for him."

Marchbanks nodded and asked, "If he is spotted and re-apprehended,

please let me know with all due haste. These kids are going to want to

know why their weekend at Hogsmeade was suddenly cut short."

She replied, "Just tell them a dangerous escaped criminal is on the loose

and it was thought he might have attempted to attack Hogsmeade while

the students were there, looking for possible hostages."

Marchbanks gave a nod and said, "The truth, without giving anything

away. I'll do that at lunch."

"Thank you," said Bones. "And do let me know, toute suite, if any of your

students, bar the three Slytherins I mentioned, turn up missing."

"Of course," replied Marchbanks.

When Marchbanks headed off, Bones walked back over to a clearly

irritated Lord Potter.

"Harry," she quietly said.

When he just gave a nod back, she knew he was still upset.

She sighed and explained to him what had happened at Saint Mungo's

not that long ago.

"He had help," said Harry. "No idea who that help was?"

"None," she replied.




After wishing Madam Bones well in her hunt for Albus Dumbledore,

Harry and Neville left to head for the Infirmary. He thought it only right

to tell the others what Madam Bones had told him.

If he had hung about the entrance hall a little longer, he'd have seen a

sullen Draco Malfoy enter with Parkinson and his two bookends. And

Marchbanks berate all four for 'avoiding' the aurors before assigning all

four with further points losses and detentions.

When Harry walked in to the Infirmary it was to see Hermione sitting

beside a bed with Daphne in it. Hermione was still wearing her 'witches

casual' attire Harry kept insisting - as did Daphne, now - she wear when

she didn't have to wear her Hogwarts uniform, with her sleeve still

missing. And now Daphne was wearing a hospital robe.

Neville's two, plus Tracey, were also there. All five were chatting and

laughing happily.

Walking in the door, Harry stopped and reached out to also stop Neville,

as all five pairs of eyes were smiling back at them.

"Nev!" he mock whispered. "I think they're making dastardly plans about

us. We should run!"

Neville gave a snort of amusement, as all five girls laughed. He pushed

Harry's arm out of the way and walked over to the them.

"Oh, well!" Harry mock wailed. "Where a Longbottom goes, a Potter is

sure to be there to drag his mate out of danger!"

With Neville a little ahead, the other boy walked over and kissed both his

girls on the cheek, before looking around for another chair.

Harry gave a shrug, walked over and kissed Hermione on the cheek, then

leaned over the edge of the bed and kissed a very surprised Daphne on

the cheek, too.

As the girl blushed he pulled back and asked, "Skele-Gro?"

Daphne looked a little annoyed, which caused the blush to immediately

recede, before she nodded. "According to medi-wizard Robinson, I'm here

for the night."

"Hmm..." he said. "Mind if I put monitoring wards up on your bed?"

Curious, she asked, "No, why?"

He firmly replied, "Just in case someone uses the opportunity of knowing

you're in here, alone, to try to attack you."

That had her worried a little. "Go ahead," she nodded.

Harry stepped back and cast the simple alert ward he wanted. It was

keyed to her heart rate.

"Done," he smiled.

Hermione, ever curious, asked, "What sort of alert ward did you use?"

"A heartbeat one," he smiled back. "If Daphne's heartbeat goes above ten

beats per minute more than what it is now, I'll know. If anyone enters

and threatens to attack, her heartbeat will go up, which will trigger the


Hermione looked back in surprise, as did the others. She said, "That's

actually quite clever."

"Thank you," he smiled.

"I mean, the threat doesn't even need to approach her bed," she

continued. "Just being in the room is enough, if that person proves

themselves to be a threat. And it'll be Daphne's autonomic reflexes that'll

trigger it, not something she consciously has to do."

Still smiling he replied, "I'm aware. That's why I picked it."

Cutting in before Hermione could go on one of her thought-made-verbal

excursions, Daphne asked, "Do you know why they evacuated


"Oh; yes," he replied. "Madam Marchbanks is going to announce to the

wider school at lunch that a dangerous criminal has escaped lawful

custody and was thought to be heading for Hogsmeade. They didn't want

any students in the village in case the foul fiend took a student or two as

a hostage."

A little quieter, he continued, "However, what she will not be announcing

is that the escaped criminal is Albus Dumbledore. Madam Bones wanted

us to know because she's absolutely positive that, first chance he gets,

Dumbledore's going to try and grab me. And, if he can't do that, he'll try

and grab one of you; so as to bargain with me to volunteer to swap."

"Dumbledore was in custody?" asked Tracey. "I didn't know that."

Harry nodded and said, "Remember us telling you about how he tried to

analyse the wards at the Grangers' in order to find a way through them?"

She nodded.

"Well, they arrested him that night," he replied. "When they then tried to

interrogate him under Veritaserum, he had a heart attack. Since then, he

was in Saint Mungo's, recovering.

"This morning, after being informed yesterday evening he'd effectively

recovered from it, Madam Bones believed he was well enough to be

moved back to the DMLE holding cells before they recommenced

interrogating him under Veritaserum. Some mongrel helped him escape

from right outside the doors of the DMLE secure ward at Saint Mungo's,

while they were moving him from the ward to the nearest floo point.

"All that occurred just as we were leaving the school for the village. Then

it took them a short while to figure out there was a Hogsmeade day here

today and Madam Bones ordered a full turn out of Aurors and an

emergency attendance at the village to chase all the students back to the

school. Just in case."

"Wow!" said Hannah. "It's been a busy morning for Aunt Ami."

"Yup," nodded Harry. "And her day is not done; not by a long cast. She

needs to organise teams to go and search Dumbledore's old haunts, such

as his own place in Godric's Hollow and his parent's old place in Mold on

the Wold."

"Think they'll catch him?" asked Daphne.

Harry thought about it before he sighed and replied, "No. We're talking

about a man who is more than capable of casting a Fidelius, remember?

If he gets a wand anywhere near suitable for him in his hand, he'll have

the charm up fast and hide under it until the heat dies down. It's what I'd


"Once he has the charm up, he'd have all the time in the world to work

out what he was going to do from there. And that includes coming up

with a plan to get his hands on me."




A while later and after being kicked out of the Infirmary by the new

medi-wizard, ordered by him to go and have lunch, the Heirs bar Daphne

headed for the Great Hall just as the weekend lunch period began.

It was while sitting there and thinking about how he thought

Dumbledore would hide himself, at least for a while, under a Fidelius

charm, Harry called Dobby to bring him his school satchel with ink,

quills and parchment. Then began to write.

He wrote Madam Bones a note explaining why he thought Dumbledore

would move to hide himself under a Fidelius. Then suggested she make

the manhunt only continue for no more than two/three days.

'After that, I think you'll be wasting your time,' he wrote. 'He'd definitely have

the Fidelius up by then. And no amount of searching for him is going to find

him. Best not to exhaust your aurors for what would be a fool's quest.'

As there was no hurry for the note, he would send it off using Hedwig;

who would be, of course, happy to take it.

Then he wrote a note to both Daphne's and Hermione's fathers,

explaining what had happened and what he had immediately done. And

asked they not think too poorly of him he wasn't able to fully protect

them from the attack. Those two notes he had delivered by HEED. Dobby

was happy to take both.

They then hung around for the announcement from Headmistress Lady

Marchbanks as to why the Hogsmeade visit was suddenly cancelled;

exactly the way he'd explained to the others she would.

There was no need for them to know it was Dumbledore, or that it was

believed Dumbledore was after him, personally. The other students

would just resent him for it.

After another short visit to the Infirmary, where Harry reminded Daphne

she could call for Betsy if she needed anything, he and Hermione

returned to their apartment.

That left him and Hermione alone again in the apartment for the evening.

He was wondering what to do when Hermione came out of her room,


As he stared at her, stunned, he stuttered, "Errr... Ummm..."

She ignored all that and sat down on the sofa next to him as if there was

nothing unusual about her state of dress.

He hadn't even noticed she was carrying a small jar of some paste until

she offered it to him.

"Errr―" he tried again.

"Harry, are you listening to me?" she demanded.

He hadn't even realised she'd been talking to him.

With a knowing smirk she explained, "I need you to rub some of that on

my wound so it won't scar," indicating the jar now in his hand.

"Hunh?" he asked. He just couldn't seem to get his brain to work.

Slowly shaking her head she pointed at the jar and said, "Paste." Then

indicated her arm, where her freshly healed wound from the cutting

curse deeply gouged her and said, "On wound."

Finally figuring out what she meant, he said, "Oh!"

He quickly undid the lid and carefully scooped out a large dob of the

paste. Then set the jar and the separated lid on the coffee table before

reaching with his other hand for her upper arm as she offered it.

Holding her arm firmly by her elbow, he carefully applied the paste and

made sure it was reasonably thick right across the entire surface of the

new skin that replaced what was carved out by the curse.

Once finished, he carefully cleaned his fingers of the paste, picked up the

jar again and screwed the lid back on, tight.

Leaving the jar on the table he said, "Not that I mind, but why aren't you

wearing clothes?"

"I didn't want any accidents where the paste ended up on my clothes, of

course," she replied.

He didn't even realise he was looking back with an expression of disbelief

until she snickered and said, "Alright. I just wanted to get naked for you."

Surprised, he said, "Not that I'm unhappy with that decision; but, why?"

"You'll find out when you get naked, Harry," she mysteriously replied.

No idiot; seconds later, he was.

"Good," she said.

When she then bent towards him for what he thought was a kiss, she

continued to bend forward until her head was in his lap.

Only for a moment, was he curious as to― Oh God!




After Hermione made Harry happy... very, very happy... she sat up, slid

her bum to the edge of the sofa and slouched back.

"Feel like giving chapter eleven a try?" she asked.

It took Harry a moment to figure out what she meant before his eyes

widened and he looked back. "You're sure?" he asked.

"If you're willing," she said. "But, only if you're willing. I've heard there

are many who aren't."

No," he said. "I can do this. After all, you just... did that."

When she smiled back at him he slid off the couch, onto his knees and

moved his face between her legs as she made herself a little more


"Just be gentle," she said. "Take your time. There's no need to hurr― Oh!

Oh, my God!... That's... Oooohhh!" she cried out.

Harry never got to cook dinner that night, as Hermione had managed

to... without purposefully initiating it for that reason... distract him.




The two teens again went to the Infirmary to visit with Daphne straight

after dinner, when Harry realised he hadn't even thought of cooking

dinner. They expected she'd likely be alone, but she wasn't. Her parents

and sister were there.

Harry approached and said, "Lord Greengrass, I owe House Greengrass

and you, personally, an apology. I was unable to fully protect your


"Nonsense, Lord Potter," he immediately returned. "From what I've

already learned, you acted with honour and all due haste. From Amelia

Bones I learned you apparently caused quite significant harm to your and

her attackers.

"Young Heir Nott, for instance, will be in Saint Mungo's for quite a while.

Apparently when... *snort*... he attacked your foot with his... body parts

between his legs, he managed to do himself a great injury. Both... orbs...

were ruptured; and he has severe bruising... elsewhere, but nearby.

"Unless the healers are able to completely reverse the damage, it was so

extensive he may never be able to reproduce."

With a flat look back, Harry said, "Damned shame, that. Maybe he'll have

no need of a concubine, after all."

Hermione had already learned not to berate Harry in public for his

language. Besides, she had already moved to speak with Adeline and

hadn't heard him.

Harry's remark had Samuel grinning from ear to ear. "A most effective

retaliation, I believe."

Harry grumbled a bit and muttered, "I was sending a message."

"A most effective one at that," said Samuel.

After Harry had a chance to talk to Adeline and Astoria, he reminded the

latter she could always come up and visit her big sister whenever she


"Just because she's no longer in the Slytherin dorms, does not mean she is

no longer available when you need her, or even if you simply need to

chat," he explained to her.

"Yes," muttered the girl. "But, with her no longer being in the dorms, if I

want or need to speak with her after curfew, I can't."

"Nonsense," he snorted. Turning his head to the side he called, "Dobby,


With a double pop both elves appeared. "Master Harry?" asked Dobby.

"Hello, you two." Indicating Astoria, he said, "This is Miss Daphne's sister,

Astoria. She rooms in the Second Year girls' dorms in Slytherin. I want

you to listen for her call as, when she does, she'll be needing to speak

with her sister. Can you do that for me, you two?"

"Yes, Master Harry," both replied, after they seemed to gesture something

towards Astoria.

Harry thought it was some form of elvish monitoring charm. He was


As both then popped away, he turned to her and said, "See? All fixed.

Even if it's after curfew, you can call for Dobby or Betsy and one will

come to you. If necessary, they can then elf-pop you up to our apartment.

"There is really no need for you to miss your big sister just because your

father and I employed some legal chicanery to protect her."

He did not see the look that passed between Hermione and Daphne; nor

noticed the look on Adeline's face as she did see it.

"I especially want you to do that if you feel threatened down there,

alright?" he asked.

She nodded back with tears starting to well in her eyes.

Looking back to Daphne he asked, "How's the tingling? If it gets to be too

much you should ask medi-wizard Robinson for a sleeping draught to

help you sleep later."

"It's fine, for now," she replied, smiling back. Then indicating the bedside

table where stood a small full vial, she said, "And he's already dropped

off a sleeping draught for if I need it."

He nodded and said, "Okay. Good. Just checking."

That had Adeline beam at him with a bright smile. He thought it was

because he did something nice for her youngest daughter. Nope.

Just as he and Hermione were leaving again - "Spend some quality time

with your family," he told her. "You get to spend time with us two

practically all the rest of the time" - he walked over and kissed her on the


Hermione smiled at her and said, "We'll be back tomorrow morning

before breakfast. Hopefully, Medi-wizard Robinson will release you then."




After a quiet evening, the two Potters were up early to head to the

Infirmary to 'rescue' Daphne from Medi-wizard Robinson.

When the two entered and Harry said precisely that, he heard a snort of

amusement from Robinson's door to his office.

Looking in that direction, Harry at least had the respect to blush when he

saw the man standing there.

Hermione asked, "Can Daphne be released so we can take her to breakfast

with us, Mister Robinson?"

"She's clear to go," he smiled back. He looked to Harry and said, "From

Poppy Pomfrey's notes on you, I'm surprised you didn't end up in a bed

next to Miss Greengrass."

"I got lucky," replied Harry.

"Try and be as lucky in future," the man wryly returned.

Meanwhile, Hermione had gone over to the bed and was in the process of

pulling screens around it as Daphne flicked the bed-covers back on one


He was going to approach until she started doing that. Instead, he

grabbed a couple more screens and pulled them in their direction.

"I don't have any fresh robes or underwear," said Daphne.

Hermione immediately suggested back, "Call Betsy."

With the screens around the bed in an enclosed 'U' shape, Harry went

over to speak with the Healer.

"Journeyman Healer Robinson," he formally said. "Lord Harrison Potter."

That had the medi-wizard straighten up. He gave a courteous nod back

and said, "Lord Potter. How may I, or the Elder House of Robinson, aid


'Somewhat formal, as required,' thought Harry. 'Good. The man needs to

think of me in my Lordly persona for this.' "Has Lord Greengrass

informed you of the... nature of the relationship between I and his


"I'm aware Mi- Heiress Greengrass is in concubinage with you, if that is

what you mean," he replied.

With a nod back, Harry said, "That part is true. However, Lord

Greengrass has also charged me with keeping an eye on his youngest,

Astoria. To that end, if anything... untoward... happens with or to her, I

wish to be informed."

The healer seemed to think on that before he said, "If she allows it, I'll do

so. However, I will not violate her trust if she requests me not to."

"Fair enough," said Harry. "However, I also ask that you alert her to that

if it appears she doesn't think of it."

"As you say, 'Fair enough', Lord Potter," said Robinson.

As the screens were then being pulled out of the way, Harry said, "Thank

you. I feel better knowing you take your oaths seriously and respect me

enough to hear me out and consider my words."

"You're welcome, Lord Potter," he replied.

As the two then stood in quiet contemplation, Daphne finished getting

dressed by donning her shoes. She was wearing silk stockings; unlike

Hermione, who was still wearing knee-high socks. The two were talking

about how Hermione would be switching to stockings and high heels, as

well, now that she had just found out it was not against the rules to do

either for girls over fifteen.

Walking over, Harry asked, "I take it Betsy's soon to be sent shopping?"

"Yes," grinned a very happy Hermione, just as Daphne was finishing up

and standing.

"As you wish," he said.

"I thought you were a bright young man," muttered Robinson, clearly in

support and loud enough only for Harry to hear. He had quietly followed

Harry closer to the girls.

Turning and smiling back, Harry murmured, "I am not a daft moron."

That earned him a wider grin. Clearly, the medi-wizard had heard of

Harry's main penchant.




Sunday was truly a quiet day at the castle for the Heirs. After not being

able to cook for the friends during the previous week, Harry was looking

forward to cooking that night.

This time, Daphne at first stood in the doorway and watched, talking to

him as he worked. However, within only a few minutes of entering, she

was perched on a stool out of the way and watched. Talking was then

just an excuse to watch him work.

When Hermione came in, saw the expression on Daphne's face while

watching Harry work, she soon had her own elf-conjured stool alongside

the girl and watched with her.

At a time when Harry was muttering to himself about what he could cook

as he was working on a different dish, Hermione leaned towards and

whispered to Daphne, "It's amazing to watch, isn't it?"

"He did this all the time at your place?" Daphne just as quietly asked


"Almost every night," she replied. "He wanted to cook every meal, but

Dobby wouldn't let him."

When Daphne looked surprised, Hermione grinned and whispered, "I'll

explain, later."

Both girls knew she meant 'girl talk' time, when Harry wasn't in listening





When Harry told them dinner should be ready in about thirty minutes,

Hermione sent Betsy to inform Tracey and Astoria, if either wanted to

come, when dinner would be ready. Then sent Dobby to tell the

Longbottoms the same.

Then the two girls retired to Hermione's room to chat.

It took Harry more than five minutes to even notice they'd disappeared.

He was working on dessert.

In Hermione's room she asked the other girl, "You're falling in love with

him, aren't you?"

It wasn't asked in a harsh, derogatory or anywhere near accusatory

manner. Instead, it was asked in a quite simple tone.

Daphne immediately wanted to deny it. Eventually, especially after

seeing the care and amusement in Hermione's mien, she gave a sigh and

almost morosely replied, "Yes."

Hermione chuckled and dropped to sit on her bed. "Don't worry about it,"

she explained. "It took me a great deal longer to figure out I'd done the


"You're his betrothed," said Daphne, taking the chair at the dresser Betsy

had 'moved' there from... wherever. "You should, in some regards."

Hermione nodded and said, "I cannot be upset with you for falling in love

with Harry. He's just so easy to fall in love with. After all, I did."

Daphne nodded and said, "Falling in love with your spouse is not an

important factor in wizarding couples at our level. It's their biological

compatibility that has precedence.

"Of course, it's very nice if you do... but―"

"And what of concubines?" asked Hermione.

"Even less important," she replied. "After all, the relationship is only for

the purpose of begetting children to continue a House. There's not even

any expectation the concubine need remain with the... wizard... after a

male child is born and the line is continued."

"However―" prompted Hermione.

"However..." nodded Daphne. "Yes. I'm sorry. I'm falling in love with


"Don't apologise for that," replied Hermione. "As I said, I did, too. You

cannot use logic to overrule your heart. It. Just. Happens."

"I don't want to be the cause of any problems between you and Harry,"

Daphne firmly stated.

"I believe you," said Hermione. "However, I don't think you could, even if

you tried. I am very confident in the love Harry has for me."

When she saw the other girl understood, she added, "But, that doesn't

mean there is no room in his heart for you, either."

That shocked the blonde.

With a snort of amusement at Daphne's expression, Hermione said, "My

main problem with Harry taking on a concubine wasn't you taking his

love from me. My main problem was your upbringing. I was worried you

had or might develop an attitude that had you look down on me, because

I'm muggleborn."

When Daphne appeared she was about to vehemently disagree, Hermione

added, "After this past week, together with your behaviour towards me in

the past, I know now that's not going to happen. As such, I can also see

it's not your intent to try and separate Harry from me. Therefore, I find

myself quite content with this... concubinage arrangement. It think it will

be good for you both.

"Don't be afraid to fall in love with him, Daphne. I think it'll make you

very happy to do so. And you'll make this arrangement much more

pleasant for you if you do."

Daphne seemed to struggle a bit with what she was feeling before she

sighed and asked, "And... if I want to carry the agreement through to a


Hermione giggled and said, "I made the same decision back before Harry

and I returned to the castle. I've also already let him know I have chosen

I will not activate the clause required to cancel the agreement; and want

it to go through to contract. He claims the same.

"I don't know if I'm ready to accept he'll need to sleep with you if...

when... your agreement becomes a contract. But, I'm working on it.

"However, just so you know and so the air is clear between us, Harry and

I haven't slept together yet. But, I feel that'll happen within the next

couple of months. And, just in case, I want to at least be his first."

Surprised, Daphne asked, "You mean he's―"

"A virgin?" suggested Hermione. "Yes. As am I."

"I would have thought―"

"No," she replied. "Though I'm aware there are many witches who would

happily sleep with him were he to ask, Harry sees them all as 'fangirls' of

the Boy-Who-Lived; not the real Harry. He thinks it would be dishonest."

Curious, Daphne said, "But, you don't see him that way."

"No," she replied. "I never truly have. However, I confess for the first few

months I knew of him, I somewhat did. He set me straight on that. Plus,

until he professed his love for me, I didn't think I was worthy of being his

girlfriend let alone his betrothed. That was something else he set me

straight on."

"How did that happen, if I may be so bold as to ask?" asked Daphne. "I

know what you told me when Harry brought you to visit with us. But,

that seemed... odd."

Hermione smiled and told her.

As she talked, Hermione watched Daphne's expression, even seeing when

the blonde winced when Hermione spoke about when she went on her


"You're lucky they understood that would be your reaction and didn't tell

you off for it," explained Daphne. "I know muggles have a different view

on these sort of things, but you're muggleborn and not a muggle. You

need to be careful with how you react in certain situations."

Hermione sighed and replied, "I'm now very much aware of that. I need

to constantly think about something before my own knee-jerk reactions

are set off before I have a chance to stop and think first."

Daphne nodded and said, "What happened after your... lets face it...


"Mum slapped me down for it, then so did Harry," she replied. "Both told

me to stop and think it through. Once I started doing that, they gave me

some time to read the agreement for myself.

"Then they told me about something to do with magical guardians and

muggleborns that scared the living daylights out of me. And, finally, I

told Daddy to go ahead and sign it."

"It then took me the rest of that evening and into the next day to analyse

it in my mind before I realised it was the right thing to do, all along. And

I was being stupid and acting without speaking, when I lost my temper

with them all."

"You now accept it," said Daphne.

"Yes," replied Hermione. "But, even then, I did not fully know what that

meant. For the next few days afterwards I began to learn more and more

what it meant to be the Lady Presumptive of a Noble and Most Ancient

House. I think I've still got a great deal to learn."

"You do," said Daphne. "But, you're picking it up fast."




54. Task Training Begins

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to the proverbial Duchess of

Magic, JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high

falutin' companies. No matter how much I whine about not owning anything

related to the HP universe, other than a few fanfic plots, I do not profess to

own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful

world... Damn it!

Chapter Fifty Four - Training Begins




After an excellent dinner, there was little doubt it would be, the two girls

again retired to Hermione's room to talk while Harry was on his mirror to


In her room later, Hermione decided to tell Daphne - in the strictest of

confidence, of course - just how far her and Harry's relationship had

sexually developed. And Daphne confessed to her mother giving her a

'special' book to read in the days leading up to her leaving for Hogwarts.

Hermione then explained about the book Sirius had given Harry to read

and her making sure he did. And it was with the aid of that book they

were progressing their relationship.

When Daphne, madly blushing away, asked about oral sex, Hermione let

her inner 'professor' out and explained it in detail in as clinical a fashion

as she could.

"And, you and Harry have done that?" asked the blonde. "Both of them?"

"Yes," replied Hermione. With a developing excited grin, she confessed,

"It was... wonderful." And sighed in remembrance.

Daphne began thinking... and considering.

Meanwhile, Sirius was talking to Harry about other important matters.

"I shall be speaking with Amelia about that old bastard's escape, pup,"

said Sirius.

"Don't be hard on her, Sirius," Harry demanded. "She did everything she

could to prevent it and still failed. It wasn't carelessness on her part. No

one yet has any idea how anyone even knew Dumbledore was in her

custody, let alone was at the DMLE secure ward at Saint Mungo's.

"She's spent most of yesterday and all of today, I bet, interviewing

everyone who knew anything. Give her time to go through all that by

staying out of her way until her investigations are finished. Please."

Sirius sighed and replied, "Alright, pup; you're right. She needs time to

finish investigating. But, I'm not happy about this."

"No one is," said Harry. "Except, maybe, Dumbledore and whichever of

his foolish lackeys helped him escape."

As both thought about that for a few moments, Sirius suddenly said, "Oh!

I knew there was something I wanted to talk to you about when next you

contacted me..."

"Alright," said Harry. "Now's your chance. Don't go holding back on me."

"Your room at my place, Grimmauld Place," said Sirius. "How do you

want it decorated?"

"They're at the decoration stage?" asked Harry. "Oh... hang on... of course,

they'd be. They promised it'd all be done by... what... first week in

February, right?"

"Right," replied Sirius. "So, decoration ideas?"

"Ummm... about that," said Harry. "How many bedrooms did you say this

place of yours had?"

Sirius smirked and replied, "Lots. However, what you really want to know

is, if there'd be room for Hermione and Daphne, right?"

"Welllll..." said Harry, suddenly a little uncomfortable. "I figured, with

Hermione now being a daughter of House Black and all, you'd have

already planned to set up a room for her. So, that just left Daphne."

His smirk not changing one whit, Sirius replied, "Already considered.

Their rooms will be split either side of yours on the second floor."

"Ah," said Harry, a little relieved. Thinking of decoration, he replied, "For

me, keep it simple. Cream walls, no wallpaper. Red woods for

furnishings. Gloss-lacquered and polished, rather than painted. Queen-

size double bed, chest of drawers, wardrobe and desk with desk chair, if

at all possible. Wall-to-wall carpet or a large enough rug to cover most of

the floor. Dull or deep red, maybe."

"And the girls?" asked Sirius.

"Hang on. I'll go hand the mirror to Hermione," he replied. "She and

Daphne are in her room, talking."

"Right-o, Pup."

Walking across the apartment, Harry knocked on Hermione's door and

waited. When she called him to enter, he opened the door and walked in.

Daphne was sitting at a dressing table while Hermione was sitting on the


As he handed Hermione the mirror, he said, "Sirius wants to know how

you want your room at Grimmauld Place, decorated. Daphne's, too."

As Hermione accepted the mirror and both girls looked at him in

surprise, he smiled and, looking to Daphne, said, "As both Hermione and

I will likely spend quite some time there over summer, Sirius agrees you

should have your own room, too."

Without waiting for a response, he turned and walked out, pulling the

door firmly latched shut behind him.




Hermione was quick to flip the mirror around so she could properly look

into it and immediately asked, "Daphne gets her own room, too?"

"Of course," said Sirius, as if it was obvious. "If my godson and his

betrothed will be spending some time with me over summer, it's only

right his concubine should have her own room, too."

When it looked like Hermione understood, he said, "Now, decoration

ideas from both of you regarding your own rooms. Let's hear them."

That drew Daphne over to sit alongside Hermione on the bed and for

Hermione to move the mirror so Sirius could see both their faces.

"Thank you," said a very heart felt Daphne.

"Meh!" said Sirius. "It's nothing. I have plenty of room, I assure you. It's

no imposition."

"Still―" she sighed.

"You're welcome," he immediately returned. "In repayment, you can start

thinking of decoration ideas."

Hermione asked, "Am I allowed to know what Harry decided for his


"I don't see why not," replied Sirius. Then proceeded to tell her.

"Understated, but elegant," said Daphne. "It's so him."

"Sirius," said Hermione. "Can we get back to you on this, tomorrow

night? I want to talk with Daphne about some ideas I have for that."

"Sure!" he shrugged. "It can wait until then, but not much longer. The

decorators want to make a start collecting what they need. And they

want to get all the furniture and the like all at the same time."

After a glance at Daphne, she said, "We'll let you know by late tomorrow

afternoon, I promise."

"Good enough for me," he replied. "Now; how are you two coping with

this new dynamic of your relationship with Harry? Speak freely, as no

one's listening in from this end."

Hesitantly, at first, both girls opened up about it. However, they stayed

well away from the sexual aspects and what they'd decided to do

regarding that.

Once they were done, Sirius chuckled and said, "I see I'm going to need to

make a minor change to the design structure of your rooms."

"Ummm..." said Hermione, now a little wary. "What... sort... of change?"

"I'll make it a surprise," he grinned. "Don't worry about it. You'll love it."




The next morning at the Unspeakables' 'fire-side', Croaker stood and said,

"We are now in possession of an asset we believe will aid us greatly in

dealing with Riddle and his pets for good."

That had a few pleased murmurings among his people. Among

Unspeakables, it amounted to shouts of joy.

"The asset is a wizard," he explained. "He is one who has a great depth of

knowledge across a great many decades. None but those already chosen

may seek him out, or even seek his true identity. Any who attempt to

seek him out when not already given leave to do so by myself or

Whisperer will be sanctioned."

Whisperer was the department 2IC. And 'sanctioned' was unofficial

Unspeakable code for 'quietly disposed of and disappeared'. Being

sanctioned had a one hundred percent mortality rate.

However, by the remarks of their Boss and later reports in the Daily

Prophet, very few did not figure out the asset was Dumbledore. But, no

one said a word. That way, they might 'think' or 'suspect' it was

Dumbledore; but they didn't 'know' it was Dumbledore.




Monday morning's mail drop at Hogwarts also saw the delivery of the

workout/fitness clothes for the Heirs. They were carried by Sable, Sirius's

owl. And, it wasn't until Harry realised they'd needed to have been

shrunk to be sent, he realised he hadn't asked Sirius to drop around to do


However, the included letter from Monica told him they'd already

thought of it and contacted Sirius by floo to come and do it for them. He

was happy to do so and also loaned his owl to get it done.

He must've let out a noise, or it was just his expression, that had

Hermione asking him, "What's wrong, Harry?"

"I had another daft moron moment," he sighed.

"When?" she asked.

"I forgot your mother would need Sirius or some other magical to both

shrink the clothes for her and use an owl to send them to us," he sighed.

She smirked back and said, "Harry, my parents are not... as you put it...

daft morons. They were more than capable of figuring that out for


"Which they did," he replied. "But, I should have still thought of it."

"We both should have," she replied. "Especially, me."

When he gave a her a slight look of confusion, she explained, "I've been

receiving owl mail from my parents here for more than three years. Up

until they were introduced to other magicals who could help them,

they've had to go into Diagon Alley to send me anything. Anything that

needed shrinking before it could be sent was done by the Owl Post Office.

"That's why I should have thought of that and suggested Sirius. I've had

prior experience; you have not."




Harry's letter to Bones - which she'd received that morning - at first had

her wanting to ignore it. However, as usual, she could find no fault in his


'Damn him, for that,' she thought.

So, on the Monday morning and as soon as she entered her office she

immediately gathered her Masters and informed them she'd be scaling

back the search for Dumbledore and why. And none of them could fault

the logic, either.

"So, we do nothing?" asked Robards.

"No," she replied. "We put the word out to our criminal informants and

other information sources that we're looking for the 'old fairy', but they're

only to tell us as soon as they see him that they've seen him and where.

"Sooner or later, without a house elf, he has to come out of hiding to buy

food. Logic dictates he won't come into the wizarding world to do that, so

he'll try to shop... or steal... in the muggle world."

"He could get a house elf," said Proudfoot. "Whoever helped break him

out could either loan him one, rent him one or even buy him one."

"I'll have an investigator go question the house elf purchase and rental

agencies," said Moody. "He or someone else might have already been in.

If they haven't, they might yet."

"Good idea," she nodded. She also gave a nod to Proudfoot for the idea.

"What makes you so sure he'll remain in wizarding Britain, Ma'am?"

asked another.

"There's... something... here he desperately wants. It's one of a kind. At

the moment he can't get it because it's behind some pretty powerful

wards," she explained. "However, that... item... has to come out from

behind those wards soon and we believe he's just waiting for an

opportunity to grab th- it."

"If we know what the item is, can we not set all manner of both

protection and traps upon it or the area it's in?" asked yet another.

"That's being worked on," replied Bones. "For a start, protections are

being increased. However, we don't want to do too much as we don't

want to tip the old fool off that we know he wants to make a try for hi-


"Any more, people?" she asked, mentally urging them to keep going with

the ideas. "There are no bad ideas here. I want them all, no matter how

far-fetched they might sound or how silly you may think them to be."

"What about Potter's suggestions?" asked Proudfoot. "Send him tracked

owl mail, send him a house elf carrying a charmed letter, try scrying...


Bones mentally sighed again. 'Dammit!'

"All good ideas and ones the rest of us should have also had," she said,

picking up a parchment-based pad and an ever-inked quill off her desk.

"Keep them coming."

"If an elf can find him, use an elf to pop someone directly to him?" asked

Robards. "I saw Potter do that, once." Suddenly, he snapped his fingers

and said, "No. Instead, have an elf find him and then pop him to us."

Bones froze for a moment before she slowly developed a pained

expression and allowed her monocle to fall to the length of its chain.

Then she brought her off-hand up to massage the bridge of her nose.

Robards, feeling a little sheepish said, "Errr... Sorry?"

Not moving her hand from massaging her nose bridge, Bones quietly said,

"Don't apologise for that idea, Gawain. It's a bloody brilliant one. I, too,

have seen someone popped by house elf through wards. It was in this

very office, at that; young Heir Longbottom. As such I, too, should have

thought of that."

Letting her hand fall away she said, "Someone go down to the holding

cells and prep one for the old man. As soon as it's set up I'll send an elf or

two to go and capture the old bastard."




Immediately after the fire-side, Croaker returned to the bare

interrogation room alongside Dumbledore's new cell. In effect, it was a

cell, too; just one where everything had been stripped out and replaced

with the single desk, the desk chair, the paintings and the Truth Chair.

The Spectral Threat Team, plus the specialist Legilimencers, were already


Looking around, Croaker discovered everything right as he wanted it.

With a nod of satisfaction, he simply said, "Bring him."

Dumbledore was brought in minutes later. He was again manacled with

his hands behind his back and with the plain black bag pulled over his

head and down to his elbows.

Uncaring, his two 'handlers' dumped him into the chair, ensuring his

hands were through the small gap between the back of the chair and the

seat. The bag was yanked off his head and he was charmed stuck to the

chair through the activation of a rune on its back.

As soon as he was ready, Scimitar gave Croaker a nod and stepped away

to stand with his back against the wall.

"Good evening, Albus," said Croaker. "Been sleeping well?"

"Evening?" blinked Dumbledore. The long period of effective darkness

was causing him some eye difficulty with the bright light of the room.

"Oh, yes," said Croaker. "We don't want you going insane due to the sheer

boredom of being locked inside that room for so long. We obliviated you

of much of it. It's now been two weeks since you came into our midst.

"You'll be pleased to know that Madam Bones believed you, somehow,

engineered your escape through aid from an unknown accomplice. And

immediately hid yourself under a Fidelius.

"The hunt's been called off, for now. Now, she and her aurors are just

using their intelligence gathering resources to wait for you to pop up

again. They're sure you will."

"The date?" Dumbledore asked.

Croaker smirked at him and replied, "As I said, it's been two weeks. Well;

I may have exaggerated a little. It's Friday the Fifth of February. This is

your thirteenth day with us.

While Dumbledore poorly tried to hide his surprise, Croaker said, "Now,

we were last talking about your relationship with a young Gellert

Grindelwald. What, specifically, caused you to break off your relationship

with him?"

Dumbledore stared back in horror. He didn't remember speaking with

Croaker about his relationship with Gellert. His last recollection had him

being Legilimenced for information on Tom. Had his mind been

obliviated of that knowledge? It was the only thing that made sense.

"Albus?" asked Croaker. "I'm waiting. You agreed to answer my questions

or you'd be, effectively, mind raped of the information through force. You

know what the price of that is. You'll end up a mindless vegetable."

Dumbledore sat there for a long few moments trying to remember. Even

clues he'd been obliviated escaped him because it relied on information

of what he'd been doing and finding the gap. Having been locked in one

room with minimal light, in a room that didn't change, robbed him of


Suddenly his mind was attacked. Again, the pain was excruciating. Again,

it was four Legilimencers working concert.

After a near unbearable time it suddenly stopped.

"As he previously told you, it was a difference of opinion between the

two on how to go about 'The Greater Good'," said a voice from behind.

"However, Ariana's death, as she was an obscurial, was regrettable, only.

But, Aberforth Dumbledore also had a role to play in that. It was he who

attacked Grindelwald, first."

Croaker appeared surprised. "Well. You didn't tell us that last time, Albus.

I thought you promised not to hold anything back. That was naughty of


Dumbledore was on the information back-foot and he had no idea what

to say or how to proceed. The information about he and Gellert he

thought eradicated from everyone's minds. He even locked the knowledge

of that inside the mind of his own brother. His own brother knew what

happened, but could never speak of it.

And his sister becoming an obscurial? He thought no one but he, Abe and

Gellert knew of that. Why had he told them; Croaker and his people?

"Albus?... Albus!" he heard.

Snapping his eyes up to look at Croaker he hadn't even realised he was

not paying attention.

"You, as the muggles would say, zoned out on us there, Albus," said

Croaker. "I think I can guess, based on what you've already told us, but

why did Aberforth choose that time to attack Gellert?"

"He... he saw... he thought it was Gellert's intent to harness dear Ariana's

illness as a... a... an obscurial for evil purposes," replied Dumbledore. "I...

did not believe him. I did not think Gellert could be so... cold."

"I've looked it up in the past few days," said Croaker. "Apparently,

through that incident in New York during the mid 1920s, Grindelwald

tried to discover the identity of and gain control of a young untrained

wizard named Credence Barebone, another obscurial. Apparently Newt

Scamander, a student of yours, stopped him."

"Yes," replied Dumbledore. "Young Newton was a prodigy in Care of

Magical Creatures study. He and his later wife, Porpentina, were nearly

killed by Gellert when he was portraying the Head of the MaCUSA Auror

office, Percival Graves. I'm proud to say, young Newton was soon

thereafter able to defeat and capture Gellert through the use of his

magical creatures.

"I still cannot figure out how MaCUSA managed to let Gellert loose

again." He sighed.

Suddenly shifting track without allowing his voice or anything else to

change, Croaker asked, "How did you come to the determination Tom

Riddle was seeking to make six Horcruxes?"

"Seven is a powerful magical number," Dumbledore immediately replied.

"After much badgering from myself, I was able to get my old friend,

Horace Slughorn, to give me a memory of young Tom asking him how

many Horcruxes could be made by one person. However, the memory I

received from Horace was... corrupted. I think Horace tried to trick me

into believing he did no such thing. But, his efforts to change the memory

were very obvious. And Horace always did have a love for an esoteric

question; especially from one of his favourites."

"Seven Horcruxes or seven parts of the soul?" asked Croaker.

"Seven parts," replied Dumbledore. "But, the part in young Harry was an


"And how did you know he'd already created the six Horcruxes when he

attacked the Potters?"

Dumbledore was confused by the question. "Pardon?" he asked.

"How... did you know... Riddle had already created the six Horcruxes when

he attacked the Potters?"

That stumped the old man. "I... assumed," he replied. "I cannot see Tom

having delayed in creating them."

"But, you've already told me Tom wanted the Horcruxes to be in objects

of importance to him and the magical world," explained Croaker. "You

told me he's spent quite a bit of time and effort searching for them. How

do you know he'd already found six of them at the time he attacked the


That had never occurred to Dumbledore. Quietly, almost muttering, he

said, "It... hadn't crossed my mind―"

"You assumed," said Croaker.

"That means there may not yet be six," said Dumbledore, clearly working

that out as he spoke.

"Correct," said Croaker. "Which means, the ones we've already collected

and dealt with may be all he had."

"Which means young Harry can now kill him," said Dumbledore.

Croaker sighed in frustration and said, "No, Albus. It means now anyone

can kill him. The prophecy is a bust."

"The prophecy orb still glows," Dumbledore firmly said.

"No, it does not," Croaker just as firmly cast back. "The day young Lord

Potter went into muggle surgery and had the scar removed - that was

about five weeks ago, now - the prophecy orb dimmed. It now mimics

any other prophecy that is deemed to have been completed."

"No," said Dumbledore. "Tom must die by young Harry's hand."

"You're being too literal, Dumbledore," he disagreed. "Harry filling out

and signing the authorisation form to undergo the surgery can, in a

prophecy sense, mean the soul fragment in his wound was destroyed by

his hand.

"And, remember: It's hand; not hands. That means it would be something

that can only be done one-handed, such as signing a form."

Again, Dumbledore was stunned silent. He had no defence or counter-

argument to such a claim.

"As I've heard claimed before," said Croaker. "You really were pants at

Divination, Albus. You withdrew from the subject within three weeks of

your third year, did you not?"

Not even bothering to wait for the old man to even have a chance to

respond, Croaker pressed on. "Well, our experts in the subject - Divination

Masters, all - assure us our interpretation is about as correct as it gets.

While your own interpretation? It has them laughing so hard it takes a

calming potion down their throats to get any sense out of them for the

next hour or so.

"To put it bluntly, Albus; you are meddling in affairs in which you have

no right to do so. You are meddling in affairs of which you have no true

knowledge of how to set on the correct path; and are, in fact... stupidly,

because of your ignorance... trying to guide individuals away from.

"If it wasn't for that, we'd have just left you in Bonesy's 'care' and

wouldn't have stepped in. However, there was always the risk one of your

patsies, who think the sun shines out of your arse, would have found a

way to free you; or, her people would have screwed up and killed you.

"That's why you're now here with us and not currently allowed to go out

and play with the other boys and girls. You're too dangerous to be

allowed free roam, for the moment."

Dumbledore thought for a bit before he asked, "How soon will I be able

to get out of here?"

"That depends entirely on how helpful you are," replied Croaker.

What Dumbledore didn't know was, once he was no longer useful,

Croaker was going to carry out Bones's threat. Albus Dumbledore was

going to take a trip through the Veil.

From what Croaker had already learned; not just from his interrogation

of the old man, but from his reading of Bones's own interrogations; the

old bastard well and truly deserved both the 'title' of Dark Lord and a trip

through the Veil. As far as he was concerned, Dumbledore deserved a

great deal worse. However, he'd limit the punishment to that.




Dumbledore had just been escorted out when an Unspeakable ducked in

and quickly said, "Monitor says Monocle's just had the idea given to her

to use a house elf to nab the old man and elf-pop him to her in her

holding cells. We've got less than two minutes."

"Sssshit!" exclaimed Croaker. As he quickly ran from the room after the

're-bagged' old man, he thought, 'Why hadn't we thought of that?'

As soon as he saw him from behind he cast a temporary elf-avoidance

charm on him and breathed a sigh of relief.

That gave him time to get the Unspeakable ward masters to set up a more

permanent version of it, plus anything else she might try.




Standing in 'Dumbledore's' cell in the holding cell facility, Bones looked

around and said, "This should do. Form a circle and, as soon as the old

man appears, stun him. We've no idea if he's managed to get hold of

another wand or not, or anything else."

'Let's hope this works,' she grimly thought.

With everyone in place she called for a DMLE holding cell elf. "Locky!"

When the elf popped in she said, "Do you remember the old man who last

had this cell?"

"Yes, Mistress Bonesy," he replied.

"Right," she said. "Here's what I need you to do..."

Once she gave the elf its instructions and knew the elf knew what to do,

she said, "Right; go get him."

The elf concentrated for a long moment with its eyes closed before it

opened them again and stared at her in sadness. "Locky cannot finds him.

Sorry, Mistress Bonesy."

She sighed and said, "Not you fault. Thank you, Locky; you can go."

When the elf popped away again, Moody said, "He must be under elf-

avoidance wards. Illegal, but I wouldn't put it past Dumbledore to erect

them on himself."

"I thought it might have been a good idea," said Robards

"It was," she firmly said. "So were the rest of the ones you and Proudfoot

came up with. We'll try them next."




When breakfast finished, the others were all invited up to the Potter

apartment so they could see and try on for themselves the exercise

clothes Monica had purchased and sent.

Hermione was quick to separate out the boys clothes from the girls and

left the boys' on the couch. "That's yours and Neville's," she indicated the

pile. "This lot is for us girls. We're going into my room to try them on."

Then, leading the other girls, she headed for her room.

Curious as to what was bought for them to wear, Neville went over to the

boys' pile and had a look. He was shocked with what he found.

Amused, Harry went over and sorted them out between the two of them,

while also explaining what each item of clothing was for. "These are

briefs; they're a form of underwear that 'cups' what's needed to be

protected. These are running shorts; yes, they keep the legs bare. These

are lightweight, 'muscle' T-shirts similar to what I had you change into

when we took you muggle shopping; just with shorter sleeves so the

sleeves don't get in the way while exercising your upper arms. These are

a set of tracksuits, useful when moving out in public and are donned over

your exercise clothes. And these... are a pair of trainers, like you've seen

me wear. They're rubber-soled and built with protections for your foot

while running in them.

"Thankfully, Monica's labelled it all so we know whose is whose."

Separating the piles further into one for each of them, he indicated one

and said, "That's for you."

Holding up a pair of shorts and a T-shirt, Neville asked, "This is all we

wear while exercising?"

"That, plus socks and trainers; yes," replied Harry. "Don't worry; you'll get

used to it, fast. The girls will be wearing something similar, I assure you."




Throughout the day, the aurors were trying every idea they could think

of to locate one Albus Dumbledore. All ideas Harry had given - and

demonstrated - to Madam Bones and the rest of the aurors were tried.

Scrying, mail owl delivered tracking charms and even an attempt to

include a tracking charm in a messenger Patronus were tried.

Unknown to Bones, the Unspeakables were quickly devising - read:

'madly scrambling for' - ways to block them as soon as they learned of

them from her through their tiny, Fidelius-hidden monitors spread across

the Ministry. In offices, such as hers, they had tiny mirrors using an idea

'sourced' - read: stolen - from the mirrors Harry and Sirius now used from

back when the Marauders were still in Hogwarts.

That last one about tracking messenger Patronuses nearly gave the

Unspeakables conniptions. They didn't know if it would work and,

therefore, had no idea how to block it. Even so, Croaker immediately set

a Charms Mastery team on trying to figure out if it was possible, after all.

However, the ward Masters had no idea how to block even a messenger

Patronus until someone hit on the idea of blocking only the audio

component. That worked. After all, if Dumbledore was able to cast one

wandlessly, he'd have been able to let one or more of his minions know

where he was and organise to get him out.

The only ones getting any pleasure out of it were the Monitors in the

Unspeakables' Ministry Observations team. They got to see the attempts

by the aurors in time to warn those tasked with hiding the asset. Then

watching the DoM's Ward Masters madly figuring out ways to block

them. Bets were being made between them.

Oh, not on if the Aurors would succeed, but on how long it took for a

possible working solution out of left field from the aurors to be voiced

before the Unspeakable Ward Masters had a way to block it.

The lead Ward Master of the Unspeakables, together with the one out of

the 'Spectral Threat' team, were muttering imprecations to one another

about what they each thought of one particular young Lord's parentage,

heritage, sexual preferences and all-round 'smart-arsery'. However, they

were also quickly designing and implementing ward schema that would

hopefully block all the boy's find/contact ideas.

The new 'asset' was quickly disappearing into a elf/contact/track/scry

black hole. No one, but those who needed to know, would be able to find


Each time the runner went to the Ward Master to give them the next

possible angle from the aurors, the team runner, a Ravenclaw from the

previous Hogwarts year graduates, would come back and immediately

write down what the Senior Ward Master would say, while occasionally

and uncontrollably giggling.

Another Monitor once looked at it and asked, "Is it even possible to do

that with a flobberworm?"

"Who cares!" the young man laughed. "It's funny as all hell!"

"Don't let the Boss, let alone Croaker, see that," suggested the Monitor.

"Are you kidding?" asked the young man. "He wants a copy!"




After a day of classes, the Potters returned to their apartment. Almost as

soon as they did, Hermione grabbed the mirror, took Daphne by the hand

and said to Harry, "Daphne and I promised to speak to Sirius about

decoration ideas for our rooms." And left for her own in the apartment,

almost dragging Daphne along as she left.

Once in the room, Hermione closed the door as Daphne said, "Merlin,

Granger. You could have asked."

"Sorry," said Hermione, but she appeared distracted. As she dropped onto

her bed she patted the bedding beside her in clear invitation for the other

girl to sit.

Wondering what was going on, Daphne complied, while also keeping an

eye on the other girl.

As Hermione sat there worrying at her bottom lip with her teeth, Daphne

finally had enough and said, "Alright, Hermione. What's going on?"

Hermione's head snapped around to stare back for a moment before she

blushed and looked away again. "I... need to apologise to you."

"Alright, then," said Daphne. "For what?"

Hermione sighed and replied, "I fear I may have come on a bit strong

with you, yesterday afternoon."

Confused, Daphne asked, "Whatever do you mean?"

"I... did not want you to think I was pushing you towards having sex with

Harry," she replied. "I was trying... It was my intent to let you know that I

would not be against it. I think I might have come across as trying to

force you into a... physical relationship with Harry."

Daphne smiled and said, "You didn't. Yes, it was a bit forward of you. We

magical raised usually aren't so blunt when discussing such relationships.

But I did not feel as if you were trying to force me into the relationship.

You have nothing to fear, there."

Hermione gave a sigh of relief and said, "Thank you. That's been

worrying me for most of the day."

Daphne smiled back and said, "You're welcome. However, have you been

worrying about that all day, or have you at least been putting some

thought into the decorating of your room at Lord Black's place?"

"Oh!" said Hermione. "Sorry. Yes."

Indicating the mirror being worried at in Hermione's hand, Daphne

asked, "Do we contact him and let him know our choices?"

"You've already considered yours?" asked Hermione, looking at the


"Yes," she replied.

After a glance to the other girl, Hermione gave a nod and lifted the

mirror, "Padfoot."

Both girls were surprised when they discovered their choices were closely

matched except for Hermione leaning more towards muggle while

Daphne's leaned towards wizarding.

Sirius just nodded back and said, "I'll let the decorators know."

Just as Sirius terminated the call from his end, there came a knock on the

door. From the other side of it, they heard Harry call, "Time to get

changed, if you're not already! The Longbottom three are here!"




A little earlier and over in the Longbottom apartment, Neville was in his

room and nervously trying on the clothing Hermione's mother had sent.

He donned the underwear, shorts and T-shirt and, even though Harry

said the tracksuit was for 'outside', donned that, too, before pulling on the

socks and trainers.

When he stood up, he noticed his feet felt as if he was walking on the

softest carpet he'd ever walked over. It surprised him how comfortable

they were.

When he came out, he was still looking at his feet and didn't notice both

girls were already there and waiting for him until Hannah exclaimed,


As his head shot up to stare back in surprise, he noticed both girls were

also wearing their tracksuits. However, he could also tell they were of a

more feminine cut and better shaped for their... umm... up top.

"Yeah, wow!" he said back.

Susan asked, "Are these trainer footwear Missus Granger sent as

comfortable for you as they are for us?"

Neville nodded and replied, "I feel like I'm either walking on the plushest

carpet ever, or on pillows."

"That's what we thought," she said.

Hannah indicated the door and asked, "Shall we?"

With a firm nod, Neville walked over to the door and opened it for them.

Once out of the apartment, Hannah had walked straight across the

hallway and knocked on the Potter apartment door.

Harry opened it a moment later. He, too, was wearing the clothes with

the tracksuit over the top.

Letting them in, he said, "I'll let the girls know you're here." And walked

over to knock on Hermione's door.

"Time to get changed, if you're not already!" he called. "The Longbottom

three are here!"

"The Longbottom three?" smirked Susan.

Harry shrugged and grinned. "It's just easier and shorter than just about

everything else I could come up with."




After Daphne came out of the room and hurried over to her own, calling,

"I'll just be a minute!" as she did, Harry turned back to the Longbottoms

and said, "Monica has a good eye. I see she picked your sizes well."

"Almost," said Susan. "Hermione also helped, but we had to apply minor

sizing charms to make them fit well."

That surprised Harry. "I don't remember us learning those in class."

"We don't until sixth year," said replied.

Hannah explained, "When we tried them on yesterday, we realised we

needed to learn them. So, we did that today."

"Professor Sprout taught us," said Susan.

When Harry then turned to look at Hermione's door, it clued the girls in

to what he was thinking.

Susan immediately said, "Hannah, you go teach Hermione. I'll go teach


And both girls headed for the respective rooms.

A minute later and while the two boys were waiting, there was a rapid

knock on the door. Harry opened it and Tracey almost stumbled in.

"Oh, good," she said, a little breathless. "You've not left yet."

She was wearing her uniform, but was also carrying a small handbag

rather than her book satchel.

She took a quick look around, noticed who was there and who was

missing and called, "I'll be in Daph's room!" as she ran across the living


Another quick knock on the door and she slipped within.

Hannah and Hermione came out less than five minutes later. But they

had to wait a further five for Daphne, Susan and Tracey to come out. All

were now 'appropriately' dressed.

Then Susan went to Harry and said, "Allow me?" as Hannah, realising

what Susan was up to, went to Neville.

When Harry gave a nod back and muttered, "Please," Susan waved her

wand over him. Harry felt the change and looked back with a smile.

"Thank you."

She smiled back and replied, "You're welcome. But, they won't hold for

more than an hour, we think."

Hermione said, "Yes, we'll have to ask Professor Sprout if she can make it

more permanent. Mum was close; but, not quite."




After the now seven of them left the Lords' Quarters, they immediately

headed for the Come and Go Room. As the others stood watching, Harry

walked the requisite paces back and forth and the door they recognised


Neville led them within, this time.

The girls immediately headed for the now expanded girls' change rooms

with their bags and were out a few seconds later. Neither Harry or

Neville carried one.

"Alright," said Hermione. "Where do we start?"

"Treadmills," Harry immediately returned. "We need to get loose and

warm up. We'll see how we go from there." Then put action to words and

made his way to the row of treadmills.

It didn't take the rest long to follow suit and figure out how to use the

treadmills themselves.

Once he felt warmed up enough, Harry stepped off and walked off to the

side where a tray bearing a chilled carafe of water and glasses appeared.

He'd noticed it flash in with elf magic a little while earlier

Taking his own half-full glass he moved away to give everyone else

access and stripped off his tracksuit, dumping it on a bench.

As they turned to look, the three pureblood girls and Hannah, a

halfblood, all blushed. Harry didn't react one bit, as he knew that if he

did it might create an awkward situation. He already knew that not

making an issue of it would be the best way to get the purebloods used to

this style of dress.

As he expected, Hermione was the next to strip off her tracksuit. It left

her in a tank-top with a sports-bra underneath and shorts.

While Harry made his way to the rowing machines, Hermione made for

the elliptical trainers.

He was then surprised that Daphne was the next to strip down, then

Hannah, then Tracey, then Neville and finally Susan. Each moved to one

of the other cardio machines with both muggle raised showing them how

to use them.

After the rowing machines and elliptical trainers Harry and Hermione

showed them the normal and recumbent bikes.

Before they knew it, the hour was almost up and Harry recommended

they cool down by setting the treadmills to just a walking pace.

"Three miles an hour should do it," he told them. "We do this for about

five minutes then call it done for the day."

"What about the rest of this equipment?" asked Daphne, slightly puffing

in exertion and indicating the rest of the equipment.

"Once we can get you much fitter than you are now," he explained, "We'll

move onto that. For now, you need to get your cardio fitness up before

we can start on the weight training."

There was no argument.

As they stepped off after the five minutes, Hermione said, "You've been

sweating a great deal and burning calories. Make sure you drink plenty of

water until dinner. Then, load up a bit on carbs... carbohydrates... bread,

pasta and such.

"Trust me, you're going to sleep well tonight. But, not if you don't drink

plenty of water. If you don't you place yourself at risk of muscle cramps.

That would be bad."

Once the seven got their heavy breathing back under control, Tracey

said, "I feel... I don't know."

"That's the endorphins," explained Hermione. "We all feel that. It's your

body's reward to you for giving it a workout. Enjoy it."

"Is that going to happen all the time?" asked Susan.

"Yes," she replied. "However, as you get fitter the more effort you'll need

to put into your workout to feel like that again. That way, you get fitter

and fitter."

After everyone redressed into their tracksuits, they headed back to the

Lords' Quarters, where Tracey showered in Daphne's room.

Once ready, they all - still feeling the effects of the workout - headed

down to the Great Hall for dinner.




After dinner everyone went to their own accommodations. On the way

back up to their apartment, Hermione said, "We need to make a start on

homework. We can't let our physical training interfere with our school


"We won't," he promised her.

In their apartment, after they pulled out their assignments from the day,

Harry said, "I meant to ask earlier. How's Sirius?"

"Calm," replied Hermione. "With a hint of excitement about moving into

his renewed home."

Harry nodded and returned his attention to his work. Tapping one slip of

parchment he said, "That's what I've got done for Herbology. And..." then

moving his hand to tap another, he went on, "... this is what I've done for

CoMC. You might want to take a look at that first, Daphne."

As both girls moved to look for themselves, Harry returned to working on

his Ancient Runes homework.

"When did you get all this done?" asked Hermione. "Daphne and I weren't

gone into my room for that long."

"During other classes," replied Harry. "I know I shouldn't have been, but I

can multi-task. Besides, it's not that much, really. The bibliography is

because we have immediate access to the books that are here from the

Potter library. Not having to trudge down to the library and back saves a

great deal of time."

Hermione nodded and said, "Sorry, Harry. I keep forgetting you're a lot

more intelligent than I remember the old Harry to be. I don't know why I

keep doing that."

Harry just smiled at her. "It's alright. It's a learned response of over three

years of 'barely adequate' Harry."




The next day and after classes for the day were complete, both Hermione

and Daphne sat Harry down and asked him about what he'd planned to

do about the next task of the Tri-Wizard Tournament.

Hermione said, "Today marks only four weeks until the Second Task,

Harry. At this stage I don't think they're going to cancel the rest of the


Daphne added, "She's right. Do you have a plan on how you're going to

tackle it yet?"

Harry thought about it and said, "Well, it's in the lake; we know that

much. And we know they're going to take something that's important to


"Your Firebolt, yes," said Daphne. "But, how do you foresee recovering


Harry smirked and replied, "Daphne, what is the charm Flitwick has been

teaching of us late?"

As both girls sat there, somewhat surprised, Harry grinned.

"Surely, they'd block that," said Hermione. "No. Wait. They won't expect


Daphne asked, "Will you be close enough to do it?"

"Yup," he replied. "I've practiced over long distances and... yes... it won't

be distance that will be the factor."

"Even so," said Hermione. "You need back up plans."

"Which I demonstrated I had during the First Task," he replied.

"So, what are your back up plans?" she asked.

"I need to practice the Bubblehead charm and get hold of some

Gillyweed," he replied.

"Gillyweed?" she asked.

Before Harry could reply, Daphne cut in first. "That should be your first

backup. And, it's brilliant."

Turning to Hermione, Daphne said, "Gillyweed is a Mediterranean plant

that grows on the edge of the sea. If you swallow some of it, it causes a

temporary metamorphic transfiguration of your body, something along

the lines of an animagus transformation. It causes you to grow gills for

breathing underwater, transfigures your feet into long flippers and grows

the webbing in your fingers right to your fingertips.

"It's very useful for exactly what Harry wants to use it for; swimming

underwater for long periods of time. But, it's going to last for one hour

exactly. There is no immediate antidote if you want to cancel the

transfiguration early; and you'd have to take more, if you need to be

down for longer, which would add another hour.

"However, because of the gills, you can only cast silently if you need to

cast to defend yourself. As such, you need to learn to cast defensive

spells, at least, silently."

"Wow!" said Hermione.

Harry nodded and said, "That's why I'll be going with Gillyweed as my

first backup, as Daphne suggested, but practicing casting the Bubblehead

charm silently for if I end up being down there longer than the hour."

Both girls nodded at learning of the simple concepts Harry would be


"I had thought of just going with the Gillyweed, right off the bat," said

Harry. "As anyone with magical power, even a squib, can use Gillyweed,

it would be yet another way for me to show the organisers of these

events to be idiots. But―"

"But, you've already done that enough, haven't you?" asked Hermione.

"Plus if your first plan works, you'll have done that, too."

"Yeah, but that way is using a fourth year charm," he shrugged.

"Gillyweed means a competitor didn't need a magical education, at all."

"Herbology," said Daphne.

"Got lucky and read a book," replied Harry. "Or, someone told them."

Daphne smirked and said, "The same could be said for your first option."

"Point," he smiled, while pretending to doff a hat to her.




While Harry had laid out his options to both his girls, both still

demanded he practiced them. That led to even more time in the Come

and Go Room.

For the first time, Hermione had called on the room to provide a large

indoor swimming pool and the room had provided. Then she used an

ordinary broom and had it weighted to drop into the deepest and

furthermost end of the pool.

Once in place, she had Harry stand on the pool edge at the opposite end

and attempt to summon it.

Surprising both girls the broom shot off the bottom, through the water

and almost skewered him with the handle-tip as it shot out of the water

only ten feet from him and right at him. If it wasn't for his fast reflexes,

dodging at the last moment, it very well would have.

"Well, colour me impressed, Lord Potter," said Daphne. "I confess to not

believing it would work."

"But, he's going to need to practice improving his reflexes," said

Hermione. "A bare fraction of a moment of not paying attention and he

could end up with his Firebolt skewering him through his chest."

"Indeed," said Daphne.

That then led to practicing dodging. And, during that practice, it also

proved more effort had to be made on getting his fitness up. Dodging was

hard work.

After talking it over with Professor Flitwick, he told them about the

Colourball charm; a charm that shot a coloured ball out of the wand tip

that would fly true to what it was aimed at. And, if it connected, would

leave a coloured dot about three inches in diameter on whatever it hit.

The dot would disappear within an hour.

Over the next weeks, whenever they had time and they weren't otherwise

using the room in it's 'gym' configuration, the girls would transfigure the

Come and Go Room into an arena and 'hunt' Harry with the intent to tag

him as often as possible; though, when he got tired, Harry would allow

some of the dots to hit him. So, for incentive not to allow the charms to

connect, Daphne suggested to Hermione they start including Stinging

hexes in with the dots.

Getting hit with a Stinging hex a couple times truly motivated Harry to

move. However, he insisted he also be allowed to cast back the same.

That led to more and more intricate arenas, complete with stone

barricades and the like that could be hidden behind.

When he suggested they not always be the two girls against him Daphne

immediately shut that down. "No, Harry," she said. "This is to aid you in

learning to dodge; not us. Besides, haven't you noticed you, on your own,

is pretty much a match for the two of us, together?"

"Not quite," he grouched.

"Soon, though," said Hermione. "I don't think Daphne and I working

together is soon going to be enough to keep up with you. We might have

to invite Tracey to join us."

"If you invite Tracey, I'm inviting Neville," he firmly stated.

He thought he might have headed that idea off, but when both girls

grinned he was instantly wary. "What?" he asked.

"What an absolutely brilliant idea," said Hermione. And the looks on the

faces of both his girls had him mentally groaning.

"I thought this was for getting my reflexes up so I won't be skewered by

my own Firebolt in the Second Task?"

"That's what it started as," nodded Hermione. "But, it's so much more,


Daphne asked, "If someone casts a curse at you, what is the best


Harry sighed and replied, "Not be there to be hit."

Again, both girls grinned. "Exactly," she said. "Which means, learning to

effectively dodge when a curse is cast at you benefits us all. We may not

have your power to continually cast offensively over and over again for

as long as you're able to, but it's within us all to be effective at dodging."

"Which is why you're so supportive of the idea of bringing the other Heirs

in on this," he moped.

"Exactly," grinned Hermione.




55. Second Task

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to the proverbial Duchess of

Magic, JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high

falutin' companies. No matter how much I whine about not owning anything

related to the HP universe, other than a few fanfic plots, I do not profess to

own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful

world... Damn it!

A/N: And with this chapter this story has become the longest I've written to


Chapter Fifty Five - Second Task




With Dumbledore now 'properly' hidden within the Department of

Mysteries, with even the knowledge he was there by those who knew

protected from being discovered and with the Aurors now unable to

locate him, together with classes back up and running at Hogwarts and

things moving apace, events of note began to taper off.

The Unspeakables were slowly dragging out of Dumbledore all the

information the man had previously locked away in his mind by using

the Truth Chair, small doses of Veritaserum in his food and the

occasional Legilimency attack; just to ensure he knew that avoiding

answering a question would lead to a massive headache and the truth

coming out anyway. Their other method was also deceiving him into

believing he was now with them for weeks, when it was days; then

months, when it was weeks.




At Hogwarts, the rest of the Heirs had been brought in to 'help' Harry

train for the Second Task and were just as enthusiastic about it. They

even made a mad game out of it. Two on one, became three on one,

became three on two, four on two, five on two.

Of course, it started with Harry doing almost all of the dodging until

Tracey was brought in. Then he dragged in Neville to help him, which

brought in both Susan and Hannah.

It helped that the obstacles were there the first time Neville was brought

in, or the poor boy would have ended up looking like a polka-dot clown

from all the coloured dots. They'd promised not to use stinging hexes on

him until he managed to get used to it, but once he did there were as

many yelps of sudden pain from the sandy-haired boy as there was from


Once the others discovered why Harry had first started this form of

'training' the others wanted to see him summon the broom, too.

While they were still in their training clothes and working in the gym,

they stepped out, waited for Harry to change it and stepped back in


When he demonstrated the summoning charm on a broom that was just

there and waiting, Harry was easily able to avoid getting skewered. He

thought it was travelling as slow as a turtle and couldn't figure out why

he was almost skewered with it the first time he tried this.

Wanting to summon something a second time, he simply cast, "Accio!"

before he realised there was nothing there, thought of Hermione finding

another broom and accidentally summoned her from the other end and

into the pool about twenty feet in from where she was standing.

When she popped up she was spluttering and bellowed, "Harrison James


As he was standing there part horrified, part amazed and part amused

he'd accidentally yanked his betrothed into the pool, he suddenly felt

himself yanked a good ten feet forward into the pool, too.

He had no idea she had her wand in her hand, but neither did she until

she silently cast the same charm right back at him.

It was less than thirty seconds before all seven of them were in the pool

either laughing or yelling at one another.

What none of them knew was, when the Abbott girl was making a dash

for the door to escape and got tagged by a summoning charm from Susan

into the pool, both the charm and the girl just missed the stationed and

disillusioned auror who was watching them, self-silenced and laughing

her head off.




Unknown to the seven students, Harry's auror detail had never gone

away. Since he'd returned to the school it had dropped to only one

following him everywhere except within the Lords' Quarters. However,

they were always there and always disillusioned and silenced at all other


They had also taken to following the seven into the Room of Requirement

and were both stunned and gleeful the seven of them were working hard

to get fit. They thought the colourball 'battles' were brilliant and had

already sent off reports of it to the 'higher ups'. However, it took quite a

bit of concentration on their part not to get hit by a wayward cast at

those times.

The only time since Harry had re-entered the school a specifically tailing

auror had made themselves known was during the confrontation with the

Malfoy boy. However, that particular auror was not on the PPD - the

Potter Protection Detail. He was one assigned to the castle and was later

told that, when disillusioned in future, not cause himself to be seen. They

did not want Lord Potter to know there were disillusioned aurors about

more than he suspected.

When Nott had made his play on the aborted Hogsmeade weekend, the

following auror was about to step in when Potter made his charge and

made the point moot.

He was also the one who provided a pensieve memory of the event,

which meant no one else's was asked for or required.

On that same day, a few hours later and when the Lord Nott had stormed

into her office and demanded 'the Potter brat' be arrested and thrown in

Azkaban, Madam Bones calmly told him she had only the hour earlier

reviewed a certified pensieve memory of the event and would do no such


"Lord Potter will not be charged, Lord Nott," she calmly stated. "However,

your Heir most certainly will be. He and his two friends set up and laid in

wait an ambush. It was clearly premeditated and Lord Potter only injured

your precious Heir after he and his two friends injured Miss Granger and

Miss Greengrass."

Before Nott could arc up again, she gave him a firm and very direct look

and said, "Your Heir attacked and injured the magical ward of Lord Sirius

Black of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black, who also happens to

be the Lady Presumptive, through betrothal, of the Lord of the Noble and

Most Ancient House of Potter; and, further, also injured the Heiress

Presumptive of the Noble and Ancient House of Greengrass, who happens

to be the concubine of Lord Potter. I have asked Lords Potter, Black and

Greengrass to let me handle dealing with your grandson. However, if you

interfere in both my handling of the situation and the rightful charging of

the boy, I will inform them all that you have decided to interfere.

"If I have to do that then you can expect those three to come after you.

And, need I remind you, two of them are of the Seven. You'd best ensure

your affairs are in order and your Will properly filed and ready before

you do."

She gave that a moment to sink in as the man turned almost pasty white

before she asked, "Now, Lord Nott, are you interfering with my


Nott stood there for a moment, before he spun about and fled. He'd call

it, 'tactically retreated' or similar, but Amelia knew the man was wanting

out of her office and away as quickly as he could; so, he fled.

As she heard him bark at one of her aurors to get out of his way as he

practically ran out through the auror bullpen, she gave a snort of

amusement and thought to herself, 'Potter might cause me some

heartburn with making us look like idiots; but, his getting Fudge and his

pet toad out of my hair so I can get on with my job, more than made up

for it.'

Once Theodore Nott was revived from getting his testicles 'fixed', as was

the Cowley boy's also damaged testicles, but not to the same amount, she

was in the hospital informing them both they were being charged. Both

were also moved, at that time, down to the DMLE-secure ward on her

direct orders. McGruder was currently cooling his heels in one of her

holding cells.

Nott had blustered and said, "My Lord will have me free in no time; you'll

see!" he smugly said.

"He's already been in to see me," she smirked right back. "As far as he's

concerned, you're mine. You went up against one of the Seven; one who is

of and the person who reactivated and heads the Potter-Longbottom

Alliance. But, not only that, you injured the magical ward of another of

the Seven and the Heir Presumptive of a third Noble House. I might

consider your Lord to be an idiot, at times; but, he's not that big an idiot.

"So, young Mister Nott; you should think yourself very lucky. If it wasn't

for my aurors, who were very quick to be on the scene, Lord Potter

would have killed you right where you lay. It took the quick words of

one of my aurors, begging for your life, that stayed Lord Potter's hand."

As Nott blanched, she thought, 'That's two Notts I've made do that today.'

"So, Mister Nott," she said. "You are going to be a good little boy. You are

going to answer the questions my aurors are going to put to you

truthfully and in detail. If you do not, I shall be informing Lord Potter

you did not wish to comply. Then I'll step out of his way. Got me?"

Nott was quick to nod back.

Parents or guardians of the other two boys had also demanded the

release of their precious children. However, once she explained what the

three had done and against whom, all of them shut up and immediately

switched to politely asking her to personally handle the matter, begged

her to talk Lords Potter, Black and Greengrass out of more physical action

and asked to be let know when they could collect their boys to take them


With no 'bought' Minister or dumpy, sneering Senior Undersecretary to

harass her, her job was both much easier and a lot less stressful and





It wasn't long before Harry was contacted by Sirius via mirror and

informed Black Manor, now (temporarily) renamed the Kennel, was

complete right on schedule and right on budget. And he'd moved in,

practically ordering Moony to move in with him.

"I told him it was much too big a place for me to be there on my own, so

he agreed," explained Sirius. "So, I now need to tell you the floo address

and password."

"Let me guess," said Harry. "The address is 'The Kennel' and the password

is "Woof Woof'?"

Sirius pouted and said, "The first part's right but the password is, 'Hey,

sex god'."

Harry broke up laughing, before he calmed down and said, "I can just see

it now. Hermione activates the floo in the Doghouse and yells into the

fireplace, 'Hey, sex god' right in front of her father." And cracked up

laughing again.

"Oh!" said a sheepish Sirius. "Oops! I'd better change it."

That had Harry rolling about on the sofa in the apartment, laughing

himself to tears.




At Black Manor, Sirius walked into the library cum sitting room with a

grin on his face and holding the mirror in his off hand.

Moony, who was sitting and reading a book, looked up and saw the

expression on his friend's face. "No! He fell for it?"

Sirius chuckled and said, "Yep."

That had Moony laugh. "What was his reaction?"

"The same as yours," replied Sirius. "But, he also said, 'I can imagine the

reaction on her father's face when he sees his daughter activating the floo

and yelling "Hey, sex god" into the fireplace'."

That had Moony lose it to laughter. Which then had Sirius also collapse

into a chair and laugh his head off.

"He's right, you know!" laughed Moony. "If you're lucky, Wendell would

only pull out his surgical knives and come after you. If not, he'd come

wielding a shotgun."

"Oww!" laughed Sirius. "Don't say that first one, ever again. My boys have

already crawled up back inside!"

Finally getting himself under control, Moony asked, "When are you going

to tell him the real password?"

"Tomorrow," replied Sirius, wiping his eyes clear of laugh tears. "I don't

want it to be too much longer than that."




On the Saturday before the upcoming Wizengamot session, the Alliance

met. With Lady Marchbanks as Headmistress, she had no hesitation in

allowing the Heirs to attend under 'family business' provisions.

She even mentioned that a couple of other Alliances were also,

apparently, meeting either that day or the next, Sunday. And their Heirs

and/or family members were attending those meetings under the

auspices of 'family business'. So, the Heirs had no reason to find counter

arguments to how they were receiving special privileges due to

Marchbanks being a member of the Potter-Longbottom Alliance.

The main item of business was the discussion and determination of who

the Alliance would support as Minister. Ogden immediately opted out,

claiming his Chief Warlock position was a conflict of interest. No one

gainsaid him, as each member was entitled to their opinion without


The meeting was much shorter than the previous due to there only being

a month since the last. And the Heirs, after spending time with family,

returned to the castle well before dinner.




After three weeks the Unspeakables believed they had convinced

Dumbledore he'd been with them for almost five months.

For the Second Task of the 'Tri-Wiz' they gave him a bunch of made-up

results, claiming they gave him the information as a reward for being co-

operative. Harry had 'rescued' his beloved Firebolt from the bottom of the

lake and come in third, but placed last due to his demand to only be

awarded a single point by each judge.

However, it was as the 'made-up' time neared the Third Task,

Dumbledore was pushing for more and more information regarding that

particular Task above anything else.

Croaker had asked, "Why is the result of the Third Task so important to

you, Albus? It is, after all, only a competition."

The old man had immediately closed up and went into this huge

monologue - for that was all it really was - about how the Tri-Wizard

Tournament was a great opportunity for the three leading European

schools of magic to come together in fellowship. In other words, the old

man had realised the Truth Chair would only cause him to glow red if he

lied; not if he avoided the question.

He'd figured that out in their real third session, not the sixth session he

thought it was. Croaker let him get away with it as, by the old man not

directly answering, he was informing them the Third Task was, in fact,


That led Croaker to approaching the subject most carefully. With the aid

of psychologists and mind-healers they formulated a plan on how to deal

with it, as the Third Task was clearly of major interest to the old man.

At least, that was what Croaker thought was going on. He would soon

discover just how effectively Dumbledore had misled him.




While, truthfully, the Second Task was fast approaching, so too was the

February Wizengamot session.

At Hermione's request, Sirius contacted her father and told him of the

session and that there would be an earlier sitting of the Wizengamot in

judicial review. They would be sitting to hear the cases of Algernon

Rosier and Augusta Longbottom.

At the same time he told both Granger parents that the attackers of

Hermione on the Hogsmeade weekend - Nott, Cowley and McGruber -

had all chosen to quit Hogwarts and finish their schooling elsewhere.

That was Durmstrang.

"Isn't that one of the schools that is taking part in that infernal

Tournament?" asked Monica.

"Yes, but the three are not permitted to attend," replied Sirius. "Their

Highmaster, Karkaroff, forbid it. No one had to lean on him about it,


So, on the morning of the sessions, Sirius flooed to the Granger residence,

picked up Wendell and flooed them to the Ministry atrium. Not to 'offend'

wizarding sensibilities, Wendell wore a robe and carried a spare wand -

though he could not use it - for the wand-weighing security station.




At Hogwarts, permission for Harry to attend was given well in advance.

Though, it would be fairer to say, that it was officially recognised he'd be

attending as part of his duties as an invested Lord, than he was

permitted. He did not actually need permission.

The girls, however, were not permitted to go watch as they had classes to

attend. Though, again, if Lord Greengrass had demanded the presence of

his daughter as Heiress Presumptive to watch in order for her to learn

how the Wizengamot worked, she would be allowed. He did not ask,

though; and Harry wouldn't push it, because he didn't feel it was his

place to do so.

"But, Daddy's going to be there," Hermione grumped.

"Yep," said Harry. "But, do you want everyone to know that your father,

who everyone knows is supposed to be a muggle because of your known

heritage, is also in the chamber?"

Hermione immediately sighed and said, "You're right. Sorry."

"Don't apologise for it," he said. "You've done nothing wrong and it's

completely understandable."

Harry headed for the Ministry atrium by way of Lady Marchbanks's

Headmistress's office and flooing over from there with her.

After arriving via floo, first, he was quick to save her the effort of

vanishing the soot off herself by doing it first. Then immediately offered

his left elbow for her, knowing she used her cane in her left hand.

She gave a little chuckle and immediately accepted the elbow by laying

her right hand on his horizontally held left forearm. "Such a gentleman,"

she said, as the two slowly made their way down the length of the atrium

towards the security gate.

Many they passed hesitated and gave them both a slight nod of


They'd only managed to go about twenty feet before Harry noticed a

team of aurors had subtly formed a box around them as they walked. And

he only noticed that because they'd also slowed their pace down to match

that of the unusual couple.

He gave a little sigh of annoyance about it, which had Lady Marchbanks

give a little chuckle back and gently pat his forearm with her fingers in a

'There-there' kind of way. She clearly knew why he'd sighed.




After passing through the checkpoint without having their wands

weighed - the aurors were exempt and both Harry and Lady Marchbanks

were recognised Wizengamot members - the now six made their way to a

lift. When one arrived, the aurors immediately commandeered it and the

six rode down to Level Nine, where the Wizengamot chamber was


Passing through to the chamber, Harry stayed with Marchbanks until her

saw her safely within. Then, noticing Wendell in the visitors tiers with

only a couple of journalists for company, he made his way up the stairs

to sit alongside him for a moment.

"Wendell," he smiled. Quietly, he asked, "Have you been told, yet, about

what happened to those idiots who dared attack Hermione?"

"Yes," the man smiled. "They... willingly... left Hogwarts and are seeking

an education elsewhere."

"Mmm," smirked Harry. "Word was made clear to them that going back to

Hogwarts would very likely see them immediately expelled again, if they

were lucky. If they were unlucky, they would consider their lives forfeit."

Wendell smiled and asked, "You threatened them?"

"Threatened?" smirked Harry, while also trying to act innocent. "I would

never do such a thing. I merely asked Mister Nott, the ringleader on their

side of that little fracas, which curse he would prefer to be executed with;

and explained why such a thing would happen."

Looking more fully at his future father-in-bond, he asked, "You don't

think he took that to mean I was actually going to kill him, do you?"

Wendell chuckled and said, "You're a good boy, Harry. Now, I think you

better go join your peers before the trials are called."

Harry gave a nod and descended from the visitors' gallery before crossing

the floor and exiting through the door to the Wizengamot antechamber.




After going into the antechamber and meeting up with Sirius, Frank,

Samuel and some of the others - stopping for a quick chat with each - the

Wizengamot were called to take their seats. Harry sat between Sirius and


As they sat, he leaned to Frank and asked, "I didn't ask him, but why did

you not want Neville here?"

"He is here," replied Frank. "He was escorted by aurors and is in the

witness's isolation rooms with Alice."

"Ah!" said a surprised Harry. "I should have thought and come with him."

"That would not have been proper, Lord Potter," he said right back. "It

could have been perceived as you interfering with a witness."

Harry nodded, understanding.

When the session came to order, Miles Ogden banged his gavel and called

for the accused. They were starting with Algernon Rosier.

Frank immediately stood, stated he would be a witness and was recusing

himself and headed for the witness isolation rooms.

As they were all settling down, Rosier was brought in.

As Madam Bones had already informed those who needed to know,

Rosier immediately admitted guilt to the charges he claimed he would,

but not the charges he claimed he wouldn't due to 'extenuating


Though he was pureblood he asked to take Veritaserum, just as Sirius did

for his own trial, with it being allowed. That the charges were in relation

to actions against a then Heir Apparent of one of the Seven is what got it


Of course, the court case was a foregone conclusion; guilty where he

pleaded guilty and not guilty where he pleaded not guilty. However, the

sentencing was not.

After the silencing wards went up to block sound from the tiers being

heard outside them, Ogden said, "Right. What do we do with him?"

"He is clearly remorseful of his actions," said one of the Neutrals. "He

pleaded and admitted guilt where it was warranted and accepts he placed

the young Heir Apparent of the House in jeopardy. I urge leniency."

As the discussion went on, Harry asked for and got the call. "The Heir

Apparent you're referring to has a name; Neville Longbottom. Mister

Rosier deliberately placed his life at great risk on both occasions. I also

remind you that, at the time, he was also considered the last of the line of

a Noble and Most Ancient House. Should anything have happened to

young Neville, we may have lost one of the Seven. That is a travesty that

cannot ever be allowed, or excused.

"His actions demand jail time, even if he has later admitted guilt and

shown remorse. He did not do such until he was called on it. If he was

truly remorseful, he would have come forward on his own long before


"I suggest five years minimum security at a minimum. I, for one, will

countenance no less. This body must show it takes its responsibility to the

security of the realm, most gravely."

Harry received a fair bit of approbation for that call.

"Five is insufficient," stated another. "I would consider five would be the

minimum for only once exercising such poor judgement. I call for ten, but

acknowledge the call for minimum security."

In the end, Rosier was sentenced to seven years minimum security

incarceration in Azkaban. When the sentence was 'read' it was obvious he

expected such. He just nodded and waited to be taken away.

Because the case did not take long, Augusta Longbottom was brought in

almost as soon as Rosier was led out.

As soon as Harry saw her, he was pissed. The bitch was not just wearing

expensive and well-tailored witches' robes, she had the audacity to wear

robes that reflected she was the Regent of Longbottom. A position for

which she knew she'd been stripped.

Ogden saw it and snarled. Quite a few others were unhappy seeing it,


As soon as she was sat in the defendant's chair and the chains bound her,

he said, "Aurors. Missus Longbottom wears the crest of Longbottom,

signifying her being the Regent of Longbottom. We all know it not to be

true. Remove it, at once!"

When 'Rosier' - Harry still refused to acknowledge her by her married

name - tried to protest, the auror ignored her and tried to vanish it. When

it couldn't be vanished, he cut it out. It left a large hole in the breast of

her outer robes, but no one cared.

Once it was gone, the auror stepped away again, but only as far as two

paces behind her and with his wand drawn.

When the charges were read, Harry thought she might have already

'gauged' the members' reactions and decided to plead guilty. However,

she stuck to her wand and, in an arrogant manner, pleaded not guilty.

Harry was both pleased she didn't - as it meant the punishment would be

harsher - and annoyed she still didn't acknowledge she'd done something


The case proceeded apace and, finally, they were done.

Again, up went the privacy ward. There were quite a few Lords and

Ladies, the dark families, who wanted to toss her into Azkaban and throw

away the key. However, there was a significantly large block who

believed she could not be held accountable for the actions of her brother.

The final result was six months - three for each count - in Azkaban

minimum security for failing to alert the DMLE to the deliberate

endangerment of the Heir Apparent of a Noble and Most Ancient House

by her brother, two counts.

She was firmly told it was not her decision to make or take. And that, just

because she was regent of the House at the time, was irrelevant.

She was led out stunned silent in shock, clearly in disbelief they'd

actually imprison her for it.

As soon as she was gone from the chamber, Ogden called for a thirty

minute recess and reminded everyone they'd be electing a new Minister

as the first order of business once they met in general session.

Harry immediately scarpered towards the visitors' gallery in order not to

be waylaid by those who 'wanted to know his views on certain matters' or

wanted to 'congratulate him for his rhetoric in the first case'; he never

spoke one way or the other for the second.

Sirius followed him over, after blocking those who immediately tried to

chase after him.




Up in the gallery, Harry plonked himself down on the seat next to

Wendell and said, "Phew! I'm glad that's over."

He thought he might have seen Frank there, but he'd obviously chosen to

go directly into the antechamber to speak with members. Harry also

should have gone to the antechamber, but chose to spend a bit of time

with Wendell.

With the election of the new Minister coming up as the first order of

business, Harry didn't want anyone trying to either plead for his vote or

get a sense of which way he would vote. Plus, he'd rather use the time to

speak with one of the two men who had become his 'father figures'; and

the other had chosen to sit on his other side, anyway. Sirius had also

decided not to get involved in the last-minute vote pleading.

"That was... interesting," said Wendell. "Thank you for recommending I

come and watch it."

Harry nodded and said, "If it wasn't because of the major divide between

light and dark Houses, I'd call it too many chefs in the kitchen. However,

it surprisingly works.

"Besides, the cases, while relating to the same matter, also dealt with

matters pertaining to a Noble and Most Ancient House. No one was going

to be missing that. Especially, when the second case was relating to a

woman who was once Lady of the House and, lately, the Regent. She also

held the post of Chief Adjudicator right up until the last session, right

before Christmas; and was slated to become either the Next Chief Witch

or Minister.

"There are many who take great delight in cutting down one of the 'tall

poppies'; and Augusta Longbottom was one of the tallest. A real political


Wendell nodded and said, "What's next?"

"The boring part," sighed Harry. "First up, we're all called back to sit in

general legislative session. The first order of business is the election of

the new Minister. After that, we'll see."

"Any ideas on who that might be?" he asked.

"My money's on either our man, Tyler Stebbins, or Lord Gabriel Brunt,"

replied Harry. "At first we were going to support Lady Jacinta Cauldwell,

but we changed our mind at the last minute when we realised she'd not

get the votes. Brunt's a Neutral and doesn't belong to any alliance. All the

formal Alliances, including ours, have courted him; but he's refused every

one. He has a lot of respect among the members, just for that."

Sirius said, "My money's on Brunt, too. I don't think Stebbins has a

chance, because many see him as a Ministry flunky and in your and

Frank's pocket, Harry."

Harry gave a grunt of annoyed amusement. "He is and he isn't. Yes, he's a

member of the Alliance, but he's always been true in putting his

responsibilities above the Alliance, every time. And, neither Frank nor I

can be annoyed at him about that, as we both know we'd be the same."

When the members were again called to session, both Harry and Sirius

quickly excused themselves and returned to the tiers and their seats.

As soon as the session was called to order, Ogden banged his gavel to

start and, as promised, called for the vote of Minister. None were allowed

to speak as the time for that was past. If there was no clear winner, only

then would they be allowed to speak.

However, it was not required. Lord Gabriel Brunt of the Noble and Elder

House of Brunt won on the first round. The Elder House of Brunt was one

of those who's nobility came from the muggle world when a son of a

Marquessate turned out to be a wizard. It was the same path Harry was

investigating to see if Finch-Fletchley could become a new Noble House.

Amelia immediately swore him in and Ogden asked him to take his seat

in the Minister's chair. As he approached it, the members all stood and

applauded him in congratulations.

As soon as he sat, the members followed suit. Then Ogden, as per

tradition, asked him to give a few remarks.

Of course, Brunt stood and did just that, after withdrawing a small set of

slips of parchment from an inner robe pocket.

'He was prepared for this,' thought Harry, as soon as he saw the man pull

out the slips. 'Good. We might not have elected another daft moron, after


Then followed about two hours of matters so riveting in Harry's interest

he could have found more pleasure in watching grass grow or paint dry.

As soon as the 'normal' work of the Wizengamot commenced, Sirius

pulled a book out of a pocket, sat back and began to read it.

The mongrel, in Harry's opinion, just smirked at Harry on and off for the

next ten minutes before he pulled a second book out of the same pocket

and handed it to his godson.

The look on Harry's face made Sirius have to smother a chuckle.

When Harry looked over to a reseated Frank Longbottom, he could see

the man had a copy of the Daily Prophet out and folded so it was easier to

handle while he was reading articles.

Harry sat back and started to read the book. However, as soon as he

opened it and began to read, he realised it was a book titled, 'How to Woo

your Witch (In Ten Easy Steps)'.

When he, shocked, turned to look at his godfather, he realised the man

had up a localised silencing bubble and was laughing at him.

'Laugh it up, chuckles,' he venomously thought. 'Payback is a female


Then, as he had nothing else to do bar read the book Sirius had given

him, began to plot his revenge while pretending to read and pay

attention to some idiot prattle on about ensuring quality in potion


'Really,' he mentally scoffed. 'There's been a decent set of laws in place

about that for more than three hundred years, dutifully updated when

and where necessary. Why, the hell, did this idiot want to revisit it?'

After a further ten minutes of the man's waffle he realised why. He sold

commercial quantity potions ingredients and had quite a few shipments

determined to be of too low a grade to be allowed to sell. Now he wanted

the law changed to put the onus on the Apothecary to make that

determination, rather than the Ministry's inspectors; and was claiming it

would be an excellent way to save money.

As the Bill was only the first reading, Harry would hold off commenting

on it. He'd do his research and 'out' the fool in the Prophet in the week

leading up to when the Bill would be read for the second time and voted


That meant he didn't have to listen to any more of the dribble until the

next item of business was raised.




When the session was called to conclusion just before lunch, Harry was

glad to get away.

He went and saw Wendell, told him that if he ever needed to speak

directly to Hermione he could by asking Sirius if he could borrow Sirius's

communication mirror and returned to the tiers to escort Lady

Marchbanks back to Hogwarts.

As they were walking from the elevator lobby on the atrium level back to

the floos he asked her of her thoughts on the meeting.

"Actually, Lord Potter," she began. "For a lot of it I was watching the

interplay between you and your reprobate of a godfather. It was most


Harry just cocked an eyebrow at her and grinned.

"What was so funny about that book our Lord Black gave you?" she


Harry sighed and drew the book from his pocket. Sirius had told him to

keep it.

When he showed it to her, she hesitated only a moment before letting

forth a great cackle of glee. When she calmed down again, she said, "Now

I understand." And handed it back to him.

Accepting it back, he firmly stated, "Revenge, shall be mine!"

Again, she cackled as she again took his arm as he escorted her to the





After returning to the school via Marchbanks's office, Harry returned to

the Lords' Quarters to shuck his Wizengamot robes and change into

school robes.

Checking the time he realised Hermione had not yet returned from

Herbology to clean up before lunch and had no idea where Daphne

would be, but suspected she'd be along soon.

Right as he was thinking that, Hermione entered. As she crossed the

room heading for her door, she quickly said, "Give me a few minutes, I

stink of dragon dung." And was gone within.

"Well, hello to you, too," he quietly said, standing in the middle of the

room and looking to her door.

"Talking to yourself, Potter?" asked Daphne's voice from behind.

Spinning around he saw his concubine bonded standing in the doorway

and smirking at him.

So, with no other comeback available to him right at that moment, he

just blew her a raspberry.

As she laughed and walked in he said, "Hermione hurried past,

complaining of the smell of dragon dung and didn't even stop to say


"I gathered," she replied. "Shall we wait for her, then?"

"Of course," he nodded.

As Daphne asked Betsy to change out her books for the afternoon class,

Harry did the same with Dobby. Then Daphne asked Betsy to do the same

for Hermione, just as she came back out.

"Ready," she declared, retrieving her satchel where Betsy had just

returned it. "Thank you, Betsy," she called out as she was checking

through it.

Harry and Hermione only had to worry about Potions, while Daphne had

to add her Charms text for the final class, which neither of the other two

had to worry about as they had Astronomy that night.

Harry already knew it was going to be a long day for him. He'd try and

catch a nap that evening and have Dobby wake him in plenty of time.




As the three Potters headed for the Great Hall, Hermione asked, "So, how

did it go?"

He knew what she meant - the trials.

He replied, "Algernon Rosier got seven years, minimum security; Augusta

Longbottom got six months, minimum security. Even once the verdict

was read out, it was apparent she didn't believe it."

"She will have, by now," said Daphne. "The DMLE would not have

mucked about getting her to Azkaban."

"Mmm..." he muttered. "That's why I'm kind of avoiding Neville, at the


Daphne asked, "Do you believe Heir Longbottom will blame you for what

has befallen his grandmother?"

Harry was a long moment replying before he said, "Somewhat; yes."

"He does not," she immediately and firmly said.

"Oh, Harry," said an understanding Hermione. "Neville doesn't blame you

for any of this. He knows what his 'Uncle Algie' and 'Gran' did, or didn't

do, is what's led to this. He knows they're responsible for their own


As it turned out, Frank had immediately informed his son of the results of

the trial between the judiciary and legislative sessions; and Neville in no

way held Harry responsible for any of it.




After an interrupted sleep, where he managed to get a longer sleep before

heading to Astronomy, Harry was up early as was his usual habit on a

Wednesday morning.

Today marked one week before the Second Task and Hermione was

determined they would ramp up their training for it.

So, immediately after breakfast, she, Harry and Neville - who'd offered to

come and help - headed for the Room of Requirement to do some light

training and practicing of the Summoning and other charms Harry might

have to use in the Task.

Since he'd received his own wand, Neville had worked hard to rein back

on his excessive use of magical power when casting. With the help of his

father and mother he'd managed it in time to rejoin his classmates at the

beginning of January at Hogwarts.

However, that did not mean he was no longer able to apply that

prodigious amount of power when he wanted to. He used that just that

morning during training, when he had a go at summoning the broom

from off the bottom of the pool.

Like Harry, he was more than capable of the feat. But, unlike Harry, he

had to quickly dive out of the way when the broom shot out of the water

and directly at him. He might have had Harry's power, but not his


"Damn!" he exclaimed, picking himself up off the pool edge while the

broom clattered to the floor after hitting the wall well behind him.

Harry snickered in amusement. "Without all that dodging training we've

been doing," he said, "It just might have got you."

Back on his feet and 'dusting' himself off, Neville said, "Yeah, it was


Walking back towards them from around the other end of the pool,

Hermione said, "Well, I think you've got and practiced everything you

need for the Second Task. And we've got about an hour before Daphne,

Hannah and Susan are out of their classes before morning tea. Do you

want to make a start on preparing for the Third Task?"

Harry grinned and said, "I think that one's going to be even easier than

the first two Tasks."

Joining the two boys, she asked, "Oh? What is it?"

"It's a hedge maze, believe it or not," he replied. "The winner of the

Tournament will be the first person to find the Tri-Wizard Cup, located

somewhere in it. As such, even if you have the lowest number of points,

you can still win by finding it first."

Neville frowned and asked, "Then what's the reason for the points?"

"The first to enter the maze will be the competitor with the highest

points. After the first person enters, the next to enter will be the person in

second place," he explained. "How long after the leader they get to enter

depends on how many points behind that person they are. Then third and

then fourth."

Neville thought about it and asked, "If you only earned... what... five

points for the First Task, won't that put you so far back you'll have little

chance of winning?"

Harry smirked even more and said, "You forget, Neville. It is not my

intent to win the damned thing."

"Language," muttered Hermione.

Harry thought it was a vast improvement, as she both didn't stridently

exclaim it, or tell him off even further for it. So, he let her get away with


"I don't know why they marked you so low, anyway," said Neville. "You

completed the First Task as per the rules. As you said, there was no time

limit or any other limit, when it comes to that, other than completing the

Task by collecting that gold egg. You did that."

"Because I told them to only award me one point each," he replied. "I

wanted it perfectly clear I had no intention of winning and I really didn't

want to even be there."

"So, the Third Task is a hedge maze," said Hermione, trying to get the

discussion back on track.

"Yes," said Harry. "They'll be putting in a whole range of dangerous

creatures, as well; which are there to test the ingenuity and skills of the

champions while they try to find the Cup."

"So, you need to practice combat casting," she said. "Which you've been

doing with the Colourball charms and Stinging hexes training we've been


He grinned at her with that 'I know something you don't know'

expression she'd come to know.

With a sigh, she asked, "What am I missing?"

"The only rules for the Third Task are that I must enter the maze and

then find the Cup. That's it," he replied. "Now, think about it."

Both other teens couldn't figure it out. And weren't happy when he

wouldn't tell them what he'd already figured out for himself.

He said, "If, by then, you haven't already figured it out for yourselves, I'll

tell you what you're missing before the Third Task starts."

"Can you at least give us a hint?" begged Neville.

Harry thought about it for few moments before he said, "The rules state I

must enter the maze. They do not state I must stay in the maze until one

of us finds the Cup."

"You intend to walk in and walk back out again?" asked Hermione.

Harry chuckled and replied, "No. But, you have your clue."




The day of the Second Task dawned with slightly overcast skies. Harry

had no problem with that, as it meant there'd be minimal glare off the

water as he was summoning his broom.

The previous late afternoon, both 'visiting' schools representatives

returned to Hogwarts in readiness of the event. However, instead of the

approximate two dozen students from each school, they only returned

with seven each. Plus, instead of arriving in a flying horse carriage and a

recovered sunken tri-masted galleon, they arrived by way of portkey via

the Ministry of Magic International Portkey Station; and then appeared in

the middle of the entrance hall of the castle in each group five minutes


Again, both schools sat in their own groups, together at Ravenclaw for

the Beauxbatons and at Slytherin for the Durmstrangs; for both the

evening meal the night before and breakfast that morning.

Harry was not surprised when, that same evening, Professor Babbling

came to him and asked him to hand over his Firebolt. Then informed him

it would be that 'which he'd miss the most' for the Task the next day.

'As if I didn't already know,' he thought.

At 9.00am the four champions were escorted out of the Great Hall by

Karkaroff, Maxime, Deputy Headmaster Goodstone and Marchbanks.

Again, Harry offered his arm to the good Lady Headmistress, which she

again gladly accepted.

Yet again, Harry was surrounded by aurors; but, this time, they also

encompassed the whole party.

As they slowly made their way down to the edge of the lake - where had

been set up a large set of tribune seating, plus a judges table sitting on a

small stage that extended out into the water - Harry quietly asked

Marchbanks, "Why decide to take the walk? As Headmistress you could

always either apparate or create your own portkey to take you there."

She smiled back and said, "Perhaps I enjoy the walk, Lord Potter."

With his own smile he said, "Perhaps you forgot you could do that,


That got a laugh out of her.

"No, dear boy," she said. "At my age, any chance I get to take a walk on a

nice, clear day... especially in the company of one so charming... I'm

going to take."

"Flatterer," he quietly accused.

That earned him another laugh. But, also with one of those light taps on

his arm that he now recognised as showing she was pleased with him.




As the four waited on the stage that also acted as a jetty of sorts and the

judges took their seats at the table, the students and other guests,

streaming in through the gates, were walking down to take seats in the


As the time of the start of the Task approached, 9.30am, Bagman walked

over to them and had them gather around.

"All set, are you, Champions?" he asked, also looking at Harry.

"What're you looking at me for?" he asked, right back. "I'm the unwilling

entrant, remember? Ask them." And gestured to the other three.

Bagman allowed his expression to show slight irritation before he

decided to ignore Harry and asked the others, "All set, are we? Have your

plans on how you're going to undertake the challenge, prepared?"

As the other three acknowledged him and replied they did, Harry just

backed off a little.

Again, Bagman appeared annoyed by the attitude Harry was displaying.

"Alright," he said, a little louder. "Good luck, Cha- err... all." Then turned

away and practically stomped back to the judges table.

From what Harry could observe before he stomped off, he'd asked them


Meanwhile, Diggory asked him, "And what's your plan, Harry?"

When Harry turned back it was to see the other three all removing their

outer robes and showing clothing made for swimming underneath.

He gave a little snort of amusement.

"Well, I'm not getting in the water, that's for sure," he replied.

Confused, Diggory asked, "Then how do you plan on completing the


"I'm a wizard, Cedric," he replied. "I think I'll complete it by being a

wizard. Whoever came up with the idea―"

Just then he was cut off by Bagman casting a Sonorus and making the

introductory announcements. While he did so, Diggory sighed and

returned to the other two.

Once everyone was ready and the Task and rules for it made public,

Bagman let off a Cannonblast charm signifying the start of the event.

Everyone was watching Harry by then, as he did not disrobe like the


Once the other three dived in, after casting initial charms upon

themselves, Harry just shook his head as all three disappeared under


He gave it a moment before he turned about and looked back at the

stands. Of course, by then all eyes were focussed on him.

Drawing his wand he cast his own Sonorus and said, "Ladies and

Gentlemen, once again I find myself witnessing just how quickly witches

and wizards can demonstrate how daft and moronic they can be.

"What you have come to witness; or, rather, what the organisers of this

event planned for you to come and witness; was for three Champions to

dive into the lake and go and rescue hostages. That is, rescue people from

an enchanted sleep being guarded over by an underwater village of


"Now, because the organisers of this event didn't think it through, they

did not arrange for viewing screens or similar to be erected so you can

see what was happening underwater. Instead, their whole plan was for

you to sit in those seats, watch three people enter the water and then...

nothing. Nothing, that is, until almost an hour later, where you got to

stare at nothing much more than the lake, until those same three people

popped their heads up from under the water and bring three others back

to the shore.

"Wow! How absolutely riveting entertainment that would have been for

you... Not!

"So, to make up for that... let's say... less than entertaining spectacle, let's

do something where you can actually see it happen.

"You see, I consider myself a wizard. So, instead of being like a muggle

and going and getting my broom - my 'what I'll miss the most' - I'll think

like a wizard, instead.

"It's February, for Merlin's sake! If I can get out of going into the water,

just to appease some idiot who couldn't think things through, I'm going to

take it.

Cancelling the Sonorus, Harry could hear laughter coming from the

stands. However, Bagman was looking at him as if he'd just kicked his pet

crup to death.

Turning to face the water, he cast, "Accio my Firebolt!"

The immediate attempt by his wand to shot forward out of his hand was

all he needed to know the charm was working.

With his left foot braced forward and now having to hold onto his wand

with both hands, Harry pulled back... hard... while also pumping a lot of

magic into the continued charm. Summoning the broom from the pool in

the Come and Go Room wasn't this hard. However, he had nowhere near

the distance or depth to overcome, either. (1)

After a good five seconds, people were starting to snicker. By the ten

second mark, there were even a few catcalls.

However, when the broom suddenly shot out of the water about thirty

feet away and shot straight at him, there were gasps. Because of the pull,

when the broom cleared the water the resistance to the charm

dramatically tapered right off. It almost caused him to fall back onto his


However, his reflexes were also even faster than they were before. He

was able to both stop himself from falling over and catch the broom as it

was about to pass over his head.

Staggering from the transferred energy of the impetus of the broom into

his arm, Harry was still able to hold onto it without allowing it to slip

through his fingers or pull him off his feet.

That's when he heard the exclamations and gasps of surprise and shock

from the audience.

Once he was centred and balanced on both feet and not in danger of

falling over, he stripped the remains of a thin but snapped rope off the

foot pegs - clearly, whatever was stopping it from simply floating to the

surface was tied to the broom by the rope. Then he gave it a quick once-

over by eye before walking over to the judges' table with it.

The expressions on the faces of the judges almost had him laughing right

in their faces.

Bagman, sitting on the end was blushing in embarrassment; as was the

new Director of International Magical Cooperation, Hamilton Snodway.

But where Bagman was looking at him in embarrassed irritation,

Snodway was trying everything to not look at him. Marchbanks was

cackling away in clear amusement. Karkaroff was scowling and also not

looking at him. And Maxime just gave him a wry look and a small sad


Quietly, but firmly, he said to them all, "The Task was that I recover my

'what I'd miss the most' from the bottom of the lake; not that I enter the

water. I believe I have completed my Task. Please remember to award me

no more than one point each."

"Of course, Lord Potter!" laughed Marchbanks.

Without another word but a slight head bob and smile to Marchbanks, he

turned around and walked back out onto the stage.




(1) - In canon, the distance Harry had to summon his broom from his room

for the First Task was a significantly greater distance that where he summoned

it from, this time; for those who doubted it could be done and still remain


56. Fleur's Trouble and

Dumbledore Cracks

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to the proverbial Duchess of

Magic, JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high

falutin' companies. No matter how much I whine about not owning anything

related to the HP universe, other than a few fanfic plots, I do not profess to

own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful

world... Damn it!

A/N: Fair warning - There is a MAJOR torture scene at the end of this

chapter; though, similar to the previous one, it is not very descriptive. It is the

last section. This will be the last of it.

Chapter Fifty Six - Dumbledore Cracks




Recasting the Sonorus once he was back on the stage, Harry said, "Now,

as you could see, my first idea worked and I have completed my Task.

However, the Task is supposed to take the better part of an hour.

"From that, I surmise we won't be seeing the true competitors for a while.

So, I'm going to give you a class, just so you won't be bored while you

wait. I also remind you that, while I have completed my Task, the Task is

still on. So, please don't interfere.

"Now, while the Fourth Year charm... the Summoning charm... worked

for me, the Task organisers could always have actually thought things

through and blocked that charm from working, just as they did in the

First Task against trying to summon the egg. So, I had backup plans.

"If the Summoning charm had not worked for me, then I'd have looked

like an idiot. However, I would have still had to complete the Task.

"So, my next trick would have been..." And he pulled a small plastic bag

out of his pocket and held it up. "... Gillyweed!"

He held it up for a few seconds, showing it around before lowering it,

and said, "Now, Gillyweed is a most unusual plant, as most magical

plants are. It grows on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, most

prevalently around the southern tip of Italy and around the island of


"How is it relevant, you may ask? Simple. When you swallow a decent

sized mouthful of it and you're a magical, within only a few moments it

will cause you to grow gills, your feet to elongate into flippers and the

webbing between your fingers to grow to the fingertips. It allows you to

swim underwater as if you were born to live underwater. It requires no

wand, it requires no spell or enchantment to be cast and even squibs can

use it.

"It is claimed Gillyweed should last you an hour of transfigured time.

That is true... if the Gillyweed is picked and immediately used. However,

even with preservation or stasis charms, it will more likely last about fifty

to fifty-five minutes. Now, how long was this Task supposed to last, I ask


"And, why is this important? Simple. It means even a squib could have

competed in this event. No magical education is, or was, required. And

that means this Task was not a Task that would challenge the skills of an

of-age witch or wizard.

"Yet again, I confess I find myself most disappointed in the organisers of

these events."

Harry quickly checked his watch and discovered they still had about forty

five minutes to go.

"Well, forty-five minutes left. I wonder―"

Just then he heard a lot of shouts come from the stands. He saw people

suddenly shoot to their feet and a few point out onto the lake.

Spinning around to see for himself, he saw a body floating on the surface.

Spinning back to face the judges, still with his Sonorous running, he

bellowed, "Get Healer Robinson down here, now!"

Not waiting for anyone to respond, he wrist-flicked his wand into his

wand holster, jammed his broom up under his legs, mounted it and took

off as fast as he could.

Nearing the body, he could see by the silver hair it was Fleur Delacour,

the Beauxbatons' Champion, floating face-down in the water.

Coming to a halt a few feet above her and off to one side, he drew his

wand again and levitated her up and out of the water. When she up

about four feet, he one-handed drove the broom under her waist and

allowed it to push forward until she was hard up against his groin.

He cancelled the levitation charm, causing her to drop and bend in half

over the handle and, leaning over her, grabbed the handle on the other

side of her. Then powered back to the stage as quickly as he could.

As he approached, he could see Healer Robinson running out onto the

stage to meet him.

He'd not even had a chance to stop properly before the medi-wizard had

his arms under her armpits and was dragging her off the broom and

flipping her as he did so, almost causing Harry to fall off in the process.

Jumping off anyway, Harry practically tossed his broom away and moved

to help. He could see she was severely scratched all over, with a large

parallel couple on her left cheek. He suspected grindylows were the


As grindylow claws didn't contain poison, only possible infections, he

distractedly thought she wouldn't scar from the scratches.

"She has water in her lungs," muttered Robinson. A quick spell and the

water was ripped out of her lungs through her mouth.

Thankfully, as the last of the lake water was pulled out, she gave a

cough. Just one.

"Thank Merlin," muttered the medi-wizard.

"We need to get her warm; fast," said Harry. "She's Veela. The cold

suppresses her magic. The warmer we can get her the better her magic

will move to heal her the rest of the way."

Robinson didn't even say a word, other than give a slight verbal nod. He

quickly conjured a thick blanket and wrapped her in it, while Harry was

madly casting warming charms on her.

As he cast Harry also realised those scratch marks on her cheek meant

the grindylow that did it would have also ripped away her bubblehead

charm. And was the likely cause of her (almost) drowning.

Just as the medi-wizard was picking her up and he was standing up,

Harry suddenly found himself yanked away. It was Maxime, who had

clearly hurried over from the judges table.

"What do you think you are doo-eeng?" she demanded.

"Lord Potter and I are saving this child's life, you stupid bitch!" Robinson

snarled. "Now get the fuck out of my and Lord Potter's way and let us

save her!"

Without even waiting for Maxime to respond, the healer whirled about

and ran for the hospital tent, set up directly behind the tribunes. Harry

simply ran around Maxime and charged after him.

As he ran past aurors who had started to run down to the stage, Harry

called, "If Maxime interferes again, stun the stupid bitch!"

The auror didn't even respond, but Harry saw the red of a stunner fly just

past him and heard someone heavy crash to the ground not far behind as

he continued to run after the medi-wizard.

Fitter and not carrying a load, Harry was able to pass him and reach the

tent, first. He immediately flicked up and held the tent flap out of the

way, so Robinson was not slowed down in his race to get the girl onto

one of his portable beds.

As soon as he was inside, Harry hurried across to the bed. "She'll still

have water in her lungs. Do you have a charm that will force her to

cough, even though she's unconscious?"

"Yes," snapped Robinson, before he cast just that spell on Delacour's

throat. "Excreo!"

Moments later, Delacour was coughing. And managed to cough up even

more water. Not a lot, but sufficient to show Harry was right.

Snapping his wand away, she stopped coughing and moaned.

He then whirled away to his mobile potions cabinet and quickly pulled

two out before turning back.

"Hold her still!" he snapped. And Harry was quick to obey by the simple

expedient of throwing his body over her and holding her in place.

With another cast on the girl's throat, a swallowing charm this time,

Robinson gently poured both potions in her mouth, one at a time.

Harry recognised a mild healing and a Pepper-Up potion.

"Release her!" Robinson demanded. And Harry was just as quick to hop


Stepping back Robinson began to cast a series of health detection charms,

similar to the ones Andi had cast on him a few times. Then let out an

explosive sigh of relief.

Meanwhile, Harry had looked up to see Bones standing in the tent just

inside the tent flap and watching. She had a grim and determined look on

her face.

Robinson quietly muttered, "She's going to live."

That's when Harry heard a female voice with a French accent in distress,

"Let me in, sil vous plait! Zat eez my daught-air in zere!"

Bones immediately stepped to one side and flicked the tent flap aside.

She took one look and barked, "Let her through!"

Then a woman that was clearly Delacour's mother hurried in, stopped for

a bare moment to look and hurried over to take her daughter's hand.

"Guérisseur?" she querulously asked. "I mean, 'Ealer? 'Ow eez she?"

"She will live," replied Robinson. "You can thank Lord Potter for that.

Both for his very quick action and alerting me to the fact your daughter

is Veela."

Moments later, Harry found himself grabbed and pulled into a near bone-

crushing hug before she pulled back and kissed him on both cheeks.

Then, again pulling him into a short bone-crushing hug.

When she released him the second time she cried, "Zank 'ou! Zank 'ou!

Pour la vie de ma fille!"

"Errr..." he stuttered. "You're... welcome?"

Once the clearly upset woman, Veela, released him he quietly stepped

away, walked over to Bones and said, "Hell of a day."

She just smirked back and said, "I should ask you to give a statement of

what part you played in this incident. However, I watched the whole

bloody thing, myself. So, let's just say you did and I find no fault with

you or your actions."

He smirked back and said, "I'd best get back out there."

"Why?" she asked. "Your Task is done."

"Public relations," he replied. "A couple hundred people just witnessed

what they thought was a girl drown. Most of them, children. It's best it

comes from me, so I'll go out and calmly tell them she's going to be


She gave a nod and said, "Follow me, then. I'll lead you back. Quite a

crowd has formed outside."

"Nosy bastards," he muttered.

"You can't really blame them," she said.

He gave her a look. "Why not? Is someone forcing them to be nosy


After a long moment she muttered, "Point."




After 'blazing' a path through the couple dozen people who had gathered

outside the tent to find out what was going on, through the simple

expedient of threatening to arrest anyone who got in the way or

interfered, Madam Bones led him back to the stage.

As everyone demanded answers, Harry just kept saying, "If you want

answers to your questions, return to your seats." Over and over.

As he remounted the stage, Harry was thankful to find his broom still

hovering right where he'd left it when he'd tossed it aside. He re-cast his


"Right!" he snapped. "If you want to know what's going on, I will tell you

nothing until you've returned to your seats and settled down."

Then he cancelled the Sonorus, crossed his arms with his feet braced a

shoulder-width apart and just stared at them all.

No matter how many yelled at him to tell them, he just stood there for a

long few seconds before he recast the Sonorus and said, "Your demands

mean nothing to me. If you want answers, sit down, shut up and wait.

You will have your answers once everyone returns to their seats and not

a second before!"

Then pulled his wand away, recrossed his arms and waited.

Eventually, they complied enough for him to answer.

Raising his wand again, he said, "Better! It appears you're capable of

learning, after all.

"Miss Fleur Delacour, is currently still unconscious. This is a good thing.

It means she's currently alright.

"As for what happened, from the marks and deep claw marks on her legs,

arms and face it appears she was attacked by grindylows. Miss Delacour

entered the water with a Bubblehead charm. From that, together with the

scratch marks on her face, it appears the grindylows ripped it away while

she was deep underwater.

"When she appeared, floating on the surface, her lungs were full of water,

this would normally mean she had drowned. However, after clearing her

lungs of said water, Journeyman Healer Robinson was able to save her


"I have no idea which numpty twit came up with the idea of using the

lake in this, the Second Task, in bloody February of all times, probably

the month when the lake is at its coldest; but they should have... at the

very least... had watchers under the water to keep an eye on the

competitors to ensure their safety. This incident was completely

preventable. This incident was completely avoidable.

"Shame on you! Stop proving your incompetence and start bloody

thinking, for a change! You, whoever you are, should now be down on

your knees and thanking your lucky stars that young woman's blood is

not on your hands!"

"Quietus!" Then he grabbed his broom and stormed off the stage to


Marchbanks, from where she had remained at the desk because she knew

not to get in the way, turned to Bagman and said, "Ludovic; you will be

bringing everything relating to the Third Task to me in my office, after

we complete this Task. I will be reviewing all of it. If I think you've failed

to cover the safety aspects of the event, I'll be asking Minister Brunt to

sack your bum."

From where he was trying to almost hide under the table, Bagman

muttered, "Errr... yes, Lady Marchbanks."




When Harry walked off the stage for a second time, he headed directly

for the medical tent. Thankfully, the crowds that were there had

dispersed, leaving only aurors and a photographer for the Daily Prophet.

He was just in time to be met by Hermione and Daphne, who had

obviously had a pretty fair idea what he would do after leaving the stage.

"Ladies," he said, still slightly scowling.

"Did you have to go rub their faces in it again, Harry," asked Daphne.

"They deserved it," he muttered.

As he was talking he could see a small beetle rest in Daphne's hair on her

hairclip. As he started speaking, it had turned from looking in the

direction of the tent behind her, to somewhat facing him.

While that was odd, the fact it was February and the beetle was there

was even more so.

He reached up and flicked it away.

Outside the tent stood an auror, Master Auror Connie Hammer, clearly on


Harry approached her and asked, "Are we allowed to enter?"

Hammer hesitated a moment before she said, "Wait one, please." And

stuck her head inside.

A few seconds later she pulled it back out, stepped aside and pulled the

tent flap open as she did so. "In ya go," she quietly said.

"Thank you, Master Auror," said Harry, leading both girls in.




Inside the tent, Fleur was looking a great deal better. For a start, she was

awake. Next, all the claw marks and scratches had been healed. She was

also sitting propped up.

As soon as she saw Harry, her face transformed from one of unhappiness

to a wide, beaming smile. "'Arry!" she quietly said.

"Hello, Fleur," he said back, walking over. Indicating Hermione he said,

"You may remember Hermione?"

"Of course," she said, giving Hermione a smile and a nod.

Turning to Daphne, he said, "And this is Daphne Greengrass, Heiress

Presumptive of the Noble and Ancient House of Greengrass."

"Fleur Delacour," said Fleur indicating herself. "'Eiress of the Venerable

'Ouse of Delacour; but, please call me Fleur."

"Daphne," said Daphne, with a slight nod of acknowledgement.

Fleur then gestured to the woman who was standing on the other side of

the bed and had tried to hug Harry to death in gratitude earlier, and said,

"And zis is my mozzer, Lady Apolline Delacour."

"Pol," the woman immediately said, smiling to both girls.

"Hermione/Daphne" his girls said in return.

Looking to Fleur, Harry said, "You had us worried. If it wasn't for quick

thinking on medi-wizard Robinson's part―"

Robinson gave a slight snort and said, "Rubbish! I'd have not stood a

chance to heal her if it wasn't for you. You got her out of the water and

into my hands faster than could be expected. Then it was you, who

informed me of her being Veela; something I was not made aware of and

should have been. It was you, who immediately started casting powerful

warming charms on her, allowing her own magic to help what I was

doing. And it was you, who thought to use a coughing charm to force her

to get rid of the remaining water out of her lungs and breathing again,

even though she was unconscious at the time and barely, if even that,

breathing at all.

"Clever trick, that last one. I'll be notifying Saint Mungo's and the Healer's

Collegiate of its effectiveness.

"No, Lord Potter," he smiled. "I do not believe I would have been

successful in saving her life if it was not for you thinking things through

and coming up with fast solutions."

Harry immediately blushed and looked away.

Fleur gave him a peculiar look, which had Daphne snicker. She said,

"He's cute when he blushes like that, isn't he?"

Fleur smiled back. "Oui."

Losing the smile she asked, "Did you manage to find my wand when―"

And blushed herself.

"Oh!" he said. "Silly me."

Quickly spinning away and trotting out of the tent, he jogged down to

the stands - where people were still waiting for the other two champions

to surface - and walked out onto the stage.

He simply raised his wand and quietly cast, "Accio Fleur's wand."

A few seconds later a wand flew at him from the water and he caught it

with his offhand. He spun around and, still ignoring everyone, trotted

back to the hospital tent, walking back in a few moments later.

Offering it to her, wandgrip first, he said, "A simple summoning charm

found it."

She gratefully accepted it and quietly said, "Thank you." No accent, that


He never noticed; but, Hermione and Daphne did.

Trying to think of a topic to talk about, he asked, "Do you know you're

only the second witch to ever ride my broom?"

When she looked at him in, what he thought was surprise but was

actually shock at what he'd said, she didn't respond.

"Yep," he said. "Hermione rode my broom from behind, but you're the

first on the front, even if you were bent over at the time."

While the two Veela ladies couldn't believe what he was saying, he

couldn't see either Daphne or Hermione slightly behind him, blushing

and trying to hide their faces.

"Maybe next time, you can sit astraddle it properly and I promise I'll give

you a good ride," he said. "But, please try and not scream in my ear like

Hermione did. And, I wasn't even trying anything too... ummm...

strenuous, either. I don't know what she'd be like if I really went to town."

Just then, Hammer stuck her head in through the flap and called, "Lord


Harry spun and asked, "Hmm?"

"You're wanted down at the stage," she said. "They're announcing points."

He frowned and said, "I really don't care―"

"Go, Harry!" said Hermione, with a voice that sounded strangely

strangled. "Go find out Fleur's points for her."

"Oh, alright," he said. "I can do that. Back in a couple minutes!" And he

hurried out.

As soon as he was gone, Hermione threw up a massive privacy ward and

immediately roared with laughter. Daphne was right behind her.

Pol said, "Errr... Her-my-nee?"

Daphne recovered first. "Believe it or not," she gasped. "Harry was really

talking about his broom. His Firebolt."

While Daphne wasn't surprised, both Veela didn't seem to blush at all.

"So," said Fleur, "'E wasn't being... forwaird?"

Hermione just shook her head back, still trying to stifle the giggles. She

was red in the face and had tears in her eyes.

Daphne explained, "While Harry is really incredibly smart, when it comes

to the... fairer sex? He's really quite naïve."

"Clueless," said Hermione, nodding.

"So, all that―?" asked Fleur.

"He really was inviting you to ride his broom with him. His Firebolt,"

nodded Daphne, with a grin.

"Mmmm... Pity," said Fleur.

That had both girls look at her in shock.

"We aire Veela, ladies," said Pol. "Zink about it."




Harry was back on the stage in short order to find both Diggory and

Krum were back. Both were surprised to see him.

"Harry?" asked Diggory. "Just when did you get back?"

"Cedric, I never left," he replied.

"You... didn't... even try the Task?"

Harry gave him a long look and said, "I stood on the edge of the dock,

raised my wand and cast, 'Accio my Firebolt.' I only had to wait about

fifteen seconds for it to shoot out of the water and fly to my hand."

Diggory's expression became pained while Krum, who'd been listening in,

face-palmed himself and muttered something in Bulgarian or something.

From the tone, it sounded offensive.

"Damn it, Harry," whined Diggory.

"Hey," he said. "It's not my fault you forgot you were a wizard."

When the points were announced this time, it wasn't Bagman doing the

announcing, it was the new bloke from the DIMC.

Krum received forty eight; he was two minutes late. Diggory received

forty five; three minutes late. And Fleur received twenty five; for at least

being on the right track with a Bubblehead charm. And, as demanded,

Harry received five points; one each from each judge.

The IMC bloke, Snodway, announced the next Task to take place on the

twenty fourth of June, in four months time, and bid everyone a safe trip

back to wherever.

"Bastards," Harry muttered. "It makes more bloody sense to hold it on the

twenty fourth of May, not June. We should've taken the Express back to

London about two weeks earlier than that."

He didn't realise Diggory had heard him until the 'Puff said, "I couldn't

agree more. Bloody idiots."




When Harry made it back to the tent he told Fleur the scores. He had no

idea the girls had been laughing between themselves until about a

minute before he returned.

Fleur sighed and said, "I should 'ave got a zero."

"Hey," he said. "You put in the effort and did well until you were attacked

by the grindylows. Not your fault."

"Do you know if someone went and got my 'what I'll miss the most'?" she


"No idea," he asked. "I'll ask Madam Marchbanks about it later for you, if

you like. She likes me."

"You could summon it, Harry," suggested Hermione.

"Hmm..." he said, thinking it over. Looking to Fleur, he asked, "This thing

you would miss the most, what is it?"

Fleur's hand rose to between her breasts and, lightly grazing her upper

chest with her fingertips, said, "My locket. It was a gift from my

grandmere. It 'as two peectures een it. On one side it 'as a picture of my

mozz... my mother and my father. The oth-air, is a peecture of my

grandmere and my leetle sister, Gabrielle."

"Describe it for me," he demanded.

"It eez a gold chain with a gold locket," she began. "Zee locket is shaped

like a large love 'eart. It is 'inged on one zide and 'as a small clasp on zee

ozzer. The 'eart izz abou' an inch and a 'alf in size."

"Right; give me another couple minutes," he said, before turning around

and jogging out of the tent again.

"Where iz 'e going?" she asked.

"Down to the edge of the lake to summon your locket," replied Daphne.

She was grinning. Actually, both girls were grinning.

"Y-you are see-rious?" asked a shocked Fleur. "'E's going to summon eet?"

Both nodded back.

Less than a minute later, Harry walked back in, offering it to her. "That

was a lot easier than summoning my broom. I really had to fight to hold

my wand when I did that."

"You summoned eet?" she asked. "Your broom?"

Before anyone else could reply, Pol did. "He did, my flow-air. Eet waz a

most eempressive piece of mageek."




Fleur was allowed to leave the hospital tent to return to the castle a little

while later. However, she didn't stay long. Her mother had taken a 'suite'

at the Three Broomsticks in Hogsmeade and Fleur had decided to stay

with her, with her Headmistress's reluctant permission.

Harry also later found out that Headmistress Maxime had copped a

bollocking from Madam Bones for her actions in interfering with the

medical treatment of Fleur. Maxime had claimed she thought 'The Potter

boy' was not being helpful. And was immediately disabused of that


It was that and Lady Apolline staring the woman down, which allowed

Fleur to spend the night with her mother at the Three Broomsticks. The

rest of the Beauxbatons contingent, along with Maxime, portkeyed back

to France via the Ministry that afternoon; as did the Durmstrang


As for Harry, he too copped a bit of a bollocking off Madam Bones. This

time for making everyone look like daft morons again.

In response he said, "I do not make people look like daft morons, Madam

Bones. They do that, themselves. I just point it out with easily

understandable concepts and demonstrations.

"Bagman and company, being daft morons, is what nearly got Fleur

Delacour killed. If they had simply taken the time to review what they

were doing... thought it through... what happened to her today was, as I

said, completely avoidable.

"To me, Bagman and company are guilty of gross negligence occasioning

bodily harm. I don't know about the magical world, but I know that's a

crime in the muggle world. I have no sense of guilt for pointing out how

much I think the idiot a daft moron.

"The fact he holds a Directorship of a Ministerial department proves to

me Fudge was just as big a daft moron as I thought him to be."

Bones gave that pinched nose bridge with the offhand and furrowed brow

expression that told Harry she was frustrated and couldn't do anything

about it.

"Very well," she sighed. "However, you're racking up a great deal of


"I've got plenty already," he shrugged. "The Death Eaters are at that top of

that list, I'm sure. As for Bagman; it's not difficult to win a battle of wits

when your opponent only has half."

That had her give a snort of amusement, before she looked at him and

said, "Clever."




The next morning, the Heirs walked down to the Great Hall and were met

by both Delacours in the entrance hall, where they were clearly waiting

for them.

Fleur was again wearing her Beauxbatons uniform.

On seeing the Heirs, Fleur's face lit up in pleasure.

"Bon matin!" she said. "Good morning!"

"Bonjour," said Hermione, with Daphne only half a heartbeat behind.

The others, including Harry, said, "Good morning."

"We need to leave," said Pol. "'Owev-air, Fleur wished to properly say


Fleur crossed the few steps to Harry that now separated the two groups,

raised both hands to cup his head at the neck and gently applied a kiss to

each cheek.

Pulling back a little, she looked him right in the eyes and said, "Thank


"You're very welcome," he smiled.

"Now," said Pol. "We must be off. Thair is a time diff-air-ronce between

'ere and Beauxbatons. Zey air one 'our ahead."

"Of course, maman," said Fleur, turning back to her.

"See you in four months, Fleur," said Harry, as Fleur walked back over to

join her mother.

As she reached for the quill her mother was holding, she look at Harry

and said, "In four months, mes amies."

They were gone in the whirl of a portkey a moment later.

"Nice girl, when you get to know her," said Hermione.

"Yes," said Daphne, but it appeared almost a knee jerk reaction and her

mind was on other matters.

Hermione's remarks broke them out of their inner reflections and had

them all quickly moving towards the Great Hall to attend their


Daphne knew there was something important she needed to remember

about Veela she was once told, but couldn't for the life of herself

remember what that was.




When the owls came in as usual as breakfast wound down, Harry was

quick to receive and start reading his copy of the Daily Prophet. Hedwig

was carrying a letter for Hermione from her parents, so Harry's copy of

the paper was delivered by another owl, a barn owl.

The front page was all about the Second Task, even covering Harry's

'rather ingenious' method of completing it. He was a little surprised the

reporter, someone he didn't know, didn't call him a cheat, or anything.

If anything, the reporter stated disappointment in the designers of the

Task for not foreseeing how easily it could be completed and taking steps

to make it a worthy challenge for of-age witches and wizards.

He then covered the points that Harry covered about how the Task was,

in it's original make-up, utterly worthless as a Task for spectators. And

then went on to include Harry's ideas to make the Task 'observable',

while also adding his own ideas. Then included the point about how the

original Task was to have included hostages and asked how they

intended to include said hostages without the competitors knowing about

them in advance, as the Task was originally organised for the competitors

not to know. All points of which Harry could only agree with.

He also wrote the article about how Fleur was hurt and how Harry and

medi-wizard Robinson had to work 'feverishly' to save her life, right in

front of everyone. And the article was accompanied by a photograph of

Harry rescuing Fleur and another of him and Robinson working on her

on the stage.

However, the first article had a line at the bottom that claimed

information concerning 'Lord Potter's Secret Crush' and directed the

reader to the second page.

~ # ~


Not happy with two witches under contract to bond - Harmony Gringer (16),

muggleborn, and Heiress Daphne Greengrass (15), pureblood daughter of Lord

Samuel Greengrass - Harry Potter (15) was already moving onto his third

conquest, Miss Flear Delacore (17), the Beauxbatons Champion, writes Kate

Erister investigative journalist for the Daily Prophet.

Immediately after his suspect but successful attempt at the second task, where

he flaunted his knowledge of twisting rules, Lord Potter 'put the moves' on Miss

Delacore in a tent directly behind the spectator stands. The poor girl was in the

middle of recovering from a terrible ordeal, which forced her to retire from the

event, when Mister Potter entered said tent.

We are not privy to exactly what was said between the two, but it was very

apparent on both later exiting the tent that a certain something must have

happened as both were acting overly friendly with one another.

Is Lord Potter, who was partly responsible for Miss Delacore being in that tent

in the first place, looking for a third notch on his bedpost?

We shall endeavour to find just that out.

~ # ~

As soon as he finished reading, Harry muttered, "Uh-huh!" And

immediately pulled out parchment, ink and quill.

'Time to sic Ted onto the bitch,' he thought as he began to write.

As he was writing he was thinking about how it was that Skeeter even

knew about it. More to the point, why it was her writing about it, when

he knew there were two other journalists also there.

'She had to be hidden,' he thought. 'Either that, or―'

Stopping, he looked to Hermione and asked, "Hermione. Animaguses―"

"Looking to become one?" she asked.

"No," he replied. "At least, not yet. No, I wanted to ask if a wizard or

witch could only become a certain type of animal... say, a mammal, or


Surprised at the question, she replied, "I... actually don't know. Evidence

to date states, 'Yes,' to the second part. All the animaguses we know or

knew of were mammals. Professor McGonagall was a cat, Sirius is a dog,

Pettigrew was a rat and your father was a stag.

"However, lack of evidence to the contrary does not mean proof of fact.

Perhaps we should ask either Professor Flitwick or Biffingwater. I'm sure

they'd have a much better idea.

"What made you ask?"

Harry slid his copy of the Prophet over and tapped the article. "Skeeter's

up to her usual tricks. And, since I don't remember seeing her at the

event at all, I think she must've either been under a hiding charm or

invisibility cloak... or she's an animagus."

Hermione frowned in concentration and said, "I don't remember seeing

any animals there."

"I saw a water beetle," he said. "Since it's not the season for them, I

thought it might be one. Possibly even Skeeter."

"We'll ask," she nodded.

Later, they did just that, asked both Professors Flitwick and Biffingwater

about limitations on just what sort of animal a person could take as an

animagus. The result was that the only limits they believed to exist was

that a person had to be a witch or wizard, have sufficient mental focus to

both find their animagus form, put in the effort to achieve the feat, have

the will to change into it and that it was believed it couldn't be a magical

animal (though, that last was only a belief).

"So, a witch or wizard could have the animagus form of a water beetle?"

asked Harry.

"Yes," shrugged both professors.

Harry immediately alerted Madam Bones to that and suggested to her he

believed Skeeter might have the animagus form of a water beetle.

She said she'd take it under advisement.

Two weeks later, the Daily Prophet carried the story that Rita Skeeter,

who's real name was Terri Teaske, was arrested for failing to register she

was capable of attaining her animagus form nor that it was a water

beetle. She received a substantial fine as penalty.




The Unspeakables held off taking Dumbledore to and beyond the Third

Task, as they wanted the true results of the Second Task at hand, just in


However, information garnered from the Task proved not to be needed,

so they were ready to take the man past that time.

That led to that morning - or, truly, this morning. The day after the

Second Task when they'd be stepping him through the Third Task.

Dumbledore had actually been with them for almost five weeks. They'd

planned for him to think he'd been with them for just over five months.

To keep things correct in the old man's mind, they'd been feeding him

hair growth potion in his food, and also giving him haircuts. His once

near buzz-cut hair on his head had been allowed to grow out to almost

shoulder-length, while his multi-feet long beard had been trimmed back

to barely touching his chest. Then they'd gone ahead and obliviated him

of the knowledge of both happening. Added to it, they'd also had him

change his robes and underwear on a couple of occasions, fading them

each just a bit and backing the idea he'd been there for the five months

they wanted him to think he'd been. And his hospital slippers had been

scuffed up like mad to make it look like he'd been wearing them for the

whole time.

As usual, he was brought into the interrogation room with his hands

manacled behind his back and the large black bag over his head.

After the bag was removed, he was sat in the Truth Chair and the magics

on the chair activated, Croaker appeared looking haggard. Though odd, it

was not done by magic, but by cleverly applied make-up.

With a sigh, he said, "Good evening, Albus."

"Algernon?" asked Dumbledore. "Whatever is the matter?"

While Dumbledore appeared to be oozing care and consideration, it was

not difficult to spot the excitement in the old man's posture. It was clear

the old man was expecting something momentous to have occurred as a

result of the Third Task.

"Long day," said Croaker.

"Yes?" pressed Dumbledore. "Did... something happen?"

"Tell me how you defeated Grindelwald, Albus," Croaker demanded. "Was

it some esoteric magic you used?"

"Why is it important to you?" Dumbledore shot back.

Croaker frowned and said, "I'm asking the questions, Albus. How did you

defeat Grindelwald?"

"That isn't important, Al―"

That was as far as he got before he was hit with the massive Legilimency


This was all planned. They wanted him thinking about the Third Task,

but lead him to thinking he had knowledge that could be used to bring

down a dark lord.

And Dumbledore felt the excruciating pain of memories being ripped

from his mind. With the multiple attacks, all coming at his memories

from different directions, he had no chance of trying to stop them. He

also had no chance of figuring out exactly what memories they were

pulling form his mind.

As soon as the attack ended he only had a bare moment before he was

stunned unconscious.

As he sat in the chair, slumped forward, Scimitar said, "He expects that

Potter was kidnapped during the Task. He knows of a ritual that can give

Riddle a body back and it requires the blood of an enemy."

"Hence, Potter," said Croaker.

"His memories also confirm that Grindelwald isn't dead," said another.

"He's locked in the highest point of Grindelwald's own prison,

Nurmengard on the Baltic coast of Poland. Dumbledore occasionally

visits him, trying to redeem him."

"The ritual," said Croaker. "Does Dumbledore know what it is, exactly?"

"Yes," replied Scimitar. "However, I was unable to get that out of him in

the few moments I had. He also believes it is what Riddle will use."

Croaker nodded and said, "Then we shall play on that."

"Wake him?" asked one of the Legilimencers when Croaker went quiet for

a moment.

Croaker flicked his eyes to the man before he finally gave a single nod.

When the old man was enervated, he groaned for a moment before he

finally looked up. Still with a massive headache he asked, "Was that really

necessary, Algernon?"

"A reminder," said Croaker. "You were starting to be a 'bossy boots' again

and needed the reminder you are not in control here."

Before Dumbledore could say another word, Croaker forged on and

asked, "Now, again, tell me how you defeated Grindelwald."

"I'm sure you had that information pulled from my mind," replied

Dumbledore. "And I still say it's of no consequence."

Croaker said, "How... did you... defeat... Grindelwald?"

The old man sighed and replied, "Simply put, power. I asked old

Armando... Dippet... when he was Headmaster to install a power tap in

the wards to feed me power so I could take Gellert on. That, together

with the boost from Fawkes, was barely enough for me to defeat him."

"Why lock him up in Nurmengard?" asked Croaker. "Surely, you had to

suspect the man would know of any escape tunnels or bolt holes in the

place. Why not Azkaban?"

"I... thought it was fitting," replied Dumbledore.

"And, why didn't you have the power tap on Hogwarts removed, once

you defeated the man?"

"It never occurred to me―" When his vision turned to a red haze, again,

Dumbledore immediately and quickly said, "I thought I might need it

again." And the red haze faded away again.

"So, you didn't employ any secret magics?"


"Did you use a... ritual?"

Dumbledore's eyes narrowed and he asked, "A ritual?"

"Yes, Albus. A ritual," replied Croaker. "Did you employ a ritual? You

weren't a young man, Albus. You were in your sixties. Did you employ a

ritual to give you back the strength of your younger self?"

"No," he replied. "I would not do such a thing."

"What about R- Grindelwald?" pressed Croaker.

The 'slip' was deliberate, as was the pressing for information on rituals.

He wanted the old man to come to a conclusion of his own devise.

"I'm sure there are a few," replied Dumbledore. "Do you have an idea of

any specific types of ritual? Perhaps I can help narrow it down for you, if

you have some clues."

"Blood of an enemy?" asked Croaker.

Dumbledore froze in place. He stared back at Croaker with more intensity

than he had on the first day he was in Unspeakable custody. "Do you

believe such a ritual was used?" He asked.

"I'm asking the questions, remember," said Croaker, employing his own

intensity. "What ritual do you know of that uses that specific


Dumbledore stared back for a moment, even ignoring his headache and

replied, "I do not know of one that Grindelwald would ever have used for


"But you know of one," said Croaker. "Which one?"

Dumbledore shook his head and replied, "It's not germane to what―"

That's when the Legilimens attacked again.

Croaker allowed it to go on for about ten seconds before he flicked his

finger for it to stop.

As Dumbledore sat slumped forward and gasping in pain, Croaker firmly

said, "Why do you continually push me to the point where you piss me

off, Albus? I remind you, over and over again, that you have no power

here and, yet, you still push back.

"Has it slipped your feeble mind we've been here for months? Has it

slipped your once great intellect we've been interrogating you and, later,

obliviating you? I already have the answers to a lot of my questions,

Albus. Some of the questions I'm asking you are only for the sake of


"So, once again, old man: I ask the questions; you answer them. I know

damned well my boys and girls have not been removing those

instructions from your mind. They're very well trained."

Croaker let that percolate through the old man's mind, but knew it would

take a little while due to his headache.

Finally, he demanded, "Now, what is the purpose of the ritual that uses

blood of the enemy?"

Dumbledore gasped for a few long moments more before, still with his

head bowed, he replied, "It's for... a resurrection ritual. That's why... I

know... Gellert never... used it.

"Resurrection, in what form?" demanded Croaker. "New born?"

"No," muttered Dumbledore. "It will... resurrect the one... who is the

enemy of... Har- the one... whose blood is needed."

"Could the dark wizard known as Voldemort use it?"


"How long have you known that?"

"Ahhh... I don't..." Red glow. "I-I think... two, maybe three, years."

"So," said Croaker, "You've known for two to three years of a way the one

known as the Dark Lord Voldemort could be resurrected?"

"Nnn―" Red glow. "Yes!"

"And who did you tell?" demanded Croaker. "After all, if you found a way

Voldemort could be resurrected, so could his minions."

"N-no one," gasped the old man. "T-tooo... dangerous."

"YOU SHOULD HAVE TOLD ME!" Croaker suddenly and shockingly


The sheer volume had Dumbledore, whose head was still throbbing,

physically cringe in agony. "P-pleeease don't shout."

"You deserve it, you self-serving, sanctimonious, old fool," Croaker

growled right back. "Do you have any real idea of what you've done?"

Dumbledore didn't answer.

"The magical security of the realm is my responsibility; not yours," said

Croaker. "It was your responsibility... your duty... to alert me to the

problem, immediately. Your hubris may well have led to the downfall of

our world.

"Do you understand what's going to happen now th- if Riddle comes

back? Those moronic minions of his are going to break the International

Statute of Secrecy. That Statute is not there to protect the muggles from

us; it's there to protect us from the muggles!

"Those morons are going to go out into the muggle world with their heads

full of hippogriff shit about how they're going to enslave the muggles.

They think wizards are so much more powerful than them. Nothing could

be further from the truth!

"Oh, they're going to have some measure of success for a little while. But,

that's all it's going to be - a little while. And then the muggles are going to

capture film footage of those stupid bastards in action.

"When that happens, within hours... hours, Dumbledore... they're all going

to know. Communications in the muggle world have literally reached near

instantaneous speeds.

"And there's billions of them, Dumbledore; billions! They're all going to

know and the combined might of the armies of the world are going to

begin to hunt.

"In Greater London, alone, there are almost seven million muggles. In the

United Kingdom? Fifty five million. In other words, in the British Isles

they outnumber us almost five hundred to one!"

"The British army currently numbers over two hundred thousand combat

qualified soldiers. Add their police, aurors, into that and the number

exceeds four hundred thousand. In other words, their trained ground

combat troops outnumber our entire population, from the elderly right

down to the infant, by three to one! They outnumber our trained combat

personnel, by almost seven thousand to one.

"And that, Albus, does not take into consideration their marines, air force

or navy. Their air force, alone, can drop bombs from fifty thousand feet

up, well above where we have any hope of reaching them, and rain down

bombs that they can aim to pass through the window of your bedroom

before exploding with the force of over one thousand simultaneously cast


"In other words, Albus... we would be FUCKED!

"And, here's you, hoarding important information that, because you've

been hoarding it, could mean the death of basically every witch and

wizard in magical Britain, let alone the rest of the world, because you

feel you're so fucking wonderful you cannot bring yourself to informing

anyone? You truly are... insane!"

Croaker hadn't even realised he'd risen in his seat to yell at the old man

until he stopped. Finally, he dropped back into his chair and said, "Now.

Start talking. Hold nothing back. Because, if you don't... for the real

greater good... my people are going to mind-rape you until your brains

are leaking out your ears and you're nothing but a drooling vegetable.

"Then, finally, they're going to drag you down to the Death Chamber and

throw your worthless carcass through the Veil.

"Nobody knows you're here, Dumbledore. Nobody; but six of my people

and myself. As far as the rest of the magical world is concerned, you're an

escaped criminal. Your vaunted reputation is gone. The legacy you

wanted is gone. Your own brother only cares enough about you to rail

against the Fates that made you his brother.

"You will go down as one of the worst dark lords our world has ever

known. Even Grindelwald, Peabody and... yes... even Riddle won't be as

hated...loathed...despised... as you will be. That is, of course, if there are

any of us left alive to even remember you. I very much doubt the chance

of that."

When he stopped, Croaker looked at Dumbledore. The old man hadn't

moved, hadn't said a word back. He just sat there with his head bent

forward. The only sign of life from the old man were the fat tears sliding

down his nose and dripping off the end of it.

"Now, you stupid prick," demanded Croaker. "Tell me what you know

about Riddle and the Third Task. Hold back even one skerrick of

information and I'll Cruciatus curse your arse myself. I'm authorising

myself to use it!"

That still wasn't the breaking point for Dumbledore. No, over the next

almost seven hours they worked him over. They used Legilimency, the

Cruciatus curse, verbally abused him, truly pummelled him in every way

possible, magically, physically, psychologically. After hours of work they

then dosed him with an advanced cocktail of calming potion,

Veritaserum, a mild babbling potion and even muggle pharmaceuticals.

And, finally, he started to release the information he'd hoarded. He told

them everything.

He even told them he knew he hadn't been there for five months, just

from the growth of his fingernails. He'd deliberately chipped one, just to

see if his fingernails were being trimmed without his knowledge.

That had really surprised the Unspeakables. They'd thought of hair

growth, cleanliness of clothes, wear on his footwear, but not finger or

toenails. That was added to their procedures for if they needed to do this

in the future with someone else.

They then gave him two hours of rest, then worked him over again;

dragging information out of him.

And they kept at it. They gave him just enough rest he had some sleep,

but would have nowhere near enough before he was dragged out of his

room and back to that interrogation room. And, yes, they also kept

obliviating him of a lot of the knowledge he'd already given them. And

about their knowledge of his 'trick' with the chipped fingernail. They

trimmed them.

It did not take them long to learn or figure out that Bones was right. But,

even then, she had little idea as to the depths of darkness to which

Dumbledore had fallen. The old man truly was a Dark Lord; he was just

better at hiding it than those who came before and after him. His whole

Greater Good mindset was the same as that of his former lover,

Grindelwald. The only difference was that Dumbledore wanted to

accomplish it by working patiently from behind the scenes from within

the shadows, while Grindelwald was more 'hands on' and less patient.

They worked him over in teams of three, hour after hour and for days,

before they finally gave him rest. Eternal rest.

Finally, Croaker cast, "Avada Kedavra."

The disillusioned body of the man once known as Albus Percival Wulfric

Brian Dumbledore, whose real name was Albus Percival Dumbledore, was

thrown through the Veil of Death about ten minutes later.

It was Croaker's decision not to inform Bones and the Minister of

Dumbledore's death until after Riddle was dealt with for good.




57. Croaker Confesses, Fleur's


Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to the proverbial Duchess of

Magic, JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high

falutin' companies. No matter how much I whine about not owning anything

related to the HP universe, other than a few fanfic plots, I do not profess to

own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful

world... Damn it!

Chapter Fifty Seven - Croaker Confesses, Fleur's Problem




The next Thursday, Riddle reread the almost week old copy of the Daily

Prophet covering the Second Task he had managed to get his hands on

and was still quite surprised at the Potter boy's way of dealing with the


'A summoning charm?' he thought. 'Over what sort of range?'

As he sat there in his tiny body, he again tried to figure it out. 'It had to

be at least a third of a mile and through water, at that. The boy clearly

has plenty of power.'

Thinking things through he decided it was time to bring in his 'third in

command', Malfoy. The man may be as slippery as an eel, but he could

get the job done. MacNair was proving to be adequate, but could also

fail. Lucius didn't when it was needed.

"Wormtail!" he shrilly bellowed.

When the dumpy and dirty little man came in, all obsequiousness as was

proper, Riddle said, "Contact Lucius. Same security as when you

contacted MacNair. I want him here at seven hours past noon in three

night's time. Now, get me my potion. This body, yet again, needs


"Yes, Master," Pettigrew was quick to bow, before hurriedly backing out

of the room.




On the Friday after the Second Task, Harry was summoned up to the

Headmistress's office for directly after lunch. She asked him to come

alone and gave her word he would not be harmed in any way.

Harry did so, but also had Dobby follow him in secret and while hidden.

If any active magics were employed against Harry, Dobby was to

immediately get him out of there; no hesitation. While he trusted

Marchbanks, he did not trust that she would be free of any magical


Already told the password, which hadn't changed from 'Step aside,

please', Harry barely broke stride from walking along the corridor to

stepping onto the steps winding up to the Headmistress's door.

He paused only a few moments outside her door at the top of the stairs to

make sure he was presentable before he knocked on the door.

Immediately, he heard, "Come!" And opened the door.

Without stepping within, he checked to see who else was in the room

before entering himself. There was only Headmistress Lady Marchbanks

and a gentleman wearing a dark blue hooded robe, who had just turned

to face him. However, he couldn't make out the man's... if it was a

man's... face.

Harry hadn't even realised he'd had his wand in his hand until he raised

it and pointed it directly at the other, disguised, person.

The Headmistress said, "Lord Potter, there is no need for that."

"Lady Marchbanks," he said, ignoring the implied order. "What was it you

first said to me when I was escorting you down to the Second Task?"

She smiled back and said, "You asked why I chose to walk instead of

apparate or portkey. I told you it was because it was a beautiful day and I

did not get many chances to walk outside, especially with one so

charming as yourself."

Harry nodded, "And I called you a flatterer."

She chuckled.

"And why does this... person mask their appearance?" he demanded.

"He is an Unspeakable," replied Marchbanks. "What he wears, together

with the masking charms, is normal for one such as he."

"Uh-huh," said Harry. "I've never met one."

"If you'll allow me to remove my hood," said the Unspeakable, "It may

help to alleviate your concerns."

Harry gave a single nod back.

Carefully, so as not to cause Harry to 'cast first and ask questions later',

the Unspeakable slowly doffed the hood. When he did, Harry saw it was

a man with a short cut hairstyle, goatee, a facial structure that screamed

he was of Italian descent, though he was actually of Israeli descent, and

piercing light blue eyes.

Harry gave a slow nod and said, "Alll-right. Now, who are you?"

"Lord Potter, I am Saul Croaker. I'm the Director of the Department of

Mysteries. We need to talk.

"But, first; do you mind if I draw my wand and make an oath?"

Harry slowly shook his head once, but didn't lower his wand.

Carefully and deliberately, Croaker drew his wand and gave oath. "I, the

Unspeakable known generally as 'Croaker', do swear on my magics I

mean no harm to Lord Harrison James Potter, his betrothed, his

Concubine Bonded, any member of the Potter-Longbottom Alliance, his

godfather, Lord Sirius Black or Remus Lupin. As I say, so I swear, so let it

be written."

Then Harry saw the tell-tale flash of magic that showed the oath had

been accepted by magic. Only then did he lower his wand, resheathing it

a moment later.

"Sorry," he muttered, walking closer.

Croaker chuckled and replied, "Do not ever apologise for what you just

did, Lord Potter. You did not accept at face value that Griselda, here, was

who she purported herself to be and asked what were clearly security

questions someone under a glamour or Polyjuice would not typically

know the answers to.

"In your robes I'd probably do the same. I'm just more skilled enough at

magic I do not need such."

Harry nodded back and looked to Marchbanks. "I take it I'm here because

Mister Croaker wants a word?"

As Marchbanks grinned, but before she could respond, Croaker chuckled

and said, "Not Mister Croaker... just Croaker. Saul is my first name,

though; even though Dumbledore used to call me Algernon."

Harry frowned back and asked, "Why'd he do that?"

Croaker grinned, gave a small shrug and replied, "I may have intimated

Algernon was my given name. Dumbledore had this very bad habit of

addressing folks by their first name, but demanding he be addressed by

his title or titles."

Harry gave a snort and said, "Yes. I figured out why, back in my first

year. By addressing you by your first name, while demanding he be

addressed by his titles, he was alluding to how much more important he

was compared to you. It was one of his subtle tricks to show dominance

over you."

Croaker chuckled and replied, "That's exactly why he did it, yes. It's also

why I may have told him my first name was Algernon."

Marchbanks cut in and said, "Now that you two are done with the 'meet

and greet', it's time for me to get out of your hair." Turning to Croaker,

she said, "Saul, when you're done, please send me a messenger Patronus

to let me know. I'll let you see yourself out."

Croaker gave her a nod and smile. "Of course, Gris."

As the old witch began to rise, Harry hurried forward to help her stand

and make sure she was on her feet.

As soon was she was up and with her cane in hand, she gently tapped

him on his cheek with the pads of her fingers and said, "So chivalrous;

but I can see to things from here, Lord Potter. Thank you."

As the witch slowly walked towards the door, Harry slipped into her seat

at the desk.

Croaker saw Griselda walk out and turned back. As soon as he saw Harry

sitting at the desk, he grinned. "Bravo; Lord Potter!"

Harry just smirked back.

Croaker gave a nod and said, "Before I get into why I'm here, do you

mind if I throw up Unspeakable level privacy charms?"

Harry thought about it only for a moment before he replied, "No. So long

as you do not cast any magic at me."

"Only at the room," said Croaker.

Harry gave a nod as Croaker drew his wand once more.

Less than two seconds later, he grinned at Harry and said, "Since I've

given you my oath I have no intention of harming you, do you mind

sending your house elf, Dobby, away?"

Harry gave a snort of amusement and said, "Dobby. Thank you. You've

done your duty and you may go. I'll call you if I need you."

Croaker waited a moment, staring into the corner to where Snape's 'stool'

used to sit. Then he gave a nod and started casting again.

Harry watched and felt as the magics took effect. He noticed as all the

portraits of past Headmasters and -mistresses either left their frames or

simply froze in place, the air became quite still and he believed he felt a

slight change in air pressure in his ears as well.

Once he was done, Croaker took a quick look around before giving a

single nod of satisfaction. Resheathing his wand, he said, "No sound will

leave this room. No recording charms or similar will be in effect; nor will

any spying charms. We are secure."

"Alright," said Harry. "That's a great deal of security for what I thought

was going to be a chat. I take it you're going to want an oath or similar at

the end of this?"

Cocking an eyebrow back, Harry thought the man was showing surprise.

"Good guess, but no. I'll be casting a modified Fidelius on the knowledge

with me as Secret Keeper and you being given the knowledge."

"Hunh!" said Harry. "Clever. That way I'll have the knowledge, but won't

be able to speak about it."

"Nor can it be taken from you," said Croaker. "We're more worried about

that, than you giving it freely."

"How do you know I'm not immune to it?"

"We don't," replied Croaker. "However, when better to test it than now?"

Harry chuckled.

Croaker gave that a moment before he said, "Now for why I'm here." He

donned a glove covered in runes embroidered in with silk and drew a

murky grey orb out of his robes, together with a little wooden stand for





A little over an hour later, Harry left the Headmistress's office.

After his 'chat' with Croaker and the Unspeakable had cast his Fidelius,

Croaker cast a messenger Patronus that brought Marchbanks back to the

office. When she arrived he asked Harry to try to tell her about 'the ball'

he'd shown him.

When Harry couldn't, Croaker seemed satisfied. "As I thought," he said.

"That's because the secret is in your soul; not your mind."

After saying goodbye, Croaker left via the floo and Harry left via the


He wandered towards the Lords' Quarters, completely not bothered about

attending the last class of Muggle Studies. He had a lot on his mind and

needed to mentally work through it.

Croaker had started the discussion by playing the recording of the

prophecy direct from the prophecy orb. And told him the prophecy was,

in effect, complete. Then told him what the Department of Mysteries had

analysed it to mean.

He then told Harry about how the Unspeakables had Dumbledore - that it

was them, who kidnapped him from the hospital - and how they were

pumping him for all the information the man held. He did not say the old

man was already dead.

"What do you plan to do with him once you've got every piece of

information out of him?" he'd asked.

"You do not need to worry about it, Lord Potter," replied Croaker. "The

man will never bother you again. You have my word."

The confidence of the answer was enough for Harry to know the old man

would be killed, or had been. So, he didn't push it.

It wasn't learning the contents of the prophecy that had him worried,

either. It was finding out what Dumbledore believed would happen

during the Third Task.

"The old man firmly believed that, irrespective of the prophecy, Riddle

sees you as his greatest failure. You, or your mother, was the cause of his

initial downfall. For someone like Riddle, that cannot be allowed to

stand. Therefore, he will keep after you until either he kills you, you kill

him or someone else kills either of you.

"That's where we, the Unspeakables, come in. Riddle represents a true

threat to the security of the wizarding world. As such, handling him falls

under the purview of the DoM."

Then Croaker went on to explain Dumbledore's belief Riddle would strike

on the night of the Third Task. And how that was the true reason Crouch

had put his name in the Goblet and confunded it to spit out his, Harry's,


While that might not be the case, the Unspeakables would still be ready

for it.

Some time very shortly before the Third Task he would be taken aside

and a tracker embedded into his skin. That tracker would have both

apparation and portkey co-ordinates, so the Unspeakables could get to

him within moments of anything out of the ordinary happening.

That, at least, gave Harry some comfort.

"Once we're there, Lord Potter," explained Croaker. "You just need to get

the hell out of our way. We'll deal with Riddle. Alright?"

Harry just nodded. He was too relieved to even voice his affirmation.




Once classes let out, all the Heirs were quick to go up to the Lords'

Quarters and see Harry.

He was sitting on one of the sofas and still mentally going through

everything when Hermione came running inside.

"Harry!" she exclaimed, throwing herself at him in a Hermi-Hug of old.

After the hug she began to babble through her multitude of questions,

which Harry calmly waited out.

Finally she wound down and glared at him. "Well? Are you going to

answer my questions?"

"Are you going to give me time to, or are you just going to ask one

question after the other without a pause between, just as you used to do

before the First Task?"

That was when Daphne walked in, much more calmly. She didn't look


"Hermione Jean Granger," she firmly said. "I know you were anxious to

return to see Harry, but that does not excuse you running through the

corridors of the school like a small child loaded up on sugar!"

Hermione immediately blushed.

"Your conduct was completely unbecoming of a future Lady of a Noble

and Most Ancient House," Daphne continued. "Have you not been told

your behaviour reflects on Harry?"

Harry looked to her and asked, "Is this true?"

"Yes," she quietly replied, looking down and ashamed.

Harry sighed and dropped his head into his hands, "Hermione..." he

whined, before lifting his head again. "Look. I understand. But this...

impetuousness, you must get control of. Alright?"

Still not looking up she sadly nodded.

With a sigh he patted the seat on the sofa next to him and said, "Come


As Hermione moved to obey, he turned to Daphne, patted to cushion on

the other side and said, "You, too."

And Daphne moved to obey.

When he turned back he was just in time to wrap Hermione in a hug as

the girl sniffled in sorrow. "I don't expect miracles," he said. "I just expect


Releasing her, he sat back and said, "Now. I expect both of you are very

interested in what my meeting in the Headmistress's office was all about,


"Yes," both replied. But Daphne added, "If you're willing to inform us, of


He replied, "I can't give you specific details because the person who I met

with, not Lady Marchbanks, has locked it all within a modified Fidelius

charm acting as a secrecy charm. Think about it, I cannot speak about


When he saw both understood he continued, "However, in general terms,

what we spoke about had to do with the prophecy I was told about, my

part in it, Dumbledore and his part in it and even Tom Riddle's part in it.

Yes, he's involved.

