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Готовый перевод One Piece The Ship of Lust / Корабель хтивості: Возвращение Древнего Дома Блэков

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Адреса змісту:https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13013960/1/The-Return-




Гарри Поттер

Возвращение Древнего Дома Блэков



Кассиопея Блэк взяла и вырастила Гарри Поттера, чтобы он стал

настоящим членом Дома Блэков. Когда 13 лет спустя он приезжает в

Хогвартс на Турнир трёх волшебников, всё меняется и начинается

битва за волшебный мир Британии. Присоединится ли он к свету?

Или его соблазнит тьма? Много ООС. Все еще набирает силу, но



Художественная литература M

– Английский – Гарри П., Сириус Б., OC, Кассиопея Б. – Главы: 31 –

Слова: 202 017 – Отзывы:


– Избранное: 3168 – Подписки: 3877 – Обновлено:

30.03.2021, 20:13:44

– id: 13013960

26.07.2018, 06:28:09

– Опубликовано:

1. Part I: Prologue

AN: I of course, own none of this and it all belongs to JK Rowling.

As in the summary this story is inspired by many others. No doubt

there will be moments where you say, hang on I've seen something

similiar. Well I think we've all said that for like, almost every story

right? Pretty sure you'll see a lot of what inspired me in this story

and if you go to my favorites you'll find it all. I in no way intend to

copy or steal from anyone. Again I only am inspired and finally put

thought to keyboard on the story that's been going on in my head. I

hope someone at least enjoys this with me and if not well, whatever

floats your boat y'all.


It was a cold and dark night as the Dark Lord walked down the crowded

street. The children paid no mind to the man dressed in all black with his

hood drawn over his pale face, it was Halloween after all. Tall clouds hid

the moonlight, or else the children's laughter would have turned to

screams at the sight of his blood red eyes. Moments passed, and he finally

reached his destination: a small cottage hidden from the village by the

most powerful of charms, but not from him. Even to this very moment

the irony of the situation threatened to evoke laughter, one that might

have stopped all the commotion on All Hallow's Eve. Through the

window he could see the old man and woman, a child in each of their

arms. The Potters had eluded him for many years and their son and that

mudblood wife of his had thrice defied him already. It was a trend that

tended to anger him more and more as their names passed through his

closely guarded mind. His only regret was that the son and mudblood

would not die tonight, but they would meet their end soon enough.

He was at the door in seconds and blasted it off its hinges. Old as he was,

the patriarch of the Potter family wasted no time in defending his family.

The woman had taken the children and fled upstairs, but he was in no

hurry. None would leave tonight alive. Charles Potter was powerful

indeed, and tonight was no exception. He had long held the Wizengamot

in check and even his most loyal Death Eaters cowered in fear of the old

Light wizard. But he was no Death Eather, he was Lord Voldemort: He-


Not a word was spoken between the two wizards and yet powerful magic

engulfed the small home. If a muggle would have been able to look inside

the small, hidden cottage they would have assumed a fool had unleashed

a pile of fireworks. Flashes of light sped pass bouncing off shields or

whizzing by the two men. Neither were young, but they moved with the

grace of one who knew power, and when to unleash it. Their furious

battle was drawing to close. The Dark Lord loathed to admit it but the

old Potter was forcing him to unleash all his power until at last the old

man's wand was blasted away, splintered into pieces. Charles was panting

heavily, and still not a word had been spoken. He rose high on his knees

and locked eyes with him defiantly. He would not die a coward, and even

the Dark Lord admired him in that moment, and at last broke the two

men's silence.

"Avada Kedavra." A flash of green light filled the home and Charles Potter

fell to the ground dead. A stair case led him upstairs and to the right

where two bed rooms filled the floor. He could hear the restlessness of

the children and he entered the nursery, wand at the ready. Dorea Potter

nee Black waited for him, the two children behind her in a crib. One

began crying at the sight of him, but the other stood, almost defiantly

reminding him of the old man he had just slain.

"You will not take them." Her voice was firm and held no fear. There

would be no begging tonight. The woman born of the Most Ancient and

Most Noble House of Black did not beg, nor did she cower, but she was

no match for the Dark Lord.

"Move aside woman," he commanded, "You have no need to die tonight."

She seemed to stand even taller, as if gathering her magic to her. "You

will have to kill me."

"Move aside woman!"


"Avada Kedavra!" She fell much harder than her husband, but she was

dead nonetheless. The Dark Lord turned his attention to the very reason

he had come tonight. The Potter children. The smaller of the two, barely

a year old, had stopped crying as the older brother grabbed his hand. He

could feel the power, and the undeniable strength of the older boy. Yes,

Harry Potter was to die tonight, for there was no doubt in his mind that

he was the one the prophecy spoke of. Lord Voldemort pointed his wand

at the boy and victoriously said the words, green light flashed, and for

the first time in so long the Dark Lord felt fear.

Harry had extended his hand as if the catch the flash of green and time

seemed to stop. The moment the spell struck his hand a gold light

emerged, encasing all three of them. Power unlike anything the Dark

Lord had seen radiated from the two boys and he felt his body and soul

being ripped apart. A scream erupted from his lips and the gold light at

last exploded, leaving the nursery in ruins and the Dark Lord gone.

It was disaster that greeted the three wizards. An anguished cry came

from one wearing glasses as he saw his father's dead body. Another one

close to his age stood dumbfounded, unsure of how this could have come

to pass. It was the oldest of the trio that walked the slow steps to the

nursery, fear gripping him of what he might find, but it was to his

astonishment that he found the two young boys alive, though fast asleep.

Harry was holding the younger boy, Thomas, and not a single hair on

their heads was harmed, save for the red lightning bolt scar that was

engraved onto Thomas' head.

Albus Dumbledore sat with patience and yet a grudging sense of duty as

he waited for the Potters' arrival. It had been a month since the fall of

Lord Voldemort. Many of his Death Eaters had been captured, including

the Lestranges after the brutal attack of the Longbottoms, yet some had

managed to worm their way out. Peter Pettigrew, the man who had

betrayed the Potters, was still at large and due to the man's ability to

transform into a rat it was highly unlikely he'd ever be caught despite the

efforts of his former friend, Sirius Black. He was saved at last from his

musing as James and Lily Potter knocked at his door.

"Enter." James Potter was a tall man, with black hair that never seemed

to lay flat and hazel eyes that had often charmed the ladies of Hogwarts

School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in his youth. He had become an

Auror, doing everything he could to fight the good fight against the Dark

Lord and his followers. Lily Evans stood about a head shorter than James,

with long red hair and green eyes that seemed to understand you no

matter what had happened. A charms prodigy, she had helped protect

many families during the hectic past years. Thankfully they had listened

to him and not brought along their children, for the conversation he

wished to have involved them and would not be easy.

"James, Lily, thank you for coming," Albus began, "I wish it was better

circumstances that brought us together."

"What do you mean Professor?" James asked with obvious confusion.

"Voldemort's dead and we've nearly got everyone involved."

"That is indeed the crux of the matter my boy," he hesitated a moment

before continuing, "I have done much research into what happened to

your sons, and while I still cannot fathom what has happened there are

two things as of now I can be sure of. Thomas Potter is indeed the Chosen

One, the mark on his forehead fulfills that part of the prophecy."

"Well that's great!" Lily interrupted, but Albus could only shake his head.

"Note dear Lily, that I said the Chosen One, for the prophecy has not been

completed. Voldemort still lives. And he will return." Silence greeted him

and he expected nothing less. He had to take advantage of it now, before

they came to their senses. "Thomas will need to be trained, he may have

great power or he may be the average wizard, nevertheless he will be the

one to defeat Voldemort when he returns and he needs to be ready."

"What of Harry?" Lily asked still dazed.

"Ah, young Harry," Albus took another moment again, letting the lie sit

on his tongue before continuing again, "Whatever happened to him has

drained him of his magic and his is little more than a squib. And this is

where I fear you must sacrifice much for the greater good of our world."

"What would you ask of us?" James asked carefully.

"Harry will grow up around magic. I will assure that rules are bent to

ensure that we can begin training Thomas at a young age. Unfortunately,

I fear that eventually Harry will come to be envious of his brother and

the magic for which he was robbed the night Voldemort attacked them.

We cannot afford to have Thomas distracted by such things, when for all

we know Voldemort could return tomorrow. I would ask that you leave

Harry in the care of your sister, Petunia. Let him grow up believing he is

a muggle and he will be much happier and Thomas will have less

distractions as he grows older."

Again silence met him before the explosion of rebuttal.


"You want us to abandon our son?! Never!" Their angry denial continued

for a minute or two before the raising of Albus' hand quieted them. As he

lowered it he cast a small but strong compulsion charm to lace into his


"I understand this is difficult," Albus said, already noticing the faint signs

of the compulsion setting in. "Perhaps when Harry is older you can

reunite with him, when the threat of Voldemort has passed." The two

were silent for a moment as if pondering before they both slowly nodded.

Albus smiled a hidden smile as they laid out the last of his plan. Now that

the older child, though not truly a squib, was out of the way he could

train Thomas for the role he would one day play in the war to come.

Phineas Nigellus Black had never said that he was a good person, well

the imprint of that person agreed with that statement, and the fact that

Albus had used a compulsion charm did little to bother him. He was well

aware that the person who had lived years ago would care less about the

muggle-loving Potter family, but he was not one to skive off learning the

ancient families! Dorea Black had been his granddaughter after all with

James Potter being his great grandson and so on and so forth. While he

did not agree with their blasphemous views it did not make them any less

part of the Black family, though admittedly a very disappointing part.

The portrait felt what was akin to sadness, or whatever an imprint could

feel, and he brooded in his chair. The other paints had avoided him

steadily the past few days, so it was surprising when he felt a rather deep

pull, as if he was being summoned. Phineas turned his head slightly and

suddenly was staring at the Sorting Hat. It stared at him for some time,

silently, until the old Headmaster's patience was worn thin.

"What do you want, Hat?"

"Godric speaks to me," the Sorting Hat said softly, his words seeming to

reverberate in the empty office. "The child, Phineas, he must be saved."

"What would I care?" The old portrait replied. "He's might be the last

Potter with enough blood to be a Black, but he's a squib!"

"Did you not hear me, old man? Godric commands it. The boy is no


"What?" Hushed whispers from the other portraits floated around the

room. "What did you say?"

"Something draws the boy's magic, Godric says. Even now, it is killing the

boy," the old hat of Godric Gryffindor spoke solemnly. "I know not why

Dumbledore has sentenced this poor child to die, but he must be saved."

"That blistering fool!" While Phineas had no real magic, the tip of his

wand was firing off red sparks. He contemplated going to his portrait at

12 Grimmauld Place and telling the young Sirius Black of what had

transpired, he was the boy's godfather after all. But the fact that he was a

portrait did not make it any less clearer to him that a compulsion charm

had been used on the Potter parents and a strong one at that. Sirius was

too much in the grasp of Dumbledore to help, the boy would be

recaptured and returned to the muggles. No, someone more secretive,

and by far more Black was in order to save the child.

"Cassiopeia! Cassiopeia!" The portrait shouted as he slid into his third

hidden frame. It sat in one of the more secret Black family homes in

Berlin, Germany. Forsaken during the second muggle world war due to

the threat of Grindewald it had been nearly forgotten by many, save for

the last remaining member of the Black family besides Sirius. Cassiopeia

Black has been born shortly after the first muggle war and had loved the

German culture. Like any other Black she was trained and schooled on

how to be a proper British witch, and her little black book proved it, but

she had always found her way back to the German home, where her

second little black book thrived. While her family had nearly been wiped

out by the Dark Lord she had built herself up a place in Germany that

many would kill for. If only she had someone to pass it along to. Being

nearly sixty years old made finding a suitable husband difficult, let alone

the thought of child bearing. The death of her sister made things even

more depressing at the moment for the Black woman.

The portrait had been empty for some time, so the shouting voice of her

grandfather came as a rather shock and for the moment made her forget

her troubles. She glanced up from her little black book and stared

expectantly at the portrait.

"I've just came from Dumbledore's office," Phineas panted, which was

hilarious considering he wasn't even a real person, "That old

manipulative man has finally gone too far. Too far I say!"

"And what has the old coot done now?" She was interested of course, but

her grandfather's portrait coming to complain about the headmaster was

all too common, well until recently. He had come to tell her of Dorea's

death and not came back. There had been many times she had wished for

him to visit and when he finally did she wished with all her heart that he


"Apparently they intend to train the Potter boy everyone is calling the

'Boy-Who-Lived,' and yet they intend to dump the other one, Harry, on


"What?!" Cassiopeia nearly screamed. That boy was blood! Never had she

in her life heard of such a thing and yet here it was plain as day. The

Potters, these muggle loving and so called Light family, were about dump

their son away? Not even the darkest of dark families would do that! She

nearly growled out her next words. "And why would they do this?"

"They have clearly been place under a compulsion charm and made to

believe the boy is a squib, but that is not the case.," the portrait said

heatedly, "Godric spoke to me, through the Sorting Hat. The child is no

squib, but something is draining the child of his magic. The Hat seemed

to insinuate that Dumbledore knew of this, and has sentenced the

grandson of Dorea to death regardless. Something must be done,

Cassiopeia. It would be futile to try to free James and Lily of the old man,

but the boy himself could be saved."

"I agree grandfather, I agree." A plan was formulating in her head and she

had already begun compiling the things she need. She grabbed the little

black book that held everything she needed to know about Britain and

scanned through it until she found the address. Yes, this could work.

"Where are they taking the boy?"

"Number Four Privet Drive, over in Little Whinging." Cassiopeia gave

only a nod in acknowledgement before she started the brewing. The boy

would be at the home and was going nowhere soon. She could not act too

rashly, this had to be perfect.

A small pop echoed through the street in the small magical community

just outside Paris. Cassiopeia's black hair was caught up in the wind, but

she made no mind to fix it, she was too focused on her goal. It had been

nearly a week since she had heard of Harry Potter's fate and now

everything was ready. She needed the boy, but she needed someone else

too. It didn't take long for her to find the flat she was looking for, the

simple protections helped keep the idea that no one important lived here,

but Cassiopeia knew better. She knocked politely and waited as she heard

the light foots step come to the door. It was the middle of the night and

she was not surprised to see a wand pointed at her, but the one who held

it hardly looked like the person she knew.

Regina Malfoy had long beautiful blonde hair, at least it had been. Now it

looked frayed and greasy, as if the girl hadn't showered in days. Her blue

eyes, which normally shown brightly were dull and seemed to be almost

graying. It had been well known the young Malfoy had been seeing her

great nephew Regulus, but apparently his recent death had hit the young

witch harder than she thought. The shock at seeing her lost love's great

aunt was clear on her face and she seemed at a loss for words.

"Regina I hope you intend to invite me in, it is the middle of the night

after all."

"Of course Miss Black, of course." She hastily opened the door and

seemed as if she wanted to curtsy but decided against it. Cassi took the

moment to glance at her surroundings and found herself incredibly

disappointed. Not only had the girl failed to take care of herself but the

flat was in disarray. It only increased her belief that her plan would

work. She sat herself on the lone armchair and signaled for Regina to sit

across from her. Cassi took a moment to collect her thoughts, allowing

Regina to attempt to smooth out the dress she had worn today, and

apparently had been sleeping in too.

"I see the fall of the Dark Lord has suited you well," she started

sarcastically, noting the flinch at his mention which was just another

reassurance. "Regulus will be missed by all, and yet his death may serve

us well, including you."

"What do you mean?" The hurt that had passed on her face at the

mention of Regulus was undeniable, but her curiosity won out quickly.

She wanted a distraction and Cassiopeia was fighting a grin.

"I'm no fool girl, you wished with all your heart to be the wife of Regulus

Black, and to bear his children. Now I'm giving you that chance." Regina

looked as if she wanted to speak but the Black woman cut her off. "The

older Potter boy has been forsaken by his family, and those blasted

muggle loving fools have done the unthinkable: they've dumped him on

the mudblood's muggle relatives. Black blood runs in his veins. I will not

see this happen without a fight."

"What do you intend to do?" Her attention was caught like a fish on a


"We will travel tonight to Little Whinging. We will take the boy back to

my home in Berlin. There I have a brewed a highly illegal blood-adoption

potion. It will change everything about him. Even more so considering

your blood will be involved. And the blood of Regulus." Cassiopeia had

always been a paranoid sort, and blood made a powerful ingredient in

many potions. She had long ago instructed Kreature, the Black house elf,

to bring her a vial from every living member once a month. It made a

rather grotesque collection and yet the bounty she was about to reap

made it all worthwhile.

"So," Regina began after recovering from her shock, "The boy will

practically be my son? And Regulus'?"

"Yes, in everything. He will look like your child and considering you will

help raise him will make it all even more believable. Once he takes the

potion it will be as if Harry Potter has died, and your son will be born.

You've been in hiding for quite a while, it will be believable that he is

your son and that you refused to rejoin society considering his father's

status during the war." She left out the part about the boy's draining

magic. First she would save the boy from the muggles, and then she

would discover what was happening to him. Regina looked on the

outside as if she was weighing the option, but Cassiopeia knew

differently, one look at the girl's eyes gave it all away. A change of

clothes and the two had left not knowing that everything soon was about

to change.

Cassiopeia had wanted to kill those muggles, and upon hearing freak the

first time it had taken every ounce in her being not to use the Cruciatus

Curse on the lot of them. Only Regina telling them that they were taking

away the freak under the cupboard and hastily leaving the house had

kept her from killing them. They had arrived back to her home shortly

after two, the potion was ready save for the blood it required. A sleeping

spell had kept young Harry asleep but soon the boy would wake and his

memory needed a lot of changing. The boy was two but no doubt he had

some memory of the past two years. But first, he needed a name.

"What shall be the name of your son Regina?"

"Aries Orion Black," she did not hesitate, "It's what Regulus would have


The Black woman nodded and felt a swirl of pride for the Malfoy girl.

Cassi entered the boy's mind and slowly she began changing things,

replacing faces here and there and removing the incident with the Dark

Lord entirely. After the potion was taken the boy would already know

Regina has his mother, and he would be a true Black. She could feel

something though, as she left the boy's mind, a darkness that seemed to

pull even at her. The boy's dwindling magic was noticeable and she had

already began a mental list of what she could try to reverse it.

The house elf brought her the potion and the most recent vial of Regulus'

blood. It was three months old, but a preservation charm made it fresh

and the fact that it was recent would add to the success of the potion. A

few drops and the potion glowed before turning a slight blue. Now it was

up to Regina. They had spoken of this already and Regina wasted no time

pricking her thumb, allowing drops of blood to drip into the now pinkish

potion. Another glow and the potion turned a pale grey. It was ready.

The fact that this potion did not have to be taken willingly was one of the

two factors of why it was illegal. The second being that once it was taken

there was no antidote, and no way to ever know that it was taken.

Cassiopeia slowly lifted Harry's forehead back, feeling the until now

unnoticed lightning bolt scar identical to his brother's. She ran her finger

over it again to be sure of what she felt for only a moment before she

poured the potion down his throat without a second thought. The

reaction was immediate, just not the one she intended.

Magic, pure and raw radiated from his body forcing away everything

from him as he glowed in gold. Then other colors flashed: red, gold,

silver, and green twirled about the room as the boy began to scream. His

facial features began to change and they both heard the cracking of

rearranging bones as they were pushed against the wall. At last a red and

gold griffin erupted from his body while a silver and green snake joined

it. They fought each other, neither gaining ground as magic continued to

pour from the boy's body. Cassi stared straight ahead, fixed upon the

battle until they seemed to join in the middle. She could not name the

creature that stared her down, but it disappeared back into the boy's

body before he fell to the ground.

Neither moved for what seemed like an eternity. Then suddenly the boy

gasped and searched the room frantically for a moment before his eyes

landed on Regina.

"Mummy?" the boy croaked. His eyes looked around the room taking in

the destruction. "Did I do this?" The poor girl had teared up when the boy

called for her and didn't seem to be able to speak. The boy, no Aries she

reminded herself, looked the picture perfect of a young Regulus and yet

the Malfoy look was there. Nothing remained of the Potter boy before,

save for the small green flecks Cassiopeia noticed in his eyes. There was

something else there too she thought, something foreign that she couldn't

quite place. She reached out into his mind, and was comforted knowing

the his subconscious had not rejected his change in identity, but then she

noticed it. The darkness was gone, as was the pull on his magic. The boy's

power radiated from him and she had never felt a child, even up to the

age of eleven, as powerful as Aries' felt.

Regina had finally regained her senses and rushed to the boy, wrapping

him up in her arms as tears flowed freely. Cassi gave her head a shake

and took out her wand, a diagnostic spell already on her lips. Aries was

in perfect health and the paternity test came back as she expected. It was

then that the power she had felt was confirmed. It was everything else

that shocked her to core. Again and again she cast different spells, always

receiving the same results. Items throughout the room started to float and

the giggle reach her ears was pure joy. Aries waved his hand, and

everything stopped. Then she felt it again, that pure and raw magic.

Aries' eyes seemed to glow, the green specks becoming more dominant as

he waved his hands again causing the items to continue to swirl.

Suddenly Regina's tears turn to tears of joy has she spun the boy around.

