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Адреса змісту:https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12562072/1/Harry-Potter-




Гарри Поттер

Гарри Поттер и сумасшедшие идиоты



Выполняя первое задание Турнира Трех Волшебников, Гарри видит

свой шанс сразить своих врагов – и пользуется им. Вот Гарри,

который умеет думать и рассуждать. Really Bash!AD, EWE, Clueful!HP

Eventual HP/HG/DG/FD NL/HA/SB и другие. Без извинений! АУ.


Художественная литература M

– Английский – Драма – [Гарри П., Гермиона Г., Флер Д., Дафна Г.] –

Главы: 84 - Слов: 745 285 - Обзоры:

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- Избранное: 16 081 - Читает: 16 948 - Обновлено:

24.04.2018, 08:58:49

– Опубликовано:

07.07.2017, 10:27:49

– id: 12562072

1. A Plan Comes Together

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to the proverbial Duchess of

Magic, JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high

falutin' companies. No matter how much I whine about not owning anything

related to the HP universe, other than a few fanfic plots, I do not profess to

own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful

world... Damn it!

A/N1: Yeah, yeah. I've written another one. This one is gonna top out

well over three quarters of a million words. So, if a short story is what

you're chasing, this won't be it.

A/N2: Time-wise, this story has a very slow start. There's a lot that

happens within a very short time frame. As such, don't expect this story

to 'gallop along' until all that needs to be told about is actually told


A/N3: This story is essentially already written. So, don't try and bug me

with your ideas of where you think it needs to go. It won't happen.


'Nuff said.

Chapter One - A Plan Comes Together




It had finally arrived. Harrison 'Harry' James Potter, Gryffindor fourth

year, Boy-Who-Lived, orphan and unwilling fourth competitor 'slash'

champion in the Tri-Wizard Tournament had been preparing for this day

for the past three weeks. The day of the first task.

Actually, he'd been preparing for this moment for a lot longer than that,

but that had all been psychological.

Just over three weeks earlier he was sitting at the Gryffindor House table

in the Great Hall of Hogwarts castle, hoping against hope that this school

year, his fourth at the famous Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and

Wizardry in south-western Scotland, would be free of threats to his life. If

it was, it would be the opposite of his first three.

This year, at the Welcoming Feast of the first of September, the

Headmaster had stood and announced, among other notices, to the

school that the school Quidditch competition had been cancelled. He

announced that in its place would be the Tri-Wizard Tournament held

between the so-called three major schools of Europe - Hogwarts,

Beauxbatons Academy of Magic of France and the Durmstrang Institute

of Bulgaria.

He was very thankful when the next part of the announcement stated

only those wizards and witches of-age - that is, those over seventeen -

would be permitted to enter. It meant there was then supposed to be no

chance of him being a competitor in what was clearly a very dangerous


When representatives of the other two schools arrived on the thirtieth of

October, the students were then only given twenty four hours to submit

their names to be considered for their school's champion and competitor

in the Tournament. That's how he'd found out the draw to determine

those names would occur on the thirty-first of October.

And how did they submit their names? Why, it was by dropping a slip of

parchment on which was written their name and school into a magical

artefact called the Goblet of Fire.

The thirty-first of October, Hallowe'en. That day had been particularly

nasty for the young man. It was the day of the year his parents had been

killed and he had been marked by the jagged scar on his forehead.

It was day when, in first year, the possessed Professor Quirinus Quirrell

had burst into the hall screaming about a troll being loose in the school;

the troll he subsequently helped kill on the second floor while rescuing a

fellow first year Gryffindor, Hermione Granger.

In second year it was the day the caretaker's cat, Mrs Norris, had been

petrified in a corridor on the second floor not far from that same

bathroom; and began the nine months of Harry being accused as the Heir

of Slytherin and shunned by practically everyone in the school except for

Granger and another boy, Ron Weasley.

And in third year, it was the day they had to sleep on the floor of the

Great Hall because a supposed psychopath killer had attacked the portrait

of the fat lady, the guardian to the Gryffindor common room, and

believed to be trying to kill Harry.

Now it was fourth year and, on that same day, his name had somehow

come out of that powerful magical artefact as the fourth name of three to

declare him a competitor. He should have anticipated it.

He did.

Harry Potter was not foolish; though he had given every indication of

himself being just that since the day he first stepped foot into the school

back on the first of September, 1991. He knew he was being

manipulated. He knew he was being used. And he knew his primary

manipulator was the powerful Albus Dumbledore A man who was

Headmaster of his school; Chief Warlock of magical Britain's legislative

body, the Wizengamot; Supreme Mugwump of the magical world's

version of the United Nations, the International Confederation of

Wizards; supposed Leader of the Light and his so-called magical


He did not have the magical power or knowledge to directly confront the

man. So, he bided his time. He needed evidence against the man of his

misdeeds. And he needed that evidence to be so resoundingly proven or

provable the manipulative old man would not be able to use his authority

or extensive knowledge to skate free of the crimes for which he should

surely be convicted. Plus, he needed to present that evidence in such a

way that the old man could not shut him up before he presented it, in


The first task of the Tri-Wizard Tournament gave him that golden

opportunity and he seized it with both hands.




Growing up with his maternal aunt, Petunia, her abusive bully of a

husband, Vernon and their only child and son, Dudley, Harry knew he

was different.

His aunt and uncle had tried to have him believe his parents were drunks

and a whore who died in car crash. The same car crash they told him left

him with the jagged scar on his forehead. By the time he was six he knew

both of those 'truths' were, in fact, lies.

They tried to tell him magic didn't exist and he'd be beaten and tossed

into his cupboard every time he slipped up and mentioned something

about it. He knew this 'truth' was also a lie.

Then came the day his first Hogwarts letter arrived. Again, he'd slipped

up. Stunned at receiving a letter, he'd carried it with the rest of the mail

into the dining room. His cousin had seen it and snatched it out of his

hand, loudly decrying Harry had 'stolen' a letter.

When his aunt and uncle had seen it, both had paled in not a little fear.

His uncle immediately burned it in the fireplace and he was again tossed

into his cupboard for the day.

However, when he was let out he was told to move into 'Dudley's second

bedroom'; which led to Dudley throwing a massive tantrum.

The next day, more letters arrived; apparently, the same as the first.

That then started the next few days of Vernon doing everything he could

to stop the letters turning up. He tried to board off the fireplace, board

off the mail slot, everything. Letters turned up rolled up inside a delivery

of a dozen fresh chicken eggs. Petunia shredded them in her food


The next day the letters poured out of the kitchen chimney. Vernon had

had enough.

So, he bundled everyone into his company car and they drove away.

However, the first place they stopped, the letters found them again. A

hundred of them, this time.

They immediately moved again and Vernon took them out by boat to a

hut upon a small rocky island.

That night, at midnight, a giant of a man arrived and 're-educated' Harry

of the truth about how he was a wizard. However, Harry already knew

that. He also knew he had to fake it and make it look like he didn't know.

And that started him on the whole idea of hiding what he knew even

from the wizarding beings.

He had already learned to bide his time.




Over the next three-plus years he had to collect his evidence as stealthily

as possible. Yes, there were the occasional slip-ups, but he was able to get

beyond them.

When the headmaster, Dumbledore, returned to him his family heirloom

invisibility cloak his first Christmas, he made use of it; but not just in the

way Dumbledore thought he would.

During that same first Christmas break, during a short period when he'd

learned Dumbledore would be away for a couple of days, he made his

first moves. He went back to Gringotts for a short visit.

He had to pay them a pretty penny for their help and discretion; but help

him and keep quiet about it they did.

He'd also taken a great risk at the end of his second year, when he had to

show a little of his true brilliance. He quickly devised a plan to free the

house elf, Dobby, from his abusive master, Lucius Malfoy, right in front

of the Headmaster. And struck.

That same night, when he was able to sneak out of his dorm and be alone

for a few minutes, he called that little elf to him. Less than a minute

later, Dobby was secretly bonded to him.

He felt that, while it was a small risk, by having a house elf of his own he

could accomplish quite a few things he could not do on his own without

too high a risk. The risk was already becoming too high his carefully

crafted persona would be seen as the façade it was and having a house elf

would alleviate much of that.

Now, three-plus years later since he first re-entered the wizarding world,

he finally had his golden opportunity.

He had his letters prepared and, as soon as his name came out of the

Goblet as he highly suspected it would, he sent them that same night.

One went to Madam Director Amelia Bones, Director of the Department

of Magical Law Enforcement, magical Britain's most senior law

enforcement officer. He invited her to the first task as his special guest.

Each competitor was allowed one special guest to sit in the judges box

with the judges. He chose her.

His letter to her also strongly suggested she bring with her quite a few

aurors, the police force of wizarding Britain. He was going to put on a

show, he claimed, they'd be talking about for years.

She wrote back stating it would be her pleasure to be his special guest

and her honour to attend. However, she also wanted to know what he

was planning that would need so many aurors. To her annoyance he

refused to tell her.

His second letter went to the Minister suggesting he turn up. His third

went to the editor of the Daily Prophet, magical Britain's daily newspaper.

And the fourth went to Wizarding Media, the International wizarding

world's version of Associated Press. Both were also encouraged to attend.

When Ron Weasley, his supposed best friend, turned his back on him

calling him a liar and cheat because his name came out of the Goblet,

Harry pretended to be hurt. Inside, he was jumping for joy. It meant one

less person watching him too closely.

His only major hurdle to finalising setting everything up was Hermione

Granger. Though he was annoyed she'd barely left him alone to get things

done, he was also quite touched she'd both believed he didn't submit his

name and stuck by him. Even when everyone else was calling him a liar

and a cheat, she remained steadfast. He was emotionally touched by her

active support.

However, even she was not let in on the plan he had devised. He felt her

unwavering obedience to authority carried a risk she would tattle on him.

And he could not risk that.




And now the day was finally here.

He'd met Madam Bones a short while earlier and watched as she rubbed

Dumbledore's nose into how she was 'Mister Potter's Special Guest' and,

therefore, 'would be sitting in the Judge's box within arm's reach' of the

headmaster as the champions went through their first tasks. Aside, Harry

asked her to keep a close eye on the old man.

When she'd asked why, he replied, "I'm very sure he's going to try to

interfere with what I have planned. You cannot allow him to do that."

Then he said, "And please have one of your on duty aurors keep a very

close eye on Alastor Moody. I'll explain during my task."

When she again asked why, he just reiterated, "I'll explain during the

task. You're going to be quite shocked."

He'd also met with the editor of the Daily Prophet, Barnabas Cuffe, and

given the man a serve about how Rita Skeeter's article on him from the

wand weighing ceremony was nothing but fabrications and lies. Skeeter

was standing just behind his shoulder when he berated the man.

"Get control of her, Mister Cuffe," he'd ordered the older portly man. "Or

the House of Potter will be declaring an honour feud against you and your

paper. And, yes, I will be calling in the full Alliance to join me."

The editor had immediately blanched before he quickly stammered out

an apology and promised to ensure Skeeter would not write any more lies

about him.

"I will be holding you to that, Mister Cuffe," he firmly stated right back.

"Just one foot out of line and my second will immediately be sent to call

on you."

"B-But, it would have been Skeeter who wrote―"

"And you who approved what she wrote for publication," Harry cut in. "As

such, you are responsible for what slander is published. It cannot appear

in the Daily Prophet without you signing-off on it."

Harry would prefer the woman wouldn't write any stories about him at

all, but he was happy enough with what he'd been promised.

Knowing Skeeter had stood right behind her editor and had heard every

word the man had said, pleased Harry. Cuffe had immediately taken his

leave, spun about, grabbed Skeeter by her arm and dragged her off for a

'chat' under a privacy charm.

While you couldn't hear what he'd said to her, both their expressions told

the story. Harry hoped Skeeter was now 'heeled'.

The representatives from Wizarding Media had also heard what he'd told

the man and promised their articles about him would always be truthful,

but maybe a touch fanciful.

"That's fine," he'd nodded back. "Outright lies, though, will see me and

mine come after the pair of you with my wand drawn, fire in my eyes

and revenge in my heart. Understood?"

They heard and understood.




When he was the fourth to draw his dragon from the Acromantulan silk

bag that idiot, Bagman, offered him, he mentally breathed a sigh of relief

he was to be the final competitor to face the first task. It meant the three

true competitors would not be held up by what he was going to do.

The other three champions all competed in their tasks, averaging

between three and five minutes to complete them. And finally he was

called into the arena by Bagman using a Sonorus charm.

"And here's our final champion, of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and

Wizardry, Haaaarr-rryyyy Potterrrrr...!"

As the last one left in the tent, Harry had no one to wish him luck as he'd

wished the other three competitors before him. "Right!" he muttered to


"Dobby!" he softly called.

With a muted pop of elf apparation the little elf appeared next to him.

Quietly Dobby asked, "Yes, Master Harry, Sir?"

Harry was glad that, over the past year and a quarter, he'd managed to

get the little elf to calm down somewhat. Dobby still clearly idolised him,

but he was nowhere near as excitable about it as he once was.

"Everything set?" asked Harry.

"Yes, Master Harry," replied Dobby.

"Remember, when I snap my fingers, bring me my 'Bag of Destruction'.

And do not let yourself be seen."

"Yes, Master Harry."

"Thank you," he replied. "I should call you in about thirty seconds."

"Yes, Master Harry." And Dobby popped away again.

Bracing himself up, Harry drew his wand and strode from the tent and

into the arena.

As he stepped within he could already hear the grumbles and muttered

booing coming from some of the audience. Even now they believed he'd

somehow found a way to cheat and get the Goblet to spit his name out as

a competitor.

To his right, at the other end of the arena, Harry could see the Hungarian

Horntail dragon he'd drawn shackled and chained down near a pile of

rocks that had a dragon's nest sitting atop.

On seeing him, the dragon let out a warning roar, but made no move to

head towards him.

'Ready to be utterly embarrassed, you bastards?' Harry thought to himself

with a smirk.

"Your time starts now, Mister Potter," called the enhanced voice of


Harry immediately raised his own wand and cast his own Sonorus charm.

"Thank you very much, Mister Bagman," he replied. "Now, I remind you

all of the conditions of the tasks of the Tournament. You may not help or

hinder a competitor. I doubt any of you are willing to help so that only

leaves hinder.

"By hinder I mean the following: If you cast any charm or other spell on

me, that is hindering. If you cast any charm or spell to interfere with

what I'm doing, that is hindering. If you take any other form of action to

interfere with what I am doing, that is hindering. I include silencing

charms and masking charms of any sort to be hindering. If you hinder me

I can, under the rules of the Tournament, call on the Goblet of Fire to

strip you of your magic. And, if I determine you have hindered me - be

very aware - I will call on the Goblet of Fire to do just that.




Up in the Judges' Box, though she was surprised by what Harry had just

said, Madam Director Amelia Bones also had an eye on Dumbledore who

sat one row closer and just off to her right at the Judges' table.

As soon as she saw the old man reach for and begin to draw his wand,

she snap-drew her own and had the tip of it pressed into the back of the

old man's neck in only a moment.

Dumbledore froze.

"Don't even think about it, Albus," she quietly but firmly stated.

Before he could even ask what she was doing she said, "Carefully, finish

drawing your wand and hand it to me. Grip it by fingertips only by the

middle of the shaft as you do so and keep it pointing down. If I see it

pointing anywhere near me or Mister Potter, I'll stun you on the spot."

"Amelia?" he quietly asked.

"Do it!" she quietly snapped. "Or, I'll stun you anyway and take your


Without another word, Dumbledore carefully finished drawing his wand

and, as instructed, handed it to her over his left shoulder.

Plucking it from his fingers she said, "Thank you. We can't have you

doing anything foolish, now, can we?"

"Now, Amelia, there was no need―" he began.

"Be silent!" she hissed. "You will be silent or I will silence you. If you then

wandlessly remove that silencing charm I'll stun you."

"Amelia―" he began again.

With an immediate twirl and jab of her wand, she quietly incanted,


As she'd threatened, Dumbledore was immediately silenced.




Down in the arena, Harry was unaware of what had just transpired in the

VIP section. However, he had a pretty good idea it would happen sooner

or later.

"From now until I have completed my task, I better not hear you. If I hear

you, I will think you are attempting to distract me. If I think you are

trying to distract me, I will consider it hindering," he continued.

"Mister Bagman, you are to immediately cancel your Sonorus charm. If I

hear you during my task, I will believe you are attempting to hinder me

and call on the Goblet to strip you of your magic."

Harry then heard an immediate and almost quietly muttered, "Quietus!"

"Headmaster Dumbledore, you and your staff are also so warned. Staff of

the other schools, so are you. Students, you are also warned. Guests, with

the exceptions of the currently active staff of the wizarding British DMLE

who are currently on duty, so long as what you are doing is in the course

of your duties and not an attempt to hinder me in my task, you are not.

Such is the power of the Goblet of Fire; for the duration of the

Tournament, such is the authority I now hold.

"You have all now been warned. After your collective treatment of me

over the past few weeks I am not in a forgiving mood. Do not, for even a

moment, believe I will forgive your transgressions against me.

"I, Harrison James Potter, by right of primogenitor Head of the Noble and

Most Ancient House of Potter, do so swear it!"

Dumbledore gave a little start of shock upon hearing that. He was

absolutely positive Harry did not know of his heritage. He did not even

know the boy knew his true first name.

Harry gave it a moment for everyone to absorb what he'd just told them.

To a child, they all immediately shut up and looked back with

expressions ranging from shock to outright fear.

He continued, "You stupid, daft bastards in the Ministry and the Heads of

the three schools, clearly had no idea of what you were doing by using

the Goblet of Fire as the ultimate adjudicator for the Tournament. You've

given a fourteen year old and three other just-of-age wizards and witch

the absolute power to strip you of your magic, if not outright kill you.

And there's not a bloody thing you can do about it until the Tournament

has concluded. Think about that for a while, won't you?

"Next: As you're all now aware, my task is to get that golden egg sitting

in the dragon's nest over there," he pointed it out, "And take it back to

where I walked in," and indicated that point. "There were no other

instructions. In other words, I can take as long as I bloody like to

complete my task as there is no time limit. No limitations have been

placed on me. I can also go about it in whatever way I like, so long as I

accomplish the task.

"Has every one got that? That means that whatever I do is within the

rules of the task and the tournament. So, while what I do might seem

inconsequential or irrelevant to the task to you, does not mean it's against

the rules of the tournament. Therefore, just because you cannot

understand what I'm up to, does not mean you have the right to interfere

with what I'm doing."

Turning slightly to his right, he snapped his fingers.

Immediately, his dark khaki, British Army 'army surplus' echelon bag

appeared with a pop before him.

"I bet you're all wondering how I did that," he snarked. "Too bad I refuse

to tell you. If you cannot figure it out for yourselves, I think you're too

daft to be told."

Popping his wand back up his sleeve, he reached down and unzipped the

bag. From within the wizard-spaced interior, he pulled out a hip-height

pedestal and set it firmly on the ground. Then made sure it was as close

to level as he could get it by squirming it into the sod under the pedestal


Next, he pulled out a pensieve and placed it atop the pedestal.

Next out of the bag was a common folding 'banana' sun lounger. He

immediately set it up so the pedestal was alongside it with about a three

foot separation and with the foot of it facing the judges section in the

stands. The pedestal was on the lounger's right.

Next came a novel with a bookmark within. He dropped that onto the


And, finally, he drew out a rack of vials. Each was numbered and

contained memory strands.

One at a time and in sequential order, while holding the rack with his left

hand, he pulled out a vial and poured the memory contents into the

pensieve. As each strand went in, he tapped a rune on the edge of the

pensieve with his wand. This added them to show in the sequence they

were entered.

With all memory strands added he returned the rack of now empty vials

to the bag.

Turning back to the audience he redrew his wand and, once again, cast

Sonorus on himself. "Because it might take quite some time for me to

figure out just how I'm going to complete my task with only three and a

bit years of magical education under my belt, I've brought some...

entertainment... for you all.

"Be very aware: While the entertainment I'm providing for you is playing,

I'll be trying to figure out how to complete the task. I'll be concentrating

on that, so any distractions from you I will consider hindering me. Again,

you have been warned."

Cancelling the Sonorus he then tapped the activation rune on the

pensieve to show the memories in the air above the bowl.

As soon as the first began, he immediately enlarged it to about twice

human size.

The memory showed him, in his Hogwarts uniform, standing in a bare

white room. He called this 'Memory-Harry'. He'd recorded it in the Room

of Requirement, late at night.

Memory-Harry was speaking. "Testing... testing... one... two... three.

Testing... testing."

As the memory played, the real Harry adjusted the volume so that

everyone in the stands could clearly hear it.

"Testing... Testing... One... two... Are we ready yet, Harry?" asked


"Yep, all set to go!" the real Harry loudly replied.

"Excellent!" said Memory-Harry, appearing as if he was looking back at

the real Harry. "Make yourself comfortable. This is going to take a while."

There was a short pause before he added a short bark of laughter and

said, "What am I saying? Of course you already know that. You set this

whole thing up!"

As the real Harry, now with everything set up, turned away from the

pensieve and went to the lounge, he loudly replied, "Damned straight!"

Then picked up his novel, turned and carefully sat on the lounger, before

then swinging his legs around to lie on it.

"I'm ready!" he loudly declared, opening the novel and lying back to read


"Alright!" declared Memory-Harry, from where it looked like it was

watching him. It turned back to 'face front' facing the judges table, drew

his wand and held it to swear an oath. He intoned, "I, Harrison James

Potter, swear on my magic and my life that the memories you're about to

see played over the course of the beginning of my first task of the 1994

Tri-Wizard Tournament are a true account of my actual memories. As I

say, so I swear, so let it be written!"

Real-Harry looked up for a moment, gave a snort, and returned to

reading his book.

"Now that the oath is out of the way," said Memory-Harry, tucking his

wand away again. "Let's get on with them.

"Since this is going to take quite a while you should all know before we

begin that there is no time limit on completing the task. I can take as

long as I want. And I intend to do just that.

"So, if you had plans on leaving within the next fifteen minutes or so, I'll

disabuse you of that belief right now. You're going to be sitting there for

a while.

"If you need to visit the loo, do so. Just don't make a scene or any noise

while you do. Leave and return... quietly. Remember, if you distract me, it

may cost you your magic."

Memory-Harry let that hang for a moment before he continued. "Many of

you, at least those who were students during that year, have been left

wondering just what happened in Hogwarts during the last few weeks of

the 1991-92 school year. You've probably heard a great deal of rumours.

For example, what really happened to Professor Quirinus Quirrell? You

may even have started one or two of them yourselves. Now you're going

to learn the truth. Watch as I show you Harry's... my... memories of just

what happened.

"However, before we get to that and keeping this part of things

chronological, I'm going to show you a few scenes of what happened

during the year leading up to that."

"First is the troll incident of Hallowe'en, 1991. This is what happened in

the Great Hall during the Feast."

The memory was a short 'clip' of the students and staff all enjoying the

feast when Quirrell ran into the Hall and wailed about a troll loose in the

dungeons, before then fake-fainting. Then all the students panicking and

Dumbledore standing up and roaring for silence. The students calming

down. Dumbledore ordering the prefects to lead the Houses back to their

common rooms. And the students beginning to file out a lot more orderly

than there were only a few seconds earlier.

"Right," said Memory-Harry, coming back. "What's wrong with the scene

you just watched? First: When Quirrell apparently fainted, the first thing

I wanted to do was laugh. Why? Because he's supposed to be our DADA

Professor and he's fainting because he saw a troll? Yeah, right. And,

secondly, the way he supposedly fainted was so fake I thought he was

performing comedy. People, included witches and wizards, do not faint

like that. They topple forward like a bloody tree. And when it's on a hard

surface like the flagstones of the Hall, they'll usually break their nose,

teeth, jaw or similar.

"Next, Dumbledore ordered the prefects to lead their Houses back to their

common rooms. If I wasn't so stunned as to the absolute stupidity of that

I'd have probably laughed right there, irrespective of laughing at

Quirrell's comedy faint. 'Dumb-dumb-dore' obviously couldn't care less

for the safety and well-being of the Slytherins and Hufflepuffs, because

he'd just ordered the prefects of both Houses to lead their housemates

into the dungeons seconds after being told that's where a bloody troll was!"

Memory-Harry allowed that to percolate through the minds of the

audience before he continued.

"Now while we Gryffindors were being led back up to the Gryffindor

Tower by that pompous arse, Percy Weasley - and there's a young man

who has his head stuck so far up his own arse it's amazing he can see

anything - I already knew that my House- and Year-mate, Hermione

Granger, had not been at the feast. Therefore, I easily deduced she would

not be aware of the danger. I had also earlier overheard two of my

housemates say she was in the girls' bathroom on the second floor, crying

her eyes out.

"So, I grabbed the person who was responsible for her crying her eyes out

in the first place - Ronald Weasley - and dragged him off in search of her,

once we reached the second floor.

"Just as we reached the second floor... Well, watch for yourselves."

Memory-Harry faded away again and up in the same space began the

memory of that incident, starting with the two boys running down the

corridor towards the bathroom.

It caught the sound of Hermione screaming in terror; the two boys

running into the bathroom; a quick plan to try and get Hermione out of

there and out of danger; Harry managing to scramble up on the troll's

back and shove his wand up its nose; Ron levitating the club and

dropping it on the troll's head, knocking it out; and the teachers turning

up a few seconds later. It ended there.

Memory-Harry popped back up and said, "And that's how we became


There was a slight pause while he let that cogitate before moving on.

"This next one is a detention Hermione, Ron Weasley, Draco Malfoy and I

received after the first two and I were helping a friend out late at night.

Draco Malfoy received his because Minerva McGonagall justly realised he

had to also be out of his common room past curfew to have seen us to

dob us in to her.

"At that point I thought McGonagall might not be as dumb as most

wizards and witches had already proven to me they were. However, her

detention proved she actually was as dumb as I think most magicals are,

after all. And this is what happened."

The image changed into the four first years with Hagrid and his dog,

Fang, going into the Forbidden Forest to find what was killing the

unicorns; them splitting up under Hagrid's orders; Harry and Malfoy

coming across 'something' feeding on the blood of an injured unicorn; it

attacking them; and the immediate aftermath with the centaurs, before

fading away.

"Now, colour me wrong," said Memory-Harry. "But, I was under the

impression the Forbidden Forest was, in fact, forbidden. So, what the

bloody hell was going through the minds of the staff of Hogwarts to have

the school gamekeeper, a man no longer permitted to use a wand, take

four eleven year olds with little to no magical education and trudge

through the Forbidden Forest... at night... and going after something

dangerous enough to injure or kill unicorns?

"Is it any wonder that, by then, my opinion of adult magicals left a lot to

be desired? Even back then, as far as I was concerned adult witches and

wizards are stupid!"

"Professor McGonagall told us, while we waited in the antechamber off

the Entrance Hall before our Sortings, that our Houses would be like our

families. If that's the way families treat each other in the wizarding

world, I find myself relieved I'm an only-child orphan!"

Pausing for a sigh, he continued, "Moving on! We now come to a few

days short of the end of the school year. This is what had most people

wondering what had happened to Quirinus Quirrell. And, what the

bloody hell was down that out-of-bounds third floor corridor.

"We start from just after Hermione, Ron and I have entered that corridor.

We were under the mistaken impression Severus Snape was trying to

steal what we'd already learned to be Flamel's Philosopher's Stone being

protected in that corridor."

Memory-Harry faded away. The next scene was of the eleven year old

versions of Harry, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger entering the so-

called out-of-bounds third floor corridor of the castle.

It showed Hermione using a first year unlocking charm, Alohomora, to

unlock the door. The Cerberus, asleep while a magical harp played itself

in the corner. Harry moving the Cerberus's foot off the trapdoor and Ron

opening it. The three of then dropping down the resultant hole. And

landing in the Devil's Snare.

Hermione then telling them to just relax and they'd drop through. The

three dropping through one by one and coming out underneath it, before

moving on to the room of flying keys. Harry taking one of the brooms

aloft and catching the right key before the rest suddenly started chasing

him. Him flinging the key into Hermione's hands and her unlocking the

door with it. The three of them then ducking through the door and

slamming it shut just in time to hear the keys ram the door on the other


Next came the chess-set. The memory showed portions of this with

Memory-Harry stepping in and saying only portions of the game would

be shown as it would take too long. Ron getting knocked off the knight

and landing, unconscious, on the floor. Harry checkmating the opposing

king. Both rushing to Ron's side. Hermione telling Harry he was

breathing and, therefore, alive. And both going on.

As that memory faded away Memory-Harry then stepped forth again and

explained, "Now, at this point, we're now down to two. However, I want

you all to remember that, at this point, only one spell has been cast - the

first year Alohomora charm. It took no advanced magic. This is

something that every witch and wizard that's read the first year Charms

book could have done. Every student, who was in Hogwarts at the time,

could have done this."

He faded out and the memory continued. Harry and Hermione crossed

through the room with the unconscious or dead troll in it. Then stepped

into the room with the potions puzzle.

Hermione then quickly figured out the puzzle, picked up the right potions

vial and offered it to Harry. Her telling him he was a great wizard and

urging him to go on while she went back. She also showed him which

vial to drink to go back. Took a swig of it herself and walked back out

the way they walked in.

"And now we're down to one," said Memory-Harry.

In the memory Harry then chugged down the vial Hermione had given

him and stepped through to go on.

Then it showed Quirrell standing in front of the Mirror of Erised and

Harry trying to sneak about. Him being spotted and Quirrell binding him

with an Incarcerous charm. Quirrell and Voldemort discussing things.

And Quirrell unwrapping his turban and turning about.

Back in the arena, and though Harry had warned them to remain silent,

there were quite a few horrified gasps coming from the now very

attentive audience.

Real-Harry lowered his book and glared about, silencing them all again,

before returning to his book.

By then, Memory-'Quirrellmort' had grabbed Harry and stuck him in front

of the mirror.

Next came the grappling. Quirrellmort screaming as Harry's hands began

to turn him to ash. Harry getting outside his grip before returning and

laying his hands on the possessed man again. And Quirrell finally

collapsing and dying.

Almost immediately afterwards, the wraith of Voldemort rose from the

body and charged Harry. And the memory going blank.

Memory-Harry returned to the image and said, "So, as you witnessed, I

killed Quirinus Quirrell. Yes, he was possessed. Yes, it was by the shade

of Voldemort. And, yes, a possessed person is basically a walking corpse

that just hasn't died yet. The moment Quirrell allowed Voldemort to

possess him, he was a walking dead man. But, that still does not mean I

didn't kill him.

"Now, lets go through those supposed traps that were... hardy-har-har...

meant to stop a dark wizard getting their hands on the Philosopher's

Stone. The first door was locked by a simple lock able to be opened by a

simple first year Alohomora charm. So, any and every student in the

school could get past it.

"Then we have Hagrid's part of the sequence; the Cerberus. The Cerberus

could be put to sleep by playing music to it. And, wouldn't you know it,

Hagrid gifted me a flute the recently previous Christmas. Sound fishy? It

did to me.

"Next was the Devil's Snare. Easily bypassed by simply relaxing. That was

obviously Pomona Sprout's part. And easy enough to understand how to

get past when I discovered our resident Herbology prodigy, Neville

Longbottom, was told by Albus Dumbledore to tell Hermione how to not

get caught by it.

"Then comes the room with the flying keys, with a door that couldn't be

unlocked by an Alohomora Charm. This was obviously Flitwick's

contribution. And it begs the question: If his door couldn't be opened by

an Alohomora charm, why didn't they use that same anti-Alohomora

charm on the first door? Hmm?

"Plus, two brooms were also left in the room to assist in me, a prodigy

seeker, being able to capture the right key.

"Next; the giant chess set. And, wouldn't you know it, Ronald Weasley is

a prodigy in chess.

"Next came the troll. And the three of us already knew how to deal with

one of those from when Hermione was nearly squished by one back on


"Then came the logic puzzle with the potions. And, Hermione Granger is

a prodigy with logic puzzles.

"If you can't figure out that this all seemed highly suspicious you're all

even bigger idiots than even I thought.

"Now, you could say this was all coincidental but, as a famous muggle

novelist was quoted as saying, 'Once is happenstance, twice is

coincidence, but three times is enemy action'. And here we have six such

events. What does that say for the happenstance coincidence divide,

hmm? No. It's clear this was all a set-up

"This next memory occurred three days later. It is the evening before the

Hogwarts Express departs Hogsmeade to return students to London and

I've only just woken up after being unconscious since the wraith of

Voldemort attacked me."

The next memory was of Harry waking up in the Infirmary, Madam

Pomfrey telling him how he gave everyone 'such a fright', and

Dumbledore walking in a few moments later.

Dumbledore tells Harry he didn't 'really' kill Quirrell, and why. And of

what supposedly happened to the Philosopher's Stone. They share a few

sweets before Dumbledore leaves and Harry is released.

"Right," said Memory-Harry popping back up. "There I was. I'm eleven

years old - almost twelve. I've just killed someone. Dumbledore tells me I

shouldn't worry about it because the man was going to die, anyway. I've

just killed someone and Poppy Pomfrey, the school healer, has scolded

me for frightening everyone.

"Now, I'm going to be blunt. If you don't like the language, too bad. But...

are you naffing kidding me?!"

"At the very least, Pomfrey should have been organising for me a mind

healer, so I could come to terms with what has happened. And

Dumbledore should have been calling in the DMLE. A man has just been

killed, for naff's sake!

"I was never interviewed by investigators of the DMLE, as should have

happened with the death of someone; I was never handed over to a mind

healer. Nothing... except for what happened that night at the Leaving


Memory-Harry faded away and a memory of Dumbledore standing to

make last minute announcements at the Leaving Feast started. It show

him about to award the House Cup to the House with the most points,

Slytherin. However, he stopped and began to award last minute points.

And then the awarding of those points, which led to the House Cup being

won by Gryffindor.

The memory faded and Memory-Harry popped back up.

"Did you all get that? Dumbledore award me, Hermione Granger, Ron

Weasley and Neville Longbottom with the most ridiculous amount of

points. Fair enough for what Neville did, but it should still never have

been that many points. But he awarded us other three for flat out

breaking school rules!

"And he awarded me points - for killing a man!

"I'm sure you can all see there's something mighty fishy going on here."




Amelia Bones leaned forward from where she'd been watching both

Harry's pensieve presentation and Dumbledore. She leaned over to

Dumbledore and said, "In case you haven't already figured it out for

yourself, Albus, you're under arrest. When Mister Potter completes his

task and you award suitable points I'm taking you, him, Minerva

McGonagall and Poppy Pomfrey in to the DMLE interrogation rooms for

what looks like is going to be a very long chat."

Dumbledore internally sighed but kept his mouth shut. He knew he was

in deep enough trouble, as it was.




After letting his last comments sink in for a long moment, Memory-Harry

continued. "Now, my first year, as you've just seen, had my life at risk on

a number of occasions. First: And what I didn't show you was Quirrell

jinxing my broom during the first Quidditch match, and me nearly falling

to my death from a hundred feet up in the air. Second: That bloody troll

incident. Third: Our staff-mandated night-time excursion into the

Forbidden Forest. And fourth: Quirrellmort trying to kill me when we

three eleven year olds seemed to be the only ones who could deduce

someone was making a play for the Stone that night.

"That's four threats to my life in my first year, alone. And that's ignoring

the fact that Dumbledore had hired a Voldemort-possessed teacher - stop

naffing flinching every time I say his name, you naffing retards! - hired

Voldemort to teach at Hogwarts for the entire school year. And thereby

being a constant threat to me, especially, for all but my last three days at

school for that year.

After Real-Harry took another long glare around the stands, Memory-

Harry continued.

"Right!" he said. "That was first year - the 1991-92 school year. Let's

move on to the fun and games of second year - 1992-93.

"September and October 1992 was peaceful. I was looking forward to a

quiet year. The only downer that year to that point was Dumbledore had

seemed to think it was good idea to hire that utter fraud, Gilderoy

Lockhart, as our replacement DADA Professor. If any of you dunderheads

had read his books, as I did before I'd even started at school that year,

and had figured out the timelines he used it should have been as clear to

you as it was to me that there is no possible way the man could have

accomplished what he said he'd accomplished.

"In three different areas he purported himself to be in two different

locations in completely different parts of the world. Secondly, he wrote

he'd even vanquished a werewolf simply by punching it on the nose, a

zombie by sprinkling salt on it, and other completely laughable supposed


"That the man wasn't, even by then, already discovered to be a complete

fraud just goes to show how collectively stupid wizards and witches truly

are!" he then sighed.

"But, I digress! Everything was going as I expected it to when - wouldn't

you know it? - it was Hallowe'en again.

"Stupidly, I found myself being dragged down to a room in the dungeons

to attend the 500th Deathday party of the Gryffindor house ghost, Sir

Nicholas 'Nearly Headless Nick' de Mimsy-Porpington, instead of

attending the start of the Feast. It was after we'd left the party and were

making our way back to the Gryffindor Tower we came across what

happened right outside the same bathroom Hermione was crying in

exactly a year earlier, when she nearly got herself squished by a troll's


"The floor was covered in water, Caretaker Filch's cat, Mrs Norris, was

hanging from a wall sconce by her tail - we thought she was dead - and

there was writing on the wall directly below her. It said, 'Enemies of the

heir, beware'

"Moments after we arrived there, Gryffindor and Ravenclaw students

came up from the Feast and were making their own ways back to their


"Malfoy, the MisSorted Gryffindor who wears green trim, was with them

for whatever reason - seeing as his common room is supposed to be in the

dungeons and there's no real reason he should have been on the second

floor - and cackled out about how mudbloods would be next. Always

opening his mouth before he engages his brain, that boy. Then relies on

his godfather, Severus Snape, to pull his nads out of the fire for him."

Surreptitiously looking over the top edge of his book, Harry could see

quite a few were snickering at the clearly now angry blonde ponce.

"Of course, Caretaker Filch showed he lacks logic as much as a proper

wizard or witch by immediately accusing me of killing his cat.

"But, as Ron, Hermione and I were first on the scene, for most people,

that meant we were guilty of whatever happened. And Dumbledore

dragged us three, the Mrs Norris catcicle, Filch, Minerva McGonagall and

Fraud Lockhart off to Lockhart's classroom and office to investigate

matters further. Of course, Severus Snape also managed to invite himself

along, as he usually does.

"The way Snape always seems to be hovering around Dumbledore,

inviting himself or being invited into meetings he has no right to be

involved in, I've come to think of him as Dumbledore's shadow brought

to life. Either that, or he secretly lusts after the man and follows him

around like a love-sick puppy. But, maybe that lust is actually the other

way round," and shrugged.

"Anyways, after poking and prodding the Mrs Norris catsicle for a while

and Lockhart rambled on with his nonsense, Dumbledore eventually

declared she wasn't dead, only petrified.

"However, what we have come of that was the whole school now have it

in the back of their minds I was responsible for the attack.

"A week later, Colin Creevey was the next to be petrified. Watch what

happened, that night, in the Infirmary."

"I also remind you, for those who were there, that was the day I had the

bones in my arm vanished by 'Fraudhart'. So, for the entire duration of

that day, from shortly after lunch until the next morning, I was under the

direct supervision of Madam Pomfrey in the Infirmary. So, there's no

possible way I could have been the one who attacked the boy."

The memory started with Harry lying awake in his bed. Dumbledore

backs into the room wearing his nightclothes. McGonagall was facing

him, also walking in. Between them they had a petrified Colin Creevey.

And, once they'd dumped the boy on a bed and he'd opened Creevey's

camera, Dumbledore confirmed the Chamber of Secrets had been opened.

Memory-Harry returned. "Did you all catch how Dumbledore, after he'd

opened Creevey's camera and saw the insides were all melted, said it

meant the Chamber of Secrets had been opened? Why would he say that?

That he did meant he knew what the monster was in the Chamber. He

had to have! Otherwise, the melted insides of the camera wouldn't have

meant anything to him.

"Oh, and just so you know, a basilisk is the only creature that could do

that to the camera. Yet further proof Dumbledore knew the monster was

a basilisk.

"Which then brings us to Lockhart's aborted Duelling Club. The first and

only meeting of that club. The one where it became known, even to me,

that I'm a parselmouth.

"Watch what happened."

The next memory showed the duel between Harry and Malfoy, with the

ponce using Serpensortia to conjure a snake - a Black Mamba - one of the

most deadliest snakes known to man; Lockhart's stupidity in enraging it;

its moving to attack Justin Finch-Fletchley; Harry unknowingly using

parseltongue to stop it and everyone's reaction to it.

"Now, here we see a simple example of the stupidity of wizards and

witches," explained Memory-Harry. "Wizard logic: Harry Potter is shown

to be a parselmouth, everyone knows that Voldemort was a parselmouth,

Voldemort was evil, therefore Harry Potter must be evil. It completely

ignores the fact that Merlin was a parselmouth, so was Paracelsus, and

parselmouths are revered in other parts of the world because

parseltongue magic is proven to be best suited to healing magic - think

Paracelsus and his works.

"Using that same logic we must accept that Minerva McGonagall's

animagus form is a dog. Using the same Wizard logic: Minerva

McGonagall's animagus form has four legs and a tail, everyone knows

dogs have four legs and a tail, therefore Minerva McGonagall's animagus

form is a dog. Stupidity, dressed as common sense, is still stupidity!

"For those who do not know what I told that very venomous Black

Mamba, I told it to stop and not attack. That's why it backed off! What

was I playing at, Finch-Fletchley? I was saving your naffing life, you


"That then led to almost the whole school turning against me. I was being

bullied left, right and centre.

"Now, bullying is a crime in the non-magical world. But, by the actions of

the staff of Hogwarts, that does not appear to be the case in magical

Britain. Every single one of the students - apparently except for

Hermione, Ron and the Weasley twins - forgot I was laid up all night in

the Infirmary when Creevey was attacked only a couple days earlier; so,

it could not have been me. Hell, pretty much the lot of you saw

Fraudhart vanish the bones out of my arm and that it would mean I'd be

in the Infirmary. Idiots!

"Within a day of the fiasco of the duelling club, Finch-Fletchley is

attacked and petrified. He's the second student to have been done so. It's

now three days before the Christmas break.

"Of course, because it's the day after it's discovered I'm a parselmouth and

I'm clearly now a Dark Lord, everyone pretty much accuses me of doing

it. The bullying ratchets down, but now people are scared of me.

"Things go as you would think for the next few months. Then, in early

May, Hermione and Penny Clearwater are attacked and petrified.

Immediately afterwards, Lucy Malfoy somehow convinces by unanimous

decision of the School Board to have Dumbledore removed as


"And, at the same time, Malfoy also convinces Fudge to have Hagrid

carted off to Azkaban. His reason? He has to be seen to be doing


"That's three major events all on the same day, so let's visit them one at a

time. First, the petrification of Hermione and the Clearwater lass finally

has everyone believing I'm not the one who's doing the petrifying. It

could be because I was down at the Quidditch pitch for the entire time in

front of a great many people, who could all provide me alibis; or, it could

be because no one would believe I'd attack my best friend, Hermione; or

a combination of both. Frankly, I didn't and don't care one way or the

other. It, at least, stopped the bullying and fear of me. It's a pity they

didn't think about where I was when Creevey was attacked.

"The second was the sacking of Dumbledore. Later, after what happened

in the Chamber of Secrets, I learned that it seems Lucy Malfoy extorted

the rest of the School Board to go along with him in sacking Dumbledore

as Headmaster. Frankly, I really don't give a toss about that, but you

might want to look into it, Madam Bones.

"And the third was Hagrid getting carted off to Azkaban. Now, I'm not a

lawyer, I'm not a legislator and I'm not a law enforcement official.

However, it really gets in my craw how a person can be sent to Azkaban

without even the decency of a trial. In the non-magical United Kingdom,

from whence wizarding Britain was born, it is a breach of the Magna

Carta to do such. And the Magna Carta was enshrined in law before

magical Britain effectively seceded from the non-magical United

Kingdom. As such, unless the Wizengamot has overturned the Magna

Carta since seceding, then it is still law.

"So, if that is the case, then the Minister broke one of the founding

precepts of modern law by having Hagrid incarcerated without a trial. To

me, he kidnapped the man; and was aided and abetted by Lucy Malfoy in

the act.

"You might want to look into that, too, Madam Bones. But, please don't

take this as a direction on my part; only a suggestion."




Up in the VIP box, Madam Bones muttered, "Oh, don't worry about that,

Mister Potter. I fully intend to."

She glanced to her left at the Minister and quietly said, "You and I will be

having a long talk too, Minister."

Fudge, already worried, blanched and started to sweat.




2. Singing, Another One Bites the


Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to the proverbial Duchess of

Magic, JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high

falutin' companies. No matter how much I whine about not owning anything

related to the HP universe, other than a few fanfic plots, I do not profess to

own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful

world... Damn it!

Chapter Two - Singing 'Another One Bites the Dust'




"Three weeks later to the day, it's the twenty eighth of May," continued

Memory-Harry. "Ron and I had just managed to work out what was going

on from all the various clues."

With a snort he corrected himself, "Well, not really. I figured it out, with

Ron still trying to drag me off to play chess and otherwise skive off doing


"The main one was that very day finding a torn page from a book in

petrified Hermione's hand that described basilisks. Under that, in her own

neat script, was written one word - Pipes.

"Ron had also just discovered his little sister, Ginny, had gone missing;

and he was frantic to get my help in finding her. We were down on that

same second floor corridor outside that same bathroom when we saw

another message had been written below the Heir of Slytherin message,

'Her skeleton will lie in the Chamber forever'.

"Ron panicked, of course. So would you if you'd just discovered

something like that about your own baby sister. At least he'd finally

decided to put in some effort to figure out what was going on. He'd found

his motivation. To me, it was far too little; far too late.

"However, just like the previous year, we were determined to take the

matter to an adult witch of wizard. I wanted to give McGonagall the

benefit of the doubt and get her help. Maybe this time she'd do the right

thing. However, Ron forced on me the choice of Gilderoy 'The Fraud'


"When we ran to and burst into the office of The Fraud, he was in the

process of packing with the intention of running away as fast as he could.

So, yes, The Fraud could now be known as The Cowardly Fraud.

"However, since he claimed to be this all-powerful vanquisher of dark

creatures, as written in his novels - sorry, texts - we were having none of

that. We forced him to come down to the Chamber with us. And I had a

pretty good idea where it was.

"The final clue that gave me the probable location was that, when the

Chamber was last opened in the early 1940s, a student was killed. Her

name was Myrtle. You know her today as the ghost, Moaning Myrtle.

"We then headed for the very same girls' bathroom, once again. Once

inside I found a carving of a snake on one of the taps in the circle of sinks

in the middle of the floor.

"A quick whisper of parseltongue, and I had the entrance open.

"With The Cowardly Fraud going first - whether he liked it or not - we

slid down the pipe entrance all the way to the bottom. We were now

deep under the school and likely under the lake.

"With wand tips lit we walked from the bottom of the pipe in the only

direction we could; through a long cave.

"Partway along, we came across a shed snake skin. It was about fifty feet


"While hurriedly discussing what to do next, The Cowardly Fraud had a

moment of bravery and lunged at Ron stripping him of his wand. How

about that. For the past twenty minutes, The Cowardly Fraud couldn't

even take hold of his bollocks enough to jump a twelve year old until


"Fraudhart them had us both at wand point and began bragging about

how he was going to claim he would write a new book about this, claim

he was unable to save Ginny from the basilisk, but had rescued the two

of us. Then he attempted to cast the only charm upon us he was quite the

expert at - the Obliviation charm.

"The trouble for him was, Ron's wand was broken and held together with

Spellotape. The Obliviation charm backfired on him, and threw him

across the cave. However, the attempt also managed to bring down the

roof of the cave on us.

"After Ron and I dived in opposite directions to avoid all the falling rocks

we ended up on different sides of the cave-in that now filled the cave at

that point.

"Only I could go on, while Ron would work at clearing some of the rocks

away enough for me to get out once I got Ginny. Fraudhart was barely

lucid and didn't even remember his own name; so, he was no help.

"And that brings us to the next important memory. This one is going to

have quite a number of shocks. If you have a poor constitution I suggest

you quickly, but quietly, leave right now. Once I start the memory I have

no intention of stopping, restarting or pausing it. If you miss anything,

too bad. You should have been paying attention in the first place.

"Right. Here we go."

Memory-Harry faded out and the memory opened with twelve-year-old

Harry walking up to the massive stone door protecting the Chamber of

Secrets. Him opening it, and walking inside. Having a look about as we

walked deeper within. Finally seeing and rushing up to the unconscious

form of Ginny Weasley lying on the floor at the base of the very large

statue of who everyone assumed was Salazaar Slytherin and foolishly

dropping his wand on the way. Him trying to wake her. The nearly

corporeal form of Tom Riddle walking out of the shadows and picking up

his wand.

Then the whole discussion, where 'Tom' reveals himself to be both Tom

Marvolo Riddle and Voldemort - which had many in the audience

gasping in shock or try to cry out in disbelief. Riddle's true bloodline.

More outcries of disbelief.

Real-Harry, once he felt the audience had become noisy enough, glared

at the general audience, put his book down and stood.

He roared out, "Who's magic am I getting the Goblet to strip?"

That silenced the audience again.

He glared about for a few moments longer, and retook his seat on the sun

lounge, picking up his book as he did so.

Meanwhile, the memory went through Riddle's bragging, how the diary

was leeching Ginny's life force, and Harry's defiance.

Finally, Riddle called forth the basilisk.

That had just about everyone in the audience scream out in fearful shock.

Real-Harry, again, surged to his feet to glare about, this time with his

wand in hand. And, again, he got almost immediate silence.

Memory-Harry's running to avoid the basilisk. The arrival of Fawkes with

the Sorting Hat in his claws that he then dropped in to Harry's arms; and

who then attacked the eyes of the basilisk. The blinding of the basilisk.

Harry finding the Sword of Gryffindor in the Sorting Hat. Harry fighting

the blinded basilisk with the sword. Harry killing the basilisk while also

being bitten by it. And the basilisk thrashing its head about in its death

throes before finally dying.

The return of Fawkes, a dying Harry being saved by Fawkes's tears and

Riddle trying to blast the bird away with Harry's wand. Harry then using

the broken fang of the basilisk he pulled out of his arm to repeatedly stab

the diary. Near-corporeal Riddle being blasted apart. Ginny waking. And

the two of them leaving.

When the memory ended, Memory-Harry returned and quietly said, "I

told you it would be shocking."

Giving that a long moment to settle, he continued, "Before I give you the

highlights you should know that wasn't the last time that evening my life

was in peril."

After he knew there'd be a few more gasps, and were, he continued,

"After I helped Ginny out of the Chamber, we returned to the cave-in.

Ron had managed to clear away enough rocks for the two of us to

scramble through.

"Once on the other side, Ron and his sister had a bit of a heartfelt reunion

while I checked out Lockhart. He was still out to it and seemed to only

have memories up to when he was a small child. He thought he was still

a small child.

"Fawkes returned to us and, using his flame-travel powers, soon saw the

four of us back up in the girls' bathroom on the second floor.

"Now, instead of taking us direct to the Infirmary, Fawkes took us back to

Minerva McGonagall's office. Inside were McGonagall, Dumbledore and

the Weasley parents.

"At this point, the adults should have thought to themselves, 'They could

be injured. We should see to their health, first.' But, no. No, we started to

get questions barked at us about everything; as if their getting

information was more important than our health.

"For those who don't yet understand, that's known as 'child neglect' and is

a crime. At least, it's a crime in the muggle world.

"By now I'd become pretty inured to just how stupid the magical-raised

could be. They just... don't... think.

"More and more questions were being asked - more like, demands for

information. Even when they learned I'd been bitten by a basilisk and

showed them the healing wound, not one of these so-called responsible

adults immediately dragged me off to the Infirmary. No, them getting

immediate answers was clearly more important than my health.

"Well, fuck you very much! I've well learned my lesson from that. Both my

Headmaster and Head of House truly don't give a shit about me."

"However, Dumbledore, at his supposed magnanimous best, did decide to

give both Ron and me two hundred points, apiece; and special awards for

services to the school. Whoop-de-friggin'-do!

"From what I've read up on what past holders of the Order of Merlin

achieved to get them, it wasn't hard to figure out slaying a thousand year

old basilisk to save a young pre-teen witch's life ranked pretty high up in

comparison. But, was one even considered? Fuck no!"

Giving a disappointed sigh and letting that settle for a long moment, he

continued, "As I mentioned earlier that wasn't the only threat to my life,

that day. Nor was it my health being ignored by the adults who should

have known better. No, the next direct threat came that evening in the

Deputy Headmistress's office and then immediately outside in the

corridor. Watch."

The memory showed Harry and Dumbledore still in McGonagall's office

when Lucius Malfoy slammed the door open and strolled in as if he

owned the place. Dobby was at his heels.

After the exchange of veiled threats masked as pleasantries between

Malfoy and Dumbledore, Malfoy stormed out of the room.

Harry grabbed the diary back off Dumbledore, pulled one of his shoes off,

ripped his sock off, stuffed it in the diary, and pulled his shoe back on his

sockless foot.

Next part was Harry, out in the corridor, forcing Malfoy senior to take

back the diary; him then forcing it into the hands of Dobby; Harry

indicating to Dobby to open it and Dobby discovering he'd just been

handed clothes by his master, thereby freeing him.

Malfoy, discovering what Harry had done, pulled his wand on him. About

to curse Harry, by snarling out, "Avada―" and Dobby banishing his now

old master down the corridor.

The memory then ended with Memory-Harry putting in an appearance.

"And there you have Lucy Malfoy in the process of attempting to curse an

unarmed twelve year old boy with the Killing curse." His voice dropped

into a full sarcastic snark. "What a naffing hero!" And returned back to

what it was. "From that, I easily understand how his son turned out to be

such a... doofus."

Real-Harry did not need to look into the stands to know Malfoy junior

would be red with rage, but unable to act upon it as he wanted. His fear

he just might lose his magic, no matter how slim or unlikely, stayed his

hand and tongue.

"Now, a review of the year," continued Memory-Harry. "Dumbledore hires

a man clearly incompetent and unqualified for the position as Professor

of Defence Against the Dark Arts. Even the Voldemort-possessed Quirrell

was a better choice than that. The idiot teaches us nothing. Well, what he

teaches us has nothing to do with the subject, at any rate. I don't think

we really needed to know what hair products and teeth whitening

potions the popinjay used.

"Filch's cat got petrified by, at that point, an unknown assailant. Because

I'm one of the first on the scene, I immediately get the blame.

"That then starts me being bullied by the majority of the school, including

the passive-aggressive shit the teaching staff and the caretaker aimed at

me, for the next eight months.

"A week later, Creevey is petrified while I have an ironclad alibi being

laid up in the Infirmary under Pomfrey's care. The same ironclad alibi

ignored by both students and staff less than two weeks later.

"Next it's discovered, even by me, that I'm a parselmouth. From that

everyone immediately and erroneously assumes I'm evil. Refer back to

Filch's cat.

"Finch-Fletchley is attacked and I'm blamed for it. Refer back to Colin

Creevey and me simultaneously being in the Infirmary less than two

weeks earlier.

"A half year break, Hermione and Clearwater are petrified while I'm

down at the Quidditch pitch. This, once again, proves it couldn't have

been me. However, this time the populace of the castle finally figure that

out for themselves. All the evidence was there conclusively proving I

didn't do it, but it took the petrification of my best friend for them to

finally take that bare moment needed to work out it wasn't me.


"Three weeks after that Ron and I force Fraudhart down into the entrance

to the Chamber.

"We get separated and I go on. I face, yet again, the spirit of Voldemort

trying to come back to life. I battle a one thousand year old gi-normous

basilisk in battle. And I save the life of Ginny Weasley.

"Fawkes helps the four of us back up into the school proper. Before we

even get a chance to go see to our injuries in the Infirmary Dumbledore,

McGonagall and Arthur and Molly Weasley begin to interrogate the shit

out of us.

"After over an hour, Dumbledore finally states Ginny needs to visit the

Infirmary. Mister and Missus Weasley leave with Ginny to go and do just

that; and take Ron with them. In other words, Harry was bitten by a

basilisk - which I had only just gotten through telling them about - but,

according to all the adults there, fuck him! He doesn't need to go to the

Infirmary. Nor does the fraud, Lockhart, who managed to almost

completely Obliviate himself all the way back to his young childhood.

"Still before I can finally get to the Infirmary, Lucy Malfoy turns up. I

manage to trick the idiot into freeing his house elf. So, in return, he tries

to hex/curse me with the Killing Curse. The schmuck gets smacked down

by his now ex-house elf, in saving my life.

"That evening those who were petrified, including Mrs Norris, are


"It's now two weeks to go until the end of term. Dumbledore decides to

cancel exams. Personally, if I was a fifth or seventh year supposedly

about to sit my OWLs or NEWTs, I'd be ropeable. There was no notice he

was going to do this. He gave no one a chance to disagree. He just did it.

Talk about an abrogation of his responsibilities to the students!

"Finally, we're sent home for the summer. And that brings to a close

second year.

"Oh, and just so you know, I never did get sent to the Infirmary to have

Madam Pomfrey take a look at the basilisk bite. Obviously, Albus

Dumbledore is that brilliant a wizard he never had to take even the

apprenticeship for healing to be determined a fully qualified master

healer. And, even then, didn't need to inspect the wound to declare me fit

and healed.

"Albus Dumbledore, at the time, claimed himself to be my magical

guardian, Madam Bones," said Memory-Harry, looking as if he was facing

the VIP table in the stands. "That he knew I'd been injured by a bite that

kills, and never did anything about it, is a crime. It's neglect of a child

under your care. As Professor McGonagall is supposed to be my Head of

House, the same charge could be levelled against her. The same charge

could also be levelled against both of them for the professor-student





Up in the VIP section, Madam Bones muttered, "Already noted, Mister


Outside the champions' tent, but between it and the gate into the arena,

Barty Crouch Junior, Polyjuiced as Alastor 'Mad-Eye' Moody, was getting

quite worried. As far as he was concerned, Potter was taking his own

sweet time in getting his egg and being done with it. Now, he had to wait

him out; just like everyone else was doing. His problem was, he was

quickly running out of on-hand Polyjuice and he had no idea just what

Harry was doing.

Moody's anti-poison potion flask, that he now used to carry around the

Polyjuice potion, was too small to carry more than about ninety minutes

worth. That time was rapidly approaching and he was almost out.

His problem: He couldn't leave before Potter did or it would look





Back in the arena, while Real-Harry continued to lounge on the lounger

while pretending to read a book, Memory-Harry was ready to move on.

"It's now another summer at Durzkaban - where I was worked harder

than a house elf. When not forced to work I was locked into my room

with bars on the window, fed insufficient food to feed a three year old

through a cat-flap in the bottom of the door and... well... you get the

idea. Vernon's sister, whom I unlovingly refer to as 'Marge the Barge',

pays her somewhat annual visit.

"Marge the Barge has a pet supposedly prize-winning bulldog named

Ripper. She's trained it to attack me pretty much on sight. I have the

scars on my lower legs to prove it.

"During dinner - which, though I cooked, I was not allowed to partake of

it much - The Barge just kept insulting my parents. She, the fat obnoxious

bitch that she is, claimed that my father was a drunk who should have

been locked away long before I was even born, and my mother should

have been put to death because she was obviously unable to breed

anything worthwhile. No second guesses for who she meant by breed.

"And, from that, I had one of the strongest bouts of accidental magic I've

ever had. I caused her to inflate like a balloon. She drifted out the door

and away into the night.

"Of course, I knew what would happen if I remained. Or, at least I thought

I did. The first part would be my fat uncle again attempting to beat me to

death. The second, would be ignorant naffwits from the Ministry turning

up to snap my wand.

"So, I fled. Both in fear of my life and fear of losing the only part of my

life that mattered - my life in the wizarding world.

"I quickly grabbed my cloak, my school trunk and the very few and

meagre muggle possessions I own, plus Hedwig's cage. Hedwig's my owl.

I sent her off telling her to find me later. And, dragging my trunk down

the stairs and out the front door as quickly as I could, I took off into the


"Accidentally, I summoned the Knight Bus and used that to go to the

Leaky Cauldron. There, I met for the first time Cornelius Fudge. How the

Hell he knew that would be where I was heading, I have no clue. But, he

clearly did.

"He told me I wasn't in trouble for what had happened, but I was to stay

at the Leaky for the remainder of summer. He mentioned something

about Black, but I was so relieved not to have to return to the Hell that

was the Dursleys I wasn't really paying as much attention as I should.

"The big advantage of staying at the Leaky, though, was I now had weeks

to stay in the wizarding world without the constant threat of Dumbledore

watching every move I made. And I made very good use of the time.

"The next day after arriving at the Leaky I went directly to Gringotts. And

there I learned just how much of a thief Dumbledore was. And just why

he was making such a big effort to keep me away from the wizarding

world when not at Hogwarts, and clueless of my true heritage.

"From the goblins I learned the so-called Leader of the Light was, in fact,

my Ministry-appointed magical guardian. It was the first time I'd been


"Yet another question: Why didn't anyone tell me before that? Apparently

all the teaching staff of Hogwarts knew, as did all the sitting members of

the thrice-damned Wizengamot of November 1981, plus everyone who

read the Daily Prophet of the next day. And not one of them bothered to let

me know Albus 'He-Who-is-Above-the-Law' Dumbledore was my magical

guardian? Really? Personally, I find that both hard to believe and suspect

magical compulsions not to tell me, in play.

"From the goblins I learned the old bastard was then using that authority

to drain the Potter accounts dry. I learned of my parents' wills - which

Dumbledore, using his authority as Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot,

had sealed - and their express wishes for dispensation of their assets and

me. They were blatantly ignored.

"I learned that my true and rightful magical guardian, the one who swore

the Godfather's Oath before both my parents and Dumbledore himself,

was in fact Sirius Black. The same Sirius Black who had been thrown into

Azkaban, without even a naffing trial, at the express orders of then

Minister Bagnold, Director of the DMLE Bartemius Crouch Senior and -

you guessed it - Albus frigging Dumbledore!

"Are you starting to see a pattern here? I bet not."

"It quickly became obvious to me Dumbledore wanted Sirius out of the

way so he had control of me and my assets. However, by this time I was

not surprised at just what Dumbledore seemed to be up to. You'll learn

more of just what steps Dumbledore is, or was, willing to go in a little


"Oh - and, Madam Bones - I have the full goblin-certified records of

everything to hand to you once I'm finished here. Have no fear of that."




Up in the VIP box, Dumbledore closed his eyes, groaned and slumped his

shoulders forward.

Amelia Bones viciously grinned at his back. The young Mister Potter,

whatever his reasons, had just well and truly destroyed Dumbledore's

reputation. The old man would be very lucky to escape a period of long

term incarceration in Azkaban for this. Merlin, she thought the boy was

leading up to evidence that would see the old codger forcefully tossed

through the Veil.

He also seemed to be destroying not a few other reputations, while he

was at it. Minerva McGonagall, Filius Flitwick, Pomona Sprout, Severus

Snape and Rubeus Hagrid would also be answering rather direct and

pointed questions of their own roles; especially McGonagall and Hagrid.

If he kept it up, Hogwarts might well have to close its doors for the

foreseeable future.

That he had decided to use a situation where he had both a large

audience and no one could lift a finger to stop him or risk their magic,

she thought, was astounding.

She quietly muttered, "The boy is more Slytherin than any Slytherin I





"Anyways," continued Memory-Harry, "I was being told Sirius Black, the

Azkaban escapee, was loose and looking to find me to kill me. After

reading he was both my godfather and had taken the Godfather's Oath, I

knew the second part of that wasn't true.

"I also knew that, while he had escaped Azkaban, he was not a convicted

felon. As such, and according to law, all he did was escape from illegal

incarceration. And that, I assure you, is not an illegal act. Check your

own laws and records for proof of what I'm telling you."

After a pause to allow that to sink in, he continued, "After my three

weeks of freedom in Diagon Alley, I was now better informed of just

what was going on. And it was also time to return to Hogwarts.

"On the first of September we, of course, boarded the Express back to

Hogwarts. We had our usual visit from Malfunction Malfoy and his two

human bookends looking to make trouble before we even left the

metropolitan area of Greater London. Then we settled back to relax for

the rest of the journey.

"Of course, as most of you know, we were boarded by dementors. I had

no idea why they had such an interest in me, but one of them entered our

compartment; where it proceeded to suck all the happiness out of us.

"Luckily, Professor Remus Lupin was also in the compartment, and he

drove it off before it could suck my soul out, which it was looking to do.

"Kind of ironic, isn't it? The dementors were supposed to be there to

protect us, especially me; and yet, at its first opportunity, one of them

immediately attacked me. The dementors are supposed to be under the

direct control of the Ministry. Therefore, as the living embodiment of the

Ministry, I hold Minister Cornelius Fudge solely and completely

responsible for that.

"And that was only the first of three times the dementors tried to snack on

my soul that school year."




It was Cornelius Fudge's turn to groan and slump forward a bit. He'd

worked hard to make sure news of the attacks by the dementors had been

hushed-up in the media. If it got out that one of the dementors attacked

the 'Hero of the Wizarding World', Harry Potter, and that they did it due

to something he caused to happen, he knew his career would be over.

Now that Potter had made it very public, it wouldn't be long before it

also became public he'd hushed-up the attacks immediately after they

had happened.

His career was over; and he knew it.

Madam Bones, from where she sat, looked across to Fudge and saw him

slump forward in defeat. She smirked. She, too, knew the man's career as

Minister was over.

The words of a muggle song of a muggle singing group, of which she was

a secret fan, echoed through her mind. 'Another one bites the dust'.




Meanwhile, Memory-Harry had continued. "For the most part, my third

year - last year - was a great deal less life-threatening than the first two.

However, there were a few notable exceptions to that through the year.

"The second attempt by the dementors to suck on my soul came in early

November, when the dementors used the cover of low clouds to come

onto the grounds of Hogwarts and over the Quidditch pitch. That time, it

was about a half-dozen that attacked me. Their attack rendered me

unconscious and I fell from my broom from a height of about three

hundred feet.

"I was saved by an Arrest Momentum charm from serious injury, if not

death, from the fall.

"In mid-December I'm finally 'informed' - if you can call it that - that

Sirius Black is supposed to have double-crossed my parents and led

Voldemort to our hiding place in Godric's Hollow. I had to pretend it was

the first time I learned of that, so as not to alert Dumbledore I already

knew of that particular lie.

"The reason I did not want Dumbledore to know I knew of that will

become apparent later in this presentation.

"And, yes, it was a lie. I know people believe it to be true. However, it is

not. My parents, Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew pulled a fast one over

everyone. They made it look like Sirius was the Fidelius charm Secret

Keeper, but it was actually Peter Pettigrew. And Dumbledore, being the

one who cast the Fidelius, knew it was Pettigrew and not Sirius.

"And that means Albus Dumbledore knew damned well - or at least had

direct knowledge of - the fact Sirius Black is innocent of the crimes to

which he was unjustly dumped into Azkaban... and hasn't said one

bloody word of it to anyone, let alone someone who could have done

something about it. Hell, as Chief Warlock, he is well positioned to do

something about it, himself - and hasn't.




Mightily frowning in barely concealed fury, Madam Bones leaned

forward to whisper-snarl in Dumbledore's ear. "At the end of Mister

Potter's little presentation, as Director of the DMLE, I'm formally

suspending you as both Chief Warlock and as Britain's representative on

the ICW - which means your position as Supreme Mugwump is also

suspended - and banning you from sitting on the Wizengamot until such

time as my investigations into Mister Potter's... allegations... are


"You can, of course, appeal my decision. However, Cornelius Fudge will

also be suspended from his position as Minister of Magic; so, he will be

unable to aid you. Your only option will be to take the matter to the full

Wizengamot; and I doubt they'll want to aid you when all this hits the

Daily Prophet and the WWN by this evening at the latest.

"If I can manage it, I'll also be standing you down as Headmaster. I

believe I might have enough already with what he's already told us. But,

more won't hurt. And I don't think he's done yet - not by a long shot."

Unable to do anything to interrupt the Potter boy's presentation and what

he felt was a very well-executed character assassination, Dumbledore

could only give a slight pained expression and close his eyes. He already

knew that, if Harry gave away any more secrets - including his role in

Sirius's escape from the tower the night he was supposed to be executed

by Dementor's Kiss - there would be no chance of the Wizengamot voting

to return him to his positions.

'Why the Hell didn't I back the boy and rule his admission to this now

clearly be-damned Tournament illegal when I had the chance?' he

thought. 'I just had to use his entrance as yet another method to draw out

Tom. Foolishness!

'Well, it's clearly coming back to bite me on the bum now.'




Having paused a few moments to take a sip of something from a glass

that looked like water, Memory-Harry continued. "Things happened as

they happened for most of the rest of the school year.

"And, finally, it's June once more. Sirius Black, apparently, finally makes

his move and kidnaps Ron Weasley - not me - by dragging him out of

Hogwarts's grounds by way of a secret passage to the Shrieking Shack.

Well, he was actually trying to get the rat out Ron Weasley's hands - as

that was his real target - but Ron wouldn't release the rat, so Sirius took

them both.

"That secret passage, seeing as he was the one who made it, Albus

Dumbledore knew full well about. In other words, Albus Dumbledore left

in place a secret passage he, himself, made - and also knew Sirius Black

was aware of - and did nothing about blocking Black from using it.

"Consider that, too, won't you?

"This is what happened in the Shack when Hermione and I, again not

able to find a professor to help and having to go ourselves to rescue our

friend, burst into the Shack with wands drawn."

Again Memory-Harry faded away to be replaced with the memory


Harry and Hermione entered the secret passage under the Whomping

Willow, having to dodge the branches of the tree because they didn't

know how to stop the swinging of the branches by whacking the knot on

the trunk; down the dark, rough-hewn passage to the basement of the

shrieking shack; and quietly making their way up the ladder and gently

entering the ground floor cupboard through the trapdoor.

Once inside, they heard voices - one was Ron's, whining. Quietly, they

made their way to one of the front rooms from where they they heard the

voices originate.

Peeking inside, they saw Ron sprawled on the floor with his back against

a wall. He was cradling Scabbers - who appeared to be trying to fight to

get away - while one of his legs appeared to be broken. A man was

pacing back and forth in the middle of the room, appearing to rant at

Ron while calling him Wormtail.

He was wearing horridly torn and dirty vertically-striped robes. His hair

was long, dirty and unkempt, as was his long untrimmed beard. And he

appeared both emaciated and of unsound mind. Worst still, he was

waving Ron's near-new wand about. All up, he was clearly a dangerous


Harry and Hermione both glanced at one another before both, together,

stepped into the room. Harry immediately cast a disarming hex at the

man to get Ron's wand off him. It worked, and Harry immediately caught

it in his off-hand as Black dived towards Ron.

What followed was almost a Mexican stand-off. Ron was on the floor

cradling the rat. Black, as they now recognised him to be, had

immediately moved to use Ron as a shield while arguing with Harry and

Hermione how he was innocent.

Black then went into his history and the history of what happened in

Godric's Hollow on that fateful night.

Next to enter was Remus Lupin. He also held a wand on Black until Black

indicated the rat, still struggling in Ron's arms, and stated the rat was

Peter Pettigrew.

Not too long afterwards, Black again had Ron's wand and, together with

Lupin, cast the animagus forced-reversion charm on the rat as it tried to


They'd no sooner got Pettigrew untransformed and pleading for his life

from Harry that Snape entered and divested almost everyone of their


Eventually, Snape was overpowered and the small group began to make

their way back to the castle.

That's where that memory ended and Memory-Harry returned.

"On the way back to the castle, Pettigrew managed to escape. In the

kerfuffle Lupin had to flee, possibly chasing after Pettigrew.

"However, we weren't safe yet. On my direction, Hermione levitated Ron

and raced with him back to the castle. I went after my godfather, Sirius

Black. I finally caught up with him down by the edge of the Black Lake.

And, there, we were attacked by dementors. This was third time I'm

attacked by them that I alluded to earlier."

Memory-Harry faded away and the next memory was of Harry and Sirius

fleeing dementors and being attacked by them down near the Black Lake.

Sirius almost got his soul sucked out, with Harry almost unconscious

himself, but both were saved by the appearance of what Harry thought

was the ghost of his father in his animagus form. It was a massively

powerful Patronus; and Harry passes out.

Harry then wakes up in the Infirmary to news Sirius was locked in

Professor Flitwick's office, and Fudge was ordering in the dementors to

suck out his soul.

Ron is unconscious but both Hermione and Harry try to tell Fudge the

truth of what happened. However, Fudge accuses them of being

'confounded' that is, cursed with the Confundus charm - and refuses to

listen to either before then storming out.

Dumbledore then gives them the hint about the time turner and how

many turns of it should do for what they needed to accomplish, then

begins to leave before hesitating just outside the door.

Hermione shows Harry the time turner, loops the chain over both their

necks, turns the time turner to go back three hours and they disappear.

The memory fades away before Memory-Harry reappears. "As you can

see, 'Fumbling Fudge' accused us of being confounded and refused to hear

any more of what happened. By law, he was required to take the matter

to the DMLE, specifically to Amelia Bones as Director of the DMLE, and


"Plus, you also saw Dumbledore send a thirteen and fourteen year old off

on yet another adventure, as if we hadn't already had one that night.

"Once back in time the two of us moved to free Buckbeak and hide him

away in the Forbidden Forest for later. You'll see why in the next

memory. Then we headed for a spot where we could watch the

Whomping Willow and wait for our now-younger selves to once more

emerge from the underground passageway. We were there to try and

catch Peter Pettigrew after he managed to give our younger selves, Sirius

Black and company the slip. Because we did not know in the first time

through that Pettigrew had managed to escape after all, we figured that if

we caught him again the second time through it would not cause a

temporal paradox.

"Watch what actually happens."

The new memory showed everything that happened right up to Harry

and Hermione coming up on the small lake from the other side just as the

Dementors began to bombard 'Previous' Harry and Sirius.

'Current' Harry was expecting the ghost of his father to arrive and save

them. However, realising it was actually him on the second go through

that saved him on the first go through, he cast the massive Patronus

driving all the dementors away just as 'Previous' Harry collapsed

unconscious next to his godfather.

Already knowing 'Previous' Harry and Sirius would end up back at the

castle and safe for Harry, but locked in the tower for Sirius, the 'Current'

Harry and Hermione tried everything they could to track down

Pettigrew. However, they had no luck and rightfully suspected the

traitorous little man had reached the edge of the wards and apparated


Harry had originally thought of ending the memory there, but decided to

show the rest of it.

The next scene was of Harry and Hermione, with Buckbeak's help, going

to the castle to rescue Sirius from the Charms Master's office via the

window. And Sirius then flying away after first dropping the two teens

off on the astronomy tower. And the two teens making their way back to

the Infirmary. And, finally, Dumbledore ushering them inside before

locking the door.

When that memory faded and Memory-Harry returned he said, "Now, you

may be sitting there believing Hermione and I have broken the law by

freeing an escaped convict after he was again caught. However, you'd be


"For Sirius to have been properly considered an escaped convict he would

have had to have been convicted. As he was never tried, he was never

convicted. As such, he was not an escaped convict. Instead, Sirius

escaped illegal incarceration; on the second time we aided him in that.

"The law states quite clearly that a person arrested of a crime must,

within one month of their arrest at the latest, be given a trial. If at the

end of that month they have not been tried, they must be released. The

Ministry did not do that. In effect, after the thirty days had expired,

Sirius Black had been kidnapped by the Ministry. All he did was what he

was legally allowed - even encouraged - to do. He freed himself.

"He did nothing wrong or illegal by escaping his illegal incarceration.

And Hermione and I did nothing wrong or illegal by aiding in his second

escape from illegal incarceration. If anything, Cornelius 'Fumbling' Fudge

again abused his authority as Minister by kidnapping - not just the person

known as Sirius Black - but, the rightful Lord of the Noble and Most

Ancient House of Black. And then compounded his crime by bypassing

lawful procedure and attempting to murder Sirius Black by having him

kissed by Dementor. That would class it as attempted assassination.

"Hermione and I, with Buckbeak's help, saved him from that attempted

murder - that attempt to kill him in cold blood.

"I certainly hope the Ministry's aurors will take that into consideration

should they foolishly think that arresting either myself or Miss Granger

for that is warranted. For the both or either of us I will thoroughly enjoy

seeking lawful recompense from any auror so involved through the

correct legal channels."




From where she was sitting in the VIP box, Bones glared at a completely

wilted Fudge and snarled, "He's right, you stupid shit. You had him in

custody and still tried to have him Kissed. That is definitely attempted

murder; and adds yet another major crime to the list I'm already

compiling against you."

Fudge could only cower away from the irate Director of the DMLE. He

now knew he was definitely not going to be saving his job. He now

doubted he'd be escaping his own sentence to Azkaban.




Unaware of Bones's quiet berating of the soon-to-be ex-Minister, Harry

continued, "After that, Hermione and I raced back to the Infirmary. We

arrived at the doors at almost the exact moment the original of us time-

turnered out. Dumbledore immediately let us in and we scuttled back to

our beds.

"Less than five minutes later..." he paused and smiled. "Well, see for


Memory-Harry faded out and a new memory began. This one started as

Memory-Harry's explanation cut off.

It showed Snape storming in, in a foul mood, with Fudge and

Dumbledore on his heels. Fudge looked confused and Dumbledore looked

somewhat amused.

Snape stormed over to Harry's bed and, with spittle flying out of his

mouth, began to berate a 'bed-ridden' Harry. Snape was accusing Harry

and Hermione of 'somehow' getting Sirius free. That he was right was

quite irrelevant. He really had no evidence to support his claims.

After Dumbledore asked Pomfrey if either teen had been out of bed she

appeared scandalised and stated they weren't. Then Snape, now even

clear to him that he had no evidence to support his claims, wheeled

about and stormed from the room once more.

Fudge then stated to Dumbledore he believed Snape was mentally

unbalanced before then complying with removing the Dementors from

the school boundaries. The both of them then left.

And the memory ended.

Memory-Harry returned and said, "Of course, with Sirius's rightful and

recognised exoneration of any guilt in the murder of my parents, the

murder of the twelve muggles and the murder of Pettigrew, I would have

been free to stay with him over summer. However, as Pettigrew escaped

because of Snape's idiocy - or deliberate sabotage, it matters not which -

Dumbledore yet again forced me to to stay with my abusive muggle


"Did you also notice that Snape said not a word about him also seeing a

very much alive Peter Pettigrew? Snape is a Master Occlumens, Fudge

would not have been able to claim the man had been confounded if he'd

spoken up. But, no; Snape never said a word about it when he knew the


"This time my summer in Surrey wasn't, yet again, somewhat of a Hell on

Earth. I lied to my relatives and told them that my 'escaped convict of a

mass-murdering godfather', Sirius Black, insisted I keep in contact with

him to let him know how I was getting on. That threat was enough to

ensure I wasn't abused by any of them as badly as I had been in the past.

"I was forced by Dumbledore to remain with my muggle relatives for

almost eight weeks - and it was forced, as I truly had no desire to be there

and believed I had nowhere else to go - until I was picked up by Arthur

Weasley and his boys and was taken to their home, The Burrow, in Ottery

Saint Catchpole about a week after my birthday."

Memory-Harry paused for a moment before he continued. "I stayed with

the Weasleys for the last few weeks of the summer break. And, yes, as

everyone no doubt knows by now, I did attend the World Cup. By now,

everyone has a... belief... as to what happened a couple hours after the

Cup finished.

"As per usual, your belief has been skewed by outside forces; forces, that

don't want you to know the truth. The Ministry don't want you to know

the truth because they'd rather you be ill-informed and happy, than

properly informed and worried. Here's what happened according to my

memories of the event."

Memory-Harry faded out and the next memory started. Just as Memory-

Harry attested, the memory showed what happened after the Cup from

the point of Harry being woken to when they finally returned to the tent.

Then returned to Memory-Harry.

"And that brought us up to returning to here, Hogwarts, on the First,"

said Memory-Harry.

He paused for a long moment before his expression turned almost feral as

his posture shifted until he stood more upright, more proud. And he


It gave him an appearance none of them had seen of him before. It was

quite pureblood in appearance, the way he stood. Those who had met

James Potter while he was alive immediately recognised it. Here stood a

true Potter.

From where he still sat in the VIP and judges area and unable to do

anything, as soon as he saw the shift in Harry's demeanour, stance and

saw the expression on the boy's face, Dumbledore felt a moment of

prescience as dread passed through his veins. And he shuddered in fear as

to what it meant.




Back in the arena Memory-Harry 'looked' up to the VIP stand and spoke

in a voice that exuded confidence, authority and power. "Madam Bones,

if you haven't already guessed, now is the time to keep your attention

focussed on Dumbledore. He's about to hear information that will show

him he has greatly underestimated me. The information you are all about

to hear, especially him, will show just how badly I've been

underestimated by everyone. The information I'm about to impart upon

you all will completely change your world-view of both myself and

events that have surrounded me.

"Many of you will have a hard time believing what I'm about to tell you;

and, via memories, show you. At this time I remind you that I - or,

rather, Harry down there..." and gestured to where Real-Harry was

apparently still reading a novel as he relaxed on the sun lounge, "...

Swore a magical oath on his magic, his life and his very soul that what

memories you are shown through this pensieve are a true and accurate


Again Memory-Harry paused for a long moment.




Meanwhile, up in the stands, everyone remained completely silent.

Though they'd now been sitting there for over two hours, no one wanted

to leave. They all instinctively understood that what they were about to

learn would be true; and, would indeed, shake the foundations of their


Even though Potter had threatened them with stripping them of their

magic if they so much as made too much noise, they now no longer

cared. No one wanted to miss what would happen next.

Very few gave any thought any longer to there still being a Hungarian

Horntail dragon at the other end of the arena. The dragon was now lying

in wary repose, curled up as close as it could get to its nest while keeping

an eye on the little human wizard at the other end with its magical

device showing scenes of different things. Soon after it entered the little

wizard made no moves towards it or its eggs, so it made no aggressive

moves back. It would conserve its energy for if it would be needed later.




Memory-Harry held the smirk and the apparent stare at the VIP stand for

a long couple of seconds before he began to speak again.

"'Everyone knows' is a term I hear far too many wizards and witches say,"

he said. "Everyone knows what befell the Potters in Godric's Hollow on the

evening of the thirty-first of October, 1981. Everyone knows the Killing

Curse rips the soul from the victim, while also leaving no mark upon the

victim's body. Everyone knows Sirius Black betrayed them, led He-Who to

their cottage, then went on to kill Peter Pettigrew and a dozen muggles a

few days later. Everyone knows―"

He gave a snort and said, "But I know that everyone is wrong!

"I've already shown you evidence that Peter Pettigrew is alive... or, was at

least alive on the ninth of June, earlier this year. At that same time I also

showed you that Sirius Black is completely innocent of the crimes for

which he was dumped into Azkaban without even a trial. So, that shows

you quite a significant portion of what you believe to have happened that

night in Godric's Hollow - and what happened a few days later regarding

the supposed death of Peter Pettigrew and those muggles - is wrong. You

now know that what 'everyone knows' is wrong. It is a lie!

"Now for the second point I raised; that 'everyone knows' the Killing Curse

rips the soul from the body.

"Well... news flash, people: that's not true, either."

Memory-Harry gave that a while to sink into the consciousness of 'his'

audience before he continued. And, just as Harry thought it would, it

caused a mass gasp of shock and surprise among those watching from the


"You, see," he began again, "What the Killing Curse does is strip the mind

of every piece of knowledge. It wipes the mind bank - including all the

autonomic systems. The brain forgets to send the information it needs to

run the automatic biological systems; the heart to pump, the diaphragm

to cause the lungs to regularly inflate and deflate, the stomach and

intestines to process food and waste, the consciousness to receive

information from the five senses, etcetera. Without the heart beating,

without the lungs pumping, the body dies.

"In pure essence, the Killing Curse is nothing more than a very high

powered Obliviation charm. That's why the Killing Curse, just like the

Obliviation charm, leaves no physical mark on the body.

"And it's that knowledge that leads to the answer - the riddle, if you will,

that has plagued the wizarding world since that horrid night - as to why I

managed to survive being hit with the Killing Curse."

Again he paused and smirked, before aiming that smirk directly at the

VIP seats.

"You see," he began as his smirk widened into a grin, "I'm immune to any

and all mind-controlling magic; including the Killing Curse, the

Confundus Charm, other Compulsion Charms and... the Obliviation





Up in the stand Dumbledore gave a physical start, which had Bones again

firmly jab her wand tip into the back of his neck. He didn't even feel it.

'Oh, shyte!' he thought, as all colour drained from his face and he began

to feel quite sick and faint.

He now knew what the Potter boy's plan was. Though loathe to, he had

to admit it was brilliant.




3. The Truth About Memories

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to the proverbial Duchess of

Magic, JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high

falutin' companies. No matter how much I whine about not owning anything

related to the HP universe, other than a few fanfic plots, I do not profess to

own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful

world... Damn it!

Chapter Three - The Truth About Memories




Still smirking in the direction of the VIP stand, Memory-Harry continued.

"You've now seen all the information about what has happened over the

past three years that is otherwise public information; if anyone had

bothered to go and look for it," he said. "Now, I'm going to show you

memories that hold information that Dumbledore - your so-called Leader

of the Light - has worked hard to keep hidden. If you haven't already

figured it out, your so-called Leader of the Light isn't as 'light' as he

would have everyone believe.

"First, we go back down the memory lane of my memories, back to when

I was a small child. Then, we'll work our way forward again.

"This first memory was from when I was about five years old. But first, as

you don't know who all the 'players' are, I'll set the scene for you.

"The overweight fat middle-aged male muggle is my Uncle, Vernon

Dursley. The skinny horse-necked middle-aged female muggle is my aunt,

Petunia Dursley. She's the older sister of my mother, Lily Potter née

Evans. And the overweight male muggle child is my cousin, Dudley

Dursley; who is often called Duddikins, little Dudley-Wudley and other

pet names.

"I give you full warning," he firmly stated. "This will be difficult for you

to watch. If you have a weak fortitude - stomach - you might want to

block your ears and turn away, or be violently ill."

He gave them a moment before he said, "Let's begin."

Memory-Harry faded out and a memory from when Harry was about five

years old began to play. The scene was of the lounge at 4 Privet Drive.

Harry was cowering on the floor with Vernon towering over him at his

full height; he was wielding a leather belt, angry and shouting. Petunia

and Dudley were standing in the doorway to the dining room. Petunia

was scowling at Harry while Dudley watched with glee.

Harry was pleading about how he didn't do it. That, whatever it was, was

not his fault.

Vernon was shouting at him, calling him a freak and brandishing the

belt, before he suddenly began thrashing Harry with it with his full

weight behind each swing. The beating went on until Harry stopped

writhing about and seemed to have fallen unconscious.

Then Vernon flung the belt to the side and began kicking the small boy

hard enough to bodily lift him from the floor and throw him partway

across the room. It would be considered a vicious beating on anyone, let

alone a small child.

After a long few minutes of that, and when Harry appears unconscious,

Vernon dragged him over to the cupboard under the stairs by his hair,

and bodily threw him within before slamming the door shut; which then

slammed back open again as the latch didn't catch.

There was only a long moment as Vernon turned to look at his family, his

chest heaving with the results of the obvious exertion he put into the

beating. Petunia gave a haughty sneer and was about to turn away as

Dudley looked positively joyous at what he'd witnessed.

Suddenly, there was a crack of apparation as Dumbledore appeared in the

middle of the lounge. He had also apparently side-along apparated Poppy

Pomfrey, the school resident medi-wizard with him. As the Dursleys

reeled back in shock Dumbledore appeared thunderous, while Pomfrey

appeared confused.

"Poppy," Dumbledore firmly said, "You'll find young Harry inside the

cupboard under the stairs."

With a gasp of horror, Pomfrey quickly hurried to the small cupboard,

drawing her wand at the same time.

A quick duck down to her knees and she was then levitating Harry out.

Levitating him no further than out onto the floor just outside the

cupboard door she began her diagnostics.

Meanwhile, Dumbledore was berating Vernon. "You disappoint me,

Dursley." Spinning to glare at Petunia he said, "As for you, Petunia - as I

have had to repeatedly remind you - Harry is of your blood! He is your

only sister's son. Your responsibility is to his safety. When are you going to

remember that?"

The scene suddenly paused and Memory-Harry quickly faded in. "Did you

catch that? Did you catch what Dumbledore said? He said, 'As I have had

to repeatedly remind you' - with emphasis on the 'repeatedly'. And listen

to how, by their own words by both male adults, it is clear there was a

number of times this sort of discussion was held in the past.

"That means Dumbledore had to have gone to the Dursley residence on

quite a few occasions before what you're currently watching. And, in this

memory, I'm only five years old."

Again Memory-Harry faded out and the paused memory returned.

Suddenly, it restarted.

Neither Dursley replied until Vernon snarled, "Then take him! We don't

want him here! When are you going to remember that?"

Dumbledore's mien took on a pained expression before he more quietly

replied, "And I've repeatedly told you the boy needs to remain here for

the blood wards to work. If the blood wards fall then you will no longer

remain safe from... as you put it... freaks like me."

Vernon was about to angrily snap his next retort when Pomfrey piped up.

"Albus, he has a great many injuries; not the least of which is three

broken ribs and a severe concussion!"

"Do your best, Poppy," replied Dumbledore.

"I'll need to get him back to Hogwarts," she began.

"No," Dumbledore almost snapped back. "He must remain here."

When a horrified Pomfrey went to argue back he continued, "He must

remain here for his safety. Heal him as well as you can and his magic will

fix the rest."

"Albus!" she gasped back. "He's just a child!"

"Nevertheless, Poppy, he must remain here," replied Dumbledore. "Heal

him the best you can and we must be leaving."

Clearly horrified by what she was hearing, Pomfrey healed young Harry

as best she could.

By the time she was finished, clearly magically much weaker from the

effort, Harry was quietly watching her work while keeping an eye on the

others. He never made a peep of sound from his injuries, even when it

was apparent he was in a great deal of pain.

When she was done, Dumbledore magically forced Harry and his

relatives into a group in the middle of the lounge floor.

Then he stunned Pomfrey before turning his wand on the four residents

of Privet Drive. That had many in the audience gasp in shock.

A quick swipe of his wand and he called, "Obliviate!"

Once it appeared everyone was under the charm he said, "Young Harry

was suitably punished by being locked back into his cupboard. I warned

you, yet again, not to take things too far. There will be no further

punishments for this incident."

Then he levitated Harry back into his cupboard.

He took a quick look about the room, bent his wand to Pomfrey,

levitating her upright, before tucking her into his side with his off hand

wrapped around her. A quick twist and he apparated away.

Then the memory ended with Memory-Harry putting in another


"There," he sighed. "Memory over. Have no fear that I'll show you another

like that. However, that's only because I do not believe many of you will

be anything but either unconscious or vomiting your insides up by the

end of them, if I didn't. I know they're horrific.

"I'll also let you know that what you just saw was chosen because of how

average it was for how I was treated there. There are quite a few times I

was beaten almost as bad as that, and about an equal number of times I

was beaten worse than that. They number well over a dozen.

"What I also want you to consider of what you just witnessed is that what

you saw was of my memories. And, I also want you to consider that the

only way I could have that as my memory was for me to be conscious the

entire time. I was awake for the entirety of that. In other words, I was

feigning being unconscious when I was thrown into the cupboard."

That had quite a few audible gasps of shock from the audience.

"It was something I figured out when I was younger than that," continued

Memory-Harry, as if he hadn't heard it. "If I appear to be unconscious

then the beating wouldn't be as bad. Vernon thought a beating wasn't as

effective if I wasn't awake to... enjoy it.

"As you saw, Dumbledore was fully aware of how I was being treated by

the Dursleys. And, as he claimed magical guardianship over me, it was

his responsibility to ensure I would not and wasn't treated like that.

"Dumbledore not only did nothing to stop the beatings, he also modified

the memories of everyone - he thought - so the Dursleys had little idea all

their beatings of me were known about by Dumbledore. If the Dursleys

had known, even once, that Dumbledore was directly monitoring every

situation, as he clearly was, then I believe I never would have been beaten

as much as I was.

"So, in case you're all as stupid as I think you are, I'll explain it to you.

Albus Dumbledore is blatantly guilty of the crimes of child endangerment,

child abuse physical by proxy, child abuse psychological, child abuse

psychological by proxy, child neglect, child neglect by proxy and a host

of other despicable crimes relating to a child. And he did all this while

acting as my supposed Wizengamot-appointed magical guardian, while

Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot, while Headmaster of Hogwarts -

where he's in charge of almost four hundred other children - while

Supreme Mugwump of the ICW and while everyone believed him to be

the Leader of the Light."




Up in the VIP section, where she still had the tip of her wand pressed into

Dumbledore's neck about an inch behind his left external carotid artery,

Bones was fuming. One minor piercing curse, let alone a blasting hex,

and the old man would be dead in only a few seconds, if that.

However, even she was paying little to no attention to that. What Harry

had just shown down on the floor of the other end of the arena, had her

blanch. When he stated how it was his memory, and that he had to have

been conscious to actually have it, once she realised he was right even

had her at the point where she wanted to do nothing more than to turn

her head to the side, bend forward and vomit. It was only through a force

of her own indomitable will she did not succumb. Many in the audience,

including some within the VIP section, weren't so lucky. She could hear

them retching from where she sat, and smell the results only moments


Finally, she leaned forward and whisper-snarled into the old man's ear,

"Try something, Dumbledore. Please, try something. Just one little twitch

is all I need. Just give me the excuse I need to blow your fucking head off;

right here, right now. With the evidence Mister Potter clearly has for me

no court would ever convict me."

Dumbledore refused to even breathe, so still he sat.




"But!" continued Memory-Harry, instantly dragging everyone's attention

back to him. "But... I did not show you that memory to show you to what

despicable lengths my so-called uncle would go when I displayed

incidences of, as he put it, my freakishness. I showed you that memory to

show you to what despicable lengths Dumbledore would go to make sure I

lived there!

"That shows you why Dumbledore had no problem forcing me to go back

there during the summers between my first, second, third and fourth

years of Hogwarts. Plus, it shows you Dumbledore is that despicable he

would use a memory modification charm on both muggles and on a five

year old wizard who he'd only just been told was suffering from a


"In my possession are another more than dozen memories of mine that

show Dumbledore turning up... sometimes bringing Pomfrey with him,

sometimes not... berating the Dursleys for their behaviour, healing me or

having Pomfrey do it, Obliviating everyone and leaving again. So, it

wasn't a one-off incident you all witnessed. I also remember there being

times when Vernon actually did beat me unconscious and my waking up

some time later with all, or almost all, my injuries healed. Once I learned

what magical healing was like, I recognised that's what had happened

during those times.

"You also need to understand that, at the time, I had no idea it was

Dumbledore or Madam Pomfrey that were apparating in after Vernon

went too far and beat me too much. All I knew was that an old man

called 'Albus' with long white hair and beard, who wore what looked to

me like a gaudy dressing gown, would arrive out of thin air with a sound

like a gun shot. Sometimes he would bring a lady a little older than my

aunt and uncle who dressed in what appeared to be an old style nurse's

uniform, and sometimes not. I also quickly realised the lady in the nurse's

uniform - 'Poppy', as the old man called her - wouldn't recognise me from

one visit to the next. She also acted as if she was meeting me for the first


"I knew from when I asked a teacher at school, that's muggle primary

school, what the word 'Obliviate' meant. The closest I could find in the

dictionary was that it meant to erase from existence, to wipe clean. And

that told me the old man, 'Albus', was wiping Pomfrey's, my aunt's,

uncle's and cousin's memory clean; and trying to do the same thing to


"If he was wiping everyone's memories away, I quickly realised that it

would be a bad idea to let the old man know that I could remember both

of them from their previous visits. The old man would wave that stick of

his at us, firmly call out 'Obliviate!', a light-blue light would shoot out of

it and hit us, I'd feel all wooly-headed for about the next one or two

minutes, then everything would come flooding back."

Again, Memory-Harry smirked towards the VIP stands. "And, by then, I

had already become a good enough actor to fool the old man. It was

something I never stopped doing. As you will see a little later."

Memory-Harry gave a snort of amusement before he changed the subject.

"About a week before my eleventh birthday I received my first

acceptance letter to Hogwarts. But, I couldn't accept; because, as soon as

the letters began to arrive, Vernon was collecting them and burning


"And, yes; I said 'them', meaning 'plural'. I received one on the first day,

one on the second day, three the day after that, the next day I received

twelve, on the fifth day I received twenty four, on the sixth day - the

Sunday - about thirty to forty arrived, and on the seventh day well over

one hundred arrived. At one minute past midnight the next morning,

Rubeus Hagrid turns up to hand-deliver my invitation letter.

"Now, think about that; wizarding mail is delivered by owl. Think about

how many owls had to have been flying into the muggle world to deliver

mail to me; especially on the sixth and seventh day. Think about how

many owls that would have to have meant were waiting just outside -

perched on branches, fences and the like - to deliver that mail; each with

a letter in its beak or tied to its leg. Would that not be a breach of the

Statute of Secrecy? And this was forced, knowingly, to occur under the

direction of Albus Dumbledore.

"That's yet another crime willingly committed by the so-called Leader of

the Light. And this time it was breaching the law set in place centuries

ago to protect the wizarding world.

"Anyways," he sighed, "Hagrid collects me on the evening of the tenth

day, we head for Diagon Alley the next morning, my eleventh birthday. I

learn about having a trust vault at Gringotts, get some galleons out to

buy my school supplies and shop.

"As soon as we're finished, Hagrid hustles me off to the Underground and

sends me back to the Dursleys.

"For the entire month of August the Dursleys - all three of them - pretend

I don't even exist." Memory-Harry gave a long, drawn out sigh of bliss

and added, "It was won-der-ful!

"And, why did they leave me alone?" he asked. "It's because, this time

they had kept their memories of just how close the wizarding world was

watching me." He sighed. "I was then left to wonder just how much of

that abuse I suffered I wouldn't have suffered if Dumbledore hadn't kept

Obliviating the Dursleys."

Coming back to himself he continued, "However, during that time I was

not idle. Hagrid had told me a little bit about the truth surrounding my

parents and their deaths, a fair bit about Hogwarts, and very little about

anything else. But one of the nuggets of information he did share with me

had to do with the Houses of Hogwarts. And I made sure to grab a book

on Hogwarts and another on recent wizarding history from Flourish and

Blotts while I was there.

"So, during the month of August, while the Dursleys were ignoring me, I

read. I read about the four Houses and of how the students are sorted

into each. I read how the method by which students are sorted was based

on that young witch's or wizard's character - and grew quite concerned. I

knew I was destined for Slytherin if I didn't figure out a way to change it.

"Oh, yes," he suddenly said. "Based on what Hagrid had told me, and after

meeting Draco Malfoy in Madam Malkin's that day Hagrid took me to

Diagon Alley, I had already reached the decision I did not want to end up

in Slytherin.

"And why did I decide I didn't want to end up in Slytherin?" he

rhetorically asked. "Not just because of what Hagrid had told me about

my parents; and not just because of the behaviour of Draco Malfoy,

either. No. It's because of the ideals each of the Houses are supposed to

prize the most."




Up in the Slytherin section of the stands around the arena, Draco Malfoy

scowled back. Because of his own focus, glaring in hate back at Harry, he

was unaware many of his housemates took their own moments to glare at


While he didn't think Potter was worthy of being a Slytherin, there were

many more of Slytherin House who would have been quite proud to have

him in their House. And they all now knew Malfoy was partly responsible

for him not being there.

Well, that's what they thought - for now.




"And, why did I believe I was going to end up in Slytherin, you may ask?

It's because of my upbringing. Anyone who understands child psychology

- that is how a child grows to think based on their home life - will

already know that a child that is raised in the sort of home environment

in which I was raised would make perfect little Slytherins.

"A child raised in a similar environment to the one in which I was raised

would grow up cunning, sly, secretive, would employ guile, almost

instinctively negotiate for a better position in life, plan moves in advance,

consider risks in advance. In other words, as I said, a perfect little

Slytherin. Without their knowing they did it, the Dursleys raised me as a

perfect little Slytherin - a true Slytherin.

"I figured that out weeks before I arrived at Hogwarts, within hours of

cracking open the book on the history of the school. So, I had to bend my

mind to figuring out how not to be sorted into Slytherin, as I should have


"As the story goes, Slytherin cherished those who employed cunning and

guile to achieve their ends. These days many think that also means

ambition; it does not. At least, not alone. All four founders cherished

ambition, not just Slytherin. Therefore, the Hat does not take how

ambitious a new student is to determine into which House the child

would be sorted. So, I did not have to worry about the Hat considering

me ambitious.

"I began to plan. First, I had to think about what the two words, 'cunning'

and 'guile', actually meant. For those who do not know, the definition of

'cunning' is the employment of a skill in a shrewd or sly manner; and

'guile' means crafty or artful deception. Once I had those definitions I

knew how I could argue my way out of being sorted into the House of the


"You see, by the very definitions of 'cunning' and 'guile' I knew I had the

means in which to argue the best House for a true Slytherin was to be

sorted into any House but Slytherin." He paused to give a chuckle. "Think

about it. How guileful is it to be sorted into Slytherin when you're a true

Slytherin? Where's the craftiness?... the insidious cunning?... the artful

deception? A true Slytherin would do everything they could not to be

publicly labelled as such."

That had most of the students in Slytherin, together with the alumni of

that House, who had come down to watch the task almost all collectively

scowling in annoyance.

"On the First of September I bumped into the Weasleys at Kings Cross.

Hagrid, for all his good intentions, had forgotten to tell me how to get

onto Platform nine and three-quarters. With only a few minutes until the

train left the station - and me in a near panic - that's when I heard Molly

Weasley doing her best to break the Statute of Secrecy. Whether that was

out of malice aforethought, ignorance or just plain stupidity, I do not

know. On the muggle side, she was crying out to her own children in a

shrill voice words along the lines of, 'Look at all these muggles! What's

the number of the platform again, dear?' And a ten year old Ginny

Weasley calling back, 'nine and three-quarters, Mum!'"

With a sigh, he continued, "Irrespective of the probable breach of the

Statute, Molly Weasley gave me the knowledge of how to get onto the

platform. If it wasn't for her I'd have never found the platform in time, if

at all.

"Once on the train, Ron Weasley found me in a compartment on my own.

When the subject of Houses came up, he then gave his very biased

opinion about them. It was from that conversation, added to what I'd

heard from Hagrid back on that day in the Alley, that I had my answer as

to where I would try to convince whoever it was that did the sorting,

where I was to be sorted. Remember; I still did not know the sorting was

done by a magical talking hat that could read minds.

"It was while on that train ride I finally learned of the full identity of

'Albus', the old man with the long white hair and beard. I got a Chocolate

Frog card of Albus Dumbledore. I had finally learned that the old man

who kept trying to wipe away my memories was also the same old man

who would be my new Headmaster. I almost panicked, right then and


"We arrived at Hogwarts, received a talk from Minerva McGonagall -

where she effectively lied to us and told us our House would be like our

family - and were then escorted by her into the Great Hall.

"As the Hat gave its little tale expressed in doggerel verse, I learned how

the Hat would sort me. And I also physically breathed a sigh of relief

when I learned it would not relate what it would learn out of my mind to


"Almost immediately after the Hat was placed on my head it wanted to

sort me into Slytherin. 'In Slytherin you would be great, you know', the

Hat said to me. However, I was determined to go to the one House where

a true Slytherin would never be expected to be sorted - Gryffindor.

"For those of you who were there and remember that night, that's why

my sorting was one of the longest in history. It took me almost the entire

time I was under the Hat for me to convince it to sort me into the House

of red and gold. Finally, it recognised my determination, ceded to my

wishes and sorted me into Gryffindor. I have never had to argue for

something I wanted so hard in my life!

"Now, you might wonder why I chose Gryffindor; and not another House

such as Ravenclaw. The answer is quite simple. When people are

presented with evidence of something they expect, they never question it.

If I had been sorted into Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw, questions would have

been asked of why. I'd have been questioned about my sorting, questions

would be asked of others who would also then ask me directly. However,

as people expected me to be sorted into Gryffindor, no one wondered

why; and, therefore, no one asked why."

With a smirk on his face, he gave that a moment to sink in; and for the

audience to understand what he'd done.

"So, here I was, a newly minted Gryffindor who was expected to be a

Gryffindor, while all along I was really a Slytherin in disguise." He gave a

low, almost evil chuckle.

"From then on it was easy. I just had to behave pretty much like I was

expected to behave. And just bide my time while trying to stay under the

radar, as the muggles would say, until I finished my schooling." He gave

another snort of amusement. "Like, that was ever going to happen."

"Basically, from day one in First Year I figured out Ronald Bloody

Weasley was going to prove to be nothing but an anchor around my neck.

However, I had to 'allow' him to hang around me because, if I'd broken

things off with him, Dumbledore would have come sniffing around to find

out why.

"From what I've now come to believe, though I have no evidence to

support that belief, the first meetings with Weasley at Kings Cross Station

and on the Hogwarts Express were somewhat engineered for me and

Weasley to meet; and for us to become friends. However, after arriving

here at the school, I quickly learned that boy is nothing but an indolent,

bigoted, gluttonous git."




Up in the stands - where he was sitting near Hermione, but not next to

her - Ron Weasley flushed with anger. It did not help that his housemates

sitting near him were now attempting to slide away from him, as if he

was diseased.

'Dumbledore's gonna be pissed!' he thought. 'Bloody Potter.'

It had not occurred to him, and likely never would, that Dumbledore had

far bigger problems than worrying that his little spy on Potter would now

be pretty much worthless; or, that he had ever truly been of worth.

Hermione was staring at her best friend in awe as he systematically tore

down the staff of Hogwarts. As she had been with him for all of the

events he spoke about since his arrival, she knew she was in the unique

position to know precisely what he was talking about.

Now that Harry had effectively already torn down Headmaster

Dumbledore and Professors McGonagall, Snape, Moody and Hagrid, she

wondered what was coming next.

She even spent time paying a little attention to the aurors who were

heading off as Harry brought to light more truths. It was no challenge for

one with her intellect to deduce they were being sent off to arrest people

- all of which were those aforementioned.

And she knew Harry wasn't done yet.




"My second major misdirection was something I had to employ while at

the Dursleys. I had to show myself to be academically somewhat below

average," he explained.

"Dudley was a pretty piss-poor student. And, if I ever brought home

marks that showed me to be a better student than Vernon and Petunia's

little angel, I would get punished. Because, according to them, it meant I

had to be cheating.

"So, by the time I started at Hogwarts, I was very good at being able to

write my assignments, answer my tests and similar to score just behind

my fat baby whale of a cousin. As I figured out Weasley seemed

determined to keep me performing sub-par academically, it was easy for

me to shape things to seem like I just went along with it. After all, I still

didn't know if the incident involving Weasley meeting me on the

platform at Kings Cross and Dumbledore's behaviour towards me were or

were not somehow linked.

"Because she's been such a good friend, and thought she was trying to

help me with studying better, I owe Hermione Granger a major apology.

It took me a little while to determine that, unlike Ron Weasley, Hermione

Granger honestly did have my best interests at heart. Weasley, just like

pretty much everyone else in the wizarding world, sees me as 'The Boy

Who Lived'. Hermione sees me as 'Just Harry'. And, I have to say, I love

her for it."




Hermione dropped her head in embarrassment and blushed. It was the

first time her friend had actually shown he truly cared. And, to have done

it in such a public environment, had her feel deep joy inside.

It was not until that very moment that Hermione Granger realised she

just might love Harry Potter.

But, while Harry loved Hermione, he thought he loved her like a little

brother loved his big sister; not the romantic sort with which Hermione

thought she might love Harry.




Memory-Harry had only paused for a few moments before he began

again. "About a month after I started at Hogwarts I managed to track

down a book on Mind Magics. And that led me to tracking down a book

on Occlumency.

"Both books I asked a seventh year 'Puff to check out for me, who was

happy to do so. My explanation for her was that I didn't want my 'lazy'

friend questioning me on why I was reading up on the subject. I was

having a hard enough time dodging the git's constant begging of me to

play chess and or skiving off with him, instead of studying.

"As for Ronald Weasley, here was a boy who was the sixth and youngest

son of a family of seven children, whose family was not that flush with

money, whose family had to work hard to save enough money to put

together the tuition needed to send him and his siblings to Hogwarts,

whose family did so in the belief of ensuring him the best chance at a

good future, and who spends almost the entirety of this... gift... doing his

level best to get out of studying and, instead, want only to talk and read

about Quidditch and play chess.

"In other words, Ron Weasley's family have worked damned hard, and

continue to work damned hard, to send him to the supposed best school

of magic in magical Britain to give him an excellent start in life. And his

way of thanking them for their effort is to deliberately piss it all away." He

then sighed as if in disappointment.

"I wonder what their reaction would be if someone were to actually go

and tell them the truth of their youngest son's behaviour in school," he

continued. "Mind you, that's exactly what his school Head of House,

Minerva McGonagall, is supposed to have done. I bet she's completely

ignored that part of her responsibility, and not."

If Minerva McGonagall was within hearing range she'd have almost died

in embarrassment. However, as she was already being 'detained' by

aurors outside of the arena while they awaited further orders from their

boss, she was not aware of Harry's words.




"I've already shown you what should be known to anyone of what

happened in my first year, the 1991-92 school year. But there's more only

myself and Dumbledore know. That is, what Dumbledore thought only he

knew, due to his judicious use of memory charms.

"It was in late October, shortly before Hallowe'en, I figured out Quirinus

Quirrell was being possessed. At the time I did not know the identity of

the malevolent spirit inhabiting him; though, I had a pretty good idea.

"So, I had to make a difficult decision. That decision was whether or not

to tell Dumbledore the information about Quirrell, and thereby risk him

discovering I wasn't as dense as he thought me to be; or, keeping Mum

about it, thereby risking the residents of the castle to actions Quirrell or

his spirit 'hitch-hiker' might launch against them.

"To me, the answer was obvious. It was time to do what was right for all,

rather than just what was right for me."

Again Memory-Harry faded away to be replaced with a memory of Harry

running along the corridor that led to the Headmaster's gargoyle


With barely a pause, Harry almost shouted the then current password to

the gargoyle, who leapt to the side to allow Harry ingress. Harry

practically bolted up the upwardly rotating stairs.

Almost slamming the Headmaster's door aside, Harry barrelled in before

coming up short and looking around, almost in awe.

"What brings you up to my office, young Harry?" twinkled a slightly

smirking Dumbledore.

Snapping out of his stunned reaction, Harry quickly made his way to the

Headmaster's desk at the other end of the room. "Headmaster! You need

to know! The students are in danger! Professor Quirrell is being possessed

by, I think, Voldemort's ghost!"

Dumbledore frowned as if the news was terrible. However, he drew his

wand and said, "I'm very surprised you figured it out so quickly, Harry

my boy."

As Harry appeared to gape back in what appeared to be his own shock

Dumbledore drew his wand on him, the Headmaster continued, "It's too

early for you to learn that."

As Harry continued to stand there, his expression slowly changing to one

of great anger, Dumbledore lifted his wand and cast at him.

"Obliviate!" the old man snapped out. And the light blue charm zipped

from his wand to Harry's chest.

As Harry's expression seemed to go blank and his eyes glassy-eyed,

Dumbledore said, "You and I had a short talk about how well you're

fitting in to Hogwarts' life, Harry. You have no interest in wondering if

Professor Quirrell is being possessed. However, you believe Professor

Snape may be trying to get into the forbidden third floor corridor to get

what is being protected there."

As Dumbledore lowered his wand and quickly slipped it back into his

belt, he rose as Harry's relaxed expression regained liveliness and his eyes

seemed to clear.

As Dumbledore walked around his desk, he said, "Thank you for coming

to see me, Harry my boy. I'm glad you're fitting in and enjoying yourself."

"Errr..." said Harry, before he seemed to think of how to reply. "Thank

you, Sir."

"Excellent," said Dumbledore. "You may go. And don't worry so much

about Professor Snape, my boy."

Harry gave a little nod before he quickly left.

Once he was back past the gargoyle he suddenly stopped and seemed to

stand still for a long moment. Suddenly, he spun back to stare at the

gargoyle with an expression of great fury on his face.

And the memory ended, bringing Memory-Harry back.

"So, as you witnessed, Dumbledore both knew of Quirinus Quirrell's

possession, knew that possession was by the shade of 'Voldemonkey', and,

when I raised the issue with him expecting him to put the students first,

tried to Obliviate me of the knowledge and further used the Obliviation

charm to try and redirect my thoughts to it being Severus Snape going

after the Philosopher's Stone. He did not want me knowing the truth.

"For you parents of students and actual students in the audience, if you

haven't already figured it out, Albus Dumbledore deliberately put the

children of magical Britain at great risk. He did it both knowingly and

intentionally. That's premeditated child endangerment times as many

students as were under-aged at the time who resided in the castle. Each

case is, of course, a crime punishable by the loss of every position of

authority he holds, at a minimum; and a long-term stay in Azkaban, if

not execution via the Veil, at a maximum - for each.

"And that, of course, does not count the illegal obliviations."




From where they were all sitting parents, students, Ministry personnel,

journalists, others who had an interest in watching the first task, staff of

the visiting schools and even the few remaining Hogwarts staff who were

in attendance and had not otherwise been taken into custody spent at

least a few moments staring at Dumbledore in both fear and anger.

From where he was still sitting with Madam Bones's wand firmly jabbed

into his neck, Dumbledore did not need his great wealth of experience to

know, without any doubt, that his tenure as Headmaster was now over;

as were his roles as Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot and Supreme

Mugwump of the ICW. Nor, at the moment, was he able to see any

strategy he could employ that would keep him out of Azkaban.

He knew representatives of the wizarding world's news media were also

in attendance; and that what young Potter was doing would be the lead

news stories on both wireless and in the printed news press by that

evening, at the latest. He had no hope of stopping it happening. He'd

need to be out of the clutches of the DMLE well before either made it all

public for him to have any hope, no matter how slim, of effecting that.

And, with the amount of information Harry was making available and

knew Bones would be asking him about, he would be lucky to be out of

her clutches by the next afternoon at the earliest; if he was out of her

clutches, ever again.

'Merlin's balls!' he mentally cursed. 'The Daily Prophet, at least, will

parade this story for weeks!'




Chuckling with a laugh that sounded almost evil, Memory-Harry

continued. "Of course, stupid me, I kept trying.

"Oh, not that time," he corrected. "I meant at other times over the past

three years.

"I, again, tried to get the old bastard to act when I complained directly to

him about the way I was being illegally treated at the beginning of second

year, when I figured out it was a basilisk even before Hermione did,

when I told him - yet again - about how the Dursleys treated me, and all

the rest of the times I kept going to him. On just about each and every

occasion he attempted to Obliviate me and redirect my thoughts away

from what I knew to be the truth.

"For second year that includes: He knew the exact moment when the dark

artefact that compulsed a student to release the basilisk, Slytherin's

supposed monster, was brought into the school; he knew who the student

was; he knew it was a basilisk petrifying the students; and he knew a lot

more than just that."

"You'll also recall when earlier I told you I ran from my summer prison of

Durzkaban after blowing up 'Marge the Barge'," continued Memory-

Harry. "And how I spent the next three weeks in Diagon Alley.

"You'll also recall I told you about how Dumbledore has been stealing

from my inheritance.

"What I've already told you, though, wasn't all of it.

"When I went to Gringotts and explained the situation to them, the

goblins immediately wanted to go after Dumbledore for everything he

had. However, I begged them to hold off. At first, this surprised them;

and they thought me weak. However, once I explained why, they were all

for it and just as willing to go along with my plan.

"You see, I like to read muggle crime fiction. I'm a big fan of that genre.

And one of the things I learned from reading those books is that, if you

want to find out what happened to evidence, you 'follow the money trail'.

I had the goblins hold off from acting by suggesting they wait for the

next time Dumbledore accessed my accounts and made moves to steal yet

more gold from me. And the goblins, through use of their own magics,

placed tracking charms on the gold before it left their lands.

"From that they were able to track it. The monies went into quite a

number of different accounts, both in the wizarding world and the

muggle world. Most of it went into Dumbledore's private accounts he had

set up using others to set them up for him. A very small amount went

into the account of one Molly Weasley under her maiden name of

Margaret Prewett. Another small amount went into a Barclays account -

that's a muggle bank - under the name Vernon Dursley - that's my Uncle,

who always claims I'm a financial burden on them. But, most of the rest

of it goes to the same bank under the name 'White Bumblebee

Enterprises'; 'Albus' is Latin for 'White' and 'Dumbledore' is an old-

fashioned term for what is today known as a bumblebee. Therefore,

'White Bumblebee Enterprises' easily translates to 'Albus Dumbledore


"While Harry, down there," said memory-Harry, gesturing to where real-

Harry was still lounging, "Is trying to come up with ideas how to

complete his task, the Goblins are currently in the process of recovering

all the gold that has been stolen by Dumbledore from the Potter vaults.

By the time they're finished, they assure me, Albus Dumbledore will be

close to being completely broke and bankrupt. Plus, they're also

recovering the money from both Vernon Dursley and Molly Weasley."

That had quite a few of the audience shocked to their very magical cores,

and they could already tell Harry wasn't done yet.

"However, gold is not all Albus Dumbledore has stolen from the House of

Potter," he continued. "He's also stolen family heirlooms and artefacts.

These, too, the goblins are tracking down.

"And, finally, should Albus Dumbledore venture onto goblin soil before

matters between he, the House of Potter and the goblins are resolved, he

shall consider his life forfeit. The goblins are very much hoping to

introduce old Albus to one of their security dragons - up close and

personal like."

He laughed; cackled, really.




Again, Dumbledore groaned. That money was meant to be his retirement

fund. He was planning on retiring as soon as he had vanquished Tom, for


He also knew that, once the goblins recovered all the money from his

accounts he'd been carefully taking from the boy's, he'd be close to flat

broke. His robes cost quite a lot. And that, once Molly learned of the

money missing from her own maiden family account, she'd be coming

after him with that screech she called a voice.

He really didn't know which would be worse.




"Moving on to third year. Dumbledore knew Sirius Black was innocent,

he knew the school wards in his standard configuration for them would

not keep the dementors out but did know he could easily adjust said

wards so they couldn't come in, he knew Black knew about at least one of

the secret tunnels under the wards and he knew Black would use at least

one of them to come into the school. But, I do not know for sure if he

knew Ron Weasley's pet rat, Scabbers, was actually the animagus form of

Peter Pettigrew, or not," continued Memory-Harry, not in the least bit

interested in Dumbledore's thoughts. "That's something for the DMLE to

ask him.

"Now, for this year. The intent wards of Hogwarts are such that Albus

Dumbledore is completely aware that the person pretending to be

Professor Alastor 'Mad-Eye' Moody is, in fact, not. That person is actually

Barty Crouch Junior under the effects of Polyjuice Potion. The reason why

he is not dead is because his own father, who was Director of the DMLE

at the time and is currently sitting among the judges, switched his son

with his terminally-ill wife using - you might have guessed it, but I very

much doubt it - Polyjuice Potion, to smuggle said son out of Azkaban."




From where she was sitting, Amelia heard the gasp and look of shocked

terror that suddenly broke out on Barty Crouch Senior's face, and

immediately stunned him as the man suddenly shot to his feet looking to


Before she could say anything, Rufus Scrimgeour, who had returned to

standing at her shoulder, said, "Magical suppression 'cuffs and portkeyed

to a nice cell at the DMLE; yes, Ma'am."

Bones gave a slightly amused snort that her imminent order was quoted

to her before she could utter it. She added, "And send someone to stun

and arrest the fake Moody."

"Yes, Ma'am," nodded Scrimgeour as he sent another auror off to go and

do just that as he moved towards Senior.

Her rising to extraordinary heights trust in the young Potter boy now had

her not even questioning if he was wrong or not. Senior's reaction was

more than enough to confirm it for her.




"Dumbledore was also aware my name was very likely to come out of the

Goblet as a fourth competitor, or just as the representative competitor for

Hogwarts," continued memory-Harry. "He knew it, because he knew

Barty Junior, Polyjuiced as Alastor Moody, was very likely going to

confound the Goblet to spit my name out. That's why he put up nothing

more than a simple age line as the security for the Goblet.

"And, yes, Madam Bones, I have copies of each and every memory of

those events," he said.

From in the stands, Madam Bones gave an almost snort-like grunt of


Memory-Harry then seemed to give a sigh before he stood up straight and

practically barked, "Right! That's the history lesson complete.

"And... it also marks the end of the entertainment."

Memory-Harry then turned to 'look' to where Real-Harry was still

lounging back on the banana-lounge. "Alright, Harry..."

When Real-Harry didn't seem to notice Memory-Harry was supposedly

now addressing him, Memory-Harry tried to 'gain his attention'. "Harry."

No response.


Still no response.


Real-Harry almost jumped off the lounge in surprise before his head

snapped to look at Memory-Harry. "Hunh?"

Memory-Harry smirked and said, "Your turn."

As if suddenly understanding, Real-Harry suddenly said, "Ah!"

The final memory winked out.

He quickly stood, tossing his novel into the ex-Army echelon bag. Then

folded up the portable lounge, also stuffing that into the bag.

Once he was done, he then pulled the rack of empty vials out,

deactivated the pensieve and began pulling the strands of memory out,

dropping them into vials one at a time.

That took a few minutes.

Meanwhile, the audience - who still hadn't broken up and left - quietly

sat and talked among themselves while keeping one eye on Harry as he


Once all the memories were removed from the pensieve he then packed

both it and the plinth on which it stood into the bag. Finally, he dropped

the rack of full-once-more vials on top before zipping the bag closed.

Then he stood up and looked around, as the audience returned to once

more silently watching him.

With a cheeky grin, he then looked to blow on the tips of the fingers of

his right hand before then rubbing his thumb over the balls of them. With

a large overly done gesture to be sure everyone saw him do it he snapped

his fingers. Instantly, the bag disappeared in a flash of white light.

He then drew his wand and pressed the tip of it to his jaw. "Sonorus."

Looking about with his cheeky grin he said, "I bet none of you have yet

worked out how I'm doing that, have you?"

When he received no answer he gave a chuckle.

"Well, that was the entertainment for you while I sat and figured out how

I was going to complete this task," he said, his voice again carrying across

the arena. "I'd actually figured out a number of possible ideas by about

halfway through it. But, I thought you might like to see the end of it

before I shut it off.




With everything now cleared away Harry stood tall and proud while

smirking at the audience, but mainly at the VIP box.

"As you now know," he began. "I think most witches and wizards are...

not just daft... but daft morons.

"So, in order to complete this task, I considered the straightforward

approach first. I mean, the approach that should not work because it's so


Removing the wand tip from his jaw line he dropped it into his pocket,

for the moment.

He then held his left hand, palm upwards and out to his side. Then he

pointed his right index finger at it before, with the similar gesture as

before, snapped his fingers.

With yet another flash of white light, the golden egg disappeared from

the dragon's nest and appeared on his left palm, as if it apparated there.

Taking his wand out of his pocket again, he placed the tip back to his jaw

and said, "Hunh! How about that? The organisers of this task were as big

a bunch of daft morons as I thought.

"However, you all probably think I cheated or something to get the egg.

So that you know I didn't, I'll put it back and try a different method."

Tucking his wand under his left armpit this time, he again snapped his

fingers and the egg disappeared from his hand before immediately

reappearing on the nest. The dragon didn't notice either the time it

disappeared or the time it reappeared. It was still somewhat dozing.

Plucking his wand from under his arm he returned it to his jaw. "Let's try

a simple fourth year charm."

He then aimed the wand towards the dragon's nest. "Accio golden egg!"

he firmly intoned.

Nothing happened. Again, he used the Sonorus.

"Hunh!" he exclaimed. "Since the first idea worked I'd thought that one

would too. Maybe wizard-kind aren't as daft as I thought.

"Let's try a switching charm. That's a third year Transfiguration charm."

He bent down and picked up a pebble, holding it on the palm of his left

hand, which he held palm up as when Dobby used elf magic to

translocate the egg there a little earlier.

"Permuto!" he called, first indicating the egg before then indicating the


Surprising the audience but not surprising him so much, the egg suddenly

appeared on his palm. Though, he did almost drop it when it did, as he

truly did not expect it to work.

Returning the wand to his jaw he sighed, "Well, I had such high hopes I'd

not be disappointed by the organisers of this event. Sadly, they've proven

themselves to be daft, just like the rest."

Tucking the wand back under his left arm he again snapped his fingers.

And, again, the egg appeared back in the nest; before returning the wand

tip to his jaw.

"Well, that was a simple third year transfiguration charm," he sighed

again. "Let's make it a little more difficult by seeing if using only first year

charms will accomplish the task. Professor Flitwick taught us these in our

first year."

With the pebble still on his palm he pointed to it with his wand and

intoned, "Nomen Harry's Pebble. That's named it. Gluten! That's made it

capable of sticking to the next object it touches. And... Wingardium


With his wand guiding it, Harry levitated it down the length of the arena

until he guided it to touching the very top of the egg.

As soon as he cancelled the charm the pebble dropped only a fraction of

an inch before contacting the top of the egg, and affixed there.

With a smirk he again pointed his wand at the egg. But, this time, had his

mind's eye firmly on the pebble, Harry's Pebble, that now stuck to the top

of the egg.

"Wingardium Leviosa!" he again intoned. And the pebble, with the egg

firmly glued to it, levitated.

Then it was only a matter of using his wand to guide it, before he flew it

slowly back to his hand.

As soon as he dropped it onto his palm he returned his wand-tip to his

jaw. "Three first year charms," he said. "I find myself soooo disappointed.

I actually thought this was supposed to be, and was going to be, a

challenging event for seventh years. That even a first year could

accomplish it - with little danger to themselves - is, quite frankly,





More focussed on what he was doing than anything else, Harry had no

idea the other three champions had been standing at the Champions'

entrance to the arena, along with the dragon handlers, since before the

first hour of his 'presentation' had even passed.

As Harry demonstrated how to accomplish the task with no more than

first year charms Cedric Diggory, the supposed Hogwarts Champion,

almost sulkily said, "He's making us look like idiots."

Durmstrang Champion Viktor Krum, muttered, "He's making everyvun

look like idiots.".

"Non," sighed the Beauxbatons Champion and part-Veela, Fleur Delacour.

"Ee's doing what we should 'ave thought of do-eeng. We made ourselfs

look like ee-dee-ots."




Though not as disappointed as he professed to be, with his egg in his

hand Harry was still a long moment before he said, "Still, as I now have

my egg and all I need to complete the task is to step out of the enclosure,

I should bid you, as they say in France, 'adieu'.

"However, that will not give you leave to harass me in any way, shape or

form. I remind you that, even though a task will not then be under-way,

interfering with me can still be viewed as interfering in the Tournament.

And I will look very... poorly... on that.

"As I said at the beginning of my little presentation, I am no longer in a

forgiving mood. Secondly, I've given you all ample evidence I am not the

Harry Potter you thought me to be. As I no longer have to play a role, I

will no longer do so. You have all been warned; and it is the only warning

you're ever going to get."

Dropping his voice to an almost-snarl he declared, "It is time for you all

to learn it is very unwise to... fuck with a Potter."

As Harry turned to walk back out of the arena with the egg tucked under

his off-arm, he heard the voice of Madam Bones using a Sonorus.

"Mister Potter!" she called out.

Harry stopped and turned back, with his head cocked just so it was clear

he was listening. "It's Lord Potter, now. After having been declared of-age,

by being forced into this Tournament, I've taken up my Lordship."

"My apologies, Lord Potter. Please wait for me just outside the entrance

to the arena," she instructed him. "I do not want to see you harm anyone

as, like you, I think they just might be too stupid to take your threat


Harry gave a slight bow to her, knowing she said that as much to protect

him as protect those who truly were too stupid to realise they were no

longer dealing with the Harry Potter they thought they knew.

And, with that, he strode from the arena. He could see the five dragon

handlers rush in while giving him strange looks; and the other three

champions, plus Madam Pomfrey, waiting in the entrance for him.

"Lord Potter," called Madam Bones yet again. "You need to be awarded


Again stopping and turning to her, he again cast the Sonorus on himself

and said, "No, I really don't. There's nothing in the rules of this Merlin-

bedamned tournament that states I have to be here for any points

awarded to me. And, further, since you've not figured it out yet, I really

couldn't give a damn about points, anyway.

"If you feel I have to be awarded points, award me a single, solitary, one

point each. After all, it did take me about three hours to accomplish my

task; when the three real champions all did it in a few minutes, each."

And, with that, he strode from the arena.




4. Investigations Begin

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to the proverbial Duchess of

Magic, JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high

falutin' companies. No matter how much I whine about not owning anything

related to the HP universe, other than a few fanfic plots, I do not profess to

own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful

world... Damn it!

Chapter Four - Investigations Begin




As Harry finally walked out of the arena, Amelia cancelled the Sonorus

charm she'd been using to talk to him and turned to the judges. "You

heard the young man, award him one point," she firmly ordered them.

"And do that right now."

With the exception of Dumbledore and Crouch, as the judges collected

themselves they each indicated a single point each.

When they were done, Amelia then said, "One point for you,

Dumbledore." And fired off one point using Dumbledore's own wand.

"And, one point for you, Crouch." And fired off another one.

As soon as that was done she firmly said, "Right! Albus Dumbledore,

Bartemius Crouch Senior and Cornelius Fudge - you're all under arrest."

Scrimgeour smoothly said, "I believe Mister Crouch is still stunned

unconscious, Madam Bones."

"Then tell him he's under arrest when you wake him up in his cell back at

the DMLE," she firmly ordered. "In the meantime, I want the following

taken into custody, if they're not already as they bloody well should be:

Minerva McGonagall, Pomona Sprout, Severus Snape, Filius Flitwick,

Poppy Pomfrey, Rubeus Hagrid and - of course - Barty Crouch Junior.

"Then, once we have them back at the DMLE, I want a team of three to

go to Lord Potter's home, arrest the two Dursley adults and bring them

back to the DMLE. Then send teams to arrest Lucius Malfoy and Molly


"While you've sent teams off to do that, a want a team of no less than a

dozen aurors sent back here to take charge of the students in the Great

Hall. We've just taken into custody the entirety of the senior staff of the

school and we need more responsible adults to keep an eye on them.

"Get that done now."

"Yes, Ma'am!" barked Scrimgeour.

"In the meantime, I need to get to Lord Potter and get those memories off


"Yes, Ma'am," replied Scrimgeour, a little softer.

As Scrimgeour indicated two other aurors he'd already called up to the

VIP box to step forward and take those into custody who were already

manacled but still there, Amelia stayed for only a moment to ensure

Dumbledore was firmly under the effects of magical suppression 'cuffs

and a reintroduced silencing charm before she quickly left the stand to

head around to the champions' entrance.




As Harry headed for the entrance with his wand in his right hand and

'his' egg tucked under his left arm like he was carrying a rugby ball, he

could see the looks on the faces of the other three champions. Their

expressions were an interesting mix of awe, anger and not a little fear.

Poppy Pomfrey had just moved up to stand with them.

Harry simply gave them all a nod before he stepped up next to them and

watched the dragon wranglers remove the somewhat sleepy Hungarian

Horntail out of the arena.

After a long few seconds Diggory softly said, "Merlin, Harry!"

"Not what you expected of me, was it?" Harry quietly asked back, not

even bothering to look at his fellow Hogwarts student.

It was a long moment before Diggory replied, "No... it wasn't."

That seemed to break the tableau, when Krum asked, "Vhat made you

fink uff using furst year charms, Mistur Potter?"

"Using the basics, because I've already come to realise just how daft

magic users, in general, are," replied Harry. "I thought about, if I was

responsible for organising this event, what would I need to block being

used to force competitors to actually have to go and collect the egg by

hand? Then thought, knowing how moronicly daft most witches and

wizards truly are, actually trying them first. I'm quite disappointed,

though not really surprised, that the only charm they seem to have

blocked is a direct summoning charm - the 'Accio'."

It appeared Delacour was about to say something when Madam Pomfrey

said, "Be that as it may, Mister Potter, I need you to come into the

Infirmary tent to be checked over―"

"That is not going to happen, Poppy," interrupted Madam Bones, who had

just come striding down from the competitors' tent, tailed closely by

another auror. "I can assure you, the only thing Lord... not Mister... Potter

may be suffering from is from being glared at by the audience. He went

nowhere near the dragon."

"Nevertheless, it is my job―" huffed Pomfrey before she was again cut off

by Bones.

"Not for the foreseeable future, it's not," disagreed Bones as she stepped

in close. "Madam Persephone Pomfrey, while you are not under arrest at

this time, I am taking you into custody while certain allegations are


"What?" asked a shocked Pomfrey.

"You're being taken into custody, Poppy," said Amelia. "While not being

placed into magical suppression 'cuffs at this time, you'll be allowed to

remain free of them if you follow the directions of Auror Fitzmichaels

here." And indicated the young female auror who stood just behind her.

"What? Why?" asked a clearly shocked and somewhat fearful Pomfrey.

"Due to Lord Potter's... history lesson during his task," replied Amelia, "All

those who were mentioned are being taken into custody until we know

for sure they're not guilty, or otherwise involved in, what's been going


"I assure you―" blustered Pomfrey.

"... Of nothing, for now," interrupted Amelia, yet again. Without waiting

for Pomfrey to say another word, she gestured for Fitzmichaels to take

the witch into custody.

Stepping forward, reaching out and taking Pomfrey lightly by the elbow

of her wand arm with her off hand, Fitzmichaels calmly said, "This way,

please, Madam Pomfrey."

As a thoroughly confused Poppy Pomfrey was being led away, Amelia

finally turned to Harry with a somewhat pained and exasperated

expression on her face. Harry just grinned back.

"I believe you have something for me, Lord Potter," she reminded him.

"I do," he nodded, his expression turning serious. Glancing to the

competitors' tent he indicated it and said, "Perhaps, if we duck into the


Giving her own nod she indicated for Harry to precede her. "After you,

Lord Potter."

Harry gave a slight snort of amusement but led her over to the tent.




After first asking her if she'd figured out how he 'summoned' his 'bag of

destruction', then sent it away again, all with a snap of his fingers; then

doing the same thing with the egg; he sigh in disappointment at her

when she couldn't figure it out.

"Madam Bones, I have given you all the clues you need," he began.

"Firstly, the object I'm focussed on either appears or disappears in a flash

of white light, only. Secondly, I snap my fingers. Thirdly, I do not utter

an incantation or use a wand; so it is highly unlikely it is I who is casting

a spell.

"Now, with that knowledge, think of what creatures do the same?"

When she glared at him with a mild look of frustration he finally relented

and told her, "Was it too hard to figure out it was a house elf?"

She then looked back at him with dawning shock. So much, it caused her

monocle to fall out of her eye and drop to her breast on the length of its

thin gold chain.

As she was clearly embarrassed by the answer - after all, she had house

elves of her own - Harry said, "Don't worry that you didn't figure it out. I

doubt any one of those who watched me do it figured it out, either."

She stared at him for another long moment before she gave a grunt, gave

herself a bit of a shake of her head and said, "I want those memories."

Chuckling a little, Harry turned to look down to his left and called,


With a very muted crack the devout little house elf appeared next to

Harry's side. The elf was clearly very happy to have been called and was

almost bouncing on his little feet in joy.

"It worked, Master Harry?" he asked.

Harry lightly laughed and replied, "It sure did, little buddy. Not one of

them figured it out."

"Yes!" the little elf declared before he gave a little fist pump in the air.

Before things got out of hand, Harry gave the elf his instructions. "Dobby,

I need you to bring me that rack of memories I had you sort for Madam

Bones, plus the documented evidence of Dumbledore's monetary

shenanigans the goblins gave me. She needs them."

Without a word, Dobby popped away only to return a few moments later

with a large rack of vials, a thick sheaf of parchment and immediately

offered it to Harry. This rack was far larger than the one he used in the

arena. Each vial contained a strand of memory and was labelled with

what the memory covered.

Offering it to the woman he said, "All sorted and labelled, Madam Bones."

Carefully taking it she looked through them before asking, "Lord Potter,

could you have your elf put them on the desk in my office?"

"Of course," he replied, before turning to elf. "Dobby?"

"Yes, Master Harry," replied Dobby, before he disappeared with the

documents and the rack.

When both had gone, she sighed and softly said, "I can't believe you used

a house elf like that. And I don't believe I didn't realise that's what you

were doing."

Harry gave a snort and said, "You, like pretty much everyone in the

magical world, have 'house elf blindness'. They're always there, so you

think nothing of them and the powers they wield. And you've forgotten

that the wizarding anti-apparation wards of Hogwarts don't bother them

in the slightest. Sorry to be so blunt about that; but, it's true."

She gave her own, more lady-like, snort and bobbed her head once in

acknowledgement. "True. It is that obvious, we barely think about it."

"Anything else?" he asked. "I've just spent a few hours mainly sitting on

my bum while being warily watched by the meanest breed of dragon of

all, I didn't have much of a breakfast and I'm now quite famished. I'd like

to go and eat; and, I daresay, you have a ton of work awaiting you in

your office."

"My Masters and Seniors can handle the initial interrogations and

investigations," she replied. "Besides, I haven't had a chance to talk to my

niece yet." Then she grinned and almost coyly asked, "Care to escort an

old lady up to the Great Hall?"

With a grin of his own, Harry offered his elbow and replied, "I'd be

honoured, my lady. And I don't consider you old."

And the two left the tent to head up to the castle.




As soon as they exited the tent it was to see a great mass of people

waiting outside. Clearly, they were all waiting for him. They'd also just as

clearly been blocked from entering by two aurors who'd been standing,

facing out, just outside the tent flaps.

Madam Bones immediately stepped in front of Harry and glared at the lot

of them. "Unless you have specific business with me," she said, "I expect

the lot of you to leave, immediately."

That had almost all of them show various expressions ranging from

surprise to happiness to hate. But, with the exception of a few, they all

began to disperse. Most of them were students and they headed for the


Turning to one of the aurors who'd blocked the entrance, this one a

witch, Madam Bones said to her, "Be between us and those students.

Make sure they don't stop before they enter the castle."

"Yes, Ma'am," nodded the auror before she moved ahead and started

chivvying the stragglers ahead of her.

That left about half a dozen still waiting. These included: Rita Skeeter

and her photographer, who was busy snapping photos; but were now

both holding back; Karkaroff and Maxime, the Highmaster and

Headmistress of Durmstrang and Beauxbatons, respectively; and

Hermione and Ron.

Ron looked angry and Hermione looked worried.

Eventually, Hermione's patience wore out and she dashed to Harry to

wrap him in a hug. "Oh, Harry!" she cried. "What you had to go through

with those horrid Dursleys! You should have told us! We'd have


"And... what the Headmaster was doing... I'm glad Madam Bones's people

arrested him and took him away. I can't believe I was in awe of that


To stop what he knew was quickly turning into Hermione-babble he

placed a vertically-held finger to her lips and made shushing sounds.

"Shhh! Hermione, stop."

When she seemed to stop and backed off with a bit of a frown, he said, "I

couldn't tell you. While Dumbledore's attempts at obliviations failed on

me, they would have worked against you. And I didn't want to see you

lose your memories."

Finally Ron had also had enough and he came almost stomping over.

"You just had to get the Headmaster arrested, didn't you?" he snarled.

"And McGonagall!"

As he approached, Harry pushed Hermione away slightly and out of the

path of Weasley, then changed hands with his egg to his left hand. As

soon as the boy was close enough, Harry simply balled his right hand

into a fist next to his hip and slugged him one with a right cross, right in

the jaw. It was enough to set Weasley on his bum.

As Weasley went down with a half strangled yelp, Madam Bones quickly

stepped in and berated him; "Lord Potter!"

"Sorry, Madam Bones," he replied, not in the least contrite. "But the little

shit richly deserved it."

"Be that as it may, Lord Potter," she returned. "I cannot, however, let go

the fact you assaulted that boy." She seemed to pause for a moment

before she said, "As the boy is otherwise not harmed, I shall consider

your assault a case of 'Simple Assault' and fine you a total of ten galleons.

Expect to receive a fine by owl mail within the next seven days."

"Understood," he replied with a nod.

Meanwhile, Weasley continued to sit on his bum on the grass, one hand

on the ground behind him for balance while he rubbed his jaw with the

other. He was looking at the two talking, with shock.

"He hit me!" he suddenly blurted.

Finally turning her attention to Weasley, Amelia said, "Yes, I saw. That's

why I've fined him ten galleons."

"Though I can certainly understand why you hit him, Harry," said

Hermione. "It was still wrong to do so."

"Yes, thank you, Hermione," nodded Harry, barely glancing to her. "As

you heard, Madam Bones was just getting through telling me that. As she

is the Director of the DMLE and it's her job to do so, I didn't need you to

tell me, too."

Hermione blushed in embarrassment but didn't offer another word. She

knew Harry's words were a mild rebuke.

"Now, Lord Potter," said Amelia, getting things back on track. "I believe

you were escorting me to the Great Hall."

"Yes, I was," said Harry, moving back alongside her and once more

offering her elbow.

As the two headed for the castle, Hermione broke out of her shock and

embarrassment and hurried to catch up.

It was a good few seconds before Weasley realised he was getting left

behind and scrambled to his feet and stormed after the three of them.

"Bloody Potter," he grumbled, though he did keep his distance, this time.




Upon walking into the Great Hall, the first thing Harry noticed was the

distinct lack of teaching staff. Of course, the first thing Amelia noticed

was her niece rising from the middle of the Hufflepuff table and heading

towards her with a puzzled smile on her face. And both noticed how

quiet the population of the Hall got as they'd walked in. All eyes were

directed towards the two of them.

"Well, that's unusual," muttered Amelia, as she moved to hug her niece.

"I think it'd be safe to say that everything about this day is unusual," said


She smiled back at him over her niece's shoulder as she hugged her.

Susan piped up and said, "I'm so sorry for how everyone's treated you,

Harry. It's clear to everyone now you didn't put your name in the Goblet."

Harry just gave a nod back and then moved to the Gryffindor table,

sitting at the end as he'd been doing since the morning after his name

came out of the Goblet. Hermione sat with him, just as she also had since

that same morning.

As they sat, Amelia was walking to the head table to speak with the few

remaining members of staff, while also talking with her niece who'd

accompanied her. As she had informed him during their walk up to the

castle, none of the senior staff members remained at the castle for the

foreseeable short future. With the exception of History of Magic and

Astronomy, all other teaching staff were teachers of elective subjects; and

History of Magic didn't count as Cuthbert Binns was a ghost. And that

made Aurora Sinistra, though one of the youngest Professors, still one of

the most senior in authority still remaining.

As Hermione sat she asked, "Are you now going to tell me what's going


"No," he replied. "At least, nothing further than what you learned during

the task."

She looked a little hurt at that response.

"Sorry, Hermione," he quietly said. "But, this is all now a DMLE

investigation. It'd be best if you remained ignorant of anything else, for

the time being. If I remember correctly, I'm not allowed to talk about it


She gave a combined annoyed and disappointed sigh before she lowered

her eyes and nodded back.

"It's not that I don't trust you, Hermione," he said to soothe her. "But

there are certain requirements of a DMLE investigation that are ironclad.

And witnesses colluding with one another is a big no-no."

Her eyes snapped up to stare at him in shock. "We would never―"

"I know," he said. "However, even the possibility of that is enough to

constrain the both of us from talking about the information I brought to

light during the task.

"That doesn't mean we can't talk about anything else, though. There's

nothing wrong with that."

"Oh," she said in understanding. She seemed to think for a few moments

before she asked, "So, your egg? What's that about?"

Giving a nod and smile back, he replied, "According to that idiot,

Bagman, it's supposed to contain a clue to the second task. That is, of

course, if there actually is going to be a second task."

Confused, she asked, "Whatever do you mean?"

"Hermione, look around you," he replied. "How many of Hogwarts's staff

weren't arrested... sorry, 'taken into custody'... by Madam Bones's aurors.

"Think about it," he said as he held up his hand with his fingers spread.

Then he started counting off, "They've effectively arrested the

Headmaster, Albus Dumbledore; the Deputy Headmistress,

Transfiguration Mistress and Head of Gryffindor House, Minerva

McGonagall; the Potions Master and Head of Slytherin House, Severus

Snape; the Charms Master and Head of Ravenclaw House, Filius Flitwick;

the Herbology Mistress and Head of Hufflepuff House, Pomona Sprout;

Professor of Care of Magical Creatures and Keeper of the Keys, Rubeus

Hagrid; and the school healer, Poppy Pomfrey.

"Besides Poppy Pomfrey, because she wasn't involved, and besides

everything else they've been a party to, the rest are all in trouble for what

I showed regarding the traps on the third floor corridor when the

Philosopher's Stone was here; and probably a bit about second and third

year, too. All of them are just as guilty as the others for deliberately

endangering the students of the castle at that time. Madam Bones's

people will be wanting to talk to them about that. Of course for some of

them, such as Dumbledore and McGonagall, there's a great deal more of

which I made clear Madam Bones and her people are going to want to

know about. That includes Poppy Pomfrey."

Hermione looked horrified and was about to ask her next question when

Madam Bones and her niece separated, with Susan returning to her table,

and stepped up to the podium. "Listen up!" she barked.

That had all four tables immediately shut up.

"So that you're aware of what's going on," she said. "The following

members of Hogwarts staff have been taken into custody by the DMLE to

answer certain questions relating to Lord Potter's revelations during the

first task: Albus Dumbledore, Minerva McGonagall, Severus Snape,

Pomona Sprout, Filius Flitwick, the person who was masquerading as

Alastor Moody, Poppy Pomfrey and Rubeus Hagrid. I have also just been

informed that the real Alastor Moody was found locked in a multi-

compartment trunk in the DADA office, where he has been since before

school started this school year.

"As such the number of staff remaining is insufficient for the school to

carry on with normal operations. And, as such, classes are cancelled for

the foreseeable future."

When the noise levels rapidly rose she loudly snapped out, "Be quiet!"

The rising noise suddenly shut off again.

"When I speak, you listen," she snapped. When no one interrupted again

she continued, "Under my authority as Director of the DMLE, I've

declared the entire grounds of Hogwarts a crime scene. That means, until

I state otherwise, I am in charge. All decisions regarding this school are

mine to make."

After giving that a long moment to be 'absorbed', she continued. "As I am

in charge there will be no acting Headmaster or -mistress... or Deputy.

There will also be no Heads of Houses. I and my aurors are, temporarily

at least, filling all of those roles.

"I am also very aware of just how much rule-breaking and troublemaking

was allowed to go on. That stops right now.

"Fighting will now be seen as 'Assault'. That means all parties involved

will be arrested and taken to one of my holding cells. Depending on the

severity of the trouble-making you could find yourself in the same

accommodations. Severe enough rule-breaking or trouble-making - at my

discretion - may very well see you immediately suspended and sent home

in disgrace. I am not a forgiving person and my aurors are to act the

same. This is the only warning you will receive on that.

"Next: No one is to pressure Lord Potter on the information he brought to

light during the task of the Tri-Wizard Tournament. Lord Potter is now a

prime witness in the criminal prosecutions I have no doubt will evolve

out of what he shared with us today. If you hassle Lord Potter about any

of it he is to immediately inform me or one of my aurors. You will then

be arrested and a charge of witness tampering may well be levelled

against you. A conviction of witness tampering can see you sent to

Azkaban. At the minimum, after you are questioned as to what you

thought you were doing, you will find yourself suspended and sent home

on the spot. Again, this is the only warning you will receive.

"Now, I was going to sit and have lunch with my niece before heading

back to my office, where I'll be immediately starting official

investigations. However, I now believe I will not have time for that. And

there'll be no trying to pump my niece for information, either. That, too,

will be looked upon very unfavourably. If you bother her about it, you

also might find yourself suspended and sent home. Actually, if you bother

anyone about it, you'll probably find yourself suspended and sent home.

"Enjoy your lunch. I suggest you then make use of your now otherwise

free time from classes with self-study. My aurors will be keeping an eye

on all of you."

With that she stepped away from the podium and made her way to the

Gryffindor table and straight to Harry.

"Lord Potter," she said. Before Harry could verbally acknowledge her she

added in a clear and carrying voice, "What I said up there is true. If

anyone questions you about your revelations you are to immediately

inform one of my aurors. Understand?"

"Yes, Ma'am," he immediately and just as clearly replied.

"Good," she nodded. "At some time over the next couple of days I'll have

one of my aurors come and collect you. Once I've had time to go through

those memories you provided I'll need to talk to you about them. Is that


"Yes, Ma'am," he replied. "That's fine."

She then turned her attention to Hermione and asked, "The same goes for

you, Miss Granger, as with Lord Potter. Is that alright with you?"

"Yes, Ma'am," she replied. "But, aren't I supposed to have my parents with

me if you want to talk to me?"

"You're over fifteen, aren't you? I believe you had a birthday a couple

months back?" asked Amelia.

"Yes," replied Hermione.

"Then, no. It is not required unless you're being questioned where you

might find yourself being charged," explained Amelia. "You are not

someone I'm currently looking to charge."

"Then, can I at least have Harry there?"

Surprised at the question, Amelia glanced at Harry, who nodded back

that he was okay with it.

Turning back to Hermione she replied, "That will be fine. However, he

will not be able to answer any questions for you. He will have to remain

silent. Am I understood?"

"Yes; thank you," she replied, quite relieved.

Giving a short nod, Amelia said, "Very well. Now I need to say goodbye

to my niece." And left to head across and to the Hufflepuff table.

As soon as she left earshot, Hermione turned to Harry and said, "Thank

you for agreeing to come with me if... when... I get taken to the DMLE."

"You'll be fine, Hermione," he soothed her. "You've done nothing wrong

and you're not the target of her investigations, anyway. She'll just want to

hear your 'take' on what you were involved with that I've included in my

memories I've given her."

Hermione nodded, looked relieved and then turned away with a

somewhat pensive expression.




Amelia had no sooner walked out the door when Malfoy sauntered over

to the Gryffindor table with his two ape-shaped bookends, Crabbe and


"So, Potter," he drawled with a sneer. He didn't see an auror suddenly

peel off from the wall not that far away and approach from his side. "You

seem to have managed to do what no one else has done and gotten rid


That was as far as he got before the auror pushed bookend number one

out of the way and firmly placed his hand on Malfoy's shoulder.

Malfoy's head spun about it shock.

"I do believe Madam Bones just got done telling everyone to leave Potter

alone," drawled the auror. "Do you want to be the first suspended and

sent home in disgrace?"

Malfoy appeared to try and shake the hand off his shoulder. But the auror

merely tightened his grip.

"I asked you a question, lad," the auror more firmly stated.

"Let go of me!" Malfoy practically squealed, still trying to shake the auror's

hand off.

Instead of doing so, the auror then reached out with his other hand and

snagged Malfoy by the wrist. A quick twist and Malfoy's wand arm was

now twisted up behind his back.

Malfoy gave a strangled little yelp as the auror manhandled him into a

police-style 'compliance' hold.

"Again," snapped the auror. "Do you want to be the first person sent home

in disgrace?"

"No!" yelped the ferret.

Then the auror simply marched him back across the Hall to the Slytherin

table before he gave him one last shove. Malfoy staggered forward two

steps, spun about and glared back.

"The next time you cross the Hall with the intention of bothering Lord

Potter," snapped the auror, "You will be arrested and taken to the DMLE.

You should expect to be suspended from Hogwarts at that time."

Malfoy spluttered a moment and then bawled, "When my father hears of


The auror rode right over him and snapped back, "Threatening an auror

in the course of their duties is an automatic stay in Azkaban. You want to

watch what you say to me... boy."

That shut Malfoy right up.

"As for your father, you can be most assured that he'll 'hear about this', as

you put it," the auror continued. "As you're under-aged, we're bound by

law to immediately notify him when we arrest you."

The auror then glared back for a few moments to make sure his message

was received, before he spun about and stalked back to 'his' spot standing

with his back to the wall.

Harry and Hermione watched the entire thing, surprised. It was the first

time, that Harry could recall, when an adult actually moved to protect

him from the blonde ferret.

What neither teen knew was that the warning of the auror's actions were

received by the entire school collection of both students and remaining

staff; including Weasley.

He'd been about to confront Harry himself just as Malfoy made his play.

Seeing what happened to Malfoy actually managed to get through

Weasley's head enough to make the boy reconsider his actions.

'I'll wait until we're in the Gryffindor tower,' he thought.




With no more 'entertainment' during the midday meal, and no classes

afterwards, Harry and Hermione finished their lunch in peace before

heading back to the Gryffindor tower. Harry needed to change out of the

'Gryffindor champion' robes Dumbledore had practically forced on him,

and Hermione wanted to make a start on even more homework.

They'd just entered and split, with Harry going up the stairs to the boys'

dorms and Hermione going up the girl's, when more of their House

entered the common room through the Fat Lady portrait that protected

the entrance. They'd followed the two up, but had kept a 'respectful'

distance. The aurors with them had ensured that, at least.

Neville had made sure he led the pack and, as soon as he dashed in

through the door to the fourth year boys' dorm, spun about, slammed the

door closed and leaned hard up against the back of it.

Looking up from where he'd only just begun changing, Harry asked, "You

alright, Nev?"

"Yeah," replied the dark-blonde-haired boy. "Just making sure you can get

changed in peace."

Realising what Neville was talking about, Harry looked to his year-mate

with surprise. "You'd do that for me? Thank you."

Just then the door seemed to shudder as something hard hit it from the

other side.

"I'll be out in a minute!" Harry called out loud.

That stopped the hard banging on the door. Neville, at least, appeared


Harry smiled at him before he returned getting changed. "Remind me to

teach you the Colloportus charm, Neville. It seals the door to the frame."

"Errrr... thanks Harry," replied Neville. "But I don't think I have the power

to cast it."

Harry knew the other boy did have the power, but held his tongue for





Once Harry had changed into 'civilian' garb - wizarding civilian clothing

of a quality Neville had not seen him wearing before - Neville gave a nod

and asked, "Ready?"

"As ready as I'm going to be," replied Harry, giving himself a mental kick

to brace himself for what he suspected was going to be an ambush of

questions from his housemates when he made it down to the common


Before moving, Harry looked to other boy with a firm countenance and

said, "When we've got time, you and I need to talk, Heir Longbottom."

At first surprised by the direct look and use of his formal title, Neville

looked back for a long moment before he seemed to slump a little and

replied, "Yeah, we do."

With that he backed off from the door before turning around and

gripping the handle. Once he was sure Harry was right behind him, he

opened it and stepped out with his wand drawn.

He might not consider himself more than just above a squib, magically,

but he was also determined to ensure he had Harry's back.

Surprisingly, once he opened the door there was no one waiting right


"Hunh!" he said, before leading the two of them down the stairs.

As Neville, who was only a half pace ahead of Harry, stepped off the last

step it was for Harry to see the very big surprise of no one saying

anything. However, the reason for that was immediately identified as two

aurors who stood with wands drawn and their backs to the wall either

side of the exit through the back of the portrait.

As Harry walked in he looked quizzically at both.

Knowing he would be asked why they were there, the older of the two

said, "Madam Bones wanted to make sure no one, including your

housemates, were going to bother you and pressure you for information,

Lord Potter. As such, we'll be keeping an eye on you."

Harry thought about that for a moment before he said, "In that case, let

her know I appreciate it when you next speak with her."

"Will do, Lord Potter," smirked the auror.

"I take it you re-informed this lot that trying to... let's say... press me for

information would be viewed as witness tampering? And may very well

have led them to unwillingly discovering what the inside of a DMLE

holding cell looked like?" asked Harry.

"No," smirked the auror. "Same idea, but as it related to the inside of an

Azkaban cell."

"Ah!" exclaimed Harry. "Then, again, thank you."

The auror merely nodded back with the same smirk.

Harry turned to his erstwhile housemates and said, "All the information

that I provided, couched as 'entertainment' while I figured out how to

complete the task, was my memories I swore on my magic and life was


With a flick of his wrist he had his wand in his hand and snap-raised it to

cast before anyone even realised what he was doing. "Expecto Patronum!"

he firmly intoned.

Appearing almost as if his wand bucked in his hand, the Patronus mist

leapt out of the tip of his wand and immediately formed into the almost

solid appearing, silvery-ghost, corporeal shape of his father's animagus

form of a buck deer. It then stood on the floor, about eight feet in front of

Harry, appearing to look about for threats.

A few moments later it appeared it didn't see any and spun about to stare

at Harry, waiting.

Harry softly said to it, "Thank you, Prongs. You may go." And the

Patronus fizzled away.

With the Patronus now dissipated, Harry continued, "As pretty much all

of it also implicated a number of staff members of the school in the

commission of crimes, Madam Bones has taken copies of those memories,

plus others, to start her investigation into said staff members and said

others. As such, I have become her primary witness for the Wizengamot

in proceedings she is very likely to bring against those staff members and

others. This, she explained to you all in the Great Hall.

"I also have little doubt most of you are wondering why I did it. If you

don't know, then no amount of me explaining it to you will improve your

understanding of it. If you do know, then I obviously do not need to

explain it to you. Therefore, there is no need for me to say anything.

"If you do not like that, I do not care. If you don't know, then ask

someone who does know why I did it; because you will get no answer

from me. The only people in this tower who currently hold my respect are

the two aurors you see standing over by the entrance, Heir Longbottom

and Miss Hermione Granger. Maybe someone else will have the patience

with you to use little enough words, and speak slowly enough, for you to

get some measure of understanding."

He was about to leave when he turned back and said, "Oh! If you're

wondering why I don't give a shit about your questions - or you, for that

matter - I remind you how almost all of you treated me up to now for this

year. And I remind those of you who were students here two years ago of

how you treated me during that whole Heir of Slytherin nonsense. You

may have forgotten, or thought I had forgiven you, but I have not of


That was apparently enough for Ron. He blurted, "But, you had the

Headmaster and Professor McGonagall charged!" The boy had finally

gathered up his courage enough to try to berate Harry.

Before Harry could verbally cut him down, though, the same auror spoke

first. "He did not, Mister Weasley. This is not the MaCUSA, magical

America, where citizens can have someone charged. Here, the citizenry

can only file a complaint. It is only Madam Bones who can file charges.

"I also remind you that Lord Potter did not even file a complaint. He only

played for you, if you were in the audience, memories through a


"It was Madam Bones who, off her own cognisance, is now filing those

complaints and converting them, on the spot, to charges.

"I'll also inform you that she would not do that unless she was very sure

of the crimes being committed, who committed them and her chances of

securing convictions of the people being so charged.

"As a fully qualified auror with years of experience, I can assure you it is

my opinion that both Albus Dumbledore and Minerva McGonagall, to

name the two you mentioned, are guilty of numerous crimes. Neither

deserves your support, and you're either a fool or an idiot if you do."

Weasley bristled at the verbal slap down, "But... he's Dumbledore!"

"That is utterly irrelevant," the auror immediately snapped back.

Weasley grumbled about it under his breath for a couple seconds before

he suddenly spun away and stomped up the stairs to the boys' dorms in a

right royal snit.

Watching him go, the auror looked at Harry and said, "I can now see why

you seemed so relieved you'll now be able to completely break off your

friendship with that boy."

Harry shrugged back with a grin on his face. "I don't believe he ever was

truly a friend. His friendship of me was more a selfish act on his part. He

wanted to be known as the best mate of the famous Boy-Who-Lived.

Losing that is what's got him so snotty."

It had been Harry's intent to only wait long enough for Hermione to

rejoin him before heading for the 'Come and Go Room' Dobby had shown

him. That was soon after it became too uncomfortable to stay in the

Gryffindor Tower after his name came out of the Goblet. However, with

the two aurors seemingly permanently stationed in the common room to

make sure he wasn't bothered by his own housemates, he felt it was safe

enough to remain. So, he found a seat on one of the spare couches and





When she re-entered the common room from the stairs leading to the

girls' dorms while wearing an angry scowl on her face, Harry was about

to ask Hermione what was wrong when she practically snatched him by

the hand and said, "We're leaving!" before trying to drag him towards the

portrait hole.

Knowing it was best not to try and impede her when his real best friend

got like this, he merely aided her in dragging him to the door by not

resisting. He'd ask her what the problem was when it looked like she

wanted to talk about it.

She never noticed either auror standing against the wall either side of the

portrait hole until both shifted to bar her way.

Almost barging right into one she suddenly pulled up, short.

"Oh!" she exclaimed, suddenly noticing both for the first time. "Sorry! Is

there sometime wrong?"

"You are attempting to take Lord Potter from out of here against his

wishes, little miss," firmly replied the lead auror. "We will not allow that."

As Hermione seemed to appear stunned and confused, Harry stepped a

little further forward and explained, "It's alright, auror. She's gets like this

when someone has annoyed her and she wants me to go somewhere

private where she can rant at me about it. She has no intention of

harming me."

The auror gave him a nod of acknowledgement before he turned back to

Hermione. "Is that true, little miss?"

"I―" she stuttered to answer before she immediately blushed in

embarrassment and dropped her head. "Yes," she softly and quietly


The auror again gave a nod before he said, "Part of the duties of the

aurors currently assigned to the castle is to make sure Lord Potter is not

bothered by staff or students about matters soon to be before the

Wizengamot. And part of our duties is to otherwise see to his safety."

Snapping her head up to stare at the auror in horror she'd been suspected

of such a thing, Hermione exclaimed, "I would never―"

"She wouldn't," Harry quickly agreed. "It's very rare she wants to rant at

me about something I've said or done; it's almost always about someone

else. I'm happy to be that sounding board for her, at those times."

Hermione immediately spun to face him with a look of shock on her face.

Then her expression immediately reverted to one of embarrassment

before she cast her eyes down again.

Ignoring the young girl's clear embarrassment the auror said, "Then we

shall follow." And stepped aside to allow them to continue the final step

to the portrait hole.

As soon as they passed through back into the outside passageway

Hermione stopped a few paces further on before turning to Harry again,

and leaned in a little to speak quietly with him. "I was going to take us

to... you know... that room. But―" Then flicked her eyes towards the

aurors, who had followed them out.

"For now, we'll use the abandoned classroom we used until we find out if

we can trust them or not," he firmly stated.

Hermione seemed to give a firm nod of agreement before leading them

off. She'd been referring to a hidden dueling room they'd discovered

through the Marauders' Map.




Amelia had only just walked into the bullpen for the DMLE when she was

almost besieged by aurors all asking for her immediate attention.

She quickly stuck two fingers into her mouth and used them to blow a

piercing whistle. That shut everyone up.

"Right!" she huffed. "I'll have the currently available Master Aurors join

me in my office. The rest of you, find something else to do until the

Masters and I figure out what we're going to do next."

Walking into her office she was joined by Rufus Scrimgeour and the


Finally sitting behind her desk she moved the rack of memory vials

Potter's elf had dropped there earlier to one side, sighed and turned her

gaze on her deputy. "Alright, Rufus; let me have it."

Without a word and pulling a clipboard from under his arm, the Master

Auror referred to it and replied, "Albus Dumbledore is in Interrogation

Room 1. Minerva McGonagall, Severus Snape and Filius Flitwick are in

Interrogation Rooms 2, 3 and 4, respectively. Pomona Sprout, Poppy

Pomfrey and Filius Flitwick are in Interview Rooms 1 to 3 respectively.

"Interrogation Room 5 now holds Vernon Dursley while Interview Room

4 holds Petunia Dursley. That makes all Interrogation and Interview

Rooms full, for the first time I've ever known. Young Mister Dudley

Dursley, the teen son, is apparently away at a private muggle school; a...

Smeltings' School for Favoured Sons, I believe. He is not due to return

until the second week of December.

Amelia nodded and said, "We may not need to talk to him about the

treatment of Lord Potter, but we'll need to talk to him about the results of

the twin trials of his parents if both end up being incarcerated."

"Yes, boss," replied Scrimgeour. "Standard procedure, then.

"The Minister, Barty Crouch Senior and Junior and Rubeus Hagrid are in

holding cells until we have Interview and Interrogation rooms free," he

continued. "Besides Hagrid, I hope you don't mind but I think we can

hold off on the interviews of those four until we get the Professors and

the Dursleys dealt with. And aurors have not yet been sent out to arrest

Lucius Malfoy or Molly Weasley; as we lack both the staff and

accommodations for them if they were brought here."

"No, I think you've called it right. We need to get what professors we can

back to the school as soon as possible. Who's doing each of the

interrogations?" she asked.

"Dumbledore is currently in his Interrogation Room with a single auror.

We're not doing the interrogation, yet, as we want him to sweat for a

while," he replied. "The Senior Auror watching over him, Flamebright,

has been told that if he allows the old coot to convince him of anything

he'll be the occupant of Dumbledore's cell before the day is through."

Amelia gave an amused snort and said, "Leave him in there for another

hour, then tell him we've had to put his interview off while we

investigate other findings of his alleged crimes we've just recently

discovered. That should make him sweat a little more."

"Yes, boss," he replied with a small smile.

"What about Snape?" she asked.

"The healer's found he's managed to dose himself with anti-Veritaserum

from somewhere," he explained. "We need to purge him of that or those

before we can begin."

"Ah!" she said. "Of course. He's a half-blood, isn't he?"

"Yes, Ma'am," he replied. "The healer recommends a good six hours

before we begin to interview him. I suggest returning him to a holding

cell, for now."

"Make it so," she said. "And the others?"

"I've made a start on McGonagall," said another Master Auror. "I had to

stop when she... errr... burst into tears. And I've decided to suspend the

interrogation until she's... managed to compose herself a little."

"How long's it been?" she immediately asked.

"About ten minutes?" he replied.

"Give her another five and then get back in there," she ordered. "I don't

care if it makes you uncomfortable, or not. We need the transcript of that

interrogation so I can discover if there's yet more charges to throw at that

old fool, Dumbledore."

"Yes, Ma'am," he immediately replied, checking his muggle watch.

"Who's interviewing that fat child abuser, Dursley?" she asked.

Scrimgeour frowned back with a pained look and said, "He was making

so much noise about how we're nothing but freaks and how he refused to

recognise our authority we had to hit him with a silencing charm and

hope he tires himself out. That was about... ten minutes ago."

Amelia gave another small snort of amusement before she said, "Nice

trick. Go in there once every ten minutes and try again. Each time he

starts to rant and rave, silence him again and walk out. Then try again in

another ten minutes.

"Sooner or later he's going to tire himself out enough you're going to be

able to get the information out of him we need."

The auror gave a pained look and replied, "Yes, Ma'am."

Amelia just grinned back and asked, "Who's next?"

"Flitwick," Scrimgeour immediately replied. "Actually, he's been the

easiest of all, so far."

"Oh?" she asked.

"He was quite happy - almost relieved - to give us the information we

asked for," he replied as another of the Master Aurors placed a completed

interview recording scroll on her desk.

Quickly scanning through it she asked, "So, his only excuse was because

he was asked to?... Ah! He feared for his job if he didn't do it."

"Yes, Ma'am," he replied. "He was also offered the job of Professor of

DADA twice and turned it down both times. Though Dumbledore keeps

brushing it off when someone raises it, he knows... according to him...

that the DADA post has a curse on it; and he didn't want to be the next


"The only person willing to offer him a job when he retired from the

International Duelling Circuit, because he's considered a half-breed, was

Dumbledore," said Amelia, still scanning through the document. "He

feared for his livelihood and only chance of earning an income."

"Yes, Ma'am."

"Right," she sighed. "Inform him he's being charged with accessory to

commit child endangerment and neglect, give him the usual 'don't go

anywhere' spiel, that he may yet be facing further charges and will likely

be standing trial in the not too distant future. Then release him.

"He's also permitted to return to Hogwarts but is stood down as Head of

House for Ravenclaw until this matter is resolved; and, even then, it's

highly unlikely he'll be able to head the House again. And, at all times

while at Hogwarts, he will be monitored by the aurors I've had cause to

be stationed at the school."

"Yes, Ma'am."

"Next?" she asked.

"With Flitwick released I'll have room to move Pomona Sprout into an

Interrogation Room. Then one of us will be interviewing her," he replied.

"The last one is the 'iffy' one - Poppy Pomfrey."

"I hope you had a DMLE-certified healer in with her while speaking with

her," she warned.

"Yes, Ma'am; Master Healer Pockridge," he replied. "Because those

memories of Lord Potter showed she was the subject of at least one

obliviation - and very likely quite a few more - we began with treating

her with kid gloves.

"However, it is the healer's opinion we had to stop as it appears she's also

been placed under some sort of compulsion regarding Lord Potter. Either

that, or she's found some way around her healer's oath."

Amelia frowned and asked, "How do you figure that?"

"When she gave Lord Potter his first physical, once he reached Hogwarts

in 1991, she found evidence of long-term mistreatment. Instead of

immediately reporting it to us, as her Medi-witch's Oath demanded, she

only reported it to Dumbledore. And she does not seem to understand

that she's broken the law in doing so.

"Apparently Dumbledore informed her and convinced her that, as he was

Chief Warlock, she had done her duty of reporting it to the authorities.

He's also given her a direct order that any more such information

regarding Lord Potter was only to be reported to him. Something about

how he was 'protecting the reputation of the wizarding world's young

hero'. Personally, I think it was more a... 'covering his own arse'


She gave a snort of annoyance at that. "That he told her she would be

reporting to him in his capacity of Chief Warlock, means I can add

charges against him for abuse of authority of that position."

Recognising her silence was permission to continue, Scrimgeour went on.

"According to our healer, he believes Poppy Pomfrey is so tied up in

compulsions and obliviations she should be immediately in-patiented into

Saint Mungo's, so they can then help her get through those compulsions

without it also meaning the loss of her magic due to the breach of her


Amelia sat back, allowed her monocle to fall from her eye and brought

her off hand up to massage the bridge of her nose.

A few moments later she sat back up, re-affixed her monocle and said,

"Right. Have her taken to the DMLE secure ward at Saint Mungo's and

have our healer see to her being treated. If it turns out she truly was not

acting contrary to the law off her own volition then we won't be charging

her. However, once she's well enough to supply it, I want her full co-

operation in bringing charges against Dumbledore and the rest of the


"Yes, Ma'am," said Scrimgeour, making a note on his clipboard.

"Alright," she said. "Continue with the interrogations, as discussed. In the

meantime... which of our aurors has the best short-term memory?"

"Errr... I think that would be young Auror Second Class Tonks," he


Nodding back in agreement, she asked, "She on duty?"

"No, Ma'am," he replied. "However, she came in not too long ago because

she thought she could help."

"Where is she now?"

"In with the Dursley woman stopping her from doing something stupid,"

he replied. "She's also monitoring a Dicta-quill that's writing down

everything the woman has said."

"Replace her with another female auror and send her to me," she ordered.

"Anything you think I've missed?"

"Sirius Black," he replied. Then immediately stepped forward and handed

her a long roll of parchment. "Your written authority to remove the 'Kiss

on Sight' and 'Dead or Alive' orders. It's amended to only approach him if

safe to do so and to inform him he's to immediately hand himself over to

await proper trial if an auror comes across him."

"Ah, yes," she said, unrolling the parchment.

As soon as she read it, she gave her senior-most auror a smile and

immediately affixed both her signature and stamp of office to it, before

then re-rolling it and handing it back. "Execute it, immediately," she


"Yes, Ma'am," he replied.

"Anything else?" she asked.

When no one else said anything she said, "Then, you have your orders.

You'd best be about it."

Once her senior staff filed out to get on with the interviews and

interrogations and to move Poppy Pomfrey to Saint Mungo's, she drew

out a great sheaf of parchment and put it on her desk. Then she began to

'head' the top of each sheet with the same words as appeared on the

labels of each memory strand vial.




5. Hermione's Wake-Up

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to the proverbial Duchess of

Magic, JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high

falutin' companies. No matter how much I whine about not owning anything

related to the HP universe, other than a few fanfic plots, I do not profess to

own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful

world... Damn it!

Chapter Five - Hermione's Wake-up




Amelia Bones was only about a third of the way through writing down

the headings on what would become a written record of notes relating to

each memory when there was a knock on her door.

"Come!" she barked.

Marching in and coming to a halt almost exactly five feet in front of her

ultimate boss's desk, Nymphadora Tonks quickly snapped off a salute and

almost barked, "Auror Second Class Nymphadora Tonks reporting as

ordered, Ma'am!"

"Sit down and relax, Auror," said Amelia, barely glancing up.

Auror Tonks hesitated a moment before she stepped forward and sat on

one of the two office chairs sitting before Bones's desk.

As she did so, Amelia rose and walked to her office credenza. Opening a

hidden draw in what looked like fixed wainscotting she drew out a

pensieve and returned with it to her desk, placing it in the middle but to

one side.

Once it was placed she returned to her seat and looked to the young


"Auror Tonks, I've been informed you've the best short-term memory and

observational skills in our current cadre," she said. "I have need of those

skills, right now."

When Tonks attempted to sit up even straighter than she already did,

Amelia had to bury her desire to smirk back. She knew the promising

young auror before her knew it was a compliment.

"You and I, Auror Tonks, are going to go through all these memories, one

by one," she explained. "Then, after each memory is completed, we're

going to come out of the pensieve and write down everything we saw of

note; especially all the crimes that have been committed. Understood?"

"Yes, Ma'am," Tonks instantly replied. "It's similar to one of the exercises

we did in the Academy, when memories were taken of crime scenes."

Amelia had forgotten they did that. And that they did that just for this

sort of thing. But, she wasn't going to let the young auror sitting before

her know that.

Nodding, she said, "Yes; this is going to be just like that. And you also

need to know that some of these are going to include incidences of child

abuse, including vicious beatings. Do you think you have the stomach for


With a firm and resolute countenance, Tonks immediately replied, "Yes,


"If you need a break at any time, let me know," instructed Amelia. "I

won't think any less of you if you do. I daresay I'll be looking for breaks,

too. And I've been at this a lot longer than you."

Tonks stayed resolute and replied, "Yes, Ma'am."

Nodding once in recognition she'd heard her, Amelia started with the

vials that began one month before the start of the school year in 1991.

She thought she'd get to all the beatings and the like once she and her

young auror became comfortable working so close to each other and

within the pensieve.

She had no idea there were also beatings between Hogwarts' years. That

would come as a shock.




As soon as Hermione found the abandoned classroom they'd been using

to ready Harry for the first task - or, at least that's what she thought they

were doing - she almost forcefully shoved Harry into a chair before

beginning to pace in front of it while ranting away.

She never noticed the two aurors followed them in and, again, stood

either side of the door.

"I can't believe those two... two... witches!" she snarled. Spinning about to

stare at Harry she asked, "Do you know what they did and said to me as

soon as they caught up with me in our room?"

"Of course not, Hermione," he calmly replied. "I was―"

"You weren't there!" she interrupted. "That cow, Brown, had the

audacity... the sheer gall... to demand I tell her everything about you and

what you'd done.

"When I refused, she and Patil drew their wands on me and... and...

threatened me!"

As soon as the senior auror heard that he glanced to his junior female

partner, who was now looking back, and flicked his chin in the direction

of the door. The junior auror gave a curt nod and ducked back out of the


Hermione didn't notice, but Harry did. He just didn't let on he did as he

knew what that suddenly disappearing auror was about to do. He felt

Hermione might react very badly if she heard about it before it was all

over and done.




That afternoon the staff of Hogwarts who had been taken away by aurors

of the DMLE, began to return. First back was Filius Flitwick, soon

followed by Pomona Sprout and Minerva McGonagall together, with a

very morose Rubeus Hagrid following not too far behind.

Those who did not return were Albus Dumbledore, Severus Snape, Barty

Crouch Junior, the real Alastor Moody and Poppy Pomfrey. The first

three were being held in cells within the DMLE while Alastor Moody and

Poppy Pomfrey were sent to Saint Mungo's.

At dinner that evening, those who'd returned except Minerva

McGonagall, joined the student body and other staff in the Great Hall for

their evening meal.

Just before the meal commenced, however, Filius Flitwick rose to stand

on his chair and called for silence to make an announcement. The aurors

who stood at the wall seemed unable to make a decision on whether or

not to stop him; but, in the end, did not interfere.

"Students," he quietly began. When the noise dropped right down he

continued to quietly speak. The nature of the magics of the Hall ensured

his voice flowed right to the other end.

"I have an apology to make to you all," he said. "For those of you who

were at the first task, specifically Lord Potter's task, you witnessed a great

deal of his memories played in that projector pensieve he used. To the

best of my own memory and irrespective of his own oath to its truth, it

was the truth.

"I... currently face charges relating to my part in setting up those so-

called traps in the third floor corridor back in 1991; that is, from the

memory Lord Potter played where he and his two friends had to get past

them to save the Stone from being stolen by a possessed Professor


That had a few students, especially in Ravenclaw, gasp in surprise and

begin muttering between themselves.

"I'm also facing charges for not protecting students, as I'm required to do

as a professor, from the dangers and treatment they faced or underwent,"

he continued, "To that end... I have learned that young Miss Lovegood of

my own House - or, what was my House as I do not believe I'll ever have

the honour of being the Head of it again - has been horribly mistreated

by, especially, her own housemates. That ends right now.

"One thousand points from Ravenclaw for the bullying behaviour of the

entire House!" he firmly declared.

That caused the House, as a whole, to gasp in shock. The same surprised

gasps were coming from many others. Those blue gems that had

somewhat filled the Ravenclaw House point counter immediately

emptied out, leaving it completely bereft of points.

"Any and all things that have been taken without authorisation from Miss

Lovegood - and, indeed, any other student - are to be returned by no later

than 8.00am tomorrow morning. If Miss Lovegood does not report to me

that all... all... of her personal possessions have been returned to her, then

the DMLE will begin their own investigations. This is the decision of the

current Acting Headmistress and Director of the DMLE, Madam Director

Amelia Bones.

"Once that happens I have been informed the thieves will be prosecuted

to the full extent of the law. Anyone then caught having stolen anything

from anyone will be immediately suspended. If they are then found guilty

of thievery, they will also be immediately expelled on the spot. They will

not be permitted to return to Hogwarts - ever. You have been warned."

Then, without allowing the matter to be discussed, he called for the

house elves to serve the meal.

Hearing the professor specifically ask the house elves to serve, Harry

wondered, 'How long will it be until―'

"What did he mean by 'house elves'?" Hermione suddenly asked.

Harry mentally groaned and berated himself for tempting fate, like that.

He already had to calm his best friend down once when she learned both

Lavender Brown and Parvati Patil were put through an interrogation by

the aurors into what they thought they were doing making demands of

her at wand point to provide information about him.

After being taken away for a period of time, both young witches returned

to the Gryffindor tower shaken and in tears. Both then warned their

housemates that questioning either Harry or Hermione about anything

would be at their peril. The aurors did not lie.




That evening, though she and Tonks were not able to get through all the

memories Harry supplied her, Amelia believed she already had enough

evidence to call for the trials of all of the individuals arrested. And, using

her authority as Director of the DMLE, put out the official call for an

emergency sitting of the Wizengamot in judicial, trial, form. It was for

one of the few reasons she could put out the official call.

It was from those memories, especially the first ones, where she figured

out just how Harry had made it look like the pensieve memories were

interactive. They weren't, of course; he'd just set up the memories to

appear as if they were.

'Clever boy!' she thought, with a smirk. "That was a nice bit of 'theatre'."

Of course, having now arrested the sitting Minister of Magic and

outlining the charges he would face, she had to include that information

in the call. She knew, though, that the call would only come as a shock to

a small minority of the sitting members, as she doubted there would be

many who had not actually been at the task to see it for themselves, had

not already heard the news either directly off the WWN or through other

means - such as personal spies within the Ministry, including her own


A clear example of that was when, during a short break when Amelia and

Tonks stopped to take stock, the Minister's dumpy little 'pet'

Undersecretary, Dolores Umbridge, barged into her office. Before Amelia

could even begin to ask her what she wanted the little woman began

making demands and issuing threats. She demanded the immediate

dropping of all charges and the immediate release of 'Cornelius', or those

aurors who had 'overstepped the bounds of their authority' would soon be

'taking his place in that cell'.

Amelia heard out her first lengthy demand before she decided to ignore

her, turned to look at her now open door and barked out, "Will someone

please get in here and get this bitch out of my office?"

While Umbridge gaped back, utterly stunned that someone publicly spoke

of her like that in her presence, it took a few moments before an auror

finally, though tentatively, stepped through her door. It was Senior Auror

Kingsley Shacklebolt.

Before Shacklebolt even got a chance to ask a question, Amelia fired an

order at him. "Shack; get that..." she said, indicating Umbridge with a

short 'point' of her chin, "... the Hell out of my office! If she so much as

makes a single sound before you throw her arse out the door, you are to

immediately throw said arse into a cell and charge her with deliberate

interference of a DMLE investigation!"

"Yes, Ma'am!" Shacklebolt snapped back before marching the couple of

steps to Umbridge, gripping her wand arm tightly with his off hand and

forcibly dragging her from the office.

Umbridge, still too stunned to adversely react, was dragged out of the

office without uttering another sound. She did not return.




Also released that day, but in the early evening, was Cornelius Fudge. He

was given the same warnings about trying to flee the country and

ordered to go home and remain there until he was called for trial. He was

under house arrest.

Mentally beaten he did not try to argue against it. Instead, he did as he

was told and went directly home; using the auror's floo in the auror

bullpen once given leave to do so. He had no desire to go out into the

'public' areas of the Ministry building, just yet.

He'd just flooed into the welcoming parlour at the Minister's Official

Residence - one of the major perks of the job - when he was confronted

by Umbridge, who was apparently waiting for him.

"Oh, Cornelius!" she simpered, waddling towards him with her hands

fluttering about. "I tried to beg that horrid Bones woman to release


At first, Fudge was shocked to find the woman there. But, as she spoke,

he began to lose his temper. Interrupting her, he barked,"Why are you in

my home?"

Stuttering to a shuddering halt Umbridge gaped at him. "But, Cornelius!"

"How dare you let yourself in without my permission! Get out!" He

roared, "Get out of my home!"

With only a long second of hesitation, due to the shock her 'beloved'

Minister yelled at her, she finally hurried around him to the fireplace

while giving him a wide berth. A quick dash of floo powder, a last look of

surprise back at a still furious Fudge, and she was away.

Almost as soon as she was gone, Fudge appeared to almost deflate on the


He knew he really shouldn't have yelled at her like that, but her standing

in his home uninvited really annoyed him. It was as if she really didn't

care about his privacy.

He stood ruminating on that for a few seconds longer before he went to

the ward book and scratched her name off the list of those automatically

permitted through the wards.

Before then putting the book away he decided to clean the entire book

out of allowed witches and wizards. And removed quite a few other

names, including Lucius Malfoy and Albus Dumbledore.

No one would be automatically allowed through, except for himself. He

had no idea that, by doing so, he'd just saved his own life.

Once he returned the ward book to its secret niche he then returned to

his desk, drew forth a fresh sheet of parchment, quill and ink, sighed and

began to write his resignation from the office of Minister of Magic. It was

either that, or wait a mere day or two before he'd be tossed out of the job.

He had no doubt of that.

As soon as he finished writing the resignation letter and sending it to his

own - now 'ex' - office staff, he ordered the Ministerial Residence elves to

begin packing his personal effects and moving them to his secret 'bolt

hole' escape home on the Isle of Mann.




Harry had taken time to explain to Hermione the symbiotic relationship

between witches and wizards and house elves, but she still leapt to the

false conclusion they were slaves, as he expected.

Once the earnest debate between the two of them wound down for the

moment they were soon joined by Fleur Delacour, the Beauxbatons'

champion and - Harry had learned - Veela.

"Monsieur Potier," she said, to gain Harry and Hermione's attention.

Looking up, Harry, pleased to have been interrupted, asked, "Yes,

Mademoiselle Delacour?"

She gestured to the seat opposite and asked, "May I?"

"Of course," he immediately replied. "It was rude of me not to have

offered you a seat already."

As the Beauxbatons witch stepped over the bench opposite, to then sit

daintily thereon, he asked, "What can I do for you, Mademoiselle


"Well," she smirked, "Can you first introduce your friend?" And gestured

to a slightly scowling Hermione.

"My apologies," he immediately returned. "Mademoiselle Delacour, this is

Miss Hermione Granger." Then turning to Hermione, he said, "Hermione,

this is Mademoiselle Fleur Delacour."

Reaching over with her hand held for a woman's handshake, Fleur said,

"Please, call me Fleur."

"Hermione," said Hermione, taking the hand and giving it a curt shake.

Hermione barely masked her irritation her discussion with Harry was


Recognising and used to how other non-Veela witches would sometimes

interact with her, Fleur chose to ignore it. "Thank you," she said.

Turning to Harry, she said, "Now, Mister Potier―"

"Harry," Harry firmly interrupted.

"'Arry, then," she said, with a slight nod back. "And, please, call me


Harry gave a nod back.

"'Arry, I came to offer you an apologee," she said. "Actually, two


"Oh?" he warily asked.

"Oui," she replied. "I owe you an apologee from the night your name

came out of zee Goblet of Fy-air. I made a... disparaging? - yes,

disparaging - remark about 'ow you were just a leetle boy. Zat was both

rude of me and uncalled for. For zat, I apologize.

"And, secondlee," she said, cutting Harry off before he could respond. "I

also owe you an apologee for today. It was my oreeginal belief zat your

way to... acqui-air your egg and complete your task was a direct...

beleettling of we ozzer champions. I now know zat was not zee case. For

zat, too, I apologize."

Harry heard her out and thought about how to respond before he actually

did. The real Harry was not as 'knee-jerk' as the Harry he had been

playing until today. And he now had to remember not to be that 'false'

Harry he'd been playing for so long as a role.

Eventually, he gave a nod and said, "Both apologies are accepted in the

spirit in which they were given, Miss Delacour."

She hesitated a moment, expecting Harry to say more. But, when he

didn't, she gave a slight nod and said, "Zank you."

Again, she hesitated before she added, "I hope zat you would now

considair me a friend."

"If you wish," he replied.

She again hesitated before she said, "I shall leaf you to your meal." Then

rose, stepped back over the bench seat and made her way back to the

Ravenclaw table.

Once she'd left hearing range, Hermione quietly said, "You could have

invited her to join us, you know."

"I could have, yes," he replied. "However, just because she apologised

does not mean I've yet forgiven her for her remarks. Give me at least a

day to come to terms with that, alright?"

Hermione nodded and said, "Alright, Harry. Now, about these house


"Hermione," he firmly cut her off. "Clearly, me explaining the relationship

between house elves and wizard kind is not getting through to you. You

must either accept what I've told you and drop it, or you adopt your

normal modus operandi, go to the library and check out a book or two on

the subject. No matter how much you try to convince me that house elves

are slaves, you will not succeed; because I know they are not. Therefore, I

believe I'm done with this subject."

Though she initially recoiled in shock that Harry had cut her off, she

rallied and said, "Alright, Harry. I can do that. And when I learn that

house elves are, indeed, slaves?"

With a frustrated sigh, he said, "As I know you will not discover that,

your question is moot. Will you drop it when you learn I'm right?"

Sadly, she said, "I don't know."

"Then I'll make it easier for you to understand, Hermione," he firmly said.

"I will not allow you to continue to 'brow beat' me about any subject. And

that includes about your erroneous opinion on the status of house elves.

"If you harp on about it any more, you will be putting our friendship at


When Hermione appeared shocked by what he said, he continued,

"Remember, Hermione; the Harry you thought you knew was only a role

I was playing to hide who I truly am. As there is no longer a need to, I

will no longer be playing that role. You need to understand and accept


"I - that is, the real Harry - likes you when you're not trying to force me to

comply with your oft-times unreasonable demands. You need to figure

out whether or not you like the real Harry. And you need to come to

terms with that if you don't."

Hermione thought hard about that before she quietly, even meekly,

asked, "Do you think I'm going to like the real Harry?"

"If you're able to somewhat curb your demands of him; yes," he replied.

"It's up to you."

She sighed and gave a nod back. She just hoped the real Harry was

someone she really liked. She had no idea what she'd do if he wasn't. She

knew Hogwarts would become a lonely existence if she didn't.




Also returning home that evening was Molly Weasley. She was brought

back by her husband, Arthur.

As soon as they had both stepped through into the living room at The

Burrow, the Weasley family home in Ottery St Catchpole, Arthur was

straight into asking his wife his own questions.

"Alright, Molly," he began. "First, I'm invoking Head of Family privileges

and command."

Molly turned to him in shock. "Arthur?" she worriedly asked.

"I know the gist of what you told the aurors when they interrogated you,

this afternoon. But I want the truth out of you, without any dissembling."

When he saw she understood he asked, "Were you on the muggle side of

Platform nine and three-quarters at Kings Cross for Ron's first year at

Hogwarts waiting for young Harry Potter to arrive?"

"Arthur, what a horrid thing to say," she tried.

"Answer me!" he barked. "Were you on the muggle side of Platform nine

and three-quarters that year waiting for young Harry Potter to arrive?"

"Yes," she fearfully exclaimed. "Dumbledore alerted me to how young

Harry might not know how to get onto the platform and asked me to

keep an eye out for him," she replied, somewhat fearful.

"Has he ever asked you to wait there for any other student?" he


"No, just young Harry," she immediately replied.

"And that hasn't rung any ward-alarms for you? That he's only ever asked

you to assist young Harry?

"No," she replied.

"And why did you break the Statute of Secrecy in the process?" he asked.

"I thought, if he heard me mention muggles and have Ginny mention

Platform nine and three-quarters, it would attract him to us."

"And why didn't you cast a muggle Notice-Me-Not charm on yourself and

the kids before you did that?" he pushed.

"I didn't think it would work!" she cried.

"It would have," he snapped back. "So, because Albus Bloody Dumbledore

asked you to, you just decided to go ahead and breach the Statute of

Secrecy, is that it?" he demanded.

"Albus said it would be alright and no harm would be done!" she wailed.

"He lied, you stupid woman!" he snapped. "No one, not even Albus

Dumbledore, has the right to breach the Statute of Secrecy for something

so inane as making it easy to have a little boy find them on a busy muggle

train platform!"

He gave that a moment to sink in while his wife dropped into a kitchen

chair and sobbed.

"It's not as if members of the Obliviation Squad could be brought in and

fix it all up easy-peasy, either," he continued. "You were on a train station

and trains are coming and going with great regularity. By the time

Obliviators could get there to Obliviate everyone, hundreds would have

already left either out the doors and away on foot, or in cars, buses or

cabs, or on anywhere up to half a dozen different trains going in different

directions. There is no possible way the Obliviators would have found them


"That means, Molly, you are damned bloody lucky that nothing about you

yelling about 'all these muggles', or having Ginny yelling about 'Platform

nine and three-quarters', made it out into the wider muggle world. If it

had you would now not have a clue as to your real identity as you would

have had your wand snapped, your magic bound, been obliviated of all

knowledge of the magical world and been tossed out into the streets of

muggle London!

"You know this! It's one of the founding laws of our world! There are not

that many crimes that are more heavily dealt with; and that includes the


"If word had gotten out from that station into the muggle world because

of your actions, the kids would now not have a mother, Ginny would

have been sent to Muriel's because I wouldn't have been able to look after

her and a host of other things I don't want to think about.

"You should consider yourself damned lucky the only punishment leveled

against you is a hefty fine. A fine of such... volume... I'm going to have to

approach as many family and friends as possible to accumulate enough

money to pay it!"

"We don't take charity!" she wailed.

"Fine!" he glared back. "Then you'd best start showing me where

everything is in this house for me to keep it clean and running. Because,

if we don't seek help in paying your fine, we won't have enough. And that

means... you are going to Azkaban for five years."

Molly burst into fresh wails and sobs. Arthur left her to it, not in the least

interested at that time in providing her comfort.

"Next," he firmly said, "Tell me about the money that was being

transferred from Lord Potter's vaults to one in your maiden name."

"I thought it was coming from Albus," she sobbed. "I had no idea it was

coming from young Harry's vaults."

"You just got through telling me we don't accept charity," he said. "So,

what was he paying you for?"

"He told me the money was from a scholarship fund specifically set up for

pureblood families," she explained. "However, it had to go into a vault

under my maiden name because House Weasley due to House Weasley's...

status... was not eligible to receive the funds."

"uh-huh!" he said, not sounding convinced. "I thought you just got

through telling me we don't accept charity."

"It's not charity, it's a scholarship," she immediately disagreed.

"It's not a scholarship, it's theft!" he yelled.

That had Molly sobbing again. Whether it was because she was truly

sorry about what she'd done or because she was unhappy she'd been

caught, Arthur did not know and also found himself not to care.

Not willing to belabour the point, Arthur dropped it and moved on. "The

aurors have also ordered you... and, by extension, the rest of us

Weasleys... not to have anything to do with Harry Potter, until further

notice," he growled. "That means there will be no inviting him to stay

with us, here; there will be no sending him Christmas or birthday

presents; there will be no having the children do it for you; and, above all

else but not limited to it, there will be no sending him any Howlers! Have I

made myself perfectly clear to you, Molly Weasley?"

"Y-yes, Arthur," she sobbed.

"Now," he said much more calmly, "I have to go and write the children to

let them know they are to stay away from Harry Potter, or else, for the

foreseeable future. And that 'or else' will include being disowned from

this family.

"We'll wait until he deigns to contact us! That is, of course, if he ever





The day was not a short one for Amelia. Though she often worked back,

just to get all the parchmentwork that would pile up completed while the

department was otherwise cleared down to a skeleton watch crew, this

would be one day when she would have to work back and day-to-day

parchmentwork wasn't going to get done.

The interrogations and interviews were held and completed. Those

interviewed and not facing charges were released. Those interrogated and

charged, but weren't considered flight risks, were conditionally released.

But Dumbledore and Snape, due to the severity of the crimes they were

facing, were taken down to the cells and incarcerated. So, too, were both

Vernon and Petunia Dursley.

Once that was dealt with, aurors were sent out to confirm information

the department had collected as a result of those interrogations and

interviews. This would mean further interviews, but of people who would

not necessarily be facing charges.

As they wanted to interview the rest of the staff of Hogwarts and there

was quite a few of them, a small team of aurors went to the school with a

couple of Dicta-quills. They then pulled each staff member not previously

interviewed or interrogated aside and interviewed them as to what they

knew of what Lord Potter had shared. Those interviews then led to a few

more charges being filed against especially Dumbledore, McGonagall and


The new problem was the 'clamouring' of the media. Within hours of

starting the interrogations and interviews the number of journalists all

wanting to know the latest information began to build right outside the

auror bullpen. Amelia had already had to detail two aurors off to ride

shepherd on them to ensure they did not interfere in the work the rest of

her aurors were madly working through. Just a little while ago, she had

to detail yet another onto the task.

However, she was finally ready to deal with them.

Walking out to the bullpen, as soon as the journalists saw her they began

yelling questions at her. Used to the effect, she calmly walked to her

podium she had aurors set up for her earlier and waited until the noise

died down again.

Those journalists experienced with dealing with her knew she would say

nothing until the questions and shouting died off; and quickly let their

younger and newer fellows know it.

Once the noise died off she began. "Good evening," she said. "At

approximately ten a.m. this morning, Mister Harry Potter stepped into

the arena of the first task of the Tri-Wizard Tournament at Hogwarts

School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He was the fourth and final

competitor to do so.

"It was expected he would simply complete the task, irrespective of how

difficult it was, just as the competitors before him did. However, Lord

Potter entered the arena with his own intentions in mind."

She then covered exactly what Harry did and how he did it. And then

told them why.

Then she explained the actions she and her aurors took based on the

information Harry had provided, together with who was taken into

custody and who was, eventually, released.

And, finally, she told them the information relating to the charges and

against whom they were filed was now subject to an information

blackout 'to protect the reputations of both the witnesses and the


"Then what information can you tell us?" demanded one miffed reporter.

"I've just spent half an hour providing you that information," she snapped

back. "Were you not listening?"

The journalist looked away and scowled as the next quickly got their

question in. "Madam Bones, is it fair to target Albus Dumbledore when he

helped rid us of the Dark Lord?"

"We are a society of law," she replied. "And no one, no matter what

they've accomplished in the past, is excused from obeying those laws.

"I allege that Albus Dumbledore has broken so many laws that Lord

Potter helped bring to light, I have no choice but to hold him in custody

until he faces justice in the form of a full sitting of the Wizengamot. It

will then be up to the Wizengamot on what penalty or penalties he shall

face. It is not for anyone bar the full sitting of the Wizengamot to

determine whether or not he is guilty of some or all of the charges he


"As you've arrested both the Chief Warlock and the Minister," called

another, "Are you looking to clear the way for your own ascension into

the top tiers of our government?"

"That question is so stupid it does not even deserve a response," she flatly

retorted. "However, I know you'd take that as affirmation.

"I have already told you that we are a society of law that not even Albus

Dumbledore, no matter what hat he's currently wearing, job he's

currently doing or his history is exempt from. The same also applies to

the Minister.

"Further, I am the Regent of the Noble and Ancient House of Bones and

the Director of the DMLE. That's more than enough of a job for anyone,

including me."

Another journalist immediately piped up. "Madam Bones, do you believe

you'll successfully prosecute these cases?"

"The prosecutor will likely be Rufus Scrimgeour," she replied. "And,

before you ask, I will not be adjudicating the trials. The Chief Adjudicator

has already been notified of the cases that will be brought before her.

And preparatory documents for all the trials will be sent to her in


"And what will your role be?" he immediately asked.

"Whatever the Chief Adjudicator tasks of me," she replied. "If and when

necessary I will otherwise provide aid to Prosecutor Scrimgeour."

"Can you give us any specifics on the charges filed against any of them?"

asked a rather earnest appearing female journalist.

Instead of shooting the young woman down, as was her first instinct,

Amelia instead thought about it and replied, "It is both against DMLE

policy and a breach of privacy to tell you specifics. However, if you were

at the first task of the Tournament you'd have a pretty good idea what

many of those charges will be."

Shifting her attention from the one young woman to the gaggle at large

she said, "Now, you'll need to excuse me. While my aurors and I have

completed the initial interviews and interrogations there is still a great

deal more work to do. And I need to get back to it."

Without waiting to see if the journalists would allow her to leave, and

knowing they otherwise wouldn't, she turned and walked back to her

office. Those who hadn't had time to get in their questions tried shouting

them to her as she left, without success.

They knew they wouldn't get their answers, as she never answered any

question once she determined the doorstop 'interview' was over, but they

always tried anyway.




At Hogwarts, Hermione Granger was having her own issues. The first was

discovering that her favourite professor, Minerva McGonagall, and the

man she near-idolised, Albus Dumbledore, were not deserving of her

favouritism or idolisation after all. And the second was being forcefully

informed, by the boy himself, that he, Harry Potter, was not the boy she

thought he was, either. It had all been a carefully crafted persona the boy

wore to hide the truth about himself.

That he did it, not to hide from her but from Albus Dumbledore, was

beside the point. She knew she shouldn't take it as a personal affront as

she fully understood why he did it, but it still hurt a little. The Harry

Potter she thought she knew wasn't real; just as the Harry Potter that was

supposedly written about in those fanciful tales about his childhood

wasn't real either.

That had been well-driven home when she tried to convince him that

house elves were, in fact, slaves. That he then coldly informed her that

she had no idea what she was talking about and then directed her to go

to the library to learn the truth for herself, had also hurt. When she then

tried to trick him into freeing the elves he'd bound into slavery once she

read the truth and would inform him of such, he dismissively told her she

would find no such thing and, therefore, her demand was pointless.

Of course, she immediately went to her 'haven', the library, and used her

research knowledge to find all the information the library contained on

the little creatures. She was determined to prove Harry wrong.

However, what she found astounded her. Harry was right. The elves

weren't so much slaves as they were a symbiotic creature that shared of a

witch's or wizard's magic to sustain themselves and, in return, provided

services to the witch or wizard. And, further, the house elves could not

take that magic unless a minor bonding ritual was completed first. If

Harry, as she had demanded, released the elf, the elf would be unable to

access that life sustaining magic and would slowly wither away and die

after first going insane. She was horrified to realise she'd practically

ordered Harry to kill the elf, Dobby.

"He was right!" she whispered to herself, appalled. "Oh, Gods! He was


She needed to track him down and immediately apologise.

Once she'd reached her decision she quickly put all the books she'd taken

off the shelves back in their rightful places on those shelves before

hurrying off. She was in a hurry to apologise, but that did not mean she

would not see to the rightful re-shelving of 'her' precious books first.




What Hermione didn't know was that Harry was under his invisibility

cloak and was watching her. He even heard her whisper to herself before

she hurriedly starting putting books back onto their rightful places on the


As the cloak was able to be folded up into a very small package, Harry

kept it on his person at all times ever since he'd once caught Weasley

going into his trunk and taking things.

He'd also figured out that the cloak was also the third Deathly Hallow

and knew the story. As Death was unable to find the third brother until

he'd removed the cloak from himself, he knew Dumbledore had to have

done something to it to allow the old man to see through it; as he clearly

did the night he was under it in Hagrid's cabin when Fudge and Malfoy

turned up to arrest the big oaf.

As soon as he'd figured that out, and after binding Dobby to himself, he'd

had the elf inspect it. Dobby had found a few charms on it anchored to

new stitching.

Having the little elf unravel the stitching, Harry had taken to carrying

that thread around, so the old man would not know it had been


Once he'd discovered, or Dobby had discovered, that particular tracker-

come-beacon, he had the little elf scan the rest of his property. And what

a veritable panoply of charms the little elf found. Mail redirection, anti-

scry, listening, confounding and anti-muggle notice-me-not jinxes;

trackers; beacons; blood-based magics and others even Dobby did not

recognise. After having Dobby muffle the listening charms, Harry then

explained what he needed the elf to do.

Everything, except the anti-scry charm, was removed from Harry's

personal property and transferred to a few inanimate objects Harry had

then taken to carrying about on himself. He'd already figured out that, if

he appeared to be free of them, the Headmaster would both want to try

and figure out why and replace them. However, moving them to

inanimate objects, meant he was able to leave them behind when he

wanted to accomplish something without the old man knowing he had

'slipped his leash'.

One of those occasions was when Harry visited the goblins between

second and third year. He'd left those objects back in his room in the

Leaky Cauldron to ensure Dumbledore thought he'd not been in to see


Now he'd done the 'Big Reveal', as he called it, he'd watched Hermione

head for the library and, while she was otherwise busy, headed out to the

lake edge and banished those objects as far out into the water as he

could. The only one he'd retained was the anti-scry ward; as Dobby had

assured him it stopped everyone, including Dumbledore, from scrying his

location. He wondered if the old man had stopped to think if it would or


It wasn't until a few moments after tossing them into the lake he realised

he should have kept them and handed them over to Madam Bones. They

were, after all, evidence of one of the 'crimes' of which he believed the

old man guilty.

'Oh, well,' he had thought to himself with a mental sigh. 'She has more

than enough to convict the old bastard, as it is.'

Now he watched as Hermione, his real best friend, discovered he was

right and began to pack up. Knowing she would immediately seek him

out, he beat a hasty but silent retreat back to the Gryffindor common

room. He also knew the aurors would have already figured out he hadn't

gone for a 'lie down' as he'd told them and were currently scouring the

castle looking for him. He needed to get back to the common room and

give them time to tell him off for disappearing on them before Hermione





Making it back to the common room, and getting told off by the aurors as

he thought he would, it was less than ten seconds later that Hermione

entered and, as soon as she saw him on 'their' couch, headed to join him.

Sitting down she only glanced at him before averting her eyes downward

and saying, "Sorry, Harry."

"Alright," he said. "What are you sorry for?"

"You were right about the house elves. They're not slaves," she quietly


"Uh-huh," he quietly agreed.

"No 'I told you so's?" she asked.

"Nope," he replied. "No need."

She seemed to think for a long few moments before she almost

plaintively asked, "Have I always been that bad?"

"Yes," he immediately replied.

When she winced he added, "You have this bad habit of accepting things

as fact based on what you know from the muggle world. The magical

world is not the muggle world, Hermione. There are many things in the

wizarding world that have no contemporary in the muggle world. The

issue of house elves and how they're symbiotic creatures is just one of


"But, it just seems so wrong!" she practically whined.

"It would be, if it weren't for the need of house elves to bond to stay

alive," he said. "Plus, you also need to stop thinking of house elves as

people. They're not."

"They might not be human, Harry," she argued; "But they are people.

They're just a different sort of people to humans."

"Yes; different," he shot back. "As in not the same."

"But, they are a people," she said. "They're intelligent. They can speak.

We can speak with them. They're capable of higher thought."

"And where do you draw the line regarding intelligence, Hermione?" he

asked. "If not at house elves, what about: goblins, trolls, giants, centaurs,

chimpanzees, bears or even dolphins? Where do you draw the line at what

constitutes 'speak'?"

"I..." she stuttered, "I - don't know."

"Look," he said, trying to explain. "You were raised with wholesome

Christian values in a modern British society - a modern muggle British

society. In that society the next creature down on the list of intelligence

is dolphins, followed by chimpanzees. And no one considers them


With a sigh he added, "This is not modern muggle British society; this is

wizarding Britain. And it is effectively ruled by those whose

understanding of muggle British Society is what they've seen out the front

windows of the Leaky Cauldron, or what they've seen at Kings Cross

Station, or what they've seen out the windows of the Hogwarts Express.

Even then there are a great many who've not even seen that.

"Wizarding Britain, as a society, is closer to... say... Iran. Except, instead

of it being a theocracy, as it is there, it's a... magi-ocracy. At least, that's

the closest I could come to as an example. Those who have had magic in

their families the longest, rule. Understand?"

Though she looked almost stunned at Harry's explanation, she replied,

"Errr... yes; I think so."

"Good," he firmly stated with a short nod of his head. "Because, your oft-

times negative attitude to certain 'traditions' of the magical world offends

those raised in this world. And, it's not that they don't know any better,

either. It's that they detest someone, like you, coming into their world and

trying to force them to change. That attitude is no different than Muslims

coming to Britain and trying to force everyone to start obeying Sharia


She thought about that for a few long seconds before she adopted a glum

expression and asked, "Is that why some, like Malfoy, treat me so


"That's part of it, yes," he replied. "But, Malfoy would still hate you,

anyway. They've been raised on stories of muggleborns having somehow

figured out how to steal magic from purebloods. Losing their magic

scares the Hell out of them, so they hate muggleborns."

"But, that's just stupid," she frowned. "Where's their evidence?"

"No one ever said it was logical," he shrugged. "People hate what they

fear, Hermione. The only way to fight that is to prove that muggles can't

steal magic."

"That's impossible," she firmly stated. "You can't prove a negative."

"I know," he smiled. "That's why the issue has never been resolved."

She thought about that for a few moments before she sighed, "But, still...

I almost forced you to kill Dobby by accident."

"No, you didn't," he disagreed.

She frowned and said, "But, Harry; you just got through convincing me

that, if you'd freed Dobby, it would have led to him dying. And I almost

forced you to free him."

"Yes, to the first part; no to the second," he replied. "You would have tried

to force me to free to Dobby. But, there's no way I'd have done that."

Turning more fully to her he continued, "I knew the truth, Hermione. You

might have continued to try to force me to release him; however, you'd

have not succeeded. Actually, the only thing you would have succeeded

in doing is, by pushing too hard, leading me to decide our friendship

wasn't worth it and immediately terminating it."

Hermione looked back in near heart-stricken shock, unable to verbally

form a word in response.

More softly he added, "I know it's going to take you a little while to come

to grips with the new reality of just who 'Harry Potter' is, Hermione. And,

I'm prepared to give you that little while. However... once again... I am

not the Harry Potter you thought me to be. The quicker you come to an

understanding of that the less problems you're going to face coming to an

acceptance of that."




It was while Fudge was ordering the last of the packing during the early

hours of the morning he was alerted by ward alarm to the attempted

unauthorised entry of one Walden MacNair. Knowing the man was both a

'reformed' Death Eater and also on the 'payroll' of one Lucius Malfoy,

Fudge was fully aware of what the very likely reason was of MacNair

attempting to enter his, for the moment, home; especially during the

early hours of the morning.

Against DMLE orders to remain under house arrest he immediately

grabbed his secret and illegal portkey to his bolt hole, and portkeyed

away. He'd much rather be a wanted man than a dead man.

Once he was at his bolt-hole home he'd owl 'that blasted Bones woman'

why he took what action he did and hoped by Merlin she'd not charge

him any further for it. At least, if she accepted his excuse, he'd at least

not get the 'Wanted' tag applied to his name. He knew his order to have

any escaped prisoners of Azkaban 'Kissed on Sight' was still on the books

and he didn't want it to apply to him.




Dumbledore had spent the night in the DMLE holding cells 'knowing' he'd

lost everything. He was so depressed over the whole incident he hadn't

even thought to call his 'friend', Fawkes, to rescue him. He also had no

idea his 'resident' spy and potions master was in the cell two down from

him and also bemoaning his fate.

From what the boy had caused to be made public, besides him losing

everything, apparently the goblins had discovered the truth about the

monies and artefacts he'd removed from the boy's vault and had already

recovered it all. His 'retirement fund' would have been stripped bare, as

he knew there was less in it than the total he'd taken from the boy. It

took a lot of money to bribe members of the School Board and the

Wizengamot to make sure he stayed on as Headmaster, Chief Warlock

and Supreme Mugwump. Through Fudge, Malfoy had been trying to

wrestle those positions out of his grasp since that man ascended to the

Head of House Malfoy on the (very suspicious) death of his father.

Now, even if he still had the gold available to him, he knew he'd not be

keeping those positions. He'd now be Mister Dumbledore, once more. He'd

not been Mister Dumbledore since well before the war with Grindelwald.

Since the late 1920s he'd been at least Professor Dumbledore. And that

was seventy years ago.

There was nothing he could do about that. Young Harry had well and

truly fooled him these past few years and, as attested by the questions the

Bones woman had asked him during his second interrogation, had

provided her even more evidence of his illegal acts through those blasted

memories of his. He'd used his best skills at dissembling interlocution and

she'd fallen for none of it. Every time he tried to lead her away from the

truth by leading her to make false assumptions, his usual method, she'd

simply demanded he directly answer her question or be ready to be dosed

with Veritaserum. She allowed him no 'wiggle' room, whatsoever.

He'd miscalculated when he'd demanded to be released or charged,

because she did just that - charged him. It was only a couple hours earlier

when she'd informed him his trial was already being arranged and he

would not be released until that trial and, even then, only if they

somehow found him innocent of all charges. Even he knew the chances of

that currently rated at 'highly unlikely'.

In order to try and get some level of control of 'the message', he needed

out and to be in contact with the media. That, though, was not going to

happen. While he was being held in isolation people, especially the

media, were in control of the information and were acting both without

his guidance and ability to get ahead of things. As such he could not offer


It was maddening!




Over at Riddle Manor, the current hiding place of the recently 'partially

reborn' Dark Lord Voldemort, said Dark Lord was trying to use his very

undersized and weak arms to read that morning's copy of the Daily


He had seen what was reported about the Potter boy's 'play' of the first

task and couldn't make heads or tails of why he did it. It confused him as

to the boy's motives and that was a situation he was uncomfortable with.

From the articles, the way Potter went about it demonstrated a very

cunning Slytherin mindset. He had a firmly captive audience and,

apparently, no time limit. And then used both that captive audience and

unlimited time to utterly destroy the reputations of the senior staff of

Hogwarts - especially that of that muggle-loving fool, Dumbledore - the

Minister of Magic himself, plus two Directors of Ministry departments.

The only thing he couldn't figure out was why. Nor did he know what the

boy's actions would mean for his plan to have him at the graveyard the

following June. For now, he'd wait and see what the fallout was going to

be from the boy's actions; then make what changes to his plans he


The paper already told him he'd lost young Barty as his on-the-scene spy.

That meant Barty would also not be in a position to replace the portkey

on the Cup to whisk the boy away from under the very crooked nose of

Dumbledore, let alone organise for the boy to be the first to reach the

cup. However, the end result did not actually need the boy to be taken at

the completion of the third task; he just found the almost poetic justice of

the concept had appealed to him.

Barty wasn't that much of a loss as, due to the inherent danger of his

task, the information about why he was at Hogwarts was protected by

both a Fidelius and a compulsion charm. No, young Barty would not be

'tattle-telling' anyone his true mission. Instead, he'd be telling them about

how he was the sole planner and instigator of the Potter boy's name

being submitted. He'd be telling anyone who pressed him for information

he'd done it in order to see the boy killed through not being skilled or

powerful enough to survive.

However, if they forced on him Veritaserum or some other truth telling

potion or compulsion charm, the Fidelius and Veritaserum would conflict

and cause young Barty to lose his life. They might suspect more to the

story, but would not have the evidence to act. Instead, how he managed

to get free of the prison in the first place would be promoted. In that

way, Voldemort hoped the DMLE would be... misdirected... into

investigating only that and not the plan for Potter now they had a 'red

herring' to follow.




At Hogwarts Minerva McGonagall had spent the time since her return to

the castle, including deep into the night, in personal reflection.

After taking her breakfast in her rooms the next morning she finally

decided she now needed to speak to someone and used her floo to

contact her best friend and fellow professor, Filius Flitwick.

Taking a deep breath to steel her fortitude she dashed a pinch of floo

powder into the fireplace. "Hogwarts, Charms Office," she firmly called.

Kneeling as soon the flames turned green and sticking her head within,

she tentatively called, "Filius? Are you there?"

Stepping into sight from the side, Flitwick quietly but firmly said, "Step

through, Minerva." The way he worded it sound almost like an order.

However, with her mind elsewhere, McGonagall didn't recognise it and

simply stepped through.

Almost relieved she stepped in and almost immediately stepped out into

her friend's office. "Thank you for seeing me, Filius," she said.

As she was talking, Flitwick was walking around his desk to sit in his

elevated office chair. Then gestured to one of the chairs opposite and

said, "Take a seat, Minerva." Again, he used that flat commanding voice.

As she was already moving in that direction, unconsciously led by

Flitwick heading for his desk chair, McGonagall again didn't recognise

the lack of warmth in her friend's voice.

"I need... we need... to apologise to Mister Potter, Filius," she began. "I

hadn't seen just how bad we've let that boy down until it was all laid in

front of me by Amelia's aurors―"

"Stop, Minerva!" Flitwick snapped out, raising his off hand in the

international accepted stop gesture of a flat hand with fingers together

raised vertically with the palm facing out.

It immediately silenced McGonagall, who stared back in shock.

Knowing he now had her full attention, Flitwick continued to stare at her

for a moment longer before, still using the same quiet but firm voice,

said, "You do not need to apologise to Mister Potter, Minerva; you just

want to apologise to Lord Potter. And, even then, it's for selfish reasons."

When McGonagall looked to be about to respond in defiance with hackles

almost visibly raised, Flitwick's expression hardened and almost appeared

as if he was going to growl back. Finally recognising the expression for

what it was, McGonagall's whole attitude immediately changed and she

almost cowered back into her seat in fear. "F-Filius?" she plaintively


"The entire staff of this school have failed that boy, Minerva," he said,

returning to the same flat commanding voice. It was a voice McGonagall

now recognised as issuing from someone who had their occlumency

shields at maximum in order to control their emotions. Once she

recognised it, it was then easy to deduce that the emotion her long-time

friend was trying to control was anger.

Continuing, he said, "For some - such as Bat and Septima, who have no

direct contact with the boy - it was because they weren't carefully

watching. And no one could, or should, expect them to given that there

were other staff in more direct contact.

"For others - such as me, who does interact with the boy as one of his

teachers - we weren't watching and were not alert for anything wrong, as

we bloody well should have been.

"Then there's you," he snapped, with his anger starting to again bleed

through his barriers. "You were supposed to be the boy's Head of House.

Let alone also being the Deputy Headmistress it was your responsibility to

ensure the boy, as with all other students, was safe. You failed!

"From the boy's memories I also came to the realisation you were

partially responsible for the boy being placed into the supposed care of

abusive muggles. That makes you guilty of child endangerment and child

abuse by proxy. That you did it in collusion with Albus Dumbledore and

Rubeus Hagrid adds the charge of conspiracy. And that was all within

hours of the boy becoming an orphan.

"That you did it while Deputy Headmistress, irrespective of whether you

were acting in that role at the time or not and that it was crimes against

a child, makes you now ineligible to hold a position of authority over any

child, let alone as a professor over students at this school.

"Until I was made aware of the level of abuse that's been hurled at the

boy, even before he entered Hogwarts and was systematically abused

here, I held both you and Dumbledore in high trust. Obviously, I was a

fool to do so. My trust in either of you became less than floating dust in

the shaft as of the moment I learned of it."

Lifting a finger into the air and pointing it at her to highlight his point,

he continued, "Have no doubt, Minerva McGonagall, you failed that boy

and, in the process, failed yourself. From that I firmly believe you're going

to lose your job because of it. Then, because of my clearly misplaced trust

in you and the old man, I believe I'll be losing my position as well.

"At the very least we're both going to be reduced to only professors. I

already know I'm going to be losing Head of House status; and you're

going to be losing both your Head of House status and Deputy Head


Dropping her eyes as they began to moisten with unshed tears,

McGonagall softly asked, "Perhaps if I can talk to him and apologise?"

Flitwick immediately replied, "Before you managed to say more than one

word you'd be arrested again and charged with witness tampering. Then

you'd lose your professorship, as well... if that's still on the table."

As McGonagall hung her head further in shame, Flitwick sighed and more

softly said, "Actually, Minerva, I don't know if you're going to survive

this, let alone remain a teacher.

"From what I've learned you were with Dumbledore and Hagrid when

young Harry was pretty much literally dumped on the doorstep of his

muggle magic-hating relatives. That, on the death of his father only a few

hours earlier, he became the titular Head of a Noble and Most Ancient

House at the time... as Dumbledore had no right to take the boy away

from his rightful guardian... means you were an accomplice in the

kidnapping of such a Head. And that could easily mean - should you be

found guilty, of course - you're bound for a trip through the Veil or a

kissing date with a dementor."

That she hadn't even twitched at mention of being executed, though she

did squirm a little, meant McGonagall also realised the chance of her

being executed was quite possible.

Finally, she looked back at her old friend with an almost pleading look

on her face. She was wearing her heart on her sleeve.

"What do I need to do?" she practically begged. "What can I do? I'd hoped

that... by at least apologising to the boy... it probably won't stop me

being sentenced... but, it's still the right thing to do."

"That may be," he replied with a single nod back. "However, this has all

now become an ongoing DMLE investigation. And that means you are not

permitted to approach him in any way, shape or form. I've no doubt that,

like me, you were warned not to do that by the aurors."

She nodded back.

"Then you cannot approach him to even apologise," the half-goblin firmly

stated. "If you do, you harm your own defence. And that means any

possibility of you escaping execution is reduced."

"I need him to know," she softly but just as firmly stated.

"Then, we shall raise it with the aurors and ask them first," he returned.

"We will not, however, approach him directly."




A/N: Okay... That's five chapters to start things off. I wanted to get the

First Task and the beginning of investigations out of the way. I'll be

looking to post each successive chapter no further apart than once a

week. Sinyk

6. Augusta's Smackdown

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to the proverbial Duchess of

Magic, JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high

falutin' companies. No matter how much I whine about not owning anything

related to the HP universe, other than a few fanfic plots, I do not profess to

own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful

world... Damn it!

Chapter Six - Augusta's Smack-down




That morning during the mail bomb, Harry received a letter from Amelia

Bones informing him of the punishment levied against Molly Weasley for

her 'egregious breach of the Statute of Secrecy' back on the first of

September, 1991, at Kings Cross Train Station.

When he saw the amount of the fine he let out a low whistle. That was a

lot of galleons. He just hoped Arthur could afford it, or raise enough

money to pay it. If he didn't, Molly was heading for Azkaban until he

either could pay it or she'd served at least twelve months of


The letter also informed him that, if any of the Weasleys gave him a hard

time about it and an auror wasn't nearby to witness it, he was to

immediately report it to her or one of her aurors. And it would be dealt


He gave a sigh, folded it up and put it in his pocket. Though it would

have been something he'd have done in his fake persona, he knew it

wasn't his place to inform the Weasleys of the DMLE order.

"Who's the letter from, Harry?" asked Hermione.

"The DMLE and it's none of your concern," he replied, before turning to

her. "Please, don't ask."

Hermione gave her own sigh, looked down to her plate and nodded.




After he felt he'd finally gotten through to Hermione about the house

elves - he hoped - the previous night, Harry went in search of Neville. He

found the boy in the House common room reading a book on, it

appeared, plants of the Mediterranean.

"Neville," he called, getting the other boy's attention.

"Yeah, Harry?" asked the other boy, setting his book aside.

"You and I need to talk," he replied. He gestured to the common room

door and said, "Mind stepping outside with me and going for a walk?"

Giving a firm nod back, the other boy said, "Sure, Harry." And set his

book onto the alongside side table and stood; heading over.

Leading the way outside and down the corridor a bit, Neville followed

and remained silent until Harry began to speak quite a few dozen feet

away from the common room entrance. "Neville, I need you to answer

some questions I have, honestly and without quibble. I do not need nor

want excuses, just explanations. Can you do that for me?"

The only thing that made Neville pause before giving an automatic

response was the intensity of his friend's questions and the look of

seriousness on the other boy's face. He was a moment before he firmly

stated back, "Yes, Harry."

Harry only gave a firm nod before he turned to look more directly at his

dorm mate's face. "Both of us have been at this school, as dorm mates, for

a little over three years now. In that time you could not help but notice I

have been dressed in little more than hand-me-down rags, I've been

clearly undernourished and I have scars on my body a normal child,

wizard or muggle, should never have.

"The Houses of Longbottom and Potter are supposed to be allied. So, my

question is, why have you never said anything about that? Why have you

not at least raised it with me?"

Neville, Heir Longbottom, knew to his very bones this was a very

important question and required a very well-considered response. He

knew this question would come one day and knew the alliance would

hinge on his answer. Therefore, above any other questions that might one

day be asked of him, he had thought long and hard about how he would

answer this one.

With conviction, he looked his mate directly in the eye and firmly but

quietly replied, "The day I first saw you once you'd returned to wizarding

world, the first of September 1991, I knew something was wrong

concerning you. Yes, I noticed you were scrawny and appeared underfed.

I also noticed your clothing appeared oversized and, as you put it, hand-

me-downs. That, alone, worried me.

"That night I wrote to my Gran about you and what I noticed. I sought

her advice. However, before she replied back and that very night, I then

saw you for the first time in only your briefs and noticed the scarring; so

I sent a second letter the very next morning about that, too.

"Less than an hour later I received a letter from Gran at breakfast,

answering the first letter, where she told me I was not to do or say

anything unless you directly asked. She told me it was not my place to do


Neville turned to look away, clearly ashamed at that, and sighed. "I was

angry when I read that."

Turning to look back with an expression of both remembered anger and

frustration he continued, "But I was hoping her response to my second

letter would change her instruction. It didn't.

"Her response to my second letter arrived the next morning during the

normal owl delivery time. I'd eagerly opened it, expecting just such a

change. However, she again instructed me to do and say nothing."

Neville had stopped walking at that point. His eyes had lost focus, staring

at the floor a dozen feet ahead of him; his whole body stood tense with

fists clenched as his magic began to manifest in a slight aura about


Harry stood a few feet away to the side and carefully watched his friend.

He now knew it was not his friend's fault he'd never spoken up when he

knew he should have. But he also knew the other boy had to work his

way through it on his own.

"I couldn't believe, she told me that," Neville almost spat. "I tried, again

and again, to convince her I had to step in and talk to you about it, or at

least coming and talking to you about it herself; but she kept telling me

to stay out of it. Eventually, after about our tenth time of me writing her

and begging her to let me step in she wrote and told me 'No' and that I

was to immediately drop the subject.

"I was furious, but she's Regent and I couldn't go against her. However, I

definitely gave her a serve about it at Yule that first year. Even then,

though, she wasn't moved. She just dug her heels in, refused to discuss it

any more and told me the matter was closed until you raised it."

Harry thought about that for quite a while before he gave a nod to

himself and said, "Then, please inform your grandmother, Regent

Augusta Longbottom of Longbottom, that I, Lord Harrison James Potter

of Potter and rightful Head of the House of Potter, hereby inform her that

as long as she remains Regent of the House of Longbottom the long-

standing alliance between our houses is hereby suspended for cause. And

that said cause is a direct result of her failure to act when informed of

obvious problems relating to then-Heir Potter by Heir Longbottom and

when repeatedly encouraged to do so by Heir Longbottom.

"Lord Potter considers her lack of action as a direct betrayal of the

principles of the alliance, if not the actual wording. And, therefore, sees

her lack of action as a betrayal of the House of Potter."

Neville froze in place and stared at Harry in shock. "You... you―"

"Yes, me, Neville," said Harry. He hadn't raised his voice. He'd just spoken

in a quiet voice without much inflection and without even anger or

vindictiveness. His voice was just firm.

"Gran's going to kill me," Neville near-moaned.

"The fault does not lie with you, Heir Longbottom," Harry disagreed. "The

fault lies entirely with her. She did not act as she should have done; as

you tried to get her to allow you to do.

"What you tried to do was the right thing; what she did was not. She

should be thankful that, due to your response to my question, I did not

dissolve the alliance completely; only suspended it."

"She's not going to see it that way," Neville shook his head and sighed.

"Then send her to me and I'll deal with her," said Harry. "You honoured

the alliance by letting me know as soon as you could; at the earliest you

were restricted to by your Regent. That is, you told me as soon as I asked

you about it. And you were straightforward and honest with me.

"Your Regent... your Gran... is the one entirely at fault. As I've now

explained, if I had thought you had somehow or for some reason decided

to keep me ignorant, I would have immediately terminated the alliance

in its entirety. She should be thankful that, by your words and actions, I

have only suspended it. And then, I've only suspended it until such time

as she is no longer your Regent.

"If she wants me to remove the suspension she'll need to step down as

your Regent and allow you to take up the Headship of your House. I will

not remove it until then."

"Oh, Merlin!" the other boy moaned. Suddenly he squared his shoulders

and looked more fully into Harry's eyes. "I shall contact Regent

Longbottom at my earliest opportunity and ensure she is informed of

your decision."

Harry smiled back and said, "Good man! And, if you need my help in

writing down exactly what words you should use, find me and I'll help.

"After all, we definitely do not want her to have the wrong impression,

do we?"

"No, we do not," replied Neville, a lot more serious about it than Harry

was about asking it.




Heading for lunch, as soon as Harry walked into the Great Hall he

noticed there were a couple of new faces sitting at the head table. They

seemed to be waiting and watching for something.

As soon as it appeared pretty much all students were sitting at the House

tables, quietly eating and or discussing who was sitting at the head table

among themselves, one of the two, an older gentleman, rose from his

chair and made his way to the lectern Dumbledore often used for his


By the time he arrived behind it and looked about the Hall, most students

had quietened right down, with only a low murmuring coming from

those still softly talking between themselves while keeping an eye on


"Students!" he quietly but firmly began, before pausing as the remaining

noise dimmed down to almost silence. "Students. For those who do not

know me, I am Bartwinkle Creston. And I am the Chair-wizard of the

School Board of Governors."

He gave that a few moments to sink in before he continued. "Like the vast

majority of you, I'm sure, I was shocked at the information Lord Potter

brought to light during his attempt at the first task of the Tri-Wizard

Tournament yesterday. There was so much information, in fact, that

many of us, including myself, have not had time to... reconcile... what we

learned with what we thought we knew. However, of what we've now

come to know is true, it is sufficient for the Board to determine that we

will be allowing, without dissent, the DMLE to complete their full and

ongoing investigations before we reach a final determination as to what

changes need to brought in here, at Hogwarts.

"However, that does not mean we are not going to act on what we

already know.

"First, Madam Bones's assuming Acting Headmistress of Hogwarts for the

duration of the investigation is supported by the Board, irrespective of

her assuming control of the school and its grounds as part of her remit as

senior investigator of the DMLE investigation of crime on the grounds.

Albus Dumbledore and Minerva McGonagall are suspended as

Headmaster and Deputy Headmistress, respectively.

"Second, all Head of House positions are suspended for the duration. And

- until such time as we, the School Board, are satisfied - such positions

will not exist. Even then, changes are very likely to occur.

"Third, all staff charged or otherwise under investigation by the DMLE

have their positions as Professors of Hogwarts suspended until such time

as they are cleared by the DMLE to resume their positions. Even then, as

with the Head of House positions, changes are likely to occur.

"Fourth, as many professors are currently under investigation - and as

many are therefore suspended and, as a result, are not legally permitted

to teach - all classes are hereby suspended until the Board gives the word

they may recommence. Therefore, letters are being sent to your listed

guardians asking if they would prefer you to be sent home for the

duration; however long that may be. That period may be anywhere from

a few days to a few months.

"For those guardians who would prefer you to be brought home, the

School will be paying for portkeys for you to both be sent home and for

you to be called back once classes recommence. We will not be using the

Hogwarts Express for this."

The man then took on a pained countenance with his eyes closed for a

few moments before he opened them and then directed his gaze towards

the Gryffindor table. It was only a short moment before his eyes laid

upon those of Harry.

"Lord Potter," he solemnly said. "On behalf of the School Board of

Governors you have my and their deepest apologies. We should have kept

a better eye on the Headmaster and staff of the school and we did not.

Like everyone else, we were swayed by the honeyed words of Albus

Dumbledore not to take a closer look at what was going on. That ends


"From this moment forth the Board of Governors of Hogwarts School of

Witchcraft and Wizardry will be keeping a closer and constant watch

over the school; to ensure for ourselves and the wizarding community at

large that nothing like what has happened over the past three plus years -

and even before that - will ever happen again. No longer will the

Headmaster or Headmistress, whoever they may be, have... carte

blanche... to act without all such actions being subject to Board overview

or review. You have our word."

Harry thought about that for a few moments before he gave the slightest

of shrugs and a simple nod back. Creston seemed satisfied with that and

turned back to the greater Hall.

"And, finally, on behalf of the Board of Governors of Hogwarts School of

Witchcraft and Wizardry I apologise to our visiting guests from

Durmstrang Institute and Beauxbatons Academy of Magic. You came for

what should have been a friendly competition between our three schools.

And, instead, have quickly found yourselves embroiled in what I believe

would have to be the greatest scandal our school has seen in its entire

one thousand year history.

"At this point I do not know if the Tournament will be allowed to

continue 'as is', will be completely modified to get it over with as soon as

possible - considering the binding magical contract enacted by the Goblet

of Fire - will be deferred until a later date or will simply be cancelled

outright. That decision has not been made and will not be made until we

have further information.

"Therefore, we must ask both schools' champions to remain at Hogwarts

until that decision has been reached. Accordingly, both schools' other

guests are also welcome to remain."

With what appeared to be a firm nod to himself, together with a clear

relaxation of his shoulders of the stress he must've been under, Creston

finally said, "That is all. Thank you." And stepped away from the podium.

He returned to sit with the other adults at the head table.

Of course, that now became the topic of discussion among the students.

Hermione wanted to speak about it with Harry, but he wasn't interested.

"But, Harry," she begged. "This is important."

"I agree," he replied. "However, you and I discussing it will make not a bit

of difference in whether or not it occurs. As such, I see it as a waste of

time when I have other, more important, matters I need to deal with."

"Like what?" she asked.

Again, Harry could see she wasn't being nosy, just usually curious. So he

didn't shut her down.

"I have House business to discuss with Neville and quite a few other

students who are Heirs of other similar Houses," he replied. "And, no, it's

not business I'll be discussing with you. This is business of the Houses of

Potter and Black with their allies; and not for discussion by others not of

those Houses or allied Houses. Sorry."

Again, Hermione seemed surprised by the answer and not a little

disappointed. "This is yet another facet of the 'real' Harry Potter, isn't it?"

she asked.

"Yes," he replied with a firm nod. "I am Harrison James Potter, Lord of

the Noble and Most Ancient House of Potter and named Heir Presumptive

of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black. As such there are certain

alliances and business dealings of both Houses that are privy only to me,

other Heads, Heirs or members of those Houses and our allies. I simply

cannot discuss much of any of it with you without each of their


With another sigh of acceptance, she gave a nod and looked away. More

and more it was becoming apparent her best friend, Harry, would be

moving in wizarding social circles she, as a simple muggleborn, would

not be able to join. That then had her thinking how Lily Potter, another

famous muggleborn and the mother of her best friend, actually did move

in those circles. And that was because she had married the Head of one of

those ancient families. Which then led her to a subject she had spent only

a little time upon before: Was her future to be the next, as she'd once

thought, Missus Potter; and now knew to be Lady Potter?

Looking around the various tables and mentally going over plans on who

he needed to speak to and in what order, Harry never noticed his best

friend's face suddenly turn scarlet in embarrassment and look away,

thinking about her future.