"Issues like this are almost always handled by... those people. It's one of

their mandates. However, Dumbledore got in the way of that and

interfered. If Dumbledore had done the right thing from the get-go,

there's a decent chance my parents would never have been killed and

Neville's parents would never have ended up in Saint Mungo's."

As Harry explained what he could, Hermione settled again. By the time

he was finished, she was almost back to being her usual self, just a tad bit

less chipper.

"Oooohh... when I get my hands on that old man..." she grumped.

"Errr... I want you to forget all about the old man, Love," he said. "I do

not believe we'll ever have to worry about him again."

When she gave him a very direct, demanding look, he sighed and said,

"I... cannot tell you why I know that. I just do."

"Then," she said. "We can tell Madam Bones that."

"No, we really can't," he said. "For two reasons. One: we have no proof

he'll never be seen or heard from again. And, two: supposedly,

Dumbledore is the only wizard Riddle has ever feared. Just knowing

Dumbledore could turn up at any moment to deal with him has, in the

past, been enough to send Riddle and his lickspittles running away as

soon as people start showing up to fight him."

"Ah!" said Daphne. "Of course. And, if it is learned Dumbledore is gone

for good, then, if Riddle does come back as it appears he may, he won't

have to worry about Dumbledore showing up."

He nodded and said, "Which will lead to even more people dying and,

possibly, the Statute of Secrecy being broken."

Once he finished, he suggested both girls go and change before dinner.

"I'll be doing the same," he said, rising.

And they did precisely that.




Late that evening, Pettigrew was in a grungy pub in Knockturn Alley

called the Warlock's Curse and was under a rune-based glamour. He was

sitting in a 'discussion' stall at the back. It was the place where dodgy

deals were made. On his lapel he wore a small gold pin of a snake

wrapped around and through a skull. It was not the same as the dark

mark, but it held the same components.

He'd been sitting there for almost an hour when Lucius Malfoy walked in,

looked for him and walked over.

Barely acknowledging the once politically powerful man, Pettigrew

quietly said, "Lucius, take a seat." And indicated the seat opposite.

Malfoy sneered and said, "I'll take your seat. Switch to the other side."

Pettigrew gave a snort of amusement and moved to take the seat he'd

directed Malfoy to take.

Then, before he sat down, Malfoy cast detection charms across the whole


Once both were seated, Pettigrew said, "I'll allow you to erect the privacy


Malfoy merely cocked an eyebrow, but still cast the charms.

"Good," said Pettigrew. "Now we can speak freely."

With his wand still drawn, Malfoy turned it on Pettigrew. "Who are you,

to know that phrase?"

Knowing which phrase Malfoy referred to, the one Voldemort told him to

include in a letter he'd sent to the man opposite, Pettigrew smirked and

said, "The one who gave it to you in the first place. He's back and he

wants to see you."

Malfoy froze on the spot. Though of pale skin already, he still managed

to turn even paler.

"He's back?" he quietly asked.

Pettigrew nodded. "And wants to see you."

He then slipped a small card out of his sleeve and slid it across the table.

It was the size of a muggle business card. Though neither knew it, that's

exactly what it looked like, except it had no writing on it. Instead, a pin

similar to the one Pettigrew wore was pinned through it.

"A portkey," said Pettigrew "It is timed to automatically activate at ten

minutes to the hour of seven in the evening, tomorrow evening. You are

to be wearing it as I wear mine. No one else is to be in your presence at

the time. And you are not to be holding your wand in your hand when it

activates. Finally, you are to speak of this with no one, not even your

wife or son.

"If you do not adhere to these instructions, your life is forfeit. Do you

understand these instructions as they have been given to you?"

Sliding the card to himself, Malfoy nodded and quietly said, "I do." His

voice did have a little break in it, though.

Pettigrew gave another single nod and started to slide out of the booth.

Just before he left, he quietly said, "Pura regula." {Latin: Pure rule}

"Pura regula," muttered Malfoy. His mind was on other matters, though.

And his response was more of the knee-jerk variety.




When the other Heirs joined the Potter three, they were all curious as to

what had led to Harry being called to the Headmistress's office. However,

he only told them that someone important from the Ministry came to

give him some important information that was for his ears alone. Then

apologised he couldn't share due to secrecy charms.

All of them then dropped it, but Neville did later look at Harry with


Once they were sitting for dinner, Neville asked, "The matter in the

Headmistress's office. It wasn't because you made the Ministry look like

idiots again, with the Second Task?"

Harry smiled and replied, "No. It had to do with why Dumbledore has

always had such a focus on me. It was about why Dumbledore was doing

all those things over the past three years. They were tests for me and

those who were my friends."

Neville stared back for a few moments and said, "He was testing you,


"That's part of what I can't tell you, Nev," he replied. "Sorry."

Neville just nodded and said, "If I ever get my wand on him―"

Harry wanted to tell him he'd never get the chance, but it was not his

information to share just yet. First chance he got, though; he would. But,

he'd also try and make sure his friend's parents were also there when he

did, as it was just as important for them to hear.




The next evening, a few seconds past 6.50pm, Lucius Malfoy appeared on

a lawn before a dilapidated-appearing old tudor-style wooden manor-


As he got his bearings, he heard a voice from behind, "Good, you're here."

Spinning around and reaching for his cane, he froze when he saw who it

was. "Pettigrew?!"

"Lucius," smirked Pettigrew. "I certainly hope you weren't planning on

getting yourself killed by drawing your wand from that cane."

Malfoy immediately pulled his hand away from the grip, but didn't say

another word.

Indicating the manor, Pettigrew said, "He awaits you, inside. You are to

lead and I shall follow."

Turning to look back at the old manor, Malfoy turned more fully and

began to walk up the slight incline of the lawn to the main doors. While

he was doing so, he was making sure within his mind that all his secrets

he did not even want the dark lord to know were locked behind as

impregnable shields as he could erect.

Voldemort had made no such requirement for Malfoy to lead, but

Pettigrew like the idea of Malfoy having to succumb to his orders. It

made him feel quite pleased he was able to 'lord' it over the pompous


Following the quiet directions from Pettigrew from behind Maloy made

his way through the manor, up the stairs, down a hallway and told to

wait outside a door. It made his skin crawl, knowing a threat stood that

close behind him and he couldn't 'order' the man to walk before him.

He could see the room he was directed to was one of the few rooms in

the manor that actually had lighting. The flickering told him a fireplace

was within, at least.

Before entering, though, Pettigrew quietly told him. "Wait here." Then

slipped past him, entered through the door and quietly closed it behind


As Malfoy worked on controlling his breathing through light meditation,

he waited.

Seconds later, Pettigrew was back, opening the door and gesturing him

within. As he passed, Pettigrew snatched his cane out of his hands.

Malfoy was about to snarl at him when Pettigrew smirked back and said,

"His orders."

Feeling somewhat naked without his wand, Malfoy walked to where a

large wing-backed padded chair was placed, slightly turned to the fire.

Next to it sat a small occasional table with the top level with the arm of

the chair. There was no other furniture in the room.

'I'm expected to remain sta- no, I'm expected to kneel,' thought Malfoy. He

was glad he had the forethought of placing cushioning charms on his


Moving around the chair, giving it a reasonably wide birth, he came

before what he thought to be his fully reformed master, with his head


'Kneel, Lucius," came the voice he had come to both loathe and love.

However, the voice sounded quite a bit more sibilant and of a higher

pitch than he remembered from more than a decade past.

Malfoy instantly dropped to his knees, still looking at the floor.

"Master," he softly said. "For many years I have awaited―"

"Sssilencccce," the voice snapped.

He instantly obeyed.

A long moment later, the voice said, "You may look upon me, my slippery

friend. Look upon what I have become."

Malfoy allowed his eyes to rise. Finally they were on the small

homonculus form. He was horrified.

"M-master!" he blurted.

"This is what I have become, Lucius," said Riddle. "For me to regain my

true form, I have already devised a solution. It is already in play.

"First, though, tell me of what you have been up to these past thirteen

years. If I am unhappy with what I hear... have no qualms, you shall be


It was more than three hours before Malfoy was 'allowed' to leave. When

he did, he could barely walk from repeated Cruciatus curse exposure and

had a massive headache from repeated Legilimency attacks.

However, he also had his own task to complete. One he both didn't know

how to accomplish and thought endangered his life so effectively he did

not see a way to survive it.

His biggest problem was how he could get into Hogwarts with the dark

mark on his arm. The dark lord would not remove it and only smirked

when he claimed so. From the... man's... reaction, he expected Malfoy to

figure it out on his own.




As the time to the March sitting of the Wizengamot approached, on the

Saturday before - the thirteenth - Harry had already been alerted to a

meeting of the Alliance having been called, just as with the previous

month. This time it was being held at Bones Manor and again during the


The Heirs all trooped up to the Headmistress's office and flooed direct

from there.

One of the main items of business was the escape of Dumbledore from

auror custody. And Harry had to firmly bite his tongue from saying

anything. Just prior to the meeting he told both 'his' girls that they

weren't to talk about it and both replied they wouldn't.

However, the full Alliance all agreed that, if Dumbledore was spotted,

Marchbanks would be immediately alerted so that Harry's whereabouts

could both be confirmed and his security alerted.

It was during the meeting he also learned that his personal protection

had again been increased. But their location would only be made known,

even to him, when he was away from the castle. He was also told that

same security was watching over both his girls and Astoria, which

allowed him to breathe a sigh of relief.

He'd be willing to 'allow' it to continue if it meant his girls and protectee

were also protected. He knew there was no risk to them from

Dumbledore, but it meant they'd be protected from Malfoy and his ilk as

a 'side effect'.

Because Daphne was now under concubinage with Harry, it was Astoria

who sat behind her father during the meeting; even though that wasn't

the case at the previous meeting. Daphne was with Hermione and the

other 'ladies' in their own meeting.

Samuel told him after the meeting that her mother insisted and Samuel

admitted to not wanting to sleep on the couch in his study for something

so minor.

When Harry chuckled in amusement, Samuel said, "Just you wait until it's

your turn, Harrison. We'll see who's laughing then." But, Harry was glad

to see there was no spite in the man's voice or expression when he said


"You may rule the family, Lord Potter," the man had added. "But, it is the

ladies who rule the manor... and the bed."

That shut Harry up. And it was Harry's subsequent expression which

caused Samuel to grin back.




Three days later and because there were no criminal matters to deal with,

Harry was able to stay later for breakfast before making his way back to

the apartment to change into his Wizengamot robes.

By the time he was changed, classes had already started; so he met no

one on the walk from the Lords' Quarters to the Headmistress's office.

Less than a minute after arriving, he was escorting Lady Marchbanks -

not Headmistress Marchbanks - across the floor of the atrium to the

security gates. Again, he was immediately surrounded by aurors.

Almost snarkily, he said to Lady Marchbanks, "Look how important the

aurors consider you to be, My Lady; to have all these strapping young

aurors escort you."

She cackled in amusement and gave him that little arm tap she appeared

fond of using. Only one of the aurors, he saw, turned a smirk on him.

Harry had to admit, at least to himself, he loved making the old witch

laugh. Her laugh sounded like the old crone witch that used to appear in

Bugs Bunny cartoons he very occasionally managed to get to watch at the


That led him to thinking about them. He'd try to remember to ask Madam

Bones about the result of that matter, when he had a chance.




With no prior criminal case, Harry had settled into his seat to wait the

meeting out until it came to the second reading of the Bill on Ministry

inspections of commercial sales of potions ingredients.

He'd spent a little time, here and there, writing down his 'speech' as a

speaker against. He even researched how the Statute was first posited and

implemented, together with the why's. And included that, where

relevant, in his speech.

When it came time, he was surprised to discover he wasn't that nervous

at all. Daphne had told him he wouldn't be if was prepared.

After the second reading, the Chief Warlock called for a speaker against

and Harry rose to be recognised. No one else did. The looks of surprise on

other faces led him to believe no one thought someone would speak

against the matter moving to become a Statute; or, in this case, an

amendment to an existing Statute.

And Harry laid it all out for them. He spoke of the reason for the Statute

existing in the first place, the arguments put for its implementation, even

the arguments that had been put against its implementation. Then

covered the period since the implementation, including the significant

drop in hospital admissions from contaminated potion ingredients, which

showed the existing Statute was effective.

However, he even covered how parts of the mover's arguments were

sound, in that there were procedures that had arisen in the Ministry's

handling of such inspections that had become too onerous.

"Therefore," he said, coming to a close, "I understand Lord Strickland's

clear frustration with the current inspections by the Ministry as they are,

today, carried out. Instead of scrapping or making significant alterations

to the existing Statute, as this Bill demands, I recommend the Ministry

inspectors, themselves, have their procedures inspected and audited

toward better handling of such inspections and, of course, corruption.

"Chief Warlock, House Potter thanks you for this opportunity to present

its views."

And sat.

The entire chamber was silent. It took a long moment before the Chief

Warlock said, "Errr... thank you for those views, Lord Potter. Do I have a

speaker for?"

In the end, the Bill lost. Strickland wasn't happy, but another

immediately suggested a motion to have Ministry inspectors inspect the

Potion ingredient inspectors, 'as Lord Potter suggested'. The new Minister

was very quick to agree, without it needing to go to the vote. That

seemed to placate the older Lord.

This time, Harry was happy to hang back and speak with other members,

both about his speech and about his views on other matters. His normal

response was, "As it is a busy time at the moment, perhaps I can impress

upon you the need to write down your thoughts and owl me with them. I

promise to pay them due attention."

As Harry left, again escorting Lady Marchbanks, she asked, "When you

promised to pay matters due attention, what did you mean by that?"

Harry smirked, mimicked opening a letter and said, "Ah! From Lord

Parkinson." Then mimicked screwing it up into a ball and lobbing it. "Bin!

That's rightful due attention to something Parkinson wants."

Again she cackled, which had Harry grin.




As soon as they returned to the castle, Harry was about to leave when

Marchbanks said, "Stay a while, Lord Potter. Tea?"

Surprised, Harry gave a shrug and said, "Leave and miss the chance to

have tea with such a wonderful lady? Perish the thought."

Again with the cackle.

As she called for an elf to serve tea, there came a whoomph from the

fireplace and Sirius stepped through. "Hi!" he cheerily said.

"Sirius!" said Harry, laughing. In a stage whisper he said, "I think Lady

Marchbanks is trying to seduce me with tea."

That had the woman laugh again, but also Sirius. Her cackling was in

great counterpoint to Sirius's barking laughter.

"Don't ever change, Lord Potter," she managed to get out.

"Score!" cried Sirius.

A moment later Marchbanks flicked her wand at him and he was spitting

up soapsuds.

The look of shock on his face had Harry laughing.

Meanwhile, their tea had arrived. Harry noticed four teacups. 'We're

waiting on one more?' he thought.

Harry cast a finite at his godfather, which had the soapsuds vanish.

"Lady Marchbanks!" said Sirius. "Really?!"

"You deserved it," she smirked. "If not this time, then another."

He seemed to think about that, as he moved to sit next to Harry. "True,"

he muttered, as he sat.

There was another whoomph of green flame from the fireplace and

Samuel Greengrass stepped out.

"Aaaand, here comes the reason for the fourth cup," said Harry.

When Sirius gave him a funny look for the odd comment, he smirked and

pointed at the tea service.

Marchbanks, who saw it, looked for herself, grinned and laughed, "Well

spotted, Lord Potter!"

Once everyone was seated, Harry said, "Alright, Lady Marchbanks.

Perhaps someone can now come clean as to why I've been shanghaied

into a meeting?"

Watching it happen, Harry was quite shocked when it was as if someone

had doused everyone with cold water. Mirth suddenly became serious


"An... issue has arisen," said Samuel.

'No kidding,' thought Harry. 'Your reactions told me that.'

"Well, don't go casting about the forest, willy-nilly," he said. "How can I


"You?" asked Samuel. "What makes you... oh. Of course. Why else would

we have you in the meeting."

Harry just cocked an eyebrow back with a slight smirk.

Samuel looked uncomfortable and not wishing to explain. Sirius,

however, did. But, even then, he didn't get directly to the point.

"Harry, an issue has cropped up relating to what happened during the

Second Task," he said.

"What?" he asked. "Did Bagman decide he couldn't live with the shame of

being a daft moron and tried to top himself? I say 'tried', because he

probably couldn't get that right, either."

That had Sirius give a snort of amusement.

"No, pup," he replied. "It has to do with the young lady you rescued from

the lake."

"Fleur?" he asked. "Is she alright? Did she suffer from complications?"

Sirius sighed and said, "Yes, she's currently alright. However, there

were... are... complications... or, rather, unforeseen complications

because you saved her life."

Harry frowned and held up a finger before tapping it with the index

finger of his other hand. "Point." Then used that second finger to circle

around the first from above. "Sirius."

That had Marchbanks give a snort of amusement and for Sirius to grin for

a moment before the grin disappeared from his face again.

Instead of then answering, Sirius looked at Marchbanks with a pained


"Alright," said Harry. "Now, I'm worried."

Marchbanks asked, "Lord Potter, what do you know about Veela?"

"Always pretty, stacked in all the right places, supposedly have something

called an allure, which is supposed to turn men into gibbering idiots," he

replied. "Doesn't work on me. Yet another mind magic, I suppose; and

I'm, therefore, immune."

Marchbanks sat back and said, "I'd forgotten you claimed that immunity

from magics of the mind. So, it's true."

Harry just nodded back.

"No effect, at all?" she asked.

"I get slightly woolly-headed for a few moments, but it's easily ignored,"

he replied.

"What do you think of her, Pup?" asked Sirius.

Harry thought about it for a few moments before he replied, "When I first

saw her, I thought she was a bit of a haughty bi... errr, person. Then

came the night of the draw from the Goblet and, when I was sent into the

antechamber off the Great Hall, she called me a 'leeeetle boi'. I was right

tempted to drop trou, point at my groin and ask, 'Who you calling


That had Sirius and Samuel laugh. Even Marchbanks appeared amused.

He continued, "After the First Task, though, she voluntarily came over

and apologised to me for her behaviour and remarks. She was the only

one who did of the three. Hell, she's the only one who did of all the

students who treated me with contempt that three weeks. She had my

respect, for that.

"After that, I didn't interact with her for the remainder of the time I was

in the castle before heading for Hermione's place. And didn't see her

again until the night before the Second Task.

"If I remember correctly, we talked a bit about the Task, that night.

"Then I didn't talk to her again until after she'd woken or been revived in

the hospital tent after the rescue. She was a lot more pleasant to me,

then. And Hermione and Daphne also seemed more comfortable with


That had the three adults all look to one another again.

Samuel said, "It is serendipitous you are immune to her allure, Lord


Again, Harry frowned at how none of the three could seem to get to the

bloody point.

"Alright," he firmly said. "You've all set the scene; now, please stop

dragging your proverbial feet and get to the point."

Samuel said, "I think I should be the one to start, since I was the one who

was first contacted."

That had the other two nod.

Looking to Harry he said, "As Lord Black mentioned, there has arisen an...

issue... that is related to you saving the life of Miss Fleur Delacour, of-age

student and current Beauxbatons Champion of the Tri-Wizard


When Harry's frown at him deepened, he was quick to continue, "As a...

pardon me, but it's relevant... magical creature, Miss Delacour and her

magic are more in tune and connected to magic that are we, wizards and


"If you were to give a vow on your magic, but not your life, if you broke

that vow you would be stripped of your magic. However, at your age, the

chance of you dying from that loss is rather insignificant; unlike someone

of Griselda's age. And that's because you are not sustained by magic. It's

only an extension of you.

"For Miss Delacour, however, she is a creature of magic. If she was to

give a similar vow and break it, the loss of her magic would kill her. A

vow on her magic is also a vow on her life."

Confused a little, Harry asked, "She's given a vow on her magic and it

relates to me?"

"No. I was just using a vow as an example of how intrinsic magic is to a

Veela compared to a witch or wizard."

Harry nodded and said, "Oh-kay... I get that."

"Good," said Samuel. "Because a Veela is more in tune with magic, magic

has a stronger effect upon them. Its demands can be and are greater that

it is for normal witches and wizards."

He hesitated a long moment before he said, "That leads us to last Sunday

afternoon. I was contacted by Jean-Paul Delacour about an issue that has

arisen relating to his daughter, Miss Fleur Delacour. And it is related

directly to you and your actions regarding her at the Second Task."

"What?" pressed Harry. "Magic thinks she should have died so it's killing


"That's... not far off the mark," muttered Sirius.

"Not quite," said Samuel. "Because you saved her life, magic has deemed

she now owes you a debt."

"Greeeeaaat," sighed Harry. "How much does she have to pay me?"

"No, Harry," said Sirius. "The debt is not a financial one. Because you

saved her life, in a way, her life now belongs to you."

Harry was a long moment, attempting to parse that, before he shot to his

feet and bellowed, "WHAT?!"

None of the adults even reacted. Clearly, this was expected.

"Harry," said Sirius, "Please sit down. There's more you need to hear."

"MORE?!" he bellowed. "Is magic saying I must do something with this

young woman's life?"

"Lord Potter," said Marchbanks, quite sternly and getting Harry's

attention. She then pointed back at his chair, jabbed her finger at it and

commanded, "Sit!"

Harry glared back for a long moment before he said, "No. Not yet. I need

to be on my feet. It helps me think."

As Harry began to pace behind the other two Lords Samuel said, "In a

nutshell, Lord Potter... from what we have so far discovered... Miss Fleur

Delacour of the Venerable House of Delacour owes you a Veela life debt."

"She owes me nothing!" Harry snapped back. "I did it, because it was the

right thing to do!"

"And therein lies the problem," said Samuel. "You did it simply because

you could. You did it without thought of what it could mean to you; how

you could benefit from it. You did it in a purely altruistic sense."

Confused again, Harry stopped and looked at Samuel. "Hunh?"

"Harry," said Sirius. "Because you saved that young woman's life, without

thought of how it could benefit you to do so, magic has deemed she owes

a debt to you."

Harry thought for another long moment, trying to figure out how to get

out of it. Eventually he asked, "How do I... absolve her of the requirement

to pay it?"

"You can't," said Samuel. "Magic has deemed it so."

In frustration, Harry threw his arms in the air and spun about as if to

leave, before spinning back and saying, "Un-fffflipping-believable!"

Lowering his hands and carding his fingers through his hair on the way

down, he eventually sighed and asked, "How does she pay this... debt."

Again, the three adults looked to another before Sirius quietly replied,

"We've checked. We've done our research. There's only one way... two.

Slave bond or concubinage."

Throwing his hands in the air and stomping around again, Harry

exclaimed, "Oh! How... fffreaking... wonderful! This poor girl is going to be

forced to... to―"

"Have sex with you," said Marchbanks.

Harry spun on the spot and stared at her. His expression was one of

horror. "No!"

"Harry―" started Sirius.

"No!" said Harry, cutting him off. "No... no... no... NO!"

Feeling himself starting to hyperventilate, he began to pant as his chest

felt tight and his heart felt as if it wanted to escape through his ribs. "I... I


He spun towards the door and began to run. Then... blackness.




When he came-to later, he was looking into the eyes, up close and

personal, of medi-wizard Robinson. And he tasted the remains of a

calming potion in his mouth.

He was again sitting in the chair before Marchbank's desk with both

Sirius and Lord Greengrass beside him.

"Yyyuck!" he said, trying to clear the taste from his mouth by using his

tongue to wipe all the inner surfaces clean.

Robinson backed off a little and, with a smirk back, said, "Nope. Medi-

wizard Robinson; not 'yuck'."

Harry just gave him a filthy look, which only had the man grin wider

right back.

The man cast a couple of healer's charms on him and said, "He's a lot

calmer now. The developing panic attack is gone."

Harry, who'd been thinking, moaned, "Oh, God! Hermione's going to kill


Confused, Sirius asked, "Why?"

Harry gave a slight snort of amusement and said, "She always told me my

'saving people thing' was going to get me in trouble, one day. Well, it

seems that 'one day' is here."

With a sudden thought he sat up straight and said, "Oh, Fleur! I forgot

what this means to her! She... does she know what this means?"

"Harry," said Samuel. "I think you need to know more about what this

means for a Veela; for Miss Delacour."

"I think I already know that," said Harry. "It means she has no choice,

whether she likes it or not, but to strip naked, lie on her back, spread her


"Lord Potter!" barked Marchbanks. "You will not be so crude in my


Harry cringed, blushed and looked sheepish. He muttered, "Sorry, Lady


"Harry, magic is not that cruel," said Samuel. "Yes, Miss Delacour will

have to... you know. But it will not be like that for her."

When Harry turned an almost pleading look on him, he said, "Her magic

is urging her to do this. And, as she is so in tune with her magic due to

her heritage, this... will not be unwelcome to her.

"Actually, it's been her recent behaviour which triggered the investigation

into what was discovered."

When Harry looked even more confused, Sirius said, "She's pining for you,

Pup. Apparently, you are about the only thing she talks about of late. She

wants to be with you. She's driven to be with you... that way."

"Is there no way to free her of this... compulsion?" he asked.

Samuel replied, "We've been searching for the past few days to find a

way. However, Lady Apolline Delacour, her mother, gave us a couple of

English translations of a book on this very subject. The only way for her

to be free of this, is to die.

"Actually, if she doesn't... meet... the conditions of the debt soon, she will

die. But only after she first goes mad from the unfulfilled need to...

mate... with you."

"So," sighed Harry. "We have to have sex or she dies?"

"It's more than that, Harry," said Sirius. "The bond is for life. Yes, she has

to have sex with you or she will die. However, she will also die if she's

not with you all the way through life."

With the jerk of shock from Harry, Sirius was quick to clarify. "I do not

mean you have to keep having sex with her over and over again, day

after day. No; I mean, she has to consider herself part of your family, as

mentioned before, like a concubine... or slave."

"Definitely not a slave," muttered Harry.

After it went quiet for a while, Harry said, "We have to have a family

confab. We need to get together with Hermione... Hermione's parents...

Daphne... You and Adeline, Samuel... You, Sirius... Hell, even Fleur's

parents. Maybe they can explain it to Hermione and her parents. I

certainly can't! Can Fleur be there without trying to jump my bones, or

something? I'm already thinking Wendell is immediately going to clean

his gun and sharpen his shovel, when he hears about this."

Sirius said, "A family... confabulation... sounds like an excellent idea,

Harry. Good name for it, too."

Samuel said, "Hmm... Tell me when and where and I think I'll have no

problem convincing the Delacours to attend."

"And I'll organise the time and place and the Grangers," said Sirius. "I

think my place can host this.

"Besides, I want to show my godson and his two ladies what my new

home looks like before they come for a visit next summer."

After organising things a bit more, Harry left. He was a bit reluctant,

though; knowing what he'd be facing.

"Problem, Pup?" asked Sirius.

"Hermione," he sighed. "I... don't know how I'm going to explain it to


"I will, as her magical guardian," he said. He turned back to Marchbanks

and asked, "Do I have your permission to address family business with

my magical ward, Miss Hermione Granger, before I leave?"

"You do," she nodded.

"Thank you," he immediately replied.

Rising, he walked with Harry out the door. "Come on, Pup. Cheer up.

What's the worst that can happen?"

"I don't know," replied Harry, as they walked out the door. "But I'm sure

Hermione will exceed even my expectations."

As the door closed and they heard Sirius's laughter as the two went down

the stairs, Marchbanks smirked at Samuel and said, "That went about as

well as I expected it would."

The hidden auror in the room immediately removed her invisibility

charm and said, "I'll need to alert The Boss as to the change of

circumstances relating to Lord Potter."

"It won't happen for a while, dear," said Marchbanks, unsurprised to find

the young woman there, while Greengrass was. "Two or three weeks, is

my guess."

The auror nodded and said, "In that case I can hold off on alerting her

until shift change. However, I should go catch up with those two." And

indicated the door.

"Then go, dear," said Marchbanks.

The young auror quickly made her way out of the office to catch up with

Sirius and Harry.

"How long was she there?" asked Samuel.

"She came through the floo from the atrium a few moments before I did,"

smiled Marchbanks.




58. Accepting a Veela

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to the proverbial Duchess of

Magic, JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high

falutin' companies. No matter how much I whine about not owning anything

related to the HP universe, other than a few fanfic plots, I do not profess to

own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful

world... Damn it!

A/N: The author sighs. Again being stupid I scanned through reviews and I

again wonder where these masochistic tendencies of mine are coming from.

This time it deals with people kvetching about me introducing Fleur to the

Potter apartmenthold.

Folks; at the top of every page, even above the disclaimer, is what I call the

'header box'. It contains: a photo of Harry from his fourth year; the title of the

story; my name (with a little envelope next to it); a one and a half line story

summary; then, in a slightly lighter text, little details about the rating,

language of the text, characters involved (up to four), date last updated, how

many chapters, how many words, etcetera.

Now, lets go back and take a closer look at the summary. The last line of that

summary is: 'Eventual HP/HG/DG/FD NL/HA/SB and others.

Unapologetically!AU.' From that it provides, AS FULL WARNING, that

Harry would be in a relationship with three others, just as Neville will be in a

relationship with two others.

If they're completely against harem relationships in a story, how the bloody

hell do people NOT read that first?! If you read that and don't like harem

stories, you wouldn't read my story, would you? And it's not as if it's odd me

doing that either, as I've seen very similar from other authors for their stories.

It is, after all, where I learned to do the same. Sheesh!

Chapter Fifty Eight - Accepting a Veela




As the time was for the lunch period, Sirius and Harry headed directly to

the Great Hall. Once there, they quickly found both Hermione and

Daphne and asked them to come up to the apartment.

"Harry?" asked Hermione. "Has something happened?"

"We will discuss it in the apartment, Hermione," he firmly returned. "Do

not, at the moment, badger me on this. Please."

After being told off for forgetting herself and bombarding Harry with

questions after and on top of running through the castle from Arithmancy

to the apartment only a couple weeks earlier, Hermione had definitely

taken it on board and was, again, trying to think things through before

acting... or reacting, in this case. She didn't press.

The walk to the apartment was in silence, with Daphne's only sign of

concern a slight beetling of the brow and Hermione's was her customary

nibbling on her bottom lip.

Once inside, Harry asked Sirius, "Could you tell the girls? I need to get

changed out of my Wizengamot robes."

"Thanks, Harry," Sirius snarked.

"Your magical ward," said Harry, as he walked to his bedroom door. "Your

responsibility to inform and educate her."

Harry took his time getting changed, but not into school robes. He only

had Potions after lunch and had already decided to skive off it. This was

too important a subject to leave it partly explained.

When he came out, Sirius was explaining about Fleur's Veela life debt to

Harry. Harry stayed well out of it. Instead, he walked into the small

dining room and called for Dobby.

Soon, he had a bit of a scrumptious feast for a lunch laid out before him.

He was just about to dig into it when...

"Harrison James Potter!" yelled Hermione.

With a sigh, he set his cutlery back down, rose from the chair and walked

back into the living room.

"Not my fault!" he quickly said.

Hermione was glaring at him while Daphne looked sad.

"You will do right by Fleur," Hermione demanded.

"I've been trying to get out of it," he defended.

"Then, stop," she said. "According to Sirius, if you don't allow this to

happen, Fleur dies."

"I know," he sighed. "But that does not mean attempts should not be

made to find a workable solution. I... am furious... that saving Fleur's life

has put the poor girl in this predicament."

Hermione turned to Sirius and asked, "Do you have a copy of that book?"

Sirius pulled it out of his pocket and handed it to her. "I expected you to

ask for it."

Accepting it, Hermione said, "Daphne and I will read this, then pass it on

to Harry to read."

Sirius nodded and said, "In the meantime, both Lord Greengrass and I

will continue to search our own family libraries for anything that may

head this off without the young lady losing her life in the process."

Harry offered, "Search the Pottermore library, while you're at it. You

have my permission."

"Will do, Pup," Sirius replied.

Harry was watching Daphne and could see how glum she was. "Daphne?"

he asked, concerned. "What's wrong?"

She was hesitant to reply, but eventually did. "If Fleur Delacour becomes

your concubine, where does that leave me?"

"Nothing changes for you," said Harry. "There is no limitation, under law,

for me only being allowed one concubine. If anything, because the

Venerable House of Delacour is located in France, it changes nothing

with regards to bloodlines."

That had the blonde clearly relieved.

"You do not need to worry about that, Daphne," he said. "I made a

promise and I will, come Hell or high water, honour it."

"Why aren't you in school robes?" asked Hermione.

"I'm skiving," he firmly replied. "I've just had one hell of a shock. Please

don't hold it against me."

"Hermione," said Daphne. "He's right."

Hermione huffed and said, "Fine. I'll collect and collate for you notes for

the classes you missed and any details about assignments."

"Thank you," he said. "Now, I haven't eaten yet. So, I'm going back into

the dining room to eat what Dobby's laid out for me." And put actions to


After a tour of the apartment by Hermione, Sirius left a little while later.

His final words were, "We may have to ask Headmistress Lady

Marchbanks to provide a four bedroom apartment for you."

"Not 'may'... 'will'." Harry firmly replied.




Harry didn't hear anything back about Fleur, or anything else of specific

note from outside the castle, until the next Thursday. Then he and his

two ladies were told to make ready for a meeting on Saturday afternoon,

after lunch, away from the school. Again, they'd be using the floo in

Marchbanks's office to travel.

When that time arrived, the three were dressed quite well for lunch, with

all three dressed in smart upmarket wizarding casual. The rest of the

school noticed.

Once lunch was finished, Harry gave Marchbanks a nod and she gestured

them up to the head table to her.

As they arrived there, she quietly said, "You know what the password is

to get into my office. I can trust you will simply pass through and touch

nothing that doesn't belong to you?"

"Of course, Headmistress," all three replied.

Sitting back again, she made 'shoo' gestures and a little louder said, "Off

with you, then, dears."

Five minutes later, they were stepping out of the floo into a very

tastefully decorated welcoming room that appeared to double as a small


Sirius and Remus both walked in with wands drawn.

As soon as both groups saw each other, wands were resheathed and hugs

were exchanged. Even Daphne found herself shocked by being suddenly

grabbed by Sirius and dragged in for a hug. After first rolling his eyes at

Sirius's antics Remus only smiled and shook her hand after Sirius released


"Now," said Sirius, rubbing his hands together in glee. "I asked for you

three to come a little earlier so I can show you each your rooms I've set

aside for you."

Spinning about and starting to walk back to the door, he called over his

shoulder, "This way!"

Remus just gestured for them to follow Sirius and then brought up the


They were shown Hermione's room with attached ensuite first, as that

was the first they came to. But, instead of heading back out, Sirius led

them to another door on the side wall furthest from the stairs.

After opening it, he gestured them all through. "And this is Harry's room!"

he happily declared.

It was decorated exactly as Harry ordered. White ceiling and cornices,

cream coloured walls and dark red wooden furniture. It also had a red

and gold comforter on the queen-sized uncanopied bed. And the ensuite

was in plain white walls with cream fixtures.

He then led them to a door opposite the one they entered through and

Sirius said, "And, finally, this is Daphne's room. It was in a more

'wizarding' style, with lots of green and silver. Both Harry's and

Hermione's were in 'muggle' style.

Standing in Daphne's room, Harry said, "Sirius; they're brilliant! Thank

you!" And gave the man another hug. Hermione and Daphne, not to be

outdone, also gave him hugs; with Daphne a lot more eager to do so after

discovering she had her own room.

Sirius was beaming in happiness at all three.

Daphne turned to Harry and said, "Don't even think about using that door

between your and my room until I'm ready, either."

"Or the one between ours," Hermione was quick to add.

"Take a look," said Sirius, indicating the door in question. "Double locks;

one for each side."

Both girls checked them out, before turning back to Sirius and again

saying, "Thank you."

Sirius nodded and said, "Now, let's go and explore the rest of the house."

He cast a quick Tempus and added, "We've still got ten minutes before

Hermione's parents turn up."




After trooping right up to the attic and down to the basement, with Sirius

pointing out his and Remus's rooms; together with what other rooms

were for, including guest rooms; they returned to the welcoming parlour

- as Sirius called it.

Their tour included the actual library, which was about ten times larger

than the few shelves on the wall cases in the welcoming parlour would at

first indicate.

Right on time, Wendell and Monica stepped out of the floo into the room.

Harry was just a bit miffed they were so much more elegant at it than his

own still-slightly-stumbling on occasion efforts. Surprisingly, both were

wearing 'wizarding casual'.

Hermione was quick to give a little girlish squeal and dash forward to

give her parents a long hug each, before Harry stepped forward to hug

Monica and warily shake Wendell's hand.

"It's good to see you both," he said to them. There was only a little trace

of nervousness in his voice.

"Relax, Harry," said Monica. "Sirius has given us some idea of what's

going on. He also made sure to tell us you aren't at fault in this.

He gave a nod of relief before turning to indicate Daphne. "Wendell,

Monica, this is Daphne of the Noble and Ancient House of Greengrass.

She is the young lady who has found herself in a concubine agreement

with me and under my protection."

Turning to indicate the Grangers, he said, "Daphne, this is Doctors

Wendell and Monica Granger, Hermione's parents."

As they exchanged greetings, with Monica comfortably drawing Daphne

into a hug and shaking Wendell's hand, Harry breathed a slight sigh of

relief. It was easy to see that neither Granger parent was disapproving of


Sirius said, "Remus, would you mind escorting our guests to the formal

dining room while I await the rest of our guests?"

Remus gave a slight head nod and said, "Of course." Then he turned to

the Grangers, gestured to the door and said, "This way, please, folks."

Everyone, bar Sirius, followed him out.

They didn't need to go far, though; only to the room next to welcoming

parlour, the formal dining room, where things had been set up to meet

and talk.




While they were in the formal dining room with its sixteen-seater table

and chairs, no one sat. They stood in a somewhat circle and chatted.

Except for Harry's short time speaking with Wendell at the February

session of the Wizengamot, it was the first time in two and a half months

Hermione and Harry had a chance to speak in person with Hermione's

parents. And they didn't want to waste it.

Harry was also pleasantly surprised how well Monica and Daphne

seemed to get along so quickly. But, even Wendell was easily opening up

to her. Mind you, once away from other Slytherins except her sister and

Tracey, Daphne was quite the emotionally open young lady.

After a couple minutes, Monica dragged Hermione and Daphne away for

a quick 'girls talk', leaving Harry and Wendell to talk one-on-one. Remus

had already returned to the parlour to await the next guests with Sirius.

"I'm sorry about this, Wendell," sighed Harry.

"For what?" asked Wendell. "Rescuing a young lady, who would have

drowned if you hadn't acted as quickly as you did?"

"If I'd known a life debt would have been the result―" he began.

"You still would have acted," Wendell firmly cut in. "It is in your nature to

help others, Harry. From what Monica and I have come to understand,

the life debt would not have been created if your intent was untoward."

Harry sadly nodded and said, "Yeah. But, if I had known about it, I could

have done something that would have made it so the debt would not

have been created. Had evil thoughts, or something."

Wendell chuckled and said, "Somehow, from my limited understanding of

magic, I do not think trying to fake your intent would have worked."

Harry gave a slight shrug and said, "I still think it is unfair for Fleur to be

forced into this... arrangement."

"And what about you being forced into this arrangement?" asked Wendell.

"I'm not," Harry replied with a firm shake of his head. "It will not harm

me if I do not go ahead with this."

"But it will harm her if you don't, right?"

"Yes," he sighed. "I'm told it will slowly start to drive her mad, before it

finally kills her."

"And that means you are forced into this arrangement," said Wendell.

"You would never allow that to happen when you could prevent it; such

as this case, right here. As I said, it's in your nature."

That had Harry thinking over the man's words. It didn't take him very

long at all to figure out he was right. He did nothing wrong and, even if

he'd known about Veela life debts, he'd have still done everything exactly

the same. He couldn't not.




Once the Greengrasses arrived escorting the Delacours; with Fleur also,

surprisingly, in attendance; they sat down at the table. No one, though,

really knew where to start.

Harry looked to a very nervous Fleur and said, "Fleur, I'm really sorry this

has happened."

Surprised, Fleur shook her head and replied, "Not your fault, 'Arry. It is...

magic... taking its due."

"It's still very unfair on you," he quietly said.

"For Veela, this 'as always been a... risk," she replied. "I do not... begrudge


He nodded and turned to Sirius. "Sirius. Find anything?"

"A lot, but nothing that will get Miss Delacour out of this with her life,"

replied Sirius. "And that includes the library at Pottermore."

When Harry turned to Samuel, the man replied, "Same as Lord Black, I'm

sorry to say."

Harry sat back and carded his fingers through his hair. Finally he sighed

and said, "I cannot... will not... just sit back and let you die, Fleur. I just


"What do we... I... need to do to make this work?"

There was a very slight pause before Fleur immediately broke down,

sobbing. Her mother, sitting to her left, immediately wrapped the girl in

her arms.

Her father, sitting to her right, slumped slightly and looked at Harry with

gratitude. Clearly heartfelt, he said, "Merci, Lord Potier. Merci. Thank

you for my daughtair's life."

Trying to make light of how the older man's words made him a little

uncomfortable with his clear gratitude, Harry said, "Well, I couldn't just

let her die when I went to so much trouble to save her from the lake,

could I?"

The comment at least earned him a couple of smiles, albeit weak ones.

Sirius spoke up. "Though it's kind of pointless," he said. "I'll contact Ted

Tonks, Law wizard of Record for the House of Potter, so he can draw up a

set of concubine contract documents. At least, that way, no one from

outside this group can question it."

Harry nodded to him and said, "Thank you, Sirius. That would be

appreciated." Then was lost in thought, for a few moments.

"Something has been bugging me," he said. "How is it that medi-wizard

Robinson wasn't also, or either, the individual targeted by the life debt?"

"Becuz it wuz 'is duty, as a... medi-'ealer, to werk 'ard to safe my... Fleur's

life," replied Apolline. "'Is oath-sworn duty... exempted 'im."

"Whereas, I had no such obligation," nodded Harry. "Thank you. I

understand better now."

Looking around, he asked, "Is there anyone who has a problem with this?

Now's the time to speak up. If you want to speak privately, we can do

that too."

All he got back were head shakes in the negative; though there were a

few sad faces.

Looking back to Jean-Paul first, he then turned to Apolline and asked,

"When will Fleur... I mean... how soon―"

"The soonair zee bettair," she replied. "'Owevair, eet weel need to be

within zee next couple of weeks. In zee meantime, eet would be best eef

she wuz to move een weeth you, 'Er-my-onee and Daph-nee as zoon as

eez possible.

"Zee closair she ees to you, zee more she weel be able to control zee...


"It's just that... ummm―" he tried before his blushing got away from him.

"You are not ready for... zat," said Fleur, who had managed to get herself

under control again. "I know."

When he gave her a curious look, she gave a watery smile and said, "It is

part of being Veela, 'Arry. We can tell when we are... physically close."

He smiled back.

"Nice to know," muttered Wendell.

Harry knew to what he was really referring; he and Hermione.

"What about schooling?" asked Hermione. "You're in seventh year, right?"

"Eighth," she replied. "However, it is zee same as your seventh year. It is

my final year."

"Yes," nodded Hermione. "Surely, it is far too late to consider switching

schools. I, for one, don't want you to miss completing your education."

"Neither do I," agreed Harry.

"I will arrange for French tutors for 'er," smiled Jean-Paul. "I do not

believe your 'eadmistress, unlike Dumbledore, would refuse."

"No, I don't think she will," agreed Harry.

Sirius said, "I'll ask Griselda... Headmistress Lady Marchbanks... to move

these three into a four bedroom apartment in the Lords' Quarters, where

they're currently in a three bedroom apartment. It won't take her long to


"Then that just leaves a date," said Harry.

"It can be today, Lord Potier," said Jean-Paul. "We already haf Fleur's...

effects with us. Anything elz she might need, can be zent. I would not

like to see my daughtair in pain for one day longair."

"Wow; okay," said Harry. Turning to Sirius he said, "Can you contact

Headmistress Lady Marchbanks now?"

Sirius gave a nod, rose and said, "On it," before he walked from the room.

Harry then turned to Hermione and Daphne to see how both of them

were handling it. By the expressions on their faces, a lot better than he


When he turned back to Fleur he said, "I'll tell you the same thing I told

Daphne and Hermione already knew. Believe me when I tell you, this

does not mean you have to say goodbye to your family. If anything, it

means your family just got a great deal bigger.

"I expect you to remain in contact with them to let them know how

you're doing. If you don't and I get letters of worry from them, I shall be

cross with you. I also expect them to remain in regular contact with you.

"My only other rules are: You must never do anything that brings

discredit upon the Houses of Potter or Black; or me, personally.

"Next, you must never let a problem fester between us. If you have an

issue relating to our 'family', I expect you to bring it to me... us... so we

can discuss it and try to solve it, together.

"And next, we have two house elves at the castle with us, plus others at

Potter properties. We three treat them as family and friends. Mistreating

them is one of the fastest ways to really upset me."

Fleur nodded along and said, "I understand. Thank you for telling me."

Two minutes later, Sirius walked back in and said, "She organising it

now. It'll be the apartment at the end of the hallway in the Lords'

Quarters. She said there's only the one four bedroom apartment and it's

the end one."

He then paused and thought a bit as he sat. Finally, he had a bit of a

confused look on his face and said, "When I tried to explain about why

Harry needed it, she actually laughed at me and called me an idiot."

Harry chuckled and said, "That's because you were treating her like an

idiot, by trying to tell her why we'd need a four bedroom apartment. She

already knew why, remember?"

Sirius had the grace to look a little sheepish. "Oh, yeah." A moment later,

his eyes widened in alarm and he said, "Now I have to add a room for

Fleur on the Potter floor, here!"

Harry grinned and said, "I'm sure you'll figure it out. It's not as if you're

skint for room here. And you've got over three months before Hogwarts

breaks for summer."




When the Potter three returned to Hogwarts in more than enough time to

first return to their apartment before dinner, they went as the Potter four.

Fleur and her parents joined them.

Stopping with the Headmistress for a while, where Jean-Paul filled out

and signed for his daughter to transfer to Hogwarts but be taught by

private tutors, Marchbanks reminded them Fleur would need a set of

Hogwarts uniforms.

"You have my permission to come up, tomorrow morning, to floo to

Diagon Alley to be fitted," she told the four. "You'll need them to be

Sorted and sorting is mandatory, even if you'll be undergoing private


Then Harry and his two - his first two - escorted the Delacours up to the

Lords' Quarters.

Once there, he led them down the hallway to the end, where stood a lone

door with the number '11' upon it.

Remembering the procedure, he soon had himself and the three girls

cleared for direct access and opened the door.

Inside, they were immediately greeted by Dobby and Betsy; who, on

seeing they had company, bowed/curtseyed and greeted them in


The living room was wider and longer, there were now eight doors

coming off the room, the dining room was larger, the table now sat eight

with three each side and one each end and the kitchen was bigger with

more storage. However, the office was about the same size as were the

bedrooms, there was just one more of the latter.

Harry learned he had the 'Lord's' bedroom on one side, while the three

girls had bedrooms side-by-side opposite. It was easy to tell which was

Fleur's bedroom, as it was the one that wasn't already containing

unpacked personal effects.

As soon as they saw that, Daphne turned to Fleur and said, "Give your

effects to Betsy and she'll put them away for you."

It was Apolline who drew them out of her pockets in shrunken form and

the elf popped away with them.

"So, Fleur," asked Harry. "Do you think you can be comfortable here?"

She smiled back and immediately hugged him. "Yes," she quietly replied.

"Thank you."

When she backed away a little, he smiled and said, "Did you know your

French accent is disappearing?"

"You're only just noticing that now?" asked Hermione.

"We noticed that at the Second Task," said Daphne.

Harry blushed a little and said, "I... had my mind on other matters?"

"Or you weren't paying attention," said Hermione.

"Hey!" he whined.

The Delacours watched on, amused, and relieved by it all. Here was a

'family' that were happy and comfortable with one another.

"Right," declared Harry. "I'm going to go prepare snacks for an


"Ah-hmm!" coughed the slightly high pitched voice of Dobby,


When Harry whirled to where he heard the voice, as did everyone else,

he saw Dobby standing there with his arms folded and the hand of the

'top' arm pointing the index finger at a large afternoon tea serving on the

coffee table.

There was a large pot of tea, half a dozen cups, plates of little quarter-cut

sandwiches - just as Harry liked them - plus sugar, milk, etcetera.

"Do-obs!" he whined.

"Master Harry be entertaining," snipped Dobby. "Master Harry be lettings

Dobby and Betsy be doings elf work when Master Harry be entertainings.

It be the rules!"

Before Harry even had a chance to argue back, Dobby had already

popped away again.

"Damn it, Dobs!" he said the air.

Jean-Paul stuttered and tried, "Errr... Signeur... I mean, Lord Potier―"

Hermione, giggling, cut in and said, "Jean-Paul."

When Jean-Paul turned to her, she said, "Harry loves cooking. Dobby and

he have different views on just who should be doing the cooking. Don't

worry about it."

Harry grumped, "The ratfink little hobgoblin won't let me cook."

When the Delacours could see both Hermione and Daphne were trying to

stifle laughter and were snickering behind hands, they didn't push it.

They understood it wasn't their place and a demonstration of something

they were unaware of was happening before them.




After afternoon tea and the two adult Delacours left, Harry was trying to

figure out something to do when Hermione and Daphne grabbed Fleur.

Hermione told Harry, "Us ladies are going to talk for a while. It's

Saturday. See if you can convince Dobby to let you cook dinner."

Harry's eyes widened as he froze for a moment before he suddenly ran for

the kitchen, yelling, "I'm cooking dinner tonight, you little mongrel!"

Fleur, stunned, was dragged into her room by Daphne and Hermione.

As soon as they were inside with the door closed, both Hermione and

Daphne practically howled with laughter as Fleur seemed totally


The first to calm down, as she was more used to it, Hermione said to

Fleur, "Harry's relationship with Dobby is... odd. But, it works. You'll

come to understand why it does in no time at all."

Still confused, but willing to learn why, Fleur asked, "'Arry likes to cook?"

Hermione replied, "Harry is a very good cook; or, as he prefers, chef."

Daphne tried to explain. "Dobby sees his role as 'servant', as would be

considered proper. However, Harry sees Dobby's role as 'friend'; a friend

who insists on waiting on him hand and foot.

"Now, Harry is okay with Dobby waiting on him. But, he also thinks the

elf overly-mothers him.

"Then there's specifically the cooking issue. Harry loves to cook. It relaxes

him. However, Dobby sees that as house elf work; and Harry doing it, to

him, is a sign he is not being a good enough house elf for his 'master


Fleur thought about that and then asked, "Then why does 'Arry not

dismiss 'im?"

"Because, as Daphne said, Dobby is also his friend," replied Hermione.

"And Harry would never fire Dobby, as he knows how it would make

Dobby feel and how he'd be treated by the house elf community."

Hermione walked over to the door, cracked it open and peeked outside.

She could hear what sounded like a Happy Harry in the kitchen so softly

closed the door again.

Looking to Daphne she said, "He must've won his argument with Dobby.

He's happily working in the kitchen."

Daphne smirked and said, "You mean, Dobby let him win the argument

and has decided to step out of the way to let his master work."

That had both girls snickering again.

"'Arry does not know his 'ouse elf does that?" asked Fleur.

"No," said Hermione. "It's part of the dynamic of the relationship between

Harry and Dobby. Everyone else knows Dobby could simply take over at

any time; but, we all let Harry think he's getting one over on Dobby. It's

good for him and their relationship."

"Now, between us girls―" said Daphne.

And the light-heartedness was gone from the room within a moment.

"Hermione and I, as does Harry, know what you need to do with Harry

because of this life debt," she explained. "Your mother sent a book over

and everyone that needs to know about this now knows."

Fleur nodded.

"The first thing you need to know is..." said Hermione. "Harry's a―"

"Vierge," added Fleur. "Virgin. Yes, I know."

While both Hermione and Daphne were a little embarrassed by the topic,

Fleur didn't even bat an eye at it.

"As are you two," she said, glancing between the two.

Both, blushing a little more each, just nodded back.

"Yes, well," said Daphne. "Hermione is nearing the point when she'll be

ready to take that step in her relationship with Harry; as is he with her.

But, until we learned about the life debt, that step was still... likely... a

couple months off."

Fleur nodded.

Hermione tried, "How soon do you need... with Harry."

Instead of answering directly, Fleur thought about it for a moment before

she replied, "You and 'Arry wish to be each others 'firsts', no?"

When Hermione nodded, she continued, "Then I must ask you to... 'urry

that up... a lot."

Hermione sighed and asked, "By how much? Lay it out for me, girl."

"Now that I am here and am nearby, now that I can sense that 'Arry is not

ready, no more than a... month?" she replied. "'Owever, it would be much

safer and less stressful if it could be within the next fortnight - two

weeks. Sorry."

"No," sighed Hermione. "Never believe we feel this is your fault; because,

we don't. None of us do. As such, you have no reason to apologise for it."

Daphne added, "All the people you met at Lord Black's place earlier all

understand you are even more of a victim here than anyone else. No one

holds you in any way culpable."

Fleur could only sadly nod. She was full of gratitude; not just for Harry

accepting her, but these two ladies also.

"You two are as wonderful as 'Arry," she quietly said.

That led to a three-way group hug.

A little while later, Daphne had her own confession to make.

"I know that the original plan for me to become Harry's concubine is to

only protect me and House Greengrass from... those putting pressure on

my father," she said. "However... Hermione, I have already decided I do

not wish to activate the escape clauses."

With a light smile, Hermione replied, "I didn't think so."

"You know what that means, right?" Daphne pressed.

"Of course," she replied. "You will do, willingly, what Fleur has to do,


"Sleep with Harry," she firmly said.

"Have sex with Harry; unprotected sex," said Hermione. "And, yes, that

will probably include sleeping."

Shaking her head slightly, Daphne said, "I don't want it just to be for...

procreating. Understand?"

"Daphne," said Hermione. "Believe me; I understand."

Relieved, Daphne nodded back.




Over in the kitchen, Harry was working on dinner that night. Dobby had

gotten for him a decent sized beef roast and he was planning on steam-

poaching it, rather than roasting it, in a covered large pot in the oven.

That is, instead of laying down a decent swipe of lard in the bottom of

the baking tray, he wiped down a very thin layer of pure olive oil, just

enough to coat the bottom, then upended a litre of water into it and

finally laid the roast in and on a slightly elevated rack, before covering it

with the lid.

With that cooking, he moved on to preparing the vegetables. He'd be

roasting the potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots and baby onions in with the

beef once the water boiled off a little; but be steaming the corn, garden

peas, broccoli and cauliflower. Later, he'd make cauliflower cheese sauce

and the beef gravy, but that was a while off yet.

Next, he moved onto the soup starter dish. Expecting a full-house sitting

at their 'new' eight seater table - Fleur brought their group up to eight -

he knew he'd need to probably also make an entrée. For that he made a

simple tomato soup with ground herbs for flavouring. Dobby was

'allowed' to blend the tomatoes right down to a smooth consistency and

grind the dried herbs into a powder. For richness and full-bodiment he

added a little skim milk powder, rather than water.

For desert he went with a cake. Cakes were always the foodstuff of

celebrations - such as weddings, birthdays, graduations, etcetera - so he

decided to bake an extravagant cake to welcome Fleur to their 'group', in

general, and the Potter household, in particular. He went with a

chocolate mud cake; always a favourite. And added a thick hot chocolate

sauce for going over the top of it, something like an upside down


He'd been working for about an hour when he first noticed all three of his

'ladies' were sitting on stools in the corner and quietly watching him and

Dobby working. He just grinned at them before turning back to what he

was doing; madly mixing the ingredients for the cake.

Knowing they'd been spotted, Hermione called out, "Chocolate cake?"

He called back, "Not telling you! It's a surprise for dessert!"

"Have you let the others know that dinner is still on tonight?" asked


That caused Harry to pause. "Errr―"

She gave a little huff and said, "I'll organise contacting them, so they

know." And hopped off her stool.

"Tracey too!" he called back. "Us four, Neville and his two and her makes

eight. And we've now got a proper eight-seater dining table."

Unknown to him because he was already focussed back on beating cake

batter, she rolled her eyes at Hermione and walked out of the room.

Hermione just grinned at Fleur. Fleur, however, was simply amazed at

what Harry was doing and was watching him in action.




Dinner was as good as ever and Fleur was amazed at how wonderful all

the food tasted. With Harry sitting at the head of the table, Hermione sat

to his left while Fleur sat to his right. Daphne sat next to Hermione in the

middle with Susan to her left. Neville sat at the foot with Hannah on his

left and Tracey sat between Hannah and Fleur in the middle and opposite

Daphne. With the slightly larger dining room they all had a bit more

room and it was quite comfortable.

Of course, all the girls, especially Tracey and Neville's two, wanted to

talk to Fleur and were just as willing as Hermione and Daphne to

welcome the newest 'Potter' to their midst.

"Harry," said Neville, as he was savouring the taste of the roast beef,

"You've outdone yourself again." Indicating the beef on his plate, he

declared, "This is fantastic."

Harry grinned back. "Make sure you leave room for dessert."

"That's going to be a struggle," said Neville. "I don't want to stop eating

this roast."

Fleur was looking at Hermione and Daphne in amazement. "This eez even

bettair than our own 'ouse elfs preepare."

"We told you he was good," grinned Hermione.




The Potters were up reasonably early the next morning and went down to

breakfast in the Great Hall. For that morning they all sat at the Hufflepuff

table, as they knew the 'Puffs to be more accepting of unusual visitors.

The Ravenclaws, though, still weren't completely accepting of how

students could sit at any of the House tables except for the feasts.

Apparently, it did not gel well with their sense of communal order.

Thankfully, as a weekend, students weren't dressed in school robes. The

oddity of Fleur sitting among them would have been even more odd, if

that was the case.

However, her attendance definitely wasn't missed.

For safety, she sat between Hermione and Daphne with Harry outside of

Daphne and closest to the head table. Opposite sat the Longbottoms with

Tracey next to Susan and closest to the head end of the table, opposite

Harry. On the other side of Susan sat Neville, then Hannah. It might have

looked as if the seating arrangement wasn't pre-arranged, but it was.

Sitting that way and in that order showed that Fleur was both considered

part of their group and accepted by both Hermione and Daphne.

They did not know if the story of Fleur's Veela life debt would break in

the Daily Prophet that morning, but the sitting arrangement would send a

message if it did. They'd be sitting in a similar organisation the next day

if it didn't and, instead, broke then.

They'd only been sitting and eating for a while when Malfoy finally

couldn't restrain himself any longer and sauntered over.

"Potter," he sneered.

"Malfoy," said Harry. "Having a good weekend?"

"Why is the Beauxbatons Champion here?"

"Malfoy, that's rude," Harry firmly said. "Your question should be; 'Lord

Potter, may one as humble as I enquire as to how Miss Delacour came to

be our guest, this morning?' Try that. Until you do, I suggest you depart

our presence until after you've reviewed your uncouth behaviour." Then

waved him off and promptly ignored him.

Malfoy stood there for a moment, clearly unsure of what to do.

Eventually, he over-obsequiously and smarmily asked, "Potter. How are

you honoured by the presence of th- Miss... Delacour among us, this


Placing his cutlery down in a gentlemanly fashion, Harry took his time to

wipe his mouth with his napkin before he looked to other boy and said,

"Malfoy, it is a family matter - of the Potters, rather than the Blacks.

However, as you are so curious, I will say that Miss Delacour is a

transferee to Hogwarts for the remainder of the school year. You will

learn more, tonight, at the evening meal; and again in tomorrow

morning's Daily Prophet. I recommend to you that you read it. Will that be


Knowing he'd just got slapped down, though exceedingly politely, and

knowing he'd get slapped down even harder if he pushed, Malfoy just

sneered back, spun about and walked away. That message of family

business meant he couldn't request/demand more information, no matter

how he worded it.

Daphne, with her head bowed a little, looked askance to Harry with a

smirk and murmured, "Very nicely handled, Harry."




When the other girls found out Fleur needed to go into the Alley to buy a

set of Hogwarts robes, they all begged to be allowed to go, too. Harry

shrugged and said, "I'm not the one you need to ask. You'll need

permission of your Heads of Houses. However, I'm not going.

"With the threat of Dumbledore out there, plus the girls should have

some quality girl-time together to get comfortable with one another, I've

already begged off. Hermione and Daphne will accompany Fleur to do

her shopping. And both girls have access to plenty of funds to pay for it


Susan, Hannah and Tracey all looked to one another before turning

puppy-dog eyes on Neville.

"If you can get permission to go," he said. "And Harry's ladies don't mind

the company, you have my permission to join them"

That had the other three excited.

However, such would not come to pass. All three were refused by their

Heads of Houses. Only Daphne and Hermione were allowed to

accompany Fleur.

They left about an hour later, again via Marchbanks's floo.




When the girls returned to the apartment about fifteen minutes before

the lunch period, they were empty handed. However, they were all happy

and chatting like old friends or close sisters.

Harry frowned in confusion and asked, "Where's all your shopping?"

Hermione grinned and said, "Harry; house elves, remember?"

Harry immediately winced and groaned. "Oh, gods! I just had another

daft moron moment, didn't I?"

She giggled at him, walked over and kissed him on the cheek. "You're

allowed to have them, every now and again. You'd not be human,


As she headed for her room, he called, "So what did you three end up

buying, besides school robes for Fleur?"

Hermione grinned again and called, "Lay-dies! Fashion parade for Harry

after lunch!" And, giggling, ran into her room.

"I didn't want a fashion parade," he muttered to the table before him. "A

simple itemised list, would have sufficed."




During lunch, the girls were excitedly telling the other girls about what

they bought in hushed whispers that were obviously meant to exclude

Harry and Neville. Neither boy was interested, so just talked between


On returning to the apartment after lunch, all three girls headed directly

for Fleur's room.

"Out in a minute!" called Daphne. "Don't go anywhere!"

Harry sat back, sighed, then leaned forward and packed up the

assignments he was working on before lunch into a neat pile.

It appeared he was going to get that fashion parade, after all.

Ten minutes later, Hermione came out wearing a wizarding outfit he'd

not seen her wearing before. It was upmarket casual, but of lighter

material. Clearly, more autumnal for the warming temperatures.

She walked over and did a slow twirl for him with a wide grin. "You


"Yes," he firmly replied. "The colours definitely suit you. And I like the fit,


She gave a happy nod back and turned back to the doors of the girls'

bedrooms, "Next," she called.

Out came Daphne, wearing a very similar number. "I hope you don't

mind?" she asked. "It was a little expensive."

"Not at all," he replied. And, he didn't. "It looks very nice on you. Are you

happy with it?"

She grinned and nodded.

"Next!" called Hermione, again.

This time Fleur came out wearing a plain Hogwarts witches' uniform

without House affiliation. Even her tie was the flat black with the small

Hogwarts crest of an unsorted student. However, she wasn't wearing long

socks or low heeled shoes. Harry could see the slight sheen of stockings

on her legs and her feet were in plain black high heels with covered toe,

sides and heel. Harry later learned they were called 'mid-heel pumps', as

they weren't considered high heels because the heel wasn't as high as

some arbitrary 'set' benchmark.

That's when he looked to both Hermione and Daphne and noticed similar


To Hermione, he happily said, "You've bought your high heels and


Clearly pleased he'd noticed, she grinned back and said, "Yes, thank you."

When he stood and walk closer, he noticed she was now not as short as

him in comparison. Her head now came up to about the bridge of his

nose. The height difference between he and Daphne hadn't changed, as

she'd been wearing mid heels since well before he had his potion-induced

growth spurt. However, it now appeared Hermione was visibly taller than

Daphne and about the same height as Fleur.

"Next," Hermione suddenly said, and led the other two back to Fleur's


For the next hour or so the three girls gave him a full fashion parade.

Harry was actually surprised by how much they bought, especially


He also found out a little later it was Daphne that had put her foot down

about the minimal wardrobe Hermione had, to that time, of witches'

wear and practically ordered the girl to greatly increase the size of it

right then and there. Hermione was not prepared to listen until Daphne

explained how it made Harry look like a 'knut-pinching bastard' if she

didn't have a wide and various wardrobe. She didn't want to do it for

herself, but she'd do it for Harry; and Daphne knew that and played on it.

She wasn't a Slytherin for nothing.

He mentally doffed his hat to the girl, because even he couldn't get

Hermione to buy a lot more. She still had some self-esteem issues

regarding her appearance, but Harry's love for her was clear. It was what

others thought of her appearance that still gave her issues.

After the fashion parade, the girls all disappeared back into Fleur's room

for a while. Then Hermione and Daphne came out and sat either side of

Harry. Both appeared quite serious.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"Nothing," said Hermione.

"However," said Daphne, "Fleur needs you to accept her through a special

ceremony for Veela. For her, Harry, you need to go with this; alright?"

"Ummm." he stuttered. "I'm not ready f-for―"

"This isn't sex, Harry," said Hermione. "It's an acceptance ceremony that

relates to the life debt. Please, just go with it."

Warily, he nodded and said, "Alright. I trust you both."

With a breath of relief, Hermione said, "Thank you." Then she got back to

her feet and went to Fleur's room. Daphne stayed sitting beside him.

"Relax, Harry," she said. "You are just to affix a special ribbon around her

neck. This is for her protection. It means no other male, but you, is

allowed to touch her."

He took a deep breath, firmed up and said, "If it's for her protection, I can

do this."

She smiled back, pleased. She knew Harry would accept it if she used the

magic word, 'protection'.

A long moment later, Hermione came back out leading Fleur. Instead of

being properly clothed and looking confident, Fleur was dressed in an

almost gauzy, sleeveless one-shouldered toga Harry was later told was

called a chiton from Ancient Greece, the believed original home of the

Veela people. And a pair of plain leather sandals that laced up to almost

under her knees.

Through the chiton, Harry could see she was naked underneath. Though

covered, he could see that her nipples were of lighter than normal

colouration, as Hermione described the differences back at her place, and

that her pubic hair was the same blonde as the hair on her head. She also

appeared to be carrying a small cushion of a rich blue colour with

something on it.

Harry immediately blushed, looked away and tensed, but Daphne

tightened her grip on his arm to signal he was to remain where he was

and whispered, "Be at ease, Harry. She needs this ceremony."

Hermione led a head-bowed Fleur around to stand before him. As soon as

Fleur was about three to four feet in front of him, she lowered herself to

her knees, before resting back on her heels with her hands holding before

her chest the small blue cushion. Harry could see the object on the

cushion was a three-quarter inch wide rose pink silk ribbon, with the

Potter crest in gold on a black background in the form of a small metal

pendant, medallion, affixed.

She softly said, "Harrison James of the Noble and Most Ancient House of

Potter, I, Fleur Isabel of the Venerable House of Delacour, come before

you in supplication. Through chivalrous act, you saved my life and

caused between us a life debt to be formed. My life is yours, my body is

yours, my soul is yours. I humbly entreat you accept me - life, body and

soul - into your hands, so I may live."

Daphne whispered into his ear, "Say, 'I, Harrison James of the Noble and

Most Ancient House of Potter...'"

Harry repeated it.

"... accept you, Fleur Isabel of the Venerable House of Delacour..."


"... into my hands."


"... Your life, your body, your soul are mine, so you may live."

And finished.

Daphne next whispered into his ear, "Take the ribbon and affix it around

her neck, Harry."

Harry bent forward and did just that, plucking the ribbon off the cushion

and, bending further forward so he could reach, used the clasp sections

on each end of the ribbon to affix the ribbon together behind her neck.

He even felt the two halves of the clasp almost pulling toward one

another, until there was an almost snap sound and a muted flash of pink

light from the ribbon.

As Harry finished the act and sat back, Fleur raised her head and smiled

at him. "Thank you," she softly said. Then she pressed back up onto her

knees, as if in prayer, and leaned forward, raising her head slightly.

Harry didn't know why he was urged to do so, but he just leaned forward

to meet her and kissed her, long and deeply. He didn't know both of them

glowed a little because his eyes were closed.

When she pulled back, she smiled again and rose to her feet. Then

walked away, back towards her room.

Daphne immediately leaned in and kissed him on the cheek, before she

pulled back and whispered, "Well done, Harry." Then she rose and

hurried after Fleur.

A smiling Hermione, who had been standing back behind and off to one

side of Fleur as the ceremony/ritual took place, stepped forward, bent

over to him and also kissed him on the cheek. As she, too, pulled away

with a smile, she allowed her hand to come up and lovingly caress his

cheek for a moment, before she, too, followed Fleur to her room.

She called over her shoulder, "We'll be back in a couple minutes."




59. Singing, Let's Get it On

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to the proverbial Duchess of

Magic, JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high

falutin' companies. No matter how much I whine about not owning anything

related to the HP universe, other than a few fanfic plots, I do not profess to

own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful

world... Damn it!

Chapter Fifty Nine - Singing, Let's Get it On




When the girls returned a little later, Fleur was dressed more...

appropriately; she was wearing her unaligned Hogwarts uniform in

readiness of her Sorting at dinner. This time when she sat, she sat next to

Harry. Both other girls sat opposite.

Fleur's eyes sparkled when she smiled at him and took his closest hand in

hers. "Thank you, 'Arry."

"I was happy to go along with that little... ceremony," he said. "But, what

did it all really mean?"

"It means my magic recognises both of us have accepted my life debt to

you. I'm now bonded to you through the debt," she explained.

"That was a bonding ritual?" he exclaimed.

"I was already bonded to you. This was more a ceremony than a ritual,"

she explained. "One that had a magical component."

He huffed and said, "A ritual, by any other name―"

"I understand," she said. "But, it was still necessary for me."

He sighed and frowned at both his other two girls. They now knew he

was annoyed at them both, just as he knew they'd effectively pulled the

wool over his eyes on this.

It would be something they'd discuss between them after dinner. And

they both clearly knew that.




At dinner, the now eight sat together at the Hufflepuff table again. That

House, at least, were being more accepting.

However, before dinner was served, Madam Marchbanks moved around

to the front of the dais where the Sorting Hat already sat on it's Sorting


Before she stopped to speak, she already had silence. Anyone with eyes

could see that Fleur was currently wearing an unaligned Hogwarts

uniform and knew what she and the Sorting Hat's 'attendance' meant.

"For those who have not already figured out what is going on," she began

in a clear voice, "We have a Sorting to get through before we all eat."

"Sitting among you and currently at the Hufflepuff table is Miss Fleur

Delacour, late of Beauxbatons Institute of Magic, but still the current

Beauxbatons Champion for the Tri-Wizard Tournament. Miss Delacour is

here because of a unique magical event that developed between her and

Lord Potter at the conclusion of the Second Task.

"In saving Miss Delacour's life, magic deemed Miss Delacour owed Lord

Potter a life debt."

That had a few people gasping and immediately chatting with their seat


Marchbanks firmly tapped her cane on the floor of the dais three times,

causing loud bangs each time. It got her the silence she wanted.

"As I was saying," she snapped, before staring around the room. "Miss

Delacour found herself owing Lord Potter a life debt. For one of Miss

Delacour's heritage, it is literally a matter of life and death.

"Lord Potter's family, together with other members of the Potter-

Longbottom Alliance, researched as much as possible for a way for Miss

Delacour to be free of the debt without harm to her. They were


"As a result, Lord Potter was not willing to allow Miss Delacour to perish,

when he could do something to save her life. As such, he has accepted

the life debt owed to him by accepting Miss Delacour in concubinage.

"Because Miss Delacour is now a concubine of Lord Potter, she has

transferred to Hogwarts from Beauxbatons. However, as she only has a

few months remaining of her Beauxbatons education, she will not be

formally attending Hogwarts classes, other than to audit them. Instead,

she will be studying with private tutors to complete her Beauxbatons

education. She will also be sitting her NEWTs in France this summer.

"For the duration of her stay with us, Miss Delacour will be housed in

Lord Potter's quarters in the Lords' Quarters wing. However, Hogwarts

rules still require her to be Sorted into a House. That is the reason the

Sorting Hat joins us, tonight."

She gave that a few moments before she gestured to Fleur. "Miss

Delacour, please join me and be Sorted."

As Fleur rose and made her way to the dais, the noise of students quietly

chatting about this development, rose.

Marchbanks moved slightly to her right and lifted the Hat from its stool

in readiness.

Having it already explained how it happens by Harry, Hermione and

Daphne, Fleur stepped up onto the dais in front of the stool, smoothly

pivoted and sat. A moment later, Marchbanks lowered the Hat onto her


"Ahhh... mmm..." said the Hat. "Interesting..."

A few moments later it bellowed, "RAVENCLAW!"

And Marchbanks lifted the Hat back off as Fleur beamed in delight,

looking back at Harry. The Ravenclaws were clapping in pleasure.

However, so were the Heirs.

As she stood her robes, tie and under-uniform changed from unaligned to

Ravenclaw colours.

"And now we represent all four Houses," said a grinning Harry to the

others, just as Fleur returned to sit between Daphne and Hermione.

Both girls were quick to wrap her in a hug from each that turned into a

three-way group hug.

No one could see the look of hate on Draco Malfoy's face as he was sitting

with his back to them.




Back in the new apartment, after first making the mistake of returning to

the first apartment, the group sat talking for a while before Tracey left

for the Slytherin dorms and the three Longbottoms left for their own

apartment. Again, as per his orders, a disillusioned Dobby followed


With a curious expression on her face, Fleur asked Harry, "You 'ave your

elf follow Miss Davis to make sure she safely gets back to 'er own dorms?"

"Yes," he firmly replied. "There are too many mini Death Eaters in this

school for my comfort. That is, too many who are the children of known

Death Eaters. I would not put it past any of them to ambush Tracey as a

way of getting back at me.

"Her friendship with me places her at higher risk. Therefore, I see it as

my duty to ensure she is safe. I do the same with Daphne's younger sister,

Astoria, also a Slytherin."

Daphne asked, "What do you know of the events that led to me becoming

a concubine of Harry?"

"Very little," the old girl replied. "It is considered family business, so Papa

never investigated further than to learn the overall effects of it."

Hermione frowned and asked, "Your father investigated it?"

"Oui," she replied. "Papa is the... in your terms 'ere... Deputy Minister for

Magic for Wizarding France. It is part of 'is job to watch and know what

is important in other nearby countries. The concubinage of Heiress

Daphne Greengrass of the Noble and Ancient 'Ouse of Greengrass to Lord

'Arrison Potter of the Noble and Most Ancient 'Ouse of Potter and Heir

Tertiary of the Noble and Most Ancient 'Ouse of Black is an important

'appening. Another, of course, was the earlier betrothal of the same Lord

to a muggleborn witch named 'Ermione Granger."

Hermione sat back and said, "Hunh! That actually makes a lot of sense."

"When Papa and Maman first discovered the life debt, Papa investigated

the public records of both the betrothal and the concubinage. 'E didn't do

that earlier as it was not important then. 'E was able to get 'old of a copy

of both documents and 'e said 'e was very impressed," she said before she

gave a little giggle. "'E was even laughing at a couple of points."

"She turned to Hermione and asked, "Is it true you only need to make one

small statement for the betrothal to be cancelled?"

"Yes," said Hermione. "The same applies for Harry."

"And similar are in the Concubine Bond Agreement between Harry and

me," said Daphne.

"So the real purpose of both agreements is... what?" she asked.

"Protection," replied Hermione. "At least, that was its original intent.

However, both Harry and I are of a different mindset now. We want this

to work. As things stand, neither of us intends to utter those words. We

will marry and I will bear the Potter children."

Daphne glanced at Harry and said, "Honesty time for me, too, I guess."

Turning to look more at Harry, she said, "I know the reason for the

Concubine Bond Agreement was conceived from the idea of the

protection of me and my House.

"However, sooner or later I would still need a Concubine Bond contract

or another very willing partner, who would be willing to risk not passing

on their own line through us. I'm sorry, but I cannot see that happening.

Therefore, the first option is the only way.

"If I was to look around and wonder who would make a good father...

sperm donor, as Hermione put it... for any children I was to bear through

a Concubine Bond contract, which I have already done many times, there

is only one who I can see fulfilling that role and me remaining happy

about it. That's you, Harry."

With an expression of self-deprecation, Harry gave a grunt and shook his

head. "You're fifteen, Daphne. You have years before it would become an


Daphne shook her head and said, "I don't think you recognise what a

'catch' you are, Harry. You're, without a doubt, one of the best looking

boys in the school, now. That malnourished, undersized... waif... who

wore hand-me-downs and poorly fitted glasses is gone.

"On top of that, you are easily the most magically powerful student in the

school. Merlin, you're probably the most magically powerful student this

school has seen in fifty years! That, alone, is an aphrodisiac for one such

as I, who is looking to bear children to continue my House.

"And, on top of even that, you are kind, considerate, chivalrous, and a

whole heap of other similar words too numerous to list out."

She gave a sigh and said, "My nightmares, until you and my father signed

that agreement, consisted of things like... Ronald Weasley or Vincent

Crabbe coming into a room where I'm lying naked on a bed. He leers at

me, strips off and... cl- climbs on, you know?"

Starting to clearly become more upset, she continued, "Then, not even w-

waiting until he knows I'm r-ready, he just... sticks his... in me.

"Wh-Once he's done... not even wo-worrying about how I felt about the

whole thing, you know?... he just climbs off and gets dressed. Then, just

before he walks back out the door, he looks at me and sa-says, 'Thanks for

the fuck, Greengrass. Let me know if I need to come back and give you

another one'."

By the time she was finished, she was sobbing. She curled up and rolled

to her side on the sofa, clearly in emotional pain. Harry silently rose from

where he was sitting, walked over, sat down beside her and wrapped her

in his arms.

"That will never happen, Daphne," he firmly said. "As long as Hermione is

alright with it..." he looked over and could see she was nodding, "... then

I'll be the only man you'll need."

Gently moving her, he picked her up and placed her in his lap, as she

remained in a ball and sobbed her heart out. He began to using soothing

sounds and rocking her back and forth as he rubbed her back.

A few moments later, Betsy popped in with a small vial. Hermione

accepted it and offered it to Daphne by way of placing the opened mouth

of it directly onto her bottom lip. "Calming potion," she firmly said.


As Daphne allowed her mouth to open, Hermione upended it directly into

her mouth.

Daphne wrinkled her nose for moment, gave a small shudder as she

swallowed and almost immediately calmed.

'So much for telling these two off tonight for manipulating me,' thought





After getting Daphne calm, she very soon drifted off to sleep in Harry's


Harry noticed and sighed, "Hermione, could you go in and turn Daphne's

bed down for me?"

At first she looked curious, then she clearly noticed and smirked at him.

"Alright, Harry," she said, rising and walking to Daphne's room.

Standing up with a bit of difficulty, Daphne's mass upset his balance,

Harry rose and followed.

Walking into the room he thought to himself, 'The first time in her room

and I'm carrying her in, sleeping in my arms.'

Hermione already had the right side of the bed turned down for him to

lay her on the bed with her head on the pillow. Gently lowering her

down, he said, "When I leave, can you call Betsy to dress her properly for


"Of course, Harry," she softly said.

Harry walked out and returned to the sofa, which he collapsed upon with

a sigh. Fleur hadn't moved. In all honesty, he'd somewhat forgotten she

was there. She was sitting with one knee cocked up onto the seat, sitting

slightly sideways and facing him and with an arm resting along the back.

"She needed to get that out," she quietly said.

Harry nodded. "Mmm."

"And you 'andled it quite well," she just as quietly added.

He was quiet for a few moments before he tried to explain his thinking. "I

treat people how I would like to be treated if the situation was reversed.

In that way, I hope I'm doing the right thing. If I treat someone the same

way I want to be treated, then I believe it must be the right way."

"I think you're right," she said.

"There are only a few people I don't do that with," he replied. "At least,

intentionally. And then it's only because they've proven to me they do not

deserve to be treated well by me. For some, it's because they're being daft

morons. For others, it's because they did not or do not treat me well in


"I... have trouble tolerating mindless fools. I think them no better than

human-shaped sheep; someone's proverbial dinner, just marking time

until they're devoured. I find most witches and wizards fill that category."

"Ouch," she said. "I take it you treated me 'arshly on first introduction

because I called you a... 'leetle boi'?"

He gave a snort of amusement, smirked and replied, "Knowing me now,

do you think you deserved it?"

She blushed a little, but firmly replied. "Yes; I did."

He looked to her and she was looking directly back. He explained, "It is

your ability to recognise you did wrong, and then apologise for it, which

first had me look to you as more than one of the sheep."

Hermione came back over and settled onto the sofa next to Harry where

Daphne had sat. She sighed and leaned into him. "She's deeply asleep.

She didn't even twitch when Betsy changed her into her sleep robes and

covered her with her comforter."

Fleur said, "She will likely 'ave the most peaceful night's sleep she's 'ad in

a long time. Getting that... burden of fear off 'er chest will give 'er peace."

Hermione said, "God, I don't know how she was able to stand that sort of

pressure and fear for so long."

"It would have built up over time," explained Harry. "Ten years ago it

would have been something to worry about in ten or fifteen years. Five

years ago it would have started to become a concern, but not something

she really needed to worry about yet. Two years ago is when the pressure

started to really build up. And three months ago she was living in

terrified fear and unable to find a way out of her... predicament.

"For her, it was like a pressure cooker, where the pressure is building and

building. Then came the First Task."

"Then you reactivated the Potter-Longbottom Alliance," said Hermione.

"That reactivated the Greengrass membership of that alliance. And Lord

Greengrass felt he'd finally found a way to save his daughter and his


"You're approached, as you fully expected you would be. The agreement

is made. You both sign."

"Yes, but even then it wasn't enough," said Harry. "I don't think it was

until tonight she was ready to accept she was now safe. That was partly

my fault, by including the escape clauses in the agreement. Unknowingly,

I made it feel for her as if I'd rip the carpet out from under her feet at any


"It was me," said Fleur. "'Arry being willing to accept me... life, body and

soul... means 'is promise to 'er is real. It's 'onest. She no longer 'as to fear

'Arry will, as 'e puts it, rip that carpet out from under 'er feet."

Harry groaned and sat forward, "I am such a daft moron. I didn't even

realise that. I should have, and didn't."

"No, Harry," said Hermione. "We all should have. You, me, everyone."

"I need to make it clear to her, that is not the case," he sighed.

"Unless you want to rewrite the agreement, or have sex with her, I don't

think you can," she said.

He sat back and sighed. "No," he quietly said. "I'm―"

"You're not ready," said Fleur. "Besides, I believe 'Ermione is always going

to be, as you put it, 'first'. You will be each other's first."

Hermione seemed to think for a while before she asked, "Do we have

anything planned for next weekend?"

"No," he immediately replied, then added, "Other than cooking on

Saturday night and completing assignments." Snapping his head around

to look at Fleur, he asked, "Which reminds me; when will we see your


"When Papa organises them and lets me know," she calmly replied.

Hermione asked, "You're not worried it's going to take time? You're in

your final months of your final year."

"'Iring the best should take time, 'Ermione," she returned. "I can delay

taking my NEWTs, if I need to."

That had Hermione thinking for a bit before she returned to why she was

asking about the forthcoming weekend.

"I want you to keep this weekend as free as possible, Harry," she firmly


"Because, between now and then, I want you to consider the idea of

having sex with me then," she replied.

He looked at her in shocked surprise.

"I'm pretty sure I'm going to be ready by then," she smiled. "I hope you

will be, too."

"I..." he tried. "I... will give it much thought," he said.

"Thank you," she smiled.

Fleur just smiled as well. At a later time, she'd talk to Hermione during a

'girl talk' session about what potions could aid her on her 'night'.

It was not too much later that the three went to bed. It had been an

emotional evening and classes restarted for a new week the next





Fleur was not starting any classes or tutoring sessions, the next morning.

However, she still dressed in her new Hogwarts Ravenclaw robes and

joined them for breakfast.

Today, they decided to sit at the Gryffindor table to break their fasts.

Harry was very happy to see that Daphne had recovered from her

breakdown of the previous evening and was actually showing, even now,

she was both happy and relaxed. She was sitting on Harry's left with

Fleur on his right and Hermione on Fleur's right as the four sat opposite

the three Longbottoms and Tracey.

He was also very thankful no Gryffindor even batted an eye at how two

Slytherin Fourth Years were sitting at 'their' table. He did not want that

sort of bigotry in front of Fleur, just yet, if he could help it. She was, as

with he and his, still new to their new dynamic and her new 'station' in


However, before he could breath a sigh of relief, one of the older

Ravenclaw males approached. "Miss Delacar―" he said.

"It's Miss Delacour," she replied. "What can I do for you, Mister―"

"Miss Delacour," he said, with a slight bob of his head at the correction. "I

am Roger Davies, the new Sixth Year Prefect for Ravenclaw. I have come

over to inform you Ravenclaw students are expected to dine together


Harry gave a loud snort of amusement.

Davies frowned at him and asked, "Something I said amuses you, Potter?"

Harry cocked an eyebrow at the boy, set down his cutlery and sat back

before affixing the boy with a stare.

"Yes, dead man walking, you did say something that amused me; multiple

somethings, actually," replied Harry. "Then you said something that pissed

me off. Think about how you just addressed me with disrespect and you

may just be in time to apologise and save yourself a very quick and

probably unwilling trip to the Infirmary and medi-wizard Robinson's

skilled care."

Davies frowned before Harry saw he got it and stood up with an almost

sneer on his face. "I am a Prefect, Potter."

"And you're also an idiot," Harry shot straight back.

"What... is going on here?" asked Professor Sinistra in an annoyed voice.

She had just come down to find out what was going on.

Davies whirled on her and replied, "I have come over to inform Miss

Delacour that we Ravenclaws all dine together for meals, Professor."

"Keep going!" said Harry. "Tell her the rest of where you completely

shoved your foot into your mouth."

Davies scowled at Harry a moment before returning to the Professor. He

continued, "Potter seems to think something I said was amusing and,

when I asked him to explain, threatened me."

Turning to Harry, she asked, "Mis... no, Lord Po... oh, crap," she said

before she raised her off hand to pinch the bridge of her nose and sigh. It

was a gesture very similar to the one Madam Bones often used.

"I see you've just recognised one of Mister Davies's errors and why I told

him I was on the verge of creating a situation where he'd be in the

Infirmary, with great alacrity and under medi-wizard Robinson's care,


"His first error was believing he had any right to practically order... my

bonded... Miss Delacour, to sit at the Ravenclaw table for meals. His

second error was to act in complete defiance of the school rules, where it

states students are to be encouraged to dine at other tables to promote

inter-house unity within the school. His third error was referring to

himself as the Sixth Year Ravenclaw Prefect, when I must assume there is

a second Sixth year Ravenclaw Prefect, one who is female. His addressing

me simply as 'Potter' was his fourth, fifth and sixth errors. From that you

can accept he's now done that three times in less than five minutes.

"Therefore, I have to ask, Professor," he continued. "Are all your new

Prefects this stupid?"

She sighed, looked at Davies and said, "Answer my question only with a

yes or no. Do not extrapolate. Keep you mouth otherwise shut... Is what

Lord Potter just told me, true?"

Davies looked ready to shout and visibly reined in his temper before he

gritted out, "Yes."

She just shook her head at him and sighed. Then she raised her off hand,

palm out and flat, and said, "Badge. Now."

When he gaped at her in shock, she said, "Now; Mister Davies."

Clearly angry, Davies removed his Prefects' badge and almost slapped it

into her hand.

"Right," she said, closing her fist around it. "It appears I now have to

address the entire House, yet again, to let them know they most certainly

are not required to sit at the Ravenclaw table for every meal, except the

three feasts; and that it is, in fact, a breach of the school rules for anyone

to tell them otherwise.

"Secondly, if you had bothered to open a book on the subject of life

debts, as a true Ravenclaw would have done first, you would have

learned that Miss Delacour is expected to sit with Lord Potter and that no

one may interfere in that. It is the law, let alone also being a school rule.

"Thirdly, it is Lord Potter; not Potter. He is entitled to the address and

you will use it when addressing him or referring to him. Right now, Lord

Potter is fully within his right to hex you into next week. And there is

nothing I, or the rest of the staff, can do to prevent him from doing that

other than ask him not to. Only after he has finished punishing you can

medi-wizard Robinson step in and set you to rights, if he can.

"Fourthly; yes, you are no longer a Prefect. As Lord Potter incanted you

are clearly too stupid to hold the position. I'll have to see if I can appoint


"Now, return to your breakfast and do not bother Lord Potter or his

bonded again."

Davies stood there, at first, angry. However, as Professor Sinistra laid out

what he'd done wrong, his anger abated and he became embarrassed.

When she finally sent him on his way, he muttered, "Sorry, Professor."

Turned tail and hurried away, back to his seat.

The Professor then turned to Harry and said in a clear voice, "Thank you,

Lord Potter; for not just dealing with the idiot as you could have done.

Five points to Gryffindor." Then she spun to stare at Davies, who had

managed to get back to his seat and hunch over, "And ten points from

Ravenclaw for your un-Ravenclaw behaviour, Mister Davies."

Then she spun away and walked back to her over-sized mug of black

coffee she often sipped from each morning.

Harry had to give her credit for turning up for each and every breakfast,

considering she was the Astronomy Professor and her classes went on late

into the early hours of the morning. Harry guessed she'd sleep between

breakfast and lunch, but not if she was drinking so much coffee.

Relaxing with a sigh, he took up his cutlery again and returned to his

breakfast. As he did, Fleur gave him a nudge and smiled at him.

"He was one of the boys whom my allure turned into a dribbling idiot,"

she softly said.

"Not possible," he returned. "I'll give you the dribbling, but he was already

an idiot."

She gave a light laugh back.

When the mail owls entered Harry was one of the first to receive the

Daily Prophet. Hedwig delivered his.

Before he even opened it up, he could see the lead story was the

'discovery' of Fleur's life debt to Harry.

Reading through it, with Fleur leaning over his shoulder and also reading

it, Harry could see Ted Tonks's hand in it. It was a near perfect copy of

the press release Ted had HEEDed to Harry, with only a few additions.

Clearly, Ted had been in and dealt with the idiot Skeeter woman. He

could no longer see her byline, or even a byline that had any anagram of

her name including 'Kate Erister', her latest. He'd forgotten 'Teaske' had

been outed, fined and, a short while later, fired.

The article again included the wizarding photograph of Harry rescuing

Fleur from the lake, but included another of him helping in saving her on

the stage and a third as he whisked the canvas flap of the tent aside as

medi-wizard Robinson carried her into the tent and Harry following close

behind. It was from that photo he saw when the auror was first stationed

outside the tent. It was within two seconds of him following Robinson


"Well, it's a fair article," he said. "It includes the truth and only lightly

embellishes. Even then, it clearly states how that embellishment is

guesswork with 'We believe...' and 'It appears...' used to show it isn't

purported as straight fact."

"The Daily Prophet are afraid of you, aren't they?" asked Fleur, in a

manner which suggested she knew it to be the truth.

He smirked and replied, "They're afraid of my Law-wizard of Record, Ted

Tonks. He's very good at threatening Barnabus Cuffe, the current Editor,

to get him to toe the line and not print lies and fabrications about me."




Because Fleur did not yet have her tutors at the school, she decided to

join Harry for his classes that day. So, directly after breakfast, she joined

him and the other Heirs, except for Daphne and Tracey, in the walk out

to the greenhouses.

When she asked if she could join the class as an observer, Professor

Sprout had no problem with it.

Neither did Professor Senkinhall in CoMC, Professor and Deputy

Headmaster Goodstone in History of Magic after morning tea, or

Professor Claystock in Muggle Studies before lunch.

For lunch the Heirs all sat at the Hufflepuff table. Then the Potters, now

including Fleur, went to the Ancient Runes double period. Again, Fleur

was not refused attending.




That evening, after dinner, Harry sat his three ladies down and had a

firm talking-to with them all.

He spoke to them about how they, Hermione and Daphne, had

manipulated him into that bonding ritual with Fleur and how he really

did not appreciate it.

"Yes, I know it was important," said Harry. "However, you led me to

believe it was just a tradition... simple ceremony... and something Fleur

wanted. That was a misdirection. That was very unfair of you pair.

"I thought I had made it very clear in the past how much I despised Albus

Dumbledore for his manipulations and how I was very much relieved he

could never try that again. And, now, you two have been doing it.

"Stop it!"

Both girls didn't argue as they'd done precisely that. Instead, Hermione

said, "Sorry, Harry. But, I thought there was a slight risk you might have


"And, is that not my choice?" he pressed. "Dumbledore kept taking away

my choices because of his much self-vaunted greater good. Is that going

to be your excuse; we did it because it was for the greater good?"

That had both girls wince.

"Have faith in me," he snapped. "I'm not an idiot. If it was explained to

me in a logical fashion, I would have gone through with it. Haven't I

already stated I was not prepared to let Fleur die?"

"Sorry Harry," both girls returned.

"And I apologise for not ensuring Hermione and Daphne told you," said

Fleur. "I should have."

"No, you didn't know," he sighed.

"Anyways," he said. "What's done is done and I will not belabour the

point. Just know you upset me doing that."

Both girls nodded.

"Well, moving on," he said. "What's happening with the rest of our

family? How are your parents coping with discovering I have a second

concubine? I felt Wendell and Monica were holding back out of

politeness on Saturday."

"They're fine with it, actually," replied Hermione, grateful for the change

of topic. "And that actually surprises me. I was actually worried

something was wrong and they were being very good at covering it up,

but they weren't."

He gave a nod and turned to Daphne. "And what about Astoria and your

parents, Daphne?"

"My parents were only worried about what Fleur's debt would have on

my relationship with you. They're now happy it has had minimal effect,"

she replied. "As for Stori, she wants to meet Fleur, but won't come up

unless she gets an invitation to do so."

"Then invite her," said Harry. "She's family; no matter how much of such

an oddball family we're turning out to be."

"I will," she smiled.

"Now that I have all that off my chest - and thank you for listening and

accepting - I guess we should make a start on the rest of today's





Later, after Harry had gone to bed, Fleur grabbed Hermione and dragged

her into Daphne's room.

"What's going on?" asked the Slytherin.

"We need to talk," said Fleur, 'And I do not want to involve 'Arry in this.

As far as 'e's concerned, it is 'girl talk'. Something it is clear 'Arry does not

want to know about."

"Alright," said Daphne, sitting on the edge of her bed. "What is so

important it could not wait until tomorrow?"

Fleur turned to Hermione and said, "'Arry was right about 'im not being

informed prior to the bonding ceremony what it would mean. I 'ad

thought either or both of you would 'ave explained it to 'im, first. Please,

do not put me in that position, ever again."

"We won't," said Hermione and Daphne agreed. "He was right. It was

wrong of us to do so."

Fleur gave a nod of acceptance and said, "From recent discussions it is

also apparent you have both chosen to soon engage in sexual intercourse

with 'Arry. Are you aware of certain potions that can make that first

night easier for you?"

Hermione frowned in confusion and annoyance that she didn't know

something, but Daphne appeared to know.

Noticing their expressions Fleur said to Daphne, "Which one's 'ave you

been told about?"

Though a little uncomfortable, Daphne replied, "Maiden's Relief, Prima

Nocte and... Witch's Pleasure. Oh... and, of course, Ne Gravidam."

Hermione said, "I'm on Ne Gravidam, already. Madam Pomfrey

recommended all post-menses witches be on it, just in case. Healer

Robinson is of the same opinion. I don't know what those others are."

Fleur nodded and said, "Ne Gravidam is, of course, the anti-pregnancy

potion. Maiden's Relief is for that time of the month, to alleviate


"Wait, what?" asked Hermione. "There's a potion that gets rid of the


"Yes," replied Fleur. "See the school 'ealer about it. If your cramps are that

bad you should be on the potion."

Hermione frowned and muttered under her breath about old biddy Heads

of Houses keeping secrets.

"Prima Nocte is the one I wanted to talk to you two about," Fleur

continued. "It is useful for reducing the amount of pain you may suffer as

a result of... your first time. I recommend it to the both of you if you are

soon to give your virginities and, especially, if you still have your...


"And, then there's the remaining one Daphne mentioned. I do not

recommend you take it for your first time, or even at all, if you can get

away with it. It is to enhance and promote... la petite mort... the little

death... what you call an orgasm."

"Oh!" said Daphne. "Mother said I should consider it if... and I think her

exact words were... 'If you found Lord Potter wanting'. I did not know

until now and you explained it, what she meant by that."

Hermione said, "I don't think Harry is going to be the sort of wizard to

hop-on-shag-and-hop-off. He's been reading... let's just say, a certain kind

of book. One which talks about not just receiving pleasure, but also


"You've made sure of this?" asked Fleur.

She nodded and replied, "His godfather, Lord Black, recently gave him

the book to read. It's laughingly called a book on how to 'woo' your

witch." Then she firmly nodded and said, "Oh, yes. And let's just say, I

told him that if he finishes the book I'll be giving him a practical

examination on what he read."

"In that case," said Fleur, grinning. "Don't even think of taking WP. If you

do you might not end the night conscious, or un'ospitalised."

That had all three laughing.

Finally, Fleur said, "Tomorrow. After classes. Us three shall take a short

excursion to the Infirmary to discuss matters with 'ealer Robinson.

"If 'e asks where we're going we'll just have to tell 'Arry the three of us

need to see the 'ealer dealing with latent witches' 'ealth issues. It will be

true and 'e should not press for details."

"He won't," said a confident Hermione. "Harry finds it very difficult to

speak plainly about issues dealing with sex in general, other than the

clinical biology of the act. If you try and press him, he's likely to run for

the hills.

"When it comes your time, you're going to need to be careful with how

you interact with him in the... lead up. He is very insecure about the

subject and dealing with it in an intimate manner. And it's taken me

months to get him to this point with me."

Both other girls nodded back and took the advice on-board.




With Fleur now settled into the Potter household at the school, the rest of

the week, to Harry, appeared to get slower and slower... and slower.

By the time Friday came around, he was so distracted in Potions he'd

nearly made a terrible mistake with a brew that would have had severe

consequences. The Professor, Potions Mistress Grimsfield, yelled at him

for a good two minutes about inattention, before throwing him from the

room 'with a T for the day' a good twenty minutes before class should

have finished.

The mark didn't bother him, as it was irrelevant to his OWLs. He was just

thankful neither Daphne, who was working with him, nor Hermione and

Neville, who were working at the station in front of them, were injured

due to him causing a potion to explode due to inattention.

It was actually having Hermione sitting in front of him, knowing what

either that night or the next would bring, that had him so badly


At lunch and as the Potions lesson was a combined Gryffindor/Slytherin

one, only the two 'Puffs and Fleur, the latter of whom had been attending

various Seventh Year lessons for the last three days, were unaware of

Harry's distracted state in Potions.

However, it seemed Fleur already knew from her abilities as a Veela, as

she just smiled at him in an expression that reflected understanding.

Neville also knew Harry was distracted, but would not ask. He knew he'd

be told why in due course, if Harry felt he should know.

Harry was just thankful that the final class for the day was a double of

Muggle Studies. He'd breeze through that.




After classes, Harry hurried back to the apartment, again almost going

into the wrong one, 'Apartment 9', he was that distracted; and set about

changing into wizarding casual before pulling out his assignments. The

extra one, the one on the importance of paying attention in the potions

lab, he set aside for now. He didn't need more reason to not pay attention

than an assignment on paying attention.

He'd only just made a start when his three girls walked in together.

"Good afternoon, Harry," they each said, before making their ways to

their rooms to change.

'Aaaaand... there goes my concentration again,' he mutter-sighed.

When Hermione came out a little while later, she smiled at Harry and sat

next to him, pulling out her own assignments and homework. The other

two joined them less than a minute later.

The first thing Harry noticed about Fleur was that she was wearing the

pink choker.

"Fleur," he said. "Thank you for wearing it; but, when we're in here and

alone, you do not need to wear the choker if you do not want to."

She looked at him in surprise. "'Arry, we really need you to read the book

my Maman provided on Veela. I will not be removing the debt ribbon...

for that is what it is called... ever."

"Y-you have to wear it all the time?" he exclaimed, a little horrified.

"Yes," she simply replied. "It is our way."

Scrunching his face up and closing his eyes in frustration, he then gave a

sigh and said, "Yes, I do need to read that book."

The assignments proved to be a struggle and Harry had nowhere near

accomplished as much as his usual. However, he thought it

understandable, considering.

Finally, as the time for dinner approached, he pushed what he was

working on further into the middle of the coffee table in a neat and

organised stack and sat back with a sigh. "Can't seem to concentrate," he

muttered, staring down at the work before him.

He didn't see the three girls all smirk at one another before Hermione

said, "Then, set it aside."

"Well, I have to do something," he grumped.

"Go shower, get clean, put on some nice clothes, then go up to the Room

of Requirement," she instructed. "I think you and I can have dinner

together in there, if you can think of a nice setting for it."

The way she said it was quite casual, but it made Harry perk up.

He stared at her for a few moments, before a grin slowly spread over his

face. She wasn't looking back.

Then he shot to his feet and ran for his bedroom door. "Okay!" he yelled


The three girls all waited until his bedroom door slammed shut and a

moment beyond before all three burst into laughter.

"Eager, isn't 'e?" said Fleur.

Hermione turned serious and said, "Just... don't let on you know what's

going on, please."

"We won't, Hermione," said Daphne. "We understand."




When Harry came out a little while later, he saw that all three girls were

missing. He 'snuck' over closer to Hermione's door to see if they were all

in there. He could hear all three chatting, so returned to the sofas. He

didn't want to intrude on what they were talking about. That would be


When they came out about thirty minutes later, Hermione was carrying a

small shoulder bag. But, she was also dressed quite well. Harry

recognised it as a dress he'd seen her try on in the past. It really did suit


When he saw her, he only had eyes for her in that moment. "I like your

idea of having dinner in the Room of Requirement. I've been wracking

my brains trying to come up with a good setting. I think I have it."

She smiled back and said, "Shall we go then?"

When he appeared a little worried about the other two, Daphne said,

"Don't worry about it, Harry. You should have an intimate dinner with

your betrothed, every now and then at least. Fleur and I will be joining

the Longbottoms and heading down to the Great Hall."

A little worried, he said, "Call for and send Dobby or Betsy if there's any

trouble, alright?"

Both other ladies nodded and smiled back. Fleur said, "We'll be fine,

'Arry. Go enjoy your dinner and do not worry about us. Besides, we'll 'ave

Neville and the others with us."

Instead of walking through the school, Harry called Dobby to pop them

to directly outside the Room of Requirement.

Once there, Harry walked the requisite three times before the section of

wall where the doors would appear. After his third pass, they were there.

Hermione frowned at it and said, "That looks familiar."

Harry just grinned and opened the double doors, gesturing her within.

As soon as she stepped inside, Hermione stopped in shock.

"Pottermore!" she exclaimed, looking about.

She whirled on him with a look of both pleased surprise and a little awe.

"Harry! It's perfect!"

He was mightily pleased he'd guessed right.

After he closed the door he said, "Dobby is putting up an elvish

disillusionment charm over the wall outside, so no one can walk by, see

it and come inside, wondering what it was."

Her smiled widened into a full grin. "Even better!" she said. "I was

worried about just that happening."

"Let's go and have dinner, shall we?" he said, gesturing towards the

formal dining room. "By now, Betsy should have also gone and gotten the

other Pottermore elves and they'll be hard at work on cooking and

preparing us a dinner fit for royalty."




During their very well cooked and prepared meal, both teens refused to

visit the elephant in the room and spoke about other matters. The closest

they got was wondering if Neville had been intimate with either of his

girls yet.

"I don't think so," he replied, when Hermione voiced it. "The way they

interact has not changed all that much since within the first few days.

"Anyway, it's not something we should discuss. It's something private

between them. You'd not like it if they were talking about us the same

way, would you?"

She smiled back and said, "You're right; I wouldn't."

However, she knew the 'Longbottom' girls did exactly that. And that

neither had yet slept with Neville.

Once dinner was finished and the bottle of non-alcoholic wine they were

drinking was polished off, Hermione moved to stand up and said, "See

what you can do to occupy yourself for about fifteen minutes. Then I

expect to see you up in the Lord's private rooms."

Without waiting for a response, other than for Harry to stand as she did

like the gentleman he always tried to be, she kissed him on the cheek and

walked out.

What felt like to Harry about six and a half hours later, but was really the

demanded fifteen minutes exactly, Harry nervously walked into the

master bedroom.

He'd opened the door and taken one step within before he froze on the


Hermione was lying on the king-sized bed, with the comforter pulled

down and folded at the foot of it. She was also wearing a very sheer

translucent baby blue nightgown. It hid nothing.

"Come in, Harry, and shut the door," she softly said. "I've been waiting for

you... and for this... for what has felt like a very long time."

He kicked the door shut.




Quite some time later they were lying on the bed, with Harry flat on his

back in the middle and with Hermione laying on her side, against him.

She had her head on his chest and one leg curled up and resting on his

thighs. And was using one hand to play with the small patch of chest hair

upon his breastbone.

They were both naked and covered in a very light sheen of drying sweat.

The comforter had not yet been pulled up.

"Wow!" he softly said in a voice filled with amazement. "Just... wow!"

Hermione giggled. "If I was to say this was the practical exam for a class,

Lord Potter; I'd say you earned an 'O plus'."

They both laid there for a little while longer before Harry said, "If you

wouldn't mind, Professor Granger; I'd like to try for bonus points."

She lifted her head and looked him in the eyes with a happy grin.


He smirked back and rolled her off him onto her own back as he rolled

onto his side to face her. "Really," he firmly said, moving in to kiss her


What noise they were making went unheard, as Betsy and Dobby had

erected silencing charms within ten minutes of Harry entering the suite.




Later still, Hermione was laying on her tummy on the bed while Harry

laid on his side facing her. He was on the other side of her, this time.

She said, "Now that you've been so kind as to give me your virginity―"

"And me, yours," he was quick to add.

She continued, "... you need to give consideration to meeting Fleur's


He sighed and said, "I don't know, Love. It still feels as if this is not

something she'd willingly want. Therefore, it gives me the sense I would

be, in effect, raping her."

Hermione rolled to her side before sitting up and sitting with one leg out

flat and the other cocked beneath her. Harry watched her move. Actually,

he watched her breasts move.

The time to do so gave her time to think.

"Look at me, Harry," she firmly said.

He finally lifted his eyes to look at her face, but to do so he had to roll

onto his back.

"Let's say... in the muggle world you were suffering from an inflamed

appendix. It was in imminent danger of bursting. If it burst, you'd soon


He thought about it and nodded.

"So," she said. "You'd be rushed into hospital and very quickly rushed into

surgery. They would have to cut you open and excise that appendix.

"Now, this is not something you would willingly do, or even want, given

the choice. So, would the surgeons, considering you were cut open and a

part of you was removed, have committed grievous assault upon you?"

"No," he frowned. "It would have been necessary to save my life."

"Exactly," she firmly said. "For Fleur, this is somewhat like that. However,

magic is also making it so that this is something she also wants and not

just needs.

"As a surgeon, would you have refused to operate to remove that

appendix if you knew it was something that patient did not want, even

though they needed it?"

He thought about it for a long moment before he sighed and quietly said,


"Would you, if you were the patient, hold him to blame for it?"

"No," he quietly replied again.

"Then you need to think that Fleur currently has an inflamed... magic...

and you are the only surgeon, wizard, who can save her life."

He again sighed and said, "I understand."

"Good," she said, before then moving and throwing her leg over his waist.

As she moved to sit on his hips, she grinned down at him and said, "Now,

I need Doctor Potter's scalpel to do some surgery of it's own, right now.

Think you're up to it?"

He grinned back, grabbed her gently by her breasts and replied, "With

enough incentive, I might be."




60. Daphne Decides

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to the proverbial Duchess of

Magic, JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high

falutin' companies. No matter how much I whine about not owning anything

related to the HP universe, other than a few fanfic plots, I do not profess to

own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful

world... Damn it!

Chapter Sixty - Daphne Decides




The next morning and well after breakfast, both Fleur and Daphne were

in the living room, clearly talking and working on assignments at the

time - or, rather, Daphne was working on assignments with Fleur

providing advice and assistance; just as she'd been doing for all three

since she arrived - when Harry and Hermione walked in the door wearing

goofy grins.

Both other girls took one look at the two of them as they walked in and

burst into laughter.

"Your faces!" laughed Daphne.

Fleur managed to get her own sudden mirth under control first, but was

still grinning when she said, "Eef you do not want people to know what

you two 'ave been up to, I strongly suggest you do not go out into zee

public areas of the castle for a while."

"We had Dobby pop us into the hallway outside," explained Hermione.

Harry added, "Yeah, we didn't want us suddenly popping into here to

startle you."

When Harry and Hermione turned to each other to see what had made

the two laugh so much, even they could see what the problem was.

Hermione said, "Errr... Harry. You, at least, have an expression of the

'well-shagged' on your face."

He gave a little snort of amusement and said, "As do you, Hermione. I

like seeing it, though. It means I satisfied your needs."

"Satisfied!?" she scoffed. "Harry, I wasn't kidding when I said you earned

an 'O Plus'. And that was before... you know." And blushed.

"Wait!" said Daphne, clearly having overheard them. Her eyes were

sparkling and she had that look of glee on her face. "You say he earned

an 'O Plus', but that wasn't the end of it?"

"Errr... no," she blushed. "That was just... round one."

"Of how many?" asked Fleur, clearly happy for the pair of them.

Harry cut in and demanded in an almost whining tone, "Can we not

discuss this as if it was a NEWT exam on Harry's abilities, please?"

"Alright, 'Arry," said Fleur, more calmly. "We won't talk about this in

front of you."

"Thank you," he breathed a sigh of relief. "Hang on... wait. That means

you're going to talk about it between you, right?"

"'Girl talk', Harry," said Daphne. "Do you really want us to answer that


"Errr... no," he finally and firmly admitted. "Just... not in front of me, or

discussed about with me, alright?"

"Of course not, Harry," said Hermione. "It wouldn't be 'girl talk' if we did


With a sigh he said, "Well, I'm going to go get changed so I'm not wearing

the same clothes I was wearing last night; just in case we were seen." And

immediately went over to and entered his bedroom.

"In other words," said Fleur. "'E said, 'I'm giving you this excuse so I can

run and 'ide in my room for a while'."

"Now that he's out of the way for a few minutes," said Daphne, leaning

forward as Hermione made her way to a seat on one of the sofas. "How

was it?"

Hermione immediately grinned and her face took on a slightly not-there

and happy at the moment expression. Then she sighed. "Much, much

better than I could have imagined."

Coming back to herself she said, "Fleur was right. Do not take WP, first;

but, do take Prima Nocte. Once he knows you're alright from... entering...

Harry holds nothing back. Once I was both used to it and knew what was

going to happen, I lost count of the number of... well, you know." And

blushed again.

Fleur asked, "As you're his betrothed, Hermione; How soon can I―?"

"We talked about that between... errr... sessions," she replied. "He doesn't

like the fact you're in distress. And he knows you are.

"However, he still firmly believes this is not something you truly want.

So, I suggest you need to be a little firm with him and... if you must, beg

him to take you to the room.

"You may need to impress upon him how much distress you're currently

in and, while you appreciate he believes you're unwilling, you're really

not. It may also help if you tell him you're not a virgin and why. That

way, he doesn't believe he's taking something precious from you."

Surprised, Fleur asked, "'E believes I'm a virgin?"

"Yes," she replied. "Let's face it, it's not a subject you've brought up

around him; only with us girls."

Fleur frowned slightly in concentration before she said, "No. You're right.

We 'aven't. But, I thought 'e would know I couldn't be."

Hermione slowly shook her head and said, "As I said, sexuality is not

something with which Harry is comfortable. He won't willingly discuss it.

Such a discussion needs to be forced on him, but not too much. As I've

mentioned before, he'll close off to you if you try."

Before the conversation could go on further, Harry came out, checked to

ensure they weren't in the middle of talking about him and came further

out rubbing his hands together. "Well," he said. "I've just been told

something rude by my mirror, which leads me to believe going down to

the Great Hall for lunch is a bad idea. So, I think I'll be cooking us a

lunch for today. What say―"

That was far as he got before Dobby popped in and quickly said, "Dobby

already be cookings, Master Harry. You be needings to relax." And

popped away before Harry could retort.

"Dammit!" he loudly exclaimed.

That had the three girls immediately burst into laughter again.

Mock-frowning at the girls, he suddenly had a bright idea and his faced

broke into shocked happiness. "I know! I'm going for a fly!"

"That's... actually a very good idea, Harry," said Hermione. "It won't

matter what people see on your face, then. Everyone knows you love to


With a grin and sparkling in his eyes, Harry ran back into his room and,

moments later, came out carrying his Firebolt.

He quickly went over to the sofas, kissed Hermione on the cheek,

hesitated, then went over and kissed both Daphne and Fleur on the


"Back soon!" he called, as he practically ran out the room.

"Well!" laughed Daphne. "After what you two apparently got up to last


"And this morning... twice," grinned Hermione.

With a glance that showed she was impressed, Daphne continued, "And

he still has the energy to run out of here to go for a fly?"

"We only stopped because I was worried I wouldn't be able to walk if we

didn't," admitted Hermione.

"Mes dieux," exclaimed Fleur. "That's it. Some way, some 'ow, I'll be riding

Harry's broom, myself, before this weekend is ovair."

"That exercise we've been doing in the Room of Requirement is really

paying off," said Daphne.

"Oui!" said Fleur. She had bought her own exercise clothes during that

day of shopping in the Alley. And had since been joining them.

However, for Fleur with her Veela heritage, it would change very little of

anything regarding her looks. It should, though, improve her

cardiovascular, making her internally fitter.




Harry was very quickly outside and into the air; launching at a run off

the bottom step of the main doors of the castle and soaring into the sky.

He flew in a lazy pattern to once again familiarise himself with his broom

and its handling. However, it was not long before he was careening all

over the sky performing feats of aerobatics that had those who watched

him gasp in amazement.

For Harry, he was simply flying. He zipped, he swooped, he corkscrewed,

he barrel-rolled. But, he was just having some fun.

He considered his most recent night and morning to be the greatest

twelve-plus hours he'd ever lived. And his flying reflected that. It was

even knowing his past twelve hours were only the beginning of the many,

many hours doing the same thing that lay ahead of him that had him

pulling off even more amazing stunts.

Up in the Gryffindor tower, three girls - two Sixth Years and a Fifth Year

- were watching out a window in the Sixth Year girls' dorm.

"Damn it!" said a frustrated Quidditch team captain. "Why... the fuck...

did we not do what we should have done and protected him?" she


"I don't know, Ange," sighed Spinnet. "But you can't say he wasn't right."

"No," grumped Johnson. "But, at least he was also right about the

Weasley girl. She's good; just not―"

"Just not 'Harry Potter' good," completed Bell, the youngest of the three.

"Since he's flying," said Spinnet. "You don't think he'd now be―"

"No," Johnson snapped, immediately cut her off. "He's right. Besides, you

heard what he said. He only continued to play because he didn't want to

be yelled at by the House if he didn't; and he also thinks catching the

snitch gives him something to do while flying. He hates Quidditch."

"We're just going to have to make sure the 'Weaslette' is the best she can

be," said Bell. "If she doesn't pass muster, the House will turn on us next."

Johnson firmly said, "All of this is leading me to hate Quidditch. The next

time I see Wood, I'm going to hex his bollocks off."

For the shortened Quidditch season, the games had been scheduled six

weeks apart on Sundays. They were the 7th of February, the 21st of

March, the 2nd of May and the 13th of June. The first two games had

already been played, with the second played only the previous weekend.

Ravenclaw played Hufflepuff in the first. Hufflepuff had flogged

Ravenclaw; which wasn't surprising, seeing as members of the Ravenclaw

team were involved in what had happened to little Luna Lovegood and

Professor Sinistra had booted them off in punishment. Slytherin then

played Ravenclaw and, though they'd rallied late in the game, Ravenclaw

again lost. However, the win by Slytherin was less than the points worth

for catching the snitch.

Gryffindor would play Slytherin in the next game on the 2nd of May. It

was well known the Slytherins would be trying to stack points onto their

narrow win to try and win the Cup. And were also gloating about how

'Harry Potter' was no longer on the Gryffindor team.

Johnson was just grateful the two Gryffindor games were the last two. It

gave her and the rest of the team as much time as possible to train their

new seeker. They'd be concentrating on keeping the girl clear of the

brutal play by the Slytherins. Even Malfoy, the current Slytherin seeker,

needed to be watched.

Spinnet, realising what had been bothering her for a few weeks, said, "We

need to get the Weaslette a faster broom."

Johnson sighed and said, "You're going to make me go and ask Harry to

loan her one, aren't you?"

"Know anyone else who might be willing to loan her one?" asked Spinnet.

Johnson sighed and said, "I do not even know if Harry will loan her one.

After Pig Weasley's behaviour..."

Spinnet said, "Oh; right."




By the time Harry needed to consider cooking dinner - and that evil,

green-skinned mini spawn of Satan had better not try to steal his

'cheffing' time - both well-shagged teens were more or less back to


Harry thought, for that evening he'd try his hand at another few French

dishes. For starters, he prepared a French fish bisque for soup. For mains,

he prepared Poulet à la Moutarde (chicken in caramelised Dijon mustard)

with Pommes Dauphinoise (potatoes done Dauphin-style), steamed

veggies, with dry gougères (cheese puffs) as a sort of bread for soaking

up juices. And dessert was a simple French-style apple tart with

sweetened whipped cream.

With all eight again sitting for dinner in the Potter apartment, the only

noises were the occasional sounds of appreciation, as folks were too busy


When on the final dish, the dessert, Fleur said, "Sans doute, 'Arry. Come

this summair, you weel be cooking for us at Delacour Manoir. I inseest!

Papa and Maman need to taste thees. It is... magnifique! You cook French

dishairs even bettair than our 'ouse elves! Beesides anytheeng else, the

idea of le gougères to soak up the sauces is also a clevair one."

Harry, as usual, blushed at the praise. The others were all starting to get

used to his cooking, for which he was actually grateful, so while they still

praised him it was not so overboard. Instead, they lightly chuckled or

snickered at Fleur's reaction. They all knew why, having been the same

themselves not too long ago.

"We all say those sort of things for the first couple of times when Harry

cooks," said Hermione. "My parents didn't want him to leave when we

moved back to the castle in the beginning of January."

"Monica did," he said.

"That's only because she was worried about her waistline," she returned.

"You know she loves you."

"Eet ees vairy good!" said Fleur, between mouthfuls.

He didn't know if it was the food, that it was French, or that Fleur was

only focussed on eating and tasting, but her accent was starting to slip

again. He actually liked that it had that effect on her.




After dinner and the guests had left, the four sat on the sofas. This time,

however, Harry was braced by Hermione and Fleur, with Hermione

snuggling into his side. He hadn't even realised he'd raised his arm to

drop around her until she pulled it in closer. Daphne sat on the closest

end of the sofa brought in that sat perpendicular.

After they'd sat back in almost silence for a couple minutes, Hermione

softly said, "Harry?"

"Mmm?" he asked.

Just as quietly, she said, "Thank you for letting me be your first. And

thank you for being my first."

He frowned, just a tad, in confusion at that. "I have this urge to say,

'You're welcome'. But, it also sounds... tactless. Instead, I'll say, 'Thank

you', right back."

"You're right," she chuckled. "It would sound gauche."

"How do you feel, now?" he asked.

"Very good, actually," she replied. "A lot better than I expected I'd feel,

truth be told. Us girls were often told these... tales... of what we could

expect both during and afterwards; especially for the first time. I do not

feel any of that."

"I'm glad," he said. "It would gut me to know you were hurting and I was

the cause of it."

She nodded, sighed and said, "Harry. I know we've talked about this. But,

now you need to help Fleur. She's hurting because she needs to do what

we did and only you can make that hurt go away."

Harry groaned before he sighed and looked to Daphne. "Daphne―"

Daphne smiled and said, "I'm not ready, Harry. I do not think I'm going to

be ready for quite some time. I already know that is going to be beyond

the time you need to help Fleur."

Harry thought about what to do and was actually mimicking Hermione's

thinking habit of nibbling on his bottom lip.

Looking back to Daphne he said, "I don't ever want you think you have to

do... that... with me. You don't. Ever. Understand?"

"I do," she smiled. "And, yes, I know."

Fleur leaned in and said, "I know what you're thinking, 'Arry. But, please

believe me when I tell you, I do not. I really do want this."

Hermione sat back up and looked at her betrothed in the eyes. "Harry.

She needs this. She is in pain because you are having trouble accepting it.

Whether you accept it or not is not relevant. Only you can help her."

"You're sure?" he asked her.

"Very," she smiled. "Never fear; I have no problem with this, Harry."

When he still appeared hesitant, she said, "Harry; you have my

permission, without judgement, to have sexual intercourse with Fleur.

Does that make you feel better?"

"I..." he began. He turned to Fleur and could see the hope and, yes, even

the pain in her eyes. "The urge is getting bad, isn't it?"

She just nodded back, not breaking eye contact with him

"Alright," he sighed. And could see all three girls also seemed relieved.


"The sooner the better," she said. "Please."

"Alright," he said, a little firmer this time. "Do you... want to go up to the

Room of Requirement?"

"Non," she replied. "I would like you to go into your room, 'ere. And I will

join you in about thirty minutes."

"Here?" he asked. "Won't you be... embarrassed Hermione and Daphne

will be so close?"

She smiled and said, "'Arry, I am Veela. We are sexual beings. Sex is not

something we are either embarrassed or ashamed about.

"'Owever, if it would make you feel better and less embarrassed―"

"No," he quickly replied. "I'm alright. But, someone's going to need to put

up a silencing ward."

She smiled and said, "If you think you are going to need it."

"Not me," he declared, a little proudly. "But, from Hermione's reactions

last night and this morning, you might find you might want them."

As she laughed and Daphne grinned, but blushed a little, Hermione

whacked him on the arm. "Don't say that," she giggled.

It was that giggle that told him Hermione really was alright with this.

"Alright," he said. "I'll go wait in my room."

Just before he rose, he kissed Hermione on the cheek. Then, without a

backward glance, walked into his room and shut the door.

As soon as the door closed, Hermione said, "Oh, Gods; this is hard."

A very much relieved Fleur leaned across the gap left by Harry leaving,

ran her hand down the cheek of Hermione, and said, "Thank you for

being so understanding."

Hermione nodded back, but still looked down.

"Come," said Fleur. "I need to get ready. And it would 'elp if you assisted

me." Then she turned to Daphne and said, "You, too, if you would not


"Is this like the ceremony we did the other day?" asked Hermione.

"Somewhat," said Fleur. "It's more of a bonding exercise for us three girls

in preparation for what is to come. Though I tried to make light of it for

'Arry's sake, this is still a... big thing... for a woman; no?"

As Fleur rose, so too did Hermione and Daphne. They headed for and

entered Fleur's room.




Rather than thirty minutes, it was only not long after twenty minutes

before there was a knock on Harry's door.

Giving his throat a little clear, he called, "Come in."

Rather than stripping off and laying on the bed, waiting. Harry had

brushed his teeth and cleaned himself up a little, but that was about it.

For the rest of the time, he was walking around his room, almost pacing,

out of nervousness.

When the door opened and Fleur walked in, he could see was again

wearing the chiton. But, this time she was barefoot. That her neck was

bare also showed the choker; with the metal Potter crest pendant glinting

in the candle light.

Taking a closer look, he could see her hair had also been let down and

had been well brushed, so it shined. However, she wore no make-up and

no other jewellery other than the choker. Actually, it was clear, yet again

due to the wispiness of the translucent fabric, all she was wearing was

the chiton and the ribbon.

As she smiled and closed the door, she said, "I would 'ave thought you'd

'ave already been undressed."

"No," he said. "Because, I first wanted to give you the option of backing


Her smile widened a little and she asked, "Why would I do that? I want


"That's the magical imperative―" he began.

"Not true," she firmly cut in. "Daphne is correct in that you are both a

very attractive and very powerful young man. My Veela 'eritage, not the

part about the life debt, urges me to mate with you."

"You're quarter Veela―" he tried.

"Non, 'Arry," she said. "There is no such thing as anything but a full Veela.

I used the excuse of a quarter Veela to protect myself from unwanted


"Think about it," she suggested. "There are no male Veela. So, where do

full Veela come from?"

He gave another frown of annoyance and said, "I really do need to read

that book. If I'd known there were no male Veela, I'd have figured out

you couldn't be a quarter Veela pretty quick."

As they talked, Fleur had moved over to the bed and was pulling the

comforter down and over the foot-board. She left just enough upon the

foot of the bed so one or the other of them could reach down and pull it

back up later.

Once she'd done that she walked over to Harry and asked, "May I undress

you? Please, let me. It helps me show... sub-ser-vience."

"It's important?" he asked.

"Yes," she simply replied.

"Very well," he replied right back.

Taking her time, Fleur disrobed Harry. At each step she was careful to

properly fold his clothing and lay it down before moving to the next


Once she was done, with even his underpants joining the folded pile, she

stepped two paces back and, smiling and looking him in the eye, undid

the pin he hadn't seen that pinned her chiton at the shoulder; and let the

lot drop to the floor in a puddle at her feet.

Then she just stood there, not a stitch on but the choker, smiling at him.

She didn't try and cover herself. She didn't try to cross one knee in front

of the other to hide her sex. She even lowered her hands and held them

slightly away from her body.

The one thing Harry knew, just from looking at her, she had to be one of

the most visually beautiful women he'd ever seen. Everything was perfect

for her. Everything was in the right, even perfect, proportions for her

overall size.

After giving him a long few moments to stare, she gave a slow pirouette

all the way around. Then took a step back, picked up her chiton, and

draped it over the door of his armoire.

Finally, she walked back to him, took him by the hand and walked him

to the bed, before then gently pushing him onto it.

The only uncomfortableness Harry was feeling, was in his groin. He

hadn't even noticed how happy little Harry had gotten until he tried to

walk. Then the feeling of gravity and the swinging of weight was

annoyingly, if momentarily, distracting.




Harry did not know what to expect from sleeping with Fleur. He did not

know if her life debt required he 'take' her a certain way, or if it was

satisfied with 'simple missionary', or he had to dominate her, or

something else. And Fleur voiced no requirement.

Instead, he made love to her. First, orally; both ways; then with simple

sex. That then led to a few other positions. By the end of the night, he

knew he'd made it good for her at least four times, possibly five, and for

himself twice. However, he also knew he had to learn French.

Fleur might not have felt they needed silencing charms for her benefit,

but he was glad he'd called Dobby to erect them for the night before she

turned up. When she got going, Fleur had a habit of babbling in French.

He had to keep telling her to speak English so he could understand her.

He did manage to pick up a few of the words she was using and knew

he'd never find them in a French-English dictionary, though.




When Harry woke the next morning, Fleur was gone.

A quick Tempus showed it was still early, but they'd be in time for

breakfast if he hurried.

However, breakfast was not what he had on his mind.

Quickly and thoroughly showering to rid himself of the scent of Fleur, he

dressed in fresh clothes and readied for the day, a Sunday.

When he came out of his room he could see that none of the three girls

were up. Or, if they were, they weren't in the living room. A quick check

also showed they weren't in the dining room, the kitchen or the office,


He then went to Hermione's door and softly knocked on it.

He heard, "Come in," opened the door and stuck his head in.

Hermione was lying in bed, but clearly awake.

"Can I come in?" he asked.

She nodded back.

Quietly, he stepped within, closed the door and turned to her.

As he looked at her, wondering what to say or do, she flicked back the

covers on the side closest to him and gestured him over.

Walking to the side of the bed, he then kicked his loafers off, donned

only minutes earlier, sat on the side of the bed and laid down next to her

before rolling to face her.

Faces only inches apart he stared into her eyes and softly said, "I love


From her slightly worried expression, her face relaxed and bloomed into

a wide smile. "I love you, too."

Then they met in the middle and kissed, deeply and passionately.

When they pulled apart he asked, "Are you alright?"

"I am now," she softly replied.

Knowing why she worded it that way, he said, "Hermione Jean Granger.

Know this and know this well. No matter what life may put before us, no

matter what challenges come our way, I will always be truly, madly and

deeply in love with you."

With her eyes suddenly welling with tears, she let out a quiet sob before

she dived at him and started to snog him senseless.




When they came out of her room about an hour later, only Daphne was

in the living room. She appeared to be working on assignments.

She gave them a curious look before she glanced at Harry's door and

back. "But, I thought―"

"I met Fleur's needs last night," said Harry. "I needed to reaffirm my love

for Hermione this morning."

"Ah!" she quietly said.

"I take it Fleur has not risen yet, this morning?" he asked.

Daphne shook her head and replied, "Not yet. I was expecting you and

her to come out of your door, together."

"No," he replied. "I believe she returned to her own room to sleep."

"Well, you've missed breakfast in the Great Hall," she said. "Shall I ask

Dobby to cook―"

With a silent flash of elf apparation, Dobby popped in and said, "Dobby

already be makings brekky. It be ready in ten minutes." And just as

silently popped away again.

"He's getting better at that," said Hermione.

When Dobby announced breakfast was ready, Daphne walked over to

Fleur's door, knocked and stuck her head inside. A moment later, she

pulled her head out and said to Harry and Hermione, "She'll be ready in

about ten minutes." Then she stepped fully within and closed the door

behind her.

"She must've woken her," said Hermione, as she and Harry headed for the

dining room.




When Fleur joined them about twenty five minutes later, she walked in

as if she was floating on clouds. She looked... serene.

Hermione snickered and said, "If I looked like that yesterday morning, it's

no wonder you and Daphne said I had that well-shagged look."

Fleur ignored the comment and gracefully sat down. She readied her

plate and napkin in her lap. Then, while still looking at the table before

her, she quietly but firmly said, "You, Miss Hermione Granger, are one

very... very... lucky young witch."

Hermione blushed, but continued to look to Fleur. "I know," she quietly

said back.

When Fleur finally looked back, she firmly said, "No one, but us three

girls in 'ere, are to ever know just 'ow good 'Arry is in bed. If the Veela

enclaves ever learn 'ow good 'e is, they will try to kidnap 'im for


That comment surprised Hermione. Harry was just blushing at the praise.

"I know he made my first time a very wonderful time... and my second...

and my third... and, well, you know what I mean," she said. "But, is he

really that good?"

"Hey!" Harry indignantly exclaimed.

Staring intently at Fleur, Hermione ignored him.

Fleur only flicked her eyes to him for a bare fraction of a second before

she turned to look back at Hermione. "Simply put? Yes."

The conviction in the young Veela's voice left no doubt she believed it.

As Fleur built her breakfast, Daphne walked in and sat at the table. But

she only took a cup of tea.

"I ate earlier," she said, by way of explanation. "Besides, it's pretty much

time for morning tea, anyway."

Fleur was deep in thought for a long moment before she said, "Part of a

young Veela's transition into adulthood includes what is known as Le

Rituel de la Demoiselle, The Young Lady's Ritual. It is their first time to

'ave sex; full sex.

"As Daphne and 'Ermione already know, that time for me was about two

years ago; days after my sixteenth birthday.

"For this time, the Veela enclaves 'ave young trained wizards, who are

paid very 'andsomely, to make a young Veela's first time as pleasant as

possible. Their task is to 'elp the young Veela reach le petit mort, orgasm,

at least once; more is better. This is to unlock the full powers of a Veela.

"Mine was successful, as they should be, in that I reached le petit mort. I

thought it was wonderful.

"'Owevair," she paused. "Last night... what I felt made what I felt that first

night feel as if it was a... pale imitation.

"Mes dieux!" she softly exclaimed. "Not even moi maman must evair learn

of zis!"

Daphne had stopped what she was doing. She held her teacup partway to

her mouth and was staring at Fleur in shock. Hermione was focused on

the other girl, quite intently; while Harry couldn't make up his mind

whether he was embarrassed out of his gourd or feeling excessively


Fleur then set down her cutlery and flipped her hand out and palm up. A

bare moment later there appeared a ball of purplish-blue fire, about six

inches in size, burning just off her hand as if cupped by it. "Passion fire,"

she explained. "It is a power of the Veela. After Le Rituel, we can call it at

will and use it to defend ourselves or attack others. Until last night I

could create a ball of passion fire about two inches in diameter. That was

it. Not now, though.

Closing her hand into a fist and extinguishing the fire at the same time,

she then lowered her hand back to her cutlery. And turned to Harry.

"Thank you, 'Arry," she firmly said. "I do not know what it means for my

spell casting, but I believe I shall see just as much of an improvement


"And," she said. "Though it... Even though I wish I could state otherwise, I

do not believe we will 'ave to repeat last night for quite some time to

come. The life debt was well and truly... sated for the time being. Again,

thank you."

When it was obvious she was finished explaining, as she picked her

cutlery back up and began eating, Hermione whispered, "Wow!"

That broke Daphne out of her shock and, instead of finishing raising the

cup to her lips and taking a sip, she carefully set it back down on her

saucer. "Yeah. Wow!" she quietly said.

Harry was madly blushing away and trying to use willpower alone to

squash it down.

He never noticed both Hermione and Daphne turn calculating eyes on

him, as he really didn't want to look at anyone, just then, but his plate.




The 'Potters' finally put in an appearance out of their apartment just

before lunch and joined the Longbottoms in the trek down to the Great


"Trouble in paradise?" asked Neville, quietly.

Harry knew he asked out of concern and not because he was being nosy.

"No," he smiled. "Part of it was helping Fleur. You know what that means,

don't you?"

Neville blushed, but nodded. "She's alright now, though; right?"

"Yes," he replied. "And, hopefully, for a while to come."

During lunch Harry was passed a note from Alicia Spinnet requesting a

meeting with him, her and Angelina Johnson in the same antechamber

they met last time.

Harry frowned and thought about it before he abruptly said, "I'll be back

in a few minutes."

Rising and, as he headed out the door and over to the antechamber, he

gave a nod to the three chasers as he walked past their part of the

Gryffindor table.

Entering the room, he only had to wait a minute before Spinnet and

Johnson entered, together.

"What do you want?" he asked.

"We know you have no desire to rejoin the Lions," said Spinnet. "We're

not asking you to."

Calming a bit he asked, "Then, what?"

"We took on the Weas... Ginny Weasley as our seeker, as you suggested,"

she explained. "And, she's as good as you alluded. However, she doesn't

have a decent broom to do the role justice."

He nodded and said, "You want me to buy her one?"

"No, replied Johnson. "We were hoping you'd be willing to loan her one

of yours."

He gave a snort of amusement and said, "I only have one. That's my

Firebolt. And I won't loan that to her."

When he saw their shoulders slump in defeat, he said, "However, I will

loan her one; but, on the proviso she never learns I'm the one who loaned

it to her. For that to happen only us three will even know about it. I do

not want her to believe she owes me anything. Deal?"

Both stood up straighter, but clearly relieved. As Spinnet nodded,

Johnson firmly said, "Deal!"

He gave a firm nod back and said, "I'll organise for one to be passed to

either of you two. Then, whichever of you receives it, will then loan it to

Weasley. After the last game you will collect it back off her and return it

to... Neville Longbottom. Again, deal?"

"Deal," chorused the girls.

Harry gave a nod back and strode from the room, back to the Great Hall.

He even wrote a note for Sirius, asking Sirius to go and buy him a decent

broom, just not a Firebolt. And told him why. Sirius was then tasked with

organising for it, in confidence, to get into the hands of either Angelina

Johnson or Alicia Spinnet.

The discussion swirling around them that afternoon was not that Harry

and the rest had again put in an appearance after not being seen since the

end of classes on the Friday, but dealt with Fleur's choker.

Clearly, a few knew what it meant and were even now spreading the

word. It was the symbol of a bonded Veela. And the Potter crest on the

pendant - medallion - meant she was a Veela bonded to someone in the

House of Potter. That the crest was in gold meant it was to the head of

the House.

Harry hadn't learnt this, himself, until just a few days ago.

While he would normally abhor school gossip, especially when it dealt

with him, this time he didn't even try to put a stop to it. Through the

gossip, he hoped that those who might try to make a play for Fleur would

realise, ahead of time, what a major error of judgement that would be.

And he'd not have to personally deal with them.

Paying some attention to what was going on around them, Harry leaned

into Fleur and softly said, "I now understand the purpose of the choker.

Sorry for doubting you over that."

She just smiled back.




Other matters occurring in the castle recently related to both Ginevra

Weasley and Luna Lovegood. Both still met with the mind-healer in the

offices next to the offices of their respective Heads of House.

Ginny had now reached the point she had come to terms with what had

happened her First Year at Hogwarts; and how she was only to blame by

not going to her father, or one of the Professors, with the diary. However,

it was also made clear to her she just might have been under a

compulsion not to do so; and that it was too late to check.

Her other matter, her infatuation with Harrison 'Harry' Potter, was also

now a resolved issue. For that one, her mother was at fault. The woman

had filled her daughter's head with all these fanciful tales about Harry

Potter. Tales that were definitely not true. Therefore, the Harry Potter

she was infatuated with simply did not exist.

And, while Harrison Potter - the somewhat real one - had saved her from

the Chamber of Secrets, that did not mean he was the same as the Harry

Potter in those books and stories her mother would read or relate to her.

He would have done that for whomever had been taken into the

Chamber. She knew that now, too.

As such, Ginny Weasley was quickly reaching the point she would no

longer need to see the mind-healer anywhere near as often as she did.

Instead, at the next meeting the mind-healer would be informing her that

their sessions were being cut back from the current once every two

weeks, back to once every two months.

Luna Lovegood was still a bit of a work-in-progress, though. The girl

flatly refused to recant her views concerning creatures only she,

apparently, could see. However, the meek and submissiveness that was a

major part of her personality was definitely something of the past.

The mind-healer had thought that, once Luna was cured of her

submissiveness, she might have also dropped her invisible creatures.

However, nothing could have been further from the truth. Instead of

only, almost flippantly, mentioning her creatures, Luna was now more

outspoken about them.

Another issue dealt with Malfoy. He had only just returned from his own

excursion outside of the castle on 'family business'.

With little prior warning, he was given only one day's notice his mother

would be attending the school to collect him and take him home for the

weekend. She arrived in the Headmistress's office on the Friday afternoon

an hour after last class and they flooed directly to Malfoy Manor.

As soon as he was home his mother took him straight through to his

father's study, leaving him at the door as she walked off.

During the meeting with his father he learned that both the Dark Lord

had returned, though in reduced form, and he was given a most special

assignment to complete. He was told that, if he successfully completed it

as his father expected him to, it would see him jump directly into the

Dark Lord's circle of closest confidants.

The task was then explained to him. From then and for the rest of the

weekend he was shown how to cast a specific charm and led through

how to modify one already cast. The entire weekend was spent on that

one charm.

By the time he returned to the castle on the Sunday afternoon, he

thought he could cast it and modify it in his sleep.




As March moved into the beginnings of April, the season of Spring fully

upon them, the change in the physical relationship between Harry and

Hermione and Harry and Fleur, did not become an uncomfortable one for

her, as Daphne suspected it might.

She believed she might have come to feel like an 'outsider', being the only

witch in the apartment not having slept with Harry. But, that did not

prove to be the case.

If not for knowing both Hermione and Fleur had slept with Harry, the

lack of change in the relationships between the four of them would have

meant she'd not have suspected a thing.

However, Fleur's obvious increase in magical power, now that she knew

the cause of it, was the only sign.

Harry was just as comfortable with the 'innocent' cuddling of her as he

was with Hermione. Even Fleur was now a recipient of that sort of

interaction and to the same amount.

There were also no knowing looks or glances between 'them' who had

done it, which would have exacerbated the problem. Nor did Harry

suddenly become demanding of sex from Hermione, or Fleur, which she

knew other boys would have more likely done.

Once they were into the second half of April, and there was still no

change other than the four becoming more comfortable around each

other, Daphne came to realise that it wasn't the worry Harry would be

more demanding of sex from Hermione and or Fleur, it was her worry

he'd become demanding of sex from her; especially if they'd already had

their first night together.

It was during the third week of April, on the Wednesday, she pulled the

other girls aside for a 'girls talk' in her room. Again, Harry didn't even bat

an eye over it. He just continued to work on one of his assignments.

As soon as they entered and Daphne had closed the door, Fleur smiled at

her and said, "You've reached a decision."

Daphne gave a little embarrassed smile and looked to Hermione. "I have."

Hermione smiled back and asked, "When?"

"The decision?" she asked.

"No," replied Hermione. "When do you want to... do it?"

Daphne, clearly a little worried, asked, "Does Friday night sound alright

to you? Now that I've..." And petered off.

"Now that you've made the decision," said Fleur. "You want to get your

first night out of the way. That way, you won't worry at the decision for

so long you'll change your mind again."

Daphne looked to her and nodded.

"Well," sighed Hermione. "Friday night gives you almost forty eight hours

to change your mind. So, if you're going to, you've got time to do so."

Worried, Daphne asked her, "You're still alright with this?"

"Yes," she replied. "At first, I was worried that I'd lose Harry's love. But,

after his night with Fleur, I knew that wasn't the case - wouldn't be the


"'Ave no doubt of his love for you, 'Ermione," said Fleur. "It shines true. If

anything, it 'as deepened since that weekend two and a 'alf weeks ago."

Happy and not a little more relieved, Hermione turned a smile on Fleur

and softly said, "Thank you."

Fleur nodded back with her own smile before she looked back to Daphne.

"When do you want to ask 'im?"

"Ummm..." stuttered the blonde.

"Now, tonight, would be the best idea," said Hermione. "Give him time

to... internalise it. Give him a chance to accept."

Daphne nodded back, but worried about how she'd approach Harry with


In the end, she needn't have worried.

When the girls returned to the living room, Daphne sat on Harry's right

and leaned into him.

She stayed like that a little while before she softly said, "Harry?"

"Mmm?" he asked.

"I'm ready."

He froze for a moment before he softly asked, "Ready... for what?"

At first, surprised at how thick he was being, she realised she shouldn't

be. She pulled away a little and looked him in the eyes. "I'm ready for us

to have our first night together."

A little confused he said, "Daphne, you've been here for a few months,


A little frustrated, she said, "Harry. I mean I have not just made my

decision to actually have a child or two with you, I have now made my

decision as to when the first night we shall make love should be.

"I'm asking you to give full consideration to taking me up to the Room of

Requirement on Friday night."

'When it came to sex, Harry might be a little thick,' she thought, "But he

certainly wasn't that thick.'

"You... want me to make love to you on Friday night?" he asked.

'Alright. Maybe he was.'

"Yes, Harry," she replied. "I'd like you to join me in the Room of

Requirement on Friday night and make love to me. Actually, I'm asking

you to make love to me on Friday night. Would you? Please?"

"Errr... You know what it means... regarding the agreement... if we do,

don't you?" he asked.

"I do," she firmly replied. "But, as I've told you before, I really cannot see

there ever being anyone else I'd rather at least my first time to be with,

than you.

"Actually, I cannot see there ever being anyone I'd rather be with, than


"Oh... alright," he replied. "If it's something you really want―"

She smiled in happiness at him before leaning in and kissing him. "Thank

you, Harry."

Then she snuggled back in again.

When he looked over at Hermione and gave her a questioning look, she

smiled and just nodded back.

Feeling better about it, he returned to his study.




Harry was nowhere near as nervous during the two days run-up to the

Friday night, as he was about his and Hermione's first and, so far, only

time. So, Harry was able to better concentrate on his school work.

On Friday, he made sure Fleur and Hermione knew to immediately send

Dobby or Betsy if there was a problem and both just grinned back.

"Harry," said Hermione. "We know. We'll be fine. And the other Heirs will

be with us all the time we're out of the apartment, anyway. Don't worry

about us."

Once back in the apartment, Harry went and dropped off his satchel and

headed for the shower. Just like with Hermione and Fleur, he didn't want

to be 'smelly' for Daphne. She deserved his best efforts and she'd get it.

When he was ready, he noticed the others were all gone again and knew

they were probably having a 'girl talk' session in Daphne's room, this

time; so just waited.

When they came out, Hermione came over first and gave him a gentle

snog before pulling back. However, she also paused to whisper in his ear,

"Make it good for her, like you did for me."

He gave her a serious nod back.

Surprising him, Fleur came over and kissed him French-style on both

cheeks before pulling back. The mischievous minx's eyes were sparkling

and she grinning at him.

When he turned to Daphne, he thought he saw reluctance in her

expression or posture.

"We don't have to do this if you don't want to, Daphne," he firmly said.

"If, at any time, you want to stop... we will."

That seemed to release the tension she was feeling. And she smiled at

him. "Thank you, Harry. It's very nice to know that. However, I'm sure;

this is what I want."

Stepping closer, he wrapped her in a hug and called, "Dobby!"




61. Cultivating Finch-Fletchley

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to the proverbial Duchess of

Magic, JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high

falutin' companies. No matter how much I whine about not owning anything

related to the HP universe, other than a few fanfic plots, I do not profess to

own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful

world... Damn it!

Chapter Sixty One - Cultivating Finch-Fletchley




With a flash of white light the two teens, Harry and Daphne, appeared on

the seventh floor corridor directly opposite the tapestry of Barnabas the


Daphne pulled away and said, "May I choose the location?"

"This is all about you, Daphne," he replied. "You can have whatever you


Again she smiled at him as he moved out of the way to let her pace.

When the door appeared, she gave a little squeal of excitement. Ever the

gentleman, Harry beat her to the door, opened it and ushered her inside.

As he stepped in it was to find himself in the front foyer of what

appeared to be a large manor home. He immediately recognised it as the

Greengrass manor.

"This is just like Green Fields," she happily sighed. "At least, this is the

manor without all the portraits, house elves and the like.

"Hermione told me how you called up a replica of Pottermore for her first

time and I thought that was a nice idea. I hope you don't mind?"

"Not at all," he replied, closing the door and walking further in. "As I said,

tonight is all about you."

After a dinner prepared by Dobby and Betsy, who had both again thrown

up a notice-me-not field over the 'front' door, Daphne gave him a tour of

the place.

As the tour came to an end, she was clearly nervous. Harry wrapped her

in his arms and said, "You'll get no pressure from me, Daphne. Whenever

you want to end this, just say so."

"No," she firmly replied. "I want this. " That seemed to be enough to settle

her again as she led him deeper into the manor and back to 'her' room.

Walking in she paused a moment and asked, "Can you... get the bed

ready, while I freshen up?"

"Of course," he nodded.

Daphne went into what was clearly a copy of her personal ensuite and,

just before she closed the door, turned back and nervously asked, "Can

you... be in bed and ready for me for when I come out?"

"As my lady commands," he gently said, with a small bow.

She smiled back and closed the door.

When she came out only ten minutes later, Harry was reclined on the bed

with only a single sheet on. The rest of the bedding was folded at the foot

of the bed. The sheet would have been there, too, if he didn't think seeing

his naked body as soon as she stepped out of the ensuite might have

panicked her.

However, while Daphne wasn't naked, she was dressed somewhat similar

to how Fleur had dressed for that... ceremony and her first time with

him. As she moved closer, he could see that her outfit was quite similar

to what Fleur's was, even to it being a chiton; except Daphne's was a

silvery green. There was also no choker, but she was just as naked


As for her pubic hair, it was much darker than the hair on her head;

closer to the colour of her eyelashes. And was just as visible through the

material as Fleur's was through her own chiton.

By the time he'd figured all that out, she was standing next to the bed on

the other side to him, clearly unsure what to do next.

Harry reached across and flicked back the sheet on 'her' side. However,

she was very hesitant to move.

"No pressure, Daphne," he quietly said. "What do you want to do?"

Again, him telling her she was in control seemed to get her moving. Her

hand opposite her covered shoulder moved up to that shoulder before she

dropped it again. Then she gave a slow twirl before turning back to him.

"You like?" she quietly asked.

"You look lovely," he smiled.

That had her smile back and again reach to her shoulder. However,

instead of undoing a hidden clasp, she just brushed the material off. That

caused the whole lot to fall to the floor.

She then immediately almost jumped into the bed, before hurriedly

pulling the sheet up and lying on her side, facing him. She was clearly

very, very nervous.

Harry flipped to his side to face her and used his upper hand to carefully

reach over and gently brush her hair away from her face.

"Absolutely gorgeous," he murmured.

That earned him a smile.

"Come here," he said, reaching out and urging her closer.

Gently, he coaxed her to relax through gentle snogging. That led to more

vigorous snogging, which led even to more.

A while later, she had adopted a similar relaxed state to Hermione after

her first time, except mirror imaged.

With Harry lying flat on his back, she laid on her side and against his

side. Her upper hand was on his chest over his heart and her upper leg

was curled up over his thighs.

As for the sheet, it was off them; half on the floor and half over the foot

of the bed.

Harry was just managing to get his breathing back under control, but

Daphne was almost purring as the arm he had under her and behind was

lightly trailing up and down her lower spine.

"Oh, Gods," she muttered, for about the dozenth time in the last twenty


"Want to try something else?" he asked.

"I don't want to move," she replied.

"Then let me worry about what happens next," he returned.

Gently he pressed her away from his chest and back onto her back. That

gave him time to prop himself up on an elbow before his head dipped to

her chest.

He gave her a quick grin before he dropped his face to her chest and...

"Harry!" she exclaimed. "They're for... oohhhh Merlin!"

A minute later, as Daphne lay writhing and moaning with what he'd been

doing with her breasts, he went lower.

"Wha-what are you... Ohhhhh... OooHHHHH... AhhhHHH-FUCK!" she

screamed out the last. She was practically thrashing about on the bed.

Apparently, Parseltongue was useful for more than just talking to snakes.




The next morning, Harry awoke lying on his side and began watching

Daphne sleep. Unlike the neat and tidy he expected from the girl, as that

was always how she seemed to be when awake no matter the time of day

or night, in sleep she was a mess. She also lightly snored and was

sleeping on her tummy with her arms and legs sprawled out. Harry had

been restricted to sleeping on a very narrow strip right at the edge of the


Knowing by the fake daylight out the 'window' it wasn't that much past

dawn, Harry gently eased her nearest arm and leg to him back over to

her trunk for her arm and down straight for her leg. Then slid in closer to

give himself some room from his very recent precarious perch.

Once more comfortable, he propped himself back up on one elbow,

leaned in close, brushed her hair away from the back of her neck and

gently nuzzled her under the back of her ear.

A few moments later, she gave a light groan of desire.

Happy to have heard it, he gently moved his upper hand lower down,

reached between her thighs and forward, and gently worked her over a

little with his fingers.

When she began to gently thrust back and forth, he quickly rose to his

knees, used his wand to levitate her tummy up a bit, slipped a pillow into

the gap between her hips and the bed and lowered her back onto it.

Using a lubrication charm he read in that book Sirius had given him, he

then knelt between her legs and hovered over her.

A few moments later he was in and gently thrusting.

However, it took about a good ten seconds before the rising arousal in

Daphne woke her and her eyes opened, unfocussed.

"Oh, Merlin!" she whined. "What... are you... doing?"

"What do you think?" he quietly asked right back. His head only a foot or

so from hers. He began to increase his pace and depth.

And her moans got louder.




An hour later they again laid in bed, sated. This time Daphne wasn't

asleep, but she was so full of endorphins and oxytocins she might as well

be. She was lying flat on her back with Harry lying on his side and facing


"Enjoying yourself?" he asked.

"Oh... bloody Hell, Potter," she near moaned.

"You want more?" he asked.

"No!" she quickly exclaimed. "Oh... Gods, no!"

"As you wish," he said.

Looking at him and smiling, she asked, "You're not going to suddenly

jump me again?"

"Certainly not," he replied. "You said 'No'; so, 'No', it is."

Her smile widened and she rolled to her side to face him. When she

looked down she asked, "Err... Harry?"

"Mmm?" he asked.

"If it's 'No', then why are you―?"

"I have an incredibly gorgeous, naked girl lying on the bed right next to

me. A girl who smells of sex. Why do you think?"

"Oh," she giggled.

Rolling back to lie on her back again, she asked, "What time is it?"

Harry picked up his wand and fired off a Tempus. "Almost eight am."

She sighed and said, "Go and have a shower. We should be ready in time

to go down to breakfast with the others."

"Yes, My Lady," he replied, flipping onto his other side to climb out of


Knowing she'd be watching him, he walked to the foot of the bed and

near to the door to the ensuite, before he then mimicked a big stretch,

flexing and rolling his muscles and arms... and bum cheeks.

"Ohhh... Gawd," she moaned.

With a grin while facing away from her and pretending not to hear her,

he walked into the ensuite, leaving the door open as he did. Calling back,

he called, "You can shower with me, if you like!"

She joined him in the shower less than a minute later.




After Dobby again popped them straight into the corridor of the Lords'

Quarters directly outside their apartment, both then walked in.

Hermione and Fleur were already up and, probably, waiting. Both looked

at the pair of them and, while Fleur giggled and snickered, Hermione

looked at Daphne in stunned surprise before breaking into giggles of her


A moment later she exclaimed, "Did I look like that?"

Fleur, still snickering, loudly replied, "Yes!"

A little embarrassed, Harry tried to defend himself. "Well, you said I was

to make her first time as nice as I'd made yours!"

That was it for Fleur. She began laughing and rolling about on the sofa

upon which she sat. And, while a little embarrassed at Harry's remark,

Hermione was still giggling.

Daphne, smiling, said, "I need to go change before breakfast." Then,

walking between the sofas and the coffee table, grabbed a hand each of

Fleur and Hermione and dragged both girls after her to her bedroom.

Harry watched them go and, with a sigh of contentment, headed for the

kitchen. Maybe he could sneak in and―

"Dobby be already preparings brekky, Master Harry!"





Harry was already in the dining room and making a start on his breakfast

when the girls came looking for him.

Hermione, the first one in the door, walked over to him and kissed him

on the cheek. "Good boy!" she whispered, before taking the seat at his left

hand and sitting down.

Fleur, not to outdone, also kissed him on the cheek and sat.

When Daphne came in a moment later, she was changed and took her

own seat. "I thought we'd be going down to the Great Hall for breakfast?"

No one mentioned they'd not be going down to the Great Hall for

breakfast, after all.

"Dobby had other ideas," replied Harry.

Once everyone had loaded a plate and were getting their breakfasts into

them, Harry asked, "What're everyone's plans for the rest of the day?"

"Resting," Daphne immediately replied, before she then blushed on

realising she'd said that out loud.

That had both other girls laughing again.

"Assignments," replied Fleur. "I have a lot of work to do."

Now that her tutors had been organised, though hadn't turned up yet, she

was sent in advance a whole lot of work to do to prepare for when the

first would turn up on the Monday.

Hermione asked, "Besides the meeting with the Alliance after lunch, what

about you, Harry?"

"Oh, dammit," he sighed. "I'd forgotten about that."

That's when he got hit in the head with an unbuttered crumpet thrown

by Daphne. "Hey!"

When he looked back in surprise, while Hermione and Fleur snickered,

Daphne tried to glare at him, failing miserably in the process.

"I can't help it!" he almost whined. "I just... I was distracted!" And blushed.

"That's the endorphins, Harry," explained Hermione. "Give it a while and

it'll wear off."

Eventually, Harry went back to the Room to exercise a little. But, he

didn't engage in a full workout. Instead, it was just burning off energy he

was after.

He was back after about an hour and happily turned to working on

assignments. When he asked where Daphne was, Fleur smiled and

replied, "Sleeping, I believe. I think you tired her out. I can... relate."

Harry's blush was only a light pinking of his cheeks, that time. He was

getting better.




Daphne had put in another appearance just before lunch and, no longer

sporting the just-got-shagged look the girls accused her of, the Potter four

joined the other heirs in the trip to the Great Hall for lunch.

On the way, Neville asked, "Ready for the meeting this afternoon, Harry?"

"Yeah," he replied. "Where is it, by the way?"

Neville smirked at him and said, "Greengrass manor."

Just as they were sitting down at the Hufflepuff table, Harry noticed

when Justin Finch-Fletchley entered and invited the boy to join them.

Slightly surprisingly, he did.

While Harry was still his 'partner' in Transfiguration and the 'Longbottom

Three' were in Herbology, he was not in Astronomy and History of Magic,

being the four classes Gryffindor shared with Hufflepuff. Nor was he his

partner in any of the electives as the boy shared his two electives, CoMC

and Divination, mainly with the Ravenclaws. While Harry took CoMC, his

classes were with the Slytherins and Finch-Fletchley didn't take Ancient


As the boy sat down opposite, he gave Harry a haughty sniff and asked,

"Been away from the school for yestereve and this morn, my Lord

Potter?" he asked.

Harry grinned and haughtily sniffed, "Nay, my Lord Finch-Fletchley.

Verily, I was detained on matters of House by these three ladies fair."

That had both snicker at one another.

"This real you is so much fun, Potter," said Finch-Fletchley. "You take the

mickey out of these titles of ours even more than I do."

As Finch-Fletchley hadn't, as yet, been properly introduced to Fleur,

Harry quietly said, "My Lord Finch-Fletchley, I apologise that I have been

remiss. I present Heiress Presumptive Fleur Isabel Delacour of the

Venerable House of Delacour of magical France. Fleur, this is Lord Justin

Finch-Fletchley, Viscount of Lonsdale, Heir Primary to His Lordship the

Earl of Bedford and Heir Secondary to His Grace, the Duke of Kendal of

the United Kingdom.

While Finch-Fletchley cocked a surprised eyebrow at Harry for knowing

his titles and lineage, he still stood as Fleur offered her hand, grasped it

with his main hand and lightly kissed the back of her fingers. "Charmed,

My Lady. And please call me Justin."

"Fleur," said Fleur, as she smiled and withdrew her hand as Finch-

Fletchley retook his seat.

Finch-Fletchley immediately turned to Harry and accused, "You've done

your homework."

Harry replied, "Justin, I'm a Lord of Noble and Most Ancient House, One

of the Seven. Do you know what that means?"

"I do, now," he replied. "I didn't before all that which happened as a

result of the First Task. As soon as I could I practically raided the library,

here, for all that I could on the subject."

"In other words, you also did your homework," smiled Harry. "Could you

think any less of me to do the same as soon I learned of your lineage?"

Finch-Fletchley smiled and replied, "Of course not."