The two laughed as if it wasn't the first time.

The boy had regained his magic. Not just that, but he was powerful!

Powerful enough to one day challenge Dumbledore, and perhaps return

the House of Black back to prominence. Slowly another plan began to

form in the mind of Cassiopeia. As she looked at the joy of mother and

son, she only wished the Potters knew just exactly what they had caused

leaving that boy on the doorstep of Number Four Privet Drive.

AN: Next chapter, A Nature of Conflict.

2. A Nature of Conflict

AN: As always let us begin with the first verse of the Harry Potter

Bible, Chapter 1, Verse 1: I own nothing and it all belongs to JK

Rowling, long may she reign. I'd just like to point out that this is

Fanfiction, and as such some things may seem OOC. I know these

stories aren't everyone's thing but I hope you can enjoy it. If not,

whatever floats your boat y'all.

Chapter 1

Cassiopeia woke with a long sigh, and slowly lifted the covers to get of

out bed. It was the screaming that woke her, though it did not surprise

her nor really frighten her one bit. This was expected after all, it was

Aries' second night off the potion, and the worst nightmares seemed to

happen on the second night. They had started a year ago, just after the

accident. Sometimes that very accident was the thing that released an

anguished scream that tore at the young boy's throat. Others though, and

it made goosebumps rise on her skin, seemed as if they were memory,

but they could not be his own. That had been what pushed her to

purchase a pensieve. For nearly a month straight, night after night, Aries

poured nightmares into the pensieve, until she had feared entering it.

After the worst nightmare he had to date, she had decided to begin filling

it with memories of her family and her time at Hogwarts. It was after one

such memory about her time at the school that Aries had exited the

pensieve, pale and vomiting his breakfast. That was when they truly

realized they were no dreams, not even nightmares, but memories.

Occlumency had soon not become a desire but a necessity. Aries had

always had a natural ability for Legilimency, often answering questions

before they were asked and knowing things he should not have.

Protecting his mind had helped for a while, but then the nightmare

memories returned in force. That was when Cassiopeia had turned to

Dreamless Sleep Potion. She was careful, often following the directions to

the extreme to ensure the young boy did not develop an addiction and

hiding its whereabouts deep in the recesses of her mind so he would not

find it through passive Legilimency. A year these nightmares had plagued

him, and they only seemed to be getting worse. Cassiopeia had watched a

few of the nightmares and she had yet to discover just who they belonged


She passed idly by the empty portrait of Phineas Nigellus Black, her

grandfather. He had been a welcome surprise, keeping her informed of

nearly everything Albus Dumbledore was doing. It was how she had

heard of Harry Potter's death when Aries turned five, a mysterious

disappearance no one could answer, not even the muggles. That was

probably because Cassi had obliviated any sign of their arrival, but who

really needed to know that? Apparently, Lily had finally gotten around to

visiting her sister and found her son gone. The muggles had told the

headmaster that they had woken up and the boy was just gone. They

hadn't told anyone since the boy had been 'dumped' on him so why

would they care anyway? For many months the old man's Order had

searched for Harry Potter but it was not until Albus found the boy's

named crossed out in the school's magical book that contained a list of

every magical child did the search end. The Potters had been mortified.

Officially Harry's disappearance had been caused by a sickness he

developed after Voldemort's defeat and then eventually died of. Many

bought the story and the ministry had held a vigil for the child.

Cassiopeia hoped it might shake the Potters' confidence of Dumbledore,

but it seemed they were loyal to a fault. Phineas had also told her of

Thomas' training, though that seemed to be being generous. The boy was

talented for sure, but it was nothing near what Albus had hoped. While

the boy had a love and skill for flying he often skipped out on his training

to play with that Weasley boy and with every day that the Dark Lord did

not return the Potters seemed all too eager to let the boy play rather than

train. She could not really fault them in that aspect at least. What child

did not want to be a kid? Aries had turned out to be rather studious and

eager to learn all aspects of magic, but even she had to drag him off his

broomstick every once and awhile. It was the latest information that still

troubled her.

No one knew of Aries' existence, and as such it would clearly fall to Sirius

to take up the mantle of Head of House Black. It would be challenged

eventually, considering his father had technically, though not officially

disowned him. Despite all this the man, and that Potter, had given their

seats of on the Wizengamot to Albus Dumbledore. Of all people! Sirius

Black was shirking his duties, and Cassiopeia would make sure he one

day regretted it.

Finally, the door to Aries' room was before her and she could hear the

seven-year-old boy's restlessness and cries. A wave of her wand brought

the armchair besides his bed and she sat, placing a hand on his forehead.

Her thumb ran across the spot she had felt the scar moments before the

boys change, and yet the scar no longer lingered. It was the one thing she

had expected to remain, but it didn't, and the strange creature that had

appeared still entered her dreams and no amount of research had yet

revealed its identity.

"Aries," she said firmly, "Aries wake up." The boy's eyes flashed open and,

as expected, retched into the waste basket beside his bed. He recovered

for a moment, but the haunted look stayed in his hazel and green flecked


"I killed someone Auntie," he said breathlessly, "I watched her die."

Cassiopeia did not expect this. Often in his dreams people died, and died

rather gruesomely, but he was always distant, detached from the violence

in some way. This, this was different.

"Tell me everything Aries."

"I was somewhere underground," he closed his eyes trying to remember

the vivid details, "And then I was in a bathroom. I was at Hogwarts, I

recognized it from your memories. There was this girl, her name was. . . I

can't remember. But she was there and the next thing she was dead. I

didn't do anything, like I didn't cast a spell. But I know I caused it. I killed


This was not something Cassi had expected to deal with, at least not now.

Like any member of her family Aries would eventually need to kill, to

lose that part of his innocence, just not this soon and not like this.

"Auntie," Aries said carefully, "I need to go there. To where I killed her. I

can feel it calling me."

"No, absolutely not. Hogwarts is too dangerous, you know how

manipulative that old coot is. We cannot risk him finding us, not yet."

"If you don't take me, I'll go myself." There was that look Cassiopeia knew

all too well. Determination, stubbornness, and the will to succeed. It

would've made her proud of the young Black boy in any other

circumstance, but she knew he was right. The young boy would go,

better for her to go with.

"Fine," Cassi relented but spoke again before the boy could get too

excited. "But not tonight. Phineas will tell us the next time Dumbledore

will be gone, and then we'll go."

Unfortunately for Cassiopeia, that day came far too soon. Less than two

weeks later the Black grandfather came early in the morning, shouting

that the old man had left Hogwarts and wouldn't be back until nightfall.

Begrudgingly she dressed in a simple robe while Aries bounded down the

stairs looking rather smart for seven-year-old. The boy was bouncing on

his feet and Cassi clicked her tongue in disapproval.

"Go ahead Aries, call your friend."

"Hades!" Aries called as he held out his arm and a black fire erupted

before him. Perched on his arm was a phoenix, black as night and a soft

song already trilling from its beak. The smile that formed on Aries' face

was bright and even Cassi fought a grin. "Hades, I need you to take us to

Hogwarts, but a specific spot alright? I've got it in my mind. Just see it

and let's go." The black phoenix trilled softly, and flames engulfed them.

Aries had difficulty breathing for a moment as he returned to the

bathroom, but this time in person. He ran a hand through his black hair

glancing around the area until his eyes landed on the last stall. A shiver

ran up his spine as the image of his nightmare came to the forefront of

his mind. The girl had died there, he did not know how but he was

having a challenging time telling the difference between dream and

reality. Cassiopeia placed a reassuring hand on him, steadying him before

he lost his balance. It was at this time that Aries really thought he was

losing it, because now the very girl of his dreams was before him, and he

was sure he could see right through her. They're eyes met, and it was like

a lantern lit in his mind.

"Myrtle!" he exclaimed as the name finally came to him. The ghost gave

him a rather quizzical look, floating around him as if to get a better


"Do I know you little boy?"

"Well no," Aries admitted with an embarrassed look and then flushed

with anger at being called little. "Well actually I killed you. In my

dreams. I was hoping you could tell me how you died."

"How rude!"

"Wait!" Aries nearly screamed, and Myrtle floated to a halt. He paused for

a moment fighting over what to say before turning to the sink. "I came

from there. I don't know how, but you were crying in the last stall. I

came straight to the door and next thing I know you were dead. Please

Myrtle, I need to know what happened."

"Ooooh, it was dreadful," she said with relish. "It happened right in here.

I died in this very stall. I remember it so well. I'd hidden because Olive

Hornby was teasing me about my glasses. The door was locked, and I was

crying, and then I heard somebody come in. They said something funny.

A different language, I think it must have been. Anyway, what really got

me was that it was a boy speaking. So I unlocked the door, to tell him to

go and use his own toilet, and then -" Myrtle swelled importantly, her

face shining. "I died."1

"How?" asked Aries.

"No idea," said Myrtle in hushed tones. "I just remember seeing a pair of

great, big, yellow eyes. My whole-body sort of seized up, and then I was

floating away."1

Aries turned back to the bathroom sink. It was all connected to that spot,

the nightmares that so often involved Hogwarts. His feet felt heavy as he

got closer but there was one that seemed to call to him. He moved with

an almost assured pace, like he had done this a thousand times, and that

was when he stopped. Goosebumps erupted along his arms and he could

not shake the chill he suddenly felt. He had done this before. There was

no mistaking it. Every detail came to him in vivid fashion and it was like

stepping into one of his Aunt's memories. But it was impossible wasn't it?

He had never been to Hogwarts before. The only place off the continent

he had visited had been London and that was nowhere near here. Yet he

could not shake the dreading sense of déjà vu.

"What is it Aries?" Cassiopeia's voice felt distant to him, as if he could not

tell the difference between dream and reality again.

"I've been here before," he replied with much more confidence than he

felt. "I don't know how, but I have. Auntie I can feel this place calling to


"You said you've dreamed of this place before? Perhaps that is what you

feel." She took a glance over at the ghost who was now staring at Aries

with open curiosity.

"No Auntie, it's not like that." Aries shook his slightly and reached out

toward the faucet. Just as he was about turn on the cold water he felt it:

the small engraved snake on the handle. Another wave of memories

assaulted him and he violently shook his head to clear it, but he knew

what he needed to do now.

"Open." Parseltongue hissed from his lips and the tap glowed with a

brilliant white lit and began to spin. Next second, the sink began to

move, in fact, sank, right out of sight, leaving a large pipe exposed, a

pipe wide enough for a man to slide into.1 More memories this time of a

long tube, something like a slide. He gave his aunt a wicked grin before

jumping right in. Aunt Cassi's scream reached him, but nothing could

stop the exhilarated laughter that escaped him until he reached the

bottom with a loud yippee. As expected Cassiopeia followed a few

moments later, but there was no laughter on her face this time.

"Aries Orion Black!" He braced himself for the worst, Aunt Cassi really

knew how to lay into someone. But the yelling never came, and he

opened his eyes to see a rather stern expressions before she gave a long

sigh. "We of the House of Black do not yippee." Aries felt a rush of bravery

to fix a smirk on his face.

"Well they do now."

They found themselves. standing at the end of a long, dimly lit chamber.

Towering stone pillars entwined with more serpents, rose to a ceiling lost

in darkness, casting long, black shadows through the odd, greenish gloom

that filled the place. Aries' pace quickened until he stood before a giant

statue. It was ancient and monkeyish, with a long, thin, beard that fell

almost to the bottom of the wizard's sweeping stone robes where two

enormous gray stone feet sat on the smooth floor of the chamber.1 A

name whispered to him, and again it was as if he was remembering

something from long ago.

"The Chamber of Secrets!" Cassiopeia exclaimed with glee. "Oh, dear

Salazar it's true!" But Aries wasn't listening to her. He stood transfixed

with the statue, memories flashed by too quickly for him to register

before his arm moved mechanically and words hissed from his lip from

far his control.

"Speak to me, Slytherin, greatest of the Hogwarts Four." A chill went up

Cassiopeia's spine, as it did every time Aries spoke Parseltongue and

watched as Slytherin's gigantic stone face moved, opening wider and

wider to make a huge black hole. And something was stirring inside the

statue's mouth. Something was slithering up from its depths. She watched

the massive creature, no a Basilisk, slide out of Slytherin's mouth. A

scream of warning to Aries was on her lips as she saw the Basilisk swiftly

make its way towards him, its fangs glimmering in the greenish gloom of

the chamber.

"Wait!" Cassi had already closed her eyes, but Aries stared ahead at the

beast. Warnings bells were ringing in the sensible part of his mind, but

his magic screamed something different. This was it! The very thing that

called for him, Slytherin's monster. But why? The Basilisk seemed even

more confused and slowly lowered its head until they were eye to eye.

Hazel and green flecked met bright and yellow, their magic pushing

against one another.

"Why are you not dead boy?" the great Basilisk hissed. "Only the Heir can

survive my gaze and you are not him."

"If you know so much then perhaps you can find that answer yourself." Aries

knew it was a bad idea to antagonize the great serpent, but a sensation

was filling him that he couldn't quite understand. One that he shouldn't.

He had no long-time friends he hadn't seen in years, so why did he

suddenly understand that feeling? The push of the serpent's magic hit

him again, but still he lived. "Maybe you should sit or coil up or something.

My aunt and I will figure this out." Just as Aries turned to Cassi the Basilisk

let out a great hiss and the confusion only deepened on its features.

"I am compelled to follow your commands. . . Heir." Now Aries was

dumbstruck and for someone that tended to read every book he laid his

eyes on being at a loss for words wasn't a feeling he was used to. But

there it was. The dots connected, and this only proved it. The Heir of

Slytherin. But it wasn't possible! Yet that was something he had said over

and over since arriving at Hogwarts but even he couldn't deny the magic

side. He felt the Chamber react to him, the torches light, and the Basilisk

called to him. The moment he had seen her he had known, in the deepest

part of his mind it clicked and yet still he did not believe.

"Please don't kill my Aunt." Aries commanded the Basilisk who gave what

he could only describe as an amused snort. "Aunt Cassi, you can open

your eyes now." The old witch slowly opened her eyes and found herself

face to face with a Basilisk. Years of pureblood training and Occlumency

went out the window with an undignified yell as she fell to the floor.

Aries couldn't take it any longer and the irony of the situation caused him

to burst into laughter. Its echo off the dark walls seeming to only further

Cassiopeia's embarrassment.

"I trust you have an explanation on why we're not dead Aries?"

"Oh yeah, um, well," Aries stammered, "I'mtheHeirofSlytherin."

"Come again?"

"I am the Heir of Slytherin," he said much slower this time. "At least, the

magic of this chamber and the basilisk think so." At that he turned to the

serpent with a curious look. "What is your name anyway?"

The great serpent looked surprised. "My name?"

"Well yes, I can't just keep calling you the Basilisk now can I?"

"Salmissra," the great serpent hissed slowly. "Lord Slytherin named me


Aries turned back to his Aunt with a rather smug grin. "Yeah Salmissra

says I'm the Heir. Considering she is Slytherin's Serpent I think I believe


Now it was Cassiopeia's turn to be at a loss for weirds. Five years ago,

when he had become Aries Orion Black she knew that her life was about

to be filled with surprises. Wandless magic at two after surviving the

Killing Curse? Okay. Suddenly speaking to snakes? A surprise to be sure

but a welcome one. Natural Legilimency? Oh, the plans she had begun to

formulate. Then the accident happened, and she thought all would be for

naught. But he had surprised her again, throwing himself into his studies.

She knew he wasn't motivated to truly learn, he only wanted a

distraction, but she took it nonetheless. Yet this, this was something she

never could have guessed. The Heir of Slytherin? How? She could trace

the lineage of Slytherin all the way to the Gaunts. They were distantly

related of course, very distantly but she knew without a doubt that there

was no Slytherin blood in the Blacks, or in the Potters for that matter,

Gryffindor maybe, but not Slytherin. But if the Serpent of Slytherin, the

one who could only answer to the Heir himself said the boy was it, then

who could deny it?

Aries had been chatting excitedly with the serpent and the cogs of her

mind began to turn. The plans in her mind twisted and changed,

formulating new possibilities. This was momentous, and once it became

known the Heir of Slytherin was a Black, the magical world of Britain

would change. Yes, she thought as her eyes came back to rest on the boy.

Everything in him was the making of a new Dark Lord. She had never

followed the last one, too caught up in playing the Game among the

Germans, but she had never wanted to. The man had been a psychopath,

and the few letters she received from Regulus had proved it. He had

charmed many of them with notions of grandeur and followed it up with

massacre. Cassiopeia truly felt sorry for those that were caught up in the

insanity, too deep to escape with their lives, and felt no remorse for those

that on lost themselves on the way, like her niece Bellatrix. But now,

Aries was everything the Dark Lord could never have been. If properly

trained and guided he could lead to House of Black to the highest

mountain and perhaps truly fulfill Salazar Slytherin's magnificent work.

Oh yes, she would make him the perfect Dark Lord, if it was the last

thing she did. Her musing was interrupted as Aries made to leave, but the

first of her plans had to be implemented. It would hurt the boy, but it

was necessary.

"Aries wait," she called. He turned around and raised his eyebrows

expectantly. The boy picked up on her nuances far too quickly for her

liking. "Collect some of its venom in a few vials, you never know when it

could come in handy, and then have it bite you."

"What?" Aries asked quietly. Then his whole being changed. His stood

straighter, almost rigid, and his face turn cold, and the green specks

darkened in his eyes. Cassiopeia fought the chill and the shiver that

wanted to creep up her spine. That look did not belong on a seven-year-

old boy. Yes, a future Dark Lord indeed. "That would kill me Cassiopeia."

Aries' voice was ice, like a freezing wind that cut through you no matter

how many layers you wore. Again, she fought the chill and shook her


"Hades' tears." The coldness of her nephew did not relent. "The venom

and the tears will combine. You will survive but the tears and venom will

always be inside you, constantly fighting a never-ending battle. That way,

the tears never dissolve, and you'll be immune to nearly everything."

"Then why don't you go first?" Aries' sarcastic edge, normally a sense of

hilarity for her, still contained that frigidness and she rushed to provide

an explanation.

"I'm too old, too fragile for the venom. And besides I've spent years

building up immunity to nearly every poison. I don't really need it do I?"

That seemed to at last warm the boy and gave her a short nod before

calling his phoenix. Hades burst into existence on his shoulder and rather

arrogantly began a staring contest with the Basilisk. Aries relayed

Cassiopeia's instructions to the serpent, holding out his arm. It was clear

to her that the boy and serpent were arguing, but if he really was indeed

the Heir of Slytherin, the serpent would have to comply, and so it did.

The boy's screams erupted in the hall, contrasting his laughter from

moments ago drastically. He fell to the ground as the burning sensation

flowed through him. The phoenix wasted little time pouring its tears into

the wound. Aries continued to moan in pain for only a few moments

more before the burning finally disappeared. Cassiopeia noted the

rigidness with which he rose, all humor gone from him. He mechanically

collected the venom, storing five vials in his robes.

"Salmissra, we will leave here soon. One day I will come for you. Until then

sleep." The serpent bowed deep and returned to the statue's mouth as it

closed. Aries walked to the base of the statue pulling a knife from his

robes. Cassi tried to stop him, but he had already cut along his palm and

placed his hand right between the two feet. The surprises continued as

the stone opened back like a door revealing a study unlike any she had

ever seen. Dust collected everything and with a wave of Aries' hand it all

disappeared. They went their separate ways, their eyes roaming over the

ancient history compiled there.

"Ha! I told you!" The glee had returned to the boy as he shoved a book

into her hands. "Parsel magic! I told you, I told you, I told you! And there

it is! Written by Salazar Sytherin himself!" Cassi barely had time to look

at the book before he took it back, soaking in the information like a

sponge. She watched as his expression turned cold again so quickly it

shocked even her. This was something she could not explain. Aries

looked from the book and turned right where he stood face to face with

the portrait of Salazar Slytherin. It did not move, as they both had hoped,

and seemed nothing more than a simple painting. Silence stretched long

while they both stood there, staring at the portrait before Aries' voice

broke it, strong, firm, and unrelenting.

"I was weak," he began, "I was weak, and she died. Mum died. If I had

been stronger I could have saved her." She felt it again, his pure and raw

magic. Blue lightning cackled around him and a slight breeze picked up.

"If I had been stronger. If I had more control. I lost my magic and then

got it back and then I killed her with it. I thought I was only a Black but I

was wrong. I'm the Heir of Slytherin." Those last words were almost a hiss.

The lightning cackled more and more, the wind started to blow loose

papers in the air, and if Cassiopeia could see his eyes she knew the green

specks would be glowing furiously. "I can be so much more. I refuse to be

ordinary, not when I can be extraordinary. I owe that to Mum. I killed her

because I was weak. But I won't be weak anymore. Not ever again."

Cassiopeia could only smile. Yes, my Dark child, she thought, we will make

you strong.

The streets of Diagon Alley were sparse this late in the evening, but the

shop they were heading to was still open. Ollivander was, in Cassi's

opinion, the best wand maker in all of Europe, if not the world. She may

be biased considering his family had given nearly every Black their wand,

but still one was entitled to their opinion. There was no one else she

entrusted to craft what was in her mind, the only problem was

convincing him. Aries followed her into the old shop, cautiously glancing

around. He could feel Hades following invisibly and perching high in the

far corner, his amusement plain to him. They could hear the old man

bustling in the back, but a polite cough from Cassi brought him forward.