After Harry assisted Neville in writing his letter to his Gran, the Regent of

the House of Longbottom, Harry then discussed with the other boy who

else he needed to approach about not providing assistance to him when it

was obvious he needed it right from the first day of first year.

"I know you've spoken with Regent Bones, Harry," said the other boy,

"But have you spoken with Susan, Heiress Bones, about her own lack of

action? I mean, she's one of those who've been wearing one of those


Harry gave a bit of grunt and replied, "Not yet. She's also one of the ones

who bad-mouthed me during that whole Heir of Slytherin thing in second


"When she was twelve, Harry," argued Neville. "Do you really want to

hold her to blame for that?"

"But, you're suggesting I hold her to blame for this year when she's

fourteen?" he argued right back.

"Yes," Neville firmly and immediately replied. "At twelve we're still pre-

teens and it's between four and five years before we take up our

Headships if our father's are dead or... otherwise indisposed. At fourteen

it's half that.

"In a little over two years Susan will be the Head of the House of Bones. I

cannot see her aunt not educating her, as I was, in what would be

required of her."

Harry thought about that for a long moment before he asked, "Do I have

a right to talk to her about it?"

Confused, Neville asked back, "What do you mean?"

"Well, I know the Houses of Potter and Longbottom are in alliance, but I

don't know about the rest."

Neville looked in dawning shock and asked, "You really don't know, do


Harry frowned back and snapped, "I wouldn't have bloody asked if I


A little sheepish Neville replied, "No... no, you wouldn't have. Sorry." And

sighed. "Then I shall explain."

"Please," said Harry.

"The Potter-Longbottom Alliance is called that, but that's because our two

families formed it and lead it. It's also called that because our two

families are the most powerful, as both Houses are Noble and Most


"However, there are a number of lesser powerful Houses who have joined

in. Those are the Noble and Ancient Houses of Pones, Greengrass,

MacMillan, Marchbanks and Ogden; and the Ancient Houses of Abbott

and Davis. There's more, but they're even further down than the Ancient

Houses. The only ones who do not currently have a representative on the

Wizengamot is Abbott and Davis. And I haven't included some even lesser

families who have asked for 'membership' because they really don't bring

much to the table.

"In Hogwarts, especially in our year, are the Heirs and Heiresses of most

of those Houses. They are: Daphne Greengrass, Earnie MacMillan,

Hannah Abbott, Sue Bones and Tracey Davis; not including you and me.

The Heirs for Marchbanks and Ogden are grown and already graduated.

"Does that help?"

Harry thought about that for a few minutes before he asked, "And have

you approached those other Heirs and Heiresses and asked why, for the

past month, they've been hanging shit on me?"

"They haven't, Harry," replied Neville. "Sue and Hannah both did not

know those disgusting badges would change to saying 'Potter Stinks'

when you came close to them, or on command from Malfoy. They both

thought they were just supporting Cedric. As soon as both found out

what those badges said in full, they immediately removed them.

"Neither Daphne nor Tracey wore them right from the start, because both

thought them gauche. But it did take me a while to get Ernie to remove

his. It wasn't until I pulled rank as a part of the Alliance before he

complied. And he was pretty unhappy I did that."

"Hmmm," mused Harry. "Do I need to go and talk to them? To repri―"

Cutting him off, the other boy quite firmly replied, "Now that you've

officially recognised the alliance, you definitely should; if for no other

reason than to let them know you're now aware of it, at least.

"I also think you need to lay down the law with them all. That way, we're

both now doing that. I still get treated like the supposed squib most

thought I was. However, together, they'll have no choice but to knuckle


"The only reason you keep being referred to as a bloody squib is because

you're using your father's wand!" Harry snapped. "If you had a wand that

was properly attuned to you, you wouldn't be having so many bloody


As Neville gaped back at him, Harry gave a nod and said, "Now that

we've written your Regent, we'll do just that... talk to the other heirs, I


"Oh, and the issue with your wand is yet another thing that's annoying

me about your grandmother. I take it she's the one who pretty much

ordered you to use it?"

Neville, still a little stunned at Harry's remarks, simply nodded back


"Then, that will be fixed with all due haste," Harry growled.




Harry was just going to approach each of the other heirs in the Potter-

Longbottom Alliance and demand their presence in a vacant classroom.

However, Neville said it needed to be done the 'right' way; and that was

to send them each an owl with a formal notice demanding their

attendance at a specific time and place.

So, now that the letter to Regent Longbottom had been sent using

Hedwig, the two wrote the demand letters for Daphne Greengrass,

Earnest MacMillan, Susan Bones, Hannah Abbott and Tracey Davis under

their titles of 'Heir(ess) of'. Each heir was required to meet the two of

them in the antechamber off the Entrance Hall, where they'd all first

congregated the night of their sorting.

Because the mail was internal and he didn't want it delivered in the Great

Hall by the owls anyway, nor wanted it to wait the full day, the others all

received their summonses by 'house elf express'.

The meeting was set for that very afternoon, immediately prior to the

evening meal.

Harry also called on Dobby to provide a table with seven chairs to be set

up in the room just before the time of the meeting. And the two boys,

plus Harry's auror detail, were in the room and waiting as the first of the

others arrived.

Harry and Neville both remained in their seats with Harry's auror detail

standing up against the back wall and sufficiently well apart they could

not be taken out by one curse or hex.




The first in through the door was Earnie MacMillan, accompanied by

both Sue Bones and Hannah Abbott.

As soon as he stepped within, not even holding the door for the two

ladies first, MacMillan snarled, "What the bloody hell do you think you're

doing, Potter?!"

Ignoring the question, even the rudeness of it, Harry firmly ordered,

"Take a seat, MacMillan."

"But, before you do that," said Neville. "Perhaps you should think about

holding a chair for the ladies, first."

MacMillan ignored the verbal jab and order and snapped back, "I don't

have to do anything either of you tell me to."

"Very well," said Harry, still with a calm voice but with his eyes reflecting

his anger. "I shall be writing your Lord immediately on the conclusion of

this meeting and informing him that the House of MacMillan is hereby

excommunicated from the Potter-Longbottom Alliance due to his heir...

you... being a rude and obnoxious self-aggrandising little prick to both

Potter and Longbottom."

Harry gave that a moment to 'sink in' before he then snapped, "Now, get

out! This is a meeting of the heirs of the Potter-Longbottom Alliance, who

currently attend this school. And you no longer meet that condition."

MacMillan stood there gaping back in horrified shock. "You... you can't

do that!"

Both Bones and Abbott, who were standing right behind MacMillan,

where also staring back at Harry in shock.

"I might only be fourteen years old, MacMillan," growled Harry. "But,

that does not mean I am not the Head of the Noble and Most Ancient

House of Potter; and, as such, one of the two people who head this

alliance. The other, Frank Longbottom, is currently indisposed; and as

such cannot rule against me. Therefore, whatever decision I make

regarding membership of the alliance is absolute.

"So, for the final time, get out! And don't let the door hit you on the arse

on the way out. You are no longer welcome here."

"You can't!" Macmillan pleaded. "My grandfather will likely kill me if you

do that! At the very least he'll disown me!"

"Not my problem. You were given opportunity to rectify your behaviour

by Heir Longbottom - and failed to do so," Harry snapped before he

barked, "Now, GET OUT!"

MacMillan paused for all of five seconds while he and Harry stared at one

another, before his face morphed from shock to an expression of

combined anger and fear. Then he spun on his heel and stormed out the

door just as Greengrass and Davis entered. He was even rude enough to

knock Davis slightly aside as he exited.

"What was that about?" asked Davis.

"Because of the very recent rude behaviour of Heir MacMillan towards

Lord Potter and Heir Longbottom," explained a slightly awed Neville,

"Harry... sorry, Lord Potter, Head of the Noble and Most Ancient House of

Potter... just excommunicated House MacMillan from the alliance."

Both Davis and Greengrass also gave expressions of surprise. However,

Greengrass's expression, due to her clear use of Occlumency, was little

more than a cocked eyebrow.

"On the conclusion of this meeting I'll be writing to Lord MacMillan,

explaining precisely that," explained Harry.

"In the meantime," he added, "Ladies; please sit." And gestured to the

chairs around the table.

As Greengrass moved to a seat, along with the other three, she said, "So,

the Lion of Gryffindor bares his claws once more. I do believe I'm going

to like this Harrison James Potter."

"It's about time, Potter," said Davis.

Harry's expression suddenly changed to guarded and he quietly said,

"Please, sit."

None of those there mistook the seeming request as anything but the

order it actually was. They all sat and looked back with expressions

ranging from angry to uncertain in how to act.

"Alright, Potter," Greengrass eventually said. "You've got us all here. Now


"I want answers," said Harry. "And you people are going to provide them.

Plus... be aware... if I believe you're quibbling, being untruthful or I

simply do not like the answer I receive, getting your own Houses kicked

from the alliance is the least of your worries."

That had them all, except Neville, sit up straighter and focus. Neville

knew he'd already passed this 'test'.




After speaking with the other heirs and getting the answers he wanted,

though he was unhappy with many of them, Harry didn't declare any

other House excommunicated or similar. Instead, he demanded of them

all to recognise they had done him wrong. Then, once they'd formally

recognised they had done him said wrong, demanded of them they

inform their Heads of House they provide unconditional support in his

endeavours from that moment forward.

However, he did declare that the House of Bones was going a long way

towards providing that support through the actions of Regent Bones,

Amelia, in her role as Director of the DMLE.

They each now had a far better understanding of just how badly they'd

let down the House of Potter. And it was drummed into them they were

not to allow it to happen ever again.

It was just as they were about to break up when a house elf popped in,

took one look at them all and popped out again.

"Fluxy?" Neville quietly asked the space where the elf had stood for only

a few seconds.

Next thing they knew the door was flung open and in strode a quite irate

Madam Augusta Longbottom, Neville's regent.

Neville moaned, "Oh, Merlin!"

"Mister Potter," she practically snarled. "I want a word with you." She

then looked to everyone else in the room and barked, "The rest of you

can get out. Now."

"Freeze!" Harry instantly barked right back, louder.

That brought the other heirs, except Neville, to an immediately halt when

they were practically jumping up ready to run out the door.

Swivelling his gaze back on the Longbottom matriarch, he snarled, "How

dare you! We are just finishing up with an important meeting that has

taken me quite some time to organise. If you want to have a word with

me, you will ask... politely... and wait until I have time for you.

"If you cannot wait less than three minutes until the end of this meeting,

say so right now; and I'll send formal notice to all the important parties

to let them know the Potter-Longbottom Alliance is hereby immediately

and irrevocably terminated!"

As the two stared one another down, the others gaped back in shock

between the two.

After a long moment that felt, even to Harry, as if an hour had passed

while the two stared at one another, Augusta finally 'blinked', threw her

nose in the air in a haughty fashion and more quietly said, "I'll wait


Then, not even waiting for Harry to acknowledge her words, spun on her

heel and stormed back out of the room.

As the door closed behind her those remaining, including Harry and

Neville, let out a collective sigh of relief.

"Sorry about that," said Harry, a lot quieter this time. "I suggest we meet,

once more, one month from today. I'll let everyone know of the time and

place once the time approaches."

As the others continued to pack away what few things they had out and

began to leave in pairs, Neville was also about to leave when Harry

motioned for him to stay.

"You're going to need to remain, I think," said Harry. "I know your

grandmother will probably not want you to, but I'm asking you to


Neville gave a slight shudder, but firmed up and nodded.




With Susan the last one out, Harry followed her to the door and looked


He saw Madam Longbottom standing in a foul mood and watching the


He gestured to her to come in and, without even waiting for her to

acknowledge him - let alone hold the door for her - turned and walked

back to his seat alongside Neville.

It wasn't until he'd turned away from the door to head back to his seat he

saw the two aurors still standing quietly along the wall behind where

he'd sat.

He sat down as the woman re-entered the room. Again, she entered irate.

"Neville," she snapped. "Leave! And the two aurors can leave with you."

"If Neville leaves, so do I," Harry immediately riposted, placing a calming

hand on Neville's arm as the other boy almost shot to his feet. "It is

obvious this meeting is as much about him as it is about us.

"As for the aurors, they're here at the command of Madam Bones,

Director of the DMLE. They're most definitely not going anywhere, no

matter how much you bluster about it."

While holding Neville's arm down, he glared back at the woman daring

her to countermand him.

After a very long ten-plus seconds of staring, each trying to dominate the

other, Madam Longbottom finally sniffed, "I need to speak with you...


"No... you don't," he disagreed right back. "You want to speak with me,

alone. You don't need to, at all."

Again she stared back without saying a word. Harry could see she was

quite used to this silent intimidation tactic working. The pity for her was

it had no effect on him. And he couldn't care less.

Eventually she all but snarled, "I have delicate House business of matters

between the Houses of Longbottom and Potter to discuss with you. You

don't want other witnesses listening in."

"Do not presume to tell me what I do and do not want, woman!" he

snarled back.

That stumped her, as she stood there clearly frustrated and unsure of

what to do next.

Finally, she all but snarled back, "You will not be forcing me to relinquish

my position of Regent for the House of Longbottom."

"Fine," he simply replied. "Then I shall inform the Heads of Houses for

Greengrass, Davis, Abbott, Bones and the others that the long-standing

Potter-Longbottom Alliance is terminated. If that was all you came to tell

me you could have simply sent me an owl.

"As for you, I'm done with you. As I explained in my letter to you, I

consider your actions in blocking Heir Longbottom from rendering me

assistance, when he realised I desperately needed it and wanted to give

it, as an act of betrayal. As I explained in Neville's letter to you, I have no

intention of being part of an alliance where the representative of one of

the senior Houses involved could be party to such an action.

"I was well prepared to not terminate the alliance if you recognised your

despicable actions for what they were and stepped down. However, as you

have stated you won't, then I feel I have no choice left to me but to

terminate that alliance.

"Good day, Regent Longbottom. You have my permission to leave now.

This audience is at an end and I'm done with you."

The Longbottom grand matriarch stood there quivering in rage and, yes,

not a little fear. If it became known, as Harry had intimated, just why he

was terminating the alliance, she was done as a political powerhouse.

The other Houses of the alliance would immediately act. The least action

of which would be applying significant force towards her to relinquish

control of the House of Longbottom to another Regent or directly to

Neville through emancipation. She did not know if Harry also knew that,

though it was likely he did from his words and actions, so she tried

another tack.

A lot calmer and more respectful this time she asked, "If I stand down as

Regent will you withhold your announcement?"

"You had your opportunity and you squandered it," he immediately

snapped back.

"Harry, please," begged Neville, softly speaking up for the first time since

his grandmother entered.

It was clear the other boy was pleading for his House not to be so

publicly ridiculed, as would be the result of Harry carrying through on

his threat. It was then Harry realised Neville would also be publicly

humiliated if he went through with what he said he would do.

With his teeth gritted in frustration at his own 'saving people thing', as

Hermione called it, coming to the fore he took a few moments to clamp

down on his emotions.

Eventually he growled out, "Fine!" After a quick glance to Neville, he

stared back at Augusta and said, "Because Neville tried to do the right

thing, even though you blocked him at every opportunity, I give you this

one last chance."

When the woman, though her own Occlumency was clearly in use,

appeared to sag in relief a little, he again spoke. "However, there are


"One: You will immediately take Neville to Ollivander's and get him his

own wand. His father's wand, which you've been forcing him to use, is ill-

suited to him. That is the reason he struggles so much in the wand-based

classes. The wand is fighting him. Remember; the wand chooses the

wizard, or witch. You have apparently forgotten that.

"Two: You will render all assistance to Amelia Bones in her efforts to see

Albus Dumbledore and his lackeys convicted of the crimes she has filed

against them concerning me - plus that fumbling fool, Fudge, and Barty

Crap Senior. You will use your current and soon to be no longer authority

as Regent Longbottom to force the Lords and Ladies of the Potter-

Longbottom Alliance to also support and aid her in her efforts.

"And, three: You will then step down as Regent. I don't care what excuses

you use to do so. I don't even care if you announce I forced you to do it.

But, you will do it.

"I grant you this extra opportunity to head off me terminating the

alliance only because your grandson, and rightful Lord Apparent of your

House, has begged me to. Even with that, this is your last chance. So, am

I clear and will you comply?"

She stared back for a long few moments until she seemed to reach a

decision. Then she slowly, but barely, gave a single nod back. Her eyes

never left his.

"I will have your verbal acquiescence," he growled.

Her eyes flashed with anger for a flicker before she hissed, "Yessss... Lord


"Good," he snapped. "Your verbal acceptance of my demands is noted. In

that case and based on your acceptance of my demands, as long as you're

complying and continue to comply, I'll withhold informing the other

Houses I'm terminating the alliance."

Snapping his gaze away from hers he turned to Neville and said, "I'll see

you this evening, Neville. Your grandmother is taking you to Ollivander's

to get you a properly matched wand right now. Something she bloody well

should have done before your first year."

Harry heard the other boy sigh in relief before he, Neville, then turned

and stood.

"Grandmother," he said, brushing down his robes. "Shall we go?"

After the two Longbottoms left the room, one of the two until now silent

aurors behind Harry let out a clear breath of relief.

Without even turning to see which of the two it was, as it really didn't

matter to him, Harry smirked and said, "That's what happens when you

piss off the rightful Lord of a Noble and Most Ancient House."

Standing himself, he glanced to the two aurors and said, "Alright, you

two, I think it's time for dinner."

Without waiting for acknowledgement, he simply strode out the door;

head held high and with a light smile on his lips.




That evening Neville returned to the Gryffindor common room with an

expression of pleased wonder on his face. As soon as he saw Harry, who

was also there, he ducked over and wrapped him in a hug.

"Thank you!" he quietly whispered into Harry's ear before backing off and

showing his new wand.

In a clearer voice he said, "Cherry wood and unicorn tail hair; twelve


"It works better for you?" asked Harry.

Without replying Neville spun slightly to the left and whipped his wand

out to point in the general direction of a couch. "Wingardium Leviosa!"

he firmly but still quietly intoned.

Suddenly, one of the throw pillows on that couch shot up into the air and

smacked hard into the ceiling with a 'foomph!' sound. A bare moment

later Neville released the charm and the pillow fell back to land with a

muffled thud back on the cushion of the couch.

He spun back to grin at Harry.

What the boy didn't see was the expressions of shock on the faces of his

housemates. Harry just smirked back, as he wasn't anywhere near as

surprised as the other housemates clearly were at his sandy-haired

friend's magical power.

"I told you," he smirked. "You have far more power than that wand you

were forced to use otherwise demonstrated. It was holding you back,

quite significantly."

A little more serious, Neville returned, "Yeah. When I levitated that

rickety chair of Ollivander's off the floor, expecting it to only hover a

little, it shot up, smashed into the ceiling and broke apart.

"Right then Gran could see that she'd done wrong by me. I could see she

was clearly ashamed. She spent the short trip back here profusely


"So she bloody well should have," Harry firmly nodded. "And more. Now

you're going to have to learn to back off on the force you use when

pumping your magic to cast a spell."

"Yeah, that's what Ollivander and Gran said," the other boy grinned.




The next morning Harry checked to see if Dumbledore and/or Snape had

returned and discovered they apparently had not. He was pleased with


That meant, so far, he'd have another day of being free of Snape's vitriol

and Dumbledore's attempted obliviates and manipulations. He had little

faith, yet, of the Wizengamot actually getting it right and putting both

men on trial, let alone getting convictions. But, so far, signs were that it

was going to happen.

If Snape did return and said one bad word against him, however... well,

Harry already knew exactly what he'd be doing in return. He'd 'end' the

man in such a way that he couldn't be touched for doing it. He'd use the

life debt.

As he sat at breakfast with Neville, with Hermione sitting on the other

side still clearly a little unsure how to deal with 'new' Harry, the mail

owls came streaming in.

Besides his copy of the Prophet, Harry was unsurprised to see quite a

number of owls headed in his direction.

'Ah!' he thought, 'The wizarding public are now making their collective


What began as a 'super-parliament' of various breeds of owls all trying to

deliver to him at once, had his housemates either side scrambling out of

the way. But, not Neville or Hermione.

Hermione began by sending paralysing charms at each of the owls but

was near gobsmacked when Neville, with a firm wave of his wand and a

cry of "Stupefy!" knocked them all out. Those still in the air dropped to

either the table or the floor on either side almost as one.

While Neville blushed at what had just happened, Hermione stared at

him in shock while Harry quietly chuckled and started levitating the

birds off the floor that had landed there and up onto the table. Hermione

joined him but Neville decided to stay out of it in case he did more harm

than good.

"Nice shot, Nev," Harry smirked after he gave the boy a long few seconds

to come to terms with what had happened.

Neville just blushed even harder and looked away. But Harry still saw the

hint of a pleased smirk on the boy's face.

Once all the owls were on the table, Harry began releasing them of their


What surprised him - and quite a few others who had also seen them -

was that Neville had also managed to paralyse the few Howlers mixed in

with the rest of the mail.

Harry set them aside and vanished them.

When each owl was released of its load Hermione began to take it aside,

cast a finite on it and allowed it to fly away.

"My God," she exclaimed, after reviving the third bird on the third

attempt. "I don't know what Neville did, but it's taking me quite a bit of

power to wake these owls up again."

Again Neville looked pleased - embarrassed, but pleased.

"Gods!" Harry muttered after trying his first. "Hermione's right, Nev. You

really knocked these out! How about just casting a finite over them all for

us, yeah?"

Blushing so much he looked as if he had third degree sunburn, Neville

turned back, raised his wand, paused a moment and firmly intoned with

a swish of his wand, "Finite!"

The remaining owls suddenly woke and began righting themselves before

flying off with indignant hoots, barks and ululas.

"Damn, Nev!" Harry exclaimed. "Remind me to never get you angry with

me, if you can wield that much power."

Harry said it loud enough that, since they were being watched by the

majority of the Great Hall, a great many people heard the remark. That

was deliberate on Harry's part. He wanted as many people to know of

Neville's 'new found' power as possible, just to ensure they no longer

looked upon him as a squib.

However, that was no longer going to happen anyway. They'd watched

him both freeze all the birds with one massive petrification charm, before

then waking them all up with one massive Finite.

With all the owls now freed of their loads and sent on their way, Harry

moved to check said loads. He had been surreptitiously casting detection

charms on them already, and had found a few that were quite suspect.

Now, though, any charms that were on them seemed to have been

negated by Neville's cancelling charm. Surprisingly, that included the

remaining Howlers he'd not yet vanished.

The few remaining Howlers that were there before the cancelling charm

were now reduced to nothing more than ensorcelled parchment. The

parchment was still Howler parchment, but it was all now deactivated.

"Be careful," he said, as Hermione reached to start opening them. "We

don't know what manners of trickery the senders have included."

They found their first one when he opened one and found it to contain

undiluted bubotuber pus. He was just thankful when he'd also discovered

the charm that would have had it explode and send bubotuber pus over

the person opening it to have been deactivated.

"Alright, stop!" he immediately commanded, as Hermione reached for the

next one. "Some of these appear to have been booby-trapped."

Hermione snatched her hand back away as if she'd been burned and

looked at Harry in shock.

He turned to one of the aurors who'd taken station behind him and said,

"I think you need to call Madam Bones to come here. As I've just

explained to these two, some of these appear booby-trapped. That would

be a direct attack upon the Head of a Noble and Most Ancient House.

And that makes this..." he indicated the pile of mail with a wave of his off

hand, "... A criminal matter."

The auror's expression turned grim and almost thunderous. He gave a

firm nod back and pulled out his auror badge. He gave it a tap with his

wand and whispered into it before returning it to a pocket within his

robes. "I've let her know to make all haste here."

As Harry nodded back, in a clear voice the auror said, "I need everyone to

move away from this area. This is now a crime scene." And he and three

other aurors moved in to clear everyone away.




Madam Bones turned up in mere minutes accompanied by a team of

whom she immediately explained to be 'departmental cursebreakers'.

Harry returned, "I had no idea the DMLE had cursebreakers."

She smiled and said, "People tend to forget the Misuse of Muggle

Artefacts Office is part of my department. We use them there, plus share

them with the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes."

As they were talking, the cursebreakers were going over the mail and

quietly speaking between themselves as they systematically worked

through it all. Eventually, one of them pulled out a floating portable

Dicta-quill and parchment pair, activated it and began muttering to it as

he worked.

Finally, they appeared done. And the one not working with the Dicta-

quill turned to Madam Bones and said, "Five Howlers, one loaded with a

modified explosive curse set to activate when the letter was opened and

would then spray undiluted bubotuber pus over the hands of the person

who opened it, plus a few other minor hexes and curses. Only the second

and some others listed would be considered significantly harmful."

Her expression turning irate, Madam Bones snapped back, "I want to

know the identity of whoever sent anything that was harmful, even if you

don't consider it significant. This was an attack on the Scion and Head of

a Noble and Most Ancient House. I want the culprits in my holding cells."

Both cursebreakers, already with grim expressions, turned back to try and

identify magical signatures.

A mere couple of seconds later they looked about and said, "Who

deactivated these?"

"Neville Longbottom cast a massive Finite over pretty much all of it,"

replied Harry. "Miss Granger and I did the same with only a couple of


"I need to analyse your magical signatures," said the cursebreaker.

"What do you need us to do?" asked Harry.

"Cast a Lumos and hold it," he replied.

Harry immediately did just that. And both cursebreakers then cast their

own magics over his wand tip.

"That will do," the first one said. "Who's next?"

"That would be me," replied Hermione, stepping forward.

As Hermione cast her own Lumos Harry called Neville forward.

Neville stood up straighter and stepped confidently up.

As soon as the cursebreakers were done with Hermione, Neville cast his

own Lumos. It lit up bright enough to almost blind everyone.

"Woah, Lad!" exclaimed the other cursebreaker. "Back off on the power a

bit, yeah?"

Again Neville blushed a little before he did just that. And his light

dimmed a fair bit.

Once the cursebreakers had somehow managed to get the magical

signatures of all three, the first said, "Anyone else?"

"No," replied Harry. "I'm pretty sure we were the only three."

The cursebreaker gave a firm nod back and both returned to scanning the

mail again.

It took a little while with Madam Bones, the aurors, Harry, Hermione,

Neville and pretty much everyone else watching, but the cursebreakers

stepped back and lowered their wands. "I think we got it all," said the

first one as the second one deactivated the Dicta-quill.

"Good," said Madam Bones.

The second one then dried the ink on the Dicta-quill parchment before

rolling it up and handing it to Madam Bones without a word.

"Right," said Bones, once the cursebreakers were clearly done. Gesturing

to one of the aurors who had accompanied her, she indicated the pile of

mail and instructed her, "Get all this gathered up. It's coming with us."

As the auror stepped forward with wand raised to do just that, Madam

Bones turned to Harry again and said, "After we go through it all and

remove that which is offensive or charmed, I'll organise for you to have

the remainder returned."

"Not a problem," said Harry. "I doubt there's anything in that lot I want,

anyway. I didn't recognise any of the owls."

Madam Bones gave a nod back and asked, "While I'm here, has there been

any instances of people... whether they be students, staff or anyone else...

who've bothered you?"

"Nothing you need to concern yourself about," he replied.

She frowned back and said, "You did not reply with a 'No'."

"The only incident of note was only relating to the Potter-Longbottom

Alliance," he replied. "As such, it's House business. Nothing for you to

concern yourself with as Director of the DMLE. Susan can bring you up-

to-date with Alliance business when you're not wearing your DMLE


She glanced towards one of her aurors who'd been in the castle on shift

before she arrived. Harry didn't see what the auror had to say to her, but

she didn't react. When she turned back she said, "Very well. Then I'd best

get back to the office. My people and I have work to do relating to that


Before she had a chance to turn away, Harry asked, "Any news you can

share with me relating to what I brought to light during the first task?"

She hesitated a moment before she replied, "Not yet, Lord Potter."

"Fair enough," he replied. "Thank you."

She gave a nod and again turned away, ready to head back out. As she

walked away she checked to make sure her contingent were following

before heading back to the doors and out.

She did, however, stop for a few moments with her niece, who was

waiting for her back near the doors of the Great Hall.

With the excitement of the mail now over, others in the Great Hall turned

to discuss it with their fellow students while again casting surreptitious

glances Harry's way.




7. Daft Aurors and Interviews

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to the proverbial Duchess of

Magic, JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high

falutin' companies. No matter how much I whine about not owning anything

related to the HP universe, other than a few fanfic plots, I do not profess to

own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful

world... Damn it!

Chapter Seven - Daft Aurors and Interviews




That evening, one of the aurors who still maintained a watch over Harry

informed him and Hermione both that an auror would be taking the both

of them to the Ministry to be formally interviewed as witnesses to what

had happened over the past three-plus years, the next morning.

Harry was looking forward to it, but Hermione was becoming somewhat

of a frazzled mess. He had to take her aside to help her calm down before

she made herself sick with fretting about it.

Again in a classroom just down from the entrance to the common room,

this time with Harry dragging Hermione down there, he firmly sat her on

the edge of a desk while he stood in front of her, frowning and with arms

crossed. Both ignored the quiet tailing aurors, this time.

"Hermione," he firmly said. "You need to calm down. You're making

yourself sick with all this worry―"

"But, Harry," she cried, "What if I mess things up? What if I say the wrong

thing and get everyone in trouble? What if I say something that's going to

see Headmaster Dumbledore... or, worst still, Professor Snape... get away

with what they've done? What if―"

"Hermione!" he firmly cut in. "You're not going to do any of those things."

"But, Harry―" she tried again.

"Stop!" he snapped back. "You're not going to do any of those things,

because none of those things are your concern.

"What you're going to do is simply answer the questions put to you. It is

not your responsibility to ensure you say nothing that allows someone

who deserves suitable punishment from receiving said suitable

punishment. That is the job of Madam Bones and her aurors, first; and

then the Wizengamot, second."

Before she could say something else, as she clearly appeared to want to

do, he continued, "I know we have learned not to trust those in authority

since we entered the wizarding world three years ago. However, that has

only been to do with the adults here at school, the Minister, and his...

handler... Lucy Malfoy.

"We have no reason to doubt Madam Bones or her aurors. So far, over the

past few days, she's done everything I've expected her to do when doing

the right thing - and more. As for the Wizengamot, they've also not yet

done anything that would lead us to believe they'd do anything but the

right thing; Albus Dumbledore, as Chief Warlock and his machinations,


As Harry had continued, he could see Hermione begin to slump her

shoulders and look down, embarrassed by her actions.

"I know you're worried you might say the wrong thing," he more calmly

said. "However, you cannot say the wrong thing if you simply answer the

questions put to you honestly and fully. If you think something is

important, tell her... or 'he', if it's a male.

"I really cannot see how you could possibly say anything that could harm

the case or cases against anyone if you simply tell the truth. And I will

not think less of you if, by some miracle, you do manage to say

something that harms Madam Bones's cases.

"The only way I can see you truly harming her case or cases is if you lie.

And, if you do that, you and me are done; our friendship will be over."

That had Hermione lift her face to stare back at Harry in shock bordering

on outrage. "I would never!" she exclaimed.

Harry was pleased to see and hear the modicum of outrage in her

expression and her tone.

"I didn't think you would," he calmly explained. "I only said that our

friendship would be over if you did. As our friendship is as strong as

ever, shows I don't believe you would."

That had Hermione shoot up off the desk to wrap him in a 'Hermi-hug'.

For Harry, that signified she'd both accepted the truth of his words and

would no longer doubt herself; at least, on this issue.




The next morning had another, though smaller, parliament of owls make

it's way to Harry. Again, Harry stepped back and allowed Neville to cast

his wide area stunner over the lot.

However, when the other two stepped forward to being unloading the

owls of their loads, he said, "No; stop."

When they both hesitated, he said, "This time, I want the loads checked

for harmful packages before we release them from the owls. If they're

harmful, the owl can identify the sender; understand?"

By then, one of the aurors came up on them. "Step back, please,

everyone. Again, this is a declared crime scene." Then she turned to

Harry and said, Madam Bones has already been contacted and I expect

her on her way."

Harry immediately explained why he said the owls were not to be freed

of their loads until each package was checked. That way, they knew

which owl carried which load.

The auror nodded almost negligently as he worked.




Directly after breakfast a team of four aurors - two males and two

females - turned up to escort the two to the Ministry. They were escorted

off the grounds by way of the main gate and, once outside the wards,

directly side-along apparated to the auror apparation point inside the


Harry, for one, was thankful; as it meant they had bypassed the public

areas of the Ministry. And that meant not also being stared at by both

Ministry workers and the public at-large.

Once inside the DMLE they were directly escorted to an interview room

by one each of the male and female aurors.

They'd only been there a minute or two when they were also joined by

another male-female auror pair. This time, both sat on the opposite side

of the table to the two chairs at the table Harry and Hermione were

seated in.

After quick greetings of 'Good morning's across the table between the

four, the female auror got right to the heart of the matter.

"Lord Potter, Miss Granger," she began, "I'm Master Auror Constance

Hammer. You may address me as 'Connie'."

After both teens nodded back, she then introduced her partner. "And this

is my partner, Senior Auror Beauregard Fleming."

"You may call me, Beau," he smiled. "Everyone does."

That had both teens smiling back.

"Here's how this is going to work," said Hammer. "When dealing with

children we normally provide them with a glass of water that contains a

squeeze of lemon, plus a very mild calming potion and similarly mild

truth potion. It's not Veritaserum, so no need to worry about that."

Harry knew of Veritaserum; but only knew it to be a strong truth potion,

nothing more.

"We don't normally use it on adults as we believe adults are more than

capable of remaining calm and understand the need to be entirely

truthful. They understand the consequences when they aren't. Therefore,

their water only contains the light lemon flavour.

"For you two we'll leave it to you as an option. However, I recommend

you choose to have the potions as they'll stop you from worrying about

what you say. Further, it means there is less chance of your statements

being disregarded in court.

"Which would you prefer?"

After a glance at each other, both teens turned back.

Harry said, "So long as we do not delve off the subject matters I raised

during the first task - and you do not go too deep into my personal life - I

have no complaints about taking both potions."

"Same here," Hermione immediately added.

"I understand your concerns," said Hammer. "However, while the second

is a truth potion, unlike Veritaserum it will not force you to answer. You

can also state you do not wish to answer the question. That will be the

truth and, therefore, it will not be unacceptable to the effects of the


After both teens glanced at one another again, Hermione was first to


"Then I have no problem taking either potion," she firmly stated.

"Me neither," added Harry.

Both aurors nodded back with pleased expressions.

"In that case..." said Hammer. She turned her head to the side and looked

down a little. "Locky!"

A little house elf almost silently popped into place. "Yes, Miss?"

"Water with both potions, please," Hammer immediately ordered.

Without a word the little elf popped away again. A long moment later

and it was back, together with a silver tray holding a carafe of ice water

and two inverted tumblers.

"Thank you, Locky," said Hammer.

With a small smile, Fleming asked, "Alright, who wants to go first?"

"I do, please," Hermione immediately replied. Turning an embarrassed

glance to Harry, she added, "Sorry, Harry. But, I really need to get this

out of the way before I barf."

Harry just smiled back, gave a sheepish shrug and replied, "That's fine,

Hermione. I don't mind."

"Very well, Miss Granger," said Hammer. She indicated the tray and said,

"You'll want to drink about half a glass of that to start with. Then you can

sip from it as often as you like."

As Hermione reached for it Harry could see her hands shaking. As could

the two aurors.

Fleming simply reached out, flipped a tumbler over to be right side up

and poured her half a glass of water.

Hermione carefully lifted it and - after a couple of steadying breaths -

drank the entirety of it in one hit.

When she turned to look at Harry, he could see she was a bit

embarrassed by that. He smiled back, just reached out and silently patted

her thigh.

"It's alright," he said.

Meanwhile Fleming was setting up a large Dicta-quill in front of himself.

Once he was ready he turned to Hammer and nodded once.

Hammer just gave a slight clear of her throat and began. "Interview of

Miss Hermione Granger in Interview Room One at the Department of

Magical Law Enforcement on Friday, twenty fourth of November, 1994,

at 9.30am. Interviewer, Master Auror Constance Hammer. Dicta-quill

operator, Beauregard Fleming. Also present are Senior Auror Prusilla

Proudfoot and Master Auror Thaddeus Pickwhistle. Master Auror

Pickwhistle is senior officer of this interview."

She then turned to Hermione, who was now clearly a lot calmer and

gently smiling back. It was clear to even Harry that the potions were

having a positive effect.

"Miss Granger―" continued Hammer.

"Hi!" Hermione immediately and brightly returned with a smile,

interrupting the auror.

Hammer smiled back and repeated, "Miss Granger, for the record, please

give me your full name and date of birth."

"Hermione Jean Granger. Nineteenth of September, 1979," Hermione

promptly replied.

"Confirmed," said Hammer, after checking off a sheet of parchment she

had before her. "Do you give this interview of your own free will?"

"I do!" replied Hermione

Hammer gave a small nod and then got into the meat of the interview.

"Let's do this as chronologically as possible," said Hammer. "In your own

words, Miss Granger, please describe for us what happened at Hogwarts

School of Witchcraft and Wizardry - from here on referred to as simply

Hogwarts - on the afternoon and into evening of the thirty-first of

October 1991. I believe there was an incident concerning a troll."

"During Charms class that day, I was trying to help a fellow class and

housemate, Ron Weasley, in how to successfully perform the levitation

charm, Wingardium Leviosa, when..."

With a break after the first hour, Hermione continued with her interview

right through to the day of the first task. Hammer asked for further

information along the way.

When she'd finished Harry was surprised to discover it near enough to

lunch that Hammer decided they'd break for lunch before continuing.

The four aurors escorted both teens to the DMLE-only cafeteria and

remained with them the entire time.

Once they'd eaten and taken a short break in the water closets, also

escorted by aurors of their own genders, the two teens were escorted

back to the interview room.

This time it was Harry's turn and Hammer and Fleming switched roles.

Harry opted for the same potion-laced water.

Harry's interview went much longer and they took two breaks as they

started back as far back as Harry remembered his time with the Dursleys.

While speaking, he was surprised by just how much he remembered. And

was somewhat surprised the potions allowed him to recall it all without

concern or embarrassment. It seemed there was one form of mind-based

magics that affected him, after all; potions.

Then again, maybe it only did because he was a willing recipient.

Something to test for another time.

By the time he was finished, his throat felt quite raw. And he was offered

a potion that immediately soothed it.

"What was that?" he asked, after drinking it.

"A throat healing potion, Lord Potter," Fleming replied. "You're not the

first, and I very much doubt you'll be the last, who has come away from

an interview with a sore throat."

When the effects of the potion in the water wore off about thirty minutes

after the interview concluded he was shocked to discover it was going on

to 5.00pm.

"Sweet Merlin!" he exclaimed. "It's almost dinner time! And, damn, I need

to use the little boys' room!"

The four aurors chuckled and Hammer added, "I thought you might. You

managed to get through almost half a gallon of water during that."

It was only after he said what he said that he realised Hermione hadn't

berated him for his language. He turned to her and could see she'd been

crying for a while but hadn't very recently. Her eyes were bloodshot and

red-rimmed and her cheeks were puffy with tear tracks on them.

"I'm sooo sorry you went through all that, Harry," she hiccuped

"Hermione," he firmly said. "Not your fault; hear me? I do not blame you

for the least of it. You did your best and I lo― appreciate it a great deal."

After a quick trip to the loo for both teens, they were soon escorted back

to Hogwarts in reverse of how they got to the Ministry.

Thankfully, it appeared Hermione hadn't noticed his slight slip of the





As they were walking back from the gates of the castle, Harry quietly

asked Hermione, "Now that the interview is out of the way... are you

going to take the School Board's offer of returning home until classes are

back on again?"

She was a long few moments of clearly thinking it through before she

replied, "Do you... think I should?"

"I think you should do what's best for Hermione Granger," he instantly


"What about you?" she asked.

"Well, I'm definitely not going back to Privett Drive!" he replied. "I think

I'll just stay here."

"No... I mean... What do you think of the idea... ummm... what do you

think of the idea of coming and staying... with me?" she tentatively


Her offer surprised him; enough that it made him think for a bit.

Suddenly stopping, which caused everyone else to stop, he turned

Hermione to face him full on. Her expression was one of disappointment

as she looked at the ground.

He said, "Sorry. You caught me by surprise there."

That brought her eyes back up to meet his.

"If that's what you want..." he began. "If your offer is genuine and not one

that a friend would say but expect to receive a negative answer to... and

you ask your parents first and they reply with a yes... then, yes, I think I'd

like that."

The smile that bloomed on Hermione's face was contagious. It had him

smiling as well.

He heard a quiet snicker from one of the female aurors, but chose to

pretend he hadn't heard.

Now all excited, Hermione grabbed him with both her hands by his

offhand elbow and started to almost drag him to the doors of the castle.

"Oh, Harry! Of course they're going to say yes! I've been writing my

parents about you since the night of the troll. And they've already said

that they want to meet you. That day in Flourish and Blotts was nowhere

near long enough! What better way to get to know you than for you to

come and stay with us for a while. Can I borrow Hedwig?" she said with

a rush.

Harry chuckled back and replied, "Of course you can. I know I don't give

her enough work to do. So, I know she'd love to take a letter to your


"I'll write as soon as I can get back to the tower so I can collect

parchment, ink and a quill. How quickly do you think Hedwig can get to

Wimbledon and back?"

"Wimbledon?" he asked.

"That's where I live, Harry," she replied. "About a stone's throw from the

Wimbledon All England Club."

"I thought you lived in Croydon," he said.

"No, I said I lived near Croydon," she corrected. "I say that so people don't

know just how wealthy my parents actually are. Wimbledon is an

expensive area to live."

"Ah!" he said, as they continued to walk. A long moment later he asked,

"Hang on. Isn't Wimbledon one of those areas where housing is like over

a million pounds per?"

"Yes," she simply replied without explaining further. "That's why I know

you coming to stay with us for a while will be no imposition," she added.

"We live in a three story detached that's really four floors as the semi-

underground area is also used. There's plenty of room. You'll even have a

bedroom with an ensuite, all to yourself; which is what I've got. You just

won't have the huge dressing room I've got that I've had Dad convert to a

study for me.

"I'm on the second floor, which is the top floor, while you'd be in the

guest room on the first floor across the hall landing from my parents

room, which is directly under mine. That's the main guest room. There's

another two guest rooms on the same floor as me but neither has an

ensuite. They have to use the main bathroom on that floor."

"Whoa, Hermione," he laughed. "Let's not count our chickens before

they're hatched, alright?

"Why not wait to describe everything once... if... your parents agree."

"They'll say it's alright, Harry," she said, still dragging him along. "You'll





Once back in the castle Hermione finally let go of Harry's elbow and

almost ran back to the Gryffindor Tower.

As soon as she was out of earshot one of the aurors said to him, "She sure

has a lot of energy, doesn't she."

"She becomes quite focussed once she has a problem she wants to solve

and devotes almost all of her energy to solving it," he replied. He

gestured after her and added, "This focus is kinda the norm for her. It's

good to see after having to go through those interviews."

It was left to Harry to thank the aurors for escorting them to and fro to

the Ministry so, by the time he got back to the Gryffindor common room,

Hermione was well into writing her letter to her parents.

As soon as he stepped into the room she looked up from where she was

writing her letter at one of the very few study tables and gestured him


"I hope you don't mind Harry," she said, "But, there's been a fair bit

happen over the past few days that's radically changed. And I want to let

my parents know about all that and why I'll be coming home a lot sooner

than expected, before I drop on them the request to bring you home with


"It's your letter and your parents, Hermione," he shrugged. "I doubt a

couple of extra sheets of parchment in a letter is going to bother Hedwig

in the slightest. She often brings me my copy of the Prophet, remember?"

"Oh, yes," she replied, not even looking up from her writing. "I forgot

about that."

Due to the time, Hermione continued to write her letter home while they

sat at the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall for dinner. And both teens

headed directly to the owlery from the Great Hall to send the letter out

through Hedwig.

Harry could tell his Snowy was more than happy to take the letter as

Hermione carefully tied it firmly to her leg.




Of course, with her letter 'slash' request now winging its way to her

parents, Hermione began to fret again. And that began, as far as Harry

could estimate, before Hedwig even reached the horizon. This was easy

for Harry to determine, as it was just as easy for him to determine back at

the Ministry. She was using her top front teeth to nibble on the inside of

her bottom lip.

"Relax, Hermione," he said to her. "Even if they say no, I won't mind."

"I'm not worried about that, Harry," she returned. "I'm worried my

parents are going to think you're my boyfriend."

"Oh?" he asked. "Am I that repugnant?"

"No-no-no!" she blurted. "That's not what I meant."

"Then what did you mean?" he asked.

"I meant... I'm worried what my father might do or say to you if he thinks

you're my boyfriend."

He shrugged back and said, "He'll probably say what all fathers of teen

daughters say. 'You hurt my little girl and they'll never find the body.' Or,

possibly, 'You even think of poking what's between your legs between my

daughter's legs and I'll cut it off with a rusty knife... if you're lucky.'"

Hermione looked horrified.

Harry just grinned back and said, "Don't worry about it, Hermione. I'm

not. It's just the sort of thing fathers say to their daughter's boyfriends.

I'm expecting it."

"But... but... we're not boyfriend and girlfriend!" she whined.

"I am a boy and I am your friend," he returned. "I dare say that'll be close

enough for your father. And maybe your mother, too."




Back at the DMLE Madam Bones had just finished skimming through the

statement of Lord Potter - she'd read Miss Granger's later, as it mainly

was really only a supporting document to Lord Potter's - and set it aside

with a sigh. Connie Hammer and Beau Fleming were seated opposite in

her 'guest's' chairs.

"And both drank the potion-laced water?" she asked.

"They did," replied Hammer while Fleming simply nodded. "Lord Potter

even managed to polish off almost a half gallon of it. He spoke for quite a


"And every word supported one hundred percent what he made public

during the first task," added Fleming.

"I simply can't believe the atrocities those Dursleys committed upon that

boy and yet he still turned out to be wonderful young man," said


"Have you ever heard of the quote: 'Nature versus nurture'?" asked


"Yes," replied Bones while Hammer looked a little confused. "The

argument goes, I believe; how much of a person's personality can be

attributed to their inherent nature as opposed to how they were nurtured,


"Indeed," nodded Fleming as Hammer seemed to have at least somewhat

understood. "However, it's even more than that. When they talk about

nature they're even going as deep as the cellular level; what muggles

refer to as 'genes'. It's that level that determines things like eye colour,

hair colour, optimum height and weight, that sort of thing. Nurture goes

to the environment in which a child is raised, warm or temperate

climate, the country they were raised in, all the way down to siblings,

guardians, schooling, etcetera; and includes behaviour directed toward

him or her.

"If nurture was the dominant effect, then there's no way Lord Potter

would not have turned out to be a new Dark Lord; irrespective of what

Dumbledore would have us believe. It would also explain what Lord

Potter meant when he said he should have been sorted into Slytherin and

argued with the Hat not to sort him there.

"If nature were dominant - which I think has been proven in Lord Potter's

case - then, no matter how poorly he was raised or badly treated, he's a

Potter; and the Potters have always been inherently good people.

"Lord Potter has a strong sense of 'Noblesse Oblige'; the responsibility of

the peerage towards the commoner. Miss Granger often referred to what

she called Lord Potter's 'Saving People Thing'. Lord Potter has a strong

sense of doing what is right, even at the cost of his own welfare. I think

that is a combination of his own sense of righteousness being paired with

his poor sense of self worth brought about by how the Dursleys treated


"From everything I've learned of this matter so far, Lord Potter has been

raised in a very specific way that will lead him to ultimately sacrifice

himself to save others. Dumbledore's actions have created a teenager, to

date, who is simply waiting for the time when he will get to carry out

that act. And, I'm sorry to say, I believe it was deliberate on

Dumbledore's part."

"That was my intuitive belief, as well," replied Bones. "As it was Lord

Potter's. However, it's nice to have it confirmed by a Master Mind


"You should also know that Lord Potter was correct in positing that

magical children raised in an abusive environment will often be sorted

into Slytherin. However, that is the case for children whose psyche

manages to survive being raised so. Those not so lucky will often be

sorted into Hufflepuff, as they fear confrontation and try to hide in the


"I remember a couple of children like that when I was in Hufflepuff,"

Bones almost absent-mindedly muttered.

Coming back to herself and sitting up straighter she asked, "Was he also

right about matters such as the traps they had to get through in First

Year, the whole basilisk fiasco and everything else?"

"I believe so, yes," he nodded. "Just as Lord Potter believes, those traps

were way too simple to stop a skilled wizard, let alone a Dark Lord. They

were clearly set up to test him and his friends; but, more importantly,

him. Nothing else makes any sense.

"As for the basilisk I can see no situation where Dumbledore could not

have known there was one in the school the first time it was brought up

into the public areas. That was the night of Hallowe'en, 1992, when

Filch's cat was petrified.

"And, as for the students who were attacked and petrified, they could

have been woken within a day of their petrifications. Mandrake

Restorative Draught is kept in stasis in every medical centre I know of.

Hells, we even have it here in the DMLE Infirmary. I know for a fact

there's currently a dozen doses of it sitting in stasis in the potions cabinet.

"No, Dumbledore wanted those students kept petrified so they wouldn't

let anyone know too early that the monster was a basilisk."

"When do we go to trial with all this?" asked Hammer, who had been

quiet for most of the talk.

"We start in three days - Monday morning," replied Bones.

"In what order?" asked Hammer.

"Fudge and Umbridge, then the staff of the school, we'll slot the Dursleys

in there somewhere and, finally, Dumbledore," she replied. "I want Fudge

and Umbridge out of the way so they don't interfere with the other trials.

And I want to have Dumbledore last, as I'm hoping there will be more

evidence that comes to light from the trials of the other members of


In the past day and a half they had managed to get out of Fudge just how

much Umbridge was involved in what he'd been doing. And that she had

been blackmailing him, on the side.

"I'm going to put forward all the evidence that I now have on the old

man. I want to make sure that even the most die-hard of Dumbledore's

supporters on the Wizengamot learn exactly the type of man whom it is

they support. I want there to be such a preponderance of incontrovertible

evidence there is no possible way the old man is going to escape justice."

"What about Sirius Black?" asked Fleming. "The man is clearly innocent."

"That's being dealt with," she replied. "I have Shacklebolt and Tonks

looking for him."

"Tonks?" asked Hammer. "A bit young, isn't she?"

"Yes," nodded Bones. "However, what makes her special for this is that

she's of Black blood and a second cousin of him. She remembers 'Cousin

Siri', as she called him, with fondness. And, apparently, that fondness was


"If Shacklebolt and she find him it may be the trigger that has him

surrendering to them, rather than fighting them off and or running away


"Have you asked Lord Potter if he knows how to get hold of him?" asked

Fleming. "I didn't specifically ask him that, but I'm pretty sure he likely

knows how."

Surprised, Bones replied, "I... hadn't thought of that. I'll send him an owl

and ask."




The next morning, while Hermione had not heard back from her parents

yet, Harry received a decent sized letter from Madam Bones. In it she'd

covered what was happening regarding the upcoming trials and such.

In two days they were starting with Cornelius Fudge and Dolores

Umbridge. If they had time they'd then start on the Hogwarts staff. Since

he'd effectively and willingly admitted to any and all wrongdoing, the

first of the staff to be tried was Filius Flitwick. Harry was surprised they'd

be starting the trials so soon.

Her letter stated he would be required to attend all the trials, though she

knew he'd get bored pretty quick. If he didn't he might find himself

approached by an auror who was there to immediately take him to the

trial of the moment. And that was only if a member of the Interrogation

panel - the judges - specifically demanded his presence for a short time to

answer questions.

However she also assured him, as he'd already provided authenticated

memories and statement, the likelihood of that occurring was low. If he

was so summoned he'd be provided a Law Wizard to advise him before

he even took the stand to give verbal evidence.

Turning to a hovering Hermione he said, "The trials start the day after

tomorrow - Monday. First up are Fudge and Umbridge. And, if they have

time, they'll be followed by Flitwick."

"That's Minister Fudge, Senior Undersec... Oh, to hell with it," she said.

"Fudge, then Umbridge, then Flitwick. When are the others?"

Harry laughed. It was the first time he could recall since he'd first met the

girl that she had not insisted on people being referred to by, as she saw

it, their proper titles. It said a lot to the state of things she now chose to

not use them for the adults concerned.

"After Flitwick, the next day it will be Hagrid, Sprout, McGonagall, Snape

and Dumbledore in that order. Madam Pomfrey, from what Madam

Bones alludes to here, will not be prosecuted at this time so long as she

co-operates fully with the DMLE and satisfactorily answers all their

questions. However, it's very likely she's going to lose her Medi-witches'


"But, why?" she plaintively asked. "If Dumbledore's been Obliviating her

left, right and centre she's really not at fault for any of it."

"According to Madam Bones her mind's been too badly compromised," he

replied. "Plus, she also apparently asked to be allowed to retire and move

to one of the colonies. She's utterly mortified Dumbledore was able to do

to her what he did. It seems she's lost complete faith and confidence in


Hermione sighed and nodded. "That makes sense, I guess."

"Of course, there's also Sirius's trial to slot in there somewhere," he

continued, returning to the letter. "She has a Senior Auror by the name of

Shacklebolt and an Auror Second Class by the name of Nymphadora

Tonks on the case of finding him. She's also asked if we have some way of

finding him."

Confused, he looked at her and asked, "Haven't these people got a lick of

sense? Just send him a bloody owl! How do they think I get in contact

with him?"

Harry heard the auror standing closest behind him suddenly groan in


When both teens turned to look at him he was staring back at Harry and

shaking his head in exasperation. Without a word he then cast an almost

silent Patronus and said to it, "Madam Bones, Potter suggests sending an

owl to Black."

The Patronus, a small bear, then galloped out through the wall, heading


Harry just snorted in amusement and said, "Really? Is everyone in magical

Britain that daft?

"Won't he have up owl redirection wards?" asked Hermione.

"Any and all wards, including an owl redirection ward, can only be set up

on a place - a fixed position," he replied. "As Sirius is on the move, he will

have no such ward set where he is; unless, of course, he's passing through

one at the time."

Turning to the auror again, he asked, "You realise that, since you can cast

a corporeal messenger Patronus, you could also send him one of those,


The look of pain on the auror's face was, in Harry's book, 'priceless'.

Not waiting for a reply, Harry turned back around, Hermione was only a

fraction of a second behind him.

"That's daft," she muttered.

That's when Harry caught out of the corner of his eye a second corporeal

Patronus gallop out through the wall.

"They're also forgetting they could use a house elf to take a message to

Sirius, as well," he snarked loudly enough for the auror to hear him.

"Oh, for Merlin's sake!" the auror exclaimed.

Neither teen bothered to look, they just smiled at each other.

That had a third messenger Patronus sent.

Realising she had another issue to raise, Hermione asked Harry, "Any

word on when classes are going to start again?"

Surprised at the question, though he knew he really shouldn't be based

on the girl's personality, he replied, "Well, a lot of it depends on which

staff members find themselves cleared of the charges; somewhat cleared of

the charges, but ordered to give up their teaching positions; flat-out

dismissed by the School Board anyway or even incarcerated. Only the

first of those will see them returned to teach. Based on that I cannot see

more than one or two, if they're lucky, returning to be professors.

"For the rest, they'll need to source and contract replacements. According

to this, Madam Marchbanks of the WEA - that's the Wizarding

Examinations Authority within the Ministry - has been tasked with

immediately finding replacements for all the positions, just in case. She's

now working with the School Board to recruit those replacements.

"Well, if she's not now, she will be starting as of Monday."

"That could take months," she whined.

"It could," he shrugged. "But that's only to have all the positions filled.

They may choose to recommence classes if they have... say... all bar two

positions filled. We don't know.

"Actually, I wouldn't mind having someone like Madam Marchbanks

come and teach here for a while," he added. "I dare say she has a great

deal of knowledge she could share with us. She's one of the very few

people I know of who's actually older than Dumbledore.

"Plus, she apparently thinks rather poorly of our so-called esteemed

Headmaster. That puts her as someone I believe I can like, right there."




Having just arrived and now sitting in her office, even if it was a

Saturday, this time more closely reading Lord Potter and Miss Granger's

official statements and taking notes, the Patronus of a small sun bear

leapt into her room through the wall.

It spoke with the almost ethereal voice of one of her aurors; one she

knew to be currently stationed as one of Potter's bodyguards, "Madam

Bones, Potter suggests sending an owl to Black." Before it faded away.

Giving her own groan of exasperation, the Director of the DMLE set aside

the statements she was reading and notes she was taking and practically

face-palmed herself before she pulled a sheet of parchment before her,

together with quill and ink, and set to writing.

A few seconds later, a second sun bear Patronus entered the room from

the direction of the first.

"From Potter again, a messenger Patronus should also reach him."

That time she definitely face-palmed herself and groaned. "Damn. Bugger.

Shit. Damn!" she vehemently muttered.

It took her a good ten to fifteen seconds before she could return to her


Then the third Patronus entered.

"Potter also just suggested using a house elf to take Black a message."

"Oh, for Merlin's sake!" she more vehemently sighed, unknowingly

echoing her auror's own remark. "This is getting ridiculous!"

Once she'd finished writing she pushed the rune stone button on her desk

that would summon her personal aide to her.

When the young woman entered Bones said, "If they're in, please send in

Shacklebolt and young Tonks."

The aide softly said, "Yes, Ma'am." And walked out, closing the door

behind herself again.

Two minutes later, there was a double knock of knuckles on her door

before the door opened and both aurors walked in.

"Yes, Ma'am?" asked Shacklebolt in his deep baritone. As senior auror of

the two, he spoke first.

"Have either of you thought to send Black an owl asking him to come in?"

she asked.

The look of surprise on both faces before they sheepishly glanced at one

another gave her the answer. "No, Ma'am," they both replied.

Looking sternly at both, trying to wilt them with her eyes, she then

asked, "Do either of you know how to send a messenger Patronus?"

"Errr... yes, Ma'am," replied Shacklebolt as Tonks silently shook her head.

She then waited to see if it would twig to them what she was getting at.

The looks from both of sheepish confusion told her they didn't.

"If you can cast a messenger Patronus, have you thought of sending Black

one of those?" she sarcastically asked.

That was the first time she'd ever seen a black man blush in


She knew she shouldn't be hard on them. After all, even she hadn't

thought of that communication option. She was just dirty on herself for

not thinking of it; and having a fourteen year old school kid, who wasn't

even in his OWL year yet, reminding her of it.

"On top of that," she snapped, "What about giving a note to a house elf

and having the house elf deliver it?"

Again, both aurors blushed back.

With a sigh, she handed the sheet with the letter she wrote to Black to

Shacklebolt and said, "Send this to him using an International owl. The

man might not even be in the country, at the moment.

"Then, once you've done that, send him a messenger Patronus and a

house elf with a written message."

"Errr... yes, Ma'am," he quietly replied. And both exited again.

She muttered to herself, "We're looking like complete idiots before this

young man. And it's our own bloody fault."




That morning's Weekend Daily Prophet was again filled with the

happenings regarding what Harry had caused to make known; just as it

had been for the past few days. However, little of it was of any real


Information contained in the newspaper alluded to a lot, but it was

practically all 'hearsay'. And it was also clear the reporters writing the

stories were getting quite frustrated with how well Madam Bones was

making sure the information leaks were being kept to as small a

minimum as she could manage. They were attacking her for it.

As such many of the student body were trying to figure out ways to

approach Harry to get information. And he was quite thankful the aurors

stationed in the castle, especially the two he always seemed to have

specifically guarding him, were keeping those approaches to a tiny

fraction of what he could have expected.

Now the students were getting sneaky in their approaches.

As the two teens were slowly heading back to Gryffindor Tower tailed by

Harry's two bodyguard aurors, they'd just walked out of the Great Hall

when one of the Slytherins in the year above them, Scarlett Lympsham,

approached and offered to teach him about what it meant to be a Lord of

a Noble and Most Ancient House. In return, all she asked for was, 'the

occasional titbit of information he'd be willing to share to someone who

was going out of her way to help him'.

The female auror shadowing him at that moment gave a firm clear of her

throat and frowned at the girl. Lympsham immediately backed off and

said, "I only meant information otherwise available to the public, of


Before the auror could scoff back, Harry said, "Heiress Lympsham, I

thank you for your offer. And I may take you up on it once the current...

unpleasantness... is suitably dealt with. However, for now, I must decline.

Please pass on my respects to your grandfather, Lord Lympsham, when

next you have opportunity to communicate with him."

With the bare twitch of her left eye showing she was surprised by his

response and his intuitiveness in 'suggesting' it was her grandfather who

pushed her to approach him, she replied, "Of course, Lord Potter. I shall

do so and look forward to the time when I may assist." Then she gave a

slight curtsey before heading off again.

However, while her tone and expression was pleasant, Harry knew she

was somewhat miffed he'd so handily discounted her; or that he'd

immediately guessed it was her grandfather and Lord of her House who

encouraged her to approach him. After all, she'd appeared to have gone

to some effort to make herself visually appealing to get her way. For the

first time he'd seen her since they first bumped into each other a few days

after he first entered the school - and she'd sneered at him, looking down

on him as if he was beneath even her contempt - she was not wearing a

buttoned up blouse with a school tie. Instead, she was wearing 'civilian-

wear' with a blouse that had a neckline low enough he could see down to

between her bra-encased breasts, together with a loosely-pleated skirt

that ended above the knee. As she spun away to leave he saw how it

flared out, displaying her legs quite nicely.

Hermione, who was with him at the time, softly exclaimed, "Well! I...


He turned to her with amusement on his face and twinkling eyes. "The

single ladies of the castle have now had it pretty much driven home to

them that the Harry Potter they thought they knew was only a mask. And

that the real Harrison Potter is a Lord of a Noble and Most Ancient House,

single and... I hope... quite attractive."

"Quite attractive, are you?" she scoffed.

Harry laughed, reached out, grabbed her and dragged her in close to lay

a big hug on her.

After an initial exclamation of shock at being suddenly grabbed and

hugged, Hermione was a few seconds before she relaxed into it.

It was a long few seconds more before she declared, with a voice muffled

by his robes, "It's going to take me a little while to get used to you

actually being more the touchy-feely type than I thought you were. Well,

not touchy-feely; more... willing to initiate physical contact with someone


Still grinning, he turned his head a little and kissed her on her forehead.

"Hermione Granger; my slave in the chariot."

She gave a snort of amusement before pulling away again. "I guess I

shouldn't be surprised you know that reference and what it means."

As they continued to walk, heading up the stairs, he said, "I'm not

surprised it was a Slytherin who was the first to approach that way; or

that it was an Heiress of a Noble-ranked House. Once the rest of this lot

get their minds around just what type of person Harrison James Potter

truly is, that's going to happen more and more often."

"What do you mean?" she asked, curious.

"I'm the Head of a Noble and Most Ancient House," he shrugged. "That

puts me at the top of supposed wizarding society here in Britain. In a

way, you can class me as someone around the level of Marquess in the

muggle world. Next are the Noble and Ancient Houses - Earls, Noble and

Elder Houses - Viscounts, non-noble Ancient Houses - Barons and non-

noble Elder Houses - Baronets. After that you have the 'higgledy-piggledy'

of other Houses, who've earned a Life peerage on the Wizengamot -

Esquires. The Magical House of Malfoy wants to be one of those, but is

really not."

Hermione had stopped without a word to say she was going to and Harry

had walked on a bit before he realised she was no longer beside him. He

turned back, curious as to why she'd stopped. She was looking at him in

stunned shock.

"Hermione?" he asked.

"You're... you're... a Marquess?!" she stuttered out, that last bit in a high-

pitched squeak.

"No," he immediately replied, gesturing her forward again. "Actually, a

better representation would be 'Marcher Lord' since Marquis is really the

French equivalent. While Marcher Lords no longer exist in the muggle

world, the wizarding world had already separated from their muggle

cousins by then and the Potter holdings are mainly located in the south

of Wales."

"Plus, as I said, I really only called them that so you had some idea as to

the ranking system of the Houses in wizarding Britain. I could, of course,

have used military ranks, but the Houses are more about hereditary

peerages than military ranks. The major difference between Wizarding

Britain and the United Kingdom is we do not have a monarch. Well, not

one that's recognised, at any rate."

Frowning she asked, "What do you mean by that?"

"I, for one, happen to believe Her Majesty, Elizabeth the Second, is our

liege monarch whether in muggle or wizarding Britain or not," he

shrugged with a small smile. "But, that just might be me coloured by my

muggle upbringing."

"It probably is," she quietly sighed.




Sirius had actually arrived back in wizarding Britain late on the evening

of the 23rd of November. As soon as he'd learned from Harry his name

had come out of the Goblet of Fire, he immediately made the decision to

leave the unplottable Black 'holiday' island in the southern part of the

North Atlantic near the Azores and made all haste back.

He knew, though, that Harry didn't know that.

He'd also tried to get in to watch the first task, but the security was so

tight he knew he'd be caught for sure if he made the attempt.

Instead, he'd headed back to 'his' cave out the back of Hogsmeade and

used the last couple of days since then to gather intelligence. Almost

immediately after the first task he'd learned from the Daily Prophet just

what had gone on. It was all over the front page... and the second... and

the third! Actually, it was all over the front page for the next few days.

From that he'd also learned that Harry had reported that he, Sirius, was

innocent; and that both the Minister and the Chief Warlock had received

irrefutable evidence of such and not acted as they should have done. The

paper also covered the arrests of Fudge, Umbridge, Dumbledore,

McGonagall, Snape, Sprout, Hagrid, Pomfrey, Barty Crouch Senior, Molly

Weasley and Lucius Malfoy. To add insult to injury, it also reported that

the person who posed as that year's DADA Professor, Alastor Moody, was

actually a supposedly dead Death Eater, Bartemius Crouch Junior. He too

was also arrested at that time.

'Twelve people arrested!' he thought. 'Of them, the Head of the

Wizengamot and Headmaster of their premier school, the Head of the

Ministry and his Senior Undersecretary were included!'

"And this was all because of Harry?" he muttered.

He'd been living in the now 'refurbished' cave for just over a week, still

collecting intelligence, when the Patronus form of a lynx cat appeared

out of nowhere and leapt into the mouth of the cave.

It so badly startled the crap out of him he had his ill-gotten wand raised

and pointing back at the Patronus before he even realised he had reacted.

However, his hand shook so badly it would be pure luck if he'd actually

managed to get a spell off, let alone hit anything.

While he was trying to get his hammering heart and shakes back under

control the lynx spoke in a deep man's voice.

"Black. Auror Shacklebolt. We know for a fact you are innocent. We need you

to turn yourself in so we can give you the trial you should have had and clear

your name."

As the first one faded away a second one jumped in of the same Patronus

form. And the voice continued.

"I swear on my magic, if you turn up at the Three Broomsticks at noon on any

day I will ensure your safe transport to the Ministry to await trial. Leave a

white rose on a table and I'll know you accept."

As he took time to calm down again, even choosing to chug one of his

on-hand calming potions to quickly achieve it, he began to calculate the

risks involved and how to minimise them.

It took him hours to think about it - he really had nothing better to do at

the moment - while he thought it through.

And that's when the Ministry owl glided in and alighted on the ground in

front of him.

After a puzzled frown he checked to ensure there were no illicit, or

otherwise unwanted, charms on either the bird or its letter before he then

used a charm to drop the letter away from the owl.

As soon as the owl was free of its load, it moved to perch on a rock


Again frowning, he cast more detection charms over the letter and only

found the one - a standard mail package shrinking charm. He quickly had

that cancelled and the letter unshrunk. There were no other charms.

Carefully opening the letter he realised it also contained a blank sheet of

parchment and a self-inking quill. Both had been wrapped inside the


Setting them aside he began to read...

~ # ~

Lord Sirius Orion Black III

of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black

Lord of the House of Black

Lord Black,

I, Amelia Susan Bones, swear on my magic I mean you no harm. I further

swear I am ready to give you that trial you were denied and, if you hand

yourself over to one of my aurors, they are under orders not to harm you and

to bring you before me with all alacrity. As I write, so I swear, so must it be.

I have tasked two aurors specifically with finding you and bringing you in

unharmed. One is Senior Auror Kingsley Shacklebolt; and the other is your

cousin, Auror Second Class Nymphadora Tonks.

If you find them before they find you, I beg of you, hand yourself in!

We know you're innocent of the crimes for which you were unlawfully tossed

into Azkaban, Lord Black. Together, we will right this wrong.

If you would prefer we come to you at a place of your choosing, please use the

attached quill and parchment to write me and let me know. The owl has been

ordered to remain to allow you to mail back. Otherwise, please simply order it

to return to the Ministry.

Sincerely Yours,


Madam Director Amelia Bones

of the Noble and Ancient House of Bones

Director of the DMLE

Regent of the House of Bones

~ # ~

Shocked yet again, Sirius simply sat there unsure of what to do. Did he

go ahead with the 'white rose' concept? Or, did he write to her and have

her or someone else meet him at a place of his own choosing, as she


He also found himself completely believing what he'd been sent. He

already knew Ami Bones was a witch of her word and had no doubt she'd

do her best to keep him safe and see to him getting the trial he needed.

The question was: Was her best going to be good enough to keep him

alive? He knew there were forces out there that would like nothing better

than for him to reach a state of 'dead' before he even had a chance to

walk into that courtroom.

He was certain Malfoy would be one of them. And had the financial

capital and incentive to organise it.

What to do? This bore some deep thinking. Plus, knowing the trials of

Fudge and Umbridge, at least, were starting the next morning, he knew

he'd need to do what he was going to do pretty quick. Or, he'd have to

wait until after the trials and move then.

But, if he did turn himself in either that afternoon or the next morning,

would they be able to fit his trial in before or during the trials of those

already organised, anyway?

He spent quite the few hours more thinking on it. And, suddenly, he had

an idea. As far as he was concerned, his idea was both brilliant and

worthy of being titled one of the most brilliant and daring pranks of all


It would definitely be one for his memoirs, if he every got a chance to

write one.




At Riddle Manor 'Babymort, the homunculus' was having another

tantrum, though mainly in his head.

There was a great deal going on in the wizard world at that moment and

he was effectively out of the information loop. The only information he

was receiving was via the Daily Prophet and Pettigrew. And, as far as he

was concerned, neither was a reliable source of information.

He already knew that one of the two of his minions currently aware of

his existence and location was once more behind the walls of Azkaban.

The other, Pettigrew, was a poor choice of servant. His only redeeming

quality was his animagus ability and form. That he was a common brown

rat allowed him to infiltrate places very few could hope to enter.

However, besides his animagus ability and loyalty to him, he had very

few redeeming qualities. And being a representative of his powerful self

wasn't one of them.

"Wormtail!" he called.

When Pettigrew scurried in, he tentatively asked, "Yes, Master?"

"My potion!" snapped Riddle. "And be quick about it!"

Oh, how he wanted to cast the Cruciatus curse on the fat little sniveller.

But, he couldn't. He needed Pettigrew to have a steady hand while

making him his potions. And the Cruciatus curse would rob the man of


It was so annoying trying to be the most powerful dark lord the world

had ever seen and yet be forced to use such pathetic whelps for lackeys




8. The Court Cases Begin

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to the proverbial Duchess of

Magic, JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high

falutin' companies. No matter how much I whine about not owning anything

related to the HP universe, other than a few fanfic plots, I do not profess to

own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful

world... Damn it!

Chapter Eight - The Court Cases Begin




The next morning, right on 8.00am, a rather nondescript man walked

into the offices of the Auror department at the Ministry of Magic carrying

a small bouquet of white roses and a wide smile on his face.

He approached the counter and immediately rang the little bell placed

there for someone who wanted to make either a complaint or an enquiry.

Though it was a Sunday and most of the aurors were off for the day, he

was approached from the other side of the counter by a young wizard


"Yes?" asked the auror.

"Good morning!" replied the man. "Could you please ask that dear, sweet

lady who Heads the Department if she's got time for a very dear friend.

And please let her know I bring with me a bouquet of her favourite white


"It's a Sunday. What makes you think she's in?" asked the auror.

"Oh, she'll be in," the man grinned. "She has plenty of court cases she

needs to prepare for, for her not to be in."

The auror frowned and hesitated a moment before he gave an almost

imperceptible shrug, then walked away towards the Director's office at

the back of the 'bullpen'.

The man, Sirius under a glamour, watched as the young auror walked up

to the door of what he remembered to be the Director of Department's

door and knocked. A moment later, he walked in.

Sirius surreptitiously drew his wand and held it with only the tips of his

thumb and index finger before himself by the middle of the shaft as he

laid the roses on the counter off to one side. So far, besides the young

auror, no one had paid him the least amount of attention.

About five seconds later there was a short, sharp klaxon sound and the

doors leading back out slammed shut. Sirius just stood there with his

hands up and wand still held with thumb and index finger of his off hand

and a grin on his face.

Like little meerkats, what few aurors were in the bullpen shot to their

feet and were looking about, with their wands drawn.

Then the office door slammed opened with Bones storming out with her

wand held ready and a determined scowl on her face. The young auror

was right behind her, also with his wand at the ready; a little scared, but

backing 'The Boss'.

She took one look at Sirius and strode towards him. "Don't. Move!" she

quietly but firmly ordered.

"I have no intention to, Ami my love," he grinned as she still strode

towards him.

Once she was about ten feet short she stopped and said, "Gently now...

place the wand on the desk."

As he complied, Sirius whined, "But I thought it was my turn to be the

auror when we played, sweetheart!"

"Be silent!" she barked. With a glance at the young auror she said, "Auror

Williamson. Handcuff him."

"Ooohhh... kinky!" grinned Sirius.

"I said, be silent!" she snapped at him again.

The auror was quick to duck around the counter and, by the numbers,

affixed magic-inhibiting manacles to Sirius with his hands behind his

back. Sirius made no move to hinder the young man.

Once manacled, Bones ordered, "Bring him! We're going to Interrogation

Room 2."

As Sirius was led through the bullpen, he called out to the still watching

on-duty aurors, "Next time we're playing 'Haughty Healers and Wicked


That's when Bones hit him with the threatened silencing charm.

As he was practically frog-marched through the bullpen and out another

door, one Sirius knew led to the interrogation and interview rooms, he

turned back to Bones and pouted at her. However, the twinkle of mirth

didn't leave his eyes.

"Shacklebolt, Tonks and Robards!" barked Bones. "With me! Bring a

Dicta-quill with you!"

After only a short walk past two doors, one opposite the other on either

side, Sirius was hustled into an interrogation room. Once he was

manhandled by the young auror into a seat, his cuffs were transferred

from behind his back and threaded through the ring in the table top,

before they once again secured him by his wrists.

Then the young auror stepped back awaiting his next order.

A moment later Robards led in Shacklebolt and Tonks, with Tonks

carrying a Dicta-quill.

Bones turned to the young auror and said, "Alright, Williamson; you're

done. Thank you. And not a word of this to anyone."

The young auror gave a single nod and left without a word.

Then Bones, still staring at Sirius, asked, "Are you willing to undergo

interrogation under Veritaserum?"

"Yep," he immediately replied. "Actually, I think I'd have to insist on it."

She then glanced at Tonks and said, "Tonks. Set up the Dicta-quill. I take

it you have qualified competence in its use?"

"Yes, Ma'am," replied Tonks, as she set to work.

Then she glanced at Shacklebolt and said, "Shack, go get a vial of


"Yes, Ma'am," replied the burly dark-skinned auror before he ducked out

and away.

Then she turned her full attention back to Sirius and asked, "What are

you using; Polyjuice or a simple glamour?"

"Glamour anchored by a rune stone," he immediately replied. "You'll find

it on a cord around my neck."

"Gawain," she quietly said.

The Master Auror quietly moved around behind Sirius and, feeling the

back of his neck which Sirius aided by bending his head forward, found

the cord and pulled it off over his head.

As it cleared Sirius's skin his form seemed to shimmer a little as the

glamour dropped away.

Tonks let out a gasp from where she was now monitoring the Dicta-quill

"Sirius!" she quietly exclaimed.

"Hello, Nymmie," he grinned at her. "Look at you, all grown up."

She scowled back and said, "Don't call me that. I prefer 'Tonks'."

"Even for me, your favourite cousin?" he grinned.

"Even for you," she scowled.

"What in Merlin's name possessed you, Black," asked Bones, "Just to walk,

bold as brass, up to my auror counter to turn yourself in?"

"Well, after all the different ways you sent me messages," he replied. "I

thought you really wanted to see me. So, here I am!"

"I wanted to keep the fact we were trying to capture you, rather than sic

a Dementor on you, quiet," she sighed.

"And you still have," he impudently grinned back. "The only people who

currently know who I am are you, dear little Nymmie here, Robards

and... probably... Shacklebolt."

Shacklebolt took that moment to walk back in. As soon as he spotted

Sirius in his unglamoured form he stopped, blinked once and walked over

to Bones while keeping an eye on him. He handed her a small vial.

"For the record," she said. "Senior Auror Shacklebolt has just returned

from the auror department apothecary, where I sent him to collect one

vial of Veritaserum. He was just returned with that vial and I now hold it

in my hand. I confirm that the seal is unbroken and the vial untampered

with. It is vial number three fifty two."

Turning to Shacklebolt she handed it back and said, "I return it to Senior

Auror Shacklebolt for him to administer the recommended three drops

onto the tongue of our Interviewee, Sirius Orion Black the Third of the

House of Black."

Shacklebolt walked around the desk to stand just behind Sirius. He then

cracked the seal and looked to Sirius, "Are you willing to tilt your head

back and stick out you tongue, Black?"

Sirius didn't say a word. He just did it.

After the three drops were administered, Sirius pulled his tongue back in,

tilted his head back down and smacked his lips.

After a long few moments Bones spoke again. "I now begin an informal

interrogation under Veritaserum of Sirius Orion Black the Third of the

House of Black..."

The interview only lasted for a few minutes. At the end of it, Bones dosed

him with the counter-agent herself. As Sirius began to shrug off the

effects of the powerful truth potion, he looked at Bones and grinned.

"So, Ami," he said. "About that trial."

"First things first," she said. "Shack; remove his manacles."

As Shacklebolt stepped forward with a specially designed ward stone key,

she went on, "Now we need to find somewhere to stick you until I can

arrange a trial for you."

"I'll ask Mum if he can stay with us," piped up Tonks. "Neither my Mum

or Dad ever thought he was guilty. So, it won't take me much to convince

them he's been interviewed under Veritaserum and found innocent."

"Check with them," said Bones. "Go use the floo in my office."

Tonks immediately left.

"In the mean time..." She looked back to Sirius. "Will that rune stone on

that cord return your glamour if you put it back on?"

"It will," he nodded.

"Gawain. Give it to him," she ordered.

The elder auror immediately handed it back. And Sirius slipped it back

over his neck before dropping the stone down the front of this robes.

A moment later his form blurred for a moment before he was again the

man who had appeared at the front counter less than a half hour ago.

"Good," she stated, once the change was complete.

Turning to her junior auror, she said, "Gawain; take the Dicta-quilled

statement, make two copies of it, put the original and one of the copies

on my desk. Black gets the other. Not a word of this to anyone. Tell

Tonks the same, but it excludes her parents.

"Shack; the same ban applies to you, too. Not a word of this to anyone."

Finally, she turned to Sirius and said, "You'll be following me to my office

and remain there until Auror Tonks returns. Got that?"

"Yes, Madam Bones," he more formally replied. It was now clear she was

going out on a limb for him and he'd not carry on with the prank because

of that.




At Hogwarts, as Monday morning's breakfast was winding to a close, the

owls entered as per usual. As soon as they began to glide down from the

owl windows high in the rafters Hermione was focussing all her attention

on trying to spot Hedwig through the illusion of the blue sky with small

puffy clouds of outside.

As usual, Harry was the first to spot her, but he remained silent to let

Hermione think she spotted her first.

"There!" she cried, seeing the owl and almost jumping out of her seat in


Of course, Hedwig knew where to find her 'pet', Harry, so was already on

a gentle banking glide coming in over the head table, when Hermione

first spotted her.

Expecting it, Harry watched as she landed with a light touch down

between the plates in the middle of the table before Hermione. And

immediately offered her leg.

Hermione was so nervous in trying to untie the bow that held the muggle

paper envelope to Hedwig's leg that she nearly caused the bow to knot so

badly it would need to be cut off. Harry had to reach over and gently

untie it himself. And Hermione quickly scooped up the envelope.

Of course, she was so busy trying to rip the envelope open to get at

reading the note from her parents she completely forgot to reward

Hedwig for doing a good job. And the bird let her know it.

"Prek!" barked Hedwig, glaring at the bushy-haired human.

Hermione gave a start, blushed and quickly offered the bird two strips of

bacon. "Sorry, Hedwig. I was so excited I forgot about you."

Obviously that didn't impress the bird, as she simply snatched the two

strips of bacon out of the girl's fingers and flew off without an


Harry chuckled and said, "You'll have to apologise better than that to her

if you expect her to carry any more mail for you."

"They said yes!" Hermione suddenly exclaimed. "Mum and Daddy are

both looking forward to properly meeting you and said you can stay for

as long as you like.

"The only thing they want to know is when they can expect us; and do

they need to go to Kings Cross Station to pick us up.

"I'll have to write back to them to tell them we'll be arriving by portkey

in the house, direct. And explain what a portkey is, I suppose. So, they

won't need to pick us up.

"Plus, we don't know what day we'll be arriving, as I don't think much

will be decided until we know the results of the trials. And those are

going to take a few days, at least."

"Woah, Hermione," Harry tried placating her. "I know you're excited. But,

as you said, we don't know when we can leave or how we're going to get

there yet.

"I suggest writing to them again and telling them we hope to know the

when and how in a few days. And that the 'how' will very likely not

require them to pick us up from anywhere, as the magic used should see

us delivered right to their home.

"If the trials go as quickly as I think they will, then the 'when' will likely

be within the week."

"This time, please also ask your parents if they are also willing to house a

few aurors for the duration I'm there. I cannot see Madam Bones

rescinding her order for aurors to shadow me at all times, just because

I'm no longer in the castle. And it wouldn't be fair to them to be shut out

of the house. If necessary, I'll pay for their lodgings with my own funds,

so your parents are not out of pocket."

"Oh, sorry," she said as she blushed. "I didn't want to worry you about it...

and I already figured aurors would follow us there... so I included that in

my first letter. But I'll add that you'll pay for their lodgings as Daddy did

ask about that and I was going to ask before sending my response. There's

an unused servants' quarters on the lower ground floor they can use."

The female auror standing behind them this time gave her throat a little

clear to gain their attention. When both teens turned to look, she said,

"Thank you, Miss Granger. That would be far preferable to standing out

in the cold all night; especially if it is raining."

Hermione sent her second letter off early that afternoon. And Harry

included an attached letter thanking them for the 'invitation' and assuring

them he had more than enough money to pay for the lodgings of the

aurors and himself for while he was there.




That evening, as soon as she arrived home, Andromeda Tonks found

Sirius sitting in the kitchen nook chatting with their only house elf, who

was busy trying to cook dinner.

As soon as he saw her, Sirius rose from his seat with a smile on his face

and was immediately knocked back into it when she practically tackled

him a massive hug.

"Gods, Sirius!" she exclaimed, holding him tight. "It's good to see you


"Hello Andi," he smiled back.

She stepped back and gave him a good once-over with her eyes before

she seemed to switch into Healer mode. "Let's see. After I give you a full

physical... and you won't be fighting me on that... I can already see you're

in desperate need of nutrition and muscle building potions, a teeth repair

potion and probably Skele-grow to go with it. However, all that is going

to have to wait until after the physical."

"Andi―" he tried.

"Hush!" she demanded. "Don't argue with your Healer."

"And who decided you're my Healer?" he asked.

"I did, of course," she replied. "Don't argue."

Dragging him with her off hand into the lounge she quickly conjured an

examination table complete with padding and ordered, "Hop up and lay


With a sigh, Sirius complied. But she noticed it took a fair bit of effort on

his part to comply.

Once he was lying down she pulled her Healer's wizard-spaced bag before

her she'd brought home with her and started pulling things out.

First came a long sheet of parchment with an Auto-quill and wand.

Setting that up she used the wand to begin carefully scanning him. The

quill was zipping along writing things down.

Once she was finished with her scan she had to wait quite a while for the

Auto-quill to finish. And stood watching it finish with a frown on her


Sirius used the opportunity to sit back up again, swinging his legs off the

side of the table.

"Well?" he asked.

"In a moment," she almost distractedly replied.

She began muttering, "Nutrition, muscle-rebuilder, teeth-rebuilder, Skele-

grow, vitamin enhancer, diet enhancer, dementor exposure restorer... no,

a mild wit sharpener... I'll have to wait on the dementor exposure

restorer until after your trial... and a memory restorative draught."

Looking at him directly she said, "For someone who's spent eleven years

in that hell-hole, plus another fifteen plus months on the run, you're

looking pretty good."

"I've been self-medicating for some of that time on the run," he replied. "It

wasn't much, but I did what I could with what I could find."

With an almost thunderous expression she snapped, "With the amount of

damage your body's taken that was bloody dangerous!"

"I had no choice!" he snapped back. "What else could I have done?"

"You could have come and seen me!" she growled.

"Not when your daughter's an auror, I couldn't," he sighed.

She stared at him for a long few moments before she changed the subject.

"When's your trial?"

"No idea," he replied. "Bonesy's going to have to fit it in around the trials

she already has going on. I think she's going to slip it in between two of

the high profile ones."

"Yours will be a high profile one," she put.

"Yes, but she doesn't want wind of it getting out right up until I'm

brought into the courtroom."

"Did she give you any idea of about when that is likely to happen?" she


"Tomorrow, I think," he replied. "She's going to try and slot it in

immediately after Fudge and Umbridge."

With a nod she said, "Then there's little I can do in the time before then.

However, I can at least get you halfway presentable for your trial."

"That... would be for the best, I think," he sighed.

She wrote a few things down on another sheet of parchment and called

her house elf. "Benny!"

With a pop the elf appeared at her side. "Yes, Mistress?"

Handing the elf the parchment she ordered, "Take this to Mister Tattings

of Twillfit and Tattings and tell him it's somewhat of a rush order. I want

to be picking it up no later than ten a.m. tomorrow morning."

"Yes, Mistress," the little elf replied taking the piece of parchment, giving

a little bob of respect and popping away.

"Twillfit's, Andi?" asked Sirius.

"Since Uncle Arcturus passed, you are the Head of the House of Black,"

she firmly replied. "When you walk into that courtroom you will be

dressed the part, even if I won't have time to get your health up to


"I was disowned," he frustratingly returned. "There's no way―"

"Unlike me, you were never disowned, Sirius," she replied, cutting him

off. "Aunt Wally, blasting your name off the family tapestry, had nothing

to do with it. No matter how much that old harridan demanded it, I

know for a fact Uncle Arcturus refused to do it."

"How do you know that?" he asked, quite curious.

"Just because Uncle Arcturus was forced into the position of having to

disown me, did not mean he no longer talked with me," she replied. "He

and I kept up both a correspondence conversation with the occasional

secret meeting, where we could talk directly.

"According to him it was his opinion I was one of the few family

members he had left that he felt he could both respect and trust. You

were also on that very small list."

"I... didn't know that," said a very surprised Sirius.

She smiled back and said, "I dare say there's a lot you don't know.

However, now that you are Lord Apparent, we need to get you cleaned

up, made healthy again and brought up to date with the business of the


Casting a critical eye on his cousin, he asked, "Did Arcturus manage to

bring you back into the family, before he passed?"

"No; he couldn't," she replied. Not looking Sirius in the eye she said, "He

told me he hoped you would when your innocence was finally proven

and you took up the Lordship."

Giving a firm nod back he said, "Then it will be the first thing I do as

soon as I don the ring."

Looking at him more directly, she softly said, "Thank you"

After a moment, she appeared to straighten herself up, mentally refortify

herself and said, "Now. Though we cannot do much about your health

between now and your trial, it does not mean we cannot make a start on


"The first thing you're going to do is take a bath. No offence, cousin

Sirius; but, you stink."

He just gave a snort of amusement.

"While you're bathing, Benny should return and we'll have a set of decent

robes for you to wear. We've kept those robes of Ted's that he can no

longer wear due to increasing a bit of girth... shall we say. You're of

similar height that what height difference there is will be unimportant.

What you're wearing will be burned.

Sirius gave a second snort of amusement when Andromeda referred to

her husband's gaining of weight as increasing his girth.

As he was about to head to the bathroom, he asked, "Who sits as proxy

for Black on the Wizengamot? By rights it should be Cassiopeia."

"No one," she replied. "Lucius Malfoy has convinced Fudge his son,

Draconis, is the next Lord Black. And then had himself installed as Regent

for the House of Black."

Sirius spun on the spot just as he was about to walk out of the room. His

expression quickly morphed from shocked surprise to fury. "He what?!"

"You heard me," she scowled. "Lucius Malfoy is currently sitting the Black

seat as Regent. However, Gringotts has not given him access to the Black

vaults in his self-claimed role, because they know damned well he is not.

And Malfoy has kept that quiet from the Ministry."

"That will be the first thing I rectify at my trial," he all but snarled.

"Yes, but because he has claimed regency and it therefore allows him a

seat on the Wizengamot when he otherwise would not hold one, have no

doubt that he will be pressuring the Minister to have you 'Kissed' at the

first opportunity," she explained. "It also explains why the order for

dementors to be sent out from Azkaban to hunt you down and 'Kiss' you

exists. And why Bartemius Crouch Junior was not 'Kissed'; but, instead,

just returned to his cell.

"That is why it is imperative you being given a trial is to remain a secret

right up until you walk into the chamber for your trial."

"And that is why Bonesy sent me to you to be put 'on ice' until the trial,

rather than kept in a holding cell in the auror department," he nodded. "I

wondered why, but was just happy she didn't choose that option."

"That is why," nodded Andromeda.




Also that evening, as soon as he was able to separate himself from

Hermione, Harry quickly drafted a letter to send to his Account goblin in

Gringotts. He had a warding job he wanted to done, 'toot sweet', and

wanted the best erected he could get while also considering the

environment in which they were to be erected.

He also wanted it done in secret, with even the occupants not aware of it

happening. And the goblins were the only ones who would do that. Gold

was gold and it was none of their business if the humans would be

disagreeable or not.




The next morning and very shortly after breakfast, Harry and Hermione

were approached by four aurors, two of whom he recognised, just as they

were leaving the Great Hall.

With a quizzical frown, he asked, "What's going on?"

"I'm Master Auror Robards," said Robards. "Madam Bones has requested

your presence at today's trials, after all. We're your escort."

"Just me?" he asked.

"No, Lord Potter," he replied. "Miss Granger, as well."

After Harry glanced at Hermione for a moment he turned back and

sighed before looking at his current two auror shadows. "You recognise

these four?" he asked.

"Yes, Lord Potter. They are who they say they are," replied the senior of

the two.

"Very well," he said, turning back to Robards. "Well, it's not as if we've

got anything better to do."

Robards smiled and gave a nod. "Then, let us be off," he said, indicating

the main doors.

"Not yet," said Harry. "Both of us need to change out of our everyday

wear before we go. It would be unseemly to appear in the Wizengamot

chambers in anything but our best."

"There's no need―" started Robards.

"... To hurry there," Harry cut in. "I know. Give us fifteen minutes and

we'll be ready to go."

Robards gave a sigh of minor frustration before he nodded.

And both teens hurried up the stairs to the Gryffindor Tower. And both

were back down in just under the time Harry gave them to get changed.

Both were wearing wizarding robes for their gender, with Harry wearing

quite good quality robes. Harry also knew the robes Hermione was

wearing was her only set of non-Hogwarts robes.

"Ready?" asked Robards, as soon as he saw them come down the stairs.

"Yep," replied Harry.

"Then, let us go," he said. "We're now running a little behind schedule."

"Then you should have allowed for that in your scheduling, shouldn't

you?" Harry shot back.

Robards chose to ignore the question.




Before the trials started, the two teens were taken to Madam Bones's

office. There, she explained that she was unable to develop sufficient

evidence to see Lucius Malfoy face trial.

"We all know he's guilty," she agreed. "However, yours is the only

testimony containing any evidence against him. And, while you're

obviously quite the clever young man, you were still only twelve years

old at the time he tried to cast the Killing Curse at you. His stated reason

for that, by the way, was just to scare you. He claims he was never going

to do it. And, under wizarding Britain law, threatening it is not the same

as actually doing it.

"However," she continued, "I have sufficient evidence to have him

removed from being a sitting member of the Wizengamot for prejudicial

behaviour. I informed him he either voluntarily stepped down from that

body, or I would take him to trial and have him permanently stripped

from ever being allowed to sit upon that body, anyway. I think I had

enough for that.

"As he still has the dream of the Magical House of Malfoy being elevated

to Noble status within his lifetime, I know he would not want to

jeopardise that. I made it quite clear it would not happen if he tried to

force the issue and still try to demand sitting on the 'Mot; I'd charge him,


"Damn!" scowled Harry. "However, he could still try to force it later, once

he felt sufficient time had passed and you wouldn't then be able to push

for his trial, anyway."

"Nope," she smiled. "I forced him to make an oath he would not try to sit

on the 'Mot until the House of Malfoy was elevated. And let him think

there was still a chance of that. I'll be making damned sure there isn't."

"So, he's decided to play the 'long game' and wait, rather than force the

issue and risk losing everything," he sighed. "At least he's showing the

Slytherin mindset his son utterly lacks."

"Just so," she agreed with a nod.




Because of the secrecy surrounding Sirius turning himself in, not even

Harry was made aware his Godfather's trial would be that day. Actually,

the only people who knew of it were Sirius himself, Amelia Bones,

Gawain Robards, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Nymphadora Tonks, Andromeda

Tonks - who was now his self-appointed healer - and Ted Tonks, who

would be acting as his Law-wizard for the trial. That was until that

morning, moments before the trials started and Harry and Hermione had

already left to be taken down and 'snuck' into the chamber. Then she'd

summoned the aurors who would also be in the courtroom into her office

and briefed them.

Having already met Edward 'Ted' Tonks on a couple of occasions

previously and his opinion of the man now impressing him even more,

Sirius had decided he would both accept the man as his Law-wizard for

the trial and - unknown to anyone else just yet, including the man

himself - would be retaining the muggleborn wizard as his Law-wizard of

Record for the House of Black at the immediate conclusion of the trial.

Sirius had no idea who was the current Law-wizard of Record for the

House of Black, but knew whoever it was hadn't done their job by

ensuring he received a trial in the first place. He suspected Malfoy's

interference in that.

The first trial up that morning was of Cornelius Fudge, as expected. Harry

and Hermione were escorted in just as the Members of the Wizengamot

filed in.

Three days previously, Madam Bones herself sent the owl to Fudge

informing him of his trial. In that notice she also informed him that if he

didn't turn up in person before 9.00am that morning, precisely, then he

would be tried in absentia. And, as such, would not have opportunity to

speak in his own defence.

Further, if he didn't turn up and was found guilty of any of the crimes for

which he'd been charged, then he would be considered to have escaped

lawful custody. Then reminded him that it was he, on his own authority,

who ordered the dementors out to hunt down Sirius Black and

immediately apply him with the 'Kiss', just because he had 'escaped

lawful custody'.

She expected it was enough to ensure the man was in court and she was

right. When the current Chief Adjudicator, Madam Augusta Longbottom -

who still had not stepped down as Regent for the House of Longbottom -

banged her gavel and called for 'The accused, Mister Cornelius Fudge' to

step forward, a similarly portly man to him almost reluctantly came

forward from the very full visitors' gallery.

"And, who are you, Sir?" she asked.

"Minister Cornelius Fudge," he replied. "I've taken Polyjuice to ensure I

safely arrived before someone tried to murder me... again."

"Again?" asked Longbottom.

"Someone tried to enter my home, without invitation, the night of my...

arrest... six days ago," he replied. "I informed Amelia by owl I was then

immediately moving to a safe house known only to me for my own


When Longbottom turned to Amelia, the stern woman nodded back and

replied, "I was so informed."

Turning back to Fudge she said, "Very well. Take a seat." And indicated

the accused's chair with its golden chains. "At least you have enough

honour to come here today."

Though he looked at the chair with some fear, Fudge manned-up and sat.

As soon as he did, the chains leapt to life and firmly bound him to the

chair. He gave a quiet yelp and slightly jumped when they did.

Fudge's trial then went through quite quickly. Each of Harry's memories

were displayed, as they were in the first task, of Fudge's behaviour

regarding being informed of Sirius's innocence. Together with other

memories the man himself reluctantly submitted. The trial was quickly

moving ahead.

Harry and Hermione were not asked to give testimony, but were ready to

do so if they were. They'd already been told they'd be there for each trial

those memories were shown, just in case. They sat together off to the side

apart from the general public and the media. They were watched over by

two aurors, Robards and Hammer, who kept their eyes scanning the room

looking for trouble.

It did not pass the notice of either teen that they were right alongside a

door that led out of the chamber, but not out to any public area they

knew of. Harry suspected it was through to the Members' area behind the


When the charges were read out it was clear the man was not unaware of

them. He then immediately pleaded guilty to all bar one. That one dealt

with the acceptance of bribes. Fudge's Law-wizard was clearly under

orders not to fight the charges too hard, only the evidence given for the

taking of bribes and only seek to clarify matters when he felt evidence

was skewed.

When directly asked why he pleaded not guilty to the charges of

accepting bribes, he said he did not see them as such and firmly believed

them to be donations for each of his re-election campaigns as they arose.

However, he pleaded guilty to failing to report evidence that suggested

Sirius Black was innocent. But tempered it with saying, while it was three

teenagers who stated that without providing their own evidence, a

Master Occlumens informed him he believed the three to be under the

effect of Confundus charms. And a second wizard later told him he

believed the same.

When asked who those two were, he replied, "Severus Snape was the

first; and Albus Dumbledore was the second."

That led Harry to almost snarling in anger. Hermione just gave a sob and

leaned on Harry's shoulder, softly crying. It was apparent that Fudge's

testimony just drove another nail into the coffin of her respect for the old


Unknown to him, she'd still held out hope that Dumbledore's actions

were either unintentional or misconstrued. Fudge's evidence burned that

forlorn hope away.

"You were aware, were you not, that at the time you ordered the

dementors to be brought in to administer the 'Kiss' to Sirius Black that he

was already back in custody," pressed Longbottom, "And that he was also

the Lord Apparent of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black?"

Fudge gave a visible gulp and began to shake a little. "It... had not

occurred to me, at the time."

"Considering you held the highest political position in magical Britain at

that time, I find that very difficult to believe," she glared back at him.

"However, we have no proof, either way, on whether or not you're telling

the truth."

"Ignorance of that is not a defence, Chief Adjudicator Longbottom,"

Prosecutor Scrimgeour piped up.

"No, it is not," nodded Longbottom. "However, if he truly did not know, it

offers explanation."

"And, yet, proof was available to him," argued Scrimgeour. "While those

under-aged cannot be asked to give a vow as to the truth of their verbal

remarks, they can give memories."

"Memories can be tampered with," argued the Defence Law-wizard.

"Only by those who are, themselves, Master Occlumenses," Scrimgeour

argued right back. "And, if you argue they are Master Occlumenses, then

you must also accept they could not be under Confundus charms. You

cannot argue both."

"Alas, such memories were not offered at the time," he argued back.

"Nor asked for."

"Enough!" snapped Longbottom. "This argument will lead nowhere."

The court case wrapped up soon afterwards after almost an hour and a


The sentence was the immediate and permanent stripping of Fudge of his

position as Minister, being able to hold any position within the Ministry

ever again, being able to sit upon the Wizengamot in any capacity ever

again, fined a total of one hundred thousand galleons and sentenced to

Azkaban's light security wing, dementor free, for five years.




Next up came Umbridge. The stupid woman tried to bluster her way out

of her own trial citing she was acting under her authority as Senior

Undersecretary. And that what she did was because of matters the court

was both not privy to and could not be told.

Longbottom immediately shot that down by stating, "If you do not tell us

those reasons then they cannot be used by you in your defence. That has

been a precept of law for centuries."

Her Law-wizard tried to argue her case was special and should be exempt

from that precept due to her position, but failed to sway the Members.

Even when he demanded a vote for it, which he'd lost, he still tried to

argue for it. It took Longbottom having to tell him that if he continued to

push for it he'd be ordered from the chamber for hindering the trial

before he finally shut up about it.

It was then quickly clear to all that it was now clear to him he'd lost the

case right at that point. From then on he was arguing for leniency.

However, the Members were not in a lenient mood. She was sentenced to

ten years in Azkaban in medium security and led from the chamber in

chains still demanding she was in the right and the Members were wrong.

Looking to the Members, Harry could see many of them were both

relieved and or a little smug about her getting her comeuppance. Harry

suspected that many of those she blackmailed were sitting in those tiers.




Once Umbridge was led out Longbottom ordered, "Bring in the next


Everyone expected it to be Barty Crouch Senior. However, that's not who

came in.

Instead, yet another wizard stepped down from the visitors' gallery and

walked forward. He appeared quite thin. He was also accompanied by

another man at his heel. This one was a little more stocky.

It wasn't until he was walking forward, turned and winked at where he

knew Harry was sitting with a smirk, that Harry realised who the slender

wizard was.

'Sirius!' he thought, in shock.

It was Hermione's gasp that alerted him that she knew who it was, too.

"Harry," she whispered to him, "Do you know who that is?"

"I do now," he whispered back. "Now, please be quiet and don't give the

game away. This should prove interesting."

Looking around, Harry could see that all the aurors had tensed up, with

many already having their wands out and were closely watching

everyone and everything.

"Bartemius Crouch Senior?" asked Madam Longbottom.

"No, Ma'am," he replied, before reaching up and removing the rune-stone

'necklace' from about his neck.

As soon as the stone cleared his skin, his form blurred a little before

settling on Sirius's normal form. Unlike the last time they saw him,

however, he was wearing robes of the finest cut and materials, plus his

robes showed the Black family crest on his right breast. "Sirius Orion

Black the Third," he continued.

That had near pandemonium in the chamber, both from within the

Members' tiers and the visitors' gallery.

Bones immediately fired a cannon blast charm and bellowed, "Be silent!"

That she obviously also pumped her magic into amplifying her voice a

little was a given, as Harry could not believe someone could be so loud

without magical or technological help.

That, pretty quickly, had everyone settle back down again.

"Aurors!" she called, more quietly. "Anyone who doesn't settle down

immediately when ordered to do so is to be escorted from the chamber,

unable to return!"

As aurors began to move, everyone immediately went silent. No one

wanted to miss this, so the threat was a 'biggie'.

Once she had quiet again, Madam Longbottom firmly asked, "And just

why do we have Sirius Black stepping forward as an accused?"

"Because the man has never had a trial," replied Bones. "He was

summarily tossed into Azkaban, thirteen years ago, without one. Today,

we are rectifying that gross miscarriage of justice."

That had murmurs again rising both among the Members and the visiting


Sirius calmly walked forward and was about to sit in the chair when he

stopped and said, "For this moment and before I take a seat I will first

inform you I have both a wand and a portkey on my person.

"My wand is in a holster on my left wrist and a portkey in the form of a

bracelet is on my right wrist." And carefully moved his arms out and

away from his body.

Kingsley Shacklebolt immediately stepped up behind him and relieved

him of both. Then, before stepping away, scanned him.

Looking up at Bones he clearly said, "There are no other magical devices

on his person, Ma'am."

"Very well," said Longbottom. "Please take a seat, Mister Black."

"Actually, as I have not yet be found guilty of a crime, you should be

addressing me as Lord Apparent Sirius Black of the Noble and Most

Ancient House of Black, Chief Adjudicator Longbottom," he firmly

corrected. "Or, Lord Apparent Black in the short form."

She gave a nod back and said, "Lord Apparent Black, then. Please take a


With his own nod back, Sirius sat in the chair. The chains, almost lazily

this time, wrapped about him. The wizard with him stood just behind his

left shoulder.

"For the record," he said, before anyone else could speak. "I swear on my

magic and my life I do not now carry on my person any portkeys or other

magical foci. In effect, I am unarmed. As I say, so I swear, so shall I be


He gave a slightly muted flash as magic accepted his oath.

'Clever,' thought Harry. 'Now no one can curse him and use the excuse

they thought he was going to attack them or use magic to escape.'

As he sat, Madam Bones handed Madam Longbottom a sheaf of


The gentle-wizard with Sirius then said, "Law-wizard Edward Tonks,

acting for the defence."

As she read through it Longbottom stated, "For the record, I have just

been handed by Madam Director Amelia Bones of the DMLE what

appears to be a Dicta-quill-taken testimony of Lord Apparent Black taken

in the presence of both Madam Bones and three of her aurors. According

to the testimony, Lord Apparent Black gave the testimony while under

the effects of Veritaserum given with his permission."

Turning to Madam Bones she asked, "Do you, Madam Bones, so attest

that this testimony was, indeed, taken both by a properly functioning

Dicta-quill and while Lord Black was under the effects of Veritaserum?"

"I do, Chief Adjudicator," replied Bones.

Longbottom then gave the documents a swish with her wand and

suddenly copies of it flew to each sitting Member.

Turning to Sirius she asked, "Lord Apparent Black, do you, of your own

free will, assent to the use of Veritaserum being used upon you at this

time and in this place?"

"I do, with conditions," he replied.

"And your conditions?" she asked.

"That such questions directed to me are only asked by yourself, Madam

Bones and Law-wizard Tonks," he firmly replied.

"I can accept those conditions," she replied. "In that case, bring forth a

sealed vial of Veritaserum."

A rack of vials was quickly produced, checked for tampering and a single

vial taken to Sirius. Auror Fleming was the one to administer the

recommended three drops, which Sirius willingly accepted.

After the test questions were asked they got right into the relevant ones.

Twenty minutes later those Members who didn't already know, together

with the visitors, were left stunned and appalled.

Sirius was proven under Veritaserum not to be the Potters' Secret Keeper

on that fateful night; Peter Pettigrew was proven to be the Secret Keeper

as he verbally gave Sirius the Secret - which, unlike if it was written

down, could only be done by the Secret Keeper; Pettigrew had also

verbally given the Secret to Albus Dumbledore - which meant

Dumbledore knew it was Pettigrew, not Sirius, who was the Secret

Keeper; Pettigrew escaped that street in Manchester by sending a blasting

curse at a gas main, which killed the muggles; he willingly cut off one of

his fingers to leave it behind as evidence purporting he was also blown

up by the gas explosion, but escaped; and that he escaped from Azkaban -

not to kill Harry Potter, but to protect him, as he had evidence Pettigrew

was at Hogwarts in his animagus form posing as the pet rat of a young

boy from Gryffindor.

That took quite the while to explain and, by the end of it, the

Veritaserum was wearing off. Sirius was also quick to alert Madams

Longbottom and Bones of that fact, too.

After a long few moments and a long sigh, Madam Longbottom said, "I

think we've heard enough to prove Lord Apparent Black's innocence. Any

objections against us immediately moving to the vote?"

"I object!" called Caracticus Nott, one of those Death Eaters who claimed

he was under the Imperius curse while serving Riddle. "It is obvious

Prisoner Black has taken a counter-agent to Veritaserum. And, therefore,

he has been spouting nothing but lies."

As people jumped up in arms as to his gall in stating such, Madam

Longbottom had to bang her gavel a couple of times to restore order. As

soon as she got it, but before she could say anything, Sirius piped up.

"I Sirius Orion Black the Third, swear on my magic and my life I have

taken no such counter-agent to Veritaserum. As I say, so I swear, so

should I be judged!"

Again, there was the muted flash of light signifying the oath as given and


"As I'm still alive, I'm obviously telling the truth," he snapped back.

"Yes... well," said Madam Longbottom. "That puts paid to that."

She then turned to Nott and said, "And one more remark out of turn from

you, Lord Nott, I will both evict you from these proceedings and

encourage Lord Black to sue you for slander!"

Nott immediately fell silent, but fumed in his seat.

When the wizard shut back up Madam Longbottom then called the vote.

It was a very clear majority, almost three quarters of those present, that

voted Sirius not guilty.

And only a few of the dark Houses, including Parkinson and Nott, who

voted him guilty.

As soon as the vote was decided, Madam Longbottom then said, "Lord

Apparent Sirius Orion Black the Third of the Noble and Most Ancient

House of Black, having been found not guilty by a clear majority of the

Wizengamot of all charges this day, you are declared not guilty. You are

free to go."

"Aurors," called Madam Bones. "Release Lord Black of the chains. He is a

free man."

As soon as they did so, he stood, closed his eyes and took a deep

cleansing breath before turning to look in Harry's direction with a

twinkle in his eyes and a wide grin on his face.

"Further," called Madam Bones. "The 'Kiss on Sight' order against Lord

Apparent Black for the dementors is hereby immediately and

unequivocally revoked. Further, all dementors not having already been

returned to Azkaban are to also be immediately recalled directly to that


"Auror... Sampson; go, right now, to the Department for the Control of

Magical Creatures and see to that immediately. The first order is to have

been removed and the second invoked by no later than thirty minutes

from now."

"Yes, Ma'am," nodded one of the younger aurors before he spun about

from his place along one of the walls and hurried from the room.

"Chief Adjudicator Longbottom," called Tonks. "As Lord Black was

unlawfully incarcerated for twelve years, plus had to suffer for a further

year on the run while dodging dementors sent to suck out his soul, it falls

to Ministry to compensate the man. The defence claims the sum of one

hundred thousand galleons per year pro rata for that insult and the harm

he has received.

"Further, the defence demands Lord Apparent Black be recognised by this

body as the rightful godfather of Lord Harrison James Potter, as per the

wishes of his parents. Lord Apparent Black, as per the parents' wishes of

Harrison James Potter, was supposed to be the rightful guardian of the

then infant Harrison James Potter on their passing. A position the

defence believes was usurped by Albus Dumbledore, when it has now

become known Albus Dumbledore knew Lord Apparent Black was then

the infant Harrison James Potter's rightful guardian, magical or


"So ordered," stated Madam Longbottom. "You are aware, are you not,

that since Lord Potter's name came out of the Goblet of Fire for the Tri-

Wizard Tournament that he has been recognised as an of-age student

and, therefore, an emancipated minor?"

"The defence is aware that Lord Potter has been declared of-age; not an

emancipated minor," he stated back. "He cannot, legally, be both."

Harry knew that but was thankful this Tonks man made it a matter of

Record. He wondered what Longbottom was trying to accomplish by

having him recognised as an emancipated minor and not of-age. She was

up to something there, as she scowled back for a moment.

"In that case, Lord Apparent Black, unless there is anything further, you

are free to go," she said.

"There is one piece of business I have before this body that I consider

most urgent, Madam Longbottom," said Sirius.

"Oh?" she asked. "And what might that be?"

Turning to the Auror Shacklebolt, who had taken his wand earlier, Sirius

asked, "My wand, please?"

After the auror quickly checked with Madam Bones he had permission to

return it to the man, Shacklebolt silently handed it back.

"Thank you," said Sirius, turning back around.

Immediately holding the wand in the grip to give oath, he said, "I, Lord

Apparent Sirius Orion Black the Third of the Noble and Most Ancient

House of Black, hereby remove Lucius Abraxas Malfoy from unlawfully

holding proxy, or claimed regency, of the Seat of Black; and demand he

no longer hold that role, from this very moment forth!"

With Malfoy out of the way, at the moment, no one sat the Seat. Malfoy

did not sit a Seat in his own right, because the House of Malfoy was not a

Noble one, as he often tried to publicly state.

"Done," declared Longbottom.

"Now," continued Sirius. "Who sits as regent or proxy for the House of


He watched as all eyes in the Members' tiers swivelled to stare at Elphias

Doge, who was staring at Sirius in shock.

"Elphias Doge," asked Sirius. "Do you currently claim regency or proxy for

the House of Potter?"

Doge blanched, nodded back and replied, "Albus Dumbledore, as Mister

Potter's magical guardian, appointed me as proxy with him as regent."

The man seemed to have suddenly broken out in a cold sweat.

"Since I was never convicted of a crime that would require it, I was never

stripped of being the rightful guardian of Harrison James Potter and I

never appointed Albus Dumbledore as Regent of the House of Potter in

my stead," Sirius argued right back. "Therefore, Albus Dumbledore was

never in a position where he had any right to claim Regency or appoint

you as Proxy for the Seat of Potter.

"Added to that," began Sirius. "As Lord Potter has been declared of-age,

he no longer needs a regent. And it is also now his right to name his own

proxy. You know that and shouldn't have even taken that seat today. Step


Doge seemed to slump in his seat - or, rather, Harry's seat - for a moment,

before he rose and made his way down the stairs and out of the tiers. He

didn't even look at Sirius or in Harry's direction.

Sirius then asked Madam Longbottom, "A moment of the Wizengamot's

indulgence, Madam Longbottom, while I confer with Lord Potter?"

Madam Longbottom immediately snapped, "No."

"I call for the vote," Bones immediately cut in.

Longbottom was obviously still very angry with Harry, hence her refusal.

Luckily, Bones knew that. That's why she called the vote to decide.

Clearly the call made her even more angry. "Very well," she snapped. "All

those in favour of the indulgence?"

More than half raised their wands.

"Those against?"

Only a few were raised.

Still with a moue of annoyance and anger, Longbottom turned back and

said, "You have five minutes, Lord Black."

As soon as the decision was announced, Harry stood up from his chair

and made his way to Sirius, who then immediately laid a big hug on him

for a moment, and Tonks.

Stepping back, Sirius quietly asked, "Any ideas on who to name as your

proxy, Harry? Or, would you prefer to take the seat yourself? It would

mean taking at least one day off school a month to attend the

Wizengamot if you want to take the seat yourself."

Harry thought about it for a few moments before he said, "I do not know.

Can I defer the decision until the next meeting of the Wizengamot?"

"That's actually a wise decision," said Tonks, while Sirius smiled.

"I think so, too," said Sirius. "However, I think it might be a good idea to

give your proxy, temporarily, to Madam Bones. It will be one more vote

that will fall against Dumbledore and his lackeys in their trials."

"Good idea," said Harry. "Alright, do that."

Again, Sirius smiled and said, "Thank you, Harry. You can return to your


As Harry did so, Sirius spun back to the Wizengamot and said to Madam

Longbottom. "Thank you for the indulgence, Madam Longbottom. I do

not need the full five minutes.

"At this time, I name as proxy for the Seat of Black, Madam Andromeda

Tonks of the House of Tonks and soon to be reinstated to the House of

Black. And further, as true named guardian of Lord Potter and under

direction from Lord Potter, I name as proxy for the Seat of Potter Madam

Director Amelia Bones of the House of Bones and Director of the DMLE."

"Very well," she said. "Is Madam Andromeda Tonks here?"

Standing up from the visitors' gallery, Andi Tonks stepped down and

came forth.

"You may take your seat in the Seat of Black," said Madam Longbottom.

As the woman did so, Longbottom continued, "Let the record reflect that

the new Proxy for the Seat of Black is Madam Andromeda Tonks of the

House of Tonks; and the new Proxy for the Seat of Potter is Madam

Director Amelia Bones of the House of Bones and Director of the DMLE.

"Turning to Sirius again, she asked, "Anything else?"

"No, Ma'am," he replied. "Thank you to the Wizengamot for finally giving

me the trial I should have had within a month of first being held in

custody in November of 1981. Better late than never, I suppose."

Then he spun away and went to sit with Harry and Hermione. He

conjured his own seat there as he approached. However, he need not

have bothered.

Turning to Bones, Longbottom asked, "Do we have the next ready?"

"I believe we should break for lunch," replied Bones. "That will give my

aurors time to go to Hogwarts and bring back the next two after

Bartemius Crouch Senior - Rubeus Hagrid and Filius Flitwick."

"They're half breeds, both of them," snapped Nott. "I say we just toss them

into Azkaban."

"Lord Nott, we just got through finding a man to be innocent, who was

tossed into Azkaban without a trial," sighed Bones. "Do you want to see

the Ministry pay out yet more galleons in reparations should they later be

found innocent?"

That shut the man up again. And again he sat back in a funky sulk.

"We break for one hour for lunch," declared Madam Longbottom. And she

banged her gavel once on the bench before her. That had her then rise

and begin to walk out, followed by the other Members. They walked out

while quietly chatting between themselves.




9. Flitwick Plays Hardball

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to the proverbial Duchess of

Magic, JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high

falutin' companies. No matter how much I whine about not owning anything

related to the HP universe, other than a few fanfic plots, I do not profess to

own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful

world... Damn it!

Chapter Nine - Flitwick Plays Hardball




During lunch, where the two teens, Sirius and Ted Tonks were invited to

dine in the DMLE cafeteria at the insistence of Madam Bones's aurors and

at Sirius's own insistence, Harry and Hermione went through the facts of

what had happened over the past few days and where they knew the

Daily Prophet had printed untruths. Ted and Andromeda Tonks also sat

near them, but left the three to chat quietly among themselves.

Harry was surprised Andromeda had not joined the other Members in the

Members' own dining room, but quickly realised she and her husband

rarely managed to enjoy lunch together. Ted worked normal office hours

out of his office and Andromeda worked shifts at Saint Mungo's.

Because they were also trying to eat at the time and neither would speak

while their mouths were full, it took almost the entire hour for the two

teens to go through it all.

Sirius did unknowingly help them with that, as he spent time just

absorbing and thinking about what they'd told him after each answer

before asking the next question.

As the hour was coming to a close, he gave a pained sigh while looking at

Harry and said, "You're right. From what you've told me Dumbledore's

been setting you up. I have no idea why, though."

"It's like he's... trying to without letting on he's doing it... preparing me for

something big," said Harry. "And I believe it has to do with Tom Riddle.

You know he believes Riddle... he who you know as Voldemort... will

return, don't you?"

Harry saw both Hermione and Sirius give a slight shudder when he

mentioned the name Voldemort. And knew, on Sirius's behalf at least, it

had to do with how Riddle had set up a Taboo on the name 'Voldemort'

when he was at the height of his powers prior to October 1981.

"So," sighed Sirius. "Dumbledore's definitely guilty of at least a great deal

of which he's been charged."

"Yes," replied Harry. "But, more than that, I believe he's guilty of all of it

and a great deal more."

Hermione nodded.

"When's his trial?" asked Sirius.

"Last," replied Harry. "Madam Bones believes she's going to discover more

evidence of crimes he's committed during the trials of those who've gone

before him. That, of course, includes all the Professors and other

Hogwarts staff whose trials are this afternoon and tomorrow, at least."




After the hour break everyone returned to the chamber.

As soon as Madam Longbottom was settled she banged her gavel and

declared, "This session of the Wizengamot sitting in judicial review is

once again in session.

"Bring in the next accused!"

Next up was the person they expected immediately after Umbridge -

Barty Crouch Senior.

Bones started with the most important of the charges against him, first -

breaking his son out of Azkaban. And, if that wasn't the nail in the coffin

that dealt his doom, the next matter was him repeatedly using one of the

Unforgivables, the Imperius curse, on that son.

Madam Longbottom gave him the opportunity to plead guilty to both

charges before they started on the evidence.

He did.

"As you have pleaded guilty to both breaking your son out of Azkaban,"

said Madam Longbottom. "And have also pleaded guilty to the multiple

use of an Unforgivable, I believe there is both no need to delve further

and only one course of action open to us.

"I now call the vote. That vote will be for not guilty of all charges or

guilty of either charge. It matters not which as they both carry the same

sentence, life in Azkaban.

"All those in favour of guilty, vote now."

Again more than three quarters voted.

"Though it means little difference," she said, "All those in favour of not

guilty, vote now"

Only a few wands lit. Surprisingly, they were from the hardcore neutrals

who believed Crouch's services of playing hard-ball with the DEs during

his tenure as head of the DMLE should mean something.

"Having voted," she said. "Mister Bartemius Crouch Senior, the

Wizengamot overwhelmingly finds you guilty. As per sentencing

requirements for a crime of this magnitude, you are to be incarcerated in

the medium security wing of Azkaban for the rest of your natural life.

"Aurors, shackle him and take him away."

Crouch was then immediately shackled and led from the room. He almost

had to be dragged he was sobbing so much.




Next led in through the doors was Rubeus Hagrid. He was not in chains

or manacles as he wasn't deemed to be a risk.

He was led to the accused chair, which had to be magically enlarged, and

sat upon it. The chains almost lazily draped themselves over him.

After the charges were read, which included conspiracy to kidnap the

heir of a Noble and Most Ancient House and endangering children at

Hogwarts with Fluffy, he asked how he plead.

"Guilty," he immediately replied in a dejected manner. "Bu' only becuz,

since it were Dumbledore 'oo tol' me ta do it, ah didn't think ah'd done

anything wrong."

"Guilty with mitigating circumstances," said Longbottom. "Accepted.

Madam Bones you may commence your case."

First, Bones started by submitting to evidence the testimony Hagrid gave

the day he was arrested. And stated he gave it under Veritaserum.

Then she began by questioning him, again under Veritaserum as he

wasn't a pureblood he wasn't exempt from being forced to take it. And

started with the night Harry's parents were murdered by Voldemort and

his role within it, before moving forward to the traps on the third floor in

the 1991-92 school year and his part within that too.

Surprisingly, she then went back a few years and asked him questions

relating to the death of Myrtle Warren, the now ghost of Moaning Myrtle.

And his role in that.

A court-appointed Law-wizard, who had offered himself as defence

Counsel, then asked him about his direct part in the girl's death and why

he was believed guilty of it.

It turned out he wasn't, but he was unable to properly defend himself

against the charges at the time. That was why he'd found his wand

snapped and ordered not to be allowed to cast magic from that day forth.

Then Bones said, "It is not the prosecution's intent, at this time, to see

Mister Hagrid incarcerated as we believe he was faithfully acting under

what he believed to be the lawful orders of Albus Dumbledore, his boss.

The law-wizard added, "It is the defence's request, also at this time, for

Mister Hagrid to be returned wand privileges. As this latest evidence has

now shown the truth of the matter, we do not feel he was justly found

guilty of facts that led to the death of the minor witch, Myrtle Warren;

which is what led to him being incarcerated and his wand snapped at the


"The prosecution has no problem with that," returned Bones. "However,

we do feel strongly that he never be allowed to be in a position of

authority over a child, ever again."

Madam Longbottom thought of that for a few moments before she

declared, "If Mister Hagrid is found innocent of the crimes for which he

sits before us today; then we shall vote on the request for his wand

privileges to be reinstated. The second part is irrelevant if his guilt is

decided in the first part.

"Secondly, because of the nature of the crimes committed against and

relating to Lord Potter, we shall vote first for his innocence and then for

his punishment if he is found guilty.

"Are there any who wish to ask questions, or shall we move on to the


When she again received no comment, not even from Nott, she said,

"Very well. Those voting for guilty, do so now."

To Harry, it appeared a little less than half voted for guilty.

"Those who vote for not guilty, do so now."

Again, a little less than half voted. Apparently, the rest had abstained.

When the tally was given, those who voted not guilty won through - just.

Harry could see Hagrid slump forward in relief.

"Very well," said Madam Longbottom. "A minority has voted for your

innocence. Therefore, you are free of that matter. We shall now vote on

whether or not wand privileges shall be return to you.

"Those who vote 'yes' for the return of wand privileges, do so now."

Again, less than half voted in favour.

"Those who vote 'no' for the return of wand privileges, do so now."

This time a clear majority voted against.

"I am sorry, Mister Hagrid," said Madam Longbottom. "Wand privileges

will not be returned to you at this time."

"Tha's alri'," he quietly said. "Ah'm now used ta not 'avin' a wand."

"You are free to go, Mister Hagrid," she said. "And, accordingly, you are

free to return to Hogwarts as Groundskeeper. However, you are not to

ever be in a position where you are an authority over children, ever

again. That includes being the one to take the first years across the lake

on their first night in the castle. Understood?"

"Yes, M'm,' he replied.

The chains then dropped away and he, quite dejectedly, rose and made

his own way out of the chamber.




Once Hagrid exited, Longbottom turned to Bones and asked, "Do we have

time for one more?"

"This one, we do," she replied. "This person immediately and without

equivocation offered a plea of guilty to all charges in advance. They are

already quite repentant."

"Then it should be a quick one," declared Madam Longbottom. "Bring in

the accused."

Harry thought it would be Professor Flitwick, he was right.

As with Hagrid, Professor Flitwick was not led in wearing manacles.

Instead, he calmly walked in with the two aurors assigned to him merely

following him along without even laying hands on him.

He directly headed to the accused's chair, which had been altered to his

stature between the time Hagrid left and he arrived, and sat upon it. The

chains, just as with Hagrid and Sirius, lazily draped over him.

Harry was beginning to suspect the chains were not just magically

enchanted to wrap around the accused, but also in such a way as to

imply the innocent or guilt of the person sitting on the chair.

Once he was sitting he was told he would be taking Veritaserum.

"I'm sorry, Madam," he quietly replied. "But, as a part goblin, I'm

somewhat immune to its effects. However, after studying it, I believe four

drops, rather than the regulated three, may in fact work on me as I'm

only part goblin."

"If you are willing to take four drops, then I cannot see any reason for

you not to take such," said Madam Longbottom.

"Auror," said Madam Bones. "Four drops, if you would."

Fleming replied, "Yes, Ma'am. Four drops." He then stepped forward and,

as Flitwick willingly tilted his head back and stuck his tongue out, the

four drops were administered.

They waited the recommended time and then asked him the verification

questions. Harry was surprised to learn he was actually 104 years old.

Madam Bones then read out the charges against him, of which there was

only two. One for child endangerment through placing one of the traps

on the third floor in Harry's first year and one for failing to stop the

ongoing abuse of a student through ongoing bullying - Luna.

"For the record, Mister Flitwick," said Longbottom. "How do you plead?"

"To my absolute shame, guilty to both charges, Ma'am," he immediately

replied. "On my return to the castle on the evening following the first

task in the Tri-Wizard tournament, I immediately moved to end the

bullying of Miss Lovegood. However, it does not forgive me for not

stopping the bullying as soon as I became aware of it, other than

reporting it to Headmaster Dumbledore."

"You will have the chance to speak in your defence later, Mister Flitwick,"

said Longbottom. "For now, your plea of guilty to both charges is noted.

"Madam Bones, you may begin."

After first submitting Flitwick's interrogation transcript, Madam Bones

moved on to both Harry's and Flitwick's own memory strands; which, as

with all others, was shown in a solicitor's projective pensieve to the


After that, a Dicta-quill transcribed statement from Luna Lovegood was


"As you can see from Miss Lovegood's statement," said Bones. "She never

once reported the bullying to any member of staff. She appears to believe

it was the fault of fanciful and invisible creatures that made her fellow

housemates behave the way they did. It is the opinion of a DMLE

authorised mind healer that Miss Lovegood is still suffering from the

effects of the death of her mother, when she was nine years old. The

woman died in her arms and Miss Lovegood appears to suffer some

measure of guilt in not being able to help her."

"Has she since been offered help in that area?" asked Longbottom.

"Yes, but her father is unable to afford it."

Harry silently vowed he'd both look out for her and pay for it, as he

utterly despised bullies.

"Very well," said Madam Longbottom. "You may continue."

"The Prosecution rests, Chief Adjudicator," replied Bones.

With a nod back, Longbottom then turned to Flitwick. "Mister Flitwick, as

you do not seem to be represented by a Law-wizard, it is now your turn

to offer evidence in your own defence."

"The only defence I offer, Chief Adjudicator, is included in my testimony,"

he replied. "However, to repeat what I have written so the other Members

may know of it, I make you aware of the following..."

He then went on to describe how he was unable to find work after he'd

retired from the duelling circuit and how Albus Dumbledore was the only

person to offer him work. Then he described how, in 1991, Dumbledore

stated he would fire him if he did not go ahead and assist with setting the

traps on the third floor corridor after he first baulked at doing it.

However, Dumbledore had also promised him that no student would be

able to get into that corridor, let alone through to the trap he had set up

and he had trusted the man.

Next he told of how he was aware of some bullying going on in the

school and, when he first came across it, issued punishment. However,

when he raised the issue of the constant ongoing bullying by the majority

of students in his own house against one student with the Headmaster,

Dumbledore told him he was to leave it alone.

"He told me it would build character in the girl, to rise above it," said

Flitwick. "And I am ashamed I didn't act against the Headmaster's order

and deal with it, anyway."

At the beginning of this school year he also wanted to offer assistance to

'Mister Potter', but the Headmaster forbade him doing that, too; citing

that the Tri-Wizard Tournament specifically forbade it and that he would

risk his magic if he attempted it. However, once he found out from a

reading of the contract that Mister Potter, due to his name coming out of

the Goblet could not then be considered a Hogwarts' champion, he knew

he could offer Harry assistance. But, by then, it was too late. That was

only two days before the task.

"That concludes the evidence I submit, Chief Adjudicator," he finished.

"The defence rests."

"Very well," said Longbottom, giving a firm nod back. "Under my

direction we shall vote on three issues.

"The first is only for guilt or innocence and we will vote each separately.

If found guilty for either or both, we will then vote for punishment of

each guilty verdict. Please remember that a vote of guilt in any crime

against a child could very well mean that Mister Flitwick will

immediately lose his job as a professor at Hogwarts."

She gave that a moment to sink in before she said, "In the first matter, the

setting up of a dangerous trap within the school in the 1991/92 school

year, those voting for guilty please vote now."

About a third voted.

"Those voting for not guilty, please vote now."

About half voted. Harry could see the professor would be declared not

guilty of that charge.

"In the second matter, failing to act to protect a student under his care

from harm within the school in the 1992 to present school years; those

voting for guilty, please vote now."

Again, about a third voted.

"Those voting for not guilty please vote now."

Again, about half voted. Harry could see the professor would be declared

not guilty of that charge, too.

"I move for another vote, Chief Adjudicator," said one of the Members,

rising in place.

"Oh?" asked Longbottom. "And what would that be."

"Given what has been made clear this day, I move for a vote to be taken

as to whether Filius Flitwick be allowed to remain a Head of House or

banned from such a position forevermore."

"Very well," she replied. "I can see the wisdom of that."

"In this new matter, losing his Head of House position due to a loss of

trust, those voting the affirmative please vote now."

This time, a little over half voted.

"Those voting for the status quo, with Mister Flitwick retaining his Head

of House position, please vote now."

And, this time, less than half voted. The professor would be losing his

Head of House position.

Turning to look at the professor, Harry could see it was what the little

Charms Master expected.

"Mister Filius Flitwick, it is the decision of this court that you are

declared not guilty of the charges laid against you. However, this court

has also found that your forsworn guilt is sufficient for you to lose your

position as Head of Ravenclaw House. A position you will never be

allowed again. Are we clear?"

"Yes, Ma'am," he quietly replied. "Thank you. I shall do my best to

recover my honour by never again falling under the sway of Albus

Dumbledore to divert me from what is right."

"Very well," she said. "Aurors, you may release him. Professor Flitwick,

you are free to return to the castle to return to your position of Professor

of Charms."

As the chains were released and the professor stood, he bowed to the

Wizengamot and, without another word, strode from the chamber. He

looked in no one's specific direction as he left.

"That's sad," said Sirius.

"Yes," said an equally sad Hermione.

"It was well-deserved punishment," Harry firmly retorted. "He did as

Dumbledore told him to, even when he knew it was wrong. He placed

keeping his job over the safety of the students. For that alone, the man

does not deserve your commiserations."

"You would have rather seen him fired?" asked a surprised Hermione.

"Hell, yes," he firmly replied. "The man is a Charms Master of incredible

skill. Plus, he's taught at least two full generations of students who have

passed through the school.

"While he stated he believed only Dumbledore offered him a job, that was

back over twenty years ago. Things have changed since then. Now, two

generations of Hogwarts students know exactly who he is and what he's

like. There is no way, for the last decade or so at least, he'd have been out

of work for long."

Hermione sighed and softly said, "I guess you're right."

Flitwick's trial was the last of the day. And Longbottom said they'd be

recommencing the next morning with Pomona Sprout's and Severus

Snape's. Depending on how long they both took, they would be followed

by Minerva McGonagall and the Dursleys.




Before they left for the day, Sirius took Harry aside to explain a few

things to him.

"Alright, Pup," he began. "Here's what you need to know. First, I'll be

staying with the Tonkses for a while. I'll very soon be bringing Andi and,

through her, her daughter back into the House of Black as recognised

daughters; and Ted as a recognised spouse of a daughter of the House of


Harry gave a nod back but refrained from saying anything, knowing

Sirius had more to tell him.

"Secondly," continued the old dog, "I'm appointing Ted Tonks as the Law-

wizard firm of Record for the House of Black. No idea who it is now, but

I consider them useless if they did nothing to ensure my freedom back in

November 1981.

"Third, while you're still going to be a named Heir of the House of Black,

I'm sliding you down the line a bit. I'm naming Andi as my immediate

Heir, then her daughter, then you. Got that?"

"Yeah, sounds good," Harry replied.

"Fourth, Andi's scheduled me for some pretty intense potions to aid me in

healing as quick as possible. So, I won't be able to visit you in school, but

I'll be available via owl. Plus, I need to collect a pair of mirrors from my

old family home in Kings Cross. They're communication mirrors and will

allow us to talk one-to-one any time you feel the need to contact me.

Again, Harry nodded.

"Fifth, during the next few weeks I also have to find time to get into

Gringotts to collect the Lord's ring for the Noble and Most Ancient House

of Black and don it. Then I'm going to need to make a start on getting the

House finances back up to scratch."

"Yeah, that's important," agreed Harry. "The goblins have informed me

how much work I've got to do with them to get the House of Potter

finances up to scratch, too."

"When I can, I'll help you with that," offered Sirius.

"Thanks, that'd be nice."

"In the mean time, keep your head down," said Sirius. "And I apologise, in

advance, I won't be able to come in to witness the trials tomorrow. I don't

think I'll be able to move much once those potions begin to kick in."

"That's alright, Sirius," Harry was quick to say. "The quicker you get your

health back up to normal the sooner we'll be able to spend more time


"My thoughts, exactly," nodded Sirius.

Just as they were about to part, with Andromeda clearly wanting to get

Sirius back to her place, an Unspeakable turned up and said, "Lord Black?

A moment of your time, if you would? It's vitally important."

After a quick glance at Andromeda, Sirius said, "Sure!" Then he turned

back to Harry and said, "Take care of yourself, pup. And don't get too

angry if the trials don't go as well as you hoped."

"I will. Thank you, Sirius," replied Harry, returning to his auror escort,

who were waiting off with Andromeda and Hermione.




On his return to the school, Flitwick headed direct to his office. There, he

pulled out a flagon of goblin ale and poured himself a healthy measure.

Then he sat back in his office chair and went over all his past actions

relating to Dumbledore, the rest of the staff, the students of what was his

own House and the student population in general.

Once he'd mentally reviewed everything - and pretty much polished off

that, plus one other, mug of ale - he pulled a long sheet of parchment

before himself and began to make a list.

This list would be the foundation of how he behaved as a Professor, a

man and a goblin from that point on.

He worked until McGonagall knocked on his door. But he wasn't finished

by a long cast.

"Come!" he barked.

When McGonagall opened the door and tentatively walked in she then

quietly closed the door behind her.

"How did it go?" she quietly asked.

"I was lucky," he replied. "Because I pleaded guilty right from the start,

I've managed not to both be sent to Azkaban or be fired. However, I've

been stripped of my position as Head of House Ravenclaw. That last, I

believe, is because I didn't act to protect Miss Lovegood from the in-

house bullying that she's been subjected to for the past two plus years; as

I bloody well should have, Dumbledore's orders be-damned"

"You'd have been fired," she said.

"Then I should have been fired; or rather, quit first!" he snapped back. "I

dishonoured myself by putting my job before the welfare of the students.

No matter what Dumbledore says... if he manages to come back to the

castle... that will never happen again!"

That last bit was said with a quiet snarl.

McGonagall was quiet for a few long moments as she stared at her

colleague. Then she said, "I've just been informed my trial will likely be

tomorrow afternoon. Pomona and Severus are in the morning."

"I figured as much," he replied.

After a second long pause, she asked, "May I ask what you're writing


"I have been mentally reviewing my behaviour as a professor over the

past couple decades and have decided I have a lot to change in my

behaviour and actions to have any hope of recovering my honour," he

replied. "I'm writing down what will effectively be what I'll be changing

of that. It will apply to my interactions with the Headmaster, you if

you're still here, the Heads of Houses, the rest of my colleagues and the


"No longer will I allow either the Headmaster... or you, if you manage to

retain your position as Deputy Headmistress... to dictate actions on my

part that are contrary to my own personal sense of honour. If necessary, I

will declare honour duel on whoever tries it.

"From this point forth I will be placing the safety of students above even

my own. If the Headmaster even so much as suggests otherwise, he and I

will be facing one another on the duelling piste.

"He will likely win. However, I will definitely hurt him before he takes me

down. If he's not already been removed from his position by then, the

disgrace of having to kill me in a duel should then be enough to see him


"At least that way my honour will be restored. If it takes the sacrifice of

my life to achieve it, so be it."

To say McGonagall was shocked at her colleague's words would be a

major understatement.

"So, Minerva McGonagall," he asked, "Are you going to pull your lips off

old Albus's arse and start doing the right thing? Or, are you going to keep

doing the easy thing... the wrong thing... and find yourself very soon

getting up close and personal with the dementors of Azkaban?"

"I..." she began, before she didn't know how to continue.

Flitwick gave her a long few seconds to finish answering before he said,

"If you can't figure out the answer to that question by the time your trial

starts, I guess I should be saying goodbye to you, Minerva. You won't be

returning to the castle."

Unsure of what else to say, she just quietly left again. Her eyes were

again filled with unshed tears. However, if he'd seen them he wouldn't

have cared. He knew the fault of her actions lay entirely on her own





On their own return to the Gryffindor Tower, both Harry and Hermione

were almost immediately besieged by students wanting to know the

results of the trials.

Before their auror escort even managed to step forward to intercede,

Harry had already lost his temper.

"Fuck off!" he shouted and glared at them all.

When they, almost as one, immediately shut up and reeled back in shock

he snarled, "You lot have no right to make even a single demand of me or

Hermione. With the exception of Hermione you all turned your backs on

me when my name came out of the Goblet of Fire - or, worse, accused me

of being a cheat.

"What, in Merlin's name, is going through that sludge you lot collectively

call your brains that leads you to believe you can, not only expect me to

tell you what happened at the trials, but have any right to demand of me

I tell you?

"If you want to know what happened during today's trials, you can wait

to find out from what's written in tomorrow morning's Daily Prophet. Of

course, a lot of that is going to be misleading bullshit; but, I really don't


He suddenly realised this was exactly the right opportunity to accomplish

something else he was looking forward to - withdrawing from Quidditch.

Unknown to anyone else, he actually hated the sport. Especially since he

was never asked if he wanted to play, in the first place.

"It seems the only way for you lot to get it through your heads you are

not to bother me is to punish you for it. Therefore, I, Lord Harrison James

Potter, hereby withdraw my services from the Gryffindor House

Quidditch Team, the Lions. As I say, so I swear, so let it be written."

After he gave the muted flash of light signifying an accepted oath, he

glared at them all. There were quite a few gasps of shock directed back at

him. And said, "Good luck winning the Quidditch Cup, next year and

beyond, without me on the team."

Then he spun about and stormed out again. Hermione hurried behind.

As they left, one of the aurors firmly sneered, "You really are all

Gryffindors, aren't you? Always charging in, without thought of the

consequences of your actions.

"There will be no further warnings to leave them alone, from this point

forth. From this point forth, if you bother either of them, you will be

immediately arrested and dragged to a holding cell in the DMLE in

handcuffs. We don't care how old you are; we don't care if you're a

pureblood, halfblood, muggleborn, squib or muggle; and we don't care if

you're eleven or one hundred and eleven; next time, it's the handcuffs and

a quick trip to the DMLE. Leniency given because of your age is now at

an end. The Department is sick and tired of its warnings being ignored."

Meanwhile, Harry was storming down the grand staircase and along

corridors. Hermione and the lone auror had to hurry to keep up with

him. Somewhere along the line, a second auror joined the lone auror and

Hermione to follow him.

What Harry didn't realise, and wouldn't have cared if he did, he was both

effusing a little magic through an aura and had an expression on his face

that promised a swift and brutal death to anyone who stopped him. He

was also carrying his wand in his hand pointing towards the ground that

was occasionally spitting out sparks as it waved slightly back and

forward as he stormed along.

Anyone he came across immediately and rapidly placed themselves with

their backs to wall and a look of fear on their faces as he passed and that

included two of the Professors.

Eventually, he exited the main doors of the castle and headed for the

lake's edge.

Once near there and about thirty feet from the large boulder right on the

water's edge, he stopped.

Then, with a roar of frustrated rage, he began casting at that boulder.

Amazing Hermione and the now three aurors behind him, his wand arm

moved almost in a blur of wand movements. Curse after curse was fired

at that 'poor' boulder. Pieces and chips flew off it in all directions.

On and on he went. He cast bombarding, piercing, exploding, repulsing

and many more. Each curse was barely, if that, a second after the

previous. And each and every one of them was cast silently.

But he didn't just stand still and cast, either. He was on the move for the

entire time; dodging, weaving, side-stepping and spinning about. Always

in motion. For those watching it almost appeared as if it was a dance, so

fluid were his movements.

After more than two minutes he finally stopped. Still coiled and ready for

action he stood there, feet spread and his weight evenly balanced on the

balls of his feet. The only sign of exertion was that he was currently

breathing heavy and was covered in a light sheen of sweat. No one who

watched what he'd done and or how he currently stood had any doubt

that Harrison 'Harry' James Potter, right at that moment, was one very

dangerous individual.

Even Hermione - who, like the aurors, stood back and watched - had no

doubt that 'her' Harry was dangerous. However, she was comforted in

knowing, without a doubt, he would never unleash that sort of force

upon her. Nevertheless, she was still unwilling to step forward just yet.

The large boulder, after that vicious display of power, had been reduced

by over a third of its mass.

What Harry did not know, nor would he have cared if he'd known, was

that his display of power had been witnessed by quite a few people

besides Hermione and the aurors. Aboard the Durmstrang ship the rails

on the side closest to him were lined with students and staff of that

school. And, over near the Beauxbatons carriage, those who wore the

powder blue were outside of that carriage and had also been watching.

As for Hogwarts students and staff, many he had passed had followed at a

'respectable' distance as he made his way from the Gryffindor Tower to

outside. Plus, there were also Hogwarts students who were outside on the

grounds at that time who were also watching.

No one of any of the three schools made a sound. They were all, to the

witch or wizard, completely and utterly stunned silent.

After thinking it was over and Harry was beginning to calm down,

Hermione was about to carefully step forward when he gave a second

roar and recommenced his attack on the boulder.

This time the casting was just as quick and just as powerful as the first

time. However, this time it only went on for about thirty seconds.

And, just as quick as it started, it stopped again.

This time he again stood still while heavily panting from the exertion.

But, after about ten seconds, he simply screamed, "Fuck!" before he

dropped to the ground and sat on his bum, still staring at the boulder.

A good five seconds after that, Hermione carefully walked forward and

sat next to him. However, she made sure a good two feet separated them.

The three aurors stayed back and well out of hearing range.

But one did softly but emphatically mutter, "Sweeeeet Merlin."

Neither of the other two, with the missing one having joined them,


Hermione waited another five to ten seconds after she sat down before

she quietly asked, "Feel better?"

He just gave an annoyed grunt in response, not even looking at her.

After another few seconds pause and, trying to make light of the

situation, she asked, "What did that poor rock ever do to you?"

He gave a snort of annoyance and replied, "It just made a suitable target.

Would you have preferred I made the Gryffindor common room that

target, instead?"

"Of course not," she more confidently replied. "I thought you would have

chosen to vent your anger on the target dummies in the dueling room,


"With the amount of power I was putting into my casting I would have

rendered them irreparable within seconds," he replied. "I think I'm going

to need them at some time in the future; and did not want to deny myself

their use."

She gave a nod he didn't see and said, "Wise."

Then she said, "If you think you're done reducing that rock to stone chips,

you're going to need to take a shower and change your clothes. You're all


Turning a wry grin to her he asked, "Not one for the scent of 'Eau de

Sweaty Teen Boy'?"

"I like your normal scent," she replied. "I like the smell of your mint

toothpaste and the light lemon scent of your soap when you're fresh out

of the shower. I don't think much of the scent of your shampoo, though."

He gave a tired chuckle and said, "Then you shall have to help me find

one that has a smell you like, won't you?"

She smiled back and said, "We can do that when you come to stay at my


Noticing the boy-wizard had finally calmed down, the senior of the three

aurors still standing back took a deep breath and walked forward. "Lord


When both teens turned to look at him, he continued, "Now that you've...

vented your ire, perhaps it is time to return to the castle? You seem to

have drawn quite the audience." And gestured about.

Turning his attention to where the auror gestured, and seeing the number

of people who were watching, he looked back at the auror, gave a

sheepish smile and said, "Oops?"

That had all three aurors grinning back. And the first said, "I happen to

think it's a good thing. I very much doubt anyone's going to be bothering

you from now on. It'll make our job much easier."

After another snort of amusement, Harry wryly replied, "Anything to


A moment later he climbed to his feet and held out his hand to help

Hermione back to hers. Once both were again standing he said, "I guess I

better go back to the Tower, shower and change."

Turning back to frown at the boulder he said, "But, perhaps I should first

repair the damage I did to this poor rock."

"No," the auror quickly said. "Leave it. It'll stand as testimony as to why it

is a very bad idea to bother you. It is, after all, only a rock."

Harry thought about it for a few moments before he gave a bit of shrug

and said, "Why not?"

Then, still holding hands with Hermione after helping her up, something

the girl was not going to let him know about as he didn't seem to realise,

he led the way back up the grassy slope to the main doors of the school.

As he neared the stairs leading within, those who had come outside to

watch him in action or were too late and only saw the results of his

actions, quietly stepped out of his way. Not one of them said a word.

That was something he was grateful for.

As they headed back up the stairs, one of the aurors quietly said to the

other two out of hearing range of the two teens, "Did you see the

expressions of those kids who were of dark families? They looked like

they were going shit themselves."

That had the other two smile back.




After walking back in to the Gryffindor common room, he stopped and

glared about practically challenging everyone to say a word to him. After

a long moment he turned and said to Hermione, "Give me about ten

minutes to shower and change?"

She gave a nod back and replied, "Alright Harry. I'll wait. I'm just going

to get changed, myself."

Once he was gone up the stairs she looked about at all the silent

housemates in the room and said, "Gee whiz; are you people stupid.

Harry was right when he said he believed almost all witches and wizards

where daft morons. Less than twenty minutes ago you people proved it."

Then she went and got changed, herself. She wanted to be out of the

'finery' she was wearing and into more comfortable... muggle... clothes.

Just after she ascended the stairs to the girls' dorms a large gaggle of

Gryffindor students entered and began to tell the others there what they

had witnessed Harry do to the large boulder on the edge of the lake.

That had quite a few rethinking any idea of approaching either of the two

teens. It was well-known Harry would do so much more to someone who

annoyed Hermione, than himself. And quite a few of those who were in

the common room that had not seen what Harry had done to the boulder

quickly made their way out of the tower and down to the grounds to see

for themselves.

Within the hour everyone, including Filch, had learned of what Harry

had done to the lakeside boulder because he was angry with his

housemates. No one, any longer, doubted his power. And the same could

be said for both the Durmstrang ship and Beauxbatons carriage





That evening, Flitwick waited pretty much until all the students of

Hogwarts had entered the Great Hall for dinner before he rose to stand

on his seat.

"Students!" he called.

That had the Hall quiet down pretty quickly. There'd be very few there

who did not know what he was likely to want to say.

Once the noise died right down he more quietly, but still with enough

volume to reach the other end of the Hall, said, "Students... Many of you

would be wondering what happened at today's trials. I'm sure you will be

given a more in-depth analysis of them in tomorrow morning's Daily

Prophet. However, I'm prepared at this time to give you an overview.

"The first trial of the day was of our Minister, Cornelius Fudge. Or, I

should say now, our ex-Minister. Mister Fudge was found guilty of the

crimes of abuse of authority as an officer of the Ministry, exceeding his

authority as a Minister, and a few others. He was found guilty of all

charges bar one. And that one they only gave a finding of no finding;

meaning they did not find him either innocent or guilty of the charge. As

punishment he was fined one hundred thousand galleons, stripped of his

position as Minister, banned from ever holding a position within the

Ministry ever again and sentenced to seven years imprisonment in the

light security wing of Azkaban. As such, elections for a new Minister will

soon be held.

"The second trial was of Madam Dolores Umbridge, Senior

Undersecretary of Magic to the Minister. She was sent to Azkaban for ten

years for her troubles.

"The third trial was a surprising one. When everyone expected the next

trial to be that of Bartemius Crouch Senior, instead it was for Sirius Black

who stepped forward."

As the noise in the Hall rose with shocked exclamations and quiet

chattering among the students he fired a cannon blast charm in the air.

"Please, students; be quiet so I can get through this so the meal can begin.

If you want to discuss what you've heard, do it after the meal has been


Again, the noise backed right off.

When he felt it was quiet enough he continued. "Evidence that

immediately came to light in Lord Black's trial was that he never received

a trial in the first place. He was summarily tossed into Azkaban without

one. If they had given the man a trial back then, there is no doubt in the

minds of anyone who attended he would never have been tossed into

Azkaban in the first place. Instead, just as he was this time, he would

have been found innocent of all charges.

"It was found that the real betrayer of the Potters and the true Secret

Keeper was Peter Pettigrew. Further, it was also proven that Peter

Pettigrew is still alive and is, currently, still at-large. An arrest warrant

has been issued for his arrest and it is expected he will be stripped of his

Order of Merlin, Third Class.

"Lord Black was immediately released, given financial compensation of

the sum of one hundred thousand galleons per year pro rata from the

time he was incarcerated until today, making it just over one point three

million galleons he will be paid, was officially recognised as Lord Potter's

godfather and the person who should have rightfully been raising him all

this time and is believed to be in the care of a Master Healer, who is

nursing him back to full health."

Quite a few students turned to stare at Harry when they heard that.

Harry just glared back, daring anyone to say anything.

"After a one hour break for lunch the next trial was of Bartemius Crouch

Senior. He had previously confessed to assisting his son, Bartemius

Crouch Junior, in escaping from Azkaban within months of his first being

incarcerated there; and the repeated use of the Unforgivable Imperious

curse on that son since that time and until as recently as the Quidditch

World Cup. For the multiple use of the Unforgivable alone, they decided

they did not need to hear any further matters raised against him and

immediately sentenced the man to life imprisonment in the medium

security wing of Azkaban.

"Following that, our own Groundskeeper, Rubeus Hagrid, faced his own

trial. Though he did not fight the two charges against him, even going so

far as to being completely up front and honest with the aurors during his

questioning, he was not found innocent, but faced no punishment due to

he having no intent to break the law. Though the orders Hagrid was

given by Dumbledore were illegal and he should not have carried them

out, he did not know that. As such the Wizengamot chose not to punish

him with a conviction. However, Hagrid has now been banned from ever

holding a position of authority ever again. That means Hagrid will never

be eligible to act as minder if a student is ordered to serve a detention.

Further, that means he has lost his position as Professor of Care of

Magical Creatures.

"And finally," he continued, before he gave a sigh. "Was my own trial."

He paused a few moments before he said, "As with Hagrid I did not fight

the charges against me; and I also freely and honestly aided the DMLE in

their enquiries. Furthermore, I also aided the Wizengamot during the

trial by providing added information I knew could harm my defence but

felt honour-bound to provide, nevertheless.

"I was found not guilty of the charges laid against me―"

That had the Ravenclaws make quiet exclamations of happiness, before

he quickly shut that down.

"... but the Wizengamot also decided that, due to the poor choices I have

made in carrying out my duties as both a Head of House and as a

Professor, I was to be stripped of the position as Head of House for

Ravenclaw. I was thankful, though, that I was not also stripped of my

post as a Professor; though, personally, I believe I should have been.

"This will give me opportunity to regain my honour; my honour, which I

must honestly judge, has been greatly harmed this past few years. There

have been times over this past many years during my time as a Professor,

let alone as Head of House Ravenclaw, I have wanted to issue severe

punishment to a student or students for incidences I strongly felt

warranted such. However, the Headmaster - wrongly, I feel - overruled

me. If he somehow manages to escape what I believe is his own richly

deserved punishment and returns to the castle, he will never be allowed

to do that again.

"As example of that... Miss Cho Chang, Miss Marietta Edgecombe, Miss

Amanda Brocklehurst, Mister Michael Corner and Miss Shirley Fawcett...


When the five tentatively rose to their feet, wondering what was going

on, Flitwick continued. "You five are the five main culprits in the bullying

and other harm that has befallen Miss Lovegood. You are also the five

main instigators in the theft and damage of Miss Lovegood's property.

On the evening of the first task of the Tri-Wizard Tournament I informed

you all... the whole House... that all of Miss Lovegood's missing property

was to be return to her by 8.00am the next morning. You've had four

days... rather than just the overnight I gave you... to comply and you

have failed."

Turning to one of the aurors along the side walls, one he knew to be a

senior auror, he said, "Senior Auror; the five Ravenclaw students

currently on their feet are thieves and have caused physical harm to

another student. I hereby make formal complaint to you of their actions

and, as much as I can in my diminished capacity as a recognised

Professor of this school, demand they be removed from this castle. What

you do with them after that I couldn't care any less about than I do now."

As the five stood there in shock before three of them burst into tears and

another, Mandy Brocklehurst, fainted, five aurors moved forward to take

them into custody.

As the five were led out in manacles, with two needing to be practically

carried out, Flitwick remained standing there with a firm countenance

and stance - even if it was while standing on the seat of a chair.

Once they were gone he continued. The pain for Ravenclaw House was

not over yet.

"It is the responsibility of the House Prefects to monitor the students in

their House and in the common areas for actions contrary to being a

student of good standing. In that responsibility is also included the

requirement they be above reproach in their own actions.

"That a student in their House has suffered repeated and ongoing bullying

almost since her first day in this school over two years ago is utterly

intolerable. That not one of Ravenclaw's Prefects spotted it and either

dealt with it directly or reported it to me or one of the other members of

staff is completely unacceptable. All Ravenclaw Prefects are to stand up

right now."

All six did. And all looked rather ashamed.

"As my last official duty as Head of House Ravenclaw, you're all fired!"

the Professor firmly stated. "Miss Quirk," he called to one of the little

First Year 'Claws. She stood and looked at him. "Miss Quirk, please go to

each of our now ex-House Prefects and take their Prefect badges from

them. Then bring them up here to me."

With a short bobbed curtsey she quickly went around the table, collecting

them as she went, before hurrying up to silently hand them over to the


As she held them out to him from the other side of the head table he said,

"Just place them on the table please, Miss Quirk. And return to your


She promptly did both.

As the small girl hurried back, he said, "I'll shall be informing my

replacement as Head of House Ravenclaw why I've taken that action, if

they don't already know, and be recommending none of you ever be

offered the position again. You clearly do not deserve it. Now, sit your

butts back down."

All six, looking very dejected to the point three - two girls and a boy -

were silently crying, sat without a word.

"I will not be elevating any student to be their replacements. Instead, I

will leave that up to my own replacement. However, even if I did choose

to elevate six replacements, I doubt very much I could find a Ravenclaw

at the moment who would not have also deserved to lose their badge if

they'd already held one. They, too, could not have missed the very public

bullying of Miss Lovegood as it was going on. As such I determine them

to be Accessories to the crime."

He stood there for another long few moments before he more quietly said

in a dejected manner, "I was once proud to be considered a Ravenclaw.

You lot have taken that from me. Because of your collective actions I now

find myself ashamed to be considered a Ravenclaw alumnus. Shame on


He then dropped back into his seat and double clapped his hands. The

tables immediately filled with food.

While their table filled with just as many delicious foods as the rest of the

House tables, the Ravenclaws appeared to barely even touch any of it.

The only ones who did were quite a few of the youngest two years and

Luna Lovegood. Quite a few only sat there for a few minutes, not

touching anything, before then quietly standing and walking out of the

Hall. Over a quarter of the table did that within the first five minutes.

Some more did it within ten.

As the first group left, Hermione quietly said, "That's so sad!"

"That's so deserved!" Harry argued back. "Again, it would not have been

necessary... and, yes, I think it was necessary... if the damned Professors

had been doing their jobs in the first place. The treatment young Miss

Lovegood has received from her housemates should have been dealt with

within the first couple of months of her first year. It should never have

been allowed to drag on as long as it has."

What had happened had no effect on Harry's own hunger or diet.

After giving it a couple hours for his meal to settle, Harry was in bed and

asleep well before curfew. It had been a stressful day that also included

him expending a significant amount of magical energy out at the

lakeside. Therefore, it came as no surprise to Hermione and Neville when

he declared he was heading for bed so early.




The next morning Harry was up and again dressed in fine clothing. He

knew the aurors would be returning soon after breakfast to take him and

Hermione to the Wizengamot chambers, as he was warned they would do

so the previous day.

Earlier to rise than normal, he rushed to the owlery to send a letter to his

account manager at Gringotts, then had to wait about half an hour before

Neville and Hermione both came down at the almost the same time,

Neville first. His letter to Gringotts, he did not want Hermione to know

about until they'd accomplished what task he set for them and he had a

chance to tell her.

They both wished him a good morning, as he did for them, before he

asked, "Ready for breakfast?"

"Oh, yes," Hermione brightly replied. "I expect we'll receive a response

from my parents today."

Neville just smiled.

As they exited through the portrait and walked down, Harry could see

Neville was now carrying himself with a much more upright carriage. For

the moment, gone was the once shy boy. Now, he carried himself with a

confidence that was severely lacking before. Once again they were 'tailed'

by two aurors, who had been waiting in the common room for them.

Harry was quite happy to see the changes in Neville. 'And, to think,' he

thought. 'All it took was for the boy to have his own properly matched

wand and, just once, stand up to his grandmother. That woman has a lot

to answer for.'

As they walked into the Great Hall there was only a bare moment where

eyes turned to them before those already within returned to their

breakfasts or chatting with friends. It appeared things were calming

down again; the still to happen court cases, aside.

He thought and was hopeful he was right his 'big reveal' during the first

task was finally starting to get that 'yesterday's news' feel to it.

What he'd been ignoring for the past few days was Ron Weasley. Since

the time the boy had flat-out accused him of having the Headmaster and

Minerva McGonagall arrested he was expecting the boy to just be biding

his time, before keeping his mouth shut got just all too much for him and

he decided to let fly with his anger again.

Ron was never an early riser, no matter how much of a glutton he was.

Over the past three years, if it wasn't for Harry waking him up, Harry

doubted the boy would ever have woken up in time for breakfast.

However, since the night Harry's name had come out of the Goblet, it

seemed someone else was waking him up. So, he asked Neville about it.

"Seamus," replied Neville. "However, I think Dean's woken him up on a

couple of occasions, too."

"You've not?" asked Harry.

"Nope," Neville emphatically replied. "As far as I'm concerned, him

getting up in time to have breakfast before heading off to classes is his

own responsibility; not mine."

He turned and smirked at Harry and quietly said, "I think Seamus and

Dean have just about had enough of him, though."

"Oh?" asked Harry.

"Yeah, according to them he's becoming harder and harder to wake up,"

replied the sandy-haired boy. "According to Seamus, he tried to wake him

three times and Dean tried twice. Weasley just mutters something like―"

"Just five more minutes, Muuuum," Harry cut in, perfectly mimicking the


Neville snorted in amusement and said, "That; plus he's told Dean to 'piss

off' twice.

"I think that's it for the both of them. They've tried to help him out and,

him treating them like that? I don't think it'll be much longer before no

one goes to wake him."

"As you said, it's his own responsibility to rise on time," said Harry. "I've

already washed my hands of him."

"Me too," said Neville.




10. Three Professors & the


Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to the proverbial Duchess of

Magic, JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high

falutin' companies. No matter how much I whine about not owning anything

related to the HP universe, other than a few fanfic plots, I do not profess to

own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful

world... Damn it!

A/N: Quite a few readers have given their view that this Harry is being a

bit of a... well, let's face it... self-righteous prick. To put it bluntly: At the

moment; yes, he is. He's been able to 'unbottle' the real Harry Potter for

the first time ever. He wants and is demanding vindication. So, people

are getting a piece of his mind whether they want it or not.

I also remind you it's only been about a week since the First Task. Try to

at least give him a couple of weeks to get it out of his system. He will

soon settle down, I promise. He's not perfect and, besides this one, has

certain personality/character faults. They will become apparent later.

And, fair warning, some might even make you cringe.

Chapter Ten - Three Professors and the Dursleys Face Justice




When the owls streamed in Hermione was as quick and eager to spot

Hedwig as she was two days previously. However, the bird was

practically already on the table before she spotted her.

"Hedwig!" she exclaimed.

As she reached for the bird, Hedwig gave a little hop to the side but still

remained within reach, and turned her head away. At least she still held

her leg out, though.

Harry just snorted in amusement.

This time, though, Hermione was immediately ready with three strips of

bacon for the owl and was handing them over as soon as she had the

letter untied from Hedwig's leg. She also made sure she was also holding

all three pieces together, so the owl could take all three at once.

With a quiet "Prek!" Hedwig carefully took all three before flying off


As Hermione was opening the envelope, Harry said, "I think she's

forgiven you now. Either that or your bribe was enough to buy you her


"Uh-huh!" she distractedly muttered in response.

Harry was pretty sure she hadn't even heard him as she was avidly

reading her letter already. And he watched as her expression went from

slightly worried to blooming into a wide grin.

Looking to him and almost bouncing in her seat in excitement she

squealed, "Mum and Daddy are happy to have the aurors stay. And they

agree that the servants' quarters would be perfect for them. The only time

that gets used is when we have a large family gathering at home,

anyway. And that only happens about once every few years, if that. And

there's nothing like that planned for the foreseeable future."

While Hermione had practically said all that rapidly and in one breath,

Harry had long since gotten used to her talking that way. So, he

understood every word she'd said.

"Sounds good," he nodded. "They still only know we're going to be

turning up there 'soon', though, right?"

"Yeah," she replied. "They understand why, though. But, it would be nice

to give them some sort of idea of when that is likely to be."

"Well..." he began. "Both Professor Flitwick and Hagrid were allowed to

return... but, Professor Flitwick did say, and we saw, that he fully co-

operated with the aurors both in their interviews with him and during

their court cases. On the other hand, though, we have no idea about

whether or not Professors Sprout or McGonagall co-operated any, or will

during their trials. And we know Professor Snape won't... nor, probably,

will Dumbledore.

"But... we also have to consider that Professor McGonagall, as Deputy

Headmistress, is far more responsible for what's been going on for the

past few years than the other Professors. And Dumbledore even more

than that.

"As for Severus Snape... well... he's just an out and out... sorry... prick!

And, no, I won't apologise for referring to him like that. So, I cannot see

him returning.

"In a nutshell, I think Professor Sprout will return, I think Professor

McGonagall will return... but, like Professor Flitwick, she'll lose her

position as Head of Gryffindor House and, added to that, I think she'll

also lose the Deputy Headmistress position. I think Dumbledore's going to

manage to escape a sentence in Azkaban, which I think he richly

deserves, simply out of respect for his previous accomplishments. But I

cannot see how he could possibly manage to hold onto any of his other


Neville asked, "What about Madam Pomfrey?"

"I don't think she'll be returning," Hermione sadly and immediately

replied. She was a bit hesitant to add more but eventually did while also

blushing a little. "I had to go to the Infirmary to get some... ummm...

potions I needed. And there was a new healer there, who had packed

away all Madam Pomfrey's personal things and was setting up his own."

Harry frowned and asked, "Why did you need to go to the Infirmary?

Nobody attacked you, did they?"

Blushing even more she quickly replied, "No! Harry. It... ummm... had to

do with... women's issues."

"Oh," he softly said, also starting to blush a little. "Sorry I asked."

"No, you were worried about me," she said. "I understand that and am

grateful you care enough to ask."

"Women's issues?" asked a confused Neville, before his eyes suddenly

widened and he quickly looked away while blushing. He quickly

muttered, "Sorry!"

"Anyways..." said Hermione, quickly trying to change the subject. "You

were describing when you thought we could go visit my parents."

"Oh, yeah," said Harry, breathing a quick sigh of relief. "Without a Head

of House for at least three of the Houses, possibly four, added with no

Deputy Headmistress or Headmaster and also missing a DADA Professor,

Potions Professor and CoMC Professor, I don't think classes are going to

be starting back up as soon as the trials are finished.

"Therefore, I think that once the trials are done with, we should ask to be

allowed to go to your folks' place, then. If we anticipate Professor Sprout's

trial will take about as long as Professor Flitwick's and Severus Snape's

trial is going to run about half as long again, I think those two will be

cleared up before lunch tomorrow.

"Then the afternoon will be Professor McGonagall and the Dursleys. Hers

will be shorter than Snape's but longer than Sprout's, because they'll be

including what happened on the night my parents died and me being

dumped at the Dursleys. She was there when that happened.

"They'll then either start Dumbledore's immediately after that or wait

until the next morning, tomorrow morning. I have no idea how long that

one will take, but it should last at least the whole day. However, it might

run well into the next day, too.

"I don't think there's any other trials we need to worry about. So, I think

we can plan to leave in two days, or maybe three. How does that work

for you?"

"Yeah," she replied. "That'll put us towards the end of the working week.

Mum and Daddy will be at work, but I think we're old enough to take

care of ourselves until they get home; don't you?"

"Yeah, I think we can find something to do," he replied. "Maybe we can

go shopping, so I can buy some decent muggle clothes."

"Oh, if we're going to do that then we're going to have to wait until Mum

gets home, possibly even the weekend" she grinned. "That's something

Mum would love to do with us."

"If you want," he shrugged. "Then maybe you can show me around the





Right on time the same four aurors as the previous day turned up to

escort the two of them to the Wizengamot chamber.

However, this time, they were joined by Neville, who asked to tag along.

Robards just shrugged his shoulders and said, "No skin off my nose. Three

is no different than escorting two." Looking at him directly he said, "But,

like these two, if one of us tell you to do something, including something

like diving into mud, you will do it. Am I clear?" Then stared at the boy

until he responded.

"Umm... yes Auror," Neville replied with a little head bob. "Understood."

Robards simply gave a nod back before he turned away again. "Time to

leave," he quietly said.




As with the previous day the now three were sat on seats on the main

floor of the chamber next to the door leading out of the room to where

Harry now knew led to the Members' private area. From the door sat

Harry, then Hermione, then Neville. Today, the two aurors standing

guard over them were Robards and Hammer; for this session, at least.

When the Members' filed in Longbottom turned to look in Harry's

direction as she sat down. And this time she saw Neville sitting there. She

immediately beckoned one of the aurors over and quietly leaned over her

desk to ask him something, gesturing towards Neville.

That auror then asked Robards a question and then returned to

Longbottom, before saying something to her. Longbottom didn't look

happy, but she didn't say anything after that.

Instead, she banged her gavel once and called, "Bring in the accused!"

Pomona Sprout was led in and, again not wearing manacles or chains,

was led directly to the defendant's chair. Again the chains draped lazily

over her.

Her case went in a very similar direction as Flitwick's. However, she

made no comment about Veritaserum other than to give her assent to the

use of such.

Her case ended up even shorter than Flitwick's as it did not also include

the issue of bullying of a single student supposedly under her care.

When the vote was called she was found not guilty of all charges but,

different to Flitwick's, she was not stripped of her Head of House

position. Instead, she was warned that she was very lucky to have

escaped punishment and further warned that, if there were any further

incidences on her part in risks to the student body, she would be both

summarily sacked and could expect a stay in Azkaban.

A very relieved Pomona Sprout was able to walk out of the court a free

witch, okay to return to her duties at Hogwarts including as Head of

House for Hufflepuff. At that moment it meant she was now the senior-

most staff member of the school.




Next led in was Severus Snape. However, he was led in wearing full

chains on both his wrists and linked to similar chains on his ankles. The

ones on his ankles clearly allowed him only very short steps; so he

entered with more of a shuffle than a walk. He was almost forced into the

chair of the accused and this time the golden chains also tightly bound

him in place.

His trial, as with the previous, immediately started with Madam Bones

handing over a Dicta-quill taken statement made while Snape was under

the effects of Veritaserum. However, Madam Bones also said Snape had

to be forced to take it, with the use of auror grade charms to hold his

mouth open and stick out his tongue.

She further claimed the interrogation was made under duress of the

defendant and he fought them the entire way.

"Further, Chief Adjudicator," she went on to say, "Due to his status as a

Master Occlumense and his determination not to co-operate with us in

our questions and deliberations, I recommend four drops of Veritaserum

if you wish to question him any further today."

Longbottom only appeared to be listening with half an ear as she scanned

through the interrogation transcript. "Then, let it be four drops; so

ordered. But, not yet."

After she scanned through the transcript herself, Longbottom made cause

for copies of it to distribute to all Members, just as she did the previous


"I've got to learn that spell," muttered Hermione.

Neville, who'd heard, whispered back, "It's a feature built into the Chief's

desk. I also think there's an 'echo' of it built into the Scribe's desk, so the

Scribe can do the same thing. Gran told me about it."

Once the copies had been distributed Longbottom looked back at Snape

for a moment before she said, "Madam Bones, the charges, if you would."

Once they were read out she then turned to Snape and asked, "Severus

Tobias Snape, having heard the charges laid against you this day, how do

you plead?"

"Not guilty!" he snarled back.

Thus began quite the long trial. Snape was charged with various crimes,

less than half of which were related to his position and behaviour as both

Professor and Potions Master at Hogwarts.

But the nail in Snape's coffin, as far as Harry was concerned, was when it

became public he was the one that directed Riddle towards the Potters.

For Neville, it was finding out he had also directed Riddle at the

Longbottoms and would have gone after the Longbottoms next if he

hadn't been stopped by what happened at Potter Cottage.

At that point, Augusta Longbottom called an immediate halt to the trial.

She'd banged her gavel so hard Harry felt she was surely about to snap

the handle of it.

While everyone could see her sit there in complete fury for a long few

moments, she finally snapped out, "My... apologies. However, I feel that,

given this... given Mister Snape's recent testimony of how he'd directed

that sociopath at, not just the Potters, but also at my son, his wife and my

grandson... I believe I have to recuse myself from being Chief Adjudicator

for this trial from this point forward. I have too much of a vested interest.

As she rose from her seat, still staring in heightened anger at Snape, Lord

Miles Ogden stood and said, "I'll do it. So far, it seems, I have no such

vested interest."

Longbottom spun on her foot and stalked over to the Longbottom seat,

before she sat with a thump. And Ogden moved down to sit at the Chief

Adjudicator's seat.

That ended up being the only change and he ordered Bones to continue

with the Interrogation.

When it was learned, by his own words, Snape had used the three

Unforgivables on numerous and various occasions while serving as a

Death Eater, there was really only one sentence he could be given. With

an overwhelming majority vote, Severus Snape was sent to Azkaban for

life in the maximum security wing. He'd be joining the likes of the

LeStranges, Rookwood, Avery and the recently returned Crouch Junior.

When he was led out of the chamber, still in restricting manacles and

chains, he walked out without a word and with his head held high.




While almost everyone who'd witnessed that had no real appetite for

lunch, a break of one hour for the midday meal was still called. The trial

had taken that long.

Rather than join them in the DMLE cafeteria, Neville went and had lunch

with his grandmother in the Members' private dining room. However, he

rejoined them just before the hour was up and the Members all returned.

He was waiting for them as the two teens were brought back to the


As soon as they sat, Neville leaned across and, in a voice barely above a

whisper, said, "Gran told me Professor McGonagall's up next. She's really

not looking forward to this one."

Using the same volume, Harry firmly said back, "Whatever befalls her as

a result of this trial, Neville, is entirely her own damned fault."

"But," tried Neville, "It's Professor McGonagall!"

"Yes," he agreed. "However, she's also Deputy Headmistress Minerva

McGonagall. And, in her role as Deputy Headmistress, she is partly

responsible for ensuring the proper behaviour of, not just the students,

but also the staff - including herself; and, sure as hell, that includes

Severus Snape.

"The piss-poor behaviour over the last three years, plus the start of this

one, that I caused to be brought to light of the staff of Hogwarts is partly

her responsibility. It was partly her job to stop it; actually, it was partly

her job to see to it not happening in the first place. In that, she clearly

failed. She refused to do her job. Today, she has to answer for that."

When Neville paused for a few moments deep in thought and then gave

an almost negligent little but firm nod and sat back, Harry knew the

other boy understood.

When Minerva McGonagall was called in to sit as defendant, like Filius

Flitwick and Pomona Sprout before her, she was not led in wearing

chains. However, she appeared to be the most dejected of them all.

Without a word to anyone, not even looking about at anything but the

floor before her, she was guided to the accused's chair. One of the

escorting aurors even had to gently guide her into sitting upon it. When

the chains draped over her and pulled a little tight, she barely flinched.

For McGonagall's trial Ogden remained in the chair as Chief Adjudicator.

A look at Madam Longbottom's face showed why. Longbottom was

looking at McGonagall with sadness.

As Harry had expected, McGonagall's trial went a fair bit longer than the

trials of the other Professors except Snape's. It even went almost as long

as Snape's. Partly, that was because they included what happened on the

night of the first of November, 1981, when she was part of the party of

three that dumped him, Harry, on the doorstep of the Dursleys.

A memory was then played. Harry knew the memory wasn't his and it

was explained it was her memory. He was just surprised she had given it

for viewing in the court pensieve, as it clearly painted her in a poor light.

However, he was not surprised by what it showed.

Once it played through and the memory faded away, Ogden then said out

loud to everyone in the chamber, "If there is anyone who still believes...

after witnessing that... that Harry Potter was ever sent by Dumbledore to

live in a big castle with plenty of servants and lived a high life, then

they're clearly an idiot."

Looking at McGonagall directly he asked, "Knowing the Potters as well as

you did... and that you clearly had witnessed the poor behaviour of those

muggle Dursleys... why, in Merlin's name, did you allow the boy to be left


"Albus said it was the safest place for him and that he would be able to

grow up without the fame that would surround him," she replied.

"Yes, we saw that part of that conversation in the memory," he said.

"However, that does not explain, after you witnessed the behaviour of

those muggles, why you seemed to agree with him and left the boy there,


"Because Albus said..." she tried again before Ogden firmly cut her off.

"Albus Dumbledore is not a God!" he snapped back. "So... what you're

telling me is that you left the boy... an infant... in what was clearly

shaping up to be an abusive home, because Albus said so with empty

platitudes and some nonsense about a scar behind his left knee.

"The only thing you are telling us with that remark of yours is that you

are quite willing to allow Hell to rain down upon a baby all because

Albus said you were to do so!"

McGonagall didn't even raise her head to respond.

After a long few moments, Ogden said, "Well, Madam McGonagall, it is

the belief of this court that you should witness a little taste of just what

hell that boy went through at the hands of those muggles."

Harry immediately stood and grabbed Ogden's attention. "Excuse me,

Chief Adjudicator."

"Mister Potter?" he asked.

"Lord Potter," Harry immediately shot back holding up the back of his

right hand to flash his ring.

Ogden had the honour to immediately blush in embarrassment. "My

apologies, Lord Potter. You wished to say something?"

"No, sir," Harry replied. "I ask permission to be allowed to leave for this

and wait outside until you are done showing those memories. And, I

further ask that anyone not of age or of stout constitution also be allowed

to leave for the duration."

Ogden gave a couple of quick blinks back before he said, "I... think that

would be wise. But, I'm going to go further."

Turning to look at the wider chamber he said, "What is included in these

memories is not for the faint of heart or the young and are deeply

personal for Mis... Lord Potter. All but those who do not have current and

actual business in this chamber are to leave for the duration."

After the chamber cleared a fair bit, with many of those wishing to stay

who wanted to see and weren't allowed grumbling about it the entire

way, Ogden started the memories.

Harry was just thankful he was able to remove himself, Neville and

Hermione from the room.

"You didn't need to do that, Harry," said Hermione. "I think we all could

have stomached watching it."

"That had nothing to do with it, Hermione," he replied. "I just don't want

to be looked at with pity from my schoolmates. And, as few people as see

any of that the better, as far as I'm concerned."

"Oh," she quietly replied. "I... didn't think of that. Sorry."

It was more than fifteen minutes later the visitors, plus the three teens,

were allowed to re-enter.

McGonagall was now openly sobbing in her seat.

When the trial finally finished Ogden called for the vote. She was found

guilty of all charges.

However, the vote to incarcerate her, lost. There was no other vote, and

Harry wondered why until Ogden returned his determination.

"Madam Minerva McGonagall," he began. "After the discovery you had

been potioned with a mild obedience potion, it is the determination of

this court that you not be incarcerated for your actions against Lord

Potter and the students of the school. However, your stated wish you be

allowed to quietly retire and return to your ancestral home is also not


"Instead, you are hereby and immediately fired from all your positions at

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. And that you be banned

forevermore from holding a similar teaching position, or any other

position that places you in a position of authority over children.

"You are free to leave. However, you may not even return to the school to

visit or recover your personal effects. A house elf will be organised to

return to you your personal effects from the school, once you have found

a place to settle. Should you ever return to the grounds of the school, for

any reason, you will be arrested for trespass; and we shall not be so


As Ogden banged his gavel to signal the end of the case, two aurors

stepped forward and removed the chains that bound her. Then they had

to pretty much drag her from the chamber. She was still quietly crying.

As she was led out, Harry could hear Hermione also quietly sobbing. She

wasn't the only one in the chamber so moved.

After her decades of service to the school, McGonagall had become

almost an integral part of the institution. For her to be dismissed so, was

somewhat heartbreaking for many. Harry, though, was not so much.

"Well," sighed Harry. "That means the school is now down a Deputy

Head, Heads of House for three of the four Houses and Professors for

Transfiguration, Potions, Defence Against the Dark Arts and Care of

Magical Creatures. If all goes as I do not expect tomorrow, then we'll also

be down a Headmaster.

"I cannot see those positions being filled enough in the near future for us

not to be allowed to leave the school for a time."




The next trial was of the Dursleys. Harry was surprised to see Marjorie

Dursley also led in. When they were brought forward to the now three

defendant's chairs with their golden chains, Vernon was clearly trying to

yell and bluster; as was Marjorie, his sister. However, there was no

sound. The Dursleys were under a silencing charm.

Vernon and Petunia were charged with ten counts of child abuse

physical, ten counts of child abuse psychological, ten counts of child

neglect, ten counts of abuse of a child of a Noble and Most Ancient House

and ten counts of neglect of a child of a Noble and Most Ancient House.

Marjorie Dursley was charged with five counts of child abuse physical,

two counts of child abuse psychological, three counts of failing to control

an animal under her care, two counts of unlawfully directing an animal

to attack and five counts of abuse of a child of a Noble and Most Ancient


After the charges were read out, Harry gestured for Auror Hammer to

lean in close and asked, "Why ten?"

"Because ten is the number determined to mean that there is more than

that, but they simply choose to stop at ten as proving any more is, by that

time, pointless; the sentence is the same," she replied.

"Ah!" he nodded. "Thank you."

She gently smiled at him, gave a nod and moved back to her position.

When it came to the point Ogden was calling for memories to be

displayed in the pensieve, Harry again stood and asked for that part of

the trial be a closed session. Ogden was quick to agree.

Turning to the aurors Ogden said, "Aurors; clear the chamber of non-

essential personnel. As per Lord Potter's desire, this part of the trial will

be a closed session."

Again, there was much grumbling and kvetching from the visitors.

However, they left just as quickly this time as the last.

This time they were out of the chamber for a little over half an hour.

When they returned Ogden, who was looking quite pale and a little shaky

- he wasn't the only one who appeared so of those who'd remained - said,

"I apologise to our witnesses and visitors. I did not expect the time you

would be locked out would be as long as it was. However, we who sit in

judgement had to take a five minute recess to... recollect ourselves so we

could continue. We have only just returned."

Hermione gave a direct look to Harry that simply displayed one big

unasked question. However, Harry just gave a small shake of his head

and refused to say anything.

Ogden then looked with a stony countenance on the Dursleys and said, "I

am about to have our aurors lift the silencing charms placed on you, so

you may speak to me. This is to give you opportunity to refute, rebut or

clarify any of the evidence that has been presented this day.

"However, if you attempt to use the opportunity to hurl abuse at anyone...

then you will be immediately re-silenced and it will be determined that by

your actions you have chosen not to refute, rebut or clarify."

Staring at all three he gave that a moment to be understood by all three

before he indicated one of the now stony-faced aurors that stood behind

the accuseds' chairs, "We will start with Marjorie Dursley. Remove her

silencing charm, but be ready to reapply it should she be abusive."

When the auror gave a nod, swished his wand at 'Marge the Barge's' back

Ogden said, "Marjorie Dursley you may begin."

"Who the Hell do you freaks think you are?" she barked. "As soon as..."

That was as far as she got before the auror, almost at the same time

Ogden gestured to him, reapplied the silencing charm. Marge continued

to try and yell and bluster, but did it in silence.

"Miss Marjorie Dursley," said Ogden. "By your language and tone you

have been determined to have neither refuted, rebutted or clarified any

of the evidence presented against you. Your case rests."

He then turned to Vernon and said, "As you witnessed what happened

with your sister, we said how we would act and did precisely that. She

attempted to abuse the opportunity presented her, to her loss. As with

her, as with you.

"Remove his silencing charm, but be ready to reapply it if he becomes


Harry had expected him to become just as abusive as his sister as soon as

the charm was removed. However, it appeared Vernon was not as stupid

as Harry thought him to be. The few moments he had between Marge's

attempt and his own had affected him.

When the silencing charm was removed he sat for a few moment before

he said, though still angrily, "My wife, my sister nor I are fr... are wizards

or witches. As such, we are not of your world. As such, how do you dare

to presume to try us for our actions?"

"You had within your home an under-aged wizard," replied Ogden. "As

such, your home, while muggle, was also considered a wizarding home.

That means you come... or 'came' now... under our laws."

"The boy was forced on us!" snapped Vernon right back. "We were not

willingly housing him. That fre... that mongrel... Fumbledork, or whatever

the Hell his name is, forced us to take him.

"Time and time again we tried to get him out of our house. We demanded

the old man remove him and he refused us. We even tried to dump the

brat at a home for wayward children; but he was back that same

afternoon. That's one of the times Fumbledork threatened us...


"We told him, over and over again, we did not want the boy in our home;

but, he ignored us every time. He even carried on as if it was our fault the

boy had to stay with us!"

"Time and time again we even tried to get through to that pub that's

supposed to be the gateway through to your shopping area; but couldn't!

We tried to get in so that we could tell at least one of you what

Fumbledork was doing, so that something could be done. We had no way

to contact you to let you know. I think Fumbledork even made sure of

that because, when Petunia's sister was a student at your school, she

could see the pub and get in. And we were provided no other way to

contact you.

"He just kept saying things like, 'You disappoint me, Dursley. The boy is

your family. You need to learn to... forgive!'

"Forgive what?! My wife and I had plans to be a nice, respectable middle

income, middle class family. It would be her and I and our two children.

But he stole even that from us. Because he forced the boy on us he denied

us the chance to have another child of our own!

"Your own police-folk... auras... told us it was because of those blood-

thingies on our house that rendered my wife sterile. You and your...

magic... made it so my wife could no longer have any children! Your

freaky powers stole that from us!

"As for those memories you played in that projector-thingy, do you not

know what we were doing? The only way for us to get Fumbledork to

come and speak with us to try and get him to take the boy away, was for

us to hurt the boy enough that he had to show up!

"And, yes, we knew he was taking our memories. We knew because,

while he could take our memories, he had no idea we had recording

equipment of our own in place that recorded everything! It's called a

video camera! Just like that projector thing of yours could play, it records

live image and sound. We recorded everything. Then, when the old man

left again and one of us saw a little red light that showed us the video

camera was recording, we knew we had been recording something and

didn't remember it. Then, we'd simply connect the camera to our telly

and watch it all! So much for your memory-stealing magic you use on us!

It no longer works!

"Oh, and just so you know and can panic about it, our government is in

the process of installing that same video recording technology right

across the country in all public areas. That means, if even one of you

think you can hide what you've done by stealing our memories, it's not

going to work because it will have been recorded on equipment your

magic does not work against!

"And they've been installing those cameras in public areas for years. So,

there is no possible way our government doesn't have recordings of what

you people have been doing to us folk."

"He lies!" screeched one of the witches Harry thought to be from a dark

family. That had even more people up in arms.

Harry could see that Ogden appeared both confused and even a little

frightened. So he stood and fired his own cannon blast charm.

That had people suddenly shut up and gawk at him. And in the silence he

called, "Chief Adjudicator Ogden!"

That snapped the old wizard enough out of his shock he banged his gavel

a couple of times getting complete silence.

Still looking to Harry he asked, "Lord Potter?"

Harry held his wand in his hand across his chest and said, "I, Lord

Harrison James Potter, swear on my magic and my very life that what my

uncle, Vernon Dursley, has told you about the government program of

installing video recording equipment in muggle public areas throughout

the country... is completely true.

"But, what he has not informed you is that similar video recording

equipment has been installed in many private businesses and homes also

throughout the country.

"As a matter of fact, this is also occurring throughout the world. The

United Kingdom is only in the process of catching up with government

and businesses in other parts of the world.

"Further, it is my understanding that within the next twenty years there

will not be a public area within any built-up area of the United Kingdom

that will not have these cameras installed.

"As I say, so I swear, so let me be judged!"

After he gave the recognisable flash of magic he held his wand out to the

side and pointing up before he cast. "Lumos!" His wand tip lit. "Nox!" And

the light was extinguished.

"Ask any young muggleborn or -raised in this room and they will tell you

the same thing. So that the government cannot be accused of spying on its

citizenry, it has been readily admitted by them and they even regularly

update the citizenry of their progress.

"Gone are the days you can send the Obliviation Squads out into the

muggle world to remove memory evidence of muggles witnessing magic.

While that may work in some areas - because those areas do not yet have

those cameras and other equipment installed - that is no longer the case

in many other areas, if not most areas. And I know, for a fact, one of those

areas where the cameras are installed is across muggle London."

Harry didn't notice her stand but Hermione stepped forward, "He's right,

Sir," she said to Ogden. "I am Hermione Jean Granger and I am a

muggleborn and -raised. My parents never denied me information when I

was growing up in a muggle home. And I was even allowed to read the

muggle world's newspapers. Plus, in the muggle school I attended from

aged six through almost to my twelfth birthday, I had access to all the

books in the school and local public library. And I was a very regular

visitor to both.

"And, I can tell you and will swear my own oath to its truth if necessary,

those cameras are going up everywhere. They're attached to the sides of

buildings and aimed down whole streets, they're integrated into traffic

lights, they're mounted on walls or on the ceiling within buildings, they're

aimed down at intersections, they're even and often hidden in plain sight

by making them look like part of what they've been attached to. So, if

you spend the time to look about to see if you can spot one aimed

towards you, you'll often miss seeing them.

"But, it won't matter if you find them and destroy them, anyway. First, as

soon as one is destroyed, the government will know of it immediately

and have someone out there to repair or replace it within the day.

Secondly, the video image the camera takes is not even in the camera.

The recording can be anywhere up to ten, fifteen, or further miles away

from the camera. And it moves there at near the speed of light.

"If you're sending out witches and wizards into the muggle world to

Obliviate people, all you're doing is often making matters worse for

yourselves. I strongly urge you to stop doing it."

"Errrr... thank you, Miss Granger, Lord Potter," said Ogden. "Please return

to your seats."

Hermione gave a nod, turned around and walked back to her seat. Harry,

however, stayed for the moment and said, "As the person harmed by the

Dursleys, which is the sole reason they are here today, I request the right

to speak in evidence before their sentencing."

Ogden gave a nod and said, "Then I shall call upon you, once more,

before we pass judgement."

"Thank you, Sir," he replied with a short bow before he returned to his

own seat.

Ogden gave a big sigh before he turned back to Vernon.

"My... apologies for the interruption, Mister Dursley," he said. "Do you

have anything further to add?"

Vernon, who appeared a little confused that Harry had come to his

defence was a few moments before he continued. "All we want from you

now is for you to leave us alone. Stay away from us! And just make sure

the boy... nor anyone else!... can be forced on us again. Especially by that

old Fumbledork fellow. We don't want anything to do with you."

He then gave a defeated sigh and said, "You're little more than bullies,

you know that? We have no way to defend ourselves from you. And you

just... run roughshod over us. That Fumbledork fellow, when we

demanded he take the boy away, just stood there and practically laughed

at us. He was smirking, damn it! Our opinion, our wants, our needs,

meant nothing to him. It was if we meant nothing to him. Please, just

leave us alone."

After Vernon was silent for a few moments and only sat there with his

head hung down, Ogden asked, "Mister Vernon Dursley, does that

conclude your statement?"


"Very well. Since you maintained a decent civil behaviour without the

silencing charm in place, I will not have cause for it to be replaced," said

Ogden. "However, that is conditional on you remaining civil."

Vernon just nodded without even looking up.

When Ogden turned to face Petunia, Harry also looked more directly at

her and could see that she'd been crying.

"The same offer and warning applies to you, Missus Petunia Dursley," said

Ogden. "Remove her silencing charm but be ready to reapply it if she

becomes abusive."

Based on her husband's behaviour and words, Harry didn't expect her to

be abusive and she wasn't. Instead, she quietly agreed with everything

her Vernon had said and even said Harry - not the boy or the freak, but

Harry - had told the truth about the cameras and the camera they had in

their home that proved they knew Dumbledore had been removing their

memories. However, she added that she only remembered less than a

quarter of the memories that had played in the projector pensieve. And

those ones were the latest ones.

Then she added her own statement that all she ever wanted was to be left

alone and how she absolutely despised Dumbledore for putting up the

blood wards that robbed her of her ability to have another child after

Dudley. It had come very close to causing her marriage to fail.

During her own testimony she also added how many times she

remembered trying to get into Diagon Alley - she remembered the name -

and couldn't. And had taken Harry there to see if Harry could get her

through whatever it was that blocked her.

That led Harry to remembering one of those times.

She also spoke of how the only idea she had that her sister had been

killed was by a letter, signed by Dumbledore that had been left in Harry's

baby basket on her doorstep.

"The old man didn't even have the common decency to tell us to our

faces," she angrily snapped. "He just told us as in writing with a 'by the

way, your sister is dead' in his letter. We didn't even know how she died

until Harry told us once he returned from his first year at Hogwarts,

almost eleven years later. And we had no way of finding out."

Besides the video camera, that was also something Harry didn't know.

By the end of Vernon and Petunia's statements Harry could tell the whole

demeanour of the Member's, including Ogden, had changed. It had gone

from a sense of them wanting to toss the three of them straight through

the Veil as soon as the trial finished, to actually stopping and thinking

about what to do with them.

After asking Petunia if her statement was completed, and her nodding

back, Ogden turned to Harry and said, "As promised, Lord Potter, the

final remarks before sentencing come from you."

Harry, who had been thinking hard about what to say, quietly stood and

moved closer to the middle of the floor. However, he stayed well out of

arm's reach of the Dursleys - all three of them. Old habits died hard.

"Thank you, Chief Adjudicator Ogden," he began. "I remind you all of the

following facts. Firstly: to the best of my knowledge the only person my

aunt and uncle, Vernon and Petunia, have physically harmed with

everything they have done is me. However, I cannot say the same for

Marjorie Dursley. I do not consider the woman a bigot because she

simply hates, berates, verbally attacks and even sics that foul little beast

of a dog of hers onto everyone, irrespective of their background unless

they're named Dursley. So, please do not judge my aunt and uncle on the

behaviour of Marjorie Dursley and vice versa.

"Secondly, what my uncle said about how the only way they could

contact the magical world was by knowing Dumbledore - and I happen to

like the name Fumbledork, by the way - would turn up if I was beaten to

see me healed? That, too, makes a lot of sense. I mean, think about it. As

they have testified, they could not go to Diagon Alley. I doubt, very

much, they know how to find Saint Mungo's or the Ministry of Magic; as

they've never had cause to be shown either. They cannot get to

Hogsmeade or Hogwarts. They do not have access to a floo. They do not

have access to portkeys. They cannot apparate and, even if they could,

they do not know where to apparate to. They do not have an owl, nor can

they purchase one because they couldn't get into the Alley. They do not

own house elves, nor could they purchase one for the same reason. And

they do not know where any other magical lives. So, they had no way to

contact anyone in the magical world. All, that is, except Dumbledore;

and, even then, only by triggering Dumbledore's little blood monitoring

trinkets that were illegally attached to my health and well-being."

Holding his arms out to his side in a major shrug gesture he turned on

the spot. "How... else... would they have contacted him or any other


Turning back to the Members he asked, "And, how was this possible? How

was Dumbledore able to do this? It's quite simple." Jabbing his index

finger at various Members he said, "Because you let him! And, you! And,

you! And all of you who sat on those seats back in November of 1981.

The law was on your books as to what was and is supposed to happen

regarding the dispensation and handling of an orphaned wizarding child.

It's even more specific when that child is the heir of a Noble House, let

alone a Noble and Most Ancient House. And, yet, you all decided... just

because Dumbledore said so... 'You know those laws we're supposed to

obey? Fuck 'em! Let Dumbledore deal with the little brat; because it

means we won't have to!'

"So, that all means that, while you're in the process of deciding the fate of

my aunt and uncle - I really couldn't care any less than I do right now

what you do with 'Marge the Barge' - remember this: You, too, should be

sitting down there being sat on in judgement of your own actions

regarding my being sent to the Dursleys.

"As the victim here, I'm telling you I do not want to see them gaoled. I

do, however, want to see whatever these blood wards that are on their

property, plus any others, be immediately removed if they haven't

already. And I want them to be granted their wish that they not be

bothered with any witch or wizard in the future. To that end, I want a

Wizard Notice-Me-Not placed on their property and for it to be

monitored by the DMLE and, any witch or wizard who manages to get

past that Notice-Me-Not ward, find themselves immediately transported

into a DMLE cell so the aurors can deal with them; and that includes me.

"Thank you, Chief Adjudicator, for the opportunity to speak." Then he

spun on his foot and stalked back to his chair and quietly sat down again.

No, Harry did not want the Wizengamot to decide the fate of his

relatives. Harry wanted to decide their fate, himself; but not until he'd

taken plenty of time to look back on his 'incarceration' at Privet Drive

without being swayed by his temper and anger. He'd deal with them, in

his own way, once he'd completed his schooling.

It took about five to ten seconds before Ogden seemed to shake himself

out of his shock and say, "Errr... Thank you, Mister... I mean Lord Potter."

The end result was Vernon and Petunia, plus Dudley as he still lived

there, got exactly what Harry wanted. But Marge the Barge was taken

back home, had her memories of the magical world Obliviated, but also

had all her bulldogs euthanised, so she could never again sic them on

anyone - and that included her prize hound, Ripper.

Aside from the chamber, Madam Bones also later informed him that

Marge's attitude was readjusted so that she would never again have any

desire to raise or breed any animals.

While Harry was somewhat ambivalent about the Dursleys not being

fully punished for still beating him, even though he now understood why,

he never mentioned the psychological abuse they heaped on him. He just

wanted them out of his life and he out of theirs.

No, the reason he spoke up for them and not-so-subtly laid the blame for

their treatment of him on Dumbledore, was because he knew

Dumbledore to be the greater threat. The more he could get it into the

minds of the Wizengamot 'it's Dumbledore's fault' the better, as far as he

was concerned.




As expected the combined Dursleys' trial was long enough that it was

then too late in the day to move on to another. Therefore, the closing of

the Dursley trial meant the three teens, after first being escorted to see

Madam Bones for an informal chat, had the three walking up the path

from the Hogwarts gate to the castle as dinner approached.

From the time he had spoken seemingly in defence of his relatives he

could see that Hermione wanted to talk to him about it. She finally could

hold on no longer and asked just after they walked in through the gates.

"Harry," she tentatively began. "Why?"

"Why what?" he asked back.

"Why did you say you did not want the Dursleys punished," she pressed.

"After what they did to you... and you even made it known during the

first task... why?"

"Because, as both Vernon and Petunia said, most of their behaviour

towards me was as a direct result of Dumbledore forcing me on them.

Yes, they didn't have to treat me that way. But, I also recognise they

would not have had any chance to treat me that way if it wasn't for

Dumbledore forcing me on them.

"I've now read my parents' Wills. In it is included a list of those to whom I

should have been handed to for them to raise me and the Dursleys were

not on that list. And the only reason I wasn't handed off to one of them is

because Dumbledore directly and deliberately interfered, by blocking

their Wills from being... ummm... probated, I think is the term."

"It is," she nodded.

"Right. So it was because Dumbledore interfered I went to the Dursleys,

even against their own wishes, and was then... not treated all that well."

"From the looks on the Wizengamot Members' faces when we re-entered

the courtroom I think you're downplaying a lot of that by saying you

'weren't treated all that well', Harry," she said.

"And that's my choice," he returned.

While walking she gave him another of those direct looks, but didn't push


Neville finally spoke up and asked, "So, your strategy then was to have

most of what the Dursleys did to you blamed on Dumbledore?"

"Not just Dumbledore; but, yes," he nodded. "Don't forget; I also blamed

the Wizengamot Members for letting Dumbledore do it in the first place.

They ignored the law that was in place, for a reason, and just decided to

let Dumbledore deal with me.

"If they had refused Dumbledore simply by citing the law, then

Dumbledore would have had no choice but to hand me over to the people

who should have rightfully raised me. I just never mentioned that might

not have been the right idea, either."

"Who was first on the list, Harry?" asked Hermione. "That is, if you're

willing to share."

She'd learned from him cutting her down about asking questions she

shouldn't a few days earlier.

Harry thought about it for a few moments before he softly replied,

"Neville's parents."

That had Neville almost trip over his own feet, so great was his surprise.

"Really?!" he squeaked.

"Yeah, Nev; really," he quietly replied. "Don't forget; your parents and you

weren't attacked until five days after what happened to my parents. I

should have been with you, by then."

"I..." the boy stuttered. "Wow."

Hermione had gone quiet and, when Harry looked at her, he could see

she was furious but keeping it to herself. He knew she was processing

what she'd learned.

Neville didn't appear as angry, but Harry could see the boy was still quite

perturbed by what he'd heard.

"You and I should have grown up as brothers," he eventually said.


"Dumbledore's a bastard," the boy finally said.


Hermione never said a word to tell him off for his language.




That evening's meal had Professor Flitwick again stand and given an

announcement at what the determinations had been as a result of the


"That means the following," he said. "Professor Pomona Sprout will be

returning to teach classes and also managed to retain her position as

Head of House Hufflepuff. Both Severus Snape and Minerva McGonagall

will not be returning. Severus Snape has been sentenced to Life in

Azkaban, while Minerva McGonagall was sacked and allowed to

immediately retire to her home in the Scottish Highlands. She has been

forbidden from ever holding a teaching position, again.

"That means we are down the following: We do not have a Deputy

Headmistress, or Head of three Houses. We are also down Professors to

teach Transfiguration, Potions, Care of Magical Creatures and, of course,

Defence Against the Dark Arts.

"Professor Sprout, the only current Head of a Hogwarts House - and,

therefore, the current most senior member of staff - is, at this moment, in

talks with the School Board as to how we proceed from here. Both her

and I believe we do not have the capacity to recommence classes in the

near future. And that is what she will be telling them.

"After speaking with Madam Bones and Madam Marchbanks of the

Wizarding Examinations Authority about the situation as it stands, those

who wish to take up the School Board's offer to be allowed to go back

home in the interim we recommend you give your names to any of the

current teaching staff. That staff will then hand those names in to

Professor Sprout, who will liaise with the School Board to organise two-

directional single use portkeys between the school and your home.

"For those who do not know, Albus Dumbledore's trial will be tomorrow.

His will be the last of the staff who have faced trial.

"If, by some chance, he manages to hold on to his position as Headmaster

- which many of us seriously doubt, based on the information that has

come to light - that will be yet another position that will require being

filled before we can consider ourselves, once again, a school. The School

Board and the Wizarding Examinations Authority will be working on the

problem of finding enough qualified staff to fill the vacant positions; but

it is going to take them time."

A senior Hufflepuff raised their hand.

"Misterrrrr... Blenkinsop?" asked Flitwick, seeing the hand.

"Yes, Sir," said the student. "For those of us with plans to head home, I

think many of us need to tell our families when we are likely to start

arriving. Can you give us some idea?"

"A fair question," replied Flitwick. "At this time, it is likely we will begin

sending folks home as tomorrow or the next day. When each of you will

be able to head home is unknown at this time. The main reason for that

is we need to know how many of you will be wanting to head home, as it

will determine how many portkeys will need to be made."

"Wouldn't the number be reduced if some of us can organise with our

parents to come and pick us up from here?" the student added. "I mean,

that will then reduce the number of portkeys, would it not?"

Harry gave a snort of amusement at both the question and the expression

of shocked embarrassment on Flitwick's face.

Flitwick looked at the student in surprise for a long moment before he

said, "If I was able to award points, Mister Blenkinsop, I'd be awarding

you twenty right now. I'll pass that suggestion on to those who are

currently making the decisions.

"For those wishing to head home and will be submitting their names,

please also include if you'll be needing a portkey or not."

From where he was sitting on the end of the Gryffindor table with

Hermione and Neville, Harry gave a sigh of disappointment and turned to

his best friend. "They're really that daft, aren't they?" he asked.

"Hunh?" she asked. "Why do you think they are now?"

"When we get back to the common room I'll pull out parchment, ink and

quill and write down a list," he replied. "Then, you'll see what I mean."




After dinner and they returned to the common room, Harry did precisely

that. While he was writing down his list, Hermione was drafting yet

another letter to her parents.

Once he was done he handed it to her.

~ # ~

How to get Students Home

As portkeys can only be made to go through the wards of Hogwarts by the

Headmaster or Headmistress of the day, all portkeys made will need to be

made to operate from outside the Hogwarts wards. That means they cannot be

activated until the student is outside the Hogwarts gates. Therefore, other

means should be employed.

1. Students whose homes have an active floo connection can floo straight

home from a professor's office.

2. Students whose families have a house elf can be picked up by their family's

house elf.

3. Students who live nearby each other can share a portkey. (The Weasleys,

Luna Lovegood and Cedric Diggory are examples of that for Ottery St

Catchpole; however, all three homes would also have an active floo


4. Students can also take the Knight Bus if they're prepared to pay for the trip

(and suffer the hair-raising ride). This includes muggleborns and the muggle-


5. Almost all students over the age of 17 have their apparation licences and

can apparate home from outside the wards.

6. Have the students all floo to a central location outside of Hogwarts and

floo, apparate, be portkeyed or be side-along apparated direct from there.

(Leaky Cauldron or the Ministry atrium, perhaps?)

~ # ~

Hermione read through the list, groaned and appeared as if she wanted

to bang her head on the desk before her.

She quietly handed the list to Neville, who had joined them at the table.

When he read through it he gave a snort of amusement and handed it

back to Harry. "If I didn't already have plenty of examples from you

before, that list demonstrates, quite clearly, why you think witches and

wizards are daft."

"What are you going to do with it, Harry?" asked Hermione.

"As he said Professor Sprout was busy, I'm going to give it to Professor

Flitwick," he replied, starting to rise from his seat.

"Can you give me a few minutes to finish writing to my parents so I can

join you?" she asked.

"You're intending to let them know we'll be there likely within about two

to four or so days, right?" he asked.

"Riiiiiight," she carefully replied.

"Well, that time scale might be radically shortened if Professor Flitwick

passes on my recommendations to the School Board et al," he replied.

"Therefore, don't you think you should wait to finish it until after we've

talked to him?"

Hermione slumped her shoulders, sighed and began packing away her

materials again. "You're right," she quietly admitted.




11. Dumbledore's Legal Strategy

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to the proverbial Duchess of

Magic, JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high

falutin' companies. No matter how much I whine about not owning anything

related to the HP universe, other than a few fanfic plots, I do not profess to

own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful

world... Damn it!

Chapter Eleven - Dumbledore's Legal Strategy




After the three teens packed up - Neville had also been writing a letter to

his grandmother, with information he wasn't able to speak to her directly

about - they headed back out the portrait hole and made their way down

to Professor Flitwick's office.

As soon as Harry knocked on the door they heard a barked, "Come in!"

from within. And Harry opened the door to lead the other two, plus

Harry's two auror shadows, inside.

Flitwick looked up from his desk, frowned and asked, "Mister Potter,

should you be here?"

"Your trial is done and dusted, Professor," he replied, walking forward.

"As such, the need for you to remain apart from me has ended."

The Professor immediately glanced to the two aurors behind the three,

who must've indicated Harry was right because he simply nodded his

head before turning back to Harry.

"In that case, what can I do for you three?" he asked.

Harry took the step forward to the edge of the professor's desk and,

across it, handed him the sheet of parchment.

As soon as it was apparent he'd read it through he dropped it onto the

desk before him, sat back, raised his off hand and massaged the bridge of

his nose with his fingertips and with his eyes closed as if in pain.

A few moments later he removed his hand, opened his eyes and sat

forward again.

"Mister Potter," he began. "Why were you never sorted into Ravenclaw?"

"I take it you weren't at the First Task?" Harry asked right back.

"No," he replied. "I was teaching a class, at the time."

"Well, during the Task I explained that the Hat was almost adamant I be

sorted into Slytherin. However, I successfully argued that a true Slytherin

would never allow themselves to be sorted into that House. After all,

where's the guile?

"Further, I successfully argued for it to sort me into Gryffindor because

that was the House everyone expected me to be sorted into and, therefore,

no one would question it. A move worthy of a true Slytherin, yes? But,

what I didn't explain was that the Hat saw me as having the qualities of

all four Houses and would have been a credit to whichever House I was

sorted into; including Ravenclaw.

"I did not choose Ravenclaw because I did not want Dumbledore via

Severus Snape trying to rifle through my mind trying to discover why I

didn't end up in Gryffindor. Because I went into Gryffindor he did not

question it; and, therefore, did not have Snape try to rifle through my

mind trying to figure out why."

With a direct frown at Harry he asked, "Even on the night of your sorting

you knew you could not trust the Headmaster?"

"Correct," he nodded. "The memories I showed during the Task of

Dumbledore coming to where I lived at the Dursleys and Obliviating

everyone made me very wary of the old man years before I even set foot

in the castle for the first time. That was something else I said and showed

during the First Task."

"I see," he replied. "I was not informed of that."

"You had other things to worry about," said Harry.

"Indeed," replied the Professor a long moment later. Then, gesturing

down to the parchment Harry wrote his 'list' upon, he said, "I'll see that

this gets to the School Board with all haste, Mister Potter."

"Thank you, Professor," he replied. "At this time, though, I would like

permission for Hermione to be able to leave Hogwarts tomorrow evening

for her home at the conclusion of Dumbledore's trial. I am also informing

you I will be going with her as her parents have been nice enough to

invite me to stay with them for the duration of the break."

"You need your guardian's approval to leave the school, Mister Potter,"

said Flitwick.

"No, Professor, I do not," he disagreed. "As I have been forced to

participate in the Tri-Wizard Tournament I have been declared an of-age

wizard. That means I am an adult under wizarding Britain's laws; not

even an emancipated minor.

"My Godfather's law-wizard agrees, as do the goblins of Gringotts."

Holding up his right hand and baring the back of his fingers he said,

"They would not have given me my Head of House ring, if they did not."

With a look of surprise, Flitwick said, "That means... you're now Lord


"Yes, Sir."

"Then, my apologies for not addressing you as such," he stated.

"No need, Sir; but, accepted," replied Harry.

"Nevertheless, Miss Granger is going to need the approval of her

guardians to leave," he said.

"I already have it, Professor," she replied.

"Very well," he said. "Then, I take it you'll be leaving directly from the

Wizengamot chambers?"

"Yes, Professor," replied Hermione.

"Then I shall see you when school recommences, Lord Potter, Miss

Granger," he said with a little nod. "What about you, Mister


"I haven't discussed it with my Gran yet, Sir," replied Neville. "However, I

know she's been busy with the trials, so haven't bothered her about it."

"Then let me know, one way or the other, once you do discuss it with her,

Mister Longbottom."

"I will, Sir," he replied with a small nod.




As soon as they walked out with one of the aurors closing the office door

behind them, Hermione started into Harry, "Harry! I didn't plan for us to

go home tomorrow evening! I haven't even sent them a letter telling them

we'll be there within the next few days!

"I mean, even if I send Hedwig... Oh! I need to borrow Hedwig again―"

"Hermione! Stop!" he interrupted. "If we head to the owlery right now and

you finish your letter there, letting your parents know we're coming,

Hedwig will arrive in plenty of time before we do."

"Excuse me, Lord Potter?" asked one of the two aurors.

Turning, Harry asked, "Yes?"

"It would have been appreciated if we had more notice than

approximately twenty four hours," replied the auror.

"Sorry, but I think it's necessary," said Harry. "I really have little faith in

the Wizengamot actually sending Dumbledore to Azkaban, as I firmly

believe he bloody well should be. Therefore, he will have to be

immediately released as of the close of his trial.

"As he will be, that means he's going to head directly here, to Hogwarts.

And, I can guarantee you, he's immediately going to be seeking me out. I

believe I can also guarantee you one of the first things he's going to do, if

it isn't immediately seeking me out, is tossing you lot out of 'his' castle.

"Actually, that second one will be the first thing he does so that he can

then get me somewhere alone so he can both berate me and say things

like; 'Harry my boy, I'm so disappointed in you.' or 'Harry my boy, that

was a truly unwise thing to do, showing everyone those memories.' or

'Harry my boy, you must give up this nonsense and hand back your

Lordship. You're simply not ready for the strain and you should

immediately make me your master... I mean, Regent... again.'

He gave a snort and explained, "That's why I need to be gone before he's

even released by the Wizengamot. I need to be rushed out of the chamber

and away before he has any chance of getting anywhere near me.

"And that's why it is my intent to head directly to Hermione's place direct

from the chamber. That way, he won't have a chance to waylay me."

"Alright, I can see that," said the auror. "However, that's all he can do. He

cannot stop you from heading to your friend's place."

"Really?" he snorted back. "As Headmaster, he controls the castle. And I

mean everything about the castle. How hard do you think it would be for

him to have you lot all immediately bounced out and new wards erected

that will block you from returning and me from being able to leave?"

The two aurors glance at one another before they turned back to Harry.

The one who had been speaking said, "I'll alert Madam Bones you'll be

leaving for Miss Granger's home directly from the chamber on the

conclusion of Dumbledore's trial."

"Thank you," he simply said.

Turning back to Hermione he said, "Now, I believe we were heading for

the owlery?"




The next morning's Daily Prophet contained all the information Professor

Flitwick made known to the students the previous evening, but also

included what happened to the Dursleys.

Further, it also included a great deal of what Harry had said about his

relatives and how it had probably saved them from a likely lifetime stay

in Azkaban; which, as muggles, meant it wouldn't be long at all.

One Prophet reporter stated it showed Harry to be weak, while another

stated he had great courage and showed compassion to those who had

abused him so. None of them understood it was because he couldn't care

less for his relatives and only used the opportunity to show Dumbledore in

a bad light on the eve of his own trial.

However, both reporters and the other couple, who were there to write

similar or aligned pieces, did take Harry's bait and wrote about how

Dumbledore had practically set them up to fail. Then took it further and

wrote about how a great deal of the evidence that had been presented

across almost all the cases, including Cornelius Fudge's, had reeked of

Dumbledore's influence - and not in a good way.

But there was also a long article on the second page of the paper,

referenced on the front page, about Dumbledore and his achievements. It

was also joined by the Editorial, which paid lip service to his

achievements before it laid out all the things Dumbledore had done that

had already come to light in the trials leading up to his own, before

concluding with the Editor's opinion.

~ # ~


Based on the information laid out above - and we have very little doubt this is

not the totality of the wrongdoings for which Dumbledore is guilty - we cannot

see how the old man can escape a substantial prison sentence. A review of

previous sentencing for such crimes, if added together, already exceed what

would be considered a best guess of Dumbledore's remaining years of life.

However, the Wizengamot often jamb such determinations all together to be

served concurrently. This means if the most Dumbledore is sentenced to serve

time in Azkaban for one of the crimes for which he has been accused is, for

example, seven years; then that will be the totality of the time for which he

will be incarcerated.

Once a determination is reached regarding guilt, the Wizengamot all too often

take into consideration both extenuating circumstances - such as the person

committing the crime was under some form of duress at the time - and other

contributions the wizard or witch has made to the wider wizarding world.

In Albus Dumbledore's case he is, to start with, attributed as having rid

wizarding Europe of one of the darkest dark lords in recent history - Gellert

Grindelwald. Against that is that Albus Dumbledore's alleged crimes are

mainly purported to have been against young Lord Harry Potter, the Boy-

Who-Lived, who is attributed to having rid wizarding Britain of the latest dark

lord, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named.

It is our opinion those two cancel each other out. We hope the Wizengamot


~ # ~

After reading the editorial, Harry handed the newspaper off to Hermione

and pointed to both the article and the editorial.

While she began to read those he checked the package he also received

from Sirius via an owl he didn't recognise. And then just assumed it

belonged to the Tonkses.

It carried to him a package that held a small hand mirror with a note

explaining both how it worked and how to activate and deactivate it.

He'd try it out once they were away from watching eyes.

As he was finishing up reading, a little fretfully Hermione asked, "Harry,

how are we going to take our trunks with us today? I mean... we should

be taking them home with us."

"It's already organised, Hermione," he gently replied. "Dobby will collect

them and deliver them to your home almost as soon as we leave here."

What he didn't mention to her was that the little elf was also going to

stop off with them somewhere along the way and go through both to

ensure there were no tracking or similar charms on them of any of their

contents. The little elf had been making sure Harry's trunk and

possessions were kept clear, but not Hermione's. He'd be doing that

before he delivered her trunk to her home.

He also had not told her that, using a school owl, he'd already been in

contact with the goblins about security wards on a muggle home. As soon

as he had Hermione's address from her - and was surprised to realise he

didn't know it before - he alerted his account manager of it and the

goblins had secretly been by the home to put up all sorts of wards and

permanently affixed charms. Those included intent-based wards and

charms, an anti Dark Mark ward, an anti Dumbledore ward based off the

old man's magical signature (which the goblins would never admit to

having), an outside fire suppression charm, a charm that hid whether or

not magicals lived within the home (which meant they could cast magic

within the home and not fall afoul of the Decree Against Under-aged

Sorcery) and a few others. All Harry knew was it was very close to being,

if not was, the most protective charms and wards that could be placed on

a muggle home without breaking wizarding law.

Then, once Dobby took both trunks to her home, he was going to go

through the home and make sure there were no wards or charms on the

place that shouldn't be there. Dobby had already been to the home and

was aware of what wards and charms were already on the property and

would know if there were any alterations or additions. He was the

magical being who led the goblins to the property by way of carrying a

portkey beacon into the home with him that Harry's account manager

had fashioned for him.

"I still―" she began. "I'm sorry, Harry; but, I'm still not comfortable with

the idea of house elves being bonded in what I see as a slavery bond with

witches and wizards."

"That's fine, Hermione," he replied. "It shows you to be a good person. So

long as you now realise trying to get me to release Dobby is not going to

work - and that Dobby is the happiest he's ever been in his life serving

me - we won't have a problem. Again, Dobby is one of the most well-

treated house elves, ever. He assured me of that."

She gave a nod back showing she understood and agreed.

Turning to Neville, he asked, "So, Nev; heard from your grandmother,

yet, on whether or not you're heading home for the duration?"

"Not yet," he replied. "I intend to hold back after the trial and talk to her

about it."

"Good," he said. "And, while you're at it, please inform her my patience

with her is running out concerning her still sitting on the Wizengamot. I

know and understand it was wise for her to still sit the Seat of

Longbottom for the trials, but I expect someone else to be sitting that

Seat come the next General Meeting of the Wizengamot."

"I will," nodded the other boy. "But, thank you for not pushing her to give

it up before the trials."

"That's alright," he replied. "As I said, I understand."




"And... wheerree... do you think you're going, Sirius Black?" asked Andi


She was standing in the doorway of Sirius's room at the Tonkses house,

leaning on the frame. Sirius was dressed in 'work' robes and was sitting

on the bed just slipping on his shoes when she asked.

Looking up, he said, "I have an errand to run. It's something to do with

why the Unspeakables needed to talk to me a few days ago."

"You are not yet fit enough, let alone well enough, to go gallivanting

about the place on errands," she growled.

"This is only a short one, I promise," he said. "Actually, they only need me

to do a little job for them, with no risk or exertion to myself, and then I'll

be right back. I promise."

"What've they got you doing?" she demanded.

"I can't tell you," he replied. "I'm bound by an oath."

"You're the Lord of a Noble and Most Ancient House," she snapped.

"You're not supposed to be making such oaths!"

"Normally, I'd agree with you," he sighed. "But, I assure you, this one was

important to give."

Andi glared at him for almost a minute more until Sirius stood up. "How

long will you be gone, this time?"

"No more than half an hour, tops," he replied.

She gave a grunt and said, "You told me yesterday you'd only be at

Gringotts for a couple hours. You were gone almost the entire day!

"Then, when you got home, I had to practically carry you up here, where

you immediately collapsed in exhaustion and dropped off to sleep so

deeply you were practically unconscious!"

"Andi," he sighed, walking to and checking his dress in the mirror

provided. "That was not... my... fault! The Black family accounts were in

an appalling state. As you're well aware, I had to bring a lot of the work

yet to do on them back here, which is what I promised I'd do.

"But there was also the parchmentwork required to bring you back into

the family, recognise Ted as a family member spouse and recognise

Nymphadora as a daughter by blood.

"Oh!" he said, suddenly remembering something and turning to her. "If I

didn't mention it before, I've also officially named you at Gringotts as

Heiress Presumptive Black. Congratulations."

"You what?" she barked.

"Named you as Heiress Presumptive Black," he repeated. "'Dora is next

after you if you predecease me."

"Si-ri-us..." she growled.

"It's done, Andi," he firmly stated. "Don't argue with me on this. As Head

of House it was my decision to make."

When it was clear she wouldn't argue with him on it - at least, not right

then - he continued. "Then I also completed and submitted the

documentation to dissolve Bellatrix's marriage due to her not producing

two heirs as required, reclaiming the dowry, reclaiming her familial

stipend paid to her since her incarceration, terminating the stipend and

then disowning her.

"Then there was the work related to Narcissa. By the conditions of the

marriage contract she was supposed to produce at least two children

within the first ten years of her marriage. As far as I'm aware, there's only

one - Draconis. However, the contract could not be terminated due to

breach of contract because, according to the goblins, she has produced

two children. If that's the case, where's the other? I have the goblins

looking into that.

"Then, once the goblins have worked their end, I'll hand the matter over

to Ted. If he or she's dead, I want the matter brought before the

Wizengamot as a case of infanticide. If he or she's alive, I want him or

her tracked down. If he or she's not with family, somewhere - and or

they're anywhere near unhappy - I'll be collecting them and raising them


"And if they're a squib?" Andi asked.

Sirius immediately shot her a dark look and snapped, "That will not

worry me. Actually, it's what I'm already suspecting to have occurred."

Andi gave a nod and said, "If they had a second child and it's disappeared

with no mention of it in the Daily Prophet? That's my belief, too." She

more quietly added. "And, I'm sorry I asked."

Sirius paused and thought about that for a moment before he gave a

grunt and returned to what he was doing; checking himself over in the

mirror, attaching his wand holster to his forearm and pocketing those

things he would be carrying with him. "You need to think better of me,

Andi. I may have been born a Black but, like you, I'm not like the Blacks

of old."

"I know," she said. "However, you know as well as I how he or she will be

treated in the magical world. If he or she's in the muggle world, it might

be kinder if they remained there."

"Something to decide if we're right and Narcissa birthed a squib and sent

them to the muggle world," he said.

"If she gave birth to a squib I cannot see Cissy allowing Lucius to kill the

child," she said. "I just can't see it."

"I will be finding out, one way or another," he declared.

Sirius left not long afterwards. He was meeting with the Unspeakables in

an off-site location near the Black Townhouse.

The off-site location was chosen so no one in the magical world would

see Sirius with the Unspeakables and wonder why.




Again, all three teens were picked up by the aurors and escorted to the

Wizengamot chambers. But, unlike the previous day, today the chambers

were packed to capacity.

Right on 9.00am Ogden, who was back in the chair as Chief Adjudicator

for the trial, banged his gavel.

When he thought about it, Harry figured Longbottom didn't take the

chair because she probably thought as he did; that Snape didn't lie when

he said he gave Dumbledore the details of the preplanned attacks on both

the Potters and Longbottoms in October, 1981.

"Bring in the accused!" called Ogden.

Harry was hoping to speak with Sirius before the start, but the man

hadn't turned up before the prearranged start of the trial. He was a little

worried but, now that his godfather had been cleared, he knew it had to

be an important matter that kept him away.

Dumbledore was escorted in wearing full magic-inhibiting chains just as

Snape, Crouch and Umbridge before him wore. However, unlike those

three he was not wearing DMLE prison robes.

He was also without his floppy hat that Hermione once compared to a

'doctorate' cap, his glasses and the little gold rings that normally held his

beard as if in a ponytail. It was the same outfit he wore to the First Task.

When he was firmly 'shuffled' to the witness chair he stopped and fought

back when the aurors tried to force him to sit in it. "Is this truly

necessary, Miles?" he asked, as if he was disappointed in the man.

"Yes," replied Ogden. He didn't expound on that simple one word answer.

Finally, the aurors were able to manhandle Dumbledore into the chair

and the chains firmly bound him. Unlike those before him, the aurors did

not remove his manacles or chains.

"Miles, this is intolerable!" Dumbledore grouched.

"Firstly, Mister Dumbledore, you will properly address me as Lord Chief

Adjudicator Ogden or just Chief Adjudicator Ogden," Ogden shot back.

"Under no circumstances are you permitted to address me by my first

name. Under no circumstances did I ever give you leave to address me by

my first name.

"You, Mister Dumbledore, are currently Albus Dumbledore, the accused. I

am showing at least a modicum of respect for you by addressing you as

Mister Dumbledore.

"If you don't immediately change your tired old tune and start paying the

proper respect for the Members of the Wizengamot... let alone everyone

else... your disrespect and lack of co-operation of these proceedings will

be noted and I will simply address you as 'the Prisoner'. Am I clear, Mister


"Quite," Dumbledore quietly replied.

"Good," Ogden firmly returned. "Now, where is your law wizard?"

A man then stepped forward from the back of the chamber and said,

"Chief Adjudicator."

"Mister Tofty, why aren't you up with Mister Dumbledore?"

"He attempted to fire me and, when he discovered he couldn't, refused

any and all assistance I could provide him," replied Tofty. "If he does not

wish to avail himself of my services - or, apparently, the services of

another - there is very little I can do."

"I see," said Ogden. Turning to look down at Dumbledore he asked, "Is it

your intention to sit trial without representation?"

"I have no need of one," replied Dumbledore. "As Chief Warlock I have, of

course, sat as Chief Adjudicator myself, from time to time. I believe I

have the skill-set necessary to successfully defend myself against any

ludicrous charge filed against me."

Harry heard Hermione quiet say, "What an arrogant idiot."

He didn't think there was any doubt others would be of the same

sentiment. He was of the same mindset, after all.

Ogden gave a snort of amused disbelief and said, "That is your

prerogative." Then turned to Bones and said, "Madam Bones, we will hear

the charges."

Bones then caused quite a few sheets of parchment to be distributed

among the Members sitting the Wizengamot, that day. And there were

quite a few copies flying about as very few seats were vacant, due to it

being Dumbledore who was on trial.

Dumbledore piped up and said, "I believe I will also need a copy of that,

Miles... I mean, Chief Adjudicator."

"And how will you be able to read them or even hold them, Mister

Dumbledore?" asked an amused Ogden.

"Well, I'll have to have my spectacles and hands released, of course."

Ogden turned to Bones and asked, "Why doesn't Mister Dumbledore have

his glasses, Madam Bones?"

"They were found to have been enchanted, with one of those

enchantments being a portkey that was created while Mister Dumbledore

was in some control of the wards over the Ministry, Chief Adjudicator,"

replied Bones. "As such, he is not permitted them.

"And his hands will not be unbound as he is known to be quite capable in

the use of wandless cast magic."

"Ah!" said Ogden before he turned back to Dumbledore. "As explained,

your glasses will not be returned due to the portkey on them and your

hands will not be unbound due to your skill in wandless casting.

Therefore, handing you a copy of the charges laid against you seems

quite pointless.

"However, if you wish to... rethink... your co-operating with your

appointed law-wizard, then Mister Tofty will be able to both hold and

read the list of charges."

Dumbledore grumbled a bit about that but replied, "In that case, as you

are being unreasonable, Ezekiel may step forward and hold the charge

list for me."

Ogden looked at Tofty and gave him a nod, and the man came forward to

collect a copy of the charges.

Harry guessed the man already knew what they contained as he only

glanced through them.

Again looking to Bones, Ogden said, "Madam Bones you may read the

charges and commence your case."

As the charges were slowly read, Harry was stunned at just how many

there were. They included charges that Harry had not even thought

about. However, they also included charges that had obviously arisen as

a result of the previous trials, as Harry suspected would occur.

It took the stern Director of the DMLE almost five minutes to read them

all out.

When she was finished no one said a word. The entire chamber was


It remained so for a good few seconds before one of the Members, Harry

didn't know who it was, laughed and said, "Merlin! That must be a new

record for the number of charges one person has ever faced!"

That had a few chortles and snickers of nervous laughter before Ogden

banged his gavel once and said, "Irrespective of the number of charges

Mister Dumbledore faces, I believe Madam Bones will be addressing each

and every one of them..." He turned a smirk to Bones.

"I am well prepared to do precisely that, Chief Adjudicator Ogden," she

firmly replied. "We're going to be at this for a while." Her face did not

show one flicker of amusement.

That shut all the sounds of amusement up.

Harry thought Bones would start her case by starting with the events of

the night of the thirty-first of October, 1981, in a chronological order.

However, she started well before that date, and things weren't as

chronological as they were with other cases.

Instead, she addressed each case point with a collection of evidence for

each, before moving on to the next.

Harry would not presume to think himself an expert of wizarding case

law, even after having sat through over half a dozen cases over the past

few days and carefully watching each and every one. But, he quickly

recognised what she was up to.

Madam Bones was making sure everyone knew what laws Dumbledore

broke and provided the evidence to demonstrate it. Then she'd move onto

the next one. However, after a while he could see she was grouping them

into logical allotments.

Each time she proved where Dumbledore had broken a law, she finished

her evidence by stating, "I believe I have now successfully proven Mister

Albus Dumbledore breached the law of section 'whatever', part

'whichever', of Wizarding British Statute 'whatever' of 'whenever', which

states, 'blah'."

Then she would move onto the next one by stating, "I now move to the

charge of 'whatever'."

Tofty was trying his best to defend his client. He tried to argue that some

matters offered into evidence could not be accepted as they amounted to

little more than hearsay. That is, statements given by others who weren't

given Veritaserum or gave oaths as to the veracity of their statements,

were not present for the entirety of an event and therefore had a skewed

perception of it, it might not have been Dumbledore involved but instead

was someone under a glamour or Polyjuice potion, or similar. He tried to

argue that other evidence could not be accepted as it was given by

minors - Hermione and Harry - or by people who were not considered

proper witches or wizards - Hagrid and Flitwick - and was resoundingly

berated for his attitude regarding that second one.

When the issue of Harry being collected by Hagrid and denied Sirius's

guardianship of him, Dumbledore argued that Hagrid 'clearly

misunderstood the instructions he was given, which is understandable as

Hagrid is a half giant.' And added that Hagrid had never informed him

that Sirius arrived at the Potter cottage after he did and he was,

therefore, unaware of it. That was clearly an attempt to escape being

found guilty of 'Kidnapping the Heir Apparent of a Noble and Most

Ancient House', which would have meant the Veil for the old man, right


In his mind, Harry went through all the times it was Hagrid that

interacted with him and could see what Dumbledore had done. It was

clear to Harry that, over the last decade and a half at least, the old man

had set Hagrid up to take the fall should his machinations ever come to

light, which they had.

"Son... of... a... bitch!" he quietly exclaimed.

Turning to Hermione he asked, "Hermione, are you currently carrying on

you parchment, ink and a quill? Please say yes."

Without even replying she simply reached into her robes and pulled out

just that before handing it over to him.

Harry wasn't even surprised she had them.

He quickly cast a copying charm on the parchment to multiply the

number of sheets she'd given him and set to writing.

Half listening in to the trial he was quickly jotting down notes. He was

determined Hagrid wasn't going to get screwed over by Dumbledore, as

the old man seemed determined to do to save his own skin.

He hated the wizarding public media. And, though he'd not listened to

much of it, he wasn't too fond of the wizarding wireless either. Both

seemed to think 'news' was the journalist picking and choosing what facts

they wanted to report and then giving their own spin on what really

happened; even if that spin meant the reader or listener was led to a false


However, while he also thought Hagrid was even more dense and daft

than the average witch or wizard, it did not mean he was going to let the

gentle half-giant get roasted in either media as a result of Dumbledore's

claims at his trial.

No; Harry was, for the first time ever, going to give a statement to the

press. But, to ensure no journalist could claim they misheard him when...

not if... they misquoted him or misattributed something said to him, he

would be giving them that statement in writing.

Then, he would warn them if they tried such a stunt he would be quite

willing to sue the arses off them. He hoped it would be enough to stop it

in its tracks. If Rita Bloody Skeeter was there, he'd be telling her she

could soon expect a visit from his 'legal team'.

As the trial progressed it more and more appeared Dumbledore would

not be found guilty of the major ones, except for the multiple obliviation

attempts on Harry.

Even the charms and curses placed on staff and students found were of

magical signatures that did not quite match Dumbledore's. When an

expert on magical signatures was sworn in and asked if it could still be

Dumbledore who performed them, he replied, "It could be. But it would

mean Mister Dumbledore would have to have cast them with a different

wand than the one he carried."

Bones asked, "Is there any other way to tell?"

"Sorry, no."

"And, if we find that wand?" she pressed.

"Then, yes," replied the expert. "Definitely."

However, Harry knew damned well no one would be finding that wand.

It wouldn't even take a Fidelius charm to hide it, even though a Fidelius

charm was well within Dumbledore's capabilities - as demonstrated by

him placing that charm on the Potter Cottage in 1981. He merely had to

put it somewhere in a hidden cubbyhole. No magic needed. His

Occlumency skills would block anyone trying to get the knowledge of its

location from his mind.

One thing Harry did know, though, was that the wand had to be in

Hogwarts, somewhere. And he further suspected it had to be somewhere

near the Headmaster's office, if not within it.

If he had the opportunity he was going to track the damned thing down.

"What about Dumbledore's magical signature with magic cast

wandlessly?" she asked.

"The magical signature of the charms is not a match with that, either."

Then Harry had the thought that the 'wand' that modified Dumbledore's

signature might not be a wand at all. At least, not in the traditional sense.

His study of wand-lore, trying to make sense of why he had a wand that

matched Riddle's when they were two completely different people,

allowed him to think of the problem in a lateral manner.

The 'wand' - or, rather, the magical foci used to focus one's magic and

direct it - could actually be anything and any size. All that was needed

was for the core to be some part of a magical creature capable of

channelling the expressed magic; and the container, that which

surrounded the core, to be of a non-magical organic material. He knew

other materials capable of being made into wands included bone, shell,

teeth or fangs, horn, tusk, hardened carapace or even stiffened animal

hide as such examples. Plus, the organic container could only be

lacquered and polished using organic non-magical material. The

connection between hand and magical core had to be completely organic.

Any non-organic material would interrupt the flow of magic.

As such, the magical foci could truly be of any size with only two true

limitations: First, too large and the witch/wizard could not wield it; and

second, too small and the witch/wizard would burn the core out in very

short order.

It was for the second reason, Harry had learned, that some witch/wizards

carried a one-shot disposable wand on their person that was truly quite

small. He'd read of the examples of a witch who had two, they were

wooden pins used in her hair; and a wizard who had one inside a fake

finger on his off-hand.

He'd thought of Dumbledore using one-shot wands, but realised that

could not be true in this case as the curses and charms that Bones was

trying to pin on Dumbledore all bore the same magical signature; and

that meant the same wand.