Harry turned serious and said, "Justin, there are some people I really

need you to meet. May I organise a meeting to take place, here in the

castle, for some time over the next week? It will probably be held in the

Headmistress's office, so there's no need to worry anything untoward is

going to happen.

"I also swear to you this is not to do with your father or grandfather. This

is about you."

Finch-Fletchley frowned back for a moment, before he said, "On your


Harry immediately replied, "On the honour of my House and the memory

of my fore-bearers, Justin."

As Fleur and Daphne both gave little gasps of shock, Finch-Fletchley gave

a single nod back and replied, "Then I look forward to your missive."

Harry smiled and said, "Thank you."

Now he needed to speak with the Alliance. With everything that had

been going on he'd not raised the issue at a meeting yet. And he needed

to 'formally' let them know.




After lunch, Harry was quick to escort Fleur back to the apartment before

running to the Headmistress's office. Neville escorted the other Heirs up

to the office, direct.

Arriving in Green Fields, Harry only staggered a little getting out to the


He was the first through, after Daphne.

Once all the members, their partners and heirs arrived, the meeting was

quickly started. This time it was chaired by Samuel. After all, it was his


When the issue of new business came up Harry raised the issue of Justin

Finch-Fletchley and his lineage.

"You mean to tell me," said Miles Ogden, "At the school, right now, is a

young man who is second in line, in direct line of succession to a

Dukedom; and no one knows about it?"

"Well, other than he and us in the group unofficially called the Heirs,"

said Harry, "There's also Law-wizard Ted Tonks; who did the due

diligence for me to confirm it.

"Lord Justin Finch-Fletchley is the Viscount of Lonsdale, Heir Apparent of

the Earldom of Bedford and Heir Secondary, as the first born son of the

first born son, of the Sixth Duke of Kendal. On the death of his

grandfather his father will become the Seventh Duke of Kendal and he

will become the new Earl of Bedford. Then, on the death of his father, he

will succeed to the Dukedom as the Eighth Duke.

"Sweet Merlin!" exclaimed Ogden. "We need to speak with him."

"I have not informed him of what I've been aiming for," said Harry,

"Ultimately, his succeeding in gaining a new seat on the Wizengamot

representing the Noble and Magical House of Finch-Fletchley. That is,

after all, how the Noble Houses were first created. We just haven't had a

Noble and Magical House in many generations, even though the Malfoys

have been demanding they be recognised as such.

"I believe... and Ted Tonks assures me I'm correct... that particular

ancient law is still on the books."

"It is," breathed Ogden. "And, yes, for that purpose."

"When can we meet with him?" demanded Samuel.

"I have told him that I hope that he would be open to a meeting of

importance to him. And strongly suggested it would take place at the

castle, most likely in the Headmistress's office, within the next couple of


"Others, in the past, have attempted to use his connection to the Duke of

Kendal or the Earl of Bedford, for self-serving purposes. He is,

understandably, quite wary. Might I suggest no more than two people,

plus Lady Marchbanks, meet with him?"

"Definitely," said Ogden.

Harry added, "And might I also suggest you come armed with evidence of

how such a meeting... with an option to join the Alliance... will aid him,

rather than hinder him? You might also suggest you visit with his muggle

father or anyone else he deems appropriate."

Ogden thought a bit before he looked to Samuel. "Samuel?"

"You, at least, should attend, Miles," said Samuel. "You're the Chief

Warlock, after all. I also think the other should be Amelia."

"He's right," said Madam Bones. "It should be you and me, Miles."

Ogden nodded before turning to Marchbanks. "Gris? Any problems using

your office for this?"

"None," she immediately replied. "However, young Lord Finch-Fletchley

has developed a level of trust with Harrison. I suggest he escort the

young Lord at least to the first meeting."

"You might also want to extract a temporary secrecy oath from and

inform Professor Sprout of this," suggested Harry.

"I don't think we need to go to the extent of a secrecy oath," said

Marchbanks. "But, I see your point about informing Pomona. I'll just ask

her not to speak of it. She'll understand."

The next item of business was on bringing in the Venerable House of

Delacour as a member House of the Alliance. No one had a problem with

it, other than it was not a British House and had no roots in wizarding


Frank said, "Check the Charter. There is no requirement for a House to

have any roots in Britain, wizarding or otherwise."

With that resolved, Jean-Paul would be approached by Frank and Samuel

with the intent to offer an invitation. It would be based on Fleur's

acceptance as concubine to Harrison, Lord of House Potter.




In with the spouses in the 'Ladies' Lounge' of Green Fields, Adeline was

almost dancing with joy. As soon as the girls entered the Lounge, Adeline

had cast a minor charm on both. Moments later, she grabbed both and

dragged them aside before then erecting a quick silencing field. She'd cast

the same at the previous meeting, but neither girl knew of it at the time.

It was that quick discussion, following by both girls blushing and being

angry about it, that had everyone else know what had happened; neither

Daphne nor Hermione were virgins any longer. The younger witches

among them were immediately 'sworn' to secrecy by the expedient of

being told, 'This is both not for any rumour mill, most especially

Hogwarts's, or for your fathers or brothers to learn of. Period.'

However, Hannah was also one of those 'spouses' due to her betrothal to

Neville. So, she took both girls aside, herself, a little later to ask for

certain information. Her mother saw it, of course, but hid her knowing


Susan didn't know of it, because she was 'shadowing' her aunt at the

meeting of the Heads. However, Pauline had no doubt she would by that


For the others, none of them would talk. They knew the penalty on first

offence would be a permanent ban from any future discussions. That

meant they'd get left at home, or ordered outside to 'play' on their own.





With the meeting lasting a little longer than what many expected, the

post-meeting fellowship didn't last all that long. And the heirs were back

at the castle well before dinner.

When Harry returned he returned a little confused, though, and nearly

crashed head first into the wall of the Headmistress's office opposite the

floo. He'd almost completely missed his exit, because his mind was on

how Adeline Greengrass had taken him aside, laid a massive hug on him

and kiss on his cheek, looked him dead in the eyes and said a clearly

heartfelt, "Thank you."

Though very curious and confused, he waited until they were back in the

apartment until he asked Daphne why her mother had done that.

Daphne blushed and replied, "Mother pulled a fast one on Hermione and

me. Without warning us first, she cast a purity detection charm on us


Fleur, who had overheard, gasped and exclaimed, "She didn't!"

Daphne firmly nodded back. "So, mother now knows Harry and mine,

and Harry and Hermione's, agreements each have certain clauses no

longer applicable. That's her claim as to why she did it."

Hermione asked, "I take it that's quite the rude thing to do?"

"Yes," Daphne almost snapped. "It's why I was so angry with mother

immediately afterwards. That charm is only permitted to be used under

licence when a Betrothal Agreement is being drawn up, or being moved

to a contract. It is used to test the bride still meets conditions of a

contract if the contract requires the bride to be... unsullied."

"So, I had a right to be upset with her?" asked Hermione.

"Yes, Hermione; you did," replied Daphne. "So, there's no need to

apologise you got angry with her, when you did."

"I thought I might have been out of line," she sighed.

"No," said Daphne, firmly. "Mother was out of line."

Harry asked, "Do I need to have words with Samuel about it?"

"No," replied Daphne. "What's done is done. And I really do not need

Father to know you've already shagged me stupid. I do not want him to

know until he has to know."

"That's your choice, Daphne," replied Harry. "If that's what you want,

we'll go along with it."

The other two girls nodded.




Surprised with how quickly things moved, during breakfast the next

morning both Harry and Justin were approached by Professor Sprout and

told the Headmistress wanted a word with them both in her office

immediately following the meal.

As they came together and walked slightly behind the Professor into the

main corridor heading towards the wing that held the Headmistress's

office, a worried Finch-Fletchley sidled over to Harry and asked, "Harry?

Do you know what this is about?"

"I'm pretty sure I do, yeah," he replied. "If it's who I think it is, a couple of

people want to talk to you and want to provide you aid. If I'm right,

listen to what they say. Then, if you're not ready to make a decision

about anything, say so. Tell them you will take it on board and consider

it. I'm sure you know the drill.

"Nothing needs to happen, right now. Merlin, this can take years to come

to fruition if people decide to drag their feet, or if you want it to. You're

only fifteen at the moment, so you're still a minor. Just... hear them out,


Professor Sprout had dropped back and to the side a bit to listen. When

Harry finished, she added, "Lord Potter is correct, Mister Finch-Fletchley.

Who we're going to see only want to make you aware of some

information, for now. Information you really should already be aware of,

if not for Cuthbert Binns and his focus on goblin rebellions. Just be


"Yes, Ma'am," Finch-Fletchley replied.




When they entered the Headmistress's office, Harry had to just about

push Finch-Fletchley in through the door after Professor Sprout.

"Justin, relax," Harry quietly said from behind. "I swear to you, you're

going to be fine."

Already in the room were Headmistress Lady Marchbanks, behind her

desk; Miles Ogden and Amelia Bones were sitting before it. The latter two

both stood and turned to the door as the three walked in. Both were

gently smiling.

"Welcome, you two," said Marchbanks.

As they got closer, Professor Sprout faded away and went and sat on the

stool in the corner as Harry guided Finch-Fletchley to the two 'guests'.

Harry was then quick with the introductions. Ogden first, considering his

station. He also kept it informal.

"Justin," he said, "This is Chief Warlock Lord Miles Ogden. If you do not

know, Chief Warlock Ogden chairs the Wizengamot in the same way the

Lord Speaker chairs the House of Lords.

"And, Justin, this is Madam Amelia Bones, Director of the Department of

Magical Law Enforcement, Ministry of Magic for wizarding Britain. She's

also Susan's aunt and guardian.

"Lord Ogden, Madam Bones, this is Lord Justin Finch-Fletchley, the

Viscount of Lonsdale."

"Miles just gave a snort of amusement and held out his hand to Justin.

"Hello, young man."

After carefully shaking Justin's hand, Ogden said, "To make it easy for

you, just address me as Lord Ogden. This is an informal discussion."

"Yes, Sir," said Justin, almost by reflex.

Bones then stepped forward and offered her own hand. "Hello, Lord

Finch-Fletchley. You address me as Madam Bones."

Justin shook it and said, "Ma'am,"

She then whacked Ogden on the arm and said, "Don't come over all over-


Marchbanks cut in, indicated the chairs and said, "Take a seat, please."

With Justin and Harry sitting alongside one another and facing-in along a

leg of a triangle from Marchbanks's desk, Ogden and Bones sat facing

them and Marchbanks's desk, too, along the third side of the triangle

based off the Headmistress's desk.

"Thank you for taking the time to see us, Lord Finch-Fletchley," said

Ogden. "What we have to talk to you about has to do with how you're a

muggleborn with a noble title who has entered our world."

Ogden went on to explain what that meant for Justin, with an

explanation of how the original members of the Noble seats on the

Wizengamot also entered the same way, upwards of centuries ago.

Finch-Fletchley eventually asked, "Let me see if I have this straight, Sir.

You're saying that, since I hold a title in the Peerage, and I'm the first of

my line to do so who is also a magical, I'm entitled to a seat within the

Wizengamot once I come of age at seventeen?"

"In a nutshell, yes," replied Ogden.

"But, what about my father and grandfather?" he asked.

"Ineligible, because apparently neither are magical," replied Ogden.

Finch-Fletchley sat back and thought about it. Eventually, he asked, "How

would that work? From what I've read I'm actually considered Unhoused,

as I do not belong to an existing magical House."

"Excellent question!" beamed Ogden. "Because of your position in the

peerage, a new House is automatically created based on your own

surname. "You would become the Head of the Noble and Magical House

of Finch-Fletchley and, when you attain seventeen years of age, you

would become and be titled Lord of the Noble and Magical House of

Finch-Fletchley and immediately eligible to sit on the Wizengamot."

Again, Finch-Fletchley thought about it before he asked, "If the House is

created now... and I cannot hold the Lordship for it until I turn

seventeen... would I need a Regent or Proxy for it until then? And, if so,

am I limited to whom I can appoint to the role? If I even can appoint

someone to the role."

Ogden blinked back for a moment in surprise before he grinned and

replied, "How very astute of you, young man."

Ogden then turned to Bones and asked, "Amelia? Perhaps you can

address our young Lord's question?"

Bones shook her head and sighed. "I cannot, Miles. I can guess, but I do

not know the answer."

"I do," Harry quietly said.

"Harrison," said Ogden. Then he gestured 'be my guest'.

"First," replied Harry. "The House needs to be created. You can have

neither a regent nor proxy without a House. To create the House needs to

start with the Goblin Nation and their Rite of Inheritance. It first needs to

be shown that Justin, here, is not already the rightful Lord of an existing

House that... squibbed out, for instance.

"Once that's carried out and ther eis no pre-existing House, the Goblins

can then create the heraldry from the now known heritage. That includes

the Head of House ring and the like. However, they won't do any of that

without a House vault being established first.

"That will then establish the Noble and Magical House of Finch-Fletchley.

"With the House now established, as the only magical member of that

House, Justin's magical guardian would need to move quick to appoint

either themselves as Regent or grant Justin emancipation so he can take

up his duties, himself."

"Magical guardian?" Finch-Fletchley then whirled to look at Sprout.

"That'd be you; right, Professor?"

Sprout smiled and replied, "Indeed, Mister Finch-Fletchley. But, if this

works out for you, I'm quite willing to allow you to appoint another; if

that is your choice."

Harry gave a little snort and replied, "It'll work. Time for me to come

clean on something."

When all eyes turned to him, he explained, "I've had the Law-wizard of

Record for the House of Potter researching this for the past few months.

Justin, he's the one who did the full background check on you on my

behalf. He's also been speaking with the goblins on what is needed.

"When you feel you're ready, they're waiting for you to come in to get all

this sorted for you. According to my Law-wizard of Record, Ted Tonks,

they're apparently excited to meet with you."

At first surprised, Finch-Fletchley's expression turned shrewd. "What do

you get out of this, Harry?"

"A few things," he immediately replied. "One; if it's something you want,

then your gratitude. Two; if you go through with this, then I get to thumb

my nose, yet again, at all the stodgy old traditionalists on the

Wizengamot. Three; the opportunity to ask you to join the Potter-

Longbottom Alliance, of which Lady Marchbanks, Lord Ogden and

Madam Bones as Regent Bones, are all members. And, four; I'll be

recognised as being partly responsible for having shepherded the creation

of a new Noble line within magical Britain. Big kudos for me. There are

probably more, but I don't know what those are, yet."

Finch-Fletchley cocked an eyebrow back and said, "A straight-up answer.

Colour me, impressed."

Turning back to Lord Ogden, he asked, "When do I need to act on this?"

"Never," said Ogden. "There's no time limit involved."

"Can I discuss it with my father and grandfather?" he asked.

"You can discuss it with those cleared to know about magic," replied

Bones. "If your grandfather is already cleared to know about magic, then

yes. Otherwise, no. Only those residing in your muggle place of residence

are allowed to know. However, if it's necessary for him to know... then I

can grant a waiver."

Finch-Fletchley nodded and murmured, "So, no change there, then. Can

my grandfather be cleared to know of magic for the purposes of

discussing this with him?"

Bones thought about it before she looked to Ogden and asked, "Miles?"

"If absolutely necessary, we can set something up." he replied.

Finally, Finch-Fletchley firmed up and said, "Then, I thank you for the

information, Sir. I shall need to think on it, in detail. And discuss it with

my family, before I act."

"So you should," Ogden immediately shot back. "I'd have been a little

disappointed in you, if you didn't."

A little later, Harry escorted Finch-Fletchley out of the office with

Professor Sprout.

As they walked away and down the corridor outside the office, Finch-

Fletchley was clearly thinking hard about what he should do.

Harry said, "Justin. There's no rush on this. You can decide to simply

delay until you're ready to deal with it, if at all. I just felt you should


"No," said Finch-Fletchley. "I get that. So, thank you."

Harry just smiled back and gave a nod of acknowledgement.

The other boy then looked to Sprout and asked, "Professor; would it be

possible to discuss this further with you, alone?"

"Of course, Mister Finch-Fletchley," she replied. "Whenever you're ready

or you need, my door is open to you. You know that."




At the end of the April Wizengamot meeting, Harry met with Ogden,

Bones, Marchbanks, Greengrass and Longbottom in the Chief Warlock's

office before returning to the school. Until then, he didn't even know the

Chief Warlock (or Witch, when the position was held by a witch) had an


The topic was, unsurprisingly, Justin.

"So, he's now been made aware of the Seat that awaits him?" asked


"Yes," replied Ogden. As this was his office, he 'chaired' the meeting. "I've

also arranged for certain books on the history and formation of the

Wizengamot to be sent to him, so he can read it for himself."

"Any idea on which way he'll go?" asked Samuel.

Harry replied, "He'll do his own research. He'll speak with his father

about it. He will probably ask for one of us, or more, to pay his father a

visit. With that last one, I recommend he be given leave to go home for a

weekend so he can give his own views directly to his father and family;

and to at least introduce you, if he already knows you."

Ogden cocked an eyebrow and smirk at Harry before he asked, "And who

do you believe should attend?"

"The same folks who were in the office with him on Sunday," Harry

immediately replied. "Except me, that is. I just made the introductions.

And don't forget to include Pomona Sprout. She is, after all, his current

magical guardian."

"My views, too," said Ogden. He turned to Bones and asked, "Up for a

visit to a muggle home, Amelia?"

"Always," she simply replied. "But we don't know when, or even if, he's

going to ask."

"I think he will," replied Harry. "But, give him at least a couple of weeks,

if not a month, to ask. Then be prepared."

"That was my read of the situation, too," said Bones.




On late Friday evening a few days later, during a week when Hermione

appeared to get more and more perturbed about something and which

Harry had no idea how to address because he didn't know what was

causing it, she dragged him aside for a chat.

"Harry," she began. "Have I done something wrong, or do you think

you're falling out of love with me, or are Fleur and Daphne better―"

"Wait, wait, stop," he blurted, cutting in.

When she did immediately stop, and also looked on the verge of tears, he

asked, "Hermione, Love; why would you ever think such a thing? I love


She sniffled and replied, "Because you haven't come asking me if you can

sleep with me again."

Confused and a little embarrassed, he said, "I'm supposed to? I didn't

know that. There was nothing in the books Sirius gave me that said I

should do that."

With dawning comprehension at what had happened, Hermione groaned

and said, "No. They don't, do they."

Taking a deep breath she said, "Harry. You're allowed to approach me

and ask, or suggest, or hint, or anything like that, that you'd like to have

sex again. I give you permission. And, I'm sure once the other two learn

that, they'll also tell you that you have permission to ask."

"Oh," he said. He thought about it for a few moments before he gave a

little nod to himself and asked, "Hermione, can we sleep together again,

tonight? I mean, to have sex? You don't have to if―"

"Yes," she immediately blurted before calming again. "Yes, Harry. I'd like

to sleep with you tonight, too."

With a wide and pleased grin he asked, "Do you... want to go up to the

Room and―"

"No," she replied. "I'd like to sleep in your bed in here, if that's alright

with you?"

He happily nodded.

Relieved, she said, "Great. Why don't you finish up what you're working

on and then get ready in bed. I'll be in in about twenty minutes, alright?"

"Alright," he said, starting to turn away. He hesitated a moment before he

turned back and said, "I'm sorry, Hermione. I didn't know." Then he left

for his bedroom.

As soon as the door closed she sighed before she turned to the other two,

who had been watching them. "Ladies, we have a problem."




It was less than the twenty minutes, before Hermione entered. She had

come in and immediately noticed that Harry had clearly just come out of

the shower, as there was still the light mist of steam coming from his


Harry was sitting in bed with only a sheet on to the waist and was

skimming through one of the books Sirius had given him, with a look of

combined annoyance and concentration on his face. She only saw the

expression for a bare moment before he looked up and smiled.

He set the book aside and, without a word, flicked back the covers on

'her' side of the bed.

Realising Harry was trying to find out from the books where he went

wrong, she smiled and walked over. She was, at the time, wearing a

simple dressing gown; her fluffy one.

Barely hesitating, she undid the cloth belt holding the gown closed at her

waist before then flicking it off her shoulders with both hands at the

'lapels' and letting it drop to the floor.

Again for a moment, she stood there allowing him to look her nude form

over, before she slid into the bed and moved in for a cuddle.

Outside in the living room, once Hermione walked in and closed the

door, Fleur cast a silencing charm over the door and walked back to the


Sitting down with a sigh, she looked to Daphne and said, "'Ow did we not

see this?"

Daphne just smiled and shrugged. "You have to admit, it seems quite


"'Ermione's right, though," she said. "We 'ave to be more... forthcoming...

with 'Arry in future."

Daphne nodded.




The next morning, when Harry woke, it was to the feeling of Hermione

again snuggling into his side; almost treating him like he was an

oversized teddybear. He didn't mind, though, because it felt nice.

As he laid there and thought about what Hermione had told him the

previous evening - about how she expected him to ask for sex, too - he

resolved to be more forward about it in the future. Yes, he had been

somewhat horny and had been somewhat horny for the past couple of

weeks, but he didn't know Hermione felt it was his job to ask.

As he laid there, he was unconsciously rubbing his fingertips up and

down her spine. And, it wasn't until she arched her back a little and

groaned, did he realise he'd been doing that.

When she opened her eyes and looked up at him from his chest she said,

"Damn it, Harry. You've made me horny again."

"Sorry," he blurted, pulling his hand well away.

"Oh, Harry," she sighed. "I don't mind you making me horny, especially

when you can do something about that. It was just the idea of you

waking me up feeling horny."

Returning to lie her head of his chest again, she asked, "Know what the

time is?"

"Well, by the angle and brightness of the sun coming in through the

window," he replied, "I'd say it'd be about six, six thirty?"

She gave a small grunt before she slid her leg further over him, sliding

her hips on top of his, and said, "In that case," as she pushed her chest

over and onto his, "You've got time to do something about solving the

problem for me."

Then kissed him and began to gently grind onto him.

He was happy to help.




This time they came out of Harry's room and actually did go down to

breakfast in the Great Hall. Both Fleur and Daphne were waiting for them

in the living room. Both wore knowing smiles.

Once they met up with the Longbottom three, while neither Harry or

Hermione noticed the expressions on the faces of the three, Fleur and

Daphne did. Neville and Hannah had similar expressions to Harry and

Hermione, while Susan was grinning in delight.

Daphne and Fleur were sharing snickering with Susan about the

expressions on Neville's and Hannah's and Harry's and Hermione's faces.

Tracey, when she met up with them, took one look and from then on was

trying not to blush too much. She might not know exactly what the

expressions meant without other stimuli, but she received that from the

reactions of Susan, Daphne and Fleur, making it quite clear to her.

A little into breakfast, Daphne leaned into her best friend and said, "Yeah,

Trace. They shagged like bunnies last night. And, if I'm to judge, this

morning too."

Tracey looked back in shock and embarrassment. "Da-aph!" she quietly


Daphne just smirked back. "As you already know... because my mother

was being overly nosy at the last meeting of the Alliance... I've done it

with Harry, too.

"And it was wonderful, Trace! When you're finally ready to do it with

Blaise, if he's still the one you're considering doing it with, come and see

Fleur, first. She can get you the right potions to make your first time...

not painful and more pleasant."

Tracey just blushed and silently nodded.




From then on, the 'Potter' girls knew that, if they wanted a bit of a 'fun

time' from Harry, they could go to him and ask. Harry never turned them

down and was always ready for more. And, while they first thought their

first night with him would forevermore be the best they could expect, he

never behaved as if it would be. He constantly made it very pleasant for

all three.

It was also now apparent both Hannah and Susan had no complaints in

that department, either.

The Potter girls all found out that Hannah had quickly told Susan what

she'd learned in the 'spouses' meeting in the Ladies Room of Green Fields

about Hermione and Daphne. And those two little minxes practically

ambushed poor Neville, not wanting to be left out.

Not that Neville ever complained, but there were times one or the other

of his girls would have to take him aside for a few moments to explain to

him it was 'ungentlemanly' to walk around looking like he'd recently just

been shagged stupid; even if it was true. And he then tried his best to

mask his true feelings. Most of the time he succeeded. But, Harry could

always tell and grinned at the boy. Neville's resultant blush always

confirmed it for him.




62. A New Lordship

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to the proverbial Duchess of

Magic, JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high

falutin' companies. No matter how much I whine about not owning anything

related to the HP universe, other than a few fanfic plots, I do not profess to

own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful

world... Damn it!

Chapter Sixty Two - A New Lordship




While Harry was no longer even interested in Quidditch, or even give the

impression of being interested in Quidditch, Hermione thought it would

be a good idea to at least show 'House unity' by going down to the

Quidditch pitch on the first weekend of May to watch Gryffindor play

their first of two matches for the shortened season. It was against their

arch-enemies, Slytherin.

Harry couldn't argue, as he had been feeling a bit 'hemmed in' by the

walls of the castle of late. And May had started with decently warm days,

anyway. So, down to the Quidditch pitch, they went.

Because of Daphne being with them and all the Heirs plus Fleur wanting

to sit together, they sat in one of the Unaligned, no specific House,

tribunes to watch the match. Though he hadn't said anything to the

others, Harry was actually interested in how well he'd picked Ginny

Weasley to be a decent seeker for the Lions. Especially, now that she rode

a decent broom; one he'd secretly organised for her.

He hadn't even taken the time to come down to the pitch when the team

trained, just in case Johnson tried to rope him into something; such as

training Ginny. So, this would be the first time he'd actually seen her on

the broom.

The match started and it was only moments before he realised what the

strategy of the Snakes would be. They had Malfoy constantly taunting her

and performing dangerous moves within inches of her.

However, Harry was surprised when all she did was actively ignore him.

Harry could even hear Malfoy's taunts down in the tribunes.

After Malfoy had shouted something particularly vile, Harry was

surprised when he heard the voice of Professor Vector call out, amplified

by a Sonorus, "Twenty points from Slytherin and a weeks detention, Mister

Malfoy, for your abusive language and offensive words!"

That had Madam Hooch pause the game through a time-out for a few

minutes, while the two women very publicly and angrily conferred

behind a silencing charm. Eventually, even from where he was sitting,

Harry could see Vector look satisfied as Hooch stomped off to restart the

game, clearly unhappy.

"I wonder what that was about?" asked Daphne.

"Hooch doesn't appreciate that the rules of Hogwarts apply, even on the

Quidditch pitch," replied Harry. "I can bet that Professor Vector told her,

'Just because you're on the Quidditch pitch doesn't mean you're exempt

from the rules'."

Within moments of the game restarting, it appeared young Ginny had

spotted the snitch, as she suddenly dived near the middle of the field.

However, Harry knew she hadn't, as he'd already seen the snitch himself

moments earlier over near the Slytherin goal posts.

Interested on whether she could pull it off, he watched as Ginny went

into a dive, while also corkscrewing slightly; which had Malfoy, on his

slightly faster Nimbus 2001 to her Nimbus 2000, hare down after her.

Only a dozen feet from the ground, Ginny banked hard with a half roll

and instantly and sharply pulled up.

Malfoy, moving faster and being slightly heavier - therefore needing a

bigger arc to also pull it off - didn't have the room to abort that Ginny

did. And ploughed into the ground at about a twenty degree angle.

Luckily for him, the ground was no longer frozen. So, he 'merely' dug a

long furrow in the thoroughly drenched sod and mud.

Once he finally got back to his feet, he staggered for a few feet until one

of his team-mates managed to get to him to hold him upright. It was

Goyle, one of their two beaters and always a shadow to the blonde ferret.

However, the always immaculately presented boy was drenched in mud,

sod and water. His game robes were a complete mess and his hair was

more brown than blonde, with a whole area on one side sticking almost

straight up and out.

He managed to remount his broom and carefully climbed back into the

sky. However, he was no longer so keen to give young Ginny such curry.

Harry chuckled and mentally doffed his hat to the girl. He might've

carried out the Wronski Feint lower to the ground than Ginny did, but it

was still well-executed and served its purpose. Ginny had cleared the

ground with four feet to spare.

The Gryffindors won the game by two hundred and ten points, with a

good twenty percent of their points being off free penalty shots. And

Ginny caught the snitch for one hundred and fifty of the rest. It also

made Malfoy look like a bigger idiot when he'd thought she was 'only'

trying to fake him out again, but was truly diving after the snitch.

Therefore, he was nowhere near the chase when the snitch was caught.

At dinner, the Headmistress stood for a short announcement about how

the rules of Hogwarts applied even on the Quidditch pitch. And said that

'Mister Malfoy's point deduction and detention would, therefore, stand'.

A look to Malfoy could see that the boy was both quite annoyed and


Harry was surprisingly satisfied. He'd always thought the same and

couldn't understand how the 'previous' staff didn't also see and

understand that.




Just before the start of Transfiguration the next Wednesday, just after

Harry sat down next to Justin Finch-Fletchley, the boy said, "I'm going

home next weekend, from Friday to Sunday afternoon."

"Family business?" asked Harry.

"Yes," he replied. "I'm meeting with father, grandfather, Lord Ogden and

Madam Bones at my parents' place, Bedford Castle. And, because me

grandfather is my effective muggle head of house, permission has been

granted for him to be let in on the secret of the wizarding world."

"I'm happy for you, Justin," said Harry. "Give my regards to both Lord

Ogden and Madam Bones, would you?"

"Of course," he nodded.

Apparently, the boy had left directly after the last class on Friday and, as

he said he would, returned on the Sunday afternoon.

Surprising Harry, he received a knock on their apartment door on Sunday

afternoon. It was an auror, who had Finch-Fletchley in tow. "Lord Potter?

Are you welcome to seeing guests?"

"Yes, thank you," he replied.

The auror stepped aside and let Finch-Fletchley past to enter.

"Come on in, Justin," said Harry, stepping out of the way to let the other

boy in.

Of course, Finch-Fletchley instinctively looked all about as he stepped in,

before offering his greetings to Hermione, Daphne and Fleur.

Indicating the boy to take a seat on one of the sofas, Harry asked, "Can I

get you anything to drink or nibble upon?"

"No thanks," replied Finch-Fletchley. "I've not long eaten."

Harry nodded and took a seat, himself. "I trust your family business was

successfully concluded?"

Finch-Fletchley gave a snort of amusement and said, "Can we drop the

highbrow speaking, Harry? I just spent all weekend on that."

Harry grinned and said, "Yup."

Finch-Fletchley let out a sigh of relief, leaned back on the sofa and said,

"Thank you. What a weekend."

"So; how'd your meeting go?" asked Harry.

"Meetings, Harry; meet-ings," said the other boy.

"Fruitful?" asked Daphne.

"Oh, that they were," replied Finch-Fletchley. "That meeting I had with

Lord Ogden and Madam Bones was only the very tip of the iceberg of

what they wanted me to know."

"A taster, yes," nodded Harry. "It was just designed to get you thinking

about the subject. I daresay they're nowhere near finished, yet."

"They're not," he replied. "They've now tentatively set up meetings

between them, my father and my grandfather for God knows how long.

"It was what they talked about this afternoon that's got me a bit worried,


"Care to share?" asked Daphne. "You're under no obligations to do so,

though. And no one here will be unhappy if you decide not to."

"No," he sighed. "I... kind of could use the advice; and you four, plus

Longbottom, Bones and Abbott; seem to be the best source for advice for


Harry grinned, chuckled and said, "They raised the subject of Betrothal

Agreements, didn't they."

Finch-Fletchley gave him a slightly pained look and quietly replied, "Yes."

"Did they say with whom?" asked Hermione.

It was Finch-Fletchley's glance at Daphne that clued Harry in on whom

they thought.

"Let me guess," he sniggered. "If I know Lord Ogden and Madam Bones as

well as I think I do... I think I can guess who one of the lucky ladies could

be. If they suggested more than one, was one of the names mentioned...

Tracey Davis?"

That had Daphne immediately gasp in shock. Something quite unusual

for her when around others outside of their clique.

That Finch-Fletchley only gave him a curious look told Harry he'd

guessed right before the boy replied. "How the Hell did you know that,


"They told you about the Potter-Longbottom Alliance, right?" asked


Finch-Fletchley nodded.

"Well, in the Potter-Longbottom Alliance there is only a couple of young

women who are currently without partners and who are roughly the

same age as you," he replied. "Narrowing that down, I also dismissed

those who are the direct Heirs of existing Houses; as they would need

Line Continuation clauses in Betrothal Agreements or Concubine Bond

Agreements, like Daphne. That's a major risk that could end up with one

House or the other ending, due to a lack of begotten Heirs.

"That left only one name; Tracey Davis, Heiress Secondary of the Ancient

House of Davis.

"Tracey does not need to be wedded with a Line Continuation clause or

enter concubinage, because she has an older brother, Edwin, who is the

Heir Primary to House Davis.

"Then, marrying Tracey would be a very astute political move. The Davis

family, being Ancient, would give the new House of Finch-Fletchley a

near immediate acceptance into magical society. It also shows that Finch-

Fletchley, while a new House, is also respectful of the traditions of

wizarding Britain. Again, that would help with acceptance.

"Further, such a union would also show you to be firmly in the Potter-

Longbottom Alliance 'camp'. And that the Potter-Longbottom Alliance are

very welcoming of the new Noble and Magical House of Finch-Fletchley

among their ranks and on the Wizengamot.

"It makes perfect sense they would suggest such. Hell, if I was there, I'd

probably suggest the same just for those reasons. But I probably wouldn't

have mentioned it so soon."

"He's right," said Daphne. "It does make perfect sense."

Harry snickered and said, "Wait until they start talking about


Finch-Fletchley gave a sigh and a pained look. "They already have."

"Any names you care to share?" asked Daphne.

"None," the other boy firmly returned. "They just suggested it might be an

option, but not until after the House was created. Which it will be, by the


Harry, still smiling, asked, "Do we celebrate or commiserate, Justin?"

"I don't know!" he returned with almost a whine.

"Then we shall wait until you figure out which one it should be," said


Harry then said, "Oh. And... ladies? This is not for discussion outside us

five, unless Justin gives prior permission, alright? This is now private

Noble and Magical House of Finch-Fletchley business."

"Of course, Harry," said Daphne, as Hermione and Fleur nodded.

Fleur said, "Let us 'ave an early afternoon tea and speak as friends.





At the Alliance meeting the next Saturday afternoon, Miles Ogden and

Amelia Bones were reporting on their discussion with the 'Finch-

Fletchleys' when Augustus MacMillan, only a few months back in the

Alliance, was grumbling about allowing in a muggleborn.

Harry had finally had enough and said, "Augustus, I do not believe you

have thought it completely through, yet."

"What do you mean?" he demanded.

"Justin Finch-Fletchley may be a muggleborn, though I sincerely believe

otherwise, but he is the grandson of His Grace Henry Finch-Fletchley, the

Duke of Kendal. That means he is of noble blood. In other words, of the

Royal family of Windsor.

"That being said, it means his bloodline traces all the way back through

history to another very important Royal family - Pendragon."

That had the old man give a start of shock, just as others let out their

own expressions of surprise.

Harry continued, "In other words, Lord Justin Finch-Fletchley, Viscount of

Lonsdale... who we're talking about here... is a direct descendant of the

Pendragon line; irrespective of the fact he is considered muggleborn. Are

you that set against one of that line joining our Alliance?"

"Errr..." tried the old man, clearly at a loss for words. "I... confess I had

not considered that."

Harry nodded back and said, "Then, let us not speak against considering

the line of Finch-Fletchley joining us, just because of Lord Finch-

Fletchley's apparent muggleborn status; please." He then softly muttered,

"Why am I the only one who'd already figured that out?"

No one close by who'd heard had an answer for him. However, he did

notice both Ogden and Bones giving each other 'looks'.

Their current newest member of the Alliance, Jean-Paul Delacour of the

Venerable House of Delacour, sat almost opposite and smirked at him,

before raising the hand he had on the table just slightly and giving him

the almost-missed 'touché' gesture of a touch in fencing.

Fleur was sitting behind him, as was proper. She blew him a kiss.

MacMillan's other complaint was that the Heirs at Hogwarts were

ignoring his grandson, Ernie.

"We're not ignoring him," sighed Harry. "I, for one, just do not want

anything to do with him. While I have accepted his apology, I have not

fully forgiven him. More specifically, I have not forgiven him sufficiently,

yet, to consider wanting him and his constant up-himself attitude he gave

me for the first three years near me.

"If he starts showing a much more pleasant disposition towards me and

the others, we'll more and more start accepting him among us. But, you

cannot expect me to completely forgive three constant years of dreadful

behaviour in just a few, short months."

Augustus sighed and nodded, "Understood. I only ask you consider it."

"And we shall," he returned with a slight nod. "But, it is his behaviour

that will, in effect, dictate our response."

Augustus turned to his Heir and said, "Cyril? Make sure your son knows


"Yes, father," the man murmured, clearly determined to do just that.

Harry thought young Ernest 'Pompous Arse' MacMillan was going to be

receiving yet another long and painful - for him, that is - lecture. Harry

also didn't miss how Augustus referred to the boy as 'your son', rather

than 'my grandson'.




After the Wizengamot meeting the next Tuesday - which Harry was now

getting used to attending and where he'd brought his own book to read,

yet again - life at the castle was both settling down again as well as

starting to ramp back up for the Third Task. It was now only five weeks


However, on Saturday the twenty second of May, a 'great' furore erupted

when workers for the Ministry attended the school with the intent of

planting special hedges on the grounds of the Quidditch pitch. They

claimed they were acting under orders from the Director of the

Department of Magical Games and Sports, Ludovic Bagman, to plant a

hedge maze that covered the entire grounds of the pitch. However, they

were met by students who were training for Quidditch and who, after

figuring out what they were up to, began hexing them to drive them back

off the pitch.

That brought down Deputy Headmaster Goodstone, who immediately

asked if they'd discussed such a radical thing with the Headmistress yet.

When they puffed up with their own self-importance about how they

were on Ministry business, the Deputy Headmaster told them they were

to immediately go and discuss the matter with the Headmistress, or he'd

happily spend the afternoon with 'his' students having fun burning all the

hedges back out again as fast as they were planted.

With a huff, the leader of the team of Herbologists stormed up to the

castle after first telling his people to wait.

When he came back down fifteen minutes later he stated there was a

'change of plans' and they'd be planting the maze about seven hundred

feet east of where they currently were, on an area that was a plain but

very large expanse of lawn. In other words, well away from the

Quidditch pitch.

The students cat-called them right out of the stadium. For their rudeness,

the Deputy Headmaster punished them one point each. Then promptly

awarded then five points each for defending Hogwarts property from

Ministry-sanctioned 'vandals'.

Apparently, the Deputy Headmaster and Professor of History of Magic

was a Quidditch fan.

When Harry heard about it he muttered, "I knew I didn't like that man,

for some reason."

That had those who heard him, snicker in amusement. They all now

knew how much Harry actually detested Quidditch.




Two weeks later and on the Friday, the first Friday of June, as they were

walking out of their first class for the day, History of Magic, they were

approached by Finch-Fletchley. He asked, "Do you mind if I come up to

your apartment after last class? I have news."

"Of course not," said Harry. "You're more than welcome."

Then, later that day and after last class, Harry waited out in the main

corridor outside the door to the Lords' Quarters for Justin as the girls

headed directly inside.

While waiting and assured there was no one else in sight, he asked, "If

there's an auror here, can I have a word?"

A few seconds later, one disillusioned themselves and asked, "Lord


"I just wanted the detail to know that I would like them to add Justin

Finch-Fletchley, Fourth Year Hufflepuff, to those allowed directly into the

Lords' Quarters," Harry explained. "He's now considered a close friend.

He'll be by within the next couple of minutes, so you can see what he

looks like if you don't already know."

"We know he's soon to be a Lord in his own right and a member of the

Potter-Longbottom Alliance," said the auror, with a slight smirk. "Plus,

scuttlebutt has it he'll probably also soon have his own apartment within

the Lords' Quarters."

Harry looked back in surprise. "That last one's news to me," he said. "That

must mean moves to establish the Noble and Magical House of Finch-

Fletchley are more advanced than I thought."

The auror gave a smile, a nod and re-established the disillusionment

charm, fading away again.

Less than a minute later, Finch-Fletchley rounded the corner at the Grand

Staircase end and walked towards Harry. He looked both worried and


Harry immediately went to the door and escorted the boy inside.

As soon as Harry opened the door to the apartment he could see the girls

weren't in sight and were probably changing. He called, "If any of you

ladies are thinking of walking through here naked, you need to rethink

that. We have a guest!"

Hermione came out of the office and barked back, "Harrison James

Potter!" A bit more calmly she demanded, "When have we ever walked

through the apartment, naked?"

"Well, you haven't," he said, as both Daphne and Fleur came out of Fleur's

room; deliberately ignoring the two times she'd done precisely that. "Buu-

uut... that doesn't mean you weren't considering it; or that you weren't

considering it, today."

As Justin snickered and moved to sit on a sofa, Hermione gave a huff and

said, "Well it's certainly not going to happen, now."

"Oh, I don't know," said Fleur, also moving to sit on a sofa. "Sounds like


"Fleur!" Hermione whined. "Don't encourage him."

As both Daphne and Hermione came over Harry snickered and said,

"Come and sit down. Justin has news for us."




After the Hufflepuff boy laid out for them what had been happening of

late, he said, "So, tomorrow morning I go to Gringotts. I perform the Rite

of Inheritance and sign the papers creating the Noble and Magical House

of Finch-Fletchley. Chief Warlock Lord Ogden will immediately alert the

Minister and get the papers moving to establish the Seat. At the same

time Lady Marchbanks will be made my magical guardian.

"Then, at the next Wizengamot meeting, I present my credentials and

officially claim the Seat. And Lady Marchbanks, as my magical guardian,

will act as my Regent until I take the Seat in my own right. Officially in

the magical world I remain Heir Apparent Finch-Fletchley until I'm either

of-age or emancipated earlier. Somehow, I think that's going to happen


Harry nodded and replied, "What about here at school? While you might

be Heir Apparent Finch-Fletchley of the Noble and Magical House of

Finch-Fletchley, with your father and grandfather being considered non-

magical it creates an interesting situation. As muggles do not have rights

in wizarding Britain, you'd legally be an orphan and Head of your


"Yeah, that feels... odd," he replied. "But, Headmistress Lady Marchbanks

and Professor Sprout said that's what all muggleborns are considered

under law. That's what I'm already considered."

"You need to be careful about what you want made public," said Daphne.

"Once the single witches, plus many of their Heads of Houses, figure out

you're actually a descendant of the Great Pendragon, betrothal contracts

are going to come flying at you, literally, by way of owls. And girls are

going to throw themselves at you; some boys, who think you might beat

for the other team, will too."

"We're aware," he blushed. "Professor Sprout is going to screen my mail

for me."

Harry leaned forward and said, "Justin. This is important. If you get a girl

pregnant... unlike in the muggle world... you will have to marry her.


Though with a slight blush, Justin looked Harry right in the eye, nodded

and said, "Yeah, I know. That, too, has been made clear to me, my father

and my grandfather. Lord Ogden's already taken me aside and taught

me... umm..."

"The temporary sterility charms," Harry finished for him. "Good. Don't

ever forget to use them."

Before leaving a little later, Justin asked, "After everything's complete

tomorrow, do you mind if I come up and visit?"

"Not at all," said Hermione. "We'd love to have you."

As Acting Lady of the House, it was Hermione's position to accept. It was

one of the thing's Daphne and Fleur had taught her.




As good as he asked, the next day Justin came up and visited a little after

lunch. He looked so 'burned out' Harry immediately offered him a seat.

The boy almost bonelessly dropped into it.

That's when he noticed Neville was in the room.

"Where's―?" he started to ask.

Neville replied, "Harry's three are in with my two. They're having a 'girl

talk' session. I got out of there as fast as I could and came over to visit

Harry, since I knew he'd be alone."

Looking to Justin, Harry asked, "Have you eaten lunch let?"

"No," Justin replied. "It took longer than we thought."

Harry called, "Dobby."

With barely a pop Dobby appeared. "Yes, Master Harry, Sir?"

"Justin, here, hasn't eaten lunch," he said. "Would you mind making him


"Dobby can," the elf replied, before popping away.

"Harry," said the other boy. "You don't have to go to so much trouble."

"What trouble?" Harry asked right back. "Dobby loves the work. So, you

just made him happy by needing something he can get for you."

Only a couple of seconds later, a dinner plate loaded with sandwiches

and chips (fries), together with a goblet of pumpkin juice appeared on

the coffee table.

Indicating it, Harry said, "There ya go."

Justin looked at it, gave a huff of amusement and sat forward. He was

quickly getting it down.

As both Harry and Neville knew the boy would immediately stop if they

talked to him, they remained silent. Instead, Harry picked up two books,

handed one to Neville and both read until the boy finished.

Once he'd polished off the plate and the goblet, Justin sat back with a

contented sigh and said, "Thanks, Harry."

"You're welcome," he smiled back.

"Well," said the boy, sitting forward again. "About what happened today."

"You don't need to tell us, Justin," said Harry.

"I know," he replied. "I just wanted to share it with someone."

"Then, we're all ears," said Harry, flicking the book closed and setting it

aside, as Neville did the same.

Once he'd finished explaining, Neville gave a low whistle. "Your

grandfather just dumped one million galleons into a vault for you, just

like that?"

"Yeah," replied Finch-Fletchley. "He does things like that, sometimes. I

think he was 'sending a message' about the wealth of my family."

"What does he expect you to do with it?" asked Neville.

"Through me, his instructions to the goblins were to invest about eighty

percent of it," he replied. "I think he wants to find out just how good the

goblins really are, compared to muggle investment bankers."

"Clever," mused Harry. "While he might lose five million Pounds Sterling,

he stands to gain a Hell of a lot more. If nothing else, he learns something

of the ways the goblins handle money."

Justin said, "I didn't see that, but you're right. Mainly, I think he did it to

get the goblins to treat me with respect. Apparently, I'm now in their top

five percent of most wealthiest customers.

"Grandfather also told them that, if they make a good showing with the

investments, he'll deposit even more."

Harry gave a bark of laughter. "It appears Lord Ogden, probably, told

your grandfather how to impress the goblins."

Neville, grinning, said, "You'll get premium treatment from them, from

now on."

"So, Justin," said Harry. "Marchbanks is now your regent?"


"Has she told you about the Alliance meeting next Saturday?"

"Yeah," he replied. "She says, I'm to come along."

"Good," said Harry as Neville nodded. "Dress will be smart wizarding

casual. Have enough wizarding casual wear?"

"I do now," the boy replied. "Lady Marchbanks practically forced me into

Madam Malkins', as soon as we left the bank."

"You're lucky neither Harry's nor my girls were with you," grinned

Neville. "You'd probably not be back even now."

"Oh! And Justin?" said Harry. When the other boy looked to him, he said,

"Now that you're one of us, dinner is in here tonight at 7.00pm. Us Heirs

of the Alliance all get together on a Saturday night."

Neville grinned and said, "We come because Harry cooks on Saturday

nights. You're in for a treat."

Justin looked at Harry in surprise and asked, "You cook?"

"I chef!" Harry declared with a smile.

Neville snickered in amusement.

After taking his leave for a while, Justin returned for dinner that night.

And found himself just as amazed at Harry's cooking as everyone else did

the first time they tried it.

But Harry did have to threaten 'that misbegotten and unwanted spawn of

a goblin and hinkypuck' not to try to cook before he got into the kitchen

to do it himself.




A week later, Justin joined them in the trip to Abbott's Ford, the ancestral

home of the Abbotts. He was, as requested, dressed in good quality

wizarding casual.

"Looking good, Justin," said Harry, upon seeing him.

"Thank you," he smiled. "Professor Sprout picked it out for me."

"She has nice taste," said Daphne.

When they arrived, one of the first groups to do so, Harry handed the boy

off to Miles Ogden; who then introduced him around to the members of

the Alliance that were already there, then to those who arrived after their


At the table in the Abbott's dining room he was sat behind Lady

Marchbanks, who quietly instructed him on what he needed to know.

And to write down any questions he had and she'd do her best to answer

them for him.

The first order of business was the official welcoming of the Noble and

Magical House of Finch-Fletchley to their ranks, with Lady Marchbanks

acting as his regent.

As with Jean-Paul a couple meetings earlier, Frank presented Justin with

his very own copy of the Alliance Charter. His had a feature that allowed

him to open it in the presence of his father and or grandfather and

discuss what was within. However, once Justin came of age, that feature

would be removed through the master copy, currently held by Frank. It

was also through the master copy Frank held why he was the one who

presented new copies of the Charter.

The other members also made sure that Justin knew he could 'call upon

them' if he needed assistance or information on any matter. He thanked

them all with a smile.




On return to the castle the group headed directly to the Lords' Quarters

where Harry immediately headed for the kitchen to try and get there

before Dobby started to cook, only to find the little munchkin had

already anticipated him and had begun.

"Damn it!"

Though it wasn't a 'Harry' meal, due to the meeting running a little over

time, the group still met. Of course, one of the main subjects was Justin's

views on the meeting.

Apparently, he found it interesting, but also similar to meetings his father

had to attend with his grandfather with Alliances relating to the House of


"They're a good group of people, though," he said. "Just like in the

muggle world... for most of them... once you get past the pomp and

circumstance, they're okay. Except MacMillan's father, he's... I wouldn't

quite call him a bigot. But, he's not far off."

"It explains why Ernie MacMillan is such a pompous arse though, doesn't

it?" asked Harry.

Justin nodded back with a smirk. "At least you don't have to put up with

him in a dorm for seven years. In there, he's even worse. During the first

week here in First Year, he tried to tell the rest of us how important he is

because of how important his grandfather is.

"It was Zack Smith who figured out how to handle him. Every time he'd

gotten stroppy, Zack would ask him things like, 'How close are you

related to Draco Malfoy, Ernie? You and he sure behave a lot alike';

things like that."

Neville snorted at that one. "That's clever," he quietly said.

Justin nodded and said, "He'd be fine again for about a week or so. Then

he'd stick his nose in the air again. And one of us would then have to go

and cut him down all over again. 'Ernie, are you sure you're not from a

dark family? You're starting to behave like you are'. And we'd get another

period of peace."

"Well," sighed Harry, "For now, the Seat of MacMillan is another vote in

the Wizengamot. At a time when we need all the votes we can get which

we don't have to fight for, I don't want to just go and throw it away,

probably across to the opposition, if we can help it.

"We'll revisit the membership of MacMillan in the Alliance after old

Augustus passes."




The next day was the final match of the foreshortened Quidditch season

with Hufflepuff playing Gryffindor. Again, the heirs trooped down to the

pitch to watch.

As they passed the maze and across to their left, Neville said, "That's the

Nipponese Strangle Box Hedge. Fast growing, they are. They have a

tendency to rearrange themselves into hedges of their own design."

"That forms part of the Third Task, Nev," said Harry.

Neville looked back and said, "Watch out for the roots. They'll try and

ensnare you and drag you into and against the trunks."

"Noted," said Harry. "Thanks."

"They're fast, too, Harry," the boy further warned. "They'll lash out in a


"Thank you," he said. Then looked to Fleur. "Got that, Fleur?"

"Yes, my Love," she said. Then turned to Neville and said, "Thank you, my


Neville nodded back, happy he'd been able to contribute and warned his


As for the game, it was won by Gryffindor with Ginny, again, catching

the snitch. The size difference between her and Cedric, who chose to still

play as both captain and seeker for the Badgers, was telling. He just could

not, quite, keep up with her. Her pulling ahead just that extra two feet

was enough to see her grab the snitch before he could.

The end scores, once all were tallied, even meant that Gryffindor won the

Quidditch Cup, yet again.

As they walked back to the castle, Harry was feeling quite relieved. With

Ginny proven now to be a capable seeker, any pressure that might have

been brought to bear on him if she hadn't performed as well as he'd

hoped would be non-existent. He truly was free of the so-called sport.

Separating a little from the group but with Neville in tow, Harry quietly

told him, "When Johnson approaches you to return the broom Ginny's

using, tell her Ginny's 'benefactor' said the young Miss Weasley is to keep

the broom for performing so well upon it."

Neville smiled back and replied, "I thought you might end up saying that.

I'll tell her."

"Thanks, Nev," said Harry.

With Ginny highly likely slotting into the team as seeker for next year as

well, once Johnson, Spinnet and the Weasley twins all retired at the end

of that year, that would mean Bell would take over as Captain. She'd only

have the one year as it would be her Seventh and would be a year he

highly doubted the team would do better than take the wooden spoon as

the team in last place.

However, by giving the broom to Ginny as 'congratulations' on winning

the shortened season as seeker, they might just have a chance not to

come last, after all. He did not believe for a single moment they'd win the





As the Wizengamot meeting was called to order on the following

Tuesday, all the major players were already aware that a supposed

muggleborn was about to take Seat in the tiers of members.

Madam Bones had aurors stationed, disillusioned, behind those who were

the most likely to react violently, with even more being on the floor.

Lady Marchbanks hadn't taken her seat, either. She was at the back of the

chamber under the visitors' gallery waiting with young Justin.

Justin believed it was normal for one's magical guardian to stand with

them. It was not. She was there and would act as his last line of defence

if anyone managed to get a curse off at him. Very few remembered the

formidable woman, though quite old, still held a Mastery in Defence.

When Ogden brought the session to order, he gave a short speech about

the decorum of the nobility before calling for new business.

While quite a few were confused by his remarks, they were deliberate. It

was a warning about the consequences of 'uncouth' or 'improper'

behaviour in the chambers.

The first item of new business was always left for new members about to

take Seat to step forward and present themselves. And Justin, with Lady

Marchbanks at his heel, did just that.

"I, Justin Edward Finch-Fletchley, Viscount of Lonsdale, have business

before this chamber."

That had a few mutterings. It was obvious the young man was here to

take Seat or sit a Regent or Proxy. But, no one seemed to know who he

was. And those who did, weren't talking.

Ogden immediately returned, as was proper, "Step forward, Mister Finch-

Fletchley, and state your business."

Justin took a breath, took the one pace forward required and said, "I,

Justin Edward Finch-Fletchley, Viscount of Lonsdale, both wizard of good

standing and holding noble title within The Right Honourable the Lords

Spiritual and Temporal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and

Northern Ireland in Parliament assembled, come before you to accept

what is mine by right, by magic and by Charter; to have my House be

Seated among you, my magical peers."

That caused a major kerfuffle, but not anywhere near what Harry thought

there'd be. Mainly, people were looking to one another in confusion,

asking one another what Justin was talking about.

Ogden, before the noise could become too loud, replied, "By the Charter

of the Wizengamot, you must be of an established House to take Seat. Are

you of such a House, Mister Finch-Fletchley?"

"I am," he replied. "Through the good offices of the Goblin Nation and

under authority of Director Ragnok of Gringotts, as per existing and

established treaty, the Noble and Magical House of Finch-Fletchley has

been created."

Ogden gave a nod and gestured with his off-hand, "Then bring your

authorities up to me, so I may verify them."

Justin removed from his robes a small stack of parchment, walked

forward and reached up to hand them to Ogden. Then he backed away to

return to his spot.

Ogden made a show of going through them before creating two copies

and sending one to the Scribe.

"Your authorities have been confirmed, Lord Finch-Fletchley," he said.

"However, are you of age to take Seat?"

"Nay, Chief Warlock," said Justin. "As such, I name as my proxy, my

regent and magical guardian, Lady Griselda Marchbanks of the Noble and

Ancient House of Marchbanks, to the Seat of Finch-Fletchley, to vote as

warranted and required in my name."

Ogden immediately turned to Marchbanks and asked, "Lady Marchbanks;

do you accept this honour and responsibility?"

Marchbanks stepped forward beside Justin and replied, "I do, Chief


"Then, let it be so," said Ogden, banging his gavel once.

Justin said, "My thanks and the thanks of the Noble and Magical House of

Finch-Fletchley, Chief Warlock." Then he bowed and walked back to the

visitors' gallery as Marchbanks walked to the stairs.

Harry was quick to step down to offer his elbow to escort her up.

When he turned back to see where Justin had gone, he could see he was

sitting in the gallery with three adults, two men and a woman, all dressed

in expensive clothing; all congratulating him. It wasn't hard to figure out

they were his parents and grandfather.




While there wasn't much of a kerfuffle in the Wizengamot when Justin

claimed his Seat, that was mainly because the members had little idea

about what was going on. And, whenever the Charter is mentioned,

members are generally always very wary of coming out in opposition of


However, the Daily Prophet the next morning had not only that Justin had

claimed a Seat, but the whole background as to why he could. The

Slytherins, especially Malfoy, were not the first, but were definitely the

most noisily, to react. The Ravenclaws were, unsurprisingly, the first.

And even some of them seemed a little irate. Harry was careful to note

the ones who were.

The Hufflepuffs were, almost unanimously, pleased as punch. Harry was

careful to note the ones who weren't of that House, too.

And the Gryffindors, while some were at first upset, as soon as they saw

the Slytherins were even more upset, immediately changed their tunes

and appeared happy. Harry still took note of the ones who originally

weren't, though.

Hermione and Daphne were collating a list of the ones who most strongly

reacted in the negative. They'd be the ones who'd be closely watched in

order to protect Justin.

Malfoy was one of the ones who earned a detention for his 'rude

behaviour' then appeared almost terrified he was. That he hadn't reacted

scared when previously given detention, but did now, set alarm bells

ringing in Harry's mind. Unusual behaviour was an oddity that didn't gel.

Finally, Marchbanks had enough and fired off a triple of Cannonblast


In the ensuing silence she stood and firmly said, "That is enough." Then

she turned to Professor Goodstone and said, "Professor, as our resident

expert on Magical History, perhaps in your classes for the next week you

educate our students on just how it is that Lord Finch-Fletchley was able

to claim a Seat in the Wizengamot."

He nodded back and clearly said, "That sounds like a wonderful topic,


As the man returned to his meal and mail, Harry looked to Tracey and

said, "Tracey; Malfoy's reaction to earning a detention was near panic.

That is odd, considering his previous behaviour in reaction to such.

Perhaps you might subtly try to find out why?"

She nodded and replied, "I noticed that, too. It is most curious."

Daphne begged her, "Be careful."

"Always," she replied with a smile.




Another who was very unhappy with what he read in the Daily Prophet,

was homunculus-Riddle.

He'd taken one quick read of the article, before he demanded Pettigrew

bring him his potion. As soon as Pettigrew did so, Riddle Cruciatus

cursed him right then and there.

Once he'd vented his immediate anger, he demanded, "Give me your


As Pettigrew shakily raised his arm with it's Dark Mark - Pettigrew knew

his master wouldn't have asked for his other arm - Riddle jabbed his

wand-tip into the Mark and cast magic through it.

While painful for Pettigrew when he did that, it was nowhere near the

level of pain from the Cruciatus curse.

A few moments later, Riddle withdrew his wand-tip and snarled, "As soon

as Walden and Lucius turn up, send them directly in to see me. Now, get

out and wait for them!"

Pettigrew whimpered, "Yes, Master." And hurried to stagger to his feet

and escape the room.

As he left, Riddle imbibed of his potion and returned to the newspaper.




As MacNair needed to try to make his excuses to get out of the Ministry,

Malfoy didn't need such and was first before his Master.

As soon as the long-haired blonde was in his 'rightful' place before his

master - on his knees with his head bowed, as was proper - Riddle threw

his copy of the Daily Prophet onto the ground before Malfoy and

demanded, "Why am I learning of this... mudblood's... elevation to the

Wizengamot through the newspaper!? Why were not members of my inner

circle first to bring me this news?"

Malfoy was quick to reply, "My own investigations have informed me it

appears the so-called Potter-Longbottom Alliance conspired to hide this

atrocity from the pure and faithful, My Lord. No one worthy was aware it

was going to happen until the mudblood stepped forward, spat on our

traditions and demanded a Seat."

"No word, at all?" demanded Riddle.

"None, My Lord," replied Malfoy. "As My Lord is aware, the blood-traitor

Black has stripped me of my rightful Seat and, with it, much of my

political power. Parkinson and Nott have proven ineffective in gathering

the information, as they should. As such, they did not inform me this was

in the wind."

Riddle demanded, "This new Minister, Brunt; can he be enticed to my


"I believe not, My Lord," he replied. "Brunt is drunk on his own self-

importance and, when I approached him about seeing me returned to the

Wizengamot with healthy bribes, spurned me and my gold."

Riddle thought things through for a long moment, before he sneered,

"Very well. Then we shall have to replace him with one who can be bent

to our will.

"Now, while we await MacNair, how goes your mission?"

As Malfoy explained and laid out what he'd done and set in motion,

Riddle slowly smiled.

When MacNair turned up about half an hour later, he was first met with

the torture curse and Riddle's admonishment to develop a way he could

more quickly answer his master's call.

When questioned as to why he did not report on the mudblood's 'theft' of

a Seat on the Wizengamot, he could only offer that, as he worked in the

Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, he was

not privy to information that related directly to the Wizengamot outside

of the auspices of the Department in which he worked.

That earned him another dose of the Cruciatus curse.

"Then fix it!" snapped Riddle. "I expect you to be more knowledgeable to

what is happening within the halls of the Ministry from this point in


"Y-yes, My Lord," the man whimpered.




It was only the next day that unknown individuals accosted Justin as he

was heading from the DADA classroom to the library on his own.

Whoever it was, hurt him enough he ended up in the Infirmary.

However, whoever it was were also smart enough to attack him in such a

way they would not get caught. They only used physical attacks, beating

on him with their fists and feet, then obliviated him of any knowledge of

exactly who it was except to leave him only enough knowledge of the

event to know it was Slytherin and Ravenclaw upperclassmen; and that

the punishment would be even worse if he did not immediately uncreate

his House and remove said House from the Wizengamot.

Harry, for one, was furious. However, apparently Madam Marchbanks

and her staff were even more furious; especially Professor Sprout.

The auror who was supposed to be watching him, a female and suspected

blood bigot, had claimed he'd entered a male toilet and she had used the

opportunity, herself, to visit the female toilets. She was not immediately

dismissed because she was also supposedly the first one to find him in

that male toilet, bloody and clearly beaten. It was her, who sent out the

alert and rushed him to the Infirmary. Instead, after a quick investigation

she was immediately stripped of her assigned duties at the castle,

considered a 'cushy' posting, and tasked with duties at Azkaban.

Professors Vector and Sprout with Deputy Headmaster Goodstone,

stormed into the Slytherin common rooms and searched all possessions

looking for signs of blood on dirty clothing. They found none. Then they

searched the Ravenclaw dorms for the same thing, also finding none.

Annoyingly, the ward that covered the casting of curses and the like in

the corridors did not also apply to the toilets. The obliviation charm was

picked up, but the attackers had scarpered before a member of staff could

get there. And that was only moments after the auror.

It is what led the staff and senior aurors to deeply suspect the auror saw

who actually did the deed, but she flatly and continued to deny all

knowledge. Hence, her reassignment to Azkaban as a guard.




Justin was released from the Infirmary less than two days later, on the

next Friday. And immediately moved into the Lords' Quarters in an

apartment of his own - a two-bedroom.

At first, he tried to refuse. However, Harry convinced him it made the job

of protecting him from further attacks that much easier for the aurors

and staff.

Surprisingly, it wasn't just Susan and Hannah, as fellow Hufflepuffs, that

spent the most time visiting him while he was infirmed. It was Tracey.

Eventually, she confessed to feeling guilty about him being hurt, because

she had not learned it was in the wind in advance.

And it was Justin who had to comfort her for her self-believed guilt. And

assure her he, in no way, thought her at fault.

As his magical guardian, Marchbanks had come to visit a couple times

each day. She saw Justin having to comfort Tracey after the first day, the

Thursday, smirked and quietly left without a word and without either

teen seeing her. Only Robinson knew she was there for that few


The only thing the others thought she did was to alert the other heirs

about Tracey's perceived self-blame over the issue. And the others made

sure Tracey knew that none of them thought her to blame. They did not

know Marchbanks had been in daily contact with Justin's parents, or that

she'd also contacted Tracey's parents.

With Justin out of the Infirmary, the others made sure he felt no guilt,

himself, over what happened; or that he now had a set of Lords' Quarters

of his own.

"You're entitled to it, Justin," said Harry. "While you're not yet a magical

of-age Lord, you are still the rightful Head of a Noble House. An

apartment like this falls under entitlement. Enjoy it!"

Justin sighed and said, "But, all this room... I don't even have this much

to myself at Bedford Castle."

"You don't?" asked Neville. "I thought, it being a castle and all―"

Justin shook his head and replied, "No. The family only occupies all of

the second floor and the end of the bottom floor of the same wing, the

west wing, which houses the family kitchen and dining room. All the rest

is given over to the local community for community events and the like."

Hermione said, "That's actually normal in the modern muggle world,

Neville. There is no longer a need for castles, but they're too important to

the history of our nation to get rid of them."




63. The Third Task Finally

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to the proverbial Duchess of

Magic, JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high

falutin' companies. No matter how much I whine about not owning anything

related to the HP universe, other than a few fanfic plots, I do not profess to

own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful

world... Damn it!

Chapter Sixty Three - The Third Task... Finally




To make sure Justin was no longer left alone, except for when he was in

his apartment at night, Harry called, "Willy."

When the Pottermore major domo elf appeared, clearly pleased to have

been called, it brightly asked, "Yes, Master Harry?"

"Willy, with the exception of Dobby and Betsy, which of the Potter elves

is currently the least busy and would appreciate some more work?"

"That be Raggy," Willy immediately replied. "With no guests at

Pottermore, he been feeling... unwanted."

"Excellent," said Harry. "Raggy!"

When the elf appeared, Harry dropped to one knee so he wasn't looking

down so much and explained what he wanted Raggy to do.

"Raggy no longer be a Potter elf?" the elf worriedly asked.

"Of course you'll be a Potter elf. You'll be a Potter elf for as long as you

want, Raggy," he explained. "I'm asking you to do this because Master

Justin does not yet have elves of his own. As such, you're on temporary

loan. You can also return to Pottermore as often as you wish as long as

Master Justin does not need you at that time. Is that helpful?"

Raggy grinned back, clearly both relieved and happy for the work he

knew would be coming his way and replied, "Yes, Master Harry."

Harry 'presented' the loan of Raggy to Justin at the conclusion of dinner

that night.

The boy was, of course, stunned at the generosity.

After dinner and the other Heirs had left for the evening, Daphne whirled

on Harry and said, "Damn, Harry! Loaning Justin an elf was a bloody

clever idea."

Surprised Daphne had used 'vulgarity', Harry was a moment before he

quietly replied, "Thank you. Raggy will keep an eye on him and protect

him, it'll give Justin the chance to get used to having a house elf personal

servant and Raggy gets to help someone and not feel unwanted."

She nodded and said, "I know. You've done good."




With only a few days to go until the final Task and with all the Heirs -

including Justin, now - involved in 'magical combat' training in the Come

and Go Room on the seventh floor, more of the others were trying to

press Harry for what his tactics would be for the Task.

He just kept smirking and saying, "Read the rules of the Task."

On the night before, he finally relented. However, Fleur had to either tell

him if she'd already figured out what he was getting at, or wasn't allowed

to copy him.

She had no idea and agreed not to copy him.

So, with a grin, he told them.

That had almost all of them groaning in dismay they'd not figured that

out for themselves.




On the ninth floor of the Ministry, within a wizard-spaced section of the

Department of Mysteries, three sections of combat Unspeakables were

hard at work training for 'who-knew-what' 'not-sure-when' 'if-at-all'. Such

was the nature of their job.

"So," said one to a team mate. "Intel has it this will be a night op, it will

occur on the night of the Third Task of the Tri-Wiz, it will likely be in the

British Isles and it must be kept small and quick. That's all we've got?"

"We also know we're likely facing an extremely dangerous and powerful

individual with a great wealth and depth of knowledge of the dark arts,"

his partner added. "Plus, likely others."

"In other words, a probable wannabe dark lord."


The first sighed and said, "Join the Unspeakables, they said. You'll get to

meet new and interesting people, they said. You'll delve into the ways of

new and powerful magics, they said. They just never said those new and

interesting people were likely to use those new and powerful magics to

kill my arse."

His partner, clearly full of love and care, snickered back.




The day before the Task saw the return of both Beauxbatons and

Durmstrang representatives, along with Victor Krum.

Again, they'd be accommodated in the castle for the night. However,

because the Task the next day would be well into the evening, they'd be

staying that night, as well.

The original planned Feast for Friday, though, had been cancelled. It was

supposed to mark the return of the two foreign schools to their home

countries. However, since they weren't staying in Britain for the entire

time after all, holding a feast to say goodbye seemed a bit pointless.

Fleur was most eager to see who from Beauxbatons was attending and

was both surprised and delighted to see her sister, Gabrielle, among the

Beauxbatons contingent. As soon as they saw each other it was a dual

squeal of delight, with both running into the arms of the other. Quick,

almost babbled, French was swiftly spoken between them.

Finally, Fleur led Gabrielle over to introduce her to Harry, Hermione and

Daphne. And all three individually received big hugs from the three year

younger, clearly Veela, girl.

That night, though it was a 'school' night being a Wednesday night,

Hermione slept with Harry in his room. She was desperately worried

about the Third Task the next evening and needed to sleep in his arms.

Gabrielle, without even asking permission - Fleur had to go do it for her -

decided she'd be staying with her big sister, that night, in Fleur's room

and shared her big sister's bed with her.

Apparently, it was something they'd used to do quite often when they

were both younger, before Fleur started at Beauxbatons or when she

would come home on breaks.




Expecting to just have a normal school day during the lead up to the

Task, Harry was surprised when both he and Fleur were approached by

Professor Babbling and told to meet with the 'other champions' after

breakfast in the ante-chamber, where the champions had all met on the

night of the draw. She then seemed to think about it for a moment before

she added that Hermione and Daphne could join him there.

Walking in while holding Hermione's hand he was met by Sirius, Remus

and the Grangers.

On seeing her parents, Hermione let out a happy squeal and practically

jumped into a three-way group hug with both.

With Hermione's parents occupied, Harry walked over and got a hug each

out of Remus and Sirius. As he stepped back, thinking to head over to the

now 'Hermi-Hug'-released Grangers, Daphne gave a startled yelp as Sirius

reached out, snagged her and dragged her into her own hug; which had

Harry snickering.

Not intent on 'rescuing' his concubine from the recidivist 'glom-hugger'

named Sirius Black, knowing she was safe, Harry moved over to the

Grangers. Monica received a hug, but also a surprising kiss on the cheek,

before he moved across and gave Wendell a 'manly' hug. It seemed to

delight both when he initiated such.

"Not that we mind," said Harry, "But, how and why are you here?"

Wendell replied, "The 'why' is because we were told it was tradition for

family to join the champions for the day leading up to the Third Task."

"And the 'how'," said Monica, "Is a bracelet given to us by Sirius via Lady

Marchbanks that excludes us from the anti-muggle wards on the school."

And both showed off their clearly rune engraved bracelets.

Wendell, added, "Clearly, your headmistress considers us part of your


"Good," Harry firmly stated. "Because, I do too."

That had both Grangers again smiling.

Turning to look back at Sirius, he could now see the man had enveloped

Fleur into a hug for a long moment and was just in time to catch him

releasing her.

"So," he asked, "What's the plan for the day?"

"We get to give my parents a tour, at least," said Hermione.

Harry nodded and said, "Sounds good. How about we start with our


"Also sounds good," said Sirius, coming closer. "I've not seen your new

one and Moony's not seen either."

No one was against that.




With Hermione leading the way, they all trooped up to the fifth floor and

the Lords' Quarters wing, entering about ten minutes after leaving the


Opening the door for everyone, Hermione ushered them inside.

"This is the Potter apartment," said Harry, waving a hand about.

After a quick look about, Monica and Wendell found themselves dragged

to Hermione's bedroom door.

"Mum, Daddy," she said, opening the door and gesturing within. "This is

my room."

Her father stepped within and asked, "Where's the desk?"

"In the office," she replied. "But, we tend to sit on the couches and use lap

tables anyway, so we can chat whenever."

She then showed them the office and explained, "Harry asked Dobby to

organise a selection of books be brought over from the Potter family

library. These ones are all related to the subjects we're studying."

"Someone works in here, though," said Monica.

"Harry," said Hermione. "He prefers to do House of Potter work in here,

but sits out in the living room with the rest of us when doing homework.

He's trying to keep the two current facets of who he is, separate. I do too,

at times, but only when working on getting a handle on being the Lady of

a Noble House."

After the apartment tour, they headed up to the Come and Go Room. And

they were all taught the secret of the room and shown some of the

configurations they used.

"So, you train up here?" asked Sirius.

"Yes," replied Daphne. "Here's where Harry trained for the Second Task

and both Harry and Fleur have trained for the Third Task."

"In-credible," said a stunned Remus. "We never found this room when we

were students here."

"We'd have not known of it, either, if it wasn't for Dobby volunteering the

information about it to Harry," said Hermione. "Apparently, the castle's

elves are all fully aware of the room and what it's capable of."

"Yes," said Daphne. "And Harry only learned of it because he's specifically

ordered Dobby to treat him in a certain way; to speak up when he

believed it was warranted."

After a slow tour of a lot of the rest of the school, they headed down to

the Great Hall for lunch. They had morning tea in the apartment.

This time, they sat at the Gryffindor table. Partly, that was because the

Gryff's would be more accepting of muggles.




After an afternoon spent walking around the grounds, with Remus and

Sirius telling reminiscing stories of their times at the school and the teens

telling of their times over the past nearly four years, they finally ended

up back in the Great Hall for an early dinner.

Finally, Headmistress Marchbanks stood and got everyone's attention.

"In less than an hour the four competitors - three willing and one not - of

the Tri-Wizard Tournament will be undertaking their Third and final

Task," she explained. "At this time I ask those four to accompany Deputy

Headmaster Goodstone down to where a hedge maze has been erected

near the Quidditch pitch for the Task.

"The rest of us will be making our way down in five minutes, giving the

four and their escorts plenty of time to arrive before they are mobbed by

well-wishers... or those who stupidly might wish to interfere."

She gave a wave to the Hall and waited as the Deputy Headmaster

rounded up the four and escorted them out. No one noticed a missing

student. Especially as that student had been keeping their head down and

staying quieter than normal of late.

When the rest were permitted to head down to the stands erected to

watch the Task, Hermione held right back with Daphne. She had a

specific task to do, first.

Ducking aside and out of sight, she whisper-called, "Dobby."




While the four competitors waited in the open space before the 'grand'

entrance to the maze in the middle along one side of it, they were given

instructions and further information from those tasked with watching

over them. Unlike the Second Task, they had been made aware there

were quite a number of people - aurors and professors - spaced both

outside the maze and at some places within.

Harry, from where he was standing, gently rubbed his arm where he was

bitten by the basilisk. Inside that, deep within, was a tiny mithral pellet,

which was engraved with near microscopic runes. It was a 'tracker', or so

Croaker had informed him before he magically injected it into his arm,

that would allow the Unspeakables to instantly home in on him if, as

Dumbledore suspected, he'd be kidnapped some time during the Task.

Harry had no intention of being kidnapped, so was happy with his plan

to solve the Task far quicker than anyone even thought could be done.

Leastwise, it should cause any plan to kidnap him to come to naught.

However, he wasn't that foolish he'd not accept the tracking pellet for

what it meant.

Once all the brand new bleachers had filled and the judges sat their table,

it was Headmistress Marchbanks who made the announcements. Harry

looked across and saw Bagman sitting at the table with a scowl on his

face, refusing to look at anyone.

Marchbanks went through how 'the Champions and Lord Potter'

(thankyou, for that) would enter, before ensuring everything was ready.

On the mark of 7.00pm Krum, who had the most points, was sent in. Two

minutes later, Cedric was sent in. Ten minutes after that, Fleur went in.

Before she left, though, she kissed Harry on the cheek and said, "I know

I've not got a chance. So, I'll be making sure I'm safe."

He gave her a smile and a nod.

That left Harry waiting outside. As soon as Fleur entered, he conjured a

recliner, sat in it and relaxed.

Finally, and after quite some time, Marchbanks said, "Ten seconds, Lord


Harry gave her a nod, stood up, vanished the recliner and waited the last

few seconds.

"Time, Lord Potter!" barked Marchbanks.

He smiled, walked over to stand just inside the maze, turned back and

raised his wand.

Softly, he muttered, "Accio Firebolt." And his broom soared from the

stands where Hermione had 'stashed' it and into his hands.

He deftly caught it and, as he heard loud gasps of shock and not a few

cries of dismay.

Casting a Sonorus on himself, he looked to the stands and judges and

said, "Come on! Who didn't see this coming a mile away? Seriously? Oh,

that's right! Ludo Bagman and co, that's who.

"The rules of this event state I must enter the maze and then make my

way to the Cup, hidden somewhere within. Nowhere does it state I must

remain in the maze, while I'm doing that."

Cancelling the charm, he mounted the broom and took off into the sky.

He had really wanted to snark at the organisers of the events some more,

but had promised his ladies he'd keep it to the minimum this time.




Just outside the wards of the school and hidden inside a Fidelius charmed

tent, a team of Unspeakables were monitoring both Harry's tracker and

watching and listening to what was happening through some of their

hidden 'observation' mirrors, plus through direct observation using


Just about all of them immediately burst into the Unspeakable form of

gales of laughter, 'light snickering' for everyone else, as Harry took to the


The only one not laughing barked, "Watch the boy! If it's going to

happen, it will happen soon after he reaches the Cup, or just before."

That quietened them all down again.




Harry soared right up into the sky and used his now excellent vision to

look down on the entirety of the maze.

Surprising even him it only took him a moment to spot the Cup. It was

situated right in the very middle of the maze in a small courtyard. And

even right in the middle of that. And, further, it was softly glowing with

a gentle blue light. Around it and deep into the maze he could barely

make out some movement he thought were either the other champions or

were some of the traps or 'foul beasts' he and the others were supposed to

get past.

Giving a snort of amusement, he dove directly down into the courtyard,

coming to a rump sliding halt right alongside the Cup.

Total time since he started, including the Sonorus message; fifteen


As he landed, however, he heard a gasp of shock. Quickly abandoning the

broom he rolled across the grass and was quickly to one knee with his

wand drawn.

He waited a good ten seconds, looking about and not finding anything

out of the ordinary, before he carefully walked over to grab his broom.

Just as his hand reached for it, he could see the reflecting of a flash of

red light off the damp leaves of the surrounding hedges and tried to dive

out of the way. He didn't make it.

Slumped on the ground and unconscious, he didn't see Draco Malfoy doff

an invisibility cloak from in the corner. Nor did he see him walk over to

grab a fistful of his collar before then dragging him closer to the hip-

height eighteen-inch-square hedge on which the Cup sat.

Checking to make sure his grip on Harry's robes was secure, Malfoy slid

his wand into his pocket, then reached out and grabbed the nearest

handle of the Cup.

The whirl-flash of an activated Portkey later and Harry, Malfoy and the

Cup were gone.




Over in the hidden tent, the lead Unspeakable, the one who told them off

less than a thirty seconds earlier, said, "Right. He's gone. Track him. Let

the combat teams know the White Knight was stunned when he was

taken. I want that arrival point now, people."

"On it!" one of the others barked back.

And messages were quickly sent.

On a huge metal map of the British Isles and much of the western portion

of Europe, a single white dot was slowly moving south east.

A quick swish of wand by the Unspeakable closely monitoring the map

and the map zoomed in on southern Scotland and northern England. And

the dot rapidly increased speed as it moved across the metal.

"Come ooooonn―" muttered the team lead.

A few moments later, the dot suddenly stopped.

"Zoom!" he snapped.

Another wand swish of the Unspeakable controlling the map and the area

that the board covered zoomed in close enough streets and the like


"Hangleton... no! Little Hangleton!" cried the map monitor. "The graveyard

of Little Hangleton!"

"Confirmed!" said another, tasked with monitoring the information

coming from the tracker. "I've got co-ordinates!"

"Get them to the teams and tell them they're entering a hostile

environment," said the leader. "White Knight is down; alive, but believed

stunned. He cannot withdraw as planned."

As more messages were quickly sent, complete with apparation and

portkey co-ordinates, others wearing the Unspeakables robes within and

without the maze, suddenly dropped disillusionment charms and charged





For those watching of the judges and spectators, they saw Harry mount

his broom and take off into the sky. While it was night, there was still

sufficient light from the moon in the cloudless sky to watch him.

They saw him soar up high, hesitate a bare moment and then dive down

into the middle of the maze.

At the judges table, Bagman saw Potter summon his broom, yet again call

him an idiot via a Sonorus and take off into the sky.

He didn't see the rest, as he had turned back forward and was in the

process of slowly and repeatedly banging his forehead off the table in

front of him at which he sat.

Less than thirty seconds later, all the hedges collapsed with a soft

'Whump!', seemed to whither away and disappeared. Even all the hazards

and traps disappeared. It left three competitors standing in various areas

where the maze had sat, clearly in the process of navigating said maze.

There was no sign of Harry Potter, except for his broom. It was hovering

at hip height approximately where he'd disappeared from sight after

diving into the centre of the maze.

They then also saw other wizards and wizards charging towards the

broom, with even aurors dropping disillusionment charms and the like

and running towards the same spot.

Marchbanks's announcement had informed them all that the maze would

disappear once the Cup was grabbed. However, she'd also told them that

a portkey on the Cup would instantly transport that person to the middle

of the winner's stage, so they could accept their prize.

And he wasn't there.

It took only a couple of seconds before there were shouts and demands

for information.

Minister Brunt, who was there to present the winner with their one

thousand galleons prize money, immediately whirled on the judges table

and loudly demanded, "Where is he?"




When Harry was harshly enervated, it was to look into the face of Lucius

Malfoy. The man was standing there in full Death Eater regalia with

silver mask; but, of course, his long blonde hair gave him away.

As soon as Harry tried to move, he realised he'd been tied, arms spread

out wide, to something.

"You're not going anywhere, Potter," Malfoy sneered. "You're early, but

the Dark Lord anticipated you would be."

Harry began to look around and realised he was in an old graveyard of

some form. Nothing looked relatively new, so it had to be one that was

no longer in service. He also spotted Draco, watching over the largest

cauldron Harry had ever seen and tending a fire underneath. Standing

next to 'Mini-Malfoy' were two others, also in death eater regalia. The

short little fat one was carrying a bundle of some form.

Turning back to Malfoy senior, Harry said, "Hey, Lucy. If you wanted to

have a chat, you should have sent me an owl."

Malfoy glared back and seemed on the edge of cursing him before the an

forcefully willed himself relaxed and said, "You're here at the Dark Lord's

invitation, Potter. You're to witness his rebirth. Then he's going to kill


Before Harry had a chance to snark back, just as he opened his mouth,

Malfoy shoved something deep within. Looking down, Harry could see it

appeared to be a dark grey or black glove of some form.

'Well; how rude,' he thought.

Without another word, Malfoy turned and walked away from him,

towards the cauldron.

Harry spat the glove back out again. 'Sticking charms, silencing charms, a

tongue-locking charm, all sorts of magic available to him and he uses a

glove as a gag? Moron.'

As soon as Moron - err, Malfoy - reached the cauldron, a ritual was





The combat Unspeakables were gathered in their section within Level 9

on 'alert'. That meant they were supposed to remain ready to go at any

moment, but spent almost the entire time just... waiting. For similar

events, sometimes they'd go, but most times they'd not.

As their Mission Commander walked in they all knew this was a 'go' time.

"On yer feet!" he barked. "If you're too muddleheaded because you've been

sitting on yer arses for so long, me being here means we have a 'Go' for

an insertion into a probable hostile environment. You're insertion point is

just outside a disused graveyard in the muggle town of Little Hangleton

up near the border between England and Wales.

"This has become a rescue op with kill all hostiles on site. The victim is

one Lord Harrison James Potter... yes, him. He's believed to have been

stunned unconscious.

"We suspect this will be some ritual to resurrect one Tom Marvolo Riddle,

also known as Lord Voldemort. The big-wigs want the ritual to go ahead

with the dark wanker terminated again as soon as he wakes up. I suggest

you do it before he gets a wand in his hand.

"It's also suspected a soul anchor will be used as part of the ritual, or will

be in the vicinity. A team of soul magic experts will accompany you in,

but will remain out of the combat area until they can move in to verify.

Don't let any of them get dead.

"The big-wigs would also appreciate it, very much, if you don't let Potter

get dead either."

As he was speaking, Portkeys were distributed to the teams of five.

"Your portkeys will drop you one hundred yards south of the graveyard

and ten yards apart. Disillusion now.

As soon as they were all disillusioned, he barked, "Ready?... Departing in

three... two... one... Execute!"

As one, all the portkeys activated. The sudden loss of that much mass in

one room at one time cause a sudden drop in air pressure, which gave a

decent yank forward on the robes of the Mission Commander as air

rushed into the room from the open door behind to fill the space. Used to

it, he barely had to take a short step forward against the pull.

A quick check with a snap-cast revealing charm and he couldn't see

anything that wasn't supposed to be there, gave a grunt of satisfaction

and walked out again.




Back at the school, the aurors were trying to order information out of

those they knew to be Unspeakables. They were ignored until Madam

Bones stormed over.

"Why are you here?" she demanded.

One, off to the left, replied, "We're determining how a portkey was

created that worked through the wards of Hogwarts that was not created

by Marchbanks."

Turning her attention to that person... and it was annoying not being able

to address them by gender... she said, "We believe a second portkey was

overlaid on the first."

"Nice theory," the Unspeakable drolled. "However, that would make it a

separate portkey charm. And, as portkeys can only be made by the

Headmistress, it would not get through the wards."

That had her stumped. "Then, what's your theory?" she demanded.

"The existing portkey charm was modified," the Unspeakable immediately

replied. "They've been clever in being able to arithmetically pull the

original charm apart and rebuild it in place with a different destination."

That surprised Bones. That took a high level of education and training. It

also represented a huge security breach if existing portkeys could be

modified that way. That meant, portkeys created by her for her aurors,

could be used by the bad guys.

"So, if you've deduced that," she said, "Where'd the portkey take him?"

"Our people are already on that," replied the Unspeakable.

While their voices and appearances were blurred as a result of their

Unspeakable robes, the confidence in the person's voice bled through


"I want in," said said. "This is, after all, the kidnapping of One of the

Seven. That makes it fall within my purview."

The Unspeakable stood still for a few moments before they said, "You;

and you, alone. Come with me." Then began walking towards the school

main gates."

Bones spun and stared at one of her Masters. "Hammer. You're in

command here. See what you can discover as to who took our boy. Start

with a head count of students and staff."

"On it, boss," replied Hammer, who was nearby and listening in.

As Hammer hurried off back towards the stands, Bones turned and strode

quickly to catch up with the Unspeakable.

Hammer grabbed another auror and said, "Grab someone else, disillusion,

silence, scent mask, everything... and follow the Boss."

"Yes, Ma'am!" replied the young auror.

The Boss did not go anywhere without backup and bodyguards.




While Harry waited, tied to what he now knew to be a grave-site

gargoyle marker, the ritual had gone ahead.

The potion in the cauldron, for that was what it clearly was, had reached

the stage it was steaming. What looked like a disgusting, deformed

toddler with red eyes was then lowered into the potion by the fat death

eater, whom he now recognised to be Pettigrew.

After that, some bone had been ripped from the soil under his, Harry's,

feet and dropped into the cauldron. Then Malfoy - the Elder, that is - had

cut off his pinky finger on his off hand and let that drop in. And, finally,

Draco had taken the knife out of his father's hand, come over, slashed

Harry on the cheek with the tip of it and used a vial to collect blood that

seeped from it. That was then poured into the cauldron.

Once they were done, all four - Draco and the three adults - had backed

away and waited. The resultant steam coming from the cauldron

obscured everything from sight.

When the steam finally cleared, a very naked, ritual-enhanced Tom

Riddle stood before the cauldron and was slowly checking himself over,

running his fingers and hands over himself.

Harry thought, 'Ewww... not in public!'

Moments later, Riddle sneered, "Robe me."

A few moments after that, all Hell let loose.




Arriving on site south of their target location, the Unspeakable combat

teams were quick to immediately scan the surrounds to ensure they

weren't spotted. Then immediately began checking over themselves and

their equipment. Once done, they masked themselves from unwanted

eyes, ears and noses and moved north.

They arrived where they needed to be and could see the anticipated

ritual was already in full swing. The White Knight was clearly alive,

though firmly secured to a grave marker of a large winged angel carrying

a scythe; and wasn't that all sorts of wrong.

Through their ear bugs, the teams were given their orders.

One team of four immediately faded back and quickly circled around,

coming at their target from the rear.

However, they nearly came undone when they were accosted by a dirty

great big magical snake. That got stunned, bagged, had a portkey affixed

to it and was portkeyed away.

That had them a little late on the site of their target, but within


A tap of his ear bug by their team leader, informing the others and the

on-site commander they were in position, and they waited; ready.

As the magically enhanced steam from the cauldron dissipated, they were

looking at what was very clearly a very naked Tom Riddle - Voldemort -

copping a feel of himself.

Riddle sneered, "Robe me."

The on-site commander took a final report of readiness from his people,

then sub-vocally snapped, "Now!"

Almost as one, the Unspeakables moved.




Tom Riddle stood there, naked, taking deep breaths of fresh air into his

lungs for the first time in almost fourteen years. He allowed his fingers to

wander over his body, checking to ensure all was as it should be; smooth

skin, but with an underlying texture of snake skin to it.

After a long few moments of enjoying just being back in a proper body

again, he opened his eyes, not even realising he'd closed them, and

looked to Pettigrew.

He sneered, "Robe me."

As Pettigrew scurried forward with his rune enhanced robes of old, he

had only one and a half seconds of warning before they were attacked.

Even with his enhanced speed and agility, it had been almost fourteen

years since he'd been used to it. He'd still managed to duck one curse, but

not the second.

He felt blinding pain and then... nothing.

Harry had been watching the nose-less bastard feeling himself over. Then

the man, if that was a true designation for whatever Riddle had become,

lowered his gaze to stare at Pettigrew.

"Robe me," he'd demanded in a raspy, somewhat high-pitched voice.

Just as Pettigrew moved forward, from slightly off to his right Harry

caught what he thought was movement. Then spell fire launched almost

as a barraged volley.

He'd barely had a chance to draw breath before he felt his bindings

dissolve and he was yanked sideways and down.

Then there was the feeling on a wand tap on the top of his head followed

by the feel of 'runny egg' wash down his body. 'Disillusionment,' he


Still without a chance to even make an utterance of sound, he heard an

almost whispered, "Unspeakables, Potter." And he was half-dragged, half-

carried, away from the scene until they rounded a large tomb, where he

was then dumped on the ground.

Harry felt a charm impact him on the cheek where he'd been cut by mini-

Malfoy and the slight stinging sensation he was feeling from the

laceration disappeared. He raised his hand and felt no sign of it.

Four Unspeakables suddenly materialised before him. One firmly said,

"Potter. Sit! Staaaayyy... Good boy."

Harry quietly snarked, "Woof."

Then the four, with matching grins, disillusioned again as they clearly

began heading back the way from which they'd just come.

However, Harry could no longer see the reflection of flashes of spell fire,

or the sound of battle. Actually, he couldn't hear a damned thing. Not

even talking.




Bones had just walked out the gate after the Unspeakable when the

Unspeakable turned to her and offered her a piece of parchment.

Not being the trusting sort, Bones drew her wand and cast over it first;

not finding any magic on it at all.

Taking it, she could see in the dim moonlight there was something

written on it. A quick Lumos and she could read it.

As she finished, she noticed something off to the side and turned to look.

'A tent, of all things,' she thought.

As the Unspeakable plucked the note back out of Bones's fingers, Bones

realised just what that slip of parchment meant. "Fidelius," she muttered.

The Unspeakable nodded and led the way into the tent.

The following aurors saw their Boss stop to read something, then turn to

the left, walk forward and disappear.

"Shit!" muttered young auror Watkins. "Hammer's going to be pissed."

"Watkins," called the female Senior Auror with her. "Go back and get

Master Hammer or another Master and let her or them know what's

happened. Tell them I suspect she's disappeared directly out the gate

under what appears to be a Fidelius. I'll wait here."

"Yes, Senior," she replied, before running back in through the gates.




Inside the tent, the senior on-site Unspeakable immediately greeted her.

"Madam Bones." s/he said.

"What's all this?" she demanded.

"Monitoring," s/he replied. "You'll be pleased to know we've already

found your boy and dealt with the situation. He'll be returned, soon."

"Potter's safe?" she demanded.

"He is."

"What happened?"

"A kidnapping, of course," replied the Unspeakable. "Potter was taken to

use his blood in a dark ritual to resurrect the one known as Voldemort."

When Bones let out a small gasp, the Unspeakable added, "Don't worry

about it. The situation, as I said, has been dealt with."

"Where?" she demanded.

"As I said, don't worry about it," replied the Unspeakable. "As it was a

muggle area, our people are dealing with the scene and cleaning it as we


Knowing she'd get no information the Unspeakables didn't want her to

have, no matter how much she tried to bluster or threaten, Bones let out

an annoyed sigh and said, "When do I get Potter back?"

"After a short debrief," s/he replied. "I suggest you return to where the

Minister is currently berating the judging panel of the Third Task and let

him know."

"He's unharmed?" she asked.

"He received a small cut to his left cheek, which has since been healed,"

s/he replied. "He might even be back by the time you get back down


She gave a nod and muttered an almost unwilling, "Thank you." Then

spun about and walked back out of the tent.

As she cleared what was clearly the Fidelius boundary, one of her senior

aurors dispelled a disillusionment charm and asked, "Ma'am?"

"I'm fine," muttered Bones. "Let's get back to the stage and judges." Then

put deed to word by walking back to and through the gates.




When an Unspeakable returned to collect Harry, it had been about two

minutes and Harry was getting a bit 'antsy'.

"Lord Potter," said the Unspeakable. "The situation is resolved. It's now

safe to move you. Please, follow me."

Harry climbed back to his feet and followed the person back the way

they'd come.

As they approached, he could see a few Unspeakables doing various

tasks. A couple were taking a very close look at the giant cauldron, others

were checking over what were now clearly dead bodies, others were

overseeing the removal of marks and damage to the terrain and markers

caused by the very short and very one-sided battle.

Walking back past the grave marker on which he was tied, one of those

doing the overseeing turned to him and asked, "Lord Potter, how's your


"It's fine," Harry replied.

The Unspeakable nodded back and gestured him over to where four

bodies laid under black sheets. He moved to one at the end, the smallest,

and asked, "Think you can identify someone for us? We believe he was a

student at your school."

Harry took a breath and nodded. He already knew who it would be.

With a flick of his wand, one part of the sheet was flicked aside.

In barely a moment Harry recognised him. He immediately said, "Draco

Malfoy, Heir Primary to the Magical House of Malfoy; a scion, but not an

Heir, of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black."

The Unspeakable gave a nod and flicked his wand again, causing the

sheet to flick back over the body of Harry's so-called school yard nemesis.

"Thank you, Lord Potter," replied the Unspeakable. "We already knew the

identity of the other three from previous records."

"Lucius Malfoy and Peter Pettigrew, I recognised," said Harry. "But, who's

the other? And, what happened to Riddle?"

The Unspeakable hesitated a moment before he replied, "The other is, or

was, Walden MacNair, a ministry employee in the Department for the

Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. As for Riddle... we've

already taken him back to the Department. You no longer need to worry

about him."

Without even waiting for Harry to respond, the Unspeakable looked over

Harry's shoulder and said, "Debrief him and send him back."

Harry turned to where the (wo)man had looked and saw another of the

Unspeakables. "This way, please, Lord Potter."

Harry was led clear of what was going on and had a few 'facts' explained

to him.

While he was grumbling about it, the Unspeakable indicated to another,

who brought over the Tri-Wizard Cup. S/He offered it to Harry.

As he accepted it, the Unspeakable said, "Remember, Lord Potter. Not a

word of this to anyone. We don't want any other wannabe dark lord or

lady to know there exists a revivification ritual they could use if they


"Yeah, yeah," he snarked. "I'll be a good little lordling and use the story

you lot have concocted."

The Unspeakable gave a nod back and raised their wand to tap the Cup.


And Harry was portkeyed away.




At the starting point of where the maze existed, the bleachers, the judges

table and the now lonesome stage, no one had left except for aurors

who'd been sent off to deal with unknown matters. Everyone else had

been forced to remain where they were.

Around the judges table, where even the judges except Marchbanks were

now standing, were Minister Brunt, Master Auror Scrimgeour, two of his

Seniors and four Lords of the Seven - Sirius Black, Frank Longbottom,

Robertus Flack and Basil Clearwater. Around them were others;

including, Samuel Greengrass, Eugene Abbott, Heathcliff Davis and other

aurors; the last of whom were waiting for further orders.

Hermione and Daphne were in the stands. The other Heirs, now including

Finch-Fletchley, formed a protective human shield around the pair of

them. They'd only recently also been joined by Fleur, who'd hurried off

the lawns to her family first before joining them with her family, who'd

come with her. That then brought over the families of the heirs to form

an even bigger human protection shield centred on Hermione and

Daphne. Even Hermione's parents were part of that.

As some tried to demand answers of the three 'Potter' ladies, those

shielding them snarled back ordering those trying to demand information

to back off or be... dealt with. That left them alone.

While they waited and anxiously watched Sirius, Frank, Samuel and the

others, Hermione was in the process of slowly worrying her bottom lip to

shreds with her teeth.

Both Sirius and Frank were ripping verbal strips off Bagman and

Snodway. Flack and Clearwater were tag-teaming the Minister.

There was a lot of bickering, but no action. Some, like Bagman, were

trying to lay the blame at the feet of Headmistress Lady Marchbanks,

who was simply ignoring them back. She, for one, was calm.

Frank, seeing her lack of reaction demanded, "Why are you so calm? One

of the Seven has been kidnapped by persons unknown."

"Because I expect this matter to be rectified within a few short minutes,"

she replied.

"You know something," he accused.

Other arguments began to peter off as they all started to realise 'news'

was in the offering.

"I do," she replied. "However, I may not speak of it. Those we do not

speak of have forbidden it."

"The Unspeakables?" demanded Brunt. "What do they―"

That was as far as he got before there was the flash of an arriving portkey

in the middle of the stage. And Harry appeared, holding the Cup, before

he immediately fell over.

"Oh, bloody Hell!" he irritably called. He had no idea a Sonorus ward had

already been cast on the stage.

Quickly climbing back to his feet he was about to say something when

her heard Hermione cry, "Harrison James Potter!"

"Oh, poop!" he muttered, startled. Again, because of the Sonorus, it was

heard by all.




After having almost three dozen people then storm the stage, all

demanding information, he just stood there, looking dejected.

It took Hermione breaking through the crowd that surrounded him, with

Daphne and Fleur in tow, for him to stop ignoring folks. Instead, he just

paid attention to them. Thankfully, Hermione only demanded one

question, saw the look on his face and immediately blushed, looking

away as she hugged him.

Harry let the crowd burn itself out of questions, which had gotten

progressively louder until they finally realised he was answering none of

them and began to shut up, one by one. That took about three minutes.

When he did finally have silence. He said, "Well, are you all done being

absolute idiots, yet?"

That immediately had people berating him and yell questions at him

again. And, again, he just stood there, looking around.

Eventually, he raised a hand before his face, began peering closely at his

nails, before buffing them on his chest and having another look at them.

He made it as obvious as he could get he was paying them no attention,

whatsoever. Only then did they finally realise he would not be answering

any questions, that way.

When they again shut up he asked, "Are you all done, this time?"

Yet again, a couple of people arced up and again he raised his hand

before his face to peer at his nails. That had those couple of people shut

up again.

"For the third and final time, before I decide I'm done with the fucking lot

of you and simply leave, are you all done... now?"

When no one said a word, he said, "Well, it appears the witches and

wizards of wizarding Britain can be taught. Now, if you want to get

information from me as to what happened... get off this stage and give me

and mine room!"

As people, with some muttering imprecations, finally moved to obey, he

saw Madam Bones standing there, off to one side, with an eyebrow

cocked back.

"Madam Bones," he said, "Please use your supposedly highly trained and

capable aurors, supposedly trained in handling crowds, to do their job by

controlling this..." he waved his hand at those still leaving the stage. "...

rowdy mob."

She gave a slight smirk back and set four aurors between the stage and

those who'd crowded him, getting them to force people back and away.

When they finally had everyone complied, whether willingly or not, he

said, "Great. Now that I have a chance to explain things, without having

idiots wasting their energy and breaths yelling questions at me, I can get

on with it.

"Firstly; you all saw me take to my broom and soar into the air over the

maze to spot the Tri-Wizard Cup. I soared into the air and had the Cup

spotted within a few seconds. I immediately dived back into the maze

where the Cup was located. As I landed right next to it, I heard what I

thought was a gasp of noise. I hesitated with my wand drawn, thinking I

was about to be attacked.

"When I couldn't locate that threat I then moved to grab the Cup, thereby

being the winner of the Tournament. As I reached for the Cup I was hit in

the back by a stunner.

"Sometime later, I was enervated by Lucius Malfoy."

That had a lot of people gasp in shock before someone yelled something

at him.

Yelling back he said, "For failing to remain silent while I explain what

happened, that's a ten second delay of time penalty!"

Then he flicked back the hem of his left sleeve by thrusting his arm

forward and brought his wrist up so he could look at his watch.

Then he counted out the ten seconds.

As soon as it reached zero, he said, "The next interruption will be a

fifteen second penalty; and the next after that, twenty! If you want to

hear what I have to say, make sure you stay silent and those around you

also stay silent!"

He gave a wide sweeping glare, before he resumed. "As I said, I was

enervated by Lucius Malfoy. He was dressed in full Death Eater regalia,

including the mask. If you wonder how it is I knew it was he, I remind

you that the man has long, straight, white-blonde hair. I then confirmed

it was he when he spoke to me.

"I was tied to a grave marker in what appeared to be an old and disused

cemetery. Looking past Lucy Malfoy I also spotted who I knew to be his

son, Draco, and Peter Pettigrew. There was a fourth person there, also in

Death Eater regalia, but I did not recognise him at the time."

He then went on to tell them what had happened with the modification

the Unspeakables wanted him to make, that the ritual had failed.

He only had to issue the fifteen and twenty second penalties, one each on

two further instances of being interrupted, before he was interrupted no


Finally, he said, "So, their attempt to resurrect the dark wizard Tom

Marvolo Riddle, who self-styled himself Lord Voldemort, spectacularly

failed. Those who attempted the ritual all died in the attempt. They are...

or were... Lucius Malfoy; his son, Draco Malfoy; Peter Pettigrew and

Walden MacNair.

"Because of the attempted necromantic ritual, the Unspeakables have

taken control of the scene. No one is permitted there. Together with the

components of the ritual, I believe they have also recovered the bodies

and took them to the Department of Mysteries, where their loved ones

may collect them later for burial.

"That is all I have for you. I have now given you all the information I

have on this matter. Barking your questions at me like cur dogs will gain

you nothing, but a very pissed off Lord of the Seven, with his wand

drawn, in your face. You do not want that, I do not want to do that.

However, I will if you push me.

"That is all."

Surprisingly, no one then arced up at him again.

Madam Bones then walked up and onto the stage with a wry smile on her


She leaned in on Harry and whispered, "Take yourself and your ladies

and go to your apartment. I'll handle things from here."

Harry gave a nod as she stepped back and softly called for Dobby.

As soon as he appeared, he told the elf what he wanted to happen. Dobby

nodded back and got right on it.

Before everyone's eyes, Harry and his three all disappeared, right off the

stage. That had people utter cries of dismay, shock or anger.

Then, others started to disappear, too - Hermione's parents, the

Delacours, Sirius, Moony and the Greengrasses.

As Madam Bones, still standing on the stage, didn't seem surprised by the

disappearance of the 'Potter four' from the same stage. People didn't, once

again, panic.

She stepped forward and said, "That's it for the information. As such,

that's also it for the night. For those who are current residents of the

castle, please start making your way there. For those who are not, please

start making your way to the main gates. Aurors, assist them with that,


Then she walked off the stage, herself. As she did, the Minister stomped

over and barked, "Amelia! I have not had a chance to present the boy

with his prize money!"

"Do it tomorrow morning, Minister; in the Great Hall, here at Hogwarts,"

she returned. "You'll have a greater chance of you presenting Lord Potter

with his winnings appearing on the front page of the Prophet, if you do

that instead. Clearly, it won't if you try to do it tonight."

The Minister, thought about it for only a moment before he said, "Merlin

damn it; you're correct. Thank you."

She just gave him a nod before walking away. She had lots more to do

tonight. Part of that would be seeing the Unspeakables to confirm the

deaths of four 'upstanding citizens', before then having to inform their

remaining families.

She just thanked Merlin it would only be Narcissa Malfoy, as neither of

the other two had remaining close family members still alive.




64. The Aftermath

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to the proverbial Duchess of

Magic, JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high

falutin' companies. No matter how much I whine about not owning anything

related to the HP universe, other than a few fanfic plots, I do not profess to

own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful

world... Damn it!

A/N: Very important notice at the bottom of this chapter. I ask you read

it if you like reading my written meanderings. My 'posting schedule' is

about to change. It explains why.

Chapter Sixty Four - The Aftermath




Appearing in the Potter apartment, Harry immediately dropped into the

middle seat of a sofa and fell backwards onto the backrest. He felt

exhausted. Hermione was quick to land next to him and cuddle in.

Clearly, she'd been worried she'd lost him.

"We'll soon have almost a dozen people turn up in here," he said. "Can

you ladies get things ready for them?"

Before the girls could even reply, the two adult Grangers found

themselves appearing with the white flash of elvish magic in the middle

of the room. And let out a gasp of shock.

"Sorry!" Harry called to them. "I told Dobby to grab you and get you out

of there before people figured out who you were and gave you a hard


Betsy was called by Daphne and the ladies' elf popped away to bring

more seats.

"That felt... odd," said Wendell. "Like... all sorts of wrong."

Harry almost carelessly shrugged. "You broke the laws of physics and I'd

say your body didn't like that."

Then, before Wendell could say another word, the Delacours appeared

with Gabrielle; though they weren't as surprised, having seen the

Grangers disappear. Then the Greengrasses. Then Sirius. Then Moony.

"Well," said Sirius. "That was interesting. I was right in the middle of

having a chat with Frank Longbottom―"

"He'll have a pretty fair idea what happened to you," said Harry. "And, if

not him, then Neville. I think we can probably expect them, and others,

along within about fifteen minutes."

After first having to rise again to greet folks, Harry finally received hugs

off loved ones.

Dobby and/or Betsy had been busy in the kitchen. Soon, there appeared a

late night snack 'spread' with a large tea serving on the coffee table.

Sirius finally asked, "How much of what you told us happened after you

were portkeyed away was the truth, Pup?"

Harry smirked and replied, "I relayed exactly what the Unspeakables told

me I was to relay. I didn't embellish it one whit. Other than what I told

you, the Unspeakables have made the whole event a matter of security of

the wizarding realm."

Sirius gave a snort of amusement and said, "In other words, probably

everything you told us that didn't mean all that much, was true; but all

the important points, weren't. That would be typical of those bastards."

"I can't say," said Harry. "I promised I wouldn't. I'd rather remember what

happened, than have them remove those memories either by finding a

way to actually accomplish what Dumbledore couldn't; or, getting rid of

those memories by getting rid of me."

Sirius stared back worriedly for a moment, before he quietly muttered,

"Good point."

With Betsy and or Dobby finding enough sofas and couches to

accommodate everyone, Harry asked Dobby to see if they could find

more and find a place for them in the room.

"More guests?" asked the little elf.

"Yep," replied Harry; "Or, at least I think so."

He was right.

The next to turn up was, surprising Harry, Justin Finch-Fletchley. Harry

was quick to introduce him to Sirius. He came with Tracey Davis. Yet

further proof they were becoming a couple.

The Longbottom three, plus their extended families that had come to see

the Task, were only two minutes behind. After them, Harry decided to

just leave the door to the apartment open as he knew aurors were outside

to monitor who arrived. As such, no one who wouldn't be allowed would

even be able to get to the door.

Finally, Madam Bones turned up with two more aurors.

By then the living room of the apartment was quite full. They'd have

been overflowing if they'd still been in the previous apartment.

However, there were no others who 'warranted' getting allowed in to

visit. Harry should have realised that before, but blamed it on being tired

after a long night.

With Madam Bones's arrival Harry was yet again 'interrogated' about

what had actually happened. He simply reiterated what he'd told Sirius.

Though annoyed and showing her displeasure, Bones didn't push it. She,

too, understood what the Unspeakables were capable of if they thought

they had a need to act.




After everyone not living in the apartment had left again, Harry went to


He'd only been gone for about two minutes when Fleur looked to

Hermione and asked, "'Ermione?"

From the look on her face, Hermione knew what Fleur was asking,

paused a moment and said, "Go. I slept with him last night."

Without another word, Fleur rose and walked straight to Harry's door.

After a quick knock, she quietly let herself in.

However, when she moved to the bed expecting Harry to welcome her,

he was already asleep.

With a sigh of disappointment, she disrobed and climbed in to snuggle up

to him. She was naked, as she both didn't bring a nightie in with her and

hated sleeping in one anyway.

It was some time during the early hours of the morning when she woke

up feeling almost uncomfortably aroused. Harry was apparently awake

and 'playing'.

"Oh... by the Gods... Harry!" she softly moaned.

Harry looked up and said, "Ah. You're awake. Do you mind?"

"N-no," she replied. "De-definitely not."

He smiled back and, moments later, dropped his head beneath the


Harry 'did something' and she moaned before she gave a little 'Eep'

sound. "Oh... oh... Ohh... OHH... OH, MON DIEUX!"




The next morning, once Harry and Fleur came out of his room, the other

two girls were waiting for them both. They no longer even batted an eye,

let alone smirk, when the other two saw one of the others come out of

Harry's room.

Daphne asked, "We ready?"

Harry replied, "We are. Betsy was kind enough to bring a change of

clothes for Fleur over from her room."

"She does that for all three of us, Harry," she said. "Whenever one of us

spends the night with you."

He nodded, but appeared distracted.

"What's wrong?" asked Hermione

He sighed and said, "You know all the staring is going to start again this

morning, don't you?"

She shrugged and said, "I thought you'd be used to it by now."

"Used to it, yes," he replied; "Comfortable with it, no."

After picking up the Longbottoms and Justin, the seven of them headed

down to the Great Hall. Surprisingly, Tracey was waiting for them one

floor up on the grand staircase.

"It's a bit of a madhouse in there, at the moment," she explained. "I'd

rather have waited for you out here than in there on my own. You just

know I was going to be bombarded with questions."

Almost unconsciously, she slipped into step beside Justin and even took

his elbow. Harry wondered if either of them noticed.

Even Harry nodded back at Tracey's words. "And... now, since none of us

were in there first, we'll be sitting together to field those questions."

"Spreads them out a bit," she smiled back.




When the now nine walked into the Great Hall, it seemed people were

waiting for them - or, rather, Harry - to appear. Because it was like a

ripple of stillness suddenly be-spelled the Hall. It was a ripple that almost

directly centred on Harry and quickly radiated out.

Ignoring it, the nine went and sat at the Hufflepuff table. The small

contingent of Durmstrang were sitting at the Head table end of the

Slytherin table, again; and the small Beauxbatons contingent were sitting

at the Head end of the Ravenclaw table. That's why they decided to sit at

the Head end of the Hufflepuff table.

As soon as the nine sat, they began building their own breakfasts and

were ignoring the blatant staring at them that involved, what appeared,

almost all the other denizens of the Hall.

Finally, most turned back to their own breakfasts.

Just before the owls flew in, Cedric walked up the table from the other

end and caught Harry's attention.

"Cedric?" Harry quietly asked.

"Really, Harry?" the other boy exasperatedly asked right back. "A broom?"

Harry smirked back and said, "Cedric. You're the seeker of the Hufflepuff

Quidditch team. You've held that position for... what... four years?"

"Five, including this one," the other boy muttered back.

"Five," said Harry with a nod. "I should be asking you, 'Really Cedric? You

didn't use a broom?'"

Diggory gave a sigh and said, "No. You're right. I should have thought of

it. But, daaaamn, Harry!"

Harry grinned and just shrugged his shoulders.

When the mail came in, Harry received the usual nonsense, but was more

interested in the Daily Prophet that morning, anyway.

Opening it up, the main story was, of course, his winning the Tri-Wizard

Tournament by simply reading and understanding the rules of the Task,

just as he did with the Second Task. Then went into detail about what he

did as soon as he was allowed to begin, how fast it took him to get to the

Cup to win and his subsequent disappearance.

For that part, Bagman had apparently declined to answer questions on

the event, which turned out to be damned foolish of him; because the

new bloke from the DIMC laid the entire blame onto both Bagman and

his own predecessor, Crouch Sr. And the new Director went on to

congratulate Harry for finding and understanding the 'loopholes' in the

rules of the Tournament and utilising them.

The second part to the story, written by another reporter, was about what

had supposedly happened to Harry when he reached the Cup. It reported

'faithfully' what Harry had told everyone and, unusually, was backed up

by the Unspeakables. It was also reported that the Unspeakables rarely

released information to the press, so them supporting Harry's claims

made the claims 'obviously the truth'.

Harry was then starting to skim through the paper when he spotted

another article about Bagman. Apparently, not minutes after Harry and

company had disappeared, Brunt had publicly sacked Bagman for


What did come as a surprise that morning, was Brunt walking into the

Great Hall with a small following of reporters. He directly approached

Marchbanks and clearly asked to say a few words.

After being granted permission he moved to the lectern, gave his throat a

little clear as the reporters and photographers set themselves up and then

gave a short speech about how the Tournament was designed to, once

again, bring the three schools together in a competition of camaraderie.

That had both Harry and Fleur give snorts of amusement.

Then Brunt said, "I now call on the latest winner of the Tri-Wizard

Tournament, Lord Harrison Potter, to come forward to accept his one

thousand Galleons winnings."

Harry sighed, gave himself a little shake, stood and walked over.

"Up here, please, Harry," said the Minister.

Harry was going to berate the man for using the diminutive of his name,

plus chide him for not addressing him as Lord Potter, but decided to let it

slide because he had at least referred to him as Lord Harrison Potter

during his little impromptu speech.

Harry stepped up onto the dais alongside the lectern as the Minister

stepped away from it, too.

Then the man handed him to his left hand the bag of galleons, before

immediately grabbing him by his right with his own right and shaking

his hand. "Smile for the cameras, please, Harry."

"You mean, smile for the cameras, please, Lord Potter; right, Minister?"

he shot back, while also smiling. "Or would you prefer I just refer to you

as 'Gabby' in front of the press, just as you're referring to me as 'Harry' in

front of the same and my school mates."

While the man's smile didn't leave his mouth, he did at least blush and

quietly said, "Sorry, Lord Potter. I won't let it happen again."

As they pulled apart again, Harry more clearly said, "Thank you, Minister


Harry gave the man another nod and walked back to his friends at the

Hufflepuff table.

Sitting down, Harry moved onto his mail. He hadn't even realised one of

the owls he received was Sable, Sirius's owl, because he'd received a

letter from Sirius.

Quickly opening it, he read.

~ # ~


Ted Tonks and I have to make an emergency trip to Perth - the one in

Australia, not the one in Scotland - and may be a few days. It's nothing for

you to worry about; just House business for Black.

I'll take my communications mirror with me so, if you or Hermione need to get

hold of me, you can do so. Just, please be aware of the time difference. Perth

is eight hours ahead of Hogwarts. That means, if it's 8.00am at Hogwarts, it's

4.00pm in Perth. So, if you want to contact me, try to contact me in the

morning, your time.

I'll let you know when we arrive back in wizarding Britain, so you won't

continue to think I'm on the other side of the world.

Can you please give Hermione the same information?


~ # ~

Wondering what was going on, but knowing not to ask even if he could,

Harry quietly handed the letter to Hermione.

After she read it, also frowning in some confusion, she looked back and

asked, "Any ideas?"

"None," he replied. "And, that's so unlike him. However, if he wanted

either of us to know, he'd have told us."




The Durmstrang and Beauxbatons contingents left almost immediately at

the close of breakfast and just before everyone had to head off to class.

However, when Harry was making his own way out, he received a note

from Marchbanks asking him to pay her a visit in her office.

Not as annoyed as he would have been if it was still Dumbledore in that

office, Harry made his way up to the Head's tower. He went on his own.

When he got up there, passing through the gargoyle as he knew the

password and it was unchanged, he knocked on the door and waited.

"Enter," he heard called.

He walked in to find Marchbanks sitting at her desk and doing parchment


"Hello, Lord Potter," she quietly said, sliding what she was working on

aside. Then indicated the chair just on the other side of her desk. "Please,


"Headmistress," he returned, taking that seat and sitting back.

When he was comfortable she said, "Thank you for coming alone."

He gave a slight shrug and said, "Unlike that manipulative old... so-and-

so that used to sit where you now do, I have no concerns you intend to

do me harm."

"Thank you for you trust," she nodded. She hesitated a moment before

she said, "The reason why I asked you up here, was for you to see


"Mmm?" he asked

With a slight smirk, she raised her wand and waved it at one of her office

walls. When he turned to look he could see a portrait fade into existence.

It was Dumbledore and it was active.

By the way the portrait appeared annoyed and was trying to speak, but

no sound was heard, he could tell a silencing ward had been placed on it.

"Dumbledore?" he asked. A moment later he realised what it meant and

snapped his surprised expression back to Marchbanks.

She chuckled and said, "Yes, Lord Potter. It means Albus Dumbledore is


"But, that would mean―" he began.

"That would mean the Unspeakables killed him; yes," she replied.

Glancing back at the portrait, which was trying to rant and rave now,

before he turned to look at her again, he asked, "How long have you


She smiled and replied, "I knew from the moment that portrait appeared.

That was the day before you met with young Saul... Unspeakable

Croaker... here, in this office.

"Once it appeared, with Dumbledore still asleep at the time, I erected a

disillusionment and silencing ward over it."

"Did Mister... sorry, Croaker know?" he asked.

"Yes," she gave a firm nod. "However, I also told him I had no intention

of allowing that portrait to be seen by anyone, but a select few, until the

Unspeakables were ready to make it public that Dumbledore was dead. I

have been assured they'll be doing that either later today or tomorrow."

She then leaned forward and said, "I'm also aware that the ritual, last

night, was successful in resurrecting young Tom Riddle. And that

Croaker's boys and girls... reversed that state, yet again."

Harry gave her a quizzical look and asked, "And how would you reach

such a conclusion?"

She returned, "Because Croaker will be here in about five minutes to take

you to the Department of Mysteries to carry out a small task for him. He

would not be doing that unless I'm right about last night.

"Before you ask, though, I have no idea what that task actually is; but I

have a fair idea. I believe he is going to ask you to do something so he is

assured that a certain prophecy is, indeed, complete."

Harry looked back at her for a moment before his light smile turned into

a full blown smirk. "You, Lady Griselda Marchbanks, are not a daft


She let loose a loud laugh.

It took her a few moments before she calmed enough and replied, "No,

Lord Harrison Potter, I am not."

"You knew about some of the little things that almost all magicals seemed

unaware of and I made known, didn't you?" he asked.

"You mean; such as using the house elves to side-along apparate someone

or something through or within anti-apparition wards?" she asked. "Yes.

I've known of that for many years."

He gave a little snort of amusement.




When Croaker turned up via the floo, he asked Marchbanks, "He's


"He's aware Dumbledore is dead and that his portrait appearing here

proves it," she replied. "And he's aware you are taking him back to the

Department of Mysteries to accomplish something that will finish young

Tom Riddle for good."

Croaker gave a nod and turned to Harry. "Ready to go, Lord Potter?"

Harry gave a nod and stood. "Ready when you are. Let's get this done."

After stepping Harry through what he needed to do to floo into the DoM,

Harry followed the man through to an office deep within the department.

Once there, Croaker led him through the corridors until they came to a

room that had a ring of stone tiers leading down to a floor that held a

low stone dais in the centre. On the dais and set back a bit was a stone

arch that had what appeared to be a tattered filmy dark grey curtain

hanging across the face of it.

Before that was a body lying on a table, draped in a black sheet, with it's

feet pointing towards the arch.

There were four other hooded Unspeakables in the room. One stood

either side of what was the body; and two stood either side of the stone


As he and Croaker walked forward from one of the doors leading into the

room, Harry asked, "Riddle?"

Croaker hesitated just a jot before he softly replied, "Indeed."

"What do you need me to do?" he asked.

"How good are you at the Banishing charms?" asked Croaker.


"That one will do, yes."

"If I need to banish that," he said, indicating the body of Riddle, "Through

that arch, I believe I'm more than capable."

As they'd reached the dais, Croaker said, "Then, please do so." And gave a

flick of his fingers telling Harry to go right ahead.

Harry gave a nod back, drew his wand, made sure he was lined up

properly and firmly cast. "Depulso!"

Surprising even him - as he only aimed at what, from the shape, was the

head - the body, its covering sheet and the table all shot away from him

and directly through the middle of the arch.

He blinked in surprise when nothing appeared from the back of the arch.

"And... done," said Croaker, as the four Unspeakables all stepped forward

with wands drawn and cast diagnostic charms over the arch. "From your

expression it appears you didn't realise the table was hovering about an

inch off the floor."

"Errr... No," replied Harry.

Croaker smiled and said, "Runes carved into the base of each leg of the

table that caused it to maintain a constant repulsion from the floor."

"Ah!" muttered Harry. "Clever. I was also surprised to not see the body

and table appear out the other side of the arch."

"That's because the arch is one way only," explained Croaker.

He then waited a few moments before one of the Unspeakables turned

back and said, "No leakage. No sign of a spirit of any form."

Croaker nodded back and turned to Harry. "That's it. No more Voldemort,

ever again."

Harry gave a sigh and quietly, but vehemently, muttered, "Thank God."

Croaker then led him to his office and placed a small crystal ball on his

desk. Harry immediately recognised it as the prophecy sphere he'd shown

him in Marchbanks's office back in early March, but it was now a dark


"You can have that, if you like," said Croaker. "It's your personal proof

that Voldemort is done and dusted."

Harry was going to refuse, but finally said, "What the Hell." Then reached

out, picked it up and dropped it into a pocket of his robes.

Croaker asked, "Before I take you back to the school, do you have any

questions for me?"

Harry thought for a bit before he replied, "Yes. When are you going to

make it public that Dumbledore is dead? I'd like to get rid of my coterie

of human-shaped attack dogs Madam Bones has saddled me with. The

ones she doesn't know I know about."

Croaker chuckled and replied, "We'll be informing her and the Minister

before lunch. We'll then work with her and the Minister on when to make

it public. At that time I'll also be informing them as to the truth of the

final disposal of Tom Riddle.

"I cannot say, however, when she is likely to withdraw your auror guard.

She may decide they need to remain in place for a while."

Harry gave a nod and said, "Please ask them not to make it known my

part in all this that isn't already public knowledge."

Croaker nodded back and asked, "You wish to avoid the fame?"

Harry gave a snort and firmly replied, "Hell yes!"

"Then I shall do so," grinned the Unspeakable. Then his expression

harden a little and he said, "Now, as a... reward... for your actions last

night, I have some information for you. A lot of it we gleaned from

Dumbledore and it's going to be a little shocking for you."

Harry also firmed up, nodded back and said, "Let's hear it then."

Croaker was well over an hour telling Harry information he thought the

boy should know. For Harry, it was both shocking, as expected, and





Harry flooed directly back to the Headmistress's office. She'd left the floo

open for him to return.

"All done?" she asked.

"Yes," he immediately replied. "Tom Marvolo Riddle, the one known by

the nom de guerre of Lord Voldemort, is no more. There is no coming back

for him, now. It's over."

She gave a pleased smile back.

"Headmistress," he asked. "Would you mind removing the disillusionment

and silencing wards on Dumbledore's portrait? I want to show him and

explain to him something."

She smiled, gave a nod and silently waved her wand at where Harry now

knew Dumbledore's portrait to hang.

Turning to it he saw Dumbledore realise he could be seen again. But,

before the old man could speak, Harry got in first.

"Hello, you manipulative old coot."

Dumbledore spluttered and said, "Now... Harry, my boy―"

"I'm not your boy," Harry cut in. "I asked Headmistress Lady Marchbanks

for this few moments to speak with you to bring you up to date on a few

matters. If you want to know what's going on, shut the Hell up."

Dumbledore spluttered again, but didn't interrupt.

Harry then drew the prophecy orb out of his pocket and showed it to the

portrait. "Recognise what this is, you old twit?"

Dumbledore looked shocked.

"I see, you do," said Harry. "It's a prophecy orb... a completed prophecy


He then used his wand to tap it to activate it.

Once it played out, he said, "As you can see, it's the prophecy orb for the

prophecy you've been using as an excuse to manipulate my life. That it is

dimmed tells you that the prophecy is completed. It's over! Done!"

Dropping it back into his pocket he said, "I personally sent the corpse of

the very recently revived Tom Riddle through a certain archway in the

Department of Mysteries less than an hour and a half ago. Unspeakable

Croaker has also informed me that his experts on prophecies and

divination are utterly assured the prophecy is complete.

"So, you bastard, your manipulations were pointless. You screwed over

my life for nothing!

"And now it's time I get my revenge on you."

When Harry fixed an evil grin on Dumbledore, the old man said, "Now...

Harry, my boy―"

Harry cut in and roared, "That's 'Lord Potter', you rude and ignorant white-

whiskered wanker!"

Dumbledore immediately shut up.

"My revenge on you, I believe, will be both righteous and reciprocal,"

said Harry. It was time to start to make use of the information Croaker

had only just recently given him.

"I am having cause to be written and printed a book all about you," he

started to explain. "I'm having history experts go back through your

entire life. There are still quite a few people alive, including Headmistress

Lady Marchbanks here, who personally knew you when you were a child.

Two others, I believe, are Bathilda Bagshot and Elphias Doge. I'm sure my

researchers will find more.

"Once they've collected all that information, I will find a ghost writer to

write the entire sordid tale of your life down. It will include how you and

Gellert Grindelwald were lovers. It will include how you killed your

sister, when she became an Obscurial. It will include how you and

Grindelwald planned to take over the world. It will include your

separation and why. And, it will include all your plans to take over the

wizarding world, then the muggle world, by working behind the scenes;

through manipulation, blackmail, lying, deceit and every other dark

method you employed.

"And, once it is all written down, I will have it published. And, once

published, I will ensure that book will be distributed world-wide. There

will not exist a magical community, anywhere, which will not receive

plenty of copies of the book.

"In other words, there will not exist a single wizard or witch across the

planet who, before very long, will not already know or have ready access

to the knowledge of you to have been a vicious Dark Lord. I swear it!"

If it was possible for a portrait to pale and have a heart attack, by the

look on the face of the portrait of Albus Dumbledore, this one would


"So, Dark Lord Albus Percival Dumbledore - yes, I know about that, too -

I hope you're currently enjoying your next great adventure... by currently

burning in everlasting agony in the fiery pits of Hell."

Not even waiting for the portrait to respond, Harry spun back to a

smirking Marchbanks and said, "I'm done with this fool. I'll never wish to

speak to it, again."

Without a word, Marchbanks raised her wand.

"No! Wait!" cried the portrait of Dumbledore. That was as far as he got

before he was again silenced and disillusioned.

That then had the other portraits openly laughing, snickering or


Portrait Phinneas Black called, "Well said, grandson!"

"All that was true?" asked Marchbanks.

"Yes, Ma'am," he replied. "Croaker just got through explaining it all to





By the time Harry had finished, the time was getting on to morning tea.

So, he made sure he had his potions supplies for the double of Potions

immediately after the short break in his satchel and made his way down

to the Great Hall. He'd left it in the Headmistress's office when he went to

the DoM. Of course, he also escorted the Headmistress down and she

allowed him to escort her in via the staff entrance.

On entering he found the other Heirs were already there, sitting at the

Ravenclaw table.

Joining them, he plonked himself down on the end, next to Fleur.

"Though I'm stating the obvious," he immediately said, "I'm back."

"You were gone a while," said Hermione.

"Yep," he replied. "I'll explain, once we're back in the Lords' Quarters and

there's no chance of anyone listening in."

That stopped any questions being asked.

"But, your business is concluded?" asked Neville.

"Yes," he firmly replied.




That afternoon after classes and back in the apartment, Harry explained

what he could of what happened. He even pulled out the prophecy orb

again and played it for them.

When Neville went white, Harry calmly told him, "Yes, Neville. It meant

it could have been you. However, Riddle chose me when he attacked my

parents, first."

With Riddle now permanently dead he had no problem telling that to

Neville without his parents present.

"However, Dumbledore always had in the back of his mind that you were

the 'alternate'," he went on. "If anything fatal was to happen to me, he

believed he had you ready to step in to deal with the situation."

"But," said Neville, "He didn't mark me."

"Not yet, Nev," Harry calmly replied. "Not... yet."

"It no longer matters, though," said Daphne. "As Harry has shown us, the

prophecy is complete. That means it was him."

Harry nodded. "Yes."

"So, what happens now?" asked Hermione.

"We put it behind us," replied Susan. "It's done. It no longer plays a role

in either Harry's or Neville's life, from this point on."

"Well said, Susan," said Harry, smiling at her. "That's exactly what it


Then he went on to explain how Dumbledore was actually dead; and not

just an escapee from justice.

"Does Auntie 'Melia know this?" asked Susan.

"She will, by now," he replied. "Croaker told me he'd be going to inform

your aunt and Minister Brunt of just that before lunch.

"Then, the three of them would figure out how to make it all public. I

figure we'll see news of that in the Daily Prophet, very soon; probably

tomorrow or Sunday."




As reasonably expected, the next morning the Daily Prophet had the


~ # ~


In surprising news released by a combined media statement of the Minister,

Lord Gabriel Brunt, and Director of the DMLE, Madam Amelia Bones, comes

news that Albus Dumbledore is dead. While information as to the cause of that

death is unknown, representatives of both the Minister and the Director inform

us it is confirmed 'at the highest levels of government', writes Samuel Clemens,

political reporter for the Daily Prophet.

Madam Bones informed us, "Albus Dumbledore, whose true full name was

Albus Percival Dumbledore [no middle names of Wulfric or Brian] is

deceased. His body is not available for burial, as the manner of his death has

not left one."

Minister Brunt added, "Citizens of wizarding Britain can rejoice that the

Ministry has finally dealt with the threat that was the once-revered Albus

Dumbledore. He will trouble you, no more."

Rumour from with the DMLE and the Minister's office has it that Dumbledore

was legally declared a Dark Lord some weeks before his disappearance.

However, that rumour is unconfirmed. When we attempted to confirm it, we

were met with hostile responses. This leads us to believe the rumour to be true.

So, for those worried Dumbledore might attempt to harm or otherwise injure

them in their homes, you can now live safe in the knowledge he can no longer

do you or yours that harm.

The life story of Albus Dumbledore, page 3.

The fall from grace of Albus Dumbledore, page 3.

'Dark Lord or Misunderstood?' An opinion piece, page 4.

~ # ~

'Hmm...' thought Harry. 'Just enough to answer the question without

going into too much detail.'

~ # ~


In a surprising development, details of which were released through the

combined offices of the Minister and the Department of Mysteries, it has been

announced that He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named will certainly not be making a

surprising comeback, writes Samuel Clemens political reporter for the Daily


The Minister announced, "Some members of our community believe that the

Dark Wizard, Tom Marvolo Riddle, who went by the sobriquet Lord

V*******, will one day return. This is not true.

"Through the good offices of the Department of Mysteries, their experts have

now proven to me, beyond any shadow of a doubt, that Mister Riddle is gone

for good. Apparently, the very dark necromantic ritual that attempted to

resurrect him [two night's ago] on the night of the third task of the Tri-Wizard

Tournament failed so spectacularly that there is no longer any chance at all of

him returning. The spirit of the dark one was utterly destroyed in the attempt."

We can now all breathe a deep sigh of relief that the darkness that enveloped

our world right up until the night our very own Boy-Who-Lived and now Lord

of his Noble and Most Ancient House, Lord Harrison 'Harry' Potter (15), first

destroyed him will never return.

Opinion has it that Lord Potter played more of a role in what happened that

night of the third task of the Tri-Wiz than is being made clear. However, both

the Minister and the Unspeakables refute that; as did Lord Potter on the night.

A history of the truth of Tom M Riddle, page 4.

~ # ~

"Hmmm, clever," muttered Harry. "Hopefully, that way some idiot is not

going to see if they can learn what the 'dark ritual' was and try to

recreate it."

"Pardon, Harry?" asked Hermione, sitting next to him again.

Harry just passed her the paper and pointed to the article.

After she read it she sighed and quietly said, "As you said, clever.

Hopefully, no one's going to try it again."

"I'm more hoping some of those masked idiots out there are going to

accept he's gone, but believe I had something to do with it. I want them

thinking I got rid of him again, so they won't try to have a shot at me,


"Because, if you can kick the bum of their dark lord, then you won't think

them much of a trouble to do the same to them?" she asked.

"Precisely," he nodded.

Hannah, sitting opposite, caught their attention and flicked her chin

towards the Slytherin table. She was sitting facing that way. "They appear


Turning to look, Harry could see quite a few who were looking distraught

at what they'd read. However, he also noticed quite a few who looked

downright relieved and were trying to hide it. Surprisingly, Pansy

Parkinson was one who was relieved and definitely wasn't trying to hide


Parkinson had broken down the night of the Third Task, when Harry

announced Malfoy the younger was dead. However, she was almost right

as rain the next morning.

When he quietly asked Tracey why, she carefully replied, "Parkinson

hated Malfoy's guts. She was very unhappy to have been locked into a

betrothal contract with the little ferret."

Harry frowned and said, "She used to hang off him like a handbag, when

we first got to the school."

She nodded back and said, "That changed within days of that little fffu-

ferret getting old enough he could get his dick to stay hard for long

enough. He forced himself on her; enough she had to spend the night in

the Infirmary.

"From that moment on, she only gave the appearance she was with him.

In truth, she wanted him dead - horribly, painfully and gruesomely."

"When did you find this out?" he asked.

"The night of the Third Task, when we all left your apartment," she

quietly replied. "When I got back she was in our dorm, blubbering on

Millie's shoulder in relief and telling the other girls all about it. Alana

told me what was going on."

Harry remembered Alana Runcorn to be the fifth girl in his year in

Slytherin; which made her a dorm mate of Tracey and Daphne. He also

remembered her to be the quietest of them all, never hearing her speak

unless specifically called upon in class to answer a question.

"Apparently, Malfoy ordered her not to speak of it with anyone," she

continued. "And, something in the contract made her unable to. With the

death of the little... well, the conditions of the contract were rendered no

longer applicable. So, she could talk about it."

Harry nodded and was thinking how glad he was that Malfoy the

younger was now dead. However, he also felt a little ashamed of how

he'd interacted with the girl in the past. It was now clear her actions were

not entirely her own choice.

He was absolutely appalled the so-called dark families allowed such

contracts to be written regarding their daughters. So, while he was

feeling a little guilty about Pansy, his thoughts of her father and Lord

were quite murderous.

'Fucking purebloods,' he thought.




That night, Daphne climbed into bed with him.

Before anything happened, he asked, "Did Tracey tell you about Pansy?"

She sadly nodded back.

"Is that part of the reason why you're in here, tonight?"

She hesitated a little before she, again, nodded back.

Firmly, he said, "Daphne. Please don't ever think I'd ever do something

like that to you."

"I know you won't, Harry," she replied.

With a sigh, he pulled her in for a cuddle and a short snog.

Pulling away he rolled onto his back and gently pulled her until her head

was lying on his chest. "Even when you come in to sleep with me, it

doesn't mean you have to have sex with me, alright?"

"I know," she said. "But, what if I want to have sex?"

Harry smiled and said, "Well, if it's what you want... who am I to say no?"

Daphne lifted her head, smiled at him, flicked back the bedding and

lowered her head again. This time, lower down his body.

A moment later, he muttered, "Oh... sweeeeet. Merciful. Merlin!"

Twenty minutes later, Betsy was throwing up a silencing ward over

Harry's bedroom door.

"Betsy wishes they'd get on with it and have babies," she tutted and

muttered. "Betsy wants little ones to look after."




With school restarting after the weekend, the Third Task 'incident'

quickly left the minds of students and staff. They had exams.

Hermione almost had a panic attack when she realised she hadn't been

studying as religiously as she did in the past. And then dedicated time to


On the third night of a very late night for her, Harry stunned her, carried

her to bed with him, stripped her and laid her down. Then he quickly

cast an enervate and a sleeping, rather than stunning, charm on her and

climbed in alongside her.

When she woke in the morning, she ranted and raved at him for a while

until both the other girls verbally slapped her down for it.

"You, Miss Granger," said Daphne, waggling a firm finger at her, "Were

on your way to either a nervous breakdown or mental collapse brought

on by a severe lack of sleep. Harry did the right thing and you will not

berate him for it."

Fleur added, "I just wish I 'ad thought of it, first. Too much study and too

little sleep is just as bad as not enough study. You must give your mind a

chance to relax. If you do not, you will not be at your best for the


Hermione cooled and blushed in shame. Looking down in embarrassment

she softly muttered, "Sorry."

Harry gave a sigh of relief and said, "Hermione. I hereby restrict you to

no more than four hours study a night. Each night you exceed that... no

sex for a month."

Hermione's head snapped up and stared at him in shock. "Y-you wouldn't!"

"I will if I have to," he firmly said right back.

"Th-that's―" she tried.

"A fair punishment," said Fleur, smirking.

"And four hours is even more than I'd allow you," said Daphne. "This isn't

our OWL year, Hermione. And these are not our OWL exams. The results

of these exams will not appear on our permanent records. You can panic

about exams, next year; not this year."

Hermione sighed and nodded. The message was understood.

Harry said, "We go home on Saturday, Hermione. Pace yourself. Now, I

believe we've got exams to get to. What's up first?"

"Transfiguration," she immediately replied.

"Then, we'd best get to it," said Harry.




Once exams were out of the way, where Hermione did restrict herself to

a bare few minutes shy of the four hours allowed per night, the next day

they were on their way back to London on the Express.

Because of the Third Task, all the exams for the non OWL and NEWT

years were all crammed into the final week. This meant they did not

receive their summer assignments in the final week, as they should have.

When Headmistress Marchbanks stood for her final announcements, she

mentioned that holiday break homework assignments would not be

issued, that year, due to the shortened break. Hermione was almost

devastated at the news.

Daphne, seeing her reaction, leaned over and said, "That does not mean

you cannot engage in independent study, Hermione."

Fleur added, "And you can help me study for my NEWTs in three weeks."

That perked the girl up again.

Also received during the week was an owl from Sirius. He was back in

London and had important news for both Harry and Hermione.

He also asked that they meet with him on the second day of their break

at 'The Kennel'. (He still called it that, although Remus was against it.)

The train ride turned out to be quite relaxing. No Draco Malfoy coming

to 'visit' to taunt them. No Ron Weasley immediately jumping up and

retaliating. No doe-eyes from Ginny Weasley. No getting bothered by





Arriving at Kings Cross, the four Potters, the three Longbottoms, Tracey

and Justin all disembarked as one group. With nine their compartment

would have been a little tight, if it wasn't for the girls occasionally sitting

on laps - that included Tracey occasionally sitting on Justin's lap.

The poor boy, when it first happened, didn't know what to do with his

hands. Tracey solved that by firmly wrapping one of his arms around the

small of her back and placing the other across her thighs to hold onto the

outside of her off-side leg. Justin blushed, but firmly held her.

As they disembarked various family members met with them. There were

the Grangers, the Greengrasses, the Delacours, the Longbottoms, the

Abbotts, the Davises, the Finch-Fletchleys, Amelia Bones and Remus.

They made quite the large group and everyone else gave them a bit of

room. Harry barely noticed Sirius wasn't there.

By prior agreement, the 'Potter' group all split.

Fleur went home for the week to France to spend time with her family.

Harry and her had made sure she was 'recharged' the night before, so

she'd have no problems with the Veela life-debt bond during that time.

Hermione went with her parents to her home, although she really didn't

want to go. Harry reminded her of the floo and said she could 'drop by'

whenever she wanted to; especially while her parents were at work. That

brightened her up again.

Daphne had calmly stated she'd be returning to Green Fields and

spending the time with her family. But, she did make this big production

of it by coming to Harry in submission and begging, "With my Lord's

permission, of course." From where he was sitting on the sofa at the time,

studying for his Charms exam, Harry threw a wad of parchment at her

and followed it with a loud raspberry. That had all three girls laugh.

As for Harry, he and Remus went to Pottermore. Once there, the first

thing Harry did was adjust the wards with adding the full names of those

from his now extended family to full visitation rights. Daphne and Fleur

were added as full-time residents.

And there were five names Remus asked him to add as temporary

visitors. Harry gave him a look, but said nothing and just did it. It was

clearly a family of five.

Once he was done he let Remus know.

"It's not a good idea to allow so many people to have full access, Harry,"

he warned.

Harry nodded and replied, "I know. However, these people are all people

I consider 'family'.

"Now, are you going to tell me who those other five are?"

"Sorry, no," replied Remus before he smirked.

If it wasn't for the smirk, Harry would have turned around, gone back

down to the basement and removed them again.

"Alright," he drawled. "Why not?"

"That's news Sirius has demanded he be the only one to tell you about,"

replied Moony. "He's the one who's been investigating... this particular

issue. That is, he's the one who paid for the investigation."

Harry gave a pained sigh and grumped, "Fiiiiinnne."

Harry then called the Pottermore house elves and had them bring the

manor out of 'stasis' for an extended stay of a few days.

Willy said, "Yes, Master Harry. We be gettings it done, already."

"Thank you," he replied.

Moony said, "Don't forget, Harry. You need to visit Sirius tomorrow."

"I won't," he replied.

"Then, I'll leave you to re-familiarising yourself with your rightful home."

He was gone less than a minute later.




A/N: NEW STORY UP! You will find it either by clicking on my handle -

Sinyk - at the top of the page in the header block, then looking down the

short list of my stories; or by erasing everything after the '/s/' in the

webpage address bar of your browser and replacing it with the numbers


It is called Harry Potter and The Old Friend and is solidly based off a

story idea given to me by my brother. It was supposed to be a one-shot,

it started as a one-shot, but 'got big'. However, it became a story I wrote

to prove to myself I can write short stories. It comes in at just under 80k

words. (For me; that's short!)

Other than the first chapter posted only moments before this one, to

have it in place so people can start finding and 'following' it, I will be

posting this new story on my current Tuesdays posting schedule while

'Daft Morons' keeps being posted on Fridays (Don't forget time zones,

peoples. Perth is +8:00 GMT).

65. Meeting the Malfoy Heiress

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to the proverbial Duchess of

Magic, JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high

falutin' companies. No matter how much I whine about not owning anything

related to the HP universe, other than a few fanfic plots, I do not profess to

own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful

world... Damn it!

Chapter Sixty Five - Meeting the Malfoy Heiress




After a somewhat restless night compounded by sleeping in an 'unusual'

bed and knowing his 'loves' were nowhere near him, Harry woke

reasonably early and headed down to the kitchen to make himself

something for breakfast.

However, before he even got in the door, that faux-hated, annoying, joy-

killing, high pitched voice said, "Brekky be on the informal dining table,

Master Harry."

"Damn it, Dobby!" he barked. "Can't I, at least, cook myself breakfast in

my own home?"

"Master Harry doesn't want Dobby any more? Master Harry wants to steal

house elveses works off them?" said Dobby. "Oh... Master Harry. Dobby is

so... distraught! Dobby is shamed―"

"Alright! Alright!" Harry barked. "Fiiiine! I'll eat the bloody breakfast you

cooked for me." Then muttered, "Sawn off little annoying unwanted sprog

of a... whatever."

In the kitchen, Dobby looked to a concerned Pinty and grinned. "Master

Harry is happy now."

What Harry missed most, that morning, was having at least someone

around him; preferably, more than just one someone. He hadn't realised

how much he'd miss the girls and it hadn't even been a full day.




Once breakfast was finished, Harry called on Willy to organise the Potter

library so that Hermione, at least, could browse it and read books.

"Put the cursed, or otherwise protected, books into one or more

bookcases, all together," he instructed. "Then ward it from hands that are

not meant to touch them. I don't want to see people even accidentally

hurt. Got all that?"

"Yes, Master Harry," replied Willy.

"And, don't forget to label it as such."

"Will do, Master Harry."

"Excellent," he nodded.

Willy popped away to get it done.

He quickly checked his watch to ensure himself it wasn't too early. It

wasn't. He smiled and decided to go visit Hermione.

He'd just entered the welcoming parlour, which contained the fireplace,

when the fireplace whoomphed and turned green. He heard Hermione's

voice cry, "Rule Britannia!"

A moment later, she stepped out into the room.

With a big grin on her face, she cried, "Harry!" And, basically, charged

the twenty feet from the floo hearth to where he stood, tackling him to

the floor.

"Oof!" he cried.

Before he even had a chance to say anything, she mashed her lips to his

and proceeded to snog him, right on the floor, just in from the doorway.

A good thirty seconds later, she finally pulled back and sat on his hips.

"Hi, Hermione," he said.

She grinned and calmly replied, "Hi, Harry."

He asked, "Do you know that the reason I was in the room was because I

was on my way to floo to your place?"

She grinned and replied, "Of course not. But, 'like minds' and all that."

"What brings you here?" he asked.

"I missed you, of course," she replied. "And, why were you about to floo

to my place?"

"Because I missed you," he replied.

"Aren't you supposed to be going to Sirius's place?"

"Yes. But, I thought you'd like to come along."

"See?" she declared. "Same thoughts, again. That's why I've come here,


"Well," he said. "We're not going anywhere if you don't hop off me, first."

She smirked and said, "I think it's a little early to go to Sirius's place yet."

Then she gave a little grind and said, "How about we go up to the master

suite and christen the real master bed."

Hew grinned back and asked, "You're sure? Have you been a good girl?"

She giggled and said, "Yes. But I want to be a baaaad girl."

As he laughed, she hopped up and offered him a hand to help him to his





An hour later, freshly washed again, the two teens headed back to the

welcoming parlour and flooed to Sirius's place.

Stepping out, they were a bare moment before someone they didn't know

stuck their head in the door.

Both teens immediately drew their wands and aimed back.

The head, what appeared to be that of a young man, gave a short 'yelp' of

shock and pulled their head back out.

"Remus!" they heard someone yell. It sounded like it could have been the

voice of the person who'd just stuck their head in. The voice had an odd

inflection to it, like it was foreign. And someone had hurried away.

Both teens moved to different sides of the doorway and Harry, on the

non-hinged side, quickly stuck his head out before immediately yanking

it back in again. When there was no spell fire he stuck his head out to

have a better look.

Before the two could think what to do next, there was a hurried clatter of

running feet on the stairs in the hallway, coming down.

Harry quickly brought his wand back up and aimed at the bottom of the


As soon as he saw someone he began to cast. "Stupe― what?"

It was Remus who'd rounded the bottom of the steps.

He was looking back in shock. "Harry?"

"Remus!" said Harry, with a voice of urgency. "There's someone in the


Remus relaxed and chuckled. "There's a few 'someone's, Harry."

That's when Hermione stepped next to Harry and looked out, just as

Harry stepped out, confused. She smiled and said, "Hello, Professor


Remus looked to her with his customary smile and said, "It's Remus, or

Moony, remember?"

Having already lowered his wand, Harry said, "Then, I think Hermione

and I scared one of your guests." As Hermione nodded back to Remus.

"Oh!" said Remus. "Yes; that was Patrick. He's one of the guests here, at

the moment."

Harry nodded as Remus gestured, "Come on. I'll introduce you. They

should be in the kitchen. Like you, apparently, Dorothy loves to cook."

Following Remus, they were led down to the semi-basement, which

contained the kitchen. Then he led them in through the door.

Before they even stepped in, they could smell the scent of cooked bacon

and eggs. Harry also thought he could smell toast.

"Don't worry, folks," said Remus. "These are friends."

Holding the door open for Harry and Hermione to walk in, they were

greeted by three people already in the room.

"Steve, Dot, Pat, this is Harry Potter and Hermione Granger," said Remus.

"Harry, Hermione, this is Stephen, Dorothy and Patrick Wilkins."

As greetings were exchanged between the five, Remus said, "Steve and

Dot have two others; Sarah and Charlotte. However, they've not come

down yet."

"Padfoot not up yet?" asked Harry.

"Nope," grinned Moony. "I should go wake him, though. He'll want to

know you're here."

"I urge the use of the Aguamenti charm," Harry grinned. "Then, Glacias."

"Harry!" exclaimed Hermione, scandalised. "That's not nice."

"Aguamenti?" asked Stephen.

"Shoots water out of the end of your wand," grinned Remus. "Glacias then

freezes it."

"Ah!" smiled Stephen. "That would get the blood pumping."

Remus gave a nod and said, "I'll go wake him."

"Remus," sighed Harry. "Are you a wizard or not?"

"Ohhh-kay," said Remus, coming to a sudden stop. "I've done something

moronic, haven't I? You only use that voice when you think someone's

being an idiot."

"Does Sirius have house elves?" he asked right back.

"Yes, of course," replied Remus. Then, he got it. "Oh."

Taking a breath, he firmly called, "Chuckles!"

With a pop a house elf appeared, "Yes, Master Remmy?"

Remus looked down at the elf and said, "Please go wake Sirius and let

him know his godson and his betrothed are here."

"Yes, Master Remmy," replied the elf before it popped away again.

Looking back at Harry, he said, "In my defence, I don't normally have

house elves available."

"Chuckles?" asked Hermione.

Remus nodded and replied, "Sirius has three, believe it or not. Giggles,

Chuckles and Snickers."

Harry gave a snort and said, "Why am I not surprised?"

He grinned and replied, "Because you know what your godfather is like?"

Harry chuckled and gave a nod.

"So," said Dot. "Lord Black - 'call me Sirius' - is as much the comedian as

we think he is?"

"Merlin, no!" said Harry, just beating out Remus. "Comedian is too grand

the term for Sirius. Pranker, prat, plonker, public embarrassment, those

I'll agree to."

"And my magical guardian," added Hermione.

Harry smirked, "A single ray of light within the darkness."

That earned a smile of those present.




Sirius was down about ten minutes later.

"Hermione!" he cried, moving to hug Hermione.

Releasing her, he looked at Harry and cried, "The other one!" And glom-

hugged him.

"Oh, God!" said Harry, from within Sirius's arms.

"No, no!" said Sirius, moving his godson out to arms reach. "Sirius. Si-ri-


That had the Wilkins three snicker.

Harry just sighed and adopted a pained expression.

Sirius chuckled and said, "Everyone been introduced yet?"

Remus said, "Stephen, Dorothy and Patrick have been introduced to

Harry and Hermione; no sign of Sarah or Charlotte, yet."

Sirius gave a nod and looked to Dorothy. "Dot. Would you mind?" And

flicked a hand towards the stairs.

She gave a nod and said, "Of course." Before then moving to head up the


Once Dorothy left, Sirius plonked himself at the kitchen table and

gestured for Harry and Hermione to also sit. "So. What news?"

Harry replied, "Did you know that Riddle has been declared by experts in

the DoM as gone for good?"

"I'd heard, yes," replied Sirius. "I meant more of a personal nature. What's

the news about you?"

"Oh," said Harry. "Well, everything went right, I think, for the end of year

exams. I suspect we won't get the results until it's almost time to return to

the school, though. I think those years that'll be choosing electives and

the like will get theirs first."

Hermione cut in first and glumly replied, "I'm sure I didn't do all that

well. I know there were questions I could have done much better at


Harry rolled his eyes at Sirius and said, "You say that every year and still

always rank as one of the highest scoring students of the year."

"Not this year, though," she sighed.

"We'll see," he smirked.

"And what about you, Pup?" asked Sirius. "With no Dumbledore to worry

about regarding any sudden improvement in your results, how do you

think you'll do?"

"I think I'll be giving Hermione a run for her money," he grinned. "Oh,

don't get me wrong; I don't think I'm going to beat her; but, it'll be nice to

be in the top scoring group."

"I'm pretty sure you're going to do it, too," Hermione smiled back. "You

studied and worked really hard; even with the Tournament hanging over

your head."

"We heard about that," said Patrick - or, Pat, as he inferred he preferred

to be called. "Apparently, you handled them in such a way you made the

organisers look like idiots."

Harry immediately recognised the accent now. It was Australian. He was

sure Hermione recognised it, too.

"I was only able to accomplish that, because they let a non-lawyer write

up the contracts and rules," said Harry. "They were really poorly written."

"Sirius showed us," grinned Patrick, as his mother came back in.

"They'll be down in a couple of minutes," she said.

Harry's belief Hermione also recognised the accent was confirmed when

she asked, "Australians?"

"Yep," grinned Patrick. "From Perth, Western Australia. The most remote

capital city in the world."

"I thought Canberra was the capital," said Hermione.

"The capital of the country, yes," he replied. "Perth's the capital of the

state. And good on ya, for recognising Canberra to be the capital of the

country. Most people outside of Oz seem to think it's Sydney.

"As a matter of fact, Sydney's never been the capital. Before Canberra it

was Melbourne. Parliament met in Victoria's Government House while

Victoria's state Parliament moved to the Exhibition Centre until the new

National Parliament House was planned and built in what became known

as Canberra. Back then, though, it was nothing more than a settlement of

farms and horse breeding stations; not even a proper town.

"That was all decided by the time the results of the national vote to

create the country, Australia, was held in 1901. Before then we were,

effectively, just a set of States and a remote part of the Commonwealth of


Frowning, Hermione asked, "But, what about Botany Bay?"

"Just a colony," smiled Patrick. "Never a capital."

Within ten minutes of being sent for two girls, one a few years older than

the other, came down and into the kitchen. Both cast curious looks at

Harry and Hermione, before finding seats.

It was the youngest of the two that had Harry's 'Have we met before?'

mental antennae twitching. She looked so familiar, but then... not.

The youngest, in an accent just confirmed to be Australian, asked, "Good

morning. What's for breakfast, Mum?"

"Good morning, you two. Bacon and eggs on toast," replied Dot.

Harry perked up and asked, "Want a hand?"

"No, it's fine; I've got it," replied Dot.

Harry gave a sigh of disappointment.

Sirius grinned and said to Dot, "Harry's a bit of an amateur cook, who―"

"Chef!" Harry declared, cutting in.

Sirius gave him a nod and said, "A bit of an amateur chef, who does

amazing things with food."

Dot gave Harry an appraising look before she said, "Then, I'd love to see

what you can come up with, some time. For now, you're Sirius's guests."

Harry immediately thought, 'And you're not?'

Hermione asked him, "Didn't you cook, this morning?"

"No," he grumped. "That mini, spatula-wielding, joy-killing Nazi wouldn't

let me in my own kitchen."

Hermione burst into laughter.

"Nazi?" asked Stephen, sipping from a mug of coffee.

"Harry's personal house elf," replied Hermione, still giggling. "He - Dobby,

that is - and Harry have this sort of... odd... relationship."

Sirius gave a snort and quietly said, "That's putting it mildly."




Once those who had just started eating breakfast had finished while the

others engaged in small talk, Sirius gave a nod and said, "Excellent. Time

for me to do the proper introductions."

When everyone looked to him he stood and said, "I'll start with Harry and

Hermione first. I introduce to you Lord Harrison James Potter, wizard,

Lord of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Potter and Heir Tertiary of

the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black. He is considered One of the

Seven; that is, the head of one of the seven most important families in

magical Britain.

"Sitting next to him is Hermione Jean Granger, his betrothed and witch,

Lady Presumptive of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Potter and

magical ward of yours truly, which makes her a daughter of the Noble

and Most Ancient House of Black.

"Next, Stephen Maxwell Wilkins, non-magical. Then Dorothy Anne

Wilkins, his wife, non-magical. Next, Patrick Allen Wilkins, their son and

oldest child, non-magical. And Sarah Lee Wilkins, their daughter and

middle child, non-magical."

Harry now had the family, less one, of the five names Remus had him

add to the wards at Pottermore the previous day, though he'd already

figured that out earlier. Sirius had just confirmed it.

"Which brings us to why they're here. Finally, Charlotte 'Charlie' Claire

Wilkins, their youngest and adopted, witch. However, CeeCee... as she

prefers to be called... was actually born... Corina Cephei Malfoy to Lucius

Abraxas Malfoy and Narcissa Venus Malfoy née Black, on the tenth of

August, 1982."

Both Harry and Hermione sat staring at the girl in shock.

Harry finally blurted, "Bloody Hell!"

Remus snickered.

Charlotte/Corina blushed a little and looked to her empty plate.

"Sorry," said Harry. "I apologise."

"Harry," said Hermione. "With Lucius and Draco―"

"That's why I went to Perth and contacted the Wilkinses, Hermione," said

Sirius, smoothly interjecting. "CeeCee is, by primogenitor, the lawful

inheritor of the Malfoy fortune."

Harry suddenly sat up straight and asked, "Do cousins Narcissa and

Andromeda know?"

"Andi does," he immediately replied. "Within about two minutes of Ted

going home after I finally gave him permission to tell her of CeeCee's

existence, she was out of the floo here and demanding to meet her."

Harry grinned and said, "She scared the crap out of you, didn't she."

"Damn right, she did," he grinned back.

That had Sirius and Harry chuckling at one another.

Hermione gave a slight huff of mild irritation and said, "I don't know why

you two think that lovely lady is a threat. She's nice."

Both looked back at her as if she'd suddenly turned into an alien.

"Really!" she huffed.

"I thought she was nice, too," offered CeeCee.

Harry asked, "Did she head straight for you while silently casting charms

and what not?"

"Umm... Yes?" she replied.

"Did she then demand to drag you off somewhere private and give you a

full magical physical?" he asked.

"Nooo..." she replied.

"Then, you got off lightly," he declared.

He looked back to Sirius and asked, "What have you told the Wilkinses

about the political situation here?"