"Ah Miss Cassiopeia Black!" Ollivander greeted. "Twelve inches,

hawthorn, and dragon heart string. Yes yes, my boy I am indeed that

old." He chuckled at the shocked look on the boy. "Now you certainly are

not eleven."

"Aries Black, sir, I'm seven."

"We have come to get him a wand, regardless of his age. And I have

brought what you need." Cassiopeia's voice left no room for argument, at

least as far as Aries was concerned.

"You have, have you?" Ollivander seemed to be sizing Aries up. "And you

think I have not already crafted a wand suitable for the boy?"

She only smirked. "You haven't. He's right handed."

"Nonsense. Here try this Mr. Black." And so it began. Wand after wand

was handed to him and then taken away. Some just felt cold, others

nothing, or the old man took the wand back almost immediately after

handing it to him. An hour had passed and now Ollivander returned,

carrying a box rather delicately. "I had intended this for someone else,

yes Thomas Potter. Eleven inches, holly, and phoenix feather." Aries

could have sworn he saw the man's eyes flicker up to where Hades was

perched before being handed the wand. Ollivander's attitude made him

think something incredible would happen. He felt a slight warmth, but it

faded quickly. He could not hide his disappoint and neither could

Ollivander as he collected the wand.

"It seems that you are correct Miss Black. What have you brought?" His

eyebrow rose into his hairline as she laid a black phoenix tail feather and

a vial of Basilisk venom on his counter. Again, his eyes flickered to where

Hades perched and that time there was no mistaking it, he knew.

"Hades," Aries called rather reluctantly. "You can show yourself, he

knows you're there." The black phoenix shimmered into existence and

soared down to land in front of Ollivander who burst out in laughter.

"Oh, my boy, you are full of surprises. A black phoenix of all things as

your familiar. Now that is indeed a story to be told! Aries and Hades eh?

A fascination for Greek Mythology yes?" Ollivander did not wait for an

answer as he scooped up the tail feather and vial of venom. "I will require

some of your blood Aries, and then return in an hour."

"Mr. Ollivander," Cassi called stopping him and placing a bad of gold on

his counter. "You will not be placing any of those Ministry restrictions on

this wand. I want it pure."

"Now, now Miss Black you know that's illegal."

"I can hurt you Ollivander, in more ways than one."

Surprisingly Ollivander just chuckled. "Now don't be hasty Miss Black,

fine I will do it."

"And you will speak of this to no one or I will hurt you."

"Hasty and rude. Do you want me to make the damned wand or not?"

The hour could not pass by quick enough for the young boy. Cassiopeia

had tried to distract him with chocolate ice cream, a rather guilty

pleasure for the young Black, but even the wonders of Flourish and Botts

could not stop him from glancing towards the wand makers shop every

so often. She left him there to read in a secluded corner with specific

instructions to stay there. They may have adorned glamours before

entering the shop, but sometimes the boy's magic fluctuated, and the last

thing she needed was Sirius Black walking into the book shop just as his

glamour faded. The Black witch found herself in Borgin and Burkes. The

decrepit man disgusted her, but he would have what she needed. A veiled

threat here, an insinuation of blackmail there, and a sack of gold much

too light for Mr. Burkes liking let her leave with every book he had on

Slytherin and the mysteries he had left behind. Cassi had every intention

of findding out how Harry Potter, blood adopted by Regulus Black and

Regina Malfoy, could be the Heir of Slytherin.

At last the hour had passed and Cassiopeia had to hold tightly to Aries'

hand to keep him from rushing to Ollivander's shop. He was waiting for

them of course, a wand sitting neatly on a small box. And it was the most

beautiful thing Aries had ever seen. He did not even need to touch it, he

could feel it, much like he had felt the magic of the Chamber. The wand

called for him and trance-like he walked to it and grasped it. Power

surged through him, raw power. It was taking everything Aries had to

contain it, but the wand called for it. It wanted to be unleashed. Aries

brought up his mental shields quickly, shoving his emotions out of his

mind, and felt the calmness of the void wash over him as his magic

leveled off.

"Thirteen inches," Ollivander began, "The phoenix feather dissolved in the

Basilisk venom creating a terribly unstable concoction, but your blood

Mr. Black stabilized it. It had been a guess considering your familiar, and

it seemed I was proven correct. Still the core was powerful, and it needed

an equal to match it. I considered yew, strong and powerful, but even

that was overwhelmed. Then holly called to me, but that too perished. An

idea I had of mixing them, complete opposites yew and holy. They tend

to fight and yet the conflict of the core meshed well with their own. It

was a start but not perfect. And so I added a third element: ebony. Three

symbols of protection versus two of death. I could feel it, nearly perfect

but there was one missing ingredient. Obsidian. Often called volcanic

glass or even dragon glass. Yes, the perfect mix of protection and death.

It was at last I created what you see before you, and perhaps the greatest

of all my wands perhaps of all my family too. And we have created many.

But alas, it is indeed curious."

"What's curious sir?" Aries asked, his eyes never leaving the wand.

Cassiopeia eyed the man dangerously.

"In my lifetime I have only known three wands with the tail feather of a

phoenix. The first was thirteen and half inches and yew. That one was

the wand of You-Know-Who. He did great things, terrible yes, but great.

The second was its brother, you know it as the one I gave to you rather

reluctantly. Eleven inches and holly. I truly believe that the Boy-Who-

Lived, Thomas Potter, will wield it seeing as its brother gave him the

scar. And then now there is yours. A different phoenix yes, but a phoenix

none the less, and with both yew and holly. Thomas and He-Who-Must-

Not-Be-Named have already accomplished great things, and I cannot help

but be curious, Aries Black, of what great things you will do."

Aries had fell asleep hours ago, the Dreamless Sleep Potion had worked

its wonders and Cassiopeia had no fear that he would wake to find her

gone. Hades, the wonderful phoenix that had saved Aries' life the day of

the accident, bonding them together, had answered her call, though

rather reluctantly. There was no known magic to detect a phoenix and

she only hoped that the magical creature's magic would extend to her

tonight as they flashed into Albus Dumbledore's office. She knew her fear

of the old man was irrational. The potion was perfect, he would never

discover Aries' identity and yet that fear lingered, a shameful part of the

warmth the young boy had brought into her life. It was that irrational

fear that had made her decide long ago that Aries would not attend

Hogwarts, at least not until she deemed him ready. Cassi walked with

careful steps toward the magic book. It contained the list of every

magical born being. She flipped hastily towards H and sighed with relief

at seeing Harry's name still crossed out before flipping towards A and her

heart stopped. Aries Orion Black. There it was. Cassi doubted that the old

man ever looked through this book other than to look at Harry Potter's

name, but she could not risk it. A strong confundus charm would do, and

she smiled in satisfaction as the name disappeared. Victoriously she

reached for Hades and flashed back to her home in Germany. A proud

smile on her face knowing that the future of the Most Ancient and Most

Noble House of Black was safe. At least for tonight.

AN: Anywhere you see that annoying 1 is where I quoted Harry

Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Next up, we're finally starting

where it all started in my head. The Tri-Wizard Tournament.

3. The Goblet of Fire

AN: As always let us begin with the first verse of the Harry Potter

Bible, Chapter 1, Verse 1: I own nothing and it all belongs to JK

Rowling, long may she reign.

A few notes, up to this point a lot is canon, except a few characters

being a different age. The only thing that did not happen was the

POA, so Thomas never learned the Patronus or dealt with dementors

but he did deal with the Stone and Chamber of Secrets, though there

are a few things different about the COS that I'll get to later. Thomas

is a year younger (14, 4th year) than Aries (15, 5th year) for those

that missed it. As always, I hope you enjoy this chapter, and if you

dont, whatever floats your boat y'all.

Durmstrang was a large castle, but no where near the size of Hogwarts,

Aries noted. It was something he had noticed the evening of the first of

September every year for the past four years, this year being the fifth.

The castle was cold, again unlike Hogwarts, and fires were only lit for

magical purposes, never for comfort. One had to find ways to keep warm

to survive, and that was perhaps the main thing taught at Durmstrang:

survival. The fifteen-year-old Black could write a novel on the differences

between the school he attended and the school of his father, but it would

be a depressing write. Aries had fought tirelessly at the age of eleven to

convince his aunt to send him to Hogwarts, but no amount of flattery,

bribery, or even blackmail could change the Black woman's mind. That

French school had been out of the question and he knew exactly why

Durmstrang had been chosen: The Dark Arts.

Cassiopeia had never shied away from teaching him the darkest of magic

and had passed along to him the idea that was no such thing as dark and

light, only power and the intent behind it. Aries had known far more

magic than any normal eleven-year-old, and had no problem staying at

the top of his class four years straight. That hardly meant he got to coast

however. His aunt had been displeased with the staff, especially the

Headmaster, and had used her influence to replace three different

teachers and left a not so well veiled threat to the Headmaster himself

that she expected the standards to be raised, or else. The result was that

every teacher took it upon themselves to push him further and further,

some even adjusting his work personally, so it could challenge him.

Battle Magics was, of course, his favorite class, and where some of the

more aggressive Dark Magic was learned. Aries had always found the

chaos of battle rather calming, and when he was dueling everything

seemed to be clearer to him, but it was only when he dueled privately

with Professor von Reich that he was able to enjoy himself. Since the first

day at Durmstrang, von Reich had taken it as his personal mission to

push Aries as far as he could, forcing him to unleash as much of his

power as possible. It wasn't until his third year that he truly outpowered

the professor, but his age and lack of experience caused him to be bested

often. Now being bested by a world renown duelist wasn't the worst thing

in the world, but Aries wanted to be extraordinary after all, and he hoped

that this would be the year that he'd finally best the old man. Professor

von Reich had become a mentor, and in many ways a father figure he

had never had, and that only motivated Aries even more.

Aries was brought out of his musings by one of his best friends, Arianna

De Cordova, as she sat down beside him. He had followed in the footsteps

of his aunt, and from the first day at Durmstrang began seeking out

powerful friends, though it had not taken long. The girl from Spain

happened to be the daughter of the Ambassador to Germany for the

Spanish Ministry of Magic. but that was not where his associates ended.

Next came the first friend he had made at the school, Haydn Muller, son

of the German Ministry of Magic's Chancellor. They had known each

other casually, since Aunt Cassiopeia had often brought him along to the

German Ministry while she played her Game, but a friendship had never

really formed, until a rather nasty duel between the two in the first class

of Battle Magics. Everyone had thought they'd found their first class

rivalry, but instead they both laughed it off and became friends. The last

of his friends with connections was the nephew of the Bulgarian Prime

Minister, Ivan Krasimir. He hadn't meant for his three closet friends to be

the most connected of his year, it had just turned out that way. They

hadn't started as a quartet, but after one study session they all just

seemed to click. Aries had been sure to surround himself with powerful

friends, whether in power itself, intelligence, or anything he found to be

beneficial. He would not call them all followers exactly, but they seemed

to follow him nonetheless.

Aries had been quick to make friends, and slow to make enemies, and

when he did make an enemy he was sure to deal with them quickly. It

had built him a formidable reputation, one that made it clear to many

that it was convenient for your health to be on his good side, and the few

that tested it often ended up in the medical wing for some time, though

there was never any evidence back to him, something that made his Aunt

Cassi very proud. Those that knew him best knew that the charming

exterior of Aries Black was often genuine, but that the young man had a

dark side that he kept in check, only unleashing it on those he felt earned

it. A few had tried to betray him once or twice, and as far his friends

were concerned they were lucky to be alive. Aries' extra lessons were

common knowledge in Durmstrang, as excellence and power were

celebrated above all else and as far as the teachers were concerned, he

was the prime example of what everyone should strive to be.

"So, Aries, who do you think will be chosen?" Ivan asked in German. Despite

the school's Scandinavian location, many of its students where German,

and thus their native language was the one used for everything.

Aries was well aware that Ivan spoke of the Tri-Wizard Tournament. The

four had corresponded often during the summer and had met up several

times, often speaking of the upcoming tournament. He had been ecstatic

for it, but when it was decided that only those who were seventeen could

compete his excitement for the tournament had lessen considerably.

"Krum of course," Aries replied, "He is the most powerful of his year, and the

bravest. I'm not sure how the Goblet chooses but he makes the most sense to


"I agree," Arianna spoke up, "If not Krum though, then perhaps Nikola?"

"Somehow I think Kakaroff will only allow Krum to enter. He is his prize

student, other than Aries here of course." Haydn offered.

He was saved from having to respond by the man himself. Igor Kakaroff

was a tall man with an average build. His black beard covered his face

and his hair was long reaching his shoulders. Aries knew of Igor's

background and it came as no surprise to him that the Headmaster of

Durmstrang ruled by fear and handed out some of the worst

punishments. Most of the teachers despised him, especially his mentor

von Reich. Kakaroff gave the customary greeting and began to explain

how Durmstrang Institute functioned. Aries zoned out spectacularly as

the Headmaster explained that there were no Houses, only groups of

powerful people. If the first years did not impress a group by the end of

the second month they'd find themselves without a bed. Aries had

impressed a group almost immediately as Haydn's and his duel had

caught the attention of the more influential seventh years, and that was

how they found themselves in the same group as Viktor Krum. Aries

caught the older boy's eye for a moment, and they both rolled their eyes

at the dramatics of their Headmaster. Krum in many ways had become an

older brother to him, their love for playing Seeker had built not only a

healthy rivalry, but also a friendship. The fact that it only added to his

list of connected friends did not hurt either. Viktor would no doubt be

the leader of the group now, but they all knew it was because Aries

refused the role. The group did as he pleased, he just never cared for the

position, at least not yet.

"This year as many of you undoubtedly already know, Durmstrang Institute

will be competing in the Tri-Wizard Tournament at Hogwarts School of

Witchcraft and Wizardry." The many hushed whispers told Aries that

many people did in fact not know of the Tournament. That was

surprising. "It has been decided that only those seventeen and older will

compete, however the top five students from fifth through seventh years will

also be invited to compete in some side contests, and to participate in a student

exchange. A few of the staff will be joining you to chaperone and, of course, to

ensure that you continue to receive the education needed to pass your

examinations. Those chosen will leave for Hogwarts on the first of October.

Your professors will notify you if you have the chance to participate." The

Headmaster might as well had stopped speaking after that. No one

listened to him as he spouted off the rules and the prestigious history of

the school, besides maybe the fearful first years. Even Aries found himself

pulled into the quartet's speculation of the contests. He had a good guess

that the four of them would be invited, seeing as they were the top four

of their year, though he wasn't sure of the fifth as it often changed from

year to year.

The month was passing slowly as far as Aries was concerned. His lessons

continued, and he was pushing himself as hard as he could in his time

with Professor von Reich. The rumors of the school were that there was

at least going to be a Quidditch and a dueling competition. Both were

something he could perform well in, but to be a dueling champion of the

Tri-Wizard Tournament was not something he was going to pass up.

"You've been here for two weeks Aries, and you learned much over the

summer, as expected," von Reich began in perfect English. "I believe it's

time for us to test how much you've learned since last year."

"Rules?" Aries asked and, with a flick of his wrist, his wand was in his

hand. Power surged forth, but was contained, the wand still called for it,

and still wanted to be unleashed. It had taken time for him to truly

control his magic the way he wanted, and it had been worth the years of

training von Reich had given him.

"Everything goes, save for the Unforgivables. I do not wish to be tortured

or die today."

Aries smirked and moved into a defensive position and his professor

moved into a more offensive one. The Black boy's reputation was well

earned, and the name given to him by many of his peers was accurate.

He often liked to wait, attacking less often and applying a more defensive

approach, taking the brunt of his opponent's attack. It was only until his

opponent tired or offered a moment of disadvantage did he strike, and it

was more than often fatal, unleashing the power that many knew he

possessed. But perhaps he would change things up today.

"Come Viper, show me what you have learned."

Aries indeed went for a change of pace bringing his wand in a large circle

before whipping it at the professor. "Glacius!" A spike of ice flew from the

tip of his wand, impaling the wall after his opponent dodged and fired

back with a stunner. It glanced off Aries' shield and then he dodged a

blue colored spell. A bone-breaker curse had already been fired as Aries

finished his dodge, missing the professor by inches and following it by

slashing his wand across his body, sending a devastating cut hex towards

his mentor. Back and forth they went, their spells becoming considerably

darker and more powerful. A sickly looking purple spell whizzed by Aries

before he decided to up the ante. He twisted and thrust his left hand

toward the professor and a fireball flew towards him. Aries followed it up

with another bone-breaker hoping to catch him off guard. The fire struck

the man's shield, flaring in all directions but the following curse struck

the wall as the professor disappeared.

The young man felt himself relax, letting his arms almost dangle at his

side, knees bent. Von Reich had disillusioned himself, and Aries was

listening closely for the man. He could not hear him but the sudden flare

of magic behind him gave the warning he needed. Von Reich was quick

however and knocked his wand from him with a blow to his wrist. Aries

threw caution to the wind attempting to fling spells wandlessly, but their

close distance put them both at a disadvantage. This close, they easily

knocked each other's arms aside, sending the spells into the ground,

walls, and ceiling. Finally, his fist caught the professor's wrist, knocking

his wand to the ground as well, but their duel was not over.

Professor von Reich had trained him in mixed martial arts from day one,

believing that one should give themselves as many weapons as possible,

and so the duel became a fight. Master and apprentice fought, a blow

landing here and there. Von Reich was more experienced, but Aries'

nimbleness and speed were giving him the advantage. He landed a blow

on the man's jaw, just as his feet were knocked out from under him.

Using the momentum, he rolled backwards, taking the opportunity to

summon his wand. His professor had regained his wand as well, and they

stood off anew.

"Come on Aries!" von Reich commanded, "You can beat me! Or is this all

that the Heir can do?"

Anger flashed in Aries' eyes and his control slipped as the green specks in

his eyes suddenly darkened. He touched his wand to his palm and fire

erupted from the tip, swirling around him and smashing into his mentor's

shield. Lightning then flew from his fingertips as the darkest spells Aries'

knew collided with the shield. There was no defense now for him, and no

offense for the professor.

"Ignis flagellum!" A whip of fire streamed from his wand, wrapped around

von Reich's ankles just as his powerful shield broke and ripped him to the

ground. His hand shattered from Aries' bone breaker, his wand flying far

from the two. He reached the fallen man in moments, a deadly spell on

his lips. Reality flashed back to Aries as the tip of his wand, mere inches

from his mentor's face, glowed red, and at the last second flicked his

wrist right blasting the man's desk into pieces.

Aries was panting heavily, the combination of the immense power and

the realization of what he had almost done. How could he lose control

like that? And over the stupidest of jabs, but it had struck a chord

nonetheless. It had been so long since he had last control. Power swirled

around him, far from his control. Glass shattered sending dangerous shards

flying through the air. He could hear his mother's calming voice, contrasting

the chaos that surrounded him. He shook his head violently, sending the

memory back deep into his mind, and tried with all his might to summon

the void of Occlumency.

"Yes!" his professor exclaimed, "Do you know why you finally beat me?"

"I don't know."

"You let loose! After years of trying to get you to do it, you did."

"No!" Aries shook his head again; the memory would not go away. "I

can't, I can't lose control like that. Never again."

"You foolish boy." He could hear the anger in his mentor's voice. "You

have power, power that many would and have killed for. It's not chance

that you've been gifted it either, my Lord. Until you realize that

unleashing that power is your greatest strength, until you stop holding

back the storm that is inside you, you will always be weak." Anger filled

Aries' again and it took everything in his power not to unleash the storm

like he wanted. But he couldn't. Once he did, once he really let it go it

was like a raging torrent, one that he had to wrestle and dominate into

his control. He had no issues with harming people if needed, and he had

done so often in his time at Durmstrang, but when he lost control there

was no telling what would happen, it was like the darkest of his thoughts

took over and it was so sweet he never wanted to let go. It was

intoxicating. No, he would not succumb to that temptation.

"Am I dimissed master?" The formality of his apprenticeship was

something they often avoided. It was easy when the man had spent Yule

with them two years in a row, and most likely a third this year. But Aries'

was too angry to acknowledge that closeness with his mentor, and it did

not go unnoticed.

"No," was the stony reply. "Complete forms one through six, then you

may go."

His friends noticed the distance between the teacher and pupil but made

no comment, it was none of their concern after all. The next two weeks

passed quicker now, as Aries threw himself into training for the

upcoming competition. A desire burned in him, a desire to prove his

master wrong. He spent hours in the library reading up on new and more

powerful spells, some so dark it would probably even surprise his aunt. If

he wasn't there then he was in an abandoned classroom practicing, while

his friends often watched on.

At last the first of October arrived and the thirty students that would

make up the Durmstrang delegation boarded the sixteenth century

Spanish galleon, its sails flowing in the wind. Aries gave a curt nod to

Professor von Reich, who would be joining them along with their Magical

Theory professor, as he made his way to his cabin. He would share it

with Haydn, who had already made himself comfy on the top bunk. They

passed their time with cards, gambling being Haydn's guilty pleasure,

once Arianna and Ivan showed up. The fifth member of the fifth-year

delegation was another girl named Clarissa Mayer. Aries did not know

her personally, but he was aware of the existing friendship between

Arianna and the girl, so he would tolerate her for now. Despite the game

of cards, and the distracting way Arianna seemed to want to play with

her hair, Aries impatiently waited for their arrival at Hogwarts. Not just

for the tournament however, there was someone there he was looking

forward to dealing with after all.