Could Dumbledore have made his own? Easily. He had access to two of

the most common cores, the tail feathers of a phoenix and the tail hairs

of a unicorn. But, if he made his own, the aurors couldn't even question

old Ollivander or any other wandcrafter if they'd sold a wand to the old

man. Even then, with Dumbledore often heading off overseas to ICW

meetings, he could have purchased one in any country and wearing any


After the arithmancy expert on magical signatures was sent on his way,

Ogden called for a break for lunch. No one argued against it.




When they were again escorted into the Auror's cafeteria, Harry was

practically accosted by Sirius, who was there and apparently waiting for

him. The man basically laid a massive hug on him.

Finally getting free of the hug, Harry asked, "Where the bloody hell have

you been? If you weren't here, the first thing I was going to do is pull out

my mirror and call you."

"Off on a small job I couldn't and still can't tell you about," replied Sirius,

while he was then hugging Hermione, though not so much.

"Hunh?" asked Harry.

"Let's just say I had a job that people that no one speaks about needed my

help with and leave it at that, for now," his godfather mysteriously

replied with a 'I know something you don't know' grin.

Harry rolled his eyes at the man and said, "Fiiiine. We'll talk about it

when you can. In the meantime, are you here for the rest of the trial?"

"Sorry. No," replied Sirius. "Andi's come down hard on me for not resting

up while I'm on that potions regimen she's got me on."

"Oh," replied Harry. "You told me about that in that letter you sent me.

Sounds awful."

"Well, you'll be on your own soon. So, prepare yourself for that,"

explained Sirius.

"What? Why?"

"Because, Pup, knowing the Potters as I do... did... there is no way you

should be as small and skinny as you are. And the only way that could

have happened is if you've been suffering from malnutrition. And Andi


"So, after the trials you're going onto a similar potions regimen."

"That's something I wanted to talk to you about," said Harry. "The way

Dumbledore's trial is going there's a pretty good chance the old man is

going to get let off with little more than a legal smack on the wrist. Even

if he isn't I've been invited by Hermione's parents to spend some time at

their place.

"Therefore, Hermione and I are leaving for her place right on the

conclusion of the trial. As a matter of fact, Dobby should have already

popped both of our trunks and other effects, including Crookshanks, to

her place. The aurors are getting us there under escort; and then a couple

of them will stay with us in Hermione's parents' place for the duration."

"Alright," nodded Sirius. "That sounds like a good idea. I'll let Andi know.

But, just so you know, she wants you on a potions regimen to build you

up to what should be your correct height, weight and fitness before you

get too old for it to have optimum effect.

"If I know Andi, she'll be organising with you... and Hermione's parents,

of course... to come to Miss Granger's place on a daily basis to give you

those potions."

Harry sighed and said, "You do realise, don't you, that once she decides

what potions I should be on she can simply get a house elf to deliver


"Errr... no," blushed the old dog. "That never occurred to me."

"I think I can bet it never occurred to her, either," Harry blandly replied.

"Tell her to call for 'Dobby' if she needs potions shuttled back and forth."

Hermione tried to hide her smirk and was mostly successful. Watching

Harry demolish the 'logic and practicality' of witches and wizards,

especially purebloods, had begun to be quite amusing to the girl.

One of the two aurors with them at the time, one of the ones often with

them, quietly sighed loud enough for both teens to hear him. That nearly

had Hermione outright laughing.

Sirius saw her, knew she knew something he didn't and thought he might

have been the butt of a subtle joke by Harry. However, he couldn't figure

it out and, therefore, believed he must've been mistaken.

"Ooooh-kay," he said. "Could you also ask Hermione's parents if I can


"Of course," replied Harry. "You and me have a lot of catching up to do."

"Thank you," replied a very grateful Sirius.

With the amount of gratitude Sirius had put into those two simple words

Harry knew the man, the person who should have raised him and they

both knew it, truly was grateful.

A few minutes later Sirius had to leave citing if he didn't return back to

the Tonkses' place soon Andi would hunt him down and drag him back

there by the 'short hairs'.

"Though, I suppose I could hang around a bit," he mused. "She's currently

busy today."

"Sirius, she's busy because she's currently sitting your Seat on the

Wizengamot," explained his godson. "So, if you're thinking of coming in

to watch part of the trial she's very likely to see you."

"Ah, yes!" sighed Sirius. "I didn't think of that."

"Plus, is there anyone at the Tonkses' who's going to realise you're not

there and tell cousin Andi?"

"Nope," Sirius happily replied. "Nymphadora is busy with auror duties

and Ted's at his office doing some work for me."

"The Tonkses don't own any house elves who are likely to dob you in?"

"Oh," replied a suddenly dejected Lord Black.

Harry face-palming himself set Hermione's giggles off.

"Hey!" whined Sirius.

The same auror seemed to take pity of the recent 'escapee' from Azkaban

and explained, "Don't worry about it too much, Lord Black. Your godson

seems to have this innate ability to see what everyone else is missing.

And, by that, I don't mean things hidden by magic. I mean he sees

answers to problems no one else has thought of and problems where no

one thought one existed.

"He's been making us all look like complete idiots for a little over a week


Sirius looked at him with a confused expression.

With another sigh the auror explained, "Here's an example of what I

mean: It was Lord Potter who suggested we send you an owl to contact

you. He then saw one of my colleagues send a messenger Patronus to

Madam Bones suggesting we send an owl to you. He'd never seen a

Patronus used that way before; but, within moments, asked why we

didn't send one of those to you.

"Then, after my colleague immediately sent a second Patronus to Madam

Bones relaying that idea, he then asked why hadn't anyone sent a house

elf to you carrying a note.

"The aurors had been trying to track you down for more than a year. We

had our best minds on the problem for that whole time and your godson

told us three different methods to get in contact with you, with the first

and third also giving us a way to tag you with a locator, within only a

few moments.

"I assure you, when the rest of us found out about it, we all felt like

idiots. And, I've been reliably informed, so did Madam Bones."

"Ask Harry to show you how he completed the first task in that pensieve

of his, some time," suggested Hermione. "He made the organisers of the

event look like complete idiots then too. And he did it publicly,

explaining what and why he was doing what he was doing at the time."

"Sirius... dear godfather..." said Harry. "Getting back to the original

point... just because you won't be able to talk to me live, does not mean

you won't be able to talk to me direct. You're the one who sent me one of

those wonderful mirrors, right?"

"Oh, yeah," he replied. "I did do that, didn't I?"

Harry had to struggle not to face-palm himself again, but did groan.

The auror gave a snort of amusement. "See what I mean?"

"And, yes, I do want to see how you did in the first task," added Sirius.

Ignoring the auror's question.




Once Sirius had left to head back to the Tonkses, Harry placed the

parchment he'd been writing upon on the desk and rewrote the material

he'd already written down into more of a statement form.

He gave it a heading, then wrote a single paragraph opening statement

for it, then began writing down the facts about matters he knew to be

true and how he felt Dumbledore had been trying to pass the blame for

certain matters onto Hagrid or others...

~ # ~


It is my belief, based on many months, if not years, of thought on this matter,

that Dumbledore specifically had me picked up from the cottage at Godric's

Hollow so he could later claim, as he did today, that Mister Rubeus Hagrid

must have misunderstood his orders; and blamed Mister Hagrid's status as a

half-giant for that misunderstanding.

Irrespective of Dumbledore claiming he didn't order Mister Hagrid to deny

handing me over to my rightful guardian and godfather, Sirius Black, it is very

clear Dumbledore already had in place the steps to dump me at the Dursleys.

He had Minerva McGonagall at the Dursley residence already, to keep an eye

on them. And, as per her own trial evidence, he admitted to her it was his

intention to leave me there, all along.

In this example, if I'm correct, what Dumbledore did is called 'blame-shifting'. I

consider it a cowardly and despicable thing to do. He knew the Wizengamot

would want someone to blame; so, often during his trial he verbally pointed his

finger at Rubeus Hagrid so many would not point their fingers at he,

Dumbledore, where I believe the blame truly lies.

Consider this: Of all the members of staff at Hogwarts at that time, excluding

Binns who no one really considers a member of staff anyway, only Hagrid is

banned from using a wand with Filch unable to use one. Mister Hagrid was

sent and did not arrive all that long after the attack on the Potter cottage, so

Dumbledore must have known the Potter cottage was or had just been

attacked. And yet Dumbledore sent only Mister Hagrid; the only one from off

his staff, besides Filch, who could not magically defend himself. Why didn't

Dumbledore go himself? Why didn't Dumbledore take others with him? Was he

willing to sacrifice Mister Hagrid based on a guess that there was no longer

Voldemort or a Death Eater or two there? The 31st October 1981 was a

Saturday night only two months into the new school year. The school was

fully staffed at the time. Therefore, he had plenty of people to call on within

the castle who could accompany him. And, yet, he did not.

Consider this too: If Mister Hagrid was so poor at following Dumbledore's

directions why, on 30th July 1991, did he specifically ignore Hogwarts written

procedures concerning who must be sent to pick up muggle-raised for their first

visit to Diagon Alley, by having Mister Hagrid collect me from my relatives to

(re)introduce me to the wizarding world; and not one of the four Heads of

House, as he was rightfully required to do? The 30th July 1991 was a

Tuesday. For Hogwarts, it was also the summer break, so there were no classes

on. Three of the four Heads of House were out on that day and days either

side of it visiting the homes of muggleborns and raised and escorting them for

their first times to the magical world. Why, of all such children before and

since in recent years, was I not escorted by a Head of House? Why Mister

Hagrid, specifically? Was it yet another opportunity for Dumbledore to blame-

shift onto Mister Hagrid?

Many wizarding Britons admire Dumbledore to the point of veneration. But, is

he worthy of it? What came out during his trial today shows he isn't. Most

recent wizarding History in magical Britain is written by Bathilda Bagshot. Did

you know the Bagshots were both neighbours and close family friends of the

Dumbledores in Godric's Hollow? Using that relationship, did Dumbledore ask

Bagshot to write about him in a better light than what the unvarnished truth

would show?

Do not be like the mindless sheep I think most wizarding Britons show

themselves to be. Do not just accept something as true just because of one

source. Do not just accept something to be true because someone tells you it is

- even me. Think! Doubt! Question! Research!'

Lord Harrison James Potter

~ # ~

Harry managed to get that written down just in time for the two teens to

return to the chamber. He had planned to leave the end open so he could

add to it during the rest of the trial. However, he felt he'd written enough

for the journalists that day and would write another for the next day if

something new popped up in the second half of the trial.

After folding it he wrapped another sheet of parchment around it and

wrote upon it, 'Madam Bones, would you mind making copies of the included

statement and handing them to the journalists who'll be 'laying in ambush' for

you out the main doors of the chamber? I'd rather not deal with them and be

delayed long enough for Dumbledore to get hold of me (if he gets off, as I

suspect he will) if it's all the same to you. HJP.'

Just before they rose to return Harry remembered something that had

him curious. He turned to the non-chatty auror, the one who was closest

to him, and asked, "Is there a Notice-Me-Not field over where Hermione

and I are sitting? I only ask because I've noticed I'm not getting stared at,

like usual."

Seemingly surprised by the question, the auror replied, "As a matter of

fact, there is. It's there for your protection."

"I'm not complaining about it," he was quick to say. "If anything, I'm

grateful. I just wondered."




Just after they walked in, Harry handed the parchment to the 'chatty'

auror and asked him to hand it to Madam Bones before the trial

restarted. He was happy to do so.

He momentarily wondered about the names of the aurors but realised

they came and left so often he'd be constantly trying to learn and

remember names, so ignored it for now. There were, after all, currently

more important things to remember. He'd make an effort once they got to

Hermione's home.

As Harry and Hermione sat there as Dumbledore was brought back in -

and again was sat in the chair fully manacled - he watched as Madam

Bones opened the parchment and read the statement.

He could see her eyes widen in enough surprise her monocle fell out to

dangle on its chain.

Then she turned to stare in his general direction, paused a moment and

nodded once. And then turned to look at Dumbledore with a smirk.

'Oops!' thought Harry. 'I may have just given Bonesy more ammunition to

aim at Dumbledore. If that's the case I may have to rewrite what I want

to inform the vultures about.'

However, she didn't immediately attack him with that information, as he

thought she would.

After Ogden gave her the go ahead to continue she turned to Dumbledore

and said, "Mister Dumbledore, I now turn your attention to the events of

the 1991/92 school year.

"We already know a mountain troll was let loose in the castle on the

evening of Hallowe'en that year and we have seen pensieve memories of

both Quirinus Quirrell entering the Great Hall announcing its presence to

one and all, plus the battle with it by Lord Potter, who ultimately

defeated it.

"Who did you task with informing the DMLE of that event?"

"As it was only a minor issue... after all, no one was truly hurt by the

event... after discussing it with staff it was decided there was no need to

bother your busy aurors about its occurrence," replied Dumbledore, again

adopting a friendly, though condescending, tone. He even chuckled a

little. "I believe Professor Snape also made good use of the carcass in his

potions classes."

"Really?" she asked. "A troll is considered a Class 2 dangerous creature.

The law is clear that such incidences are mandatorily required to be

reported to the DMLE. It is against the law not to. I also remind both you

and the Members that, as Chief Warlock at the time, you were fully

aware of that requirement.

"Which specific members of your staff informed you that you should not

report the matter to the DMLE?"

"The discussion was just that, a discussion," he replied. "After all―"

"Mister Dumbledore," she cut in. "I asked you for the identity of the

member of your staff whom you've already stated as testimony you

discussed the matter with, informed you not to contact the DMLE. I

would have that name, please."

"I believe it may have been young Quirinus... Professor Quirrell, I mean."

"I see," she said, clearly disbelieving him. "As Lord Potter was the slayer

of the beast, how much did Hogwarts, through you or through any other

avenue, pay Lord Potter for the carcass?"

"I believe young Harry―"

"Lord Potter!" she barked.

"Quite," he said. "I believe... Lord Potter... did not request payment for

the carcass."

"Ah!" she said. "Well, since you claimed magical guardianship of the then

under-aged Lord Potter, how much did you, as that magical guardian,

claim from yourself, as representative of Hogwarts, for the carcass?"

"I felt that young... sorry, the then young Lord Potter would be quite

happy to donate the proceeds of the carcass to the school, thereby

assisting his fellow students. I know young Harry well enough to know he

would have made such a modest commitment to the school."

As she looked at Harry for a moment, he shook his head with a frown on

his face before she turned back.

"You are in error, Mister Dumbledore," she said. "I now currently sit in

proxy for the Seat of Potter and have communicated with Lord Potter on

this matter. He has informed me he most certainly would not have made

such a modest commitment. At that time Lord Potter was unaware of the

full holdings of the House of Potter, as his supposed magical guardian...

you... had not informed him of them. Instead, he was only aware of his

trust vault at the time.

"Therefore, Lord Potter will be requiring restitution from Hogwarts for

the full value of the carcass. At the then rates for such a fine specimen,

that value is thirteen thousand two hundred galleons.

"He expects payment, promptly. After all, you've had more than three

years to make payment. Tarry not or he, through me, shall be expecting

interest payments. Such interest payments will then be backdated to the

31st October 1991."

Dumbledore spluttered indignantly but couldn't say anything else.

"A Miss Hermione Granger, twelve years of age at the time, was also in

the bathroom at that time. She was even there when the troll first

entered. What counselling did you arrange with a qualified mind healer

for both children - plus the rest of the student body, who were initially

frightened by Mister Quirrell's announcement? After all, an eleven year

old child had to fight a Class 2 magical creature without adult support in

defence of his friend."

"Both children were fine," he again chuckled. "They headed for their

common room to join their friends and housemates to enjoy the rest of

the feast."

"Mister Dumbledore," she snapped. "Again, I am finding myself truly

disgusted with you finding it humorous that the children at Hogwarts

were in danger. Need I remind you that my own niece, who was also a

first year Hogwarts student at that time, was also present in the castle?"

"No, of course not, Amelia," he said, acting contrite. "My apologies."

"That's Madam Bones, to you, Prisoner Dumbledore!" she snapped.

"Again, my apologies," he said.

"'Again, my apologies'... who?" she asked.

"Madam Bones," he quickly amended.

She gave him another glare before looking back down at her notes. As

she had learned in the morning session, Dumbledore quickly conformed

when he was called 'Prisoner Dumbledore' instead of 'Mister Dumbledore'.

"I direct you back to my last question," she said. "I asked you which

qualified mind-healer did the children see. I need that name, please."

With a disappointed sigh he said, "No one was harmed, Madam Bones.

Therefore, I saw no need for one. Madam Pomfrey, our school healer,

was available for those who felt they needed to see someone; as were

their Heads of Houses."

"You saw no need?" she pressed.

"Yes. As I said, Am- Madam Bones."

"And when did you pick up your qualification as a mind healer?" she

asked. "I have no record of it."

"I have been the Headmaster of―"

"I did not ask about how long you've been Headmaster, I asked you of

when did you pick up your qualification as a mind healer. Please answer

that question."

Another sigh. "I have not. However, I believe my tenure―"

"You have confirmed for us you are not a qualified mind healer," she

interrupted. "That is all I asked. That being the case, Mister Dumbledore,

you breached the rules of Hogwarts, plus the law of wizarding Britain, by

not immediately bringing in a mind healer to address any latent issues

surrounding mental trauma of all those children under your direct care -

especially the then Mister Potter and Miss Granger."

Looking to the Members, she said, "I believe I have now proven the

charge of Failure to Provide Proper Psychological Care for a Magical

Minor - two hundred and eighty seven cases - in regards to that incident."

"Next," she said...

And on it went.




12. The Grangers

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to the proverbial Duchess of

Magic, JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high

falutin' companies. No matter how much I whine about not owning anything

related to the HP universe, other than a few fanfic plots, I do not profess to

own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful

world... Damn it!

Chapter Twelve - The Grangers




The result of Dumbledore's trial showed there was still far too many

people on the Wizengamot that, according to Harry, thought the sun

shone out of Dumbledore's arse.

While he was found guilty of some of the minor infractions, and the one

major infraction of continually attempting to Obliviate Harry - that could

not be argued away by anyone - Dumbledore escaped a prison term.

Instead, he at least lost his position of Britain's representative on the ICW,

which meant he lost the Supreme Mugwump position with it, and lost the

Chief Warlock position to go along with that, too.

Harry thought that meant he'd still be on the Wizengamot; but,

surprisingly, he was not. It seems, as only a head of a Minor House, he

only occupied the Seat of Potter as regent, which he had then passed on

to Doge as proxy when he became Chief Warlock, and no longer held any

other Wizengamot-eligible authorities.

Further, he received a fine for the attempted illegal obliviations. He

received no gaol time for it because, as Harry showed in his memories,

they did not 'stick'. Which meant they were only 'attempted' obliviations

and not 'actual' obliviations. He was still fined a hefty financial penalty,


Harry's memories of the obliviations Dumbledore sent Poppy Pomfrey's

way those times at the Dursleys had to be discounted because of two

significant points, both of which Dumbledore - not so funnily enough -

pointed out. First, the magical 'signature' of the obliviations was not,

supposedly, Dumbledore's. And, second, the old man 'could have' been

someone either under Polyjuice Potion or glamour. It was also he who

'noticed' that the wand the Dumbledore in memories was using was not

the wand that 'everyone knew' was his own - it visually lacked the berry

ridges down it's length.

Harry gave a sigh and said, as an aside to Hermione, "At least Bones will

now know what the secret wand Dumbledore's been using looks like."

She silently nodded back.

When it came to his position as Headmaster of Hogwarts, Ogden was

rather scathing of the man about that, too. Apparently, only the School

Board could sack a sitting headmaster and, added to that, Dumbledore

also held tenure as a professor. For the past twenty plus years he had

been the only 'Professor', besides Binns, who still held a tenure-ship as all

the rest had either retired or died in the interim. And Binns's was defunct

due to his legal status as a ghost.

Harry found himself quite disgusted with the entire Wizengamot and

thought them either corrupt, ignorant of their own laws or - as he'd been

thinking all along about nearly all witches and wizards - daft morons; or,

closer still, a combination of all three.

Many in the galleries were quite incensed about the 'light' penalty

Dumbledore was given and were shouting abuse and obscenities at the

Members. Quite a few seemed satisfied with the outcome, but most

seemed to sigh in defeat and quietly left.

Then, even before the chains were removed from Dumbledore, the aurors

ushered the two teens out via the auror's exit. Neville remained as he'd be

talking with his Gran

They were quickly whisked away from the Ministry building and out into

the muggle world.




At the completion of the trial, as arranged, Harry and Hermione were

escorted by aurors out and to the Granger Residence.

It was getting a little late in the day and Hermione was worried her

parents would be worried. However, when they got there, Hermione had

to let them in with a key she had in a 'fob' pocket of her purse she was

carrying with her.

As soon as she opened the door, she was pulled back and away from it as

two aurors went in first.

One of the other two, a female auror who had grabbed her and pulled her

aside, said, "Let us search the place first, Miss Granger. Constant vigilance

and all that."

Meanwhile, the fourth auror stood with his back to the door, but far

enough away that the two teens and the female auror were between he

and the door.

A few minutes later, one of the aurors who first went in came back to the

door and quietly said, "It's clear, except for a sleeping half-kneazle in a

bedroom on the top floor."

"Crookshanks," said Hermione. "He's mine; but, where's Hedwig?"

"On her way, no doubt," shrugged Harry. "She should be here soon. She

might already be out hunting."

Hermione immediately led Harry and the aurors through to the

downstairs area and the servants' quarters - which Harry was surprised to

see had its own small combined kitchenette lounge, two bedrooms with

shared ensuite and external entrance that opened on the side of the house

to a small set of stairs leading up to the side yard.

"This will be like heaven compared to some of the bodyguard jobs we've

had to endure," muttered one of the two female aurors looking about in


"I take it you're all experienced with muggle homes?" asked Hermione.

"Yes, Miss Granger," replied the senior auror, a male. "All aurors, as part

of their training, have to spend about a month living non-stop in the

muggle world. We stayed in a... motel?"

"Motel, yes," nodded Hermione. "It's like a hotel, only with better access

for vehicles. And the motel units often have their own kitchenettes, like

we have here in the servants' quarters."

"Yes," muttered the auror.

Next up, Hermione took Harry by the hand and led him upstairs. She

explained which room should be his, but there was none of his effects in

it, before heading up to the top floor.

She immediately showed him her room, then took him across the landing

to see the other two 'non-ensuited' guest rooms - there was a 'communal'

bathroom leading off the landing at the back side of the house. In one,

they found Harry's effects.

"Ummm..." muttered the girl. She seemed undecided.

"You suggested your parents might want me to use the guest room on the

next floor down, right?" he asked. "The same one with the master


With a sigh of relief, she replied, "Yes, Harry. I think it would be for the

best so Daddy doesn't worry you'll try to sneak into my room at night to...

'have your wicked way with me'." Then blushed.

"Trust me, Hermione," he said. "If I ever snuck into your room... and I'd

never do that, by the way... there would be nothing 'wicked' about it."

One of the female aurors laughed and said, "Oh, to be a teenager again."

That had both teens blushing. The auror just laughed again.

To break through his embarrassment, Harry led the small party back

down to the second floor.

When he walked into the guest room there, he called Dobby.

"Master Harry, Sir?" asked the excitable little elf. "What cans Dobby be

doings for the Grea... I mean, Master Harry, Sir?"

Kindly, Harry replied, "Dobby; thank you very much, for moving both

Hermione's and my things from Hogwarts to here. But, I need you to

move my things from the floor above into this room and ensuite."

When the elf frowned, Harry was quick to say, "I've now decided I like

this room better, because it has its own ensuite bathroom."

That perked the elf up and he eagerly replied, "Yes, Master Harry, Sir!"

A quick two seconds of popping away and popping back and all Harry's

things were now in the room or ensuite, depending on the item.

Harry took a quick look around and said, "Good job, Dobby. Now, did

you find any tracking charms or the like?"

"Yes, Master Harry, Sir! Dobby be findings many tracky charms and

others on much of Master Harry's Miss Grangy's thingsies. Dobby stripped

them all away likes Master Harry, sez."

"Were there any charms or the like you left on Miss Granger's things you

thought should remain?" he asked.

"Onlys things like charms for... auto-updating... a book," then the little elf

blushed and looked away. "There was potions in Miss Grangy's things but

theys be still in bottles. Dobby not touch them."

Hermione gave a little 'Eep!" sound and bolted out of the room. Harry

heard her through the door as she ran up the stairs. The female auror

with them hurried after her, possibly thinking something was wrong.

"That's excellent, Dobby," said Harry, otherwise ignoring the 'rampaging

hippogriff' sound of Hermione running up the stairs. "Very good job. How

went the search of the property?"

Again the elf immediately perked up and replied, "Dobby be finding a

wardy before goblin-folk and their wizards turnses up. It be an alert ward

to see if a wizard or witch be on the property. Dobby also be fnding a

listening charm on... muggle thing with curly-cord. Dobby take that

away, too!"

'Telephone,' he immediately thought. "Good job again, Dobby!"

Thinking about it, he realised he had nothing else for the elf to do for

now, so chose his fall-back order. "In that case, you're free to find work

for yourself or rest, as you need or desire."

With a short bow and a happy smile, the little elf popped away again.

"Wards?" asked the quiet of the two male aurors with a cocked eyebrow.

"Yes," replied Harry. "All legal as far as wizarding law applies. One is an

intent-based ward for muggles that will... redirect the thoughts of

muggles with ill-intent towards the occupants of this home to another

property. That's the only one that actually applies to muggles. The

second, layered a yard inside that, is an intent-based ward for wizards. If

they approach with ill-intent it will immediately stun them as soon as

they set foot on the property. There's another that is now keyed to

Dumbledore's magical signature - please don't ask me to explain that one -

that will immediately stun him, irrespective of his intent.

"For both of those Dobby has been instructed to transport the twits direct

to the DMLE bullpen, where he is then to explain to any auror in the

room why they were stunned and brought there. I can order him to

deliver them to one of you, if you like, instead.

"No," the auror disagreed. "Have him leave them in place and alert one of

us to the wizard or witch and we'll take it from there."

Harry gave a nod and continued. "The next ones are just a fire retardant,

rather than fire-proofing ward, and an alert ward that informs me and

Dobby if someone steps over the ward line. Of course, if they're here with

ill-intent it will only alert us that they tried. If they make it to the front

door and ring the bell we'll know they're here and have no intention of

harming us. Plus, there's an inner ring of two that are the anti-portkey

and anti-apparation wards."

"That's it?" asked the auror.

"As far as I'm aware, yes," nodded Harry. "I cannot see the goblins setting

up any other wards without being paid for them. And none of them know

who they set up the wards for; only my account manager."

Harry did not mention the ward that blocked the use of magic used in the

home being detected by the Ministry. That was because it also interfered

with 'The Trace' that tracked under-age magic use. But, unlike the

Fidelius charm that did it as a side-effect, this one did it deliberately. He

might now be exempt, but Hermione wasn't.

"Why the Dumbledore specific one?" pressed the auror.

"Because I have no doubt, whatsoever, that the old man is going to turn

up here within the next day or two with the intent of trying to force me

to return to Hogwarts," Harry emphatically replied.

"He's been ordered to stay away from you," frowned the auror.

Harry just laughed and adopted a Dumbledore tone of voice. "Ah! Harry-

my-boy! I'm sure, once Amelia comes to her senses, she will completely

understand why it was necessary for me to escort you back to Hogwarts.

You are, after all, in danger when you're away from the protection of

Hogwarts or your loving family's home."

That had the auror again cock his eyebrow. But, this time, he also

smirked. In a droll voice, he said, "Nice impression."

Wryly, Harry smirked back and said, "With the amount of times that man

has demanded I speak with him in private... read: Obliviate the shit out of

me... I've come to develop quite the understanding of his inflections,

intonations, manner of speech and the bullshit he spouts to get his own


That had the auror openly grin.

As they were about to head out and back downstairs, Harry held him

back for a moment.

"Please don't tell Hermione or the Grangers anything about the wards.

Especially, how much they cost," he begged.

"You had them erected without their permission?" he asked, again


"I shall talk to them about it, this evening," promised Harry. "Just not the

cost. And I had it done early because I knew Dumbledore would be here

before I could get their permission, then contract the goblins to get it

done, and then actually have it done."

"Then, I won't press the issue," he said. "The law concerning permission

was brought in to stop witches and wizards from stealing muggle

properties. There's no intent on your behalf to do that here."

"No," replied Harry. "Thank you."

The auror just gave a simple nod back and they all headed back

downstairs again.




As the teens with their auror escorts arrived at Hermione's home,

Dumbledore was arriving at Hogwarts. As far as he knew, the school 'day'

had just completed and dinner was not scheduled for an hour.

He had headed directly to the school as soon as he recovered his wand,

spectacles, portkeys, money pouch and other effects that had been

removed from him before he was first tossed into a holding cell. He was

not prepared to wait any longer at the Ministry to discover new

information before he departed, because a pack of journalists was

hounding him as soon as he stepped out of the DMLE secure area.

As per his norm he flooed directly to his office, so he missed learning

from anyone - staff, students or even the visiting schools - about the loss

of a lot of his staff. The aurors had refused to inform him and he didn't

want to come across in public not knowing what was going on

concerning something he, as Headmaster, should be aware.

His first order of business was to immediately head to his private

apartment to bathe and change. He'd been forced to wear the same robes

for the past week and they were now both dirty and, he detected, reeked

of unwashed man scent. He would be ordering the house elves not to

bother cleaning them, just burn them.

He had the opportunity to change while he was in custody, but was only

offered 'prison garb'. And feared his robes would be taken away and 'lost'

before his trial. It was something he would not put past Bones doing, as

him wearing prison garb at his own trial would put the image in the

minds of the masses that prison garb is what he should be wearing. It's

what he'd have done in her place.

Thankfully, each day there was at least one auror who was willing to cast

cleaning charms on his robes. But cleaning charms could only do so

much. Clothing needed a proper wash to actually be properly clean


As for bathing he was restricted to washing using the sink in the cell he

was 'assigned'. But at least the aurors provided him a small cake of soap

and a towel once a day to accomplish that. However, again, 'hand'

washing was insufficient compared to a proper bath or shower.

Today he would be taking a cleansing shower followed by a good long

soak. A quick Tempus charm showed he had at least an hour before

dinner, but wanted to assemble his staff before heading down to the

Great Hall. The only member of staff he knew he'd lost was Severus

Snape and that was only because one of the junior aurors snarked at him

about it. That junior auror was immediately berated and sent from the

holding cell area, never to return.

After a ten minute shower and thirty minute soak, he quickly dried and

dressed before returning to his office.

The portraits had all tried to ask or demand answers from him as to

where he'd been for the past week as he passed through on the way up to

his apartment and he ignored them, as he often did. However, his return

had them all arc up again.

"Be silent or I will silence the lot of you!" he barked. "I have urgent work

to do and I will not be interrupted in that." He hadn't even bothered to

look up to the portraits when he said that.

He quickly wrote out short 'requests' to each senior staff member, Head of

House, and called a house elf to immediately deliver them.

The elf popped away with all three notes - none for Slytherin - but

returned shortly with one of them.

When Dumbledore frowned at the elf and accepted the note off him, the

elf said, "Perfessor MacKitty no longer a perfessor, Perfessor Long


Dumbledore frowned even more and curtly dismissed the elf before he

burned the short note and vanished the ashes. He wanted no evidence

that could come to light at a later date that he'd sent a note to


Five minutes later Sprout and Flitwick walked in together. Both did not

appear happy to see him.

"Hello, Headmaster Dumbledore," both said.

"I find myself surprised to see you back," Flitwick quietly added. Of the

two he looked the least impressed, even a little angry.

"My... trial..." Dumbledore growled, "Ended only a little over an hour ago.

I needed the intervening time to recover my property from the DMLE and

come back here before taking a much needed bath and don a fresh

change of clothes.

"How is it you managed to escape a prison sentence?" asked Sprout. The

direct question wasn't even couched in polite phrasing.

"There was no evidence of me committing a crime which would warrant

such," he said, starting to calm down. "The whole exercise was a

complete waste of time."

"No, it wasn't," she disagreed. "A great deal of information came to light

that needed to come to light."

Ignoring their remarks and tones he got to what he felt were the

important facts. "I know Severus was unfairly sent to Azkaban. And I

know Minerva appears to have quit. Who else have we lost?"

Both stared at him in disbelief for a long few moments before Flitwick

gave a grunt of either annoyance or amusement - it was always difficult

to tell with goblins - and replied, "You really have been out of the loop,

haven't you?"

Annoyed, Dumbledore snapped, "That does not answer my question."

"No, it doesn't, because your two points clarifying your belief of what you

thought the position was, rendered your question moot," replied Flitwick.

"To quickly bring you up to speed, then.

"Severus Snape was not unfairly sent to Azkaban, as you put it. At the

least, the man willingly admitted to multiple uses of the Unforgivables

against victims. And don't argue he had to do so, because three of those

times that came to light were when he was not accompanied by another

Death Eater.

"He also admitted to being a willing Death Eater and declared he had no

interest in being redeemed. The way he worded it, it sounded like he was

amused you were trying to do so. It was clear he had no faith in you

because you failed to uphold your end of 'the bargain', as he put it, by not

saving Lily Potter.

"And Minerva did not quit. Minerva begged the Wizengamot to allow her

to quietly retire to her clan lands in the highlands of Scotland instead of

being sent to Azkaban, herself. However, they didn't allow her to retire,

they fired her and then permanently banned her from ever returning to

the castle, or holding any other teaching position. They did not even

allow her the opportunity to return to the castle to say goodbye, or

collect her personal effects. She had to send us a messenger Patronus and,

later, a letter.

"It is because of that we two are very surprised you were not locked up,

let alone were able to return to the castle."

Dumbledore gave a grunt of annoyance and otherwise ignored the jab.

"So, until I can get Minerva reinstated I've lost two of my Heads of House

with one of them being my deputy..."

"Wrong, again, Headmaster Dumbledore. You're still making false

assumptions," Flitwick cut in. "You've lost three of your Heads of House.

Part of my own punishment was the Wizengamot ordering me stripped of

my position as Head of House Ravenclaw. It, like Minerva's, is a

permanent ban. I am now only the Professor of Charms."

"I'm the only one to hold on to my Head of House position, Headmaster

Dumbledore," Sprout quietly said. "And they're not the only positions

currently vacant due to court-ordered terminations."

"Oh?" Dumbledore quietly asked. Both 'subordinates' could see the man

was close to losing his temper, but didn't care.

"Rubeus Hagrid has lost his position as Professor of Care of Magical

Creatures, but was allowed to retain his position as Groundskeeper,"

replied Sprout with that same flat voice. "However, even then, he too has

been permanently banned from ever holding a teaching position again, or

being in authority over children. That means he cannot even be

responsible for children serving detentions, nor can he lead the first years

from the Express to the castle. You'll need to find someone else to do that

job from now on.

"And you most certainly can never again send him to pick up the muggle-

raised from their abusive relatives and take them to Diagon Alley to pick

up their supplies.

"Poppy Pomfrey was not charged, as she was found to have been under

the effects of loyalty potions and the victim of multiple obliviations that

you know about that, apparently, reacted badly with her oath as a medi-

witch once she was finally freed of them. She has to spend time in Saint

Mungo's during her long road to recovery, but she has already made

these couple of decisions.

"One: she will never return to serving at Hogwarts, ever again. Two: If she

ever returns to Hogwarts she has filed patient orders that she is to be

immediately stunned and taken to Saint Mungo's, where she is to undergo

an immediate scan for mind altering potions and obliviations. Three:

Without any doubt, whatsoever, she wants you dead. I doubt, very much,

she is the only one.

"When I visited her she was very creative with describing the ways in

which she could kill you off without any blame being directed her way.

And, even if it was, she has the perfect alibi. Someone messed with her

mind; therefore, she cannot be held responsible for her actions."

Dumbledore had been about to berate her for her language until he

realised both Professors before him had entered with their wands drawn

and had yet to put them away. And, secondly, neither had addressed him

as 'Albus'; both were addressing him as 'Headmaster Dumbledore' and

only 'Headmaster Dumbledore'.

Instead he'd brought his occlumency barriers up full and was otherwise

analysing every communication they sent his way. Even their body

language gave every sign they were expecting him to attack either or

both of them at any moment. And it took him the blink of an eye after

realising that to next realise that's exactly what they wanted him to do.

He was not going to do that.

Flitwick then took it up from there. "As you would be aware from the

First Task, the person purporting to be Professor Alastor Moody - you

know, Headmaster Dumbledore, the man you claimed to be a personal

friend of many decades, so should know each and every one of his

mannerisms and little idiosyncrasies? - proved to not be Alastor Moody,

after all. The real Alastor Moody was found locked in a multi-

compartment trunk in his office and is currently recovering from his

ordeal at Saint Mungo's."

Sprout said, "I visited with him when I visited Poppy, Headmaster

Dumbledore. I will not repeat the language he used, but I assure you the

name Albus Dumbledore now sits a fair way up on his personal 'People I

Owe a Visit' list. From the sounds of other names on that list, it is not a

nice one to be on.

"So, of course, we are also down, yet again, a Professor for Defence

Against the Dark Arts. Alastor refuses to return to - or, should I say, start

at his position as - DADA Professor."

"But filling the position of Professor for Defence Against the Dark Arts

should not be such a continuous problem from now on," said Flitwick.

"We were visited by individuals from the Department of Mysteries yester-

evening. They would not tell any of us why they were here but, after a

quick request by myself, they found and removed the embedded curse

that was on the position. I was also told it was quite easy to find and

remove and they wondered out loud why you'd never removed it,

yourself. And secondly, without being asked this time, they banished

Cuthbert Binns on to his... 'Next Great Adventure', as you would put it.

"In total we are down a Deputy Head, three Heads of Houses, the

Transfiguration Professor, Potions Professor, DADA Professor, History of

Magic Professor and CoMC Professor. The Board, working with Saint

Mungo's, have already appointed a replacement for Poppy. That

happened within two days of the First Task."

That angered the old man enough for him to comment. "I... hire and fire

staff, not the School Board."

"That is incorrect, Headmaster Dumbledore," Sprout corrected. "The

actual ruling states the current Head, whether they be Headmaster or

Headmistress, hires and fires staff. At the time, you were suspended and

not legally recognised as a Headmaster. And, using the fact she was in

effective control of Hogwarts by declaring the entirety of it as a crime

scene, by law Amelia Bones declared herself Acting Headmistress. By that

same evening the School Board ratified that by proclaiming her

Headmistress pro Tempore.

"Madam Bones then used her authority as Headmistress to appoint the

new on-staff medi-wizard for Hogwarts. His name's Peter Robinson. As

soon as it was apparent Poppy would not be returning, he was offered

and accepted the permanent position. His contract is such that you

cannot just fire him. Your decision has to be valid and must be ratified by

the School Board. He is also in a position to overrule you on any and all

medical grounds."

"Getting back to the point of vacant positions, Headmaster Dumbledore,"

said Flitwick, "There are other members of staff who are also considering

their own positions at Hogwarts. Quite a few were not happy to learn

what you... sorry, someone... did to Poppy and Minerva.

"As you have... however... escaped your own incarceration sentence, you

should expect further vacancies to appear."

"Who?" Dumbledore snapped.

"That information was provided me in confidence, Headmaster

Dumbledore," Flitwick firmly replied. "I intend to keep that confidence."

Knowing pushing to be provided that information would get him

nowhere, Dumbledore bit his tongue and didn't. But, even with his

Occlumency barriers up full, he was still rapidly approaching the point

he'd still lose his temper.

"Next item," said Sprout. "With so many missing Professors, especially

from the core subjects, the School Board made the decision, supported by

the Acting Headmistress, to suspend all lessons until enough Professors

were available to recommence the absolute majority of classes.

"Because of that, with Madam Bones's permission as then Headmistress

pro Tempore and the authorisation of the School Board... reached, I

believe, in a unanimous decision... the students have been offered the

opportunity to return to their homes until classes are able to restart. The

School Board will be deciding when that date will be. There are quite a

few students who have accepted that option and have already left. That is

especially apparent for those students who are of-age and do not need the

permission of their parents or guardians. Many more will be leaving

today or over the weekend now that their permission slips from their

parents or guardians are arriving."

"No!" Dumbledore snapped. "I will not allow this!"

"The decision is not yours to make, Headmaster Dumbledore," said

Sprout. "The decision has already been made and is already being


"Has Harry Potter claimed to have received permission from his

guardian?" the old man demanded.

"You appear to have forgotten, Headmaster Dumbledore, that you

lawfully declared Lord Harrison James Potter as of-age," she snapped

back. "As the contract of the Tri-Wizard Tournament stated that only of-

age students could compete... a contract you co-signed, I believe... the

moment you told him he had to compete in the Tri-Wizard Tournament

you declared him of-age.

"Therefore, Lord Potter did not need a signed permission slip. He

authorised himself to leave. And, I believe, he has already departed."

When Flitwick was about to confirm Harry had left, Dumbledore surged

to his feet, lean almost completely over his desk and all but screamed at

Sprout, "You stupid bitch! Do you realise what you've done?"

Before the second sentence even finished leaving Dumbledore's mouth,

Flitwick snapped his fingers. Instantly, a house elf appeared next to his

right hand with his goblin-forged battle-axe.

"Harry Potter is never to be allowed―" was as far as Dumbledore got

before he caught the movement out of the corner of his eye of Flitwick

leaping to his feet with what was clearly a heavy martial weapon in his


Immediately shutting up, Dumbledore instinctively leapt backwards

before ending up tripping over his own office chair and landing in a heap

behind his desk.

By the time he hit the ground, Flitwick was standing on his desk with one

of the blades of his heirloom double-headed battle-axe buried at least five

inches into the wood of the top of the desk, right where the blotter would

be. Flitwick was leaning on the haft of it and leaning right over

Dumbledore's edge of the desk with a look of total fury on his face.

Dumbledore was shocked into silence. His heart was hammering away in

his chest and he realised he had just soiled himself.

And into that silence that appeared to stretch on for minutes, but was

only a few seconds in real time, Flitwick snarled down at the old man, "If

you ever speak to a member of staff like that again, let alone a student,

you won't even have time to apologise as I will have already killed you!

"Have I made myself perfectly and profoundly clear to you, Albus

Dumbledore; you conceited, self-praising, hubris-riddled, monomaniacal,

desiccated old smear of garbraek snot?"

Looking up at Flitwick from where he was uncomfortably sprawled on

the floor, Dumbledore was reminded of just why the little, normally

placid, Charms master won seven straight International Dueling

Championships. It wasn't his size or his knowledge, it was his heritage.

Goblins, contrary to their small stature, were incredibly fast. It mattered

not whether it was with their feet, their bladed weapons, or their wands -

as normally in Flitwick's case. If a blade-bearing goblin got within ten to

fifteen feet of you and that goblin was focused on killing you, your

chances of survival were less than that of a stunned cow within the same

distance of the maw of a dragon. The dragon, after all, might not be


Dumbledore knew at that moment he may as well have been a muggle

for all the good his vaunted Elder wand would do him. Before his hand

even managed to pass a quarter of the distance from its current location

to where his wand was tucked into his belt, he would be dead.

"Y-you would then be causing your own demise, Filius," he tried. "You

are, after all, only a half-breed."

That's when Sprout also leaned over the desk from her side to look over

at Dumbledore. She calmly rested a hand on Flitwick's shoulder and gave

her own vicious smile at the old man. "Actually, Filius Flitwick of the

Wick Clan of the Goblin Nation is my named champion," she explained.

"His heritage, therefore, becomes irrelevant - as you well know. Only my

own is relevant.

"And, Albus Dumbledore of the Minor House of Dumbledore, I am a

pureblood of the Elder House of Urquhart; while you are, after all, only a


"I.. I'm―" he tried.

Interrupting him she magnanimously said, "Oh, don't bother apologising

for your boorish, uncouth behaviour, Dumbledore. No one here any

longer believes a word out of your mouth. Therefore, any apology you

attempt to make will likewise not be believed."

Still glaring down at Dumbledore with a glare so filled with imminent

death showing the old man still expected the Charms master to attack

him anyway, Flitwick snarled, "Heed my words."

He then snapped back up straight, gave the haft of the axe a powerful

flick of his wrist loosening it in the wood, then yanked it out before he

spun about and jumped off the other side of the desk away from


Dumbledore next heard in a falsely pleasant voice from Sprout, "Don't get

up, Headmaster Dumbledore. We'll see ourselves out. Toodles!"

Dumbledore waited until he heard the office door slam shut behind his

two senior Professors before he began to struggle to his feet.

As he did so he remembered he needed to go and change his robes. He

now stank of his own fæces.

"Albus, are you alright?" asked the portrait of Headmaster Everard.

Dumbledore ignored it and quickly went through his private door and up

to his apartment.




After Dumbledore disappeared through the door, slamming it shut behind

him, the Sorting Hat chuckled and said, "There goes one very frightened

and very unhappy manipulative old man."

From the walls, Headmaster Fortescue said, "The idiot allowed his temper

to overrule his common sense. Did you notice he never even noticed

Flitwick and Sprout constantly addressed him only as 'Headmaster

Dumbledore' and not as 'Albus' for about three minutes? That should have

been clue enough for him."

Headmistress Derwent added, "Plus, the way they were sitting, plus that

they had their wands drawn, plus a lot more than that. Flitwick was also

holding his wand in his off hand, right from the start!"

"They were baiting him," snapped one Headmistress portrait,


"No, they weren't," said Phinneas Black. "They were expecting trouble and

were prepared for it. Very Slytherin of them."

"He's right," said Everard. "There was not one thing either of them said

that could be considered 'baiting'. They directly answered his questions,

as he asked them. The only part of that you could consider baiting was

they didn't 'sugar-coat' what they reported."

"What about their remarks like 'someone' harmed Poppy, that's why she's

not coming back?" asked Merriweather.

"That one I'll give you," said Black. "However, they know it was Albus

who at least constantly obliviated the woman because of Mister Potter's

memories. Those obliviations, alone, brought the woman into conflict

with her oaths and, therefore, harmed her. Was it that much of a stretch

to also figure out it was Albus who potioned her with loyalty potions?"

Fortescue said, "Did you like that trick with the battle-axe? That was

obviously prearranged."

Even the dour Black chuckled at that one. "Finger snap. The elf is right

there holding it out to him. Then he moved."

"Not seen a goblin in battle mode before, Phinneas?" asked another


"No," he replied. "I knew, from my family history, that they were

unbelievably fast for such small folk. But, even then, I had no idea how


"And, just think, Filius Flitwick is only a part goblin," said the same


"Agnetha is correct," said the portrait of Dilys Derwent. "Goblins in battle

are a fearsome thing. And it's not just because of their ability to wield

their weapons; it's because of just how fast they move."




While Harry was being a 'sticky-beak' on the 'ground' floor; the main and

public floor of the house that contained the office, parlour, formal dining

room and a combined kitchen informal dining room; the aurors seemed

to be setting up extra wards and the like both within and without the


The servants' quarters, media room, laundry with adjacent toilet, another

guest room, a few other rooms plus the garage itself were all on the lower

ground floor, almost basement.

Hermione came down while he was 'exploring' and headed immediately

to the telephone wall-mounted in the kitchen above the bench that

separated the kitchen from the informal dining room. Before he was able

to reach her to ask why she'd run off so suddenly earlier, she'd already

lifted the handset off the telephone cradle and was dialing a number it

looked like she'd read off a whiteboard tacked to the wall alongside it. It

had a list of names with associated telephone numbers.

Instead, he diverted to the kitchen and began to check out what cooking

equipment, implements and the like were available before then moving

on to the fridge/freezer and pantry. He'd already decided he would cook

while he was there. It was something he was good at, enjoyed when he

knew his cooking was appreciated and would be a way he could pay back

the Grangers for their hospitality. He didn't think either Granger parent

should be 'forced' to cook for what had become triple the number of

mouths to feed as it would be if it was just Hermione and her parents.

A quick peruse of the three food storage areas and he was already

compiling a food shopping list in his head.

He tried not to listen in on Hermione's call but it was obvious, even to

one not trying to overhear, that she was talking to her father and letting

him know they'd safely arrived and were settling in.

When she hung up she turned to Harry and said, "Mum and Daddy are

running a little late but they'll be here together about 6.30. Daddy said

we should order something in."

Harry brightened up at that, grinned and said, "Nope! I'll whip something

up!" It was just after 5.15.

Hermione frowned back and said, "You don't need to do that, Harry."

"I want to," he said. "It was about the only chore I had to do at the

Dursleys I actually enjoyed. I'm also quite good at it."

Hermione looked uncertain; whether that was because she didn't know if

he could actually cook well or if it was because she didn't want him

doing chores, he didn't know.

"Relax, Hermione," he soothed. "Trust me."

When she nodded back he grinned and asked, "Now, what sort of meals

do you normally eat while you're at home?"

"I... don't really know," she replied. "I was often more focused on study

and getting homework out of the way than on the food on the plate."

"Now that's just sad, Hermione," he mock scolded her. "Cheffing, at the

level I do it, is an art. And it is experienced and enjoyed by tasting or

dining on the resulting gastronomical delight.

"I'll just check the pantry, fridge and freezer again to see what your

parents have. That'll give me an idea as to what sort of foods they like to


"Plain English fare, Harry," she quickly said. "But Daddy enjoys the

occasional Indian or Thai dish.

"Any food allergies?" he asked.

"No, just keep sugar to a minimum," she replied.

"By that I take it you mean processed sugar," he said. "Don't worry, any

sweeteners I add will be natural sugars."

"If you're sure," she hesitantly said. "If you don't know where something

is, ask me. I'm pretty sure I've got a fair idea in which cupboard, drawer

or shelf you'll find it."

"I'll be fiiiiine," he said, already beginning to pull food out of the fridge

and freezer.

"Ooh!" he suddenly said, looking down at a frozen bag of chicken pieces.

"This'll do. I hope you like chicken!"

"Errr... yes?"

That armful of fridge and freezer ingredients went on the bench. Then he

moved over to the pantry. "Now, spices," he muttered.

Hermione left him to it and went to check that the aurors were set.

However, she had to return to the kitchen only a moment or so later

when she heard Harry's raised voice and what she thought was a small


When she got there it was to see Dobby standing in the middle of the

kitchen floor with a frown on his face, his arms crossed and tapping one

bare foot on the floor. He was staring at Harry who was just as fiercely

staring back.

Harry was also clearly stating to the elf that he was cooking dinner that

night and Dobby could like it or lump it.

"Ooohhh-kay," she said. "What's going on?"

Before Harry had a chance to answer her, Dobby cut in first. "Master

Harry Potter, Sir, be cooking! Cooking be house elf's job. Master Harry

Potter, Sir, not be letting Dobby do his job! Master Harry Potter, Sir, be

too wonderful a master to be doing menial house elf work!"

Holding a plastic bowl in one hand and a plastic net bag of what looked

like onions in the other, Harry was gesturing with both. "Calling what I

do by the plain term of 'cooking' is like calling Picasso a painter, or

Michaelangelo a stone carver. I chef!" he declared.

"Chef be just fancy word for cook," stated Dobby.

"The elf is actually arguing with his Master?" asked one of the aurors that

had come up behind Hermione.

As Harry looked ready to retort in objection to Dobby's slur on his skills,

Dobby turned to look at the auror and snippily said, "Master Harry

Potter, Sir, be giving Dobby orders that order Dobby to tell Master Harry

Potter, Sir, when Master Harry Potter, Sir, be being an idiot. Dobby only

be carrying out Master Harry Potter, Sir's, order."

That was enough for the auror. He burst out laughing and retreated.

Hermione, trying to hide her own smile and failing, said, "Alright, you

two." Turning to Harry she said, "Dobby is only doing what you ordered

him to do. And Dobby clearly believes he's a better cook than you."

"Not a chaaance!" declared Harry.

Turning to Dobby she said, "And... Dobby. Harry thinks of cooking...

cheffing... as something that he enjoys doing. And seems to believe he's a

better cook than you."

Dobby just looked at her with an expression of sincere disbelief.

"Why don't the two of you work together and see if you can each teach

something to the other?"

Harry was the first break. "Fiiiiine!" he grouched.

"Dobby can cook?" the elf asked.

"Dobby can help," Harry firmly returned.

"Then we have an agreement," declared Hermione. "Now, stop arguing

and get on with it."

Without letting either have the chance to retort she spun on her heel and

hurried out of the room.

As soon as she was out the door she ran down the stairs to the lower

ground level, out the back door through the laundry, onto the outside

patio and let loose with one of the most long and cleansing laughs she'd

had in a long time.

It was only as she was managing to get control of herself again that she

realised there was an auror standing outside with her. The auror was

looking at her in amusement.

"Feel better?" the auror asked.

"Oh, yes," she blushed, wiping her eyes. "I know Harry seems to often lose

arguments with his mail owl, Hedwig. But to see him lose an argument to

a house elf is just hilarious." And broke into laughter again.

"I heard about the house elf, but losing an argument with a mail owl?"

asked the auror. "How is that possible?"

"Oh, Hedwig will brook no nonsense from Harry," she giggled. "If he's so

much as a single second late with treats or bacon when she believes she

deserves it, she lets him have it. Mind you, I've been on the receiving end

of that, too.

"I actually think Hedwig thinks Harry is her pet; not the other way


"However, the important thing I think I learned of all that is that Dobby

truly is not Harry's... property. It's more of a friend and partner

relationship, pretty much identical to the one he shares with Hedwig,

than a master and slave relationship. I'm rather relieved to have

discovered that."




When the Grangers arrived home they drove in almost together in both of

their cars - matching BMWs. They used a remote to open the double

garage door as they approached and pulled in alongside each other.

Hermione heard the sound of the electrical garage door mechanism and

called out to the rest of the House, "Mum and Daddy are home!"

As they exited and locked their cars Monica, closest to the interconnected

door from the garage to the entry Hall under the stairs, waited for her

husband to join her. By habit, whenever they arrived together Wendell

entered first.

"Princess!" he called. "We're―"

That was as far as he got before he realised someone had just poked

something pointy into the side of his neck - and froze.

He heard his wife give a gasp of shock from behind.

A moment later, Hermione walked around the corner from the stairs

leading up to the main floor of the house and stopped in shock herself.

Looking at his daughter Wendell calmly asked, "Princess? Why is there

someone poking what I assume is a wand into my neck?"

Hermione's expression immediately turned into a frown while staring at

the auror that had a wand on her father. "Auror?" she growled.

"You confirm that these two individuals are your parents, Miss Granger?"

asked the male auror.

"I do," she firmly replied. "The fact they had possession of and used one

of the remotes for the garage door confirms it. Magic wouldn't work to

open the door that way; it would fry the circuits."

The auror immediately withdrew his wand and said, "Then, my

apologies, Mister and Missus Granger."

Wendell turned to look at him and asked, "I take it you're one of these

auror-people that are going to be one of our guests for the time being?"

"When on shift; yes, sir," replied the auror.

Wendell stared back for a few moments before he gave a short sharp nod

and said, "Then I'm glad to see you're on the ball and don't accept things

without checking."

As Wendell stepped further into the hallway Monica, looking a little

shaken, stepped in behind.

Hermione's expression instantly turned to one of relief before then

turning to one of delight. She then quickened her steps forward and, as

she hurried, said, "Hi, Mum, Daddy!" And hugged both.

"Well, that was a little shocking," said Monica, as she started to settle

down again.

"Sorry," she apologised to both of them. "I really should have shown them

photos of the two of you."

"We saw them, Miss Granger," said the auror. "Polyjuice and glamours."

"Oh!" said Hermione, realising. "Of course."

"How many of these quite lethal looking young men do we currently have

here?" asked Wendell.

"Two, at the moment," replied the auror. "There's currently myself and a

female partner. We stand four to five hour shifts and rotate with a larger


"Oh?" asked Hermione. "What happened to the other two?"

"They're currently back at the DMLE, but are on call."

"Harry's going to be disappointed, he's―" she began before she realised

something important. "Oh! I forgot! Harry's decided to cook for us,

tonight. That is, he and Dobby have cooked for us, tonight.

"And you haven't had a chance to meet him, yet. I think they're both still

in the kitchen."

Taking them by the hands she led them back to the stairs and up to the

dinette and kitchen. The young auror quietly followed along.




Harry had been keeping an eye on the time and, when Hermione called

out her parents were home, he turned to Dobby and said, "Show time in

about ten minutes, I think."

"Yes, Master Harry," said Dobby, moving to quickly set the dining table

for eight: Mister and Missus Granger, Hermione, Harry and four aurors.

Unlike the dinette table, which had seating for six, the formal dining

table had places for eight. And that's where Dobby was setting up.

Harry was pulling the warming plates out of the oven and set them on

the bench, which Dobby then moved to the table as he was putting the

table settings in place. Dobby also already knew where the cutlery was

stored in the top drawer under the bench at the open end and quickly

had those set. Next went napkins folded into little triangular 'hats',

followed by the glasses.

While Dobby was setting Harry was finishing up moving food from pots

and pans to serving dishes, being careful not to allow any splashing. And

used things like a sprig of parsley to garnish the centre top of the dish.

When Wendell and Monica walked into the dinette it was to see Dobby

pop away with two of the dishes as Harry was checking on a dessert dish

in the oven. Both were stunned.

"What, on Earth, is this?" asked Monica.

Harry whipped about, while still holding an insulated oven mitt in one

hand a large spoon in the other.

It took him only a moment to spot the familial resemblance between

Hermione and her parents. "Hi!" he grinned. "Sorry. Been a tad busy."

He placed the spoon and mitt on the bench, wiped his hands on an apron

he found hooked on the inside of the pantry door and was wearing, and

came forward to shake their hands.

"I'm Harry," he said with a big grin. "Harry Potter."

"Errr... Monica," said Monica, seeing the teen boy before her wearing her

flower print apron she wore when she wanted to do something quick in

the kitchen and was wearing nice clothes. She indicated Wendell and

said, "This is my husband, Wendell. We're Hermione's parents."

"Figured as much," he grinned. "Nice to meet you both. Dinner's being

served right now, if you're hungry. If not, I guess we can place warming

and stasis charms over it all and eat a little later."

Knowing her friend was speaking a little quickly because he was nervous,

Hermione started to giggle. "Harry, I didn't know you suited a flower

print. It looks quite fetching on you."

He blinked once to her in confusion before his eyes suddenly widened

and he looked down. he quickly untied it and tossed it onto the bench

while blushing. "Sorry. Sorry."

That had both adult Grangers also chuckling. "Don't worry about it...

Harry," said Monica. "That's what it was there for."

"Did you say dinner's ready?" asked Wendell.

"Yes!" Harry immediately brightened. "Hermione told me when you said

you'd be home. And I figured you'd rather not eat take-out if you could

help it. And I'm a pretty good cook. So, I figured I'd show my

appreciation by cooking you dinner!

"Well, I had to let Dobby help, too. Hermione made me. So, I was able to

chef it up a bit more than I normally would. But, anyway, thank you for

inviting me to stay, I really appreciate it."

"Errr... you're welcome," said a stunned Wendell.

"Oh! Where are my manners!" Hermione suddenly exclaimed. "Mum and

Daddy; this is Lord Harrison... Harry... James Potter of the Noble and

Most Ancient House of Potter. Harry; these are my parents, Doctors

Wendell and Monica Granger."

"Wendell and Monica," Wendell smoothly cut in.

"Harry," Harry immediately replied.

"Lord?" Monica asked.

"Errr... yeah," Harry blushed. "It's a magical thing. But, anyway, shall we

go and eat? Dobby would have everything in place by now."

Wendell immediately spun to look at the dinette table, only to see it quite


"In the formal dining room," said Hermione, starting to lead the way.

"There was supposed to be eight of us here."

"There's not?" asked Harry. "Who's missing?"

"Apparently only two of the aurors are here, at the moment. The other

two went back to the DMLE," she replied over her shoulder.

"Oh, sorry," said Harry. "Then I've cooked too much."

Before Monica could tell him not to worry about it, they'd walked into

the dining room. And the presentation looked stunning.

All three Grangers came to a sudden stop.

The table, normally bare to the polished wood, was covered in a crisp

white table cloth that draped down just right. The table was laid out with

eight full place settings, plus glasses. The two small candelabras were lit.

And spaced down the middle of the table were tureens, serving plates,

serving dishes and two gravy boats, all covered.

"Wow!" exclaimed Wendell.

As they walked in, Harry spotted 'the problem' and called, "Dobby!"

When the little elf appeared, he said, "Apparently, there'll only be six for

dinner tonight, Dobs; not eight. Sorry."

"Of course, Master Harry," replied the elf. A snap of his fingers and two of

the settings, along with two of the chairs, vanished. Another snap of his

fingers and the two chairs and settings now remaining down each side,

where there once was three, were evenly spread out." And popped away


From where he was looking down at where Dobby stood, Wendell asked,

"That was a house elf, right?"

"Yes, Sir... Wendell," replied Harry. "That was Dobby. He's bonded to me.

It was my fault he was freed from his previous master and, when I found

out he was dying because of it, I asked if he wanted to be bonded to me

to save his life. Moments later, he was."

Indicating the table, he asked, "Shall we?"

Hermione looked to the auror who was still tailing them and said, "Call

your partner. Unlike at Hogwarts, you're eating with us."

The auror looked about to argue, took one look at Hermione's stern

expression, gave a single nod and disappeared.

As the Grangers and Harry moved around the table, both aurors re-


Harry was surprised when Hermione seemed to take charge and directed

folks where to sit. It clearly amused her parents, though.

Sitting eventually became Wendell at the head of the table away from the

kitchen; then clockwise, Harry, Hermione, her mother at the other end,

the male auror and then the female auror to Wendell's right.

As soon as they sat, Harry indicated each serving dish, plate or tureen

and explained what it contained, then indicated the condiments. "Dobby

and I have prepared 'chicken pieces in orange and honey sauce'; dry

roasted potato, sweet potato, carrots and onion quarters; and steamed

green peas, beans and shucked corn. I've included extra orange and

honey sauce for the chicken for those who prefer more, butter tabs for

the corn, soft honey for the carrots, mint sauce for the peas and beans

and chicken gravy.

"For desert we kept it rather simple as Hermione told me I was to keep it

simple. So, we've only prepared a thickened egg and vanilla custard

baked in a pan pastry with your choice of a dollop of thickened

unsweetened cream or ice cream. Dobby will serve that when we're


While everyone else looked at the dishes in awe they watched as the

covers on each of the dishes suddenly vanished with elf magic. Only

Wendell and Monica were surprised to see that happen.

Hermione asked Harry, "Why isn't Dobby eating with us?"

"He told me eating is a private thing for house elves and begged me not

to order him to eat with us," he replied. "I didn't have the heart to order

him to, but did tell him he was to make sure he ate enough and well. I

don't want to see him going without."

Hermione looked like she was going to argue about it; but, seeing the

expression on Harry's face, didn't push it.

Seeing that no one had started reaching for the food yet, Harry looked to

Wendell and said, "Sir, as Head of this House, it is by your command that

we can eat."

"Oh!" said Wendell snapping back to himself. "Please, everyone; help

yourselves." And immediately put action to word and reached for one of

the dishes of chicken.

The looks Wendell and Monica gave each other across the length of the

table around the candelabras had both knowing they'd now had a lot

more to talk about than they originally thought they would.




A/N 1: Away from the castle, now Harry calms down. See? I said he would.

A/N 2: Minor edit update to include why Poppy's obliviations weren't

legally recognised.

13. Wendell, Monica and Sirius

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to the proverbial Duchess of

Magic, JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high

falutin' companies. No matter how much I whine about not owning anything

related to the HP universe, other than a few fanfic plots, I do not profess to

own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful

world... Damn it!

A/N: Now comes the explanation for the 'odd' punishments for the

professors. Malfoy's will be better explained later.

Chapter Thirteen - Wendell, Monica and Sirius




As Harry knew would happen and also knew that was why Hermione sat

him to her father's left, Wendell was asking some rather subtle questions

about his relationship with Hermione. However, he wasn't getting much

help from her in answering them as she was getting similar questions

from her mother.

The two aurors answered questions when asked, but seemed to spend

most of the time being amused watching the interplay between the two

muggle adults and the two magical teens.

Both aurors knew very well what the two adults were trying to learn and

both teens seemed utterly unaware of it.

During a break in the 'interrogation' the female auror, the senior of the

two, said across the table to Harry, "Just so you're aware, Lord Potter,

we're not supposed to dine with you. And we're certainly not supposed to

dine together. At least one of us is supposed to be standing guard."

"Senior Auror Standish, right?" asked Harry.

"Auror First Class, My Lord."

"Thank you," he nodded. "Well, while you're supposed to be my

bodyguard - and that's not something I ever agreed to, just so you know -

you're also Doctor and Doctor Grangers' guests.

"On top of that, I know you and your... contingent... have thrown up

plenty of your own wards and alert charms since well before I started

cooking and both inside and outside the ones I had caused to be erected.

Whether you're eating or just standing and watching will not make a

skerrick of a difference in whether or not you'll be ready if trouble comes


"Wards?" asked Wendell, just beating out Hermione to the question.

"Yes, Sir... Wendell," Harry replied before the auror could. "Which

reminds me. Before coming here I organised with my account manager at

Gringotts to organise a team of Ward Masters to come and place wards

and charms on your home that will greatly reduce the chance of a

magical attack being successful against you.

"On top of that, there is a ward that will redirect the attention of any

non-magical who comes to your home with the intent to cause mischief;

such as breaking and entering, burglary, swindling, that sort of thing.

Sorry, but that was about the strongest sort of wards I could have

installed on your home that did not get me in trouble with magical law."

"What are the other wards; the ones against magicals?" he asked.

"There's an alert ward that will let me know if a magical attempts to

attack your home, one that will stun a magical that tries to attack your

home... and Dobby will alert the aurors if that ward catches someone...

one specifically erected to stun Albus Dumbledore if he tries to come to

the home, a fire retardant ward on the outside of the home and two

wards that will block anyone from using two forms of magical travel that

can see them suddenly arrive, for instance, right in the middle of your

daughter's bedroom - that sort of thing."

"Anti-portkey and anti-apparation?" Hermione immediately asked.

"Yep," he replied. Looking back to Wendell he said, "You actually won't

have any inkling they're even active until someone tries to attack or

illegally enter. And then Dobby or one or all of the aurors, if they're still

here at the time, are suddenly going to move real fast!"

"How long will these wards remain in place?" pressed Wendell.

"The ones the aurors erected this afternoon are only temporary. It

depends on the amount of magical power they pump into them and, even

then, a determined mischief-maker can break through them pretty

quickly. However, the aurors who put them up will know as soon as he or

she tries; hence the reason for them.

"The ones I had caused to be put up are permanent. Or, are permanent

until you ask me to have them taken down.

"Which leads to a formal question I must ask you," said Harry. "Do you

have a middle or more names?"

"Yes, it's Marcade," replied a slightly confused Wendell. "Why?"

"Because I need to ask the question using your full name," replied Harry.

Sitting up straighter, placing his cutlery on the table before him and

looking fully at Wendell with quite the serious expression, he asked,

"Wendell Marcade Granger of House Granger, do I, Harrison James

Potter, Lord of the Noble and Most Ancient of Potter, have your

retroactive permission to have erected upon your home wards to see to

the protection of you and yours as long as you and or they reside in this


Not knowing why, but also knowing he had the right to say no, he

replied, "I, Wendell Marcade Granger of House Granger, do so permit."

Then looked shocked at Harry.

Harry grinned back and said, "Magic's determined you would allow it so

gave you the words to respond in the affirmative. If you wanted to say no

it would have given you those words to say, instead. I also think it proves

you're not as much a muggle as people seem to think. You'd have to have

at least a little magic for the magic of the request to have had an effect

upon you."

"Why was that important?" he asked.

"Because magical law actually states I wasn't supposed to do it without

your permission," replied Harry. "However, I knew we were pressed for

time to receive your permission before we would be arriving here. If I'd

waited, then it would have taken about three to four days from now

before they could be erected. And I think Dumbledore, at least, is going

to try turning up here to take me away before then. Plus, I promised the

senior auror who was here earlier that I would ask for your permission

this evening and not wait."

The female auror looked to her partner and said, "Not a word."

"No, First," he immediately replied.

"To whom?" asked Monica, of the auror.

"Anyone else bar those in the aurors who have the need to know," she

replied. "By our laws, Harry had actually committed a crime doing that.

But, based on the nature of what it was, he would very likely have only

received a substantial fine, rather than be convicted to serve time in our


Harry again grinned and said, "There's actually a loophole in the law that

states no wizard or witch may do it. By me contracting the goblins to do it

I skirted around the law, but not the intent of it. Secondly, the law

actually states I have to have permission to do it, not that the permission

has to be in advance."

The female auror sighed and said to Harry, "I really wish you would stop

doing that. You seem to have developed this annoying habit of making us

all look like idiots."

Hermione snickered and said, "You've only just noticed?"

"Auror Standish is new to having to follow me around," grinned Harry.

The auror wryly said, "That's because others before me have begged not

to do it any more, because they were sick and tired of Lord Potter making

them feel stupid."

Even Harry chuckled at that one. "I'm sorry, I just can't help it.

"These wards you had installed to protect us. How much did they cost? I

already know the goblins don't do anything that doesn't make them good


"A hell of a lot less than I consider the lives of you, Monica and Hermione

to be worth," Harry replied.

"I notice you didn't include your own in that."

"I'm protected because you're protected," he replied. "But, yes, the wards

are up to protect me, too. They're up permanently to protect you and your

wife. You're important to Hermione and, therefore, important to me."

"And you still haven't told me how much they cost," Wendell pressed.

"No, I haven't," Harry shrugged. "However, I really don't know how much

they cost because it wasn't an important consideration when I organised

them. I instructed my account manager to get the best that a muggle

household could have and he did just that. My only contribution to that

was to ensure there was a personal ward installed that blocked Albus

Dumbledore from being able to get onto the property no matter what

method he tried.

"Has Hermione ever told you that Albus Dumbledore has a phoenix?"

"Yes, I believe she has."

"Well, a phoenix can get through any ward. It has a form of magical

travel that is simply referred to as flame travel. Dumbledore needs to

only be in contact with it for it to flame travel him near instantly to any

location on the planet. And that includes through any ward," explained


"So, what I did was convince the goblins to erect a field inside a ward

that, if Albus Dumbledore appears within it, will instantly stun him

unconscious. And, while he remains in that field, he cannot be enervated.

The only way he can be woken again is for him to be taken outside that

field. In that way Dumbledore cannot enter this home with any intention,

let alone ill-intention, and remain conscious."

"He's that dangerous?" asked Wendell. "I thought he was supposed to be

the Headmaster of your school. And was also supposed to be the Leader

of Light?"

"Yeah, he's had everyone fooled for far too long," scowled Harry. "I seem

to have the ability to be immune to any memory altering magics. Albus

Dumbledore did not know that and for many years has been using

memory-altering charms to cover up his wrongdoings; including trying to

use them on me.

"I saw the opportunity to bring to light a great many criminal matters

and took it," nodded Harry. "Even I, at the time, had no idea just how

much of an effect it would have. I also made sure that the Director of

Magical Law Enforcement was an honoured guest to the event and not-

so-subtly suggested she bring a whole slew of aurors with her. She

trusted me enough to do precisely that.

"At the end of my... task... ten people had been arrested and a further two

were being hunted down to be arrested. Albus Dumbledore and the then

Minister of Magic were two such individuals who were led away in

magical-suppression handcuffs. Others included the Deputy Headmistress,

who was the one to come here to talk to you about your daughter going

away to Hogwarts, Minerva McGonagall, and all three other Heads of

Houses at Hogwarts.

As a result of the trials Minerva McGonagall, Deputy Headmistress, Head

of Gryffindor House and Mistress of Transfiguration, lost her job and is

banned from ever working in a position of authority over a child ever

again; Filius Flitwick, Head of Ravenclaw House and Charms Master, lost

his position as Head of House but remains a Professor of Charms; Severus

Snape, Head of Slytherin House and Potions Master, was sent to prison

for life; and only Pomona Sprout, Head of Hufflepuff House and Mistress

of Herbology, escaped with only a stern warning.

"Other Professors taken away were Rubeus Hagrid, Professor of Care of

Magical Creatures, who lost his job as a Professor but retained his

position as Groundskeeper; the Professor of Defence Against the Dark

Arts was found to be a fake named Barty Crouch Junior and an unknown-

until-then escapee of the prison and was immediately sent back there;

and a few days ago experts from the Ministry came in to do something

secret and, while there, banished the ghost of Cuthbert Binns, Professor

of History of Magic, on to the afterlife. The school medi-witch, Poppy

Pomfrey, was found to have been suffering under repeated obliviations,

had her memory modified and was dosed with loyalty potions supposedly

keyed to the Headmaster. She's quit; and I don't think she will be the only


Wendell frowned a little in confusion and said, "The punishments meted

out to each of the professors and your relatives seem... quite odd."

"Uh-huh," said Harry.

"They were... unbalanced," he explained. "I can see why this Mister

Hagrid fellow only just skipped out of suitable punishment; and why the

Deputy Headmistress was sacked without gaol time; but the other

punishments did not seem to meet them for their severity."

Harry gave a nod and said, "Severus Snape's was obvious. What he did

merited a lifetime imprisonment - just for the use of the Unforgivables.

The use of such, even once, is supposed to be a lifetime sentence to

Azkaban. That he used them multiple times..." And shrugged.

"Hagrid's punishment was, I think, appropriate. However, because it was

proven he was not guilty of the death of Myrtle Warren back in the

1940s, I think continuing to deny him wand rights was unfair. Further, I

think he should have been compensated for that travesty of justice. That

was his blood status as a half-giant unfairly having an effect on the vote;

politics interfering with judicial process.

"McGonagall's punishment was also, I think, apt. If it wasn't for her being

under a mild loyalty potion I believe she should have also gone to prison

for her crimes. Her being under that loyalty potion is, I think, what saved


"I think Flitwick saved himself his own prison sentence because he was

very contrite and offered the early plea. He even provided them further

evidence against him. That, plus he's also well loved by practically

everyone. He has just that sort of personality."

Adopting a look of disgust, he continued, "Now comes where politics

interfered with the judicial process.

"Pomona Sprout should have also been dismissed as a Head of House. She

might not have been a part of what happened to young Luna; however,

she did nothing to stop the bullying and other crap that was directed

towards me, both during second year and the beginning of this year. She

was also responsible for one of those traps during our first year.

However, she's a pureblood of an Elder House; Urquhart. And, yes, blood

status does play a role; no matter how much people try to deny that.

"Then there was Dumbledore. And this is where it became even flat-out

obvious, even to those I consider daft morons, that politics interfered

with due process. The reactions of those watching from the visitors'

gallery were proof enough of that. Dumbledore, having been involved in

politics for a great many years, knows where a great many secrets are

buried. He also has a great many 'welded-on' supporters in the

Wizengamot, who see him as the so-called 'Leader of the Light'. For them,

it matters not a jot what laws the man breaks; if he did it, then he must

have had a good and 'light' reason for it. And it is not for us lesser beings

to question him on it.

"No," he shook his head, "I was not surprised Dumbledore didn't get sent

to gaol. He was punished by the permanent loss of his positions on the

ICW and as Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot. Plus, with what Chief

Adjudicator Ogden said, I think they also wanted to fire him, by banning

him, from his position as Headmaster of Hogwarts. They couldn't do that

because, apparently, the man has permanent tenure there."

Wendell said, "And is proof the concept of keeping the judicial and

legislative branches of government separate is a very good one."

Harry could only nod back. "Yes, Ss... errr, Wendell."

"Damn!" muttered Monica. "You really went to town, didn't you?"

"Yes... Monica," he replied. "It is because of that great culling of staff that

Hogwarts cannot currently operate as a school. It has led the School

Board to allow students to go home for the duration; that is, until they

can hire new staff to fill all the vacancies. That's how Hermione was able

to come home."

Dessert was soon served by the simple expedient of Dobby banishing the

used cutlery and crockery and replacing it with a serving to each of a

section of egg custard in pie pastry. The custard was firm enough to stand

without oozing away. Two serving tureens were placed in the centre of

the table with whipped unsweetened cream and scooped vanilla icecream


This time the two Granger adults weren't so surprised.

With his own serving of egg custard pie and a scoop of icecream, after a

large spoonful of it was tasted Wendell finally flat-out asked, "Harry, are

you and our daughter a couple?"

With his own full spoon already half-way to his mouth, Harry froze for a

moment, before he returned it to his plate. "Errr... No, Sir... I mean, no

Wendell. Hermione and I are just the best of friends."

"Just?" asked Hermione.

Harry was thankful he saw the small smile curling up the ends of her lips.

"Well... not 'just', I suppose," he replied. "I currently think of Hermione

as... well... my sister doesn't quite fit the mold either, I guess. But... it's

more than that."

Confused, but clearly thinking about it as he looked off into the distance

he was a long moment before he replied, "For quite some time now I can't

see my life without her a part of it. She's more 'family' to me than my

own relatives. She was the only one there for me when my name came

out of the Goblet of Fire; and I'm including the staff in that. Plus, she was

there for me over that whole Heir of Slytherin nonsense in second year.

"She's... like... she sees me... not the 'Boy-Who-Lived'...not Lord Potter...

not the son of James and Lily Potter... me. She tells me off when she

thinks I'm going to or have done something wrong and congratulates me

when I've done something right. She knows my flaws, but it doesn't turn

her away from me. She accepts me for who I am; and not what other

people think I am."

What Harry didn't see as he talked, because he was still somewhat staring

off into the distance, was the reactions on the faces of the three Grangers.

Hermione was staring at him in shocked awe while she slowly blushed

almost scarlet. But the two Granger parents were staring at each other,

only allowing their gazes to occasionally glance at the two teens, while

listening with various expressions flittering across their faces. Monica

was smirking at her husband while Wendell's went from almost horrified

to pained acceptance. Which had Monica's smirk turn into a grin.

Turning to look at the girl sitting beside him he looked her right in the

eye and said, "Meeting you was the best thing that's ever happened to me,

Hermione. I'm sure I would have died before―"

That was as far as he got before Hermione dived at him to hug him hard

enough it knocked them both off his chair and over to land on the floor

beside Wendell's own.

"Oof!" he exclaimed.

Wendell merely glanced down to his side before bringing both elbows up

onto the table to cradle his head in his hands. Then he just sighed.

The two aurors just glanced at one another and grinned.

Monica leaned over to look down the side of the table to the floor for a

long moment before she sat back up straight, openly grinned at her

husband again and continued to eat the delicious dessert Harry had

prepared, ignoring everything else for a while.

Harry laid on his back for a few moments, wondering why the girl chose

that moment to practically attack him. He knew he'd been giving her a

bit of a hard time over the past week and a half, just to get through to

her he wasn't the 'old' Harry she thought he was, so couldn't figure out

why she waited until now.

Hermione laid with her head on his chest, her arms around his neck, her

chest on his tummy and the rest of her body draped over the on-its-side

dining room chair. Then sniffled.

"H-Hermione?" asked a confused Harry. "Why'd you attack me?"

"I'm not attacking you, you clot!" she replied. "I'm hugging you."

"Oh," he quietly said.

"Hermione, dear," said her mother. "I think you should let Harry up so he

can finish this wonderful dessert he's made for us."

"In a minute!" she sobbed back.

Monica gave herself a firm nod and quickly set to finishing her plate. She

knew she needed to.

"Princess," called her father. "Please let the boy up."

Hermione laid there for a few moments more before she softly cried,


As she climbed up, while looking away at the wall, Harry just laid there.

When she found her feet and while still not looking at anyone she quickly

ran from the room.

Monica gave a sigh and quickly swallowed the last mouthful on her plate

before she used her napkin to dab at her mouth. "Excuse me," she quietly

said. "Delicious meal, Harry." Then rose to her feet and left the room,

chasing after her daughter.

Wendell looked up, dropped his elbows off the table and, after a glance

at Harry, returned to finishing his dessert.

"She hugs really hard," Harry quietly said as he began to climb to his own


Righting his chair, he looked about and asked, "Where'd she go? And


When it didn't look like Wendell was going to answer, Auror Standish

replied, "The ladies have just gone to talk for a bit, My Lord. Nothing for

you to worry about."

"Oh," he replied, sitting back upon his chair again. "Well, I hope they at

least liked dinner."

"Harry," said Wendell, cleaning his plate. "I know they liked it. I can tell

you for myself it was one of the finest meals I've ever had the pleasure of


Harry blushed, looked away and quietly said, "Thank you. I'm glad you

liked it."

"Where did you learn to cook like that?" asked Standish.

"I had to... I cooked for my relatives all the time while at the Dursleys,"

he replied. "It was the one chore I enjoyed doing."

Wendell heard the aborted response and it twinged his child abuse

sensors. Looking more directly at the boy he asked, "You must have spent

quite some time doing it to get that good. How long have you been

cooking for?"

Harry shrugged a little too nonchalantly, Wendell thought, before the boy

replied, "For almost as long as I can remember. Petunia taught me the

basics, gave me a stack of cookbooks and, once she could trust me not to

set the house on fire, told me to get on with it."

After finishing his plate and noticing Dobby had already banished

everything else to the kitchen, he said, "I'd better go and make sure

Dobby has eaten and isn't working too hard in the kitchen."

Dabbing his own lips with a napkin, he softly said, "Excuse me," rose and

left for the kitchen.

Just as the aurors were about to rise as Harry walked out, Wendell

gestured with his hand for them to stay sitting. They did.

When he knew Harry was far enough out of earshot, he turned to them

and asked, "These Dursley relatives of his. Tell me something has been or

is being done about them. I'm trained in looking for cases of child abuse

and it's not hard to tell that boy has been abused."

"They faced trial a couple of days ago," replied Standish. "What they did

to him I won't repeat. However, the only reason they weren't sent to

prison on the spot amounts to a number of reasons. First; Albus

Dumbledore dumped Lord Potter on them as an infant and didn't give

them any opportunity to refuse. Second; the magics Dumbledore set up

on the property to protect Lord Potter rendered Petunia Dursley sterile.

Third; it appears he cast extra magics on them so they couldn't return

Lord Potter back to magical world. And, each time they found a way to

get him out of the house, Dumbledore would turn up and put the child

back. Fourth; he pointed out to the members how, since they breached

the law in allowing Dumbledore to even take him, the members

themselves were partly responsible for what befell him under their so-

called dubious care. And, fifth; Lord Potter begged the Wizengamot to

allow them to go home, put a stop to Dumbledore's actions and put up

protections from wizards and witches, including him, on their property so

Dumbledore cannot put him back there, or even go himself. He also

reminded the Members of the Wizengamot that the Dursleys are the last

blood family he has left.

"Actually, that last was really the only reason. As Lord Potter said,

politics plays a major role in the judicial process. Because it was he who

practically demanded it, they accepted it. Everyone now feels they owe

him a great deal so, since he didn't want them gaoled, they weren't.

"He also said that, now he's of-age, he cannot be forced back into their...

care... ever again. He reminded them that, because magic had taken any

chance Petunia Dursley could have another child, that was a pretty

significant punishment. And, as he was the only one they hurt, his

request held a lot of sway with the Members, who were all feeling quite

guilty. They agreed with his demand and 'sentenced' them to that."

Scowling a little, Wendell said, "It shouldn't have mattered. It was child

abuse; they should have been gaoled."

The auror could not disagree and, instead, chose to remain silent.




When Harry entered the kitchen it was to find it spotless. "Dobby!" he


The little elf immediately popped in and asked, "Yes, Master Harry?"

"Did you do all the dishes, Dobby?"

"Of course, Master Harry," replied the elf.

Harry sighed and said, "You didn't have to do that, Dobs. I came in to the

kitchen to do them, myself."

Dobby again crossed his arms and looked sternly back. "Master Harry

Potter, Sir, already tooks Dobby's cooking work. Master Harry Potter, Sir,

not be taking Dobby's dishes work, too!"

Harry rolled his eyes and said, "Fiiiiiiine. I didn't like doing the dishes,


Looking around he said, "Well, it looks like everything's done. I think I'll

just start on the tea."

"Dobby already be makings the tea," replied the elf. "Dobby tooks tea up

for Master Harry Potter, Sir's, Miss Grangy and Master Harry Potter, Sir's,

Miss Grangy's Doctor-Mum. Dobby abouts to take tea for Master Harry

Potter, Sir's, Miss Grangy's Doctor-Dad and Master Harry Potter, Sir's,

auror bodyguards."

Harry screwed his eyes together and had to massage his brow while

thinking that lot out. "You know," he said. "Calling them all that is going

to get very confusing, very fast."

Thinking a bit he said, "Alright, Dobby; new orders. The names you're

giving everyone is simply too confusing for me. For the time being you

will address Hermione Granger as Miss Granger, you will address

Hermione's dad as Mister Granger, you will address Hermione's mum as

Missus Granger and you will address the aurors as simply 'Auror'. If you

know their surname you may append that to the title 'Auror'. Got all


"Yes, Master Harry, Sir," replied Dobby.

"Now, tea for myself," he sighed.

"Master Harry Potter, Sir's, tea will be on the dinings table when Master

Harry Potter, Sirs, gets back there."

Flinging his hands up in exasperation Harry walked out and back to the

dining room. When he got back it was to find the two aurors gone, but

Wendell still sitting at the end of the table. There was a fresh cup of tea

before him and another before where Harry sat. Between them was a

small pitcher of milk and a sugar bowl.

Harry returned to his seat, sat down and made himself a cup of tea just as

he liked it - a dash of milk and two sugars.

"That was quick," said Wendell.

"That sawn-off little munchkin of a house elf of mine beat me to it," he

grumbled. "Then he up and told me off for 'trying to take his work' off


Wendell looked at him in amusement for a few minutes and asked, "You

like to do the dishes?"

"No," he grumbled back. "But, I got them dirty, I should clean them up."

"No, Harry," disagreed Wendell. "In this house we share the chores. For a

start, if you cook, you never do the dishes. On top of that, while it was

very nice of you to cook dinner, you're a guest here. You don't have


"Now, if you truly enjoy cooking, then I'll talk to Monica about it and, if

she agrees, you can continue to occasionally do so. However, it's not

something you need to worry about. Alright?"

Harry nodded back and said, "Yes, Sir... Wendell."

"Good. I'm glad we got that out of the way. Next point; we're very happy

to have you here as a guest. You have done so much for this family just

by being a good friend to our daughter. You may not know this, but

Hermione didn't have any good friends before she met you."

When Harry looked confused by that, he added, "It's true. Anyone her age

she tried to make friends with only ever thought of her as someone to do

their homework for them, someone who made them feel stupid because

she comes across as too smart, or thought her too bossy.

"Before we met you we thought you might have fallen into one of those

categories. That red haired friend of yours certainly does. However, it's

clear you do not."

"Ron Weasley is certainly no longer a friend of mine," Harry frowned. "He

never was. He used to report on what I was doing to Dumbledore. I even

think Dumbledore paid him to do it."

"I don't think he was a friend, either," agreed Wendell. "But learning he

was effectively a spy against you? That's a little sickening."

Harry nodded.

"What Hermione is having a little trouble with at the moment, is that the

'Harry' she thought I was, was only a... façade... I surrounded myself with

to protect myself and my secrets from Dumbledore. She's now 'met' the

real Harry and is having some problems putting the fake Harry and the

real Harry into context. I also had to come down a little hard on her to

get her to start rethinking who I am."

Wendell frowned and asked, "What do you mean?"

"The Harry she thought she knew was not much of an 'achiever'. That is,

it didn't look as if I applied myself as well as I should. In that, I'm sorry to

say, I deceived your daughter into thinking I was not as smart as I am. I

would deliberately write my assignments to be... adequate. Hermione

would demand to review my assignments, which I would let her do, and

she would make some changes to improve them, which I would mostly

incorporate. It did not harm my persona to allow her. However, real

Harry is pretty much on a par with her when it comes to cleverness and


"I hated that Hermione thought she had to help so I would consider her

worthy to be a friend. I've even told her numerous times she didn't have

to, but she'd insist and I was feeling deeply guilty for hiding the truth

from her. She never had to do that, but 'fake' Harry needed to hide until

he could strike back - that was at the First Task.

"However, irrespective of the difference between fake Harry and real

Harry, my feelings for Hermione are no different. She does not know it,

but her friendship has been my 'emotional rock' that has kept me both

anchored and centred. I would not have made it to the First Task to bring

everything to light if it hadn't been for her. I probably would have lost

my 'nana somewhere around the middle of second year.

"I owe that girl so much - for being my friend, for being my rock, for just

being there - I could spend the rest of my life and my entire fortune

towards her happiness and still not repay her for both what I said before

and for the fact I deliberately tricked her. That's why coming down hard

on her over the past week has been so hard."

Wendell sighed and asked, "Why couldn't you have told her before now?

She'd have kept your secret."

"Because Severus Snape is an expert at the magical art of Legilimency,"

he explained. "It is a skill that allows him to see into a person's head and

see their memories and read their surface thoughts. If he'd seen what she

knew about me, or read her surface thoughts about me, he'd have

immediately taken that information to Dumbledore."

"If that happened, Dumbledore would have wiped her memories of it and

then tried to use other methods to take my memories. If he couldn't, he'd

have used potions to enforce my loyalty to him. And may have even used

those same potions on her. Those are the sort of potions he used on

Poppy Pomfrey. I couldn't let that happen to her."

"You did it to protect her," nodded Wendell.

"And myself," added Harry.

"What about if this Snipe character had used Legilimency on you?"

"It's another mind magic," he replied. "I seem to be significantly immune

to that, as well. I don't know how, but suspect to the point of belief it has

something to do with my mother's blood protection she placed on me;

because any book that was any good in the school library on the subject

of either Occlumency, the magical art that protects the mind, or

Legilimency has been removed to the Restricted section. No guesses for

who ordered that. Eventually, I had to go and buy my own from a shop

in Diagon Alley.

"However, I still couldn't do it. I think it's that same protection from mind

magics that's stopping me learning Occlumency, which is of course

another mind magic."




Harry and Wendell had 'retired to the parlour' when Monica came back

down leading Hermione.

Harry took one look at the girl and was on his feet, looking at her with a

scowl on his face. Looking directly at her, he asked, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," she replied, shaking her head. "Mum and I just needed to talk."

"You've been crying," he firmly said.

"I've not been crying because I've been hurt, Harry," she carefully said.

"I've been crying because I'm happy."

Harry stared back for a few moments, trying to figure that one out,

before he gave a single nod and said, "Well; alright, then." And sat again,

still keeping an eye on Hermione.

Turning back to Wendell he said, "Now, I've also promised my godfather,

Sirius Black, that I would ask you if he could come visit me while I'm

here. One of those trials that I - and Hermione too, I suppose - mentioned

that occurred over the past week was his. Madam Bones pulled a 'shoofty'

and snuck his trial in between the ones publicly announced. He's finally

been found innocent of the crimes for which he was dumped in Azkaban

prison, without a trial, in the first place. And he can now move on with

his life."

"He's truly innocent?" asked Wendell.

"Innocent? Heavens no!" Harry chuckled, beginning to relax again. "But

he's definitely not guilty of any of the crimes they pegged him with. No,

Sirius likes to portray this image he's a 'bad boy'; but he's not committed

a crime beyond something like failing to register something."

Both Granger adults looked at one another for a moment.

"He can visit," said Monica. "I take it he just wants to catch up?"

"That and he also wants me to visit his Healer; who also happens to be

his cousin and, to some degree, mine," replied Harry.

"Why does he want you to visit a Healer, Harry?" asked Hermione.

"Because he knew my parents and my size, compared to theirs, concerns

him," replied Harry. "He's right to worry. The Durs... I didn't eat well

while I was with my relatives."

"Harry, you have nothing to worry about telling my parents or I how they

treated you," she said. "They didn't feed you well, did they?"

"Not really, no," he replied.

"Madam Pomfrey should have... Oh," she said suddenly understanding.

"That's one of the reasons why Dumbledore had her on loyalty potions,

isn't it?"

"And one of the reasons she came all too close to breaching her medi-

witch oath," he added. "Yes; that was my logical conclusion, as well."

"Have your godfather bring her here, if he can," said Wendell. "If either

had any ill-intent towards you, those wards you had erected would stun

them, wouldn't they?"

"Yes, they would," he nodded.

"Then, have them come here," said Wendell.

"More and more I actually like the idea of these wards," said Monica.

"Thank you for having them erected."

"You're welcome," smiled Harry.

"Harry," said Hermione, bringing his attention to her. "How much did

these wards cost? They had to be expensive."

"As I said to your father, I really don't know," he replied. "But, it doesn't

matter to me, anyway. I've got far more money than I could spend in ten


"I've got so much it actually makes me a little uncomfortable. And, if I

can put a little of it to what I consider important, then how much it costs

me is irrelevant."

"You're avoiding the question," she declared.

"Yes; I am," he shot back.

"Hermione, that's enough," Wendell firmly stepped in. "It's not your


Hermione stubbornly stared at her father for a long moment before she

sagged in defeat. "Sorry," she said.

"As I told you at Hogwarts, Hermione," said Harry. "There are things I

need to do, simply as the Lord of a Noble and Most Ancient House as one

such example, you cannot be privy to. My business dealings, unless it

relates directly with you, is one of them.

"I don't mind you asking the odd innocent question, because I know your

'curiosity to learn something new' strongly drives you; but, when you

know I'm deliberately avoiding answering a question, you need to accept

that and let it go."

"Sorry, Harry," she said again.

And Harry could see she meant it. "You're forgiven," he smiled.

As things settled down again, Harry pulled out his communication mirror

to call Sirius.

"Padfoot," he whispered across the glass.

A long moment later and his own reflection was replaced by his

godfather's visage. And Hermione moved to sit beside him.

"Hiya, Pup!" said Sirius. "How goes things at the Grangers?"




After speaking with his godfather and letting him know he and Hermione

had safely arrived he passed on the Granger's permission for him to visit.

"Good," said Sirius, "Let them know I very much appreciate it."

Harry looked to the Grangers to see both Wendell and Monica nod back.

Looking back down at the mirror he said, "They heard."

"Let them know I'll be over first thing in the morning," said Sirius. "You

and I have quite a few things to talk about. I also promised you I'd let

you know why I was late to the trial, this morning. That's part of it."

"Got a time in mind?" asked Harry.

"Eight thirty suit you?"

"Eight thirty would be fine," he replied. "Was Cousin Andi very upset with

you for being out so long?"

"No," he replied. "As I said, she could see me from the Black Seat and I

indicated to her I was heading back to her place right then.

"It was also her who let me know Dumbledore escaped a prison sentence

when she got back. She was right ropable about that."

"How did that happen?" asked Hermione, leaning in.

"Dumbledore's welded-on supporters in the Wizengamot managed to get

to a few others, of course. It was enough for him to escape the prison

sentence but not enough for him to escape losing his positions as

Supreme Mugwump and Chief Warlock. There was quite a bit of back-

room dealing going on there."

"That's what I figured would happen and happened," nodded Harry.

"Anyway, we can talk more about that tomorrow morning," said Sirius.

"I've got parchmentwork I need to get through dealing with the House of

Black finances I promised the goblins I'd get back to them as soon as

possible; and then Cousin Andi's going to dose me to the gills on

restorative and healing potions that're going to knock me out for the


"Then you'd best get onto that," smiled Harry. "I don't envy you."

"No need," laughed the old dog. "She's still quite determined to get your

health up to scratch, too. Mirror off!"

And the mirror faded back to a normal reflection.

"So, wizards and witches do have a way to contact others without using

owls," said Wendell.

"These are one of a kind," said Harry, waving the mirror a bit. "Actually,

that should probably be two of a kind - the one I have and the one my

godfather has. They're something my father, godfather and two friends

created while they were at school, so they could stay in contact with one

another while one of them was in detention. That happened a lot."

"If your godfather could remember how they did it he should market

them," said Hermione. "He'd make a fortune."

"He already has one," Harry grinned. "But, yes; I can see what you mean.

I'll suggest it to him. It might be just what he needs to firmly re-establish

his relationship with Moony. And Moony doesn't have a fortune, so it

would be a way to help him without Moony getting on his high-horse

about charity."




When Hedwig hadn't turned up that night Harry was getting a little

worried about her.

That worry was relieved the next morning when, just as they were sitting

for a breakfast cooked by Harry, she came swooping in with his

morning's copy of the Daily Prophet. Harry was quick to relieve her of her

load and offer her two slices of trimmed bacon; grilled, rather than fried.

"Prek," she softly barked.

Harry just nodded to her as she plucked them from his fingers and flew

back out.

"That sounded like she was trying to talk to you, Harry," said Monica.

"Probably," he shrugged. "I don't understand Snowy Owl, so she can be

saying anything from 'Thank you' to 'It's about bloody time, you ignorant

human!'. How would I know?"

That had all three Grangers bursting into laughter. Somewhere in there

Hermione still managed to fit in a, "Language, Harry."

He was also surprised to see a second owl also come swooping in. This

one went to Wendell. It, too, was carrying the latest morning copy of the

Daily Prophet.

Seeing Harry's surprise, Hermione smiled at him and said, "Daddy

subscribed. He likes to know what's going on in the world his daughter is

now a part of."

"He knows a lot of what's written within is rubbish, right?" he asked.

"I do," replied Wendell, still chuckling but now unfolding his own copy to

read it. "I've had the skill of being able to read between the lines for

many years."

Of course, the lead story was on Dumbledore's trial. Harry read through it

and was pleased to see his 'letter' was quoted in a few places. But, even

better, it was quoted accurately and not even out of context.




Right on time, Sirius was 'Dobby express' apparated to the path

immediately just inside the gates of the property.

Dobby immediately popped away leaving Sirius to walk to the front

porch on his own.

The two aurors moving fast to the front door alerted the others to guests.

Seeing one of them almost run to the door, Monica asked, "Guests?"

"That'll be Sirius," replied Hermione, checking the time on her watch.

Harry walked into the parlour, waiting for him to come in, with a grin on

his face.

When he saw his godfather about to speak, once he was close enough to

speak without raising his voice, Harry got in first. "You forgot you didn't

know the co-ordinates, didn't you?"

Sirius gave a pained look and said, "You could have told me."

"Actually, no, I couldn't," he replied. "I'm not skilled in Apparation, so I

only know what co-ordinates are supposed to be, not what they are.

"However, I will admit that I could have asked one of the aurors on shift...

but, where's the prank in that? Think of it as a lesson to remember to find

out, in future."

Sirius pouted for a moment before his face broke out in a grin and he


Walking forward the rest of the way he grabbed Harry in a hug. "Alright,"

he said. "I deserved that." Holding Harry back out at arms length he

asked, "How about inviting me in and introducing me to everyone?"

Leading the way back into the dinette with Sirius in tow, he walked into

where everyone, bar the aurors, were waiting. Monica and Wendell had

rearranged things at their surgery to have the day off. It was a Friday.

Looking to the Grangers, Harry gestured to Sirius and said, "Everyone,

this is Lord Sirius Orion Black Number Three, Lord of the Noble and Most

Ancient House of Black, a.k.a 'Padfoot', a.k.a my godfather, a.k.a. 'Hey

You', a.k.a. 'The Mutt', and names it's impolite to use in present

company." Looking to Sirius he said, "Sirius, you know Hermione. And

these are her parents, Doctors Wendell and Monica Granger."

Sirius gave Harry a light clip to the back of the head, meant more in

warning than anything else, and walked forward holding his hand out to

Wendell. "A pleasure to meet you, Sir. Call me Sirius. You have a lovely

daughter and I cannot fathom what possessed you to allow my smart-alek

reprobate of a godson into your home."

Grinning back, Wendell accepted the offered hand and shook it. "My

daughter begged me to and he's actually proven to be quite the polite

young man. And call me Wendell."

Sirius widened the grin and completed the handshake before offering his

hand to Monica. Expecting a handshake, she was surprised when he

accepted her hand by the fingers, brought her knuckles to his lips as he

bowed forward, and very lightly brushed his lips on them before gently

releasing them again. "A great pleasure to meet you, too, Ma'am. Please,

call me Sirius, handsome, darling, whatever."

Hermione rolled her eyes where Sirius couldn't see her, but both Wendell

and Monica could.

Also grinning, Monica said, "It's nice to meet you, too, Sirius. I'm Monica.

And welcome to our home."

Stepping back, Sirius said, "Seriously, though; thank you for allowing

Harry to stay here. I'm much more comfortable with him out of

Hogwarts, at the moment. I don't trust Dumbledore one whit of a moment

of time not to try something I'd definitely disagree with.

"Which reminds me," said Sirius spinning to look at Harry. "You and me

need to talk."

"Yeah, you owe me an explanation as to why you were late, yesterday,"

nodded Harry.

"That forms part of it, yes," his godfather agreed. "But, there's a lot more

than that I need to tell you about."

Harry noticed that his godfather was being quite, well, serious. It was not

something he knew to be the man's normal default behaviour.

"Well, if you don't have anywhere to hurry off to, it can wait a bit," he





After a shared cup of tea with the Grangers and Sirius getting to know

one another, Sirius asked for somewhere private to talk to his godson.

Wendell directed them to his office on the same floor and left them to it.

Hermione looked like she wanted to join them but Sirius told her, "I'm

sorry, Hermione; but, for this bit, I need to speak with Harry alone. When

we're done with that we'll come out and rejoin you."

Hermione gave a sad nod to which Harry gently smiled back.

"Don't forget; we need to take you shopping, this morning," she reminded


"I remember," he replied with a smile, before following Wendell and

Sirius from the room.

In the office and sitting across the desk from one another, Sirius

immediately got down to business. "Firstly, what has Dumbledore told

you about why you and your parents were attacked back when you were

a baby?" he asked.

"Nothing," Harry immediately replied. "Except that my parents were

fighting against Riddle, but had to go into hiding as he'd targeted them."

"Did he say why?"

"No," he replied. "And no matter how hard I pushed to learn more he

wouldn't tell me."

Sirius sighed and said, "Well, then; I will."

Harry sat up straighter so he could better learn what he was about to be


"Back a few months before you were born, a prophecy was given. I don't

know the details of it because it's stored inside what's known as a

prophecy orb in a section of the Department of Mysteries in the basement

of the Ministry of Magic.

"The only people who can touch the orb - and, therefore, hear what's in it

- are the people who it involves. One is you, and the other is 'the Dark

Lord'. Dumbledore knows what's in it because, according to the little card

that identifies the orb, the prophecy was spoken to him by the person

who gave the prophecy."

"If that's the case," said Harry. "Then anyone can know of what the

prophecy said just by Dumbledore telling them."

"Yes," nodded Sirius. "But, can you see him doing that? Especially after

you just told me you've already asked him why Riddle is after you and he

refuses to answer?"

"No," Harry frowned. "So, how do I get to hear it?"

"You need to go down to the Department of Mysteries and ask," Sirius

immediately replied. "I need to organise with you and them a time when

you can do that."

Harry thought about that for a few moments before he said, "When we

can, I think."

"I agree," said his godfather. "But, it's already been fifteen years. There's

no need to go running there right now. It can wait a couple of days, or

even weeks, at least."

Harry gave a grunt and nodded back. "Yeah. It's not as if it changes

anything, does it?"

Once he saw that Harry would agree, Sirius told him what he actually

wanted to tell him about.

"This has to do with why Riddle is still managing to be on this plane of

existence; why he hasn't passed on to his... Next Great Adventure,"

explained Sirius.

The way Sirius emphasised it, Harry even heard the capitals.

He gave another nod and Sirius began to tell him a tale of his morning

the previous day.

He spoke about how he met, as previously arranged, a team of

Unspeakables who needed to get into the Black Townhouse, which was a

property of the Blacks on Grimmauld Place in South London.

"It's actually the place where I grew up and ran away from, when I was

sixteen," he said. "I ran to the home of your grandparents, Fleamont and

Euphemia Potter, and your father's when he was a child. They welcomed

me into their home with open arms, as they said they would if I needed a

place to escape to. But, that's a story for a different time. This is about

the Black Townhouse.

"You see, from basically a year or two after I... left, my mother was in the

house on her own except for a house elf named Kreacher. When my

mother died quite a few years ago, the house elf decided to serve her

portrait she had painted in her place. However, as you know, a house elf

slowly begins to die if they're not properly bonded. And Kreacher bonded

himself to the portrait. The only magic sustaining him was the wards on

the property, which was nowhere near enough.

"So, Kreacher used as little magic as possible to draw out his service to

my mother's portrait. As a result, the townhouse has fallen into bad

disrepair. In a nutshell, it's now a dump. But, it's still protected because

the wards on it are still strong.

"As I'm the Lord Black the Unspeakables needed me to get into the

property. They could have got in by brute-forcing their way in but, as the

property is in a high density muggle residential area, they'd have had to

breach the Statute of Secrecy while doing so. And even the Unspeakables

are leery about doing that.

"Once I was declared innocent they knew that I, as Lord Black, could

simply let them in."

"Why'd they need to get in?" asked Harry.

"They believed there was an artefact in there that forms one of the

reasons how Riddle is still about and causing mischief," replied Sirius.

"They were right. And they found it."

"They intend to destroy it though, right?" asked Harry, a little worried.

"Yes, Pup," his godfather was quick to assure him. "I believe they would

have done it by now, too."

"Does that mean that Riddle's gone now, too?"

"No. Riddle created, at least, more than one of these things," replied

Sirius. "They found another in the school when they went there a couple

days ago."

"Oh, I remember that," said Harry. "That is, I remember them visiting.

They removed a curse from the DADA position and banished Binns."

Sirius gave a single nod and said, "They also found another one of these

artefacts in a small town in northern England up near the border with

Scotland, another inside a vault in Gringotts and they believe that diary

you had to deal with at the end of your second year at Hogwarts was yet


"Merlin!" groaned Harry. "How many of these bloody things are there?"

"No idea," replied Sirius. "That's something they wouldn't tell me. All they

told me was 'a few'.

"An answer that's about as useless as tits on a bull," grimaced Harry.

Sirius gave a short snort of amusement at the analogy, as he'd never

heard it before. "Quite. But, I told them I was going to tell you what I've

now told you. They weren't bothered by it because, since you'd already

come across one and destroyed it... that diary... they want you to let

them know if you come across any more. And definitely don't tell

Dumbledore about it."

"Oh, that's never going to happen," Harry firmly stated. "The 'telling

Dumbledore' bit, I mean; not the telling the Unspeakables."

"I knew what you meant, Pup," Sirius lightly smiled.

Harry thought about that for a few moments before he asked, "Does them

not being upset about you telling me this have to do with that prophecy?"

"That's my guess," nodded his godfather. "Nice deduction."

"Then I also guess we'll probably learn the answer to why when we hear

that prophecy," nodded Harry.

Neither of them yet knew there was now a mild charm on them both not

to go in and listen to that prophecy, just yet. The Unspeakables placed

the one on Harry that day they attended the school; and the one on Sirius

was placed just the previous day. Another was placed on Dobby not to

remove either.




After recovering from his 'ordeal' the previous early evening, Dumbledore

rose that morning with a determined plan. He was going to go visit his

loyal deputy - or the witch who was supposed to be his loyal deputy - and

convince her to work with him to convince those who needed convincing

to overturn the ruling of the Chief Adjudicator at her trial.

As he knew the woman to be an early riser he needed to get down to

breakfast early so he could be on his way as soon as possible. So he was

up and ready for the day, walking through his office and down the stairs,

timed to be in the Great Hall the moment the breakfast was scheduled to


He could have eaten his breakfast in his rooms, as he did his previous

evening's dinner, but knew he also had to put in an appearance in the

Great Hall to show the staff and students he was back and in charge.

At that time of the morning, only the early risers were present. But it

would be enough for the word to quickly get about.

Striding into the room from the Professor's entrance behind the staff table

with his head high, he quickly made his way to his wooden 'throne' and,

immediately after taking his seat, quickly looked about.

At that time there were only about a quarter of the Ravenclaws who were

usually awake and down by this time; a handful of Slytherins; a few

Hufflepuffs; unsurprisingly, no Gryffindors; and only two Professors,

Sprout and Babbling. Sprout was always an early riser, who liked to get

an early start in her greenhouses, and Babbling, the Ancient Runes

Professor, stated her mind was sharper in the morning if she made an

earlier start to her day.

"Good morning," he almost cheerily nodded to the two professors,

determined not to let what happened the previous evening dampen his

mood or become more widely known. His greeting was met only with

blank, semi-hostile stares from both before he turned his attention to

building himself a decent Hogwarts breakfast. It was far better fare than

he had 'enjoyed' for the past week and a bit.

'Once I get things back to rights, they'll come around,' he thought,

ignoring the looks he received from them. 'If not, I can always fire them.'




14. Wendell Shocks Harry

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to the proverbial Duchess of

Magic, JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high

falutin' companies. No matter how much I whine about not owning anything

related to the HP universe, other than a few fanfic plots, I do not profess to

own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful

world... Damn it!

A/N: Quite a few reviewers - of the reviews I manage to read, at any rate

- mention about Harry's immunity to mind magics and ask why isn't he

immune to the Unspeakables' charm on him. I remind you of this: Just

because Harry believes he's immune to all such magics it doesn't mean he

is. Plus, the Unspeakables also know about the so-called immunity. Don't

you think they'd have taken that into consideration?

C'mon, peoples! Authors expect you to figure some things out for

yourselves; otherwise we spend all our time explaining the story instead

of telling the story.

Chapter Fourteen - Wendell Shocks Harry




The breakfast turned out to be such a welcome after his long stay in a

holding cell, Dumbledore actually stayed a little longer than he planned.

It wasn't until the mail owls all streamed in that he realised how late it

was and was quick to leave again.

However, this time he left by way of the main doors into the room, so the

students could see him and know he was back. That way was a little

longer to get back to his office so he could apparate out to McGonagall's

ancestral lands in the Scottish highlands, but the walk helped to get his

blood pumping and his mind sharpened.

Almost as soon as he walked into his office he apparated out. He never

noticed the owl-delivered scroll, sealed with red wax and stamped with

the Hogwarts Seal, sitting on his desk with the rest of his 'redirected'


He appeared a long moment later on the outskirts of a small Scottish

settlement that was the home village of the Stewart Clan, Minerva

McGonagall's ancestral clan seat. He had to apparate in quite a distance

out as the village was, like most such magical settlements in Scotland,

under one massive anti-portkey anti-apparation ward schema, to name

two of the wards over the area. Only those of Stewart blood could

portkey or apparate directly into the village. He knew her small home to

be among the private residences just beyond what could passably be

called the Village Square.

As he walked in and made sure he did not seem threatening at all, quite a

few of the Highlanders of Clan Stewart stopped to watch him for a few

moments before then deciding to ignore him and get on with what they

were doing. He was, after all, only a Sassanach - an Englishman.

It was almost twenty minutes before he was through the centre of the

village and out into the homes on the other side. And half that time later

he was at the front gate of McGonagall's home.

Barely pausing in his stride, he opened the gate and walked up the short

path to her door.

A firm but polite knock on her door and he waited, mentally reviewing

what he needed to talk to her about and his plan for getting her back into

the castle as his deputy, once more.

Almost before he realised it, the door was yanked open by the very witch

he wanted to see. However, it was instantly apparent she would not be

welcoming him.

Minerva McGonagall stood there with an expression of great fury on her

face and her wand in her hand.

"Minerva?" he politely asked. "Whatever is the matter?"

That triggered it.

McGonagall immediately launched into screaming and verbally cursing

him in a combination of Gaelic Scottish and English Scottish before she

started flinging curses and animated transfigurations at him. If it wasn't

for her opening with invective first, he knew she'd have likely killed him.

"Ye glaikit bludy buggerin' auld rockit!" (You stupid bloody buggering old


Her wand whipped up and she cast a banishing charm at him. One he

didn't have his own wand out and ready to defend against. The curse sent

him flying backwards, back to and through her front gate.

"Ah lost mah jab, fur ah trusted ye!" (I lost my job because I trusted you!)

she screamed as she stalked out the door and after him.

Then she began to transfigure various rocks and garden decorations into

almost fantastical beasts she then sent after him.

"Tha thu dad ach fèineil, suas Sasannach fhèin le delusions fèin airidheachd!"

(You're nothing but a selfish, up himself Englishman with delusions of

self entitlement!) she screamed.

By then he'd managed to get himself to his feet, drawing his wand as he

did so, just in time to destroy and banish away the animated


"Bi falbh còmhla riut! Chan eil riamh dorcha mo gan rithist, tha thu geal-

whiskered wanker!" (Begone with you! Never darken my stoop again, you

white-whiskered wanker!)

The next few attacks came by way of curses, followed up by the

transfiguring of some other piece of detritus out of the 'street' that

attacked him from behind. He'd managed to spell swat the curses aside

but was nearly bitten on his leg by the tin lion that came at him from

outside his peripheral vision. He was lucky it only managed to get a 'bite'

of his robes.

He banished that but had to dive out of the way of her follow up 'grey'

curses she'd sent at him while he was dealing with the lion.

She screamed at him, yet again, "If ye ever come 'ere again ah will demand

Chief 'Amish declare blood feud oan ye 'n' yer brother!" (If you ever come

here again I'll demand Chief Hamish declare blood feud on you and your


As Dumbledore rapidly retreated back the way he'd come, he was glad

the woman had stopped at her front gate. He knew that if he attacked her

in the settlement, the wards based on ill-intent against a member of the

Stewart Clan would quickly deal with him. She had once told him that

any outsider acting with ill-intent in the village quickly found themselves

stunned, bound, waking without any magical item that was on their

person and in the only secure cell they had - the settlement's short-term


Once he was far enough away from her he felt safe enough to turn

around so he wasn't dodging backwards, he was met by hostile stares of

those who'd come out of their homes to see what was going on. Of the

adults they, too, had their wands out and were glaring at him. He could

see mothers chivvying their children back into the homes or away from

the street between the buildings.

"Errr... Good morning," he tried to cheerily say. "It seems my good


That was as far as he got before one of the burliest of the men standing

there and frowning at him took a step forward, raised his off arm and

pointed to Dumbledore's right. "Th' ward line's closest tha' wey," he


"Ah, yes," replied Dumbledore. "But the apparation point is that way."

And gestured with his own hand behind the man.

His face turning from frown to anger, the man firmly pointed in the same

direction again and said, "Wance ootside th' wards ye kin donder aroond."

(Once outside the wards you can walk around.)

Not wanting to push it in a place he had no hope of being able to

properly defend himself if the villagers developed a mob mentality,

Dumbledore sighed and quietly said, "If you wish. I am disappointed you

feel it necessary to force one of such advanced age as I to make such an

unnecessary trek."

When the man was unmoved, Dumbledore gave him another

disappointed look, turned and made his way up a bisecting lane-way in

the direction the man indicated. He didn't need to turn around to know

he was being closely followed to make sure he didn't deviate from the

direction he was forced to take.




If Dumbledore had chosen not to try and rush things and took his time to

first contact his ex-deputy via floo or owl, he would have at least checked

his mail. That scroll with the red seal of Hogwarts upon it that sat in the

middle of his desk was a missive sent on behalf of the Chair-wizard of the

Board of Governors of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry,

Bartholomew Creston. It was to inform him that an emergency

Extraordinary Meeting of the Board had been called for the Board to

discuss what to do from there with he, Dumbledore, unexpectedly not

being incarcerated as a result of his trial. And that he was required to


That meeting was scheduled only ten minutes after he apparated out.

But, even then, with the advantage of near instant travel through the floo

or via apparation or portkeys, that was hardly a problem.

That meeting went ahead, as scheduled.

Dumbledore did not like the Board entering the grounds of the school

and holding their meetings there as 'they could cause disruptions in the

students' days' (read: they could find out about something he didn't want

them finding out about), so he came up with an excuse to get them out.

During Riddle's reign of terror, he had what he needed - student security.

So, the meetings had been moved from Hogwarts to a boardroom set

aside for them at the Ministry. He just never let them back.

As the Board waited past the appointed time before carrying on with the

business of getting the meeting started, Dumbledore still had not turned


The chair-wizard, Creston, after starting the meeting finally said, "Well,

he's either just being 'Dumbledore', or he's being arrogantly rude. You'd

think, with the disruptions Lord Potter's actions have caused the school,

he'd put in the effort to want to help resolve them. I say it's time to vote

on whether we want to keep him as Headmaster or not."

"I so move," said one of the Board members, Thistlethwaite.

"And I second," another immediately said.

"Very well," said the Chair-wizard "I need a formal motion."

Thistlethwaite said, "I move that, 'Due to the actions of the current

Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Albus

Dumbledore, that the position of Headmaster hereby be deemed vacated.

And that the School Board of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and

Wizardry immediately seek to fill that vacancy with all haste.'"

"I second," another immediately stated.

"I'll accept that motion as two as I believe we need to vote upon the first

before we vote upon the second," said the Chair-wizard "Therefore I

accept that the first motion be, 'Due to the recent actions of the current

Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Albus

Dumbledore, that the position of Headmaster hereby be deemed vacated.'

Member Thistlethwaite, do you so move?"

"I so move," declared Thistlethwaite.

"And I so second," said the original seconder, Paulson.

"Accepted," declared the Chair-wizard. "Do I have a speaker against?"

When he was again greeted with only silence, he said, "There being no

speaker against the motion I move to the vote."

The result was a unanimous decision to declare the position of

Headmaster vacant, effectively removing Dumbledore from the position.

"With the motion agreed, we now move on to the second part," said the

Chair-wizard "'That the School Board of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft

and Wizardry immediately seek to fill the vacancy of Headmaster of

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry with all haste.'"

"I so move," declared Thistlethwaite.

"And I so second," said Paulson.

Again, there was no speaker against and the vote was unanimous 'For'.

"Then let us now move to discussing candidates and filling that position,"

said the Chair-wizard

Of course, it is very rare that a matter comes before the Board where the

decision is not already known. And filling the position of Headmaster/

mistress was no exception. Lady Griselda Marchbanks, also in attendance,

was the Board's chosen successor.

However, that was not because she was the best of a bunch. No, she was

the only one who could fill the position at short notice. And she and the

Board all knew it. With the dismissal of Dumbledore, McGonagall, Snape

and Flitwick - the only ones, except Sprout who flat-out refused it, who

had the qualifications to ascend to the position - they had to either go to

a retired member of staff who had at least Head of House experience, or

seek a competent replacement from overseas. Marchbanks, as a retired

Head of House (Ravenclaw), plus adding to that experience as the Head

of the Wizarding Examinations Authority within the Ministry for the past

two plus decades, was the only one both available and willing to take the

role; albeit reluctantly. She was even, for a time before McGonagall was

ready for the role, Acting Deputy Headmistress.

Another member immediately said, "I move that, 'Lady Griselda Anne

Marchbanks, currently of the WEA, be considered for the position of

Headmistress of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and be

immediately confirmed into that position."

"I second," said another.

The chair-wizard immediately looked to Marchbanks and asked, "Lady

Marchbanks, do you accept being considered for the role?"

"Of course I do, Bart," she snapped back. "It's been about all we've talked

about for the past three days."

"Griselda," the Chair-wizard sighed. "You know we have to do this by the

numbers and exactly by procedure, or Dumbledore will use it as way to

have it overturned."

"Very well," she grumbled. "I so accept."

"Thank you," he said. "With the acceptance of the nomination for the

position of Headmistress of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

by Lady Griselda Marchbanks, do we have another?"

No one made a sound.

After leaving it for a good five seconds, the Chair-wizard said, "Being no

further nominations for the position of Headmistress or Headmaster of

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, I seek a mover of a motion

for Lady Marchbanks to be accepted in the position of Headmistress of

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."

Another member who had remained relatively quiet to this point, a

wizard well-known for his leanings towards the Light, stated, "I move

that, 'Lady Griselda Anne Marchbanks, currently of the WEA, be accepted

and appointed to the position of Headmistress of Hogwarts School of

Witchcraft and Wizardry, effective immediately."

"I second the motion," said another Light witch.

"Do I have a speaker against?" asked the Chair-wizard. When he was

again greeted with only silence, he said, "There being no speaker against

the motion I move to the vote."

With yet another unanimous decision in the affirmative Lady Griselda

Marchbanks became Headmistress of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and

Wizardry as of that moment - Headmistress Lady Griselda Marchbanks.

"Congratulations, Headmistress Lady Marchbanks," said the Chair-wizard

"On behalf of the School Board of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and

Wizardry I bid you success in your role and look forward to hearing from

you of the great strides you are making in bringing our school back to a

fully functioning educational entity."

The entire Board rose and applauded her. Marchbanks sat there, took it

and grumbled about 'uppity youngsters'.

Moving on to the position of Deputy, the School Board were unsure of

who to appoint to the position at that time, but knew it would not be

Dumbledore or Flitwick. They considered offering the position to Sprout,

but decided to leave it to Marchbanks to figure out whom that would be.

Less than fifteen minutes later and as planned prior Marchbanks flooed

into Sprout's office and, accompanied by the Herbology Mistress, walked

from there to the Great Hall. They were met by most of the staff still in

attendance, who had been contacted earlier by Sprout by notes delivered

by house elf and told to be there. Missing were Dumbledore, Trelawney,

Hagrid and Filch.

There were quiet groups of students in 'street' clothes sitting in small

groups at the four House tables all wondering why most of the remaining

teaching staff bar Dumbledore, Trelawney and Sprout but including the

new medi-wizard, had gathered in a group behind the head table.

When they saw the little elderly witch who used a cane slowly walk in,

accompanied by Sprout, they knew something was in the wind. Many

knew the little witch to be Lady Griselda Marchbanks of the WEA, so

knew something big was about to occur.

Marchbanks, after quickly greeting the staff, stood at the head table at

the Headmaster's position and quietly declared, "I, Lady Griselda Anne

Marchbanks, having been appointed to the position of Headmistress of

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, hereby take up that

position effective immediately. As I say, so must it be, so let it be


There was a tremendous flash of light of a powerful just-taken wizarding

oath that centred on the little witch. And the castle seemed to shudder

just a little. The latter was almost unnoticeable to those not in the room

at the time. It was unnoticeable to those who were almost blinded by the

flash of light.




While the trip from the apparation point to McGonagall's home took him

almost thirty minutes, the trip back was almost an hour and ten. It was

even longer for Dumbledore than it could have been, due to him starting

to feel the effects of McGonagall's attacks upon his body. He knew he had

to have at least bruised his tail bone and possibly his right ankle. If he

didn't want to further injure himself he had to walk carefully and,

therefore, his pace and length of stride were slowed and shortened.

All up, from the time he first arrived to the time he began to approach

the apparation point it would be almost two hours

From where he was trudging towards the apparation point from almost

ten minutes away, a particular sensation shot through Dumbledore's

body. The effect caused him to stumble so badly he almost fell flat on his

face. He had just felt the wards of Hogwarts shift away from him as if

ripped from his soul.

Utterly shocked to his hand-knitted woollen socks, Dumbledore regained

his balance and stood there for a long moment, horrified. "No!" he


Then he put on a burst of speed and almost ran the remaining distance to

the apparation point. It took him almost three minutes to reach it, rather

than the ten it would have taken at his current pace.

He barely paused before he apparated out and away, only to feel himself

bounce off a powerful ward and end up sprawled on the cobbled path

just outside the front gates of Hogwarts. Both the collision with the wards

and the undignified landing hurt.

Stunned almost unconscious, it took him a moment to realise what had

happened and, slowly but painfully, rise to his feet. He'd just bounced off

the wards of Hogwarts. And that confirmed what he dreaded; he no

longer had control of the wards of the school.

"No!" he again exclaimed in horror.

He whipped his wand out and began casting diagnostics on the wards,

wanting to believe there was something wrong with them, rather than he

losing control of them. However, the diagnostic results all came back the

same. The controller of the wards was now someone else, not he.

He had no idea he'd been seen by some of those in Hogsmeade, or that

he'd been cursing up a storm as he waved his wand at the wards.

In the castle, Marchbanks had quietly said a few words to the rest of the

staff and organised a meeting for later that day in her office, before

leaving through the Professor's entrance and making her way towards

said office. She had some 'cleaning up' to do.

However, she'd only made it a small partway there, a couple minutes,

when she felt the wards inform her someone powerful had just tried to

apparate into the school, but crashed into the wards.

She stopped for a moment in her walk, smirked to herself, turned around

and began to walk to the Entrance Hall; her cane, tapping away each

second step. Estimating the distance and paces of the individuals

involved - her and Dumbledore - she knew she'd make it there in plenty

of time to greet him as he walked in through the main doors. His distance

was almost five times greater than her own. She knew there was no need

to hurry.

Albus might think he was a master of the craft of always looking like he

knew what he was doing, but she'd perfected it before he'd even attended

Hogwarts as a 'Firstie'.




After the minor injuries he sustained in the Stewart Village, followed by

the 'rude' bounce off the Hogwarts wards, Dumbledore was now limping

a little more. However, he was ignoring the pain in his 'dignified haste'

from the gates to the main doors of the castle. After all, he convinced

himself, it wouldn't do for the students to actually see him running.

It wasn't as if he could, anyway. That three minutes of running from

where he felt the wards ripped from his control to the apparation point

outside the main entrance to the village had winded him enough he

couldn't have run the distance from the gates to the doors if he'd tried.

And it would leave him panting in over-exertion as he walked in through

the doors if he'd succeeded. Not a good look.

Finally reaching the doors and ignoring the looks he was receiving from

the students who were outside at that moment, he strode in with his head

high and posture erect.

Marchbanks was waiting for him in the middle of the Entrance Hall. She

stood there, leaning slightly on her ever-present cane, smirking at him as

he walked in.

"Good morning, Albus," she said. "It's about time you got back from

wherever you went. Were you not aware you were required by the

School Board to attend an emergency Extraordinary Meeting, this


"Griselda?" he frowned. "Why are you here? And I don't have time to

pander to the whining of the Board, this morning. I have far too much

important and urgent business to attend."

"Oh?" she asked, as it appeared he was about to turn away and head

towards 'his' office. "And what sort of important and urgent business took

you away from what should be your duties to the school? After all, you'd

already been away for a week. I'd think your duties in the school would

be far more important than anything outside of it."

"If you must know," he snapped, "I went to see Minerva to see if we could

come up with a way to get her reappointed to her proper post as Deputy


"Now, if you'll excuse me, I have things I need to do."

"I will not excuse you, Albus," she returned. "As Headmistress, I need to

speak with you about what, if any, role you will continue to play in this


With a start of shock he stared at her. "What?" he exclaimed.

"You heard me, Albus," she smirked. "If there's a problem with your

hearing then that is something we'll have to take into consideration―"

"I am the Headmaster of Hogwarts, Griselda," he snapped.

"No, Albus, you are not," she calmly replied. "Your failure, whether

through arrogance or inattention, to attend the emergency meeting of the

School Board was the last straw for them, as they say. You have been

removed from the post as Headmaster and I have been appointed in your


"No, damn it!" he snarled. "I will not allow this! They have NO RIGHT!"

Then he spun on his heel and stormed off, towards what was now his old


Snickering under her breath, as she knew where the man was heading

she turned to serenely follow along. Again, she knew there was no hurry

as Dumbledore would not be able to get into the office until she allowed

him to.

Immediately on the switching of the wards to her, the gargoyle that

guarded the office stairs entrance would now only respond to her until

she set a password with it that would allow the staff and anyone else to


A couple of minutes later the old man stormed down the passage way

that was the last until the gargoyle. As he approached, he snarled at it,

"Sugar Quills!"

However, it didn't move.

Now having to stop before it, he snarled, "I said, 'Sugar Quills', blast it!"

Again, the gargoyle didn't move.

"Blood Pops!... Lemon Drops!... Ice Mice!" he finished with a yell.

Finally, after the morning he'd had let alone the previous evening in that

very office, he snatched his wand out of his belt and cast an overpowered

blasting curse at the base of the statue.

A split-second later he was unconscious, lying sprawled on the floor

about ten feet back from where he'd stood when he'd cast. The last thing

he saw was his curse reflected back at him.




Approaching about two minutes later, Marchbanks hobbled forward until

she stood looking down at the old man lying so undignified on the floor.

His wand was in the passageway a little apart from him, obviously

released from his hand as he dropped.

Merrily cackling to herself, she summoned his wand off the floor and into

her hand before she dropped it onto his chest.

"May I have a house elf, please?" she sweetly called.

With an almost silent pop one stood almost to her side. "Whats can Nippy

bes doing for new Headmistress lady?" it asked.

"Nippy, is it?" she asked.

"Yes, Headmistress lady," the elf replied with a small bob.

With a pleased smirk at the elf she indicated Dumbledore and said,

"Would you please pop Albus, here, to the Infirmary and into one of the

beds there? Place his wand on the bedside table and inform the school

medi-wizard he stunned himself trying to curse the gargoyle to the new

Headmistress's office."

"Yes, Headmistress lady," the elf replied with another short bob before it

and Dumbledore disappeared in a flash of elf magic light.

Chuckling to herself again, Marchbanks looked to the gargoyle and said,

"I am Lady Griselda Marchbanks, new Headmistress of Hogwarts School

of Witchcraft and Wizardry. By tradition, I demand access to the spaces

beyond you so I may take up my duties.

"The new password shall be, 'May I please pass'."

The gargoyle gave a short nod and stepped to the side. As she then

stepped through the stairs beyond began to ascend, carrying her aloft.




After his meeting with Sirius, Harry escorted him back to the front door

and away before going to find Hermione. She was waiting for him with

Monica in the dinette.

As soon as he looked in, she looked up at him and asked, "Ready to go


"Yep," he replied. "Where's your... Wendell?"

"He won't be coming," replied Monica. "He used the excuse he needed to

go back to the surgery to catch up on office paperwork. It's the one he

often uses when he doesn't want to go anywhere."

"Why not?" he asked, confused.

"Because, at his core, my husband is a coward," she replied.

Harry thought that was a bit harsh, but that it also wasn't his place to say

anything so didn't. It didn't seem to bother Hermione. If anything, she

smirked at her mother.

Less than two minutes later they were downstairs, out through the

connecting door to the garage and into Monica's BMW.




Three and a half hours later, Harry came staggering in through the same

door in deep shock.

Not even feeling as if he had the energy to get up to his room, he made it

as far as the upper ground floor before he collapsed on one of the

armchairs in the parlour and groaned.

Hermione and Monica had followed him in and up and looked at him

with matching smirks.

"Whatever is the matter, Harry?" asked Hermione, overly sweetly. "You

look as if you've gone five rounds with a hippogriff."

"You two are evil," he moaned. "It was inhuman what you two made me


That had both Granger ladies openly grin back.

He'd just closed his eyes in bliss at being able to just sit and relax for a

while when Monica said, "Why don't you go up and change into a set of

those clothes you just bought. Wearing transfigured clothes from

wizarding robes can't be all that comfortable.

"I'm still being bossed around?" he whined, starting to sit up straighter. "I

thought turning Harry into a dress-up Barbie doll was done with!"

Not waiting for a response he groaned as he rose to his feet and trudged

his way to the stairs. If he'd looked back he'd have seen the current

female auror stationed with them suddenly fade into view as a

disillusionment charm faded away. And all three ladies grinned at one


"Put on the light green collared T-shirt, black jeans and trainers, Harry,"

Hermione called up the stairs. "And grab the dark green V-necked

sweater if you're a little chilly!"

Once they heard Harry's door shut up the stairs, all three broke out into


"He's right," grinned the auror. "You two are evil."

"Oh, diddums!" giggled Hermione. "He's just a boy. It's in their nature to

complain about clothes shopping."

"Tea?" asked Monica.

"Yes, please," said Hermione. "You'll be joining us ladies, Henrietta," she

added to the auror.

"Well, I suppose Tomas will be alright on his own," she replied. "He is,

after all - as you put it - just a boy."

With the three laughing they went to the kitchen.




In her new office, Marchbanks set to work. First, she had the elves clear

out all of Dumbledore's personal effects and take them to the private

apartment of the Transfiguration Professor. Then had the elves collect her

own from her private residence where they were already packed and

waiting and put them in their place.

Once everything was as she wanted it, she went down the stairs to the


As with the Head's apartment, she had the elves clear out all of

Dumbledore's personal effects, including Fawkes's roost, and had them

moved to the Transfiguration Professor's office next to the same

apartment. And was surprised when a lot of things remained she thought

were the old man's personal effects.

A quick call for an elf and asking for an explanation, she was told that

none of what was left was actually the Headmaster's personal property.

"It belongs to the school?" she asked.

"Not all, Headmistress lady," replied the elf.

"What doesn't?" she asked. "And do you know who it belongs to?"

The elf then indicated various things around the office and to whom they

rightfully belonged. She was shocked. She had no idea that, according to

what she'd just learned, Dumbledore was such a thief.

"Alright," she sighed. "The possessions that rightfully belong to each

person, I want you to clearly label with a name for that person. I then

want you to create for me a written list of the lot. And, finally, you can

shift it to secure storage. Then I am to be the only one to know where

that is and I am to be the only one to be able to have you bring

something back out of it.

"After it's all done, come and give me the list and let me know it's done,"

she instructed. "But, not a word about this to anyone else, got that?"

"Yes, Headmistress lady," the little elf replied before it popped away.

Suddenly, all the items that had been identified as belonging to others

also quickly flashed away.

Less than a minute later the elf was back and handing her a scroll, she

asked it to wait. Unrolling it she found a detailed list with items

rightfully belonging to six different individuals of more than two dozen

items. Well over half of them belonged to Lord Potter, mostly books.

Rolling it up back up with a sigh, she placed it in a pocket of her robes

and then set about, with the help of the elves, reorganising the office. She

needed that done before she could move her own office furniture,

supplies and items in.




More than half the castle away, Dumbledore suddenly woke to find

himself staring at an amused medi-wizard with a wand in his hand. He

was lying on a bed in the Infirmary.

"What happened and who're you?" he immediately demanded.

"In order, you were delivered by an elf to the bed here, unconscious due

to a reflected Bombarda curse, I believe," replied the wizard. "And,

secondly, I'm Medi-wizard Robinson. I'm the new medi-wizard for the


"Where's Pomfrey?" Dumbledore demanded.

With the smile on Robinson's face suddenly dropping away, he stared

back and replied, "She's in Saint Mungo's and quit. I replaced her. I

believe you were told that, last night."

As Dumbledore struggled to sit up, Robinson said, "I wouldn't do that, if I

were you."

"You don't get to order me around," Dumbledore snapped back. "Where's

my wand and glasses?"

"As the school medi-wizard, when it comes to the inhabitants of this

school I most certainly do get to order you around when it comes to your

health," he replied. "My word is law in matters of health. It's in my


"As for your wand and glasses, if you looked, you'd see they're on the

bedside table."

Quickly picking up his glasses, donning them and then grabbing his wand

- the same wand that hadn't worked right for him since he'd recovered it

from that infernal Bones woman - he hopped off the side of the bed and

staggered as he tried to take a step.

"I did warn you," said the medi-wizard. But he didn't reach for him to

help steady him. As far as Robinson was concerned, if the old fool

wouldn't do as he was told then whatever injuries he sustained falling

over after being told not to get out of bed were his own damned fault.

Dumbledore snarled something unintelligible back, braced himself up

and made his way from the wing without even bothering to thank the


As he walked he felt his energy returning. He also noticed he no longer

felt the pain in his half-twisted ankle, in his left hip near his tailbone or

right shoulder he'd developed as a result of Minerva's 'unwarranted

attack', getting bounced off the wards or landing on the cobblestones

outside the main gate. So, the medi-wizard had at least healed him.

Arriving back at the gargoyle, Dumbledore demanded entrance. The

gargoyle ignored him.

As he stood there, fuming, it was some seconds later before the gargoyle

suddenly stepped aside.

"About time," he harrumphed

Not even waiting for the stairs to raise him he climbed them to the top.

And then tried to open the door.

"Try knocking!" he heard firmly called from within as he drew his wand

to magically unlock the door.

With his temper again ratcheting up, he knocked and then tried the door.

Again, that didn't work.

Then he heard, "Come in, Albus!"

This time, the door opened for him.

He'd made it only a few steps within when he noticed the major changes

and stopped dead in his tracks.

Seeing him suddenly stop and appear shocked, Marchbanks called from

where she was sitting behind the desk, "What's the matter, Albus?"

He couldn't even call it his desk as that desk was not the one she was

sitting behind where his desk should sit.

"Do you not know where to find your office?" she smirked.

"This is my office," he snapped. "What have―"

"No, Albus," she grinned back, speaking over him. "This is my office. I

told you back in the Entrance Hall, when you were being rude then, that

you're not the Headmaster any more.

"As I'm in need of a new Professor of Transfiguration, you hold a mastery

in the subject and have already taught it once before, that's your job for

the moment."

"And I told you, Griselda," he snarled. "I'm not surrendering the post of


Standing up straighter and appearing quite pious he said, "I have tenure.

I cannot be fired."

She openly laughed at him. "Oh, Albus," she chortled. "That's quite


When he appeared confused in his anger, she explained, "You have tenure

as a professor; not as Headmaster. You've not been fired from Hogwarts.

You've been replaced as Headmaster. You're currently welcome to take

your place as Professor of Transfigurations or quit. For the moment, that

choice is yours.

"Trust me; very careful research was conducted to ensure we were right

in this."

"We?" he carefully but more quietly asked.

"We, Albus," she confirmed. "The School Board wanted to make sure to

what limits they could go to get you out of control of Hogwarts. That's

when it was discovered your tenure only applies to your position as a

professor, not your position as Headmaster.

"Your position as Headmaster only occurred after you convinced old

Headmaster Dippet and the then School Board to no longer offer tenure

to professors. Your new position as Headmaster, therefore, did not fall

under the clause of tenure you held as a tenured Professor of the time.

"As such, they could remove you from the post of Headmaster. With

Minerva no longer permitted to teach, that freed up the post of Professor

of Transfiguration for you. That's the position you're now, once again,


"You'll find your personal effects already in your apartments and office."

With a gesture of dismissal, she added, "You may go, Albus. I have a

great deal of work ahead of me." Then she chose to ignore him.

Feeling impotent in his internalised rage, Dumbledore spun about, ready

to head out the door again. His own recollection of the rule regarding

tenure-ship showed she was right.

"Oh," she said, just as Dumbledore reached the door. When he spun back

to glare at her she said, "And don't think you'll be offered Deputy

Headmaster or Head of Gryffindor back, either. As your tenure-ship

doesn't apply to either of those positions, I have in mind others for those."

With a silent snarl of rage he stormed from the office, not even bothering

to slam the door behind him. He just left it open.

Marchbanks gave a flick of her wand and the door closed and latched.

Then let loose a full-throated laugh for someone of her age. It came out

as a cackle.

"Was that absolutely necessary?" asked one of the portraits in a chiding

voice. None of them had spoken until that point.

Glancing up she saw it was old Eupraxia Mole. The one, she remembered,

who never spoke to Dumbledore.

"Yes, dear," she replied. "Albus needs to learn his place. If I tried to be

gentle about it he'd just pretend I didn't say anything, ignore me as he

would usually try to and fill the air with platitudes. He needs a firm


Phinneas Black said, "If I remember correctly, you were a Slytherin, were

you not?"

"Ravenclaw," she replied. "You're thinking of my sister. I was also Head of

House for Ravenclaw for a while and Acting Deputy Headmistress for a

time, too."

"Pity," he said. "Your move with the School Board was worthy of a


"Just because one was not sorted into that House, does not presuppose

one was not worthy of that House, dear," she smirked. "I simply did not

want to be in the same House as my sister, at the time. And the Hat

acquiesced to my wish."

"All too true," the Hat suddenly said from off its perch on one of the

shelves. "And I still say you would have been a great Slytherin."

"Oh," snorted Phinneas in amusement. "A true Slytherin, then."

She didn't bother to reply and neither did the Hat.




Later in the morning, in the clothes Hermione had 'ordered' him to wear,

Harry felt he had finally 'recovered' from the horrifying experience of

being taken clothes shopping by the Granger women. That was also when

Wendell returned from his and his wife's dental surgery.

Harry immediately took him aside, glared at the man and asked, "What

did I ever do to you?"

Wendell grinned back and asked, "I take it shopping did not go well?"

"Oh, it went well enough," he grumbled. "For the ladies, that is. For me,

I've never felt so much like an... an... object... as I did today.

"They treated me like a 'dress up doll'. 'Try this on, Harry.' 'Hold your arms

out while I check to see the fit, Harry.' 'Take that off and try this colour,

Harry. That colour doesn't suit you.' 'No, Harry, not that. Try this,

instead.' 'How do those pants feel in the crotch, Harry?' 'Slowly turn

around, Harry. I want to see how well those look fitting your bum.'"

By the time he'd ranted out, Harry was looking a little morose while

Wendell was trying... and almost succeeding... not to laugh.

"It's not funny," Harry moped. "They also don't seem to understand that, if

Cousin Andromeda gets her hands on me and has me taking potions that

are meant to fix my size and weight, all those clothes aren't going to fit

me any more within a few weeks. Then we're just going to have to do it

all over again.

"When I tried to tell them that buying that much clothing was just a

waste of money, Hermione said, 'If you have that much money you can

think the cost of erecting expensive wards on my parents' home was

insignificant, then you have more than enough to buy two full

wardrobes.' I think she was actually using the opportunity to punish me

for something I did that wasn't wrong for me to do!"

That was it for Wendell. Harry's all-too-accurate impression of his

daughter broke the dam that he was struggling to maintain to hold his

laughter in. He was now leaning against the wall, trying to hold himself

up, as he was letting forth with great gales of laughter. He even had tears

flowing from his eyes.

Harry crossed his arms and stood there, staring at the man, both annoyed

and not a little hurt by his host's amusement at his earlier 'predicament'.

"Oh, God!" Wendell managed to get out after a good deal of seconds.

"Tha... that impression of Hermione was bloody hil-ar-ious!" And lost

himself to laughter for a little while longer.

Harry gave a huff of annoyance and headed outside onto the back patio

to mull over his thoughts.

When he thought it over in his own mind he could see how it looked

from Wendell's point of view. If something like that had happened to

someone like Neville, he'd probably be laughing his arse off, too.

Wendell found him outside about ten minutes later.

Sitting in the other half of the pair of patio chairs of which Harry was

sitting on, he said, "I'm sorry, Harry. I should have warned you."

"Warned me?" he asked.

Nodding, Wendell replied, "I know what Monica is like when it comes to

clothes shopping and I knew Hermione was turning out similar. I should

have joined you so I could rein them both in.

"I didn't because... well, I wanted you to experience what it was like."

Curious, Harry asked, "Why?"

Wendell thought how to answer for a bit before he said, "I wanted to see

how well you'd handle it."

Harry's expression of curiosity deepened into puzzlement. "Hunh?"

"Harry," his host kindly said. "For someone who is obviously incredibly

smart - you had to be to pull off your fake persona for so long at such a

young age and not have anyone figure it out - on one subject, at least,

you're also not a little dense."

"Alright," Harry gave a slow nod, still confused. "What am I missing?"

"It's not your fault, mind," said Wendell. "By the sounds of it... and from

what little the aurors, you and Hermione have let slip... you were abused

while under the supposed care of your relatives."

Harry's expression immediately turned to one Wendell would call


"And that's one example of what I'm talking about," he continued,

ignoring it. "You never refer to them as your 'aunt and uncle'; you refer to

them as 'my relatives' directly, or 'the Dursleys' indirectly. You refer to

your cousin as 'their son'; while referring to your distantly-related

relatives on the Black side as your 'cousins'. You've even hinted obliquely

at how they've treated you, almost slipping up and telling us some of the

horrid things they've done to you.

"So, let me ask you directly, did or have they ever shown you love?"

Relaxing a bit, Harry thought about it and replied, "I saw them say they

loved each other many times."

"And by your answer I'm also hearing that they never directed that love

towards you."

Harry frowned and Wendell could see the boy also defensively curl up.


"The fault for that lays entirely with them, Harry," Wendell gently said.

"Denying a child love is simply another form of child abuse; one that's

emotional, in nature.

"Why it's considered child abuse and not just neglect is because the child

learns how to recognise love directed to them by others by the love

directed to them by those who are supposed to care for them. And it's

from experiencing that love that they learn to love back.

"What you also need to understand... and accept... is that there are people

who do love you, right now. I have no doubt that your parents loved you,

very much. After all, they gave their lives to protect you so that you

could live.

"But, there are people, in the here and now, that also love you. Your

godfather, Sirius, is clearly one of those. And... so is my daughter."

Harry was beginning to think of his relationship with his godfather and

the man's focus on him when he heard Wendell mention Hermione. It

was such a shock he tried to whip around so fast to look at the man he

almost toppled himself off the chair.

Managing to unconsciously catch himself in time he stared, almost

horrified, at his friend's father.

"I thought so," said a satisfied Wendell. "You didn't know."

"No!" blurted Harry. "W-we're just friends!"

"You're lying to yourself, Harry. You just don't realise it," Wendell firmly

stated back. "You don't see it because, as I said, you lacked love being

directed at you as a child. Sirius loves you, Hermione loves you and I

dare say there are others I don't know about yet.

"Don't try and deny it; try and accept it. Don't just think me wrong until

you've given yourself time to seriously think about it.

"You're a smart young man. Analyse it, then reach your conclusion.

Otherwise, all you're doing is leaping to a conclusion before you've

analysed the evidence. Isn't that something you accuse those in the

wizarding world of doing? Leaping to conclusions based on opinions

rather than confirmed facts?"

When Harry didn't answer, but appeared to be deep in thought, Wendell

said, "I'll leave you to it." He then rose from his seat and returned inside.

Wendell didn't know if Harry heard him or not because the boy-man

didn't react. But he knew, somewhere in the young man's mind, that he





After finally going to his 'new' office, the one that was his back until he

became Headmaster in 1969, Dumbledore walked in and sighed. All his

personal effects from out of his office were now in there. The larger items

were standing on their own; the smaller items were all in open-topped

boxes. Even his desk from out of his... the Head's... office was there,

having replaced Minerva's. So was his chair.

After a long and disappointed sigh before drawing the Elder Wand out of

his belt, he began rearranging things back to how he preferred it. The

desk was moved to allow light from the window not to fall directly on

the desktop, his office chair tucked in behind it. This then necessitated

the moving of the shelving.

Next he moved his small tables into places he wanted them and placed

chairs either side of one. He'd often sit on those chairs at that table with

a friend, just to discuss matters. With the office being somewhat smaller

than the Headmaster's office some of his little tables that used to only

have trinkets placed on them had to be removed completely.

Once the furniture was laid out he then began to empty the boxes of their

contents onto the desk, the shelves and the occasional tables.

As he worked he soon realised he was missing what he considered some

of his things. Most of the important books were gone; so were other small

items he'd acquired over the years. But, more importantly, so were the

little trinkets that were monitors he used to monitor young Harry - his

health, his mental state, even the scrying device he could use to find the

boy if he was to ever 'disappear' that was based on the boy's blood.

He became so focused on his 'Harry Potter' monitors missing, the reason

for why the items, including the others, were missing never crossed his


Angrily, he called for an elf. It arrived with a small pop of displaced air.

"Yes, Perfesser Whiskers?" it asked.

"It's Head... damn it," he began. "Where are the rest of my personal


The elf quickly looked around and replied, "Theys be in Perfesser

Whiskerses apartment."

Snapping his gaze to the door leading into the apartment, he took the few

steps needed to reach the door, opened it and entered.

After his eyes quickly swept the room he yelled, "Elf!"

"Yes, Perfesser Whiskers?" the little elf asked. It was standing in the


"I mean the rest of my things from out of my office!" he snapped at it.

"Headmistress lady said to elveses to bring all Perfesser Whiskerses

thingsies to Perfesser Whiskerses new office. Elveses dids that."

"There were things in my office that are not here!" snapped the old man.

"Where are they?"

"There were thingsies in Headmistress lady's office that were not

Perfesser Whiskerses thingsies," replied the elf. "Headmistress lady told

elveses to puts them elsewhere and only Headmistress lady to know.

Headmistress lady told elves not to tell."

"Bring them to me," he ordered.

"Headmistress lady be tellings elveses not to brings dem to anyone else

but Headmistress lady," replied the elf. "Elveses be obeying new

Headmistress lady, not Perfesser Whiskers."

"Damn it!" snarled Dumbledore. "GET OUT!" he bellowed.

The little elf popped away without another word.




15. Ward Testing

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to the proverbial Duchess of

Magic, JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high

falutin' companies. No matter how much I whine about not owning anything

related to the HP universe, other than a few fanfic plots, I do not profess to

own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful

world... Damn it!

Chapter Fifteen - Ward Testing




Noticing the time was getting on to lunch, Harry re-entered the house

and went into the kitchen. He didn't know if Wendell had eaten yet and

was very sure no one else had, either. So, set to making lunch.

Cooking helped him think. It's what he used to do while at the Dursleys.

The Dursleys left him alone while he was cooking, so he could use that

time just to figure things out.

He found himself standing there for a few moments trying to clear his

mind of what Wendell had told him so couldn't think of what to make.

"Dobby!" he softly called.

"Yes, Master Harry?" asked the elf.

"Help us out, Dobs," he replied. "I can't think of anything to make for

lunch. Wendell's got me all confuzzled over something."

Dobby took a long look at his master and said, "Dobby will cook. Master

Harry Potter, Sir, be in no fit state to be cookings now."

"Master Harry Potter, Sir, be needing... damn it. I need to be cooking at

the moment, because I need to think about something. And cooking helps

me do that," explained Harry. "I tell you what; how about you be head

chef and I help? That way you can teach me something."

"Dobby cannot be havings Master Harry Potter, Sir, helping Dobby," the

elf firmly replied. "Wizards not be helping house elveses; house elveses be

helping wizards. It be not right, other way 'round."

Harry sighed, stood there and massaged the bridge of his nose. Taking his

hand away he said, "Fine! You cook or make lunch and I'll go find

something else to do."

"Thank you, Master Harry!" declared the elf, happy he wouldn't have his

master in the way when he was trying to do his job. Then got right to it

as Harry walked back out of the kitchen trying to think of something else

to do.

As he walked out and into the main part of the house he almost collided

with the senior male auror currently stationed there. "Sorry!" he blurted.

"No, My Lord," replied the auror. "My fault."

Harry was about to disagree when he just shook it off and asked, "Where

is everyone?" And negligently gestured.

The auror looked off into the distance for a moment before he looked

back and replied, "Mister Granger is in his office, Madam and Miss

Granger are up in Miss Granger's room on the top floor."

"Hunh!" said Harry, giving a verbal nod. "Thank you."

The auror gave a small smile and a nod before he moved off downstairs

towards the servants' quarters, while Harry headed for the stairs heading


He'd go see the two ladies and hoped he wasn't interrupting something





Hermione and her mother were chatting and had been catching up with

what was going on with the wider Granger and Puckle families - Puckle

was Monica's maiden name. However, that's only what Hermione thought

was going on. Monica was subtly trying to work out just how in love her

daughter was with the 'messy, raven-haired boy with those enchanting

green eyes' who was their current guest.

To that end, she also had her daughter telling her stories about the boy.

She was using the words and terms her daughter used about him,

together with her expressions, to gauge that.

She'd finally developed a very good idea when there was knock on the


"Come in!" Hermione called. It was, after all, her room.

The door gently opened to see Harry standing there. To Hermione he

looked a little confused. Then, when he looked at her, he appeared

slightly more confused.

"Harry?" she asked. "What's wrong?"

He gave himself a little shake, smiled at her and said, "Nothing, really. It's

just something I need to figure out for myself.

"I just thought I would come up to see if you ladies had anything

interesting to do."

"Don't you usually cook when at home and fly when at Hogwarts when

you need to figure something out?" she asked.

He gave a nod and replied, "Yes, but I can't fly here and I just let Dobby

toss me out of the kitchen. He's cooking lunch, by the way."

"You could always study," she suggested.

Harry looked back in shock for a moment before he suddenly grinned,

snapped his fingers and said, "I knew there was something I needed to do!

I'll be right back!"

He suddenly spun about and ran across the landing from the doorway

and down the stairs.

Hermione looked at her mother and was about to say something when

she heard Harry come running back up the stairs again.

He burst in through the still open doorway, holding a book. Excitedly, he

walked across the room and handed it to her.

Taking it she read the cover, 'Occlumency for Beginners'

"Occlumency?" she asked. "What's that?"

"Occlumency is the magical mind art of sorting out your thoughts and

memories, as well as protecting your mind from a Legilimencer," he

replied. "As well as improving your ability to retain memory of what you

read, see, hear or experience it gives you significant protection from

someone using Legilimency against you."

"What's Legilimency?" she asked.

"Legilimency is the magical mind art that grants you the ability to... enter

someone's mind to view their memories, scan their surface thoughts and,

in extreme cases, interfere with their ability to think," he replied.

"Severus Snape was a master at it. And Dumbledore used to use him to

spy on the minds of people, especially those around me; including you."

Both women appeared horrified.

"He could do that?" squeaked Hermione.

"That would be an invasion of privacy," said an offended Monica.

Harry nodded back to both with a serious expression on his face.

"What about Dumbledore?" Hermione hesitantly asked.

"From all the experience I had of the man, it's not something he ever did

to me," he replied. "I think he couldn't. Being able to become a

Legilimencer is not something anyone or everyone can do. And I have no

idea how Snape was able to develop it.

"I only know Snape can do it because he tried it on me, right from the

start - in that first potions class we had with him in First Year. That's why

he was staring at me so much.

"Every time I felt him trying it would cause my scar to hurt; and he tried

quite a few times, especially when he was with Dumbledore in

Dumbledore's office with just me. But, when I was in Dumbledore's office

without Snape there, or when I met Dumbledore anywhere else, I never

felt that pain.

"I think it's part of my mother's blood protection she placed on me that's

blocking it. And why I think I'm immune to the Obliviate and Killing


"Which is why you think Dumbledore can't do it," she added.

He grinned and nodded back before he said, "Snape's ability as a

Legilimencer is one of the reasons why I think Dumbledore kept him


Looking down at the book and brushing her hand in a caress across the

cover, she asked, "Have you read this?"

"I've read it, yes," he replied. "However, I can't do it. Again, I think it has

to do with my mother's blood protection. As I said, it's another form of

mind magic."

"And you're immune," she added.

Again, he nodded.

"Thank you," she quietly replied, looking back to him.

He grinned and said, "You're welcome."

"Thank you, Harry," said Monica. "I don't like the idea one of these...

Legilimencers... could read my daughter's mind."

Setting the book on her bedside table, Hermione turned back and said,

"Now, you wanted something to do. How about, after lunch, we go for a

walk around the neighbourhood a little, so you get a feel for the place?"

Surprised by the idea, Harry replied, "That would be nice, thank you."

Stepping back he said, "In that case, I'll leave you ladies to your chat. I

have something I need to ask Sirius."

"You forgot to ask this morning?" asked Hermione.

"You could say that," he smiled.

He'd only just made it out the door when Dobby popped in beside him.

"Lunch is served, Master Harry," he said.

"Thank you, Dobby," he replied before turning back to the door.

"Ladies, I don't know if you noticed but Dobby just popped up to let us

know lunch is ready."

"Excellent," said Monica. "I'm starved!"

Hermione just rolled her eyes.




Walking into the Great Hall in a new set of robes due to the damage to

the set he wore to the Clan Stewart village - stalking in, really -

Dumbledore ignored everyone and made his way directly to his chair at

the head table. However, on arriving there he realised his chair was now

no longer 'his' chair. And it had been removed, anyway.

Marchbanks was now sitting at what used to be his place on a chair with

a more comfortable-shaped back, with no armrests; not one that was

straight-backed like his own. And was showing a weakness of fortitude by

sitting on a large cushion, to boot!

He had been a little delayed as he had stopped a couple of Gryffindor

students to find out if they knew where young Harry had gone when he

left the school. One of them had told him they thought the boy had gone

to stay with Miss Granger, as the two had been inseparable since the First

Task - and they'd also heard Neville Longbottom tell someone else, but

didn't mention who.

As he looked at Marchbanks, she noticed and said, "Good afternoon,

Albus." Then indicated a chair quite a few away from her own. "As

Professor of Transfiguration, your seat is down there."

Moving to a chair only two separated from hers, he said, "I can sit here."

"Can, yes," she replied. But, as he began to reach for it to pull it out and

away from the table so he could sit on it, she added, "However, that is

the seat for the Head of Ravenclaw. And you, Professor Dumbledore, are

not that person.

"You may sit on any seat that is not my own or the three either side of

me, so long as no one has already chosen that seat for themselves. The

closest either side of me, for the time being, are reserved respectively for

the Headmistress and Highmaster of Beauxbatons and Durmstrang. The

next two either side of me are for the four Heads of Houses. Left to right,

they are Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and Slytherin; the same

current order as the four house tables.

"Oh! And Hagrid, due to his size and weight, has the special chair on the

end on my left. Same as he did when you were Headmaster; and

Professor Flitwick has the special chair two to the right of Professor

Sprout, due to his diminutive stature.

"Now, please do go and sit down. I wish to return to my lunch and being

brought up to date as to the happenings of the school by Professor

Sprout." Then she turned away from him to her right to return to her

lunch and discussion with Sprout.

Angered by the rebuke and brush-off, Dumbledore had little choice but to

stomp off towards her left down near Hagrid's chair. He sat in the one

next to the half-giant's. However, Hagrid was not currently there.

No one was currently sitting near where he chose to sit.

Finally turning his attention towards the house tables, he was shocked to

see just how few students actually remained. More than three quarters of

the Slytherin students were missing, half of the Hufflepuffs, about a third

of the Ravenclaws and about two thirds of the Gryffindors. Looking along

the Gryffindor table he even saw that the Weasley children were missing.

However, even more annoying for him, was that Harry Potter was

missing. A second quick check and he saw that Miss Granger was not

there, either.

He thought, 'That was right before I foolishly allowed my temper to

escape my normally tight rein.' And frowned to himself.

'Everything was humming along exactly as planned,' he thought as he

began to build a lunch plate for himself. 'Right up until the point young

Harry entered the arena for the first task. Then everything turned into

dragon dung.

'How had I missed it?' he wondered. 'How had Severus missed it?' And

then remembered that Severus had told him the boy seemed to have

natural Occlumency barriers.

'Not Occlumency barriers,' he thought, 'Barriers that existed because of

the soul fragment of young Tom that resides in the boy's head.' He'd

already figured out that it was the soul fragment that was blocking any

Legilimency attempt on the boy, similar to how a werewolf's mind was

protected by the inner wolf.

That's how they both came up with the idea of using Legilimency on

young Ronald and the Granger girl. If they couldn't get Harry's thoughts

and memories from him, they'd get them second-hand from the youngest

Weasley boy or the girl.

It was not until the First Task he realised the boy was also keeping

secrets from the both of them. He suspected that part of that was because

he'd figured out that Molly, the foolish woman, had set in place her own

plans for the boy. She too, it seems, was after the Potter fortune. That

was something else he'd missed; but the boy, it also seemed, hadn't.

After finishing his meal he quietly left the Hall to return to his apartment

in the Transfiguration corridor. Now that his new office and apartment

had been set up and, as he had no classes to teach or assignments to

mark, he was left with nothing to do within the school for the moment.

'Time to go talk to young Harry,' he thought. 'He needs to see reason and

return to the safety of the school.'

He quickly checked his effects and found his private notebook, charmed

so only he could open it. He flicked through it to the back where he had

the addresses of certain people. One was the muggle address and

apparation co-ordinates of the Granger girl. He quickly refreshed his

memory of them both.

Using the floo in the office after first setting his password for it, he flooed

out to the Leaky Cauldron. And, as soon as he stepped out of the floo at

the other end, apparated away.

Moments later and for the second time that day, he found himself

smacking hard into an anti-apparation barrier. Then everything went





Harry and Hermione were both checking to make sure they had

everything they needed for a walk around the neighbourhood when there

was a deep, reverberating two-tone sound of two gongs being struck.

The male auror who was with them snapped out an order. "Go into the

servants' quarter's parlour and stay there! Do not come out until you're

told to!"

Then, with his wand already drawn, he headed for the front door. The

other auror, the female, had already reached it.

Seeing the stunned look on Hermione's face, Harry immediately grabbed

her by her upper arm, to drag her along if necessary, and charged

through the parlour into the transverse rear hallway, down the stairs and

through to the servants' quarters as directed.

"Harry!" Hermione exclaimed, as she was being dragged.

Ignoring her, he didn't let her go until they entered the quarters.

As soon as they were inside he released her arm and drew his wand,

ready to defend the both of them, if necessary.

"Harry, you didn't have to drag me," she complained.

Both Granger parents, hustling in not a few moments later, looked to

both teens and gave relieved expressions.

"Maybe not," he replied to the girl. "However, you were just standing

there looking shocked and surprised. We might not have had time for you

to snap yourself out of it. I wasn't prepared to gamble with your safety

like that."

"I take it that was one of the wards," said Wendell, before Hermione

could retort.

"Yep," replied Harry. "Someone just tried to apparate onto the property.

By the dual tone we heard, I think it was Dumbledore."

"If it was, wouldn't he have been stunned?" asked Monica. She had moved

to stand with her daughter. Because he was looking at the door he didn't

see her hold a finger to her daughter's lips when it looked like she was

going to get angry with Harry.

"He should have been stunned," replied Harry, still looking at the door.

"However, we've not been able to test them yet to make sure. I think you

can consider this a... 'test in the field'."

"I think you mean 'field test under actual conditions'," muttered Monica.

But Harry could see she was only voicing her thoughts because she was a

little worried.

Three minutes later, which felt like over an hour, one of the aurors

announced themselves outside the door before they opened it and walked

in. It was the young male and he had a smug smirk on his face.

"Dumbledore?" asked Harry.

"Dumbledore," he nodded. "We found the old man laying on the footpath

just inside the front gate. He was, as you'd expect, knocked out cold.

"It also appears he managed to bang himself up a bit when he landed.

He's got a dislocated shoulder - his left shoulder. Your house elf was

standing over him looking ready and willing to hex him into next week."

"He's a little protective," muttered Harry.

"After we sent a message off to Madam Bones about it, my partner

portkeyed with him direct to the DMLE," continued the auror. "She'll be

back after Dumbledore's been handed over and she's given a report of the

incident. In the meantime, we can expect a replacement for her to arrive

within a minute or two."

The auror suddenly stiffened and looked off into the distance, as did

Harry. He, too, felt the alert. Coming back to himself the auror smiled

and said, "That was quick. They're here."

As the four followed him out of the servants' quarters, now the auror

detail temporary break rooms, there was a knock on the front door.

He spun to them and said, "For a moment or two, please wait here. As I'm

on my own I want to take that extra precaution."

"We'll wait," said Wendell.

The auror opened the door with his wand at the ready while using the

door frame as a protective barrier, saw who it was, smiled and invited

them in. Harry immediately recognised Master Auror Robards.

"Folks," smiled the Master Auror.

Coming around Robards, the young auror, Auror Cassidy, made the quick

introductions. "Master Auror, this is Doctors Wendell and Monica Granger

and their daughter, Hermione; together with Lord Potter.

"Doctors Granger, Miss Granger and Lord Potter, this is―"

"Master Auror Robards," finished Harry. "Nice to see you again, auror."

"And you, Lord Potter, Miss Granger," he replied before looking to

Wendell and Monica. "Nice to meet you, folks. My first name is Gawain."

"So, Brian was telling us..." started Monica.

'Brian!' thought Harry. 'That's the young auror's name!'

"... That Mister Dumbledore was injured in his... collision?... with the

wards." she continued.

"Collision is a pretty good word for it. He dislocated his shoulder,"

nodded Robards. "Our Healer had him to rights with that in only a

moment. Popped it back while he was still stunned; then healed the


"I certainly hope they're not going to just wake him up and release him,"

said Harry.

"Not happening, Lord Potter," said Robards. "You can expect an important

visit, very soon, so arrangements can be made or changed."

"Well, after all this excitement, I think I'll put the kettle on," said Monica,

turning and heading for the kitchen.

"Hermione and I were just about to head out for a walk around the

neighbourhood," said Harry.

"I'd rather you not do that, at the moment," said Cassidy.

"As would I," added Robards. "As I said, I believe you'll be receiving

visitors soon."

Harry gave a sigh and muttered, "Fiiiine!"




Just as suddenly as the previous time that day, Dumbledore woke with a

start to notice he was lying flat on his back with a healer or medi-wizard

leaning over him with wand drawn.

"He's awake," said the healer, pulling away.

"Of course, I'm awake, you blithering idiot," muttered the old man, trying

to sit up.

"I'll thank you not to abuse my staff, Mister Dumbledore," snapped a voice

Dumbledore immediately recognised and hated - Bones.

"Ah, Amelia," said the old man, swallowing his desire to snarl at the


"Pris-on-er Dumbledore," she shot right back, deliberately drawing out

and emphasising his 'title'.

As Dumbledore swung his legs to sit on the edge of the bed he realised he

wasn't on a bed, after all; it was a bunk. He was, yet again, in a cell

within the DMLE. And, again, he was missing his wand, glasses and


With a sigh he quietly asked, "Why am I back here?"

"Criminal Trespass," she replied.

"You are in error, Amelia," he said.

"Am I, Prisoner Dumbledore?" she asked back. "That's peculiar, Prisoner

Dumbledore, because you were found stunned unconscious at the scene of

the crime."

"Then someone has been playing games, Madam Bones," he declared. "I

was on my way to visit the family of a magical ward of mine when it

seems some foul chicanery has been involved."

"And what foul chicanery would that be, Mister Dumbledore?" she

politely asked.

"Someone has erected an illegal anti-apparation jinx or ward around her

home," he replied. "It will need to be investigated, at once."

"Very well," she said. "And what is the name of this magical ward of

yours, around whose home you believe an illegal anti-apparation jinx or

ward has been erected?"

"Her name is Miss Hermione Granger, muggleborn," he replied. "A

student of mine."

"Well, that's surprising," said Bones. "On a multiple number of levels."

He frowned at her and asked, "Oh? Because someone would erect an anti-

apparation ward around the home of a muggleborn under-aged student?"

"Nope," she said. "It's surprising for the following reasons: One; there is

no record of you being the current magical guardian of anyone, any

longer, Professor of Transfigurations, Albus Dumbledore. Two; Miss

Hermione Granger's magical guardian is Madam Minerva McGonagall.

Three; according to the first two points, you had no business being there.

Four; there is an anti-apparation ward on the home of Miss Hermione

Granger, but it is not illegal; it is there with the permission of the owner

occupiers of the home. Five; your arrival point for your apparation was...

rudely... well within the property boundary. And, six; and this is the one

which changes your charge from simple Trespass to Criminal Trespass,

Lord Potter was also on the property at the time and you were warned

during your very recent trial what would likely happen should you

bother Lord Potter. You, crashing into the wards on a property in which

he was in, setting off alarms all over the place, means he was bothered.

"In the short time you've been back in custody, I've already heard from

Lord Black, who had a monitor on the wards. He's pressing charges

against you. I also have an appointment with Lord Potter; who, I've no

doubt, is also pressing charges against you. And I'll be speaking with

Doctor and Doctor Wendell and Monica Granger who, as owners of the

property, I've no doubt will also wish to press charges against you.

"Oh, and just so you know, I'm always looking to the safety of our Lords

and Ladies as it's part of my job description. To that end I made enquiries

into the backgrounds of both Doctors Granger.

"Doctor Wendell Granger is what the muggles call a Justice of the Peace;

or 'JP', for short. That gives him the authority, in the Queen's name, to

issue what is commonly referred to as a 'bench warrant'. That is, he has

the authority to issue things such as a Warrant of Arrest. He can have

people arrested with the weight of the crown backing him. Theoretically,

he can order Master Auror Scrimgeour, for instance, to go to Parkinson

House, enter without permission to do so from the Parkinsons and arrest

Lady Parkinson. Not even myself or the Minister has that right. However,

because his authority comes direct from the crown, he does! He also has

the authority of Low Justice and can sit in judicial review any case or

matter that can have a criminal conviction with a punishment of up to six

months in gaol.

"In other words, since the crime is Trespass, Magistrate Granger can have

you arrested, charged and brought before him; where he can then convict

you and have you tossed in prison for six months. And it's all completely

legal and above board... you twit!

"And Doctor Monica Granger is what is known as a Commissioner of

Declarations; or 'CD', for short. That's a title Doctor Wendell Granger

automatically has as a Justice of the Peace. That means, in both their

cases, any legal document they sign is automatically seen as a sworn


"You, Albus Dumbledore, in one foolish move, have managed to not just

kick over the legal version of a doxie nest, but have then proceeded to

stomp all over it.

"So, make yourself comfortable," she smirked at him. "You're going to be

here for a while. If Magistrate Granger... not Doctor Granger... is of a

mind, he has the legal authority under the crown to have you tossed in

Azkaban for six months."

Then stood to leave.

As she walked out, while accompanied by her people and blatantly

chuckling to herself, Dumbledore closed his eyes, leaned back against the

wall to which the bunk was bolted and sighed as if in pain.

Dumbledore knew the Grangers were well-to-do as their daughter never

needed access to the Hogwarts Muggleborn Assistance Fund. But he had

no idea they had such legal authority, as well.

The background that was developed on each student included the

student's parent's names, muggle nobility titles (if they had one),

addresses, ages, occupations and whether or not there were other

children, together with their ages and schooling.

Reviewing her file in his mind he recalled seeing the letters 'JP' after

Doctor Wendell Granger's and 'CD' after Doctor Monica Granger's names,

but thought they were related to academic qualifications or professional

associations, as such letters usually were. It was never thought to include

what other qualifications they had, as it had never occurred to anyone

that it might be important. Well, it clearly was, as in this case.




A short while later Auror Cassidy again stiffened and stared off into

space. Then he smiled and looked back at the Grangers and Robards. He

said, "The Boss and troops are here."

Robards had been using the 'opportunity' to begin to familiarise himself

with improvements in modern muggle homes, by asking questions of the

Grangers. It had been a while since his last refresher course on moving in

the muggle world and he believed 'a wasted opportunity was wasted


Cassidy immediately moved to the door and opened it before using the

wall and frame to peek around it and out with his wand in his hand and

ready. It would not do to mess up procedure when a Master Auror was

watching you, no matter how secure you felt in your protections.

Once he'd satisfied himself as to the identity of those outside he swung

the door open and stepped out.

When he returned he was leading two more aurors, then Madam Bones,

then another three aurors - six, in total.

"We're going to need seats," said Harry.

"No need, thank you," said Bones, gesturing to him with a wave off.

"Aurors, Ward Masters, you know what you need to do."

All but two of the aurors that accompanied her all quietly said, "Yes,

Ma'am." And went back outside.

Before he had a chance to ask, she explained to Harry, "They're checking

the wards again to make sure they're all in good working order.

Dumbledore's quite the powerful wizard and he hit them with significant


He nodded back.

She then turned to Wendell and Monica and said, "Magistrate Granger,

Commissioner Granger..."

That had both Granger parents give a start of shock.

"Officially, I am Lady Regent Amelia Susan Bones of the Noble and

Ancient House of Bones, Director of the DMLE. As Director of the DMLE

my title is simply 'Madam Bones', but you may call me Amelia."

"Wendell and Monica," said Wendell, gesturing between himself and

Monica. "May I ask how you come to know those titles? I didn't think

magicals paid all that much attention to the muggle world."

"I wouldn't have known if I hadn't looked into your background," she

said. "Part of my remit is the safety of our world's Lords and Ladies, even

if I'm theoretically one of those. And I looked into your backgrounds

when I learned Lord Potter was going to be staying here for a while."

"I see," nodded Wendell. "But, you should know, that title only applies on

the very rare occasions I sit the Bench. And, even then, I sit with at least

one but usually two others. In such situations, I'm addressed as 'Your

Worship'. Every other time I'm simply and informally, Doctor Granger."

"And I'm never addressed as 'Commissioner'," Monica smoothly

continued. "It's a title that's appended in writing. That is, in writing or

signing specific documents; in such situations, I'm Doctor Monica

Granger, Commissioner of Declarations. And Wendell is Doctor Wendell

Granger, Justice of the Peace."

"Justice of the Peace?" Harry suddenly asked. "Vernon applied for that

once. He felt it would raise his standing in the community to be able to

append JP to his name. He was knocked back because he failed the

psychological testing he had to undergo as part of the training for it."

Turning to Madam Bones, he continued, "For about half of the cases that

the professors and those others who sat to be tried before the

Wizengamot, in the muggle world they would have sat before a Bench of

two or three JPs. Wendell may well have been one of those two or three."

Wendell clarified, "As long as none of them deserved a conviction that

included a stay in prison over six months for any one charge, or multiple

convictions for any two or more charges that exceeded one year total,

then yes. Any cases that we find deserves greater punishment, we're

required to pass up to the Crown Court. In your case, I believe, that

would be the Wizengamot sitting in judicial review."

Seeking clarification, or simply trying to press Wendell to act, Bones

asked, "So, you can sit your Bench for Dumbledore and have him serve

up to six months prison at Azkaban for trespass?"

"No, for two reasons," he replied. "One; it's against me. I'd have to recuse

myself. And, two; sitting such a Bench would have to be with at least two

magistrates - the Chairman and one or two Wingers. You'd need at least

one more JP to join me."

When Bones looked disappointed, he grinned and said, "However, I can

issue a Warrant of Arrest. I don't know how it would apply in your world

since your Wizengamot and Ministry don't seem to care one whit about

the Laws of the Crown in the muggle world, but it will still be a valid

legal document. Under our law you can then hold him for seventy-two

hours while you and your people investigate."

She gave a shark-like grin back. "I think I can make that stick. Your

authority comes direct from the Queen, does it not?"

"Not quite," he smiled. "My authority as Justice of the Peace comes by

way of the Lord Chancellor in the name of the Sovereign. And, yes, she

eventually signs off on it. He's also the only one who can take it away

again; but only once he's sought advice from the Chief Justice and has

the Queen, again, sign off on it."

"Close enough," nodded Bones.

"What would also interest you to know is that Justices of the Peace were

created pursuant to a proclamation by then King Richard the First in the

Twelfth Century," explained Wendell. "The first official Act determining

the positions of Justices of the Peace was the Justices of the Peace Act of

1361 almost two centuries later. Therefore, it predates your Statute of

Secrecy of 1689... which has effectively and illegally seceded your world

from ours... by over three hundred years. As such, unless it has been

specifically stripped away, it should still be a law on your books."

Madam Bones gave a pained expression, let her monocle fall the length of

its chain and brought her off hand up to pinch the bridge of her nose to

massage it with her eyes winced closed.

Wendell looked at Harry with a grin. While nothing was said between

them, Harry knew the man was thinking, 'You're not the only one who

can make magicals look like daft morons with hardly any effort.'

With a sigh, Madam Bones said, "A simple 'yes' would have sufficed."

Harry was quietly chuckling, almost giggling really.

With a second sigh, she dropped her hand, opened her eyes, looked to

Harry and quietly said, "That's quite enough out of you, Lord Potter."

"Sorry," he grinned. And belied he wasn't by laughing.

"Back to the point," she said, looking back to Wendell and choosing to

ignore Harry. "If you issue a Warrant of Arrest for Dumbledore's attempt

to breach your wards, can it include that requirement that allows me to

hold him for seventy-two hours while I 'investigate'? I may not be able to

get the Wizengamot to otherwise properly punish him, but I think sitting

another seventy-two hours in one of my holding cells could be considered

punishment enough for this particular occasion."

"That, I can do," he said, rising with a wide grin. "As I said; while I can't

try his case, I can issue the Warrant. Come with me to my office."

By the time she left about thirty minutes later, Madam Bones had her

signed arrest warrant together with a signed complaint of Trespass

against the old man, had her aurors make sure the wards were still stable

and undamaged and left behind a third auror to raise their standing auror

complement from two to three.




After lunch, when she informed the staff she would be holding a staff

meeting an hour later in the faculty 'break' room immediately behind the

Great Hall, Marchbanks left the Hall to return to her office to collect her

notes for the meeting.

"I expect to see everyone there," she'd declared. "Even Argus Filch."

She'd just turned away and had taken a few steps from the table when

she turned back and said, "And someone please tell Albus if they see him.

He's 'bolted' again." Then turned back to continue on her way.

Back in her office she had collected her notes and made a few more about

what she wanted to talk to the entire staff about when the flames in her

fireplace turned green with a whoosh. A moment later she saw the face of

her friend, Amelia Bones, in the flames.

"Gris?" asked Bones.

"Amelia, dear," she called back. "Do you wish to come through?"

"Yes, please."

She gestured with her wand towards the fireplace and said, "It's open!"

Barely a couple of seconds later Bones stepped through and turned to her.

"Gris," she said.

"What brings you to be visiting an old lady with a look of such

seriousness on your face?" asked Marchbanks.

"Dumbledore's currently, once again, in one of my holding cells," replied


Marchbanks sighed, put down her quill from where she was holding it

while writing her list of topics, sat back and said, "Tell me."

"Almost an hour ago, he tried to apparate into a property that's the home

of one of your muggleborn students - Hermione Granger," explained

Bones. "He has a pretty fair idea that's where Lord Potter is currently

staying. He's right.

"What he didn't know was that Lord Potter caused to have set up wards

on the property. And those of my aurors, who I've detailed off to

bodyguard him for the moment, have added temporary and further alert

wards to those."

"That would have come as a shock," smirked Marchbanks.

"Dumbledore tried to apparate right into the property and smacked into

the wards pretty hard," Bones grinned back. "He dislocated his left

shoulder in the process."

Marchbanks cackled and said, "That's the second time, today, he's

smacked into a set of wards while trying to apparate in."

"Second time?" asked Bones.

"He tried to apparate directly into the castle from wherever he got to this

morning; very soon after he must have felt the wards shift from him to

me and tried to apparate back," she explained. "It left him bruised and

battered. Our medi-wizard had to heal him up."

Bones laughed.

When she calmed down again she said, "Well, Lord Potter was being

quite clever with having those wards erected on the Granger residence.

He had the wards erected one yard in from the property boundary."

"That's different," said Marchbanks. "What made it clever?"

"One of the problems we've always had about charging people with

trespass who've tried that sort of stunt before, is that we can't charge

them because the wards blocked them from actually trespassing. It's not

illegal to attempt to trespass.

"By setting the wards up one yard in Dumbledore actually had to cross

that one yard before he hit the ward. Therefore, he actually trespassed."

Again, Marchbanks cackled. "My!" she wheezed. "That is actually clever.

"Do you think Lord Potter realised that you would be able to charge

someone with trespass if he set the ward up one yard in?"

"There is no doubt in my mind that he knew," grinned Bones. "That boy

has been spending the past almost two weeks making the rest of us look

like idiots."

"So I hear," she smirked.

"Anyways," said Bones. "Taking a leaf out of Lord Potter's book, I'm here

to ask you to do something for me."


With a grin Bones said, "I need you to tell me, to tell Albus, you're not

happy with him and you'll be having words with him about his

behaviour, together with the fact he's not at the school where he should

be, once I release him on Monday after lunch."

"Amelia, dear, what a dastardly thing to do," grinned Marchbanks. "Very

well. Madam Bones, when you next talk to Albus, please tell him I'll be

wanting to have words with him, immediately after he's released by you

on Monday afternoon, about his behaviour. I'm not happy he won't be

here in the school, come that morning, where he's required to be."

"Thanks, Gris," said a happy Amelia Bones.

"Now, perhaps you can tell this old lady how it is you're going to manage

to hold him until Monday afternoon?" asked the older witch. "If I recall,

you're supposed to release him within twenty four hours for such a trivial


"Ah!" said Bones. "Well, you see, Miss Granger's father, Doctor Wendell

Granger, is also what's known as a Justice of the Peace. In the muggle

world he has the authority by the Queen to dispense low justice. But,

more importantly to this issue, he has the authority to issue Warrants of


"As part of asking if he wouldn't mind giving me one related to Albus, he

included in that warrant the authority for me to hold Albus for up to

seventy-two hours while I investigate matters. He was happy to comply."

"And you were able to use that because the Granger residence is in the

muggle world," said Marchbanks. "Very clever, dear."

"Thank you," smirked Bones. She never said anything about how it was

covered under a Thirteenth Century law because that could draw things

out too long to explain. And she was busy.




Back at the DMLE a little later, Madam Bones walked into Dumbledore's

cell and grinned at him.

As he rose, he said, "Finally here to release me, are you? It's about time."

"Nope!" she happily replied.

Unrolling the 'scroll' he didn't see in her hand until then, she glanced at it

and said, "I have here a Warrant of Arrest for one Albus Percival Wulfric

Brian Dumbledore, signed by a duly appointed and authorised officer of

Her Majesty's courts. It also grants me the authority to hold you for

seventy-two hours, while I carry out and complete my investigations into

your actions relating to your alleged Trespass of the property of one

Wendell Marcade Granger and Monica Temperance Granger.

"Further, I also have here a formal sworn affidavit from Doctor Wendell

Marcade Granger stipulating a formal complaint against you for trespass

of property. Lord Potter, acting as magical guardian, has co-signed it."

While rolling both back up together again she grinned and said, "Take a

load off, Albus. You're going to be here for a while."

"I bounced off the wards!" he snapped back. "Therefore, I did not


"Ah, but that's where you're wrong," she retorted. "You see; in setting up

the wards, whoever did it was being very clever. They set the wards you

bounced off one yard in from the property boundary. And, since you just

confessed to bouncing off the wards, that means you had to have entered

the property. Thank you for that, Albus."

The wide grin Bones was now directing at him had Dumbledore sigh and

drop back down to sit on the edge of the bunk. 'Who, before, had ever

thought to set their wards well inside their property boundary? Everyone

always set them out at the boundary or slightly beyond,' he thought.

'That's bloody clever... bugger it.'

"And, just so you know, Dumbledore," she said. "I've also informed your

boss, Headmistress Marchbanks, that you're currently my guest and will

not be returning to Hogwarts until Monday afternoon after lunch, at the


"She is not happy with you, at the moment. She's told me she'll be having

words with you come Monday afternoon."

'Which means she has grounds to... reprimand me for not being present

for this afternoon and half the day Monday,' he thought with another

mental sigh.

He barely even noticed Bones leaving again.




Marchbanks walked into the faculty break room 'fashionably' late; not as

long as Dumbledore's usual ten to fifteen minutes, but just under five.

She walked directly to the head of the table, conjured a cushion for her

seat, and carefully sat down.

Once sitting, she placed the card file she had filled with her notes for the

meeting before her, pulled out of it blank parchment and ever-full quill

and set both aside.

After readying herself she finally looked to her staff. Looking around the

table she mentally checked off the names that she had on a list before

her. Four were missing. Of course, one of them was Dumbledore.

"Where are Sybill Trelawney, Rubeus Hagrid, and Argus Filch?" she


"Hagrid has locked himself in his hut and won't come out," said Sprout.

"I tried to talk to Argus," Charity Burbage, the current Muggle Studies

Professor, finally replied. "He said... ummm..."

"Out with it, dear," said Marchbanks.

"He said he has no time for such nonsense," she finished.

"I see," Marchbanks nodded. "And, Professor Trelawney?"

"Passed out drunk in her rooms," huffed Sprout.

"You're sure she is drunk?" asked Marchbanks.

"I am," said Sprout. "The rest of the staff can back me on this; the witch is

an alcoholic who can polish of around three bottles of sherry a day.

When awake, she is is rarely, if ever, sober."

The rest of the staff nodded.

Marchbanks gave a nod and said, "Then we shall excuse her from the

meeting. If what you say is true then she will be out of the castle by the

end of the day. I will not have a drunken sot teaching classes. I have

enough other positions I need to fill; one more won't hurt."

Picking up her quill she then wrote two quick notes on a sheet of

parchment before tearing it in half between them.

"May I have an elf, please," she quietly said.

With a slight pop of displaced air one appeared next to her left. "Yes,

Lady Headmistress?"

Handing the elf the first note she said, "Please give this to Rubeus Hagrid,

down in his hut." Then handed the second note over. "And please give

this one to Argus Filch."

The elf gave a nod, said, "Yes, Lady Headmistress." Before it gave a bob

and popped away again.

She then wrote a third note, tore the bottom half off it, folded the top

note and called for another elf.

When it popped in she said, "Please deliver this to Sybill Trelawney. If

she's asleep, wake her by any means necessary and make sure she reads

it. I find tossing one out of bed and dousing them with cold water to be a

good way to wake someone who's been drinking too heavily."

"Yes, Lady Headmistress," the elf replied before it popped away again.

Looking down the length of the table at the staff who were present, she

said, "As you heard, each of those notes went to Rubeus Hagrid, Argus

Filch and Sybill Trelawney. When I call a staff meeting for a specific time

and state that all staff are to attend, I mean it.

"The only people that are excused from such meetings are Medi-wizard

Robinson - but only when he has a sick patient in his Infirmary that

requires constant care - you, when you are patient under bedridden

medical care, or when people are away from the castle on authorised


"Both Mister Hagrid and Mister Filch have just been informed, in writing,

that if they are not here within five minutes of those notes being sent

then their employment will be terminated, effective immediately, on the

completion of that five minutes. They are to then be out of the castle by

the end of the day.

"Sybill Trelawney has just been informed she will present herself to me in

my office in two hours or she will have been fired, effectively

immediately, and is to be out of the castle by the end of the day."

That had a few of the staff gawking back in shock.

"We will now wait for that five minutes for Misters Hagrid and Filch to

arrive before that time expires before we start the meeting," she declared.

"While we wait for them "said Flitwick. "May I point out we are also

missing Albus Dumbledore?"

"Albus Dumbledore left the grounds without my authorisation," she said.

"He then went to the property of a muggleborn student. As he is not

Headmaster, Deputy Headmaster, Head of the student's House or was

even invited there he attempted to trespass the property.

"He was arrested and taken to the DMLE, where he currently sits in a cell.

I have been informed by Madam Bones that he will abide there until

Monday afternoon while they investigate the criminal complaint that was

filed against him by the owner residents."

While some staff seemed shocked, Flitwick wasn't one of them.

"Good," he said, quite emphatically.

Sprout had a pleased smile on her face.




Three minutes later, Filch came stomping in with Hagrid on his heels.

Filch appeared angry while Hagrid was quite morose.

Filch stepped up to the table and, before sitting down at one of the

vacant seats, demanded, "What is the meaning of this?" And waved the

note in his hand. "I've never been to a staff meeting before! Why are you

making me attend now?"

"Mister Filch," Marchbanks sternly but calmly replied. "You will watch

your tone with me, or I will fire you; right here, right now."

After a few moments of him visibly calming himself, she added, "When I

order all staff to attend a meeting, I expect all staff to attend unless

otherwise instructed by me. You are, for now, a member of this staff.

"However, if you address me like you just did ever again, I will fire you

on the spot. I am not just the Headmistress of this school, I am also your

direct boss and employer. Show me respect, or I'll show you the door."

When she saw he got it and understood, she said, "Now, sit down."

As both he and Hagrid sat, with Hagrid sitting in the oversized chair that

was at the table specifically for him, she turned her attention to him.

"What I just told Mister Filch also applies to you, Mister Hagrid.


"Yes, 'Eadmistress," he mumbled. Luckily for Hagrid, one of his mumbles

could easily carry the length of the table.

Once everyone was settled she pulled another sheet of parchment in front

of her, glanced down at it for a moment and said, "Now that all of us who

could be here are here, I'll open this meeting with an introduction of

myself for those who do not know me very well.

"I am Lady Griselda Marchbanks. As well as being the Head of the

Wizarding Examinations Authority - a position from which I've taken a

leave of absence - I am the new Headmistress of Hogwarts School of

Witchcraft and Wizardry."

She then went on to explain her background, with a focus on academia

and her past as a Professor of Charms and Deputy Headmistress at this

very school. It was Flitwick who replaced her as Professor of Charms.

"Next," she said, "We are currently short a number of staff positions. Most

of these need to be filled before we can return to providing our students

proper tuition.

"We are currently in need of Professors for the core subjects of Potions,

Defence Against the Dark Arts and History of Magic. And a professor for

the elective of Care of Magical Creatures. I may be adding a Professor in

the elective subject of Divination to that list by the end of the day. I

intend to reintroduce, as soon as possible, the class Introduction to the

Wizarding World for our muggle-raised students. So, we need a Professor

for that subject, too.

"If you have any suggestions of candidates that I or the School Board

could approach, I would welcome them. The floor is yours."

Hesitantly at first, but gaining traction, names and reasons were given to

her. Horace Slughorn was one ('He may be convinced to come out of

retirement. He also made an excellent Head of House for Slytherin while

he was here.') and on it went.

For the next half hour they submitted, discussed and argued candidates.

When the names started to slow down, Marchbanks said, "Thank you. I

expect each of you to spend some thought on who else might be suitable

to be approached over the coming days. If you can think of someone,

please do not hesitate to let me know.

"Next issue is the positions of Deputy Headmaster or -mistress and the

Heads of the Four Houses. Currently, we only have one of those positions

filled - Pomona Sprout for Hufflepuff. I know many of you may or may

not have coveted the role of one of those positions; so, if you wish to

submit your name for consideration, now is the chance.

"I'll also inform you that length of service as a Professor will play no part

in whether or not I would consider you worthy of the post. The post will

also be in an 'Acting' capacity until I consider you have proven yourself in

that role. Anyone not willing to publicly submit their name now, I will

consider unworthy."

It did not surprise her when Bathsheba Babbling spoke up, first.

"I would like to be considered for the role of Head of Gryffindor," she

firmly stated.

"Noted," said Marchbanks. "Next?"

Septima Vector gave a nod and said, "I would be honoured to be

considered for the post of Head of House Slytherin."

"Noted," said Marchbanks, adding Vector's name to her new list, with

Slytherin in brackets after it."

"Though it will mean four female Heads of House," said Aurora Sinistra,

"I'd like to submit my name for Head of Ravenclaw House."

"Noted," said Marchbanks. "Anyone else? Just because I've received three

names of one each for the three Houses does not presuppose I'll not

consider anyone else for those positions or others."

"What about if Dumbledore wishes to be considered for one of those

posts?" asked Babbling.

"Albus Dumbledore has already been considered unsuitable for any role.

He currently holds the role as Professor of Transfigurations because he is

the last staff member to have tenure and I've got nowhere else to put


"In that case, I'd like to also be considered for the post of Deputy

Headmistress," said Babbling.

"Noted," smirked Marchbanks. "Anyone else?"

When no one else seemed willing to put their name forward she said,

"Thank you to those who applied for Acting positions as Heads of House

and Deputy. You will have my decision by the middle of next week.





16. Another Horcrux is Found

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to the proverbial Duchess of

Magic, JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high

falutin' companies. No matter how much I whine about not owning anything

related to the HP universe, other than a few fanfic plots, I do not profess to

own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful

world... Damn it!

Chapter Sixteen - Another Horcrux is Found




Harry was in his room trying to focus on studying, just for something to

do but not being very successful about it, when an elf popped in with a

note, handed it to him and left again.

Opening it, he saw it was a short note from Madam Bones informing him

Dumbledore was now staying in custody and would not be released until

Monday afternoon after lunch.

Setting aside his book he happily left his room and went downstairs. He

found Hermione in the kitchen talking to Dobby.

"Hi!" he said.

As Hermione turned to him, Dobby popped away.

"You're suddenly chipper again," she said. "What's caused that?"

He handed her the note and let her read it.

Finishing, she looked at him with a grin and said, "So, Dumbledore's 'on

ice' for the next three days."

"Yep!" he nodded. "Which means, we can go for our walk."

Hermione's face fell a bit and she hesitantly asked back, "Can we delay

that until tomorrow morning?"

Confused, Harry frowned and replied, "I don't want you to think I'd force

you to do such a thing, Hermione. So, if you want to simply delay the

walk, take a walk with me tomorrow or simply cancel it completely,

that's fine."

Relieved, she smiled back. "Thank you, Harry. Dumbledore's attempt to

get in past those wards you had set up has me a bit spooked. Now, I'd just

like to talk with my Mum for a bit. It's been ages since we had a decent

chance to catch up for a 'girl talk' session."

"You don't need to explain it to me, Hermione," he gently smiled. "It's


After he left, he wondered again what to do. That's when he decided he

should be writing some letters while he actually had the chance.

Heading up to his room and checking Hedwig was available - she liked to

sit on a branch of a tree in the Grangers' back yard - he pulled out his

spare parchment, quills and ink, carried it to the small desk in the room

and pulled the chair to sit.

Mentally going over what and to whom he needed to write, he set to


His first letter was to his Gringotts Account Manager. After Sirius had

told him he had taken material back to the Tonkses to work on there, he

thought he should ask his account manager if he could do the same.

Knowing the goblins appreciated brevity, he wrote accordingly.

~ # ~

Account Manager Tinderwick

for the Noble and Most Ancient House of Potter

London Branch



In order to more rapidly bring myself up to speed with the accounts of the

Noble and Most Ancient House of Potter, please cause to have copies of the

financial records of the House set aside for me for the relevant fee, of course.

I shall endeavour to collect them, or have them collected on my behalf, and

complete what documentation I previously caused to be uncompleted when last

we met. Once completed I shall see to its return to you with due haste.

I include a drop of my blood on this parchment to prove my claim.


Harrison 'Harry' James Potter

Lord of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Potter

Heir Tertiary of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black

~ # ~

After he finished writing it, he read through it before he signed it. Then

he used a penknife the Weasley twins had given him to poke the tip of

his ring finger on his off hand; deep enough to draw a drop of blood.

That drop he then allowed to drop onto the parchment next to his


Done with that letter, he turned to the window to find Hedwig sitting on

the window ledge looking at him through the glass.

As soon as he opened the window she immediately glide-hopped onto the

desk and turned to him.

After offering her an owl treat - accepted - he tied the folded up

parchment to her ankle and let her go.

Once she'd flown off he made a start on his second letter. This one to


~ # ~

Neville Francis Longbottom

Heir Apparent of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Longbottom

Longbottom Hall


Hermione and I arrived safely at her home in Wimbledon.

It's a huge place I'd put on a similar scale to a small manor house. Six

bedrooms, four with ensuite bathrooms; a small set of quarters for servants,

though the Grangers employ none; all spread across four floors. The servants'

quarters are currently being used by the aurors Madam Bones stuck me with

as a break/rest room. Of course, there are also the kitchen, laundry, parlour,

entertainment room, an office for Wendell and Monica, small library, that sort

of thing.

Hermione's room sits on the top floor and is comparable in size to our dorm at

Hogwarts. Connected to that she has her own ensuite bathroom and a small

room that her father converted for her to a study room. In there she has a

small desk with four bookcases; one of which her father added lockable doors

to so she can put her Hogwarts books in and lock close (in case anyone but a

Granger tries to peek inside). Of course, all bar the 'Hogwarts' bookcase is

over-full with books also stacked on top of them.

I'm in a guest room down one floor on the same floor as her parents' master

bedroom. Yes, I have my own ensuite, too. It's not as big as Hermione's, of

course, but I'd say it would be about three-quarters of the size of our dorm. So,

to me, it's huge!

Hermione's parents, Wendell and Monica, are wonderful people. They've made

me feel completely welcome. But they do ask a lot of questions. I think that's

where Hermione gets it from.

Both are what are known in the muggle world as dental surgeons. That means

they are Healers who focus pretty much entirely on fixing teeth - there are no

teeth repair potions in the muggle world. But, I've also found out they have

'after hours' jobs as well.

Wendell is what is known as a Justice of Peace. That means he can make

decisions of a legal nature. He is something like a Chief Adjudicator, but only

for cases where the punishment does not exceed a fine or six months

imprisonment. Anything requiring more punishment than that he has to refer

on to a higher court.

And Monica is a Commissioner of Declarations, which means she can sign and

or witness legal documents that require someone 'of good standing' to sign or

witness. That then makes the document an 'official' document as it pertains to

muggle law.

As for me, I'm really enjoying it here. I've never felt so relaxed living in

someone's home. And I'm including The Burrow in that.

I hope, for your sake, your grandmother allowed you to return back to

Longbottom Hall for the duration of the school being closed. Which is why I've

addressed this to Longbottom Hall, even though I know Hedwig will find you

no matter where you are, and have not been made you stay at Hogwarts. That

would suck without everyone there or something to do.

If not and you're bored out of your mind, as a suggestion only you might want

to ask Professor Sprout, now that she's been released by the DMLE to return to

the school, if you can help her out in the greenhouses. I know you love that

sort of thing and she might like the company.

Hoping you are well,

Your Friend,


Harrison 'Harry' James Potter

Lord of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Potter

Heir Tertiary of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black

~ # ~

Again checking it over to make sure he made no mistakes, he grinned in

pleasure and signed it simply 'Harry P'. It was quite a long letter and he

hadn't meant to write it so long. But, once he started, felt like writing as

much as he did. The previous couple of days had been full of new things,

so he had quite a bit he could write about.

Once done he'd send it once Hedwig got back.

Sitting there for a little while he then thought about to whom else he

could write.

That's when he had a thought. He really needed his own law-wizard and

he only knew of one. And, since he was 'family', thought to write to him

to ask him to take the job as his law-wizard; or recommend someone else.

~ # ~

Mister Edward Tonks



Mister Tonks (or should I be addressing you as Law-wizard Tonks?),

I found myself quite impressed with how you defended the case of my

godfather, Sirius Black, in his trial a few days ago. It was also impressed upon

me that I may very well need to retain a law-wizard myself.

As well as being my godfather's law-wizard of choice, I ask that you also

consider to be mine.

I have no idea if I have one already or not and, if I do, then they haven't done

a decent job of letting me know that. So, if you consent to be my law-wizard

of choice - or whatever the title would be - then your first job will be to fire

whoever it is.

If you do not believe you will be able to be my law-wizard due to some conflict

of interest or some other such legal requirement, I ask that you help me out by

letting me know of other law-wizards that you trust and who could do the job.

Thanking you in advance for your consideration of my request,


Harrison 'Harry' James Potter

Lord of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Potter

Heir Tertiary of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black

~ # ~

Harry didn't know the man's address other than Sirius said 'the Tonkses'

place' whenever he mentioned them. So, knowing Hedwig would be able

to find him no matter the address, he left it blank.

'No, hang on,' he thought, giving himself a mental face palming. 'I can ask

Sirius via the mirrors'.

Setting the letter aside, he collected the mirror from where he left it

downstairs on the coffee table in the parlour and returned with it to his


Sitting back at the desk he held it in his offhand and whispered across it,

"Padfoot". Then waited.

A few seconds later the mirror blurred for a moment before Sirius's

smiling face appeared. "Miss me already?" he asked.

"I have a couple of questions for you," said Harry

"Cast," replied his godfather. That was the wizarding world version of


"Firstly, do you know if the House of Potter has a law-wizard of choice?"

he asked.

Sirius immediately frowned in confusion for a moment as his eyes

seemed to lose focus. Snapping back he replied, "They must have. All

Houses at our level do. However, I cannot for the life of me remember

who it was. Secondly, the official term is 'Law-wizard of Record'."

"Well, it doesn't matter who it was," said Harry. "Whoever it was is soon

to be fired, anyway."

"Probably wise," said Sirius.

"Next, is Mister... is Ted Tonks now your law-wizard of choice... of

Record, I mean?" he asked.

"Yes, actually," replied Sirius. "He agreed to that a couple days ago."

"If he's your Law-wizard of Record, can he also be mine?" next he asked.

Sirius shrugged and replied, "I can't see why not."

"I'm writing him a letter," explained Harry. "I'll ask him myself. Which

brings me to my next question, how do I address him and what's his

business address?"

Surprised, Sirius replied, "Hang on a minute and I'll get his business

card." Then his mirror got put down face up on something - Harry could

now see nothing but ceiling in the mirror - as he heard his godfather

rummaging through parchment.

He was back a few moments later as the mirror got picked up again.

"Here it is," said Sirius looking at something 'off mirror'. Edward Tonks,

Law-wizard. 15B Diagon Alley. London."

Harry quickly wrote that down on a scrap of parchment before he

returned to looking at the mirror. "Thanks for that, Sirius."

"Anything else?"

"No, I think that's it," replied Harry.

"My turn, then," said Sirius. "I know about Dumbledore's attempt to get

into the Granger's home. I've let Madam Bones know I'm adding the

weight of the House of Black to pressing charges against the old man for

trying that."

"Really?" asked Harry, surprised by both pieces of information. "Thank

you. I'll give that information to Wendell and Monica."

"Actually, I'd like to do that myself," said Sirius. "I'd like to come and visit

you early this evening, just to make sure for myself that everything's

alright. But, if I don't bring Andi with me this time, she'll skin me alive."

"Come and bring her," Harry immediately replied. "Wendell and Monica

have already told me you both have permission to come over to visit.

They both also know cousin Andi's a Healer."

"Got a time for me?" asked his godfather.

"Ummm... be here at... 6.15pm. And expect both of you to stay for

dinner," he replied. "Dress is casual slash office work clothes. They don't

stand on ceremony here."

Sirius nodded and said, "I'll let her know."

"If there's a change to that, each of us will immediately let the other

know in advance, right?" asked Harry.

"Yeah, pup," replied Sirius. "Will do."

"Anything else?" he asked.

"Nope! See you at 6.15. Mirror off!"

Transferring his scrawl of Ted Tonks's business address to his letter to the

man, Harry made sure it was dry before setting it aside with the other

letter waiting to be sent.

However, if Sirius was coming over with cousin Andi, he'd just hand it to

her and ask her to pass it on.

Then he went looking for Wendell and Monica; or either.




As the two hour mark since she'd sent her note to Trelawney passed,

Marchbanks waited a further fifteen minutes. On exactly the fifteen

minute extra mark she summoned a house elf.

"Where is Sybill Trelawney, at this time?" she asked.

"She be in her tower, Lady Headmistress," the elf promptly replied.

"Is she up and dressed?"

"Yes, Lady Headmistress."

Indicating the chair sitting ten feet in front of her desk and facing her, set

there for when Trelawney was supposed to have arrived on time, she

firmly ordered, "Go get the woman and pop her into that chair. Right

now, please."

"Yes, Lady Headmistress," replied the elf with a short head bob before it

popped away.

A few moments later, Sybill Trelawney appeared in the chair before her

desk and promptly fell out it. Then vomited on the floor.

Marchbanks frowned at her and vanished the vomitus.

"Get up, Miss Trelawney," she firmly ordered.

Trelawney groaned and slowly moved to her hands and knees before

using the chair to try and stand up. She wobbled a fair bit and, not even

letting go of the back of the chair until the last moment, dropped into it.

"W-where am I? W-why am I here?" she querulously asked, peering

around through her overly large and thick spectacles

The reek of sherry was like a miasma about her.

"You are in my office, having been brought here by a house elf on my

specific instructions," replied Marchbanks. "You are drunk."

"Sherry helps me to open the inner eye to the wonders of the second

sight," the witch slurred. "Without it I am unable to provide true depth to

my predictions, the cards are not as clear, the crystal is murky."

"I do not care," said Marchbanks. "It is a breach of the code of conduct for

Professors to be inebriated during school hours. Personally, I believe it is

a breach of personal ethics for a professor to ever be so effectively


"As such, I do not even need to give you a warning for your conduct. You

are fired. Your employment as a Professor at Hogwarts School of

Witchcraft and Wizardry is immediately terminated for cause."

As Trelawney sat there, stunned and now feeling even more sick than a

few moments ago, Marchbanks called for a house elf.

"Yes, Lady Headmistress?" asked the elf as soon as it popped in.

"Please go up to the Divination Tower, pack up Miss Trelawey's personal

effects into a trunk and bring it back here," she directed. "Miss Trelawney

is no longer a staff member of Hogwarts."

"But... what am I to doooo?" whimpered Trelawney. "Where am I to go?"

"You claim to be a Seer," said Marchbanks. "Employ your gift and figure it


The elf was back a few seconds later with a tan trunk with brown trim

and an overly large handbag.

"Is that all of it?" asked Marchbanks.

"Yes, Lady Headmistress," nodded the elf.

"Thank you," she said before turning to face Trelawney again.

Indicating the trunk and bag she said, "There are your personal effects.

You may use my floo to leave. I do not want you staggering like a

drunken prostitute through the corridors of this school on your way out."

Heartbroken and sobbing, Trelawney left via the floo about fifteen

seconds later. Her destination was the Leaky Cauldron.

"Good riddance," muttered Marchbanks.




When Harry went downstairs to the main floor he couldn't find anyone,

but did hear the sound of a television showing a football match from

down on the lower ground floor.

Heading down there, he found Wendell watching a game on the telly in

the media room. One of the aurors was also in there and looking at the

telly in some level of shocked confusion.

Harry quietly asked him, "Not seen a television before?"

The auror blinked once before turning to Harry. "Seen one, yes," he

replied. "Not one as big as this, though. Or seen this game Doctor

Granger's watching."

"It's called football," said Harry. "It's also called 'soccer' in places like the

United States - MaCUSA. It's one of two national sports the British

muggles focus on and is about par with the magical world focusing on


"This one is played across the winter half of the year; while the other,

cricket, is played across the summer half."

"Oh, bloody hell, Ref!" Wendell suddenly exclaimed, quickly leaning

forward in his armchair, staring at the telly. "That was a blatant trip!

Yellow card, the wanker!"

When the screen focused more closely on the referee having a verbal go

at the so-called tripper, it was to see the man suddenly snatch a yellow

card a little bigger than a playing card out of his breast pocket and hold

it up showing it to the sideline.

"Yes!" exclaimed Wendell. "That's what I'm talking about!" Then he leaned

back again.

"See?" smirked Harry. "Like Quidditch."

When the programme broke for an advertisement, Harry came around

the armchairs until he could be seen by Wendell.

Seeing him, Wendell looked up and asked, "Come to watch some football,

Harry? Take a seat."

"Actually, I've come to let you know Sirius is bringing cousin Andi, the

Healer, to come and see me this evening. I hope you don't mind but I

suggested they come for dinner. I'm sure I can stretch it out so there's

enough for everyone."

"Actually, Lord Potter," the auror spoke up. "We aurors are going to have

to beg off, if you don't mind. Shift change this evening is at that time."

"Then it sounds like you've cooked more than enough," said Wendell.

"They're both more than welcome for dinner."

"Thank you," said Harry. "In that case, I need to get back to the kitchen

for a bit, just to check on how the roast is coming along."

"Have fun!" said Wendell, just as the programme restarted. His attention

already back on the screen.

As Harry was heading up the stairs he heard Wendell cry, "C'morrrrnnnn


Harry wasn't a fan of the game. But, that was because he never had the

chance to be a fan. He could only watch television while at the Dursleys

when the Dursleys were out. And, even then, he found far more

interesting things to watch. He was a fan of documentaries.

Of course, he was never allowed to go to a game, either.




After checking the roast - it was coming along splendidly - he decided to

preheat the oven for the cobbler pie and start preparing the vegetables.

Once he was done peeling and cutting he prepared a baking tray, using a

thin layer of cannola oil in the bottom of it - he never used lard or

cooking fat when baking vegetables, if he could help it - and laid within

it the carrots, potato, sweet potato and onion wedges on that thin layer.

Once satisfied, that went under cling wrap with a stasis charm to stop the

vegetables drying out.

Satisfied the oven would now be hot enough, in went the cobbler pie.

Cleaning his hands and wiping them on the little hand towel Monica had

hanging from the door handle of the pantry, he turned back to look about

the kitchen and frowned at the now dirty dishes - the cutting board,

peeler and vegetable knife. He hated leaving them, but he'd promised

Dobby he wouldn't do the dishes.

Giving a muted nod of satisfaction to himself, muted because of the

dishes, he called Dobby to clean up.

The elf popped in, looked at all the dirty dishes, grinned at Harry and

said, "Thank you, Master Harry!" And set to work.

Harry rolled his eyes, sighed and left to head back upstairs.

His earlier efforts at letter writing had got him in the mood to write


"The twins next, I think,' he thought. 'Then I think I need to write to

Angelina, Alicia and Katie to apologise to them for rudely pulling out of

the Quidditch team. I hope they understand I said what I said in the heat

of the moment. But, I stand by my word.'




Harry was partway through writing what was probably his fifth draft of a

letter to the twins when his mirror vibrated.

So it wouldn't leak everywhere, Harry put the quill down with the tip on

a scrap of parchment. Then he picked up the mirror and said, "Padfoot."

And the image cleared.

"Slight change of plans, Harry," Sirius immediately said. "Andi asks if Ted

can come, too."

"Sure!" said Harry. "I'll check, of course. But, if you don't hear back from

me, he's more than welcome.

"I think he and Wendell might hit it off, too. With Ted being a law-wizard

and Wendell being a Justice of the Peace they can compare issues of

dealing with the law between the two worlds."

"Next, if you have dinner scheduled for six-thirty, Andi wants to know if

we can arrive earlier," said Sirius. "She wants to examine you before we

all sit to eat."

"How much earlier?" he asked.

"At least half an hour before dinner," replied Sirius. "She wants about ten

to fifteen minutes to examine you, plus the extra time to discuss with you

your treatment."

"That'll be fine, too. Best make it... quarter to six? Dobby can set the table

and serve tonight," he replied. "I'll let the Grangers know of both the time

change and the extra guest for dinner."

Sirius grinned and said, "No 'Dora, though. I think she's on duty with the

aurors, tonight."

"That's alright," said Harry. "I'll meet up with her another time. Besides, I

don't want to impose too much on the Grangers with having four guests.

Sirius appeared concerned and asked, "Are you sure it's alright to bring


"As I said, I'll ask," said Harry. "Right now, as a matter of fact. If it's a

problem I'll mirror call you right back."

"Alright. Thank you, Pup."

"Not a problem," returned Harry. "Mirror off!"




It turned out it wasn't a problem. Wendell said he was even looking

forward to speaking to someone who was the magical world's equivalent

of a solicitor. He actually wanted to know why wizarding Britain didn't

have JPs when it was a law on the books from well before the Statute of

Secrecy was implemented.

Just to have the chance to try it, Harry cast a messenger Patronus with

the message 'Wendell's looking forward to talking law with Ted'.

He was pleased to see his stag give a nod and charge off, so assumed it

worked. He promised himself to check with Sirius when he arrived.

Noticing the time, Harry quietly exclaimed, "Shhhyte! I need to get the

veggies on!" And scrambled to pack up what he was writing and hurrying





Right on 5.45pm Harry and the aurors stiffened as they felt multiple

magicals cross the ward boundary. He was in the kitchen, at the time,

giving a last check of the roast and the browning of the vegetables. He'd

also just put the shucked corn and green peas to steam on the stove.

"Dobby!" he called.

"Yes, Master Harry?" asked the elf.

"Right," said Harry. Indicating each he said, "The lamb is practically

ready, the veggies are browning in the oven but are essentially cooked,

I've just put the peas and corn in the steamer on the stove and the

cobbler pie is done and set aside.

"I haven't made the lamb gravy yet, so that's your job. And the table still

needs setting. There'll be eight for dinner, tonight. The aurors aren't

joining us."

The elf gave a serious nod back and said, "Dobby be taking cares of it,

Master Harry. Yous go an' greet your guests."

"Thank you, Dobby," he returned, stripping off Monica's flowery apron

and making sure he was presentable.

He never noticed Dobby using elf magic to disappear a stain off his hip

where he must've nudged something. It was probably when he 'hip

bumped' the wall oven drop door to knock it closed. A bad habit he'd

picked up.

He'd just left the kitchen when he heard the knocking on the front door.

However, with the aurors in the house, none but them were permitted to

open it if there was a magical known to be in the visiting party. So he

had to wait back with the Grangers.

When the Tonkses and Sirius came into the parlour, Sirius made the

introductions. Surprising Harry after seeing him in action in 'court', Ted

was actually quite affable. Andi, however, appeared relaxed but it was

evident to Harry at least that she was a great deal more focused.

After handshakes and where Wendell matched Sirius's first introduction

to Monica and kissed the back of the knuckles of Andi, which pleased

her, the woman wasted no time in focusing her attention on him - Harry.

"Lord Potter―" she said.

"Harry," he shot back.

"Not this time," she shot back herself. "Lord Potter, is there a room I can

borrow so I may examine you?"

"Yes; but, before you do..." he spun to stare at Wendell and said, "Doctor

Granger; because of it being discovered Madam Poppy Pomfrey was

under loyalty potions and never even realised it, may I please have your

permission to have Healer Tonks here quickly examine your daughter,

Hermione, for traces of loyalty potions and the like?"

"Harry!" exclaimed the girl. "There's no need―"

Surprised at the question, Wendell's eyes widened for a moment as he

heard Monica gasp. He immediately and firmly replied, "You do."

Harry spun back to Andi and said, "Hermione first, please."

"You suspect?―" she began.

"Yes," he firmly replied. "And for the same reason. Hermione's been by

my side, almost since my first day in the school."

"Harry, I'm not under any sort―" Hermione tried again.

Andi had already spun towards her and, in quite the firm voice, said,

"Miss Granger..." cutting Hermione off. "As there is a reasonable chance

you may be under such a potion based on evidence already gathered, as a

Master Healer I am legally within my right to ignore your permission and

simply examine you. The examination will not be invasive and, as with

all such examinations, will be covered by my Healer's Oath. Please, come

with me."

"Sorry, Hermione," Harry said a little contritely. "But, it won't harm you

and I wouldn't put it past Dumbledore to have tried."

"Better safe than sorry, sweetheart," said her mother. "Isn't that what you

told me, yesterday?"

Hermione looked to her mother for the moment as if the woman had

stabbed her in the back. Eventually she gave a huff and snapped, "Fine."

"My room," said Harry. "It's closest and has its own bathroom, if you need


Hermione gave him a glare and stomped off towards the stairs.

As Andi followed, Monica called, "Next floor up, first door on the left."

Once they'd gone upstairs, Wendell sighed and asked, "Harry, you don't

really think―"

"Not one hundred percent, buuut..." he replied, then shrugged.

Everyone was a little tense for the next ten minutes until Andi came back

down, alone. Monica, seeing her alone, immediately shot up the stairs.

Looking directly to Wendell she asked, "Doctor Granger, a moment of

your time?" Her expression was quite closed but her eyes showed anger.

Wendell took one look at her face, glanced to the stairs and without a

word indicated for her to follow him. He went out the door that exited

into the rear hallway, with her following.

As they walked out, Sirius quietly asked Harry, "What made you


"Pomfrey," he quietly replied.




Monica led Hermione down the stairs a minute later, as Wendell and

Andi walked back in through the other door. Wendell appeared a little

upset, but Harry was thankful it wasn't directed towards him.

Hermione was shaken but seemed otherwise okay. She immediately came

over to Harry and hugged him. "Thank you, Harry," she quietly said.

"I take it there was something there, then?" he asked.

"Traces of a mild loyalty enhancement potion," she replied. "Very old."

"Do you want to tell us who?" he asked. "Or, would you prefer not to?"

She hesitated only a moment before she replied, "Healer Tonks said it

was for two people; one with white hair and another with red hair."

"Dumbledore and, probably, Ron... or, Missus Weasley," said Harry.

"That was our thoughts, too," she said. "As the traces were only in my

fatty tissue now, they no longer have any effect on me. It's just


"Yeah, I get that," he said.

"Harry," called Wendell. When Harry glanced to him he said in a clearly

grateful voice, "Thank you."

Before Harry could respond Andi got in first.

"Lord Potter," she said, just as firmly as her expression reflected. "I'm now

invoking Master Healer privileges on you, this time. Upstairs."

"Cousin Andi!" he mock exclaimed. "Inviting yourself into my... boudoir?

And in front of your husband, to boot!"

Harry felt Hermione relax and give a little snort of amusement. Relaxing

her a little was his intent.

Andi redrew her wand, but wasn't pointing it at him, for the moment.

"Get!" she firmly ordered.

As Hermione stepped away to give him freedom to move he gave her

lower back a quick rub before he walked towards the stairs.

"We shouldn't be too long!" he declared. "After all, I am only fourteen!"

He heard his godfather give his own snort of amusement. As he climbed

the stairs he looked back at a now following Andi and, with a slightly

warbling voice, loudly begged, "Please be gentle! It'll be my first time!"

"Upstairs, you scoundrel!" she barked.

That was it for Sirius, at least. Harry heard the old dog give a quick bark

of laughter, but also heard a couple of nervous chuckles and giggles from

others. He was thankful one of them was from Hermione.

Once the two had climbed the stairs, Wendell said, "You know all that

was for our benefit, don't you?"

Ted grinned back. "Of course."

Looking to his daughter, Wendell closed the gap between them and gave

her a hug of his own. "If I ever get my hands on that old―"

"You'll have to wait your turn," said Ted. "I'm led to believe the line is

quite long."

Hermione quietly said, "Healer Tonks... Andi... said the potions were

designed to enhance my loyalty towards Dumbledore and Ron. She also

said that the traces were old, probably dating all the way back to first


"I think they were used to... cement... my loyalty to him and friendship

with Ron. It was probably discontinued once he believed my loyalty to

them both was established."

A little brighter, she said, "But, at least the examination also showed I

wasn't under any other potion or charm that shouldn't be there."

"Shouldn't?" her father immediately asked.

"Yes, Daddy," she returned, while blushing a little. "Shouldn't."

He was about to push until he saw the direct look with slight smirk his

wife gave him. And, knowing that look, decided he didn't need to know,

after all. That 'look' promised him she'd answer; but, once she did, he'd

realise he really didn't want to know, after all.




Up in Harry's bedroom and current examination room, Harry was lying

on an examination table that had been conjured from his desk chair. And

he only knew that because he'd immediately noticed upon entering his

chair was missing.

"Hop up and lie down on your back," she'd said.

As Harry made himself comfortable, Andi was setting up her parchment

and auto-quill system.

"Nice trick with that nonsense coming up the stairs," she said, as an aside.

"Hermione was upset and people were a little tense," he said. "The

muggles have a saying, 'Laughter is the best medicine'. I thought it would


As she worked, she said, "We have it too, but it's potion instead of

medicine. And, you were right."

Once ready she stood to his side and said, "I need you to lie still. The

better you hold still, the more accurate the scan."

"Yes, oh great and wonderful Healer lady," he said. "I am but your―"

"Shut up!" she distractedly snapped.

Harry shut up.

As he watched her she had her wand over his feet and was slowly casting

as she moved up towards his knees. As she paused there a moment she

glanced to the auto-quill and parchment for a moment before continuing.

Her gestures now seemed more assured.

As she worked higher she was frowning a little and Harry saw when she

paused a little at his left knee. That was the one his uncle Vernon broke

when he was little. Her frowned deepened a little before her expression

suddenly switched to closed off. Then the casting began to again travel

'up', with her gestures almost subtly a little more firmer.

When her gestures reached his hips and hands her expression darkened as

she cast extra over both his hands. Her eyes were flashing with anger

again and she'd started to purse her lips.

She stopped when she reached his inside right forearm and appeared

shocked to her very toes. It was where the basilisk bit him. She quickly

cast a rapid series of charms over the area, paused, checked the

parchment, looked him in the eyes and moved on. Since telling him to

shut up she'd not said a word; either by incantation or conversation.

As she continued to move up her eyes were again thunderous with her

making even firmer wand movements. Harry could now see her grip on

her wand was almost white-knuckled.

Finally she reached his head. A flick of her wand and his glasses

vanished. And she was carefully scanning his eyes. Then she moved up to

the scar.

Almost instantly she froze. And Harry saw her expression, at first

puzzled, suddenly morph into fury. She whirled to and stared at the

parchment as the quill wrote upon it.

Once the quill stopped she stared at the parchment for a long moment

before she suddenly spun back and very quickly cast a series of long

wand movements over his scar again. Harry even felt his scar prickle a

little when she did that.

She took half a pace back and let fly with loud invectives. "I'm going to

kill that whiskered fucking arse. Just he wait until I get my hands on him.

Dead man walking, he is!

"That's it!" she declared, spinning about and starting to head for the door.

"I'm gonna rip his fucking beard off and strangle him with it!"

As it became clear Andi was storming out, ready to carry out her 'deed'

right at that moment, Harry muttered a quick, "Shyte!" quickly scrambled

off the table and made to chase after her.

By the time he got to his feet, she'd already gotten the door open and was

crossing the landing heading for the stairs.

"Help!" he yelled, running after her.

"I'm gonna practice all those Black curses on him I was taught growing

up!" she declared. "Fucking geriatric, brain-addled―"

The top of the stairs was as far as she got before Harry tackled her by

way of his right shoulder into her waist and carried her the extra two

paces along the landing, to then slam her by her back into the wall next

to the twin doors into the master bedroom.

He'd just accomplished that when he heard feet thundering up the stairs.

"Let go of me, child!" Andi practically screamed at him. "Dumbledore

needs to die and I'm the one who's going to have the privilege of doing

it!" She was weakly beat on him and kicking him a little, though half-


"Not going to happen, Andromeda," he loudly declared, weathering the

thumps and kicks she rained on him and just holding her in place.

"What the hell?" said Wendell.

"Help me stop her!" called Harry. "She wants to go kill Dumbledore!"

"Ummm..." said Wendell.

"Andi!" exclaimed Ted.

"Andromeda Venus Tonks née Black!" Sirius suddenly barked. "Heiress

Primary of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black!..."

Harry felt Andi suddenly freeze in place.

"... You will cease this unworthy behaviour, immediately, and CALM

DOWN!" continued the firm and loud voice of Sirius.

"My Lord!" she immediately returned. "Yes, My Lord!"

Harry then felt Andi relax a little where he was holding her and her

hands then come to rest on his upper back, side by side.

"Alright, Pup," said Sirius. "You can release her, now."

Harry hesitated a little before he slowly relaxed his grip on her about her

waist. He felt her drop about four inches to the floor when he did so. He

had no idea he had her up off her feet.

Thankfully, to him, she didn't try to suddenly attack him or break past.

Once Harry backed off a pace and a took a step to the side, Sirius asked,

"Now, Andi; what happened?"

She suddenly tensed and began trying to both yell and choke on her

words at the same time.

"Andi!" cried Harry. "Healer's Oath!"

She instantly stopped, took visible control of her emotions again and

more calmly replied, "I'm sorry, My Lord; I am not permitted to tell you

due to my oath as a Master Healer."

Turning to Harry, he asked, "Lord Potter?"

"She found something that both horrified and angered her to do with my

scar," he replied. "However, she was clearly quite upset about something

even before that."

Sirius glanced between the two and asked, "Harry, can you permit Andi

to tell me? It'll require your verbal assent."

Harry looked around at basically everyone, even all three aurors who

were standing on the landing with them, and replied, "In private." Then

gestured to his bedroom and said, "Back in my room. Just us three."

Sirius gave a firm nod and said, "Fair enough." Turning to look at

everyone else, he declared, "Alright! Fun's over! Harry, Andi and I will be

down in a few minutes."

Wendell was the first to react. He turned to everyone else and said,

"Alright, folks; this is now an issue of private medical information and

none of us need to know. Back downstairs, please." Then started shooing

people down.

Harry heard Hermione put up a bit of complaining about how she told

Harry what had been done to her, but she obeyed.

One of the aurors held back and repaired the wall where Harry had

rammed Andromeda into it. It had left a 'dent' in the plasterboard.

As Wendell was following everyone else down, making sure they didn't

stop and try to come back up again, Harry walked back into his room. He

wanted to know what that parchment said, especially the last couple of


Without touching it or the hovering quill, he read, 'Soul fragment. Possible

attempted possession. Possible Horcrux ritual. Identity: Tom M. Riddle.'

'Oh, shit!' he thought.

As he heard Andi and Sirius come in he whirled to them and said, "Close

and lock the door. And throw up your best privacy wards."

As Sirius gave a nod back and turned to do just that, Andi said, "Step

away from that, Lord Potter. Most of that you won't understand,


As Harry moved away from it, Andi deactivated the quill and set it aside.

Then she picked up the parchment and re-read at the least the bottom of


With a sigh she leaned back onto Harry's desk and waited until Sirius had

finished with the wards.

Once he was done, he turned back with a very concerned look on his


"Alright," said Harry. "Master Healer Tonks, I, Lord Harrison James

Potter, hereby give you my permission to tell Lord Sirius Black what you

discovered while examining me. As I say, so let it be written."

With a muted flash between Harry and Andi she relaxed even more.

"I'll start with the worst," she said. "Harry has a soul fragment embedded

in the skin or against the cranium behind that scar of his.

"I'm unsure if it's because of an attempted possession that failed and then

left the fragment behind, or if it's because someone tried to make his scar,

for whatever reason, into what's known as a Horcrux."

Sirius gave a major start of shock and drew a gasp.

Visibly getting himself under control, he looked to Harry and asked,

"Remember when I told you about those... 'artefacts'?"

Harry nodded.

"They're called Horcruxes," replied his godfather. The man was looking

quite grim.

Harry closed his eyes and propped himself against the examination table.

"Damn!" he firmly muttered.

"You've come across one of these before," said Andi to Sirius. She worded

it as a statement, rather than a question. "How?"

"I can't tell you that," replied Sirius. "People we don't speak about have

me under an oath of my own."

"But, you clearly know what one is," she said.

He nodded.

"The identity of the fragment is a give-away, too," said Harry. "Tom M


"Oh, bloody Hell!" Sirius muttered while screwing his face up in

emotional pain.

"You know him?" asked Andi.

"Yeah," said Harry, when it didn't look like Sirius would. "Tom Marvolo

Riddle is the birth name of the one everyone refers to as 'You-Know-

Who', etcetera."

Andi blurted in horror, "If that's the case, then―"

"Then he's still... 'out there'," Harry completed. "Yeah, he is."

He waited a bit. And, when he saw that she'd processed that, he said,

"That's how he came to be possessing Quirrell in my first year and a first

year Gryffindor student in my second."

"Andi," Sirius gently called to her. "No one must know! Those who don't

speak have made this subject an Official Secret of Wizarding Britain."

"Bugger that!" she exclaimed. Glancing at Harry she looked back at Sirius

and declared, "I'm getting that thing out of him!"

Sirius declared right back, "You'll get no argument from me on you doing


"Me neither," said Harry.

"The question is, how?" asked Sirius.

"That's my job," said Andi. "I happen to know the cursebreakers of

Gringotts come across them occasionally; and very occasionally one of

them manages to get him or herself possessed by one.

"I'll contact one of their Master Healers, who I know has already dealt

with one such case and find out how he got rid of it. We'll find a way."

"Sounds like a plan," said Harry. "I'm happy with that."

Looking to Sirius he said, "This is one of those... artefacts... I'm not going

to be telling the Unspeakables about."

"I don't blame you and neither am I!" Sirius vehemently shot back.

"They're just as likely to toss you through the Veil of Death than try to

find a way to get it out of you."

Harry nodded and said, "Right. We have a plan for that." Turning to Andi

he asked, "What's next on the Healing Harry Potter Programme?"

"That circle-shaped scar on your upper right forearm," she replied.


"Basilisk bite from a one thousand year old basilisk out of the Chamber of

Secrets, followed by three or four tears willingly provided by a phoenix

dripped directly into it about three minutes later," he immediately


"Then there's not much I can do about it," she said. "Nor, I think, do I

want to.

"The basilisk poison, neutralised by phoenix tears, has now provided you

a significant level of protection against most poisons which are a venom

or contain a venom of some form - snake, dragon bite, spider, doxie, you

name it. However, for that protection you'll have to put up with the scar."

Harry nodded and said, "Then I'll keep the scar; it doesn't bother me.


"I also need to update your medical files to include how you're now

protected against such. There are some healing potions that contain a

venom of some form; which means those potions will either not work,

will be diluted or will be contra-indicative... will work against... your


"Fair enough," he said. "Next?"

And they worked through it.

Andi had initially thought they'd only need a half hour. In the end, they

spent over an hour, closer to an hour and half, on Harry's medical issues

before returning back downstairs.




When they came back down, Wendell asked, "That bad, huh?"

Harry shrugged and smiled back. "It looks like I'm going to be on quite a

few potions for a while."

"Quite a few?" asked Sirius. "Harry's going to be carrying around his own

mini-apothecary for a while. Then reached out and ruffled his hair.

Harry sheepishly grinned back.

Hermione, no longer able to contain herself, asked, "What was all that

about earlier?"

"Hermione!" her mother instantly scolded her, but the girl appeared


"There's some dark magic associated with my scar that Dumbledore

should have had removed immediately after he had Hagrid pick me up

from Godric's Hollow," he replied. "I'm lucky in that it's remained

contained there."

Indicating Andi, he continued, "Andi got upset because it might well have

not. And, if that was the case, it might have caused me great harm."

Andi gave a snort and muttered, "Damn that goat-raping buggerer,


That's when Harry noticed Nymphadora Tonks was there, too. He hadn't

noticed her before because she was in auror uniform.

"Tonks!" he exclaimed. before he noticed Ted and Andi also look at him.

"I-I mean... Nymph-"

"Don't you dare say it, Lord Potter!" she barked.

Harry heard Andromeda sigh and exasperatedly say, "Really,


The girl appeared to sulk a bit, but glared back. Harry was instantly

reminded of Hermione. It was the same look Hermione had just given

when she was being defiant with her own mother.

"Well, I just can't call you 'Tonks'," he replied. "Not considering the

company we're in. Nym or Dora?"

"Dora," she sullenly muttered back.

"Dora, it is!" he declared. "So, what brings you here? Are you one of our

on-site aurors, this evening?"

Before she could respond, Monica replied, "No, Harry. You miscounted."

Turning to her he asked, "Hunh?"

"You said eight for dinner?" she smirked. "Try counting."

Harry immediately counted heads and realised his mistake - three

Grangers, him, the two Tonks adults and Sirius; that made seven.

"Oops!" he sheepishly returned. "I overcooked again, didn't I?"

"When we found out Andi and Ted's daughter would be home on her own

- and being reminded of just how fast magicals can get about the place - I

invited her," she explained.

"I've heard about your cooking," said an eager Tonks. "I'm looking forward

to it."

"Well, we're late to sit to eat," said Harry. "If everyone can move into the

dining room I'll go to the kitchen...

Dobby suddenly popped in, looking at Harry. "Dobby already be serving,

Master Harry."

Harry looked at him for a moment before he turned back and said, "As I

was saying, if we can all move into the dining room..."

That had people chuckling.

And Dobby popped away again, with a satisfied smirk on his little lips.




17. The Weasleys

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to the proverbial Duchess of

Magic, JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high

falutin' companies. No matter how much I whine about not owning anything

related to the HP universe, other than a few fanfic plots, I do not profess to

own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful

world... Damn it!

Chapter Seventeen - The Weasleys




With eight sitting down to eat, the table didn't need to be stretched or

chairs be conjured. So seating was comfortable.

Seating went clockwise: Wendell, Andromeda, Harry, Tonks, Monica,

Sirius, Hermione and with Ted on Wendell's right.

"Alright, Harry," said Wendell, as they all sat. "Tell us what we've got."

Indicating the dishes, Harry replied, "Slow-cooked roast lamb in a water-

based herb sauce; roasted potato, sweet potato, carrots and brown onion

sprayed before final baking with a very light cannola oil to give them

crisp; steamed shucked corn and peas; with lamb gravy. For dessert, it's

my own invention; pear cobbler in a pie flan with a rolled oats crumble,

with your choice of thickened unsweetened cream or vanilla ice-cream

dollops on top to cut through the sweetness for those who prefer their

desserts with less of a sugary bite."

Tonks turned to look at him in awe and asked, "You cooked this?"

"Yep," he smiled. "I found that I'm pretty good at it. Before I got my

Hogwarts letter I was going to see if I could apply for an apprenticeship

as a chef when I got older."

"Please, help yourselves," smiled Wendell remembering the wizarding

custom, while also reaching for one of the serving tureens.

After her first cut and bite of lamb Tonks quietly moaned. When she

swallowed her mouthful she said, "Merlin! The lamb just dissolves in your


She then very quickly sampled the rest before turning to look back at

Harry, again in awe. "Marry me!" she begged.

Scandalised, her mother exclaimed, "Nymphadora!"

Ted snickered.

"What?" Tonks innocently asked back. "I can't cook like this!"

Harry laughed and said, "Now you see why I had aspirations of being a

chef when I grew up."

Monica glanced to her own daughter and saw the slight frown she was

giving the Tonks girl. Her eyes twinkled with mirth as she watched.

It was lost on Hermione, though. The girl didn't see it; but Wendell saw

both his ladies' reactions.

As the meal progressed, Ted and Wendell fell into an animated discussion

about the differences in law between the wizarding world and muggle

just as Harry thought they would; Monica was quizzing Sirius on the

Noble and Most Ancient House of Potter, with specifics of Harry's

parents; Hermione was talking across the table with Tonks about working

in the Ministry and as an auror and why aurors were now conflicted

about serving a duty or two in the Granger home (the conflict was due to

feeling like idiots on one hand against the opportunity for a delicious

meal on the other); and Harry was talking with Andi, jumping subjects

between healing and cooking techniques.

When the dessert was served the Grangers went for the unsweetened

cream while Harry, Sirius and the Tonkses went for the ice-cream. Then

Tonks also added a dollop of cream, because she wanted to sample both.