"Quite a bit," he replied.

"And, of what it means if... no, when... her bloodline becomes known?"

Harry pressed.

"Also, quite a bit," replied Sirius.

Harry sat back and thought for a moment.

He was broken out of those thoughts when Stephen said, "Sirius has

brought us up-to-date on what's been happening of late, here in Britain.

Especially, regarding this... Voddlemort character."

"Voldemort," Hermione softly, almost unconsciously, muttered. No one

but Harry, sitting right next to her, heard.

Harry thought more and asked Sirius, "Can I give my view and opinion?"

Sirius let his eyes sweep the Wilkinses before he gave a nod.

"Mmm," said Harry. "First. The one known as Voldemort... the Dark

Lord... whatever - whose true birth name was Tom Marvolo Riddle, by

the way - is definitely dead. He definitely died the same night Lucy and

Drake died. The Unspeakables made sure of that.

"However, his followers - with the exception of Lucy, Draco, Peter

Pettigrew and Walden MacNair - are still alive. The only ones that won't

cause problems are those in Azkaban; the LeStranges, Crouch Junior,

Dolohov, Rookwood, et al.

"Of those still out and about, the troublesome ones will be Parkinson,

Nott, Mulciber and Yaxley. They're the ones who're going to have to be

the most closely watched. Once they accept Riddle is truly dead, they're

going to act up, I'm sure. Parkinson and Nott, especially, are going to

make a play to become the new leader of the Death Eaters. Once that

leader is established, they're probably going to want to go back to their

old ways.

"Now, Malfoy... Lucy... was the established leader of those mongrels until

his fall from grace when I brought everything to light at the First Task.

Since then, I've no doubt he was trying to find ways to get back to that

leading position. So, there'll have been plenty of in-fighting. There'll be

plenty of in-fighting again, once they accept Riddle's dead.

"So, we've... you, Sirius... have time to get things prepared. You can get

way ahead of this, before the dark become a problem again. But, it's

going to need you to act fast and decisively.

"Charl- Corin- CeeCee?" he asked, looking to the girl; who smiled and

nodded back. "CeeCee... is the rightful inheritor of the Malfoy fortune.

But, that also means the contents of Lucy's Will needs to be known before

plans can be made to challenge it, if necessary; which it probably will


"If you hold off making the existence of CeeCee public until the day of

the Will reading, then no moves will have been made by the dark to

block her challenge. However, her existence will have to become known

if you challenge the Will."

Turning to look at her, he firmly said, "And, I do hope you do challenge

that Will. The more gold kept out of the hands of the Dark, the better."

Looking back at Sirius, he continued. "Your main problem is cousin

Narcissa. As CeeCee's birth mother, she automatically has claim to her.

To counter that, you need to get Ted to prepare counter-claims to any

claim Narcissa has to become the guardian of her. I suggest you start

with child abandonment.

"Her counter to your counter will be it was Lucy who abandoned CeeCee.

And that he did it against her, Narcissa's, desire and wishes.

"So. Sirius. I think you're going to need to invoke paterfamilias on

Narcissa and claim magical guardianship of CeeCee before Narcissa, or

anyone else of the Dark - if it's in Lucy's Will - can take it for themselves.

I think, because of the now defunct Betrothal Agreement between Pansy

Parkinson and Draco, Parkinson will try to use that to muscle in a claim;

if not for her, then the fortune."

Sirius smirked back and said, "Very goood, Harry. I've got Ted working on

that, as we speak. Now, what's next?"

Harry thought and muttered, "Protecting CeeCee from political and legal


He looked to the Wilkinses, as a whole, before turning back to Sirius.

"How much have you told these good folk about the relationship between

myself, Hermione, Daphne and Fleur? And, why it exists?"

"Not much," replied Sirius. "That's private House business of the House of


Harry nodded and said, "And what about the pressure that could be

brought to bear, regarding bloodlines, with CeeCee now being the only

Heir of the Magical House of Malfoy?"

Sirius looked surprised and then quietly muttered, "Shhhit!"

"Sirius!" muttered a scandalised Hermione.

Sirius just flicked her a look and Hermione blushed and looked away.

"Sorry," she muttered.

Harry gave a nod and said, "So, I take it you've not explained that?"

"No," he quietly said.

"They need to know. How about I ask Daphne to come over? Her, being

here, might alleviate any concerns before they have a chance to become

an issue."

"This sounds important," said Stephen. "I think we should know, yes?"

Surprised, Sirius glanced to the Wilkinses before he looked back at Harry

and said, "If you wouldn't mind?"

"Not at all," said Harry. "She knows the password for the floo and is

keyed into the wards?"

"Yes," he nodded.

Rising, Harry said, "I'll be back in a couple minutes."

After he left, Stephen demanded, "What is he talking about?"

"The bloodlines of the recognised Houses of wizarding Britain," replied

Sirius. "And to what lengths our society goes to protect them."

"And, how does this apply to Charlie?" he demanded.

"CeeCee, as of a few days ago and as I explained, became the Head of the

Magical House of Malfoy. Her... biological mother... Narcissa, has now

become Dowager Malfoy and not the rightful Head of House. That's

because CeeCee is of the Malfoy bloodline, while Narcissa is not.

"As CeeCee is now the only true Malfoy, moves will be made within the

higher echelons of our society to bring pressure to bear for her to

continue the Malfoy line. This is normal for wizarding society. And that

includes wizarding society in Australia - I had Ted check."

Harry came almost running in a moment later and asked, "Sirius. Can I

ask for Samuel to come over, as well? As a father who was in this sort-of

same predicament―"

"Good idea," said Sirius. "He, too, is already keyed into the wards. Ask

him to come over, would you, Pup?"

Harry gave a nod and said, "Will do!" Before hurrying out of the room


"Who's Samuel?" asked Dorothy.

"Umm―" said Sirius.

"The father of Daphne," said Hermione. "He's a Lord of a Noble and

Ancient House. That puts him one step down from Sirius and Harry.

"However, the important thing here is... he's the father of two witches; no


"And I'm the father of one witch," nodded Stephen. "But, I do not consider

that to be a predicament."

"It's not," said Hermione. "However, CeeCee having no brother's of

blood... With Draco dead that now puts the onus on CeeCee to continue

the line... biologically."

Stephen, finally understanding, began to lose his temper. "I will not allow

my daughter to... to―"

Sirius cut in and said, "That's what we need to put in place to stop from

happening. The 'how' is why Harry's gone to contact Daphne and her


"And, I'm sorry I didn't think of it, myself. Harry, however, has this ability

where he sees many steps ahead and picks out problems that are likely to

arise ahead of time. And knows what steps to take to block it from


Dorothy was shaking and quickly moved to hug her youngest. CeeCee, it

appeared, had some idea of what they were talking about, but not a lot;

Patrick and Sarah, however, did. Both were also shocked.

Harry came in a few seconds later and said, "We're going to quickly run

out of room, in here. The Greengrasses are in the formal dining room.

Adeline demanded to come, too; and they've brought Astoria with them.

Sirius gave a nod and started to rise. "Let's head up to the formal dining

room, folks."




Once everyone headed upstairs to the ground floor, introductions were

again made.

Sirius looked to Harry and said, "This started with you, Pup. How about

you introduce who Daphne is to you."

Harry gave Sirius a look and snarked, "Oh, gee; thanks, Padfoot."

With a sigh he turned to the Wilkinses. "As you are already aware,

Hermione is my betrothed. She is a muggleborn; what I believe

Australian magicals call a nomag-born, yes?"

CeeCee replied, "Yes. It's what everyone, back home, thinks I am."

Harry gave her a nod and smiled, "Thank you, CeeCee." Then he said,

"This is the part where you're going to freak out a little. I ask that you

please don't do that, until the 'why' can be explained to you."

When the Wilkinses nodded back he indicated Daphne and said, "This is,

formally, Heiress Presumptive Daphne Ophelia Greengrass of the Noble

and Ancient House of Greengrass. She is Lord Samuel's and Lady

Adeline's oldest.

"Through agreement between the Noble and Ancient House of Greengrass

and the Noble and Most Ancient House of Potter, she is also my


The Wilkinses all looked back in stunned shock.

Continuing, he explained, "We entered into this agreement to protect

both Daphne and the Noble and Ancient House of Greengrass from

external pressure brought to bear on Samuel for him to enter Daphne into

a Concubine Bond Agreement with... unsavoury... elements of magical


"These are the same elements that will, once CeeCee's existence and true

ancestry becomes known, be brought to bear on her magical guardian...

and you."

Daphne, stepped forward and said, "Mister Wilkins."

When Stephen, who looked to be on the verge of exploding in anger,

looked to her she explained, "Concubinage is not frowned upon in our

society, as I'm led to believe it is in your world. It has to do with

protecting the bloodlines from disappearing.

"With Harry's... help... I'll be able to continue the line of the Noble and

Ancient House of Greengrass. That is a big thing. When it comes time for

me to bear children, any child I birth will carry the name Greengrass and

the oldest male will inherit the Lordship of Greengrass from my father, in

due course."

Hermione added, "As Harry's betrothed, once we marry, I will become the

Lady Potter. I will bear the children that will carry on the name of Potter.

As concubine, Daphne is unable to do that. Even if she births the first

child between us, they will be unable to inherit. In that way, the line of

Potter is also protected."

"The important issue, though, is the Concubine Bond Agreement," said

Harry, before he turned to Samuel. "Samuel; do I have your permission to

speak to them about what is written in the agreement?"

Samuel smiled back and began to reach into his robes. "I'll do you one

better. Do I have your permission to show them the actual written

agreement? I brought it with me."

Harry gave a sigh of relief and nodded. "Yes. It'll make things a lot easier

for them to understand. Thank you."

Samuel handed the document off to Stephen and said, "Thankfully, Ted

Tonks is not one for flowery legalese. This is the agreement between our

two houses. Please, read it and ask your questions. I'm sure you'll have


Stephen glared back for a few moments as his wife came to stand behind

him and read over his shoulder.

As they did, Harry smiled to CeeCee and said, "Please trust me. It's

nowhere near as bad as you're probably thinking. Your parents will be

able to assure you of that in few minutes, once they've finished reading."

CeeCee gave a worried smile back and nodded.

Watching the adult Wilkinses, it was easy to see when they got to the

important parts. Both gave sighs and slight shoulder slumps of relief.

After they finished it, Stephen calmly handed it back and said, "It's all

about protection."

"Yes," Samuel immediately returned.

"It's to protect your daughter and give her time to find someone else, if

she preferred it."

"Yes," nodded Samuel. "However, apparently, she's made her choice."

When eyes turned to her, Daphne smiled and said, "With Hermione's

already-given permission, plus Harry's, I've decided to progress the

agreement to a contract. Harry will father the next Greengrass Heir; and

probably a couple more after that. However, that will not be for quite

some time."

When the Wilkinses' eyes turned to Hermione, she smiled and nodded


"You're a nomag-born," said Stephen. "How did you get roped into this?

How did your parents agree to this?"

"Because, it's been explained to them over time," she replied. "They had

what you, apparently, likely don't have; time to absorb the information

and understand the 'what', 'why' and 'how'."

"Your... betrothal," said Dorothy. "Is it like this?"

"Similar escape clauses, yes," replied Hermione. "Believe it or not; it was

my parents who started the ball rolling with Harry and Sirius. Apparently,

Mum listened to what I've been telling her over the past four years about

the wizarding world and took the idea to Sirius and Harry.

"Again, her idea was promoted as a way of protecting me from harm

within the wizarding world. That Harry and I loved each other... was, as

far as she was concerned, just icing on the cake."

Harry said, "I can see, now, that she somewhat manipulated me into it.

She had Wendell, Hermione's father, convinced it was the right thing to

do. And then Wendell played on how I'd do anything to protect Hermione

from harm, if it was within my power."

"But, you'd have still done it anyway, right?" asked Hermione.

"Yes," he replied. "Because Sirius was right when he said that at my level,

betrothal contracts were considered mandatory."

"Then, no harm, no foul," she said.

Harry gave a snort of amusement.

"How does one of these protect my daughter?" pressed Stephen, trying to

get things back on, what he considered, track.

Samuel was first to respond. "Any young witch already entered into a

relationship agreement is automatically 'hands off' to everyone else. If

young Corina is already―"

"CeeCee," CeeCee interrupted.

"CeeCee," said Samuel, giving her a nod. "If young CeeCee is already in an

agreement, no one else is allowed to interfere. Plus, what's written in the

agreement is also confidential information; and no one else, other than

those involved, can legally demand to know what it contains.

"As such, as far as anyone else is concerned, such an agreement could be

unbreakable; with severe magical penalties on anyone who tries. No one

is going to want to 'test' that by trying to interfere.

"You were only able to read the one between myself and Lord Potter,

because we both gave you permission to read it. Without both of us

giving that permission, you'd not have been able to. The magic of the

contract would have prevented you."

That had Harry wondering how it was that Jean-Paul was able to read it.

He suspected the French Unspeakables played a role in that.

"As for the specifics," continued Samuel, "CeeCee's magical guardian is

the one who would enter into the contract on her behalf. I'm sorry to say,

but it's important; you, being non-magical, have no magical say in it...

even though muggle law in Australia recognises you and Dorothy as her


"I don't like the idea that some boy will be able to―" he tried, but

couldn't finish.

"That's where the young man needs to be carefully selected," sighed

Sirius. "I'd have immediately recommended Harry, but, he really can't."

"Neville could," said Hermione.

"Yes," nodded Sirius. "However, he already has Miss Abbott in betrothal

and Heiress Bones in concubinage."

"Justin," Harry suddenly said.

"Alright," said Stephen, "Who are these people. I don't know any of them."

Hermione replied, "'Neville' is Neville Francis Longbottom, Heir Apparent

of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Longbottom; 'Miss Abbott' is

Hannah Abbott of the Ancient House of Abbott and 'Heiress Bones' is

Susan Bones of the Noble and Ancient House of Bones. Susan is the niece

and magical ward of the Director of the Department of Magical Law

Enforcement, Madam Amelia Bones."

"And Justin is, effectively, Lord Justin Finch-Fletchley, Head of the Noble

and Magical House of Finch-Fletchley," Harry smoothly added. "He's, as

you would understand it, nomag-born. However, in the muggle world

he's also Lord Justin Finch-Fletchley, Viscount of Lonsdale, Heir Primary

of the Earl of Bedford, his father, and Heir Secondary of the Duke of

Kendal, his paternal grandfather. That means he's of royal blood and

related, through his paternal grandfather, to Her Majesty, Elizabeth the

Second. Queen of... in your case... Australia."

That had the Wilkinses stunned silent again. It was a while before one of

them, Sarah in this case, softly muttered, "Wow!"

"Indeed," nodded Harry. "Now, Justin's a good kid. He has a strong sense

of 'Noblesse Oblige'; that is, the responsibility of the nobles to care for the

common folk. That is reflected in how he was sorted into Hufflepuff in

Hogwarts, our premier magical school. Hufflepuff is the house of the

loyal and hard-working.

"Before he found out he was a wizard he was due to go to Eton, as his

father and his grandfather did before him. It also goes a long way to his

character that there were very few people in Hogwarts who knew that

Justin is of royal blood until very recently. He kept it secret for almost

four years.

"Now, the Potter-Longbottom Alliance - that's the alliance which I and

Neville's father currently lead and of which the House of Greengrass is a

member - recently aided young Justin... and, through him, his father and

grandfather... in being recognised as the Head of the newly created Noble

and Magical House of Finch-Fletchley. When he is of-age once he turns

seventeen, Justin will ascend to take his rightful seat in our magical

parliament, known as the Wizengamot. His magical guardian until

recently was his school Head of House, Professor Pomona Sprout. That

recently changed to our current Headmistress, Headmistress Lady

Griselda Marchbanks. As well as magical guardianship for him she sits as

his Proxy upon the Wizengamot. Sirius, Samuel and I already sit our own

seats there.

"As for Justin himself, with the support of his father and grandfather,

moves are already being made to protect him through a Betrothal

Agreement. I... cannot tell you who that is with - not until it's finalised -

but it's with the daughter of one of our Ancient Houses. However, his

muggle... nomag... family have also been educated in these matters and

are supportive.

"He's a good kid. Fifteen years old and a true gentleman. If we can

convince his relatives to allow him to enter into a concubinage

arrangement with CeeCee, he'll protect her with everything he has and is.

Because he's also a member of the Potter-Longbottom Alliance, the

alliance can and will also support and protect her with the full weight of

the law and the powers we wield.

"Anyway," he sighed. "I'm now rambling. Any questions we can answer

for you, here and now?"

Sirius gave a snort of amusement and said, "I think we need to let them

think all that through."

"Sirius?" asked Harry. "When's the Will reading for dear old Lucy?"

"Tomorrow," replied Sirius. "10.00am"

Harry winced. "Shhhyte!"

Harry sat there, slouched back and with his eyes closed and had thoughts

flying through his mind. He didn't even hear some of the questions being

asked by the Wilkinses. Others answered them.

Finally, he opened them and gave a grunt.

Clearly, others were waiting for him.

He turned his attention to Sirius. "Lord Black. The Potter-Longbottom

Alliance offers the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black aid in this

matter. Will you accept?"

"We will," Sirius instantly replied.

With a slight nod, Harry turned to Samuel. "Lord Greengrass; how quickly

do you think we can get the Ancient Houses of the Alliance together for

an emergency meeting?"

A little surprised, Samuel was still quick to think it through. "That would

depend on where you'd want to get them to meet, Lord Potter."

"Pottermore," replied Harry. "It won't take me long to adjust the wards

and there's a great deal more room there than here. Can we get them

together for... say... 1.00pm today?"

Surprised, Samuel said, "That would be pushing it. If they're home and

not otherwise planning on being somewhere else... I'd say it's doable. Oh;

except for the Delacours. As a Venerable House they're a French version

of a Noble and Ancient House."

Harry gave a nod back and turned to Hermione. "I think Stephen and

Dorothy would like to at least speak to the parents of a muggleborn to

get their take on these sort of things. Do you know what your parents are

up to, today?"

"Just a day at home, Harry," she replied. "I think they'd love to visit

Pottermore again."

Stephen piped up and said, "If they're nomags like us, I think Dorothy and

I would appreciate that."

Hermione said, "They are. They're dental surgeons in the muggle world.

We live in Wimbledon."

Harry nodded, "Good. Now, let's see if we can get some notes sent out via


"HEED?" asked Sirius.

"House Elf Express Delivery," said Hermione. "Harry's suggesting notes be

taken to the other senior members of the Alliance via house elf. Instant


Samuel looked surprised, "I wonder why none of us thought of that."

Harry called, "Dobby."

When the little elf popped in, Harry said, "Dobs; I need parchment, quills

and ink. Do you mind getting some for me?"

"Not at all, Master Harry," said Dobby, before he popped away again. He

was back moments later and the required writing material was on the

dining room table.

"Thank you. Now, I have another job for you," he said. "We're having an

emergency meeting of the senior Houses of the Alliance at Pottermore.

We're planning for people to show up shortly before 1.00pm. Can you

alert Jeeves and the others, so they can prepare?"

"Of course, Master Harry," said Dobby, popping away again.

Looking to the Wilkinses he said, "Folks, I'm going to need CeeCee's true

full name, if you don't mind. It 's for the wards on Pottermore."

"Corina Cephei Malfoy," said Sirius, before he spelt it.

"Thank you," said Harry, ripping the sheet with the written name off,

folding it and sticking it in his pocket. "As soon as I get back I'll add it to

the wards."

Patrick, who'd been quiet for most of this, finally had enough and said,

"You've still not explained how this... concubine agreement... protects my

little sister."

Samuel looked over, thought a moment, and replied, "It's simple. Anyone

under one of these sort of agreements is automatically protected from

being forced into another. Further, they fall under the protection of the

senior of the two Houses involved. With Finch-Fletchley being an existing

Noble House, she would fall under the protection of that House.

"By entering CeeCee into an agreement of this form her mother... or

whoever else may be given magical guardianship of her at a later date...

cannot then place her under one of their choosing. One that will not be

as... pleasant... for CeeCee.

"Young Justin is a gentleman. He will not take advantage of your sister.

The same could not be said for whomever the magical guardian, if not

Sirius, would choose.

"Then, a few years from now, one or the other will enact the escape

clauses in the agreement that will free them from it. If nothing else, it can

remain in effect until CeeCee turns seventeen. At that time, she will no

longer require a magical guardian under our laws; and will be free to

seek her own choice of relationship with whomever she desires.

"As odd as it sounds, this concept of using a concubinage agreement -

with, for example, young Justin - is all about giving CeeCee free choice.

It's all about stopping someone, who does not wish your sister the best,

making life changing decisions about her."

"We should have stayed in Perth," grumped Stephen.

"Wouldn't have worked," said Harry. "If, as I suspect, someone tries to

claim the line of Malfoy has ended once the Will is read, the goblins will

immediately inform them it has not.

"Once that happens, there'd be a major hunt for the missing Malfoy heir.

There'll be those who'll be looking to grab her for nefarious purposes;

those who'll try to find her to simply inform her of her inheritance, you

can include the goblins in that; and those who will want her to simply

disappear, so they can make their own play for the Malfoy fortune.

"My first idea was for Sirius to simply seize the fortune under

paterfamilias laws; as, by right of simply claiming Narcissa a daughter of

the House of Black, he can also claim the entirety of the fortune.

However, I realised that wouldn't work when I realised the goblins will

announce a living Malfoy heir."

Sirius groaned, sighed and said, "He's right. They will."

"Why would they do that?" demanded Stephen.

Sirius replied, "Because the Gringotts account manager of the Malfoy

estate will not want to lose control of it to the account manager of the

Black estate; which he would, if no Malfoy heir was known.

"It's also why the Malfoy account manager did not destroy CeeCee's

lifestone the bank holds, even though Lucius demanded it be so. They

knew they would need it to find the missing Malfoy heir, CeeCee, if both

Lucius and Draco died before another Malfoy heir was born; again, as has


Samuel added, "Once it's known a Malfoy heir lives, it would only be a

matter of time before she'd be found. No one has looked for her before

now - except Sirius - because no else knew she even existed. That's

known as security through obscurity. However, the Will reading would

negate the obscurity. By presenting her at the Will reading, Sirius and

you maintain some level of control over what happens."

Meanwhile, Harry was quick to write a 'form' letter to the other senior

members of the alliance. Once he was done, he used the Gemino charm

to copy it out a further seven times.

Then he added the address block to the top of each for each of the senior

Houses, bar Potter and Greengrass. And added a postscript to the one for


Once done, he looked up and asked, "Lord Greengrass?" And gestured to

the notes.

Samuel was quick to pick one up and read through it.

When he was done, he gave a nod and said, "Sufficient urgency and

importance to convey the message, without giving away any information

that's sensitive.

"However, I notice you included one for Delacour."

Harry nodded and said, "Yes. I'm going to try calling someone I think will

be able to help getting them there on time; if he's both listening and

willing to help."

When Samuel looked confused, Harry grinned back, stood and moved

away from the table a little.

Centring himself and his thoughts, he raised his off-hand forearm and

firmly, pleadingly, called, "Fawkes!"

A few of the magicals, including Hermione, gave a gasp of surprise.

When nothing happened for a few seconds he was about to sigh in

disappointment when Fawkes flamed into the room, in flight, above the


As there were quite a few exclamations of shock, including from the

Wilkinses, Fawkes circled the room, singing a joyous tune.

He made two laps before he flew down and perched on Harry's arm.

Harry was quite surprised by how light he felt; expecting about four to

five pounds of weight, at least, instead of the half a pound he felt.

"Hiya, Fawkes," he said, as Hermione was explaining who Fawkes was.

Once the bird had settled, Harry explained to him what he was asking the

phoenix to do.

"Can you do that for us, Fawkes?" he asked.

Fawkes gave a short couple of head bobs back. Wondering what to do

with the immortal bird while he wrote, Harry had the decision taken out

of his hands by the bird himself. Fawkes took off from his arm and gently

glided over to land on CeeCee's shoulder.

CeeCee, sat perfectly still in not a little fear but quite a bit of shock as

Fawkes settled down. Once he was settled he bent his head forward,

turned to look at CeeCee's face and softly warbled something.

CeeCee lost her fear and had an expression of awe and surprise as she

and Fawkes stared at one another.

"Hunh!" said Harry, before he shook his own surprise clear and quickly

moved to write an amendment to the note he'd be sending Jean-Paul


"Harry," said Hermione. "How did you manage to call Fawkes?"

"You saw how, Hermione," he distractedly replied, checking over his note.

Once it was done, he looked to Fawkes, grinned and asked, "Alright,

Fawkes. If you wouldn't mind?" And held the note aloft.

Fawkes let forth a trill of affirmative, launched off CeeCee's shoulder,

flew across, snatched the note out of Harry's hand with his beak and

immediately flamed away.

"Bloody Hell, Pup!" exclaimed Sirius. "That was... That was damned cool!"

"Fawkes is delivering a message to Jean-Paul," he explained. "In the note I

also asked him to call Fawkes when he and his were ready to be phoenix-

flamed to Pottermore just before 1.00pm - 2.00pm, their time. That is, of

course, if he can come.

"Now for the rest of these notes," he continued. Firmly, he called, "Dobby,

Betsy, Willy, Pinty, Tally and... Raggy!"

When all six elves popped in, he handed them one note each and gave

them the identity of who to deliver them to. As each took 'their' note,

they popped away again. Raggy, as expected, went to Justin.

"Sirius," he looked to his godfather. "Can I borrow your three to deliver

the last three messages?"

Sirius gave a nod and called, "Giggles, Chuckles and Snickers!"

The three Black elves each received a note and to whom to deliver them

before popping away.

"Right," said Harry. "The call to assemble has been sent out. Now, we just

need to wait for replies."

Stephen asked, "Young man, why are you doing this? You barely even

know us."

He tried to explain, "Hermione thinks I have this 'saving people thing'―"

"You do," she immediately cut in.

"... and, when I see a problem that means someone's in trouble, I try to

help," he completed. "This is a problem that has an urgent need to be

solved. As it specifically applies to an innocent young lady - in this case,

CeeCee - my inner Gryffindor comes out and I just have to fix it."

Sirius added, "Harry has a knight in shining armour complex. When he

acts, he tends to save lives."

Looking to Harry he grinned and asked, "How many lives have you saved

before now, Pup?"

"Directly?" asked Harry. "Ummm... not sure; but, I saved Hermione from

that troll in October 1991, Ginny Weasley from possession by a

malignant spirit in June 1993, Sirius from the dementors, twice, in June

last year and Fleur Delacour from drowning in February this year. But, to

be fair, Sirius saved me, Hermione, Ron Weasley and Potions Master

Severus Snape from being attacked by a werewolf less than an hour

before the first time I saved Sirius."

Hermione added, "All the staff and students of Hogwarts in June 1993,

too, Harry. That basilisk, once Riddle became mortal again, would have

likely been released into the public areas of the school. It likely would

have killed almost all of them... us."

"That was a side-effect, Hermione," he said. "Not directly. And he might

not have done that. As such, I didn't count it."

"Bloody Hell," said Stephen. "I can now see why people, here, are

deferring to you."

"It's also because I'm, like Sirius, the Lord of a Noble and Most Ancient

House, one of the seven most powerful families in wizarding Britain," he

replied. "And, because I co-Head what's probably the most powerful

political alliance in the country; the same alliance I've just called to

assemble to help."




66. An Emergency Meeting

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to the proverbial Duchess of

Magic, JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high

falutin' companies. No matter how much I whine about not owning anything

related to the HP universe, other than a few fanfic plots, I do not profess to

own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful

world... Damn it!

A/N: Sorry SUPER BOWL! folks. I was a SUPER BOWL! bit distracted and

forgot SUPER BOWL! to post this SUPER BOWL! yesterday.

Chapter Sixty Six - An Emergency Meeting




After getting things finalised before the meeting at Pottermore, Harry

sent Hermione back to her parents to ask them to attend the meeting. He

believed it was the right thing to do, to have the Wilkinses talk to her

parents; muggle parents of a muggleborn to nomag parents of a

supposedly nomag-born.

She was happy and excited to go. He was just glad it was a Sunday and

her parents would be home and not at work.

It wasn't too long before messages began arriving back. First,

unsurprisingly, was Frank; he'd be coming with Alice, Neville, Hannah

and Susan. The girls were staying for the day at Longbottom Hall. Next,

was Amelia; who mentioned Susan was at Longbottom Hall and expected

to see her there. Then the rest started coming in. Harry was happy to see

Miles Ogden would also be attending, along with his wife, Hedda.

He was, however, unhappy to see that Augustus MacMillan would be

coming. He'd forgotten than Ernie was also a 'single' Heir and feared

moves to put forward his name as the concubine holder for CeeCee would

be made. He immediately mentioned those fears to Samuel.

Samuel quietly replied, "If it happens, we'll deal with it. But, let's not

count our hippogriffs before they're hatched."

When Hermione didn't return after half an hour, he suspected she'd be

waiting to come to Pottermore with her parents.

The surprise was the return of Fawkes, who came bearing a note back

from Jean-Paul. The Delacour four would all be coming as, apparently,

Fawkes was happy to bring them all.

Even more surprising was, as soon as Fawkes dropped the note pretty

much into Harry's lap, he flew over and landed on CeeCee's shoulder

again. Then the two stared at each other. CeeCee even giggled at one


Harry, thinking he knew what was going on, looked to Sirius and gave a

little head-tilt in CeeCee's direction before cocking an eyebrow.

Sirius looked a little confused for a moment, before his eyes widened in

shock and he quickly spun to stare at the unusual pair. When he looked

back to Harry, Harry gave a slight nod and shrugged.

Harry turned to look at the pair and called, "Fawkes?"

When both he and CeeCee turned to look at him, Harry asked, "Fawkes,

have you bonded with CeeCee?"

The resultant trill of joyous refrain, together with slightly opened wings,

was all the answer Harry needed.

Harry sighed and said, "Fawkes, you can't! CeeCee lives in the muggle


The resultant short trill back, with the clear sounds of a raspberry added

at the end, had CeeCee laugh. She explained, "He said, 'Mind your own

business, nestling'. I don't think I should add that last bit."

That had a few of the magicals, who didn't understand the problems that

were likely to arise from it, laugh. Harry was one who didn't.

He sighed and quietly said, "Well, that's gonna set the kneazles amongst

the snitches."

Dorothy asked, "What does it mean?"

Harry replied, "Fawkes has just become CeeCee's familiar; or, more

properly, bonded companion. That means, he'll now go where she goes,

except for times when he's out hunting or off doing something else.

"However, as a clearly magical bird, he represents problems with

maintaining the Statute of Secrecy. If he's spotted by those non-magicals

who are not allowed to be in the know―"

Fawkes interrupted with a long trill that sounded a little annoyed.

CeeCee immediately translated. "He said, 'Across the centuries he's lived

since the Statute was implemented, he's never been responsible for a

breach. He will not be now'. And it sounded like he was annoyed you

thought he would be."

Harry flicked his hands up in a 'giving up' gesture and said, "Sorry,

Fawkes. I'm just seeing likely avenues where problems may develop."

Short trill. "You're forgiven."

With another sigh, Harry moved to stand and said, "Well; I need to get to

Pottermore to set the ward permissions. I'll see you folks there, when you

get there."

Samuel added, "And, we'll head home for an early lunch before meeting

you there."

Daphne piped up, "Umm... Harry?"

Turning to her as he stood, he asked, "Wanna come with?"

Her smile was all the answer he needed.

She turned to her father, about to ask, when he gently smiled back and

said, "Of course, she may. Just... stay out of trouble."

Happily, she gave him a kiss to the cheek before joining Harry.

Looking to the Wilkinses before they left, Harry said, "This short time will

give you time to hammer Sirius with questions about us before you come

over. I recommend you use it. None of us will be offended." Then walked

out to the next room and its floo.




Back in Pottermore, Harry informed the elves via his major domo, Willy,

what was about to descend on Pottermore a little before 1.00pm. Then

turned to Daphne.

"You've not had a chance to see it yet, have you?" he asked.

"No," she replied, with an almost imperceptible head shake.

"Then, tour first," he replied, leading her out of the welcoming parlour.

Once done, with her paying very close attention to the bedrooms near the

master suite, he led her down to the kitchen.

"I think we need to think about how to set this meeting up, furniture-

wise," he said. "I could use your help with that."

As the two sat at the informal breakfast table, with Dobby assisting Pinty

got on to making lunch.

Well before the two teens had come up with a workable plan, lunch

appeared on the table before them. They ate as they continued to plan.

He was now even happier Daphne had asked to join him, as he didn't

think he'd have figured it out without her.

They would not be sitting as they normally did for a meeting of the

Alliance. They'd quickly figured out that would not work, here. Instead,

they'd be going far more informal with chairs brought into the main

parlour and, as it was large enough, they'd sit in a somewhat haphazard

circle with small tables used as side tables between chairs.

This way, discussion would be more informal. And allow for a better

hearing of views. They'd also have snacks and drinks available to anyone

who wanted one.

Once they had a plan, Harry called Willy and had him set something up

in the room. Pinty, with help from Dobby, prepared amuse-gueule - titbits

of finger food - the guests could nibble on while they talked. Daphne

explained the term to him, as he'd not heard it before. He always thought

it was hors d'oeuvres, but learned that meant an appetiser between courses

of a multi-course meal.

'Hunh! You learn something new every day,' he thought.




Hermione turned up with her parents, first. Harry expected that. Then

Sirius and Remus brought over the Wilkins five, plus Ted and Andi

Tonks. Ted and Andi had been called back over to the Black Townhouse

by Sirius before they came. Nymphadora was on-shift with the aurors.

Next was the Delacours arriving via Fawkes.

As soon as he dropped them off, Fawkes flew over and landed on

CeeCee's shoulder, while Fleur almost ran at Harry before laying a major

hug and kisses on him.

"'Ello, my 'Arry!" she cried.

That had the Wilkinses look at them with varying looks of surprise and


Hermione also saw it, smiled and said, "Harry saved Fleur's life during

the Second Task of the Tri-Wizard Tournament."

Harry looked to Hermione and said, "Hermione-love; can you introduce

and explain Fleur to the Wilkinses? I have more guests coming and I don't

have time, right now."

She nodded and said, "Of course." Then escorted Fleur, who really didn't

want to stop hugging Harry, over to the Wilkinses, taking the other

Delacours with her.

Then the rest began to quickly start arriving in a somewhat haphazard

order: Miles and Hedda Ogden; Frank, Alice and Neville Longbottom with

Susan and Hannah; Griselda Marchbanks; Heathcliff, Lydia, Edwin and

Tracey Davis; Eugene and Pauline Abbott; and, annoyingly, Augustus,

Esther, Cyril and Ernie MacMillan. Amelia Bones stepped out of the floo

with Justin Finch-Fletchley and a man Harry thought he recognised from

when Justin claimed his seat in the Wizengamot.

Quickly checking names off a list in a small notebook with a muggle pen

he carried, Harry said, "Right. That's everyone. If we can move this into

the parlour we can explain what the emergency and importance of this

meeting is."

As they walked into the next room, the parlour, Amelia was quick to

introduce Justin's father, the man who came with them, to Harry. She'd

HEEDed ahead to ask to add the man's name to the wards, which Harry

was happy - and relieved - to do.

In the parlour, of the Alliance each person introduced themselves. Then

Harry asked Sirius to introduce his 'party'. Sirius used CeeCee's 'muggle'

name. That was planned in advance.

"Alright," sighed Harry. Standing from his chair and moving forward a

bit. "Here's the situation, which is why you've all suddenly been called to

an emergency meeting. For this, I have offered the aid of the Alliance to

the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black. I know that was rather...

presumptuous... of me. However, I believe you'll support me doing so,

once you learn of why.

Indicating CeeCee, he said, "Sirius introduced you to young Charlie, here.

However, that is not her birth name; she was adopted with no one, at the

time, knowing her true name. Through reasons I believe I'll let Ted

explain, which is one of the reasons why he's here, we now know

CeeCee's true birth name to be Corina Cephei Malfoy. She is―"

That was as far as he got before the room exploded in noise of shocked

exclamations, both of anger and disbelief.

Harry stood there for a moment and unconsciously mimicked Amelia

Bones, when he folded his wand arm across his chest and used his

offhand to massage the bridge of his nose.

Fawkes started trilling a refrain of music meant to soothe. But, it

appeared it only soothed those of the Wilkinses and Justin's father, who

were sitting both sides and together.

Finally, Harry had had enough and said so. "ENOUGH!" he shouted.

That had those few still yelling, quiet down.

Giving them quelling glares he turned to Justin's father and the


In a clear voice, heard by all, he said, "My Lord Earl of Bedford, Wilkins

family; you have my sincere apology that, while guests in my home, you

have been subjected to such unseemly, uncultured behaviour by witches

and wizards who are supposed to be of high wizarding society in this fair

land. I trust you shall not be subjected to it again."

When he turned back it was to see quite a few sheepish faces, but also a

couple of angry ones. However, none of them verbally arced up again.

"Now," he said, "As I was saying... CeeCee's true birth name is Corina

Cephei Malfoy. She is the biological daughter of Lucius and Narcissa

Malfoy. Law-Wizard Ted Tonks assures me he has proof of that claim and

will make it available shortly."

Ted gave a firm nod and smiled.

"Of course, as you are no doubt aware, this makes her the rightful Heir...

Heiress... by primogenitor of the Magical House of Malfoy and its estates.

CeeCee is muggle-raised... or, as they call it in Australia where she was

raised... nomag-raised. Until a few days ago, she had no idea of her true

heritage. Again, Ted will explain why.

"I have called this emergency meeting of the alliance, with Lord Black's

blessing, to provide her succour. No doubt many of you will have already

figured out why.

"The Will reading of Lucius Malfoy occurs at 10.00am tomorrow

morning. At that time, CeeCee's existence will become public knowledge.

I am... concerned... she will then immediately be in danger from the

darker elements of our society. The vultures hoping to pick over what

they believe to be the carcass of the Malfoy estate will not be happy once

she comes forward.

"A House, though not of the Alliance, is in peril. We can provide aid.

What say you?"

Harry was surprised that Augustus MacMillan was the first to speak.

"First, Lord Potter, you ask us to support you in elevating a muggleborn

to his... rightful... place on the Wizengamot," he near-scowled. "Now you

bring us the Heiress of a House considered dark and ask us to provide

aid, yet again. When is it going to stop?"

Harry gave a nod to show he understood where MacMillan was coming

from. Then he replied, "To the first point; because the law, the very

Charter of the Wizengamot, said it must be so. To refuse was to go

against the very Charter by which our society formed as a society. We,

the Noble Houses, were obligated to see it through.

"To the second point; CeeCee is a twelve year old young lady and nomag-

raised. How could you consider her Dark? Though born of Malfoy blood I

invite you to take a closer look at what's now sitting on her shoulder.

Fawkes, against even my urging, has decided to bond with her. I

sincerely believe Fawkes is now her bonded companion; which opens up

a whole can of different problems that'll need to be addressed later. With

CeeCee as the only Malfoy by blood left, how can you say the Magical

House of Malfoy is still of the Dark? The paradigm has shifted."

MacMillan frowned in thought before he then said, "A valid point. Two

valid points."

Harry nodded and said, "How about we hear from Law-wizard Tonks as

to how this came to pass, so we have a better understanding of how to

help her?

"Oh, yes!" he suddenly exclaimed and chuckled. "As husband of

Andromeda, CeeCee's aunt on her biological mother's side, he's also her


When no one objected, Harry returned to his seat as Ted stood.

Ted explained what led to him beginning the search for her and some of

the information they found. He also explained how he received the final

proof and then apologised - again, apparently - to CeeCee for the slight

injury to her nose that gave them the blood to originally confirm through

the goblins she was who they believed her to be.

He also told everyone about the blood test which confirmed it. And said

they'd be going into the bank early to do the test again; this time, live

and in-person as required under goblin law.

Then Sirius, being serious for a change, stood and explained the main

problem: someone trying to enter her into a magically binding and

enforced marriage or concubine contract, utterly against her or her

adopted family's wishes. And protecting her against any effort to either

strip her of the estate or just flat out killing her.

Once the problem was explained, Harry knew he had their support. He

could see it on their faces.

"Alright," he said. "So the Wilkinses fully understand the problem..." he

turned to Justin and asked, "Justin; for the purposes of informing the

Wilkinses of what we consider the problem, do you mind sharing with us

how many betrothal or concubinage contracts or agreements you have

received since your House was established a few weeks ago? Please note:

You don't have to if you don't want to. This sort of information is

considered House business and not for anyone else to know who aren't

specifically involved, unless you want them to be."

Justin gave a slight frown before he turned to look at his father. His

father gave a slight shrug before Justin turned to Marchbanks.

"Headmistress Lady Marchbanks? I'll allow it."

Marchbanks gave a nod back and said, "Between Heir Finch-Fletchley's

Hogwarts Head of House, Pomona Sprout, and I, as his magical guardian

and proxy on the Wizengamot, he has received well over a dozen. Quite a

few of them were laced with illegal compulsion charms and the like."

Bones cut in and added, "Which my office are currently investigating and

seeing the perpetrators charged, for those that were illegally charmed."

Harry looked to his second male friend and said, "Thank you, Justin. I

believe the Wilkinses will find that both a little shocking and


Both Stephen and Dorothy were looking a little ill. Stephen said, "Yes,

thank you, errr... my Lord."

"Justin," Justin immediately corrected with a smile.

Stephen could only nod back with a rather weak smile of his own.

Harry turned back to the room and suggested, "How about we take a

break to let the Wilkinses think about that for a while... and us a chance

to try and think of ways to help them... while we stretch our legs a little.

Ten minutes?"

People started to rise from their chairs and began talking to those near

them, or others they wanted to catch up with.

He had just received a hug from Gabrielle, with Astoria right behind and

awaiting hers, when the elder Lord Finch-Fletchley approached.

"Sir," Harry said, offering his hand. "How can I be of assistance?"

The man smiled and shook Harry's hand before he leaned forward and,

with a small smile, quietly asked, "When are you going to ask?"

Harry froze for a bare fraction of a section before he asked, "Sir?"

The smile widened and the man, the Earl of Bedford and Heir Apparent

to the Dukedom of Kendal, just as quietly asked, "When are you going to

ask if Justin can provide a... more direct... assistance?"

Harry gave a quiet sigh and just as quietly replied, "I won't. I will not put

you or Justin on the spot like that. It wouldn't be right."

"But, you do not deny it is a possible outcome," the man said.

"No," he replied. "Justin is the sort of young man I can trust to do the

right thing and be a proper gentleman regarding her. He would never

take advantage of her... that way. You have raised a fine son, Sir."

"What were you thinking?" he pressed. "Betrothal or concubinage?"

"Because she needs to continue the family name, the latter," replied

Harry, "With escape clauses for both out the whazoo and back. Talk to

Samuel and inform him I give my permission for you to read the

concubinage agreement between Daphne and me. He has it on him at the

moment. You'll see what I mean. Oh; and Ted Tonks wrote it, if you wish

to seek legal clarification of any of the points."

"An excellent idea, Lord Potter," he said, giving Harry a nod of equals as

he began to withdraw.

Harry was having none of that and gave a slightly deeper one back, "A

pleasure speaking with you, Lord Finch-Fletchley."

As the Earl headed for Samuel, Astoria stepped forward and demanded

her aborted hug.

As she got in close, she whispered into his ear. "I hear tell you've made

Daph very happy... and very satisfied."

Surprised at the girl's forwardness, as he pulled back he said, "I'm sure I

have no idea what you mean."

She just smirked and said, "Suuure you don't."

"Well," he grinned. "We'll leave it at that, shall we?"

She giggled and hugged him again, before suddenly backing off and

hurrying away.

Harry was over talking to Frank and apologising for not giving him a

heads-up first, when Sirius approached and asked, "Harry? Mind if we

delay even further?"

When Harry turned a querying expression on him, he elaborated. "The

Wilkinses, Hermione's parents, the Finch-Fletchleys, Ted and Andi Tonks

and I need to borrow your office for a bit."

A little surprised, Harry replied, "Go for it. I'll let everyone else know of

the delay as soon as you are all out of the room."

Once Sirius withdrew, Frank asked, "The three muggle families, right?"

"Right," said Harry. "I daresay the Finch-Fletchleys and the Grangers will

be explaining things a bit better for the Wilkinses. Besides he and Andi

being bio-family, Ted will provide legal counsel."

"Bio-family?" asked Frank.

"Sorry. Muggle expression. It's short-form for biological family; that is,

family of the blood. It's often used when referring to someone

biologically related to someone who's been adopted and vice versa."

Understanding, Frank said, "Ah!"

When it was time to resit, Harry stood on a conjured set of steps and said,

"Sorry, folks. But, the Wilkinses... together with Sirius, Ted and Andi

Tonks... have excused themselves for a little while. They've been joined

by the Finch-Fletchleys and the Grangers in my office. I daresay the

Wilkinses wanted to hear the views of other muggles and muggle-raised

on this particular issue.

"I suggest we use this time for a frank and open discussion of the alliance,

for those who didn't want to speak in front of the Wilkinses. Any


When there was none, he gave a nod and said, "Then let us return to the





The discussion, while they waited, was a relief to Harry. He wanted to

hear the real thoughts of those in the alliance. As he said, he wanted the

thoughts of those who didn't want to say anything in front of non-alliance

members, especially the Wilkinses. And they didn't disappoint.

There were none who were against helping CeeCee, because they could

all see the likely result if they didn't. As Amelia said, 'The poor girl would

be trapped into a betrothal or concubine agreement by her birth mother,

Narcissa, before she could even blink.' However, Heathcliff Davis raised

the point that Sirius could toss Narcissa out of the family as paterfamilias,

but keep CeeCee.

Ogden said, "Sorry. That should work, but there'd be no telling what the

Wizengamot would do if the Dark Houses united and paid enough bribes

to the right people. The Wizengamot might still vote to hand the poor

girl to Madam Malfoy; or, rather, Dowager Malfoy now. There may even

be enough Light families that would vote that way, too; thinking Lord

Black was trying to finagle the Malfoy estate for himself."

Eugene Abbott gave an annoyed shake of his head and said, "The only

way out for her, I think, is for her to be in an established betrothal or

concubine contract before steps can be made by Madam... sorry, Dowager

Malfoy to get her hands on her."

Marchbanks, who usually only deigned to speak when actually called

upon at these meetings, said, "I believe Eugene's correct. It's the safest

course for her. However, it will need to be an agreement that contains a

significant number of escape clauses." She then looked to Harry.

Harry sighed and said, "I will not discuss what is written in the betrothal

and concubinage agreements for Hermione, Daphne, Fleur and me.

However, I'll say that there are some certain types of escape clauses

within them. I'll also inform you both were written by Ted Tonks. And, if

you'll note, he's one of the people currently in with the group in my

office, as we speak."

"So this might be resolved, even now," said MacMillan.

"Possibly," said Harry. "I'd even consider it unlikely. There are two

important points to consider: CeeCee's parents... adopted parents... are

muggles; and they really have no ties to wizarding Britain. As far as

they're concerned, they could simply sign over the inheritance to Sirius as

paterfamilias for House Black, or Narcissa Malfoy, and just walk away."

"That won't work," said Ogden.

"We know that," said Amelia. "That's because we have a much greater

understanding of the issues. However, they don't. They're being asked to

believe an entire system of society that is completely foreign to them.

And, on top of that, that we're not working against them for the best

interests of their daughter. And, on top of even that, that entering her

into a betrothal or concubine arrangement is to actually protect their

daughter, not turn her into a... brood mare or sex slave."




When those who had gone into the office returned, Stephen said, "Folks;

I... We... thank you for the information you've given m- us and the help

you're offering.

"For the past... hour'ish? I've... We've - Dorothy, Patrick, Sarah, Charlie

and me - have been brought even more up to date with information

about how to protect Charlie... CeeCee. But, at this time, we really don't

know what to do. Personally, I'm now wishing Ted had never found us.

But, at the same time, I also realise someone would have, eventually.

"For now, though, my family and I need to talk about this between us. I

hope you don't mind."

"Of course not," said Harry. "You should talk to one another about it."

Stephen hesitated a moment before he looked to Harry more directly and

said, "Thank you, for spotting a potential problem and coming to our aid.

It is very much appreciated. Thank you, all."

"You're very welcome," he replied as everyone else said similar words.

Just as they were apparently about to leave, Harry called to CeeCee,


When she turned to look to him, still with Fawkes on her shoulder, he

asked, "Would you ask Fawkes to return to take the Delacours back to

France when they're ready to leave?"

She turned to Fawkes for a few moments, while Fawkes trilled out some

reply, before turning back to Harry. "He said to give him a call. He'll

come. But, he's also not a cab service in future."

Harry nodded and said, "Thank you, Fawkes; I understand."




With the Wilkinses leaving, many of the other families left soon

afterwards. Each asking to let them know if any of the others heard about

what the Wilkinses had decided to do.

Finally, Amelia Bones left with the Finch-Fletchleys and was also escorted

out by the Ogdens. The only ones soon left were the Longbottoms, the

Delacours, the Grangers, Susan and Hannah.

When the Grangers left, Hermione reluctantly went with them. Then the

Longbottoms, with Hannah and Susan, took their leave; leaving just the


For most of the time, Fleur cuddled into Harry's lap and didn't seem to

want to leave.

Finally, Jean-Paul sighed and said, "Time to leave, Little Flower."

Fleur gave a deep pout but, after giving Harry a long kiss, finally hopped

off his lap.

Then Jean-Paul called for Fawkes, who arrived a few moments later, and

the Delacours flamed away. That just left Harry.

As it was getting on to dinner time he headed for the kitchen, only to find

Pinty already hard at work. With a sigh, he headed for the library. Maybe

he should finally make a start on reading the Potter Grimoire.




The next morning, the Monday morning, Harry was up and ready for

anything by 8.00am. As far as his body was concerned, he was still on

'Hogwarts time'.

The early hour allowed him a leisurely breakfast - which he was again

'not allowed' to cook - while reading the Daily Prophet. As the first

Monday of the month, he also received his Gringotts general bank

statement; and was skimming through that on the side.

All he was really concerned about in the statement was if any

unauthorised withdrawals were made and he wasn't losing money hand

over fist from his investments. He wasn't. If anything, he made a decent

profit; a little bit more than above market average.

He also pulled out the previous two months' statements, as he'd not

properly made time to go through them back then.

It was while he skimmed down the columns of figures in the previous

statements, comparing movements of liquid assets, that he came across

where the girls had spent money in Malkin's and elsewhere the day they

took Fleur shopping. He gave a low whistle at the total figures, but was

quite pleased. It meant they were comfortable spending 'their' money,

rather than 'his' money. Or, it at least meant either Fleur or Daphne had

finally convinced Hermione of that.

With breakfast finished, he set his dirty dishes and cutlery aside, where

they vanished from a few moments later, dashed into his office and

brought back parchment, quills and ink. Then he set-to with the bank

statements to list down anything of importance he wanted to speak with

the goblins about. He could then use that as an excuse to be in the bank

later that morning, if necessary.

As he was working, he heard the floo activate and the muted cry of 'Rule

Britannia'. He'd just figured out who it was when her voice came more

clearly through to the informal dining room.

A few moments later, she walked in.

"Harry," she said, clearly pleased to see him.

"Hello, Daphne," he smiled back. "Not that I'm not happy to see you, but

what brought you over to see me?"

After she kissed him on the cheek, she pulled out a chair, kitty-corner to

him and sat. "You're planning on going to be in the Alley when Malfoy's

Will is read, if not in the Will reading itself. I plan on going in with you."

Surprised, he looked back and asked, "How did you―?" Aborting what he

was going to say he gave his head a little shake and gave a short snort of

self-deprecating humour. "Slytherin. Of course. It was silly of me not to

realise that you'd have figured that out before I opened my mouth."

She just smirked back.

It wasn't until then he realised she was dressed in elegant 'mourning'





At five minutes to ten, with Daphne on his off-arm and dressed in black

mourning robes himself, Harry walked into Gringotts in Diagon Alley.

Because of who he was, he immediately went to the reserved teller for

those of Noble Houses. No one was ahead of him.

"Good morning, Teller," he said to the goblin, offering his key.

Without a word, the goblin checked the key over before passing it back.

"How may Gringotts be of service, this morning?"

"I believe a Will reading is to take place at 10.00am - the Malfoy Will," he

replied. "Is it a closed or open reading?"

The goblin checked something and replied. "Closed. My apologies; you

are not on the list of those allowed to attend, Lord Potter."

"That's fine," he nodded. "May I be informed of who has been invited?"

"No," the goblin replied.

Harry carefully slid a short stack of five galleons onto the counter and

quietly asked, "Are you aware of if the Will has been challenged by one

Corina Cephei Malfoy?" Then immediately gave a nod to the stack and

said, "You should be careful about leaving gold just lying about like that,


Quickly sliding the galleons over to his side of the counter and directly

into his own pockets, the teller firmly said back, "Yes and agreed," Once

done, he glared back, "If that will be all, wizard; please step away."

"Thank you, Teller," said Harry. With a slight head bob he did just that.

Walking away, Harry leaned into Daphne and said, "I think we need to

find somewhere close to the entrance of the bank and keep an eye out for

any trouble that may arise as people step out." He'd changed his mind

about visiting his own account manager.

Daphne immediately returned, "Fortescue's will be best." And indicated

the ice creamery just up a couple shops back towards the Leaky Cauldron

and on the opposite side of the alley to the bank. It offered the best view

from a position sitting at an outside table.

"Good idea," he smiled, leading the way over.

Harry wasn't interested in any ice cream and neither was Daphne. So he

bought them both tea and scones with a side of strawberry jam and


Then they waited. He estimated it would be at least a half hour and

somewhere just shy of an hour.

Once they had their orders, Harry threw up a weak audible and visual

muffling privacy charm. It was just enough to make Harry not stand out

so much.

Then he looked to Daphne and asked, "If you're not breaking House

confidence by answering, what was your father's take on the situation

with CeeCee?"

Daphne was a few moments before she replied, "Father is... concerned.

He... agrees that it would be preferred that the estate be kept out of the

hands of the Dark, of course. However, he sees the risk to Miss... to

CeeCee as significant."

"Mmm," he muttered.

"However, he's supportive of your idea to see the girl concubined to

Justin. He, too, sees it as the obvious choice. He's just worried that either

her or Justin's father will... baulk at the idea."

"My concerns, as well," he nodded. "I'm worried that Stephen will try to

deny the risk and take his family back to Perth to attempt to hide. A

decision that would ultimately fail."

"Father believes the same," she said. Then asked, "How do you believe

this would affect the negotiations for a Betrothal Agreement between

Finch-Fletchley and Tracey?"

Harry smirked back and said, "If such is happening, of course." Adopting

a more serious face, he replied, "Unknown. It might even mean that the

Betrothal Agreement might not be so necessary, after all."

With barely a cocked eyebrow back, she replied, "Yes. Tracey does not

know what she thinks of that. I do not believe I am betraying her

confidence by stating she was feeling quite ambivalent to the idea of

being betrothed to Justin.

"In confidence, however, I'll let you know she feels somewhat attracted to

Blaise Zabini."

"I figured," he replied. "However, from the body language of both, he

does not seem so enamoured of her."

"No," she sighed. "And, from the lack of behaviour towards any females in

the school, I'm starting to fall into the camp of those who believe him to

be a homosexual."

He grinned and said, "He exhibits the same, as you put it, lack of

behaviour towards the boys, too."

"Quite," she quietly muttered, taking a sip of her tea.




A little over twenty minutes later, both Caracticus Nott and Cassius

Parkinson, stormed out of the bank. They'd only gone so far when

Parkinson, who was behind Nott at the time, reached out and grabbed

the older Nott by the elbow, bringing the man to a halt. A few words

were quietly said from Parkinson when both men moved off to the side

and under a shop window awning.

Moments later, an obvious masking and privacy field went up around

them. It was stronger than the one Harry threw up.

Harry, watching, quietly said, "Shit."

"They're up to something," said Daphne, who'd also seen them both.

"Yeah," he muttered.

Thinking it through, he said, "Give me a few moments."

Without waiting for a response, he quickly stepped into the shop and out

of sight before sending off two messenger Patronuses. Then quickly

returned to his seat.

Daphne asked, "What did you do?"

"Sent a Patronus off warning Sirius, as I expect him to be inside; and a

second one to Madam Bones, letting her know trouble was likely brewing

in the Alley."

Nodding, she said, "Wise, I believe."




Inside the bank in one of the conference rooms, the Will reading had

concluded with Ted immediately filing a petition for the reading to be

overturned due to the rightful Head and Lady of the Magical House of

Malfoy being denied her rightful inheritance. That near-instantly had

those who were due to receive bequeathments jump up, shouting in

angry denial.

On Sirius's nod, Ted stepped out of the room and brought CeeCee and her

muggle family in, explained who they were and presented the recently

acquired anew Gringotts-approved evidence she was the rightful Lady of

the House through primogenitor.

The Malfoy Account Keeper had immediately said, "Ah! The missing

Malfoy Heir." He turned his beady eyes on CeeCee and said, "Well met,

Heiress Malfoy."

CeeCee didn't know what to do so just gave a slow nod back and softly

said, "Thank you."

That had quite a few, clearly believing they were going to be picking the

Malfoy carcass clean, again shout in angry denial.

Narcissa had sat there in shock, staring at CeeCee in both hope and fear.

She would not, could not, take her eyes off her.

After Parkinson and Nott stormed out of the room, most of the rest

quietened back down again. One who made no noise, but just sat

watching and writing things down was a clerk out of the Minister's

Office, taking notes. Others were Olaf Goyle, Vincent Crabbe Senior and a

few others of little import. Any others who had been named beneficiaries

in the Will were either in Azkaban, such as Bellatrix LeStrange, or dead,

such as Draco.

They'd only just recovered a somewhat angry peace, due mainly to the

Gringotts guards stepping forward and gesturing with razor sharp

halberds, when Harry's first Patronus entered.

In it's ethereal voice that sounded like Harry's, it said, "Stay in the bank.

Trouble brews outside. Possible ambush. I've summoned the aurors to deal

with it."

Sirius quietly muttered, "Ssshyte."

Immediately looking to Sirius, Stephen asked, "What was that?" He hadn't

seen the Patronus, but did hear the message.

"A messenger Patronus from Harry," replied Sirius. "I'd say Parkinson and

Nott have stupidly tried to set up an ambush from concealment outside

the bank. Best we stay in here for a while."

Stephen muttered, "You weren't kidding when―"

"No," he firmly replied.

Unnoticed by the others, CeeCee had hesitantly approached Narcissa and

quietly asked, "Missus Malfoy?" She stopped a few feet shy of the woman.

Narcissa looked to the girl, who could only be her daughter, and just as

quietly replied, "It's Mad- no, Dowager Malfoy now." She hesitated herself

for a moment before she carefully asked, "Corina?"

CeeCee replied, "I'm told that was my birth name, yes. The goblins

confirmed it. My adopted name is Charlotte. Mum calls me Charlie, but I

prefer CeeCee."

Narcissa smiled as her eyes began to water. Carefully standing, she asked,

"May I... hug you?"

CeeCee thought about it for all of about two seconds before she stepped

forward the last few feet and slipped her arms around the taller woman's

waist; as Narcissa raised her own to come around CeeCee's upper arms

and around her back.

Within a moment, CeeCee had her head turned sideways and pressed into

Narcissa's upper chest while Narcissa's own head bent forward to rest

sideways on the crown of CeeCee's head. Both witches, younger and

older, then let their tears flow.

Turning to see the last movement of it, Sirius had a mild shot of panic

before he saw the expression on Narcissa's face. He immediately felt a

profound sense of relief. This was not the expression and actions of a

woman who would see her daughter killed or abused. Those tears were


"CeeCee?" her father called halfway between demand and ask.

Surprisingly, both witches looked back. "Yes?/Yes, Dad?" Then both

pulled back and looked confused at the other.

That had everyone confused before Sirius understood and snickered.

"I get it," he said. "CeeCee is Corina, or Charlotte's, nickname. And Cissy is

Narcissa's nickname. With the quick Australian accent, they sound the


Seeing the Wilkinses were quite wary, while Ted was handling the

documentation with the goblins Sirius made the introductions. He started

with Stephen first.

"Stephen, Dot, Pat, Sarah," he said, before indicating Narcissa. "This is

Narcissa Malfoy, now Dowager Malfoy. She is, if you haven't already

guessed, CeeCee's biological mother.

"Cissy; this is Stephen, Dorothy, Patrick and Sarah Wilkins. They are the

family who, at first, fostered CeeCee after she was found abandoned;

before then―"

"Abandoned?" Narcissa cried out in shock, interrupting. "Lucius told me―"

"We'll discuss it later, Cissy," Sirius firmly interrupted right back. "Here

and now is not the place." And gave a pointed look to the others in the


After a quick glance of her own in the direction of the others," Narcissa

firmed up, gave a nod back and said, "Of course, My Lord."




Out in the Alley, Harry and Daphne had been keeping an eye on Nott and

Parkinson, where they quietly waited under the same shop awning.

About a minute after he sent the Patronus message to Bones, a good half-

dozen to a dozen aurors walked up from both ends of the Alley. Bones

was with them and she made a beeline for Harry and Daphne.

Once she was close enough, Harry gave a nod of his head towards the

shop next door to Madam Malkin's and said, "Parkinson and Nott are

trying to remain inconspicuous under the window. From their actions,

they're clearly lying in wait for Sirius and the others. That's where they

went as soon as they came out of the bank, quite angry."

Bones looked for herself before she gave a flick of her hand to one of the

aurors - Dawlish. "Go have a chat with them. That should be enough to

send them on their way."

Dawlish gave a nod and said, "Ma'am." And made his way over, leading

who appeared to be his partner.

It was obvious the 'dastardly duo' had seen the increased number of

aurors and were not happy about it.

When she turned back, Harry said, "I know I could have waited until they

actually tried something, but―"

"But you weren't prepared to put the Wilkinses at risk," she finished. "I

wouldn't have been happy with you, if you did."

Within thirty seconds of Dawlish and his partner sidling-up to Parkinson

and Nott, both 'ex' Death Eaters angrily stormed off up the alley towards

the Leaky, past where Harry and Daphne were sitting with Bones

standing nearby and also watching.

Dawlish was more leisurely following behind with a wide grin on his

face. Just before he passed Fortescue's he turned to walk over to the two

teens and Bones. "That, I must say, was enjoyable."

Bones, watching the duo still walk away, smirked and said, "It's always

pleasant to hear my people enjoy their work."

Harry raised his wand and cast another messenger Patronus towards the

bank. "Just letting them know the probable ambush has been dealt with."

She gave a nod and asked, "So, what brings you to the alley on a Monday


"A hunch," he replied. "We first tried to get in on the reading. However,

the goblins told us it was a closed reading, so we came out here to watch

and wait."

"Knowing what has likely happened within the bank," she said. "I should

have thought of a possible ambush."

"No reason to," he shrugged. "It's actually quite the moronic thing to do,

when you think about it. Look at all the witnesses that would have seen

them do it."

"Mmm," she muttered.




Harry's second Patronus to Sirius popped in and said, "The aurors have

dealt with the possible ambush. It's now safe to leave."

"Uh-huh," said Sirius. He then turned to those not of the family - the

Ministry representatives and the few others - and said, "Alright, folks. The

reading's over and this is now House business. Thank you for coming, but

I have to insist you now leave."

Though the Ministry representative appeared annoyed at that, they all

quietly rose and left. That left Sirius, Ted, Narcissa and the Wilkinses in

the room.

Once they'd gone and the door was closed again, he turned to Narcissa

and said, "You don't know how pleased I am to discover you're not

immediately disagreeable to CeeCee and her family being here."

"She's my daughter," said Narcissa. "Why would I be?"

"We'll discuss that later," he returned. "For now..." Turning to Ted, who

was still going over bank parchmentwork, he asked, "Ted, how much

longer will you be?"

"Almost done," replied Ted. "I just need CeeCee to come over here to sign

some documents. Then I need you and Narcissa to sign them and others."

Once the signing of documents was done - with CeeCee, unused to

signing with a blood quill, rubbing the back of her hand at the end of it -

Ted said, "That's it, for now."

The goblin sitting on the other side of the desk nodded and said,

"Indeed." He then turned to look at CeeCee and said, "Heiress Malfoy; I

and Gringotts stand ready to aid you in your finances from this time

forth. Please, do not hesitate to contact me on any matter in which I may


CeeCee looked back and quietly said, "Thank you."

Now ready, Sirius and Ted escorted them out of the room and back to the

main lobby of the bank. Just before he walked out the doors taking the

lead, he drew his wand and took a guard position ahead.




Still watching the doors of the bank, Harry was the first to spot Sirius

walk out, followed by the Wilkinses, Ted and Narcissa all together.

"They're out," he quietly said, starting to rise.

With Daphne and Bones right behind him, he almost casually walked out

into the middle of the alley and waited. Sirius clearly spotted them

within a couple of paces off the bottom steps of the bank.

He didn't notice, however, the couple of aurors who took up flanking

positions walking down the sides of the alley, parallel and matching the


"Hey, Padfoot," said Harry, once Sirius was in normal conversation

volume range.

"Thanks for that, Harry," said Sirius. "Who was it?"

"Parkinson and Nott," he replied. "They were loitering in front of the

window of the shop next to Malkin's."

With a quick glance at the spot, Sirius gave a grunt of acknowledgement

as they now all headed to the Leaky. "They weren't happy to hear the

Will was overturned due to CeeCee, as primogenitor Head of the House,

not being mentioned in it. They were due to receive half a million

galleons, each."

"Ouch!" muttered Harry. After a quick glance to Narcissa, he quietly

muttered, "How's Dowager Malfoy?"

"Coping," he replied. "She... apparently... is not as obstructionist to this as

we feared she may be. I'll let you know more once I get to talk to her for

a fair bit more, back at the Kennel."

"Fair enough," nodded Harry, just as they entered the rear door of the

Leaky. He was still looking for Nott or Parkinson or anyone else who

might have been there to cause mischief.

If there were, though, the half dozen aurors who walked in first might

have been enough for them to change their minds. Nothing happened.

As they entered the taproom, Harry said, "Daphne and I are going back to

Pottermore. Call on me if you need me."

"Will do, Pup," said Sirius. "And... thank you for the warning and dealing

with the threat."

"No worries," he said.

Once those going to the Black Townhouse were gone, that included

Narcissa, Harry and Daphne returned to Pottermore.




As soon as the two teens were back at Pottermore a few moments later,

Daphne launched herself at Harry and snogged him. When she pulled

back, she demanded, "Now. Take me to the Master Suite!"

Harry grinned back and asked, "What brought this on?"

She smirked, "If I need a reason, it's because of the way you handled

yourself like a Slytherin, back there. You thought about how to handle

the situation with no harm to yourself. You didn't charge in and get

yourself injured. That deserves a reward."

Still grinning, he took her by the hand and started to leave the room.

"Always happy to oblige."

An hour later and they were both lying naked in the master bed. Both,

with the slight endorphic feeling of completed physical exertion, just

relaxing. Daphne was again curled into his side as he laid on his back,

almost purring as Harry let his fingers wander up and down her back.

"That was nice," she sighed.

"Happy to please," he returned.

"Can you be nice again?" she asked.

He grinned and rolled towards her.

A half hour later, after showers for the both of them, she said, "I've

already told father I intend to move in here, permanently, well before the

end of the holidays."

"Oh?" he asked. "And what did he say to that?"

She grinned and said, "Don't be a stranger."

After an enjoyable lunch, she returned to Greengrass Manor.




Harry was, once more, alone in the manor. "I am not going to get used to

this," he muttered.

It had only been about an hour since Daphne had left. He'd tried reading

some of the Potter Grimoire, but the silence of the manor was, of itself,

deafening. He realised he needed noise of some form around him. The

wizarding wireless, once he found it, helped some, just not enough.

Though it wasn't anywhere near approaching dinner, Harry decided he'd

do some cooking. Dobby was getting more and more annoying about his

cooking meals; something he'd have to have some stern words with the

elf about. However, Harry was going to cook something. He'd go mad, if

he didn't.

Once he was able to source where all the groceries and staples were

located, he set-to with a vengeance. He turned out a couple of cakes,

trays of scones (superior, in his opinion, to the ones he and Daphne had

at Fortescue's), biscuits (cookies) and a couple of different pies. That took

a couple hours.

As he was in the kitchen, he made a start on dinner - for one (sigh). And

had that cooking while he made a start on cooking his favourite soup;

slow-cooked, finely diced potato, sweet potato, carrot, onion, swede,

turnip, celery, parsnip and smoked ham; herbs to season. That would

slow cook on a low heat overnight and be ready for the next day before


He only stopped cooking when his dinner was ready. By the time he got

that into him and was ready to go back to the kitchen, it was spotless.

Dobby had finished everything while he was eating. The only thing still

cooking was the soup; and that was sitting off to one side and in a corner

of the stove where the banked coals were shoved.

'Damn it,' he thought.

Finally, he realised he had to bite the bullet about his and Dobby's

cooking 'battle' and called his loyal little friend. "Dobby."

"Yes, Master Harry?"

"We need to talk."

It was not a pleasant conversation for either of them.




67. Narcissa's Stance and More-


Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to the proverbial Duchess of

Magic, JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high

falutin' companies. No matter how much I whine about not owning anything

related to the HP universe, other than a few fanfic plots, I do not profess to

own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful

world... Damn it!

Chapter Sixty Seven - Narcissa's Stance and More-Ron




The next morning, knowing Hermione would be up early enough, Harry

flooed across to the Doghouse, out back of the Grangers'. From there, he

walked up to the house and let himself inside.

Standing just inside the back door, he called. "Hermione! You here and


He heard the running of bare feet on the stairs and had his wand out, just

in case.

When she rounded the top of the stairs and stood there with her own

wand in hand, she suddenly beamed at him. "Harry!" Then charged down

the stairs.

He was barely able to get the back door closed before she practically

slammed into him, causing him to crash backwards into the door he'd a

bare moment earlier shut.

He'd only just got his mouth open to... well, it didn't matter to him as his

brain went into shut-down as she proceeded to snog half the life out of


Finally pulling back when air became an issue, she gasped and said,

"Missed you!"

Smiling, he returned, "I missed you, too!"

"Not that I mind," she said, "Because I really don't, but what brings you

over here?"

He gave a mock pout and replied, "It's lonely in that big old house all on

my own."

Leading him up the stairs to the main floor, she asked, "And you want to

come and stay here?"

"No," he replied, following. "I made a promise to your father that I would

not... do things... with you under his roof. Plus, there's also the issue of

Daphne and Fleur, when she gets here.

"No. I'm thinking of going early to the Black Townhouse; rather than

waiting a week."

"That... sounds like a good idea," she said. "Honestly, I didn't like the idea

of you in that big mansion all on your own except for the house elves. I

think I'd go crazy if it was me."

Not even realising he was doing it, he followed her up the next flight of

stairs to the first floor. The room 'his' bedroom was on.

"Well," he said, "I wouldn't go crazy... I've had to give Dobby a talk about

constantly blocking me from the kitchen. So I'd have spent some time

cooking. The problem with that is... I'd only be cooking for myself."

"I'm glad you talked to Dobby about it," she quietly said. "It's obvious to

everyone who's watched you in the kitchen that cooking is something

you love doing."

Leading him up to the next floor, she asked, "How'd he take it?"

"I was surprised to find, quite well," he replied. "He thought it was great

fun, but didn't realise how much I really did enjoy cooking. He's

promised he'll back off from now on."

On 'her' floor, Hermione led him into her room and to the bed. Then,

surprising Harry, she began to disrobe.

"Err... Hermione?" he asked, finally realising what she was doing and

where they were.

"Yes Harry?" she calmly asked, as she unhooked her bra and tossed it

aside, before then moving to undo the top button on the jeans she was


"W-what are you doing?"

"Getting naked, Harry," she replied. "What did you think I was doing?

And, don't you think you're way over dressed?"

"Hermione," he whined. "I promised your father―"

"Think about what you promised him, Harry," she said, sliding her jeans

down her legs and slipping them off, one foot at a time.

Down to just her knickers, Hermione stepped forward to Harry and

started to unbutton the shirt he was wearing.

"Err―" he tried.

"You promised him a list of ten rules," she said, reaching out and reefing

his shirt tails out of his slacks. "Have a look at my bedroom door, Harry."

Glancing at the door while she was pulling his shirt off his body, he saw

it was open. "Ummm... yes?"

"It's open, Harry," she said, reaching for his belt, undoing it.

"I can see that," he said. His pants dropped to the floor.

Almost unconsciously he kicked his loafers and pants off, together.

"I carefully read the rules, Harry," she said, kneeling down and pulling his

socks off. When she stood, she also had hold of his pants, which she

tossed onto a chair in her room that seemed to be there just to have

clothes tossed onto it.

"Nothing in the rules state you and I can't... have fun... if the door stays

open," she grinned.

As he thought about the rules, he realised she was right. The rules only

stated he couldn't be in a room alone with her with the door closed.

"Besides, I've always wanted―"

It was a far as she got before he almost bodily picked her up and tossed

her onto the bed. As she squealed in surprise before suddenly laughing,

Harry quickly ripped his undies down and stepped out of them.

Jumping onto the bed next to her knees, he was quick to get her knickers

off her, too.

"Now," he said. "You were saying something about what you've always


With a mischievous grin, she replied, "I've always wanted to... make

love... in my own bed."

"Well!" he grinned. "Let's see what we can do to make that a reality,


As he moved forward and began nuzzling her neck, she cried out in





After a good two hours in Hermione's bed - she claimed she wanted to

make sure her dream was a true reality she could look back upon in

happiness - they finally rose and used her ensuite to shower.

Harry thought the thrill of thinking her parents might come back home at

any moment - just because of any reason, really - made it a little more

enjoyable, risk-wise.

Once they were dressed again and heading downstairs, she said, "Thank

you, Harry; for making my little fantasy come true."

"I'd say 'You're welcome', but I enjoyed it too," he replied, following her

down. "Instead, I'll say, 'And, thank you'."

Back on the main floor, Harry headed for the kitchen to whip them up

something for lunch. She followed him in.

Rooting through the cupboards, he asked, "What were you doing before I

showed up?"

"Meditating," she replied. "I think I've finally got my memories all sorted.

It took ages."

"It does, the first time. Or, so I'm told," he said. "But, you realise it's really

not all that important to get them perfect, just organised and protected in

a way you can easily recall them?"

"And when have you known me not to do it right, right from the start?"

she asked. "A job worth doing is worth doing right."

He grinned back as he brought out the makings for a decent salad with

cold cuts.




After lunch, Harry was just going to head over to the Black Townhouse

on his own, but Hermione was having none of that.

"You realise I'm on my own here, too, while my parents are at work,

right?" she asked.

"Well, I hope so," he grinned. "Otherwise, we might've just given your so-

far-unseen-and-unintroduced guests a pretty good show, upstairs."

She grinned back and said, "No, silly. I mean, I'm on my own here, now,

and I've decided I'm coming with you. And you also realise, don't you, we

never got a chance to see what changes Sirius made to our rooms to

make it so Fleur is included, right?"

Surprised, he replied, "Actually, I'd not thought about that. You're right,


"Then, let's go," she said, rising from sitting at the dinette.

Betsy had already cleared the plates away. And, based on his knowledge

of house elves, she'd have had the dishes done, lickety-split.




Popping out of the floo at the Black Townhouse, something Harry was

once again getting a handle on, Hermione called out, "Anyone home?"

"In the kitchen!" was yelled back. It sounded like Dorothy.

Not even commenting on the yelling back and forth, as it was what

muggles did when they didn't have elves to give short messages back and

forth, Hermione led Harry out the door, into the hallway and down to the

kitchen. Besides, he'd only a few hours earlier done the same at the

Grangers' when calling Hermione.

As she entered first, Hermione said, "Hi!"

Dorothy looked up and replied, "Hello, Hermione." Then she saw Harry

step out from behind her, "And hello, Harry."

"Hello," he said back.

Dorothy was the only one in the room. She was doing dishes.

Harry said, "You know Sirius's house elves will do that, right?"

"I know," she replied. "I tend to use the time I do dishes to think things


"Anything we can do to help?" asked Hermione.

"No, dear. It's okay."

Harry asked, "Where's Padfoot, Moony and the others?"

"Padf― Oh!" she said, understanding. "Sirius is in his office, I think. He's

been in there for a while, speaking with Narcissa. Remus went out for a

while a while back. No idea where, though. Stephen's taken the kids out,


Hermione asked, "With everything that's happened, if you don't mind me

asking, how're you holding up?"

Dorothy seemed to slump a little and sigh as both her hands came down

to rest on the edge of the sink. After a long moment she replied, "It's a

work in progress."

"Well, I hope I didn't scare you too much, the other day," said Harry,

"When I told you of my fears concerning your daughter."

"Yes," she replied. "However, that does not mean we... my husband and

I... do not thank you for alerting us to it. And that... alliance of yours,

too. They were wonderful people to us."

"You're welcome," he replied.

She gave a little huff of amusement and said, "I've never met an Earl


"That was my first time, too," he grinned. "I know Justin, of course. He's a

mate. Good bloke. But I had no idea he was a Viscount, that his father

was an Earl or that his grandfather was a Duke, until earlier this year -

January. If he outlives his grandfather and father, he'll become His Grace,

Justin Finch-Fletchley, Duke of Kendal."

From her body language and the little looks Dorothy was sending

Hermione, he thought she might want him to leave so the two could 'girl

talk'. He decided to see if he could interrupt his godfather's chat with

cousin Narcissa.

"Well," he said, standing. As Hermione began to rise, he said to her, "Stay

here, please, Hermione. I need to talk to Sirius about me staying here. I'll

only be a few minutes... I hope."

Hermione gave a nod and settled back down again as Harry excused

himself and made his way back up the stairs.

Once he left, Dorothy said, "Now. Now that your parents aren't also here,

I'd like to talk about what you really think of being betrothed to someone

who has two concubines."

Hermione smiled. She'd just figured out what Harry had seen and why

he'd left, asking her to remain.




Harry remembered where to find the office from his visit when Sirius

showed him right throughout the house with Daphne and Hermione. As

such, he was able to find it pretty quickly.

He knocked on the door and waited.

A bare moment later he heard, "Come in!" It was Sirius's voice.

When he opened the door he found exactly who he thought he'd find.

Sirius was sitting behind a desk and Narcissa was sitting in a chair before


"Pup!" exclaimed Sirius.

"Hi," he said. "I need to talk to you for a few minutes; when you've got a


"Is it private?" asked his godfather.

"Nope." Harry decided to get right to the point. "Is my room available?"

Surprised at the question, Sirius replied, "Yes, actually. Why?"

"I'm bored sitting at Pottermore on my own," he replied. "I've become so

used to having others very close by I'm already going a little stir-crazy."

"And you want to move in here half a week early," said Sirius. "Sure! No

problem. When do you want to move?"

"This afternoon, if it's alright," he replied. "I'll have the elves bring my

things across before dinner."

"Done," said Sirius. "I admit to being a little worried about you being in

that place on your own, too."

"Thanks, Sirius. Hermione expressed the same," he smiled. Looking to

Narcissa he smiled and said, "Sorry to have interrupted your meeting,

Dowager Malfoy."

"Not at all, Lord Potter," she replied. "And, please, we're cousins. Call me


"Then, it's Harry to you," he smiled back as she gave a nod and small

smile of her own.

"I'll leave you to it," he said, withdrawing and closing the door.

He headed upstairs to where he knew his room to be and checked to

make sure it was, indeed, unoccupied. Thankfully, it was.

Inside, he also checked Hermione's and Daphne's room to find they, too,

were also unoccupied. However, he couldn't find Fleur's.

Breathing a sigh of relief, he called for his loyal house elf. "Dobby."

With barely a pop, the elf appeared. "Yes, Master Harry?"

"Because I don't want to be bouncing around Pottermore on my own, I've

decided I'll be moving in here for the next few weeks," he explained. "Can

you pack my personal effects, clothes and toiletries and bring them


"Yes, Master Harry," replied Dobby.

He was back a few minutes later while Harry was checking things, such

as the water pressure in the ensuite and the comfort of the bed. It was all


Within a few moments, Dobby had everything unpacked and where they

should be to his liking.

"Thank you, Dobby," he said. "You've done well. Can you also bring the

pot of soup I was cooking over and put it on the stove in the kitchen? Oh;

and the food I otherwise cooked... bring it over and put it on the kitchen

table, please."

"Yes, Master Harry." And was gone again.

He knew that, after the chat he had to have with the elf, Dobby was not

in the best of spirits at the moment. So, he'd focus on thanking the little

elf when he did something right and well.




Checking through everything, he also noticed Dobby had collected and

brought over the Potter Grimoire. It was the book that was, until then,

sitting on his bedside table with a bookmark in it, showing where he was

up to.

"Oh, well done, Dobby!" he breathed. He knew the little elf would have


Putting the book back on the bedside table, he checked to make sure

everything else was as it should be. Once done, he exited the room,

pulling the door closed behind him. And walked back down to the


He had no idea why, from his experience, it was that many magical

families all congregated in the kitchen or informal dining rooms, but it's

what they did. The Weasleys were another example.

Walking back through the kitchen door he realised he had interrupted a

private conversation. "Sorry," he said. "I can come back later, if you like."

"No, Harry," said Hermione. "It's fine. We were just having a ladies chat

about a few things. There's plenty of time to continue it another day."

"Fair enough," he said, taking a seat next to her. "Sirius has given me

permission to move into here in my room. I had Dobby bring my personal

effects over and he's already unpacked for me. So, I'll be here for a


Indicating where the pot of soup now rested on the corner of the stove,

he said, "I also had him bring over the soup I was cooking, so we can

enjoy that for first course for dinner."

After both looked and saw it, he continued, "I'll need to write letters to

the others to let them know, later. No... actually. I'll do it now. I wouldn't

want them going to Pottermore, find the place empty and then worry

what happened to me. You can continue your chat with Dot."

"Good idea," she said. "Were you responsible for the cakes and pies that

turned up earlier?"

"Oh!" he replied. "Yes. That's the stuff I cooked yesterday."

She indicated the bench and said, "All of it's been moved there. Just... It

near frightened us to death when it suddenly turned up."

"Sorry," he sheepishly replied. "I forgot you'd both still be in here."

Standing he said, "I'll be in my room, writing." Then headed back to his


Sirius made sure that each bedroom of the then 'Potter three' contained a

study desk. He'd have to find where Fleur's room ended up, later; as he

didn't want to go looking for it and look in rooms that were already

occupied by one or more of the Wilkinses.

After he left, Dorothy grinned at Hermione, leaned onto the table a bit

and conspiratorially urged, "So, you were telling me about how

uncomfortable he is talking about sex."




Harry spent the next hour-plus writing to each of their friends. He first

wrote a letter to Daphne, letting her know about his early move to the

Black Townhouse; as she was the most likely to turn up at Pottermore

looking for him.

That letter, he immediately sent off using Dobby. Then wrote to Fleur

and set it aside, it would be for Hedwig to deliver.

Next, he wrote to the others; Neville, Hannah, Susan, Tracey and Justin.

A quick check of the time and he realised he had time to write a few

more. He wrote to the twins, but kept information to the 'public'

information. He made no specific mention of the Wilkinses, or what had

happened at the bank.

And, thinking it through, he wrote to Ernie MacMillan. His letter to him

was one of a quiet apology for continuing to shut the boy out after his

formal apology. And explained it was more to do with a doubt of trust

related to the boy's prior behaviour than anything else.

Once done he realised those who had gone out would probably start

returning soon, plus Hermione would soon need to head home. He

headed up to the owlery in the attic of the townhouse and was

unsurprised to find Hedwig waiting for him there.

He smiled to her and gave her three of the letters to deliver - Neville,

Hannah and Susan. Once Hedwig was on her way, he asked Sable to

deliver the ones to Ernie and Tracey. He then called Raggy and had the

elf 'surreptitiously' deliver the one to Justin.

Walking back down to the kitchen he saw it was Hermione, Dorothy,

Sarah and CeeCee gathered around the table; which meant the group was


"Hi," he said, walking in. All of them looked to him and smiled, returning

his greeting.

Looking to Hermione, he asked, "By when do you need to be home?"

"Before six," she immediately replied. "That's when I told Betsy I would be


"Who's Betsy?" asked CeeCee.

"My... or, rather, the Lady of Pottermore's house elf," she replied. "Harry

foisted her on me."

"Foisted?" he asked, trying to act offended and failing miserably.

"Alright," she giggled. "He didn't tell me there was a Lady Potter elf-maid

before introducing her to me and saying, since I was the Lady

Presumptive Potter, Betsy would be my elf."

"Oh, wow!" said CeeCee. "I wish we had an elf."

Harry gave her a funny, curious, look and said, "I doubt, very much, you


"What do ya mean?" she asked.

"You've just become the Head of the Magical House of Malfoy," he

explained. "That means, you rightfully own the entire estate. That would

include the house elves owned by the Malfoys."

That surprised the three Wilkins ladies.

"I-I... do?" squeaked CeeCee.

"Yes," said Harry. "There's something you need to understand about the

Malfoys when comparing that family to others. Families like the Potters,

the Longbottoms, the Greengrasses and similar have wealth, but do not

flaunt it. Yes, we have big manor homes. But, that's because the home

represents the Seat of the House, not the individuals who reside in it.

"Plus, for the most part, the Lords and Ladies, etcetera, who head those

Houses tend to also work in normal jobs. For instance, my father was an

auror, my mother... I believe... was an Unspeakable, Sirius was a hit

wizard, Frank and Alice Longbottom were aurors, Griselda Marchbanks is

an educator and is currently the Headmistress of our premier school of

magic, Hogwarts, and Samuel Greengrass is an importer of rare magical


"The Malfoys, however, were the sort to flaunt their wealth. None of

them held a job - a Malfoy would never engage in something so menial as

a job. Instead, Lucius Malfoy spent... from what I could gather... his

entire time playing at politics, keeping an overview of his various illicit

businesses and, when the Dark Lord was running about, trying to prove

to one and all that purebloods are the crème of the crop.

"So, from what I understand, Malfoy Manor is one huge message saying

'Look how rich we are'. As an example, they supposedly have specially

bred albino peacocks roaming the grounds. Also, from what I understand,

Narcissa serves on a number of important committees; such as the Saint

Mungo's fund-raising committee, for one."

"Correct on both counts, Lord Potter," said the voice of Narcissa from


Harry turned grinned and said, "Hello, cousin Narcissa."

"Cousin Harrison," she smirked back. "And, he's right," she said to the

room. "We did have albino peacocks roaming the grounds and I do serve

on the Saint Mungo's fund-raising committee. I hated the first and enjoy

the second.

"Those Merlin-bedamned birds made an absolute mess of everything; but,

Lucius wanted them as a status symbol. They used to eat my prized roses.

One of the first things I did after Lucius died was get rid of them.

"As for the committees, it was my one true enjoyment out of life. Sitting

around with nothing otherwise to do was killing me."

"An old muggle proverb, or idiom if you prefer, comes to mind. 'Idle

hands are the devil's workshop'," said Harry. "It means, when you have

nothing better to do, there exists a tendency to get up to no good."

"That he did," she sighed, moving to take a seat.

Harry, watching her, finally asked, "How're you holding up, Narcissa?"

She gave a sad smile and said, "I am fine, thank you. My marriage to

Lucius was one of politics. I never loved him. However, Draco―" And


"For what it's worth," he said. "I'm sorry. Draco, though I considered him

a personal nuisance, was... I believe... somewhat forced to be there that


She sadly smiled and said, "Thank you for saying so. I fervently hope you

are right. His father's influence upon him was greater than my own."

She sighed and added, "One day I will ask you to relate to me what his

involvement was of that night. However, I do not believe I am ready to

hear it."

Harry gave a nod and said, "Then, at that time, I shall relate to you in

greater detail what happened."

Into the silence a few moments later, CeeCee asked, "Do you think I

would have liked him? Draco, I mean."

"That's difficult to say," said Harry. "Living the life you have, I would say

no. However, if you had grown up a Malfoy; then it is quite possible,

even probable."

Narcissa looked to her with a look of pain and loss for a few moments

before she said, "If I had been able to convince Lucius to let me keep you,

you would have grown up blind and deaf. You would have also grown up

hidden away behind the wards of Malfoy Manor, a lonely child.

"While I cursed Lucius for wanting to get rid of you, it was him leaving

you in Australia that allowed the muggle healers to fix what magical

healers could not. I just thank the memory of Merlin I forced him to

make a magical vow that he'd not cause you any harm, either directly or

indirectly. Otherwise, I do not believe you would be here, today; and

we'd not be talking to one another."

That answered a question Harry had about why Malfoy chose to 'dump'

the infant CeeCee, rather than just outright kill her and vanish the body.

He did not voice it, though.

Into the new uncomfortable silence CeeCee looked to Hermione and

asked, "What's Hogwarts like?"

Hermione grinned back and replied, "I'll tell you what Hogwarts is like if

you then tell me what Dundee is like."

CeeCee grinned and replied, "Deal!"

As Hermione began to explain what Hogwarts was like from the

perspective of a muggleborn witch in Gryffindor, people started to relax

from what had proven to be an uncomfortableness of talking about

Lucius and Draco.

It wasn't long before Narcissa began adding a view from the position of a

pureblood witch in Slytherin. Surprising Harry, she even told a little bit

about the time she, as a Prefect in seventh year, berated both his father

and Sirius for pulling a prank that hurt a couple of first year Slytherins.

"Yes," Harry sighed. "I have come to a better understanding of just what

sort of person my father truly was. Severus Snape was right to call him a

pampered, arrogant bully. However, I also believe he got over that in his

last couple of years at Hogwarts. I do not believe my mother would have

married him if he hadn't.

"For what it's worth, the House of Potter apologises to the alumni of the

House of Slytherin for the harm it's previous Lord, while Heir Apparent,

caused to members of the 'green'."

That seemed to surprise Narcissa. She nodded and quietly said, "Well





As it was getting on to when her parents would get home, Hermione had

to return home before she was anywhere near finished talking about

Hogwarts. She did promise to return to talk more about it the next day.

And CeeCee was still willing to talk about what Dundee was like.

Harry had escorted her to the floo and they shared a slow kiss before she

pulled back and whispered, "I better go before I decide my parents can

worry and drag you up to your room."

Then she was gone.

When he returned to the kitchen, he dropped into 'his' chair and sighed.

Dorothy looked at him, smiled and said, "You really do love her, don't


"Yes," he replied. "I'm led to believe it is a trait among the Potters for the

Potter men to meet their future spouses at a young age. I just didn't

realise I actually loved her that way until Wendell, Hermione's father,

practically forced me to analyse my feelings. It only took me a few days

after that to figure it out the love I felt for her wasn't the love of a

brother and sister sort of relationship."

He gave a little snort of self-deprecating amusement and wryly said, "I

can be a little dense, when it comes to girls."

Dorothy gave a knowing smile back.

"Well," she said, "Time to get dinner on, unless we want to eat at

midnight." She looked to Harry, smiled and said, "Perhaps you'd care to


Harry perked right up at that.

"Oh, good," said CeeCee. "It means I won't have to."

As Harry rose to round the table and head for the pantry, Harry asked,

"You don't enjoy cooking?"

CeeCee replied, "No. I find it boring."

"Boring!?" Harry cried. "Philistine! When the great chef 'Monsewer Potty-

air' prepares cuisine; it is nev-air bor-eeng."

That had even Narcissa lightly snickering, while the Wilkins ladies

laughed or giggled.




Sirius finally came out of the office to, as he claimed, investigate why

someone was trying to strangle a cat in the kitchen. As Harry was singing

at the time, he expressed mocked-offence at the remark.

Sirius smirked and said, "Well, at least we know there's something you're

pretty terrible at."

It hadn't taken Dorothy more than ten minutes to understand Harry really

did know how to, as she put it, 'use a kitchen'. What started off with

Harry helping her, turned into a role reversal with her helping Harry.

Dinner, that night was, of course, delicious.

"Wow," said Patrick, after yet another delicious mouthful. "Can we keep


Grinning, Harry turned to CeeCee and said, "And that, my dear, is why I

call it 'cheffing', rather than 'cooking'.

"No side of meat, no potato, no chicken egg, no tab of butter... shall

escape the Harry-touch when he has access to a kitchen," he declared.

Sirius smirked and said, "A little full of yourself, aren't you?"

"It is one of the skills I have I can honestly say is 'me' and 'mine'," he

replied. "I developed the skill without it being something to do with being

either a Potter or a wizard.

"My magic is because I come from a long line of Potters, combined with

being the son of a muggleborn; or, as I prefer, newblood. I think the

injection of new blood into the Potter line is why I seem to have a bit

more magical power than the average.

"Both Dumbledore and Tom Riddle were also the progeny of an existing

magical line and a muggle line. And both were also quite powerful. I also

think Grindelwald was similar.

"Anyone with a knowledge of animal husbandry can tell you it is a major

precept to never use a sire from within your own lands to expand your

flocks or herds. The same applies to humans, even magicals. It's a pity the

pureblood propagandists don't understand that."

Narcissa had paused in her dining and looked at Harry in shock.

"Oh, they can remain purebloods, for all I care," he continued. "However,

the lines within magical Britain have reached the point they need to seek

partnerships from outside magical Britain if they remain determined to

marry only purebloods and don't want to see a further weakening of the

magics within their lines.

"Witches and wizards in Britain should be looking for partners outside

magical Britain - even outside Australia, New Zealand and MaCUSA, as

those three communities are rooted in magical Britain only as far back as

two centuries ago. However, those three nations should be considered the

most minimal separation now sought. Personally, I'd be looking at

Eastern Europe, the Asias and Africa if they want to marry only

purebloods; just to be safe."

"There would also be an increased number of birth defects," said Dorothy,

the qualified 'medical' of their group. "Your hospital must have records

that prove that."

Sirius asked Harry, "Is that why you thought Justin Finch-Fletchley as a

possible wizard for a relationship agreement, rather than Ernest


Harry shrugged and replied, "No. I just happen to have trust in Justin,

whereas I don't in Ernie. As I explained, I believe such a relationship

should only exist as a way to protect CeeCee. I do not expect it to, nor do

I urge it to, progress to a physical relationship. I'm strongly of the belief

CeeCee should be allowed to marry, when the time comes, out of love.

However, I would urge her away from a relationship with a current so-

called pureblood of magical Britain for the reasons Dorothy just put."

"I like Justin," said CeeCee. "He's nice."

Harry smiled back and said, "He is."

"Merlin!" breathed Narcissa. "Is that why?..."

"I believe CeeCee was born with the birth defects she was born with?"

Harry prompted. "Yes. Is that why I believe the Blacks are now born with

shorter lifespans? Yes. Is that why, in my opinion, the number of

pureblood births have dropped off over the past couple of centuries? Yes.

Is that why the number of illnesses have increased within the pureblood

lines? Yes. And a heap of other points that add to it and prove my point.

"The pureblood wizarding community in Britain are in desperate need of

a geneticist coming in and giving them a swift kick in the pants, by way

of teaching them a wizard and witch version of 'animal husbandry'. If it

doesn't happen soon, the pureblood community will, I believe, be pretty

much extinct within about five generations. They will have bred

themselves out of existence."

"That will happen eventually, yes," said Sarah. "But, in five generations?"

Harry smiled back and said, "They haven't just started doing this, Sarah.

Most of them have been doing it for centuries, already. The Gaunts and

Peverells have already done it to themselves. Others are, even now, on

the edge of extinction."

"Centuries?" breathed Dorothy. "It's a wonder it hasn't happened already!"

Listening to what was being discussed, Narcissa was horrified and, from

it, realised she had a new project. She'd be trying to get those records

from the hospital and the birth and death records office at the Ministry.

Though Lucius was dead, the name Malfoy still carried weight in political

circles. She'd be using that to get the information.

She did not doubt what she was hearing; as none of them, except Sirius,

seemed surprised by what Harry and Sarah were telling them about

increasing birth defects and the like. And the only things that the

Wilkinses and Harry seemed surprised about was that the wizarding

community did not already understand this.

This was a disaster waiting to happen. No, this was already a disaster! She

would learn the truth of this; or may Circe have mercy on the souls of

those who tried to prevent her!




Over at the Burrow, Ron Weasley had only been home from his Aunt

Muriel's for a few days. It proved to be, as he expected, a huge relief. As

far as he was concerned, the woman was a dragon in witch form.

From the time he'd been pulled from Hogwarts and sent to live with her

the next day she had been at him, day after day. Study, work, study,

sleep; day after day after day. It was even worse than the short stint with

her after Christmas.

She'd even cut down on the amount of food he'd been allowed to eat,

calling him a 'pig' and a 'glutton'. She'd ripped his first meal with her

away and tossed it in the garbage when he'd simply been eating; though

she'd referred to it as 'shovelling food into your mouth and swallowing

with nary a mastication in sight!' - whatever that meant.

Each meal, thereafter, was always a small portion of food, which he was

not allowed to finish until she finished hers. She even switched his

cutlery for those used by small children, telling him that was all he was

allowed to use; and that he'd not be allowed to use 'adult' cutlery until he

learned to taste, chew and swallow each mouthful before taking the next.

However, he considered each spoon- or forkful was more a nibble than a


That was only the changes for mealtimes, though. The amount of study

he had to do was, he thought, what would be required for NEWTs. He

was only a Fourth Year, for Merlin's sake!

Each time he'd managed to escape her clutches by running away, his

mother or father quickly found him and took him straight back. He'd

even begged the chance to go home and have a decent meal before he

was forced to return. However, his parents had become cold-hearted and

refused to listen to his entreaties about how he was being turned into a

bookworm slave and starved. Potter had obviously turned them against


Each day was torture. He'd be woken at 7.00am and forced to do chores

for half an hour. Then he'd have his meagre breakfast - only one serving.

Then it would be school work until a break, two hours later, for morning

tea. Again, he was only allowed one cup of tea and two biscuits or one

small slice of cake. Then back into the drudgery of school work for an

hour and a half before a short half hour break for lunch; again, only one

serving. Another three hours of school work, then chores. Dinner was

also another single serving, but at least he got a small dessert added to it.

Then a half hour of more chores and two hours of further study. After

that, bed.

There was absolutely no time for the important things of life, such as

playing chess, flying, practicing Quidditch, or 'resting' and thinking about

what he was going to do when he became rich, wealthy and important.

The only times he got to do any of that was on the weekends; but, even

then, he was only allowed a single hour before lunch and two hours after

lunch. It was, without any doubt, cruelty.

And it was all Potter's fault! The problem was, each time he began to

make plans for how he was going to deal with that traitor, his mother

would contact the dragon and tell her about his hand on the family clock.

Then she'd bring out that damned wooden spoon and, soon thereafter,

he'd not be able to sit down for the rest of the day on anything but a very

soft cushion.

However, 'Aunt Muriel' was also teaching him Occlumency. She'd

explained it was a way he could get his temper under control and get a

better wand grip on focussing on study. It did that. But, what was better,

was he was able to suppress his anger towards Potter in such a way the

clock didn't send his mother or father running to the floo to call his aunt

as often. That saved him sore bum cheeks.

Once he figured that out, he was more willing to learn the art and, over

the past month, had not even one 'incident'. It did not stop him from

thinking of ways to hurt Potter for the harm he'd caused him, though. He

just got better at it not showing on that blasted clock.

No matter how long it took him to devise a way, he'd make sure Potter

would pay!

Since returning to the Burrow he'd raided Bill and Charlie's DADA and

charms text books to learn defensive spells. Both had kept them as they

knew the books might come in handy for the gold-strapped family when

each of the next children reached that Year in Hogwarts. The DADA

textbooks, especially, he did not think anyone would miss, as each year

there were new professors in that subject and each new professor had

their own choice of which texts to use.

What he was thankful for, was that Potter hadn't stolen all the gold off

him he'd gotten from Dumbledore by claiming it was his, only what was

in his bank account at the time; which, admittedly, was the majority of it.

Plus, he'd also received a little more off Aunt Muriel for the chores he did

at her place. He felt it was a good investment, though, to use the little

gold remaining he'd gotten off Dumbledore to buy dark arts books he

could learn curses and hexes from.

When the opportunity presented itself, he'd be using those against Potter

and his whores. For now, he'd try and memorise as many defensive spells

as possible for his future confrontation. The dark offensive spells could

wait until he got those books.




After waking at his usual time, Harry realised the bed Sirius had bought

for him was wonderfully soft, but not too soft like the beds at Hogwarts.

The top few layers of the mattress were like a pillow but, underneath

that, there was a firmness that meant he didn't sink too deeply when he

lay upon it. It was similar to the mattress he had at the Grangers.

After tending to his morning ablutions, he headed down to the kitchen

and was surprised Dot or someone else hadn't beaten him down.

With a pleased smile he began to work on preparing yet another variant

of his decent 'English-lite' breakfast for the denizens of the townhouse.

After he got the fire in the grill of the oven started and heating up - it

was a 'modern' gas grill but without the gas rings for burners on top, the

gas burners merely replaced what used to be the firebox part of the stove

- he made a start on preparing what he would be cooking; poached eggs,

grilled bacon, a concoction he called 'train-smash', potato cakes, sausages

and toast. The potato cakes were first as he needed to thoroughly cook

the potatoes, before mashing, balling, flattening and breading them like

rissoles. He added a small white thoroughly diced onion to the potatoes

to mix in with them. His version of 'train smash' consisted of egg, tomato,

another small white onion, a little ham and herbs and a dash each of

tomato and Worcestershire sauce, all cooked and blended together. It was

wonderful on toast with salt and pepper.

While the diced potato and both onions were in a pot and boiling he

placed a dozen plates in the oven to warm them up before making a start

on making the train smash. That's when Dorothy came in.

"Wow!" she said, looking at what he'd laid out in order.

"Any allergies I need to know about?" he asked, smiling back.

"None," she replied, "Except 'hard work' for the kids."

Indicating what he was doing, she asked, "Won't that be too much?"

He shrugged. "Only if I over-estimate the eggs, tomato or the train smash.

Everything else can be eaten cold for morning tea, or just to have as

snacks. Merlin, even the train smash is nice cold on bread as a sandwich;

so too is the eggs if you add in curry and cayenne pepper and mash them

for curried egg sandwiches."

Nodding along, Dorothy was quick to check the apron she was wearing

was secure before she said, "I'll start cooking the sausages, bacon and

tomatoes. Then I'll make the hollandaise sauce for the eggs."

"Excellent," he said. "That leaves me to work on making sure the heat

stays at just the right temperature, getting the train smash ready for the

pot and that should be just about right for the potatoes to come off to be

mashed with the other onion, balled, flattened and breaded."

Harry actually found it was quite easy to work with Dorothy. Unlike

Dobby when he helped, she didn't keep trying to take over and do


"When do your lot start making an appearance in the mornings?" he


"As soon as they start smelling breakfast being cooked," she replied.

"Well, that's true for Stephen and Pat. The girls usually take someone

going up and waking them up."

"Well, I'll leave that to you," he smirked. "You can tell them they won't

get a 'Harry' breakfast if they're not down on time. And, I happen to think

my breakfasts are a bit better than my dinners."

She grinned back and said, "You are evil."

"Nope," he replied with a small grin. "Just demanding of my diners not to

waste my time."




Dorothy was right in that the Wilkins males soon made an appearance,

but she had to go wake Sarah and CeeCee.

When she returned, she snickered and said, "They both started with their,

'Just five more minutes, Mum' routines, before I told them that Harry was

cooking and he had no intention of holding breakfast for them. They

were both out of bed before I was out the door."

He chuckled back.

'Hmmm...' he thought. Turning to the side he called, "Chuckles." When

the elf popped in with a crack, he said, "Could you please go wake

Padfoot and Moony and let them both know, if they want a Harry-cooked

breakfast, they'd best get down here pretty quick."

"Yes, Young Master Harry," replied the elf, before it popped away.

Even Harry was surprised when Sirius almost ran in less than five

minutes later. Clearly, he'd just pulled a robe on and ran downstairs. He

looked like he was still asleep.

"Really, Padfoot?" asked Harry upon seeing him.

"Hey, Pup," he said, trying to wipe the sleep out of his eyes. "There was

no way I was going to miss one of your breakfasts."

Harry smirked and, between he and Dorothy, had the servings on the

table in short order. Narcissa came down a little while later. Harry didn't

know for sure if she was also staying at the townhouse and hadn't

thought to ask.

Remus was down five minutes after that. At least he looked like he'd

attended his ablutions first, even if is hair was still wet and his robes

looked like they were stuck to damp skin. And the girls were down a

further seven after that.

Again, the food was well received.




After breakfast the Wilkinses, Sirius and Narcissa left to go to the Alley.

They were going in to see Ted Tonks. Harry was pretty sure it had to do

with protecting CeeCee from political or legal shenanigans, but it wasn't

his place to ask.

They'd barely been gone half an hour when Hermione turned up. "Where

is everyone?" she asked.

"The Wilkinses, Sirius and Narcissa have all gone into the Alley to see

Ted Tonks," he replied. "I think Remus is up in the library. Leastwise,

that's what I've been told is his usual haunt when he's here."

"Why've they gone to see―?" she began before she gave herself a little

shake and said, "No. It's not my business. If they want me to know, they'll

tell me."

He smiled and gave her a nod.

"I'm getting better," she sheepishly returned. 'And I'm sorry it's taking so


"You are," he agreed. "And you're forgiven."

"I was hoping to talk to CeeCee more," she said with a pout.

"You will, I'm sure," he said.

"When are they due back?" she asked. "Do you know?"

"No," he replied. "However, as they're speaking with a lawyer - who,

family or not, charges by the quarter hour - I expect them to be back well

before lunch. That is, of course, if they don't decide to go sight-seeing

after visiting Ted; or, go into Gringotts and sort out finances there; or, I

don't know what.

"However, as I first said, I think they'll be back well before lunch. I hope

so, as I'll be preparing lunch in the expectation they'll be back to eat it.

"Why don't you go up and chat with Remus, raid Sirius's library while

Remus is there so he can make sure none of the books are harmful to you

or go visit one of the others?"

She paused to think about it for a few moments before she seemed to

reach a decision and said, "I'll go talk to Remus and raid the library. I

want to talk with CeeCee again and I'll need to know when she returns so

we can chat."

As Hermione headed to the library to go speak with Moony, Harry

headed back to the kitchen.




As Harry thought they would, the Wilkinses and Sirius returned before

lunch. Harry had already prepared a decent spread of a thick beef and

vegetable stew with crispy bread dinner rolls to 'soak up the juices' for


As he was ladling out a bowl each, with urgings to go for more if they

were still hungry after their first bowl, he asked Sirius, "Narcissa not

come back with you?"

"She's gone to Malfoy Manor to put it in stasis," replied his godfather.

"She doesn't want to be there on her own and I've offered her room and

board here until she's got her feet under her again."

"I'll save some stew for her, then," he said.

When the Wilkinses were at the table and enjoying their bowls of stew,

Harry quietly asked Sirius, "Is Narcissa going to cause any trouble for


"No," his godfather just as quietly replied. "At least, she's assured me she

won't. She just wants to be a part of her life, from here on."

Harry gave a nod as he handed Sirius his bowl. Then, as Sirius carried his

bowl and bread plate with roll upon it to the head of the table to sit to

eat, he went via the stairs up and yelled, "Oi! Moony! Grubs up, if you

want to eat!"

"Coming!" he heard yelled back.

Hermione was already down and sitting alongside CeeCee. Apparently,

they were able to continue their discussion from the afternoon before

without a problem.




The next morning and after breakfast, Harry decided to go visit Neville.

He floo called first, to see what the other boy was up to, when Alice saw

him and demanded he come over.

"Alright, Alice," he said. "Give me a few minutes to let Sirius know I've

gone out for a while and I'll be right there."

Pulling his head out of the flames he went and did exactly that and, as

promised, a few minutes later he was stepping out of the floo into

Longbottom Hall... and tripped over his own two feet.

"Damn it!" he softly cursed.

It didn't help that Alice laughed at him for it.

He grumbled, "I get to the stage where I think I've got a handle on flooing

and, next thing I know, I'm trying to kiss the floor again."

"That's because you're letting your concentration slip," she explained.

"You're a Potter. You need to always concentrate when using the floo."

With a sigh he let her vanish the soot off him and asked, "Where's Nev?"

"Greenhouses," she said.

"The girls not here?" he asked.

"No. They only stayed a couple days for Frank and I to get to know them

better," she replied. "Neville will go and stay with Susan and Hannah at

Bones Manor next week."

He gave a nod and said, "Then I best go track down Neville and make

sure a Venomous Tentacula or something isn't trying to 'do' him in."

That earned him a laugh before she said, "Go."

Grinning, Harry walked to the back of the Hall and out into the

'backyard'. He found Neville by the simple expedient of seeing him

though the glass wall on the middle greenhouse, directly ahead.

Apparently, Neville saw him by the same method and was up and off his

stool, holding the door open as Harry got there.

"Harry!" the boy happily cried out.

"Hiya, Nev!" he grinned

"Come on in!" said Neville. "I'm just finishing up re-potting some of my

cross-bred Dittany."




68. The Tapestry Circle

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to the proverbial Duchess of

Magic, JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high

falutin' companies. No matter how much I whine about not owning anything

related to the HP universe, other than a few fanfic plots, I do not profess to

own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful

world... Damn it!

Chapter Sixty Eight - The Tapestry Circle




Over the next few days, including the weekend, Harry had been able to

visit most of the other 'Heirs'. The only one he couldn't was Justin. Justin

didn't have access to a floo and Harry was not yet proficient in

Apparating. Besides which, he did not know the apparation co-ordinates.

It wasn't until the Tuesday he figured out what he already knew from

many months earlier and 'decided' he needed to find a sufficiently robust

wall for him to go bang his head against - repeatedly.

Writing a short note he called for Dobby. The little elf popped in with

only the very lightest of cracks.

"Yes, Master Harry?" asked the elf.

Harry handed his note over and asked, "Can you take this to Justin Finch-

Fletchley and hand it to him when he's alone or only his immediate

family is present and can see you?"

"Yes, Master Harry," he replied, before popping away.

Ten minutes later, Raggy popped in and handed him a note back, before

popping away again.

~ # ~


Sure! Only me and my immediate family here, at the moment.

I take it you're going to have an elf side-along apparate you over, right? Tell it

to bring you to me.


~ # ~

Harry gave a snort of amusement that the Hufflepuff boy figured it out in

only a couple minutes what he had forgotten. 'Definite signs of not being

a daft moron there, after all,' he thought.

Once he was done he called Dobby and asked if the elf knew how to pop

him to Justin Finch-Fletchley.

"Yes, Master Harry," he replied. "Dobby knows because Raggy be a Potter

elf. Dobby knows where Raggy knows where young Mister Finchy be."

Harry couldn't quite figure that out. Instead, he focussed on the answer of

'yes' replied straight up. "Great," he replied. "I need to get changed into

muggle and I'll be right with you."

Once changed, he called Dobby and offered his hand. "Ready when you


A quick slight squeeze of elf-popping and Harry popped into what

appeared to be a high ceilinged room. Modern houses had ceilings at

about eight/nine feet; houses from the beginning of the century had

ceilings at about ten/eleven feet; Hogwarts had ceilings, for the most

part, at about thirteen feet; this one had ceilings at about sixteen feet.

Dobby had popped him into what appeared to be a somewhat modern

lounge from the furniture, in a building a few centuries old. Justin was

just standing up from one of the sofas and smiling. Like Harry, he was

wearing jeans and a polo shirt.

"Thank you, Dobby," said Harry, as the little elf popped away again.

"Hello, Lord Potter," said Justin, giving him a slight bow. "Welcome to

Bedford Castle."

"My Lord of Lonsdale," said Harry, in return, dropping into an over-done

courtly bow. "Thank you for allowing me to visit."

Then both boys grinned at each other and chuckled.

"So, Harry," said Justin. "What brings you to visit this muggleborn?"

"Boredom," replied Harry. "That, plus I've also visited the others of the

Heirs and not you, as of yet. How could any of us consider you an equal

and yet allow that to stand?"

Justin gave him a considering look before he said, "Thank you."

Harry just gave a slight shrug back.

"Come on," said the other. "I'll introduce you to the rest of the family."

After meeting Justin's father again, meeting his younger sister and

mother for the first time and spending some time with his peer Harry

reminded Justin that Raggy could side-along apparate him and likely a

few more to wherever he needed to go.

"Just make sure it's either to and from a private area of the castle and to

and from a wizarding home or area," he explained. "Though you now

have a familial seat on the Wizengamot, it does not excuse you from the

International Statute regarding wizarding secrecy."

"Right-o, Harry," said Justin. "It had slipped my mind a house elf could

take us where we needed to go in the wizarding world."

Harry grinned and said, "Trust me; it slips the mind of just about every

other wizard and witch, too. However, it comes in handy getting to and

from Diagon, that's for sure.

"Oh! And if you need to pick up any supplies from the Alley, Raggy can

go and buy those for you. No need to make such a trip for not all that

much, right? Tell Raggy he can take the funds from my accounts as

galleons and you can pay me back later; I don't mind."

Justin nodded back. "Thank you."

Harry nodded back with a grin and said, "Time for me to go. Thanks for

letting me visit."

"You're welcome," replied Justin. "And I may have news for you when we

get back to Hogwarts." And grinned.

Harry thought the boy was up to something, but didn't feel the need to

push it.

"Right; well," said Harry. "Alliance meeting on Saturday. See you then."

Nodded and was elf-popped away by Dobby.




At the July meeting of the alliance, Harry was surprised when Frank

pulled him apart for a quick chat and for him to provide answers to a

very specific set of questions.

Harry was both surprised and not a little annoyed, because it was

something he'd also been thinking about. He just didn't want to push it,

too soon, because of asking for the alliance to both accept Finch-Fletchley

as a House member and aid young CeeCee a week earlier.

This time the meeting was held at the Ogden residence and Miles

chaired, as per tradition.

When he asked Frank to table his 'business', Frank did so. It had most

other members gasp in shock.

However, the few among them who didn't immediately flatly deny it also

thought about it. And Frank put forward the arguments in a logical and

hard-to-counter manner.

"Damn it," Harry grumbled.

"Problem, Harry?" asked Frank.

"I was going to suggest the exact... same... thing... until the issue with

CeeCee came up," he grouched.

"And your reasons?" asked a somewhat surly MacMillan, always the


"Like with how House Malfoy can no longer be considered Dark, neither

can House Black. Lord Black, while always trying to show a contra-

indicative 'bad boy' image, is about as light as they come. Yes, there are

still those born of House Black I would consider Dark; Bellatrix née Black

comes to mind. However, who else is left? The Tonkses are of Black, yet

all three are Light. Narcissa Malfoy is turning out to be more Grey than

Dark, from my recent observations of her. And that, as they say, is it.

With the exception of Narcissa, all existing members of the Noble and

Most Ancient House of Black are firmly of the Light.

"So, yes, I'm supportive of bringing the House of Black into the Alliance.

However, as the House of Black is of equal rank to Potter and

Longbottom, if Lord Black brings his House in, I'm recommending a

change to the name of the Alliance."

"To what?" demanded MacMillan.

"The Grand Alliance," he calmly replied. "The Potter-Longbottom Alliance

has become a great deal larger than when it was first formed of six

Houses. With Black and, I hope, Malfoy joining, we'll have reached a

total of more than triple that original number.

"We now number eight voting members of the Wizengamot. Bringing

Black in gives us nine. I'd also like us looking towards getting Davis the

noble status it should have been given decades ago."

When he saw Eugene's eyes widen in surprise, he smiled and said, "We

might not have been able to get it through when it first came up, but it's

something we have a decent voting bloc for now. It's more than time. And

it will give us ten votes.

"Yes, it will mean a fair bit of politicking. And, where necessary, I'm fully

prepared to offer deals in return. But, I believe we can get it done."

That had them all thinking. Frank was almost beaming at him in


Looking at Frank, he gave a wry grin back and asked, "I take it you


"Damned straight, I do!" Frank immediately replied. "A Grand Alliance,

like you're suggesting, is what your grandfather and my father planned

for, right from the start."

Surprised, Harry returned, "I did not know that."

After debating it out for a while longer, the Alliance was almost

unanimous behind the idea of inviting the House of Black to join. If Sirius

accepted, then Frank would speak with his own law-wizards and Ted

Tonks about drafting a new alliance charter document based on the

existing one.

Things were moving ahead.




When the meeting broke up, Harry was expecting to return to the Black

Townhouse on his own. However, he was disabused of that belief, quite

quickly. Both Fleur and Daphne would be joining him straight from the


Thankfully, Sirius had already recognised them as 'family' and adjusted

the wards to reflect that. But, more than that, they were considered like

Harry considered family, rather than how Sirius considered family. That

meant they were added to the wards as 'residents', not 'semi-welcome


Hermione was going to come, but was dragged aside by both Alice and

Adeline. He found out later that both had set up a schedule for Hermione

to begin her Lady of the House 'etiquette' lessons. They'd be starting on

the Monday with a revision of what she knew, or thought she knew.

For the time being, she was staying with her parents and would continue

to floo over to Longbottom Hall each day, once her parents had headed

off to work.

With admonishments to stay safe from both their sets of parents, Fleur

and Daphne followed Harry through the floo to the Black Townhouse.

And Harry immediately went in search of Sirius to let him know both

girls were, for the time being, residents. Besides, they also needed to find

out which room was Fleur's.

Going to the office first and not finding him there, he went down to the

kitchen next. And that's where the old dog was; chatting with Dorothy.

"Hey, Sirius, Dorothy," he said.

"Hey, Pup / Hello, Harry."

"Sirius, it appears Daphne and Fleur are joining us," he declared. "I got

outvoted. And, apparently, so did you."

While Sirius laughed, both girls told Harry off.

Daphne said, "We didn't, as you put it, 'outvote' you."

"Non," declared Fleur. "We simply informed you we would be moving in."

Smiling at Sirius, Harry said, "As I said - outvoted."

"Oh! You are so sleeping on the couch―" said Daphne.

He quickly interrupted, "I have my own bed."

"It can be vanished," said Fleur.

"Wait!" said Dorothy, suddenly realising what their threats meant. "You

actually sleep together?"

"Ah!" said Harry. "We haven't explained to you what it means for Fleur to

owe me a Veela life debt, have we?"

"No," she frowned.

"Okay," sighed Harry. "This just got uncomfortable."

Thankfully, Sirius stepped in and 'rescued' him. "Because Harry saved

Fleur's life, without any thought on his part of getting something out of

it, Fleur's magic has deemed that she must... well; she has to be with

Harry, that way, regularly.

"If she isn't, magic will force her more and more to seek him out. If she

tries to fight it, or Harry doesn't do the right thing by her, she will slowly

go insane before, eventually, dying."

Dorothy gasped in shock. She stood there for a long moment before she

finally said, "Oh, you poor dear!"

Fleur gently smiled back and said, "It is, as they say, alright. This is one

of the risks of being a Veela. And 'Arry has been wonderful to me. In that,

I am very lucky. I know of some who are not, or were not."

"Which brings up why we've sought you out, first, Sirius," said Harry.

"Which room is Fleur's?"

"Not solved yet," said Sirius. "Do you think Hermione would mind if Fleur

has her room, for the time being?"

"No, of course not," said Harry. Glancing to the girls, he said, "I'll take

them upstairs so they can unpack."

After he led both girls out, Dorothy asked Sirius, "You're okay with this?"

"Yes," said Sirius. "Harry will do right by all three of his girls. Mind you,

he begged both me and Samuel Greengrass to make every effort to try

and find a way out of Fleur having to bond with him. The pity is, there

was no way without the girl dying. And Harry would have none of that.

"He claimed, he went to all that trouble in saving the girl's life, he wasn't

about to let her up and die anyway.

"And, in case you were wondering, that is why there are connecting doors

between his bedroom and each of theirs. That way, they can move

between the bedrooms without the rest of the house knowing what they

are doing or when."

"All three girls sleep with him?" she asked.

"According to Moony, at least Hermione is," he replied, with a shrug. "We

also know Fleur must be, otherwise she wouldn't still be here. We don't

know about Daphne."

"How does Remus know?" she asked.

Sirius smiled, tapped the side of his nose and said, "As a werewolf,

Moony's nose is quite sensitive. He could tell when both dropped over on

the day after the train trip back from Hogwarts and the day Harry moved


"Ah!" she blushed.

He twinkled a grin back at her.

What he didn't know was that she already knew about Harry and

Hermione. Hermione had told her. However, that was told to her in

confidence; and she would not breach that confidence.




When Harry showed Fleur into Hermione's room, she took a quick look

around before walking into Harry's room through the connecting door.

"This 'as to be 'Arry's room," she declared.

"It is," he replied. Then, indicating the other connecting door, he said,

"And, through that door, is Daphne's."

Both girls walked through the door before Daphne asked, "Does Black

Townhouse have a female house elf?"

Harry thought about it and replied, "Giggles must be one. She wears a


Daphne gave a nod and called, "Giggles?"

One of Sirius's three elves popped in and Daphne asked, "Are you or

another of the Black elves female?"

"Giggles is female," she, for it was now clear she was, replied.

Daphne gave a nod and pulled a shrunken trunk and pair of bags out of

her pocket. "This is the room Lord Black has assigned me. Would you

mind unpacking these for me?"

"No, young mistress," replied. "Giggles can do."

The elf snapped her fingers and both she and the shrunken trunk and

bags disappeared. Within moments, there were little flashes of light about

the room and from the ensuite as Daphne's things were unpacked and put


Both girls nodded and smiled to each other.

When the flashes stopped, Fleur said, "My turn. Giggles?"

"Yes, young mistress?"

Indicating back through the connecting door to Harry's room, she said,

"My room is on the other side of Lord Potter's." Then she removed her

own shrunken luggage from her pockets and held it on the palms of her

hands. "As with Miss Greengrass, please unpack my effects into that

room. Thank you."

Moments later, both elf and luggage were gone.

Fleur lowered her hands and said, "All done."

Daphne was already moving about the room to ensure everything was

where she could find it. She only had to move a few things to different

locations to have things where she wanted them.

Once she was done, they walked back through Harry's room to Fleur's.

And Fleur did the same.

"I think that's it," said Fleur, once she checked everything a second time.

"Great," said Harry. "Let's go rescue Sirius. I've no doubt he's getting the

third-degree interrogation from Dorothy about our relationship."




When they went back down to the kitchen, it appeared there was no

condemnation from Dorothy. Harry was worried that she, as a muggle,

might not fully understand. Apparently, though, she did.

When they'd settled to an afternoon tea, she said, "Now. Sirius has

explained to me what's going on between you three... four. However, I

have a favour to ask."

Harry shrugged and said, "Name it."

"Please don't... flaunt... your relationship around my three," she asked. "I

don't mind so much around Pat or Sarah; they're old enough to

understand. However, I do not want Charlie... subjected... to it."

"Have no fear," said Harry. "Other than the occasional kiss to the cheek or

so, you'll see nothing else. Everything else will only happen in the

bedrooms. It is... unseemly... to act otherwise in public."

She gave a satisfied nod and said, "Thank you."

Sirius looked to Fleur and asked, "I have a question for you, though,


"Yes?" she asked.

"Your allure," he explained. "Why is it not affecting me?"

"The life debt to 'Arry negates it to the point it no longer 'as as much of

an affect on males, except when I deliberately... errr... actively increase it

as a defensive measure," she replied. "It is one side effect of the bond I am

pleased with."

"Aah," he said with a nod. "Thank you. I was worried it might have too

much of an effect on Stephen or Patrick. They're both muggles... no-


"The allure normally 'as less effect on muggles than it does wizards," she

smiled. "It was a worry for me, too; before coming 'ere. In Pari', I visited

the muggle world for an afternoon to test it."

"So," said Harry, wanting to change the subject. "Where is everyone else?"

"Mine are sightseeing," said Dorothy.

And Sirius smoothly added, "And Cissy has gone off to do something to

do with some research she wants to commence."

"Well," said Harry. "Since Narcissa is not here. Starting to get any

relationship agreements for CeeCee yet?"

Sirius gave a nod and said, "One this very morning, as a matter of fact.

Caracticus Nott sent one for a Theodore Nott. From the age described I'd

say he's a boy in your year."

Harry gave a snort and replied, "He was in my year; Slytherin. He's the

little bast― err... boy... who tried to ambush me, Daphne and Hermione

in Hogsmeade the day Dumbles supposedly escaped from Saint Mungo's.

He tagged Daphne with a bludgeoning charm to the shoulder and

Hermione with a cutting charm to the arm before I got my hands on him

and... well, let's just say he attacked my right foot with his testicles, quite


Sirius gave a snort and snickered.

"While he was lying on the ground in a foetal position I was demanding

he inform me of the method by which I would execute him. He was lucky

that the aurors were on scene pretty damn quick.

"Before they portkeyed him away - under arrest, of course - I told him

that if he ever set foot in Hogwarts again, I'd flat out immediately execute

him where he stood. I wouldn't even wait to see if he was facing me at

the time."

"Execute?!" exclaimed Dorothy.

"Yes," Harry firmly replied, turning his attention to her. "Many of

wizarding Britain's laws are based on similar muggle laws from many

centuries ago that have since been well and truly repealed. Heading back

toward the start of the millennium, actually. Some parts are very feudal

in nature - similar to how Lords of their fiefdoms had ultimate authority,

including high justice, over their subjects/serfs/etcetera. Even with those

antiquated old laws, the Seven have what today would be even more

freedom than that granted diplomats under diplomatic immunity. The

Seven are immune from prosecution for, it would seem, just about

everything; though, there are limits. However, those limits don't apply in

this situation.

"Interfering in the practices of the Noble Houses in protecting the

bloodlines can easily get you killed. As One of the Seven, just as Sirius is,

in certain circumstances it is within my power to execute someone who

hurts, or even threatens, someone bonded to one of us.

"Lying in ambush and initiating an attack on my betrothed and concubine

was more than sufficient grounds for me to have killed the little sh―

idiot. I let him live, with the warning that the next time I see him in

Hogwarts, I'll kill him. I've also been informed, by the woman herself, that

Madam Bones reiterated that threat, once the idiot had his injuries

attended to.

"As far as I know and believe Nott, together with a few others, have all

decided to transfer their schooling to Durmstrang Institute in northern


Turning back to Sirius, he asked, "Anything underhanded about the


"No illicit charms or potions, if that's what you're asking," replied Sirius.

"However, the... sod... included a few clauses that are, frankly, quite


"Let me guess," snarked Harry. "Caracticus Nott is to immediately become

CeeCee's magical guardian. He's to have full access to the Malfoy estate.

That sort of thing?"

Sirius wasn't surprised Harry had figured that much out. "Yep. And more.

It was a concubine contract; not agreement. No escape clauses for CeeCee

or her family. She would have to obey any and all commands given to

her by both Theodore Nott and the Head of House, if they were different

people. Those sort of things."

Harry growled and spat, "In other words, they wanted to steal the Malfoy

fortune and turn her into a sex slave."

"Yep," replied Sirius. "However, I think Nott only sent that one as a

warning. He and others will follow it up with ones that aren't so...


"To show what CeeCee could be treated like if they were of a mind to

force the issue," said Daphne. "May we ask what your response was?"

Sirius gave an evil grin and said, "I sent it back to him, stating that

someone was trying to get me to kill him by 'faking' such an insulting

relationship agreement that would lead me to going after him, Nott, with

my wand blazing. And that he might want to look into it."

"Clever," she said. "Who did he send it to?"

"Me," he replied.

"You kept a copy, though, right?" asked Harry. "If Nott then tries to argue

that you cannot, or should not, be her magical guardian, his sending you

the contract is proof he believes you are the magical guardian."

"Of course," grinned Sirius.

"Good," said Daphne. "Nott's the biggest threat from the Dark for that sort

of thing. However, he might also be under pressure from Parkinson.

"He also won't be the only one; not by a long cast. Others to watch out

for are: Ledbury, Urquhart, Montague, Aldermaston, Belby, Carmichael,

Vaisey, Harper, Queensbury, Ancrum, Lofthouse, Haworth, Evercreech,

Morcott, Bexley and... Huntingdon, to name a few. All are Houses that

lean to the dark; all have boys of roughly the right age at Hogwarts,


"Good God!" said Dorothy, not a little shaken. "And, you think they'll all

send such agreements?"

"No," replied Daphne. "Those are just the ones to watch out for. Some,

will send one or two different ones; many won't, because they fear what

Nott, Parkinson and their ilk will do to them if they find out. Plus, there

will be Houses considered 'Grey', who will also send similar.

"I don't think any of the Light side Houses will send one, unless CeeCee

comes out publicly for the 'Light'. Many will believe the apple does not

fall far from the tree and, therefore, will believe CeeCee to be Dark; or, at

the very least, she would be of the Dark Grey."

Dorothy, who'd been standing at the stove or sink for most of that, came

and sat down with a sigh. "It really is that big a threat to Charlie, isn't it?"

she asked.

"Yes," replied Daphne. "In the last few months leading up to Christmas

last year, I lived in almost perpetual fear my father would eventually

have to succumb to the amount of pressure that was being brought to

bear on him from the Dark families demanding me in a concubine

contract. He very nearly did. It was Harry, here, who stepped forward to

'rescue' me from the clutches of either Malfoy or Nott.

"Before the First Task of the Tri-Wiz, Malfoy... Lucius, that is... was

looking the clear favourite to eventually succeed. Harry's destroying

Malfoy's reputation, both senior and junior, during the First Task had

Malfoy lose that position. But, that only allowed Nott to become the

favourite, with the help of Parkinson.

"When Harry, under urgings from the Potter-Longbottom Alliance, had

his law-wizard, Ted Tonks, approach my father with a Betrothal

Agreement that allowed all sorts of escape clauses with no pressure on

me, I think my parents must have cried in joy. Father was very quick to


"It all happened in just over a week," explained Harry. "Daphne

approached me on behalf of her father with a tentative request. About

nine days later she became my concubine."

"That quickly?" asked a very surprised Dorothy. "I would have thought―"

Harry was already shaking his head. "Most times, you'd be right. There'd

be a great deal of negotiating, business arrangements would also be

included, to and fro and to and fro. However, this was all about

protecting Daphne and House Greengrass from those trying to poach her

and it. There was a certain sense of urgency to it."

Daphne said, "It might also help you to know there was no requirement

for me to... shall we say... provide special services. The concubine

agreement was written to have me tied up in such an agreement and,

therefore, not available to any other family. At any time, even now,

either one of us can go to Gringotts, be tested to ensure we were not

under any compulsions to do so and have the agreement annulled."

"That was included for Daphne's benefit," said Harry. "It was written that

way so, if she found someone she'd fallen in love with and wanted to aim

towards a Betrothal Agreement with that person, she could walk away

from ours without any penalty."

"However," she said. "After spending only a short few months with Harry,

I've come to determine I do not believe I'll find anyone who represents a

better pick for me than Harry. I've... fallen in love with him."

As she blushed a little, Harry turned, grinned at her and kissed her on the

cheek. "I'm feeling the same," he softly said.

Now much relieved after what she'd just heard, Dorothy smiled at them.




Narcissa had just left the secure offices of the Records Office in the

Ministry, after having first gone to Saint Mungo's.

At both locations she had to use quite a bit of the off-book money Lucius

had stashed at the Manor to grease palms to get the records she wanted.

All of them related to births and deaths over the past one hundred years.

When she was at Saint Mungo's, the record keeper was quick to also

figure out what she was after and aided her in supplying a research

document by one of the paediatric Healers relating to an increase in birth

defects in pureblood-born children. The keeper had ensured that

document was placed on top.

When she returned back to the Townhouse later that afternoon she began

to collate the two pieces of information from the Ministry and the

hospital into an order she could use to make sense of it all. And, before

she even delved too far, the information was both astonishing and

appalling to her.

Still births were fifteen times higher in purebloods than muggleborns and

five times higher in halfbloods. Birth defects, if you included squibbing as

a birth defect, were almost all attributed to purebloods, with five of the

remaining six percent attributed to halfbloods. Slightly less than one in

one hundred were born to muggleborns.

On a whole, almost twenty percent of all births were either stillborn or

born with defects. Over the past twenty years that had gone up to thirty

percent. And of those, only a small fraction were not from muggleborn or


It was very clear that the pureblood community of magical Britain were,

by only marrying among themselves, killing themselves off. It was no

wonder the number of recognised Houses were diminishing at an

alarming rate. It was not, as most people suspected, mainly due to the

Dark Lord or his predecessors.

The question was, what to do with the information to make it useful to

turn the decline away from this disaster?

Then, she knew. She needed to take the information to the mothers - the

'ladies' of the Houses, who were the true protectors of the heritages.

It was one of those mothers, who had collected the information

previously, that formed the basis of the research paper at Saint Mungo's

of which she'd managed to get hold of a copy. It was mothers, who were

the records assistant at the hospital and who aided her at the Ministry.

Narcissa sat back and allowed the slight frown on her face to slowly

change into a smirk. She was going to start a secret society; one

dedicated to halting this mistake in its tracks.

She even had a name for it - The Tapestry Circle. It would be so named

because of the great family tapestries that showed the bloodlines of the

great Houses. And the second, though secret, member would be Dorothy


Narcissa vowed Corina - or Charlotte, as she was now named - would be

the first she would save from the fate of having their own child or

children stillborn or born defective. CeeCee would not be the 'broodmare'

of a British pureblood. Not as long as her name was Narcissa Venus

Malfoy née Black.

Now she needed to go talk to the woman.

With a sigh, she thought, 'If I'm to have any hope of being in Corina's life,

I need to get over my... dislike... of muggles. Siri, as Head of House,

could easily forbid it.'

She'd connect, mother to mother, with a mutual desire to protect Corin―

CeeCee. She was pleased the girl had come up with that 'nickname' based

on her known original initials. It made it easier than trying to pick

whether to call her 'Corina' or 'Charlotte'; even if 'CeeCee' sounded quite

similar to 'Cissy'.

That had her smile as she made her way down to the kitchen.




The next morning and after almost eight months since first given the task

of redesigning the 'muggle experience' course, plus assisting in the

redesign of the Misuse of Muggle Artefacts Statute, Arthur was finally

ready to present both to his nominal superior, Madam Bones.

His first job was to find new offices large enough to accomplish what was

needed, then find ministry personnel to fill it. He expected the first to be

hard and the second to be easy. However, the reverse proved true. He

was given more than sufficient space on level three with the Department

of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes, one level above the DMLE. He

thought it would make a good home for his expanded team, as it put him

in close proximity to the Accidental Magic Reversal Squad, Obliviator

Headquarters and the Muggle-Worthy Excuse Committee. The three

sections he would most often be working in close proximity with,


However, he had to go to Madam Bones while she was still Acting

Minister and practically demand he be allowed to engage in what could

be considered bigoted hiring practices, as he especially needed to employ

those who were muggleborn or muggle-raised. He did also hire from pre-

existing departments still, as he needed those with Ministry experience to

deal with inter-office issues.

Once he had the people starting, he was having them immediately

brainstorm ideas for a brand new 'modern muggle experience' training

course. And they came up with things he'd never even heard of before.

They ran the course among themselves as a trial run. Then looked to

what went wrong and made changes; then ran it again, altered it, ran it

again, altered it again, and again. It was on the fifth generation of the

course they thought they finally had something that would work.

The course involved living in a group of muggle homes that were once

collectively a coastal 'holiday camp' the Ministry were able to acquire for

a song. Since the 1970s, with cheaper International airline flights and a

burgeoning British muggle economy, too many muggles were now

choosing to holiday in places like coastal Spain than holiday in their own

country at such camps for such camps to remain financially viable.

They then had experts refurbish it to what they needed. Thankfully, it

also had a small conference hall, communal kitchen and other useful


However, not the entire course would be spent at the 'muggle camp'.

There were also day trips to things like the cinemas, riding in cabs,

driving lessons, amusement parks, modern muggle shopping centres,


With it ready, they ran their course for the sixth time. It included things

like: PowerPoint presentations, the internet, conference rooms, photo

cameras, video cameras, security cameras, video players, computers,

electronic locks, driving lessons, muggle IDs, modern muggle home life

and a host of others.

They also had to be careful with how fast they educated those on the

course, as it became quite apparent quite quickly that too fast and little

information was retained. The people being taught went into information

overload or worldview alteration shock. Their initial idea of a 'one week'

course very quickly blew out to 'three weeks'. For almost the entire time,

they would wear muggle clothing, muggle jewellery and make up for the

women. They were taught to use every muggle appliance in a muggle

home; including the television, video player and telephone; kitchen

devices; alarm clocks; and home alarm systems, to name a few.

At the end of the three weeks the students' written exams included, for

example, a requirement to write down matters relating to words and

concepts around: electricity, electronics, telephones, cellphones, the

internet, the cinema, movies, automobiles, cars, cabs, computers, security

systems and others. For the practical exams they might have to purchase

a few odd items in grocery stores, department stores and convenience

stores; drive a car, change the tyre - without using magic - and fill it with

petrol; or even operate a video camera, design their own short

PowerPoint presentation and operate a cell - or mobile - phone to call


The test lasted most of the day. The morning would start with the written

test before morning tea, before they would then spend the late morning

in a practical examination within the 'muggle camp'. Finally and after

lunch, they would go out into the muggle world and put their knowledge

to the test on an immersive practical examination.

The test was rigorous and required only a sixty percent correct mark to

pass - except on one point. That one required a one hundred percent pass

grade or the entire course was considered a fail. The attendees/students/

whatever had to recognise and identify when a camera was pointed at

them; or was even likely to be pointing at them. They had to identify

traffic cameras and community security cameras mounted on the walls of

buildings, security cameras inside buildings (including ones under those

little plastic domes mounted in ceilings), one's in the hands of pedestrians

in the street, hidden and not so hidden; and that, with the introduction of

cameras in cellphones, how to tell if one was being pointed at you and

was recording you.

That last point had a few, who were their test subjects for the course and

were purebloods, almost fainting in fear and terror of what it meant.

As for the Statute, Arthur only oversaw its development. Of course, he

only oversaw the development of the muggle experience course, too.

However, that one was more hands-on for him. Once he had the team

rewriting the Statute properly briefed and prepared, he let them go and

get it done.

The new Statute had a specific clause that stated that once a 'muggle

artefact' was properly purchased by a wizard or witch, as per both

wizarding and muggle law, it would no longer be considered a 'muggle

artefact'; but, would henceforth be known as a 'muggle made' wizarding

artefact. And 'muggle made' wizarding artefacts could be legally

enchanted. Further, any object not properly purchased as per the above,

the penalties for enchanting them became far more stringent. Because of

the large preponderance of already existing muggle artefacts that had

been enchanted, just as Harry demonstrated during that aborted trial, a

blanket pardon would be issued for them. However, they would all have

to be identified and registered within the first six months of the Statute

becoming law.

With both the course outline and new Statute in hand, Arthur took and

presented both to Bones in her office.

Showing surprise at the thickness of both documents, Bones looked to

Arthur and asked, "This is the final draft of both?"

"Yes, Ma'am," he replied. "I would suggest you fortify yourself for what

you're about to read when you decide to read them. Quite frankly,

Ma'am, I now have a feeling of awe when it comes to muggles with what

they've managed to accomplish without magic. And those security

cameras, quite frankly, scare the magic out of me.

"It is my strong belief that no magically-raised witch or wizard should be

permitted to enter the muggle world until they have a full understanding

of just what they're likely to come across. How it is the Statute of

Wizarding Secrecy has not already been irrevocably shattered is, quite

frankly, a miracle.

"I personally believe, and my muggleborn and -raised agree with me, the

higher-ups in muggle society are already completely aware of us and are,

themselves, working towards protecting the Statute. There truly can be

no other explanation."

Without a change of expression, Bones nodded back and said, "Thank

you, Arthur. I shall read these and get back to you as soon as I can."

Knowing a dismissal when he heard it, Arthur gave a slight bow and

replied, "Thank you, Ma'am." Then turned about and walked out, closing

the door behind him.

As soon as the door closed, Bones smiled. She already knew the muggle

governments were actively suppressing evidence of the wizarding world.

Why someone would think otherwise was, as Lord Potter would say, 'daft

thinking'. She, herself, worked closely with the muggle intelligentsia -

specifically MI-5 and, recently, the National Criminal Intelligence Service

(NCIS) - in rooting out and suppressing intelligence gathered about the

wizarding world from those deemed a threat to the Statute. Of course,

that threat did not include the muggle British Government.

When her brother and his wife were murdered by the Death Eaters in the

last couple of years of the War, she had risked everything as a Senior

Auror at the time, including what would amount to a lifetime sentence in

Azkaban, by going to the muggle policing agencies and begging them for

help. Her identity was quickly proven and she was soon hustled up to

meet with the higher echelons of both the MPS (Metropolitan Police

Service) and MI-5; the 'brass', as they called it.

From those meetings she quickly became an 'asset' for MI-5 and, recently,

the NCIS. She already knew and had read the documents Arthur had only

just then handed to her, as agents for both organisations were already

working, incognito, in the man's new Office. It was they who were the

driving force of both the new 'muggle experience' course and newly

developed Statute.

Setting both documents aside, she sent a coded message via owl to both

intelligence organisations. [tt]AW pres docs x2[/tt].

As preplanned, she would present the new Statute for 'first reading' at the

next Wizengamot session held the next month. It would be seen as too

fast to present it at the July Wizengamot general meeting the next day.

Or, maybe she could at least give it the first reading the next day, giving

the members time to adjust to it.

'Hmm...' she thought




At 'The Kennel', Narcissa had already convinced Dorothy she was being

honest about her intent to start 'The Tapestry Circle'. It wasn't hard after

she laid out for the other woman the documents she'd managed to collect

and collate from the Ministry and hospital.

"But, why show me?" asked Dorothy.

Firmly, Narcissa replied, "Because, I will not have my daughter by blood

forced to marry some British or French pureblood and birth squibs and

others with birth defects. I will not have Corina... Charlie... suffer the

same pain I did."

That was enough to get the muggle woman on board.

"Why the name 'The Tapestry Circle'?" she'd asked.

That led to Narcissa taking the woman up to see the Black family tapestry

and what role they played in wizarding Britain.

"Yes. Sirius showed us this and told us how he had it restored," said

Dorothy. "He also showed us Charlie's name." And pointed to where the

name Corina Cephei Malfoy now appeared next to Draco Abraxas Malfoy

branching off Narcissa Venus Black and Lucius Abraxas Malfoy.

Narcissa nodded and said, "The Black Family Tapestry. It represents the

bloodlines relating to House Black. It is from that and how other

pureblood families have the same, which led me to the name 'The

Tapestry Circle'."

"But, 'Circle'?" asked Dorothy.

Narcissa smiled and said, "No one takes much notice of 'circles'. If we'd

named it 'committee', 'tribunal' or 'panel' or something more serious,

people would want to know more about it. Circles... Ladies' Clubs... are

not seen as something important. By naming it a 'Circle' we'll be able to

hide it's true purpose and operate in secret.

"Secondly, by giving it the name 'The Tapestry Circle' husbands and such

will think of it as something like a..."

"Sewing Circle?" prompted Dorothy.

Narcissa smiled in understanding and replied, "Exactly. Nothing for the

menfolk to worry about."

That had Dorothy completely on board with what Narcissa wanted to

accomplish. Circle membership was now two. She also had plans to bring

both the Granger and Greengrass girls into the secret, as well.

With four, she'd be able to make inroads among those mothers she knew

had also suffered the same pain she did. Their husbands and Lords of

Houses had tried to hide the information, but what she had already

gathered identified them all; or, at least, most of them.




Harry, Daphne and Fleur were currently up in Fleur's room. The first two

were helping the third with studying for her NEWTs.

Neither Harry nor Daphne knew the majority of the work; only that

which led up to fourth year. However, for the work above that year they

were both able to provide a list of questions from the texts and ask them.

Of course, they had to find English translations of the books, first. But,

that proved no hardship. They simply asked her the names of the books

in English and then sent Dobby and Giggles out to find such copies. The

two elves scoured the bookstores of magical Britain and found almost all

of them within a day.

The two elves loved the work and thought themselves on 'treasure hunts'.

They also made a lovely pair, who suited one another. Dobby, always

'fizzing' with energy and magic to spare; and Giggles, far more laid back

and calm. Dobby wore his grey keikogi with its silver belt - and Harry

still didn't know what led a Potter before him to chose Japanese martial

arts training-wear as the wear for the Potter house elves - and Giggles

wore a black skirt, white blouse and light black jacket, with the Black

crest monogrammed in silk on the breast similar to the Potter crest

monogrammed in grey on Dobby's jacket. Sirius took the idea to dress his

elves from the Potter elves, but had decided to go with contemporary

British 'servants' dress.

From those books both Harry and Daphne learned that there were quite a

few incantations that could be given in either English or French. That led

to them wanting to know if there were incantations of spells in other


"Of course, there is," said Fleur. "Yes, most of the incantations are a sort

of false-Latin - of which both English and French derive - but not all. For

example, while 'pack' for the packing charm is also 'pack' in French, there

are others that differ."

Harry muttered, 'What about pseudo-Latin to English?"

Thinking of the banishing charm, Depulso, as an example, he looked to

Fleur's trunk at the foot of her bed and gave the wand movements for the

charm, while incanting, "Push!" And, surprisingly, the trunk moved a

little. It was nowhere near as much as it should have done if he'd used

the correct incantation, but it was at least something.

"Hunh!" he exclaimed.

"Push?" asked Daphne, a little wryly. "Really?"

He gave a half-hearted shrug and replied, "I thought it might work and

it's only one syllable."

"It won't, really," she said. "The incantation is part of the spellcrafting

that goes into the charm. It didn't work that well because... 'Push'... was

not the incantation that paired with the wand movement to cast that


Harry gave a half-shrug and said, "I thought it might work. It was just a


She added, "You'd be better off learning silent casting for your spells than

replacing the incantation with another."




Harry was expecting the July session of the Wizengamot to be just

another boring meeting of the 'old fuglies', as he'd come to mentally call

them. However, that went right out the window when an item of new

business was raised by Parkinson.

He stood and declared, for the record, that an unknown daughter of the

line of Malfoy had been found.

Harry frowned and tried to figure out what the man was up to, when he

then declared she had been found in the custody of muggles with foreign


"She was clearly stolen from her parents by these―"

"Objection!" roared Sirius, shooting to his feet.

As the Chief Warlock banged his gavel to try and restore order, Sirius

snarled, "She, most certainly, was not... stolen... you uneducated moron!

She was dumped by her own blood father, Lucius Malfoy!"

"Order!" roared Ogden, repeatedly banging his gavel on the desk before


As Parkinson at first reared back, he surged back forward and hissed, "So.

You. Say!"

Not getting the order he wanted, Ogden then drew his wand and fired off

a quick triple of cannonblast charms, before he surged to his own feet

and spun to glare at both men. "E-nough!" he roared, himself.

When both men shut up and both kept an eye on each other while glaring

at Ogden, Ogden looked to Sirius and said, "Lord Black. I take it by your

'objection' you actually have a 'point of order'?"

"I do!" he more quietly snapped.

"Then I shall hear it," said Ogden. "But, first, both of you will sit your

butts down and try to be civil. You are both supposed to be, after all...


As soon as Sirius sat, Harry was in his ear, whispering, "The onus is on

Parkinson to prove his claims; not on you to prove your own claims,

otherwise. Do not rise to the bait! Force him to provide proof."

While Harry was unsure Sirius heard him and accepted what he said, he

hoped he had.

"Lord Black," said Ogden. "I will now hear your point of order."

Then Sirius proved he had heard and recognised the wisdom of Harry's

words. He stood and said, "Lord Parkinson claims young Miss Malfoy, the

rightful heir apparent of the Magical House of Malfoy, was stolen. I call

on him to prove it before making such... wild accusations."

"And I call on Lord Black to prove she was not," Parkinson snapped back,

without even waiting for the call.

"Lord Parkinson will wait until he is called upon before speaking, in

future," Ogden firmly said. "Lord Black."

Sirius replied, "The onus is not on me to prove she was not. The onus is

on Lord Parkinson to prove his own claims, for he is the one to have

made them. It is he who put forth she was stolen from her rightful birth

parents. I demand he present the evidence of his claims."

Ogden gave a nod and turned back to Parkinson, "Lord Parkinson; your

evidence, please."

Parkinson glowered back for a long moment before he huffed, "I have no

such evidence other than that she must obviously have been stolen―"

"Point of order!" sang out Marchbanks. "Chief Warlock, he's doing it


"Lord Parkinson!" said Ogden. "You will provide your evidence or you

will retract your remarks!"

Clearly frustrated, Parkinson snarled, "I withdraw my remarks." He gave

it a bare moment before he continued, "However, I call on Lord Black to

provide the evidence she is both who she claims to be and how she was

not, as I suspect, stolen from her birth parents."

Ogden gave a nod before turned back to Sirius. "Lord Black."

"Chief Warlock," said Sirius. "As I have already stated, there is no onus on

me to prove anything. The goblins' own inheritance test procedures were

accepted by them that showed 'CeeCee', for that is how she prefers to be

called, is the rightful heiress apparent of the Magical House of Malfoy.

That proof was sought and acquired on the day of the reading of the Late

Lucius Malfoy's Will, as per Gringotts's and wizarding Britain's laws. It is

not the right of this body to demand further."

"He's right," said someone. Harry didn't recognise the voice.

"He is," muttered Ogden. Looking back at Parkinson, he said, "Your

demand is rightfully rejected, Lord Parkinson. Move on."

Clearly not getting what he obviously wanted, background information

on CeeCee, Parkinson tried his next tactic.

"As the Magical House of Malfoy is now reduced to only one Heiress," he

tried. "It behooves us to ensure she is paired with a pureblood of equal―"

"Point of order!" roared Bones. However, she wasn't the only one; just the

loudest and, probably, fastest.

Looking at how clearly pissed the Head of the DMLE was, as she surged

to her feet. Harry smirked and quietly muttered, "Oops! He's done it now."

"Madam Bones!" Ogden immediately stated.

"How dare―" she hissed, clearly furious. "How dare Lord Parkinson even

attempt to put forth... what it is quite clear he's attempting to put forth. It

is not for this body to interfere with House relationships. That has not

just been policy, but has been codified law for centuries. Lord Parkinson

will retract his remarks... now."

Ogden said, "I couldn't have put it better, myself." He turned to Parkinson

and said, "Lord Parkinson... retract."

Still frustrated, but not a little fearfully as he looked back at a furiously

glaring Bones, he still tried to sneer and said, "I retract my remarks. I

have no further business."

Then he dropped back into his seat with a scowl, crossed his arms and

refused to look at anyone.

Harry turned to Sirius and quietly said, "Now, more than ever, we have to

protect CeeCee. This was just another 'shot across the bow'."

Unhappily, Sirius only nodded.

The next item of business was Madam Bones presenting the new Statute

for the Misuse of Muggle Items, not Artefacts, in its 'first reading'. Harry

was surprised it had taken them so long, considering the old one had

been ripped away over six months earlier, leaving a gaping hole in the


With a copy of it before him, he'd read it over the upcoming month and

see what changes he thought it would need. Without assignments taking

up his 'summer vacation' time he could see he'd be easily able to find the

time to do it.




69. Viva La France

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to the proverbial Duchess of

Magic, JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high

falutin' companies. No matter how much I whine about not owning anything

related to the HP universe, other than a few fanfic plots, I do not profess to

own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful

world... Damn it!

Chapter Sixty Nine - Viva La France




Returning from the Wizengamot session, Sirius had remained quiet until

after dinner. That evening, he called for a 'family' meeting in the main

dining room.

Once everyone was there, he laid out what had happened at the

Wizengamot meeting regarding CeeCee. Harry only added a couple of

very specific and relevant points, as he felt Sirius had done a sterling job

of relaying the major ones.

Once he was done, CeeCee was already enveloped in her mother's arms,

Dorothy's, as the older woman looked quite concerned.

"As Harry explained to me," said Sirius. "This was just, as he put it, a

further 'shot across the bows'. This was the Dark trying to both discover

further information and trying to squeeze us into making certain moves

of their own desire."

"It is clear Parkinson wants the Malfoy fortune," sighed Harry. "I believe

that was the background of the betrothal contract between Draco and

Pansy. Parkinson wanted the Malfoy fortune and vice versa. Both thought

they would come out on top, once the time was right.

"Parkinson is trying to recover that plan. But, by the body language of

Caracticus Nott, it is clear he's also willing to share the fortune with Nott

by seeing CeeCee in a similar contract with Theodore Nott, Nott's

grandson. It is clear to me those two have formed an unholy alliance."

Narcissa gave a huff, crossed her arms and said, "That makes sense."

She then turned a very direct look on Harry and said, "It is now clear to

me you were not lying when you said the Sorting Hat wanted to

immediately sort you into Slytherin."

Harry just gave a slight smug smirk back for a moment.

What the two had not seen were the quick looks passed between Dorothy

and Stephen.

"Parkinson is now going to do his own research," said Sirius. "I'll have to

talk, again, with Ted Tonks and find out how successful he believes he's

been in muddying up the tracks of the research he carried out to find

CeeCee in the first place. Until we know that, the Wilkinses are in grave

danger if they go home."

"No," sighed Harry. "Sorry, but that's misleading. What you mean is the

Wilkinses are in danger if they go home, because of someone carrying out

the same research Ted was able to gather. That implies the danger will

no longer exist if the research is hidden or destroyed. We cannot

presuppose that. We do not know if there exists other research that could

also find them.

"For example," he looked to the Wilkinses, "Did any of you speak, while

in the bank, in front of anyone else who isn't family and trusted?"

"Yes," sighed Stephen. "I guess we all did, at some time."

"Then there exists the risk that someone will have, or will in later

viewing of a memory of the event in a pensieve, recognise your accents

as Australian," he explained. "Now, how many magic schools are there in


Sirius sighed and replied, "Three. Two boarding and one 'day' school."

Harry quietly said, "Then it would only be a matter of days before the

Wilkinses would be found - maybe a couple of weeks if they, those

looking for them, were stupid. I do not know how corrupt the Australian

Ministry of Magic is, but it must be assumed they are possibly even more

corrupt than our own. A quick and surreptitious handing over of gold and

the home address of the Wilkinses would be easily known. Running and

hiding back in Australia is not a safe option."




The Weasley household were in good spirits. Arthur had come home the

previous day in high spirits and the most relaxed his wife had seen him

in months.

"What's gotten into you, Arthur?" she'd asked.

"You know those two projects I was in charge of shepherding through to

completion?" he'd laughed. "They're done! Both of them!"

"Oh, Arthur!" Molly had gushed. "That's wonderful news!"

"And only a month late!" he grinned. "At least I got it on Madam Bones's

desk in time for her to present it to the Wizengamot for first reading

tomorrow. I hope she does, too."

As Arthur sat back and relaxed, Molly had prepared for him his favourite

meal; roast corned beef, baked veggies and lashings of gravy, followed up

with a freshly baked apple pie from apples freshly picked from the trees


Ron, though, hated corned beef with a passion that bordered on loathing.

It didn't stop him from eating more than his fair share, though. However,

after his months at Aunt Muriel's, he now only ate just a little more than

a full adult serving. And he no longer shoved food into his mouth at a

rate that had him going through his dinner twice as fast as even the

second fastest eater at the Weasley table, Charlie.

All the Weasleys had noticed the drastic change in Ron's eating habits

and congratulated him on the major improvements in his table manners.

He'd tried, his second night home, to return to his old ways while he had

the chance. However, it just made him sick and he nearly ended up

vomiting it all back up again. He didn't try again.

"So, Madam Bones accepted it?" pressed Ginny, once she found out why

her father was in such good spirits.

"Accepted it, yes," he replied. "Now I just need to wait to see what sort of

changes I'll need to make before it becomes law."

"And the 'muggle experience' course?" asked William, home at the time

on one of his 'short visits'.

"Same," his father replied.

After watching the reading of the Bill for the Statute in the Wizengamot

session, Arthur had quietly left the chamber and returned to work. He

had immediately sought out the witch he considered his second-in-

command, after Cliff had fulfilled his promise and retired within the

second week of the 'new reality', as he'd called it.

"Genevieve," he'd called to her.

"Boss?" she'd immediately looked up from what she was working on and


He grinned and said, "It's been accepted for the first reading."

"Woohoo!" she'd returned, before laughing.

Genevieve Goodfellow was one of the two muggleborn government spies

who'd been assigned to accept employment in the new and expanded

Muggle Artefact Office - the words 'Misuse of' had been dropped from the

name. Arthur had 'promoted' her to be his second in command of the

office within only a few weeks, when she showed a clear understanding

of what was needed to be accomplished and worked hard to see it done.

Arthur just didn't know that her ideas were coming to her from an MI-5

'think tank' set up to provide her with the ideas, which formed the

direction the government security agency wanted to see things go. He

was just happy that her ideas, according to him, all proved sound and do-


It was because of her work that the new Statute for the Misuse of Muggle

Items was near exactly as MI-5 wanted it, with what they thought they

could get away with. She'd already been informed that, once her current

MI-5 assignment was done, she was to be promoted within that

organisation and allowed her choice of assignments. She was giving

serious thought to staying where she was and seeing if she could employ

her skills in seeing other wizarding Statutes 'amended' with MI-5


Her colleague who headed the procurements team, Peter 'He of three first

names' Glengarry, was the NCIS undercover agent. He earned the position

as Head of the team by being the one to both come up with the idea of

using a disused muggle holiday camp as the muggle base for the course

and shepherded through the purchase of it. What only a few - he,

Goodfellow and Bones - knew was that the camp had been seized by NCIS

as an asset used by a major British drug cartel only twelve months prior.

And it was the NCIS that faked up the documentation that 'allowed' the

Ministry of Magic to purchase it.

Not even those three knew, though, that the camp was also heavily

monitored through hidden surveillance equipment. Security was that

tight. Neither MI-5 nor NCIS were going to leave anything to chance.