It was near dinner time when they reached Hogwarts. Kakaroff had

refused to allow any of them lunch, saying that it would be disrespectful

to show up and not be able to accept their hospitality. Ironic since Aries

knew the man had had a luxurious meal himself, the whole ship could

smell it. The former Death Eater had spent the entire ride in his cabin,

forcing the students to steer the ship. Well most of them, Aries of the

Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Black was not about to steer this

ship when so many others were capable, and no one seemed to want to

tell him otherwise. Slowly, magnificently, the ship rose out of the water,

gleaming in the moonlight. It had a strangely skeletal look about it, as

though it were a resurrected wreck, and the dim, misty lights shimmering

at its portholes looked like ghostly eyes. Finally, with a great sloshing

noise, the ship emerged entirely, bobbing on the turbulent water, and

began to glide toward the bank.1

Aries' eyes locked onto Albus Dumbledore as he greeted Igor Kakaroff. He

had seen the Headmaster of Hogwarts many times in some of Cassiopeia's

memories throughout his childhood and in the Daily Prophet that they

received every morning, but this was the first time he had seen him in

person. Aries turned his eyes, not wanting to be noticed by the old man

just yet, to the crowd of Hogwarts students as Kakaroff began to lead

them inside. The delegation from Beauxbatons had already arrived and

few mingled with the Hogwarts students. A flash of blonde hair on what

looked like a fifth year Hogwarts student caught his eye, and he

immediately made his way towards him. He fixed an angry look on his

face as he grabbed the boy by the arm and ripped him around, hazel and

green flecked eyes meeting grey. They locked eyes for a moment, and the

few students around them tensed, before the two broke into a smile,

hugging one another fiercely.

"Aries!" The blonde boy said happily. "You didn't tell me you were

coming too!"

"I didn't know until the first of September," Aries replied with a laugh.

"Figured I'd let it be a surprise. You don't mind if my friends sit with us,

do you?"

"Of course not, follow us. Can't let you end up with those Gryffindors."

Aries let out an amused snort at that. Draco and Aries had been

introduced when they were five-years-old after his mother's pleas to

reunite with her family were finally granted by Cassiopeia. When they

showed up at the door of Malfoy manor after Lucius invited them, Aries

had been quite a shock for the Malfoy. Draco had other friends, but none

grew as close to him as Aries. They quickly became thick as thieves,

causing all sorts of trouble whenever they were together. Draco had been

another reason Aries had begged to go to Hogwarts, but instead he was

forced to hear all about the blonde boy's dealing with the annoying

Gryffindors, and not to mention Pansy Parkinson. No one else knew

about him in England besides the Malfoys, Cassiopeia had forced them

into an Unbreakable Vow to never tell anyone of his existence until he

became public knowledge and seeing as he was now at Hogwarts, that

vow was null and void.

"I do hope you're planning on introducing me Draco," Aries drawled in

perfection imitation of the boy earlier as they sat at the Slytherin table.

The Heir of Slytherin could not hide the satisfaction at finally being at

the school of his famous ancestor.

"Of course," he answered back sarcastically. He pointed first to two rather

large boys, who Aries thought could pass off as miniature trolls. "That's

Crabbe and Goyle, they don't speak much, thank Merlin. Next to him is

Blaise Zabini." Italian, he noted, and he knew the name. The Black Widow

was famous even in Germany, and he couldn't help but wonder if he

possessed any of his mother's skills. "The girl across from me is Pansy

Parkinson." Pansy tried to fix an alluring smile, but Aries was too busy

trying his best not to laugh at Draco's secret hatred of the girl. Uncle

Lucius forced him to play nicely with her, and Aries had been the only

one he could tell that he absolutely loathed the annoying girl. "To her left

is Theodore Nott, you'll like him, dusty book lovers the lot of you. To her

right is Tracey Davis, half-blood but she's alright, and next to her is

Daphne Greengrass, our resident Ice Queen." The last of Draco's group

had caught Aries' attention from the moment she sat down. He

understood only Nott was in his fifth year with Draco and the rest were a

year behind, yet the fourth-year girl could have easily been in his year

and he had a feeling she was older than the rest of her classmates.

Daphne Greengrass had long, beautiful blonde hair, and icy blue eyes met

his. Aries had studied her as she sat down and definitely approved of

what he saw. He gave her a small smirk and could've sworn he saw he

start to blush before she turned away, that icy look back on her face.

Arianna's glare at the girl was something he pointedly ignored. She was

attractive, had always been a loyal friend, and her feelings towards him

was something she had never really tried to hide in their time at

Durmstrang. He did not even need Legilimency to know, but Aries had

always planned on returning to England, and he would need to begin

laying foundations here. The Greengrass girl seemed the best place to


"Good evening, ladies and gentleman, ghosts – and most peculiar –

guests," said Dumbledore, beaming around at the foreign students. "I

have great pleasure in welcoming you all to Hogwarts. I hope and trust

that your stay here will be both comfortable and enjoyable. The

tournament will officially be opened at the end of the feast. I invite you

all to eat, drink, and make yourselves at home!"1

Food appeared in front of them, and Aries recognized the many French

and German cuisines among many others. Unlike his friends though he

immediately reached for the English food. Despite growing up in

Germany, Aunt Cassiopeia had always treated him to the food of her

home, and it was by far his favorite.

"So, who from Hogwarts is the favorite?" Aries asked the Hogwarts


"Diggory," Draco replied sourly with a nod over to table two over.

"Hufflepuff, it's a disgrace. But he's top of the class, so it won't be much of

a surprise. I wish they would allow the younger years a chance."

"And you think you'd be champion Malfoy?" Aries couldn't help but smirk

as Greengrass eyed Draco with a challenge. He remembered that while

Greengrass and Davis hung around Draco, it was not because they liked

him, rather because they liked Parkinson and the fool girl was smitten

with the Malfoy heir.

"He'd be a good choice," Aries interrupted, smirking at the shocked look

on Davis and Greengrass. "I had hoped my Aunt would be able to

convince someone to lower the age, but she refused."

"Why?" Draco asked. He knew that if Cassiopeia wanted something done,

it'd happen.

"Didn't want me to be able to compete."

"More like she wanted the other schools to have a chance," Arianna

offered. Her English was far better than Haydn's or Ivan's.

Aries shrugged. "I have no doubt that Hogwarts and Beauxbatons will

offer up excellent champions, though I have full confidence that Krum

will be victorious."

"Don't be modest Aries," Arianna chided. "You'd wipe the floor with the


Aries looked around the hall as conversation moved onto classes. He

knew all about it from Draco's letters and summer rants, so he took the

opportunity to study the students. Almost immediately his eyes landed on

a raven-haired boy with round glasses and a lightning bolt scar. He was

talking with a red-haired boy who was trying unsuccessfully to talk with

a mouth full of food. So that is Thomas Potter, the Boy-Who-Lived. He

seemed a little short for his age and nothing stood out to him as

extraordinary, but he knew looks could be deceiving. A pull of magic

turned his eyes to one of the French girls at the same table as Diggory.

She was gorgeous, but the pull was confusing until a realization came to

him. Veela! That explained why most boys around her seemed almost in

a trance, staring at her like she was the most amazing thing they had

ever seen. Aries shook his head at their antics and turned to the head


The headmistress of Beauxbatons sat to Albus Dumbledore's left, while

Kakaroff sat on his right. The three were in a heated conversation, one

that pitted Igor against the other two heads. It ended with a triumphant

look on Igor's face who, once noticing Aries gaze, gave a nod and looked

like one who was bursting to tell a secret. Aries' eyes moved to the left

and found himself looking at Sirius Black. He looked exactly as he did

years ago in Aunt Cassi's memories, with long black hair and an air of

casual elegance. Sirius was laughing loudly with the man to his left. This

man, James Potter he guessed, looked exactly like an older version of

Thomas, with the same glasses on his face. The two men were similar

robes, looking something akin to what the German Aurors were. There

were two empty seats next to Sirius but before he could muse, the food

had disappeared, and Dumbledore stood to address them.

"The moment has come," said Dumbledore, smiling around at the seas of

upturned faces. "The Tri-Wizard Tournament is about to begin. I would

like to say a few words of explanation before we bring in the casket just

to clarify the procedures that we will be following this year. But first, let

me introduce, for those who do not know them, Mr. Bartemius Crouch,

Head of the Department of International Magical Cooperation and Mr.

Ludo Bagman, Head of the Department of Magical Games and Sports. Mr.

Bagman and Mr. Crouch have worked tirelessly over the last few months

on the arrangements for the Tri-Wizard-Tournament and they will be

joining myself, Professor Kakaroff, and Madame Maxine in the panel that

will judge the champion's efforts.1 I'd almost like to welcome Aurors

Sirius Black and James Potter. After the recent attack at the Quidditch

World Cup, the Ministry felt that an Auror presence was necessary and

they have happily volunteered to join us.

'First I have some announcements to make. As you were told there are

extra contests, designed to inspire international bonds and grow a

healthy sense of competition. There will be, of course, a Quidditch

tournament and a dueling tournament. Interschool competitions will

deem who will compete for their schools, and unfortunately those chosen

as champions will not be allowed to compete in these extra contests."

There was a little grumbling to that, but it faded quickly. "Lastly, as many

of you know it was the intention of many of the organizers of this

tournament to only allow those seventeen-years-old to compete.

However, and I must note my disagreement with this decision, it has

been decided that all those in their fifth year, or the age fifteen, and

above may enter to compete in the Tri-Wizard Tournament."

An old man that looked rather grumpy, approached Dumbledore with a

wooden casket as excited conversations sprung up around the hall. Aries

noticed Kakaroff's smirk again and guessed that the heated discussion he

had witnessed regarded the age limit. It seemed the Aunt Cassiopeia had

in fact convinced a few people to make the change, her bad habit of

having a tough time telling Aries no to anything seemed to be continuing

tonight. Dumbledore now took out his wand and tapped three times on

upon the top of the casket. The lid creaked slowly open and he reached

inside pulling out a large, roughly hewn wooden cup. It would have been

extremely unremarkable had it not been full to the brim with dancing

blue-white flames.1

"In light of the recent age limit change, I feel I must put forth a warning

to all those that would compete," Dumbledore said gravely. "This

tournament will consist of four tasks, spaced throughout the school year

and they will test each champion in many ways. These will not be school

yard challenges as they are designed to challenge everything about you,

including the ability to cope with danger. Many have died in this

tournament, and I would hope that trend is not continued this year.

Anyone wishing to the champion to represent their school has twenty-

four hours to write their name and school upon a slip of parchment and

place into the impartial selector: The Goblet of Fire."

The Great Hall had been changed since the welcoming feast the night

before. Stands and small circular tables replaced the long ones that

usually sat in the hall. Aries and the combination of his and Draco's

friends had spent much of the day watching would be contenders place

their name in the Goblet. Each House from Hogwarts had cheered loudly

for their contenders, but the loudest cheer of all had been for Diggory.

Aries had gleemed much about the seventh year from Draco's friends, and

unfortunately for his friend, he believed that Diggory would be the one

chosen. Many of the Beauxbatons students believed the veela, Fleur

Delacour, would be chosen. The only school that was unsure was

Durmstrang, as many could not decide whether the Goblet would choose

Viktor Krum or Aries Black.

Aries glanced towards Daphne, who was far more interested in her

Ancient Runes book than the contenders for the cup, before turning back

to see two red-heads, twins by the looks of them, put their names in the

Goblet as cheers rose from the Gryffindors. He had to agree with Draco's

assessment of them, they were rather obnoxiously loud. Ivan and Haydn

had already placed submitted their names, but Aries tapped his foot

impatiently as he waited for Viktor. Rather than putting in his name right

away, Kakaroff had wanted them to place their names in together, seeing

as the Headmaster believed that one of them would be chosen, and he

was probably right. Finally, the Bulgarian entered in his blood red-robes

and the hall quieted. Many were in awe of the Quidditch star, despite his

team's loss in the World Cup this past summer. Aries rose from his seat

between Draco and Arianna, and walked confidently to meet him, his slip

of parchment already in his hand. They gave each other a nod, before

placing their names in at the same time as a polite cheer rose from the

spectators. Aries gave him a cheeky grin, and they shook hands before he

pulled the Bulgarian over to meet Draco and his friends.

"I still can't believe I got to meet Krum," Draco gushed. The dinner

Hogwarts provided tonight was excellent again, and Aries was looking

forward to finding out who would be champions.

"Honestly Malfoy you sound like Weasley," Greengrass said with a smug

smirk. The blonde girl had amused him all day with her comments

towards his friend and with each laugh he gave it only seemed to

encourage her more.

"Quit laughing Black, and don't compare me to that mud blood

befriending blood traitor."

"Draco," Aries said sternly, "That's your father talking." Cassiopeia Black

and Lucius Malfoy had very similar views on the topic of muggles and

muggleborns, but their place in the magical world was something they

did disagree on. While Lucius thought that muggleborns should not be

allowed into their society at all, Cassi believed they should be integrated

so well that they were more magic than muggle, it was something Aries

tended to agree with. The only thing that could agree on was that the old

families should stay in power, and that the muggles needed to learn their

place in the world. How, was still a heated discussion between the two

families. Aries had long tried to hold Draco's blood prejudice in check

and knew that Uncle Lucius thought him to be a bit of a bad influence in

that category. Dumbledore rising to his feet cut off Draco's reply and

silenced the hall.

"It seems at last the Goblet is ready to determine our champions. I would

ask that when a champion is called, they make their way to the next

chamber, where they will receive their instructions." He gave a wave of

his wand and the hall plunged into darkness, save for the Goblet of Fire

which shone brightly, casting a blue light onto the students. The flames

turned suddenly red and a tongue of flame so hot Aries could feel it on

his face shot into the air, and a charred piece of parchment floated down

into Dumbledore's awaiting hand.

"The champion for Durmstrang," Dumbledore stopped for a moment, as if

to be sure of what he had read. "Aries Black." The Durmstrang delegation

erupted in cheers, shocking everyone, as the surly occupants had been

the quietest since their arrival. Aries stood flashing his friends a

triumphant smile as he made his way to the back chamber. He did miss

the look of open curiosity on Albus Dumbledore's face and the equally

shocking look on Sirius Black. He ignored them both, passing into a

smaller room, lined with portraits and a handsome fire was roaring in the

fireplace. Moments later he was joined by the French champion Fleur

Delacour who gave him an appraising look which he returned with a

flirtatious smile. Lastly, to no surprise, Cedric Diggory walked in. The

three did not speak to one another and all turned to the door as it

opened. But it was not as he expected.

The first thing Aries Black noticed about Thomas Potter was that the boy

was confused and clearly frightened. He slipped into the boy's mind and

caught a glimpse of a charred piece of parchment and Dumbledore

calling out the boy's name.

"It seems we have a fourth champion."

AN: Next chapter will be titled: To Be A Champion

Quick note to erase any confusion:

Fifth year students from Durstrang are Aries, Hayden, Arianna, Ivan

(Krum is obviously in his seventh year)

Fifth year students from Hogwarts are Draco, Theodore Nott (only

original characters a year ahead besides Harry/Aries)

Fourth year students from Hogwarts are Zabini, Tracey Davis,

Daphne Greengrass, Thomas Potter, Susan Bones Hermione, and

Ron (generally most of the original class)

Third year students from Hogwarts are Ginny Weasley and Luna


4. To Be A Champion

AN: As always let us begin with the first verse of the Harry Potter

Bible, Chapter 1, Verse 1: I own nothing and it all belongs to JK

Rowling, long may she reign. I don't necessarily write for reviews,

follows, and favorites, but they are one hell of a motivator to keep

writing, so thank you all for them. I struggled with this chapter, and

I'm still not sure it ended how I wanted, but I couldn't do much

better. There are a couple moments that I do love, and I hope it

makes up for the rest. Hopefully y'all enjoy it and if you don't,

whatever floats your boat y'all.

"Did you place your name in the Goblet of Fire?" Dumbledore asked

calmly. The whole room was tense, accusations of cheating had already

been said, and James Potter, who had come in with Sirius Black and

Dumbledore, looked furious.

"No." Thomas answered. Aries noted that a third man with greasy hair

and a hooked nose made a soft noise of impatient disbelief. He

recognized him as Severus Snape, the youngest potions master in history,

or at least he had been. Snape's books on potions had been some of Aries'

favorite growing up and he looked forward to learning from him


"Did you ask an older student to put it into the Goblet of Fire for you?"

"No." he answered vehemently, but Aries could see that he was afraid.

"Ah, but of course 'e is lying!" cried Madame Maxine.

"Of course he's not." Aries venomous statement cut off the argument

before it could continue. "Look at him, only a fool could believe that he

did it. He's terrified, as he should be."

"Black's right," a man gruffed from near the door. He only had one real

eye, the other being a magical one that swirled around the room and he

hobbled on a wooden leg towards them. "He's been forced to compete.

They've all got to compete. Binding magical contract and the like. Rather

convenient, eh?"

"Convenient?" Kakaroff asked. "I'm afraid I don't understand you Mad-

Eye." Ah, he was the Auror, Alastor Moody, though most called him Mad-

Eye . Aries did not miss the way his headmaster attempted to belittle the


"Don't you?" Moody growled. "It's very simple Kakaroff, someone put

Potter's name in the Goblet knowing he'd have to compete. People have

died in this tournament, and someone is probably hoping Potter is going

to die from it."

They finally let the champions leave after a pointless argument in Aries'

opinion. The Goblet of Fire was a magical binding contract and so now

four champions would compete in the Tri-Wizard Tournament. He could

tell that Delacour had been interested in walking with him out of the

castle, but Madame Maxine had held her back. Unfortunate as the last

thing he wanted was to be with Kakaroff alone. The man annoyed him to

no end, and while Aries respected the position he held, the man was a

coward pure and simple. Thankfully Kakaroff was pulled aside by the

potions master and he was able to enjoy a quiet walk back.

The halls, and his mind, had a different idea however. Much like eight

years ago when Aries had visited the Chamber of Secrets, memories that

did not belong to him floated to the forefront of his mind. He could

remember taking that hall to the boy's room, and he undoubtedly knew

that that left turn could lead him down to the Slytherin common room,

even though he had never been there. It was a lot to take in and he

welcomed the void, pushing the assaulting memories back in the recesses

of his mind.

Aries exited the castle and breathed in the fresh air. The Spanish galleon

that he'd call home for the next year looked remarkable in the cloudless

sky, a half moon shining its light onto the great lake. Professor von Reich

greeted him on the deck, a glass of firewhiskey in his hand. He was

tempted to join him, knowing his mentor would allow him a glass or two,

but his friends were most likely waiting up for him, putting up with

Muller's gambling, and so he headed to his cabin. The moment he was

through the door a small body attacked him with a vicious hug. Arianna

pulled back with a large smile, and Haydn and Ivan looked equally

pleased as they sat around a card filled table.

"Congratulations!" she shouted in German. "Too bad that Potter boy went

and ruined it for everyone. Doesn't he have enough fame already?"

"How did that work out, Aries?" Ivan asked as Haydn took the opportunity

to deal him in to the game. Aries gave a shake of his head at his friend's

addiction, taking a seat next to Arianna on his bunk.

"Potter did not enter willingly, that was obvious."

"Legilimency?" Haydn offered. Aries glanced at his hand before answering,

he'd lose this round. Did Haydn cheat or was he just bad at cards?

"Yes and no, it was clear on his face that he was terrified. One of the Aurors,

Alastor Moody, seems to think someone's out to get Potter. But he'll compete.

Four champions. Makes for a rather interesting tournament." Haydn would

have had them play until sunrise, but the moment Arianna started dosing

on his shoulder Aries sent them back to their own cabins. They had filled

him in on the student exchange and the fifth year Durmstrang students

would shadow the Slytherin's in Potions, Transfiguration, and Charms.

Professor von Reich would teach them Battle Magic and Runes. Krum had

already put together a team for the Quidditch tournament and no one

argued against the Bulgarian star. Aries would have to make it a point to

talk to the older boy, he had been looking forward to competing in the

Tri-Wizard Tournament and he wanted to make sure there were no hard

feelings. Viktor's friendship, and future connections, was an asset he did

not want to lose.

Aries had enjoyed the potions class, though he was disappointed he did

not get to see the potions master brew himself. Professor Snape had

simply left instructions on the board and left them to brew, spending the

lesson antagonizing the Gryffindors to the endless amusements of the

Slytherins. Transfiguration reminded him much of his own professor back

at Durmstrang and he welcomed the strictness that the old woman

brought. His only disappointment was that his class was further ahead

than Hogwarts, making it much more of a review than an actual learning

experience. Charms had been his favorite so far, the miniature wizard

being much more interesting than theirs at Durmstrang, whose dull,

monotone voice only sounded alive next to Professor Binns.