One of the subjects raised was Harry finding out from Sirius that Lady

Griselda Marchbanks of the WEA had been appointed Headmistress.

"How'd they manage that?" asked Harry. "I thought they couldn't fire


"The Wizengamot couldn't fire him, dear," said Andi. "But, the School

Board found a way around that."

"Well, they didn't actually fire him," said Ted. "Just replaced him.

Dumbledore is the only remaining member of staff who holds tenure.

However, his tenure only applies to being a professor.

"So, they removed him from the post of Headmaster, declared it vacant,

invited Griselda Marchbanks to fill the post, ratified that and she's now


"Dumbledore's back to being a normal professor; of Transfigurations, I

believe. And Griselda has no plans on even allowing him to be Deputy

Headmaster or a Head of House."

Sirius added, "When he came here earlier today and tried to get in, he

had actually left the school without authorisation. Apparently, Lady

Marchbanks is unhappy with him about that. And was even unhappier

when she found out he won't be able to return to the castle until after

lunch on Monday; which means he'll have missed the morning, too."

"But, with no classes on―" said a confused Hermione.

"Irrelevant," he grinned. "He's required to be at the school on time and

during school hours unless given leave to be otherwise. Even if classes

aren't on at the moment, he still left the school during school hours

without authorisation from the new Headmistress. He's in trouble with

her for that."

Harry was snickering and said, "Therefore, he's now either simply

'Professor Dumbledore' in the informal; or 'Albus Dumbledore, Professor

of Transfigurations' in the semi-formal. He must really hate that."

"Worst than that," grinned Sirius. "He's lost control of the wards of the

castle. Marchbanks wrested control of them from him, plus the

Headmaster's... Headmistress's... office and apartments.

"From what I've been able to find out, he was away from the castle trying

to go visit Minnie - where she's now back living in her family village in

the highlands of Scotland - when the wards were stripped from him. He

quickly tried to apparate back to the castle and bounced off the wards.

"When he bounced off yours it was the second time that day he'd hit

wards and bounced."

Harry outright laughed, but he wasn't the only one.

The Granger adults only appeared amused at the laughter.

Wendell asked, "I take it it's a 'big thing' to bounce off wards?"

"As well as being rude? Try it with some wards and it'll kill you," replied

Sirius, turning serious. "He was lucky neither set of wards were set to kill.

That's why he was so battered and bruised after hitting the wards here.

He'd only just recovered from his attempt at the castle a couple hours


"I just had these ones set to stun," explained Harry. "He dislocated his

shoulder when he landed on the ground from bouncing off the wards. The

wards didn't do that."

"The poor Headmaster," said Hermione, a little sadly.

"No, Miss Granger," Andi firmly rebutted. "That's the lingering effects of

the potions speaking. You need to accept that everything that has... and

likely will... befall that old man is entirely his own fault and cause.

"His own behaviour has caused him to lose his multitude of positions, just

as it has for quite a few others who had fallen under his sway. His own

arrogance had him trying to apparate into the castle when he knew he

couldn't when he felt the wards shift away from him; and when he tried

to apparate into your home, here.

"If he had any respect for you and your family he would have apparated

to the path outside your property line and walked up to the door and

knocked, just as we did and Dora did later. It is the height of ill-mannered

rudeness to do otherwise. The fact he felt himself above such is arrogance

in the extreme."

When Hermione sadly nodded that she understood, Harry said, "I'm

actually looking forward to what will befall him yet.

"After all the manipulative things he's tried against me I feel Kismet must

be a god or goddess, after all."

"Harry, that's not nice," said Hermione.

"Hermione," he said back. "After finding out what he did to you, what he

did to me, what he did to a whole lot of others, do you expect him not to

be punished in some way? He escaped what I firmly believe is a very

well-deserved prison sentence―"

"As do I," said Andi, while Sirius nodded.

"... So proper punishment has to come to him some other way," he

continued to explain. "If he is not punished then he will go on believing

himself to be in the right."

"It is the foreknowledge of what punitive action will or should be taken

that should sway man from taking unjust action which would be met

with such. If it does not, then that punitive action becomes the righteous

reaction and must be dealt," said Wendell. "If the punitive action is not

delivered when the unjust action is taken then the strength of the law is


"It's one of the precepts I learned when studying to be a JP."

"That's quite profound," said Ted.

"Which proves I did not come up with it," smirked Wendell.

That had both men, and quite a few others, laughing.

Looking across the table, Harry could see Hermione now understood.




Soon after dinner and with the thanks of the Tonkses for a delicious meal

- and the thanks back of the Grangers for the alert regarding the potions

issue with Hermione - the Tonkses soon walked out the door, down the

path and apparated away.

But, before she left, Andi told Harry she'd have what potions he needed

to take delivered to him by house elf the next morning, together with

instructions on when to take them and how often.

Harry didn't remember until the very last moment to give Ted his letter,

so raced upstairs, grabbed it, and returned with it before handing it over.

"I was going to mail this but, when I found out you were coming over, I

delayed sending it to hand it to you," he explained. "Please consider it

and let me know when you can."

Ted quickly read it, gave him a nod and said, "As soon as I can, Lord


Sirius informed Andi he'd be along in a little while and hung back to talk

to Harry.

"Now, Harry," he said, turning to his godson. "When Andi looked like she

was going to tear off and hunt down Dumbledore, why did you choose to

physically restrain her?"

"How else..." he began to ask when it dawned on him. "Oh, damn."

"You're legally an of-age wizard, Harry," he gently reminded him. "That

means you're legally allowed to use magic outside of school."

Harry sighed and said, "I should have either petrified her or tied her with

an Incarcerous." He also only remembered then that the property had a

ward that blocked 'The Trace' and he'd forgotten that, too.

"Exactly," said Sirius.

"My only excuse is that I'm not used to being able to do that," he sighed.

"Something to work on, then," said his godfather. "I'd recommend you

start performing little bits of magic about the place while you're here."

"I'd thought of that before but, with Hermione not being allowed, I didn't

want it to seem like I was rubbing her face in it," he explained.

"No, he's right, Harry," she piped up. "You need to get into the habit. I


Harry nodded to her and said, "Thank you." But also swore to tell her

about the ward, so she could cast magic, too.




The next day was a Sunday so, if it was like the Dursleys, it would be a

very laid back day. He had no idea what times the Grangers would

awaken but, if Hermione developed her habit from her parents, then

they'd not be sleeping in, either. So he was up early to try and beat

Dobby to the kitchen.

He already knew he was wasting his time as he knew Dobby knew when

he woke. However... maybe... he'd one day catch the elf flat-footed and

beat him to the kitchen.

Harry had just walked into the kitchen to see how Dobby was getting on

with breakfast - already started, so he lost again - when he noticed

Hermes, Percy Weasley's owl, sitting on the window ledge looking at him.

'Of course the damned bird would aim for the kitchen,' he thought. "It's a

Weasley owl.'

He grabbed an owl treat from out of the container left on the fridge,

moved over to the dinette and opened the window there. And Hermes

flew in before alighting on the dinette table.

Harry removed the letter that was apparently for him and gave the bird

the treat. It immediately flew out, again.

"Damned bird is as 'stuck-up' as its master,' he distractedly thought.

After first checking to make sure it was for him and not Hermione he

unfolded it, sat at the table and read it.

~ # ~


Mum asked Ron to send you a letter inviting you to come and stay with us for

the break. With the Durlays locked up she thinks you have nowhere to stay.

Don't know why.

But Ron refused. The git. He's now de-gnoming the garden and isn't allowed

back in the house until dinner.

So, we said we'd write to 'Poor Harry' and let him know he's invited.

You ready?

You're invited to come stay with us for the break that has no end in sight!


There, done.

Of course, we know you're probably with Sirius, catching up with one another

and getting to know one another all over again, but that's Mum for you.

To save us from Mum's shrill voice claiming we never sent you the invitation

because we never heard back, please do us the righty by writing back.

We'd appreciate it.

F & G

~ # ~

With a snort of amusement he thought, 'Typical twins.'

He refolded the note and put it in his pocket. He'd show Hermione when

she came down for breakfast.

And, as if he'd called her down just by thinking about her, he heard her

bare feet trying to both run down the stairs and be quiet at the same time

so as not to disturb her parents.

She almost gaily bounced into the room a few seconds later. "Good

morning, Harry!" she chirped.

"Morning, Hermione," he said.

"What's for breakfast?" she asked.

"I haven't had a chance to check," he replied. "I'd just walked into the

kitchen when I spotted Percy's owl, Hermes, sitting on the windowsill,

staring at me as if I'd done something wrong.

"Hermes?" she asked, abandoning looking at what Dobby was preparing

and coming around the kitchen bench.

Harry pulled the letter back out of his pocket and handed it to her. "The

twins somehow convinced him to loan them his owl. I suspect their

mother's shrill voice in that."

As she read through it, she frowned. "So, Ronald's still being a git. And

they think you're with Sirius."

The venom she put in the name 'Ronald' pleased him.

"Yep, to both," he replied. "And I'm kinda happy with everyone thinking

I'm with Sirius. Less chance of people turning up here uninvited, that





A little later in the morning Harry was back in his room when he learned

Andi was back at the Grangers; even though he'd already felt the ward

that alerted him to there being a magical on the property. When she was

let in by one of the aurors of that morning, Dobby popped in to inform

him she was there.

Setting aside his current letter, he went downstairs and found her talking

with Monica and Wendell in the parlour.

"Good morning," he smiled. When he saw the rack of potions she was

carrying he snarked, "You're a little tall for a house elf."

The look she gave him had Monica snickering at him.

"That's enough out of you, scamp," Andi sternly said.

Harry impudently grinned and gave a shrug back. "I have to find my

amusement, somewhere."

After she rolled her eyes at him she gestured for him to come forward.

"I've just been discussing with the good doctors here your treatment," she


When she showed him the potions and how the vials refilled after it was

taken each time, she explained, "When it no longer refills it means that

particular course is complete. Hear me well; it is not complete until it no

longer refills. Got me?"

"Errr... yes?" he replied.

After another pointed look he sighed and said, "Yes, Healer Tonks."

Then she used a charm to copy the instructions and handed him one. He

took one look at it and blanched. "No way!" he quietly exclaimed.

"Yes way!" she shot back. "Or, you're coming home with me, where I can

keep an eye on you and make sure you take them."

"He will," said Monica, who also turned 'that look' on him.

'Jeez!' he thought. 'What is it with older women and that look. Or, is it

just mothers?'

"Fiiiiiiine!" he sighed. "I'll be the good little wizarding Head of a Noble and

Most Ancient House and take my medicine."

"Good boy," said Andi, as if there could be no other answer.

"When do I start?" he asked, defeated.

"Now," she replied. Handing the rack to Monica she pulled two out and

said, "Down these. You might want to take the blue one first. It tastes

worse and the green one will help wash the taste out."

Harry gave her his own 'I'm only doing this because you're making me'

look, uncorked the blue one and downed it. Wrinkling his nose at the

taste, he then uncorked and downed the green one. At least this one had

a slight minty taste to it.

Taking them back she said, "Now watch." And dropped both, re-corked,

into the rack in their right places. A few moments later, they both slowly


"See?" she asked.

"Yes, Ma'am," he quietly replied.

"Good," she nodded. Turning to Monica she said, "I'll leave these in your

capable hands. I need to head off because I have a shift starting soon at

Saint Mungo's."

"Take care," said both Grangers. Harry just gave her a nod.

She was gone a few seconds later.

With a sigh and another look at the rack, Harry said, "I'll be back up in

my room writing letters."

"And I'll put these on the bench in the kitchen," said Monica.




He was only partway up the stairs as Hermione was coming down. "Who

was that?" she asked.

"Andi," he replied. "She came to personally deliver my potions."

"She's gone again?"

"Yep. Had to get to Saint Mungo's to start a shift."

"Where're the potions?" she asked.

"Your mother's putting them on the kitchen bench," he distractedly


"Thank you," she said, continuing down.

As he continued up, Harry frowned for a moment before he leaned over

the bannister to call to her. "And don't go playing with them!"

"I won't!" he heard her call back.

When Harry re-entered his room it wasn't to write more letters, as he'd

told the Grangers and Andi. Yes, he had been writing letters, but most of

the time he spent analysing his relationship with Hermione and the rest

of the girls at school, as Wendell suggested.

He had been going through each of the girls he actually had anything to

do with and thinking about how he felt around them, if they actually

meant anything to him, did he actually want to spend any more time

with them, if he thought they'd want to spend any more time with him,

did they see him as just Harry, that sort of thing.

And, no matter how many other girls he thought about while building his

list, there was only one girl who fit the bill of 'girlfriend material'.

"Hermione," he sighed.

'Face it, ya git!' he thought. 'You're in love with your best friend. And not

as a "big sister", either.'

But, how did he tell her? And, if he told her, would it ruin what they now

had? Was it worth the risk? What if she would be appalled by the idea?

But, maybe she wasn't. According to Wendell, she loved him back. And,

he was her father and should know, right?

He didn't know the main variable, so couldn't logically solve the problem.

Did she, or would she, love him back?

He sat at the desk and leaned back on his chair while fiddling with his

quill. His list, now written, laying on the desk before him.

He'd once heard Vernon say to Petunia, "Always make a list when you're

trying to work something out, Pet. It makes it much easier. The trick is

working out the important categories. That's hard."

He found it actually worked. It was not something he expected, truth be


Eventually, to clear his mind before he next analysed his list, he decided

to finally finish his letter to the twins. His letter had to be carefully

written because, if any other member of the family got hold of it, he

didn't want them learning anything important he wouldn't want them to

know - especially Ron and Molly.

~ # ~

Fred and George Weasley

The Burrow

Ottery St. Catchpole


Hi guys,

I know you've probably been wondering, 'What happened to Harry Potter to

make him so different?' So, I thought I'd let you know more of what's going on.

As I said in the First Task of the Tri-Wizard Tournament, the Harry Potter

everyone thought they knew wasn't real. It was a personal façade I created

well before I started at Hogwarts to hide the real me; to protect the real me.

When people in the wizarding world think of 'Harry Potter', they think of all

different possibilities. For example, some think he's some mythical child hero

they read about in a fictional book (or books) about his life and his

adventures. Some think he's nothing but a fraud, a liar and a cheat. Some

think he's this small, scrawny, underfed, innocent little boy, who turned up at

Kings Cross Station wearing what amounted to little more than rags. Some

think he's a 'Dark Lord Slayer', ready to go out and kill the next one who pops

up. Some think he's a Dark Lord himself, waiting for the opportunity to strike.

Some think he was Dumbledore's personally-trained replacement. And a very

small few had no idea what to think of him.

Of all those, the last is probably the most accurate. They, at least, reserved


I am, in reality, Lord Harrison 'Harry' James Potter, Lord of the Noble and

Most Ancient House of Potter, Heir Tertiary of the Noble and Most Ancient

House of Black, Member-in-waiting of the Wizengamot, by right of blood 'One

of the Seven'. I am the only born child of James Charlus Potter and Lily Marie

Potter née Evans. I'm also, Marauder-wise, son of Prongs, godson of Padfoot,

honourary nephew of Moony and once-honourary nephew of the since

Marauder-disowned Wormtail (Pettigrew). And known, Marauder-wise, as

'Prongslet', 'Pup' and 'Cub'. A war orphan.

Now, think about that name I wrote at the top of the previous paragraph.

That's my true name with the diminutive of my first name included in quote

marks. Now think of what name came out of the Goblet of Fire? See the issue?

My real name did not come out of the Goblet. Therefore, I am not required to


However, Albus Too-Many-Middle-Names Dumbledore, Igor Karkaroff,

Olympe Maxime, Barty Crouch Sr and Ludo Bagman all said I had to

compete. In that room at that time were also Cedric Diggory, Victor Krum,

Fleur Delacour, Minerva McGonagall, Severus Snape and the one everyone

thought was Alastor Moody, retired Master Auror - adults all. Of those, I

know for fact Albus Dumbledore, Barty Crouch Sr, Minerva McGonagall and

Severus Snape all knew my real first name is Harrison, not Harry. I'm also

pretty sure that Ludo Bagman also knew that and Karkaroff and Maxime

probably did, too. And yet, not one of them said that, as the name was not

Harrison Potter - or, better still, Harrison James Potter - the contract forcing

me to compete was void.

Not one of them stepped forward to say something along the lines of, "Now,

wait a minute. His name's not actually 'Harry Potter'."

Instead, something else happened that even I did not foresee at the time.

Albus Dumbledore had claimed 'magical guardianship' of me. We three, as do

practically everyone else now, know that he actually wasn't - it was Sirius

Black. However, Albus Dumbledore was registered at the Ministry as my

magical guardian, legally; even though magically it was Sirius Black.

I now remind you of what Dumbledore said when he first announced the Tri-

Wizard Tournament coming to Hogwarts on the evening of the 1st September.

He said, in part, "Only those who are of-age are allowed to compete."

In that ante-chamber off the Great Hall after my alter-name came out, he

said, "I'm sorry, Harry. But, I'm afraid you must compete."

He was then backed up by the others. Not one stepped forward to say, "No" -

except Snape. When pressed, Ludo Bagman, Barty Crouch Sr, Igor Karkaroff

and Olympe Maxime all individually agreed.

Therefore, on that night, the following legal entities all verbally and

individually declared me of-age: My legally recognised magical guardian, the

Supreme Mugwump of the ICW, the Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot, the

Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, the Highmaster

of Durmstrang Institute, the Headmistress of Beauxbatons Academy of Magic,

the Director of the Department of International Magical Cooperation of the

Ministry of Magic and the Director of the Department of Magical Games and

Sports of the Ministry of Magic.

Of all those, I actually only needed the first one to declare it and the third and

fourth to agree. That they all resided inside the body of one wizard, Albus

Dumbledore, is irrelevant. Because, legally, he is (was) four different people;

three of whom each had the authority, with the backing of the other two. That

all those others were there and agreed was, as the muggles say, 'icing on the


So, because I was declared of-age on that night, I instantly became a full adult

under Wizarding Britain law; with all rights and responsibilities of an adult

under law. I cannot even be considered to 'only' be an emancipated minor

because of the legal definition of 'of-age'. As such, as the then Heir Apparent

of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Potter, I also instantly became a Lord

of a Noble and Most Ancient House, One of the Seven.

In a written conversation with my account manager at Gringotts, carried out

through letters carried back and forth for security and speed of travel by my

loyal house elf, the Goblins agreed. Immediately on their agreement, I snuck

out of the school - even though, as a supposed champion, I was lawfully

allowed to come and go as I pleased - and went to Gringotts to complete the

necessary parchmentwork, take up my Head of House ring and make a start

on the massive backlog of House business parchmentwork that awaited me. A

lot accumulates in almost fourteen years.

Now to bring you up-to-date with recent happenings.

I know some of this has been reported in the Daily Prophet, but I also know

how much of a 'smotherer' your mother is when it comes to 'her kids' being

kept up-to-date with what's going on in the wider world. I would also be very

doubtful if you haven't read it since you've been home, anyway.

Sirius Black, aka my godfather, aka 'Padfoot', aka 'Snuffles', aka Lord Sirius

Orion Black III of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black, has taken up

his Headship and, even though I no longer have any need of one, is now my

Acting Regent. He and I are now 'catching up on lost opportunities'.

Hermione has informed me she has learned she was under a loyalty potion

that dates back somewhere at either end of first year or the beginning of

second year. It was keyed to Albus Dumbledore and your brother, Ronald. On

learning of it she was at first shocked, then appalled, then furious. Now, she's

joined what I'm sure is a very long list of individuals who, if they get the

chance, will kill Albus Dumbledore. Little Miss 'You Must Respect Authority'

Granger is gone; now, she's Miss 'Screw You! You Wrinkle-Arsed,

Manipulative, Potion-Dosing Wanker!' Granger. Fair warning, guys: Don't piss

her off.

While I no longer consider Ronald a friend, I do you two; so, you'd best let

him know - or not. I've warned you, so I'm free of guilt if he falls afoul of her.

The same sort of guilt Ronald should be feeling in not telling me a week in

advance that I'd be facing a dragon in the First Task, as your brother Charlie

bloody well told him to.

Sirius has also kept me apprised of what's happening at the school, as has

Madam Bones.

Dumbledore has been ousted as Headmaster. As he holds tenure as a

Professor, the only member of staff still there that does, they can't get rid of

him completely until he does something so egregious against the school that

they can terminate that tenure. But they could, and did, boot him all the way

back to 'just' a Professor.

Lady Griselda Marchbanks has been appointed Headmistress. She's the lady

that normally Heads the Wizarding Examinations Authority. She was once

Acting Deputy Headmistress, before Minerva McGonagall ascended to that

position. And was also Head of Ravenclaw House, before Filius Flitwick

ascended to that position. She is not only this little thing who walks with a

cane, she is a powerful little witch. Do not expect her to be as forgiving as

Albus Dumbledore regarding your pranks. I have been informed she will not

hesitate to hand you over to the DMLE if you harm someone with one or

without. She's also not adverse to using that cane of hers as something the

Irish call a 'shillelagh' - a long-handled cudgel. I've been told even sitting Lords

have found themselves whacked across their shins with it when she felt they

deserved it.

McGonagall's gone, completely, never allowed to even visit. Flitwick has lost

his position as Head of Ravenclaw House - due, in part, to the bullying that

Luna Lovegood has suffered - and is never allowed a position above simple

Professor ever again. Snape's gone, prison for life. Sprout has managed to

retain her positions, the only one of the senior staff to do so. Hagrid is back to

being only the Groundskeeper and Keeper of the Keys and no longer CoMC

Professor; and is forever banned from another position in charge of children,

including leading the first years from the train to the castle over the lake.

Binns has been exorcised, finally. Pomfrey, after finding out Dumbledore had

dosed her with loyalty potions (like Hermione) and been Obliviating her, came

all-too-close to losing her magic through breaking her oath as a medi-witch, so

has quit.

If you think I'm the slightest bit sorry to have been the trigger that started all

that happening, you are - like I've been calling a lot of wizards and witches, of

late - daft morons.

I did not 'set' any of them up to take a fall, as some I've heard about think and

have said. Each and every one of them, with the exception of Poppy Pomfrey,

made their own choices and they were the wrong ones. I just brought it into

the light of day. Now they're paying the price for those wrong choices.

Therefore, for each of them, it's their own damned fault.

I have no idea when classes are going to recommence - and, therefore, the

school returns to being a school again - but I've been assured Headmistress

Lady Marchbanks will be working hard to see that happen as soon as possible.

Just don't expect it to be until after the Christmas break at the earliest.

As for the invitation to come and visit, I don't think that would be wise due to

Ronald's recent behaviour and my actions leading to your mother being fined

for breaching the Statute of Secrecy back on 1st September, 1991. However,

thank you, anyway.

Now that I know Dumbledore will still be a professor at the school, even if it's

in a much diminished capacity, I'll be in talks with Lord Black and others as to

whether or not I'll ever be returning to Hogwarts. As an adult, I have no legal

requirement to. However, I do wish to complete my education. That may now

very well be through private tutors. It's not as if I cannot afford them.

Because of her feelings towards Dumbledore, I'm in negotiations with

Hermione's father about her joining me. As my best friend, bar none, I'm

determined to protect her.

Take care, you two.


~ # ~

Because he wanted to make sure the twins received the letter and it

wasn't first intercepted by Molly, Harry called Dobby. He felt safe doing

so as Hedwig was already out delivering a letter to Angelina Johnson, in

which he apologised for what he said about quitting the Gryffindor

Quidditch team. But, stood by his decision.

"Yes, Master Harry?" asked Dobby.

Harry handed him the letter and said, "Sorry, buddy. I need you to act as

an instant delivery mail owl again."

He handed him the letter and said, "Can you please put a charm on this

so only Fred or George Weasley can read it and deliver it into their

hands? They should be at The Burrow. Just don't do it until one or the

other is alone, or the two are together alone. Got that?"

"Yes, Master Harry," replied the elf. "Dobby understands." Before he

popped away.




At The Burrow, Dobby had handed Fred the letter from Harry and the

twins had read it together.

"What do you think?" asked Fred. "Do we tell Mum about the letter or

show it to her?"

"I have a better idea, my slightly more daft brother," declared George.

"Let's take it down, call a 'Burrow' meeting of those here and read it to


"Capital idea, my uglier brother!" replied Fred. "That way, we get to see

the expressions on their faces as they hear what Harry has to say."

"Brilliant!" cried George. "We can switch off reading a paragraph each so

we can take turns watching their expressions!"

"Also brilliant!" cried Fred. "It will take time, though. Harry sure wrote a


"Do we have anything better to do?" asked George.

"Nope!" grinned Fred. "Lets!"

And the two dashed upstairs and down, knocking on bedroom doors as

they went. At each door they yelled, "Meeting in the kitchen!"




After everyone at the Burrow at that time assembled around the kitchen

table, demanding to know what the twins thought they were doing

calling a meeting, George brandished the letter from Harry.

"We have, here, a missive most massive," he declared.

"A note most notable," added Fred.

"Written by the personal hand of..."

"Lord Harrison James Potter of..."

"The Noble and Most Ancient House of Potter!"

"What?" asked Molly, quickly wiping her hands clean of baking flour.

"I thought we were clear," said George.

"It's from Harry," said Fred.

Molly immediately rounded the table and plucked it from George's


"Hey!" they chorused in indignation.

However, before she even had a chance to read it, the whole text

immediately blurred until it was illegible.

"It has a secrecy charm on it," she grumbled, thrusting it back into

George's hands. "You're going to need to read it to me."

"That was our plan," said George.

"Until you snatched it away," said Fred.

"Don't be rude!" she snapped back. "Now, read it to me!"

The two glanced at each other with both thinking, 'And she calls us rude?'

With the text back to rights, George cleared his throat and began to read.

"To Fred and George Weasley, The Burrow, Ottery Saint Catchpole,

Devon. Hi guys..."

Fred began, "I know you've probably been wondering, 'What happened to

Harry Potter to make him so different?' So, I thought I'd let you know

more of what's going on."

Then George took over again.

As they each read, the other watched the rest of the family. Sitting at the

table was Ron, Percy and Ginny with Molly at the counter and Arthur

having just entered, wondering what was going on, hearing the boys

read, quietly finding out from Ginny it was a letter from Harry and then

just as quietly taking a seat to listen. Bill and Charlie were both out of the

country again.

As they read they had to stop at one point when ordered to do so by their

father, who was getting sick of hearing Ron muttering snarky comments,

and said to him, "You will keep your opinions to yourself, or you can go

and wait for me in the shed to come and deal with you."

Ron immediately clamped his lips shut, folded his arms across his chest,

scowled and shut up for the rest of it. Even listening to a letter from

Harry being read aloud was better than the alternative.

Fred finished the last line with, "Harry."

The table was silent for a moment before Molly shrilly stated, "He can't

just quit Hogwarts! What about his education!"

"He said he's looking at hiring private tutors for him and Hermione,

Molly," said Arthur. "Therefore, he's considering his education."

"Hogwarts is the premier school of magic in the world," declared Percy.

"He won't get that with tutors."

"Hogwarts is nothing at the moment except a... a... boarding house!"

declared Ginny. "Where's the education?"

"And that's Potter's fault," sneered Ron. "He's the one who had everyone

arrested and taken away."

"Ronald!" snapped Arthur. "Stop speaking like a... daft moron! It's thinking

like that is why Lord Potter is of the opinion the rest of the wizarding

world are such!"

"He explained what happened in the letter in extensive detail," said

George. "You were obviously not paying attention or refusing to listen."

"Do we need to read the relevant parts back to you? Slowly?" asked Fred.

"Pausing after each sentence to see if you understood?" asked George.

"Boys; that's enough!" snapped Molly.

"Is it?" asked Percy.

The fact he'd just 'back-chatted' his mother had immediately shut

everyone up. Percy never did that.

"Whether he likes it or not, whether he understands it or not, Ron must

accept the fact the boy he knew as Harry Potter had everyone fooled as

to who he really was - including the man who used to be Headmaster of

his school, Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot and Supreme Mugwump of

the ICW," quietly said the boy. "And he managed to do it before he even

started at Hogwarts. Which means he did it starting back to when he was

ten years old or earlier.

"Do any of you have any idea just how incredibly smart you would have

to be to pull something like that off? He was in close contact with

Dumbledore, more than any other student I've known including the Head

Boys and Girls, for over three years. And the man never once had any


"It's no wonder he thinks the rest of us 'daft morons' because, compared to

him, we probably are!

"To top that off, the boy is the Lord of a Noble and Most Ancient House

and Heir Tertiary of another. He is 'One of the Seven', so is his godfather

and he's friends with the Heir Apparent of a third, Heir Apparent Neville

Longbottom, that we know of at least!

"It is also well-known that almost immediately after the First Task of the

Tri-Wizard Tournament, Lord Harrison James Potter - at fourteen -

swooped in and wrenched control of the Potter-Longbottom Alliance

right out of the hands of Dowager Lady and Regent Augusta Longbottom

of Longbottom, a powerful political heavyweight that the Dark Houses

fear for good reason.

"With that control he then dragged the Heirs of the allianced Houses who

attend Hogwarts into a private meeting and effectively laid down the law

with them. When Heir Secondary Ernest MacMillan apparently got upset

about it and verbally abused Lord Potter in that meeting, Lord Potter did

not hesitate one moment in kicking the entire House of MacMillan out of

the alliance due to the insult - made in private. And then proceeded to

make sure that news was very publicly known.

"And Ron, here, wants to insult him? He wants to verbally abuse him?


Percy gave his mother and father a moment to absorb all that before he

quietly asked, "Knowing, as you now do, the following facts: One, the

Harry Potter you thought you knew was a lie; two, he is now a full adult,

with all the responsibilities and rights of such; three, he clearly knows

and understands the law and he apparently demonstrated that knowledge

during the First Task; four, he is now the Lord of a Noble and Most

Ancient House, one that makes him 'One of the Seven', and the Heir

Tertiary of a second of the same rank; five, he has already shown he

knows how to wield that power by wrenching back control of the Potter-

Longbottom Alliance right out of the hands of Augusta Longbottom, with

no effort at all; six, he knows Charlie told Ron to tell him the First Task

involved getting past a dragon and Ron didn't tell him, putting his life at

risk; and seven, he knows that whole thing on the First of September in

1991 at Kings Cross Station was a set-up and, apparently, has known that

all along - do you really not think he knows that, if Ronnie-boy here

continues to insult and or verbally abuse him, he has the right by our

laws to kill him? Seriously?

"If you want Ron to live past the first twenty four hours he's back in

Hogwarts castle when classes restart, if Lord Potter is also there, then

you'd better do something about his behaviour and attitude - fast!

"If you don't believe me..." He then indicated the family clock, where

Ron's clock hand was pointing to 'In Danger'. "Look there!"

Molly's eyes snapped to the clock where her eyes verified for her that

Percy spoke true. She blanched.

"Awww... That'd be right!" Ron loudly complained, not even looking at

the Clock and leaning forward a little. "Harry-Bloody-Potter writes a

letter and everyone jumps to do his bidding! Can't you see―"

That was as far as he got before his mother's open right hand connected

with the left side of his face so hard it knocked him completely out of his

seat and onto the floor. She'd had to lean all the way across the table

from where she was standing to reach him; but the table wasn't that

wide, just long.

Into the deafening silence following the loud 'crack' of palm meeting

cheek flesh, followed by the sound of Ron crashing to the floor, Molly

quietly said, "Arthur; take Ron out to the shed. Keep him there until you

are informed his clock hand no longer points to 'In Danger'. If that means

you have to decide that Ron will be taken to Muriel's, where he will

remain until she manages to get it into his head why it's a bad idea to

upset the Nobles, then so be it. At that time you can also inform her, in

Ron's case, corporal punishment is a valid teaching tool."

"That... is a damned fine idea, Molly," Arthur just as quietly said.

He then turned to look down on the floor where Ron lay, rubbing his

cheek with unshed tears filling his eyes. The hand-print from his mother's

hand was already blooming red on the skin of his face, in detail.

"Ron," he said. "Go out to the shed and stay there... Right now... I will be

out to join you and start to deal with you, in a few minutes."

"B-but―" started Ron, before his father rode right over him.

"NOW!" bellowed Arthur.

Ron scrambled up off the floor and, nearly tripping over his own robes in

the process, bolted out the back door; flinging it open, causing it to

bounce off its stop and swinging back nearly shut as he ran.

A few seconds later, Molly quietly - almost plaintively - asked her

husband, "You don't really think Harry would―"

As he looked back at his wife with a worried expression, Arthur merely

pointed to the clock.

None of their other four children present said a word, except Percy. As

quietly as he spoke before, he said, "Your five youngest children were all

sitting at this table. Of that five, only Ron's was pointing at 'In Danger'.

Of that five, only Ron seems intent on upsetting Lord Potter.

"It could be for another reason, of course - one we are all unaware of.

However, if after Dad has spent time with him in the shed his clock hand

suddenly moves back to 'At Home' with the rest of our hands, you will


"If after that his hand again moves to 'In Danger', then it is likely he is

again thinking of upsetting Lord Potter."

Arthur looked to his eldest still living at home and pridefully said, "I can

see why you've been moved from International Magical Cooperation to

the Minister's Office."

"Actually, I'm currently on loan to the Wizengamot Administration

Services, at the moment. They needed more wands to take care of the

massive amount of work brought on by the dozen trials that've just

happened," replied Percy. "But, thank you." He was pleased to receive the


"That experience across multiple departments will stand you in good

stead," smiled Arthur. "It'll get you moving up the ranks in no time, if

that's your desire."

"Thank you, Dad," blushed the young man. "That was my thought, too."

Arthur sat there for a few more moments finishing his tea. With a sigh,

he finally said, "Well, now that I've calmed down a fair bit, I'd better go

deal with Ron."

He rose and slowly left out the back door.

Ron's clock hand moved back, for the time being, about five minutes


Molly saw it happen and sighed. She sent Arthur a messenger Patronus

telling him that.




Once he'd eaten his lunch and taken his potions, after being reminded,

Harry gave that a little while to settle in by reading more of the Weekend

Daily Prophet; before he returned to his room to go over his 'list'.

Once he'd checked everything through yet another time, he gave a sigh,

decided the Hat allowed him in Gryffindor for a reason, 'manned-up' and

went looking for Hermione.

Finding her about to make her own way up to her room, he asked, "Care

to take a walk with me? We've been pretty much cooped up inside for―"

"I'd love to!" she suddenly interrupted. Then smiled at him.

Relieved, he said, "Great! I believe you wanted to show me the


With a smile back she said, "We'd best let the aurors and Mum and Daddy

know. Come on." And grabbed him by the hand, leading him out of the


Finding Monica first, she said, "Mum. With Dumbledore 'on ice', he's not a

threat at the moment. So, Harry and I can go for our walk. I want to

show him where I went to primary school."

She smirked and said, "I'll let the aurors know."

After both teens raced upstairs for Hermione to grab a cardigan and

Harry to grab a 'hoodie' - it was a little chilly outside - they quickly ran

back downstairs again. And met two aurors waiting for them at the door.

Harry sighed and said, "No need for you to tail us with Dumbledore out

of the way. We need a bit of privacy to talk."

Hermione gave him a curious look while the aurors glanced at one

another. The senior said, "I think that'd be alright. How long do you think

you'll be?"

Harry didn't know but Hermione replied, "About an hour, I think."

The senior gave a nod and said, "If you're any longer than an hour and

fifteen, we'll come looking for you."

"Thank you," said Harry, grateful and with a relieved little sigh.

The junior auror held the door for them and they passed through.

Harry said, "See you soon!" And they were walking up the path to the

front gate.

Before they'd even reached it, the Senior Auror said to his female partner,

"Follow them under disillusionment, Weston. If they don't get into

trouble, don't let them know you're there. Step in if they do, but only if

it's something they can't handle."

The female auror gave a nod, quietly said, "Will do," then raised her

wand to tap herself on the top of her head and faded out.

To the male auror, a moment later the door looked as if it pulled itself


He then went looking for the Grangers, finding Wendell in his office.

"Dumbledore's currently locked up so Lord Potter and the young Miss

have gone for their walk," he explained. "They don't know, but Auror

Weston is tailing them under a disillusionment charm."

Wendell gave a relieved smile back and said, "Thank you."




As they walked down the street outside of Hermione's home, while Harry

was trying to think of what to ask her and talk to her about, Hermione

beat him to it.

"I suppose you were wondering what Dobby and I were talking about,

yesterday morning," she said.

"No, actually," he replied. "I'd actually forgotten about that. And I don't

mind if Dobby talks to you, or if you talk to him. If Dobby feels I need to

know of what you talk about, he'll tell me."

"Even if it breaks a confidence of mine?" she asked.

"Yes," he replied. "Because he's bonded to me, he must answer to me. It's

the nature of the symbiotic bond."

She thought about that for a moment and said, "I wanted to know more

about the bond. How it is that he is able to tell you off, like he did our

first night home."

"Because I ordered him to," said Harry. "For the past little over three

years I've had you telling me off when you knew I'd done something

wrong, or when you thought I was going to do something wrong. But, you

also explained why you believed or felt that way. I might not have

always agreed with what you said, but I appreciate both the care you

demonstrated by doing so and giving me a different viewpoint.

"However, house elves are bred and raised... and it is enforced by their

bond... to do exactly what they're told by their masters; those to whom

they're bonded. There are a few exceptions to that rule, and one of them

is killing a human, but it's generally a pretty absolute rule.

"Just before I bonded with Dobby I told him I had some pretty firm rules

that he had to obey. And that I was not going to bond with him without a

change to the wording of that bond. Dobby agreed to them.

"The first thing you should know about our bond is that I bonded him to

me, not as a servant, but as a loyal friend with servant being only

secondary to that. But, what neither of us knew would happen, was that

it made Dobby significantly magically stronger. It's been years and he still

looks like he's one step away from bouncing off the walls with magical

energy. He told me it feels as if he's fizzing with magic; whatever that


"Now for the orders I gave him right from the start: First, he is not

allowed to punish himself for any reason. Second, if he's done something

wrong or made a mistake with something he's to come to me to talk

about it and we'll figure out how to fix whatever it is or was between us.

Third, he is to make sure he stays healthy and doesn't overwork himself;

and I included working until he was exhausted in that. And fourth, if he

thinks I'm being an idiot about something he was to tell me and not put

up with my complaining about it. That last one was what you saw.

"I've also been working hard with him on his diction and how he refers to

me. I ordered him to call me 'Harry' but he said he couldn't because it

was against some Code of Life house elves live by. The way it was

explained, it sounds almost religious. I then argued if he had to call me

'Master' then he was to call me simply 'Master Harry'. He slips up with

that every now and again and appends 'Potter Sir' to it. But, I've at least

got him to stop adding 'Great' or similar words to the front of it."

"He told me he's not happy that you stopped him doing that," she smiled.

"He thinks everyone should know just how great his master is."

Harry blushed and said, "Yeah, but it's embarrassing!"

"Is the Great Master Harry Potter, Sir, blushing?" she teased.

He stopped and turned to her with an almost horrified expression on his

face, before he blushed so deeply it looked like he had third degree


She freely and gaily laughed with that high tinkling laugh she had, before

slipping her hand into his elbow and saying, "Come on. I wanted to show

you where I went to school, remember?"




18. Betrothal Agreements

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to the proverbial Duchess of

Magic, JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high

falutin' companies. No matter how much I whine about not owning anything

related to the HP universe, other than a few fanfic plots, I do not profess to

own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful

world... Damn it!

A/N: Made some grammatical corrections to previous chapters. (Thank you

Alix33 and a couple others.) Now we see how much of a manipulator Monica

can be. On that, while Harry hates it when people manipulate him, we also get

more of a taste of how much he can be considered a hypocrite here on for a

little while.

A/N2: 'Missus Landringham' is a gift for Alix33. She'll know why. *grin*

Chapter Eighteen - Betrothal Discussions




Back at the Granger house, with the two teens out of the way, Wendell

hunted down Monica. She was going around the house with a small

watering can and checking to see which plants needed watering, only to

find they'd all been done.

With a sigh she thought, 'Dobby.'

"Hi love," he said.

"Dobby's watered and trimmed all the indoor plants," she half-heartedly


"House elves are apparently quite handy," he smiled.

"And annoying when you're looking for something to do," she smiled


"How'd your talk with Hermione go, yesterday and this morning?" he


"She's clueless," she sighed. "It's clear she loves him. But, she seems to

think it's the sort of love one has for a little brother. I think she's wrong

and she's lying to herself so she doesn't get hurt."

"And he thinks he sees her as a big sister," he added. "I even had to talk to

him about considering his feelings for her so he can get over the problem

of not recognising love those Dursley people beat into him."

"They're both clueless," she grumbled.

"Here I was, thinking I'd have to keep an eye on the pair of them just so

they wouldn't go running off to find somewhere behind a closed door,

and neither thinks like that," he said. "On one hand, I'm relieved. But, on

the other, it's disappointing."

"She's fifteen, 'Dell," she frowned. "And he's fourteen. They should both be

wanting to hump away at each other like rabbits!"

He blanched and said, "That's one image I really didn't want passing

through my mind."

"I didn't say they should be doing it," she smiled. "I said they should be

wanting to do it."

"Errph!" he shuddered.

She laughed a similar tinkling laugh to Hermione.

"You know how the wizarding world is about a century behind ours,

right?" she asked.

"Sometimes it looks even further than that," he returned. "However, I

understand what you're getting at."

"Well, during my talk with Hermione I found out that Harry's parents

married right out of school. That means they were eighteen," she

explained. "So did that Ronald boy's parents, so do a lot of magicals.

"For many in the magical world Hogwarts is a place parents can send

their children so they can interact with other children and find their

future spouses. She even told me there are some children that are

betrothed in marriage contracts, similar to our nobility, before they even

arrive at the school."

"That sounds..." he tried.

"Like about one to two centuries out of date; at least, socially?" she

finished. "Yeah, it does. But, what did we just determine?"

"That they're one to two centuries behind our world," he nodded, seeing

what his wife was getting at.

"Now, think of this," she continued. "If wizarding adults tend to marry

soon after they finish school, and that age puts them at or about

seventeen to eighteen years of age, how old did you say Hermione was


With a start he breathed, "Bloody Hell!"

"Next issue," she said, moving on while her husband was trying to get his

head around the idea his little princess could easily make him a

grandfather within five years. "She told me their school doctor... medi-

witch... was under some form of loyalty potions and compulsion charms.

"When I pushed her on those she told me about more. Love potions are a

fact of life for witches and wizards. Soon after she got to the school back

in 1991, the medi-witch warned all the girls about them and how to spot

signs of it in themselves and those they were friends with. And, if they

thought themselves or their friends were under one, to immediately bring

it to her attention. And yet, she was discovered to have been under a

similar one; and no one noticed a thing. We also now know Hermione

was under a mild one back in 1991/92. That has me worried."

Wendell was deep in thought.

"Moving on," she said. "We both also know the wizarding world has two

hierarchies. There is one based on blood status and one based on House


"The one based on blood status, starting at the top, goes pureblood,

halfblood, muggleborn, squib and muggle. The one on House status goes

Noble and Most Ancient, Noble and Ancient, Ancient, Elder, Minor,

Magical, Unhoused and Disowned.

"There's a third but it's not as important compared to the first two. It goes

Lord, Lady, Heir Apparent, Heir Presumptive, other Heir, Member and

those who don't fit in any of those categories.

"As a muggleborn and Unhoused, Hermione sits right down the totem

pole on both the first two; while Harry, as Lord of a Noble and Most

Ancient House, even though he's also a halfblood, sits about as close to

the top as it gets. There's only six people in their society that could be

higher and they're all pureblood Lords. Sirius is one of those. And

Hermione tells me another is currently a permanent resident in their

hospital and is highly unlikely to ever recover. His son is a good friend of

them both and is due to the inherit the title when he turns seventeen in a

little under three years. That leaves four."

"So, what are you looking to achieve if you're telling me all this?" he


"Don't bite my head off for the idea," she carefully replied. "But, I want to

know how you feel about the idea of Hermione being better protected?"

"I'm all for it, of course," he replied. "Why?"

Taking a deep breath she screwed up her courage and explained, "I want

to talk to Sirius about floating the idea of Harry and Hermione becoming

betrothed to one another."

"What?!" he loudly exclaimed. "Y-you want to give our daughter―"

"No!" she firmly and immediately cut in. "A Betrothal Agreement, from

what I can gather, is a promise statement. However, it can also be written

with escape clauses. That's the first important part.

"The next is, when a witch or wizard is in a Betrothal Agreement, both are

protected under the auspices of the senior House. In this case, that would

be Harry's; the Noble and Most Ancient House of Potter. To interfere in a

Betrothal Agreement, including dosing one or the other or both with

mind altering potions or charms, is considered interfering in the private

practices of a House or Houses. At the level of Harry's House, that could

see you executed; so, people are going to very wary of trying such a thing.

It would protect them both!"

"I don't believe this!" he declared.

The voice of the current senior auror on their 'detail', Senior Auror

Horatio Cummerbatch, was suddenly heard to say, "Believe it, Doctor

Granger." He was quite firm.

Spinning to the door leading to the kitchen, Wendell looked at him in

shock. "Horatio? You mean, she's right?"

"Yes, Sir," replied Cummerbatch. "It's actually quite a clever idea, too."

"But, what if Harry..." began Wendell before he stuttered to a stop unable

to find the right words.

"A formal Betrothal Agreement is not a licence to have sex, Sir," replied

the auror, walking more fully into the room. "A Betrothal Agreement is a

statement to the other Houses, plus individual witches and wizards, that

these two... in this case, Lord Potter and your daughter... are, not just off

limits to any form of courting, but most especially what your wife was


"As your wife said, they can include clauses that allow the Agreement to

be dissolved. It can be as simple as either party saying, 'I hereby dissolve

our Betrothal Agreement' for it to be ended. For your own piece of mind

you can also include a clause that states you can say, 'I hereby dissolve

the Betrothal Agreement between Hermione and Harry' for it be ended."

"That's all?" asked Wendell, still doubtful.

"Yes," nodded Cummerbatch. "But, a Betrothal Agreement must include

stipulations, just as any contract does in the muggle world. Normally,

they would includes things like, 'The bride must produce at least one

male heir within thirty-six months of the date of the union and another

heir, whether male or female, within seventy two months'; or 'On the

bonding of the marriage the House of Potter agrees to pay bride price of

ten thousand galleons to the Head of the family of the bride and fifty

thousand galleons on the birth of the first heir of the House of Potter

resulting from the union'.

"It can also include business arrangements, as these usually do. 'As of the

date of the union the House of Potter agrees to loan House Granger, at

the interest rate of zero point one percent calculated yearly, the sum of

two hundred and fifty thousand galleons. Such loan to be repaid in full,

together with the interest, within five years to the day'. That sort of


Narrowing his eyes in suspicion at the auror, Wendell said, "It sounds like

you have experience with these."

Cummerbatch smiled and replied, "They're quite common in our world,

Sir. They're practically mandatory at Lord Potter's level."

"His... parents?" asked Wendell.

"It is not known for sure by the wizarding world at-large," shrugged the

auror. "But, it is believed so, yes. However, it is also believed that they

didn't enter a Betrothal Agreement until after Lord James Potter

proposed, if they did. And that was also after both reached of-age.

"Like your daughter, Lady Lily Potter was a muggleborn. The trial

showed that her parents passed soon after she graduated from Hogwarts.

However, as she was 'Unhoused' she did not need her parent's permission

once she was of-age, anyway. And, by then, Lord James was also both of-

age and rightful Lord of the House of Potter. So, he could sign such an

Agreement off his own authority, too.

"If there is anyone who could truthfully tell you whether they entered

such an agreement or not, it would be Lord Black. Before being Lord

Potter's godfather, he was Lord James Potter's supposed best friend. They

attended Hogwarts together in the same year. So, too, did Lady Lily

Potter née Evans."

The auror stood there for a moment before he said, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't

have intruded on your conversation. We're taught not to do that and I'd

be hexed into next week if The Boss ever found out. I'll leave you to it."

And, with that, spun around and strode out the door.

Wendell stood thinking about what he'd been told for a long, long

moment before he looked at his wife and asked, "Could it be that


"What I was going to suggest was, we speak with Sirius... Lord Black...

when he next drops by," she replied with a smile. "The only thing I ask is

that we discuss it... as adults."

He gave a firm nod and replied, "We'll do that. But, we'll do it away from

the kids, first."

"Good," she said. "I don't want to discuss it in front of them yet, either."




After being shown Hermione's old primary school through the security

fence - especially the library, of course - the two headed for the local

small shopping district.

Harry used the opportunity to 'pick up some things' from the supermarket

for the pantry, fridge and freezer at the Grangers that were either lacking

or he felt he needed to contribute to. In Hermione's mind, though, Harry

had basically bought a week's worth of grocery shopping.

Once out of the shops, Harry led Hermione into the back lane-way

behind the supermarket and, checking by looking about first, called


Dobby popped in, saw the bags Harry and Hermione were carrying and

popped away with them.

"That's so useful," said Hermione. "I first thought we'd have to carry them

all back ourselves and was dreading what my arms and hands were going

to feel like well before we got back."

Once back out on the street the two slowly made their way back to the

Granger house.

And Harry finally screwed up his courage enough to ask what he

desperately needed to, but still feared to, ask.

"Hermione," he began. "How do you know if you've fallen in love with


That stopped the girl in her tracks. And her stopping caused him to stop a

step later and turn back to look at her.

She gawped back at him. "W-what?"

"How do you know if you've fallen in love?" he simply asked.

"I... what? I... don't know," she replied.

With a sigh he muttered, "Pity."

"W-why do you ask?" she asked a little fearfully.

Looking away and blushing a little he quietly replied, "Your dad said he

believes I've fallen in love with... someone; but, because I never

experienced love as a child growing up, I don't know what to look for to

determine if I've fallen in love or not."

"He said that?" she squeaked. 'Oh, no!' she thought.

"Yeah," he almost morosely replied. "I spent a long time thinking about it,

analysing it, and I can see his point."

"And... as a result, you think you're in love with someone?" she carefully


'I've lost him!' she thought. 'Oh, Merlin! I'm in love with him!... Where did

that come from?'

"Yeah," he sighed. With a gesture he got them both moving again as they

continued to walk up the path of the street that would take them back to

her place.

"Can I ask who?" she asked. "If you want to tell me, that is."

Inside she was thinking, 'Whoever it is, I'll help him any way I can. But,

I'm going to hate it.'

"It's the one person I know who cares for me, not who I am to them, not

who I could be for them, not who they think I am," he replied. "Oh. And

they're also female; just in case you thought I might've batted for the

other team."

'Cho?... Possibly,' she thought. 'Katie?... Maybe... Ginny?... Merlin, no!―'

Screwing up her courage to hear her doom, she said, "It'll help if you stop

beating about the bush and tell me who we're talking about, Harry."

"At risk of our friendship being irreparably harmed," he said. "And please

believe me when I say I really, really, really hope that this doesn't hurt

our friendship―."

"Harry―" she almost growled.

"You!" he suddenly blurted. Then cringed away, expecting 'Mount

Hermione' to erupt.

That brought the girl to another sudden halt.

Again taking an extra step when she suddenly stopped again, but also

stepping away in case she was going to hit him. He stood looking at her,

blushing and expecting her to hit him.

She was again gawking at him.

"H-Hermione?" he tentatively asked. "Y-you're not going to hit me, a-are


Suddenly, her jaw snapped shut and she dived at him. That drove them

both to the ground.

"Oof!" he exclaimed, hitting the ground. He felt lucky his head hit the

little grass strip between the path and the curb of the road.

"Oh, Harry! Oh, Harry! Oh, Harry!" she was babbling.

The female auror following them, Auror Second Class Weston, wanted to

check the time right then but couldn't. She'd just have to try and figure

out how long it was between now and when they got back to the house.

There was a betting pool someone in the 'bullpen' was going to win.

Harry, though, was confused. Hermione was apparently trying to crush

him to death with one of her hugs, while also trying to wrestle with him

on the ground, all the while crying into his pullover 'hoodie'.

"Ummm... Hermione?" he asked.

Suddenly, everything stopped for a few moments. Hermione had stopped

her babbling, wrestling and sobbing.

Again suddenly, she sat up on his upper thighs with what he quickly

realised were her bits and had both her hands pressed flat on either side

of his upper chest.

With a serious expression on her face she firmly asked, "Do you know

how badly you scared me? I was going through my mind wondering who

it was! Cho, Katie, Ginny, even Lavender!"

"Sorry," he quietly said. "I was trying to build up the courage to let you

know it was you. You're not really angry with me, are you?"

She stared at him for a long moment before she said, "No. I can never

stay mad with you."

Harry relaxed in relief.

"However," she said. And he tensed up again. "Don't you have a question

you should be asking me?"

Confused, he lay there thinking about it, not wanting to ask the wrong


"Ummm... y-you're... okay with that?" he carefully asked.

"No, you git!" she snapped back and then actually did hit him lightly on

the chest.

Harry felt devastated. She didn't like him loving her. She didn't love him.

"That's the wrong question!" she snapped again. "You're supposed to ask

me if I would be your girlfriend!"

"Oh," he said, confused, before he understood what she meant. From the

sudden swooping drop into the depths of despair his heart soared in joy.


"Well?" she asked.

Neither teen had moved to stand up from the ground. Harry was still

laying on his back on the footpath with Hermione sitting on his thighs

with her hands on his chest.

"Hermione Granger," he more formally said. "Will you consent to be my


"Yes!" she immediately and gaily cried, before diving forward and

mashing her lips to his.

They were like that for a few long seconds, with Hermione crushing his

lips with her own, before both teens heard a loud and pointed throat

clear, "Huh-hmm!"

Hermione sat up straight again and both teens turned to the sound. Harry

noticed on the other side of the front fence of a property they were

passing, a little old lady wearing a wide brimmed straw hat, threadbare

dress, light unbuttoned cardigan, wearing gardening gloves and holding a

pair of garden scissors in her right hand.

"Oh! Hello, Missus Landringham!" said Hermione to the woman.

Harry could see the woman had obviously been kneeling in the garden

along her low brick front fence and both of them had missed her. He

could also see she was trying to put on a stern expression while trying to

hide the fact she was happy for them. Her eyes were twinkling.

"Miss Granger," said the woman. "A young lady does not sit on her young

suitor - on the ground, mind - and then try to bruise his lips with her own!

It is unbecoming!"

Hermione blushed and said, "Ummm... Sorry, Missus Landringham." Then

she slowly climbed to her feet.

Before Harry could move, the old woman then cast her stern gaze on him

and said, "As for you, young man; don't you think you should be

escorting Miss Granger home so you can ask her father if you may court

her, first?"

Harry blushed scarlet before he scrambled to his feet. "S-sorry, Ma'am!"

he exclaimed.

Then he quickly grabbed Hermione by the hand and tried to run back to

her house while dragging her behind.

"Harry!" screamed Hermione within the first half dozen steps, as she was

dragged along. "We don't need to run! Slow down!"

That brought Harry to an almost stop before he squeaked, "Sorry!"

Out of earshot, the old woman's expression turned into a smile. "Tch! The

children of today. No sense of the proper proprieties!" she wistfully said.

Then she giggled, before she dropped back to her knees and returned to

her trimming.

'Wait until the bridge club hear about this!' she thought, cutting away a

particularly misbehaving branch. 'Right on the outside path in front of

my roses!' Then she giggled again.




As soon as they got back into the house - Hermione almost dragging

Harry inside, this time - she ran off looking for her mother.

"MUU-UUM!" she two-tone called up the stairs.

Then was startled when her mother's voice called from her left in the

parlour. "Don't shout, Hermione!"

The girl first whirled on locating where the voice came from before she

then whirled on Harry and demanded, "Go find Daddy!" Then dashed into

the parlour.

Standing there, Harry blinked a moment before he decided talking to her

father was not something he wanted to do, just yet. Instead, he headed

for the kitchen.

'I'd best go make sure Dobby's put all the groceries away, first,' he

thought. 'And, hopefully, he's not started preparing dinner yet.'

He also knew the chances of Dobby not putting the groceries away, or

that the elf had actually started dinner already considering the time, had

nothing to do with it. Was he avoiding talking to her father? Of course


Then used the time to consider what he would be cooking for dinner that

evening. He was muttering various recipes as they passed through his

head while he was head down and bum up in the ice chest.

Happy as a niffler in a Gringotts vault, Hermione found her mother

reading through some documents on a lounge.

She practically leapt onto the armchair opposite and stared at her mother

with a big grin on her face.

When Monica looked up in surprise, she saw her daughter sitting on the

chair opposite, the biggest smile she'd ever seen on her face, her eyes

figuratively, if not practically, sparkling and behaving as if she was a

hyperactive six year old on a sugar high dosed up with cochineal red

food dye colouring forced to sit still.

That was something Monica well-remembered from back in the girl's first

week ever of school - muggle primary - when another child had shared a

bag of 'Red Frogs' lollies with her.

It had taken hours for the girl to burn through the sugar and dye and,

when she did at the dinner table, fell face-first into her mashed potatoes

instantly asleep.

Wendell was chuckling so hard he was useless and it was left to Monica

to wipe her daughter's face clean of her dinner with a face cloth before

carrying her upstairs to her room, which was then the room Harry now

had, and putting her to bed.

Setting aside the documents she was going over, Monica made sure her

features were under control before turning to look once again upon her

daughter. "Hermione dear, you look as if―"

"Harryaskedmetobehisgirlfriend!" the girl blurted before her mother even

had a chance to reach anywhere near the end of her own sentence.

Mentally slowing down what her daughter actually said, Monica was a

few moments before she calmly said, "I see. And what was your


"Isaidyes,ofcourse!" The expression on Hermione's face implied a second

sentence - 'Are you stupid?'

Forcefully smothering the snort of amusement that tried to escape and

nodding, Monica packed away the documents into a neat pile on the

coffee table between them. She was using the time to properly school her

emotions and expression. She didn't want to let on she both expected it

and very much wanted it. Finally, she said, "Let's go into the kitchen,

make a cup of tea, take it out onto the back patio and talk about it."

Rising, while Hermione popped to her feet like a 'jack-in-the-box', Monica

led the way. However, they were interrupted in their intent before even

leaving the parlour when Dobby popped in and said, "The Great Master

Harry Potter, Sir, be... 'cheffing'. Dobby be bringings you tea out to patio."

Then popped away again.

"Uh-huh," muttered Monica. "Out to the patio, then," she said with a nod.

By then and in the kitchen, Harry was well on his way into preparing


He was well into it when Dobby popped in and began making up a

service of tea.

"What're you up to, Dobs?" he asked.

"Missus and Miss Grangy be havings tea on the patio, Master Harry,"

replied the elf.

Harry gave a nod, left the elf to it and returned to what he was doing.

Thirty minutes later he called Dobby and explained what he was doing

and why.

"If I miss anything before something else has come up, would you mind

taking care of it for me, Dobby?" he asked.

"Of course, Master Harry," replied the elf.

"Thank you," he sighed. "Now, where would I find Wendell?"

"Mister Grangy be in his office, Master Harry," replied Dobby.

"Thank you," said Harry, standing up straight as Dobby popped away


Bracing himself for the... confrontation... Harry headed to the office.




Finding Wendell in his office as he knew he would be - Dobby knew

where everyone he considered part of his household to be at any given

time - he knocked on the door before entering. The door was open.

Wendell took all of about two seconds to realise something was deeply

worrying the boy.

Gesturing to the seat opposite his desk, he said, "Come in and take a load

off, Harry."

Watching the boy as he seemed to move cautiously forward before

sitting, Wendell realised the boy was apparently somewhat afraid of him.

"What's the problem?" he asked.

"Errr... there's no problem!" the boy was quick to reply. "That is... I don't

think it's a problem... I think it's wonderful!... But... Ummm... You..."

Then he sighed.

Wendell wasn't going to push the boy to hurry up because he knew, from

experience, that more often than not it actually slowed things down. So

he just waited for the boy to get to what he needed to say.

"I thought a lot about what you said... you know, when you said I needed

to analyse my feelings."

Wendell nodded, starting to get an inkling as to what the boy was on

about. If he was right...

"And I reached a rather surprising... and I mean that in a good way," the

boy was quick to say. "I mean... I figured out that... ummm... that... I'm-

in-love-with-your-daughter." Then winced.

Clearly, Harry expected to be yelled at, but Wendell wasn't going to do

that. Instead, he calmly said, "It's about time you figured that out."

Giving a start of shock and gaping back like a stunned mullet at the older

man, Harry ineloquently returned, "Hunh?"

The expression of shocked confusion on the face of the young man, who

often appeared wise beyond his years, amused Wendell enough it had

him smiling, almost grinning, back. "Harry, I think you and Hermione

were the only two people in this house who did not know that before

dinner the first night you were here was concluded. And, yes, I'm

including the aurors who've come and gone in that."

"You... knew?" asked Harry.

"Yes," Wendell immediately and simply stated back.

"Is that what..." Harry stated but stopped, unsure what to ask.

"Is that what that discussion I had with you out on the patio was all

about?" asked Wendell. Then, not waiting for Harry to respond, replied,


With Harry still confused, having no idea this was how this conversation

would go and having no idea where to go from here, Wendell gave him a

moment to think about it before he said, "I take it you've come in here to

ask if you can date my daughter?"

When Harry again gaped back in shock at how well Wendell had sussed

out what he'd come in for, Wendell chuckled and said, "My answer is


Then, when Harry immediately appeared relieved, Wendell asked, "Have

you asked her, yet?"

"Errr... yes," Harry softly replied. "When we were out for our walk."

When Wendell nodded, Harry continued, "There was this little old lady

out working in her garden, I think she was trimming her roses next to the

front fence... I never noticed her and I don't think Hermione did either, at

the time, because she must've been kneeling... but, when I asked

Hermione and she said yes... Oh, she said yes, by the way..." he said,

glancing up for the moment. "Well, she... the little old lady, that is... I

think her name was Missus Landringham?..."

Wendell immediately pictured the woman and remembered her as

someone who had once brought his daughter home when she was a little

girl and some bullies had picked on her on her way home from primary.

"Well," continued Harry, rambling. "She said something about how

Hermione had tackled me to the ground and how it was improper for

Hermione... that's when she said yes, by the way... how it was improper

for Hermione to behave that way. Then she looked at me and told me...

well, reminded me, really... that I had to come and ask you if I could court

your daughter... and, well―"

"And here you are," nodded Wendell.

"Errr... yes," replied Harry.

"Well," said Wendell, "I've already said yes, so that's out of the way."

Harry nodded back.

"But, there are rules."

Harry braced himself up, took on a serious expression and nodded once


'There's that young man, wise beyond his years, again,' thought Wendell.

"Rule One: I know the two of you are likely to argue to the point tears are

going to flow, at some times; but, if you ever hurt my daughter to the

point she feels she has no choice but to run home to her Mum and

Daddy, I will hunt you down and they'll never find your body."

Harry looked horrified. "I-I'd never―" he spluttered.

Wendell immediately raised his hand in a stop gesture, which

immediately shut Harry up again.

"I never said you would, Harry," explained Wendell. "These are rules I'm

laying down so that you know them and I know you know them."

When Harry calmed back down and nodded a few moments later,

Wendell continued. "Two: While in this house you will never be alone in a

room with my daughter with the door closed. Actually, you can expand

that to be, while boyfriend and girlfriend you will never be alone in any

room with my daughter with the door closed.

"Three: Between the hours of 10.00pm and 7.00am, each of your rooms

are off limits to the other.

"Four: At all other times you will never enter the room of the other

without being specifically invited. And, again, the door is to remain wide

open. Don't forget to knock first if the door is closed.

"Five: Hands will never wander to inappropriate areas on the other.

"Six: 'No' means 'Hell, no! Not going to happen!' And you'll never push it.

"Seven: You'll never use any form of potion or other magic on my

daughter unless it is to protect her from harm. And, even then, it will be

with her freely given prior consent. That's something the two of you will

need to discuss in advance.

"Eight: If you believe she is under such a potion or charm or whatever

from someone else, you will immediately take her to get medical

attention. Once you've done that, you will then use your authority as a

Lord in your world to see that the person or persons who did it to her are

justly punished.

"Nine: My daughter is our greatest precious gift to Monica and I. You will

pro-actively, actively and reactively do everything in your power, and

beyond if necessary, to protect her from harm.

"Ten: If you discover that there's a problem and you don't know how to

deal with it, come and see me, Monica or... if you prefer... contact your

godfather to talk it over. While you are wise beyond your years and have

been declared an adult, you are still a fourteen year boy.

"Got all that?"

Harry was thinking hard and eventually replied, "I'm probably going to

have to review this memory in my pensieve; but, I think, for now, I've got


Wendell smiled back, picked up a sheet of A4 paper off the desk blotter

in front of him and handed it over.

Harry accepted it, flipped it right way round and saw that it was the

same ten rules in printed form. It was headed with the title, 'The Ten

Rules for Dating My Daughter'.

Looking back in shock, he squeaked, "You knew?"

"I told you, Harry," replied Wendell, "Everyone in this house, bar you and

my daughter, knew you loved each other. I'll also add your godfather and

the Tonkses to that list. It was only a matter of time before you two

figured it out. I also already guessed it would happen within a day or two

after that talk we had; and you asked her to be your girlfriend."

"So, you prepared for it," said a surprised Harry.

"Working on writing down that," said Wendell, indicating the paper now

in Harry's hand, "Is what's occupied me for the past couple of days."

"Now," he said. "I believe your godfather and I need to talk. Monica was

informing me of something in your world that has to do with what

happens when two young people form a relationship.

"A Betrothal Agreement?" Harry exclaimed, once again shocked out of his


"Very good, Harry," smiled Wendell. "I'm led to believe one is important,

as it will protect both you and Hermione from... interference in your


"Don't worry. As you're now an adult in your world and as you're also the

Head of your House, I'm assured no one but you can enter you into such

an Agreement," he said. "I just want to talk to your godfather about it as I

intend to wrack his brains about how one is laid out. I have a daughter to

think about - a muggleborn, Unhoused daughter."

"Ah!" said Harry, again calming down. "I didn't think of that. I'll contact

him by mirror in a little while and ask him to stop by tomorrow. I'm sure

Cousin Andromeda will let him out of her sight for a little while for this."

"Thank you, Harry," nodded the father of his now girlfriend, before the

man seemed to want to return to whatever else he was doing in the office

before he'd turned up.

"Thank you, Wendell," he replied, standing and making his way out. He

was holding the sheet of paper in his off-hand as he left.




Meanwhile, Monica and Hermione were talking out on the patio. At first,

Hermione was talking a mile a minute and Monica was just listening and

trying to make sense of it all.

Finally, the girl calmed down enough Monica was able to ask her

daughter the how, the what and the when.

She then got the story from her daughter what Harry told Wendell, but

from Hermione's perspective.

"I was sooo worried," Hermione said. "It wasn't until he said he thought

he might be in love with someone and wanted to ask me something that I

realised I loved him!

"I thought he was going to ask me for help in asking another girl - I

would have, of course - I'm his friend and that's what friends do for each

other. But, I felt like he might as well have kicked me in the guts for how

bad it made me feel."

"Buuuut―" urged Monica.

"But, he was trying to screw up his courage to ask me if I would be his

girlfriend. It made me just so happy! I felt like I was going to float up into

the air and away, right there! That's when I knew I had to say 'yes'."

Then she sighed while staring off into nothingness.

'She's smitten,'' thought Monica. 'No doubt about it. It's about time and

this will make things easier.

'Wendell will be talking with Harry about calling his godfather to come

visit. No need to worry Hermione about it. We'll let her know when it's

practically a done deal.'

Looking to her daughter she firmly said, "Now that you two have finally

recognised your feelings for one another, there are rules you're going to

need to follow."

Hermione instantly blushed and looked away. "Mu-uum!" she whined.

"No. Listen!" her mother pressed. "Your father will be giving Harry a

similar set of rules―"

Hermione immediately looked horrified. "B-but that could scare him!

He's... his relatives―"

"Hermione. Stop!" her mother firmly interrupted. When the girl did she

continued, "You know very well your father and I are trained in how to

handle children, even one's as mature as Harry, who were the victims of

child abuse. Your father is not going to do or say anything that is going to

send Harry running for the hills; and you know it.

"As I told you, you and Harry seemed to be the only two people who have

passed in and out of this house over the past few days who didn't know

you two loved each other. It was only a matter of time before you two

figured it out."

"Harry told me Daddy told him he needed to analyse his feelings,"

explained Hermione. "I thought it was for another girl."

"Nope," said Monica. "Therefore, we've had a couple of days of discussing

it and working out how we were going to handle it. And remind me to

send a thank you gift to Missus Landringham for sending Harry to your

father as soon as he got back."

Hermione just looked worried.

"He'll be fine," said her mother. "Now. Back to the subject of rules―"

"Mu-uuum; I know the rules," she said.

"And I'm going to go over them and sharpen them up a little," her mother

firmly stated. "You and I have already discussed how you're on birth

control potions and why. And, as I said at the time, I can see the wisdom

of that. However, just because you're on birth control, does not give you

licence to have sex."

Hermione blushed again and muttered, "I'm not ready, anyway."

"Maybe not," said Monica. "But, your body is. And you know there are

certain chemical reactions that will drive you to want to - 'Nature's

imperative'. It will be up to the both of you to ensure you retain enough

power of will to overcome it. And your knowledge of you being on birth

control may warp your thoughts into thinking there'd be no


"Your father and I... mainly me, I guess... have worked hard to instil in

you the responsibility and courage to stop before things get... out-of-


"I don't know if Harry―" tried Hermione.

"That is not our, or your, responsibility," said Monica. "That is the

responsibility of his godfather. And Wendell will be telling Harry to

invite him over so they can talk."

Shocked, Hermione squeaked, "Daddy and Harry are going to talk


"No. Your father is telling Harry to invite Sirius over so Sirius can talk to

Harry about that," her mother corrected. "Your father and Sirius need to

talk about something else. It's a business issue."

"About what?" she asked.

"A business issue, Hermione," Monica firmly stated. "You know better than

to ask questions like that. If Sirius thinks you should know, he'll tell you."

Hermione blushed at the rebuke, this time; rather than in mortification.

The nature of her father being a JP and her mother being a CD meant

there were both business and law issues she was not allowed to be privy

to - and she'd forgotten that.

"Sorry," she muttered. "I've been away for so long, so often..."

Monica nodded and said, "You're forgiven. The reminder was more than


Of course, Monica also felt a little bad about it because she was using the

nature of their 'after hours' jobs to keep something from her daughter.

That was not a little dishonest of her.

"Next," she said. "Your father raised a little girl to almost twelve, when

she suddenly disappeared into a different world. After that, he saw her

for two months during the middle of the year, if that; then two weeks

over Christmas; and two weeks over around Easter. Because of that, he

hasn't had much of a chance to... internalise... that the eleven year old

little girl he helped raise is now a fifteen year old young woman, wise

beyond her years. That's why he slips up every now and then and calls

you, 'Princess'.

"So, the idea of you kissing... and being kissed back... by a fourteen year

old boy he also knows is recognised as an adult, is rich and famous and is

politically powerful might be a bit much for him to see, for now."

"I've only kissed him like that once," she blushed. "That was when he

asked me to be his girlfriend and, even then, Missus Landringham

interrupted us."

Monica laughed. "So you told me," she grinned. "But, I told you that so

you can... save your father the dyspepsia... of seeing his little princess

effectively snogging with her boyfriend."

Hermione grinned back and said, "I can see that... yeah. Alright, I'll make

sure we don't do something that upsets Daddy's senses."

"Thank you," her mother said. "Next..."




Harry had gone back to his room and pulled out his mirror. He sat there

looking down at it for a moment as he thought about what he wanted

and needed to say to the man.

With his mind still a little fuzzy from his asking Hermione to be his

girlfriend and then talking to her father - who then up and surprised him,

too - had him hesitating.

'Right,' he thought. 'Another list, first.'

Setting the mirror aside he pulled parchment and quill before himself and

uncapped his ink bottle.

When he finished the short list of subjects, thought about if he needed to

talk about more than that and not thinking of anything relevant for the

time, he picked up the mirror again.

"Padfoot", he called.

A few moments later Sirius appeared. "Prongslet!"


Sirius took a long look at Harry's face, and asked, "Aaaaaallll-right!

What's going on?"

"I'm going to tell you some big news, then I'm going to tell you some

surprising news, and then I'm going to ask you to do some research for

me," he replied. "After that, I need you to come visit with us tomorrow."

Sirius gave him a long look as a smirk suddenly appeared on his face.

"Finally asked her, did you?"

"Yes," he replied, before he realised. "Wait. What? You knew? Damn!

Wendell said you did, but I don't think I believed it."

Sirius laughed and said, "Settle down, Pup. You asked her. What did she


"I was surprised," he replied. "She said, 'Yes'. Then she tackled me to the

ground and kissed me so hard I think she bruised my lips."

Sirius laughed and then asked, "I take it that was the big news?"

"Yeah, but it doesn't sound so big for you," said a slightly dejected


"It's still big news, Pup," replied Sirius. "What's the... surprising news?"

"He knows about the wizarding world's Betrothal Agreements, Sirius," he

quietly replied. "He wants to discuss the subject with you."

"He does?" asked a shocked godfather. "Then... wow! That is surprising

news. How'd he find out?"

"No idea, if you didn't tell him," he replied. "If it wasn't you, then it must

have been Hermione. And, if it was Hermione, I'm wondering...

"Oh!" he suddenly exclaimed. "Of course! Malfoy and Parkinson."

"Pardon?" asked Sirius.

"Back in First Year, I remember Hermione asking, in general terms, why

Parkinson - Pansy Parkinson, that is - was fawning all over Draco

Malfoy," he explained. "Ron said something about 'They must be in a

Betrothal Agreement, I guess.' And a few other not very flattering things,

but that's beside the point. And, that got Hermione asking more about


"She then must have told her parents all about them in one of her letters

home, or when she was home talking to them."

"Seems the likely scenario," nodded Sirius. "But, since he does, it's going

to make things a great deal easier."

"Easier?" he warily asked.

"Easier," his godfather immediately and firmly replied. "Harry, you're a

Lord of a Noble and Most Ancient House. As such, you really need one.

Especially, since Hermione is a muggleborn."

"So, I take it my parents had one?" he asked. "That was going to be my

next question, by the way."

"Yes," replied Sirius. "Your father had one drawn up, with your mother

sitting by his side as he had it done, once they decided to make their

engagement public.

"But, I want you to also remember that both of your parents were of-age

when they did it. Because Hermione is not, it is up to her magical

guardian to complete one in her stead."

"And, who'd be hers?" he asked. "I thought it'd be Dumbledore. But, as

he's no longer headmaster―"

"As a muggleborn student attending Hogwarts, if she didn't already have

one by default, it devolves to her Head of House," explained Sirius.

"However, that was Minnie McGonagall; and she's now gone. I'd have to

look it up, but it could still be her since her magical guardian could be

identified by name, rather than title. If it's by title then, since there's

currently no Head of House for Gryffindor, it would devolve to the

Deputy Head. As there's no Deputy Head at the moment, it then devolves

to the Head. That would mean her magical guardian would be Lady

Griselda Marchbanks."

"That's―" he began.

"Hold your horses, Pup," his godfather interrupted. "Just a minute. There's

something else you need to know."

When Harry nodded, he continued, "I've had Ted looking into what's

needed to have magical guardianship transferred from one person to

another without the current magical guardian having any say in the

matter. And I had him doing it with Hermione... and this matter, truth be

told... in mind.

"Your ructions across the hierarchy of Hogwarts have presented an

opportunity. As Minerva McGonagall has now been found to be guilty of

crimes against children, she is no longer eligible to hold a magical

guardian position. So that covers the chance she was Hermione's.

"Secondly, if it was by title, then without a current Head of House for

Gryffindor or Deputy Head in their stead it has likely devolved to

Griselda. And Griselda would never refuse to allow a transfer of magical

guardianship to another if she believed the muggleborn's parents wished

it so of their own free will.

"Even if she does, it can be lawfully argued that Hermione's parents

effectively signed over magical guardianship to Minerva McGonagall and

no one else. Therefore, they would have the right to choose another if

they so chose. And the current magical guardian would not even need to

know until it was done."

"Well, I certainly hope you intend on discussing this with Hermione's

parents, first," Harry huffed.

"Of course," said Sirius. "Talking to her father about Betrothal Agreements

gives me the perfect opportunity to talk to him and Monica about her

magical guardianship.

"Now, what's the... research you want me to do?"

Harry was a moment glancing at the written list before he looked back

and said, "I'd like you to have a look at what hardcore Betrothal

Agreements are in the Black records. Only those you can share, of course.

I want Wendell and Monica both to have a full understanding of just

how... vicious... some of them can be. Forewarned is forearmed."

Surprised, Sirius said, "I'll see what I can find. You might also want to

write an authorisation for me to look into the betrothal records for the

House of Potter, while I'm at it. Write it down and have Dobby deliver it.

Then I'll head for Gringotts and go through the records of both Houses,


"Good idea!" he grinned. "And, since my parents are deceased, see if you

can find that one, too. Since it's a modern one between a Lord and a

muggleborn it will be a perfect example."

"You got it," nodded Sirius.

"You've got time, too," said Harry. "Tomorrow's a work day, Monday, so

both Grangers are going to be at work until after 6.00pm."

"Only the one day, huh?" asked Sirius. "My! You must be eager!"

"Sorry," he blushed. "It's just... I don't know how long it's going to take

you... And I just wanted to warn you that for the next five days they

won't be home until after six. Plus, Wendell asked for it to be tomorrow."

"Home alone with the delectable Miss Hermione Granger," Sirius mock-

sighed. "Can you two be trusted?"

"Alone?" he snorted, before wryly adding, "Hardly. Not with three aurors

watching over us."

Sirius laughed. "I'll get it done."

"Thank you, Sirius," Harry said gratefully. "I really appreciate this."

"That's fine, Pup. That's what a godfather is for," smiled Sirius. "However,

since Andi's going to go off at me about gallivanting all over the country

again; when she finds out, I'm telling her you made me do it! Ha! Mirror


As Sirius's image blurred away to be replaced by his own, it was a

moment for Harry to realise just what his godfather had done.

'Bastard!' he thought in humour. And chuckled. 'Oh, well. All she can do

is tell me off.'

Then he pulled a fresh sheet of parchment before himself so he could

write Sirius his authorisation for access to the Potter family records at





19. Dobby Jumps In

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to the proverbial Duchess of

Magic, JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high

falutin' companies. No matter how much I whine about not owning anything

related to the HP universe, other than a few fanfic plots, I do not profess to

own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful

world... Damn it!

Chapter Nineteen - Dobby Jumps In




Harry was up early as he wanted to be up when both adult Grangers left

for work. He was surprised when they didn't leave until almost 8.00am

and asked about it.

"Harry, we're dental surgeons, not ordinary dentists," explained Monica.

"On a Monday morning we have a nine o'clock start at the hospital to go

over the surgical programme for the week. Then we do rounds, then we

have an early lunch. We finally start operations at just after lunch.

For Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday we tend to follow a schedule

starting at 8.00am of rounds, surgery, lunch, surgery, post-op and wrap

up with a couple hours, if necessary, spare. We also try to fit speaking

with referred patients in among there when we can. Some surgeries are

long, some are short. That gives us the time to see new patients. Friday is

paperwork, review and self study of new techniques and the like in our


"Ah," he said. "That's why you were able to cancel your day, last Friday,

at such short notice."

"That's why," she smiled with a nod.

As Hermione joined them, having just come down, Wendell stood up

straight and said, "Now, you two..."

Harry focussed his full attention on him.

"I've spoken with the aurors and they'll be keeping an eye on you," he

firmly said. "So, no funny business while we're not here. Got it?"

"Dah-deeee!" Hermione whined, while madly blushing.

"Yes, Sir," Harry immediately and firmly replied. "I have your trust and

will not abuse it."

"I know, Harry," he replied. "I'm just invoking 'Father's Prerogative' by

warning you."

"Yes, Wendell," said Harry, more relaxed.

That the senior auror had told him the aurors wouldn't step in, even if

the two decided to consummate their relationship in the middle of the

parlour floor, was beside the point. He'd talked to them.

"Sorry, Sir," the auror had apologised. "But, we're here to ensure the

safety of Lord Potter and... now that he and your daughter are soon to be

in a Betrothal Agreement, from what I hear... she's included in that too.

"Under our law; they are both over thirteen years of age, there is less

than a two year age gap between them, Lord Potter does not hold a

position of authority over your daughter and, if it happens, they would

both be consenting. As such, we would be required to simply give them


"Understood. Thank you, auror," Wendell had replied. He had what he

needed, anyway.

"A reminder, Sir," said Harry. "My Lord Black is likely to pay us a visit,

this very evening, after the sixth hour past noon."

While Hermione gave him a funny look for his formal language, Wendell

smiled and replied, "I well remember, Lord Potter. Thank you."




With Wendell and Monica out for the day, both teens spent more time


At her request, Harry began to educate Hermione better on the roles the

Houses played in wizarding British society. It had started with her asking

why he had used the formal language he had used with her father that


"At that moment I wasn't 'Harry' speaking with your 'Dad' about 'Sirius',"

he explained. "I was acting as Heir Tertiary and Agent for Lord Black of

the House of Black, speaking with Doctor Wendell Granger, Justice of the

Peace, concerning a business matter between Lord Sirius Black and

himself. It was not my place to be familiar in the role I was playing. Your

father understood that."

She firmly said, "I need to learn this."

"Yes, you do," he agreed. And smiled back.

That led to Harry getting what books he had on the subject out and

looking for what ones he needed to teach her.

"At some stage we need an excursion to Diagon Alley," he said. "Now that

we're out of school, I can spend time having a browse and looking for

books like this. The last time I was there I had snuck out of the school

and time was limited. And most of that was taken up with what I had to

quickly accomplish in Gringotts."

He started with an overview of the Houses and which was what.

"I know this, Harry," she exasperatedly said.

"I'm sure you do," he reasonably said back. "However, I don't know that

you know everything I'm trying to teach you, so I have to go over it in

case there's something important you should know that you don't.

"However, at least your prior knowledge of a lot of it will make most of

this go faster. We can quickly skip through what you know, as a sort of

revision, and focus on what you don't when we find something you


She gave a minor harrumph, but didn't object. "Fine."

"Wasn't that my signature response?" he teased.

She gave him a look and said, "Why do you think I used it?" And smirked.

He chuckled and the two teens got on with it.

While Hermione knew all the 'ranks' of the Houses she wasn't so sure

about the terms relating to the Heirs. "Why Heir Primary, Secondary and

Tertiary, while they also use Heir Apparent and Presumptive?"

"Apparent and Presumptive are sub-ranks of Primary," he replied. "Heir

Apparent refers to the heir that will ascend to the Lordship unless they

predecease the Lord, or they're Disowned. An Heir Presumptive can be

dropped down the line of succession by someone born who would

become the Heir Primary.

"For example, Andromeda is currently Heir Primary of the House of

Black... or, rather, Heiress Primary. But, she can lose the position by

Sirius becoming a father by blood; which makes her an Heiress

Presumptive. That son or daughter would then be Heir or Heiress

Primary. If it's a girl she would be Heiress Presumptive because Sirius

could then have a boy, who would then be Heir Apparent, while the girl

moved down to Heiress Secondary.

"With each child Andromeda would also drop back one, with

Nymphadora and me also dropping back one as well. In the

aforementioned order, on the birth of the girl she'd drop from being

Heiress Primary to Heiress Secondary. And on the birth of the boy, she'd

drop back from being Heiress Secondary to Heiress Tertiary. And so on.

"However, below Heir or Heiress Tertiary we're simply known as an Heir.

Clear, so far?"

Hermione nodded, "That makes more sense than what I read."

"And, what about the heirs of the House of Potter?" she then asked. "Do

you have any? What with you being the last of your line, I mean."

Harry smiled and said, "I wondered when you'd ask. There is no one of

the main Potter line left. I'm the last. Therefore, we had to go up the line

until we found someone who carries Potter blood today, off a cadet line.

To do that we had to go all the way up to my Great Grandfather's

younger brother. He was one of the first aurors in what became known as

MaCUSA. Then we came down that line until we found someone still


"The next in line is someone in America who, when the goblins

researched them, has shown himself to be a bit of a scoundrel. Therefore,

I've ensured he's not been informed of his status. And he will only be

informed if something happens to me before I've married and had

children of my own.

"However, I've identified him as Heir Presumptive of the Noble and Most

Ancient House of Potter with Gringotts so, if I should die without

progeny, the Ministry cannot seize the Potter fortune; as they would, if I

didn't. I'd rather the scoundrel have it than the Ministry seize it.

"He may not be of the main line but he's still a Potter by blood. A

condition has been set in place that means he'll have to change his

address to a British one, though. That is, he'll have to move to and live in

magical Britain."




While Harry and Hermione were sitting at the dinette table going over

the 'who's who' of the nobility of wizarding Britain and nibbling away at

the remains of their lunches, Amelia Bones was walking into the holding

cells area at the DMLE.

After first ensuring herself the old man was sitting on his bunk and was

well away from the door, she nodded to the auror with her to open it. As

soon as he did she immediately stepped inside.

"Finally," the old man muttered as a barely audible sigh.

"Mister Albus Dumbledore," she said. "I find I have sufficient evidence to

charge you with trespass. However, I'm going to hold onto the charge, for

now, and stick it in my drawer in my desk in my office.

"There it shall remain... until you again break the law. Because, I know

damned well you will."

"If you're done, Am- Madam Bones; I believe I'm free to go," he quietly


"I have a message for you, first, from Headmistress Marchbanks - your

boss," she smirked. "It is now 'school hours'. You are expected to leave

this place and head immediately and directly for Hogwarts. You are not

to deviate from that order. You are not to stop off anywhere along the


"She expects you to be stepping into her office in no more than fifteen

minutes from now; so you'd better hustle."

"That gives me insufficient time to shower or change," he grumped.

"She knows that," she said. "She wants to make sure you're back in the

castle and report to her before you'll get to do that."

Stepping aside she added, "Now you'd best get a move on. One minute of

that fifteen has already gone."

Already dressed, he only had to pause long enough to pick up his wand,

glasses, money pouch and ring portkeys, sign for them, and be on his


Back at the castle by way of the public floo system in the Ministry lobby

direct to his office, he then knew he had to immediately head to his...

Marchbanks's office. It would take him almost the entirety of the time he

had remaining.

As he walked up to the gargoyle about thirteen minutes after he walked

out of that infernal cell and was about to ask it to step aside for him, it

did it anyway. And that proved to him that the woman was monitoring

him as he made his way to her office.

Walking up the stairs he knocked on the door, waited barely a moment,

then opened it and walked in.

The new Headmistress - and, Merlin, did he hate that - was sitting at her

desk waiting for him.

"Come in, Albus."

As he approached the desk he saw no chairs before it. This meant he was

going to have to stand.

Once he stopped about ten feet shy of the desk, she said, "You left school

grounds without authorisation early on Friday afternoon, Albus. That will

never happen again.

"You are now the last member of staff who has been informed that, if

they leave the school grounds during a school day without my

authorisation, it will be grounds for dismissal.

"Your tenure has certain conditions in it that allow me to fire you. One is

bringing this school into disrepute; another is conduct unbecoming of a

faculty member. You did both by trying to trespass upon the property of

a young, female muggleborn student and getting yourself arrested in the


"That behaviour reflected badly on me, the school and your fellow staff

members. That's called bringing the school into disrepute, Albus.

"So, this is one of your final warnings before I fire you. If something

similar happens again, I will fire you." She then gave him a wave off

gesture towards the door and said, "You may leave."

Powerless at the treatment and what he felt was disrespect he was being

shown, Dumbledore bit his tongue and kept silent as he spun about and

stormed from the room. Again, he never bothered to close the door

behind himself.

Marchbanks was waiting to flick her wand to close it, anyway.




Back in his Professor of Transfigurations office and private apartment,

Dumbledore was unable to take a long soak in a bath, this time. The

apartment only had a shower. So, he took a half-hour shower, making

sure to scrub himself clean.

The robes he wore was yet another set he had to throw away. He felt, as

he had to wear them for three straight days, he'd never get them truly

clean again.

Properly cleaned and dressed, he called for a house elf to bring him a

decent meal as he sat at his desk and sat back.

Now stuck in the castle, especially on and during 'school days', he had to

figure out a way to get to Harry Potter and get the boy back inside the

castle as well.

That's when he hit on an idea. He couldn't go to young Harry, so why not

bring the boy to him! It also had the bonus of killing two birds with one

stone. Getting the boy brought to him would get the boy back in the

castle, too.

Finally deciding to do it, Dumbledore pulled out a sheet of pre-charmed

parchment he had created a stock of in case he ever lost control of the

wards, his quill and an ink pot. He took a few minutes to draft the letter

in his Occlumency-enhanced 'mind's eye' then set to writing.

Once he was done and had signed it with a flourish he realised his

mistake. He'd signed the damnable thing with his old titles.

"Blast!" he muttered, before he began to rewrite the letter on another pre-

charmed sheet of parchment.

Done, he lightly blew it dry. Then he drew his wand and worked to make

a minor modification to the portkey charm. As he'd cast the original with

the Elder Wand while it was still bonded with him, it took him a fair bit

of power to adjust it.

After taking a deep breath and lightly dabbing his handkerchief over his

forehead to absorb the moisture he'd generated there adjusting the charm

on the parchment, he folded it as was proper and turned to Fawkes.

"Fawkes," he firmly said.

As the bird looked at him, he held up the letter and said, "I need you to

take this to young Harry Potter. Off you go."

Fawkes stared at him for a long moment, let out a threatening screech

and flamed away. The letter was still in Dumbledore's hand.

Expecting the bird to flame back in within a moment, it was over ten

seconds before Dumbledore lowered his hand. Fawkes had not returned.

"Gods damn it!" he snapped to the air. "Blasted bird!"

He jumped to his feet, strode out of his office and made his way to the


'Maybe it's better to use an ordinary school owl for this, anyway,' he

thought as he strode along, letter still in his hand. 'It may take longer to

get him, but Harry won't instantly recognise Fawkes and be wary.'




In the Department of Mysteries at the Monday morning 'Fire-side' - a

name for which whose history was lost to the annals of time - the

Unspeakable Section Leaders gathered in the largest meeting room to

verbally report to their superiors and the others what the sections would

be focussing on for that week. Some were surprised to see Scimitar attend

with none of 'Management' being surprised to see him there.

At the end of the usual reports, Croaker said, "You've noticed, by now, we

have a new Section Leader - Scimitar. Scimitar leads a small team

working on a 'Deep Secret' project. Scimitar?"

The Unspeakable stood and said, "As Croaker stated, this matter is

classified Deep Secret. its code name is 'Spectral Threat'.

"It has been discovered that one Tom Marvolo Riddle, better known as

Lord Voldemort, is still with us."

After waiting for the sudden susurrations of noise to cease, what would

be loud exclamations of shock anywhere else, he continued, "It has been

discovered Riddle... as that is his real name, that is how we address him...

employed the use of soul magics in the form of the creation of Horcruxes.

Worst still, he has created quite a few of them."

"That's crazy!" said one. "One, alone, is enough to warp the mind. To

create multiples―"

"We're aware," nodded Scimitar. "Nevertheless, that is exactly what he has

done. My team and I have already located and collected four of them and

are aware of a fifth that was destroyed around June of 1993."

"Sweet Merlin!" one of the others softly exclaimed.

Continuing, Scimitar said, "There is another issue related to this matter

and it involves Harry Potter; or, as he is now more properly known, Lord

Harrison James Potter. Due to the disruptions Lord Potter has recently


That earned him a few snickers, even though they were nervous in


"... Amelia Bones has assigned Lord Potter a rotating protection detail.

This is mainly because of the threat 'White Beard' represents to the young

Lord. We have been urging her to continue with it.

"Thankfully, we have a deep agent within the DMLE already assigned to

Lord Potter's detail and hope to get at least another... if not another two...

assigned to that detail within the coming weeks."

"Why is he important to this?" asked one.

"That you do not need to know about," Croaker jumped in and replied.

Scimitar gave the man a nod and turned back to the group. "This

information has been provided you for two reasons," he said. "First, for

your sections to be vigilant of the employment of soul magics. However,

they are not to be informed of why. Second, that Lord Potter is now a

DoM Protectee... you know what that means... and he is not to be aware

of that. That operation is also Deep Secret and is code named 'Knight's

Shadow'. Lord Potter's codename is now 'White Knight'."

A DoM Protectee would be watched over by agents of the DoM - usually

individuals, working alone. That he was not to be aware of it meant that

the DoM agents would be doing so in hidden surveillance. And that their

job would be that much harder, due to the DMLE protection detail.

Subtlety would be the name of the game. Having at least one person

'inside' made things easier; but, more would be better.




After it looked to Harry that Hermione was beginning to flag under the

rapid flow of information, he checked the time using a Tempus charm

and realised they'd been at it, including a short break for lunch and while

Harry ate snacks, for almost five hours.

"I think we should leave the nobility lessons there, for the moment,

Hermione," he said. "I think we should focus on something else for the

time being."

"Kissing?" she asked.

He laughed, walked around the table and took her into his arms. Pausing

only a moment to make sure it was alright, he ducked his head forward

towards hers with his head tilted slightly to the left as she did the same.

Already, they'd figured out a left tilt, rather than a right tilt, felt more

natural for them both.

After a lingering kiss they slowly broke apart.

"I can get used to that," she grinned.

"Me too," he happily said.

"But, not in front of Daddy," she firmly clarified. "I promised Mum."

"I know," he sighed. "You told me."

"And now I'm reminding you."

Giving her another kiss, he pulled back and walked back around the


Sitting down again he said, "There's an idea I have that I want to talk to

you about. It's become even more important for me to talk to you about,

since we're now boyfriend and girlfriend."

"Oh?" she asked, intrigued.

"With Dumbledore escaping a prison sentence," he began. "And the

Wizengamot and School Board not able to get him out of the castle yet,

I've more and more come to realise I do not want to go back to Hogwarts.

It's too dangerous for me."

Frowning in worry, Hermione asked, "But, what about your schooling?"

"There's plenty of options, Hermione," he replied. "I can go to one of the

schools in Europe, such as Beauxbatons Academy of Magic; I can go to

the main school in the United States, Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft

and Wizardry, which I've discovered is modelled after Hogwarts; I can go

to a completely different school in another part of the world; I can hire

private tutors and study at home; or I can hire private tutors elsewhere in

the world. I have plenty of possibilities open to me.

"However, now that we're boyfriend and girlfriend, your opinion is even

more valuable to me. And, don't forget, whichever I choose, you're

welcome to join me."

Hermione's first instinct was to try and tell him, 'No!' However, she held

her initial reaction back and decided her boyfriend needed her to think it

through. So, that's what she did.

After a long moment she started. "Well, I can't fault you for believing it

would be dangerous for you going back to Hogwarts. And, you've got the

money to go to a school outside of the country, or even hire private

tutors. However, not returning to Hogwarts means not seeing friends


"Friends?" he pointedly asked.

"Valid point," she nodded. "I guess the only ones still there that could be

called 'friends' are Neville, Ginny and the Twins. Or maybe even just

Neville, really. You know he never turned his back on you, don't you?"

"Yeah; and he probably would have become an even better friend if it

wasn't for Ron and his own grandmother interfering," he agreed. "But

Ginny, to me, is just a 'fan girl' and Ron and the Twins' sister, who I

rescued from the Chamber. I have nothing in common with her and I

know she wants me to be 'The Boy-Who-Lived' for her. I can't ever do


"I don't like the idea of you going overseas to go to school," she said. "And

I don't think my parents will be happy for me to go, either."

"You'd be surprised about that," he disagreed. "I don't think they're happy

about you going back to Hogwarts. They're now well aware of just how

dangerous it's been there. And the ructions I've caused in the school staff

might well have been the last straw for them."

"You don't have your own place, at the moment," she tried. "So where are

you going to stay and where are you going to get the private tutors

willing to tutor you? And where would they do it?"

"In order," he began. "I do have my own place. The Goblins told me about

it. I just haven't been there to see what condition it's in yet. If it's non-

habitable at the moment, then I'll simply buy another place and live

there. As for willing tutors; I'm the 'Boy-Who-Lived', remember? I don't

think they're going to be hard to find. And, where? I'll either find and buy

a remote place and use that, or I can come to some other arrangement

with them. Nothing's insurmountable when you have the gold to throw at

the problem."

With a sad sigh she said, "You're right. All options are open to you if you

have the gold; which, you do."

"I'm actually more worried about the pros and cons that aren't gold

based." he explained. "The big 'con' of private tutelage is that we won't

get to mix with children our own age. The big 'pro' is that we will be

taught at the pace we can learn. We won't be held back. That means we

can learn what we need a hell of a lot faster."

"We can get our OWLs earlier!" she exclaimed.

"Exactly," he grinned. "Another 'pro' is; with the two of us we won't feel

as lonely as we would have if either of us had lone tutoring. But a 'con' is;

we won't have access to the massive Hogwarts library."

"You like the idea of private tutors, don't you?" she logically guessed.

He nodded and said, "Another 'pro'; you won't be effectively blocked from

seeing your parents for a whole term, term after term. You'll be able to

visit with your parents - and maybe even they will be able to visit you -

as often as you or they want."

"You've practically got me sold on the idea, already," she sighed. "But I'll

miss the Hogwarts library."

"Then I'll buy one," he replied. "As long as I can find a place to buy that'll

have enough room, I'll build the shelving and racks for one and stock it by

buying lorry-loads of books from every wizarding bookshop in the


She smiled and said, "I don't think you need to go to that much trouble,

Harry; but, it's appreciated."

He shrugged and said, "Well I can at least buy a copy of every available

different book in Flourish and Blotts. I also know there's lots of antique

books in the Potter documentation vault, too."

She laughed. "Alright. You've practically got me sold on the idea. Just

give me time to think it over. I might have other problems with it I can't

think of right now."

"We don't have to make a decision right now, Hermione," he lightly

chided her. "I doubt, very much, we're going to see Hogwarts re-open

before Christmas... New Years, even."

With a firm nod she mentally put that idea aside and asked, "Alright.

What's next?"

"Well, now that I know Lady Marchbanks has taken over as Headmistress,

together with Dumbledore being back in the school, I think I need to

write a letter to her to let her know a few things," he replied.

"What sort of things?' she asked.

"Dumbledore used to use the ghosts, house elves and portraits to spy on

everyone," he replied.

"He what?" she exclaimed.

"Used to use the ghosts, house elves and portraits to spy on everyone," he

repeated. "I figured that out, I think, in second year."

"How?" she asked.

"How what?" he asked right back. "How did he use them or how did I

figure it out?"

She gave him a look and replied, "Both!"

"Well, the first part is quite simple, if you think about it," he replied.

"Ghosts can move freely about the castle. They can get anywhere and

everywhere. When you think about it, you probably even said things near

one of them you wouldn't have said near a living person. However, they

are freely able to verbally communicate with us.

"House elves are the same with a couple of added advantages; they can

elf-pop - apparate - anywhere, including through wards, including inside

Hogwarts. And they have this ability they call 'fade', which is a far

superior version of a witch or wizard's various disillusionment charms.

We could have a house elf standing on the table between us right now,

who popped in to right there directly from the Headmistress's office, and

we'd never know about it. Elf-pop and elf-fade are just... that... good.

"Now, how difficult would it be for such an elf to then have been sent by

old wrinkle-nuts to pop in under fade, carrying a long sheet of parchment

and an ever-ink quill and for it to write down what we say that it will

then pass on to Dum-dum-bore?"

"Oh, Gods!" she moan/whined.

"Now the portraits are a little different―" he began.

"No; stop," she interrupted. "I think I've got the idea."

When Harry just gently smiled back, an expression she was coming to

learn meant 'real' Harry was truly sorry he had just destroyed your world-

view, she just sighed.

"And, you think Dumbledore did this at Hogwarts?" she asked.

"I know Dumbledore did this at Hogwarts," he corrected. "There were a

couple of things he said to me he couldn't have known by having been

told either directly by a human, or having it read from their minds by

Snape. It took me about a year to narrow it down to the elves, portraits

and ghosts by saying little things when no one was with me to a ghost or

a portrait, or even just saying it in my bed as if I was pretending I was

talking to my parents out loud as if they were there.

"For example, I know one time when it must've been an elf who told him

something when I sat in my bed, late at night, and pretended to talk to

my parents. I said how all the crap I had to put up with as everyone

called me the 'Heir of Slytherin' was making me seriously consider

running away. The next day Dumbledore summoned me to his office and

told me how Hogwarts was 'the safest place in all of wizarding Britain'

and how 'the children' were just being children and would soon realise

how silly they were being. He said he told me that because he could 'see I

was feeling very troubled about it and worried I might do something

truly foolish'."

"That was the one that confirmed a house elf was watching and listening

to me at the time. It then had me later confirm the ghosts and portraits

were also watching."

Slumped in her seat a little, Hermione sadly said, "Wow. That's just...

that's a little sickening."

She suddenly blanched and looked back at Harry in not a little horror.

"That means..."

"That means?" he pressed.

"That means... almost everything we went through, he knew about in

advance! He knew about the basilisk well before you went down into the

Chamber... hang on, he'd have known it was Ginny! He also had to know

it was Sirius coming into the castle in third year!"

"Hermione," he gently said. "You know Albus Dumbledore, as

Headmaster, had control of the wards. I'm sure you would have read

about that in 'Hogwarts a History'. Think about it, for a moment!"

"Yes, that's what it says," then stared at him in shock again. "He had to

have known a dark artefact, the diary, was brought in and, highly likely,

by whom on the first day of the school year."


"And he had to have known it was Sirius Black; and that he was on the

grounds and when; because of the ghosts, portraits and house elves."

"And the wards," he added. "Plus, he deliberately left a way for Sirius to

bypass the dementors and get in."

"Huh?" she asked.

"The tunnel from the Weeping Willow to the Shrieking Shack.

Dumbledore built it to give a way for Remus Lupin to be removed from

the school to the shack on the nights of the full moon," he explained. "He

couldn't have not known Remus's three best friends didn't also know

about it - one of them being Sirius Black. However, he made no move to

block it when people thought Sirius was heading for Hogwarts. What

does that tell you?"

"Oh, Gods!" she moaned. "How have I been so blind? How did I not figure

that out, myself?"

"Because you hadn't considered Dumbledore was capable of

Machiavellian machinations," he explained. "So, you didn't go looking for

such moves or ill-intentioned motivations.

"I knew what sort of man he was from before I even entered Hogwarts.

So, I was looking for them. That then made it easy to find them.

Dumbledore was so assured about his image as the so-called Leader of

the Light he didn't consider the possibility someone would go looking and

could find evidence of the truth behind his actions.

"Secondly, that loyalty enhancement potion was probably having a

more... deleterious effect on you, at the time.

"And don't go thinking I'm blaming you for not figuring any of this out,

either. For all I know... for all we know... you might have figured it out

about the tunnel, for instance, and gone to Dumbledore with it. Then he

Obliviated the knowledge of it from your mind and added a termporary

compulsion redirecting your thoughts elsewhere before you could say

anything to me."

Hermione, even more dejected, sighed while looking at the tabletop

between them and nodded.

Harry made his way back around the table, sat next to her and kissed her

again. Pulling away, he softly said, "Understand, Hermione Granger, I do

not consider you culpable in any of this. I know that if you could have

told me, you would have told me."

Relaxing a fair bit, she kissed him back and smiled. "Thank you, Harry.

But, I can't help feeling I let you down."

"You didn't," he immediately shot back. "I know you didn't."

Again moving back to his own side of the table he was sitting down as

Hermione said, "We should write to Headmistress Lady Marchbanks and

let her know how Dumbledore used the house elves, the portraits and the

ghosts to spy on us. Unless she's countermanded that order, they might

still be doing it."

Harry grinned and said, "Well done, Hermione! Now that's what I call

thinking logically!"

Happier, Hermione pulled a fresh sheet of parchment across, uncapped

her ink pot again and picked up her quill. Harry would not tell her that

he'd said that exact same thing just before he started telling her about

Dumbledore using them as spies. He wanted her to have the 'victory' of

coming up with it, herself.




Later, with Harry working in the kitchen preparing dinner, Hermione sat

at the dinette table and took notes as he talked.

Coming at the subject he knew Sirius would be coming to talk to Wendell

about after six, he spoke about the concept of the laws that were in place

for the Noble Houses. Then gave a few examples.

"Hang on," she said. "If someone publicly insults you, as you're the Head

of the House of Potter, that would also be seen as an insult on the House

of Potter."

"Correct; because I am the physical embodiment of the House of Potter,

irrespective of how many Potters there are alive."

"And, at your level... the level of the House of Potter, I mean... such an

insult can lead to you challenging someone all the way up to a duel to

the death and no one can do anything about it?"

"Other than try to talk me out of it? Correct."

"But, what about Malfoy?" she asked.

"Malfoy thought himself the Heir Primary - Heir Presumptive - of the

Noble and Most Ancient House of Black. And further thought that, with

Sirius currently being hunted down by the dementors, he thought it was

only a matter of time before he became outright Heir Apparent. That put

him on par with me.

"However, what slipped his little mind after the First Task was that,

during the First Task, I proved my claim as Lord Potter, not Heir Apparent


"Now that Sirius has been cleared and has basically stripped the little

ferret from the line of succession of the House of Black, if we return to

Hogwarts you will notice an immediate and significant change in the

little... tosser's attitude towards me. He's gone from what he thought as

him being the Heir Presumptive of the Noble and Most Ancient House of

Black, to only the Heir Apparent of the Magical House of Malfoy. That's a

huge drop in stature."

He gave a snort and added, "Actually, now that me being a Lord of a

Noble and Most Ancient House has had a chance to 'sink-in' into their

daft little moronic minds, you'll notice a significant change to how all the

students treat me - except, maybe, Neville."

"Why Nev... oh," she said. "Because he's the Heir Apparent for the Noble

and Most Ancient House of Longbottom, which means he's really only

one 'rank' below you."

"While that's true," he agreed. "I meant, Neville always treated me as a

fellow Heir Apparent. I just never completely realised he was doing it."

When he saw she understood he said, "Now, there's a way someone can

go from almost near the bottom of the... political food chain... to almost

the very top in one swift move. Do you know what it is?"

"You mean 'Betrothal Contracts'," she firmly replied, happy she knew the

answer to that one.

"Betrothal Agreements," he returned. "An Agreement does not become a

Contract until the conditions of the agreement that would change it to a

contract are met in full."

"'Agreement' is just a soft word used for people afraid of the word

'contract'," she said. "At least, that's what Mum and Daddy say."

"In the muggle world and in almost all situations in the wizarding world,

they'd be right," he nodded. "However, Betrothal Agreements are more a

combined promissory note and list of conditions needed to make a

contract come into effect. To save issues, the Betrothal Agreement is

written in such a way that it becomes the Betrothal Contract once the

agreement conditions are met."

"What sort of conditions?" she asked. "What was contained in the

Hogwarts library, when I tried to delve deeper, only said in general that

it would be matters of importance between the two Houses of the


"In other words, a Dumbledore answer," he said. "Answered the question

without providing any useful information."

"Exactly," she said.

"Examples, then," he said, then stopped peeling potatoes to think about it.

"Leaving out listing the definitions used first... a condition could be...

'Upon the evening prior to the date of their union, the prospective bride

must be confirmed by a certified Healer to be a virgin'.

"If that condition is found not to be... confirmed... then the wedding will

not take place and the Agreement will lapse. That is, it will not become a


"A virgin?!" Hermione asked a little shocked.

"It's just an example, Hermione," he gently said. "It doesn't necessarily

have to be part of any Agreement. Think about how backwards and out-

of-date the wizarding world appears to be when compared to the muggle


"Another could be... 'The aforementioned betrothed groom must attain at

minimum three NEWTs of Outstanding level in any three subjects as

graded by the WEA... And such attainment must be within twenty four

months beyond the prospective groom's seventeenth anniversary of his


"That way, if the groom-to-be proves himself to be a dum-dum, then the

family of the bride-to-be can void it."

"I see," she mused. "That... kind of makes sense. I don't like that bit about

being a virgin, though."

"As I said, it was just an example and one that was often included to

ensure the prospective bride didn't turn into a... let's face it... 'doorknob'

for all the boys at school."

"Doorknob?" she asked.

"Everyone gets a turn?" he replied with a grin.

With a huff of stifled amusement, she grumped, "I noticed you didn't

choose to say the groom had to be a virgin."

"Out-of-date, male-dominated society, remember?" he returned. "Besides,

the bloodlines are important to the Houses. It would not do for the new

'Lady' to suddenly give birth to what the 'Lord' believes to be his Heir,

only to discover later the child is not his by blood.

"That's happened in the past and led to both the death of the 'Lady' and

the infant and blood-feuds between Houses. Not a good thing to go


She nodded and said, "I can see that."

"But, even the Contract can later be voided due to conditions not being

met," he went on. "Sirius has told me he's used a clause in the Betrothal

Contract between Bellatrix LeStrange née Black and Rodolphus LeStrange

to void theirs. Their Contract stated that an heir had to be birthed as a

result of their union within five years and a second within ten. It's now

been more than ten years and there hasn't even been a first one."

"So, what does that mean?" she asked. "They have to get divorced?"

"Nope. Voiding the contract was the divorce; or the wizarding world

equivalent of it." he simply replied.

"But, back to the original point about sudden elevations due to Betrothal

Agreements," he said. "I found out my Dad and Mum entered one around

the time they became engaged. In one swift move my Mum went from

being 'just a jumped-up muggleborn' to the 'Lady Presumptive Potter'. As

the betrothed of the then current Lord Potter, she was seen in wizarding

society as that. That she was a muggleborn no longer had any meaning,

as her position as 'The Betrothed of Lord Potter' trumped it."

"Wow!" said Hermione. "That's just... wow!"

Harry smirked to himself. Hopefully, he'd cemented the groundwork for

her father to talk to her about the Betrothal Agreement he knew her

father and Sirius would be discussing that evening. He just didn't know

her parents didn't want her to know about it until it was effectively a

'done deal'.




Harry timed things with dinner to sit down to eat at just after 6.00pm.

The Grangers arrived home at 'five to' and an almost fretting Wendell

asked, "Is he here, yet?"

Harry noticed the very slight jab Monica gave him to his kidney area

from behind him. And definitely noticed Wendell instantly school his

features better.

"No pureblood of high standing would ever consider being early, unless

they were specifically invited to be so," smiled Harry.

"What'd you kids get up to, today?" asked Monica, quick to change the


"I've been tea- We've been working to improve Hermione's understanding

of wizarding Britain culture," he said.

"It's alright to say you've been teaching me, Harry," chided Hermione "I

don't mind and it's true."

"Nothing inappropriate?" asked Wendell, but Harry noticed the twinkle.

"Daa-deee!" Hermione instantly whined.

Harry firmly replied, "No, Sir."

"What sort of things were you teaching, Harry?" Monica smoothly cut in.

"The differences between the different levels of the Heirs of the Noble

Houses, information on wizarding contracts and the subtle differences

between them and the ones in the muggle world, how I was able to figure

out some of the things Dumbledore was up to while we were at Hogwarts

and how magic played a part in contracts, oaths, vows, that sort of

thing," he replied.

"Harry's a good teacher," said Hermione. "He made it so that the

information was better understandable and the reasons why the

wizarding world do things like that a certain way."

Then her expression clouded over as she added, "And I found out

Dumbledore used the house elves, the castle's ghosts and the portraits to

spy on the students. That was upsetting.

"Then we wrote a letter to Madam Marchbanks, the new Headmistress, to

let her know Dumbledore had been doing that; so she could order them

all not to do that any more."

As she hung up her and Wendell's coats in the main floor hall closet,

Monica muttered, "That... man..."

"She'll be able to do something about it?" asked a concerned Wendell.

"Yep," replied Harry. "As Headmistress, they all now answer to her. All

she has to do is tell them and they have to obey. That's how Dumbledore

got them to do it, in the first place."

They'd all just moved out of the hallway, with Monica heading for the

kitchen, when there was the sound of a big bore motorcycle engine

approaching from up the street. Then it sounded like it pulled into the


With a frown, Wendell was about to head for the door when one of the

aurors walked in and said, "Wait here a moment, please." Then he

signaled to one of the other aurors, already inside, to follow him out.

"That's unusual," Harry muttered. Then his eyes widened in delight.

"Sirius's recovered his motorcycle from Hagrid!"

He was about to dash out, irrespective of the wishes of the aurors, when

they came back in leading Sirius.

"Hi everyone," he cheerily greeted.

Harry noticed both aurors were frowning at his godfather before both

ducked back out the front door again.

Harry stepped forward to give him a quick hug, with Hermione following

behind for one of her own.

"What's for dinner?" Sirius immediately asked.

Harry immediately asked right back, "Those potions make you ravenous,

too, do they?"

"You betcha," replied Sirius, grinning away. "One of them is an appetite

stimulant. It practically forces you to take in fuel for the other potions to

do their work on everything else."

"I was wondering why I'm so hungry, so often, now," said Harry.

"Well, if you feel hungry, eat," his godfather immediately ordered. "As I

said, it's necessary."

Harry nodded and said, "I'll go check on things in the kitchen."

He'd only managed to take a step when Dobby popped-in in front of him.

"Dobby be taking over now," he declared. "You has visitor."

"Do-obs!" he sighed.

"Cheffing be done. Now be servings," the elf defiantly declared back.

He probably wouldn't mind so much if he didn't also hear snickering

coming from behind.

"Fiiiine!" he grouched.

Turning back, he pouted towards his still snickering godfather and said,

"Well. If everyone's hungry?"

They were just all sitting down when the current senior auror said, "Lord

Black, I'm sorry to tell you that I'm going to have to notify the Misuse of

Muggle Artefacts Office about your... 'moty-cycle'."

"Go for it!" said Sirius, not fazed at all. He didn't even stop readying

himself for the meal.

"You realise it's illegal to enchant such an item, do you not?" the auror


"Yep!" he readily admitted.

The auror frowned back and said, "You... aren't upset about that?"

"Nope!" he grinned. "It's just a fine. I'll pay it."

"Fight it!" Harry immediately cut in.

Sirius looked at him and said, "It's just a fine, Harry. I'll pay it."

"No; fight it, please!" said Harry.

"Why?" asked his godfather.

"Because, as a rightful Lord, I can stand as your co-law-wizard and defend

you." he replied.

"You want me to fight it and have it brought before the Wizengamot, just

so you can co-defend me with Ted?" asked Sirius, a little confused.

"Nope!" Harry happily replied. "I want you to fight it so I can show the

Wizengamot just how much a bunch of daft morons they are! This is an

easy win."

The auror gave a pained look and said to Harry, "You're going to get me


"Nope!" Harry was practically bouncing in his seat in excitement. "And, if

they try to, I'll happily defend you in the Wizengamot against that, too!

You, auror, is what is known as an 'Instrument of the Law'."

Wendell gave a sudden short bark of laughter. "He's right!" he declared.

Then turning to the auror he said, "If it's anything like our police, your

job is to uphold the law; not to be Magistrate."

"He means 'Chief Adjudicator'," Harry clarified for the auror.

"At my level," the auror wryly returned. "We're also expected to

determine whether or not a legal matter should be pursued, or even be

passed up the chain of command."

"Then, pass it up, dear boy," declared Wendell. "If Lord Black has broken

the law... as you believe... then, you're in the clear."

The auror gave a sigh and turned to Harry. "Lord Potter, why is it you

believe you'd win such a matter?"

"Sorry," he piously declared. "As co-representative for Lord Black, I must

decline to answer on the grounds it may be prejudicial to the successful

defence of my client."

Hermione whacked him on the arm as Wendell again gave a bark of

laughter. He was joined by Sirius. Hermione and Monica just grinned.

Still chuckling, Sirius said, "Alright, Lord Potter; if I'm charged, you can

work with Ted and co-defend me."

"Yes!" replied Harry with a fist pump added for good measure.

The auror gave a pained sigh and said, "I'm going to regret this. I know I


"Jut do everything by the book," suggested Wendell. "If you do that, no

one can legally blame you if the matter before your bench goes sideways

on you. You did your job; so that means, either the law or the bench

failed in theirs."




After dinner Wendell, Sirius and Harry went to Wendell's office and sat to


Monica stayed out to talk to Hermione. Her excuse was, she wanted to

talk to Hermione more about her day and her relationship with Harry. In

reality, she didn't want the girl spending too much time wondering what

the three were talking about behind closed doors in the office.

Sometimes, her daughter was much too smart for her own good and

needed to be distracted.

Two hours later they came out.

Hermione immediately asked Harry, "I thought it was about business

between Daddy and Sirius."

"Not quite," replied Harry. "But, what needed to be talked about has now

been talked about. Sirius and Ted will write up the papers and Sirius will

bring them back tomorrow to talk about again."

"You're talking about a contract of some form," she frowned.

"We're talking about House business of some form," he shot right back.

Then immediately asked, "What do you know about having a House


Blinking in surprise at the question, she frowned in concentration for a

long moment before she replied, "I didn't find anything on that. I didn't

know it was possible."

"Then how did you think the Houses came into existence in the first

place?" he asked.

She looked back in surprise again before she said, "I hadn't thought of


"Something we may want to talk about tomorrow, then," he declared.

"I need to go check my History of Magic text," she stated before she ran

up the stairs.

Monica smirked at him and quietly said, "Nice diversion. You didn't say

that's what you, Wendell and Sirius were talking about, but you've led

her to believe it was."

"Have I?" he asked. "I was merely setting up a subject to discuss between

us, tomorrow."

Monica's smirk turned into a grin before she said, "Once she finds out

what's been going on, she's going to be angry with you."

"Meh!" he shrugged. "She's going to be angry with all of us, anyway. At

least, this way, she won't be worried about what's going on."

Monica nodded.

"Besides," he added. "It's been an ongoing project of mine to get her not

to keep asking what the wizarding world see as inappropriate questions.

And I've already warned her that, instead of just outright telling her off

for it, I'd try and divert her first. If that didn't work, then I'd tell her off

for it."

"She'll still be angry with you," she warned.

"And I'm accepting of that," he replied. "It's not my place to tell her that...

this... is going on. It's Wendell's and yours. I just have to respect that; and

I do."

Harry was hoping to speak with Sirius, Wendell and Monica about the

idea of he and Hermione getting private tutors. But, due to the now late

hour, decided to put it off. After all, there was likely almost a month

before they had to go back to Hogwarts.




Due to their hour earlier start, breakfast the next day was even earlier.

Hermione didn't join them, this time, but Harry was there for the


Immediately following Hedwig and the Daily Prophet owl, in came an owl

Harry didn't recognise. It landed in front of him and held out its leg with

an attached letter for him.

"Hello," he said, as he reached for it; owl treat at the ready.

The bacon was for Hedwig.

Suddenly, Dobby popped in on the table and loudly cried, "No, Master

Harry!" Then grabbed the letter himself.

With a twist, swirl and what looked like an implosion, Dobby and the owl


"What in Merlin's name?!" the auror with them cried, jumping to her feet

as her wand shot into her hand.

She quickly waved her wand over the area and yelled out, "Dawkins!

Patterson! Get in here!"

As the other two aurors ran into the room, the Grangers and Harry were

already on their feet and backing away.

"Portkey signature!" declared Charlotte Watkins, the female senior auror.

"A damn powerful one!

"Damn! Where?" said Dawkins, coming forward, raising his own wand

and gesturing with it.

"Dumbledore!" he suddenly growled.

Dumbledore, not having access to his second secret wand where it was

stashed behind a painting in the apartments of the headmistress, had

created - or, rather, adjusted - the portkey with the Elder wand.

No one heard Hermione running down the stairs until she hit the last set

between the first floor and the main floor. After the rapid series of

thumps on the stairs and a few moments for her to run between the stairs

and the kitchen she came charging into the room with her wand drawn

and slid across the polished floor in her bed socks. She crashed into one

of the aurors before she was able to arrest her motion, stand up straighter

and scan the room.

Harry took one glance at her standing there facing him in a see-through

short baby doll nightie and tight bed shorts, nearly choked on his own

spit and quickly spun away from her, coughing.

'I saw her nipples!' he immediately thought, trying to clear his airway.

The third auror, Henrietta, took one look at him, then at Hermione,

smirked and conjured a robe about the girl's shoulders.

Wendell and Monica both saw Harry's reaction, and turned in time to see

the younger female auror, Henrietta Patterson, conjure a robe about their

daughter's shoulders. Monica was at an angle to see why, but Wendell

was not.

"Hunh?" asked Hermione, confused by the robe.

As the other two aurors continued to track the trace of the portkey,

Monica pointedly and lightly cleared her throat, drawing her daughter's

attention to her, cocked an eyebrow and pointedly stared at her

daughter's chest before lifting her eyes back.

Hermione looked down, coloured and quickly drew the edges of the robe

closed by pulling them tight and overlapping them and belting it with the

sash provided. "Oops!" she quietly said to her mother while madly


That had her mother smirk again. Wendell frowned at her before glaring

at Harry's back, who was still turned away. His blush could be seen even

on the back of his neck. Wendell had figured it out.




20. Letters and Albie

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to the proverbial Duchess of

Magic, JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high

falutin' companies. No matter how much I whine about not owning anything

related to the HP universe, other than a few fanfic plots, I do not profess to

own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful

world... Damn it!

Chapter Twenty - Letters and Albie




Dumbledore was just about to rise from his desk to head to the Great

Hall, after he'd heavily warded his new office to stop Harry Potter from

being able to leave again when he turned up, when the portkey began to

arrive five feet in front of his desk.

With a pleased little start he quickly sat back on his office chair and

adopted a mien of pleasant but firm statesmanship. 'Perfect timing,' he


With a massive twirl the portkey finished arriving. But, instead of Harry

Potter standing there, there was the owl he sent and a house elf holding

the letter, who'd just released the owl.

As he jumped forward to his feet in shock from his chair, the house elf

glared at him, snapped its fingers and he found himself flung back into

the wall behind his desk as if banished.

By the time he managed to climb back to his feet from where he landed

sprawled on his side against the wall, the house elf was gone. Only the

owl remained as it flew about the ceiling of the room, looking for a way

to get out.

"Nooo!" he cried.

Yet another plan for that boy suddenly going up in smoke. This time,

interfered with by a house elf, of all beings!

With a cry of rage he snatched his wand out of his belt and sent a

blasting curse at one of the few armchairs he'd managed to get into the

small room. It shattered into bits as splinters of wood and wire bounced

off the walls and bookcase, with stuffing flung into the air of the room. It

was his favourite chair, other than his now gone 'throne' from the Great


Glaring back at it and slamming his Occlumency barriers closed he had to

take a few moments to get his breathing back under control before he

called for an elf.

"Clean that up!" he snapped, viciously gesturing to the now pile of scrap.

As the elf banished the remains of the chair, he stormed out of the room.

The owl used the opportunity of the open door to fly out after him.




Back at the Grangers, as those around the dinette were calming down,

there was a crack of displaced air as Dobby appeared back on the table.

He was still holding the letter.

"Dobby!" Harry exclaimed in relief.

As everyone whirled on him he was a moment before he held out the

letter to Harry. "Dobby be sorry, Great Master Harry Potter, Sir," he

quietly said. "Dobby did yell at Master Harry Potter, Sir, when Dobby

sees Master Harry reach for magicked letter. Dobby had to stop Master

Harry from touching bad magicked letter."

"Dobby, it's fine!" said Harry. "You did a very good job!"

"Dobby, I take it you rode the portkey all the way to its destination?"

asked the senior auror, jumping in.

"Yes, Miss Auror Watkinsy," replied Dobby. "Dobby be taken by magics to

old Perfesser Whiskerses new office in Hoggywarts. Dobby not stay,


"No, that's fine," the auror was quick to assure him. "By old Professor

Whiskers I take it you mean Professor Albus Dumbledore?"

"Yes, Miss Auror Watkinsy," replied Dobby.

"Thank you!" she happily replied. "Gotcha!" she then quietly but firmly


"Dumbledore caused this?" asked Wendell.

"Yes," replied Watkins. "Dobby's confirmation as to the destination

confirms our identification of the magical signature on the portkey trace.

"I'll need to notify Madam Bones, immediately. Well, as soon as she gets

into her office. That'll be in about―"

"Thirty five minutes," Dawkins immediately added.

Watkins used a levitation charm of some form to take the letter from

Dobby's hand before dropping it into an evidence bag Patterson was

holding out and open.

"And that's the physical evidence," said Watkins.

She then turned to Dobby, who was still standing and looking dejected on

the table, before she said, "Dobby, don't look so sad. You did a very, very

good job."

"Dobby did yell at Master Harry Potter, Sir," the elf firmly replied. "Dobby

must be punished."

"No," Harry firmly replied back. "Dobby did his job. Dobby protected his

master. Dobby will not be punished for that, ever."

With hope, Dobby looked up and said, "Thank you, Master Harry."

"There is no need to thank me for doing what is right, Dobby. It is I, who

should be thanking you. So, thank you."

Dobby looked stunned before he said, "No, no! Master never need to

thank Dobby―"

"And, as I told you before, if you did something I would thank another

person for, I'll be thanking you as well."

Monica smoothly cut in and asked, "I take it the excitement's over?"

"Yes," replied Watkins. Turning to Harry she said, "I think we'll be

checking all mail heading for you, from now on."

"Yes, Ma'am," he replied. "And I think I'll go back to using detection

charms on everything again."

"If you know them, you should be using them," she sternly told him.

"Yes, Ma'am," he replied. "But, what I want to know is how he managed

to get a portkey to activate within here. That should not have been poss...

oh, wait."

"Wait?" asked Watkins.

Harry sighed and looked a little pained before he replied, "I asked the

goblins to set up anti-portkey wards that would stop a portkey getting

into here. I didn't ask them to set up a ward that stopped them going out."

"It should have still stopped that," she frowned. "However, Dumbledore is

powerful enough... and the portkey trace certainly appeared powerful

enough... Dumbledore might have suspected an anti-portkey ward and

overpowered it."

Dawkins said, "We'll need to check the wards." Then left to go and do

exactly that.

"That done, we need to head for work," said Monica.

Turing to Harry she said, "Harry, can I speak with you a moment before

we go?"

"Yes, Ma'am," and blushed again.

As they stepped into the kitchen and before Harry could say a word she

said, "Listen to me, Harry."

When he nodded back, she quietly said, "I know what you saw when you

first saw Hermione come into the dinette."

Harry immediately deeply blushed again and tried to speak around his

suddenly dry throat.

"Shh!" she firmly said.

When he stopped trying to talk, he looked away.

"What happened was an accident," she firmly said. "Hermione forgot we

had guests, or forgot how she was dressed. Either way, it doesn't matter.

"Then, when she crashed into the auror, your attention was immediately

drawn to her. You then got an 'eyeful'."

"U-ummm―" he stammered.

"Hermione knows what happened and doesn't blame you for it," she

explained. "She knows she was at fault and I know she's already accepted

blame. Expect her to apologise to you for it."

"Sh-she really doesn't need to do that," he tried. "I... umm... I know it was

an accident, too. She heard trouble and came down with her wand ready

to help. I-it would just embarrass us both."

"You're a good boy, Harry," she gently said. "You saw there was a

problem with her dress and you immediately averted your eyes. That

shows you have respect for her."

"Can we... not talk about this any more?" he almost whined.

She grinned and said, "Now that I've said what needed to be said, yes."

When Harry seemed to sag in relief she said, "Have a good day. But,

when Hermione apologises to you, let her. She'll feel she needs to. Then,

once she does, you can both drop it. Alright?

"Yes, Ma'... errr... Monica."

"Good," she firmly stated. "Time for Wendell and I to go to work. We'll be

back home about the same time as last night."

Then she left.

With a sigh, thankful she'd left, he leaned back against the kitchen

counter and thought about what he'd seen. And then tried not to.




Wendell awaited Monica near the door to the garage downstairs, holding

her coat for her. As soon as he saw her, he readied the coat before

helping her into it, then held the door open for her, not saying a word.

As soon as they stepped in, Wendell closed the door behind them and

turned to her. She was already turned about to look at him with a firm

look on her face.

"'Dell; calm down!" she firmly said, before he had a chance to say


"He ogled our daughter's―" he tried.

"He bloody well did not!" she snapped over the top of him. "Hermione

rushed downstairs and charged into the room. Her crashing into the

auror drew his eyes to her to check and make sure she was alright.

"As soon as he saw that her top was translucent - not transparent - he

immediately... and I'm talking quicker than I thought his reflexes should

be... averted his eyes to the point he spun completely about so his back

was to her," she firmly stated. "He did everything he could to make sure

he wasn't looking at what he felt he shouldn't be looking at. He did

nothing wrong and everything right."

"But that still means he had to look down to see―" he tried.

''Dell; your daughter is a pale-skinned Caucasian. She doesn't topless

sunbathe, so the skin of her breasts is as pale as it gets. She also has dark


When Wendell gave a start and tried to back off, she immediately

snapped. "No; you need to listen."

When he calmed down, still fuming a little but also uncomfortable, he

gave a little nod. But he wouldn't say a word.

Seeing it, she continued, "She has dark areolae about the size of double

florins with almost too tiny to be useful nipples, also dark. But that last

has to do with her age, as you well know.

"When she came charging into the dinette her breasts were also bouncing

a little because, like me, she doesn't wear a bra to bed. So, whether it was

just adrenalin or the fact her nipples were rubbing on the inside of the

material, they had hardened. And were, therefore, jutting out."

"Mo-on!" he whined. "This is my daughter you're describing to me!"

"Just a sec," she shot back. "So, Harry caught the flicker of movement out

of the corner of his eye, caught sight of your daughter crashing into the

auror - who was otherwise busy and never visually noticed a thing - and

movement under her translucent top drew his eyes to follow it. That was

purely instinctive on his part.

"And, I remind you, as soon as he realised what happened and what he

was looking at, in less than a second he was already spinning away. As I

said, that's bloody quick reflexes.

"Harry did not 'ogle' Hermione, as you put it. If anything, he proved to be

incredibly chivalrous. Can you possibly tell me, at his age, you'd have

done better?"

Slumping against the door-frame, Wendell quietly replied, "No."

"Then, stop with the nonsense!" she demanded. "I'll also point out that

Henrietta also immediately saw the problem and conjured a robe for her."

Grumbling a bit, he said, "You make it hard to be a righteous father when

you keep getting so bloody logical on me."

"I know, dear," she smiled. "That's because, all too often, being a

righteous father is illogical."

He sighed and said, "How about we travel in one car, today? We're both

leaving work at the same time and, on the drive, we can talk more about

this... Betrothal Agreement."

"I'd like that," she replied with a nod.

"But, this evening," he declared, stopping as he was about to head for the

driver's side door of his car. "You will talk to our daughter about what

she wears to bed."

"I intend to," she replied. '... not,' she thought.




As the Grangers pulled out of the driveway, Hermione was watching from

the window of the parlour. When she saw they were both in the same car

she didn't bother to wait for the other to also pull out.

She wondered what the delay was all about but thought it would be her

mother laying down the law with her father. She knew he'd been upset.

While her mother was talking with Harry in low voices in the kitchen,

her father had glared at her and told her in one single clipped sentence

she and her mother would be talking about her state of dress, that night.

Knowing she needed to apologise to Harry she went looking for him. He

wasn't in the kitchen and suspected he'd gone back up to his room.

Quietly, she made her way up there.

Finding the door open and seeing him sitting at the desk side-on to her,

she could see he was holding his communication mirror and staring at it.

She could also see it wasn't active.

Standing in the doorway she quietly said, "Harry?"

When she saw him immediately snap his head around and saw her, then

immediately blush before turning to look away again, she knew she had

to get through this or it would become an issue between them.

"Harry; please look at me," she quietly said.

She watched him stiffen and give a little firm nod that he probably didn't

even realise he made before he turned to look at her. "Good morning,

Hermione," he quietly greeted her.

"Good morning," she returned. Then gave a small smile back.

"I..." he tried, before looking down at the ground. "I'm... I saw―"

"I know what you saw, Harry," she quietly returned. "And I'm sorry I

embarrassed you."

When his eyes snapped up to hers he looked shocked. "I... ummm―"

"I shouldn't have come down dressed like that," she said. "I heard the

aurors shouting and thought something had happened. Well, it did, but I

didn't need to come down without being properly attired, first."

"No," he disagreed. "I mean... you heard danger and you reacted. That's a

good thing. Sometimes, it may mean your life taking time to make

yourself presentable. Your instincts were good. Don't apologise for that.

"Yes, if you have time, then you need to appropriately dress. But,

sometimes you may not have a choice."

He hesitated a moment, sighed and said, "Your mother told me you'd

apologise to me for... what happened. And that I was to let you. But, I'm

sorry, too. I looked at your..." Then he blushed, looked away and waved

his hand at her.

As Harry talked she'd managed to get her own blush under control. He

was being sweet. But that didn't mean she couldn't tease him a little to

get him to relax.

"My what, Harry?" she smirked and asked. "You can say it."

"Your..." Blushing further, he muttered, "Lady parts."

'Lady parts?' she thought. 'This will not do.'

"My breasts, Harry," she firmly returned. "But you see them covered all

the time. Just as you see the breasts on other girls.

"You'll have to be more specific," she pressed.

"Damn it!" he muttered. "Alright. I saw your... nnn-darker bits."

"Darker bits?" she asked. "Do you mean my areolae?"

Confused he asked, "Arri-what?"

Surprised he didn't know, she replied, "Ar-e-o-lae. It's the plural form of


Carefully, she walked slowly forward until she was well inside the room

and only about five feet from him. Though he didn't shy away she could

see her close distance was now making him just a little uncomfortable.

He still couldn't keep his eyes on her. She stopped.

"The areola is the dark circle of skin that surrounds the nipple," she

explained, causing him to give just a little jump at her word use. "It can

come in all different colours from normal skin tone, which makes it

almost unnoticeable, to the darkest of browns.

"The skin tone can also change when it's cold, or overly warm, usually

does when you're pregnant... or when you're aroused."

As she was talking she could feel herself flush a little and her nipples


"Mine, when I compare them to other girls, are a tad darker than the

medium. That is, of course, when I'm talking about other Caucasian girls.

Parvati's are significantly darker than mine; but, that's because she's

Indian and has swarthier skin. Sophie's and Fay's are a little lighter while

Lavender's are lot lighter."

She gave that a moment before she continued, "In the centre of that area,

but sometimes a little lower than centre, sits the nipple."

That had Harry give a silent start again.

"Nipple, Harry," she said. "Nip-ple."

When he still appeared to be a little uncomfortable she said, "Harry, the

nipple is an important part of a woman's body. We latch our babies onto

them. It's through them that they draw milk from the mammary gland

within the breast. Try thinking of them as a function and you might be

more comfortable thinking about them, at all."

He blushed again, but at least kept trying to look at her instead of

looking away. That made it look like his eyes were darting about the

place, but she knew he was trying.

Getting a little frustrated she demanded, "Harry, look me in the eyes for a


She saw him take a deep breath, clench up a little and firmly turn his

eyes to stare directly into hers.

"Do you trust me, Harry?" she directly asked.

He nodded back.

"And I trust you, Harry," she said. "It's because of that trust we have in

each other that I trust you will not do anything inappropriate with or to

me; understand?"

"Yes," he firmly said.

"Good, because I'm going to do something you are not to stop me doing,"

she said. "You are just going to sit there and I know you won't do

anything inappropriate. Do you understand?"

"Yes," he repeated.

She turned to look at the doorway for a second to make sure there wasn't

anyone there. There wasn't. And turned back. As she turned back she

made sure to catch Harry's eyes with her own.

Giving a nod she reached up and untied the sash around her waist of the

conjured robe.

When it looked like Harry realised what she was doing, his eyes suddenly


Just as his eyes started to dart away she quickly snapped, "Look... me in

the eyes, Harry. Hold the gaze."

As the sash dropped away she raised both hands and slipped the

shoulders off, letting the robe drop to the floor.

Harry now looked as if he might be hyperventilating, but his gaze into

her eyes held firm.

"Alright Harry, this is the important part," she said with earnest


With her own heart hammering in her chest in excited fear she let her

arms cross her torso to grab opposite sides down low of the material of

the baby doll nightie short top. And paused.

'Yes, I'm nervous, damn it,' she thought. 'However, this should help get

him through this. But, that's really only an excuse I'm using... I've thought

about showing a boy my tits for so long... especially, Harry...'

Suddenly, she yanked upwards with both crossed arms crossing her face

at the forearms, as the bottom of the baby doll nightie top came with

them. Barely a second later, she was lowering her arms out either side

with the top dangling in her left hand.

'Gods!' she thought. 'I'm bare-chested in front of a boy!'

A moment later, 'Why isn't he staring at my tits?'

'Oh! I told him to lock his eyes with mine and he's doing it through sheer


Screwing up her courage she smiled and said, "Well done, Harry. I

thought, for sure, you'd look." Then she softly said, "Now, look at them,

Harry. But, no touching!"

When she left about fifteen minutes later, she had used her own breasts

to show Harry all the relevant parts. Even going so far as to press her left

breast out flat to show the slight ridge that denoted the edge of the

internal mammary gland.

When he started to relax and began asking questions back she was happy

to answer them. He even said he thought the nipple would be bigger.

"It will get bigger; they will get bigger," she replied. "Every girls' breasts

develop differently. Some girls' breasts even develop differently from each

other. For some, it seems their nipples develop first and then the rest of

the breast seems to follow along. That means they can have decent-sized

nipples and areolae before they're past an 'A' cup. For me, it's my nipples

that are the slowest. A year ago they were still the same as a little girls. I

was worried I was going to develop breasts with no real nipples, until

they finally started to grow."

"What size..." he tried.

"At the moment, I'm an average 'B' cup but, if genetics hold true, I'll end

up an average to slightly large 'C' cup."

"How big would that be?" he asked.

She thought about it for a moment before she replied, "Henrietta's size."

"Henrietta?" he asked.

"She's the younger of the two female aurors currently watching over you."

"Oh," he replied. "Sorry, I'll have to see if I can figure that out when I see

her next. I wouldn't have a clue how big she is, at the moment. I've not


Hermione gave a little laugh and said, "Anyway. I'd better get up to my

room to get dressed before the aurors come looking for us." Then asked,

"Understand better now?"

"Yes, thank you," he brightly said and smiled.

She quickly pulled her baby doll nightie back over her head and slipped

the arms through the armless sleeve holes. Then picked the robe up off

the side of the bed. She'd moved it there earlier when she became a little

worried he might make a grab at her. She didn't want it tangling her feet

if she had to hurriedly back off.

He didn't, though. He kept his hands to himself, as she knew he would.

Slipping the robe back on and re-belting the sash she leaned forward,

placed her hands on his shoulders and kissed him on the cheek.

"You have a call to your godfather to make," she said, standing up. "But,

not a word of this to anyone, including him."

"No, this was private," he firmly agreed.

She gave him a smile and walked to the door. Just as she passed through

she smelled the scent of a perfume, looked to the thick carpet, looked up

and smiled.

As she closed the door a bit she quietly whispered, "Come up to my

room." And poked with a finger into the midriff of the person she knew

to be standing there.




Harry sat at his desk again, again with the mirror in his hand.

He felt deeply honoured that Hermione would show him her breasts like

that; and even went over, for him, how they worked and developed.

But, now he needed to make a mirror call. He needed to tell Sirius what

happened at breakfast.

When Sirius answered it looked like Harry'd just woken him. "Wha?"

"Sorry, I just woke you, didn't I?" said Harry.

Sirius gave his head a shake and said, "If it's important, you're forgiven."

"Dumbledore just tried to abduct me using a mail owl delivered auto-

portkey," he immediately said.

Sirius was a moment before his eyes widened in shock. And a few

moments later his face morphed into fury. "Yeah. That's important

enough. Tell me what happened."

Harry described what happened, how Dobby intercepted the letter, which

was then when he realised it was a portkey by it activating as Dobby was

portkeyed away instead; and how the aurors were very quickly right


Then he went over their investigations into the trace of the portkey

signature, Dobby popping back, he handing over the letter that was the

auto-portkey to the aurors and Dobby telling them where the portkey

took him.

"The aurors now have a copy of the outgoing portkey trace, the actual

portkey used and Dobby's verbal statement," he concluded. "Then,

Madam Bones was also informed."

"Right, anything you missed?" asked Sirius.

"Nope," he replied.

Sirius nodded and said, "Leave this with me. I'm going to see Bonesy and

have this dealt with! You know, trying to kidnap one of the Seven is an

offence of such magnitude it can easily see the culpable party tossed

through the Veil."

"I've got no problems with that," said Harry.




Up in her room Hermione had waited only a moment after spinning

around and staring at the door until a now visible Henrietta Patterson

walk in.

"How did you know?" asked the auror.

"While you were using a disillusionment charm, you forgot about the

scent of your perfume," explained Hermione. "That alerted me to the fact

you had very recently been there, or that you were still there. The second

clue and the one that alerted me to you actually still being there was the

impression your boots made in the carpet."

Patterson sighed and said, "If my bosses heard I'd forgotten about those

two details―"

"They won't from me," smiled Hermione. "But, I need to know, what are

you going to tell anyone else about what you saw?"

"Nothing," Patterson immediately replied. "It's not our job to stop either

of you from even deciding to 'bonk like bunnies' on the table in the

dinette. We'd only step in if either of you was non-consenting to what

was going on. And it's not our job to tell your parents anything, either.

"If you thought us a risk of telling your parents when you get up to

something you felt they might not approve of, you might decide to give

us the slip. That's a security issue. Therefore, we don't discuss it and we

don't tell anyone about it."

"Thank you," sighed Hermione.

Patterson gave her a nod and smiled before she said, "What surprised me

the most was that Potter did not get up and try and fondle your girls.

That showed a lot of willpower."

"Harry's too much the gentleman to do that," she immediately replied.

"Though, I admit, I had worried about it."

Patterson gave another smile and a nod before she said, "I'll leave you to

getting dressed." Then turned and left the room.

Turning to her bureau, Hermione began to pull clothes out she'd be

wearing after her shower. She never closed the door.




When Harry returned downstairs he looked to the senior auror and asked,

"Can you make a copy of the letter Dumbledore sent me?"

The auror frowned but warily replied, "I... can..."

"Can I have one, please," he said. "If the old man's actually written

something, I'd like to know what it says."

The auror gave nod and pulled the evidence bag out of her pocket. She

then simply created a copy of the entire thing and handed the copy to


Harry was quick to remove the letter and vanish the bag. He didn't need

or want that.

Carrying it into the dinette, he sat at the table and read it. It only took

him a couple of minutes.

~ # ~

Mister Harry Potter

c/- Doctor and Doctor Granger

Granger Residence


Harry my boy,

This letter should have been a portkey that would have brought you directly to

my secure care. If you're currently reading this it means it, somehow, failed.

Harry, it is very important you immediately return to the safety of our

wonderful school. Outside of the blood wards I painstakingly placed on the

home of your loving aunt and uncle you are at risk of serious harm unless

you're under the wards of Hogwarts.

I cannot stress this enough with you. You must return to dear Hogwarts


With you staying at the parents of Miss Granger, you have placed her and

them in extreme danger. Those who wish to do you harm will not hesitate in

harming them in trying to get to you. Please do not be so careless of their well-

being by remaining there.

I know you may not think well of me at the moment, but I have always had

your safety at the forefront of my mind. The wizarding world owes you so

much and I feel it is my duty to ensure your safety.

On a second matter, as a champion in the Tri-Wizard Tournament your

attendance is mandatory at the Yule Ball. This event will be held, as the name

suggests, on Christmas night.

There is now only a little over two weeks until that night and you need to be

prepared for your role in it. As a representative of the school, you will be

upholding the honour of Hogwarts. A poor performance on your part, not only

will be widely published in the wizarding press and on radio, but will also

reflect on Hogwarts.

For both your own urgent safety and the honour of Hogwarts, as your true

friend I must urge you most strongly to come home to the castle with all due



Professor Albus Dumbledore

~ # ~

As he finished, Harry was at first stunned by the man's audacity, before

then laughing to himself to the point he was almost crying.

'Oh, Gods!' he thought. 'This is just tooooo funny!'

When Hermione came down carrying her bookbag, ready to learn more

about wizarding British society, he grinned and handed her the letter.

"Read this, if you would," he smirked as she sat at the table and took it.

"Then take note of the words he used - especially his choice to use and

what he used as adverbs and adjectives."

As Hermione read through it, she began to frown. Once she was done she

scanned back through it and began to mutter, "That... manipulative...

old... so-and-so!"

He nodded back with a grin and said, "He can't seem to get it through his

head that his little tricks of phrasing and the like, whether written or

verbal, just don't work on me."

"So, what are you going to do?" she asked.

He gave a grin and replied, "Retaliate in like manner, of course!"

"You're going to send him an auto-portkey?" she asked.

"No, but thank you for the idea," he said. "A portkey made by anyone but

the Headmistress won't work through the Hogwarts wards."

"Then, how did Dumbledore manage it?" she asked.

"I'd say the portkey was already made," he said. "But, that's just me. No,

my idea is to respond to his letter using the same word-trickery he tried

to employ. However, I intend to go way over the top."

She laughed and said, "You're incorrigible, you know that?" Then she

smirked and pulled her bookbag across the table top towards herself. "I'll

get parchment, ink and quill out."

However, she'd no sooner readied the stationery when the auror with

them at the time, Cassidy, gave a start and did that peering off into the

distance thing. "Visitors," she muttered.

Already knowing not to follow her, both teens waited in the dinette.

As the auror walked to the front door they heard the knock.

Less than fifteen seconds later she walked in leading Madam Bones and

two more aurors.

'Her bodyguard,' thought Harry.

Hermione immediately rose from her side of the dinette opposite Harry

and moved around to his side. Harry slid across to the next chair to give

her room.

Madam Bones smoothly slid into the seat Hermione had just vacated.

"Lord Potter, Miss Granger," she said.

"Good morning, Madam Bones," Hermione politely replied for them both.

"I take it you're here because of the portkey incident, this morning?"

"Indeed," said the woman. "Because there was an auror present in the

room at the time, I don't need to ask either of you for a copy of your own

memories of the event. I'm just here to let you know I'm already


"Lord Black contact you yet?" asked Harry.

"He has," she nodded. "He's... quite upset."

"It's alright to say he was ready to blow his top," smiled Harry. "He was

right ropable when I finished my call with him."

"As your godfather, he wishes to press charges against the culprit," she

said. "As you're now an adult in your own right―"

"I wish to also make a formal complaint," replied Harry. "And, yes, I'm

aware of the possible result of a successful prosecution against him."

"Whether or not I have a chance at a successful prosecution, as you put it,

is not for you to worry about," she said. "That's my concern."

When Harry gave a short nod back, she said, "I'll take the complaint now;

but, I've already begun my investigation. The complaint just makes it


Again a Dicta-quill was produced and Harry verbally gave his complaint.

He never mentioned Dumbledore by name as the one he was making a

complaint about, but did mention that his bonded house elf reported

directly to him that the portkey deposited him into Dumbledore's

presence at Hogwarts.

When he was done, the Dicta-quill was packed away and the now

completed statement was properly signed by Harry and witnessed by her

and Senior Auror Charlotte Cassidy.

'That's her name!' thought Harry of the current senior female auror

currently overseeing them.

With that aside she then flat-out asked, in the presence of the aurors

concerned no less, "Do you have any issue with how the aurors on-site at

the time handled the situation?"

"No, Ma'am," he immediately replied. "I was an idiot. Since I've been

staying with the Grangers over the past few days I've felt so safe that I

forgot to take some basic safety precautions. The first being, I didn't cast

detection charms over the letter, as I should have. That won't happen


"An auto-portkey is not something you should have to worry about,

either," she said. "However, there are other possible attacks that can

come by way of mail owl. For that reason, a mail owl redirection charm

is being placed on you.

"That charm will have the mail redirected to the on-site senior auror. And

the on-site auror will scan it to ensure it safe before handing it to you."

Harry frowned and said, "I don't like mail redirection charms.

Dumbledore had a damned strong one on me from the time he had me

grabbed from Godric's Hollow right up until I had it timed to be removed

immediately following the First Task.

"That's why I never received any mail from people who just wanted to

send a letter to 'The-Boy-Who-Lived'."

"Oh, Gods!" Hermione suddenly exclaimed. "Why did I not think of that?"

"Why didn't anyone think of that, Hermione," replied Harry, "Would be

the better question.

"Think about all those students and staff at the school," he suggested.

"And not one of them made mention of how little mail I received? No. I

think Dumbledore probably added something like a confusion ward

concerning the issue of my mail into Hogwarts's wards... among other


Bones immediately slid the still blank sheet of parchment Hermione had

pulled out earlier and slid it over in front of herself. Then picked up the

quill, also sitting there ready, and dipped it into the pot. "You don't mind

if I borrow this, do you?" she distractedly asked.

"Not at all," replied Hermione.

As Bones wrote she asked, "What else do you think Dumbledore might

have done to the wards?"

"How is it that no one asked, nor told their parents about, how Quirrell

suddenly disappeared?

"How is it no one told their parents about the danger on the third floor

corridor in first year, that students were warned right from Dumbledore's

own mouth in a public statement at the end of the Welcoming Feast,

would lead to their dying a most horrible death if they went there?

"How is it that no one told their parents about the Chamber of Secrets

issue - the message daubed in blood on the wall, the petrifying of Filch's

Cat, Nearly-Headless Nick, Justin Finch-Fletchley, Colin Creevey,

Hermione and Penny Clearwater that occurred at various times through

that year?

"With all these dangerous events that have occurred at the school over

the past three plus years... at least... why weren't there parents or

guardians coming to the school, writing letters to the Daily Prophet,

reporters coming and demanding information, that sort of thing?

"Four hundred students and not one of them, or a member of staff, said a

word about it outside of the castle walls? I smell something fishy going on

and we're not near the sea.

"Madam Bones, did your ward and niece - the rightful Heiress Apparent

of your House - not tell you about any of this? Or, at least write to you

about any of this while she was there?

"If she didn't, why not? Does she not know what your duty is as Director

of the DMLE? But, if she did, why did you not act on it? Think about it."

Harry paced his 'questions' so he wasn't hitting her with too much, too

fast. But could also see her frown more and more as she quickly wrote."

"I'm stupid, stupid, stupid!" said Hermione as she leaned her head on

Harry's shoulder to hide her face. Sitting up straighter, she firmly

declared. "I have been so blind! How am I supposed to hold the so-called

title of the 'Smartest Witch of Her Generation' when I didn't even suspect

any of this?"

"Ea-sy, Hermione," said Harry, putting his arm around her and drawing

her back to his side. "No one else, apparently, thought anything of it,


After she finished and set the quill aside, Bones sat back and massaged

the bridge of her nose. Then sighed. "All very good questions, Lord


He replied, "It's because of those points, I can only deduce... extrapolate...

that the only thing it could be is a ward on Hogwarts."

A moment later, he gave a slight start and exclaimed, "Oh! Another


She was quick to take up the quill again.

"'Harry Potter' is supposed to be this great hero to many. He's also the last

of his line and would be One of the Seven when he reached of-age; if he

lived that long - a Lord of a Noble and Most Ancient House.

"If all that is the case, then he... me... should have had all the birds

looking to snag a future Lord, let alone the supposed hero of the

wizarding world, fawning all over him; especially from the magical-

raised purebloods and halfbloods. That kinda happened on the Hogwarts

Express when they 'womaned-up' and hunted me down. But, at the

castle? Not a one. I know they didn't do it with Neville Longbottom,

either; with him being a pureblood Heir Apparent over me being a

halfblood. What gives?"

"Not one?" she asked.

"Not. One," he replied. "Now, at first I suspected the Weasleys of going

around me and blocking anyone who even looked like wanting to get to

know me better. But it would have meant Ronald had to be co-ordinating

it. However, it didn't take me long to realise he's just not that smart; and

he's lazy, anyway.

"His trying to steer me away from anyone wearing green was illogical

bigotry, rather than keeping possible friends from me. And he didn't take

long to be accepting of Hermione being around me.

"The only conclusion I can reach is potions, charms and wards; or a

combination of those. Then again, I only have a third year wizarding

education boosted with self-study."

"Yes; it's for me to investigate," she firmly said. "And, believe me, I will!"

"With Dumbledore no longer in control of the wards of the school - and it

now being Madam Marchbanks - you shouldn't have that much difficulty

convincing her to have experts give the wards a 'once-over'," he

suggested. "I honestly shudder to think what might be in them; and also

what should be, but isn't."

"And I was thinking I was going to have such an easy day, today, when I

got up," she muttered. "All the trials were out of the way and a week

past... things were calming down... a week until the next meeting of the


"I'd apologise," said Harry, wryly. "But, I'm not responsible."

"No," she sighed. "No, you're not. They just all seem centred on you."

"They also seem centred on Dumbledore," he returned.

She smiled and said, "Point."




After Madam Bones left with her two aurors the other three spread out

again. Harry, by now, was certain they were moving about under

disillusionment charms. He knew he'd smelled that young female auror's

perfume a couple of times when he was sure she hadn't been in the room

for quite some time. But, so long as the males weren't spying on

Hermione in the nude or something, he'd not press the issue. He didn't

care one way or the other if the females were spying on him.

It was about an hour after Madam Bones left, while Harry and Hermione

were writing drafts of letters to Dumbledore in reply to his 'portkey letter'

to Harry, that Sirius dropped by.

He found the pair of them laughing themselves half-silly in the dinette.

Happy to see his godson not freaked out about the 'kidnapping attempt',

as he called it, he smirked and asked, "What's so amusing?"

Hermione replied, "Harry's drafting a letter back to Dumbledore, using

Dumbledore's own word tricks, to reply."

Concerned, he asked, "Is that wise? Writing back, I mean. The man did

try to kidnap you."

"Your 'kidnap' is his 'getting under the protection of the wards of the

castle'," replied Harry. "You know that's what he's going to argue."

"And 'kidnap' also implies 'ransom demands'," added Hermione. "Think

about it; if there was no ransom demand, can it be successfully argued

that he attempted to kidnap?"

Shocked, he asked, "You don't think he tried to kidnap you?"

"Oh, he did!" replied Harry. "But, it's easy to see what his defence strategy

will be."

"Even with all the evidence gathered," said Hermione. "Madam Bones is

still going to need to prove his attempt was more than his 'My only

concern is the safety of our newest Lord'. And, 'He's currently residing in

a muggle home. Just how safe do you think it could possibly be?'


"He doesn't need to prove innocence; he only needs to provide doubt. If it

cannot be proven, beyond doubt, his intent was to kidnap; then you're not

going to be able to secure a conviction."

Standing in the doorway, Sirius sagged against the door-frame and


"Damn!" he vehemently muttered.

Noticing Harry writing again, he asked, "So, what have you got so far?"

Harry grinned and handed it to him.

~ # ~

Albus Dumbledore

Tenured No-Longer-Respected Professor


ex-Headmaster of Hogwarts

ex-Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot

ex-Supreme Mugwump of the ICW

ex-Leader of the Light

ex-Whatever else you wanna throw in there

(Hidden) Dark Lord


Many thanks for the disappointing and surprisingly rude attempt to kidnap

me, this morning. It made for an interesting start to the day. I hope you

thoroughly and in good humour enjoyed the visit from my house elf. He,

though, thought your hospitality was dreadful.

Not even the offer of a nice cup of tea? Really, Albie? Such poor manners!

You should be ashamed of yourself. You need to work on that.

I must say, though, the aurors were less than impressed. But, at least you were

kind enough to give them a chance to put their investigation skills to the test.

That was nice of you.

I think they would have preferred it if you'd at least asked first, though. They

might have made other plans and your interfering with their day ruined those

for them. That was rude of you. Tch! I'm so disappointed in you, Albie.

And you did it while wearing your title as 'Professor', too. How will the honour

of dear old Hogwarts survive such a besmirching? But, to be fair, it's not as if

you have any other title you could use, is there? Of course, there's still 'Mister'.

Maybe you should try that one the next time you come up with one of your

Troll-brained schemes.

Or, maybe we'll soon all be lucky and the title will become 'The Late'.

Well, lucky for everyone else, I suppose. The rest of us will all be singing and

dancing in joyful celebration in the street on that wonderful night. My, the

Obliviators will probably be even busier than the night my parents took care of

Tommy-boy for you. With all your experience at it - Obliviating staff,

Obliviating my relatives, attempting to Obliviate me - you could probably give

them plenty of pointers.

Oh, wait! You won't be there. Oops! My bad.

On to your error of belief I have to attend some cockamamie Yule Ball in

Hogwarts on Christmas Night.

Pftftftftftft! (That's as close as I can come in writing the sound of a big

raspberry being blown in your direction.)

Really, Albie? Is that the best you've got? Have you really reached such a low

point of written cognitive discourse you now resort to poorly concealed threats

couched within the adverbs and adjectives of admonitions?

Oh, Albie! I am, again, so disappointed in you! Tch, Tch, Tch! You need to

learn to accept, Albie! It's For the Greater Good!

Alas! I have other plans for the evening of Christmas.

I'm actually going to be spending Christmas with the people I now consider my

true family. It would be rude of me to hare off to 'Good Ol' Hoggy Hoggy

Hogwarts' to be at an event I really have no desire to even think about, let

alone attend. And you don't actually want me to be rude, do you Albie? What

sort of message would that send?

But, do not despair. I shall advise Hogwarts's new Headmistress, Lady Griselda

Marchbanks (and isn't that such wonderful news, Albie?), that I shall not be

attending for her to have plenty of time to make other arrangements. I'm sure

she'll be able to weather any criticism that comes her way. After all, she's

currently managing to weather through the criticism that she has a

manipulative, conceited, up-himself, Dark Lord for a Professor soon to begin

teaching there. That Lord Harrison James Potter, Lord of the Noble and Most

Ancient House of Potter, has sent his apologies should be a bit of a doddle for


However, with all your worldly wisdom and experience, perhaps you can

actually be of assistance rather than the minor annoyance you've been.

Perhaps you can help me with advice regarding a well-earned Christmas

present I've been considering for my house elf friend. I'm thinking of giving him

a pillowcase with the following motto on it:

Yay though Dobby be walkings thru the office of bad 'Perfesser Whiskers';

Dobby be not afraid.

For Dobby be the biggest, baddest 'female parental figure' fornicator in the


What do you think?

Looking forward to your next communication only via owl post, I am,


Harrison J. Potter

Lord of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Potter

Heir Tertiary of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black

Godson of 'Padfoot' of the Marauders

Boyfriend of Hermione J Granger

All-Round Wonderful Bloke

"It's so great to be me!"

~ # ~

By the time he'd finished reading it, Sirius was laughing so hard he was

sitting on the floor trying to hold himself up from falling over. His face

was red from lack of air and he had tears in his eyes.

He finally managed to get enough air into his lungs to gasp, "Oh, Merlin!"

before he lost it again.

Harry was smirking at him. "Dobby," he called.

"Yes, Master Harry?"

"Would you mind getting a Calming Potion for Lord Black?" he asked. "He

appears to need one."

After the Calming Potion from who-knows-where, Sirius grinned at his

godson and said, "For the love of Merlin; don't change a thing! It's perfect!

Sign it and I'll send it using my new owl, Sable."

"Sable?" asked Hermione.

"Yep," he replied. "She's a dark-feathered Spotted Eagle Owl. She looks

mean as all get-up, but she's a softy.

"It should be enough for Albus not to think about using her in some way

to get to Harry. Besides, he's not seen her before."

"I know it's funny," said Harry. "But, do you really think it's perfect? I

thought I could make some improvements on it yet."

"No!" Sirius was quick to reply. "Leave it, just as it is! Perfection cannot

be improved upon, Pup."

Harry gave a shrug and gestured for it back. He simply signed it, 'Harry

P.' Then included a triple of 'X's' after it as kisses so Dumbledore couldn't

fiddle with it.

Sirius took one look at the signature, gave another bark of laughter and

said, "Alright! I was wrong! Perfection can be improved upon!"

"Now," said Harry. "I've got a job for you; or, probably, Ted to do..."




21. Betrothed

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to the proverbial Duchess of

Magic, JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high

falutin' companies. No matter how much I whine about not owning anything

related to the HP universe, other than a few fanfic plots, I do not profess to

own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful

world... Damn it!

Chapter Twenty One - Betrothed?




After her own breakfast, where she spotted a clearly unhappy Albus

Dumbledore sitting sulking in his seat as he glared about at the few

students still remaining, Griselda Marchbanks made her way back to her


Dumbledore had left a frightful mess of the documents and records and

she was slowly working her way through it.

Like Dumbledore before her, she preferred her mail to be delivered to her

office and not at breakfast. She felt that reading mail at the table was


Carefully sorting through them - most were congratulations she was still

receiving from various folks - she found one semi-formally addressed to

her from the young man who initiated all these changes, Harry Potter; or,

better still, Lord Harrison J Potter, as it was addressed.

She broke the seal with her wand tip and unfolded it.

Reading through it she was at first perturbed by what she was reading,

then outraged.

'Did he?' she thought. 'Dare he? Yes, he bloody-well would!'

"Damn, the man!" she snapped.

Turning to her side where she preferred house elves to attend her, she

firmly called, "Elf!"

When one popped in she immediately asked, "Did Albus Dumbledore,

while Headmaster, ever ask you and or the other elves to spy on any


"Yes, Lady Headmistress," the elf immediately replied.

With a thunderous frown that frightened the elf, she asked, "Any

particular student or students?"

"Yes, Lady Headmistress," the elf replied. "Elveses being ordereds by

Perfesser Whiskers to spy on the Great Mister Harry Potter Sir, Mister

Harry Potter Sir's Miss Hermy Grangy and Mister Harry Potter Sir's Mister

Pi- Rronn Weasy."

"Anyone else?" she demanded.

"No, Lady Headmistress."

She thought a bit and muttered, "Time to flip the wand on that son-of-a-


Looking back at the elf she said, "How did you report to Dumbledore

what your spying discovered?"

"Perfesser Whiskers would have elveses come to him, here at night, when

he beings alone. We reports then."

Scowling, she ordered, "From this moment forth, the elves are to no

longer spy on any student for anyone. If anyone gives you such an order

you are to immediately report the matter to me, even if I'm not alone.

"Also from this moment, you are to use the same orders Dumbledore gave

you to spy on the students to spy on him, instead. And report to me the

same way he ordered you to report to him. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Lady Headmistress," replied the elf.

"Now, find the ghost of... Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington and tell him

I want to see him in my office, immediately."

"Yes, Lady Headmistress," replied the elf, before it gave a bob and popped


Then she turned her chair to stare at the portraits. "Did Albus

Dumbledore, while Headmaster, ever ask the portraits to spy on any


While the portraits of the past Heads gave indignant huffs and splutters,

the portrait of Dilys Derwent gave her own huff and replied, "We do not

report on the matters of previous Heads, Griselda."

"Fine!" she snapped "Did anyone ever successfully order the portraits to

spy on any student?"

The portraits all muttered among themselves before Derwent replied,

"Yes. But, we cannot identify that person."

"It's irrelevant," she snapped back.

"From this moment forth, the portraits are to no longer spy on any

student for anyone," she ordered. "If anyone gives any portrait such an

order it is to be immediately reported to me, even if I'm not alone.

"Also from this moment, the portraits are to use the same orders,

whoever ordered them to spy on the students, to spy on Albus

Dumbledore, instead. And report to me the same way he ordered to be

reported to him. Do you understand?"

When Derwent seemed to refuse, Black gave a chuckle and replied, "Yes,

Griselda. It shall be done."

"Good. Make sure those orders are disseminated throughout the castle

within the day!" she ordered.

"It shall be done," he repeated.

While she waited for the ghost of 'Nearly-Headless Nick' to arrive, she

sorted through more of her mail.

He arrived about five minutes later.

"You wished to speak with me, My Lady Headmistress?" he politely

asked, floating into the middle of the room.

"Sir Nicholas," she said, in greeting. "Did Albus Dumbledore, while

Headmaster, ever ask the ghosts of Hogwarts to spy on any student?"

"Yes, My Lady," he replied.

"Damn and blast it all!" she snarled. "From this moment forth, the ghosts

are to no longer spy on any student for anyone," she ordered. "If anyone

gives any resident ghost such an order it is to be immediately reported to

me, even if I'm not alone.

"Also from this moment, the ghosts are to use the same orders

Dumbledore ordered them to spy on the students, to spy on Albus

Dumbledore, instead. And report to me the same way he ordered to be

reported to him. Do you understand?"

"Yes, My Lady," he immediately replied. "We ghosts of Hogwarts were

never comfortable with the order the scoundrel Albus Dumbledore gave

for us to spy on those three students. It was sickening.

"I will be most pleased to pass on your directive to the ghosts of

Hogwarts. It will be... satisfying to 'turn the table', as they say, on that

old... man."

"Good. Thank you," she quietly said.

Sir Nicholas gave a courtly bow that only dropped far enough his head

didn't tip off, before withdrawing again.

Now she had a letter to send back to the young Lord Potter. She would

write his reply first of those she would be writing that day.




After Sirius left the Grangers' he headed directly back to his temporary

home at the Tonkses'.

He was still trying to do his best not to go out too often as he knew Andi

would get upset with him. However, as he'd previously explained to her,

sometimes there was no help for it. This was one of the times he had to

go in person.

However, after reading Dumbledore's letter and Harry's response for it, he

didn't want Harry risking his magic. Not when he could probably do

something about it.

He walked into the Tonkses' lounge and used their floo to floo-call Ted.

"What can I do for you, Sirius?" the law-wizard asked. "Nothing the

matter, is there?"

"I found out, today, that there's supposed to be a Yule Ball at Hogwarts

this year," he replied. "I need to know a couple of things. As they're all

legal issues, I need you to chase them up for me."

"Let me guess," said Ted. "You want me to get hold of a copy of the

contract that concerns the Tri-Wizard Tournament, see if Harry is

actually bound by it, see if he actually has to attend this Yule Ball and see

if I can get the boy out of it; both the Ball and the contract."

"Got it all in one," replied Sirius. "I'd suggest targeting Ludo Bagman and

getting it off him. The man is both a wuss and supposedly co-wrote it."

"How much do you want me to lean on him?"

"Go four-chaser press," replied Sirius. "Even use Harry is now One of the

Seven, his godfather is One of the Seven and, if Harry even gets a

nosebleed from any event related in any way with the Tournament, Lord

Black will be declaring full-on blood feud with him, his family, his

friends and the families of his friends."

Ted gave a low whistle. "The man's going to wet himself!"

"I don't care," replied Sirius. "So long as he gives you a full copy of any

and all contracts related to the Tournament, I don't care if he then runs

naked down the middle of Diagon Alley in terror. It'll only demonstrate

it's not a good idea to upset the House of Black."

"I'll get it done today," nodded Ted.

"Next job," said Sirius. "Though, this one can take you a few days."

"Go on," nodded Ted.

"I... or, rather, Harry... needs someone to go to take a look at three

different wizarding items to check on and write down something."

"And what would those be?"

Sirius listed the items off, what information he needed off them, where it

should be able to be found on two of the items and where it should be

able to be found regarding the third.

Ted looked at what he had written in confusion for a moment before he

gave a bark of laughter. Chortling, he said, "I now know what Lord

Potter's defence strategy is going to be in your possible case of Violating

the Misuse of Muggle Artefacts laws."

"You mean―"


Shocked, Sirius said, "That's―"

"Brilliant!" cut in Ted. "Yep!"

"He's going to make them all look like idiots!"

"Try... 'daft morons'," suggested Ted. "After all, he seems to have made a

habit of that, of late.

"Plus, I'm going to add another such item to the list. But, that's because he

clearly doesn't know of it."

Sirius laughed. "What is it?"

Ted told him.

"You're kidd... no; wait! It is, isn't it?"

"Yep!" replied the law-wizard; and laughed.

"Thanks, Ted," Sirius chuckled, before pulling his head out of the flames.

'My godson is a genius!' he thought, still chuckling. 'Prongs would be so

proud! So would his mother, too, I suspect.'




When Andi arrived home from her early shift, she took one look at Sirius

madly working through documents while still chuckling about the 'prank'

his godson was going to pull on those 'stuffed robes' on the Wizengamot

and barked, "Sirius Black!"

Being focussed on what he was doing and thinking, Sirius hadn't heard

the floo or her arrival. Besides, as this was also her home, she didn't

announce herself.

He almost leapt out of the chair at the table he was working at and gave

a high-pitched yelp of surprise.

Trying to stay seated, while also spinning about immediately after getting

the whoopies scared out of him, had Sirius fall off the chair and land in a

heap on the floor. Parchment was scattered.

Quickly climbing back to his feet while his heartbeat raced, he glared at

her. "Damn it, Andi!"

"You, Lord Black, are supposed to be taking it easy!" she snapped.

"I'm just doing parchmentwork!" he grumbled back. His heartbeat starting

to drop back.

"Oh?" she asked. "So you didn't go rant at Bones before you yet again

visited your godson, this morning?"

"Oh, that," he quietly said.

"Yes, that!" she replied.

"Dumbledore tried to kidnap him, Andi!" he near-whined. "I had to go

and make sure he was okay and not stressed-out about it."

"Your mirror's broken, is it?" she asked.

"I needed to see him for myself," he muttered.

"If you don't stop gallivanting about the country while you're supposed to

be relaxing as those potions you're on are working, I'll have you

Incarceroused to your bed!"

When Sirius decided silence was the better choice than wielding his

lordly power, he just pulled a face instead.

However, Andi wasn't buying it. She barked, "Stop trying to look like a

'whipped puppy'!"

Shaking it off he said, "If it makes you feel better, I've now got Ted

'gallivanting about the country', as you put it, in my place."

"Good!" she returned, a lot quieter. "It's why you hired him. Maybe I

won't have to tie you to your bed, after all."

"How did you find out?" he asked.

"Healer's network," she replied. "We Healers keep each other informed of

certain interesting happenings. Lord Black getting upset at the Director of

the DMLE in the DMLE is an interesting happening."




Just before heading for lunch, Ted made a couple of floo calls to certain

individuals who would be able to collect the information he needed

about those particular items he and Sirius had discussed, together with

Lord Potter's suggestions on where on the items they would be likely to

find the specific information he was after.

A third call went to a contact in the Ministry, who would be searching

Ministry records for the correlating information held there.

The gold it would cost him for the information to be collected and sent to

him would be less than the cost it would be to his client for him to collect

the information himself. And was, therefore, a valid expense.

He was still occasionally chuckling to himself about the audaciousness of

the young Lord Potter's plan as he headed out for lunch.




With a comfortably full tummy after a fine lunch at yet another client's

expense, Ted then made his own way to the Ministry. It was time to talk

to Bagman.

In the lift he even rode it with the contact he was currently working with

and, as per usual, they never said a word to each other.

Ted only needed to travel one floor to the Department of Magical Sports

and Games, so was first off.

Unlike the DMLE, the DMSG Director's office was connected direct to the

publicly-accessible hallway outside the lift foyer; a hallway hung with

posters of Quidditch matches and teams. It certainly made it easier for

Ted to just walk in. Which is exactly what he did.

Being only a small department, one of the smallest in the Ministry,

Bagman did not rate a private secretary - an undersecretary. Instead, he

usually handed his secretarial work to one of the staffers in the Official

Gobstones Club or Ludicrous Patents Office offices. One of them was,

more often than not, sufficiently bored enough to do the work without


As such, there was no undersecretary blocking Ted's way direct into

Bagman's office.

"Bagman," he said with a bit of feral smile.

Bagman, the wuss he was, saw the expression on the face of Wizarding

Britain's top defence lawyer and blanched.

This was not a man to annoy, even if he was a muggleborn. Besides,

scuttlebutt had it the new Lord Black had brought him, through his wife,

into the House of Black when he brought the wife back into the family of

her birth.

"M-Mister Tonks," he nearly got out without stammering. "W-what can I

do for you?"

Ted saw and heard the fear and his grin widened. 'Too easy,' he thought.

"Bagman," he said again as he walked forward to stand before the desk.

"You have something you're going to give me a copy of."

He'd even neatly sidestepped the chair that was for a 'guest' on his side of

the desk. He wouldn't be sitting it, of course. He wanted the man to have

to continue to look up to him. Dominance: Lesson One.

"A-and what would that be?"

"You're giving me a copy of the contract for the Tri-Wizard Tournament,

plus all associated documents relating to the rules and requirements for

competitors, judges, the schools and the Ministries involved," he replied.

"I can't do that!" Bagman blurted.

Ted frowned deeper. "I'm disappointed to hear that, Mister Bagman. Have

you and your wife made out a legal Will and Testament, yet?"

"W-why do you ask?" Bagman squeaked.

"Well, perhaps I shouldn't tell you," he mused. "But, Lord Black did not

tell me it was confidential―"


"Well... it seems Lord Black of the Noble and Most Ancient House of

Black is most upset that his godson, Lord Harrison James Potter, Lord of

the Noble and Most Ancient House of Potter, is... embroiled... in this

farce of a Tournament. He is, you might even say, furious!

"Lord Black was so furious in his ranting to me about this... he has told

me in no uncertain terms that, if any injury above so much as a nosebleed

were to occur to his godson, Lord Potter, he would be declaring blood

feud on those involved, their families, their friends and even the families

of their friends.

"I would... dislike... having to return to Lord Black and tell him that

Mister Ludo Bagman of the DMSG was not forthcoming in providing me

with the documents I'd asked for that may save his godson from that...


"Oh, Merlin!" Bagman whimpered.

"Also, Mister Bagman, you're the Director of a Department. Has not the

Ministry's own law-wizards already informed you that anyone involved in

a contract must be given a copy of the contract and related documents?

Did they not also inform you that failure to hand over those documents

could see the Ministry in all sorts of strife with the law? I could easily

argue before the Wizengamot that due to your... blatant negligence... the

contract regarding the Tri-Wizard Tournament is to be immediately

voided. The upper tier of the Ministry... especially whoever will soon be

the new Minister... would not be happy with you, if that came to pass."

Bagman was now so scared he couldn't even utter a sound.

"Now, Ludo good chap; those documents, please... Now."

Scrambling and almost toppling his chair and himself to the floor,

Bagman shot to his feet, spun to a filing cabinet behind his desk and

worked feverishly to pull out all relevant documents.

As he stood there, staring back, Ted thought, 'Oh, it's so good to be me.'

It took him almost a full minute, of which approximately three quarters

of that time was lost due to his shaking and clumsiness, before Bagman

had a haphazard stack on his desk.

Once he was done he stood as far back from his own desk as could while

still having the desk between him and the law-wizard.

"Is this all?" asked Ted in a lazy drawl.

"Y-yes! That's all of it!"

"Do you mind if I make a legally-sanctioned copy of it?" same lazy drawl.

"N-no! Please!

Ted smiled back and, with a twist, swish and crossward flick of his wand,

had an identical pile sitting alongside the originals.

Slipping his wand back into his wrist holster, he casually reached forward

and picked up the copies.

Standing back up straight he tucked it under his off-arm, smiled at

Bagman and said, "Thank you, Ludo. I'll let Lord Black know you were as

helpful as you could be."

Then he gave a very slight head nod at the man and saw himself out.

As he closed the door behind himself he heard through the door the

sound of Bagman crashing to the floor. It made him smile.

'Sounds like he clipped his chair on the way down,' he thought. 'Fainting

at his age...' "Tsk!"




Sirius returned to the Grangers' for his second business meeting with

Wendell at just before six. Even though Andi was upset about it, she

knew this was yet another meeting Sirius couldn't skip. But, she at least

lost some of her anger when he took Ted with him.

The Grangers were running a little late and had called ahead to let

Hermione and Harry know they would be.

"With Wendell and Monica running a little late I'd like to run something

past you, Sirius."

"Then, lead the way," said his godfather.

So, Harry grabbed their two guests and Hermione to take them into the


Once inside and sitting around the desk, Harry told them what he and

Hermione were thinking of doing regarding their schooling.

"Attending a school overseas or hiring private tutors―" mused Sirius.

"Is there any legal reason, or any legal reason that can be employed

against us, that would force us to attend Hogwarts?" asked Harry.

"The contract of the Tri-Wizard Tournament is the only thing there could

be," replied Ted. "I picked up a copy of it just after lunch, today. And I'm

currently going through it and the associated rules."

"I thought there might be some dusty old law that said something like, as

the Heir of one of the Seven I would have to attend there," explained

Harry. "If there is such a law, Dumbledore will know it and will use it.


"If that's the case, then if you decide you want to switch to a different

school or go with private tutoring and Dumbledore then sticks his beak

into it, we'll handle it and counter it," replied Ted. "Me trying to counter

any move Dumbledore might make in advance regarding that is pretty

much impossible; because we don't know what he might try to use. It

would be akin to trying to 'argue the negative'."

"Well, the reason I ask is because you're currently going through the Tri-

Wiz contract," explained Harry. "If I am actually bound by the Goblet,

then I'm bound by the contract. But, the contract would not just bind me,

it would bind all the 'other' signatories - including Dumbledore."

"Oh, I see where you're coming from now," nodded Ted.

"For example," said Harry. "The contract might say there can be only one

champion from each school. Diggory's name came out of the Goblet first;

therefore, he's the recognised Hogwarts Champion. Where would that

then leave me?

"Actually, thinking of that, can I even be a Hogwarts student, if that's the


"That's a valid legal argument," said Ted, a little surprised. "I'll have to


"Getting out of Hogwarts semi-permanently, if not permanently, is a good

idea, Pup," said Sirius. "With Dumbledore back there..."

"That's our concern, too," said Hermione. "And Harry says he could easily

afford tutors."

Sirius laughed and said, "He could build his own school, if he wanted to.

And it still wouldn't put much of a dent in the Potter fortune."

"Oh, something else that's been playing on my mind," said Harry. "Do I

own any property and can I live there? Can I make it my permanent

address? As I'm no longer living at the Dursleys, I currently don't have a

permanent fixed address.

"For instance, I'm led to believe the Potter cottage in Godric's Hollow has

been... claimed... by the Ministry as a monument. Did they have a legal

right to do that? Were I, or have they, paid me for it? Do I have a manor

and it's yet another thing everyone has forgotten to tell me about?"

"Of course the Potter family has property, Harry," Sirius immediately

replied. "What made you think you don't?"

"The goblins never raised it with me when I last had a chance to go there

and see them about my finances," he replied. "Then again, I'm still

waiting for them to get back to me with the response to a letter I wrote

them asking them to collate all the parchmentwork I needed to do to

bring the finances out of stasis, or whatever state it's currently in, ready

to be picked up."

"Lord Potter," said Ted. "Write me an authorisation... actually, I'll write up

the authorisation... for me to go into Gringotts to go into the Potter

documents' vault to see what's there.

"Besides looking for the documents on what property you own, while

there I'll see if there are other documents you need to know about now.

After that, I'll visit with your account manager and see if he's already had

some of the documents collected and collect those from him, too.

"Depending on what records I find regarding the Potter Cottage in

Godric's Hollow, I'll have an answer for you regarding the transference of

Title Deed of the cottage from you to the Ministry. If they just took it

without paying for it... well, the Ministry's going to receive a rude shock.

"Then I'll get the lot to you and you can go through them. Oh, and since

I've forgotten to tell you until now, I'll be happy to act as Law-wizard of

Record for the House of Potter."

As Ted spoke Harry's smile grew wider and wider. By the time he

finished, Harry was grinning. "Thank you, Mister Tonks. I'd appreciate

that. Please work out with Sirius your retainer and another of your first

jobs for me will be seeing you get automatically paid that direct from

Gringotts right from the start."

As the others talked, Ted pulled out blank parchment and an ever-full

quill and began writing up the authorisation form for Harry to sign.

"I'm glad you're considering private tutors, Pup," Sirius quietly said as Ted

worked. "You being in the same place as Dumbledore..."

"Yeah," he returned.

"Oh!" Sirius suddenly but softly exclaimed. "Ted figured out what your

strategy is, regarding me possibly being charged for having my enchanted

motorcycle. I think it's brilliant! Ted does, too!"

"Well, if you've figured that much out," grinned Harry. "Then I need you

to track down the purchase documents and ownership papers for it, if

you know where you can lay your hands on them. I trust you actually

bought it?"

"Of course!" Sirius huffed, slightly offended. "It cost me a great deal of the

entire year's worth of my then allowance to buy it, too!"




Late in the day, an Unspeakable walked into Scimitar's team 'bullpen' and

handed him a short report before walking out.

Reading it, he frowned and said to the others, "White Beard tried to

kidnap the young knight with an auto-portkey, this morning. His house

elf caught it in time and avoided the young knight from being abducted.

Monocle's been informed and acted. The watchers didn't need to


"Stupid old git," muttered one. "Is he trying to get himself tossed through

the Veil?"




When Wendell and Monica arrived home, Hermione once again had to

leave the office. When her daughter looked annoyed, Monica said, "Come

on, Hermione. Let the menfolk have their super-secret men's business

while we ladies talk."

When she saw the looks that passed between her mother and father, she

misunderstood the reason and assumed it was because of her accidental

somewhat 'semi' nudity of that morning in front of her boyfriend.

With a quiet sigh she rose from the chair she'd been sitting on and

followed her mother out.

They went to the dinette, where Dobby seemed to have anticipated their

needs and had a serving of tea waiting for them.

Though somewhat reluctant to sit, Hermione did so. She knew she'd not

be escaping this conversation.

"How was your day?" Monica immediately asked, picking up the small

jug of milk for her tea - no sugar, of course.

Knowing her mother's usual 'circle the problem before addressing it' style,

Hermione was having none of it, this time.

"Once Harry and I talked about the fact he'd seen my tits through my top,

this morning... pretty good," she replied.

Monica gave her that 'mother' look and said, "There's no need to be

crude, dear."

"Sorry," Hermione blushed and looked down, as she added her own milk

to her tea.

Picking up her own teaspoon she began to stir it, "I just didn't want us

avoiding the elephant in the room until you felt we were both

comfortable talking about it."

Monica sighed while slowly stirring her own tea. She then used the time

of lifting the cup to her lips and talking a sip to think about how to go

from here.

"You deeply embarrassed him," she simply said. "And, angered your father

when he figured out what happened."

"I... reacted without thinking it through," said Hermione. "I heard the

shouting downstairs, thought we might have been under attack or

something, grabbed my wand and ran down.

"I didn't stop to think about what I was wearing because, this time of year

at Hogwarts, I'm usually wearing something less... transparent."

"I figured as much," her mother nodded. "And I've been thinking about

how to stop it from happening, in future."

"I'm not going to be hot in bed just―"

"I'm not saying you should start wearing something else to bed," Monica

quickly cut in.

When it looked like her daughter was going to hear her out, she said, "I

want you to start getting into the habit of hanging your dressing gown on

the hook on the back of your bedroom door.

"Seeing it there as you think of leaving your room should be enough to

have you reminded you need to don it before leaving your room."

Surprised at the simple idea, Hermione could only say, "That's actually a

good idea. I'd not considered that."

"I am capable of them," her mother wryly returned.

Lightly blushing again, her daughter said, "Sorry. Being surrounded by

'daft morons', as Harry would say, in Gryffindor Tower day in and day

out has left me rather jaded about the intelligence of those I'm normally

associating with."

Monica nodded and then immediately flipped straight to the next point.

"What did Harry say to you when you spoke to him about it? I take it you

apologised to him?"

Hermione gave a snort of remembered amusement and said, "He thought

he'd done the wrong thing."

"I know."

"It took me ages to convince him he'd done nothing wrong."

"I'm not surprised."

"He was embarrassed, yes; but, not for himself," she explained. "He was

embarrassed for me."

"I figured as much."

"While I've come to understand he's a great deal more intelligent than I'd

been thinking he was for the past three years, when it comes to a

woman's body he's utterly clueless!" she continued.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, in order to get him past his embarrassment of what happened,"

explained Hermione, "I talked to him about the make up of a woman's

breasts. You know, the biology behind them. I had him start thinking of

them and how they relate to their function, rather than as sex objects."

Monica was surprised by the concept and sat back in contemplation of

what her daughter had said. 'Clever girl,' she thought.

"What made you think of going that route?" she asked, curious.

"When I finally got him talking to me... instead of being so tongue-tied he

couldn't get a word out... he said, 'But, I saw your darker bits'."

Her mother cocked an eyebrow and smirked, "'Darker bits'?"

Hermione blushed, nodded and took her own sip of tea to try and cover

it. "When I asked, 'Do you mean my areolae?' He was clearly completely

confused by the term."

"Ah!" said her mother, understanding. "And, Hermione being Hermione,

you launched into somewhat of a lecture about the breast, its various

parts and its function in the cycle of reproduction."

"Yeah," she replied. "It took a bit, but he finally started asking questions



"How he thought the nipple would be bigger," she blushed. "I think he

was thinking in comparison to a baby's mouth; or a pacifier."


"I explained breast development and compared mine with the breast

development of other girls," she replied. "He's genuinely curious without

being... crude about it."

"I remember when you asked me about your own," smiled Monica.

"And his questions were along the same lines, without the worry I had,"

she added.

"Oh, yes," said Monica, remembering. "Your nipples. How are they, by the


"Growing," she replied. "They're at least double the size they were a year

ago. I'm just thankful the areolae aren't growing, as well. I'm comfortable

with them the size they are."

Monica nodded, pleased for her daughter. "Now, once you got past that

hurdle, what did you talk about?"

"First, we wrote a letter back to Dumbledore," she smirked. "Sirius

dropped by to check on Harry just as we finished it. When he read it, he

was laughing so hard Harry had to get Dobby to get a Calming draught

for him."

As she continued, the two ladies sat back and talked about the day they

each had. Of course, she never admitted to her mother she'd bared her

chest to Harry while explaining those parts. It wasn't yet time to do that.




In the office the proposed Betrothal Agreement had been pulled out and

the three men and one boy-adult read through it and discussed what

changes, if any, needed to be made.

Sirius said, "This is good work, Ted. Everything I think should be in there

is there."

"Same," said Harry. "Are you sure how all either of us have to say to the

other is, 'I now declare the Betrothal Agreement between us, void' is

sufficient for the agreement to still be a valid document?"

"Lord Potter," Ted mock-sternly said. "I've been at this sort of thing for

well over a decade. I know what I'm doing."

"Sorry," he blushed. "I just want to make sure someone... cough

Dumbledore cough... can't come along later and declare the agreement is

invalid because some legal 'T' was failed to be crossed, or 'I' dotted.

"This is to protect Hermione and, if someone does manage to harm her in

any way, I want to be able to bring the full weight of the House of Potter

down upon them as if the very Gods themselves decided to smite the


"It protects you, too, Harry," Sirius was quick to add.

"But I'm not agreeing with this to protect me," he firmly said back.

Wendell was carefully reading, yet again, the full text of the document.

Employing all his reasoning as a JP, he could find no subterfuge or other

trickery going on. There was no over-the-top 'legalese' in use. If anything,

as a legal contract, the document was quite plainly written. There were

no spaces of gaps where other words could be inserted later, or unhidden

if they were there already - as the 'drafter' and 'otherwise uninvolved

party' Ted had already given a magical oath to that effect. It was all

above board.

Ted had also brought along similar Betrothal Agreements he had drafted,

without names or families included to protect confidentiality, and this

one reflected well against them. The agreement was both ironclad, to

stop interference from outside parties, and had easy escape clauses for all

parties involved. He especially liked the clause for each of the kids where

it said, 'In the case of incapacitation of Miss Hermione Jean Granger to

the point where she is unable to speak the words to dissolve the

agreement if that is her desire on her own behalf, that responsibility then

falls upon Wendell Marcade Granger.' An almost duplicate was also

written for Harry with Sirius as the devolved.

He was, however, uncomfortable with the line, 'If the aforementioned

betrothed enter into a consenting sexual relationship before the union,

where both willingly enter the relationship to the point where consenting

penile penetration of the vagina occurs and results in pregnancy, then the

agreement is considered binding and becomes the contract. Both parties

must then proceed with all due haste to the union. Such union must

occur before the birth of the child or children resulting from the

pregnancy.' But, he could also reluctantly see the wisdom of that and

knew it was there to protect his daughter.

Indicating it to Ted he sighed and said, "That section makes me feel as if

I'm giving my daughter permission to have sex."

"I doubt it would surprise you how many fathers of witches feel the

same," replied Ted. "However, as the father of a daughter, I can tell you

that's a line I'm making damned sure is in her Betrothal Agreement, when

it comes.

"I'm not saying Harry is the sort of young man who would otherwise take

advantage of your daughter, or who would not do the right thing if

Hermione falls pregnant before they marry... if they marry... but that

condition has needed to be enforced in the past against both reluctant

grooms and reluctant families.

"Similar situations without Betrothal Agreements occur in the muggle

world, do they not?"

"Yes," Wendell firmly nodded back. "I've all too often had to sit cases

where a father has not done the right thing by the mother of his new

child and had to put in place enforced pecuniary measures on the father,

just to get him to help pay for the raising of the child, or children."

"Then your problem is one of a father having difficulty considering his

daughter as... someone capable of sexual acts," said Ted.

"Yes," Wendell almost whined.

"How you internalise your acceptance of that is up to you, Sir," said Ted.

"My legal advice is to include the condition, as stated. And my advice as

a father is to do your best to forget you ever saw it." And wryly smirked


Wendell thought about it for a long while but realised he was only

putting off the inevitable.

With a sigh he said, "Well, I can see nothing that needs to be removed or

edited, or needs to be added."

Ted gave a firm nod back and said, "Then we have an accord. All that's

left to do is to sign it."

"No," disagreed Wendell. "We've got one more thing to do, first. I know

it's not a legal issue for your world; however, my daughter needs to be

made fully aware of this before I'll sign. I don't want her to later blame

me for entering her into such an Agreement without her prior


Sirius gave a nod and said, "I'll get them. I take it you want Monica in

here, too?"

"This idea started with her," he replied. "So, yes. She can shoulder some

of my daughter's... wrath."

"I know you want to get this over with, Wendell," said Harry. "But I think

we should have dinner first.

"Once Hermione is told about this, she's going to freak, call us all names,

finally start to calm down, then demand a long and detailed explanation."

"Yes, she would, wouldn't she?" said Wendell. "Very well. Though I'd

much prefer to get it out of the way, I can see that's probably a very good


Turning to Ted he said, "I hope you don't mind staying for dinner first?"

"Nope," smiled Ted. "Any excuse I can find to enjoy one of Harry's meals,

I'm going to take."

All bar Wendell realised he was speaking easy to relieve the light tension.

He did figure it out later, though.




As dinner was winding down and they were finishing dessert, a

particularly delicious crème brûlée served in ramekins, Monica was

describing the comeuppance of a particularly up-himself patient.

When it appeared everyone was done, Sirius almost formally said,

"Doctor and Doctor Granger, Miss Granger, would you please accompany

Lord Potter, Mister Tonks and I to Doctor Wendell Granger's office? We

have news for you."

When Hermione stared back in shock, Monica's expression slowly turned

into a smirk. "Thank you, Lord Black," she replied, rising. "That is


When Hermione's head whipped about hard to stare at her mother, her

shock deepened. "Whaa...?"

"Come, Hermione," said her mother. "You're about to discover what these

secret evening meetings have been about. Just, please; just don't lose your

temper and take at least a moment to think about what you're hearing."

Hermione rose and followed after her mother, with the menfolk quickly

and already rising. With Sirius leading the way the womenfolk followed

the menfolk to the office. She was now both completely confused and not

a little worried.




"A bloody Betrothal Agreement?!" she screeched, leaping to her feet from

the chair she had only moments ago sat upon. "Have you lot lost your

bloody senses!? Is that what all this has been about?"

"In order; yes, no and yes," replied Harry.

Standing there gaping like a fish, incredulous at what she'd just heard, it

dawned on her that her mother must have also known of this. She spun

on her and screeched, "You're in on it!"

Her mother frowned back and firmly said, "Hermione! That's enough."

As she stood there still shocked to her socks, Harry walked over to her

and firmly said, "Hermione, I trust you. Do you trust me, as you

previously stated?"

Clamping her mouth shut as she visibly reined her temper in she

venomously asked, "Why?"

"To put it simply; to keep you safe," he replied.

"Safe for you, you mean," she snapped.

"No, safe for you!" he firmly rebutted. He gave a sigh and said, "Think it

through, Hermione! Stop reacting in outrage and think!

"Do you honestly believe your parents would be involved in something

like this, concerning you, if they don't think it benefits you? Do you think

that poorly of them you would think otherwise?"

Now confused again because she could see the logic of his argument, she

replied, "At the moment... I don't know what to think. But... a Betrothal


"Then, in such a situation, shouldn't you be trying to gather more

information so that you can then figure out the answer?" he asked. "We're

trying to give you that information, but we can't if you're not willing to


Confused and wanting to be angry, wanting to rage at them all, but also

wanting the information as to why they would consider this, she stood

there for a few moments trying to figure out what to do.

Monica, seeing the problem, took charge. "Hermione; sit down. You will

listen. You will not 'back-chat'. You will gather information, as Lord

Potter suggested. Then you may rant and rave at your father and I, if it's

still your desire to do so. BUT... you will not be rude to our guests."

Hermione glanced down at her mother, back to Harry, to Ted and

Wendell, back to her mother and snapped, "Fine!" And dropped herself

back into her chair before folding her arms across her chest in a huff and

glaring at anyone she noticed looking at her.

Her mother gave a nod and a smile clouded by tension at Harry. Harry

gave a satisfied nod, before returning and sitting back in his own chair on

the other side of Ted.

"Excellent," said Ted. "That went as I have come to expect."

Hermione just glared even more at him, but didn't say a word.

Monica gave Ted a wry smile before turning to Hermione. "Alright, dear;

I'm going to start to tell you what's going on because, believe it or not,

this all started as a result of something you've told me."

When Hermione looked back in surprise, Monica smiled and said, "Don't

seem so surprised. As I reminded you earlier I do pay attention, you


When her daughter gave her a very brief but silent head nod, she

continued, "It was you, who first told me about Betrothal Agreements.

And it was you, who first told me about the Houses and the treatment of





After a good hour, Hermione began to calm down to the point she could

see exactly why her parents had reached the decision to do this, why

Sirius also thought it was good idea and why Harry was willing to

'subject' himself to one to protect her.

Knowing she was going to lose this argument over half an hour ago, she

was still digging her heels in anyway. "It's my choice!" she declared.

"Legally, no," replied Ted. "By our laws, the laws you willingly subjected

yourself to by consenting to attend Hogwarts, it is your magical guardian's


"I don't have..." then she stopped, frowning. "Do I have a magical


"Yes," he replied. "Every child in Wizarding Britain has a magical

guardian. For those who have a magical parent, or are already existing

wards of at least one magical, it is that person who remains their magical

guardian when they attend Hogwarts.

"For muggleborns, their magical guardian is their Hogwarts Head of

House, once they are sorted into their Houses. Until that time, it is the

Head of the Office of Wizarding Children's Services at the Ministry.

"Because of Lord Potter causing staff at Hogwarts to be fired or otherwise,

there currently is no Head of your House, Gryffindor. Therefore, by rights

the guardianship passes to the Deputy Head of the School. You would

then think that, since there is no Deputy Head, it would pass to the

current school Head, Headmistress Lady Marchbanks.

"However, the law does not specify that. It only states that in the

instances where there is no Head of House for guardianship purposes, the

Deputy Head fulfils that role until the position of Head of House is


"At present, your Magical Guardian is still listed as Minerva McGonagall.

However, both that she is no longer Head of your Hogwarts' House and

the Wizengamot have ordered she is not to be in authority over a child

ever again, that then means you do not have a magical guardian. And yet,

the law states you must have one.

"So, that puts you currently in a 'grey area' within the law. A grey area,

Lord Black here is asking you if he can fill."

Sirius gave a nod to Ted and said, "Hermione, Harry has discovered

something regarding the law that has everyone who now knows of it,


"Basically, by the Hogwarts Charter, Minerva McGonagall should never

have held the position of a Head of House and as Deputy Head at the

same time. It was a breach of the Charter.

"If someone like... say... Lucius Malfoy had figured that out for himself,

he could have gone to 'his good friend' the Minister, Cornelius Fudge, and

made a... shall we also say... contribution to the man's re-election

campaign fund; then more gold changes hands with members of the

School Board and, before you know it, he's appointed Head of Gryffindor

and, therefore, your magical guardian.

"With that authority he could then have all the muggleborns of that

House signed off into unbreakable Concubine Bond Contracts and sell them

off to the highest bidders. He'd have made a small fortune; and you, my

dear, would now be forced through a magical binding to... provide

pleasure to someone like Olaf Goyle."

When Hermione paled and started to shake a little, she quietly

whispered, "Nooo."

Harry quietly said, "It would be a completely legal way for the Death

Eaters to own you and all the other Gryffindor muggleborns as sex slaves,

Hermione. It would then take time for the light family Seats on the

Wizengamot to gather enough votes to get the law rewritten to put a stop

to it. However, by then it would have been too late for you and the

others, who would have also been caught in the trap.

"Part of the reasons that started your parents looking into this was to

keep you safe," he firmly stated. "But, even we were worried when I told

Sirius and Ted I suspected the existence of that particular loophole. Ted

confirmed it, today.

"I've just never verbalised, or even written down, that suspicion because I

didn't want to go giving people 'ideas'. And, because I couldn't go and do

the research myself into the laws regarding magical guardianship, I had

to hold off doing anything about it.

"The laws regarding this have been on the books for centuries. I was

trusting in the fact that no one seemed to have even considered the

possibility before now, to keep everyone safe until I could act; and have

others I could trust act on my behalf."

Getting her shock and fear under control, Hermione looked to the adults

and asked, "What do we need to do?"

Sirius gave a firm nod back and replied, "First, I need to become your

magical guardian. Then, as your magical guardian, with it being co-

signed by your father in case anyone quibbles about it, I sign the

Betrothal Agreement here on your behalf―"

"I want to read it first," she cut in. "But, as long as Mum and Daddy are

okay with it, I think you should at least become my magical guardian.

"While you're doing that, I'll read the Agreement. I want to know what

you're all getting me into."

Ted smiled and said, "That's quite wise of you."

Half an hour later, with Sirius as her magical guardian, Harry and

Hermione were betrothed.

"Now, Miss Granger," said Sirius. "As of me signing the magical guardian

documents you became a daughter of the Noble and Most Ancient House

of Black, with all the rights and responsibilities as a member of my

House. My only order to you as your Lord is that you are to remember

that your behaviour now reflects on me."

"Me, next," said Harry. As Hermione turned to look at him, he said,

"Hermione. As you are now my betrothed, you have now become the

Lady Presumptive of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Potter. As

such, you are to remember at all times that your behaviour now reflects

on both the Noble and Most Ancient House of Potter in general; and on

me, personally."

"Wow!" she quietly said in not a little awe. "I felt that. Both times."

"Good," said Ted. "It means both the magical guardianship and the

Betrothal Agreement have been accepted by magic. It's always nice to

hear confirmation I've properly done my job."

Shortly after, the meeting broke up, with Ted and Sirius both heading

back 'home'.

After they were gone and the remaining four were in the foyer before the

front door, Hermione whirled on Harry and firmly said, "I saw that line

about me getting pregnant, Harry. This Agreement does not mean you get

to have sex with me."

As Wendell nearly choked on his own spit and Monica grinned at her

husband's reaction, Harry immediately and seriously replied, "I wouldn't

dream of it."

She was about to say he was allowed to do that and possibly add that she

hoped he would, but noticed her father's reaction and wisely held her


Monica sweetly asked, "Alright there, 'Dell?"

Wendell just muttered something unintelligible and stalked up the stairs.

It was quite late.





Fans of mine know this is not something I normally do. However, through my

occasional perusal of 'reviews' I've come to the conclusion I need to include a

large note concerning the psychological profiles of my characters.

I'm doing this because I believe people are getting confused with keeping

separate the identities of canon characters and how JKR writes them, with the

'fanon'ised characters as written by other authors (and even me in my other

stories) and how the characters are portrayed in this story.


In canon he's portrayed as an alpha personality with forced beta tendencies.

Such tendencies, I believe, are what was caused by his being raised by the

Dursleys. An example is, he's willing to go down into the Chamber of Secrets

and rescue Ginny Weasley. However, when he tries to tell Dumbledore of how

he's treated by the Dursleys when Dumbledore tells him he has to go back to

them, he caves. Dumbledore's alpha personality swamps his own, forcing

Harry to submit and making Harry come across as meek. It is this part of

canon where Harry tends to frustrate the readers and, I further believe, is a

leading example of why there is so much fanfiction written where Harry

stands up for himself.

In this story, he portrays being the above but, in reality, almost all of the

meekness is part of the facade. Harry can stand up for himself, but faked the

beta tendencies when interacting with most of Hogwarts. However, he still has

a lot of problems; almost all of them psychological and related to emotion.

This makes him an actual omega personality type.

Due to his upbringing his emotions have developed in a forced-repression state.

He can look at thinks quite clinically, but has a lot of difficulties looking at

things emotionally. That was what that talk with Wendell out on the back

patio was all about, hinting at that difficulty. This has led, in some regards, to

him developing a more logically driven personality. (You'll see more of it later

in the story, especially relating to sex as an act.)

His 'good' behaviour regarding the adult Grangers, for example, is almost

entirely due to respect developed through logic. He respects them because

they've proven, through becoming surgeons and holding other important

positions in society, they should be looked up to and admired for what they've

accomplished and continue to accomplish. This is why he was immediately

subservient to them when he arrived at the Grangers'. They deserve his respect

and he willingly gives it.

Amelia Bones is another that fits in this category in Harry's mind by becoming

Head of the DMLE. However she is hindered, in his eyes, by being a witch

(who, as a magical, have in general shown Harry they're all daft morons). So

have Ted and Andi. Sirius, however, is seen is an overgrown child doing his

best to be an adult.


I see Hermione as a beta/gamma striving hard to be an alpha. She does this by

over-achieving with her 'field of battle' being academia; knowledge.

On her field of battle she's a dominant alpha, challenging all-comers to

attempt to knock her off her earned pedestal. Take her away from that

environment, she tends to fold like a house of cards against any challenge;

except in rare situations where she loses her temper (as we all do). Prove your

knowledge in an area exceeds hers, though, and she immediately backs down.

For example, Harry knowing more about house elves and their bonding than

she. That's the beta personality coming to the fore. She then endeavours to

know even more about the subject than you, so she again becomes the alpha in

that subject.

This is why, in my opinion, she instinctively and reactively tends to try and

move any confict to one where it's one related to academia/knowledge. For

example, when the issue surrounding Harry catching a glimpse of her breasts

through her baby-doll nightie reared its head, she confronted the issue by

making it clinical and educational. It was just as much her comfort zone as

Harry's in that situation.

That situation, by the way, was to start leading Hermione towards coming to

an understanding of the real mind-set of Harry; and his utter cluelessness

when it comes to understanding 'girls' and the social and personal interactions

with same.

I see Hermione as originally being an alpha but, due to the ongoing bullying

she suffered as a young child, being forced back into a gamma personality



A complex character. I see him as a sigma personality type trying hard to be

an alpha for the sake of Harry.

I've portrayed him almost as I see him in canon, but with improvements due to

him obtaining his freedom and getting proper medical treatment.


A true alpha with Gryffindor tendencies. The epitome of the knight in shining

armour mindset. With Wendell, what you see is what you get. Easy to like.


An alpha with Slytherin tendencies. In many ways she has the 'dark side' of a

sigma personality. Where Wendell is more 'confront you full on', Monica

stands back, analyses you and acts with cunning. She's a manipulator, but not

in the evil manner of Dumbledore. Her manipulations are to shape things for

the betterment of her family while also holding to moral and ethical standards.

She not-so-secretly espouses the belief that 'behind every great man stands a

better woman' and is content with being Wendell's 'foil' when and as he needs

one. She is also actively trying to shape Hermione into falling into this role.


An alpha who has been forced-repressed into becoming a beta similar to

Hermione. However, he has lacked until now the 'confrontationalist' mindset

Hermione has developed.

Very soon a massive change in Neville's life will occur, which will lead to the

boy's alpha tendencies coming back to where they should have been from the


Harry has been subtly trying to drag the 'inner Lion', the alpha Gryffindor, out

of Neville since first year; seeing Neville for who he should truly be, based on

his own life experiences. He recognises himself in Neville and feels a kinship

with the boy for that. It explains, in part, why he's so angry with Augusta

Longbottom for her handling of the boy.


A straight-up alpha Slytherin, who really should have been in Gryffindor. She's

displayed no guile, but does display cunning. However, her cunning is more to

do with doing what is right, rather than what is easy; making it a Gryffindor

trait. I believe, if she hadn't been raise a 'Black', she'd have never gone

anywhere near Slytherin House.

I think she was more of a 'legacy' Sort into Slytherin, rather than that she

displayed more Slytherin traits over Gryffindor.


How much more of a beta Hufflepuff with alpha tendencies do you need than

Ted Tonks? Hard working, loyal, confident in himself and his abilities. Is it no

wonder someone like Andromeda fell for him?

A rock-solid character it would be hard not to like.


A flat-out gamma personality with sigma tendencies who wants to be an alpha,

but won't get off his arse and work hard to achieve it. Instead, he employs the

bad side of the sigma personality type to attempt to manipulate things his way.

He believes an argument can be won by s/he who can shout the loudest, or is

simply more determined to be right even in the face of all evidence to the

contrary. This comes from his mother. When that doesn't work he then works

to cut his opposer down with his words or not-so-subtle actions.

He has self-entitlement issues and, instead of bettering himself by lifting

himself up by his own bootstraps, employs tall poppy syndrome tactics in

cutting others down to his height. He's bigotted, lazy, slovenly and host of

other unpleasant traits.

He sees people as tools to help or work for him to make him better, or as

enemies that stand in his way on his path to achieving that. That makes him

somewhat like Voldemort, but without the intelligence, guile and power to back

it up.

Until recently, he saw Harry as a tool to better his position in society without

having to put in much effort. When Harry's star waned with his name coming

out of the Goblet, he saw Harry as becoming a liability to his desires, so tried

to separate himself from the boy by getting him out of the way.

He's a Gryffindor because he lacks sufficient cunning, let alone guile, to be a

Slytherin and lacks sufficient loyalty and willingness to put in the effort to be

Hufflepuff; and he's the complete opposite of a Ravenclaw. However, he also

lacks the 'nobility' of righteousness needed to be a true Gryffindor.

Ron is the epitome of someone who has none of the traits of any of the four

Houses; but the Hat had to stick him somewhere due to its limitations, so into

Gryffindor he went.


*sigh* Anyways, that's most of the 'main' story characters, for now. I hope it

gives readers a better idea of just what subtle changes I'd made to the psyches

of each of the main characters for this story.

Yes, they're somewhat damaged. I find it shows them to be more 'human' and

more interesting. For a start, a Harry that's just 'perfectly pure alpha

Gryffindor' is way too unbelievable and, quite frankly, I find it somewhat

boring. Foibles, weaknesses and failings add character.

22. Oh, Snap!

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to the proverbial Duchess of

Magic, JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high

falutin' companies. No matter how much I whine about not owning anything

related to the HP universe, other than a few fanfic plots, I do not profess to

own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful

world... Damn it!

A/N: Quite a few reviewers - of the reviews I manage to read, at any rate

- mention about how there's no sign yet of Daphne or Fleur. I take you

back to the Author's Notes in Chapter One: This story will move slow; a

lot will happen in a short amount of time. To prove that point: When

Harry wakes up at the top of this chapter it will be the morning of the

ninth of December; it will have only been fifteen days since the First Task.

Just how fast is the boy supposed to move to bring the other two into it?


Chapter Twenty Two - Oh, Snap!




When he woke from yet another good night's sleep, Harry was hoping

that the day would have nowhere near the drama of the previous day.

Today though, when he finally made it down to the dinette, the Granger

adults were already up, dressed and eating breakfast.

Harry checked to ensure the dinette window was open for the Daily

Prophet owl and Hedwig before checking to see what was for breakfast. A

'Full English' cooked 'lite', as he referred to it - there was no fried food as

what would have been fried was poached or grilled, instead. Poached

egg; grilled tomato, bacon and breakfast sausage; mashed potato 'cakes'

and some tinned spaghetti. Harry had taken quite some time to explain

the how and why for the food to be cooked that way to Dobby. But,

Dobby immediately understood and didn't have a problem with it,


Harry went for two slices of toast with a poached egg on each slice, two

tomato halves and two sausages. And that would only be his first helping.

While it made him feel somewhat like he was channelling Ron Weasley,

he knew it was the potions that were causing this. He was now also

eating a small meal between breakfast and lunch, another between lunch

and dinner and would come down and 'mooch' food at about 9.00pm

before he went to bed to sleep.

He'd just taken his first bite when the owls came in. He knew it was a

matter of pride for Hedwig to deliver the paper to her master first; and

living at the Granger residence was no exception. She ducked in through

the open window about half a yard ahead of the other bird.

Harry was only surprised to see her because it meant she'd been able to

'bull' her way through the mail redirection charm that was back on him

again. Or, maybe it had something to do with how she was his familiar as

well as mail owl. It didn't matter.

Harry was not as quick as usual to free his familiar of her load before

handing her a couple strips of bacon. He first cast a short string of

detection charms on her load - even if it was her delivering it, even if it

was the Daily Prophet. She gave a pleased 'Prek' sound, anyway, took her

'due' in bacon strips and flew out to go land in her tree in the backyard.

Mayhap his familiar was also concerned with how he needed to reduce

chances when mail arrived for him.

Getting the conversation back to where they were before the owls

arrived, Monica asked, "You were saying about your plans for today?"

"Ah, yes," said Harry. "I was hoping for some mail from certain people so

I could go through it with Hermione to show her the various differences

between common and informal, but..." And shrugged.

"It's all going to the aurors now, right?" asked Monica.

Now he felt like an idiot. He'd just gotten through thinking how Hedwig

had managed to get past the charm, while also forgetting the charm

would redirect all his other mail.

"Oh-kay," he sighed. "I just had my own 'daft moron' moment."

"Pardon?" she asked.

He explained. He didn't try to make any excuses about his thinking,


"Ah!" she grinned. "Yes; I see what you mean."




As the Grangers left for work in separate cars again, the senior auror on

shift at that time, a male, handed Harry his owl mail.

There were two letters, this time; one from Neville and one from


For no other reason than it was the one on top, he opened Neville's letter


~ # ~

Harrison J Potter

Lord of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Potter

c/- Hermione Granger

Granger Residence



Thank you for owling me and letting me know you safely arrived at

Hermione's home. With four aurors escorting you I wasn't worried, but

confirmation is always nice to receive.

Though I was not sure whether I wanted to come home or not, Gran told me

to. So, home I came.

I wish I had thought of offering my help to Professor Sprout, as you suggested,

before then. I might have been able to use that as an excuse to remain at the

school. I don't know if it might have worked, but it was worth the try.

At least at home now I can work on my own greenhouses. I dislike having to

rely on our house elves to do it for me. I know they can do it, but I prefer to be

the one who works them so I can pick up any problems that look like coming

up and deal with them before they become a problem.

Gran is still very upset with you being, as she put it, 'disrespectful of his

seniors'. I know you weren't and I appreciate you weren't. I finally got my own

wand out of it. Now with my own wand I'm able to do a lot more magic with a

lot less power. And I'm having fun out the back of the Hall going back over all

the charms and transfiguration spells we learned and practicing them.

Gran tried to stop me doing that. But, I firmly reminded her I wouldn't have to

if I'd had my own wand from the start. She didn't bother me about it after


She also 'ordered' me to inform you she has found a Proxy to sit the

Longbottom Seat on the Wizengamot. But, she's not told me who that will be.

I'm worried about it, because I think it might be my Uncle Algie. He's the one I

told you about who first shoved me off that jetty in Blackpool, where I nearly

drowned, and then dropped me out of one of the upper windows at the Hall.

I really don't want him in the job, but it seems I have no choice in the matter.

Gran does not want to let go of control of the House and she knows Uncle

Algie will do as she tells him. At least that's what I suspect.

The next Wizengamot meeting is next Tuesday and Uncle Algie will be taking

the Seat then.

Anyway, I hope you're having fun at Hermione's and you're keeping out of

mischief. Please also be aware Headmaster Dumbledore is back at the castle.

But, he's not Headmaster any more, just a normal professor. Watch your back,

Harry. But I'm sure you already are.

Your friend,


Neville F Longbottom

Heir Apparent of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Longbottom

~ # ~

By the time he'd finished reading the letter, Harry was furious. He'd

specifically told that blasted woman he didn't want to see that

infanticidal git anywhere near the Longbottom Seat; and that's who she

goes ahead and puts there in her place?

'Right!' he thought. 'She's had her warning. Time to get serious!'

"Sirius," he quietly muttered. "I know it's going to upset Andi but he's...

No, she wants Sirius to stop gadding about so, now she's back in the

Black family, she can go and do the search in his place."

"What are you muttering about?" he heard in Hermione's voice from


Snap-spinning about, he saw it actually was Hermione.

"Woah!" she said, taking a quick step back. "I hope that anger's not

directed at me!"

Squashing his emotions back under control with his eyes closed, he took

a deep breath, released it and opened his eyes again. "No." he flatly


As she came forward, she asked, "Do you mind telling me what's got you

all hot and bothered, then?"

Instead of answering as he knew he'd lose his temper again, he snapped

out his hand with the letter in it and offered it to her.

Taking the now crumpled and unfolded sheet of parchment, she read it


"Augusta Longbottom wants to put a man who 'accidentally'..." he sneered,

"... almost killed her grandson and ward, Heir Apparent Neville Francis

Longbottom of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Longbottom, onto

the bloody Wizengamot!" he snarled.

"It says here, Neville only suspects it," she said.

"There's no reason for Augusta not to tell her grandson who it is unless it's

to keep me from finding out about it," he snarled. "Plus, Neville is a day

older than me and due to take the damned Seat for himself on the

seventeenth anniversary of his birth. That's less than three years!

"And that stupid, bloody Rosier-born woman is playing games with the

Seat of the family she married into that will soon belong to my friend and


"More and more, I suspect she's effectively committed Line Theft by a

legal channel that sits in the grey area. At the least, she's committed

temporary Line Theft, even if that's not an actual crime!

"Well! The bitch is going to rue the day she decided I was not worth her

effort and decided I'm now nothing more than jumped-up boy, who

should let the experienced adults run things in his place!"

"Harry," she quietly said. "You need to calm down and tell me what the

prob... no, I can see that. But, I can't see why it's such a big deal to you."

Harry whirled on her again and stared at her for a few moments before

he gave a huff and said, "The next lesson from me to you is on the big

two alliances - the Potter-Longbottom Alliance and the Black Alliance.

You need to know both because, besides now being a representative of

families in leading roles of both, it'll give you the context of why I'm


"Alright," she quietly replied. "That sounds like it will be enjoyable―"

He gave a snort of amusement and turned a wry grin on her. "Only you,

Hermione, would think studying political and social alliances could be


"I enjoy learning something new," she returned. "And this is something


As Harry stood there, deep in thought of what he was going to do, she

said, "How about you talk to me about something else for a minute or

two. That should help."

"Hunh?" he asked, having been distracted. "Oh! I received two letters

today." And whirled back to the table.

Picking up and holding up the letter he received from Marchbanks, he

said, "I also received a letter from Lady... I mean, Headmistress Lady


Looking at it in his hand she could see it didn't appear to have been

opened. It had been, though - by the aurors.

"Have you even read it, yet?" she asked.

"Errr... no," he replied.

"Then, how about we do," she suggested. "It should be in answer to the

letter you sent her yesterday about the house elves, ghosts and portraits

spying on the students."

Surprised, he said, "Actually, you're probably right."

Then pulled out a chair again and sat before opening the already-broken

Hogwarts seal and opening the letter up.

Reading through it, he found Marchbanks confirmed that 'someone' had

been using the house elves, ghosts and portraits to spy. But also said it

was only three students; he, Hermione and Ron. And the last two only

when they were with him, Harry.

She'd now ordered them to stop doing that and report to her if anyone

tried to give any of them a similar order. The letter made it clear there

would be no spying on students while she was Headmistress.

"I'm not surprised on either main point," shrugged Harry.

Hermione thought, 'That's disturbing. But, at least the change of subject

has calmed my Harry down again... My? Where'd that come from?'




Harry wasn't the only one receiving a letter that day that angered them.

At Hogwarts, Dumbledore had been to breakfast before returning to his

office. As he expected, his mail was waiting for him. One of the perks of

being a professor was having your correspondence delivered direct to

your office, rather than to the high table at breakfast. Only his copy of

the Daily Prophet was delivered there; not even his copy of the Quibbler.

A quick shift through it all and he found one addressed to him in Harry

Potter's handwriting.

Excited for news on the boy, he brushed all the rest aside and quickly

opened it.

Eagerly beginning to read, his first reaction was a spike of anger at the

address block on the top of the letter. However, his anger continued to

rise as he read. Not even having considered clamping down on his

Occlumency shields before reading and with his focus on the letter, he

wasn't consciously aware of what was happening.

The more he read, the angrier he got. Then, as he reached the bottom of

the letter and read the final line, his anger released in a great burst.

Jumping to his feet and flinging the offending parchment away across

and over the desk half-crumpled, he screamed his anger to the room. As

he did so, he snatched his wand out of his belt and began firing curses of

all sorts at the parchment, only to miss each time.

He'd cast his fourth or fifth curse, pretty much all of them borderline

dark, when Fawkes finally decided he'd had enough.

With a mighty scream of his own at Dumbledore's back, he severed the

bond between them and disappeared in a flash of white-hot flame, almost

plasma. The quick flash, lasting only a split second, was still hot enough

to reduce the perch to slag, sear the back of Dumbledore's robes and

frizzle the back of his long hair almost to a buzz-cut. The light of it was

so bright it was as if many camera flash bulbs had gone off at the same


It was also hot enough that, if it had lasted any more than the tiny

fraction of a second it did, would have instantly set everything in the

room afire. Instead, just about everything was at least slightly scorched

with the parchment on the desk either side of Dumbledore that had felt

the direct blast was crisped without catching fire. His desk chair, having

been closer to Fawkes at the time, had all the polish on the back, side

closest and top edges burnt. It left the chair smelling of burnt polish with

faint wisps of smoke rising off it.

The letter Dumbledore had just received from Harry was now on the

floor about five feet in front of the desk and had been protected from the

flash by the desk, itself.

As for Dumbledore, the moment Fawkes brutally severed the bond it

knocked the old man unconscious. The flash of the heat combusting and

expanding the closest air around the bird, knocked the now unconscious

man forward over the desk, bending at the waist; before the weight of his

legs and hips, almost hanging off the side of the desk, dragged him

slowly back until he collapsed in a heap behind.

The house elf that was standing invisibly in the corner over near the door

leading back out into the classroom and watching all this unfold was

instantly, though temporarily, blinded by the bright light and drying of

his corneas and had to call for help over the bond to other elves to come

help him. He was lucky he wasn't standing closer at the time. His

blindness might have become permanent.

Once the elves collected their injured compatriot and rushed him off for

treatment from healers of their own kind, one returned to take note of

what happened.

Knowing the new Headmistress would not want anything touched, he

gave a nod to himself and elf-popped to her office.




Marchbanks had only just returned to her own office - she had about the

same distance as Dumbledore to travel, but she was about two thirds

slower due to her need to use a cane, much shorter legs, and less spry

nature - a house elf popped in.

"Yes?" she asked it.

"Lady Headmistress," it replied. "Bevvy must be tellings you old Perfesser

Whiskers is... un-con-shus.

Cocking an eyebrow at the elf, she asked, "And, do you know how that


"Yes, Lady Headmistress," it replied with much sadness. "Firebirdy

Fawksie did breaks his bond with Perfesser Whiskers. It be sad."

With both eyebrows now raised in surprise, she exclaimed, "Well, well!

Old Fawkes finally had enough, did he? Well, it's about damned time!"

Looking back at the elf she said, "I do not want the room touched until I

get down there and confirm things for myself. Am I clear?"

"Yes, Lady Headmistress," it replied. "All elveses know not to touch

Perfesser Whiskerses office."

"Thank you. You have done well in letting me know immediately. You

may go," she said, giving a little 'shoo' gesture with her cane tip.

As the elf popped away, she gave a little cackle to herself, turned around

and exited the office again. She knew she need not hurry. After the

severing of such a bond the old fool was going to be unconscious for

hours, at least. Then, be bedridden for at least a day.

As the door closed behind her, the portrait of Headmaster Black laughed;

loudly and gleefully.

From nearby, the portrait of Headmistress Mole scolded, "Really,


That had the other portraits begin discussing this new development.




Harry had run upstairs to bring his mirror down with him and sat at the

table with it in the dinette alongside where Hermione remained waiting

for him.

"Now that you're officially part of the House of Black, plus my betrothed,

it now means you're allowed to know more of what I'm up to," he said by

way of explanation for why he was making the call in front of her.

"I didn't know that would happen," she frowned.

"You weren't told because... let's face it... you're addicted to learning new

information," he replied. "I didn't want the idea that you would learn

about what I'm up to to be an influence on your decision. That would be

me, playing on your desires. And that would have been manipulative."

"Hmmm..." she said, smirking at him a little. "And scaring Hell out of me

about how a magical guardian could effectively 'sell' me, didn't?"

"That was not my call," he firmly replied with a frown. "I wanted you to

make the decision on your own, decide you'd go through with it, go

through with it, then we'd tell you. But your Dad didn't want to leave

anything to chance."

"He was protecting me," she quietly said.

"I know," he said. "But, I still thought it was unfair."

She was a few long moments of deep in thought before she said, "He

currently knows me better than you, Harry."

"I know," he replied. "But―"

"Harry," she said, getting him to focus on her more fully from where he

had slightly looked away out the window. "He was right."

"Hermione," he said just as seriously back. "The scare would have only

meant you had Sirius as your new magical guardian. It did not mean you

needed to enter into the Betrothal Agreement."

She frowned and again thought for a few moments before she shook her

head. "No. I've had all night to think about it, now. I even dreamed of it.

I'd have delayed it with the excuse I needed more time. Then delayed,

delayed and delayed more.

"By the time I finally decided to go through with it, it might have been

too late. We don't know how long it's going to be until the new

Headmistress picks a new Head of House for Gryffindor. And the new

Head of House would probably already be in place, by then. And then

might not have been agreeable to release magical guardianship of me to

Sirius. It was too big a risk.

"Now that it's been done, I'm kind of relieved I don't have to worry about

it any more. You know what I'm like when I've got a big decision to

make. I procrastinate until I've worried the matter to the bone. Getting it

done last night means I'll not be worrying about it."

"Just remember," he said. "Don't say them now because it will activate

that clause; but, all you need to do is say that line to me and the

Agreement is terminated and voided on the spot."

"I know," she softly smiled. "Who's idea was that, anyway?"

"The wording of the clause was Ted's," he replied. "But, I was insistent on

it, or some other form of it, being included. Your father was very relieved

when he heard me demand that.

"I respect his protectiveness of you, you know? He seems to have found

the perfect balance between being this knight, who stands before you

ready to defend you against all ill-intentioned comers, while also letting

you go off and find your own way.

"I hope I'll be half as good as he is at the role of being a father when it

comes my time to be one."

That earned him a long, gentle lips-to-lips kiss.

With her eyes sparkling a little she gave her throat a little clear, nodded

with her chin to the mirror and softly said, "Call your godfather."

With a quick change of posture on his part, she watched him change from

sweet and loveable Harry into the powerful, young man she knew him

now to be and then give a firm nod. She liked it.





Marchbanks was in the process of trying to unravel the security and

privacy charms Dumbledore had on his office door when she suddenly

stopped and sighed. 'Idiot,' she thought of herself.

"Hogwarts," she firmly called. "As Headmistress and for medical

emergency purposes, I need immediate access to the office of the

Professor of Transfigurations. Please remove all security charms and the

like from the door."

She almost felt the magic take effect.

Giving herself a firm nod, she stepped forward and twisted the door

handle. And the door opened inwards.

"Tch!" she clucked.

Stepping inside she took a moment to look about and saw the damage

caused by the forced severing of the bond. Looking directly at the golden

perch the phoenix had sat upon as she continued into the room, she

thought, 'That must have been very hot to have done that.'

Reviewing her memories of what she'd read of other severed phoenix

bonds, she realised she was seeing pretty much exactly what was


'Yep,' she thought. 'Severed bond.'

As she closed the distance between her and the desk, ever mindful of

where she placed the tip of her cane lest it catch a crack of loose stone or

something, she saw the half-crumpled sheet of parchment. And

immediately recognised the writing upon it. 'Lord Potter,' she thought.

Drawing her wand, she summoned it up to her hand, took a closer look at

it to confirm it was Lord Potter's handwriting and slipped it into her


Once she reached the desk, she rounded it and saw the results of the

searing flash upon the desk, chair and parchments. And that's where she

found the old fool.

He was almost folded in half and, with the burn damage on the back of

his robes and hair, appeared as if he'd stood too close to a fire with his

back to it. Seeing how close he must've been standing to the bird when

Fawkes severed the bond, she knew he was.

"Idiot," she muttered. "Was it you receiving a letter from the young Lord

that had you do something that caused Fawkes to sever the bond, Albus?"

She knew she wasn't going to receive an answer to that question until the

next day, at least.

"May I have an elf, please!" she called.

"Yes, Lady Headmistress?" the elf immediately asked when it popped in.

Tapping Dumbledore's prone and half-folded form with her cane tip, she

ordered it, "Take this old twit to the Infirmary and inform our medi-

wizard that he was standing too close to the site where his phoenix

severed its bond with him, would you?"

"Yes, Lady Headmistress," the elf bobbed.

Two flashes of white light later, one where the elf stood and one where

Dumbledore lay, and the room was empty of anyone but her.

Giving the room another once-over she then gave a huff and made her

way back out the door again. She shut it closed behind herself but didn't

bother with locking it or re-warding it.

Then made her way back to her office. Step tap-step. Step tap-step.




Once Harry had spoken to Sirius about what he'd planned regarding his

'problem' with Augusta Longbottom, his godfather asked to speak with

'the newest member of the House of Black'.

Hermione had voiced her reservations about Harry's plans but knew not

to interfere.

Finishing up the call, Sirius told her, "Just remember; you can ask to

borrow the mirror off Harry at any time and talk to me. If you don't want

him listening in, just tell him. He'll understand."

After she glanced at Harry, who nodded back, she turned back to the

mirror and said, "I will and he does."

"Good," replied her new magical guardian. "Mirror off!"

With the call now terminated she said, "You play for keeps in the Noble

and Most Ancient Houses."

"Yes," he agreed.

"Do you think she'll find out?" she hesitantly asked.

"I plan on her doing so," he replied.

"You don't think you'll get in trouble for it?"

"I will, to some degree," he replied. "However, as this is business of the

Potter-Longbottom Alliance, no one but the other alliance members are

going to do much of anything about it. Even then, only the Longbottom

matriarch can do anything.

"They may wail and gnash their teeth about it; but, in the end, they can't

do a thing to stop me - even her. The charter of the alliance has me

permitted to do this.

"Besides, if I'm right... and I'm pretty sure I am... it's going to neuter her

power on the spot."

"And Neville's going to think you're the next coming of Merlin," she


"Not at first, no," he said. "But, he'll forgive me later... I hope."




Back in her office yet again, Marchbanks carefully made her way to her

desk and sat behind it. She popped her cane into the little bracket she'd

already permanently transfigured from a broken quill and affixed to the

edge of her desk that was made to hold it in place.

Pulling the half-crumpled sheet of parchment she'd picked up off the

floor in Dumbledore's office, she laid it on the desk and cast a charm on it

that removed all wrinkles and fold marks. It even removed its 'rolled-up

state' memory.

With it perfectly flat she carefully read it. And, as she read, she began to,

at first, chuckle. Then she began to lightly laugh. Finally, she was

cackling away.

'The young Lord Potter is proving to be both a font of information and a

very amiable young man. But, his humour is just delicious.'

He certainly made her day interesting.




It took making the mirror call to Sirius for Harry to fully accept the idea

that he and Hermione were betrothed. Before then, it had been just a

concept to him - a mind exercise. Now, it had become more real.

He turned to her and asked, "How well have you gone over the copy of

the Agreement Ted left for you?"

"I've read it through a couple of times, now," she replied. "I've also taken

notes. However, I'm not ready to discuss it through, yet."

"That's fine," he shrugged. "We don't have to go over it at all, if you don't

want to."

Yeah... umm... listen," she stammered a little. "That clause about us, you

know, progressing a sexual relationship..."

"Yes?" he asked.

"I know what I said right after the meeting, just after Sirius and Ted left,"

she replied. "But, at some stage, I would consider the idea of progressing.

Just... not to the point I'll become pregnant, alright?"

"That's fine," he replied, blushing away. "We already kiss. Each stage will

come as it comes."

Before things could get uncomfortable again, even though he appreciated

the way she got them through the previous day's uncomfortableness, he

changed the subject.

"I promised I'd also teach you more about the matters relating to the

alliance," he said. "For this, you need to understand that this can never be

discussed where anyone can overhear it."

When she gave a nod back he called Dobby.

"Yes, Master Harry?"

"Can you go and collect my folio of the documents relating to the Potter-

Longbottom Alliance, please?"

"Yes, Master Harry; right away."

Before either teen could say anything, the little elf popped the folio onto

the tabletop in front of him. It was a little thick, measuring about an inch

deep as it lay flat on the table. It was also about fourteen inches tall and

eleven wide

The folio appeared made of hardened leather tied with a red ribbon and

had the words Potter-Longbottom Alliance in gold embossed lettering

where you'd expect it to be for it to be a title.

Undoing the bow that held the ribbon knotted closed, Harry stripped it

away before opening the 'cover'.

When Hermione pulled parchment and quill over to take notes he firmly

said, "No, Hermione. I'm sorry, but you can't take notes about any of this.

If you did, those notes would have to be included in this folio when I tied

it shut again. Therefore, it's kinda pointless."

She gave a grimace back, but nodded.

"Now, you're getting to see this because of the betrothal," he explained.

"But, it has an odd sort of spell involved on it that is a powerful privacy

charm related to the House of Potter. Magic, as does the House of Potter

magic, currently sees you as the Lady Presumptive of the Noble and Most

Ancient House of Potter. That's why you can currently see what's written

here," he indicated.

Hermione looked at the top sheet and could, indeed, read it, "Potter-

Longbottom Alliance Charter," she muttered.

He smiled back and said, "Exactly. Now, you were concerned about how I

could get in trouble for what I've asked Sirius to do some research on..."

He flicked through the document until he hit on the section he wanted. A

quick peruse through it and he found what he was looking for.

He slid it across so she could properly read it and said, "Read that. Not

out loud, please."

As she read through it her eyes widened in surprise. "That's―"

"That's what grants me the authority to do what I'm going to do," he said.

"It's also what granted her the authority to get me out of Dumbledore's

grasp - and she flat-out refused to do it. That's why I have no qualms

about doing what I'm going to do.

"Besides, if I'm right, it's definitely the right thing to do for Neville. I just

hope Andi or Sirius can find the right one. If she or he does, then my

chances of accomplishing this will be almost guaranteed."

For the next few hours Harry stepped Hermione through the alliance and

the role, as a Betrothed to the Lord of one of the two founding Houses,

she had to play.

"But, the House of Potter is not part of the Black Alliance," he explained.

"As current Heir Tertiary I know a little about it. But, most of what I knew

was stripped from my mind by a similar privacy charm when Sirius

named cousin Andi as Heir Presumptive and, again, when he named Dora

as Heir Secondary not long afterwards.

"As a magical guardian to the Lord you're probably allowed to know an

even smaller amount than I. But, I can't tell you; that's Sirius's job and

you're going to have to speak to him about it. There's that privacy charm

again. Understand?"

"Yes," she nodded. "It makes a lot of sense."




After a break for lunch the two teens were trying to work out what to do

next when a house elf popped in carrying a package.

Holding it out to Harry, he said, "This bees for you, Sir."

Indicating the dinette, Harry said, "You can put it on the table, thank


With a snap of its fingers of its other hand the little unknown elf popped

the package right to where Harry wanted it.

"Don't touch it until I've scanned it all, Hermione," he told his betrothed.

"I won't," she agreed.

"Thank you," Harry told the elf after he turned his attention back to it.

"Who are you and whose elf are you, anyway?"

"Benny be Benny," replied the elf. "Benny be proud to be servings House


"Very well," replied Harry. "Thank you for your service. You may go."

And the little elf disappeared with yet another snap of its fingers and

flash of white light.

Harry cast what detection charms he knew over the package, with every

one of them coming up clean. He was now aware the package did not

contain a mind-altering charm or portkey component. It also didn't

contain a poison or was dosed with an illicit potion.