However, that was the previous day. Today, Ronald was in his room,

frustrated with not being able to get the books he wanted. Yes, he had

the books on protective magic and light magics that he could use to

combat dark magic, but he wanted the actual dark magic books. He

wanted those curses.

While in his room and working on his knowledge of light-sided charms,

hexes and protections by going through the wand movements as fast as

he could, his mind kept drifting to figuring out ways to get the gold he

needed to buy the right books.

With a sigh, he looked outwards in memory at what he had, what the

wider family had and what he could hock to get him more gold. Even

across the whole family, there was very little. The Weasleys lived inside

their means, but lived to the maximum inside their means. There were no

extras that could be hocked without being missed. There were no hidden

caches of 'treasures' or gold he could use. There was nothing.

But, then he had a thought. There were such at Aunt Muriel's. She had a

couple of items he could take and hock. He just had to take them to the

right person. And, the only one he could think of was Mister Burke of

Borgin and Burke's.

His problem there was that he'd have to go back to Aunt Muriel's to

collect what he needed and make a quick trip to Knockturn Alley.

Though he knew he'd then soon have the books and, with it, the curses

needed, he didn't want to ever have to return to that woman's

questionable care.

"I should have grabbed them while I was there," he muttered, annoyed

with himself over his lack of forethought.




The day after the Wizengamot meeting, Narcissa was more determined

than ever to get her Tapestry Circle off the ground.

'Potter is right,' she thought. 'Parkinson and Nott are clearly in some form

of "duo" alliance to try and get hold of the Malfoy fortune through forcing

a marriage or concubine contract - or, worse - onto Corina. I am not

going to let that happen.'

With her determination reinforced she prepared what she needed to say

and to whom. First, she needed to speak to a new Law-wizard of Record.

There was no way in Morgana's name she was going to use the one who

was the Malfoy one until Ted Tonks, nor would she use Ted Tonks for


She went to the one who used to be the Black Law-wizard of Record until

Sirius moved the account to Tonks - Dewey, Skroohem and Howe. Of

course, she dealt with Dewey, the senior partner.

The man was quick to provide what she needed, as the firm was

desperate to get back at least one of their now departed major clients.

They would have preferred to get the Black account back, but were more

than willing to accept the Malfoy legal account as 'compensation' and

were gambling on Narcissa becoming regent for her daughter. After all,

the Malfoys were close to the same value as Black, gold-wise.

Quickly, the man had the instructions to draft the necessary documents

to create the 'club' called 'The Tapestry Circle'. When he was given the

information as to why the circle was being formed, he was almost

horrified; not by what the Club wanted to achieve, but by why it was

clearly necessary.

He and his wife, both purebloods from long lines of purebloods, had lost

two children to stillbirth; the only two they'd ever tried for. They'd never

tried again, as the pain of losing such was already nearly too much to

bear. When shown the evidence of Malfoy's claims he, too, was furious

the information had been deliberately buried. Though male and the

membership of the Circle would be strictly female, he became a major

supporter, right then and there.




After a long day and a half over the previous two days occasionally

sitting with the Wilkinses and explaining what Parkinson had attempted,

on the Thursday Harry was brought out of focussing 'inwards' on the

family and focussed 'outwards' on friends and the rest of the wizarding

world. He was surprised to receive a letter delivered by Errol, the

Weasley's old family owl. It was from the twins.

~ # ~

Lord Harrison J Potter,

Head of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Potter

All-round top bloke.


We send you this mini-missive to let you know that the Pinhead, Percy, has

gone and gotten himself betrothed. And, you probably guessed, it's to the lovely

Miss Penny Clearwater.

It seems he took onboard what you told him about offering to change his name

to Clearwater and he's done exactly that. Leastwise, that's what he's going to

do as part of the betrothal contract written up between Dad and Lord


Mum's a bit pissed about it, though. She doesn't like that Percy's been 'forced

to' change his surname, just so he could marry the woman of his dreams. She

thinks it's a load of old nonsense and 'modern' witches and wizards shouldn't

engage in such outdated concepts. We know it's because she doesn't want to

understand, rather than she simply doesn't.

But, Percy's right pleased and really doesn't care whether or not Mum's upset

about it. He has our respect for that.

We've no idea when or where the handfasting's going to take place. However,

Percy's so happy about everything he's told us to tell you that you and yours

will be invited. He says he knows he wouldn't have ever gotten the chance to

marry her, if it wasn't for your idea to offer to change his surname. So, as far

as he's currently concerned, Harry Potter and 'his three ladies' will be VIP

guests at the handfasting.

Anyways, we just thought you'd like to know.

Oh; and Mum wants to know when you can come and pay us a visit again.

Gred and Forge

(love and kisses)

~ # ~

After snickering in amusement and passing the letter off to Daphne,

Harry wrote his reply.

~ # ~

Messers Fred and George Weasley

The Burrow

Ottery St. Catchpole

Gred and Forge,

I'm glad to hear Percy took on board my suggestion and went with it. Please

pass on my, Hermione's, Daphne's and Fleur's congratulations to him and his.

As Penny is the Heiress Secondary to the Noble and Most Ancient House of

Clearwater (and, therefore, One of the Seven), together with in direct line of

succession, I doubt very much we four will not receive an invitation to attend

the handfasting. Lord Clearwater is pretty much obligated to send us one. So,

tell Percy not to worry about it.

Our only concern will be, of course, Ron's behaviour. I still have not forgiven

him for deliberately creating a situation that could have easily gotten me killed

- if I was the Harry Potter he thought me to be. That is, if I did not already

know of the treachery of which he is capable. We'll be giving that a lot of

consideration before we'll even decide whether or not to attend; because, as

Percy's brother, Ron will of course also attend.

Please also pass on my congratulations to Ginny for successfully taking on the

role as seeker for the Lions. I and mine attended both Gryffindor matches and

saw how well she performed. She has real talent in the sport. I daresay she

could easily make a career of it, if that was her dream.

No doubt you would all know by now of the appearance of young CeeCee.

She's the young lass who is the rightful inheritor of the Malfoy estates after the

sudden deaths of both Lucy and Draco on the night they tried to use me in

some kind of resurrection ritual to bring back Vole-in-his-shorts.

CeeCee - Charlotte C Wilkins - is the adopted daughter of a couple of muggles,

who already had two children of their own when they adopted her as an

infant. She was actually born the second child of Lucy and Narcissa Malfoy,

but was dumped by Lucy Malfoy halfway around the world because of birth

issues that are considered medical-in-confidence. That is, it's private medical

information and not for discussion. I've met her and talked to her. Wonderful


At the moment, I'm currently staying at the Black Townhouse in Kings Cross.

I've spent only a little time at my own home, Pottermore, because of needs to

visit my three ladies. However, I'll soon be moving to southern France to spend

time with Fleur and her family while Fleur undertakes her NEWT exams in the

French Ministry. After that, I'll be staying for a little while at the Greengrass

manor and at the Grangers' home, which will take us to the end of the summer


So, as you can see, time is very restricted for me.

Thank your Mum for the invitation, but I doubt very much I'll get a chance to

drop by The Burrow before school recommences. There's already just far too

much I've still yet to do regarding my responsibilities and nowhere near enough

time in which to do it.


~ # ~

After reading the letter, Daphne handed it back to Harry and asked, "Do

you think that's going to stop Molly Weasley from sending you


"Nope," he replied. "She'll keep badgering the twins to invite me over. It's

in her nature."

"So, what are you going to do about it?" she asked.

"Nothing," he replied. "At least, this way, I get to hear from the devil

twins. Besides, it's not my responsibility to curb her demands. Sooner or

later the twins are going to have a gutful and refuse.

"Now they're of-age they can legally refuse. But, as they're still living at

home, I don't think they will until she pushes them just that bit too far."

She nodded back.

He sent it that afternoon via Hedwig and hoped Molly would not try to

intercept it. As both twins were now of-age he hoped she wouldn't.




Even though she was still waiting for the corporation documents of The

Tapestry Circle to be finalised, Narcissa was not going to sit idle until

they were. That day she began to make her visits to others she was both

'acquaintances' with and of whom she already had evidence they'd lost


She'd be starting with the Neutrals, rather than the Darks. Taking them

alphabetically, because there was no reason to use any other order, that

meant a visit to the Dowager Aldermaston, Mildred Aldermaston. The

advantage with Aldermaston was it would give her a 'foot in the door' of

the other Neutral families.

After sending the dowager a letter by owl the previous late afternoon,

she'd received confirmation and invitation to join the woman that very

morning at 9.00am. Dressed in a set of her 'visiting' robes, Narcissa was

out via the floo right on the hour of the appointment, to the second. She

took with her both the evidence of the birth rates and defects, together

with the initial documents of The Tapestry Circle.

Narcissa would later come to know that, by pure happenstance, her visit

to the Dowager Aldermaston as one of her first visits was the most

important of all. The 'old biddy', once she learned of what Narcissa had to

show her as evidence of her claims, went on a rant that lasted almost half

an hour.

Once she calmed somewhat, she demanded, "And what, pray tell, do you

intend to do to repair this... this... abomination!"

Narcissa laid out for her what she'd done until then and what she hoped

to accomplish in the near future and beyond.

"I'm in!" declared Aldermaston. "And... I'll help you with getting in touch

with the others you need. So they know there's nothing underhanded

going on, I'll be joining you in those meetings.

"You and I might not see eye to eye on many things; however, on this, we

are one voice!"




After a long morning spent at Longbottom Manor with Alice and Adeline,

Hermione turned up at the Black Townhouse shortly after lunch. By then,

Harry and Daphne were in Fleur's room and again assisting the girl with

study for her exams.

Hermione immediately dove in to help.

After an hour she asked, "So, when do you have to head back to France?"

"We leave tomorrow morning," replied Fleur. "The eeexams will be

starting on Monday morning at the Ministry."

When Hermione then turned to look at Harry, he said, "Yes, Hermione.

As I said before, I'll be joining her for the two weeks."

Hermione gave a nod and said, "In that case, I'll come over sometime

during that time. I don't think my parents will have a problem if I'm gone

for... say... a week."

Fleur smirked and said, "You do not want to miss out on your ''Arry-


Hermione lightly blushed, stuck her nose in the air a little defiantly and

replied, "No. I do not."

That had all three girls giggle while Harry chuckled a little.

"I'm going, too," said Daphne. "Father has no problem with it."

"And your mother?" asked Harry.

Daphne lightly blushed and replied, "She wants to help me pack. Or,

rather, she wants to help me pack... light."

Harry didn't know what she meant, but it appeared Hermione and Fleur

did. It wasn't that important to him, so he'd see if he could subtly find out


Instead, he asked Hermione, "How goes your lessons with Alice and


"Good!" she immediately replied, before launching into an explanation of

what sort of lessons she was being given.




Thankfully, the international portkey was not an early one. It left at

10.00am from the Ministry international portkey point within the

Department of International Magical Cooperation.

The three going were Fleur, of course, Harry and Daphne. All three had

their trunks shrunk and in their pockets. Sirius 'brought' them, but there

was really no need to. They only had to go via floo from the Black

Townhouse to the Ministry atrium and take the lift to the department. All

up, about five minutes.

Arriving in the Ministère de la Magie in Paris, France, they were met by

Jean-Paul, Apolline and Gabrielle, the latter of whom immediately gave a

squeal of delight and charged her sister. The two were hugging before the

three were even far enough forward of the International check-in desk

not to be in the way. It was left up to Fleur to drag her sister with her

and far enough apart from the desk not to be considered a nuisance.

Jean-Paul immediately asked, "Got everytheeng you need?"

Harry gave a nod and smile back, "Yes, Sir."

"Good," Jean-Paul gave a firm nod back. "Apolline weell make sure you

get to the manoir, safely. I 'ave to return to werk."

After he gave Fleur a big hug, a quick hug to Daphne and shook Harry's

hand, the man quickly gave his excuses and left. That then left it to

Apolline to escort them to the nearest set of public floos so they could

floo to Delacour Manoir.

Less than three minutes later and they were in the manor's welcoming





The first thing Harry noticed was the almost opulence of the building. It

was quite close, but just a smidge better, than Pottermore.

Surprising Harry, he was shown to a room that was across the hall from

Fleur, with Daphne in the room next door to Fleur's. Harry just hoped

Hermione would not be shunted off somewhere else.

However, his fears were laid to rest when Apolline said her room was

directly next to Fleur's on the other side to Daphne's. And she apologised

for not being able to get them all right alongside the others.

"It's alright, Apolline," he was quick to say. "I cannot see how you'd be

able to organise them any other way and still be fair."

After dropping off their shrunken trunks, with the Manor house elves

immediately moving to unpack them for them, Fleur took them on a

quick tour of the manor.

Finally, they were shown outside. And the first thing he and Daphne

noticed out there was the warmth. It wasn't the comfortable warmth of

London in summer, either. This was almost a tropical warmth with a

decently high humidity.

Moving her arms a little as she looked about, Daphne said, "Alright, that's

going to take a little getting used to."

"The warmth or the humidity?" asked Harry.

"Both," she smiled back. "I think we all need to change into something a

lot lighter and airier than we're wearing."

"Yes," said Fleur. "That is a very good idea."




After changing into light cargo pants, a simple collared T-shirt and with

canvas slip-ons on his feet. Harry rejoined the two girls down in the

informal dining room.

Their tour showed him that Delacour Manoir was of a similar style to the

main manor houses of magical Britain. The main difference was the wide

balconies that surrounded both main levels - the ground floor and the

next floor up, where all the bedrooms were to be found. Each bedroom

also had a door that opened out onto the balcony, so one could go out

there at night and enjoy the evening air.

Once down in the informal dining room he looked to Fleur and asked,

"What are your plans from now until Monday morning?"

"Rest," she immediately replied. "I intend to rest my mind, with only light

revision work of no more than two 'ours each night over the weekend

and then three 'ours each evening for the exams that would be 'eld the

next day."

"Good," he nodded. "I'm glad to hear you intend to practice what you

preached to Hermione a couple weeks ago."

She lightly smiled back and said, "Proper study practices is something we

were taught at Beauxbatons in our first year. It is disappointing to

discover it is not at 'Ogwarts."

He gave a sigh and said, "True."




The weekend was as relaxing as they could get it for Fleur. However,

Sunday night Harry took Fleur into his room and gave her the aid she

needed, even if she did not need that aid that night.

Lying in bed later and with both bathed in a light sweat, he said, "I hope

that will be able to help you get the best grades you can."

Like the other two, she liked to curl into his side after sex. She was doing

it this time, too. Her only response to his comment was a very pleased

verbal nod. "Mmm."

He already knew he'd made it good for her. She'd again babbled in

French during the late evening's activities, as she usually did.

On the Monday morning, she almost languidly rose and readied herself

for her day. Surprising Harry, she wasn't wearing either her Beauxbatons

or Hogwarts uniforms.

"They're unnecessary for the eexams when taken at the Ministry, 'Arry,"

she replied when he asked. "Those who usually take the eexams at the

Ministry are almost always those who were 'ome schooled, tutored or

self-studied. Therefore, it is considered rude to wear uniform when

undertaking the tests there."

"Ah!" he muttered. "Makes sense."

After she'd left, escorted by Jean-Paul, Apolline approached and said,

"You met 'er needs last night, yes? Zank you."

Only blushing a little, he replied, "I... thought it would help her,

concentration wise, for her exams."

"I belief eet weell, too," she smiled. "Eef notheeng else, as you would ser-

mise, eet weell remove zee... com-pul-shun... yes?... compulsion from 'er

for zee time."

"Yes; that's what I thought," he confirmed.

"Zen, again, Zank you,"




As the week progressed, while Fleur dutifully returned as needed back to

the Ministry, Apolline took both British teens out to see the sights of both

magical and non-magical France. They visited all the muggle highlights,

of course; the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre Museum, the Palace of Versailles

and the Chateau De Chambord. However, they also visited the magical

(wizarding) areas, too. They visited Voie de Magicien (Wizard's Way), the

main shopping area of Paris and biggest in France; Le Louvre Magique,

the hidden magical part of The Louvre Museum; Jardins Beauxbâtons, the

gardens of Beauxbatons, open to the public during summer when school

wasn't in session; plus others.

Of course, Harry being Harry just had to sample the finest foods on offer

around the country. He visited small provincial cafes right up to

restaurants that rated three Michelin stars. However, while he thought

the presentation was nice for each dish in the latter cases, he could not

see how the taste could be considered any better. He might try to 'chef'

each plate he served up a bit in future, just for presentation purposes, but

he couldn't see any improvements on what truly mattered - how delicious

it was.

After Fleur would return from her day at the Ministry, Harry would

ensure she had a relaxing bath then cooked for her. Though he was

considered a guest, Fleur begged her mother to allow Harry to cook at

least one meal.

"You will see, Maman," she firmly said. "Once you 'ave sampled 'Arry's

cooking, you will let 'im cook whenevair 'e wants. I assure you."

She was right. After being allowed to cook dinner on the first Sunday

night after arriving, they were only on the second course when Apolline

looked him dead in the eye and said, "Whenevair you want access to zee

kit-chon to cook; you 'ave eet!"

While Daphne and Fleur snickered in amusement, Harry beamed in

delight. "Thank you!" he firmly said.

"I just ask zat you attempt to teach our 'ouse elves these improvemonts in

cookeeng," she begged.

Harry was only too happy to try. Which led to him giving the elves

cooking classes in the early mornings, before everyone else was up; and

during the late afternoons, after being out doing the touristy stuff while

he waited for Fleur to return from the Ministry, if that's where she was on

that day.

Of course, she wasn't at the Ministry, day after day, from early morning

until late afternoon. Some days, she was only there for the morning or

the afternoon, not both. And, on one occasion she was there for the mid

morning and the late afternoon, but had a gap of four hours between the


Even with Fleur having the full day off, Harry hadn't even realised it was

a Friday when Apolline informed him they'd be at the Ministry the next

morning to collect Hermione from the international portkey point they'd

arrived at a week earlier. Nor was he even fully aware it was his fifteenth

birthday the next day.

He'd never had the chance to 'celebrate' his birthday before, except on

the two occasions when he'd already been collected from the Dursleys by

the Weasleys. The only clue he had that his birthday was coming up was

when Molly Weasley had sent him a letter, via Errol, that she had

planned to bake him a cake, especially for the day. And that she was

insisting he turn up at The Burrow to have a major party for it - his

birthday, not the cake.

He, of course, immediately wrote back and informed her he was currently

in France and would not have a chance to return 'for the foreseeable

future'. He, happily, heard nothing back.

'Maybe she's finally accepted the fact that nagging me with invitations

wasn't going to work,' he thought, before he then muttered, "Nah! She's

far too pig-headed not to keep trying."




The next morning, Harry cooked up a decent breakfast feast. He did it,

not because he knew the Delacours and Daphne were expecting one, but

because it was just so much fun to do. Besides, it was his birthday and he

decided to splurge.

Knowing the Delacours much preferred their own French cuisine than

standard English fare, even if Harry did cook it far better than the

'dripping with fats' that the English usually plated up, Harry laid on a

French breakfast spread with fruit croissants, pain au chocolat (chocolate

bread) and an apple/pear turnover, but added Flemish waffles, poached

eggs, grilled bacon, coffee and orange juice. It actually all worked well

together. Harry even thought he'd found the basis of a decent breakfast

spread for when he was cooking 'full time' back in Pottermore in future

and didn't want to lay on a Full English Lite. He'd try to change things

around, of course, but this was definitely a successful template.

After letting breakfast settle, with no one really interested in morning tea

except for cups of tea for Harry and Daphne and cups of coffee for the

Delacours, Jean-Paul took the three 'Potters' back to the Ministry to pick

up Hermione.

Jean-Paul was last through after a short delay. Harry wondered why, but

was too keyed up on the near imminent arrival of Hermione to worry

about it. Quickly, they made their way up to the arrival point.

Right on time Hermione arrived with about half a dozen others around a

big rope quoit in the arrival point and was quick to grin and hurry over

to them. Of course, Harry was practically snogged, right there, before she

finally stepped back and cheerily said, "Hi! Missed you! Happy birthday!"

Grinning back he said, "We missed you, too. And, thank you."

With the girl almost clinging to him like a limpet, he asked, "Got


"Yup!" she declared. "Shrunk and in my pocket."

"Great," he firmly said. "Let's get you to Delacour Manoir then." Then

looked to Jean-Paul.

Jean-Paul merely grinned at them and led the way back to the public





Surprising Harry, almost as soon as they returned they threw him a

surprise birthday party. Apparently, the house elves had gotten to work

as soon as he'd left via the floo. That was the short delay of Jean-Paul

arriving at the Ministry. He'd given the house elves the 'go ahead' to get

everything going. Something they'd been planning for the past week and

had kept from him.

Of course, with Hermione's arrival and the immediate party, the house

elves took care of organising the lunch too. And, it was during lunch

Harry received his birthday presents.

His favourite, by far, was the somewhat illegal wand holster with the

auto 'draw' charm gifted him by Jean-Paul. It caused the wand to eject

into his hand at just the right point for him to snag it by the grip, ready

to cast.

"In Briton," said the man, "These are considaired only permissable by

your aurors, 'it wizards and Unspeakables. 'Owevair, such laws do not

exist 'ere in Fronce."

Hermione immediately asked, "Won't he get in trouble for having one

when we go back to England?"

"Non," he replied. "'Arry is the Lord of a Most Ancient House. He is...

excused... exempted from such laws."

While that would have, in the past, sent Hermione on a bit of rant,

nowadays it did not. She was more and more becoming used to and

understanding the exemptions that applied to the Seven.

It didn't even take him all that long to get used to it, either. Jean-Paul

explained there was a built-in rune sequence that held back the hand

from gripping too early, thereby meaning the wand was gripped too far

up the shaft. However, there was no such one for gripping too late.

Harry's quick reflexes, though, meant that second one wasn't even tested.




Apparently, by prior understanding between his ladies, Hermione spent

that night with Harry in his room. No one in the manor even batted an

eye when, the next morning, Hermione came down late to breakfast

looking a little 'goofy', but clearly happy.

Harry just looked a little smug. He'd finally caught on to how he was

believed, by his ladies at least, to be quite skilled in the bedroom. Mind

you, all three practically had to sit him down and tell him; almost having

to go the route of a magical vow to ensure he both knew and accepted

they weren't just trying to boost his self-confidence in the sexual arts.

As it was Sunday and the middle of summer, the manor-hold decided

they'd spend the day at one of the beaches of the Côte d'Azur, the French

Riviera. Harry, never having been to a beach before - let alone a French

one - did not know what all the knowing smirks between the ladies

meant. Instead, he happily changed into a pair of swimming trunks,

donned a collared T-shirt and a pair of sandals, grabbed a large beach

towel from the manor stocks and was ready to go in plenty of time.

They'd be taking a portkey created by Jean-Paul to a little rarely-

travelled laneway a short walk to the beach.

When the girls all came down, each wearing a light summer dress over

what appeared to be bikinis and the like, each also wearing a wide-

brimmed straw hat and carrying small canvas bags, he definitely knew

they were up to something.

However, they were joined by Jean-Paul, Apolline and little Gabby and

were already portkeying away before he could even ask.

As promised, it was a short walk to the beach. And, it wasn't until they

didn't immediately stop, but instead walked along the beach into a more

secluded one, that he realised what was going on. Before he even realised

it, he'd been led onto a nudist beach.

Everywhere he looked: Nudity - or, at least toplessness.

"Errmmm―" he whined.

His bondmates saw he'd finally figured out where they were and giggled

at him.




Back in Britain, Narcissa had been working wonders in getting all the

Dowagers and Ladies together. Dowager Aldermaston had worked her

magic and, over the past ten days, brought together as many of the

'victim' witches together as she could. The meeting just concluded was

the first time the (greatly expanded) Tapestry Circle had met as a single

group. To date, there were almost thirty of them; members.

"This has to be a cover-up!" declared one elderly witch. "There is no

chance people did not already know of this!"

"That is true," said Narcissa. "However, while we might not know who it

is who is responsible for this, we know what the result has been; lost


There was no dissent.

"And what do we need to do to stop it?" asked another.

"First thing; we cannot continue to let our children marry one another

across the supposed existing blood lines," she replied. "Dorothy assures

me that the number of lost babies will be greatly reduced if newbloods -

that is, those we call muggleborns - are matched with those known as

purebloods, or match well outside of magical Britain and, probably, other

English-speaking countries. We must stop local purebloods marrying local


"Our Lords, Heads of Houses and husbands will never allow it!" declared


"Our Lords, Heads of Houses and husbands must be made to!" another

shot back.




The afternoon at the beach turned out, as far as Harry was concerned,


At first he was embarrassed as all get out. However, once he managed to

get his mind wrapped around the idea that there was far more skin on

display than he expected, by switching his thoughts on the matter from

'sex' to 'biology', he found he enjoyed the time. But, that was after first

having to take quite a few swims.

However, he didn't even take his own togs off until they'd been there for

at least three quarters of an hour. It took him that long to get over what

his eyes were telling him. 'Boobs! Lots and lots of boobs!'

The girls, for the most part, weren't anywhere near as body conscious,

though. Fleur, as expected, was first to disrobe. After the summer dress

was slipped off, the bikini top went immediately after that. He thought

she was going to stop there, but she didn't. As soon as the top was

removed and dropped onto her 'pile' of clothes, the bottoms were next.

Before she even had her towel laid out, she was standing there

completely starkers.

As she then laid her towel out, he saw that Hermione also had her

summer dress off and, after hesitating only a few seconds, seemed to give

herself a firm nod and removed her bikini top. However, she didn't go

any further than that.

And Daphne only removed her dress, even leaving her hat on as she laid

her towel out.

Then he finally turned his attention to the other Delacours. Like Fleur,

both other Delacour 'girls', oldest and youngest, had disrobed completely

and were stretched out on their tummies on their towels. However, Jean-

Paul only went down to one of the briefest pairs of 'speedos' Harry had

ever seen. They even had that 'thong' strap in the back, leaving his bum

cheeks bare.

Harry'd not even had a chance to do anything before Fleur called him

over and asked him to lather her back with the contents of a large jar she

was holding out to him.

That led to him smearing whatever was in the jar all over his bonded's

back before she simply rolled over and said, "Keep going, please." And

laid back.

Of course, then Hermione wanted the same, then Daphne. After doing her

back, that was the point at which Daphne seemed to reach a decision.

She rolled over, sat up, refused to even look at anyone, reached behind

and released the catches to her top, removed it, set it aside and laid back

down again. Then she laid there, quit a bit tense.

Harry was quick to swab her front with the unguent, or whatever it was,

starting with her 'safe' areas before gently moving up to smear the cream

over her breasts. By the time he was done, she'd relaxed again.

After finishing Daphne he then used the cream to cover himself, but

wasn't too interested in doing his back. Hermione took care of that about

an hour later when she noticed he was definitely going a little too red.

It was also about then that Hermione had finally realised that there was

so many on the beach who were going bottomless, she might as well too;

and did. Even Harry had doffed his trunks for a while, while lying on his

tummy. However, that was a line Daphne was completely unwilling to

cross and none of them pushed it.

Of course, they didn't just sunbathe. They also swam.

After the girls felt they'd gotten enough sun and their big lunches had

settled down enough, they all redressed back into their swimwear and

dragged Harry off to swim about in the ocean. They were joined by

Gabrielle, who hadn't redressed as she was still naked while they were in

the water.

The only problem they had was when a couple of young men saw that

Harry was accompanied by four incredibly attractive young ladies and,

even if Gabrielle was still quite young, decided he needed to share.

That lasted right up until both Fleur and Gabrielle hit them with their

allure and both men found they had to quickly run into the water to hide

their 'embarrassments'.

As Fleur moved in close to Harry and slipped her arm in his, she quietly

said, "And that, 'Arry, is a clear demonstration of why Veela 'ave the


He just gave a snort of amusement back.




Returning to the manor late in the afternoon near dusk, they all

showered and changed. Then made it down, just in time, to all sit down

for a summer dinner.

Of course, talk at the table was all about how the day proved to be quite

the enjoyable one for them all.

Apolline asked, "Steel planning on returning to Briton on Saturday


"Yes," Harry firmly replied. He knew the Delacours really wanted them to

stay longer, but he also knew he had to get back to Britain so they could

spend time with the other families. "I know Hermione is still going

through informal 'Lady of the House' training and would like to get back

to it. And I have other work relating to both my House and business

matters I simply cannot put off any longer."

She sadly nodded back.




Ron Weasley had managed to amass just over what he thought would be

worth twenty five galleons from his efforts of finding things he could use

to barter with to collect books with combat curses and the like. Some was

in coin, but most was in goods; small trinkets he knew would not be

missed, or would not be missed for some time.

With the goods at hand he now just needed to find the time to go to

Borgin and Burke's, where he knew he could lay his hands on the books

he wanted.

After a great deal of thinking about it, he knew he'd have to use the floo.

He had first thought to use the Knight Bus, but knew that would cut into

his meagre supply of gold. So, the floo it was.

'Now,' he thought. 'What was it Potter said by mistake back when he first

used the floo? It was some slight mispronunciation of Diagon Alley. Day-

gin-alley? No, he said it as if it was one word. Di-gon-lee? No.

Diagonalley? Close. Di-gonally. No... diagon― Diagonally! That's it!'

Now he just needed to pick his time to go. He knew that, if he was

caught, his dad would block the floo to him. So, he had to be sneaky and

make sure he wouldn't be caught. No matter how much it galled him, he

had to patient.




The three bondmates, excepting Fleur who was at the Ministry, were

almost pacing in the welcoming hall of Delacour Manoir on Thursday

afternoon. This day was the day of the final NEWT exam for Fleur. She

was done.

They expected her almost fifteen minutes earlier. However, she was

running late.

When she did step through, immediately followed by her father, she was

grinning a smile wide enough to cause her eyes to crinkle almost shut.

Then, with a squeal of happiness, she practically skipped over to Harry to

laid a massive hug on him. A hug that was quickly joined by Hermione

and Daphne, making it a four-way.

"All done!" declared a chuckling Harry. "Congratulations!"

Giving it another few moments, Fleur gently disentangled them and

stepped slightly back. She was still grinning, but there was also an

underlying expression of worry.

"Mon cher!" she carefully said. "You... still have no problems with me

going into cursebreaking at Gringotts?"

"No," he immediately replied. "However, I insist that any such contract

you enter with them includes how you need to... errr... regularly visit

with me."

Harry could physically feel the tenseness in her torso and shoulders

immediately relax. He hadn't even realised how tense she was holding

herself until she did that.

"Thank you," she quietly, but heartfeltingly, said.

"I told you, Fleur," he firmly said back. "You're not a slave. I expect and

even encourage you to live your life as if this does not impact you. You

want a career as a cursebreaker, then I... we... will help you attain that."

Both other girls also firmly nodded.

That earned him another snog, right there.




The last few days at Delacour Manoir were spent pretty much just lazing

about. Fleur only needed to send a letter off to Gringotts to inform them

she believed she had successfully completed her NEWTs with high marks

and also informed them she would forward a copy of her results as soon

as she'd received them.

Daphne also received an International Owl post letter from Tracey letting

her know she had huge news to share and wanted to confirm the four

would be back in Britain on the Saturday morning. Daphne was quick to

send a reply.

Hermione asked, "Any clues on what's so important she would call it 'life


"I think her betrothal to Justin might have moved onto the next step,"

replied Daphne. "That's about the only thing I can think of, which would

lead to her stating that."

Harry said, "Good for her."

Other mail out and in was: Hermione sending letters off to her parents to

let them know she'd be back in Britain on Saturday morning, her sending

one to Alice and Adeline letting them know the same thing, Harry

sending one to Sirius also mentioning the same thing, who also wrote

back, with Daphne doing the same with her parents. They also received

letters off their friends.

On the Friday, they also received their letters from Hogwarts; letting

them know what their required texts for the year would be. It was

accompanied by a note informing them that Headmistress Marchbanks

had decided to continue as Headmistress for at least a few months more,

but would be replaced sometime during the year by Professor and Deputy

Headmaster Goodstone as the new Headmaster.

On reading it, Hermione said, "I didn't know she was thinking of


Daphne said, "She only took on the job because of Dumbledore's and the

rest of the senior staff's fall from grace. She was the only one qualified

who could fill the Head's role."

"I think that's why she's staying on for a while," posited Harry.

"Goodstone really needs to be Deputy for a year before he can ascend to

the most senior position. That won't occur until the start of the second

term after New Year's Day."

"That makes sense," said Hermione.

Harry turned a wry smile on her.




70. Returning to Wizarding


Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to the proverbial Duchess of

Magic, JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high

falutin' companies. No matter how much I whine about not owning anything

related to the HP universe, other than a few fanfic plots, I do not profess to

own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful

world... Damn it!

Chapter Seventy - Returning to Britain




The trip back to Britain, as with their trip to France, was quite quick for

the Potter Four; just reversed.

They flooed to the French Ministry, went up to the International Portkey

point, took the pre-scheduled portkey across to the portkey point at the

Ministry of Magic in Britain, went down to the atrium and flooed to The

Black Townhouse; arriving only half an hour after - or before, with the

time change - they left Delacour Manoir. They were met at the British

portkey point by Remus.

First through the floo to The Black Townhouse, Harry sang out, "We're


"Kitchen!" he heard Dorothy call.

Leading the other four, Harry dropped down to the semi-basement

kitchen and walked in through the door. Dorothy, as expected, was at the

kitchen bench; but not at the stove. She was making sandwiches.

With only a glance in their direction, she asked, "Welcome back. How

was France?"

"Yeah, it was nice," replied Harry, first to respond. The others all said

something similar.

Hermione asked, "Where's everybody else?"

"Hmmm..." she replied, clearly thinking. "Narcissa's out doing something

with her new Tapestry Circle; Sirius is... actually, I don't know where

Sirius is; Stephen and my lot are, once again, off doing the touristy stuff;

and Remus―"

"Is right here," said Remus, walking in behind the Four.

Curious, Harry asked Dorothy, "How come you don't go out and do the, as

you call it, 'touristy stuff'?"

"I do... some," she replied, still working on sandwiches. "But, what you

probably don't know is, I spent part of my childhood growing up in

London." She turned to look directly at Harry and said, "It... wasn't a

pleasant time of my life."

"Ah!" he said. "Say no more."

"But, why?" asked Hermione.

Harry snapped to look at the girl and softly, but firmly, said, "Hermione.

Don't press."

That had the girl blushing in embarrassment. "Sorry," she softly squeaked.

"Anyways," he said. "We need to go and unpack."

"Harry," said Daphne. "Feel for your trunk in your pocket."

Harry immediately reached down and couldn't feel it. Looking in surprise

at her, he asked, "Dobby?"

Before Daphne could respond, Dobby quietly popped in and said, "Dobby

and Betsy alreadys be doing the unpackings, Master Harry." And popped

away again.

With a sigh as Daphne and the other two grinned at him, though

Hermione's was not as wide, he said, "Well then. I'd best go and make

sure he's unpacked things where I want them." And rose.

"Admit it, Harry," said Daphne. "That little elf is devoted to you."

"Fiiiine," he grumbled, making his way out as the other three began to

follow. "He's devoted to me."




As it was a Saturday, as soon as he'd finished his breakfast - only one and

a half servings - Ron Weasley begged off working any further in the

house and asked to finally be allowed to give his broom a ride.

He argued, "If I want to win back my position as keeper for the Lions,

Mum, I have to get my skills back up. I wasn't able to accomplish any

practice while I was at Aunt Muriel's."

Molly thought about it for a long moment before she quietly said, "Well, I

suppose the hand of your clock hasn't dipped into 'In Danger' for more

than five weeks now... And, since it hasn't, your father and I might think

about sending you back to Hogwarts... Very well. You can go practice,


Whirling on him as he was about to bolt out the door, she said, "But... for

no more than an hour. Hear me?"

"Yes, Mum!" he was quick to reply.

He quickly ran out the back door and away. However, he only went as

far as the side of the house.

He quickly checked about to ensure he wasn't being watched, then

attempted a Disillusionment charm on himself. As the book said, he felt

that odd feeling of thick water running down his body, which meant it

was successful.

He quietly made his way back inside and slipped through to the lounge.

In there, he cast a silencing ward over the fireplace, took a pinch of floo

powder and dashed it in. Quietly, he called "Diagonally!"

With a silent whoosh of green flame, pleased it made no noise, he

stepped in and was away.




Weasley popped out exactly where he thought he'd end up; right in the

middle of the shop called Borgin and Burke's in Knockturn Alley.

Old Mister Burke was behind his counter and frowning at him. There was

another man on Weasley's side of the counter. It appeared Ron had

popped out of the floo while the two men were doing business.

Coughing a little bit of soot out of his lungs and casting a Scourgify

charm on himself, Ron braced himself up and marched over to the

counter. The clearly well dressed man on his side appeared both annoyed

at the interruption and amused at Ron's behaviour. Ron had no idea who

he was, but didn't care.

Striding up to the counter, ignoring that the other man was there first, he

slapped the few galleons, sickles and knuts he had, together with the few

small trinkets he'd been able to collect, onto the counter.

Trying to pretend to be, though he did not realise that was what he was

doing, a clone of Draco Malfoy, he demanded, "I want to see a collection

of your dark arts books."

Burke looked at the meagre pile of money on the counter before him and

was about to say something scathing back when he caught a signal from

the man opposite; Caracticus Nott.

"Young man," said Nott. "From what you've rudely dumped onto Mister

Burke's counter, you lack sufficient funds to even think about perusing

Mister Burke's merchandise. Perhaps I may be of assistance?"

Weasley turned to look back and, still mimicking a poncy git, demand,

"Who're you?"

Nott was shocked the boy spoke to him that way. Clearly, he had no idea

he could challenge his guardian to a duel for his words. 'Probably his

father,' he thought. 'However, maybe I can use this.'

"Young man," he quietly said, "I am Lord Caracticus Nott. And, for your

remarks to me just then, I could demand of you the identity of your

guardian and demand of him or her satisfaction by way of a duel to the

death." He couldn't, not quite, but he very much doubted the boy would

know that.

While Ron parsed that through his mind, eventually paling in fear, Nott

continued, "Instead, I'm not going to go that route if you come clean with


When Ron thought about it, he then carefully nodded back.

"Good," said Nott, inwardly smirking. He was correct. "Now, why is it you

wish to purchase dark arts books? And, don't lie to me; I can easily tell if

you do."

Ron thought about that for a few long moments before he took the time

to come up with his careful answer. "I need them."

"Why?" pressed Nott.

Ron thought about it and replied, "I need to teach someone a lesson."

Nott frowned and demanded, "Don't make me have to delve through your

mind for the answer, boy. Who is it you need to teach a lesson?"

Ron did think about lying, but when he saw Nott's frown turn into a

scowl, he blurted, "Harry Potter."

That surprised Nott. He now knew who the young idiot before him was

and thought he was still somewhat a friend of the Potter boy.

"Reee-ally?" he drawled. "That is interesting. And, just why do you want

to teach Potter a lesson?"

Now starting to fume at the interrogation he was getting, Ron finally

snapped, "That's none of yer bus'ness! Why, is my own reason. I've

answered yer questions, as such I've met yer demand!"

Nott smirked back and said, "Very well, Mister Weasley. Clearly you have

a backbone where I thought you did not."

Ron completely missed about how Nott referred to him by name. It

completely slipped his attention he'd not given it.

Think a bit, Nott eventually said, "The amount you have offered the good

Mister Burke is grossly insufficient for him to meet your... request.

However, I believe I may be of assistance."

Warily, Ron asked, "How?"

"I, too, have a desire to see Potter taught a lesson, as you put it," he

replied. "However, I am far too likely a suspect if anything... untoward...

were to happen to the young man. Therefore, if you were to see to Potter

being taught a lesson, then I may be in a position to assist you in giving

that lesson. In that way, I will have been part of seeing the boy... taught."

Still wary, Ron asked, "How will you help?"

"For a start," smirked Nott. "I will provide you with the gold you need to

purchase those books you want. If you are able to make use of them and

show me at a later time you have learned from them, then I may be able

to provide you further assistance.

"What say you, young Mister Weasley?"

Ron thought about it for a long few seconds and couldn't see anything

untoward about that. Finally, he looked the man directly in the eye and

firmly said, "Deal."




The Potter Four were only back at The Black Townhouse for less than an

hour when Remus informed them that Tracey was on the floo.

Following a hurrying Daphne down to the welcoming room, the other

three arrived just in time to see Daphne kneel before the fireplace on the

cushioned mat stored just off to one side for just this purpose.

She happily called, "Hi Trace!"

"Daph!" the other girl almost giggled back. "You won't believe what has

happened in the past couple of days. Can you step through?"

Looking first to the other three, she asked, "Can we four step through?"

"Yes, of course!" gushed Tracey. Then she pulled out and was gone.

Harry gave a nod and said, "I'll let Remus know." And hurried off to speak

to his honourary uncle.

"We'll see you there!" Daphne called to his back.

After a quick word to Remus to let the man know where 'he and his'

would be, Harry quickly followed them to the Davis Estate. When he

popped out of the floo at the other end, only skidding on his knees for

about three feet before popping back up to his feet, he could see the three

girls were in a group hug with Tracey in the middle. They were all

congratulating the girl.

"Alright," he said, "What'd I miss?"

Hermione quickly whirled to face him and exclaimed, "Tracey's Betrothal

Agreement with Justin Finch-Fletchley has now been signed!"

Confused a little, Harry asked, "I thought that might have been off. What

happened with Blaise?"

It was as if he'd just doused the lot with ice water. They all froze for a

moment before showing anger, but thankfully not aimed at him.

Daphne gave an angry little sniff and replied, "Mister Zabini seems to

think he's much too good to marry our Tracey. He's looking for a bride on

the continent."

"Well," said Harry, "That's disappointing. I thought better of Blaise than


"So did I. However, it seems his mother... his Head of House and Regent...

had a change of heart upon hearing some news and forbid it," said

Tracey, not a little sadly. Then she suddenly perked up and said, "But,

Dad said he was glad it happened because he was already in negotiations

with Earl Finch-Fletchley and Lady Marchbanks about a Betrothal

Agreement between Justin and me. It wasn't off, at all; just delayed.

That's now gone ahead!"

Walking over, Harry said, "The important question is: Are you happy?"

"Yes!" she happily declared before almost jumping at Harry to wrap him

in a hug. "I wasn't, at first; but, I am now."

Harry hesitated only a moment before wrapping the girl in a hug of his

own. He firmly said, "Then, I'm happy for you."

"I've also been told there's a Concubine Bond Agreement in the works,

too," she said. "But, I don't know with whom that is."

Harry immediately looked to his girls as Hermione looked back in shock.

So did Daphne, but hers was more along the lines of a cocked eyebrow. It

didn't seem to faze Fleur one jot. Obviously, Tracey hadn't told his girls

that before he arrived.

Harry thought it was probably CeeCee. However it might also be, as he'd

suggested months ago, young Astoria or Luna. He thought the second

unlikely, though.




After Weasley left Borgin and Burke's, this time by way of a portkey

created and provided by Nott, Burke looked to Nott and simply asked,

"My Lord... if you're of a mind tell me... may I ask why?"

Nott smirked back and said, "Tell me, Burke; of all those who've directly

gone against the young Lord Potter, how many are currently still in the


Burke frowned and shook his head. "I... confess to not knowing the

answer to that."

Nott's smirk deepened and he said, "The Dark Lord, Dumbledore, Malfoy

senior and junior, Crouch senior and junior, MacNair, the Minister, his

muggle relatives and even my own grandson; with the exception of my

grandson all are either dead or as good as, having been permanently or

semi-permanently dealt with. And all by the direct action of the Potter


With a self-deprecating snort, he said, "Going against the Potter boy

directly has proven to be a quick way to either end up in Azkaban or a

grave. I do not intend to go the same way. Therefore, I shall be taking a

different path. I shall be using the easily manipulated young Mister

Weasley as my personal 'cat's paw'."

Surprised by the answer, Burke quietly said, "A truly Slytherin move, My





Ron Weasley returned to The Burrow by the portkey 'freely' provided him

by Nott. In his pocket he had a small stack of shrunken books.

How much gold had changed hands had shocked the boy. He had no idea

he didn't even have anywhere near enough to purchase one book, let

alone the half dozen he was given.

Getting back into the house, Weasley was surprised to discover he'd been

away for less than the allowed hour. Thankfully, his mother had no idea

he'd been gone.

As he tried to quietly head up the stairs, his mother stuck her head out of

the kitchen and spotted him. "What are you doing back inside already?"

Pausing, he turned back to her and replied, "I thought that... if I'm going

to be allowed to return to Hogwarts, this year... I should do some

studying to make sure I'm not too far behind."

Surprised, she thought about what he'd said, trying to see if he was up to

no good and not finding any clue he was, gave a nod and said, "That

sounds like a good idea, Ron. I'll see if I can prepare some of your

favourite foods for lunch while you study."

Surprised at the offer, Ron paused a moment himself before he replied,

"Thank you, Mum. That sounds nice."

After Molly smiled back for a just a moment before pulling her head back

out of the doorway and returning to the kitchen, Ron completed his trip

up to his room.

Yes, he'd be studying. However, it wasn't on anything to do with

Hogwarts. No, he had a small stack of books he needed to read and spells

to practice wand movements for.




On return to the Black Townhouse, Harry went to find out if Sirius had

also returned.

Their stay at the Davis Estate had eventually been for a solid hour plus.

As such, he felt there was a good possibility his godfather had returned in

the meantime.

Seeing the office door closed, he knocked on it. He was unsure of

whether or not there was anyone in there and it was a rule that such

offices were not to be entered without prior permission.

"Come in," he heard Sirius call from the other side.

'Ah!' he thought, opening the door.

When he entered it was to see Sirius talking with both Ted Tonks and


"Hello, Harry," said Sirius.

"Hi," he softly greeted all three.

Looking to his godfather, he said, "We four have just returned from Davis

Estate. Tracey had news for us."

"Ah!" grinned Sirius. "Tell you about the BA, did she?"

"Yup," he replied. "However, she also told us about a pending CBA, while

she was at it. Care to elaborate?"

Sirius smirked and said, "That's just where I've come from and what we're

discussing right now."

Harry nodded and said, "Good. CeeCee needs protecting. And a CBA with

Justin would be... as the muggles would say... the duck's nuts. Convinced

Stephen and Dorothy of it yet?"

"Yes," he smirked. "Now, scram. We've got more parchmentwork to get

through regarding that, yet. And you, as only Heir Tertiary, do not need

to know of it."

"I'll leave you to it, then," he nodded. And began to withdraw.

"One moment, Lord Potter," said Narcissa.

Pausing, he asked, "Yes?"

"I... would appreciate the opportunity to talk to your three ladies," she


Harry gave a nod and said, "I don't know if you understand the

relationship between us four, but I do not make decisions on their behalf

unless it's something that applies to us as a group.

"If you want to talk to them, then talk to them. I will not stand in your

way. I'll even let them know you want to talk to them."

She gave her own nod back and said, "Thank you."

Harry replied, "You're welcome." And withdrew.




With Narcissa's obvious hint, Harry returned upstairs to the Black

Townhouse Potter rooms and sought his three ladies out.

Walking in and finding them in Fleur's - or, rather, Hermione's - room, he

let them know Narcissa wanted the opportunity to speak with them at

some time.

"I told her I don't make those sort of decisions for you ladies," he added.

"It's up to you whether or not you choose to speak with her."

Daphne asked, "Was it urgent?"

"Not by the tone of her voice, no," he replied.

"Thank you, Harry," said Hermione, starting to rise. "However, for now, I

need to get back to my parents. I've been gone for over a week and I

promised I'd spend the rest of the weekend with them when I returned."

"Then, go, Love!" he declared. "We're only a floo away."

Walking across to him with a smile, she gently kissed him before she

stepped back and said, "Thank you." Then left through the door.

As the door to the room closed behind her, Fleur asked, "Anyone else

have any plans?"

With a small head shake, he replied, "No. With no summer assignments to

complete, it feels a little odd to say that, though."




The next afternoon, Hermione dropped over after lunch.

Surprised to see her and concerned, Harry asked, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, Harry," she was quick to assure him. "I just have a meeting

with Narcissa."

"As do we," said Daphne from behind him.

When he turned about, it was to see both Daphne and Fleur enter the

room. Both were smiling.

"Oh-kay," he warily said. "This is one of those things concerning women

me, as a mere male, is better off not knowing; isn't it?"

"Something like that," said Hermione. "But, if you really want to know―"

Quickly raising his hands in mock surrender, Harry walked out saying,

"No, no; I really don't want to know. I get the poorly veiled hint."

As he left, it was to hear Hermione snickering to the others.

After he'd left, Hermione said, "Shall we track down Narcissa?"

"She's in Sirius's office," said Daphne. "She's expecting us."

Hermione gave a nod and followed the other two to the office.




After tracking down Sirius, Harry informed him the girls were in a

meeting with Narcissa.

"You wouldn't mind keeping an eye on that, would you?" he asked, just a

smidge wary.

"They'll be fine, Harry," his godfather replied. "There's nothing that can go

down in this house that could see harm to any of your ladies and I won't

instantly know about it. Besides, Dorothy is also in that meeting. She'll

keep an eye on things."

Harry gave a nod and said, "Thank you. I now know Narcissa is not likely

to cause them any harm, buuuut..."

"But you still want them protected in case she tries anything," Sirius

finished. "I understand."

"Plus," he said, "If they're in a meeting for a while, that gives me a chance

to go to Pottermore to get some flying in for a couple hours."

"Sounds like a good idea," said Sirius. "If they come out of their meeting

before you're back, I'll let them know where you are."

"Thanks, Sirius," he smiled.

A quick dash upstairs to grab his broom and Harry was out through the

floo to Pottermore.




A very happy day for the household at the Black Townhouse was the

thirteenth birthday of CeeCee on Tuesday, the 10th of August. Until that

morning, everyone had pretended it 'wasn't that much of a big deal' when

around the girl, but were all half-cackling in glee about what was

planned when she wasn't about.

Harry was up early and cooking a breakfast that consisted of her

favourite breakfast foods, plus a set of 'box lunches' for a major picnic. He

was also ordering the house elves about to prepare a party for early that

evening; not realising four others had already done the same - Dorothy,

Narcissa, Sirius and Hermione.

Unsurprisingly, the whole household was up reasonably early, except

CeeCee. Her whole demeanour, the night before, reflected she thought

they wouldn't be making any sort of outstanding effort for her on the day

she became a teenager. So, Dorothy ended up having to go and wake her.

For CeeCee, though, she did not know what to think of it. Until 'Uncle

Sirius' and 'Uncle Ted' had turned up in Perth on their doorstep, she had

no real knowledge of just when her true birthday actually was. Because

of her age when 'found', a 'guesstimate' was made and her birthday was

determined to be the fifteenth of August for records requiring a date of

birth. Finding out her true identity and, with it, her true date of birth -

and that the pædiatricians were only off by five days - came as yet

another shock on that day of shocks.

When she walked into the kitchen, still half-asleep and half-dressed, she

was stunned almost senseless when she saw the very large pile of

presents that occupied the middle of the kitchen table; with the rest of

the household - except Dorothy and Harry, who were cooking - sitting

around it and grinning back at her. She'd forgotten her birthday had

shifted forward by five days.

"Whaa?" she quietly asked.

"Happy birthday, Charlie!" called her mother. That had everyone else

adding their own wishes of happiness on this, her special day.

Finally dragged to the seat of honour at the table, Dorothy plated an egg-

white omelette and placed it before her, before then planting a kiss on

the top of the girl's head. Then Narcissa was happy to add her own, the

same way.

"Eat first; then unwrap," demanded Dorothy, as she turned and went back

to the oven. She and Harry had the rest of the breakfast to serve before

they could sit and eat their own.




During breakfast, CeeCee was told that the whole household would be

spending the day out and about in not quite strenuous activity, "So, try

not to stuff yourself silly; or you'll just end up throwing it all up again."

But first and after eating, presents.

Harry, on behalf of the Potter Four, bought her a broom - a Nimbus 2001.

Apparently, she was a decent flyer, but didn't play Quidditch or even

Quodpot. She could fly - very much enjoyed flying, even - but did not

want to risk harm to her eyes by playing either of those dangerous sports.

Instead, she preferred to race. And the Nimbus 2001, straight line, could

be thought of as being even faster than the Firebolt.

His girls bought her wizarding make up and promised they'd show her

how to use it to highlight and accentuate, rather than 'cake'.

Sirius, unsurprisingly, splurged on joke products and urged her to make

use of them. But also cautioned her not to use the clearly magical ones in

a muggle area or in the presence of muggles 'not in the know'; while ever-

staid Remus focussed on books of charms focussed on 'young ladies' and

their needs.

Narcissa bought her understated jewellery and a self-updating book on

the Houses of magical Britain, then urged her to study it as much and as

often as she could.

The Wilkinses bought her quite a lot of 'normal' gifts, including audio

cassettes and CDs of some of her favourite muggle bands. Dorothy,

though, bought her a large gift and told her it was 'unmentionables' and,

therefore, should not be opened at the table.

Surprising the girl and the Wilkinses, though, were the number of nice

gifts bought her by members of the Alliance. They included a wrist wand

holster (Amelia Bones), books (various), at set of muggle novels (Monica

and Wendell), some seeds of magical plants (Neville), more magical

make-up (Hannah and Susan), a pair of understated ear rings and

matching necklace (Frank and Alice) - to which Dorothy declared it was

'about time' CeeCee's ears were pierced - a nice robe with the Malfoy

crest (unknown gifter and, therefore, scanned out the wahzoo for illicit

charms and the like upon it; there were none such) and some others. It

was a pretty decent haul.

After the unwrapping of gifts, Sirius then announced the next 'gift', a day

out at a local amusement park; which apparently, from her excited

squeal, was something CeeCee was really looking forward to.




The day out, even for Harry, was declared 'brilliant' by the younger Brits

and 'unreal' by the younger 'Aussies'. They'd spent almost the whole day

there, until it was getting on to dinner time.

Harry's box lunches were 'elf-popped' to the park by Dobby, when Harry

sneakily applied a Notice-me-Not charm on himself and snuck into an

out-of-the-way corner, where he then cast a small area Notice-me-Not

before calling the little elf to deliver them to him. Then he simply carried

the whole lot to the 'rest area' where the family had gathered, before

serving everyone their own lunch.

By the time they left, the only one who was unhappy about that was

Sirius. The old dog would have been happy to stay right through to

closing time at 9.00pm, if he'd had his way.




On the Thursday of their first week back in Britain, two days later, Harry

thought it was high time they went and got their supplies for the

forthcoming Hogwarts year; except for Fleur, their fifth.

They thought they'd be able to go on their own. However, that idea got

shot down when the Wilkinses expressed a desire to go to the Alley

again; which meant a whole slew of adults accompanied them as

bodyguards for the muggle family.

Flooing to the Leaky Cauldron they were soon through the brick wall

portal out the back and into the Alley proper.

All up, there was Harry, Hermione, Fleur, Daphne, Neville, Susan,

Hannah, Justin (who'd been collected by Lydia Davis for the day) and

Tracey of their close group. Plus, for adults and others accompanying

them, there was Sirius, Narcissa, CeeCee, the other Wilkinses, Remus,

Wendell and Monica, Lydia Davis (as aforementioned), Frank, Alice and

Pauline Abbott. They arrived via floo in the Leaky Cauldron in one group

of fourteen, one immediately after another, from the Black Townhouse;

with the other nine coming in two other groups. Lydia and Tracey, plus

Justin, arrived via apparation; Neville, Susan, Hannah, Frank, Alice and

Pauline arrived via floo a few minutes later.

Such a big group, other than one such usually led by a Hogwarts Head of

House when escorting large groups of muggleborns' families, was

unusual. Throw in that Harry Potter was in the group and there was the

usual annoying gawking and 'talking behind hands with friends and

family' going on. That Narcissa Malfoy, of all people, was also in the

group had some people not expecting them or already knowing about it

almost faint in shock.

However, to save on turning up at one shop or another as one large

group - almost, if not actually, overwhelming the store at that time - they

broke into three smaller groups of eight, eight and seven. Harry and his

three went with Sirius, Remus, Wendell and Monica. Neville and his two

went with Frank, Alice, Pauline, Patrick and Sarah. And Justin and

Tracey went with Lydia, Narcissa, Stephen, Dorothy and CeeCee. The

breakdown of that last group lead Harry to give a quick smirk to his own


Hermione had wanted to head directly to the bookshop, first. However,

Harry put his foot down before even Wendell could and said no. "The

books will actually be the heaviest of the loads we'd have to carry. On

top of that, you can easily spend hours in there, when we don't have that

sort of time just yet or even today. No, we'll be the first of our oversized

group to go to Madam Malkin's to organise replacement robes and the

like. That way, they'll be getting those ready for us while we do the rest

of our shopping and we can collect them on the way out."

With an annoyed sigh, Hermione only nodded back. It surprised Wendell

and Monica that she didn't put up much of a fuss about it, except to

express an annoyed pout.




After their robe fittings and organising of replacement school uniforms,

before they even left the girls forced on Harry the purchase of more

casual-wear robes.

When he'd tried to refuse, he was met with three 'hostile' glares from his


"Okay!" he quickly held up his hands in surrender as Sirius snickered.

"However," turning to look at Fleur he said, "I've noticed there's a slight

difference in the cut of material between French and British styles. I want

to see you outfitted into at least three, preferably more, good sets of

British style witches' robes, while I'm being forced to go through my own.

No argument."

Fleur happily went along with that.

So, while Hermione, Sirius and Remus 'helped' Harry select some new

robes, with Wendell watching in amusement, Fleur was accompanied by

Daphne and Monica over to the witch's side of the store.

However, Sirius also had the bright idea to have Wendell and Monica

also outfitted in at least one set of formal-wear and one set of casual-wear

robes each. So, those two were also accordingly outfitted without having

to borrow robes, as they'd done in the past.




After robe fittings, the rest of the shopping went through quite quickly.

Harry had found out that, while Hermione and Fleur had one each,

Daphne did not have a Ladies Travelling Trunk, so one was purchased for

her. While in the store, replacement featherweight and space expansion

charmed school 'satchels' were also bought as needed.

The rest of what they needed wasn't really all that much. They restocked

and added potion ingredients, replaced cauldrons, ingredient knives and

the like and bought the few text books they needed on top of what they

were already using; then purchasing and restocking more supplies for

their pets.

Then Hermione was finally allowed to purchase books she wanted, but

couldn't find in either the Pottermore or Black Townhouse libraries.

However, even that time was cut short as they needed to meet up with

the others.

Finally, they were back at their 'meeting point' at Fortescue's ice

creamery. They were the last to arrive; which had Hermione's somewhat

huffy attitude, due to the shortness of her visit to the bookshop, halted in

its tracks. She had no idea how fast time had flown by.

After an icecream each and, as one group, they headed back to Madam

Malkins to collect clothing. Harry wasn't the only one surprised to see the

large wrapped parcel that awaited CeeCee. He heard Hermione, for one,

give a slight gasp of surprise, as she too had obviously figured it out.

When he turned to look at Narcissa, she had the slightest of smirks on her

face and quietly said, "We'll discuss it back at the Townhouse."




After quick words of parting before seeing each other again at the

meeting of the Alliance scheduled the coming Saturday, they separated

and headed home.

As soon as they were back at the Black Townhouse and before even

Hermione could ask about what Harry knew was already on her mind, he

asked, "I take it CeeCee will be joining us at Hogwarts?"

Surprised, Sirius replied, "Yes. How'd you figure it out?"

"The size of the bundle CeeCee picked up at Madam Malkins," he

immediately replied.

"That's how I figured it out, too," added Hermione.

"Damn," said Sirius. "It was supposed to be a surprise."

"It is and it isn't," he smirked. "However, have you done anything to stop

Malkin's people, or any of the other shopkeepers and sales assistants

where she bought supplies from, from talking about it?"

That even surprised Narcissa, which showed she hadn't thought of that.

Sheepishly, Sirius replied, "Errr... no."

With a firm nod, Harry said, "Then there's a very good chance it'll be in

the Daily Prophet before too long. That is, of course, if any of the

shopkeepers or assistants figured out who she was. That Narcissa was

with the group with her, there is, of course, a good chance of that."

Sirius gave a pained look back, as Narcissa gave him her own very

calculating look.

Finally, she said, "Yet again you've confirmed for me you should have

been sorted into Slytherin."

"Is this going to cause trouble?" asked a worried Dorothy.

"No," replied Narcissa, switching her attention to the woman. "There was

always a chance others will have either figured it out or will have

guessed ahead of time. Cousin Harry's... analysis... only shows it is now

likely, rather than just possible as we believed."

Turning back to Harry she asked, "If you've figured that out, have you

also figured out why?"

"Yes," he nodded. "Though Hogwarts is dangerous, it is less dangerous

than leaving her to attend Dundee in Australia, without proper


"At Hogwarts: She'll have from off the staff Headmistress Lady

Marchbanks and, I would think, Pomona Sprout. Both will no doubt be

keeping an even closer eye on what happens to her; and I know Lady

Marchbanks has had the wards adjusted to include monitoring. From the

students she'll have us Heirs; plus, if she's entered into the CBA with

Justin, as I suspect, she'll be in the Lords' Quarters with the rest of us.

Even if not, I'll also be making it quite public I consider her a daughter of

Black and, as such, under my direct protection as Heir Tertiary. I dare say

I'll only have to glare at a couple of the idiots before the message sinks


Turning to look at CeeCee directly, he said, "As for you, young lady,

you're going to find yourself inundated with about nine pseudo big

brothers and sisters while at school. We may be two years ahead of you,

but you can come to us with anything you don't want to take to a

professor; or take to us and a professor. I promise you, the rest of the

student body respect me, are scared of me, are simply in awe of me or a

combination of all three. No one wants to annoy me. They fear what I'm

legally allowed to do to them if they step out of line. Understand?"

CeeCee just nodded back.

Then he grinned and said, "Besides, if you find any difficulty with other

students and you fear harm from them... call Fawkes. He can get you out

of there, lickety-split. While he has expressed he does not want to be seen

as a 'cab service', he will aid you in getting you out of danger."

While that seemed to surprise her, before she could reply, Sirius said,

"That's a damned good idea, pup." He then looked to CeeCee and said,

"And I heartily agree."

Fawkes had not been around a lot, as far as Harry had been aware. When

he mentioned it, CeeCee said, "Uncle Sirius put a roost for him in my

room. He's often in there, napping, or out hunting or doing something

else. He also visits the school a lot. He says he's just keeping an eye on


'That explains that,' thought Harry.




The morning of the Monday a week after they'd returned from France,

Harry ducked over to Longbottom Hall to talk to Neville. It was also the

day before the August meeting of the Wizengamot.

As he popped out of the floo in the Longbottom Hall welcoming room

with only a slight stagger, Neville was already waiting for him.

"You're getting better, Harry," smiled his best mate.

"I have my moments," he drolled.

"So," said Neville, as he began to lead the two of them to the

conservatory, "What brings you over?"

"A couple of issues," he sighed in reply. "First, I wanted to see how you're

holding up."

Looking a little puzzled, Neville asked, "I'm fine. Why do you ask?"

As they walked into the conservatory, Harry quietly replied, "Your

grandmother. She's due to be released in two days."

Neville paused only a moment before he gestured to one of the chairs for

Harry to sit while he sat in the one kitty-cornered to it. It was obvious

Neville was using the time to think about both his feelings and his


Finally, he sighed and said, "I'm aware." A few moments later, he gave an

almost imperceptible shrug and said, "I don't know how I feel about that,

to be honest."

"I hear ya," said Harry. "However, it's something you need to deal with


Neville gave a nod back.

Harry added, "However, I also wanted to talk to you about the betrothal

between Justin and Tracey, plus 'rumour' of a CBA between Justin and


"CeeCee," Neville immediately said.

"Yup," he agreed. "That's what appears likely."

At the meeting of the Alliance only two days previous, Lady Marchbanks

and Heathcliff Davis jointly 'officially' announced the betrothal of Justin

and Tracey. Lady Marchbanks also announced a CBA for Justin was also

in the negotiation phase.

"Will CeeCee be transferring to Hogwarts?" asked Neville.

"Yes," he replied. "We figured it out when she picked up such a large

package of robes from Madam Malkins."

Neville gave a nod and said, "The Lords' Quarters are going to be a little

busier from now on. We're going to have to be a bit more secure with

Gibberd and Whitehead also taking Quarters."

Marchbanks had informed them that Ross Gibberd, the new Heir

Apparent Gibberd, and Phylis Whitehead, a pair of Slytherins who would

be in their seventh year this year, had become betrothed during the

summer and would also be taking accommodation in the Lords' Quarters

this year.

"Yeah," nodded Harry. "However, I've not noticed either of them being a

problem in the past. I don't think either is Death Eater spawn."

"Me neither," said Neville. "However, I'm not willing to take any chances."

"I hear ya," said Harry.

That afternoon, the Potter four, less Hermione, moved to Greengrass

Manor for the week and a half. It had been planned in plenty of time,

well before they even went to France.




The August sitting of the Wizengamot saw the 'second' reading of the new

Misuse of Muggle Items Bill. Harry had read the thing right through over

the previous month and was in awe of how well it was written. To him, it

was clear people who weren't daft morons had written it and managed to

block anyone who was daft from slipping in some stupid changes to it.

An owl to Bones, questioning her on who had written it, had the answer

back the next day. 'For the most part, a team of muggleborns who worked

under Arthur Weasley.'

Harry was surprised by that. It meant people were, in his opinion,

starting to think.

Other than a couple of amendments, tabled by Members and accepted as

questions before being lost based on a very logical and clearly prepared

rebuttal each, the Bill was passed and became the new Statute. Harry was

quite surprised by how smoothly it passed into law. He never spoke

either for it or against it, as many clearly thought he might based on the

number of pointed looks he received from many of the other Members.




After the otherwise boring Wizengamot session, the following day was

the scheduled release of Augusta Longbottom from Azkaban.

Harry had asked his friend if he wanted to spend the day with him, but

Neville begged off. "I'll be spending it with Han and Suze, Harry."

Harry gave a nod back, grinned and said, "Better company than me, at

any rate." Then waggled his eyebrows.

In days not that long past, Neville would have blushed like crazy being

told that. However, those days were now gone. Instead, he only gave the

bare hint of slight colouring of his cheeks as he grinned back and firmly

stated, "Damned straight!"

Harry laughed back.

So, instead of spending the Wednesday keeping Neville distracted - or, at

least busy with other matters - his two girls were doing that for him.

When he raised the matter with Daphne and Fleur - Hermione was, once

again, spending the day 'training' to be a Lady of a Noble House - Fleur

said, "Well, yes. 'Annah and Sue plan to not let him have much time out

of 'is bed."

Daphne merely cocked an eyebrow and smirked at Fleur's bold statement,

while Harry looked quite shocked. "Fleur!" he exclaimed.

"Do not be a prude, 'Arry," she shot back. "It is a brilliant idea, non?"

"Well, yes," he spluttered. "But, there is no need to be coarse about it."

All she said back was, "Veela, 'Arry."

He mock-scowled a little and said, "I think you attribute too much to

being Veela."

She just smirked back, but didn't disagree.




The next couple of weeks of their time back in magical Britain before

returning to Hogwarts had the girls often disappear with Narcissa into

the odd 'secret' meeting, including while they were at Greengrass Manor.

They even accompanied her to visits to other homes. He also found out

Tracey occasionally joined them, as did Susan and Hannah.

However, none of the girls would talk about what those meetings were

about. All he'd get on the rare occasion he asked, was, "Secret womens'

business, Harry." And something along the lines of, "And, no, I'm not

being flippant about that. This truly is secret to us ladies... for now."

The only thing he learned about it was the name of the club the girls

were all now members of, The Tapestry Circle. And he only learned that

because, when they'd leave, they would all be wearing the same little

lapel pin. It had the letters 'TC' superimposed in gold over a white, what

he later found out was called, 'tea' rose. He had no idea that, in the

language of flowers, the tea rose signified 'I will always remember you',

while the rose colour signified 'innocence'.

Instead, Harry spent quite a bit of time talking to both adult Greengrasses

and Astoria. The young girl, only two years younger than her 'big' sister,

had quite the wicked sense of humour. It hadn't taken her very long to

learn that being ribald around Harry had the young man constantly

blushing. And proved to highly amuse the girl.

On the occasions she'd managed to corner Harry somewhere alone, she'd

ask him the most personal of questions; all with the view of making the

boy blush. This, in turn, had her anywhere from giggling at his reaction,

to outright laughing herself silly.

Harry knew he could have put a stop to it by telling her mother, Adeline,

what she'd been saying or did. But he just wasn't that mean and knew the

girl was only having fun, even if it was at his expense. No harm, no foul.

For the last week and a half of their break, Hermione's lessons were

ended. The two ladies, Alice and Adeline, decided that Hermione needed

the time to spend with her 'man' and his other ladies.

Concerned and not a little worried, Harry asked, "Why? Do they think I'm

neglecting you? Am I neglecting you?"

She smiled and replied, "No, Harry. They don't know how much you're

not neglecting me. I've not shared that information with them."

Relieved, he sighed and said, "Good. But, if I do, you'll let me know;


"Of course," she grinned, before kissing his cheek.




The day before they were due to return to Hogwarts, the Tuesday, it was

announced within the Alliance that CeeCee had entered into a Concubine

Bond Agreement with Justin Finch-Fletchley. It would be announced in

the Daily Prophet two days later, on the Second.

No one in the group was all that surprised; especially not the 'Potter'


Later, Harry found out it was a subject raised within the Tapestry Circle

and the girls were not permitted to talk about it until it was 'publicly'

announced, or otherwise announced by Marchbanks, Sirius and Narcissa.

Also formally made concrete was that CeeCee became the joint magical

ward of both Narcissa and Sirius. It was felt that, with both being magical

guardians, neither could be individually forced to scrap the CBA and

force CeeCee into another of a dark family's choosing. It was an added

level of protection.

Further, it was confirmed by both Headmistress Lady Marchbanks and

Sirius that CeeCee would be moving into the Lords' Quarters with Justin

and Tracey. They would have the old Potter apartment, 'Apartment 9', so

they'd be directly across the corridor from the Longbottom Apartment.

The two Slytherins would be in Justin's old apartment, 'Apartment 3'. It

was a two bedroom apartment; as were Apartments 4, 5, and 6.

Apartments 1 and 2 were single bedroom apartments. They were

accommodated there so there was at least some level of separation from

the rooms of the 'Heirs' at the end of the corridor.

They also learned that Ron Weasley would be returning to Hogwarts for

his OWL year. While it somewhat annoyed Harry, it had apparently been

made clear to the boy that he would be monitored. If he set a foot out of

line he'd be expelled, rather than just be 'allowed' to withdraw. And that

it had also been made clear to him by his father to 'stay away from Potter

and his group' anywhere bar classes. Again, if he didn't, he could easily

find himself expelled.

This was confirmed by a letter from the twins who wrote to beg Harry

not to just 'kill the twit' when he stepped out of line; but to, instead,

immediately report it to a professor in the first instance. It appeared the

twins did not believe Ron would manage to make it right through the one

year before being expelled by confronting Harry, let alone the three still

to go.




Over at The Burrow, Ron had, yet again, suffered through his mother

firmly telling him that his behaviour would be closely monitored and to

stay away from 'Harry and his ladies'. Ron had his newly born

occlumency barriers up full, so he didn't express any disdain or other

'negative' emotion on his face at what he was being told. He just dutifully

answered, 'Yes, Mum,' in all the right places.

Inside, though, he was looking forward to what would be his

confrontation with 'Potter and his whores'. He had read the books he'd

been given by Nott and they'd included quite a lot of dark curses and the

like. While there were many he could barely stomach even reading about,

he was actually looking forward to casting one or two of the others at


Of course, he wasn't that much of an idiot he didn't know he had no hope

of facing Potter in a one-on-one duel or fair fight. No, he'd take him from

behind. All he had to do was wait for his moment.

He'd be carefully watching Potter to see what classes he had and when.

And when he'd be in a spot where he was not accompanied by another.

He also knew to take at least three weeks to study, so Potter would let his

guard down somewhat. One of the books said it was a very good idea to

delay at least that long, preferably longer, so he would.

Ron's actual problem was that he no idea that the wards at the school

had been adjusted. Changes included a deactivated ward to monitor and

record the use of dark magic had been reactivated; a combined

monitoring and notification ward for under-aged magic used outside of

dormitories, the Great Hall and classrooms had been installed; or that all

such wards were now tied in to a location charm tied in to a location

map held by the Headmistress with copies held by the other professors.

He'd not been at the school long enough the previous school year to see it

put into effect; and neither the twins or Ginny had told him about them.

Surprising the other Weasleys still living at The Burrow, Ron had actually

packed on the afternoon before the first of September. And he'd even

done it before his mother had, for the first time, told the four going to

Hogwarts that they should make a start on doing so.

He'd simply and calmly said, "I've packed already, Mum."

That had Molly, the twins and Ginny, the only ones in The Burrow at that

time, all shocked silent.

The first to react, one of the twins said, "Well. If Ron's managed to get

himself packed so early; we guess we'd better, too."

"Indeed," said the other, before both headed upstairs.

Ginny gave a soft sigh before she looked to her mother and said, "I guess

I better go pack too, then."

Molly was both shocked and amazed.




The first of September, 1995, was a Wednesday, a work day. Therefore,

there was an expectation of not as many adults on platform 9¾.

That did not, however, worry the Heirs or their families. With the

exception of only a few of the adults, the rest were either on break or

were taking the day off work. The Heirs also planned to be early to the

platform, anyway. The adults not accompanying the Heirs due to work

commitments were the Granger parents, Madam Bones, Eugene Abbott

and Heathcliff Davis. Even the entire Wilkins family were coming to see

CeeCee off for her first time to Hogwarts.

The Wilkins family, except CeeCee, would be returning to Australia on

the Saturday only a few days later. They had lives they had to get back

to. However, Sirius had secretly arranged to have their home warded as

best he could while still meeting Australasian magical law. He was

feeling somewhat guilty about putting them at risk; even though he truly

had not. And, copying Harry's idea for the Grangers, they were also

provided magically pre-charged emergency portkeys each, in case they

were attacked in their home.

It was also felt that, once the CBA between CeeCee and Justin became

public knowledge, the risk to them would be greatly reduced.

CeeCee would, on the breaks, take an International Portkey to and from

Perth so she could spend them with her adoptive family.

As a gift for her to 'welcome her to the family', Harry had Dobby go to

Diagon to purchase for her a Ladies' Travelling Trunk, similar to the one

he bought for Daphne. That way, she'd be able to take much more than

the normal trunk would hold. She actually did need at least a trunk with

space expansion charms, due to how much she'd be taking with her to the

school. So the gift was very welcome.




Once on the platform a little after 10.00am, Harry immediately boarded

the train and 'secured' two compartments, side by side. At now ten of

their number, eleven if they would be including Ernie MacMillan, their

group had now exceeded their ability to all fit into one compartment.

Fleur, not being a student any longer, offered to not ride the Express and

just apparate direct to the school just as the train was due to arrive at

Hogsmeade. However Harry could see that, while she made the offer, she

really wanted to join the others for the ride.

Harry approached Sirius and asked him, "What're the chances you'd be

able to link two compartments together for us through Transfiguration?"

Surprised, Sirius thought about it for a moment before he muttered, "No

idea. Let's go find out." Then he boarded the train.

Harry followed him onboard and showed him which two compartments

he'd 'saved'.

In one compartment, looking at the bench and wall between the two,

Sirius raised his wand and tried to see if he could create a doorway

between the two, hard up against the outside wall and between the


Surprisingly, considering the amount of magic already employed upon

the train carriages, he could do it. They then had a narrow doorway,

without an actual door, between the two. It just shortened one bench seat

in each compartment; the two that backed one another from each.

"Hunh!" he exclaimed. Even he was surprised. "I have no idea how long

that's going to hold before it reverts, but I'm hopeful it'll make it all the

way to Hogsmeade for you."

Pleased, Harry grinned to his godfather and said, "Thanks, Padfoot. I

hope it will, too."




71. Back to School

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to the proverbial Duchess of

Magic, JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high

falutin' companies. No matter how much I whine about not owning anything

related to the HP universe, other than a few fanfic plots, I do not profess to

own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful

world... Damn it!

Chapter Seventy One - Back to School




The last of their party to arrive on the platform at Kings Cross was Justin.

The Finch-Fletchleys were brought direct to the platform from their home

in Bedford by Raggy via house elf apparation. The two adult Finch-

Fletchley's would be returned to their castle home the same way. Then,

once the train reached Hogsmeade, Raggy would join Justin at the


Tracey almost immediately glommed onto him as soon as he appeared.

Justin's mother seemed amused by it.

Because he wasn't there early, it was left to Harry and Neville to be the

gentlemen to carry on and load into the overhead racks all seven other

trunks, besides their own. Both boys were just glad that all the trunks

now had featherweight charms on them, so they weren't too heavy to

move; just awkward. While the trunks might now be light, they still had

the same mass. That meant, while moving them, they felt as if they were

being pushed from behind, no matter the direction in which they were

moved. And that movement took a fair bit of concentration to counteract.

However, at any rate it didn't take that long. And all nine spread across

both 'interconnected' compartments fairly evenly. With part of two of the

benches removed to allow the doorway to exist, seating was restricted to

six or seven in each compartment. Still, it was enough. And meant no one

had to sit on someone else's lap for the trip.

Because CeeCee wouldn't be starting as a first year, but as a third year,

she did not have the option of hunting down others wearing non-House

school robes, showing they were in the same year as her, to make friends

with before they arrived at the school. Besides, she really didn't want to

do that, anyway. She want and chose to sit with them.

That was a decision Harry was very much in support of as it meant he

and the others would be in a better position to protect her while on the


After saying goodbye to family remaining on the platform, just before

11.00am the group boarded and found their seats in the twin





Once the train left the platform and was on its way, the ten began to talk

about what they'd been up to over the past couple of weeks and what

they thought the year coming would be like.

It was during this early part of the trip Harry learned that CeeCee had

chosen Arithmancy and Ancient Runes as her electives. And also learned

he was the only one of the Potter four who did not know that.

"Something you lot talked with her about during one of your girls' talk

sessions?" he asked.

"Yes," they replied, and didn't elucidate.

During the last few days and on their return to the Black Townhouse

from Greengrass Manor, CeeCee and Sarah had joined the girls in their

sessions, after Dorothy had told them not to talk about specifics about

sex. As far as Dorothy was concerned, just because CeeCee was now a

teenager, did not mean she got to talk about sex acts.

He did know, though, that CeeCee had been sat down by both her

mothers, adopted and by blood, and given 'The Talk'. And Narcissa went

further with specific potions she should now begin to take. Though

Dorothy, apparently, was against it, Narcissa assured her that Ne

Gravidas would be strongly recommended by the school medi-wizard...

and why. Reluctantly, Dorothy acceded, but also demanded Stephen not

be informed.

Narcissa had smiled back and replied, "You'd be surprised how many

mothers make that exact same demand relating to their daughters

regarding their own husbands."

Harry knew of it because his three had been brought into the discussion

to speak with both Dorothy and CeeCee about it, together with their own

experiences relating to why the potion was important. Then they told

him the 'highlights' that wouldn't embarrass him. He didn't know

anything about, for example, talks regarding Maiden's Relief, books the

boys read to try and get into a girl's knickers, spells and charms to help a

witch protect her modesty, that sort of thing.

Of course, with the exception of the return trip only a couple months

earlier, the train ride was unusual as they did not get the somewhat

obligatory visit from the now late Draco Malfoy and they did not have

the grizzling and moaning of Ron in the compartment with them. Harry

was worried the latter boy would immediately seek him out. However, he

was thankful he did not.

The one visitor they did receive, then bid stay, was Ernie MacMillan. He

was wary when he approached and asked to speak with them, but

relaxed after a while when he was given no cold shoulder.

However, he did remain somewhat quiet and rarely spoke except when

directly asked a question. He did, though, ask how everyone's holiday

went and hoped they were looking forward to another year at Hogwarts.

Other visitors were a couple of female Slytherins who were checking to

see if CeeCee was onboard. And they weren't half-obvious about doing so.

As soon as they left, Harry said, "By the time we reach Hogwarts, every

student at the school of a dark family will know CeeCee's attending this


That then led into Harry firmly telling CeeCee, "Remember: We're here

for you. Any problems... and I do mean any... come and find one of us."

Neville piped up and said, "That includes one of us, too."

Over the past couple of days, using his still-somewhat-broken Marauders'

Map - which had Sirius and Remus scratching their heads trying to figure

out why it no longer worked - Harry had diligently worked on drawing

up a map of the castle that showed the path from the grand staircase to

the Lords' Quarters on the fifth floor, the classrooms and the offices of

staff. He also included the apartment numbers of the three groups of

Alliance heirs, plus the one occupied by the two seventh year Slytherins.

Then presented it to her, in front of her parents, Sirius, Remus and

Narcissa, explaining what it was.

"Keep that on you at all times," said her mother, to which the other adults

all agreed.

A little surprising to Harry, the temporary door between the two

compartments remained for the entirety of the trip. As they disembarked

and just so it wouldn't annoy whoever would be coming along to inspect

the train later, he overpowered a Finite at the doorway, which reverted it

back to 'wall with bench seating'.




Once at Hogsmeade, Harry was set to lead CeeCee to Hagrid for the

traditional crossing of the lake in those little boats, but was corrected by


"She travels on the coaches with us, Harry," she said. "Headmistress Lady

Marchbanks couldn't see the point of her arriving by the boats."

With only a slight hesitation, he gave a nod and led the way to the

thestral-drawn carriages. Even then, they had to split into two groups


When they arrived, it was to see Professor Goodstone keeping an eye on

things in the entrance hall and outside at the disembarkation point.

Harry led CeeCee directly to him and introduced the Professor to her.

After giving her a relaxed and warm greeting, the professor said, "You'd

best stay here with me, then, Miss Malfoy; or, do you prefer Miss


Surprised, CeeCee quietly replied, "Miss Wilkins, if it's not too much

trouble, Sir."

"Not at all," he smiled. Then he turned to Harry and said, "I have her

from here, Lord Potter. She'll be safe with me."

"Thank you, Professor," replied Harry, with a slight head nod. Then

turned to smile at CeeCee. "You'll be safe with Professor Goodstone. The

only thing wrong with him is he's a fan of Quidditch."

"Lord Potter!" barked the amused and semi-affronted professor. "Five

points from Gryffindor for your besmirching of our noble sport!"

He grinned back as CeeCee blushed and snickered in amused


However, he'd accomplished what he wanted; calming CeeCee down a

little. And he could see the Professor knew that from the slight curling up

of his lips in a suppressed grin.

He gave a courtly bow to both, together, and said, "Yes, Professor." And

made his way inside.

As he walked to the doors of the Great Hall, he heard the professor say, "I

certainly hope Lord Potter has not poisoned your mind against Quidditch,

Miss Wilkins. That would be a true crime."

Harry didn't hear her reply, as he was then too far away and she spoke

too softly for him to hear it.




Hermione and Neville saved him a seat at the Gryffindor table. When he

looked about for Fleur, he could see her sitting at the head table, but

right out at the end, even outside of Hagrid.

He gave her a nod and blew her a kiss as he was sitting.

"Why's Fleur sitting at the head table?" he asked the two.

"The Headmistress asked her to sit there for the Opening Feast. She'll be

able to join us for all other meals, though," replied Hermione. "It's

something about an issue with the school rules and sitting for the

Opening Feast."

"We have to sit at our own House tables," said Harry. "And, as she's not a

student any more, plus she'd be sitting at Ravenclaw if she was, I guess it

makes sense for her to sit up there."

"Makes sense," echoed Neville.

Of course, Harry wasn't with the other boys in his year, as he didn't want

to sit anywhere near Ron. Hermione and Neville knew that and had,

instead, chosen to sit at the end of the table closest to the head end,

while still leaving room for about a dozen new Firsties.

Looking around, Harry noticed that Ron was sitting back with Seamus

and Dean, while Ginny was sitting with the girls in her own year. He also

noticed Dean was wearing the boys' fifth year prefect badge.

That caused him to give a little start in surprise. He'd completely

forgotten prefects would be chosen from their year, this year. Looking to

Hermione, he looked to see if she was surprising him by not telling him

in advance she'd made prefect. However, she wasn't wearing the badge.

"Hermione, I'm sorry," he softly said to her.

Surprised, she asked, "Whatever for?"

"You're not the new fifth year Gryffindor female prefect," he sadly said.

"Oh," she smiled. "No, I'm not. I suggested Sophie Roper for the position."

"Why?" he asked.

"Why not me?" she asked back. When he nodded she replied, "Because we

no longer live in the Gryffindor dorms. It wouldn't be fair for me to be

the prefect if I'm rarely, if ever, in the dorms of an evening."

When he turned to see the quiet Miss Roper, he could then see the slight

glint of the bronze badge on her robe lapel.

"Still..." he sighed. "It was your dream to go on to be Head Girl."

"Dreams change, Harry," she said. "Besides, the Head Boy and Girl are not

always selected from the current crop of prefects. I believe your father

was one such. Moony was the current Gryffindor prefect for the boys at

the time, wasn't he?"

Surprised he hadn't remembered that, he said, "You're right. I forgot


She just tapped him on the back of the hand and said, "Besides, I got

something a lot better than a shiny metal badge. I got you."

That had him smiling back.

Once the new Firsties, plus CeeCee, were led in and arranged before the

head table, the Hat launched into its song. This one was all uplifting and

joyous about the defeat of 'both' Dark Lords the previous year. That had

quite a few wondering what he meant by both, as there were many who

were unaware Dumbledore had 'officially' been outed in the press as a

Dark Lord, though the Ministry still refused to confirm that.

This year was a 'bumper crop' of Firsties, with about fourteen for each

House being sorted. Finally, CeeCee was called forth by the Deputy

Headmaster. As per tradition, the Deputy was handling the Sort.

With no hesitation he declared, "This year, we have a new student

transferring in to third year. She is under a relationship agreement with

one of our existing fifth year students. Wilkins, Charlotte!"

As CeeCee, last to be Sorted, smiled and walked forward to sit on the

stool as Goodstone held the Hat aloft, Harry heard quite a bit of surprised

mumbling from the students, together with more annoyed grumbling

coming from the Slytherin table. That drew a very pointed cough and

scowl from Professor Grimfield, who sat almost closest to the Slytherin

table on the head table.

A few looks in her direction from the Slytherins and the table settled


CeeCee's Sort went on for a little while and, looking closer, Harry could

see she was sitting rigid with a firm jaw. He knew that look. She was

having a full on argument with the Hat.

"She's arguing with it," Hermione muttered, who had obviously also seen


Before Harry could verbally agree, the Hat called "GRYFFINDOR!"

Instead, he chuckled and clapped as the Hat was removed from her head

and she turned to look at him with a wide and happy smile. Again, there

was some grumbling and scoffing coming from the Slytherin table - all


As she sat closest to the head end, Hermione immediately turned to the

new firstie Gryff' boy sitting next to her and asked him to slide up a bit.

Apparently, he was happy to do so as a gap quickly appeared between he

and Hermione. Harry remembered him to be the first Firstie Sorted; Ian,

he thought, Abbercrumble or something.

Seeing it, CeeCee made directly for it, as Goodstone picked the stool up

in the hand that wasn't already holding the Hat and moved them to the

side of the Hall.

As Hermione was snickering towards her CeeCee, clearly relieved, sat in

the gap.

That then had the Headmistress rise to her feet.

The only important announcement, Harry thought, was that there was no

change to the teaching staff. That, if nothing else, convinced him the

curse on the DADA position was now gone.

There were also no announcements about something being life

threatening in some part of the castle, dementors circling the school,

escaped convicts, life threatening blood-sport Tournaments, or similar.

He was quite relieved.

Instead, they had the usual announcements about banned items, no

casting of magic in the corridors or anywhere else outside of previously

sanctioned areas within the school, that sort of thing.

But one announcement did perk Harry up. Filch was gone. Officially, it

sounded like he'd chosen to retire. However, he knew Marchbanks

despised the man; not because he was a squib, but because he was such a

bitter and twisted old man who tried to take his bitterness out on the

students every chance he got. He would not be replaced; instead, one of

the senior house elves would 'officially' become senior caretaker.

'Woohoo!' he thought. 'No more getting viciously jabbed by that damned

Probity Probe of his, whenever they returned from a Hogsmeade


Once the food appeared on the table and he'd made a start on filling a

decent plate for dinner, he leaned around Hermione and asked CeeCee,

"Okay, 'fess up. Where'd the Hat want to Sort you? Not Slytherin, I hope?"

She gave a little blush and replied, "Ravenclaw, actually. It wanted to Sort

me into Slytherin; however it felt Sorting me into that House, at the

moment, would have been too dangerous for me. That's why it was going

to Sort me into Ravenclaw."

He smirked and said, "And you used it's own argument that, if it wasn't

going to Sort you into Slytherin due to the danger, it may as well Sort

you into Gryffindor?"

"Yes," she smiled.

He laughed and said, "As a Ravenclaw would say, 'Well reasoned, Miss





When the Feast wrapped up, the only announcement was a reminder to

be down for breakfast and finished before 8.30am. That would be when

the class schedules would be handed out.

When everyone stood, both Thomas and Roper came down to collect all

the Firsties

Roper looked to CeeCee and said, "I'll be escorting you up, too; since

you're new."

Hermione quickly said, "Actually, Sophie; no."

When Roper turned a slight frown on her, Hermione quickly explained.

"CeeCee... Miss Wilkins... will be in the Lords' Quarters. She's in a

relationship agreement with Lord Finch-Fletchley... Justin Finch-Fletchley

of Hufflepuff. Same year as us."

"Another one?" blurted Thomas.

Unknown to them, Justin had already walked across and was standing a

little back from Roper. "Which is why I've come over," he smoothly said.

Surprised, Roper turned to looked at him for a moment before she

stepped a little out of the way and said, "Oh. Sorry. I didn't know."

"No reason you should have," smiled Hermione.

Physically shaking her confusion off, Roper gave Hermione a nod and

turned back to the Firsties "Alright, you lot. Follow me if you want to

find your beds for tonight." Then indicated Dean and said, "Dean will be

following so we don't lose any of you on the way. Come along."

With the Firsties following Roper with Thomas bringing up the rear, the

dozen plus all headed for the doors.

Once they were clear, Justin smiled and said to Hermione, "Thank you,

for that."

Hermione almost unconsciously replied, "You're welcome." It was the

approach of both Daphne and Tracey, plus Susan and Hannah, that had

her distracted. She didn't even notice they were joined by Fleur.

Looking about, Harry asked, "Anyone missing?"

When they all looked about, Hermione was the first to reply. "No. We're

all here."

With his own ladies joining him, Neville said, "Then, let's go."

The group of ten were about to leave when Professor Sprout stopped by.

To Justin she asked, "You're aware you're now in Apartment 9, Mister


"Yes, Professor," he smiled.

"Remember how to add others to your apartment?" she asked.

"I think so, Professor," he replied.

"We'll help him," said Harry. "Have no fear, Professor."

She smiled back at Harry and said, "Thank you, Lord Potter." And made

her way off again.




Keying the new 'Finch-Fletchley' apartment with permissions for Justin,

Tracey and CeeCee was almost old hat for Harry. As well as his own two

apartments, he'd also helped Neville with his.

They were just about to head in when a seventh year male Slytherin, who

had to be Ross Gibberd as there were only he and a seventh year female

Slytherin who were allowed into the Lords' Quarters corridor, almost

tentatively approached and said, "Lord Potter."

"Heir Gibberd, right?" asked Harry.

"Indeed," the boy gave a nod. "I wonder if I may trouble you―"

"You've not been shown how to key the door to your apartment and ask

of me my assistance?"

Showing a little relief, the older boy again said, "Indeed."

Harry gave a nod and said, "Not a problem." And followed the boy back

up the corridor. The others all hung back and had his back just through


As they walked up, he said, "Your Head of House should have been up to

show you how to do this. I'd have words with them tomorrow, if I was


As they'd already reached the door, the other boy remained silent, as did

the girl, who only stepped aside to allow Harry to approach the door.

Harry gave her a nod before turning back to Gibberd and stepped him

through how to 'claim' the apartment and provide access to his bonded.

Once he was done, he said, "That's all there is to it. You just need to warn

any of your friends not to try and open the door from this side if they're

not keyed in. If they do, they'll be stunned and the professors will be

immediately informed via the wards."

"What about charms, such as Alohomora?" asked his lady, Phylis


"None will work," he replied. "You must use your hand to turn the knob.

It's part of the magic."

Smiling to her, he said, "Do not worry, Miss Whitehead. No one, except

your Head of House, the Deputy Head and the Headmistress can enter

without you letting them in. Even then, they can only enter by asking the

castle itself for access. And, I've been assured such will not be granted

except in emergency. That feature is built into the very foundations of

the wards of the school for privacy and security purposes.

"Further, as I did I believe you'll logically surmise that the door is locked

to magical signatures. It now has a... 'taste' of your two magical

signatures, so opens to your touch. However, anyone who tries to open it

that doesn't have your magical signature, no matter what charm or curse

they attempt, will find themselves waking up on the floor out here with a

professor or two frowning down at them."

Clearly relieved, the girl smiled back and said, "Thank you."

"You're welcome," he said.

When it was clear they had no further questions, he said, "Well, I'll leave

you to it to explore your new apartment and sort out matters. Good


"Good night, Lord Potter," they both said.

As Harry turned to walk back up the corridor, he had no problem turning

his back to them, as he knew the others had his back if there was the

slimmest of chances they'd risk hexing him.

They didn't and he was extremely sure they wouldn't anyway. He saw no

hint of ire directed towards him in either of their expressions or body

language for the entire time he was with them.




The next morning the Potter four were all up and dressed, ready to go, at

just after 7.30am. This time, they beat the Longbottoms to knocking on

doors. And this time they also included the Finch-Fletchleys.

Harry went and knocked on the door of the Longbottoms while Hermione

and Daphne went to the Finch-Fletchley apartment. They realised they

must have been making a little too much noise when Gibberd stuck his

head out the door of the Gibberd apartment to see what the ruckus was.

"Sorry!" called Hermione, noticing. "Just getting our group up and


Gibberd gave a nod back and withdrew.

As Neville and his two and Justin and his now two exited their

apartments, Gibberd and Whitehead exited their own.

"Mind if we join you on the walk down?" he asked.

"Not at all," replied Harry.

As they all walked out of the Quarters, Harry hung back a little to talk to

Gibberd. As they walked he quietly asked, "I hope I didn't come off as

rude, last night. I know you're at least Heir Apparent, but don't know if

you've actually taken up your Lordship. Further, I do not know the...

status... of the relationship between you and your lady."

Gibberd looked at him in surprise before he replied, "You did not give

offence." He hesitated for a moment before he explained, "I am Heir

Apparent of the Noble and Ancient House of Gibberd, as you clearly

knew. Phylis is my betrothed. Our handfasting is scheduled for the

forthcoming Yule break."

As they walked, Harry said, "So, the correct form of address for her is still

Miss Whitehead?"

Gibberd nodded back.

Harry said, "Good to know. Thank you. I'll make sure the others all know,


Gibberd gave a nod back and Harry rejoined the others walking a little


As he joined them, Neville sidled over and quietly said, "Aren't you afraid

one of them will try to hex us in the back?"

"Nope," he replied. "If they try anything in the corridors, the wards will

instantly detect it and record it in the ward book in the Headmistress's

office. She made that quite clear, again, last night. Both of them are of

age and neither of them is stupid."

Relaxing a bit, Neville nodded back.




As it was a first day back and a new year at the school, the group decided

to make it easier on the Heads of Houses and had breakfast at their own

tables. That way, they'd be there for when class schedules were handed

out. They'd also decided to sit at the Hufflepuff table for lunch, as it was

the House least likely to get annoyed by it upon first seeing it again; or

seeing it for the first time, when it came to the Firsties. No longer a

student, Fleur sat with him at Gryffindor. She was dressed in British

quality casual in muted tones so her dress didn't stand out too much.

Besides, Harry didn't want to risk getting confronted by Weasley again

for having now two Slytherins, Daphne and Tracey, sitting with him at

the Gryffindor table; especially not for lunch and not so soon. However,

dinner that night was a good possibility.

When the schedules were distributed, Harry took one look at his and

almost had a panic attack.

"Gahhh!" he exclaimed on first seeing it. Then he dropped his head to the

table and moaned.

Hermione looked pleased.

As he looked almost completely out of it and wasn't responding to her

concerns, Fleur simply reached over and plucked Harry's out of his

fingers. A moment later, she quietly muttered, "Merde!"

'Seven class periods, now," he moaned. "Seven! They're trying to kill us!"

He never noticed Fleur had turned to one of the Firsties and asked to look

at their timetable for a moment.

She handed it back and said, "The First Years still have only six periods a


One of the second years sitting on the other side of Harry said, "My older

brother told me the first through fourth years all still have six class

periods a day, while the fifth through seventh now all have seven. I guess

you're fifth years then, huh."

"What's the problem, Harry?" asked Hermione.

"Exhaustion!" he called. "And we haven't even started yet!"

With a smirk, Fleur simply handed Harry's schedule to the other girl.

A moment later, she snickered and said, "Oh, my. Yours is about on par

with my own."

"And you don't have the added pressure of issues related to the upkeep of

a Noble and Most Ancient House," he whined.

Harry's schedule had all bar three class slots filled. The only three

unfilled were first thing Wednesdays and Thursdays and the one

immediately after morning tea on Fridays. Plus, he also had Astronomy

on Wednesday nights - or, rather, early Thursday mornings. No longer

did their schedules have both first and second periods clear the next

morning after Astronomy. Now, it was only the first.

Finally lifting his head with a sigh, he accepted his offered schedule back

and said, "I'm going to have to drop Muggle Studies again. Otherwise, I

simply won't have the time to get everything done I need to get done."

"If you must," said Hermione. "However, I hope you also decide to self-

study it. At least that way you still have the option to sit the OWL for it

at the end of the year."

With another sigh, he checked the schedule over again and silently


Four class periods a week for Charms, DADA, Herbology, Potions and

Transfiguration; and three a week for History, CoMC, Ancient Runes and

Muggle Studies. Thank God there was still only the single for Astronomy.

It was no wonder they were now on a seven class periods a day schedule.

If he dropped Muggle Studies that gave him an extra vacant slot on

Wednesdays and two on Fridays, thereby doubling his vacant slots to six.

As the two on Fridays were also the first two periods, it meant his Friday

mornings were now clear until the fourth period of Ancient Runes

immediately before lunch. However, both Monday and Tuesday would

remain full, with all seven slots occupied with classes. That would given

him six slots to accomplish the work related to both the Wizengamot and

his estates.

'Yeah, I can do this,' he mentally declared.

After another think through it, he verbally added, "Yeah, I have to drop

Muggle Studies."

Hermione looked like she was about to disagree, but then noticed his

expression and sadly nodded. "But, you're still going to study it

independently, right?"

"Yes," he replied. "You know, though, that I'd pass even if I didn't, yeah?

The study will just see me hopefully gain an 'O-plus' in the subject. Or, at

least an 'O'."

She shrugged and said, "I do not doubt it."

As it was a Thursday, Harry didn't have a class for the first period. It then

meant he had time to finish his breakfast before returning to the

apartment to collect what he'd need for the day: CoMC with the

Hufflepuffs, for second period; Potions with the Ravenclaws, for periods

three and four between morning tea and lunch; History, one period with

the Hufflepuffs again immediately after lunch at fifth period; and a

double of Charms with the Slytherins to finish up the day - six of seven

class periods. And this would follow a late night on the Astronomy tower

with the Ravenclaws.

Hermione also didn't have a class for first period; but Daphne, who had

come over to show her own, did. However, Fleur offered to escort her

and CeeCee to their first classes for the day. An offer gratefully accepted.

Once the mail came in and Harry received his copy of the Daily Prophet,

he was unsurprised to see one of the articles being on CeeCee attending

Hogwarts. It also included both her names and that she preferred to be

call CeeCee - as it was a nickname that applied to both her adopted and

birth names, together.

Recently, some overly-officious flunky in the Ministry had tried to force

her to use only her birth name. However records from magical

Australasia, showing her name to be registered with them as Charlotte

Claire Wilkins, put paid to that. As she was also listed as a citizen of

magical Australasia, not magical Britain, Ted was easily able to block it

by threatening to take the matter to the Australasian Ministry. The British

Ministry, after first trying to claim back citizenship of her, caved;

especially when the new Minister, Brunt, was looking to make 'Brownie'

points with Harry and added his authority to the opposing claim.

That was why, though born a Malfoy, Hogwarts easily accepted her as

'Miss Charlotte Wilkins' on their student rolls.

Marchbanks had also assured them that the rolls for each class would

have her name listed under Wilkins, so none of the Professors would

make a mistake by slipping up in the calling of their rolls for each class.

For now, at least, she was Heiress Apparent Charlotte Claire Wilkins of

the Magical House of Malfoy, magical ward of Narcissa Venus Malfoy and

Sirius Orion Black.

Not being born into that House, Narcissa claimed she had no problem

with it.

The newspaper at least got those points right.

What it didn't have was that Sirius would very soon also be recognising

her as a daughter of the House of Black. She didn't need the stipend, as

Narcissa had already organised such from the Malfoy fortune as Heiress

Apparent for the Magical House of Malfoy, but the protection of being a

recognised daughter of a Noble and Most Ancient House wouldn't go





By lunch, the Heirs fully understood they were in their OWL year. The

assignments had started already. And, they were already long ones. Two

feet on this magical creature; three feet on the reason and uses for that

potion. Plus, in both classes, they were given a reasonably long-winded

talk on just how important that year would be for them all; as if they

didn't already know that.

At lunch and just as planned, the entire group - including CeeCee, now -

congregated and sat at the Hufflepuff table.

While there and when they knew the Hall would be at it's busiest, Harry

had CeeCee call for Fawkes to put in an appearance and alight on her

shoulder for a while. Harry had organised with Fawkes in advance for

this to happen and why. Fawkes was all for it, as it meant it would help

in keeping his new human companion safe.

Looking around, Harry saw how busy it was and quietly said to CeeCee,

"CeeCee, now would be a good time to call Fawkes to join you."

She gave a simple nod back, sat up straight and closed her eyes for a


Suddenly, there was a flash of phoenix flame in the middle of the Hall

just above the level of the candles and Fawkes appeared singing a joyous

refrain in full flight. While his arrival startled just about everyone but the

Heirs, his singing of phoenix song almost instantly had everyone settling

down again.

A few moments later, the large but light bird ducked below the level of

the candles through a gap and swooped in to land on CeeCee's left

shoulder. CeeCee was already laughing about it.

"What's so funny?" asked Hermione, leaning in closer.

"That song you all heard?" she'd asked back. "He was actually calling

everyone not-nice names."

Fawkes apparently thought it was funny because the bird was clearly

phoenix-chuckling along with CeeCee.

After she offered the bird some ham off her plate, which he happily

accepted, Fawkes then took off back into the air and flamed away again.

Harry grinned at her and said, "Good. That'll set tongues wagging. It

should stop the 'dark witch' accusations before they properly get a foot

hold, if they were going to."

"And it sets in their minds that Malfoy should now be considered a 'Light'

House," said CeeCee. "I remember."

He smiled at her and said, "Good."

As they were waiting outside their next class, Potions with the

Ravenclaws, Harry, Hermione and Neville were all questioned about why

CeeCee had a phoenix.

"Don't ask me why the birdbrain chose her," he snorted. "When I asked

him that exact question he told me to 'mind my own business'."

"He talks?" asked one of the 'Claws - Turpin - the new fifth year female

prefect for Ravenclaw.

"Yeah," he shrugged. "But, CeeCee had to translate for me. Even then I

knew somewhat of what he'd replied. The overgrown flaming turkey

blew a raspberry at me, of all things!"

That had Hermione snickering. "He did, too! I was there and saw it."

The one thing he could trust of the Ravenclaws who weren't simply

gossips, they did not embellish facts when possible not to. He knew

Turpin to be one of those. Therefore, with Turpin helping to spread the

truth and correct knowledge when the Chinese Whispers effect started to

warp the information between tellings, it did not take long for it to

become known that CeeCee had a phoenix companion. However, no one

was clarifying that Fawkes was once Dumbledore's companion, or that

the phoenix that was now the companion of CeeCee was even named


The few people at the school who had spent enough time around Fawkes

while he was Dumbledore's companion, were already told by Marchbanks

not to say anything. They were Flitwick and Sprout. Hagrid, Sinistra,

Burbage, Babbage and the others very rarely interacted with the man and

hardly ever, even at those times, when Fawkes was also present. They

usually met with him in the Teacher's Lounge or conference room for the

full staff meetings.

Flitwick and Sprout, as Heads of Houses, met with Dumbledore in his

office often when the phoenix was also there.

As for the Wizengamot and the ICW, at both places Fawkes never stayed

after dropping off or picking the old man up before and after meetings of

those bodies.

The only real way you had to 'get up close and personal' with the bird

was to visit Dumbledore in his Hogwarts' Headmaster's office while

Fawkes was also there. Even then, they might or might not recognise

him. After all, just how different did phoenixes look from one another?




That evening, as they'd planned, the group sat at the Gryffindor table. As

they walked in, Harry wondered whether or not Weasley would be able

to contain himself.

As they walked up the length of the table, Harry's eyes landed on

Weasley. This time the boy was already sitting at the table. Thankfully,

he had not seemed to have noticed them yet; therefore, their eyes did not


Walking further up the table, they only had to ask the new Firsties to

slide up a bit to give them enough room. Four on one side and five on the

other meant they needed a gap of at least eight to ten feet, both sides, to

have the room. Twelve feet was more preferable.

As they were sitting, Hermione said, "We either have to arrive first thing

for meals, separate into smaller groups or start sitting at the other end of

the tables, where we know there's always room enough.

"It is unfair of us to ask people to move to give us room. Especially when

we really don't have the right to."

"Hmmm," said Harry. Looking about at his friends, he asked, "Thoughts?"

Daphne gave a firm nod and said, "Two other choices are; we eat in our

apartments or we start sitting at just one table and in one spot all the


Justin immediately stated, "Hufflepuff will always welcome us."

"Yes," said Tracey. "But, sitting in one spot all the time brings with it the

risk one of us could be attacked by a timed curse at our places that's put

in place between meals, due to activate when the attacker knows we'll be

in the Hall."

Daphne was quick to acknowledge and agree with that.

Surprised, Justin asked, "They can do that?"

"Yes," replied Fleur. "A timed rune sequence is the obvious one, potions

are another. There are others, of course."

Harry went through in his mind all the calculations and permutations he

could think of before he offered, "How about... we plan to start arriving

before the meal is even served, so we can sit anywhere we like. If we

don't manage that, we see if we can find a section on one of the four

tables that's wide enough for us to all sit together, irrespective of where it

is. And, if we can't manage that, we sit at the other ends of the table,

further down that even the seventh years."

Daphne, for one, smirked and nodded back, "That sounds like a workable


"How about," offered Neville. "If we haven't decided to come down as a

group at that time, such as coming to lunch during a school day, whoever

is here first hold a suitably wide enough space for the others. That is, if

they can."

"Good idea," said Susan. Everyone agreed.

Daphne said, "It sounds like we have a plan to tackle this problem in


While that had only taken a minute to discuss, Harry was still somewhat

surprised Weasley had not already come down to 'berate' him for having

'slimy snakes' and 'dark witches' sitting at the Gryffindor table. As

surreptitiously as he could, he looked to see if the boy was getting angry

about it. What he saw was what he'd come to recognise as the flat

expression of fully activated Occlumency. He sometimes saw it on the

faces of both or either Daphne and Hermione when they were angry with

him, but didn't want to display it at that time.

Surprised, he turned to Daphne, sitting on his other side, and said, "It

looks like someone's taught Weasley Occlumency."

Daphne immediately looked around him and pretended to be looking for

a platter of something on the communal plates.

A moment later, after picking up a fresh banana from off one of those

plates, she said, "Definitely. He's now good enough to have the

Occlumency shields engaged, but not good enough to not have it

reflected in his expressions. Either that, or he's that angry he simply can't

maintain the pleasant expression."

Harry nodded and said, "I guess I don't really care if he's angry or not. I

only care if he opens his mouth in a negative manner towards any of us;

or, otherwise does something I'll have to act upon. As long as he keeps

his opinions about me... you... us... to himself, I'm happy to leave him


"However, I'm going to try to talk to Dean Thomas at some time, just to

make sure he's not saying things in the Gryffindor Tower I would take

offence towards."

"And, as Thomas is now the fifth year prefect, you have every reason to

speak to him," she nodded, seeing his reasoning.





The boy being discussed was oblivious of what was being spoken about

him. He'd only checked to ensure for himself that 'Potter' was still

keeping company with the others, was still housed in the Lords' Quarters,

was still 'Lording' it over everyone and otherwise didn't interact with

him. He knew if he tried something overt too soon, his father would be

here in a thrice to pull him back out of the school again.

Instead, he was making his plans for when he'd finally get to deal with

the 'bastard' and take back what was rightfully his - Hermione.

He'd already been to 'suss out' the corridor where the Lords' Quarters

were located, but had to be careful. He wasn't sure if the aurors were still

invisibly patrolling the school or not - they were - and had not yet

mastered the revealing charm. Besides, he didn't know if casting the

revealing charm was one of those that would be detected or not and,

even if it wasn't, if the charm would identify for him if an auror was

there or not. He knew aurors had many charms and curses that were

supposedly available only for them.

So lost in thought behind his Occlumency, he was, that he almost missed

something Thomas had said to him.

'Jee-zus, Ron!" the boy said. "You're 'zoning out', again."

"Sorry," he mumbled back. Thinking quick he remembered what that

muggle term meant and replied, "I was thinking about that assignment

for Potions we've got to do."

"The Wiggenweld one?" asked Thomas. "Yeah; that's going to be a

nightmare. Started it yet?"

"Just an idea of what to write for it," said Ron. "My Aunt Muriel taught

me how to write a proper assignment. It was one of the only things I


When he thought about it he then realised she'd taught him quite a bit

that was useful. Occlumency was another and was probably the best of

the lot. Besides saving him from having his clock hand keep switching to

'In Danger', let alone to 'Mortal Peril', the Occlumency made it a lot easier

to concentrate on and get done assignments.

The length and difficulty of assignments of even these early days had

clearly demonstrated for him he doubted he'd pass the year without that

useful skill. It would have been: 'No Hermione, no pass'.




That night, the Finch-Fletchleys joined the Potters in the Potter

apartment directly after dinner. They were then joined by the


Of course, the girls were 'interrogating' CeeCee on how her first day of

classes went.

"It was cool!" she replied. "I think I'm going to like my class mates in

Gryffindor." Then her expression changed to one of mild annoyance.

"Except one. She's already making me think she's a bit of a cow."

"Who?" asked Hermione.

"Romilda Vane," she scowled.

"She's an unrepentant gossip," said Hermione. "Sorry, but we should have

warned you about her last night."

"I think I'd already figured that out," said CeeCee. "She got me in trouble

in History with Professor Goodstone. She kept demanding information

from me about me and... well... us." And indicated everyone with a wave

of her hand encompassing the room.

Justin, who'd overheard the last part of that, frowned and asked, "Do I

need to go and deal with her?"

Harry was pleased hearing that. It was very obvious the boy was taking

his role as primary protector of CeeCee very seriously.

"I don't think so," CeeCee sighed.

"Hmmm..." said Hermione. "I had two like her in my dorm until last

Christmas; Parvati Patil and Lavender Brown. Here's how to handle her

and those like her..."

Then the girls all huddled and, before too long, there were a lot of giggles

and snickering going on coming from them.

Justin looked concerned at Harry and Harry quietly said to him, "Let's see

if the girls can handle it, first. If they can't, then a couple of Lords are

going to go all feral on her arse."

That seemed to satisfy the other boy. He gave a nod and muttered, "Good


Again, Harry was happy to see the Hufflepuff taking seriously the task of

protecting both girls.




On the Saturday night at Harry's 'obligatory' dinner in the Potter

apartment, where Dobby again had to employ elf transfiguration on the

table and chairs to have enough for everyone to sit, one of the main

topics of discussion around the table was Fleur's offer from Gringotts.

They'd accepted her application to 'apprentice' under a Journeyman

Cursebreaker, who himself was working under a Master Cursebreaker,

within their human workforce. She'd be starting on the first of the month

in October.

The employment contract was negotiated on her behalf through and with

Ted Tonks. Contrary to what others might have thought, the goblins

appreciated it; as it meant they'd be dealing with someone who had both

expertise in contracts and would not try to make unreasonable demands,

or allow themselves to be 'conned'.

The goblins knew and understood her Veela life debt meant she'd have to

remain in London, or be able to quickly come and go from Hogwarts

when and as necessary. And the contract reflected that. However, they

insisted on a Secrecy Oath to protect their secrets, which Fleur and Harry

had no problem with. However, Ted included a stipulation in the Oath

that relieved her of the Secrecy provisions for what she learned

'professionally'; that is, what she learned as a Cursebreaker, rather than

what she specifically learned as an employee of Gringotts. Otherwise, she

would not be able to use the skills acquired as an apprentice so as to

remain a professional Cursebreaker if she left Gringotts' employ.

Many of the questions fielded by the others related to just what was

meant by that.

Another subject discussed was about what CeeCee had done to get Vane

and her shadow, Thelma Holmes, to back off.

"It turned out quite simple, actually," she explained. "They tried to

interrogate me, again, while we were outside the door and waiting to go

into the Potions lab. I told them how Lord Potter likes to think of me as

his little sister and that I was in a relationship agreement with Lord

Finch-Fletchley. And that both told me I was to tell them if anyone gave

me any trouble. Then asked them if they were giving me trouble.

"When they then immediately back-pedalled, claiming they weren't, I

said, 'Well, if I think you're giving me trouble, even if you don't think you

are, I'll still be telling them you are.' I think Vane was about to cry when I

said that.

"As soon as they quickly moved off to the other side of the crowd,

Natalie... that's Natalie Fairbourne... came over and offered to sit with me

in the lab. She was very happy with what I said to Vane and Holmes.

Apparently, they cause trouble for everyone who don't engage in gossip

with them. I think she may be a good friend to have."

While the girls all laughed, Justin quietly said to her, "If you think she'll

be a good friend and you want to spend time with her, you can do so.

Just don't let yourselves be caught anywhere alone; alright?"

She smiled at him and said, "Thank you."

She was unaware that Justin was using Raggy in the same trick for which

Harry used Dobby regarding Tracey and Astoria the previous year and

just Astoria this year. Justin had Raggy keep an eye on both witches, just

in case.

For the first time, Harry had specifically invited Ernie MacMillan to join

them for Saturday night dinners. He gratefully accepted and was sitting

with them even now. It brought their numbers up to eleven.

Wanting to make sure the boy was included, he turned to him and

explained how the girls had given CeeCee some ideas on how to handle

the undue attention directed her way, especially from the gossipers.

MacMillan looked surprised and replied, "You won't step in and deal with


"Only if the girls can't," he replied. "Then Justin, as her bonded, gets first

shot at 'em, anyway."

That had Justin firmly nodding back.

"It's been made clear to me I'm not to act as if I'm the only one who could

fix these problems―" he added.

"Damned straight," declared Hermione, who'd overheard.

"Buuuut... I will if no one else can handle it; or, it's an emergency," he


He had no idea it would be less than twenty-four hours later that both he

and Justin would have to step in.




A/N: Yes, I know; a little bit of a 'cliffy'. However, now that I've finished

'Harry Potter and The Old Friend' this story will go back to a twice-weekly

posting schedule. That should make up for it; yes? This story next updates next

Tuesday around lunchtime - GMT +0800.

72. A Broken Oath

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to the proverbial Duchess of

Magic, JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high

falutin' companies. No matter how much I whine about not owning anything

related to the HP universe, other than a few fanfic plots, I do not profess to

own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful

world... Damn it!

Chapter Seventy Two - A Broken Oath




It was late morning, while Harry and the others were working on

assignments, when there was a rapid banging on the door. Harry, the

closest, was quick to it and yank it open. It was a slightly panicky


"CeeCee's been attacked!" he blurted.

As the girls behind him all gasped in shock, Harry barked, "Where is


"Infirmary by now, I'd think," he replied. "I've already let Justin and

Tracey know."

"Right," said Harry, breathing a little easier. "What else do we know?"

"Nothing much," he replied. "I was in talking to Justin when Raggy

popped in and let him know. Justin and Tracey were out the door before

they asked him anything else."

Nodding in thought, Harry was only a moment before he called, "Raggy!"

When the elf popped in a few moments later and before he could say

anything, Harry asked, "Did you see the attack, Raggy?"

"Yes, Master Harry," replied the elf, clearly sad and a little afraid. "Raggy

see it, but couldn't stop it before Miss CeeCee was cursed. Raggy popped

Miss CeeCee straight to Infirmary, though.

"Then Raggy go back and get Miss CeeCee's friend, Miss Nat'lee. Raggy

take her to Infirmary, too."

Harry, though angry, said, "It sounds like you did good, Raggy. There will

be no punishment."

Daphne asked, "Raggy, did you see who cursed her?"

"Raggy did, Miss Daff-knee," replied the elf. "T'was Slythers boy."

"Where is the Slytherin boy now?" she demanded.

"Raggy did use elf magic and stunned him, Miss Daph-knee," he replied.

"Raggy was angry. Raggy thinks he still be on floor where Raggy stunned


"And where is that?" asked Harry.

"Not far from Griffers tower," replied the elf.

"Right," said Harry. Turning to the others, he said, "I'll have Raggy pop

me to where the dead-man-walking currently is, to see if he's still


"Don't kill him!" Hermione cut in and demanded.

"I won't," he scowled. "However, I'm going to make sure he's secured and

unable to scurry off and hide, trying to escape just punishment. Elf

testimony is unaccepted in a criminal trial.

"You lot might want to wait for me down in the Infirmary. Once I've

secured the mongrel, I'll be heading there next."

Before anyone could say anything, he held his off-hand out to the elf with

his wand drawn and held in his wand hand and said, "Pop me to where

the attack occurred, please, Raggy."

Without a word, the little elf grabbed his hand in his own and both

popped away.

As he disappeared in a white flash, Daphne said to the others, "Come on.

Let's hurry down to the Infirmary."

As the girls quickly shut up the apartment, they had to stop at the

Longbottom apartment to collect Hannah and Susan. Neville hadn't had a

chance to tell either of them yet. However, it was only a long moment

before both girls were joining the others in their rush to the Infirmary.




Meanwhile, Harry had appeared in a flash of elf magic in the corridor not

far from the Gryffindor common room and, apparently, where the attack

had taken place. Already there were the Slytherin boy he now recognised

as Seventh Year Adrien Pucey and Professors Flitwick and Goodstone.

The boy had clearly just been revived.

Not noticing Harry yet, the boy was answering a question. "I don't know,

Professor," he replied. "I was minding my own business, while on a walk

about the school, when I was attacked."

"You lying piece of shit!" Harry barked.

That had the boy and both professors whirl to him in shock, as none of

them had noticed him until that point.

Pucey immediately raised his wand in fear, but got no further as Harry

was prepared for it and immediately summoned the wand from his hand.

Instead of touching it, though, he simply side-stepped it and glanced

towards Professor Flitwick for a moment.

With his own wand still raised and pointing straight at the Slytherin boy,

Harry snarled, "Professor Flitwick. If you wouldn't mind summoning that

wand and performing a prior incantation charm on it, you'll find what

was most recently cast with it. Then I suggest you head down to the

Infirmary, where you'll find both Miss CeeCee Wilkins and Miss Natalie

Fairbourne. Miss Wilkins was hit with a curse. I just bet you'll find it was

the same curse that your prior incantation will show was cast using that


Without a word, the Professor did just that, summoning the wand from

the floor from behind Harry to his hand. The prior incantation charm

then displayed the last three magics cast with it; the 'hardening' charm,

Duro, was the last; the disillusionment charm was the previous one to


"You tried to turn her to stone?!" barked Harry, staring with hate at the

older boy. That had the two Professors give gasps of horror.

Without waiting for a response, Harry turned slightly to the side and

called, "Raggy!"

With an almost silent pop, the elf appeared where he was directing his

gaze. "Yes, Mast―"

"Raggy," he said, overriding the elf. "What was the colour of the spell that

hit Miss CeeCee?"

"Dark grey, Master Harry, Sir," the elf immediately replied.

"That's the one," snarled Flitwick, before he whirled to stare at the boy

with his own hate-filled eyes.

"Did he say anything as he cast the spell, Raggy?"

"Duro! Master Harry, Sir." The elf immediately replied.

"Right," said Harry. "Professors; please take into custody that... piece of

shit. I have no doubt Lord Finch-Fletchley will want to deal with him,

soonish. And, if he doesn't, I or Lord Black will. Pucey is an of-age wizard,

having attained seventeen years of age.

"Miss Wilkins is the magical ward of Lord Sirius Orion Black the Third,

Lord of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black... and One of the

Seven; just as I am!"

He didn't see the no-longer disillusioned auror run into the corridor from

behind until he was almost on them.

Staring back at Pucey in hate and with his own wand pointing at the boy,

Flitwick snapped, "Unless you have anywhere else for this walking corpse

to be, Professor Goodstone, I suggest we escort him to the Headmistress's


"I'll take him to the DMLE, Professor," said the slightly puffed auror,

walking up.

"No, you will not," said Flitwick, after only a glance at the auror. "Lord

Finch-Fletchley, Lord Black or Lord Potter will be dealing with him...

'soonish'. I will not aggravate any of those, especially the last two who

are both of the Seven, by allowing him out of my personal custody

without their direct order."

"Now, Professor―" tried the auror.

"Leave it, auror," snapped Goodstone. "Unless, of course, you want to take

on those three Lords, yourself?"

"Errr... no," replied the auror. Thinking a bit, he said, "At least let me

manacle him."

"N-No!" cried Pucey. The boy was white and trembling in shock. "I-I

was... I was under the Imperius!"

"That's not going to work," snapped Flitwick. "Claiming Imperius will not

save you from facing One of the Seven in a duel to the death. Want to try


While Pucey was trying to rack his brains with some way to get himself

out of the bind he was in, the auror stepped in behind him and affixed

manacles to his wrists.

"N-Nooo!" the boy finally started to struggle. "You don't understand! My

father was being blackmailed! I had to do it!"

Harry said, "I'm going down to the infirmary to make sure medi-wizard

Robinson is aware of just what curse 'Pukey-boy' here hit her with."

Without a further word, or waiting to see if either Professor or auror said

anything back, Harry held out his hand to the elf and popped away again

in a flash of white light.

"No longer claiming being under the Imperius, I see," sneered Flitwick.

"At least you're not a complete coward."

As the boy was spun about and pushed to start walking towards the

stairs, he babbled, "My father was told that, if he didn't make me take

care of the problem, he'd be killed! I had to!"




Harry had just barely been popped into the infirmary near where medi-

wizard Robinson was treating CeeCee, when he said, "Pucey hit her with

the hardening charm, Duro."

From the other side of CeeCee's bed he heard Hermione reply, "He knows,

Harry. He had that figured out pretty quick."

Robinson only gave a grunt of acknowledgement. He was still working on

CeeCee at the time and didn't even look up.

Noticing that the man was still working hard, he asked, "What can I do to


Robinson, still not looking up, said, "Give Miss Fairbourne a calming

draught. She's in shock and I don't have time to deal with her at the


Without saying a word, Harry walked over to the mobile potion cabinet,

saw the labelled vials and removed the right one. It contained a pale

green draught.

He quickly opened it, gave it a sniff, determined it was the right one and

walked over to where Fairbourne was sitting on a nearby bed. She sat

with her knees tucked under her chin, her arms around her legs and was

rocking back and forth in a bit of a daze.

Getting her attention after a couple of attempts, he held the opened vial

to her lips and firmly commanded, "Drink!" Then tipped the vial into her


As soon as he saw her swallow a couple of times he took the now empty

vial away.

She immediately wrinkled her nose, gave a slight shudder of revulsion

and firmly declared, "Yuck!"

Harry empathised. It was practically the same response he made when he

woke up in Marchbanks's office after his burgeoning panic attack on

learning about Fleur's life debt.

"Calming draught, actually," he returned.

After first putting the empty vial on the bedside table, he then stepped in

close, leaned in and wrapped the girl in his arms.

"You did good, Natalie," he firmly said. "It's over."

She started to softly sob in his arms and burrowed into his robes on his

chest, clearly feeling sorry for herself. While the calming draught brought

her out of her shock, it did nothing much for how miserable she was


Harry had stood there for about fifteen seconds before Fleur stepped in

and softly said, "I'll take her from here, Harry."

It then took a few seconds to untangle the girl from out of Harry's robes

before she was transferred to Fleur's arms; and Harry could back away.

Finally free, he turned to see Robinson had clearly finished with CeeCee.

He had a tired, but satisfied, gentle smile on his face.

"No long term damage," he said. "I was worried about that."

"I don't understand," said Hermione. "Why would he, whoever it was, use

something like the hardening charm to attack someone?"

"Because it's a charm and not a curse, Hermione," replied Harry. "He...

and it was Adrien Pucey, by the way... he probably thought that, because

it was a charm he used, it wouldn't be picked up by the curse and dark

arts detection wards now on the castle and grounds."

"But..." she spluttered, "That's... that's―"

"Daft," Harry firmly said, cutting in. "Yes."

"Pucey, eh?" called a soft male voice.

Turning to look to the bed on the other side of where CeeCee was now

sleeping peacefully, Harry saw Justin sitting on the edge of it next to a

no-longer-crying Tracey, holding her hand while staring in pain at

CeeCee. It was he, who'd asked.

"Yes," replied Harry. "He's just been escorted to Headmistress Lady

Marchbanks's office by Professors Flitwick and Goodstone, wandless and

in custody."

"He's mine, Harry," the boy quietly said, still not looking at Harry.

"I think you'll have to argue that point with Lord Black, Justin," said

Harry. "He is CeeCee's magical guardian, after all."

Justin thought about that, for a moment, before he said, "Raggy was

supposed to―"

Cutting in, Harry firmly said, "Raggy couldn't act until the boy actually

attacked. He did everything he could when the boy did, though.

"He stunned him, grabbed CeeCee, brought her directly to Healer

Robinson, then went back and got young Natalie, here.

"As soon as he'd done that, he went and informed you. What more would

you have of him?"

Robinson piped up and said, "And if he hadn't gotten Miss Wilkins to me

as fast as he did, I might not have been able to save her. That charm

would have very quickly moved to her lungs and heart, hardening and

stopping both."

"So," said Harry. "It was a fatal cast, only proven not fatal because you

were able to get to her in time?"

"Definitely," the man immediately responded.

"That's all I need," said Harry. "Thank you."

Turning back to Justin, he said, "Justin, come with me. We're going to the

Headmistress's office to relay just that information to her and whoever

else is there."

The boy gave a firm nod and hopped off the bed, still looking at CeeCee.

"And then we call in Lord Black."

"Why wait?" asked Harry. A quick messenger Patronus and he turned

back. "That was a message to Lord Black to meet us there."

As Justin finally looked at him with a somewhat haunted look in his eyes,

Tracey was apparently coming with. She wouldn't release her grip on

Justin's hand.

Turning to his own ladies, he said, "Would you three please stay and keep

an eye on CeeCee and young Natalie? I don't want you three separating

from one another, at the moment."

"Alright, Harry," said Hermione. "Stay safe." She knew not to argue the

point about being left behind at that time.




Without a word between them the entire way, Harry led the way up past

the gargoyle guardian at the foot of the stairs to the Headmistress's office.

Those they had passed in the corridors between the Infirmary and the

gargoyle had enough survival instinct not to get in the way, or otherwise

accost them, as they walked. They all made like wall fixtures or standing-

in-place suits of armour as the trio passed.

A quick knock on the door and a bid to enter from within, Harry opened

the door and led the way inside.

Immediately, he noticed that Lady Marchbanks was sitting propped

against the front edge of her desk, Pucey was sitting in a hard wooden

chair with his hands manacled behind him and over the back of it, Sirius

was standing near the fireplace, scowling away and Narcissa was in not a

little shock, but also looking murderous. Others in the room were two

'junior' aurors, standing as if to both guard and keep at wand point

Pucey; Madam Bones and Professors Flitwick and Goodstone. The last

two were standing off to one side, opposite Sirius and Narcissa.

Marchbanks, both Professors and Bones were all staring at Harry.

Walking further in, Harry said, "According to medi-wizard Robinson,

CeeCee's going to be okay; but it was a close thing."

That had Narcissa sag in relief, at least.

"If Raggy hadn't acted as fast as he did in getting CeeCee to the

Infirmary," he continued, "CeeCee would not have made it. The Duro

charm would have killed her by solidifying her lungs and heart before he

could have cancelled the effects of the charm and reversed the damage.

"That means the attack was effectively a fatal one. It was only the quick

actions of a house elf and that Robinson was able to quickly figure out

what happened that saved her. If either had been any slower... Puke-boy,

there, would now be guilty of the murder of a rightful Head of a Magical

House. As she lived... that makes it attempted murder of same."

Sirius snarled while staring with pure hate at the young man. Padfoot

was only barely below the mental surface.

"All the evidence needed for a very successful prosecution of this case, if

it goes to trial, is there and waiting to be collected or already collected,"

he continued. "The man, since he is of age, was found at the scene of the

crime. His wand was checked and showed the curse used to commit this

heinous act. The only person to have otherwise touched it is Professor

Flitwick, when he cast the prior incantation charm upon it in the

presence of myself and Deputy Headmaster Goodstone. Medi-wizard

Robinson has already confirmed for me that she was, indeed, hit with the

hardening charm, Duro. That charm would have killed her if he hadn't

been able to get to her as fast as he did. And it was apparently witnessed

by Miss Natalie Fairbourne, who is currently sitting on a bed next to the


"What do you mean... if it goes to trial, Lord Potter?" demanded Bones.

"As well as being the magical ward of Lord Black, here, she is also a Black

by blood," he calmly replied. "As there are so few left, that makes her also

an Heiress of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black, One of the

Seven. Bloodline wise, she's fifth in line. And that means you're going to

need permission from Lord Black to even take him to trial. Lord Black

just might want to deal with the walking corpse... personally."

As Sirius's look of hate and loathing turned into one of a death's head

grin, still staring at the boy, Pucey whimpered and turned away.

"Then again," he continued, "Maybe Puke-boy might like to beg mercy

and protection from the Director of the DMLE. So long as he promises to

be fully forthcoming with both the truth of exactly why he chose to attack

Miss CeeCee Wilkins... and swears to plead guilty at his trial, of course...

then, maybe Lord Black might let the DMLE take charge of the matter and

take it to trial, after all."

With the exception of Sirius, who was still staring with hate and

murderous intent at Pucey; and Pucey himself, who was sitting in the

chair facing away from him and with his head hung down; just about

everyone else looked back at Harry in shock. He couldn't see the

expressions on the faces of Justin and Tracey, though, as they were still

behind him.

Unsurprisingly, Madam Bones was the first to speak. "That... just might

be doable," she quietly said.

"He's mine!" snarled Sirius.

Harry shrugged and said, "According to Puke-boy here up on the sixth

floor corridor near Gryffindor tower, he told Professor Flitwick his father

was being blackmailed by another. That blackmailer demanded of Pukey

senior to order Puke-boy to kill CeeCee.

"Puke-boy knows the identity of that blackmailer. If he coughs up who

that is, then you've got the one who initiated this. If he doesn't, then that

blackmailer will probably just demand little Miss Fourth Year Pukey,

Pukey-boy's little sister, to take a shot."

Pucey wailed, "I swore an oath on my magic not to give up the identity

of... that person."

"Well, then," said Harry. "You have a bit of a conundrum, don't you? You

can give up your life... because Lord Black will kill you, have no doubt of

that... and then put your baby sister into the exact same spot you're in

now; or, you can save your sister from what will be her fate, sacrifice

your magic and probably save your own life in the process. Plus, giving

up the identity of the blackmailer will mean he'll no longer be able to

blackmail your father... mother... sister... anyone else in your family...

Got the idea, yet?

"Currently, the choice is apparently yours. Choose fast, or it won't be. Are

you going to be the hero of your family and save them from a

blackmailer, or the coward you've already demonstrated yourself to be."

The boy still had his head down and was pitifully sobbing. No one else

said a word and waited to see what would happen. Eventually, the boy,

young man, wailed, "It's Corban Yaxley! Corban Yaxley is blackmailing

my father!"

A moment later there was a huge flash of magic that exploded as light

out of the boy and he slumped forward, unconscious. It had almost

physically knocked people off their feet. Most, including Harry,

staggered. Only Pucey's hands, manacled behind the chair-back, held him

on his seat.

"Sweet Merlin!" someone gasped.

Flitwick ducked forward, as did Marchbanks, and both waved their

wands over the young man.

A few moments later, Flitwick said, "I've no idea if he's lost his magic or

it's just magical exhaustion. He's alive, though. I recommend getting

Peter up here to take a look at him before anyone does anything else."

Bones rounded on Harry, furious. "Well. It looks like you've just cost this

young man his magic. Are you happy?"

"Happy? No," Harry calmly replied. "Satisfied? If he's, indeed, lost his

magic; most definitely.

"And... I'll remind you, Madam Bones... all I did was talk. If he's lost his

magic, he did it to himself.

"I'll also clarify for you, you could have easily stopped it from happening.

Stunning him would have been one way. Simply speaking out and telling

me to stop would have been another. The same applies to everyone else

in this room. No one chose to do any of that. Clearly, you all chose not to.

"Now, is anyone going to call medi-wizard Robinson up?" he asked. "Or,

since he already has two patients down in the Infirmary under his direct

care, are you going to take Puke-boy down there?"

Eventually, they chose the latter; but not until Madam Bones berated

Harry for a further half a minute for his supposed cruelty.

Harry, though, was obviously unrepentant. He thought it was 'Just'.




Leading the way and with her two aurors levitating a still manacled and

unconscious Pucey down to the Infirmary, Madam Bones ordered, "Put

him on a bed at the other end, away from everyone else."

The three teens were next and Sirius, Narcissa and the two Professors

were bringing up the rear of the procession.

As the two aurors complied, Robinson said, "Hello. What's this, then?"

And moved over to begin examining the boy.

"He deliberately breached a magical Oath," said Bones. "I need you to

clarify whether or not he still has his magic."

Robinson gave her a short look of shock before he turned back to his

task. A moment later he asked, "Do the manacles inhibit his magical core

in any way?"

"Damn," said Bones. "Inhibit his magic, yes. I don't know if it affects the

core, though." Turning to the senior of her two aurors, she ordered,

"Remove the manacles. He's unconscious, so he's not going anywhere."

The Senior gave a nod, rolled Pucey onto his side and removed them.

With them off, he let Pucey roll back onto his back. He left his hands

behind him, though; so he was lying on them.

Robinson returned to working on him.

A few moments later, he said, "There's a spark of magic there. However, I

don't know if that's because that's all there is; or if it's severe magical

exhaustion. I'll need to monitor him overnight."

"No," said Bones. "We'll transfer him to Mungo's and into the DMLE-

secured ward there. I don't want to leave him in here where his victim is

recuperating." And cast a glance towards CeeCee, where she was still


Meanwhile Sirius, Narcissa and the three teens went to or returned to

near the two beds that contained CeeCee and young Natalie. Both Sirius

and Narcissa were making sure for themselves that CeeCee was going to

be alright.

Goodstone and Flitwick were standing apart, but near Bones, quietly

talking to one another and watching what Robinson was doing.

As soon as she saw her Aunt walk in, Susan only waited until she saw she

was not occupied with a task before going to her and giving her a hug.

While she was gone and everything else was going on, Justin softly

explained to the others what had happened, including Harry's part in it.

That then had Hermione look to Harry in awe. So did Daphne, but hers

had an underlying expression of fear mixed in.

Harry knew it was because of a pureblood's fear of losing their magic. For

a great many, they'd rather lose their lives than their magic. It was why

Harry said to Pucey that 'the blackmailer' would probably put his little

sister and other family members into the same predicament if he didn't

breach the Oath and tell them who it was.

It led Harry to a decision. Turning to his godfather he said, "Sirius, I

know she's a Pucey, but if Puke-boy over there really has lost his magic

we need to do something to protect his sister from the fallout of her big

brother exposing Yaxley as the blackmailer. Their father can go fff... flip

off, for all I care."

Sirius looked ready to snap out a denial before he then seemed to think

about it and gave a begrudging nod.

"Honestly, I think it's doubtful he has," said Harry.

Sirius frowned and asked, "Why?"

"Magic's all about intent, remember?" he replied. "If he was forced to give

the Oath, it was not his intent to risk his magic. However, if he was then

forced to breach the Oath, he might have. But, again, he might not. If

magic truly is about intent, then I doubt he has; or, at least all of it, at

any rate."

Sirius thought about that for a few moments before he said, "I'll be back."

Then walked over to Bones and started to quietly talk to her.

A long few seconds later she whirled to stare at Harry in surprise. He just

gave a half-hearted 'I dunno' shrug back. Then she walked over to quietly

talk to Robinson as the two aurors were re-affixing the manacles to

Pucey's wrists.

He, too, then looked surprised before he obviously dropped into deep

thoughts. He was a long few moments before he gave his own shrug to


Once Pucey was ready for transport again, he was again levitated by the

two aurors. Robinson activated the Infirmary floo for them and, with

Bones leading the way, the four all disappeared through it.

Once they were gone, Flitwick and Goodstone also left, but by way of the

doors claiming they needed to report back to Headmistress Lady

Marchbanks what had happened.

That left Sirius and Narcissa to spend time with the Heirs, including

CeeCee and Natalie. The latter was staying until she felt ready to go back

to Gryffindor tower. She seemed in no rush to do so, claiming she wanted

to watch over CeeCee too.

Narcissa spent a bit of time with the girl, softly talking to her. She was

telling the girl not to feel any blame for what happened, as no one else

held her to blame.

Eventually, as lunch time approached, Robinson threw them all out of

'his' Infirmary, telling the teens to at least go and eat lunch. However,

Sirius dug his heels in and Robinson knew he wouldn't win that

particular 'battle' of wills, so the two adults, the magical guardians,





Although they were late to lunch, it was a Sunday; therefore they did not

have the usual difficulties in finding a seat at a busy time. The group of

nine found a suitable enough and wide enough gap on the Ravenclaw

table, about where the fourth years would sit at one of the feasts, and sat


Because of Harry's very public ire towards Roger Davies towards the end

of the previous year about 'having' to sit with your own House for meals,

none of the 'Claws said a word about the group sitting there. However, he

found out later that Justin caught one of the girls, he thought a Sixth

Year, scowling at them. And he glared right back until she hurriedly

looked away. Not a word was said, but the girl had obviously known

she'd just been royally told off.

It was while they'd been sitting there for only a few minutes that Luna

Lovegood came over, found a gap in the group and plonked herself down

in it before looking to Harry.

"Harrison Potter," she calmly said. "I'm Luna Lovegood. But, you already

knew that, didn't you?"

Smirking at the girl with a cocked eyebrow he replied, "I did actually,

yes. What brings you to visit?"

"I wanted to see if you really are a wealthy old spinster or widowed

witch, or not," she replied. "You don't look like one to me."

When everyone else appeared confused, he tried to imitate the confusion

for a few moments before he asked, "And what, pray tell, would lead you

to such a... curious state of affairs?"

As she built herself another lunch, she said, "Because the mind-healer

lady who visits me on occasion and who talks with me to help me work

things out said it was a wealthy old witch who paid for her to come and

do so. I both believe it was you and that you are not a wealthy old


Unsurprised the girl had figured it out from what he knew of her, but still

surprised she would be so forward about asking, he was a few moments

before he thought about an answer. He said, "It sounds like this wealthy

old witch, whoever it is, did not want you to know who they were.

Otherwise, they'd have told you; yes? Maybe they don't want you to feel

beholden to them."

Luna paused to think about that for a while before she gave a firm nod

back and said, "Very well, Lord Harrison James Potter, wealthy old witch,

I'll not press you to tell me it's you." Then returned to her lunch.

As Luna was dragged into a conversation with Hannah a minute later,

Hermione leaned in to him and softly whispered, "You'll be explaining

that, tonight."




After their lunch, Harry reminded Justin he could work on his

assignments even in the Infirmary, if he was of a mind to.

"Just go and collect what you need from your apartment before heading

back to the Infirmary, first," he suggested.

Justin gave an almost distracted nod back and replied, "Yeah; thanks,


However, keeping a closer eye on the boy as they walked up to the Lords'

Quarters, Harry could see his new'ish friend was clearly blaming himself

for the harm that befell CeeCee.

Finally, once they hit the fifth floor and were walking down the corridor

to the Lords' Quarters door, Harry grabbed Justin and dragged the boy


"Justin," he firmly said. "Stop blaming yourself for what happened to


"My fault," said Justin, miserable.

"No, it wasn't," Harry firmly shot back. "This was entirely the fault of

Adrien Pucey, his father and, as we now know, Corban Yaxley. Madam

Bones will soon have the other two perpetrators in custody. Hells, she

might have the two already there!"

"We should have foreseen they'd try something like this," the boy sadly


"We did," said Harry. "And, clearly, so did you. Otherwise, you wouldn't

have had Raggy invisibly tailing her about.

"No, this is more on me, than you. I knew no elf would pro-actively

attack a witch or wizard. I knew they could only act aggressively if a

witch or wizard had already attacked one or ones considered their

family, or one their master has told them to protect.

"This now means I'll be bringing yet another elf to the castle and giving

them all stronger orders relating to defence when it comes to CeeCee and

those she'll be with, such as young Natalie.

Justin whirled on him and said, "You knew Raggy wouldn't attack first?"

"Of course," he replied. "They simply can't!"

Justin stared at him for a long moment before he asked, "Then what sort

of orders are you going to give a second elf? I want to give the same to


Harry nodded and said, "I'll be telling them that, should a curse or charm

be cast at them, they are to immediately put something like a stone block

in the way of it to block it. However you, me and medi-wizard Robinson

will be excused from that.

"Next, I'll be telling them that, as soon as they block that charm or curse,

they are to render unconscious the person who did it and bind them.

"Third, they are to get CeeCee away from the area to somewhere safe.

Preferably, your apartment or mine. Unless CeeCee's injured; in which

case they're to pop her directly to the Infirmary and inform the medi-

wizard, just as Raggy did this time.

"If there are any other conditions that might change or be added to that,

I'll let you know."

Calmer now, Justin nodded and said, "I'll also give thought to it and see if

I can find any improvements."

The two boys continued to head to the Quarters, catching up with Neville

and the ladies in short order.




Without any further discovered long-term or lasting damage, CeeCee was

released by Robinson on the Monday morning before classes started. And,

on being collected and welcomed with open arms by both Justin and

Tracey, was quick to rejoin both in the Finch-Fletchley apartment. She

did need to change, after all.

After classes, Harry was surprised to find Madam Bones knocking on the

door of the Potter Apartment. Hermione had answered the knock and let

the woman in a moment later.

It was obvious she was in a bit of a hurry as she immediately looked to

Harry; who sitting on one of the couches, working on homework and just

rising; and said, "You were right. Young Pucey did not lose his magic

breaking that oath. However, his magic has definitely been permanently

depleted. The healers estimate he's lost about a third of it."

Finished standing, Harry nodded. "I figured as much. I could not see how

a person could be forced to make an oath when magic, as was explained

to me, was all about intent.

"I could, however, see how he'd lose some of it, because there was

probably something in the back of his mind that actually wanted him to

make the oath. Otherwise, there would not have been the tell-tale flash of

magic to show the oath... 'took'."

She nodded and said, "That's pretty much the same explanation the

healers gave me for how it happened."

"Anyway," she sighed, "That's neither here nor there as to why I'm here."

She firmed up a bit and said, "Both Ambrose Pucey, young Mister Pucey's

father, and Corban Yaxley have been arrested. I can't get anything out of

Pucey Senior, because I couldn't convince him to give up the name of his

blackmailer. However, it proved unnecessary. When I told him Mister

Pucey the younger proved willing to sacrifice his magic to give up the

name of his blackmailer and did just that, Yaxley knew he was sunk.

That's when he finally admitted to the blackmailing and then gave us

what hold he had over Pucey the Elder in revenge. Both will now be

heading to Azkaban; after a trial, of course. That will be next week."

"Do we want to know what it was?" asked Hermione.

Bones hesitated a moment before she replied, "No; I don't think you really


"We don't need to," said Harry, giving Hermione a firm look before

turning back to Bones.

"Thank you for letting us know," he said. "Have you been in to see the

Finch-Fletchleys yet? They're in Apartment Nine."

She nodded and replied, "I've just come from there."




After Bones left, Harry followed her out and stopped at the Finch-

Fletchley apartment, knocking on the door.

Tracey was quick to open it and let him in. He didn't even realise his

three had followed him before Hermione slipped past him and went to sit

and talk with CeeCee, who was sitting on a sofa doing homework.

From close nearby, Justin looked to Harry and smiled. "Greetings, Lord

Potter," he said. "How fare thee?"

Harry gave a snort of amusement and replied, "I fare well, My Lord of

Lonsdale. And, may one as humble as I enquire; how art thou?"

That was it for Justin, he burst into laughter; which had Harry chuckling,

as well.

What Harry saw, though, was something that made him happier. CeeCee

was trying to smother a case of 'the giggles'.

"That one's a classic!" said Justin, starting to calm down.

"So, what brings you to visit?" asked a calmer Tracey.

Harry replied, "We just got a visit from Susan's aunt."

"Ah," said Tracey. "Good news, wasn't it." She didn't say it as a question,

more a statement; and the others knew it.




Harry had no idea they'd done it, but Neville and his two quietly alerted

the rest of the school that Harry had put Adrien Pucey into a position

where he had no choice but to breach an Oath. And that it was because

the young man had attacked CeeCee. Plus, that was why the boy was no

longer in school. Harry suspected they used the same method they 'outed'

Daphne and Harry entering a relationship agreement.

For purebloods, losing their magic was a horror they didn't even want to

contemplate. Deliberately doing it to themselves... That concept gave

them nightmares.

For the many who had heard and believed it now meant that any

fomenting plans that were about bringing harm or other mischief to

CeeCee were immediately discarded, with all evidence of it even

vanished lest Potter learn of it and come and deal with them in a similar

fashion. Killing someone was one thing; it was a whole different magical

duel to force them to give up their magic.

What they didn't know, as it was not something the Heirs wanted them to

know, was that Pucey had not lost all his magic - just some of it.

However, he wouldn't be returning to Hogwarts. Instead, there was no

doubt he'd be convicted of the attempted murder of CeeCee and sent to

Azkaban with his father and Yaxley. His own admissions would see to


He, his father and Yaxley would be facing the Wizengamot sitting in

judicial review the next Tuesday morning. In the mean time, he'd be

cooling his heels in the secure ward at Saint Mungo's while his father and

Yaxley sat in DMLE holding cells. As it was a capital crime, they'd not be

released on their own recognisance before the trial.




No longer focussed on nothing but food while sitting at the table during

meals, Ron had heard the rumour and decided it was more than

believable. To him, it further cemented for him that Potter was a dark

lord just waiting to take over the wizarding world. Forcing someone to

give up their magic, he thought, was probably the most evil act of which

he'd ever heard. Not even the Death Eaters had been that cruel.

And yet, people still thought that, while Potter had become dangerous,

the boy was still a hero.

'Hadn't they learned anything when it was discovered Dumbledore was

actually a hidden dark lord?' he wondered. 'Why can't they see Potter was

just like him?'

He now resolved to take even more time in practicing the dark curses and

the like in the books Nott had 'loaned' him. He was beginning to see it as

his duty to wizarding Britain, as a light wizard, to deal with Potter.

Already, he had figured that the dark magic detection wards did not

cover the unused classrooms, only the corridors.

While disillusioned he'd walked into one and cast a single curse before

running out, crossing the outside corridor and slipping into a broom

closet. He then waited there for a good five minutes to see if one of the

teaching staff hurried up to see what had happened.

When the five minutes passed, he left the broom closet, re-entered the

classroom and cast two even darker curses, before again quickly exiting

and jumping into the broom closet. When, again, no Professor turned up,

he knew he had his 'training room'.

That room was in the once banned third floor corridor 'on the left', not

far from the room that used to hold Fluffy.

What he was unaware of, nor was anyone left alive who knew, that entire

corridor had been separately warded by Quirrellmort with the use of

runes. The man... men, when considering two souls... had set it all up just

before the beginning of the 1991/92 year. He/They did not want any

magic cast in that area to be detectable by Dumbledore. So, to that end,

he/they created a self powering runic array that blocked the detection of

such magics covering the entire floor of that 'wing' of the castle. Then,

after what went down in the room with the Mirror, Riddle promptly

forgot about it; or no longer cared.

With that runic array in place and still active it created a null field in the

magical wards that related to cast magic. But, only relating to that third

floor corridor. The runic array was 'nested' within the wider wards that

covered the entire school and, therefore, overrode the castle's wards for

that particular area.

Ward and Ancient Runes Masters would be able to better explain it but,

simply put, Ron Weasley had unknowingly 'lucked out'. He had

somewhere that was now considered 'disused', where he could practice

casting dark and deadly curses and no one would detect it and intervene.




The next morning Sirius and Narcissa, together with a couple of aurors,

had turned up to pick up both CeeCee and young Natalie. They'd come to

collect both to take them to the DMLE to be interviewed over what

happened on the Sunday morning on the sixth floor.

They were both back just as the 'Heirs' were sitting down for morning tea

at the Hufflepuff table. And room was quickly made for both of them.

Natalie joined them.

The first to be ready to ask, Justin quietly asked, "How'd it go?"

"It went well," replied CeeCee. "Uncle Sirius and Mum Narcissa were with

us the whole time. It wasn't scary, at all."

Natalie said, "They gave us some special water to drink. It had these

potions in it that made it easier to talk about."

Neville said, "I remember that. It has a mild truth potion and calming

potion in it. A couple of drops of lemon juice, too."

"That's the one," nodded CeeCee.

Natalie added, "The auror, Connie I think her name was, said that the

person who forced the situation... along with that Slytherin boy and his

father... are all under arrest and won't be released until after the trials.

Even then she didn't think they'd be released, as she thought they'd be

found guilty and sent to 'Azzer-kah-ban', the prison."

Harry heard Hermione quietly mutter, "Azkaban." However, it was not

loud enough for either of the two younger girls to hear. She was

definitely doing better.

CeeCee said, "She said the trials would be held next Tuesday morning and

both Natalie and I will need to be there for it. Uncle Sirius and Mum

Narcissa are going to come and pick us up for it."

Harry smiled and said, "I'll be there, too, ladies."

"Me, too, if I can swing it," said Justin.




For the rest of the school week there were no further attempts of harm

directed towards CeeCee, or even young Natalie. However, Harry was

definitely experiencing people not within their group staying as far away

from him as they could get and still remain students within the school.

Again, students were afraid of him; just as they were in second year and

after what happened the previous school year when Weasley was

withdrawn from the school.

However, this time he had a much larger group of friends around him;

not to mention the three beautiful witches who often individually

warmed his bed.

Though he had worried about the initial reaction from Daphne, it passed

within less than a day. She was also eager to share his bed on the

Tuesday night to show she wasn't afraid of him, after all.

Again, Harry made sure she knew she didn't have to do 'that'. However,

she smiled with slight exasperation and said, "Harry; I love you. I know

you're not going to hurt me. I think it's about time you accepted that and

let me decide whether or not I want to sleep with you; alright?"

Chagrined, Harry smiled back and nodded. "Sorry," he muttered.

By way of apology, he slid down the bed as he pushed her to lie flat on

her back with her legs spread.

Moments later, Daphne no longer cared. "Ohhhh... M-merrr-LIIIIN!"

Hermione joined him the next night with the excuse that, since they both

had Astronomy that night, it 'made sense' they slept together so they'd

ensure they'd both make it.

It made Harry laugh, but he didn't turn her away.

When they returned from Astronomy, this year it was at 10.00pm, they

both snuggled down together and were quickly asleep.

Thursday, like Wednesday, had the first period a 'free study' period.

Unlike Wednesday, though, he didn't also have the free period in fourth

period. That was the one where Daphne and Hermione were studying

Arithmancy. Though, by the end of the day's classes, he still ended up

exhausted. Thankfully, he knew Friday didn't have a class for him until

the fourth period, when he had Ancient Runes.

For Thursday night he was in bed by 9.00pm and asleep by 10.30pm,

though. The delay wasn't because he was restless, but because Fleur

joined him within ten minutes of him going to bed. He tried to make sure

she was content to drift off to sleep before doing so, himself; and, he

thought, failed.

The next morning, Friday morning, he apologised to her for going to

sleep so fast. She laughed and said she'd expected it. Then demanded he

immediately make up for it with morning sex. A 'penance' he was happy

to accomplish.




After the final class on Friday afternoon, a single of Transfiguration with

the 'Claws, Harry, Hermione and Neville made their way to DADA, where

the other girls and Justin were just coming out. Theirs was a combined

Hufflepuff and Slytherin class.

They also knew that CeeCee had finished her last class for the day,

Arithmancy, an hour earlier and that she'd already be up in the Lords'

Quarters. For the whole week Fleur was disillusioning herself and waiting

outside whatever classroom CeeCee was in for the sixth period and

tailing the girl back to the Quarters.

She was also happy to tell Harry and Justin that, as well as Natalie,

CeeCee was making further friends in the third year Gryffindor girls'

cohort. They were Lucy Hurst, Anna Mirfield and Kate Olney. However,

that last one was not as close as the first two and definitely not as close

as Natalie. Further, a boy named Michael Karume was often with them.

He was, as Fleur put it, 'sniffing' after Hurst.

It seems the other girls were all afraid of Vane and Holmes destroying

their reputations with vicious rumours. Now that CeeCee had publicly

put both girls in their place, CeeCee was now considered somewhat of a

hero among the rest.

This was all good news for the Heirs. It meant, within her House and year

cohort at least, they did not consider her a 'dark' witch. It also helped

that CeeCee was also a very likeable young lady.

Personally, she'd only already made two enemies, Vane and Holmes, but

both were far too afraid of what Harry or Justin, let alone Sirius, would

do to them if they tried anything. Harry was happy with that. He didn't

mind others being afraid of him and what he could do to them if it kept

his friends and bonded safe.

Until then he was completely unaware, however, that Fleur had been up

to the third year girls' dorm in the Gryffindor tower and set a number of

rune warded protections about CeeCee's bed and trunk. His other two

bonded did, but all three decided it was something Harry need not know.

In that, Fleur had been clever. She'd taken a leaf out of Harry's 'play-book'

and only warded CeeCee's bed and effects with wards triggered by ill-

intent. She did tell Harry she put up a 'notification' ward, but it was

linked directly to her.

When Harry was about to say something, she smiled back and said, "I

know what you are thinking, 'Arry. But, think about it. It's in the girls'


"Ah!" he said, understanding.

If the alert ward was set to him, he'd not be able to get up to CeeCee's

dorm room, anyway. He wasn't female.




That morning, Harry rose as early as usual and joined everyone for


After breakfast finished he was then all set to escort his ladies to their

first class when Daphne poked a finger into his chest and said, "Sit!"

When it looked like he was going to speak out in denial, she cut him off

and said, "Look at how many of us there are now, Harry. There are no

classes, now, where we'll be unaccompanied at all times. We do not need

you to watch over us every waking moment."

Frowning, he eventually gave a nod as Daphne pulled her finger away.

"Then, what do you think I should do?" he asked.

She immediately replied, "Make Friday mornings the time you work on

House of Potter business and catch up on what you miss at the monthly

Wizengamot meetings. You spent practically all of last Friday morning

going over the Potter Gringotts accounts, yes?"

It was the Friday after the first Monday of the month, so Harry had

received the documents on the Monday, but didn't have time to deal with

them until the Friday morning while 'his' ladies were in classes. Even

Fleur was out and about in the school - he suspected her of tailing


Hermione, waiting, said, "That's a good idea, actually." Looking more

direct at Harry, she said, "The reason you chose to pull out of Muggle

Studies was so you had the time to work on House of Potter matters,

right? When better when you should have been in Muggle Studies at that


With a sigh, he nodded and said, "You're right. It's a perfect time to work

on that."

So, that morning it was exactly what he did less the working on missed

classes due to Wizengamot meetings or the like. He hadn't missed any

yet. But would on the coming Tuesday due to the trials.

After having worked on the finances of the House the previous Monday,

this day he was working on improving his share and property portfolios.

Property-wise he had Pottermore, Potter Cottage in Godric's Hollow and

Lily's Retreat in Cokeworth, plus the few rental properties, but wanted to

also acquire a couple more nice places for when his children came of age;

or even something nice for Daphne for if and when she wanted to move

out after she bore the Greengrass heirs and decided to part ways with

him. It would be a nice 'going away' gift.

Thinking further on it he wanted to see if the goblins of Gringotts could

organise an international property consultant for him. He was thinking

about purchasing a 'holiday' property near Delacour Manoir in France,

another near CeeCee's folks in Western Australia that could double as an

emergency retreat for them and something in MaCUSA within New York

and near what he knew of the 'garment' district there. He'd heard there

was good shopping to be had there and thought his ladies might

appreciate it. That one might need to be a penthouse, though, if he

wanted it in New York City. Then again, he'd heard nice things about a

place called 'The Hamptons', which were not that far away on that Long

Island of theirs. That could also be 'do-able'.

Shares-wise he couldn't see any changes he'd like to make. Everything

was doing fine. So, contrary to his 'itching' desire to make improvements,

he knew any changes he made would unlikely be such. With a sigh he left

it alone.

With his instructions to Ted Tonks, rather than Gringotts, to look for an

real estate consultant for him sent off using Hedwig, Harry made his way

out of the office to go over his assignments for the week to remind

himself what was done and what was still left to do.