It was that Thursday following Charms, that Aries decided to go for a

stroll outside Hogwarts. The fresh air was much welcome compared to

the frigidness one breathed in at Durmstrang. He had a feeling one could

really enjoy learning at Hogwarts, but the survival lessons taught at

Durmstrang put all of its students leagues ahead of its counterpart in his

opinion. Aries stroll had brought him down to the lake, where he found

Thomas Potter skipping rocks into the lake with as much enthusiasm as

Draco put into being nice to muggleborns. He was not oblivious and had

seen many of the Hogwarts students wearing badges claiming Diggory as

the 'Real Hogwarts Champion,' though occasionally it would change to

say 'Potter Stinks.' It had been a rather ingenious idea of Draco's, one that

even he found amusing, but many had taken it to the extreme. Aries had

also noticed that the two fifth years that had sat next to Potter at the

welcome feast ignored him and much of his house avoided him besides a

red-headed third year and a chubby fourth year. He was not sure why he

walked towards the boy, but he was also a champion after all, and as

much as Aries loathed to admit it, the boy was being forced to compete,

and did not deserve the way the rest of the school treated him.

"Potter." The Black boy greeted. Thomas looked up surprised and almost

dropped his handful of rocks at seeing the Durmstrang student.

"Oh, hello." Thomas returned the greeting awkwardly. "You're Aries Black


"Indeed I am." The Potter boy had a rather confused look on his face

before turning back to the lake.

"Are you related to Sirius?" Aries bit back the sarcastic remark. It would

not do to anger a potential connection, one that may have serious

political influence in the future.

"Yes, I'm his nephew. His brother, Regulus, was my father."

"The Death Eater?!" Potter had fixed a rather scared look on his face. This

was the wizarding world's savior? He was afraid of a dead man! Could he

even say the Dark Lord's name or did he say You-Know-Who like the rest

of them?

"Yes, though if I remember correctly, the Dark Lord killed him, so I'm not

sure why that would matter." That had come out far more sarcastic than

Aries meant, but it seemed to relax the boy, who continued skipping

rocks into the lake.

"Sirius wants to talk to you, but I think he's scared you'll reject him or

something." Ah, so that explained his uncle's distance.

"You can tell him that I'll talk to him, though it would be best if kept his

expectations of me locked up."

"Yeah Sirius tends to be a little irrational sometimes," Thomas said with a

grin. "I'll let him know." Silence spread out between them, Potter

continued to skip rocks and Aries looked to the forest, longing to change

and run through the trees. He shook his head, that was a secret too great

to risk being caught, especially in the daylight.

"I see your friends have abandoned you." Not a very sensitive way to say

it, but Aries tended to be rather blunt. Thomas winced and chose to

chuck the next rock, rather than skip it.

"Yeah, they don't believe that I didn't put my name into the cup."

"And does everyone believe that?"

"I think so." Potter glanced up at the castle, and Aries could tell he was

deep in thought.

"Let me give you a life lesson Potter," Aries began, waiting until Potter

looked at him before continuing. "Friends are nice, but at the end of the

day all you have is yourself. If they don't believe your word, then they

aren't good friends any way. I saw that boy you were with, Weasley I

think? He looked at the cup like it was the answer to all his problems.

And then dropped you in a second when he thought you robbed him of it.

That's not the kind of person you want to be around. Make some new

friends Potter, ones that believe you and value what you say. Forget these

people, and when the first task comes, prove them wrong. Prepare

yourself rather than sitting around moping, or this tournament will kill

you." Aries wasn't sure why he had helped Potter, but at the time it

seemed the right thing to do.

The second week of classes went by quickly and the First Task, set to take

place on the first of November, was now only two weeks away. He had

found an abandoned classroom on the third floor that he used to practice

some of his spells and his friends routinely joined him to throw out ideas

of their own. It was on the Tuesday in their third week, while Aries was

making his way to Transfiguration, that he was at last confronted by

Sirius Black. His uncle had been floating around often, always seeming to

be on the verge of saying something to him but deciding against it at the

last second.

"Aries! Hold up!" The Black boy turned around with an expectant look on

his face.

"Uncle Sirius," Aries almost drawled. "It's good to finally meet you."

"So, you do know me." That was a rather ridiculous statement considering

the conversation he had had with Potter last week. "Where are you


"Transfiguration. I'm assuming you'd like to walk with me?"

"Yeah sure." He allowed Sirius to lead and to give him a moment to

collect his thoughts. It was obvious that his uncle was unsure of what

exactly to say, but he waited patiently for him to decide.

"How are you finding Hogwarts?" Sirius asked at last.

"Warm, Durmstrang tends to be much colder than here." Aries noticed the

way Sirius' face darkened at the mention of his school but chose to ignore

it. "Draco and his friends have been kind enough to welcome us with

open arms."

"The Malfoy boy? Why are you hanging around with him?"

"He's been my friend since I was five years old, and considering my

mother was a Malfoy I don't think I need much more of an explanation."

"His father was a Death Eater-"

"As was mine."

"And you're hanging around the people who followed the man that killed

him! People who love the Dark Arts!" Aries rolled his eyes.

"I think you're forgetting that I go to a school that teaches the Dark Arts.

And besides Regulus killed himself uncle."

"What?" Sirius asked incredulously, the last statement catching him off

guard. It wasn't the truth per say, but it was from Aries' point of view.

"I do not blame the Dark Lord for killing my father." he answered

statement only seemed to anger his uncle even more.

"Don't call him that! You sound like one of them! And how could you not

blame him?!" Aries rolled his eyes and stopped to face the man.

"My father joined the Dark Lord willingly, and then betrayed him. If I had

been in the Dark Lord's position I would have done the same. Betraying

someone as powerful as him is not a good idea for staying alive." Anger

rose up in Aries and he fought to control the desire to hex his only other

family member. "And what about you Sirius? How many Death Eaters

have you killed? How many children have you left without a father? Is

their hatred of you any less deserving because their fathers were not

killed by a dark lord? No, Sirius, the Dark Lord is not to blame. If anyone

is to blame it's you." Sirius had paled considerably at that statement, and

was backed against the wall, almost seeming to want to run away from

Aries' upcoming accusations. "My father came to you days before he was

killed. It's in his journal he left with my mother. I don't know why he

betrayed the Dark Lord, and why it was a big enough deal to be dealt

with personally. All I do know is that he came to you for help and you

turned your back on him. You turned your back on blood and family. If

you're looking for someone to blame Sirius Black, maybe you should start

with yourself."

Aries waited a few moments to see if Sirius would respond, but he

seemed at a loss for words. With a shake of his head he left his uncle

leaning against the stone wall. He had hoped he might be able to connect

with his uncle, and perhaps pull him away from Dumbledore's grasp to

help rebuild the House of Black. Aries did in a way blame Sirius for his

father's death, but it wasn't like he was the one who cast the killing cure.

Part of him truly wanted to build a relationship with his uncle despite

what he had done. Unfortunately, Sirius was too busy being narrow

minded, like many of the Light families that followed the Headmaster.

"Aries." Sirius' voice was soft and without Aries' excellent hearing he

might not have heard his uncle. He turned to face Sirius, who now stood

staring down at his hands. Sirius took a deep breath and meet Aries' eyes.

"You're right, I turned my back on Reg. And not a day goes by that I don't

regret it. Thirteen years I've been haunted by the fact that maybe I could

have saved my brother. Then you show up, the son of the only member

of my family I ever loved. Maybe if I had helped him, Voldemort

would've been destroyed before he killed your father. You could've been

raised here, and I would've snuck you away for adventures while your

father tried to teach you all about being a proper Black." Sirius looked to

be fighting tears. "But that's not meant to be. Regulus is dead, but you're

here now. Please let me get to know you, the real you. Let me try to be

the uncle I could have been if I hadn't made the biggest mistake of my

life. Please Aries."

Sirius' confession rocked Aries, it had been the last thing he had been

expecting. Maybe his uncle wasn't so far out of reach after all. Aries

walked calmly over to Sirius, looked him in the eyes, and grazed his

uncle's mind. Guilt hit him like a hurricane, and it threatened to drown

him. Only his years of Occlumency helped him keep the neutral look on

his face, but guilt was not the only thing he felt. Rising in that storm was

hope, and at that Aries made his decision. He reached out his hand,

waiting for Sirius to take it, and shook it.

"I'm Aries Black," he greeted. "It's good to meet you Uncle Sirius." The

older man smiled brightly, and Aries ignored the obvious tears that

threatened to fall.

"It's good to meet you too cub." Sirius looked away for a second, clearly

trying to reign in his emotions, and Aries felt guilt for something else

rising in his uncle. "Look you've got the tournament and all, so I don't

want to distract you right now. If you need any help feel free to ask, but

there's a Hogsmeade trip the weekend after the First Task. Maybe we

could get to know each other over a few butterbeers then?"

"I prefer firewhiskey." Aries replied with a grin. "But yes, that's


"I'd tell you that you're underage and all, but that's not something an

uncle is supposed to do." Sirius smiled and looked as if he wanted to hug

Aries, but decided against it, much to Aries' relief.

The rest of the week passed by without any further incident. Surprisingly

Viktor had been incredibly busy whether with preparing the Durmstrang

Quidditch team or, for whatever reason, sneaking off to the library, but

Aries had finally tracked him down. It was with much relief that the

older boy laughed off his worries, saying that he could now show the

English and the French how Quidditch was supposed to be played. If

Aries wasn't practicing or hanging out with his friends or Draco, Daphne

Greengrass occupied his time, much to Arianna De Cordova's chargin.

Daphne had been rather cold to his advances, something Draco found

rather amusing, but after reluctantly sharing an Ancient Runes text, one

he had spent hours looking for in the library and was not about to just

give up no matter how beautiful the girl was, she seemed to warm a

little. The girl often asked about Durmstrang and Germany, while

providing invaluable information on the current political situation in

England. Her father, Cyrus, sat on the Wizengamot, and kept her up to

date on the happenings of the high wizard court of law.

It was after Daphne joined him for one of his practice sessions that she

surprised him. Draco had told him a lot about his friends throughout the

years, and while Aries had needed to be introduced to them it did not

mean he was ignorant of them. Greengrass, according to Draco, thought

much of the blood prejudice was rubbish, and did not hold to the more

extreme pureblood beliefs. Despite all this, Aries did not miss the way her

eyes lit up the first time he cast a Dark Arts spell. It had been days before

she built up her courage to approach him, but when Daphne asked if he

would teach her some of what he knew of the Dark Arts, he accepted all

too happily. Now the pureblood heiress sat with him at meals often,

something he now enjoyed rubbing in Draco's face, and discretely read

the Dark Arts book he had given her anytime she invited him to the


Arianna was tense as he slipped in beside her in Battle Magics. Aries was

more than aware of Arianna's dislike for Daphne Greengrass, but he

thought that she was over reacting. He had never shown any signs of

returning the Spanish girl's feelings, and while they had a closer

friendship than most boys and girls had, it was no where near a

relationship. It was something he would need to address soon, though he

pushed it far from his mind as their professor joined them at last.

Professor von Reich had opted to take over an abandoned classroom on

the second floor, no doubt to get away from Headmaster Kakaroff. His

lesson was unique, even for Durmstrang's standards and the collective

Durmstrang delegation seemed to enjoy the change of pace. Aries made

to leave as von Reich brought their lesson to a close, hoping to catch up

with Arianna who had left rather quickly, before his professor asked him

to stay.

Their argument had happened over a month ago, and while they had

continued their lessons at Durmstrang, they had yet to have one upon

their arrival at Hogwarts. It was still somewhat tense between them,

Aries noted, as he took the offered chair in front of von Reich's desk. He

waited patiently as his professor scribbled a note, taking the moment to

notice how much different the man had made this room compared to his

classroom at Durmstrang. Aries came back to look at von Reich, who was

leaning forward, looking at him with an expression of curiosity before

leaning back, and placing his hands in his lap. He waited for his master

to speak as he was not sure if this would be a social conversation or if he

was about to be reprimanded.

"What did you think of today's lesson Aries?" The question caught him off

guard, but he quickly recovered.

"Dementors are a rather interesting discussion, something I didn't think

was covered until seventh year." The creatures did intrigue them, as did

many dark creatures, and had read up on them from an early age. Their

loyalty to dark wizards was a potential asset he had been researching

since his arrival at Durmstrang.

"They also have a tendency to show up in the Tri-Wizard Tournament,

something I thought you all would be interested in, particularly you."

"I've noticed," Aries drawled. "The Patronus Charm is on my agenda to

learn after the First Task."

"And do you have a plan?"

"Yes." Aries was unsure of how much to tell the old man but decided that

being open could be rewarding. "Dragons are definitely an interesting


"Ah, so Kakaroff told you, did he?" He enjoyed the look of disgust on

Professor von Reich's face. Their mutual dislike of the Headmaster was a

common topic during their lessons. "That man is a coward. Afraid of

losing anything, including this tournament. I'm still not sure why

Cassiopeia allowed him to be the Headmaster of Durmstrang"

"I had hoped to enjoy the challenge of not knowing the task but-"

"But you did not wish to look a gift horse in the mouth?" Von Reich

finished for him. "A wise decision. No doubt you do not wish to burn that

bridge. Kakaroff, despite him being a coward, could potentially push

many valuable students your way." Aries nodded at that. Kakaroff was

important to his future plans, unless he could be replaced with someone

better. "Your affinity for fire will be useful for this first challenge then."

Aries gave an amused snort at that. "Dragon fire is very different than

magical fire."

"Ah, but elemental fire is much closer in nature. Your ability to bend and

control the elements will prove useful in this tournament." Aries could

not help the troubled look on his face and Von Reich glanced back at his

notes for a moment. "Tell me what you think of your competition."

"Diggory is indeed my strongest competitor. Fast, nimble, and has a wide

arsenal of spells, though admittedly light. He is far more powerful than

he lets on. The Delacour girl, a veela, is a close second. If her allure

affected me I'd consider her above Diggory. Still, she also has an affinity

for fire, as do most veela, and the Goblet chose her for a reason. I've been

trying to get close to her, but Madame Maxine seems against the idea of

her 'fraternizing with the enemy.'" His professor nodded along while Aries

took a moment to reflect on his last opponent. "Potter is the least

concerning. Though that is if one is considering which of three deadly

snakes one wants to avoid the least. No doubt he has had some training,

but his inexperience gives me an advantage."

"As expected, your assessment is correct." Again, that curious look

crossed his mentor's face. "Tell me Aries, why did you decide to be a

champion?" This was the second time the professor had caught him off

guard, but he silently collected his thoughts before answering.

"The dueling tournament was a fantastic way to introduce myself to the

people of England. But this tournament, it can be the beginning of the

return of the House of Black."

"Then why are you going to hold yourself back? I can see your reluctance

to use your more refined abilities. If you mean to introduce yourself why

not show them all of what you can do?"

"The reward is not worth the risk," Aries almost gritted out. He did not

want to have this conversation, but his master did not agree. He did not

answer right away, but he eventually spoke again.

"Eight years ago, Cassiopeia Black came to me, telling me of a boy that

needed a tutor. She told me that this boy was exceptional and incredibly

powerful. I expected someone in their teens, but I found myself tutoring a

seven-year-old boy." Aries remembered well the day that Professor von

Reich came to teach him, mere days after receiving his wand. "I was not

disappointed however. For two hours, five days a week, I taught you

under the watchful eyes of your aunt. Immediately I knew you had

power, and the determination to succeed. Every great wizard, and many

of the finest duelists, long to find an apprentice, to pass on their

knowledge and see it perfected. I had given up hope of finding someone

worthy to pass on my knowledge to, and then I found you. That first day

I taught you I asked your aunt for permission to apprentice you, and she

denied me. I'm ashamed to say I begged, and still she refused, but I was

determined. For four years I taught you Battle Magics, Transfiguration,

Charms, Runes, and Potions, watching as you surpassed my expectations

day after day. Every day I asked to make you my apprentice, still your

aunt denied me. Yet I could tell it was only the tip of the ice burg, and

that you both were hiding something.'

"It was the day I was offered the Battle Magics post at Durmstrang that

your aunt came to me. That only confirmed my assumption that I had

been offered it because of your aunt. It was then that I learned of your

immense power, far beyond even what I had guessed, and it was also the

day I learned of your mother. That day she finally approved my request,

and you became my apprentice with an eagerness I yearned for.

Throughout your first year I tried to push you, and yet you were afraid to

let go. I passed it off, thinking it was just the irrational fear of an eleven-

year-old boy. Then your second year came, and still you were afraid. So, I

changed tactics, teaching you spells and focusing on your rather unique

affinities, forcing you to release your power in intervals, gaining more

and more control. You returned for your third year, and I knew

something was different. You finally had unleashed enough to overpower

me, now I just had to refine you. It was not until I found your secret

room on the second floor that I truly understood. You weren't scared of

your power, as the havoc you created in that room showed, rather you

feared what you would do to people. When I questioned you and

questioned why you were so determined to control the storm inside you,

you surprised me again with the demand of an Unbreakable Vow.

Knowing your aunt, I should not have been surprised. That was when you

told me that you were not just the Heir of the Most Ancient and Most

Noble House of Black, but also the Heir of Slytherin, and told me of what

you had planned for the future." Aries nodded, he remembered that too,

but where was his professor going with this?

"All your power, your determination made sense now. All the missing

pieces of the puzzle came together and throughout your fourth year I

pushed you and pushed you. Antagonizing you, hoping to make you

angry enough to unleash your power until at last this year something

inside you snapped. I don't know why you reacted, all I know is you

finally unleashed that storm inside you. If you want their respect Aries of

House Black, you need to unleash it again and again in this tournament."

"I can't." Aries interrupted.

"Then why are you in this tournament?!" Von Reich demanded.

"I'm the Heir to the House of Black!" Aries yelled in return. "And more

importantly I'm the Heir of Slytherin. But I'm just a fifteen-year-old boy

from Durmstrang who grew up in Germany. None of these Englishman

will respect me. I did not grow up around here, but I can show them

what I'm capable of and make them respect me without unleashing


"Quit lying to me! Despite your childish fears even I can tell that

somewhere inside you, you want to unleash that power. Now tell me why

you won't do it!"

"I DON'T WANT TO BECOME A MONSTER!" There it was, the deep

hidden fear that had always been inside him. His aunt had never hidden

her plans for them, and he even had his own. But too often he saw

himself becoming another Voldemort, another monster. He called for the

void, as the nightmares of his youth assaulted him.

"Good," Von Reich said softly after a moment, bringing him back to the

present. "Then don't." Aries choked out a laugh at that. "Grindewald and

Lord Voldemort have one very important thing in common. They both

lost their humanity along the way. Grindewald's 'Greater Good'

eventually rivaled the evil of Adolf Hitler, and the Dark Lord turned

reform into massacre, not caring for what it did to the magical

community. We both know of what you have planned Aries and there's

nothing wrong with what you desire to achieve but let me tell you there

is no handbook that sets any sort of rules for what a dark lord can or

cannot be. Many have earned that title through their cruelty and through

genocide, Grindewald and the Dark Lord included, but you will not earn

it as they did. It will be given to you by wizards too ignorant to see that

you are only doing what must be done, what others are too weak to

accomplish themselves. You are so concerned with making connections

here that you do not realize this is the perfect opportunity to let other

sees that they should be the ones getting on your good side.'

"You schooling at Durmstrang and your love for a larger view of magic,

rather than the dogmatic view of Dumbledore, will push the Light

families away from you. So, forget them and unleash your power Aries.

Unleash the darkness, that raging storm inside you, and show the dark

and grey wizards of England what you are capable of. Show them that

you can be the dark lord that Voldemort never could. Keep your rules,

keep that part of your humanity, and do only what is necessary. Show

them why they should fear and respect you. Show them what it truly

means to by the Heir of Slytherin. You will only become a monster if you

let yourself become one. You are incredibly powerful, Aries, and you will

be the Dark Lord of the coming century. But that does not mean you will

become another Lord Voldemort. It does not mean that you have to be

evil, like those who came before you. Put away that childish fear and

become who you were born to be."

Professor von Reich's words haunted him, replaying over and over in his

head. His dreams seem to be even worse, as one night he'd see himself

standing in the place of the Dark Lord and the next he'd relive the

nightmares of his youth. No screams came from him now as they had

when he was younger, but they still troubled him nonetheless. His friends

had taken his sudden solemn mood as symptoms of the upcoming task,

but truthfully it did not worry him at all. Whether he went with his

original plan or followed the advice of his mentor, the dragon would be

no concern.

There were a few bright spots that did manage to cheer him up, such as

the fact that Draco and Daphne began joining the fifth-year Durmstrang

students more often to relax or study. He knew Draco joined them, rather

than inviting him to be with his own friends, because Parkinson could

not stand Arianna, and vice versa, and thus left him alone. Aries was

happy that the Spanish girl did not leave at the site of Greengrass girl as

she had been doing before, even though her dislike for the English girl

was still plain, but things were starting to go back to normal. He only

hoped that it would continue.

It was a cool Saturday that found Aries walking along the Black Lake,

exactly a week away from the First Task. His musing was unfortunately

interrupted by Potter himself calling for him. Two weeks had passed

since his conversation with Potter, who from Aries' observation seemed

to be doing much better. He had seen him often with the chubby boy,

and two red-headed girls. Aries considered ignoring him, and the call to

run among the trees of the forest was almost too much a temptation to

pass up. Almost.