As the house elf couldn't lie to him and it didn't appear to have been

tricked by anyone else to give him the package, he used his wand to

charm it open and slide the contents out.

They were, as expected, documents. The top one he immediately saw was

written in Ted's hand.

Picking it up he read through it.

"It's from Ted," he muttered.

After all the usual falderal, the section of the body that was most

important said...

~ # ~

Included are the details of the records held by the Ministry relating to the

items you asked your godfather to research for you. A task he gave me to do.

I've also included the details from off the items from where you said they

would likely be located on each device.

Further, I have included the same material on a fourth, similar, item.

~ # ~

After verifying the signature as Ted's, Harry knew the risk now associated

with the documentation was so slim as to be virtually non-existent.

He quickly started to sort the information out. As he did he said, "Alright,

Hermione. You can help me sort this lot out, if you like."

"What is all this?" she asked.

"Evidence to present in Sirius's case if the aurors press forward with

charging him regarding his motorcycle," he replied.

"Oh, that," she said, understanding, before taking a closer look at the

documentation she was sorting through. When she quickly realised what

she was looking at she asked, "Wait... Is this about what I think it's

about?" And tapped the document she was holding.

"Yep," he grinned.

"And there's a law against doing this?" she asked.

"Yep," he again replied.

"Well, it's no wonder you're confident you'll win the case!" she declared.

"Uh-hmm," he replied. " I now need you to pair the Ministry documents

with the information Ted's managed to dig up on each. That way each is

one section."

"From that, I need to make some telephone calls."

As the afternoon wore on, Harry used the White Pages telephone book to

hunt down who he needed to talk to. He sat on a stool he'd pulled out

from under the dinette side of the breakfast counter and 'let his fingers do

the walking' while Hermione shuttled documents back and forth from the

counter to the dinette table.

Working in reverse chronological order he already had the information

on the first item before moving onto the second. He also received an

earful from the PR woman at the manufacturing company, who wanted

to know who was trying to set her up for a prank.

When Harry finally convinced her he was 'writing a book' on the history

of that type of item, the woman began to tell him enough information

that proved to Harry that the folks in the 'Obliviator Headquarters' office

at the Ministry were... just like every other witch or wizard... daft


Moving onto the next one took a bit more work as the company that

manufactured the item had long since gone out of business. However, he

was able to track down an enthusiast of the history of the devices who

related to him a not-so-dissimilar tale to the previous woman.

Harry thanked the man and hung up.

When Hermione read what he wrote, she disbelievingly exclaimed,

"You're kidding!"


"That's... that's..." she tried.


The next item - the one Ted added - was going to be, in some ways, risky.

He needed information from a huge government department that was

currently going through privatisation of its main asset.

However, the frazzled public servant on the other end of the phone call

couldn't have cared less Harry was asking the questions he was, but gave

him a similarly weird story to the first two.

Hermione shook her head in disbelief of what she'd read from his notes

and said, "When you go public with this, people in the Ministry are going

to get fired, arrested, charged, gaoled, fined or any combination of


"Not my problem," he replied. "I'm not the one who wrote the laws. I'm

not the one who blatantly and outrageously defied them. I'm just the new

uninvested Lord who is going to be defending my godfather, the newest

uninvested Lord, from a stupid law."

"I don't think it's stupid, so much," Hermione disagreed. "Just... so poorly

written as for it to be impossible not to breach."

The final item was the biggest of them all. Harry also had to ring another

muggle government department to find out the history of it. However,

this time he would have to go into their offices and pay a fee to collect

any records on it held there.

He took down the details he needed and where to go to collect the

information and would be sending that back to Ted to organise. Either

that or the aurors would need to be prepared for a day trip into muggle

London. And he didn't want to do that as it would tip-off the aurors what

he was up to.

Hermione had told him that she'd been told the previous day that the

aurors on their detail were not permitted to speak about what Harry or

the Grangers were up to with anyone else not already on the detail. But,

surely, one of them would let something slip out at the wrong moment.




Later that afternoon and at Hogwarts, about an hour after Harry finished

making his calls just in time for when most government office workers

think about heading home for the day, Dumbledore finally woke up in

the Infirmary.

As soon as he saw the ceiling and smelled the scent of the wing he knew

exactly where he was. But he also smelt the scent of burnt hair over the

top of it.

Looking down at his beard, all seemed in order; so he couldn't figure it


He'd no sooner woken up and was sitting up when the new medi-wizard

walked in from his office and he felt a light waft of breeze on the back of

his neck.

"Good afternoon, Professor Dumbledore," he said.

"What day is it?" Dumbledore immediately demanded, reaching around to

the back of his neck.

Shocked at what he felt he cried, "My hair!"

"Yes, it is!" the Robinson returned. "And I'm feeling pretty chipper; thank

you for asking. As for―"

"Don't be flippant and answer the bloody question!" snapped the old man.

"Well, if you must know it's about fourteen hours before you're free to go

on Thursday morning; tomorrow morning. And, as I was saying, as for

your hair, it appears your now ex-phoenix did it to you with a great flash

of heat. It's that, we suspect, which burnt the back of your hair off, singed

the back of your robes, charred your office desk chair, and a few other


Spotting his wand on the bedside table he picked it up and cast a quick

Tempus charm.


With a grunt of annoyance he realised he'd been out for about eight


"Why wasn't I enervated?" he demanded.

"You were unconscious because your now ex-familiar decided to sever the

familiar bond with you," replied Robinson. "We do not enervate people

who have been knocked unconscious because of a severed bond. It's


"Instead, we allow them to wake naturally - which is what happened with


"Now, since you've naturally woken and had your questions answered,

I'm afraid you need to lie back down. I need to monitor you for the first

twenty four hours of the severed familiar bond to make sure of the

stability of your health."

"Go to Hell!" snapped the old man. Then he hopped off the bed and

stormed from the room.

'Does that man not know of any other mode of travelling by foot other

than storming about the place?' thought the medi-wizard. 'Cranky old


Returning to his office, the medi-wizard made an internal floo-call to the


As it connected, she asked, "Yes?"

"Dumbledore just woke and, as I told you he would, he treated me

appallingly and stormed out," he replied.

"Very well," she said. "Ready his bed for him again and, in a few

moments, he'll be returned to it by a house elf. As soon as he arrives,

secure him to it and tell him I'll be along shortly to speak with him."

"Yes, Headmistress," Robinson replied.

Pulling his head out of the flames and allowing the call to disconnect, the

medi-wizard walked back out into the Infirmary, stood at the foot of the

bed Dumbledore had so recently vacated, readied his wand to cast and


About five to six seconds later there was a flash of white light and

Dumbledore was back and flat on his back on the bed.

Almost before the old man had any idea he had been popped back to the

Infirmary by a house elf, he was already securely tied to the bed with an

Incarcerous charm. His wand was summoned out of his hand a bare

moment later.

"What...?" asked a very surprised Dumbledore. A moment earlier he was

'walking' towards the grand staircase to climb up to the floor of his office.

"Welcome back, Professor," said Robinson.

"Wh-what is the meaning of this?" Dumbledore spluttered. As soon as he

tried to move to hop back off the bed he realised he was tied down.

"Damn it! Release me at once! Do you not know who I am?"

"You are Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, apparently," replied

the calm medi-wizard. "A significantly disgraced former Headmaster of

this school and now a simple tenured Professor. You are also my patient

and, until I or Headmistress Marchbanks says otherwise, you will remain

my patient.

"Besides, the Headmistress is coming here to talk to you about your

behaviour of late. Each time you are here you are offending me with both

your curtness and tone. You have been and are being quite rude.

"Now you are going to lie there, shut up and wait for the Headmistress to

arrive or I will be forced to gag you by way of a silencing charm over

your bed."

"Now, see he―" was as far as Dumbledore got before the threatened

silencing charm was placed.

When Marchbanks walked in about five minutes later, it was to see

Robinson checking his stocks of potions in the wheeled portable potions

cabinet while Dumbledore was trying to rant through a silencing charm.

She had to smirk to herself at the sight.

Toddling up to the side of the bed she stood there until Dumbledore shut

up and glared at her. Then she removed the charm.

As soon as she did, Dumbledore yelled, "How dare―" And received, for

his troubles, the cast of the Filthy Mouth charm on him. A charm

perfected by some parent well over a century earlier for washing a child's

mouth out with soap if the parent deemed the child deserved it.

She immediately recalled the time, back when Dumbledore was a child

and she babysat him, his sister and baby brother, she used it on him

when he'd back-chatted her.

He almost instantly began spitting soap suds and liquid soap out of his

mouth and spluttering as he cleared it away.

With soap suds still 'decorating his beard and moustache around his

mouth he stared at her in shock.

"Remember the last time I cast that charm on you, Albus?" she asked.

"What did I tell you back then?"

When Dumbledore scowled and refused to answer, she threateningly

raised her wand.

"Don't ever back-chat you again, or I can expect another dose," he

hurriedly replied.

"Exactly," she said. "That was almost a century ago, but I keep my word,


When he refused to look at her any more, scowled and turned away she

chose to ignore his behaviour. As long as he wasn't trying to speak when

she was speaking, or just interrupt her, she was happy with that.

"Now, Albus," she firmly said. "I have made it a condition of employment

here that, regarding the nature of the health of the staff, the staff are to

obey, without complaint, the orders and directions of the medi-staff. I

made sure you knew this when you returned to the castle from your most

recent stay in the holding cells of the DMLE.

"It seems I've had to come down and remind you of that. That is not

something I will countenance without issuing punishment. If you do it

again I'm going to dock your pay a fine. If you do it too often you will

reach the point with me I'll know I can successfully take the matter to the

School Board to have you fired; tenure or not.

"Now you can, of course, get out of that bed," she continued. When he

looked ready to accept she went on to shoot him down. "All you have to

say is, 'I quit my tenure as a member of staff at Hogwarts, effective

immediately'. As you won't be a member of my staff, neither I nor medi-

wizard Robinson can order you to remain a-bed in this Infirmary.

"However, unless you state that, you will follow the directions of medi-

wizard Robinson as if they were an order from Hecate herself. Have I

made myself perfectly clear to you this time, Albus?"

Dumbledore looked for any possible way he could get around the

directions she gave him and could find none. She'd even given him a way

to get off this infernal bed, but it would mean he'd also be immediately

tossed from the castle. And he needed to be here.

"Yes," he all-but snarled.

Good," she replied. "Further, if I hear any further complaints from medi-

wizard Robinson that you've been rude to him, as well as writing down

that infraction to add to my list I'm compiling for reasons to fire you for

the Board, I'll yet again dock your pay. Have I yet again made myself

perfectly clear to you, Albus?"

"Yes," he more clearly stated.

"Your current orders from medi-wizard Robinson relating to your health

is for you to remain in this bed until, I believe, about breakfast time

tomorrow morning. Follow them!"

With a swish of her wand she vanished the ropes.

When the old man didn't try to rise but, instead, folded his arms and

practically pouted, she made a short little 'hmm' sound, turned about and

walked back out of the room.

Dumbledore remained on the bed smelling of burnt hair, crisped robes

and sulking.




Closing out another day, Scimitar received his next report from the


"Well, well!" he told the others. "The young knight has entered into a

Betrothal Agreement with the Bookworm. And a report from Hogwarts

has it that the phoenix severed its bond with White Beard."

"White Beard no longer has access to phoenix-travel?" asked one. "Thank

Merlin for that!"

"Yeah," replied Scimitar. "That's news the 'big-wigs' are going to be right

pleased about. It means ongoing research into blocking that form of

magical travel can be scaled back for the time being. Thoughts on the


"It's a brilliant move," said their strategist. "It means the young knight's

managed to turn the Bookworm pawn into a queen. It further protects

him from her being used against him."





While Dumbledore thought he was putting up and projecting a good

image for the student body, he was accomplishing anything but.

In the Slytherin common room the few remaining students, mainly first

and second years who couldn't go home because their parent or parents

were away overseas or similar, were paying attention. To outward

appearance they were disinterested or just mildly amused. In reality they

were approaching the point they were cheering Potter on.

They knew who was responsible for everything that was befalling

Dumbledore. And they were in both surprise and awe at the Slytherin-

like strategy and style the Potter Lord was employing to deal with the old

man. But, now finding out from a senior year that the old man's phoenix

had severed its bond with him over something Potter did to him? That

was both information gold and left them all fearful Potter would turn his

ire upon them next.

While the Slytherins were employing their cunning and sneakiness to

acquire the information, the Hufflepuffs were gaining it through a

different kind of sneakiness. They simply turned 'puppy dog' eyes on their

targets of choice, made themselves look pitiful and harmless and said

please - the evil little bastards. Their usual targets being the Ravenclaws

or the staff.

When they found out what the old man had done to a lot of people,

including their very own Pomona Sprout and Poppy Pomfrey, the loyalty

of the badger brought forth its fierceness at an attack upon their own.

Dumbledore now represented a clear threat to the Cete and needed to be

dealt with before any other badger fell before him. Cedric Diggory

managed to rally the Cete sufficiently to have those 'forced' to remain at

the castle work together to gather information. 'Know Thy Enemy!' they

now declared. And were, as one, cheering Potter on.

The Ravenclaws were simply so inquisitive and so embarrassed over the

'Lovegood Scandal', that they needed to do something to lift their image

among the other Houses. No longer was Hufflepuff seen as the worst

House to be in by the others but Hufflepuff; theirs was. So they began a

campaign to lift the image of their House by offering assistance to the

staff at every opportunity available to them.

Plus, the Ravenclaws were often approaching the remaining staff seeking

something to study or read. And through contact with the staff, were

asking for various pieces of information, here and there. The 'Claws

weren't being subtle about it like the Slytherins either. They didn't

believe in subtlety. That information was brought back to the Nest and

collated. The image it was painting of Dumbledore had them all cheering

Potter on.

In Gryffindor, the remaining members had fractured into three factions

too small to be effective in any way. The first were those who at first

hated Harry Potter for getting their Head of House and Headmaster

arrested; then embarrassed when they found out what the two had done

(or should have done and didn't) to him, others, or the school in general;

then angered with both, but mainly Dumbledore, for making them

believe in him when he never truly earned it. The second agreed with the

first, but that didn't stop them from hating Harry Potter for bringing it all

to light; while the first wanted to apologise to him. The third were those

who always and still supported Harry Potter as they 'knew' he couldn't

possibly have done anything wrong; and were now smirking at the other

two in 'justified arrogance'. The third group also consisted of the small

'fanboy' and 'fangirl' contingent, of which Harry was aware and hated

with a passion.

However, irrespective of all of the above about their fractured House, all

three were united in one goal; Albus Dumbledore must be taken down.

He was a remaining embarrassment to the House. To that end those

capable of sneakiness used that ability, those capable of using their wiles

used that, those capable of brashness used that and they all gathered

information of their own.

It effectively meant that there was not one person in the school who was

fooled by Dumbledore's 'public' behaviour and the false bonhomie and

elder statesmanship he still tried to project. And, by that evening,

everyone knew Fawkes had severed his bond to the old man and, likely,


Many owls were sent out to family and other contacts that day and

evening. One even winged its way to Harry.




That evening at the Grangers was a quiet one and much welcomed by the

residents. They all even managed to be in bed early.

Down in the servants' quarters, which the 'residents' rarely thought about

now due to the magics employed on that part of the house to somewhat

mask it, the third auror of the rotating detail was checking the ward

monitors and alerts for any tampering - there was none.

The Grangers might have been horrified and deeply embarrassed at the

sheer amount of remote magical monitoring that was going on but, to the

aurors, what they didn't know about wouldn't embarrass them. Their task

was to keep Potter and his now betrothed safe. However, there were no

sight or sound monitors on the master suite or either Hermione's or

Harry's. The only ones in any of the three suites were monitors to detect

if there appeared anybeing or anyone besides them.

While the aurors on the protection detail wouldn't speak about personal

details of Potter and the Grangers, things like Potter and the Granger girl

entering into a Betrothal Agreement was not just a personal issue, but a

security issue as well. That information was passed up the chain and

modified orders came back down. Potter was still 'The Protectee', but had

now been joined by Hermione Granger as 'The 2nd Protectee'. The teams

immediately and accordingly adjusted.




23. Corina, or is it Charlotte?

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to the proverbial Duchess of

Magic, JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high

falutin' companies. No matter how much I whine about not owning anything

related to the HP universe, other than a few fanfic plots, I do not profess to

own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful

world... Damn it!

Chapter Twenty Three - Corina, or is it Charlotte?




Because of the early night in the Granger household, even Hermione was

down for breakfast with her folks that Thursday morning.

"Good morning, Princess," said her father, surprised to see her there.

"Have a good sleep?"

"Yes, thank you," she was quick to reply. "I slept like a log."

Harry, as had now become his norm this past week and a half and

everyone was used to it, had loaded himself up a large plate full of

carbohydrates and protein and was quickly 'getting it into him'. As such,

he was often quiet during almost the entirety of meal times now, as he

wouldn't ever consider speaking with his mouth full.

Therefore, it was a good fifteen to twenty seconds before he swallowed

what was in his mouth and gave her his own greetings. "Good morning,

Hermione," he said.

As she'd chosen to sit next to him, she smiled, leaned over, kissed him on

the cheek and replied, "Good morning, Harry. What's the plan for today?"

Her father only gave a slight frown at her actions but didn't say a thing.

She'd come up with what she thought was a workable strategy and was

employing an old metaphorical anecdote on him. She was using the 'Frog

in the Pot' trick; slowly increasing the amount of public affection she was

showing Harry and hoping he would sometimes return, to inure her

father to seeing it.

Her mother had agreed with her it was a sensible strategy, but not to

push it forward too fast.

Harry gave a shrug and replied, "I want to see if anything comes from

Ted regarding documents I asked him to collect for me from the goblins

regarding House business. I should be receiving them today. As Lady

Presumptive for the Noble and Most Ancient House of Potter, you're

allowed to know the gist of them, at least."

"Another thing covered by those family secrecy charms?" she asked.

"Pardon?" asked Wendell. "Lady Presumptive? Family secrecy charms?"

"Yep," replied Harry. "Part of the nature of the Betrothal Agreement

means Hermione is now my spouse presumptive. As my House is a Noble

one and I'm the Lord of it, that makes her the Lady Presumptive. As my

House is also a Most Ancient one, that makes her, in total, titled the Lady

Presumptive of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Potter.

"Formally, she is now known in the wizarding world as, Lady

Presumptive Hermione Jean Granger of the Noble and Most Ancient

House of Black and the Noble and Most Ancient House of Potter - or, is

that the other way 'round?"

He shrugged and added, "I'll have to ask Sirius which way 'round those

are supposed to go, but I think I'm right."

"Jeez-us!" Wendell quietly but vehemently uttered.

"As for family secrecy charms, there are matters known as family secrets,"

continued Harry. "To protect them, there are certain magics used to keep

them secret. With magic accepting the Betrothal Agreement, Hermione

can now see and remain aware of some of those related to the House of

Potter. That Sirius is now her magical guardian means she can also now

see and remain aware of some that are related to the House of Black."

"And if the Agreement is cancelled?" asked Monica.

"Then the information she will learn that are Potter family secrets she

will forget," he replied. "The same for Black family secrets if the magical

guardianship is cancelled. She will remember she once knew them, but

won't remember what they actually are."




When the Daily Prophets were delivered, Harry shared his with Hermione.

One of the first stories they saw and read related to Dumbledore losing

his bond with Fawkes.

"Oh, my!" exclaimed Hermione. "Apparently, it happened just after

breakfast, yesterday. I wonder what happened for Fawkes to finally do


Harry thought he knew and grinned. "I think I know."

"Well?" she asked. "Are you going to share?"

"My response to his portkey-letter attempt to kidnap me would have

arrived in that morning's mail bomb," he replied.

Hermione's eyes widened in surprise and she asked, "You think he read it,

did something that finally had Fawkes decide he'd had enough and

Fawkes severed the bond?"

"Yep!" he happily replied.

Hermione let loose with her clear tinkling laughter. "Oh! That's just

precious!" And laughed out loud again.

"Care to share?" asked Wendell, amused. "What letter?"

Hermione thought, 'Mum must not have told Daddy about it.'

"I managed to get a-hold of a copy of the letter Dumbledore sent me that

was that portkey," explained Harry. "In it, the old fool wrote about how

he still considered me his friend, I was being disrespectful, I was placing

you folks at risk by being here, I was placing myself at risk by being here,

things like that. It was a letter sent with the intention to send me on a

massive guilt trip and go running back to the safety of the castle, begging


"What Dumbledore has forgotten is that the 'Harry' he thought he knew

was that persona I'd created as a façade to fool him. The real 'Harry'

doesn't fall for those shallow tricks."

Hermione took over. "So, Harry wrote Professor Dumbledore a reply. In it

he used Dumbledore's same tricks; and even some of the same language,

including the condescension. But, Harry took it right over the top, just to

demonstrate back he knew what Dumbledore was doing and was trying.

"When Sirius came over a little while later to make sure Harry was okay

after the kidnapping attempt, Harry'd only just finished the final draft.

Sirius read it and, by the time he'd finished reading it, he was laughing so

hard he couldn't stand up. Harry had to get Dobby to get him a Calming


Harry grinned and said, "Sirius declared it perfect, not to change a thing

and said he'd send it using his new owl, Sable, to deliver it; so

Dumbledore wouldn't recognise Hedwig."

"That letter would have arrived yesterday morning."

"Keep a copy of it?" asked a grinning Wendell.

"No, but if I know Sirius," replied Harry. "He's definitely kept a copy of it.

Ask him for a copy of it when next you see him."

"Oh, I'll definitely be doing that," chuckled Wendell.




As he expected, Harry received correspondence from Ted, alright.

However, it was a great deal more than just a simple letter.

It was a letter that arrived as a covering letter for a shrunken package.

The aurors had unshrunk the package in their work of ensuring there

were no harmful hexes, charms, potion-lacing or anything like that going

on. And brought him the whole lot.

The auror carrying it placed the stack on the end of the table away from

where they were sitting and quietly said, "A package arrived from you,

Lord Potter. It is believed to be from Law-wizard Tonks." Then quietly left


Wendell gave a low whistle at the size of the stack, turned to look at

Harry and said, "I don't envy you."

Harry shrugged and said, "Almost the entirety of that, I suspect, is going

to be just archived House business material I need to be aware of. It's

when all the financial portfolio stuff arrives that I know I'm going to

quickly develop quill cramp and a headache.

"The accounts have been in stasis for far too long. So there's going to be a

lot of work to bring the financials back up to something I'd be

comfortable with. However, the goblins are taking care of most of that

and I'll just need to sign off on it for it to be done."

Aren't you going to look at it?" asked Hermione.

"It can stay there until after breakfast," he replied with a shrug.

Another letter, handed up by one of the aurors who'd first checked it out,

was from one of the Gryffindor students who'd remained at the castle. It

was from young Colin Creevey.

In it, Creevey confirmed Fawkes had severed the bond with Dumbledore

and that Dumbledore was laid up in the Infirmary.




Dumbledore was finally released by Robinson just before the start of


"I'm giving you an 'early mark' because you've behaved yourself," the man

had said. "You should have enough time to go and bathe and change first.

You still smell of burnt hair and scorched clothes."

Dumbledore gave a grunt and muttered, "Thank you." Before quickly

rising and hurrying out.

The reason for the early mark was because Robinson wanted to join his

fellow staff members for breakfast, instead of watching the old man

continually glaring at him. And the house elves could strip the bed and

clear the air while the wing was empty.

The enforced 'convalescence' had given Dumbledore time to mentally go

over plans of what to do next, though. And he'd made good use of the


Straight after breakfast he'd be contacting that pompous twit, Barnabus

Cuffe. He was sure the man would want to know that Harry Potter had

refused to attend the traditional Tri-Wizard Tournament Yule Ball at


Young Harry's assassination of his character was almost complete - but,

not quite. And Harry was not the only one who could use the media and

its power to his advantage.




After Wendell and Monica left for the day, the two teens returned to the

dinette. However, before Harry could sit down, Hermione grabbed him,

spun him to face her and landed a powerful kiss on his lips while she

quickly relocated her hands. One, she wrapped around his lower back;

the other, she used to hold his head in place by the back of his skull.

As sheer pleasure flowed through Harry, following on the heels of the

shock he experienced when she first suddenly grabbed him, he found

himself holding her in a similar fashion and kissing just as hard back.

When she opened her mouth a little and licked his lips it shocked him

enough he almost broke the kiss. But, upon opening his own mouth, he

understood what she was trying to do. And the pair stood like that for

what felt both like a bare fraction of time and an eternity.

When they finally separated, he whispered, "Wow."

"Yeah," she whispered back.

"What brought that on?" he asked.

"Well, seeing as you're now my betrothed... or, I'm yours... I wanted to

properly kiss you to see if it was something I could come to like doing."

"And, was it?" he asked.

She grinned and replied, "Definitely."

He grinned back.

They needed to get to work, so he leaned in and gave her another quick

kiss before he pulled back and said, "I think parchmentwork awaits. Shall

we get to it?"

She smiled and released him, then sat down as he slid the pile of

documents across the tabletop to be between them and away enough

they could both reach it and pull documents forward off the top to go

through it all a piece at a time.

First up was a summary of what was contained.

"Alright," he sighed. "Ted's put the property documents on top. It's what I

asked him to focus upon."

As Harry pulled each down and went through them, Hermione quickly

rose and raced upstairs to collect her parchment, inks and quill from her


By the time she returned he had a mental list of the first five properties

and had the thin stacks of each laid sideways on top of the one before.

When she plonked back down next to him he indicated the modified

stack and said, "Well, looks like I won't need to buy a home for myself."

As Hermione wrote and Harry read, even out loud at times, he discovered

that Potter manor, 'Pottermore', still stood. Dumbledore had intimated it

had been destroyed the one time he asked if he owned a 'big home' like

other Ancient Houses.

Thinking back over that conversation he realised the old man had not

actually said the manor had been destroyed, only that it had been

attacked. Then said the Death Eaters tended to burn such properties to

the ground to deny it to the descendants.

He also made no mention that Harry owned quite a few other residential

properties, either. Probably because Harry asked if he owned a big home

and not other residences.

'Bastard,' he thought. 'A clear example of how to tell a lie while telling

the truth.'

Once they'd gone through the stack of records relating to properties, the

two stopped.

Harry actually owned quite a few with nearly all of them currently rented


Of the one's not rented and specifically marked never to be leased or

rented out, there were three.

They were Pottermore in Merlin's Bridge, Pembrokeshire, Wales; Lily's

Retreat in a town called Cokeworth, Warwickshire, England; and the

Potter Cottage in Godric's Hollow.

The accompanying note from Ted informed him the man was already

making plans to find out just what the hell the Ministry thought it was

doing by claiming Potter Cottage as a national wizarding monument.

"Cokeworth ring any bells with you, Hermione?" he asked. "I thought

that'd be a purely muggle town, considering it's a heavy industrial area in

that part of England."

"Not Cokeworth, no," she replied. "But Warwickshire also includes the

town of Stratford-upon-Avon... and that's the birthplace of William


"Hmmm..." he muttered. "There's something about the name of that town

that's jigging my memory a bit, but not enough for it to come to the


"Perhaps it has something to do with your mother," she suggested. "After

all, the name of the property is 'Lily's Retreat'."

"Could be..." he muttered. Then gave a shrug and said, "No matter. It's not

important for now. I'll let the matter percolate through my subconscious

and see if it takes a bite."

"On to what next?" she asked.

"The rentals and leases," he replied. "I want to go through them and see

what's there. I want that stuff all listed out because I want to compare the

properties to the incomes for the Potter accounts. "

As Harry put the information on Pottermore separate, the two teens

moved onto the rental properties.




After yet another long shower, Dumbledore had to then resort to

trimming what was left of his long hair on his head right back to a very

short cut. The house elf he'd called had brought him another, who had

professed - confessed, really - knowledge of cutting hair.

However, he was definitely not willing to lose his beard and was thankful

the flash of extreme heat had not damaged it in anyway, though it did

frizzle a few stray hairs out wide and near his left ear; which was also

singed a little.

Properly trimmed he was able to attend the Great Hall for the latter half

of breakfast. And, yes, he heard the sniggers coming from some of the

students towards his new haircut. At least he was able to cover most of it

with one of his large hats.

The robe he was wearing when it happened, however, was yet another

victim to what had befallen him of late. That now made four sets

destroyed - intolerable.

'I'll have to go see Mister Twillfit as soon as I can,' he thought. 'I need to

think about replacing some of my wardrobe.'

'Actually, that would be sufficient reason for me to need to leave the

school for a time,' he smirked. 'Griselda cannot deny me the opportunity

to replenish clothing I have recently lost.'

Following breakfast he returned to his office and transferred his thoughts

regarding using the Daily Prophet onto parchment. Once done, he looked

upon his handiwork and smiled.

'This should do it,' he thought. 'Now to contact young Barnabus."

With his sheet of parchment in hand he turned to the floo. He might not

be able to leave the school, as it was during school hours, but that didn't

stop him from making floo-calls. He made his floo call to the offices of

the Daily Prophet. 'And with school not even running it's clear Griselda is

just using it to keep me contained. Who does she think she is dealing

with? A little Firstie?' he thought.

It took him about twenty minutes, but he was finally put through to

Cuffe. However, Skeeter was also there and she was waiting with her

Quik-quotes quill at the ready. The expression on her face of eagerness

was a little off-putting.

Clearly, he'd been given the run-around for a few minutes until Cuffe

could have his prize journalist on hand to 'take notes'.

"Good morning, Barnabus," he pleasantly greeted the man. Not even

waiting for a greeting in return he said, "Miss Terri Teaske, please wait

outside. And no listening charms or, should I say, bugs. That would be


Giving a jump in surprise Skeeter's - Teaske's - hungry grin instantly

changed to shock. She'd forgotten Dumbledore would know her true

identity. The fact he'd greeted her by it, when he'd not done that in

almost two decades, sent a message of warning she well understood.

Then the mention of listening 'bugs' was also a warning that did not pass

notice either.

Not even looking at her boss, Skeeter/Teaske snatched her Quik-quotes

quill out of the air, stuffed it in her overly large handbag and hurried

from the room. Cuffe was on his own, after all.

"Dumbledore!" snarled Cuffe. "How dare you!"

"How dare I what, Barnabus?" he pleasantly asked back. "I merely wished

you a good morning and asked Miss Teaske to wait outside while we

conversed. Of course, as a journalist of Miss Teaske's... ability, I did not

want to impugn her journalistic integrity by having her forced to keep

silent about what confidential matters I wish to discuss with you. Her

waiting outside while we spoke saves her that conflict."

Grumbling under his breath Cuffe demanded, "Well? What do you want?"

"I wanted to pass on some rather disappointing information regarding

matters of importance to our society," replied Dumbledore. "All in

confidence, of course."

"Yes, yes," snarked Cuffe. "Get on with it, then."

"Well, being only referred to now as a mere professor of a school, not

necessarily any particular school as it really doesn't matter, does it?" he

asked. "But, as a professor, I find myself quite disappointed our illustrious

school, the crowning jewel of wizarding Britain's education system, will

not be putting in a good showing when the Yule Ball is held here... there,

that is... on the night of Christmas.

"When even Harry Potter has decided he won't be attending, what sort of

message does that say to our visitors from overseas? Very few of the


"Wait... what?" asked Cuffe. "Potter's not attending the Yule Ball?"

"Well, his not attending is just one example, of course," he replied. "With

the School Board having already sent most of the students home, there

will be a great many who won't be attending, won't there?

"No; I fear―"

"Are you sure about Potter not attending?" demanded Cuffe, again cutting


"Well, as sure as I need to be," he replied. "Now, as I was saying―"

"No, no!" interrupted Cuffe, suddenly standing up. "I'm afraid something

very urgent has come up. Sorry, Albus... if that is who you really are...

but, I must be going."

"Oh, dear," he replied. "Well, needs must, I suppose. I shall leave you to


Withdrawing his head from the flames, Dumbledore climbed back to his

feet with a smirk fixed on his face. Satisfied with a job well done, he

returned to his desk to continue with his developing plans to regain all

that he had lost - and more.




While Dumbledore was busy in his office with his manipulative

shenanigans, another meeting was taking place in the Headmistress's

office. She had called Professors Sprout, Babbling, Sinistra and Vector to

her presence by the simple expedience of sending a house elf with a note

to each.

As they each arrived, she greeted them, gestured to a chair before her

desk and asked them to wait until the last one arrived. The last to arrive,

Sprout, was just asked to take a seat.

As soon as Sprout sat she saw who else was present and knew her new

'boss' had made her decision regarding Headships of the Houses.

"Thank you for joining me, Professors," said Marchbanks. "If you do not

know why I have asked you four to join me then you are undeserving of

the positions you are being offered.

"Straight up I'm informing you all, with the exception of Pomona, that

your application for the acting positions as Heads of your respective

Hogwarts Houses is accepted. I am going to announce those

appointments at dinner, even if it is to a nearly vacant Great Hall. Your

appointments will become effective as of that announcement.

"Of course, they will be Professor Babbling as Acting Head of Gryffindor,

Professor Sinistra as Acting Head of Ravenclaw and Professor Vector as

Acting Head of Slytherin. If either of you three... or even you, Pomona...

want to withdraw, let me know now; otherwise I'll be going ahead with

those announcements, this evening."

When no one seemed anything but pleased it was a moment before

Babbling asked, "Headmistress... about the Deputy Head slot?"

"Still being discussed, dear," replied Marchbanks. "That's one post I will

not fill without discussing the matter with the Board. After all, I could

drop dead at any moment." And smiled back.

Babbling couldn't help but smile along with her. She nodded and replied,

"Thank you."




After going through records relating to share holdings in the wizarding

world, with Hermione and he switching out with taking extensive notes,

they decided to call a long break. It was nearly lunch time and Harry was

yet again hungry.

Rising from the chair and taking a few long stretches, he said, "Well, I

feel like making lunch. How about I prepare something that'll―"

"Uh-hmm," he heard a little verbalised throat clear from the end of the

kitchen counter.

Turning it was to see Dobby standing there, arms crossed, one foot

tapping and scowling back.

Hermione gave a snort of amusement.

"Dobby?" asked Harry.

"Master Harry be workings hard on wizard things, he does," snipped

Dobby. "Master Harry be doings Lordy works. Now Master Harry be

wantings to be takings house elveses, Dobby's, works again. Master Harry

not be takings Dobby's work. It be being unfair!"

Raising one hand to push his glasses higher up his face and massage the

bridge of his nose with his thumb and fingertips, Harry developed a

pained look.

"Master Harry and Miss-tress Herm'nee be tellings Dobby what theys

wants and Dobby be gettings it for them," declared the little elf.

When Harry turned a hopeful look on Hermione she laughed and said,

"Oh, no! He's your elf. You have to tell him if you're going to deny him

the chance to work."

"Hermione―" he whined.


With a sigh, he turned back to Dobby and sulked, "Fiiiine!"

Dobby's scowl instantly turned to a satisfied smile as his arms dropped

away and he shifted to stand evenly on both feet.

"We need some brain food, Dobby. That is, something that won't sit

heavy in the stomach. Fish... salad... I know!"

Turning to look at Hermione he asked, "How does a fish burger sound?"

"No, but a salad roll with a couple of kippers on the side sounds good,"

she replied.

"Sounds good to me , too," he smiled.

Turning back to the house elf he said, "Dobby..."

With a look of glee on its face, the little elf chirped, "Right away, Master

Harry, Miss-tress Herm'nee." And ducked back into the kitchen.

She missed it the first time, but she caught it that time.

"Mistress Herm'nee?" she asked, confused.

"Oh, yeah," he replied. "I forgot about that. Since you're now my

betrothed, the elves will treat you as the Lady Presumptive of my House.

That means, to Dobby and all other house elves, you're now also part of

the House of Potter. To Dobby, you're no longer Miss Granger, but

Mistress Hermione."

"Are there any more little surprises, like that, included in what being

your betrothed means?" she asked.

"Probably," he replied. "If I knew or remembered what they were I'd have

already told you, though."




After eating lunch and taking a short walk out and about the backyard

talking about friends and acquaintances, what they might be up to, the

weather, and other things, the two teens returned inside and to the

parchment work. So far, they'd not even gotten about a third of the way

through it. It was back to it, they headed.

The afternoon was quiet, with the two working steadily through the

documents of the House Ted seemed to think Harry needed to know


With a sigh, Harry finally sat back and asked, "If this is what Ted thought

was important enough to send now; what is the rest of it going to look


Hermione chuckled and asked back, "You're asking me?"

He took a look at the clock on the wall above the dinette and said, "Dang

it! We've been at this all day. I say it's time to give it up for the day and

come back to it at another time."

"Me, too," sighed Hermione. "It's all very interesting, but... Well, there's

just so much of something you can learn or study about in one hit before

it switches from being interesting to becoming annoying or boring."

"Right," he decided. "Time to pack it up."




Dobby suddenly popped by Harry's side holding Harry's communication

mirror. It was buzzing.

Reaching for it, Harry said, "Thank you, Dobby."

The elf gave a nod and popped away again.


When the image faded in to Sirius's face, Harry was about to say

something when Sirius spoke first. "I've just received an owl from


"He finally decided to contact you, did he?" he asked.

"Uh-huh," replied Sirius. "He's sent it from Italy, of all places. He's letting

me know he's on his way back."

"He's in Italy?" he frowned.

"That's where he says he was," shrugged his godfather. "Obviously, he

found work there."

"Does he also explain why he's not bothered to contact one of us before

now?" he asked.

"He was in the muggle world," replied Sirius. "He only re-entered the

wizarding world there for the night of the full moon.

"Recovering from that he managed to pick up a copy of L'Annunciatore,

magical Italy's wizarding newspaper. That's when he found out about all

the happenings going on over here since that day.

"He sent an owl that same afternoon and it's taken two days to get here.

In it he states he was immediately making his best time to get back to

wizarding Britain."

"Uh-huh," he muttered.

Sirius frowned and said, "You don't seem too happy to hear that, pup."

Harry shrugged and replied, "When he finally turns up and you go to

meet him, ask him why he never told me anything about my place in the

world or anything more than things like... 'You have your father's sense

of humour', 'Your mother was pretty good at potions', 'You have your

mother's eyes', things like that. He never once said things like, 'You are

the Heir Apparent of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Potter', 'You

don't need to live with the Dursleys because you own quite a few of your

own homes', or how about, 'You don't need to accept the way Professor

Snape treats you because the man owes you a frigging life debt'. You know,

those sort of things."

"He never told you anything?" asked a very shocked godfather.

"Nothing of importance, no," he replied. "That's why I haven't cared the

man hasn't contacted either one of us before now. It was clear to me,

almost right from the start once I figured out who he was sometime

within the first couple of months of third year, Dumbledore told him to

keep me in the dark about my heritage and that's exactly what he did.

"I have no problem with you renewing a relationship with him, Sirius.

Just don't expect me to. He's your friend; he's definitely not mine."

"Yeah," mused Sirius. "I can see that. I guess him and I have a lot of

talking to do. If he doesn't have an excuse beyond 'Dumbledore told me

not to', then we're through, too."




After the two had managed to get everything packed up and Harry asked

Dobby to move the lot up to sit on the floor next to his desk, Harry

cleaned the dinette table of teacup rings and other manifestations

showing the surface had recently seen some hard use. He felt he should

do it because Dobby had already made them lunch when he wanted to do

it. As far as he was concerned, if the elf didn't want him cleaning, then

the elf should let him cook when he wanted to.

Once cleaned he placed the cleaner and cloth on the counter and decided

to take another walk in the garden before making a start on dinner.

Unknown to him, Dobby went ahead and cleaned the dinette table top

clean again, anyway; and polished it.

Harry'd already thought about what to cook for dinner and decided on

cooking a pork-based Chinese dish for that night and probably a

traditional fish dish the next, Friday.

While Hogwarts had plenty of good and nutritious food with plenty of

choices when one sat down to a meal, with the exception of the sort of

dishes that had been added because of the two visiting schools, the

selections were entirely 'English' in nature. They didn't even include

traditional Scottish or Irish dishes.

Though he'd not cooked Chinese before, he'd read plenty of books on it.

He once tried to prepare a French dish for the Dursleys and received a

beating for it.

"We don't eat Froggy food!" he was told. "You wasted all that good food

turning it into muck!"

So he restricted himself to preparing food that had all the appearance of

plain English fare, but he'd greatly improved on the standards by the use

of cooking techniques, herbs and subtle spices.

Here, though, he knew he could cook what he wanted so long as he was

very sparing on the sugar. And never used processed sugar. 'Sweeteners'

weren't allowed either. "Harry, saccharin has been found to produce

cancer in rats. If you're going to use a sweetener, use raw sugar or sweet


Looking through the cookbooks Monica had on a high shelf above the

microwave 'nook', he found what he was looking for.

A quick shopping list jotted down on a handy notepad with string-

attached pen and he went in search of the aurors. He needed to take a

trip to the shops.

Besides, it gave him the excuse to restock the Grangers' pantry, fridge and

freezer. He felt, he'd been eating enough for almost three since he started

on his potions; and that didn't include all the guests, such as Sirius and

the Tonkses, that had been dropping by for dinner or other meals over

the past near-week. As a result, he believed it was his job and

responsibility to replace all the food.

Grabbing his muggle wallet, as opposed to his wizarding purse - it was

easier to keep the two currencies separated that way - he found one of

the aurors down on the lower ground floor and let him know his plans.

"It's just a short walk," he told the auror. "It should take thirty minutes,

there and back, tops. And most of that is going to be actual shopping."

Not waiting for the auror to respond, he then went looking for Hermione.

He met her coming down the stairs as he was going up.

"Shopping trip!" he declared.

"Pardon?" she asked.

"Shopping trip!" he replied. "Wanna come with? I have to pick up

groceries. With the amount of food I'm eating... plus, all the guests...

we're getting a little low."

"Oh, grocery shopping," she smiled. "Harry; when talking to a female, you

need to be more explicit."

He just waved it off as a nothing and asked, "Coming?"

"Alright," she replied. "Let me get my purse."

"No need. I'm got plenty!" he declared.

"Then let me at least get my coat," she said. "You should probably put one

on, too. It's getting quite chilly out there."

"Okay," he chirped, before dashing the rest of the way up the stairs they

were standing on to go to his room.

The young female auror, who had turned up at the base of the stairs

while they were talking, said, "He is as excited about shopping for

groceries as you or I would be about clothes."

Hermione just smirked back and wryly said, "I noticed."

With her having further to travel, Harry was waiting in the entrance

foyer with the auror when Hermione came back down from her room. It

appeared he was arguing with her.

"What's going on?" she asked.

"Auror Cassidy, here," he replied, "Is of the opinion she needs to

accompany us."

"Then let her," shrugged Hermione.

"Aren't you getting a little sick of the constant over-watch the aurors are

putting on us?" he asked.

"No, not really," she replied. "It's nice to have someone around my age -

even if the aurors are at least four years older than us - to talk 'girl talk'


He sighed and said, "Fiiiine."

While he was helping Hermione to don her coat, she'd carried it down

with her rather than donning it upstairs, Cassidy changed into

mugglewear by the simple expedience of pulling her auror robes off over

her head. Underneath, she was wearing a hood-less well-worn

windcheater, jeans and trainers.

Plucking a 'scrunchie' that matched the windcheater out of the fob pocket

of her jeans, she used it to tie her shoulder-blade length hair back into a

ponytail. Then she transfigured her auror robes into a plain brown calf-

length duster coat and donned it without buttoning it up. It was cold out,

but not that cold.

After helping Hermione don her coat, a similar style to the auror's

transfigured one, he asked the auror, "Do all the aurors wear casual

muggle clothes under their robes?"

"Nope," she replied. "Just most of us on this detail. Most wear wizarding


"Hunh!" he softly exclaimed. "And your bosses don't get upset?"

"On this detail it's encouraged," she replied.

Now ready, the three made their way out and to the shops, with

Hermione immediately taking Harry's hand. Auror Cassidy held right

back to give them privacy. But remained close enough to be 'there' if

something unexpected happened.




After a floo-call from Ted, Sirius flooed to his office.

"What've you discovered?" he immediately asked.

"The goblins got back to me with the information on the suspected

Malfoy child," Ted immediately replied. "They've hit a dead end."

Sirius immediately frowned and asked, "The child's dead?"

"No, no," Ted was quick to correct. "I meant... they reached a point where

they couldn't find any more leads - the trail died."

"What do they have, then?" he asked.

With the investigation file open before him on his desk, Ted quickly

checked his overview notes and replied, "There was certainly a child

born. Her name is, or was, Corina Cephei Malfoy; born the tenth of

August 1982; at home at Malfoy Manor. The midwife and her assistant

have been Obliviated of all knowledge of it. All official records have been

'disappeared'; including all records of the child from Saint Mungo's


"10th of August 1982?" asked Sirius, grinning. "It sounds like old Lucy

was celebrating being free of Voldemonkey by bonking his wife and it got

her pregnant."

"Yes, there were quite a few births around that time," smirked Ted. "It

may very well be the reason the Malfoys chose a home birth.

"Anyways, continuing," he said, "The goblins, however, have their own

records regarding the births and deaths of the Heirs of the Houses. Their

records show she disappeared at about two months of age. This is

confirmed by Lucius Malfoy informing the Gringotts Account Manager of

the Magical House of Malfoy that they were to destroy the life-stone for

the girl. The account manager informed him it would be done, as he

didn't want to lose the account. However, as you probably know, they

never do such a thing.

"The goblins, having not destroyed the stone, have informed us she is still

alive - it still glows. It is for that reason they accepted the challenge and

efforts to find her.

"They know she should be of age to have received an invitation to attend

Hogwarts in 1993, yet one was never sent. Therefore, it stands to reason

she is no longer within the Hogwarts catchment area.

"They sent their requests for assistance out to the other Gringotts offices

across the world, yet have not received any hint she may have been

picked up by her coming in for an inheritance test or the like."

"Damn," snarled Sirius.

Ted then leaned forward with a wide grin on his face. "Now, this is where

what I've done since comes in. I took the information the goblins gave me

and started my own search. This time, in the muggle world off the back

of their search in the magical world. I contracted a muggle organisation

that specialises in finding 'missing persons'. They focussed on countries

where English is the dominant language, first. They also focussed on

going to a country as far away from England as they could get. They

started in New Zealand and worked west.

"A girl of her approximate age and what she might look like currently

attends a school in Perth, Australia."

Sirius suddenly sat forward in anticipation. "I take it she's a close


Ted handed him a candid photograph taken from some distance away. It

was a head and shoulders shot.

The young girl looked approximately twelve years old, had the black hair

of the Blacks and a mix of the facial features of the Malfoys and Blacks

combined. He couldn't quite pick up her eye colour but it appeared to be

the pale blue that often arose in the Malfoys, with the cheek structure of

the Blacks. She appeared to be smiling at someone.

"She looks happy," mused Sirius.

"From all reports, she is," replied Ted. "Her current name is Charlotte

Claire Wilkins. Her first two names are as a result of the initials found on

the baby blanket in which she was wrapped. She was raised with the

nickname 'Charlie', but prefers 'CeeCee' because of the initials. Her

adoptive parents... yes, her record shows she was adopted by a muggle

couple... have kept both the clothes she was wearing when found and the

blanket and apparently have shown her the initials, which were

embroidered into the blanket.

"Her parents adopted her through the Department for Child Protection -

DCP - of the Western Australian muggle state government. Their reports

have the child being found abandoned just inside the main doors of the...

Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, also

known as Saint Mary's Cathedral, in the city of Perth.

"The date ties in with what we know of the disappearance of the Malfoy


"Her foundling name was 'Mary', named after the cathedral in which she

was found, and months of frantic searching for the baby's parents were

undertaken by the muggle authorities. It was a very public media story of

the time, which helps to explain how the organisation I contracted to find

her apparently did so as quick as they did. She still has a case number

with the Western Australian Police - muggle aurors - as such cases are

never closed unless the birth mother, at least, is found or her

whereabouts are known.

"The Wilkins came by her as they were listed with the DCP as emergency

foster parents for infants with special needs. They are: Stephen Anthony

Wilkins, a senior office worker within their Department of Transport; and

Dorothy Anna Wilkins née Grimes, a housewife who was also once a

paediatric nurse. Both muggles, of course.

"After two years of her being in their care, they applied for and were

granted permanent foster care of her. After five years, they applied for

and were granted adoption.

"The Wilkins already had two other children at the time. A boy, Patrick

Harold, now nineteen and studying engineering at the University of

Western Australia; and another girl, now seventeen and in her final

weeks of muggle high school. She has plans on attending university, like

her older brother, but studying nursing, like her mother."

"Wait... wait..." said Sirius. "If she's healthy, has magic and obviously

appears to be of both Malfoy and Black blood... why, in Merlin's name,

did Malfoy dump her halfway around the world?"

"That's what confused us and made us think she wasn't the one... until we

saw the muggle medical records," replied Tonks. "She was found to have

been born with cataracts in both eyes, rendering her almost completely

blind, and was also discovered to be almost completely deaf. Both were

genetic defects, so wizarding healers couldn't do anything for her.

"However, the muggles could. As a result of the muggle public campaign

to find her parents they also let it be known she had cataracts that

rendered her blind and that she had a hearing defect in both ears. From

that a massive... outpouring... of sympathy was directed towards the

infant girl from the local muggle community; even across the country. A

lot of people sent in financial donations towards her care.

"At that time, muggle Australia had just re-entered into a universal health

care scheme called Medicare. That meant all muggle Australians were

now eligible for free basic health care.

"However, that would not have been enough. So, in stepped a...

consortium, if you like... of highly qualified specialist healers. An eye-

specialist, who was one of the country's leading experts on corrective eye

surgery, travelled over from the other side of the country to lend his

expertise. He quickly determined the problem and, within hours, she was

operated upon at their Royal Perth Hospital. The operation was

successful in that the cataracts were removed. She's apparently never had

a problem with her sight since, except for the need to wear prescription

sunglasses in bright light.

"As for her hearing, another birth defect and yet another surgical

procedure rectified that. It was something to do with her ear drums being

underdeveloped; as in, they hadn't formed properly while she was still a

foetus. She underwent a... Tym-pano-plasty... to repair both ear drums.

Something about a graft being used to repair them. Later tests have

shown she has about ninety-five percent of her hearing back."

"Damn!" said Sirius. "The muggles have gotten that good?"

"That was over ten years ago, Sirius," replied Ted. "They've gotten even

better since."

Sirius distractedly nodded. "If she was born blind and somewhat deaf,

and our Healers couldn't fix it, then it's no wonder Malfoy would want to

get rid of her."

"Plus, it adds to the likelihood this young girl is the missing Malfoy Heir

Secondary," added Ted. "Now, we just have to prove it."

"And we have to decide what to do with this information, once it's

confirmed," said Sirius. "I really don't want Malfoy finding out about it.

There's no telling what he'd do."

"An almost as big problem is what to tell Andi," said Ted. "This girl, if

we're right, is her biological niece. If she finds out about her, there's a

strong likelihood she'll immediately head down there to get her."

"You're not permitted to tell her," Sirius immediately stated. "Only you

and I are to know anything about this until I deem it right for her to be

made known to anyone else."

"Thank you," said a relieved Ted. "The client confidentiality clauses will

now protect me from her finding out from me. But, I certainly hope

you're not even going to think about doing that until at least one of us

talks to the girl and her parents, first."

"No," said Sirius. He thought for a few moments longer and asked, "You

firmly believe she's happy where she is?"

"Yes," Ted instantly replied. "However, I still wish to go ahead with

confirming her true identity. All we need is a drop of her blood."

"And, how are you going to get that?" asked Sirius.

"That I'm leaving up to the experts," he replied.

"So long as these experts don't also learn who she is, I've got no problem

with that," said Sirius.




With shopping complete - and Hermione stunned with the amount of

food Harry bought - the two teens were walking back from the shop

while talking between them.

Cassidy had even used the opportunity to purchase some items for


"Harry, I want to speak with you about how much you're spending on

groceries," said Hermione.

"Your parents are providing house-room for me and this... coterie of

aurors, who're apparently determined to keep an eye on me," he said.

"While I'd probably shrug it off if it was just me, it's unfair for your

parents to pay for the food.

"If your parents say anything about it, I'll tell them the same thing. So,

don't worry about it, alright?"

"Alright, Harry," she said. "And, I can understand your argument. I just

thought... since I invited you to come and stay―"

"To come and stay," he emphasised. "Not eat you and your parents out of

house and home."

"Alright," she sighed. "I won't argue. But you're not eating us out of house

and home, as you put it. The Grangers might not be in the same leagues

as the Potters or the Blacks; but, we're well-off enough."

"Thank you," he gratefully replied.




Scimitar had just received the daily briefing from the watchers. Looking

to the team he said, "Nothing unusual from the young knight's watchers.

The knight and the Bookworm went out grocery shopping."

"That, in itself, makes it unusual," smirked one of the cursebreakers.

"Hardy-har-har," said Scimitar. "However, we have news from elsewhere."

That had the team listening.

"The Black Healer, Tonks, tried to get into Grimmauld," he said.

"Any idea why?"

"None," he replied. "However, she is not considered a threat. It may

simply be because it's the home in which she grew up."

"She's also the Healer-of-Record, at the moment, for the dog, the knight

and the Bookworm," added another. "She's watched, because of that."




Harry's 'make-do' Chinese that night was well-received by those who ate

it. It might not have contained nothing but traditional meats and

vegetables, but it definitely had a Chinese flair to it. He eventually

decided to call it 'Chinglish Fusion'.

Sitting for dinner that night were the Grangers, Harry and two aurors. It

was earlier he found out the aurors played a wizarding version of rock/

paper/scissors to see who would miss out. The loser missed out. So,

Harry quietly had Dobby set aside a serving of both the dinner and the

dessert put under stasis for the unlucky auror who missed the 'Harry

Potter Dining Experience'. But, Dobby was already doing just that. As it

made his master happy to think he came up with the idea, he didn't say a


Well, at least with word getting out that 'Lord Potter' wasn't as much into

proving everyone to be a 'daft moron' at the moment, those in the auror

department who had once begged off watching over him were now

begging to get back in again. So said Auror Cassidy, while they were in

the supermarket and purchasing groceries.

For dessert he went 'Australian' and made an Australian multi-layered

tropical fruit 'trifle'. However he left out the alcohol and, instead, just

used rum essence. So the adults wouldn't be concerned, he made sure to

tell them in advance the background rum flavouring was just that,

flavouring brought on by the essence - no alcoholic content.

"How'd you get the jelly to do that?" asked Monica.

"I baked the sponge and made the jelly yesterday," he said. "Today, I

pulled the jelly out and crumbled it - that's the secret - then stirred in the

strained tinned fruit. With the cake I trimmed the edges off where it was

in the pan - one of those little 'cheffy' things - sliced it, soaked it in the

juice from the tins together with the essence and just layered as I went -

cake, jelly, custard, cake, jelly, custard, cake and unsweetened cream

topping mixed with block chocolate crumbled to an almost powder. Then

just garnished it with sliced fresh fruit and sprinkled some of the

powdered chocolate over it. Simple."

"Simple, for you," she smiled.

When she saw Harry blush a little she didn't comment again.

"However you did it, it was simply divine," said Hermione.




When Marchbanks stood to make her announcements regarding filling

the vacant Heads of House roles, the only one who wasn't happy for them

was Dumbledore. While on the outside he was showing he was pleased

for them, inside he was scowling in hate at Marchbanks as she invited the

three new Heads of House to stand.

Her announcement proved he was now even further away from

recovering the position of headmaster of 'his' school. If she was successful

in appointing a Deputy Head that wasn't he, there'd be four people

between he and his beloved Headmaster's office - Professor, to Head of

House, to Deputy Head, to Head. Intolerable!




That evening, while Andi was back on shift at Saint Mungo's, Sirius went

to the Black Townhouse on Grimmauld Place. She'd let him know she

couldn't get in, which Sirius knew she couldn't as he'd locked it back

down again after he and the Unspeakables had been through the place.

That was his plan.

Walking in, he remembered yet again he was going to purchase at least

one new house elf to get the place cleaned again. When he'd had to kill

Kreacher that meant that what little work was being done was no longer

being done. Or, maybe he'd ask his godson if Dobby might want to do it

in his spare time as a 'reward'.

Setting his thoughts aside he moved through to the library to begin his


"Mind magics... curses of the mind..." he muttered.

He might not like the place, but this was for his godson and his godson's


Two hours later, after nearly magically exhausting himself getting past

various magical booby traps, curses, protections and the like. He thought

he might've finally found the book he needed. This would be the fourth

time he'd had the thought, though.

After checking it for even more traps, he stood back and magically pulled

it from the shelf using a simple Accio. The book yanked out off the shelf

and flew towards him. A quick sidestep to avoid it and the book bounced

off the wall behind him before falling to the floor, where the cover

flipped open.

'No curses or the like,' he thought. 'We're good, so far.'

More scans showed no other magics on the book other than a simple

preservation charm and a Book-plate charm that would have the book

return to the shelf if left out of it for more than twenty four hours. As the

Rightful Lord of the House he was able to strip that second one away. He

saw no harm in the first one remaining.

Picking it up with his off hand, just in case, he flipped through it. He

already had a very good idea what he was looking for. Now all he had to

do was find it.

Ten minutes later he was reading through the definition of a particular

curse, his smile slowly widening as he read.

'Counter-curse?' he thought. A quick check, 'Yes!'

He'd do a jig if he didn't think there just might be a curse waiting to go

off for 'dancing in the library'.

Snapping the book shut with his off hand, he dropped it into a left hand

pocket of his robes - one he'd already layered in protections - and made

his way to the floo.

Just before he left he checked to make sure the floo pot wasn't charmed -

it was - stripped the hex away and dashed some powder into the


"Tonks House," he firmly called.

When the flames turned green from a successful connection he checked

to make sure it, too, wasn't cursed - it wasn't - then put the residence into

lock-down again, with the lock-down timed to activate five seconds after

the floo shut off. And stepped into the flames.




24. Harry Discovers He's a Daft


Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to the proverbial Duchess of

Magic, JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high

falutin' companies. No matter how much I whine about not owning anything

related to the HP universe, other than a few fanfic plots, I do not profess to

own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful

world... Damn it!

Chapter Twenty Four - Harry Discovers He's a Daft Moron




The next morning's Daily Prophet carried as its lead story, 'Lord Potter

Thumbs Nose at Traditions'. And went on to say how an 'unidentified

informant' inside Hogwarts reported that the new Lord Potter stated he

would not be attending the traditional Yule Ball held for the Tri-Wizard

Tournament. A tradition that dated back over five hundred years.

After reading it, he passed it on to Hermione to read and said, "So,

Dumbledore's made his next play."

"Besides the obvious, what makes you think it's Dumbledore?" asked


"I haven't sent my letter to Headmistress Lady Marchbanks, yet; where I'll

be telling her I'm not attending," he replied. "Therefore, the only one

besides us and Sirius who know, is him. And he's the only one at


Wendell asked, "What about the aurors?"

"They wouldn't tell," said Hermione. "They know that, if they let slip

something like that, Harry'll get you to throw them out.

"Which means, they'll be stuck to guarding him outside... in the cold... in

the wet and snow... outside the property boundary."

She shook her head and added, "No, they won't risk that happening. The

comfort they get for being indoors is too good a perk to pass up."

"Dobby," Harry suddenly called.

When the little elf popped in he asked, "Yes, Master Harry?"

"Can you get me my communication mirror, please?"

"Right away, Master Harry." And he was gone again.

A moment later the mirror appeared on the table in front of him.

"Thank you, Dobby," he called into the air.

Picking it up he was about to call his godfather when he realised what

the time was. "Ummm..." he uttered. "I think I should wait for a bit. Sirius

is a late riser and there's not much he can do, at the moment, anyway."

Then changed his mind. "No. I should tell him before Ted leaves for work

for the day. He'll want Ted to get onto this, right away.


When the mirror cleared Sirius was already up. "I've read it," he

immediately said, before Harry even had a chance to let him know.

"Ted woke me and we've been discussing it."

"The plan?" he asked.

"Ted's going straight from here to his office to look up the relevant

wizarding law statutes, then heading over to the Prophet offices to, as he

puts it, 'ream 'em all a new one'," replied Sirius. "He'll be there within the


That made Harry feel all warm and fuzzy.

"Thank you, Sirius," he said. "And thank Ted for me, too. He has my

blessing to act as Law-wizard of Record for the House of Potter. If he

wants to he can tell them Lord Potter will forgive them if Cuffe and

Skeeter are either both publicly sacked with the reason printed in

tomorrow's paper, or a full and unequivocal retraction that does the


Sirius gave a bark of laughter and said, "He heard. He seems to be

relishing the legal 'bloody nose' he's about to give them."

After a quick look off to the side, Sirius barked with laughter again and

said, "Yeah, he is."




Not having to worry about the remarks in the Daily Prophet this time

around, Harry relegated it to the back of his mind. He knew he'd get

updated reports on what was being done either directly from Ted or from


That left him able to concentrate his thoughts on filling his stomach. The

potions seemed to be making his hunger worse. However, he realised it

was because his stomach was growing, whether normally or magically, to

allow him to take more food in.

As he shovelled more food into his mouth he thought, 'Is this what Ron is

always going through? No wonder no one can get his attention while he's


"How long do those potions have to run, Harry?" asked Monica, watching


"No idea," he replied, when next his mouth was empty. "But I hope the

hunger ones end soon. This is embarrassing, having to eat this much."

"Well, you're definitely filling out," she said. "You're also growing

upwards. Any idea how much taller you are now?"

"No," he replied between mouthfuls. "But, I know my father was about

five foot eleven and my mum was about five foot ten. I think I was about

five foot... four?... when I arrived here."

Hermione gave herself a nod and said, "Stand up, Harry" And rose to her

feet, herself.

When Harry immediately followed suit, breakfast be-damned, she stood

close and looked him in the eye.

With a frown she said, "Yeah, you'd have been about five four to five five.

I remember I slightly looked down to look you in the eyes. Now I have to

look slightly up. Soooo, I'd guess you'd now be about... five... eight?"

"Three plus inches already?" he asked. "You sure?"

"Edge of the door, dear," her mother said to her.

With a look of surprise, Hermione said, "Of course!" Then she grabbed

Harry by the arm and dragged him over to the door leading from the

dinette to the back hallway.

Pulling it shut a little she maneuvered him until he stood with his back to

the edge of the door. "Stand up straight," she ordered.

Harry did as he was told, placing the back of his head against the edge of

the door as he did.

Hermione took careful note of where he would come to on the frame and

said, "Alright, Harry. You can step away now."

As he did and turned around to look, he could see the edge of the door

had inch-separated marks on it. Hermione was holding her finger at a

point about a third of the way up between five foot eight and five foot


"Wow," he said. "That's well over three inches in... how long?"

"A little over five days," said Hermione. "Sunday morning would make it

a week."

Monica said, "At that estimation of your original height at that time, I'd

estimate you'd probably be at about five inches in a week. You're growing

like a weed!

"No wonder you're eating so much, the calories needed for the body to do

that sort of growth must be above the mid thousands. I think you need to

consider increasing your intake of soluble fats and unprocessed sugar."

"I'm already eating five meals a day and often coming back downstairs in

the early evening to make myself a snack!" he almost whined.

"Andromeda said if you're hungry, you're to eat," she firmly retorted. "So,

do so!"

Harry sighed and softly said, "Yes, Ma'a... err... Monica."

"Now, come back and finish your breakfast," she said. "And, if you're still

hungry, eat some more.

"And don't think I haven't noticed you've restocked the pantry, fridge and

freezer again," she scowled. "You don't need to do that."

"On that subject I must respectfully disagree," he firmly said back, sitting

down at the table again.

"Harry―" she tried.

"No, Monica," he just as firmly replied. "This is my contribution to the

efforts you and Wendell have gone to, to let me and my unwanted auror

followers into your home. Please don't fight me on this."

Her and Wendell exchanged some micro-expressions between them and

she turned back to Harry. "Fine. But I didn't expect you to do any of that

when we invited you."

"It's my contribution and, since you weren't expecting it, gift," he replied,

more relaxed.




In Hogwarts, Dumbledore was sitting at the staff table gleefully reading

through the article on the front page of the Prophet. Of course, that glee

was masked behind a look of concern he was projecting for others to see.

His problem was there was one person at the head table, that morning,

who knew that expression was a lie. And, after reading the article herself,

wasn't happy.

Leaning to look around Babbling and Sinistra, who were now sitting in

their respective Heads of House seats, she used her wand to hit

Dumbledore in the side with a very mild localised banishing charm. In

effect it was a rude 'poke', used when you wanted someone's attention

and weren't being polite about it. She had gotten very good at it when

she was still a professor, herself, and a student wasn't paying the

attention to her they should have at the time.

When he flicked his head around to stare at her in surprise, quickly

morphing into a frown, she crooked a finger at him in the recognisable

sign of 'Come here'; which was also considered impolite.

Rising and frowning even more at her behaviour, he approached her

behind the chairs. "Really, Griselda," he scolded.

Looking back she simply said, "As soon as you have finished your

breakfast, you are to go to my office and wait for me there. And it's

Headmistress Marchbanks to you... Al-bie!"

Shocked, Dumbledore was, for a moment, speechless. Finally, he said, "As

you wish." Before turning his back on her and returning to his breakfast."

'Albie?' he thought. 'She's never... Potter!'




A little over an hour later, Ted was striding up Diagon Alley on his way

to the offices of the Daily Prophet organisation. Not even hesitating he

walked in and straight up to the reception desk.

"Good morning," he said to the young witch behind the counter-desk.

"Please inform Mister Cuffe that Edward Tonks, Law-wizard, is here to

see him."

"Mister Cuffe is a busy man. You'll need to make an appointment," she

said, as if by rote.

She hadn't even looked at him.

"Inform Mister Cuffe he talks to me, or I go see the Board of Directors and

talk to them, instead," he shot back. "They, at least, will not refuse to

speak with me."

She finally looked directly at him for the first time, hesitated a moment

and said, "Please wait here." Without waiting for Ted to say anything

back, she rose from her chair and walked out through a door in the back

wall behind her desk.

Five minutes later, she was back. "Please follow me," she said in an

almost bored drawl.

Walking behind her through the door, she led him through and almost

directly up a flight of stairs. She then turned and walked through a set of

cubicles that were obviously for reporters, as some were there. He even

recognised some of them.

Finally, she came to an office at the front of the building that obviously

overlooked the Alley, knocked thrice and stepped through.

When it appeared she was going to close the door behind herself, he

neatly stepped through behind her and to the side.

He was in Cuffe's expansive office. The man was sitting behind his desk

trying to look important.

As soon as Tonks saw him he turned to the young witch and said, "Thank

you, you can leave." And just stared at her.

The witch stared back for a moment before turning to Cuffe. Though he

didn't see it, he knew Cuffe had silently dismissed her, too, as she turned

back to him, scowled and walk out. She quietly closed the door behind


Turning back to Cuffe, he then noticed Skeeter was also in the room

sitting in a chair off to the side. Her Quik-quotes quill primed and ready

to go.

He stared at her for half a moment with an Occlumency-flattened

expression and quietly snapped, "Get out."

Skeeter looked to Cuffe, who then said, "Now, Ted... I can call you Ted,

can't I? Miss Skeeter is―"

After first noticing him as stepped into the office, Ted hadn't turned his

attention to Cuffe at all. He continued to stare at Skeeter. Calmly, he

drew his wand and held it pointing out and away from his body. It was

that movement that suddenly shut Cuffe up.

Still staring at Skeeter, Ted said, "I said... get out."

That was enough for Skeeter. She snatched her lime green quill out of the

air and bolted for and out the door. Without the Quik-quotes quill magic

holding it in place, the parchment the quill was poised over fluttered to

the floor.

Now turning his eyes to Cuffe, Ted reached across and shut the door

closed Skeeter had left open in her haste to leave.

He then stood staring at Cuffe for a good ten seconds, waiting for the

man to appear to be on the verge of speaking.

As soon as he saw the man draw a breath and begin to open his mouth,

he quietly said, "You're an idiot."

"W-what?" spluttered Cuffe.

"Are you deaf as well as stupid?" he asked. "I said, you're an idiot."

"Now, see here!" spluttered the portly editor.

"You, you idiot, have upset not one, but two Lords of Noble and Most

Ancient Houses," said Ted, still using that flattened and soft voice. "You

have upset two of the Seven. One of them is also close friends with two of

the rest of the Seven. Four of seven makes a majority."

He then remained silent until it looked like Cuffe was going to speak

again and again jumped in first. "I've been doing some checking, Barny.

Those four, between them, own more than fifty percent of this


Pulling a set of documents out of an inside robe pocket, Ted looked down

at them for a moment and said, "Yes. More than fifty percent."

Cuffe was now pale and shaky.

"I also have here the written authorisation to decide what to do with

you," he quietly said. "What do you think I should do with you... Barny?"

Cuffe spluttered and seemed to come up with an idea. "I-I-I... claim

freedom of the press!" It was a bad one.

"How lovely," Ted sneered. "I counter it with freedom of the shareholders.

That is, the freedom of the shareholders to fire your arse. Got anything


"The information I received was rock solid!" he tried. "I have a

responsibility to the people of wizarding Britain to report―"

That Ted immediately barked a short, sneering, mocking laughter shut

the man up again.

"You have a responsibility to the people of wizarding Britain?" he

sneered. "Puh-lease... you know damned well I know that's a cauldron full

of shit. Your responsibility is to the shareholders; no one else. You know I

know that.

"As for your first point, your rock solid information? Your own... sorry...

my client's own newspaper, which you're the editor for... for the

moment... reported in-depth the crap, lies and manipulations Dumbledore

was doing. How you could sit there and tell me you're information is 'rock

solid', as you put it, when you know the man is a lying, manipulative old

toss-pot, is beyond me."

When Cuffe appeared he didn't know what to say next, Ted sneered,


Cuffe was frantically trying to come up with something that would get

him out of what was now clearly a mess and couldn't think of anything.

When he saw Cuffe sigh and deflate, Ted knew he had him.

Cuffe quietly said, "What do I need to do?"

Ted smirked and said, "Pull out a quill and parchment and takes notes of

what I'm about to tell you. Those notes will then form the basis of how

you're going to handle this to the satisfaction of your shareholders.

"If you do not do exactly what I'm about to tell you to do, I'm going to go

through every back copy of the Prophet until I find at least one hundred

people who would have the legal right to sue you and your journalists for

slander and libel. I'm sure it will not take me long to find one hundred

witches and wizards who could not afford to go after you and would now

relish the opportunity to do so.

"I will then represent them in a class action suit against you and each

individual journalist who was involved in writing those slanderous and

libellous remarks about them. You'll also notice I did not mention they

would be going after the Daily Prophet media organisation; just you and

your journalists.

"If I make that public, then Lord Potter will own the Daily Prophet media

organisation almost outright within hours," he all but snarled. "I cannot

see your other stockholders tolerating that. They will either dump the

stock in fear of the value dropping, fire your bum, or both.

"Lord Potter will then buy up all the shares, thereby gaining majority

shareholder-ship on his own, then he will fire your arse if it hasn't

already been fired. Then he will print the retraction.

"Either way, that retraction is going to be printed."

Cuffe stared back in not a little fear.

"The question you need to decide for yourself is... do you want to remain

Editor or not? And the only way for that to occur is for you to print the

retraction first."

"Now, are you ready to take notes?"

Shaking and trying hard not to, lest he cause his quill to leak ink all over

the parchment before him, Cuffe replied, "Y-yes."

"Good. First, you are going to print the retraction about your story that

slandered Lord Potter in this morning's paper. As part of that retraction

you are going to write you made assumptions based on the information

provided you from a manipulative, lying old man. You will not

specifically name him. After all, we don't want to see you sued for

slander by him, do we?"

"Second, you are..."

When Ted walked out twenty minutes later, he was internally smirking.

He never actually said he had the authorisation of the majority of

shareholders, just that the Houses were 'friends', which was true enough.

He also knew Harry and Sirius both would not hesitate to make a swift

move on purchasing any shares that hit the market because of the

information the Editor and journalists were going to be sued, got out. He

would even be the one getting it out.

'Oh, it's good to be me,' he thought. 'Hot and successful in her own right

wife, successful and powerful daughter already making her rise in the

auror corps, a successful business of my own that now has two of the

Seven as House clients with two more Noble and Ancient Houses as

clients as well. It's all good.'




Still not having been informed of the password to his old office,

Dumbledore was forced to wait for over ten minutes after he arrived at

the gargoyle before Marchbanks turned up, slowly hobbling along the

passageway towards him.

As soon as she was close enough, he asked, "Really, Griselda. Was it

absolutely necessary to force me to wait for quite so long?"

"Unless you have a cure for old age, Albus; yes," she snapped back. "I'm

not as spry as I used to be, you know."

Of course, Dumbledore knew that, no matter what he said in response to

that, he'd be on defence; so he wisely kept silent.

As the Headmistress, Marchbanks did not need to use the password to

gain entrance. She just looked at the gargoyle and it hopped aside for


When Dumbledore looked like he was going to stride forward and onto

the stairs, Marchbanks whacked him on the closest shin with her cane.

As Dumbledore reactively gave a yelp and jumped back, she firmly said,

"Ladies first, Albus."

Now wanting to hop on one foot and massage his shin where she'd struck

him, he suppressed that desire and scowled at her back as she began to

ascend. He followed her a few seconds later.

Once inside and behind her desk, she made Dumbledore stand before it

like a naughty school child while she settled herself.

Once ready she turned her attention to him and said, "I'm adding yet

another black mark to your record, Albus. Did you think me that stupid I

would not work out it was you who gave that report about Lord Potter

not choosing to attend the Yule Ball to the Prophet?"

"I'm sure I don't know what you mean," he indignantly shot back.

"Really," she drawled. "So you deny you both knew it was going to be

Lord Potter's intent not to attend, or that you are the so-called staff

member of Hogwarts who informed the Daily Prophet of this?"

"How the Daily Prophet find the information they do is no longer my

concern," he huffed.

"I notice you didn't deny either of those points, Albus," she said. "Try


"I will neither deny nor admit, Griselda," he snapped. "I am not on trial,


"Trial? No," she agreed. "You are, however, being asked by your employer

if you had any role to play in the Daily Prophet getting wind of Lord

Potter's desire not to attend the upcoming Yule Ball. The Yule Ball, I

might add, which will likely not be going ahead, anyway.

"And you are to address me directly as 'Headmistress Marchbanks' or

simply 'Headmistress'. I have not given you leave to address me as

anything else.

"Now, answer the question I put to you; do you deny you both knew it

was going to be Lord Potter's intent not to attend, or that you are the so-

called staff member of Hogwarts who informed the Daily Prophet of this?

"If you do not give me a direct answer to that question, then I will accept

it as being both you being blatantly disrespectful of senior authority and

a negative response in both cases."

Dumbledore stood there, frustrated. Eventually he replied, "No."

Marchbanks sat there staring back for a long moment before she said, "An

honest answer. Just so you know, Albus. I'm fully aware Lord Potter

informed you of his intent not to attend the Ball. I'm also fully aware

that, until that article appeared in this morning's Daily Prophet, no other

member of my staff was so aware other than myself.

"As I know I did not inform the Daily Prophet of Lord Potter's intent, that

left only you."

"As such, Albus, you have yet again brought disrepute onto this school.

As you know, that's one of the clauses by which I can terminate your

tenure. That's yet another entry for my file on you I can present to the

School Board to show why I have done so, when I do so.

"You are dismissed. Get out."

Dumbledore glared back for a moment before he spun about in fury and

stormed out.

This time Marchbanks almost, but not quite, slammed the door into his

back as he stormed through the doorway.

"Idiot," she muttered.




After breakfast and the Granger adults had left for the day, Harry had

just called Dobby to bring down the stack of House documents Ted had

delivered when Sirius mirror-called him. This morning, he had his mirror

on him when he came down for breakfast.

"Padfoot," he said to the mirror.

When it cleared Sirius immediately said, "You were right. I found it in the

Black library."

"Counter-curse?" Harry immediately asked back.

"Yep," grinned his godfather now waving the book in front of him.

"What about the two portkeys?" he asked.

"Being organised."

"Then all that's left to do is have them delivered and activated," said


Switching to a worried expression Sirius asked, "Are you sure you don't

want to wait until Longbottom inducts her brother into the Longbottom

Seat as Proxy?"

Harry thought about that for a moment and instead of making a decision

he asked, "Heard anything about when your trial is likely to be?"

"Yep. Tuesday morning immediately prior to the Wizengamot General

Meeting," he replied.

"In that case, we'll see if the goblins of Gringotts are willing to allow the

use of their time chamber for this," suggested Harry. "If they are, then

yes. I don't want that man in the Longbottom Seat for long if she

successfully gets him into it.

"Mind you, I don't think getting him into the Seat is her play."

"Why not?" asked Sirius.

"Because I think her play is to try to get him into the Seat and not

succeed," he replied. "I think she wants me to successfully block it, so she

can then claim she needs more time to find a better, more suitable


"The problem for her is, I know that's her play and I also want it to

succeed. That way she thinks she's won against me.

"Oh, and I'm going to have to let Madam Bones know I'll be taking my

Seat immediately after your trial for the beginning of the day; and why.

"'Uncle Algie' is going to find himself being arrested instead of inducted.

"Toss my god-brother off a bloody pier and drop him out a window, will

he? Let's see how he likes two charges of 'Attempted murder of an Heir

Apparent of a Noble and Most Ancient House' rammed down his throat."

"Ah!" said Sirius. "Now I understand why."

Harry nodded.

"If you're done?"

"Yep," he replied.

"Then let me talk to my magical ward," said Sirius.

Harry passed Hermione the mirror. Then, as she talked with Sirius, he

pulled parchment, ink and quills to himself.

'We need to replenish our stationery supplies,' he thought. 'We're getting

far too low. And isn't that a surprise, considering we'd be using a fair bit

in our classes at Hogwarts during this break if school was still on.'

He started to get to work on writing a letter to Madam Bones. That one

he'd have delivered by one of the aurors.




Procrastinating about the work of the House of Potter sent to him by Ted,

Harry then started to draft a letter to Neville. He needed to make sure

Neville thought he was being a friend and not just being a git by having

his 'Uncle Algie' arrested.

In the workout draft he laid out some paragraphs to use. One on why he

felt someone who would do what his 'Uncle Algie' did to him needs to

face justice for doing it. A second on how, no matter what happens, he

considered Neville his god-brother

~ # ~

I have some great news I wish to share with you. You're one of the very first

outside of the Potter and Granger households to be informed of this. Hermione

and I are now betrothed through a formal wizarding Betrothal Agreement.


If you're wondering why her parents, muggles, would go along with something

like this when the muggle world hasn't had such agreements for over two

hundred years, the next will put it into context.

Fundamentally, the BA was drafted to protect Hermione from harm. During

an examination by a Master Healer, it was discovered someone with white

hair had dosed her with a loyalty enhancement potion back in, by the looks of

it, our first year. It scared her when she found out and freaked her parents out

a bit.

The BA was drafted by my new Law-wizard of Record, Ted Tonks (you may

remember him as Lord Black's Law-wizard at his trial). To make it legal, Lord

Black first became Hermione's magical guardian with the blessing of her

parents. Then the BA was signed, with even Hermione's father co-signing it.

That way, no one can quibble over it.

Even though the BA was conceived to protect Hermione, I want you to be the

first of our friends to know that I've finally woken up and realised I love her

with all my heart. And she's now confessed she's loved me for even longer.

Damn, that's soppy - but it's true!

Next issue: You may find me soon doing some things you don't agree with,

Neville; or that might upset you. But I beg you to always keep in the forefront

of your mind, when you think I'm working against you, things are not always

as they seem.

If you haven't had a chance to yet, I want you to read the Potter-Longbottom

Alliance Charter. It lays out how the alliance Houses will aid each other. It

also states in what situations the other Houses are to provide that aid. It is

very important to what will soon be going on. It will help you to understand

what I'm doing is for you, not against you.

I know you're going to worry. And I'm deeply sorry for that. But our Houses

are greater than us as individuals and, therefore, I must do what I must.

You will understand within a few days. At first you may want to kill me -

however, I promise you with all my magic, by the end of it you won't.

~ # ~

After he finished that part of the body of the letter he'd send Neville, he

passed it on to Hermione to read. She had already disconnected her call

with Sirius.

"You know that's going to make him worry even more, don't you?" she


"Yeah," he sighed. "But I'm hopeful that the longer time of worry will

make the shorter time that's to come less stressful for him."

"Maybe," she said. "But your apology at the end of it better be long and

heartfelt. When do you plan to send it to him?"

"As soon as our plans are set and I have confirmation from the goblins,"

he replied. "But there's more I need to add, yet. I just don't know what."




The two finally moved on to the pile of documents from Ted and were

working through it right up to lunch. Of course, Harry stopped twice to

refill his growling stomach, each time Hermione heard it. He was

prepared to ignore it, but she wasn't.

"Eat, Harry," she urged him. "The sooner you're up to correct health, the

sooner you're through the potions and the sooner you won't have to

worry about them any more"

She then turned to the side a little and called for Dobby.

"Yes, Miss-tress Herm'nee?" he asked.

"Something for Harry to eat, please," she said. "Something he can hold in

his off hand to eat while he goes through the documents."

"Yes, Miss-tress Herm'nee," replied the eager little elf. "At once!"

"I could have made something myself, you know," he grumbled.

"Not without stopping going through these documents, you couldn't," she

retorted. "However, if it's a break you wanted, you don't need the excuse

of wanting to cook to take it."

A plate of quarter-cut sandwiches appeared next to his left hand. And a

second appeared next to her right.

"Looks like you're munching while reading, too," he smirked.

She just moved her plate closer to be between them and said, "Maybe."

As she expected, Harry wolfed his own down and eyed hers, which

weren't touched yet.

Smirking to herself, she said, "Go ahead, Harry. I didn't want them in the

first place, remember?"

That plate emptied quick-smart, too.




It was while he and Hermione were again taking a walk around the back

yard when Harry had his epiphany, as he later called it.

"Oh, for the love of Merlin!" he suddenly exclaimed, startling Hermione. "I

am such a twit!"

"Harry!" she suddenly exclaimed in shock at his own sudden exclamation.

When Harry spun to look at her, wondering what was wrong, she had a

hand lightly to her chest between her breasts.

"What?" he asked

"What do you mean, what?" she shot back. "You scared the life out me!"

"Oh!" he sheepishly replied. "Sorry."

"What was all that about?" she asked.

"Oh, yeah," he replied. "I've just realised I've been 'infected by the

wizarding daft moron virus'."


"The daft moron virus!" he repeated. "I've turned into a daft moron!"

With a snort leading the way, she asked, "Ohh-kay. What's led you to

believe that?"

He replied, "I've been thinking we need to ask the aurors to allow us to

go to Diagon Alley to buy some more stationery supplies."

"Yes?" she asked. "And?"

"We don't need to go, if that's all we're going for!" he explained, throwing

his hands up. "House elves can be sent to buy that sort of thing for you!"

"Oh," she said, understanding. Then she grinned. Then she began to


"It's not funny!" he declared. "I'm infected!"

That just made her laugh even harder. And made him sulk a bit.

"Harry," she patiently said. "I didn't think of that, either."

That made him feel better but not happier. "I just didn't see it," he


"When we get back inside you can send Dobby to Diagon Alley as soon as

you want. However..."

"However?" he asked, starting to lead the two of them back to the back of

the house.

"How about we make a list of things for Dobby to buy us before you send

him," she explained. "I'm sure there's more than just 'stationery' for him to


"Yeah, and that's the other problem," he grumbled as they reached the

back door.

As he held it open for her, she asked, "What's that?"

Stepping in after her and closing the door, he replied, "Think of how

those in the wizarding world buy their groceries. Do you remember

seeing a grocery store in the Alley?"

"Errr... no," she replied, stopping to turn to him with a confused


"Exactly!" he exclaimed. "There isn't one there!"

Going back upstairs to the main floor and into the kitchen, he called,


The little elf popped in and asked, "Yes, Master Harry?"

"Dobby, when you were with the Malfoy's, did you do the food


"Yes, Master Harry," he replied. "That was beings one of Dobby's works he

shared with Peggy."

"How do you do it?" he asked. "I mean, where do you go to buy food?"

"There beings a muggle shop being run by squibbies," replied Dobby. "All

elveses go there."

"So, if I was to give you a shopping list," he asked. "You'd be able to fill it

by buying what I've listed?"

"Yes, Master Harry," replied the elf. "Does this mean Master Harry is

going to be lettings Dobby doing shopping work now?"

"Most of it, yeah," he sighed.

Dobby grinned excitedly back.

"I'll have a list for you within the next few days," he almost morosely


"Yes, Master Harry!" exclaimed Dobby, before he popped away again.

Hermione was now sitting back at the dinette, turned away from him.

But, she wasn't fooling him for one moment. The shaking of her shoulders

meant only one thing. She was laughing at him and trying not to show it.

"I am a daft moron!" he firmly declared to the world - well, at least the

kitchen. "However, I shall not embrace it! I shall overcome it, by doing

better. I shall strive to rid myself of this infection with all my heart and

mental... acuity. And I shall succeed!"

Her tinkling gay laughter did nothing to make him feel any better.




During an afternoon tea break, Sirius called Harry.

Because Harry was stuffing his face yet again, Hermione had to answer

the call.

Sirius took one look at his godson, hurrying to clear his mouth of food,

and laughed.

As he swallowed, Harry scowled. "Stop it. You know I can't help it."

"I know, Pup," replied Sirius. "But, that doesn't mean I can't laugh about

it, does it."

Hermione leaned in and said, "Harry's grown about three to four inches

taller in the past few days!"

Unsurprised, Sirius gave a nod and said, "By my estimation he's got some

more growing to do yet, kiddo."

Hermione grinned and nodded. "Any reason you decided to mirror call

us?" she asked.

"Yeah," he returned. "Harry?"

As Hermione angled the mirror better for him, Harry was quickly trying

to swallow another mouthful.

"Don't swallow on my account!" declared his godfather, before laughing a

little again.

Harry scowled back.

"Listen," said Sirius. "The goblins have agreed to the use of their time

dilation chamber. However, they need to go no later than the early hours

of tomorrow morning for it to have a reasonable chance of being done on

time for Tuesday morning. Recovery time is needed."

"Shhhhhyte!" he muttered. He thought for a few moments, reached a

decision and said, "Alright. Do it."

Sirius then went on to define what terms the Goblins wanted for use of

the chamber, plus the secrecy oaths they insisted be a part of that. The

price was a 'biggy', but not financial. It related to a boon Gringotts owed

the House of Potter.

"Understood," said Harry. "And, I agree to the terms."

When Sirius nodded back, he continued, "I need to get one letter off to

Neville and want the goblins to take a letter into the chamber with them

for me.

"So, I've now got some writing to do. I'll send both letters via Hedwig, as

soon as I can today. I'll have her go to you first, before flying on to

Longbottom Hall."

"Sounds like a plan," agreed Sirius. "I think this is actually going to work."

"Once you found that curse and counter-curse I'd figured, right then, this

was going work. It was just how we were going to go about accomplishing

it that was the major variable.

"All that's mainly left to do for the rest of us is watch it happen."




Straight after the mirror call and finishing his 'snack', Harry pushed all

the Potter documents to the other end of the table and out of the way.

Then brought across his draft of text for the letter to Neville. That had to

be completed, as did the second one.

The two of them added what they could to 'help' Neville through what

was about to happen. But, couldn't flat out tell him because they all knew

his grandmother would immediately step in and block it.

He was about to ask Hermione to rewrite it so all the crossed out and

moved sections were rectified when he realised he had to write it because

it had to be in his hand.

He had her make a start on writing up paragraphs for the second letter

on one sheet, while he wrote paragraphs of another section on another


Having a bit of a brainwave, he called, "Dobby."

"Yes, Master Harry?"

"Do I own, or do you know where I can buy, a Dicta-quill?" he asked.

"Dobby be goings to check Potter vaults," declared the elf before it

popped away.

Even though both teens were 'antsy' about the success of Harry's plan that

began its practical component that night. Once it was decided to go

ahead, Harry began to calm down while Hermione's worry ratcheted up.

"Hermione," he tried, when he saw her worrying at her bottom lip with

her teeth.

"Hunh?" she asked.

"The decision is made," he said. "I know you're worried, but the time for

worry is now past. I'm as confident as I can be that this will succeed."

With a pop, Dobby returned. "There be no Dicta-quills in Potter vaults,

Master Harry," replied the elf. "But Dobby be knowings where he can

borrow one."

His expression turning into a smirk, Harry asked, "And do the current

owners know you'll be borrowing one?"

"Theys will not be knowings Dobby be borrowings one if Dobby can gets

it back to thems today," replied the elf, confidently.

Giving a snort of amusement, Harry said, "Fair enough. However, I don't

want to borrow it, just yet... Actually, yes; go get it."

"Harry?" asked Hermione.

"I'll dictate the main body of the letter, the history, as a statement,

Hermione," he replied. "That way I can get it done in time. Otherwise, I

don't think I can tell them everything they need to know before the time

chamber activates."

"What do you consider everything they need to know?" she asked.

"Everything I know about what's going on," he firmly replied. "I will not

keep anything from them."

When Dobby popped back a short while later, because of recent

experience in watching one set up and used, Harry quickly had it set up

and working.

With a nod of satisfaction, he erected a muffling charm about himself and

the quill, closed his eyes to get his thoughts in order and began to firmly

speak. It took almost two hours and he ended up with over sixteen feet of

Dicta-quill filled parchment.

Somewhere along the line, Dobby had kept him supplied with tea. But his

throat was still a little hoarse by the end of it.

Stopping the quill he turned to Hermione and asked, "How'd your part


Sliding over what she'd done, Harry realised she'd decided to write the

letter as a separate document to the statement Harry made. The

statement would then be an 'attachment' to the letter.

With a nod and a smile back he said, "Good idea."

Folding both into envelopes and writing just the addressee's name on

both, Hermione called, "Dobby."

"Yes, Miss-tress Herm'nee?"

Holding both letters out to him, she asked, "Can you please deliver both

these to Lord Black at the Tonkses Home?"

"Yes, Mistress Herm'nee," he replied with a short bob, taking the letter

and popping away.

Turning to Harry she said, "As you said, faster than an owl. And there's a

certain level of urgency for this."




Because he was busy dictating his message, Harry didn't have time to

cook dinner that night as 'cheffy' as he wanted. So, in the end, he just

went for fast and tasty - Fish 'n' Chips - always a good British staple

because it was quick and easy to prepare.

However, he did dress it up quite a bit with Dobby's help. This 'Fish 'n'

Chips' for chips included normal potato, sweet potato and carrot sticks.

And the fish included sole, squid rings, onion rings, little chunks of

octopus and crab sticks; all battered. Adding to that went a light tossed

salad, a vinaigrette for the salad and home-made tartare sauce for the


Dessert was a simple bread and butter pudding.




As dinner wound down Monica asked the two what they 'got up to'

during the day.

"Well," said Hermione, with a slight smirk on her lips. "We spent quite a

bit of it going through the Potter family documents; which we're now

more than halfway through."

With her smirk widening, she added, "And Harry determined just after

lunch that he has been, as he puts it..."

Harry groaned and hung his head.

"... 'Infected with the wizarding daft moron virus'!" And laughed.

Watching her daughter laugh as Harry hung his head in apparent shame,

Monica smirked and asked, "And what led him to believe that?"

"Because I completely forgot about something in the wizarding world that

is as obvious as the sun rises in the east," replied Harry, as Hermione

continued to chuckle.

With a sigh he explained, "The wizarding world needs groceries, right?"

With a confused frown, Monica nodded back.

"Therefore, there has to be a shop to buy them from, right?"


"However, there is not a grocery shop, or any similar shop, in Diagon



"So, how do wizards and witches buy groceries?"

"Those with house elves send the house elves to do the shopping," replied

one of the aurors. "Those without use a mail order system. For urgent

needs, there's a small store in Godric's Hollow that accepts both

wizarding and muggle currency."

"Uh-huh," said Harry. "I didn't know about the second part, but I did

realise about the first only today. That was my 'daft moron' realisation


"Instead of having to go and do the grocery shopping myself, having to

convert wizarding currency to muggle currency ahead of time just to

shop, I... finally figured out I could have had Dobby doing the shopping

for me using wizarding currency."

Wendell gave a snort of amusement but otherwise kept quiet.

"According to Dobby, there is a large grocery store run by squibs where

the elves can do the shopping on behalf of their masters and mistresses. It

just never occurred to me that was the likely answer; when it should

have, because I know damned well there is no way someone like Narcissa

Malfoy, for instance, would be caught dead in a grocery store."

That had the table laughing or chuckling away.

Chuckling, Wendell said, "Well, it's good to know the Great Harry Potter,

Sir, is as mortal as the rest of us."

Harry just groaned as the table laughed.

"That's a good thing to now know anyway, Harry," said Hermione.

"Hunh?" he asked.

"What do you think is going to be the reaction when someone like Lucius

Malfoy finds out the food they eat is bought from squibs?" she asked.

"And that it's the same food eaten by 'dirty' muggles?"

That surprised the table. Harry gawped at her. "Hermione! That's evil!"

"That's something I'll fire back at Malfoy the younger if he ever gets

snotty with me again," she smirked.

"Ouch!" he exclaimed with glee. "I wonder if Hogwarts buys their food

from the same store, or even one very similar."




25. The Snatch and Immediate


Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to the proverbial Duchess of

Magic, JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high

falutin' companies. No matter how much I whine about not owning anything

related to the HP universe, other than a few fanfic plots, I do not profess to

own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful

world... Damn it!

Chapter Twenty Five - The Snatch & Immediate Fallout




During the early hours of Saturday morning, 12th of December, a team of

six beings entered the Janus Thickey Ward, Ward 49, inside Saint

Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies. They were all so thoroughly

disillusioned they didn't even leave behind a ripple of air, the most

common method by which the disillusioned were spotted, as they

traversed the corridors of the hospital through to entering the ward.

Once inside the ward the patients, except two, were subjected to a

Somnulus sleeping charm that put them into a deeper sleep.

While two were accomplishing that task, two more were searching for

and temporarily disabling monitoring charms without alerting whom

those charms were connected to. Once done, they set about erecting a

privacy field over the entire ward. Again, this was temporary.

With those done, both of the second two dropped their disillusionments,

which had the rest drop theirs.

It was now clear the group of six was made up of four goblins and two


Both wizards moved to the beds containing the parents of Neville

Longbottom, Frank and Alice Longbottom. Both immediately scanned

both adult Longbottoms, getting readings appearing as wisps of magic in

the air over the reposed patients.

Once complete both glanced at each other with one nodding to the other.

The second withdrew a sheet of parchment from his matt black robes,

read over it for a moment and drew his wand. He was the one standing

between the beds of the two over the form of Frank Longbottom, believed

to be the most harmed of the two.

Another last check of the parchment and he began to cast. It didn't take


As the wand movements finished and the incantation was correctly

muttered, a soft sickly purple glow appeared to cover the rightful Lord of

Longbottom from head to toe. When it sank into his skin both wizards

waited and watched.

After a long few seconds, Frank opened his eyes and croaked out the first

sound to exit his lips in almost fourteen years. "Whhaa...?"

With a firm nod, the wizard who'd just cast the charm, counter curse, on

Frank then turned and cast the same one on the wife, Alice.

As the same sickly purple colour sunk into her form, her response was

almost immediate. "N-nn-nnn-eeh-vvv-lll"

With the two almost matching satisfied smirks the second of the two, the

one who did not cast the charms, stepped forward and placed a small

copper disk, one each, onto the chests of both Longbottoms, as the other

turned to the goblins standing nearby and said only one word, "Success."

The senior most goblin immediately said, "We proceed as planned."

That had all four goblins immediately come forward.

The two who had used magic to bypass the monitoring wards

immediately set up a powerful Notice-Me-Not field around both beds

keyed to all those who were not of their group of six. The other two split

to one each and placed a gnarled hand onto an arm of a Longbottom.

Then the final two did the same on the other side of each patient.

And, finally, the two wizards stood at the foot of each bed and grabbed

hold of an ankle.

"Activate!" one of the goblins firmly stated.

And just like that, all eight suddenly disappeared from the ward, together

with both beds.

Because the monitoring charms had been temporarily bypassed, the

activation of a portkey within one of the wards of the hospital was not

noticed. No alarm sounded or alert went out.




Waiting in the restricted portkey receiving area of Gringotts deep inside

the bank, Sirius was pacing back and forth in worry. The four goblins

standing with him were watching him in amusement. Two of them were

holding a portable stretcher each. To a goblin, a worried wizard was

hilarious to watch.

Knowing not to enter the large circle in the middle of the room, Sirius

was on about his ninth circle of it when there was soft gong sound. A

moment later, there appeared a bright flash and the feeling of displaced


As Sirius quickly stepped back and out of the way, he was elated to see

that the counter-curse had obviously worked. If it had not, the four

goblins and two wizards would have returned without the two


The two Longbottoms were immediately levitated off the beds and the

two beds were portkeyed away, back to the hospital. The two with the

stretchers then paired up with one of the others without and manoeuvred

them into place below each patient.

He had been told the two portkeys to return the beds were made from a

single short white thread of cotton each. They wouldn't be noticeable

when it was discovered the Longbottoms were no longer in the beds in

their wards.

The temporary bypasses back at the ward all faded away less that five

minutes later as if they were never there.

With the beds out of the way, and the patients now lowered onto the

stretchers, Sirius stepped forward again to check on each of them. Once

he was sure for himself both were okay, he handed the letter Harry had

given him to give to the Longbottoms to one of the healers and said, "This

is a letter for them. It is to be given to them when at least one of them is

conscious enough to read and understand it."

The healer nodded and said, "It will be done. Now, if you'll excuse me, I

need to get these two into the time dilation chamber."

With that, both wizard Healers, six of the eight goblins and both still

barely conscious Longbottoms were hustled out of the room.

One of the two goblins remaining said to Sirius. "Time for you to leave."

And handed him another small portkey.

Sirius took it and disappeared from the room a moment later.

The other goblin remaining looked to his 'partner' and said, "Stupid


"That's an oxymoron," said the first.

They both laughed as they made their own way out of the room.




Harry had taken his mirror to bed with him and had it next to his pillow.

He didn't think he'd be able to sleep until he heard back from Sirius, but

he fell asleep anyway.

When the mirror stated to insistently vibrate, though, he was instantly


Grabbing the mirror in his hand and quickly sitting up, he turned on his

bedside lamp and whispered, "Padfoot."

A moment later Sirius appeared in the mirror and quietly said, "Both the

counter curse and snatch and grab were a success. Both are barely

conscious and nowhere near lucid yet. But, both are now with the

Gringotts healers and under time dilation."

Harry breathed a sigh of relief, before he firmly whispered, "Yes!"

After speaking with Sirius to get a few more details out of him, including

that Sirius had given his letter for Frank and Alice to the healers going in,

when Sirius had a little bit more important news to give him.

"I've also been informed that written messages can also be passed in to

them through some contraption they've got," he said. "I think it might be

based on what's known as a Vanishing Cabinet, but it only goes one way.

"That means messages can be passed in to them but they can't pass

messages back. At least it's something."

"Good to know," said Harry. "I have a feeling I'll now be sending through

a couple of messages each day to keep them up to date on what's

happening out here in real time."

"My thoughts, too," said Sirius.

Once the call ended, Harry softly called Dobby and had him deliver a

pre-written message to Hermione.

~ # ~


Both parts successful. Both now in Gringotts.

Cry havoc! And let slip the dogs of war.


~ # ~

He thought she'd appreciate the Shakespearean reference.




Augusta Longbottom was sound asleep in her bed soon after dawn broke

when one of the Hall's house elves woke her.

"Mmm? Yes?" she asked.

"Mistress 'Gusta," said the elf. "There beings someones from Saint Mungy's

wizard hospital in floo. They says it be urgent."

Frowning and starting to rise, she asked, "Did they say what it's about?"

"Only that it bees urgent," replied the elf.

Frowning, she continued to rise and said, "Thank you, Fluxy. Please let

them know I'll be down in a moment."

"Yes, Mistress," the elf replied before popping away.

Getting up and pulling a long housecoat over her bedclothes, Longbottom

slipped her feet into her house slippers and made her way downstairs.

When she arrived in the welcoming hall it was to see the floo still active

and a face within it.

"What is this about that's so urgent for you to contact me when the sun

has barely risen into the sky?" she snapped.

"Madam Longbottom," replied the female face. "On a routine bed-check of

the wards at first light, this morning, it was discovered that your son and

daughter-in-bond were not in their beds. A quick check of the ward,

followed by a more extensive check of the hospital, has determined that

they are no longer within Saint Mungo's.

"They have, without even tripping any of the wards or alarms,

disappeared. It is Saint Mungo's policy to―"

"Enough!" she snapped. "I've heard enough. I'll be there within the half

hour. If you have not found out any more information than they have

'disappeared', heads are going to roll!"

With a flick of her wand she rudely terminated the call, causing the

young lady at the other then to be ejected from her end of the floo call.

Careless of that, she quickly strode from the room and hurried up to her

dressing room.

In her haste to dress and leave for the hospital she never even thought of

her grandson, sleeping in his own room further along the wing from her

own room.




At Hogwarts, Dumbledore was early for breakfast because he'd forgotten

it was a Saturday. His intention was to arrive 'in his glory' and stride to

his place at the head table. He did so love to make an entrance.

However, with the late start for breakfast on Saturdays, he arrived almost

right at the start and was one of the first to arrive. And, now that he was

there, he couldn't very well leave and come back later. That would be far

too obvious. So sit to eat, he did.

When the owls came in for the morning mail bomb, what few owls there

were of course, his copy of that morning's Daily Prophet was almost

dropped into his half-finished bowl of bran cereal.

Wondering what sort of letter's the Prophet received in anger at Potter's

withdrawal from the Ball, he almost missed the main story on the front

page. He only stopped to look at it because of the name in the headline;

'Heartfelt Apology to Lord Potter'.

"What?" he muttered, quickly flipping back to the main page and reading

the article.

As he read he was at first in disbelief, then accepting shock, then into

anger before finally hitting rage.

"Blasted, buggering bastard!' he thought of Cuffe. 'The man's flat-out

back-stabbed me!

'How... the hell... am I supposed to regain everything I've lost, when

everything I do is turned back on me! Potter is just not this smart! This

has to be agents working behind him, goading him on!'




Harry was just glad it was a later start that morning than it was for the

previous four. He'd have missed breakfast with the Grangers if it wasn't.

Getting down at a little after 8.30am he only just beat Hermione down.

"Sleep well?" ask Monica, as she almost always did first thing in the


"Yes, thank you," he replied, as Hermione walked in.

"Morning, princess," her father said while reading the Prophet.

That's when Harry noticed his own copy of the Daily Prophet was sitting,

folded and ready, in his usual place.

"Hedwig let you take her delivery?" asked Harry.

"Yes, she was quite polite about it," replied Monica. "She always is when

she deals with me."

"It's just you and, sometimes, me she has problems with, Harry," said

Hermione, just before she had to smother a yawn.

Picking it up as Dobby deposited a large breakfast in his place setting, he

saw that the retraction was printed right as the lead story. That surprised

him. He expected it buried somewhere back within the 'section' news on

tips of 'new' household charms for the harried home, the latest gnome

repellent or doxie infestation killer.

That it was the lead story meant Ted must've really scared Cuffe witless.

As expected, the story was both an apology to Harry for 'being led astray

by a manipulative, lying old man they once respected' (Dumbledore) and

not 'properly verifying the information provided by their sources before

going to print'.

However, it now left him in a bit of pickle. If he still didn't go to the Ball

then the information would have been correct. However, he really had no

desire, as he'd written in his letter to Dumbledore, to be anywhere near


When he voiced his concerns to Hermione, it was Wendell who'd come

up with the solution.

"Write a letter to the Daily Prophet and inform them that, since they'd

already pilloried you in their supposedly great publication for not

attending the Ball when you didn't even know if the Ball was still going

to be on or not, you decided to go ahead and make alternative plans," he

suggested. "After all, if you were already in hot water for something

you'd not yet done, why not be in hot water for actually doing it?"

Monica then added, "Then thank them for making the decision so much

easier for you."

Harry gave a snort of amusement and said, "You two are evil. But... I love





At the same time, but days later under time dilation, Frank and Alice

Longbottom were now awake and at least reasonably conscious. And both

were still terribly weak. Both were lying in modern hospital beds that

were only far enough apart for one reasonably slender person to walk

between them. And both were now reclining propped up in their beds

with thick pillows used to hold them up.

When a Healer in Gringotts healer robes walked in, Frank immediately

asked in a croaking voice, "Where are we? What's going on?"

"Good morning," the Healer replied. Placing a small potion vial on each

of their bed tables next to their hands, he replied, "That's a calming

potion. If either of you feel yourselves getting upset, you are to

immediately take it. We don't want you undoing the repair work we've

been putting you through to get your health back up."

"Enough of the Healer-speak," said Frank. "Answer the bloody questions!"

After first giving Frank the 'You're being a naughty boy' look, the Healer

replied, "You are currently in a time dilation chamber inside Gringotts,

London. You have been in a curse-induced near comatose state for a very

long time. You feel as poorly as you do now because of that.

"You were brought here under orders from Lord Harrison Potter, using

his authority for providing aid to a member House of the Potter-

Longbottom Alliance for one House to provide aid to another,

approximately four to five hours ago in real time.

In case that surprises you, Lord Potter attained his majority at the age of


"Fourteen?" exclaimed Alice. "Lord Potter... You mean little Harry?"

"Yes, Ma'am," he replied. "Lord Harrison Potter. Because of inaction

directed towards you being healed by the Regent of the House of

Longbottom, Dowager Lady Augusta Longbottom, Lord Potter had you

quietly and secretly taken from Saint Mungo's and brought here. Because

of her inaction to date, she was not informed.

"You had been in the Janus Thickey Ward of Saint Mungo's for over

thirteen years. In that time, other than keeping you comfortable, nothing

worthwhile had been done to rectify your condition. Lord Potter, once he

attained his majority only a few months ago, stepped in and quietly made

arrangements. We had you cured of the curse within minutes. And have

been bringing you slowly back to full health since then.

"Under time dilation it has been just over two days. Outside, it has been a

tad over four hours. Time dilation is running at twelve to one. For every

twelve days in here, one day will pass outside. The set time for the time

dilation is three days, or seventy two hours. In that time we will have

attained thirty-six days dilated.

"In that time we will be bringing you both back to full health so that,

when you leave here, you'll be able to walk out on your feet and fit for

what you will face. Someone will be waiting for you when you exit at the

end of that time to see to your immediate needs.

"You are both to take the calming potion now, please," he said.

Both Longbottoms were visibly agitated. And both realised they were, so

took the potions.

Once the healer saw it was taking effect, he then handed Frank the large

thick envelope he had in his hand.

"I'm led to believe this is a letter from Lord Potter, where he explains to

you what is going on and why he has taken the action he has," said the

healer. "I'll leave you to go through it and be back in about thirty minutes

with your breakfasts."

As he watched the man walk back out of the small room they were in,

Frank broke the seal on the envelope and slid the parchment within out.

Carefully, he began to read the top page.

"Thirteen years, Frank?" asked Alice. "Thirteen Years?"

"I know, Alice," he replied. "I'm hoping this letter will give us the answers

to that. It's certainly thick enough."




At Saint Mungo's, Augusta Longbottom was currently in the Director of

Hospital's office tearing verbal strips off the man.

"I don't care for your excuses!" she screamed, red in the face. "My son is

supposed to be in your care! He and his wife! It is your responsibility to

keep him... them... safe! I bloody well pay you enough to do so!"

The three-quarter frazzled man sat behind his desk with his wand out and

held below the bottom edge of his desk - just in case. "Madam

Longbottom," he tried, "As I've assured you over and over again, we are

doing everything we can and could do to find out what happened.

"The aurors are currently going over every inch of the ward and

surrounding areas to find out how it is your son and daughter-in-bond

could have disappeared from a secure ward.

"My staff and I are not forensic investigators. That is why we immediately

called in the DMLE. We believe your son and daughter-in-bond were

taken by person or persons unknown―"

"Of course they bloody were, you stupid twit!" she yelled. "What? You

expect anyone to believe they could have suddenly been cured and

decided to sneak out?

"Ward 42 is supposed to be the second most secure ward you have here!

Everyone knows only the DMLE dangerous prisoner ward is more secure!

And yet, through your incompetence, you still allowed someone to come in

and kidnap my son!

"He's One of the Seven. That means, in case it hasn't occurred to your pea-

sized brain or it's just leaked out your ears, whoever took him and his

wife is looking towards a very quick trip through the Veil! And so will

whoever aided them, in whatever capacity!"

"There is no need for threats or name calling, Madam Longbottom," he

firmly replied. "I have been patient with you until now because I

understand how upsetting this is―"

"Upsetting? Upsetting?" she screamed. "I'm absolutely bloody terrified for

my son and his wife and furious this even happened in the first place.

Upset passed by an hour ago!"

He quietly sighed. It was going to be a very, very long day.




At Longbottom Hall, Neville was getting worried. He'd come down early

to breakfast and knew to wait to say good morning to his grandmother

before he headed out to the greenhouses that morning. He knew that if

he didn't, he'd receive a bollocking from her.

However, when she didn't turn up, he asked the 'inside' house elf, Fluxy,

to go check on her.

The little elf immediately replied, "Mistress 'Gusta not be ins the Hall,

Master Neville. Mistress 'Gusta be out."

"She went out?" he asked, surprised. "When?"

"Mistress 'Gusta be leaving bouts halfway 'tween sun up and brekky,"

replied the elf.

Frowning, Neville quickly calculated and realised she'd been gone since

just before he rose.

"Did she say where she was going?" he asked.

"No, Master Neville," replied the elf.

Wondering whether to wait or head out to the greenhouses to occupy

himself, that's when a dark-feathered Spotted Eagle Owl came swooping

in. The Merlin bedamned thing look vicious, but it acted placid enough.

It even held its leg out for him.

Neville was quick to free it of its load and even passed it a slice of bacon

and an owl treat to see if it preferred one over the other. It turned its

nose up at the owl treat but willingly plucked the bacon out of his fingers

before flying out again.

As soon as he watched the owl fly out he turned his attention to the

letter. He recognised the handwriting on it, immediately.

'Harry,' he thought. Muttering to himself he said, "I wonder why he's now

got another owl. Maybe its Hermione's."

Quickly opening it he began to read. Breakfast was done and his

grandmother wasn't there, so she couldn't tell him off for reading at the


Like Harry's last, it was a long one.

'Betrothal Agreement?' he thought. 'Someone with white hair, eh? How

not to be subtle, Harry-style... Ted Tonks? Yeah, I remember him... 'Bout

time you figured it out, Harry... The Charter? I'll have to remember

where... What the bloody Hell?...

'Okay, if Harry's writing to me about not getting worried, he must know I

immediately would about something... so, what's going on?'

Neville sat there and tried to think it through, as Harry told him to do

before they left Hogwarts.

'"If you're having trouble with that, write it down," he'd said. "When you

can see the problem with your eyes, sometimes it helps you see the


"Fluxy!" he called.

"Yes, Master Neville?"

"Can you bring me parchment, quill and ink, please?"

"Yes, Master Neville," replied the elf.

A few moments later, the required writing material was on the table next

to where his plate was, which disappeared at the same time.

Bringing it before him he began to write in short sentences, laying out his


When he finished he had a fair idea what to do.

"Fluxy," he called.

"Yes, Master Neville?"

"Do you know where my grandmother is right now?" he asked.

"Yes, Master Neville," she replied. "Mistress 'Gusta be at Saint Mungy's

hospital. She be seeing hospital big-man in his office on top floor."

"Is she hurt or injured in any way?"

"No, Master Neville. She just beings really, really angry."

'Right,' he thought. 'Harry was right. Now, why was she angry with

someone at the hospital?'

Rising he muttered, "Time to go read the Charter and what it says about

aiding a House. Maybe the answer is there."

As he strode from the dining room and determinedly headed for the Hall

office, he thought, 'You're being overly circumspect in telling me what's

going on, Harry, but providing me clues. That's not like you and I need to

know why.'




At Gringotts, Frank continued to read the letter Harry sent him as he ate

his breakfast.

The covering letter was only that; a letter that just hoped he was doing

well and referred to the 'attached'. He was reading that 'attached' now.

He wasn't the only one. As he'd read each sheet he'd passed it over to

Alice, who then read it for herself.

They were only partway through the 'history lesson' when they had to

take a break. They were put through an hour of in-bed physical therapy,

then given a series of questions to answer about their own backgrounds

to check their memories, more physical therapy and finally they could

get back to Harry's letter before dinner.

"I can't believe this," said Alice. "Dumbledore put Harry with the Dursleys.

With the Dursleys, Frank!"

"I know," he replied, still reading. "I read it before you, remember?"

"But, why would Dumbledore do such a thing?" she plaintively asked.

"An even better question is, why would Mum allow it?" he asked right





"I can't keep this from them, Harry," said Hermione. "I just can't."

After setting up the Christmas decorations on the upper ground floor,

that morning, the two were now sitting outside on the play-set 'jungle

gym' Hermione once had a great deal of pleasure playing on when she

was a little girl. For many years now, though, it remained unused - until

today. The two were sitting on side by side swings, just rocking back and


"Hermione, you know there are things that my House is going to be

involved in you cannot tell anyone. And by 'cannot' I mean just that; not

that you're not permitted," he explained. "This is a project of the House of

Potter and the House of Black working in an unofficial alliance. If you

tried to tell anyone you would just choke on your own words. If you tried

to push through it, you risk losing your magic."

"Then I need you to tell them," she firmly said. "I never thought I'd be

required to keep something like this from my own parents. I feel kind of

evil, Harry. I feel like a criminal."

Harry sighed and said, "Alright. We'll go tell them. But they need to

know, first, that there's a specific document, the alliance Charter, that not

only allows me to do this, it pretty much requires me to do this."

Hermione's obvious relief told Harry he needed to do this. However it

also told him he could not involve her in something like this again. At

least, not until she'd shown she'd be more comfortable with it.

When they returned indoors Hermione asked her parents to come sit with

them in the dinette, that they had something to tell them. As soon as they

sat, Harry threw up a privacy charm so any listening aurors would not

hear what was said.

He then called Dobby, had him bring him his copy of the alliance Charter

and make teas for them all.

Once ready he indicated the book and told the Granger parents what it

was and that he couldn't open it in their presence without the approval of

all other alliance charter members.

"Then why ask Dobby to bring it?" asked Wendell, a little confused.

"So that you're aware of its existence," he replied. "Now, this is what

Hermione feels you need to know..."

He told them about the section within the Charter that requires all

members of the alliance to provide succour to all other alliance members

in certain circumstances. He explained how the other of the two named

Houses, Longbottom, had at that time a warhorse matriarch of a Regent

because the rightful Lord and Lady of the House were incapacitated.

He then went on to explain how it was his duty and responsibility, as per

the Charter, to step in and act in the best interests of the House of

Longbottom, whether the Regent of the House wanted it or not.

"My responsibility is to the House by way of its Lord," he explained. "Not

its Regent. Plus, after a long time considering the issue - years - I've come

to firmly believe that the Regent, the current Lord's mother, has been

deliberately not trying to find ways to cure her son and daughter-in-bond;

but, especially, her son.

"I believe she quite likes the idea of being the Head of one of the Seven

and doesn't want to let go. It's a big step up from her House of birth, the

Rosiers - who are only an Ancient House."

"So you believe she's deliberately keeping the Lord of the House in

hospital and untreated so she can remain in charge?" asked Monica.


"Isn't there anything you can do?" asked Wendell.

"There is and I've done it," he replied.

That's when he explained exactly what had happened the previous night.

He also explained how the Healers sent from Gringotts had the Lord and

Lady awake, but barely, within moments. And how, once they knew they

could be healed, they were snuck out of the Hospital and into Gringotts's

own in secrecy.

"You kidnapped them," frowned Wendell.

"No," he firmly replied. "As I said earlier, the Charter not only tells me I

should act, it directs me to actually act. If I did not also firmly believe the

Regent would not try to block me, I would have just had the healers heal

them in situ and left things alone. But, I'm also responsible for the safety

of the House, which is why they were removed from that location to a

secure treatment centre."

Wendell sat back, thought a moment and asked, "And this was completely


"Absolutely," he replied. "However, Madam Longbottom is going to go

spare when she discovers it was me who did it."

"How will she know?" asked Monica.

"Because, I'm also going to make sure she knows it was me," he replied.

"Well, it would be better to state I'm going to make sure her grandson,

my friend, knows it was me and that his parents are safe."

"That's a big risk," said Wendell. "She might try to kill you."

"No, but she will try everything else," he disagreed. "Having me arrested,

having me censured by the Wizengamot, reporting to the Daily Prophet

I've kidnapped her son and daughter-in-bond, that sort of thing. She will

try everything in her power to force me to hand them back over to her.

"The problem for her, though, is it won't work. Besides me being legally

in the right in this, where they are now is under a lock-down that will

not release until the early hours of Tuesday morning. They're under time

dilation. Which means, after seventy-two hours of outside time - three

days - thirty six days are going to pass inside the chamber. When they

come out they're going to be healthy, hearty and hale.

"Then, if I'm right and I believe I am, Augusta Reeves Longbottom née

Rosier is going to have to face the wrath of her Lord. She will be brought

to task for all the things she has done in the name of the House of

Longbottom that weren't in the best interests of the House of

Longbottom, after all."

"Does this endanger my daughter?" he asked.

"No, not at all," he easily replied. "No pureblood, which Augusta

Longbottom is, would ever think of interfering in a Betrothal. Even during

the height of war, that was a definite no-go area for all."




After the previous day's 'up', today was a 'down' day for Ron Weasley.

Yesterday's Daily Prophet had Harry Bloody Potter being torn apart by the

newspaper. Today, they were all on their knees begging his forgiveness

and blaming some old white haired git for telling them lies.

"Hey, Mum?" he asked. "In the Prophet, where it says some manipulative

old white haired git told them lies about Potter, who do you think they

were talking about?"

"They were talking about Albus Dumbledore, Ron," she replied, not even

looking up where she was cooking extra bacon. "I would have thought

that would be obvious."

"And it's Lord Potter, Ron," said Arthur. "The young man has attained his

Lordship now. You have no right to just call him 'Potter'."

As Ron sat there moping, the hand associated with his name on the clock

clicked back to 'In Danger'. This time with a loud 'Dong!' sound. The hand

had been charmed so the adult Weasleys would know if it moved to point

to the wrong spot on the clock.

His mother spun on the spot and screeched, "RONALD BILIUS WEASLEY!"

Ronald, half-terrified, stared back in fear and his clock hand immediately

moved back to 'At Home' with a 'Ding!'

"Ron," sighed his father. "If you don't get that jealousy, resulting anger

and foolish determination to open your mouth and say what you shouldn't

under control by Christmas, you're going to your Aunt Muriel's the very next

day. Am I clear?"

"Yes, Dad," he mumbled.

"Louder, son!"

"Yes, Dad," he quickly and more clearly stated.

"If paddling your behind until it is redder than your hair won't fix it,

maybe your Aunt Muriel will be able to."




After figuring out his grandmother was upset about something relating to

his parents, Neville had been hanging either about or in the welcoming

hall of the Hall, waiting for her to get home.

When she finally arrived back, after having been away for almost two

hours, Neville was just walking back into the hall.

Standing just inside the doorway, he waited for her to clear herself of

soot before he quietly said, "Grandmother."

Turning on him, Neville could see she was still angry and, yes, even a

little frightened. That expression suddenly disappeared. "Neville," she

said. "Good morning."

'Wow; those Occlumency barriers went up fast,' he thought.

"How were things at... ummm... well, how about that?" he quietly said. "I

don't know, because you never actually told anyone where you were

going. Actually, you never told anyone you were going anywhere at all."

Snapping her head to stare at him, she snapped, "Don't take that tone

with me, young man."

"You left here without telling anyone, especially me, you were even going

out," said Neville. "You just disappeared. Not a word, not a note, not even

giving the house elves a clue as to your destination, why you'd be there

or when you were likely to return.

"I'm not the one who needs to apologise for their tone, grandmother. I

was moments away from contacting the DMLE and reporting you a

missing person. And I'd have been right to do so."

Augusta tried to glare her grandson down, but failed. Since he'd acquired

his own wand and found out it was her intransigence about him using his

father's wand was almost completely the reason behind his poor showing

at school for the first three years, he had started showing a lot more

backbone. She knew he knew she failed him miserably in that.

She sighed and more quietly said, "You're right, Neville. I should have at

least let Fluxy know to let you know where I was going, so you wouldn't

worry when you rose."

He gave a nod and walked further into the room. "You're worried and

angry about something, what's going on?" he asked.

"Come into the office, Neville," she said. "I have news." And strode past

him, heading for said office.




At the Grangers, Wendell walked into the dinette, where the two teens

were yet again, and said, "Come on; we're going out for the day."

"Where?" Hermione immediately asked.

"It's a surprise," he said. "Dress warm, though. Jeans, jumpers and jackets;

that sort of thing. I need to go let the aurors know."

As Wendell walked back out the two quickly packed up what they were

working on and set it aside, making sure to cap the ink bottle so as not to

let it dry out.

Once the dinette was tidied, the two quickly made their way upstairs to

change - Hermione was, at that time, wearing a skirt and thick stockings.




An hour later, Neville was out in his greenhouses. Working with the

plants had also allowed him to focus and think. And that's what he now

needed to do.

As he began re-potting a series of seedlings he was cultivating, he was

thinking. 'Is this what you were trying to hint at, Harry?' he thought. 'Did

you have something to do with the disappearance of my parents?'

The only thing his grandmother could tell him was that they were both

alive and, apparently, well. Before coming home she had gone to

Gringotts and confirmed their stones were still glowing. So, whoever took

them, was caring for them.

'That hint to read the section in the Charter about providing aid to the

other alliance houses certainly pointed to it. But, to what end? Did Harry

know how to cure them and didn't want his grandmother to interfere?

Did he fear for their lives if he just told Saint Mungo's how to do it?

Maybe he did it because he didn't believe Saint Mungo's would believe he

knew how to do it.'




The surprise for Harry and Hermione was a day at an amusement park in

the southern London outer 'suburbs'.

It hadn't taken Wendell and Monica long to work out Harry had never

been to one. And, even though the weather was chilly, the park had

remained open an extra couple of weeks longer than anticipated due to

the unseasonably warm weather.

This was the last weekend it would be open before closing until March,

so the Granger parents took the opportunity while it was there.

Taking both cars due to the aurors, Harry was in a car with Monica and

two of the aurors on their detail, today. Hermione was in the other car

with her father and the third auror.

It wasn't until they were on the road and off that Harry looked about and

realised he was the lone male in a care with three females. And he had a

right to be concerned.

Almost as soon as they hit the road, not even reaching the end of the

street on which the Grangers lived, Monica asked, "So, Harry; what else

did you and Hermione do besides 'write letters and go through Potter

family documents' all week?"

"Nothing improper, if that's what you're hinting at," he immediately and

comfortably returned. "No hands wandered where they shouldn't have, or

anything like that.

"I know it might sound all fuddy-duddy, but the both of us just don't... I

mean, we're not looking for an excuse to find a broom cupboard or the

equivalent. The odd kiss, holding hands occasionally, that's what we're

comfortable with."

"That wasn't what I was getting at, Harry," she wryly returned. "But,

thank you for saying so."

In a lighter voice she said, "I was simply asking to ensure the two of you

did not just do the equivalent of office work for the entire week. You're

on break. You should be making the most of it."

"Sorry," he sheepishly returned. "I guess we're both aware that, at this

moment, we should be at Hogwarts, attending classes and studying. So,

yes, we have been spending a lot of time doing office work, as you put it.

But, we've also taken a couple of walks outside, weather permitting."

"You should be making use of the break," she said. "Besides going to the

shops to do a grocery run, have you been far out of the house?"

"No," he sighed. "The idea of having... the aurors with us - and neither of

us having much in the way of close friends, besides ourselves - there's

really been no desire to go and visit anyone."

"Well, Wendell and I would like it if you found somewhere occasionally

to go while we're at work. Are you sure you can't contact some of your

school friends and pay them a visit?"

Harry thought about it for a while before he said, "I really should pay a

visit to some of the Heirs of the alliance. There's Susan Bones, Daphne

Greengrass, Tracey Davis, Hannah Abbott and Neville Longbottom on

that list. Plus we should, maybe, visit the Weasleys; but that is dependant

on how Ron's going to behave himself while we're there.

"We also need to let them all know that Hermione and I are now

betrothed. I was just holding off because of... what's going on leading up

to the Wizengamot meeting on Tuesday morning."




The day at the amusement park was, as far as Harry was concerned,


While he was not afraid of heights due to his playing Quidditch, the idea

of being flung about in a roller-coaster where he had absolutely no

control of the movement was a little thrilling - and deafening. Hermione

had one hell of a set of lungs on her and could reach quite the high note

when she screamed.

He much preferred the more leisurely rides, where they could cuddle

against one another. Of course, when one of the aurors smirked at them

while they were doing it, they used the excuse they only did so because it

was cold. It was also clear the auror didn't believe that for one moment.

The 'fast food', though, he felt he could have done without. It felt like he

was eating almost ninety percent fat and oil. It did not sit well in his

stomach and he was glad to have found somewhere that sold fresh fruit.

That apple had done a lot to settle his stomach again.

While the day had turned out overcast, it did not rain. So they did not

have to experience that bane of the amusement park day. And finally

decided to head back to Wimbledon when the light was starting to get a

little too dim.

As they arrived home too late for Harry to cook, Dobby cooked dinner

that day.




The two Longbottoms had been under time dilation now for seven days

of dilated time. They were both up and walking around and had been

allowed to explore the small set of rooms that made up the chamber.

However, they were both still far too weak to remain out of bed, or at

least sitting, for too long. Both also had modern recliner chairs, so they

could feel like they were out of bed when they needed to rest.

Their hospital beds had since been transfigured into a single standard

queen-sized double but, at nearly hip height, was still a bit high for their

liking. However, at least it meant they were sleeping together again. For

the first time in thirteen years they could lie together and cuddle.

While they had been taking their potions and doing their exercises they

were now much more focussed on regaining their health than they might

have otherwise been. Since reading Harry's letter the two, once both got

their anger under control, had almost both living in a state of perpetual

simmering rage ever since - and not aimed at Harry, either.

No. There were many targets of their rage: Severus Snape, for his

treatment of their son in Hogwarts; Albus Dumbledore, for what he put

everyone through; Augusta, for her treatment of their son almost since the

day she'd become his guardian; Algernon 'Uncle Algie' Rosier, for trying

to kill their son twice; Sirius Black, somewhat, for doing something so

damned stupid as to get himself arrested and tossed into Azkaban;

Minerva McGonagall, for proving to be a failure as Head of House and

protecting their son from Snape; the other alliance members, for failing

to uphold the Charter; Remus Lupin, for not being there for Harry when

he should have been; and the Wizengamot, in general, for failing to do its


They both knew what an incredible gift they'd been given by the young

Potter Lord, Harry, and the incredible cost this time dilation chamber

must be costing him and Black. They knew enough to know what costs

were likely to be involved.




After dinner, knowing the Longbottoms would now be up and about and

wanting news, Harry and Hermione wrote them a letter.

~ # ~

Lord Franklin and Lady Alice Longbottom,

By now you should be up and somewhat about. At the rate of approximately

two hours 'outside' for every day 'inside', we estimate just over a week has

gone by for the two of you. For us, it's been barely fourteen hours. It's now

early evening on the same day I, Harry, organised for you to be taken from

Saint Mungo's.

So far, word has not gone public that you've disappeared from the hospital.

However, I've no doubt both Augusta and Neville would know by now. My

heart aches that he will currently be in a state of high anxiety over your

disappearance. And I'm truly sorry he has to go through that for the next

couple of days.

I also don't know if he'll ever forgive me for doing this, but I know him getting

his parents back hale and healthy makes it all worth it for me, for us. If, at the

end of this, you believe the alliance should be terminated or the Charter

rewritten, the House of Potter understands and will support you.

Though I know by now you've read the rather large 'report' I sent you as

background of what's been going on in the wizarding world since you've been

otherwise indisposed, I think this time I'll tell you more about your son from

the point of view of a friend who shared a Gryffindor boys' dorm with him for

the past three plus years. And Hermione will be adding points, too.

The first time I met your son was when this young nearly twelve year old

muggleborn girl flung open the door of my compartment on the Hogwarts

Express on 1st September, 1991. She was helping another 'little firstie' look for

his missing pet toad, Trevor.

It was actually he who introduced me to Hermione, the girl, because she had

forgotten to introduce herself. (Ouch! She just smacked me on the arm!) So, in

a way, Heir Longbottom introduced Heir Potter to his later-to-be betrothed.

Once we got to the castle and while we were in the antechamber waiting to be

taken into the Great Hall for the Sorting by McGonagall, as an aside Neville

said to me he felt extremely lucky he even got invited to attend the school.

Even back then it was very clear the boy grew up believing he was little better

than a squib; his own House and relatives had been demoralising the boy that

much. He even said he'd be very happy to even be chosen to be a 'Puff. And

believed he had no chance to be a Gryffindor.

Imagine his surprise when, very soon after the Hat was placed on his head, the

Hat called out, "Gryffindor!" He was so surprised and pleased he immediately

dashed to the Gryffindor table before McGonagall had a chance to pluck the

Hat off his head first.

Thinking back to that night, I like to think I had a hand in Neville ending up in

the House of the Lions because, back in that antechamber when he said he

didn't feel he was brave enough to go into Gryffindor, I said something along

the lines of, "You're eleven, Neville. Just how brave do you think however or

whoever does the sorting thinks you need to be?" I know it made him think

about that.

After I convinced the Hat to put me in Gryffindor, too, we became dorm-

mates. We even sleep in beds next to each other.

One thing to know about Neville is that he, like me, is a 'neat freak'. His and

my combined area in the dorm is a clean oasis in a sea of teenage boy mess.

It's another thing we have in common.

By the end of the first week it became very apparent Neville is a prodigy when

it comes to Herbology. To Hermione's unearned sometime chagrin it is one of

the few subjects she is consistently beaten for top marks. Neville absolutely

whoops her bum in it! (Ouch! I just got unfairly whacked on the arm again.)

She claims their unofficial competition in the subject helps them both.

I know that Professor Sprout has had her eye on directing Neville towards a

Mastery in Herbology. And I've not interfered with that, because I know it's

Neville's dream, too. The joy on his face when he's working 'up to the elbows'

in manure, re-potting or whatever, is heart-warming. Fair warning: I would be

quite upset with you both if you were thinking about trying to steer him away

from the subject.

However, while Neville is a prodigy at Herbology, when it comes to Potions

he's his own worst enemy. I know that sounds odd, in that both Herbology and

Potions should be quite integrally linked, but it's true. And the reason is

obvious to anyone who saw the two together in the same classroom for more

than about five seconds - Severus Snape.

Neville is going to need to start learning about Potions right from the

beginning. Severus Snape's constant belittling and harassment of him has led

Neville to be terrified of the subject. He has often been hurt by failing and or

exploding potions. So he needs to be gotten over that before the real teaching

of him of the subject of Potions can begin.

If Snape had not been such a bastard, or McGonagall had done her job of

protecting her 'cubs', the situation would not have evolved into the mess it

currently is. It is for that reason I recommend Neville receive personal tutoring

in the subject. Actually, I think we should both have personal tutoring in the

subject. Neville was not the only target of Snape's vindictiveness.


Hermione and I send you our love and support. Please use this time to get your

health, strength and magical abilities back up. When you come out, there's a

lot of work that'll be waiting for you both. The first of which, of course, is to

hug your son on Tuesday morning.

Lord Harrison and Lady Presumptive Hermione

~ # ~

When both agreed the letter was done, Harry called to Dobby to deliver it

to the time chamber via the goblins.

"They must be going spare!" sighed Hermione.

"I know," replied Harry. "It doesn't change the fact, though, that this is


"That letter is going to both relieve them of some of their worry, and

anger them quite a bit," she said.

"I know," he replied. "However, in their robes, I think I'd rather know

than not."

"Agreed," she sighed.

After checking the clock she declared, "It's late. Time for bed."




26. Neville Gets Smart

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to the proverbial Duchess of

Magic, JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high

falutin' companies. No matter how much I whine about not owning anything

related to the HP universe, other than a few fanfic plots, I do not profess to

own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful

world... Damn it!

Chapter Twenty Six - Neville Gets Smart




Upon waking on the morning of their tenth day under time dilation,

Frank and Alice had only just moved to their 'recliners' when one of their

two Healers, the physiotherapist one, walked in with a smile on his face.

"You've received mail," he said.

Receiving the letter, Frank glanced at it and said to Alice, "It's from the

young Lord Potter - Harry. This was obviously sent on the evening of the

first full day outside; so, don't expect much."

Frank quickly opened the letter to find 'don't expect much' was wrong. It

might not have been anywhere near as long as the previous letter, which

gave them a background on everything relevant that had happened since

they'd been attacked, but it was long enough.

As he started to read he said to Alice, "He's timed it at fourteen hours

after we were taken from Saint Mungo's. At least, that was the time when

he started to write.

"Looking at the length I'd say it took him... and Hermione... about

another one to two hours - half a day to a full day of time in here."

Alice patiently waited for him to read the single sheet letter by browsing

through old copies of the Daily Prophet that had been brought in with

them. A full month's worth had been brought in.

She read with her attention only partially on the Prophet article she was

trying, and failing, to read and recall. Her real attention was actually on

her husband's facial reactions to what he was reading. Pride, anger, joy,

consternation, amusement all flittered across his face. He even chuckled a

few times.

When he'd finished he sat back with a look of concerned relief on his face

before he then passed the letter to his wife.

"He's given us a long background on his friendship and interaction with

Neville," he said, handing the letter over. "Plus, much more."

Without a word, Alice eagerly accepted the letter and began to read.

When she finished, she set the letter down on the low table between their


"Frank?" she asked.

"Yes, dear?"

"Young Harry is to get anything he wants - forever," she firmly stated.

"Yes, dear," said Frank, still reviewing the letter in his mind and in full


"As for your mother..." she almost snarled, spitting out the last word.

"We will be going with the young Lord Potter's plan," he firmly returned.

"He deserves our support in that. And mother deserves the... very loud and

verbal public spanking she's receives from me, with it."

"Good," Alice firmly, almost viciously, agreed. "Then, when we get her

back to the Hall, she gets another one from me."




Though Harry now knew Dobby had somehow tagged him with an elvish

monitoring charm he couldn't locate or dispel, he still tried to beat the

little elf down to cook breakfast. He quickly and quietly dressed, not even

bothering with a shower first, before racing as silently as he could down

to the kitchen.

He hadn't beaten him yet, but considered the challenge of doing so not

yet ended. He also knew Dobby, though he wouldn't say anything,

thought it hilarious.

He was greeted by a smirking house elf, who stood in the middle of the

kitchen floor with its arms crossed looking up at him while holding a pair

of kitchen tongs. He heard the sound of sizzling bacon, smelled waffles

being cooked and saw a pot containing scrambled eggs on the stove,

among others.

When he sighed, that smirk on the elf turned into a mischievous grin.

He took a quick trip around the various dishes being prepared, checking

them - even the tea was currently steeping - and turned a resigned pout

on his elf. "Fiiiine," he sulked.

Not saying a word and not altering his expression one whit, Dobby just

pointed with the pair of tongs towards the dinette.

As Harry walked out past the counter he said, "I could always fire you,

you know!"

He and Dobby both knew the threat was an empty one. And Harry never

threatened 'clothes'.




Harry had been about to sit at the small table before he decided that,

since his plan didn't work, he'd go and have a shower now. He knew

Dobby would simply put everything under stasis until everyone was

ready for breakfast.

What he didn't know was that Dobby decided to go ahead and pop food

down to the aurors in the servants' quarters. He'd been doing it since the

first day, anyway.

All the aurors knew that, if they had a shift at the Grangers that occurred

across the breakfast period, they'd get a 'Dobby' breakfast. Now none of

them ate before starting their (early) morning shift. Even those going off-

shift got a breakfast before they left. The same also happened at lunch.

And the lucky ones got a 'Potter' dinner if they were on the evening shift.

Unknown to the Grangers, their servants' quarters had become something

of the place to be if you were a member of the Potter Protection Detail,

as it was now known.

Unbeknownst to the core of the PPD the common room in the 'Quarters',

as it was known in auror-speak, was also becoming known to the 'higher-

ups' in the DMLE. Rumours, by their nature, have a chance to get around.

The PPD were bragging to their fellows and their fellows were grumbling

about it.




As they were sitting for breakfast, all four 'official' residents were just

finishing when Monica asked, "What are everyone's plans for the day?"

"A lazy one," Wendell immediately replied.

Hermione said, "I don't have any." Then turned to Harry and asked,

"What about you?"

Harry shrugged and replied, "I like Wendell's idea."

"No working on Potter House documents?" she asked.

"Nope," he replied. "All work and no play..."

Hermione looked at the dinette window and suggested, "It looks to be a

fine day, outside. We could go for a walk?"

Monica suggested, "What you two probably don't know is that Sunday

trading restrictions have been significantly lifted as of this year. Almost

everywhere, bar a few small privately-owned stores, now open from ten

'til four in Wimbledon Town Centre and twelve 'til six in London."

Hermione perked right up. "Really?" she excitedly asked.

Monica smirked and replied, "Really."

Hermione immediately swivelled to stare at Harry with a pleading


He took one look at the expression on his girlfriend's face and knew he'd

already lost. "Fiiiine," he sighed.

"Yes!" she exclaimed, before jumping forward to kiss him on the cheek.

It said something for their developing relationship that Harry didn't blush

to the roots of his hair when she did that. His cheeks only coloured a


Hermione wasn't watching Harry's reaction, though. She was watching

her father's. And he didn't even blink at seeing his daughter kissing her

boyfriend on the cheek.

Monica noticed though. She covered her smirk by taking a sip of her tea.

"I want to be at the Town Centre as the stores open, Harry," declared

Hermione. "We need to see about getting you some new clothes."

When Harry gave a pained look and was about to protest, she verbally

rode over the top and said, "Don't go giving me that look, Harrison James

Potter. Those pants we only just bought for you are already too tight in

the waist. And you're starting to show ankle and wrists outside of the


With a sigh he said, "Fiiiiine. But... we'll only be getting a few items. And

only long pants and shirts. I'm just going to have to get even those

replaced within a week or two, if that."

She nodded and said, "Plus a couple of jumpers and a coat. I can live with

that... for now."

As Harry looked a little dejected, she turned her attention to her mother.

"Wanna come with?"

"No, dear," she replied. "I'm sure you can handle it."




When the Weekend Daily Prophets were delivered the lead story was the

disappearance of the Longbottoms from the Janus Thickey Ward at Saint


The story had broken.

"The shops open at ten, right?" he asked Hermione.

"Yes," replied Monica. Hermione was focussed on reading the article 'over'

Harry's shoulder.

"Then I need to write a letter to Neville before we go," he stated. "There's


As soon as breakfast was done and the dishes banished away by Dobby,

the Granger adults moved off to do what they wanted to do, while the

two teens collected their stationery supplies. This time, Harry pulled his

out, rather than Hermione always pulling hers out.

He quickly had a letter written for Neville.

~ # ~


Hermione and I have read the article in this morning's Prophet. We both hope

you're doing alright and coping.

The article states they were taken from their beds and no one else was hurt.

That implies whoever did this had no intention of hurting anyone - otherwise

they would not have gone to the trouble of taking such precautions as they

clearly must have done.

As your parents were taken and not harmed where they lay, also indicates

there is no intention to hurt or harm them. I mean, really, why take them if

the intention was to harm?

That, itself, is good news.

To ensure yourself they are okay, my suggestion is to sight their life-stones in

Gringotts. It will let you know so you do not need to worry as much as you

likely are now.

I've already lost my parents. Therefore, I really cannot comment on what sort

of fear that will lead a person to. However, Hermione tells me that it would be

a nightmare she does not wish to contemplate.

If their life-stones still glow you must hold to the hope they will soon be

returned to you safe and sound in the very near future. I can see no other



'Sometimes, when it is the most darkest, a line appears to guide the way.'

~ # ~

Hermione read it and asked, "You're not adding my name?"

"No," he replied. "I don't want you involved in any of this other than me

referring to you in passing. At the moment you are the Lady Presumptive

of the House of Potter. You are not a full member of a member House.

And, therefore, you are not fully protected by the Charter.

"I do not wish to give Rosier any avenue by which she can take a shot at

me. And that includes her trying to use going after you as a way to get


When he saw she wasn't going to argue, he called, "Dobby."




Neville hadn't slept well, the previous night. He worried about his

parents and he worried Harry had something to do with it.

That morning he and 'Gran' had a quiet breakfast, each lost in their

thoughts. Neither ate that much as their stomachs were churning with


When she finished her own breakfast, Augusta rose and muttered, "I'm

going to the hospital and, from there, to the DMLE. Stay out of trouble."

And left without another word or waiting for her grandson to respond.

About five minutes after she left and just as he was thinking of going out

to greenhouses to work to calm himself, a house elf he recognised as

belonging to Harry popped in.

It asked, "Mister Neville, Sir?"

Neville frowned in curiosity at it before he replied, "Yes. You're Harry's

elf, aren't you?"

"I be Dobby," replied Dobby. "Dobby beings honoured to work for the

Great Master Harry Potter, Sir; as his personal elf."

"Why are you here?" asked Neville.

Dobby pulled the envelope Harry had given him to deliver out of a

hidden pocket of his pillowcase and offered it. "Master Harry be askings

Dobby to be delivering letter to Mister Neville."

A little surprised, Neville accepted the letter and said, "Thank you."

Dobby popped away again without another word.

Quickly checking the envelope over, he noticed it was addressed to him

in the scrawl Harry referred to as his handwriting whenever he was

quickly writing anything.

Undoing the flap, he quickly unfolded the letter and read it.

By the time he was finished he was full of different emotions. He was

grateful Harry had seen fit to write him and figured out using a house elf

to deliver the letter got the letter to the recipient almost instantly. Clever,

that. And he could see the wisdom of checking the life-stones - which his

grandmother had already told him she'd done. He also appreciated his

logic of them not being hurt where they lay implied the intent was not to

hurt them at all. So, something else was going on.

However, the last line of the letter, below the signature, confused him.

Harry was not one, as far as he knew, to write such... wishy-washy...


"Sometimes, when it is the most darkest, a line appears to guide the way,"

he muttered in confusion. "What, in Merlin's name, does that mean?"

After a long few moments, he still couldn't figure it out.

With a sigh, he muttered, "I need to go work on something in the


He got up and strode from the room, the letter still in his hand. As he

walked outside, he stopped to fold it and slipped it into his robes before

continuing on.




Harry was thankful that shopping wasn't anywhere the exhausting

experience it was when he first arrived at the Grangers. True to her word,

Hermione only made him purchase a couple of new pairs of jeans, three

long-sleeved shirts, a jumper, a windcheater and a coat.

On the walk back, she said, "We'll have to let the aurors also know you'll

need to be going into Diagon Alley tomorrow to be fitted for new robes

and other wizarding wear."

"Whaaat?" he exclaimed.

"You have court on Tuesday morning, Harry," she replied. "You don't

want to be turning up to represent your godfather in robes that show

ankles and wrists, do you?"

Harry sighed and quietly replied, "No."

"Good," she firmly said. "I didn't want to have to argue with you about

this. You'd have lost, anyway."

"Damn it," he grumbled.

Once he'd got home he mirror-called his godfather and told him the

injustice his betrothed had put him through and was going to put him

through again the next day in Diagon.

Sirius had no sympathy for him. Instead, he was all for it.

"Tell her I'll be stopping by after breakfast," he said. "We'll go into Diagon

Alley, together. You're not the only one who needs to buy new robes. I've

been on similar potions, remember?"

"What are you, part girl?" Harry exclaimed in shock. "It's clothes shopping,


"I'm aware, Pup," his godfather chuckled. "She's also right. The clothes

maketh the man, Harry. Your mother told me that, once. She was just as

right. I used to pick up more birds when I was dressed as a proper Heir

than in jeans, open-collared shirt and motorcycle jacket - my preferred

attire of choice.

"If you don't dress like the proper Lord you want everyone to believe you

are, the Members aren't going to take you seriously."

"Damn it!" his godson grumbled.




Wanting to relax for a bit after the 'ordeal' of clothes shopping. Harry

grabbed his bookbag from where it was currently hanging from the back

of one of the dinette chairs from earlier that morning and pulled out

parchment, ink and quill.

With them on the table he was quickly into yet another letter to Frank

and Alice.

~ # ~

Frank and Alice,

Well, the story's broken. It was in this morning's Daily Prophet. You two made

the main story on the front page. Congrats!

Secondly, it's now been about sixteen days for you two. By the time you get

this you should have reached eighteen days. Congrats for that, too. You're

halfway through.

Now that I know the story's broken I was able to send a letter to Neville. To

get it there faster, I used what I term 'house elf express'. In other words, I gave

it to a house elf to deliver. That way it got there in a matter of seconds, rather

than hours. Why use owls?

To help him not panic so much, I reminded him you both have life-stones in

Gringotts and that he should go check them. I also spoke about how, if

'whoever' took you wanted to do you harm, they'd have just harmed you where

you lay. After all, it's not as if you could defend yourselves at the time. Why

take you unless 'their' intent was to keep you alive?

I know it's going to make him stop and think. It's what I've been constantly

quietly encouraging him to do since First Year and actively encouraging him to

do since the First Task of the Tri-Wiz and we were all still at the school. Don't

just accept things at face value. Think about it, first; really think about it.

Neville might not be a Slytherin. He might not want to think strategically or

connivingly. But, as I told him back at school, he's 'supposed' to become the

Lord of his House and take Seat on the Wizengamot in less than three years. If

he didn't start to learn to do that - to look for hidden meaning and agendas -

they were going to, as the saying goes, 'eat him alive'.

I know he's taken that to heart. So I also know he's going to have read what I

wrote and be worrying at it like a dog with a bone, because some of it is not

written how I would normally write. And he's going to wonder why.

If I'm right, he's going to figure it out either late tonight (our time) or

tomorrow morning at the latest. He's going to figure out I had something to do

with your disappearance.

Then he's going to have to face a dilemma. That dilemma is whether or not to

tell his 'Gran'.

He might not know which way he'll decide, but I do. He will show her the

letter and explain to her how he 'figured' out I'm partly responsible for you

going missing. I know he'll do this because, even with our friendship, he has a

strong sense of both family honour and respect for those in authority.

But, that's okay. He'll be right to tell her.

Then Augusta, the Slytherin she is, is going to 'figure out' I took you to stop her

putting 'Uncle Algie' in the Longbottom Seat as Proxy. She's going to believe

I'm holding you hostage somewhere. I want that misdirection.

Augusta's problem is, while that might be the sort of thing a Slytherin would

do, it's not the sort of thing a Potter would do. As I said in my first letter to

you, I might have supposed to have gone into Slytherin, but there was a reason

the Hat allowed me to go into Gryffindor. I'm more a 'front you full on' sort of

guy, than to do something so mean and dirty.

In reality, I want Neville to figure it out. I want him to know that, even with

his Slytherin grandmother with her decades of political shenanigans under her

belt, he discovered the truth first. And I also don't want him to worry about

you any more than he has to. If it saves him even one day of worry, it's worth

it. He knows I would never harm you.

I was going to use her trying to install Algernon into the Seat to 'out' the

mongrel as having already tried, twice, to kill your son. But, I've now had

longer to think about it and believe you would want that dubious honour for

yourselves. I think it would hold more weight if you were to go after him as

Lord Longbottom in defence of your Heir Apparent, than me as someone who

is obviously in conflict with the supposed Regent of your House.

I'll leave the choice of whether or not the man faces justice for what he did, to

you. I strongly feel you have the greater right and I will abide by your


Work hard, you two. Get fit and get ready. When you come out during the

early hours of the morning on Tuesday, there will be only a few hours until

Sirius's trial before the Wizengamot. That's going to be fun - not for the

members, but for everyone else who'll be watching.

Right after that is the general meeting of the Wizengamot, when I believe

Augusta's going to try to install Algernon.

That's when I think you should make your move.


Oh, and Hermione sends her regards.

~ # ~

While he'd been writing, Dobby delivered to him yet more quarter-cut

sandwiches. He hadn't even noticed he'd been eating them until he

reached for one and realised the plate was empty.

Hermione, who had been reading his letter over his shoulder as he was

writing the last two short paragraphs, smirked at him and whispered in

his ear, "Want more sandwiches, Harry?"

He frowned, grumbled a little under his breath about evil witches and

almost sulkily replied, "Please."

She gave a short and light laugh and called, "Dobby."

"Yes, Miss-tress Herm'nee?"

"More sandwiches for the 'hungry beast', Dobby," she snickered.

"Yes, Miss-tress Herm'nee," replied the elf.

Harry was just going to ignore the sandwiches, which appeared a few

moments later, but... they looked so goooood...

Dobby took the letter to Gringotts a few minutes later. After he left,

Harry looked at the wall clock in the kitchen and realised his estimation

of their having reached the halfway mark was going to be pretty





Neville had been inside, seen his grandmother talking to his Great Uncle

Algernon, her brother, and left again. He didn't like the man one bit. He

was the man who had tossed him off a pier in Blackpool and then later

dangled him out a top floor window at Longbottom Hall by his ankle

before actually dropping him. If it wasn't for the fact he experienced a

sudden bout of Accidental Magic, he'd have died.

Harry was right. The man should have stood trial for both events. He

was, after all, the Heir Apparent of a Noble and Most Ancient House.

That his grandmother did not pursue the matter was quickly becoming a

bone of contention for him.

Instead of remaining in the Hall he returned to the greenhouse and

summoned Fluxy there.

"Fluxy," he called.

"Yes, Master Neville?" it asked.

"I shall be having my lunch out here, Fluxy," he said. "Please organise it."

"Yes, Master Neville," replied the elf with a little bow. "But you alreadys

be missing lunch. Fluxy makes you some sandwiches."

His late lunch of sandwiches appeared on a plate next to his main

workbench only a few minutes later.

As he ate, he pulled Harry's letter of that morning out of his pocket and

gave it a second read. He knew there were clues to some other, hidden,

message contained in what Harry wrote, but he still couldn't figure it out.

He also knew he would. He just needed time for his mind to put the

pieces together.

However, if he couldn't figure it out by that evening, he'd send Fluxy to

Harry with a short letter telling him. But, that was a last resort. And he

wasn't ready to throw in the potion neutraliser yet. This was something

he knew Harry thought he could accomplish. And, if Harry thought so, it

must be right.




When Frank and Alice received Harry's letter - Alice reading first this

time - she said to Frank, "Harry thought we'd receive this one right on

about the halfway mark, Day eighteen. He got that right."

Frank smiled back and continued to use the wand blank he was given to

practice his spell casting. They'd been given them a few days ago, when

the Healers thought they were now ready to begin mock-duelling.

The two had been practicing with them, as often as possible, ever since.

They were even starting to remember spell chains they'd developed

together and used while as aurors fighting Death Eaters. But, those chains

were more coming as a result of muscle memory - that is, their hands and

wrists flowing from one spell into another without conscious thought -

than mental memory. Each time one of them reflexively performed a

spell chain they'd mentally forgotten about, they stopped to write down

what they remembered of the movements, then the identity of the spell

from the movement and muttered incantation. It was a back-to-front way

of doing things, but it was working for them.

They'd both also been told by their physio-Healer that, if they were able

to go through a mock-duel for a minimum of three minutes, they would

be given actual wands. The wands might not be their own, but at least

they were real wands.

What they didn't know, until they were actually handed them about two

hours later, were they were very close to their originals.

When Alice, looking in wonder at the wand in her hand, asked, "How?"

No one failed to understand the question was actually, "How did you find

a wand that so closely resembles my own; and how did you know what

mine was?"

"Apparently Lord Potter found out from your son," replied the main

healer. "Your son was using Frank's to start with. So, he knew what it was

- Oak and dragon heartstring. On finding that out, he asked him if he

knew what his mother's was. Neville told him - Birch and unicorn tail


"From that we acquired wands that closely matched those two

descriptions from a wand crafter."

"Well, they're a bloody good match!" declared Frank. "Mine may even be

a better match to me than my own!"

"Mine might, but I don't think so," replied Alice. "However, 'tis damned

nice to have a wand in my hand, again."

"Hear, hear," muttered Frank.

He looked to the Healer and asked, "And this was young Harry's... Lord

Potter's idea?"

"Yes," the healer replied. "Bloody good one, too.

"Now for the second part," he continued. When both were looking at him

he said, "He's also arranging for your own wands to be collected from

Longbottom Hall and brought down here to be waiting for you as soon as

you leave. Lord Black will be meeting you outside and waiting to hand

them to you.

"Don't ask me how he's going to accomplish that, because I have no idea.

But, with what he's accomplished so far, I have no doubt he's going to

pull it off."




Early that evening at the Department of Mysteries, Scimitar was sitting

before his boss's desk.

"You're sure it was the young knight?" he asked.

"Yes," replied Croaker. "One of our paid informants among the goblins

informed us and another confirmed it. The dog was waiting for them

when they arrived and it's been paid for by the young knight direct from

his vaults and via a boon the Goblins owed the House of Potter."

"Bloody hell! A boon?"

Croaker nodded.

"So," said Scimitar. "He figured out the Longbottoms were not suffering

from overexposure to the Cruciatus, but were under a curse. That curse

was likely put on them by the Mad Bitch. He had Black find the book in

the Black library. Black found it and the counter-curse.

"With that information and knowing the old dragon would block him in

the name of the House of Longbottom, he organised for the Longbottoms

to be secretly removed from Mungo's and taken to Gringotts.

"And you're saying they've gone in to the Gringotts time dilation


"Yep," replied Croaker. "They're due out during the early hours of

Tuesday morning. That'll give them just enough time to be brought up to

speed and readied for the fuddy-duddy meeting, which'll start with the

trial of Black for breaching the Misuse of Muggle Artefacts Statute."

"The young knight's going to make a big play with the Longbottoms

either just before or during the meeting," he suggested. "But, what?"

"Our analysts think it is highly likely he's going to have the Rosier woman

publicly and resoundingly slapped down by her son. It's quite clear he

truly hates the woman for what the Heir Apparent of the House has had

to go through under her dubious regency," Croaker replied with a shrug.

"Personally, I think they're right."

"Un-believable," muttered Scimitar. "Are we sure this boy is only


"Marked as his equal," replied Croaker.

Scimitar winced.




Neville was all set to give up and send Fluxy to Harry with a message

when, while he was doodling with his quill and ink on a parchment in

the greenhouse he was currently within, he realised what he was doing.

Looking down he saw that he kept drawing two lines, one after the other.

A pair per line before moving down and doing the same thing again

about half an inch lower.

Eyes widening, he quickly snatched the letter from Harry out of his

pocket and read it again.

Sometimes, when it is the most darkest, a line appears to guide the way.

"That should be 'light', not 'line'," he muttered "'Sometimes, when it is the

most darkest, a light appears to guide the way'. That makes much more


"So... 'line' is the key."

He then looked over the letter and realised Harry had underlined two

parts of different areas in the letter.

"'You do not need to worry' and 'they will soon be returned to you'," he


Eyes widening again in shock he reread them more clearly for himself,

"'You do not need to worry, they will soon be returned to you.'

"Mer-lin!" he exclaimed. "He did it! Bloody hell, Harry took them!"

He quickly looked around to make sure he hadn't been overheard. His

heart was pumping away in his chest in shock. He quickly started to pack

away his tools and notes to run inside, before he suddenly stopped.

'Wait!' he thought. 'Harry knew I'd figure it out. He probably hoped I'd

figure it out before now and I was just too stupid to. So, why did he want

me to know?'

Slowing down and putting things away properly, he continued to think it


'Harry's not evil. He didn't do this because he's dark. It was also him who

told me to read the...' he stopped again. "The Charter," he whispered. "It's

about 'aid'!"

'But, could I dare hope he's found a way to cure them?... No... He's good,

but not even Harry's that good... No... This is about aiding the House of

Longbottom... He did say in his letter the other day that he would do

something that was to aid the House... and that I'd probably not like it...

so, no cure, then.

'So. The next question is; how did taking Mum and Dad from Saint

Mungo's in secrecy aid our House?'

He returned to the Hall a little later, still full of questions floating

through his mind. He also debated whether or not to tell his

grandmother. However, he was trusting in his friend and fellow alliance

partner-Heir to do right by him, his parents and his House.

He'd sleep on it, tonight. However, if he couldn't figure it out by

tomorrow morning, he'd go to his grandmother. She was still, after all,

Regent. As Heir Apparent he had a responsibility to the House -

friendship with Harry or not.




Even though he had a restless night, Neville was up early, dressed and

waiting down in the dining room when his grandmother entered. She

didn't look like she'd slept well, either.

After she sat at the head of the table and gathering his Gryffindor

courage, Neville said, "Gran, last night while I was in my bed trying to

sleep, I kept thinking about a letter my friend, Harry, sent me."

As she was sitting down she almost angrily said, "What makes you think I

want to know anything that boy has sent you?"

Knowing that was Harry's demand of her to relinquish the Seat on the

Wizengamot talking, and that she was as worried as he about his parents,

he said, "Gran, this is important."

Taking the letter out of the inside pocket of his robes he said, "You need

to read this. Once you have I'm going to tell you something about it."

Almost snatching the letter out of his hand, she read through it,


"And?" she said, trying to hand it back to him.

"Gran, look at the last line. The message at the bottom. Does anything

seem wrong about it to you?"

She read it and snorted. "I think the stupid boy meant to say 'light'," she


"But he doesn't, does he?" said Neville. "Look at everything he wrote in

that letter. Does it seem to you he'd get a line like that wrong and not

notice it?"

Frowning deeper, Augusta read through the message more carefully.

"Alright," she said. "I'll give you that. But, it obviously means the boy

must have added it after he probably had to rewrite the letter a half

dozen times or so."

He was beginning to lose his temper with her. His lack of sleep had his

irritation spiking and temper frayed as quick as her own.

"Gran, stop it!" he snapped. "Look at the letter. He didn't write 'line' by

mistake. He meant it!"

"Neville!" she exclaimed, scandalised by the way her grandson was

speaking to her.

"He said 'line' because it was a hint, Gran!" he snapped. "He said 'line'

because he's referring to the two parts of his letter where he used lines!"

Again, Augusta returned to the letter. This time to read it more closely.

Irritated with his grandmother, he said, "He's saying, 'You do not need to

worry, they will soon be returned to you'. What does that tell you,


He watched as his grandmother's face went from confused and irritated,

to white with shock, to red with rage.

"That... little... bastard!" she exclaimed. "He's responsible for taking my

son! He's responsible for taking your father from us!"

Before he had a chance to say anything she was up, out of her chair and

striding for the fireplace with Harry's letter in her hand.

After she left the room, he sank back into his chair with a sigh and sadly

muttered, "And my mother, too, Gran."

As he heard his grandmother yelling into the fireplace to 'Amelia', he

knew she had called Amelia Bones at home.

"Gods, Harry," he muttered. "I'm sorry about this. I know you sent me that

coded message so I wouldn't sorry so much, but House is House."

At least he now knew they weren't taken by Death Eaters, or something,

to be held for ransom.




After being woken by a floo-call from a very irate Augusta Longbottom,

Amelia Bones decided she was up and she may as well head into work.

'That woman might like people to think she was 'light' but she was, when

riled, as dark a grey as it gets before being considered 'dark' outright,' she

thought. 'Damn it, Potter! What in Merlin's name have you done?'

Once in her office, having flooed directly into her office over the secure

floo connection between her home and work offices, she walked out her

office door and into the bullpen.

Immediately finding the 'duty senior auror', the magical equivalent to a

police 'desk sergeant', she asked her, "Who's on the PPD, right now?"

The senior blinked back once, surprised to see her boss already there, and

looked down at her records. "Flamebright, Standish and Patterson" she


Bones frowned for a moment in thought and asked, "Which Seniors or

above are here, right now?"

"Shack was floating around a little while ago," she replied. "He was being

tailed by Newbie Tonks, as usual. I don't think there are any others 'In',


"Actually, those two will do," said Bones. "Track them down and send

them into my office."

As Bones turned away to head back to her office, the Senior Auror firmly

replied, "Yes, Ma'am."

As Bones was reviewing her file on the missing Longbottoms, a Lord and

Lady of a Noble and Most Ancient House definitely rated her attention,

Shacklebolt and Tonks walked in.

"You wished to see us, Ma'am?" asked Shacklebolt. Tonks was standing

half a pace behind and on his left, as she should.

Bones looked up from what she was reading and said, "We're going to the

Grangers' - Golf Romeo. I had the Longbottom Regent on my floo, this

morning, claiming she has proof Lord Potter kidnapped her son and


"With the PPD in place?" blurted a surprised Tonks. "How'd he do that?"

"That's what we're going to find out, Auror Second Class Tonks," she

grimly replied.

Tonks blushed when she heard both the unsaid mild rebuke from Bones

and saw her senior partner turn to frown at her. 'Oops,' she thought.

'Must learn to keep mouth shut. Gonna get yelled at later by Shack for

that one'




The Grangers, including Hermione this time, had just sat down for

breakfast when an auror raced upstairs from the lower ground floor,

barked, "Stay there!" and ran for the door.

"This'll be the aurors coming to question me about the Longbottoms," said

Harry. "Remember. I've done nothing illegal and you are required by the

covenants of the Potter-Longbottom Alliance to not speak of it."

"We won't lie, Harry," said Wendell.

"I'm not asking you to," he replied. "But, unless you're directly asked,

don't volunteer any information."

When the three Grangers nodded back it was just in time for Bones and

four aurors to walk in. Harry remembered two being part of their normal

contingent of aurors stationed there to watch over him; plus young

Tonks, Dora.

"Good morning, Madam Bones," he said. "I think Dobby's made enough

breakfast if you haven't―"

She rode over him saying, "This is an official visit, Lord Potter."

"That doesn't mean you don't get to eat!" he said, acting offended.

"Wouldn't this be a little early for you, anyway?"

"I was woken, this morning, by a very irate Regent for the House of

Longbottom," she almost growled.

"Ah!" he said. "Firstly, let me remind you all that you are currently under

protective wards erected for the purpose of protecting the Grangers and

myself against ill-intent.

"Madam Bones, you need to calm down. I cannot help you and answer

your questions if you don't. You're going to trigger the wards!"

Watching the expressions on the faces of the aurors as he also watched

Bones visibly rein in her temper, he saw that all of them had forgotten

about the wards he'd told them were on the property.

'Morons,' he thought.

When she locked her temper down, Bones firmly asked, "Did you kidnap

the Longbottoms?"

"No," he immediately replied.

When that confused her she looked to the Grangers.

What she saw had her turn back to him. "You're lying," she snapped.

"No, I'm not," he calmly replied. "Would you like me to give a magical

oath to that effect?"

"Then why do the Grangers look like they think you are?" she asked.

"Because they know I'm being... what's the word?"

"Prevaricating," supplied Monica.

"Yes!" declared Harry. "That's the word I was looking for. I'm


Bones raised a hand to massage the bridge of nose. But, she was

scrunching her eyes so much it didn't shift her monocle out.

"Explain!" she snapped.

"I'm not your tutor in the subject of English comprehension, Madam

Bones," he replied. "Nor am I your instructor in the art of asking the right

questions. I'm the person who, almost as soon as you spotted me, you

decided to interrogate.

"Now, if you wanted to discuss with me what it is you wish to talk to me

about, I'm happy to do so. But, you'll need to lose the attitude, first."

Bones stood there staring back for a few moments. 'He's right,' she

realised. 'I did. And we did forget about the wards, too. That was stupid.

'We also forgot this is the young man who, as a child, completely and

utterly had everyone fooled for years - even Dumbledore. And has made

a constant habit of making the rest of us look like... daft morons.'

She gave a mental sigh.

"Good," he immediately said. "Now, if Regent Bones would like to take a

seat, I'll tell her something she seems to have forgotten about the Potter-

Longbottom Alliance Charter."

'Aaaannd... he picked up the exact moment when I realised I had to

capitulate,' she thought.

With a grunt, she indicated one of the spare chairs and asked, "May I?"

"Regent Bones may sit," he replied. "Madam Bones was offered hospitality

and decided she was going to be rude. She can stand."

'Now he's making me choose between my titles. But, I need those

answers. Stupid, stupid, stupid.'

Her decision was obvious. She had no choice but to sit. She also knew she

had to change her approach. She did both.

"Alright, Harry," she sighed as Dobby put a cup of tea before her. "How'd

you do it?"

"How'd I do what?" he asked right back.

"How'd you kidnap the Longbottoms?"

"I've already answered that question. I didn't."

When it looked like she was starting to get frustrated again, he said,

"You're operating under what appears to be a whole whack of

assumptions, Regent Bones. You need to get them out of your head before

you're going to get anywhere near where you need to go."

She stared back for a few moments before she firmly asked, "What


"Let's start with the two that immediately arose based on your first

question. This is also the point at which you lost, by the way," he said.

"One: You are operating under the assumption the Longbottoms were

kidnapped. Where is your evidence of that? And, before you say

something utterly moronic like, 'Well they must've been, how else would

they be gone?' I'll just say, 'Lack of evidence to the contrary, does not

constitute proof of claim. A lack of evidence is just a lack of evidence,

nothing more.'

"Two: Your question put to me was one of clarification, which assumed a

second point of claimed evidence where such evidence has not been

established; that I kidnapped the Longbottoms.

"Now, I'll help you out, Regent Bones, with correcting those two

fallacious points put to me as an interrogatory with the actual facts.

"First: The Longbottoms were not kidnapped. They were taken under

signed authority of the auspices of the Potter-Longbottom Alliance, where

it states in precise terms why and how one House must provide aid to

another. And the law, as you should well know, supports me in this.

"Second: Using the auspices of the Charter as aforementioned, I had the

Longbottoms removed from Saint Mungo's so that they may receive far

superior care than they were, until that time, subjected.

"Third: Because this is an issue relating to the alliance, I cannot talk about

it with Madam Bones of the DMLE as you well know. I can, however, talk

about it with Regent Bones of the Noble and Ancient House of Bones, a

member House of the alliance."

He paused a moment and called, "Dobby."

Surprised by Dobby's foresight, Harry saw his copy of the alliance

documents appear on the table before him.

"Thank you, Dobby," he called.

Looking back to Bones he asked, "Do you wish to discuss that with me,

Regent Bones?"

Bones sat there and listened as the young man sitting in front of her

utterly and irrevocably tore her case apart. And there was nothing she

could do about it because she both needed answers and he was right.

She also knew he was right about the section within the Charter because

she had spent many hours reading it over and over again, so that the

House of Bones would not fall afoul of it under her regency.

She then sighed and quietly said, "Now I know how everyone else felt,

when you made them feel like idiots."

"That was not my intent, Regent Bones," he said. "I've just had to put up

with, over the past three-plus years, people making somewhat baseless

but incorrect assumptions about me and mine. And I'm no longer willing

to put up with it from anyone. Even someone, such as you, whom I

greatly admire."




After the Grangers knew Harry wasn't going to be arrested after all, they

soon left and headed for work.

Meanwhile, Madam Bones sent her aurors off to get them away from the

table, while Regent Bones decided she was going to sample a Dobby

breakfast for herself. She was hungry, after all. She didn't get a chance to

eat before she left home, that morning, and would likely not be eating for

hours yet if she didn't.

Once the table was cleared from everyone bar Harry, Hermione and

Bones, Harry threw up a small area silencing charm.

As she swallowed her first mouthful, Bones asked, "Alright, Harry; where

are they?"

"I'm not going to answer that question, Amelia," he replied. "One, it is

pointless for you to know because, where they are right now, no one can

get in or out of. And, two, if word got back to Regent Longbottom as to

their location she would try to get them. If she did, it could cause such a

magical catastrophe it will likely kill quite a few people, herself and them


"What treatment are they receiving?" she asked.

"Family secret," he immediately replied. "However, I have complete faith

it will be successful."

"You believe you can cure them?" she demanded.

"Not me," he returned. "But, I believe the treatment they're currently

undergoing will be making their lives a lot more comfortable," he replied.

"I doubt, very much, they'll ever get back their full health. It's been far

too long now for that."

"Who's treating them?" she tried.

"Medical personnel under non-disclosure agreements," he replied.

With a little head shake added in, she disagreed. "Medical non-disclosure

agreements don't work that way. They're meant to stop the medical

personnel discussing anything to do with the patient with anyone else."

"This one works both ways," he replied. "The medical personnel wanted

protection of anonymity from, especially, Regent Longbottom.

"And, Regent Bones, you're straying far too close to an interrogation,


"I need answers to these questions," she frustratedly retorted.

"No, you want answers to your questions," he disagreed. "There's a

difference. You have all the information you need already. You've had

that since I told you I had the Longbottoms taken from Saint Mungo's

under the auspices of the charter of the alliance for their care.

"You know I'm both legally in the right and about what's happened with

the Longbottoms. Right then, your investigation ended.

"Everything else has been you just sating your curiosity and having

answers ready for when Longbottom goes on her next rant. That is not

my concern. However, I've also been doing my best to help you through

allaying your fears and providing you answers to your questions; but I

will not betray the trust of others to provide them to you when such

would be such betrayals."

By the time she left, Madam Director Amelia Bones felt both frustrated

and powerless. Harry had neatly countered everything she threw at him

with the aplomb of someone both thrice his age and assuredness he was

in the right. The bugger of it was, he was.

He then turned around and, without even being asked, gave her a

magical oath he had told her the truth for the entirety of the 'discussion'.

So, she didn't even have the option to decide he'd lied, which would have

allowed her to continue to investigate. He'd neatly taken that away from


If she pushed now, she'd be interfering in the lawful practices of one of

the major alliances. And that... was 'not allowed'. As Regent of Bones,

however, she knew the 'whys and wherefores' but couldn't use that

information as Madam Bones of the DMLE. Madam Bones of the DMLE

had to keep her nose out of it, which meant the DMLE had to keep their

collective noses out of it.

It was the first time in her life that the dual roles of Regent and Auror, let

alone Department Director, had come into conflict and she didn't like it

one bit.




27. Handling the Fallout

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to the proverbial Duchess of

Magic, JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high

falutin' companies. No matter how much I whine about not owning anything

related to the HP universe, other than a few fanfic plots, I do not profess to

own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful

world... Damn it!

Chapter Twenty Seven - Handling the Fallout




Knowing the Longbottom regent was going to fly off the broom handle

when she found out she'd be closing the case and why, Bones wanted that

discussion to be where she could retreat from when she wanted to.

She went back to her office, took her notes with her she'd taken during

the 'discussion', not interview, with the young Lord Potter and collated

the lot into the 'Longbottom Kidnapping' file - which she'd now have to

name the 'Longbottom Disappearance' file, damn it.

'He was damned right about that, too,' she sulked to herself. 'We leapt to

a conclusion because no other conclusion was thought to exist. That was


With a sigh, she grabbed both Shacklebolt and Tonks and two other

aurors to go with her to Longbottom Hall. She wanted the back-up in

case the Longbottom regent got 'wand happy'. Before they left she told

them to spread out in the room once they were inside and she was

talking with the woman.

"Don't forget," she firmly stated. "While Augusta Longbottom is in her

seventies, this is the woman who handily defeated Bellatrix LeStrange,

her husband, her brother-in-bond and Barty Crouch Junior all at the same

time. She is not to be underestimated.

"If she draws her wand and even appears about to attack, she is to be put

down... hard. Am I clear?"

Four 'Yes, Ma'am's were her answers.




After Bones and company left, Hermione almost bounced out of her seat

like a jack-in-the-box.

"That was..." she started. "That was... scary and brilliant all at the same


"That was me being a smart-alek, Hermione," he said. "I... basically,

belittled her. And I did it to put her on the back foot right from the start.

I did it to take the wind out of her sails before she could get going and

ask questions I really didn't want to answer. It was incredibly impolite

when she's been nothing but supportive of me. It was similar to what I

did to you on the day of and the first few days immediately following the

First Task."

"You were also right in saying she was being rude when she came in here

and almost immediately started to interrogate you," she shot back. "No,

she started it. You were just defending yourself by going offensive."

He sighed and said, "Tomorrow, after the Wizengamot meeting, I send

her a gift by way of apology. Hell; I want to actually go and apologise to

her in person."

"Well," she said, "For the time being, I need to call Mum and Daddy and

let them know you weren't taken away in handcuffs."

And she immediately skipped over to the phone.

"And I'd better contact Sirius and let him know, too," he said, rising to go

and get his mirror.




Arriving at Longbottom Hall by way of apparation and walking up to the

door, Bones and her four escorts were shown into the welcoming hall.

Longbottom was already up and pacing.

Neville saw who it was and quietly left the room. However, he only went

as far as just outside the door.

"Well?" snapped Longbottom. "He has my boy... and daughter-in-bond,

doesn't he!"

"He had them removed and taken to other Healers," replied Bones. "He


"I don't care what he claims!" she shrilled. "Where are they? I'm want

them back in their beds in Saint Mungo's before lunch!"

Bones sighed. This was going to take a while.

"If you stop interrupting me I'll be able to tell you what's going on, Regent

Longbottom," she firmly said back.

"No! I... will tell you... what's going on," snapped Longbottom. "You will

take me... right now... to where my son is! And I will personally escort

him and his wife back to their beds!"

"I cannot take you to where they are because I do not know!" said Bones,

getting irritated. 'Now I know why he wouldn't tell me,' she thought.

"Now, if you'll―"

"Why, in Merlin's name, not?!" barked Longbottom.

That was it for Bones. "You... Augusta Longbottom... do not get to

interrogate me... I am trying to give you information you want and you

demanding information piecemeal will not get you it!

"Now, be quiet, hear me out, then ask your questions. Understand?"

"You will answer my bloody questions as I bloody want them answered!" By

then, Longbottom was almost screaming, again enraged.

But, Bones held her ground. Every time Longbottom screamed at her she

simply shut up, waited for the woman to stop yelling and started back to

what she was saying before Longbottom interrupted her.

It took ten minutes before Longbottom realised she was doing it and

finally shut up to hear her out. All the time, she stared daggers back.

Finally, Bones asked, "Now, what questions do you have for me?"

"I take it the Potter boy has been arrested?" she demanded.

"As I've already explained, he has not because―"

"Why the bloody hell not?" she yelled.

"As I have already explained, he has not because he has used the auspices

of the alliance Charter to act. As such I―"

"I want him arrested and Veritaserum poured down his throat until he

tells me everything I want to know!"

"As I have already explained, he has not because he has used the auspices

of the alliance Charter to act. As such, I cannot arrest him. The Charter is

clear in that he has the right as an alliance Charter member to come to

the aid of another House―"

Arrest him! Arrest him NOW!"

"As I was saying, The Charter is clear in that he has the right to come to

the aid of another House when it is seen and proven that a House

requires such aid. Lord and Lady Longbottom were not being treated at

Saint Mungo's, because the hospital had already given up on them.

"As such, he states he has family magics that can aid them towards their


"I don't care what he says! I want my son back!"

Amelia sighed and tried again... and again... and again.

Finally, Longbottom demanded, "Where's the Potter boy now? If you

won't get the information I want out of him, then I will!"

"Lord Potter is under protection under very strong wards that will do you

harm if you try to get to him. You are not getting anywhere near him!"

snapped Amelia. "And, if you try, my aurors will stop you, you will be

arrested on the spot and you will spend the next twenty four hours in one

of my holding cells."

"Get out!" Longbottom finally screamed. "Get out, NOW!"

'Thank you,' Bones thought to herself, grateful for the opportunity to


Without another word, she immediately signalled her aurors, spun on her

heel and walked out. The aurors waited for her to walk out of the room

before following her, one at a time.

From behind the door frame, Neville quietly walked away, heading

upstairs to his room. He needed to think.

He'd barely reached the door when Fluxy popped in next to him and said,

"Mistress 'Gusta wants you to see her in the welcoming hall." The little elf

was clearly terrified

Neville nodded and said, "Thank you, Fluxy. I'm on my way."

'Damn,' he quietly thought.

As soon as he stepped in through the door, before he even had a chance

to ask his grandmother what she wanted, she spoke first.

"Neville," she snapped. "Where would I find the Potter boy, at this


"I do not know," he replied. "He no longer lives with his Aunt and Uncle."

Both true statements, in and of themselves. But, quite misleading.

'There's no way I'm telling her he's staying with Hermione,' he thought.

'Harry's already told me about those wards there and I don't want to see

her get hurt.'

"You've been writing to him," she glared. "Where do you send those


"I send them via Hermione Granger, a House- and year-mate. And, no, I

do not actually know where she lives. I just know it is in an area

somewhere just south of London."

"That's useless to me!" snapped Longbottom. As she spun away again, she

snapped, "You can go."

Shaking his head, Neville walked back out.

He had a letter to write.




Monday morning's 'fire-side' within the Department of Mysteries was a

slightly more raucous affair than normal - for Unspeakables, that is.

Instead of the quiet murmurings of people speaking quietly to one

another, voices were at almost normal volume. That is, until Unspeakable

Croaker walked into the room. Then it was almost instant silence.

"I'm jumping in first concerning a major happening," he said. "As some of

you know, the young knight engineered the taking of the near-comatose

Longbottoms from Mungo's. They were taken to Gringotts and placed

within their time dilation chamber, together with a team of Healers. One

of them, the team leader, is an expert on curse damage; his second is an

expert on physiotherapy for the long-term bedridden.

"We are aware that, before they were taken into the chamber, both

Longbottoms were discovered to have actually been under the effects of a

mind-related curse; not long-term Cruciatus damage, as previously

thought. The curse had been lifted off both before they were taken into

the chamber.

"We also now know the chamber was set for a one to twelve ratio. That

is, for every two hours outside time, a full day will pass inside. The time

dilation is expected to begin to terminate at or about 4.30am on Tuesday

morning. It is expected to take half an hour for the time dilation effect to

completely terminate.

"The young knight will have the dog standing by as they come out. They

are now expected to be completely healed and healthy."

That had a few mutterings from the Unspeakables, making it the

equivalent of shouts of outrage or jubilation.

"The timing with regards to the meeting of the fuddy-duddies is not

coincidental, either. Our analysts agree it has been timed so that the

Longbottom two, now known as Leo and Lisa, will have a couple hours to

be brought up to date with what has been going on while they have been

in seclusion before the start of the second trial of the dog.

"We also know that the young knight has been often sending them letters

passing them via the VC magics the goblins employ. We have not been

able to sight them, but believe he is sending them updates. He's been

sending them in via house-elf.

"Just this morning we have learned the young knight informed Leo's heir

he was responsible. The old dragon now knows and is likely to be on the

warpath. We know she cannot get to him at Bookworm's, but he intends

to go shopping for new robes today in Diagon.

"We will have agents on sight in case the old dragon finds out before his

shopping is complete. If she does and makes it there before the young

knight leaves, she is to be incapacitated and warned off.





Harry knew Neville had to be quite guilt-ridden about telling his

grandmother about his letter. That was not something that he would

allow to continue. He hadn't been working on the boy as hard as he had

to get him to stand tall and proud for all that work to be wasted.

So, he'd send a very short note to let his friend know he wasn't upset with


Then he snorted at the simplicity of it and pulled a small off-cut of

parchment to himself.

~ # ~


I know and it's okay. You did the right thing. I'm actually proud of you for

making the decision you did. Remember first year, when you stood up to us for

the first time?

However you can, even if your grandmother tells you 'No', be at the

Wizengamot on Tuesday morning. You're going to love it.

If your floo's blocked, the Knight Bus is a wild ride. At the tall red box, go

inside. Lift the handset and hold it to your ear. The telephone number is

'magic' (62442).

No code, this time.


~ # ~

"Dobby," he called.

"Yes, Master Harry?" asked the elf.

'Damn,' thought Harry. 'His elf-popping is getting almost silent.'

"Letter for Neville, Dobby," he replied, handing over the letter. "Again,

give it to him only when he's alone."

"Yes, Master Harry," replied Dobby, before he popped away again.

With that letter sent, he began to make a start on his next update letter to

Frank and Alice.




Harry was only just making a start on his letter to Frank and Alice when

Sirius turned up.

As he walked into the dinette, he said, "Morning, Pup! Ready to do some


Harry sighed and said, "As ready as I'm going to be, I suppose. Let me call


"No need," she called as she walked in behind Sirius. "I'm here."

She was excited.

Sirius turned to her with a wide grin. "Hello, my little darling," he

cheerily said before opening his arms wide for a cuddle.

Hermione was quick to duck in and accept.

"Oi!" said Harry. "Hands off my betrothed, Black!"

As Sirius chuckled back, Hermione blew a raspberry at him. That just had

Sirius laughing even more.

"No respect," Harry mock-grumbled. "That's what I get. No respect, at all."

Ignoring him, Hermione pulled away from Sirius and said, "I'll get the


"As you said, Miss Granger," said 'Henrietta', walking in. "We're here and

ready, too."

Rising, Harry sighed again and said, "Alright. Let's get this torture over

and done with."

"In a tick," said Flamebright. "First, we're putting a glamour over you."

"No need," said Sirius. "I brought my necklace." And held up the rune-

stone-on-cord necklace he'd used leading up to his trial.

He slipped it over Harry's head, as Harry guided it under his shirt. He

never felt the change but Hermione's gasp of surprise told him it was


"How do I look?" he asked.

"Different, but not too different," she replied. "Dark brown hair, rather

than black; blue eyes with green fleck, rather than startling green; your

scar's gone; but just about everything else is the same."

"That's deliberate," said Sirius, looking at Harry. "I tuned it to only

change just enough so you no longer looked like a close relative of 'Harry

Potter'. Everything else needed to be the same so, when you're getting

fitted for robes in Madam Malkin's, the measurements will be right."

Flamebright muttered, "Those should be illegal."

"It's a family heirloom," said Sirius. "Therefore, outside the scope of any

law that would be against it."

Flamebright just gave a harrumph and left it.

Turning back to Harry, Sirius said, "For the duration of this excursion,

your name is 'Hadrian'. Got it?"

"Yeah, got it," replied Harry.

"Clever," said Hermione. "Close enough to his true name without people


Surprising Harry, who expected side-along apparation, they were

portkeyed from just inside the front gate to the top of the Alley.




Neville was sitting in his room at his personal desk drafting a letter to

Harry to apologise, trying to find the right words, when Dobby popped in

and quietly handed him a letter.

"From Harry?" Neville asked.

"Yes, Mister Neville, Sir."

Dobby popped away again before Neville could even thank him.

As quick as Neville read it he almost slumped back in his seat in relief.

Harry knew how he must've felt and wrote him to say he was okay with


'Thank Merlin!' he thought.

Then he started to think about Harry's suggestion he go to the

Wizengamot meeting in the morning. He'd already planned to, no matter

what his grandmother said, but he'd also given him another way he could

get there without using the floo - just in case his grandmother had

blocked it.

'He remembers me telling him she used to do that when I was younger,'

he mused. 'Thankfully, she no longer does it. But, damn, Harry! That you

remembered something I told you back in first year...'

At that moment he knew his grandmother was at the Ministry. She'd said

something about going to the offices of the Wizengamot Administration

Services to change something on the next day's 'docket' - whatever that

was. And Neville was quite happy to see her go.




In Madam Malkin's, Harry was going through the 'indignity' of being

measured-up for new robes with Hermione and the young female auror

watching. At least he wasn't alone, though. Sirius was standing on his

own measuring pedestal, right alongside, going through his own

uncomfortable moment.

'At least the two male-aurors are outside,' he thought with a sigh. 'Then

again, maybe they have the same aversion to clothes shops that I do.'

Hermione and Henrietta were almost negligently bickering over what

colours he should wear. He thought the young auror was just doing it to

rile Hermione a bit, because she liked to tease.

"One set in black with green trim," said Hermione. "It's the colour that

best suits him."

"And one in deep, deep red with gold piping," added Henrietta.

"Hadrian is not a Gryffindor, Henri'," Hermione firmly stated.

"Just for contrast, dear," said the auror.

Harry was thankful all three aurors were not wearing their auror robes

for this trip, because they'd have definitely stood out. It would be a sign

saying, 'Hey, look here! It's Harry Potter wearing a disguise!'

It was also what he'd told them before they agreed to take the damned

robes off and transfigure them to something 'civilian'. That was when

they finally understood. Morons.

Harry asked, "And what colours should Lord Black have, ladies."

Anything to change the subject from him. His godfather could look after


"Black with silver highlights for the more formal," said Henrietta, right


"Agreed," said Hermione. "And a mid grey to dark grey with black trim

for the more... 'businessy'... occasions. Add some nice fine black filigree

to match the piping."

"Damn, girl!" exclaimed Henrietta. "That would look fan-tas-tic!"

Of course, Sirius was all for that; especially if it was a young and hot

looking witch who thought it - Henrietta, of course; not Hermione. That

would be wrong. He was happy to buy both. And, because he did, he also

bought what the girls recommended for Harry, too."

Finally free of the measuring pedestal, Harry was told by Madam Malkin

the clothes would be ready in a few hours.

Sirius spoke up and said, "I'll send a house elf along to collect them in

four hours then; in case you come across a problem or two."

"That would be fine, Lord Black," she replied with a nod.




At the same time and at the Ministry, Longbottom was just walking out of

the WAS offices. She'd been in there to add an addendum to the next

day's proceedings. She fully intended to have the first item of business,

even before Black's ridiculous trial, the Wizengamot forcing the Potter

boy to release the information regarding the location of her son and his


She'd no sooner reached the lifts to head back out when an inter-office

memo in the form of a flying parchment aeroplane flew by. She never

noticed the parchment aeroplane as there were constantly hundreds of

the things during Ministry office hours, flying throughout the building.

People experienced with the place no longer paid them any attention

unless one landed on their desk, which meant it was for them. However,

this one was a memo from the witch responsible for writing up the

agenda for the Wizengamot, to 'Acting Madam Minister Amelia Bones'

informing her of the change. As such and as the WAS was on the same

floor as the DMLE, it never even had to enter the lift with Rosier.

As soon as Bones received it, noticed who it was from, she immediately

read it. With the Meeting the next day, WAS memos had priority. And, as

soon as she read it, she was out of the office and heading to the WAS to

talk to the Agenda Secretary, in person.

'Not a chance, Longbottom,' she thought, somewhat furious at the

audacity of the woman. 'Not a snowball's chance in Hades.'

Before Longbottom had even passed through the security gate and into

the atrium proper, the agenda was already being changed back; with no

mention of the Longbottom Regent's intent to have Lord Potter

questioned remaining anywhere on the agenda, let alone as the first item.




Once the two teens and their 'entourage' returned to the Granger

residence, Sirius was about to leave again without even walking inside

when Hermione asked him to stop by for a few minutes.

Once they were inside, she rounded on both 'menfolk' and said, "Sirius,

tomorrow you will wear the grey. It will look good on you and make you

appear as if you were a businessman and not the hooligan you try so hard

and so often to portray yourself to be."

Before Sirius even had a chance to say anything other than simply blink

in surprise, she had already rounded on Harry.

"And you will be wearing the Black with green trim," she declared. "It

will show you to be the Lord you are and contrast nicely with what Sirius

will be wearing. On top of that, the green trim will hint at your cunning

and intelligence and resonate with most of those stuffed robes, who

attended Slytherin while at Hogwarts."

Harry blinked back while Sirius snickered in amusement. "As my lady

commands," he said before he deeply bowed.

She ruined it by smacking him on the top of the head.

That had Sirius laughing at him until she glared at him. He immediately

shut up.

When she headed off with the stack of new stationery, Sirius quietly said,

"Damn, Pup! She's turning out to be as scary as your mother was!"

Changing the subject, Harry asked, "What time is Ted getting here?"

"As soon as I get back. We then come back, together."

Sirius had told him earlier Ted would be coming over to discuss final

changes, if any, for the strategy for the trial the next morning. Harry

thought they were all set, though. However, if Ted wanted to discuss it,

he wouldn't quibble about it.




Harry had only just returned to writing his letter to Frank and Alice when

one of the aurors, Senior Auror Flamebright, informed him that Madam

Bones was coming to pay a 'friendly' visit. She had news.

"Please don't go making her look like a... daft moron, this time?" the man

almost whined.

"I won't,' smiled Harry. "This morning was just to 'wrong-foot' her. She

needed to be knocked off her wonky-headed thinking, so I could actually

talk to her."

She arrived only fifteen minutes later. This time she only came with one

auror in tow; one Harry didn't recognise.

"Lord Potter," she greeted him.

"Madam Bones," he smiled. "Or, am I again speaking with Regent Bones,

this time."

"The former," she said, taking a seat at the dinette opposite him.

Her easy manner and the fact she immediately took seat told Harry she

wasn't angry with him, this time.

"How can I help?" he asked.

"I'm just here to inform you that Regent Longbottom had just visited the

WAS about an hour and a half ago - the Wizengamot Administration

Services. She attempted to have the agenda for tomorrow's meeting of the

Wizengamot changed so that the first agenda item to come up, even

before Lord Black's trial, was her demanding of the Wizengamot to

demand off you the location of her son and daughter-in-bond.

Harry gave a snort of amusement and said, "They don't have the


"I'm aware," she drolly replied. "However, it's just a 'heads up'. If she tried

that, once she sees the actual agenda, she's going to demand an

emergency motion be immediately heard."

"As she has not the grounds for it, I hope you'll be immediately calling a

Point of Order and calling her to task for it."

"Of course," she replied. "However, it will get the members talking about

it. The other allied Houses won't want to get into the middle of this."

"They won't have to," he replied. "I have this strong feeling... you could

call it a premonition... this will be resolved well before we even break for


That had her suddenly freeze in place and stare intently at him for a good

five seconds.

"How do you know that?" she asked in a flattened voice. "What aren't you

telling me?"

"In reverse order," he replied. "There's a lot I'm not telling you. I am the

Lord of a Noble and Most Ancient House, after all.

"And, as I said, you could call it a premonition. If you don't believe in

that sort of thing, you might even consider calling it a hunch."

"And this... hunch... of yours," she said. "It tells you this matter for which

she's angry with you will be resolved before lunch tomorrow?"

"I'm sure of it," he replied. "However, I do not want her to know that."

"Why not?" she demanded.

He smirked and said, "Because I do not want her to run and hide from

justice - lawful justice. And, before you get worried, I do not mean

someone's going to deal with her in a way you, for instance, would not

approve of.

"As a matter of fact, this will be a joyful occasion for everyone - except,

possibly, a few Death Eaters. Even her... for about a minute. Then she is

going to feel both elated and terrified at the same time. Her behaviour

towards her grandson is coming home to roost."

She stared at him in shock for over ten seconds before she quietly

breathed, "Merlin! You've cured them!"

"Cured them, Madam Bones?" he innocently asked. "To use a Dumbledore

expression, 'I'm sure I don't know what you mean, Amelia'."

"Bloody hell!"

"Now, do you know if she is going to try to install someone into the

Longbottom Seat as Proxy?" he asked. "And, if so, who?"

"Sorry? What?" she asked, still shaking off her shock. "A... proxy?"

"Yes," he replied.

"Then, no," she replied. "There was, until recently, a line item in the

agenda she was going to install her brother, Algernon Rosier, into the

seat. But, that's since been removed."

"Good," he said. "There's a couple... of people, that is... who will want to

talk to you about him, when they get the time and the chance. Just... get

ready to charge that bastard with two attempted murder charges for

attempted murder of an Heir Apparent of a Noble and Most Ancient


"What do you know about some attempted murders?" she demanded.

"Legally, I don't know anything," he replied. "All that could be considered

what I know is hearsay. And, as such, it isn't evidentiary. It's only what

I've heard has happened from someone else.

"I've been trying to encourage that person to speak out about it, as he's

also the alleged victim. However, I can foresee there's a couple of people

who will talking to him about that, too.

"I'm sure they'll convince him to speak out about it with you within very

short order. Then, you will have your case. It could have something to do

with the Heir... allegedly... being tossed off Blackpool pier when he was a

toddler and... allegedly... dropped from a third floor window, head first,

only a couple of years later."

"And just why did you not tell me this, this morning?" she asked, with an

ominous hint of danger showing.

"Because your next stop was going to be at Longbottom Hall," he replied.

"As I said, I do not want that woman to know what is going on until it is

time for her to know what is going on."




After Bones left, Harry was finally able to return to his letter to Frank and


He knew this might even be the last chance he had to write to them, so

he was going to make sure they knew everything right up to the point

he'd be sending them the letter.

Again, he'd just pulled it before him when Sirius returned with Ted in


Not wanting to show them he was disappointed they were here, he again

slid the letter to the side.

"Sirius, Ted," he smiled.

"Pup," said Sirius.

"Lord Potter," said Ted.

"Teh-ed," he whined. "It's 'Harry' for my friends, remember?"

"This is official law-wizard business, Lord Potter," Ted immediately and

easily countered.

As Sirius and Ted moved to the dinette, Harry was just about to go and

get Hermione when she walked in.

"Just in time," Sirius smiled at her.

"Shall we get started?" asked Ted.

Harry gave a nod and pulled out his stack of defence arguments for

Sirius's case the next morning.

"You know all this depends on the behaviour of Regent Longbottom, don't

you?" he asked.

"Only on when it gets started," said Ted. "If necessary, you leave her to

me." And grinned a shark-like grin.




Once Ted and Sirius left again, Harry returned to his letter. This time

Hermione stayed to help.

However, her first 'help' came in the form of asking Dobby to make some

sandwiches for Harry.

When he was about to ask her how she knew, she smiled and said, "Your

stomach's growling again, Harry."

Then she seemed to have a bright idea and ordered him, "Harry, go stand

by the door again. Today marks the end of the first full week you've been

on those potions."

After he was measured he came in at just over five foot ten.

She gave a nod and said, "Mum was right. Five inches for the week."

He gave a sigh and replied, "Then, if I haven't stopped growing in height

already, I should be stopping soon."

"That's a good thing," she agreed. "However, we don't know what else the

potions have still got to do. For all we know, your height will be only the

first thing to have reached your proper potential. We don't know how

much more work it has to do on your internals."

"Way to kill the mood, Love," he grumbled.

She was about to add some encouraging comments when she realised

what he'd just said to her. And she stopped. He'd called her, 'Love'.

Now she was a feeling all 'gooshy' inside.

Harry was shocked when Hermione suddenly grabbed him and hugged

him in a 'Hermi-hug' of old, before she then backed off a little and

planted a big, tonsil-searing kiss on him.

When she backed off due a lack of air and need to breathe, he gasped,

"Wow! I like those sort of congratulations!




Amelia Bones had returned to her office and thought long and hard about

what the young Potter Lord had told her when she paid him her second


The more she thought about it, the more she was sure the young man had

actually managed to accomplish it. That is, he had found someone who

could cure the Longbottoms of their permanent near-comas that had

resulted from their being tortured for so long under the Cruciatus curse.

And they'd done it.

That's why he had them grabbed from Saint Mungo's. There was no way

the staff at the hospital would have let anyone but their own staff treat

one of their patients. It was policy! Therefore, he had to get them out of

the hospital to get them treatment.

The Longbottom regent would never have gone along with that. Her own

behaviour over the past couple of days was proof enough of that. Even

when she was informed they'd been removed to receive treatment, she

flatly refused to allow it go on and demanded someone take her to go and

immediately get them.

As such, his action in taking them and hiding them while they got that

treatment was the only logical way he could get them help. It was the

only way he could do it without the Longbottom regent blocking it.

He also believed the Longbottom regent was completely unwilling to

release the Seat. She liked the power too much to willingly let it go.

That's why he claimed the Longbottom regent was deliberately blocking

them receiving treatment.

According to him it was a way to commit temporary Line Theft; and it

was upon a Noble and Most Ancient House. The bugger of a thing it was,

it was completely legal. She'd checked.

As Regent, the Longbottom regent had the right to block any medical

treatment a member of her House could receive if that member was

either under-aged with her as guardian, or unable to voice their own

wishes; such as the case of the Longbottom Lord and Lady. When she'd

contacted the hospital to get a report on what treatment the Lord and

Lady were receiving up until they were taken, she was informed that

information had been restricted to Head of House only on the orders of

the regent. Which made Lord Potter's claim that much more likely to be

the truth.

And there wasn't a damned thing she could do about it.

However, Lord Potter used the Charter to do so. And it, she strongly

suspected, would all come crashing down on the head of the Regent

sometime just before lunch during the Wizengamot meeting the next day.




It was mid to late afternoon before Harry was finally able to write what

he now knew to be his final letter to Frank and Alice.

So he would time it to arrive with them at around their thirty-second or

thirty-third day, leaving them three to four days before the time dilation

chamber had completed its course.

~ # ~

Frank and Alice,

Well it's been quite the interesting morning and early afternoon 'out' here. I

also estimate you'll be receiving this letter somewhere around day thirty-two or

thirty-three in the chamber. Not long to go now, folks!

Firstly, Neville cracked the code in the letter I sent him, as I thought he would.

My first indication of that was having Amelia Bones turn up at Hermione's

place with a couple of aurors in tow. She's now the Director of the DMLE, if I

haven't already told you that.

She was there to interrogate me about your disappearance - or, as she put it,

your kidnapping. She got quite confused when she asked me, "Did you kidnap

the Longbottoms?" When I, of course, replied, "No."

Once I was able to get her to calm down and sit down, I told her I would only

talk to her as Regent Bones of the Noble and Ancient House of Bones. She


Once she did, I told her I did remove you, not kidnap you, from Saint Mungo's

and why. I did not, however, tell her you were in Gringotts. All she knows,

even now, is that I had you taken somewhere where healing you was the

priority; whereas all Saint Mungo's were doing was keeping you sedated and

not doing a damn other thing.

I also pointed out to her where in the alliance Charter I had the right to do it.

And she admitted she'd read it and could see I was right. Which meant she

then couldn't arrest me as no crime had been committed. That had her

frustrated, no end.


I knew Neville would worry that he had somehow let me down; or that he had

turned his back on our friendship; or that he had just given up his only real

friendship for a 'guess' that might not have even be right... so I wrote him a

short note and had it delivered directly to him by house elf this morning. That

note told him I thought he'd done the right thing and that I backed him in his


I also told him that, no matter what his 'Gran' told him, he should be at the

Wizengamot session tomorrow. It would prove most interesting for him. I hope

he keeps up with the backbone I know he's developed of late and does it. I

want to see your reunion with him.


So, now Madam Bones is 'fairly certain' I've miraculously cured you and it's

'possible' you'll be turning up at the Wizengamot before lunch. Well, "first

thing" is "before lunch", is it not? Heh heh!

Now, you're going to need to prove you actually are Lord Franklin and Lady

Alice Longbottom. Otherwise, no one's going to believe you. So, I've been

coming up with ways for you to do so. After all, you could be wearing a rune-

based glamour like Sirius had been wearing while on-the-run from the law,

you could be wearing a simple glamour or you could have taken Polyjuice


All of which, except the first, would be just silly. But, hey, we're talking about

the witches and wizards of the Wizengamot. And you already know what I

think of most witches and wizards.

So, here's some ways:

1. If you have a known Patronus, cast it. Patronus forms are known to only

change after a severe traumatic experience, therefore yours might have

changed. If it hasn't, that's good evidence.

2. Houses elves know who their masters and mistresses are, even if they're

wearing glamours, hiding under invisibility cloaks, or whatever. And they are

certainly not fooled by such magics. Call your house elf or elves and have

them identify you.

3. Magical oaths and vows can do it; but, do you really want to go down that


4. Take a goblin with you to perform and inheritance test right in front of


5. Call your Head of House ring to yourself right in front of them.

As you can see, it's easy to prove who you really are with a bit of thought put

into it. And it's the sort of proof none of those old fogies can counter.


Ted's happy with my plan for Sirius's trial, tomorrow morning. He thinks it'll

be fun watching all those old stuffed robes get force-fed the stupidity of how

their own laws are daft, the one's they were supposed to have drafted. He

wants to watch me clearly demonstrate to them how pathetic this law, at least,

was in its design.

He hopes it will lead to a review of all other laws. More work for him, more

fun using common sense and logic to destroy wizarding laws for me. I think

that counts as a win-win situation.


Anyway, time to sign off. I need to spend time with my betrothed and just

relax for a little while. Today was quite the tiring day.

See you in a few days (your time).

Harry and Hermione

~ # ~

After he'd finished, he looked to Hermione and asked, "Think it's ready?"

"Definitely," she replied. "And, checking the time, your guesstimate about

it arriving there somewhere about their thirty-second or thirty-third day

is going to be darn close if you sign it and send it with Dobby right now."

That's exactly what he did.




Dumbledore had tried to 'obtain' permission to spend a day in Diagon the

next day to, as he claimed, rebuild his wardrobe back up. He claimed he

had lost four sets of robes in the last couple of weeks, alone, due to his

treatment at the hands of the DMLE and from losing Fawkes.

Marchbanks immediately denied him.

"You don't want to go shopping for a new selection of your wardrobe

tomorrow, Albus," she said. "You want to go to the Wizengamot meeting,

you expect to see the young Lord Potter there and you want to take the

opportunity to talk to the boy.

"I don't like being lied to by my supposed staff, Albus. Therefore, the

answer is a resounding no; you do not have my permission to leave the

school tomorrow."

Frustrated Dumbledore spun about to storm from the office, yet again,

when she said, "However, Albus..."

When he turned back she said, "Your garish wardrobe has been making

me consider bringing in, or re-establishing, a dress code for the staff.

"Back even as shortly ago as when Headmaster Dippet was the

headmaster, all staff had a dress code of base black. Certain... liberties...

were allowed among the staff with the Headmaster's blessing. However,

those liberties were restricted to styling, not colour.

"When I do grant you leave to leave the castle for the day, you might

want to think about purchasing new robes that would meet those


"Thank you, Albus. You may go."

Horrified, Dumbledore didn't finish storming from the office, leaving the

door wide open as he'd done each other time. Instead, he quietly made

his way out and even closed the door behind himself when he did.

When she was sure he'd descended the staircase, she gave short cackle of


The portrait of Eupraxia Mole also openly laughed.

The other portraits then discussed dress codes and when the one for the

staff had last been in effect.




When Andi arrived home that evening she was 'dead tired'. Ted was

beginning to really worry.

After dinner, he sat her down in her favourite chair while he sat in his

own and said, "Alright, Andi. Talk to me. What's got you working all

hours beyond your normal shifts?"

"Research," she replied. "I'm doing research into curse scars."

"Curse scars," he replied. "You mean, like Harry's?"

"Yep," she replied. "Just like Harry's."

"Why is it such a big deal for you now?" he asked. "I mean, considering

Harry's, he's only bothered with it because it's the thing everyone stares

at for a moment when they realise it's the 'Boy-Who-Lived' standing in

front of them."

She was quick to reply, "It's because there's more to it than that in a lot of

cases. For instance, when it's caused by dark magic, why does the area

continue to emit a dark magical aura. The spells used are not supposed to

do that. So, what causes it?

"If we can discover that, if we can find out what causes it and can reverse

it, we are well on our way to removing the scar itself."

She hated lying to her husband this way. But, if she didn't, he'd keep

pushing for more information trying to help her. And she simply couldn't

tell him.

He gave a shrug and said, "I know magical healers are not ones to try

muggle techniques, but have you considered a non-magical operation and

excising the tissue out? Once you have the tissue that's causing the dark

magical aura out, you should then be able to employ normal magical

means to heal the resulting, though a little larger, wound."

Andi froze. Her husband may have very well just hit upon the answer.

Could that be the way?

Turning her gaze on Ted she quietly but emotionally said, "Have I told

you how much I love you, lately?"

With his boyish grin he reserved just for her, he said, "Yep; but I can

always hear it more often. I take it I might have given you a possible


"Merlin, yes!" she replied before she leapt at him across the short distance

between them and proceeded to snog him.

Typically, Dora chose that moment to pay them a visit by walking in

through the front door without even knocking.

She took one look at them and exclaimed, "Eeeeewwww!"

As the two older Tonkses pulled apart, her dad pouted at her.

"Your timing could do with improvement," he drolly said.

"Do I need to remind you two that you currently have a live-in guest

staying here at the moment?" she asked.

When both just shrugged back she gave a huff and said, "I'm hungry."

Then went into the kitchen to raid the cold box.

Ted just chuckled. 'Kids,' he thought.




On their thirty-second day under time dilation both Longbottoms thought

they'd not likely receive a letter from young Harry before they got out.

However, and surprising both of them, they did.

As it was handed to Frank he read it first.

The two were using the break from training, brought on by the letter, to

cool down. They'd been going at team duelling a magical target for quite

a bit and needed the rest.

After replenishing her fluids and towelling her self down, Frank handed

Alice the letter without a word. Then he towelled himself down and

drank plenty of water himself.

When she finished she looked to her husband and asked, "Harry's belief

your mother deliberately withheld treatment of us after the first couple


"I don't know," he sadly replied. "I don't want to believe it, but... it makes

a lot of sense."

"I know," she replied. "But he might also be wrong."

"He could," he nodded. "And I certainly hope he is. But, I think we need

to keep an open mind about this."

"Agreed," she said. "That was nice, what he did for Neville."

Recognising his wife was deliberately changing the topic he wasn't averse

to it.

"Yes," he replied. "He took a great risk, doing that; just so Neville

wouldn't worry any more. He's clearly a good friend to our boy."

"He cares," she sighed. "These letters we've been receiving from him and

his lady are proof enough of that."

"Three and half days left," he sighed.

"They'll be over before we know it," she returned.




After a last snack, Harry was earlier to bed than his usual. He knew he

had a very busy day the next day and wanted to be as rested as he could


Before going to bed herself, Hermione was pulled aside by her mother.

"Harry's going to have a very full and busy day tomorrow," she explained.

"Even more full and stressful than what today turned out to be. He will

likely need your support."

"He'll have it as he always does, Mum," Hermione replied. "And he's

prepared. You wouldn't believe all the variables he's taken into

consideration of his plans.

"But, I will be there with him and for him. I made that decision soon after

he rescued me from that troll on Hallowe'en in first year."

As she walked down the stairs from the top floor, Monica was wearing a

self-satisfied smirk. 'Yep. My daughter's utterly smitten.'




28. What Muggle Artefact?

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to the proverbial Duchess of

Magic, JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high

falutin' companies. No matter how much I whine about not owning anything

related to the HP universe, other than a few fanfic plots, I do not profess to

own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful

world... Damn it!

A/N1: Alrighty. This is the chapter where all those folks guessing what the

research Harry was involved in, you get to learn how close you were. And,

yes, I did write it that way to give you all a 'fun game' of figuring it all out,

contrary to what others thought. I was actually surprised how close many of

you came in what reviews I skimmed through. Kudos, for that. But, I think

there was an item or two you all missed and which I included, all the same. :)

A/N2: And, yes, I've made this posting event a double. Two chapters! I

wanted to get the entire Wizengamot session out of the way before moving on

to the next evolution of the story.

Chapter Twenty Eight - What Muggle Artefact?




At just after 5.00am, normal time, Lord Franklin 'Frank' Longbottom and

Lady Alice Longbottom walked out of the time dilation chamber back

into the normal world. As expected, they were greeted by Sirius. He was

grinning his head off at the two of them.

Both grinned back in pleasure.

As soon as they were both out he embraced the pair of them in a 'group


"Merlin; but, you two are a sight for sore eyes!" he declared.

The change in the two of them since he saw both was quite startling.

Gone, was the frail, elderly-appearing state he last saw of them. Both

now appeared on a par with him.

There were still strong hints of the ravages of their time while 'ill'. But,

for the most part, it was only a trace; and mainly showed as a somewhat

haunted look in their eyes. If anything, they appeared even more healthy

than he did himself.

Frank stood at about five foot eleven and roughly on par with Sirius. Due

to the training inside the chamber he was quite fit and had what was

known as a runner's physique. His hair, which was balding, thin and

cropped right back when he went in, was now back to full and healthy,

had a healthy shine and was down almost to his shoulders.

Alice, stood proud in her five foot three (and one-quarter inches! Never

forget that!) frame. Her hair was oddly streaked blonde and grey; the

blonde from before the curse, to the grey from afterwards. She, too,

appeared quite fit and toned.

Looking them both over, Sirius asked, "How, in Merlin's name, did you

two gain a suntan while in there?"

"Sunlamps," said Frank. "It's supposed to be a muggle concept. You lie on

this muggle bed thing for half an hour―"

"Frank," Alice firmly said, cutting him off. "There will be time to discuss

everything we went through in there, later."

Eyes twinkling while grinning at Sirius, Frank said, "I felt like a roast

being cooked in an oven on a low heat."

Herself looking to Sirius, Alice asked, "Harry's last letter to us arrived

four days ago. What's happened since then?"

"Alice, he sent it in only ten hours ago," smiled Sirius. "For the last six, at

least, everyone's been sleeping.

"However..." he grinned at them both and pulled from his pocket two


In shocked glee both accepted them. Both immediately felt the warmth as

the wands re-bonded with them.

"How?" asked Alice.

"Harry had his house elf sneak into Longbottom Hall about an hour ago

and recover them for you," he explained. "Two fakes have been left in

their place."

"Time for you to go, wizards," a goblin suddenly said. "Time is money and

you're wasting mine." He was offering them a portkey.

Sirius gave a nod back, accepted the portkey and turned back to the

Longbottoms. "Right. Take hold."

As they did so, he turned to the medi-staff that had gone into the time

dilation with the Longbottoms and gratefully said, "Thank you."

As they nodded and smiled back, with the Longbottoms also holding the

portkey, he was about to activate it when the goblin barked, "Activate!"

And they were gone in a flash of goblin portkey magic.




In the Tonkses' home, Ted was sitting in his favourite chair while trying

to go through his pocket-sized carded prompt notes for the trial, later

that morning. They were a matched pair with Harry's.

He had one of the lounge curtains open to watch for the tell-take flash of

the goblin portkey, which would arrive just outside the front gate only a

hundred feet away.

He wasn't looking out the window when it happened, but the flash of

light caught his eye and he immediately looked out.

Seeing the three start to walk up the front path to the front door, he was

quickly slipping the cards into the inside breast pocket of his robes as he

shot out of his chair to stride quietly to the front door.

Only he and Andi were home, at the time, but he still didn't want her to

wake, fearful of any unusual noises coming from the main part of the


By the time he opened the front door the three were just walking up the

front steps onto the porch.

"Come in and be quiet for a few minutes, would you?" he quietly asked.

"I'll just go wake Andi."

"Ted, there's no need," said Sirius.

"Yes, there is," he disagreed. "Besides, she has a 6.00am start today,

anyway. She wants to get a couple hours in at the hospital before she has

to go to the Ministry for the Meeting of the Wizengamot."

As Sirius led the Longbottoms in, Ted went to the master bedroom.

Less than ten minutes later, while the Longbottoms and Sirius were

waiting quietly on the lounge and chairs, he was leading a dressing-

gowned Andi into the lounge.

Andi took one look at them, while the three were rising to greet their

temporary hostess, and exclaimed, "Morgana's saggy tits!"

Frank laughed while Alice simply smirked back. She quietly said, "Good

morning, Andromeda."

Sirius was grinning his head off.

Andi suddenly whipped her wand out and was casting as she came

forward. However, none of the casts were offensive in nature. She was

firing off detection charms like they were going out of fashion.

"Andi!" exclaimed Ted.

"Shoosh!" she snapped, during a pause in her casting.

Going first to Frank she walked around him while still casting. When she

seemed satisfied she spun about and turned her wand on Alice. A long

few seconds later, she stepped back and said, "Sweet Merlin! It is you; it is

you both!"

"Happy?" asked Frank, a little wryly.

"How?!" she barked in shock.

"Someone figured it out and set the snitch flying," replied Sirius, grinning.

"Wanna guess who?"

Andi stood there, scowling, still quite shocked, but thought it through.

Then her eyes widened and she looked in new shock at Sirius.

"Harry?!" she exclaimed in disbelief.

He laughed, "Right in one!"

After Andi had calmed down again, she called their house elf to make tea

for them all. Then it set about preparing breakfast.

While they were talking and waiting, Ted and Sirius took turns telling

both the Longbottoms and Andi what had been going on of late. Most of

it was for Andi's benefit as Frank, with Alice's added commentary, told

them about Harry's letters to them.

"It's clear to us why he said he was supposed to go into Slytherin," said

Frank. "But, we can also tell he would have done brilliantly in any of the

four houses.

"He has the cunning of a Slytherin, the smarts of a Ravenclaw, the loyalty

of a Hufflepuff and the quaffles of a Gryffindor. He's the perfect Hogwarts


While Ted and Sirius snorted in amusement at his description of Harry's

Gryffindor traits, Alice smacked him on the arm. "Be polite," she mock-

scolded him.

Andi was still coming to terms with this latest revelation.




After breakfast and Andi left for work with pleading from all four of the

others she not tell a soul about the Longbottoms just yet - she wouldn't -

Ted and Sirius talked about a slight change they wanted to make to their


"I think we should bring Madam Bones in on this," said Ted.

"And I agree," said Sirius.

Frank nodded and said, "Harry's last letter to us said he'd hinted to the

point of obviousness that we'd been cured and we'd put in an appearance

at the Wizengamot before lunch." He then chuckled and said, "He also

said that first thing in the morning was before lunch, so he hadn't misled


That had even Ted chuckling as Sirius laughed.

'The question then becomes," said a grinning Alice, "When?"

Ted quickly checked the time on the wind-up kitchen clock and said,

"She's normally in the office almost right on 8.00am. As today is a

meeting of the Wizengamot, with a trial right before, I'm guessing she'll

be in at about 7.00am."

"Which means she'll rise at about 6.00am," nodded Sirius. Checking the

time, himself, he added, "In about... fifteen minutes."

"What time is Harry likely to get up?" asked Alice.

"He's an early riser," replied Sirius. "Him and his house elf have a sort of

fake competition about who's going to be first down to the kitchen to

cook breakfast... he's a brilliant cook, by the way... but, of course, the elf

always beats him."

"He cooks, too?" asked a surprised Alice.

"He didn't write to you about that?" grinned Sirius. "He doesn't cook, Ali;

he turns food into art!"

"He's very good, Alice," said Ted. "It's a privilege to be invited to dine

when he's the chef."

"Is there anything this young man can't do?" asked Frank.

"Apparently, not if he sets his mind to it, no," replied a very proud and

still grinning Sirius. Suddenly, he said, "Actually, thinking of the time,

he's probably up."

Sirius suddenly whipped his mirror out of his pocket and said to it,


While the other three watched on, the mirror blurred for a few moments

before it cleared with Harry's face appearing. Of course, for the

Longbottoms, this was the first time they'd seen the young man. No one

had thought to send in photographs with the Longbottoms when they

went into the chamber.

"Mornin'!" Harry drawled. He appeared quite awake.




This morning, Harry had donned his invisibility cloak to try and sneak

down to the kitchen. But, before he even managed to pass the end of the

kitchen counter, Dobby called, "Good morning, Master Harry!" He had his

back to Harry, at the time.

"Damn it!"

Dobby turned with a grin on his face; but, on turning around, couldn't see

his master at all.

"Master Harry?" he asked, confused.

He knew his master was 'right there' but couldn't see him or even sense

him. He just knew.

Suddenly, with a swish of his cloak, his master appeared, scowling back.

"Powerful magics, Master Harry!" he exclaimed.

"Yeah, yeah," his master moped, turning around and walking back out.

He knew his master wasn't unhappy or angry with him - house elves

knew these things - but it amused his master and was a little fun for him

too, so Dobby wouldn't complain.

However, it would be a cold day in the Halls of the Dishonoured before

his master ever caught him out.




Harry had only just returned upstairs with the intention of taking his

morning shower, when his mirror buzzed.

'Of course," he muttered. "Why didn't I think of that?"

Picking it up he quietly said, "Padfoot." And the mirror cleared.

"Mornin'," he drawled, trying to act cool.

"Good morning, sleepy-head!" his godfather chirpily greeted him.

Harry gave a snort and said, "You know, Padfoot; this will probably be

the only day you'll ever get up before me. So, yuck it up while you can."

Sirius laughed and asked, "Dobby beat you to the kitchen again?"

"Sawn-off little gremlin!" he mock-scowled.

As Sirius laughed Harry could also hear other laughter in the


"Alright, Padfoot," he said. "Enough of the niceties. Let me see them."

"What?" mock-exclaimed Sirius. "Your dear, sweet godfather not good

enough for you any more?"

That was as far as he got before the mirror took a dizzying quick spin.

All Harry heard for a moment was Sirius exclaiming, "Hey!"

The mirror had clearly been snatched out of his hand.

Then he saw the two faces he expected to see, side-by-side. But the

changes were startling. Both were grinning in happiness.

"Lord Potter," said Frank. "It's so very good to see the architect behind our


"Oh, pshaw!" he blushed. "I just figured it out. Sirius and Ted were the

real architects. And it's Harry, to you two."

"Not for this," said Frank. His face suddenly turned serious, though his

eyes were still twinkling in amusement. "Lord Potter, the Noble and Most

Ancient House of Longbottom is in your debt. What is in our power to

grant you, is yours."

Harry stared back for a moment in shock. Then he replied, "Lord

Longbottom, the Noble and Most Ancient House of Longbottom may

consider its debt expunged if... it raises its Heir to be an outstanding

young man and a credit to his House. As I have said, so must it be, so let

it be written."

"So let it be written," said both Frank and Alice.

Frank immediately said, "We meant much more than that, Harry."

Harry shook his head and said, "There is to be no debt, Frank. I don't

want you or your House beholden to me or the House of Potter in any

regards. We need to be equals, with our own selves being so, for the

Potter-Longbottom Alliance to be strong again."

"Very wise, Harry," said Alice.

Harry just shrugged.

Harry heard what sounded like Ted say something to the two before both

looked back at him through the mirror.

"There's been a change in plans for this morning's schedule," said Frank.

"We're bringing Amelia Bones into the information loop. We want her to

know what's going on before it happens."

"Thought you might," he replied. "That's why I gave her all those clues

yesterday afternoon. It wouldn't be fair to her, after all she's done for me,

to hit her with this... cold."

"And we agree," Frank replied. "We're just waiting for when we think

she's going to be up before flooing her - well, Ted's flooing her."

Harry checked his bedside clock and thought a moment.

Muttering out loud, he said, "It's a Wizengamot day... the trial starts at

8.00am... she'll most likely want to be in the office about an hour early...

so, I'd guess she'd be rising about 6.00am and fixing to floo to her office

at about six-thirty, quarter-to?"

Frank gave a snort of amusement and said, "Pretty much spot on. Do you

want to be here for this?"

Shaking his head, he replied, "No. It's fine. I don't want to give my auror-

shadows any indication you're up and awake. Have Sirius mirror-call me

when I can meet you at the Ministry."

There were more voices off to the side at the other end and Frank said,

"Ted will be coming by to pick you up at seven-fifteen. We'll arrange a

rendezvous with him before then."

"Sounds like a plan!" he declared. "I'll see you then."

More murmuring, then Frank said, "Alice and I are very much looking

forward to it. Mirror off."

Harry quietly gave a huff of amusement before he lobbed the mirror onto

his bed and quickly stripped to take his shower.




Breakfast started off tense for Wendell and Monica, who both knew what

sort of day it was going to be for the two teens. However, when they saw

that Harry was quite stress-free and even a little excited about what the

day would bring they, too, relaxed.

"Just remember, Harry, the basis of the Fog of War," said Wendell. "You

do not know what your enemy is up to. You only have a guess,

irrespective of how accurate it may be. And no plan survives first contact

with the enemy."

"Wow, Wendell," he said. "I'm not going to war!" Then he thought a

moment and said, "Actually, I see your point. It is a conflict. First, me

defending Sirius against the Ministry; and second, me somewhat going

toe-to-toe with the Longbottom regent."

"Exactly," said Wendell. "Two battles, with both battlefronts being the

same - the field of law.

"I'd have loved to have had the time to come and watch this Wizengamot

of yours in judicial session and then also see it in legislative session for

the comparison."

"It's not that much different than muggle magistracies, Wendell," he said.

"But, instead of a panel, there's a single magistrate referred to as Chief

Adjudicator. Any member of the Wizengamot can also ask a question and

expect it to be answered, so long as they're not declared out of order by

the Chief Adjudicator.

"At the end of the trial phase and the beginning of the sentencing phase,

the Chief Adjudicator then, usually under direction from the members,

sets up the vote and what exactly will be voted upon by the Wizengamot

in the passing of judgement."

"So you and Ted have explained," smiled Wendell. "I'd still like a chance,

some day, to see it in action."

"Once this day is done, I'll see what I can do," said Harry. "I'll even make

sure you get plenty of notice, so you can adjust your schedule.

"I'm pretty sure the next scheduled meeting of the Wizengamot is in

February. But, we won't know if there'll be a judicial sitting before or

after that, though; until closer to the day."




About ten minutes after the Grangers left, Ted turned up.

Harry was going through his carded notes for the trial when the man

walked in, led by one of the aurors.

"Good morning, Lord Potter," he greeted him.

"Morning, Ted," replied Harry.

"All set?" he asked.

"As ready as I'll ever be," smiled Harry. He then called, "Hermione!"

"There's no need to shout, Harry," she said, walking in a minute later.

"There's excellent acoustics on the stairs."

"Is that how you do it?" he asked, staring at what Hermione was wearing.

"I thought you'd put up a monitoring charm, or something, on the front


"She looks hot!' he thought. 'I am such a lucky man.'

She blinked at him for a minute and then let out a chuckle. "That's

actually a clever idea. But, no. I tend to leave my door open so I can

listen for anything happening down in the entrance foyer. Can you set

one up for me later?"

"Yeah, if you want," he replied. "Wow, Hermione; you look great!"

Hermione looked down at her attire and gave a slow twirl on the spot.

"Henrietta picked it up for me. I like the colours and I'm told it shows...

well, it makes me look good." Then gave a little blush.

'Oh, no. I almost told Harry it makes my breasts and hips look fuller,' she

thought. 'Better be more careful, in future.'

"A-and...," she stuttered. "I knew you'd look good in that black with green

trim. I thought you'd have worn your green shirt underneath, but the

white actually looks better."

"You two ready?" Ted cut in.

"Yep," replied Harry, while Hermione replied, "Yes."

"Where are the aurors?" asked Ted.

"Right here," said the senior auror of the contingent for the morning,

walking in from back near the stairs leading down to the lower ground


"Right!" said Ted. "Then, let us be off."




After a portkey deposited them in the portkey arrival point in the

Ministry public atrium, the aurors made a sort of triangle around them -

one in front and leading, the other two behind and a little out to each

side - and led them up to the DMLE offices.

From there, they were led straight through to Madam Bones's office. All

three of their 'contingent' aurors peeled away before Ted and the two

teens entered the office.

As soon as he stepped within, being the last through, Harry saw Sirius,

Frank and Alice were all already inside. Thankfully, the office was plenty

big enough to hold them all quite comfortably. Bones was sitting behind

her desk, facing them all.

"Welcome, Lord Potter... Mister Tonks... Miss Granger," she greeted them.

"Hello, Amelia," said Ted. Turning a little to Hermione, he introduced the

Longbottoms to her.

"Hello, Lord and Lady Longbottom," she softly said, dipping a little into a

wizarding curtsey

"Enough of that... Hermione," said Alice. "I may call you Hermione, yes?"

"Yes..." she replied, hesitating.

"Alice," said Alice, walking towards her and bringing, by half-dragging,

Frank with her. "And the big lug next to me is Frank. You and Harry have

earned the right."

Hermione blushed and said, "Ummm... That was Harry―"

"Nonsense," said Alice, wrapping the girl in a hug. "We ladies know very

well the men would be lost if we weren't there to show them the way."

Frank gave a slight snort of amusement as he stepped in to hug her

himself. "It's Frank," he firmly said.

"She right," said Harry. "I was being straight with you when I said I know

I wouldn't have stood a chance during the first three years of Hogwarts if

you weren't there with and for me."

Again, Hermione blushed at the praise.

"Well," laughed Alice, stepping forward to hug him. "At least you know

that much. It's a good start."

Once everyone settled down again, sitting before Bones's desk in a

somewhat haphazard curved line. Bones looked around and shook her

head. She quietly said, "This is somewhat surreal."

Sirius snickered back.

"Oh," she suddenly said. "That reminds me..." She turned to look at the

two teens and almost formally said, "On behalf of the Ministry of Magic

and on behalf of the Noble and Ancient House of Bones, I offer my

congratulations... you two... on your betrothal. I'm sorry I hadn't

remembered to voice that before now."

Harry grinned and said, "Thank you. And your mind's been on other

matters, of late."

Hermione blushed and quietly replied a moment later, "Thank you."

Bones gave a nod back and said, "Well, Lord Potter; I believe the muggle

phrase is... 'You've pulled another cat out of your hat'?"

"Rabbit," said Hermione. "But, the context is right."

"Rabbit, then," she nodded back. "I wonder what's next in your


Harry just smiled back. He actually didn't really know.

"Alright," said Ted. "We don't have much time. How are we going to do





Albus Dumbledore rose and had breakfast with the rest of the school

before retiring to his office. Once inside he warded the office apartment

set to a high degree before going to his apartment and changing.

He changed into one of his remaining finest set of robes, this one was in

fuchsia with orange trim, and readied himself for a day at the Ministry.

The wards he had caused to be erected would state for the castle's wards -

and, therefore, for Marchbanks - that he was in his apartment, apparently

taking a nap for a couple hours; before then showing him in his office,

sitting at his desk and working.

Once set, he fortified himself for his soon-to-be meeting with young

Harry in the Wizengamot chambers before the trial could even start, took

a pinch of floo powder and tossed it into the fireplace. It was quite

obvious young Harry would be there for the trial of his godfather.

"Ministry of Magic," he firmly said, before stepping in.

Barely a moment later he found himself stepping out... right into the

Headmistress's office.

"Hello, Albus," she said to the now very shocked man. "You didn't think I

would figure out what you were planning to do? Tsk tsk tsk!"

"Errr..." he stuttered, flummoxed he'd been so easily foiled. He'd forgotten

the internal floo system could be redirected by the Headmaster or -

mistress. Obviously, though, Marchbanks hadn't.

"Griselda," he calmly replied.

"Headmistress Marchbanks!" she snapped. "Alllll-beee."

Dumbledore scowled and quietly snapped, "Quite."

"Now," she said, sitting up a little straighter and pulling a file from her

desk drawer before placing it in her desk. "That'll be yet another very

naughty thing you tried I'm adding to your developing list of black marks

against you.

"You have been told repeatedly you weren't to leave the castle during

school hours without prior permission from me. And, yet, here we are


"You can consider yourself in 'detention', Professor Dumbledore. Go back

to your office apartment, take down those silly wards you put up to make

me think you were still there and stay there until I call for you. A house elf

will be taking you lunch. Expect to be released some time before dinner.

"Use the time, wisely. I'll soon be asking staff for accelerated teaching

programmes for each of their classes to make up for the time the students

have been away.

"You are dismissed."

Dumbledore spun on his foot and stalked from the room without a word.

This time, like the previous time, he closed the door himself.

Just before he left, though, Marchbanks tagged him with a tracker from

behind. If Dumbledore found it, so be it. She didn't really care. But, it

would lead him to a wrong conclusion, she was sure.

Once she was sure Dumbledore was gone, she cancelled the redirection

on his floo and then had it deactivated completely.

With a nod to herself for a job well done, she gathered what she needed

for the rapidly approaching Wizengamot meeting, activated her own floo

and stepped through.

Because she knew none of the other professors would aid him, the only

way out for the old man now was walking out through the front gate.




Just before the start of the hour of 8.00am - an hour earlier than normal

due to the following general meeting - everyone involved in what was

soon to happen from Harry's 'side' were in place.

The Longbottoms were sitting under DMLE-approved glamours next to

Hermione and closest to the stairs leading down onto the floor. Harry,

Ted and Sirius were on the main floor already and ready to go. Bones had

gone into the back area to be with the other Members. And Andi had

turned up, not seen the Longbottoms because the glamours were already

in place, gave Ted a quick kiss on the cheek and ducked back to join the

Members. She looked almost giddy with excitement, for which Ted had to

quietly, but firmly, tell her to quickly get under control.

As the clock struck two minutes to the hour, the members all filed in and

took their Seats. Augusta Longbottom had the Chief Adjudicator's seat.

As soon as the clock struck the hour, the old dragon banged her gavel

once and said, "Yesterday, I had cause to be placed upon the agenda for

today, the forced questioning of the young Lord Potter, regarding the

whereabouts of my missing son and his wife. We will be starting with

that first."

Bones immediately snapped out, "Point of Order, Chief Adjudicator. That

matter was immediately stripped from the agenda within minutes of it

appearing there, as it is not a matter for this body to discuss."

Snapping to stare at Bones as soon as she'd said, 'Point of order',

Longbottom snapped back, "Overruled! We will be questioning―"

"Point of Order, Regent Longbottom!" yelled Bones. "This body is currently

sitting in judicial review on a single matter! Now is not the time―

"It bloody well is if I decide it is!" Longbottom yelled back. "I am the

Chief Adjudicator and if I decide it will be, then it bloody well will be!"

Bones quickly stood to her feet and said, "I, Amelia Susan Bones, Regent

of the Noble and Ancient House of Bones, Director of the Department of

Magical Law Enforcement and Acting Madam Minister of Magic, hereby

call for a vote of no confidence in the Longbottom regent in her role as

Chief Adjudicator for this trial. She has already demonstrated a direct

bias against the wizard speaking as counsel for the Defendant of the case.

As such, I call for the immediate vote!"

Longbottom surged to her feet and whirled to face Bones, her wand

already in her hand and spitting sparks from the tip. "You... you―"

"Say it, and you'll be arrested on the spot!" snapped Bones.

The aurors were already moving to intercede.

Longbottom was quivering in rage, staring back at Bones.

She then screamed, "He has my son! My son! I want him back!"

"As you seem to have lost control of your senses," said Bones. "I will call

the vote. All those in favour of the motion... vote now."

Slowly wands started to rise. It took a long few seconds, but more than a

clear half voted in the affirmative.

When it looked like no more wands would be raised, Bones snapped, "All

those against the motion, vote now."

Far less than a quarter raised their wands.

Bones then snapped, "As the vote has fallen against you, Regent

Longbottom, you are hereby stripped of the Chief Adjudicator's position of

this matter. Lord Ogden, as you did just recently, would you do us the


Ogden stood and firmly stated, "I will."

As he started to move down to the Chief Adjudicator/Warlock seat,

Longbottom stood there, unmoving, quivering in rage.

As Ogden moved to stand near her, he said, "Regent Longbottom, you

stand relieved."

She gave an almost quiet cry of her rage and stormed off to sit in the

Longbottom Seat. Unlike her normal behaviour, she almost dropped into

it with a crash of her slight frame. Then sat there staring with hate at


He couldn't have cared less. Her claws would be stripped from her well

before lunch.

'Make yourself comfortable, bitch,' he thought. 'The next hour or two will

be the last time you ever sit in that Seat, if I have anything to do with it.'




With Ogden now installed as Chief Adjudicator, the trial commenced.

Bones was prosecuting as normal for a high profile case involving one of

the Noble Houses and Harry was letting Ted deal with the finer points of

law and objecting where necessary, as planned. He was after all a law-

wizard, while Harry was not.

Sirius was even happily admitting to everything, even going so far as to

talking about what enchantments he had placed on the motorcycle after

he legally bought it, brand new, from a reputable Harley Davidson

retailer just south of London.

"It's a 1981 Harley Davidson FXB 80 Low Rider Limited Sturgis Edition,"

Sirius almost excitedly said. "Sweeeet ride, it is! Had only six tenths of a

mile on the odometer; and that was put on there during factory testing.

"Muggle avoidance, impact avoidance, muggle Notice-Me-Not in flight

mode and even a temporary jet boost for those times you need to get out

of an area with all due haste!

When Bones, confused, said, "Then, I do not understand. If you have

admitted to breaching the law, why not just pay the fine and be done

with it?"

Ted, not Sirius, responded, "That will be shown as part of the Defence's

arguments, Madam Bones."

Completely confused with what she was hearing, as were all the

Members, Bones soon rested her case stating, "Though he has pleaded not

guilty, the defendant has admitted guilt in his own responses. Personally,

I'm at a loss. The Ministry rests."

Ogden shook his head and said, "Mister Tonks and... Lord Potter. The

Defence may begin its arguments."