73. A Fervent Speech

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to the proverbial Duchess of

Magic, JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high

falutin' companies. No matter how much I whine about not owning anything

related to the HP universe, other than a few fanfic plots, I do not profess to

own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful

world... Damn it!

Chapter Seventy Three - A Fervent Speech




As usual, it would be a morning session for court. Bones had decided not

to hold off the trials until the next week, the normal sitting of the

Wizengamot, for whatever reason of which Harry was unaware. He

suspected it was because she wanted to get it out of the way before

Yaxley's supporters could gather him even more support.

She claimed she didn't think it would make any difference, seeing as he

eventually 'coughed' to the crime. However, she was also not willing to

take any chances.

Though Harry thought Justin might have been denied attendance, Lady

Marchbanks had put her foot down against dissenters and stated he'd be


So Harry, Justin, CeeCee and Natalie - all accompanied by Lady

Marchbanks - headed for the Wizengamot chambers at about 9.30am on

the Tuesday for the trial.

As soon as they stepped out of the floo they were met by Sirius and

Narcissa. And the now seven, with Lady Marchbanks again on Harry's

arm, headed up to the DMLE offices. Again, a small posse of aurors

surrounded them as they stepped out of the floo.

Then, as soon as they arrived and it was assured the others were all with

Bones, Harry and Marchbanks left and headed down to the chambers.

Harry was eager to get a feel for the mood of the other Members as they

arrived. He also wanted a word with the other Alliance members. Sirius,

though he had a Seat, had already and rightfully recused himself, so

would 'escort' CeeCee and Natalie as co-magical guardian.

As soon as Harry and Marchbanks were gone, Bones looked to who

remained in the office with her and said, "Alright. This is how trials in

wizarding Britain work and how this one will go down..."




After accomplishing what he wanted to do well within the remaining

time, when the Members were called to enter Harry had to duck back out

onto the main floor. He was a witness and, therefore, had to give

testimony. As he'd temporarily given his proxy to Frank Longbottom, he

only needed to make sure the documentation for that was in the hands of

the Court Scribe before he could head for the visitors' gallery and meet

back up with Narcissa.

The first trial was the recovered Adrien Pucey. Clearly 'broken' he'd

pleaded Guilty, right from the start. Then he went into what happened,

when and why. He offered no excuses other than his father was being

blackmailed by Corban Yaxley into forcing him, Adrien, to attempt to kill

CeeCee; or, as he put it, 'the muggleborn bitch who stole the Malfoy


Both CeeCee and Natalie were called up first to give testimony of what

they were doing leading up to the attack. Then Natalie spoke of what

happened immediately afterwards.

"You saw who cast the charm?" pressed Bones.

"Yes," said a confident Natalie. She then pointed a finger at Pucey and

said, "He did."

Medi-wizard Robinson gave testimony that the 'charm' used by Pucey, if

it wasn't for a house elf popping her directly into his presence together

with his quickly determining what curse she'd been hit with, would have

killed her.

"So," said Bones, handling the questioning, "The hardening charm, Duro,

would have been fatal if not for both the little elf and your ability to

quickly determine what had happened?"

"Yes," he replied. "Even then, it was a close thing. Seconds later and I

doubt I'd have been able to save her."

Harry was then called and gave his account of what had happened from

his own point of view. He even spoke of how Pucey first tried to make it

seem as if it was he who was attacked, rather than being the attacker,

until Harry confronted him in the presence of the two professors.

However, Harry was not required to speak about what had happened a

short while later in Marchbanks's office. The defence law-wizard tried to

argue that Harry had misheard, or might have been lying. However, as

soon as Harry said, "If you doubt my word or recollection I'm more than

willing to submit a memory for the pensieve."

That had the law-wizard immediately back-pedal and claim it wasn't


Harry then said, "So, you accept my recollection is accurate after all, do


He didn't answer. Instead, he turned to the Chief Adjudicator and firmly

said, "I have no further questions for this witness."

Pucey the younger was sentenced to ten years in Azkaban medium

security. However, he was held back to provide evidence in the cases

against both his father and Yaxley.




Harry thought they'd trial Pucey senior next. However, they brought in

Yaxley first.

'Ah!' he thought. 'This way, they can use the evidence already accepted in

both Pucey junior and Yaxley's cases to try Pucey senior. Clever.'

Yaxley was found guilty of blackmail, accessory before the fact and

conspiracy to commit murder. He was sentenced to fifteen years medium

security for the conspiracy to murder charge. However, he received an

added five years for the attempted blackmail; the second sentence to be

served consecutively to the first. That meant he wouldn't be out for

twenty years. They returned a verdict of 'no finding' for the accessory

before the fact charge as the conspiracy charge made it moot.

Harry thought it was irrelevant as he did not believe the older man

would survive anywhere near half that long. Very few did; Sirius not


When Ambrose Pucey was brought in and pleaded 'Not guilty', Bones

immediately hit him with the evidence already submitted and accepted

from the first two trials and said, "Perhaps you would like to change your

plea? It will not be held against you if you do so now. However, if you do

not accept this offer, then it will be held against you when you will be

found guilty of your crimes."

Knowing he was definitely sunk, Pucey changed his plea. It was also laid

out Yaxley was blackmailing him for being involved, back when Riddle

was running around, with kidnapping and shipping young muggleborns

off overseas in a slave market. The gold raised went to Riddle's war


He was sentenced to Azkaban for life in the maximum security section. If

he gave up, under Veritaserum, all he knew of the details surrounding the

young muggleborn girls and what happened to them, he'd be serving it in

the medium security section. He took the offer.

Unknown to Harry, that information was collected, collated and the

details sent to the ICW's International auror and hit wizard force. Over

thirty wizards, especially in the middle east and far east, were captured

in raids over the next six months. Out of the fifty-plus girls that were

taken, less than a handful were found still alive. All the wizards involved,

less Pucey, were tried at the ICW. However, Pucey was a major witness in

their trials. All of them were quietly executed. The remaining

muggleborns were in no physical or mental fit state to return to their

original lives - for all of them, their families had been killed when they

were taken - and assistance was given to them to try and build new lives

away from magical Britain and the countries to which they'd been 'sold'.

Though Ambrose Pucey was sent to the medium security wing of

Azkaban, he still died five years later a very much broken man. His death

was considered suspicious, but no evidence was found of foul play or

who could have done it.

That evening of the trial, Harry sent Dobby to Diagon Alley to purchase a

large and a medium tub of strawberry flavoured ice-cream. Then had the

elf deliver the first to Natalie in her dorm, together with a half dozen

spoons, for her and her dorm mates; and had the second delivered to

CeeCee in the Finch-Fletchley apartment. He also included notes for both

Natalie and CeeCee informing them they'd done real good that day in


The next morning he received big hugs from both girls. And Tracey

added her own a little later. She'd 'shared' CeeCee's tub at the younger

girl's invitation. A little later he'd found out Natalie had, as he suspected

she would, shared hers with the other girls in the Third Year Gryffindor

girls' dorm; and they sat around it in their pyjamas polishing it off and





Over the next couple of days, as they'd been for the past couple of weeks,

notes were flying back and forth between the leading and involved

members of the Alliance, plus two, plus Ted Tonks and the Longbottom

Law-wizard of Record who was responsible for drafting the new Alliance

documents. A new Charter needed to written and agreed upon.

All that work culminated in the meeting on the next Saturday of the

Alliance. As 'special guests', also included were Sirius Black, Narcissa

Malfoy and CeeCee. To make it so no one would speak against attendance

of any of the three if the meeting was to be held at their residence, Harry

had earlier offered Pottermore as the meeting place. Frank was grateful,

but had also been prepared to offer Longbottom Hall if needed.

The meeting was scheduled for an hour after the lunch period at


However, Harry and his three flooed to Pottermore directly from the end

of lunch. They had work to do to get Pottermore ready for the meeting.

One of the things he needed to do was stretch out the formal dining table

a little. As well as the twenty, until then, Houses in the Alliance, there

would also be attending the Houses of Black and Malfoy, Law-wizards of

Record Ted Tonks for Potter and Black and Thaddeus Wynch of Wynch

and Associates for Longbottom. They would all have a seat at the table.

Heir Primaries, of course, would be seated behind; as well as an associate

of each of the law-wizards, who were there for record-keeping purposes.

That brought the number up to twenty-four who would be sitting at the

table. The Pottermore formal dining table was standard configured to sit

eighteen, so it was no inconvenience to slot an extra in at both of the

sides to sit the twenty. However, twenty-four was too many to

accommodate without adjusting the table to allow them all to

comfortably sit. Fleur handled that.

Harry was surprised to figure out he was actually nervous; or, at least,

more nervous than for something like speaking before the 'Mot.

As members began to arrive, Harry's three ladies did the escorting to the

right areas; even though there was no one who would be attending, other

than Wynch and his associate, who had not already been there before.

Last to arrive, as planned, were Sirius and Narcissa. CeeCee had arrived

with Justin as one of the first 'families' of the noble Houses, as was

proper. But, she begged to hang back to wait for 'Mum Narcissa' and

Harry had no problem with it.

He only said, "Just stay back out of the receiving line, keep quiet and try

to pretend to be a piece of furniture for the moment. You're a guest here

and take no part in the receiving line."

She blushed, thanked him and moved to stand off to the side near the

doors leading to the formal dining room.

As soon as Narcissa... Dowager Malfoy... stepped out of the floo, CeeCee

gave a soft squeal and dashed forward to give the woman a hug before

she was more than two steps out of the floo. After Narcissa 'walked the

receiving line' she turned to CeeCee and softly admonished her for acting

without proper decorum.




Once all the relevant witches and wizards were in their seats, Harry

opened the meeting by standing and stating, "Thank you, all, for

attending what I would have to say is the second most auspicious meeting

of our Alliance. I would say, without evidence supporting it, the first

meeting of the Alliance would have been the most auspicious.

"Today marks the day when our alliance sheds the moniker 'The Potter-

Longbottom Alliance' and takes as its standard 'The Grand Alliance'."

Harry was surprised when there was a short, but heartfelt, sudden round

of applause.

"Thank you," he said. "While I might have been the one who first openly

tabled the concept, I am aware this has also been a dream of House

Longbottom since the early days of the Alliance. Plus, as I have been far

too busy dealing with being a student at Hogwarts in their OWL year, the

development of the new Charter has been championed by Lord

Longbottom of House Longbottom.

"With your indulgence, I now hand the Chair of the meeting to he." And

followed that up by sliding the gavel across to Frank, who accepted it

with a smile.

It also generated another soft round of applause as Harry walked to sit at

the other end of the table, where Frank should have sat.

With the gavel in his hand and beginning to twirl it through his fingers, a

sign Harry already knew signalled he was nervous, Frank outlaid what

had been done and then called on Mister Wynch to give the legal

arguments for what needed to happen.

Less than an hour later, the Potter-Longbottom Alliance was no more and

the Grand Alliance had been formed. As it was the commencement of a

new Alliance, there was no need to 'invite' the Houses of Black or Malfoy

to join. They became founding members of the new Alliance, along with

the 'pre-existing' membership of the old Potter-Longbottom Alliance.

Their Alliance now had twenty-two member Houses, of which nine held

seats on the Wizengamot in their own right. That was a significant

number of votes that could not be scoffed at. That three of those

members were of the Seven would also allow the Alliance to carry a fair

bit more political weight than they had as the Potter-Longbottom


It was also hoped it would bring in even further members, who would see

the size of the voting bloc and want to become part of it. It was a good


The only ones grumbling about it were, again, old MacMillan plus,

surprisingly, a couple of the Elder Houses. While Sirius had been proven

to be a wizard of the light, they had too many years of thinking him to be

'the right hand man' of Voldemort and a member of one of the darkest

Houses of wizarding Britain to just let go of their prejudices so quickly or


Harry was hopeful that Sirius's fun-living and pleasant side, once he

allowed the second more freedom, would aid in that.

There was also now far more welcoming of CeeCee occurring, since she

was clearly the companion of a phoenix. Narcissa, however, was still

looked upon with wariness. It wasn't just that she was the Dowager

Malfoy, either; but that she, too, was a member of the House of Black.

Narcissa sat at the table with Sirius, acting as Regent for House Malfoy,

with CeeCee sitting behind her. And Andi, as Heiress Primary, sat behind

Sirius and alongside CeeCee.

What Harry did not know, though, was that a lot of the wives of

members no longer saw Narcissa in that light. He didn't notice until they

were all leaving that many of the wives now also wore the little metal

lapel badge that showed them to be members of the Tapestry Circle.

The men folk were not yet aware, but the wives and other dowagers

would ensure Narcissa was given a 'fair shake' by the rest of the Alliance,

whether the menfolk liked it or not.

Harry thought, 'Just how bloody large has this club of theirs gotten,





After the meeting Frank, Alice, Neville and his, plus Justin and his, all

hung back with Harry and his to discuss more informally their views of

the meeting.

"It went even better than I thought," said Frank, smiling. He turned to

Alice and asked, "How did things go in your meeting?"

"You'd be surprised," smiled Alice. "There was no rancour to Narcissa

being present at all. Many of us know her quite well and do not doubt

her allegiance and intent."

That surprised Harry, just as it seemed to do for Frank, Neville and

Justin, but it was also obvious none of the girls were surprised. Harry

thought it was because they'd spent time with her recently. He was still

unaware of the true reason for the Tapestry Circle and the womenfolk

were keeping it that way. Law-wizard Dewey was still the only male

aware of its true purpose.

"I fear we're going to lose MacMillan, after all," scowled Harry. "I think

his son is going to force it. Old Augustus knows he doesn't have long

before he's going to have to hand off the Lordship of his House to his Heir

Primary. Once he does, Cyril will be waiting for the excuse to withdraw

his House."

"My thoughts, too," said Frank. "I also think that's why Augustus is both

being so obstructionist about these changes and not having already

handed the Headship over."

"And we're not helping by bringing in even more changes," sighed Harry.

"No," replied Frank. "However, I will not be party to the halt of bringing

in these changes just to keep the support of only one House. The Alliance

is bigger than that. It needs to be."

Harry nodded and quietly, but vehemently, said, "And I agree."




On return to the school, Harry corralled Neville and Justin into a 'blokes'

talk' session in his office with the door closed. The idea of it amused the


With butterbeers shared between them, Harry asked, "The girls seem to

be up to something regarding this Tapestry Circle of theirs. Any ideas?"

"None," scowled Neville, folding his arms and almost seeming to pout. "I

was hoping you would. You seem to be pretty good at sussing out what's

really going on at times."

"Nope," he replied before turning to Justin. "Any ideas?"

Justin gave a sigh and ran the fingers of his wand hand through his hair.

"I hadn't even noticed anything until today. It's like... they've all got this

big secret and they're not willing to share it with us mere males.

"Did you notice it seems to also include pretty much all the wives? Hell,

even old Molly Fanwater seems to be involved and she was in the

meeting with us all afternoon."

Harry said, "I also noticed Lady Marchbanks seems to know what's going

on. But she, just as obviously, won't share."

"Dad knows something's going on," said Neville. "But he's more amused by

it than anything else."

"Well," said Harry, "Unless it proves harmful for our Houses or the

Alliance, I suggest we don't push them too hard over it.

"I fear they might just tell us and we'll learn it's something we really

didn't want to know about."

Both other boys winced with Justin adding, "I hear ya."




At the Wizengamot meeting on the following Tuesday, when the first call

for 'New Business' was made, Frank confidently stood.

"The Chair recognises the House of Longbottom," said Ogden. "Lord


"Thank you, Chief Warlock Ogden," said Frank. "I stand to make an

announcement of great import. Together with the House of Potter I

formally announce that the Potter-Longbottom Alliance is no more."

When there arose loud but short exclamations of shock. Frank held up his

hand in both a stop and shushing motion.

Then, as the sounds of shock quickly faded away, he said, "In its place I

happily announce the formation of a new, wider, alliance. I announce the

formation of what is called the Grand Alliance.

"As well as continuing to claim the entire membership of the then

existing Potter-Longbottom Alliance, the Grand Alliance also includes in

its membership the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black and the

Magical House of Malfoy. In total, the current membership of the Grand

Alliance sits at twenty Houses; of which nine are voting members of the

Wizengamot and sit amongst you, three of which are of the Seven.

"Wizengamot member Houses are: Longbottom, Potter, Black, Bones,

Marchbanks, Ogden, Greengrass, MacMillan and Finch-Fletchley. Another

Noble House, The Venerable House of Delacour, is a voting member of

the French version of our illustrious body.

"Secondly, I announce the Grand Alliance has not and will not, at this

time, close its rolls to further membership applications. Please approach

one of our aforementioned member Houses for further information, if

joining us interests you.

"Chief Warlock, I have no further business at this time and thank you for

the opportunity to present this auspicious news." And sat down again.

Harry was surprised there wasn't a bigger ruckus about the

announcement. When he sat forward in his seat and looked about, he

could see that many of those outside of the Alliance were clearly either in

shock or were already deep in thought of what it would mean for them or

how they could benefit from or lose to it. Obviously, the members of the

'Mot were capable of rational thought, after all. He was interested in

seeing how this played out outside of the Alliance.

"Thank you, Lord Longbottom," said Ogden. "Next?"

That was it for the 'big' notices; or, so Harry thought.

Parkinson then tried yet another play upon CeeCee.

On being recognised by Ogden he stood and said, "The House of

Parkinson is concerned that the supposed Heir of the House of Malfoy is

being unduly―"

"Objection!" cried Sirius, with Lady Marchbanks and Bones both voicing

their own points of order almost simultaneously and before Sirius was

able to complete the three syllables.

"Lord Black voices an objection, a point of order," Ogden near-snarled.

"However, I believe I already know what it will be. Lord Black."

Sirius, already on his feet, firmly said, "Chief Warlock Ogden; it appears,

yet again, that Lord Parkinson is attempting to interfere in the practices

of another House. This time he casts aspersions upon the Heir Apparent

of the Magical House of Malfoy, Miss Charlotte Wilkins... as he knew and

she is proven to be by the inheritance rites of the Goblin Nation. As Miss

Wilkins's joint magical guardian, I take great offence at his remarks and

demand he retract them immediately.

"More and more it is becoming clear Lord Parkinson seeks to annoy me to

the point where I must take... other... action against he and his House.

Lord Parkinson will cease these clear hostilities against the House of

Malfoy and my magical ward or find himself... dealt with."

Even before Ogden could turn his attention from Sirius back to

Parkinson, Parkson snapped back, "I retract. You cannot protect her

forever, Black."

"I don't need to, Parkinson," Sirisu snapped back. "Only until you and your

cohorts are dealt with."

"GENT-LE-MEN!" roared Ogden. "Enough!"

When both men shut up, he firmly said, "Lord Parkinson, this is the third

time you have made attempts to use this body to discover, or otherwise

interfere with, the practices of the House of Malfoy. It will also be the

last time.

"Should you attempt such in the future, I will call for the immediate vote

the House of Parkinson be evicted from this body until such time your

Heir stands to take the Seat. Have I made myself clear?"

"You dare?" roared Parkinson, surging back to his feet.

"I don't dare, Lord Parkinson," said Ogden. "It is the law. It has been the

law for centuries. I would be a poor Chief Warlock if I did not adhere to

those laws today.

"The House of Parkinson has been formally warned, Lord Parkinson. Don't

test my mettle."

While Parkinson continued to stand there, almost quivering in rage,

Ogden continued, "I also put that same warning to every other Member.

If you attempt to use this body to unwantedly, by the Houses concerned,

interfere in the lawful practices of other Houses, you will receive the

same treatment.

"This will be the last of it. I will have no more without immediately

issuing my aforementioned sanctions."

After giving that a long few moments to settle in the minds of all, he said,

"Now; next item of new business, please."




For the past few weeks, life back at Hogwarts had settled down. Harry,

Daphne and Hermione became used to the new workload for their OWL

year; as, apparently, did the other Heirs. CeeCee was happy and was

spending more time with new friends doing her own study for third year.

She also had friends occasionally visit her in the Finch-Fletchley

apartment, but spent more time in the library and the Gryffindor tower

with them than in the apartment at those times.

None of the others had a problem with that. However, besides Raggy and

Dobby following those who walked alone, at times, when Harry

mentioned the problem to Sirius, Narcissa immediately dispatched a

female house elf named Tizzy to 'bolster' the elves in keeping an eye on

things. Tizzy would be entirely responsible for keeping an eye on CeeCee

at all times while she was out of the apartment; and would also act as

'Ladies' Elf' to both CeeCee and Tracey while in the apartment. The elf

had no other work to do once Narcissa had put Malfoy Manor into stasis.

Tizzy was Narcissa's 'other' Ladies' Elf. She had two. The first, she had

with her at the Black Townhouse. Two other elves were left at Malfoy

Manor to keep things neat and tidy; one for inside and one for the


Now that Fleur had started her new job at Gringotts - she had to go in for

the one day of work on the Friday, the day before, as that was the 'first

day of October' as stated by the contract - she would not be able to tail

CeeCee about the school. Hence why the increase of their elf

'surveillance' at the school. She was even in on this day, the Saturday, as

she claimed she wanted to get a better wandgrip on how to get about

inside that area of Gringotts that was 'Gringotts personnel only' before

she returned on the Monday morning.

"It is my responsibility not to get lost, mon cher," she'd said. "But I will be

back in plenty of time for one of your dinners, yes?"

"You can do as you need or desire, Love," said Harry. "You know that."

She'd returned as Harry was making a start on dinner for that night.




In the afternoon, Harry was happily working in the kitchen of the Potter

Apartment while the girls were sitting at the dining table and watching

him through the doorway between the two rooms. Today, he had Giggles

in with him as he showed her some of his cooking 'secrets'.

The girls had recently taken to doing assignments and chatting at the

dining table on Saturdays while Harry worked. And were also often

joined with one or more of the girls from one of the other apartments;

more often than not 'plural', rather than 'single'.

What Harry was completely unaware of, this day, was that they were

quietly talking about matters that had nothing to do with their school

work. They were talking about matters relating to the Tapestry Circle.

Occasionally, one of the girls would come in and watch for a short time.

But that was to assure themselves that Harry wasn't paying any attention

to what they were talking about, more than watching him work.

Daphne quietly said, "The Aldermaston matriarch has put her foot down

with her son, Lord Aldermaston, and firmly told him he's to find a way to

terminate the current betrothal agreement with House Monkleigh. Both

are pureblood houses from a long line of purebloods."

Susan, one of those present, winced and said, "I bet that went down well."

"Unknown," said Daphne. "But, I doubt very much Lord Aldermaston was


"So, it's begun," said Hermione. "I'm surprised it was a Grey family that

started it, though."

Susan said, "I'm not surprised. The Aldermaston matriarch is well known

for being a real battle-axe. Plus, Lord Aldermaston is a... as you would

say... a bit of a 'woss'?"

"Wuss, yes," nodded Hermione. "I take it he fears her."

Daphne gave a slight snort and wryly said, "It is well known in 'polite

circles' Lord Aldermaston wouldn't go to the toilet if his mother told him

he wasn't allowed to."

"Any others?" asked Hermione.

Daphne nodded and replied, "Pressure is now starting to be brought to

bear right across the Houses of the Circle of those who have children

under relationship agreements that have not yet been activated. Many

are waiting to see if Dowager Aldermaston is successful before they more

overtly act."

Hannah, also there, said, "Then it won't be too long before the real reason

for the Tapestry Circle becomes known outside the Circle."

Hermione, thinking, quietly said, "With Dowager Aldermaston making

the first overt move we need to tell Cissy it's time we start secretly

informing some of our boys the real reason for the Circle."

"Already?" asked Susan.

"Best we tell them in our own way," said Daphne, "Than them find out

from some Lord who used family magics to force one of our members

into releasing the information."

"How quickly will we need to move?" asked Hermione.

Daphne shrugged and replied, "Personally, I'd have rather waited until

Yule, at least. However, with Dowager Aldermaston acting as quickly as

she has, I don't think we have the time. I don't think the Circle has the


Hannah said, "Something must have happened between Houses

Aldermaston and Monkleigh for her to jump the duelling flag like this."

Daphne nodded and said, "Agnes Monkleigh started third year in

Slytherin this year. Something must have happened there for her to


Hermione suddenly asked, "On an aside, do we have any idea who Miss

Monkleigh is betrothed to?"

"It'll be Dennis Aldermaston in sixth year," said Tracey. "He's in

Ravenclaw and Heir Secondary, I think, of the House. His older brother

Samuel, who graduated two years ago, is Heir Primary."

"Let's write to Cissy and ask her what she thinks we should do," said


Fleur chose that moment to walk in from the kitchen. "'Arry is doing

something with pork skin I 'ave no idea why."

"What is he doing?" asked Hermione.

"'E's stripped it of fat, dried it, salted it and is layering it on a rack in a

baking tray to go into the oven."

Hermione thought about it and slowly grinned. "He's making pork

crackle. It sounds like we're having roast pork for dinner."

"Yes," said Fleur. "He told me that is what we're having. Plus, 'e's making

a 'erb-infused tomato soup for starters and a custard infused cake for


Susan groaned a little and moaned, "There goes my waistline again."

Hannah said, "You'll burn it off tomorrow in the Room of Requirement."

The Heirs, on returning to the castle at the beginning of the school year,

also returned to training. They liked how it made them fitter and more

toned. And wanted to recover what they'd lost while they were on break.

Now they were joined by CeeCee, who also preferred to stay fit. And she

now brought Natalie with her.




As the Heirs sat around the dining table that evening enjoying Harry's

delicious Pork dinner, Fleur was telling them all about what it appeared

it was going to be like learning to be a cursebreaker under Gringotts'

employ. She'd covered most of what she was talking about on the Friday

night with the rest of the Potter 'apartmenthold'. However, she'd learned

even more about it while she was at Gringotts that morning and early


"There is a young man there," she said. "He has been there for more than

five years and is now considered one of Gringotts rising stars in the field

of cursebreaking. He will be my main trainer.

"His name is Bill Weasley and he is the oldest boy of the Weasley family

you seem to know so well."

As Harry cocked an eyebrow in surprise, Hermione said, "I thought he

was supposed to be in Egypt."

Fleur snickered and said, "'E is often in Egypt, yes. 'Owever, most of the

time 'e is 'ere in Britain. 'E begged me to ask you not to tell his mother, or

any other member of his family really, that 'e does not spend most of his

time overseas."

"Why?" asked Daphne.

Before Fleur could answer, Harry did. "Because, if his mother learned he

was in wizarding Britain, she would demand he live at The Burrow

instead of... wherever he does."

"Just so," said Fleur. "'E loves his mother but, according to 'im, she is a

very difficult woman to live with."

"Molly Weasley wants and tries to believe that all her 'babies' are still

small children," explained Harry. "That Bill, for instance, is now well into

his twenties is irrelevant to her. He is still one of her babies and she's

damned well going to treat him as one."




After 'Confidential Tapestry Circle Correspondence' between the female

Heirs, Narcissa and Dorothy over the next school fortnight, the females of

the Heirs group were finally 'permitted' to tell 'their boys' just what was

the true purpose of the Circle.

Narcissa believed it was only a matter of days before the secret broke.

Her law-wizard had already prepared press statements that would go out

as soon as he knew the Daily Prophet had the story. No one, but he and

his informant though, knew he had an informant within the type-set

section of the Daily Prophet, who would immediately let him know when

'anything of interest' was about to be printed in the paper. He might only

have about twelve hours notice of the story breaking, but it was better

than none at all.

The girls then called the meeting of the Heirs for a meeting in the Potter

Apartment, as it was the largest of the three. They also made sure that

Ernie was invited; and the boy was quick to accept and attend.

The meeting was held on the Friday evening, after dinner, the day before

the October meeting of the Grand Alliance. Ernie was the last to arrive.

As he walked in, Harry said, "Excellent. We're all here." Closing the door,

he turned back to 'his' girls and asked Hermione. "Alright, Hermione.

You've got us all here. Now, what's this about?"

Hermione gave a nod back, seemed to mentally fortify herself and looked

in general to the other Heirs. "Us ladies have been given permission to

tell you boys what the true purpose of the Tapestry Circle is. That's

because Narcissa and a few others believe the story will break within the

next couple of days."

Frowning in annoyed confusion, Harry looked to the others and noticed it

was only himself, Neville, Justin and Ernie who didn't seem to

understand what was going on.

He said, "I've already figured out, I think, it has something to do with the

bloodlines. Am I right?"

When the other girls all looked back at him with surprised shock, it was

Daphne who recovered first and replied, "That is correct. And, we should

not be surprised you figured at least that much out."

"Really?" asked Neville.

"Truly," replied Daphne.

Hermione sighed and said, "I guess us ladies should not be surprised you

figured that much out, Harry. Not considering how much you've shown

us all your powers of deductive reasoning in the past."

Harry just lightly smirked.

She continued, "And that brings us to telling you boys what the Tapestry

Circle has been up to for these past few months."

That led to the girls informing the boys what they knew already and

what was being done about it.

"So, what led you to telling us about this, now?" asked Justin.

"Because certain members have started to overtly act in stopping

purebloods marrying purebloods," replied Daphne. "That is, stopping

purebloods being forced to marry purebloods whose bloodlines are too

closely linked to their own."

"They do that?" asked Justin. "No wonder they're giving birth to children

with birth defects."

"And yet another example of a muggle-raised displaying ready knowledge

of the problem where a magical-raised hasn't seen it," sighed Daphne.

"Yes," nodded Hermione, almost as if she was feeling yet again


She then went on to state how certain of the Dowagers and younger

mothers were no longer prepared to wait until they were assured they'd

not get obstruction to rectifying the situation.

"They'd never get it," said Harry. "Even one hundred years from now,

there'll still be those who'll state the ladies of the Tapestry Circle were

stomping all over traditions."

"That was Mildred's... Dowager Aldermaston's... argument," said Susan.

"And she was not prepared to let her grandson marry a pureblood less

than the now recommended minimal five steps removed, which would

mean the risk of birth defects within any children they have being far too


Harry gave a snort of amusement and shook his head. "Five steps still

might not be enough. "

"It's the largest separation we could all agree on," said Hermione.

"Dorothy, Sarah and a few others said it might not be enough, but too

many members weren't prepared to go any further. They believe there is

no way for their children to marry any further apart than that without

marrying a muggleborn or only a few available half-bloods."

"They could always choose spouses from overseas," he shrugged.

"Even then, there's still the problem," she returned. "Many headed

overseas during Riddle's pogrom and Grindelwald the time before him.

So, there is still a significant number overseas who do not meet the 'five

removed' requirement."

He could see that in his mind and nodded. "Indeed," he quietly said, still


When it appeared there was a gap in the conversation, Neville asked,

"Why did this start? What triggered it?"

"CeeCee being born with defects and then that talk..." that's when

Hermione, who was answering, realised Neville and a couple others

weren't at the discussion or hadn't necessarily been told about it that

started this. "Sorry; it was a discussion at Black Townhouse between the

Wilkinses, Narcissa Malfoy and a few others.

"Dorothy used to be a pædiatric nurse... a medi-witch with a focus on

children's health. And Sarah is currently studying Nursing at University

with a view to also become a nurse like her mother used to be.

"Part of the studies in medicine... muggle healing... deals with what is

known as genetics. That is, the traits that are in your very cells that are

passed down from fathers and mothers to their children, then their

children onto their children's children and so on. It's why, for instance,

Harry has his mother's eyes and the Potter's unruly messy black hair.

"The problem is, new blood needs to constantly be introduced to the

bloodlines from bloodlines that haven't... or, in this case, at least haven't

for a while... been in the bloodline. It's when that doesn't happen, you get

birth defects; including squibbing."

Harry piped up and said, "That's why Dumbledore, Riddle and, to some

extent, me have all been quite powerful. All three of us are half-bloods

who were born of a long bloodline of what were, until then, purebloods

and a muggleborn; or, in Riddle's case, a muggle.

"The introduction of new blood, completely untainted with genetic

markers of the other bloodlines that had already been blended into the

pureblood bloodline at some point, went a great deal into explaining why

the three of us have all had quite so much power. And, yes, Neville; that

includes you somewhat, too."

"My grandmother on my mother's side," sighed Neville. "And that's why

Mum was... is... quite powerful."

"Yep," said Harry. "And it blended over to you."




The meeting of the Alliance the next day had quite a few unhappy males

and somewhat smug witches.

The whole thing just amused Harry.

"Can you believe this?" Phineas Puvingson asked Frederick (not Fred)

Bardhall. Clearly, the man was not a little disgusted.

They'd been talking about the 'bombshell' dropped on them by their

spouses and, in Bardhall's case, his adult daughter.

Harry just listened in, amused.

When Bardhall didn't seem to be all that bothered about it, Puvingson

turned his attention on Harry. "What about you, Harrison? You head a

noble House. Doesn't this bother you?"

"The only thing that bothers me, Phineas, is that wizarding Britain, since

they're so high and mighty about the bloodlines, didn't know this

centuries ago," he replied. "Merlin; ask any farmer who raises creatures,

especially mammals, and they would tell you that failing to introduce

new blood by way of sourcing studs for your flocks or herds from far

away is a recipe for disaster."

Looking the other man more fully in the eye he asked, "Haven't you ever

wondered why the number of squibs and stillbirths born to purebloods

have been steadily rising for so long?"

Puvingson just threw his hand in the air and said, "Bah! You're one of

them! Why fix what ain't broke?"

"Because it is broke," Harry immediately shot back. "That's why it's so

urgent to fix!"

During the meeting, Narcissa laid out the parchmentwork she had

collected that proved the danger of having sons and daughters of long-

time established British pureblood Houses marry the daughters and sons

of other long-time established British pureblood Houses. Many of the

Heads were immediately somewhat up in arms about their 'rights' as

Heads of Houses being taken from them, until she was at least halfway

through her presentation.

By the end of it, though, almost all of them were horrified. Puvingson

ended up being the only holdout until the other wives - he was a

widower - rounded on him and practically accused him of being a 'baby-

killer'. He pulled his head back in pretty quickly after that.




Of course, the shocks, outrage and denials that came from the members

of the Alliance were nothing compared to the response of the Members of

the Wizengamot.

The story broke in the Weekend Daily Prophet on the Sunday. And Harry

was one who believed it had to be someone in the Alliance who leaked it;

maybe Puvingson, but he doubted it - too obvious.

He'd contacted Frank almost immediately after reading the article, only

to find that Frank had the same belief and was already trying to ferret

out the 'squealer', as he put it.

"It had to be Phineas Puvingson," he declared. "He was the only one who

voiced his disagreement by the end of the session."

"Maybe," said Harry. "However, my money's on Cyril MacMillan.

Puvingson is the too obvious culprit. Besides, he's loyal to the Alliance;

whereas Cyril MacMillan... not so much."

Frank gave a grunt of annoyance and said, "Yeah. I can see that."

Then he sighed and said, "I'll put it to the next meeting of the Alliance

and see if someone will own up to it."

Harry shrugged and said, "And if someone does? It's pointless asking for

the culprit to out themselves if you aren't willing to issue sanctions

against them."

Frank thought about it for a few moments before he grumbled, "Damn it.

You're right."

"Say that you believe it was a member House of the Alliance that leaked

it, whether directly or indirectly, to the Daily Prophet and you're not

happy about it."

"Yeah," said Frank. "Then tell them all you and I feel it's a betrayal of the

secrecy of the Alliance to have released the information."

"And Sirius," added Harry. "Hell, talk to the other senior Houses and see if

they agree."

Frank nodded and said, "I can do that. Good idea."




However, the Wizengamot were all still up in their wands about the

information brought to light by Dowager Malfoy and 'her' Tapestry Circle.

Some even wanted the information placed under a High Secret embargo.

Of course, almost all of them were of dark families.

The Wizengamot session had the second largest number of non-Members

attend the session as visitors in the visitors' gallery Harry had seen since

Dumbledore's trial. And almost all of them were witches.

Finally, Harry rose, got the call and said, "Thank you, Chief Warlock, for

allowing the House of Potter to air their views on this matter."

Looking about, he firmly said, "You cannot put the boggart back in the

cupboard. The information is now out and widely disseminated. It was in

the Daily Prophet, for Merlin's sake!

"Personally, I have no problem with those of you willing to go against

your ladies and maintain your current practices. However, I'm informing

you now, do not attempt to approach the House of Potter for a Betrothal

or Concubine Bond agreement in the future. You will be automatically

turned away.

"I will not willingly place at risk my children, grandchildren and further

to the emotional and psychological pain that comes from losing a child or

children to the horrors of birth defects or stillbirths, when it is so easy for

me to greatly reduce that chance. The evidence presented by Dowager

Malfoy cannot be logically refuted.

"For those of you who will illogically stick to your broken wands, I will

simply sit back and watch as your Houses die out, then join others in

picking the carcasses of your Houses clean of all assets. For dying out due

to excessive inbreeding will clearly be the fate of them.

"Anyone remember the House of Gaunt? What about Peverell? Those two

are only two of many who bred themselves into extinction. Many other

Houses represented here today are already teetering on the edge. All I

and others have to do is sit back and watch you kill your own Houses off.

"You sit there and make claims of 'It's tradition!' and 'It's our right!' and I

can only agree with you. However, the House of Potter will not join you

in your attempts to commit mass multi-generational suicide.

"I can see no laws will yet be passed as a result of this, though I firmly

believe they should be. Far too many of you remain too ignorant and

stupid to make it come to pass. In my opinion no one, but a complete

daft moron, could do other than recognise the great risk they take by

bonding their long-time British pureblood children with the long-time

British pureblood children of other Houses and immediately engage in

moves to ensure it does not happen to theirs.

"The Tapestry Circle has done one thing that no one has been able to do

for a great many centuries. It has the almost unanimous support of

members from right across the Dark and Light, Traditional and Non,

Pureblood and Muggleborn, Noble and Not and generational unmarked

lines. Your mothers, grandmothers, aunts, sisters, wives, daughters and

granddaughters are united in this!

"Look around you! Even here in the Wizengamot I cannot see one witch

who is against this. Look around you! Even now, many of them wear the

'TC' lapel pin that shows they are active members of the Tapestry Circle.

They would not be members of the Circle if they did not agree that this is

a long-term disaster made clear. Look around you! And see the hate of

mothers who have birthed children with birth defects, squibs and

stillborns directed at you for your contrary stance. Look opposite into the

visitors' gallery! And see the sheer number of witches who have come to

see if the Wizengamot is willing to act as it should.

"It was made clear to me by a close friend that, while I rule the House, it

is my ladies who rule the home. I am not a daft moron. I have no idea

whether or not the couch in my home office is comfortable or not to

sleep upon. I have no intention of finding out by being forced to sleep

upon it by a spouse or bonded who is upset with me. I also know that if

my wife deems I am to sleep on the couch, my concubine bonded will not

welcome me into their beds either.

"I already know to never get between a mother and her eggs, her cubs,

her kittens, her offspring. The same applies to their health. There is a

reason they chose nesting mother dragons for the First Task of the Tri-

wizard Tournament. Getting between a mother and her children would

have to rank right up there with being the most dangerous place in


"If you choose to go against taking steps to reduce the number of children

lost to magical Britain through excessive inbreeding, I will not stop you.

I'll be much too busy laughing at your very-soon-to-be misfortune when

the ladies of your House get you in private, before I begin making plans

what I intend to do with the remains of your House.

"There's an old muggle saying: 'You made your beds, now you have to

sleep on them.' Or, in this case, not sleep in them.

"Chief Warlock Ogden, the House of Potter thanks you for the

opportunity to present its views on this matter."

He sat down and was shocked by what happened next.




74. Weasley Attack

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to the proverbial Duchess of

Magic, JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high

falutin' companies. No matter how much I whine about not owning anything

related to the HP universe, other than a few fanfic plots, I do not profess to

own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful

world... Damn it!

Apology: Oops! Sorry for being late, folks. For the same reason last Friday's

was late, so is this one. My QNAP NAS with Raid 5 array decided for, not

one, but two of the drives to decide to go 'toes' up on me last Wednesday.

Anyone with experience in Raid arrays knows it's okay for one drive to die,

you simply replace it and the whole thing rebuilds itself again. However, when

two drives go... as well as having to replace two drives you have to reformat

and start to rebuild all that lovely data. Thankfully, almost all of it was on

backups to my backup - which was the NAS - on WD MyBook external drives.

However, almost 6Tb doesn't transfer from external drive, into a networked

desktop, across a network and into a NAS in a matter of hours. Not at

approximately 6.5Mb per sec it doesn't. *sigh*

Chapter Seventy Four - Weasley Attack




About three seconds after Harry sat down from his impassioned 'speech',

before Ogden even had a chance to bang his gavel to call on the next

speaker, almost every witch in the visitors' gallery, together with many in

the tiers of the Members, surged to their feet in loud and raucous

applause and cheering approbation. It was not too much longer before

many of the menfolk in the tiers also rose in applause, though some were

obviously reluctant to do so.

With Harry shocked in surprise Ogden let it go on for almost a full

minute before he began to bang his gavel to recover control. It took

another two minutes before he got it. Even the witches on the 'Mot took

at least a further minute before they sat.

Once he had relative silence again, he gave his throat a little clear and

said, "Yes... well... Any further speakers?"

Harry could see there were quite a few unhappy members of the Dark...

all male... who really wanted to speak in support of the emergency

resolution. However, there were none who were both Dark and stupid

enough to stand to speak 'for'.

"In that case," said Ogden. "With no further speakers for, we'll move to

the vote.

"All those in support of the emergency resolution to have the information

pertaining to the rise of birth defects and similar in pureblood infants

suppressed, vote now."

Only five wands were raised. And one of those immediately withdrew

when he heard a snarl come from one of the witches nearby.

"All those against, vote now."

Almost every other wand rose.

That led to cheering coming from the visitors' gallery.

It took another two minutes of trying to get control of the meeting again

before Ogden was able to call, "The emergency resolution has lost by

more than a three quarter majority."

More cheering, but it didn't last as long.

Finally, Ogden was able to sigh and say, "Next item of business, please."

As someone rose to speak on the issue of being slandered in the Daily

Prophet, Sirius leaned over to Harry and quietly said, "You do realise, do

you not, that you've now given someone the opportunity to actually draft

legislation to make it illegal to marry or concubine someone who has up

to and including the same 'three times' great grandparent, don't you?"

"Yes," Harry just as quietly replied with a smirk. "However, it cannot be

me. I just spoke about how House Potter is quite prepared to sit back and

watch those against the idea drive themselves to extinction."

Sirius grinned and said, "No. I believe the House of Black will be putting

forth its first piece of legislation in over a decade and a half. After your

speech, I think it's an easy pass."

Harry just nodded back. "And that way you show the Alliance you're

definitely of the Light."

Sirius looked a little surprised before he smirked back. "I hadn't thought

of that, but you're right."




When Harry flooed back to school halfway through the double of

Transfiguration, he just quietly returned to the Potter apartment, changed

and made his way to his class. Professor Biffingwater knew and

understood that on the third Tuesday of the month, Harry had to attend

'parliament' and would attend when he could.

It wasn't until lunch when a completely impatient Hermione, almost

bouncing in her seat on the bench at the Gryffindor table, glared at him

with gritted teeth and quietly demanded, "Tell me."

Harry sighed, gave her a disappointed look and said, "There's not much to

tell. Mulciber tried to pass an emergency resolution to have the

information listed as a High Secret and illegal to speak about. It lost.

"As for what else happened and why, that can wait until after classes."

Hermione sat back in clear relief and nodded. "Thank you."

Daphne quietly asked, "By how much?"

He grinned and replied, "By more than three quarters."

She grinned in happiness and said, "With that big a margin, the matter

cannot be raised again for more than a year."

Harry smirked back and nodded.

The 'Dark' had really screwed up bringing the matter to the Wizengamot

as an emergency resolution. That it had lost by such a wide margin

meant that they couldn't even raise it again, even as a Bill, for twelve

months. However, a Bill in the opposite direction could be raised as soon

as the next session in four weeks, on the sixteenth of November. It could

then become a Statute at the December session, five weeks later, and a

few days before Christmas.

"Now, wouldn't that be a nice Christmas present to the witches of magical

Britain from the House of Black," he softly murmured.

"Pardon?" asked Hermione.

Harry hadn't even realised that he said out loud what he'd been thinking.

"Sorry," he replied. "Just voicing my thoughts out loud. I'll explain more,

once we're back in the apartment."




Ron Weasley had been working hard on getting better and better at the

charms and curses in his small collection of Dark Arts books 'gifted' him

by Caracticus Nott. However, his plan to deal with Potter just after the

completion of the first month had to be quickly tossed out the window.

He hadn't taken into consideration the sheer amount of assignments, or

the extra class period each day, when he arrived back at Hogwarts.

Now he was looking to take his nemesis out around Hallowe'en. That's

when he smiled and thought, 'Why not Hallowe'en itself? Potter was

always getting into trouble on that day, often dragging others into

danger. Besides, that day was a Sunday, this year. A day when people

weren't concentrating as much, were more relaxed.'

"Now that he believes all his enemies have been defeated," he muttered.

"He won't be expecting an attack."

Decision reached and with a smile on his face, Weasley set to with

increasing both his speed of casting and being as silent as possible. Of

course, he'd also have a disillusionment charm on himself at the time.

Now he just had to find the place where he'd have both the greatest

chance of taking Potter out and best chance of escaping capture and

punishment for his actions from the idiots who didn't realise, or wouldn't

accept, that he was in the right.

He knew just who to set up to take the fall, too - either the Malfoy or

Greengrass bitches. The Davis bitch wouldn't be a bad choice, either. She

was, after all, yet another slimy snake Slytherin.




Back in their apartment after classes, Harry invited both the Longbottom

three and the Finch-Fletchley three to a 'pow wow' in the Potter


Once they'd all arrived, he explained in greater detail what had happened

at the Wizengamot meeting.

When he finished, Justin let out a low falling whistle. "So, Lord Black is

going to table a Bill in New Business at the November session making it

illegal to marry or concubine with someone who has the same blood

relative within five generations?"

"That's my guess, yes," he nodded.

"How will they know?"

"Through the Gringotts inheritance test," he replied. "The goblins will

need to simply modify their current inheritance test potion to show a

person's bloodline back five generations. Then, the two bloodlines are

compared to see if there is a matching relative between the two. If there

is, no betrothal or concubinage will be legally allowed. At least, that's my

logical guess."

Daphne quietly said, "A simple solution to a complex problem. However,

what about existing betrothal and concubinage contracts?"

"No idea," he replied. "However, if you think you know a solution to that

problem, I'm sure Sirius will be very interested in hearing from you. Hell;

he'd be interested in hearing from you if you have any thoughts on how

the Statute should be worded."

"What about life debts and their ilk?" asked Fleur.

"They'd have to be exempted," said Daphne, cutting in before Harry had

the chance to say the same thing. "The same as soul bonds and their ilk,

as you put it."

"All good points," said Tracey, speaking up for the first time. Like a lot of

wizarding raised children, she grew up on stories of soul mates and soul

bonds and probably dreamed she'd find herself in such a situation.

Harry had a sudden thought. "Anyone know how closely our Slytherin

neighbours are blood related to one another?"

That had all his friends look surprised.

Neville, first to answer, replied, "Errr... no." The others all shook their


"I think we need to invite them to visit for this pow wow," said Harry. "It

would be unfair on them for this information to affect them and learn of

it via tomorrow morning's Daily Prophet."

Hermione quietly said, "Go invite them."

No one disagreed.




Knocking on the door of the Gibberd apartment, Harry only had to wait

about fifteen seconds before the door was opened.

As soon as Gibberd, as he was the one who answered the door, saw him

his face morphed into one of confusion before he quietly asked, "Yes?"

"Something of great import happened at the Wizengamot today that may

very well have a significant effect upon you and your lady," said Harry,

not beating about the bush. "You're invited to come and hear of it in my

apartment; now, if you like.

"None of us think it would be fair on you for the first time you found out

about this being via the Daily Prophet in the morning."

As he was speaking, Whitehead also approached the door from behind

Gibberd to find out what was going on.

Confused and clearly concerned, Gibbered turned back to look at his

lady. "Phyl?"

The two looked at one another for a long couple of seconds before

Whitehead looked to Harry and asked, "Is this some sort of trick?"

"No," he was quick to reply. "It has to do with information which has

been brought to light about a risk to the bloodlines. I and mine mean you

no harm; you have my word."

The two looked to one another for a few moments more before Gibberd

said, "Then, lead the way."

As Harry led the two into the Potter apartment a few moments later, he

said, "For everyone who hasn't met them, this is Ross Gibberd and Phylis


Hermione stood and said, "The House of Potter bids you welcome and

offers you peace and sanctuary within our walls this day."

That line surprised Harry, but it also shocked everyone else including the

two seventh year Slytherins.

There was a long moment before Gibberd let out an explosive snort and

said, "We thank you for the offer of peace and sanctuary within House

Potter and accept." Then he bowed as Hermione curtseyed.

"Ohhh-kay," said Harry.

Gibberd said, "A rather odd place to make such an offer - Hogwarts, I


"Normally, yes," replied Hermione. "However, this apartment is

considered... temporarily, at least... as House of Potter property. I

thought it apt."

"She's right," said Daphne, clearly surprised. "I confess I had not

considered that."

After Hermione offered seats and refreshments to the two, Harry

explained what had happened in the Wizengamot that morning and what

was likely to happen before Christmas.

It had both Slytherins frowning deep in thought.

"The question is," said Harry. "Are you two blood related within the past

five generations? If you are and you're both determined to still marry, I'll

do my best to see Lord Black delay his Bill for two months; have him not

raise it until the February session of the Wizengamot."

The two looked to one another before looking back. Whitehead sighed

and replied, "We know we are not back four generations. I checked that

far, at least. However, we are unsure of the fifth."

Gibberd said, "We will find out, though. We can both go into Gringotts

and ask for an inheritance test that goes back at least that far."

"There's another problem, though," said Whitehead. She looked to

Gibberd who then very slightly shrugged. "Our betrothal is now a

contract. It cannot be broken, even if our Lords were of a mind to."

"Yet another area where exemptions to the Statute would need to be

codified," said Daphne.

When both looked to her she said, "Veela life debts, soul bonds, existing

marriages, existing concubinage... those sorts of things will all need


"Yes, I see," said Gibberd.

Harry suddenly had a thought. "Daphne, you and I. How closely are we

blood related?"

Daphne suddenly paled and softly replied, "I do not know."

"Oh, Merlin!" said a suddenly worried Hermione. "How did we forget

about that?"

A suddenly worried Susan said, "And what about Neville and I and

Neville and Hannah?"

Firmly, Harry said, "We'll go see Headmistress Lady Marchbanks

tomorrow and say we need to go into Gringotts at our earliest

opportunity." He glanced at Gibberd and said, "We'll let her know it

would be a good idea for you two to go as well."

Gibberd nodded back.




After speaking with Headmistress Lady Marchbanks about the problem

the next day, arrangements were quickly made for the Potters, the

Longbottoms and the Gibberds to floo to Diagon Alley on the Saturday

morning directly after breakfast. It was she who said there was quite a bit

of inter-relationships between Britain and the continent, especially the

western countries; and, therefore, the same test should be conducted with

Fleur in mind, even though there was a Veela life debt bond involved.

The Daily Prophet carried the story as the lead article on the front page

the next day. It was also full of very accurate and detailed information on

the 'problem'. It was also very obvious that at least one Law-wizard of

Record had provided the information to the paper.

Once the article was being read by the students there was much wailing

and gnashing of teeth from many, especially the purebloods. Harry wasn't

the only one who wondered how many established Agreements amongst

the student body were now at risk due to this.

Then, on the Saturday, the nine met in Marchbanks's office at just after

9.00am. Hermione, though as a muggleborn they knew the test was not

necessary for her, was insistent on going.

"Everyone's here," said Marchbanks, once Gibberd and Whitehead turned

up. "Off you go, then. The floo address coming back is 'Headmistress's

Office, Hogwarts'. And the password is 'Griselda Marchbanks is a lovely


While the two older Slytherins looked at her in shock, the Potters and

Longbottoms looked either amused or giggled/snickered.

With an amused smirk on her face, she indicated the fireplace and said,

"Off with you, then."

Harry, chuckling, was the first who moved to the fireplace and reached

into the pot on the mantelpiece he knew to be the floo powder pot.

Tossing the powder in, he firmly called, "Diagon Alley," and stepped into

the flames.

This time he remembered to concentrate and barely even staggered

stepping out the other end and into the Leaky Cauldron.

He was quickly joined by the other eight.

With a firm nod to the others once Whitehead, who was last, stepped out,

Harry wheeled about and strode from the room and out the back door

with his three ladies on each side.




After going direct to the reserved teller for the Most Ancient Houses

because Harry was leading the way, all nine were quickly through and

into a conference room, where the required equipment was brought in to

go through the test.

Gibberd and Whitehead went first, then Neville and his two and finally

Harry and his three.

Harry was unsurprised to see that he and Fleur weren't related back at

least ten generations, the limit of the test, but dreaded to find that he was

related by blood to Daphne. Thankfully, though he was, it was back six

generations through an almost labyrinthine path. They shared a four

times great grandmother, Maribelle Meadowes.

Gibberd and Whitehead shared a similar relative back on the fifth

generation, but it was through a blood adoption. However, they were

relieved to learn from the goblin in charge of such tests that it equalled a

relationship back six generations due to the dilution of blood through the

adoption ritual.

"Something else to include in the Statute," said Daphne. "Blood


Harry nodded and said, "We'll make sure the Statute includes the claim

that a blood adoption equals a generation further removed."

The Longbottoms discovered that Hannah and Susan were related back

three generations, but both girls already knew that. And Neville was

related to both of them back seven generations through the same person,

Simon Scamander, the great grandfather of Newt Scamander. Thankfully,

due to both being females, the Statute would not impact the relationship

between Hannah and Susan.

Finally, the Potters were tested. Hermione was last tested and learned she

was blood related to Dumbledore back six generations on her side and

two on his. His paternal grandparents were her four times great

grandparents. It was because of him and his muggleborn wife that

Dumbledore was considered a half-blood. She was born of the line of a

younger daughter of that couple.

As they all sat there, stunned, the goblin said, "As neither the late Albus

Dumbledore nor his brother Aberforth have produced issue, you stand to

inherit the Minor House of Dumbledore if you so choose."

After a few moments, she quietly stuttered, "I-I'll... have to think about


The goblin merely nodded and said, "Due to the separation, you are not

required to do so if you choose not to. However, it will mean the end of

the Dumbledore line if you do not. You may experience pressure from

within the Ministry if they learn of it."

"I still have to think about it," she more firmly returned.

The goblin just nodded back.

Finally, nine very relieved witches and wizards left after Harry, who'd

paid for the tests, thanked the goblin for his time and advice. There were

other relationships between the nine, not including Hermione, but they

were not germane. However, they could be in the future regarding their


As they walked back towards the Leaky, Whitehead quietly sidled up

alongside Harry and said, "Potter. Thank you." It was easy to hear the

gratitude in her voice.

"You're welcome," he smiled back. "But, all I did was facilitate it."

"Still..." she said.

He just gave her a nod as they reached the brick wall magical arch


As soon as the nine returned to the castle and after giving Marchbanks

the information on the results of the tests, they left the office and split.

The two older Slytherins claimed they needed to talk to members in their

House commonroom about what they'd learned and the Potters and

Longbottoms returned directly to their apartment. They knew Tracey, at

least, had to be frantic with worry.




"You're the Dumbledore heir?!" screeched Tracey, staring in utter shock at

Hermione once it was explained what was found in Hermione's


"Apparently," Hermione shrugged before she lightly scowled. "I don't

know what to think of that, yet."

"Bu-but it means you can save the Dumbledore line from extinction!" said


"I know," she replied. "However, do I really want to do that? Personally,

I'd rather replace it with the new Magical House of Granger, once Harry

and I have at least two other children first."

"I can support that," said Harry, chipping in. "For my own personal

reasons, I'd rather see the Dumbledore line go extinct. I think the history

of the House, due to old Twinkle Eyes's behaviour, means the name is so

close to being less than dirt it should be allowed to go extinct."

"And I think I would have to agree," nodded Hermione. "Once you write

that book about Dumbledore, or have it ghost written, the name is going

to be reviled around the world. I do not wish for one of my children, who

would have to carry the name if the House is to be revitalised, to be

treated poorly just because of his name."

Tracey frowned for a long moment before her face relaxed into a sad

expression; she dropped her eyes and nodded. "Yeah," she sighed. "I can

see that."

Harry thought her attitude had to do with her upbringing on how

important it was to maintain the Houses, rather than any belief she had

in Dumbledore as a person. He let it go and saw Hermione clearly

thinking the same.

Daphne, recognising by the expressions on their faces that Harry and

Hermione were not comfortable discussing 'revitalising' the House of

Dumbledore, decided a change of subject was in order and said, "It still

boggles the mind how each of us have thirty-two great great great


"It's a simple progression doubling for each generation," said Hermione.

"Two parents, four grandparents, eight great grandparents and so on."

"Yes," nodded Daphne. "However, it also means there are thirty two

families from which a spouse cannot be chosen."

"More, actually," said Hermione. "That's just those who have one of the

great great great grandparents in their same ancestry. You also have to

include the sixteen great great grandparents, the eight great grandparents

and the four grandparents. That's... sixty families. Of course, I did not

include your own parents in there. That would be wrong."

"Merlin!" said Susan. "I don't know if it's possible to find someone who

wouldn't be in each others list of sixty."

"We all passed the test, didn't we?" asked Harry. "It's not impossible, just

somewhat difficult. And it's a difficulty that is greatly reduced when you

begin to look into families overseas. None of us... and I include Gibberd

and Whitehead in this... has anyone that was on Fleur's list of recent





During the next week and during short periods when they weren't in

class, working on assignments, eating or sleeping, the combined Potters,

Longbottoms and Finch-Fletchleys worked on writing up what would

need to be included and exempted in any Statute that restricted

handfastings and concubinage to at least a five generation bloodline

separation. For these meetings they definitely did not include Ernie


When Hermione frowned when first told and asked why, Harry replied,

"Because, while Frank thinks it was Puvingson who, as he put it,

'squealed' to the Daily Prophet about what the Tapestry Circle was up to, I

think it was more likely to have been Cyril MacMillan. I don't want Ernie

to tell his father what we're now up to."

"Wise," said Daphne.

Hermione groaned and said, "I hadn't even thought of that."

"Why not Puvingson?" asked Neville. His trust in his father 'demanded' he

learn of Harry's reasonings.

"I think Puvingson is all bluster. However, he's also loyal to the Alliance.

Once the Alliance made the decision not to yet make public the

information shared by Dowager Malfoy, I can't see him going against


"But, Cyril MacMillan would," nodded Neville. "What did Dad say when

you told him that."

"About what you just did, but he also groaned in understanding that I

saw it when, I think, he didn't," he smiled. "Nevertheless, he also

recognised it was a waste of effort to go on a witchhunt to find who did

it, because then we'd just have to sanction that House by kicking them

out of the Alliance. That's not something we want to do with an Alliance

that's only a couple months old."

Neville nodded back while also deep in thought.

By the Friday, though, it had been almost two days since any of the Heirs

had thought of something to include in their 'suggestions' to Sirius for his

Bill, so Harry sent what they'd written down as suggestions to his

'dogfather' and let the man do with it what he wanted.




Someone else working hard that week was Ron Weasley. His plans for

getting back at Potter and having the evidence point to Malfoy, Davis or

Greengrass had been tightened up and he was now working to increase

his speed of casting and trying to be as quiet as possible with his


He was also going over and practicing just what charms and curses he

needed to cast and trying to figure out a way to... what was that term?...

'spellchain' them so they flowed one to the next to the next. The book on

combat strategy he'd read said spellchains were the secret to fast casting.

However, he'd not figured out how to accomplish that yet.

He also had his 'spot' picked out as being halfway up the grand staircase

at the third floor, where you had to stand and wait sometimes upwards of

a minute for the stairs to line up for you. He figured, if there was one

place in the school where the aurors wouldn't be standing and hiding

under disillusionment or invisibility cloaks, it would be there. Just as he

knew it was one place where Potter and his group would have to pass

through when going between those Lords' Quarters and the Great Hall for





On the Saturday night, even though he'd cooked yet another wonderful

meal for the Heirs, including Ernie, Harry's pensive mood was easily

picked up by the others.

"Alright," said Neville, looking directly at Harry. "That's enough. What's

going on with you?"

Surprised, Harry was a few moments before he replied, "Why do you―?"

But that was as far as got before he almost slumped in defeat. He

wouldn't treat them like fools. Quietly, he replied, "Tomorrow's


"Ah," said Hermione, as the others, except Ernie, all suddenly realised.

"You're worried something bad's going to happen tomorrow, aren't you?"

He nodded, looking down at his plate.

Daphne said, "Harry, all your enemies have been dealt with. There's now

no one we can think of who would be out to do you harm; especially on


"It's Hallowe'en," he firmly said. "I've not gone a single year in Hogwarts

that something bad has not happened on that day. I guess I just have a...

bad feeling, is all."




On the Sunday morning the Heirs had dropped down to the Great Hall to

have breakfast. Though he'd tried his best, Harry still wasn't in the best of

spirits. So, soon after the mail was delivered, he said, "I think I might

head back to the apartment to get some quiet study in."

"We're coming with you," Hermione firmly said. "While I don't believe

anything bad is going to happen this year, it does not mean it won't. And

we don't go places alone."

Harry nodded and waited for the others to rise. Even the Longbottoms

and Finch-Fletchleys rose.

They did not see Ron Weasley carefully watching them and then leave

quickly as they began to rise. He was well ahead of them and already up

the stairs past the first floor before they even walked out the doors of the

Great Hall and into the entrance hall.

As they made their way out the doors of the Great Hall and then up the

start of the grand staircase, Ron Weasley was setting himself up in his

preplanned spot on the third floor. He was only a short distance away

from the statue of the humpbacked witch that was the entrance to one of

the tunnels leading out of the school.

In the little nook he'd chosen to await Potter and his group, he quickly

donned his disillusionment charm and waited. He knew they weren't that

far behind him, as he'd seen them leave the Great Hall as he passed up

the stairs from the second floor to the third.

Then, after what felt like both an hour and only a few seconds, they


Harry was, as usual, slightly in the lead. Due to the nature of the stairs

suddenly shifting, it became almost an unconscious act to wait at the

base of each set of stairs.

As Ron stood back and waited, he watched to see which target would be

his of the three, preferably, he could use.

As Harry waited for the others to quickly join him, it was Tracey who

was the last. They were congregated at the top of one set of stairs and

watching the next set gently swing towards them.

At the back of the 'pack', Tracey felt as if she had just been hit with a

muffling charm or something before she was suddenly hit with a

reasonably weak summoning charm. It caused her to try and balance

herself as she was dragged backwards, almost tripping over and onto her

back as she was pulled from behind.

When she tried to cry out, she realised she couldn't make a sound.

She'd been pulled back, in shock, for about twenty feet before she finally

realised she needed to help herself if she was to get out of this, whatever

it was. The others were all facing away from her as she was pulled away

and had no idea what was happening to her.

As she finally remembered to draw her wand, she only had it in her hand

for a few moments before she felt someone grab her by the collar of her

robes, halting her movement.

As she was starting to feel relief, she watched as CeeCee turned to

obviously talk to her, notice she was missing and turn further around

with a look of puzzlement on her face. "Where's Tr―"

Tracey was just raising her wand to attempt to dispel the silencing or

muffling charm on herself when she heard an almost whispered snarl of

"Deprimo!" from just behind her right ear.

A moment later a purple curse shot out from near her right elbow

heading for her friends.

It was Tracey's sudden movement due to shock of hearing the curse

almost snarled in her ear that saved everyone. She'd reflexively pulled

away from the sound.

The blasting curse, properly used to blast out a hole in rock or the like,

was just slightly 'knocked' off aim. However, even then it would have still

hit Harry if he also wasn't in the process of turning to his left to look to

CeeCee to find out what she was about to say.

He caught the flash of purple light in his peripheral vision and bent

forward a little. Even then, it still connected with his right shoulder a

'glancing blow' from behind.

The hit, a clip, was enough to rip a chunk of flesh and the ends of his

collarbone and the upper tip of his scapula completely away in a small

fountain of blood, bone and flesh. The clip was also enough to continue

his spin, spin him about and crash to the stone flooring.

However, even then Weasley wasn't done. He knew his curse hadn't hit

Potter directly in the upper back as he'd aimed; only his shoulder.

As CeeCee screamed, the others were already in motion as Weasley

tightened his grip on a now struggling Tracey. He snarled his second

curse with his wand pointed at Harry.

"Defodio!" he snarled. All his practicing in speed casting was negated by

the slimy Slytherin struggling in his tight grip.

Even so, this time his aim was true. However, it didn't connect.

As Harry, moments after hitting the ground in agony and beginning to

right himself, spun to look at where the curse came from he could see

Tracey was struggling in an invisible attacker's grip as a second curse

sped his way. This one was a dirty yellow.

He'd tried to snap draw his own wand before noticing his right arm

wasn't working, it was numb. However, before the curse hit him,

knowing it was going to, it impacted a shield. The red flash of the impact

told him it was a Protego cast by one of his friends. He'd not even heard

the incantation and suspected it had been done silently.

Knowing he no longer had the element of surprise and that his ambush

had failed to kill Potter, Weasley knew it was time to cut his losses and


Already planned with what he needed to do, Weasley cast a third curse,

another but darker Gouging curse, shoved Davies forward with the hand

he had hold of her with, his off hand, then sent a second blasting charm

into the ground in front of the group. It caused shards of stone to shatter

off the floor and be flung into the faces, bodies, arms and legs of the

Heirs. Almost all of it was stopped by yet another Protego charm.

However, Weasley didn't see it as he was already casting another charm.

"Fumos!" It caused to erupt from his wand a roiling huge cloud of black

smoke. And he quickly waved his wand from side to side and up and

down. He was just in time, as a stunner, a disarming and an incarcerous

charm had come flying towards him, but off to one side.

Turning and running, he made sure he ran up the corridor along one

wall, so he'd be less likely to be hit by a lucky cast.

He'd only just made it to the humpbacked witch statue, tapped it with his

wand and quietly snapped, "Dissendio!" to open it.

A bare two seconds later, before the 'secret' passage through the witch's

hump sufficiently opened, he was tagged by a Finite charm. He hadn't

even seen it coming.

Spinning to look in the direction it came from, from where he'd come

from, it was a few seconds before the humpback witch statue opened

enough for him to duck through and run. He'd looked directly into the

faces of Longbottom, Bones and that muggleborn 'Puff, Finch-Fletchley,

just as he jumped through. They were running directly at him with

murder in their eyes; his!

"Lumos! Shit!" he whispered in shock as he ran down the steep

passageway, with the light of his wand leading the way.

'They saw me!' he thought-muttered. 'They know it was me! Shit! I've got

to run now. If they catch me, I'm fucked! Shit, Shit, Shit!'




At the Burrow, Molly Weasley heard the 'Dong! DONG!' of the Weasley

family clock, signalling that one of hers was now in Mortal Peril. And

spun from her kitchen bench to stare at it in shock.

Of course, it was Ron's hand that was now pointing to Mortal Peril.

With her heart surging into her throat as it began to rapidly beat in fear,

she ran to the fireplace to put in an immediate floo call to her husband.

As she did so, she also continued to pay part of her attention into

listening for the clock hand moving back. She didn't hear it.

After a quick call to her husband, who immediately declared he would

make all haste to the castle, she then floo-called the Headmistress to let

her know her youngest son was in immediate danger somewhere in the


When the Headmistress refused to allow her access when she tried to

demand it, but promised her she'd be immediately tracking her son down,

she then flooed to the Three Broomsticks.

One way or another, she was getting into that castle to hunt down and

'save' her son.




Back at the staircase, Harry was trying to rise with the intent of hunting

down whoever had tried to curse him in the back. However, his ladies

and the others were having none of it.

He knew Neville, Susan and Justin had charged through the smoke and

after whoever had attacked him, but he wanted a piece of them for


He was still trying to rise, not really thinking things through, when

Hermione, who was now crouched down next to him, finally got through

to him.

"Harry!" she barked, trying to pin him down. "Stop! Your shoulder's a


Daphne was also now down on her knees on the other side of him. "For

Merlin's sake, Potter! Lay still!"

Finally, the pain got through, more than the voices of his betrothed and

concubine, and he stopped trying to get up. Blood was now running

down his right arm and back.

"Ohh... Oww...!"

Finally just sitting on his butt, leaning slightly to the left and balancing

on his left hand he tried to bring his right arm around to rest his hand on

his lap to try and support the weight. However, it was paralysed.

"Who, the bloody Hell, was that?" he demanded.

"We don't know," replied Hermione. "However, Neville, Justin and Susan

have charged off after whoever it was."

"I would expect Longbottom to do so, but I was surprised to see two of

our Hufflepuffs charge off through the smoke," said Daphne. "Damned

foolish of them."

Beginning to feel quite nauseous, he said, "Don't let the fact they wear

yellow trim fool you." He winced as a spear of pain shot through his

shoulder. Gritting his teeth, he explained, "Just because the Hat sorted

them into Hufflepuff does not presuppose they're not brave or foolhardy."

"Point," she muttered.

When he looked around he could see that Tracey had returned and,

together with Hannah, was trying to comfort a teary-eyed CeeCee. Tracey

wasn't much better. Fleur was watching over all of them with her wand

drawn and staring through the rapidly clearing smoke, ready to defend


"Is everyone else alright?" he asked in general.

That's when the first of the aurors and staff turned up. A senior auror was

running to them from down the stairs with Professor Flitwick on his

heels. And medi-healer Robinson was running up the stairs from the next

floor down.

"Ohhh... I don't feel so good," he muttered.

His mind trying to focus on driving the pain away, he didn't hear what

Tracey and Fleur said to the auror, but did see both he and Flitwick turn

and almost run down the hallway with the last traces of the smoke. In the

distance, he could see through what was left of the smoke Neville, Justin

and Susan hurrying back towards them.

His vision was then blocked by medi-healer Robinson crouching down in

front of him.

"What have you done to yourself, Potter?" he asked.

He heard Hermione say, "He was hit with what I think was a Deprimo

blasting curse."

He hadn't noticed it encroaching, but he definitely noticed his vision was

beginning to quickly grey out as he started to feel quite faint. He

muttered, "I hate Hallowe'en." And knew no more.

As Harry passed out and began to topple over, Daphne was able to grab

him before he fell over completely.

"Well," said Robinson. "That'll make things easier."

"Is he going to be alright?" asked a worried Hermione.

"Yes," muttered Robinson, after casting a binding bandage charm on

Harry's shoulder. He then stood and cast a Locomortis, body levitation,

charm on him.

Turning he said, "Time for this young man to be on one of the beds in the

Infirmary, I think. I've got some work to do to rebuild that shoulder."




Ron Weasley ran down the tunnel as fast as he could, expecting someone

as fit as Longbottom or Finch-Fletchley to catch him at any moment.

However, he reached the other end within the basement of Honeydukes,

shot out of the hidden door and hid for a few moments behind some of

the stored crates prepared to curse whoever came out next. When he

turned back to look, though, he couldn't even see where he'd come out.

After waiting a good two minutes for his heart rate and breathing to calm

down again he realised no one had followed him that far.

Finally, after donning a new disillusionment charm on himself, he crept

out of the basement and left the store. He'd just missed spotting his

mother running in through the front gate of the school and heading for

the castle.

Out in the street he wondered what he should do next. Even to him he

knew he could not return to the school. Longbottom and those two 'Puffs

would have already blabbed to Potter and the aurors who it was that

attacked them.

Then it came to him. He needed to get hold of Lord Nott. The man would

not like it known he was the one who gave him those books, so he should

protect him.

Decision made, he headed to the Three Broomsticks.

However, once there and before the floo, but off to one side so no one

would bump into him, he realised he had no idea how to contact the

man. Then he had his second brilliant idea. He'd go back to Borgin and

Burke's and get 'old man' Burke to contact Nott for him.

A dash of floo powder, a soft cry of "Diagonally!" and he was away.




When Weasley popped out of the floo in Borgin and Burkes, the store was

actually shut for the day. However, Burke was down very quickly, as he

claimed his intruder alarm wards had been triggered.

Weasley was finally able to get Burke to call Nott, but it did cost him five

galleons of his small supply of gold to get the man to do that. Nott

arrived fifteen minutes later.

Barely waiting for the man to ask why he was summoned, Weasley

explained that, due to sheer bad luck, his attack on Potter only half an

hour earlier had failed. And he now needed a place to hole up and

prepare for his next attempt.

Nott was prepared to deny the boy any assistance, until Weasley said he

had no intention of not carrying through with his deed.

Nott frowned and asked, "And what will you give me in return to provide

you safe haven, Mister Weasley?"

"Getting rid of Potter for you should be enough, right?" asked Weasley.

"What else could you want of me?"

Nott smirked back and said, "Very well, Mister Weasley. Seeing as you

seem so determined to end Potter's life... and, as you surmise, it is

something I would not be against... I shall provide you safe haven."

When Weasley gave a visible sigh of relief, Nott continued, "However... no

one but those I deem should know will know where you are. Am I clear?"

"Yes, Lord Nott," said Weasley.

Five minutes later, Weasley was shown to a 'servant's apartment' in the

basement of Nott Manor.

"You may stay here," said Nott. "Do not come up to the main floor of the

house or beyond without me specifically collecting you or sending a

house elf to inform you to do so."

As Weasley nodded back, Nott continued, "One of my house elves will be

charged with providing you assistance and food. If you need anything

else, call for an elf and have that elf send me a note."

"Yes, Lord Nott," said Weasley.

Nott just gave an amused grunt and walked away to return back upstairs

without a further word.

Weasley gave a sigh of relief and began to explore his new 'home'.




When Harry woke up some time later he first asked, "Is everyone else

alright?" It was the question last on his mind when he passed out. He

hadn't even realised he'd asked it.

First to swim into his vision was both Hermione and Daphne.

Hermione was quick to reply, "Yes. Everyone else is fine; though CeeCee

was a little shook up."

When Harry tried to sit up, Daphne frowned at him and pushed him back

down flat again. "Harrison James Potter, you are not to attempt to sit up,

let alone get up. Understand?"

Not fighting her, he sighed and replied, "Yeah. I understand." He then

gave a frown and tried to look at his shoulder, the one that was injured,

only to see it swathed in bandages. "How bad is it?"

"Bad enough," she replied.

Medi-Healer Robinson, who'd walked over from his office as they were

talking, asked, "How are you feeling, Lord Potter?"

Harry frowned a bit in thought before he replied, "A little muddle-

headed. But I don't feel like throwing up still... My shoulder feels like the

bones are grating together."

Robinson nodded and said, "In order; the muddle-headedness is partly the

residual shock and a couple of the potions I gave you, you no longer feel

as if you're going to throw up because the adrenaline has burned out of

your system and I've given you a light anti-nausea potion and the feeling

of bones grating together is the Skele-Gro I've given you to rebuild the

bones in your shoulder.

"Just so you know the bandages on your shoulder are part splint to stop

you moving it about too much and part poultice containing a potion that

will aid in the remaining recovery of the flesh and skin over the wound.

It's going to be both tender and you won't be able to do any vigorous

wand-waving for at least the next few days.

"However, I foresee a full recovery in your near future. And, no, that's not

the gift of sight; that's the gift of experience."

With a sigh, he asked, "Who was it?"

"Weasley," Daphne snarled. "Ronald."

"Right," said Harry. "Dead man walking. He was given every chance to

rectify his behaviour and shat on all of them. He's mine!"

"He's gone," said Hermione. "He's no longer in the castle."

Harry frowned back, quite a bit angry about that. "How'd he manage to

get out?"

Hermione sighed and replied, "He used the secret passage out through the

humpbacked witch and through to Honeydukes.

"Professor Murdstock believes he must have carefully chosen his place to

ambush us based on how close it was to that secret passage, that it was in

a spot where the aurors weren't stationed or only patrol when going from

one location to another and where everyone has to wait when going up

and down floors via the Grand Staircase."

"So, it wasn't just pre-meditated. It was clearly planned out well in

advance," he said.

"Seems that way," she sadly replied.

Daphne said, "He was being even more clever about it, too; besides that it

was close to a secret passage entrance and in a spot no auror was

patrolling. He silenced and summoned Tracey to him to act as a shield;

he was also disillusioned, which we haven't actually been taught to do

yet and he used at least one curse that's not available in any student's text


Fleur, who'd been quiet until then, said, "Professor Murdstock is using

some form of forensic charms to go through Mister Weasley's personal

effects and where else 'e might have been in the school. The 'Eadmistress

has a map of the school that shows where everyone is at any given time.

They are analysing the map's recording function and believe they might

'ave found where 'e spent a lot of time."

Hermione said, "Both Arthur and Molly Weasley learned pretty quickly

what Ron had done and were quickly on their way to the castle. The

Headmistress somehow proved to them it was both Ron who'd attacked

you and how he'd gotten out of the castle. Apparently, she used that Map

Fleur mentioned's recording feature to show them. The name was clearly


"They say 'e spent quite a bit of time in an abandoned classroom on the

third floor in the corridor on the left," said Fleur. "They... the staff, that

is... are going through there now to see what they find."

"Third floor, corridor on the left?" asked Harry. "That's where the

Philosopher's Stone was kept in our first year."

"Yes," said Hermione. "And, if you remember, all the rooms along there

are unused, even disused."

"Well," said Robinson. "It's nothing for you to worry about. The staff and

aurors will track down how the boy was able to accomplish what he did."

While the others nodded, Harry asked, "How are Ginny and the twins

taking it?"

After his girls all looked to one another, Daphne said, "We don't know

yet. We've been in here with you."

With a frown he asked, "How long was I out?"

Robinson replied, "A touch over an hour and a half. Morning tea starts in

about thirty minutes. If you promise not to wriggle about too much I'll

organise tea and biscuits for you."

Harry nodded and looked back to his girls. "One of you, at least, needs to

see Ginny and the twins and let them know I don't hold any of them

responsible for this. This is on Ron and his mother."

"His mother?" asked Hermione, before she answered her own question.

"Of course; she was responsible for raising him until he started here.

Therefore, his behaviour is on her."

"Yup," he said. After a long moment he said, "You'd best let everyone else

know I'm alright. But, you might want to bring CeeCee down to see me so

she can see for herself I'm alright."

Fleur said, "I'll do that. I was going to go up and see her first, to let her

know anyway."




After visits by CeeCee and others through the rest of the day, Harry laid

in his bed being irritated by the feeling of Skele-Gro working on his

shoulder. It was quite annoying, thank you very much.

Robinson had offered him a Dreamless Sleep potion to sleep through the

aggravation. However, his mind was more often than not off it because of

the sheer number of visitors he received. While his ladies and the other

Heirs spent quite a lot of time in the infirmary with him, there were still

a number of others who had to speak with him 'most urgently'.

He received a visit from Madam Bones, who had dropped in to get an

'official' statement and complaint against Weasley. Harry had not wanted

to give it, but she told him off when she knew why he wouldn't. "He

might have preplanned this, Lord Potter," she growled. "However, he's

still a boy. He's not yet of-age. I will look most dis-favourably upon you if

you attempt to hunt him down and kill him."

It took the threats of his three ladies he'd be 'sleeping on the couch for a

month' if he even entertained the idea, let alone actually carried it out,

before he gave her that complaint. Her parting words were, "We will find

him and we will deal with him as per the law. Let us do our jobs and stay

out of it."

He also received a visit from Marchbanks and Goodstone. They came in


Surprised, Harry said, "Lady Headmistress, Deputy Headmaster, how may

I be of assistance? If you've come to ask me to lift some heavy things for

you, I'm going to have to take a 'raincheck'. Sorry."

Both smiled back.

"No, Lord Potter," said Marchbanks. "I'm a witch who isn't a daft moron,

remember? I know how to use a levitation charm."

Harry grinned back in amusement.

With her expression turning to a slight frown, she said, "We've figured

out how Mister Weasley the Youngest was able to practice spell casting

outside a recognised classroom or other allowed areas."

"I've been thinking about that, too," he said. "Let me guess. There's some

form of permanent ward that's localised on the third floor corridor on the

left that's hidden from the castle's wards what's cast in there; yes?"

While Goodstone looked surprised, Marchbanks just smirked. "Entirely

correct, young man. Well reasoned. Twenty points to Gryffindor."

"Dumbledore's?" he asked.

"I do not believe so, no," she said.

"Then it would be Quirrell's or Riddle's; or a combination of both." he

said. "Set up so any magic he cast in the area, back in my First Year,

would not be detected by Dumbledore using the wards."

"My belief, as well," she nodded.

"Makes sense," he tried to shrug, before wincing from the pain it

generated in his shoulder.

Marchbanks made a small "Tch!" sound in disapproval before she said,

"You'd best break that shrugging habit, at least until your shoulder is


"Yes, Ma'am," he grumbled.

After a nod back she said, "It would interest you to know that Mister

Weasley the Youngest has now been expelled, even though he's already

scarpered. His effects were searched and sent to his home... The Burrow,

I believe.

"His attack has also been reported to the DMLE and, I believe, they've

already initiated a man hunt for the boy."

"They have," he agreed. "Madam Bones was recently here demanding I

not try to hunt the little... person down, myself."

Daphne added, "And we told him he'd be on the couch for a month if he

even entertained that foolish notion."

When Harry looked to his ladies, Hermione said, "We've already been

interviewed about the attack. They were especially interested in what

Neville, Sue and Justin had to say, as those three saw his face before he


Giving a short hum sound of agreement and a nod, Marchbanks

continued, "We also located a room in that third floor corridor where he

had set himself up a spell casting self-teaching area. A number of dark

arts books were found and they were collected by a couple of aurors and

taken to the DMLE, rather than being sent to The Burrow."

"How are the twins and young Ginny holding up about this?" he asked. "I

kind of expected the twins, at least, to come pay me a visit."

"They've been sent home for the day; taken home by their mother," she

replied. "They will return tomorrow morning before classes."

Goodstone piped up and said, "All three, together with their parents,

wished for me to pass on that they have expressed their disappointment

in their youngest brother's actions and disavow any knowledge he would

or had planned to do anything like this."

"No," said Harry. "This was all Ron; him, his jealousy of all things 'Potter'

and his overblown sense of self-entitlement.

"If anything, I blame his mother. This behaviour of his should have been

caught and dealt with way before he even turned up at Hogwarts as a

First Year."

Marchbanks nodded and said, "Indeed."




75. Creeping Death

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to the proverbial Duchess of

Magic, JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high

falutin' companies. No matter how much I whine about not owning anything

related to the HP universe, other than a few fanfic plots, I do not profess to

own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful

world... Damn it!

A/N: You get this one a couple hours earlier as somewhat of an apology for―

Nah, screw it. I did it for me. I just wanted it out of the way for today. :)

Chapter Seventy Five - Creeping Death




The morning's copy of the Daily Prophet contained the entirety of what

had happened the two days previous morning on those stairs at the third

floor landing. Hermione was surprised with how accurate it was and

expressed such to the others.

Daphne smirked and said, "That would be Sampson's fear of what Law-

wizard Tonks would do to them and, specifically him, if they wrote

anything but the truth."

Iolanthe Sampson was Cuffe's replacement as Editor of the Daily Prophet.

She'd moved over from Witch Weekly as editor there.

Hermione immediately gave a smirk back and softly said, "I'd forgotten

about that."

However, it apparently also had quite a significant number of students,

who weren't until then privy to what had happened, again looking to the

Heirs with a mixture of awe and fear; especially those who were children

of the dark families. The other Heirs, less Harry, were now well used to it

and ignored it.




Later that morning the stinging, tingling feeling in Harry's shoulder

finally stopped. However, he was still not immediately released; it wasn't

until that evening he could escape the hospital wing. It took the rest of

that day, the Monday, for the flesh and skin to be repaired enough at the

wound site for Robinson to decide it was time for him to remove the

combined splint/bandage/poultice.

Ten minutes later, after a lot of prodding and poking and questions like

'Does this hurt?', Harry was finally released with warnings not to over-

exert the muscles and bone of his wand arm shoulder for the rest of the


"In other words, Lord Potter," warned Robinson, "No excessive exercising

of that shoulder until the weekend at least."

"No, sir," Harry dutifully nodded. Mind you, he'd have agreed to just

about anything just to get off that hard mattress and out the door.

Promising not to over-exert his shoulder was well within his ability to

agree to.

Of course, his three ladies were all there to collect him and 'escort' him

up to the Potter apartment. Recognising and knowing they were worried

about him he let them mother him a bit. It wasn't that big a deal to him.

As soon as they got into the apartment, Hermione tried to 'urge' him into

bed again.

"Not going to happen, Hermione," he firmly said. "Assignments wait for

no OWL year wizard. I've laid and snoozed on my back all day. I want to

make a start on today's assignments well before I head for bed later this


Looking like she was going to vehemently argue about that, before

Hermione could say a word Daphne cut in first. "That sounds like a good

idea, Harry. There's nothing stressful to your shoulder about writing


"Agreed," said Fleur.

With both girls clearly agreeing, Hermione decided not to disagree, after

all. She just gave a bit of a quiet huff showing she didn't like it, went to

her book satchel and pulled forth her folder she kept her assignments

within. Then brought them back to the coffee table and couches.

Dobby had already retrieved Harry's satchel and put it on the floor

leaning against the leg of the coffee table, where Harry often left it.

Harry was quick to pick it up, retrieve his writing equipment and set

everything up ready to write down what each of his missed assignments

were. Dobby even brought him his 'lap table', an idea he'd copied from

Alice Longbottom, so he wouldn't have to continue to lean over to the

coffee table to work.

"Thanks, Dobs," he muttered, organising things either on the table or

alongside himself. He admitted only to himself that his shoulder still

ached a bit.

That night Fleur entered his room only a few minutes after he did.

Seeing her, he said, "I'm sorry, Fleur; but, I won't be able to do much to

help you, tonight. I can't do... ummm... push ups."

As she disrobed, she said, "You let me worry about that, mon cher. You

do not have to be... as you put it... 'on top'."

Harry was unsurprised he was able to get to sleep that night with a smile

on his face. He might not have been able to give his bonded the multiple

releases he knew he was capable of when fully fit, but he was able to give

her at least a couple and reach completion himself in the end.

That she was sprawled in the bed asleep and appeared utterly 'wasted'

was testament of that, at least.




It hadn't taken Weasley long to realise he was not going to be happy

being cooped up and effectively trapped in the basement of Nott manor

to know he needed to come up with some sort of effective plan not to be

so trapped.

His exploration of the basement within the first couple of hours of being

stuck down there found him the potions room. He might not be the best

at brewing, but he considered himself a fair hand. It was his belief it was

only the crap he'd had to put up with from Snape, when the man was still

the Potions Master of the school and Professor, together with the man's

hatred of all things Gryffindor, that had a negative impact on him.

Picking a couple of the Potions books found in the 'lab' to read through to

see if they held the answer to his problems, had him return to his

bedroom and accompanying study table to begin reading.

Some of them looked interesting.

Of course, Nott didn't just have the standard Potions books that could be

found in Flourish and Blotts. He also had quite a few that contained

potions that could be dark. And those would probably have the answer to

his dilemma. He cracked those open first.

If he was to be honest with himself, which he wasn't, if there'd been a

book or magazine on Quidditch in there he'd have grabbed that to read





Harry was back in classes the next day; a double of Charms, morning tea,

a double of Transfiguration, lunch, a single of CoMC and finishing up

with a double of Herbology. A full day, but not so much moving about

between classes as in the past.

Fleur had left earlier to head into work at Gringotts after Harry prepared

a quick breakfast for her, before joining everyone else for the trip down

to the Great Hall.

Walking in, he was near immediately almost set upon by the twins. "Lord

Harrikins!" stated the first, hurrying over from the Gryffindor table to

where they were heading for the Hufflepuff table that morning.

"Please―" started the second, as the first took it back up again, "Believe

us when we tell you―"

"We had no idea Ron―"

"Could do such a thing as deliberately ambush you."

"Relax, guys," he said. "None of us blame you two."

"Or Ginny," added Hermione.

"No; this was all Ron. We know that," he finished.

When the twins appeared relieved, Daphne said, "While this attack is

seen as 'all Ron' it does not excuse the behaviour of any other Weasley if

they have desires to attack any of us.

"Ronald Weasley's behaviour and what will no doubt befall him in the

coming of time is just as much his mother's fault as his own. After all, he

should not have turned out the way he did since your mother, who was

pretty much solely responsible for raising him before he arrived at

Hogwarts on the first of September in 1991, should have spotted the

problem much earlier than that and dealt with it back then. His bigotry,

his jealousy and his disgusting eating habits, plus all the rest, are as much

her fault as his."

Clearly sad to have heard that, both twins nodded with one adding,





After reading through one of the potions texts available to him in the

basement of the Nott manor, Weasley realised he'd found at least one

answer to one of his problems; how to move about outside without being

immediately recognised and captured. He had no doubts that, if he was

caught, he'd quickly find himself in a holding cell at the DMLE and

almost as quickly tried and found guilty before being sent to Azkaban.

His answer, he believed, was Polyjuice potion. Crouch had imitated

Moody for almost the whole of a school year and not even Dumbledore

had supposedly figured out 'Moody' wasn't Moody. He'd even stated that,

apparently, during his trial; at least, that's what his Mum had said.

That meant it was safe to take for extended periods of time. He just had

to get used to the taste.

Though the instructions in the book looked a little difficult he knew they

weren't. After all, Granger had brewed it in their second year; so it simply

couldn't be that hard.

Yes, there would be the problem of stewing the lacewing flies for twenty

one days, but that gave him plenty of time to find other potions he could

add to help him.

He called for the Nott house elf, Runt, and told it what he needed.

His first and unknown problem was that Runt, unlike Dobby, was not

confident in offering advice, let alone corrections, to his instructions. The

Notts made sure the elf did exactly what it was told and nothing else.

And his second problem was his attitude of 'close enough is good





By the Friday things had well begun to settle back down at Hogwarts.

Harry was pretty much over his injuries and his girls were appreciative of


For the school, all the students were now starting to get into the mindset

that it was only a few weeks before the end of term, just over six weeks,

and they'd be heading back for the Christmas break on the 19th of

December. Some were already starting to talk about what gifts they'd buy

for others or hope they'd receive in return.

The Heirs weren't wondering much about that. When others started

mentioning the upcoming break, Harry's first thought was where would

they spend it? He called the girls together on the Friday evening to

discuss options.

When Harry first raised the subject, Hermione had immediately asked,

"Where do you think we should spend it, Harry?"

Both of his other girls also immediately turned to look at him with

curious expressions on their faces. It was now obvious, to him, it would

be his task to pick.

"Well," he said, somewhat surprised by how they were deferring to him

about this. "This is a three week break, this year. I think it's... in part... to

make up for the shortened summer break."

When all three nodded back, still not saying anything, he thought about

it and said, "How about... since we didn't spend a lot of time there last

summer... we spend the first week, including Christmas Day, at the


That had Daphne immediately beam back in happiness.

Continuing, he added, "The next day and for the second week we spend

five days in France with the Delacours, where Gabby should also be back

from Beauxbatons for the break. Since they both work, we then spend

New Years Eve, Day and the next couple of days with the Grangers. Then

finish the week at The Kennel."

That had all three grin back in happiness before Hermione turned to look

at the other two and, almost smugly, stating, "See?"

The slight confusion he was feeling must have been reflected in his

expression as Daphne laughed and said, "That's almost exactly what we

figured you'd suggest."

"And for the same reasons," added Hermione.

Internally, Harry breathed a huge sigh of relief. He was worried he'd

upset one or more of his ladies and did not want to feel their wrath, if

they were of a mind to unleash it upon him, for 'getting it wrong'.




In the basement of the Nott manor, Weasley was in the middle of

working on a few potions he figured could be a help in getting back out

and about from the basement.

He'd already begun to brew his first batch of Polyjuice potion, together

with a couple of others related to disguises; one of which would mask his

magical signature - not knowing Nott's house elves were already slipping

him such a potion within his food.

However, he was also working on a couple of control potions and

poisons. He'd now determined his chances of getting to Potter and

directly defeating him wouldn't work. So, he'd have to come at him

through his whores and minions - for that is what he now thought of

them. He'd slip one or more of them control potions and have them

poison him.

He'd already decided that, while he'd have preferred to defeat Potter in a

one-on-one duel, he'd be satisfied with using his whores and supposed

friends to kill him on his behalf.

'Just so long as he's dead,' he thought with satisfaction.

Because he was envisioning the pain and effects the poison would have

on Harry's body, he wasn't paying as much attention to what he was

doing as he should have. A couple of very important steps were not

completed exactly as they should have been.

At one stage, he had to pause while he called the Nott house elf assigned

to him to go and purchase a couple of ingredients he hadn't noticed, until

then, were missing. Nott had granted him a very limited budget for the

purchase of such ingredients and the house elf was only obeying

instructions when purchasing them.




At the meeting of the Alliance a little over a week later and just before

the meeting even started, Amelia took Harry aside and gave him a quick

report about their hunt for one Ronald Weasley.

"He's completely disappeared," she immediately told him. "It's now been

two weeks and, even with all the suggestions you gave us on how to find

Dumbledore, none of them worked with finding him, either. As such, we

believe he's under a Fidelius or within one of the old manors that have a

set of the old ward schemes on them. That's all I can think of that could

block our efforts."

With a small disappointed sigh, he said, "I'd already figured as much."

"The hunt has not been called off, though," she stated. "Eventually, we'll

find him. Plus, Arthur Weasley has informed me he has his wife watching

that family clock of theirs. If he dies, we'll near-immediately know of it.

Well, as soon as they see any change and let us know of it. Right now, it's

apparently telling them he's alive, calm and not in immediate danger. But

that's all it tells them."

"Understood," he replied.

As he'd told Harry he would, Frank informed them all how disgusted he

was to learn that the 'secret' of what the Tapestry Club was doing was

made known to the Daily Prophet.

"We are an Alliance," he firmly stated. "What we discuss here is debated

in the knowledge that what we speak of... what is an Alliance secret...

does not become fodder for the gossips and especially that scandal sheet

rag, the Daily Prophet. We need to trust one another that what we discuss

here, stays here.

"Lord Potter has convinced me it will do us no good to ferret out the one

who betrayed our confidence. Finding them would mean we would have

to kick them out of our Alliance, just on principle." He sighed. "That's not

something the fledgling Grand Alliance we have become should have to


"Just know that we are very disappointed in you, whoever you are. And,

if anything like this happens again, we will discover your identity."

After letting the gathering think through that for a moment he eventually

asked, "Now. Any more news for us?"

"Parkinson," Sirius almost growled out.

"Yes," said Ogden. "We really need a plan on how to handle him and his

incessant attempts to discover more information about, or try to get

control of, Heiress Malfoy... CeeCee. You know they won't stop, don't


And ideas were tabled to discuss how to deal with the dark families

trying to wrest back control of the Malfoy fortune.

During the early part of the meeting Harry had been carefully watching

Sirius, the man was trying to look grave, but the expression of gleeful

chaos Harry could see shine through every now and then had him a bit


As the meeting this month was being held at Abbott's Ford, Eugene

Abbott was chairing the meeting. At close of one short piece of business,

he asked, "Next?" and looked around the table.

That's when Sirius leaned forward with clearly feigned nonchalance from

where he was sitting back and calmly drawled, "I have an announcement,

if you don't mind."

"Of course not," said Eugene, sitting back slightly to listen and offering

the 'floor' to Sirius.

Sirius gave a nod of thanks and said, "Because of the resounding defeat of

the emergency motion to have the work of the Tapestry Circle made a

High Secret, we all know that means any similar motion cannot be raised

again for twelve months. However, that does not mean a contrary motion

cannot be raised."

When a few, including Ogden and Bones, nodded back, he smiled and

said, "Harry's little speech against the motion, we would all agree, went a

long way to earning that three-quarter majority. It also, I believe, gained

a lot of support for The Tapestry Circle's efforts.

"To that end, I have been working with Ted Tonks to draft legislation that

will make what the Tapestry Circle have already researched and

determined needs to occur. We have drafted a recommended Statute to,

with the exception of specific cases, make handfastings and concubinage

between witches and wizards who have an identical blood relative closer

than six generations back illegal."

That had a few give quiet gasps of shock or, in one case, give a huff of


"There would need to be exceptions, of course, for those who are already

handfasted or concubined, for those in current unbreakable relationship

contracts, for those finding themselves in soul or life debt bonds,

etcetera. However, I believe Ted and I have covered every possible

contingency that would require such an exemption."

"It won't pass," Puvingson firmly said, interrupting.

"By the reaction of the Members during the debate of the emergency

motion, I believe it will," said Sirius.

"It's a fool's quest," Puvingson shot back.

"Then I shall be a fool and quest it," said Sirius. Before Puvingson could

retort yet again, Sirius added, "The House of Black has not moved a

motion within the Wizengamot in one and a half decades. I believe this

matter is important enough... and is sufficiently a hot enough issue... for

House Black to lead the charge on this."

Ogden asked, "You're not doing it because Dowager Malfoy is a daughter

of Black?"

"No," he replied. "I acknowledge Narcissa being a daughter of Black had a

little to do with me deciding to champion this issue within the 'Mot.

However, on a personal viewpoint, I also believe most strongly this needs

to be moved forward with haste. That's the primary reason I'm doing


Frank asked, "May we see what you've got?"

Sirius smiled and called, "Chuckles."

When the little elf popped in, he said, "Bring me my Bill for the

Protection of the Well-being of the Recognised Houses, would you?"

"Yes, Master Sirius," replied the elf, before it popped away for a long


When he came back, he immediately popped a parchment folio onto the

table before Sirius.

"Thank you, Chuckles," muttered Sirius, as he flipped the 'cover' of it


Thanking the house elves for their service was something both Harry and

Hermione had impressed upon him. He'd begun to do it for them. Now, he

did it automatically.




After a 'business as usual' start to the November session of the

Wizengamot, the call for New Business was issued by Ogden. The only

difference was, again, the numbers of witches who filled the visitors'

gallery; though, to be fair, there weren't as many as the few weeks

previously for the emergency session.

Sirius stood and immediately got the call, which showed Ogden was

waiting for him.

"Thank you Chief Warlock," said Sirius. "I stand, before you, representing

the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black offering for your

consideration the first item of legislature the House of Black has put

forward in over fifteen years. I stand before you for the first time offering

such legislature.

"The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black presents in first reading the

Statute for the Protection of the Well-being of the Recognised Houses."

And sent his 'original' copy to the Scribe.

After the meeting that original would be passed to the WAS, where they

would record it, copy it out as many times as necessary and send one

each to each Member of the Wizengamot, including the Minister and

each department Director. Other copies would, of course, be made

available to any interested party who wished to find out more about it.

Within a minute of Sirius speaking to the Bill many of the Members were

up in their wands about it. Sirius's Statute, as he'd told Harry it would do,

was to pass into law the 'recommendations' of the Tapestry Circle,

together with the exemptions the Heirs let Sirius know plus the views of

a few other interested parties who managed to have their views heard by

Sirius and Ted. Many of that last group were members of the Tapestry

Circle Narcissa told Sirius he should speak with to hear what they had to


In a nutshell the Statute made it illegal for any relationship agreement,

let alone handfasting, between any witch and wizard where they had a

common ancestor within the past five generations. Plus, it included all

the exemptions the Heirs had discussed and let Sirius know about,

together with a few valid points the Tapestry Circle also 'submitted'

believing should be included. It then went into some depth as to the

penalties for breaching the Statute, the least of which was a magical

repudiation and enforced disenchantment of any illegal handfasting not

already having an exemption. It wasn't a long Statute, but it was certainly

a contentious one.

During the 'reading' Sirius had to stop no less than a half dozen times due

to both the sheer amount of noise and or at request by Ogden. And four

supposed Lords had to be thrown from the chamber for the 'crime' of

'Ignoble behaviour within the Chamber' before Sirius, after half an hour,

was finally able to conclude his remarks.

It was while a Speaker against, some old crotchety Lord of a Noble and

Elder House Harry didn't care much for, who was speaking about how

'even the tabling of the Statute' impinged on the 'rights' of Heads of

Houses in the husbandry of their own Houses, that Harry had an

epiphany that had him a little worried - the rights of muggleborns.

It was something he'd have to raise with the Sitting alliance members at

their debrief at the conclusion of the meeting.




They'd been sitting in the Chief Warlock's office going over the meeting

of the Wizengamot when Harry raised his epiphany.

At the conclusion of his views, which clearly had the others worried,

Ogden said, "Damn. I don't think any of us thought of that."

He received concerned headshakes in denial back from the others.

Harry believed that, once the Heads of the recognised Houses finally

accepted that the bloodlines were at risk of birth defects and stillbirths

from inbreeding, there would be some who would attempt to find a way

to force muggleborns and non-ennobled halfbloods into relationship

agreements; specifically, Concubine Bond Contracts.

"Those laws are going to need to be strengthened," said Samuel. "The

one's covering forcing someone into a relationship agreement."

"They're already there," said Bones, also concerned.

"They're unenforceable," sighed Harry. "Muggleborns have bugger-all

rights, remember? It would be easier to enact laws protecting the

muggleborns... no, the Unhoused, which would include the muggleborns...

from such shenanigans than try to enforce laws that have already been

proven to be insufficient."

As the others nodded, he added, "However, the other option is what my

ladies want me to push forward as part of the 'Potter Legislative Agenda',

as Hermione calls it; make contracted relationships involving sex illegal,

or make sex being included in contracted relationships illegal. If the bride

or concubine are actually against such a relationship, she sees such

contracts as legalised sexual molestation."

Sirius winced. He quietly but firmly said, "I doubt you'll ever get the

chance to enact such a law, Harry."

"I know," he sighed. "That's why the first option is the way to go.

Hermione's just going to have to live with it, for now.

"I think it might have to start with making it that neither a regent nor

magical guardian, other than a magical parent, can enter a child into one.

And that such an agreement can only be agreed upon once all parties

have been checked for mind altering charms and potions immediately

prior to the signing of such an agreement."

Ogden, not focussing on anyone because he was deep in thought, was

nodding along. He mused, "A good start, but is it enough?"

No one had an answer for him. Harry was relieved, even glad, a

pureblood like Ogden was supportive of such a concept. It gave him


Sirius looked to Harry and it was easy for Harry to see he was thinking

back almost a year ago when the issue of Hermione getting caught in a

sex slave concubine bond contract was raised at the Grangers'. He was

doing the same.




On returning to the school, Harry returned directly to the apartment and

changed before heading down to lunch. Due to how long the Wizengamot

meeting went, he had to hurry to make it in time for the end of lunch.

And was down at the Great Hall with about fifteen minutes before the

end of the lunch and they'd have to make their way to their next classes.

For Harry, that was Care of Magical Creatures.

Even before he sat he could see his two, especially Hermione, were eager

for news - Fleur was at Gringotts.

He quickly said, "After classes, alright? I'll let you know now, though,

Sirius tabled his Bill for the first reading."

That had both, and even the others, relieved.

"Any trouble?" asked Susan.

"Nothing we didn't expect," he replied. "Three Lords and, I think, a head

of a Ministry department got their bums tossed out for 'ignoble

behaviour', though.

That had both Sue and Daphne wince a little. It was a major slap against

one's House to be so firmly evicted from the Chamber during a sitting.

"Ouch!" said Neville, although he clearly didn't mean it as he didn't even

twitch a wince.




After class, a double in Herbology with the Slytherins this year so Daphne

was with them, Harry and his two headed straight back to the apartment

to get changed.

Once redressed and before he could even ask about the two double

classes he missed in the morning, Charms and Transfiguration, the two

practically dragged him to the 'triple' couch and sat him down between


However, he was pleased to see neither started demanding information;

but both did stare at him expectantly, not saying a word.

With a mental snort and light smile on his face he wryly said, "I've got

this feeling you both want to know more about what happened during

the session, today."

Again not saying a word, both stares just morphed into slight frowns.

"Okay!" he laughed. "Don't hex me for it. Here's what happened..."

He told them about Sirius's Bill first, as he knew that was what they were

most interested in. However he also covered what else happened and

added what happened in the meeting in Ogden's office after the session.

When he told them about his fears the Heads of the recognised Houses,

once they finally recognised the truth of the birth defect problem, would

then try to force through relationship contracts with the muggleborns

and/or halfbloods both girls looked at one another in worry.

Hermione carefully asked, "What can be done to block that?"

"Now that I've alerted the others in the alliance to the problem, I think

our best minds are going to come up with yet another Bill that'll protect

them," he replied. "However, while it will be aimed at muggleborns from

our point of view, it's going to be aimed at the Unhoused."

"Clever," said Daphne. "That way, it won't seem so much to the

traditionalists as giving muggleborn better rights."

"That's the idea," he nodded.




Weasley was in 'his' potions lab in the basement of the Nott manor when

he heard ranting and raving coming from Lord Nott from the floor above.

He could hear the man through a heating duct high up in the wall, so

stopped to listen.

"That damned Black mongrel is hell-bent on the destruction of our world!"

ranted Nott.

Weasley had no idea who the man was yelling at, but he'd hate to be in

his robes. The answering voice was too quiet for him to make out what

they were saying, let alone if he could even recognise the voice.

"No!" ranted Nott. "I am not prepared to wait! Call the faithful! I expect them

all... every one of them... to be here and before me by seven hours past noon

this very day!"

He heard no more after that. However, if Nott and all his evil, slimy

Slytherin friends were going to be here, he could use that opportunity to

duck out and get things he needed he didn't want Nott to know he would


He didn't trust that elf not to tell Nott and suspected the elf was telling

Nott everything he was doing, let alone what he was buying on Weasley's


While Nott might have helped him by providing him somewhere to stay

and be hidden, that didn't mean he was going to trust the man any more

than he had to.

Weasley's Polyjuice Potion had, surprisingly, turned out 'adequate' only

that day; even if he did have Runt, the house elf, buy him the 'pre-stewed'

lacewing flies to save time. However, the other potions he was making,

especially the poisons, needed ingredients that were specific to those


He'd looked to see if there were other potions that contained those

ingredients, but with the exception of one of the antidotes none he could

read up on did. That meant there was a high likelihood if the elf did tell

Nott what he was buying for him, Nott would quickly figure out what

potions he was making. That meant, after he'd killed Potter, Nott would

have the 'evidence' that would point back to him. That could not be


Besides, he might use the same method to take out Nott later, if that was

what he needed to do.




As the time reached 7.00pm, Weasley could hear through the vent that

Nott was again ranting and raving about 'the Black mongrel' and 'Potter'.

He had no idea what Black or Potter had done, but whatever it was

certainly riled the man. All he knew from what he'd heard was that Black

and Potter were trying to kill off all the purebloods and hand the Houses

over to halfbloods.

That had Weasley even more determined to do what he had to do to stop

Potter and his minions.

Right on 7.00pm he cast a wide area stasis charm over his potions work

bench, turned off the magical fume extraction fan, donned his

Disillusionment charm and snuck out through a window high in the wall

in the storeroom off the main area of the basement. That window only

required him to move two crates under it for him to easily climb them

and open the window. It opened just behind a bush in one of the garden

beds hard up alongside a wall of the manor about a foot off the ground


A quick brush off of loose soil from his clothes and he was jogging across

the grounds to where he thought the nearest road could be found. Once

outside the grounds he'd be taking the Polyjuice Potion he brewed and

calling the Knight Bus to come and pick him up.

Back inside the basement of the manor, the wide area stasis charm

Weasley cast over the workbench failed almost before the boy had

finished crossing the grounds outside.

That had the three potions he was currently brewing - a loyalty potion

strong enough to be a slave potion blended with almost a Draught of

Peace, a compulsion potion as strong as the Imperius curse and a fast

acting poison - continue to 'brew'.




At the Ministry, no efforts at that time were currently being made to

track Weasley down. For a start, it was the night shift who were on; and

they were more focussed on dealing with the revelry and near riots going

on in the pubs of the Alleys, Hogsmeade and Godric's Hollow. And,

secondly, it had now been two weeks since Weasley's attack on Potter

and his ladies and all attempts to track him down had been unsuccessful

to date. As such, no attempts were being made that night to find him.

A young junior Auror had just stuck his head into the auror bullpen. He

spotted one of the on-duty Senior Aurors and said, "There's a riot in the

Warlock's Curse in Knockturn. The proprietor requests auror attendance."

The Senior looked to the RR Team, smirked and said, "Looks like this

one's for you lot. Best go settle them down again."

The Senior in charge of that Team rolled his eyes, sighed, stood up and

looked to his Team. "Right. Let's go bash some heads together."

They left fifteen seconds later via portkey.

That left those aurors manning the floos for incoming emergency calls

and those couple in the auror bullpen remaining behind as backup. All

other aurors were out and about already, including the on-duty 'Desk'

Master Auror, who'd already gone out with one of the teams to deal with

another trouble spot in Hogsmeade, at the Hogs Head Tavern.




That evening, Harry received a somewhat thick letter from Ted via


After casting detection charms over it and finding nothing untoward, he

soon had the envelope open and had the parchment within slid out onto

the coffee table.

Unsurprisingly now, Hermione didn't immediately try to pick up one of

the documents to find out for herself what was written upon them.

However, she did watch Harry most carefully. She was also very much

aware, now, she was to never touch any documents Fleur might bring

home, but at least his oldest bonded didn't leave anything from work out

in the open unless she was there and working on or with them.

Picking the small stack up, Harry read the cover letter provided by Ted

and began to skim through the attachments. "Ted's come through with

recommendations for International Real Estate agents for me," he quietly


"International Real Estate Agents?" asked Daphne.

That's when Harry realised he hadn't told his ladies he'd asked Ted to find

some for him, or why.

"Sorry," he said. "I asked Ted to find some for me because I'm interested

in purchasing some properties in areas that are now important to us."

Then he explained where and why.

"Perth, Australia; the French winery areas and New York State in the US,"

said Hermione. "That's very clever."

"I understand the first two, but why the third?" asked Daphne.

"Somewhere within apparation range of New York City while not being

too close to that hustle and bustle," he replied. "The Hamptons, I believe,

is where the rich of New York go close-by to get away for a holiday by

the sea from New York City. I thought you ladies might like somewhere

nice to stay in the US that was close enough for you to be able to visit the

New York City garment district, specifically Fifth Avenue."

That earned him three wide grins of pleasure from his ladies.

"Ohhhh, you are so going to get lucky tonight, Potter," said a very pleased


He never told them of his intent to purchase a very decent property for

Daphne, ready for if she decided she'd had enough of him and would

move herself out. He was still feeling insecure about that relationship. He

knew Hermione wouldn't leave him unless he did something really, really

stupid to ruin their relationship; and he knew Fleur couldn't leave him

due to the Veela life debt; but, Daphne was under no requirement to





Meanwhile and at Nott Manor, the 'Faithful' had gathered. In all, over

forty witches and wizards, mainly wizards, had gathered in the manor

'Reception Hall'. These were both or either of the Inner Circle of the

Death Eaters and Lords of Noble Houses of the Dark.

Even with expansion charms at their maximum, the reception hall was

the only room in the manor large enough to hold that many, even if the

room was massively oversized for forty-plus.

A large 'U'-shaped table had been set up in the middle of the floor with

chairs around the outside of the 'U' for those 'privileged' to be invited.

Nott stood between the tips of the 'U' and paced back and forth, going

over, in detail, what both Black and the 'so-called' Tapestry Club had

done. He was waving a copy of Sirius's Bill about and reading from

sections of it as he did. Of course, many who were there already knew

this as they, too, held Lordships and were in attendance.

What none of them knew, though, was the creeping death that was, even

then, sneaking up on them all.

Down in the potions lab the three potions that were back to brewing after

the failure of the stasis charm had now passed the point of overheating.

Instead of just simmering with the lightest wisps of fumes rising from

their surfaces, all three potions had reached boiling point and the fumes

coming off them were in great invisible clouds.

With no extraction fan in operation, the three separate clouds blended

into one whole and rose above the workbench before being sucked into

the very poorly placed vent that led back up into the manor proper.

As it was a cold night, one of the 'modern' conveniences of the manor had

been activated; the central heating.

The fumes were then sucked into a gas powered heater and further mixed

together before being pumped back out into the air of the manor through

concealed vents low to the floor spread throughout nearly every room in

the manor. That heating both mixed the fumes and distilled the potency

of the fumes even further.

Then being expelled through the air outlet vents by the low powered

magical fan at the boiler, even now the fumes were beginning to fill the


The quickest acting on the gathered 'Faithful' was the Draught of Peace

component. Those attending found themselves becoming quite happy and

calm as Nott, who had started with ranting, was now more calmly

speaking about what needed to be done with the 'blood traitors' of the

Tapestry Circle, specifically the Malfoy bitch and Black.

Because of the calmness that slowly enveloped them all, none of them

were worried about what they were now feeling.

Next was the rest of the slave potion together with the Imperius potion.

The latter of the two also added to the calmness of the first with the

sense of near euphoria it created.

And, finally, was the poison.

When individuals of the Faithful began to keel over, the rest were so lost

in euphoria they simply didn't care. Everything was just 'peachy', thank

you very much. So, if someone decided to take a quick and unintended

nap, that was quite alright and they should be left alone to do that.

With his head a few feet higher off the floor than the others due to

standing, Nott was the last to fall. He collapsed almost bonelessly to the

floor, making very little noise doing so. No one saw him fall. He was

unconscious before his head hit the floor.




Weasley nearly had a panic attack when, just after he'd entered

Knockturn Alley, a team of five aurors charged down it seemingly coming

right at him.

However, they ran right past him with barely even a glance in his

direction, heading deeper into the Alley.

Not thirty yards further along they suddenly turned and set themselves

up to enter a building that had a shingle hanging from a pole outside that

said 'The Warlock's Curse'. A long moment later and the one who had his

off hand on the door hand and was checking his fellow aurors over,

suddenly yanked on that door handle and led what appeared to be a

charge inside.

As soon as he'd opened the door, though, Weasley could suddenly hear

plenty of raised voices, shouts and even glass breaking coming from

within. That same noise just as suddenly cut off when the door closed

behind the aurors.

With the aurors now gone, Weasley moved to stand to the side near a

shop-front and leaned on the wall. Until then he hadn't realised his heart

rate had spiked due to the presence of the aurors.

A few minutes later he stood back up straight and made his way to a

shop he could tell was an apothecary by the large and clearly fake bundle

of herbs hanging from it's own pole outside the shop. Walking closer he

saw the faded, peeling sign that proved it was the apothecary he was

looking for; the same name as the name Runt gave him for the name of

the apothecary he told Weasley he'd purchased some of the other

ingredients for him, including the pre-stewed lacewing flies.

Entering, he braced himself up, yet again trying to act like a 'poncy git',

and made his way to the counter.

A quiet demand and he was soon leaving again with small amounts of the

two ingredients he wanted.

Before Weasley had even made it back into Diagon Alley on his way back

to the street via the Leaky Cauldron, back at Nott Manor the Faithful

were all down and unconscious. One, an elderly wizard named Andrew

Gibbon, was already dead.




At The Burrow, Molly and Arthur were sitting for a somewhat late dinner

- something they more and more had due to Arthur working back at the

Ministry more often due to his job and new responsibilities - when there

came from the family clock, 'Dong!'

Both adults Weasleys immediately spun to stare at it. Ron's hand had,

again, moved to 'In Danger'. Both were only a little relieved it had not

also immediately moved to 'Mortal Peril'.

"Shhhit!" muttered Arthur.

"Arthur?" whimpered Molly.

Arthur turned back, picked up his napkin and wiped his face. "I'll let the

aurors know. However, it's well outside work hours; so I don't know

what, if anything, can be done."

Looking more firmly at her, he added, "We have no idea where he is,


He rose and made his way to the floo.




Weasley disembarked the Knight Bus right outside the front gate of the

Manor and quickly got the hell away from that point. He just hoped no

one inside was looking out one of the front windows and saw him get off

the evil contraption.

Hiding for about five minutes in the bushes between the fence and the

road, after not seeing anyone coming down to check it out, he made his

way further along the fence to the place he was able to scale it and get

back onto the grounds.

A few minutes later, he was under a disillusionment charm and hiding in

the bushes up against the wall of the manor, carefully listening to see if

anyone inside had detected him.

Not hearing a sound, he felt he was in the clear and slunk back to 'his'


He had no idea that the only living beings still alive in the manor were

the owls in the owlery in their own tower. And they were only alive

because the owlery was more a covered roof gazebo than a room.

As he climbed in the window, back in The Burrow Weasley's clock hand

suddenly shifted to 'Mortal Peril' with a clear 'DONG!'

"Arthur!" Molly immediately wailed.

Arthur's mien just took on an expression of pain and he closed his eyes.

In a defeated voice he softly said, "There's nothing we can do, Molls."

He had moved to sit at the table alongside her when he returned from the

floo. Unconsciously, they both held hands, praying to Merlin and the Old

Gods to save their wayward son.

Even as soon as he was climbing back in through his window, Weasley

could smell something burning.

'My potions!' he thought.

He quickly jumped down off the stack of crates and ran out through the

door back into the main part of the basement. As soon as he opened the

door the fumes hit him like a hammer of smell. He ran into the potions


He barely had a thought for the little elf that appeared to be laying on

the floor just inside the door of the lab, almost subconsciously wondering

why the elf picked that place to sleep.

His eyes began to immediately water from the stench.

A quick few steps of a dash and he could see his potions were now

boiling over. He was coughing from the cloying fumes.

He quickly extinguished the flames and turned back to look at the elf.

As soon as his eyes rested on the little being, through his watering eyes

he could see the elf's eyes were open and staring vacantly at the ceiling.

It took him a few moments to realise what he was seeing. The elf, Runt,

was dead.

Horrified, he quickly realised what must have happened.

Now panicking, but beginning to feel light headed, he thought, 'I have

to... get out... of here!' And ran, staggered, back out into the main part of

the basement.

With his head now feeling like it was stuffed full of cotton wool he was

now becoming confused and even more light headed.

'The... win... dow!' he sluggishly thought. "I... have... to...'

Staggering, he stumbled his way back to the door of the storeroom.

He barely made it to the storeroom door before he collapsed to the floor.

'Got... to... get...'

He passed out.

Less than a minute later his clock hand fell off the clock face of the

Weasley clock with a light clatter.

"Noooo...!" wailed Molly.

Arthur slumped to the table in defeat.

Ronald Weasley was dead.




76. Fine Upstanding Citizens Not

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to the proverbial Duchess of

Magic, JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high

falutin' companies. No matter how much I whine about not owning anything

related to the HP universe, other than a few fanfic plots, I do not profess to

own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful

world... Damn it!

Chapter Seventy Six - Fine Upstanding Citizens, Not




The next morning and at Hogwarts, Harry had just seen Fleur off to work

by way of the new floo recently allowed in their living room and

installed just for that purpose, when a note was delivered to him by a

Hogwarts house elf.

After checking it, he opened it and read.

~ # ~

Lord Potter and ladies,

Late last night I was informed by his father via floo that Ronald Weasley's

hand had dropped off that famous family clock of theirs earlier in the evening,

after first passing through In Danger and resting on Mortal Peril for a short


Arthur tells me this could not happen unless Mister Weasley the younger had


I assured him you could not have had anything to do with this as you were, at

the time, in your apartment with your ladies. My map of the school confirmed

this for him.

Before the evening was over Professor Babbling went and collected the three

Weasley children who remain attending Hogwarts from Gryffindor Tower,

brought them to my office where they were met by their father, told what had

happened regarding their family clock and were sent home in their grief. Their

personal effects were sent home this morning a short time ago.

Do not fear any of them believe this had anything to do with you, as I proved

when I showed them the master Map of the school.

Madam Weasley also tried to demand that you be allowed to join the 'rest of

her children' in going to The Burrow to grieve, which I had to inform her

would not be possible.

It is unknown, at this time, of the events which surround the death of young

Mister Ronald Weasley; or even where his body may lie. That is still being


I just felt you should know both before you come rejoin the main part of the

school. Due to your once-friendship with the boy, you and Miss Granger have

my and the staff's sympathy.

I shall inform the Alliance, if Amelia has already not.


~ # ~

After he'd finished reading the note, Harry was in shock. However, he

wasn't feeling grief.

He stood analysing his thoughts on the matter for long moment before he

silently handed the note to Daphne. Without a word, he then walked to

the window and stood with his hands clasped behind his upper bum,

staring out into the distance.

It wasn't until he heard Hermione cry out, "Oh, my God!" that he realised

Daphne had passed on the note to the other girl.

A moment later he felt one of them step up behind him, wrap their arms

around him from behind and lean their head on his back between his

shoulder blades. If not for their height he'd have still quickly determined

it was Daphne, just from her light perfume. She'd not said a word.

With a sigh, he finally gently turned about and Daphne backed off to give

him room as soon as she felt him begin to turn.

His movement had Hermione, who was sitting forward on one of the

couches with the note held between her hands, turn to look at him with a

great deal of sadness in her eyes.

"I know, Love," he said.

"Poor Ginny," she said. "And the others. They must be... heart-broken!"

"I know," he said.

Bracing himself up, he went to Hermione and, as she stood, he wrapped

her in his arms as they stood in silence.

A few moments later he pulled back and said, "I have letters to write. Can

someone go and inform the other Heirs?"

"I'll go," said Daphne.

Hermione said, "We should let... no; Fleur will know because she works

with Bill. He'll have been informed, already."

"No, let her know," he said. "He'd have been informed last night. He

wouldn't have gone to work this morning and, therefore, wouldn't have

been there to inform his work colleagues."

As Daphne walked out the door to knock on the doors of the

Longbottoms and Finch-Fletchleys Hermione made her way to the floo.

They'd promised they'd not use the floo to go anywhere, but all four were

sure the Headmistress would not have a problem with them fire-calling

others through it; especially, not for something as important as this.

With the other two moving to their tasks, Harry returned to the couch

and called on Dobby to bring him his school satchel.

A few seconds later he was in the middle of writing extended notes cum

short letters. He had a few to write.

He'd just finished the first when Hermione returned from the floo. "Fleur

now knows," she sighed. "They knew Bill would not be in at Gringotts

today, but they had no idea why. She'll pass on the information to Bill's

work colleagues.

"She also asked if she should return, depending on how you were feeling.

I hope you don't mind, but I told her you were fine. She sends her love."

"No, that's fine," he said. "You were right. I'm actually feeling alright

about it, truth be told. I've never truly seen Ron as a friend, seeing as I

knew what he was up to almost from the first day in 1991.

"My worry is you. You didn't know what I knew and you actually thought

he was a real friend. How're you holding up?"

She sighed and replied, "Ambivalent. Yes, on one hand until recently I

thought he was a friend. However, on the other hand I only really put up

with him because I thought he was your friend. I never truly liked him."

"That concerns you," he said. "Don't let it. You were right. He was quite...

forgive me... a bastard to you. I haven't forgotten he was the primary

reason you ended up in that bathroom in First Year."

She nodded back and nodded her chin to what he was working on. "Any

letters I can help write?"

He thought for a moment before he said, "Yes, actually. Can you write a

note to Ted to ask him to inform the mind-healer I contracted to help

Ginny about what's happened? Hopefully..."

"Hopefully," she continued, "She might be able to help. That's a good


Getting her own satchel she pulled out stationery and set to write her

note for Ted.

As she set up, she asked, "May I know who you're writing to while I write

this one?"

"Yes," he replied, "I'm writing a note for Angie Johnson. Her and Alicia

were quite close with Fred and George. I think there might've also been

something going on between them and the twins.

"Plus, I'm asking them to take copies of the assignments they'll be given

over the next few days to forward them and whatever notes they take in

class with the classes they share with the twins and forward them on.

"It's their NEWT year. Something like this shouldn't be allowed to hinder

them in getting good marks on their NEWTs."

"Good idea," she muttered, already making a start on her letter.

When Daphne returned a couple minutes later, she was followed by the

other heirs in the Quarters of the Grand Alliance.

"Harry," sighed Neville.

Harry looked up and said, "Yeah; I know, mate."

"What can we do to help?" asked Susan.

Harry thought for a moment before he said, "I'm writing a note to pass on

to Angie Johnson and Alicia Spinnet at the start of breakfast. But I think

one of us will need to take Dean and Seamus aside to tell them direct."

"I'll do that," Neville immediately said.

"Who else was Weasley close with?" asked Hannah.

"No one," replied Neville, before Harry could. "He wasn't exactly the most

likeable sort of person."

Once finished with his note, he passed it off to Hermione, "Proof read

that for me, will you, love? I'm not that much good with 'feelings', you


She just smiled back knowingly and switched with him.

Harry gave what Hermione wrote a quick read through and said, "I like


Turning his head to the side a little he called, "Dobby."

When the elf popped in he asked, "Yes, Master Harry?"

Handing the note over he said, "To Ted Tonks, please, Dobby."

Dobby, accepting the note, gave a firm nod of his head back and popped


Hermione said, "It's fine, Harry. You're passing it off to them as we walk


"Yes," he replied.

"Then, are we done?" she asked. "No more letters or notes?"

"Not urgently, no," he replied. "And we need to get a wriggle-on if we

don't want to be too late."




As the group all walked into the Great Hall a few minutes later, Harry

headed direct to the Gryffindor table, sought out the 'Flying Foxes of

Gryffindor', spotted them and walked over.

Silently, he handed his note to Johnson.

With a slight frown of curiosity on her face, she looked up and asked,


"If possible, yes," he replied. "There is some level of urgency in this."

She gave a nod and handed the note off to Katie Bell.

As the girl had agreed, he walked back out of the Hall, crossed the floor

of the entrance hall and walked into the antechamber. He only had to

wait about a minute and half before all three girls walked in.

As soon as they did, with all three looking curious, he immediately asked,

"Are any of you three aware of why Fred and George aren't in the Great

Hall, this morning?"

"Lee told us Professor Babbling came and got them last night, but not

why," replied Johnson. "This morning he said they didn't return to the

dorm, either."

He gave a nod and said, "Professor Babbling came and got them because

the Headmistress needed to see them. She had just been informed by

their father that their youngest brother, Ron, died last night."

That had all three look back, horrified.

"No!" Bell softly gasped.

He grimly nodded and said, "Ginny was also collected. I have no idea

how long they're going to be gone, but I think it would be helpful to

them if you could ask one of the girls in Gryffindor Fourth Year to collect

notes and assignments for Ginny, while Angie and Alicia do the same for

Fred and George. Then owl them to all three.

"They might not do them... or even be interested in doing them... but it

would be the right thing to do."

As Spinnet nodded back, Johnson blurted, "But... we've got a game

against Hufflepuff next week. What'll we do for beaters and a seeker?"

Harry's expression instantly went flat and cold. It took him a few

moments to smash down on his anger before he said, "I'm going to forget

you just said that heartless and cruel remark. How anyone could care

more about― Don't ever ask something like that in my presence again.

The consequences for you will be exceedingly painful. And, whether or

not you'll have a Quidditch Team to play a stupid fucking game will be the

least of your worries."

Without waiting another jot, he stormed out of the room slamming the

door behind him.

Almost immediately after he was gone, Spinnet whirled on Johnson and

demanded, "Angie! How you could ask something like that!? He's right.

Don't ever ask a question like that again... or, you'll also be looking for

another chaser as well!"

"Two chasers," snapped Bell.

With an expression of pain on her face, Johnson had her eyes closed.

"Sorry!" she blurted. Then sighed and opened her eyes. "Sorry, girls. That

was... that was cold and, yes, cruel. I don't know why I asked that..." And

sighed again, her eyes full of silent apology.




When Harry walked back into the Great Hall, after taking a long moment

in the entrance hall to get his anger back under control, he headed back

to the Gryffindor table.

Spotting Lee, he sat down opposite.

Looking back, Lee saw his expression and asked, "Harry? What's up?"

"Fred and George were picked up by their father last night," he replied.

"They're probably going to be gone for a while. Apparently, Ron died

sometime yesterday evening."

Lee looked horrified. "Damn!" he softly exclaimed.

"Yeah," nodded Harry. "I've asked the chasers to collect homework and

notes for them for the classes they're going to miss. But, if you could do

the same, I think it would be helpful."

"Yeah," sighed the other boy. "I can see that." He then gave a firm nod

and said, "I'll start on that today."

"Thank you," said Harry. "I'm sure they'll appreciate it." He rose and went

to the Hufflepuff table, where the other heirs were now sitting at the end

next to the Seventh Years.

"The chasers and Lee?" asked Hermione.

"Yeah," he sighed, sitting down. "They, at least, were close to the twins. "I

have no idea who Ginny's friends are, though."

"I do," replied Hermione, giving a firm nod. As she rose from the bench

she said, "I'll go and talk to them now."

"Good idea, love," said Harry, as Hermione left.

Once she was gone, CeeCee quietly said, "Ginny Weasley. She's the red

headed one in Gryffindor Fourth Year, right?"

"Yes," said Harry.

"I don't think I like her," she said, almost depressed. "She's sometimes a

little cold towards me. I think it's because she thinks I'm a Malfoy like

Draco was."

Harry sadly looked back, thought about what to say to her and said,

"Here's the only piece of advice I think I can give you on that: About one

in ten people will think you're wonderful, no matter what you do; about

one in ten people will not like you, again no matter what you do; and the

other eight will always fit somewhere in between. Focus on those eight

out of ten, appreciate the one in ten who will always like you and forget

about the one in ten who won't like you. Alright?"

CeeCee seemed to think on that for a while and said, "You mean; because

I'd be wasting my time trying to get them to like me?"

"Yes," he nodded. "And it would be a waste of time. Put your efforts

towards those you have a chance of being friends with and forget about

the rest. And accept it's alright for people not to like you. They're

allowed. Just as you're allowed to not like others."

CeeCee nodded and said, "I can do that. Thank you."

He just smiled back.

Susan smirked at him and said, "Profound, Potter; profound."




Because the Gryffindors in their year did not have a class on for first

period, Harry hung back. Once the Hall was nearly empty, he called

Dobby to bring him his communication mirror. It was now left on the

coffee table in their living room when not in use.

Handing it over, Dobby silently popped away again.

Calling his godfather it was a few minutes before he answered. When he

did he was wiping sleep out of his eyes.

"Pup?" asked a groggy Sirius.

"Sorry to wake you, Padfoot," said Harry. "But, first period is the only

period I have free all day and I have important news for you."

After a yawn, Sirius blinked a couple times and said, "Alright; I'm


"Though I don't think anyone knows how yet, that clock of the Weasleys

showed that Ron died sometime yesterday evening," he replied. "His hand

on the clock went to In Danger, then a few minutes later went to Mortal

Peril, then a few minutes after that fell off the face of the clock.

Apparently, that means the one who's clock hand it is has died."

Sirius closed his eyes in mental pain for a long moment before he quietly

said, "Thank you for telling me. Arthur was a member of the Order, back

during the war."

"I thought you should know," said Harry.

"You were right," sighed Sirius. "What do they know about how he died?"

"Nothing, apparently," he replied. "I guess until they find his body they're

not going to know the answer to that."

"And they may never find it," said Sirius. "If he's under a Fidelius..."

Harry gave just a verbal nod back. "Uh-hmm."

Sirius nodded in return and said, "Right. I guess I'll be speaking to

Bonesy, sometime today, and seeing what else I can find out."

"Bon chance," said Harry. It was one of the short French terms he'd

already picked up from Fleur.




After his mirror-call to Sirius, Harry's day was devoted to his classes. A

single in Ancient Runes was first up. It was such an interesting class it

very quickly had his mind off Ron Weasley and his fate.

After morning tea was Transfiguration, then another free period until


He used that second free period to return to the Potter apartment and lay

down on parchment his thoughts and plans about what to do concerning

this latest 'happening'.

BY the end of it and before his two ladies not otherwise working outside

of Hogwarts turned up before lunch to switch out the contents of their

satchels, he thought he had some idea.

When Hermione walked in she said, "You look in better spirits."

He nodded and replied, "I am. I've decided I'm not going to let what

happened to Ron bother me. I had already decided, in the past, that if he

had come after you three or me I would not hesitate to take him out. I'd

also most recently decided that if I ever spotted him again I'd kill him,

just for what he did to me and us when he attacked us on Hallowe'en.

Therefore, all I can be upset about is that he managed to get himself dead

before I had the chance to off him myself."

Daphne cocked an eyebrow back and said, "That's one way of looking at

it, I suppose."

Hermione sighed and said, "And I have to admit I had already thought

him dead. His body just did not know that yet."

"Good," he firmly stated. "That's why I'm not going to let it bother me any

more than it already has. It's a done issue. Time to move on."

"Very well," said Hermione. "I agree. So, may we ask what else you've

been up to this past hour?"

"After coming to that conclusion, I've been browsing through other Potter

House business parchmentwork," he replied. "The only interruption was

when Benny, Ted's house elf, popped in with a note from Ted letting me

know he'd now been in contact with that mind-healer and let them know

about Ginny losing her youngest brother. I didn't ask for any more

information than that and he didn't provide it, either."

"So, lunch?" asked Daphne.

He nodded and said, "Once you ladies have replaced the contents of your

satchels we can go."

They were done in only a few moments, care of Betsy.




After their afternoon classes of Herbology and Care of Magical Creatures,

the Heirs returned to their apartments to wash, change and ready for


They were about fifteen minutes away from dropping downstairs to the

great Hall when Sirius mirror called them.

Harry, first to get to the mirror and activate it, looked to the image of his

godfather and drawled, "Wussssuuuppp!"

Sirius just smirked and cocked an eyebrow back. "Trying to sound cool?"

Harry just grinned as Daphne, who'd heard, snarked, "Sounding like an

uncultured ape, you mean."

That had Sirius's smirk turn into a full-blown grin. Clearly, he'd heard.

A few moments later he dropped the smirk and said, "I tried talking to

Bonesy today, but couldn't until about half an hour ago. Apparently,

there's all sorts of crap going on."

"Oh?" asked Harry.

Again starting to smirk, his godfather replied, "Apparently, there's a

whole bunch of purebloods from dark families that have gone missing.

Plus... this afternoon quite a few of them have been confirmed as being


That had the Potters sit up and take notice. Within moments Harry had

Daphne and Hermione jumping onto the couch on either side, shoving

him over a little into the middle in the process, before leaning on each of

his shoulders.

Once Sirius realised Daphne and Hermione were also now there and had

finished getting comfortable, he went on. "Some spouses of those who are

being reported missing have rushed into Gringotts and have found their

husband's lifestones have gone dark."

That had even Daphne give a little gasp of surprise. Harry had never seen

a lifestone, but knew of what they were from finding out about CeeCee.

"Have any names?" he asked.

"Not yet," replied Sirius. "Bonesy's being very reluctant to release any

information yet. However, she's already received enough similar news

she's caused to have sent a warning to the WWN for them to air.

"She's asking for people to report in immediately if 'loved ones' have not

turned up when and where they expected them to be. From that, she's

already received a few more calls from people complained one of theirs,

usually a husband or father, hasn't returned from somewhere they said

they'd be going."

Hermione asked, "Do you think it might be related to Ron's death?"

Sirius looked surprised before he said, "I don't think that's occurred to us.

I'll send Bonesy a note via HEED suggesting there might be a correlation

between the two. She already thinks all these missing people and

darkened life stones are related to a single event that she doesn't know

about yet."

Suddenly, Sirius turned even more... well... serious. "And Harry? Two

that have contacted Bonesy to let them know their husbands didn't come

home last night, as they expected, were Eliza Dallyhatch and Dorothy


"Shhhyte!" Harry softly exclaimed as both his ladies gave small gasps.

Philip Bancroft was the Heir Apparent of Newton Bancroft, Head of the

Elder House of Bancroft. And Eliza Dallyhatch was the wife of Eugene

Dallyhatch, Head of the Elder House of Dallyhatch. Both Houses were

member Houses of the Grand Alliance.

"Both said that their husbands said yesterday afternoon, soon after lunch,

they had to attend an urgent meeting with a 'close friend' that... last...

night; but not who that friend was. Both left via floo just before 7.00pm.

And neither came home."

"Alright," sighed Harry. "This has now more closely impacted the

Alliance. Keep on it, if you can; and let me know what you know when

you know. In the meantime, make sure the Noble Houses of the Alliance

are made aware of this. Make Frank your first call."

"Already planned to, Pup," said Sirius. "I'm flooing to Longbottom Hall as

soon as I get off the mirror with you."

Harry immediately asked, "Take the mirror with you, please."

"Again; I already planned to, Pup."

"Thanks, Sirius."

"Mirror off!"

When the mirror returned to being a normal mirror, Daphne asked,

"Gather the heirs?"

It only took a moment for Harry to nod and say, "Yeah... I think it would

be for the best."




Neville asked, "So, Eugene Dallyhatch and Philip Bancroft are also


Daphne was quick to round up the heirs from the Quarters and they all,

once again, congregated in the Potter apartment.

"Apparently," shrugged Harry. "I never liked Philip, though. He was the

one who sneered at Hermione back at the first meeting of the Potter-

Longbottom Alliance held at your place, Nev."

"He did?" asked Hermione. "I... didn't notice."

"I didn't either," said Neville. "However, his mother certainly did. After I

dropped them off in the dining room I could hear her giving him a serve

about it. I never mentioned it because I shouldn't have heard it. And I

thought it wasn't my place to say."

Hermione frowned and said, "I thought you escorted the wives through to

the breakfast room."

"I did," said Neville. "However, she begged off me doing that because she

said she needed a quick word with her husband. So, I left her in the

formal dining room and knew she'd easily find the informal dining room,

or I could escort her there when I brought the next House in, which is

what I did."

"Don't worry about it," said Harry. "Other than that one-off sneer, he

never did anything like that again. So, I thought the matter dealt with."

"Any idea on the numbers missing, presumed dead?" asked Susan.

"Nope," replied Harry. "However, it sounds like a lot."

He thought for a moment and said, "However, if any of you want to

contact your loved ones via floo to assure yourselves they're not counted

in the 'missing', you're welcome to use our floo." And gestured towards it.

Hannah said, "Thank you." And immediately headed to it.

Hermione called to her, "Floo powder's in the pot on the mantelpiece."

A few seconds later, Hannah had the kneeling mat on the floor before the

fireplace and her head in the green flames.

CeeCee went next. She didn't know, or hadn't thought about, how Sirius

was very likely to know if something had happened to 'Mum Narcissa'

and would have said so.

Tracey went after her, then Daphne.

None of them reported a missing person among their own loved ones.

Meanwhile, the others were discussing what might have happened, just

'round tabling' it.

Fleur returned via the floo between calls by Tracey and Daphne. She was

a little miffed she couldn't connect to jump through for a little while until

she learned why.

After she was quickly brought up to speed on what was happening, she

had her own information to add.

"There were only a couple of minor eencidences this morning," she

reported. "Then, after lunch, there were quite a few witches come into

the bank, all demanding to be allowed to see their 'usband's life stones.

Quite a few of them left afterwards, in tears; or trying not to show they

were upset.

"It was clear to see that something bad 'ad 'appened; and it 'ad to do with

a lot of families known for being dark. But no one who might know

anything is speaking about it, yet.

"Even the Account Managers are not speaking. When I left, the bank

management were all in a big 'ush-'ush meeting. The Account Managers

were all in on that."

"Then something big has definitely happened," said Susan. "The goblins

are well known for being stoic... unflappable... even in the face of full-on


After Daphne had finished her floo-call, Neville put in one to his father.

When he came out of that, he said, "Dad's confirmed for me that Eugene

Dallyhatch and Philip Bancroft are dead. But he's also added that Cyril

MacMillan is too. At least, old Augustus has told Dad that his son's life

stone has gone dark."

"Oh, poor Ernie," said Hannah.

"That's a point," said Harry.

"Dad says not to worry about finding some way to let Ernie know," said

Neville, already figuring out what Harry was going to point out.

"Apparently, old Augusta's already come to the school to pick him up."

"Two Heads of House and an Heir Apparent," sighed Harry. "It seems,

even our Alliance has not escaped whatever it is that's happened."

"I need to drop down to the Badgers' Cete," said Justin. "I need to find out

what they do and don't know about Ernie."

"We'll come with," said Susan. Apparently she and Hannah had one of

those little female eye-to-eye conversations and decided they'd be going,

as well.

All three left less than a minute later.

After they left, Daphne quietly said, "I don't think we're going to get

much sleep tonight."

On the contrary, they did. However, Harry's, Hermione's and Neville's

sleep were disturbed for the hour on the Astronomy Tower, as was


They heard no further news that night.




The next morning, though it was another late start for those who spent

time in the Astronomy Tower, the entire Quarters' residents yet again

went down to the Great Hall together.

When Fleur left to go to Gringotts she promised that, if she heard

anything of significant import, she'd send a note by HEED to let them


Walking in, the Heirs were early enough to find a spot up near the head

end of the Hufflepuff table to sit together. They even interacted a bit with

that year's crop of 'Puff Firsties.

However, the atmosphere of the Hall felt a bit... odd; certainly much

quieter than normal.

Daphne was the first to spot what was wrong.

She leaned in to get the attention of the others and said, "Two things.

First, we're missing quite a few students, especially from Slytherin. And,

second, look at the expressions on the faces of the staff."

Looking for themselves, the others could see what Daphne was getting at.

The Slytherin table, compared to the other three, was reduced in number.

Though it was not anywhere even approaching something like a third of

their number, it was still not normal. Plus, the teaching staff were all

sporting long faces. None of them were so much as even gently smiling,

let alone laughing at something another said in jest as they would be


"Not good," said Justin.

When the mail-bomb came the delivery of the Daily Prophet caused a bit

of a ruckus. The lead and main story was on the news that many 'fine and

upstanding citizens' had disappeared, with many already being reported

to be dead. That was based on their extinguished life stones.

Of course that had many students, who were children or grandchildren of

those 'fine and upstanding citizens', all a-flustered. Quite a few

immediately hurried to their Heads of Houses with demands to be

allowed to contact their loved ones to ensure for themselves they were


That had Marchbanks rise and call for silence.

"Students," she firmly called. "You will notice that quite a few of your

dorm mates and others have not joined us for breakfast, this morning.

"That is because I was contacted two nights ago, right through to late last

night, with news loved ones of some of our students have been reported

as being recently deceased. This is based on whatever magics each family

has employed to monitor the health of the loved ones in their families. In

every case I have asked that students Head of House to collect them and

bring them to my office, where the news was passed onto them. Again in

every case that student was allowed to immediately go home via the floo

in my office. House elves collected their personal effects and they were

immediately sent along.

"I assure you all, as soon as we became aware there was an issue for one

or more of our students, the student or students concerned were

immediately informed.

"If you have not been asked to report to my office then, as far as we and

the DMLE are concerned, there is no information something untoward

has occurred to any of your family members."

That had quite a few students immediately relieved.

What Harry recognised straight away, though, was that there might not

have been a family member left of that family who could have discovered

something had happened to another family member, or that there might

not have been a life stone or similar monitoring device related to that

missing person. However, he also realised pointing that out would cause

undue worry and or panic, so withheld.

She continued, "We assure you that the DMLE is fully aware something

has occurred that has impacted, as the Daily Prophet puts it, many 'fine

and upstanding citizens'. We do not yet know what that something is. We

also hope and believe that the DMLE will discover just what has

happened some time today. And, when they do, will also have answers

for us as to just who has been impacted by this."

She gave that a moment before she said, "I remind you all that mail is

only delivered to our students in the mornings at the conclusion of

breakfast. Therefore, if someone tells you they have further information,

or that they know someone who has further information, I ask you to

remind them that mail is only delivered once per day and at breakfast."

Harry had to mentally congratulate her for her words, then. Marchbanks

had not lied. However, he knew very well she knew house elves could

deliver mail at any time; that there were magical devices, such as the

mirrors of which Harry had one and Sirius had the other, that were

communication devices; each member of staff had access to a floo, which

could be used to receive or make floo-calls; and some students had

portable wizarding wirelesses, which were perfect for receiving up-to-

date news. And that was only what he immediately remembered off the

top of his head. Later, he also remembered messenger Patronuses.

However, while it might do a lot to reduce the fodder for the gossips,

these kids were going to be harassing the staff for the chance to floo-call

their loved ones, just to check for themselves they were alright. And, of

course, it wasn't going to take long for at least one of them to remember

the wizarding wireless carried 'news bulletins'; not just played the 'latest'

hit by Celestina Warbeck or The Weird Sisters.

He was surprised, though, that the news of it had been kept, for the most

part, unknown to the rest of the students until then.

'An embargo, perhaps?' he thought.

What no one knew, though, was the answer was going to be discovered

very soon.




After a very long night and after only a few hours of sleep on a conjured

cot in her office, Bones was again sitting at her desk. She was currently

nursing a very strong cup of coffee, trying to wake herself up without

resorting to Pepper-Up potions or the like.

She was about to demand another update when Scrimgeour gave a quick

knock on her office door and walked in leading one of the junior aurors

who manned the floo-call room.

"Ma'am," he said, looking grave. "Young auror Wilks, here, just received a

call that I think you should hear about."

When both turned to look at him, the auror gave a quick swallow of

nervousness and said, "Ma'am, as the Seniors have demanded when one

of these calls has come in, I tried to get the person on the other end of

the call to give me more information about where they thought their

missing loved one might have gone last... sorry... two nights ago.

"I... umm... the witch who flooed me was quite reticent to tell me, but she

eventually told me that her father... that's Hugh Huntingdon, Ma'am...

told her he was going to an important meeting at Nott Manor; and that

he was not to be disturbed unless... as he apparently told her... 'somebody

important had died'."

When the young auror didn't say anything further, she demanded,

"Anything else? Anything... that she may have told you that has you

think she might not have been honest with you?"

"No, Ma'am," the auror immediately returned. "I think... actually, I'm

pretty sure... she was telling me the truth."

Bones gave a firm nod and said, "Thank you, Auror. You may return to

your duties."

"Thank you, Ma'am," nodded the auror before he braced up for a

moment, turned tail and quickly hurried from the office.

As he did, she turned her eyes to Scrimgeour and said, "Rufus..."

Before she said anything further he said, "I'll form a team and go there

right now."

She nodded and said, "Good. Make sure you take at least half a dozen

with you and you let me know as soon as you can what you find. I

suggest calling one of our house elves to carry the message for you,

Patronus me or send back an auror."

"Yes, Ma'am," he replied, before also walking out.

As he closed the door behind himself, she slumped back into her chair,

closed her eyes and massaged the bridge of her nose.

'Please, let us know what happened from what Rufus discovers,' she


She didn't even know who she was asking, but it didn't matter anyway.




At Hogwarts the day, of course, started out being one where the staff

were doing their damnedest to distract their students with school work

and where the students kept suffering from point deductions for 'not

paying attention in class' due to being distracted by matters not relating

to the distractions the staff were trying to employ.

Even in double Charms with the students of his Fifth Year Gryffindor/

Ravenclaws, Flitwick was being firm. His usually pleasant and affable

demeanour was quite suppressed.




Scrimgeour appeared outside the gates of Nott Manor leading a team of

six aurors, two ward breakers and two curse breakers, just in case.

Immediately, the four 'breakers' turned to the gates of the manor and

began casting. The first thing they did was cause the wards to 'ping',

alerting whoever was inside that there was someone at the gate seeking

entrance. It was the polite way to magically 'knock'.

When there was no response from either a wizard, witch or house elf

within thirty seconds, Scrimgeour firmly said, "Right. Get us in."

The breakers set to work.




With a few more reports of missing witches or wizards coming in -

mainly wizards - during the morning, no one had any clue as yet as to

what had happened. However, with the exception of a few cases, almost

all of those reported missing or dead where 'once-Imperiused' supposedly

ex-Death Eaters.

'Did they all participate in another failed resurrection ritual?' she

thought. However, that was something for her, only. That possibility

would not be discussed.

She'd only ten minutes earlier received a report from Scrimgeour that

they were finishing the last few minutes of bringing down the wards on

the Nott manor before they'd be going in. Now she had to yet again

experience that bane of all combat troops; 'Hurry up and wait.'

She'd only just had that thought when Scrimgeour's messenger Patronus

bound into the room. 'We've found 'em, Ma'am. About fifty of 'em. All dead.

We need forensics.'

Bones didn't know whether to be relieved or alarmed.

A moment later, after accepting the message in her own mind and going

over what she needed to do, she rose from her desk and strode from the





Standing in the middle of the Nott manor reception hall, Bones was

looking down at a line of forty six magical body bags. All the 'occupants'

of those bags had been identified. Slightly less than a handful of them, all

witches, had been found upstairs in the ladies' parlour. They'd been

bagged and brought down here to add to the line.

Over two dozen of her aurors were either standing around and awaiting

orders, or were combing through the manor, looking for more bodies or

evidence. They'd also already found three house elves; one in the kitchen,

one in the parlour and one in here, the reception hall.

Then a messenger Patronus entered and spoke to Scrimgeour. 'Found

another body. In the basement. Young wizard. Looks like the missing Ronald

Weasley. There's another elf body down here, too.'

Just as that one completed its message, another from the same auror

entered. 'And I think I've found what's caused this. Failed potions. Same


Scrimgeour immediately spun to one of the Seniors and ordered, "Send

one of our Potion Masters and a Healer to the basement."

The Senior nodded and hurried off to send the two down.

When he turned back, Bones said, "Let's go join them. I need to know for

myself and with my own eyes what happened here."

Scrimgeour nodded and turned to one of the Masters, "Proudfoot. You're

in charge up here. Ready the bodies for portkey to Saint Mungo's, but

don't send them yet. I don't think even they'll have room for this many

bodies to turn up in their Mortuary all at once."

As the two headed for the door leading down to the basement, Bones

mentally kicked herself for not thinking of that, too.

'Lack of sleep,' she thought. 'It'll get you killed.'

It was one of the golden rules they were taught in the Auror Academy.




An hour and a half later, after first reporting what she knew to both the

Minister and the Chief Warlock, Bones stepped in front of the lectern

outside the DMLE she used to give 'doorstop' interviews to the press. The

press area was packed.

Quickly getting silence, with those barking questions at her quickly force

to shut up, she said, "Good afternoon. At approximately 8.30am this

morning, a young auror tasked with monitoring the emergency floo-call

room in the department, was given what he thought was a lead on what

had happened to one of the witches and wizards who had gone missing

two nights ago..."

After covering the background that led to her sending her Head Auror

and a large team of aurors to Nott Manor, she then went over what their

forensics had quickly determined once they'd entered the basement of the


Once done, she firmly said, "Now, if you don't try and bark your

questions at me, I'll now try to answer them."

One, clearly the fastest and who didn't seem to need to take a breath first,

snapped, "Who died?"

"That information, as always and as per the law, will be withheld until

the families of all the deceased are notified," she replied. "I hope that will

be accomplished by late this evening."

"Can you at least give us some of the names?" another demanded, loudest

of those asking.

"No," she replied.

"Who murdered them?" another asked.

Glaring at the one who asked, she snapped, "No one! As I've already said,

our forensicists have already determined it was a potions accident. As I

said, it was brought about by the failure of a potions stasis charm

covering three volatile and illegal potions. Next?"

"How will the loss of these fine and upstanding citizens impact the


"Yet to be seen," she said. "Plus, it has nothing to do with the

investigation of an accident that led to multiple deaths and is, therefore,

not relevant to our investigation."

"Surely someone was responsible," pressed one. "Who was that?"

"Unknown at this time," she replied.

She, however, already knew it was Weasley who mainly caused it, but

the internal central heating system made it that much worse. However,

she would not have the House of Weasley pilloried for this if she could at

all help it.

"But, we're talking forty seven deaths, here!" said another. "Surely a

potions accident couldn't cause that many deaths."

"Hard to believe, I know," she sighed. "However, that is what our

forensics have discovered."

It was fifty one deaths if you included the four house elves.

"Why were they all there in that one place?" another asked.

"From the set up of the room, they were in the middle of a meeting," she

replied. "The purpose of which, we currently have no idea."

The doorstop ended a minute later with frustrated journalists not getting

the 'juicy' information they wanted. They would, later that night.




About half an hour after classes wound up for the day, the four Heads of

Houses all walked out of Marchbanks's office and headed for those they

needed to see. As she didn't have any, Professor Babbling 'helped'

Professor Vector with whom she needed to see. Only one of hers had

already been sent home; Cormac McLaggen, whose mother told

Marchbanks his father, Olaf McLaggen's, life stone had been discovered

to have gone out the previous day.

Quite a few more students were sent home over the next hour, well

before dinner.

Each had been escorted to Marchbanks's office and escorted home. Her

office was simply not large enough to allow all their close family

members to come to the school to collect them. So, the Heads of Houses

took them home.




Of course, the remaining students now already knew a great deal more

than some of what had happened. Someone in Ravenclaw had

remembered they had a wizarding wireless and had taken it to their

common room for all those who weren't otherwise in class to listen to it.

The wireless reported Bones's doorstop 'live' on air.

It was clear that, whatever truly befell those who had died, the aurors

had found them all in the one place.

At dinner, Marchbanks again stood and gave pretty much the same

information as Bones had covered in her doorstop. However, some of that

information many students thought they already knew from the doorstop

had been 'corrupted' during the many retellings of it by those who had

heard from someone who had heard from someone who had listened to

the wireless at that time. Chinese Whispers at its finest. She set them

straight on all that.

"What it means is that, from this incident, all those students who had lost

a direct family member have now already been all informed," she

explained. "So, you can settle down worrying that one of your family

members was among those who died."




Back in her office and now co-ordinating the informing of the deceased's

immediate family what had befallen their loved ones, Bones sat at her

desk going over the list of forty seven names:

Finn Aldermaston, Dylan Ancrum, Cecile Ancrum (wife, found upstairs in

the ladies' sitting room), Philip Bancroft, Jasper Belby, Conrad Bexley,

Emmett Bletchley, Byron Carmichael, Saxon Cowley, Alecto Carrow,

Amycus Carrow, Vindicus Crabbe, Elizabeth Crabbe (wife, found upstairs

in the ladies' sitting room), Eugene Dallyhatch, Stewart Evercreech,

Francis Gibbon, Gregory Goyle Sr., Felix Harper, Marjhorie Harper (wife),

Miles Haworth, Hugh Huntingdon, Belvedere Jugson, Grant Ledbury,

Violette Lebury (wife), Reuben Lofthouse, Timothy McGruder, Thomas

McGruder (son), Olaf McLaggen, Cyril MacMillan, George Montague,

Warren Morcott, Tobias Mulciber, Cecily Mulciber (wife, found upstairs

in the ladies' sitting room), Caracticus Nott, Clarissa Nott (wife, found

upstairs in the ladies' sitting room), Cassius Parkinson, Jonas

Queensbury, Evan Rosier Jr, Thorfinn Rowle, Jasper Selwyn, Tobin

Travers, Isaac Urquhart, Belladonna Urquhart (wife), Gabriel Vaisey,

Bennett Warrington, Ronald Weasley (found in the basement) and

Spencer Wilkes.

Looking through it she was unsurprised to see just how many of them

were known to have been 'Imperiused' Death Eaters. With the exception

of those either dead before this or in Azkaban, these included the last of

what she knew or seriously suspected to be the Inner Circle. Another

dozen were Ministry employees. Two were her two, until then, recently

missing aurors.

On top of all that, almost twenty of them were either sitting Members of

the Wizengamot or their Heirs Apparent. That was going to cause a major

shift of the paradigm in those seats. It was also why she immediately

informed the Chief Warlock after informing the Minister.

The only clue she had as to why they were all meeting on that Tuesday

evening came from the parchment sheets of a document that were found

to have been scattered about the body of Caracticus Nott, apart from the

rest and placed as if he was standing and giving a speech. It was a copy

of Sirius's Bill that had been tabled for the first reading in the

Wizengamot that very day.

The Chief Warlock, with the full backing of the Minister, had already

called an emergency sitting of the Wizengamot for the next Tuesday


But worse, she believed, for her House was that three of them were

members of the Grand Alliance; one as Head and two as Heirs Apparent.

She'd already sent notes off to Sirius and Frank with that news.

She knew Sirius would inform Harry via that communications mirror of

his, so did not bother to send him one. Besides, she was still a little

miffed with the young man with how much work he'd recently caused


Sitting back up straight from where she hadn't even realised she'd sat

back, she gave herself a scolding and thought, 'Time to get back into it if

I want to get home before midnight.'




77. Noble Elevations

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to the proverbial Duchess of

Magic, JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high

falutin' companies. No matter how much I whine about not owning anything

related to the HP universe, other than a few fanfic plots, I do not profess to

own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful

world... Damn it!

Chapter Seventy Seven - Noble Elevations




On Friday morning, Harry was surprised when Hedwig flew in through

the owl window in their apartment just as he was serving Fleur her

breakfast. She bore a copy of the Daily Prophet.

That was something she only did when what she was carrying she

thought important enough Harry had to have it right away. And those

previous two times were not a copy of the Daily Prophet.

Releasing her of her load with gentle pets and words of endearment, he

was quick to open the paper and scan the headlines.

The leading story was certainly attention-grabbing.

~ # ~


We are all now aware that many of our fine and upstanding citizens left to

attend a meeting or other business on Tuesday night and never returned to

their homes. We now have the details of what happened and provide you that

exclusive news, writes Samuel Wordsworth.

The news is not pleasant, dear readers. Forty seven witches and wizards left

for a meeting on Tuesday night and shall never return to the arms of their

loved ones. Many of them Heirs to important families. One of them, the Heir

Apparent of One of the Seven; Thorfinn Rowle.


~ # ~

The article went into the details of what the DMLE now knew, including

the names of the bodies found at Nott Manor the previous morning.

There were, as reported, forty seven of them. Of course, one was Ronald

Weasley; and three others were of wizards who knew the inner secrets of

the Alliance.

Looking to Fleur he said, "This is why we have an emergency meeting of

the Alliance tomorrow. Eugene Dallyhatch, Philip Bancroft and Cyril

MacMillan have been yet again confirmed as among the dead."