"Potter," Aries greeted again, coming to a stop next to a rock jutting out

of the ground. "Can I help you?"

"It's Thomas, you know," he said with a kind smile. Aries suddenly had to

fight the urge to hex the boy and when he didn't respond Potter

continued. "I, um, just wanted to say thank you. You kind of gave me a

reality check. I hope I can be friends with Ron again, but if not maybe it's

for the best."

"Good." Awkward silences were starting to be a trend that Aries did not

enjoy. "Are you prepared for the First Task?" His passive Legilimency

kicked in: Moody pulling Potter aside. Summoning a pillow in an abandoned

class room. Dreams of evading a dragon on broomstick.

"I think so," Potter answered awkwardly. "I just wish I knew what the

task was."

"No need to lie Potter." Aries drawled. He nearly slapped himself, he was

starting to sound way too much like Draco. "We both know its dragons.

And I have no doubt that Delacour and Diggory know."

"Yeah. I told Diggory actually." Stupid Gryffindors. Now he was thinking

like Draco!

"That was foolish, but rather brave too." Potter gave him a curious look.

What was with people doing that?

"I just hope I can make it out of this tournament alive." It returned in him

in that moment, the desire to help Potter again. He wasn't sure why, but

part of Aries saw a bit of himself in the younger boy. Fate had thrown

duties on them at an early age, one to defeat a dark lord and the other to

become one. Perhaps that was where the desire came from.

"Tell me Potter, do you know what it means to be a Tri-Wizard


"No," Potter answered curiously.

"I researched it after we were chosen, simply out of curiosity. The creator

of the cup had this to say: The Goblet of Fire does not choose one based on

power or skill, though it does play a large part. Rather it chooses one worthy

enough to sacrifice everything in pursuit of victory, to push oneself beyond the

limitations and boundaries of themselves to achieve and earn the eternal glory

that the tournament brings." Aries waited a moment for that to sink in.

"That statement stuck with me, it mentions glory not fame. To push

oneself and to exceed their own limitations. Simply put to be a champion

means that you are capable of pushing yourself farther than you thought

imaginable, to exceed your own boundaries, and achieve glory in the

pursuit of victory. It only mentions the pursuit, not actually winning the

tournament. Although you were forced to compete that statement can

still be true for you, if you allow it. I think Potter, that that is what you

should focus on, rather than just surviving."

Potter did not answer him, too focused on thinking about Aries' words,

but he didn't mind. Aries stood there quietly next to him contemplating

his mentor's words again. Perhaps his mentor was right, maybe it was

time for his to follow his own advice and push himself beyond his own

limitations, as the Goblet believed that he could. Yes, he at last decided,

it was time. It was time that the world was shown the power of the Most

Ancient and Most Noble House of Black.

An: The next chapter: The First Task

5. The First Task

AN: As always let us begin with the first verse of the Harry Potter

Bible, Chapter 1, Verse 1: I own nothing and it all belongs to JK

Rowling, long may she reign. I hope this chapter meets your

expectations, and if it doesn't, whatever floats your boat y'all.

"Professor Snape, sir?" Aries turned back to the door of the dungeon class

room, as did most of the potions class, and smirked as he saw Daphne

poking her head in. "The judges need Mr. Black." Snape simply gave her a

raised eyebrow before nodding to Aries. He gathered his things and

followed the Slytherin fourth year out of the dungeons. Her hair was in a

pony tail, an unusual occurrence as she tended leave it down. Aries could

tell that she enjoyed the fact that he was looking at her, though no doubt

her pureblooded schooling kept her from commenting on it herself.

"Why did they decide to send you to get me?" Aries asked. Three weeks

was enough time for him to memorize many of the Slytherin's schedules,

mostly Draco's and Daphne's, and he was aware that she had a free

period right now, but she was not the obvious choice to fetch him.

"I overhead Professor von Reich in the hall saying that you were needed,

so I offered to retrieve you." An interesting wording Aries noted, but it

made sense.

"Rather cunning of you Greengrass."

"I am a Slytherin." She replied with a smug grin. "So, when are you going

to give me my first lesson?"

"Ah, here I was thinking that you enjoyed my company for my good lucks

and undeniable charm, but you only want me to teach you forbidden

magic." Aries enjoyed the blush that crept up her tan neck and into her

cheeks. It was the first time he had been successful in his attempts, and

he took it as a sign that their friendship was moving in the right

direction. A gentle touch of her mind found that he was far more than

just correct, perhaps the girl was not so innocent after all. "How does

seven sound tomorrow night? In the classroom I use to practice?"

"That sounds perfect." Daphne said as they reached their destination. He

gave her a rather flirtatious smile as he entered the fairly small

classroom. The judges were already, there sitting behind five desks that

had been pushed together and covered in a long length of velvet. Aries

gave a respectful nod to his Headmaster and leaned against a desk, just as

Fleur Delacour walked in. She also nodded to her Headmistress before

her eyes landed on him. The veela seemed to contemplate him for a

moment before making her way over to him quickly, so that Madame

Maxine would not interfere. Fleur had blonde hair and blue eyes, and

was much more filled out than Daphne, not surprising considering the

three-year age gap. Aries was not a fool, and could not deny the young

woman's remarkable beauty, though if her allure affected him he had no

doubt that he might consider her the most beautiful thing he had ever

seen. Luckily, he had more control of himself than most.

"Aries Black," Fleur greeted with a warm smile and extending her hand.

"It is a pleasure to finally meet you." Aries noted that her English was

much better now than it had been weeks ago. Had she been practicing or

simply rehearsed that statement?

"Miss Delacour, the pleasure is mine." He took her hand and kiss the back

of it softly, rather enjoying the blush that formed on her cheeks. "I hope

we can find some time to get acquainted outside of this tournament. I

would enjoy learning about the finer aspects of French culture from one

of its more premier citizens. Your father is well known even in Germany."

Jean Delacour was well known indeed, being the Head of the French

Department of Magical Law Enforcement and had worked well with his

German counterpart a few years back when a French criminal wreaked

havoc in Frankfurt, Aries remembered.

"I'm sure zat we could find many zings to occupy our time." The

forwardness of the French girl intrigued him. Veela tended to be more

mature than normal witches and while Aries knew he was more attractive

than the average male he doubted that even he could have caught her

eye so quickly. A ploy to distract him from winning perhaps? It could be

a fun game to play and turn back on the French witch herself.

Unfortunately, he was stopped from responding as Ludo Bagman loudly

announced the arrival of the last champion, Thomas Potter. Aries

watched with amusement as the reporter, Rita Skeeter, pulled the Potter

boy into a cupboard. He knew all too well about her as Aunt Cassiopeia

had loudly cursed the woman's poor journalism every morning as she

read the Daily Prophet. Albus Dumbledore, on the other hand, did not find

the situation amusing and promptly returned the champion, leaving

Skeeter's hungry eyes to land on him. A smirk and a nod let her know

that she would indeed get the interview she wanted, but perhaps not the


"Now that all of our champions are accountable, may I introduce Mr.

Ollivander?" Dumbledore said as he took his place at the judges table.

"He will be checking your wands to ensure that they are in good

condition before the tournament." Aries observed that the old wand

maker had hardly aged in the past eight years, though given how old he

had been then, despite his appearance, perhaps he should not have been


"Mademoiselle Delacour, your wand first if you would please." Ollivander

asked as he stepped into the middle of the room. Fleur swept over to him,

sending a rather discreet wink over to Aries, and handed over her wand.

"Hmmm. . ." he said. The wand maker twirled the land between his

fingers and it emitted several pink and gold sparks before he held it close

to his eye and examined it carefully. "Yes. . . nine and a half inches. . .

inflexible. . . rosewood. . . and dear me. . ."

"An 'air from ze 'ead of a veela," said Fleur. "One of my grandmuzzer's."

The look of surprise on Thomas' and Cedric's face was priceless, how they

had not known without a doubt when half of their classmates acted like

fools around the girl was beyond him.

"Yes, yes, I've never used veela hair myself of course. I find it makes for

rather temperamental wands. . . however, to each his own, and if this

suits you. . ." He ran his fingers along the wand and then muttered,

"Orchideous!" and a bunch of flowers burst from the tip. Aries was amused

at the offended look Fleur had as she took back her wand forcefully

before returning to her place beside him. The air around him seemed to

heat up and he began to wonder just how attuned to fire veela really

were. Cedric's wand continued the unique trend of wand cores,

containing a single hair from the tale of a male unicorn. Aries and Fleur

both fought back snickers as Cedric proudly stated that he polished his

wand regularly, before realizing the apparent innuendo.

"Ah, Mr. Potter if you would." Thomas reluctantly handed over his wand,

after a futile effort of cleaning it with his robe. Mr. Ollivander spent a

few moments glancing over the wand. "One of the three phoenix

feathered wands I have created. Holly. And remarkable in his own right."

Aries did not miss the sudden curiousness of Albus Dumbledore as

Ollivander made a fountain of wine shoot out of Potter's wand. The

Headmaster of Hogwarts was about to get a rather large surprise.

"Which leaves Mr. Aries Black." Ollivander announced as he handed

Potter back his wand. Aries flicked his wrist, releasing the wand into his

hand, and placed it in the wand makers eager hands. Mr. Ollivander's

pale eye suddenly gleamed as he examined the wand. "Yes, yes, yes. How

well I remember. My greatest creation. The tail feather of a phoenix and

the venom of a Basilisk. Holly, ebony, and yew. And of course, obsidian. I

do not believe any wand has been crafted to rival this, nor do I think one

shall be in my lifetime." Aries noted with satisfaction that Dumbledore

paled slightly, and the twinkling that so often adorned the old man's eyes

was gone. Instead Aries saw a hunger, a desire to know how he had come

into possession of such a powerful wand. Ollivander swirled the wand

above his head, and a galaxy formed above them of magic. Spells collided

in the spiral arms and Aries was taken back by the power he suddenly

felt in the wand maker, before the beautiful piece of magic disappeared.

"Indeed, I was right young Mr. Black, seeing as you are in this

tournament. Great things await you, yes, great things indeed."

Rita insisted on taking pictures, fair to many in the Black Heir's opinion.

Multiple group shots were taken, and then even more individual.

Madame Maxine seemed to ruin every picture, as Skeeter put it, and

while the photographer wanted Fleur at the front, the reporter kept

pulling himself and Potter there instead. Aries was half tempted to link

arms with the French girl, if only to keep Skeeter from dragging him

again. Finally, the photo shoot was over, and while everyone else left for

dinner Aries stayed back with Skeeter for his promised interview.

Kakaroff stayed as well, no doubt to find someway to worm himself into

the spotlight.

"You don't mind if I use a Quick-Quotes Quill do you? It leaves-"

"Yes, I do mind." Aries said with a smirk. "No doubt you wish to ensure

that you get your facts straight, Miss Skeeter." She nodded with a glare as

she shoved the acid green quill back into her crocodile bag and pulled

out a normal one. The interview went a little longer than Aries wanted,

with Kakaroff throwing a comment or two about how he was the prized

student of Durmstrang and that he himself ensured that all students

received the great training that Aries had. A blatant lie, but he could not

fault the man for taking advantage of a situation. As he made to leave,

Aries turned back to Skeeter, who was finishing up her notes.

"Oh, and Miss Skeeter?" He fixed the coldest smile on his face that he

could manage. "My Aunt Cassiopeia loves Germany, but she has told me

countless times how much more she'd love to visit her dear friend Rita, if

only she gave her a good enough reason. You won't give her a reason,

will you?" Skeeter's face could have rivaled the paleness of ghost and a

crooked laugh escaped Aries as he left her in the room.

Aries woke up from his nap to find his three friends, plus one, using his

and Haydn's cabin as a hang out spot. Mayer seemed out of place, but

Arianna was doing her best to make her at home. He took a moment to

study his friends before they noticed he was awake. Arianna had her hair

down, as she often did, letting the soft black curls touch her shoulders

and run down her back. Her chocolate brown eyes lit up as she

animatedly explained the cards game that Haydn had them playing. She

had always been the most energetic of the group, her general happy

mood contrasting the cold darkness of Durmstrang. No doubt she would

have fit in well at Hogwarts or Beauxbatons if not for her love of the

Dark Arts, something that connected all three of his friends. Arianna

found any excuse to break out firewhiskey and throw a party, even if it

was for something meaningless. Her warm smile had comforted him often

during his first year at Durmstrang, when his nightmares still haunted

him, and her fiery nature had tried to come to his defense many times,

even though it was seldom needed.

Ivan, with his light brown hair and blue eyes, was the complete opposite

and the quietest of the group. He believed that actions spoke louder than

words and thus hardly spoke at all. The Bulgarian had little interest in

Quidditch or anything that was not in a book, though he did not take

everything at face value, choosing to question anything and everything

someone said was true, or false for that matter. Like all his friends, Ivan

was powerful, but he excelled at Transfiguration and only rivaled Aries in

his success. Arianna and Ivan were two ends of a spectrum and Haydn

was at its center. The black haired and brown eyed German liked to party

just as much as others, besides Arianna that is, but spent most of his time

gambling and trying to flirt with any pretty girl he laid his eyes on.

Despite all this, he tended to be a bit reserved, keeping his skills and

abilities underestimated before defeating his opponents in a surprising

and embarrassing fashion. He cared little for reading, relying on Aries or

Ivan to find the information and tended to copy their homework. Haydn

was intelligent and was near the top of his class for a reason, but he

found that homework was pointless when he had Aries and Ivan around

to do it. The German's laziness in that aspect was made up by his political

savviness. Haydn's ability to swindle away everyone's money translated

well as he had spent four years securing up agreements in Durmstrang's

halls that fell heavily in Aries' favor, without the other party knowing

just how badly they had agreed to get screwed over.

Aries sat up with a stretch, and a glance at his watch told him it was time

to go meet Daphne for her first lesson. He hadn't told his friends about

the English girl's desire to learn the Dark Arts, deciding that keeping it a

secret would help the girl open up to him a bit more. But convincing his

friends, especially Arianna, to stay behind was the next task.

"Where are you off to?" Arianna asked, giving him her trademark warm

smile. Haydn looked disappointed as he collected the hand he had

already dealt for Aries, no doubt upset that he wasn't going to get to win

any more of his money.

"Training. Some rather dangerous spells." He didn't want to explain too

much, not with the Mayer girl here, but thankful his friends took the hint

that he wanted to be alone. Well, for the most part.

"Can I walk with you?" Aries considered Arianna's request. It was a risk, in

case they ran into Daphne, but the girl was probably smart enough to

make some sort of excuse, and he had no real reason to decline the

Spanish girl. He eyed the forest again as they made their way up to the

castle and decided that he would go running tonight. There would be no

moon and the added clouds would provide cover for him.

"You've been hanging around the Greengrass girl a lot more lately." He

noticed that she changed to her native tongue, Spanish, something she

only did when she was nervous. His Spanish tended to be a bit rough at

times, but he knew enough that the conversation shouldn't be too


"She's a nice girl. You two might get along if you'd take the time to get to know

her." Arianna winced at that, and she tried to hide the hurt look on her

face from him, rather unsuccessfully.

"And why would I want to do that? She's rude and you have friends that have

known you for years that would better occupy your time." Friends? Or you

Arianna? Aries wondered.

"She's my friend, as is Draco. It would mean a great deal to me if you could at

least play nicely. You won't lose my friendship just because I make a few new

friends." She looked like she wanted to say something, and no doubt it

would have started a conversation that Aries did not want to have right

now, but they had reached his practice room, and he could feel that

Daphne was inside. Aries reached out to Arianna's mind as she left and

was shocked at what he felt. The hurt he understood, but where he

expected infatuation he found something far deeper. A feeling that

threatened to drown him like Sirius' guilt almost had and he pulled from

her mind in self-preservation. That conversation would need to happen

soon, but hopefully it could wait until after the First Task. He placed it at

the back of his mind and entered the classroom.

Daphne tended to have a sophisticated and beautiful look to her, but

there was only one word to describe her now: seductive. Her robe and tie

were discarded, showing off her long legs as they ran out of her skirt. The

sleeves of her blouse were rolled up to her elbows and the top few

buttons were undone. Beads of sweat dropped down her forehead and she

attempted to transfigure a guinea fowl into a guinea pig. It was few

months ahead of what the fourth years were currently learning, but he

was not surprised as she at last managed the Transfiguration. Her

triumphant smile turned into a rather fantastic blush as she noticed his

presence, no doubt because of her forbidden appearance.

"Congratulations." Aries offered. "A rather difficult Transfiguration, even

more so considering you did not have someone with a mastery in

Transfiguration guiding you." Her blush only deepened from his praise.

"But Transfiguration is not why you here." A swish of his hand vanished

the guinea pig and a chair knocked Daphne's knees out from under her as

she landed in it. "The Dark Arts are a greatly misunderstood piece of

magic. Many believe the Dark Arts are a collection of dark or evil spells

and rituals, but that is not entirely true." A flick of his wand created a

glass window which he shattered. He summoned the pieces to him, and

then immediately banished them towards the girl. Invisible chains kept

her attached the chair and she choked out a scream as the shards stopped

half a meter from her. "A banishing spell could have just killed you. An

overpowered stunner could kill you. The Dark Arts, like all magic, are not

defined by their result, rather the intent required.'

"The Unforgivables are the most known examples of the Dark Arts and

yet I could cast the killing curse at you right now and nothing would

happen. Intent fuels all magic, and even more so with the Dark Arts. It

takes the intent to harm, to maim, to cause pain, and to kill to use the

spells that have become known as the Dark Arts. And that is where the

danger of what I will teach you lies. When you push that intense of

feelings and desires into magic as powerful as the Dark Arts, it will affect

you. It can change you, if you allow it. Stronger minds than yours have

been corrupted by the intent and emotions that the Dark Arts require, as

it is against the very nature of the soul, in some ways. And it is why you

must understand control not only of your magic and your mind, but of

yourself. It is why before we begin you will give me a vow that you will

not practice anything I teach you without my supervision and you will

use none of it unless it is a matter or life or death. Do you understand?"

Daphne had paled considerably, and Aries wondered if she truly

understood what the Dark Arts were, rather than a piece of the forbidden

fruit. "It. . . it could change me?"

"Yes." Aries answered seriously. "Without my guidance it can, and it will.

But I will show you how to control the Dark Arts, so that it does not

control you." It took a few moments for Daphne to recover, but she gave

her vow with a renewed courage. Aries was glad, as he would have

reconsidered his plans for the girl if she had bowed out so quickly.

"We'll start out with a taste of that power, something simple and one on

the lighter side of the Dark Arts. A particular favorite of mine, the Bone-

Breaker Curse." Aries flicked his wand and a dark purple light struck the

wall. "The incantation is frange ossa. For the average user it will shatter

the bones of wherever the spell strikes, but if enough power is put into

the spell, it has the potential to shatter every bone in the body, and most

likely kill its recipient. Attempt to cast it into the wall." Daphne struggled

with the spell, but after a cheap remark about imagining the wall being

the muggleborn she hated so much after she had just scored more OWLs

than the pureblood heiress, the dark purple curse finally erupted from

her wand. Aries was surprised, as he didn't think she hated the girl that


"Good, now I want you to cast it at me."


"As I told you before, intent matters. I need you to want to hurt me, as

difficult as that might be. You've managed to cast the spell at a wall,

which is must different that casting it a person. If you can successfully

use it against me, someone you do not wish harm to, then you'll have no

difficulty using it against an enemy." Daphne seemed unsure and he gave

her a wicked grin. "To encourage you, I will also be casting it at you, and

you can be sure that my spells will work. I mean, if I can use it against

my own family, what could stop me from using it against you?"

She only barely managed to avoid his curse, but another one quickly

followed. He did not give her much time to think, as he wanted a

reaction from her more than anything and he could tell this had started

to anger her. Daphne was similar in height to Arianna but moved much

quicker than her. She managed to dodge his spells, though Aries noticed

she was beginning to get repetitive and so adjusted his aim. The dark

purple spell struck her left arm and he heard the crack as her humerus

shattered. She fell to the ground with a strangled cry clutching her arm.

Aries was aware of the pain she was feeling, but if the girl cowered from

only a shattered bone their lessons would end tonight, as would her

memory of them. But when Daphne raised her head it was not pain or

fear that he saw, it was anger, and she pointed the wand at him,

screaming the incantation. Aries side stepped but allowed the spell to

strike his arm, feeling his entire arm shatter. It might have caused more

damage, if he hadn't summoned his magic to shield the rest of himself.

Daphne sat on her knees, cradling her broken. Aries was proud to see that

no tears fell down her face and she was now doing her best to hide her

pain. He healed his arm with a wave of his wand as his made his way

over to her. Once he stood over her he went to heal her as well but

decided against it, just for a moment.

"Remember this pain Daphne," he began softly, almost reciting the words

his mentor as spoken to him years ago. Her blue eyes met his. "For you

will cause it to many others. I have found that it is those who have

experienced what the Dark Arts is capable of are the ones who are able to

keep their sanity. Those who use this magic, but never suffer under it

themselves, are the ones who become monsters in the night. Remember

this pain well, and maybe you'll keep control of your own mind." He

waved his wand and healed her arm but made no move to help her up.