Harry walked forward a few steps and laid his hand on Sirius's shoulder,

where he sat in the accused's chair - the chains lazily draped over him.

"Thank you, Chief Adjudicator," said Harry. "I will begin by offering fair

warning. You and the rest of the Wizengamot are about to be publicly

embarrassed. You will be embarrassed because I, with the assistance of

Mister Edward Tonks, am going to prove to you that this Statute, the

Misuse of Muggle Artefacts Statute, under which my... client... has been

charged is so ridiculously stupid as to beggar belief."

That earned him quite a few grumbles of annoyance.

"Through four examples, I will also be proving, beyond any shadow of a

doubt, that the following are complicit in outrageously breaching that

Statute themselves.

"They are: the legally defined body known as the Ministry of Magic, the

legally defined body known as the Board of Directors of Saint Mungo's

Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries, the legally defined body

known as the Board of Governors of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and

Wizardry, et al.

"Furthermore, I shall be proving that in two of the examples I will be

presenting, the legally defined body known as the Ministry of Magic,

while operating under the direction of the Wizengamot of the day,

engaged in flat-out grand larceny of not one, but two, significant muggle

artefacts as defined in the Statute, before themselves breaching the Statute

even further by wilfully and permanently enchanting said muggle


Harry had to stop because the noises of outrage coming from the

Members was starting to drown him out. With a smirk on his lips, he

looked pointedly at Ogden and negligently gestured to the members. That

snapped the somewhat elderly man out of his shock

Sirius was laughing himself almost silly in his seat.

While he stood there as Ogden began to repeatedly bang his gavel, Harry

was looking at the reactions of the Members. Specifically he was looking

for those who had little to no reaction.

There was Longbottom, of course, who just sat there staring holes in him;

but also Madam Bones, who was pinching the bridge of her nose with her

eyes scrunched closed as if in pain; Andi Tonks, of course, who had a 'fair

idea' what he would do; and, he noticed, Madam Griselda Marchbanks,

who was smirking back at him with a twinkle in her eyes.

He impudently grinned back at her, which had the old woman beginning

to appear to chuckle. She was even tapping the cane she was holding

upright between her legs, lightly upon the floor.

Once the noise settled with some of the Members glaring at Harry and

some now confused and angry that they were, Harry said, "Chief

Adjudicator Ogden, I must protest, most strongly, at the vociferous

interference in my defence of Lord Black. The behaviour of a clear

majority of Members, within seconds of me commencing my arguments, is

most unseemly!"

When the Members immediately got their goats up again, this time

Ogden was very quick to bang his gavel before the noise got out of hand.

A soon as the noise quietened down, this time Bones jumped in before

Harry could say anything.

"Chief Adjudicator Ogden, if I may?" she loudly asked.

Turning to her he asked, "Madam Bones?"

"May I have a few minutes to speak with... counsel for the defence while

the Members use this time to settle themselves down?" she asked.

Ogden turned to look at Harry, who immediately turned to Ted and

shrugged. Smirking, Ted gave a very gentle nod back.

Harry spun back to look at Ogden and said, "Sure! Why not? How about

Madam Prosecutor and we two converse for... fifteen minutes? Perhaps

the Members would like to take a break."

"You have ten," sighed Ogden. "We recess for ten minutes!" he called and

banged his gavel before rising.

As Madam Bones came down to talk, Harry threw up a privacy field,

which Ted enhanced with his own that made them appear murky to

anyone outside the field.

Madam Bones walked through it only seconds later.

"What, in Merlin's name, are you up to?" she sighed.

Harry grinned at Ted and asked, "Shall we show her what evidence we're

going to present?"

Ted chuckled and said, "We may as well. The trial has already started, so

there's not much she can do to stop it if we don't want it stopped."

Harry began to lay out his documented evidence in four piles. One each

for Saint Mungo's, the Hogwarts Express, the Knight Bus and the K6 red

telephone kiosk, commonly called a phone box, outside the Ministry of

Magic and acting as the public entrance.

As he did, Madam Bones walked around to see what he'd laid out.

"The first one is the evidence relating to Saint Mungo's, specifically the

building in which it resides," he began. "As you can see from the records,

both muggle and Ministry, the building is of muggle construction and

was bought from a muggle company called Purge and Dowse, Limited.

The building was purchased by the Board of Directors, muggles were

Obliviated, and the inside enchanted. That makes it an enchanted muggle

artefact, as defined by the Statute.

"The second one is of the Engine for the train known today as the

Hogwarts Express. It was built by the muggle company known as London,

Midland and Scottish Railway (LMS) founded on 1 January, 1923. It is a

Stanier Class 5 4-6-0 commonly known as a 'Black Five'. Between 1934

and 1951, 842 were built.

"In 1941, locomotive No. 5425 was severely damaged in a Luftwaffe air

raid. That train was then stolen - that's larceny, Madam Bones - by the

Ministry of Magic from the place where it was damaged. One hundred

and sixty-seven Memory Charms and the largest ever mass Concealment

Charm performed in Britain, all co-ordinated by the Ministry, were

employed in the theft. It was then moved to a wizarding site, repaired

and enchanted.

"A statement from a Wizengamot meeting of the time and found in

Ministry records was, 'Due to its Muggle origin, many pure-blood parents

disapprove of the train, but can do little about it as the Ministry has

forbidden any other method of travelling to Hogwarts.'

"That makes the Ministry of Magic complicit in the larceny of a muggle

artefact from its rightful muggle owners. And complicit in forcing all

witches and wizards going to Hogwarts to break the Statute by making

them ride the train.

"I also have here a list of all those who were involved. You'll notice some

of those names are of Members currently sitting in the Wizengamot, right

now. That means they are all guilty of the crime of Conspiracy to Commit

Grand Larceny, Burglary, a breach of the same Statute for which Lord

Black now sits for judgement, plus much more.

"And I've made no inference about the actual carriages, yet. Each of those

is also a muggle artefact, which has been enchanted.

"The third one is the stolen muggle artefact known in wizarding Britain

as the 'Knight Bus'. It was constructed by the Associated Equipment

Company, who simply used the acronym AEC until they folded in 1979.

AEC was a muggle British vehicle manufacturer which built buses, motor-

coaches and lorries.

"The Knight Bus is actually an enchanted AEC Regent III RT and is a

variant of the mass-produced AEC Regent III. It was a double-decker bus

until it was stolen sometime in the late 1930s from its rightful owner, the

Glasgow Corporation. And was originally intended to be an exhibit at the

1939 Commercial Motor Show. However, muggle police records show it

never made it there and it's listed as motor vehicle theft.

"The current Knight Bus is actually a replacement for one established in

1865 by then Minister for Magic, Dugald McPhail. He hit upon the idea

of imitating the Muggles' relatively new 'bus service'. Very soon

afterwards the Knight Bus of its day hit the streets.

"Some wizards of the time - mainly pureblood fanatics - announced their

intention of boycotting what they dubbed 'this Muggle-esque outrage' in

the letters page of the Daily Prophet. Old records of the Daily Prophet of

the time report on this."

Tapping another page, he continued, "This... is a list of the people

involved in the first... acquiring... of the Knight Bus, the first one; and I

think I can build a pretty good case against one Earnest Prang for

illegally acquiring the second and enchanting it. That's the one now being

operated by him.

"The fourth example is the red telephone kiosk - or, box - that is the

supposed public entrance of this very building. It is of muggle

construction by the British muggle Government entity known today as

British Telecom. The kiosk is known by the model number 'K6'. The

crown that decorates the lintel above the door shows it be a depiction of

Saint Edward's Crown, which means it was... acquired... after 1955,

which is when that particular crown was first used.

"The telephone inside of it, yet another enchanted muggle artefact, is an

Automatic Electric payphone model 233G built by The Gray Telephone

and Pay Station Company of Hartford, Connecticut, under contract with

Western Electric. Both are muggle companies in the USA. Western

Electric provided such phones in the United Kingdom only to British

Telecom; and British Telecom have not sold a single one of them on. That

means it, too, is stolen. It, too, occurred sometime after 1955.

"I have here a list of the folks within the Ministry who were involved in

that, including the Obliviators, the Directors of Departments who signed

off on it, including your own, the then Minister and a few others. Again,

some of those folks currently sit on those Seats before us."

Stepping back, he looked directly to her. "Now, Madam Bones, here's

your problem: Under the Statute, for which Lord Black has been charged

and you've just argued should be fined, you've now seen how over four

hundred and fifty-two wizards and witches, almost all of them working

for the Ministry of Magic or Saint Mungo's at the time, or sitting as

Members of the Wizengamot at the time, have both outrageously ignored

the Statute, for whatever reason, and most of them also complicit in the

act of larceny. Why'd they do it? Because, they didn't consider themselves

bound by it?

"If the Ministry of Magic and the Wizengamot, let alone all the rest of the

people I'll force you to go out and arrest and charge with the same and a

similar crime you're prosecuting Lord Black for, don't think the Statute is

worth them having to obey, why the Hell do you think anyone else


"As you now know and could easily be provided proof of, the Statute

requires those artefacts all be stripped of their enchantments and, in the

case of the stolen ones, returned to the rightful muggle owners.

"Translating that, it means, One: You would be required to toss everyone

out of Saint Mungo's; they'll just have to find somewhere else to be sick,

dying, treated, whatever. Two: Go and get the Hogwarts Express from

wherever it is stored when not in use and strip it of all enchantments

before taking it somewhere muggle and dumping it. The students will

have to find some other way to get to Hogwarts when school starts back

up - Oh, wait, they can't! The Ministry ordered that no one can travel to

Hogwarts without doing so via the Hogwarts Express. No Hogwarts

Express means no one can go to Hogwarts. Oops. I guess the school will

need to be shut down until the Ministerial degree is rescinded. Three: Go

drag Earnie Prang's sorry arse off the Knight Bus, strip it of its

enchantments - including that ridiculous third deck - and return it to the

muggles. And, Four: go close down the public entrance to the Ministry,

strip the red telephone box and the telephone inside it of its

enchantments and give it back to its rightful owners, British Telecom.

"Now, while you're cogitating that, think of this: How many muggle

artefacts... as they are defined in the Statute... are used every day by

witches and wizards who create portkeys?

"Are you aware the motor vehicle hubcap - off a Hunter Hillman, if I know

my hubcaps well enough - we used as a portkey to get from the Granger

Residence to here, today, met the definition of an illegally enchanted

muggle artefact as per the Statute?"

"And, what about all those portkeys that were created for the Quidditch

World Cup that the Ministry organised? I know - for a fact, since I had to

use one - a very great many of them were muggle artefacts. So, everyone

in the Portkey Office needs to be arrested and charged; probably

everyone in the Department of Magical Transportation, especially the

Department Director. And everyone else involved in deciding upon and

creating any portkeys for the event.

"The ball is now in your court, Madam Bones. What do you want to do

with it?"

Bones had stood there, following along as Harry showed her clear-cut

documented proof from both worlds of all that he had talked about;

stunned silent.

Finally, she simply and vehemently said, "Oh, Merlin's wrinkled...


That was it for Sirius. He'd been trying to hold his laughter in so much

until then he sounded like he was giggling and smothering it.

When Bones quietly swore, he couldn't hold it back any longer. He was

laughing so hard, if it wasn't for the fact the chair was bolted to the floor,

he'd have tipped both himself and the chair over, chains and all.

He was laughing so hard Ted had to give him one of his own calming


Bones ignored all that as she stood there trying to forget the last five

minutes of her life.

"I hate you," she quietly said.

Starting to lose his temper, even though he knew he shouldn't as it wasn't

Bones's fault, Harry firmly retorted, "I'm not the one who was the daft

moron that wrote such a stupid bloody law! Nor am I the muggins that

has to enforce it. I'm just the schmuck who has decided he's sick and

bloody tired of stupid laws he's supposed to follow like the simple-

minded sheep that seem to make up the flock that is wizarding Britain.

"Well, this muggins has had a gutful.

"You want out of this? Fine! Here's my demands for you to dig yourself

out of this. One: Drop the case, right the hell now, or as soon as we drop

the privacy shields and CA Ogden calls us back into session. As you can

see, irrespective of you believing you have successfully argued your case

against Lord Black, you haven't and you now know it. Two: As Acting

Madam Minister, move to immediately and unequivocally suspend the

Misuse of Muggle Artefacts Statute for it being utterly worthless. Three:

Work with me to repeal the law in its entirety and we'll rewrite it to

something that actually makes sense! And, four: Get a proper bloody

Misuse of Muggle Artefacts Office and staff it full of muggleborns, who

actually have a clue. Arthur Weasley just 'tinkers' with things he has no

idea about; and Cliff Perkins, his supposed partner, is just a 'seat warmer'.

Let Arthur Head it, if you must; but, he needs to be taught what a muggle

artefact actually is.

"How say you?"

She stood thinking for close on thirty seconds before she gave a sigh,

nodded and said, "Let's do this, just as you described."

Finally, he was able to get his anger under control and sheepishly looked

to her. "Sorry. My behaviour was uncalled for. You're just doing your job

and I'm smacking you about for doing it."

When the privacy shield dropped, Members were just returning if they'd

actually gone anywhere. Most hadn't.

She stayed on the floor, sighed and looked up at Ogden. "Chief

Adjudicator Ogden, the Ministry finds itself in the position it has no

choice... but to drop all charges filed against Lord Sirius Black the Third."

"Whaat?!" he shouted in shock.

Mind you, almost the whole Wizengamot went 'bananas'.

After first walking around it, Harry just sat with his back to the Defence's

table he'd been using to show Bones all the documents, propped his bum

against it, folded his arms, crossed his legs at the ankles and, finally

calmer, smirked at Ogden.

Looking about, his eyes immediately caught those of Madam

Marchbanks. As soon as she saw him looking at her, she let go of her

cane to sit propped between her knees and quietly mimicked clapping

him while grinning back. He couldn't help but sheepishly grin at her in


It took quite a while for the Members to calm down. Bones had to

eventually fire off three Cannonblast charms in rapid succession before

she got them quiet.

With Ogden banging his gavel away as the noise quietened, he was

almost the last to actually be quiet.

Once noise was down to a dull murmur, he demanded, "WHY?"

"Because, if I do not, then Lord Potter is going to present his evidence.

We cannot stop him from doing so, as he is defending his client and must,

by our laws, be given the time to do that.

"If Lord Potter does present that evidence, then that evidence will be a

matter of Record in the Wizengamot records books. If it goes in there

then the DMLE must act on evidence he presents, which proves criminal


"The evidence I now know he will present will lead to the arrests of close


She turned to look at him.

"Four hundred and fifty-two, plus all those associated with making

portkeys," he quietly said.

"... Hell! Four hundred and fifty-two people, plus approximately a

thousand more. I know approximately a third of the members currently

sitting here today will be included in that number, plus about half of my

aurors, plus about half of the rest of the Ministry.

"I'll also be forced to close Saint Mungo's hospital and toss out everyone

within - staff and patients alike - and seize the building as evidence of a

criminal act. I will also have to seize the Hogwarts Express and the

Knight Bus. And I will have to permanently close the current public

entrance of this very building.

"I... really... don't want to be put in the position I have to do that.

"If you cannot figure out why I would have to do that, you shouldn't be

sitting in those tiers."

That, again, had Members going silly in their Seats. Bones only let it go

on for about five seconds before she fired yet another Cannonblast charm


"E-nough!" she barked. Then she stared at the young Dicta-quill operator

and said, "Deactivate all your quills. This part will be off the record."

When they all calmed down enough for her to be properly heard over the

noise left, she said, "I'm not telling you this as a threat; or that Lord

Potter is threatening to do this. I'm telling you this is going to happen if

this case is allowed to proceed!

"Lord Potter is required, by our own laws, to provide Lord Black with his

best efforts in defending him. The evidence that Lord Potter has gathered

from public records, both in the wizarding world and muggle, will

accomplish that.

"Therefore, he is now bound by our laws to present his evidence. The

only way we can stop it from happening is if I drop the case.

"However... the case can then only be dropped if Lord Potter and the rest

of the Defence accept the offer to drop. The Defence can refuse it. If that

happens Lord Potter will present his evidence and fifteen hundred plus

witches and wizards will be arrested; and Saint Mungo's, the Hogwarts

Express, the Knight Bus and the little red public telephone box that sits as

the public entrance to the Ministry, will all be seized as evidence of

blatant breaches of the Statute for Misuse of Muggle Artefacts.

"There is no other possible outcome!"

"Oh, Merlin's left quaffle!" moaned Ogden.

"Those were roughly my sentiments, too," she replied.

"This is ridiculous," said Caracticus Nott. "We simply rule those items all

exempt from the law and proceed from there!"

Harry immediately stood up from where he was still perched on the edge

of the desk and stepped forward. "Really?" He asked. "Then what about

the following? Kings Cross Station is a muggle artefact. You, yourself,

have been there. The Ministry created a portal located between the

existing muggle platforms of nine and ten to allow witches and wizards

to pass through to Platform nine and three-quarters. That portal, plus its

Notice-Me-Not charms and the like, mean that the artefact has been

enchanted. That's illegal under the definitions stated in the Statute.

"In the village of Godric's Hollow, Devon, a muggle war memorial

dedicated to the loss of life of muggle soldiers in muggle conflicts, as

recently as only thirteen years ago, under the direction of this very body,

was enchanted to show visiting wizards and witches the sacrifice of their

lives made by my parents in destroying the one most recently called the

Dork Lard, or some such nonsense. Therefore, it is an enchanted muggle

artefact and a breach of the Statute. And you people sat there and voted

for it to happen! That means you lot were all conspirators in breaking the

law. Blatantly!

"The building known as The Leaky Cauldron is another artefact of muggle

construction that has been enchanted, so are many of your homes. All

illegal as per the Statute.

"There are similar items in this very room, right now. Many of you have

them on your persons." He then indicated Bones and said, "For example,

Madam Acting Minister Bones has a monocle. It is of muggle

construction. I believe it would be discovered to have at least self-

cleaning, unbreakable and the like charms on it. That makes it an

enchanted muggle artefact; and, according to the law she just got through

doing her damnedest to shaft Lord Black with, makes it illegal."

"Oh, bugger!" she quietly sighed.

"I find it pretty amusing she is prosecuting a case of breaking the Misuse

of Muggle Artefacts Statute when, all along while doing it, she had on her

face a similar item.

"Madam Marchbanks has been quietly sitting up there and gently tapping

her cane on the floor in amusement. She might have purchased that cane

from a reputable wizarding vendor. However, if she does not know... for

a fact... that the cane was not sourced from a muggle manufacturer, if she

has then placed enchantments upon it she has breached the Statute."

That had the old woman laugh. "He's right, you know. And I have placed

enchantments upon it."

"Shall I go on proving what a bunch of nitwits you're all being; or, will

you shut up, crawl back into the hole from whence you emerged and let

those who have a clue talk this out? There is no 'exempting' that is going

to get you out of this. There is far, far too many items in use throughout

wizarding Britain... right now... that breach the Statute.

"Your only course of action is to suspend it, if not outright strip it from the

books of law. Your excuse to do so is that it has been proven to be both

unworkable and unenforceable in its current state. Then, the Wizengamot

is going to write a completely new one; one that is enforceable and not

such a completely daft, moronic piece of legislation.

"So, do I continue with my case or are you people going to use your

brains, decide for yourself you're in a situation of your own making that

will effectively grind wizarding Britain to an immediate halt if I continue

as I currently have to, decide that only your own undoing of it is going to

get you out of it and strip the Statute away? Or not?


"Once they have... Chief Adjudicator... please announce and call the vote.

If this body does not vote in the affirmative to strip the Statute away, I

stand ready to continue to defend my client - as I am required by law to


After much whining, moaning and angry complaints about it, the

Wizengamot, sitting as they were in judicial review, voted to strip the

Statute from the books. They even asked Harry to provide the words for

the reasoning.

"I've already given it to you," he replied. "It is unworkable and

unenforceable in its current state."

Due to there no longer being a Statute for which Sirius supposedly

illegally broke, the case was then aborted - the Defence 'magnanimously'

allowed it.




29. A Dragon's Comeuppance

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to the proverbial Duchess of

Magic, JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high

falutin' companies. No matter how much I whine about not owning anything

related to the HP universe, other than a few fanfic plots, I do not profess to

own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful

world... Damn it!

A/N: I decided to be nice and finish with the Wizengamot session in one day,

so you lot get a 'double' today. [Cue screaming in orgasmic joy.]

Chapter Twenty Nine - A Dragon's Comeuppance




As soon as the trial of Lord Sirius Black III was lawfully aborted, the

session ended. Harry had informed Madam Bones he believed he would

need an hour to present his evidence in support of clearing his

godfather's name. They did not even use half of that. That meant they

were now early for the actual sitting of the General Meeting of the

Wizengamot. It was barely past 9.30am and the session was not due to

start until 10.00am.

Because the Longbottoms were sitting under glamours in the visitors'

gallery, Harry had wanted to join them and Hermione there. However, he

was blocked from doing so by quite a few of the Members who wanted to

either berate or congratulate him on his case. Sirius was able to fend

most of those off for him.

He was also very thankful Bones wasn't that annoyed with him using 'her'

case to give the Wizengamot a smack-down he felt it richly deserved. He

thought it had to do with him engineering getting the Longbottoms

healed, but was happy to accept it.

Then there was the barely aborted meeting with Augusta Longbottom on

the main floor. The aurors had to heatedly threaten her with arresting her

and taking her from the chamber in magic-restricting manacles if she

continued to try to get to Harry, before she finally backed off. By then, he

had over half a dozen of them acting as a shield between he and her.

Even Sirius stepped between them.

After everything calmed down - with Longbottom storming off to,

apparently, give Bones another serve - he finally managed to get about

ten to twelve minutes of sitting with Hermione, Frank and Alice before

the start of the session.

However, even that was delayed when the reporters sitting in the gallery

hurried to the top of the stairs and then tried to use the opportunity to

interrogate him before he even set foot on the bottom step. Again, the

aurors had to step in and ultimately threaten them with being tossed

from the chamber before they stopped. And again, Sirius stepped up first

to block them. Which cut his time down to about three minutes.

That would have been just enough time for him to be congratulated and

earn a kiss on the cheek from Hermione before they had to settle down

for the start of the session. However, at that moment Neville came

running into the chamber. He was out of breath.

Harry had to stop and greet him at the foot of stairs leading up into the

Visitors' Gallery to give the boy's parents a chance to compose themselves

on seeing their son, without letting the cat out of the bag.

"Nev!" said a happy Harry. "What kept you?"

Still trying to get his breath back, Neville frowned and replied, "Gran

locked me in my room using a charm I didn't know how to break. It took

me ages to figure out a way past it."

"If you couldn't break it, then how did you get past it?" asked Harry.

Neville gave a wide grin and replied, "I did what you told me to do,

Harry. I thought, 'If I can't get out through the door, how else can I get


"I tried to get Fluxy, our indoors house elf, to pop me out, but she

wouldn't. Gran had already taken my emergency evacuation portkey

away from me, so that was out too. Then I saw the window. I tried it and

it opened."

"That would have been a bit of a jump," he said.

Neville grinned even more and said, "Nope. I took the bedding off my

bed, tied the ends of each together at the corners to make a bit of a rope,

tied one end to my bed, and used that to shimmy down the side of the


'You forgot you could cast a cushioning charm on the ground and just

jump,' thought Harry. But, he held his tongue. His friend and god-brother

had solved the problem, so that was all that mattered.

"I'm just kicking myself it took me the better part of an hour to figure it

out and accomplish it," continued Neville. "I only managed to get out

about ten minutes ago.

"I then ran inside, used the Hall fireplace to floo to the atrium here and

practically ran from there to here."

"You made it," grinned Harry. "And well done for thinking 'outside the

box' and coming at the problem from a different direction!"

Now getting his breathing back under control, Neville asked, "Where is


"Well, the Members are in the area behind the Seats and getting ready to

walk back in; that includes your grandmother." He then pointed up the

stairs and said, "And Hermione and Sirius are sitting up there with a

couple of people we've just met."

"How'd the case go?" he asked.

"I'll let Hermione explain that to you," grinned Harry. "You know she'll

want to, anyway."

Neville chuckled and said, "Yeah, she will."

Moments later, even as Neville was climbing the stairs into the visitors'

gallery, the Members filed back in.

No sooner had they done so, still talking animatedly about the case that

'went wonky' and Harry's part in it, when the Herald announced the call

for the members to assemble.

As the clock struck the hour Bones, sitting as Acting Madam Minister and

Chief Warlock pro Tempore, banged her gavel and called the meeting to


"New business," she declared. "First on the docket is the induction of a

New member, Lord Harrison James Potter of the Noble and Most Ancient

House of Potter."

Harry was already striding up the floor to take his place before the

defendant's chair directly in front of her.

Meanwhile, Frank was almost having to sit on his wife to stop her

jumping up and hugging their son as he walked past them to go and sit

on the other side of Hermione.

They'd just spent the last approximately two minutes watching their son

and Harry interact. And Frank had already figured out the young Lord

had done so to give him and Alice a chance to again compose themselves

after having first spotted him.

Even Hermione was leaning into them and quietly whispering, "You need

to wait only another few minutes! That's all it's going to take. Just... be patient

for a little while longer."

Sirius had moved to sit behind them and was also offering his

encouragement and urgings not to act just yet.

However, it was enough... barely.

Bones gave a sigh, knowing what was about to be unleashed, and said,

"Lord Potter was declared of-age by law and by magic on the thirty-first

of October, 1994. As he is therefore the rightful holder of the Potter Seat

on this body, he is here to claim what is his by right."

With a slight wince, she called, "Is there anyone here who wishes to

speak against Lord Potter taking his rightful Seat?"

Normally, this was simple tradition. Even those of the Dark families -

known to have served Voldemort or, before him, Grindelwald - were not

denied their Seats unless they were currently facing criminal charges or

were incarcerated.

Of course, as expected, the Longbottom regent stood. "I object!" she

firmly declared.

Though almost all of them now knew of the hate and ire she had as

recently as fifteen minutes earlier directed to the boy, they still did not

think she would do this. It was just 'not on'; not the 'done thing'.

"Your objection is noted, Regent Longbottom. Do you wish to speak in

support of your objection?"

"You know damned well I do!" she snapped. "The House of Longbottom

hereby formally objects to the Potter boy being allowed to take Seat. He

has kidnapped my son and refuses to return him. Furthermore―"

"Regent Longbottom," snapped Bones. "As has been clearly explained to

you, I investigated the matter as Director of the DMLE and found your

claim invalid! You will not cast such aspersions on Lord Potter, again!"

"I don't care about what legal loopholes he managed to come up with to

escape justice! He did it! He has my son... and his wife... and I want him


"Your claim is invalid! Move on!"

Longbottom, again quivering with rage, snarled, "Very well. As Head of

the Noble and Most Ancient House of Longbottom I, Augusta Reeves

Longbottom, hereby revoke the Potter-Longbottom Alliance Charter for


In the gallery, Frank quietly snarled and said, "That's it!"

He leaned over his wife to Hermione and firmly said to the girl, "As soon

as we're on the floor and moving forward, tell him." And gave a chin

point at Neville.

Without waiting for a response he, still holding Alice's hands to stop her

reaching out for Neville, rose and descended the stairs, leading Alice with


"Regent Longbottom!" Bones barked back. "As regent of a House that is part

of that alliance, I can tell you... flat out... as regent you do not have the

authority to revoke the Charter! Stop this nonsense, immediately!"

As Frank and Alice strode forward from the stairs, across the floor and

towards Harry, Hermione turned to Neville. The poor boy was sitting

there, focussed on what was happening with and to his grandmother.

"Neville!" she quietly but firmly said, trying to get his attention. "Neville!"

Neville spun to look at her in shock.

"Harry has a message for you," she immediately said. "Merry Christmas!"

And grinned.

Sirius began moving to sit behind him to aid Hermione if the boy looked

like trying to get to his parents before it was time to do so.

Utterly confused and wanting to watch his grandmother, but too polite

not to pay attention to her. He asked, "What?"

"Very well," snarled Augusta. "In that case I, Augusta Reeves Longbottom,

hereby declare blood feud on the House of―"

"That's enough!" Frank barked out. That someone would dare do such a

thing was a surprise enough; but, Frank backed it up with a Sonorus

charm. His voice was a bellow that filled the chamber, shutting everyone


Even Harry turned to see. Then had to smother his grin before he turned

back. He looked to Marchbanks and, the cheeky boy he could be, winked

to her.

She stared at him in shock. Then glanced at the two adults striding

forward, before turning a look of shrewdness on him. He impudently

waggled his eyebrows back.

Bones never said a word. Instead, she gave a sigh of relief and ordered,

"Aurors. Do not interfere! I command it."

Those aurors beginning to move forward to intercept the couple

immediately halted in their tracks, confused. Then started to move back

to their places. An order was an order, when legally given.

"Neville!" said Hermione. Dragging Neville's attention back to her.

"Hermione," he almost whined. "What? This is important!"

"So is this!" she declared. "For what is about to happen, you must remain

right here! You're going to want to run forward, but you must not until you

are called. Do you understand?"

"What?" he asked.

Augusta Longbottom, due to her rage, was one of the very first to recover

her surprise. "I don't know who the hell you think you are, but you're

interfering in the lawful practices of a Noble and Most Ancient House."

"Do you understand what I just told you?" pressed Hermione. "Do not go

forward until you're called!"

"Yes, Hermione," Neville firmly returned with a scowl. "I understand.

Now let me pay attention." And turned back.

Hermione grabbed him by his nearest hand, his wand hand, and held it.

Relieved she'd got the message through to the boy in time, she

whispered, "You're going to love this. Trust me."

Sirius was now sitting behind Neville; also ready to grab him, if


As Frank came up to stand beside Harry, he sneered back at his mother.

"Who am I?" he sneered. "That is a very good question."

As Augusta was about to snap something back, both Frank and Alice

tapped themselves with their wands, dropping their glamours.

Augusta took one look at them both, her eyes widened in shock and even

her jaw dropped open.

Firmly and clearly he said, "I... am Lord Franklin Harfang Longbottom,

Lord of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Longbottom, your son and

Lord of your House!"

Alice chimed in, right on cue, "And, I am Lady Alice Elizabeth

Longbottom née Malone, Lady of the Noble and Most Ancient House of

Longbottom and of the Elder House of Malone, your daughter-in-bond

and Lady of your House. The person you seem to continually forget

about, or simply refer to as 'his wife'."

Hermione made sure she had a firm hold on Neville so he wouldn't jump

up and run before she said, "From me too, Neville... Merry Christmas.

Harry cured them!" She didn't even need to whisper; as there was no need.

Bedlam, pandemonium, uproar, ruckus or just plain confusion; they were

all words that could be used to describe the scene in the chamber at that

moment. The reporters in the gallery had used those words to describe

what the young Potter Lord had caused earlier during the trial. Those

would now have to be rethought; because, what was going on before

them now, put even that to shame.

It was some time before there was anywhere near peace in those tiers. A

couple of witches and even a wizard had fainted and no one noticed.

As Harry stood there, side-by-side with the Longbottoms, Frank called,

"Patronuses on three. One... two... three."

And three fully corporeal Patronuses leapt from three wands and surged

towards the tiers. As all three gambolled and played above the heads of

the Members, the Members nearly all settled down very quickly. The

positive emanations coming from the Patronuses robbed them all of their

fear, anger and even desire just to want to shout at someone. Harry's was

still a stag, but he was surprised to see Frank's was a cheetah, while

Alice's was a mongoose. Frank and Alice had learned of Harry being able

to cast a fully corporeal patronus from the letters he'd sent into the time

dilation chamber.

As the Members settled down, the three cancelled their Patronuses

"That," said Frank in a firm and authorative voice, "Will be enough of


"Sir," said Bones. "As it is believed both Lord Franklin and Lady Alice

Longbottom have been rendered permanently incapacitated from the

effects of long-term exposure to the Cruciatus curse, perhaps you could

present evidence you are who you say you are."

Harry expected Augusta Longbottom to arc up and deny, deny, deny; but,

she was almost fainting in the Longbottom Seat. She was white as a sheet

and, instead of quivering with rage, was shaking in shock.

"You are aware, are you not, that a house elf bonded to a specific House

knows all of the members of that House?" he asked.

"Yes, I'm... Ah!" she said. "Of course. That would do it."

Turning to Augusta she firmly said, "Regent Longbottom. Call one of your

house elves!"

"No," she quietly said. "No." She was starting to firmly get control of

herself. "No, no, NO!"

"Regent Longbottom," snapped Bones. "We need proof. Summon one of

your house elves, or I shall do it for you!"

Augusta straightened herself up and glared back at Harry, Frank and

Alice. "I do not believe this. I do not accept this! It is nothing but a... a...


'There she is,' thought Harry. 'Back again.'

"Very well," said Bones. "If you won't do it, then I will!"

"No!" Augusta suddenly barked. "I'll do it so this... man and woman can

be immediately arrested, together with their co-conspirator, the Potter

boy, and be taken from here in manacles! Fluxy!"

A little house elf suddenly appeared next to her and asked, "Yes, Mistress


Augusta pointed at Frank and Alice and demanded, "Who is that, really?"

The elf spun about and stared in initial shock at Frank and Alice. Then it

squealed, "Master Frank! Mistress Ali! You be awake!"

With a white flash it disappeared from beside Augusta and suddenly

appeared between and in front of Frank and Alice. As soon as it did it

snapped its fingers. Then squealed again, "Master Frank! Mistress Ali!"

With a triple flash, three more elves suddenly popped in. And then all

four were dancing about in joy calling, "Master Frank and Mistress Ali be


Bones smirked at Augusta and asked, "Well, Regent Longbottom? Do you

need any more proof? Those are all your house elves, are they not?"

Augusta just sat there staring in tears at her son and daughter-in-bond.

"Frank?" she quietly asked.

Frank scowled at her for a moment before he turned to look at the house

elves. "Fluxy?"

The elf instantly stopped with the other three stopping only a half

moment later. "Yes, Master Frank?"

Frank held up his right hand and said, "I seem to be missing my Lord's

ring for the House of Longbottom. Do you know where it is?"

"Yes, Master Frank!" And it popped away.

A long moment later and it was back, offering the ring up on a small


Frank plucked it off the cushion and re-donned it. As soon as it settled

everyone saw the tell-tale flash signalling the bonding of a ring with its

rightful wearer.

"Thank you, Fluxy," he said. "You and the others may go."

"Thank you, Master Frank," all four chirped before popping away.

Frank gave a firm nod at the spot where they'd stood before walking

through it and approaching Bones. "Acting Madam Minister Bones, I take

it you can verify a Head of House ring?"

"Of course, I can," she replied.

As Frank held his hand out to her, she raised her wand and cast a charm

on the ring.

It immediately glowed green.

Giving a nod she declared, "I verify the ring on this man's hand as being

the Lord's ring for the Noble and Most Ancient House of Longbottom. As

such I, Acting Madam Minister and Chief Witch pro Tempore Madam

Director Amelia Bones, recognise him as truly Lord Franklin Harfang

Longbottom, Lord of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Longbottom."

Among all the susurration that arose on that declaration, Harry heard one

wizard emotionally state, "Sweeeet Merlin!"

"Now that's done," said Alice, "We have something we consider the most

important event of all to do." She spun on her foot and stared back at the

visitors' gallery, right at Neville.

"Neville, dear," she softly said. Her voice carried clear.

That was it for Neville. He hadn't even realised Hermione had even

released his hand.

He surged up from his seat and leapt over the banister rail before him,

landing in a soft crouch on the main floor. Then he ran forward. There

was something wrong with his eyes because everything was a bit blurry,

but he didn't care.

Sirius quietly chuckled, "Wow! Look at him go!"

Just before crashing into his mother Neville skidded to a stop before her.

He was still thinking her very frail. And he was somewhat heftier than


"Mother?" he tentatively asked.

She smiled, took the step forward to meet him and wrapped him in a

hug. Her head only came up to his collarbone, so she had to turn her

head to the side. His head rested on its side on hers. As tears flowed from

both, a few moments later they were joined by Frank wrapping them

both in a hug, together; his own tears were also beginning to flow.

Bones gave them quite some time. She, along with all the light families,

most of the grey and even a couple of the dark, had tears in their own

eyes. This was a reunion that was thirteen years in the making.

Harry stood back with a look of supreme satisfaction on his face. He was

very happy for his friend, but also a bit bitter-sweet.

Not able to look upon the scene any more, he turned to look up into the

tiers. Rosier was again sitting and shaking in shock, just staring at the

three in both confusion and fear.

Casting his eyes across and up one, he looked to Marchbanks. She, while

continually glancing at the Longbottoms, was staring at him in surprise

and awe. He smirked and cocked an eyebrow at her. She smiled and

nodded back.

Frank eventually gave a sniffle and stood back. While looking away he

wiped his eyes with the cuff of his robe. Then steeled himself.

Almost suddenly, he spun about. Red rimmed eyes or not, here stood a

Lord; One of the Seven... power personified... and he was angry.

He turned to look at Augusta and, with a very obvious sneer on the first

word, said, "Regent Augusta Reeves Longbottom née Rosier, you...

unlawfully... attempted to end the Potter-Longbottom Alliance. Then,

when that disgusting act failed, you were about to declare a blood feud, of

all things, on an allied House; on a man I now personally hail as the

personal hero of both myself and my Lady. You were about to end

centuries of Longbottom tradition and honour.

"Lord Harrison Potter, Lord of the Noble and Most Ancient House of

Potter and Heir Tertiary of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black,

acted with integrity, honour and the full justification of the alliance of

which we lead. I know you were made aware of that. And, yet, you still

behaved appallingly and dishonourably. You, woman, had no right to

interfere with that!

"Lord Potter was owed a boon by the Goblin Nation―"

That had a ripple of quiet gasps from the Members, at least.

"Bugger!" Harry quietly sighed. "You weren't supposed to know about


After Frank gave a glancing amused smirk at Harry, he quickly turned his

glare back upon his mother. "Lord Potter called that boon due. He called

upon the Goblin Nation to loan him their time dilation chamber for the

period of three days normal time. Lord Potter expended that very

valuable boon to aid another House; a House which is supposedly your


"Alice and I were taken into that chamber direct from Saint Mungo's.

While three days passed out here, thirty-six days passed within. And, as

you can see, we were healed. Alice and I, besides minor ravages of our

time while near-comatose in Saint Mungo's... where we received

absolutely no healing treatment on your orders since about eighteen months

of our first entering there... are now fitter and healthier than we have

ever been.

"The one condition the goblins placed on Lord Potter was that he not tell

anyone but a very small select few who were involved in our removal

from Saint Mungo's, where we were taken or what was happening to us.

Lord Potter honoured that requirement. Something, it appears, you need

lessons in.

"So, it now falls to me to fix your foolishness and dishonourable acts,

supposedly on behalf of the House of Longbottom, against an allied


"You, Augusta Reeves Longbottom, are hereby stripped of your claimed

duties of Regent of the House of Longbottom. You are to leave this place

immediately and return directly to Longbottom Hall. There, you are to

directly retire to your rooms and remain there until I return and call for


"At that time you will be required to answer questions both I and Lady

Alice Longbottom will be putting to you. That will be the person you

have either consistently ignored the existence of, or simply referred to as

'his wife'. Alice is the Lady of your House; something you are no longer. If

we are not satisfied with your responses... be prepared to be Disowned!"

That drew quite a few more gasps.

"Now; GET OUT!" he snarled at her.

Augusta Reeves Longbottom née Rosier, once-Regent of the House of

Longbottom and once unofficially counted in the ranks of the Seven,

silently rose from the Longbottom Seat in tears, quickly made her way

down to the floor and - with barely a pause - hurried from the chamber.

It wasn't until there was a quiet but heartfelt vehement mutter of "Shit!"

from an unknown Member, before Frank turned back.

"Acting Madam Minister and Chief Witch pro Tempore Madam Bones," he

called. "With my apologies, the Noble and Most Ancient House of

Longbottom hereby and unequivocably withdraws its objection to Lord

Harrison James Potter ascending to his rightful place upon the


Bones gave a simple slow nod back and quietly said, "Accepted. Are there

any other objections?"

No; of course there weren't. No one would dare.




After Harry had taken his Seat, Frank then took his.

Alice, with Neville practically affixed to her side as if with a Sticking

charm, took them both back to sit with Hermione.

Bones then stated there would be an immediate call for votes for Chief

Warlock. Until that day, most thought Augusta Longbottom a probable

shoo-in for the slot, even as Regent. However, the honour went to Lord

Miles Ogden.

Walking back up into the tiers, Neville almost yanked Hermione out of

her seat and laid a massive hug on the girl. "Thank you!" he practically

sobbed into her hair.

"Neville!" Alice quietly and amusedly scolded him.

Muffled by the boy's shoulder Hermione said, "It's okay, Lady Alice. This

one's easy to forgive."

Once Neville stepped back and wiped his eyes dry again, he sat between

his mother and Hermione.

When two reporters tried to surreptitiously slide over to ask questions,

Neville snapped to his feet, spun on the pair of them, drew his wand and

actually growled at them. He even had the curled lip quiver, flashing a

hint of teeth on the side, right.

That had both quickly scurry away again. One row back, Sirius blinked

once in surprise and then quietly snickered.

As Hermione lightly chuckled, Alice was looking up at Neville with

surprise and love.

A long glare later in warning towards the now quite distant reporters, he

carefully spun back and sat down again with a huff.

With a smile Hermione quietly said, "There's that heart of a lion Harry

keeps telling you beats in your chest."

Neville gave a little blush at the praise, but kept silent. He was too busy

holding his mother's hand, just as he'd do for almost an hour in Saint

Mungo's every chance he got. This time, though, that hand he held was a

lot more lively and a lot less frail.

After Ogden moved to take the Chief Warlock's Seat and Bones moved

back to the Seat for the DMLE, he then called for nominations for the

position of Minister. Elections would be held and the decision voted upon

at the February meeting in nine weeks. There was no January meeting.

Almost the first to do so, but definitely the first to be recognised, Madam

Marchbanks stood and declared, "The House of Marchbanks nominates

Lord Harrison James Potter of the House of Potter to the Seat of


While Harry turned and stared at her in gobsmacked shock, to which she

smirked back, another blurted, "Are you out of your freakin' mind?"

Even Harry gave an amused snort at that.

After a couple of gavel bangs, Ogden called, "Lord Potter; do you accept

the nomination?"

Giving his head a quick shake to get rid of the shock, Harry stood,

thought about what he wanted to say and said, "While I would not state

my question in the same manner as a fellow Member stated a moment


That earned him a few chuckles.

"... I believe I would... respectfully echo his sentiments."

A few more chuckles.

"As such, I must humbly... decline the nomination at this time. However, I

also thank the House of Marchbanks for the honour and respect it has

bestowed on me and the House of Potter with the nomination." And sat


As he sat, he looked back at Marchbanks with an eyebrow cocked, slight

smirk on his lips and a slow head shake.

She, smirking back, mimicked doffing a hat to him.

There were about five nominations where the member so nominated rose

and accepted. One of them was Caracticus Nott. Harry was unsure about

the leanings of the other four. At the moment, he didn't care.

After that, the session broke with best wishes for the Yule season and

reminders the next General Meeting would be in February on the third

Tuesday. That made it the sixteenth of the month.




As the Wizengamot began to disassemble, Bones immediately 'corralled'

Harry, Frank and Andi - freeing them from the near mob of Members,

who all tried to converge on Frank and even Harry, at the same time.

And sent her aurors to collect Hermione, Sirius, Alice and Neville to take

all seven back to her office.

Once in the safety of her DMLE office, she gave her own sigh of relief

before she went to a hidden cabinet and pulled out a bottle of muggle

scotch and a fistful of shot glasses.

Taking them to her desk she put them on the top and quickly conjured a

series of chairs. This time there were seven in total on the other side of

the desk.

"Bloody Hell!" she vehemently stated before she began to pour glasses.

Before she got to do more than that, Neville called, "Harry?"

Harry, surprised, turned to the boy. "Nev?" he asked.

Neville physically grabbed him and laid a massive hug on him even

stronger than Hermione's best. "Thank you!" he quietly stated.

Harry found himself unable to draw breath and gasped. "Nev? Air!


Neville finally released him as Bones finished pouring shot glasses.

Still quietly, he said, "Harry... whatever you need or even want... it's


Bones called, "Tinker!"

With a light pop a house elf appeared. "Yes, Mistress Ami?" it asked

"Three butterbeers, please," she asked it.

Harry said to his friend, "It's what friends do for one another, Neville.

But, I'm sorry about your grandmother."

A few moments later three small bottles all appeared on the desk. Bones

first handed out the shot glasses of scotch to the other three adults and

handed the three butterbeers to the three teens.

"No, Harry," Neville disagreed, accepting his. "This goes, as I once heard

Seamus say, 'above and beyond'."

Then also added, "But, you still scared the life out of me for three days."

"Sorry," said Harry, as both boys took their seats. "I couldn't afford your

grandmother stepping in and stopping me acting. And the goblins

demanded of me I not tell where your parents were for the duration."

"But, you still placed yourself at risk of my Gran getting hold of you

before today, by hinting to me you had them."

"It saved you from worrying too much," shrugged Harry. "It was worth

the slight risk."

When the two teens quietened, Bones asked Harry. "So, Lord Potter,

what's your next trick to be?"

"Finding worthwhile Christmas presents for everyone!" he declared. "I'd

completely forgotten, until today, just how close Christmas is. Ten days!

"My mind's been busy with other matters. Now I have to think of what to

buy folks. That's going to be hard."

Sirius snorted and said, "You've had almost the entire senior faculty of

Hogwarts arrested and fired; one of them sent to Azkaban for life. You

have the Minister and his Senior Undersecretary arrested and both sent to

Azkaban for sentences in excess of five years. You argue a case before the

Wizengamot so effectively you forced them to strip an entire Statute from

the books. And engineer the healing and recovery of One of the Seven

and his Lady, in secret. A healing feat, I might add, that the best at Saint

Mungo's couldn't figure out. And now you go and say buying gifts for

Christmas is hard?"

Harry shrugged and said, "Everything you mentioned was simply a case

of applying logic to the problem. Christmas gifts have to come from the

heart. That's something entirely different.

"Besides... beside my first, I suppose... the first time I ever received a

Christmas present I remember about that wasn't one meant to insult me,

was my First Year at Hogwarts. Even then, because I was stuck in the

castle every Christmas, I couldn't go out and buy presents for anyone. I

couldn't do that until last year. And I was restricted there to what was

available for purchase in Hogsmeade.

"This is the first time I'm going to remember ever having a proper

Christmas. And I want to make it the most special ever. That includes

buying just the right gift for everyone."

"Oh, Gods!" squeaked Hermione.

She then practically levitated off her own chair and into his lap, before

then trying to kiss him senseless. No one tried to stop her. If anything,

they were deliberately looking away.

Once she pulled away a little, she vehemently stated, "This Christmas will

be the best for you, Harry. I'll make sure it is."

Sirius gave a little cough and said, "Count me in with that."

Even though she was happy to have given 'her' Harry a big kiss and

cuddle, Hermione was in no hurry to hop off his lap. Besides, Harry had

curled his arms around her and was holding her by her offside hip and

across her thighs. She liked it. She felt safe.

Neville quietly said, "It's about time, you two. Everyone else in Gryffindor

- probably in the entire castle - knew you two were going to get together.

I think you two, Ron and Ginny are the only ones who didn't think you


Harry frowned and asked, "Ron and Ginny?"

Neville nodded and replied, "Ginny's had her eye on you since before she

even arrived at the school. And I'm pretty sure Ron was trying to build up

the courage to ask Hermione out."

"Ginny's a fangirl," said Harry. "You know how I feel about that."

"And, me and Ron?" asked Hermione. "Probably the laziest boy in school,

with me, someone who believes in striving and working hard? That

wasn't ever going to happen."

"I know," said Neville. "But, they seem to think it would."

Turning to Bones, Frank said, "Now that the kids have caught up. Madam

Bones, tomorrow or the next day, depending on getting things sorted at

home, I'll be bringing Neville in to be interviewed. He'll be talking about

two experiences, at least, he had as a small child that I know of. They

relate to one Algernon Rosier, I believe, attempting to murder him."

Neville looked at his father in shock. "You know about that?" he asked.

"Yes," said his father. "And it's time that man faced justice for what he


"I take it this has to do with one time when Rosier tossed him off a pier

into the sea and he almost drowned?" she asked. "And a second, where he

dropped him out a window of Longbottom Hall?"

"You know about it, too?" asked Neville, now completely shocked by

what he was hearing.

"I do, young man," she replied. "But, what I have is only hearsay. I want

that interview with you about it to progress this to a full investigation.

And then I'll be interviewing your grandmother as to why she never

reported either event."

Neville seemed to shrink in on himself and quietly said, "I don't want

Uncle Algie to get into trouble."

"It's not your call, dear," said his mother. The two were sitting in chairs

and almost hard up against each other. He sat between his parents.

Alice reached around and massaged his back. "It is for the adults and the

Wizengamot to decide if there is to be any punishment or not. This is not

something you need to worry about."

"Neville," Frank softly said. "As your grandmother and guardian it was

her duty and responsibility to be your protector. It was her responsibility

to have raised this with the DMLE as soon as the first one happened. If

she had, the second wouldn't have.

"However, now that your mother and I are... back. We are now your

rightful guardians. And, while your grandmother didn't act when she

should have, we will. We're back and we can protect you. Your friend,

Lord Potter, has ensured we can be there for you."

Neville sadly nodded, but he'd... uncurled... as his father spoke. "Yes,

Dad." Then he gave a smile and looked to his father. "It's nice to say

that... 'Yes, Dad'."

Both Longbottom parents beamed back.

It was when Harry's stomach growled yet again, that Andi said, "Time for

you to go and get something to eat, Lord Potter. And don't go trying to

tell me you're not hungry, because I know you must be famished!"

When Harry turned begging eyes on her, she just scowled even more and

said, "And don't go trying the 'whipped puppy' look. Your godfather tried

that on me and it didn't work for him, either."

Sirius chuckled and said, "I did, too."

Harry sighed and said, "Well, I guess I better go and track down the

trained attack dogs Madam Bones has saddled me and the Grangers


"I'll summon them," Bones immediately cut in.

Harry sighed and nodded.

Ten minutes later and, though expecting to have to go out by way of the

atrium, Madam Bones allowed them to use her floo to the Leaky

Cauldron. They then portkeyed from there.

This time it was only Hermione and Harry heading back to the Grangers;

with, of course, three aurors.




After getting 'home' and changing into muggle, the two teens met back in

the dinette. Dobby had already begun to build a lunch for them all before

they even had a chance to change.

"Yous didn't eats you's meal at morning tea, Master Harry, " Dobby

scolded him. "Dobby now be makings Master Harry a big lunch!"

Harry gave a sigh and shrug before walking out of the kitchen and to the

dinette. Hermione had only just beaten him in there.

Once the two sat, she said, "I wonder how Frank and Alice are going to

deal with Regent... I mean... Frank's mum."

"It is not our business, Hermione," he replied. "Because it is an internal

matter of another House, especially one that is a Noble and Most Ancient

House, we don't even get to hint at asking about it."

"But, you've been doing that a lot, such as organising Frank and Alice's

treatment, since soon after you got here," she said, a little confused.

"That's because Lord Franklin Longbottom wasn't available to handle

matters himself," he replied. "Now that he is back and capable of

handling House business himself, I have to step completely away from it.

And, because I do, so do you.

"If Frank... not Alice... wants me to become involved again, he will

specifically ask me to. Not even Alice can ask me to become involved,

unless Frank loses his mental faculties or something similar again; and

she becomes Regent.

"It's an internal House matter. So, it will be handled internally."

Hermione nodded and asked, "Do you think he will disown her, as he

threatened? I mean, that's a pretty big thing."

"Possible," he shrugged. "We'll find out pretty soon, if he does. That's the

sort of thing that gets announced in the Prophet. Besides, he'll have to

notify me, as an allied House, due to the Charter that she'll no longer be

part of the alliance. House Rosier is not a member House."




Frank and Alice, not trusting apparating yet and unsure of the state of the

wards at the Hall, were given a portkey by Bones to their front gate.

As with Harry and Hermione and their escort, they flooed from Bones's

office to the Leaky Cauldron and immediately activated the portkey from

there. It took them to right outside the main gate of the property.

Only one person in the Leaky even recognised them. And that person was

stunned silent until after they'd already portkeyed away. Even after

they'd gone, that witch thought she had to have been hallucinating, or


On the walk up from the gate to the Hall, Neville was quite jittery.

Alice hung back with him a bit and said, "Neville, relax. There is nothing

you can do, but allow what happens to happen. Your grandmother has a

lot to answer for regarding how you were raised, how you were treated,

what she has done with the affairs of the House and quite a bit more.

This is only to do with you, peripherally. Understand?"

"Errr... yeah, Mum," he replied. "I think so."

"What I mean is, you did not cause any of this," she explained. "This is all

on your grandmother, by her own actions."

Neville thought it through, saw where his mother was coming from and

gave a firm nod back. He didn't notice that he also shifted in his posture,

standing up straighter and walked with a stronger gait.

His mother did, though. 'Harry started this change,' she thought. 'It's up

to Frank and I to keep it going until it's there, permanently.'

When Frank walked in he felt the full wards with his senses. He frowned

and then made his way directly into the basement and to the key ward-

stone. That was the stone that was both the anchor of the wards and to

which the other ward-stones that surrounded the perimeter of the

property were linked.

Alice already knew where he was heading, so led Neville into the


After directing him to a seat she sat close, but almost facing him. "So,

sweetie; tell me what you normally get up to around here. I've been told

you're somewhat of a prodigy in Herbology and like to work in the


Neville coloured up and said, "Harry's got a big mouth."

She chuckled and said, "While we were under time dilation and

recovering, he knew we would be going a little crazy not knowing what

was going on outside. So, he sent us regular letters. For us, those arrived

about just over one a week to ten days. For Harry, that meant he was

sending them mornings and evenings.

"And, honey, they weren't short letters; not by a long cast. Think of an

assignment you'd have to do this year, fourth year; double it and you'd

get pretty close.

"He didn't write to us and say 'This is who Neville is'. He wrote and said,

'This is my impressions of Neville after having lived with him in the

Gryffindor boys' dorm for three plus years'. In other words, he gave us his

impressions of you and what he thought you were like. He did not try to

speak for you.

"What I'd like to hear is about you, from you. And so would your father.

He should be finished with the wards―"

There was a strong thrum feeling that pulsed from the centre of the house

and rapidly flowed out and away.

Neville gave a little jump of surprise. "What was that?"

"That was your father making a major adjustment to the wards, dear," his

mother replied.

A few moments later there was the sound of rapid footsteps on the stairs

from the upper floor. And Neville caught, out of the corner of his eye, his

grandmother rounding the bottom of the stairs and running as quick as

she could for the stairs down to the basement.

She'd barely got the door open and ducked inside before he heard his

father bellow. "Get back to your room, woman! NOW!"

"But, Frannnkk!" his grandmother almost wailed.

"NOW!" bellowed his father, even louder.

He heard the door flung open again and heard his grandmother hurrying

past going back the other way and then saw her hurry up the stairs. She

sounded as if she was crying.

"Gran sounds upset," he quietly and sadly said.

"She's going to get a lot more upset before this day is through," his mother

firmly stated. "But, that is not for you to worry about."

When Frank walked in, scowling, he looked to Alice and asked, "She gone

back upstairs?"

"Yes, dear," she calmly replied.

"Good," he almost snapped. "She dared to question me about what I

thought I was doing with the wards."

"Gran likes to keep firm control of the wards," said Neville. "She

sometimes does little adjustments to them, too."

"Not any more, she won't be. I've locked her out," said Frank. Looking at

Alice he said, "I was right in that you and I had been removed from the

resident's list of those who can directly access by floo, apparation or

portkey. We may have been in a coma-like state, but that gave her no

right to do that.

"I've also removed Algernon and Enid Rosier from the resident's list. They

don't even live here and she had them on the list.

"That's yet another two subjects we'll be raising with her."

Alice gave a nod and called, "Fluxy!"

"Yes, Misstress Ali? What can Fluxy be doings for you?" asked the elf.

"Can you get me my lap table from wherever it is now; and some

parchment, ink and quill?" she asked.

"Yes, Misstress Ali," replied the elf with a little bob-curtsey.

It flashed away and was back a moment later. She was holding the items

out for Alice.

Accepting them, Alice said, "Thank you, Fluxy."

The elf gave another little bob-curtsey and popped away.

She set herself up on her chair with the lap table on her lap; ink bottle in

a little 'cup' holder for it and parchment with quill on top. Frank sat

down on another chair, also facing Neville.

Frank then pulled out from within his robes a good sized stack of

parchment, already covered in writing. Neville could also see there were

what looked like quite a few clippings from what he thought must have

been the Daily Prophet mixed in with that. And he could see it was once

all folded in half, lengthwise.

"Alright, Neville," said his father, relaxing into his chair. "We've been

given quite a bit of information about what's been going on, about you,

about the school, about a lot of things.

"What I need is clarification of a lot of points. And, yes, a lot of that will

be about you. But, I'm asking those questions of you because you're the

best person to answer them.

"I'll also be asking a lot of questions of your grandmother about her and a

lot of other things. And be asking questions of people such as Lords

Potter and Black, Madam Bones, Professor Sprout, Headmistress

Marchbanks, etcetera.

"Your mother and I have a lot of things we need to catch up on, or with.

And the best way to do that is to ask the people themselves. Understand?"

"Yes, Dad," he replied.

Frank smiled back. "As good as it is for you to be able to say that; I think

it's even better for me to hear it."

Neville smiled back.

As his father asked questions, his mother was writing things down. Then,

when it looked like his mother's hand was starting to hurt, his parents

switched. Then switched back when his father's hand looked like it was

starting to hurt.

While both asked questions, they also talked a fair bit between them. One

question did not immediately follow the previous. That way, to Neville, it

did not feel like an interrogation. However, the real reason for the breaks

to talk was because the writer wasn't finishing writing down what was

being spoken.

When they'd finished, Neville was surprised to notice it was the middle to

the late part of the afternoon. They'd been at it for hours, except for a

short break while they ate sandwiches for lunch. During that time, they

asked Neville to tell them stories about his time at Hogwarts.

After a shared afternoon tea, both his parents almost demanded he take

them out to the greenhouses and show them what he'd been doing.

That was something he'd been most eager to do since he first accepted

they really were awake and conscious again. That was while they were in

Madam Bones's office. Before that, he thought he was experiencing a sort

of surreal dream while being awake.

When he'd shown them what he was doing and had 'discovered' with

Herbology, both parents were almost stunned speechless.

"Harry was right," said his mother. "You truly are a prodigy in Herbology.

I'm so very proud of you."

That had the boy blushing almost to the roots of his hair.

"Why are you embarrassed about that?" asked his father.

Sadly, he replied, "Gran wants me to become an auror, like you."

Frank frowned and firmly asked, "I don't particularly care, at this

moment, what your grandmother wants you to be. What do you want


"A Herbologist!" Neville immediately and determinedly replied.

"Then, if that is what you want to do, your mother and I will give you as

much support in that as we can," said his father.

When Neville looked in shock at them both he quietly said, "Gran says

you'd want me to be an auror."

"Your grandmother is wrong!" his mother firmly stated. "Your father and I

want you to be the best at what it is you want be. That has always been

our hope for you."

"And your grandmother knew that," his father added a little angrily.

A little while later and back inside, his mother said, "Neville, would you

like to go and spend some time in your greenhouses while your father

and I talk for a bit?

"Based a lot on what you've told us, your father and I need to discuss

between us what we're all going to do together from here. Is that okay

with you?"

"Yeah!" he eagerly replied. "I'll need to go and get changed first. I don't

want to wear my good clothes out and get them dirty. Gran gets upset

when I get any dirt on my clothes."

"That's fine, dear," she nodded. "Go get changed, head out and we'll call

you when it's time for dinner."

'Thanks, Mum!" he was about to dash out when he stopped and turned to

his father. "Is that okay with you, too, Dad?"

"Yes, of course," his father smiled. "Off you go."

As soon as they heard the sound of Neville hurrying up the stairs while

also trying to be quiet about it, Frank quietly snarled, "That bitch!"

"She's been doing her damnedest to turn him into you," said Alice a little

sadly. "That was so very unfair of her."

"As soon as he's gone outside, I'll have Fluxy call her down," he stated.

"Where shall we do this?"

"The office," she immediately replied. "You need to be sitting in the office

desk chair, as Lord Longbottom, with me beside you. She can be sitting

on a chair before the desk like a naughty little school girl called to the

Headmaster's office."

He smiled an evil little grin at her and said, "That's perfect. But, I need to

go and check the office to see if she's rearranged things to her own liking,

first. I need to change it all back, if she has."

Alice nodded and said, "You go do that now. I'll wait for Neville to come

back down."

Frank gave a firm nod back and made his way across the Hall to the


When Neville hurried back down the stairs a couple minutes later, again

doing his best to remain quiet on the stairs, Alice checked him over and

said, "Like a proper Herbologist. Take care and we'll call for you when

dinner is ready."

Hesitating a moment, he quickly gave her a hug and, nearly running,

headed outside.

She sighed and made her own way to the office.

"Time for 'Mum' to answer the Duelling Master's call," she muttered.




30. Neville Speaks Out

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to the proverbial Duchess of

Magic, JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high

falutin' companies. No matter how much I whine about not owning anything

related to the HP universe, other than a few fanfic plots, I do not profess to

own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful

world... Damn it!

Chapter Thirty - Neville Speaks Out




After their big lunch, Harry and Hermione decided to take a walk rather

than sit down and work on House of Potter documents. They were both

too mentally done for the day to have accomplished much.

When they found one of the aurors and let them know what they

planned, he said, "One of us will meet you at the front door."

Harry just gave a nod and said, "We'll see you there."

Now, after what appeared to have been a pretty slushy day, both teens

needed to rug up quite warm. Other than their short trips from the front

door to the portkey/apparation point and back again, they'd not often

been outside.

Then the walk, though it started out quiet, ended up being enjoyable.

Hermione hesitantly began to point out different features and even

pointed to a couple of homes where some of her old school-yard nemeses


Pointing to one, she said, "Oh; that's where Kathy Johnson lived. She was

a real cow. Used to call me the 'Buck-tooth Beaver Bookworm'."

"Well, I give her points for the alliteration, but... really?... calling

someone a buck-tooth beaver is like calling a giraffe a long-necked

giraffe, or a rhinoceros a heavy rhinoceros. And, 'beaver bookworm'?

Now, that's all sorts of wrong. A beaver and a bookworm aren't even in

the same Phylum, let alone Class. A bookworm is what is actually called a

booklouse, it's an insect for Merlin's sake!"

Hermione start to, at first, giggle. Then the giggle turned into a chuckle,

before it morphed into her high and clear tinkling laugh.

"Oh, Harry!" she laughed. "Don't ever change."

"Ha!" he said. "It's seems cousin Andi's potions are going to make that

impossible to achieve. I'm beginning to feel all... gangly! You know, arms

and legs."

"I know what you meant," she grinned. "You are, as my Mum said,

currently growing like a weed. It'll stop soon, though.

"I'm also noticing you're starting to become a lot more defined across the

chest and in your upper arms. It suits you."

Harry blushed, even in the cold. "It's a little embarrassing. I used to want

to stand out. Then, when I got to Hogwarts, I did everything I could to

hide my true self. Now, I'm going to be towering over everyone else. No

more hiding, for me."

"There's no longer a need to," she firmly said. "All your enemies, bar one,

have been effectively vanquished. Now you're free to be you."

Harry walked on silently for a while. 'There's two, Hermione,' he thought.

'Dumbledore and Riddle.'

With a sigh he then stopped before he turned to 'his' girl.

She stopped with him.

Pulling her slightly towards him so he could hold her about the waist, he

looked at her with a serious expression and said, "Hermione Granger, I

know there is that clause in our Betrothal Agreement that allows either

one of us to back out of it at any time we want.

"However, I want you to know this... I don't believe there is ever going to

come a time when I'm going to want to say that line. Unless you decide to

say it in the not too distant future, you and I are going to marry."

She stood with her own arms around his waist; now needing to be under

his, due to the reversed and still developing height difference. At first she

almost panicked, thinking he was warning her he was going to say it.

But, by the end of his clearly heartfelt confession, she felt herself falling

in love with him even further.

She simply stepped in and kissed him. She noticed she now had to tilt her

head back to do it.

When she pulled back she said, "Then, it appears we will be getting

married, Lord Potter. Because, there's no chance I'm ever going to say it,


When they arrived back 'home' it was to see the garage door closing the

last few inches.

"Mum and Daddy are home," declared Hermione. "They'll be expecting


She then grabbed him by the hand and dragged him the last few yards to

the front gate, before then dragging him up the path.

As soon as she dragged him in through the front door she called, "Mu-um,

Dad-dee, we're ho-ome!"

"Come into the parlour!" called Monica. "We're having tea in here!"

Walking in, still hand in hand, the two saw the couch was vacant and sat

there. Dobby popped in with a small serving of tea for them.

Once they made their own cups each, Wendell asked, "Well? How'd it





Augusta had rearranged the office, so Frank had to take a bit of time to

rearrange it back to how he liked it. He was grumbling about it the whole


After she'd shooed Neville out to his greenhouses, Alice walked in and

saw him talking to the house elves as he had two of them using elf magic

to shift things back.

"Damned woman!" he grumbled to her. "It's like she didn't want me to

ever come back here."

"She'd given up," said Alice. "We knew that. Why else order the Mungo's

staff to stop trying to find ways to heal us?"

"She'll have an excuse for it," he muttered.

"Of course she will," she agreed. "And she's probably already had to use it

a few dozen times since then, when others have made enquiries."

Once the office was reconfigured, including having the little office

trinkets his mother had put up or around the place removed, he called

Fluxy to inform his mother she was wanted in the 'Lord's Study'.

The woman walked in about five minutes later.

As soon as she entered she immediately noticed the changes and mentally

winced. The room was now almost back to how her son had it before that

night just after Hallowe'en, 1981. She also noticed her little personal

knick knacks were all missing.

Frank was sitting behind the office desk and facing her. Alice was sitting

to the side in another chair, also facing her. Her chair was almost hard up

against the side of the desk.

A vacant chair sat facing the desk and back about ten feet; obviously


"Come in, Mother," Frank firmly said. Then he gestured to the vacant

chair and said, "Take a seat."

As soon as she sat he said, "Alice and I have questions for you. You're

going to answer them as truthfully and honestly as you can. This will not

be an open discussion. And you most certainly do not get to refuse to

answer a question I put to you."

Once Augusta sat, Frank stared at her for a few moments and asked,

"Why did you not report the two murder attempts against my son, the

Heir Apparent of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Longbottom, by

your brother to the DMLE when they happened?"

Behind her now solid Occlumency shields, Augusta again mentally


"They were not attempts to murder the boy―"

Interrupting, Alice snapped, "You mean Neville. We did not name our son

'the boy'."

"My apologies," Augusta quickly corrected herself. "Yes, Neville. As I was

saying, they were not attempts to murder Neville. They were attempts

to... encourage him to use accidental magic."

"In other words, to scare the life out of him," snapped Frank. "True or


"T-true," she replied.

"And did you give permission for that man, your brother, to do that?" he


"N-no, but I think he may have thought I did when I expressed to him my

disappointment Neville had not, at that time, expressed any accidental

magic, at all."

"And what were you doing telling anyone outside of the House of

Longbottom anything about the Heir Apparent of the House?"

"He's my brother. I trust him," she replied.

"But, not a Longbottom!" he snarled.

She dropped her eyes and sadly nodded her head.

Frank continued. "Apparently, he also dropped Neville out of an upstairs

window, here at the Hall. If Neville hadn't shown any accidental magic

when that occurred, he would have likely been killed.

"Why did you not report that attempted murder event to the DMLE?"

"Neville wasn't hurt!" she replied.

"It's called attempted murder because it's an attempt that fails," he

snapped. "When it's successful it's simply called murder!

"So, you're sitting there telling me the man who attempted to murder the

Heir Apparent of a Noble and Most Ancient House, you did nothing


"I've banned him from the Hall!" she declared.

"That's it?" he ominously asked.

"He apologised."

Frank and Alice both stared back at her with anger in their eyes and on

their faces.

It was some time before Frank finally said, "Well... since you didn't do the

right thing about that; tomorrow Alice, Neville and I are going in to the

DMLE. Madam Bones has already set aside time in her schedule for us.

She is already aware of why we are coming to see her. A case file has

already been created for it.

"Alice, Neville and I are going in to see her so that Neville can make a

formal statement regarding the two murder attempts upon him by your...

lovely... brother.

"Once he has made that statement, I will be demanding your brother's

immediate arrest under two separate charges of attempting to murder the

Heir Apparent of a Noble and Most Ancient House. We will then let

justice decide his punishment.

"Quite frankly, I wouldn't be displeased if his arse was tossed through the

Veil in the Death Chamber.

"You, too, will be questioned by the DMLE as to why you did not report

either event. It is a crime not to report an attempted murder, let alone

when it's the attempted murder of an Heir of a Noble House, as you

should bloody well know!"

Both threats were to put Augusta in a position where she was so terrified

for what could likely happen to her brother and herself, she would be less

likely to lie to the questions Frank and Alice put to her after that.

"Next," he continued. "After you knew our wishes were for our son to

grow to do what ever he wanted with his life, why have you been trying

to force him to look towards a career as an auror?"

"To honour you," she immediately replied.

"You knew that's not what we wanted for him. You knew we wanted him

to be successful at whatever profession he chose to follow... he chose to

follow. Neville is clearly a prodigy in Herbology. He also clearly wants to

be a Herbologist.

"You tried to force him down an auror track at Hogwarts to honour us?

Hippogriff crap! You were trying to force him to become a clone of me,

you lying―"

Frank had to shut his mouth to rein his temper in, so Alice took over.

"Why did you not complete what we started back in November 1981 by

forcing Dumbledore to hand the then infant Harry Potter over to the


"Dumbledore took care of him," Augusta replied.

"Again you lead with, as Frank said, hippogriff crap. You were the Chief

Adjudicator for the first part of his trial. You were the Chief Adjudicator

for the trial of the Dursleys. And you call that 'taking care of him'?

"The House of Longbottom was required to step in and take direct and

primary care of Harry Potter on the death of his parents. You knew this!

We had talked to you about it the very day we were attacked! You knew

we were demanding Dumbledore hand him over and you knew we were

citing the alliance Charter to do so.

"So, I'll ask the question this way... Why did you decide to bring

dishonour and shame upon the Noble and Most Ancient House of

Longbottom by not upholding the conditions in the alliance Charter?"

"I... couldn't do it!" she began to sob. "You were badly injured and no one

knew how to properly treat you. I had Neville and he was my priority―"

"You could have immediately called for succour from the other Houses of

the alliance," Frank pressed. "Greengrass, Davis, Bones, MacMillan,

Abbott, Marchbanks... the list is extensive. And yet, you did not do that!

Why not?"

"The alliance had slipped my mind, at the time," she tried. "I didn't know

if any of them could be trusted."

"That's what it's bloody there for!" he roared. "For just that sort of


As Frank had to again rein his temper in, Alice said, "Next. We'll jump

forward until July 1991. Explain to us why it is you did not take Neville

to Ollivander's and get him his own wand. Why it is you stupidly...

irresponsibly... decided on your own, as if you had suddenly developed into

wizarding Britain's leading expert on wand-lore, that Neville would use

Frank's wand when he attended Hogwarts?"

"To honour you, Frank," she tried.

"Again with the hippogriff crap!" snapped Frank. "I don't know if you're

deliberately lying to cover your own arse; or, if you truly are that stupid

or senile!

"How you could possibly think him using my wand would honour me, is

so outrageously daft it beggars belief!"

Alice, added, "Everyone who owns a wand, including you, knows that

Ollivander claims it is the wand that chooses the witch or wizard; not the

other way around. You would have been given that same spiel. According

to Ollivander, he has used it for the near one hundred years he's been

selling wands.

"As such, you know it was wrong to force Neville to use Frank's wand. To

us, it appears you were deliberately trying to smother his use of cast

magic. And, we'll get to why we believe that, later.


Slowly, Frank and Alice worked together to drag the initial information

out of Augusta they wanted. It took time, but they got there.




"So," said Wendell, "You won the case for Sirius. However, it wasn't

because your godfather had not done anything legally suspect, but

because you pointed out what would happen if you presented your

evidence. And they had to scrap the entire law from their books


"... It was proven to be completely unworkable and unenforceable in its

current state," said Harry. "Yes. I knew that... on the merits... Sirius

should be fined for what he did. However, if they were going to go after

Sirius for his legally purchased motorcycle he then enchanted, then I was

going to force the situation where they had to go after those involved in

the enchantment of some pretty important icons in wizarding Britain,

many of which were stolen."

"You didn't like the legal battlefield, so you changed it," said Wendell.


"They were being so outrageously hypocritical it beggared belief," he

nodded. "I just made them completely aware of it and what would

happen next if they decided to find Sirius guilty.

"That's why Ted and I were very happy that Madam Bones was pushing

and doing as well as she did in her role as prosecutor. By 'winning' her

prosecution of Sirius, she was actually strengthening our real case."

"And Lord and Lady Longbottom?" asked Monica.

"Were magnificent!" he grinned. "As expected, they're both now as fit as

they can be. Actually, they're even fitter than I kind of expected them to

be, considering their treatment over the past thirteen years. Then, when

the Rosier-bi... errr... woman stood and tried to declare blood-feud on me?

Wow, did he go spare!"

"So," said Monica. "The whole reason you couldn't tell anyone you'd taken

the Longbottoms and put them into that time dilation chamber with

healers and all is because the goblins made you promise not to tell

anyone... that is, any other witch or wizard... except a select few until

after they came out."

"Well, that and I didn't want Augusta Longbottom to find out where they

were until after they came out. If she'd found out, she'd have charged in

there and tried to get them out. If she'd done that she'd have caused

anything from the next goblin war to a cascade failure of the magics

involved, which would have caused a significant part of the land around

to... blow up.

"That last one, I suspect, is the real reason the goblins don't want anyone

knowing when they're using their time dilation chamber. They don't want

some idiot deliberately causing the cascade failure in the hope it's a big

enough explosion it'll kill them - the goblins, that is."

"But, you told us," she said. "How'd you get away with that?"

"Something to do with the magics involved, I guess," he shrugged. "The

information wasn't under something like a Fidelius charm, which would

have worked against me telling you. I think it has something to do with,

as you surmised, you being muggles.

"As for Hermione, once she became the Lady Presumptive of the House of

Potter, she became for the intent of this an actual Potter. When I asked

the goblins for the use of the chamber, I did so as an owed boon to the

House of Potter; a boon owed just as much to her as my betrothed as to

me. She just couldn't claim it."

"So, what's going to happen to this woman?" she asked.

"None of our business now, I'm afraid," he said. "With the rightful Lord of

Longbottom back at the helm it's now his problem to deal with. Even as a

partner House in the alliance, I can no longer interfere.

"Whatever he decides, though... once he makes that decision... because it

has so much to do with me, I'm expecting he'll let me know before it

becomes public," he replied. "But, it's entirely up to him to decide

whether he's going to do that or not."

Though he'd been quite mentally exhausted from the day at the

Wizengamot, Harry still tried to go into the kitchen to help with dinner.

However, this time, Dobby was having none of it and 'ordered' him out.

That night wasn't a 'Harry' dinner.




In the Unspeakables 'Spectral Threat' team, they had been paying close

attention through the 'Knight's Shadow' team to what had been

happening with the young Knight and his 'support group' all day.

By the end of it, they were in somewhat awe of the young man. Under

the noses of his auror and even Unspeakable watchers, he had engineered

two brilliant political moves. He had a Statute that was at the heart of

wizarding British society for over two centuries stripped from the books

simply by showing how unworkable it was. Then had his second play

ready on the sidelines at the same time.

One member of their team mused, "I wonder what he's going to do next.

And I don't know whether I should be excited with anticipation while

waiting for it to happen, or fearful it will."

That summed up their general thoughts, completely.

"He had the dog's case won before he even stepped into the chamber,"

said one. "He even deliberately stepped out of Monocle's way to let her go

for it."

"He knew her arguments and questioning didn't matter," sighed another.

"She became pretty much a non-entity as soon as the CA told her she

could begin her case. All she was doing was delaying the inevitable."




Ted hadn't held back for the actual Wizengamot session. His reasoning

for not waiting back and for the fireworks to occur in the General

Meeting was for two reasons. His first was so he'd not be considered

having been involved in any of it. And his second was because he had far

too much work yet to do for the Houses of Potter and Black. His

professional ethics would not allow him the indulgence.

On returning to the office he immediately checked over the Press

Releases he would be sending out on behalf of both Black and Potter. The

first one he sent out, right away.

That one was on Sirius being cleared of the charge and why. It included

the information of the stripping of the Statute from the books and just

why that needed to happen. That second part would go a long way to

protecting both Lords Black and Potter of any negative fall-out from

forcing the stripping of the Statute from the books.

The second release would be delayed. He'd sent a young man, looking to

make a few sickles, to go and watch the session in his place. That young

man would, immediately on the closing of the session, directly come to

him and give him a quick overview of what had happened.

He did exactly that, was paid for his time and sent on his way. Ted was

satisfied he didn't even need to adjust anything on the release as

everything, in general terms, had occurred exactly as planned and

anticipated. And the second release was immediately sent out.

Neither Sirius nor Harry had requested he do it, but he'd be a poor Law-

wizard of Record if he didn't do it as a way to protect them both.

While finalising and releasing both only accounted for a small effort of

the day's work, he was also working on more.

That morning he had received an update on one Charlotte Claire Wilkins

of Perth, Western Australia. The school term had only finished on the

Friday just gone - they broke for just over six weeks over Christmas,

rather than the middle of the year. And he wanted a report on how she

interacted directly with her family.

As well as some candid photographs of the girl and them, the report was

glowing with praise for the public interactions, at least, between the girl

and her adopted family. Her adopted parents clearly loved her and she

just as clearly loved them.

The wizarding private investigator he hired also had a background in

sociology, which focussed on the family group. It was one of the reasons

Ted had hired him.

The man's report gave his views that the 'nomag-born' girl - he was never

told her real identity - was well-loved and emotionally centred. And was

unsurprised, even when considering her initial start to life was as

someone's 'discard'.

He wrote a quick report on 'Mary' to hand to Sirius. Then, satisfied, he

put the new information in with his secured file on the girl and locked it

away in his true, Fidelius-charmed, safe. There was another safe in his

office, but that was a decoy.

He next pulled out the fiscal information he was working on for the

House of Potter, specifically developing a background on the multitude of

companies in which the House of Potter held substantial shares. He'd

already determined there were three which were worrying and noted

them for his personal report to the young Lord Potter for him to check

the details he'd supplied on them.

One dealt with a combined major British-Australian company called Rio

Tinto Zinc Corporation. Over the past decade-plus, the company's profits

had dipped. However, a merger with its parent company had recently

been announced and was due to occur in less than a year. This was a

strong investment that, while it had fallen of late, was definitely going to

grow strong.

The second was a major British corporation known as the Virgin Group.

Apparently, the latest late Lord Potter thought the name hilarious and

bought a significant shareholding in the company as soon as it went to

Initial Public Offering (IPO) on the British Stock Market.

While James Potter may have bought the initial shares because he

thought the name funny, the results of that purchase were an outstanding

financial success. It would be Ted's recommendation that even more

shares in the company be purchased as soon as they became available.

But, recommended those shares be of subsidiaries so as not to trigger the

BSX's laws regarding public announcements of major share acquisitions.

One giving all appearance of going the other way was Apple

Incorporated. Over recent years they had tried to bring out superior

devices to their desktop computer systems called by the acronym PDA.

However, that was proving to be a failure and they had just entered into

an alliance with two other US companies to form what was known as the

AIM Alliance. This year, through that alliance, Apple had returned to the

desktop computer market, of all things, and just released a new desktop

computer called the PowerPC. In other words, the company appeared to

be going backwards. Ted's recommendation was to dump the stock as

soon as possible.

(Less than a decade later he couldn't believe how wrong he was proven to be

with that third one.)

With that then set aside, he pulled out the Tri-Wizard contracts and other

documents. He was pretty sure Harry's understanding of them, without

even sighting the contracts, was correct that he didn't have to compete.

However, the young man's magic was on the line and he wanted to make

sure. He might even have to have the Goblet tested to see if it was still,

or ever did, bind him to participate.

Plus, he was also looking into just who he needed to see at the Ministry

regarding who was involved in the theft of Potter Cottage from the House

of Potter.

The public Wizengamot records he'd already acquired from the WAS

showed the Wizengamot voted to 'acquire' the Cottage for use as a 'Site of

National Importance'. However, it appeared someone within the WAS

thought that meant to just take it without paying for it.

If that was the case then that person within the WAS was the

unintentional culprit. If, however, it was someone else, then he needed to

track down who that person was to begin legal proceedings. He'd be

doing that the next day.

Either way, Harry still owned the Cottage and could do with it what he

liked; even if the wizarding public-at-large got all up with their wands

about it later.




After dinner Monica took Harry aside and said, "You may not have

realised this, but Wendell and I drove past you and Hermione while you

were standing on the path down the road and kissing."

Harry immediately blushed and said, "We were... relaxing from a stressful

day at the Ministry. We decided not to tackle more of the books of the

House of Potter and go for a leisurely walk, instead."

"Oh, I'm not saying it was wrong for you to kiss," she clarified. "I just

thought I could tease you a little about it."

Still blushing, but with his blush receding, Harry gave a snort of


Monica seemed to think about what to say. Then said, "How far have you

and Hermione taken your relationship?"

"W-what?" he squeaked.

"I asked, how far have you and Hermione taken your relationship," she


"I-I-I... ummm... just kissing?" he stammered out.

She gave a nod and asked, "Haven't tried to touch each other more than


"N-no?!" he exclaimed. "I-I... wouldn't!"

"Why not?" she pressed. "You're both teenagers in your mid teens. I would

have thought you would."

"N-no," he stammered. "I wouldn't! I-I... don't... ummm... No, I wouldn't.

Besides, H-Hermione would have to... ummm... I just wouldn't do that! It

wouldn't be right!"

Monica gave a nod and said, "Fair enough, Harry. I'm a mother and I just

wanted to make sure you weren't trying to press her to go beyond what

she was willing to do, or anything."

"Never!" he firmly declared. Still blushing, he had to turn away and find

something... anything... to do with his hands. "I need to make the cream,"

he mumbled.

"Very well," she said. "And... Harry? I'm her mother. Even though I know

Wendell and I can trust you to take care of her, we still fret; we're


Harry just nodded, still looking away as he pulled out a bowl and hand

beater. She walked out a moment later.

'Wow!' he thought. 'That was uncomfortable.'

Monica, however, had been using a little white lie to dig information out

of Harry. She caught his little 'almost' slips in what he was going to say

and knew what it meant. What she got was what she expected and she

now knew she needed to talk to Sirius. As Hermione thought, Harry

clearly didn't really have a clue when it came to women and it was

Sirius's job as godfather to rectify that.

However, there was no chance she was going to tell her husband she was

going to tell his teenage daughter's boyfriend's godfather he needs to give

his godson 'The Talk'.

Wendell was a good man, he was a good father and he was very good at

his job as a health professional. However, she did not want to see what

would happen when his professional ethics to ensure good health,

including sexual health, came into conflict with his instinctive nature to

be a protective father to a teenaged daughter.

'It's best he not know,' she firmly thought.

Before she went to bed that night, Monica sent a message off via Hedwig

to Sirius with a request he stop by the next evening to talk to her about

something important.




After an early night and a great night's sleep, Harry rose to be the first up

- except Dobby - by just over half an hour. And he only got up when he

did because his stomach was behaving as if his throat had been cut. He

was 'starving' hungry. He even had his 'first' breakfast before the Granger

adults joined him.

As he was building his second plate for the morning, they joined him,

together. Usually, Monica beat her husband down by about fifteen

minutes. She'd have the first shower then come down to get the tea and

breakfast started. He'd jump in after she got out and had his own. Hence,

the fifteen minutes.

However, they were now starting to get used to having breakfast ready

and waiting for them. So, occasionally, they came together.

After morning greetings Monica asked, "How long have you been up?"

"About half an hour," he replied. "And, no, I didn't set an alarm, or

anything. My stomach woke me up and demanded attention."

They both grinned back.

"How much longer to go?" asked Wendell.

"Not sure," he shrugged. "But, I really want it to be over with well before

Christmas Day. This is... irritating."

Even though it was an 8.00am start for the Grangers, Hermione came

down and joined them for the last twenty minutes her parents had

remaining before they had to leave for the day. It was still after the

delivery of the Daily Prophets, though.

Harry was reading his copy without Hermione while Wendell was sharing

his with Monica.

They were discussing the articles related to the previous day - Sirius's

trial being aborted, 'The Regent' Longbottom's behaviour between the

trial and the start of the General Meeting, then the opening of the

Wizengamot meeting, Regent Longbottom's immediate 'poor' behaviour

when Harry stepped forward to take his Seat, the shocking revelation

Lord and Lady Longbottom were now both awake and looking quite well

and the very public berating of the now ex-Regent of Longbottom for her

behaviour towards a named partner member of the Potter-Longbottom


Of course, noticing Harry wasn't reading the newspaper, Hermione

immediately snagged his copy so she could read it, herself.

As they were rising, Monica turned to her husband and sighed, "One

more day after this, sweetheart."

"Then two and a half weeks break, just to unwind," he added.

Hermione perked up from where she was reading the paper and asked,

"Really? I thought you might have cancelled your break since... you

know... I'm here for a lot longer than just the two weeks."

"Not on your Nelly!" declared Wendell. "I've been looking forward to my

break for more than two months."

"Just because you're home for longer, dear," said her mother. "Does not

mean we still don't need the break."




When Neville rose to go down for breakfast, he was surprised to see his

parents already up and chatting.

"Good morning," he said. When they both turned to him and smiled he

said, "I... didn't think you'd be up, yet."

"While under time dilation, once we were able to get up on our own we

also rose early," said Alice. "We were both like that for the first couple of

weeks, at least."

His father explained, "When you're stuck in bed for as long as we were,

you make the most of the day and get up as soon as you're awake.

Besides, we also had a pretty stringent exercise course we were on to get

our health and fitness levels back up."

"Gran not coming down?" he tentatively asked.

Both parents immediately frowned, and his father said, "No. Your

grandmother is to spend her next couple of days, at least, spending time

thinking about her actions over the past near decade and a half. She'll be

doing that in her suite."

Neville nodded. While he loved his grandmother, he also understood she

didn't do the best by him. That included him desperately wanting to help

Harry when he turned up at Hogwarts and her blocking that. Both his

parents were pretty upset she'd done that when he told them about it.

"Don't forget we're heading directly back to the DMLE once you've

finished breaking your fast, Neville," said his father. "Madam Bones

informs me she usually arrives at her office just on 8.00am. We'll be

meeting her soon afterwards."

Neville nodded. After talking with his parents about the two incidences,

he was no longer so reticent to give a proper statement about what


"After that," added his mother. "Your father and I need to go about

getting ourselves back to being recognised as being people of sound

mind. That means we'll need to spend some time in various Departments

within the Ministry and then on to Gringotts. I think it would be best for

you not to be with us for that."

Neville, his mouth full of sausage, gave a slight wince and nodded.




Over at the Tonkses' place, Sirius was woken by Andi. Ted had already

left and she would need to leave soon, too.

As soon as he opened his eyes, she said, "Get up, lazybones!"

"I... am the Lord... of a Noble and Most Ancient House," he declared. "I

am also wealthy beyond most people's ken. I do not need to be up before

the sun is properly up."

"You've got mail waiting for you," she said. "I think one's from your

friend, Lupin; and the other is from the Granger lass's mother, Monica."

"Huh?" he asked, sitting up suddenly.

"The letters are sitting on the kitchen table," she said. "If you want to read

them you'll need to get up and go get them. I've also told Benny not to

give them to you unless you go in and get them yourself."

He scowled at her as he swung his legs over the side of the bed, "You're

an evil woman, you know that?"

"I'm a Healer," she said right back. "Health-wise, it is in your best

interests for me to get you up and moving before the crack of noon."

Grumbling about it as Andi walked off, heading for the floo, Sirius got

himself ready for the day.

After half an hour of a long soak under the shower, he finally reached the

dining room. The letters were sitting before where his 'place' would

normally be for meals.

A quick few detection charms that proved both clear of any dangerous

charms - he, too, had learned from Harry's almost kidnapping - and he

was sitting down to open them.

~ # ~

Sirius Black III

Somewhere in England


I've only just got back to wizarding Britain from the continent. I hope you've

got time to quickly catch up with me. The news I'm getting is amazing. Too

amazing to be true.

Can you meet with me in the Leaky Cauldron at 11.00am? Clearly, we have a

lot to talk about.


~ # ~

'You better believe we do, Moons,' he thought. 'You'll be starting with

answering questions about why you deliberately kept Harry in the dark

about his true heritage.'

Checking the second letter was from Monica, he quickly opened it.

~ # ~

Lord Black,

Can you please stop by tomorrow evening (this evening for you) for a private


I need to speak with you about Harry's education in one specific area where it

is clearly lacking, if you get my drift.

I do not want either of the kids or my husband to know about what it is we

need to talk about.

Dr Monica Granger

~ # ~

From what she'd written Sirius had a pretty good idea what she wanted

to talk to him about. This was a talk he didn't think he'd have to give his

godson; but was well prepared to do so.

Checking the time was only just past 8.00am Sirius had thought about

going back to bed for a couple hours. However, now that he was up, his

stomach was letting him know it was time to feed the savage beast.

With a sigh he called for Benny. He needed to eat and, by the time he

was done, he wouldn't have time to get any more to sleep in. Besides, he

hated going to bed on a full stomach.

He sighed, 'Well, at least after I eat I'll have time to think about what

questions I want to ask Moony before I get there.'




At the Burrow, the owl for the Daily Prophet arrived while only Arthur

and Molly were up. Therefore, only those two and Percy knew about the

happenings within the Wizengamot by the time Arthur and Percy needed

to head to work.

"But, what does this mean for you, Arthur," she worriedly asked. "If the

Statute has been stripped, what does that mean for your job?"

He sighed and replied, "I don't know, Molly. I guess I'll just have to wait

and see when I get into work."

"Try to let me know as soon as you can, will you?" she fretted.

"Of course, I will," he gently replied.

After he and Percy stepped into the floo and were gone, Molly began

waking the kids up. As far as she was concerned, it was a school day and

they should be up. It mattered not that school was not 'in session', at the


Coming down it was the twins that noticed her emotional state first.

"Something's wrong, Mum," said the first.

"What's up?" said the other.

Then both turned to check the clock. Ron's hand was on 'At Home', so

that wasn't it. And no one else's was at 'In Danger' or 'Mortal Peril'. So,

that wasn't it either.

"Just some news in the Daily Prophet, is all," said their mother.

"And?" asked one.

"Don't go keeping us in suspense, Mother," said the other.

She hesitated for a moment before she squared her shoulders, looked

back at the pair of them and replied, "It's nothing for you to worry


Then spun about to organise their breakfasts.

The twins sat staring at each other for a moment before they both turned

back to look at their mother's back.

One then said, "We're sixteen, Mum."

"When do you think we're going to be―" asked the other.

"... old enough?" they finished together.

"We're of age in just over three months," said the first.

"Fifteen weeks," said the other

"And you're still treating us like little children," said the first.

"Is there some magic we don't know about that makes us instantly adults

on the first of April?" asked the second.

Molly sighed and said, "Then in a little over three months... or fifteen

weeks... you'll be allowed to know."

As Ginny walked in she asked, "Allowed to know what, Mum?"

Molly sighed and replied, "While these two will be of age in just over

three months, you won't be reaching that for three years. If I won't tell

them, I certainly won't be telling you.

"Now, are you three ready for breakfast?"

Knowing their mother was going to be inflexible about this, the twins

each knew they'd be writing to Harry and asking him, directly. He'd

know and he'd tell them.

Straight after breakfast they headed back to their shared room, set aside

their prank-making experiments and began to draft a letter to Harry.




When Dumbledore opened his morning's copy of the Daily Prophet at the

head table in the Hogwarts Great Hall that morning, he was utterly

stunned by what he was reading.

'Harry successfully defends Sirius in a trial to the point the Wizengamot

was forced to completely repeal a Statute? What, in Merlin's name?

'Then, when he goes to take his Seat, the Longbottom woman tries to end

the alliance, one moment, before then turning around ready to declare

blood feud, the next, of all things!

'And then, to everyone's complete shock, the Longbottoms step onto the

main floor of the chamber, completely awake and healthy. And Harry's

supposed to have had something to do with it through the calling due of

a boon and the goblin's subsequent help.

'And finally, the now ex-Regent of Longbottom, that dragon of a woman,

is sent home in disgrace and Longbottom - Lord Frank Longbottom - gives

Harry a public House to House apology for the behaviour of his mother.

'Sweet Merlin above! Why am I only just finding out about this now? Why

has no one already contacted me to let me know?

'I need to be allowed to come and go from the castle, as I need. This

keeping me a... prisoner... must end!'

From four chairs away to his right, Headmistress Lady Marchbanks was

quietly watching Dumbledore's reaction to the Prophet with quiet

amusement, while seeming to be in a discussion with her two new Heads

of House for Gryffindor and Ravenclaw.

Babbling, seeing her smirking at Dumbledore, quietly checked the man

out for herself for a moment.

Turning back she said, "It appears Albus is shocked by what's in the

Prophet. Think he might need a Calming draught?"

"Albus's problem is he's now out of the information loop, as the

muggleborns would say," said Sinistra. "He always insisted he know of

everything that was going on. It must really get into his craw that he's no

longer in a position to even ask it, let alone demand it."

"I do believe you've hit upon the truth, Aurora," smiled Marchbanks. "Yes,

indeed. Albus always was one who had an almost pathological need to

know everything."




Harry had been wondering if he'd not received any mail, that day, when

one of the aurors brought it up from the servants' quarters. It was a pretty

decent stack.

Harry took one look at it and sighed. "Fan mail?" he asked.

"Not unless you believe Ted Tonks to be a fan, Lord Potter," smiled the


"Just him?" he asked.

"Just him."

He sighed again and moved the pile to the centre of the table so he could

start to look through it all. Hermione stepped forward to help as the

auror retreated.

After a little while she said, "This is all financial. Your liquid assets in the

form of gold on hand and muggle investments."

She then suddenly exclaimed, "Oh, my god!" And was looking at a sheet

of parchment in shock.

"What is it, Hermione?" he asked.

"Harry," she said, slowly looking up at him. "You're rich!"

"I'm aware, Hermione," he said. "I believe I've told you that before."

"No," she said, still looking almost in awe at him. "I mean you're rich rich.

You'd challenge Her Majesty and Richard Branson for being the richest

person in Britain sort of rich!

"And that's just your liquid assets - gold, bonds and stocks in both worlds

- not your Net Worth!"

Gently sliding over and grabbing her by the upper arms, he held her at

arms length and said, "Hermione. Once you reach the point and can

honestly say you're rich, how much above that it gets is somewhat


"I could, quite literally, spend over a million galleons a year and not

make a dent in the Potter fortune. I rake in far more than that in interest


"That's why, once I realised I was way past the point I'd ever have to

worry about money again, it became just a number to me. I know some

people 'keep score' about those sort of things... such as Malfoy,

obviously... but that's not how I think.

"To me, money is just something I have that I can give to someone else

for them to give me something I want or need in return. And I have way

more than enough of it to never, ever again go without.

"I value other things more highly than simple gold. I value friendship,

love, family and things like that to have a value far higher than any

overfull vault of gold I have.

"Do you understand?"

Hermione had calmed back down as Harry talked. She was still trying to

get her head around the fact her boyfriend... her betrothed... was in the

top five of the richest people in the country. And he didn't consider it


"But―" she tried.

"No buts," he firmly said. "You make me feel like I'm the richest man in

the world just by being my girlfriend."

That earned him a proper snog; and he got it, right there in the dinette.

No 'wandering hands', though.




When the Longbottoms arrived at the Ministry, people stopped and

gawked. Neville felt distinctly uncomfortable about it.

"I think all this staring is what Harry has to go through all the time," he

muttered to his mother. "I used to envy him that. Not any more."

His mother just smiled back and said, "It'll pass before too much longer.

People just need to get it out of their systems."

"It's still uncomfortable, though," he firmly but softly stated.

He ended up glaring at anyone that gawked at them until they reached

Madam Bones's office. At least it meant he wasn't fretting about the

upcoming interview he had to give.

After a quick greeting with the Director of the DMLE. Neville and his

parents were escorted down to an Interview Room. It was actually the

same one Harry and Hermione were interviewed in only a couple of

weeks earlier.

It was also the same auror interviewers, Constance Hammer and

Beauregard Fleming; though Neville did not know that.

After being told about the mild calming slash truth enhancement potion

that was available to him, though he didn't know the two teens accepted

the offer, Neville wisely decided he'd prefer it, too.




The previous evening, after much bugging from Dumbledore about the

subject, Marchbanks finally informed Dumbledore he could go to Diagon

Alley, that day, to replace some items from his partially destroyed

wardrobe. However, he was not to go anywhere else but the Alley.

"You're treating me like a child," he grumped.

She immediately and firmly cast back, "I'm treating you like someone

who: 'A', I really don't want here; and 'B', has been behaving appallingly

since I arrived here to be Headmistress. If you don't like it, quit! If you

won't quit, then lift your game and behave as the professional educator

and school representative you're supposed to be.

"You get to go to the Alley... only. You get to go there to buy clothes to

replace items damaged beyond repair of your wardrobe... only. I also

expect you to be purchasing your black Professor's Robes. Then you are

to immediately return here to the school. If you do not meet those

conditions, the likelihood you'll be allowed to leave the school during a

school day ever again will go from being 'possible' to 'highly doubtful'.

"Now, will you meet the conditions set, will you quit or will you simply

not go?"

"I'm going," he grumped. He really did want to replace his wardrobe of

the damaged robes.

Dumbledore left about an hour after breakfast, so as to miss the first rush

of crowds.

As soon as he was gone, Marchbanks sent a house elf off with a note to a

Ward Mastery team currently waiting at the Three Broomsticks that they

could now come to the school.

Under Madam Bones's recommendation while as Acting Madam Minister,

she organised for an expert team of Ward Masters to go through the

Hogwarts' wards to see what was there. And, if and where necessary,

update them.




After arriving early in his office to collect what documents he needed to

go forth and do battle with the bureaucrats of the Ministry, Ted was out

through the floo at almost right on 9.00am.

With his mokeskin-lined briefcase in his offhand, he made his way up to

the first floor and the Minister's Administration Office. He sought a copy

of the building assets owned by the Ministry.

After a quick peruse through it, he smiled. The Potter Cottage wasn't

listed either by name or by address; 77 Phoenix Avenue, Godric's Hollow,

Devon, England. That meant even the Ministry truly recognised they did

not own Potter Cottage. The fact many thought they did was just an

erroneous 'guess'.

His next stop was the third floor and the Department of Magical

Accidents and Catastrophes and its sub-department the Obliviator


When he walked in, one of the admin personnel took one look at him and


Coming forward, he politely asked, "What can Obliviator Headquarters

do for you today, Mister Tonks?" He already knew it was not wise to

annoy the law-wizard.

"My client would like to know more information on the work done by

your Office regarding Potter Cottage as of the night of Hallowe'en, 1981,"

Ted replied. "He is very concerned that the enchantments, after more

than a decade of being in place, might be failing."

The administration clerk gave a nod, replied, "I'll pull out the records."

And turned about to go and do exactly that.

Three minutes later he was back with the file.

Ted had a quick look through it - the admin clerk could see no

wrongdoing by him doing that - and asked, "Mind if I have a copy of


The clerk gave a shrug and replied, "I can't see any harm in that."

Ted was quick to create a legal copy of the entire file, slipped his copy

into his brief case and bid the man a good morning.

His quick perusal showed that the Obliviators had moved in within an

hour of the 'event'; cleared up the mess, memory-wise; and were back the

next day to put up wards to protect the place. The orders came direct

from the Minister's, Bagnold's, office.

And that meant he now had a complete timeline of events, as per the

documented evidence, that led to the Ministry taking possession of the


'It was a mistake,' he thought. 'A simple one; but a mistake, nonetheless.'

Happy he had the records to back up what he knew Harry would

immediately move to do, he made his way out again.

Back in his office, he contacted Sirius by floo. And Sirius was stepping

through a few moments later.

"I was glad to see you were up," grinned Ted.

"Andi woke me," grumbled Sirius. "Now, you said you found out

something about Potter Cottage?"

Ted stepped him through the parchment-trail and said, "As you can see, it

was a simple mistake by a 'staffer' in the WAS. The Wizengamot ruled the

cottage was to be 'acquired as a historic site of National significance'.

"The staffer mistakenly thought that meant simply claim it. I think the

'Mot seriously meant purchase it and he or she misunderstood.

"The Minister, Bagnold, was quick to move in case of souvenir hunters

picking the site clean.

"That had the DMAC back at the site first thing the next morning, but the

official parchmentwork had not reached them yet. There was a high level

of urgency and they believed the proper parchmentwork would get to

them, sooner or later.

"They went to work and soon had the place secure with wards, charms

and the like.

"And that's all she wrote until now."

"So, Harry has the right to move in and simply take it back?" Sirius asked.

He was now grinning from ear to ear. If he was in his animagus form his

tail would have been wagging.

"That's exactly what it means," replied a similarly grinning Ted. "He

doesn't even need to notify anyone, because he's the rightful owner."

"Ha!" laughed Sirius. "Someone screwed up, big time!"

Ted nodded.

Sirius, still grinning, asked, "What are Harry's instructions if it was

discovered he rightfully still owns the property?"

"Send the goblins in and secure it on behalf of the House of Potter," Ted

immediately replied.

"Do it!" laughed Sirius. "I'll let Harry know."




31. Re-warding, Taps and Pops

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to the proverbial Duchess of

Magic, JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high

falutin' companies. No matter how much I whine about not owning anything

related to the HP universe, other than a few fanfic plots, I do not profess to

own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful

world... Damn it!

Chapter Thirty One - Re-warding, Taps and Pops




Arriving via floo in the Leaky Cauldron, Dumbledore ignored all the

glares aimed his way, wished the room in general a good morning and

made his way out the back and through to the Alley.

He was just about to walk up the steps into Gringotts, when he noticed

the looks of glee the two 'security' goblins standing either side of the

main doors aimed directly at him.

'Oh, bugger!' he thought. 'I almost forgot. I'm currently persona non grata

in the bank.'

Instead, he smiled in amusement at both goblins and changed course. He

headed direct to Twillfit and Tatting's.

Inside, he was seen by a clerk. "Professor Dumbledore," said the young


While he was shown professional courtesy by the young man, that was all

he was shown. There was no true welcome in the man's voice or


"I will speak with Terrence Twillfit, please," said Dumbledore. "I always

deal directly with him."

The young man gave a curt nod and went to find his boss.

Twillfit came out about three minutes later. The time wasn't long enough

to be properly considered rude, but there was a distinct lack of 'alacrity'

in his attention.

Terrence, my good man," smiled Dumbledore. "I'm in need of three sets of

robes. The full set, of course."

"Certainly," nodded Twillfit. "Any need for remeasurement?"

"No, no," replied the old man, lightly and softly chuckling. "I'll just need

to see your colour and style selections, please."

Twillfit just gave a short nod and indicated for Dumbledore to follow him

to where the styles catalogue could be found.

"Here are our latest styles," gestured Twillfit. "Of course, Madam

Marchbanks has already informed us you'll be needing three robes in the

Professor's basic black. However I'm sure―"

"No, no!" Dumbledore was quick to interject. Then chuckled again. "While

I'm sure that is the information Griselda passed to you, I won't be needing

those styles of robes. I'm looking for something a great deal more flashy

that that. I'm sure you understand."

"Well, Headmistress Lady Marchbanks alerted us you would be coming in

this morning and informed us that, due to your greatly reduced... shall

we say... financial position, you were to be supplied three sets of basic

black professor's robes before you were allowed the purchase of anything

else," said Twillfit. "Once those three sets are purchased, I'm more than

happy to see to you acquiring what else you seek to purchase. I currently

have a lovely chartreuse that's just come into stock."

Angry, Dumbledore demanded, "You allow yourself to be dictated to by

Griselda? Why!?"

"Multiple reasons I'm not at liberty to discuss with you," replied Twillfit.

"Part of that was the hint that word will be spread by the two main

alliances that we ignored her... request.

"The business we would lose far outstrips what business we receive from


Without a word, Dumbledore spun on his heel and stormed from the


Twillfit just watched him go, sighed, closed the books he had opened for

Dumbledore and shook his head.




Neville's interview was nowhere near as long as Harry's, or even

Hermione's, lasting less than an hour. But, at the end of it, he felt as if a

great weight had been lifted off his shoulders.

When he told his mother that, she replied, "Because you have

unburdened yourself of it, dear. It will also no longer haunt memories of

your childhood."

As soon as they were done, the two aurors escorted the three back to

Bones's office.

As soon as Fleming passed Bones the Dicta-quilled statement, Frank

firmly said, "I'll have a copy of that, thanks."

Bones simply nodded and created a court-approved copy, before handing

it to him.

"Thank you," he said, tucking the scroll into an inner pocket. "Now, I

want Algernon Rosier arrested and charged with two counts of attempted

murder of a wizarding child; and two counts of attempting to end the line

of a Noble and Most Ancient House."

"I've already got the parchment drawn up and completed for all four," she

said. "With the statement taken under DMLE truth tonic I can now go to

the Chief Warlock and have him sign off on it. Rosier will be located,

arrested and in a cell before midday."

"Good," said Frank firmly.

Turning to Neville he said, "Now that your necessary part in this is out of

the way, how about you head back to the Hall?"

Neville winced and said, "Errr... I'd... rather not do that."

His father frowned and asked, "Why not?"

"It means I'll be there... alone... with Gran," he quietly replied.

"Ah!" said Alice. "Then what do you wish to do?"

"I'd like to go visit Harry and Hermione," he quickly replied.

"It will take time to get an owl to them―" started his mother. She

stopped when she noticed his grin.

"Alright," she carefully said. "What am I missing?"

Neville's grin widened further. "Watch," he said.

Turning back to Bones he asked, "Madam Bones, may I borrow

parchment, ink and quill?"

Quickly offering them across the desk, Neville moved closer to her desk

and used the 'public' side of it to write a quick note.

Once he was done, he passed ink and quill back, blew the note dry,

folded it and grinned at his parents.

"Dobby!" he called.

When the little house elf appeared within seconds, he offered the note to

him and asked, "Would you mind passing this note to Harry for me?"

Dobby gave a quick bob and, while reaching for and accepting it, replied,

"Dobby be honoureds to, Mister Neville, Sir."

With the note in hand, Dobby popped away.

Then Neville sat back, grinning. "Something Harry taught me," he


While his parents looked back in surprise, Bones raised her off-hand to

use her finger tips to massage the bridge of her nose yet again. "I'm really

beginning to hate that boy."

"Actually," said Alice. "Lord Potter wrote to us while we in the time

dilation chamber and told us he'd used that method to send Neville a

note to alert him he knew Neville was worrying and he shouldn't."

"He did," nodded Neville. "That's what made me think of it now."




After settling his betrothed down as to how much he was actually worth,

Harry finally got them started on going through the finances. Of course,

one of the first documents they read was Ted's analysis of his shares in

the muggle stock market. He gave that to Hermione to have a good look-

over before he'd be telling Ted to go ahead with his recommended


After she determined she could not tell if Ted was wrong on any of them,

Harry gave them a quick glance through, shrugged his shoulders and

signed off on the recommendations. That sign-off was set aside to be sent

back with the rest of what they managed to get through that day later in

the afternoon.

There was a short break while Harry answered a mirror-call from Sirius.

He was in Ted's office.

After a quick explanation from Ted, Harry was quick with instructions.

"Have the goblins, as soon as possible, move in and secure the property.

If it's mine I want it secured from any further damage and or vandalism.

"Then, as soon as the goblins move in to secure the property, I want

Madam Bones informed it's been done. I don't want her to be caught flat-

footed when someone alerts her to how the cottage has been secured.

Then we'll sit back until someone visiting the place reports it to the


"While Madam Bones might not have had anything to do with the

Ministry effectively stealing the property from me, she is still now the

Acting Madam Minister; and, as such, responsible for the actions of the


"It'll be done," Ted immediately replied. And grinned.

After recovering the documents on the rental properties they'd gone

through a few days earlier, Harry and Hermione then compared them

with the income the properties were generating. Each property was

making a steady profit, but Harry could see a couple of warning signals

within the documentation that Ted must've missed, due to the two piles

being dealt with separately. He recommended changes there and set that


The two teens were discussing what else to do about it when Dobby

turned up and handed Harry the note from Neville.

"From Mister Neville, Sir, Master Harry," said Dobby.

Harry immediately said, "On the table, please, Dobby. And, thank you."

Dobby popped the letter onto the table and popped away.

Casting his detection charms on the letter and finding nothing, Harry

picked it up and unfolded it.

~ # ~

Harry and Hermione,

Mum and Dad have to do quite a bit of work with the Ministry and Gringotts

to get started on getting their lives sorted out and I don't want to be at home

alone with Gran.

Does Hermione mind if I pay a visit? I don't think I've ever been in a muggle

home before and I think it'd be interesting.

Do you like how I asked via 'house elf express delivery'? I think it'll really

shock my parents that I thought of calling Dobby, when I do.

I'm currently in Madam Bones's office in the DMLE awaiting your reply.


~ # ~

Knowing it was more her permission than his, Harry handed it straight

off to Hermione without a word.

After she read it, she said, "That'd be great!" And grinned.

Harry grinned back and said, "I think it'd be best if you replied. That way

he'll know, as it's your home, he actually does have permission."

Still grinning, Hermione gave a short nod, pulled over a small blank sheet

of parchment and quickly began to write a reply. Stopping after the first

line, she asked, "How will he get here?"

"Portkey," he immediately replied.

He then suddenly had a thought.

Excitedly, he said, "No, not a portkey! I've got a better idea. Write this..."

As he dictated to her what to write, Hermione wrote it down. When she'd

finished, she looked at what was written and stared in shock.

"Harry, you know what this means?" she asked.

"Of course, I do. If it works, it'll show a huge security hole in everyone's

wards, especially at the Ministry," he grinned. "But, this will be an

excellent way to prove it to Madam Bones."

"She's going to hate you even more," she giggled. "She's going to half


"Meh!" he said with a shrug. "It's not as if I caused the problem. I'm just

pointing it out. And who else should I point it out to, if not her? Besides,

if I just told her of it, I doubt she'd believe me. This way, she'll see it


He hesitated a moment before he said, "Add a postscript, if you wouldn't


"Yes?" she asked, readying her quill.

"P.S. Harry says, please tell Madam Bones I'm sorry for her to see this

happen before I warned her. But, I don't think she'd believe me if she

didn't see it with her own eyes," he dictated. "I think that should do."

Once the note was written and breath-dried, Hermione called Dobby and

told him what was going on.

He was all for it and popped away with the note a few moments later.




Seeing Dumbledore walk into the shop, one of Malkin's shop assistants

immediately summoned her over and quietly said, "I do not wish to deal

with the old fool and, if you force me to―"

"No," Malkin just as quietly sighed, "He's my responsibility."

Madam Malkin's was a store Dumbledore would not usually be caught

anywhere near, other than to pass it by. However, needs must.

When the dumpy little woman approached him, she politely greeted him,

"Good morning, Professor Dumbledore. Here for your three sets of

Professor robes, are you?"

That question, of course, alerted him to the fact Marchbanks had also

already contacted the woman. He just didn't realise that was exactly why

she asked it.

With an initial frown at her that was immediately masked again, he

politely replied, "Yes, actually. However, I'm looking for something a lot

more colourful than just the plain black. After all, I have an image to

maintain. I'm sure you understand." And gave a light self-deprecating


However, she had already been made aware he would try this.

"Certainly," she immediately replied. "I'm sure we can dress it up with

some nice colour piping, or maybe something understated at the cuffs or


After hearing the first word, Dumbledore thought he was in the clear.

The follow-up, however, shut him down again.

He never saw the amusement on the face of the shop assistant, who had

moved to stand out of his peripheral vision and look to Malkin.

"Errr... yes," he quietly said.

The next forty minutes in the store were almost painful for the man who

hadn't worn anything darker than a muted pastel in almost thirty five


Eventually, he left with the best he could hope for. He'd pushed and

pushed for brighter colours and larger areas but was neatly shut down

every time.

"I'm sorry, Professor Dumbledore," she would say. "That exceeds the limit

of coloured material you are permitted to have in the specifications I've

been given. I'm afraid we're just going to have to reduce that.

"No, Professor Dumbledore; I'm afraid the piping and external material

panels, together, exceed the limits as stated in the specifications. I'm

afraid you're going to need to choose between the piping and panels.

Perhaps if we use some silk to highlight, instead? Black, of course.

"I'm sorry, Professor Dumbledore, but I simply cannot exceed the

limitations as laid down by Headmistress Lady Marchbanks. She is using

fitting you for Professor's robes as a test to see if I am willing to rigidly

meet the specifications. If I exceed them, then she will inform the rest of

the staff that Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions is not an approved

retailer. I simply cannot afford to lose the business.

"I believe all clothing retailers the length of wizarding Britain have been

given the same specifications and instructions."

Frustrated at every turn he fully intended to just dump the lot into the

nearest bin until Malkin said, "I will, of course, be sending the

specifications of the robes you purchased, together with a copy of the

receipt, to Headmistress Lady Marchbanks... Why? So she knows I met

the requirements to outfit you for your Professor's robes, of course!"

Actually, that last was not an instruction Marchbanks had given her.

However, she really didn't want the man to have to return when he

returned to Hogwarts without them. She decided she'd immediately floo

the woman with what she'd said so her bum was protected from any

backlash later.

Besides, she was enjoying tweaking the man over it; especially after what

he did to Lord Potter. It was just her sense of satisfaction and 'revenge by

proxy' by blocking him at every turn that drove her on.




Neville was getting a little antsy Harry and Hermione weren't going to

get Dobby to give him a reply before his parents wanted to go. However,

before that happened, the little elf returned.

"Mister Neville, Sir," said Dobby, handing him the note.

Breathing a sigh of relief, Neville accepted the note and read it. As he did

so, he grinned and then laughed.

"I take it you can go?" asked his father.

"Yes," he chuckled.

"In that case, I'll organise a portkey for you," said Madam Bones.

Neville snorted in amusement and said, "I trust Harry."

"Oh?" she warily asked.

"One moment," he said.

A quick kiss and hug from his parents, Madam Bones then said, "Young

man, you cannot apparate or portkey out of the Ministry, unless it is with

Ministerial authorisation granted in advance. And, even then, portkeys

can only be made by certain people within the Ministry; and I'm one of


Neville just grinned and said, "I won't be using a portkey or apparating,

Ma'am. Harry really is smart."

"Hermione said to tell you," and here he read direct off the bottom of the

parchment, "'Harry says, please tell Madam Bones I'm sorry for her to see

this happen before I warned her. But, I don't think she'd believe me if she

didn't see it with her own eyes'."

As Bones looked suddenly very wary, he grinned, looked to Dobby and

said, "Okay, Dobby. I'm ready to go."

Dobby immediately took hold of Neville's hand and, near-instantly, both

popped out of existence with a white-flash of elf magic.

All three adults sat stunned for a few moments before Madam Bones

quietly said, "Awww... shit!"

Frank gasped, "Sweet Merlin! Did he just do what I think he just did?"

With both elbows now on her desk while she used both sets of fingertips

to massage her brow, Bones replied, "That he just used house elf

apparation to bypass the tightest security wards in the Ministry,

including those on the Minister's office, with barely a thought? Yes...


Alice asked, "Would you have believed him?"

"No," she sighed. "Why would I? No one, to the best of my knowledge,

has ever done it."




Down in a Fidelius-charmed small office within the Department of

Mysteries, a junior Unspeakable charged with monitoring what was

happening throughout the Ministry was sitting back with his feet crossed

at the ankles and propped up on a desk. He saw what had occurred in the

Director of the DMLE's office, gave a start and exclaimed, "What the


As he yanked his feet off the desk, he stared more intently at one of the

large mirrors before him.

"Shit!" he quietly exclaimed, before quickly activating the Dicta-quill on

the desk before him and began dictating an urgent short memo for his





With a crack of apparation, Neville appeared right in the middle of the

dinette room a little apart from the table.

Hermione suddenly exclaimed, "Well! I'll be damned!"

With a sudden shout from downstairs, there was a thundering of running

feet running up the stairs leading up from the lower ground floor.

Harry had his wand out, pointed at his mate in a flash and said, "Best put

your hands up, Neville."

Neville immediately did just that as Harry grinned at him. The boy was

looking back in shock. "H-Harry?" he squeaked.

"Just saving you from―"

"Freeze! Aurors!" suddenly snapped one of that morning's auror coterie.

"... getting stunned, Nev," Harry finished.

Neville gave a yelp, but didn't move. He looked half-terrified.

As the other two aurors came running in from outside - one from out

front and the other from out the back - Harry put his wand away and


"What the hell?" asked the youngest of the three.

"Harry?" Neville asked again.

"It's alright, aurors," said Hermione. "It's only Neville Longbottom. Harry

was testing an idea to get past the wards. It worked."

"How?" demanded the senior auror. He didn't look happy.

"Side-along apparation via house elf," she immediately replied.

"A house elf can side-along apparate someone?" asked the youngest.

"Yep!" laughed Harry.

"Please don't do that again," said the female Auror First Class. The one

who was 2IC on site.

"You might want to let Madam Bones know he's here," snickered Harry.

"Dobby 'side-alonged' him right out of her office."

"WHAT?!" asked the senior.

Harry snorted and said, "Neville... was side-along elf-apparated... right

out of Madam Bones's... DMLE office."

Neville, trying to be helpful added, "Right in front of her."

"Oh, crap!" exclaimed the youngest.

The senior pulled out his badge and appeared to be trying to figure out

how to send her a message via badge-taps, or something.

Hermione grinned. "If you can send her a messenger Patronus, try that."

The senior gave her a pained look and sent one. It looked something like

a possum or a squirrel.

Neville, who by this time had lowered his hands, watched in confusion.

"You can do that?" he asked.

"Yeah, Nev," replied a still grinning Harry. "If you can cast a Patronus,

that is."

Hermione stood and gave a still confused Neville a hug. "Welcome to my

home, Neville."

Finally giving her a hug back, Neville said, "Err... yeah. Thanks for

allowing me to come... I think."

Harry laughed.




Bones was still trying to get her head around the fact Lord Potter, with the

help of Heir Apparent Longbottom, yet another fourteen year old boy

who hadn't even sat his OWLs yet, had just demonstrated a massive hole

in their security, when the Patronus form of an opossum leapt into the

office from the wall.

In an ethereal voice of one of her senior aurors, it said, "Madam Bones,

Neville Longbottom has appeared in the middle of Golf Romeo. Straight

through the wards. We have a security issue."

As the Patronus faded away she frustratingly threw her hands in the air

and exclaimed, "No shit!"

Frank and Alice looked to one another in amusement.

Tentatively, in case he further upset the supposed Head of wizarding

Britain's security, Frank asked, "How often does Lord Potter pull stunts

like that?"

With a sigh, she replied, "With much too often regularity since the First

Task of the Tri-Wizard Tournament a little over three weeks ago. He

keeps referring to us all as daft morons; then goes and proves it by doing

crap like that.

"You saw what he did with the Misuse of Muggle Artefacts Statute

yesterday, didn't you?"

After both Longbottoms grinned and nodded back, Frank asked,

"Were there ever anti-house elf apparation wards up anywhere? Including

the cells?"

"Nope!" she emphatically replied.

"So, all those folks we used to arrest and bring back here―" he began.

"Could have simply called their house elves, if they had them, to apparate

them directly back out again," she finished. "Yep."

Alice asked, "What about Azkaban?"

Bones stared at her for a long moment in horror before she replied,

"Well... shit!"




As soon as Marchbanks was assured Dumbledore was out of the castle -

and, therefore, out of the way - the Ward Masters from the Ministry came


They immediately set to work analysing the wards. It took them time, but

they eventually had them all.

For what was listed at the Ministry for the wards on the castle and lands

surrounding it, there were quite a few significant changes. Those added


◊ - A general secrecy charm ward that subtly blocked staff and students

from talking about any event out of the ordinary;

◊ - A loyalty ward to instill loyalty towards the Headmaster or

Headmistress of the time;

◊ - An enhancement ward designed to cause aggravation between the

Houses of Gryffindor and Slytherin;

◊ - An avoidance ward directed at one individual - like Potter - that

would cause a general desire to stay clear of a person (who is also likely

to be the person);

◊ - An almost hidden link to an artefact that was currently off the school

grounds and located in the direction of London that was linked to a

location ward keyed to all those on the grounds; and

◊ - A magical power tap that was keyed to one individual - likely,


Wards that were in place, but deactivated, included:

◊ - A monitoring ward designed to monitor bullying;

◊ - An intent based ward designed to suppress bullying;

◊ - A monitoring and recording ward against dangerous artefacts;

◊ - A monitoring and recording ward against the use of dark magic; and

◊ - A monitoring and recording ward designed to block sexual assault by

stunning all involved until woken by someone carrying a DMLE badge.

When Marchbanks was given the report she was, of course, furious.

"How soon can you rectify all this?" she demanded of the Team Lead.

"With control of the wards and we can drop the full ward scheme for the

time, it can be done in mere minutes," he replied. "However, it's going to

take about an hour to prep. I'd rather have everything in place and ready,

before I drop the wards.

"Without doing that it's likely going to take us weeks. And that's beside it

putting things at risk with a ward cascade failure.

"If we do the lot together... when they drop, they'll all drop. That includes

the muggle notice-me-not and avoidance wards. Then we bring the whole

lot back up, together, as an integral set. It'll also mean that if anyone

wants to change anything by doing what Dumble― by whoever did all

this did, they'll have to take everything down again to do it. The other

way, that protection won't be there.

"However, I'd also like your permission to add to the wards if we're going

to go that far."

Marchbanks frowned and asked, "What additions?"

The Team Lead handed her a short list:

◊ - A combined monitoring and notification ward for under-aged magic

used outside of dormitories, the Great Hall and classrooms - such

monitoring will immediately be entered into a book designed to accept


◊ - A dark mark notification ward keyed to the Head, the Deputy and the

four Heads of Houses;

◊ - Redoing the hidden location charm ward and keying it to an

automated map of the school - such map to be provided ASAP; and

◊ - The location charm will also be tied in with the other notification


Marchbanks read through it and asked, "When you say 'mere minutes',

how long are we talking about here?"

"Three, maybe four," he immediately replied.

Surprised, she said, "I was expecting you to tell me about ten times that


He just smiled. "That's what the prep work is for."

Nodding, she asked, "If I was to include these four you suggest we add,

how much preparation time do you need, then?"

"One hour fifteen," he promptly replied. "I've never seen that location

ward before and I want to study it. Whoever did it was bloody brilliant. I

want to analyse it because I think the Minister should be made aware of

it and what it could mean for the Ministry. I'm thinking it could be useful

for places like Diagon Alley, Saint Mungo's and places like that."

She didn't even hesitate. "Do it. You have my authorisation. Come and

see me when you need control of the wards and I'll hand them over to

you. I'll be here in my office.

"I'll also be needing a full written report of what was there that should

not have been; what wasn't there that should have been, or was

deactivated; and what you've added. I'll need it for both my records and

for the Acting Madam Minister."

"Yes, Ma'am," he replied. "However, that report would have been

provided, anyway."

With a slight bow of respect he left.




After leaving the office of Madam Bones - with the woman frustrated and

trying to figure out a way to engineer stopping house elves side-along

apparating people through the wards of everywhere, without letting the

'secret' out it was possible first - the Longbottoms began the process of

getting their lives back in order in official records.

Bones suggested only one true stop was needed and that was the

Minister's Administration Office one floor below her own. She even gave

them both her written authorisation to put 'her' staff in that office to

work on getting it all sorted out for them.

"Officially, you're still employees," she'd told them. "You were never stood

down as aurors. As such, I'm authorising my staff in the Minister's Office

to reactivate everything for you, as it should never have been deactivated

in the first place."

After Frank handed over the note from Bones to the senior Office staffer,

he read it and said, "We'll get right on that. It should all be done before

close of business, today. I'll send an owl when it's done, so you won't

have to worry about it."

After thanking the man, that allowed them to head directly to Gringotts.

They needed to find out just what his mother, as regent, had done with

the accounts.

As they walked in, they were immediately greeted by the concierge

goblin available for the Seven. He gave a short abbreviated bow to them

both and said, "Lord Longbottom, Lady Longbottom; on behalf of Axe

Lord Ragnok, we at Gringotts rejoice at your recovery. May your enemies

once again tremble in fear of your presence and gold overflow your


"Thank you," said Frank. "If the Longbottom Account Manager is free,

whoever that is these days, please inform him we seek a meeting with

some level of urgency."

"Account Manager Irontongs expects your presence, this day, and has

cleared his schedule for you," replied the goblin. "Please follow me."

When the goblin immediately spun on his heel and began to stalk deeper

into the bank, the two Longbottoms followed.




As the time neared 11.00am Sirius had already been into the Leaky to

check the place out for his meeting with Remus, then moved into the

Alley proper. His initial idea for a couple of elves to clean Black Manor

was shelved when he found out the initial cost and time it would take.

Instead, he contracted with a private company that combined curse

breaking and cleaning to go in and do the work. He'd then organise for a

house elf or two to be bonded that would then maintain the place.

While he was discussing that with the reps of the company they told him

they also had a subdivision of their company that would do interior

decorating as the teams worked.

"By us providing a full service, it will cut down on your costs; but, for

someone like you that we believe doesn't care so much about the cost, it

will also drastically cut down on the time," explained the sales rep. "As I

said, though, our analysts will have to go in first to give you both a cost

and an estimation of the time involved."

Sirius came away from the meeting happy to have contracted them and a

time when he would meet them at the townhouse.

His next stop was in Flourish and Blotts adults only section. He found the

book he needed and quickly purchased it.

A quick Tempus and he realised he'd have to hurry to the Leaky to make

his meeting with Remus, so hurried back up the Alley. Unknown to both

him and Dumbledore, though, he just missed the man heading down the

Alley from Malkin's and heading back to Twillfit's carrying his brown

paper-wrapped parcel of three black robes.

Once in the Leaky it was to see Remus sitting in a booth at the back,

partially in shadow and looking as shabby as ever.

With a sigh at the appearance of his friend, Sirius adopted a light smile

and casually walked over. He drew his wand as he walked, ready to erect

privacy wards.

As he slid into the seat opposite, he said, "Hi, Moony."

Surprised by the appearance of his friend, Remus's face lit up. But there

was still a strong hint of wariness in his expression. "Pads!" he greeted


"Give me a minute to put up some wards," said Sirius, bring his wand up.

He did, however, notice the twitch of Remus's hand as he raised his

wand. It showed the werewolf was definitely on edge about something.

He threw up the wards - subtle masking ward that blurred their

appearance, a muffling ward that turned sound coming from their booth

into indistinguishable conversational noise and a very minor notice-me-

not ward - before turning back to his friend.

"Going for subtlety, Pads?" asked Remus. "That's unlike you."

"That's unlike what I used to be like," he corrected. "I've changed. Now,

why are you so 'twitchy'?"

Remus sighed and seemed to slump a little. "As I was passing through the

mountains near western Austria some... mongrel began hunting me. I had

to stay moving for three days and I was deep into Southern Germany and

across the Danube before, whoever it was, backed off."

Sirius winced. He hated the fact there were still those 'illegal hunters' out

there who liked nothing better than to hunt werewolves. It was great

when they decided to go after someone like Greyback, but going after his

friend was a different matter.

"Then I had to spend a few days working the docks in the Netherlands

before I could get passage across to the Isles," his friend continued. "I

arrived in Felixstowe early yesterday."

"But, you made it," he nodded.

"I made it," smiled Remus. "So, I didn't get much news in Italy that was

more than just 'general'. What happened?"

"Drinks, first," he replied. "Light ales, though. This will take a while."

Once Sirius collected the drinks and brought them back, he took a few

sips before sitting back in a way he could watch the room.

"Let me start back to the ninth of June," he began. "That's the night we

were all in the Shrieking Shack."

That then began a very long tale of what had happened, really starting

with him heading for the unplottable Island of Black in the southern part

of the North Atlantic to clear out of wizarding Britain for a while.




The Team Lead of the Ministry ward masters was doing a final check of

the preparation of taking down the Hogwarts wards. Everything had to

be perfect as they really only had one cast at this.

Seeing something he thought not quite right he barked, "Johnson!"

A young man perked up and hurried over, "ET?"

Gesturing to what he felt was a mistake, the Team Lead asked, "What, in

Merlin's name, do you call that?"

"Ah!" said Johnson. He then went on to explain the slight differences he

made and why. It took a little while, too.

"Interesting," said ET, the Team Lead. He stared at it for a few long

moments before he said, "Yes. That will work. However, never make such

a change without getting authorisation in advance, in future. Someone

might have initiated a change somewhere else in the matrix that could

have conflicted. Do you know what would have happened if it


"Errr... we... could have died?"

"More important than that, you numbskull," snapped ET. "I could have

died. If you died it would have been your own damned fault. However,

killing me would have been a true tragedy.

"I do not want to be a tale of a true tragedy. I want to live to a ripe old

age. I want to die of old age from exhaustion brought on by having too

much sex with a pair of Scandinavian identical twins twenty... even

thirty... years younger than me!

"Got me, Johnson?"

"Yes, ET," the young man muttered.

"Good!" snapped ET. "Lesson imparted and learned. Go away."

Once he had checked it for a third time he cast a quick Tempus away

from the matrix.

"Right," he declared. "I'm going to see Marchbanks and take control of the

wards. When I do, I'll send a red flare out the window. That's the signal

to activate.

"Johnson! Since you've been the clever little monkey, you get the

privilege of activating the matrix. Don't dawdle!"

"No, ET!"




After purchasing his... Uurgh!... Professor's robes at Malkin's Dumbledore

headed back to Twillfit's to get the robes he really wanted. And that

chartreuse yellow sounded divine.

Walking in, this time he had to wait a few seconds after five minutes

before Twillfit came out to see him. It was Twillfit's way of showing he

was displeased with you.

When he finally arrived, Dumbledore smiled and said, "Terrence, there

was no need for you to get 'huffy' I had to go elsewhere to buy those

horrid black robes. If I was being forced to buy them, I did not want you

having to sell them to me to infringe upon our creative designs."

Twillfit chose to ignore all that and asked, "Do you have your receipt? As

long as I sight that I can sell you anything you can afford."

Dumbledore sighed and produced the receipt from Malkin's.

He gave a harrumph and muttered, "Cheap, worthless garbage."

"Of course," nodded Dumbledore. "I have little intention of wearing them

anywhere, but in the classroom. The less I have to, the better. I much

prefer your sartorial splendour, which is why I've come back.

"Now we can finally get on with the real reason I'm shopping."

It was while he and Twillfit were discussing what colour to pair with the

chartreuse that Dumbledore felt the ward tap at Hogwarts he had his

predecessor install suddenly release.

As Twillfit was recommending a dark forest green for trim, Dumbledore

suddenly stiffened and cried, "Noooo!"

He quickly blurted out, "Terrence, my good man. I apologise. I must hurry

back to the castle. I'll be back as soon as I can." He suddenly spun on his

foot and raced out of the clothier. He needed to get back to find out what

had happened to his ward tap.

In his haste to leave, he left his bundle of 'Malkin' robes on the counter.

As Dumbledore fled out the door, Twillfit took one look at the brown

paper wrapped bundle, stared at it with distaste and gestured for his shop

assistant to come over.

"Sir?" the young man asked.

"Send that to Marchbanks, would you, Peter?" asked Twillfit. "Add a note

that Dumbledore left it here when he suddenly and rudely took off.

There's a good chap."

With that, Twillfit left the young man to it. After all, little issues like that

were the reason he and his partner hired the man. That, plus he looked

delicious in robes that fit well at the hips, upper arms and shoulders, as a

well-tailored robe should.




Sirius was telling Remus a few of the more public stuff Harry had been

up to recently, his winning of the case for Sirius against the Ministry and

the stripping away of the Statute of Misuse of Muggle Artefacts together

with the sudden appearance of the Longbottoms right at the beginning of

the Wizengamot General Meeting, when Remus spotted Dumbledore

suddenly hurry into the Leaky.

"Hey, there's Dumbledore," said Remus, beginning to rise.

Sirius immediately hit Remus with an underpowered banishing charm,

knocking him back into his seat as the old man raced for the fireplace

just past them. And before Remus could snap at him for the banishing

charm, he hit him with a silencing charm.

A few moments later, Dumbledore barked, "Transfiguration Office,

Hogwarts!" He stepped in and was gone.

Sirius immediately lifted the silencing charm as Remus surged to his feet.

"What the hell, Pads?!"

With a sigh, Sirius said, "Sit down and calm down, Moony."

"Why?" the scarred man angrily asked.

Both knew what he meant.

"Because I cannot have Dumbledore use the excuse of bumping into me in

the Alley to stick me with tracking, compulsion, loyalty charms and the

like," he replied.

"Why would he do such a thing?" snapped Remus.

"Because he has this very unhealthy focus on Harry," he replied. "I know

why, but I cannot tell you. I'm under oath. All I can tell you about it is

that it makes perfect sense."

Moony scowled back and said, "I cannot believe Dumbledore would get

up to all that sort of nonsense."

Starting to lose his temper back, Sirius said, "And I really couldn't care

any less than I do right now that you don't!"

Surprised by the almost sudden vehemence in his friend's words, tone,

posture and demeanour Remus sat back and stared back in not a little


A few moments later, he'd calmed down enough to give a pointed look to

his friend, who had also calmed back down. "What aren't you telling me,


"It's what you haven't told me that's the issue, Moons," Sirius snapped


Leaning forward and staring intently at his last remaining school time

friend, he asked, "During that near nine months you were at the school as

a Professor, why didn't you ever tell Harry about his true heritage? You

had plenty of time to do it; so, why didn't you?"

Shocked at the vehemence at the question, it was a few moments before

Remus replied, "Errr... because Dumbledore asked me not to?"

Sirius sat back and stared back in fury. And it was obvious from his

expression that the answer was nowhere near acceptable.

Remus's inner wolf was recoiling in fear.

It was a few long moments before Sirius quietly, angrily, vehemently

stated, "We're going to get you checked out by a Healer. If there's no

traces of compulsions, loyalty potions or the like in your system... then,

we're done. Do you understand what I'm telling you?"

"Padfoot! What the Hell?"

"You don't know the full story of what that man did to our boy," said

Sirius. "But, it's not for me to tell you. You clearly won't believe me."

He pulled a couple of galleons from his pocket and dumped them on the

table. "Go to the Daily Prophet and ask for back-copies of the paper. The

specific days you're looking for are the twenty fifth and twenty sixth of

November; and the week starting Monday, the thirtieth of November.

Hell, get the ones in between, too.

"You need to read them. You won't believe me, otherwise. Then, once

you've done that, talk to a few people to get their views of what

happened and contact me again. I expect to hear from you within the


"Then, when I do, I'm taking you to see my cousin, Andi. She's a Master

Healer and very well trained in detecting lingering traces of potions

within your system."

Then he rose and said, "Take care of yourself until then, Remus." And

spun about and left.

Remus was left sitting there wondering what had just happened. The two

galleons remained sitting on the table for almost a minute before he

scooped them up as he rose. He made his way out to the Alley, heading

towards the offices of the Daily Prophet.




By the time Dumbledore made it back to Hogwarts and hurried up to the

Headmistress's office, the ward master team were just completing their

work and the wards were coming back up. He hadn't even noticed the

gargoyle had immediately stepped aside for him, or what it meant.

Almost bursting into the office he saw Marchbanks and 'ET', the Team

Lead. He recognised the man, immediately.

"What the Hell have you done?" he demanded.

Marchbanks snapped right back, "Professor Dumbledore, mind your tone!"

ET smirked and replied, "The school's wards have been reconfigured.

Your power tap has been removed."

Still angry, but now also quite fearful, the old man snarled, "Do you

realise what you've done?"

"I am a Ward Master with over forty years experience," replied ET. "Of

course I know what I've done. And I resent the implication―"

"I need that tap!" yelled Dumbledore. "When Voldemort comes back, that

tap is the only way I'll have enough power to again fight him!"

"Albus Dumbledore; that is enough!" snapped Marchbanks.

When Dumbledore just glared back in fury, she practically hissed at him,

"You and I will be having a long talk, later, about you siphoning power

from the Hogwarts wards for your own ends. An act which, I will point

out, is clearly illegal."

Turning a glance to ET she said, "Though, by his own admission to

having committed this act has practically rendered the idea moot, please


ET gave a nod and, like a striking snake, quickly raised his wand and

lashed out with a charm at Dumbledore.

Dumbledore, still with most of his attention on Marchbanks, was not

even prepared to fend it off. It made him immediately glow green for a


"It's confirmed," he said, still staring at Dumbledore and prepared to

react. "The power tap was, indeed, linked to Dumbledore. It was feeding

him the power."

"Thank you," she nodded, also still staring at Dumbledore; her eyes fixed

upon him just as intently as ET's. "Professor Dumbledore, you are

dismissed. Leave my office, now."

Dumbledore, his wand gripped in his hand in white-knuckled anger

where he'd suddenly drawn it from his belt without even realising it,

stared back for a few moments before he suddenly spun on his foot and

stormed out.

As he stormed out, Marchbanks snapped, "And, due to your behaviour,

your leave to attend to your shopping in Diagon Alley is now hereby


Ignoring her, he clawed his hands into fists and stormed out the door.

Marchbanks banished it shut and sealed it.

Not until a few seconds after he had gone did either Marchbanks or ET

relax again.

"I think you'll be leaving via my floo, Edward," said Marchbanks. "I take it

your people are waiting for you out in Hogsmeade?"

He gave a nod and replied, "They are."

"Then I recommend flooing to the Three Broomsticks and meeting up

with them there," she suggested. "And I expect a copy of that report

within three days."

"You'll have it tomorrow," he said. "You'd have it this afternoon if I didn't

have to go and talk to the Acting Madam Minister, first."

"Thank you, Edward," she nodded.

As suggested, as soon as he exited the floo in the Three Broomsticks ET

collected the rest of his team and headed directly back to the Ministry.

After he gave a verbal report to the Acting Madam Minister he'd be able

to go and celebrate with his team. The report could wait until after that.

In her office, Marchbanks carefully listed in her ongoing report

concerning Dumbledore's actions this latest 'shenanigan'. However, his

siphoning power from the castle's wards, on its own, she already knew to

be enough to fire him.

Now she just needed to consider when she would do precisely that.




While Harry was still working through a lot of the financials regarding

the House of Potter, Hermione had taken Neville on a tour of the house.

She first took him to the top floor and showed him her suite and the

other two guest bedrooms located up there, then down to the first floor

with the Master Bedroom suite and Harry's suite. She next took him on a

tour of the upper ground floor (main floor), where they tended to spend

most of their time. And, finally, down to the lower ground floor with its

access to the double garage, the laundry, the media room and the

servants' quarters which the aurors had taken over.

Coming back up to the main floor she led him back into the dinette.

Knowing the tour would soon be over when Hermione led Neville down

to the lower ground floor, Harry had decided to pack away what he was

working on for the time being.

He had just entered the kitchen and was already arguing with Dobby

about what to have for lunch.

Harry was all set to make snacks, while Dobby was insistent he have a

proper meal.

Hermione took one look at the stance of the both of them and said,

"Harry, stop arguing with Dobby. Dobby, Harry needs a mid-morning


"Master Harry be cookings dinner," the little elf declared. "Dobby be

cookings brekky and lunch!"

"I was just going to―" Harry started, until he saw the look on Hermione's

face and the shock on Neville's. He sighed and grumbled, "Fiiiine."

"Harry, we have a guest," she said. "Between the two of us we need to

come up with how to keep the three of us occupied."

"We could always―" he stopped as he had a sudden idea and his face lit

up in happiness. "Hermione; you have a video player, right?"

Surprised at the idea, she said, "Ah! That is a good idea."

Rounding on Neville she asked, "What do you know about the muggle

entertainment medium known as 'television'?"

Neville looked back in confusion and replied, "Nothing?"

As both other teens grinned back, Harry snapped out of it and said,

"Hermione, take him down and get things set up. See if you can find

something that gives a halfway decent showing of modern muggle

Britain. I'm going to teach Dobby how to make... popcorn!"

As she began to lead Neville out again, she said, "Don't worry about

drinks. There's a small bar fridge down stairs that we use to store the

fizzy drinks in!"

As they left, Harry wheeled on Dobby and said, "I'm about to show you

something muggles snack on when they're at, what they call, cinemas. It's

really quick and easy to do and only has three ingredients - butter, dried

corn kernels and salt. The secret is in the timing and heat."




32. Ron's Wobbly

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to the proverbial Duchess of

Magic, JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high

falutin' companies. No matter how much I whine about not owning anything

related to the HP universe, other than a few fanfic plots, I do not profess to

own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful

world... Damn it!

A/N: I'll also use this time to address a couple of points I noticed raised when

scanning reviews or PMs:

A. The Dursleys - Harry wants to have the 'privilege' of dealing with them and

will do so in the fullness of time. There's no hurry. That's why he made the

claims before the Wizengamot he did. He didn't want them taking his chance

to personally deal with them out of his hands.

B. The muggle Government's programme on installing the surveillance cameras

and what the wizarding world needs to do about it - It takes a lot of time to

write a proper new Bill/Statute and very few purebloods believe it, anyway.

According to people like Ogden, there are more important things to deal with,


C. Dumbledore looking inept - It's been less than two months. In that time; he's

lost his power (political), all positions of authority except as a professor have

been stripped from him; he's lost his power (personality), very few people trust

him any longer and no one seems prepared to provide him any assistance; he's

lost his power (informational), he's being deliberately kept in the dark by

Marchbanks and the rest of the Hogwarts staff and his information sources

outside the school, other than via the untrustworthy information source known

as the Daily Prophet, no longer provide him any either and he can't get out of

the school and use his power of personality to regain what else he's lost; he's

lost his power (financial), with his money sources extremely curtailed he can't

'buy' what he needs to regain his powers/authorities; he maintains his power

(magical), but has lost the power boosts from Fawkes and the power tap.

Being very used to having all that and now losing it, every time he tries to get

back to his 'feet' he's being knocked down again before he can stabilise things

in his favour. Is it, therefore, any wonder he appears inept?

C. Bones (or, Things Harry has raised, but have not yet been dealt with or

have apparently been missed) - Bones is currently having to do the work of

two important positions effectively on her own, Minister and Director of the

DMLE. She's good, but even she can only accomplish so much in such a limited

amount of time. Give her time. There are things she knows she needs to get

done, but there are other things that need to get done right the Hell now! The

trouble is, Harry and his people keep hitting her with more and more to do so

she, too, is being constantly knocked out of her comfort zone and having to

scramble to achieve anything. That's why she commented to him, 'I hate you.'

There was no spite in it; just frustration. She has not (yet?) figured out she

needs to delegate more of the work of the Director onto her 2IC to give herself

more time.

D. Harry himself - He's had years to plan what he's now doing and part of that

is to keep people mentally off-balance. He did that to Hermione straight away

to get her to think things through and is now giving her time to regain her

inner equilibrium, all with a new way of thinking and new knowledge. It's

what he keeps doing to Bones and knows is being done to Dumbledore. If you

keep people off-balance they cannot formulate an effective counter. He's also

spacing out what he wants to accomplish to both keep people off-balance for

longer and also give them some time, if they scramble, to get done what needs

to get done. He's being strategic. In that way he has some measure of control;

people have to react rather than act proactively. He still has other things to

do/use yet to maintain that state. And Ted Tonks is (unknowingly?) proving

to be a godsend in helping him with that.

E. Marchbanks - She's already figured out what Harry is doing and, besides,

she thinks it's something that should have been done decades earlier. She also

thinks herself too old to get all excited/frustrated about it, anyway. If

anything, she's amused by it all. In her mind a bit of excitement, every now

and then, is good for the soul.

F. Voldemort - He knows he's vulnerable. His power (magical) is curtailed by

his 'Babymort' form; his power (informational) is curtailed to the Daily

Prophet and what Pettigrew can carefully gather; he can't risk Pettigrew to go

out and get him more information/intelligence as he needs him, else he will die

without the rat making the potion for him; and things are happening that don't

fit with what he was expecting to happen. He doesn't know who else he can

trust and knows that, if he calls the wrong follower or loses Pettigrew, he could

easily die again. And he doesn't want to risk reverting to a wraith form for yet

another thirteen or more years. As such, he's being both reticent to act and is

taking his time to gather what little information he can before he plans what to

do next. He's 'not a bloody Gryffindor'.

Anyways, on with the drama!

Chapter Thirty Two - Ron's Wobbly




Because of the almost 'express' service in both the Ministry and Gringotts

in getting things back into order, Frank and Alice spent longer in

Gringotts than they originally planned. They took a look at the actual

finances of the House.

A quick review of the books of the House showed that Augusta had not

been a poor regent when it came to the finances. If anything, she actually

did a better job than Frank, if he was honest about it, could do.

Sitting back with a sigh he said, "So, Irontongs, there was no activity

related to Gringotts, on her part, that you would consider suspect?"

"None," the goblin immediately replied. "She did well by the House. And

was even ruthless in a couple of the business dealings."

Alice frowned and asked, "Were any of those dealings against a House in

the Alliance?"

"No," replied the goblin. "She made no financial moves that would be

considered against the intent of the alliance."

Frank finally nodded and looked to his wife. "Alice?" he asked. "Anything

else you can think of?"

"Yes," she immediately replied. "Remove her from full access to the

accounts and re-establish the stipend for her. That's missing."

Frank quickly checked and noticed she was correct.

With a nod he looked to Irontongs and said, "Recreate the vault for

Augusta Longbottom and re-establish her familial stipend to the same

amount as prior to her becoming Regent, increased by... ten percent. The

stipend is to be deposited into that vault, as per the previous

arrangement. When I release her to do so, she may come into the bank

and collect her key. That may be a while, however."

Alice, still looking at the financials, said, "There's no vault for Neville."

"What!?" asked Frank, leaning over to see for himself. Once he did he

snarled, "Damn that woman!"

Straightening back up he was a moment to centre himself again before he

said to Irontongs, "Create a similar vault for my son and Heir, Neville.

Place within it one thousand galleons. Have it refill back to the thousand

galleons annually. Make the first of December the anniversary of that."

As Irontong nodded and began to write on the parchment before him,

Alice quietly sighed and said, "Neville must have no idea how to manage

his own finances. That's yet another thing we're going to have to teach

him, fast."

Once Irontongs was ready again, Frank continued, "Next, we need to

adjust our Wills with an addendum. I want to remove the line regarding

Regency and replace it with my Heir Apparent being granted immediate

emancipation, together with self-regency of the House both actual and

fiscal. He will, as of the moment of our passing, be considered Lord of the


Irontongs nodded and replied, "I'll have the addendum written up and

ready to be signed for when you next visit."

"Then, I believe we are done," said Frank, standing. His wife was only a

half heartbeat behind.

Irontongs said, "I shall have the vault key for young Heir Primary Neville

Longbottom ready by this afternoon, at the latest."

"Thank you," said both adults.

Irontongs gave a nod, closed the folder in which he was taking notes and

said, "May your ventures prove fruitful and your conquests be

overwhelming. Fare thee well."

"Fare thee well, Irontongs," Frank replied, as he and his wife made their

way out.




Dreading the meeting for almost the entire morning, Arthur Weasley and

Clifford Perkins were finally summoned to Amelia Bones's office about an

hour before lunch.

As both men entered, she was muttering something about ward masters,

smart-aleky young men and manipulative old gits.

She took a look at the pair of them, indicated the pair of chairs before

her desk and said, "Take a seat, gentlemen."

As Weasley and Perkins took seat, Bones was moving one small pile of

documents before her off to one side and bringing another pile into its


As soon as both were seated she said, "Right... gentlemen... You know of

what happened regarding the Statute for the Misuse of Muggle Artefacts

yesterday, yes?"

"Yes, Ma'am," replied Weasley for them both.

"Good; Because that very statute is at the heart of what we need to talk

about today," she said.

Forty minutes later, Weasley and Perkins left the office of 'The Boss' and

returned to their own. Neither noticed the intervening distance or time

from when they left one office and returned to the other.

As both sat, Perkins finally spoke. "Merrr-lin!"

"Yeah," said Weasley. "We need to find a bigger set of offices."




Dumbledore was sitting in his office, wondering what to do next, when a

house elf appeared and dropped a package on his desk. Of course he

immediately recognised it as the package he'd forgotten on Twillfit's


On top was a note.

~ # ~


Mister Twillfit was nice enough to forward your package you left on his


Now that you have the replacement robes you were sent to purchase, there will

now be no need for you to go to the Alley for the foreseeable future.

Headmistress Marchbanks

(NOT Griselda)

~ # ~

Screwing the note up in his hand, Dumbledore flung it across the room

and, with a snarl, fired an Incendio charm at it. He overpowered it.

In so doing he nearly set the other of his two armchairs alight in the


However, he did manage to burn the slip of parchment, this time.




On his return to the Tonkses' home, Sirius sighed in somewhat

disappointment at the end of his meeting with Remus. Though the old

man did not even know they were there, he had to resort to blocking his

'old friend' from getting the man's attention.

He wasn't yet ready to directly interact with Dumbledore. And was even

amazed the old man had not yet tried to get hold of him to use him as

some sort of 'cat's paw' or 'stalking horse' against Harry.

However, he was certain of one thing; the old man would definitely try to

use Moony that way. As a werewolf, if Dumbledore succeeded in turning

him into one or the other, Moony would not be protected by law.

He needed Remus to get those old copies of the Daily Prophet, read them

and come to the right conclusion himself. If there was any one in their

group other than Lily who could have been a Ravenclaw, it was Moony.

If he read those copies of the Prophet he would figure it out for himself.

After raiding Ted's liquor cabinet, he came away with a small glass of

muggle whiskey. He dropped into one of the chairs in the lounge, kicked

his feet forward and lounged back with the small glass in his off-hand. He

needed to figure out what to do next. He needed to think.




Arthur, still stunned with the news Perkins and he received from Bones,

asked for and received permission to 'floo home for lunch and speak with

the wife'.

As he popped out of the floo, Molly took one look at who it was and her

face fell. "Oh, no, Arthur."

"No, Molly-wobbles," he quickly said. "It's not like that."

Indicating the kitchen he said, "I can only stay for a little while, but I

have some rather surprising and outstanding news."

Once in the kitchen and with a plate for lunch before him, Arthur began

to speak between mouthfuls of food as he told her what 'Madam Bones'

had told him and his partner was to happen to his office.

"So," she said. "You and Cliff have to see to probably at least quadrupling

your Office to seven or more people. You have to find the staff to staff it

who are all muggleborn or at least muggle-raised, as they need that

grounding and understanding of muggle artefacts to properly do that job.

And you and Cliff both have to attend the DMLE auror muggle-awareness

course - both basic and advanced - within the next three months."

"Yes, Molls," he replied with a nod. "On top of that, once we get the

muggleborn staff started, one of the jobs of the new Office will be

designing a new set of muggle-awareness courses. One that, according to

Madam Bones, will have to include things like living for three days non-

stop in a purely muggle home, information on 'vidya' recordings and

cameras and things like that.

"Madam Bones is organising for a new 'Muggle Instructor' who will be a

muggleborn. That person will be working with Cliff and I to design the

new courses and will then be the new instructor for the courses.

"It's all pretty exciting. However, it seems it might just be all too much

for Cliff, as he's already said to me he's thinking about retiring. So, that'll

be another member of staff I'll need to replace."




After watching two different movies and somewhat over-indulging in

sampling both popcorn and fizzy drink for the first time, Neville was

almost bouncing off the walls in a combined excitement and sugar high


He was exuding so much magic from it Harry and Hermione had to rush

him out of the media room, lest he cause the electronic equipment to


Back up in the dinette Harry was almost giggling at Neville's enhanced

'enthusiasm' for what he'd seen and tasted.

"That was a-maz-ing!" the boy was gushing and speaking overly quick.

"Who knew muggles could do that? That was like a stage play and a

portrait and a pensieve all rolled into one! Brilliant!

"Neville!" said Hermione. "You need to calm down!"

"How can anyone be calm after watching that... viewing that... doing

that... whatever!" he enthusiastically retorted. "Brilliant!"

Hermione turned her glare on Harry and softly said, "His parents are

going to kill you."

"It'll burn off soon enough," he tried, speaking just as softly back.

Neville was still practically bouncing off the walls.

"I have to come back again and do that some more!" declared the sandy-

blonde haired boy. "That was... wow!"

Harry sighed and pulled a sheet of parchment out and wrote a quick note

on it.

~ # ~

Frank and Alice

Please forgive Neville. He's 'suffering' from imbibing too much sugar and

popcorn. Think of it as a short-term overcharged Pepper-Up Potion, but

muggles call it a 'sugar high'.

When it wears off he's likely to very quickly fall fast asleep with no ill effects.

Muggles call coming off a sugar high as 'crashing'.


~ # ~

He quickly folded it and attempted to get the attention of his still very

much currently hyperactive friend.

"Neville!" he firmly said, finally getting the boy's attention.


Holding the note forth he said, "When you go home... as soon as you see

either your Mum or Dad, hand them this note, alright?"

"Yeah! Right-o, Harry!" declared the other boy, taking it and practically

ramming it into his pocket.

"Don't forget!" Harry firmly ordered.

"I won't!" he declared.

Hermione just looked at the pair of them in exasperation. But, she was

also trying not to laugh at it all.




Eventually, as Neville was finally starting to get over the effects of the

sugar and popcorn, plus the excitement of watching a movie for the first

time, a house elf popped in and handed Neville a note.

"Thank you, Fluxy!" he happily replied, taking the note and opening it.

After a few seconds he said, "Mum and Dad are back home at the Hall. I

hafta go! See ya!"

Before either Harry or Hermione could say a word, Neville held his hand

out for the elf. A moment later they were both gone with a crack.

Harry gave a snort of amusement and said to Hermione, "Well, I certainly

hope he remembers to give them that note."

"I still think they might want to kill you," she smirked.

"Maaaay-be," he replied. "However, as Frank's declared me his personal

hero, I can't see that happening."




With Neville gone, Harry was able to return to what he was working on.

But, first, he wanted to write a few letters and get a few things happening

before he properly returned to it.

His first was instructions for Ted.

~ # ~

Ted Tonks

Law-wizard of Record

for the Noble and Most Ancient House of Potter

Diagon Alley



First, I need you to look into whether or not the floo can be connected to the

home of the Grangers. Now that Hermione is both the magical ward of the

Lord of Black and the betrothed of the Lord of Potter, I wanted to see if this

would get around the law against muggle homes having the floo connected.

Second, I need you to set up an anonymous donation to pay for a mind-Healer

to help Luna Lovegood get over her mother dying in her arms and to help

Ginny Weasley get over being partially possessed by the spirit of Tom Riddle

for most of her first year at Hogwarts.

I do not want either of them or their families finding out I paid for it and I do

not want either of their families deciding the monetary donation could be 'put

to other uses'. Claim, for instance, it is from a wealthy witch who did not like

the idea two young innocent pureblood witches have suffered such mental

trauma and nothing was done for either of them.

As an aside, I got your second stack of documents you deem to be both urgent

and important enough for me to go through and make decisions. Are you

trying to bury me in parchmentwork, or something? Sheesh!


~ # ~

With the note written, Harry was going to hand it to Dobby to take, but

knew he hadn't made much use out of Hedwig for what she was designed

to be, a mail owl, for the past couple of weeks.

Rising from the dinette table he went and opened the window and was

just in time for her to glide in. Once in through the window, she

performed a tight bank to bleed off speed and landed on the table before

turning to him.


"Yep," he replied. "A letter to be delivered."

Walking back to the table and sitting down he was quick to tie the letter

to her leg.

"For Ted Tonks in his office in Diagon Alley, girl," he told her.

She quickly checked for herself the letter was secure, gave him another

muted Snowy bark and took off back out the window.

Thinking, he quickly checked the time and smiled.

'If I start dinner now,' he thought, 'I wonder what I can come up with?'

So much for working on House documents.




The Unspeakables update that evening was that the Dog had met with

the White Wolf. Leo and Lisa were working on getting their

parchmentwork sorted, now they're back in the land of the living. Little

Old Lady got one up on White Beard. Apparently White Beard had been a

naughty boy and set in place a power tap on the Hogwarts' wards, among

other things. The wards are now back to what they should have been,

plus some extras, and―

"He did what?" asked their team warder.

"The White Knight decided we all needed another example of why we're

all daft morons... his words, not mine... and figured out a way to get

through practically any ward, in and out, that everyone else missed,"

replied the reporter, ignoring the warder's shock. "Apparently, a house elf

can side-along apparate a witch of wizard and, since there are no wards

I'm aware of that block a house elf apparating through them, it now

means witches and wizards can get through practically every ward."

"Oh, sweet bloody Merlin!" the warder exclaimed. "Do you know what

this means?"

"Wards to block witches and wizards from getting through via portkey or

apparation are now pretty much useless?" asked another.

"No, you git!" exclaimed the now exasperated warder. "It means... all

those pureblood witches and wizards who own house elves and are in...

say... Azkaban? Can get out whenever they bloody want to! All they have

to do is call their house elf to come and take them out!"

"Oh!" said the other, suddenly realising.

"Yeah... oh!" snarked the warder.

"That's not good."

"No, it bloody well isn't!" grumped the ward expert, who felt as if his very

world was crumbling around him. "And the Knight's not supposed to be

making people like me feel like I'm one of those daft morons of his!"

That had others snickering at their team member's heightened


"Well," continued the reporter, "Monocle has already been in contact with

Croaker to develop a way to block it. Croaker's not happy because, as you

know, we use a very similar method to get through wards when and

where necessary."

"And so we ward and charm masters are going to have to come up with

an idea that allows the blocking of side-along elf-popping the Knight has

figured out, while also allowing our special method of apparation

through," snarked the warder. "Merlin damn it!"

Again his fellow section members showed him their empathy for him by

laughing at him.




Harry had prepared another slow-roast, lamb this time, and talk was

somewhat lively around the table at dinner, that night.

Sirius had told them about his meeting with Remus Lupin and how it

didn't end so well; and about organising a cleaning crew for his old

family home on Grimmauld Place in Kings Cross, inner south London


"That's a pretty run down area," said Wendell.

Sirius shrugged and said, "With wizarding forms of travel and warding it

really doesn't matter what the area is like. A wizard could have a high

class mansion in the area and it still wouldn't stick out for the muggles.

Muggle Notice-Me-Nots take care of that."

Hermione asked, "Do you think Professor Lupin will read those old

editions of the Daily Prophet?"

"I hope so, yes," he replied. "He'll want to know what's going on and,

since I wouldn't tell him, he'll go read those back issues."

"Why have him read the back issues and not just tell him?" asked Monica.

"Because, he won't believe me," he replied. "He'll just think I'm trying to

prank him.

"With everything that's happened over the past three weeks I probably

wouldn't believe it either, if someone had just told me."

After dinner, Monica pulled Sirius aside into the kitchen and told him

about her fears about Harry's education.

Sirius heard her out and said, "Alright. I got your letter this morning and

I'm going to ask you a question. Don't get upset with me about it, as I'm

just doing my duty both as Harry's godfather and Hermione's magical


When she nodded back he flat-out asked, "Is your endgame here to have

Harry and Hermione sleep together, have sex and for your daughter to

fall pregnant, so it activates the binding portion of the Betrothal


Monica, at first shocked by the question, scowled and replied, "No. And I

don't know how you could think I wouldn't get upset by that question."

Sirius nodded and said, "I'm sorry, but whether or not you got upset

about it is not really my concern. My primary concern, here, is the

protection of those kids and Harry's familial legacy. However, you've

answered the questions and I believe you. I just needed to hear it out of

your own mouth."

Monica, still frowning, asked, "So, does this mean you're going to talk to

Harry or not?"

"Actually," he said, reaching into his robes and pulling out the book he

purchased earlier in the day from Flourish and Blott's, "In the short time

I've known him, it's already easy to understand he learns more by reading

about it that listening to someone else talk about it.

"Besides, I have a very well-known reputation for pranking people;

sometimes, unfairly, quite inappropriately. While the first part is true the

second is not. However, that's what I'm tagged with.

"Therefore, I'm giving him this book and will impress upon him he and I

will be talking about it once he's finished it."

Monica took the book and began to thumb through it a bit. "This is

actually... surprisingly quite informative. It is not the sort of book I

would expect to be found in the wizarding world.

"There's actually similar books in the muggle world, but this one seems a

great deal better than those."

"The purpose of this book is not to educate kids on sex," said Sirius. "It's

for kids to understand what it is and how it can lead to them being

trapped in a loveless marriage. It's to protect Heirs, like Harry, from some

witch with delusions of getting herself pregnant and trapping the heir

into marrying them as a way to lift her standing in our world; or just

putting the family of the father in a position where her family has to be

'paid off'.

"Actually, that second one is probably the main reason of the two, if I

was being honest about it."

Monica gave a huff and said, "I shouldn't be surprised. Anyway, when do

you want to give it to him? I think the sooner, the better."

Sirius gave a nod and said, "Now, then. How about you send him to me?"

Monica gave her own nod and said, "I'll go get him and send him in."

Then she stopped and said, "Actually, to keep Hermione out of this, how

about you go into the office and I'll send him there?"

"Good idea," he replied.

As the two separated, Sirius headed via the hallway into the office and

sat at the 'discussion' table and waited. He put the book on the table and

thought about how to broach the subject.

Less than a minute later, Harry came in. He appeared a little confused.

"You wanted to talk to me?" he asked.

"I do," nodded his godfather. Indicating the other chair he said, "Take a


Fifteen minutes later, Harry came out almost red with embarrassment

and had the book tucked up inside his windcheater. He quickly went up

to his room and put it there, stuffed between two of the folders of the

stuff he received from Ted. There was no chance in Hell he wanted

Hermione to see he had it.

When he came downstairs after giving his face a wash, Hermione

immediately asked, "What's up?"

"Nothing," he was quick to mumble.

Sirius, realising Harry made a poor liar for Hermione, said, "Business

between the Lord of Black and one of his Heirs, Hermione. Nothing for

you to concern yourself with."

"Oh," she replied, "Alright then."




At just after breakfast the next morning, Harry received a letter back

from the aurors. It was from the twins.

"When you're next in contact with Misters Frederick and George

Weasley," he said. "Please impress upon them not to try to attach charms

designed to prank the recipient to their correspondence. Depending on

what it is, it can be seen as attempted assault."

Surprised, Harry said, "I'll do that."

With a mental sigh, he thought, 'Idiots. Trying to prank a Lord of one of

the Seven? That can get you discovering what the inside of Azkaban can

look like from the point of view of a prisoner as a prisoner.'

~ # ~


Something is worrying Mum about what happened at the Wizengamot

yesterday. We suppose that'll be two days ago for you. And it's worrying us

that she won't tell us.

Since you should've been there, we were hoping you could let us know. Just in

case it was something that we should know about, yeah?

Hope to hear back from you soon,

Gred and Forge

P.S. Don't get upset about the donkey ears. We don't want to see you make an

ass of yourself. Ha!

~ # ~

With a sigh, he thought, 'Well, at least I know what the prank was meant

to be.'

Thinking of what to write in reply, he called Dobby and asked him to

bring down the stack of documents he was working on the previous day,

plus fresh parchment, ink and quills. With the visit from Neville very

little of it got done and he really needed to put some effort into it today.

With the documents set aside, he pulled parchment, ink and quill before

himself and began to write his response.

~ # ~

Fred and George,

Firstly, please be aware that my auror 'shadows' are still with me. They go

through my mail before I get it. That's because Dumbledore tried to slip me an

auto-portkey in a letter and, if it wasn't for Dobby grabbing it first, I'd have

been portkeyed right out of Hermione's home.

Yes, I'm staying with Hermione at the moment. But, I'm sure you guys had

figured that out ages ago.

The aurors have requested of me to ensure you two are made aware that a

prank, even a harmless one, can be seen as assault when it's directed towards

a Lord of a Noble and Most Ancient House. You also need to be made aware

that sending a wizarding prank into a muggle home can be seen as a breach of

the Statute of Wizarding Secrecy, Code 13. It, too, can lead to you getting into

serious trouble with the DMLE.

So, guys; knock it off, in future - please. I don't want to see your trying to pull

a prank on me being the reason you both find yourselves serving a bit of time

in Azkaban.

Warning delivered. No more needs be said.

Next bit of news for you. Hermione and I are now betrothed through a

Betrothal Agreement. That's something I'm surprised the Daily Prophet hasn't

picked up on yet. The reasons are quite a few and not something I or

Hermione are discussing with anyone outside of the immediate families. I can

tell you one of them is not because Hermione is pregnant, or anything. (In case

you were wondering.)

The second point of note is that Sirius Black, Lord of Black, is also now her

magical guardian.

The advantages, you should know, is so that Hermione is now protected. If

anyone tries anything to interfere with the Betrothal Agreement, such as

loyalty or - dare I say - love potions, both the Noble and Most Ancient Houses

of Black and Potter, along with both alliances, will be brought to bear on

anyone who tries. NO exceptions!

So, please don't try to aim one of your pranks in her direction, either. Sirius

has already sworn he will be very protective of his magical ward; and the

Potter-Longbottom Alliance will be the same. Anyone trying to even look with

disdain on her or the Agreement will very quickly be wishing they could find a

hole under a secrecy charm somewhere and hide.

As for what happened two days ago. For the three days leading up to the

Wizengamot meeting I was working on two projects.

The first was getting Frank and Alice Longbottom cured of their afflictions that

had them in Saint Mungo's for the past thirteen years. Yes, you read that right,

curing Frank and Alice Longbottom. Both are now healthy and hale and back

to their best. During the initial part of the meeting of the Wizengamot, Lord

Frank Longbottom took back control of the Noble and Most Ancient House of

Longbottom from his mother, Dowager Lady Augusta Longbottom. We both

then took our Seats.

This means the Potter-Longbottom Alliance will soon, once again, be a force to

be reckoned with, within wizarding Britain. Very soon the Potter-Longbottom

and Black Alliances will be working together to sort things out.

The other thing that happened occurred just before the start of the General

Meeting of the Wizengamot and is why your mother was probably worried.

That was the trial of Sirius for a Breach of the Statute for the Misuse of

Muggle Artefacts.

I and Ted Tonks, law-wizard, were the defence team for Sirius. I was actually

quite ropeable with the Ministry attempting to do that, because of the

following muggle artefacts that are also blatant breaches of the Statute and

nothing's ever been done about them. Hell, three of them were where the

Ministry itself was responsible for the breaches.

The Hogwarts Express - stolen muggle artefact. Stolen during the height of the

second world war (War with Grindelwald) from the rightful muggle owners -

by the Ministry!

The Knight Bus - stolen muggle artefact. Stolen from the rightful muggle

owners in 1939 at the beginning of the second world war from the rightful

muggle owners - by Ernest Prang under direction from, you guessed it, the


The current building housing St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and

Injuries - purchased muggle artefact. Purchased from the muggle company

Purge and Dowse Ltd in 1962 - under direction from the Board of Directors of

the Saint Mungo's Hospital Fund.

A K6 Model telephone kiosk & the Automatic Electric payphone model 233G

within - stolen muggle artefacts. Stolen from the muggle Government-owned

British Telecom sometime shortly after 1955 - by the Ministry!

Those are the four I was going to present as evidence in Sirius's trial. However,

there's a lot more than that I wouldn't have presented but made the

Wizengamot aware of many of them.

Acting Madam Minister of Magic and Director of the DMLE, Madam Director

Amelia Bones wears a monocle that is of muggle construction, thereby meeting

the definition of a muggle artefact, and has been enchanted. This would have

breached the Statute.

Ex-Chief Warlock and Ex-Headmaster of Hogwarts, Albus Dumbledore wears

spectacles of muggle construction and he has enchanted them. This, too, would

have breached the Statute.

Current Headmistress of Hogwarts, Lady Griselda Marchbanks, makes use of

a muggle constructed cane, which has been enchanted. This, also, would have

breached the Statute.

The enchanted entranceway between the muggle side of Kings Cross Station

and Platform 9¾ is also such.

So, too, is the hiding of the Leaky Cauldron behind Notice-Me-Not and anti-

muggle wards.

The memorial to my parents in Godric's Hollow is actually an enchanted

muggle war memorial. That one was enchanted under the direct orders of the


And that's just some of the stuff I figured out in a single day! Later, I also

remembered about the Ministerial cars that picked us up from the Leaky to

take us to the station at the beginning of my third year - your fifth - but didn't

remember for the trial. Those, too, are illegal under the Statute (though I do

believe they were probably purchased, rather than stolen).

Because of that I proved that the Statute, in what was its current form, was

both unworkable and utterly unenforceable. So, the Wizengamot had no

choice but to strip it from the books until it can be rewritten into something

that actually makes sense. I would not have been satisfied with anything else

and would have forced Madam Bones's Head Auror, Rufus Scrimgeour, to

arrest the lot of those who were involved; including his own boss.

However, because I knew this would have negatively impacted upon certain

Ministry employees - How's your father these days, boys? - I ensured Madam

Bones will be redeveloping the Misuse of Muggle Artefacts Office and the

Statute into something that actually properly works. I'm not positive but, if I've

read the play right, your father is about to get a 'promotion' out of it.

Anyways, that's all the news I've got for you I can pass along. I hope this

alleviates your worry over why your mother is worried. I do not believe she

needs be.

Oh, and my betrothed, Hermione, says, 'Hi!'


~ # ~

Harry was just finishing writing the letter, drying it by blowing on it and

folding it ready for Dobby to deliver it when he noticed Hermione was

reading a book.

"I haven't seen you with a school text in your hand for a while,

Hermione. What gives?" he asked.

She turned an almost evil smile on him and over-nonchalantly replied, "I

found this inside the stack of documents for the House of Potter." And

indicated the stack with one hand while closing the book and holding it

closed with her other hand.

As Harry started to develop a sense of dread, he asked, "Ummm... What's

the name of it?"

"'What a Young Wizard of Good Standing needs to Know'," she grinned.

"Oh... crap," he moaned, turning away and blushing.

"Something you want to tell me, Harry?" she sugary sweetly asked him.

"No," he quietly replied.

"Why do you have it?" she asked.

Mumbling, he replied, "Sirius gave it to me last night and said I had to

read it. He said..."

"He said, what, Harry?" she pressed.

With a sigh, he muttered, "He said he thinks my education in... stuff...

was lacking."

"Stuff?" she asked. "Harry. I want an honest answer, please. I'm your

friend and... Hell... I'm your betrothed. Do you know where little witches

and wizards come from?"

Shocked at the question, he snapped his head back around to look at her

and stammered. "Y-yes! Of course!" Then blushed and turned away again.

"Alright," she slowly said. "Do you know how they're made?"

"I... think so," he mumbled.

"Ah," she said. "That explains the book, then."

He just shrugged.

"Is Sirius going to quiz you on what's in it?" she asked.

"Yes," he quietly muttered.

She thought for a long moment, nibbling her bottom lip, and said, "Then

you really should read it, anyway. And, if you're uncomfortable talking to

Sirius about what's in it... then you should come and talk to me... as your


He gave a short nod and mumbled, "Alright."

Satisfied, she said, "In that case, I'll set this aside for now. You should

start reading it tonight before you go to sleep. And even when we take a

break from all this." And gestured to the documents.

Then she deliberately picked the book up and placed it on the other side

of the table. "There! We won't talk about it for now."

With a sigh of relief, it was a long moment before Harry gave his throat a

bit of clear and called Dobby to deliver the letter to the Weasley twins.

"Same as before, Dobs," he stated. "Charm it so only the twins can read





Harry had forgotten that, because he was now 'homed' in Wimbledon

rather than Scotland, Hedwig took nowhere near the time to fly between

locations. This meant his letter to Ted actually arrived the previous

evening. Which then gave Hedwig plenty of time to get back and deliver

the Daily Prophet that morning.

Even so, Ted could only manage to start on Harry's requests that

morning. And he got right to it.

First, he pulled out the laws regarding the connection of floo's in muggle

homes. Then looked up what precisely was meant by a 'muggle home'.

With those pieces of law fresh in his mind he then sat back and tried to

figure out a way to legally get the Granger residence connected to the

floo network.

The main issue was that there was no way for an 'arriving' floo traveller

to know whether or not an 'unauthorised muggle' was in the same room

as the floo. Which would then be a breach of the Statute for Wizarding

Secrecy, though an accidental one. So, the way to ensure that breach

would not occur would be for the floo point to be somewhere an

'unauthorised muggle' could not be.

Secondly, there would need to be authorisation from a person in the

Ministry with authority to grant it, followed by the application to the

Floo Network Authority within the Department of Magical


The big problem was the definition of 'muggle home'. If he could―

That's when he had it. He quickly pulled out the official Ministerial

definition of why a home was determined to be a muggle home, even if a

witch or wizard lived there.

Then pulled out the exemptions that applied to the Noble Houses and the

Most Ancient Seven.

Reading them all, his frown of concentration slowly changed into a smile.

'Sirius,' he thought. 'You're going to love this.'

Writing down what he needed in his notes he then sent an 'Express' letter

to Sirius, 'Harry-style'. He summoned his house elf to take it and leave it

in Sirius's spot at the dining table. He knew the man had a late night, the

previous night, and would be late to rise, this morning.

That done he turned his attention to finding a way to have the young

Lovegood and Weasley lasses receive mental health assistance without it

pointing back to Harry.

He thought Harry's idea of a donation from an anonymous wealthy

pureblood witch to be both simple in approach and brilliant, so decided

to run with it.

But, how to implement it would be his problem to solve.

"Alright," he muttered. "Paying in cash from a vault won't work. Harry

wants to make sure both families can only spend the gold on the

treatment. That means I have to pay for the treatment in advance.

"So, I need a qualified mind-healer, preferably with experience dealing

with young female witches. I'll need to put them under contract. And

such a contract needs to be written in such a way the anonymity will be

maintained and with a Healer's Oath considered.

"Time to find out if a Mind-Healer's Oath differs from a normal Healer's

Oath. If it does, I'll need the wording of it. Actually, I'll need it anyway,

as I don't know if it will be the same as Andi's, even then."

Taking down his book on Healer's Oaths he flicked through it looking for

the ones that might be specific for Mind-Healer's. He, of course, had it 'on

hand' because of what those Oaths meant when a Healer was a witness

on the stand.




The twins were again in their room and working on prank potions - what

else could they do with their time in the middle of winter when it was

too cold to play or practice Quidditch? - when Dobby popped in with a

letter for them.

First casting a detection charm of the twins' own design on the letter,

Fred then accepted it.

"Letter from Harry, Fred," he declared, opening it as Dobby popped away


"I thought that was obvious, my less intelligent brother," replied George.

He was already coming around to read the letter side-by-side with his


After reading the first couple of paragraphs both, together, said, "Oops!"

Getting roughly to the fifth, Fred said, "Well, my even less intelligent

brother, Lord Harrikins is now 'hands off'. Agreed?"

"Agreed," his brother immediately replied.

After reading about the betrothal and that Hermione was now a magical

ward of Lord Sirius Black, George gave a low, quiet whistle and said,

"And so's Hermione."

"Agreed," said an equally surprised Fred. "This is going to shock the rest

of the family."

"Ginny, for a start, is going to be gutted," said George

As they read down George suddenly exclaimed, "Sweet Merlin!"

"Harry woke the Longbottoms!" exclaimed Fred.

Both looked to the other and said together, "Harry Potter is a god!"

When they turned back to the letter, it took them a little while to read

through about the stripping of the Statute and why.

"So that's why," said George.

"Yep," said his brother. "Shall we take this down to the kitchen to read?"

"Of course!" said Fred. "I'm sure the family will love to hear Harry's good


"Except Ginny," added George.

"And possibly Ron," added Fred right back.

"Ah, yes!" sighed George. "His infatuation with the lovely Miss


"But we still read it?" asked Fred.

"Of course!" said George.

Again knocking on doors - though, due to it being a weekday they only

needed to knock on Ron and Ginny's - the twins first charged up the stairs

before charging down again. This time, all the way to the base of them.

Walking into the kitchen, the twins plonked themselves down at the table

and, with Fred holding up the letter, both said, "Letter from Harry!"

Spinning from doing whatever she was doing at the kitchen counter,

Molly asked, "Really?"

As soon as she saw the letter in her son's hands, she immediately began

wiping her hands.

"I wouldn't bother, Mum," said Fred.

"Harry'll have just put privacy charms on it again," said George.

Molly immediately stopped and sighed. "Read it to me," she demanded.

The twins glanced at one another before Fred said, "Are you asking us to

read it to you?"

"It's a letter to me and George," said George.

"Maybe we don't want to read you our private correspondence," said Fred.

"Don't be disobedient!" she snapped, starting to get angry.

"Don't be rude!" both twins snapped back.

That shocked their mother into silence.

By then, both Ginny and Ron had joined them.

"What's going on?" asked Ginny, before Ron had a chance.

"Fred and I have received another letter from Harry," replied George.

"And Mum tried to demand we read it to her," added Fred. "Now, we


"Because we planned to, anyway," said George. "And not because Mum

tried to demand we do."

"And now that everyone's who's at home is here..."

"We shall begin." they both said.

Same as last time, the twins took turns reading the letter, a paragraph


After the first paragraph, before George passed to Fred, Ginny exclaimed,

"Dumbledore tried to kidnap Harry?"

As Ron blurted in anger, "Harry's at Hermione's??"


"RON!" his mother screeched.

Ron immediately winced and, a moment later...


Everyone relaxed again. And Fred took up.

Back to George and he and Fred exchanged a glance. They skipped the

next three paragraphs.

As soon as the first two lines of where they next took up in the letter

were read, Ginny exclaimed "Noooo!" And immediately burst into tears as

Ron exploded with rage and exclaimed, "NO!―"


"I won't have it!" he ranted, surging to his feet. "Hermione's mine! I

planned to ask her to go out with me as soon as we got back to

Hogwarts! Bloody Potter! BASTARD! I'm gonna kill him!―"


"RONALD BILIUS WEASLEY!" screeched his mother. She quickly ran

around the table and laid a huge smack across his face.

"STOP IT!" she screamed, red in the face.

"Look at the clock!" exclaimed Ginny, who had now stopped, frozen in

place. With tears prickling her eyes she looked horrified, staring at the

clock face.

That had everyone, including Ron, looking at it. Seeing it, Ron near wet

himself, right there.

His hand was pointing to 'Mortal Peril'.

Getting herself back under control, Molly hissed, "Ronald Weasley! Go to

the shed... right now... and stay there until your father comes for you."

As she said that, his hand moved back to 'In Danger'.


He stared at his mother in shock until she yelled, "NOW!"

He quickly ran out the back door.

With him gone, the room settled again. Ginny, still sniffling with tears,

suddenly ran back upstairs to her room.

George and Fred glanced to one another and sat again.

Fred said, "I think we better finish reading this when everyone else gets


"No," his mother sighed. "I want to know what else he has to say."

"Mother," said George, all serious. "If you want us to keep reading our

private letter from Harry to us to you..."

"You're going to need to politely ask," added Fred.

Almost instantly getting angry again, Molly managed to control it and

release it again with a sigh.

"Please read it to me," she said in a more normal voice. "I'd like to know

what else he has to say."

Both twins nodded and George took up again where he'd left off when

their two siblings jumped up.

When George read the paragraph about coming after anyone applying

potions, Molly winced. The threat of what would happen if anyone tried

was also not lost on the woman.

When it got down to what happened at the Wizengamot, she again


When Fred started with listing the four enchanted muggle artefacts Harry

had mentioned, Molly was shocked. 'The Hogwarts Express? The Knight

Bus? The others? Why did Arthur not think of those? Shouldn't he have

acted?' she thought. 'I'll have to ask him when he gets home.'

She could see exactly why Harry had chosen those artefacts and now

understood better why the Statute had been revoked.

When George, this time, started listing the items on the persons of Bones,

Dumbledore and Marchbanks, she sighed and massaged the bridge of her

nose. 'Oh, Arthur,' she thought.

But, when Fred read about how Harry knew Arthur's job might have been

in trouble and had immediately acted to ensure it wasn't, she was very


Fred finished with, "Oh, and my betrothed, Hermione, says, 'Hi!'"

Both then said, "Harry"

Fred folded the letter back up and slipped it into an inside pocket of his


"Sorry, Mum," said Fred. "We knew Ron and Ginny might get a little


"But, we didn't think Ron would act like that!" said George.

"Better he act like that here," said Molly. "Than he act like that in front of

Lord Potter or his Lady Presumptive, Hermione.

"At least, here, we have some hope of him getting it under control before

they meet again."

She seemed to remember where she was and who she said that to before

she seemed to shake it off and glare at the twins.

"Not a word of that to anyone!" she snapped. "And how is young Harry

getting mail through to you, anyway? All mail is supposed to come to


"All owl mail, Mum," said Fred.

"Harry doesn't use an owl to send mail to us," said George.

With that, the twins rose and headed back upstairs.

Back in their room, Fred asked, "Do you think we should write to Harry

and let him know about Ron and Ginny?"

George shook his head and replied, "That part about potions? I think it

was directed to both of them."

"And Mum," added Fred. "You didn't see her wince when that was



"So, we write to Harry... and Hermione?" asked Fred.

"Not yet," said George. "We may be seeing only what we think we're





When Sirius flooed Ted's office and said he'd read the note, Ted invited

him straight through.

"So?" asked Ted. "What do you think?"

"It's one way to get around the legislation," grinned Sirius.

Ted nodded and said, "Will the Grangers agree, though?"

Sirius shrugged and replied, "We can only put it to them."

"It also depends on where a floo can be put in their house," said Ted. "Do

you know if they have any fireplaces? I thought their home was central-


"One can easily be created," said Sirius.

Ted nodded and said, "Then we'd best go over there to see if there are

any suitable locations before I take this to the Ministry."

"You want to do this right under the noses of the aurors?" asked a

surprised Sirius.

Ted shook his head and said, "I just want to see if there's a suitable

location, first."

"Fair enough," said Sirius.

"Then you're going to do it right under the noses of the aurors. I'm just

putting the parchmentwork through."

He laughed at Sirius's shocked expression.




33. What's a Quarter Inch?

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to the proverbial Duchess of

Magic, JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high

falutin' companies. No matter how much I whine about not owning anything

related to the HP universe, other than a few fanfic plots, I do not profess to

own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful

world... Damn it!

A/N: For all those kvetching about how only Hermione was in a relationship

with Harry at the moment, here's the chapter that holds the introduction of

what's to come in that arc.

Chapter Thirty Three - What's a Quarter Inch (Between Friends)?




It was the sudden quick movement of the aurors that alerted the two

teens to them having magical visitors.

Less than thirty seconds later, Ted and Sirius came into the dinette.

As soon as Ted saw the two of them working through the finance

documents of the House of Potter, he smiled. "I see why you think I'm

trying to bury you under parchmentwork, Lord Potter. You don't have to

go through all this right now, you know."

"I just want to get it out of the way," replied Harry. "The more I get done

now, the less I have to worry about needing time to get it all done later."

"Not that we mind," said Hermione, rising to give both men a hug. "But,

what brings you here, today?"

"We're looking for a suitable location to install a fireplace," smiled Ted.

Confused, Hermione asked, "A fireplace?"

"A fireplace for a floo point, Hermione," said Sirius. "If we go ahead with

getting you two private tutors instead of returning to Hogwarts, we

thought it would be a good idea. If you have private tutors off-site, I

expect you'd want to regularly come home."

"Are my parents allowed?" she asked.

"No, but Lord Black is," replied Ted. "And, as you are his ward and he

may need you to visit him so he can keep an eye on you, the only form of

travel available to you is via floo, portkey or Knight Bus. You are not

permitted to apparate until you are of age, have met the testing

requirements and have a licence; the Knight Bus is a security risk;

portkeys can only be made by certain people under licence from the

Portkey Office; leaving only the floo, which is both secure and relatively


"But, this is still a muggle home," said Hermione. "It was one of the first

things I looked up when I found out about floo travel―"

When she saw the twin smiles from the two adults she stopped.

"And while this is a muggle home, you can't have the floo installed,"

smiled Ted. "So, what's the answer?"

Harry gave a snort and looked to his betrothed. "Hermione," he said,

getting her attention. "If what's stopping this home getting a floo

connection is that it's a muggle home, thennnn...?"

"Make it a wizarding home?" she asked. "But, how?"

"Simple, dear," said a now grinning Sirius. "I, or another qualified wizard

or witch, simply has to own part of it."

"With Sirius owning part of it, that part becomes a wizarding home,"

added Ted.

Hermione looked shocked and started to nibble her bottom lip as she

went through all the permutations she could think of. "I... don't know if

Daddy will like that. Which part are you thinking of?"

"A part that's not been built yet," replied Sirius. "We can either build an

extension to the side of the house, or a separate construction in the

backyard. Actually, that second one is probably the better option. More

secure, that way."

"How big would it have to be?" she asked.

"Not very," replied Ted. "A telephone box would be big enough with

space expansion charms employed. Does your dad have an outside tool

shed, garage, workshop, whatever?"

"Yeah, a brick shed; but, he never uses it," she replied. Suddenly her eyes

widened, "You can use that!"

"No one else goes in there?" asked Ted.

"No," she replied. "Actually, I don't think anyone's gone in there for...

well... years."

"Then we won't even need to build anything new," said Sirius. "As long as

it's big enough to put in a large enough fireplace, it'll do 'as is'."

"Is it locked?" asked Harry.

"Ummm..." she muttered as she thought. She then gave a firm nod and

said, "If I remember correctly, it is and the key is hanging on a hook next

to the back door."

Enthusiastic for the idea, Sirius said, "Then, let's go check it out."

It turned out the key was hanging where Hermione thought it would be,

but the lock had rusted to the point the key would no longer fit.

Sirius was about to blast it off when Harry blocked him. He then cast a

Reparo at the lock; and the key then fit.

Once inside and, aside from the evidence of the rusty lock showing

disuse, it was clear the building wasn't in use because there was nothing

of any real value within. Only lots of spiderwebs and a real musty scent

filled and permeated the room.

"This will be perfect!" said an excited Sirius. "I think your father will be

happy to sell me this building when I offer him a suitable price for it."




Back up in the dinette, the four of them sat around the table as Ted

began to explain what he had to do.

Ted explained, "Once Wendell signs over ownership of the 'shed' to Lord

Black, Lord Black will need to come here and install a permanent

fireplace. Then, once the fireplace is installed, I can submit the

parchmentwork to have it connected to the floo network under Lord

Black's name."

Hermione asked, "If it's that easy to get around the law, why haven't

more people done this?"

Harry grinned and replied, "Because, they're... what?"

Hermione sighed and muttered, "Daft morons."

Harry grinned and kissed her on the cheek. "Now you're getting it."

Ted then cut in and said, "On to other matters you have me researching,

while I'm here."

That had everyone, especially Harry, focus on him.

"I believe I have an idea to carry out what you requested of me regarding

aid for the young Misses, Luna Lovegood and Ginevra Weasley," he

began. "I'll be contracting a Mind-Healer and placing them on retainer

under a pseudonym account. That Mind-Healer will be charged with

contacting both Xenophilius Lovegood, your Miss Lovegood's father, and

Arthur Weasley, Miss Weasley's father.

"From there, he or she will work directly with both young ladies. And,

because it is improper to receive information of just what they talk about,

I will only be requesting information that will not breach Healer-client

confidentiality; such as if both fathers accept the offer, the young ladies

co-operate and treatment is progressing. And then to let me know when

treatments end and why.

"That will be information proper to determining payment, not matters

breaching privacy."

Harry nodded back, knowing Ted still had more.

"Second, the important one," said Ted, as expected. "The Tri-Wizard


He then sighed and said, "I'm sorry, Lord Potter, I have no way to

determine whether or not you're actually bound by the Goblet. I have no

way to determine if anyone is bound by the Goblet. The magics involved

are beyond the knowledge of anyone, anywhere, that I can call upon.

"I can, however, tell you that you're not legally bound by the actual

contract. From what I can tell, none of the competitors are. And that's

because none of the competitors, including you, were given copies of the

contract within twenty four hours of 'signing' it, as required by magical


"Damn!" said Sirius. "But, how does that work?"

"They're bound to the contract by the Goblet," explained Ted. "However,

that binding is not legal. As such, any... for instance... disclaimers

included in the contract that protects the Ministry from being sued if the

competitors or spectators are injured is void. That, for a start, I can easily

successfully argue."

Harry was thinking hard about it and asked, "Does the contract state

what the Tasks will be?"

"Yes," replied Ted. "The First, you already know about. It was to be held

on the twenty fourth of November and was to be collecting a false egg

out of the nest of a nesting mother dragon.

"The second is to be held on the twenty fourth of February and requires

the champions to rescue a hostage out of the Black Lake―"

Harry wasn't the only one to react to that information, just the fastest. He

surged to his feet and barked, "Like, Hell!"

As everyone got upset, Ted just held his hands in a placating gesture.

"Take it easy," he softly said. "No hexing the messenger."

As everyone else settled Harry almost snarled, "What has it said regarding

who are to be the hostages?"

"It doesn't say, specifically," replied Ted. "It says it is to be something the

competitor would miss the most."

Both Harry and Sirius growled as Hermione gasped in shock.

"If anyone comes anywhere near Hermione―" started Harry.

"It will be Alliance-wide blood feuds." finished Sirius.

Ted nodded and said, "I suspected as much. That's why I'll be going in to

see our good friend, Ludo Bagman, and informing him that if anyone is

taken as a hostage without written and signed consent of their guardians

I'll be standing ready to aid them in pressing charges of kidnapping, at

minimum, against all those involved. And also stand ready in aiding them

in seeking financial restitution against each individual organiser in any

way involved."

Sirius declared, "And tell him my threat still stands and goes double for

any hostage. Especially, if they plan on attempting to use Miss Hermione

Granger, my magical ward and Lord Potter's betrothed. The organisers do

not have my permission to use her as a hostage."

"That I can do," nodded Ted.

Moving on, he said, "The Third Task is a maze that will be filled with

puzzles, traps and dangerous creatures. The Tri-Wizard Cup will be left

somewhere within the maze and the first to grab it will be declared the


"Well, that doesn't sound so bad," said Sirius. "But, it's going to be

creatures dangerous to seventh years, so it's still going to be bad enough."

"Then I'm just going to have to do like I did in the first task," said Harry.

"Prove the organisers to be daft morons."




During her time within the castle Marchbanks had not been idle. Yes,

she'd had to find and elevate replacements to the places of three Heads of

House and continually have to deal with an old man who simply could

not accept he was now a non-entity in matters of importance, but that

was not all she was dealing with.

Of course, she needed to get a wand grip on the sheer amount of

parchmentwork that Dumbledore had simply ignored or, against the

school rules, passed on to his Deputy. However, she also spent a great

deal of time getting the word out to qualified people she was looking for


In the past almost three weeks since she became Headmistress she had

sent her letters to the International Guilds of Transfiguration, Potions,

Magizoology (magical creatures), Magical Defence and Divination; and

the International Magical Historical Society.

However, one of the reasons the School Board were so willing and eager

to have her as Headmistress to replace Dumbledore was because, as both

a past Professor of many years and Head of the WEA since, she knew a

very great many professional educators and those seeking a start in that

field. She was both delighted and determined to put that knowledge to

use. So, she put out feelers towards those she already knew had shown an

interest in the past to become Professors.

She also planned on moving Burbage from Muggle Studies and into two

classes. One on An Introduction to the Magical World and the other being

An Introduction to the Muggle World. The first would be for the first two

years and the second would be for first year only. And she would fill the

Professorship for Muggle Studies with a muggleborn and raised.

She had already interviewed a few people who were quick to respond to

her enquiries and felt she might be able to fill at least one or two of those

positions still vacant. Driving her on was Bart Creston and the rest of the

School Board, who wanted to put out word the school would be back up

and operational as of the first day of second term, the fourth of January.

When she informed him she doubted she'd have the full staff available,

he said, "Then, so long as you have at least six of the core seven and four

of the elective five I want you to open. Parents and guardians have paid

for their children to receive an education provided by Hogwarts. If we do

not provide it we're going to have to start paying refunds and we just

don't have the gold in the accounts to do that."

She now had two days short of two weeks to track down, interview and

employ suitable candidates. And one of them was a Professor of

Transfiguration. If necessary, she'd simply make Dumbledore a Professor

without a 'school' and have him fill in if any other Professor was unable

to take a class. She just might even have him take the Introduction

classes. That was, of course, if she hadn't collected enough support from

the Board to fire him beforehand.

Across that two weeks, there was also Christmas to contend with.

The next morning's announcement in the Daily Prophet of the cancellation

of the Yule Ball was planned to be in advance by exactly one week of

Christmas Day, the date the Yule Ball was scheduled to be held.

She knew there was likely to be quite a few students who were looking

forward to it; however, with the significant reduction in student numbers

well in advance of it, coupled with Durmstrang and Beauxbatons being

happy for it to be cancelled, there was no reason for it to be held.

The Highmaster of Durmstrang and Headmistress of Beauxbatons had not

wanted the Ball in the first place, so Marchbanks's excuse she lacked

enough Professors to properly organise and host the event was welcomed

without a hint of rancour.

She also knew it was going to frustrate Dumbledore.




After leaving the Granger residence, Sirius had to head directly to

Grimmauld to meet with the representatives for the contracted curse

breaking, magical cleaning and interior decorating company.

Apparating from just inside the front gate of the Grangers' he appeared

with a light crack outside Grimmauld. The reps were already waiting for

him on the footpath outside the gate.

"Good," he said. "You're here. Shall we?" And gestured to the building.

After affirmative responses from both, leading the way he walked up the

path to the front door, removed the lock-down and led them inside.

"Alright," said the woman. "Let's go find out just how bad things are."

Following along but not saying much, the two reps, a witch and wizard,

worked their way from the basement up to the top floor and attic. Both

were casting detection charms and the like before they'd even walked in

the front door; and didn't stop once inside.

He only had to warn them twice about certain pitfalls as they were able

to spot all the others.

As they were coming down, the witch asked, "Outside, too?"

"Yes, please," he immediately replied.

Then, after trooping about out the back, they headed back out the front.

Once they felt they were done, the representatives turned to Sirius and

the witch said, "We'll have a report and appraisement quote sent to you

no later than this evening, which means you should receiv3e it tomorrow


"How soon could you start?" asked Sirius.

"At the moment?" asked the witch. "If another appraisement quote is not

accepted, even though it's a Friday, we can start as early as tomorrow


"Cast it for me with your best guesstimate. How much and how long will

it take?" he urged.

After the two reps looked to one another for a moment, the witch turned

back and said, "Give us a few moments, please."

When Sirius nodded he saw the wizard make a very small gesture and felt

a privacy ward go up between he and them. Then saw them talking but

couldn't hear them.

Less than a minute later the ward was dropped and she said, "Cost-wise,

somewhere between eighteen and twenty thousand galleons for the clean

out and another two to three thousand for the refurbishing and

decorating. It'll likely take us one and a half to two months, in total."

Sirius gave a firm nod and said, "Tighten those figures up, as I'll guess

you'll be doing this afternoon, and it's very likely I'll accept the

appraisement and order you to go ahead as soon as possible."

"Will do, Lord Black," said the witch.

As the two apparated away, Sirius went back and put the place back

under lock-down, before then apparating away himself.




Almost four weeks had passed since the events of Harry Potter's first task

had generated one hell of a 'storm' in wizarding Britain. And Tom

Marvolo Riddle was left with only the information he could gather from

stolen copies of the Daily Prophet and the pitiful information gathering

efforts of his now single minion, Peter Pettigrew.

Since a few days after the end of the trials, the information gathered from

the Daily Prophet had dwindled to almost nothing. There was that day

where Dumbledore had tried to besmirch the reputation of young Potter

in the newspaper, followed the next day by the Prophet having to print a

major retraction for that besmirching, but little since. It was clear that

Potter had now employed a law-wizard or -witch of some skill and was

making positive use of that man or woman. And little of any news of

substance was now appearing. Even the wizarding wireless was bereft of

any useful information.

Tossing aside yet another edition of the paper that utterly lacked any

information of substance, Riddle had realised he now had little choice

but to take a risk; a calculated risk, but a risk nonetheless. He would need

to call to his side one of his marked Death Eaters who had managed to

escape incarceration. But, which one?

He thought long and hard about who needed to be approached.

Eventually, he dwindled the list down to a single name. Someone who

could move through the Ministry at will and could still report back with

gathered intelligence.

"Wormtail!" he yelled. The sound was a high-pitched, breezy voice.




After Sirius had left, soon followed by Ted, Harry and Hermione returned

to working on the finances of the House of Potter.

They worked through the rest of the day and past lunch, with Harry only

stopping when he needed to refill his stomach.

However, soon after lunch Hermione pushed the latest they were working

on away and said, "That's it for me, I'm afraid. My head's now full of

numbers I'm getting confused over which number applies to which stocks

or which account or which property, or even if they have anything to do

with a value at all.

"Isn't there something else we can deal with?" she asked in a pleading


Harry smirked back and said, "Of course. How about some more

information on the Houses? Specifically, on how they're created?"

With almost a sigh of relief, Hermione replied, "Yes, please."

Harry chuckled and said, "Alright."

As the two then began to pack away the documents, Harry started to

explain. "You know the different ranks of the Houses; Noble and Most

Ancient, Noble and Ancient, Ancient, Elder, Minor and Magical. Leaving

out the Nobility there are five.

"Most Ancient are those Houses that date all the way back to the

Founding of the Wizards' Council. The remaining seven Houses were part

of what was known as The Thirteen. Six of those Houses have been

deemed extinct, leaving only seven. And, over time, they've come to be

known as the Seven. They are; Black, Clearwater, Flack, Longbottom,

Muldoon, Potter and Rowle."

"Clearwater?" she asked, perking up. "As in, Penny Clearwater in


"Yes," he nodded. "She is Penelope Clearwater of the Noble and Most

Ancient House of Clearwater. Now that I've got a better handle on just

how ambitious Percy Weasley is, I think that may well be one of the

reasons... if not the main reason... why he pursued her, is pursuing her, as

much as he did or is.

"For the others, however, it's not how many years they've existed that's

important, it's for how many generations.

"For the Ancient Houses, it's twenty one generations; which works out at

about four hundred to four hundred and fifty years. For the Elder Houses,

it's thirteen. For the Minor, it's seven. And for the Magical Houses, it's

normally three. They claim it takes three generations before your

bloodline has proven it will 'hold' and your House is recognised.

However, it also generally means it has to be three males, as the surname

rarely holds across three generations without it being males who carry

the name through."

Hermione frowned in annoyance.

"Male-dominated society, remember?" he gently teased her.

Suddenly she looked back and said, "Wait... You said 'rarely'. Why


"Because you could have a male child and, between you and your

husband, decide to give that child the surname of 'Granger'. This is done

for a multitude of reasons, but one of the main ones is to start or

reawaken another House.

"Starting a new House is a big deal in wizarding Britain. It means you are

thinking strategically along generational lines. In other words, on average,

periods of decades; the better part of a century if you accept the current

average of one generation every twenty to twenty five years."

Frowning and nibbling on her bottom lip while thinking, she suddenly

asked, "Is that why most magicals seem to marry young in the wizarding


He smiled and replied, "Yes. But, not the only reason.

"The other is because, for those who are the Heirs of important Houses

like me and mine, we can have it drilled into them... us... from a young

age that one of their main responsibilities is the continuation of the

House. And that means babies.

"Have you ever heard the term 'An heir, a spare and a daughter'?"

Again thinking hard, she replied, "I... think so. But I've no idea where I

might have heard it."

"It comes from a number of different areas, muggle and magical.

However, in the magical world it implies that when a couple marry...

especially when one of them is the heir of an important House, it is

impressed upon them they should have at least three children. That is, a

male heir, a second male heir in case of something happening to the

primary heir and a daughter who can be married off to the primary or

secondary heir of another House."

"If nothing happens to the primary heir and he goes on to have children

of his own, then the secondary... spare... heir is expected to begin a cadet

line of the House. My grandfather, Fleamont Potter, was a secondary heir

who became Lord when his older brother, Charlus, died due to an

assassination attack by Grindelwald's forces with his wife and only child

before that son could have heirs of his own."

"I see," she nodded, still thinking. "But, what happens in the case of

someone like... say... Sue Bones?"

"An interesting and, unsurprisingly, common situation these days," he

nodded. "The Noble and Ancient House of Bones has only two members

of the House remaining. Believe it or not, Susan is Heiress Apparent and

her aunt, Amelia, is Heiress Secondary even though she's older. That's

because Susan is of the direct main line and Amelia is of a new cadet line.

"Because there will be a lot of pressure to keep the Noble and Ancient

House of Bones from being extinguished, Susan will marry via a Betrothal

Agreement/Contract. In it there will need to be what is known as a Line

Continuation clause. That is, as I mentioned earlier, a clause which will

stipulate either the first or second born son will carry the name Bones.

"Now, here's where I get a little insensitive and misogynistic. Sorry, but

it's necessary to explain the 'whys' and 'wherefores'.

"Because Susan is a pureblood from a family that traces her heritage back

twenty plus generations, she would be a valuable commodity; her family

could demand a very high bride price for her. She is healthy, well-

educated, attractive, of incredibly good stock, and... shall we say... of

suitable shape to bear and rear children. As such she would normally

demand such a high bride price."

"Harry!" Hermione exclaimed. "I don't know whether to be either

horrified or disgusted with you for that."

"I warned you I was going to be insensitive and or misogynistic," he said.

Once he saw her accept what he'd said, he continued, "Now comes the

counter argument to that. Because Susan is of a Noble and Ancient House

the likelihood of her House having precedence is quite high. That means

the Line Continuation clause will very likely have it that the first male

child born of the union of her and her husband will carry the name

Bones. That then means that the husband's family name will be put off

until another child is born.

"As such there is a risk, though it is small, that the husband's family name

will not be carried on through their children. Therefore, for the family of

the husband, her value as a bearer of children to carry on the family

name of the husband drops; which has a commensurate drop in her bride


"Th-that's horrible!" she exclaimed. "You make her sound like a... a... brood


"I know," he sadly replied. "However, I've no doubt Sue has been raised

knowing that is a high likelihood for her. But, it's also not the worst of it."

"What can be worse than that?" she asked.

He sighed and replied, "Remember when Sirius talked to you about the

risk of you being sold off as a sex slave?"

She shuddered and warily nodded.

"Sirius also explained to you about concubine bonds," he explained. "If

Sue cannot attract a husband willing to forgo their family name for their

children, she may willingly choose to enter into one.

"And, no; I don't mean as a sex slave. I mean, she becomes a concubine to

the husband of another union. In return, none of her children are

recognised as heirs of the husband's House, but will be recognised as heirs

of the House of Bones. And that way Susan has met her familial

obligations to her House to continue the line."

"Oh, my God!" she exclaimed. "That's horrible!"

"Not necessarily," he disagreed. "I have a feeling that's exactly what's

going to happen and I think I know with whom."

"Who?" she asked.

"Neville," he immediately replied. "Though, I'm not so sure now."

"Why and why not?" she asked.

"Augusta Longbottom was raised as a pureblood of reasonably high

standing in a House of traditionalists. To her, things like Betrothal

Contracts, Concubine Bond Contracts and Line Continuation clauses are

not unusual. However, I don't know how Frank and Alice feel about such


"Now... this is strictly between you and me... I know Hannah Abbott is

determined to snag herself one Neville Longbottom. She has an older

brother who is the Heir of the House of Abbott, so she doesn't have to

concern herself with Line Continuation clauses.

"Though Neville probably doesn't see it yet, it's easy for me to see he's

very welcoming of Hannah's moves towards him. Unless someone or

something steps in to disrupt things, I'm pretty certain those two are

going to marry soon after they graduate.

"I also know that she and Susan are very good friends. And, if what I've

been picking up from the pair of them from their body language is

anywhere near close to being one hundred percent accurate, Hannah or

her family... with Susan's complete blessing... are going to suggest to the

Longbottoms Neville also take on Susan as a concubine."

"Really?" she asked, surprised.

"Yup," he replied with a firm nod. "I do not think Neville will be against

that concept. As a pureblood and wizarding-raised by his grandmother,

the concept will not seem odd to him. Plus, I cannot see him in any way

mistreating her. He's just not the sort and knows it will be to enable

Susan to see her House continue.

"I know Frank won't have a problem with it. If anything, he will see it as

providing aid to an allied House. But, Alice might."

"You think, because she's a woman, she'd be against it?" she asked.

"No," he replied. "I think, because she's a halfblood who spent a good deal

of her childhood in the muggle world, she'll be against it. However, I also

believe she can be convinced it's a good idea. She'll just need to be

stepped through it, as I've done with you."

Again, Hermione was nibbling her lower lip and clearly thinking hard

about whatever it was she was thinking about. Eventually, she asked

exactly what Harry was leading her to ask. "And, what about you?"

"What about me?" he asked, though he had a pretty good idea what she


"Would you... consider accepting someone in a Concubine Bond?" she


"With a number of conditions, yes," he replied.

Frowning she asked, "What sort of conditions?"

It was obvious to him she was a little angry with that response. However,

he wasn't going to let it faze him. This was too important a topic.

"First, is the obvious one," he replied. "You and I are in a Betrothal

Agreement. Though it's not legally required, your opinion would strongly

influence that. If you and I marry then, without your consent, I'd never

do it. And I doubt I'd ever do it before we were married or otherwise

decided we would not."

She gave a nod and asked, "The second?"

"It would have to be to provide aid to the House of the witch and with

her prior consent."

She thought about that, seemed to accept it when she nodded and asked,

"Any others?"

"Of those witches I know there is currently only two I would consider

doing that for. There may be others, but I couldn't name them."

"And, who are the two?" she pressed.

"Daphne Greengrass and Luna Lovegood," he immediately replied.

She thought about those two and said, "I can see why you'd do it for

Greengrass; she's of an allied House, just like Susan. But, why Luna?"

"For her protection," he immediately replied. "Her father is... Let's just say

he's a couple of ingredients short of a Wit-sharpening Potion and leave it

at that. He's the only family she has left."

"And Lovegood could make a good House added to the alliance," she


"Yes, but it wouldn't be the reason I'd do it."

Hermione was about to say something when there was a pop and a house

elf appeared standing next to the table next to Hermione.

"Miss Grangy?" it asked.

After getting over being startled by the sudden appearance of the elf, she

asked, "Before I answer that, who are you and why are you here?"

"I be Fluxy," replied the elf. "I be honoured to serve House Longbottom."

Then it held out a letter and said, "This be note from good Master Neville

for Miss Grangy."

She immediately said, "Put it on the table. And thank you for your


With a finger snap of its off hand, the elf caused the letter to disappear

from its other hand and appear on the table. Then it popped away again.

Harry was already casting detection charms over it.

Hermione, looking at the letter, said, "That's Neville's handwriting."

As soon as Harry stopped casting she picked it up and opened it. If he'd

found anything she knew he would have immediately mentioned it.

As she read she said, "Neville's inviting us over to Longbottom Hall for

tomorrow. He wants us both to get to know his parents better and is

returning the offer to visit."

"Christmas shopping," Harry immediately returned. "How about...

Sunday? I'd like to go Christmas shopping in the muggle world on


"What about inviting him on Saturday and he can go Christmas shopping

in the muggle world with us?" she suggested.

Harry thought for a moment before he snorted in amusement. "Do you

really want to subject pureblood and wizarding-raised Neville

Longbottom on a trip to a muggle shopping centre on the Saturday before


"Errr... no," she sheepishly replied. "I see your point."

With a grin, he nodded and said, "However, taking him on a shopping

trip to the muggle world after Christmas? That sounds like a great idea."

Pulling a small sheet of parchment towards herself, she said, "I'll ask if we

can postpone until next Sunday."

As she reached for the ink and a quill, she said, "After that, you and I are

going to talk some more about concubines and other matters."

He nodded back and said, "I've got no problem with that."




Neville was in one of his greenhouses, working on clearing out weeds

that had sprung up in pots of his recently re-potted frost mint - also

known as American Dittany - when Dobby popped in alongside him.

"Mister Neville, Sir," said Dobby.

Neville looked at him and asked, "Dobby, right?"

"Yes, Mister Neville, Sir," replied Dobby, clearly happy to have been


"What can I do for you... or, Harry?" he asked.

Dobby produced the letter Hermione had only just finished writing and

offered it. "From Miss-tress Herm'nee, Mister Neville, Sir."

Neville gave a nod to the bench alongside him and said, "Put it on the

bench for me, please. I need to clean my hands." And reached for one of

his ever-present rags.

As soon as Dobby placed the letter on the bench he popped away again.

Once he felt his hands were clean enough, Neville picked up the letter.

"Christmas shopping tomorrow and Saturday..." he muttered. "Sunday


He thought for a few moments and called for Fluxy to bring him some

parchment, ink and a quill.

Sunday, it would be.




Arriving earlier than expected, Sirius received the appraisement quote by

way of being floo-called at the Tonkses' place. When he entered the room

the person on the other end, the wizard he spoke to when he visited the

offices of the company, greeted him.

"I have your quote, Lord Black," the man immediately said. Then it was

simply tossed through.

Sirius quickly asked, "Could you hold a moment?"


As soon as he perused the quote, he said, "I accept. How soon can you get


"Sign it and send it back," the wizard replied. "As soon as I have it I can

send my team lead to your property and you can hand over the wards to


"Excellent," he replied. "Excuse me while I get a quill." And left the room.

After returning and tossing the quote back through the flames, he said,

"I'll apparate to Grimmauld right now."

Less than ten minutes later, Sirius had handed over control of the wards

on Grimmauld Place to who would be the company on-site fore-witch.

Returning to the Tonkses' he was pleased to get that lethifold off his

shoulders. The place would be cleaned within two months and he only

had to pay to get it done. He really didn't want to have to do it himself.




When the Grangers arrived home, Harry was quick to get on his mirror to

let Sirius know. He apparated in to the arrival point just inside the front

fence less than a minute later.

When he came in, he quickly corralled Wendell and the two men went

into the office.

When they came out fifteen minutes later, Sirius was almost dancing a jig

while Wendell appeared quite bemused.

Seeing Harry in the kitchen and cooking dinner, Sirius declared, "It's

done. Your future father-in-bond is a hard man to negotiate with, but I'm

now the owner of the little building out back I shall now and forevermore

call the 'Doghouse'."

Wendell, shaking his head, said, "It appears Lord Black does not truly

know the concept behind 'negotiating'."

"Why's that?" asked Harry.

Wendell snickered and replied, "He kept trying to talk the price... up."

Sirius struck a pose and declared, "Never let it be said that Sirius Black

does not pay fair value."

Before anyone could say anything else, he said, "Now, give me a few

minutes to duck out to my new property and set things in motion."

With that he strode from the room.

"What did he mean by setting things in motion?" asked Monica.

Harry replied, "He's gone out to permanently transfigure the inside of the

shed into a welcoming room with a floo."

Before he could go on, Hermione quickly said, "I want to watch this." And

hurriedly left the room.

"A... floo?" asked Monica.

"Yep," replied Harry. "It's a magical form of travel that requires the use of

a large fireplace and what's called 'floo powder'. However, such floos are

not permitted in non-wizarding dwellings; so, Sirius bought the shed out

back to use that.

"By him buying it, it's now wizarding owned. Which means, he can have

it connected to the floo network.

"Can this way be used by muggles?" she asked.

Harry thought about it and replied, "I've no idea. Though they cannot

apparate, I know they can be side-along apparated; they can use the

Knight Bus, but cannot call it; and I'm pretty sure they can use a portkey,

but again cannot activate it.

"It'll actually be interesting to see if you can use a floo, or not, without

someone using the floo powder for you first. We can test it once it's

activated by flooing from here to the Tonkses' place and back again."




Out in the 'Doghouse', Hermione watched as Sirius first completely

stripped the single room bare. And then used an overpowered cleaning

charm to rid it of everything that wasn't 'building'. He even explained as

he was working why he was doing things the way he was.

Next in went the fireplace, together with a small chimney. It was of black


"The chimney is not needed for the floo," he explained. "However, for the

floo to work properly you actually need a bit of a fire. And the fire needs

the chimney."

Then he started putting up a proper interior.

The walls were simple plain one-course brick, barely scraped of mortar

on the inside surface as the bricks were laid. To cover that he put up

battens and attached plaster board to line the entirety of all four walls.

Then went repairs to the roof, repairing any cracked tiles or the like; a

ceiling, with properly affixed light (even if it was magical); and

cornicing. Finally, he put up better window and door treatments,

blending them in with the current wood, so that the plasterboard was

properly 'edged'.

Satisfied with constructional changes to the building, he asked Hermione,

"What colours, do you think? Or, would your parents prefer it if the

inside here matched the inside of the house?"

Hermione didn't just blurt out anything. She took her time and thought it

through, as Harry had been teaching her.

Finally, she replied, "How about... Burgundy carpet, a light plain pastel

gold for paint on the walls, white for the ceiling and cornices, and

burgundy window and door treatments?"

Smirking, he asked, "Curtains?"

Shrugging, she replied, "A pastel red?"

Sirius thought about all that and waved his wand about. He started with

the white ceiling and cornicing, then the gold walls, the burgundy trim to

the window and door and finished with a deep burgundy for the carpet.

Looking around, he then changed the façade of the fireplace to a pink

tinted white marble. It fit the décor a lot better than the black tinted

marble he'd first chosen.

With a satisfied nod, he turned to her and asked, "What do you think?"

She was quite surprised. "It looks great!"

He gave a light chuckle and said, "Now comes the hard part; making it


He pulled a set of rune-stones out of his pocket and went around the

corners of the small room, planting them into the corners as he worked.

The last one he put on the mantelpiece before then pumping his magic

into it.

He stepped back about thirty seconds later, when the five stones gave a

strong glow, and staggered a little. "Whoa!" he sighed. "That takes a lot

out of you."

Hermione held onto him so he wouldn't fall over and, confused, said,

"That looked like a lot of power needed to activate such a small ward."

"It wasn't just one ward, my dear," he returned, getting steadier on his

feet. "There were actually a few wards that all went active at the same


"What wards?" she quickly asked.

"The permanency ward, as I said I would do," he replied. "Plus, a Muggle

Notice-Me-Not that excludes your parents; an alert charm that's now

linked to us two and Harry; impervious charms to the walls, the ceiling,

the window and the door; and two currently inactive secrecy charms that

I'll activate once the floo is connected and has been tested."

"What're the secrecy charms for?" she was quick to ask.

"So that anyone who arrives through the floo that isn't keyed in to the

wards will have no idea where they are. But, it won't stop them leaving

again via the floo. And the second will hide the ward stones once the full

wards are up and active.

"The impervious charms on the inner surfaces of this room will now

shrug off almost all forms of magical attack. If anything, if you cast a

curse or anything at the walls, it will reflect back at you. That is, of

course, if you don't get stunned by the wards Harry set up over the entire

property regarding ill-intent, first."

When the pair returned to the house, Sirius said he'd let Ted know to

arrange to connect the floo in the morning.

He'd said, "It's pointless sending an owl or house elf as I currently share a

house with the man."




The next morning at breakfast Harry thought he was still eating enough

to feed his entire dorm - as long as Ron wasn't in it at the time. However,

over the past two days he felt the amount he was eating had diminished a


Frowning, he stood just as Hermione walked in.

"Got a sec?" he asked her.

"Errr... yes?" she replied, unsure.

Harry walked over to the door with the inch measurement marks and

asked, "Mind measuring me again? It is Friday, after all."

Understanding, her eyes lit up and she replied, "Oh, of course!" And

moved over to join him as he kicked his shoes off, leaving him in socks.

Standing with his back and head against the door and up straight, Harry

waited for Hermione to mark the spot on the door edge. As she did, she

gave a small gasp of shock.

Ducking down and stepping away, he spun about to see for himself. Her

finger was just a small smidge below six foot. If her mark was accurate,

he stood about five foot eleven and three quarters.

"Not six foot?" he asked no one. "Well, that's annoying."

"Not six foot!?!" she asked right back, lowering her hand. "Harry... just

under three weeks ago you stood five foot five. You've shot up about

seven inches!"

"Hermione," her father gently called her attention. "Six foot is one of

those 'manly' things we men aspire to. Standing over six feet tall is one of

those things men pride themselves on."

Turning to Harry, she asked, "Is that what you think?"

"Of course," he replied, as if it was as simple as asking if the sky was blue

or water was wet.

With an exasperated sigh, she said, "I wouldn't think any less of you if

you only stood five foot three, Harry. Standing over six foot tall does not

impress me. It just makes you slightly taller than the norm. Which, by the

way, is five foot nine for a male in England. And that's for an adult.

"Don't forget, you're only fifteen. Which means you should still grow

approximately one to two inches before you reach your true adult


"But it's the six foot mark, 'Mione," he almost whined.

That had Monica snort and Wendell smile.

"Really, Harry," Hermione exasperatedly retorted. "If the potions continue

to work―"

"But, that's just it!" he grumbled. "I've noticed my hunger and intake is

starting to reduce. I think the building of my body is pretty much done


"For a fifteen year old, maybe," she said. "But, as I said, you'll probably

break through the six foot mark within the next six months. It is, after all,

only another quarter inch.

"Besides, weren't you complaining that the potions were still driving you

to fill your stomach?"

"That was before I knew the six foot mark was in sight!"

Almost sulking, he returned to his breakfast as Hermione moved to begin

her own after she first rolled her eyes at him. That's when Hedwig and

the Daily Prophet owl swooped in through the open dinette window.

Again, Hedwig beat the other owl only by about a yard.

As soon as Harry had cast the charms to detect harmful and ill-

intentioned magic on the newspaper, he had it opened. He immediately

saw the headline and was both shocked and unsurprised.

~ # ~


In a combined announcement that should not come as a surprise to anyone

who was paying attention, both School Board Chair-wizard Bartwinkle

Creston and new Hogwarts Headmistress Lady Griselda Marchbanks have

announced that the Traditional Tri-Wizard Yule Ball has been cancelled,

writes your loyal correspondent, Rita Skeeter.

From the announcement, Headmistress Lady Marchbanks had this to say,

"With the unconditional support of both Beauxbatons and Durmstrang,

together with the support of the School Board, the planned Yule Ball to be held

on the evening of Christmas Day has been cancelled."

Furthermore, both schools have chosen for their students to return to their own

respective schools until the evening prior to the commencement of the second

task. At that time, the Highmaster and Headmistress of the two schools will

bring their respective champions, together with a much reduced contingent of

students as witnesses, to take part in said task. We have been informed they

also plan to do this for the third task.


~ # ~

Finishing the article, Harry sat back with a sigh of satisfaction, the

newspaper gripped loosely in his hands. 'Yes!' he thought, his mind image

of himself dancing a jig of joy.

Knowing it was something big, and being impatient, Hermione snatched

the paper out of Harry's hands.

"Hermione!" her mother snapped, scandalised. "Return that, this instant!"

"B-but," she stuttered. "Harry wasn't reading it."

"Now, young lady!" her mother almost growled.

Hermione carefully returned it back to the table between Harry's hands.

Once it was back, Harry put his hand on it and said, "Hermione, would

you like to borrow my newspaper?"

Almost sulking, she glared back and said, "You know I do, Harry."

Harry just cocked an eyebrow back and again asked, "Hermione, would

you like to borrow my newspaper?"

Giving a huff of annoyance, she replied, "Yes, please."

"Since you have asked nicely, you may borrow it," he said, lifting his

hand away.

As soon as he finished lifting his hand away, she quickly, but gingerly,

took it back.

"Better!" her mother snapped.

"Hermione," he said, getting her attention again. He could see by her face

she was not just a little hurt. "Hermione, you are going to have to stop

this extremely bad and dangerous habit of yours to grab anything written

that interests you."

When it looked like she was going to say something, he firmly said, "No.


"Just the other day Sirius was telling me about books that are in the

Black family library at his home in Grimmauld that, if you don't take a

lot of care, will kill you in the blink of an eye. He was nearly harmed on

no less than half a dozen separate occasions, while searching for that

counter curse for the Longbottoms. And four of them would have been

lethal for you.

"There are family magics that are written down that are only available to

members of those families by blood. That means, not even people who

have married into the family are able to touch them. I don't know if the

Potters have anything like that at Potter manor, but I know the Blacks do.

"If you don't start taking care and ensuring you ask for permission first,

you are going to die an early death. Do you understand what I am telling


"But, Harry," she tried. "It is wrong to horde knowledge. Knowledge must

be shared!"

"Bullshit!" he loudly snapped. And emphasised it with a glare. "You know

better than that. Your mother and father both deal with information on a

daily basis that even they cannot share with one another, let alone you.

The stuff they deal with is backed by law. If you or they breach that then

it's a legal issue.

"In the magical world, though, it's backed by both law and magic. In the

magical world it is legal to use magic to protect family secrets. In the

echelons of magical power you now move around in, simply by

interacting with me and Sirius, you are dealing with people who can...

and have... use or used anything up to and including lethal magic to

protect their secrets. The Black family library is one of those where, if

you touch certain books you have not been given permission to touch,

you will die. And they're not labelled with warning signs.

"I do not know if there will be, but there may quite possibly come a time

when I'll have something such as the Potter Family Grimoire in my

hands. If you take it out of my hands without my express permission then

there'll be nothing I can do to save your life.

"For the sake of us all, Hermione, break that habit. I love you and it

would destroy me if you died because of a simple very foolish mistake

like that - simply because I hadn't drummed it into your head well enough

for it to take hold."

Harry got up and walked out of the room. He left behind a betrothed who

was in tears.

He knew it would upset her, he knew it hurt her, but he needed to slap

her down hard on this. He just prayed he wouldn't have to do it all that


She looked to her parents with tear-filled eyes as both parents looked

back with stoical expressions.

Harry went up to his room and, for the first time in a long time, cried.




34. The Trouble with Floos

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to the proverbial Duchess of

Magic, JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high

falutin' companies. No matter how much I whine about not owning anything

related to the HP universe, other than a few fanfic plots, I do not profess to

own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful

world... Damn it!

Chapter Thirty Four - The Trouble with Floos




Harry had been in his room for less than five minutes when there was a

knock on his bedroom door. He hadn't even realised he'd closed the door

when he came in.

Quickly wiping the tears out of his eyes, he called, "Who is it?"

"Wendell," came the immediate response.

"Come in," he said.

When Wendell came in Harry was quick to speak first. "Wendell, I'm

sorry about―"

Wendell was quick to cut him off. "Don't," he firmly said.

When Harry looked up at the man, Wendell didn't appear angry with

him. "You have nothing to apologise for, Harry; other than using a swear

word in front of the ladies. Even then, I feel it was warranted for the


That shocked and confused the teen boy.

As Harry was sitting on the side of the bed, Wendell moved over and took

the desk chair. Sitting on it, he sighed. "Harry," he said, "Those sort of

curses can truly be found on books?"

"They can be found on anything, Wendell," replied Harry. "In the Black

Townhouse, which is where Sirius grew up and he found the book that

had the curse and counter-curse for what ailed the Longbottoms, they

were on a Hell of a lot more than that.

"There were curses on doorways, a grandfather clock that shot metal

spikes at you when you walked past, poisoned biting doorknobs, patterns

on the carpet that had curses on them, a tallboy that shot its drawers at

you to knock you into a wardrobe that was charmed to bash you. But,

yes, important family books are very often likely to have charms of some

sort that will deter anyone from trying to open them."

He gave a snort and amended that. "That is, it will deter someone from

touching them if that person has first cast detection charms on the book

or books before trying to open and read them. If they don't, then

whatever befalls the person who does is considered their own fault."

Wendell sighed and said, "That's what Monica and I figured. Oh, and just

so you know, Monica and I are not upset with you for being firm with

Hermione. It took us being firm with her... even more than you were...

when she was younger not to go through documents we each might have.

It actually required a couple of spankings before she finally learned not

to do it any more."

Harry very firmly said, "That is something I will not resort to. Well, for

anyone above 'pre-Hogwarts' age, at any rate."

"Good," said Wendell. "I'd have stepped in if you'd tried."

When Harry nodded, Wendell said, "Now; it's time for you to go down

and see... your betrothed. Damn, that still feels a little weird to say. You

two need to put this behind you before it festers into something more."

"I meant what I said, though," said Harry, rising. "Hermione must break

herself of the habit of picking up things, especially books, that she does

not have permission to in advance. Especially, just taking them from

someone's hand without it being offered."

"Monica will aid you in that," said Wendell, not disagreeing in the

slightest. "I've no doubt she's spent the time I've been in here talking to

you, talking to her about it."

As the two men, younger and older, made their way downstairs it was to

silence. No sound could be heard from the dinette, either.

Once both walked in, Harry stopped just shy of the table and looked to

his betrothed as Wendell returned to his seat at the table.

Tentatively and remorsefully, Harry began, "Hermione, I'm―"

Very quickly Hermione was up and out of the chair and into his arms, she

was sobbing. "Oh, Harry. I'm sooo sorry!"




At Hogwarts, Dumbledore was once again shocked at reading the Daily


'Cancelled!' he thought for about the tenth time. 'The bitch cancelled it!'

Keeping a firm hold on his temper, he turned to look at Marchbanks. It

was only moments later she noticed he was looking to her.

'Which shows she was keeping a close eye on me and my reactions,' he


He stood and walked down behind the few chairs between he and her

and stopped just shy of her chair.

Calmly he said, "Headmistress Marchbanks, I need a word with you - in


"Whatever for, Albus?" she 'innocently' asked.

"It's concerning your foolish decision to cancel the Yule Ball," he firmly


She immediately frowned back. "Foolish, Albus?" she scoffed. "I assure

you, the decision was neither reached lightly nor without plenty of input

from those in authority. As a matter of fact, it was a decision reached

after plenty of discussions concerning it and the rest of the Tournament

with those in authority to do so.

"Are you saying that myself, Bartholomew Creston, Igor Karkaroff,

Olympe Maxime, Hamilton Snodway of the DIMC and Amelia Bones of

the DMLE are all foolish?" she asked. "Dear me, Albus. What a positively

slanderous thing to say."

Frowning even more right back he said, "I wish to speak with you in

private about this."

With a hard put-upon sigh, she said, "Very well, Albus. I have a very full

schedule for the rest of the school day, today. How about you come to

my office to talk about this at... 8.00pm this evening."

"I would prefer we speak now, Griselda," he almost growled.

"It's Headmistress Marchbanks, Albus," she shot back. "We've been over this

and over this. And, irrespective of your desire to speak with me in private

now, I'm finishing my breakfast. After that, I have interviews to attend."

"We shall talk as I walk with you to your office, then," he declared.

"Albus!" she snapped back, getting quite louder now. It was now loud

enough to reach the students. "I said... at 8.00pm this evening. Not a

moment before!"

Noticing how quiet it had gotten, he glanced to the students and noticed

they were all staring back.

"Very well," he huffed. "8.00pm in you office then, Headmistress


He turned and firmly strode - stormed - from the room.




Activity at the Granger residence and Hogwarts weren't the only places of

note in wizarding Britain where surprises were in store.

After having first stopped in at the Weasleys intending to be there before

Arthur had to go to work, a witch Mind Healer turned up on the doorstep

of the Lovegoods.

After knocking on the door, she waited only a short while before the door

was opened by Xenophilius Lovegood.

"What can I do for you?" he asked. "Do you have information that keys

the previous Minister in with the Rotfang Conspiracy?"

"No, sir," the witch replied, ignoring the comment. "I've come to talk to

you regarding an offer that is to be put to you regarding the mental

health of your daughter."

"Hmmm..." he replied. Stepping back to clear the doorway, he gestured

the witch in and said, "Perhaps you'd best come in and let me know what

this is all about."

She gave a single nod and replied, "Thank you." Then stepped inside.




After the two 'made up' again, Hermione tentatively asked, "So. Still want

to go to Diagon to do your shopping?"

"Yeah, actually," breathed Harry. "I do."

"Me too," she nodded.

After informing the lead auror the trip to Diagon Alley was still on, both

teens hurried upstairs to change into warmer clothing. For Harry, that

meant changing into wizarding casual. However, as soon as he tried one

of his outfits on, he realised the problem.

"Damn!" he muttered. He'd even outgrown the sizing charms he

specifically had put on the wear.

"Well," he sigh-muttered, "There's nothing for it, but to buy a couple of

outfits from Madam Malkin's"

Dressing in his best muggle casual he grabbed his wizarding currency

purse and trotted back downstairs. As he knew he would, he beat

Hermione by quite some time.

Their aurors had also congregated and were waiting next to the front


Once Hermione came down, also dressed in muggle casual, they headed

out to the front portkey area and were gone.




On arriving at the top of the Alley, Harry grabbed Hermione to stop her

running off into Flourish and Blotts and said, "First things first, Love."

Confused at what he meant, she docilely allowed him to lead her along.

And was quite surprised he took them directly into the next store along,

Madam Malkin's

"Harry?" she asked. "Why―"

Cutting her off, he replied, "It's not just my muggle wear I've grown out

of, Love. I've also grown beyond my wizarding wear, too - except for

what I wore to the trial, that is. I need a small wardrobe to replace that.

"Plus, little miss Lady Presumptive, I've noticed a distinct lack of

wizarding wear in your wardrobe. You need to be properly outfitted if

you're going to be representing me or Sirius in the wizarding world."

Before Hermione had a chance to retort as they stepped within, they

were approached by one of the store assistants. "Welcome to Madam

Malkin's how can I―" she began before she noticed who she was looking

at. "Oh, my! Mister Po... Sorry, Lord Potter; I did not recognise you."

"Not a problem," he was quick to say. "I'll be needing... two distinct casual

wizarding wear outfits. And one formal, please; just in case."

Turning to indicate Hermione, he said, "Miss Granger, here, has been

remiss in ensuring she has proper wizarding attire and will be needing

quite a few outfits, if you don't mind."

"Harry―" began Hermione.

A quick turn to her he firmly said, "Hush!" Then turned back to the

assistant and said, "For now, I think we can start with five casual outfits,

one semi-formal and one formal. Oh, and you'd best make sure my formal

matches hers. I know that's a big thing for ladies."

Hermione tried again, "Harry, what do you think you're doing?"

"Getting you properly outfitted," he replied, as if it was obvious. Then he

again turned back to the assistant and said, "By the way, this lady is the

Lady Presumptive Hermione Granger, magical ward of Lord Black of the

Noble and Most Ancient House of Black and betrothed of myself, Lord

Potter of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Potter. As such she'll need

the proper identifiers included in her semi-formal and formal attire."

"It will be done, My Lord," replied the assistant.

As the assistant turned to call over 'help', Hermione hissed at him, "Harry,

you don't need to do this."

"Really?" he smirked. Turning back to the assistant, who had just turned

back after gesturing one of the other assistants to come over, he asked,

"What would be the general view of the public in wizarding Britain, if the

Lady Presumptive of a Noble and Most Ancient House was to parade

about in muggle casual?"

"They would see it as a slight on the House, my Lord," she promptly

replied. "Both Houses."

Turning back to Hermione, he smirked and cocked an eyebrow at her.

With a huff she rolled her eyes and said, "Fiiiine!"

He grinned and asked, "Isn't that supposed to be my line?"

"I don't know what the big deal is," she grumped. "You know I don't put

on all those airs and graces."

"It's all about image, dear," said the shop assistant, cutting in. "You cannot

hope to be taken seriously, if you do not dress seriously."

"Besides," added Harry. "We're going to visit Neville on Sunday,

remember? You'll be visiting a wizarding home so you should dress


"Further, we will be visiting both an allied House of the House of Potter

and the Heir Apparent of the Noble and Most Ancient House of

Longbottom. It will be our first visit. As such, you need to look and dress

the part. It would be an insult to Heir Longbottom and the House of

Longbottom if you do not."

Knowing she was both out-numbered and out-argued, Hermione just gave

another harrumph and turned to the assistant, "Where do you want me?"

With a satisfied smile, the assistant led her across to the ladies' side of the


"Have fun playing dress-up... Barbie-doll!" he called after her.

She performed a quick pirouette and flipped him a pair of fingers as she

spun past before continuing on.

One of the ever-present aurors, the Senior Auror of their current detail,

said, "Well, that wasn't nice."