"Alliance secrets," said Fleur, as they were joined by Hermione.

"What's up?" she immediately asked.

Harry handed her the paper, knowing she'd read and absorb the

information a great deal faster than he could tell her.

"Yeah," he replied to Fleur, as he did so. "We're going to need to figure

out what secrets the Alliance knew that have now become knowledge

outside the Alliance.

"Assume it all 'as," said Fleur. "It is not as if you keep anything from the

junior members, non?"

Hermione had only just finished when Daphne walked out of her room.

She handed her the paper before she could even say anything.

"Did you notice how Amelia said it was an accident and yet the reporter

said 'It is believed by some that Dark forces were at work'?" she asked.

"Yep," he replied. "And I just bet those 'some' would be the other

reporters in his office."

After a quick Tempus and as she finished putting her earrings in, Fleur

said, "While this is all interesting, I 'ave to 'ead into work."

After a quick kiss and cuddle from Harry, a hug from the other two ladies

and the usual entreaties to stay safe Fleur left via the floo.

"Hopefully, now that this mystery has been solved," said Hermione,

"Things will settle back down here."

The others all knew that not even the assassination of the Minister and

the entire senior management of the Ministry could or would sway

Hermione from her focus on her OWL year.

After reading the article and a few others, Daphne set the paper aside on

the coffee table and said, "Well, shall we gather the others and move to

the Great Hall?"

Neither of the other two objected to that.

As they were about to walk out, Harry quickly scooped the Prophet back

up and carried it under his arm. He'd hand it off to Neville as soon as

they sat at table.

Besides, as a Friday he had no classes until fourth period Ancient Runes.




Once the Heirs had walked into the Great Hall and sat at the Slytherin

table, this time, Harry handed the paper over to Neville. His girls, sitting

either side as usual, leaned into his shoulders to read the main article

with him.

Just as with the other Heirs, Justin was well-informed on what had

happened and what it meant for the Alliance. "Anything in there on what

this means for the Wizengamot?" he asked.

Having already read it, Harry replied, "Nothing other than the reporter

writing he was wondering the same thing; and that no one had a decent

answer for him."

With a snort, Justin said, "By 'decent' he meant 'politically explosive',


Harry grinned and replied, "I think you may be right.

"But," he continued, "I think it means most, if not all, of the dark alliance

are, for now, kaput. We'll be able to get some important and much

needed legislation passed before they can rally and block it."

"Harry," scolded Hermione. "That's callous."

"And politically expedient," he added.

"He's right," said Daphne, coming to his defence. "It would be foolishness

in the extreme to not make use of this opportunity while it's there for the


"Exactly my thoughts," he nodded.

"I think we need to hear from Amelia what it is she needs to see passed,

legislative-wise, and see if we can get it done," he explained. "And I also

think this is the opportunity we've been looking for to see the Ancient

House of Davis finally get that Noble appellation affixed to the front of

the title of the House; the Noble and Ancient House of Davis. Plus, we

should add the House of Abbott to that, too."

Tracey and Hannah both beamed back in happiness.

"I've not properly checked," he explained. "But, I think there might be a

couple of Noble Houses that went extinct on Tuesday night. I've not seen

any reporter identify that issue yet, either."

Neville quickly went through the triple list of names with Susan and

Hannah helping. He was muttering names out loud.

"...Bexley? No... Carmichael? No... Gibbon! The Noble and Ancient House

of Gibbon is one... Huntingdon! That's another... Mulciber! Definitely; the

Noble and Elder House of Mulciber is yet another... Sweet Merlin! The

Rowle Heir Apparent was one!"

Well, there's at least three," said Daphne, smoothly cutting in. "We'll take

some time, this afternoon after class, to write the others down.

"Harry's right. It's definitely something we can use to see both Davis and

Abbott elevated to Noble status. We should do that before anyone else

figures it out and tries the same thing with other Houses."

"I still think it's a little callous," muttered Hermione.

"No different to what happened after the previous war, Hermione," said

Tracey. "Where do you think many of these Noble and Elder Houses came

from? Most of them are names of Houses put forward by so-called

'reformed' Death Eaters to be elevated. Merlin; all of them are known

Death Eater Houses.

"Harry's just recommending the Alliance get in first and put forward

Houses before the dark can rally and get their own names put forward,

just as they did the last time there was a swag of Houses that went


"We'll need to start writing down arguments for those two to be

elevated," said Daphne.

"Why?" asked Hannah. "You think the Alliance will be against it?" It was

clear she was a little hurt the Alliance might not be for it.

"Peace, Hannah; and no," replied Daphne. "For the Wizengamot."

"She's right," said Neville.

"And we'll need to see if we can come up with what might be the

arguments against it," said Harry. "The Devil's Advocate stance."

"The what?" asked Hannah, confused.

"The Devil's Advocate stance," he repeated. "It's the arguments that are

believed might be used against the arguments we put forward. If we can

reasonably assume what they will be in advance, we can then put forth

further opposing arguments to counter them."

"Oh," she said. "I get it."

Soon after the mail-bomb, Marchbanks again stood and asked that if any

student felt impacted by what had befallen the forty seven who had lost

their lives on Tuesday night, they should speak with their Heads of

Houses in the first instance. They would be given fair hearing.

"If necessary," she went on, "We shall contact your families and see what

can be done to aid you. At the very least, you may wish to attend a

funeral or two. With the permission of and accompanied by your

guardians, this will be allowed."




After the others headed off to class - electives for the Fifth years and

Charms for CeeCee, which Harry escorted her to - he returned to the

apartment with the mail he'd received in the mail-bomb and some of the

other material he'd received from Ted a few days ago.

One he was looking forward to was information already coming in from

'eager' real estate agents overseas.

Ted had suggested that Harry contract an international estate agent to act

as his buyer. An idea Harry was happy to adopt. He'd just received the

first allotment of that.

One of the places the agent had selected for his 'reading pleasure' was for

a house in the suburb of Lesmurdie in Perth. It sat on the edge of the

escarpment ridge that 'bordered' the river plain of Perth. It had an

uninterrupted view across the reasonably flat expanse to the City of Perth

and, with the proper equipment, you could also probably see the suburb

of Thornlie, where CeeCee's adopted family lived. As the crow flies it was

only a few miles between the two points. However, it was about a twenty

to thirty minute drive due to the almost labyrinthine route you would

need to take.

The house was almost a small mansion for its size and was on the market

for just over a quarter million Australian Dollars. At the current exchange

rates that put it well under eighty thousand galleons. Property was

clearly a great deal cheaper in Australia than it was in England.

With all the accompanying photographs, together with the

recommendation of the agent, Harry felt he didn't even need to see it. He

noted down an order for Ted to buy it on his behalf and set up up a

permanent portkey for it for him.

'Once it's acquired,' he wrote, 'Ward the crap out of it while remembering it'll

be a muggle (no-mag) home and let Sirius know. He or you have my

permission to organise for the Wilkinses to have emergency portkeys to it.

Furnish it in 'Australian modern' and put two fully-fuelled and licenced mid-

range Australian family sedans in the garage, just in case.'

His next was a property recommended in The Hamptons in New York

State in MaCUSA. He didn't like it, thinking it too 'wooden' and 'Nineteenth

Century'. But felt the agent was on the right track.

He jotted down some recommendations, such as 'Think modern and large

rooms', and set it aside. There were no other real estate

recommendations, yet. However, he was assured others would come in.

The final place was the one in France. That one could be and probably

would be entirely a magical home. For that one a magical real estate

agent had lucked out. As part of a deceased estate of the last remaining

member of a Venerated House, a small manor house - or large chateau,

really - had only just come onto the market. Harry thought the price was

a little too steep, so he wrote down instructions to negotiate hard to

acquire it.

If the negotiations collapsed, so be it. He'd just hold out for another,

similar, home to come onto the market at a later time. There was no

rush. After all, there was still over two and half years before he'd be done

with his NEWTs. Until he'd completed them about the longest time he'd

be able to live in the property until then was about a month a year -

more like two weeks. It would actually be cheaper to rent and far easier

to stay in Delacour Manoir; as he knew Apolline would practically

demand, anyway.

Next was setting a couple of sheets of parchment up with the headings;

'Arguments For Elevation of Davis', 'Arguments Against Elevation of

Davis' and two more the same for Abbott.

Once organised he began to write down on a scrap of parchment his

thoughts about all four.

After that day's classes and work for Fleur, the other three added their

own ideas.




Fleur had to be up early and into Gringotts, that morning, even though it

was a Saturday.

"Some people who 'ave inherited vaults 'ave been in to 'ave the contents

of those vaults cleaned, 'Arry," she explained. "Some items in them 'ave

been determined to 'ave curses on them. Bill's second in command wants

to make a start on inventorying all that, today. I will be back before you

leave for the meeting, I promise."

"It's alright, Fleur," he said, trying to get her to understand he wasn't

upset, though it seemed she thought he was. "I completely understand.

Just... stay safe."

"I will," she said, leaning forward to give him a kiss to the cheek. "I am

not yet skilled enough to even 'andle the dangerous items yet, mon cher.

Do not worry."

After she left, the others worked on their assignments put off from during

the school week due to the ructions that had occurred.

By lunch, they'd got many of those out of the way and were packing up

when the Finch-Fletchleys knocked on their door.

After being let in by Hermione, Justin asked, "Ready for lunch?"

"Just packing up," replied Harry.

"Tracey's gone to alert Neville and his ladies," said the other boy as he

stood not far inside the doorway, waiting.

That's when Harry noticed only CeeCee was with him.




After lunch and dressed in upmarket casual, as they'd been for the whole

day to that point, the Heirs headed to the Headmistress's office to floo

from there. They could have flooed direct from the Potter apartment, but

again Harry had promised not to use the floo that way and he was

determined not to break trust.

Of course, they flooed directly to where it was being held that day; the

refurbished Black Townhouse.

Stepping out into the welcoming room at 'The Kennel', Andi was quick

with the escorting duties through to the formal dining room. As Heir(ess)

Primary, it was now her role.

Walking in, Harry noticed what he thought was temporary additions had

been made to the wizard space with the room now larger than when he

was last there. His expression must have reflected his surprise because

Andi immediately said, "Sirius has had all the wizard spacing redone. He

recognised a few rooms would need to be made even bigger, just for this

sort of thing."

Harry nodded and said "Thank you."

As Andi returned to the welcoming room he went over to talk to Frank.

"Bad news. A bad situation, all round," Frank immediately said.

"Yeah," he returned. "Any ideas, yet, on just how many Alliance secrets

any of those three blabbed about?" He knew he did not need to mention

which three he was talking about.

"We have to assume all of them," said Frank.

As Harry looked about he was looking for specific individuals. Not seeing

them, he asked, "Where's Newton; and did Eliza come?" He saw Augustus

talking with Amelia. Ernie was also with them.

"Newton and Hypatia begged off," replied Frank. "They're both in shock

about what their boy did and, of course, dying. However, both were well-

prepared to give magical vows they had no idea Philip was involved with

the dark.

"And Eliza came because Priscilla turned up at her place and insisted.

She's in with the ladies in Sirius's office. She didn't want her sitting in

that house on her lonesome."

"Eugene Dallyhatch was a surprise," he muttered. "I would have thought,

of our members, both Puvingsons were more likely."

"Indeed, for Eugene," said Frank. "But, Phineas lost his wife to those

bastards in the war twenty years ago. I cannot ever see him wanting

anything to do with them."

"Ah!" said Harry. "I forgot about that."




As they were one of the last to arrive, the meeting started in short order.

Sirius, as host, of course chaired the meeting.

Harry was worried his godfather was going to make light of the situation.

He didn't, though. Andi sat behind and took minutes.

He asked, "As this is an emergency meeting of the Alliance and not a

regularly scheduled one, do I have your approval to allow the minutes of

the previous meeting to be rescheduled for the next general scheduled


When there were no dissenters he immediately turned to Amelia and

asked her to report, as the one requesting the emergency meeting, as to

why she felt it was needed.

Of course, there was no one there who didn't already know, but

procedures were procedures.

Bones gave a quick overview of what had happened over the previous

near-week, apologised there was further information but was unable to

relay what it was as it was information relating to a still ongoing

investigation and the short term fall out from that.

"Questions for House Bones?" asked Sirius.

There were a couple of small ones, but nothing too onerous.

Then he asked, "So, what do you need the Alliance to help see happen,


Her response surprised Harry, but he knew it shouldn't have.

"With this many Houses of Noble lines, all considered dark, bereft of their

Heads, this gives the Alliance a golden opportunity to capitalise on that

before the dark alliances can regain their feet," she explained. "We would

be fools not to make hay while the sun shines."

While her words were different, she'd expressed the same views Harry

had expressed only the previous day with the Heirs.

Sirius wasn't surprised and just nodded. "Very well. Obviously you've

thought of some things we can do. Let's hear them."

That led Amelia to going into a overview, almost in verbal 'dot point',

each of the things she thought she could now get past a decimated


Firstly, she wanted a Wizengamot-ordered increase to the DMLE budget;

and for that budget to be tied as a minimal percentage to the entire

Ministry budget. No one was against that but she'd need to draft the

required legislation to get it done.

Secondly, just as Harry did, she believed they'd now have the numbers,

not only to get the House of Davis elevated to Noble status, but also

House Abbott. And argued that there were four existing Noble Houses

that all went extinct on Tuesday evening - Harry and the others thought

there were five, but they'd obviously missed an Heir in there somewhere.

Frank asked, "If there are four, do we have recommendations for the

other two?"

Harry immediately replied, "Do we know any Ancient Houses, even

though they're not members of the Alliance, that would be considered of

the Light? Or, at least Light Grey? The only one I know of off the top of

my head is Lovegood."

Puvingson gave a snort and almost-snarked, "There's far more than that."

"And I confess I don't know them," said Harry, not fazed. "And, not

knowing, I'll withhold opinion."

"Moving on," said Sirius. "Please think about it as the meeting progresses

and see if you can suggest Houses by the end of the meeting."

Thirdly, Amelia believed Sirius's Bill should be pushed through with all

haste. No one disagreed, but Puvingson did give another quiet harrumph

of annoyance.

Fourthly, she wanted existing laws to be gone through with the intent to

strip out those Statutes, or sections of Statutes, that protected the 'wrong

sort of people'. Harry immediately thought of the one that protected

purebloods from the use of Veritaserum in trials, but didn't say anything.

Fifthly, a law that would require all Ministry personnel to give oaths to

always support the lawful government of the time, to never work

contrary to the law, or be required to resign from the Ministry and not

able to return unless willing to make such an oath.

There were others, but she was happy to table only those five for now.

That led to a discussion on, as she put it, how to make use of the

opportunity presented to them and a few leapt at it with both hands and

their thoughts.

While the meeting was an 'emergency' session, it went on for quite some

time. No one wanted to stop until they'd hashed out everything they

could do to make use of it.

Finally, Molly Fanwater piped up and asked, "What do we do about the

Houses of the three traitors to the Alliance?"

Frank immediately said, "I say, nothing. As I told Harry earlier, Both

Newton and Hypatia were prepared to offer vows they had no idea their

son, Philip, was even likely to do something like this; Eliza has lost her

husband, the last of the House of Dallyhatch - now, for all purposes,

extinct - and, furthermore, also apparently had no idea her husband

would do something like this; and I know Augustus is both devastated at

the loss of his son and Heir Apparent and horrified he'd turn on his

family, let alone the Alliance." And gave a nod in Augustus's direction,

acknowledging the man.

"This is something that individuals have done, with the exception of

Eugene even against their Houses," he continued. "Augustus is even

talking about Disowning Cyril, even in death, just from the shame of it."

"We do nothing?" asked Hugh Shakedale. "After what those three did?"

"They're dead," said Harry, a little firmly. "It would be flogging a dead

horse, expecting it to feel pain, when it's its harness mates who will suffer

for it. The sins of the father should not unjustifiably be borne by the son

and vice versa. As such, I feel it would be unjust to sanction the Houses

of which they were members. Therefore, I agree with Frank. We leave it

be, except to offer our commiserations to their families."

"Well said," said Griselda. "They're both right. They're dead. Leave the

dead be."

"However," said Harry. "I would have no hesitation to act if the...

perpetrator... still lived."

That was the end of it. All three Houses would remain member Houses of

the Alliance as a mark of respect for the still living members of those


During that whole exchange, old Augustus sat almost perfectly still in his

seat as if frozen; the somewhat masked expression on his face, the only

sign of the pain he felt. He never said a word, either way. He barely said

a word throughout the whole meeting.

Harry caught the swift look of gratitude directed his way from Ernie

MacMillan, though. On the death of his father Ernie was now Heir

Apparent and, therefore, sat behind his grandfather.

After the meeting he learned that Ernie was now living with his

grandparents at their manor, as his mother had passed away while he

was still a small child and only he and his father lived in a small 'holiday'

chateau near Blackpool until then.

The meeting went past dinner, even at Hogwarts. So, on return to the

castle, Harry quickly invited the other Heirs to dinner in the Potter

apartment. He'd called for Dobby before they even left the Black

Townhouse to let him know he'd be doing that; and to expect their return

about half an hour hence.




Dinner around the again slightly stretched dining table in the Potter

apartment was spent with those who were in the meeting telling those

who were not what was discussed and decided upon. Because she didn't

have opportunity for dinner either, Astoria was asked to join them. She

was relieved to reply in the affirmative.

Those who were in were Harry, Neville, Justin, Fleur (at the table and

representing her father), Susan, Astoria and CeeCee. Those not were

Hermione, Daphne, Hannah and Tracey. Ernie had yet to return to

school, so was not in on the dinner.

As an aside and feeling empathy for the boy, Susan had promised him

she'd collect copies of class notes and assignments for him and forward

them to him via owl. She didn't know why she didn't mention HEED, but

wasn't bothered she didn't.

As it was a Sunday and there were no classes the next day, the Heirs sat

around discussing what a momentous week they'd just gone through.

"Tuesday's Wizengamot meeting is also going to be a big one," said

Daphne. "Many will still be confused and in shock or dealing with lost

Heirs and other loved ones, while others are going to be like sharks at a

feeding frenzy.

"That's what my father told me happened immediately after Riddle was...

vanquished. At least, this time, the light are going to be better prepared

than the dark."

When it ended up after curfew and both Astoria and CeeCee were

beginning to 'flag' from tiredness, Daphne had Betsy elf-apparate Astoria

direct to her dorm room in Slytherin and Tracey took CeeCee back to the

Finch-Fletchley apartment.

When Tracey returned she said, "CeeCee was asleep before I even closed

her bedroom door."

Daphne immediately called Betsy and asked, "Did you make sure Astoria

was in bed before you left?"

"Oh, yes, Mistress," she replied. "Betsy had to change her into her

sleepwear, though."

Daphne smiled and said, "Thank you, Betsy. You've done well."

When the little ladies' maid elf popped away she turned to Harry, who'd

been watching, and explained, "Stori tends to go to sleep in her day

clothes if she's tired. She won't even take the time to change before going

to sleep."

He just nodded.




Thankfully, the Sunday was a lot less stressful. And almost all the Heirs

spent the entire day working on assignments. It wasn't until then Harry

learned Neville's two had learned sometime in the past that Harry had

Dobby populate the bookshelves in the Potter apartment with books

relating to what they were studying and demanded the same of Neville

for the office in their apartment. Tracey finally did the same with books

from Davis Estate in the Finch-Fletchley apartment.

Therefore, none of the Heirs had to go to the school library to get books

to complete their assignments. They had what they needed on hand; and,

if they didn't, one of the other two apartments was likely to have it.

Well before the day was over, all the Heirs had caught up with their

assignments ready to start a new school week the next day. They'd even

spent part of the afternoon in the Room of Requirements in its 'gym'

configuration and engaged in a light workout.

OWL year was a very busy year. However, that was no excuse to allow

their hard earned fitness to lapse, the previous half-week aside. The Heirs

had continued with their training upon their return to the castle. They

were, however, down to training almost entirely only one day a week and

on weekends.




On the Monday afternoon, as the adults of the Alliance couldn't

communicate with any of the Heirs during 'class time', Harry had barely

begun walking back to the apartment with Hermione, Neville and his two

when his mirror vibrated.

Justin had bypassed to the Charms corridor to meet up with Tracey and

Daphne to escort them back to the apartment. He and Harry would

switch-about on who would go and get them.

Answering it as he walked, Harry saw as Sirius popped in on the 'screen'

before he could say a word and said, "You're walking; therefore, you're

not back at the apartment yet. Mirror me when you're back there. Mirror


Blinking in surprise as the mirror surface returned to an ordinary mirror,

Harry muttered, "Ohhh-kaaaay!"

"That was uncommonly abrupt," said Neville.




After the Potters entered their apartment Harry immediately contacted

Sirius and said, "Okay. We're in the Potter apartment. What's going on?"

"We were right to strike while the wand-tip was lit, Pup," said Sirius.

"We're not the only ones to think that.

"Ogden's been given notice by some of the dark Houses to elevate some of

theirs in place of the four Noble Houses lost on Tuesday night. They're

putting up Flint, Stebbins, Higgs and Bole. With the exception of Flint, an

Ancient House, they're all Elders."

"I'm unsurprised," said Harry. "As Daphne said, that's what they did in

November 1981. But, Flint's a surprise."

"As a Member, Fawley's the one actually pushing it and Rowle's backing

him," said Sirius "But, it's Flint's gold that'll be paying for it."

Fawley and Thaddeus Rowle were two of the few remaining dark

Members of the Wizengamot who weren't at that meeting. Bones

suspected it was because Fawley was over on the continent, having gone

straight there from the Wizengamot session due to an unbreakable

business meeting, not that he didn't want to be there. However, while

Fawley was an Ancient House, it was also a somewhat poor one. And

Rowle just wouldn't have been bothered. The man, though Lord of a dark

House, was a complete mystery and enigma. His son and Heir, Thorfinn

Rowle, was a 'known' Death Eater and had been at the meeting.

It took Harry only a moment to figure out Flint's game plan.

"Flint will be bribing as many of the Members as possible to get at least

his House elevated," said Harry. "Fight fire with fire and counter it, gold

for gold. You have my permission to open the Potter vaults to counter-

bribe those same Members to have our recommendations take


Sirius frowned a moment, looking ready to disagree, before Harry could

see acceptance in his eyes. "I don't like it," he admitted, "But I think it's

the right way to go. However, I'll share the costs."

"Actually, let's be up front about this. I don't want you to bribe Members

for their votes; I want you to buy their votes. Bribing is illegal, buying is

not. Be upfront about it and we come out with clean hands."

While Sirius gave a short barking laugh, Harry said, "I think it'll only be

temporary, anyway. I cannot see those four we help not showing their...

gratitude... for us taking that financial hit on their behalf. They may not

be able to pay the financial debt, but that's neither here nor there for me;

and I don't care much about it, even so."

Still chuckling, Sirius nodded and said, "I'll see if I can find out who

Flint's already bribed and'll bribe... sorry, buy them back the other way.

Plus, see what I can do to br- buy others. Besides, I don't really think most

of them would want those four Houses on the 'Mot, anyway."

Wondering, Harry asked, "Who were the other two Houses that were

decided upon by the Alliance, anyway?"

"Diggory and Spinnet," his godfather immediately replied. "A fifth was

Hilliard, just in case. All Ancients."

Surprised, Harry said, "I know of the first two. I've not heard of Hilliard


"A somewhat Light House," said Sirius. "Light enough for us, at any rate.

How do you know the first two?"

"Diggory was last year's Head Boy and Hogwarts' champion, remember?

And there's an Alicia Spinnet in Seventh Year, who currently plays chaser

for the Gryffindor Lions."

Sirius only nodded back and said, "Anyways; must be off. I've got some

bri- purchases to make."

"Wait a tic," Harry quickly cut in.


"If we're going the vote-buying route; 'Go big or go home', as I once heard

someone say," he said. "If we're going to counter-bribe Members to get

our four nominations for Noble status elevated ahead of the dark, you

may as well pay out gold to see the rest of the recommendations we came

up with passed."

Sirius looked a little surprised but replied, "Yeah; I can see that. I'll see

what I can do."

Harry immediately said, "Bon chance, Padfoot."

"Luck isn't necessary if you're prepared to throw gold about." his

godfather grinned before he signed off.

As soon as the connection closed and Harry carefully lobbed the mirror

onto the coffee table, Hermione quietly said, "I don't think I'm

comfortable with bribing Members of the Wizengamot, Harry."

When he looked to her she was frowning. He was about to explain why

when Daphne beat him to it.

"There's that perfect world of yours again, Hermione," she said. "No,

Harry's right. The meeting is tomorrow and there's no time to counter the

bribes already paid without making counter-bribes. There's insufficient

time to convince those bribed to do the right thing and not accept the

offered gold.

"You might not like it, but it's the way things get done; especially when

you're out of time. Plus it's not as if Harry, let alone Sirius, can't afford it.

To Harry, it barely puts a dent in the interest payments he receives from

his investments, let alone going anywhere near the capital."

"It's still dishonest," Hermione mulishly muttered.

Neither Harry nor Daphne felt like getting into an argument about it, so

let it go. For one, though, Harry didn't think it was dishonest; not if you

were prepared to be public about it. But he agreed it wasn't to the intent

of why the Wizengamot existed, either.




With yet another 9.00am start for the Wizengamot session, with only

Harry of the Heirs attending this time, it was prearranged the previous

night he met Headmistress Lady Marchbanks in her office at 8.15am.

They were going early to meet the other voting Members of the Alliance

in Ogden's Chief Warlock office before joining the other Members in the

Members' Antechamber to 'politick' votes - and hand over 'payments',

where necessary.

Walking into the Headmistress's office right on time, she was clearly only

waiting on him.

"Good morning, Lady Marchbanks," he merrily chirped.

She chuckled a little and said, "And, good morning to you, Lord Potter.

Well met."

She indicated the floo and said, "Shall we?"

Harry gave a nod and walked over to the floo, reached up and took a

large pinch of floo powder.




Again escorting Marchbanks on his arm, Harry 'led' the two straight

through to Ogden's office.

Inside, he was just in time to see Frank hand something over to Sirius. It

was a set of small mokeskin money pouches.

Ogden was sitting in his office chair with his hand deliberately covering

his eyes and loudly humming some tune.

Harry couldn't help it; he snickered in amusement. Marchbanks more

openly softly cackled.

Snatching his hand away as Sirius dropped the pouches into the left 'hip'

pocket of his robes, Ogden looked to his two latest guests and said,

"Harry, Griselda, nice of you to make it."

"And fair morning to you; oh great, wise and wonderful Lord Chief

Warlock most just," said Harry, acting all poncy and dropping into a

courtly bow.

Ogden grinned and said, "Stuff it, Potter. I'm not falling for it, this time."

That had Sirius and Frank, at least, snickering while Marchbanks again

softly cackled.

The last time Harry made a similar production of his greeting, Ogden

retaliated with words that had Marchbanks tag him with the Filthy

Mouth charm.

"You'll not be using Griselda to pull a prank on me," Ogden sternly

waggled a finger at him. However, his eyes belied the mirth he was


Harry returned a look of pure innocence. It fooled no one, as it earned

him more snickering.




Once all eight voting Members of the Alliance arrived in the office,

including MacMillan, they moved en masse to the Members'


As soon as they did, the politicking started.

Harry only had a fair idea of just who Sirius had managed to get to the

previous night - and didn't learn until after the meeting that Frank was

'assisting' with contacting them - but it seemed to have been quite a few.

Some of those Members, with clear greed in their eyes, approached him

with words along the lines of 'wondering if they might be able to assist

with getting certain motions passed'. In those cases, Harry immediately

redirected them to Sirius; or Frank, if Sirius was busy.

One witch Member who Harry knew to be 'of the Light', but independent,

cast a filthy look at him. As Harry passed by, he quietly said to her,

"Needs must, I'm sorry to say. Just... keep an eye on Lord Fawley and

you'll soon see why."

What he was watching for, though, was if Fawley was able to determine

what was going on. It took him a while, but he did about twenty minutes

before they had to enter the Chamber. Then it was clear to see he began

to panic and was rapidly trying to speak to many of those Frank and

Sirius had already spoken to, with small money pouches having already

surreptitiously changed hands.

With a few minutes to go, Fawley was fast approaching the point it

looked like he was going to draw wand and start hexing. Harry was quick

to warn Bones of that, though it was unnecessary as she was also

watching and was just as quick to alert her aurors to carefully watch the

man. However, he either figured out he was being watched, or had

managed to get his anger under control before he did something he'd


Pity. It likely would have made things just that little bit more easier, if he


Harry was surprised that Rowle hadn't turned up for it. As One of the

Seven, he really should have been there even if his son was one of the





While the emergency meeting was called for the purpose of 'officially'

informing the Members of the loss of fourteen of their own and the other

thirty three who lost their lives, it was to also announce that four of those

they lost were the last of Noble lines.

That had Fawley immediately stand and give a clearly well-rehearsed

speech that it 'behooved them to immediately seek worthy Houses to

replace their numbers so that the leadership of our fair land is not further

compromised'. He then added to it with what wasn't as well-rehearsed

with entreaties, 'They simply must be replaced with Houses of a similar

political bent', 'It would dishonour their sacrifice to chose others who

were not so' and 'I can easily see it would utterly destabilise this Chamber

to choose others', etcetera.

Those last three were already foreseen and arguments against them

prepared. Sirius stood to make his arguments, speaking about how many

Houses were replaced after the 'previous' war with other lesser Houses

and how those Houses were, as history showed, 'not of the same political

bent, as Lord Fawley put it' and wondered 'how Lord Fawley could use

the word sacrifice, when they were struck down by what evidence

showed was a potions accident while attending a meeting of "suspicious"

intent', among other points.

Frank then stood to speak about how there were quite a number of

Ancient Houses that must have felt quite slighted over Elder Houses

being elevated before them and how he'd 'recently confirmed he was

right concerning many of them' as 'he'd had discussions with many of

them and they voiced just that ire'. And immediately named the Houses

of Abbott, Davis, Diggory and Spinnet for elevation, 'All four are Ancient

Houses and not those of lesser rank', before anyone else could nominate


That led to a few others nominating a House or two before Fawley

demanded the opportunity to speak for a second time. The other

nominated Houses were all Elder Houses, so the Alliance Members did

not speak about them, choosing instead to ignore them. But Harry was

surprised that one of them nominated was the Elder House of Weasley.

Ogden, amused, allowed it. The arguments Fawley had already put up

had been neatly and completely cast down as if Fiendfyre'd. And he

clearly wanted to see the man get utterly verbally beaten down even


Fawley immediately nominated the four they already knew he would:

Flint, Stebbins, Higgs and Bole. Then spoke to the work they'd done 'on

behalf of our wonderful and richly diverse society' and that 'Members

should see them rightfully rewarded with elevation to the Nobility'.

Harry thought he was stupid to nominate all four, as it was already clear

he'd not be getting the last three through. If it was he, he'd have only

nominated Flint; hoping to at least get his backer's House through.

That was Harry's opening and Ogden was quick to give him the floor. He

spoke to his support of the Ancient House of Abbott and its contributions

to their, 'as Lord Fawley eloquently put it, wonderful and richly diverse

society'. Then moved on to the Ancient Houses of Davis, Diggory and

Spinnet. Each time he made sure to name them with their full title, 'The

Ancient House of' with emphasis on the word 'Ancient'.

And finally asked if any Member, who had not already given their views,

could name just what contribution the House of Flint, he didn't append

'Ancient' to the name, had contributed to their society within the last fifty

years or so; let alone what the three lesser Houses Fawley put forward

had done.

He wound up with quickly and more succinctly reiterating what Sirius

had said about how many of the Ancient Houses must have felt slandered

or even defamed, when lesser Houses were elevated ahead of them. "A

vote for the Ancient Houses of Abbott, Davis, Diggory and Spinnet to be

elevated would go a long way towards rectifying what I see as a grave

error made in the early days of November of 1981." And begged the

current Members 'not to repeat that same mistake'.

During his whole speech, Harry could see Fawley staring back at him in

loathing hate, but that he was also terrified of something and concealing

it quite poorly. Harry thought he'd probably made certain promises to

Flint and could see that Flint wasn't going to get what he clearly

desperately wanted.

'Fawley's a Dead Man Walking, perhaps?' he thought.

When another tried to say how it was 'too soon' to 'go choosing

replacements when the previous Seat holders were not yet even in the

ground' that was shot down by Amelia. She simply reminded Members

that they had precedence to do this, based on what occurred only

fourteen years ago. And asked why that same Member who'd asked for

them to delay did not speak up so back then.

That Member, from a Dark House, kept their mouth firmly shut and

refused to answer.

Then she 'suggested' the matter had been spoken upon long enough and

voting should immediately be held before they moved on to the next item

of business of the session; the 'properly recorded' reason for the session.

Surprising Harry, they managed to get all four through. As of that

moment the Houses of Abbott, Davis, Diggory and Spinnet were elevated

with a title change to 'The Noble and Ancient House of'.

The list Amelia made clear she had on her 'needs' list for legislation was

not made known at that meeting as she could not raise it at an

emergency meeting not for that purpose. However, Harry knew she'd be

making a start on it at the December meeting in four weeks.

The Minister was then asked to give a report on the state of the Ministry,

since many of those 'lost' were Ministry employees. Brunt spoke about

what he'd done in the short time he'd had and what he'd planned to do

going forward to ensure the Ministry remained both operational and


That brought the meeting to an end.




Back once again in Ogden's Chief Warlock office, the Alliance 'Mot

members again gathered.

Before even sitting down, Ogden - chuckling away as he did so - had gone

to his liquor cabinet, pulled out a bottle of fire-whiskey and eight shot

glasses and brought them to his desk.

He was still trying to stifle his laughter so much he was a poor hand at

pouring those shots, but didn't care.

As the glasses were being handed out - even Harry got one - he asked,

"Anyone know if Fawley has an Heir?"

"He doesn't," said Sirius. "Why'd―" Then it dawned on him. "You think

Flint's going to kill him, don't you."

That had the others look back in surprise.

He shrugged and smirked. "Fawley did a pretty poor job of masking the

terror I think he was feeling as he watched his promise to Flint shrivel up

and die. As one of the last remaining members of the Inner Circle of

Voldemort's little gang of thugs, who isn't already dead or incarcerated, I

think he knows what his short term future is likely to be."

Bones gave a snort and said, "Well, lets not let Madam Bones, Director of

the DMLE, know that, shall we? As he's a Member of the Wizengamot,

she might then feel obligated to offer the man protection." And smirked

as she sipped from her shot glass.

"Perish the thought," said Frank. And laughed.

Augustus quietly sighed and put down his empty shot glass onto Ogden's

desk. Then he muttered, "I need to get home to Esther. She's worried, of

late, when we're apart for more than a few minutes."

As he rose the others all wished him the best. And he let himself out.

"There goes a broken man," said Samuel.

No one disagreed.




As the session was a relatively short one, Harry was back in plenty of

time to get to the first half of his double Transfiguration class.

Before he left the Headmistress's office, though, he mentioned, "You

might want to let Alicia Spinnet, a Seventh year Gryffindor, know in

private the sudden surprise her House just got ennobled. "I'd hate to see

her pass out tomorrow morning at breakfast when it's on the front page

of the Daily Prophet."

Marchbanks cackled and said, "Then perhaps you would be so kind as to

ask her to come see me? With what it has meant, of late, for students to

be brought to see me..." And left it hanging.

Harry nodded and said, "Say no more, I understand. I'll see her at the

start of lunch and let her know."

Marchbanks nodded and said, "That sounds a less threatening method,

thank you."

"As she is often joined at the hip by the Misses Johnson and Bell, would it

be alright for me to let her know they can join her?"

Surprised at the idea, she replied, "That's a very clever idea, too, Lord

Potter. Do that, would you?"

"Yes, Ma'am," he replied with a smile back.




As he usually did after a Wizengamot session that had him back at the

school with time to attend class, Harry hurried up to the apartment,

changed, grabbed his satchel and quickly headed down to the

Transfiguration classroom before quietly letting himself in. Professor

Biffingwater never had a problem with him being late, as he knew why.

However, he had to sit in the back row so as not to disturb the other

students individually, or the class in general. And, after trying it on a

couple of occasions, Hermione couldn't bring herself to sitting in the back

waiting for him so apologised and returned to sitting in the from as

usual. Neville sat with her.

She claimed sitting in the back made her too uncomfortable. Besides,

more than half the time he wouldn't be back in time to sit in the class,

anyway. And Harry didn't have a problem with it, especially as he also

knew the girl would find it difficult not to immediately hammer him with

questions about the session. She was doing better, but she still had her

moments. The results of an emergency session of the Wizengamot,

especially with so much riding on the line, would have snapped her self-

control; he knew.

She could wait the remaining hour out and ask then.




Once the class was done, after gesturing for the two to wait back Harry

waited for Hermione and Neville to join him as the rest of the class

emptied out.

When the last few stragglers left, he told them what had happened.

Even Neville was almost vibrating in excitement. Harry could see he

wanted to dash off, right then and there, to see Hannah. However, he had

the self-discipline to remain polite.

"Excuse me, Harry, Hermione," he carefully said. "But, I simply must go

speak with Hannah. If you'll excuse me?"

Harry grinned and said, "That's fine. Just stay―"

That was as far as he got before Neville was already out the door and


"Safe." And grinned at Hermione. "Do you think he'll remember to tell


She giggled back and said, "Maybe we should go make sure of that."

As he rose, chuckling in amusement while he slung his satchel over his

shoulder, he said, "Why not. However, I need to see Alicia Spinnet on the

way in the door of the Great Hall. I have to let her know she needs to go

speak with Gr- I mean, the Headmistress. I think 'Lady Marchbanks' would

like the honour of telling her."

Hermione nodded and said, "We can do that."




As he said he needed to, as they walked in the doors of the Great Hall,

Harry immediately turned his eyes towards where he knew the 'Three

Flying Foxes' usual sat, seeing them straight away.

He turned to Hermione and said, "Please go join the others. I'll let Alicia

know before I come over."

Hermione gave a happy and amused smirk back before she kissed him on

the cheek and said, "Off you go, then." And walked over to where the

Heirs were sitting at the Hufflepuff table.

Harry approached the three and caught Spinnet's gaze. Once he did, he

quietly leaned in and, with a relaxed smile, said, "It's nothing bad, I

assure you; but, the Headmistress asked me to ask you to stop by and see

her before the end of lunch. She won't have a problem with Angie or

Katie or both joining you."

At first wary and then confused, she asked, "It's nothing bad, is it?"

"No," he grinned. "It's shocking, but in a good way. It's not for me to tell.

She wanted the honour to tell you, herself."

"Alright," she carefully said. "Thank you, Harry."

He gave a nod back and made his way over to the 'Puff table.

He knew he had a very excited 'interrogation' in his very near future.




78. Ashes to Ashes

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to the proverbial Duchess of

Magic, JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high

falutin' companies. No matter how much I whine about not owning anything

related to the HP universe, other than a few fanfic plots, I do not profess to

own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful

world... Damn it!

Chapter Seventy Eight - Ashes to Ashes




Between mouthfuls of lunch, Harry gave the highlights of the

Wizengamot emergency session. He did not need to tell either Hannah or

Tracey the news, as Neville had already covered it before he got there.

That was clear by how both looked so effably pleased and relaxed.

However, they all wanted to know how difficult it was to get through.

"It wasn't," he replied. "Because we were prepared and knew what Fawley

was going to try, Sirius, Frank and I got in first. As Three of the Seven

what we had to say on the matter carried a lot of weight. All four of our

first choices were accepted and Flint, let alone the others, barely

warranted a mention from anyone, but Fawley and someone else who

was obviously 'prepped' to speak in favour of Flint and the others."

"Weight, indeed," muttered a smirking Daphne. To Harry, she was

obviously referring to the weight of the little mokeskin bags of galleons.

"A couple of others put a few Houses forward... one was Weasley... but

our four got the vast majority of the votes.

"It was easy to see that Fawley was terrified, though. I think he believes

Flint's probably going to kill him, because he failed to get at least the

Ancient House of Flint ennobled."

Daphne, who'd been thinking, said, "Yeah... He might be right. Flint the

younger was a vindictive... pardon me... bastard. And I heard his father is

even worse. Fawley doesn't have an Heir, I think, so there may be yet

another ennobled House about to go extinct."

Harry nodded and said, "That was our thoughts, too."

Harry had finally managed to eat enough for lunch when he heard

Spinnet let out a cry from near the head table. "They did WHAT?!"

When he turned to look, he was just in time to see the girl, standing with

her two friends one either side of her and before the head table in from

of Marchbanks, suddenly faint. Bell was quick enough to catch her before

she completely collapsed.

Harry, for one, snickered. Within the Hall, he wasn't the only one.

After the shock of seeing Spinnet faint, Hermione turned to him and

frowned. "Harry," she firmly, but softly, said. "That's not nice."

"Bloody funny, though," said Neville, also snickering.

Susan lightly whacked him on his upper arm, but was also smiling at the


He said, "Sirius and Frank are going to approach the now Lords Diggory

and Spinnet to inform them both of what happened and see if they're

interested in joining the Alliance. First in, first dressed; and all that."

Daphne gave a firm nod and said, "Good. Though they don't know it yet,

both owe you big."

Hannah asked, "Did Auntie Amelia have any more news about what

actually happened on Tuesday night?"

Harry was glad no one seemed to have read anything more into Daphne's

remark, other than he was part of the Alliance that led to their

nominations. He didn't want anyone bar 'his' and those involved to know

he put gold into bribing the 'Mot to get their four nominations accepted

and successfully voted upon to be elevated.

"She and her people have some theories," he replied. "However, she was

quick to add that that's all they were... theories. However, she did not feel

ready to share them with anyone yet."

After hearing where people were found within the manor, especially

Weasley, Harry had his own theory and thought he was right. He'd share

it with his - and only his - that night. He'd say nothing else to anyone else

about it until then, though.




After classes ended for the day, Hermione subtly tried to press for more

information. However, Harry was firm in his conviction not to expand or

expound on anything more related to the session until Fleur was 'home'.

It was the same stance he gave from the session only a week ago and the

session last month.

When Fleur did arrive back, though, Harry delayed even further. "Fleur

needs to be brought up-to-date with what you two already know,

Hermione," he firmly stated. "I'll add to that after dinner."

Though frustrated, she still apologised for what she knew were her still-

trying-to-be-corralled desires to 'know absolutely everything'.

After he passed on the information and checking the time, he said, "Now.

Tell us about your day. Anything interesting happen you can share?"

She gave a firm nod and said, "The goblins knew of the elevation of the

four 'Ouses almost immediately. I also took the time to write my papa

about them and 'ad that sent off at lunch, so you do not need to worry

about it.

"Bill came by to ask for an extension on his bereavement leave from

work. It was granted, but 'e must be back no later than Monday morning.

'E dropped in to the team and told us some of what the family was going

through. 'E also said that Ginny's mind-'ealer friend had stopped by

yesterday morning to talk to the whole family."

She gave a little smirk to Harry and said, "'E was told the elderly

widowed witch sent to 'elp Ginny 'ad been in contact with 'er and asked

'er to stop by and 'elp if she could. She was there for over two 'ours. Bill

said she did 'elp, some; even 'im."

Harry gave a nod back and felt a little relieved to hear that.

She gave herself a little shake, took a deep breath and said, "For work, I

was asked to 'elp with finalising audits on some of the vaults of the

deceased, today. I was recommended because, without Bill there, my

training has... paused. And Gringotts is aware I scored a high Outstanding

on my NEWTs for Arithmancy."

"Enjoyable?" asked Hermione.

"Different," she shrugged and smiled. "I look forward to Bill returning,


"Understood." After a quick check of his watch again, Harry said,

"Anyway. Time for dinner, I think."

His three all nodded and they rose from where they were sitting, as

usual, on the couches.




After dinner and back in the apartment, Harry sat his three down before

they pulled out assignments and class notes and said, "Remember what I

said at lunch about what Madam Bones said about theories for what

happened on Tuesday night?"

While the other two nodded, Hermione replied, "Yes."

"Well," he said. "I have my own theory. And it has to do with what she

told me about where in the manor the bodies were discovered.

"First, they were not all in the same room at what they now figure was a

meeting. Five were not there. Four were upstairs in what I was told was

the ladies' parlour. All four were wives of four of the men in the meeting

room - reception room.

"The last one... was found in the basement, not far from the manor's

potions lab."

Hermione gave a little gasp of surprise and asked, "That was Ron, wasn't


Harry nodded and said, "I think he was trying to brew potions and the

fumes from them... somehow... ended up being spread throughout the


"I also think that's why Madam Bones is very... reticent... to speak on her

theories. She doesn't want the House of Weasley pilloried for an accident

it looks like Ron caused."

He hesitated a moment before he said, "And that's why I'm also

forbidding you three from talking about it outside of us four. While I

might have ended up detesting Ron, I happen to like the rest of the

Weasleys. I don't want to see them pilloried either."

Daphne said, "It'll come out sooner or later, though. Too many, as you

said, important Houses went extinct and important people died."

"Yes," he agreed. "However, she does not have to tell anyone it's believed

Ron was the one brewing the potions. For all anyone knows, Nott was

brewing the potions and Ron was just the unlucky sod who ended up

closest to the lab when they all died. With no one left alive who can

gainsay that, I can't see there being evidence either way."

"Indeed," she quietly nodded.




The Daily Prophet the next morning had the lead story of the four Ancient

Houses who were being elevated to Noble status. Very soon thereafter,

even before the breakfast session had ended, both Hannah and Tracey

had other students approaching them to congratulate them both for their

Houses' elevations.

Unsurprisingly, Tracey had an easier time of accepting the words of

goodwill. After all, it had been Harry's intent for some time to work

towards the House of Davis getting elevated. The death of so many was

just a sudden jump forward of that eventual time. And she was already of

the mindset it was going to happen.

Alicia Spinnet, though, still didn't know what to make of it all.

However, after reading the article herself, she now knew the identity of

one of those responsible.

Harry found himself receiving a short note handed to him by Angie

Johnson asking for a quick meeting in the entrance hall antechamber. He

asked Neville to join him.

When he got there it was to see the Three Flying Foxes already there with

Spinnet looking a little anxious.

As soon as he walked in with Neville at his heels, she almost plaintively

asked, "Why?" There was no need to elaborate.

Harry immediately replied, "For two reasons. Your House is of the Light;

and it was past due."

"That's it?" she asked.

"Well, the rest had nothing to do with your House, specifically," he

replied. "Based on what happened at the emergency session of the

Wizengamot in November 1981, we knew the Dark were going to

immediately take steps to see four more Dark Houses elevated. That,

personally, could not be allowed.

"In a meeting of the Grand Alliance last Saturday we resolved to put

forward four Ancient Houses who are of the Light before the Dark could

put forward their own.

"We knew straight away we'd be putting forward Abbott and Davis. It

then took a while to determine who the other two would be. The Ancient

House of Spinnet was short-listed before then being chosen as one of the

other two."

Bell, curious, asked, "Who else?"

"Who else were considered, you mean?" he asked right back.

She nodded.

"Hilliard, Lovegood and Sturton were three," he replied. "I don't

remember the rest."

"Why not Weasley?" asked Johnson.

"They're only an Elder House and we felt there were Ancient Houses who

should be ahead of them," he replied. "Plus, someone else put them

forward during the meeting, anyway. I think they only got one vote, the

one who put them forward. Just being nominated is kudos to them,


Spinnet, who during the second part of the 'questioning', hadn't said a

word and was clearly thinking things over, looked up and heart-feltingly

said, "Thank you."

Harry gave a shrug and said, "Then, on behalf of the Grand Alliance,

you're welcome. It was an Alliance decision, after all."

Johnson immediately frowned and asked, "You were against it?"

"No," he said. "The Noble and Ancient House of Potter, as part of the

Grand Alliance, did this for the Ancient House of Spinnet. This had

nothing to do with what Harry feels about Alicia. They're different

entities and different issues."

She looked away in perceived shame and nodded. Quietly she said,


Harry left a few moments later.

As they crossed the entrance hall back to the Grand Hall, Neville quietly

asked, "That was a bit rude, what Angie said, wasn't it."

Instead of immediately answering, Harry gave his mate a 'look' and

sighed. He drawled, "Yeah."




With a late start before Ancient Runes, Harry hung back with both his

'student' ladies and they discussed the implications, Wizengamot- and

Alliance-wise, of what it meant.

Hermione asked, "Do you think Sirius and Frank will be successful in

convincing Spinnet and Diggory to join the Alliance?"

Harry gave a shrug back and said, "I've no idea, to be honest. Of course, I

hope so... but we'll just have to wait and see."

"How many voting Houses does that give the Alliance now?" she asked.

"Umm..." he started.

Daphne cut in and replied, "Eleven, plus the Directorship with Madam


Harry nodded and said, "That's right."

Hermione put, "So, if Spinnet and Diggory do join the Alliance, that

brings it to thirteen... fourteen."

"Yup," he replied.

"Will that be enough to get Sirius's Bill passed?" she asked.

"I have no idea," he replied. "I leave the politicking to the others. I'm not

that good at it."

Daphne said, "And we'll have plenty of time to teach you."

"I can read people alright," he admitted. "But knowing how they'd react

emotionally to an issue... I can only make guesses based on prior

behaviours to similar issues in the past."

Both ladies gently smiled at him before Daphne said, "I think Hermione

and I... and Fleur, too... figured that part of you out quite some time ago."

Hermione nodded as Harry blushed a little.

The girls now knew not to 'tweak' him for it. To them, it was just Harry

being Harry. A fraction of an inch over six foot tall now and all fit and

healthy young man, all three knew he loved them; even if he had his

slightly odd quirks, at times.

His ability to accurately logically reason things out, though... it still, on

occasion, left them mentally reeling in both shock and awe; even now.




The next day, the Thursday, Harry received a letter delivered by Hermes,

Percy Weasley's owl. It was a request by Molly he and Hermione attend

the funeral for Ron to be held at the Weasley family plot. The plot, he

knew, was located behind Notice-me-Not charms in a corner of the

Weasley family land near the family apple orchard. It was scheduled for

the coming Saturday morning at 11.00am. A feast would be held as part

of the wake at lunch the same day.

Harry read it and sighed before handing it off to Hermione.

She, too, sighed when she read it. "At the same time it's sweet that they

specifically invited us, it's also a little insulting they didn't invite Daphne

or Fleur."

"My thoughts, too," he said.

"Do you want to attend?" she asked.

He shook his head and sadly replied, "No. And not just for the probably

unintended insult, either. His behaviour over the past twelve months, let

alone his effectively being bribed to be my friend, let alone his treatment

of you over the same time... No, I have no reason to go other than in

support of the rest of the Weasleys.

"Even then I might still have gone, due to wanting to show support for

them, but their not including Daphne or Fleur was still an insult. That

insult was enough to tip the balance to not go."

She nodded and said, "Do you want me to write the letter declining the

invitation? I'll say something about how you're distraught... no, you

didn't feel comfortable putting words... you didn't feel comfortable

attending the funeral of one who, when they last saw you, tried to kill

you. That's better."

"If you wouldn't mind?" he begged.

"I'll write it," she firmly replied. "You can proof read it, before it's sent."

"Thank you." The relief in his expression was quite evident.

Thankfully, they had yet another free first period. This one due to

Astronomy that night. So Hermione continued to sit at the table well

after breakfast had completed with Harry sitting beside her; and she

wrote the letter back to Arthur. After all, such letters should be sent to

the head of House, even though it was Molly who wrote the invitation.

Hedwig flew in just after she'd finished it, with both of them informally

signing it, and appeared quite happy to take it to deliver it for them.

Both breathed a sigh of relief as she headed for the rafters to leave via

the owl windows.

"There'll be more of those sort of invitations over the coming days," Harry

softly said. "At least, these ones will be 'official' invitations; for the

funerals for those who sat on the Wizengamot and the three of those of

Member Houses of the Alliance.

"If at all possible, we'll have to attend the three for Philip, Eugene and

Cyril; but we can excuse ourselves for the others."

Hermione suddenly thought about something and jerked up straight. She

exclaimed, "I'm going to need witches' mourning robes!"

He gave a nod and said, "I know Daphne has them. She wore them the

day of the Malfoy Will reading. But I'm unsure if Fleur has them. Either

way, so long as the funerals are held no earlier than next Saturday

morning, we'll organise with the Headmistress for you and the others

who don't have them to floo across to Diagon Alley for a couple hours."

"That would be helpful, yes," she returned.

It turned out later that it was discovered Fleur did not have witches'

mourning robes with her, after all, and Daphne was looking for a new

set, anyway. Once they'd figured out all three would need to go to the

Alley to be fitted for them, they then went and spoke with the other

witches in the Heirs' group. Tracey had a set but, like Daphne, only the

one. None of the others did.

After discussing it with the Headmistress, she gave them permission to

attend Diagon Alley to 'rectify this appalling situation' on the Saturday


However, the three boys would also be going to Diagon. They'd be going

to Twillfit and Tatting's while the ladies were headed for a clothier

boutique called 'Lady Priss, Couterier'. According to Daphne, Lady Priss

was so discrete she didn't even have a shop front; and was the witches'

version of Twillfit and Tatting's.

Harry had little idea the store existed until he received the bill for the

ladies trip to Diagon when Fleur joined them. However, even now he had

no idea just where in Diagon Alley it was located, only that it was in


He just gave a mental shrug and told Hermione, "Open coin purse for

this, Love. Spend what you want. You know it's not an issue.

"Oh; and pay for the lot for the other ladies, too. You should all be

looking your best. If their guardians get upset with me later for it, I'll

take care of it."

That earned him a major snog from Hermione; then Daphne and Fleur,

almost together, when they found out Harry had decided on, as he put it,

an 'open coin purse policy' when it came to witches, their clothing and

anything else relating to them.




The next morning's mail bomb brought with it all three funeral notices

for the three individuals of their Alliance, plus a demand from Molly he

and Hermione attend the funeral for Ron as she 'wanted all her children

attending, even if they weren't of her blood', and one on Thaddeus

Rowle's authority for Harry and his ladies to attend the one for Thorfinn

Rowle. Cyril MacMillan's would be on Sunday afternoon at 2.00pm;

Philip Bancroft's and Eugene Dallyhatch's would be on Monday morning.

Philip's was at 9.00am and Eugene's was at 11.00am. Thankfully,

Thorfinn Rowles was on, also at 9.00am on the Monday, at the same time

as Philip's.

"Wow, they're close!" declared Neville, who held in his hand his own


"I'm not surprised," said Daphne. "Don't forget; there's forty seven funerals

that have to be covered in very short order. And that's not counting those

few which would be of witches and wizards who died recently and

weren't even at Nott's manor.

"As such, there is going to be quite a few funerals that are going to be

held at the same time, let alone consecutively; and let alone how close

these ones are. I have no doubt there are other funerals being held at the

same time, or near enough, as these ones and quite possibly even at the

same place."

"Which is all the excuse I need not to attend the funerals of the Members

of the Wizengamot I really have no desire to attend," Harry firmly stated.

"Some of those were of Houses considered Grey, Harry," she firmly said.

"They might have been publicly recognised as Grey," he argued. "But the

fact they were at that meeting casts significant doubt on that."

She gave a nod and said, "You are likely to take a hit in the press for not

attending, but I doubt you'll be the only one who'll refuse."

"Which brings me to this one," he firmly said, offering the letter to


"Rowle," she said. "Of course. One of the Seven."

"One of the seven died?" asked Hermione.

"No. His Heir Apparent," said Harry. "Thorfinn Rowle. One of the so-

called Imperiused Death Eaters in the last war."

"It would be rude not to attend the Rowle funeral," said Daphne.

"However, it would be disrespectful not to attend the Bancroft funeral."

"We go to the Bancroft funeral," said Harry.

Daphne nodded, started folding the letter back up and said, "Then it

should be I who writes the response to Rowle, stating your

disappointment you will not be able to attend due to the funeral of an

ally being held at the same time." She slipped the letter into her inner

robe pocket at the breast. "You'll sign it."

Harry nodded and said, "Thank you."

"And what do we do about Molly's demand?" asked Hermione.

"We ignore it," he replied. "I'm not saying that just because I want to be

rude, either. I'm saying that because we've already informed her we won't

be attending. All sending her a second refusal will do is just upset her


Hermione nodded. "We leave it be, then," she said.




The trip to Diagon occurred immediately following an early 'Harry'

breakfast in the Potter apartment. While a little put out he wouldn't be

allowed to cook it, Dobby was allowed to assist and clean all the dirty

dishes. Hermione had successfully argued that there was likely to be

quite a few people who would be in the Alley to purchase things like

mourning robes and it would be best if they arrived early to get in first.

Because of the early hour, the previous day Harry asked for and received

permission from the Headmistress to use the floo in the Potter apartment.

So, immediately after breakfast, they only had to enter the apartment

living room to floo to the Alley, rather than troop across half the castle to

the Headmistress's office.

After dropping the ladies off at the quite plain door of Lady Priss's shop,

the three boys headed to their appointment at Twillfit and Tatting's. They

had plenty of time and they knew it. It might take them about an hour to

be fitted, but the ladies were going to be even longer.

Or, so they thought. Things were about to turn ugly.




Exiting the male clothier's, each with a large bundle under their arms, the

three boys were still discussing the fitting and material selections when

Harry was knocked off his feet by a rude and hard shoulder nudge.

By the time he landed and bounced into a combat crouch, he already saw

that Neville had someone pinned to the wall of the building they were

passing by. He had the person pinned with his offhand forearm across the

back of the man's neck and his wand-hand holding the other person's

wand arm locked up behind him.

Able to see the person's face, Harry recognised him immediately -

Theodore Nott. While Neville's face showed great anger, Nott's expression

also showed anger, but it was clear he was also trying hide shocked fear.

A moment later, Justin was helping Harry to his feet. "Are you alright,

Lord Potter?"

'Nice,' thought Harry, recognising why Justin named him that way. "I am,

thank you, Heir Finch-Fletchley."

As Harry used his wand to clean his robes, he thought fast about what to

do about this. Already a small crowd was beginning to gather.

Decision made he turned his attention more fully to a thoroughly pinned

Nott. Neville both out-massed him considerably and also had leverage on

his side. Nott had been trying to struggle free, but it got him nowhere;

Neville just pressed harder.

"Heir Nott," Harry almost snarled. "You've just attacked―"

"Aurors!" came a bark from just beyond the small gathering of bystanders

and gawkers. A moment later a Senior and Second Class stepped through

the crowd.

"What is the meaning of this?" demanded the Senior. Harry recognised the

Senior from off his protection detail when he stayed with the Grangers.

"Heir Nott, here," snarled Neville, "Just attacked the Lord of a Noble and

Most Ancient House... One of the Seven... Lord Potter. I believe Lord

Potter has something to say to him about that."

Before the auror could speak and or make any demands, Harry got in


"I do!" he firmly stated. "Heir Nott. You've just attacked my person. As I

know you were aware, I am the Lord of a Noble and Most Ancient House.

As I know you are also aware, I have the right to demand satisfaction for

your actions... and I do!

As quite a few people gasped in shock, Harry continued, "Heir Nott, for

your ongoing attacks upon my House... of which this incident is only the

latest... I, Lord Harrison James Potter, of Potter, hereby formally

challenge you to an Honour Duel. Such duel to take place within one

week. Such duel to take place, as all such formal duels between Heads of

Houses take place, at the Ministry duelling arena at the Ministry of

Magic. What say you... cur!"

Neville immediately released the boy and stepped a pace and a half back.

As Harry had challenged Nott, the other boy's eyes at first widened in

shock, before he began to look afraid. However, he held his ground. With

Neville pressing him face-first into the wall, he really couldn't go

anywhere, anyway.

Once Neville released him, Harry wasn't sure if the boy was going to

show he had no honour after all and bolted, or actually accept. After

turning to face Harry, it was a long moment before he braced himself up

and, with a sneer, firmly stated, "I accept!"

Harry gave a firm nod back, his eyes never leaving those of Nott, and

said, "Name your second."

Nott was about to say something when he then looked a little unsure.

Finally he said, "My second recently passed. I shall have to seek another."

'So, his grandfather was his chosen second,' thought Harry. Before he

could say he didn't have a second either, Neville firmly spoke up.

"I stand as Lord Potter's second," he stated. "Arrange for your second...

whoever is foolish enough to take the post... to contact me by owl no

later than sundown tomorrow night."

Nott firmly returned, "So be it." Then spun and stormed away.

"Lord Potter," snapped the Senior, finally allowed to step in.

When Harry turned a cool gaze upon the man, he continued, "While it is

lawful... As you are still a young man, as is Mister Nott, this will fall

unfavourably against you no matter the outcome."

"It's a Honour Duel, Senior," he returned. "It is not my direct intent to kill

the fool."

"It will be his to kill you, though," said the auror.

"I know," said Harry. "However, unless his past few months at

Durmstrang have greatly improved his prowess with a wand, he won't

have a chance to carry that out."

The Senior gave a nod and turned to Neville. "Heir Longbottom, I shall

inform Madam Bones a formal Honour Duel will be held in the Ministry

duelling arena within the week; and who it will be between. I daresay

she will have words for you."

Neville gave a nod back and the Senior spun away, taking the somewhat

stunned Second Class with him.

Harry turned to Neville as the boy closed the distance between them.

"Thank you."

Neville quietly asked, "You know you're going to take a lot of guff from

within the Alliance over this, don't you?"

"Yeah," he replied. "But, they're not the ones whom I'm worried about."

Justin got it right away. "Hermione and the others are going to kill you

before you even get a chance to step onto that platform."

As Harry turned to him with a slight smile, Justin handed him his bundle

of robes back. "Yep," he replied, accepting them. "I just hope Daphne will

stop the other two from tearing me apart. She'll be the first to calm

down, knowing this was necessary."

"You're going to need to be fitted for duelling robes," said Neville.




None of the ladies witnessed what occurred between Harry and Nott in

the Alley. And, as the three boys didn't say anything until they returned

to the castle, Harry wasn't subjected to a public berating from the three

of them; or the others.

He thanked God he was on his own when it happened, as both Justin and

Neville got out of there almost right away to give him the opportunity to

tell them in private.

Before he'd finished explaining, Hermione was in his face. he could see

the fear in her eyes. "Are you OUT of your naffing MIND?! HOW could you

DO this?"

"It's one of those necessary evils that comes from being one of the Seven,

Hermione," he started to explain.

"He's going to try to KILL you!" she ranted. "You KNOW he is!"

"I know," he calmly returned. "And I'll be making sure he doesn't."

She stared back in gobsmacked shock for a moment before she gave an

almost inarticulate cry of anger and fear, spun about and ran from the

living room to her bedroom, slamming the door shut on her way in.

With a sigh he turned to the other two. Both were just as angry and both

were just as afraid for him.

"Even if you win, this is not going to end well for you," said Daphne.

"And this was also probably going to happen, sooner or later," he said.

"I'd rather it sooner, where I know I'll have a much better chance of

beating him, than later, when he can get his skills up."

"You're going to need duelling robes and we're going to 'ave to train you

'ard in what time we've got before the duel," said a clearly unhappy and

scared Fleur.

"Dobby," he called.

"Yes, Master Harry?" asked an also clearly afraid house elf. "Check the

vaults for me, Dobs. I remember seeing a decent set of duelling robes in


Dobby gave a nod and popped away.

He was back in a long moment with three sets of robes.

Harry spotted the ones he was thinking off and picked them up from

where the elf had put them, side by side, on the long couch.

Both his two witches still in the room also came over to have a look.

"Acromantula silk with what I think is Ukrainian Ironbelly plating," said

Daphne, fingering them.

Fleur, also fingering the material, quietly said, "Protection runes, arrays

for cooling and comfort, anti-transfiguration arrays, a few others I do not

recognise. I will need to go over them to determine what they all are."

Daphne gave a nod and said, "Strip and put them on."

After Harry did just that, Fleur had already gathered stationery and was

using a conjured clipboard to hold the sheets of parchment. He was quite

surprised by how well they fit him and mentioned it.

It was Dobby, watching, who said, "They belongsed to Lord Charlus

Potter, Master Harry. He beings known as being very good dueller."

Harry then held his arms out and allowed the two witches to walk

around him, pointing out the various enchantments and arrays woven

into the material.

As they worked, Hermione came back out. It was clear she'd been crying.

However, what his other two ladies were doing had her come over and

join them. She might be upset with him, but she would not let it interfere

with making sure he was as protected as legally possible before going

into that duel.




About an hour after Harry first put on the robes, his three ladies were

still going over everything and looking what could be improved upon in

the time he was likely to have left.

A knock on the door had Hermione going over to open it. It was Neville,

Justin and their four.

Hermione just stepped aside and gestured them within.

Harry had to turn about to see them as he was still facing almost

completely the other way after donning the robes. He could see that

CeeCee had been crying, too. Her eyes were red rimmed.

As soon as her eyes locked with his, she hurried over and wrapped him in

a hug under his arms, laying her face sideways on his chest.

"You're an idiot," she firmly sniffled.

"This is something that happens, sometimes, at my level," he replied.

"Eventually, someone was going to step up and challenge me, or I would

have to challenge them.

"Until it happened, there would be those... out there... who would always

wonder just how good I am. There would be those who would always

wonder if they could make something of a name for themselves by being

the one who 'took me out'.

"I'd rather it be against someone like Theodore Nott... and that it

occurred because he finally pushed me too far... than someone who I

know is going to be so much better.

"Once it's done, it will have sent a message. That message is: 'Lord

Harrison Potter is prepared to take things to a duel if you push him too



Before CeeCee could reply, only going so far as to pull her head back to

look him in the eyes, he was glom-tackled by Hermione with a Hermi-

hug from the side.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" she squeaked.

"Don't be sorry for being upset with me because you were afraid for me,

Hermione," he firmly said. "It's alright."

As she sniffled into his shoulder, he said, "In our home, wherever our

home happens to be at that point in time, you'll be allowed to get

verbally upset with me; even yell at me. That's allowed. Just make sure

you don't do it in public or when we have guests."

As he felt her nod, CeeCee backed off and said, "You're very bright."

Looking back at her he grinned and said, "Only just figuring that out, are


She grinned back, pulled away, whacked him on the arm and returned to

be nearer Justin.

As an aside as Hermione got control of her emotions again, he thought, 'I

don't think CeeCee's going to want to part with Justin once she's of age. I

think her concubinage might become permanent, down the track.

'I'll have to talk with Justin about it; make sure he understands that and

is prepared for it.'




As it was getting on to almost too late for lunch, Harry quickly went into

his room to change into casual. He brought the robes out and laid them

back on the couch, as he thought the three witches might want to make

'improvements' to them.

Then the ten headed down to the Great Hall.

As they walked Neville softly said to Harry, "I've sent an elf off to Dad to

let him know about the duel. And asked him to let the others know. I've

also asked him to stand in as assistant to me as second to help organise

and book the duelling chamber at the Ministry."

Harry nodded back, smiled and said, "Thank you."

A few moments later, he asked, "You're going to be able to take him,

right? That auror was right when he said Nott's going to try to kill you."

"Yeah," he nodded. "Starting this afternoon I'm going to start duel

training. I might not have long, but neither does he. I'll be focussing on

honing my reflex speed and spell-chains, plus making sure my stamina is

still up.

"He won't be fit, even with going to Durmstrang now; so I'll be able to

outlast him on physical fitness and magical stamina. Plus, the faster I

cast, the less chance he has to cast back.

"What I'm more worried about is him going to the dark arts. I don't think

it'll be if he goes that route, but when. I'll need to watch for that."




After letting his lunch settle, Harry again changed into his Great Uncle's

duelling robes and the Heirs headed for the Room of Requirement.

For the next three hours they worked... hard.

While the others were going through books on magical combat and

duelling that the Room provided, Harry was warming up with the

duelling dummies. This time he focussed on just one, but this one was set

to Level 5. It was one level down from it's best setting; and that one was

dangerous, even for him. Curses were lethal at that level.

After warming up for fifteen minutes he'd taken a quick break. That was

all Hermione needed to call him over and show him a list they'd prepared

of grey and dark curses. They'd listed the name, wand movement,

incantation and colour of the curse.

"When not actually training you need to memorise these," said Hermione,

in... well... Hermione-mode. "We've kept it simple and in a fashion we

know works well for you... lists."

"It's actually quite clever," said Daphne. "You don't need to know

everything there is to know about each curse or hex as it's not as if you're

ever going to use them. However, you need to know the basics of each so

you can then know how to defend against them."

"By listing them out," continued Hermione. "You have a ready list - a

cheat sheet - that you can far more easily remember and recall when and

if you need it. Plus, we're only building a single list, at the moment. Once

we've got what we can get down, down, I think we should break it down

into effects and counters.

"For example, some are area effect; like, for instance, Fulmos is the smoke

cloud charm. A Protego won't have any effect on that.

"Then there are others that were designed specifically to get through a

Protego, even a Protego Totalum or Protego Horribilis. With those, we'll

determine if it's better to dodge them, use a conjured shield or if there's a

shield charm designed for when the Protego is useless."

"Already we've decided that the Avis charm is worthless to you," said

Daphne. "You tend to always be in motion and the Avis, to be effective,

requires you to stand still."

"Oui," said Fleur. "That is why we are looking for defensive methods that

do not restrict you from your always-in-motion style of fighting."

"For now, train some more," said Daphne. "We need to watch you more,

to get an even better idea on what sort of defensive strategy would work

best for you."

Harry smirked after the three-way tag team his ladies just did and

replied, "Yes, Ma'ams." And returned to the duelling piste with its single

target dummy.




After working all afternoon in the Room of Requirement, Harry was back

there after dinner. Secretly, he borrowed the books his ladies used to

write down that list they were still developing of dark arts curses and

hexes and, one at a time, cast them in the room to help him with

memorising each and every one of them to the best of his ability.

He felt he needed to see them because 'muddy orange' wasn't that great a

description. Neither was, 'a greenish blue', 'a dark yellow' or similar.

When he successfully cast each one he now had a better idea of just what

those curses actually looked like. For a start, 'a muddy orange' translated

to 'burnt umber', 'a greenish blue' translated to 'a dark aqua' and 'a dark

yellow' translated to 'mustard'. He corrected each on the list the girls had

already created, knowing what he held was a copy of the original they

were still working on.




With Cyril MacMillan's funeral that afternoon, Harry was back in the

Room of Requirement on the Sunday morning, again practicing against a

single duelling dummy.

With the dummy set at Level Three, he had it casting curses at him that

were little more than jinxes. And practiced what he'd read in one of the

books was called 'spell swatting'. He was surprised to learn that spell

swatting was also effective against almost all of those curses that the

Protego charm wouldn't shield, except the Unforgivables. The weakness

of spell swatting was the disarming charm, Expelliarmus. And

Expelliarmus had a 'clear' colour. That is, it was so transparent as it flew

from the wand tip of the caster that it couldn't be properly seen as more

than a ripple of displaced air. However, a Protego, surprisingly, blocked


He'd spent part of the previous evening, after tiring himself out

magically, going over ideas of what offensive charms and the like he

could employ in his forthcoming duel against Nott. He'd had Dobby

collect books on combat magics from Pottermore and was going through

them, practicing wand movements with his wand hand and holding the

book with his offhand as he went.

That's when he thought about using minor hexes and adding them to his

repertoire; even Ron's Eat Slugs hex was added, as its wand movement

was little more than a jab/twist. Ginny's Bat Bogey hex required a quick

twirl and a yank down, but fitted in well in a spell chain immediately

before a curse that started with the wand tip pointing somewhat down.

Once he had a book on them, he was quick to see the use they could have

in a duel. They didn't hurt the one they were cast at, but they could be

very distracting and allow an opening for a more powerful and harmful

curse to slip through.

The Silencing charm, Silencio, while not harmful, could be used to stop

the opponent using verbal incantations; as could the Tongue-locking

charm, Langlock. A colour-changing charm, if accurate enough, could be

used to discolour the water in the eyes of the opponent, temporarily

blinding them. The noise muffling charm, Muffliato, an area effect charm,

could create a noises-suppressed area around the opponent, effectively

deafening them.

And, of course, there was also battle transfiguration. The use of

transfiguration in combat.

Harry was nowhere near competent in the art, as almost all of it was

related to inanimate to animate. He could, of course, do something like

transfigure a teapot to do a little dance; but the more impressive and

effective stuff was beyond him. He just hoped it was also beyond Nott.

However, he could use transfiguration to turn the ground the boy stood

upon to quicksand momentarily before solidifying it again; locking the

boy in place and unable to dodge because his feet were stuck in the floor.

He practiced what he could and tried to come up with ways to counter

what he couldn't with other ways he could at least minimise the chance

of it happening.




After a shower before lunch, then lunch, the Heirs returned to their

apartments to change. They needed to change into their mourning robes

in preparation of the funeral.

The girls complained that they wouldn't have a lot of time to, as Monica

would put it, 'gussy-up'. They'd all wanted to skip lunch, but Harry

thought an hour was more than sufficient and, apparently, so too did

Neville and Justin.

"No one skips lunch," Harry firmly stated. "If you skip lunch you may

very well commit that heinous sin of falling asleep during the service... or

whatever it is that's the wizarding equivalent."

"Besides," said Neville. "You all now have access to a Ladies' elf. That'll

speed things up for you."

It did... apparently. All seven ladies were ready with five minutes to

spare before they had to make their way to the Headmistress's office.

Unlike other students who would be attending funerals, who would be

going via their Heads of Houses floos, as the Headmistress would also be

attending the funeral they went through hers.




Harry had never been to a funeral before, let alone a wizarding one. So

he didn't know what to expect.

Once it was over, Daphne told him it was quite short for a Noble and

Ancient House. "I wonder if they shortened it because Augustus was

embarrassed his son's body had been found at that meeting," she mused.

Neville said, "To be fair, it may have also been because there are so many

funerals coming up."

Hermione said, "I've only been to two muggle funerals, myself. And that

was a little short, compared to them."

"I liked it," said Harry. "I kind of expected it to be one speaker after

another extolling the virtues of the deceased before they finally interred

him. Leastwise, that's what I read they were like. But, this wasn't like


"It's going to be noticed that Augustus didn't speak," said Daphne.

"Augustus is Lord of the House and Cyril was his Heir Apparent. Some are

going to see that Augustus not speaking was a way of stating Disownment

without coming out and actually saying it."

Justin added, "Lord Longbottom gave a nice speech on the contribution of

House MacMillan to the Alliance and how he was looking forward to

what contributions Cyril would make as Head of House when his time


Harry thought, 'He also made no mention of how they now all thought of

him as a traitor.'

Neville looked to Harry and carefully asked, "If I may ask, Harry, what

did Mum say to you under that muffling charm after the funeral?"

Harry thought about and replied, "She wanted to talk about the

upcoming duel with Nott. And, let me put it this way, I had no idea your

Mum knew that many swear words."

Neville winced and softly said, "Yeah, she does."

"She, Frank and Sirius all reminded me I'm One of the Seven and have no

heirs. As such, I need to... not go taking risks that could render House

Potter extinct," he explained. "Adeline overheard some of that and said...

what words did she use?... I should... 'Hurry up and rectify that situation'.

Then smirked at me."

Daphne winced.

"She never!" exclaimed Tracey.

Harry grinned back and said, "Her exact words, Trace."

"That was bit forward," huffed Hermione.

"A bit?" asked Daphne. Then she muttered, "I'm going to have to have

words with that witch."

Harry, blushing a little again, said, "Don't be too hard on her, Daph. I

understand where she's coming from. She just wants to make sure the

Houses of Greengrass and Potter has future Heads of House lined up in


She harrumphed, scowled and said, "Don't let her fool you. She just wants

grandbabies to spoil."

Harry shrugged and said, "I see nothing wrong with that."

With an annoyed huff she said, "She wants them now, Potter. That is, in

nine months. She doesn't want us to wait until after we finish our


"Oh," he softly said with a light blush again. "But, that's not what you

want, right?"

"No," she said.

"Then that's not what's going to happen," he firmly said. "It's your choice,





Having already received permission to skip classes on the Monday

morning to attend the two funerals - and because the first one, Philip

Bancroft's, was at 9.00am - the heirs ate an early 'Harry' breakfast.

Having it before 7.00am, which is when the Great Hall laid it on, gave

the ladies time to get ready.

Fleur couldn't join them, as she needed to be at work. While it was also

Bill's first day back after his youngest brother's death and subsequent

funeral, as the funerals were not of immediate family Fleur could not in

good conscience ask for leave for the morning.

Again they went out via the Headmistress's floo. However, this time, they

re-entered the school by way of the Potter floo. Lady Marchbanks would

return to the school after Eugene Dallyhatch's funeral as she had yet

another to attend between the two; one of the Grey Houses, the Elder

House of Haworth, had the funeral for their now ex-Head of House, Miles

Haworth, then.

As they stepped back through the floo into the Potter apartment, Harry

said, "Big day for Lady Marchbanks today. I believe she has yet another

funeral to attend this afternoon."

"Olaf McLaggen," said Hermione. "Cormac McLaggen's father. He was one

of the first to find out, due to Mister McLaggen the older's life stone."

McLaggen's life stone was kept at their home.

Harry wasn't bothered with getting changed, but the girls were. Daphne

explained, "It would be gauche for we ladies to attend the second funeral

in the same mourning robes, Harry. We've got time to change, so we


However, as there was no need to apply fresh make-up, only touch up

what they had which Betsy took care of in a moment, it didn't take them

long to change. Meanwhile, Harry had organised a morning tea and 'let'

Dobby organise and prepare it.




The second funeral was very similar to the other two. For the speakers on

behalf of the Alliance, Lady Marchbanks spoke at Philip Bancroft's; and

Heathcliff Davis, now Lord Heathcliff Davis due to the ennobling, spoke

at Eugene Dallyhatch's.

He'd also learned at the second funeral that 'the deceased's' widow, Eliza,

had temporarily moved into the Sibbledotch home. Prissy Sibbledotch

had insisted. The Dallyhatch's had no children of their own, who could

step in to aid their mother.

Thankfully, the Heirs were able to return to the school just after lunch

had started and, after a quick change of mourning robes to school robes,

made it down to the Great Hall in time to eat.

As they were sitting at the Seventh Year's end of the Gryffindor table, this

time, Harry looked around and could see there were some wearing their

own mourning robes and looking quite morose in some cases.

He sighed and said, "I'll be glad when these funerals are over."

No one said anything back.




79. Bang! Thud!

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to the proverbial Duchess of

Magic, JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high

falutin' companies. No matter how much I whine about not owning anything

related to the HP universe, other than a few fanfic plots, I do not profess to

own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful

world... Damn it!

Chapter Seventy Nine - Bang!... Thud!




The next morning Neville received an owl from Marcus Flint of all


As soon as he realised who it was from and, though he knew a number of

detection charms, he asked the others to carefully check over the letter,

and him, to see if any harmful charms or curses had snuck past him.

When it all came up clear, Neville finally opened the letter. Of course, by

then all the other Heirs were carefully watching, waiting for something to

be triggered they'd all missed.

A quick read and, as he did, his eyebrows rose in surprise.

"It's from Flint, alright. Marcus Flint," he said, eyes still on the contents of

the letter. "Apparently, he's Nott's nominated second.

"Flint wants to discuss the terms of the Honour Duel," he continued. "He's

already been in contact with Duelling Master Robards of the DMLE,

Captain of the Piste. He's asking for the duel to be delayed until next

Monday, due to all the funerals that are being held this week, including

his grandfather's, his Late Lord of House. He claims Robards is willing to

book the duelling chamber at the Ministry for next Monday at twelve

noon and, get this, demands I confirm."

After a quick snort of amusement he continued, "He wants terms to

determine capitulation and victory set before the duelling flag is


"How rude!" scoffed Tracey.

"It is," nodded Harry, remembering the book on formal duels he'd read;

and reread even as recently as the previous night.

Harry thought for a few moments and looked to Neville, "Your father, if I

remember correctly, is a full bottle on pre-duel etiquette, isn't he?"

"Yeah, he is," replied the other boy, before what Harry was getting at had

the Lumos light up. "You're alright with me asking my father for help in


"Yep," said Harry. "Consider it... making good use of the resources

available to you in your duties as Second."

Relieved, Neville said, "Yeah. When you put it like that..."

Daphne offered, "You can use the floo in our apartment to floo call him."

After a glance at Harry to see he didn't have a problem with it, he turned

to Daphne and said, "Thank you. That's most kind. I'll do that, tonight."




After a long day of classes with most students, those who didn't find

themselves having to attend funerals, settling back into study after a

previous week of high drama, after their double of Herbology to wrap up

the day, Harry and his ladies returned to the apartment.

Neville said he was going to go change and would be right back.

He was back less than fifteen minutes later and he and Harry, assisted by

Daphne, laid out what Harry saw as 'terms' for the duel. Since Flint had

been quite rude in his letter, Harry wanted the terms to be quite harsh.

Neville gave a low whistle and said, "I'll let my father know and we'll see

what we can come up with."

Then he headed for the floo, plucking the kneeling mat up from its

resting place against the side of the fireplace and laying it down on the


Once the call connected and Neville had his head in the green flames,

Daphne asked, "Do you think he'll agree?"

He gave one of his half shrugs and said, "If Frank and Neville can rile the

man enough with their response, I think he'll accept."

After speaking for about half an hour with his father, Neville finally

pulled his head out of the floo and groaned a little climbing back to his


As he massaged his knees he said, "Dad's going to write the response...

based on what you told me... and HEED it back. I'll then rewrite it in my

hand and owl it."

Harry nodded, "Sounds like a plan."




After a quiet Wednesday, Thursday morning had yet another letter for

Neville from Flint. This one in response to the letter he owled on the

Tuesday night.

Harry had read that one and snorted in amusement at the polite yet

condescending tone of it. Basically, it was worded to state that Nott

should feel privileged to be permitted to duel One of the Seven. Then

went into the terms.

There would be no Unforgivables. If such was cast, the Captain of the

Piste would step in. The one who cast the Unforgivable, besides being

arrested, will be deemed the vanquished. As it was an Honour Duel, no

curses cast to be deliberately fatal were allowed. Again, the Captain

would step in at the first cast of one and with the same deliberation. A

few points Harry didn't even think of included no use of potions in the

system before the start of the duel, they would be tested for them; no

carrying of any weapon other than the one wand; no carrying of potions

on the person; no poisons; and scans would be made of both duellers

immediately prior to stepping on the piste for all of the above to ensure

compliance. There were a few other points, but those were the 'biggies'.

Flint's second letter basically accused Harry of being a coward, but then

stated the terms were 'grudgingly accepted' - and that was all Harry


When Neville finished quietly reading it to them all, Harry said,

"Excellent. Let your father know to contact Duelling Master Robards that

it's confirmed for 12 noon on Monday."

Neville nodded back.




Friday morning's Daily Prophet had news of the duel. It accurately

portrayed who was involved, where it would be held and at what date

and time. And went into quite a bit as to why it happened.

Harry was just happy the article didn't accuse him of being an up-and-

coming dark lord or something. While it was bit scathing of him

demanding the duel, it also covered he was in the right to do it. So, he

was happy enough with the reporting of it.

What he wasn't happy about was it meant the spectators' gallery would

be packed. He asked Neville to make sure he had three 'family' seats

reserved for it.

"Don't worry about that, Harry," said the boy. "That's always the case. The

family of both duelers have a private box each opposite one another level

with the centre line of the piste."

Harry nearly sighed in relief. "Make sure those of our family get those

seats, would you?"

"You should ask Lord Black, as your godfather, to do that."

"Good idea," he nodded. "I'll let him know, via mirror, sometime today."

While the others were all in classes, Harry spent almost the entire time in

the Room. While there, he practiced and practiced and practiced. During

breaks, he did his best to memorise the rewritten and reorganised list of

dark curses, so he could remember what they looked like and what they

were when they were cast at him; and their counters.

He also wore his duelling robes throughout the entire time, so he would

become very comfortable wearing them. As they had armour within them

and were, even then, padded, he needed to get used to the slightly added

resistance to his movements they caused. They had weight reducing

charms on them, but they did little for the momentum of that weight.

That was the resistance he felt.

On one of his breaks he mirror-called Sirius and told him to work out

who could be in the family box for him.

"I can do that, pup," his godfather replied.

He was so involved in what he was doing he was almost late for Ancient

Runes in fourth period.

When he joined Hermione and Daphne in the classroom, just before the

door was shut, he quietly and confidently said to both of them, "I'm

ready. The weekend will be refining what I know."




And that's exactly what happened, to a point.

Across the weekend he spent an hour on the training piste, then two

hours of working on assignments, a half hour yet again going over the list

of dark curses and hexes that could be thrown his way, then start again.

The only breaks were for morning and afternoon teas and lunch. He

started after breakfast and stopped just before dinner time.

He was actually surprised he'd managed to get all his assignments caught

up by Sunday evening, leaving him free to concentrate on the duel.

On Monday, he attended breakfast in the Great Hall with the others, then

the double of History of Magic.

However, after morning tea, when he entered the potions lab for the

double of Potions, the professor told him not to attend and make himself

ready for his duel. The class would be working on a potion that would

take them right through to the lunch break and he'd have to have left by


"Go meditate, or something!" she ordered him.

He thought that was a bloody clever idea so returned to the apartment,

told Dobby he'd be meditating and to 'wake' him at eleven thirty, cleared

a space on the floor in front of the fireplace and assumed his meditation


His mind health was something he'd been ignoring of late. Besides, it

gave him an excellent opportunity to make sure his spell repertoire, both

light and dark, was at the forefront of his mind; together with his

knowledge on what advantages he could take on the piste and those

which could be used against him.




At a few minutes past eleven o'clock, he was disturbed when Hermione

came in, scowling.

"Problem?" he asked.

The Professor kicked me out. She said I wasn't focussing enough and she

thought I was a danger to the other students. I wasn't, though. I know I


He chuckled, rose and walked over to give her a hug.

As he backed off he said, "No, I daresay you weren't; but, think about it.

Why else would she kick you out. And, did she deduct any points off


It didn't take her long to figure out and she looked in surprise at Harry.

"She kicked me out so I could be with you for your duel," she said almost

in awe.


That's when Daphne walked in, with almost the same 'tale'. However,

she'd already figured it out.

Then Neville walked in with a smirk. He explained, "A few minutes after

Professor Grimfield threw Hermione out, she threw me out."

Harry laughed.




At eleven thirty five the four used the Potter apartment floo to floo

directly to the reception area of the Ministry's duelling chamber. Master

Auror Robards - or, rather, Captain of the Piste Robards in his current

persona - was there to welcome them.

He quickly made sure Hermione and Daphne were safely escorted to the

Potter family box by an auror - Sirius, Remus and a few others were

already there and waiting - then took both Harry and Neville aside to be

scanned. Both, of course, came up clean.

"I'll be scanning you again, just before you step onto the piste, Lord

Potter," he warned.

Harry gave a nod and replied, "Understood, Master Robards."

After the scans both boys were allowed to enter the floor of the piste, but

not approach the piste itself. They did so.

The first thing Harry noticed on walking through the door and onto the

floor was, as expected, the seating was packed. Next were the flashes and

pops of wizarding cameras coming from basically one area of the plush

spectator boxes. Clearly, that was the media area.

Walking further onto the floor, Harry looked to either side and saw his

'family' sitting in a spectator's box halfway along, as Neville told him it

would be. It appeared to have seating for ten - two rows of five. He saw

Hermione and Daphne, of course. They were sitting between Remus and

Sirius with Narcissa sitting at the end seat left of that row. Behind them

were Frank, Alice, Samuel, Adeline and... Marchbanks? He didn't know

she was going to be here.

Sirius waved and tossed him a jaunty salute. Harry waved back with a





Finally, the time was only one minute away from the appointed hour.

Robards and his 'second' rescanned both him and Nott, who had entered

a minute after he and Neville did and immediately directed them onto

the piste at either end.

Neville stood off the piste and back about three paces, but level with

Harry. It could be called a right angle. And Nott and his second were the


During the whole lead up to then, both duellers and their seconds were

kept well away from one another, with aurors enforcing that gap.

Robards then listed out the terms of the duel and asked both duellers to

confirm before turning to the seconds, who also confirmed.

Then he asked, "As per the law I ask each dueller if they wish to

withdraw. Does either dueller wish to withdraw?"

Nott just sneered and shook his head while Harry politely replied, "No,

thank you."

Robards sent a glare back at Nott for his rudeness and gave Harry a smile

smile and tiny head nod.

"Very well," he said to both, then called, "Activate the wards!"

Instantly, the rune based ward scheme Internationally accepted as the

standard sprung to life on the piste. The only weakness in the scheme

was keyed to Robards's magical signature. He could step through it from

the outside. It was a necessary weakness, to allow Robards to step

through and magically stop the duel if he deemed the rules or terms had

been breached.

He then firmly stated, "The duel commences when I next say the word,

'Mark!'. Are both duellers ready?"

As per the rules, Harry gave a slight bow to the Master before turning to

face Nott. Unsurprisingly, Nott had ignored the man.

"Lord Nott!" The Captain barked. "I will have your signal you are ready

before I will begin."

'Lord Nott, eh?' thought Harry. 'Clearly old Caracticus emancipated the

boy in his Will. That's all the excuse I'll need to do what I'll do when I

win. He's no longer considered a child.'

Nott finally gave the barest of nods to Robards before he turned back to

Harry and dropped into a dueller's stance. Harry took his own and

noticed Nott's stance was one of instant offence.

Harry's was more one of relaxed poise and readiness; right foot and

shoulder forward, knees loose and 'uncocked' and on the balls of his feet

with a bare minimum of weight on his heels. His wand, of course, was in

his hand. However, it was pointed down and slightly away, while Nott's

was held up high.

There was short pause as Robards consulted a clock bolted to the wall

opposite and above the heads of the spectators.

Then, "Three!... Two!... One!... MARK!"

Nott had timed it well. As soon as Robards began the 'M; for 'Mark', his

wand was being jabbed forward with an added twist as the tip glowed


'A simple gouging charm at the floor at my feet,' thought Harry.

He blocked it with a Protego.

But Nott then didn't wait for Harry to cast back. He just kept casting, one

after another. Each getting more vicious.

Harry mentally smirked to himself and cast back annoying jinxes and the

like. His plan was simple. Enrage the boy enough he'll leave an opening

Harry could exploit. And Nott was burning through magical energy like it

was all going to be taken away from him within the next five minutes

and wanted to use it all up before it was.

As Nott began to slow down a little after his first dozen casts, Harry

started to push more and more onto the offensive. It kept the amount of

magical power he was using low enough Nott thought he could simply

spell swat it all aside. That was what he wanted the other boy to assume.

Then Harry started into the spell chains; ones he'd come up with, mixed

in with short already known ones.

He could see the anger steadily more and more marring his opponent's


Seeing an opening in the middle of a chain, he broke out of it and cast

the colour-changing charm at the boy's hair, turning it pink; then hit his

wand with a minor illusion, making it look like a muggle little girl's fairy

princess's wand with a big silver star on the tip

Nott snarled in rage and returned to an almost full on offensive. And his

curses became even darker in nature. Some of those, he knew were fatal

if they connected; an organ expelling curse, an organ rotting curse, a

withering curse and one that turned your blood into acid, for example.

Out of the corner of his eye, Harry could see the glare directed at Nott by

Robards. It also looked like Robards was quickly going to determine he

would need to step onto the piste and halt the duel.

Throughout it all, Harry had dodged, shielded and spell-swatted it all.

Only one spell, so far, had touched him. He'd taken a clip to the wand-

hand from a cutting Curse and blood was dripping to the floor from his

hand. However, the same could not be said for Nott. His robes were cut

through, he was bleeding in a few places, his front top teeth were about

two inches long - from an accurately cast Densaugeo - and Harry could

tell he was hurting from what he thought were badly bruised and or

broken bones in his chest, off arm and 'wand' leg. And that did not

include the prank hexes he'd landed on the boy. Nott's casts were

becoming less accurate and his wand movements far less refined.

That's when Harry did something only Nott, Daphne and Hermione, of

those present, had seen him do before. He cast a Protego shielding charm

off the tip of his wand and charged forward.

Nott;'s eyes widened for the moment, as Harry charged forward, before

the ends of the eyes pinched. Then he cast one of those dark curses that

bore straight through a shielding charm, using the shielding charm to

empower it further.

Harry watched it cast and coming, dropped his shield at the last moment

while simultaneously jinking to his right a pace and continued to charge

forward while casting.

This time he didn't hold back and put full power into the cast. His

bludgeoner hit the boy in the wand arm, clearly snapping one or more

bones, before his follow-up double stinging hexes stop the other boy

trying to hit him with another curse.

By then, Harry was on him.

As this was a 'public' spectacle, he didn't kick the boy in the twins again.

He simply tagged the boy with a left cross to the chin.

Nott spun about and his wand went flying out of his hand, dropping to

the floor just before he did, landing on his back.

Harry stood over him for a second time with his wand tip glowing,

pointing at him right between the eyes.

"Yield!" he demanded.

Nott glared back and snapped, "Get fucked!"

"Very well," said Harry and raised his wand with his elbow cocked.

"HALT!" bellowed Robards.

Harry immediately stopped and lowered his wand again, but didn't

reholster it.

"The winner, by clear margin, is Lord Harrison Potter!" called Robards.

Over the resultant din of yelling and applause, Harry glared back at the

hate-filled face of Nott and firmly declared, "As per the terms of the duel;

I, Lord Harrison James Potter, Lord of the Noble and Most Ancient House

of Potter..."

Knowing something momentous was happening, the spectators all

immediately quietened down as if someone had tossed a bucket of water

over them.

"... One of the Seven, under Section 42 of the Act of Ennoblement, hereby

strip the House of Nott of its noble title and Seat upon the Wizengamot!

As I say, as per the law, so must it be so!"

Without waiting for Nott to say a thing back, as he wasn't interested in

anything his opponent would say, Harry spun about and began to stalk

back up the piste. His experience with Dumbledore using blood trackers

on him had him wary of leaving any of his blood anywhere. He felt the

near desperate need to vanish what drops had dropped from his hand

from the cutting curse.

"BAASTAAARD!" screamed Nott.

Harry ignored him and kept walking away.

"Mister Nott!" barked Robards. Then, "DOWN!"

Harry had only just started to drop to the floor, knowing what that snap-

called 'Down' meant, when he was hit low in the back with a curse.

The effect of it hitting him, caused him to spin, right shoulder forward,

faster than he was at the time. Not wanting to land on his face as he'd not

be able to protect himself from a follow-up attack, he made sure to spin

the full 'one-eighty' to land on his back.

Gritting his teeth to ignore the pain of the hit - it must have found a gap

in the armour on his back to hurt that much - he crashed to the floor on

his back, already raising his wand. Again, he ignored the pain caused by

the jarring impact.

Cocking his neck forward and looking back between his crooked up knees

he saw Nott charging him back. His wand was raised up high and began

to glow that evil green, the same green as his, Harry's, eyes.

"Av-a-da!" Nott was snarling out, halfway through the incantation of the

Killing Curse as he ran forward.

Robards was quickly stepping through the ward and onto the platform of

the piste with his wand raised, but Harry knew he'd be too late.

Harry then didn't hesitate. With the boy charging forward as his wand

was coming slashing down, he raised his own to point back between his

knees, gripping it with both hands in the process, snap-aimed down the

shaft and silently point-cast right back. Mentally, he simply thought,

'Bang!' to launch the charm. It was his 'need-it-right-now' curse and the

one he religiously cast over and over, practice after practice, when he

wasn't accompanied, even by Hermione - the Percutio piercing curse.

"KE-DAV―!" Nott managed to get out before Harry's piercing curse hit

slightly low of right where he'd aimed, the middle of the boy's forehead

and right between his eyes. Almost distractedly, Harry realised he'd not

accounted for the low angle of the cast with Nott's charge forward, so hit

an inch lower than planned.

Not having even a rudimentary shield in place, the curse snapped Nott's

head back on impact. Then, with the head snapping back as the body

continued to move forward, the legs just stopped, acted as a drag and the

body almost catapulted forward as if tripped to land face down on the

floor. It bounced a little, just the once, only five feet from Harry's feet;

cocked slightly onto the right side. And didn't move.

Knowing he'd killed him and knowing he'd really had no choice, Harry let

out the breath he was holding as he lowered his wand to his side and the

back of his head back to the floor. "Oww..!" The impact of the curse to the

back was now letting its presence known with pain.

Then, as Harry felt quite nauseous, things went black.

The last thing he'd heard as he'd passed out was multiple female

screaming and other shouts of shock, fear and outrage.




Coming back awake, he did so sluggishly.

Harry found himself, yet again, waking up in a hospital or infirmary bed.

And yet again his loves were sitting in chairs watching over him.

However, he didn't know that second part until after he'd unwillingly


"Harry!?" he heard Hermione cry.

"Easy, Hermione," he then heard Daphne say. "Let him come around,


Blinking open his eyes and licking his lips he felt a straw poked at his lips

and quickly captured it. And managed to take a couple of quick draws of

the chilled water before it was taken away again.

"Not too much," he heard a strange female voice say.

Finally managing to get some focus into his eyes he could see it was a

medi-witch who'd offered him the water. And must have been the one

who'd told him 'not too much'.

Looking to the other side he saw Hermione and Daphne standing side-by-

side and felt both their hands holding that one of his own.

"How... long... was―" he managed before he was interrupted.

"We're you out?" asked Daphne. "Almost four hours."

Hermione, still sniffling from obviously crying, said, "Nott hit you with a

dark organ liquefying curse in the back just above your right kidney. It

found a gap between the plates of dragon hide armour. Luckily, not


Daphne added, "The Captain of the Piste, Master Auror Robards, had

immediately recognised it from the cast as it flew through the air and the

on-site healers had to quickly put you into medical stasis.

"They had to bring you here to get the curse cancelled before they could

start repairing the damage it did. Thankfully, they were able to stop it

before the damage became irreversible."

Harry thought about things for a long moment before he quietly said, "I...

killed him... didn't I."

"Yes," replied Daphne. "However, you are not in trouble for it. Master

Robards has already returned a finding of self defence, both for Nott

casting the organ liquefying curse and the fact he was in the middle of

casting the Killing curse at you. Plus, just for the dark curse in the back

after the duel was concluded meant he was bound for the Veil, anyway.

You saved him the parchmentwork and the Wizengamot the trial.

"Oh, he also said I was to tell you that he congratulates you on the

perfect shot of a piercing curse, both for its accuracy and your speed.

Then he asked if that's your... 'Need it right now' cast."

"We didn't know so we couldn't tell him," added Hermione.

"Tell him, thank you and yes, if you see him again before I do," he said.

His voice was coming back again, along with his cognisance. "How long

am I likely to be laid up here; and where is 'here', anyway?"

"In reverse order," said Hermione, "'Here' is a private room off the Spell

Damage ward in Saint Mungo's; you warrant a private room just for being

One of the Seven. And how long, we don't know yet. Your Healer will be

back any minute now."

"That's why you need to rest up for a while, Pup."

That was Sirius. Harry hadn't even realised there were others in the


"Sirius?" he asked.

Then Harry heard two sets of footprints walking across the tiled linoleum

floor towards him. The second set sounded distinctly female.

"Someone sit me up a little," he demanded.

The medi-witch, still there, quickly did just that.

Even before she had finished, Harry saw that Sirius and Narcissa were

now standing at the foot of the bed, looking over it and towards him.

"Why'd you hang back?" he asked.

"To give your ladies the first couple of minutes with you, cousin

Harrison," said Narcissa.

"Why―?" he began before it immediately occurred to him. At the

moment, probably only family were allowed to visit. "Ah!"

"Then thank you for the courtesy, cousin Cissy, godfather," he returned.

When the healer turned up ten minutes later and put Harry through a

series of tests with wand scans, he said he could leave, but only if it was

directly into Medi-wizard Robinson's care in the Hogwarts Infirmary.

Harry hadn't even realised he was pouting about that until the healer

smirked and said, "Sorry. Pouting at me won't work."

Both Harry's ladies told the healer they'd make sure he'd be in the

Infirmary as soon as they got back, but made no promises about medi-

wizard Robinson being successful in keeping him in a bed.

The healer smirked again and said, "Don't worry about it. Robinson has

his ways, I assure you."

When the healer left, Harry was about to swing his legs out of the bed to

get up when Hermione firmly said, "Don't move, Buster!"

Confused, he asked, "Then how am I going to get to the Hogwarts


She just cast one of his 'I've-figured-out-something-you-haven't' careful

grins at him and called, "Dobby!"

Harry's expression turned pinched and he groaned in self-chastisement as

Dobby popped in. Why hadn't he thought of that?

"Yes, Mistress Hermione?"




Neville had returned to Hogwarts to inform the others what had

happened while the lunch break was still on and found he hadn't had to.

Apparently, it was already broadcast over the WWN and CeeCee had a

wizarding wireless. She also wasn't the only one.

As soon as he walked in still wearing his own duelling robes, as a good

Second should, the Hall went even more silent than it did when Harry

used to walk in. Then, when he sat, CeeCee barely even allowed him time

to grab a plate before she quietly demanded, "How is he? Is he going to

be alright?"

"CeeCee," Justin firmly said in warning.

The girl ignored him as she stared fixedly on Neville's face, looking for a

hint of expression that would tell her one way or another.

As he began to build a lunch, he saw her expression - and the fact she

looked ready to burst into tears - and decided to get at least that out of

the way.

"He will be alright," he said, right from the start so there was no

confusion. "After Harry won... quite resoundingly, I must say... he stood

over Nott and enacted Section 42 of the Ennoblement Act. He stripped

the House of Nott of its noble title, sending it back to being just an

Ancient House."

"We heard all that on the wireless," said Hannah.

He gave a nod and said, "He then began to walk back up the piste and

started vanishing droplets of his blood off the floor―"

"Good idea," said Susan.

He continued to step the ladies through what else had happened,

including him giving a quick statement to an auror as Harry's 'Second',

Harry's witness just for these sort of events. The auror was brought in

from outside the chamber and was not, therefore, herself a witness; as

was proper.

Clarifying, Tracey asked, "So, the last you saw of him he was in medi-

stasis, being attended by two healers and was portkeyed direct to Saint

Mungo's casualty section."

"Yes," he replied.

"What of Hermione and Daphne?" she asked.

"Sirius and Narcissa, as far as I'm aware, took them to Mungo's about two

minutes later," he replied. "I couldn't go because I had to stay back to

provide my Second's statement."

Susan said, "If he was being attended by two medi-healers at the time,

and they'd put him in medi-stasis to take him to Mungo's, then I think

he's going to be alright."

Neville nodded, "Dad told me the Organ Liquefying curse has a counter,

but it's a very specific and tricky thing - which is why the curse is

considered dark. They'll have details of it at Mungo's and their

cursebreakers will know how to deal with it, though. It's what they do."




After Dobby was first sent to medi-wizard Robinson with a note, he was

back within two minutes.

The note informed the man Harry would be 'elf-apparated' into the

Hogwarts Infirmary in about five minutes time, he was under healer's

orders to be under medi-wizard Robinson's direct care until medi-wizard

Robinson decided he could leave the wing. And asked the medi-wizard to

tell Dobby which bed to put him on.

The note that Dobby brought back said, 'Understood. Put him in the same

bed as last time, but please give me ten minutes before he arrives. Thank you.


After reading it, as it was meant for her, Hermione checked her watch

and said, "Of course; he'll be in the Great Hall for lunch." Offering the

note to Daphne, she explained, "He's asked for a short delay before Dobby

brings him."

Giving a gentle shrug Harry said, "That's alright. You can tell me of what

you know happened afterwards that you know of."

"Not much, truth to tell," she sighed. "Both of us were focussed on you."

"As were we," said Sirius. "However, I can confirm that you're not in

trouble in any capacity for killing Nott."

"Yeah," he said. "But I just ended a Line, didn't I? I'm going to get

pilloried in the press for that."

Narcissa gave a nod and said, "Then, first thing I do after I leave here, is

go and see Edward Tonks. He will need to know so he can provide a

statement on your behalf to the press."

Harry nodded and said, "Thank you. Make sure Ted refers to the House of

Nott only as an Ancient House. I'd stripped the House of the noble title

before he cursed me in the back."

"I'm aware," she replied. "I'll get it done. Do not concern yourself with it

any further."




Ten minutes later, Harry was elf-popped to 'his' bed in the Hogwarts

Infirmary. He had with him a copy of his 'patient notes'. Robinson was

waiting for him.

Before Harry even opened his mouth, Robinson had plucked the patient

notes out of his hand and, while opening them, said, "Lord Potter. Back in

my care, I see."

Harry was about to snark back when Dobby popped in with Hermione

and Daphne.

After a moment to orient themselves, Hermione said, "Sirius is coming by

way of the Headmistress's floo. He's letting her know what happened.

Cissy went directly to Ted's office."

"I'll go to the apartment to change and be there to let the others know

you're here," said Daphne, before she turned away and walked out of the


They'd planned that before he was brought over. She'd also be collecting

CeeCee from her class at the end of sixth period, if she wasn't already


"Organ Liquefying curse," said Robinson, reading the notes. "Nasty."

Then he stepped back forward and cast a few charms over Harry,

checking him over. "That's all been fixed. However, you need bed rest for

at least today and through to tomorrow to let your body adjust to the

regrown organic matter and in case there are any complications.

"Make yourself comfortable," he smiled. "You're with me until at least

lunch time tomorrow; possibly, longer." Then he excused himself and left

them alone to talk.

"Damn!" Harry suddenly and firmly stated. "Hermione, you'll need to

HEED a letter to Fleur to let her know I'm alright. She must be worried."

"Already done," she replied. "We did that as soon as we knew you were

going to be alright."

"Thank you," he nodded.




CeeCee was the first one in to see him as she didn't have a seventh

period. She had Fawkes on her shoulder and he was softly singing to her.

He'd obviously felt her distress.

As soon as she approached the bed, she tried to glare at him and said,

"You got hurt." It even sounded accusatory.

"I did," he agreed. "However, even with the attack in the back from a

decidedly deadly dark curse, as you can see I'm alright. They're used to

people getting hurt in duels, CeeCee. That's why they have at least two

Healers always attend them."

She gave a quick glance to Fawkes before she asked, "Can Fawkes help?"

"It's fine, thank you," he smiled. "Because they had to regrow a few

things, I just have to rest up for a while. Everything's already back where

it should be."

Turning to Hermione, he asked, "Have you had lunch?"

She frowned back and replied, "I had more important things on my


"Then how about," he began to suggest, "Since CeeCee's now here to keep

me company, you go up to the apartment, have Dobby prepare you

something to eat to tide you over until dinner and change into something

more comfortable - and tell Daphne to do the same."

It looked like Hermione was about to disagree until she, as she promised

she would when she heard something and didn't like it, thought it

through. Then she gave an annoyed sigh and said, "Alright. I'll do that."

Then she looked to CeeCee and said, "See if you keep him out of trouble,

would you?"

CeeCee grinned back and said, "I'll try."

"That's all I can ask," she wryly smirked back.

Then she leaned over and lightly kissed Harry on the forehead before she

spun away and hurried out the door. "Back soon!" she called over her

shoulder on the way out.

When she walked out, CeeCee turned to Harry and said, "The radio and

Neville said that Nott boy cursed you in the back with a dark curse."

She again sounded a little accusatory.

"He did," he nodded. "I did something stupid and turned my back on him

after I thought he was already dealt with. That was stupid of me. I'm

sorry I worried you."

To get her mind off it, he asked, "How go your classes?"

That had her eyes light up.




Less than twenty minutes after the seventh period let out of class, the

other 'student' Heirs all came into the Infirmary. Daphne and Hermione

were with them and both had changed, as had Neville.

The first thing asked, of course, was, "Are you alright?" It was Susan

who'd managed to get the question in first.

"Yes, of course," he replied. "CeeCee, here, tells me you all heard what

happened on the wireless; at least, up to when I was portkeyed away

under medi-stasis."

"Yes," replied Susan.

"What do you know of what happened after that?" he asked.

"Not much," she replied. "Hermione and Daphne have told us a bit, but..."

"Well, I'll let those two tell you what happened after that and up to when

I woke up about an hour ago," he said. "While we wait for them to sort

out which of them will tell what, how about a couple of you organise

chairs for everyone."

Once everyone was comfortable, they chose to sit on the 'facing' edges of

the beds either side rather than find chairs that were too low to sit on

and converse with him anyway, Hermione and Daphne glanced at one

another before Hermione began to speak.

Once the girls covered the important parts and until Harry woke, he then

aided them in telling the rest.

"So, you're here until lunch time tomorrow at the earliest," said Susan.

"You'll need a copy of class notes for those you missed," said Neville. "I'll

organise those for the three of you for today. I think, between us, we'll

have all the classes covered."

"Except Ancient Runes," said Daphne. "I'll organise a copy of the notes

and the details of any assignments from a classmate in Ravenclaw, later."

"And I'll organise them for those classes tomorrow," Hermione smoothly

added. Looking to Neville she said, "For today we'll need Potions and


He nodded back.




Robinson tossed all Harry's 'guests' out a short while later with orders to

go to dinner and eat. Fleur had only managed to be in the room for about

ten minutes when he did so, too.

As soon as they were out the door he organised a special meal for Harry.

It was mainly a vegetable stew with hot crusty pre-buttered bread on the


"Some of those organs damaged mean we're going to need to be careful

what you eat for the next day," explained Robinson. "It's just a

precaution, for now."

Harry quietly replied, Thank you." And picked up his spoon in one hand

and a hunk of bread in the other.

He was unsurprised to find it tasty. However, this was more about getting

nutritious food into his stomach; because those potions that had been

poured down his throat while he was unconscious had significantly

depleted his stores of magic and body fat.

Then, after dinner, his three ladies returned. Hermione was carrying class

notes for the Ancient Runes class.

Before he even had a chance to ask, she explained, "Su Li in Ravenclaw

was more than happy to give me a copy of the notes she took in the

Ancient Runes class. A sixth year sitting nearby then cast the copying

charm three times on the notes, so we now all have a copy."

"I hope you thanked them both, most profusely," he said.

"Of course," she grinned.

They spent the early part of the evening going over the notes and making

a start on tackling the assignment. As always, Fleur helped all three of


However, it was still about an hour before 'first' curfew at 9.00pm when

Robinson kicked them out again.

"You cannot tell me you are not bone tired, Lord Potter," he declared.

"The depletion of that much of your magic, together with the...

vigorous... day you've just had, tells me from experience you'll be asleep

within moments of me extinguishing the lamps."

Harry just nodded, as he knew the man was right.

When the lamps were then extinguished and Robinson returned to his

office, it might not have been moments afterwards before Harry fell

asleep; but it was definitely within two minutes.

Mind you, he'd spent that two minutes mentally berating himself for

turning his back on Nott. He'd meant it as an insult, but Nott had

capitalised on it. He'd not make that same mistake again.




The next morning's lead stories in the Daily Prophet were, of course, the

Honour Duel and the fallout from it.

Harry was able to read it after a somewhat bland omelette with a fruit

juice 'chaser' on the side, drunk to help wash down yet more potions.

Reading through it, he was pleased to see his duel with Nott was

favourably reported. It even had quotes from both Frank and Sirius,

obviously made just before the duel, for both and an extra one from

Frank given after the duel.

Plus, it included quotes taken from what had to have been the press

release Ted had written up, which Harry was made aware of via a HEED

note from Ted during his lonesome dinner.

The main photo was taken of the duel when it was nearing the end, as it

showed Harry in firm control, calm and collected; while it showed Nott

displaying injuries and appeared to be almost panicking. A second photo

was of Nott scrambling to his feet as Harry walked away from him,

scooping up his wand and casting the organ liquefying curse at his back.

However, it stopped and restarted right as Harry crashed to the floor on

his back. A note directly below it stated that for 'reader sensitivities' they

did not show Harry casting the piercing charm back a bare moment later,

which killed the young man.

A second article then went into Harry being rushed from the piste under

medical stasis accompanied by the two duty healers who attended such

events as a matter of policy. And that he was now recovering from his

injuries back at Hogwarts.

A third article put forward that the journalist believed sanctioned duels,

no matter the reason, involving someone who was the last remaining

member of a recognised House should be made illegal; let alone when

both were such and let alone when they involved noble Lines. Harry

hated it, but he had to admit to at least himself he believed the man to be

right. It made him a little grouchy for a while.

A fourth article, a definite opinion piece and stated as such, had the

journalist write they believed the DMLE should investigate whether

Harry had used the 'excuse' of an Honour Duel as a method by which to

'lawfully' commit homicide while also ending the Line of a Noble House.

Then went into details wondering 'which currently unennobled House,

having shown open support for him in the past, would be put forward to take

the now extinct Nott Seat'.

He scowled at the paper and muttered, "Bastard."

However, he knew he really couldn't do anything about it as the piece

was very clearly written as an 'opinion' piece covering the views of the

journalist, only - and he was right.




He then received a quick visit from Daphne and Hermione, who were just

checking up on him. With Hermione telling him Fleur passed on her love

for him and apologised for not coming and seeing him herself before

heading to work.

Harry just brushed the apology off. "She didn't need to," he said.

Then, just before the girls left to attend class - Transfiguration for

Hermione and Charms for Daphne - Madam Bones dropped in with her

two auror bodyguards.

"Ah! Ameeeelia, my dear!" he exclaimed in his Dumbledore

impersonation. "What brings you here, this wonderful day?" Then pointed

with his off hand index finger at his eyes and said, "Twinkle, twinkle,


She'd suddenly stopped in shock in the middle of his first sentence and,

when he'd finished and grinned at her, her lip gave that slight flicker

indicating she was amused when she was trying to be stern.

She turned to Robinson and clearly asked, "Alright. What potion have you

got him on, which is making him act... stupid?"

Robinson grinned back and said, "Oh, this is all him. I assure you."

"Hey-ey!" Harry mock-whined.

She turned back to him and walked closer. "Time for serious business,

Lord Potter. I only need to ask you are couple of questions relating to

Nott's death and I can be out of your hair," she said. "Or, get you out of


With a sigh and mock pout, he said, "Alright. Cast away."

She gave a single nod and said, "Why did you choose to cast the Percutio

spell at Nott, when he charged you?"

"It's my 'Need-it-right-now' charm," he replied. "It's one of the very few

spells I've mastered I can both point-cast and cast incantless. And the

only one I can cast offensively.

"I'm working on doing that with the stunner, too, but I'm not there yet."

"Impressive," she nodded. "Simultaneous silent and point-casting at your

age is very rare. It's even a rare skill for adults whose magic has fully-


"Thank you," he said.

"Was it your intent to kill him?" she asked.

"I... really don't know," he honestly replied. "When I've practiced snap-

casting that one I aim directly for what I'm looking at, at the time.

"I was looking him right between the eyes as he was charging me, so..."

And shrugged.

"So the cast went right where you were looking at," she nodded.

"Maybe, if I'd had the time to think a moment on it, I'd have aimed for a

less likely fatal target on his anatomy. However, he'd already reached

the... fourth of the six syllables of the Killing curse and I knew I didn't

have the time to muck about.

"When I think back on it, he had just started the final syllable when my

piercer hit him. A quarter-second slower in my reaction times and I

wouldn't have been in time."

"And that's all I need," she firmly said. "I confirm Master Auror Robard's

determination it was in self defence and inform you no charges will be

laid against you for this matter."

"Thank you," he sighed.

Then her body posture slightly shifted, which was her way of mentally

shifting from or to her Head of the DMLE persona.

"Alright, Harry," she more softly said. "How're you feeling, emotionally."

He thought about it for a moment and said, "I don't know, really.

Emotions and me, we have this sort of... détente. I try not to precipitously

act on them and they try not to drive me into situations it's best I not be


She gave him a gentle smirk and said, "Harry, while you might not be

feeling it now, you killed a person yesterday. While you feel he might

have richly deserved it... and that you did it in self defence... it's still a

difficult event to overcome for the best of us.

"When this happens for one of my aurors, it's mandatory for them to

attend counselling sessions with a mind-healer. I think that's something

you should do, too."

Harry thought about it for a long moment before he gave a shrug and

said, "If you think it best."

"I do," she immediately returned. "Thank you for not fighting me on this."

"Meh," he muttered.

With a smile she turned a suddenly shifting to serious expression on

Robinson and said, "Organise it, would you?"

With a grave expression of his own, he nodded and said, "Will do. I, too,

think it's a good idea."

She gave him a nod and turned back to Harry. She firmly said, "Take

these sessions seriously, Harry. They're important."

"Yes, Ma'am," he sighed. He knew an order when he heard one.

"Now," she said, a little more firmly and 'redonning' her Director of the

DMLE persona in the process. "I have a murder to investigate, so I need to

head into work."

He frowned and said, "I thought Nott's death was not ruled a murder?"

"This isn't about Nott," she said. "This is... someone else. I can't discuss it

now, though."

He gave her a careful nod and said, "Fair enough. Stay safe."

She gave him a light smile, patted him on his shoulder twice and silently

left again, her auror shadows silently following her out.




80. Head Shrinking

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to the proverbial Duchess of

Magic, JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high

falutin' companies. No matter how much I whine about not owning anything

related to the HP universe, other than a few fanfic plots, I do not profess to

own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful

world... Damn it!

Chapter Eighty - Head Shrinking




As pretty much promised, Robinson released Harry just as the school bell

rang signalling the end of fourth period. That was the signal to head to

the Great Hall for lunch.

However and just as he rose from the bed, Harry realised he had no idea

where his duelling robes got to. Without them to hand he had no other

clothes to don.

With a sigh, he called, "Dobby."

"Yes, Master Harry, Sir?" asked the elf.

"Can you organise a full set of clothes for me?" he asked. "School uniform,

please. I can't seem to find my duelling robes."

"Dobby be right back, Master Harry," the little elf declared, just before

popping away.

A few moments later he was back with a neatly folded and stacked pile of

the requested clothing, which he immediately put on the bed right next

to Harry's hand.

"Dobby now be findings old Master Charlus's duelling robes," he said.

"Dobby be thinkings they still be beings at Saint Mungo'ses."

"Thank you, Dobs," said Harry, reaching for the uniform. "You're the


Dobby chirped, "Thank you, Master Harry!" Then he used elf magic to

bring the wheeled screens in the infirmary around Harry and the bed,

blocking him from sight and popped away again.

Knowing his ladies would be along very soon, expecting him to be

released now, he wanted to be ready for them. He quickly began to dress.

He had managed to get his underwear slacks shirt and belt on when the

screen was suddenly yanked aside and Hermione stuck her head in.

"Oh, well," she mock-sighed and smiled, while pulling the screens further

away. "He managed to get his pants and shirt on before we got here."

Right behind her was Daphne, who rolled her eyes behind Hermione's

back and smiled.

Harry just grinned at the two of them and continued to get dressed. He

was ready in another minute, pulling his robe over his head and settling

it into place.

"Ready?" asked Hermione.

"Uh-hmm," he replied with a nod. "Where are the others?"

They'll be waiting for us in the Great Hall.

With a witch on each arm and a heart felt thank you to Robinson for

once again looking after him, the three left.




As they walked to the Great Hall, Hermione asked, "Any lingering effects

we need to know about?"

"Hmm?" he asked. "No, I don't think so. But, Madam Bones told me I

should talk to a mind-healer about Nott's death. She said it's something

her aurors have to do when they kill someone and I should do it too... at

least, I think that's why she thinks I should talk to one."

That had both his ladies drag him to a quick halt. It happened so quickly

his feet nearly walked out from under him and he had to rapidly back-

pedal to regain his balance.

He'd only just regained it when both dragged him backwards and planted

him with his back against the wall. Both stood, side-by-side, with almost

identical expressions of hope and worry.

"Oh-kaaay..." he started. "What's going on?"

"You're willing to see a mind-healer?" Hermione demanded.

He frowned in confusion and replied, "Yes. Why does that sound―"

"Harry," Daphne interrupted. "If we knew you'd be willing to speak with a

mind healer―"

"We'd have asked you to do that some time ago," Hermione finished

Confused, he asked, "Why?"

"Because even you must recognise you have some issues with emotion

and the like, right?" she asked right back.

He thought about it and warily replied, "Yeah... but that's just me, right?"

"Yes," said Daphne. "However, both of us... and Fleur too, truth to tell...

think speaking with a mind-healer is something that would help you."

"Then," he asked, still somewhat confused, "Why didn't you say

something before?"

Both girls looked to one another before Hermione carefully said, "Because

some people feel quite insulted when someone suggests they should

speak with a mind-healer."

"Oh," he replied. "Well, I don't. Is that also a reason that means I should

speak with one?"

"It could be," she replied with a sigh. "It's these little things like that,

though we all love you very much, which we'd like to find out why they


'Well, alright," he said. "If it's something you think would help. I can do


Both girls lightly breathed almost matching sighs of relief and smiled at


"Right," said Hermione. "With that out of the way, let's go to lunch."

And they began walking again.




As occurred in the past, so occurred now. As Harry walked into the Great

Hall the noises seemed to stutter a moment before significantly dropping

off. It remained that way until he sat with the others where they were

already sitting at a spot on the Hufflepuff table.

As the noise rose again, Hannah leaned towards him and asked, "How're

you holding up, Harry?"

"I'm fine," he shrugged. "Bit hungry, though." And proceeded to build

himself a lunch.

"No lasting effects?" she asked.

"Nope," he replied. "Medi-wizard Robinson is going to organise me a

mind-healer - just in case, I suppose - but I feel fine."

Neville asked, "Besides what we've read in the Prophet from that reporter,

who kind of berated you for ending the House of Nott, any problems?"

With a slight shake of his head, he replied, "No. I heard that Master

Robards declared it was self-defence; and Madam Bones was in to see me

a few hours ago. She, too, said it was a clear case of self-defence.

"I doubt, very much, I'll end up anywhere near on trial for what

happened. There was just far too many witnesses and it was far too

obvious Nott had both cursed me in the back with a dark curse and then

tried to cast the Killing curse at me.

"I further doubt anyone is going to be stupid and push it any further than

the Prophet already has."




Harry was right.

Public signs it had already started arrived the next day when the Daily

Prophet turned up. The Letters to the Editor section were 'filled' with letters

from angry witches and wizards berating the reporter for claiming 'in his

opinion' that 'Lord Potter' was in the wrong for killing Nott. Contrarily,

there were also letters in which the writer put forward they believed the

reporter was correct in stating duels where one duellist was the last of

the Line of an established House should be illegal was also a good idea. A

couple had both in the same letter. There was only one scathing letter

where the writer stated they believed Harry had used the 'unique'

opportunity presented to him to murder Nott. As the letter was from a

wizard from a dark house, he promptly ignored it.

He also received another small stack of documents from Ted. Again, this

lot were of property documents relating to Harry's ongoing efforts to

increase his property portfolio. Ted had included a few of various places

from around wizarding Britain. They ranged from a small manor to a

cottage. He'd even included a breakdown of what sort of investment they

would make with an opinion of what he felt Harry would make a decent

return upon.

Harry couldn't fault Ted's reasoning for the purchases he suggested. Each

was usually a small bungalow or free-standing stand-alone cottage in a

'reasonably' rural area; as Magicals preferred not to be within non-

magical townships. Each sat upon a small or large plot of land, which

would enable the erection of wards. For the ones he'd be interested in

learning about more, he 'ticked' the top right corner of the sheet; for

those he thought he'd pass, he 'crossed' it.

However, there was also a quick note dashed off from Ted asking if he

wanted to purchase the Nott manor, if it fell available.

Harry thought about it for all of fifteen seconds before he gave a small

smile and 'ticked' the sheet. He'd be buying it, if possible.




On Thursday morning, the murder Bones was 'secretly' investigating

publicly broke in the media. As Harry had thought might happen, Fawley

had been killed.

~ # ~


During the tragic duel between Lords Harrison Potter and Theodore Nott last

Monday at noon, where not-yet-inducted young Lord Nott tragically lost his

life, yet another of our Wizengamot Members lost their life, writes Tangwystl

Goshawk for your faithful Daily Prophet.

News coming to light from within the Department of Magical Law Enforcement

was advising me, your hardworking reporter, that Lord Hamish Fawley was

murdered by assailants unknown during the time of the duel that claimed the

life of young Lord Nott. Are the two linked? This reporter believes the

possibility exists.


Lord Hamish Fawley was the only surviving son of Lord Hector Fawley, one

time Minister of Magic between 1925 and 1939 and widower of Chastity

Fawley née Parkinson, who predeceased him. He and his wife had no surviving


What does this mean for the Seat of Fawley upon the Wizengamot? pg. 3.

In related news, what of the Seat of Nott? pg. 3.

~ # ~

After reading the article, Harry handed the newspaper off to Hermione

and sat back a bit in thought.

'This will definitely allow the Alliance to push House Hilliard through for

elevation now,' he thought. 'But, truly, who else?'

He hadn't been kidding when he'd suggested Lovegood. They were now

one of the very few Ancient Houses left not already elevated.

In his mind he began to list his arguments for having the House of

Lovegood elevated. He decided he would only back down if another non-

dark Ancient House was better promoted.




As breakfast wound up, Harry received a HEED note from medi-wizard

Robinson to drop into the infirmary before he headed for class. However,

as Thursday was a 'late' start, he knew he could take his time.

'No,' he thought. 'He does not necessarily know I have no class for first

period. So, I'd best go now.'

As the Heirs rose, he rose with them.

Hermione frowned a little in confusion and said, "Don't you have free

period this period?"

"I do," he nodded. "However, Medi-wizard Robinson's asked me to stop by

before classes."

Understanding, she nodded and said, "In that case, mind if I come with?"

"Nope," he returned.




Walking into the infirmary, Harry and Hermione only had to wait a

moment before Robinson walked out of his office.

Though Harry wasn't, Hermione was a little puzzled about that. A

moment later she wheeled and cast a detection charm at the double doors

of the infirmary and then said, "Ah! An alert charm."

Robinson smirked and replied, "Of course. I need to know for when an

emergency comes running in and I'm not on the ward."

Hermione gave an understanding nod back before Robinson turned to


"Lord Potter," he said, "I wanted to confirm with you suitable times for

when the... specialist... Madam Bones asked me to arrange could speak

with you."

"Oh!" said Harry. "Any time, I guess. But, if it helps, I have free periods

first and fourth on Wednesdays, first on Thursdays and first through third

on Fridays."

"That, I knew," nodded Robinson. "Besides the free periods, are you

closed to speaking with them outside of class times?"

"Ummm..." he muttered. "No, not really. Except for, maybe, Tuesday and

Saturday afternoons. I often have matters relating to my Lordships I have

to deal with then."

"Understood," said Robinson. "In that case, your first appointment is for

first period tomorrow morning. However, it's just an... introductory...

session, so you and the specialist can discuss arrangements."

"Oh, you mean for the mind-healer?" asked Hermione. "Thank you for

organising that, by the way."

Robinson seemed surprised Hermione knew who he was referring to.

"It's alright, Mister Robinson," said Harry, now understanding the

hesitation Robinson displayed. "All my ladies... and even my friends...

know I'll be speaking with a mind healer. I don't mind them knowing."

A little relieved, Robinson said, "In that case, your mind-healer is

someone I know and personally trust; Healer Iolanthe Bincutty. As I said,

she'll be by to speak with you at the start of first period tomorrow. She's

set aside an hour for your first session."

Thanking the man, the two then headed back to the apartment. Harry

was surprised Hermione made no further mention of it.

He found out later, though, that she had informed the other two during

the day - Daphne, at morning tea; and Fleur, once she returned from





At morning tea, Harry also received a mirror call from Sirius informing

him the Alliance was going to informally meet to discuss two more

candidates for elevation and asked Harry for his views.

"Hilliard, of course," he immediately replied. "And I'll still put forward the

House of Lovegood as the other one, but secondary to Hilliard. You've all

already convinced me Hilliard should be before Lovegood."

"I'll let them know," said Sirius. "However, I'll reiterate this is only in case

a second emergency session is called before the one on the twenty first."

"Understood," he nodded.

With a slight hesitation, Sirius then asked, "Any word on when you see

your mind-healer?"

"Tomorrow morning will be my first session," he replied. "Her name's

Iolanthe Bincutty. I know it's not the name of a recognised House, but

medi-wizard Robinson said he knows her and trusts her. I have no reason

to doubt him."

"Iolanthe Bincutty, you said?" asked Sirius.

Harry nodded.

"Do you mind if I look into her?" asked his godfather.

"Not at all," Harry shrugged. "I can see no harm in that."

Clearly a little relieved, Sirius said, "Thank you. I just want to check for


Again Harry gave a half-shrug and said, "That's alright."




The next morning Harry was right on time for his first session with


Sirius had contacted him the previous evening to tell him he found

nothing negative about the witch and even told him the woman was both

highly qualified and well-respected.

Harry didn't doubt it, but investigating the woman made his godfather

happy and he saw no harm in him doing so.

The hour was spent with her laying out an overview of what her 'plans'

were for his treatment, her then giving him a mind-healer's

confidentiality oath and him giving an overview of his life until then.

That took up the entire hour and he still wasn't done when the hour was


She then offered to remain for a further hour to finish it all up, which he

readily accepted.

By the time she left just before the bell to end second period, he had

covered everything up to that day, with her asking pointed questions to

how he was initially feeling about having to kill Nott.

She took copious notes.

The next session was scheduled for the following Monday directly after

class, then fourth period Wednesday and again on first period Friday.

"A nice balance," she explained. "And I think we might be 'at' this for a


Again, he had no problem with it.




When he walked into the Great Hall for morning tea, he was very

surprised none of his friends or either of his two ladies asked him how it

went; though he was not surprised to see Hermione was 'dying' to know.

When he mentioned it, she replied, "It's not for us to know, Harry. And

especially not for us to know in such a public setting as the Great Hall of

Hogwarts. You can tell us what you want to tell us in private and later."

Surprised at her sensibility, he only nodded back.

Giving himself a shake he asked about that morning's classes. Both she

and Daphne smiled back and told him.




After leaving his lovelies and friends to continue to their next class, Harry

quickly returned to the apartment and used the time to go through his

bank statements received the previous Monday. And was soon lost in the


He was pleased to see there were still steady returns on his various

investments, with little outgoings due to little purchasing occurring.

However, he also knew there would be a significant drop once the

various properties he'd lined up reached 'hand-over' stage.

He'd only managed to barely complete reviewing his finances when

Dobby informed him there was only a few minutes to go before the

school bell signalling the end to third period was run. He quickly checked

his satchel, noticed Dobby had already exchanged his books for Ancient

Runes, DADA and Transfiguration, thank the elf and began to make his

way to the Arithmancy classroom - Hermione and Daphne.

Now that he no longer class-studied Muggle Studies he tried to always

pick the two of them up from their Arithmancy class on Fridays and

escort them to Ancient Runes, held only a corridor away.

If nothing else, he always received a kiss from each for his





After a quiet weekend the Monday started a 'wind-down' week for the

Heirs. This was the week they received their Christmas break

assignments. Harry already knew they were never difficult, as they were

always assignments based on, due to the muggleborns, information they

could find in their purchased-for-school texts.

Plans also arose for the Heirs to not wait back for the trip on the Express

on the coming Sunday. Instead, they'd go to the 'scheduled' meeting of

the Alliance on the Saturday and head directly home from there.

Headmistress Lady Marchbanks could see no point in them returning to

the school late on the Saturday afternoon just to ride the Express back to

London immediately after breakfast the next morning.

To Harry, it was for him yet another example of why Lady Griselda

Marchbanks was not a daft moron.

At his Monday afternoon session with mind-healer Bincutty, almost the

entire session was of her asking Harry questions based on the information

he provided to her of his personal history. Quite a few of which made

him quite uncomfortable.

For example, she asked, "Why did you truly not want the Dursleys

punished by the Wizengamot? Irrespective of what they did to you was

because of compulsions, there still had to be something there for the

Dursleys to act as they did and, based on your understanding of

compulsions you demonstrated during your First Task in the 'Tri-Wiz', I

know you had to have known that."

Harry sighed and asked, "What I say to you stays between us, right?"

"Yes," she immediately nodded. "You know that."

He thought about how to answer for a bit before he gave an almost

imperceptible shrug and replied, "I want to deal with them, myself, once I

complete Hogwarts."

"Revenge?" she immediately pressed, which showed Harry she'd already

deduced that, or something similar.

"No," he returned. "That's one of the reasons I intend to hold off until I

finish Hogwarts; I want the distance of time before I act. No, I will punish

them in a manner which is... comparable to the crimes they committed

against me.

"The Wizengamot would have just fed them to Dementors. Because of the

compulsions I don't think what they did was worthy of what could only

be seen as a slow execution. No; I'm still trying to reason out what their

punishments should be, but I have no intention of executing them. I'm

letting time cool any knee-jerk reaction I may have; to look at it

'clinically', you know?"

She nodded back and said, "Don't forget; while you're One of the Seven

that does not excuse you from the law regarding muggle baiting."

"I'm aware, thank you," he wryly replied.

With a nod of acknowledgement, she changed the subject. "I need to talk

to you about how to handle your appointments over the Christmas


"Yeah," he said. "I was wondering about that, too."

After a short discussion of it, together with her learning Harry's planned

'schedule' for the break, they came to an agreement. They'd have the next

two sessions, as scheduled, at school. All next week, while they were

staying at the Green Fields, they'd be held at the Kennel. The following

week, with Harry spending most of it in France, would be no sessions.

And the third week it would be back at the Kennel again before returning

to school and recommencing the sessions at school on Monday, the tenth

of January. Then they'd see from there.

"If necessary, we'll even drop the one on Christmas Eve," said Bincutty. "It

will depend on what subject matter we're approaching at that time. If it's,

as you'd say, heavy... we'll cancel the session and wait until the third of


Harry just gave a half shrug and nodded.




Another bit of surprising news was via a mirror call from Sirius.

He explained, "Through the fine and excellent diplomacy skills of both

myself and Frank Longbottom―"

"Yeeeees?" urged Harry.

"Both Houses of Diggory and Spinnet have decided to join the Alliance,"

continued Sirius.

Harry sat up straighter in surprise. "Both?" he asked.

"Both," Sirius grinned.

"I'm... surprised," said Harry. "I know it's what we hoped, but I didn't

think it would happen."

"Why not?" asked his godfather.

"Because it's not as if we formally asked Amos Diggory or Caden Spinnet

if they'd mind if we put their Houses forward for elevation," he replied. "I

know the likelihood was slim they wouldn't, but we didn't even give them

the chance to turn it down."

"You don't ask for elevation for your own House, Pup," said Sirius. "And,

by the same cast, you don't get asked. It's not the done thing... things."

"I didn't know that," he sighed. "It wasn't in any of the books I read."

"It's an unwritten rule," said Sirius.

"Right," he nodded. "So. I know Amos and Cedric Diggory; and I know

Alicia Spinnet. Who are the relevant people in both Houses I need to


Sirius gave a nod and explained, "In House Diggory you have Amos

Diggory... now soon-to-be-inducted Lord Amos Diggory... his wife,

Florentina... who prefers to be called Tina... and their recently of-age son,

Cedric. Rumour has it Cedric and a girl by the name of Cho Chang of the

Chinese Distinguished and Revered House of Chang will soon be


Harry gave a nod. He thought that might be on the cards, but did not

know Chang was of the Chinese equivalent of a Noble and Ancient

House, a Distinguished and Revered House. The only difference was that

a Revered House, of what he'd read, was even older than a Most Ancient

House; and a Distinguished House was on par with a Noble House.

Harry gave a little whistle of surprise.

Sirius gave a nod, a grin and said, "Amos is pretty laid back on one hand,

but quite enthusiastic on the other. And he tends to pretty quickly jump

between those two opposites. His wife seems constantly bemused by him.

So does Cedric, truth to tell."

Changing to the next, he continued, "In House Spinnet you have Lord

Caden Spinnet; his wife, Rosaline; his son and Heir, Rueben; and the

daughter you know, Alicia.

"Caden's a real character. I just wish he'd have been of the same age as

us. He'd have made a fine Marauder. Comparatively, though, Rueben

comes across as a bit uptight. He's not, though; it's an act."

Harry absorbed the information and nodded. "Just so long as no one casts

on the bright idea of trying to yet again betroth or concubine me, this

time to Alicia, I've no problems with them joining."

Sirius gave a snort of amusement. "I'll make sure no one tries."




With Friday their actual last day at the school, the Heirs made sure they

were all packed and ready before gathering in the Potter apartment for

last-minute decisions, if needed. They, of course, waited until Fleur

returned from work.

Because their break was only for three weeks and the Potters would only

be staying for the longest period of seven nights in one place, many

things were not packed. That included the mini-library in the apartment

office and the food in the pantry.

Also left out was a change of 'upmarket casual' for the next day's

departure from the school to the December meeting of the Alliance. For

the Potters, that night would be at the Greengrasses'. Dobby and Betsy

would take their trunks directly and co-ordinate with the Greengrass

elves on which rooms would be theirs in Green Fields.

Neville had entered ahead of his ladies, flopped onto the three-seater

couch and sighed in relief. "I am so looking forward to this break."

Harry grinned at him. "A bit of OWL year stress, Nev?"

"Yup," the other boy immediately and emphatically returned.

"Sorry, but it'll be even worse once we get back."

Neville turned a filthy look on him, which just had Harry grin wider.

"We have the Yule break of three weeks to wind down," said Daphne.

"Then we go hard at it until the April break. Then only a couple of

months until our OWLs. As have everyone before us, we shall get through





The 'Yule' meeting of the Alliance was multi-purpose. It was an actual

meeting, a meeting where the past year's victories and losses were

discussed and a bit of a party afterwards with a semi-formal dinner.

Held at the Davis Estate, Heathcliff chaired it. It didn't take long for

business to turn towards what happened at Nott Manor, plus it's

aftermath. Of course, Amelia controlled most of the discussion.

"So," she sighed after going through the still-sensitive forensics from the

'event'; "It was young Ronald Weasley who was brewing the potions that

ultimately led to the death of everyone in the manor.

"Interviews based on the investigations had him leaving the manor soon

after 7.00pm that evening while under the effects of Polyjuice, taking the

Knight Bus to the Leaky Cauldron, moving through to Knockturn Alley

and into an apothecary there and buying illicit and illegal potions

ingredients. That apothecary has now been charged with the sale of that.

"He's then returned to the manor via the same manner, entering the

manor through a casement window in the basement storeroom - which is

when the family clock at the The Burrow switched Mister Weasley's clock

hand to Mortal Peril - and he's gone through to the potions lab. He's

managed to turn off the burners and, apparently, tried to then flee.

However, he only made it a few feet before he passed out and, a few

minutes later, died."

Miles asked, "When will that information be released, Amelia?"

"I'd rather not at all," she returned. "It was, as all the evidence confirms,

an accident. It was not murder, therefore I do not have the name of a

criminal to give to everyone."

"No, but the Wizengamot is going to demand to know what happened

more than just the answer of, 'It was an accident'," said Miles.

"Give them a Dumbledore answer," said Harry. "Tell a misleading truth."

When almost all these looked at him in confusion, he explained, "Look.

The evidence you have that it was Ron Weasley who was the one

brewing the potions, while logical, is still circumstantial. He could have

been sent by Nott to go and buy the ingredients on his behalf and was

dropping those off in the potions lab at that time.

"Next: Ron did not build the potions workstation under that air intake;

that had to be Nott. And the placement of the workstation under that air

intake had as much to do with the death of everyone in that manor as

anything else.

"Third: Tell them you refuse to identify which potions were being

brewed, in case someone in the future thinks of using the same

combination to create a similar situation as a way to assassinate other

important people; including someone or someones who may be sitting

upon the Wizengamot that very day. That'll shut them up from pressing

for more details on that.

"Fourth: You tell them Ron was the one who managed to get to the

workstation to turn the flames off and then succumbed to the fumes. In

that way the Elder House of Weasley is not... unfairly tarnished with

what happened."

"And, finally: You release a statement, with the approval of the

Wizengamot, urging all citizens who brew their own potions at home to

be extra vigilant when it comes to the fumes of those potions, making

sure they have proper and safe venting of those fumes installed and

operational at all times.

"Yes," he sighed. "I think you've got it right as to what really happened.

However, like you, I think it's best if the Wizengamot and the public at-

large be misdirected as to what most likely occurred. And you cannot

state my explanation is a lie."

While the others heard him out, it was still a long few moments before

Heathcliff firmly stated, "I like it. It's not a falsehood and does not seek to

cover up the truth."

Frank added, "And the idea of Amelia releasing a DMLE statement urging

those who brew at home to be extra-vigilant to the threat of fumes, is a

good one."

While there were a few quietly murmuring to one another about Harry's

idea, Heathcliff turned to Bones and asked, "Amelia? Your thoughts?"

She gave a slow nod back with a wry smile. "It works for me. I like it."

Then she sat up a little straighter and said, "And, I believe... unless

anyone has a better idea... it's exactly how this should now play out."

No one could offer an improvement.

After waiting to see if anyone thought of anything better, to which there

was none given, Heathcliff gave a nod and said, "Then that shall be the

stance of the Alliance. And, what the Alliance knows of the truth of this,

shall be an Alliance secret."

Again, no one disagreed.

Griselda piped up, "If I may, Heath?"

Davis gave a nod and quietly said, "Of course, Griselda."

"I felt it was important to give a report on the effect the loss of so many

at Nott manor has caused upon the students of Hogwarts.

"In all, seventeen students lost at least one parent or grandparent. Five of

them lost both parents. It does not include aunts and uncles unless they

were also guardians; as is the case of the Carrow twins in Fourth Year


"A sixth year Gryffindor, A fifth year Hufflepuff... Ernest... two Fourth

Year Ravenclaws, a Sixth Year Ravenclaw and twelve Slytherins from

Third to Seventh Year all lost someone close."

Frank gave a low whistle. "Are they all coping?"

"They are," she nodded. "All, for those who took time away from the

school, are now back at the school. However, there then arises the issue,

for some of them; whether or not they'll be back for their remaining

schooling once this school year is over in June."

"That isn't our responsibility," Bancroft firmly stated.

"Agreed," she said, with a slight nod. "However, it is something for us to

be aware of. I merely raised it so we are all informed."

With a slight blush, Bancroft gave a nod back and muttered, "Sorry. It's...

still a sore subject."

Davis quickly cut in and asked in general, "Anything we need to do about

this before I move on?"

"Just a moment," said Marchbanks. "There's a further point I need to raise

about those students."

"My apologies, Griselda," said Davis. "By all means."

She gave a nod and said, "There are three students who are of Noble

Houses and, based on the losses of life that night, are all now of-age and

can immediately take up their Lordships. If they do, then I must offer

them accommodation in the Lords' Quarters."

"I'm not surprised," muttered Harry. "If it doesn't breach your

responsibility as Headmistress, may we know who they are?"

She gave another nod and replied, "Cassius Warrington, Seventh Year,

Slytherin; Marcus Belby, Sixth year, Ravenclaw; and David Urquhart,

Sixth Year, Slytherin.

"Urquhart is betrothed to Pamela Alton, Sixth Year in Ravenclaw, so he'll

be offered Apartment Four. The other two are, to the best of my

knowledge, not; so they'll be offered Apartments One and Two."

She looked to Harry and said, "I apologise, Lord Potter, but your... safe

haven... is going to become not as safe."

Harry was quick to shake his head and said, "Not your fault, Ma'am. You

have to do it, otherwise it smacks - and rightly so - of favouritism.

"I take it we'll likely see the first of them, at least, moving in immediately

after the Christmas break?"

"Indeed," she replied.

When no one raised anything further on that subject Davis gave a nod

and said, "Next; the issue of inviting the new Noble Houses of Spinnet

and Diggory."

The House of Spinnet wanted to accept membership, but decided not to

attend this session to allow the existing membership of the Alliance to

discuss their acceptance.

Again, no one disagreed. If anything, they all seemed eager to accept


The new noble House of Diggory, however, did not not accept immediate

membership; Amos wanted to delay until he had a chance to discuss it

with the wider family and his friends before accepting. The admittance of

the Noble and Ancient House of Diggory was then deferred until the

February session, to give Amos that time. However, since then, he's let us

know they'll be accepting, but not until after Yule.

"I think that then brings us to the issue of another two vacancies for

ennobling," said Heathcliff. "Are there now any nay-sayers to the House

of Hilliard, our original back-up?"

Again, no one.

"Then, who's next?" he asked.

Harry immediately said, "I again put forward the House of Lovegood for

consideration. My reasons have not changed from our previous


This time it was approved. The two Houses put forth by the Alliance

when the subject came up before the Wizengamot would be Hilliard and


"Members are starting to grow concerned at the size of the Grand

Alliance and the number of Seat Holders representing the Alliance on the

'Mot," said Frank. "We may need to consider arguments to counter that."

That led to a healthy discussion of the subject. It didn't amount to much,

other than to make everyone aware of the 'problem', but the only

argument that held any water was the size of the Alliance should hold no

part in any discussion as to which Houses should be worthy of

ennoblement; it was a separate issue.

It was Jean-Paul who made a decent suggestion. "Per'aps," he said,

"Anozzer, who ees not of zee Allionce, could be... convinced... to put

forwaird zee 'Ouses we recommend, no?"

That surprised a few, including Harry.

"Interesting," mused Ogden. "That... is quite the clever idea."

"Indeed," said old Augustus MacMillan. "Recommendations?"

"I believe I know who," said Ogden. "Leave it with me?"

No one opposed the idea.

"Excellent," said Davis. "Moving on?"

There was little else that was an important or urgent issue and the

meeting closed not too long later.

That led to a 'Yule' dinner for the Alliance, laid on by the Davises and

amply supported by their elves.




In the early evening, the Green Fields floo quickly disgorged seven

witches and wizards in quick succession - Samuel, Adeline, Astoria and

Daphne led the way, immediately followed by Harry, Hermione and


Harry was happy to learn that, now that things had all settled down, he

was no longer being tailed by aurors. Bones had clarified that for him

during the meeting.

"Actually, they've not followed you since we learned of the death of

young Mister Weasley," she'd explained. "However, there's still a small

contingent now permanently stationed at Hogwarts. That's an agreement

reached between myself and Griselda."

A little relieved, Harry had said, "Thank you."

Now at Green Fields, Adeline was quick to call on their house elves to

escort the Potters to their 'apartment' within the manor and upon the

second floor.

"Just follow Bucky," she explained, indicating the elf. "He'll show you

where you need to go."

Following the elf they, as expected, were taken to the second floor and

into one wing. As they'd been there before, none of them were there for

the first time.

And, as with the last time they'd spent time at Green Fields, they were in

the same rooms. This time, though, a bedroom had been converted to a

'common' room for them with doors leading off into bedrooms.

Adeline had been clever and made the guest room at the end of the

corridor a common room and managed to organise things so a temporary

wall with a door in it blocked off the last five rooms. Two bedrooms each

side of the corridor after the new wall and before the new common room

became their bedrooms.

"'Ow clever!" declared Fleur. "I shall 'ave to inform Maman of this idea, at

once! Zee same can be done at Delacour Manoir."

"And Sirius for his place," murmured Hermione.




After the remainder of the weekend, with a quiet Sunday following the

Alliance meeting of the previous day, the manorhold all flooed to the

Leaky Cauldron for a day of Christmas shopping on the Monday morning.

Thankfully, this year gave them five days before Christmas, but the

manorhold wanted it out of the way before the crowds of 'last minute'

shoppers made it even busier than it had already become.

Stepping through the magical archway behind the Leaky, Harry was

somewhat relieved to see there had been an increase in the auror and

Law Enforcement Officer ('LEO') presence. Even more, these aurors didn't

stand in pairs, ignore everyone and chat to one another. These aurors and

LEOs were constantly on the move in singles, always watching.

'Much better,' he thought, seeing the ones at the Leaky Cauldron end of

the Alley. 'I just hope they're the same below Gringotts. Someone's

obviously fired a rocket up their arses, recently.'

Using Florean's as their rally point, the seven broke into three groups of

two/two/three to begin their shopping, returning to Florean's twice to

switch out groups. And finally had it all done before early afternoon.




That morning and within the bowels of the Ministry, immediately after

the Monday morning Unspeakable fireside, Unspeakable Klein, a mind-

healer, met with Croaker in his office.

"What have you got for me?" he immediately asked.

"As suspected," she replied, "It is not his so-called mother's protection that

protects the White Knight's mind."

"What is it, then?" he demanded.

"I'm not sure, yet," she calmly replied. "However, his mind is... definitely

different. It's that difference that is the protection."

"My Legilimency attempts upon him are not so much repelled, as...

redirected," she added. "I believe I'll be studying more muggle literature

on the subject before I have a more direct understanding of what's going


"That's all you've got?" he asked.

"For now, yes," she replied.

"Keep at it," he ordered. "When's your next session with him?"

"This afternoon at the Dog's place in inner London," she replied. "I only

needed to mention that this would help his 'pup' and he had no problems

with keying me into the wards."

"Good," he firmly returned.

As he then cast his attention to the documents on his desk, 'Klein', also

known under the pseudonym of Healer Iolanthe Bincutty, rose and left.




After a late lunch back at Green Fields, Harry asked his two present

ladies, "What say we take a trip to Harrods the day after tomorrow?"

Daphne asked, "That's that big muggle shopping building, yes?"

"Yes," replied Hermione. "And, I'd love to go."

"Yes," replied Daphne. "Me too."

So, plans were made to floo back to the Leaky and take a taxi to the

block-sized shopping complex in two days time, morning. The

Wizengamot session was the morrow and Harry didn't want to 'cheat' the

ladies out of a day at Harrods.

When asked if they'd like to go, both adult Greengrasses begged off, but

Astoria was both excited to be invited and excited to actually go. Her

parents gave their permission, 'So long as you stay with Harry, Hermione

and Daphne and promise not to run off!' her mother firmly admonished.

"Yes, mother," replied Astoria. "I so promise."




That afternoon, at about the time he would be finishing his seventh

period class at Hogwarts, Harry flooed to the Black Townhouse to meet

with his mind-healer.

She arrived, as expected, exactly on time. Harry then met with her in

Sirius's office.

Before she arrived, though, Harry asked his godfather, "Where's CeeCee?"

"She went back to Perth this morning," he replied. "With the three

change-overs, she should have arrived there at about 7.00pm this

evening, their time. Ted took her." He then muttered, "Damn, that can get

a little confusing."

Harry grinned, "Yeah, we're... eight hours behind, I think."

Sirius nodded and said, "Yeah, about that."

"When does she return?" he asked.

"Friday, the seventh," replied Sirius. "At... 8.00am our time? I'll have to


Harry gave a nod and said, "She'll need a couple hours sleep to re-sync

her body clock."

"Already prepared," nodded Sirius. "Time Zone potions. She also took one

with her for her arrival in Perth today."

After his session with the mind-healer, Harry chatted with his godfather

for a short while before he returned to Green Fields. He talked about how

Adeline Greengrass solved the problem of the Potter foursome having

individual privacy without re-entering the 'public' parts of the manor. He

even laid down a quick sketch of it.

"Clever," muttered Sirius.

"That's what we said," he smiled back.

"I don't know if there's a way to remodel the Potter floor I've created

here," said Sirius. "But, I'll see if I can use the same idea, just in a

different way."

"Just saying you're going to think about it is enough, Sirius," he said.

"Thank you."




When the Wizengamot sat on the Tuesday morning, Harry expected

immediate moves by the dark, yet again, to get two dark Houses

elevated. First, however, were the induction of new members. First up

were the Heirs of those who were 'lost' at Nott Manor. And, finally, up

stepped Amos Diggory, Caden Spinnet, Eugene Abbott and Heathcliff


Harry was feeling quite chuffed that the last two men were now counted

among the Lords of their land.

For the two new motions for elevation however, this time it was a

supposed grey House who put forward the name of Flint for elevation.

And this time it was only the one.

'They're beginning to think', thought Harry. 'Damn them.'

To counter it, Sirius then put forward the names of Hilliard and


It turned out that they got Hilliard through, but the dark also got Flint

through. When House Williams put forward only the name of Flint for

consideration, Harry realised it would be an uphill battle to get Lovegood

through. That didn't stop them trying, though.

Now that the Ancient House of Lovegood had been put forward once, it

created precedent; which is why they still put it forward as their


'Next time,' he thought. 'Sorry, Luna.'

He also knew, though, Luna would not be disappointed by the loss. It

wasn't in her nature.




The next morning and Astoria was so excited to be allowed the chance to

'go muggle' that she practically dragged Harry out of his chair to go get

ready for 'a day with the muggles'.

Harry smirked and said, "Before we go, though, Hermione needs to take

you to her room for you to change into more appropriate dress."

"Oh, of course," sighed Hermione, disappointed she hadn't thought of it

herself. "Come along, Astoria, Daphne. Let's get you properly outfitted."

Disappointed they weren't leaving immediately, but curious as to how

Hermione would dress her, Astoria allowed herself to be taken to

Hermione's room. Daphne, of course, readily joined her.

After changing himself into slacks, button up, cardigan and coat, Harry

was ready in plenty of time for the girls to come back down.

As the clothes didn't quite fit either of the Greengrass girls, both went to

their mother to have resizing charms applied before they were ready.

While that was going on, Hermione came over and quietly asked, "Any

problems with me getting a decent muggle wardrobe for those two?"

"Not at all," he smiled. "You just saved me the effort of asking you to do


With a smile of her own, she leaned in and kissed him on the cheek.

Once ready, the four of them used the floo to go to the Leaky and

immediately exited through the front door of the wizarding pub and onto

Charing Cross Road.

Harry only had to hold his hand out for a few moments before a London

cab pulled in; and he held open the door for the three young ladies.

As he settled in, the cabbie asked, "Where to, Guv?"

"Harrods," Harry immediately replied.

The cabbie just gave a nod, turned back to driving and, a moment later,

pulled back out into traffic.




81. Figuring Out Harry

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to the proverbial Duchess of

Magic, JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high

falutin' companies. No matter how much I whine about not owning anything

related to the HP universe, other than a few fanfic plots, I do not profess to

own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful

world... Damn it!

Chapter Eighty One - Figuring Out Harry




When the four returned to Green Fields late that afternoon, Harry was

basically ready to collapse. The three girls, however, were still full of

excitement; especially Astoria.

"That... was... a-maz-ing!" the youngest of the four of them half-squealed


Harry just groaned and said, "I'm going for a lie-down before dinner. You

three nearly killed me."

Surprising even Harry, Astoria blew a raspberry at him and giggled again.

The girls had spent quite a bit of money on the trip. Harry didn't

begrudge them, but he was very glad he was able to call Dobby no less

than three times to come and take all their bags from them. He'd have

been swamped under if he wasn't.

Then again, maybe they'd not have bought as much.

All Harry knew was that a great deal of what was purchased was in the

ladies' unmentionables section, as it made up almost a full quarter, bags-

wise, of what they'd bought for the day.

He'd returned to his room to check with both Dobby and Betsy that all

the bags had been brought back - and told all the clothes had been

unboxed or unpackaged, washed, pressed and put into drawers - before

he collapsed onto his bed.

However, he'd only been there a few minutes when both Hermione and

Daphne came, got him and dragged him into their small ex-bedroom

sitting room.

When he'd asked why, he was firmly told, "Time for your fashion parade,


When he looked confused she said, "Daphne, Fleur and I think this is

something we'd like to do for you, each time we go out and significantly

increase our wardrobes."

"As I said last time," he tried to explain, "You don't need to do this. I'm

sure I'll get a chance to see everything you've bought, sooner or later."

However, all Hermione did was smile, tell him to stay sitting on the

couch he was on and walked back out the door.

He'd be getting his fashion parade, after all. And this time it would be of

ladies' muggle fashion.




Christmas morning was, in a single word, brilliant.

Knowing they'd be moving to France that very afternoon, the Potter four

were all packed and ready to go the previous evening. They didn't want

any part of the day disturbed by having to pack.

Harry was up early and, due to the amount of nervous energy he was

experiencing, went for a morning around the grounds of Green Fields. He

was back inside and heading up to his room before just about everyone

else was up, except Astoria.

Coming down the stairs as he went up, she gave him a slight frown

before she asked, "You've been out?"

"I went for a run," he smiled.

She gave a mock-shudder and said, "Not for me, thank you."

He was just about to turn away and continue his climb up the stairs when

she said, "I can trust you to wake Daphne and the other two?"

"Of course," he smiled.

He didn't need to as, as soon as he walked in through the door in the

temporary wall in their wing, he saw all three of his ladies were already


He didn't even get a chance to say anything when Daphne, clearly a little

excited, said, "Come on, Harry. Get showered and dressed. It's Christmas!"

Giving a small snort of amusement, Harry was quickly into his room,

stripped off and into his shower.




The Christmas was as wonderful as the last, though this time they were at

the Greengrasses and there were two more Harry considered 'his' than the

previous year.

Even though they'd be returning from France to be with the Grangers,

Harry still knew the right thing to do was to at least visit them before

they left. So, about an hour after the gift unwrapping portion of the

morning, The Potter four flooed to the Doghouse and spent a couple

hours, plus lunch, with them before needing to return to Green Fields.

The Grangers left at the same time they did, as they were visiting family

and staying with them for the next couple of days. They'd only delayed

their trip to spend that couple of hours with Hermione, Harry, Daphne

and Fleur.

Almost as soon as they were back at Green Fields, they had to leave

again. This time, to the Ministry to internationally portkey across to





Thought they'd spent the morning unwrapping gifts around the Yule Log

at Green Fields, very soon after arriving in France they were unwrapping

even more gifts from under the Christmas Tree at Delacour Manoir.

As for accommodation, Fleur had obviously been in close contact with

her mother about their accommodations in Green Fields. Appoline had

not been able to get something similar in place yet, but promised it

would be done by Summer.

In the mean time, a temporary illusion wall had been erected at 'their'

end of the second floor of the manor with all four bedrooms behind it; no

living or common room, though. Even for that effort, Appoline still found

her cheeks bussed by the Potters in thanks.




Winter or not, Bordeaux in France was still warm. At least, it was warmer

than the weather would be in Britain for two thirds of the year. Only

summer and, possibly, a couple weeks either side would be warmer.