"Remember also what you felt the moment you attacked. That anger, that

desire to cause pain is paramount to accomplishing what the Dark Arts is

capable of. In a duel against a master of the Dark Arts, you cannot wait

until they have harmed you or angered you to fight back. You must

summon up that intent and emotion inside you from the beginning, that

desire to harm someone you have never known, or to harm those dearest

to you. Remember it well Daphne, for you journey among the Dark Arts

has just begun." He extended his hand, taking hers and pulling her up to

him. There was slight electricity between them, and despite the strong

front she had put forth there was a weakness there, a vulnerability and

desire for comfort that a weaker man might have taken advantage of.

Aries might wish to be the next dark lord, but he was no monster. "Come

on Daphne, our lesson is over."

It was an amusing that site that greeted Aries the morning of the First

Task. Arianna and Daphne were waiting patiently, though pointedly

ignoring the other. He had to wonder if circumstances had been different,

if the two polar opposites could have been friends, but that seemed

unlikely now. They both wore medium sized coats, as the cold of

Scotland's winter was beginning to set in. At Durmstrang, it would've

already been snowing heavily, and this allowed Aries to don the

lightweight battle robes he wore. They provided minimal protection but

allowed him to move far more freely than the more protective robes. He'd

rely solely on his own power today and not simple protections. He

greeted the two girls with a smile and they silently walked down to

where Aries knew the dragons had been kept. A stadium of sorts had

been built and the students of the three schools had already begun

packing it full. Next to it a small tent had been erected, no doubt for the

champions to await their turn. Once they reached the tent, Aries turned

to the two girls expectantly.

"I just wanted to say good luck Aries," Arianna began in Spanish, no doubt

to keep Daphne ignorant. "Do not be a showman, defeat your challenge and

return back to me safely. Or else." She hugged him fiercely and planted a

soft kiss on his cheek before she walked to where Haydn and Ivan waited

for him. The two boys, along with Draco, had already wished him luck,

preferring a pre-celebration last night over a few shots of firewhiskey

rather than with sentimental words. It was just another reason why he

honestly liked the three boys.

"Well, no doubt she'll be upset to know that I in fact do know Spanish. Or

at least enough." Daphne said with a grin. She took a step closer and

Aries wondered if she might kiss him, but she gave him a tight hug, and

kissed his left cheek softly. "Good luck Aries." She gave him a sly smile

before heading over to her friends as well. Aries should have known he'd

land himself in this predicament and the conversation he knew he should

have with Arianna was beginning to become an absolute necessity. If it

came to a duel between the girls even he wasn't sure who he would

choose. Arianna was his friend, hell almost like a sister to him, but

Daphne provided so much more and could prove invaluable to his future

plans. Now was not the time to consider this, and like so many other

things, he pushed it to the back of his mind.

Unlike with the Weighing of the Wands, Aries was the last champion to

enter. The other three were clearly nervous and he was proud of the calm

demeanor he projected. Bagman noticed his entrance and pulled out a

small purple silk bag.

"Well now that we're all here, time to fill you in! I'm going to offer each

of you this bag from which you will each select a small model of the

thing you are about to face! There are different, ah, varieties, you see.

And I have to tell you something else too, ah, yes, you task is to collect

the golden egg!" None of the champions reacted as Bagman probably

would've hoped, though Diggory had begin pacing while looking slightly

green. "Ladies first."

Fleur reached inside the bag and pulled out a perfect tiny model of a

dragon, the Welsh Green to be exact. It had the number two around his

neck. Next Diggory reached inside, pulling out the Swedish Short-Snout,

the number one tied around its neck. Now it was Aries turn, he reached

into the bag and felt a rather large model claw onto his hand and he

pulled out a menacing looking grey dragon, the Ukrainian Iron-Belly,

with a three around its neck. That left the Hungarian Horntail for Potter

meaning that the two younger champions would face two of the most

dangerous dragons in the world. The idea sent Aries' blood racing and he

wished that he could be the first two go. He noticed that Bagman pulled

Thomas aside, and he could not help but wonder if Bagman's gambling

problem would influence the tournament.

Aries played idly with the model of his dragon while Diggory and

Delacour fought the real-life size of theirs. The screams and cheers of the

crowd passed him by without a care and he chose to ignore Potter's

annoying pacing. Somewhere in his mind, he registered that Bagman was

commentating, but he paid the man no mind. He wanted to focus on the

adrenaline and the desire to win. At last the third canon sounded and it

was the Black Heir's turn. A stasis spell froze the model which he

pocketed, it would be a good memento from the task.

The stadium was more like a coliseum, the students and staff were raised

high, looking down on the rocky ground that awaited him. It was the size

of the dragon that struck him first. Ivan had found many interesting

books on dragons, but somehow the descriptions paled in comparison to

the actual thing. Aries scanned the crowd and made eye contact with von

Reich, who looked at him not with pride, but expectancy. He had made

up his mind at that moment and a stinging hex to the dragons tail got its

attention. The Ukrainian Iron-Belly turned, its massive steps sending

tremors through the ground, and roared mightily at him. Aries showed

no fear and sent another stinging hex, finally getting the reaction he

wanted. The great dragon opened its jaws and unleashed a stream of

dragon fire at him.

The crowd gasped, and the screams warning of his impending death rang

through the coliseum. Aries thrust his left hand towards the stream of fire

and swirled his wand around his head before slashing it across his body.

The dragon fire struck his hand and flared around him. Unimaginable

heat threatened to overwhelm him, but he pushed against it with as

much power as he dared. He waited as the dragon fire continued

relentlessly, causing the great swirling ball of fire around him to enlarge

until at last the dragon yielded. Aries focused on keeping control of the

flame and drew his magic up to him. The barrier that he had long kept

between himself and the storm inside broke, raging over him like a

torrent. He could feel the flame fluctuating, threatening to rip itself from

his grasp as he wrestled the powerful magic into his control. It tasted

sweet in his mouth and everything became clearer as if the world itself

was brighter. Aries brought it under his control, power that he had never

dared release in the presence of others and threw the dragon fire back at

the dragon.

As he hoped the dragon leapt back, using its powerful wings to push itself

into the air, and the dragon fire struck stone melting it. The Iron-Belly

landed but the ground was no longer stable, and it struggled to stabilize

itself as it unleashed another torrent of fire. Aries had already felt the

dragon fire and had no trouble bending it around, moving his hand and

wand in sync, to throw it back into the melting rock. A quick shrinking

spell shortened and tightened the chain keeping the dragon in the

stadium and it could not longer leap into the air to avoid its own

dragonfire. Though it did not matter. Stream after stream of dragon fire

was bent back at the dragon's feet as it slowly sunk into the melting rock.

Aries sent a spell above its head causing an explosion like a massive

bomb, forcing the dragon to cower lower into the molten quick sand.

Minutes passed but to Aries it felt like an eternity. The heat of the dragon

fire and the raging torrent of power that rushed through him made every

second drag on until at last enough rock had melted.

"Frigus!" It was a simple cooling charm but backed with the power Aries

contained it froze the molten stone, solidifying it and trapping the

dragon. A wordless spell caused thick black chains to wrap around the

dragon's jaws and the Ukrainian Iron-Belly collapsed, defeated head on

by a fifteen-year-old wizard. A deafening roar from the stands sounded as

he walked unharmed to collect his golden egg from the undamaged nest,

one that he had ensure stayed on a single piece of rock that did not get

melted. Aries was dragged into the tent by a rather motherly looking

nurse. It was a good thing too, as his adrenaline finally faded, and he

nearly fell from exhaustion.

"Oh no you don't!" the woman cried. "Here, a quick Pepper-Up Potion

should do. Long enough for you to get your scores and go to bed!" Aries

downed the potion as she moved over to Diggory, who he noticed had a

rather sickly-looking injury to his abdomen. "Dragons! Honestly these

people!" If he had to place a wager the woman was Madam Pomfrey, the

school matron that Draco had told him about.

"Come on Aries!" Arianna shouted, pulling him off the bed and back into

the stadium. The dragon had been put to sleep and he didn't miss the

rather dirty looks the dragon handlers were giving him. They were going

to have a tough time indeed getting the dragon out of that. Dumbledore

took pity on them and transfigured the molten rock in water, allowing

them to carefully extract the dragon, before transfiguring it back. Finally,

the judges gave him his scores. Madame Maxine went first and looked

rather upset as she sent up a silver ten. Mr. Crouch game next and

rewarded him with ten also, though Bagman gave him an eight with a

frown, and Aries thought that his suspicion of his influence was correct.

Dumbledore gave him a respectful nod as he sent a ten into the air, and

Kakaroff looked like a boy on Christmas as he also awarded him a ten.

"Forty-eight points!" Haydn exclaimed! "That's good enough for first place

and I doubt Potter will beat that! Those twins better pay up." Aries' magical

exhaustion was a little worse than he had predicated. Dragon fire was not

as similar to elemental fire as he'd thought, or perhaps he had never

experienced true elemental fire. He listened much more intently to

Bagman's commentary for Potter than he had with Delacour or Diggory.

It sounded like a rather great feat, and he wondered if Viktor would be

impressed with the boy's flying.

"Look at that! Our youngest champion is quickest to the egg! Well this is

going to shorten the odds on Mr. Potter!" Madam Pomfrey seized the boy

the minute he entered the tent, dragging him over to the bed next to

Aries. She cleaned a cut with a dab of some purple liquid that smoked

and then looked as if she healed his shoulder.

"Now sit quietly for a minute, sit!" She commanded the boy. "And then

you can go and get your scores." Aries' made to talk to him, but he

stopped them when a red haired boy and that muggleborn Daphne

disliked walked in. Potter noticed their entrance immediately and tensed


"Thomas," the muggleborn, Hermione if he remembered correctly,

greeted "Ron has something he'd like to tell you." Ron, in Aries' opinion,

did not look like he wanted to say anything. In fact, he looked highly


"Well, mate," Ron took a deep breath. "I believe you, who ever put your

name it that goblet, I reckon they're trying to do you in!"

"Caught on have you?" The coldness in Thomas' voice surprised Aries and

even more so Ron. The chubby fourth year and the two red-heads quietly

entered the tent and looked ready to intervene, but a warning glare from

Aries stopped them. "You abandoned me, and yet you have the audacity

to come here and call me mate like nothing happened? You know how

badly it was for me second year, at least then I had you both. But one

chance at fame and suddenly you're just like the rest. I know that you

tried to be the bridge between us Hermione, but too often this past

month you chose him over me, even though you believed me." Thomas

gave a shake of his head, and some of the venom left his voice. "You two

were supposed to be my best friends, but you just abandoned me. I don't

want to lose your friendships, but I don't think it will ever be the same

again." Aries was proud of the boy, he wouldn't allow those that betrayed

him to just waltz back into his life. He was beginning to know his worth

and would expect others to know it as well.

"Come on Thomas," said one of the red-heads, a fourth year if Aries

guessed, grabbing the boy's hand and pulling him out to hear his scores

as Ron and Hermione left the tent rejected. Potter had scored forty

points, putting him in second place. The judges at least had valued Aries'

show of power over the boys quickest, though facing a dragon head on

versus flying around it was a far better tale to be told. Bagman collected

the four champions, explaining that the golden egg was a clue for their

third task that would happen on twenty-fourth of February. The second

task however, would happen on the eleventh of December.

If any Hogwarts students had been on the deck on the Spanish galleon,

they would've been in for one hell of a shock. The Durmstrang students,

who so often tended to be quiet among the other students, were throwing

a rowdy party worthy of the Gryffindor common room. Aries wondered

how they were getting away with this, but at the site of seeing Professor

von Reich sitting on an armchair near the bow he knew exactly how.

Kakaroff would never dare challenge the old war-veteran wizard, not

when he was surrounded by students that clearly favored him over the

headmaster. His mentor raised a glass to him in salute and Aries happily

joined the party.

Arianna was leaning heavily on him, giggling drunkenly, as he escorted

her back to her cabin. She had spent most of the night on his arm, and he

had been too caught up in the party to care. Social events like that were a

wonderful way to get on people's good side, but he did not enjoy being

randomly dragged to the dance floor by a bunch of girls too drunk to

stand up straight and Arianna had kept those girls away from him. They

had just made it to her cabin and Aries went to open the door when the

Spanish girl pushed him against the wall and smashed her lips to his. She

tasted like firewhiskey and chocolate and with his already buzzed state it

created an intoxicating combination that enticed him to return her kiss.

Moments later reality came crashing back to him and he pushed her into

her cabin before the wrong person saw them. Arianna immediately went

to kiss him again, but he pushed her away and a hurt look fixed itself on

her beautiful face.

"Why don't you want me Aries?" Her Spanish was a bit slurred, but the pain

in her voice was clear and obvious.

"Arianna we can't do this. Not here, not now."

"Am I not pretty enough for you?" The hurt in her voice had been replaced

with anger as she poked him hard in the chest. "Do I need to have blonde

hair and blue eyes like that bitch Daphne or that slut Fleur?" Anger flashed in

Aries and he stunned her. Her small frame landed in his arms before he

laid her onto her bunk. A quick spell put her to sleep, but Aries' work was

not done.

"I'm sorry Arianna. We need to talk and figure this out, but it can't be like

this. I won't risk our friendship over a drunken mistake." He flicked his

wand into his hand, reached into her mind and pulled the past few

moments forward. "Obliviate."

AN: Next Chapter: A Trip To Hogsmeade.

6. A Trip to Hogsmeade

AN: As always let us begin with the first verse of the Harry Potter

Bible, Chapter 1, Verse 1: I own nothing and it all belongs to JK

Rowling, long may she reign. Not much action this chapter, but it

sets up things to come. Thank you for everyone that has reviewed,

favorited, and followed, and even those that haven't. You all are

appreciated and continue to motivate me. I hope you enjoy this

chapter, and if you don't, whatever floats your boat y'all.

The Great Hall of Hogwarts was rather empty this morning and Aries was

the only one sitting at the Slytherin Table. Granger sat alone at the

Gryffindor Table and a few Ravenclaws sat at their own table, discussing

something rather passionately, though in whispers that did not reach his

ears. It was the Sunday morning after the first task and it seemed that

many of the students of the three schools would not be attending

breakfast this morning. He knew for a fact that the entire Durmstrang

delegation was either too hungover to move or still drunk. Haydn had

not even made it back to his cabin last night, and Aries pitied the poor

girl that he had spent the night with. The German was not one for

relationships, and no doubt Sirius would find many things in common

with his good friend. Professor von Reich was the only sober person

besides Aries, though he rarely came to the castle for breakfast,

preferring it served to him in his office aboard the ship.

A brown owl swooped down and landed in front of Aries just as another

dropped what he recognized as the Daily Prophet. He greedily ripped

open the newspaper and at last found what he had been waiting for. Rita

Skeeter normally had her enchantingly nasty works published as soon as

possible but a week-long wait was unusual for her, no doubt ensuring

that the article made no comment that could offend his aunt.

The Black Heir returns to England!

Dumbledore not so neutral after all?

For years now, Auror Sirius Black has been the only Black in England.

The three time Most Eligible Bachelor of Magical Britain has made a

clear path for himself by throwing away the traditions and standards set

by the Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Black. Many pureblood

families thought Sirius would be the end of the Black House, as the 35-

year-old wizard has yet to settle down with any witch, despite the many

rumors you might have heard. But this, as we learned at the beginning

of October, was not to be the end of the ancient house.

Aries Orion Black, 15, is the perfect image of his father Regulus Black,

deceased brother of Sirius, and happens to be the top student at

Durmstrang. Short black hair is accented by hazel eyes with bright green

specks that you could count if he allowed you to stare long enough. One

does not have to study him long to find that he is the opposite of Sirius

and is the perfect example of fine pureblood schooling. "My aunt,

Cassiopeia Black, raised me to set the standard for not only how those

of the Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Black should act, but all

pureblood families. Durmstrang has given me the chance to perfect my

magic and not be distracted by the political differences of my House and

my uncle." When asked how he felt about said uncle, Sirius Black, Aries

had this to say. "My Uncle Sirius is a curious case, and I know his views

are far from mine and our family. Still, I look forward to getting to

know the person my father loved so dearly." Black, who has two years

left at Durmstrang after this year, becomes a brand-new chess piece on

the political spectrum of the Wizengamot. As many know Draco Malfoy,

son of Lord Lucius Malfoy, has been the Heir Apparent of House Black

for years since Sirius Black has yet to have an heir himself. Now, with

the return of the grandson of the former Lord Orion Black, House Black

has a true heir in Aries Black. "My schooling comes first, though I will

not neglect my duties as Heir. Sirius has chosen to focus on his career as

an Auror, neglecting his duties as Head of House and leaving his seat on

the Wizengamot to Albus Dumbledore. This is something I find

unacceptable. No person without the name Black has ever spoken for

our house, and its something I intend to address with my uncle when the

time is right. I know one day I will be Lord of House Black, and I hope I

can return it to the prominence of my forefathers." No doubt the more

conservative members of the Ministry will be waiting anxiously for Heir

Black to take over as the Head of House Black. "My home has long been

Germany, but I look forward to returning to the home of my family."

The Black Heir's comment on Albus Dumbledore caught my attention

and after some genius detective work your favorite writer, me,

discovered a dirty secret of the Headmaster of Hogwarts! As many of

you know the Chief Warlock acts as an impartial executive figure in the

Wizengamot, so why is it that Albus Dumbledore votes for five different

houses, not including his own? There is no law that says the Chief

Warlock cannot be a proxy, yet is it reasonable that one man should

hold so many votes? Rarely do two houses name one person as proxy,

unless of course they share blood, but one must wonder just why Albus

Dumbledore, champion of the Light, and one who has denied the

position of Minister of Magic many times, holds so much power within

the Wizengamot? The Headmaster of Hogwarts as always tried at being

neutral, despite his views being obviously Light, but as he controls the

Black, Potter, Longbottom, Doge, Weasley, and of course Dumbledore

seats, I wonder if Dumbledore is as neutral as he says?

Rita Skeeter hadn't been as flashy with his part as he thought she would,

but he rather enjoyed her jab at Dumbledore. He turned to the letter that

he had received, noting his aunt's flowing hand writing on the envelope.


I'm very disappointed that I have not at least received a thank you letter for

getting the judges to lower the age limit, or any letter since your arrival at

Hogwarts. No doubt that foolish boy Draco has been dragging you all over to

curse muggleborns and ruin blood traitors' potions. Such a bad influence, but I

suppose our best friends tend to be. Oh, and of course, congratulations are in

order. Tri-Wizard Champion! An illustrious honor that has alluded the House

of Black until now. I'm very proud of you.

No doubt you've run into Sirius by now. I've told you many times that despite

the disgrace that boy is, he has a good heart, one that perhaps can accept you

as you are, if for no other reason than you are Regulus' son. I hope that you

can convince him to help restore our House, and perhaps return some

estranged members to our halls.

Avoid Dumbledore as much as you can. I know you do not understand but he

is far more dangerous than you could ever imagine, and he will not hesitate to

shape you to his Greater Good. Keep on the path, and do not lose sight of your

goals. Our work in Germany continues, and you should pursue a friendship

with the Delacour girl. A family like that could make an invaluable asset in

the French Ministry, especially considering Jean's popularity and potential.

I know you will do your best in this tournament and look forward to seeing

you win it all.


Aunt Cassi

Aries had loathed to admit that Arianna's drunken mistake last night had

put on damper on his mood, but between Skeeter's article and Cassi's

letter he had brighten considerably. He took his walk around the lake

slowly, reaching out to the feel the magic surrounding him. The wards of

Hogwarts were some of the most interesting he had ever seen. Bright

colors glowed in the sky around the school and the castle itself might as

well be a sea of colors fighting for dominance. He knew few possessed his

gift of seeing magic and he treasured it above all his other gifts save one.

His run through the woods last night had proved fruitful, especially after

meeting a herd of centaurs. They had regarded him curiously and he

thought one might attack him, but the others held him back before

continuing on their way.

"Ah, Mr. Black I was hoping to see you today." Albus Dumbledore looked

rather cheerful, his brightly colored robes matching well with the glow of

the castle's wards behind him.

"Professor." Aries greeted tersely. He found it ironic that the day he

received a letter telling him to avoid the Headmaster was the day he

found himself alone with the old man. "How may I help you?"

"Oh, nothing of that sort, I just wished to talk, my boy." The Black Heir

contained his desire to hex the man, but Albus joined him as he

continued his walk around the lake. "Your performance at the First Task

was truly remarkable. It has been, well, fifty some years since I saw a

student that gifted. And to bend dragon fire? Would you happen to have

training in Battle Transfiguration?"

"Yes, Professor von Reich has taught me many branches of magic."

"Ah yes, Vladimir. A rather surprising name for a German." Aries quirked

his eyebrow at that. Where was the old man going with this?

"His father had a fascination with Vlad the Impaler, so it's not that much

of a surprise." Dumbledore wasn't looking right at him, rather his eyes

roamed over the lands as they walked, much as Aries had done before.

"I remember well when he joined the fight against Gellert. Turned himself

in and offered to help fight in exchange for his former crimes being

expunged. His skills were vital in ending the war."