Harry looked at her with a grin and shrugged. "Just getting some of my

own back for what she and her mother put me through a couple weeks


"No, you're really not," she smiled. "You'll find she'll quite enjoy this.

She's just putting up a protest for the sake of the protest."

"Lord Potter?"

Harry turned to the other assistant, who had just called his attention. She

gestured to the mens' side with a smirk and said, "Shall we?"

He gave a firm nod back and made his way to the men's side of the store.




After the Mind-Healer had been visiting for the past thirty minutes,

explaining why she was there, Lovegood said, "So, let me see if I have

this... A wealthy widowed witch has heard about the troubles my

daughter has gone through at Hogwarts, was appalled to learn of it and

wants to pay for her to have as long as she needs with a Mind Healer...

you... to help her through it?"

"Close," replied the witch. "The payments have already been made and

will continue to be made. All of it, including the time I've been sitting

here talking to you about it, has already been paid for. All you need to do

is let your daughter talk to me in private. It's even been paid for me to

come here to talk to her, rather than you come to my offices in Saint


"Why is she doing this?" he asked.

"I was told it was because this... elderly witch... was appalled to discover

that a young pureblood witch had been so terribly treated and, since she

has nothing else and no one else for which to spend her money on or give

to, she's using it to help young witches who, she believes, need it."

"Alright," Lovegood slowly nodded. "Now, who's doing this?"

"No idea," she shrugged. "The request and payment have come through a

Law-wizard of Record... a man even I trust and is never hired by any of

the dark families... who is acting as agent for the witch. And the Law-

wizard cannot and will not tell me due to confidentiality clauses."

Luna, who'd been sitting back and out of the way, finally had something

to ask. "Are you also going to be helping Ginny?" she asked.

"Ginny?" asked the mind-healer.

"Ginevra Weasley," Luna promptly replied. "She had all these... problems

back in her first year at Hogwarts."

"I can neither confirm, nor deny, that I am assisting young Miss Weasley,"

replied the healer. "Just as I will neither confirm, nor deny, I will be

helping you if anyone other than you or your father ask."

"What about this elderly witch?" asked Xeno. "Won't she need to know?"

"Yes, sorry," replied the Healer. "As the witch, whoever it is, is paying the

bill, I will have to inform her you have accepted the offer for me to treat

Luna. However, besides the cost that is all she will ever know. She will

not be informed of how often Luna and I talk, or for how long that help

will last, except for what the cost will be.

"The Law-wizard that contacted me with the offer stated... flat out... the

witch has no desire to know any more than that. She just wants to make

sure young Luna is offered the help and hopes you and Luna will accept

it for her."

When she could see Lovegood seemed to be wavering, she said, "Even if

young Luna does not need the help offered, at the very least I can be

someone there she can talk to while you're busy with the important work

of the Quibbler."

Lovegood gave a sigh and turned to his daughter, "It's up to you,

Pumpkin. Would you like this nice lady to come around at times so you

have someone to talk to?"

"Yes, Daddy," she immediately replied. "I have a feeling it's important."

"Very well," he nodded to her.

Turning back to the healer he said, "As long as it's alright with Luna -

and, as long as you quit when Luna asks you to - I have no problem with


The healer gave a small smile and said, "Then so shall it be."

Turning her attention more fully on the little blonde, she asked, "When

would you like me to next visit so you and I can talk?"

"Can you come over tomorrow morning?" asked Luna. "I'd like to show

you some of the art I've made. Daddy will be at the Quibbler offices,


"That sounds wonderful," smiled the healer.




After over an hour in the clothier's, Harry was ready in plenty of time

with his three casual wizarding outfits and one formal set of robes. He

even had that done lickety-split after one of the assistants came over

bearing a swatch of deep forest green material for 'his' assistant.

Now he was over in the ladies' side and was asked to give his opinion on

some of Hermione's selections.

"I honestly have no idea," he said, scratching his head. "Can't someone

help me out, here?"

The female lead auror chuckled and said, "If you're willing to listen, then

I'll advise."

Breathing out a big sigh of relief, he replied, "Please."

With the help of the auror and the shop assistants Hermione had her five

upmarket casual witches' robes, a semi-formal robe and a wizarding

formal gown.

When Harry saw her in the last one he stuttered a bit, blushed and

quietly said, "Wow!"

Like most witchwear, it was very non-revealing compared to muggle

counterparts. However, what it did do was accentuate all the 'right'

features. All in a deep forest green it had a 'V' neck that dipped only

slightly, not even giving a real hint of cleavage. However, it had a tight-

fitted bodice with the V carrying along the bottom edge of the bodice

section that dropped from the hips on the side to the bottom of the V

almost reaching where he estimated her 'mound' would be. Then the dress

opened to a full length almost pleated skirt of the same material. The

long sleeves also had the 'wizarding' tight upper arms flaring out to the

loose cuffs. While not a lot of skin was displayed the cut and fit showed

off the assets underneath by highlighting them.

Harry was, quite literally, speechless.

The auror chuckled and said, "That's the one, Miss Granger. Take a look

at your betrothed."

Hermione took one look at Harry, blushed and looked down. This was

the first robe she'd organised so Harry would have that swatch. She put it

on again, because she wanted to know what Harry thought of it before

they left the store.

"This is perfect," she softly told the shop assistant.




After finally getting out of the clothier, dressed in one each of the outfits

Harry had just purchased for the both of them, the two teens finally got

going on their Christmas shopping. It did, though, take Harry a good five

to ten minutes to, as he put it, get his head back in the game.

With her right hand and arm tucked into his left elbow, Hermione asked,

"Do you know what you want to buy for everyone?"

"Errr... no, not really," he replied. "I figured... I'll know it when I see it."

Now used to the coterie of aurors that were always accompanying them,

neither teen noticed that their detail had grown that day. Anyone paying

attention would have noticed there were currently four aurors who

formed a somewhat tight square around the pair. They might have also

noticed there were at least half a dozen more moving through the Alley

'near' the pair, but not close enough to be thought of as 'encumbering'.

However, as we're talking about witches and wizards here, very few

noticed the second group. And there were even some who didn't notice

the first group.

Many, of course, stopped and gawked at the two teens - mainly Harry.

But there were a few brave ones, who were also of the group that didn't

notice any of the aurors or what they meant, who'd hurried forward to

touch or speak with Harry. Most of those were immediately intercepted

by the aurors.

After having to duck into yet another nearby store because of the stress

of being constantly gawked at, or of people coming over just to touch

him, Harry was angrily muttering, "This is ridiculous! How the Hell am I

supposed to get any proper shopping done if I'm being constantly


She replied, "We'll get through it, Love."

He gave a sigh and a nod of sadness.

Eventually, he had the gifts he wanted for Frank and Alice, Neville, the

Twins, Ted and Andi and 'Call-Me-Tonks'. Added to those he purchased

small gifts for the other alliance member Houses - Amelia and Susan

Bones; Eugene, Pauline and Hannah Abbott; Griselda Marchbanks; Miles

and Hedda Ogden; Heathcliff, Lydia, Edwin and Tracey Davis; Samuel,

Adeline, Daphne and Astoria Greengrass; and Tyler Stebbins.

He also wanted to purchase a stack of gifts for the aurors who would be

guarding them on Christmas Day, but decided to just make a bloody big

Christmas lunch for them all with a 'gift' of some form.

Finally, they retreated back to Wimbledon to a collective sigh of relief

from everyone; not the least of which was the two teens.

"That," groaned Harry, once they returned, "Was painful."

Hermione firmly said, "At least, when we go muggle shopping tomorrow,

you won't have to put up with all the gawkers."

"We, love," he sighed. "We."




The previous evening Walden MacNair, 'executioner' of dangerous beasts

for the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures

at the Ministry, had just returned to his modest home when his wards

alerted him to someone approaching his front door.

Stiffening, as he could think of no one who would ever visit him through

such a 'muggle' manner, he cautiously dimmed his lights and just as

cautiously made his way to the door. As soon as he got there he moved so

his back was against the wall next to the door - it was steel plate

reinforced, just for this sort of scenario - and waited with his wand drawn

and held up.

He waited a full five seconds before he finally heard a solid three knocks

upon the wood of the door. Then waited ten seconds before he quickly

twisted the handle and yanked the door in and away from himself.

When there was no sudden spell fire in through the now open door, he

ducked down low and looked around the frame. His looking out from

such a low angle meant if someone was waiting for him to stick his head

out, he'd have one to two seconds to cast a curse at an enemy before they

could spot him and shift their aim lower.

Who he saw, utterly surprised him.

"You!?" he exclaimed.

Standing back about seven feet, where he'd clearly moved back to once

he knocked on the door, was someone he'd thought dead - Peter


"MacNair," smirked Pettigrew. "You'd best invite me in before I'm


That meeting led him to this morning. He'd been told he needed to be at

a certain place at a certain time. But, the place he had to be was simply

given to him as apparation co-ordinates.

At first, he'd refused. However, Pettigrew handed him a card; on it, was

one word. It was a code word known only to him and a handful of others.

It was proof it was an order and he had to obey it.

When he appeared at the spot, Pettigrew was waiting for him. And, as

soon as he appeared, Pettigrew said, "Follow me. And, if you value your

life, do not draw your wand."




The two teens were chowing down on lunch when Sirius turned up, so

Harry organised Dobby to prepare him a lunch, too.

As soon as Sirius sat down, he asked, "The FNA person here yet?"

"FNA?" asked Hermione.

Harry would have asked, but his mouth was full at the time.

"Floo Network Authority," said Sirius, as his lunch appeared before him.

Like Harry's and Hermione's it was a pasta salad loaded with beef chunks.

It was a dish Harry had cooked, but he also had to teach Dobby so the

little elf would not be too upset with him for cooking a midday meal.

Harry had his quickly polished off and was munching on a banana when

he noticed the aurors suddenly move again. "It looks like this might be

them now."

With his half-eaten banana in one hand he rose to make his way to meet

the person. When Sirius rose, though, Harry pressed lightly on the man's

shoulder and said, "Eat your lunch. I can take care of this."

Sirius just gave a grunt as he had food in his mouth and, for the moment,


When the person came in to the parlour, a witch, she was frowning.

As soon as she saw Harry she said, "Lord Potter. This is a muggle home. I

will not break the law by installing a floo connection in this muggle

house." Then spun about to leave again.

"Oi!" he barked at her, causing her to spin back. "Stop jumping to

conclusions, you stupid woman!"

As the witch stood there spluttering in indignation, he continued, "The

floo connection is not for this home. It's for the property out the back!"

She finally found her voice and said, "The property I have listed is this

home; a muggle one. I will not be installing a floo connection here."

"And I agree," he immediately shot back. "That's why I'm telling you... yet

again... the property is out the back.

"Now, come with me and I'll show you."

Not waiting for the woman to even acknowledge him, he spun on his heel

and stormed off to the stairs leading down to the lower ground floor. Her

flicker of a sneer each time she said the word 'muggle' had annoyed him.

Obviously curious enough, the witch followed. She was still muttering to

herself as she did so.

Once outside he led her to the 'Doghouse'. Indicating it, he said, "This is

where you'll be installing the connection."

Still not waiting for her, he undid the lock and led her inside. Then,

pointing to the fireplace, he said, "There."

"This is still the same property!" she declared with a huff.

Walking in through the door after he'd followed them down, Sirius said,

"No, it's not."

Then he pulled out the Bill of Sale for the little building and said, "I own

this building." And showed her the Bill.

Almost snatching it out of Sirius's hand with the hand that wasn't holding

her clipboard she'd brought with her, she glared at it as she read it before

thrusting it back. "It's still the same property!"

Starting to lose his temper, Harry snapped, "No, it's bloody not! We've

already had a law-wizard look over the same and confirm for us that, by

law, this building is now considered a wizarding property."

As one of the aurors stepped in, Sirius smirked and handed the Bill to the

auror and said, "Auror. This is a Bill of Sale for this building and the land

it sits upon. As I am now both the sole owner of this property and am a

wizard, does this make this property a wizarding owned property?"

The auror accepted the Bill, read it, looked between Sirius, Harry and the

witch and looked back at the Bill.

When he looked up again, he smirked and said to Sirius, "Very clever."

Looking back to the witch he said, "As there is, indeed, documented

evidence that this property, irregardless of its size, is wizarding owned,

there is no ban on a floo connection being installed here. You're in the

clear to install one."

"It's just a... trick!" she firmly declared. "It's just a... a... legal nonsense to

get around the law! Well... it won't work! I will not install a connection


Sirius stared at her and said, "Very well. I will need your name and under

what you believe is your authority in making that determination. I will

need that information for the Law-wizards of Record for both the Noble

and Most Ancient House of Black and the Noble and Most Ancient House

of Potter; both of which are of the Seven.

"Our Law-wizards of Record will then be filing complaints against you,

personally, your boss and the Ministry in general. I hope you're able to

afford a very, very good law-wizard of your own, because you're going to

need one.

"As you've already been informed our Law-wizards of Record have

already confirmed, as per the law... and it has also just been confirmed

by the Senior Auror, here... that there is no legal grounds by which you

can refuse to install the floo connection, you have no grounds to refuse.

"If you do not install the connection when you have no grounds to refuse,

then you have opened yourself up to being dragged before the

Wizengamot to face litigation."

Then he smiled and said, "The last time I was before the Wizengamot I

not only won the case, Lord Potter here... acting as co-defence with Law-

wizard Tonks... forced the Wizengamot to strip an entire Statute from the

books. He proved, beyond any shadow of a doubt, that the law was both

unworkable and unenforceable."

Turning to Harry, he asked, "Lord Potter; how many cases argued before

the Wizengamot have you lost?"

"None!" Harry firmly stated, crossing his arms and glaring at the witch.

The witch glared back, but it was easy to see the fear in her eyes. So,

Harry decided to go for the 'kill'.

"Back when Riddle was running about with his thugs, a lot of pureblood

homes were attacked in the middle of the night. He was able to catch

those people in their homes.

"However, that should not have been possible. While his people obviously

erected anti-apparation jinxes and anti-portkey wards to block apparation

and portkeys, they should not have been able to block those victims from

using their floos. There is no jinx, curse or ward that blocks floo travel

unless it's done from within the home.

"So, I'm now thinking, the only way for those floos to have been blocked

is by the Floo Network Authority... that's you and the people you work

with... deactivating them at those very specific times. When you then

consider the number of homes where that was supposed to have occurred

- and then consider the likelihood of the floo network having failed at

that very specific time at that one location, in each case - it is not

difficult to determine the likelihood of that happening is so remote... so

unlikely... as to lead one to conclude it was deliberate to coincide with

those attacks.

"That, therefore, means there are those within the Floo Network

Authority who were actively supporting Tom Riddle and his band of

thugs. They were probably even marked Death Eaters."

"Oh... Hell!" exclaimed the senior auror, suddenly realising what Harry

was overtly implying.

With a sharklike grin at what he'd heard from the auror, while not taking

his eyes off the floo installer, Harry continued. "Now, while Director of

the DMLE, Madam Director Amelia Bones, might not have been able to

go and root them out because the minister of the day blocked her from

doing so, that Minister and her likewise reluctant replacement are now

gone. That means, Acting Madam Minister Amelia Bones can now order

Director of the DMLE Madam Director Amelia Bones to investigate. I

cannot see Acting Madam Minister Amelia Bones not giving that order.

Can you?"

As the senior auror sighed, reached into his robes and drew out his auror

badge, Harry continued to grin evilly at the now shocked pale and

trembling floo installer.

He continued, "You should also know that, before you think about trying

anything, there are wards on this property and the property that

surrounds it that will do you harm if you try. And, if the wards activate

against you, it will be proof that your intent was to try.

"So, unless you want to also be, as an individual, a subject of the

investigation the senior auror here is about to initiate, you had best

connect the floo and do an absolutely smashing job of it. If you do not, it

could easily be seen as an attempt by you to do harm to... not one, but

two... members of the Seven, let alone the aurors often here. The first

two, alone, would mean the Veil for you.

"Within the past four weeks I have legally taken down the Supreme

Mugwump of the ICW, the Chief Warlock, the sitting Minister, his Senior

Undersecretary, the then Minister's closest non-Ministerial confidant, the

Headmaster of Hogwarts, the Deputy Headmistress of Hogwarts, two

other Heads of Houses of Hogwarts, four other members of staff, the

regent for the Noble and Most Ancient House of Longbottom and the then

Director of the Department of International Magical Cooperation. A

pissant little floo installer like you, until now, I felt was beneath me...

right up until you annoyed me.

"Pissing off members of the Seven is a really, really bad idea. You do not

want to piss either of us off any more than we are, right now. Get to


Sirius, with a wide grin on his face, looked between Harry and the

installer, before he more directly looked to the installer and glared,

"Well? Why aren't you moving?"

The witch 'moved'. The floo was up and active inside ten minutes.

Then the auror looked to the installer and said, "I've just sent a message

to my colleagues in the DMLE that I am about to step through into the

DMLE bullpen. I am going to arrive there in full health, am I not?"

Still shaking in fear, the installer replied, "Y-yes!"

The auror gave a nod back and said, "Wait here. I'll be back within the

minute." He then turned to Sirius and instructed, "If I am not, Lord Black,

please send a messenger Patronus to Madam Bones and let her know."

Without waiting for a response and taking a pinch of floo powder from a

container within his robes, the auror dashed it into the fireplace and

called "Auror bullpen!"

As soon as the flames turned green he stepped through and was gone.

As soon as he was, Sirius turned to the installer and pleasantly asked,

"Don't you have something for me to sign?"

Without a word she thrust her clipboard at Sirius, now not wanting to be

thought of as being reluctant or reticent to do so. She was still trembling.

Sirius casually accepted it, signed the form on it in the relevant places

and said, "Payment will be made by the end of the day." Then offered the

clipboard back.

As the witch hesitantly took it back he asked, "Aren't you also supposed

to be leaving a small bag of floo powder, too?"

She quickly scrambled for a pocket in her robes, found it, pulled out a

nondescript bag of floo powder and thrust it at Sirius, "H-here!"

Again, Sirius casually accepted it and said, "Thank you." And placed it on

the mantelpiece.

"I-I... need... to go," she stammered.

Harry firmly but calmly stated, "You are under orders by a duly

authorised officer of the DMLE to wait right here. Right here, you will


"Y-yes, My Lord," she stammered.

He smirked and explained, "We cannot have you going to your offices in

the FNA and letting your colleagues know what is about to befall them

all; can we?"

"Errrr... N-no, M-my Lord."

"While we wait," he said, "I'm going to tell you further just where and

when you utterly fucked up, you stupid little jackanapes.

"When you entered and found that the property you were to connect to

the network was somewhere related to a muggle home, every time you

said muggle, you sneered. Lord Black, here, is the magical guardian of

the daughter of one of those muggles you sneered at. She is also my

betrothed; she is the Lady Presumptive of the Noble and Most Ancient

House of Potter.

"Right there, you pissed me off; let alone Lord Black.

"Secondly, you tried to use your pitiful authority as a lowly floo installer

to cow a couple of Lords of Noble and Most Ancient Houses. Clearly, no

one has bothered to tell you that is a very bad idea. However, if you had

a lick of the sense you're obviously clearly lacking, no one should have

had to tell you it was a bad idea. That showed you to be a daft moron.

"I do not like daft morons. Daft morons are dangerous for everyone

around them. They get themselves... or, more importantly... those around

them killed.

"Thirdly, you were told we had the matter seen to by a Law-wizard. That

Law-wizard is the Law-wizard of Record for two of the Seven and, I

believe, the Law-wizard of Record for a number of Noble and Ancient

Houses. He is not a daft moron. He would not be the Law-wizard of

Record for two of the Seven and quite a few other Noble Houses if he


"By you refusing to accept at least one Law-wizard of Record had already

determined the law would not be broken by the floo being connected in

this property, and that's besides the senior auror also telling you that, you

considered that Law-wizard to be a bigger daft moron than yourself. That

meant you considered those Noble and Most Ancient and Noble and

Ancient Houses to be daft morons, themselves, by taking that law-wizard

on as their Law-wizard of Record. That, too, was quite insulting.

"Either that, or you were stating you consider myself and Lord Black,

here, lied to you. Personally, I find that even more insulting."

When the auror stepped back through moments later, he was followed

through by three more aurors and Madam Bones.

Harry immediately recognised two of them that he often saw as Madam

Bones's personal guard. The third, a female auror, took one look at the

female installer and asked, "Are you the witch from the FNA?"

The witch, now pretty much crying, only nodded.

"Then, Madam," said the auror. "You're coming with me. We have some

questions you're required to answer."

That was it for the witch. She immediately burst into tears as she was

firmly guided back to the floo. She was openly sobbing her heart out and

needed that guiding hand.

She and her auror escort were gone moments later.

Chiding his godson a little, Sirius asked, "Was that really necessary,


Harry stared right back with a blank expression. "Yes," he flatly said. And

then vehemently added, "How dare the bitch come into the Granger's

home with that attitude."

Sirius, surprised at Harry's clear vehemence, only said, "Ah!"

"Alright, Lord Potter," said Madam Bones, drawing his attention to her.

She sighed and, with a somewhat pained expression, said, "We need to


"Figured as much," he flatly returned.




After Madam Bones and her two aurors left, muttering about how Harry

had landed yet more work through investigations onto her plate, Sirius

finished with the protections on the 'Doghouse'; one of those was a

password for the floo - 'Woof woof!'

Harry just rolled his eyes.

Sirius snickered and asked, "Well, I don't think there's going to be anyone

who's going to guess it, do you?"

"No," replied Harry. "But, isn't it a little childish?"

"Of course it is," agreed his godfather.

"So," he pressed, "What's the actual floo address and how do I use the


"Ah!" said Sirius. "You toss in the floo powder and call 'Doghouse'. Then,

once the connection is through, call 'Woof woof!' and step through. Just

don't call the password until the connection is through or the password

ward at this end won't receive it and disengage for you."

Harry shrugged and said, "Sounds simple enough."

His godfather smiled and replied, "It is." Then asked, "How're the potions


Harry immediately pulled a face and replied, "Still apparently no end in


"Yes there is," his godfather disagreed. "I discovered the last of my

potions this morning, when the vials didn't immediately refill after I took

them. Andi confirmed it for me."

Breathing a sigh of relief, Harry said, "Then, mine should only be a few

days away. That's good, because I wanted to be free of them before


"Just so you know," said Sirius. "I've got a professional team of people

working on the London House of the House of Black. It's a townhouse in

Grimmauld Place, not far from Kings Cross Station."

"You've referred to it before," nodded Harry. "So, finally getting it cleaned


Sirius nodded and replied, "That's what the team's been sent in there to

do, yes. They're estimating a completion date in early February."

Harry gave a low whistle and asked, "It's that bad?"

"Yep. They're also redecorating once they've cleaned it up," he replied.

"Once they're at the stage to start redecorating, they'll contact me and

we'll go through interior decoration ideas."

Harry gave a snort of amusement and said, "You may want to call on

someone who has actual taste to advise the team you're using, then. I

somewhat shudder to think what you could come up with."

"Hey!" his godfather whined, before suddenly grappling him and giving

him a 'noogie' by firmly rubbing his knuckles into Harry's scalp.

"Ow!" exclaimed Harry, wincing. "Padfoot!"

Releasing him again, Sirius said, "Now. You and I need to talk about a

very important subject. Just you and me, Pup."

Curious, Harry said, "My room?"

Shaking his head with a smirk, Sirius replied, "No. We'll be using the

office for this."

Warily, Harry said, "Alright."

Sirius then started to lead Harry to the office when Hermione


"I'm sorry, my dear," he said. "This is just Harry and me. We won't be too

long, I promise."

Disappointed, Hermione sighed and nodded. "I'll be in the dinette going

through the remaining documents."

Harry smiled and gave her a nod. "Thank you, Love."




The 'won't be too long' proved to be a couple hours. At the end of it

Harry practically ran back his room and almost slammed the door.

Sirius, smirking slightly, found Hermione still in the dinette.

Taking a chair, he sat. Dobby quickly had a cup of tea before him.

Hermione said, "If that's what you call 'not too long' I shudder to think

what you'd think a long meeting would be."

"You'd be surprised," he smiled, stirring sugar into his tea.

"Where's Harry?" she asked.

"He's gone to think things over in his room," grinned her magical


She looked at him suspiciously and, mindful of her words now, asked,

"May I know what you talked about?"

Sirius looked back for a little while before he gave an almost

imperceptible shrug. "I gave him 'The Talk: Part Two'."

Shocked, it was a moment before she'd regathered her thoughts and said,

"I thought that was what that book you gave him was for."

"You know about that?" he asked, acting surprised.

"Accidentally," she said. "Harry shoved it in the stacks of documents he

received from Ted. Then forgot he'd put it there when he had Dobby

bring the stack down. As he was writing a letter to the twins I was going

through the stack and found it."

Sirius smirked and said, "He told me."

Sighing she replied, "I had noticed he... didn't really seem to know much.

You know what I mean?"

Sirius just nodded.

She explained, "He seems... seemed now, I guess... to know a little, but...

well, not what I thought a fourteen year old should know. Definitely

nowhere near what I knew from before I even started Hogwarts."

Sirius continued to stare at her for a long few moments more before he

reached a decision.

"I'm only telling you this, because you are Harry's betrothed," he said. "It

is not for the ears or knowledge of others. Am I clear?"

Hermione, knowing this was important, nodded.

With a single nod back, he explained, "Harry knew the... technicalities...

of reproduction. He had an understanding of the basic... biology of the


"However, except for what he'd overheard from his housemates in

Gryffindor... never a good source of accurate information... that's pretty

much all he knew. He had no idea about the subject of, for instance,

'wooing a witch'. In that, his education was severely lacking."

"Is that what you talked about?" she asked. "Just 'dating'?"

"A lot more than that, Hermione," he replied. "We were gone, after all, for

just over two hours. It's not for me to tell you any more than that.

"If Harry wants to tell you, it's up to him to do so. And you are not to

pressure him to tell you anything he's not willing to tell you.


"Yes, my Lord," she immediately replied. Then looked at him in shock.

"Why'd I call you that?"

Sirius smiled and replied, "That's your magic recognising I, as your

magical guardian, gave you an order. It's not, however, a magical

command. That means you can still disobey, but you'll also know you did

if you do."

A little afraid, she asked, "There's magic in the order that will harm me?"

"No," he replied. "I'd never cast such on a child. You'll know because

you'll be forced to remember that I ordered you. That way, you can't use

the excuse you forgot."




After Sirius left, Hermione worked for a little while more before she

decided to go and talk to her betrothed.

She thought, 'Just because Sirius has ordered me not to initiate a

discussion with Harry about his talk with him, does not mean I cannot

talk to him about anything else.'

Walking upstairs, she knocked on the door and waited.

Almost immediately, though, she heard Harry call back, "Come in!"

Taking a deep breath and steadying herself, she affixed a smile to her

face and opened the door.

Harry was sitting on his chair at the desk reading the book Sirius had

given him.

Noticing it, she said, "You're reading that book. Good."

Quickly snapping it shut and blushing, he couldn't even look at her.

Knowing Harry would struggle to talk about it, she decided an immediate

change of subject was necessary.

"I'm sitting downstairs working on the House of Potter documents," she

said. "How about, now that Sirius's gone, you come down and join me."

Still not looking back, he mumbled, "Sirius's given me homework to do."

"So's Ted," she immediately returned. "Besides, it looks like you and I

need to work on something together to get your mind off... whatever it is

that you and Sirius talked about." Even though she knew damned well.

He thought about that for a few moments before he nodded and put the

book away. Then he almost seemed to sigh in relief.




35. An Aware Wolf

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to the proverbial Duchess of

Magic, JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high

falutin' companies. No matter how much I whine about not owning anything

related to the HP universe, other than a few fanfic plots, I do not profess to

own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful

world... Damn it!

A/N: Alrighty. A few people have commented about how they find it odd that

Harry has such a problem relating to 'wooing'/romancing the opposite sex and

other social interactions while also being quite smart/clever. This is deliberate.

As I've said and implied before, this Harry is not the well-rounded individual

you might all love; this Harry has problems. For this Harry I've written him

having an undiagnosed Autism Spectrum Disorder (High Functioning);

somewhat specifically, a more than light touch of 'Aspergers'. This mainly

manifests in his social interactions and his ability to corral his flights of

heightened emotions, especially negative ones. He 'compensates' for much of

that by being well-read and planning ahead when and where possible so he's

not so easily surprised and his responses become emotional over logical. It's

also why he's become very good at reading body language. But, romancing?

That puts him way outside his comfort zone. Human biology is clinical; dating

is emotional - two different things.

Yes, I know many of you will not like that. And many will think I'm not being

true to the Disorder. However, I also inform you I have more than one very

close blood-relative who suffer from this affliction, so I somewhat know of

what I'm writing about from having lived with it.

I hope that at least some of you will now use this opportunity to fire up a

search engine web-page and research the subject yourself. The latest research

is showing that somewhere between 1 in 65-70 children 'suffer' with this, with

a great many children going undiagnosed. With those odds, that implies about

half a dozen children attending Hogwarts have this 'affliction' - magic aside.

(Think: Luna... maybe.)

Chapter Thirty Five - An Aware Wolf




Over at Longbottom Hall, it had now been three days since Frank and

Alice had presented themselves to the Wizengamot and proved, beyond

any doubt, they were truly Lord Franklin and Lady Alice Longbottom.

Over that three days they had managed to get to know their own son;

and the depth of the issues relating to and regarding Frank's mother,

Dowager Lady Augusta Longbottom.

They had already heard that Algernon Rosier had been arrested before

lunch that first day, as Bones had promised. And had been charged with

two counts of attempted murder of a Heir Apparent of a Noble and Most

Ancient House, Neville. However, after being told he would be charged

with the crimes, he immediately offered to make his testimony under

Veritaserum; which Bones immediately accepted.

From that testimony it was 'proven' it was not Rosier's intent to kill

Neville, only frighten him enough to trigger a burst of accidental magic.

However, he was still charged with endangerment of a minor, wilful

negligence and wilful child neglect; two counts each. He immediately

offered a plea of guilty to all charges.

As he fully co-operated in the investigations, he was released under his

own cognisance and ordered to attend court as Defendant when the trial

would be held immediately preceding the February sitting of the


Augusta had also been interviewed and required to explain why she had

not made formal complaint about the actions of her brother as they

related to the Heir of her House. She was charged with covering up wilful

child neglect, two counts, and would stand trial with her brother.

However, she refused to plead guilty and would defend herself on the


After she was ordered to immediately return to Longbottom Hall, Frank

had discussed matters with Bones before he also returned.

On his arrival he went to his office and immediately called his mother to

join he and Alice in there.

When she walked in and was told to, yet again, sit on the chair before the

desk, Frank stared at her for a few long moments before he said, "Mother,

Alice and I have reached a decision regarding you."

That made the old woman sit up straighter. But, she kept her mouth

firmly shut.

He said, "It is the decision of Alice and I that you are to move in to the

Longbottom Sea Cottage in West Bay on the south coast. You will leave

this room, immediately pack and be gone from Longbottom Hall within

the hour.

"A house elf will accompany you - one of our choosing. You may not

dismiss it and you will not attempt to give it clothes. You are also to keep

the floo open so that Alice, Neville and I may enter the property as we

see fit. However, the floo here will be blocked to you having direct

access. You will only have temporary guest access and it will only be

granted on a case-by-case basis.

"I have spoken to Madam Bones about this, concerning your 'house

arrest', and she has agreed that the Sea Cottage will be that house. As

such you may not leave. If you do, the house elf assigned to you will

immediately inform me you have done so. And I will, in turn,

immediately inform Madam Bones."

"Y-you can't do this to me!" she practically begged. "I am your mother and

Longbottom Hall has been my home for almost forty years!"

"I can and I have," he firmly returned. "Your behaviour in failing to plead

guilty to the charges you are clearly guilty of was the last straw. You are

no longer welcome in Longbottom Hall unless you are specifically

summoned here to attend me. And, even then, it will only be as a visitor.

"You are dismissed."

She was gone through the floo in less than the allowed hour. As soon as

she was, the entire Hall breathed a sigh of relief. Frank was quick to alter

the wards to deny her immediate access.




After working further on the House of Potter documents, especially the

financials, Harry begged off so that he could make a start on dinner.

It was as he was happily working on whatever gastronomic delight he

had planned for that night that Hermione decided to talk to him about

sex, contrary to Sirius's order. She knew not to push him, as she was

already well aware he would quickly close off when he was

uncomfortable about something. And she knew sex was one of those

subjects he was both uncomfortable with and clearly embarrassed about.

Walking into the kitchen, she asked, "Can I help?"

Harry looked back at her for a moment before he seemed to give a tiny

shrug and asked, "How are you at peeling veggies?"

With a smile she replied, "That's about the only part of cooking I'm not

that bad at."

He quickly assembled a pile of mixed vegetables, pulled out a cutting

board and peeler, set aside a baking tray, gestured to it and said "You're

welcome to have at it, if you would."

Quickly moving to do so, she had the vegetables washed and set aside.

Then started peeling.

After the first couple of potatoes she, trying to be nonchalant, asked,

"What chapter are you up to in that book Sirius gave you to read?"

Almost tripping over his own two feet as he suddenly moved, he

stuttered, "Errrr... Ch-chapter eight, I think."

Hermione stopped for a moment to try and remember what she

remembered of the table of contents she saw within the book and asked,

"That's the one on the importance of keeping yourself clean, right?" She

knew it wasn't.

"Ummm... no," he quietly replied.

When he didn't seem to want to expand any further on his answer, she

calmly asked, "If not on cleanliness, what's it on, then?"

It was a bit for her hesitantly replied, "The... ummm... parts of a woman's


"Any particular parts?" she asked.

"Ummm... the... ummm," he tried before he stopped.

"Yes?" she asked. "Oh; is it on the woman's sexual parts?"

"Yes?" he almost whined.

"You do not need to be embarrassed about this, Harry," she said, putting

the sweet potato she was currently peeling and the peeler down on the

cutting board before turning to look at him.

Harry was currently working adding diced onion into the water he was

using to slow cook the beef roast he had in the over-sized baking tray

within which the roast was simmering. Instead of using 'dripping' as Brits

seemed to always use for a roast, he used a single litre of water that

covered about a half inch deep in the pan and occasionally topped it up

with boiling water. Into that he added the diced onions and would be

almost poaching the diced vegetables Hermione was dealing with.

She softly called, "Harry, look at me."

When he finally turned to look her way, she could tell he was blushing


"I'm your betrothed and you are mine, Harry," she explained. "This is a

subject you and I should be expected to talk about. Well, not just

expected; we should talk about."

Glancing her way, he swallowed and nodded.

"Good," she firmly said, "Now, if you wouldn't mind, what did you learn

about a woman's sex organs?"

As he tentatively began to discuss what he had read, all the while

occupying himself with making the dinner, he more and more relaxed

and became more open. This was biology, rather than sex. That was

precisely what Hermione wanted to happen.




At just before 8.00pm Dumbledore stood outside the gargoyle to the

Headmistress's office and was forced to wait outside, fuming. He

remembered it wasn't that long ago he could command people to attend

him and make them wait, as he was now forced to do. It was doubly

galling it was before the same gargoyle guardian to the same office that

was once his.

Finally, as the time ticked over to 8.00pm, the gargoyle nimbly stepped


Without a word he stepped through the now revealed opening and onto

the stairs as they moved to ascend him up to the landing before the

Headmas- Headmistress's office.

Of course, he also had to knock on the door. Yet another pointed insult.

"Come in, Albus," he heard Marchbanks call from within.

As he strode in he gave his wand a gentle flick behind himself to banish

the door shut.

Marchbanks didn't even seem to be paying any attention to his approach.

'Damned annoying woman!' he thought.

She sat there, wrapping up some parchment work she was working on,

when her hearing told her Dumbledore had stopped.

Still not looking up and clear enough for the old man to hear, she

muttered, "Take a seat, Albus. I'll be with you in a moment."

She gave it another fifteen seconds before she set aside what she was

doing - reading yet another application for one of the vacant positions -

and looked across her desk at the person she now knew she could get rid

of at any time she wanted to.

She had already met with the School Board over his list of questionable

activities since his trial and they all agreed he had breached the

conditions of his tenure enough to fire him. The ward tap was the final

straw, even for them. Now, she just kept him there so that young Lord

Potter would not be so bothered by him. She'd be getting rid of him just

before it was time for the students to return.

The application she was currently reading was a Transfiguration Master's

application, one she had accepted and one she was reading over again.

The man, John Biffingwater, would be arriving at the school on Saturday,

the second of January, and be ready to begin on the Monday.

Dumbledore would not be told who he was until the Sunday.

"You wanted to speak with me, Albus?" she pleasantly asked.

"I wanted to speak with you first thing this morning after breakfast," he

grouched. Going so far as to almost slouch on the hard wooden chair that

sat before her desk, centred and back ten feet.

"And yet, as I informed you, I was too busy," she stated. "Does this mean

you do not wish to speak with me now?"

"You need to revisit your decision to cancel the Tournament Yule Ball,"

he snapped. "There's―"

"No," she firmly stated right back over the top of him.

Her immediate and firm interruption threw the old man a bit. "I...

pardon? I haven't had time―"

"I said, 'No', Albus," she repeated. "The Yule Ball is cancelled. It's done.

Now, is there anything else you wanted to speak with me about?"

He tried, "Griselda, please see―"

Again, overriding him she barked, "Headmistress Marchbanks, Al-bie!"

He winced, "Errr... quite." Shaking off the effect of the berating, he said,

"Headmistress Marchbanks, you need to be reasonable. The Tournament

Yule Ball―"

"Albus!" she suddenly barked.

When he suddenly stopped in shock and winced, she glared at him and

said, "When you said, 'You need to be reasonable', just then, you implied

by your choice of words I wasn't being reasonable. That was an insult. I

do not appreciate my staff insulting me, Albus. You will not do that


"Errr... My apologies, Gri... err... Headmistress Marchbanks. I misspoke."

When she just continued to stare at him not saying a word, he finally

returned to what he was saying. "As I was saying, the Yule Ball is an

important component of the Tournament. It is planned to use the dates of

the four champions as the hostages for the champions to rescue in the

Second Task.

"So, as―"

Suddenly smacking her palm onto the desk before her, Marchbanks

stared in fury at the old man. "What do you mean... hostages?" she


"The three champions," he replied. "Well, four with Mister Potter also―"

"Lord Potter!" she barked.

Again, Dumbledore winced. "Yes... quite... Lord Potter. Well... as I was

saying... with four champions now involved, four hostages will need to

be selected for the four champions to rescue as part of the Second Task. It

was decided, quite some time ago, that those hostages would be the dates

the champions took as their partners to the Yule Ball.

"So, as you can see, the Ball―"

"Stop!" she snapped. "Shut up!"

Again, Dumbledore was brought to a sudden stop. He looked back in a

combination of annoyance at being interrupted and confused as why she

would need him to.

She glared at him for a few moments more before she quietly but firmly

demanded, "And, just what plans did you have in place to seek permission

from the legal guardians of those hostages in advance?"

Confused, Dumbledore asked, "What do you mean?"

Shocked at the stupidity of the man, she glared at him for a few long

moments before she said, "Follow me here, Albus. You would need

permission from the legal guardians of those you would choose as

hostages. How did you plan on getting that permission?"

Clearly puzzled, Dumbledore replied, "I... don't know what you mean.

Each student's Head of House, here at Hogwarts, acts in loco parentis for

all students. Why would I need permission from the guardians? I only

need it from the four Heads of House. Surely, you'd know that."

Stunned incredulous, Marchbanks could only stare at the man before her.

Her mind could not grasp the fallacy - logically, legally, morally and

ethically - that Dumbledore seemed to believe. Eventually, she just

started to slowly and slightly shake her head from side.

Once she finally realised trying to put logic to the illogical was an

exercise in futility, she sighed and said, "Albus, you've just proven to

me... beyond any shadow of a doubt... that you are, as Lord Potter claims

we all are, a daft moron."

Both surprised and clearly offended by the remark, Dumbledore gave a

small start before he huffed, "Griselda! Really―"

She barked, "Headmistress Marchbanks, you daft old fool!"

Dumbledore gave another start of surprise but, before he could respond,

she drew her wand and held it out so that the old man could clearly see

it. "From this moment forth, Albus, each time you address me by my first

name and not my title I'm going to zap you with increasingly stronger

stinging hexes. Do you understand me?"

He gasped, "You wouldn't dare!"

She cocked an eyebrow at him and smirked, "For the past two plus weeks

I've had to tell you over and over again you are to address me as

Headmistress Marchbanks. Over and over again I have also told you not

to address me by my first name.

"As you have not learned from that, I am allowed to raise the level of

discipline to the next level. I've decided that will be through the use of

stinging hexes. And, once again, if you do not like that - quit!"

As the old man sat there, clearly angry but not willing to say a word, she

said, "Now, back to our topic. The use of hostages in the second task."

"Yes," he immediately said. "As I was saying―"

"Be silent!" she snapped.

When he immediately shut up and glared back she said, "You seem to be

operating under a complete misunderstanding of what powers the

Hogwarts Heads of Houses have relating to their legal status regarding in

loco parentis.

"In loco parentis, as you otherwise seem to believe, does not give the

Heads of Houses the right to act as parents or otherwise rightful

guardians of the students at all times. In loco parentis only exists in

situations where the permission of the rightful guardians of a student

cannot first be immediately gained when it's necessary to be required

immediately. That is, in cases of emergency medical attention and the


"In situations where the rightful guardians can first be approached, then

the rightful guardian's permission must first be gained. That is the case


"There would have been almost two months between the Yule Ball and the

Second Task. In other words, there would have been plenty of time for

you to have sought permission from the rightful guardian or guardians of

each of your supposed hostages, before you used said hostages in the


"As such, in loco parentis does not apply. Rather, if you had used such

hostages and they were underaged, without first gaining the written and

signed permission of the guardians in advance, you would have been

guilty of the crime of either flat out Kidnapping or Deprivation of Liberty.

If even one of those hostages had been of an Ancient House or above - or,

even worse, an Heir of one of those Houses - and any harm at all had

come to the child, that could easily have meant the Veil for you, Albus.

"And... I remind you... if you had been found guilty of either one of those

crimes and the hostage was of an Ancient or above House, execution by

the Veil is the only sentence available to the Wizengamot!

"Based on the evidence, alone, I would have been one of those who

would have found you guilty, Albus."

Dumbledore just sat there in disbelief.

Seeing the expression on his face, Marchbanks gave a huff and said,

"What? Don't think it would have happened? Again, clearly Lord Potter is

right when he thinks us all daft morons, when even the so-called great

Albus Dumbledore could make such a stupid mistake."

Frowning in annoyance Dumbledore huffed back and said, "Nevertheless,

the Second Task needs hostages for the champions to rescue. That―"

"No, it doesn't," she snapped. "Listen to the bloody clue, yourself, if you

don't believe me. All it needs is something the champion would miss the

most; not someone.

"As such, there will definitely not be hostages for the champions to

'rescue'. And, as such, no need to select said hostages from their dates to

the Ball. That means the Ball does not play a part in the Tournament.

"Now, what else did you need to speak with me about?"

Dumbledore sat completely flummoxed. He really had no idea what to do

from there as his entire argument pivoted on the need for hostages.




At breakfast, again, Harry noticed his food intake was reducing even

further. This time he only needed a little over one and a half breakfasts.

Hermione noticed and said, "Your calorie consumption is still dropping.

That must mean the amount of work still to be done within you is

tapering off."

He nodded, finished swallowing his latest bite of poached egg on toast

with a drizzle of Hollandaise sauce, and replied, "I've noticed, too. I think

it was about this same time yesterday, I first noticed that."

Interrupting during a break in their short discussion, Monica said, "As

soon as you two have finished breaking your fasts we'll head out to do

Christmas shopping."

That had the two teens nod back and immediately return to their





The mind-healer that Harry had secretly hired for Ginny and Luna had

just entered the Burrow by way of the kitchen.

Molly, annoyed, said, "She's up in her room. I'll be up to join you,


"No, you will not," the healer immediately returned.

When Molly seemed about to disagree, Arthur stepped in and said, "She's

right, Molly. As I told you yesterday, you're to stay out of it."

The mind-healer gave Arthur a nod and said, "Would you mind escorting

me up? I've not yet been shown her room."

Arthur immediately replied, "Of course." And led her upstairs.

Ron, who was still eating breakfast after almost an hour of sitting at the

table, grumbled, "Why does Ginny get to have a healer visit? What about


Molly spun on him and almost hissed, "Were you possessed by a

malevolent spirit during your first year of Hogwarts?"

Ron just grumbled about it and immediately began filling his mouth with

food again.

"So," she demanded. "Not only are you jealous of Lord Potter, his titles

and his wealth; but, now you're jealous of the fact your sister is being

paid attention by a mind-healer because she was possessed for

approximately nine months."

As she took a couple steps forward, Ron immediately cringed away,

expecting to get hit. However, all she did was reach forward and pulled

the plate away from him. And took it back to the sink.

"You've finished breakfast," she told him. "Go out to the garden and clear

it of garden gnomes again."

"No, I haven't!" he stridently disagreed.

She spun back on him and, with a glare, snapped, "Yes; you have. Now,

get outside."

Recognising that tone and not wanting to push it, Ron got.




Completely opposite to the shopping trip of the day before, this time

Harry and Hermione were pretty much just part of another family among

the crowds - 'nobodies'. No one bothered them. Even the aurors, all

wearing suitable muggle attire, blended right in.

On returning to the Granger residence, Harry told the lead auror, "Good

job, you guys. You fit right in."

"That's because this entire detail for this trip was of muggleborns and -

raised, Lord Potter," the senior auror replied. "All four of us have spent

plenty of time in the muggle world, including dealing with the madness

that is Christmas shopping."

Harry nodded, but was surprised to learn that specific background of the


He asked, "I take it the team was set up that way, specifically for this

trip? And the one yesterday was of the magical-raised?"

"Of course," replied the auror. "This is why it is important we know of

your movements as ahead of time as possible. We need that information

so the teams can be accordingly built and scheduled."

"Of course," nodded Harry. He should have thought of that and cursed

himself for not realising it a lot sooner. He asked, "You're aware we're

visiting our peer, Neville Longbottom, and his parents at Longbottom

Hall tomorrow?"

"We are," smiled the auror.

That told Harry the team that would be going with them were

experienced with acting in front of and in the homes of Lords of Noble

and Ancient Houses.

Taking his load of purchases upstairs to his room, he was just exiting

when Hermione, coming down from her own room after dropping off her

own purchases, asked, "How are you holding up?"

"Better," he sighed.

The sheer pressing of the crowds while they were out had triggered

within Harry a near panic attack. He had little idea he was as

agoraphobic as he discovered himself to be.

Showing concern, she said, "If I had known you were as uncomfortable in

crowds as you were, I'd have recommended just you and I go shopping on

a weekday, Harry."

"I had no idea how bad it's apparently gotten," he sighed. "I've never liked

being in big crowds, but that's the first time I've ever had an... event like


"When was the last time you'd been in a crowd that big before?"

"Christmas shopping, 1990," he immediately replied. "The Dursleys would

take me along on all such trips to carry all the bags."

Frowning in anger, clearly aimed at the Dursleys, she said, "Being as it's

been so long since you were last in such a tight crowd, that's probably





After telling Andi he needed to head to Eastern Europe for late afternoon

and first part of the evening, Ted made his way to the International

portkey disembarkation point at the Ministry.

He had decided he would be present when the blood sample was taken

from the supposed Malfoy girl.

Arriving early morning in Perth - after stop-overs in Greece, Pakistan and

Malaysia due to the distances involved - Ted arrived not too long after

dawn in the Australian Ministry for Magic in their offices under Garema

Court in Civic, the city of Canberra, the capital of the nation.

The immigration officer took his passport, did a rudimentary comparison

with his magical signature between the two and said, "Welcome to

Austrailya, Mister Tonks. Business or pleasure?"

"Business," Ted immediately replied.

"How long are ya thinkin' of stayin'?"

"Just a few hours; half a day, at most," he replied. "I only need to chase

up some legal issues for a client."

The immigration officer gave him a nod of understanding and handed

him back his magical passport. "Then enjoy your short stay, Mister


With his passport back in his hand Ted went up to the Portkey Office to

purchase a portkey to Perth. While an average witch or wizard has the

magical power to enchant a portkey that will take someone from one end

of the Isles to the other in Britain, the distance from Canberra to Perth

was approximately three and a quarter times longer - a hair over 3000km

or 1900ml and almost exactly the same distance between Los Angeles

and Cincinnati in the US, or 500km (300ml) further than from London to

Moscow. [A/N: Yes, folks; Australia's actually that big.] Therefore,

specialists in the Australian Portkey Office handled the making of them.

As soon as he paid for his 'fare' he was directed to a spot marked in

yellow - for Perth. He joined three others also waiting.

As soon as a fifth joined them one of the portkey officers handed them a

large bamboo hoop and said, "Everyone hook a finga!"

As soon as everyone did he tapped a vacant spot on the hoop and barked,

"Sandgropah seven!"

This time, Ted found himself arriving in what appeared to be a disused

gazebo in a small botanic park, inside a larger wide open space, just

inside what looked like a park between the city and the river's edge.

As the others moved off, with two almost immediately apparating away,

Ted looked around and saw his contact waiting for him. He was leaned

perched against the bonnet of a muggle automobile - some sort of van, in

a small carpark - looking at him with a smirk.

As soon as Ted had spotted him, the man stood up and gestured him


"Mister Smith?" asked Ted.

The man gave a nod and said, "That's me. You'd be Mister Jones?"

"Indeed," said Ted.

With another nod, Smith gestured with his thumb over his shoulder and

said, "You'll need to change. Hop in the back and you'll see some

examples of what you need to wear."

Ted gave a nod and did exactly that.




As it headed for late afternoon in the British Isles it was first thing in the

morning in Perth, Australia. Charlotte 'CeeCee' Wilkins had just been

practically dragged out of bed by her mother and told to make herself

ready for the day.

Grumbling about how it was her summer break, the girl made herself


First, it was a shower in the shared bathroom she shared with her brother

and sister - when either of them was home. Which, thankfully, was now

not so often the case with both attending, or soon to be attending,

university. Then it was dressed for the day in a light summer dress with

sandals on her feet. And out to the kitchen/dining for breakfast.

As soon as she entered the room she saw her Mum and muttered a soft,


After a quick glance to her daughter while she was finishing up making

an egg white omelette for the girl, Dorothy Wilkins replied, "Good

Morning, Charlie." She said it with an almost sing-song voice.

CeeCee sighed and said, "Honestly, Mum. Do you have to do that Charlie's

Angels impression every morning? I've been home for a week now."

Transferring the omelette to a plate Dorothy smirked at her daughter and

replied, "And it was months before that, when you were here in

September, when I last did it."

Taking the omelette over to the table, Dorothy placed the plate before

her daughter and ran her fingers through the young girl's long black

locks. It was something she often did when the girl was much younger.

"Mu-um!" whined CeeCee, squirming under the attention.

Dorothy took her hand away and smiled. "You use to love me playing

with your hair when you were younger. You'd often bring your hairbrush

to me and demand I brush it for you."

Still slightly whining about it the young girl replied, "Yeah, but that was

when I was little. I'm not little any more."

Sitting at the seat opposite, her mother quickly checked to ensure her

husband wasn't in hearing range and, leaning towards her daughter a

little as if to tell her a big secret, said, "No, you're not. And I can see that

by how your boobies are beginning to grow."

That had CeeCee instantly blush, practically drop the knife and fork she'd

just picked up, cross her off arm across her chest to hide the somewhat

apparent swellings and again whine, "Muu-um!"

Knowing it might be a little unfair to tease her daughter so, Dorothy

smiled and changed the subject. "Once you've finished your breakfast you

and I are going shopping. Besides Christmas shopping, you'll be needing

to be fitted for bras."

Still blushing and not looking back at her mother, CeeCee just nodded

and tried to get back to her breakfast.




After about a thirty minute drive, where Smith told Ted more about the

girl, they pulled up down the street from the house he recognised from

the surveillance photos.

"I put a minor compulsion charm on the mother to want to take her

daughter Christmas shopping, this morning," explained Smith. "However,

I probably need not have bothered. It seems the mother was intent on

taking the daughter shopping with her this morning, anyway.

"They're heading to a muggle shopping centre called Maddington Plaza.

It's about a five to ten minute drive east from here, tops."

While they were waiting, Ted asked, "How do you get away with just

sitting on the street like this?"

"Minor Notice-Me-Not on the van," explained Smith. "Plus, it's what's

known as a 'tradie's van'. It's the sort of thing a plumber or electrician

would drive. No one ever pays attention to them in the mundane world,

or that one is in their street."

Thirty minutes later, Dorothy and CeeCee exited the house and hopped

into the muggle family car, before it them pulled out into the street and

drove off.

Smith had the van started as soon as he saw them walk out. And the two

followed the two 'Wilkins' ladies to the shopping centre.




Through the use of 'accidentally' hitting the girl in the nose with his

elbow during a sudden turn and while the girl and her mother were

separated and as Ted watched on, Smith used a previously conjured

tissue to wipe the girl's nose clean of the blood that had erupted.

As her mother then saw what happened and hurried over, Smith

profusely apologised and paid Dorothy enough money to buy the girl an

icecream by way of apology. That conjured tissue was then

surreptitiously slipped into a vial as he handed the girl a couple more.

As the Wilkins then left, Smith walked back to Ted and handed him the

vial. Ted was frowning at him. He did not like to see the girl had been

injured, even if it wasn't that badly.

"The tissue is conjured," said Smith. "As it's only a weak one, it'll fade

within the hour. That'll leave you with just the blood in the vial."

"I did not like to see the girl injured," Ted snapped.

"Then how else would you have had me get a sample of her blood?"

asked Smith, not bothered by it. "Break into her home, stun everyone and

stick a needle in her arm?

"This way, she only has a few minutes of pain and no one's the wiser."

Stepping into a public toilet, Ted used a Finite charm to cancel the tissue

and immediately placed a stasis charm on the vial.

He stepped out and quietly said to Smith, "Payment will be made, as per

usual. I may have more work for you yet."

"As always, Mister Jones, fare thee well," replied Smith.

Ted walked back into the toilet, made sure it was clear of any muggles

and apparated back to the gazebo. There'd be another portkey awaiting

him about ten minutes after he arrived to take him back to Canberra.

He arrived back in Britain during the very late hours of the evening.




After breakfast the next morning, Harry and Hermione dressed in

wizarding wear to visit Neville. Because of the aurors' determination to

accompany them, he'd had to send a letter to Frank by 'house elf express'

to let him know he and Hermione would be accompanied by aurors. And

went ahead and used the opportunity to inform the Longbottoms he and

his betrothed now had access to a floo.

Frank immediately sent a message back using the same method to let

them know both the floo address and the current password.

So, Harry was a bit excited to travel once more via the floo, rather than

via portkey. He'd not been able to practice his landings and hoped the

Longbottoms were not averse to him asking for their help in getting a

handle on it.

At 9.00am the two teens, plus two of their auror detail, plus the two

Granger adults, trooped down to the Doghouse to use the floo.

First went one of the two aurors, then went Harry. "Longbottom Hall!" he

called. As soon as the flames turned green he called the password, "The

Nine Virtues"

After the rapid spinning feeling Harry missed the timing for his exit and

shot out of fireplace to, first, land on his side before rolling onto his back

as he slid across the floor. His slide was brought to a halt by the legs of

the auror who had used the floo immediately before him and had only

moved forward about ten feet. With a cry of surprise, the auror

immediately fell back as he felt his ankles being knocked out from under

him; and landed somewhat on top of Harry.

"Oof!" Harry exclaimed, as the auror landed on him.

"What the bloody hell?" the auror muttered as he scrambled back to his


From where he still lay on the floor, Harry called, "Sorry! My bad!"

That was it for Neville. Where the boy was waiting off to one side and a

pace back from his father, he suddenly burst out in rich laughter.

"Oi! Nev!" Harry called. "Pack up laughing, get over here and help me


That was when Hermione stepped out of the floo with an almost dainty

grace. She was followed by her parents, who also had no trouble.

As Frank and Alice just stood there, clearly bemused, Neville ducked

forward and took Harry's hand with his own offered in return; as the

auror did the same. As he braced himself against the pull, he and the

auror helped Harry back to his feet.

"Harrison James Potter!" exclaimed Hermione. "What is it with you and

floo travel?"

Grinning, Frank said, "I see he's inherited the Potter grace."

Alice gave a little snort and said, "I don't think even James was quite that


Finally getting himself straightened out, with the auror almost

negligently banishing him clean of soot while the other, who stepped out

last, did the same for the Grangers, Harry stood up straight, adopted an

aristocratic air and drawled, "Lady Longbottom. Thank you for the


Alice laughed and said, "Shut up, Harry. And come over here and given

me a hug."

He immediately adopted a massive pout, but did as he was told.

Wrapping the small woman in his arms with her head coming up to his

chin, he said, "I even practiced being a poncy git for that moment."

While Frank was hugging Hermione he chuckled and said, "Don't worry

about it, Harry. I think it was ruined by your entrance, anyway."




After the aurors spread out to check the wards and throw up their own

alert ones, Neville was quick to give the two teens a tour of the Hall

before taking them out the back to the greenhouses. After being

introduced, Wendell and Monica stayed to talk with Frank and Alice.

As soon as he saw the greenhouses, Harry gave a low whistle of surprise.

"Damn, Nev! When you have a hobby you don't muck about, do you?"

The other boy blushed and quietly said, "Actually, it's also a bit of a gold

earner for me. The plants I grow and harvest I sell to the apothecaries in

the Alley. Because of the soil I developed and use those plants turn out to

have a better potency, so I get a better price for those ingredients."

That surprised both teens.

As they were led into the first greenhouse, Hermione asked, "Have you

given Professor Sprout your soil... recipe?"

"No," smirked Neville. "However, I've sold her some to use on certain

plants in one of the school's greenhouses that really love it. She also sent

me a letter a week ago asking me to send her more."

Harry said, "I certainly hope she's paying for it."

Neville shrugged and replied, "She is. Or, rather, the school is."

Harry noticed Hermione struggling to come to grips with something in

her mind and he had a pretty fair idea what it was.

"Hermione," he said, getting her attention. "Neville's soil recipe is

proprietary information. I know what you feel about information and

sharing it, but Neville has the right to make money from his profitable

research; does he not?"

With a pained expression of acceptance, she nodded. "Of course, he does."

Neville smirked at her and said, "Don't worry, Hermione. I sell it to the

school at what is pretty much 'cost'. However, the commercial nurseries

will be paying full price to make up for it."

Wanting to change the subject, Harry looked around and asked, "So, what

do you grow in here?"




After a long day at Longbottom Hall, where the Longbottom house elves

outdid even Dobby for a delicious lunch, the two teens returned via the

floo in the Doghouse to the Granger Residence just in time for afternoon

tea. The Granger adults had returned earlier.

With Harry's blessing, Hermione also insisted on giving the Longbottoms

the address and password to the Doghouse, so that any of the three could

visit without first having to ask.

When he heard the address and password, Frank let forth a great belly

laugh. "That has to be the work of Sirius Black," he declared.

Harry grinned and nodded. "I think he's actually thinking about using the

floo system in his animagus form."

Frank laughed again. "It'll be interesting to see if it works."

Back at the Granger residence Dobby immediately had a plate of cut

sandwiches before Harry as soon as he sat at the dinette.

Almost whining Harry said, "Dobby; I've got work to do!"

"Master Harry, Sir, needs to eat," the elf firmly stated.

As Hermione snickered at him, Harry sighed and was already picking up

the first quarter cut. Just before he shoved a corner of the sandwich into

his mouth, he muttered, "Uppity damned elf."




Earlier that afternoon at the Tonkses' place, Sirius received an owl from

Remus asking for another meeting at the Leaky Cauldron for 5.00pm that

day. At the time, Sirius had mentally shrugged and decided it wouldn't

hurt to go to find out what the man wanted.

At a few minutes to the appointed time, he stepped through the floo into

the Leaky Cauldron. Remus was already there and waiting. He had a

small stack of Daily Prophets with him and on the table before him in one

of the booths. The man did not look happy.

After first drawing his wand and sitting down, Sirius immediately erected

a set of privacy wards. He knew the chance of Dumbledore not still being

under a form of house arrest at Hogwarts was slight, but that was still too

much of a risk for him to take. He would take none that he couldn't

counter, just to keep Harry safe.

Remus sadly muttered, "Padfoot."

"Moony," said Sirius. "I take it by the stack of old copies of the Daily

Prophet you followed my advice and read them?"

Moony looked away and nodded.

'Well, here's a very unhappy man,' thought Sirius. He asked, "And?"

Remus seemed to gather his thoughts for a bit before he finally asked in a

pleading voice, "What happened to him, Pads? What happened to

Dumbledore to turn him into this... this... fiend?"

Sirius sighed. In part, he was relieved his friend had 'seen the light' about

Dumbledore and would no longer be a Dumbledorian. And, in part, he

was sad one of his friend's personal heroes had been shown to be an utter

bastard, after all.

He simply said, "Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely."

"But, Dumbledore?" moped Remus.

"Even Dumbledore," replied Sirius.

Remus sighed and asked, "How's the cub handling all of this?"

Sirius smirked and replied, "He's as right as rain. He's finally got his head

screwed on right and recognises he's in love with young Hermione, she's

also finally recognised that she's in love with him, the people he's staying

with are treating him like a long lost son and he's with family, his

personal enemies have either been or are being dealt with, he's taken up

his Lordship and he's managed to organise and accomplish getting his

friend's parents healed and woken."

Remus listened and then gave a snort of amusement. "He really has

accomplished all that, hasn't he?"

Sirius grinned and replied, "He has."

With his expression changing back to one of sadness, Remus looked down

and quietly said, "I've not just read the back issues of the Prophet, as you

recommended, Pads. I also went and got myself checked for potions and

charms like you said I should."

Sirius gave a huff and said, "Let me guess... compulsion and or loyalty

potions and or charms?"

"Potions," Remus immediately replied. "Both."

"They were keyed to Dumbledore, weren't they?" asked Sirius. He hadn't

realised it before, but Remus's claim left him feeling quite relieved.

Remus nodded. "I don't know how he managed it, as the wolf should

have blocked those. But, they... or, rather, it... was there. A single potion

that had alchemical components.

"Actually, the healer I saw said it was the alchemical components that

allowed the potion to work against the wolf. Even now I can feel it

directing me to trust the old man."

"So, it's still in your system?" asked a surprised Sirius.

"It is," Remus sadly replied.

"Then I'm taking you to see Andi," he firmly stated.

He then performed a quick Tempus and asked, "Where are you staying at

the moment?"

"My old place," replied Remus.

Sirius nodded and said, "Give me about fifteen minutes to come back and

get you. I need to see if Andi's available at the moment."

Remus nodded as Sirius rose from his seat.

He was back in less than five.

"Come on," said Sirius, not even bothering to sit. "She wants to see you,

right now."




After working for a few hours on House of Potter documents, practically

the last of the two piles sent by Ted, Harry felt the alert charm on the

Doghouse go off.

However, he wasn't the only one. As he turned to look out the dinette

window out into the backyard, he heard and saw one of their duty

aurors, a witch, hurry out the back door and quickly make her way to the

small building.

There was a moment as the auror cast a quick detection charm, before

she opened the door with her wand ready and stepped inside.

Moments later, she exited again, leading Andi and Sirius.

"Andi and Sirius are here," he muttered to Hermione.

Hermione replied, "I noticed. Any idea why?"

When he turned to her he noticed she'd risen from her own chair to look

over his shoulder.

"Nope," he replied. "All I can think of is she's noticed my potions have


As soon as the two were led in through the back door, the two teens

packed up what they were working on and made ready to receive the


Monica walked in just as they were finished and asked, "Guests?"

Hermione immediately replied, "Sirius and Andi. They came in via floo."

As the two adults came up the stairs from the lower ground floor, the two

teens had finished packing up and were waiting for them.

As they walked in, Harry immediately noticed Sirius was smiling; but

there also appeared a hint of worry behind his eyes, as well. He'd

immediately turned to Hermione and gave her a hug before turning his

attention to Harry. Andi just stood back and waited. Her whole posture

showed she was concerned about something.

After his own quick hug with his godfather, Harry asked, "Alright, what's

going on?"

"Two things," Sirius immediately replied. "First, Moony."

Harry frowned and asked, "What about him?"

Andi replied to that. "He's been potioned. A loyalty and compulsion

variant very similar to what Miss Granger was dosed with."

Harry let out a sigh of relief. "So. His actions in not telling me anything

right through third year were not of his own volition."

Sirius cut in, "It's a lot longer than that, Pup. Andi found it's very long


"Over a decade, at least," she added. "However, it was certainly renewed

a little over a year ago."

Harry parked his bum on the edge of the dinette table and folded his

arms with his head down. He could hardly believe how relieved he felt

learning of that. "That means, his actions since that night were not of his

own choice."

"No," said Sirius.

"Thank God," he vehemently muttered.

"Yeah," said Sirius. "Andi's going to have to take a sample of his blood to

Saint Mungo's so they can develop an anti-potion for it. It has an

alchemical component, so a normal flushing potion isn't going to work."

"Poor man," said Monica.

Looking back at his godfather, Harry asked, "How's he taking it?"

Sirius's expression turned angry and frustrated. "Not well. Dumbledore

was one of his personal heroes.

"When I met with him the other day I gave him some galleons to go and

purchase back copies of the Daily Prophet and contact me again after he'd

read them. He did that, plus went and got himself checked for potioning

off his own back. However, he didn't get the flushing potion made as he

couldn't afford it."

"That's why I'll be making it for him," said Andi. "Besides, with the

alchemical component it'll be a bit of a challenge and I like challenges."

Hermione asked, "He's taking care of himself?"

Sirius nodded and replied, "He is. He's currently staying at, as he puts it,

his old place somewhere. He won't tell me where it is and won't let me

pay for him to stay somewhere better."

Harry asked, "What about the potion? Will it drive him to go to


Andi stepped in and replied, "No. I've given him something that will

temporarily negate the effects until I can create the cure.

"Now, young man," she said, looking more fixedly at Harry. "I need to

give you another once-over. I'm well aware the potion regimen you're on

has changed."

Standing, ready to head upstairs, he asked, "Am I right in thinking I'm

almost done?"

She smiled and said, "Pretty much. That's why I want to give you another

health check. I want to see if you need to be on anything else, now."




36. What to Do

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to the proverbial Duchess of

Magic, JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high

falutin' companies. No matter how much I whine about not owning anything

related to the HP universe, other than a few fanfic plots, I do not profess to

own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful

world... Damn it!

Chapter Thirty Six - What to Do




After she gave Harry a scan and determined he could now come off the

potions completely, Andi called Sirius up.

Once he was in the room and the privacy wards went up, she got right to

it with Harry.

"I'd been trying to wrack my brains and researched out the wahzoo for a

way to get that accursed thing out of your head," she said. "However, it

was Ted who suggested to me the way forward - muggle surgery."

Completely surprised, Harry asked, "Muggle surgery? What; he's

suggesting it simply be cut out?"

"Excised, yes," she replied. "I think the muggles refer to it as 'going under

the knife'."

"Yes," he sighed. "That's exactly the saying."

He thought about it for a little while and asked, "How're we going to do

this? I mean, it's not as if you can tell the surgeon what he needs to


"Actually, yes I can," she smirked. "I managed to track down a surgeon

parent of a muggleborn. And he managed to track down a... gas-passer?...

parent of a muggleborn."

"Anæsthetist," he muttered, looking at the floor while he thought. "He's

the person in the operating room responsible for ensuring the patient

remains asleep and free of pain during the surgery."

"That's the one," she agreed.

He nodded and looked back to her. "How soon can you get it set up?"

"The day before New Years Eve," she promptly replied. "The thirtieth of


He nodded, sighed and said, "Do it. Are you going to be there?"

She smirked back, but Harry could see she was clearly relieved by his

answer. "You couldn't keep me away."




Coming back downstairs with the other two, Harry said, "I need to think.

I'm going to cook." And immediately left for the kitchen.

Sirius called, "Harry?"

Turning to look at his godfather, he muttered, "Hmm?"

"Can I tell the Grangers about what we discussed?"

Harry thought about it for all of a bare moment before he replied, "You'd

best. I don't think I can and they need to be aware of what it means

regarding me staying here."

As Harry turned and walked away, Sirius gestured for everyone to join

him in the parlour.

Once he, Andi and the Grangers were in, he threw up a set of privacy

wards and said, "Because of something relating to the scar on Harry's

forehead, he needs to undergo surgery."

Hermione immediately asked, "Surgery?"

"Yes," replied Sirius. "Muggle surgery."

Wendell, frowning, asked, "Why muggle? I know the magical community

has their own forms of dealing with injuries and the like. And I didn't

think it involved surgery, as we know it."

Andi explained, "There is a... magical miasma, you could say... that

emanates from Harry's scar. It's dark in some form. Therefore, we cannot

use a magical form of healing to rectify the situation. That's why we're

thinking outside the box, here, and going with muggle means."

"I take it you're going to excise the scar and whatever is related to it

through surgical means, then," he asked.

"Precisely," she nodded. "By excising the scar and some of the

surrounding tissue, it is hoped the miasma will be removed right along

with it. If it is, then we can use magical means to remove any remaining

corrupt material and heal it well enough that he won't even have a scar


Monica asked, "When do you plan on doing this?"

"Wednesday, the thirtieth of December," Andi promptly replied. "He'll go

in first thing in the morning and be out that night."

Wendell said, "Monica and I will still be on holidays, ourselves, then. We

can get him there - wherever there is."

"I plan on taking him, myself," said Andi. "However, I cannot see the

harm in you coming along."

Monica asked, "Which hospital?"

"Parkside," Andi promptly replied.

That had both Wendell and Monica give a start of surprise.

"That's ours!" exclaimed Wendell.

"Pardon?" asked a just as surprised Andi. "You... work there?"

"We do," he nodded. "It's only a ten minute drive from here."

Surprised, Andi said, "Then, do you know Doctor Francis Dolittle?"

"Yes," he replied. "A plastic surgeon, specialising in facial disfigurement.

Either or both of us are occasionally brought in to consult when the issue

touches on oral and maxillofacial issues. We also do the same the other

way, when we're trying to minimise or negate disfigurement in oral


"Well," said Andi, clearly pleased. "Then, this is going to make things

easier. Doctor Dolittle is the father of a muggleborn witch, like

yourselves. So, you can discuss issues relating to being muggle parents of

a magical with him without any problem."

That clearly made both Doctors happy.




Harry's dinner that night was, as usual, well received by all. Even Andi

stayed for it and Ted was contacted and apparated over to join them for

the meal.

Just before the Tonkses and Sirius left, Ted looked to Harry and said, "I'll

be over tomorrow to collect the documents you've done and want to

discuss other House business with you. What's the best time to turn up?"

"Any time after breakfast," Harry immediately replied. "Unless, of course,

you'd like to join us for breakfast. It's your choice."

Ted thought about it and asked, "How about soon after 9.00am, then? I

have to call into the office to get some documents first."

Harry shrugged, checked to make sure it was fine by the Grangers, who

didn't seem to be disagreeable, and replied, "That's fine."

"Good," nodded Ted. "And you say you've practically finished with the

House of Potter documentation?"

"We have," he replied.

Ted gave a nod, smiled and said, "Then I'll see you at just after 9.00am."




Dumbledore was sitting at the desk in his office and massaging his

temples. His plans for what was to come over the next few months, once

the students all returned to the school, were yet again in ruins.

He had planned to use young Ginevra Weasley as Harry's hostage in the

Second Task, irrespective of who he took to the ball. Even then, he

planned on adding a compulsion potion to see if that got past the boy's

surprising immunity to mind magics and to see if he could get the boy to

take the girl. His idea was to begin to set in place a relationship between

the two.

Already, the young redhead saw Harry as her personal knight in shining

armour and, by using her as his hostage, it would create the image in the

minds of the wider wizarding community that she was the person he

cared about the most. He had hoped it would also start Harry thinking

the same.

He had also sent a couple of letters to Molly hoping the woman would

help him. However, she'd not responded to any of them.

When he then floo called her, she abruptly cut him off and told him to no

longer bother the Weasleys.

She'd flat-out told him, "We are not your dutiful little pawns,

Dumbledore. We now want nothing to do with you. Leave us alone."

Then she had the temerity to shut the call off while he still appeared in

the flames.

That had caused him to be almost violently ejected from his own floo,

sitting him back on his butt.

After the unmasking of young Barty Crouch, he knew that Tom had set in

place Harry's name to come out of the Goblet and for Harry to be forced

to compete. Therefore, it stood to reason he wanted Harry in a certain

place at a certain time. That would either be in the Black Lake on the

twenty fourth of February, or in the maze on the twenty fourth of June. It

further stood to reason it was the Third Task, the maze, that was the

important one.

Now he just had to figure out how to capitalise on that.

When the Daily Prophet was delivered less than a half hour later, he

learned that trying to pair Harry with young Ginevra wasn't going to

work, either. That plan was snuffed out before it even had a chance to

progress beyond the old man's thoughts.

He sat back with a frustrated sigh.




After another filling Dobby breakfast, where Harry was now down to

eating a little over the same amount as Wendell, he was finally able to

read the Daily Prophet in peace without also trying to fill his stomach at

the same time.

He had gotten used to enjoying a cup of tea while reading the paper,

right up until the potions whacked him up side the head with its demand

to eat. Being able to go back to that was pleasant.

The lead story, that morning, was the breaking news of Harry and

Hermione's betrothal. Both were surprised it had taken that long.

~ # ~


In surprising news, we here at the Daily Prophet have learned our young hero,

Lord Harry Potter (14) the Boy-Who-Lived, has entered into a Betrothal

Agreement with his close friend, muggleborn Harmony Granger (15), writes

your favourite journalist Rita Skeeter.

Further, we have also learned that, unusually, young Miss Granger's magical

guardian is not her Hogwarts Head of House, but is Lord Sirius Black, recently

exonerated and godfather of Lord Potter.

We are unsure why Lord Potter and Miss Granger's guardians have chosen to

enter the two into such an arrangement, but it is suspected it is to protect both

from any shenanigans towards trying to slip either an ironclad marriage

contract in future.

The Daily Prophet congratulates both children and sends their commiserations

to all the other young witches who dreamed of being the one who snagged the

Boy-Who-Lived for themselves.

More information on Betrothal Agreements - page 8.

More information on muggleborn Harmony Granger - page 2.

~ # ~

Harry gave a grunt of somewhat annoyance once he'd finished the article

and muttered, "I'll need to let the aurors know they'll need to be

especially vigilant of incoming mail for the both of us."

"Why?" asked Hermione.

He replied, "There are going to be those who are going to be quite nasty

towards you, now. That line about 'all the other young witches who

dreamed of snagging the Boy-Who-Lived' has me worried."

It was while he and Hermione were sharing the Prophet and talking about

various articles that Ted turned up.

"Good morning," he greeted them all.

With four returned 'Good morning's he turned to Harry and asked, "Have

those documents ready for me?"

Harry immediately called Dobby and had the little elf go and collect both

sets of documents from off the floor next to the desk in his room.

While they were waiting, Harry asked, "Read the article in the Daily

Prophet about our betrothal, yet?"

"I have," Ted nodded back. "I can't use it to yell at Cuffe again, though. It

was both truthful and non-insulting; other than misspelling Miss

Granger's name."

"No; but you might consider writing up a 'press release' statement,

though," said Harry. "Something from Hermione and I about how we're

happy with this. And something that threatens dire consequences on

anyone who tries to interfere."

"Good idea," nodded Ted. "I'll get that written up as soon as I get back to

the office."

When the two piles appeared on the end of the table, Harry gestured to it

and said, "That's all of it, thank God."

Ted was surprised and said, "Harry, I hadn't expected you to get through

all of it. I only expected you to be, at most, about a quarter of the way


Harry shrugged and said, "I just didn't want to head into Christmas with

so much parchmentwork hanging over my head. My argument, and

Hermione agreed with me, is that it's best to get it all out of the way

before more turns up and makes the pile even bigger."

As Hermione nodded in agreement, Ted gave his own firm nod back

before he then pulled out documents from within his robes and placed

them on the table before sitting down.

Once he was comfortable he slid the documents across the table to Harry

and said, "That's the agreement with the warding and repair company to

make a start on repairing the cottage."

Harry frowned in puzzlement and said, "I thought we were going with

the goblins to get that done."

"That was the original plan, yes," nodded Ted. "However, the goblins

were being greedy little... blighters and wanted too much to do it."

Indicating the documents he said, "This company will do it for a cheaper

price and do a better job of it."

Harry pulled the documents across and asked, "When can they start?"

"Tomorrow," replied Ted. "They want it stripped of the Ministry wards

and new private wards up before Christmas. Then, straight after

Christmas, they move in and begin repairs."

Harry quickly read through them and asked, "Fidelius?"

"Yes," he replied. "They want to put the Fidelius up while they work. That

way, they won't be bothered by anyone trying to stop them."

"Smart," muttered Hermione.

Ted smiled and said, "I thought so, too."

"That's going to take some significant power," said Harry. "The Potter

Cottage is a landmark of significant interest and I doubt there'll be many

who aren't aware of exactly where it can be found. With that many

people knowing of it, the Fidelius has to work that much harder to hide

the Secret."

Hermione said, "I'm sure they'll figure a way, Harry."

With a verbal nod of acknowledgement of Hermione's remark, Harry

quickly signed the documents and initialled where Ted had marked for

him to do so, before sliding them back.

He said, "You'd best let Amelia Bones know I've claimed the cottage back

as soon as the new wards go up. We don't want her going on the warpath

to find the culprit who 'stole' it, even though it wasn't."

As Ted was placing the documents on the twin stacks of documents Harry

and Hermione had gone through, he said, "That's the plan; yes."

Then, turning to grin at Harry, he asked, "You know this is going to get

people all up in their wands about it, don't you?"

"Of course," replied Harry. "However, I don't care. They had no right to

take it from me in the first place."

Standing up Ted called for his house elf, Benny, to come and take the two

stacks and put them on his desk in his office.

"Well," he said. "That's all I needed to see you about, today. I've got a lot

more work to do in the office, yet."

Harry stood and shook the man's hand. "Thank you, Ted."

Ted smiled, gave a nod and let himself out. He was apparating back to

his office.

After he left, Hermione said, "How long, do you think, is it going to take

for the Daily Prophet to get wind of the cottage disappearing?"

Harry shrugged and replied, "About five minutes after someone goes to

the DMLE or the Acting Madam Minister to alert them. Therefore, I think

we can find we'll be reading about in... three days, max."




At the Unspeakable fire-side, the 'Spectral Threat' section leader,

Scimitar, was on his feet and giving his report.

"For those who haven't read this morning's 'scandal sheet', news of the

White Knight's betrothal to Bookworm is now public. 'Knight's Shadow'

are tasked with aiding Monocle's people in ensuring no harm befalls

either through the post. Any and all harmful mail will be checked and, if

the sender is known, the sender will receive a... visit.

"The Black healer has been spending time communicating with a muggle

hospital concerning healing Knight's scar. She is very concerned in

making sure any corrupt tissue surrounding the scar is excised.

"We believe two points from that. First, if she does what we think she's

going to do - immediately after the patient leaves the hospital, vanish the

muggle healing bandages and use magic to completely heal the wound

site - it means she may have come upon a way to heal magical injuries

using muggle techniques."

That had the Unspeakable's healers all glance and softly murmur to one


Seeing them, Croaker stepped forward and asked, "Bandage? Your

opinion on her success?"

One of the healers hesitated a moment before stepping forward,

themselves. "The concept is intriguing. It is not an avenue even we have

considered. Permission to monitor her and her efforts?"

"Granted," Croaker immediately replied. "However, you are not to risk

'Knight's Shadow' in doing so."

"No," she replied. "If she is successful, the Black healer will write a report,


Seeing the side conversation end, Scimitar continued, "The Black

healer's... intensity... in addressing this issue leads us to believe the

surgery is not just to remove the scar. We believe, however it occurred, a

sliver or fragment of the soul of Riddle has attached itself to it."

That had a ripple of shock pass through the gathered senior


"Now, that does not mean Lord Potter is a Horcrux," Scimitar firmly

stated. "We do not see how it is possible Riddle could have completed the

Horcrux ritual before his soul attached itself to the boy's scar."

"It couldn't have," said the section leader of the Soul Magics section.

"However, that does not mean it cannot act as if it was a Horcrux."

"That the boy is free of any signs of possession leads us to believe that it

is both contained in that famous scar and can be excised as the Black

healer seems bent on accomplishing.

"If she is successful, the young Knight will not need to be tossed through

the Veil, as we initially believed he might need to be."




After leaving the Grangers', Ted apparated to his office and made sure the

House of Potter documents were sorted by his staff.

One of his law-apprentices asked, "He managed to get through all this, on

his own, in just a couple of weeks?"

"With his betrothed's help, yes," replied Ted. "Both of them are highly

intelligent. And, don't forget, he's also accomplished a lot more than this

in that time, too. The latest trial of Lord Black, figuring out and

organising the waking of Lord and Lady Longbottom... etcetera."

While the apprentices, interns and paralegals worked through it he

contacted, via floo, the company who's contract Harry had just signed to

give them their copy and let them know they could start right away.

"Lord Potter accepted?" asked the company manager on the other end of

the floo call.

"He did," replied Ted. "However, he has one request."

"Oh?" the man warily asked.

Ted replied, "That I be informed the moment the Fidelius goes up that it's

gone up. He wants the Acting Madam Minister informed immediately,

before anyone at the Ministry can then panic and go looking for it."

The man gave a grunt and nodded, "I'll do that. Probably a wise idea."

"My and his thoughts, exactly," said Ted

The man seemed to mutter about something and said, "Expect me to floo

you with that information at about lunch time, tomorrow."

Ted nodded and said, "Thank you." Then terminated the call.

He then set up the 'dot points' for the press release Harry had asked him

to write up and had one of his staff develop it into a proper press release,

while he moved onto his next task.

Next, he collected the vial of blood from the suspected Malfoy Heir that

was in stasis from his safe and headed for Gringotts.

'Time to confirm it for sure,' he thought.

Once in the bank he was sitting before the desk of the Gringotts's

Inheritance Office and handed the vial over.

It was actually against bank policy to do it without the actual person in

attendance; but the goblin, Snaggletooth, had just been handed a small

bag of gold to carry out this test. The gold would both ensure his silence

and his compliance.

After the blood was poured from the vial and into a small bottle of

enchanted ink, a quill was dipped within before being moved to a sheet

of parchment. It began to write as if by an invisible hand, similar to a


Less than a minute later the quill returned to the ink for the final time

and stopped.

The goblin picked up the parchment, placed a small pair of pince-nez

glasses on his long nose and peered through them to read.

"Interesting," he muttered.

Looking to Ted he asked, "Were you aware the blood is of the missing

Malfoy Heir?

Ted gave a huff of pleasure and replied, "Almost certain, yes. I take it you

can confirm the blood is of one Corina Cephei Malfoy, born the tenth of

August, 1982?"

"It is, indeed," replied the goblin.

"Thank you," said Ted, standing up. Indicating the sheet, he said, "Burn

that, won't you?"

The goblin smirked back and dropped the sheet into a small brazier that

sat in the corner. It was instantly alight and burned away to ash.

"Burn what?" the goblin asked.

"Thank you, Snaggletooth," said Ted. "May you vaults fill and your

enemies perish."

"And may your business flourish," replied the goblin with a very slight

head nod of a bow.

Letting himself back out, Ted headed back to his office.




Once back in his office, Ted was going to write up a report for Sirius and

thought better. He went to his floo and flooed home.

Sirius was even waiting for him. And it appeared he'd been pacing while

he did.

"Well?" the Lord Black practically barked.

Ted smiled and replied, "It's confirmed. Little Miss Wilkins was, indeed,

born Corina Cephei Malfoy on the tenth of August, 1982."

Practically relieved, Sirius quietly but firmly said, "Yes!"

"So," said Ted. "What do you now want to do about her?"

"I don't know; so, for now, nothing," replied Sirius. "She's happy, well-

cared for, needs nothing and, above all else, is safe right where she is."

Ted gave a nod and asked, "Do you want me to keep the file on her in my

Fidelius-charmed safe?"

Sirius gave a firm nod back and said, "If anything happens to Lucy and

his brat of a son, the girl is the rightful Heir to take over the Malfoy

fortune. I want you to make sure she gets it."

Ted nodded back and said, "I'll write up the relevant parchmentwork and

have it placed in the file, ready for just such a contingency."

Back in his office, the legal intern he'd had writing up the press release

entered his office and handed him the document.

Ted made on a few changes and handed it back. "Good job," he said. "As

soon as you make those changes, get copies sent off to the Daily Prophet

and WWN, would you?"

"Yes, Sir," replied the intern, before he walked out again.

The intern, one of the two law-apprentices and two of the four paralegals

were new hires, brought in because of the increased workload, and were

proving to be 'Merlin sent'. At this rate, this particular intern, at least,

would be receiving a pay rise before too much longer.




With the Granger adults now home and 'on holidays', with the legal and

financial parchmentwork for the House of Potter up to date and most of

his problems rectified or planned to be so soon, Harry was hoping to put

his culinary skills to the test and let himself go in the kitchen. However,

that was completely contrary to Dobby's own plans.

An hour before lunch Harry and Dobby were standing in the kitchen

arguing over 'delegation of tasks' - and Dobby was, unsurprisingly,

winning. However, that had more to do with every time Harry picked up

a kitchen implement Dobby would banish it out of his hand again.

"Do-obs!" whined Harry. "Come oooonn! You know I love to cook. It

relaxes me."

"Master Harry, Sir, likes to be flyings when he be bored," argued Dobby.

"Master Harry should go flyings."

"I can't fly here!" he argued right back. "It's a muggle home!"

"Master Harry, Sir, can be visitings his friend, Mister Neville," said

Dobby. "Mister Neville's home be wizarding home. Master Harry, Sir, can

be flyings there."

That brought Harry up short.

Thinking about it, he muttered, "You know, that's not a half bad idea."

From behind him, Hermione spoke up, "We should also see if we can visit

the other Hogwarts members of the Alliance. You did say that was

something you were planning on doing, didn't you?"

As Harry sighed in defeat, Dobby smirked at him, but stood his ground.

"Alright," he said, turning to her. "I guess we can wait until after lunch to

visit Neville. But, I'd best send an owl to the others, first. It would be

impolite to just turn up, unannounced."

"And you should ask Neville if he'd like to join you," she added.

"Another good idea," he agreed.

"I know," she smiled. "How about you go give him a floo call to make

sure it's alright for you to visit after lunch?"

Nodding, he smiled and walked up to her. Wrapping her in a cuddle he

kissed her and said, "I'll go do that now."

However, before he left, he wheeled on Dobby and said, "This argument

is not over, you horrible little gremlin! I will be occasionally cooking

lunch and you'll be letting me."

With his betrothed blushing just a touch from the kiss he unexpectedly

landed on her and not waiting for Dobby to retort, he headed out the

back to the Doghouse to make that call.

As he hurried down the stairs to the lower ground floor, Hermione sighed

and thought, 'Oh, that boy. Why does he, every time he kisses me, make

me feel all gooshy inside?'

With Harry gone and clearing her head again, she looked to Dobby and

firmly said, "You and me need to talk."




After sorting out everything he needed for his second visit to Bagman,

Ted alerted his staff of where he was going and informing them he'd be

back after lunch. Then he was out the door and on his way.

Again heading directly to Bagman's office, he knocked and walked right

in, not even bothering to wait for the invitation to enter.

As soon as Bagman looked up in shock, he immediately went white in


"M-Mister Tonks, Sir," he stammered. "W-what can I do for you, today?"

This time Ted walked right up to the desk and plonked himself into the

chair put there for guests.

"Ludo," he smirked.

That put Bagman right on edge, right there.

Noticing his effect on the man, Ted smirked even more and said, "I've

now had plenty of time to go over the contract for the Tri-Wiz. Imagine

my surprise in discovering it is the intent of the organisers... you,

Dumbledore, Maxime and Karkaroff now that Crouch has been locked up

in Azkaban... to use hostages for the Second Task."

"Errr... yes?" asked Bagman.

"Did you know that, even though the three champions and Lord Potter

may be bound by the Goblet to be involved in the Tournament, there is

no similar binding for any hostages?"

When Bagman only stared back, Ted continued, "That means no hostage

can be forced to take part."

Again Bagman didn't say a word.

"What that means, legally, Mister Bagman," explained Ted, shifting to

lean right forward, "Is... if you take anyone against their will to be used

as a hostage it will be kidnapping.

"Are you starting to understand, yet?"

Bagman spluttered and said, "Dumbledore assured us that we only need

permission from their Heads of House... their Hogwarts Heads of House,

that is... to use anyone we need to use."

Ted's smirk immediately dropped to a scowl.

"If he told you that, he lied," he flatly stated. "I have already been

informed by both Lord Potter and Lord Black that if you use Lord Potter's

betrothed as his hostage in the Task both will immediately come after

you and the rest of the organisers.

"As well as it being illegal for you to take anyone as a hostage without

their prior consent... and the consent of their guardians if they are under-

age... they both will see it as an attack on their Houses. Right there, in

front of everyone, they will both declare a blood feud on you and the

other organisers.

"Remember what I told you what would happen if Lord Potter so much as

developed a blood nose as a result of this Tournament?"

"Errr... y-yes?"

"Even worse will happen if the hostages are harmed."

Bagman immediately whimpered, "Ohh, Merlin!"




After eating a big lunch and giving it time to settle, Harry had asked

Hermione if she wanted to join him at the Longbottoms.

"No, thank you, Harry," she was quick to reply. "You go and spend time

with Neville and flying. I don't want to be there to see you performing

dangerous stunts in the air."

Exiting the floo at Longbottom Hall with his broom in hand, and again

skidding across the marble floor on his back, Harry looked up to see a

grinning Neville.

Neville chuckled and asked, "How is it you can be so graceful in the air

on a broom and so hopelessly uncoordinated using the floo?"

"No idea," he replied, climbing to his feet before checking himself and his

broom over for damage.

As Neville stood there smiling at him, Harry asked, "Got any brooms

here, Nev?"

Frowning in puzzlement, Neville replied, "You're carrying one, Harry.

Why do you need another?"

Grinning back, he replied, "It's not for me. It's for you. It's time I helped

you get over your fear of brooms."

Frank had just walked in, heard what Harry had said and said, "I quite


Neville spun to stare at his father so fast one could be forgiven for

thinking he didn't turn, so much as apparate about on the spot. "Dad?" he

fearfully asked.

Looking to Harry, Frank said, "You'll find brooms in the broom cupboard

next to the back door. They might be quite old compared to that lovely

broom you have in your hand, Harry, but they are definitely not the

death traps Hooch had you on for your flying lessons in your First Year."

Harry grinned back and, as he began to head for the back door, looked to

Neville and said, "Come along, Nev. No time like the present!"

Almost shivering in sudden fear, Neville turned pleading eyes on his


"Go on, Neville," his father commanded.

Giving the impression he was heading to his doom, the sandy-haired boy

reluctantly headed after Harry.

Surprising the boy, though, he found Harry to be a very patient and very

good instructor. By the end of the hour he was now carefully slaloming a

path around the garden beds and ornaments in the back of the

Longbottom Hall property. Though he flatly refused to climb higher than

about ten feet off the ground, he was definitely becoming more

comfortable riding the broom.

'Who knew that allowing one foot to hang while riding made it a hell of a

lot easier to learn to ride?' he thought. 'A counterweight, Harry had

called it.'

At the end of the second hour, Harry led the pair of them back to the

back patio of the Hall and lightly touched down, Neville was only a few

moments behind.

Turning his attention to the other boy, Harry grinned and said, "See? Not

all that much to it. What you need to do now is practice doing that. Then,

once you're more comfortable keeping your balance, have both feet up

and on the pegs."

Breathing a sigh of relief, Neville smiled back and said, "That was a lot


Harry, still smiling, said, "That's because you weren't forced to ride on a

death-trap of a broom that should have been burned fifty years ago for

being unsafe."

Neville nodded and led the two back inside, stopping at the broom closet

to drop off 'his' broom as he did.

"Well," sighed Harry. "I must be off. Dobby should have afternoon tea

ready by now. And I don't want him turning up here berating me for

missing it."

Neville gave a small snort of amusement.

"Now," said Harry, as they headed for the floo. "Can you write down the

floo addresses of Greengrass, Davis, Bones and Abbott and send them to

me by 'elf express'?"

Curious, Neville replied, "I can do that. Why?"

"Well, I was wondering," he replied. "Would you like to join Hermione

and me as we go and visit them? I really need to properly introduce them

to... not Miss Hermione Granger... but Lady Presumptive Hermione

Granger. I've been a bit remiss in not letting them know."

Surprised and cursing himself for not thinking of it himself, Neville

replied, "Yeah, I can do that. Expect my elf within the hour or so."

As they stopped in front of the floo, Harry smiled again and said,

"Thanks, Nev."

A dash of floo powder into the fireplace, a call of 'Doghouse', a pause of a

few moments and a call of 'Woof Woof' and Harry was gone.

Neville had just given a snort of amusement at the password used when

he heard his father behind him. "You looked like you were starting to get

over your fear of brooms out there."

Spinning about and looking at his Dad, Neville replied, "Yeah; I was,

wasn't I?" And smiled.




Harry had just walked in through the back door at the Grangers' when he

heard Hermione call, "We're in the dinette!"

Making his way up the stairs and heading for the kitchen he discovered

the Grangers had obviously not long sat down.

Hermione looked to him and said, "I was just about to send Dobby to

Neville's to let you know tea was ready."

"Thank you," he smiled. "But, as you can see, I figured it to be ready

about now."

Monica piped up and asked, "Just where is Longbottom Hall, anyway?"

Harry thought about it and replied, "Ummm... It's near the seaside town

of Skegness in Lincolnshire. You know the Longbottoms are of Viking

stock, right? Or, haven't I mentioned that?"

"You haven't mentioned that, no," said Hermione. "But I figured they

must be, considering their manor is named a Hall."

Wendell gave a snort and said, "That's about a five to six hour drive from

here. And you can step in one floo and out the other in a few moments."

As he sat alongside Hermione, Harry gave one of his little knowing

smirks and shrugged. A moment later there was a bowl of thick beef stew

before him with a crusty bread roll alongside. Just the sort of stew to

stick to your insides and the right type of bread to soak the juices of the

stew up.

With a glance at Hermione he said, Neville's sending over a list of the

floo addresses for the other junior members of the Alliance in about an

hour. Then I'll floo call them all this afternoon and see about organising a

visit with each of them for the two of us.

"Why visit them?" she asked. "Why not just write them?"

"Because, my dear sweet Lady Presumptive, I need to introduce you to

them," he replied.

With a frown of confusion she said, "I already know them all, Harry―"

"No," he cut in. "Miss Hermione Granger knows them; Lady Presumptive

Hermione Granger does not. As I said to Neville, I've actually been a little

remiss in not taking you to visit them before now, as I really should have.

But, I hope they'll forgive me considering a lot of that time was

organising and accomplishing the waking of Lord and Lady Longbottom

from their cursed states."

Monica smirked and said, "That... actually... makes a kind of sense."

Wendell, frowning, asked, "You actually have to introduce her?"

"To other Houses of the Alliance? Yes," he replied. "It's the way things are


Hermione sighed and said, "I'm going to have to get dressed up in

wizarding garb again, aren't I?"

"Yes," he replied. "But, not formal, or even semi-formal. They're of allied

Houses so, like the Longbottoms, we go in upmarket casual."

"This is one of those reasons you purchased that clothing for me, wasn't

it?" she almost scowled.

He shrugged, "One of the reasons, yes."

Wendell asked, "You bought her clothes?"

Monica hadn't even batted an eye, so Harry knew she already knew about

the clothes.

"Yes," he simply replied. "As was explained to Hermione at the time... and

confirmed by the aurors who were with us and the sales assistant at

Madam Malkins... Hermione is now a representative of the Noble and

Most Ancient Houses of Black and Potter. She needs to dress the part.

"That's why Sirius and I will be buying her suitable clothing for her role

as Lady Presumptive. Neither of us believe it's something you should be

paying for." With a grin he said, "Don't sweat it. We'll leave the purchase

of her muggle wardrobe to you, still."

Wendell gave a grunt of amusement and clearly accepted the decision

while Monica just grinned back at Harry.




At Longbottom Hall, Neville was sitting down with his parents to their

own afternoon tea.

After discussing a bit about Harry's visit, Alice asked Neville, "Feel more

comfortable on a broom now?"

"Yeah," said Neville. "I'm surprised, really. Harry was right about those

school brooms. I guess they're the real reason why I developed a fear of


"Your grandmother never allowed you to ride one before you went to

school?" asked his father.

"No," he sighed. "She said it was too dangerous and I should wait until I

was taught properly at school."

His father said, "Normally, I might have even agreed with her on that.

However, it sounds as if the brooms at school are in poor condition."

"They're ancient," Neville replied. "I really don't see why they still use


Frank and Alice glanced to one another before Alice said, "That's

something we'll be discussing with Headmistress Marchbanks, Albus

Dumbledore and Madam Hooch when we see them."

Frank thought for a bit before he said, "When you send your letter to

Harry with the floo addresses of the other Heirs of the Alliance who are

still at Hogwarts, I want you to suggest to him you join him when he


"He's already asked and I've already said I would," replied Neville.

Then he thought through why his father was suggesting it and realised

why. "You want me and Harry to show a unified front of the two named

Houses. Harry did exactly the same thing while we were at Hogwarts,

before Gran picked me up to bring me back here after the First Task of

the Tri-Wizard Tournament."

Frank nodded and said, "Precisely. Then, once you two... or, rather,

three... pay your respects, I'll be following up to call the Alliance together

for a meeting a couple of days after Christmas."

Neville thought a bit and asked, "Do you want me to hint at that?"

Frank smiled and glanced at his wife before looking back, "That would be

helpful, yes."

Neville felt good knowing he'd correctly guessed his Dad's intentions.




About half an hour after they'd finished tea, the Longbottom's inside

house elf, Fluxy, popped in before Harry with a note. "From Master

Neville, Lord Potter, Sir," she said.

As he was standing next to the kitchen counter at the time, Harry

gestured to it and said, "On the counter, please, Fluxy. And, thank you."

With a snap of her fingers Fluxy magicked the note to the counter and

popped away again.

Harry immediately drew his wand and cast detection charms over the

note, finding it clear.

Opening it, he saw that Neville had come through for him. He now had

the floo addresses for the Abbotts, Boneses, Davises, and Greengrasses.

Turning around and about to call out to the girl, he saw Hermione was

already leaning on the door-frame of the dinette and smiling at him.

"Good; you're here," he said. "Neville's come through for me." And held

up the note.

About to reach out and pluck it from his fingers, she stopped at the last

moment and almost snatched her hand back. This time she asked, "May


He smiled in pleasure and offered it to her. "Yes, you may."

Taking it she quickly read through it and asked, "To the Doghouse to floo

call them?"

"Definitely," he agreed.




After placing the calls, starting with Bones, he and Hermione had the

visits lined up in short order.

They would visit with Susan at 9.00am, Hannah at 10.30am, return back

to the Grangers' for lunch, visit with Daphne at 1.00pm and Tracey at

2.30pm. As far as he was concerned that would mean a pretty full day.

After pulling his head out of the fire of the last call, to the Greengrasses,

he saw Hermione was sitting in one of the two armchairs now in the

room that sat with their back's to the door with a small side table

between them. She had a lap-table on her lap and was writing on a sheet

of parchment with a quill.

"Is an hour and a half too long or not long enough?" she asked, worrying

at her bottom lip with her teeth.

"As I said, it's more than enough," he said. "Don't forget, I've also told

them each that we'll be visiting the others throughout the day.

"Besides, I told them each almost four weeks ago we'd meet again in a

month. It had slipped all our minds that would have put the date

between Christmas and New Year. That wouldn't have been fair to any of


"By going now I fulfil that desire for us to all meet again, introduce you

as the new Lady Presumptive of the House of Potter, free them of doubt

about whether to recognise you or not when it comes to gifts for

Christmas and allows everyone to not have the meeting hanging over

their head on Christmas Day."

Hermione nodded, recognising the truth in his words.

His last call was to Neville to let him know to be at their place just before

9.00am, or come over at 7.30am if he wanted breakfast with them first.

Plus, who they would be visiting and when.




After Ted had left Bagman's office, the ex-Quidditch star trembled for a

while, downed a couple of shots of firewhiskey and finally floo-called


After hearing what the man was blubbering about, she called him


It took the application of a Calming draught before she could make heads

or tails of what the man was going on about.

"You have to do something," the fat man blubbered.

Marchbanks sighed and said, "I've already done it."

Perking up, Bagman asked, "What?"

"First, I've already discussed the matter with Highmaster Karkaroff and

Headmistress Maxime," she explained. "We have decided there will not be

hostages for the Second Task. They will, instead, rescue an item that is of

importance to each of them."

Bagman immediately sat back, relieved.

He sighed, "Now we just have to figure out what is more important to

them that a hostage."

She frowned at him and snapped, "Foolish man! No, we don't. Have you

even listened to the clue?"

"Of course!" he exclaimed.

She rolled her eyes and sighed, "Bagman, you're an idiot. We ask them, of


"What?" he asked, before he understood. "Oh. But part of the Task is for

them to discover what it is."

"Oh?" she asked, a little snarkily. "And just where in the clue or the rules

does it say that?"

After thinking about it for a few moments he suddenly deflated and

quietly said, "Oh."

Exasperated with the man she said, "Go back to the Ministry, Ludo. And

let those of us who can think things through figure this out."

He left less than a minute later, feeling like a school boy who'd just

disappointed his favourite professor.




With all the House of Potter documents dealt with, both teens found

themselves with little to do.

Harry asked, "So, what do we do with the rest of our day?"

With a small smile on her face, Hermione just shrugged. "Perhaps... What

do you think about the idea of going to see a movie?"

Surprised by the suggestion, Harry thought about it before he replied,

"You know what? Why not? But, is there a cinema within walking


"Yep," she immediately replied. "Down near Centre Court Shopping

Centre, near the train station."

"How do we find out what's on, so we don't just go down there and find

it's some sappy romance, or something?" he asked.

She gave him a funny look and asked, "'Sappy romance', Harry? Really?"

He blushed a little and replied, "Well, it might be something you want to

see, but I'm a bloke. Perhaps, something like a comedy would appeal to us


She gave a snort of amusement and said, "I'll go have a look for a copy of

the home-delivered free local paper and see if it's covered in there. I'm

pretty sure it usually is."

After finding a copy, the two found the advertisements for the local

cinema and found what they wanted to watch. With matching grins, they

rose, alerted their auror detail and Hermione's parents as to where they

were going and left.

As soon as they were out the door, Monica turned to Wendell and said,

"He's finally taking her out on what I'd consider a date."

Wendell sighed and said, "He's been a good boy and not set one foot

wrong. I still worry he will, though."

Monica asked, "What movie have they decided they're going to see?"

Wendell gave a snort and said, "The Santa Clause, would you believe?"

Monica chuckled and said, "Not exactly a romantic movie, is it?"




It had taken a while, but Andi was standing in front of her potions station

in Saint Mungo's smiling at the potion they had just managed to


Taking a deep breath and sigh of relief, she set about bottling the potion

and setting it aside to cool.

It had taken her, the Head Potions Master of the hospital and two of his

third year apprentices to determine how to counteract the potion inside

Remus Lupin and brew the tricky counter-potion.

At first, the Potions Master was against the attempt. However, both his

professional ethics and the desire to solve the challenge brought him into

the project with his two apprentices.

"Damnable nasty thing," grumbled the Potions Master. "And you're saying

this was Albus Dumbledore?"

"It definitely points to it," she nodded, as she ladled the potion.

"Well, I'll be keeping the research notes and how the solution was

developed with hospital records," he huffed. "It's a variant of the potion

he used on Persephone Pomfrey."

"I figured as much," she replied. "It was your development of that potion

that led me to the base for developing this counter-agent."

"And this worked on a werewolf?" he asked.

"Yep," she replied.

"Good to know," he muttered.




When the two teens returned from their visit to the cinema, walking hand

in hand, they were both laughing and generally having a good time.

Monica, first to see them, asked, "Good movie?"

"Funny," grinned Harry. "I really felt for the main character. He was

locked into a contract he had no idea he was being entered into, just like

me. However, his is for life, while mine is just for eight months. It kinda

put things in perspective."

Monica smiled back and said, "At least you took something from it, then."

Harry gave a nod and then clapped and rubbed his hands together

enthusiastically, "Anyway; time to think about what to cook for dinner."

As he spun away, he gave Hermione a quick peck on the cheek, said

"Thanks for both the idea and the company, 'Mione." And quickly left,

heading for the kitchen.

He didn't notice Hermione suddenly blush pink and look away, her father

roll his eyes or Monica smirk at his back.




The four were just sitting down to breakfast the next morning when

Harry felt the alert of the floo and saw one of the aurors jog out the back

towards the Doghouse.

Harry, closest to the window as usual, rose in his seat enough to look out.

As soon as he saw who stepped out ahead of the auror from the ex-shed,

he smiled and called, "Dobby. One more for breakfast, please."

"Yes, Master Harry, Sir," Dobby called back.

"Who is it, Harry?" asked Wendell.

As he was sitting back down, Harry smiled back and said, "Neville's just

turned up."

Less than a minute later, the boy walked in through the door closest to

the stairs that led down to the lower ground floor. "Good morning!" he

greeted them all with a smile.

It took less than a moment for both Harry and Hermione to see the boy

now moved with an almost assured confidence. He was also dressed

wizarding casual, but of decent quality.

"Good morning, Neville," said Hermione. "Take a seat, if you would. Still


Sitting on the chair at the end of one side of the table, he smiled back

and replied, "According to my Mum, I'm always hungry."

Immediately a plate appeared before him with poached eggs and grilled

bacon on toast. A cup of tea appeared near his right hand, but further


Monica gave a snort and quietly said, "Typical teenage boy, then."

Neville just grinned, gave a shrug and picked up his cutlery.

Hermione asked, "Everything settling down at the Hall?"

With his mouth already full, Neville just nodded back.

A little while later he suddenly perked up, swallowed what was in his

mouth at the time and said, "Oh! I meant to tell you when you came over

to go broom riding. That sweet drink and the popcorn I ate when I was

over here last time?"

When Harry smirked and nodded, he continued, "It caused me to fall

asleep right after dinner. Is that what you meant by 'sugar crash'?"

Harry laughed and replied, "Yup. I hope your parents weren't too upset

about that."

He grinned and replied, "Nope. They thought it was hilarious."

Hermione then had to explain to her parents what happened. They, too,

thought it was funny.

Once breakfast was complete and the Daily Prophet read, it was time for

the three teens to head down to the Doghouse to floo to Bones Manor. It

was 8.57am.




37. Visiting Peers

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to the proverbial Duchess of

Magic, JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high

falutin' companies. No matter how much I whine about not owning anything

related to the HP universe, other than a few fanfic plots, I do not profess to

own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful

world... Damn it!

Chapter Thirty Seven - Visiting Peers




A few seconds after 9.00am, Harry shot out of the floo into the Bones

Manor welcoming hall... and crashed into a side table.

"Ow!" he exclaimed, once he came to a stop.

Before he could do more than roll back onto his back he heard Sue Bones

lightly laughing at his misfortune. She was standing just behind the first

auror - the one who stepped through the floo ahead of Harry.

That's when Neville, followed by Hermione, followed by the second

auror, all stepped out of the floo in quick succession.

As Harry gingerly climbed back to his feet, Neville was grinning at him.

"I think I should step through first next time, Harry. Just so I can clear a

path for you for when you... arrive."

"Yeah, yeah," he grumbled, massaging the shoulder he'd collided the side

table with.

Still snickering, Sue said, "That was hilarious!"

Harry just grumbled and said, "I just don't understand it. How is it that

doesn't happen to anyone else?"

Harry then heard, "There's a trick to it, Lord Potter. You need to be


When he spun to the voice it was to see Amelia Bones standing behind a


"Sorry, Madam Bones," he said. "I did not see you there when I..."

She smirked and asked, "Landed?"

When he gave a sheepish nod back she said, "That was intentional. I

always use disillusionment when expecting guests. I'd only just dispelled

it before I spoke."

Finally shaking the embarrassment of his arrival off, Harry cleared his

throat a little and turned to Susan. "Miss Bones, thank you for allowing us

the opportunity to visit with you, today."

She just laughed again and said, "You don't need to be so formal, Harry."

""Ummm..." he muttered. "First meeting―"

"That was at Hogwarts, Harry," she interrupted him. "Remember? You

yelled at us all for failing to keep to the intent of the Alliance Charter."

"Ah!" he said, blushing a little. "Yeah... sorry about that."

"Don't be," she replied. "You were right. We did all deserve a kick in the

bum and you were the one to give it to us."

"Well," he said, "I hope the others are as forgiving as you."

"They are," she smiled. "We've been talking, since that day. We all

recognise you were in the right. And we all recognise you could have

come down a lot harder on us all.

"I know that Hannah, Daphne and Tracey have all spoken to their parents

about it. And, between us, we know that their parents are quite relieved

you didn't ask for more than you did."

Neville cut in and said, "She's telling the truth, Harry. I was involved in

some of those discussions."

As Harry nodded, Amelia cut in, "Now that you three have safely arrived,

I need to head into the office."

Then she turned to Harry and, with a slight scowl, said, "I'm still dealing

with the problems relating to having to rebuild the Floo Network

Authority. I ended up having to arrest, charge and-or fire almost

everyone who worked there."

Harry didn't bother to reply. He knew that whatever he said, wouldn't

make a difference.

She kissed Susan on the crown of her head and exited via the floo direct

to her office in the DMLE.

After she was gone, Harry perked up and said, "Now, where are my

manners? Susan..." Indicating Hermione he said, "I know you and

Hermione already know each other. But, this is Lady Presumptive

Hermione Granger magical ward of the Lord of the Noble and Most

Ancient House of Black and betrothed of the Lord of the Noble and Most

Ancient House of Potter."

Susan gave a short excited squeal and jumped forward to hug Hermione.

"Congratulations!" she exclaimed.

Hermione blushed and said, "Well, it came as a bit of surprise to me." As

Susan backed off again she frowned at Harry and continued, "It was

arranged between Harry, Sirius and my father before I even knew what

was going on."

Susan shrugged and said, "That's normal."

The way she said it had Hermione speechless.

"It's normal?" she squeaked, partly in shock and partly in outrage.

"Yes, Hermione; normal," the other witch calmly replied. "At least, it's

normal for the wizarding world."

"But... that's... that's―" stuttered Hermione.

"Normal," Susan firmly cut her off. "I understand it's not normal in the

muggle world. But, this is not the muggle world, is it?"

Hermione didn't know what to say, so just stood there.

Into the sudden silence, Harry said, "I've also told Hermione about Line

Continuation clauses and Concubine Bond Agreements and Contracts.

She's been having even more trouble with those two."

After a quick glance at Neville, Susan turned her attention to Harry and

said, "Yeah; I can understand that."

Harry had noticed the quick glance to the other boy and determined from

it he was right. Bones had her sights on Neville for a Line Continuation or

Concubine Bond Agreement/Contract, or both.

As she guided the other three to sit on couches and armchairs, Susan

looked to Hermione and asked, "Did Harry explain why such exists?"

As Hermione gave a pretty accurate rendition of what Harry had told her,

Susan had called for a house elf to serve them a light morning tea.

"So," said Hermione, winding down. "I know that besides your aunt,

you're the last of the Boneses, does this mean you'll have to enter into one

of these sorts of conditions or agreements?"

Harry winced, as did Neville, and gestured to Hermione not to ask; but

Susan both heard the question and saw Harry trying to get his betrothed

to back off. Hermione clearly did not understand why.

"First, Hermione," Susan finally began to explain, "You should know that

the question you just asked is considered quite rude in the magical


That startled Hermione and she immediately blushed. "Oh! I'm so sorry! I


She stopped as soon as Susan raised a hand to stop her.

"You've asked and you now know," she calmly said. "However, to answer

your question, yes. I'm well aware of the need to continue the line of

Bones. Auntie made sure I've known I'd need at least one of those since I

was a little girl.

"But, please don't ask which of those is the likely choice, as that would be

even more personal, alright?"

Still blushing, Hermione could only nod while looking down in

embarrassment. "Again, sorry. I just find it all so interesting."

After finishing their cups of tea, Susan led them on a tour of the manor

and the grounds, pointing out things of interest. Harry was surprised to

discover Amelia had a rather large collection of antique auror and police

paraphernalia and was quite proud of it.

"It's one of Auntie's passions," explained Susan.

When the time was getting close the three were starting to make ready to

go when Harry said, "Thank you for allowing us to visit, Susan. And for

allowing me the opportunity to introduce Lady Presumptive Hermione. It

is much appreciated. We shall show ourselves out, yes?"

Susan smiled and said, "Actually, I'm coming with you. Hannah and I will

be spending lunch and the afternoon together, once you've gone."

Harry gave a firm nod and said, "I've noticed the two of you are friends."

"Yes," she replied. "Because of Auntie's work Hannah's Mum, Pauline, was

my babysitter right up until I started Hogwarts. I've come to see their

home as a second home."

A quick Tempus later and Harry announced, "Seconds to go until ten

thirty. Who's going first?"

Susan promptly replied, "Auror, me, Neville, Harry, Hermione, auror."

Harry didn't have a problem with it, but frowned when Neville said,

"Give us about fifteen seconds, at least, before you step through, Harry."

And grinned in amusement.

Harry gave a huff, folded his arms and rolled his eyes.




Waiting the fifteen seconds after Neville stepped through to the home of

the Abbotts, Harry calmly tossed in the floo powder, called, "Abbott's

Ford," waited until the connection was made and declared, "Hufflepuffs

rule!" Then stepped in.

This time he managed not to be flipped onto his back as he exited the

floo, but skidded across the polished wooden floors on his knees and toes.

However, that was more to do with twisting against the spin to counter it

than anything else.

As he popped to his feet he grinned and said, "Getting better!"

Looking around he was just in time to see Hermione quite agilely step

with an almost hop out of the floo as if she'd been doing it for her whole

life. Susan and Hannah were hugging one another while Neville was

moving furniture back into place he had obviously moved to make way

for Harry's 'entrance'.

Susan gestured for Harry to join her, who did.

"Harry," she said, "This lady is Missus Pauline Abbott of the Ancient

House of Abbott."

Though he knew the woman to be a halfblood and that she did not

expect the respect, as she offered her hand for a handshake with a slight

but wistful smile on her face, Harry took it, turned it over to be face

down, raised it to his lips as he bent forward and lightly placed the

gentlest of kisses to the back of her knuckles.

As he released her hand and straightened up she brought her hand to her

chest while she deeply blushed, while looking back at him in surprised


He calmly smiled and, while looking into her eyes, said, "It is a pleasure

to meet you, Missus Abbott."

"I..." she softly began. "Th-thank you." Harry could hear the deep

gratitude in her voice.

As Harry stepped away a little to his right, Susan introduced Neville; who

stepped forward and performed the same greeting.

As the woman was recovering from that, Harry turned to his left and

gestured to Hermione. He said, "I am pleased to introduce to you, Missus

Abbott, Lady Presumptive Hermione Granger, magical ward of the Lord

of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black and betrothed of the Lord

of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Potter; myself."

Again shocked, she turned to Hermione and offered her hand to her.

Hermione stepped forward and almost casually shook it. "Thank you for

allowing us to visit with Hannah in your home, Missus Abbott."

"Ummm..." said the woman. "You're welcome."

Harry, then Neville, had clearly thrown the woman for a loop.

Though Susan had then headed direct to Hannah and begun to whisper in

the girl's ear as Harry and Neville introduced themselves to her mother,

Hannah finally stepped forward. Whatever the two girls spoke about had

both of them slightly blushing.

Softly smiling at the girl, Harry greeted her, "Hello Hannah."

"Hello Harry," she grinned. Then she turned to Neville and Harry could

see the blush develop a bit more. She quietly said, "Neville."

That Neville was also blushing a little was not, when Harry

surreptitiously eyed her, lost on the older woman who'd watched the

whole thing. The slight cocking of an eyebrow, even when trying to get

her own blush under control, was obvious when he closely watched her

for her reaction.

'Yup,' he thought with glee. 'She's figured it out.'

Now he just had to talk to Frank about it and hope he'd speak with Alice.

That was one talk he did not want to have with his godmother.




While Harry, Hermione and Susan were visiting Hannah and her mother -

her father, Eugene, was at work - Andi was meeting with Remus at St

Mungo's. She called him in only half an hour earlier through the same

method Harry used, 'house elf express' mail.

At that time, Remus was in a private room off one of the wards. He had

no idea Sirius was paying for the room and treatment, though greatly

reduced in pricing, and likely never would.

Andi was standing holding a large vial while Remus had removed his

shoes and was lying down on the single bed in the room.

He asked, "How long will this take, Healer Tonks?"

"I've little idea," she immediately replied. "However, a similar neutralising

potion was given to two others and it took just over two hours for them

to come around again. Your lycanthropy may shorten or lengthen that

time; we don't know."

Once he appeared comfortable, Andi stepped forward and offered the

vial. "All at once, Mister Lupin."

Remus accepted it, looked to her to see if he could detect any hint of

dishonesty on her face and immediately felt ashamed with himself for

thinking such. The woman had, after all, put considerable effort into

helping him.

With a snort of self-amusement he 'toasted' her with the vial and

declared, "Cheers!" And downed it one big gulp.

While Andi looked back at him in amusement, she accepted the offered

empty vial back and watched as he laid back. A few moments later he

was asleep.

As soon as he was asleep, she brought out a dicta-quill and parchment,

set them up and began running diagnostic tests over him.

While monitoring she began to speak for the purpose of the written

record. "Patient Remus John Lupin, known as Patient X11, has now taken

experimental potion xp2385. As expected he was asleep in moments.

Monitoring charms show he immediately fell into REM state. Heartbeat

steady at 65 beats per minute. Breathing deep and regular.

"Potion now dispersing throughout the body but, as expected, focussing

mainly on the brain; specifically the amygdala and the anterior cingulate

cortex. Potion is also moving into the fatty tissues of the body as

expected for attacking an alchemical-based compound. And now also

moving into the prefrontal cortex..."

Andi stayed with Remus and kept a close eye on her monitoring charms.

Counter-acting the effects of alchemical-based potions, mainly because of

the dearth of qualified Alchemists these days, was an area of expertise

she was quite happy to study. She knew there would be articles for her to

write in the future for both potions and healing journals. She was not a

Slytherin for nothing.




After visiting longer than expected with Hannah and the Abbotts, with

Neville and Hannah choosing to spend a lot of their time close to one

another, as pre-warned Susan decided to stay and have lunch with the

Abbotts while the other three visiting teens, together with the escorting

aurors, returned to the Granger residence.

As they were walking from the Doghouse back up the backyard to the

house, Hermione said to Neville, "If you wanted to stay with Hannah and

Susan at the Abbotts, we wouldn't have minded, Neville."

Though grateful, Neville shook his head and replied, "No, Dad has me

tasked with ensuring the adults of the Alliance are informed he will be

calling a proper meeting of the allied Houses soon after Christmas. As

Heir, it's my duty to ensure I do that."

Just before they stepped inside, Harry allowed Hermione to precede them

as he corralled Neville for a moment.

As the blonde-haired boy looked at him with a calm but quizzical

expression, Harry got right to the point. "How long have you been head

over heels for Hannah?"

Neville gaped back in shock for a moment before he blushed and

stammered, "Ummm... Errr―"

"It's alright, Neville," Harry was quick to assure his friend. "I don't think

anyone else but me and Missus Abbott know that yet."

This time the boy's blush turned into a blanche. "Sh-she... knows?"

"I was watching her face, today," he replied with a soft smile. "I could tell

the moment she figured it out."

Neville seemed to shrink on himself for a moment and nodded.

Harry grinned even more, though. "Neville, you should also know that

Missus Abbott only figured it out by seeing the reaction in Hannah; not

you. For your information, Heir Longbottom, Miss Hannah Abbott's

feelings for you are pretty much the same as yours are for her."

Again, Neville stared back in shock.

Harry chuckled and said, "Don't be so surprised, Neville. Hannah's smitten

with you. And I think it's something you need to come clean about with

your parents."

This time Neville looked worried, but he still hadn't said anything either


Again chuckling, Harry said, "They're not going to tell you off for it.

Hannah's a good catch! That she's also the daughter of an allied House is

going to go a long way towards them being fully supportive of you and

her developing a relationship.

"Now; suck it up, Gryffindor! Let's go in and have lunch. We're expected

at the Greengrasses' at 1.00pm."

Though Neville at first was worried, Harry reminding him of his

Gryffindor roots had the boy 'man up' and nod his head back.

Harry then led the two of them inside for lunch.

However, when he tried to head to the kitchen to cook, Dobby popped in

and said, "Too late, Master Harry, Sir."

"Damn it!"

Hermione laughed.




After waking from the neutralising potion given to him by Andi, Remus

was 'spitting chips'.

It was only after he'd finally wound down from cursing and swearing at

what Dumbledore had done to him - which took a good ten minutes -

that Sirius finally entered the room to check on his friend.

Remus immediately snarled at him, "What are we going to do to that goat

raping, white whiskered, arse licking, excuse for a manipulative old


Sirius grinned and said, "Welcome back, Moony."

"Yeah, yeah," Remus grumbled. "Now, answer the bloody question!"

Sirius smirked and asked right back, "What makes you think it's not

already being done?"




Stepping out after Neville in the Greengrass manor welcoming room, this

time Harry only slid about ten feet on his knees off at an angle as he

exited the floo.

"Ha!" he declared, jumping to his feet. "I think I'm starting to get used to

this flooing malarkey!"

That had the others in the room all laughing as he grinned at them.

As Hermione stepped out she immediately asked, "What did he break?"

That set them all off again.

Neville did the introductions this time. He was first, as was proper,

introduced to Lord Samuel Greengrass. Then to Lady Adeline, his wife.

Harry stepped forward and shook Lord Greengrass's hand before bending

over and kissing the knuckles of Adeline's hand.

Though it was unusual, he then introduced them both to Hermione as his

Lady Presumptive. Then he moved on to kiss the back of the knuckles of

both Daphne and Astoria, her younger sister and only sibling.

"Lady Presumptive," said Daphne. "We read about the Betrothal


"Yes," replied Harry. "It's so she will be protected. It also has specific

clauses which will allow either of us to easily cancel it if either of us wish

to do so."

"Clever," said Samuel.

Adeline looked to Hermione and asked, "I take it, it was explained to you

what it means for your standing in our world?"

Hermione, though she blushed a little, firmly looked back and nodded.

"Yes; for all intents and purposes I'm now recognised as having the

standing of a Lady of a Noble and Most Ancient House."

Harry quickly added, "But, she doesn't need the Betrothal Agreement to

accomplish that. Hermione's also the magical ward of Lord Sirius Black of

the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black."

Samuel gave a low whistle. "That's quite a jump."

Hermione obviously thought it was a slight on her being a muggleborn;

because she frowned and almost, but not quite, snapped back, "It's for my


Samuel, realising how his words were taken, didn't take umbrage.

Instead, he was quick to apologise. "My apologies, Miss Granger. I did not

mean for my words to be taken as they were. It was merely a comment

on the unusual situation."

Harry was quick to say, "The same thing happened a decade and a half

ago, Sir, when my mother was brought into the Potter family through a

similar Betrothal Agreement."

"I did not know that, Lord Potter," said a clearly surprised Samuel

Greengrass. "I knew, of course, of the marriage of your mother to your

father - after all, I was at their handfasting - but, I did not know a

Betrothal Agreement existed between the two."

Harry gave a slight nod and said, "Discovering and reading their

Betrothal Agreement slash Contract was what aided me in the decision to

agree to a similar arrangement with Hermione."

Hermione was frowning in confusion. "I'm sorry, I don't understand. If the

House of Greengrass is one of the founding Houses of the alliance, how is

it you didn't know of the contract between Harry's parents?"

Before Harry even had a chance to think of an answer, Samuel smiled

and replied, "Just because our Houses are in alliance, does not mean we

are privy to internal House matters of any other House... or Houses."

Harry added, "That's what I was telling you about before, Hermione,

when I mention that... now that Frank Longbottom is back as Head of

House for Longbottom... it is not for us to know what he chooses to do

about Dowager Lady Augusta. It's an internal matter."

The sudden understanding was clear to see on Hermione's face when she

nodded and softly said, "Ah."

Then she thought and asked, "But, wouldn't our betrothal also be an

internal matter?"

"Good question," he smiled. "It is. However, that just means it was my

place to choose whether or not to inform the other Houses of the alliance.

I decided it was in all our interests to do so. The Daily Prophet were being

quite rude when they jumped the dueller's flag and published it."

Samuel piped in and asked, "And, just why did you decide that?"

"Because Daphne and Astoria, especially, needed to know that for when

we return to Hogwarts - if we return to Hogwarts," he replied. "I'm hoping

they can use their Slytherin skills and contacts to ensure their own

House, at least, is made aware of the betrothal as soon as possible on our


"If you return to Hogwarts?" asked Samuel.

Both teens nodded, but it was left to Harry to answer. "If."

Hermione added, "With Dumbledore still there, we really have no desire

for either of us, especially Harry, to be within reach of that man."

Adeline asked, "But, what about your education?"

Harry wryly smiled and replied, "Tutors. It's not as if I cannot afford


Neither teens saw the quick expression of worry pass over Daphne's face.




Ted was sitting in his office when his private floo connection activated.

"Yes?" he immediately asked.

Recognised at the other end of the call as the head of the contracted

warders for the Potter Cottage, Ted heard the man reply, "It's Barton. The

Fidelius just went up."

Suddenly a slip of parchment was tossed through.

"That's the address," Barton immediately said. "You'll want to read that."

Remembering he had contracted the company for a job, he now realised

he couldn't remember where or what the place was; only that he needed

to let Amelia Bones know of it.

"Thank you," he replied. "I'll let Bones know, right away."

The face gave a nod and withdrew; and the flames immediately reverted

to orange again.

Summoning the slip of parchment up from the hearth, Ted read the

address and felt the information slip back into his conscious again. 'Ah!'

he thought.

Rising from his chair, he walked out into the main office space of his

offices and told his secretary, "I'm going to the Ministry. I should be back

within the hour."

"Yes, sir," called the witch.




"What the bloody hell do you mean he has the right to do this?" barked

Bones. She was both stunned and appalled at what she was hearing.

Ted, who had just recently sat in the chair opposite her desk, smirked

back. "Lord Potter has decided it is time to protect his assets and has had

the Potter Cottage placed under a Fidelius while the property is being

repaired and the ward scheme updated."

Bones spluttered, "But, the Ministry now owns the property!"

Ted slowly shook his head and replied, "No, it doesn't." And drew out the

small folio of documents that showed that the Ministry never purchased

the Potter Cottage from the Potter Holdings, as they should have done.

He then lobbed it onto Bones's desk for her to peruse.

Quickly flipping through the documentation, Bones discovered that Ted

was correct. The Ministry did not purchase the property; indeed, it

appeared they'd made a horrible mistake and effectively tried to steal it.

She now felt a new headache coming on.

Placing her elbows on the desk and massaging her temples with the tips

of her fingers, she didn't even realise she'd closed her eyes until she

opened them again and sighed.

Looking back at wizarding Britain's new most powerful barrister, she

asked, "And you're telling me this, why?"

Ted shrugged and replied, "Lord Potter did not want you to learn of this

when some panicky Ministry flunky burst into your office and declared

Potter Cottage had gone missing. He wanted you to be fully briefed on

the truth of it, so you could then prepare yourself for when... not if... that

flunky burst in.

"He's giving you the chance to get ahead of this and prepare your own

Ministerial briefing, press release, whatever. That way the public won't

go thinking you were caught 'flat-footed'."

"I can't press upon you how important it is for Lord Potter to return the

Cottage back to us?" she almost begged.

Ted again shook his head and replied, "He cannot return to you that

which you didn't have in the first place. While the Wizengamot ordered

the Ministry to acquire the cottage, the Ministry didn't do that.

"However, if you persist in pushing the concept that the Ministry did take

possession of the cottage, then you are automatically admitting the

Ministry stole it; irrespective of how accidental that was. As such, you'll

need to arrest all those who were involved in the theft.

"And, even then, as the rightful owner of the stolen property, Lord Potter

has an ironclad claim to take the property back and deal with it as he

wishes. Of course, the Ministry might then and now want to go ahead

and purchase the property, after all. But, Lord Potter is under no

obligation to sell it, let alone to the Ministry."

With another sigh, Bones leaned back in her chair and begged, "Do you

and Lord Potter have a way for me... the Ministry... to come out of this

not looking like an individual or collection of daft morons again?"

Ted openly grinned and handed her another sheet of parchment.




After spending a little more time with the Greengrasses, the three teens -

with Daphne accompanying them, this time - flooed through to the


In a scene similar to when they flooed from Bones Manor to Abbott's

Ford, Daphne immediately sought out Tracey. And the two almost

immediately started whispering to one another.

The subject was easy to determine, when Tracey developed an expression

of shock and immediately stared at Harry. She did, however, also cast a

glance at Hermione. Though, this time it wasn't such a surprise for the


After meeting with the Davis adults, Heathcliff and Lydia, and speaking

with them for a little while, Harry joined the other four teens and was

given a short tour of the Davis Estate. Their lands were extensive.

While not a noble House, Davis was a rich Ancient House that truly

deserved the noble title. The only reason they didn't get it was because

the Davises bonded as frequently with muggleborns as the Potters; but,

unlike the Potters, did it before attaining the noble title. Their denial of

the noble title was more a smack-down because of that than anything





After their visit with the Davises, while Harry and Hermione flooed back

to the Granger residence, Neville flooed directly home.

Once the two teens walked in through the back door, Harry headed

directly to the kitchen and, noticing Dobby had not made a start on

dinner, happily made a start himself. Before long he was humming a tune

he'd heard on the radio the previous night and was preparing a rack of

lamb ribs. Today he was using a sugar-reduced plum conserve with an

infusion of rosemary, firmly massaging the concoction into the ribs.

He had no idea Hermione had taken the little elf aside just after lunch

and made sure Dobby knew to 'allow' Harry to cook dinner that evening,

while Harry was suggesting to Neville he join them for a shopping trip to

the muggle world a few days after Christmas. That talk was along similar

lines to the ones she'd been having with the elf over the past week plus,

including the previous day.

Hermione walked in and asked if she could help by peeling the

vegetables again. A job Harry was happy to allow her to do.

When she saw how much plum conserve he was using she asked, "Won't

that make it overly sweet?"

"Nope," he smiled back. "The sugar will caramelise and, for the most part,

allow the flavour of the plums to come forward. The rosemary will also

act to neutralise the sugar a fair bit, too.

"I know your parents like to keep sugar intake down; but, I think this'll

still work, due to most of the sugar being burned off in the process."




After putting the dinner on to slow roast, Harry made sure his hands

were completely clean of the sticky concoction and called on Dobby to

make dessert.

Then he went and collected parchment, ink and quills and sat at the

dinette table.

He'd decided to write a letter to Headmistress Lady Marchbanks to

organise a meeting. He thought he and Hermione needed to visit her in

person to let her know of their plans not to return to the school once it

recommenced. He liked her and didn't want news of their withdrawal to

surprise the woman.

As he was writing, Hermione came and sat down beside him and was

about to read over his shoulder, when she suddenly stopped.

Instead, she asked, "Mind if I read while you write?"

He immediately turned to her with a smile and said, "Thank you for

asking. And, yes, you may."

~ # ~

Lady Griselda Marchbanks


Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Scotland, United Kingdom


My betrothed, Miss Hermione Granger, and I seek permission to meet with you

at your convenience in the very near future. We wish to discuss with you what

we are planning to do with regards to our further education.

No doubt you are aware I hold no regard for at least one of your professors,

Professor Albus Dumbledore, and do not wish to entangle myself or my

betrothed in a situation that can easily be avoided. I feel the man represents

too much of a threat to me at present.

I, accompanied by my betrothed, seek an audience with you so you are aware

of our decision well before it becomes public. We both hold you in high regard

and wish to ensure ourselves you are not tarnished as a result of our actions.

We have access to a floo.

Yours sincerely,

Lord Harrison J Potter

Lord of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Potter

c/- Granger Residence, Wimbledon

~ # ~

As he finished and sat back, he asked, "What do you think?"

She thought for a few moments longer as she reread the letter. Then

replied, "Just the right amount of foreboding, I think. Are you using

Hedwig or Dobby?"

"Too close to Christmas not to need an immediate delivery; so, Dobby,"

he replied.

After signing the letter he folded it into an envelope and called Dobby to

deliver it for him. Dobby, of course, was happy to comply.




While she was sending off the last of the acceptance letters for new staff

at Hogwarts, Dobby popped in alongside Marchbanks's desk.

Marchbanks immediately turned to him and asked, "Hello. What brings

you here?"

Dobby immediately offered the letter and replied, "A letter for you from

the Great Master Harry Potter, Sir, Lady Headmistresses, Ma'am."

With barely a change of expression, Marchbanks plucked the letter out of

Dobby's fingers and muttered, "Thank you." Then turned away as Dobby

popped away again.

Flicking it open she used the charm to straighten and smooth the sheet

out before beginning to read.

"Hmmm," she muttered. "Expected."

She then set the letter aside and began to write a response.




About ten minutes later a Hogwarts house elf popped in to the Granger

home next to Harry, who was still sitting at the dinette, and offered him

a letter.

"From new Headmistress Lady," said the elf.

Harry gestured to the table before him and said, "On the table, please."

As soon as the letter appeared there, he said, "Thank you." And the elf

popped away again.

Unusually, he didn't ask for the name of the elf. It was pointless as there

was over a hundred elves working in Hogwarts and they all pretty much

worked as one succinct unit. So, it was very likely that, if he received

another letter from Hogwarts, a different elf would deliver it.

A quick few detection charms on the letter showed nothing amiss, so he

quickly opened it and read.

~ # ~

Lord Harrison James Potter

Lord of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Potter

c/- Miss Hermione Granger

Wimbledon, England

Lord Potter,

Thank you for you letter.

Relating to your request, I shall be available at 9.00am tomorrow morning to

meet with you in my secure office.

The floo address is Headmistress's Office, Hogwarts. And the password for

your visit will be 'Albus is a naughty boy'.

With much pleasure I look forward to meeting with you and Miss Granger at

that time.

Lady Griselda Marchbanks


Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

~ # ~

As Hermione walked in, Harry silently offered her the letter. And, after

accepting it, she was quick to read it.

Looking over the top of it to him as she lowered it, she said, "Her

mention of how her office is secure is telling."

"Yup," he agreed. "She was telling us Albus won't be anywhere near the

meeting without specifically saying so."




Over and down in the Department of Mysteries, Scimitar walked in to his

Section and said, "Knight's Shadow have a report for us."

That had the others all perk up and set aside what they were working on.

Referencing his note he said, "The young Knight and the Bookworm,

together with the Plant Prodigy, spent the day visiting the other heirs of

the major houses in the alliance. Ostensibly, it was to introduce

Bookworm as the Lady Presumptive of Potter.

"However, Leo used his heir to inform the others he will be calling for a

meeting of the alliance for very soon after Christmas Day."

"Any significance on that time?" asked on of the strategists.

"None," replied, Scimitar. "Apparently, the date was chosen for

convenience. There does not appear to be any other reason we can


"At the same time White Knight had Legal Eagle report to Monocle that

he's taken back Potter Cottage as his rightful property. We checked and

the place has disappeared under a Fidelius."

That had one of the Team give a low whistle.

Another asked, "He had the right to do that?"

"Yep," nodded Scimitar. "Apparently, immediately after the events of that

Hallowe'en, the Ministry moved in to secure the property. The fuddy-

duddies ordered it be acquired as a site of importance, but the Ministry

did not purchase the property."

The other nodded and added, "And, therefore, they did not own the

property. It still remained the property of the young Knight. I bet that


Scimitar replied, "Apparently, after being informed, Monocle went on a

tear through the relevant departments with a demand to explain. No

one's been able to provide her with a logical answer, other than it was a

simple mistake."

"A costly one," said another.

A third asked, "What's the fall out?"

"Very little," replied Scimitar. "Legal Eagle was merely letting Monocle

know it had happened so she could prepare for the fall out that's to come.

There's nothing she can do to stop it."

"And that's what's got her riled," sighed the third, clearly understanding.




The Daily Prophet, the next morning, contained an article that was almost

word-perfect of the media release Ted Tonks wrote for Harry and Amelia


~ # ~


At lunch time, yesterday, Lord Harrison Potter accepted back possession of

Potter Cottage in Godric's Hollow writes Wesley Suddershaw, political


"I'm very thankful to Acting Madam Minister Amelia Bones for graciously

returning possession of my parents final home to me and the Potter family,"

said Lord Potter. "Being able to stand where my parents last lived is a

wonderful gift to have. I now have a better understanding of the hardship they

endured throughout the last few months of their lives."

Acting Madam Minister of Magic, Amelia Bones, said, "After a decade of

being held by the Ministry as a place of historic record, from this time forth

the true monument to the sacrifice of the Potters will be the one that sits in the

main square of the town. This is just as it should be. Lord Potter's property is

back under his rightful and lawful control."


~ # ~

After reading the article, Harry smirked and handed the paper to


Accepting it, Hermione asked, "She agreed with it being published?"

"She did," he nodded. "She really had no other choice."

"You know she's going to hate you even more now, right?" she asked.

"She doesn't hate me, Love," he disagreed. "That's just her frustration at

the situations that keep coming up. She's struggling to keep on top of it


"However, if she was to temporarily pass off DMLE Director to Head and

Master Auror Scrimgeour so she could dedicate more time to the Acting

Ministership, she'd find she'd have the time," he explained. "It's her...

apparent unwillingness... to do that which is causing her problems; not

me, Ted or Sirius 'dumping' on her."

Hermione thought about t for a few seconds before she simply nodded in





At a couple of minutes to 9.00am, the two teens made their way down to

the Doghouse ready to floo through to Hogwarts.

Their auror escort for the day were only two of the three, with the other

remaining with the adult Grangers in the house.

As the appointed hour arrived, the senior of the two said to the two

teens, "Wait for me to floo back and let you know it's safe before you

come through. While I somewhat trust Lady Marchbanks, that does not

mean Dumbledore is not somehow controlling her at the moment."

When both nodded back, he dashed in floo powder and was gone

moments later.

Fifteen seconds later, he was back.

"It's safe," he declared, before he spun on the spot and again dashed floo

powder in the grate.

Again Harry waited a few seconds before following. But this time, by

whatever miracle, he only managed to stagger a little on stepping out at

the other end.

Seconds later, Hermione daintily stepped out of the floo with the second

auror right on her heels.

Hermione smiled at him over the fact he was still on his feet and said,

"You're obviously getting better, Harry."

Before Harry could respond, from where she was sitting at her desk,

Marchbanks said, "Welcome Lord Potter, Miss Granger." She ignored the

aurors, which was actually the right thing to do.

"Good morning, Lady Headmistress," both replied.

Harry added, "Thank you for agreeing to meet with us, Ma'am."

Giving a smile and nod back, Marchbanks indicated the seats before her

desk and said, "Please, sit."

When both did as the two aurors took up positions near the door and to

the side of Marchbanks's desk, she said, "I believe you have information

for me. However, I believe I am safe to assume it is that you wish to

withdraw from Hogwarts."

Somewhat surprised she'd so easily guessed, Harry replied, "Yes, Ma'am.

That is exactly what we wished to speak with you about."

She gave a small smile back, seemed to hesitate while she thought

something through and then said, "It may interest you to know that I

have already been given permission by the School Board to fire Albus

Dumbledore for breaching the conditions of his tenure.

"I have not done so, so that I can force him to remain in the school under

threat that I will fire him if he keeps stepping out of line.

"Do you know why?"

Hermione gave a gasp of surprise and replied, "You've done that,

practically placed him under house arrest, so he cannot bother Harry."

Marchbanks smiled and gave a nod. "If you can work that out, then you

should also be able to work out when I am actually going to fire him."

"The day the school re-opens," Hermione promptly replied. "That's very


Marchbanks gave another head tilt to Hermione in recognition and said,


She looked directly at Harry again and said, "I felt, keeping him out of

your hair as much as possible was just a little something I could do to

thank you for bringing everything to light, as you did."

Harry gave a huff of amusement, smiled and said, "It wasn't a little

something, it was a big something. Thank you, for that."

Again, she gave a nod of acceptance. "Now that you're aware that Albus

Dumbledore will not be within the castle... or even the grounds... on the

day the school re-opens, I hope you might reconsider your unspoken as of

yet desire to withdraw from Hogwarts."

After Harry and Hermione stared at one another for a long moment,

where to Harry it was clear Hermione really wanted to return to the

school, he turned back and said, "There's still the issue of Dumbledore's

phoenix, Fawkes. I know Dumbledore can use him to flame travel―"

Marchbanks had raised her hand in a stop gesture and appeared to be

smirking. That's what stopped Harry, mid sentence.

"Fawkes has broken his bond with Albus, remember?" she simply said. "I

believe both that it was published in the Daily Prophet and that it had a

lot to do with something you sent him."

Harry groaned about forgetting about the severed Phoenix bond but, on

hearing it had something to do with something he'd sent the old git, both

teens looked back with both hope and confusion. Marchbanks withdrew

from under her desk blotter a sheet of parchment. And handed it to


When he accepted it and turned it to read it, he recognised it was the

letter he'd sent Dumbledore after the old man tried to abduct him via


Looking up in shock he asked, "You confirm it then? My letter caused

Fawkes to break the bond?"

She grinned and replied, "I believe it was Dumbledore's reaction to the

letter that caused Fawkes to break the bond."

Harry gave a snort of amusement and continued to look down at the

letter. That's when he remembered something. "Headmistress, do you

mind if I take a copy of this? My prospective father-in-bond wanted a

copy of it."

After Harry handed the letter back, Marchbanks created the copy and,

without a word, handed it to Harry.

"Now, without Fawkes's aid, Dumbledore cannot enter the school," said


Hermione cut in and asked, "What about the tunnels?"

Marchbanks froze, turned a direct look on Hermione and quietly asked,


Hermione gave a nod and said, "There's the tunnel that goes from under

the Whomping Willow out on the grounds halfway between the mains

doors of the castle and the front gate. That one goes into the basement of

the shrieking shack. Dumbledore built that one back in the early 1970's.

"Then there's the one that goes from behind the hump-backed witch

statue on the third floor to the basement of Honeydukes. No idea how

long that one's been there. Or the one behind the statue of Gregory the

Smarmy on the second floor."

Harry nodded and added, "There are others. I'll spend time later today,

back at where we're staying, to write up a small report on all the ones I

know of and see to it being handed to you later this afternoon."

With a rather intense focus on both teens she gave a slow nod and said,

"That would be most helpful. Yes."

Harry said, "Consider it done."

"Harry," Hermione quietly piped up. "Without Dumbledore being able to

enter the school..."

Harry thought for a long few moments and finally said, "We'll discuss it

with your parents and with Sirius. You're still a minor, Hermione. It's

their decision to make for you."

"And if they say yes?" she pressed.

Harry gave her a quelling look and firmly replied, "Then that is

something we will discuss then."

Embarrassed, Hermione blushed and looked away. "Of course. Sorry."

She knew, but had in her excitement forgotten, she could not press this

new Harry into a hasty decision.




After spending a little more time with Marchbanks, where she told them

of many of the changes in staffing and what would be the required

behaviour of staff and students, the two teens returned via floo to the

Granger residence.

As soon as they did, Harry took Hermione aside for another 'talking to'.

"Hermione, you have to start to think about not pressing matters when

we're in public," he firmly chastised her. "You knew you overstepped

when you did it and you must curb that. Each time you do it, you make

me look weak. And, as a daughter of Black now, you bring disrespect to

Sirius each time."

With a sigh and with her eyes cast down, Hermione replied, "Sorry,

Harry." Looking back up she added, "I'm just so excited about the idea we

can return to Hogwarts, after all."

"I get that," he nodded. "But, you still need to curb your enthusiasm so it

doesn't diminish your manners, alright?"

She nodded.

A moment later she smirked, leaned in, planted a tonsil-searing kiss on

him and asked, "Am I forgiven?"

Trying to get his sudden blush under control after the near-eroticism of

the kiss, he croaked, "Yes."

As she openly grinned back in mischief he added, "You're a bad girl for

trying to distract me, like that."

"Trying?" she asked.

With a snort of amusement he grinned and replied, "Alright; actually

distracting me like that."

Steering him towards the dinette, she allowed her hand to slip into his

elbow and moved them forward. "Come - now we're likely to be attending

Hogwarts, after all - we have planning to do."

As they walked, he gave a nod and said, "And I need to pull out the Map

so I can list down all the tunnels at Hogwarts and send them off to our

new Headmistress."




38. Christmas

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to the proverbial Duchess of

Magic, JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high

falutin' companies. No matter how much I whine about not owning anything

related to the HP universe, other than a few fanfic plots, I do not profess to

own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful

world... Damn it!

A/N: Dear readers, many of you are apparently upset with way Hermione is

treating Harry; he's an 'Autie/Aspie', so she needs to back off. However, what

you've not considered - because I haven't been specific about it - is Harry is

undiagnosed. High Functioning AUD (or, as it was known until recently,

Autism) is very difficult to detect, even by those who consider looking for it.

His aunt and uncle considered everything he did while in their dubious care as

his 'freakishness'; so, of course, they'd never take him in.

Now, he's a teenager. Teenagers are 'moody' and struggle with getting control

of the effect hormones are having on their bodies; 'everyone knows that'. So,

without an expert in the disorder looking Harry over, no one's spotted it. Even

then, AUD(HF) can be overlooked. While Hermione is incredibly smart, a

diagnosis of Harry is way beyond even her ken.

Chapter Thirty Eight - Christmas




After accessing the map and writing down all the tunnels, Harry realised

there was something missing from the Map. There were no footprints

with names.

Frowning, he deactivated it and tried again. And again no names

appeared. Somehow, that function within the Map had broken.

He knew it wasn't because he was away from the castle. At times in the

past, when he was away - whether that was at the Dursleys or at the

Burrow - it had shown the names then. Now, however, it did not.

Giving a sigh of disappointment, he'd ask Sirius about it when he had a

chance. It just wasn't that big a deal to him, at the moment.

With the list of all tunnels with relevant passwords now listed out,

including the ones he knew had collapsed, he put the Map away again.

One feature might have broken, but it was still a family heirloom and a

connection to his father.

While cooking a roast dinner for that night - stuffed duck, this time, as he

had the time to make sure it was done right - Harry used the time to

think through what he wanted to talk with the adult Grangers about

concerning returning to Hogwarts.

And, when they arrived home a couple hours later, he and Hermione sat

them down in the parlour and went over what they had learned that day.

"So," said Wendell, looking to Hermione who held most of the

conversation. "In brief: This new Headmistress, Lady Griselda

Marchbanks, is going to be firing Dumbledore from his job soon after

11.00am on Sunday, the third of January; which is the time the Hogwarts

Express will leave Kings Cross Station on its trip to Hogsmeade. She

claims she already has permission from the School Board to do so, but

has held off to keep Dumbledore away from you and us. She has already

given her word she will ensure the old man cannot ever return to the

castle and its grounds, no matter how much he bleats about it.

"With that in mind you now believe the danger that existed due to

Dumbledore's Machiavellian machinations, as you put it, within the castle

are now at an end. And the changes to the school rules relating to student

and staff behaviour will go a long way towards stamping out the bullying

and bigotry that ran rampant during your first three years and the

beginning of your fourth."

Hermione replied, "In a nutshell, yes."

Wendell gave a nod and looked to Harry. "And what do you think?"

Harry was slow to respond as he was formulating his thoughts. And the

others didn't push as they all were now experienced with his 'thinking'

expression and that he took time to formulate a proper response.

"I think that Lady Marchbanks is as good as her word. However, that does

not necessarily presuppose she is correct; only that she believes she is,"

he replied. "For example: Dumbledore had nothing to do with Lucy

Malfoy planting that diary on young Ginny Weasley. Yes, the old bastard

used the opportunity it presented to him, but it was not caused by him. I

also do not believe he engineered my name coming out of the Goblet,

which caused my forced entry into the Tri-Wizard Tournament. Again, he

simply used the opportunity it presented him. I believe his plan was, once

my name came out of the Goblet, to leave me out there as bait. As such,

both those situations are situations that may still have occurred, even

without Dumbledore's machinations. The second may very likely have

still occurred, even if I did not attend Hogwarts, so that one is a wash.

"However, according to the information provided to us by Lady

Marchbanks, neither of those situations would have occurred if the

relevant ward scheme for the castle that had been deactivated and are

now up and running again had been active at the time. Further, the

reactivation of the anti-bullying wards, together with the added

monitoring wards now installed, will mean the castle has now truly

become one of the safest places in magical Britain and not just a dream

thought real.

"Then there's the other problems that have not yet been addressed. For a

start, there is very little to no proper security on Platform nine and three-

quarters, on the train itself, on Hogsmeade station or between the station

and the gates of the school. As it is very public information as to when

the train leaves Kings Cross and arrives at Hogsmeade, that is a huge

security issue that - even after everything I've brought to light - has yet to

be closed. There is not even an auror presence. That's foolishness!"

Turning to look at Hermione he continued, "That, alone, let alone

anything else, has me speaking against returning to the school. I have no

doubt, whatsoever, Dumbledore will use the opportunity of us travelling

upon the Hogwarts Express to abduct either me, you or the both of us."

He sighed and sadly stated, "They're still being daft morons about this

issue, at least."

Hermione didn't argue, as she might have done in the past, as she could

easily see the truth of his words. She looked sadly away, in tears.

Monica piped up and asked, "What about if they don't use the Express?"

Wendell, curious, asked, "Use those porta-keys, instead?"

"Portkeys," Hermione muttered.

Harry nodded and replied, "Because only the Head can enchant portkeys

that go through the wards of Hogwarts, she'd need to make a lot of them.

The power requirements would be, I think, too tiring of a witch of her

advanced age. She's even older than Dumbledore."

"Floo?" asked Wendell.

Harry frowned and gave it some thought.

Hermione beat him to the answer. "That would work, actually."

Harry nodded and replied, "If it could be done, the castle could easily

have a 'welcoming room' like the atrium at the Ministry of Magic. If it

can't, then each student with access to a floo point floos directly to their

Head of House's floo point in the castle. As it's a mid-year break there

won't be any unsorted first years to worry about, so everyone already has

an assigned House."

Nodding, he continued, "That would work, but there's still the issue of the

Ministerial Decree I brought to light in Sirius's trial. That is, the Decree

orders anyone attending the school must travel there via the Hogwarts

Express. I'll have to see Acting Minister Bones about removing that

Decree; which I'd planned to do, anyway."

Hermione added, "Even if Headmistress Lady Marchbanks doesn't want

all students to arrive that way, due to your... unusual situation... she

might be willing to allow us to arrive that way."

"Yes," he muttered. "Besides, it would work better for us if... as I believe

we should do... we arrive a couple of days after the Sunday."

"Why?" she asked.

"Multiple reasons," he replied. "First; arriving a couple of days later will

throw Dumbledore off if he's got anything planned. Second; I want to

discover how the population of magical Britain reacts if I don't show up,

as expected. Third; I want to see what happens when the remaining

organisers of the Tri-Wizard Tournament react when I don't show up. I'm

actually hoping the Ministries of Bulgaria and France force the

termination of the remaining events and kill the damned thing off."

Hermione was frowning and, when Harry finished, she said, "The

problem with that is, when it's published in the Daily Prophet the next

day, Dumbledore will immediately turn up here."

Harry gave his own frown, a slightly irritated one, right back and said, "I

had thought of that, you know. While I'm here, the aurors are here. If I

leave, they'll leave with me. And just because I turn up at the school does

not mean Dumbledore won't turn up here, anyway. You do realise, don't

you, that your Mum and Dad represent a weakness through which

Dumbledore can exploit trying to get back control of me?"

Hermione blushed and replied, "Sorry. Oops?"

He immediately grinned and said, "No fair using my own version of mea

culpa against me."

That, at least, had her smiling back.

To interrupt and get things back on point, Monica asked, "Any other

reasons for the two or three day delay?"

"Not really," he replied, turning to her. "Except, that is, how long it's

going to take for the wound on my forehead from the surgery to properly

heal, even with magical means. I had thought we might also use those

days, though, to determine if we actually want the two of us returning to

the school.

"My thoughts are: If the media lambaste me about it, I write them the

written form of flipping them the fingers and tell them they'd just made

my decision for me; and it would be that I wouldn't be returning. If,

however, they don't; then I think it's safe to say that I'm alright with

returning, after all."

Wendell said, "I can't say I'm happy about the idea of either of you

returning to that nuthouse... but, if it's what you want to do, I won't stop


With a pleading look from Hermione, Harry sighed and said, "Then I shall

send another letter to Lady Marchbanks informing her we'll be two days

late. So long as the Prophet et al don't defame me, we'll turn up on the

Tuesday morning via floo."

With a pinched look, Hermione asked, "And if the Prophet does?"

He smirked and shrugged. "Well, after sending Ted to go and remonstrate

with them, I'll likely laugh at them and tell them that, if they continue to

defame me, I'll likely never return. And, when people write me and ask

me why I wouldn't... didn't... I'll tell them honestly and bluntly I'll not

return until the Prophet prints a full retraction and apology on their front


Wendell gave a snort of amusement and said, "If they don't do it when

Ted goes in there and yells at them, the resultant backlash from the

public will ensure it happens."

"Yes," nodded Harry. "However, I really don't think the Prophet are going

to be stupid about this, anyway.




Just before they were about to sit for dinner, they were alerted to the floo

being used. Harry had just made it to the window when he saw one of

the aurors duck inside the ex-shed with his wand drawn.

A few moments later, as Hermione walked up behind him to look for

herself, Harry saw Sirius step out followed by Remus Lupin. Peripherally,

he heard Hermione give a gasp of surprise and mutter, "Professor Lupin!"

The calm expression on his godfather's face, together with the look of

both confusion and worry on Moony's face, told Harry that the flushing

potion Andi had been developing had obviously worked.

Sticking his head in from the hallway, Wendell asked, "Guests?"

"Yes," replied Hermione. "It's Sirius and Professor Lupin. Sirius wouldn't

have brought him if the flushing potion hadn't worked. That must mean

he's now clear of the potion."

Calling out, Harry said, "Two more for dinner, Dobby!"

"Yes, Master Harry, Sir!" called back Dobby.

With his eyes still of the approaching man, Harry heard Wendell say, "If

it's a new guest then we'll meet them in the parlour."

As the angle of the approach of the three became too steep to watch them

out the window, Harry gave a grunt and led he and Hermione into the

parlour. Her parents had already headed there.




As soon as the two Marauder's reached the door of the parlour from the

back hallway and stairs, Wendell and Monica stood. Harry and Hermione

were already standing.

Sirius, with a big smile on his face, came over and gave Hermione a hug

before he turned back to Moony; who was standing in the doorway,

clearly a little uncomfortable and wondering whether or not to come in.

Gesturing Moony within, Harry indicated Wendell and Monica and said,

"Moony; these are Hermione's parents, Wendell and Monica Granger.

Wendell and Monica; this is Remus Lupin, also known as Moony, and

once-Professor of Defence Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts."

That was enough for Moony to, almost hesitantly, enter and offer his

hand in handshake.

"It's nice to meet you, Mister Lupin," said Wendell, as he shook the man's

hand. "Call me Wendell. And, welcome to our home."

"It's Moony," Moony almost muttered. "And, thank you."

Then Monica greeted him with the same exchange of greeting.

It wasn't until Harry said, "I understand it was potions that made you act

the way you were acting, Moony. I'm not upset with you."

That finally had Moony relax and give an almost embarrassed smile back.

He quietly replied, "Thank you, Cub."

Moony stayed for dinner that night on Monica's insistence and was

another who was immediately shocked at Harry's skill at cooking.

Obviously the others were all watching as he took his first bite and

snickered at his expression of surprised shock.

"You can cook!" he declared on swallowing his first mouthful.

Feigning indignation, Harry asked right back, "Why does everyone doubt

that?" Then grinned to take the sting out of the words.




After their impromptu family meeting and dinner - and after Sirius and

Moony left again - Harry sat at his desk in his room and began to write

the letter to Marchbanks he knew he needed to write. In it he did not yet

include how long they'd delay from attending, only that there'd be a short

delay before they arrived.

He also included how they'd be using the time to determine whether or

not they'd actually return in the first place, let alone being late.

The information about the tunnels was included in the letter. Then that

letter was mailed using Hedwig, who was again of late giving him the

'evil eye' for not giving her work to do.

Next, he wrote letters to Neville, Susan, Daphne, Hannah and Tracey

covering pretty much the same information about how there would be a

delay before he and Hermione returned to the castle, if at all. However,

he also went more into the facts of why without actually stating just how

long they'd delay. Those he sent via what he now called 'HEED' (House

Elf Express Delivery). Dobby was happy to take them for him and do the

'mail circuit' of the other heirs.




As breakfast wound down the next morning, Neville sent them a note via

his own house elf. He expressed his concerns about Harry's note of the

previous evening.

~ # ~

Harry and Hermione,

While I understand your reasoning about whether or not you'll continue

attending Hogwarts, I hope you reconsider any thought you may have of not

returning. For a start, I want you to also consider how this will impact the

Alliance. For example, those Houses who are part of the alliance will also be

negatively affected if you decide not to return; it won't stop Dumbledore; and I

think it's best to be at Hogwarts and under her wards than not. You've yet to

experience life as a student at the school who will now be recognised as a Lord

- the impact it will have on Malfoy, for a start, should be worth it alone just to

return. Heh!

If you decide not to attend I will support you. However, I hope you'll consider

giving Headmistress Lady Marchbanks a chance to show you that attending

Hogwarts does not have to be the threat-to-life it's been for you for the past

three years. I honestly feel life at the school will now be fantastic for you!

If you then do not feel you can remain; then, by all means, withdraw. But

you'll then be able to do it with your head held high knowing you gave her a

chance to set things right.

Your friend,


~ # ~

After reading it after Harry, Hermione handed it back and said, "He's

right, you know."

Harry sighed and nodded, "I know."

"So, we attend?" she asked.

"We do... but... we'll let her know we'll be two days late," he replied. "That

is, we'll arrive on Tuesday morning during breakfast; and she is to keep

quiet about that."

Hermione appeared relieved by the answer but asked, "I understand the

two days delay, but won't people think we're receiving special


"Of course they will and of course we are," he replied. "I'll be the only

sitting Lord who is a student and One of the Seven. Besides the troubles

I'm having with Dumbledore, why shouldn't I have special treatment

regarding travel; at least this once?"

While Hermione appeared about to answer or add something else,

Hedwig and a Prophet owl flew in with that morning's copies of the Daily


Harry was quick to relieve Hedwig of hers while Wendell relieved the


As soon as he had it unfolded, Harry spotted the lead story. It was about

how Hogwarts would reopen for classes on Monday, the fourth of

January, with the Express making its trip on the Sunday, the day before.

"It's announced," he quietly said, while starting to read the article.

It was full of praise for Headmistress Lady Marchbanks and the School

Board working hard to refill all the vacant staff positions; mentioned, yet

again, how Dumbledore was now a 'simple' Professor only; included

information on the revamped ward scheme, but left out specific details

about some of what those wards were, only including general details; and

included a warning from Headmistress Lady Marchbanks about how

certain 'offences', such as assault, would be treated with the calling-in of

the DMLE to deal with the perpetrators.

After Hermione had read it, she asked, "What does that mean for those

like Malfoy and his... friends?"

Harry gave an evil little smirk and replied, "As well as coming as a great

shock to them? I'm wondering how many of them aren't going to make it

through the first week without being dragged off by the DMLE in


Hermione gave a light laugh and said, "I'll go get parchment, ink and

quill so you can write another letter to Headmistress Marchbanks and let

her know we'll definitely be two days late."

And left.

As soon as they heard her 'charge' up the stairs, Wendell gave a very

direct and pointed look at Harry and asked, "You'll keep her safe?"

"Of course," he just as firmly replied back. "However, me coming down

on anyone is going to have to wait until someone does something stupid

before I can act. I anticipate that's going to be Draco Malfoy or one of his


"As soon as they even start to act against her, though, my wrath will fall

upon them as if Odin, himself, had decided to step in. I'll be able to do so

as both her betrothed and Heir Tertiary of House Black, of which she's

now a formally and publicly recognised daughter.

"That will then let the rest know, without any shadow of a doubt, that

messing with Lady Presumptive Hermione Granger is a very... very... bad


A letter handed to him by the aurors was official notice from the school

that Hogwarts was reopening, together with dates and times and the

notice about how the Hogwarts Express would be departing from Kings

Cross at 11.00am on Sunday, 3rd of January for the trip. Hermione

received one, too.

It was written on the Hogwarts letterhead parchment in the green ink of

the special auto-quill used by the school for mass mailings to students.

Accompanying it was a much reduced booklist of items students would

need to purchase, with an appended apology for the 'unusual' addition of

an amended booklist mid-year.




About an hour after mail delivery, where she'd read Harry's first note as

sent by Hedwig, Marchbanks had just returned to her office when Dobby

popped in beside her and offered her another note. "From the Great and

Wonderful Master Harry Potter, Sir," he said.

With a small smirk of amusement, Marchbanks accepted the letter and

said, "Thank you, dear. You may go."

And Dobby popped away again.

Opening it, she read the 'update' note and learned 'Lord Potter and his

Betrothed' would be arriving at the school on the Tuesday morning during

breakfast - with apparent family matters to attend to first, wanted it kept

secret and wondered if she'd be kind enough to allow them to floo

directly to the school.

She had no problem with that. She too saw the wisdom of not informing

anyone of their delay, or just when they'd arrive - Dumbledore.

The letter was also a reminder that, as Harry was now a fully invested

Lord of the Wizengamot, he was entitled to the use of one of the Lords'

Quarters in the Lords' Quarters wing. He asked her to make sure one of

the Lords' Quarters was available and 'would be making use of that right

upon his return to the castle'.

'Hmmm...' she softly muttered.

Deciding to get the letter out of the way immediately, she drew to herself

a small sheet of parchment and plucked up her quill.

Ten minutes later, a letter from her acknowledging the delay and

promising to keep silent about it was winging its way back to the

Grangers' Residence. She included a portkey, which was timed to activate

at 7.30am on Tuesday, the fifth of January. And would transport both

teens direct to her office. It was a 'back up'.

House elves would be 'waiting here to take your trunks and other possessions

direct to your accommodation'.

When Harry received the note later that day via owl he and Hermione

both missed how the 's' was missing off the end of the word

'accommodation'. Their minds were already on the activities of the next

day, Christmas Day.




After dinner that evening - one that only had the four Grangers and two

of their aurors attend - the family broke up to head to their own rooms to

finalise the wrapping of Christmas presents and to make an early night of


Harry didn't need to, as he'd done all his wrapping and tagging within

two days of having purchased the gifts. Instead, he organised for all those

outside of the Granger Residence to be delivered. Then called Dobby to

take them and place them with the gifts for each in their own homes.

He smiled as he knew there would be those who wondered how he'd

accomplished it, but he didn't rightly care.

'Let it be a puzzle for them to work out,' he thought. 'If they don't, they

can always ask me.'

He wondered how long it would take them to do just that.




Christmas morning was finally upon them and Harry still tried to beat

Dobby to breakfast that morning.

Sneaking in under his invisibility cloak, yet again, it was to find the little

rugrat happily working at making breakfast for the household. There

were pots on the stove, simmering; bacon and hash browns in two frying

pans, sizzling; the tea' decanted and steeping; and plates in the oven,


Without even turning around, Dobby, who had his back to him, quietly

said, "Master Harry be getting better! But, Master Harry still not be

beating Dobby!"

"Damn it!" Harry quietly exclaimed.

He shucked his invisibility cloak, bundled it up and stuffed it into his

pocket as he turned and stomped off.

As the Grangers planned not to leave the house that day, dress was very

casual. However, they at least had to dress. While they did not plan on

going anywhere, with not just the aurors in attendance they knew there

was a likelihood of folks turning up just to wish them a Merry Christmas,

if for nothing else.

So, Harry quickly returned upstairs to his room and took a shower. As it

was Christmas Day he wasn't as quick as normal. He actually stretched it

out to almost fifteen minutes between walking in his bedroom door and

walking back out again. However, even then, he was still the first down.

Making it to the dinette, Dobby quickly had a breakfast plated before him

and, knowing the 'rule' of the house was not to wait for the rest of the

household to join him at breakfast, dug in with gusto.

About halfway through his first plate he was joined by Monica, who

didn't say a word other than a quietly muttered, "Good morning... and

Merry Christmas."

Between mouthfuls Harry gave a smile and returned the compliment.

Next down was Wendell. Hermione finally came down about ten minutes


"Unusual for you to be down so late on Christmas Day, of all days,

Princess," her father gently rebuked her.

Hermione blushed a little but gently smiled back. "I don't know why,

but..." she gave a little side-long glance at Harry before turning back... "I

think I've already got everything I need or want."

That had Wendell give the slightest of frowns while Monica's knowing

smile turned into a widely beaming one. Harry, still eating, appeared


"As soon as you've eaten we'll get into the giving of gifts," she said, taking

a sip of tea from her cup. "That is, if Harry's also already filled that

hungry beast he has in his tummy."

Pushing his plate slightly away, signalling he thought he'd eaten his fill

from it, Harry reached for his own teacup and said, "Actually, I think the

potions have finally stopped doing that to me. I think they might even

have stopped yesterday, and all this is just... 'padding'... or my stomach

shrinking back down again.




The Grangers and Harry were just rising from the table to walk into the

parlour where the tree and the gifts were 'displayed', when Harry felt the

alert ward on the Doghouse ping four times in quick succession.

He took a quick look out the dinette window to see Sirius lead the

Tonkses towards the house.

'Who is it, Harry?" asked Wendell.

"Sirius, Ted, Andi and Dora," he immediately replied. "Ted's carrying an

armload of wrapped gifts."

Wendell gave a sigh and almost muttered, "I'm glad Monica made sure we

bought gifts for them; just in case."

Suddenly realising, he spun to the two teens and asked, "Did you―?"

"We did," Harry immediately cut in and replied. "Actually, I made sure

gifts were bought for the entire extended Black clan... including the

Malfoys... plus the Weasleys, the Longbottoms, the Boneses, the Abbotts,

the Greengrasses, the Ogdens and Madam Marchbanks to include all the

main families of the Alliance, especially those with heirs at Hogwarts.

"I also bought gifts for Remus, the aurors, the Lovegoods and a few

generic spare ones, just in case."

At first relieved, Wendell just looked back in shock at how many Harry

listed out. "Wow!" he quietly exclaimed.

That was when Sirius and the Tonkses came in.

Sirius immediately took one look at the tableau and immediately asked,

"What'd we miss?"

Harry blandly replied, "Breakfast."

By then, Wendell had managed to shake off his shock. And was quick to

greet their guests before he said, "We were just about to open gifts in the

parlour. Why don't you join us?"




With the conclusion of the gift-giving and opening 'celebration' Monica

was then quick to invite the Tonkses to morning tea.

Andi replied before Ted could. "We can do that, thank you. But, I'm sorry

to say, we have to be somewhere after that."

Thankfully, and as per usual, there was plenty to go around. Dobby had

cooked more than enough scones and made more than sufficient finger-

cut sandwiches.

The Tonkses left a little while later. Sirius stayed behind.




From where he was taking a closer look at his gifts, especially the very

nice fully mechanical wristwatch the Grangers had given him as a gift

from the entire family, he asked, "Wendell, Monica; do you mind if

Hermione and I duck out for about an hour? I'd like to do a quick round

of the Heirs of the Alliance to wish them a Merry Christmas, in person."

A quick glance between the two and Wendell said, "We have no plans to

the contrary, Harry. Do as you need."

"Thank you," he sighed in relief.

Ten minutes later and after a quick change into wizarding casual, the two

were about to head out to the Doghouse when they were stopped by one

of the aurors, who was waiting at the back door for them with a frown on

his face.

One glance at the man and Harry sighed. "My apologies, Auror

Brightwater. As it's Christmas Day and I'm only going via floo direct to

the homes of my fellow Heirs of the Alliance, I did not think to bother

the aurors with this."

"That's not your decision, Lord Potter," he grumped.

With a second sigh, Harry replied, "Very well. I hope it'll just be you

accompanying us, then?"

"Nope," the man smirked. "Trainee Auror Creston will be waiting for us

out in the Doghouse."

'Creston,' Harry thought. 'Why does that name ring bells?'

Though he did not realise it for quite some time, Creston was also the

House name of the Chair-wizard of the School Board. It was Auror

Creston's father.




The first stop for the two was, of course, the Longbottoms as partner


Harry had no sooner stuck his head in the flames once the call connected,

when Alice looked at him and demanded, "What do you think you're

doing just fire-calling us, godson? Get over here!"

This time the order was Brightwater, Harry, Hermione and the auror that

was actually waiting for them in the Doghouse, Trainee Auror Creston.

About his leaving gifts for them, Alice somewhat told him off. "Harry;

you had us return to our son, giving him the greatest gift I think he could

have wanted―"

"It was," Neville cut in.

"... Went above and beyond for our House," she continued, "And you still

felt the need to give us gifts for Christmas?"

"Well... yes," he sheepishly replied. "That was all House Potter for House

Longbottom. This is Harry and Hermione for Frank, Alice and Neville."

Before Alice could tell him off again, Frank cut in and said, "Completely

unnecessary, Harry. But, appreciated."

A few moments later, with Neville practically smirking at him, the

Longbottoms gave quite the expensive, but clearly heartfelt, gifts back.

Frank presented to him an authentic copy of the Potter Family tapestry

that self-updated, plus a hand drawn artistic rendering of it on a long roll

of parchment. Harry was so moved by the gifts he was speechless, and it

was left to Hermione to thank them on his behalf.

From the expressions on their faces it was easy to tell they knew they'd

done very right by him in their choice of gifts.

A third gift was yet another photo album full of photographs of his

parents and their time at Hogwarts. Only a few were a match for the ones

in the album Hagrid had given him a couple years earlier.

Hermione received a small enameled pin she was to wear on her lapel, or

where a lapel would be if the outfit did not have one, when in public or

at official functions. "It shows you have the favour of House Longbottom,"

explained Alice. "This is our way of stating to one and all who meet you,

that you also now fall under the protection of the Noble and Most

Ancient House of Longbottom."

Harry smiled and said, "You now fall under the protection of three of the

Seven, Hermione. One would be led to think you were were trying to

collect the set!"

As the Longbottoms laughed, Hermione blushed and lightly hit him on

the arm. But her smile showed she was pleased.

Frank also urged him to hurry up and go to the Potter manor,

Pottermore. "If the family Grimoire wasn't in the family vaults at

Gringotts, that's where it'll be."

Harry promised he'd go first chance he got after Christmas.

"Well, not on Sunday afternoon," suggested Frank. "I'm calling for an

Alliance meeting on that day. I'm hosting it here and you'll need to


He then looked to Hermione and said, "You, too, little Lady Presumptive.

As the Heads meet you'll also need to meet the spouses. Through them

they'll be able to teach you how to be the Lady of a Noble House."

"Yes, Sir," Hermione immediately responded.

"Frank," he corrected.

"Frank," she nodded.




After calling for Dobby to take the gifts they received from the

Longbottoms back to the Granger residence, Harry floo-called the

Boneses to see if they were up to a quick visit.

Susan was fast to reply in the affirmative.

Having quickly recovered his emotional equilibrium from the gifts given

to him by the Longbottoms, Harry was able to calm down again and greet

both Susan and Amelia with some level of relaxed aplomb.

At least this time their gifts weren't as 'emotionally destabilising' as those

he received from the Longbottoms. But, Amelia was demanding to know

how he managed to get his gifts for them under their tree.

He smiled and said, "I asked Dobby to deliver them."

That had the older witch give an almost pained look back.

She thought, 'Yet another bloody security hole. The mischief someone

could get up to―' And quietly sighed.

Then it was on to the Greengrasses, then the Davises.

Because they were quick through the first four, Harry made the snap

decision to visit the last two Noble Houses, Ogden and Marchbanks.

Surprised to have been contacted by Harry on Christmas Day, Miles and

Hedda Ogden still welcomed Harry to their home and were just as quick

to welcome and congratulate Hermione on the betrothal.

"I know we have an Alliance-wide meeting on Sunday afternoon, but... as

it's Christmas Day... I was hoping you wouldn't be put out for an informal

visit," explained Harry. "Besides, I felt it more appropriate to meet you on

such a day in such a setting than just being confronted by me for the first

time on Sunday."

Ogden hesitated for a long moment before he gave a self-deprecating

grunt and said, "I had thought you'd be... eager... for the light to be on

you on the day. I can now see I was wrong."

Harry smiled back and said, "Thank you for your honesty, Lord Ogden.

However, I can easily see how you'd come to that conclusion. The Daily

Prophet has a... shall we say... somewhat informal relationship with the


Ogden gave a start of surprise before he suddenly let forth a great belly

laugh. After many seconds of trying to get his laughter under control, he

finally managed to gasp, "'A somewhat informal relationship with the

truth'?! Bah hahahaha!"

While he continued to laugh, Hedda had finally had enough, gave a sigh

while rolling her eyes and stepped forward, but not to Harry, rather

Hermione. "Hello, dear. Formally, I'm Lady Hedda Ogden of the Noble

and Ancient House of Ogden and daughter of the Elder House of

Bancroft. However, you can call me Hedda."

Hermione was quick to respond, "Hermione; please. I... don't know how

to properly respond to... this."

Hedda smirked back and said, "Nobody would, dear." Then, to

Hermione's shock, she stepped closer and wrapped the girl in a hug.

"Welcome to the Alliance."

As Hedda pulled away from a now slightly blushing Hermione, Harry

said, "Lady Ogden, Hermione is of the House of Granger and magical

ward of Lord Sirius Black of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black."

Having only acknowledged Harry's introduction with a slight cocked

eyebrow Lady Hedda turned back to Hermione and said, "That scoundrel

has taken you on as magical guardian? Well, there's a turn for the


Hermione grinned back and said, "He just needed a flea bath and a good


That had Hedda look back in surprise for a moment before she gave a

short high pitch tinkling laugh. "How apt!" she exclaimed.

While the Ogdens gave a public façade of being slightly snooty, Harry

could see that it was just that... a façade. He could see that Hermione had

also determined that.

After chatting for a while, he floo-called Headmistress Lady Marchbanks

and asked to stop by.

She was happy to receive visitors for a few moments. And, once they

were there, happy to confirm the two teens would return to Hogwarts on

the Tuesday morning after the third of January.

The two, still with their auror detail, were back at the Grangers' less than

two hours after they left. Harry had expected it would take much longer.

However, as it was Christmas Day, everyone had visitors coming and

going, as well as paying short visits to others.

It was the norm for the day. Harry would learn later that Christmas Day

was a day in the FNA when all staff were required to put in at least three

hours work monitoring the network for problems. All new staff, that is,

since all but one of the previous had been fired. However, they were also

paid at triple the normal hourly rate for their time; so, there were few

complaints. Those who used the floo network were also charged at triple

the rate. Even later Harry couldn't figure out how, since the only real

charges they were paying were for the floo powder; the use of which

required a fee per 'bag' paid directly to the FNA.




The rest of the day was planned to be spent quietly at the Granger

residence. Sirius was also spending most of the day there, but also let the

two teens know Remus would be over after lunch to pay a visit.

With a frown of puzzlement, Hermione asked, "What's he doing with the

rest of the day? He has family?"

"Errr... no," replied Sirius.

Hermione quickly glanced to her parents before Monica said, "If you can

contact him right now, tell him to come over now. That way he can have

lunch with us and spend the afternoon here."

Before Sirius or the two teens could say anything, Wendell looked to

Hermione and explained, "Your Uncle Robert rang me on my cell phone

to wish us a Merry Christmas, found out we're not spending it at your

Grandma's place and practically demanded we come and pay him and his

family a visit."

Smoothly, Monica took up the explanation, "It'll just be your father and I.

We told him you had plans to visit your own friends this afternoon and it

would be rude to cancel them, especially today."

Sirius did just that and Moony enjoyed lunch with them. After that, the

Granger parents left by car, leaving the two marauders to 'babysit'.

Of course, that was all the excuse Sirius needed to tell the two stories

about their times at Hogwarts and later. At first, Moony was reticent to

share and spent some of the first hour trying to get Sirius to slow down,

or even not release details he thought the two teens, especially Harry,

shouldn't know. However, within two hours even he was enthusiastically

telling the two teens stories or supplying more information to Sirius's

stories from his perspective.




Boxing Day was starting off as planned, a day to wind down from the

excitement of the previous day, Christmas Day. However, it did not

remain that way for very long.

About an hour before lunch Dobby popped in beside Harry and popped a

letter on to the table alongside his left hand.

"A letter from the twin Weazies, Master Harry," he said before popping

away again.

Frowning, Harry quickly scanned the note but didn't detect anything on

the parchment. 'Well,' he thought, 'It seems those two can learn from

their mistakes.'

Opening the letter he used the charm Marchbanks had taught him and

Hermione a few days ago that smoothed it all out.




By late morning at The Burrow, Fred and George had definitely had

enough of the atmosphere within the home. Both Ginny and Ron were

still moping about the discovery of the betrothal between Harry and

Hermione and their mother was still up in her wand about how 'the poor

boy' was coping with all that had happened to him. Ron was supposed to

be packing to move that evening to 'Aunt Muriel's', while Ginny was stuck

in the kitchen with her mother learning how to be a 'witch of the house'.

Bill and Charlie were home for Christmas and, by mid morning, Bill at

least had had enough. He used the excuse he needed to 'attend to

something' at work in Gringotts before he took off with Charlie in tow.

He claimed both would be back for lunch, but not precisely when. Arthur

had disappeared out to his workshop almost immediately after lunch and

Percy rarely left his room.

Eventually, even George and Fred had had enough of the tenseness and

had retreated to their room. There, they quickly decided to write to

Harry and beg him to pay a visit. If anything, it would at least provide


~ # ~

Lord Harrikins,


You need to come and save us from Mum! She's going all crazy-like over how

you must be getting on, what with everything that's come to light about what

Dumbledore did to you. You know how she worries and frets about you.

We just think she needs to see you to know you're actually alright. That way

she'll stop fretting so much.

Please come visit.

Gred and Forge

P.S. Bring Hermione. She's worrying about her too.

P.P.S. Watch out for Ronnikins. He seems to think Hermione was going to be

his girlfriend and is pretty pissed she won't be.

~ # ~

"Now, how do we get it to Harry?" asked Fred. "Ron will want to know

who we're writing to if we ask to borrow Pig, Pinhead won't let us use

Hermes because he's working that bird hard writing to his... girlfriend...

and Errol is likely to die of exhaustion before he's even halfway there."

Cutting in, George replied, "We send it the same way he's been sending

letters to us, of course, my dimwitted sibling."

"Oh, bravo; my uglier brother," said Fred. "Now, all we have to do is

remember the name of that crazy house elf that Harrikins now has."

George frowned in thought, quickly joined by an identical expression on

his brother's face. "Hobby?... Doggy?... Hoggy?..."

"No, my forgetful brother, it's Bobby!..." When no elf turned up he tried,

"Doddy?... Toddy?... Tobby?... Dob―"

With a snap of his fingers, George exclaimed, "Ah ha!... Dobby!"

A moment later Dobby popped in and immediately asked, "What cans

Dobby be doings for the Great Master Harry Potter, Sir's, Red Hair Devil


"Eureka!" declared both.




Setting aside the book he was reading on Ancient Runes, something he

finally admitted to Hermione he'd already been studying, Harry picked

up the letter and hunted down his betrothed. She was sitting in the

parlour on one of the couches with her legs tucked up while also reading.

"Hey, you," he called.

Surprisingly, she responded on the first call. Usually, at Hogwarts, he'd

had to try three or four times before he finally got her attention.

"Yes, Harry?" she asked, looking up.

Silently he just handed her the letter, then asked, "What do you think?"

After reading it, she frowned and replied, "I suppose we could go visit

them. It is, after all, one of the things you said you'd do before we got

back to Hogwarts."

Nodding, he replied, "My thoughts, too. I'm just worried about the

reaction from Ron."

"And Ginny," she added. "Still... if they do react, it's probably better it

happens at The Burrow, rather than in the Great Hall at Hogwarts."

"Good point," he replied. "At least there, I won't be put into a position I'll

have to take 'official' action. I really don't want to have to challenge Ron

to an Honour Duel."

Hermione shook her head and said, "I was thinking along the lines their

mother will also be there. I'm more hoping she'll stomp on any bad

behaviour that arises from either of them as it happens."

"Hmmm..." he nodded. "I see your point."

"So," she said. "Do we floo call them?"

Harry thought for a few moments before he gave a firm nod and said,

"We do."

After getting the okay from Hermione's parents, the two informed their

auror guard they'd be floo-calling the Weasleys to ensure it was alright

for them to visit. They'd contact them after lunch.




39. The Alliance Meets

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to the proverbial Duchess of

Magic, JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high

falutin' companies. No matter how much I whine about not owning anything

related to the HP universe, other than a few fanfic plots, I do not profess to

own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful

world... Damn it!

A/N: A lot of people were upset I didn't 'punish' the Dursleys back in Chapter

10. I did not mention it then, but I've since gone back and added the line for

why. Harry intends to deal with them and their punishment, himself; after he

completes his schooling. It was an easy 'fix' I was already 'iffy' about at the


Chapter Thirty Nine - The Alliance Meets




Molly Weasley was in the kitchen clearing away the dishes from lunch

when the floo chimed the sound of an incoming floo-call.

Wiping her hands of soap suds she hurried to the floo to see who was

calling. Hurrying into the lounge she saw the face of someone she was

very relieved to see appeared quite healthy and happy dancing in the

green flames.

"Harry, dear!" she exclaimed. "Step through, right this minute! You know

you don't need to call first."

"Hello, Missus Weasley," he replied. "I'll do that. But, first, I need to make

sure it's alright with you if my auror guard and Hermione can also come


"Auror guard?" she asked.

"Ummm... Yeah," he replied. "Madam Bones kind of insisted."

"You won't need them here, dear," she said.

"Not my choice, Missus Weasley," he firmly replied. "I had to kind of

promise they'd come with me if I went anywhere. They're worried about

what Dumbledore might try if I'm out from under the wards on the

Grangers' place."

With a disappointed sigh, she said, "There's really no need, as Bill has

adjusted our wards to stop that old man getting into here. However...

very well, dear. Give me a few moments to open the floo and you can all

step through."

Harry gave a nod and said, "Thank you." Then his head withdrew.

Molly removed the locks on the floo as soon as Harry's face had


Then, while she was waiting, she sent a messenger Patronus out to Arthur

and her two eldest, who were in his shed supposedly working on who-

know's-what, to let him know Harry and Hermione were about to visit.

She knew, however, they were probably drinking.

Seconds later, the floo flared green again and the first auror stepped out

with her wand drawn. She immediately cast detection charms about the

place as Harry then stepped out... and immediately fell over onto the rug.

Then Hermione stepped out with a second auror on her heels.

The auror looked to Molly and asked, "I detect seven wizards and two

witches, plus a ghoul, on the property, Ma'am. Does that agree with your


"Errr... yes," Molly replied, as she watched Harry start to climb to his feet.

"My husband, myself and our seven."

"Thank you," nodded the auror.

As Harry regained his feet the first auror banished the soot off his clothes

as Molly stepped forward to envelop him in a hug.

"Harry, dear!" she exclaimed, trying to hug the stuffing out of him.

As she was doing so, and Harry was practically gasping for air, Arthur

and the two eldest walked in.

"Harr... I mean, Lord Potter!" he happily declared on spotting Harry.

His gaze passed over the two aurors before alighting on Hermione, who'd

suddenly found herself yanked into a three-way hug, with Harry, by his

wife. Both aurors were silently moving out and away, with one going into

the kitchen with the other remaining nearby.

"And, Miss Granger, too, I see," he grinned.

"Air!" Harry gasped. "Need air!"

Just as the second auror frowned and raised his wand, Arthur firmly

ordered, "Molly! Let the young man go! Can't you see he's having trouble


Molly immediately released her grip on the two teens and jumped back

as if in fright. It caused both to slightly stagger.

"Oh, dear!" she exclaimed. "I didn't hurt you, did I?"

"We'll be alright," gasped Hermione. "Just... give us a moment to get air

back into our lungs."

"Woah!" said Harry, from where he was bent over with his hands on his

thighs. "I'd forgotten you have too strong a tendency to do that, Missus


Standing up, he looked more firmly at her and said, "However, I must ask

you not to do that in future. It's just not right."

With a knee-jerk reaction to scoff back, Molly was able to choke it down

due to finally taking a good look at Harry's new build. She could also see

that both teens were wearing well-fitted upmarket wizarding casual. It

looked good on them both.

"You've grown, Harry dear!" she happily declared.

"Yes," he replied. "Not being forced to spend my time away from the

castle at the abusive hands of my relatives... and through the efforts of

my cousin, Andromeda Tonks, catching up with me and immediately

putting me on a regimen of potions... I've been able to recover a great

deal from the damage caused by the neglect and malnutrition I suffered

of and from their hands.

"From that, I've grown about seven inches and put on about two and a

half stone of weight. Health-wise, I'm now at, height and weight, what I

should have been; and will be from now on. I'm currently brushing six

foot tall and weigh in at just over eleven and three quarters stone - about

one sixty five pounds, or seventy five kilos."

As Harry was finishing his explanation he was also shaking hands with

Bill and Charlie, who'd stepped forward to shake his hand and tentatively

give Hermione a quick hug. Hearing footsteps above, he stepped back to

near the fireplace to where he could look up the stairwell and saw the

twins looking down over the balcony from their floor.

Both immediately grinned, as did he, and they twin-cried, "Harrikins!"

before they came charging down the stairs.

As he was turning back to look at Arthur, Harry saw the man was quietly

but firmly 'reminding' his wife that 'Harry dear' was now properly called

'Lord Potter'. Molly just gave a gesture as if flicking him away and turned

away from him. Arthur seemed frustrated.

Harry thought he'd give the man a hand.

Looking to Arthur as he heard the twins thump down the stairs, he said,

"Thank you for recognising I'm titled, Mister Weasley. It's very much


"You're welcome, Lord Potter," Arthur immediately replied. "But, there

should be no reason to thank me for doing what is right."

Before Harry could respond, the two twins rounded the bottom banister

of the stairs, charged up to him as if racing each other and scooped him

up in a three-way hug.

"Harrikins!" they both happily declared before they immediately dropped

him back onto his feet and stepped back. "Or, rather―" said the first.

"Perhaps it would be better―" said the second. "If we addressed you as―"

said the first. "Lord Potter!" they both exclaimed in stereo before dipping

into matching courtly bows.

Harry chuckled at their antics and said, "Well, on first meeting me for the

day, it's Lord Potter. However, after that first greeting and when in

private, I give you leave to call me Harry."

Harry heard Molly give a slight scoff so he turned back to her. "Is there a

problem, Missus Weasley?"

While Harry could see Arthur trying to surreptitiously wave her off,

Molly ignored him and said, "Surely you don't mean that, Harry dear."

While giving her a direct look he immediately and firmly replied, "I'm

afraid I do and I'm afraid I must insist, Missus Weasley. I do not just

represent myself, any more. I now represent, as Lord, the Noble and Most

Ancient House of Potter; as Heir Tertiary, the Noble and Most Ancient

House of Black; and, as a founding partner House, the Potter-Longbottom

Alliance. I have to behave and be treated, accordingly. If I don't, people

are just going to treat me like a little kid. I'm not and, really, never have

been. As well as now holding my Lordship I'm an of-age wizard, which

makes me an adult in the eyes of the law."

Molly gave a little huff, but finally gave a single nod of acceptance.

However, it was clear she didn't like it.

Hermione, recognising the situation had become a little uncomfortable,

asked Arthur, "Where's everyone else?"

Clearly pleased and relieved by the question, Arthur replied, "Ron and

Ginny are out at the Quidditch pitch and Percy's probably up in his room

either doing homework or writing to his girlfriend."

Molly sniffed and haughtily said, "Ronald should be in his room packing

for his move to his Aunt Muriel's later this afternoon."

Neither teen commented on the remark. However, both knew 'Aunt

Muriel' to be the family etiquette instructor.

Harry thought, 'If Molly hadn't been so lax in how she behaved regarding

the noble Houses, she might not have passed that bad habit onto Ron.'

"I'll just duck out and call our two youngest in," said Arthur, already

heading out the back.

As he did so, Molly tried to shepherd the two teens into the kitchen.

"If you're on nutrient potions," she declared, "You'll be needing to eat.

Come in and sit at the table while I whip you something up."

"No need, Missus Weasley," Harry disagreed. "Both of us ate quite well

before we came over."

"Harry's a good cook," said Hermione. "Together with Dobby's efforts, we

all eat very well."

Turning back, Molly looked to Harry and asked, "You cook?"

"Yep," he grinned.

"Very well," added Hermione. "There's now quite a few people who are

practically begging to come over for a meal whenever Harry's cooking."




While Molly was still trying to herd the two teens into the kitchen

Arthur, from where he was standing just a little way away from the back

of the house, finally had the attention of his two youngest and indicated

for the both of them to join him.

When they did, he had a stern expression on his face and firmly said,

"Lord Potter and his betrothed, Miss Granger, have just come to visit. I

want you two to be on your best behaviour and come inside.

"But, before you do, I'll remind you that the Harry Potter you thought

you knew... was not the real Harry Potter. That was all an act to protect

himself from Dumbledore. He no longer needs to act like that, now; so,

he doesn't."

When he could see that both gave the impression they understood, he

gave a nod and said, "Good. When you're ready, come inside."

As Arthur walked back in, Ginny immediately turned to Ron and said, "If

you wanted any hope of not going to Aunt Muriel's this afternoon, now's

your last chance. Mess this up and I won't be seeing you again until we're

on the train to Hogwarts."

Without waiting for Ron to respond, she braced herself up, turned away

from him and walked inside.

Ron thought about it for a few moments before he muttered to himself, "I

can do this."




Harry and Hermione were sitting at the kitchen table, side-by-side, when

Ginny came in. She had a big smile on her face; but, both could tell that

happiness was not reflected in her eyes.

She practically skipped across the floor as both teens stood and she

wrapped Hermione in a hug before turning and doing the same to Harry.

"I suppose I should be congratulating you two," she said. "Fred and

George read their letter you sent them about your betrothal."

'I suppose I should be congratulating you two?' thought Hermione, as

Harry replied, "Thank you, Ginny. We appreciate that."

Hermione immediately added, "Harry and I finally realised just how

much we loved one another and decided to do something about it."

"We'd have probably figured that out sooner, if it wasn't for Hermione

being potioned by Dumbledore," Harry almost growled.

Hermione was quick to say, "Water under the bridge, Love. He's in no

position to do that to either of us again; and we're now aware of the risk

of that happening in future and will be alert for it for now on."

"Potioned?" asked Molly, as Ron walked in through the back door.

As both teens turned to look at him, Ron's expression flickered only a

moment on annoyance before it relaxed into a smile.

Hermione greeted him, "Hello, Ronald. Have a good Christmas?"

Harry didn't say a word. He just stared at the boy.

Ron, clearly uncomfortable from Harry's staring at him, ignored him and

mumbled to Hermione. "Yeah. I did."

When he didn't say anything else, Arthur looked ready to say something

to him when he finally turned his attention to Harry. "Harry," he


Harry just cocked an eyebrow, raised his hand with the Potter ring on it

and asked, "Have you forgotten you are to address me as Lord Potter until

given leave to do otherwise?"

When the boy turned red and appeared about to say something snotty,

they all heard a 'Dong!'.

As both teens started to turn to the sound, Ron suddenly and rapidly

blurted, "My apologies, Lord Potter."


Harry looked back, paused a long moment and said, "Apology accepted,

Mister Weasley. However, know this: I do not like you. I find you to be

greedy, indolent and a bigot. I was also quite angry to discover you were

pretending to be my friend, while at the same time being paid by Albus

Dumbledore to stay close to me.

"Furthermore, your brother, Charlie... Heir Secondary of your House...

gave you specific instructions you were to warn me I would be facing

nesting mother dragons in the First Task. He informed you of that at least

a week before the Task. You did not do that. As the Task was designed for

young witches and wizards who were at least of-age and I was only just

starting my Fourth Year, meant you had to have believed I was, as your

family clock over there would state if a hand for me was on it, in mortal


"That means, Mister Weasley, through your deliberate actions you placed

the last remaining member of the Noble and Most Ancient House of

Potter in mortal peril. Effectively, you... deliberately and with

forethought... engineered a situation where you attempted to end the line

of one of the Seven through deliberate inaction. And that, Mister Weasley,

irrespective of your age, if you had succeeded would have meant the Veil

for you."

"Oh... dear!" exclaimed Missus Weasley. None of the other Weasleys

moved a jot. It was almost as if they were holding their breaths in fear.

"From now on you are to keep your distance from me. From now on you

are to be aware that angering me can get you seriously hurt.

"Furthermore, I also inform you that Hermione, as my betrothed, has

been directed not to do your homework for you, any more. Your

homework is yours to do. You may ask for help. However, if she says no;

or otherwise stops that assistance, you will respect her decision and not

press her.

"Is what I have told you, understood?"

Ron, though he looked grumpy and annoyed, eventually replied, "Yes...

Lord Potter."

Harry gave a nod and said, "Thank you."

Missus Weasley piped up and, in a chiding voice, asked, "Harry dear, is

that really necessary?"

Snapping his head to stare at her with a flat expression, he replied with a

simple clipped, "Yes, Madam Weasley."

With a dropping of her eyes she gave a pained sigh and silently nodded.

When he saw she accepted that, he gave a sigh himself and turned back

to Arthur. He added, "I do not wish to be put into the position where I

have to act to protect my House or the Alliance to which I co-Head,

Mister Weasley. However, if I am, I will act; no matter how much I might

hate to do so."

Arthur replied, "Understood, Lord Potter. Ronald will be leaving this

afternoon to spend time with the family etiquette instructor."

Harry gave a nod and said, "I hope it helps. If not me then, sooner or

later, he's going to engage his mouth before his brain... as is he usual

behaviour... let his jealousy and anger cloud his judgement, offend the

wrong person and get himself killed."

Then, turning to others, he let the tension he was feeling drain away and

said, "Sorry about that, but I truly hope you understand it needed to be


A long moment later, Hermione asked, "So, how was everyone else's


As a collective sigh of relief went through the rest of the Weasleys and

they began to respond, Ron quietly left the kitchen and went up to his

room. It was obvious he would not escape going to his Aunt Muriel's,

after all. That damned clock and Potter's accusations sealed it.




The two teens ended up spending longer at the Burrow than they

intended. But, Harry was pleased to see almost all the Weasleys had

again relaxed once they realised Harry was only angry at Ron.

While it was clear Ginny was upset Harry and Hermione were betrothed,

she at least did not act appallingly about it. Instead, she held her own

counsel and tried to make the most of it.

While Harry was talking about some of the things he and Hermione had

gotten up to over the past month, Hermione had kept a close eye on her

to ensure the girl didn't try anything.

Ron never put in another appearance. Instead, he stayed in his room.

Percy, however, came down for a little while.

"Lord Potter," he said, as soon as he got a lull in the conversation. "I...

find myself having to apologise to you for what role I played in what has

happened to you since you re-entered our world. I'm sorry."

Harry immediately replied, "Apology accepted, Percy. Just... try to think

things through, in future. You need to realise and accept that those in

authority aren't always right or in the right."

Percy seemed to think about that for a moment, before he finally gave a

curt nod back and said, "Understood. And, thank you for understanding

and accepting my apology."

"You're welcome," he smiled. "Now, your father has told me you're doing

well at the Ministry, these days. But, what I want to know is; how goes

things with your efforts in wooing Miss Clearwater?"

Percy gaped at him like a fish in shock for a moment before he suddenly

blushed and replied, "A... work in progress."

Harry chuckled and said, "Then I wish you good luck with that. She'd be

a good catch."

Again, Percy blushed and mumbled, "Thank you."

"A suggestion only: As Penny is the only Heir of Charlus Clearwater, who

is the only Heir of Lord Basil Clearwater, you may want to consider the

idea of offering to accept her surname as your own if you progress to a

Betrothal Agreement. It should go a long way to Lord Clearwater

accepting you, so the Noble and Most Ancient House of Clearwater has

Line Continuation. As I understand, you would encounter difficulties in

accumulating sufficient gold to meet any bride price Lord Clearwater

might otherwise demand."

Molly gave a light scoff and said, "I don't think there's a need to do that."

Turning his attention to her, Harry said, "I have little doubt Penny will

only be allowed to wed if there's both a Contract and Line Continuation

clauses involved. I'm aware you think little of such necessities, Madam

Weasley; but, I can assure you that Lord Clearwater thinks the opposite.

"It's up to Percy and Arthur to decide if he's willing to offer such. If he

loves her as much as I believe he does, it won't be a hardship for him."

Before Molly got all up in her wand about it again, Percy said, "That is a

brilliant idea, Lord Potter. Thank you, very much. You've given me much

to think about."

"You're welcome," Harry nodded.

Percy then turned to his mother and said, "I'm only Heir Tertiary, Mum.

I'm the back up of a back up. Besides, there are three more sons after me

who can easily fill that role."

Molly was clearly miffed to hear that, but couldn't disagree. She decided

it would be something she'd talk to both her husband and third son about

after Harry and Hermione left.

A few moments later, Percy left again to return upstairs, claiming he had

a letter to write.

A half hour later, when the two then noticed Molly had left and was back

working in the kitchen, the two realised it was time to return to the


They gave their thanks for allowing them to visit and soon flooed back to


Once they were gone, Percy came back downstairs and said to his father,

"He's right, you now."

His father immediately asked, "You'd be willing to forgo the name


"For Penny? Yes," his third immediately replied.

Bill chuckled and said, "You've got it... bad."

With a slight blush at his oldest brother's words, he turned to his mother,

who had turned back to look at him, "I'd still be your son, Mum. Just a

son of a different surname."

That had Molly happier.




Back in the Granger residence, they were quick to see if the adult

Grangers had returned - they had - and let them know they were safely


"Any problems?" asked Wendell.

"A few uncomfortable moments," replied Hermione. "But, we were

quickly past them."

"Oh?" he asked.

Harry replied, "One was Ron Weasley. Apparently, he was leaving today

to spend the rest of his time before the third of January at the home of

the family etiquette instructor. When I spoke to the twins about it a while

ago, they told me the woman, their Great Aunt on their mother's side, is a

real dragon. Ron will not be having a pleasant time of it."

"Why's he being sent there?" asked Monica.

"Because his behaviour, whenever my name has come up since everyone

went home after the first task, has led to their family danger alert device

showing Ron's indicator moving to 'In Danger' from 'At Home'. They fear

that means if Ron doesn't change his ways, I'm going to have to take

action against him. They're right; I would."

"To what level?" asked Wendell.

"Honour duel," he immediately replied. "But, that also doesn't mean I

wouldn't raise wand to him on the spot if he tried something on

Hermione and I had to step in to stop it."

Hermione added, "Another was Molly seemed reticent to address Harry

by his title on first meeting. She's not used to doing something like that."

"I had to come down a little hard on her," said Harry, a little sadly.

"Molly doesn't abide by the traditions of the wizarding world. It's also

clear Ron's attitude has a lot to do with her attitude. His hatred of

Slytherins, in general; his blatant defiance of holding his tongue when he

should; his general behaviour; they all come from her direct influence."

"That's unsurprising," nodded Wendell.




After breakfast the next morning, Harry quickly took the floo over to

Longbottom Hall to clarify a few matters regarding the meeting of the

Alliance that would be held after lunch.

Once he was back he sat down with Hermione to talk about it.

"Dress will be business attire with House crests, Hermione," he explained.

"We floo over at 1.30pm and the actual meeting starts at 2.00pm."

Hermione frowned and asked, "Why so early?"

"Because, we have to be there as all the other guests arrive, to greet

them," he replied. "Plus, Alice wants to talk to you, beforehand, about

your role in all this.

"The guests actually arrive in quick succession, thirty seconds apart, from

1.50pm until there's only a couple of minutes to go. They start with the

Magical Houses of Fanwater, Puvingson and Shakedale; then the Elder

Houses of Bardhall, Bancroft, Dallyhatch, Sibbledotch and Stebbins; then

the Ancient Houses of Abbott and Davis; and finally the Noble and

Ancient Houses of Greengrass, Bones, Marchbanks and Ogden.

"I need to stand with Frank near the floo in their welcoming hall as they

all arrive to greet them. Neville will be there, too, as escort to escort

them to the meeting room as they arrive. For your information, the

meeting of the Heads will be in their formal dining room, while the

ladies will be congregating in the informal dining room, or breakfast

room, alongside their kitchen."

Hermione nodded and asked, "What about the heirs?"

Pleased at the question, Harry smiled and replied, "The Heir Primaries

will be in the meeting, but sitting in a chair behind their Heads and away

from the table. That's so they can learn what's going on for when it's their

time as a Head.

"The others, if there are others, won't be required to attend. However, if

they do, I'm not sure. As far as I'm aware there's only two that are

possible attendees; and those are Tracey Davis and Astoria Greengrass. I

suspect they'll be with you with the spouses."




After an early lunch, Monica practically dragged a reluctant Hermione up

to the master bedroom to help the girl get ready for the meeting.

"But, Mu-um," Hermione whined, as she was being dragged from the

room. "I just need to throw on a wizarding robe!"

"No, dear," her mother disagreed. "This is an important function for Harry

and the two Houses you are or will represent. You'll need to look your

best. And that means taking time to gussy-up."

They were followed up by the female auror who was on their detail that


Harry watched them go and snickered in amusement.




With a little under five minutes to go until they had to floo over to

Longbottom Hall, Monica finally led Hermione down to the main floor.

Harry took one look at her and thought dirty thoughts. He immediately

blushed. "W-wow!" he managed to stammer out.

Harry barely heard Monica say, "See? Told you." As Hermione blushed at

Harry's frank appraisal of her.

Finally getting some semblance of control over himself, Harry said, "The

other wives are going to turn green with envy." He never noticed his

voice almost breaking as he said it.

'Other wives?' Hermione immediately thought. So, too, did Monica. It led

the older woman to outright grin at the boy while Hermione's blush

deepened. Harry never noticed Monica's expression, as his eyes were on

Hermione or otherwise looking away in embarrassment.

Giving her throat a little clear to try and get the two teens to snap out of

it, Monica said, "I think it's time you two made your way down to the

Doghouse." Even she was now calling it that.

It was enough for both teens. However, as Hermione was about to turn

away to head for the back door, Harry stepped forward and placed a kiss

on her cheek. Then he quietly and heart-feltingly said, "I meant what I

said. They're going to be jealous of you."

When Harry turned away it was to see the female auror out next to the

door to the back hallway smirking at him. Her eyes were even twinkling

in amusement.

He had the urge to poke his tongue out at her like a child, but managed

to restrain himself.




Right on time, the Longbottom's floo activated.

As they stood waiting in the welcoming hall about twenty feet away from

the fireplace, Frank muttered, "Here come the Potter's et al."

First out was the first auror, who immediately ducked off to the side and

checked to ensure there was enough room for Harry to make his...

entrance. Even the aurors knew about it, now.

A few seconds later, Harry almost flew out of the fireplace and managed

to again skid on his knees and toes across the marble. As soon as he

stopped he popped to his feet and grinned at the Longbottoms. Alice even

mimicked clapping her hands while grinning at him.

As he was doing so, the auror cleared him of soot and moved back

towards the fireplace.

Then out came Hermione, who the auror also immediately cleared of


As the two teens moved over to the Longbottoms with wide grins, the

Longbottoms grinned back as Frank stepped forward to shake Harry's

hand before stepping across to hug Hermione.

As he pulled back he turned to Harry and said, "Much better entrance."

Harry, still grinning, gave a shrug and replied, "At least, this time, I didn't

end up on my back and knocking an auror down."

That was as far as he got before he was drawn into a hug by Alice.

"Definitely better, young Harry."

After Alice hugged Hermione, Hermione then walked over and hugged a

suddenly shocked Neville, who looked a little fearfully at Harry. Harry

just grinned at him.

After separating from Hermione with a blush, Neville stepped over

towards Frank while Alice hooked her arm into Hermione's and said,

"Come, my dear. Us ladies have much to talk about.

That seemed to be a signal for Frank, who said to Harry, "Come into the

dining room and I'll show you where everyone's to sit."




Shown into the dining room that was acting as meeting room for the

Alliance, Frank indicated the seating arrangement.

"I sit at this end," he said, pointing to the chair where the Head of House

sat. "And, you sit at that end." And pointed to the chair at the other end

of the table.

"Sitting at my right and left hands, respectively, are Miles Ogden and

Griselda Marchbanks. Sitting at your right and left hands, respectively,

are Samuel Greengrass and Amelia Bones.

"Next to Miles will be Newton Bancroft and next to Griselda will be

Heathcliff Davis.

"Next to Samuel will be Tyler Stebbins and next to Amelia will be Eugene


"The three in the middle, each side, are Angus Sibbledotch, Gene

Dallyhatch and Fred Bardhall; and Molly Fanwater, Phinneas Puvingson

and Hugh Shakedale.

"That means we will have full attendance. Which is actually a very good

thing, considering there hasn't been a meeting of the Alliance for over ten


"What about Heirs?" asked Harry, looking for the chairs.

"As far as I know, all will be attending," replied Frank. "Except, that is,


"And I intend to keep it that way," said Harry. "The man is my named

Heir, but I don't want him to know that unless I happen to die without

progeny of my own. Besides, he lives in America."

"That's your choice, Harry," agreed Frank.

He then moved over to where he'd be sitting and tapped one of the

documents he had there. "I've also taken the step of writing up an agenda

for the meeting. However, it's not chiselled in stone. I wrote it just to be a


"You're chairing the meeting?" asked Harry. "I ask, because I really don't

want to do it."

"Yes, I will," smiled Frank. "However you need to pay attention as, when

you host one at Pottermore, you'll be expected to Chair it."

He then hesitated for a moment before he looked to Neville and said,

"Neville; I need to speak privately with Lord Potter for a moment."

Neville immediately gave a short bow and said, "Of course, My Lord."

Gave a slightly shorter bow to Harry, walked out of the room and pulled

the door shut behind him.

Once the door was closed, Frank turned back to Harry and said, "I'll be

blunt. What can you tell me of the relationship between Neville and

young Miss Abbott?"

"Ah!" said Harry. "Neville's told you, has he?"

Frank gave a slight snort of amusement and replied, "He tried. But, he

kept getting tongue-tied and blushed so badly I thought he was going to

pass out from blood loss."

Harry gave a snicker of amusement, indicated the chairs and said, "This

may take a few minutes, at least. Shall we?"

Once Frank was sitting in 'his' chair and Harry was sitting in the chair

that kitty-cornered and would be Miles Ogden's once the meeting began,

Harry started to explain.

"Neville and Hannah are mutually attracted to one another," he said. "It

was so obvious that even Pauline Abbott saw it within moments of the

two seeing each other, when Neville accompanied me around to

introduce Hermione.

"However, what I doubt Neville knows, but I saw, was that young Susan

Bones also has her sights set on him. However and as you'd know, Susan

has line continuance issues.

"Now, from the body language of Hannah and Susan around Neville, it

was apparent to me that those two devious little Hufflepuffs have plans

that involve your boy. And it wasn't that hard to figure it out.

"It appears to me that Hannah plans on becoming the next Lady

Longbottom with Susan, due to her needing that Line Continuance

condition, becoming the Longbottom Concubine to Neville. However, it

was also obvious that Neville doesn't realise that's going on.

"After we left and returned to Hermione's place for lunch, I had to pretty

much verbally beat him about the head to get him to realise Hannah

liked him as much as he likes her. I didn't want to give him a heart attack

by telling him Susan has her sights set on him, too.

"While in his heart beats a true lion, in his head cowers a scared little boy

who was continuously told he would never be able to compare

favourably with his father. I've spent what time I could, over the past

three plus years, excising that little boy from his head and replacing it

with the lion that also resides in his heart.

"If you decide to negotiate a Betrothal Agreement with Abbott and a

Concubine Bond Agreement with Madam Bones, you need to make

Neville aware of that quite carefully. In my opinion, though, both girls

would be good for him."

Frank was smiling and nodding away as Harry was talking. When Harry

wound down, he said, "I was somewhat aware of young Hannah - and,

thank you for telling him to talk to me about her - but I was completely

unaware of young Susan. However, what you've told me makes a lot of


Then he smirked and turned to Harry with quite the devious expression.

"As you seem to be trying to guide me into negotiating a Concubine Bond

Agreement for my son, what about one for you?"

Harry sat back and sighed before he said, "My betrothal to Hermione is a

small problem with that. I don't know if you're aware of it or not, but

muggles don't have those sort of arrangements. They believe each man

should only have one wife... and definitely no concubines. They see it as


"I have talked to Hermione about it, but I've also told her I would not

enter into one without her prior approval.

"She asked me if there was any witch for whom I'd be prepared to enter

into one and told her Daphne Greengrass and Luna Lovegood were two

possibles. And explained why."

Frank immediately said, "Greengrass, because the House of Greengrass is

an allianced House; and Lovegood, because the Ancient House of

Lovegood could make a worthwhile addition to the Alliance."

"Exactly," said Harry. "However, even if Lovegood did not want to join

the Alliance, I'd still consider her because she needs the protection the

House of Potter could offer her... at least, she did until Marchbanks

became Headmistress."

After discussing matters for a few minutes more, Neville knocked on the

door and stuck his head in. "My Lord; our other guests will begin

arriving, momentarily."

"Thank you, Neville," his father replied with a nod.

As Neville pulled his head back out and re-shut the door, Frank turned to

Harry and said, "Thank you, Harry. I appreciate what you've told me.

Again, you're proving yourself to be looking out for the best interests of

House Longbottom. Thank you."

"You're welcome," replied Harry, as both Lords rose from their chairs.

"But, I'll be honest, this is more 'Harry' looking out for the best interests

of 'Neville'. That it's also in the best interests of House Longbottom is just

the cherry on top of the cupcake."

Frank just smiled back as he opened the door to let them out.




Just before the guests started to arrive, Hermione and Alice rejoined the

'menfolk' in the welcoming Hall.

As soon as he saw her, Harry carefully checked her expression to see if

she was in any sort of distress - she wasn't. If anything, Hermione was

even more relaxed than when they first arrived.

When her eyes caught his she softly smiled and gave him a near-perfect

curtsey of a Lady acknowledging her husband Lord.

That surprised Harry; and the surprise must have been reflected in his

expression, because she suddenly and cheekily grinned back.

While that little silent communication was going on, Frank was directing

everyone to their 'places' to greet their incoming guests. Standing in a

line at about a forty-five degree angle from the fireplace, the order went

Frank, Alice, Harry and Hermione with Frank's end closest. Neville stood

a little apart and after Hermione. One of the aurors disillusioned

themselves and stood on the 'side' wall facing the welcoming party.

There was one last check with his eyes over everything and everyone

before Frank muttered, "Any moment now."

Almost before he could finish the short sentence, there was a soft whoosh

of flames and they turned green. A moment later, an elderly witch

stepped out of the flames and stepped forward - Molly Fanwater. She was

followed by her son, Hamilton.

As per protocol, Missus Fanwater - a widow of the last war - approached

the 'receiving line' at Frank's end.




As the guests began arriving, Harry was keeping a close watch on how

they each reacted to the presence of Hermione in the receiving line,

while they seemed to be more focussed on him. He was surprised to see

there was absolutely no negativity directed towards her except from one

of the Heirs, Philip Bancroft of the Elder House of Bancroft. He'd keep a

close watch on him.

He was pleased, though, to see the very pointed look the young man was

given by his mother as they came off the line and Neville was about to

escort them away. That was one Heir, it was obvious, who was going to

get a tongue-lashing later.

Once the last guests arrived, Miles and Hedda Ogden, Harry breathed a

sigh of relief.

Alice heard and gave him a smile of understanding and reached over to

give his hand a squeeze of comfort.

"Alright," said Frank. "Let's do this."

As Alice accepted his elbow to be escorted to the dining room, Hermione

moved in to take Harry's. And the four walked to the dining room.




Just before the four reached the doors, both ladies separated and wished

their respective 'other halves' good luck. Frank and Harry entered as Alice

and Hermione headed for the informal dining room.

As they did, the light chatter that was occurring immediately quieted and

the people in the room moved to their chairs. Harry was pleased to see

that everyone had attended and all the known Heirs were attending and

moving to their 'assigned' seating.

He also noticed that Neville, while he was sitting behind and slightly off

to one side of his father, also had a Longbottom house elf bring him a lap

table. It was already loaded with documents, fresh parchment, ink and

quills. And it was apparent he would be taking notes.

The meeting opened and Frank decided that, since it had been so long

since the Alliance last formally met, they would forgo the reading of the

minutes of that meeting. No one disagreed.

He then quietly told the members he was somewhat disappointed in them

over their lack of action over the past thirteen years and expressed his

hope they'd be a lot more active from that point forward. No one gainsaid


The first order of business was congratulating, from the Alliance, Lord

Ogden on attaining the role of Chief Warlock. He was clearly pleased at

the praise. But also said he could not ethically allow the Alliance undue

influence on his decision-making. That was expected.

Then came the formal advisement that House MacMillan had been

excommunicated from the Alliance due to the actions and words of the

Heir of the House, Ernest MacMillan. That had a few show they were


"Any questions or comments regarding that matter?" asked Frank.

Samuel Greengrass immediately said, "I have been approached by Lord

MacMillan, who asked of me I speak on his behalf when we all next met.

He wishes to offer private apology to Lord Potter regarding the behaviour

of his Heir, before then offering a public one.

"I said I would raise the matter so it was tabled, but not speak either for

or against."

Madam Bones piped in. "Lord Potter was in the right to boot House

MacMillan from the Alliance," she said. "I have discussed the matter at

length and in detail with my niece and, I have to say, if someone had

behaved as appallingly as Heir MacMillan behaved towards Lord Potter,

towards me, I might have taken even stronger action."

The elderly Tyler Stebbins of the Elder House of Stebbins, who had no

Heir, said, "Nevertheless, House MacMillan holds a seat on the

Wizengamot. His House represented only one of six... sorry, seven... seats

this Alliance has available to it - I'd forgotten about Amelia's seat as


"Secondly, young Ernest has always been a bit of a hothead. I'm rather

surprised he ended up in Hufflepuff, to be honest. I expected him to be

sorted into Gryffindor.

"As it was the under-aged Heir Secondary that offered offence, and not the

Lord of the House, I ask the matter of House MacMillan's

excommunication be reconsidered."

Frank immediately said, "That's entirely up to Lord Potter. Heir

MacMillan offended he, not the Alliance as a whole."

As everyone turned to Harry, he'd already been thinking about it, so was

quick to respond.

"Mister Stebbins's opinion of Ernest MacMillan's attitude is correct. The

boy is a hothead. However, I have also spent some time over the past

four weeks reconsidering the matter and my reactions to it."

He paused a few moments and continued. "Points for the re-admittance of

House MacMillan are such. One: Ernest MacMillan is a child who, from

what I've seen, has an elevated sense of his own entitlement. The past

four weeks should have taught him the error of that. Two: I was angry, at

the time, over the behaviour of the whole school towards me, not just

Heir MacMillan's. And I can see I let my own temper somewhat unfairly

dictate terms. Three: Heir MacMillan is just that; the Heir Secondary. He

is not the Lord of the House, let alone Heir Primary. Four: I could just

have easily made the same decision regarding, except for Neville

Longbottom, the behaviour of the other Heirs who currently attend

Hogwarts. He just happened to be the one who said the wrong thing at

the wrong time.

"Points Against are such. One: He is fourteen years old and should have a

logical understanding of his responsibilities to his House. So, he cannot

claim he didn't know what he was doing or should have done. Two: His

actions against me were not reactive, like the other Heirs; but proactive.

That is, he did not go along with the general consensus, at the time; he

actively even led that behaviour. Three: He has had four weeks in which

to offer apology off his own back and has not yet even attempted to do

so; nor has the Lord of his House. I do not expect to have to ask for an

apology for an apology to be offered. It should have been immediately

offered... or as soon as available... and wasn't."

He gave the members time to absorb that information before he finally

said, "I acknowledge the past four weeks have been... earth shaking... for

the magical community of wizarding Britain. And, as such, peoples'

minds have been on other matters. However, Heir Secondary MacMillan

should still have been of sound enough mind to offer apology.

"My decision is this: If Heir MacMillan... not Lord MacMillan, on his

behalf... publicly offers apology without expectation it would be accepted,

then I believe we can revisit the re-admittance of House MacMillan to the

Alliance at our next meeting."

As he was speaking, Harry was carefully watching the expressions of

those around him. He was pleased to see they all listened carefully to

what he had to say and were willing to hear him out.

After a few moments Samuel Greengrass said, "I like it. It puts the onus

on House MacMillan to act before the Alliance will react."

That had the others all agreeing, with Frank offering Harry a smile that

he could see showed Frank was pleased with him for his words.

Next came a discussion on whether they would support, as a whole, a

single candidate for the position of Minister. Harry didn't have a view on

that, so remained silent.

It was decided they would support a known and long-time member of the

Unaligned faction, Lady Jacinta Cauldwell of the Noble and Ancient

House of Ashwater. Ashwater was one of the few noble Houses that had

passed on to another family through the marrying of a daughter of the

House to another without a Line Continuation clause via contract,


After that, a few other points were raised such as recent births, deaths

and marriages within the member Houses, younger Heirs were formally

introduced and updated orders of succession within the Houses were

clarified. Then Frank raised the matter of Dowager Lady Augusta.

"Though I have decided not to disown her for her actions while acting as

guardian of Heir Longbottom and as House Regent, I have banished her

to a Longbottom holiday cottage until the legal matters surrounding her

actions are resolved. At the conclusion of that I will revisit my decision

regarding her and her behaviour. As such, she remains a member of

House Longbottom... for now."

Again, the Members nodded.

He continued, "Both Alice and I have also rewritten our Wills. If we pass

before Heir Longbottom reaches his majority, he is to be immediately

emancipated and inducted as the newest Lord Longbottom. We believe he

is now old enough to take up the Headship of the House, if it becomes

necessary. He will not have a Regent. Dowager Lady Augusta, most

definitely, will not be allowed either position of regent or guardian ever


As the others nodded in recognition of his words, Harry could see it did

not really come as a shock to anyone.




Once the meeting concluded and they were rejoined by the 'spouses',

everyone remained behind to enjoy an afternoon tea laid on by the

Longbottom house elves. Harry was quick to speak with Hermione.

Off to one side, he immediately and quietly asked her, "How were you

treated by the others?"

"Very well," she happily replied. "Apparently our relationship, as it

currently stands, is by no means unusual."

He lightly frowned and said, "I thought Sirius, Ted and I had already

made that clear."

"You had," she sighed. "However, it's one thing to be told that, it's another

to actually experience it."

He gave a non-committal 'hmm', but nodded. He did then smile. "I'm glad

you're becoming more comfortable with it."

That was as far as they got, privacy-wise, before Adeline Greengrass

beckoned them over.

As they walked over, she said, "No hogging the future Lady Potter, Harry.

You get to spend all your time with her back where you're staying. Now

is the time for mingling with contemporaries."

Harry just chuckled, gave a shortened courtly bow and said, "My

apologies, Lady Greengrass. However, I find myself unable to be apart

from her beauty for more than a few minutes at a time."

"Oh, bravo!" said Lydia Davis, who'd overheard. "That'll score you 'good

husband' points."

As the other ladies snickered, Harry just chuckled back, separated from

them and made his way over to Eugene Abbott, where he was talking

with Miles Ogden.




After reminding Neville of their day of 'muggle shopping' the next day,

the two teens were finally able to return to the Granger residence before

dinner, but not in time for Harry to cook. A situation Dobby seemed a

little smug about.

"Yeah, yeah," he snarked at the elf. "Laugh it up, chuckles. But, mark my

words, there will soon come a day of reckoning!"

Hermione, ever the supporting type, laughed out loud.

Not able to cook dinner, Harry joined Hermione with her parents as they

discussed what the meeting was like. Though Harry was there he was not

there for the 'ladies' meeting. He was pleased to hear his betrothed was

fitting in well with the older ladies.

"They're just all so accepting," she gushed. Turning to Harry she asked,

"Did you know that just about all of them were in similar contracts before

they married? Only Prissy Sibbledotch, of the ladies there, wasn't.

"And Adeline was telling me they've already received offers for similar

agreements for Daphne and Astoria." Her expression suddenly darkened

and she added, "Though, the offers have all been quite insulting, she says,

and are for dark families. They're having a bedeviling time fending those


"It took me only a few moments to see and figure out that both girls are

practically terrified their parents will be forced to accept one or two of

them. The one from Malfoy they keep getting hounded with has for both

girls to be effectively handed over, together with eventual control of the

Greengrass Seat on the Wizengamot. That's just so wrong!"

As Harry listened he knew he'd have to contact Samuel Greengrass and

see what he could do to help. However, he was going to have to talk to

Hermione about it, first, if he read the situation right.

Hermione's parents were also listening with some level of alarm. They

were pleased their daughter was, for the moment at least, not at risk of

such. But were horrified on behalf of the other two young ladies' parents.

Wendell asked, "What can be done to help them?"

Harry sighed and said, "The obvious one is to help get both girls

betrothed to someone who will be able to protect them. However, it can't

just be anyone. It has to be someone of high enough standing - House-

wise - in the community that it won't be seen as a slap in the face to all

those Houses who are pushing similar contracts.

"As I've previously explained to Hermione regarding a similar situation,

because House Greengrass is a Noble and Ancient House and there's no

male Heir, it's likely any first born child or children will be pushed to

take the name 'Greengrass' as their family name, rather than the name of

the father's House. That will make many reticent to offer such an


"Of course, because there's two daughters, that problem only exists with

the first to accept an agreement. The second daughter, irrespective of the

order of birth, will then be free of the requirement to carry on the

Greengrass name.

"But, since there are two daughters, that carries with it a major problem.

Many are going to hold off until one or the other are in an agreement

with a Line Continuation clause before they make their own offers. So,

the second daughter, once the first is betrothed, is going to receive even

more offers."

Monica suddenly said, "Concubine Contracts. That's what you're hinting

at here, isn't it."

Harry nodded.

"You," she suddenly said.

Wendell frowned and asked, "What are you getting at, Mon?"

Harry sighed and said, "What Monica's figured out is that both girls can

be bound to me, at least temporarily, under a Concubine Bond


"Concubines?!" he angrily asked.

"They play an important part in our culture, Wendell," he explained.

"They're important to ensure bloodlines are maintained; and, therefore,


Before Wendell could get up in arms about it again, he went on, "Daphne

and Astoria Greengrass are the last of the Greengrasses, besides their

parents, left. They are the two daughters of Lord Samuel and Lady

Adeline Greengrass of the Noble and Ancient House of Greengrass. There

are no sons.

"Therefore, they will need to marry with a Marriage Contract that agrees

to the first born son, at least, carrying the surname Greengrass. The

Weasleys aside, magicals don't usually beget more than two or three

children at most. So... for the first born, at least, to carry the name

Greengrass... there is a risk it means the father's family name will not be

continued through their union. There are a great many who will not be

willing to risk that.

"That's where Concubine Bond Agreements play an important role. It

means the father can marry and beget children through his wife that will

carry his family name, while he also begets children for the concubined

witch so she's be able to continue her line. It could also be known as a

Morganatic Marriage, in that the concubine and her offspring have no

legal claim to inheritance from the father of the children; and that

includes titles.

"It's also important to note a concubine is not looked down upon in the

wizarding world. Instead, they are somewhat revered for their... I'd say

'sacrifice', but that would be the wrong choice... 'dedication to tradition',

would be better.

"The only limitation placed on such Bonds is that the husband, or the

husband's family, is able to properly provide for the blended dual family

that will develop."

Wendell grumped, "It sounds medieval."

"Not so much," replied Harry. "In 1936, then King Edward the Eighth was

offered the concept of marrying Missus Wallis Simpson in a Morganatic

Marriage. Even after Edward abdicated and he married the woman, by

royal decree she was styled 'Her Grace', for the title Duchess of Windsor,

rather than 'Her Royal Highness', as was her true right. That was

Morganaticism at its finest."

Still frowning in annoyance, Wendell pressed, "And this is allowed in the

wizarding world?"

"It is," he nodded. "If I remember my readings right, it was brought in

when the numbers of Ancient Houses began to alarmingly fall due to the

wizarding wars in the late 1700s. They were dying out. Since they've

never really recovered, each time the concept has been raised within the

Wizengamot to be struck from the books, the motion loses. Contrarily, it's

even been expanded upon to not just include the Noble Houses, but any

House of Elder House and up."

"You're not considering taken on a concubine, are you?" he pressed.

"It's not something I'm aiming for, no," he honestly replied. "However, I

might just find myself... 'press-ganged' into it. I'm young, fit, head a

Noble and Most Ancient House, head one of the major Alliances, my

family does not have a history of fathering squibs and, to top it off, I'm

considered a hero of the wizarding world.

"I think, very soon, the Alliance is going to be pressuring me into taking

on at least one concubine. And it's likely to be Daphne Greengrass, or her

sister, or both.

"However, if it happens as I think it will, I'll make damned sure the

Concubine Bond Agreement has easy escape clauses for both parties, just

as mine and Hermione's does.

"I'll argue that the witches concerned will have sufficient protection just

from the agreement and need nothing more. Which will be true. That will

give both girls ample time to seek out suitable suitors, or Samuel... Lord

Greengrass... enough time to organise a better deal for the both of them.

I'm willing to protect them; I'm not willing to father children on them."

Wendell, still closed off, muttered, "I don't like it."

Harry immediately agreed, "You're not alone in that view."




40. Pottermore

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to the proverbial Duchess of

Magic, JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high

falutin' companies. No matter how much I whine about not owning anything

related to the HP universe, other than a few fanfic plots, I do not profess to

own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful

world... Damn it!

Chapter Forty - Pottermore




Walden MacNair was not a happy customer. It had taken him more than

a week to find where the mudblood Granger lived.

He'd first had to purchase all the necessary ingredients to create a scrying

potion to track down the location of the Potter brat. Then, when he'd

tried it, it didn't work.

After checking all his preparations he realised he'd done nothing wrong.

That meant the boy had anti-scrying wards up. That was not really a


Next, he again brewed the scrying potion and spent considerable effort in

acquiring something of the mudblood, Granger, to attempt to scry her. To

make sure she wasn't currently out visiting someone at the time he tried

to scry for her, he waited until the very early hours of the morning.

Thankfully, it worked.

He had managed to locate her in a muggle suburb that looked, to his

pureblood senses, to be quite the affluent neighbourhood.

Now, he could have just directly approached the house. However, he did

not manage to attain the rank of Master Executioner for the Ministry by

being an idiot.

He spent quite some time staking the place out under both an invisibility

cloak and disillusionment charm, while 'camped' on the front lawn of the

house across the road.

Carefully, he cast detection charms towards the house, expecting to find

none, but was shocked to find that the house was quite well warded.

He detected anti-apparation, anti-portkey, anti-fire, magical signature-

based, intent-based, anti-(underaged-)magic detection, various and

multiple alert and even DMLE-only wards. Other than the DMLE-only and

a couple of the alert wards, the rest all appeared to be fed from a ward

keystone. If he was to attempt it, those would take time to be brought

down. However, there was another ward, obviously tied to a well-hidden

ward keystone, that made his dark mark ache when he first approached

it. That told him it was a dark mark detection ward, or something


But, those weren't his only problems he knew about. He had also seen

aurors, who were obviously some form of protection detail, coming and

going at odd times. And, his monitoring of their movements, showed him

there was always at least three on the property at all times; sometimes,


However, he had another problem of which he was unaware. An

Unspeakable was standing not too far behind him, watching him, even

through the invisibility cloak and Notice-Me-Not charm he had upon


In his own mind, though, he was trying to figure out what to tell his

master, Voldemort. He was completely unprepared for the very close cast

from behind. A compulsion charm to try and get as much information as

he could, while also determining he had not yet collected enough and

being reticent to share the information he'd already collected.

After thinking about packing it up for the day once darkness began to

creep in, he unwittingly changed his mind and resettled himself to wait a

few hours more.




As arranged, Neville flooed to the Granger Residence the next morning as

breakfast was winding down. Though he'd eaten that morning, already,

he claimed he was 'up' for a second, though smaller, serving.

When Harry turned a curious look on him the boy blushed a little and

said, "I eat early so I can spend time in the greenhouses. Plus, I... left

room for Dobby's cooking." The last bit said with a bit of a mumble.

Harry laughed and said, "No need to be embarrassed about it, Neville. I

happen to have it on good authority the aurors are now fighting for a

placement on my protection detail, just so they get the opportunity to

sample Dobby's cooking."

"And yours, Harry," said Monica. "You're an even better cook than he is."

While Harry blushed at the praise, still not used to it, Dobby also heard

and was both pleased for his master and determined to better his culinary

skills to beat said master.




Before heading out to go shopping, though, Harry had to take Neville

upstairs to properly outfit him in mugglewear. Hermione had determined

that what he was wearing didn't quite 'make the grade', as far as she was


It wasn't until he realised he now 'outmassed' his friend, though, that

Harry discovered the other boy would now easily fit into the clothes he

purchased only a little over a week ago and he'd just outgrown.

A quick adjustment of size and Neville looked every inch the muggle. He

was dressed in dark grey slacks, black loafers and belt, a white T-shirt as

an undershirt and a black shirt. Over that went a white/grey/black

patterned cardigan and a configured knee length dark grey overcoat with

black gloves that an auror configured for him out of transfiguring an old

waist length brown coat he was wearing.

Harry was wearing dark brown loafers and slacks with dark brown belt,

together with a dark yellow shirt over a white T-shirt similar to Neville.

Then over that went a tanned jumper and his own overcoat, of a similar

style to Neville, with brown gloves.

When they came back downstairs, with Neville feeling a little self-

conscious, Monica beamed a wide grin at them both. "Looking good, you

two." That relaxed the boy, as he smiled back.

When Hermione came down she was wearing an over-the-knee length

dress in a floral pattern on light blue, with heavy stockings on her legs.

On her feet she wore a closed-toe semi-high heeled shoe of a burgundy,

which matched one of the main colours of the flowers and her purse. Her

overcoat was black; but, one of the aurors colour-changed it to a dark

burgundy to match her shoes and purse.

"Very nice," smiled Monica, giving a nod of satisfaction looking at the

three of them. "Now; where are you planning on going to shop?"

"I... really didn't have much of an idea," admitted Hermione.

Harry immediately said, "Harrods."

He didn't see the look of surprise on the Grangers' faces as he'd already

turned to the aurors and said, "I suggest a portkey to the Leaky Cauldron

and a taxi to the store from there."

"Close," smiled the senior female auror; Charlotte Watkins, again.

"Portkey to the Leaky is right, but we'll have a Ministerial car waiting for

us outside the muggle-side doors of the pub to take us where we need to

go. It's already been arranged."

"We rank a Ministerial car?" asked Neville.

"One's now semi-permanently assigned to the Potter Protection Detail,

just for these sort of issues," she replied. "Madam Bones organised it."




Once final checks were done - with the aurors reminding them, once

again, not to try to lose them and be mindful of where they were at all

times - the three, with their two aurors, headed out to the portkey point

just inside the front gate and portkeyed away. The aurors both had their

wands out and ready as the portkey was voice-activated.

As soon as they landed in the Leaky's portkey point, the aurors

immediately hustled them all out the front door and onto the street. The

car was sitting there with its engine running and the driver behind the

wheel, waiting. The car had matching car width back seats that faced one

another east/west.

Charlotte, hustled them in and, once they were settled, said to the driver,

"Harrods, I believe."

"Yes, Ma'am," the driver immediately replied before indicating to pull

away from the curb.

From where he was sitting on the passenger-side of the backseat that

faced forward - Charlotte sat in the back seat opposite facing him, ready

to step out first once they got there - Neville's head was swivelling this

way and that trying to take it all in.

"Not been out into the muggle world, at all, Neville?" asked Hermione.