Though he did not detest snow, Harry thought it was still pleasant not to

have to deal with it when he was outside and about. On one of their trips

into muggle Bordeaux, a French city not far from Delacour Manoir, Harry

was surprised to learn that the Garonne River, even that far inland, still

had ocean-going shipping reaching the city.

When he saw the huge concrete buildings in a 'locked' basin just north of

the city, a local informed him they were submarine pens from back

during the Second War. Now, they were being converted into an

exhibition centre, of sorts.

What interested him more, though, was the sight of a huge private motor

yacht berthed within the locked area nearby. He'd once heard his Uncle

refer to a boat, let alone a motor yacht, as an acronym for 'Bring Out

Another Thousand', referring to the cost of just having such a vessel. He

thought a motor yacht of the size he saw would probably be about

twenty times that amount.

However, he had the money and, once things settled down after their

schooling was complete, gave himself a mental note to investigate the

ownership of one similar.

However, Bordeaux was more famous for its close-by vineyards. And a

day was spent 'wine tasting' the region's wines, even if it was a little

chilly. He even bought a couple of bottles of what he was assured were

'starter' wines, just for those new to drinking wine.

Before they even realised the time was upon them, it was New Years Eve

and a shift back to London.




They arrived in London at 1.00pm local and were picked up by Sirius.

Then, ten minutes later, they were out the floo in the Doghouse.

Dobby and Betsy, already waiting for them, had their trunks and other

effects up in their rooms, lickety-split.

As they were welcomed by the adult Grangers, Monica explained where

each would find their rooms, though Harry had figured that out some

time ago from his memories of the house.

"Harry; you're in your old room," she explained. "And Daphne and Fleur

are in the two guest rooms on the top floor with Hermione."

Turning to the two, she said, "I'm sorry, but you two will be sharing a

semi-ensuite bathroom on that floor."

"That's quite alright, Missus Granger," said Fleur. "It will not be a 'ardship.

We are just thankful you are so welcoming of both of us."

Daphne nodded, showing her agreement.

As Harry was about to head up the stairs, Monica latched onto his elbow

to hold him back.

When he stopped to look back, curious, she quietly said, "Mind having a

quick word with me before you head upstairs?"

"Not at all, Mum," he replied, "You know that."

She immediately grinned at him for his 'Mum' comment, but didn't say

anything further, just led him through to the parlour.

Once he and her were sitting kitty-corner to one another - he on a lounge

and her in an armchair - she looked firmly to him and said, "I need a

straightforward and honest answer from you, Harry."

He gave a nod back, curious as to what she needed to know.

"'Dell and I know you need to sleep regularly with Fleur because of that

life debt that exists between you," she began. "However, are you also now

sleeping with Hermione and Daphne... or either?"

He immediately blushed, which pretty much confirmed it for her, and he

simply replied, "Yes."

"Yes?" she pressed. "Yes, to both?"

"Yes," he nodded. However, he remained looking her directly in the eyes,

as he felt he had nothing to apologise for and did not feel ashamed for it.

"I thought so," she replied. "And, thank you for the honest answer."

He just gave a slight shrug in response.

"Can you do me a favour?" she asked.

"Of course," he replied.

"Can you... not... while you're staying here for the next few days?" she

almost begged.

"If you'd like," he replied. "We had not planned to, anyway."

"Thank you," she sighed. Explaining, she said, "This is one of those

situations where everyone knows what's going on and everyone knows

that everyone else knows, but no one talks about it and acts like no one

else knows. Do you understand?"

He frowned slightly in confusion before he said, "You want us to act as if

we don't to give the illusion we don't, when you know we do."

"Yes," she replied.

"Alright," he slowly said. "I'll let the others know."

"Thank you," she said again, starting to stand.

Knowing the conversation was over, Harry gave her a nod before joining

the ladies upstairs.

He didn't know why Monica wanted them to act that way, but he hoped

his ladies would know.

They explained it to him.

Hermione said, "Though he pretty much knows it's not true, Daddy wants

to hold onto the belief that his little princess is still a virgin. By

pretending we aren't having sex, he gets to keep his belief I'm not.

However, that belief is shattered if we let him know by word or action

that we sleep together. Understand?"

"Yeah, I can see that," he replied. "But, I don't see the point."

"It's a father thing, Harry," said Daphne. "You'll probably understand once

you become a father of a little girl."

He nodded and said, "In that case, I'll wait until then."

Thankfully, they were only at the Grangers for three nights.




When they arrived at The Kennel on the Monday morning, Sirius was

waiting for them.

"Come on," he said, turning to make his way to the stairs. "I've managed

to rearrange things for you."

Before any of them had a chance to ask what he meant, they were on the

'Potter' floor and looking at the same temporary wall set up as at Green


"What the...?" muttered Harry.

Sirius hadn't even paused before opening the door and showing them the

modified hallway. "Voila!" he gestured.

The hallway past the door was only about six feet long, but four doors -

two either side - came off it.

Indicating each, he said, "Hermione and Harry on the left; Daphne and

Fleur on the right."

When Harry opened his door it was to see everything as it was the

previous summer. However, it was in a different room, this time.

Thinking back, he realised Hermione was now in his old room and he

was in Daphne's old room. Hermione's old room was now outside the cut

off section.

The two rooms opposite were where Daphne's room had been moved to

and Fleur now had her own. There was no room off the end of the

hallway, as beyond that wall was the ensuites for Harry's and Daphne's

new rooms.

"Wow!" said Harry, checking the last of the rooms, Fleur's. "Just... wow!"

Sirius nodded with a smirk and and said, "I believe the idea was


"Yes," she replied. "However, I only made the suggestion to my mother. I

did not expect..."

"We do talk to one another, you know," Sirius wryly said.

Daphne gave a very slight blush and said, "I apologise. I'm just surprised

to see an off-the-wand-tip comment of mine being both so readily

accepted and proven to work."

"Brilliant ideas tend to get around, Daphne," he said, his voice a lot more

relaxed. "Just look at Harry's idea of using house elves to send urgent

messages, for one."

She nodded back.

"Now, said Sirius, "I have someone for you all to meet. Let's go to the


Surprised, Sirius was reticent about whoever this 'someone' was, Harry

asked, "This isn't the long-lost Heir of Merlin, or something, is it? After

tracking down CeeCee―"

Sirius barked his laugh and replied, "No; no one like that."




When they entered the parlour it was to see a woman stand from one of

the armchairs near the fire and turn towards them. To Harry, she looked

a little worried.

As they walked in, Sirius immediately went to her; an approach, Harry

could see, was very welcomed by her.

The body language of both immediately gave Harry an inkling of 'what'

she was, but not 'who'.

As soon as Sirius moved to stand by her side and wrapped an arm around

her waist; to Harry, it confirmed his belief.

With a proud smile on his face, Sirius said, "Harry... Hermione...

Daphne... Fleur; this lovely young lady is Jacinta Sykes, who prefers to be

called 'Jace'."

Turning to Sykes he went on, "Jace; these are, in order, my godson,

Harrison Potter; my magical - but not physical - ward and his betrothed,

Hermione Granger; his first concubined, Daphne Greengrass; and his

second concubined, Fleur Delacour."

Turning back to Harry he said, "Harry... ladies... as of a week and a half

ago, Jacinta here is my betrothed." And grinned.

While the three girls hurried forward to wrap the now slightly blushing

and older witch in hugs of congratulations, Harry gave a snort of

amusement, moved to the side a little apart as his godfather joined him.

He asked, "Any relation to Jocunda Sykes; the first to ever ride a broom

from one side to the other of the Atlantic?"

"Her grandmother," he smiled with a confirming nod. "On an old

Oakshaft 79, if I remember correctly. Jace is Heir Secondary to her

grandmother's broom company, Starsweeper, in MaCUSA. That's the

broom company she started over there, because there were already too

many over here."

Harry gave a surprised glance to his godfather before he quietly asked,

"And there's no common ancestor within the past five generations?"

Sirius happily grinned and just as quietly replied, "No. We had it

confirmed just before Yule."

Harry grinned back and said, "I'm happy for you."

Appearing almost relieved at Harry's comment, he gave a nod to Sykes

and said, "Come and meet her." And led the short distance to her. His

ladies gave them room.

Harry was surprised when Sykes had a decidedly American accent. He

put it as probably western US, but also knew he wasn't one to be accurate

with regards to 'regional' accents to anywhere but Britain.

On direct introduction, when Sykes referred to him as 'Lord Potter', he

immediately said, "Call me Harry, please. From the look on Sirius's face,

you're here to stay."

She smiled back and, blushing a little, firmly said, "And call me 'Jace',

please. I think only my grandmother still calls me Jacinta."

"If I may ask," said Hermione. "How did you meet?"

While the question was a little forward, it was somewhat excused due to

her being a magical ward of Sirius.

"Grandmother still seeks to get a foothold into magical Britain for

Starsweeper," she replied. "I was sent to make contact with persons of

importance in magical Britain to see if they could aid her in that.

"One of my first contacts was Siri... I mean, Lord Black. We... found we

hit it off, right from the start."

"Turned the charm on, did he?" asked Harry.

"It wasn't like that," said Sirius, quick to cut in. "At least, it wasn't like

that at the start."

"No," said Jace, shaking her head in agreement. "He heard me out, said

he didn't know if he could help and then offered to take me to dinner to

see if he could help some other way."

Sirius added, "While I don't think Starsweeper would get any legs in

Britain, broom sales wise, that's not to say any other product they

produce wouldn't."

"And we think he's right," said Jace. "There's no Quodpot distributor in

magical Britain; nor broomracing. I've already advised grandmother that

being the distributor of products for those two sports will be our main

avenue in gaining a foothold."

"An area in which I'm happy to help," smiled Sirius.

"And that first dinner led to more dinners and... here you are," said


"Yep," smiled Sirius. "We've been dating, now, for about three months.

However, we've found we simply... clicked. I think I knew she was 'the

one' on about our sixth date."

"I knew by our third," Jace almost smugly returned with a wide grin.

"He's a boy," said Hermione. "It can take them a while."

While all four ladies snickered, Sirius mock-whined, "Hey!" Then grinned.




While the Potters weren't there on the day, Sirius felt it would benefit

both Harry and Hermione if the next evening they could hold a 'mock'

wizarding New Years Eve evening. Harry had no idea a tradition of the

wizarding world was very similar to the no-mag Hallowe'en of the USA.

They enjoyed a dinner before congregating in the parlour for drinks,

nibblies and for each to give a testimony of how they believed the

previous year went and what they hoped for the coming year.

Harry and his three learned more about Jace during that time. She had

attended Ilvermorny and was a student in Thunderbird House, the

supposed House of those with an adventuring spirit. However, she'd also

been chosen during the 'gordion knot' ceremony for Horned Serpent, the

house of the scholar. In Ilvermorny when two or more of the spirits of the

Houses choose to accept a student, it is the student who makes the final

decision between the Houses that chose him or her.

They also learned that Jace had always had a bit of wandering spirit and

readily offered to be her grandmother's agent in attempting to secure a

business base in magical Britain.

"She was not prepared to do so while Albus Dumbledore was still, more

or less, running things here," she explained. "She never trusted him. He'd

tried to recruit her, once, for something to do with an Order he headed

and left in a huff when she basically laughed at him."

"The Order of the Phoenix," said Hermione. "I have to wonder, though,

why he tried to recruit in MaCUSA. The Order was supposed to have

been founded with the idea of opposing Tom Riddle."

"Grandmother believes he was just using that as an excuse to take the

Order international," she replied. "He refused to tell her why, though."

Harry thought he knew, 'Because he was trying to take over the world in


At least now they knew why Jace was over 'now' and not 'before'. They

were waiting for Dumbledore to be publicly knocked off his self-created

pedestal or simply died.

In a quiet brought on by the end of one topic, Harry asked Sirius, "By the

way; I take it cousin Cissy has returned to Black Manor?"

"She has," he nodded. "I believe it might also be because she wants to

make sure she has the name 'Malfoy' firmly stripped from the place.

While she was still here after you lot returned to school, with CeeCee's

permission she called in the interior decorators to completely strip it of

the Malfoy influence and turn it into a home CeeCee would love."

Harry smirked and asked, "And what of the Malfoy portraits?"

Sirius barked with laughter and simply replied, "Burned!"

"Well, then," Harry snickered. "She'll have plenty of room for portraits of

those more worthy to hang upon the walls."

"Actually, for almost all of them she's hanging landscapes. However, she

does seem a little insistent I hurry up and get a portrait done. And,

because she is, you'll be getting one done next summer, too."

When Harry turned a pained look back, Sirius just laughed again.




For most of their time at the Black Townhouse, Harry and his spent time

doing their own things. However, the four still did things together, on


Harry took Neville flying, once. But, that was because he bought the

other boy a a quality broom - a Cleansweep 7 - and said he'd be offended

if Neville didn't learn how to properly ride it and make use of it. And

Neville's return was that, since Harry gifted him with it, he'd have to help

him learn how to master it.

The girls agreed, so Harry now had a new project. At least this one was

an 'outside' project.

He'd already spent a couple of afternoons at Longbottom Hall teaching

the other young man.

Oh, Neville would never be at Harry's level. But, Neville developed skills

in spite of his innate anti-talent, as opposed to Harry's innate pro-talent.

Harry was actually proud of his friend.

He could now fly with both feet up and with a confidence, though

lacking assuredness, and hold his own in the air. However, he had to be

kept well away from quaffles, and bludgers were utterly banned to fly

within a kilometre of him. Neville had nearly fallen off when a starling

swooped by him just the once.

His other major task was to go through both the January monthly

statement plus the added End of Year Financial Report statements from

Gringotts. The monthly statement only took him an hour or two, but the

EOY report took a significant chunk of his week to wade through.

For his girls, a surprise came when Harry and Hermione were having an

intimate moment - engaging in full on sex, missionary-style - when Fleur

walked in, stripped off and laid beside Hermione.

Hermione was so shocked that, while she 'getting pounded', she turned

her head to the side and stared at her 'co-wife', stunned silent. Harry

hadn't even paused in his stroking.

It was a good fifteen seconds before Hermione finally found her voice.

"Fle-urrr! Why-yyy... are... you... in... heee-errrre?"

"You've been 'ogging 'im, cherie," replied Fleur. "I want a turn."

When Hermione, still getting pounded, tried through her sexually-

charged hormone-muddled mind to figure that one out, Fleur rolled to

her side and towards them, reached between them and almost casually

diddled Hermione's 'button' for all of about a second and a half.

Hermione suddenly stiffened, arched up and let out a screech that would

have been heard on the street outside, let alone the rest of the

Townhouse, if not for the strong silencing charms on the room. Her

orgasm was that strong.

A long moment later she bonelessly flopped back onto the bed in a dead


That had Harry stop. "Awww?"

Fleur grinned, rolled back onto her back and spread her legs. "My turn!"

she happily declared.

Harry took one look at a passed out Hermione, disconnected, crab-

walked sideways, docked and kept going with what had, for him, been


"Yeehhhsss!" declared Fleur.

Later, a very pissed-off Hermione had both other 'wives' in her room and

read them both the sexual version of the 'riot' act, especially about


"What did I do?" asked a very confused Daphne.

Fleur calmly told her what she, Fleur, had done; causing Daphne to

immediately pink. "Y-you didn't!" she gasped.

"'Arry was not going to stop until 'Ermione reached apogée," replied a

calm Fleur. "I just... 'elped."

"You touched that which you were not invited to!" exclaimed Hermione.

"Then, I apologise," said Fleur. "'Owever, your body... welcomed it."

"That does not make it right!" snapped Hermione.

"Again, I apologise," said Fleur. "For Veela, this is not a big thing. And

certainly not unwelcome when it 'appens."

"Well..." said frustrated Hermione. "Just... don't do it again!"

"I will not," said Fleur.

With a sigh, Hermione thought a moment before she said, "While I might

not be averse to sharing Harry, I am averse to sharing myself."

Fleur simply nodded, but did look down in remorse.

It was only then that Hermione thought she had gotten through to the

other woman.

Harry didn't learn of that little talk for quite some time - years, even.

None of the three mentioned it to him. Unsaid by the three, even among

themselves, it was believed this was something Harry need not know

about at this time.




Another subject that was often on the lips of the ladies of the Townhouse

was the handfasting of Sirius and Jacinta. It was scheduled to be held on

Sunday, 21st of July, that year; only six and a half months away.

Harry thought it was a bit 'quick' until he realised Sirius was not a man in

his early twenties still finding his way; he was thirty six years old. Yes,

twelve of those years were spent in Azkaban, but he was still not one to

make snap erroneous decisions. Snap decisions, yes; erroneous decisions,

those too; but not snap erroneous decisions.

He'd no grounds to speak with his godfather about the... alacrity... of his

decision; so, he wouldn't. If Sirius wanted to speak about it later, he'd be

there for him. And, if not him, then Remus.

However, that fore-shortened week at Black Townhouse often saw his

ladies hunkered down with Jacinta and discussing the handfasting

ceremony. He, quite frankly, wanted no part of it. He knew his sense of

fashion was more or less limited to 'you do not wear shorts to a formal

occasion'. He relied on his ladies to keep him on the straight and narrow

when it came to those sort of things.

Of course, now back in magical Britain, Harry returned to his thrice-

weekly sessions with Bincutty. However, he did ask how she thought his

progress was going. He was honest with himself that he had no idea

about that sort of thing.

"It is a work in progress, Lord Potter," she replied. "There are no hard and

fast rules about this sort of thing. Progress that occurs too quickly is as

bad as progress that occurs too slowly. It will come as it comes."

However, what she kept from him was that she was coming to a better

understanding of what made Harry, to use a muggle phrase, 'tick'.

At the completion of the Friday session she returned, as always, to the

ninth floor of the Ministry to give her report to Croaker.

"I think I now know what the pathology of Lord Potter's mental

evaluation is going to show," she explianed. "He's partially autistic and

partially suffering from a mental affliction known in the muggle world as

Asperger's Syndrome."

Croaker frowned and asked, "He's brain damaged?"

"No," she was quick to reply. "The closest analogy I can come to is that he

has a birth defect relating to the mind. It has a very minimal impact on

his ability to live and is more akin to someone...say... born with their

index fingers being longer than their middle fingers. It's noticeable but

not really an issue.

"I've not completed my research yet into muggle studies in this area;

however, I believe it is this... syndrome of which he suff... no... lives with

that will lead us to understanding why obliviations and other mind

magics do not work on him. To use a muggle phrase, his brain is simply

wired differently; or, differently enough that such magics won't work

upon him."

"Can it be replicated?" he asked.

"If you're thinking of using the same concept to make folks immune in a

similar way; then, no, I do not think so," she replied. "That would be brain


"However, if my research shows me which specific parts of the brain,

from a physical sense, causes this syndrome, then we may be able to

develop a potion, charm or similar which will replicate it without

harming the mind of the so-protected."

"That's what I wanted to hear," muttered Croaker. "Such a development

would be invaluable."

She gave a firm nod and said, "Hence why I will work diligently in

studying muggle knowledge of this field of mental health. I, too, see the

possible benefits."

Croaker gave a nod, said "Thank you," and returned to what he was


Bincutty/Klein rose and left the office without a further word.




After their three week (extended) Yule/Christmas break, the Potters et al

departed for Kings Cross station for the return trip to Hogwarts.

Harry and his ladies plus CeeCee - escorted by Sirius, Jace and Narcissa -

arrived early enough Harry was able to quickly secure two

compartments, side-by-side, and start loading trunks. Again, Sirius

boarded and quickly configured a temporary door between the two

compartments for the Heirs to inter-mingle between the two without

having to do so via the main corridor.

Again, though she did not need to, Fleur would be joining them on the

trip. And this meant there were eleven of the Heirs across those two

compartments. At a squeeze, that meant they had room for fourteen to all

sit. But their eleven was still enough of a squeeze for such a long trip.

CeeCee had arrived the previous morning but, due to the time change of

eight extra hours for her day, meant she was in bed quite early.

Disappointing Harry, she didn't even have dinner that night. He'd cooked

special for her.

The next morning he was able to cook her her egg-white omelette she

preferred for breakfast when she had a day out of the house ahead of her,


'Note to self,' he thought. 'Make my special meal for her to be the midday

meal the day she arrives. Something that won't sit heavy in the stomach

when she anticipates going to bed late afternoon.'

That brought them to this morning.

After CeeCee was almost unmercilessly questioned by Hermione the

previous day, which only ended when CeeCee fell asleep in the armchair

across from her in the Townhouse library - Narcissa carried her upstairs

and put her to bed - someone had obviously talked to the older girl and

told her to stop. Harry suspected Narcissa, as Sirius wasn't as firm with


Now Hermione was almost reticent to speak with the girl.

It was Daphne who then took her aside that morning and explained why

Narcissa was upset with her. And Hermione ended up apologising to the

Malfoy dowager before the train left the platform.




Once back at the castle, with Fleur again sitting at the head table as a

'guest' of the staff, the Heirs were sitting and talking during the first

dinner of the year.

Not surprising Harry, CeeCee did not sit with them this time; she was

sitting down the length a bit with Natalie and her other friends, with all

five of them happily chatting away about their Christmas breaks. Of

course that did not stop Harry, Hermione or Neville from keeping an eye

on her.

As with the previous year, there were again family house elves watching

over all the Heirs, hidden from normal eyesight. Even Harry was

surprised when, the previous day, Narcissa informed him CeeCee also

had one of the Malfoy elves following her about and had been keeping an

eye on her since the day after Pucey had attacked her.

He suspected there were even more than he had known of, but thought it

was prudent not to ask. There weren't, though.




After dinner, the Heirs - less MacMillan - gathered at the bottom end of

the Great Hall before starting to make their way up to the Lords'

Quarters. Because there would be two 'singles' and a 'double' joining them

in the Lords' Quarters - with, to the best of their knowledge, at least three

of them being of Voldemort-supporter dark families - it was decided

they'd definitely head up to the fifth floor as one succinct and unified

body; just to be safe for at least the first night.

It sent a message, even if that message was unnecessary.

Walking into the private Lords' Quarters main corridor, they almost

immediately bumped into Cassius Warrington and Marcus Belby. Belby

and Warrington were standing in front of one of the doors, Apartment '1';

and being shown by Professor Sinistra, Mistress of Astronomy, how to

key the doors of the apartments to themselves. Belby would be in

Apartment '2'.

About thirty feet further along was Professor Vector (of Arithmancy)

showing David Urquhart and his betrothed, Pamela Alton, how to do the

same for Apartment '4'. Gibberd and Whitehead must have arrived earlier

as the Heirs hadn't passed by them and they didn't see them in the

Hallway before they would have entered Apartment '3'.

The Heirs all sent each other knowing looks between the 'families' and

simply walked into their own Quarters at the other end of the Hall.




The next morning Harry was, as usual, up early to cook a breakfast for

Fleur before she had to floo into Gringotts for work, so was up and in the

'public' areas of the apartment when his other two rose.

Hermione came out of her room, still trying to fit one of her ear studs

into her right ear as Daphne almost trotted from his bedroom door to her

own. While she had a change of clothes in his room, she still had to go to

her own room to don her makeup and jewellery. It was something all

three of his ladies now did when sleeping in his bed.

"Sleep well, Harry?" she asked.

"Yes, actually," he nodded, picking up his satchel, turning about to sit on

the couch and checking to ensure Dobby had put the right texts and the

like within - as if he wouldn't. "I forgot about the comfort of the bed in

my room. It's the same, but different, to the comfort of the beds at your

parents' place and The Kennel."

She came over and, now 'installing' the other ear stud, leaned over and

kissed him on the cheek. "Me too," she said, taking a seat alongside him.

Her satchel was already on her hip.

For Harry, today would be a double of History of Magic with the 'Puffs, a

double of Potions with the 'Claws, a single of Runes and a double of

DADA with the 'Puffs again.

When Daphne came out she was already fully dressed. And Harry and

Hermione rose to greet her. "Ready," she said.




After their usual trick of knocking on the doors of the two other

apartments of their group, the now nine of them - with Ernie still in the

'Badgers' Cete' and Fleur at work - headed down to the Great Hall for


As the Christmas break was only a mid-year break there was no need to

wait for new class schedules. So, with Ernie joining them as they walked

in, the now ten were able to use that time to talk more about what they

had been up to over the previous three weeks. The 'elephant in room',

Ernie's now deceased father and why he was at Nott manor, was not

mentioned. However, Ernie did speak about his Christmas spent at his


Almost sadly, the boy said, "For almost the entire time, grandfather spoke

to me of just how dangerous dark lord's and their ilk are like to everyone.

Do you know how many of our important Houses we've lost due to the

last two, at least?"

"Even one was one too many, Ernie," said Susan. "But, yes, I know."

"Twenty seven," said the boy with a flat finality. "Twenty seven Houses

ranging from Noble and Ancients all the way down to Elder. And that

doesn't include the Minor or Magical.

"Grandfather estimated there were another thirty of them at least. After

going through what he knew of the ones down to Elder, he didn't want to

go any further. He said it was too depressing."

"There was more than that, Ernie," said Harry. "Your grandfather didn't

include Houses such as Lestrange, Rookwood, Scabior or Dolohov to

name a few. And he didn't include them because there are members of

those Houses still alive. However, he should have included them as there

are no living members of those Houses who are not currently serving life

sentences in Azkaban. As such, there will be no Heir born of them to

continue the Houses. And they're in Azkaban because of their

involvement with Riddle, which means they're of Houses which will go

extinct because of Riddle."

"Shhhhyte!" muttered the other boy.




During lunch Harry finally got a good chance to look around the four

House tables and the head table. And, from that, could see that all of

those who were students and who'd lost family in the 'Tragedy of Nott

Manor', as the Prophet called it, had all returned. For the most, while a

few were still a little withdrawn, they had recovered.

He was also using the opportunity to carefully watch, especially, Belby in

Ravenclaw and Warrington and Urquhart in Slytherin. All three were

now Lords and he wanted to know how all three, now that they'd been

elevated to their Lordships, would act within the school.

Of the three Belby and Warrington seemed to be getting filled with their

own senses of self-importance, while Urquhart appeared to be trying to

'downplay' the Lordship. All three were now starting to be surrounded by

their own developing posses of lickspittles.

'As long as they don't try anything with me or mine... or my friends...

they can ponce about to their hearts content,' he thought. 'It's no skin off

my nose.'

As well as the three new Lords, he was also keeping an eye on the others

in Slytherin House. It was interesting watching the body language of

them all, as they were all trying to find their own ways within the new

House paradigm.

"What are you focussing on, Harry?" asked Hannah, from the other side

of the table.

"I'm watching how the effects of what happened at Nott Manor are

impacting the social framework of Slytherin," he replied. He then

shrugged, smiled and added, "It's interesting to watch."

Daphne turned to him, cocked an eyebrow and said, "It is, isn't it? It's also

happening around Belby in Ravenclaw."

He nodded and said, "Warrington, like Belby, is acting like a peacock. I'm

more interested in how Urquhart deals with this. He seems to be taking a

more subtle path."

"Or he's in denial," she suggested.

Harry looked back to Urquhart and thought about it for a moment, just

watching the young man. "Hmm!" he huffed. "You may be right. It is not

something I considered."




At his appointment with Bincutty that afternoon, Harry raised the point

about watching the Slytherins at lunch and what he and Daphne could

determine from their body language.

She asked, "Is that how you get your clues as to the emotional state of

who you interact with? Their... as you put it... body language?"

"That; plus their tone when speaking, their facial expressions, whether

they're abnormally flushed or pale, that sort of thing," he replied.

She jotted it down and immediately asked, "How are you feeling about

returning to Hogwarts?"

"Good!" he firmly replied. "I'm looking forward to getting past my OWLs

so I can then get on with earning my NEWTs."

"You're not looking forward to your OWLs?" she pressed.

"No," he replied. "That is, I'm looking forward to them as the next step on

my way to earning my NEWTs. But, since earning my NEWTs marks the

end of my Hogwarts education, the OWLs are only a step; not a

culmination. So, in that vein, I'm looking forward to my OWLs as the

completion of the next step."

More notes.

Finally, his hour was up and Harry was free to return to the Potter

Apartment. However, as had occurred before the break, both Daphne and

Hermione walked in just as the hour was up to walk with him.

As they walked out, Daphne flicked an amused glance at him and asked,

"Getting through your supposed issues, Potter?"

"Oh, I don't have issues, Daphne," he smirked back. "I have entire


Bincutty, who had heard from where she was beginning to rise as the

three left the Infirmary, gave a quiet and muffled snort of amusement.

Then she sank back into her chair, quickly retrieved her flip pad and

wrote the 'one-liner' down. She thought it was actually quite clever.

Some of the things she had him do that day, while talking, was set

himself up to draw a picture for her - she'd provided about fifty coloured

pencils and actual paper - organise a small child's set of blocks - again,

provided by her - plus a few other things. It was the sort of thing she did

that she wanted him to do while also answering questions for her.

Harry thought it was so he couldn't focus on his answer and would,

therefore, be more likely to offer an honest one. However, she actually

wanted to know what he would do with the items she provided while he

was distracted with answering her questions.

The coloured pencils were her second test in that series. Harry had sorted

them by colour spectrum, excluding the black and greys which he's sorted

by tone. He'd started the colours with the darkest of indigo at one end

and the deepest of reds at the other. It was a rainbow in coloured pencil

form. He hadn't even begun to draw anything when she told him to stop

and he never questioned it.

For his final test he'd also organised the blocks but, this time, sorted them

by size, rather than colour, as if sorting by colour now bored him.

And all the time he talked either in response to a question or asking the

occasional question of his own.

What he'd done had confirmed her hypothesis Harrison James Potter had

at least a touch of Autism and or Aspergers Syndrome. He preferred order

over chaos, even somewhat fearing chaos. When confronted with chaos,

he worked at sorting it into order. He made lists, even if those lists were

only in his mind. He thought through problems in a step-by-step logical

fashion and saw challenges as simply unsolved problems.

Base emotions, by their very nature, to him were mostly illogical -

mostly. He saw the 'biological imperative' that fuels lust. But greed,

jealousy, vanity, and others were illogical. Even anger, to him, could be

used as a channel to funnel focus upon a problem, or shape the actions of

others towards other actions he preferred. However, he also saw it as

leading one to rash action, if not controlled. Ron Weasley was, as with

most of the others, a good example of that.

She had also learned quite early that Harry felt no loss when it came to

one Ron Weasley. As he had said, he knew the boy was not a friend

almost from the morning of the first of September back in 1991. As such

and as he knew the boy was not a friend, he experienced more of a relief

the young man would no longer play a part in his life; could no longer be

a threat.

As for the young Mister Nott, he saw his killing of him as a simple matter

of self-defence. "It was him or me," he'd stated with a slight shrug. "I can

see no choice I could have made that would have resulted in anything

but either my or his death. I chose the path that saw to my survival with

the greatest chance of success." It was quite the mature response, which

showed young Mister Potter had already reasoned out the death and

would suffer no psychological damage from it; not now or later.

By rights, that was the last of his need to see a mind-healer about it.

However, it was not the end of her need to know how it is that he was

able to shrug off most mind magics. The further confirmation of her

belief he had, at least, a mild form of Aspergers gave her a solid ground

on which to engage in further research.

She would now be approaching the management of the Unspeakables for

permission to engage in secondary controlled research into the issue.

That meant testing her hypothesis on others who 'suffered' from





Back in their apartment, Daphne asked, "If you don't mind answering, has

Madam Bincutty given you any clue as to how much longer your sessions

will last?"

Harry grinned and said, "You want to know if she's told me what she

thinks is wrong with me, if anything."

When she gave a slight shrug and nodded, clearly unembarrassed he'd

figured that out, he gave his own half-shrug and replied, "I think she's

probably already figured it out, but doesn't want to come right out and

tell me. Her expressions when she watched me fiddling with coloured

pencils, different shapes of parchment and blocks tells me that. It was

like... she had that 'Ah ha!' moment; you know?"

Without waiting for a response he continued, "I could see it written all

over her face. Now I think she's trying to figure out something else, or if

there's also something else."

Hermione seemed deep in thought and then asked, "Do you remember

what you were doing when she had those moments? I ask, because

maybe we can also figure out what it is she's figured out."

So, Harry went on to describe what he was doing at the time.

Hermione wrote it down and said, "Thank you, Harry. I think that's going

to be a great help."

She thought, 'Now, I just need to get Mum to send me more books on

child and adolescent mental health issues.'

She pulled a clean sheet of parchment onto her lap table, mimicking the

need to start a new assignment; and quickly wrote her letter to her

mother to send with Hedwig. At least with this one she wouldn't need to

ask the owl to wait for her mother to send a response.

One of Harry's gifts to her parents for Christmas was their own owl,

which had Hermione groan and begin thumping her forehead off the arm

of the armchair in which she was sitting at the time. "Stupid... stupid...

stupid..." she'd concurrently muttered with each thump.

Now, her parents no longer needed to ask Sirius to deliver any letter they

had for Hermione to her. With their own owl, a common barn owl, they

could send mail direct.

At the time she was banging her head on the arm because it was such a

simple idea she couldn't believe she was that stupid not to have thought

of it herself back in first year. She couldn't even bear to look directly at

Harry because she knew what his expression directed back to her would

be. It would be that somewhat smug amusement he showed when he

knew someone had figured out - after gentle coaxing from him or others,

of course - they'd been a daft moron.

Her letter to her mother went off that afternoon.




82. Bills, Statutes and Heading for


Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to the proverbial Duchess of

Magic, JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high

falutin' companies. No matter how much I whine about not owning anything

related to the HP universe, other than a few fanfic plots, I do not profess to

own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful

world... Damn it!

A/N: Sorry for the delay of a day in posting this chapter. I've just found a

major plot hole that I have to fix going into the last few chapters. Yes, there's

only a few left. I may have to hold off within the next couple of chapters to

find a way out of that plot hole before I finalise things and wrap this one up.

Something I hate to do is, for those who 'know' me, leave things hanging in

limbo. My apologies.

Chapter Eighty Two - Bills, Statutes and Heading for OWLs




The next morning's Daily Prophet contained a short article on page three

that berated Amelia Bones and the DMLE for not discovering the culprit

or culprits involved in the murder of Hamish Fawley, now that they were

almost two weeks into January and a little more than five weeks later.

From the crime novels he still occasionally read when he had the chance,

Harry 'knew' that unless the crime was solved within the first few days

the likelihood of the culprit being discovered dropped down to the single

digit percentages; at least, that's what happened in the muggle world.

Now that it had been five weeks he believed the likelihood of the crime

being solved was now down to barely a single fraction of a percentage

point, if even that, especially seeing as magic was involved.

'Scourgify, anyone?' he thought. That was a quick and simple way to get

rid of any trace evidence, if there ever was one.

He did, however, think the culprit was a daft moron in one aspect. He

should have immediately transfigured the body into something innocuous

and flammable, removed it from the scene, taken it to another unknown

location and burned it to ash. No body, no hard evidence of a crime.

However, on a second thought of the issue, he realised that Flint - for

who else could it have been - wanted a dead body to show that Fawley

had indeed been killed. He just didn't want any evidence that would

point back to him while also having everyone know it was him that

arranged the man's death.




Besides the Daily Prophet, in the mail that morning was a notice from Ted

that the Perth property had now been: purchased outright, as instructed;

warded as far as lawfully allowed under Australian magical law, while

also recognising that the Wilkinses might have to both access and use the

property in the future; the two requested vehicles had been purchased

(they ended up being a mid-sized 4WD four-door turbo diesel Toyota

Prado and a mid-range Toyota Lexcen (T3) four-door sedan) to 'populate'

two bays of the triple-car garage; the emergency portkeys to it had been

created and delivered, together with instructions on why and how they

worked; and a house elf had been acquired, bonded and set the task of

maintaining the property while also keeping an eye on the Wilkinses as

they went about their day-to-day lives. Harry hadn't even thought of that

last one and was grateful Ted had and acted upon that thought.

With a smile, he handed the details of that over to Daphne, who also had

Hermione leaning almost onto her shoulder to also read.

The letter also included details of the property in France. The agents

acting on Ted's (Harry's) behalf had followed their instructions and

negotiated hard on the final price of the large chateau that had become

available from a deceased estate. Harry was surprised by how hard the

negotiations must have been because the final price was almost down to

the sickle at ₲178,877. He saw the price and just gave a snort of

amusement. It was under his limit of ₲200,000 so he really didn't care.

Ted had also organised for the wards to be 'refreshed' by a professional

and 'secrecy sworn' warding company, had the floo address reset to a new

name and password - 'Potter Retreat' and 'Home Sweet Home' - and also

bonded another elf to care for that property.

Moves were still being made to acquire a suitable property in The

Hamptons in upstate New York, MaCUSA, with Ted mentioning he might

have to contract another property consultancy as the one he'd acquired

until then just didn't seem to 'get it' with what Harry wanted. Harry

authorised it.

And finally property-wise, Ted had also acquired a few and various

properties around both muggle and magical Britain to boost Harry's

property portfolio that showed great promise in investment returns.

Secretly and on Harry's only-verbally-given orders, though, he purchased

a 'bolt hole' property in Wales, pretty much centrally located on the Isle,

and had it warded out the whizzer with every security charm he could

get on the property, including unplottable, anti-tracking, anti-scrying and

the like. It was a small manor house located in a very out of the way

location, nestled in a small valley within a short walking distance of a

stream of near pure, but definitely untainted, water. There was not

another 'soul' for many miles around. It was highly unusual for a muggle

property to be so. And it was muggle, as it had both a well buried power

supply running to the property, as well as 'scheme' water - 'black water'

was stored in an underground septic tank well away from the house. It

also had a quiet gravel drive from the nearest road to the house; a large

shed out the back, also powered; and was properly wired throughout.

For that property the warding company had sworn an oath not to directly

document or in any way find a way to document the work they'd done

and to be obliviated of the knowledge once they'd completed the work.

Their work cost about ten times what the property was worth, but was

still considered a damned good investment. From that moment forth, the

Potters and any trusted allies would now have an escape hole they could

run to if any threats arose against the House. The warding company also

installed a proper floo, but had the 'registration' for it muddied through a

false identity.

Later, Harry planned to have the secret keeper of the property have a

Fidelius placed on them that a second secret keeper kept that had the

knowledge that the first secret keeper was the secret keeper of the

property. It would be what he'd called a double-blind secret; with only

the second secret keeper, himself, being able to grant the first secret

keeper the ability to tell the secret to only those whom he wanted to

know. The first secret keeper could then not tell the secret unless the

person needing to know was told the identity of the first keeper by the

second keeper.




That evening and once Fleur returned from work, the 'Potters' had a

discussion night. Until that night, discussion nights was one of the things

that happened organically; weren't planned ahead of time. This night, it

was organised.

Harry said, "I think it's time we had a good old-fashioned 'chin-wag'

among ourselves again. I'd like to know what is going on in each of your

lives we don't already know about. For instance..."

He turned to Hermione and asked, "How goes things with your lessons

with Adeline and Alice?"

Surprised, Hermione was a moment before she replied, "Oh! Ummm...

We're now down to just discussing things via mail. They've both said I've

now acquired a definite understanding of what it means to be a Lady of a

Noble and Most Ancient House and what it also means to be the

betrothed of one. That's why I won't be going to almost daily lessons with

them at the Easter break, let alone the summer break.

"I'm to keep up with my self-study of the matter, but they're still willing

to answer any questions I have that the books I read don't cover the

answers to."

Harry gave a smile and a nod and said, "That's excellent, Hermione. Well


As the girl gave a slight but pleased smile back, she also pinked a little in

unearned embarrassment. "Thank you," she quietly returned.

Turning to Daphne, he asked, "How about you, Daphne? Anything the

rest of us should know, but you didn't think important enough for us to

discuss immediately?"

She smiled and replied, "I don't believe so, no. Unless you didn't know

Justin and Tracey's agreement has now become a contract?"

Surprised, he returned, "No, I didn't know that." He thought for a moment

and, though blushing a little, asked, "Was the... condition for which it

became a contract along the lines of ours?"

She grinned and replied, "Yes. They've had sex. According to Tracey―"

Quickly he brought his hand before him waving them in rapid warding

off gestures while quickly developing a deep blush. "No-no-no! I don't

need... I really don't want to know!"

That had all three of his ladies snickering in amusement.

"My fault," he sighed. "I really shouldn't have asked for clarification as to

the whys and wherefores."

He gave that a moment to settle as he also brought his slight blush under

control and asked, "Ummm... about... CeeCee..."

She just smiled again and replied, "As far as we're aware, she still has her

virtue, Harry. However, she's seems to be starting to develop the opinion

she doesn't need to have it, if you know what I mean."

"Gods!" he said. "She's thirteen, for God's sake! I pray you girls are all

talking to her about that? To... you know... not rush things?"

Hermione replied, "We are. Plus we've also warned her just how much

trouble she can get us, especially Justin, in if she... ummm... succumbs to

her... wants."

"Not to mention Sirius or Cousin Cissy," said Harry. "It would also put her

family back in Perth in danger. Because of her age, if she's found out,

someone just might finally be able to get her removed from Sirius and

Narcissa's guardianship."

Daphne said, "We hadn't thought of that, but you're right. We'll talk to

her about that, too."

With a sigh of relief he believed that part of the discussion was over, he

said, "Right. What's next?"

The next subject was the girls' involvement in the Tapestry Circle.

Together with how that particular organisation was doing.

Apparently, a few death threats had been issued from some of the more

traditionalist Houses of the country - dark, grey and even light - even one

or two from over in mainland Europe.

"Madam Bones is immediately alerted of those and she and her aurors

deal with them," explained Hermione. "However, Narcissa is now being

carefully watched by aurors when she goes out and about; much like you

used to be."

Harry gave a very slight wince at that. He completely empathised with

the older witch.

Noticing Harry's reaction, Daphne immediately said, "She doesn't mind

that, Harry. She sees the danger, too."

A few other subjects were raised, but nothing of much consequence. They

had an early night.

Daphne joined him but, within an hour, she was the solid form of a

gooey puddle of oxytocins and endorphins spread on the bed, reeking of

sex and gently snoring.

Harry had spent about three to four minutes watching her sleep, feeling

good about himself, before he too drifted off.

Out in the living room Betsy popped in, sighed in exasperation and

removed the silencing charm on the door. She quietly muttered "Betsy

wants babies, dammit!"

The last was a mild curse both elves 'picked up' from Harry, who

constantly used it. If Harry had heard it, he would have laughed his arse





Now back at the school and with things settling down - with no constant

attempts to harm Harry - the Heirs focused on their studies while also

slipping in the now rarer opportunities to exercise. Harry was also

slipping in time to write his Bill for the February session of the


News from outside the castle was somewhat minimal, except for the few

times some idiot journalist, clearly bored with the 'normalcy' of things,

tried to stir something up. Luckily for them, they never targeted Harry or

the Alliance. They'd finally learned their lesson.

Closer to their own interests it was learned that the new Noble Houses of

Spinnet, Diggory and Hilliard had all accepted membership into the

Grand Alliance, after all.




Four and a half weeks later and it was the next meeting of the Alliance,

though there was no January sitting of the 'Mot. This time it was held at

Abbott's Ford, the home of the Seat of the now Noble and Ancient House

of Abbott.

The first order of business was the introduction of the new member

Houses, with the 'spouses' joining them for the moment. They were Amos,

his wife Florentina ('Tina') and Cedric Diggory (now adult son); Simon,

his wife Maude, Geraldine (adult daughter) and Robert (adult son)

Hilliard; and Caden, Rosaline, Rueben (adult son) and Alicia Spinnet

(adult, though still a student, daughter).

Amos, Simon and Caden joined them at the table with Cedric, Robert and

Reuben sitting behind their 'Heads', as was proper. The others joined the

spouses in the parlour as the informal dining room was now not even

close to being large enough to contain them all, even with expansion

charms active.

The three then 'officially' received their copies of the new charter, even

though they'd all been granted permission from Frank to read the master

copy to ensure there was nothing contained within they'd object to. Harry

had heard that they were all surprised it wasn't as restrictive as they'd

each feared, with Caden even voicing that.

They now numbered an even two dozen Houses in their membership,

with fourteen of those being Noble votes upon the Wizengamot - plus

now two extra with the Ministry votes of Amelia Bones and Miles Ogden.

That was quite the considerable voting block.

And they knew they had it and were well prepared to use it.

"Otherwise, why have it?" Harry had 'innocently' asked.

Sirius chuckled and added, "He's right. What is the purpose of the

Alliance... politically... if not for this sort of thing?"




Before heading back to school, Sirius took Harry aside.

Pre-arranged, Sirius had gone out and collected three gifts for Harry's

three ladies for Valentine's Day. It was now only two days away, on the


Surreptitiously taking the shrunken packages out of his pocket and

offering them to Harry, he said, "As you requested, Pup."

Just as surreptitiously accepting them and sliding them into his own

pocket, Harry asked, "They were able to accomplish the order, no


"Yup," smirked Sirius. "And, I say again, it's a bloody brilliant idea."

As he grinned, Harry breathed a sigh of relief.

When his ladies cast curious looks at him a little later, clearly wondering

what he and Sirius had talked about, Harry just grinned at them and said,

"Nothing for you three to worry about. Just godson and godfather


Hermione gave an amused hurrumph and quietly said, "Sounds like

someone's going to get pranked."

"Now, Hermione," he grinned. "Just because Sirius cannot sometimes help

himself, does not mean everything he does is a prank."

"Rarely," snorted Daphne.

Also having arrived from her mother about a week after she'd sent off her

request to her, Hermione received a stack of books in return with a short


~ # ~

Hermione dear,

Your father and I believe you're correct. We're just as surprised as you that

Harry's 'issues' could be such. However the written evidence, coupled with the

observational evidence, reflects your belief.

Take note of the sections relating to Autism Spectrum Disorder. Your father

and I are both of the firm belief this disorder is what plagues Harry. However

we both also believe Harry has a very mild form of this, known as 'high

functioning'; and is why no one has picked up on it until now.

The books will also give you some indication as to how to better interact with

someone who suffers such. We strongly urge you to take note of that and act


Mum and Dad

~ # ~

Without letting Harry know what she'd received and at her first

opportunity, Hermione grabbed both other girls and led them into her

room for a 'girls chat session'.

She then showed them both the letter she'd received from her mother and

the books.

She said, "I suggest we each read these, switching the books out between

us, then have another chat about it later."

Both other girls agreed.

By the time of the February Alliance meeting, all three of Harry's ladies

had read the books and had their 'Ah-ha!' moments. The information

concerning ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) and Aspergers Syndrome,

with the latter now recognised as a subset of the former, explained so

much. They all agreed with Monica's belief and wondered why they'd not

investigated the issue before then.

"We're not trained childhood psychologists," replied Hermione. "That is,

mind healers for children. Healer Bincutty was able to test for it because

she's trained; we're not."

"But, still," said Fleur, "It explains so much."

"Indeed," nodded Daphne.




Bincutty/Klein, however, had also been doing her research. She had been

in touch with muggle child and juvenile psychologists and taken her non-

identifiable patient interview notes with her. Each and every one of

them, based on her notes, all gave the same 'diagnosis'; Patient X was

suffering from a very mild form of Aspergers.

However, theirs went deeper. Besides providing advice to their colleague

on how she could further test to narrow her diagnosis down even further,

they also pointed out other issues.

Of the seven psychologists, four gave their opinions that the child was

also suffering from a mild form of PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder),

had very likely been abused as a child (which likely explained the PTSD),

was highly intelligent (common with those diagnosed with ASD) and

indicated where in the Patient's psyche notes he had issues relating to

emotional disconnect.

Once her interviews were completed, she then illegally went through the

notes of each psychologist to find their own patients suffering from

similar. Picking twenty one of the child ASD diagnosed at random, she

located them and began to observe them to see how close their symptoms

related to those displayed by Lord Potter.

From that twenty one she narrowed her list down to six. Then, she

carefully set up situations where the child saw something, she then

surreptitiously obliviated them of the knowledge and asked them

questions relating to what she'd obliviated from their minds. Of that six,

five 'proved' the oblivation did not hold.

And, finally, she wrote up her report and presented it to Croaker.

Sitting in the chair opposite Croaker's desk as the Head Unspeakable read

through her report, skipping through sections until he reached her

conclusions, he finally gave a grunt, looked her back in the eye and said,

"So; it's proven, then. Potter's ability to shrug off obliviations is related to

his, as you put it, autism.

"Yes, sir," she firmly and immediately replied. "I can, of course, widen my

experimentation and research, but I believe it will only strengthen my


He nodded and said, "Five out of six is pretty conclusive, isn't it?"

Knowing Croaker didn't expect a response, she remained silent.

A few moments later, after appearing deep in thought, he asked, "Any

idea why one of the six did not show signs of being able to throw off the


"I think the... degree... of their autism wasn't as strong, or as deep if you

prefer, as the other five," she replied. "I'll also point out these were all

muggles. If I was able to find similar numbers of witches or wizards who

suffered from this I think we might find it would be six out of six who

were able to shrug it off."

Croaker sighed, sat back and rubbed his temples. "Your research shows us

that, if there are other witches and wizards like Potter, there could well

be those we've obliviated in the past of knowledge we do not want them

to have, who have then kept it secret the obliviations didn't work on


"Yes," she firmly returned. "However, as they've obviously not gone on to

share that information... otherwise we'd've heard about it... I don't think

it's as big an issue as it could be. They're keeping silent, which is what we

wanted, anyway."

Croaker gave a grunt affirming her response.

"The bigger issue is one I've not written down," she said. "I felt it was too

dangerous to do so. However, if you were to reason it out, you'd also see


"Oh?" he quiet asked, looking back at her with intensity.

"I have not written down that the muggles' own research into this

syndrome have reached certain conclusions," she replied. "First; the

numbers of those suffering from autism are now at about one in every

fifteen hundred. Second; the numbers are steadily and gradually rising

with belief the numbers will increase to at least three in every fifteen

hundred by the turn of the century. Third; in almost all cases the

diagnosed were male, but the numbers of females is also increasing. And,

by no means the least important, fourth; with that many I have no doubt

there are those muggles who were supposedly oblivated by the Ministry's

Obliviation Teams of seeing magic, but still remember it.

"Of the last, if word of that gets out, I fear those Obliviation teams will

become muggle execution teams, just to keep the secret of magic from the


Croaker was a long moment before he quietly said, "Weeellll... shit!"

Klein nodded back.

With a long sigh, Croaker said, "Alright. This information just went to

Deep Secret. All your research is to be so classified. Bundle it all up and

lock it up. Even the knowledge the research exists is now a Deep Secret,


"Yes, sir," she replied.

"Continue to assist our young Lord Potter," he went on, "But also remove

any link to his... what did you call it? Autism?"

"In full, Autism Spectrum Disorder," she replied. "But, yes, autism."

"Autism," he nodded. "Remove that phrase and any linked to it from your

written notes and call it something else, that Post Trauma thingy sounds

best, but continue to treat the young man, regardless."

"Yes, sir," she replied. "However, I should also point out that ASD...

autism... might not be the only PDD, Pervasive Developmental Disorder,

where there's pathology of an immunity to obliviations. It's just the only

one I've specifically tested against. If there are more... and more


Staring at her for a moment he snarked, "Gee... Thanks, so much."

She just smiled a little and gave a shrug meant as apology.

When he gave a nod and returned to reading the report, this time fully,

she knew she'd been dismissed. She rose and quietly made her way out.

Beginning to read the report in full, Croaker could feel a new headache

coming on. He mused, 'That young... smartarse... is causing me...

everyone, really... no end of problems and it's not even his bloody fault.'




Before Fleur left for work on Monday morning and while he was

finalising her breakfast, Harry asked her to go wake the other two and

ask them to join them.

Without even asking, Fleur just agreed and went in to wake them both.

When both came out they joined Harry and a now eating Fleur in the

apartment's small dining room.

"What's going on?" asked Hermione.

Harry had a cup of tea prepared for both, but before they could even take

their first sips he offered a small package to each of the three.

The size and shape had each of them give a small gasp of surprise - they

were clearly ring boxes.

Harry, pleased at their initial reactions, smiled back and said, "Well, go

on then, open them."

And all three did just that.

Of course, the gift was a ring for each. Each was a ladies' signet ring with

the House Potter crest on it. In Hermione's case, there was a small

diamond embedded in what would be the bottom left quarter of the

shield; Fleur's was a sapphire and Daphne's was an emerald.

All three girls, with Daphne asking first, demanded Harry slip them onto

their fingers. He was happy to do so.

As soon as each ring slipped onto their fingers it slightly warmed before

resizing to fit.

"They aire... magnifique!" Fleur softly exclaimed.

"I bought you each a ring that clearly forms a set," explained Harry. "Each

is only different in the stone used in the quartered shield. And each has

certain protective charms laid on them in the form of runes. I'll let you

figure them out, as I'm sure you'd want to do even if I told you what they


Hermione, still staring at her ringed finger with a watery smile, muttered,

"You know us so well."

"Uh-huh," he nodded. "I know what effect Fleur's choker has had on the

population of Hogwarts. And, if all it took was the choker to tell one and

all she's protected by me, then I think the rings will add to that for each

of you."

"Yes," said a just as teary-eyed Daphne. "It is very clever."

Almost as one, the three girls then almost fought one another to give

Harry the best snogging of the three.

"Happy Valentine's Day," they each said to one another.




The next day was the day of the February sitting of the Wizengamot. And

Sirius's Bill was, of course, the first and main matter discussed.

It should have been no surprise it passed, considering the size of the

voting bloc of the Grand Alliance, but Harry was still so. The margin was

even larger than he hoped in his wildest dreams at over seventy percent

in favour.

As of that day it became, with a few very specific exceptions, illegal for

two or more of opposite sexes to enter a relationship agreement in any

form where the two had a common ancestor within the past five


Of course, there was also mutterings of those ignorant traditionalists who

just wouldn't accept that determination. Those mutterings were of those

who thought they could skirt the law by sending the two to get bonded

overseas to have the ceremony performed there. Therefore, having first

heard it some time ago, Sirius had included an addendum into the Bill at

almost the last minute that covered that. Anyone who tried that path

would have their bondings refused to be recognised within magical

Britain. And, any child born of that union would be legally recognised

within magical Britain as a bastard and locked out of inheriting titles.

That, too, caused a furore. However, it gained very loud support from the

Tapestry Circle. Sirius countered much of the negativity directed his way

by indicating his fiancé and pointing out how she was both a pureblood

of high enough standing and they did not have such a common ancestor.

And strengthened that by, with permission of the heirs, showing their

own ancestries and lack of such a common ancestor.

"It can be done, my fellow Members," he firmly stated. "It just takes a little

bit more effort. If you don't do this, your laziness will... as has been

proven... kill or deform babies. Dead or deformed babies cannot carry on

your bloodlines, so you don't want that.

"Do what is right; not what is easy. Or be prepared for your House to go


That, temporarily at least, shut up those still muttering in annoyance.

The Bill ended up being passed and becoming the Statute for the

Protection and Magical Strengthening of the Bloodlines. A new, though

small, office within the Department of Wizarding Childrens' Services

would be created to oversee the enforcement of the Statute. All

Inheritance Tests would still be undertaken at Gringotts and a Gringotts

Certified Document containing the bloodlines would now be required as

an addendum to the new registration form, together with a copy of the

Relationship Agreement, to register a Relationship Agreement with the

new Office. And such registration would be required in advance of any

handfasting or similar.

The passing of the Bill into Statute was met with raucous applause from

the visitors' gallery in approbation.

Harry was thankful that the majority of the blood bigots were now dead.

Maybe Ron did not mean to kill them all, while also killing himself in the

process; but Harry knew he had to be thankful for that event of

serendipity, even if it was accidental.

It now meant they were all just that much safer from harm.




With Sirius's Bill now an actual Statute, Harry stood to give the first

reading of his own Bill; the Bill for the Protection of Muggle-Raised

Wizarding Secrecy.

He opened with an overview of why he was standing, what he saw as the

issue and how the Bill, if accepted into becoming a Statute, would rectify

that issue.

"One moment, Lord Potter," interrupted one of the newly inducted Lords,

not realising he should not be cutting in. "Am I to understand you had at

least two bouts of accidental magic in public that were not attended by

Ministry Obliviators?"

"You understand correctly," Harry nodded. "One was when I was six years

old and turned the hair of my grade three teacher a bright blue. It was

done in front of twenty-six six year old children, of which only two were

approved to know of magic - myself and my cousin. Of the other twenty

four, they were of twenty three different families - two were twins. Of

course, there's also the teacher, herself.

"The second time was when I was seven years old and accidentally

apparated from out of the school playground and onto the roof of one of

the school buildings. While I do not believe I was seen apparating, nor

did I know at the time that is what happened, the entire school staff...

and most of the kids, too... knew I had to be rescued from off that roof by

one of the school's staff, the custodian, with a ladder. I was, at the time,

unable to explain how it happened, but it is known something... odd...

had occurred.

"All other times of accidental magic were while I was inside the prison-

home of the Dursleys, when Dumbledore would show up and illegally

obliviate everyone - including my very young, at the time, muggle cousin


That had quite a few mutterings of both shock and outrage from the


"In a nutshell my Bill, once it becomes a Statute, will have not just

Ministerial Obliviators turn up at a scene of accidental magic, but also

trained first contact responders who will advise the family of the

muggleborn what had just happened. These first contact responders will

also provide the family of the new muggleborn with a method by which

the family will be able to immediately alert the Obliviators that

something has magically happened and they need to attend. I suggest

something like a rune stone with an alert charm the family can activate.

"I also believe it will cause less accidental magic events if the young

muggleborn and their family is given some counselling into how to

prevent such occurrences in the future through meditation techniques,

etcetera. And, as we all know, the less accidental magic events that

occur, the greater the protection of wizarding secrecy."

Turning to look directly to Ogden, Harry said, "Chief Warlock, the House

of Potter thanks you for this opportunity to present its views and submit

for first reading the Bill for the Protection of Muggle-Raised Wizarding

Secrecy." And quietly sat.

The Bill contained a great deal more than what Harry had just spoken of,

but that was a very important part of it, all the same.

During his talks with mind-Healer Bincutty, he'd asked about what

obliviations did to a young child. And, from that, figured out some very

important points. First, the obliviation of a young child was fraught with

the danger of causing permanent mental harm to the child. Second, that

mental harm generally was in the form of an alteration to the child's

psyche. And, third, oblivations weren't legally allowed to be performed

on children. Instead, the memory they would normally obliviate in the

adult was supposed to be, instead, locked behind the mental form of a

notice-me-not charm within the mind of the child. However, the

Ministry's Obliviators had gotten lazy and, whether through ignorance of

the problem/law or carelessness, simply obliviated everyone.

It was through those talks, Harry had come to understand that much of

Hermione's driven need to 'know everything' may well have come from

once knowing something to do with magic as a child and being obliviated

of it; and subconsciously knowing she once knew something, but did no

longer. He could also see similar in Colin Creevey's incessant need to

document everything in the wizarding world through the medium of

photography. Through that medium he would then have a record of

things he may 'forget about' at a later time. Sally-Anne Perks, another

muggleborn, before her parents had pulled her out of Hogwarts had the

habit of trying to fade into the background so she wouldn't be seen. If she

wasn't seen, she wouldn't be obliviated.

Harry's Bill would go a long way to seeing muggleborns not have their

memories hidden within their minds, let alone be obliviated of them. The

Obliviators would be forced to bring in a Ministry 'expert' in integrating

muggleborns into the magical world at the first sign of accidental magic.

The law made it flat out illegal, with prison time if breached, to tamper

with the memories of muggleborns.

He just hoped he'd be able to get the Bill through to being enacted and

becoming a Statute.




Almost immediately after Harry had submitted his Bill for first reading,

Amelia stood and submitted the first of her own.

The first was an addition to the existing Statute that laid out the laws

surrounding the creation of the Ministry's overall budget.

As she'd tabled at the meeting of the Alliance back in January, it had two

main parts. The first was a Wizengamot-ordered increase to the DMLE

budget. The second was for the DMLE budget to be tied as a minimal

percentage of the entire Ministry budget.

As it was only a 'small' change, as most of the Members believed, it was a

quick 'reading' with minimal discussion.

She then moved straight onto her next item, a bill that - for national

security, of course - would require all Ministry personnel to give oaths to

always support the lawful government of the time and to never work

willingly or knowingly contrary to the law; or be required to resign from

the Ministry and not able to return unless willing and able to make such

an oath.

As she couched the entire thing as a national security provision, rather

than a way to stop dark lords infiltrating their people into positions of

knowledge and power within the Ministry, she even had some of the

Lords of dark Houses unconsciously nodding in agreement with her.

Harry quietly wondered how long it would take before those nodding

Lords of dark Houses would realise that little fact. And further wondered

just how many current employees within the Ministry were suddenly

going to find that giving that oath would also mean they'd no longer be

able to accept bribes to, among other things, 'look the other way'.

Accepting a bribe would be working 'willingly or knowingly contrary to

the law'.

Striking while the iron was hot, she then went into her third item of

business to be brought before the Wizengamot.

As the Alliance knew, she wanted the existing laws gone through with

the intent to strip out those Statutes, or sections of Statutes, that

protected the 'wrong sort of people'. Harry again immediately thought of

the one that protected purebloods from the use of Veritaserum in trials,

but still didn't say anything.

That was the term she used, too; 'the wrong sort of people'. With a grin,

Harry had immediately realised that, for him and his, that meant those

who were bigots, law breakers, etcetera. For the bigotted purebloods, it

meant muggleborns and, somewhat, halfbloods. She just never clarified

what she meant by the terminology she used, though Harry and the other

sitting members of the Alliance certainly knew. At the meeting she'd even

explained she'd be using that term and why. Then she immediately

looked at Harry and smirked.

She'd just silently let him know she'd employed logic, as he did, and

developed her strategy. She confirmed it for him, later and during the

socialising and informal period after the official meeting, when he'd

deliberately sought her out and asked.

He'd laughed in amusement.




It was only the next morning Harry received a 'rushed' package from Ted.

It had the details of a property in the Hamptons - Southhampton, to be

precise - that Ted felt was absolutely perfect. And, the 'cherry on top' was

that it was actually a wizarding home; yet another deceased estate.

Harry took one look at the accompanying photographs and sent Ted back

a letter telling him to purchase it.

The home was on a two acre block surrounded by a high hedge on three

sides, missing the front. It was a two storey above ground with a

basement covering the entire footprint. Like many homes the basement

had casement windows, meaning the floor of the ground floor was about

three feet off the ground.

Because it was an American wizarding home it had all comforts of a

muggle home, with protective rune schema on those items that were

sensitive to magic. That is, it had electricity, reverse-cycle ducted air-

conditioning, a natural gas connection for the built in appliances that

needed it, a triple garage with driveway access, etcetera. Even better, as

it was a deceased estate, the inheritors were throwing in the furniture as

part of the sale; but not the cars. A house elf was also currently

maintaining the property, but was also not part of the sale.

Harry's letter to Ted included instructions to purchase a house elf and

'employ' it to maintain the property, replace the existing beds with new

and 'stock' the garage with two vehicles similar to the two at the

Lesmurdie property in Perth, Australia. For the time being the third bay

in the garage would be kept free.

The property in America was priced on a par with the property he

purchased in France. However, it was a little bigger, plus had the muggle

facilities the one in France did not.

With the purchase of the one in Southampton, New York, that was the

three important purchases made that would be public - Perth, France and

The Hamptons - plus the bolthole property in the middle of Wales. And it

had all been accomplished in only a couple of months. He was right

pleased. It no longer amazed him how fast things could be accomplished

when you were willing to throw gold at solving a problem.

"Now," he softly breathed, "About that motoryacht..."

And he began thinking about what he'd want in such a vessel to make it

as comfortable and enjoyable as possible. It then took him only a minute

or two to realise he needed to know what types of yachts, together with

what you could have in them, before he could think about having one


He grabbed a sheet of parchment and began to write a letter to Ted. He

wanted the man to organise for him a subscription or two to magazines

dedicated to the big motoryachts.




By the middle of March the Heirs had all become comfortable with the

'dark' new Lords and Heirs at the other end of the Lords' Quarters

corridor. Like Gibberd and Whitehead not once did Warrington, Beilby,

Urquhart or Alton give them any sort of signal, subtle or not, that they

meant any of the Heirs harm; including CeeCee.

Harry had also received his first copy; delivered via a redirect using the

muggle to wizarding, and vice versa, postal service; of a luxury

motoryacht magazine. Ted had come through for him. Amusing him, the

man had also written this pretty long diatribe-disguised-as-a-report about

how much money a yacht both cost to purchase and cost to maintain.

However, once Hermione saw the magazine for the first time she all-but

demanded to know why he'd subscribed. That led to him explaining he

had the inkling of an idea he might like to build or purchase one in the


However, he should have realised she wouldn't be so easily put off with

his wishy-washy response. She'd corralled the other two girls and they

tag-teamed him into coughing up the truth.

With a sigh he explained, "I had the idea that, once we're all done with

out NEWTs, we take a 'gap year' like they do in the muggle world. We

take a year off, directly after our NEWTs, and sail the world for that year.

Except for the crew of the yacht, we'd be out of the limelight for pretty

much that entire time... just us.

"Once we got that out of our system, we'd be better prepared for entering

the workforce, knuckling down and getting on with it. That is, of course,

if entering the workforce is something you want to do."

"What do you mean?" asked Daphne, getting in before either of the other

two could.

"I mean," he replied, "None of you, including myself, are under any

obligation to enter the workforce if you do not want to; ever. Yes, I know

that Fleur has her desire to get her mastery in curse-breaking. And that

you two have your eyes set on careers. But, there's no rush. You can take

all the time in the world."

The three all looked to one another before Hermione asked, "Do you have

your heart set on this?"

"No," he was quick to reply. "However, if we do want to do this, I need to

start work on it now. It can take a couple of years to build a yacht."

"And if we decide not to?" asked Daphne.

"Then we can use the yacht as an ocean getaway for short periods of

time," he replied. Indicating the magazine, he said, "I've read in here you

can easily charter the yacht out when you know you're not going to be

using it."

Hermione gave a quiet huff and said, "Then, if we do decide to do this, I

suppose it wouldn't hurt to have the yacht built. If we don't decide to do

it I suppose it'll be easy enough to sell it."

Harry grinned back in happiness and laid a huge kiss on her cheek. He

was worried they'd put their combined feet down and flat-out refuse him,

but it appeared his worry was in vain.

He didn't tell them, though, that yachts were both bloody expensive to

own and maintain, let alone purchase, and you never made anywhere

near the money back on them.

"Keep on your research of this and we'll revisit the idea and, next

summer, we'll have a second look at what more you've come up with,"

she added.

Harry was all for that. He already knew he'd like to take the yacht

through to some quite odd locations that he thought 'interesting'. One of

those was the Panama Canal, another was the Manchester Ship Canal and

a third was the canal and lock system that allowed ships to get deep into

the northern half of North America through some 'seaway', bypassing

Niagara Falls in the process. That meant there would be a limit to the

dimensions of the vessel that would need to be researched - draft,

headway, beam and length. However, because he wanted trans-oceanic,

it also had to have some pretty serious bunkerage for fuel. They just

wouldn't tell anyone he'd have runes installed to keep the tanks 'topped

up' to a minimum amount.

He'd get Ted onto that... as if the man didn't have enough to do. He

thought Ted should see it as punishment for going against him on

building a yacht.

Yeah, he'd palm the job off on one of his muggleborn interns; but that

was alright in Harry's book.




At the March Wizengamot session on the fifteenth, Harry was able to get

his Bill passed and it became a Statute. However, he felt it had more to

do with there being no less than five sets of laws up for decision.

Members had to be feeling a little snowed under with all the work, than

it being anything else. Besides Harry's one and Amelia's three, another

Member had put forth a Bill for a second reading that dealt with magical

creatures. Yes, the fact he was the Boy-Who-Lived and he intimated

pretty heavily on his own upbringing had a lot to do with getting his Bill

enacted, but it got through with minimal amendments.

He was so happy about it he even hung back at the end of the session to

allow well-wishers to congratulate him on getting his first Bill passed into


As for Amelia's: She got the amendment for the Ministry's budget

regarding a minimum percentage assigned to the DMLE; she also got

through the Bill to have the laws reviewed with the intent to have them

pared back. However, her Bill to have all Ministry personnel swear an

oath to, effectively, not break the law ended with amendments so severe

it was almost worthless. However, she would work on it and made sure

the oath she'd be forcing Ministerial employees to take would at least

stop them actively supporting a future dark lord or lady. It was only the

'not able to take bribes' part that was important and lost. The Lords

wanted to keep that... no surprise.




Also by March, the Fifth Years had begun to look towards reviewing for

their OWLs... except for Hermione; she started in January. However,

Hermione's stress levels were also starting to ramp up and the other

denizens of the Potter Apartment were keeping a close eye on her.

"Hermione, remember our warnings of last year," said Fleur.

"Good point," said Harry. Turning to look at his betrothed, he said, "One

minute past a four hour study limit and it's no sex for a month for each


Horrified, Hermione whined back, "But, Harry! It's OWLs!"

"Shall I set the maximum time to three hours?" he calmly asked.

Looking as if she was feeling betrayed, he sighed and calmly asked, "Just

how long did Fleur study for, for her NEWTs, Hermione?"

"I..." she began, before everyone saw her shoulders slump a little in defeat

and sigh. "No more than three hours a night."

"A lot less than that," smirked Fleur. "I only studied that long for the

exams I knew would be the 'ardest. For the easier ones... well, easier for

me... I only studied about an 'our and a 'alf.

"The trick, if you can call it that, is to know what is important to study

and focus on that. I will 'elp you, there. Plus, as I have already told you,

studying for too long is even worse than not studying at all. Your mind

simply cannot absorb that much information."

Hermione silently nodded back. But she did have her head down.

The other three - Harry, Fleur and Daphne - knew it meant she would

obey the 'order'. That allowed Harry to relax his firmness in the

limitations he'd placed on her.

"Hermione," he said, getting her attention. "I know it might come over all

unrelenting when I limit your studying like that, but you can also see that

both Daphne and Fleur are in agreement in this.

"How about you ask for Fleur's help during the evenings in guiding you

towards what would be best you focus your studying on, so you don't

waste time in studying what doesn't really matter?

"Actually, I think she can help the three of us in that endeavour. What do

you say?"

That had the girl smile back in happiness before she turned to Fleur.

"You... wouldn't mind?"

"Certainly not," Fleur firmly replied. "And, 'Arry is correct; I will be able

to guide the three of you in what you need to apply your focus upon for

each of your subjects."

That had Hermione hug her and softly say, "Thank you."

"Yes," said Daphne. "Thank you."

Harry quietly blew her a kiss.

From then on, the Potters set aside at least two hours a night after dinner

to focus on specific revision for their upcoming OWL exams. A lot of it

was reviewing what they'd studied in class that day with Fleur indicating

what she thought would be the most important.

She also told them about how each of the wand-based classes, especially,

had the allowance in the practical side of the examination for the testee

to go for bonus points.

"It is here where you have the most to gain," she explained.

"Demonstrating knowledge and skills above OWL level can mean the

difference between an Outstanding Plus and a simple Outstanding, or an

Outstanding and an Exceeds Expectations."

Harry said, "Then perhaps we should also see if we can figure something

out for each class that will allow us to go for those bonuses. For a start,

for DADA, I think I'll be trying to teach each of you how to cast the

Patronus Charm."

"That would do it," nodded Fleur. "You could also use that one for


"Can we cast a Patronus?" asked a worried Daphne.

"Oh, yeah," grinned Harry. "If I can cast a one in third year, you can cast

one in your fifth.

"Besides, I know the secret of how to cast one. Plus, I'll be the one

teaching you."

She looked surprised for a moment before she snorted in amusement and

almost snarkily said, "A bit full of yourself, aren't you?"

"Not if I'm right," he replied, unfazed. "And I know I am."




From then on, the Potters had their study schedule for the remainder of

the school year through to their OWLs.

As promised, Harry began instruction in how to cast the Patronus charm

for his ladies; and Fleur was quick to also 'demand' she be taught, even

though she didn't need to learn it for any exams. However, once the other

Heirs discovered Harry was teaching the Patronus, the other ladies all

turned 'puppy dog eyes' on him. He found himself quickly surrendering

and offering to teach the others, including MacMillan.

Because they wouldn't have room in the apartments, the Heirs all trooped

up to the Room of Requirement and began their lessons there. Before

long he also had a few others also asking to be taught, including aurors.

Harry just developed a mien of pained acceptance and just got on with it.

The first to 'get it' was Fleur. Her Patronus turned out to be a seagull.

Once she found hers and cast her first corporeal Patronus, the others very

quickly began to get their own.

Hermione's was an otter - Patronus otter, p. otter, Potter - no surprise,

really. Daphne's was a jaguar. Neville's was a lion - again, no surprise.

Susan's was an alsatian german shepherd. Hannah's was a beagle. Justin's

was a great ape. Tracey's was a meerkat. Ernie's, one of the last to 'get it',

was a porcupine.

CeeCee was close to getting a fully corporeal Patronus but was not quite

there yet. However it looked big, whatever it was. While she was

disappointed, Harry was quick to assure her she wasn't far off and

reminded her she was two years younger.

"You'll get there," he said. "We'll just have to come up with a better

memory for you. You just need time."

He also managed to teach three aurors the skill through to corporeal

Patronuses. They each had: a standard grey wolf, some sort of fish and a

small monkey. The fish surprised him the most, as he'd not seen a water

environment based Patronus before. It seemed to swim through the air

with the same ease its organic brethren would have swum through water.

Harry then had a visit from Amelia where he had to promise to help

teach the skill to other aurors during summer.

He just gave her a pained expression and replied, "If I have time. We

haven't sorted out our summer schedule yet."

She didn't push it.

For transfiguration, Fleur put them through their paces on inanimate to

animate transfiguration, pushing forward for the bonus points by making

the item they animate perform a dance or something. This time,

Hermione picked it up first, then Daphne and lastly Harry. Harry focused

on turning something like a chalice into a dancer. That sort of magic

required finesse; something he lacked compared to the others. He was

more brute force and knew it.

Harry had also decided to keep his promise to Hermione and studied

Tracey's notes for Muggle Studies. He'd put his name forward to take the

OWL for it and carefully went through what they were studying and he

suspected of what would be in the exam. Then went ahead and

researched the new area of digital communications for the bonus points.

He couldn't see anyone else focusing on that.




83. Two Handfastings and

Trouble Arises

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to the proverbial Duchess of

Magic, JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high

falutin' companies. No matter how much I whine about not owning anything

related to the HP universe, other than a few fanfic plots, I do not profess to

own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful

world... Damn it!

Chapter Eighty Three - Two Handfastings and Trouble Arises




By the time OWLs arrived on Monday, the first Monday of June, the

Heirs were ready.

Hermione had reduced her hours of evening study right down to under

the three hours Harry had threatened to cut her down to. And it was all

because of Fleur handing her the book on study tactics and hints they

used in Beauxbatons.

Of course, she then demanded Harry track down English versions,

enough for the entire group, which Harry was happy to send Dobby off to

do. He purchased an even dozen of them. Later, they were distributed

among the Heirs, even MacMillan got one. Then she set-to with a plan to

properly schedule everything, coming up with said schedule in less than

three days.

However, at times the schedule didn't turn out to be much of a schedule

due to constant alterations that needed to be made to it. Some, for

example, were Harry's need to add in Patronus charm classes, his

forgetting about and then having to change things to add in Muggle

Studies and all of them forgetting about History of Magic. Of course, once

they all checked, they realised none of them were planning on taking that

subject through to NEWTs, even if the subject had gotten a lot better with

the arrival of Professor Goodstone at the beginning of the previous

calendar year. That meant the amount of time spent studying that subject

was reduced compared against a subject they knew they wanted to take

into NEWTs.

Harry was okay with all of that, as he actually liked those sort of

schedules. And Hermione's, as far as he was concerned, was close to

brilliant; even with having to constantly make alterations.

However, the first day of two weeks of exams were finally upon them and

they were ready to go.




Finally received was the invitation from Lord Clearwater of the Noble

and Most Ancient House of Clearwater regarding the handfasting of his

granddaughter, Penelope, to Percy Clearwater née Weasley. The

handfasting would be held the weekend following the handfasting of

Sirius and Jace; on Harry's birthday, of all times.

He'd even received a short note from Lord Clearwater asking if it was

alright to hold it on that day, as the man did not wish to offend. Harry

was quick to dash off a letter back stating he felt honoured the man had

chosen his birthday for his Heir Secondary to marry.

When he was going to ask the twins about it, Hermione suggested he

invite them up to the apartment so they could all hear about it.

The twins were quick to accept and, the following weekend when they

visited, they regaled the Heirs with everything they knew about what

was going on with it.

According to them, their mother tried to demand the handfasting occur at

the Burrow; something Lord Clearwater immediately shot down. They did

not know what his letter to their father - not their mother - said, but their

father had apparently immediately gone to visit Lord Clearwater with his

'cap in hand' to grovel in apology for whatever Molly's words were.

When he'd returned home he'd summoned Bill, as Heir Apparent to the

Elder Houses of Weasley and Prewitt, to a formal meeting between them

two, Molly and Percy. They'd heard from Bill that their Dad had 'laid

down the law' to their mother - something they'd never remembered him

doing before. Their mother was firmly told she could undertake the

formal role of 'Mother of the Groom', and only the 'Mother of the Groom',

or would have no role in the handfasting at all. And that Percy had even

gone so far as to tell his mother that if she tried to interfere any further

in their nuptials he'd cut off all communication with her until after the

honeymoon at the earliest; and he'd also ask Lord Clearwater to do the

same from the Clearwaters.

It was clear to them it was something their mother did not want to hear,

but their brother stuck to his wand grip and wouldn't budge one jot; not

even when his mother turned on the waterworks and tried to guilt trip

him, let alone his father and his eldest brother, into complying. He again

had their respect for that.

"That must have come as a shock to her," said Hermione.

Both twins grinned back and said, "Honestly, it shocked us, too.

"We had no idea Percy had the gumption to force Mum to back down."

So, the handfasting would occur on the grounds of Clearwater Grove, the

Clearwater estate in southern England, as per Clearwater family tradition;

and Molly Weasley could comply with it - and work with Lady Clearwater

- or stay the hell out of it.

Apparently she wasn't willing to do that after the first meeting between

her and Lady Clearwater, when she'd then tried to put her foot down and

once again take over, so Lady Clearwater tossed her from the estate with

the firm command she'd be told what was going on and what her role

would be.

The whole thing generally amused the male Heirs, with the female Heirs

somewhat mortified or just plain angry Molly had tried such a nonsense.




They all had received their schedules for the timings of the OWL exams

the Monday a week previous. That gave them a whole week to sort out

their last-minute cramming schedule and what to 'last-minute' study on

the night before exams the next day.

Thankfully, the scheduling was not too onerous. For the first week they

had the written component of the subject in the morning and the

practical component for that subject in the afternoon. Monday, charms;

Tuesday, Transfiguration; Wednesday, Herbology; Thursday DADA; and

Friday, Ancient Runes.

The second week was a bit muddied up. Monday was Potions, written in

the morning and practical in the afternoon. Tuesday had CoMC, both

written and practical, in the morning; and Muggle Studies, both written

and practical, in the afternoon. Wednesday had the Arithmancy written

exam in the morning, with no separate practical component; the written

component of Astronomy in the afternoon; and the practical of the

Astronomy exam in the early evening. Thursday had History with no

practical exam in the morning; while the afternoon was set aside for

those taking exams where the examinee was ill for the original time of

the exam. The Friday was also set aside for that. Thankfully, none of the

Heirs fell into that category.

So, for the Heirs, they were complete on the Thursday at lunch of the

second week and were able to relax. The exams had, of course, been

quite stressful.

As planned and for the first week, for Charms and DADA the Heirs all

went for the bonus points in the practical by casting their Patronuses; to

the amazement of the examiners. For Transfiguration Harry transfigured

his mouse into an eggcup, the required practical component, and then

animated it into performing a tap dance for the bonus. For the Herbology

practical bonus he had Dobby bring him an example of the same poly-

pipe reticulation system he'd bought Neville over a year and half ago and

explained how, with runic magic, it could be automated. He left the

Herbologists excitedly chatting with one another as he left, each of them

with voicing they thought the idea brilliant. He didn't go for the bonus in

Ancient Runes on the Friday as they didn't allow it.

For the second week, for Potions he brought a microscope with him and

explained how not all contaminants were either visible or macrobiotic;

instead, some could be microbiotic. And explained his idea of how to

reduce that form of contamination. For CoMC he not only successfully

approached a hippogriph, he rode it for a short flight. For Muggle

Studies, where he felt the written exam was beyond easy, he brought out

and demonstrated, without turning it on, a mobile phone; then explained

how it was relatively new technology that would lead to the great

majority of muggles owning one by the turn of the century. The

Arithmancy exam he also thought was beyond easy, simply because it

was straight forward mathematics. Astronomy was just an exercise in

memory retention. As was History on the morning of the last day,


As the History exam wasn't that long, just tiring, the Heirs all trooped up

to the Lords' Quarters and almost immediately trooped into the Potter


Harry collapsed onto one of the long couches and immediately had

Daphne and Hermione snuggle in on each side.

"That... was exhausting," he sighed.

With his own sigh, Neville said, "At least we have a decent sized summer

vacation to look forward to now."

"When do we receive our marks?" asked Hermione. "I hope we get them

early. We have to choose our courses for next year."

Daphne gave a quiet snort and said, "Accept that you received

Outstandings in all your subjects, Hermione. And pick what you want to

study from there."

"No more than eight," Harry firmly stated. "I will not have you exhausting

yourself so badly you end up doing nothing but attend classes, do

assignments and sleep."

"I know," she sighed. "I'm... just having difficulty accepting that at the

moment. I still don't know what I really want to do for a career."

"Yes, you do," said Daphne, straightening up to look around Harry. "You

want to go into Law. You want to push forward changes to legislation to

improve the lives of magical creatures, muggleborns and halfbloods. We

all already know that.

"So, you need to choose subjects that will help you in that field. History,

the Politics elective, the Law elective and Advanced Muggle Studies

should be your first four. I'd then add Ancient Runes and Arithmancy as

two of the other four. You just need to think about what the other two

will be. Probably Charms and Transfiguration, or Charms and DADA

would be my choices."

What about you, Daphne?" asked Harry. "Finally hit on your final choice,


She gave a nod and said, "I'm thinking of combining my final two

choices. I want to go into Healing, with a focus on spell development in

the Healing field."

"Nice," said Neville.

That then opened the discussion up to what everyone else was narrowing

down to their final choices of career. Neville, of course, was going to be a

Herbologist before finally taking over from Pomona Sprout as the

Professor of Herbology at Hogwarts. He'd already discussed it with her

and she was supportive.

Hannah was looking towards shopkeeping. Of all things, she wanted to

run a pub. Susan was looking to a career at the Ministry in the DMLE,

with a goal towards becoming Minister one day. Tracey was looking

towards a career in Potions; as, once Snape was replaced, she'd shown a

remarkable talent in the field. Ernie was still not sure, but was thinking

of starting up a muggleborn relationship consultancy that would work

with Harry's Statute that now made it law for new young muggleborns

and their families to be aware of the magical community after the first

outward sign of accidental magic. He'd explained about 'outsourcing' to

the others and, apparently, CeeCee had told him that's what they had in


As for Harry, he was going to be focused on pushing the Potter legislative

agenda, and... secretly... approaching the Department of Mysteries about

working there. If the Unspeakables turned him down, he'd look towards

spell development, like Daphne; or look towards anything else that took

his fancy. If nothing else, he'd be quite happy to be a stay-at-home father

when that time came. As he'd explained to his ladies, there really was no

need for any of them to tie themselves to careers.

Once their informal meeting wrapped up as lunch was quickly

approaching, Harry suggested they all change out of school uniforms and

into 'civvies'.

"We're done," he reminded them. "Therefore, there is no requirement for

any of us to wear school uniform again."

That had them all happy and, returning to their apartments for those who

weren't Potters, changing.

Before heading down to lunch, Harry dashed off a quick note to Fleur to

let her know they were now done with their OWLs. He knew she'd

appreciate it; just as they appreciated learning from her when she

completed her NEWTs.




Because OWL exams, together with NEWT exams, covered the last two

weeks of the school year, there were no final weeks where the professors

loaded them down with summer homework. For the seventh years it was

because their schooling was over. For the fifth years it was because no

one truthfully had any idea what classes they'd be allowed, or were

eligible, to attend for their NEWTs.

When Hermione found out about that a few weeks earlier, she went

around to each of her Professors and asked for 'homework' they could

recommend she do as preparation for her sixth year. None of them

provided her any as, apparently, it was school policy not to.

As Professor Babbling told her, "You need the entirety of your summer

break to allow yourself to de-stress from your OWL exams. Study if you

wish; we cannot stop you. However, none will be assigned to you, even

by request or informally."

When she returned to the apartment in a bit of a huff Harry silently took

her by the hand and dragged her into his bedroom.

She wasn't in a huff when they both exited over an hour later. Harry was

sporting a smug grin and Hermione almost bonelessly dropped onto one

of the couches and 'dreamily' sighed.

Daphne hid her smirk behind her Occlumency. It was she who suggested

Harry just drag her off to his room and 'de-stress' her. He wouldn't have

done it unless she'd both suggested it and told him outright Hermione

wouldn't be against it. It was his trust in all three of them that had him

not doubting her.




With the Alliance meeting on the Saturday, yet again the day before the

Hogwarts Express ran back to Kings Cross, all the Heirs yet again had

permission to skip the train trip.

This time the meeting was at Bones Manor with Amelia Bones, of course,

chairing the meeting.

One of the items of business was Lady Marchbanks informing the Alliance

she was stepping down as Headmistress of Hogwarts as of the Leaving

Feast that night. The Heirs all knew it was coming.

The new Headmaster would be Ebenezer Goodstone, as expected. The

new Deputy would be Septima Vector, who would also be handing in the

Head of Slytherin post to take on the role. They had no idea who the new

Head of Slytherin would be, as no one knew who of the staff was actually

a Slytherin alumnus other than Vector.

With permission to skip the Feast, instead of all floo'ing back to the

school the Heirs went elsewhere. Harry, Hermione, Daphne and Fleur

floo'ed to the Doghouse with the intent to spend the first week at the

Granger Residence. Justin had Raggy pop him home, after first ensuring

there was somewhere at Bedford Castle he could be safely popped into

where those not in the know wouldn't see him. Surprisingly to the others,

Tracey went with him. CeeCee floo'ed to The Kennel with Sirius and

Narcissa; she'd be staying there for a few days before internationally

portkeying back to Perth. Sirius and Narcissa would be going with her,

this time, but staying at Harry's new place in Lesmurdie. Jace had gone

back to MaCUSA to visit. And Neville and Hannah would be staying a

few days with Susan at Bones Manor, so didn't floo anywhere.

After changing into muggle 'civvies', almost the first thing Harry did was

'read the riot act' to Dobby and Betsy about how he would be doing a lot

of the cooking while he was there; much to the chagrin of both elves.

Then happily set-to with making dinner that night.

The summer break, this year, was approximately ten and a half weeks

long. Quite some time ago Harry had looked at it and wondered how to

break the time into fair allotments and thought he'd come up with a

workable plan. Of course, that then would need to be altered based on

when others were able to take breaks from employment commitments

and the like to spend time with them. Of course, it had a lot to do with

how much time Fleur could get off work for a holiday, plus needed to tie

in with her need to be with Harry. That made the time they were going

to stay in France, together with how long, as the first required choice.

However, his ladies shot down his original plan with Daphne almost

snarkily asking, "Harry, do you know what a floo is?"

Then moderated her snark by explaining, "Except for France we can go

from place to place by simply stepping in one fireplace and out another.

We don't have to spend three plus weeks in one place, then the same in

the next, then the next. We can even cut it down to hour by hour if we

want to be completely mobile."

Eventually and because the Granger parents had jobs to worry about,

they all decided they'd stay at the Granger Residence for a couple days

covering the weekend just to unwind and get away from the magical

world for a little while, leaving on the Monday morning. Then through to

Friday evening at Pottermore for 'alone time', then back to the Granger

Residence for the weekend, and so on.

Their time in France was for two weeks and one day from the First of

July, as that was all the time Fleur could get off from Gringotts and they

needed to be back in Britain on the Saturday afternoon for the meeting of

the Alliance. Then they had a week back at Green Fields, followed by the

Delacours joining them for a week at Pottermore. That way, the

Delacours would be in magical Britain two days before the hand-fasting

of Sirius and Jace, as they were also invited, before then again spending

time with the Four.

However, most of the rest of time was pretty fluid, allowing the 'Potter

Four' to not have to stick to a strict schedule. For instance, they'd made

no plans whatsoever for the last four and a half weeks of the summer

break between when the Delacours depart to go back to France and

taking the train back to Hogwarts on the First of September.




For now they were at the Granger Residence with Harry happily working

in the kitchen. His ladies, though, were in Hermione's 'office' off her

bedroom with Monica.

Almost as soon as she entered, Monica asked, "How are the three of you


"We're fine, Mum," replied Hermione.

Then Monica was utterly surprised when Daphne replied, "We're all

alright, Mum Monica." And Fleur added, "We are well, Mum Monica."

Monica didn't know whether to laugh with the joy of that, or cry. "Mum

Monica?" she quietly asked.

Hermione replied, "It's something we picked up from CeeCee. She now

calls Narcissa, Mum Narcissa, to differentiate her from her adoptive

mother, Dorothy. We thought it was a good idea.

"For example, I'll now call Daphne's mother 'Mum Adeline' and Fleur's

mother 'Mum Pol'; Fleur's mum prefers to be addressed by the


Monica sat there for a few moment with a wide grin on her face. "That

sounds... nice."

While thinking about it, she saw the three younger women, for women is

what they were, all give subtle shifts in their posture of relief.

She grinned and said, "Don't worry about it, ladies. Given the...

uniqueness of your situation, I happen to think it's a very clever idea."

All three grinned back.

She gave that a moment before she asked, "Now; tell me about your

research into Harry's... mental issues."

Both Daphne and Fleur immediately deferred to Hermione by simply

looking to her.

Recognising that's what they were doing, Hermione gave a little throat

clear and said, "It's confirmed. Harry has a touch of autism."

"I know," she replied. "I was just down in the kitchen and watching him

prepare dinner for us all. Because I was looking for the signs for myself, I

could see it there. Have you not noticed he sorts out the ingredients into

some sort of order before he begins? I had, at first, mistaken it for 'mise en

place' purposes. They're all sorted chronologically."

"Chronologically?" asked Hermione.

"He sorts things out by when he needs to deal with them, in order of

dealing with them," she explained.

That had the other three all look back in surprise.

"I'd... not noticed that," muttered Daphne. "But, yes; I can see, now, he

does that."

The other two nodded.




On the Monday morning and after an early breakfast with the Grangers,

the Four floo'ed across to Pottermore.

Almost as soon as they stepped through, with Harry going first, Fleur

almost jumped him and whispered in his ear, "Mind taking me to the

master bedroom? I believe I'm the only one who you 'aven't ravished in

that bed yet."

Surprised, Harry turned to look at the other two, who just smirked back.

Thinking for a moment, he said, "How about we sort out sleeping

arrangements, unpack, check over the property and then you and I go

check out the master bed?"

She almost growled before she said, "Then let us 'urry, mon cher."

Less than an hour later, after doing all that, Fleur grabbed him by his off

hand and dragged him off to his bedroom. When they reached the suite,

she almost ripped clothing off in the hurry of getting undressed.

An hour later he lay next to his Veela concubine and asked, "You behaved

as if you were in pain and the life debt was driving you. Was that the


With a sigh, she replied, "A little... yes."

"Then you need to approach me earlier, Fleur," he firmly stated. "I do not

like the idea of you being in pain because you do not feel it is your place

to say something. That worries me."

It took a long moment, but she finally replied, "Oui. I shall... endeavour

to be more... forthcoming in future, yes?"

"Please," he nodded. "This is about your health, Love. What if there had

been something suddenly crop up that took me away from you for a few

days? You'd have been in all sorts of trouble, then."

She nodded back.

A moment later she suddenly threw her leg over Harry's hips and slipped

herself atop him. As she then sat up on his hips, she smiled and asked,

"Then, how about you make sure it will be a long while before I need you

again, oui?"

He smiled back and, while reaching up to fondle her breasts, replied,


They finally left the suite about forty minutes later.




When they did leave the suite after a shower each, they redressed and

headed downstairs. Both were surprised to find the manor quiet.

Frowning in a little confusion, Harry called Jeeves.

When the elf popped in he asked, "Where are my other two ladies?"

"They be naked in the pool," the elf grumbled, clearly somewhat annoyed

before he popped away again.

As Harry stood there, staring in surprise at where Jeeves had stood, Fleur

was snickering.

Finally, she began heading for the back of the manor while disrobing


"Fleur?" he asked.

Turning back as she allowed her blouse to drop from her fingers, she

said, "It seems we had no need to redress after all; no?"

Then she turned back and, while reaching behind her back for her bra

catch, kept walking towards the back yard.

Harry gave a slight snort of amusement while pulling his freshly-donned

polo shirt off over his head and followed her.

After a last look out the floor to ceiling back windows of the solarium

and onto the wide back patio with its in-ground pool, Fleur dropped her

knickers and walked out. Harry was only a few seconds behind her.




After an hour in the pool or relaxing on sun lounges by its edge, all the

while naked with all three, Harry got dressed and re-entered the manor.

As soon as he was inside he went to the welcoming hall and called


When the elf popped in, he said, "Ah, Willy. Is it possible to ward this

room off from the rest of the manor?"

"Yes, Master Harry," the elf immediately replied. "Willy has already dones

that. Willy did not want sudden visitors coming through the floo and

walking out to see his master and mistresses undressed."

A little relieved, Harry said, "Thank you. If you hadn't already done it, I

would have asked you to do so. I don't think any of us had thought until I

did a few minutes ago that sort of thing could happen."

Willy gave a little bow and said, "Jeeves understands. Master James and

Mistress Lily did that once, too. And the ward was always up because of

the war.

"Visitors can now only enter the floo room and cannot see further into

the manor unless Master or Mistresses comes and collects them."

With a grin, Harry said, "That's great, Willy. I am relieved to hear that."

When Harry returned back outside, he told his ladies what he'd learned

from Jeeves. While Hermione was a little concerned her father might

turn up and see them, the one shocked the greatest was Daphne. She was

still getting used to being naked outside, as this was her first time; so she

nearly shot off her sun lounger to run inside and get dressed. She'd only

disrobed, this time, because Hermione had encouraged her to do so. Even

then, she wore a wrap until she was ready to jump into the pool.

It was only Harry explaining how that wasn't necessary - and why -

before she calmed again. Fleur wasn't even slightly bothered and,

apparently, wouldn't have been bothered if even a horde of their friends

and family had turned up. Such was the nature of her being a Veela.




It was right in the middle of their time in France at Delacour Manoir

when their OWL results arrived on the Saturday morning. They were

carried by three clearly bone-weary owls that were going to need to rest

for at least a full day before being allowed to leave.

"Oh, my God!" exclaimed Hermione, when she realised what the owls had

been carrying. "I don't believe I forgot!"

Pol ended up having to release the owl carrying Hermione's results as the

once bushy-haired girl was suddenly way too jittery to handle it, herself.

With it in her hand and as Hermione closed her eyes trying to centre

herself before opening the envelope, Jean-Paul quietly called on a house

elf to bring a couple of vials of calming potion, just in case.

Then she took a deep breath and opened hers, quickly unfolding the

parchment within. A few seconds later her shoulders slumped a little in

relief before her face slowly morphed into a wide and happy grin as she

stared off into the distance.

Neither of the other two had opened theirs, as yet. Everyone had been

watching Hermione.

When she suddenly snapped back to herself, Hermione blushed before

she, babbling a little, asked the others to open theirs.

Harry gave a snort of amusement before he opened his own - and was

quite surprised by what he discovered. With the exception of History he

received straight 'O's; in History he scored an 'EE'. As for the Os, he

scored 'O+'s in Ancient Runes, Charms, DADA, Potions, and

Transfiguration; and ordinary 'O's in Astronomy, CoMC, Herbology and

Muggle Studies. That gave him fifteen OWLs.

Daphne picked up fourteen OWLs with straight 'O's across the board.

Astronomy, Herbology, History and Transfiguration were standard 'O's;

while Charms, DADA, Potions, Ancient Runes and Arithmancy were 'O


And Hermione was similar but with an extra class, like Harry. Unlike

Harry, though, she picked up straight 'O's like Daphne.

Astronomy, Herbology, CoMC and Muggle Studies (like Harry, she sat the

exam without attending the class) were standard 'O's; while Charms,

DADA, History, Potions, Transfiguration, Ancient Runes and Arithmancy

were 'O+'s. She scored eighteen OWLs plus 'Best in Year'.

The first to speak of those other than those three, Fleur exclaimed,


"That's... magnifique!" laughed a clearly happy Apolline.

A very relieved Hermione finally sighed and softly said, "I really had

nothing to worry about, did I?"

Harry laughed at that, quickly followed by the others.




Over the rest of the week and taking their time, the three now NEWT

students discussed among themselves their decisions for what classes

they'd take for their final two years. Harry had to, yet again, assure one

of his ladies that he would not stand in the way of them taking on a

career post-Hogwarts; this time it was Daphne.

"You taking on a Healer apprenticeship, with spell crafting thrown in,

sounds like a wonderful idea," said Harry, assuring her. "I'm just

wondering how you'll accomplish it.

"Will you undertake the Healer apprenticeship first, then a Spell crafting

apprenticeship; or vice versa? Or, can you do both at the same time?"

"I don't really know," she replied. "I think I'll take on the Healer

apprenticeship first, get experience in the field, then take on the spell

crafting apprenticeship in my spare time."

"It's up to you," he shrugged. "However, have you three given any

thought to my idea of taking a 'gap' year first?"

It was left to Hermione to reply. "Yes. However, you do realise, don't you,

that it means our having children is also put back a year?"

"If you want to," he replied. "However, I firmly believe a woman's body is

her own. As such, I firmly believe it is up to the woman when she wants

to bear children.

"Of course, I want children. But, I won't force you to have them. And I

certainly won't force you to have them on my schedule."

That got him well snogged.

Once they got that out of their systems, Hermione said, "Of course we

want children, Harry. We all do. But I think that decision will have to

wait until the Masters of their fields we take our apprenticeships under

are also okay with it."

"If they're not and the Masters or Mistresses of their fields are against it,

then we'll simply find a Master or Mistress who will be okay with it," he

stated. "If necessary, I'm quite willing to offer a financial incentive to

whoever it is who take you on to allow you the time to have a child, if

that's what you want."

He again got well snogged.




Just after they returned to magical Britain on Friday, the fifteenth of

July, the three sent off their choices to the new Deputy Headmistress,

Professor Septima Vector, the Arithmancy Professor.

Hermione would be taking: History, Charms, Transfiguration, Ancient

Runes, Arithmancy, Advanced Muggle Studies, the Politics elective and

the Law elective; making a course outlay of eight classes. If the workload

became too much she promised she'd drop Advanced Muggle Studies.

None of the others thought she'd have to keep that promise though.

Daphne would be taking: Herbology, Transfiguration, Charms, Potions,

Arithmancy, the Healing elective and the Estate Management elective; a

course outlay of seven classes. And Harry would be taking: Ancient

Runes, Charms, DADA, Transfiguration, the Politics elective, the Law

elective and the Estate Management elective; also seven classes.

Harry found out from Daphne later he was taking what was known as the

"Lords' Seven", as what he had chosen was seen as what those who would

be taking up Lordships or were otherwise wealthy were often choosing.

He just gave a snort of amusement in return. Once he thought about it for

a long moment he could see how it was quite obvious.

Harry had no intention of 'just' being a Lord, though. His intention was to

support his three ladies in their chosen careers. He had no problem with

taking a 'back seat' to them; and was even looking forward to it.




The day after they returned and the reason for them returning on the

Friday was because the July meeting of the Alliance was on the Saturday;

which, of course, meant the July meeting of the Wizengamot was four

days later on the Tuesday.

There was little of import in the meeting. However, Harry was pleased to

hear Professor Ebenezer Goodstone was already well into his role of

taking on the Headmastership of the school and Marchbanks was quite

happy to hand the reins over to him.

On one hand, he was sad to see her leave the post. He enjoyed talking

and otherwise interacting with her. However, on the other hand, he was

happy for her she was returning to take once more the post of the Head

of the Ministry office, the Wizarding Examinations Authority. It was very

clear she loved the work. After a short break she'd be again taking that

role on as of Monday, the first of August.

With a gentle smile to her, he quietly said, "I'm going to miss seeing you

in that office behind its gargoyle."

She smiled back and said, "That's sweet. Thank you, Lord Potter.

However, I assure you, Professor Goodstone is up to the task in my


He wrinkled his nose in distaste and said, "The man is a fan of


She just softly cackled back before she returned, "And may Merlin let that

be his only... sin."




Sirius and Jace's handfasting, the Black-Sykes handfasting, was the next

week. However, instead of a druidic handfasting as Harry had expected,

it was some form of hybrid handfasting/wedding of the type they now

used in MaCUSA. Never having seen a handfasting before and only

knowing a little about weddings, Harry had no idea until after the

ceremony when Daphne explained it to both him and Hermione.

That had Hermione determined she wanted her 'handfasting' to Harry to

be of the same style.

"It's like a blend of a muggle wedding and a wizarding handfasting," she

explained. "It covers both aspects of my life, when you think of it; muggle

and magical."

"Then such a hybrid ceremony you shall have," Harry was quick to say.

Of interest before the ceremony, though, was when Sirius got so nervous

he almost 'did the bolt'. He'd already started heading for the door to run

off when Remus calmly stunned him, dosed him with a ready-at-hand

calming potion and enervated him again.

"Better?" he asked.

After the nose-wrinkling Harry knew all too well, plus a glare at his best

friend, Sirius finally nodded and said, "Much better, thank you."

After that, the ceremony went off quite well, even with a great many

people attending. As a handfasting of One of the Seven the number of

attendees was, of course, significant. It was one of those 'everyone who

was an anyone' sort of events you had to attend if you were someone of


Harry spent a lot of his time speaking with a few folks from America,

who were either friends of Jace's, friends of her family or were actual

family; except for one, whom he could barely get anywhere near. That

person was of course Jocunda Sykes, Jace's grandmother, she who rode

an Oakshaft broom across the Atlantic and, on arriving in MaCUSA, set

up a new broom company there; Starsweeper.

He chose to spend a lot of his time talking to 'the Yanks' so he could

spend less time speaking with 'colleagues' off the Wizengamot. And, of

course, almost everyone off the 'Mot, plus their other halves, attended.

Apparently, the Members off the Wizengamot thought a handfasting

ceremony was a brilliant excuse to mingle with fellow Members, network

and try to make deals. Harry was of a different opinion, hence why he

spent as much of his time as he could away from them. His own opinion

was, unless the social event was specifically related to the 'Mot, then it

was not an event for which the Members should 'proselytise'. He also

used the excuse he was Sirius's godson to spend more time with Jace's


The Potters got out of there not that much longer after Sirius and the

now Lady Jacinta Sykes-Black took off on their honeymoon. They'd be off

for the week, and back for the Weasley-Clearwater handfasting the next

weekend and back to their honeymoon for the next week; this time, in

MaCUSA seeing the sites there. The Delacours, however, sent Gabrielle

back to Pottermore with the Potters, but remained to network.

Later, Daphne had a quiet word with him - that is, told him off - about

how important to the Potter family networking these sort of functions

actually was. He had to promise he'd try better at the Weasley-Clearwater

handfasting the next weekend.

He pouted back and said, "It's also my birthday. Aren't I allowed, as

birthday boy, to ignore everyone I want to?"

"No," she simply and firmly replied.

The Delacours left the next day to return to France and the Potters stayed

at Pottermore for the week. The Delacours would not be attending the

second handfasting.




As for the final days lead up to Percy's and Penny's handfasting, Harry

and Hermione had been receiving invite after invite from Molly to come

stay at the Burrow as Molly wanted 'her entire family' to spend the last

few days with her.

Harry had to finally send a letter to Arthur via HEED, to make sure Molly

didn't intercept it, asking the man to stop his wife 'barraging' them with

letters of demand to stay at the Burrow. He didn't write it, as he couldn't

bring himself to. However, Hermione and Daphne were more than

willing to write the letter on his behalf. He just signed it.

The important part of the body had:

~ # ~

As well as now being seen by us as nagging-via-post Molly continues, even

today, to utterly ignore that I have two concubines in Daphne and Fleur. Even

more she must know I and Fleur, due to her Veela life debt to me, cannot be

separated from me for any length of time. Even a short period of a few days

can cause her distress; longer can cause her harm. And yet, from her letters,

Molly continues to ignore her existence; let alone Daphne's.

I know she does not mean for her letters to be so, but they are insulting in her

refusal to acknowledge Daphne's and Fleur's part in my and Hermione's life.

Where Hermione and I go, Daphne and Fleur go. If neither Daphne or Fleur

are welcome, I see it as I and Hermione are likewise unwelcome.

However, that is only one issue. The next is how, as One of the Seven, Head of

the Noble and Most Ancient House of Potter, Heir Tertiary of the Noble and

Most Ancient House of Black, a Member of the Wizengamot and a founding

member of the Grand Alliance I have a great deal of responsibilities.

Responsibilities, I must often schedule a great deal of time in advance and

simply cannot either reschedule, beg off or otherwise ignore. To do so could

cause great or grave insult to others.

Due to schooling and Fleur's contract with Gringotts and the needs of our

greater families, our summers and other breaks are now carefully scheduled.

For instance, even though we received our official invitation to attend Percy's

and Penny's handfasting a couple months ago, we still had to rearrange quite

a bit of our summer scheduling to fit it into our calendar. I very much doubt

we were the only 'important persons' to have done so. Even now we have in

place scheduling for next summer's break.

Hermione and I are grateful Molly sees us as family. However, we actually are

not. And we must place our actual families' needs or desires above those of

others, such as the Weasleys. It would be wrong to do otherwise.

We have our own lives, Mister Weasley. Please speak with your wife and get

her to understand that. If she refuses, then we ask that you forbid her to

contact us.

Furthermore, with us four being guests of Lord and Lady Clearwater - me, in

my role as Lord Potter; Hermione, as my betrothed; and Daphne and Fleur as

my concubines - I have no choice but to ask you to ensure Molly does not

create, or otherwise engineer, a scene at the handfasting of Lord Clearwater's

Heir Secondary, Penelope, and your son, Percy. Lord Clearwater and I would

each have no choice but to see it as such a slight on the honour of each of us

in our formal roles as Two of the Seven. Plus, as I am also still recognised as

Heir Tertiary of Black, Sirius would also have no choice but to step in. I am

sure you have no doubt of what the result of such a confrontative act would


Please, please, make sure Molly understands that. We all know how she will

act if she sees someone she considers one of her children behaving in a manner

of which she does not approve, namely not obeying her every command. If she

does act in such a manner, the consequences would be dire for you and yours.

You know this.

~ # ~

Of course, the letter was painful for Harry to send. However, he really

had no choice. Molly, through her own stubborness, left him with no


Further, he also wrote a letter to Lord Basil Clearwater informing him of

the general contents of the letter he sent Arthur. Hedwig was very happy

to take it.

Lord Clearwater wrote a letter back the next day, delivered by his own

Northern Hawk owl, acknowledging Harry's letter, stating his own hope

Molly would not create a scene, informing him Molly would be 'closely

monitored' to ensure that the first sign of her losing her temper and about

to commit an action that would force the Seven to 'officially' react she

would be dealt with and 'wondering' how it is Harry had tolerated her

behaviour for so long.

Surprisingly, he also apologised for the 'only' three months forewarning

of the date of the handfasting stating he had left it to the last minute in

the hopes his granddaughter would 'wake up to herself' and decide Percy

wasn't the one for her after all. He only allowed the betrothal in the first

place in the hopes Penny just needed time to get over her 'crush' on the


'However, it now appears she loves the 'over-officious idiot' even deeper than

before.' And he was never one to deny his little princess something of

which she truly had her heart set upon.

He also wrote he was gifting the happy couple a small and comfortable

chalet, 'only six bedrooms, formal lounge, formal dining, solarium, etcetera'

that had been a 'steal' he'd picked up from one of the auctions of the

deceased death eater properties. It was in Blackpool on the south coast.

'This way, dear Penelope does not have to tolerate that shrew, Molly Weasley,

if she does not desire to. She and Percival will have their own home, away

from that woman.'

Harry did not think Basil would have a problem with him showing it to

his ladies, so he did. All three were amused.

The letter back from Arthur stated he would have Bill basically sit on her

if he had to, just to stop her from doing something stupid. Bill was under

orders from his Head of House to even stun her if it was necessary.




The actual handfasting had them arrive at Clearwater Grove as one of the

last guests, as was proper for Harry's station. They also arrived via

portkey in the Manor's welcoming room, not out beyond the front door or

via apparation as most of the guests were required to do to arrive. Only

those who were lords and ladies of Noble and Ancient Houses were so

accorded the welcoming room. Even the few so-called lords and ladies of

Elder Houses had to arrive via portkey on the front patio beyond the

front door. It was the same at the Black country property, where Sirius

and Jace were wed.

With his three ladies and himself in formal attire, Harry was greeted by

Lord Clearwater and his lady before his second son, Penny's uncle,

escorted them through to a temporary gazebo in the back gardens. It was

out there, being a traditional druidic handfasting, where the ceremony

would take place. The reception would then be held in the massively

expanded manor ballroom.

As they walked in to the huge gazebo, they were almost immediately

spotted by Molly. When it looked from her expression like she was going

to storm over to give them a serve, Bill, who was standing with her,

quickly latched onto her arm and, under a silencing charm, firmly told

her something that she clearly did not want to hear, but it at least

stopped her from immediately heading over all the same.

Harry was satisfied with that. If she'd done otherwise it would have

meant she'd be tossed from the handfasting before the handfasting even

occurred, then go blame it on him.

However, he was determined to have the woman, with her husband, visit

them at Pottermore; where he'd finally 'lay down the law' on her. He

knew it was something that was a couple years in the making and only

delayed because of Ron's behaviour and then subsequent death. Well, it

had now been eight months since Weasley's death and he was no longer

willing to allow his 'ex' faux-friend's passing hinder him in finally dealing

with the issue of a demanding Molly Weasley.

As for the service, Harry found it quite interesting, especially the druid's

words about how two lives had now become intertwined as if they were

roots. Harry thought it was a pretty good analogy of what could come of

a family tree from their joining.

After the service and as they were heading inside for the 'breakfast/

reception' part of the celebrations, Molly once more tried to come over to

speak with him. And, this time, Arthur had to take a firm hand on her

arm to stop her. However, she shrugged off his hand and began to storm

over... and was promptly intercepted by Bill. This time he surreptitiously

had his wand out and was clearly threatening her.

As they were all seated, Harry and his ladies were seated off to one side,

where the other lords and their ladies of the Seven were sat. And Harry

found him and his seated almost opposite Sirius.

As soon as they sat, Sirius leaned across the table a little and, frowning in

clear concern, asked, "What's going on with Molly Weasley?"

"She's upset with me because I sent a letter to Arthur telling him to stop

her constant nagging of Hermione and me through owl mail to come and

visit," replied Harry. "I, for one, have had a gutful of it."

"And I, for two," Hermione added. "We've not said anything until recently

because of all the dramas going on about Ron. However, it's now been

eight months since his death.

"Harry sent a letter to Mister Weasley telling him he had to get Missus

Weasley under control, especially at this handfasting, or Harry would

have to take official action as One of the Seven against him for failing to

do so.

"Missus Weasley clearly didn't like discovering that. And it looks like she

wanted to come over and give Harry a serve about it, which is something

she has a tendency to do when someone she sees as one of her children

doesn't do as they're told by her. Bill and Mister Weasley have, twice now

here today, had to cut her off and, it's looked like, threaten her."

Daphne said, "If it wasn't for Harry being One of the Seven and it would

be a direct insult to Clearwater if he did so, I'd recommend we four leave

before there's a scene. But, Harry really can't."

"No, he can't," Sirius agreed. He then looked around and saw the

'Weasley' table on the opposite side of the ballroom from them, with

Molly sitting facing the room and main table at an angle.

As a 'junior' member of One of the Seven Harry and his sat with their

backs to the floor and head table, which also meant they had their backs

to her. Sitting opposite, though, Sirius and Jace were facing that way. He

spotted the Weasleys through the gap between Harry and Hermione.

"I'll keep an eye on her," said a firm Sirius. "If it looks like she's again

intending on heading towards you and Arthur or Bill can't or won't cut

her off, I will."

Thankfully, they made it through the feast and right through to the

dancing without the woman coming over. However, as soon as Harry led

Hermione onto the dance floor, he saw Molly grab Arthur and drag him

onto the floor before she then force-took lead from him and steered them

towards a confrontation.

Thankfully, Sirius had Jace on the floor and was able to impose himself

and her between Harry and Hermione and Arthur and Molly. Then, as

Harry led Hermione further away, he had stern words with the woman

and her husband. Arthur then dragged Molly back off the floor.

Less than five minutes later, Arthur was dragging Molly from the room

towards the welcoming room with its floo point. They weren't seen again,

so Harry thought Arthur must have quietly taken her straight home.

After that Harry was finally able to relax and actually enjoy the event.

Until his ladies dragged him away, demanding to dance, he'd even let

himself be corralled by a couple of the Lords who 'want to hear his views

on such and such' or 'wondered if they could gain his support for this or

that'. They were of grey Houses, so Harry was at least willing to hear

them out.

That very evening and once they were back at Pottermore Harry received

an owl-delivered letter, by Errol of all owls, from Arthur yet again

apologising for Molly's behaviour. Then had the audacity to ask if 'you

and Hermione' could visit the Burrow to talk.

Having already had enough - as if the invitation only for him and

Hermione to visit, not Daphne or Fleur, wasn't further insult - Harry sent

one back using Hedwig that firmly stated Arthur was to bring Molly and

Bill to visit the next evening at 7.00pm sharp. It was short, abrupt and to

the point. It was also addressed to 'Mister Arthur S Weasley, Head of the

Elder Houses of Weasley and Prewitt' and signed 'Lord Harrison J Potter,

Lord of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Potter' just to make it clear

this wasn't anything but a formal letter and summons.

He'd even used a wax seal, imprinted with his family ring, to seal the


The next evening was going to be one of the most difficult Harry had

ever had to endure in his life. However, though he already knew it was

going to be painful, he also knew it was necessary.




The next day and through the day, Daphne coached Harry on exactly

how he needed to handle his meeting with the elder Weasleys that night.

Fleur wanted to help, but due to her work commitments, let alone her

working relationship with Bill, couldn't. She did, however, remind

Daphne of a few key points she needed to coach Harry on before she left

for work that morning.

Hermione wanted to help too, and did so by using the Potter library to

look up key legal precedents and magical law when Daphne wanted

Harry to see exactly what it was she was alluding to or simply straight

out stating.

By the time dinner came around and Fleur had returned from work,

Harry thought he was as prepared as he was going to be. And Fleur even

covered a few extra points that related to matters surrounding the legal

powers of One of the Seven.

"Bill tried to get me to relate to 'im what this meeting tonight was all

about, 'Arry," she said, while they were sitting at the table and eating. "I

'ad to be firm and tell 'im the Veela Bond I 'ave with you specifically

forbade me telling 'im anything that was considered a matter of the 'Ouse

of Potter. 'E wasn't 'appy."

"I would have thought, as an employee of Gringotts himself," said

Hermione, "He would understand there are some things that simply

cannot be discussed."

"'E knows that," she replied. "'Owever, 'e was trying to get information

relating to where I thought 'Arry's... mind was in this matter."

"In other words," said Harry, "He was trying to get you to talk to him

about matters he knew the Veela Bond would have no issue with you


"Oui," she calmly replied. "'Owever, 'e left frustrated with me for not

being willing to share anything with 'im."

Harry nodded and said, "I will have a word with him about that, tonight.

He should know that what he tried was wrong."

"'E is trying to protect his mother," she explained. "At least, that is what 'e

claimed when I lost my temper a little with 'im."

"Which tells us he understands his mother is in trouble with us," said


She nodded.




84. Slapping Weasleys and

Starting NEWTs

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to the proverbial Duchess of

Magic, JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high

falutin' companies. No matter how much I whine about not owning anything

related to the HP universe, other than a few fanfic plots, I do not profess to

own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful

world... Damn it!

A/N: This is going to be it for a while until I can sort out the last little hiccup

and finish this. Sorry. :(

Chapter Eighty Four - Slapping Weasleys and Starting NEWTs




Right on the stroke of 7.00pm the fireplace at Pottermore gave its

expected 'whoomph' of green flames a moment before Arthur stepped

out. Molly was right behind him and Bill was right behind her.

At the time, the only one in the room waiting for them was Daphne. With

the flat expression of occlumency shields up she was dressed in very

upmarket business casual with the Potter Crest on her robes. She was on

her feet off to one side with her wand already drawn in readiness... just

in case.

As soon as Bill straightened up, she flicked her wand at the fireplace. It

wasn't actually a charm she cast, it was a signal to Willy to lock the floo

down again with its password.

She looked at Arthur and, instead of given the customary greeting and

offer of hospitality, she said, "Mister Weasley, Missus Weasley, Heir

Weasley; please, follow me. My Lord and Lady await us in his office."

Then, without even waiting for any of the three visitors to say a word,

simply spun about and walked from the room.

Molly gave a huff, but that was all she did before following Daphne.

Daphne thought either Arthur or Bill had to have silenced her, as she

knew the woman would otherwise not hesitate to voice her displeasure.

As she continued to walked from the room, she had a small smirk on her

face she knew the Weasleys could not see.

Of course, the office of the Head of House was not that far away, so it

was only a few seconds before Daphne stood before a door and knocked.

From within, she heard Harry firmly bark, "Enter!"

She opened the door, stepped within and formally said, "My Lord Potter;

Mister Weasley, Missus Weasley and Heir Weasley are here for their

appointed meeting." Then she stepped to the side to usher the Weasleys





Throughout the day Harry had received quite a number of 'urgent' letters

from Lords of other Houses, who were aware of what had happened at

the handfasting and demanded he act. On his behalf Hermione was

writing responses, which he would then read, make a slight alteration or

two and hand back to her to be rewritten. Then he'd sign them, with his

ring impress a wax seal on the envelop flap and set it aside to be sent off.

There were so many he had to resort to using Hermione's owl, then

Sirius's, then Dobby.

People of importance were upset and wanted it fixed. And, apparently,

due to his being One of the Seven; one of the heads of the major alliance,

the Grand Alliance; and known to have a long-term relationship with the

Weasley family he was 'elected' to be the one to do the 'fixing'.

Plus, during the lead up to the time of the Weasley 'appointment', Daphne

had given Harry a quick reminder of what needed to be done and said

before she calmly said, "Be at ease, Harry. This has been a long time

coming and is past due happening. Just remember: You are One of the

Seven and what you say, tonight, must be obeyed."

With a sigh, he sat back for a moment before he nodded back.

As Daphne walked out closing the door behind her, from her own chair

off to his side and also facing forward, Hermione said, "Also remember:

We love you, Harry. You cannot do anything tonight that would lead us

to loving you any less."

He again nodded, but added a quiet, "Thank you."

Then he sat forward and ensured, once again, his desk and everything

else in the room was just as it needed to be. On the blotter before him

was a 'crib' sheet with the important points he needed to focus upon

during this meeting. Next to his left hand was the stack of 'complaint'

letters he received from the other Lords.

Setting the office up to focus on the office chair as a 'seat of power', was

something pretty much already in place before Daphne moved through it,

slightly rearranging things.

For a start, she had the elves remove the discussion table at the other end

of the office. Then had the chairs that surrounded it replaced with three

comfortable but 'less classy' than Harry's, Hermione's and hers - the last of

which sat on the outside of Hermione's - and had them set before and

facing the desk, about seven feet back and about eighteen inches apart.

The centre seat was supposed to be for Arthur, while the one on his left

was for Molly and the one on his right was for Bill.

When Daphne knocked on the door, entered and gave her short

announcement of the Weasleys, Harry was firming up and ready.




Before entering the office, Arthur had already figured out he was going to

have to do a lot of grovelling. He entered and, after a quick scan of the

room with his eyes, walked forward to stand behind the chairs.

As he was leading, he did not see the expression on his wife's face. If he

had, he might have handled the situation differently, right then and

there. However, he probably still couldn't have stopped what was about

to happen.

"Harry, dear," said Molly. "What is the meaning of all this?"

As both Arthur and Bill winced, Harry allowed his eyes to flicker a very

cold expression upon Molly for a bare moment before he flicked that

same cold gaze back to Arthur.

"Mister Weasley," he almost growled. "Your wife does not seem to know

her place. Control her, before I'm forced to take offence."

As Molly's expression switched from a fake pleasantness, to shock, before

then switching to outrage, Bill had stepped to the side towards her,

stepped up behind her and jabbed her in the back with the tip of his

index finger. Her expression immediately switched back to shock.

He needed her to think it was a wand tip, not his finger, and immediately

shut up. He hissed into her ear, "Mother! For the love of Merlin; shut up!"

She did, but it was clear she was very unhappy. Whether it was because

Bill was jabbing her in the back with what she thought was a wand tip,

from his barely heard command, or from the way Harry was looking at

her with clear anger didn't matter.

Once it appeared she wasn't going to say anything, Harry indicated the

chairs and said, "You may sit." However, it was said more as an order,

rather than an invitation.

When Molly looked like she was going to sit in the middle seat, Bill

quickly hooked a hand under her nearest armpit and near-bodily forced

her back to her feet. "Yours is the seat on the left, mother. The 'shield-

maiden's' place, remember?"

Again, anger flicked over her expression before she sidestepped to her left

and sat in the seat to the left of the centre chair from Arthur; to Harry, on

his right.

After she sat, Bill sat on the one on Arthur's right and Arthur finally sat in

the centre chair.

Harry then gave a firm nod to Arthur and said, "Last night, the actions of

your wife caused a great deal of embarrassment to the Noble and Most

Ancient Houses of Clearwater, Potter and Black. Her behaviour also

offended the Noble and Most Ancient Houses of Flack, Longbottom and

Muldoon. It probably also offended the Noble and Most Ancient House of

Rowle, but I really couldn't care any less about Rowle than I do now.

"Furthermore, she also offended the Noble and Ancient Houses of Abbott,

Bones, Davis, Diggory, Greengrass, Hilliard, MacMillan, Marchbanks,

Ogden and Spinnet. And that's just those Noble and Ancient Houses I care

about, let alone those I don't care about and any of lesser rank."

Tapping the stack next to his left hand he said, "I have here a great many

complaints from almost all those demanding I take action against you

and yours.

"Last night your wife took your House... both Houses if I also include the

fact you're also Regent of the Elder House of Prewett into consideration...

to the point where you were one wrong word... one thoughtless act...

from being declared anathema to each of those Houses. Just in case your

father was negligent in your non-Hogwarts education, let alone your

mother Cedrella Weasley née Black, that would mean you would be a

single step away from being in a House-wide blood feud with many

multiple Houses."

When Harry saw all three give starts of shock and suddenly pale, he

thought he might have finally gotten through to them.

"I see you know what that, at least, means," he glared. "But, just in case

you don't know how bad it would get for you, it would automatically

have the entire Grand Alliance standing together in that blood feud

against you... and, yes, that would also mean the Noble and Most Ancient

House of Potter would be included... plus a great many more Houses.

From that, I'm sure you can already tell the Houses of Weasley and

Prewett would very likely be extinct within a few days at the most."

He gave that a few moments to settle into their minds before he raised

the next point.

"Up to and including the letter I received from you last night, Mister

Weasley, your wife has... even when constantly reminded otherwise...

consistently and deliberately ignored the fact Heiress Daphne Greengrass

of the Noble and Ancient House of Greengrass and Heiress Fleur Delacour

of the Venerable House of Delacour of France and of the Veela Nation are

in contractual relationships with me. Your wife's invitations for me and

Hermione, but not Daphne or Fleur, to visit were... by her deliberately not

doing so... offensive.

"I have chosen to ignore those repeated offences, because I know your

wife does not... like... certain aspects of the etiquette and traditions of

our world. However, neither can she be that stupid or ignorant to not

know that, when she deliberately ignores required etiquette, she offends

others. And that reflects on you.

"That I don't bring you to heel for her behaviour against me, reflects on

my House, the Seven and the Grand Alliance. As such, I have been forced

into the position where I... as I have warned you in past I would have to

do... must act.

"You are the Head of House, Mister Weasley; not your wife. If you are

incapable of bringing her to heel, if you continue to prove yourself to be

an ineffective Head, then Heir William Weasley will be forced to depose

you from the position as Head of House and take your place. Then of him

will it be demanded he bring your wife to heel... by any means necessary.

If you fight that, or he doesn't bring your wife to heel, then it will be

blood feud.

"Do you understand what I have told you?"

Arthur slowly nodded.

"I will have your verbal acknowledgement, Mister Weasley," he growled.

"Again, do you understand what I have told you?"

"Y-yes," Arthur, almost too softly to be heard, said.

"Yes... WHAT?" he snapped.

"Yes... m-my Lord."

Harry then nodded back and asked, "Now. Make sure your wife does not

send any further insulting letters to me or mine. I believe it would be best

if she was forbidden to send me any more letters; and, if your wife finds

need to send me a letter, it come from your hand and with your


He again gave that a moment to sink in.

Turning to Bill, he said, "I am already aware my second bonded, Miss

Delacour, felt pressured by you in the workplace concerning information

regarding me you claimed you needed. That will cease, forthwith. I will

be very unhappy if I learn that this action I've been forced to take by my

peers brings negativity upon Miss Fleur Delacour while she remains

under your tutelage in her position within Gringotts. Understood?"

"Yes, my Lord," Bill replied more firmly than his father.

"Thank you," he more softly said.

Turning back to Arthur he said, "I remain exceedingly grateful your

family took me in for a few short weeks during the summer between my

first and second year, second and third year, and third and fourth year;

though I know a lot of that had to do with you meeting a request by

Dumbledore you do so.

"Even then, you were under no such... obligation... to also take Hermione,

now the Lady Presumptive of the Noble and Most Ancient House of

Potter and ward of the Lord of the Noble and Most Ancient House of

Black, into your home during those same times. At least, I do not believe


"And, for that, I will always remain grateful," he said, before he firmed up

again. "However, recent behaviour by your wife, as if she was using...

playing upon... that original hospitality, have utterly negated any of that.

And that greatly saddens me."

He gave that a long moment before he quietly said, "Thank you for

coming. You all may leave now."

Daphne immediately rose from her seat and, as she walked past the three,

she said to them, "This way, please. I will escort you out."

As the three Weasleys rose, clearly in a daze and in shock, they started to

follow Daphne from the room. Arthur even 'forgot' to bow to Harry, as

Head of House and as protocol and etiquette demanded, before he

followed her out. None of them said a word as they left. From the

expression on her face it seemed Harry had finally gotten through to

Molly her behaviour had landed both her Houses and her husband in the

deep 'doo-doo'.

As the door closed behind them, Harry slumped forward onto the desk

and began to lightly sob.

He knew he'd just utterly destroyed his relationship with the Weasley

family and he'd had no choice, but to do so.

Hermione came over, sat on his lap and cuddled him. She, too, was

lightly crying.




Just before he flooed away and after first sending his wife through,

Arthur turned to Daphne and softly but sadly said, "I'm sooo sorry. But, I

will fix this."

She told him, "I hope you're able to, Mister Weasley. It would devastate

my Lord Potter if he had to act because you didn't or were unable to."

After a sad nod back, he followed his son through the floo.

Once the green flames reverted to a small red 'pilot' flame again, she

sighed and headed back to the office.

She knew Harry would need comforting and Hermione was the only one

in there at the moment.

As she walked she called for Betsy.

When the elf popped in a little ahead of her, she said, "Betsy, would you

please inform Fleur the Weasleys have left and Harry's in the office?"

"Yes, Mistress," the little elf replied before she popped away again.

Just before she reached the door to the office, Daphne heard Fleur

hurrying down the stairs from upstairs and waited for her.

As Fleur hurriedly approached, she quietly asked, "'Ow did it go?"

"Harry was brilliant," replied Daphne. "However, it was also very clear to

Hermione and me that it caused him great pain to do what he had to do."

Fleur sadly nodded and just as softly said, "Then we shall 'ave to lift his

spirits, non?"

"Oui," Daphne sadly smiled.

Then she reached for the doorknob and let them both in.




Harry felt he'd had quite the emotional day and wanted to head to bed

early. However, all three of his ladies took him to the informal dining

room, where they enjoyed a cup of cocoa each.

"You're a bit too keyed up at the moment, Harry," said Hermione. "I think

it would be best for all of us if we talk about something else for the rest

of the night."

They did. They talked about their friends, discussed the differences

between the hybrid wedding come handfasting and the traditional

handfasting, wondered when they'd hear back about their choices for

classes for their NEWT years, those sort of issues.

Finally, but still early, Harry headed for bed claiming mental exhaustion.

Daphne joined him and they spent the first half hour cuddling before he

gently dropped off to sleep.

Once he'd done so, she sighed and allowed herself to drift off.

The girls had already planned on a 'distracting' day for the next day.




The day dawned quite warm and cloudless, which told the manorhold it

was going to be quite the hot day.

The girls had originally planned on taking Harry to an amusement park,

just as they did for CeeCee's birthday. However, with the day shaping up

to be a hot one, even before breakfast, the day at the amusement park

idea was aborted - or, at least, deferred.

Instead, they dragged him out to the manor pool. They'd decided on

another 'naked day' by the pool, working on their tans.

However, within fifteen minutes of them being outside, Hermione had a

bottle of muggle suntan lotion and asked Harry to lather her up. He was

very happy to do so. She flipped over onto her tummy so he could start

with her back.

He started with her upper back, then lower back, then switched to the

back of her legs, before finally massaging the lotion into her bare buns.

Once finished there he softly said, "You'll need to flip over."

She did, without any hesitation. Then he lotioned-up her feet, her lower

legs, her upper legs, slipped right past her lady-cauldron, lotioned her

tummy, her chest - paying special attention to her very erect and firm

nipples, which had her almost moaning - then moved to her arms before

then dropping down to 'massage' the oil into her mons. She moaned when

he did that too.

Once he was finished lathering her all up, Daphne asked, "My turn, now?"

And he switched over to her.

As with Hermione, as he approached her she rolled onto her tummy. It

did not slip his attention she appeared quite eager.

She then got the same treatment before Fleur, who'd been watching the

whole thing, smirked at him, rolled onto her tummy and simply pointed

over her shoulder at her back.

Once he was done - which, surprisingly, had not taken more than half an

hour - he returned to his own lounger and lay on his front. He was barely

on it for about two minutes before he felt hands starting to spread lotion

on his back. Flipping his head to the side he could see it was Hermione;

and she was lightly smiling back.

He was just starting to relax into it when he felt a second pair of hands,

this time it was Daphne. And, as he watched, he saw Fleur walk over,

obviously to give them a hand... maybe. Yes!

Daphne ended up doing his the right side of his torso and right arm,

Hermione applied lotion to his left and left arm and Fleur took his legs.

When it felt like they were done, Hermione quietly said, "Roll over."

He was happy to do so and flipped himself over.

This time, because of the flip, Daphne worked on his left side while

Hermione worked on his right, though they hadn't switched sides of the

lounger. Fleur was still working on his legs.

And they covered everywhere, including his face.

As he was thinking they weren't going to be that bold as to 'handle' little

Harry while they worked him over, he was surprised when that's exactly

what he felt. It took him a moment to figure out from the grip that it was

Hermione; about the same amount of time it took him to snap his head

forward to rest his chin on his chest and see she had hold of him with her

right hand and was gently stroking him. And none of the girls seemed to

be offended or otherwise perturbed by what Hermione was doing.

Harry was shocked.

Of course, as a healthy young man late in his adolescence his 'Little

Harry' didn't so much as wake up, look around, think about things,

scratch himself and then, with a great deal of grumbling, decide to stand

up. No; 'Little Harry' practically leapt to almost instant rigid attention and

barked, "Little Harry reporting as ordered, Ma'am!"

Hermione gave a little giggle at how fast Little Harry changed from

asleep to ready to go.

But, what surprised him even more, was when Daphne leaned over him

and took him into her mouth.

"Oh! Gods!" he exclaimed, his back and heels arching his hips up.

"Daphne!" exclaimed a shocked Hermione. Fleur snickered in amusement.

Daphne pulled off a moment later and asked, "What?"

"I can't believe you did that!" gasped Hermione.

"Why not?" asked a still sniggering Fleur. "If I didn't think you'd get upset

with me for doing it, I'd have done it too."

Meanwhile Daphne had pulled a face and was trying to get the taste out

of her mouth. "The suntan lotion doesn't taste anywhere near as nice as it


While still lightly holding him, Hermione looked between both Harry's

concubines before she seemed to reach a decision. There was a slight

hesitation before she then bent forward and took Harry into her mouth

for a long moment herself.

"B-bloody Hell!" gasped Harry.

As Hermione slowly pulled off, Fleur moved forward to sit astraddle

Harry's shins and the bottom of the lounge. Once Hermione pulled clear,

she then immediately bent forward and took him in her mouth too.

"Arrgh!" Harry groaned, as Hermione pulled a face and lightly said,


As Fleur pulled off, he gasped, "What the bloody hell is this!? A round


Daphne replied, "That's not a bad idea." Then, without a pause, bent

forward again.

It didn't take long for what was going to happen, to happen.

As he came down off that rush, he felt Fleur shift forward up his legs.

Then she impaled herself.

Harry was yet again surprised. Not by Fleur's actions - he knew her Veela

heritage meant she couldn't care less about engaging in sex in front of

others - but, by how Hermione and Daphne didn't get upset about it.

It was more than half an hour later, when Harry was quickly being

reduced to a puddle of endorphic goo, that Hermione, after hopping off

his lap, said, "I think we should take this inside. Harry, here, is beginning

to burn." When she looked to Daphne, she said, "So are you, by the look

of the skin on your breasts."

Daphne, surprised, looked over and asked, "How can you focus on

something like that when you've just... you know..." And gestured to how

she was the last to ride Harry while he was on the lounger. However, she

also moved forward to pull Harry to his feet.

Together, the four headed inside and up to the master suite. Harry was

still a little out of it, so the girls guided him the entire way.

As they walked, Fleur quietly asked Hermione, "I take it, you're not so

against me being involved at the same time as you and Harry..."

"I'm getting used to you being there, Fleur," she replied. "However, I don't

think I'll ever get to the point where I'll welcome your touch... sexually;

do you understand?"

"Oui," said Fleur. "So long as I... as they say... know the boundaries, I am


After a shower first to wash that lotion back off, Harry wasn't 'allowed'

out of bed for the rest of the morning. And only then because of the call

of mother nature and the need to eat.

However, the girls thought they'd accomplished what they wanted to

accomplish and Harry was no longer moping about what he'd had to say

to the Weasleys.

The next morning Harry received a letter from 'Mr Arthur S. Weasley,

Head of the Elder House of Weasley' formally advising him that actions

had been taken to ensure his wife, 'Mrs Margaret M. Weasley', would not

in any way, shape or form initiate or cause to be initiated any contact

with him, Harry, his wife, his betrothed, his bonded and any children

that may come of his loins on pain of losing her magic and immediately

finding herself disowned from House Weasley.

At work and from Bill Fleur found out Arthur had forced a magical vow

on Molly, bonded by Bill, to that effect.

Harry thought it was a tad harsh, but could also see it was probably the

only way to force Molly to stop her shenanigans.

Daphne quietly sent 'unofficial' notes to those others who'd been incensed

about Molly's behaviour and contacted Harry about it, of what had





By the Thursday, two days later, the heatwave had broken and Daphne

and Hermione finally took him to one of the large amusement parks,

where they spent the day just enjoying being teenagers. This one wasn't

the one Harry and Hermione attended while staying with her parents, or

the one they went to as part of CeeCee's thirteenth birthday. This one

included an 'attached' water-based amusement park with long waterslides

and rapids you rode inner tubes down.

Because of the heat, they spent the first part of the day in the actual

amusement park with its many rides, stopped for lunch and then went

into the water park area. When it cooled down a fair bit, they returned to

the main park and spent the day and early evening there.

What made it even better for the three - Fleur had to work - they could

travel to and fro between home and the parks by Knight Bus, so there

were no long travel times.

However, the other Heirs found out about it and they had to promise the

others to go again or to another the next week.

That time they went on the Sunday to the same park, the day after the

Alliance meeting, so Fleur could join them. All the other Heirs, including

Ernie - surprise, surprise - joined them. And again they spent part of the

day in the water park area.

The only downside to the day was when three muggle 'toughs' tried to

come on too strong with Fleur while she was wearing a bikini in the

water park. Harry had to surreptitiously hit the three with compulsion

charms to get them to back down. He wasn't mean about it though; just

compelled them to hurriedly depart the park with visions Fleur's 'super-

muscular bikie boyfriend' was hunting them down to beat the living hell

out of them.

They were gone within moments, clearly rushing to get out as fast as they





It was a few days earlier and the day before the August meeting of the

Alliance, when they arrived early for one of their weekends at the

Grangers, that their letters from Hogwarts arrived late on the Friday, just

after dinner. It contained both their acceptances into the classes they

wanted to undertake together with a booklist for all of them. As expected

it was signed by 'Deputy Headmistress Septima Vector' on behalf of

'Headmaster Ebenezer Goodstone'.

As they were due to stay for the week day week at Green Fields, they

decided to hold off on the trip to Diagon until they could confirm if their

other friends, plus Astoria, had received theirs.

They all had, so the trip was taken on the next Friday, one day shy of two

weeks before their return to Hogwarts.

"Shouldn't we have waited until CeeCee was back?" asked Hermione

while they'd been discussing it.

"No," replied Harry. "She will not be returning to magical Britain until

about the twenty-seventh or twenty-eighth, more than a week from now.

Besides, Cousin Narcissa wants to make it a 'witches' day'; just the two of

them. If I've read things right I think she wants to take her more than just

shopping for fourth year supplies, too. So, I think we should let them

have the day, yes?"

After a three way glance between his three ladies, Hermione replied,

"That sounds like a good idea."

The way his three all seemed to smirk had Harry immediately knowing

that both Narcissa's Witches' Day with CeeCee and what they'd be doing

on that day was something he really did not want to know about.

Which led them to Diagon Alley on the Friday, meeting with the others at

Fortescue's at 10.00am.




Once the rest of the Heirs - now also including Ernie - had turned up, the

group set off to begin their shopping. Harry had to go to Gringotts, as did

a couple of the others, so that's where they headed first.

Then it was off to Madam Malkins so uniforms that needed to be replaced

could be replaced. With nine of them, Fleur was at work and CeeCee

wasn't in country yet, they were four boys - Harry, Neville, Justin and

Ernie - and five girls - Hermione, Daphne, Susan, Hannah and Tracey.

Which allowed them to more or less evenly split between the male and

female sections of the store.

When Susan, Hannah and Tracey found out Harry had given Hermione

and Daphne an 'open purse' to do shopping, all three turned to their

'wizardfolk' with pointed looks.

Neville, now used to it, immediately raised his hands and apologised,

"Sorry. Unlike Harry, I'm still on a stipend. I'll talk to my father, though,

and see what I can do."

That had both nod back with understanding expressions. And Tracey,

though it was clear she too wanted access to an open purse, didn't even

bother to ask.

Harry just rolled his eyes and said, "I tell you what, ladies. How about,

just for today, I pay for whatever wardrobe replacements you want to

make. This does not mean―" Which was as far as he got before an

excited squealing Tracey launched herself at him and laid a massive hug

on him.

When she pulled back, after kissing his cheek, he continued. "This does

not mean I'm willing to do this sort of thing all the time. It just means I'm

willing to do it this time. Alright?"

All three, after first 'checking' with their menfolk, turned back with

matching happy grins and nodded back.

"Thank you, Harry," said Susan.

"Yes; thank you, Harry," said Hannah.

And Tracey nodded.

As all five ladies rushed into the female side of the store, Neville said,

"You didn't need to do that, Harry."

"No, but I wanted to," he shrugged. "I had no chance to buy anything for

friends as I was growing up with the Dursleys. And, now that I've finally

got the chance to do that, I want to enjoy it."

Belatedly realising both other boys might have felt offended, he turned to

both and said, "I know I should have asked you both first, but I

sometimes can't help myself. I like making people happy. Sorry for

stepping on your toes, there."

Neville just snorted in amusement while Justin gave him a wry grin back.

Justin said, "Just so long as you let us pay you back... away from the

attention of the ladies, of course... at some time in the near future."

Neville nodded in agreement.

"I can easily accept that," said Harry.

The girls, while not going overboard in Harry's opinion, managed to

acquire for themselves quite a few different outfits. However, none of the

boys were allowed to see them until the ladies, themselves, deigned they

could. Harry already knew this meant another fashion parade in his own

near future.

While the girls were getting kitted - or, rekitted - out, the boys were

undergoing likewise on their side of the store.

As Harry hadn't grown much over the course of the previous year much

of what he owned did not require replacing. However, the girls made

sure he bought three full sets of school uniforms, anyway.

"You are not a pauper, Harry," Daphne had firmly stated. "As such, you

will buy a full uniform replacement set at the beginning of each year,

even if you don't need to replace what you've already got. We ladies are

doing the same; so that, by the way we dress, you are not seen as either a

pauper or a knut-pinching bastard."

Harry just gave a shrug in pained acceptance and went along with it.

While he knew a full replacement didn't even scratch the surface of his

residuals from his investments, he also now recognised you have to be

seen to be wealthy, not just be wealthy, if you wanted to be properly

respected in the wizarding world; Lordships aside.

After the fittings, it did not take them long to go through the rest of the

Alley and pick up everything else they needed: Books, replacement

ingredients and another two cauldrons for those continuing with potions

such as Daphne, a great deal more sheets of blank parchment, more

quills, more ink and a couple of expensive advanced rune carving tool

sets for Harry and Hermione.

Then it was a return to Malkins to pick up their clothing before returning

to Fortescue's.

They only hung around to eat an icecream each before they all left for

their respective homes. The Potters all returned to Pottermore, Justin elf-

popped to Bedford Castle with Tracey; which surprised almost everyone.

Neville, Susan and Hannah went to Abbott's Ford. And Ernie returned to

his grandfather's place via floo.




During the last full week of the break Bill asked Harry, by way of Fleur

through Gringotts, if he could visit as he had news he felt he needed to

share with Harry.

That meeting occurred on the evening of Thursday, the twenty-fifth. That

week, as it was the last full one before they returned to school, was at

Pottermore for the Potters.

During that meeting, Bill felt he needed to explain a lot of what had been

happening at the Burrow since 'that night', as he referred to it.

As they already knew, Molly had been placed under a magical vow not to

contact Harry or his, unless Harry had initiated the contact. That was

something Harry currently felt he'd never do again. However, according

to Bill it also led to a frank and open family discussion where a whole lot

of issues were discussed.

First, Bill had admitted to both his parents he didn't spend as much time

out of magical Britain as he'd led them to believe. And then explained

why; that it had to do with how he knew his mother would then

constantly badger him to spend more time at the Burrow against his

desire to be his own man and stand on his own two feet. Which then led

to Charlie, who was home at the time because of what had happened,

explaining he took the job in Bulgaria at the dragon reserve, after having

already been offered a chance to play professional Quidditch for a

professional Quidditch team in England; and that it was for the same

reason why Bill kept secret how much time he actually spent in magical

Britain himself.

After that shock the twins then showed they were a lot smarter than their

school results indicated, explaining they knew their mother would try to

force them to seek jobs within the Ministry when their dream, now being

realised with the help of Sirius, was to own their own store selling prank

items and games.

After hearing through his older children's claims and reasons behind

them, Arthur was devastated while Molly had a near mental breakdown.

Arthur then asked his boys to help him pay for a mind-healer for their

mother, to try and get her past what he now knew was an unhealthy

desire to keep 'her babies' close by and under her control. They all

promised to chip in, including Percy. And the mind-healer that was

helping Ginny, as soon as Ginny told her of what was going on,

approached Arthur and suggested a colleague who had experience in

dealing with mothers with control issues would best suit.

That mind-healer had already visited with Molly twice and stated a long

process was going to be required to get her through it. Apparently, Molly

feared losing her children to early deaths and trying to control them was

her way of protecting them; and Ron's 'recent' death had exacerbated the

problem. Her need to control had ratcheted up well beyond healthy


Harry silently pledged to use the same ruse he used to pay for the mind-

healer that visited with Ginny and Luna to contribute to paying for the

help Molly clearly desperately needed.

He'd arranged that the next day, again via Ted. A short note back from

Ted said he'd take care of it, as Harry knew he would.




After a weekend back at the Grangers', the Potters spent the last few days

at the Black Townhouse (Narcissa had insisted on the name, due to the

presence of CeeCee).

CeeCee had arrived on Saturday morning, spent that day and Sunday

reacclimatising to the time-zone eight hours before her own and was

right as rain by the next, Monday, morning; even if she did look like

something the kneazle dragged in when she came down for breakfast.

However, as she'd claimed, she wasn't going to miss a Harry breakfast

and Harry had promised to turn up early enough on Monday morning to

cook said breakfast. He did.

When CeeCee staggered into the kitchen that morning Harry just smugly

grinned. He knew the power of his skillet and pans might not be able to

rouse the dead, but could sure as Hell rouse 'dead to the world' sleepers.

A lot less sleep fogged as she'd been awake for an hour already, Narcissa

rolled her eyes at both the antics of CeeCee and Harry's smug grin.

She wasn't taking CeeCee out for her 'witch's day out' that day, that was

the next day, but it helped the girl to be awake at that time to finalise her

readjustment to Greenwich Mean Time. Besides, as she was heading later

that morning to Bedford Castle to visit with Justin's family; so needed to

be awake anyway.

As she started to get a decent feed into her, between mouthfuls the young

girl started to tell Harry and his ladies about her summer back in Perth.

She'd also mentioned that her Dad had taken the entire family up the

Darling Ranges escarpment to Lesmurdie to see the House that Harry had

bought. And expressed her desire to immediately move in there instead

of living in the house in Thornlie.

"Dad wouldn't go for it, though," she grouched. "He said it's your place

and we really should only see the place, from then on, if it was an

emergency. That is, of course, unless you're staying there. Then we can

visit again."

"We just might stay there for a while after we've finished at Hogwarts,"

said Harry. "We've really not got any firm plans in that regard yet."

"What about your yacht?" she asked.

Harry had no idea she even knew of that.

After wanting to build one to his specifications. Ted had done his

homework and strongly recommended he purchase one second-hand.

'After all,' he'd wrote, 'You might find living on the water not to be your cup

of tea. A pre-built yacht of similar dimensions to what you want will allow

you to explore the idea with nowhere near the financial outlay.'

Harry could see the wisdom of that and wrote back that such a yacht

currently on the market would 'do'. However, it's electronics and the like

would need to be hardened against magic. Therefore, whatever was

purchased would need to be stripped down with the intention of setting

up null magic areas around the electrical and electronic systems.

Ted was currently working on that. He'd already found an 'Enchanter' in

America who claimed some level of skill in warding electrical equipment

against magical energy interference. He had now been contacted and had

already stated he needed full access to the electronics and electrical

equipment and Harry used that stated need as an excuse to update the

systems on whatever yacht was bought.

"I have no idea how long it's going to take to find the one I want to

purchase, or for the enchanter to get in and ward the electricals once it's

purchased," he replied to CeeCee. "However, I can see it being found,

purchased and updated well before we sit out NEWTs. So, we'll probably

be spending a lot of time on it almost straight after exams.

"However, that does not mean we'll be on it all the time. I fully intend for

us Potters to pay a visit to Perth sometime within the year after our

NEWTs. We'll just have to time it to be while you're also at home with

your parents.




On the Thursday, first of September, the Potter four minus Fleur, together

with CeeCee, portkeyed to the station at Kings Cross more than half an

hour before the train departed. They were escorted by Narcissa and


As soon as they arrived, Harry and Sirius looked for and found two

vacant compartments side-by-side and immediately set-to with combining

them into one large one.

However, instead of just putting a door through the adjoining wall, they

removed the doorway, plus the wall above the 'middle' seat except for the

luggage racks. That way it looked like one compartment and they could

speak over the back-to-back seating in the middle if they wanted.

Once they'd done that, Narcissa stepped forward and transfigured the

décor of the combined compartment into something quite a bit nicer.

Once she'd finished Harry thought it looked like something you might

find on a restored luxury train from some time about sixty years earlier.

It looked great.

He gave a low whistle and said, "You do nice work, Cousin Cissy."

"Thank you," she replied, pleased. "Transfiguration was my forte subject

at Hogwarts. I picked up an Outstanding plus in the subject."

"Don't forget to remind everyone not to use finites in the compartment

during the trip, but to finite the entire thing once you arrive at

Hogsmeade, Pup," warned his godfather.

Harry nodded and replied, "Will do."

He hadn't thought of that risk the previous year, but no one had cast a

finite, anyway.




As people started arriving, Harry was pleased to see Justin was one of the

first. So, he and Harry were the first to start carrying trunks onto the

train. He hadn't even made a start on carrying onboard his own and his

ladies, let alone CeeCee's, before the other boy arrived.

Accompanied by his parents, Neville arrived with his two only a couple

minutes later and was quick to jump in and give a hand.

It was all done so quickly they had plenty of time before the train even

looked like leaving the station. Hell, about a third of students had yet to

even arrive; especially the snotty purebloods.

Harry used the opportunity to speak with the Earl of Bedford, Justin's

father, and thank him for recognising the need to protect both Tracey

and CeeCee and allowing Justin to fill that need.

"I may be what you call a muggle, Lord Potter," the man smiled.

"However, I am not... as I've heard you are wont to say... a daft moron."

Harry gave a slight snort of amusement. "It has been clear to me since my

first year at Hogwarts that muggles are far less likely to be daft morons as

magicals. I think it just might have something to do with how there is

something in magic that lowers one's ability to apply critical thinking and

rational thought."

The earl grinned back and quietly said, "That has been my view for

almost as long."

Harry gave a slight nod in agreement and said, "Nevertheless, thank you

for allowing Justin to fill the need."

The earl gave his own nod before he said, "I am coming to understand

that, once both ladies reach their own adulthoods, they will not be

seeking to terminate the agreements. And neither will young Justin.

"Besides, we are quite taken with both ladies. And believe both love and

cherish our boy, irrespective of the title of which he will one day attain.

They are good for him."

Harry gave a quiet sigh and said, "I figured as much. However, the

difficulty of such a... blended relationship in relation to the muggle world


"Indeed," said the earl. "We'll figure something out, I'm sure. After all,

there is two years before it will become an issue."




The train ride to the school was quite peaceful. And the eleven travelling

teens, Ernie had joined them again, enjoyed the quiet.

They arrived at the school to see Professor Senkinhall calling for the first

years to join him. He was even using Hagrid's old ten foot pole with its

hanging lantern as a rallying point for all the little firsties. However, the

lantern was glowing with a bright blue light. Harry quickly figured out

the professor was using a bluebell flame charm, rather than a muggle oil

lamp and wick, as the light only gave little flickers in the very light

breeze. Thankfully, it was not also a rainy evening.

When they arrived at the school, Fleur was already there and waiting for

them on the steps leading in through the main doors. As a work day she

had to be at Gringotts until almost six. Then she'd flooed to the

apartment, donned a cloak and walked down to wait for them as they

arrived a little over an hour later.

"Good trip?" she asked, as soon as she saw them.

"Yes," they replied.

Harry added, "No one bothered us in the slightest. I now find the trip to

be quite enjoyable, unlike my first three and a half years."

As they walked in, Harry was shocked almost immediately. Sitting at the

Head Table was Remus. A moment later, Remus spotted him and


"What... the hell?" he quietly said.

Fleur, who was walking alongside him, said, "Remus is temporarily the

new Professor of History. It is a surprise, no?"

"Yes," he muttered.

The Sorting started with Professor Vector dropping the Hat onto the head

of a Melinda Bobbin, who headed for Ravenclaw, and ended with a

Lancelot Ysabel, who headed for Slytherin.

After getting over the shock of seeing Remus sitting at the Head Table -

with Fleur sitting at the same end, this year - while waiting for the new

Headmaster to give his opening address, Harry looked to see if there

were any other changes to staffing. Other than the leaving of Lady

Marchbanks, her being replaced by Goodstone, he being replaced by

Vector as Deputy and the addition of Remus, everyone looked to be the

same as the previous year. That was confirmed when Goodstone began to

give his opening announcements. Unlike Dumbledore and like

Marchbanks, Goodstone used the eagle lectern to speak.

"For our new students, welcome; for our returning students, welcome

back," he began. "For those who do not know me... that would be our

new First Years... I am Professor Ebenezer Goodstone, Headmaster of

Hogwarts. I ascended to the post on the retirement of Headmistress Lady

Marchbanks at the Leaving Feast last year.

"Taking on my old role of Deputy is Deputy Headmistress Professor

Septima Vector, a long term resident professor of the school. And, at least

for the time being, we have a new addition to staff, Professor Remus


Remus stood and bowed to the four tables as they applauded, as per


"For those of you who were students here in the 1993/94 school year,

you would fondly remember Professor Lupin when he spent almost a year

here as the Professor of Defence Against the Dark Arts. Temporarily at

least, Professor Lupin, who holds a Mastery in History of Magic, will be

our History Professor."

The Headmaster turned a wry smirk on Remus before he turned back and

said, "I'm trying to convince Professor Lupin to consider remaining as a

permanent member of staff. Perhaps you may be able to assist me with


The Headmaster then went over a few of the minor rules, including how

magic was not to be cast anywhere outside the supervision of a professor.

And how there was a detection charm over the entire school and grounds

that would immediately alert the staff if anyone, against the rules, cast

any form of magic. Then he relayed a set of exemptions, including

household charms, cast in one's own dorm.

Finally, he called on the house elves to serve the feast.

There were no... 'The list of banned objects can be found tacked to Mister

Filch's door', or 'The Forbidden Forest is out of bounds', or 'the third floor

corridor on the left is out of bounds', or 'Dementors on Ministry business

will be patrolling just outside the wards', or similar.

As soon as the food appeared on the table and the Headmaster began to

return to his centre seat on the head table, Hermione immediately

rounded on Harry and asked, "Did you know Remus was coming back

here to teach?"

"No," he replied while loading his own plate. "It came as much of a shock

to me as it obviously was to you."

While they'd been loading, CeeCee began snickering about something she

held in her hands. It was clearly a once multi-folded note.

Seeing it herself, Hermione began, "CeeCee, what've you―" Then

suddenly stopped, flicked a glance to Harry and turned back. "Sorry. If

you don't mind me asking, what has you so amused?"

CeeCee simply refolded the note once and passed it to Hermione.

Glancing over as his betrothed opened it, Harry recognised Sirius's untidy


Hermione's expression turned to a 'woe is me' expression before she

passed it to Harry and looked to CeeCee. I certainly hope you're not going

to allow your reprobate of a magical half-guardian to convince you to

prank Professor Lupin."

CeeCee just looked back with an expression of pure innocence. It fooled

no one.

With a sigh, Hermione said, "Just... don't hurt him, don't do anything to

him that lands him in the hospital wing and don't get caught."

CeeCee grinned back.

Harry looked to the note:

~ # ~


If you kept your promise, by the time you read this note you've already found

out your 'Uncle Remus' is now a professor at Hogwarts. Just so you know, it

was all his idea you not be told before the Welcoming Feast.

I strongly recommend you prank his mangy bum for the trick. If you check in

your trunk you'll find I slipped in some pranking material that may come in

handy. Just be aware, he's likely expecting it.

Uncle Padfoot,

The ever-lovable

~ # ~

With an amused chuckle, Harry folded the note back up and passed it





After the feast the Heirs all headed up to the Lords' Quarters with a

couple of them, including Harry, shocked they'd completely forgotten

that Warrington in apartment '1' and Gibberd and Whitehead of

apartment '3' would not be attending this year. They'd all completed their

NEWTs the previous year. However, they still had Marcus Belby in

apartment '2' and David Urquhart and Pamela Alton in apartment '4'. And

now Belby had been joined by a Diane Carter, Seventh Year Slytherin,

under betrothal. Belby had apparently opted to remain in his single

bedroom apartment, rather than move into one of the two bedroom

apartments further along.

Tracey found out a few days later Carter wasn't given the option to move

in or whether or not she wanted to share a single bedroom apartment

with Belby. As per the betrothal contract, no escape clauses, Belby

demanded it and her compliance. Bastard.

Hermione, once she heard, glared at Harry and said, "I want those

contracts gone, Harry."

Harry sighed and replied, "As do I. However, people are already and still

incensed about the Bloodline Protection statute promoted by the Tapestry

Circle and shepherded by Sirius into law. You're going to need to give us

time to let things cool down again, before I can then start doing

something about those contracts. I need time, Hermione."

"He's right," said Daphne. "If he tries too soon, he'll fail. Then the chances

of it passing at a later date will be reduced."

Hermione gave a pained sigh and said, "I know. But... just the fact they

exist and witches are being trapped by them..."

"Understood," said Harry. Then he added, "I don't know when I'm going

to be able to do something about them; however, they're definitely on my

political agenda. I promised you I'd do something about them, but we

have to patient until the right time comes along.

"However, it would be a bit too hypocritical of me to start promoting

their removal, just yet, when we have made good use of the fact they

exist to protect others."

"We've only used them to protect others because of the risk they could've

been used against us in the first place," she argued back.

"There would have been no need to use them to protect others if they

didn't exist in the first place," she grumped. "As such, your argument is

somewhat specious."

He could see the wisdom of that, so just nodded.




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