"No," he replied. "Gran never wanted to, so I never got a chance to go...


"Then this'll be an eye-opening experience for you," she said.

"It already is," he grinned back.




After a fifteen minute drive that took them almost right past the palace

then beyond, the driver pulled up outside of Harrods on Brompton Road.

Both Harry and Hermione were relieved that Neville was not so much

swivelling his head all about the place trying to look at everything at the

same time, any more.

When the car came to a stop in a cab 'drop' zone, the driver half turned

about and quietly said, "We're here." And indicated the store with a flick

of his fingers."

With Charlotte leading and the other auror bringing up the rear, the

three teens moved into the store.

Once inside, Hermione asked, "Where to, first?"

"Ladies section," Harry immediately replied. "I promised you I'd buy you

some nice muggle clothes and this is the best place for it."

After Hermione gave him a look, she then gave a huff and said, "Fine.

Then we're off to the men's section. You're getting a whole new

wardrobe, whether you like it or not. And, while we're there, we can do

something permanent about Neville's muggle wardrobe, too."

That was something Harry had expected so he wasn't so much worried

about it. He'd already figured that'd be Hermione's immediate





After spending quite a bit of time in both the ladies' and mens' sections of

the store, the five then moved to one of the in-store restaurants for lunch.

They didn't have to worry about bags, because Harry had also paid for

the lot to be delivered to Hermione's home address.

Next, Harry suggested they go to the electronics section, so Neville could

get a good look at just what 'marvels' the muggles used in their everyday


They almost had to drag the boy out after an hour because it was clear he

was shocked almost senseless from what he'd seen. Thankfully, Hermione

was a quiet and patient teacher for him, going over just what everything

did and how they were used in the home, in business and in everyday


As they still had time, to please the boy they also went into the gardening

section of the store. Again, he was stunned. He had no idea there were

things like portable greenhouses available. And the automated watering

systems clearly had the boy trying to figure out how to use them in a

wizarding home or business.

Harry took one look at Neville's focus on the demonstration model of a

quite commonly known and used black poly-pipe home-build reticulation

system that he surreptitiously bought the boy an expanded 'starter' pack

that did not include electronics. This one just screwed onto a garden tap

using a garden hose connection. He even added a few rolls of fifty metre

each 12mm tubing, a 10m roll of 6mm tubing, plus extra anchors,

connectors of each size, 'T's, elbows and various sprinklers to plug into

the system. The order would be added to the delivery order coming to

Hermione's home the next morning.

However, after a stop for afternoon tea because Harry's stomach was

growling again, they finally went to the delivery section and organised

for all the purchases to be delivered the next day.

"We'll floo you with what we've purchased for you after it all arrives,

Neville," said Hermione, just as they were walking out.

"This 'Home Delivery Service' idea is a marvellous concept," said the boy.

"I wonder why we don't have similar in the wizarding world."

"House elves, Neville," said Harry. "They make the idea somewhat


Nodding, Neville hopped into the car, which they'd only had to wait for a

few minutes for it to arrive.




Once back at the Leaky and they were once again climbing out of the car,

Hermione asked, "Do we have time to go to Madam Malkins before we

have to be back at my place?"

When neither boy, or the aurors, said 'No', Hermione gave a firm nod and

said, "Then we can use the time left to go into the Alley. I want to pick up

a couple of modern books on nobility in the wizarding world and Harry,

now that he seems to have finished growing so fast, needs to build up his


When Harry looked about to disagree, she frowned back and said, "You

also need to replace your Hogwarts robes, Harry."

Right then Harry knew he'd lost. She was right; he did need to replace his

Hogwarts robes.

After 'delivering' the two boys to Madam Malkins and 'demanding' the

store-witches outfit Harry in new Hogwarts robes and more casual wear

robes, she took off for Flourish and Blotts.

Surprising Harry, Charlotte stayed with them while the male and a junior

auror who'd joined them had to take off to try and keep up with


Once Harry was properly outfitted with a very much expanded wizarding

wardrobe, with the witches declaring how much he was 'growing like a

weed', he also made sure Neville's wardrobe was suitable.

When Hermione still hadn't made it back, they went down to Flourish

and Blotts to look for her.

She was standing at a shelf scanning through a large pile of books and

trying to decide which ones she should get.

Harry just rolled his eyes, sighed, scooped them all up and took them to

the counter to pay for them. Stunned, Hermione was a few seconds

before she had to hurry to catch up, just as Harry was paying for them.

"Harry!" she exclaimed, when he took off with all 'her' books.

Once she caught up at the counter, she grumped, "I didn't need all of

them, Harry."

"But you wanted all of them," he said. "As it's easily within my ability to

grant it, I simply bought them all."

When it looked like Hermione couldn't make up her mind whether to be

angry or happy, Neville just snorted in amusement.

Hermione glared at him for a moment while Harry finalised the purchase.

Harry then turned back with the shrunken package and said, "There;

done. Let's get out of here."

"Thank you," said Charlotte. "I don't like the idea you're here without

proper protection and undisguised."

Harry smirked back and said, "Look at me. I look so much different than I

looked only a few weeks ago that anyone who 'knows' me, now won't

recognise me."

"You still have the glasses and the scar, Lord Potter," she disagreed.

"For now," he muttered.




When they finally arrived by portkey back at the Granger residence,

Harry tried to immediately head for the kitchen to stake his claim at

cooking for that night.

As he'd already started, Dobby was having none of it.

"Damn it!" grumped Harry.

"Master Harry needs to change," said Dobby. "Master Harry be havings a

very busy day and needs to tell the Grangys about it. Master Harry

should relax."

"I should fire you and throw your mangy arse out into the street in

Knockturn Alley," Harry barked. "There, you'll be reduced to begging

hags to allow you to clean their shoes of dog turds with your tongue!"

"Master Harry be sayings the nicest things," chirped the elf. "Master Harry

be such a wonderful master!"

Stumped for a comeback, it was a moment before Harry just again

barked, "Damn it!" And stomped from the kitchen.

As he walked into the parlour, where Monica was relaxing with

paperwork spread on the coffee table before her, she said, "Leave Dobby

alone, Harry. He's doing a good job."

"He's taking mine!" he grumped. "And he knows it, too; the scrawny


Snapping her eyes to him she snapped back, "Harry."

Taking a deep breath he let it out in a long sigh. Then said, "Sorry."

She gave a nod back before turning her attention back to her papers.

"He's right, though. You need to change; or, at least get rid of the coat,

gloves and jumper."

Neville, who was still there and was snickering, stood and said, "I'd best

get home. My parents will be waiting and wondering how my day went."

Harry gave a firm nod back and said, "I'll walk with you to the floo."




After reminding the boy he and Hermione would see to his purchases

being sent over once they were delivered to the Granger residence, Harry

saw the boy off before returning inside and going up to his room to shed

himself of layers.

After disrobing of the coat, gloves and jumper, he then went ahead and

removed the rest down to his boxers and socks before redressing in jeans,

collared T-shirt and light jumper. On his feet he just donned trainers with

Velcro fasteners.

As he came out, he was just in time to meet up with Hermione, who was

coming down from her room wearing similar. On her, though, he thought

it looked much better.

As they were walking down the stairs he asked, "How do you get into

those jeans, Love? They look as if they're painted on."

Smiling at the unintentional compliment, she replied, "With practice,





Through dinner, the two teens took turns explaining their day to the

Granger parents.

"Twice, there, I thought we broke him," said Harry. "He was so stunned

by what he'd seen I thought it might have been a toss up whether he was

going to faint or run screaming in terror."

"He wasn't that bad," smiled Hermione. "He was surprised, though. By the

end of it, however, he started to be able to handle it better."

"That's why you recommended a swing through Diagon, wasn't it?" he

asked her. However, it was more a statement than a question.

Surprised, she replied, "Yes, actually. But, I did want to see you increase

your wizarding wardrobe to go along with your muggle wardrobe. And

you did need to replace your Hogwarts' wardrobe. Plus, yes, I also did

want to pick up those books. Alice and Adeline both recommended them.

"Alice, from a half-blood's perspective and first being 'elevated' to the role

of a Lady Presumptive, when she became betrothed to Frank. And,

Adeline, from a pureblood perspective, who grew up her whole life in a

Noble House."

"Nice," he nodded. "But, if you need any more and know the titles, let me

know. I can easily send Dobby in to purchase them for you."

She nodded and said, "I'd forgotten about that; Dobby being able to go in,

I mean."




That evening, Croaker walked into the Knight's Shadow team bullpen and

said, "A problem has arisen. A known Death Eater, the Axe, has begun to

stake out the White Knight's hidey-hole."

"Damn!" said one. "Anything being done about it?"

"Eagle's managed to tag him with a compulsion charm that has him

thinking he hasn't collected enough information yet, plus another that

compulses him not to speak about what he knows until he does have

enough information."

One of the others, Crow, gave a snort and said, "That's clever. We'll have

to make note of that idea. It could come in handy in the future."

Owl asked, "Is the Axe 'sanctioned'?"

He meant, was deemed to be killed if that's what it took to ensure his


"No," replied Croaker. "Instead, we're going to put a tracker rune on him

the next time he turns up."




Their purchases from Harrods arrived almost right on the time the store

told them they'd be delivered, a few minutes after 11.00am.

After accepting the delivery, paying the driver a tip for his

professionalism and closing the door again as the man retreated up the

front path, Harry called Dobby to take the clothes and other goods and

put them in his and Hermione's rooms. "Once you've done that, can you

take the stuff for Neville over to Longbottom Hall for me, with my


"Of course, Master Harry," replied the elf.

Once Dobby had popped away, Harry bolted for the kitchen.

If he knew the elf as he thought he did, he would not just take the clothes

upstairs, but would also remove them of tags and the like, probably given

them a wash, re-press them and put them away.

That gave Harry some time to get into the kitchen and prepare lunch.

Chuckling to himself, he was quick to start whipping something up for

the household.

He had no idea Dobby had popped in invisibly just as Harry got started,

looked at his master with exasperation and silently popped away again.

Dobby would let his master 'win' this one, just to keep the game

interesting for him.

The elf returned to the kitchen half an hour later to the sight of Harry

humming some muggle tune while happily working.

"Master Harry being a bad master," he declared.

Harry just happily blew him a raspberry and kept working. "Better luck

next time, sawn off!"




When MacNair turned up on the same lawn the next evening, he had no

idea that, moments after he arrived, he was stunned, had a tiny rune

stone with a tracker rune engraved on it 'surgically' inserted into the skin

in the hollow at the base of the back of his skull, taken back to the exact

place he'd been stunned, woken, obliviated of the whole event and left.

The Unspeakable who did it, Kite, just continued to watch him to both

make sure he didn't figure out he'd been discovered and obliviated, or

didn't do anything stupid as it related to the Grangers and the White


He also had the information the White Knight was living there, which

he'd only the previous evening managed to confirm, obliviated from his

mind, too.




The next morning was the day of Harry's surgery.

He'd at first had a restless night. But, unbeknownst to him, Dobby had

been alerted to his master's distress in the middle of the night and had

popped in to cast an elven calming charm on him. It had worked.

Therefore, when Harry arose at 7.00am, he'd felt the most rested he'd felt

in he didn't know when.

Of course, due to the surgery he couldn't eat that morning. So, was

thankful the potions were no longer still pressing him to eat.

Dobby had even thought he'd done something wrong when Harry

wouldn't eat the breakfast he'd lovingly prepared for him."

"I can't eat, my friend," Harry gently explained. "Muggle surgery requires

the patient to be, as they call it, 'Nil By Mouth' for up to eight hours

before the surgery is due to start. As mine is only a few hours away, I'm

already under doctor's orders not to eat."

He'd no sooner finished explaining things to the elf when the Grangers

came down. Even Hermione was down early.

"While you folks eat, I'm going to be in my room, reading," he told them.

"Let me know when Andi arrives, please."

"Will do, Harry," said Hermione.

It was only a half hour before Hermione knocked on his door.

He looked up, saw her and asked, "She's here?"

"Sure is," she replied. "Ready to go?"

"Yup," he replied, rising from the chair at his desk and picking up an

overnight bag.

Hermione frowned at it and said, "You're not staying overnight, Harry.

You're coming out this afternoon."

"Very occasionally there are complications, Love," he explained. "As such,

I'll be prepared for that." And jiggled the bag he was a carrying a little.

Hermione gave a sigh, but nodded in agreement. Bracing herself up

again, she firmly said, "Come on. They're waiting for us downstairs."

Because of Andi also attending, Harry thought they might be portkeying

there. However, they actually drove in the two Granger cars. The aurors

had firmly stated they weren't being left behind.




Andi and Doctor Dolittle had the surgery timed down just right. An hour

after Harry arrived and was 'checked-in', he was on a hospital bed and

being wheeled into surgery under the affects of a medication that made

him slightly drowsy and carefree about the whole thing. He was even

'singing', if it could actually be called that seeing as how off-key he was,

something by Monty Python called 'I'm a Lumberjack'; which he kept

stopping as he had a short giggling fit.

Two hours later he was waking up in a recovery room with Tonks and

the Grangers around him. Sirius had also turned up by then and was

there and waiting for his godson to wake.

As he woke he felt the pressure on his forehead and began to reach up for

it. Obviously they were prepared for it as, as soon as his hand began to

rise, Hermione grabbed it and held it away from his head. "Don't touch it,


Groggy, it took him a while to start to put the pieces together again.

Finally, he asked for a mouthful of water, which he got, before he asked,

"How'd it go?"

"Successfully," Andi was happy to reply. "The... dark miasma... was all

removed, as expected, and Doctor Dolittle was able to connect the

remaining tissue together with microsurgery.

"You're going to feel tight across your forehead until I can apply magical

healing to you once we get you back t the Grangers'. So, don't touch it

until I'm done."

Harry nodded and relaxed, still quite groggy.

Thankfully, there were no complications and Harry was released into

Andi's and the Grangers' care late that afternoon.

The biggest surprise for Harry was it wasn't until he was getting dressed

again that he realised he wasn't wearing his glasses. The removal of the

Horcrux had also removed his need to wear them.




As soon as they were able to get back to the Grangers', again in the cars,

Andi carefully removed the bandages and plaster, laid him down on a

conjured healer's examination table, stunned him, vanished the stitching

and used her wand to heal the again gaping wound - removing the

stitches had allowed it to open up.

Doing it her way meant new skin formed to replace the skin that was

excised in the surgery, so Harry didn't end up with a constant feeling of

tightness across his forehead as his body adjusted to the near half inch

wide missing section of dermis.

After the skin was regrown she immediately checked to see if the area

still emanated dark energy, signifying the Horcrux was still there - it

didn't. With a sigh of relief she quietly informed Sirius, "Harry's definitely

now free of the... item."

Once he was awake again, the only requirement she had for him was to

use scar reduction cream on the site for the next week to ensure the new

skin, which was still a little pink, didn't leave a new scar. She also

promised there would be no sign of it before he and Hermione returned

to Hogwarts.

"Just so long as you remember to apply the cream twice a day between

now and then," she'd warned.

Hermione was almost bouncing in jittery happiness for him. "Without

your scar or glasses, together with your new fit build, there's going to be

many who aren't going to recognise you, any more."

Sirius said, "Hermione's right. The only true signs you're Harry Potter

now are your messy black hair and your green eyes. The only thing you

can do about your hair is to use Sleak-Ezy through it. And all that can be

done about your eyes is the wearing of coloured contacts.

"Don't you dare!" said Hermione. "While I might like to see an

improvement in his hair, I happen to love the colour of his eyes."

Harry grinned and said, "I had thought about contacts. But, I'd have only

gone that route if I still had to wear glasses. Since I do no longer, I'm not

going to wear contacts, either."

Since the parents were present, Hermione satisfied herself with a quick

kiss to the lips and not the full snogging she wanted to give him.




For the rest of the day, Harry recovered more and more from the surgery.

However, he was getting frustrated by how much Dobby was trying to

'mother' him.

With an annoyed sigh after the devoted little elf tried to hand off on him

his third cup of hot chocolate in the past four hours, he had to tell the

little guy, "Dobby, I'm fiiiiine. All they needed to do was cut a section of

skin out of my forehead and stitch the resultant cut back together.

"Once I got back here, cousin Andi even healed that small wound. It's not

as if I've had a leg blown off, or something."

Dobby calmly heard him out and then said, "Dobby understands.

However, Dobby be cooking dinner tonight. Master Harry still bes a bit

wobbly-wonky on his feetsies." And popped away before Harry could


Hermione snickered and said, "Oh, let him have this one, Harry. If I

remember correctly, you did take 'his' chance to prepare lunch


Grumpily, he asked, "And all the times he's taken mine for dinner?"

"So, he's up a few," she grinned. "Let it be. Besides, he's right. Doctor

Dolittle said you weren't to operate any heavy machinery, drive, or

anything like that for at least the first twenty four hours. In other words,

things that take constant concentration to do safely. I think we can

include 'cooking' anything as being on that list."

With a sigh he muttered, "Damn it."




Even as early as the next morning there was marked improvement in

Harry's rapidly healing wound. The deep redness and swelling had

already faded some, with the swelling almost completely gone already.

As Harry walked into the dinette, a little later than usual as Wendell and

Monica were already up, Wendell stood to cut him off just before he

could sit.

He took one close look at the healing wound and said, "That's amazing. It

gives all the appearance of more than a week having passed since the

surgery and it's been less than a full day."

"That's magical healing for you," said Harry, as he sat down at the dinette

to eat.

"Are you planning on going anywhere, today?" asked Monica.

"No," he replied. "I prepared for there to be complications from the

surgery and that I'd be longer than I thought I would be. So, I had

thought I'd possibly still be in hospital, at the moment. I'm glad I'm not,

but it also means today has nothing prearranged."

Wendell ordered, "Keep it that way. While using magical healing

techniques have rapidly increased the rate of healing you're going

through, you were still in surgery yesterday. It can take anywhere up to a

few days for the drugs you were on to be fully cleansed from your


And that's exactly the sort of day Harry enjoyed. Hermione rose a short

time later and then he and her spent the time watching some television

up to lunch.

The afternoon was then spent writing letters to a few of their friends.

Hermione was now also writing to Adeline and Alice, as they had

suggested she do if she had any questions relating to the information

contained in those books Harry had recently purchased for her.

On receiving a letter back by HEED from Alice, Hermione told him, "Alice

suggests I spend time next summer at Longbottom Hall going through

specialist etiquette lessons with her and Adeline."

"Live there, or floo back and forth?" he asked.

"Floo back and forth, I think," she replied. "I mean, it's near instantaneous

travel, isn't it?"

He nodded and said, "Once I check the Potter manor to ensure for myself

it's alright, I think I'll plan on living there next summer. If you want, I can

make sure the floo is connected and operational so you can come and go

as you please."

Hermione turned a smirk on him and asked, "Harry, are you asking me to

come and live with you?"

Not panicked or otherwise upset by the idea or question, he calmly

replied, "I'm asking you to come and spend time with me during your

summer break. How long you stay there, or whether you just visit for the

occasional day or stay longer, is entirely your choice."

As it was a quiet day for the Granger household and no parties or the like

were going to be attended by them, no one was too tired to wait up for

the changeover to 1995 at midnight. They even watched the BBC

televised special that showed footage of crowds of people in Trafalgar

Square and similar large open areas, as they counted down the time.

However, the entire household was a-bed by 12.30pm, at the latest.




The next day Harry still woke at his usual time, even though he'd been up

late. However, he was the only one. The Grangers did not come down

until just after 9.00am and Hermione was down about fifteen minutes


Harry had already eaten, but was drinking a tea while reading the Daily

Prophet, as the others joined him.

Once Hermione was down, Monica asked, "What are you plans for


Harry waited a moment before he said, "I think it's high time I paid a visit

to the Potter manor. I don't know why I've kept putting it off, but... it's

time I go."

That had Hermione perk up in subdued excitement. "Can I come, too?"

"Yes, of course," he replied. But, before she could suddenly leap to her

feet and demand to go right there and then, he quickly added, "However,

it's best I go on my own to start with. I need to see if the wards are still

set to a war footing or not."

With a sigh of disappointment she asked, "How long will that take?"

"No idea," he replied. "However, it shouldn't take me long to grant access

to you, your parents and our auror shadows. Depending on how much

effort is required, I should be no more than... half an hour? I really don't


"Then, as you've finished your breakfast, how about you go now?" she


He smirked at her and asked, "Eager to see your future home, are you?"

While she spluttered in half-denial half-laughter Harry could see that

Wendell didn't react at all to his remark. It seems the man had finally

accepted his little 'princess' was definitely going to marry him; it was

only a question of 'when'.

When she tried to scowl back, Harry just grinned even wider.

"Fine!" she harrumphed "Yes, I'm eager to see where you and I are

eventually going to live."

"I understand," he nodded. Quickly rising, he said, "No time like the

present, then."

As he walked off to track down an auror to let them know where he was

going, Monica looked to her daughter and said, "Don't expect some grand

mansion, love. Not every princess gets to live in a palace."

"Actually," she said, "That's what I am expecting. I've seen the Potter

family documents relating to the manor. From what I've read, the place is

going to be huge."




After convincing the Senior Auror who had leadership of his auror detail

that morning that he had to go alone to start with, Harry tossed floo

powder within the fireplace and barked, "Pottermore!".

He was worried the connection wouldn't connect, but it did. As soon as it

did he then barked the password, "Ex pura cordis!" (Latin: Pure of heart)

And stepped through.

As he was not concentrating too much on the travel through the floo, he

hesitated a moment before he exited when he arrived at the other end.

And realised he'd simply stepped out.

'Hunh!' he thought. 'That's all there is to it? Just hesitate a moment before

stepping out?' And sighed.

A moment later and a house elf wearing a grey Japanese keikogi -

incorrectly, but commonly called, a 'gi' -with a gold belt tied about his

waist and a Potter crest embroidered in matching grey silk styled on his

left breast popped in right in front of him. It stood in an aggressive stance

about twenty feet away and with its hands raised to attack.

"Why you be―?" it started to demand before it froze in shock for a

moment. Then it suddenly dropped all aggressiveness, popped forward

and began jumping up and down in front of him. "Little Master Harry!

Little Master Harry!" it practically shouted in obvious glee.

After seeing how the Longbottom elves reacted to discovering Frank and

Alice were awake, the behaviour of the elf did not surprise him. Just as it

did not surprise him when the elf suddenly snapped its fingers and four

more elves popped in, also capering about and shouting, "Little Master

Harry is back! Little Master Harry has returned!"

He gave them a few moments before he calmly said, "Alright, that's


Instantly, all five stopped and turned to look at him. All five were

showing both happiness and near adoration in their expressions.

Harry held up his ring and said, "I, Lord Harrison James Potter, Head of

the Noble and Most Ancient House of Potter, hereby lay claim to this

abode, Pottermore, the Seat of the Noble and Most Ancient House of

Potter. As I say, so let it be written."

Immediately there was a flash of magic from his ring. It was quickly

followed by a slight golden glow coming from all five elves for a

moment. They all beamed smiles back at him.

Looking down at the elves he then noticed that, while they all appeared

to be dressed identically, there was one difference. Different to the first,

who wore a gold belt, the others all wore a dark grey belt.

'Rankings?' he thought.

Looking to the first, he said, "I take it you're in charge of the elf

population of the manor?"

"Yes, Master Harry," it immediately and enthusiastically replied. "I be The

Jeeves, Willy." He then indicated the other four and said, "This be Betsy,

Raggy, Tally and Pinty." Indicating them in the same order he said, "They

be Ladies elf, Guest's elf, Ground's elf and Lower floor's elf. I be The

Jeeves. I be... Major Domo."

"Excellent," said Harry. "First things first, I need to adjust the wards so

some guests of mine can come through."

Willy gave a firm nod, snapped his fingers having the other elves all pop

away again and said to Harry, "Willy will lead you to ward stone." Then

he began to trot away.

Of course, Harry with his much longer legs, only needed to walk with a

slightly lengthened stride to keep up.

Once down in the basement, Willy showed him what he needed to do to

access the ward keystone, then what he needed to do to change the

wards and helped Harry do it.

As he'd expected, the war wards were up and active. He first scaled back

and turned off the lethal wards, then adjusted the non-lethal wards

concerning 'intruders' to immediately immobilise and stun. Next, he

added the full name of Hermione as a 'resident'; and Wendell, Monica,

Sirius, Remus, Frank, Alice, Neville, Ted, Andi and 'Call-Me-Tonks' went

into the permanent 'guest' list - with Dumbledore, whose name was down

as a permanent guest, removed.

That then allowed him to reset the permanent wards with a new

password, as well.

Into the temporary guest book he made sure the book was clear of all

other names before adding the full names of the current auror


He knew he'd have to keep a separate list of full names of those he

suspected would often or sometimes visit set with the book, so he

wouldn't have to ask them for their full names in future. That would be

the names of the Alliance members.

When he asked Willy about another related matter, the little elf told him

there was a book only available to the Head of the House, which could

apply to the lethal wards in cases of blood feuds and the like.

He immediately asked for it and the elf indicated the hidden niche in the

brickwork next to the stone. "It's in there, Master."

Drawing it out, Harry saw there were quite the number of names actively

listed within. He recognised all of them to be who he suspected as Death

Eaters. One was Snape. However, on thinking about it, he realised he

knew a few names that weren't there; so went ahead and added them.

Tom Riddle, Lucius Malfoy, Peter Pettigrew, Walden MacNair, Corban

Yaxley, Bartemius Crouch Jr and Igor Karkaroff all joined the list of

names that included all three LeStranges, Avery, Dolohov and others.

Once done he closed the book and followed Willy's directions on how to

activate the book's changes.

Finally, with all the changes he needed to do now done, he closed back

up the hidden chamber wherein rested the stone and made his way back

up to the main floor.

"Alright, Willy,' he said, once back in the welcoming parlour. "I need to

go back to the Granger residence to round up my betrothed, her family

and a couple of aurors who have it in their heads I need to be babysat. I'll

be back soon."

"Very well, Master Harry," said the elf. "I'll let the others know."

As soon as Harry disappeared back through the floo, Willy called the

others back and instructed them to begin to get the Manor ready. "Master

Harry be bringing guests!" he declared. "Clean, clean, clean! Raggy be

helpings Pinty be preparing lunchies; and Tally be helpings Betsy be


Happily, the five all popped away to work.




Stepping back out of the floo in the Doghouse, this time remembering to

pause the moment before stepping out, Harry was happy he didn't so

much as even stagger.

"Yessss!" he happily declared.

The auror waiting for him grinned and said, "I see you've figured it out."

"Yup!" he then declared. " Alright, time to go round up the troops."

He'd only just exited the little building to find Hermione hurrying down

from the back door.

As soon as she reached him she started rapidly asking questions like her

days of old. "Thank God you're safe! Is it still there? Did you have trouble

with the wards? What's it like? Is it as big as the Longbottoms'; or bigger

or smaller? Are there elves―"

"Hermione! Stop!" he barked.

That immediately shut her up and made her blush. "Sorry!" she squeaked,

looking down and away.

With a sigh of frustration and acceptance, he instructed, "Come back up

and inside and we'll round everyone up. As I hope you'll all join me to go

and have a better look, you're going to find that you'll be able to answer

most of your questions simply by looking for yourself."

"Umm... yeah," she said. "Sorry!"

Harry lead the way back up to the house and inside.




Once everyone was rounded up, the whole household except one auror

who'd remain behind, trooped down to the Doghouse.

Once inside, he reminded them, "Alright. The floo address is 'Pottermore'.

And the new current password is 'Rule Britannia'. Everyone got that?"

When no one disagreed he tossed in a dash of floo powder and was away

a few moments later. Again, he gave the short pause at the end before

almost nimbly stepping out.

Pleased with his efforts in having finally figured out 'the secret' to floo

travel, he stepped away just in time for the first auror to step through.

Then, in quick succession, came Hermione, Wendell, Monica and the

second auror.

That's also when Willy popped in.

Looking to the elf, Harry said, "Good. You're here."

"Of course, Master Harry," replied the elf.

"We have one more to join us," he told it. "I have a personal elf and I'd

like to bring him over. Is that alright with you?"

"Of course, Master Harry," replied Willy. "Will he also be the new


"No," replied Harry. "You remain Major Domo of Pottermore, if that's

alright with you."

"Of course, Master Harry."

"He'll be my personal elf, who will also return with me to Hogwarts in a

few days."

"Very well, Master Harry," replied the elf.

With a grin back, Harry suddenly commanded, "Dobby!"

Dobby arrived with the slightest of cracks a few moments later. "Yes,

Master Harry, Sir?"

Indicating Willy, Harry said, "Dobby, this is Willy. He is Major Domo of

Pottermore and otherwise known as The Jeeves. He has four other elves

under his leadership."

Turning to Willy to indicate Dobby he said, "This is Dobby. He is my

personal elf and tends to go where I go."

Turning back to Dobby as both elves were looking each other over, Harry

said, "Dobby, for ease of identity, I want you to dress the same as the

other Potter elves here; but... I want you to have a silver belt, rather than

the gold one Willy wears, or the grey ones the other elves wear. The

silver is to show you to be my personal elf. Is that alright with you?"

"Of course, Master Harry, Sir!" Dobby immediately and happily replied. A

snap of his fingers and he was wearing just as Harry described.

Turning back to Willy he said, "Sorry, I should have asked first. I take it

the gold belt, rather than a grey belt, is because of your position in the

Potter household?"

"Yes, Master Harry," replied Willy.

"No one else wears a silver belt?"

"No, Master Harry."

"Excellent," he declared clapping his hands together and rubbing them.

"Alright, you two. Willy... would you mind introducing Dobby to the

other Potter elves and bringing him up to date with the House of Potter

and what his role within the household will be?"

"Of course not, Master Harry."

A moment later, both elves popped away.

Spinning back to the rest, except the aurors, they were watching him

with amusement. The aurors had already begun to move through the

manor, casting as they went.

Wendell chuckled and said, "That was great to watch. You have skills in


Hermione asked, "How many elves are there, Harry?"

"Here, excluding Dobby? Five," he replied. "I still have no idea how many

there are in total."

Suddenly, he realised he'd forgotten something, or simply hadn't until

then realised it. Giving his fingers a snap he declared, "I've forgotten

something. Wait a bit."

Looking off to the side he called, "Ummm... Betsy?"

The little female elf he'd been introduced to by Willy earlier popped in.

"Yes, Master Harry," she asked.

Indicating Hermione he said, "Betsy, this is Lady Presumptive Hermione

Jean Granger, magical ward of Lord Sirius Orion Black of the Noble and

Most Ancient House of Black - and my betrothed."

Looking at Hermione, he was grinning and said, "Hermione? Betsy.

Ladies elf of Pottermore. Your personal elf."

While Hermione stood there gaping like a stunned fish at him, he heard

Monica snickering in amusement slightly off to one side.

Betsy, meanwhile, dropped into a curtsey - proving, as Harry suspected,

she was female - and carefully said to Hermione, "Mistress Herm-my-oh-


Spending a few seconds glancing in shock between Harry and Betsy,

Hermione finally fixed a glare on Harry and barked, "Harrison James


Harry just burst out laughing.




41. The New Year Begins

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to the proverbial Duchess of

Magic, JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high

falutin' companies. No matter how much I whine about not owning anything

related to the HP universe, other than a few fanfic plots, I do not profess to

own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful

world... Damn it!

Chapter Forty One - The New Year Begins




Once Hermione had managed to calm down from finding out she now

had her own personal elf - 'And wasn't Harrison James 'Naffing' Potter

going to be paying for that little surprise, later,' thought Hermione -

Harry called on Willy to give them a tour of the manor.

What they discovered was the manor couldn't really be compared with

Longbottom Hall as the two were different types of buildings. Where

Longbottom Hall had an attic, a resident's floor, a main floor and a

basement, all on a larger footprint; Pottermore had a half-attic quarter-

owlery quarter-astronomy cum sun deck, a resident's floor, a guest's floor,

the main floor and a half-basement quarter-potions lab quarter-duelling

piste floor, on a smaller footprint. The main floor also had a 'single floor

wing' where the ceiling was about one and a half floors higher than

normal; which held a ballroom cum reception room, formal dining room

and formal office for the Head of House.

One thing that was immediately apparent, even in the welcoming

parlour, everything was 'high class high quality'. From the quality of the

ceiling fixtures all the way down to the flooring, everything screamed

'old money'; and a lot of it.

While it didn't mean all that much to Harry, as money was not something

he placed high value in, it was clear the Grangers were stunned by what

they saw; even Hermione.

While walking from one room to another with Hermione's arm tucked in

his elbow, from behind he heard Wendell mutter to Monica, "This all

must have cost a bloody fortune!"

He heard Monica just as quietly reply, "It's only occurring to you, now,

that your daughter is marrying into old money?"

He didn't hear the rest.

During the tour - while the Grangers were taking a careful look through

the Head of House's, Harry's, office - Harry had to quietly tell Willy not to

take them to the library until last. The elf complied.

The library ended up being across two floors that split with an internal

stair passing up through an open stairwell in the middle of the room. It

could be accessed through matching double doors from both the main

floor and the guest's floor.

It was huge; far bigger, by the sounds of it, than even the one at

Grimmauld Place. But, according to Hermione, on about par with the one

at Longbottom Hall.

When Hermione looked about to dash in and start taking books, Harry

had to grab her and remind her he didn't know which books she could

and could not touch yet.

"I'll have Willy make sure all the 'Potter's Only' and otherwise cursed

books are moved to the second floor," he said. "That way, you'll know

you'll be safe to touch the books on this floor until I can do something

about the curses on the others."

With a sigh of frustration, Hermione nodded and said, "Thank you,


Once the tour inside was done, Willy took them outside to look at the

grounds. They were extensive.

Out the back, Harry noticed a Quidditch pitch in the distance and,

indicating it, asked Willy, "Is that mine?"

"Yes, Master Harry," he replied. "Master James's grandfather, Master

Fleamont, put it in."

"My lands extend all the way out there?"

"And quite a ways beyond, Master Harry," he replied. "Pottermore sits on

over one hundred acres."

Harry frowned and said, "That's a lot. What is done with it all?"

"Most of the land has been left as nature intended, Master Harry," replied

the elf. "Only the middle twenty acres or so has been cultured. Even then,

it's only the inside seven acres that is actually maintained. That is, the

land down to and including the Quidditch pitch and the lands around the

manor that have been turned to gardens.

"For generations, the Potter family has refused to do anything with the

rest of the land, as they want it to act as a natural barrier to the

encroaching muggles."

Harry nodded and muttered, "Makes sense. I think I'll keep with that





Back inside and Willy escorted them to the informal/breakfast table just

off the kitchen.

He indicated the table of eight and said, "Pinty and Raggy have prepared

a lunch for you all. We hope you'll stay to enjoy it before leaving again."

Glancing to the Grangers, who didn't seem to have a choice either way,

Harry shrugged and said, "Why not. Would you mind letting our two

aurors know they should come in here for lunch? As you suspected, we'll

leave again shortly afterwards."

As Harry was about to sit to the side, Willy almost pushed him to the

head of the table. "Master Harry as Lord must be sittings at the head of

the table."

As Harry started to comply, he turned back to see Betsy doing the same

with Hermione, forcing her to the other end. "Sorry," he said. "I'll accede

to your wishes; but, only this once.

"I'll sit at the head of the table for formal events, but not for informal

things such as this. Alright?"

"Yes, Master Harry. Of course, Master Harry," replied the elf.

Once they were all sitting, with even the aurors being somewhat

unwilling to refuse the elves, lunch was served. And it was a veritable


Apparently, Dobby had already advised the Potter elves - other Potter

elves - of both Harry's and the Grangers' preferences for food. There was

very little that didn't meet the criteria.




By early to mid afternoon they'd left Pottermore and returned to the

Granger residence. As soon as they did, Harry was heading up to gather

writing equipment so he could write notes to be delivered to Sirius,

Remus, Andi and Ted about the floo address and password for


However, before he had a chance to do so, Wendell asked him to join

him in his office.

Walking in, Wendell indicated the occasional chairs for Harry to sit in

one while he sat in the other.

Once he was comfortable, Harry could see his future father-in-bond was

thinking about what he wanted to say and was thinking of the right

words to say it.

Harry just waited the man out, as he knew he needed the time. That, at

least, he could empathise.

"Lord Potter―" he eventually said.

"Harry," he immediately came back with.

Wendell seemed a little uncomfortable, but disagreed. "Not for this," he

said before pausing again. "It wasn't until Monica and I were walking

through your home, seeing the quality and sheer size of it, that it really

occurred to me just how rich you actually are.

"Sure, being told is one thing. But, actually seeing the... produce... of

that... Well, I can say I now completely understand."

"You know that the money I have―" started Harry, but was stopped when

Wendell raised his hand in a stop gesture.

"Monica and I understand that, Harry," he nodded. "However, you and

Hermione are not Sonny and Cher. Your love cannot and would not

sustain you."

Harry gave a snort of amusement, which Wendell acknowledged with a

slight grin, but his face immediately went back to a serious expression.

"Seeing that... home of yours," he continued, "Showed Monica and I that

you'll be able to provide for our little princess far beyond what we will."

"Only monetarily," said Harry. "You provide her so much more, simply by

being her parents and giving her your love."

Wendell nodded and said, "It's nice of you to say so. However, it is easy

for us to see that you love her just as deeply as we. So that's a, how

would you put it? A wash?"

Harry only nodded back.

"I know it's a personal question, Harry. But, could you give me some idea

of just how wealthy you are?"

Harry immediately asked back, "Financially, you mean?"

When Wendell nodded, Harry replied, "I don't know the total amount

because I've never really wanted to know. However, interest- and

disbursement-wise from investments, I think the Potter accounts bring in

about three hundred thousand Galleons per quarter; or, about one point

two million galleons per year. At today's exchange rate, that's about six

point four million pounds per year.

"At the moment I have Ted and the goblins looking for further investment

opportunities; because, very little changes have occurred over the past

fifteen years and the gold has been collecting dust in the family vaults.

Gold, just sitting there, is doing no one any good.

"As I told Hermione - when she first discovered just how much, in

general, I'm worth and she nearly suffered a panic attack on learning of it

- money is not all that important to me as anything more than something

I can use to hand to someone to get them to hand me something I want.

Unlike people like the Malfoys, I don't keep score based on the bottom

number of the balance sheet. I keep score by how much good I can do for

someone else, when it's in my power to do so."

"Altruism at its finest," muttered Wendell.

Harry said, "Hermione calls it 'my saving people thing'."

Wendell sat back and looked at Harry a bit more shrewdly, "Is your...

wealth... one of the reasons you feel you're going to get pressured to take

on concubines?"

"Take on concubines; no," he disagreed. "And it's not about my wealth,

either. It's about my House - a Noble and Most Ancient one. Money only

matters in this when it comes to taking care of the needs of the concubine

if the Concubine Bond Agreement becomes a contract.

"As I said before, concubinage in wizarding Britain is about bloodlines.

The advantages, to the Alliance in this regard, is that we can use the

protections built into the laws regarding concubinage to protect the

witches concerned.

"A witch under a Concubine Bond Agreement or Contract... or Betrothal

Agreement or Contract... is 'off the market', so to speak. Further, the

concerned witch falls under the protections of both their own House and

the House of their contracted groom.

"It's only for that protection I'm even willing to... listen to others on the

matter. If they tried to force me to actually take on concubines; that is,

actual contracts; I'd tell them all to go shove it sideways."

Wendell gave a little snort of amusement and seemed to think for a


Finally, he asked, "So your only interest is to protect them."

"Yes," Harry simply replied.

"If your only concern is to protect these girls and not to take advantage of

them, then I think you should consider hearing out what they want to


Harry gave his own snort of amusement and said, "Up until about a year

ago, I never thought I'd hear the father of any prospective bride of mine

ever say something like that."

"A year ago?" asked Wendell.

"That's when I first learned about concubinage and how it might relate to

my house."

Wendell smirked and returned, "And, I never thought I'd ever say such a

thing to my prospective son-in-law."




After his meeting with Wendell, Harry continued with his intent to gather

writing equipment to write his notes. He took it all down to the dinette.

He'd no sooner sat and began to write when he was joined by Hermione.

She asked, "May I ask what you and Daddy talked about?"

"Concubine bond agreements," he replied. "He, too, thinks I can use them

to protect the unattached heiresses of the Alliance."

"Daddy said that?" she asked, clearly shocked.

"He did," he smirked.

"Wow," she quietly exclaimed.

He just grinned back before returning to his writing.

"And, you're writing..." she asked.

"I'm writing notes with information about Pottermore to Sirius, Remus,

Ted and Andi," he replied. "I'm letting them all know they're now listed as

permanent guests and giving them both the floo address and password.

"I also intend to write Luna Lovegood a note to let her know, if she'd like,

to join Neville in a compartment with him on the Hogwarts Express. But,

I'm not telling her it'll be for her protection on the train. And I'll be

including that information in the letter I send Neville."

"Can I ask why?" she asked.

"You can," he replied. "Regarding Luna is, I think, obvious. For the

former, it's so they don't have to ask permission to visit, to give them

somewhere they can go if they need to go somewhere due to their home

being under attack or something; and letting them know, in a roundabout

way, my level of trust in each of them.

"Being added to a Head of House's home wards is considered an honour."

"What about the wards here?" she asked.

"Those sort of wards can't be erected here because it's a muggle home," he

explained. "You have muggles visit, such as door-to-door solicitors. If

they then get bounced or otherwise harmed because of those sort of

wards, it's a breach of the Statute of Secrecy.

"That's why I had various intent-based wards erected. And, even then,

they had to be very specific. The ones that are on here are keyed to block

those intending only physical or magical harm. It means, though, those

with intent to swindle or otherwise rip off your parents will still be able

to get through if they push."

"What about Dumbledore?" she asked. "If his only intent is to take you

away, why can't he get through?"

"Because that one's a specific anti-Dumbledore ward keyed to his magical

signature. However, if he sends someone else to come and try to take me

away... I just don't know what will happen. If their intent is just to take

me away to another place of safety, they should still be able to take me

away. What I'm counting on is, if they were to try and push it when I

refuse, the intent-based wards will deal with them."

"Sounds like a very complicated balancing act," she said.

He smiled and said, "It is."

Hermione seemed to run out of questions and then offered him help

writing the notes.

"They won't take long," he said. "However, you're welcome to proof-read

them, if you want."

She accepted and she did.

Harry sent them off using HEED before going into the kitchen and

making an early start on dinner.




The next morning, the Saturday, Andi came over with Sirius immediately

after breakfast to give Harry another check on his fading scar.

Taking Harry apart from everyone else, she scanned it and said, "Still no

sign of that dark miasma. It looks like we got rid of it. I'll need to

document that solution and write a report for the Saint Mungo's medical


"While many might be averse towards muggle healing solutions, there's

no doubt it was the muggle surgery that allowed us to get rid of it where

wizarding solutions didn't, couldn't and wouldn't work."

What none of them knew was that the Unspeakables had been monitoring

the operation and, as soon as the epidermis/dermis matter had been

removed, at their first opportunity they surreptitiously removed it and

whizzed it off to Level 9 at the Ministry and their own people. They both

confirmed it contained the soul fragment of Tom Riddle and were present

when the material broke down enough for it to no longer be viable to

sustain the soul fragment - and watched it die.

"I'm just glad it's gone," he said. "I hadn't realised it until this morning,

but for the past two nights I've had the best sleep I've ever had.

"I don't know if that's finding out I had a Horcrux and it's gone; or, it's

because the Horcrux was negatively affecting my sleep."

"I'd say the latter," she agreed. "Either that, or the dark energy emanating

from the scar is what was causing you restless sleep.

"I'll also be coming over on Monday evening to give you a last check

before you head for Hogwarts. Then I'll send a copy of your medical file

to Journeyman Healer Peter Robinson, the new medi-wizard of Hogwarts,

so he has a copy of your records. I'll be asking him to report to me how

well the new scar heals, so I can add it to my report."

"Normally, I'd be upset with you about using my fame, or something," he

said. "However, since this seems to have worked and there's a good

chance it can be used to help children not be so afflicted, I guess I can go

along with it."

She smiled and said, "Don't worry, Harry. "You're referred to in the report

as 'Patient TX12'. I've only a need to verbally tell the Board who the

patient is. It's never written down. That would be a breach of healer-

patient confidentiality and I would be placing my magic at risk."

Sirius, who was listening in, said, "For your information, Pup, I'm Patient

TX11 and Remus is Patient TX13."

He immediately turned to Andi and said, "Don't worry, Andi; it was

Remus who told me he was TX13 when I mentioned you designated me

TX11. It wasn't then hard to figure out Harry, here, was TX12."

Harry looked to Andi and asked, "I take it there were ten others you've

applied experimental healing techniques on before we came along?"

She smiled and said, "I can neither confirm, nor deny, that."




Once Andi and Sirius had left again, Hermione dragged Harry up to his

room and sat him on the chair while she sat on the side of his bed.

"You... want to tell me something you don't want your parents to hear?"

he asked, once they were settled.

Hermione nibbled on her bottom lip for a few moments before she

blushed and asked, "I wanted to know how far you've managed to get

through that book Sirius gave you. We haven't talked about it since well

before Christmas and... well... you haven't come and talked to me about


Blushing and looking away he mumbled, "I've finished it."

"You have?" she asked, pleased. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because it's an uncomfortable subject?" he asked right back.

"Oh," she softly replied.

She seemed to think for another long moment and said, "Well, since

you've finished it and we're talking about it now... is there anything you

wanted to know? That is... is there anything you think I can clarify for

you... or, just explain better?"

"I..." he immediately started to reply before he suddenly stopped. "No...

No, I don't think there is."

He then seemed to think about it before he said, "Actually, yeah, maybe.

However, I don't want to talk about it here. Can we wait until we're not

under your parents' roof?"

"You want to wait until we're back at Hogwarts?" she asked. When Harry

nodded in response she said, "Alright. We can do that."

"Thank you," he sighed.

When she rose and looked about to leave, Harry noticed she looked a

little hurt. Without even thinking about it, he reached out, grabbed her

about the waist and pulled her onto his lap.

When she gave a little squeak of surprise as she landed and turned to

look at him in shock, he quickly kissed her long and hard. It took her

only moments to respond and kiss him just as firmly back.

When he finally pulled back he said, "Sorry. But, I want to be able to talk

to you without someone coming in during our talk and ruining things,


"Ah!" she said. "That's why you want to wait until we get to Hogwarts."

"Yes," he grinned.

When Hermione left a few minutes later, she was more relaxed and


Harry actually didn't want to talk about it, at all. But, that did not mean

he was comfortable with the idea of talking about it, if he had to, while

her parents were nearby. He just hoped she'd not remember.




The next morning was the start of the day the two teens should have

been getting ready to go to Kings Cross Station to board the Hogwarts

Express. They also knew it was the day that the new Headmistress, Lady

Marchbanks, would be firing Dumbledore.

The aurors had been alerted over a week ago, confirmed by Madam

Marchbanks herself, that Dumbledore would be fired that day. And there

was already word back from Madam Bones that their auror contingent

would now be expanded to a team of five until Tuesday morning.

Those aurors, though they weren't supposed to have arrived until after

breakfast, had begun to arrive in time for breakfast. Dobby had made

sure they were all fed as, unsurprisingly, none of them ate breakfast

before arriving. Only those that arrived after breakfast had eaten.

So breakfast, that morning, ended up being a more 'lavish' meal than


As they - Harry, Wendell and Monica - were finishing theirs, Monica

asked, "I wonder what made Dobby lay on such a feast."

Harry smiled back and said, "The auror contingent has been increased.

Apparently, Dobby's learned of the aurors' appreciation for his cooking,

together with some of them arriving early, and he's gone all-out for


Wendell, where he was reading the Prophet and sipping on his tea,

chuckled in amusement. Monica just grinned.

Wendell then said, "Monica and I are going to miss the culinary

competition between you and Dobby."

Monica gave an amused little snort and said, "My waistline's not. I think

I've put on about five pounds at least since you two have been here. With

you not here I'll be able to trim back down again."

Harry blushed and softly said, "Sorry."

"Not your fault, Harry," she smiled. "I'm the one who... overindulged."

They were joined a few minutes later by a somewhat grumpy Hermione.

Wendell took one look at her and asked, "What's the problem, Princess?"

"I didn't sleep well, Daddy," she sighed, as she began to pick at her food.

"Why not?" asked her mother.

Hermione looked a bit uncomfortable for a few moments before she

replied, "Today's the day we should be going to Kings Cross Station. And,

I think knowing that Harry and I won't be there..."

Harry immediately twigged and asked, "It's just made it all the more real

for you, hasn't it? That we're getting special privileges by flooing directly

to the school, two days late."

She nodded with a sad expression.

"That's alright," he smiled. "You're allowed to feel that way; because, we

are getting special privileges."

When she looked surprised he'd agreed with her, he explained,

"Hermione, you're now the betrothed of One of the Seven. Sometimes,

special privileges are going to be normal for you; especially once we're

married and you're Lady Potter.

"I know you feel it's somewhat dishonest, but you need to accept it isn't.

This particular privilege is not really a privilege at all. This is a...

strategic move, more like... to ruin any plan Dumbledore might come up

with in the short term. It's for both our protections. Ask the aurors, if you

don't believe me."

"But, what about the accommodations at Hogwarts?" she asked.

"The Lords' Quarters, you mean?" he asked. When she nodded, again not

looking at him, he replied, "That's not a privilege; it's a right."

When she suddenly turned her eyes to look at him with a frown, he said,

"You heard me right; it's a right. A privilege is something that may be

taken from you; a right cannot.

"As a Lord, no matter my age, I'm entitled... entitled... access to the Lords'

Quarters. Where did you think the word 'entitled' comes from, if not from

the term 'title'?"

Still a bit puzzled, she asked, "But... didn't you ask Headmistress

Marchbanks if you could have access to the Lords' Quarters?"

He replied, "I was being polite, Hermione. I already knew Lady

Marchbanks would not refuse me, because... as I said... it's my right to

move to that accommodation. My letter requesting access was a polite

way of saying, 'Please ensure the Quarters are prepared for my arrival, as

I'll be using them.'"

Now better informed, Hermione seemed to lose that air of sadness she

had and was able to eat her breakfast. Her appetite was back.




Once Hermione was comfortably eating her breakfast, Harry indicated an

article in the Daily Prophet to her.

"Lord MacMillan has chosen today to make a public apology from the

House of MacMillan to the House of Potter," he said. And held it so she

could read it while eating.

When it was clear she was done, she asked, "I thought you said Lord

MacMillan didn't need to apologise; that it was Ernie, who had to."

"That was the instruction, yes," replied Harry, pulling the paper back.

"However, it seems Lord MacMillan was willing to exceed that

requirement by also offering apology."

"Why wait until now?" asked Wendell. "It's been five weeks."

Turning to look at him, Harry replied, "I'm guessing it's because Hogwarts

reopens today. He's giving his apology to be a... 'introduction?'... to a

public apology from his grandson, once everyone arrives at Hogwarts; or,

possibly, even on the train on the way there."

"Your not arriving there until Tuesday is going to partly destroy that

plan," smirked Wendell.

Harry grinned and shrugged back. "Only a bit. Ernest can still apologise.

He'll just have to wait a couple of days. He'll be yet someone else who'll

be sweating our non-appearance."




At almost the same time in Hogwarts's Great Hall, Dumbledore had just

entered and sat at his 'place' at the table when Marchbanks, from her

centre place at the table as Headmistress, called to him.

"Albus?" she asked.

When he turned and asked, "Yes, Grisel... Headmistress Marchbanks?"

He'd quickly corrected himself, as soon as he saw her expression change

from a neutral expression to fury as soon as he began to address her by

her first name.

"I need you to see me in my office at 1.00pm sharp, Albus," she said.

"Don't be late. And bring with you your teaching schedules and lesson

plans, when you do."

"Yes, Headmistress," he sighed. 'Now the blasted woman wants to check

I'm prepared for classes to start. Damn her. She knows damned well I've

been the Professor of Transfiguration before and, therefore, know what

I'm doing.'




About an hour after they'd broken their fasts, Harry asked Hermione, "As

the old fart is going to be sacked some time after 11.00am, we won't have

a chance to go beyond the wards, here, again. Feel like taking a stroll

around the neighbourhood?"

Hermione smiled and said, "I'd love to!" Then slipped a bookmark into

the book she was reading. Harry noticed it was the one he gave her on

Occlumency, Occlumency for Beginners.

Once they'd alerted the adult Grangers and the aurors of their plan to

take a walk, both headed up to their respective rooms to don warmer


Meeting back in the entrance foyer five minutes later, it was to be

greeted by two aurors dressed as muggles and waiting for them; a witch

and a wizard.

"Ready to go?" asked the female auror.

"Yup," replied Harry, taking Hermione's hand.

The auror said, "We'll follow behind under disillusionment. We won't

crowd you, but we'll be close by in case of trouble you can't handle."

Harry smiled back and said, "Thank you."




The two had been out on the street and were about two blocks and ten

minutes away - they weren't hurrying - when Harry noticed two

somewhat attractive muggle girls cross the road just ahead of them and

walk their way. A blonde and a brunette, both had decent shaped bodies

with fair sized boobs. Both were dressed in heavy denim jackets with fur-

lined collars over tight T-shirts, denim mini-skirts, heavy skin-toned

stockings and ankle-high boots. Both appeared about the same age as


He then heard Hermione mutter, "Oh, Gods," as her hand tightened in his


Having a fair idea what was about to happen, Harry turned his eyes on

hers, smiled, and said, "Don't worry; we'll handle it. Just remember who

you are going to marry."

That had her relax again just as the girls got into 'range'.

"Oh, look!" snarked the blonde. "It looks like the beaver got herself a


That had the brunette cackle with laughter, though it did not reach her


Both stopped side-by-side about ten feet ahead of the two teens as Harry

felt Hermione begin to cower behind him.

In a clear voice, Harry effected a posh, almost Malfoy-ish, accent and

asked, "Hermione, dear. I believe these two prostitutes know you."

That had Hermione pop up from her cringe and stare at Harry in shock. It

also managed to stutter the two girls into stunned silence.

He continued in the same voice, "How is it you know two prostitutes?"

Then in a quiet mutter to her, said, "Address me as 'My Lord'."

Hermione blinked before she took a quick glance at both girls and

immediately looked back to Harry. Then she smirked.

In her own carrying voice she replied, "I have no idea if they are

prostitutes now, or not, My Lord. However, both these... ladies...

attended primary school in the same year as I, before I began to attend

private school."

As he was turned from the two girls, Harry maintained a straight face but

gave Hermione a wink with the eye furthest from the two.

"Of course, they are," he declared before he, gestured towards them and

let his eyes dress them up and down. "Look at how they're dressed!

Clearly, they must be prostitutes."

Turning to look at them in the eyes, he said, "Tell me... ladies... did you

become prostitutes because you enjoy sex, or was it because you're too

stupid to find a better profession?"

That snapped both girls out of their shock and both faces developed

expressions of fury. The brunette practically shouted back, "We are not


"Sorry," he said. "Please forgive me."

As both girls' expression began to relax, he said, "I meant 'Ladies of the


When he saw their expressions again change to anger, before they could

say anything he tried, "Or, do you prefer 'Call Girls'?... No?... 'Hookers'?...

What about 'Gentlemens' Special Friends'?"

"Arsehole!" the blonde screamed at him.

"No thanks," he blandly said. "I believe in... shall we say... the traditional


"Besides, I have no wish to pay for your services. However, I wish you

luck in your... endeavours."

That had Hermione suddenly try to bury her face into his shoulder and

begin snickering.

When the blonde began to splutter and start hurling invectives at him,

the brunette suddenly latched onto her arm and began to drag her across

the street.

"Oh, I get it!" he declared, calling after them. "You prefer to be called...

Street Walkers! Sorry! My bad! Or is that demonstration to reflect how

you're 'Escorts'? You're not offering a two-for-the-price-of-one deal, are

you? What would that be worth, anyway? Ten pounds?"

After both girls had reached the other side of the road and hurried away

down the footpath, not even looking back, Harry turned to Hermione and

innocently asked, "Was it something I said?"

She then latched onto him more fully and began to laugh and cry at the

same time with her face practically buried into the hollow of his


It was a few minutes before she could compose herself enough to release

him and step back.

"Damn, Harry," she giggled and sniffled. "That was just... precious."

Surreptitiously, Harry conjured a handkerchief between them and offered

it to her. Hermione clearly needed one to wipe her eyes and clear her


It was only a minute later before they were again walking along. But

about once a minute Hermione would develop a short case of the snorts

and giggles and would have to pause walking again.

When they got home, Hermione immediately tracked down her mother

and dragged her upstairs. A few seconds after she did, Harry heard her

bedroom door slam close.

That's when the female auror dropped her Notice-Me-Not charm and

widely grinned at Harry. "You... are evil." Then hurried to the back of the

house and down the stairs.

Curious, Wendell asked, "Something happen out on your walk?"

Harry shrugged and said, "Not really. A couple of girls Hermione knew

from primary school tried to start something nasty with her. Before they

got past their first scathing remark, I shot them down, pretty quick. And,

no, I didn't use magic; just words.

"Hermione's had an on-off dose of the giggles ever since. And, I think she

just wants to tell Monica about it."

Harry was right. When the two came down about five minutes later, it

was obvious both had been laughing hard as both had slightly flushed

faces, bright eyes and were grinning from ear to ear.

Monica immediately approached Harry, pulled down on his arm to get

him to bend over a little and planted a kiss on his cheek.

As he started to straighten up in shock with a developing blush, she

brushed his cheek with her hand and softly, but vehemently, said, "Good


Blushing a little, Harry just grinned back.




As Platform nine and three-quarters began to fill with excited students

and their exasperated guardians, many were looking about to see if they

could spot Harry.

Because it was a Sunday, there wasn't so many parents dropping their

children off early so they could hurry in or back to work, so many

parents were using the opportunity as a bit of a social event. Pockets of

adult witches and wizards were shifting about, while also keeping an eye

on children who were wanting to dash off to find friends.

For the Heirs of the Alliance, they had already made plans and were

meeting in the third carriage. They all also already knew Harry and

Hermione were going to be a 'couple of' days late; so, did not expect to

see him on the platform or on the train.

As they'd arranged between them, Neville was early and had already

secured a compartment in the 'right' carriage, while his parents were on

the platform greeting old friends and catching up. His father did come on

board, though, and help him with getting his trunk into the overhead

rack with a quick levitation charm. On his father's advice he also had his

Hogwarts uniform out and set aside for changing into later. That way, he

would not need to get his trunk down to get them out.

Ready, he pulled a book titled 'Water Plants of the Mediterranean' out, took

a seat next to the door and began to read.

Next to arrive was Daphne and Tracey with Samuel following with their

trunks levitating behind him, stacked one atop the other.

"Heir Longbottom," both girls said almost simultaneously.

Before Neville had a chance to respond, Samuel then said, "Hello,


Neville was quick to slide across the bench to give Samuel room before

then standing. "Lord Greengrass; a pleasure," he said. Before looking to

the girls and smiling. "Ladies."

Samuel levitated their trunks into the overheads for them. And then

quickly begged their leave.

With his burgeoning confidence, Neville was about to suggest they

remove a change of Hogwarts robe out of their trunks first, when he

noticed the two girls were already wearing them.

With both trunks up and secure - the girls checked - they turned to

Neville and smiled at him.

Still standing he asked, "Shall we?" and indicated the seats.

After the girls both sat, Neville sat and asked, "Any idea when Hannah

and Susan are likely to turn up?"

"No idea," said Tracey.

Looking to Daphne, he asked, "Are we likely to have any trouble for you

by sitting with me?"

Daphne answered, "As I said on the floo, not since its gone public the

Alliance has gone active again."

Susan and Hannah turned up about fifteen minutes later and were

giggling. Both were also dragging their own trunks.

Daphne used a levitation charm to lift both into the overhead racks for

the girls, which surprised Neville. "I didn't know you were that

accomplished with the levitation charm, Daphne."

Daphne smiled back and said, "I could only do it because both have

permanent featherweight charms on them. If they didn't, I wouldn't have

been able to manage it, I don't think."

Neville thought about it and asked, "What if someone had cast

featherweight charms on them immediately before you levitated them?"

That clearly surprised the girl. "I... had not considered that."

Snapping out of her surprise she looked to the two still giggling 'Puffs and

asked, "Something amuse you?"

Susan replied, "All the people on the platform. Hannah and I were

stopped three times by people asking us about the Alliance."

Then Hannah added, "And then they immediately asked us if we'd

introduce them to Harry, so they could apologise to him for their

behaviour both over the month before the First Task and anything else."

Tracey gave a snort of amusement and said, "A little late, aren't they?"

Just before the train was due to leave, they had another knock on the

door and a student ask to join them - Luna.

"Hello," she said. "I received a note from Harry Potter telling me that I

should join you in your compartment for the trip to Hogwarts. I have no

idea why, though."

"Luna, right?" asked Neville. "Luna Lovegood?"

"Yes," she almost hesitantly replied.

Rising, Neville said, "Harry wrote me and asked that, if you decided to

join us, to make you feel welcome. So, come on in."

As Luna seemed to relax and smiled back, Neville cast a featherweight

charm on the trunk and asked Daphne to levitate it up into the racks. She

was happy to do so.

Once Luna was in and properly situated, Neville explained, "Harry sent

me a note and asked me to ensure that Luna was made welcome if she

asked to join us. I'm happy to do so. But, he hasn't been very forthcoming

as to why."

Luna explained, "Lord Potter is aware of some of the difficulties I've had

in Ravenclaw, due to how some of the members of the House have

treated me. He seems to want to take me under his wing, so to speak.

"I also suspect he had something to do with the lovely lady mind-healer

who's been visiting me over the break. But, I know he won't say if he was.

I don't mind, though; she's nice company."

As Luna spoke Neville noticed she wasn't speaking as 'airily' as he

remembered her to do. She now spoke with more confidence.

He smiled at her and said, "Harry didn't tell me any of that. So, thank you

for telling me."

She smiled back.




After the train departed Kings Cross right on schedule, the six sat back

and relaxed in their compartment. They were happy to just settle back for

the journey.

It was about and hour into the trip when the door was yanked open by


He did a quick look-around before he looked at Neville and said,

"Longbottom. Do you know where I can find Potter?"

"He's not on board," replied Neville. "He's made other arrangements."

Malfoy seemed to think about that for a moment before he seemed to

give a nod. Then he looked at Daphne and Tracey and seemed about to

sneer, but thought better of it. He then stepped back out of the

compartment and walked away without another word.

Neville re-closed the door.

"That was... odd," said Susan.

Neville said, "Malfoy has this bit of tradition where he tracks down Harry

on the train and tries to pick a fight with him. I don't know why he

bothers, as he's never won even one of their confrontations.

"However, I've never seen him act so polite before."

"That was polite?" asked Hannah.

"For Malfoy; yes," he shrugged.

It was a moment before Daphne said, "Malfoy is going to be a changed

boy at Hogwarts, from now on. He's learned he's not the Heir Primary of

Black, as he thought he was; his father has lost his puppet Minister and

his Lord Black, I suspect, has laid down the law with his mother.

"I also believe he's very quickly going to discover that, as a result, he can

no longer consider himself the so-called Prince of Slytherin. That title

will likely shift to Theodore Nott, because of his grandfather, Caracticus

Nott, sitting on the Wizengamot and nominating for the Ministership."

"Nott won't win," said Susan.

"No," agreed Daphne. "However, just being nominated shows the other

Houses in the Dark alliances are deferring to him. That means their Heirs

will to Theo."




Down towards the rear compartments of the train, Ron was moping.

He was very relieved he was no longer at Aunt Muriel's. However, he

only found out Harry and Hermione would not be on the train when he

arrived at the platform. The twins told him. He had to promise he'd

apologise to 'them', but they weren't here to apologise to.

After sitting for half an hour he realised sitting in the compartment on his

own was stupid. So, went looking for who else was on the train.

He found Dean and Seamus sitting in a compartment with two girls from

Hufflepuff and asked to join them. The two boys seemed reticent, but the

two 'Puffs allowed it.

Feeling grateful - not an emotion he was used to - he took a seat and said,

"Thank you."




After a short lunch, Dumbledore returned to his office apartment and

collected the information Marchbanks had demanded of him. Then made

his way to her office. He knew he was going to be a couple minutes late,

but didn't care. It was time he started regaining his rightful authority;

even if it meant taking little progressive steps to get there.

At two minutes past 1.00pm he approached the gargoyle. He was about

to inform it he was there when the gargoyle simply stepped to the side to

give him access. With a sigh of annoyance, he made his way up the stairs

and, as usual of late, didn't even bother to knock on the door before

letting himself in; as if it was his right to do so.

Marchbanks was sitting at her desk, but she wasn't alone. Sitting before

her desk was another man. One Dumbledore did not recognise.

On seeing him, Dumbledore stopped just inside the door. He looked at

the man, who had now turned to look back and realised he didn't

recognise him.

With a frown on his face, he turned back to Marchbanks and said, "I

believe I had an appointment with you for 1.00pm, Headmistress


"You do, Albus," she said. "Since you've rudely let yourself in before

knocking - a bad habit you've developed of late - you'd best come forward

and take a seat."

Frowning even deeper, Dumbledore walked forward and took the second,

vacant, chair slightly apart from the other man.

As soon as he sat and before he could say anything, Marchbanks held out

her off hand, palm up, and said, "I believe you have something for me?"

And flicked her hand in a 'hand it over' gesture.

Dumbledore, his mind on trying to figure out who the other man could

be, almost unconsciously handed her his files.

As soon as she had them she put them down before her on her desk

blotter and began to go through them.

Annoyed, Dumbledore said, "Aren't you going to introduce us, Gri... errr...


"In a moment," she muttered.

A few moments later she'd scanned through the files and gave a small

grunt of satisfaction, before closing them again and putting her hands on


Looking up at Dumbledore she said, "Albus..." She then gave a nod to the

other man, who was still carefully watching him back, "... This is

Professor Jonathan Biffingwater. He comes to us by way of recently being

a professor at a day school for magic on the west coast of magical


She gave that a moment to sink in as Dumbledore only deigned to give a

slight nod to the man. Biffingwater only cocked an eyebrow back and

smirked. He saw the brush off for what it was and clearly didn't care.

Giving her own snort of amusement at the disrespect, Marchbanks simply

said, "Starting today, Professor Biffingwater is the new Hogwarts

Professor of Transfiguration." It was not hard to hear the satisfaction in

her voice when she said that.

From looking almost surreptitiously at Biffingwater, Dumbledore's head

snapped back to stare at her in shock.

"Yes, Albus," she almost snarked. "It means you're fired. The School Board

gave me permission to fire you a couple weeks back. However, I wanted

to make sure John, here, had arrived before I did so."

As Dumbledore sat there, still shocked... stunned... even appalled...

Marchbanks went on to say, "You'll find you've been paid until the end of

the week, as per the requirements of your tenure-ship contract. However,

your services are no longer required and I'm demanding of you to be out

of the castle by 4.00pm, this afternoon."

He gaped for a few more seconds before he said, "I have tenure―"

She was quick to cut him off. "Had tenure, Albus. I warned you, some

time ago, I believed I had sufficient cause to void your tenure. The School

Board agreed.

"I trust you not to make a scene as you pack your personal effects and

vacate the castle. However, if you're not gone by 4.00pm, you'll be rudely

ejected from the castle and grounds.

"That will be all, Albus. Thank you."

Angrily, Dumbledore surged to his feet and glared back. "You haven't

heard the end of this!" he snarled, before spinning about and storming

from the room. Both watched him as he walked out, ready for him to try


As he walked out the door, Marchbanks banished the door shut and

warded it.

Once the door closed, Biffingwater turned back to Marchbanks and said,

"Unpleasant fellow. And, what's with the colours?"

Marchbanks gave a quiet snort and replied, "An... affectation, I believe.

Otherwise, I'd have to suspect the man of being completely colour blind."

"I hope that's not the standard of dress I can expect from other members

of staff?" he asked.

"No," she replied. "I trust you received the dress standards document I

sent you?"

"I did," he replied. "It is very similar to the dress standards of the school

at which I recently taught. However, the wearing of robes is something


"You have them, though?" she asked.

"I do," he smiled. "Madam Malkin was most helpful."

She gave a nod and smile back. Then handed him the files Dumbledore

had handed her only a few minutes earlier. "You'll get used to it."

After accepting the files and taking them under his off arm, Biffingwater

stood and gave her a slight bow. "I shall see if Mister Dumbledore's

programs are workable, or not. Either way, however, I shall be ready to

teach by first class tomorrow."

"Thank you, John," she said. "Don't forget; you need to be in the Great

Hall for the evening meal and announcements by no later than 7.15pm.

I'd prefer you there a little earlier, if you can manage it."

He gave her another bow as a head nod and said, "As you wish,


He then turned and walked out as Marchbanks removed the security

charm on the door.




42. Hogwarts Recommences

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to the proverbial Duchess of

Magic, JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high

falutin' companies. No matter how much I whine about not owning anything

related to the HP universe, other than a few fanfic plots, I do not profess to

own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful

world... Damn it!

Chapter Forty Two - Hogwarts Recommences




On the Hogwarts Express, Ron was finally starting to relax in the

compartment with Dean Thomas, Seamus Finnegan and the two 'Puff

girls - whose names he still couldn't remember - when the door was

yanked open by Malfoy.

"Malfoy!" Ron snarled at him, jumping to his feet and drawing his wand.

"What do you want?"

With a look of glee in his eyes, Malfoy smirked and said, "No Potter and

the mudblood, Weasley?"

That was a far as he got before he suddenly almost completely doubled

over with stomach pain.

He then had a look of painful shock on his face, before he turned and ran

off without another word.

Ron, surprised at what had just happened, heard one of the 'Puffs ask,

"Would you mind closing the door, Mister Weasley?"

When he turned to look at her, she asked, "Well? Are you going to close

the door, or not?"

Still a little shocked by Malfoy's behaviour, he turned back, closed and

latched the door and sat back in his seat. Then looked to her.

"What just happened?" he asked, confused.

She grinned back and said, "Mister Malfoy had a very sudden urge to use

the toilet. I believe he'll be occupied for a while."

When Ron still appeared confused the other 'Puff said, "Lilith doesn't like

people who use the 'M' word around her. She has a knee-jerk reaction to

hex them."

Lilith said, "Megan tends to exaggerate a little. I only save the hexes for

people like Malfoy. Him, I hit with a bowel loosening charm. He'll be in

the toilet for a couple of hours."

Finally understanding what happened, Ron grinned back and said, "That's


Megan said, "I don't know why your so-called golden trio puts up with

him so much. We don't."

Lilith said, "Learn the bowel loosening charm, learn to cast it

surreptitiously and silently and you shouldn't have anywhere near as

much trouble with him in future."

Ron thought about that for a moment before he leaned forward, adopted

a begging expression and pleaded, "Teach me?"

Both 'Puffs laughed, which had Ron and the other two Gryff' boys join in

a moment later.

"Alright, Mister Weasley," she eventually said. "However, you're going to

owe me a favour, if I do."

Warily, he asked, "What sort of favour?"

Still smiling from the laughter, she shrugged and replied, "I don't know

yet, but it's not going to be something that will offend you having to do


He thought about that, before he gave a firm nod back and said,





Ron was so focussed on learning the hex the Fourth Year 'Puff, Lilith

Moon, was trying to teach him that he didn't hear the door to the

compartment being opened.

He didn't even notice anyone was there until Dean asked, "Need

something, Angie?"

That had him looking up and seeing Angelina Johnson, shadowed by

Alicia Spinnet, standing in the doorway, looking at him.

As soon as he did, though, she firmly asked, "Where's Potter?"

"Not on the train," he replied.

Confused, she asked, "What do you mean?"

"We received a letter from him a few days ago saying he might not be

attending," he explained. "Something about he and Hermione might be

taking up the option of having personal tutors, instead."

That he didn't say it with an outward sign of jealously was thanks to his

Aunt Muriel. He was prepared to answer that question. However, he

didn't know that and he was still jealous, anyway.

"Really?" she asked, surprised.

"Really," he near-snarked.

She thought about that for a moment before she said, "You said 'might'."

"Might," he repeated.

"Does that mean he might also turn up?"

He shrugged. "I hope so."

Clearly frustrated, without another word she stepped back, pulled the

door shut, latched it and walked away.

"At least she closed the door," said Seamus, also trying to learn the bowel

loosening hex.




Immediately returning to his office apartment after having just been

fired, Dumbledore made no effort to begin packing his personal effects.

Instead, he immediately used the floo to contact members of the School

Board. Or, rather, attempt to contact them.

His intent was to get immediate support to suspend his termination, so he

then had the time to work his skills more thoroughly and get the decision

to terminate his employment more permanently overturned.

However, no matter how much he begged, demanded, attempted to

blackmail, threaten or otherwise, no one was budging. Even those he

thought he'd still have support from were refusing.

What he didn't know was that, once the time reached three thirty and

while he had his head yet again in the flames, the castle's house elves

were quickly and quietly packing his effects.

At 4.00pm, on the dot, he found himself ripped out of the floo and

magically transported to outside the school's main gates. He was then

sitting on his bum on the cobblestones of the path. His packed personal

effects joined him moments later, about him.

Shocked, he was a few seconds in disbelief before he jumped to his feet

in a rapidly building rage, shrunk his effects and levitated them up so he

could grab them and shove them into his pockets. Then he attempted to

angrily stomp his way back in through the gates, but was rudely banished

back from them to again land on his bum where he started as soon as he

hit the ward boundary.

Again, he surged to his feet but, instead of trying to stomp his way back

in through the gates again, drew his wand and began casting powerful

ward breaking charms at them.

It was as much a waste of time as it was when he lost the Headship and,

in the back of his mind, he knew it. It would take hours of work of

hundreds of witches and wizards working in concert to bring down the

wards. Even he, at his most powerful, had no chance of accomplishing it.

After a solid minute of trying and which he knew was just him venting

his rage, he eventually lowered his wand, glared at the castle where he

knew the Headmistress's office to be, turned away and stomped up the

path to the village. He'd be taking rooms at the Three Broomsticks until

he could figure out what to do next and get back into the castle.




After organising a room, Dumbledore then donned a strong

disillusionment charm and made his way to Honeydukes. There, he

silently made his way down to the basement, located the hidden access to

the underground tunnel that led back to Hogwarts and slipped within.

Once inside he dispelled the disillusionment charm and lit his wand with

a strong Lumos, light, charm. And firmly strode down the tunnel.

However, just as he reached the ward line above, he smacked into an

invisible wall - a ward. It caused him to break his nose in the collision

and send him ten feet back up the tunnel the way he'd come to yet again

land him on his arse.

Shocked, he climbed to his feet and cast his best detection charms. They

immediately returned to him the same ward signatures as the main,

above ground, wards at the gate/fenceline. Someone had extended the

wards far enough below ground to also block the tunnel.

"Gods... damn it!" he snarled in anger, lowering his wand.

With a minor healing charm to his nose first, he gave a final huff up the

tunnel towards the school and retraced his steps.

There was no point in trying the one in the basement of the Shrieking

Shack as the tunnel between there and the whomping willow was the

same depth as the Honedukes tunnel. It, too, would be blocked.




As dinner was winding up at the Grangers, Harry looked to the clock in

the kitchen and said, "The Express should be arriving at Hogwarts about


That had everyone else look, too.

Hermione, again fretting a little, asked, "Do you think people would have

already noticed we're missing?"

"The other Heirs would have, of course," he replied. "So would the

Weasleys." He then gave a snort and added, "So, too, might Malfoy and

his pet bookends."

He'd forgotten about Luna, but so had Hermione.

She gave a sigh and said, "At least Madam Marchbanks knows what's

going on."

He gave a firm nod and turned to one of the aurors sitting at the table

with them.

"If what I think is going to happen, happens, we should expect

Dumbledore trying to get in here... in about half an hour to forty five

minutes, tops."

The auror looked back, smirked and said, "Then I'm glad we'll be able to

finish dinner in time."

From the expression on Harry's face, the other auror chuckled and said,

"You timed it that way, didn't you?"

Harry suddenly sat up straight, raised his left hand as if to give a muggle

oath and firmly said, "Guilty, Your Worship!"

Wendell nearly coughed out his mouthful of cheesecake in amusement

when he reflexively snorted. And had to rapidly resort to using a napkin

to cover his mouth while looking over it with eyes filled with mirth.

While Harry grinned at him, he said, "Please, don't do that. It gives me

the sudden urge to pick up my gavel."

That just made Harry grin even more.

After a few moments he turned back to the auror and replied, "Yes; I

timed the meal so that there should be about fifteen minutes between

finishing it and Dumbledore's earliest likely time to get here and try to

get in."

Smirking back, the auror softly said, "Clever."

With his own smirk Harry shot back, "Planning."




After demanding and getting the 'best' room in the Three Broomsticks,

Dumbledore had tried to visit his brother. However, as soon as his

brother, Aberforth, saw him step in through the door the old man had to

duck a thrown metal tankard thrown at his head before his brother then

snap-cast curses at him liberally sprinkled with intervening invectives.

He immediately retreated back out the door, knowing there was no

talking to his brother when he was in this sort of a mood.

Returning to the Three Broomsticks, he then spent the next couple of

hours preparing things elsewhere, or trying to figure out what to do with

his immediate future.

As the sun was setting, he had a fair idea.

Since trying to visit his brother he'd already been to the Dumbledore

Cottage in Godric's Hollow and quickly set his personal house elf to

cleaning it. He prepared it for him moving back in with an 'unwilling'

guest. He'd had to erect certain security wards, used by the DMLE for the

temporary restraint of prisoners 'in the field', but erected overpowered

and rune-based to be permanent.

Now, he was standing just outside the small picket gate to Hogsmeade

Station, but under an invisibility charm with an overlaid Notice-Me-Not

charm so even the slight ripple in the air that was a sign of a

disillusionment charm to those trained to see one would not be noticed.

What he had no idea about was that Alastor Moody was standing under

an invisibility cloak and his own Notice-me-Not charm not far away, but

also obscured by a tree as he stood behind it. And was keeping an eye on

him with his magical eye.

With years of experience, Dumbledore knew just when the train would

arrive, as did many of the long-term residents of Hogsmeade or the


While he stood there Hagrid, riding in a smaller, single-axle buggy up

front, led the lead Thestral-drawn carriages out onto the station external

concourse, just outside the gates. The Thestrals followed along and lined

up one behind the other and three deep behind him, ready for students to


Once sure the carriages were ready, the big guy moved through the gate

and onto the platform to make sure the station was clear and ready for

the Express to pull up. He had no idea just how close he had come to

Dumbledore as he walked through the gate, but did wonder why he had

the sudden scent of lemons in his nostrils for a moment.

He gave one last look about before he walked back out the gate and

made his way back to the smaller 'buggy' wagon.

A quick "gee-up!" and he was returning to the castle.

He also had no idea Dumbledore had cast a quick compulsion charm on

him to do just that; in case he had decided to stay until the students had

arrived, out of a sense of obligation. Dumbledore wanted him gone, so he

couldn't see something the old man didn't want to half-giant to see.

Hagrid was only a quarter of the way back to the castle when

Dumbledore heard the train's whistle in the distance. It signified there

was less than two minutes before the train pulled in.




As they felt the train slow down the last few hundred feet before coming

to a stop at Hogsmeade station, Ron was grinning at Lilith Moon and

gushing with praise for the girl. He'd never been able to learn a spell -

whether it be a charm, a transfiguration or a hex - so fast before.

"Thank you, so much!" he exclaimed. 'Just wait until Malfoy mouths off to

me, again,' he thought. 'I'll laugh and say, "Toilets are that way, Malfoy".'

As he'd been thinking, the five in his compartment all moved out into the

narrow hallway and into the sudden press of humanity all trying to get

out the door at either end.




As students started to alight and the first few hurried quickly out the gate

and towards the carriages, Dumbledore was keeping careful watch as

they passed by. He already knew he had the best position as, with the

necessity of getting out through the gate, the students had to pass

through in single file.

He watched as the prefects who'd been in the first rail car, their privilege,

also moved to ensure none of the students got up to any mischief on the

platform or as they moved out to and boarded the thestral-drawn


As they tended to occupy the first couple cars after the prefects', most of

the first students out through the gate were Slytherins.

A lot were talking and he'd occasionally hear the name 'Potter', but the

students were moving too quickly through for him to catch more than

just snippets. All he managed to catch were what sounded like no one

could find him on the train. But, that couldn't be right; 'young Harry'

thought of Hogwarts as his home.

Still scanning the crowd with his eyes, waiting for his opportunity to grab

the Potter boy and side-along apparate him away and back to his cottage,

he missed paying attention when Longbottom and the other four Heirs of

the Alliance all passed through the gate.

Thinking that more than half of the students had already passed through,

he was beginning to get a little concerned when he finally remembered

that the Potter boy often rode in one of the rear carriages. Therefore, he'd

likely be in the last ten to twenty percent of students to pass through.

And calmed again.

When the crowd of students started to slow down to a trickle, he saw the

youngest Weasley boy walking with two other Gryffindor boys and two

Hufflepuff girls in his same year. But, the Potter boy and the Granger girl

were not with him.

Looking past them he couldn't see his quarry; so he quickly cast a

Confundus charm on the group the Weasley boy was travelling with,

dragged the boy off to the side and hit him with a disillusionment charm.

With his eyes still watching the last few students walk through, he

realised he'd missed his quarry.

Still tightly holding the youngest Weasley boy he hit him with a more

powerful Confundus and demanded, "Where's Harry Potter?"

Dazed, Ron slowly replied, "He.. wasn't.. on.. the train."

Angry, Dumbledore cancelled the Confundus, obliviated the boy of the

last thirty seconds and shoved him towards the carriages.

Then he waited for a gap between the final students still exiting through

the gate and strode onto the platform. He'd be searching the train.




Ron staggered a bit as he walked towards the carriages, blinked and

looked around. 'Where'd everyone go?' he thought.

Realising there weren't many carriages left, he hurried forward and

jumped on one about to leave.

'Why'd they leave me behind?' he wondered.




When Dumbledore grabbed the youngest Weasley boy, Moody was about

to abandon his concealed watching of the old man and charge forward

with his wand blazing.

However, as he started to move, the old man suddenly half flung the boy

towards the carriages and stepped through the gate and onto the


Watching the reaction of the boy, he realised the old man had obviously

questioned him then obliviated him of the last minute or two before

releasing him again.

As the boy hurried to board a carriage and was therefore safe, Moody

moved to follow Dumbledore.

Of course, everyone used the single gate through the white wooden

picket fence. However, it was no hassle to approach the platform from

where the trees encroached over the backside of the platform and simply

hop over the four foot high fence there. That's what he did.

Peeking around the corner of the station house, he was just in time to see

the old man jump onto the back carriage and start to search it.

Pulling back into concealment behind the building he chuckled to himself

and went back to where he was first watching the old man and the gate.

Once he was sure the last of the students had boarded the last carriage,

and it was through the gates and moving at a fair clip to the castle, he

apparated away.

He had a report to give to the Bones lass.




Over at the Granger residence, Harry was monitoring the time with a

Tempus charm. His last was about a minute after the previous one.

Wendell was watching him with amusement and finally asked, "Isn't there

a finite amount of magic you can cast before you run out?"

Harry gave him a sheepish grin back and replied, "There is. But, I could

probably cast about a thousand Tempus charms before I'd reach the point

of magical exhaustion. Different charms and the like use different

amounts of magic. The Tempus charm uses about the lower end of


As Wendell gave a nod and returned to quietly reading a medical journal,

Hermione softly asked, "Where do you think they'd be about now."

"From previous experience, they'd be riding the carriages from the

platform to the castle about now," he replied. "I'll alert the aurors to get

ready. By my guess work, Dumbledore should be turning up here within

the next few minutes."

He rose and headed for the lower ground floor.




As Weasley entered the Great Hall, he was about to head for his 'normal'

spot when he realised Harry and Hermione wouldn't be there. Instead, he

turned to go sit with Finnegan and Thomas. He needed to find out why

they left him at the station.

As he spotted them and walked over, he was about to ask them just that

when Thomas asked, "What happened to you? One moment you're

walking off the platform with us and the next you just disappeared."

Surprised, he sat next to them and replied, "I don't know! I remember

walking off the platform with you, then I'm standing there on my own! I

though you'd hit me with a confusion charm, or something; and left me

standing there while you all took off!"

"Nope!" replied Finnegan. "Sounds like a mean prank, though." He then

looked towards the twins and asked, "Think your brothers might have

done it?"

Ron immediately glared in his brothers' direction before he turned back

and mumbled, "They might have. But, it's not the sort of thing they'd

normally do. They're all about being 'flashy' and 'noisy'."

"True," said Thomas, casting his own look at the twins.




After spending over fifteen minutes quickly searching the train from one

end to the other, with no sign of the Potter boy, Dumbledore stood on the

platform for a few minutes wondering what could have happened.

'Either the boy turned up at the castle by portkey or floo; or he's not gone

there,' he thought. 'That means, he's likely still at the Grangers.

'Even if he isn't, the aurors won't be there and I can compulse the

Grangers into doing my bidding.'

With a decision reached, Dumbledore transfigured his robes into the

height of 90s muggle fashion - for the early 1890s. A three-piece muggle

business suit with matching low profile top hat and shoes. The gold chain

leading to his pocket watch was a nice touch. However, even then, they

never wore violet-purple with indigo pinstripe.

Then he apparated away to Wimbledon

Learning from his previous error, this time he chose not to attempt to

apparate directly onto the property. He changed his apparation point to

the front lawn of the property next door. And appeared there with a light


A quick look around for any muggles that might have seen him - he didn't

see any - and he stepped through the neighbours' front gate onto the

footpath, before walking closer to the boundary fence of the Grangers'.

He stopped just shy of the corner of the property, took another quick look

around and drew his wand. Then he silently began to cast detection

charms ahead of himself.

It took him only moments to determine where the ward line was. But was

surprised when he discovered the ward was an unusual shape. It was

almost four sided with rounded corners.

He paused. 'Strange,' he thought. And then began to cast more detection


What he didn't know was there was a very faint but telling ward buried

within and between the powerful anti-portkey and anti-apparation jinx

wards he'd detected. The glow he saw from the second and third masked

the first.

That ward detected when the ward set was being analysed. And a quiet

alarm went off within the servants' quarters on the lower ground floor of

the residence.

The auror monitoring the wards was immediately alerted and tapped a

specific set of runes on the back of his auror badge that alerted the aurors

on-site to what was going on. Next, he sent the same detection alert to

the on-duty auror at the DMLE.

The aurors on-site wasted no time and began to move.




The Granger household was quiet, but somewhat tense. All four residents

were in the parlour at the time. The aurors asked them to be together in

one room until it was time to go to bed.

The two Granger adults were reading professional journals or doing

business paperwork, Hermione was sitting on the floor trying to meditate

while she was experiencing heightened stress and Harry was reading a

text on magical combat and pretending to cast the charms and curses he

came across with a pencil and memorising them.

Suddenly an auror ducked into the room and said, "Someone's casting

detection charms at the wards."

A moment later he snatched out his auror badge and looked to the back

of it. "The magical signature is Dumbledore's."

Then he looked at Harry in surprise. While Harry had explained to the

lead auror how he came to the conclusion Dumbledore would turn up,

even they were doubtful. However, they respected his intelligence

enough to know he seemed to accurately predict these sort of events


Harry smirked back for a moment before he slid a bookmark into the

page he was reading, snapped the book shut and stood up.

A second auror, a Senior, stepped in and said, "I'd like you all to make

your way down to the Quarters, please - the servants' quarters, that is."

"We understood the reference, Horatio," said Wendell as he and Monica


Monica had to give Hermione a tap on the shoulder to break her out of

her meditation state. "We need to go downstairs, dear."

"Oh!" said Hermione. "I take it Harry's right and Dumbledore's here?"

"He is," said the auror, trying to chivvy them into moving quicker.

With all four on the move, the Senior Auror hurried out the back door,

donned a disillusionment charm and peeked around the corner of the

house towards the front, where he knew the old man's charms were

impacting the wards.

He was shocked to see him simply standing on the path, not even

masking his presence other than to wear the most godawful-coloured

muggle suit he'd ever seen and waving his wand as if conducting an


Pulling his head back he sighed and muttered, "What an idiot."

Tapping his badge he was soon joined by another two aurors, two

younger, one male and one female. Both were dressed muggle.

Curiously he looked at the two before he smirked and motioned both

back from the corner. Once clear, he quietly asked, "How well do either

of you know if Dumbledore knows you on sight or not."

The male shrugged while the female just shook her head. The male

quietly replied, "I was a 'Puff. He tended to ignore us. And I didn't get

into trouble while at Hogwarts."

The witch softly replied, "I was in Ravenclaw. I don't think he ever said

one word to me, directly, the whole time I was there."

Grinning even more the Senior said, "Here's what I want the two of you

to do..."

As he explained, the two junior aurors grinned.




A couple minutes earlier, Alastor Moody was sitting in Madam Bones's

office giving his report as to his surveillance of Dumbledore, when a

young auror gave a quick knock on the door, opened it and stuck his

head in.

"Excuse me barging in, Madam Bones," he said. "But, we've just received

word from Golf Romeo that Dumbledore's just outside the wards out the

front and casting detection charms at them."

"Send the back-up, right now, via floo," she immediately ordered. The

back up already had the floo address and temporary password for just

this situation.

"Yes, ma'am," he said and immediately yanked his head out, firmly

closing and latching the door as he did so.

Bones smirked at Moody and said, "Well, well. Potter was right again."

She cast a quick Tempus, read it and added, "And only a few minutes

after he guesstimated the old man would turn up."

"That's not bad," said Moody, clearly impressed.




In the Great Hall at Hogwarts, there was a fair bit of excited chattering

between students going on.

One of the main topics was all the new Professors, for those were who

the folk clearly were, sitting at the head table talking between themselves

just as the students were.

When it appeared that everyone who was going to arrive, had arrived,

Madam Marchbanks stood from her chair and walked around the head

table and, cane tapping away, approached the big golden eagle lectern.

She did have to transfigure a large set of steps before it, though, as she

was such a little thing. But, once she stepped up on them she could see

clearly above it and across the four House tables.

As she did, Professor Sprout used a little hammer on a chime bar and

rang it. That had everyone who was still making a bit of noise quiet back


As soon as she had silence she began to speak. "For those who do not

know me because they left the school before I arrived and did not know

me from my work with the WEA, I am the new Headmistress of

Hogwarts, Lady Griselda Marchbanks. Before I worked at the WEA I was

the Professor of Charms and Acting Deputy Headmistress here.

"Now, bear with me. I have quite a few introductions to make before we

can start dinner."

Ron gave a wince and an almost sub-audible groan. Only Seamus heard

him, though.

"First," she said. "For those who do not already know, we no longer have

the services of Albus Dumbledore, Minerva McGonagall, Severus Snape,

Sybill Trelawney, Cuthbert Binns, Poppy Pomfrey or Barty Crouch Junior

posing as Alastor Moody. Rubeus Hagrid is also no longer a Professor.

"That means a lot of permanent positions needed refilling.

"So, I shall introduce them all to you now. I know you won't remember

all their names, but they'll remind you as you each have classes with

them. I won't, however, cover all their achievements. Instead, I will leave

that to them.

"First, I present our new Professor of History and Deputy Headmaster,

Professor Ebenezer Goodstone."

A middle aged wizard stood and bowed to all four house tables before

sitting again, as applause sounded throughout the Hall.

"Next, I'll cover the new Heads of Houses. Please save your applause for

all four, together. Otherwise, we'll be here all night.

"For Hufflepuff, Professor Pomona Sprout remains your Head of House;

the other three are all new. For Gryffindor, we have Professor Bathsheba

Babbling; for Ravenclaw, Professor Aurora Sinistra; and for Slytherin,

Professor Septima Vector. You may congratulate them now." And led the

applause while all four stood there.

A quick gesture from Marchbanks and all four sat almost as one, which

also brought the applause to a near abrupt halt.

"I now have one re-tasked and a further six new professors to introduce.

Please hold your applause until I've introduced them all."

After giving that a moment to sink-in, she began.

"First, I need to mention Professor Charity Burbage has moved from

Professor of Muggle Studies to Professor of Wizarding Traditions, a new


"Second, I present our new Professor of Muggle Studies, Professor Phyllis


"Third, I present our new Professor of Potions, Professor Doris Grimfield.

"Fourth, I present our new Professor of Defence Against the Dark Arts,

Professor Ian Murdstock.

"Fifth, I present our new Professor of Care of Magical Creatures, Professor

Oliver Senkinhall.

"Sixth, I present our new Professor of Divination, Professor Rebecca


"Seventh, I present our new Professor of Transfiguration, Professor

Johnathan Biffingwater.

"I'll add him in now, because he's the only other new member of staff. I

present our new medi-wizard, Journeyman Healer Peter Robinson.

"That is all the new staff we have starting with us. Please join me as we

give them all a round of applause for taking on their roles."

As all the new staff, except the new Deputy Headmaster, stood the entire

student and remaining staff population applauded them. Marchbanks let

it go on for a while.

Finally, Professor Sprout rang her chime again and everyone settled.

"That's staffing," said Marchbanks. "Now for new rules..."

Once she was finished describing them she said, "You'll find a list of these

new rules, in written form, affixed to the noticeboards in each of your

common rooms. That document is not to removed for any reason other

than under my direct order. Breach that rule and you will be suspended

on the spot... and sent home.

"I'll also announce that the temporarily suspended school Inter-House

Quidditch League is now reactivated. However―"

That was as far as she got before almost every student suddenly starting

celebrating. She let it go on for about fifteen seconds before she signalled

Sprout to ring her chime again.

When they all calmed again, she said, "Let me finish before you celebrate.

As I was saying... However, because there is only six months of the school

year remaining, the number of games is also reduced. Instead of playing

each House once... meaning three games for each House team... you'll

only be playing two of the other House teams. The draw will take place

as to which team will be playing which in my office between me, Madam

Hooch and the four Team Captains. We'll carry out that draw on Tuesday


"Finally, though the Tri-Wizard Tournament is not yet cancelled,

discussions are still being held as to if it will or will not. So, for the time

being, it is still on.

"For those who do not receive, or otherwise manage to read, a copy of

the Daily Prophet while you've all been away, you'll notice that the

contingents of both Beauxbatons and Durmstrang are not with us. Both

school representatives have returned to their schools. However, together

with their respective Headmistress and Highmaster, they will return on

the evening prior to both remaining events and stay for that day and

evening. The next day they shall leave us, once again"

"That is all. I now call on our House elves to serve the meal."

Before the students could start celebrating or otherwise making noise, the

tables immediately filled with food.

For almost all children, filling hungry bellies took precedence over





Dumbledore had been analysing the wards for about five to ten minutes

when he heard someone coming up behind. Quickly sliding his wand up

the sleeve of his off-arm, he turned to see who it was.

In the gloom of the early evening he saw two young adult muggles

walking towards him and quietly talking, as proper the young lady was

on the left. By the way the girl was using both hands to grip the young

man's left upper arm and kept leaning her head on his shoulder, it was

easy to see that these two were 'lovebirds' out for an evening stroll.

As if seeing him for the first time, the male of the two saw him and

grinned. As he walked closer, he pulled something out of his pocket.

Thinking it might have been a weapon, Dumbledore at first tensed and

readied to snap draw his wand, before he saw what it was and relaxed.

The man had pulled a packet of those horrid muggle cigarettes from his


"Hey, gramps!" said the male, as he slipped a pre-made cigarette between

his lips. "Got a light?"

"Errr... sorry, no," replied Dumbledore, wishing they'd go away. He had

not even realised how close the two had approached.

As the male seemed to sigh in disappointment, he withdrew the cigarette

from between his lips and quietly said, "Oh. Damn."

Then he gave it a flick into the garden of the house next door in a high


As Dumbledore's eyes were drawn to follow its trajectory, thinking what

a disgusting thing to do, there was a sudden flash of red light and his

lights went out.

As Dumbledore slumped to the ground from a stunner fired by the female

from a range of about eighteen inches, both young aurors quickly

separated. The young witch auror flicked her wrist, causing her wand to

slip back up her sleeve into the auror quick-draw holster and reached for

her hidden magic-resistant manacles that were hanging on her belt at the

back. As she bent down to manacle the old man, the male summoned the

flicked away cigarette back to the packet, then vanished the lot, before

drawing his badge out and tapping a set of runes.

While the female was finishing manacling Dumbledore's hands behind his

back, after first bodily flipping him face down on the pavement, there

was a quick flurry of activity as half a dozen aurors came from the front

doors of the Granger residence and from down the side of the house.

Master Auror Robards was leading the pack, so to speak. He was grinning

away. After looking around to see if any muggles were watching, he

asked, "Who's idea was it to pose as a couple of canoodling lovebirds on a

midnight stroll?"

The male immediately, but softly, replied, "Senior Auror Cummerbatch's,


Looking about, Robards quickly spotted him. "Well done, Senior. Expect a

commendation for this."

Cummerbatch smiled back and replied, "Thank you, Sir. But, Aurors

Watkins and Cupperman flawlessly executed it." Then he turned to look

at the male, Brendan Cupperman, and said, "Nice distraction trick with

the muggle cigarette, by the way."

Cupperman grinned and gave a nod.

"Alright," said Robards. "That's it for the due pats on the back for jobs

well done." Looking at the two young ones he said, "Since you two

bagged him, you get to process him. I'll let The Boss know you're doing

that. Expect her to join you while you're processing him."

"Right, Sir; thank you, Sir," said Cupperman as he and Watkins bent down

to each stick a finger on the manacles affixed to Dumbledore's wrists. A

moment later and they portkeyed away.

Robards then said, "The rest of us, inside to the Quarters for a quick

debrief. And we can let Lord Potter and the Grangers know we've got





As the aurors re-entered the house to relieved joshing between them,

MacNair, who watched the whole thing from the other side of the road in

his favourite spot under the tree of the opposite house's front yard, was

feeling quite excited. 'Dumbledore tried to break in through the wards

and was arrested!' he thought. 'I'll finally have something for the Dark


However, as the front door on the house was closing, there was a close by

flash of pale blue light behind him and everything went fuzzy.

A few moments later and he was blinking his eyes awake and feeling


'Another boring night,' he thought with a mental sigh. 'I'll never learn

anything, this way.'

A few moments later and he was quietly packing up his set up. And, a

few moments after that, he apparated away.

The on-duty Unspeakable watcher from the Knight's Shadow team, Owl,

stepped out from behind the tree and took another long look around.

When it was apparent MacNair was definitely gone for the night, she

returned to her watcher's nest and settled down.

As soon as she was comfortable, she settled into her alert state meditation

pose and began to write her report of the event and the action she took

all in her mind.




Back at Hogwarts, Neville was being questioned as to where Harry was.

He'd just smile and say, "He has important family matters to take care of.

He'll likely be along, once they're out of the way."

When anyone tried to press him for extra information, he'd say, "As I

said, he has important family matters to take care of. He'll likely be

along, once they're out of the way."

By the time dinner was finished, he thought he'd given that same

response a good dozen times.

Susan and Hannah, together with Daphne and Tracey - for those who

knew of the Alliance and knew them to be Heirs of that Alliance and

asked them - also answered the question the same way. However,

between them, they still answered the question less as many times as

Neville on his own.

Once everyone finished dinner the Headmistress had one final

announcement to give them before she released them to go to their

dorms. Because of changes to classes, new class schedules needed to be

handed out.

"Meeting the same time-frames as the second of September," she said, "All

students are to be in the Great Hall, tomorrow morning, no later than

8.00am, so new class schedules may be distributed."

After everyone rose to make their way out, the word quickly spread

among the rest of the student population about Harry (and Hermione)

being delayed. By the time they all reached their dorms, almost all of

them knew the alliance Heirs would only give that answer and that

Potter and Granger would 'likely be along' somewhat soon - maybe.




Moody was still in the office with Bones when the same auror stuck his

head in the door again. "Albus Dumbledore's been arrested and is

currently in processing. No muggles saw anything. I believe you wanted

to know?"

She smiled back and replied, "Thank you, Auror Preedy. We did."

He said, "Yes, Ma'am." And again withdrew.

Looking to Moody she started to rise and asked, "Shall we?"

Moody grinned back and replied, "Lets!"

They were very quickly in the cell area and were just in time to see the

old man guided, almost shoved, into a cell. Unsurprisingly, it was the

same one he'd been in the last two times he was in her 'care'.

Bones and Moody gave it a few moments before walking up to the two

aurors who'd brought him in. Cutting right to the chase, she asked, "Who

caught him?"

"We did, Ma'am," replied Cupperman. "Henrietta and I."

"Well done," she smiled. "He's been fully processed?"

"He has," replied Cupperman. "Henrietta and I were about to head out to

the bullpen to write up the arrest report, Ma'am."

Bones gave a nod and said, "Get it done quickly and bring it to me. I'll

should be in the cell with Dumbledore, giving him an initial interview to

start with. If I'm not there, I'll be in my office."

"Yes, Ma'am," replied Cupperman. And the two left to get on it.

Once they were on their way, Bones chuckled and said, "Eager."

Moody, who heard it, replied, "So they should be."

Turning more fully to the older and officially 'retired' Master Auror, she

said, "Come on." And walked over to the cell. After first checking through

the peep-hole to ensure the old man was visible and clear of the door, she

unlatched it and stepped within.

Dumbledore, now enervated again, was sitting on 'his' bunk with his arms

folded and a scowl on his face. The manacles had been removed.

Only his eyes flickered in her direction and he quietly said, "Amelia."

"Prisoner Dumbledore," she shot back.

With a huff of annoyance he asked, "What am I supposed to have done

wrong, this time, Madam Bones?"

"I have quite a few charges to file against you, this time, Mister


When his eyes shot to hers in somewhat surprise, she snickered and said,

"Yes, I'm aware you've finally been fired from Hogwarts. Headmistress

Lady Marchbanks advised me of the situation, earlier today."

She gave that a moment to sink in before she said, "The matters I have on

you so far this evening are: You assaulted one Ronald Weasley just

outside the gate of Hogsmeade Station. Yes, I know about that, too. And

you were caught in the act of analysing the wards on the Granger

residence. Naughty, naughty, Albus.

"With the list of new crimes beginning to pile up against you, I think I'll

have more than enough to take you trial, once more, at the February

sitting of the Wizengamot.

Dumbledore just glared back.

"So," she said. "I'm offering you the chance to have the charges dropped.

All you have to do is be honest with me and tell me why getting hold of

Lord Potter is so important to you. What do you say, Albus?"

"The information I have is so sensitive I'm afraid I cannot speak of it with

anyone except Mister Potter," he huffed again.

"You mean Lord Potter, don't you, Albus?" she asked. "Is your mind

starting to fail you and you're beginning to forget important details?"

"Yes, I meant Lord Potter," he snapped. "And, no, my mind is as sharp as


"So, you're just being deliberately rude then," she said. "That's grounds for

an honour duel, Albus."

When Dumbledore just frowned even more and glared at her, she

chuckled back.

When the old man still wouldn't say anything further she stood and said,

"Get yourself comfortable, Albus. Since you won't answer my questions,

I'm adding a charge of 'Failing to comply with the directions of an auror'."

Moody watched her back for her as she turned her back on Dumbledore

and walked out. Once she was out the door, Moody said, "You're no

longer in a position to decide what is and is not 'For the Greater Good',

Albus. You're no longer protected from due justice by hiding behind the

offices of Chief Warlock, Britain's Ambassador to the ICW or Supreme

Mugwump. When you refuse to co-operate with a DMLE investigation,

you're going to face the consequences for it."

Then he let himself out, making sure to properly lock the door behind


Dumbledore, gave a huff of annoyance, then gave a soft sigh and closed

his eyes with a pained expression on his face. 'Damnation!' he thought.




After Dumbledore's capture and assurances he'd be spending at least the

night, probably two, in the DMLE holding cells, Robards was as good as

his word by informing Harry and the Grangers the risk was over for the

time being.

The extended auror contingent were given a quick ten minute debrief,

told to note down their recollections of what happened and then sent

away. That left their 'normal' three-auror standing detail.

Once they were gone, Wendell gave a sigh and said to the two teens,

"Well, we're back to work tomorrow. So, we're off to bed. If you're going

to stay up, don't stay up too late."

A quick cheek-kiss good night where applicable - not Harry and Wendell -

the Granger adults headed off to bed.

Once they trooped upstairs, Hermione looked to Harry and said, "I'm too

keyed up to sleep. The meditation only helped up until we were sent

down to the servants' quarters. Do you know of anything we can do that'll

mentally tire me out enough to sleep?"

More comfortable with their relationship now, Harry leered back with a

cheesy grin and waggled his eyebrows at her.

Hermione looked back in shock for a long moment before she blushed

and stammered a moment.

It took her yet another moment before she suddenly stamped her foot

while glaring at him. She loudly whisper-snapped, "Harry! We can't go

doing that! What about my parents?"

Harry chuckled at her, letting her know he was teasing her.

When Hermione realised what he'd done, she girl-punched him on the

arm and said, "That wasn't nice!"

"Sorry," he said, pretending to cringe away while snickering. "I couldn't

help it. It was too funny not to use."

"Just for that," she declared, "You're now definitely responsible for coming

up with something for us to do."

He shrugged and said, "Come into the dinette and I'll make us some warm

milk. I'm told it can help you feel sleepy."

Surprised, Hermione said, "Yeah. I've heard that too."

The two headed for the kitchen only to find Dobby had overheard and

already prepared it. He indicated the dinette and said, "On the dinette

table, Master Harry, Miss-tress Herm'nee."

Not bothering about it, they both said, "Thank you, Dobby." And went

and sat at the table, picked up their cups of hot milk and talked about

what they thought they'd missed at the welcome back feast at Hogwarts.




After being yet again badgered by his dorm-mates about just when it was

that 'Harry' would be returning to Hogwarts, Neville had taken to simply

continually repeating the same answer over and over again, word for


Then, once up in the Gryffindor Fourth Year boys' dorm, the first thing

the four noticed was that there were only four beds. And the others had

been better spread out.

"Hey, we're missing a bed!" declared Thomas.

"No, we're not," said Neville. "If or when Harry gets here, he'll be going

into the Lords' Quarters.

"Lords' Quarters?" asked Finnegan; muggle-raised, but halfblood.

"Yup," said Neville. "Now that it's public Harry's taken up his Lordship,

he's entitled to move into the Lords' Quarters. He'll be doing that."

On hearing Harry would be moving into what he thought would be

private and, worst still, luxurious accommodation, without thinking it

through first Ron had instantly reacted and snapped. "That'd be right!

Bloody Potter! I suppose he's going to have Hermione move in with him,


― ― ―

At that moment, Ron's hand on the Weasley family clock shifted to 'In

Danger'. 'Dong!'

Hearing it, Molly rushed downstairs from the main bedroom and hurried

into the kitchen. The time was not beyond the time the Burrow would all

be in bed and asleep.

She stared at the clock for a few moments, appalled, before she suddenly

got quite angry.

Grabbing a sheet of Howler parchment she wrote off a quick message to

her youngest son before trying to simultaneously stomp up and quietly

climb the stairs to where Errol and Hermes slept.

― ― ―

Back at Hogwarts, Neville immediately turned a glare on the red-headed

idiot, braced himself up, stalked across the room until he was right in the

face of the other boy and angrily hissed, "You will watch your mouth,

Weasley! If you don't be careful of what you say, I'm well prepared to

stand as Lord Potter's second in a duel against you! And Lord Potter has

already told me he is no longer prepared to put up with crap form

anyone; especially, coming from you!"

Ron stood in shock as the usually very placid and shy boy got in his face

and scared the Hell out of him.

"Sorry!" he squeaked.

"'Sorry' won't cut it, Weasley," snapped Neville. "If you disrespect Lord

Potter in my presence again... Harry might not get the chance to duel

you, as I'll have already done so.

"Lord Potter is responsible for the recovery of my parents from over a

decade of long term care in Saint Mungo's. As far as I'm concerned, I

stand ready to defend him to the death any who come after him. And that

includes those who verbally attack him - just like you did.

"My father, Lord of my House, has publicly named him a Hero of House

Longbottom. And that's all the excuse I'll need to kill you.

"Do it again in my hearing and I'll call you out. You'll be dead by

nightfall! Got me?"

Ron rapidly nodded his head as he was cowering back. He didn't know it

yet, but he was about to have a night plagued with little sleep. Neville

had scared him that much.

― ― ―

Quickly giving the now charged and folded red note to the elderly owl,

Molly ordered it to deliver it to her youngest son the next morning,

opened the window and sent it on its way.

Then she returned downstairs to watch how long it took for the hand to

move back. It was already back to 'At School' before she got there.

― ― ―

Back at Hogwarts Neville rounded on the other two of his dorm mates

and said, "I have answered your questions as to when Harry is likely to

rejoin Hogwarts. Just because it is not the answer you want is irrelevant

to me; it is the only answer I'm prepared to give. Don't push it!"

That had both other boys quickly nod back with Thomas adding, "Yeah,

right-o! No problems, alright?"

Neville just gave them all a final glare before he relaxed again and said,

"I'm going to bed. Have a bit of respect for others and try to keep the

noise down." Then he quickly began to get ready to go to sleep.

As Neville grabbed his toiletries and ducked into the bathroom to brush

his teeth for the night, Thomas rounded on Ron and said, "Merlin, Ron!

Are you an idiot, or something? What got into your head to do something

like that?"

Ron sagged down onto the side of his bed, sighed and said, "I don't know!

I just can't help running off at the mouth. Both Dad and Aunt Muriel said

if I don't get it under control soon, it's gonna get me killed!

Looking up and back at them, he whined, "But, I'm try-ing. It's just not


A few minutes later, a small beetle flew out the cracked-open window.




Over in the Ravenclaw Third Year girls' dorms, Luna was just walking in

when she was confronted by the other five, who were clearly waiting for


Shirley Fawcett, one of the ones arrested and charged when Flitwick

stood and outed them in the middle of the Great Hall for being thieves,

was again leading them.

"Look," she sneered. "It's little Loony Lovegood."

"Look," said Luna, right back. "It's the stupid muggleborn girl, who is one

wrong word from me to a professor away from finding herself rearrested,

charged, taken back before the Director of the DMLE, found guilty,

having her wand snapped, obliviated of all knowledge of the wizarding

world - together with her parents and siblings - and tossed out of it on

her arse."

Fawcett stared back in shock and looked ready to faint. "Y-you wouldn't!"

she gasped.

With an expression devoid of emotion, Luna stared back and said, "I

could go right now, if you like. You, standing there in a threatening

manner and trying to intimidate me, is all I need."

Letting her gaze sweep over the other four, she continued, "It's also

enough for me to have the rest of you before our Head of House. You

four, standing with this very stupid bitch, means you are aiding her in

bullying. You can and likely would face the same punishment."

Starting to walk forward, Luna walked up close to Fawcett, who was now

starting to cringe, and said, "This is your final warning from me, Fawcett.

One more word or action against me from you... One!... and you're gone!

"What you don't seem to realise or know, a person's memories can be

extracted from their mind and placed in an object that allows others to

watch them. It's called a pensieve. Memories can be submitted as

evidence in an enquiry. My memory of this event is, therefore,

submissable as evidence. That means, whether or not you get to stay in

Hogwarts, is now in my mind.

"You and your ignorant friends will leave me alone, Fawcett. You will,

from this moment forth, treat me with respect. If you do not, the next

thing you will need to do is pack. Do you understand me?"

As Luna stood there and continued to stare the other girl in the eye,

Fawcett eventually and fearfully nodded.

Right then, Luna knew that the nice mind-healer lady had not led her

wrong. She'd told the little blonde that bullies are, at heart, cowards. If

you stand up to them, they will cower away. Fawcett was doing that

right now.

She now knew her remaining time in Hogwarts would not be the

nightmare she'd experienced for her first two and a bit.

"Good," she snapped. "Now, get out of my way."

Fawcett hurried to 'get'. So did the other four.




43. Amelia's Act

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to the proverbial Duchess of

Magic, JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high

falutin' companies. No matter how much I whine about not owning anything

related to the HP universe, other than a few fanfic plots, I do not profess to

own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful

world... Damn it!

A/N: For those who receive a notice when this story is updated, please note I

uploaded an out-of-sequence chapter last Friday. It was only up for, I think,

less than a minute; however, all notices were automatically generated and

went out with the wrong title. (But, hey, at least you now know the topic of a

chapter soon coming up. :))

Chapter Forty Three - Amelia's Act




Though they'd had a bit of a tense start to the night, the residents of the

Granger home slept well. Both teens were able to join her parents for

breakfast before the latter two had to head off to work, their first day

back after their two and a half weeks of vacation time.

Because he was eating and she was down early, Harry relieved Hedwig of

her load of the Daily Prophet and immediately handed it over to


"You can have it first," he said, when she looked confused. "I'm still eating

and you're better at reading while eating, than I am."

"Alright Harry, thank you," she replied, accepting it.

It appeared she had only started to read for a few seconds before she

said, "You made the front page, again."

"Oh?" he asked.

"Give me a sec," she replied, clearly reading.

A few moments later she said, "It covers: You didn't show up at Hogwarts,

me neither; you claim you'll be late due to the need to attend family

business matters; but, you've still asked for access to the Lords' Quarters;

so, you will eventually get there. Then Skeeter gives her 'opinion couched

as questions' where she asks just how many special privileges you're

going to demand before you're satisfied.

Harry snorted in amusement and said, "She's still miffed about Ted going

in there and slapping her and Cuffe down for her articles that denigrated

me. And me doing it directly right before the first task."

"It's still rude," Hermione practically growled.

Harry shrugged and said, "If I sic Ted on her and the Prophet management

for every article they write about me, then she'll be able to claim we were

picking on them.

"Let her have her little victories, like this. It's not as if anyone who's

worth knowing won't know both the truth and how petty she's being.

She's just more and more showing herself to be someone not worth

paying attention to."

Hermione seemed to think about that for a few moments before she

looked at him in pride. "That's actually quite wise, Harry. I'm liking this

new Harry a lot better than the old one, now I'm getting used to him."

Harry smiled back and returned to his breakfast. However, it was only a

couple of minutes later when she said, "Yet another article about you."

"What's it about, this time?" he asked.

"Actually, it's about the Alliance in general," she replied. "It states the

Alliance held a secret meeting at Longbottom Hall, where they were

'obviously' going over plans that may or may not include taking over the

Ministry." She gave a snort of amusement and said, "They mention that

two of the direct members are Madam Bones and Miles Ogden; the

Director of the DMLE and the Chief Warlock, respectively. And wonder if

they're... you... are planning to see your choice of Minister elected."

"Okay, wow!" he said. "What's the name of the idiot who's trying to get

him- or herself called out?"

She quickly scanned the article and replied, "A... Kate Erister?"

Harry frowned and thought about it for a moment before he said, "That's

not a wizarding name. And 'Erister' is not a muggle name I can think of

either. It must be a nom de plume."

Hermione frowned as she stared at the page for a long few moment

before she suddenly smiled. "It's an anagram for Rita Skeeter."

Harry gave a snort and said, "We'll take note of it and, if she gets too

comfortable using it, we'll hand the lot over to Ted and tell him to go to

town on her and the Prophet.

Hermione gave a nod and continued through the paper as the aurors

brought up the rest of Harry's mail.




As her parents' cars disappeared down the street; Hermione, who had

watched them from the parlour window, walked into the dinette and

asked, "Could we go to Pottermore today?"

Surprised at the question, Harry replied, "Sure! If that's what you want to

do. I've not asked Willy to sort the books in the library out, though."

She shook her head in the negative and said, "No; though it'd be nice if

you did ask him to do that. Since we've been here we've hardly cast any

magic. And we've definitely not cast anything too powerful.

"I'm asking if we can go to Pottermore to go to the duelling room and

practice casting magic for the day."

Harry thought about it for all of about three seconds before he replied,

"That's a damned good idea. We need to get back up our casting speed,

for a start. We've got to be a bit rusty with defensive magics, too."

"My thoughts, exactly," she replied.

Rising, he said, "Then, we'd best go get changed."

Confused, she asked, "Why? I'm comfortable in what I'm wearing."

"Because it's far more likely you'll be casting both offensively and

defensively while wearing robes. Therefore...?"

With a resigned sigh, she continued the response. "Therefore... I need to

practice casting while wearing them."




As the Great Hall filled the next morning, the first day of classes, students

were excited about returning to their educations and what all the new

Professors would be like.

Neville had risen early, eager to seek out Professor Sprout to give her the

good news his parents were being very encouraging of him for him to

follow his dream of becoming a Herbologist.

His parents had already gone, alone, to see her a few days before the end

of the year to discuss with both her and Headmistress Lady Marchbanks

about Neville's experiences in the school up until that point. And made

sure that the Professor was supportive of Neville becoming a Herbologist,

plus the issue regarding bullying would be taken care of. However, he

felt he had to tell her, himself.

Therefore, he was already at breakfast by the time the other three boys in

his dorm entered and joined him.

The other three had only just sat down when Ernie MacMillan

approached and said, "I've heard on the rumour mill that Potter is not

here. Will he be attending at some time? It's important I speak with him."

Neville, already knowing what the Hufflepuff wanted to speak with Harry

about, replied, "Heir MacMillan; he has family business he needs to take

care of, first. He should be along soon. I suspect within the next couple of


MacMillan gave a slight nod of a lower ranked Heir to Neville before he

said, "My thanks, Heir Longbottom. If you see him before I, could you

inform him it is most urgent I speak with him?"

"I'll be sure to," replied Neville.

MacMillan gave another bow and quietly withdrew.

Not long after the boy left to return to the Hufflepuff table, Malfoy came

sauntering over. However, he again did not have Crabbe and Goyle with


Ignoring the others, he sneered at Ron and said, "So, no Potter; eh,


Before Ron, who was suddenly turning red in anger, could say anything

back, Neville said in a quite clear voice that drew attention to him from

all around, "Heir Malfoy of the Magical House of Malfoy. Have your

parents been so lax in their education of you, you have forgotten Mister

Weasley is an Heir of the Elder House of Weasley; and, therefore,

outranks you?"

Malfoy looked back at Neville in shock before he said, "Err―"

But, Neville wasn't finished, "Contrary to your belief of the past you were

Heir Primary of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black, I am aware

you are now fully aware you are not."

Malfoy's cheeks turned pink whether in embarrassment or anger.

However, he still managed to sneer and said, "I am still of the Noble and

Most Ancient House of Black―"

"I can have that rectified, if you like," Neville cut back. "I am now well

acquainted with, and on friendly terms with, Lord Black. I believe he's

looking for an excuse to have both you and your mother Disowned.

"Embarrassing him and the House of Black in public by your actions in

being rude to a senior House may just be the final piece he needs to carry

out that act. Continue on the path you are on and I'll be sure to inform

him of such."

Almost quivering in rage, Malfoy was about to say something back when

another voice cut in - Professor Flitwick.

"Mister Malfoy," he snapped.

From reddening in anger, the boy almost quicker whitened in shock

before turning to look at the Charms Master. "Ummm―"

"Mister Malfoy," he snapped again. "For your attempt at deliberately

seeking out and causing trouble with another student against the rules

relating to bullying, that'll be fifty points from Slytherin and two weeks

detention. You'll be serving it with Professor Burbage in the detention

classroom each evening from 7.30pm until 8.45pm. Leave now, return to

the Slytherin table or I'll double both!"

Malfoy stood gaping back in shock before he again reddened. "When my

father hears about this―"

"He will," snapped the Professor. "That, too, is part of the new rules

regarding bullying. Your father will receive official notice of your

detention, and why, by no later than this evening."

Malfoy, again looking a little fearful, stood staring back for a long

moment more before he angrily spun away and stormed off back to the

Slytherin table.

Once Malfoy was clear out of range, Flitwick spun to look at the

Gryffindors. Most were in shock or simply surprised Malfoy was cast

down for his actions. "Mister Longbottom," he said. "For acting in a calm

and rational matter when faced with someone looking to cause trouble,

ten points to Gryffindor."

Then he spun away and hurried back to the staff table, not waiting for


Once Flitwick was up on the dais and moving to round the head table,

Finnegan asked, "Did what just happen, actually happen? Or, did I just

dream the entire thing?"

Neville chuckled and replied, "It happened. When my parents paid a visit

to the school last week, Headmistress Lady Marchbanks was apparently

quite firm in her conviction about handling bullying from that point on.

This is going to be the new normal."

Turning to Ron, who'd managed to get his wand out but hadn't cast when

Neville verbally cut down Malfoy, he said, "And that's all bullying, Ron.

That includes calling someone a 'filthy, slimy snake' or similar; no matter

how much you think they deserve it."

While happy the Professors were now dealing with the way the Slytherins

treated the Gryffindors, Ron found himself appalled it also meant the

Gryffindors couldn't mouth off to the Slytherins, either.

"But, they're Slytherins!" he tried.

"No, buts," Neville firmly stated. "All bullying."

That left Ron sulking, but it didn't impinge on his eating breakfast.




Just after 8.00am, Dumbledore was re-manacled, pulled from his cell

within the holding cells of the DMLE and silently dragged off to the

Interrogation Rooms.

The two beefy aurors who'd come to collect him, who refused to answer

any of his questions on the way or otherwise interact with him, simply

affixed his manacles to the large iron ring bolted to the middle of the

table in the room, forced him to sit in the plain wooden chair and left

him. He was sitting side-on to the door and with his face to an almost

room-wide mirror he knew to be magical one-way glass.

He'd not been treated like this since the day of the first task. All the times

he'd been in a cell since, he'd been informally questioned in his cell.

He was forced to wait for about fifteen minutes before Bones walked in

with Robards and Moody at her heels. None of them were so much as


Dropping a thick folder of parchment she'd had tucked under her arm on

the other side of the desk before taking the more comfortable chair than

his own on that side, Bones then inscrutably stared at the old man for a

few moments. Moody stood by the door while Dawlish moved to a

position on the opposite wall to the door, just out of the old man's

peripheral vision. It was a spot known for being exactly that.

She stared at him for about a minute before it looked like the old man

had lost his patience and was about to speak.

Cutting in first she said, "You were given a direct order by me, no less, to

remain away from the Grangers' residence as you awaited trial for

unlawful trespass on that property. Last night you were caught analysing

the wards of that same property.

"I'm now formally charging you with breaching a lawful DMLE order -

again given by me, no less - by going to that property.

"As the wards on that property are not yours to analyse, nor are they

under your control, nor did you have prior permission to do such, I'm

also formally charging you with illegally analysing private property

wards not in your control.

"I also informed you, the last time I charged you, I'd go ahead and

prosecute you for them if you broke the law again. You've now done that.

Flicking open the file before her she looked down and said, "I'm adding

those two charges to the following..." And read out the charges she'd told

him before she'd charged him with, but wasn't going ahead with unless

he broke the law again.

Once she'd finished reading them, she looked back at Dumbledore and

said, "Again, I'm offering you the chance to have all those charges

dropped if you come clean with why you seem to be so interested in

getting Lord Potter under your control. What say you, Albus?"

Dumbledore kept his mouth shut with an expression of resolution and

just stared back.

When, after fifteen seconds, he still wouldn't say anything, she said,


Calling out, she commanded, "Bring in a Dicta-quill and Veritaserum."

Shocked, Dumbledore said, "You can't! What I know is protected

knowledge under the Wizarding World Secrets Statute."

"Not everything is so protected, Mister Dumbledore," she shot back as

both items were brought in. "I'll be sure to restrict the questions to

matters not officially recognised as covered by the Statute."

As a young auror set up the Dicta-quill on a smaller 'clerks' table off to

one side behind Bones, a DMLE-registered Healer stood with a rack held

in front of her near where the young auror was setting the Dicta-quill up.

The rack contained seven vials of clear liquid.

Meanwhile, Bones continued to stare at Dumbledore. She was carefully

watching him with a very slight self-satisfied smirk on her face.

Dumbledore had clamped down very firmly on his Occlumency.

However, she could see he was still exhibiting signs of panic. Even with

that, he still wasn't speaking.

Bones had thought the clear threat to dose him with Veritaserum would

be enough to loosen the old man's tongue. It appeared not to be working.

"Last chance, Albus," she said. "And... I do mean... last chance."

The select few of her team in the room had already been briefed as to her

plan and what she would do if it didn't work. They'd be going ahead with

the dosing.

The young auror, who'd been told to take her sweet time setting up the

Dicta-quill, had now done so and was surreptitiously watching for the

signal from The Boss that she was to announce the quill was ready. Bones

gave her that signal, a flick of her foot.

She immediately announced, "The Dicta-quill is ready, Ma'am. I stand

ready to take a court admissible and acceptable transcript."

Not even looking to the young auror, but at Dumbledore, Bones cocked

an eyebrow at the old man in query. Dumbledore just jut his chin further

forward in defiance.

She ordered, "Activate the Quill."

A moment later, the young auror replied, "Dicta-quill activated on the

second of September, 1995, at 8.17am in Interrogation Room One of the

DMLE, Ministry of Magic, Wizarding Britain.

"Dicta-quill activation is for the purpose of Interviewing arrestee, Mister

Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, citizen of wizarding Britain, of

no known fixed address.

"Present are: Dicta-quill operator, Auror First Class Samantha Fitzwallace,

qualified Dicta-quill operator; Madam Director Amelia Bones, Director of

the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, wizarding Britain; Master

Auror Alastor Moody; Master Auror Gawain Robards; DMLE certified

Healer, Master Healer Eliza Pockridge; and the prisoner known as Mister

Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore. Madam Bones is senior officer

of this interview.

"Madam Bones, you may begin."

Bones replied, "Thank you, Auror Fitzwallace."

Openly smirking at Dumbledore she said, "Mister Dumbledore; do you

recognise and accept you have been arrested and charged with the crimes

of..." and read them all out.

As the last charge was read she looked back up at him and asked, "What

say you?"

With his lips firmly pursed together in anger, it was a few seconds before

he finally replied, "I do."

With a quick single nod of satisfaction, she asked, "Do you confirm you

were offered the chance to speak in your defence regarding one or more

of these crimes before the Dicta-quill was activated and you refused?"

Again, he had his lips pressed together in a firm line, glaring back, before

he finally replied, "I do."

Another firm and single nod from Bones and she said, "I, Madam Director

Amelia Susan Bones, Director of the Department of Magical Law

Enforcement for wizarding Britain, state for the record I know Mister

Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, citizen of wizarding Britain

and no known fixed address, is of half-blood birth; and is, therefore, not

exempt from the condition in the Pureblood Statute forbidding the use of

Veritaserum on his person. I also state for the record I know the same to

no longer hold any official title that would otherwise exempt him from

the use of Veritaserum on his person."

As she spoke, she saw Dumbledore's eyes begin to widen in alarm.

Clearly, he thought her threat to use Veritaserum on him was a bluff. He

was now discovering it was not.

She then stated, "I now hereby order for Mister Dumbledore to be dosed

with Veritaserum for the purposes of receiving truthful answers for the

remainder of this interview!"

"No!" he blurted. "Ask your questions. I'll answer them!"

"Too late." she stated right back.

Turning to the Healer she said, "Master Healer Pockridge. Do you confirm

you have in the rack you are holding in your hands four vials of

Veritaserum and only Veritaserum?"

"I confirm I hold in my hands a rack containing seven vials of Veritaserum

and only Veritaserum, Madam Bones," the Healer replied in a clear voice.

"Confirmed," said Madam Bones. "Place the rack on the table before me

and draw out the sixth vial from my left."

The Healer did and said, "I have drawn the sixth vial from the rack and

state it is both sealed and is numbered vial three sixty four."

Bones then confirmed the information for the record and asked, "Master

Healer Pockridge, what is your expert opinion on the maximum number

of drops of Veritaserum Albus Dumbledore can be administered?"

As the matter had already been discussed before Dumbledore was even

brought to the Room, she immediately replied, "I recommend the

maximum number of drops of Veritaserum to be safely administered,

without harm to the prisoner, to be four. I further recommend the

maximum number of drops to be administered with a twenty to thirty

percent risk of permanent harm to Albus Dumbledore to be six."

Bones gave a firm nod and looked back to Dumbledore. "I, Madam

Director Amelia Susan Bones, Director of the Department of Magical Law

Enforcement for wizarding Britain, state for the record I order Master

Healer Eliza Pockridge to immediately administer to Mister Albus

Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, citizen of wizarding Britain and no

known fixed address, five drops of Veritaserum."

Dumbledore stared back at Bones in complete shock. He'd even paled

quite dramatically.

"I, Master Healer Eliza Pockridge, confirm I have been given a lawful

order by Madam Director Amelia Bones, Director of the DMLE, to

immediately administer to Mister Albus Percival Wulfric Brian

Dumbledore five drops of Veritaserum."

As she walked around the table she cracked the seal and opened the thin-

necked vial.

As Dumbledore began to cower away, Moody stomped forward, grabbed

him by a fistful of his regrowing hair and yanked back, causing

Dumbledore's head to be tilted right back.

Then he reached forward with his other hand and pressed down on the

old man's chin, forcing his mouth open as Dumbledore tried to struggle

against him.

The Master Healer then reached forward and allowed five drops to enter

the man's mouth, counting them out as she did so.

Moody held Dumbledore's mouth open for another ten seconds, to allow

the Veritaserum to be absorbed before Dumbledore could try and spit out

any remnants, before finally releasing him.

Pockridge then said, "I have now administered five drops of Veritaserum

to Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, as ordered by Madam

Director Amelia Bones of the DMLE. Mister Dumbledore had to be forced

to take the serum."

As Moody stomped back to his 'place' next to the door, Bones and

Pockridge watched as he tried to fight against the effects.

Pockridge said, "From witnessed evidence, Mister Dumbledore is

attempting to fight against the effects of the Veritaserum."

After a further ten seconds the visible signs were there that the serum

had taken effect.

Pockridge then said, "From witnessed evidence, Mister Dumbledore is

now under the effects of Veritaserum."

Bones said, "Thank you, Master Healer Pockridge. As I have ordered

Mister Dumbledore to be dosed with five drops of Veritaserum, please

continue to monitor Mister Dumbledore's health as I question him."

"Yes, Director."

With everything now ready and Dumbledore suitably dosed, she began to

ask the old man her pre-prepared list of questions.




At Hogwarts, students were just finishing up their breakfasts and the four

Heads of House had just delivered their new class schedules when the

owls began to arrive.

Mainly, the mail was not personal letters but small packages of items

students had meant to bring with them and had forgotten to, or their

parents had sent them because they should have taken them and had left

them behind. Of course, there was also the dozens of copies of the Daily

Prophet that many students had subscribed to, advertising bumph and

catalogues from various wizarding retailers a few students had added

their names to and other sundry mailings.

But, almost everyone was immediately alerted by seeing it for themselves

or being alerted to it by their nearby table-mates to there being an old,

wonkily-flying barn owl that had in its beak the tell-tale red of a Howler.

It was making its way to the Gryffindor table.

However, before it was able to complete its journey, a very accurately

fired stunner from the Head Table impacted it, sending it dropping onto

the Gryffindor table at the Head Table end.

The Professor they'd been introduced to the night before as the new

Professor of DADA, Professor Murdstock, hurried around from the head

table and approached the now stunned owl and its released but

undelivered Howler. His action had many gasping in shock or making

small exclamations of surprise; but, none interfered with him. Nor did

any of the young first year Gryffindors at that end of the table touch

either the bird or the Howler.

Once he reached the table he quickly deactivated the charms on the

Howler parchment, turning it back to normal parchment, and picked it

up. A quick check of the addressee and he looked down the table.

He called, "Which of you is Ron Weasley?"

Though Ron was slow to respond, the Professor noticed quite a few

Gryff's towards the middle of the table look to a cringing red-headed boy.

Ron, seeing the Professor stare at him, replied, "Errr... that would be me,


The professor gave a firm nod and walked down the table before handing

him the parchment. "Tell whoever sent that, that Howlers are now

banned at Hogwarts. They're considered bullying and will be treated


Accepting the now-letter, he embarrassedly replied, "Yes, Professor."

With a firm nod to the boy, the Professor walked back up the table,

scooping a still stunned Errol up on the way.

Walking past the new CoMC Professor he gently placed the owl on the

table clear of the man's food and said, "Deal with that, would you please,


After making sure the Professor had gone, even though there was a lot of

students and some of the staff watching him, Ron opened the letter and

read it. Of course, as it was a short note, it didn't take him long.

He slumped in his seat with a sigh of disappointment.

While he was reading, his twin brothers walked down and asked, "What

did you do to annoy Mum?"

About to snap back at them in anger, he hesitated, noticed how many

people were watching him, and said, "Let's go out into the Entrance Hall

and I'll tell you." Then rose from his seat.




After alerting the aurors the two teens were headed for Pottermore,

Harry hurried upstairs to change into casual wizarding robes.

Surprising him, when he hurried down the stairs it was to see Hermione

had already beaten him down. However, she was dressed 'appropriately',

as he asked her to be, in her own witches' robes.

"Ready?" he asked, coming down the last few stairs.

"Just waiting on you," she smirked.

"How'd you get up and down so fast?" he asked.

She gave a slight scowl and said, "Betsy had everything ready for me."

He immediately grinned back in amusement. While she wasn't as visible

as Dobby around the house, Betsy still made the household aware she

was around by the little things she'd do. One was 'assisting' both

Hermione and Monica in getting prepared and ready for the day. That

included readying their clothes, making sure their make up was at hand,

things like that.

Less than five minutes later, the two teens with two aurors were in

Pottermore, with Harry quickly heading to the hidden ward keystone to

enter the two aurors into the ward book as Guests. Neither were with

them when Harry and the Grangers first visited.

While there, he asked Willy about combat training and was told the

duelling room allowed anyone to cast magic, including possibly lethal

curses, without fear of the wards reacting negatively towards them. That

was something he was relieved to hear, as he did not know how they'd

accomplish any true training if anyone casting magic at him while

duelling found themselves stunned and trussed up like a Christmas turkey

due to a reaction by the wards.

Back upstairs in the welcoming parlour he alerted the aurors to the

change of their status while at Pottermore.

Looking to Hermione, he asked, "Ready to do some training, Love?"

When she looked a little concerned, he said, "We'll use the training

dummies, just to get comfortable with casting again."

Relieved, she smiled and nodded. Harry led her down to the basement.




Dumbledore was still coughing up honest answers to her questions after

fifteen minutes, so Bones pressed on. She was determined not to give the

man time to waffle too much, so he could delay enough to have the time

limit run out. She figured out his strategy after the first question, when it

took him almost a full minute to answer a question it should have only

taken him less than five seconds.

Figuring that was his game, she was ready for it and reverted to asking

closed questions - those that only required a 'Yes', 'No' or 'I don't know' to

answer - before asking an open question if she wanted clarification.

While she was pressing hard, not giving the old man time to dawdle, she

kept an eye on the healer. Only when the woman gestured her to back off

or slow down, did she do so.

While she continued to press she was also watching the old man's, though

muted due to the serum, expressions. He was quite flushed, breathing a

little rapidly and sweating buckets.

At the eighteen minute mark, the Healer simply said, "Enough." And

Bones immediately stopped and sat back.

She then watched as the Healer administered the antidote and kept up

her monitoring charms on the old man as he began to recover.

Once he appeared to have regained his senses, Dumbledore started to

look quite shocked and utterly disappointed.

"Well, well," she said. She'd have smirked at him if she wasn't already so

horrified by some of the answers he'd given.

"Dumbledore, we now have the following confirmations under

Veritaserum and faithfully recorded by Dicta-quill: You lied in court

when you stated you did not know the Dursleys would mistreat Lord

Potter. If anything, you were counting on it. You even 'helped' in that

with the occasional casting of compulsion charms to increase their ire

towards Lord Potter when he first arrived there. In effect, you were

conditioning them to condition Lord Potter for you. Plus, if the abuse the

Dursleys heaped onto Lord Potter was ever discovered, which it was, you

would have ready 'patsies' to take the fall for you while you sat back and

faked pious disappointment, which you did.

"What you've either completely forgotten about, or simply didn't care

about, is that, if Lord Potter did not have the sheer force of will and

fortitude he holds and has since amply demonstrated and had actually

tried to suppress his magic as his muggle relatives tried to force him to

do, you may very well have turned him into an Obscurial."

That caused the old man to nearly jump in his chair in shock, as if he'd

been surprised by getting tagged by an electrified cattle prod.

Bones ignored it and went on. "On that, I have you for premeditated child

abuse, psychological; premeditated child abuse, emotional; premeditated

child abuse, physical; child abuse by proxy for all three; deliberate child

abandonment; criminal child neglect; muggle-baiting many more multiple

accounts than you've already faced court for and perjury of the case 'The

Ministry and Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore; Regent Dowager

Lady Augusta Longbottom, presiding'.

"That last one means I can now keep dosing your arse with Veritaserum,

over and over again, until I have all my answers before resubmitting that

entire trial back before the Wizengamot. That means all those crimes of

yours, which did not receive the full sentence, I get to reopen and have

reheard. Double Jeopardy does not apply.

"Going back in time a bit, I now have the following: You received

information that the Dark Lord had specifically targeted the Potters and

Longbottoms. On hearing that you immediately 'ordered' both couples go

immediately into hiding, but refused to tell them why other than you

'suspected' the Dark Lord was specifically targeting them. You tried to get

the Longbottoms to use a Secret Keeper of your choice, but they refused

you and Frank's mother fulfilled that role. However, you demanded to be

informed of the Secret... in writing... and you were. You then kept that

slip of parchment in a draw in your desk in the Headmaster's Office at

Hogwarts, not even under a lock and key let alone within a magical safe.

"The Potter's, however, also wanted to use a Secret Keeper of their

choice. However, you managed to convince them to use Peter Pettigrew

instead of Sirius Black, their first choice. You were able to convince them

by stating how much of a prank it was to fool everyone into thinking it

was Black when, all along, it was Pettigrew. You also knew Pettigrew was

a Death Eater and had obliviated him of knowledge you knew. As such,

you convinced the Potters to use a Secret Keeper who you knew to be a

marked Death Eater. I also have confirmation, from your own mouth

while under Veritaserum, you were hoping Pettigrew would share the

secret with his master, Voldemort, so that his master would go to the

Potter Cottage, kill Lord and Lady Potter and attempt to kill the then

infant Heir Apparent, Harry Potter.

"In other words, you deliberately and with forethought engineered the

death of the last remaining members of a Noble and Most Ancient House,

thereby rendering that House extinct. As such, by your own evidence-

submittable admission, on this act alone I have you dead to rights for a

capital crime that has only one punishment - the Veil. As the evidence is

via your admission under Veritaserum and faithfully transcribed onto

parchment by Dicta-quill, it cannot be overturned.

"All other crimes I've been able to uncover through your questioning

today is just icing on the cake and, ultimately, doesn't mean much.

However, it is useful in learning the truth about matters of importance to

the Wizarding World.

"From what I have been able to learn so far, I now have enough to make

a certain decision right here and right now.

"I, Madam Director Amelia Susan Bones, Director of the Department of

Magical Law Enforcement, determine the wizard known as Albus Percival

Wulfric Brian Dumbledore to be a Dark Lord. As I say, so let it be


That had Dumbledore blanch so white she thought the man was going to

die, right then, from either a brain aneurysm or a heart attack.

After a pause to carefully watch the man to see if Pockridge would have

to step in to save the man's life for the moment, she had to wait a bit for

Pockridge to step back before she continued.

"I, Acting Madam Minister Amelia Susan Bones, concur with the

determination made by Madam Director Amelia Susan Bones, Director of

the Department of Magical Law Enforcement; and also determine the

wizard known as Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore to be a Dark

Lord. As I say, so let it be written."

With a shorter pause, this time, she continued, "I, Madam Regent Amelia

Susan Bones, Regent and Heir Secondary of the Noble and Ancient House

of Bones and member of the Wizengamot, concur with the determination

made by Madam Director Amelia Susan Bones, Director of the

Department of Magical Law Enforcement; and also determine the wizard

known as Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore to be a Dark Lord. As

I say, so let it be written."

There was a muted triple-flash from Bones that signified the magical

command had taken effect upon the three legal entities in one body she


As soon as the triple-flash occurred, another occurred about Dumbledore.

Magic had accepted the determination.

With a nod, she declared, "Let the record reflect magic has accepted the

determination. From this moment forth, the wizard known as Albus

Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore will be known as the Dark Lord

Dumbledore. This determination may only be overturned by the three

who determined it to unanimously agree to do so, or a full sitting of the

Wizengamot through majority vote to do so.

"End transcript."

It took a long moment before young auror Fitzwallace was finally able to

say, "Errr... yes, Ma'am. Deactivate!... The Dicta-quill is deactivated,


"Thank you, Auror," she replied. "As of this moment, I declare the matter

of the questioning of Dark Lord Dumbledore, together with his

incarceration within the cells of the DMLE, a Security of the Realm

matter. It has a designation of High Secret. Only those in this room and

any auror of the rank of Master Auror or higher may know of it. To speak

of it outside this room is an automatic sentence to Azkaban and an

obliviation of any knowledge of it, other than you breached a High Secret

matter of which you once knew."

Having given the old man time to cogitate through his mind he was now

a declared Dark Lord, she smirked and said, "You no longer hold any

position of any authority, Albus. You're unemployed. Therefore, there is

no employer who will question your sudden disappearance. Only your

brother will question it if you disappear. Even then, I have it on good

authority he wouldn't push for an investigation.

"When I'm done with you - if I'm of a mind to - I can stun you, mask your

presence and levitate you down to that lovely room with its lonesome

arch... and float your arse through it. As you should well know, anything

that goes in there is never seen again. No trace, whatsoever. And Saul

Croaker owes me a favour."

It was easy to see Dumbledore was now completely terrified. His half-

broken Occlumency shields from the Veritaserum didn't allow him to

mask his emotions.

"As I cannot have Veritaserum used on you again for twenty three hours,

we'll have to wait to do this again until tomorrow."

Leaning forward and glaring at him, she tapped her list of questions and

said, "I'll have these questions answered. It does not matter how much

you pontificate your answers, trying to last out the eighteen minutes, I'll

have as many lots of eighteen minutes as I need; day... after day... after

day. If I manage to accidentally kill you in the process, so be it. You're

now a declared Dark Lord. Therefore, if you die, no punishment awaits


"Once I have all my answers, only then will I call for your new trial. If

you're already dead, then I'll simply try you in absentia. That way, the

information that comes to light will all be public.

"By the time I'm finished with you, Tom Marvolo Riddle, also known as

The Dark Lord Voldemort... if he does actually manage to come back, as

you believe he will... is going to be pissed. Because, he'll have lost the title

'The Worst Dark Lord, Ever'."

She sat back and returned her attention to her notes. As she then began

to pack them up, she ordered, "Take him back to his cell and put a

twenty four hour suicide watch on him. Other than aurors, no one is to

see him; and no one, including the aurors, is to talk to him.

"If he attempts to talk to them, he is to be immediately silenced. I will not

have him employ his silver-tongued ways to get any... concessions."

Once she had packed her notes and tucked them under her arm, she rose

and walked over to the clerk's desk, collected the record of interview and

walked out the door without another word.

About a minute later, the two beefy aurors who first dragged him into the

room came and got him. Moody and Robards escorted them.




After the morning's classes, Herbology and CoMC, Neville was almost

bouncing in excitement. He didn't know if Headmistress Marchbanks

planned it that way, but putting Herbology and CoMC one after the other

in classes that weren't separated by a morning tea or lunch break was

clever. It now meant they could go from working in the greenhouses to

working on the grounds, or vice versa, and not have to worry about

rushing inside to change clothes between classes before changing back


And then there was History with their second new-Professor-taught class

for the day. All the Gryff's and the 'Puffs they shared it with thought he

was brilliant; though he did scare them, at first, knowing as they did he

was also the new Deputy Headmaster. No one slept a wink in his class.

As the Fourth Year Gryff's had a self-study period immediately before

lunch, many quickly changed out their books for their afternoon classes,

an elective double.

Though early for lunch, the house elves brought up a small portion of the

food from the kitchens for those who stopped by early to have their

midday meal, like Neville and other Gryffindor Fourth Years; and,

apparently, the Hufflepuff Fourth Years, for starters.

Neville was just in the process of building a lunch when MacMillan

approached him again.

"Heir Longbottom," he said, getting Neville's attention. "When will we see

Lord Potter arrive?"

Neville calmly said back, "I answered that question for you, this morning.

My answer has not changed. Is there anything else?"

MacMillan appeared frustrated, but he shook his head and replied, "No."

Then turned about and stalked back to the Hufflepuff table.

Neville mentally smirked and thought, 'There goes a very unhappy boy.'

After he finished his lunch he gave Susan and Hannah a signal and

walked out the doors into the Entrance Hall, a quick look around and he

ducked into the antechamber all the new First Years were herded into on

their first arrival at the castle and before the Sort.

He only had to wait about five minutes before both girls walked in and, a

couple minutes later, so too did Daphne and Tracey.

"How are you all holding up?" he asked. As the senior 'Heir', without

Harry also there, it was his job to make sure the other four were all


"We're fine," replied Tracey, for the four of them. "You're the one who is

getting continually questioned over and over again."

Susan added, "We've been watching. We think you're getting about triple

the questions the rest of us are getting."

Neville sighed and replied, "I'm fine, too. It's not as if we didn't expect


Daphne asked, "No word from Lord Potter?"

"No," he replied. "Without news to the contrary, he and Hermione still

plan to arrive tomorrow morning during breakfast."

Daphne sighed and said, "If you manage to talk to Lord Potter before I

do... which, of course, is almost a certainty... can you pass on the

message I need to speak with him?"

When Neville looked curious, he still replied, "Of course."

Taking another look around her she let her 'Ice Queen' mask slip, as she

would only in their presence or within their dorm, and said, "Alliance

Secret time. My father has tasked me with approaching Lord Potter about

a Concubine Bond Agreement."

That had everyone, but Neville, shocked. He and Susan just looked at

each other for a moment before both blushed.

"If we're talking about such..." he said, giving Susan a pointed look.

She didn't indicate he was not to say, so declared, "Alliance Secret;

Susan's aunt, Regent Bones, and my father are also talking about a

Concubine Bond Agreement for Susan with me."

"Furthermore..." prompted Hannah.

"Furthermore," he agreed, with a nod in her direction. "My father and

Mister Abbott are currently negotiating a Betrothal Agreement between

Hannah and me."

That seemed to surprise the two Slytherin girls. And both noticed that

Susan and Hannah did not seem surprised.

Tracey looked to Hannah and asked, "You don't have a problem with the

Concubine Bond Agreement, Abbott?"

"Nope!" the once-pigtailed blonde happily replied. "As you know, Sue and

I have been friends since we were babies. We... kinda... hoped this would

happen ever since Sue found out she'd enter either a Concubine Bond

Agreement or needed a Line Continuation Clause in a Betrothal


Neville smirked and said, "Harry, apparently, figured it out during that

day when he formally introduced Hermione as Lady Presumptive to you

all. According to my dad, he'd told him it was quite obvious by the way

the two girls acted between themselves and me, when he was talking

about his and Hermione's Betrothal Agreement. He said it had something

to do with 'body language', whatever that means."

Tracey, not realising Neville didn't actually expect an answer, replied,

"It's to do with how people move, stand, gesture with their hands, hold

their heads a certain way, their expressions, things like that when

interacting with others. Apparently, someone who becomes skilled in...

reading... it can determine a lot more information than the person just

telling them."

When she noticed the others, except Daphne, looking at her in surprise,

she blushed and added in an almost mumble, "Leastwise, that's what my

father tells me."

Neville was the first to react. He gave a small snort of amusement and

said, "And that means Harry was both telling my dad the truth and knows

how to... read, as Tracey put it... someone's 'body language'."

Daphne asked, "All three of you are happy with this arrangement?"

All three replied in the affirmative.

She then said, "Well, then; I can only hope Harry is as open to discussing

this for he and me."

"As you now know," said Neville, "Harry is not an idiot. You've now seen

and talked with the real Harry Potter. He'll hear you out and give the

matter a lot of thought.

"Your bigger, probably only, problem is going to be Hermione. She's a

muggleborn, remember? They don't have concubinage. Mum even told

me it's illegal in their world.

"You're going to need to be able to explain it to her in a fashion she'll

understand. And you're going to need to give her a logical reason why

she should be accepting of it."

Daphne winced. Her one 'card' she could play was that she and Hermione

were both in Ancient Runes and Arithmancy; and the two had studied

together for both those subjects.

In her mind she began to formulate her arguments for the girl.




Harry and Hermione had spent the first half of the morning going

through their spell books for all their wand-based classes at Hogwarts,

revising the practical side of the work. They transfigured for

Transfiguration, they charmed for Charms and moved onto hexes, curses

and shielding for DADA.

When Hermione began to flag, Harry called on Willy to organise a

morning tea for them - one the little elf insisted they partake of in the

informal dining room. And then they moved onto theory revision.

That led to lunch, again in the informal dining room, before returning to

the duelling room to practice more hexes, curses and shielding; this time

against each other, rather than the training dummies.

However, they only did that for about ten minutes before the auror with

them in the room called a halt and offered to teach them and provide

better training for the rest of the day.

That had the two of them then practicing against he. And he'd hit them

with stinging hexes if they weren't trying their best against him.

"You're not going to hurt me," he firmly declared. "I hold a dual Mastery

in Combat Magics and Defence! I might only hold the rank of Senior

Auror within the aurors, but part of that is because I cannot be promoted

any faster than I am now. I spent the first five years out of Hogwarts

working on my Masteries, so I'm probably the most highly skilled of all

the aurors on the force; and I include Mad-Eye Moody and Bones herself

in that!

"So, either try your best, or be prepared to need plentiful application of

soothing balm on your welts! Because, as from now, stinging hexes is

what I'm going to hit you with, if I see an opening in your defences I can


"Your next issue," he continued, looking to Harry, "Is that you have a

tendency to go 'all out' right from the start. I noticed that when you

whittled down that rock on the banks of the Black Lake at Hogwarts.

That's all well and good when you're up against a mediocre wizard, but is

unwise against anyone who has a firm grasp of strategy and tactics. All I

had to do was spend most of my time shielding and dodging, waiting for

you to tire yourself. Once you did, you became a much easier target.

That's when I had you beat. Don't do that, in future.

"Next, you tired out too fast. While Quidditch gives you some added

fitness, it's nowhere near enough for what you need when facing someone

of my calibre. You need to get more aerobically fit; to build stamina. That

is, you need to become fitter in the style that allows you to keep going

beyond a mere couple of minutes. You need to get your fitness to a level

where you can keep going at near full speed for at least fifteen minutes.

With developing finesse and strategy you could easily take me on within

a year or two. At the moment, I can easily keep wiping the floor with


"Now, let's go again." And the auror, who barely showed any fatigue,

gestured for both of them to stand and ready themselves.

Once they were, he snapped, "Begin!"

By the end of the training both teens were quite exhausted, Hermione

more so. But it showed Harry, now that he'd recovered from the effects of

malnutrition and an unhealthy lifestyle, needed to dedicate more time

into getting physically fit. Hermione then stated she'd be joining him.

"But, where?" she asked.

"The Room of Requirement," he firmly replied.

She sighed and said, "Of course."

The auror, after rehydrating a little himself, came over and said, "You,

Lord Potter, have power to spare. However, your focussing more on that

power, rather than on finesse, is your weakness. Power versus power you

had me beat, hands down, on your own. Now you need to focus on

strategy and, as I mentioned, finesse."




Returning to the Granger residence in time for Harry to make a start on

dinner - he was determined Dobby wasn't going to rob him of the chance

to cook the last dinner before they returned to Hogwarts - they were

home well before Wendell and Monica were due.

He had no idea Hermione had already had a word with Dobby to alert

him to letting Harry cook dinner that night. "It's his last night here,

Dobby," she explained. "You know he'll want to; need to, even. Let him."

That also meant, once he had the dinner in the oven, he was able to head

up to his room to take a quick shower.

Hermione also took a shower, seeing as both returned quite sweaty from

their exertions, but must have spent longer under the water as she was a

little while before she came back down.

When she walked into the kitchen to find him doing something with raw

vegetables, she looked beautiful and her bushy hair was significantly


He practically goggled at her, which made her blush.

He exclaimed, "What happened to your hair?!"

With a light jut of her chin as if in defiance, she replied, "Betsy used her

magic on it. She also used some potion she collected from Pottermore

that's supposed to tame unruly hair."

He stood staring back in shock for a moment more before he realised he

was doing it and gave himself a shake. "Must be Sleak-Ezy," he suggested.

"The Potters were involved in developing and initially marketing it."

Getting her blush under control, she smiled back and said, "Yes. She told

me that, too."

"Hunh!" he exclaimed. "I was about to send one of the aurors up to see if

you'd slipped and disappeared down a drain hole or something."

She gave a snort of amusement and said, "So. I take it, you like?"

"Yes!" he immediately declared. "But, that's if you like it, too. You don't

have to go to the trouble if you don't want to. But, it's very nice to see

you looking so beautiful."

She smiled back. "Well, then," she said. "It looks like Betsy is coming to

Hogwarts with us. That is, if you don't mind."

"Nope!" he happily declared.

As she helped him prepare dinner, he said, "You know... your father's

going to take one look at you, looking as beautiful as you do now, and be

thinking about threatening me to keep my hands off you again."

She giggled.




44. An Oops and a Myocardial


Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to the proverbial Duchess of

Magic, JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high

falutin' companies. No matter how much I whine about not owning anything

related to the HP universe, other than a few fanfic plots, I do not profess to

own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful

world... Damn it!

Chapter Forty Four - An Oops and a Myocardial Infarction




When the Grangers arrived home, Wendell took one look at his daughter,

both radiant from the exercise and looking gorgeous, and goggled in

shock. Then he turned an almost scowl on Harry.

Harry just looked innocently back and shrugged. Wendell's behaviour

was exactly as he expected.

Monica, not so much. She took one look at her daughter and smirked

before dragging her upstairs 'to chat'.

As soon as they were gone, Wendell asked him, "What happened to

Hermione's hair?"

"Betsy fixed it with elf magic and a hair management potion called Sleak-

Ezy," he immediately replied. "It looks good, doesn't it?"

"Hmmmph," Wendell grumbled. "Remember: As her betrothed, it's your

job to make sure no harm befalls her. If you need help hiding the bodies,

let me know."

Harry grinned and replied, "No worries. I remember."

Both 'men' knew the other knew exactly what they were both alluding to.

When both ladies came back downstairs, Monica was demanding to know

more about the potion and if it worked on non-magicals.

"No idea," said Harry. "I don't know why not, though. Try it and see. Call

Betsy and ask as she'd probably know and could even source it for you."

Monica did exactly that and Betsy couldn't say it wouldn't work. She also

promised to purchase some for her and come to apply it if called, with

Hermione's permission."

"My permission?" asked Hermione.

"She's your Ladies' elf, Hermione," Harry explained. "If you order her to

answer someone else's call, she'll do it."




Dinner that night was a bit of a feast. However, the only people sitting at

the table were the Grangers and Harry. The aurors said they'd eat in the

'Quarters', so Harry and the Grangers could have this last meal together

in private.

As it was winding down, another well-cooked and succulent roast beef

with all the trimmings, Harry made sure the two Granger adults were

finished with theirs and about to have their teas when he gave his throat

a little clear and said, "Wendell... Monica... Thank you, so very much, for

allowing me to come and stay. And for putting up with having strangers

in your home for this past near month and a half―"

"You're very welcome, Harry," said Wendell, cutting him off. "And the

aurors and other guests have not been a bother."

"You've brought us new friends and acquaintances, Harry," said Monica.

"Plus, we've both been given a better look and understanding of the

world our daughter is now a part of."

He blushed and looked down. "Still―"

"Still nothing," Wendell firmly said. "Monica and I are now a great deal

more relieved our daughter is going to be alright in your world. It was

something that plagued us with... yes, even nightmares... this past few


"This past five weeks has given us both a lot of peace. Especially knowing

that manipulative old coot of a Headmaster of yours is now effectively

dealt with."

"And the wards," added Monica. "And the floo out the back."

Still blushing he said, "If you're safe, Hermione's happy. Plus, I've got one

more thing to give you and a couple of things to tell you to keep you


He then reached into his pocket and drew out two items before offering,

one each, to the two adults. They were little lapel pins.

"Each of these is a fully charged portkey. If someone, for some reason,

manages to get through your wards with ill intent and you're home, the

bringing down of those wards will activate them. As long as you're

wearing them, you'll be portkeyed direct to Pottermore and under the far

more powerful wards there.

"If the wards come under attack, an alert built into them will also alert

both myself and Sirius that they're such. And both of us will be able to

call on the aurors to get here with alacrity. But, the portkeys will get you

away to safety even if something goes wrong with that, or the aurors are


Both accepted them with near reverence and looked at him with

gratitude. Hermione, however, turned in her chair, leaned over to him

and planted a major kiss on him.

With eyes shining brightly she pulled back and quietly, but heartfeltingly,

said, "Thank you."

Wendell gave his own throat a clear and softly said, "Yes. Thank you,


Getting his blush under control, he frowned and said, "Dumbledore

worries me. But, he's not the only threat to you out there from our world.

While Dumbledore will try and use you, there are those who may come

after you with more life-threatening intent. Dumbledore's attempts to get

in through the wards, twice, is only an inkling of that."

"We'll wear them always, Harry," said Monica.

After a quick nod he said, "Secondly, if you're not somehow wearing the

pins and the wards start to go, I've instructed the Potter elves to get you

out of here if you're still here. If you're at, say, the hospital if it happens,

they'll alert you to it without letting anyone else see them. They're pretty

good with things like that."

After that quite emotional moment, the two adult Grangers immediately

donned them.

"Well!" said Monica with a sigh. "What time, did you say, you had to be

ready to floo to Hogwarts tomorrow?"

Harry smiled at her, grateful for the obvious intent to change the subject.

"7.30am sharp," he replied. "Dobby... and, probably, Betsy... will bring

our trunks once we're gone. It's safer than taking them with us through

the floo unless we were to shrink them and put them in our pockets. I'm,

for one, just as likely to trip over mine and break my fool neck stepping

out of the floo at the other end if they don't, even if it is in my pocket."

That had the other three grin back.




For his last morning Harry was determined that today, of all days, he was

going to beat that half pint, sawn off, little joy-killer of an elf of his to the

kitchen. He'd set the alarm to go off an hour earlier than normal.

When going to bed he chuckled and thought, 'Got ya now, pipsqueak!'

When the alarm went off, on as quiet a setting as he thought he could get

away with, he was quick to deactivate it, pull his invisibility cloak over

himself, put on as many masking charms on himself as he thought he

could get away with - scent, noise, body heat, etcetera - and hurried

down to the kitchen.

Almost giggling to himself he hurried into the kitchen... and stopped

dead in shock.

Dobby was already there and preparing breakfast. "Good morning, Master

Harry!" he chirped, working with a skillet and the fry pan for the hash

browns. The eggs were being poached, the bacon was on the grill, he

even had tomatoes being grilled, as well.

Yanking the cloak off and cancelling the charms with a powerful finite he

firmly said, "Damn it!"

Glaring at the back of the elf with suspicion he checked the clock on the

wall... and found it was set to a time half an hour later than the one in

his room.

He again glared at the elf before he hurried back up to his room... and

found the clock was set the same as one in the kitchen. That meant he

either didn't set the time of the alarm right, or someone had changed the

time for it to go off.

Hurrying back down to the kitchen he found Dobby now checking the

poaching eggs and demanded, "Did you change the time on by clock to

go off half an hour later?"

Too innocently to be believable, Dobby turned to face him and asked, "Is

Master Harry feeling alright?"

"Damn it!"

Still with his cloak in his hand, Harry stomped off back to the stairs to go

back to his bedroom to get showered and dressed for the day.

It was while he was showering, and trying to figure out where his plan

had gone wrong, that he had an epiphany. "That... little... shit!" he

quietly but vehemently muttered to himself. "He's charmed my clock!

That's how he knows when I get up and can beat me to the kitchen!

Cheeky... little... bastard!"




When he got out of the shower and dried, as soon as he stepped through

the ensuite door and back into the bedroom he noticed everything was

packed in a 'new' trunk and one full set of his Hogwarts Uniform,

together with fresh underwear, was laid on his bed. One pair of his shoes

were tucked under the side of the bed, ready for him to don.

"Now he's just rubbing my nose in it!" he huffed.

He dressed then went over to inspect his 'new' trunk. Flipping it open he

saw the thing had wizarding expansion charms and compartments in it.

All his new clothes, both wizarding and muggle, were now neatly packed

inside. So were his school books, parchment, ink, quills, cauldron, scales,

potion ingredients' case, telescope, received Christmas gifts, other

paraphernalia... and even his Firebolt. He was stunned.

It took him at least a full minute before he slowly closed the lid and

latched it again.

Finally able to shake off his apparent shock he gave a huge sigh and,

more calmly, began to make his way down to the dinette for breakfast.

However, he'd only dropped two steps down the stairs from the first floor

landing when he heard Hermione suddenly cry, "Bet-seeee!"

That had him immediately spin about and race up the stairs to the second

floor without making too much noise about it. If there were intruders, he

didn't want to alert them to his quick approach.

The door to Hermione's bedroom was open, so he jumped within with his

wand drawn, crouched and ready to battle. He didn't even realise he'd

drawn it.

Hermione was in the room wearing a fluffy pink dressing gown that came

down to mid thigh, with her hair trussed up in a white towel. She was

looking back at him in shock.

After his quick check found the room to be clear of Death Eaters or

similar, he looked back at her. That's when he noticed what she was

wearing; but, even more, that what he could see of her body was showing

signs of having only just come out of the shower - her skin was flushed a

healthy pink and was lightly steaming. Then realised she was probably

naked under that dressing gown as he could also spot her own Hogwarts

uniform was laid out on her bed with her pink underwear on top.

He immediately blushed and stuttered, "Errm―"

Getting her own shock under control before he could get his under such,

she firmly said, "Best go downstairs and wait for me to get dressed,

Harry. I need to talk to Betsy."

"Errr... yup!" he said, before he spun away and hurried down the stairs as

quietly as he could. He was just in time to pass Monica on her way up

from the first floor. She was wearing her own, but bigger and longer,

fluffy dressing gown with a look of confusion on her face. But, Harry

could see she was at least somewhat dressed under her robe.

He only paused long enough to blush again and quietly said, "Oops!"

Then hurried down as quietly as he could and raced for the kitchen.

He was just thankful he hadn't also come across Wendell. He'd be told off,

just for the evidence of the blush he knew he was now sporting.




As Monica rounded the top stair and saw her daughter's bedroom door, as

usual, wide open she was also greeted to the sight of her daughter doffing

her robe and standing in the room, side on and naked. Her skin was the

pink of a hot shower and she still had wisps of steam rising from her skin.

Quietly stepping in through the door, as her daughter bent over to pick

up her underwear from off the bed, she quietly said, "Well―"

With a very shocked but quiet, "Eeek!" Hermione's reaction was near-

instant. She dropped to the floor, grabbed her robe and jumped back up

holding it before her as she turned to the door, blushing furiously away.

It almost appeared as if she bounced down and up.

Knowing she'd caught her daughter out, Monica smirked and continued

to say what she was going to say. "I certainly hope what I just saw was

not what Harry just saw."

Furiously blushing, Hermione squeaked out, "No!... I-I was wearing my

robe when he saw me."

Stepping in further, Monica reached for the door, closed it and turned

back to face her daughter. "I did warn you that, one day, if you continued

to leave your door open while you were getting dressed you were going

to give someone an 'eyeful'.

Hermione, still holding the dressing gown looked down in somewhat

shame and quietly said, "Yes."

Monica gave a snort of amusement and said, "You'd better get dressed

and go down and see Harry. You just embarrassed the boy again."

Then she left, closing the door behind her.

With a pained sigh, Hermione threw her robe on the bed and turned back

to don her clothes.

'Betsy, first; then, Harry,' she thought.




At 7.30am, on the dot, Headmistress Lady Marchbanks was watching as

the floo 'whoomphed' with a burst of flame and the flames turned green.

A moment later an auror stepped out, then Lord Potter, then Miss

Granger and, finally, a second auror.

As they were stepping out, she came out from behind her desk and was

waiting before it by the time the second auror stepped out.

Once the floo reverted back to orange flames she quietly said to the two

teens, "Welcome back to Hogwarts."

Both grinned happily back. Both were also already dressed in their

Hogwarts robes, with Lord Potter wearing the Potter crest on the

opposite breast of his Gryffindor crest and the Black crest subservient.

While Miss Granger wore the Potter crest on her right sleeve up near her

shoulder, signifying she was under a Betrothal Agreement or contract to

House Potter.

But, that was what they were wearing. Lord Potter had clearly grown a

few more inches, filled out across the shoulders, lost the spectacles and...

yes... apparently also lost that famous scar. And, while Miss Granger's

physical statistics hadn't changed, her hair now fell in loose waves to lay

on her shoulders and was clipped back at the temples by matching gold

clips. Her changes were small, but no less startling.

"Your luggage, dears?" she asked

Harry gave a nod and called, "Dobby... Betsy..."

With a double flash, both elves arrived with their two trunks.

With a nod of her own, she called, "Toby."

A third elf arrived. This one, clearly a Hogwarts elf, was looking to her

for instructions.

To the elf she indicated the two Potter elves and said, "Show these two

that Lords' Quarters apartment I had the school elves ready for me, would


"Yes, Lady Headmistress," the elf replied, before he turned and looked at

Dobby and Betsy for a moment. Then both Potter elves nodded back and

all three, plus the two trunks, disappeared.

Hermione appeared confused for a moment before she looked to

Marchbanks and asked, "Headmistress? You asked... Toby... to show both

Dobby and Betsy the Lords' Quarters...?"

in a tone that sounded as if she was saying it was obvious, Marchbanks

replied, "Yes, dear. Lord Potter is being given an apartment with three

bedrooms. As his recognised betrothed, you're allowed to share with


Hermione stood there, mouth open a little and blinked for a moment.


Harry, realising the problem, said to her, "Hermione, if you want to be in

the Gryffindor girls' dorms with Parvati, Lavender, Sophie and Fay, I

understand. We can have Betsy move your effects to there, if you prefer."

Looking to him she said, "Ummm... no! I... i-if you don't mind, I'd prefer

to stay with you."

"I thought you knew to expect that, dear," said Marchbanks. "Have I


Spinning back, Hermione replied, "Ummm... no. I... just didn't expect it.

That's all."

"And I didn't know, either," said Harry. "I should have... and didn't."

"Actually..." said Hermione. "I'm... thinking... this will be a much better

idea. Thank you."

"You're welcome, dear," said a slightly confused Marchbanks.

Hermione grinned at her.

One of the aurors asked, "And where are the Lords' Quarters,


"On the fifth floor on the way to both Gryffindor and Ravenclaw towers,"

she replied. "Go up the grand staircase to the fifth floor, head towards the

two towers and I'll have an elf meet you on the floor to show you the rest

of the way."

The auror gave a nod and said "Thank you, Ma'am," And he and the other

auror left through the door to the stairs.

Looking to the two teens she said, "I believe it's now time we head for the

Great Hall. There's been a lot of speculation as to when you two would


"Yes, Ma'am," said Harry.

Both teens then followed her out.




As they walked, Hermione asked the little old witch who was their new

Headmistress more questions about the Lords' Quarters and why

someone, who was only betrothed, was expected to stay there with their


"Aren't you worried what we might get up to?" she asked.

"You're betrothed, Miss Granger," replied the witch. "I might not be fully

aware of what your Betrothal Agreement states, but I have a fair idea of

the gist of it. Part of it states Lord Potter may act for your protection,

does it not?"

"Well... yes," Hermione replied.

"Then, where better for you than to be close by so he can protect you

than in the room next to his?" she asked.

"Oh," said Hermione. "I didn't think of that."

"Hmm!" said Marchbanks in a verbal nod.

When Hermione didn't seem to want to ask any further questions she

stopped and waited for the two teens to stop as well, they did only two

paces forward, and looked back at her. Both were looking at her with

quizzical expressions.

She was a moment before she quietly said, "Alliance Secret."

That had Harry give a little start of shock as Hermione looked even more


Marchbanks looked to Hermione and said, "That means, what we discuss

here cannot be discussed with anyone outside of the Alliance, dear."

"Oh," said Hermione, understanding.

Marchbanks then looked back at Harry and said, "I have received

correspondence from Lord Longbottom. He has informed me that he is

currently in negotiations with Mister Abbott about a Betrothal Agreement

between Heir Neville Longbottom and young Miss Abbott. Further, he is

in simultaneous negotiations with Madam Bones about a Concubine Bond

Agreement between Heir Longbottom and Heiress Susan Bones.

Both were surprised, but not so much.

"I see this is not news to you," said Marchbanks.

"Not that it would happen, but that it is happening now is," replied Harry.

"Hmm," said Marchbanks. "Lord Longbottom has requested that, when the

Agreements are signed, I call on you to suggest you recommend Heir

Longbottom request Lord's Quarters of his own for he and the two young

ladies. I will approve it."

That surprised both.

"Why?" asked Harry. "I mean, why me?"

"Lord Longbottom does not want it to seem as if he's over-fathering his

son. However, if the suggestion comes from you..."

Harry nodded and said, "Then Neville won't think it's an order from his

father. It'll be his choice. He wants Neville to make these sort of decisions

on his own."

"Precisely," she nodded.

"Uh-huh," muttered Harry. "I'm happy to do so. I also expect Neville will

leap at the opportunity if he doesn't think it'll get him into trouble. The

other three boys in the dorm are all slobs, whereas Neville and I are not."

"Then you'll need to convince him it won't hurt to ask," she said.

He nodded and said, "Will do."

She then hesitated again and asked, "Do you know why you've been

offered an apartment with three bedrooms?"

Both teens immediately looked shocked. "Errr... you know something

about a possible approach for a Concubine Bond Agreement for me, don't


"I do," she firmly stated. "However, since that approach does not appear

to have already been made, it is not my place to expand on that."

"Noted," he said. "Not even a hint?"

She smirked back and replied, "I'm sure you can figure it out, if you

haven't already."

"Greengrass," he sighed.

She just smirked back. "Shall we continue to the Great Hall?" she

innocently asked.

As she walked between the two teens and continued on her way, both

turned to again follow her. Both teens, at the same time, glanced at one


A few seconds later and as he followed, Harry softly but firmly said,

"You're an evil woman, Lady Griselda Marchbanks."

She just cackled. It was so much fun 'tweaking' the youngsters.

'Oh, how I missed this!' she thought.




Walking the long way, so they'd walk in through the main doors of the

Great Hall from the entrance hall, it was about ten minutes before they


As soon as they walked in following the Headmistress, the Hall fell silent.

Marchbanks just ignored it and continued on her way between the tables

to the head table, while Harry and Hermione peeled off at the head end

of the House tables to go to the Gryffindor table. They already saw

Neville was sitting there waiting for them with a grin on his face.

They'd no sooner separated from the Headmistress before the first of the

other students tried to approach. It was Angelina Johnson.

"Harry!" she exclaimed. "I want―"

"Back off and let us sit down!" he snapped out.

That immediately brought her to a sudden halt. Though he wasn't looking

at her, she had an expression of shock on her face.

Reaching a grinning Neville, Harry made sure Hermione walked around

the table with him, so their backs were to the wall, sat her first next to

Neville and sat alongside her on the other side. They'd sat next to the

other boy, who had also chosen to sit with his back to the wall, to show

solidarity. They didn't know, however, he'd saved them seats.

"Morning," grinned Neville, just after they sat. "Making waves, already, I


Having already eaten before they flooed to the castle, both teens only

dragged over a cup and saucer and began to make cups of tea each. Both

knew they were going to be immediately bothered by other students all

demanding answers to their questions and wouldn't get much of a chance

to eat before they had to go to class.

From an inside pocket of his robes, Neville drew out two small sheets of

parchment, checked them and offered one each to the two. "Your class

schedules," he said.

Hermione was all set to snatch it out of his hand before she hesitated

with a small start, then more calmly accepted it. "Thank you, Neville,"

she said.

Harry smirked to her and nodded. He approved. And she smiled back.

After just finishing making their teas, Harry asked, "How did everything

go on the trip here and yesterday?"

Neville had only just opened his mouth to reply when they heard the

cough of someone trying to get their attention opposite.

With a mental sigh, Harry turned to see who it was. Ernest MacMillan.

The boy looked determined, angry and not a little scared. 'Ah!'

Sitting back and up a little straighter he looked the boy full-on and asked,

"Something I can help you with, Heir MacMillan?"

Self-fortifying himself first, the other boy said, "Lord Potter. I have come

at the request of my Lord to offer you my heartfelt apology for my

behaviour I have directed towards you between the start of this school

year and today. I―"

Harry interrupted and asked, "What about Second Year, Heir MacMillan?

Do you not remember your behaviour towards me throughout that year?

Does calling me the Heir of Slytherin not ring any bells with you? Do you

not recall what you called me... to my face... in public? And what about

the hexes and such in the corridors? How many did you cast at me?

"Secondly, you 'come at the request of your Lord?' At least you're honest

in stating apologising to me is not something you actually want to do.

"If you want to apologise, Heir MacMillan, then actually apologise. Make

it from the heart or it'll be worthless."

MacMillan, clearly angry, had to close his eyes as he managed to rein his

temper in. He knew he had to do this, or his grandfather was going to

disown him on the spot as soon as he learned of it. He... had... to do this.

Getting himself back under control, he looked back, took a deep breath

and firmly said, "Lord Potter. I have come... to offer you my heartfelt

apology for my behaviour I have directed to you over... our time together

in the school. I have behaved with... dishonour and in a manner that has

brought my House into conflict with you."

As he talked he seemed to get more into it and even managed to calm a


"Though... I see now that I was in the wrong and you did not deserve the

treatment I caused to befall you. You were undeserving of any of it.

"My... I hope you accept my apology in the spirit it is given and we both

may put this matter behind us."

With that last line, MacMillan almost seemed to slump inwards.

Obviously, his apology was done.

Harry gave it a long moment for the boy to collect himself before he

replied. "Apology accepted. You may inform your Lord I have accepted

your apology in the spirit it was given and invite him to speak more of this

matter with Lord Longbottom at Lord Longbottom's convenience.

Anything else?"

MacMillan looked back for a moment and replied, "No, Lord Potter.

Thank you." Then, without waiting for Harry to say anything else, spun

about and hurried away.

Harry gave a snort of amusement and returned to his tea.

Neville leaned around Hermione and said, "I think you've just caused

anyone who had visions of coming over to demand answers from you to

rethink their plan." Then he flicked his eyes to the rest of the Hall.

When Harry glanced up through his eyebrows and looked about he could

see what Neville meant. There were quite a few who were staring at him

and appeared very reluctant to get on his bad side.

They now knew, more than ever, the meek little orphan boy was gone.

They could also see he was a great deal taller, had filled right out, wasn't

wearing his glasses any more and sat with a firm posture. This was no

longer the Harry Potter they once thought him to be.




Dumbledore did not sleep well. He never did in these cells. They never

turned the light off completely, only dimmed it down so they could see

him if they ever took a peek through the little viewing slot in the door for

that purpose.

However, his sleep that night was even worse. That Bones had declared

him to be a Dark Lord had really hit home. It was even worse when he

quickly realised that, with being declared a Dark Lord, it now meant the

prophecy could now be about him and not Tom, as he truly believed.

When the little slot for an auror to peek within would be opened about

an hour after he'd been given his meagre breakfast, he knew―

He heard the bolt on the outside of the door give its distinctive deep 'shh-

clunk', signalling the door was about to be opened. And then it was.

The same two burly aurors as the previous day stepped in. The senior of

the two said simply, "Prisoner, stand."

With a sigh he rose to his feet and held out his hands held close before

him, bent at the elbows with his wrists inches apart. A few seconds later

and the magic-inhibiting manacles were firmly affixed.

As soon as they were, both aurors stepped to either side of him, gripped

him by his upper arms and marched him out of the cell and towards the

Interrogation Rooms.

This time, during his move from his cell to the Interrogation Rooms, he

never said a word.




A few minutes after MacMillan left, the mail arrived. Neither teen

received anything as they'd received it before flooing to the castle.

It was as he was returning to his tea, Angie Johnson regained her courage

to approach.

"Harry?" she carefully asked.

"What can I do for you, Angie?" he calmly asked.

As he was neither smiling or appeared angry, she was at somewhat of a

loss on how to proceed.

"I... want to talk to you about you withdrawing from the team," she said.

"What about it?" Again, no inflection.

"I want you to reconsider," she stated.

"I have," he replied. "However, as I stated to you in the letter I sent you, I

stand by my decision.

"I really did not appreciate my so-called House-mates practically berating

me and demanding answers to their questions that day Hermione and I

returned from the Wizengamot trial sessions.

"I am not a walking version of the Daily Prophet they can command to do

their bidding like I'm a bloody house elf, or something.

"If you need a new seeker, as I said in my letter, I strongly suggest you

approach young Miss Ginny Weasley. I've seen her in action and believe

she will make an excellent seeker for the Lions."

Angie, though clearly angry at what she perceived as a 'brush off', didn't

retort. Instead she simply gave a single sharp nod in return and walked

away back down the table - marched, really.

Hermione quietly said, "You know it means you can never go back to

being a seeker for the Lions, don't you?"

Harry gave a quiet sigh and said, "I didn't want to be the seeker in the

first place, Love. I was bullied into it by McGonagall. She told Wood I was

to be the new seeker for the Lions, without even bothering to ask me first,

and that was that.

"I like flying, Love. And chasing the snitch gave me something to do while

doing that. But, I can still do that by simply releasing a snitch on my own

and chasing after it."

Surprised, Hermione said, "I thought you liked being seeker."

He smiled back and replied, "No; the fake Harry did, because it helped his


"Ah!" she said. A moment later she added, "I'm glad. I didn't like how

dangerous it was for you; nor how much you seemed to get hurt, all the


He leaned across a little and kissed her on the cheek, causing her to blush

a little and look away.

Looking back around her, he looked to Neville and said, "Now. Before we

were interrupted, you were going to tell me about how the past couple of

days went."

Again, Neville was about to open his mouth when Professor Babbling

approached and said, "Lord Potter. I'm here to escort you and your

betrothed to your new accommodation. You'll also be needing to collect

your books for your morning classes."

With a sigh, Harry looked to her and said, "Very well, Professor." Turning

to Neville he clearly said, "I apologise for yet another interruption to our

conversation, Heir Longbottom. Perhaps we'll be able to complete it

during next break."

As the Professor gave a little start of shock, Neville grinned and replied,

"I look forward to it, Lord Potter. Perhaps we'll be able to complete it

during morning tea."

Harry gave a smile back, rose, stepped back over the back of the bench

seating and turned to the Professor as Hermione rose beside him.

She waited for them both to walk around the table and then lightly

gestured towards the main doors before walking that way, herself.

The two teens followed, knowing they had many eyes watching them as

they did so. Both ignored them.




After Dumbledore was again manacled to the ring-bolt on the table, as

with the previous day the same aurors entered and took up positions.

This time they were immediately followed by the Dicta-quill operator and

the Master Healer carrying her rack of vials of Veritaserum. Then Madam

Bones entered with her file and went directly to her seat on the opposite

side of the table.

Without even offering a greeting, this time, she opened her folder, made

herself comfortable and asked, "Ready for your next Veritaserum dose,


"No," he lowly replied.

"Too bad," she smirked.

After everything was set up, the Dicta-quill was activated and the dose of

five drops of Veritaserum were administered Bones began her


"What was the true purpose of you having caused the erection of those

series of so-called traps in the third floor corridor as you announced on

the first of September, 1991, to the students of Hogwarts?"

As Dumbledore mentally struggled to not directly answer the question he

replied, "I informed the staff the traps were erected to protect a valuable

artefact given to me by a dear friend―"

"Was that response meant to direct me away from the truth?"

"Y... Y... Y-y-yes."

"What were you trying not to tell me?"

"T... T... T...Thhhhh-the traps were... a... s... series... of tests."

"Tests for whom?"

"H... H... Haaaarry P... Puhhh...ter."

"What was the purpose of testing Lord Potter with those series of so-

called traps in the third floor corridor as you announced on the first of

September, 1991, to the students of Hogwarts?"

"T... t... t... toooo test... h... his... braaaa-ver-y."

"Do you see, Albus? Fighting the potion is pointless! You are only delaying

the inevitable."

"Y... Y-yes."

"Did you know Quirinus Quirrell was possessed?"


"From when did you know Quirinus Quirrell was possessed?"

"Ffff... fff... ffffirst... of... Sepppp-tember―"

"Did you know Quirinus Quirrell was possessed from the first of

September, 1991?"

"Y... Yyyy-yes."

Bones was a few moments before she asked, "When were you aware the

troll was released into the school, as reported by Quirinus Quirrell on the

thirty first of October, 1991?"

"Ah... At th... the Feast."

She paused a moment while she thought and then asked, "At what time

were you first aware the troll was released into the school, as reported by

Quirinus Quirrell on the thirty first of October, 1991?"

"Ssss... sssiiii.. sixxxx thhh-... thurrrty seh... sehven, thhhhat n... night."

Scowling, she demanded, "What time did Quirrell burst into the Great

Hall to make his announcement about a troll being loose in the


"Sssseh... Sseh-ven nnnnuh.. niiiine...teen."

"So, you were aware a troll... a second troll, if you consider the first troll

being the one that was part of those traps of yours... was within the

school grounds approximately three-quarters of an hour before Quirrell

made his shocking entrance into the Great Hall?"

"Yyy... yes!"

"Why did you not head it off and deal with it as soon, or very soon after,

you knew it had entered the grounds, Albus?"

"Aaaa... I... wwwwanted... to... sss- sssseee... wh- whhaaat... T-T-

Tommm... w... would do... w-whuh... w-with it."

"And if, instead of releasing it into the corridors of the school, Quirrell

had brought it direct to the Great Hall?"

"H-heee... didn't."

"Did you know where it was, at all times it was within the school?"

"Y... yyyyes."

"At that time, did you know that a student was not in the Great Hall, but

was on the second floor in a girls' bathroom?"

"Y... yes."

"Did you know that the troll was making it's way towards her?"

"Y-y-yuh-... yyyesss."

"Did you know Lord Potter was going to go and find the girl, when it

became apparent to him that Miss Granger was not in the Great Hall?"

"Y-yyy... Nnnno."

Frowning at the response, Bones had an epiphany. "Did you use any form

of compulsion... No. Did you directly use any form of mind magic on any

student to inform Lord Potter, then Mister Potter, that a student was in

that second floor girls' bathroom?"

"Nnnn... Yyyeeesss."

"On which student did you use such mind magics to inform Lord Potter a

student was in that second floor girls' bathroom?"

"M-Missss... Br-Brown."

"And which form of mind magic did you use against Miss Brown?"

"C... Cuh... Com...pul...shun.. charm."

"Why did you use an illegal compulsion charm on Miss Brown to inform

Mister Potter that Miss Granger was in that girls' bathroom?"

"Sssso... yyy... yuh-oung... H... Ha... Harr-reee... w-would... go.. ressss-

cue... h-her."

"Why would you send Lord Potter to go rescue her?"

"Tuh... T-tooo... tessssst... h-his.. b-b-braaaaay-very."

Surprised, she blurted, "Are you trying to get Lord Potter killed, Albus?"

"N...n...nnn-Yyyy... Yeeehhs!"

Utterly shocked, the aurors and even the Master Healer in the room all

gasped in shock. Bones was a few moments stunned silent.

"Why are you trying to get Lord Potter killed, Albus?" she demanded.

"... ... ...B... Beeee... C-c-c―"

Dumbledore then appeared to go into some form of fit.

The Master Healer immediately stepped forward, rapidly casting over

him as he went into some form of paroxysm. Then, without a word,

suddenly stunned him.

She immediately whirled to stare at Bones and snapped, "He's having a

heart attack. I need to get him to Mungo's... now."

"Shhhhit!" said Bones.




As Harry and Hermione began to follow the professor up the grand

staircase, as soon as they were apart from any of the students moving

about on the stairs, the Professor looked to Harry and said, "I apologise

for interrupting your conversation, Lord Potter. I thought, once Miss

Johnson had departed, your conversation had ended."

"Apology accepted, Professor Babbage," he immediately replied.

"However, you should know, both Miss Johnson and Mister MacMillan

before her were both interrupting the same conversation that had started

between Miss Granger and me and Heir Longbottom almost as soon as I

sat. You were just the third to do so."

She just gave a nod and small smile back. So, Harry knew she wasn't too

upset about it; unlike how McGonagall would have reacted - with a

snooty huff.

Once on the fifth floor she led them along the main corridor in a part of

the castle Harry did not often traverse and to quite the fancy wide

wooden door. It was almost half again wide as a normal door; about the

same width as one of the doors into the Great Hall from the entrance

hall, but nowhere near as tall. In the past, he'd normally be one floor up

when heading for the Gryffindor tower.

An auror seemed to be standing watch opposite it; watching both

directions and the door, itself.

Entering after the Professor, Harry was surprised to see the floor change

from bare stone to a carpet runner along a long and wide corridor. There

were also skylights in the ceiling, letting in natural sunlight, and silver

brackets along the wall just above head height containing gas lamps. The

skylights had to be magical, course; as there was another two floors

directly above this one.

She walked down past about four doors on either side before she arrived

at one numbered '9'.

Turning back to slightly face them, she indicated it and said, "This is it.

Lord Potter, you need to claim it as your own by placing your wand hand

palm flat on the door, pushing a little with your magic and claiming it."

Harry gave her a nod and put his hand on the door and 'pushed'. "I am

Lord Harrison James Potter. I claim this suite for the Noble and Most

Ancient House of Potter."

Harry felt his palm tingle a little before he 'felt' the acceptance.

As he stepped away, the professor said, "Now you, Miss Granger. You just

announce yourself and Lord Potter has to again put his hand on the door

and announce you're granted access."

Hermione stepped forward, putting her own hand on the door, and firmly

said, "I am Hermione Jean Granger, betrothed of Lord Harrison James


Then she removed her hand and stepped back giving her palm a scratch

with her off hand as she did so.

Harry then stepped forward and put his hand back. "I am Lord Harrison

James Potter, I grant Hermione Jean Granger access as my betrothed."

As Harry stepped back again, the professor gave a nod and said, "The

suite, or apartment, is now keyed to only allow the two of you access. If

anyone else touches the doorknob they'll be stunned and the staff will be

alerted to that.

"You need to open the door first, Lord Potter."

Harry stepped forward again, gripped the door-handle and gave it a twist

before then giving it a push. The door swung inwards and away.

"In you go," said the professor.

As Harry walked through the doorway and inside, Hermione followed

right behind; then the Professor. He was surprised to also see the auror,

who had been standing guard outside, also step in and begin casting

detection charms about the place.

'Really?' he thought, not knowing Hermione was also thinking pretty

much the same thing.

Both Dobby and Betsy then appeared with twin flashes and big smiles on

their small faces.

"Master Harry! Miss-tress Herm'nee! Welcome!" said an excited Dobby.

The Professor gave a quiet cough to catch their attention.

When both teens immediately turned around and looked towards her, she

said, "I'll leave you to quickly explore. Classes start in a little over fifteen

minutes and I believe you both have a double of Transfiguration, then

morning tea, then a double of Herbology before lunch."

"Thank you, Professor," said Hermione.

"Yes, thank you, Professor," added Harry.

The Professor gave a small smile before she let herself out, pulling the

door shut behind her.

As both turned back, Harry looked at Dobby and said, "How about a

quick tour? Then we need to collect our books and go."

Less than five minutes later, both teens were walking out, pulling the

door shut behind them.

Dobby and Betsy had both loaded their book satchels with the right texts,

ink, quills and sufficient parchment.

Hermione looked to Harry and said, "Wow! I don't know what your room

is like, but mine feels like 'five star'!"

"The same," he grinned. "We need to bring the others up here, especially

Neville, so he can see what it's like, first hand."

"You, too, can live like this?" she smirked.

"Exactly," he grinned.

She gave a nod and said, "We'd best hurry. As Professor Babbling said, we

have Transfiguration first, so at least we only have to drop down one

floor. But, we'll still be late if we don't get a wriggle-on." Beginning to

fret a little, she added, "Ooohh... I hope the new Professor is as good at

teaching as Professor McGonagall was."




The apartment had, as promised, three bedrooms; with each having its

own ensuite. The apartment started with a central common room. From

that led four doors and an arch. Each of three of the doors led to a

bedroom and the fourth led to an office. The arch led to a combined

kitchenette with a small dining table that could seat six at a squeeze.

The entire apartment was lavishly appointed though seriously out of

date, as expected. However, all the furniture appeared in almost pristine

condition and little wear appeared anywhere.

Harry's trunk, his entire collection of personal effects at that, were set up

in the clearly master bedroom. Hermione's were in the next largest sized

room and Harry was surprised to see just how much stuff was in there.

"How, on Earth, did Betsy manage to fit all that into your trunk?" asked a

shocked Harry.

She gave him a wry grin and replied, "She didn't. She got rid of my trunk

and replaced it with a, as she claims, 'Noble Ladies' Travelling Trunk'

from Pottermore. The inside is wizard-spaced like you wouldn't believe.

"Oh, and that was why I had that loud exclamation, this morning," she

blushed, "When you raced upstairs to find out what was wrong, I'd

noticed my walk-in wardrobe was basically bare. Betsy had managed to

pack the lot."

"Ah," he stammered. "I-I'm... sorry, about that... by the way."

"Not your fault," she firmly replied. "Besides, you didn't see anything

inappropriate. I wear a great deal less than that at the beach."

"Errr... yeah," he muttered.

"Mum gave me a right fright right after you left, though," she explained.

Then blushed slightly and said, "She came in just as I dropped my robe to

get dressed."

After they finished looking at each other's new bedroom, they explored

the rest of the apartment, together. Dobby and Betsy had been busy

setting it all up for them. Even the pantry was stocked with groceries

under stasis. Looking at the labels Harry knew it was all brand new, so

wasn't there from years past or anything. Dobby had to have gone


However, when Hermione saw the office with all its empty bookshelves,

she stared fixedly at them and softly said, "Harry, dear."


"The bookshelves are empty, Harry," she firmly said. "I don't like empty


He smirked and said, "When I've got the chance I'll send Dobby to

Pottermore to collect and bring back a selection of books related to the

subjects we're studying. I'm sure there'll be enough to sufficiently

populate these shelves for you."

She turned a familiar smile on him and planted a kiss on his cheek. "Good

boy," she softly said.

'Now that was pure Monica,' he thought.




At Saint Mungo's, Bones was pacing outside the Casualty wing; the

emergency 'centre' of the hospital. She was muttering to herself as she did

so, but not loud enough for anyone to overhear.

Moody and Robards were standing with their backs to the wall on

opposite sides, Moody near a corner. Both were watching her and

everyone else move about while protecting their Boss's back.

Pockridge had already been out once to update her. "It's confirmed," she

sighed. "Dumbledore had a heart attack. A pretty severe one. They're

working to stabilise him now."

A half hour later, a cardiac specialist healer came out.

"Madam Bones?" he asked.

"Yes?" she replied.

He took her to the side wall near Robards and softly said, "As Healer

Pockridge informed you, Dumbledore's had what's commonly referred to

as a heart attack. It was brought on by both his poor diet - too much

sugar - and spending quite a bit of time trying to fight the effects of


"You should know the extra drop did not cause this. We've also

determined it is safe for him to be given five drops, just not for a while.

"He seems Merlin-bedamned to fight the serum and, if he does, he risks

yet another myocardial infarction. Healer Pockridge has informed me it is

imperative he be questioned and forced to speak truthfully. However, his

own mulishness not to answer will kill him if you push too hard.

"I'm sorry, but I don't know what you can do to force his compliance to

answer without risking further infarctions, or even death."

Frustrated, Bones muttered. "So close!"

The Healer just gave a shrug and said, "Perhaps a form of Veritaserum

can be developed that also includes a calming component? Sorry, but it's

not my area of expertise."

Surprised at the suggestion, Bones only gave a nod and replied, "Not your

fault, Healer. And, thank you, for saving the old fool's life."

"You're welcome, Madam Bones," he replied. "Now. If you'll excuse me, I

need to get back in there."

As the man began to turn away, she quickly asked, "How soon can I get

in there to ensure he's properly secured. He's a flight risk."

"I assure you, he's not going anywhere," he firmly replied. "However, we

should be moving him to the DMLE secure ward in about thirty to forty

minutes. He'll remain unconscious well beyond our moving him there;

probably at least until this afternoon, at the earliest."

She gave a pained sigh, pinched the bridge of her nose in frustration and

said, "Thank you, Healer."

"Again, you're welcome," he replied.

This time, she didn't stop him from re-entering.

When Pockridge came out thirty minutes later, she was leading the way

with Dumbledore on the levitated bed and escorted by another Healer

and two medi-witches. Dumbledore was, as she'd been warned,


Without a word, Pockridge just gestured for Bones and the other two to





As they were descending the stairs of the grand staircase, Harry said, "By

the way, after class this afternoon - or, first chance I get otherwise - I'll be

asking Professor Babbage the opportunity to test to enter this year's

Ancient Runes class."

In pleased shock she suddenly dove at him and gave him a Hermi-hug of

old. "Harry!" she exclaimed. "That's wonderful!"

Chuckling, he held her for the moment and said, "I knew you'd be


When she pulled back she then planted a kiss on his lips, sighed and said,

"We'd better hurry." Then proceeded to drag him down the last few stairs

and along the fourth floor corridor.

He just grinned and allowed himself to be towed along.




45. Daphne's Proposal

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to the proverbial Duchess of

Magic, JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high

falutin' companies. No matter how much I whine about not owning anything

related to the HP universe, other than a few fanfic plots, I do not profess to

own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful

world... Damn it!

Chapter Forty Five - Daphne's Proposal




While Harry knew Hermione always liked to be at least five minutes

early to each class so she could properly set herself up for the lesson

about to be imparted upon them, Harry actually wanted to be right on

time. He didn't want to give others the chance to approach him and 'be

stupid' before the Professor arrived to teach the class.

However, he was relieved to discover the new Transfigurations Professor

also preferred to arrive about five minutes before the beginning of the


With the new Professor already there and waiting for them, he was saved

from being approached. As no one, yet, had any real idea as to the man's

general attitude, no one wanted to 'test' him just yet; as kids are wont to


Harry thought he looked pleasant enough. He was standing before his

desk, leaning back with his bum perched on the edge of it with his arms

and ankles crossed; smiling.

Hermione immediately dragged Harry to the front row of the class. And

Harry was happy to see Neville, Susan and Hannah sitting in the second

from front row. The front row before them was empty, so that's where

Hermione led him.

Not wanting to gain the Professor's ire in their first class on their first

day, Harry only acknowledged Neville and the two girls with a slight

head nod and smile to all three and said, "Neville, Susan, Hannah. I look

forward to speaking with you during morning tea."

All three smiled back and greeted them both.

As soon as they sat, both teens pulled out their texts and stationery,

ready; and were joined by Justin Finch-Fletchley a minute later. The boy

sat next to Hermione on the other side and quietly greeted them.

As soon as he sat, he quickly pulled out his own text and writing

equipment, before then immediately writing a short note. He asked

Hermione to pass it to Harry moments later.

Curious and knowing the class had not started yet, Harry quickly checked

the note.

~ # ~

Lord Potter,

I seek audience with you at a time of your convenience for a few moments to

discuss a matter of importance to us both.

Please respond when you can.

Lord Justin Finch-Fletchley

The Viscount Lonsdale

~ # ~

With surprised shock, Harry was stunned for a moment before he leaned

to look around Hermione and saw the boy was watching him. Softly, he

said, "Please speak with me for a few moments immediately after the end

of this class, Lord Finch-Fletchley."

Finch-Fletchley gave a nod back and replied, "That is agreeable Lord

Potter." And sat back again.

Hermione stared at Finch-Fletchley in her own shock for a moment

before she turned to look at Harry in confusion.

Harry gave her a quick head shake and softly said, "After class."

As Hermione gave a nod back, he immediately sat back and turned to

look at the three behind. He could see they were just as surprised and

just as curious as he.

When he turned back to look at the Professor, the man was looking at

him a little curiously of his own, but didn't say a word. He didn't even

move, other to turn his head to look back towards the door and

occasionally glance down at the wristwatch he was wearing and was

visible peeking out from under the cuff of the left sleeve of his robe.




Harry thought the class was brilliant. By her reaction as they were

packing their things up, so did Hermione. He'd been so involved in what

the man was teaching he didn't even realise the time was getting-on, until

the sound of the ringing of the bell signalling the end of the class period

was heard.

Packing up and knowing Finch-Fletchley wanted a quick word, he

indicated Hermione to stay seated. She did. So did Finch-Fletchley.

Once those nearest them headed for the doors, Harry looked to Finch-

Fletchley and quietly said, "I owe you two apologies, Lord Finch-


"And I owe you a major one, Lord Potter," he replied. "But, please, me


Harry gave him a nod.

With a similar nod, Finch-Fletchley said, "I am completely aware I treated

you appallingly on the evening of Flophart's one and only duelling class,

Lord Potter. I reacted instead of thinking of what had occurred. In

hindsight, it is easy to recognise you had called that blasted snake back

from me. My instant near-terror blinded me to that.

"I apologise unreservedly for the slight against you."

"Thank you, Lord Finch-Fletchley. I accept your apology without

quibble," replied Harry. "For myself, I apologise for the very public slur I

directed towards you regarding your... intellect... on the day of the first

task of the Tri-Wizard Tournament. It was behaviour most unseemly on

my part. Irrespective of your prior behaviour I should not have done that.

"Secondly, I was operating under the false impression you were not titled.

While there are some within the wizarding world who will refuse to

recognise you hold such title, I am not of that mind. I shall be

immediately endeavouring to discuss with other members of the Potter-

Longbottom Alliance how the Alliance may aid you. And I shall, from this

moment forth, pay you the respect for which you are entitled.

"I apologise unreservedly for both slights against you."

Finch-Fletchley smiled back and replied, "Thank you, Lord Potter. I

unreservedly accept."

Each smiled back at the other.

Harry gave a nod and then indicated Hermione. "I also introduce to you

the Lady Presumptive of my House, Lady Presumptive Hermione Jean

Granger, magical ward of the Lord of the Noble and Most Ancient House

of Black, Lord Sirius Orion Black the Third; and betrothed of, myself, the

Lord of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Potter."

Reflexively, Hermione held her right hand out and Finch-Fletchley raised

it to his lips and lightly kissed her on the back of her knuckles while

smirking back. "Charmed, my Lady."

"As am I, Lord Finch-Fletchley," she softly replied with a light blush.

"Uh-hmm!" came the throat clear from the front of the class. Professor

Biffingwater was sitting at the desk and smirking at the three of them.

"Don't you three think you should be heading for the Great Hall?"

Harry smiled back and began to rise, "Thank you for the reminder,


As the three headed out the door, Biffingwater sat back and pondered on

what he'd just seen and heard. He'd been warned about the hereditary

title issues in magical Britain. But, seeing it in action for the first time,

demonstrated for him he had much to learn of the system. Born and

raised in MaCUSA, he'd not had to deal with it in the past.

He thought, 'I shall approach the Headmistress, Lady Marchbanks, about

it at lunch and see if she has any books on it she could recommend.'

He had no idea she'd authored many of them.




As the three stepped out the door, with Harry pulling it shut behind

them, it was to find Neville, Susan and Hannah waiting for them. Finch-

Fletchley gave an almost self-deprecating bow to the three of them before

he said, "Ladies, Longbottom." And turned and walked off.

Once he was more than far enough away to be considered well out of

earshot, Neville turned to Harry and asked, "What was that all about?"

"It seems I underestimated him," he replied. "Finch-Fletchley holds the

title of Viscount in the muggle world. That means, Finch-Fletchley is

rightfully titled, in his own right, as Lord Finch-Fletchley. His father or

grandfather is also probably titled either an Earl or Marquess at least."

"Merlin!" breathed Susan.

"Yup," said Harry. "Finch-Fletchley is a member of the British peerage."

Hannah offered, "We didn't know that."

It was easy to tell she meant her and Susan.

Hermione said, "He might not have been comfortable telling anyone. Or,

it could have been a security decision, on his part, for no one here to


Harry thought about it and said, "We, five, know of it now. Unless Finch-

Fletchley makes a big deal of it after this, we keep quiet about it; except

for informing Daphne and Tracey and the Alliance, as a whole.

"As for what he wanted to talk to me about, he wanted to apologise for

his behaviour towards me. I had the impression he wasn't 'asked' to,

either. I accepted and also apologised to him for my public behaviour

towards him, which he accepted."

"We should discuss this further after classes," suggested Hannah. "We

need to get to morning tea."




As the five walked together into the Great Hall they separated with Susan

and Hannah heading for their table as they headed for their own. Harry

immediately began to build himself a decent-sized meal, as the effects of

the appetite enhancing potion was still having some effect on his body.

However, yet again, they were interrupted. Johnson tried, yet again, to

convince Harry to rejoin the Quidditch team.

Finally, he'd had enough with her. Standing up and staring at her, he

firmly asked, "Miss Johnson, do you believe me to be a liar?"

Surprised, she replied, "Err... no?"

When he cocked his eyebrow that showed he thought, 'Really?', she

corrected herself, "I-I mean; no, Lord Potter."

"Then, pray tell, why are you continuing to approach me to practically

demand I rejoin the Lions?" he asked right back. "I told you, I will not.

That you continue to try to get me to do otherwise tells me you do think

I'm a liar."

She blushed and mumbled, "Sorry." And retreated again.

Dropping back into his seat with a sigh, he mumbled, "Daft morons."

As Neville snickered in amusement, a major departure from the 'Neville'

of old, Hermione softly said to him, "I'm starting to see what you mean

about always being under pressure from everyone else to be who they

want you to be and someone you're really not."

Harry, with his mouth full, just nodded back. He was still showing an

expression of annoyed frustration, though.

When it appeared Neville had eaten his fill, Harry asked him, "Now that

you've eaten, can you do what you tried to start this morning and catch

us up?

"Of course," said Neville, wiping the edges of his mouth with a napkin.

"As you suspected would happen, I've been approached by over a dozen

people, all demanding to know where you are... were. As you suggested, I

gave the same answer, each and every time..."

They didn't have long, so Neville only gave a quick overview of what had

happened over the past day and a half. He left a lot out and didn't even

mention about the Betrothal Agreement or Concubine Bond Agreements

that were currently being negotiated.

He'd save those for when they had a chance to be private. Otherwise,

there was too much of a risk of being overheard.

As they needed to walk quite the distance from the Great Hall to the

greenhouses, they had to leave morning tea a couple of minutes early.

And Harry was unsurprised to see, almost as soon as they rose and began

to make their way out, they were again joined by Susan and Hannah.




With Professor Sprout still being the Professor of Herbology, the five

were not concerned about what they would expect of the class.

As they'd walked to the greenhouses, Neville asked if he could share a

bench with Susan and Hannah and told the other two he would explain


"Sure, Neville," said Hermione.

"No problem," added Harry.

He never saw the knowing smiles the two other teens gave each other.

Knowing they'd rather choose their 'bench' partners, Harry and Hermione

hung back until some of the benches started to fill up. Then Hermione

indicated one with two Hufflepuff girls sitting at it and turned a hopeful

expression on him.

"Works for me," he shrugged.

Walking over, both sat opposite the two girls in yellow trim.

"Hi!" Hermione brightly greeted them.

Both, though surprised 'Lord Potter and his betrothed' chose to sit

opposite, softly returned, "Hello."

"I'm Harry," said Harry, offering his hand in a handshake to each.

Followed by Hermione immediately doing the same.

"Megan," said one, with the other answering, "Lilith."

"I don't believe we've ever shared a workspace before," Harry smiled to

them. "So, it's nice to meet you both."

Both girls tentatively smiled back as Megan said, "Same here."

As they pulled their Herbology texts and stationery out of their bookbags,

Harry glanced over to Neville and the girls. He saw that Finch-Fletchley

had chosen to sit with them.

'Smart boy,' he thought. 'He obviously knows all three are part of the

Alliance and is making use of the opportunity to mix with them.'




More than two hours after Dumbledore suffered his heart attack while

being interrogated under Veritaserum, the old man was beginning to


The first sign of that was his beginning to move in his bed.

The auror stationed to watch him immediately sent a Patronus message

to 'The Boss', Madam Amelia Bones.

As Dumbledore more and more came around Bones, flanked by Moody

and Robards, entered the ward from the secure entry.

Less than five minutes after he showed signs of waking, Dumbledore's

eyes snapped open and he gave a gasp of shock; before then trying to

rise. He couldn't, due to the restraints which held him to the bed.

A medi-witch immediately hustled in from her secured medi-witches'

station and approached the bed. "Do not try to move, Mister Dumbledore.

You are secured to a bed in the DMLE-secured wing of Saint Mungo's."

As the old man appeared confused for a few moments he eventually

croaked, "Wa-ter?"

"Just a moment," she replied, turning to the bedside table and pouring

him a mug of water into a thick ceramic tankard. Turning back she

dropped a straw into it and held it for him as he took a few long sips.

A few seconds later, she pulled it away and said, "Not too much. Too

much, too quick, and you'll just vomit it all up again."

Putting the tankard back on the bedside table, she quickly cast a few

diagnostic charms over him before a look of satisfaction passed over her

face. The old man was now clearly watching her. And had also already

seen that Bones and three of her aurors were also in the room with them,

watching him.

His expression showed he was annoyed with that.

Once the medi-witch was satisfied, she pulled away and said to Bones,

"He's all yours. However, you're to spend no more than five minutes

talking with him. After that, I order he be allowed to rest again."

Bones gave a single nod back and said, "Noted. Thank you." And the

medi-witch returned to her office.

Looking to the young auror who had been tasked with watching him, she

ordered, "Go join the medi-witch in her office until I call you back out


"Yes, Ma'am," replied the auror, standing and walking out.

Once the auror followed the medi-witch out through the door, pulling it

shut behind him, Bones turned her attention back to the old man.

"Amelia―" he began, before she even had a chance.

"Prisoner Dumbledore," she returned.

Seeing the man give a slight wince, she continued, "You gave us quite a

scare, there, Dumbledore. I've never before seen someone struggle so

hard under Veritaserum they give themselves a heart attack. Consider me


"Thank you for your care," he sarcastically said.

"Oh, I don't care if you die while under Veritaserum, Mister Dumbledore,"

she returned. "I just care that you die before I get the answers to my


Again, Dumbledore gave a small wince. "There is no need to be cruel,

Am― Madam Bones. You need to learn to forgive."

"You have no right to ask for forgiveness unless you first come clean with

your sins," she shot back. "Since you will not willingly come clean, you

have not earned forgiveness. As such, no forgiveness will be given."

Dumbledore, with his eyes closed again, frowned.

"When you are well enough we will continue, Dumbledore," she

continued. "While you are recovering from your cardiac arrest, I have

Potions Masters developing versions of Veritaserum custom-designed

with you in mind.

"Rest up. Get better. Then we start again."

Without waiting for a response she headed for the secure medi-witches'

station to alert them she and her two Master Aurors were leaving again.

And for the young auror to return to his post to watch him.

Once they'd gone, Dumbledore sighed.

He knew he had a heart condition. Pomfrey had told him about it and

that he needed to take better care of himself - before he obliviated her of

the knowledge. But, he did not know just how painful a heart attack was

like until he'd experienced it for himself.

Still, he had hoped it would lead to the Bones woman abandoning her

using Veritaserum on him. He had hoped she would 'try' to force him to

give an oath, instead. As no one knew his real name and he knew how to

give the flash of light that signalled an oath being given and accepted, he

had hoped to trick her into it.

That she was having a custom made version of Veritaserum designed

with him in mind, was not something he had considered.

As a Master Alchemist, he should have. He'd then even begun to think of

how to go about it.




After a relaxing class, where both teens were able to get the two

'Puffettes to open up and tell them a bit about themselves when Sprout

wasn't closely monitoring them, they met back up with the other three

and headed back to the castle. This time, though, Finch-Fletchley joined

them in their walk.

As soon as they were clear of the greenhouse and sufficiently apart from

other students they could quietly talk without being overheard, Neville

said, "Harry, when in public, please don't refer to Lord Finch-Fletchley's

title. As you suspected, he's trying to keep it quiet."

Harry turned to the other boy and said, "As you wish, Mister Finch-


The boy gave a relieved smile back and said, "Justin, please."

"Justin, it is," said Harry. "And you may call me Harry."

Hermione immediately piped up and simply said, "Hermione."

"Thank you," said the other boy. "Thank you, both."




After entering the Great Hall and splitting into two groups of three,

Harry, Hermione and Neville went to their now usual seats on the

benches up near the head end of the table and set to work making their


However, Harry had only just managed to load his plate with what he

wanted when, yet again, Angelina Johnson approached.

"Lord Potter," she tried.

"Go... away," he said, before then choosing to ignore her.

"No, I can't do that," she said. "I really must impress upon you―"

Slamming his cutlery onto the table each side of his plate Harry jumped

to his feet, glared at her and snarled, "If you so much as even hint at what

you want to talk to me about is relating to the Gryffindor Quidditch team

I will hex you into next week!"

Johnson, for all her dark skin, blanched; or at least her dark skin paled


"Each time I have tried to eat my meal in peace, or hold a conversation

with my peer, Heir Longbottom, you have chosen that time to interrupt

it," he continued to snarl. "Are you under some sort of compulsion charm,

or something, to utterly piss me off?"

"N-no," she practically squeaked

Harry peripherally heard someone hurrying up from the head table and

was about to speak again when the voice, Professor Babbling, firmly said,

"Miss Johnson!"

When both turned to her, she, still glaring for herself at Johnson, firmly

said, "Return to your seat, at once. That's twenty points against Gryffindor

for your nagging and you've earned yourself a week's detention with

Professor Burbage in the detention classroom. Now, leave... Lord Potter...


Johnson stood staring at her in shock for a long moment before she burst

into tears, spun about and ran from the room.

Harry saw both Spinnet and Bell jump up and run after her. From the

look Spinnet flicked his way, shame, it appeared the two had been

pressuring the girl to keep approaching him.

Before Harry got a chance to sit again, Babbage said to him, "And five

points from Gryffindor for raising your voice in the Great Hall, Lord


Harry just stared back with a firm and closed expression for a moment,

before he gave a firm, single nod and sat again.

He managed to eat his meal, that time, without it being further

interrupted. However, when he'd finished and noticed Hermione had

also, he asked her, "Mind taking a walk with me down near the lake?"

"Not at all," she immediately replied.

As both wiped their mouths and rose, Harry quietly said to Neville,

"Hermione and I are going for a walk so I can burn off some of my


"Sounds like a good idea," said the other boy. "The rest of us will be

waiting for you in the entrance hall for when you get back. I have

something important to tell you both and really cannot wait too long."

From where he was sitting down with Thomas and Finnegan and

watching Harry practically storm past with Hermione in tow back to the

main doors, Ron Weasley gave a disappointed sigh and thought, 'Why

can't people leave him alone to calm down, so I can see him to apologise?

'If I don't get it done, soon, I'm going to spending half the summer at Aunt

Muriel's again.'




Though still quite cold out, Harry and Hermione took their walk down to

the lake and the now somewhat decimated large rock on its shore.

Indicating it, Hermione said, "Remember when you lost your temper less

than two months ago and did that?"

"Yeah," he sighed. "I'm surprised someone didn't repair it once we

returned inside."

She smiled and said, "The aurors said to leave it as a reminder not to

annoy Lord Potter."

He gave an amused grunt and wryly returned, "It seems that lesson has

already been forgotten."

She offered, "I think Johnson was getting pushed into it by Spinnet and


"That was my thought, too," he replied.

As they continued to walk for a while more, by then down near the

Whomping Willow, Hermione said, "I think you may need to back off on


He nodded and replied, "I do. However, as I said, she was 'pushing' me

too hard. I have made my decision and I do not like people trying to

force me to change it.

"If anyone wants to discuss something with me... when I'm not otherwise

busy... then I will discuss the reasons for my decision. However, Angie

was being damned rude coming over each time I was eating to interrupt

my meal. That is considered a great insult in this world, Hermione. It

basically states, 'What I have to talk to you about is more important than

your need to eat'.

"What she should have done, in all three situations, is written a note and

passed it to me. That's precisely what Finch-Fletchley did and he's a

muggleborn. Angie's not."

Hermione nodded. "Thank you for explaining that, Harry."

Harry smiled back and drew her in for a proper kiss.

When they finally drew apart again, both blushing, he said, "We need to

go back to the castle. Neville told me the others will be waiting for us in

the entrance hall.

She nodded.




Walking in through the main doors, they immediately spotted the other

five waiting for them. Harry hadn't had a chance to see Daphne and

Tracey since their return, except by seeing them and giving them a small

wave each at each of the three breaks.

Neville gestured for them to follow him and he led them all into the

antechamber. As soon as all seven of them were within, Harry threw a

Colloportus on the door and added a privacy charm for good measure.

Once done he gave a sigh of relief and turned to the others.

"Just think," said Neville, "It's only the first day, not even halfway done


Harry gave him a wry look and sarcastically returned, "Thanks."

It only had the other boy grin even wider.

As Harry gave a snort of amusement, Hermione was busy catching up

with the other girls.

Neville gave a firm nod and braced himself up a bit. "Before we get too

carried away," he said, looking to Harry and Hermione. "Harry...

Hermione... Alliance Secret."

That had both teens look back.

The other boy gave a small smirk, cast a glance towards the two 'Puffs

and said, "My father is currently in negotiations with Mister Abbott about

a Betrothal Agreement between Hannah and me; and also in negotiations

with Madam Bones about a Concubine Bond Agreement between Susan

and me."

Both already knew, of course, but both feigned surprise so the boy did

not know Marchbanks had already told them. It would lead to questions

they couldn't yet answer.

As Hermione let out a very girlish squee sound and practically threw

herself into a hug with both girls, Harry grinned at Neville as he walked

over and said, "Congratulations, my brother." And shook the boy's hand

as he placed his other hand on the other boy's shoulder.

"Thanks," blushed Neville.

"I hope you know and understand how lucky you are."

Neville almost shyly nodded back.

Releasing the other boy's hand he then walked over to the two girls.

Hermione had already backed off a little, so he just stepped past and

dragged both girls in for his own hug. "Congratulations, you two."

"Thank you," both replied with a blush.

Directing her question to Hermione, Daphne said, "I thought muggles

were against concubinage."

Hermione smiled back and said, "Not just against it, it's illegal. But, as

Harry explained to me while he was staying at my place, this isn't the

muggle world, is it? I have to treat it like a foreign country that has

significantly different laws, but where everyone speaks with a British


Daphne was immediately relieved. What she needed to do might not be

immediately discounted, after all.

Once the congratulations were out of the way, she called, "Lord Potter,

Lady Presumptive Hermione, I have a matter of what my father considers

of great importance for me to speak with you about."

"Oh-kay," said Harry. "Would you like us three to go somewhere to

discuss it?"

She shook her head and replied, "No; but, thank you. I do not mind our

peers from within the alliance being aware of this."

"Very well," said Harry. "How may I assist the Noble and Ancient House

of Greengrass?"

She hesitated a moment before she seemed to reach an internal decision

and said, "I would like and ask of you to consider the idea of you, Harry,

and my Lord negotiating a Concubine Bond Agreement between you and


Hermione gave a little gasp.

He looked to her and she seemed almost in awe of the situation. He'd

guessed right, again. And she was surprised, this time. She shouldn't have

been, considering the warning they'd received from Marchbanks.

Harry turned back to Daphne, who appeared quite worried, and said,

"Hermione and I are in the Lords' Quarters. It's private and will afford us

a place we can talk, without interruption. Do you know where it is?"

"No, I'm sorry," she replied.

"No need to be. It's on the fifth floor, directly above the Transfiguration

corridor. Actually, it's almost directly above the Transfiguration

classroom. In that corridor there is only one ornate door. It's also about as

wide as one of the doors into the Great Hall, but normal height. When

you walk down that corridor you'll easily find it.

"Hermione and I have a class for next period, but not one for the last

period. We have Astronomy with the Hufflepuffs late tonight.

"Do you have a class for sixth period?"

"Yes, actually," she replied. "Transfiguration."

He gave a nod back and said, "We have Potions together next; but, once

you finish Transfiguration, how about you come up and talk with us? If

you have trouble finding it, I'll have arranged for my personal elf, Dobby,

to come if you call him. He can then show you the way."

"Thank you," she said, with a relieved sound.

"Actually..." he said, looking around, "How about you all come up and see

it for yourselves, after classes?" Turning back to Daphne he said, "That is,

of course, if it's alright with you?"

She gave a pleased nod back.

Checking her watch, Hermione said, "We need to go. Some of us need to

get all the way up to the fifth floor to collect our books and potions

equipment for this next class."

Checking his own watch, Harry realised she wasn't exaggerating. "Damn;

she's right."

As soon as he removed the privacy charm and the Colloportus on the

door he opened it for the others.

As Daphne was about to pass, he softly said to her, "Don't worry too

much about the decision. Hermione won't be as against this as you may


She paused for a moment to look at him before she almost visibly sagged

in relief. She gave a tiny little nod and kept going.

Instead of going all the way up to the fifth floor, as soon as they reached

the first floor, Harry grabbed Hermione and dragged her into one of the

abandoned classrooms there.

"Harry!" she quietly squealed, almost pleading. "We'll be late!"

"No, we won't," he firmly replied.

With the door almost closed completely he firmly called, "Dobby!"

The little elf appeared only a moment later.

Offering him his satchel, he said, could you replace what's not needed of

the contents for what we need for Potions?"

"Of course, Master Harry," replied the elf. A quick finger snap and both

he and their satchels disappeared.

"Oh, Harry," sighed Hermione.

A moment later Dobby was back and holding out both satchels.

Taking both, Harry said, "Thanks, buddy!"

As Dobby popped away again he then handed his over to Hermione with

a smirk. "We won't be late, now."

The look he got in return was the one she now reserved for him when she

was feeling as if he just 'rightfully' made her feel stupid.




Walking into the Potions corridor the two could see there were already

quite a few people there. And that Susan and Hannah weren't two of

them. However, Neville was one of them.

As they approached Neville pulled away from the 'pack' and approached

them. With a grin he quietly asked, "House elf?"

Surprised the boy had also figured it out, Harry chuckled and replied, "Of


"Did you call yours to switch out contents, too?" asked Hermione.

"No," he replied. "I have wizarding space in mine. I was already carrying

everything I needed when we met in the antechamber."




Another class with a new Professor teaching, Potions was significantly

different than it was taught by Snape. The windows had been enlarged

and allowed in more light. There was some sort of fume extraction ward

in operation, as the air remained crystal clear and clean all the time. And

everything appeared scrubbed clean.

Unsurprising to Harry, but clearly surprising to everyone else, they did

not brew a potion that day. Instead, they were given a period length

lecture, complete with copious notes, on the importance of safety in the

potions lab.

The new Professor, Potions Mistress Doris Grimfield, was an Australian.

Her accent was quite different and took them all a little while to get used

to it. But, once they did, she was easily understandable. It was good that

she did not have the 'Aussie' habit of speaking overly quickly or 'crushing'

syllables together into one.

While they'd been waiting outside the lab for the Professor to come and

open the door, Ron Weasley had tentatively approached them.

Harry was immediately wary, but relaxed when he realised the redhead

was actually both a little scared and uncomfortable.

"Lord Potter," he began.

"Yes?" asked Harry.

"I've... I need to know when you have time to hear me out," he stuttered.

Harry thought about it for a few moments before he said, "Tomorrow

afternoon after classes. I'll come up to the Gryffindor common room and

we can meet up then. Is that suitable?"

"Not... this afternoon?" the boy asked.

Harry firmly shook his head and replied, "Sorry; no. I have a prior

engagement until dinner. And, as you know, we have Astronomy late

tonight and we need to rest up for it."

The boy gave a sad nod and went to walk away when Harry called after

him. "Mister Weasley."

When Ron turned back, curious, Harry said, "After Potions, if you're

willing to accept advice, you should immediately go to the Infirmary and

have Healer Robinson check you over for mind-altering potions. During

the break, as I'd written to the twins about, Hermione was discovered to

be under one such."

Ron looked a little surprised but, after a small hesitation, gave a nod.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome," said Harry.

When it didn't look like Harry wanted to say anything further to him,

Ron turned away and returned to where he had been talking with

Thomas and Finnegan.




After the class completed, Harry and Hermione were quickly packed and

left the room. However, Harry held Hermione back, just outside the door.

When the two Slytherin girls came out, he indicated for them to join him

and Hermione out of the way of traffic.

When they did, clearly curious, he smiled and said, "Hermione and I are

going back to our quarters now. I look forward to seeing you both in a

little over an hour."

"Me too," said Hermione.

Both nodded and Tracey replied, "Thank you, Lord Potter, Miss Granger."

"Ah?!" said Harry. "No one's listening. It's Harry and Hermione for you

two, remember?"

Both nodded and smiled back.

Harry just gave a firm nod and indicated they should head off.

As soon as they did Neville said, "She's worried."

"Understandable," said Harry. "As you know, it's a very, very big thing

we're going to be talking about."

"Are you sure you want the rest of us there?" asked the boy, concerned.

Harry smiled back and replied, "This is not the negotiating phase, Nev.

This is just her finding out how open both Hermione and I are to the


Neville hesitated for a moment before he asked, "Do you mind if your

god-brother and fellow Alliance named partner Heir knows what your

thoughts are on this?"

Harry directly smiled at him and said, "Nice, Nev." Looking back at the

retreating backs of the girls, he said, "I have been anticipating an

approach by Lord Greengrass for quite some time. I'm somewhat aware of

the difficulties he is experiencing with pressure from the... traditional...

Houses. As such, there is not much I will not do to aid an allianced

House. A Concubine Bond Agreement is well within my ability to effect.

"Does that somewhat answer you query?"

Neville smiled and replied, "It does."




On returning to their apartment, Harry suggested they both change into

wizarding casual.

"Why?" asked Hermione. "I've not seen anyone do that before. And, aren't

we expected to be wearing uniform to dinner?"

"Nope," he replied. "The only time we're required to attend dinner

wearing uniform is when it's a feast. And, I suggest the change of clothes

as we'll be discussing Alliance and House matters, this afternoon; not

dealing with school matters."

"Oh," she replied. "Well, alright then." And went off to get changed.

After smiling at her back for a moment, Harry put deed to word and went

and got changed, himself.

When they both met up in the common room again - 'Living room,' he

thought. 'It's not a dorm.' - Hermione curled up on one of the sofas and

said, "I think we need to discuss this, Harry."

Harry was happy to do so, and was sitting alongside her a moment later.

When it looked like the girl did not know where to begin, Harry started.

"You're worried what your parents might say if I go ahead with this,

aren't you."

Surprised, she looked to him and nodded.

"I did tell you your father and I had already discussed this and he

supported it," he said. "He might have been a little reluctant, but he

knows I'd do it to protect the... bonded. He now trusts me not to do the

wrong thing."

Calmer, she replied, "Yes; I had forgotten. Or, I'd just been so shocked to

hear that, I thought I might have dreamed it."

"Nope," he replied.

"And what did you mean by 'the wrong thing'?" she asked.

Seeing her sly smirk, however, meant he knew she knew what he meant.

It didn't stop him from blushing though, which made her smirk widen

into a grin.

"You know very well, Miss Granger," he mock sniffed.

She just snickered back.

Wanting to get serious again, he gave it a few seconds before he

refortified himself and looked at her. His expression had her stop her

snickers and also look serious.

"Now for the serious question, Hermione," he said. "Are you going to be

alright with this?"

She sighed and thought a moment before she replied, "So long as all we're

talking about is doing this for her personal protection... and for the

House of Greengrass... and so long as what we're talking about is just the

Agreement so she'll have that protection... I'll be, as you put it, alright

with this."

He nodded and said, "You don't want it to be so that I'll have to have sex

with her."

She blushed and replied, "Yes."

Firmly he said, "I assure you, Hermione, no matter what Lord

Greengrass's, or Daphne's, intent is for such an Agreement... I'll be

making damned sure the same escape clauses as in our Betrothal

Agreement will be included in this one."

With a sigh of relief, she said, "Thank you."

Then fearing she'd said something wrong she was quick to add, "That

doesn't mean I don't want you to have a concubine, Harry. It's just that...

I'm still not completely comfortable with the idea; alright?"

"Completely understandable," he said. "Neither am I, truth be told."




After they decided they'd discussed it enough between them until they'd

heard what Daphne had to say, they turned their attention to their


"Harry?" she asked.


"Could you ask the Potter elves to make a start on bringing some of the

books from Pottermore to here for us?" she carefully begged.

Surprised, he replied, "Of course. Dobby!"

When the little elf popped in, Harry carefully gave it instructions as to

which books in general he wanted brought to the office in the apartment

from Pottermore: Astronomy, Charms, DADA, Herbology, History of

Magic, Potions, Transfiguration, Care of Magical Creatures, Ancient

Runes and Arithmancy.

Dobby said he'd get right on it and let him know when it was done and

popped away again.

Ten minutes later he was back and said the bookshelves in the office

were now full.

Hermione almost jumped to her feet and ran into the room. A moment

later, Harry heard her shout of joy and snorted in amusement.

By the time they heard the final class bell, both teens were well into

completing their homework assignments for the day and Dobby had

prepared wholesome snacks.

"Master Harry be entertaining guests," said Dobby. "Dobby be preparing


"I was going to do that, Dobs," he sighed.

When Dobby crossed his arms and glared back, he groaned in annoyance

while Hermione laughed. "Fiiiiine!"

After the bell went, both knew they had time to pack up what they were

working on into a tidy pair of piles.

Looking about as he rose, Harry gave a nod of satisfaction at the

presentation of the room.

Looking to Hermione, he said, "Back in a couple of minutes."

She smiled and said, "I'll go and alert Dobby to the imminent arrival of

our guests.




Harry only had to stand outside the door that separated the Lords'

Quarters from the castle proper for about two minutes before he saw

both Slytherin girls approach. As soon as they saw him they were


As they calmly approached, Harry called, "Dobby."

When the elf popped in, he said, "Are you able to open the door to my

and Hermione's apartment?"

"Yes, Master Harry," replied Dobby.

"Good," he breathed in relief. "Would you mind, then, escorting these two

ladies in?"

"Dobby can do," replied the elf.

Once the two reached him, while also giving Dobby curious glances,

Harry said, "Ladies, I have to wait for our other three guests. And expect

them to be about twenty minutes, at least. Would you like to wait with

me, or would you allow Dobby to escort you in?"

After a quick glance at one another between them, Daphne looked back

and said, "We'll go in."

"As you wish," he nodded. And gave Dobby a gesture to go.

"Miss-tresses?" said Dobby, "Please follow Dobby."

He trotted over to the main door, elf finger-snapped it open on his

approach and walked in. Both girls followed.

Harry didn't know whether Neville would come on his own, or drop

down to the Badgers' Cete and escort the two 'Puff ladies up. He'd be

disappointed with him if the boy didn't choose the latter.

"Lord Potter?" called an auror, who had just dropped a Notice-me-Not

and now had the watch.

Harry turned to look. "Yes, auror?" he asked.

"How many more guests are you expecting?" asked the auror.

"Three," he replied. "Heir Longbottom, Heiress Bones and Miss Abbott. I

expect Heir Longbottom will be escorting the other two when he comes.

I'll be disappointed if he is not."

The auror gave a nod and said, "I'm capable of casting a messenger

Patronus. If you'd prefer to wait inside, when they arrive I'll send one to

you to let you know to come out to get them."

Surprised at the offer, Harry said, "Thank you; that's very kind of you. I


With a smile back, the auror nodded towards the door. "You'd best see to

your guests who've already arrived, then."




After a last look down the corridor, Harry re-entered the hallway before

going to the door of the apartment and entering. As he stepped in, he

noticed Hermione was taking the girls on a short 'tour' of the apartment.

Coming out of the kitchen, she was surprised to see him. "Where are the


He smiled and replied, "The on-duty auror outside will send me a

messenger Patronus when they get here, so I can go back outside and

bring them in."

Hermione gave a snort of amusement and said, "Clever. It sounds like this

one is not a daft moron."

Harry grinned back and, as he walked over to the 'sofa' area, looked to

the girls and gestured to the seats. "Please be welcome to be seated."

As he expected, Daphne and Tracey sat together on one double sofa,

leaving the identical one facing it to Harry and Hermione.

As soon as they sat, Dobby popped in with a tea set complete with

crockery, teaspoons and a tray of little biscuits. For now, everyone

ignored it.

Looking to Daphne and noticing how nervous she was, Harry asked,

"Now, Daphne―"

When she looked back with a measure of intensity, he said, "Before we

begin to talk about a Concubine Bond Agreement, I need you to answer a

couple of questions for me."

She nodded. "I shall endeavour to answer them to the best of my ability,

Lord Potter."

He smiled at her formality.

"Firstly, I need to know, is this something you want? Not your father...

not your House... you."

Clearly a little surprised, she hesitated a long moment before she replied,

"Not... really. However, if I do not do this, there will soon come a time

my father will... have no choice, but to accept an offer from another."

Harry nodded and said, "I thought so. And, thank you for being honest."

He thought what to do next before he said, "So, you are willing to enter,

or be entered, into such an arrangement because it offers you protection?"

"Yes," she firmly replied. "Plus, it protects my family."

"What about your sister?" he asked, curious.

"Other arrangements are being made for her."

"Fair enough," he nodded. "How far are you willing to go with such an

arrangement? I mean, what if the agreement becomes a contract? It

would mean you and I―" And gestured.

She blushed and replied, "I'm aware."

"It would mean you would be stuck with me," he said.

She looked at him in surprise for a moment before she gave a small snort

of amusement. "I do not think that would be a hardship... Harry."

Tracey gave her own snort of amusement. And he was surprised

Hermione made a similar non-verbal exclamation.

That had actually surprised Harry. When he looked to Hermione in what

must have been confusion, she said, "Harry, you're no longer that

scrawny, under-fed boy. You're now quite attractive."

That had him blush and look down for a long few moments.

Getting his blush under control he looked back up and between the three.

He could see the truth of that remark in their faces.

"Hmm," he muttered.

Looking back to Daphne he said, "Here's my thoughts. Hermione says I

have a 'saving people thing'. I cannot disagree. When I see someone in

trouble I have the strong urge to help. And, I have a tendency not to

ignore that urge.

"I'm aware of the difficulties your father is currently under regarding

having only two daughters for heirs. And the pressure he would be under

from those who see that situation as an opportunity to get their hands on

the Greengrass estates.

"Because of that, I have already discussed with Hermione and her parents

what I saw as the likelihood of your father approaching me, as an allied

House, with the intent to request a Concubine Bond Agreement.

"At first, as you would likely expect, they were against it; as, I'm sure

you'd also understand, was Hermione.

"However, once I discussed my views on the matter and why I would

consider it, they found themselves in agreement. So, you have no need to

fear Hermione and her family would be completely against this right

from the start."

That had Daphne look to Hermione with gratitude. And that look was

what satisfied him that she wanted this; and wasn't being pressured into

it by her father.

"I won't go into the specific details for obvious reasons, but Hermione and

my Betrothal Agreement has escape clauses that make it so either of us

only need to say a certain phrase for the agreement to be voided in it's

entirety, without penalty. Of course, it also has conditions that, if they're

met, those escape clauses become void and the agreement becomes the

contract. I do not think you lack the wherewithal to figure out what sort

of conditions I'm talking about.

"If it is still your desire for your father and my legal representative to

negotiate a Concubine Bond Agreement, it is a non-negotiable condition

that similar escape clauses of the same ease will be included for both of

us. If your father cannot accept such, there is no point the two even

meeting. If, however, he can, then I believe I can enter such an


It was a long few seconds before Daphne, who was looking at Harry in

wide-eyed hope, suddenly seemed to collapse into herself, dropped her

head almost onto her knees and broke down into deep heart-wrenching


Surprised at her reaction, Harry didn't know what to do. When Tracey

slid over closer to her friend and wrapped her arms around her, Harry

turned to look at Hermione in no small level of confusion.

"It's alright, Harry," she whispered. "Go wait outside for a while. Us girls

are going to talk." Then she rose, went across and sat on the sofa on the

other side of Daphne from Tracey, before moving in close.

When Harry hadn't moved, truly unsure of what to do, Hermione looked

at him, glanced to the main door and flicked her chin at it before turning

to help comfort Daphne.

He quietly rose and walked out. He decided he'd go and wait for Neville

and the other two girls, after all. He had no idea how to otherwise help

the girl, but it seemed Tracey and Hermione did. He left them to it.




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