"Having your wife and child murdered were no doubt a great motivator."

"And I take it that he has finally found his worthy apprentice in you?" His

eyes narrowed suspiciously as he stopped and turned to face the


"Yes, he has, and he's passed on every aspect of magic that he's learned."

Dumbledore did not respond to that, but a frown was fixed on his face.

They were quiet for a moment before the old man spoke again.

"I was surprised at the nature of your wand. I know the phoenix that

provided the tail feather for two of Ollivander's wands and yet I do not

know which gave it for yours. Basilisk venom, as well as yew and holly.

There seems to be much conflict in your wand and yet it responds

perfectly for you." Aries had tensed at the mention of his wand and dared

to hope that Dumbledore did not know his secret lineage. "I had hoped

that, perhaps, you'd allow me to study it for a moment."

"You want to see my wand?" Aries asked. The last thing he wanted was

for the old man to examine his most prized possession. His aunt's warning

went through his head, until a cunning idea formed. It was the perfect

opportunity to confirm his theory and he smirked wickedly. "That's a

rather intimate request Professor, though I hope you do not intend for me

to act like Grindewald." He should not have said that but seeing the quick

flash of anger in Dumbledore's eyes when he was so normally calm was

worth it. "I'll allow you to examine my wand, if you allow me to see

yours first." The twinkle in Dumbledore's eyes was gone, but he nodded,

flicking his wand into his left hand, before handing it to Aries. Two

things stuck out to him that were immediately wrong: first was that

Dumbledore was right handed, and second was that this was not the wand

he had used at the welcoming feast nor the First Task. "Professor, perhaps

you are mistaken but this is not your wand."

Dumbledore looked immensely troubled. "You are the one mistaken, this

is the wand I've had since I purchased it at the age of eleven."

"Are you sure?" Aries could barely keep the smirk off his face. "The wand

you used when you turned my 'dragon trap' into water seemed much

more intricate. And the carvings looked like they resembled clusters of

elderberries running down its length. . ."

"That is my wand Mr. Black. I have no other." The edge in Dumbledore's

voice was clear and he wondered just how close he was to pushing the

man past his limit. Aries fixed an innocent smile on his face before

returning the wand.

"Forgive me Headmaster, it was wrong of me to doubt you. After all, you

are my elder." Dumbledore visibly flinched and took a step away from

him, confirming Aries' suspicions at last. "However, since you won't show

me your real wand, I feel no desire to show you mine. Good day,


Aries made a point to avoid Arianna the next two days. It was a coward

move, seeing as he was still putting off the conversation he knew he had

to have with the girl. His memory charm had been flawless, and the

Spanish girl had woken up the next morning assuming her headache was

from getting magnificently wasted. He had probed the minds of all the

Durmstrang students and had been relieved to see that none of them had

witnessed their unfortunate intimate moment. Tuesday night came, and

Aries could see that Daphne was disappointed with his lesson. She had

gotten a taste of the Dark Arts and now wanted to learn even more, but

Occlumency was necessary. The techniques of guarding one's mind were

useful in controlling the darker effects of the Dark Arts and while her

own Occlumency was adequate it could still be improved.

Potions continued to be enjoyable and at the same time disappointing.

Professor Snape had them brewing exceptionally difficult potions in

preparation for the Hogwarts students' coming OWLs and Aries welcome

the challenge, though the professor had yet to actually brew anything

himself. The potions master often commented on his exceptional brewing

and noted that he was glad to see a Black showing some potential for

once. Cassiopeia had told him often of the potion master's rivalry with

Potter and his uncle during their school days, and Aries could only laugh

at the fact that the three had continued a school yard rivalry into their

adulthood. Transfiguration, unlike Potions, had taken a turn downhill.

McGonagall had been excited about Ivan and his abilities, though

recently that admiration had turned to a certain skeptical outlook. She

often asked him to perform difficult transfigurations, some even seventh

year material, with a veiled comment about how she doubted he could

accomplish it. Never one to back down from a challenge Aries completed

every task she presented, and rather enjoyed frustrating the old woman.

Charms was by far the extreme, as Professor Flitwick had decided that he

was far too advanced to be learning and had taken to having him help

demonstrate and teach the lessons, much to his friends' amusement.

Battle Magics had continued its trend of teaching creatures and spells

commonly used in Tri-Wizard tournament and Professor von Reich had

amused himself that Thursday by giving a lesson title: Why it is unwise to

tickle a sleeping dragon, unless your name is Aries Black. Much of the

lesson had been the delegation playfully ribbing the champion, and he

gave it back just as well he received it. Perhaps if the other schools saw

the students like this, then they wouldn't think that every student of

Durmstrang was evil. Dark yes but not evil.

Draco, Aries noted, had started to take furtive glances towards Arianna,

something that amused him to no end. He would not mind if the two

became an item in the slightest, Arianna would be good for Draco, and

while it might change some of his future plans it would be worth seeing

two of his friends happy. It was something that he could perhaps

influence with a word or two to the both of them. Aries had cunningly

manipulated their seating arrangements that night in the library, getting

himself a seat next to Daphne and ensuring that the one empty seat for

Draco was situated between Arianna and Haydn. He had taken an effort

to not sit next to Arianna at any meals or in their classes, placing himself

always in the middle of two others. It had frustrated the Spanish girl to

no end, but it was a necessary sacrifice and maybe she'd finally get the


Aries slammed the book he was reading shut rather violently, much to

the chagrin of his five friends. The relentless screaming of the golden egg

had been driving him mad all week. It was obviously some sort of

language, it was supposed to be a clue after all. He sighed before rising to

return the book, and smirked when Daphne not so subtly made to follow

him. She was silent as he made his way through the rows of bookshelves.

Aries wished for his library back home and made a note to write his aunt

to see if she had any books that described insane wailing, though he'd

probably just get a hundred books on torturing techniques. Daphne's

hesitance to actually say something was starting to unnerve him and he

turned around to face her, grabbing her by the shoulders to keep her

from running into him.

"Can I help you Greengrass?" He did not miss the rather put out look as

he took his hands off her and turned to the bookshelf, noticing a book

with a rather interesting title regarding Alchemy.

"This weekend is a Hogsmeade weekend," Daphne began. "I was

wondering if you had any arrangements."

"I'm supposed to meet up with Sirius at some point. Other than that no.

Durmstrang doesn't have any village weekends, so I was looking forward

to seeing what the fuss was all about." She nodded rather nervously. Her

behavior was starting to intrigue him. Aries was aware that Daphne was

very cold to most people, and until his arrival the only people she

warmed up to was Pansy Parkinson and Tracey Davis. Even so, her

behavior towards him when they were alone was more relaxed than he

believed she was with anyone. It had taken a few weeks for her to start

warming up to him, but since then she had relaxed more than he ever

thought she could, and this nervous behavior was outlier among her


"I was hoping you'd allow me to show you around Hogsmeade." Some of

her confidence had returned now, though he could see the nervousness in

her eyes.

"My friends? Or just me?" Aries asked, giving her a flirty smile.

"Just you and me."

"A date then?"

"We could call it that, if you want."

"A date it is." Daphne was smiling brightly now, and her confidence had

returned full force. "I'll need to let Sirius know, in case he was planning

on that himself. I'm sure he was planning on meeting in the afternoon at

some pub anyway."

"We'll have the whole morning then."

It wasn't too late and so Aries decided to go pay his uncle a visit. Sirius

had sent him a note shortly after their first talk describing where in the

castle he stayed. The guest quarters were supposed to be marvelous if his

Aunt had spoken true, and she always did. Aries stopped as he passed by

the second-floor girls' lavatory. Eight years had passed since he first went

there, and he had returned only two years ago, albeit for only a short

hour. He was curious how that whole 'Chamber of Secrets' incident

finished, as the beast had most decidedly not been slain, as the papers

said. Maybe it had something to do with when Hades had come to him at

the end of the year demanding his Basilisk venom imbued dagger? Aries

shrugged, he needed to have a conversation with Potter, and that

meddling phoenix. He was just about to round the corner to Sirius'

quarters when a heated discussion reached his ears.

"Honestly Sirius, did you even read the article?" an unknown man said.

"Yes, I did James, and I told you it's not a big deal." So, Sirius and Potter

were arguing? This would be interesting.

"He basically insulted you! And Dumbledore!"

"All he did was state his opinion, which isn't illegal. Given that Aunt

Cassi raised him I'm not surprised. He's just a kid, leave him be."

"You've told me about your aunt. Dark as the rest of your family, how do

you know she didn't raise this kid to be the next Voldemort?" Aries had to

contain the anger that screamed to curse Potter. How dare he compare

him to that monster?

"That's enough!" Sirius voice was hard. "We know nothing about him, and

you're judging him far too harshly. If he's willing to give me a chance,

shouldn't we give him a chance? He's my Heir, and the future of my

House. I won't ostracize him just because his views are different than

mine, I'm not my father."

"Yeah well he already seems to be a lot like his! Death Eater material if I

ever saw it! You said yourself that the kid knows the Dark Arts! I don't

know what he did to convince you and Thomas that he's an alright bloke

but I'm not! And your Heir? You planning on adopting him or

something?" Silence. Incredibly awkward silence. Silence too long for the

answer to be anything close to no. "Oh Merlin you are? You just met the


"I know that!" Aries could hear the conflict in Sirius' voice, and he wasn't

sure he wanted to overhear this conversation anymore. "Look, I loved

Regulus more than anything. And now his son, my nephew, is living in

Germany with only his aunt and no father around. I mean, I have no

intention on marrying or having children of my own. It's not like I need

to change diapers or anything. But I guess, I could be something of a

father to him. It's not like I'm going to do it tomorrow or something! But

maybe down the road. Hell James, I don't know. But this is my chance to

make up for my mistake with Regulus, and if being Aries' adoptive father

is what bridges the gap between me and my brother's son then so be it."

"You're insane Sirius. You need to watch yourself, or you're going to get

dragged into deep shit. You know about Thomas' dreams about

Voldemort before the World Cup. Some old man died because of him."

Aries froze. Potter had a dream about some old man dying before the

World Cup? It was a coincidence, it had to be. There was no way that it

was anything like the dream he had. There was no way the old man that

had died in his dream was the same as the one in Potter's. His frantic

reassuring of himself caused him to miss what Potter said next, but he

quickly focused on their argument again. "Do you even know what side

Aries would be on if Voldemort returned today? Do you?"

"No, I don't. But maybe if I love him like the uncle I am, and the father

Reg would have been, maybe he'll be on my side. It might not be our

side, or Dumbledore's side. But my side is with you and that side is

against Voldemort. Look, can't you just help me out here? And try to play

nice with Aries? Please mate?" James was quiet for a while, but he finally

agreed, and Aries waited until he heard him walk away. A glance around

the corner allowed him to see Sirius enter his quarters. Aries decided

against talking to his uncle right now, as he couldn't wrap his head

around what Sirius had said and later sent a note to his uncle instead. He

had a feeling their meeting this Saturday was about to be very eventful.

Daphne looked stunning in her elegant winter coat that went down to her

knees. Her blonde hair was down, blowing slightly in the slow breeze. A

smile greeted him as she took his arm and walked him down to the

village. Arianna had been visibly upset at finding out he would be going

to Hogsmeade with Daphne rather than the group. A quick conversation

with Haydn and Ivan had left her to go to the village alone with Draco,

and the two childhood friends had endless laughs over the outraged look

on Pansy Parkinson that morning. Aries had intentionally dressed

smartly, preferring to give the girl the idea that the day was important to

him as well. It would not be a good idea to offend her so early on in their


Aries found himself in Tomes and Scrolls, a small bookshop that

contained an interesting collection of books and texts. Nothing illegal or

dark, but he did manage to find a rather sought-after book on

Transfiguration and a more recent study of the uses of Wolfsbane,

published by the Potions Guild. Daphne had decided against buying

herself anything, choosing rather to gift him with An Expert's Guide to the

Ancient Families of England. He chose not to tell her that he had read the

book at eight, but he appreciated her gift nonetheless. Scrivenshaft's Quill

Shop was next, and he returned Daphne's kindness by purchasing the

elegant green feathered quill she had been eyeing. Daphne had hesitated

outside Zonko's Joke shop, but he grabbed her hand with a grin pulling

her into the store. Arianna, Aries, and Haydn had often enjoyed playing

pranks on the other students of Durmstrang, though their version of

pranks would most likely get a Hogwarts student expelled. Aries did not

buy anything but enjoyed seeing the wide variation of products.

Honeydukes was an absolute delight, and no doubt he surprised his date

with his sweet tooth. Aries might want to be a future dark lord, but only

an insane person did not like chocolate.

Noon arrived, and with only an hour before he was to meet up with

Sirius they decided to go to the Three Broomsticks. Aries declined a

butterbeer, choosing to wait to have one with his uncle, and found Haydn

and Ivan at a table in the back with two girls. Haydn was laughing loudly

with a French girl, who was having trouble not blowing her butterbeer

out her nose at his joke. Ivan surprisingly sat with Clarissa Mayer. They

were both very quiet people but seemed to be enjoying talking to the

other. Draco and Arianna were no where to be seen, and he had to

wonder if Draco would survive the Spanish girl's jealousy today. He

supposed Haydn would be up for filling the role of best friend if it came

down to it. The hour passed quicker than he had wanted, and Daphne

was sitting much closer to him than she had been before, when Sirius

walked in, but he wasn't alone.

The Potter family entered the pub as well, and when Sirius started to

make his way over to him, they followed. His friends politely left,

Daphne pecking him on the cheek before heading over to Davis and

Parkinson who looked ready to interrogate the girl about the day's

events. Aries could tell Sirius was nervous, and the Potters looked

awkward besides Thomas. The fourth champion seemed rather intrigued

and chose to sit next to him. This allowed Sirius to sit directly across

from him, with Potter's parents flanking him.

"Thanks for meeting with us Aries." Sirius said happily.

"I was unaware it would be an us, Uncle." Aries drawled. "Though

fortunately, we are not all here." It was a perfect entrance in his opinion,

for just as he nodded towards the door it opened to reveal Cassiopeia

Black. The entrance would have been better if the pub had gone silent,

but too many years had passed for anyone besides his own table's

occupants to remember her. At seventy-three years old, Cassiopeia's hair

had finally grayed, though it hardly marred the Black beauty she

possessed. Her brown eyes were still sharp and, as she took her seat at

the table, they eyed Sirius rather disapprovingly.

"You still have the hair of a girl Sirius," Cassi chided. "You need a haircut.

At least Regulus knew how to look like a proper Black." The mood of the

table had gone from hopeful to downright awkward. The Potters seemed

to realize they had intruded on a family reunion, though to back out now

might just kill them with more awkwardness. "You need to take a page or

two from your nephew, and maybe you won't be such a disgrace to our

House." Sirius had sat much straighter since Cassi arrived and now his

cheeks were flamed in embarrassment. "Ah, the Potters. It's good to see

you all I suppose. Your boy not have enough fame? Oh well, Aries shall

win and that will be the end of it. Go on Sirius, talk. I understand you

wish to get to know your nephew. I came to ensure your irrational nature

stayed in control, and good thing too since you brought them along."

James Potter looked downright furious and Lily looked unsure whether

she should defend their family or attempt to keep her husband seated.

Thomas, on the other hand, seemed to be keeping in a laugh at Sirius'

expense. Aries doubted Thomas had ever seen his godfather chastised.

"Well um, I was hoping you could tell me about yourself, and then I'd go

and maybe we could find some common ground?"

"Oh yes, excellent idea Sirius," Cassiopeia drawled. "Are we first years

now? I suppose so."

"Aunt Cassi, play nicely. You're intimidating my uncle." Aries laughed

before turning to Sirius. "I was born in Paris. Mother was in hiding

already after refusing to join the Dark Lord and got pregnant there after

one of father's visits. I was born with an unknown magical illness that I

struggled against for two years. I was basically a squib. Then Aunt

Cassiopeia tried some crazy potion just around when father died, and it

healed me. Unfortunately, my magic was unstable for years and I had a

tutor that helped me learn to control it. Mother died from a potions

accident when I was five." Lily had teared up at that, and Aries was not

sure how he told the lie with a straight face. "Things were hard then, but

Aunt Cassi took care of me. My tutor taught me everything that she didn't

and when I started school I was leagues ahead of everyone else. I

attended Durmstrang because Aunt Cassi wasn't sure how people would

react to the son of a Death Eater showing up. I'm assuming you want to

hear my hobbies?" Sirius nodded eagerly. "Other than practicing magics,

reading I suppose. I do love brewing potions, and I wish Professor Snape

would actually brew something rather than just lecture. I think I have his

whole collection at home. I play Quidditch on the-"

"You play Quidditch?" Sirius interrupted. He almost seemed giddy now.

"What position?"

"Chaser. I supposed I could be a small Beater, but it never interested me.

Keeper is too dull and while Krum is still on my team no one even tries

for Seeker."

"You play with Viktor Krum?" James asked.

"Of course," Aries replied. "He's in my group, it's like your Houses but

there are more than four. Viktor only accepts the best, and I'm happy to

say I'm at least in the top three of Durmstrang."

"Thomas plays Seeker," Lily offered. "Youngest player in a century. He's

been looking forward to seeing Krum play next weekend."

"Ah yes, Durmstrang versus Beauxbatons. I may be biased but I think

Krum will lead us to victory." Surprisingly that got a laugh out of Sirius

and the Potters. Cassiopeia was watching them all like a hawk, but he

didn't care.

"Who's your team?" Thomas asked. "Dad gets us tickets to see Puddlemere

United. My old captain, Oliver Wood is on their reserve team."

"They're an excellent team, though I prefer the Heidelberg Harriers.

Fiercer than a dragon and twice as clever."

"A German team?" James asked with a bit of disapproval. "Why not an

English team?"

"We grew up in Germany, Potter," Cassiopeia explained. "You cannot

expect the boy to ignore the beautiful culture that surrounded him."

"The Dark Arts aren't as illegal in Germany as they are here. Surprising

considering what Grindewald did. I suppose that's part of their beautiful

culture?" This time the disapproval was in full force in James' voice and

Cassiopeia's eyes narrowed.

"Do not speak of Grindewald to me, boy. You weren't even thought of yet

when he rampaged Europe. His madness was obvious even at Durmstrang

where his symbol still haunts its halls. His dark experiments and

attempted murders of students at the school were nothing compared to

what he did later in life. Your country speaks of Voldemort with such

fear. He may have been more powerful than Grindewald, but he never

caused the widespread devastation that the continent experienced. I was

there, boy, fighting along side your Light wizards to stop that monster, as

did many wizards whom you call dark with hatred. Dark does not equal

monster. You'd do well to remember it. Now leave, I've had enough of

your presence. You're intruding on matters of the House of Black." Her

tone left no room for argument and Lily Potter practically dragged her

husband out of the pub, followed by a rather embarrassed Thomas. It was

refreshing, Aries noted, to see someone else on the receiving end of his

aunt's anger. Sirius though was stuck between wanting to defend his

friend and not receive the same ire James did. "Now Sirius, where were


"Quidditch," the auror croaked out.

"Ah yes, Quidditch. Were you at the World Cup?"

"Yes," Sirius said as recovered. "The game was brilliant though the show

afterwards gave me a right headache."

"Yeah, thank Merlin we were gone by then." Aries said. "Krum wanted to

get drunk immediately. The party at his parent's house was massive, you

would've thought Bulgaria had won."

"You're close to Krum?"

"Yeah, he's like an older brother honestly."

Aries and Sirius talked for another hour, Cassiopeia adding a comment

here or there. Telling his uncle about some of the more relaxed pranking

that Haydn had helped him with had been a great choice, as it caused

Sirius to recount many stories of his exploits. Soon the conversation

turned back to Quidditch and the obsessing of Tables. Puddlemere and

the Harriers were both in contention for their league titles and his uncle

was very interested in seeing how the Germans played Quidditch.

"It's decided then," Aries said and the happiness he felt was genuine.

"We'll attend the Harriers game on the thirtieth of December. I hope you

realize that New Years in Berlin tend to be a riot."

"I think I know how to handle a party." Sirius said with swagger. "Have

you considered playing professionally? Or even try for international play

one day?"

"I'd like to." The answer was honest. His plans would take priority of

course, but after a few years of successful dark lording, who was going to

stop him from playing some Quidditch? It was a valuable magical

tradition after all. It would be necessary for him to support its

continuation. "I just don't know whether I'd play for England or Germany.

They're both home for me."

"Germany of course." Cassiopeia said with a rare smile, though he could

tell she disapproved of the sport as a career choice for him. "Our time is

nearly up Sirius and I have something that needs to be addressed. Your

seat on the Wizengamot."

"What about it?" The auror had tensed up considerably.

"As Aries stated in his interview no one has spoke for House Black

without being a Black in its history until you took over. That cannot be

allowed to continue. I will not force you to attend those meetings

yourself. But you will call for the House of Black to abstain from all votes

until a proper proxy has been chosen, or you take over the role yourself."

"Now see here-"

"Now see here nothing." Aries interrupted. Sirius looked at him with

surprise. "Our House has traditions. You have forsaken many of them

Uncle but this one crosses a line. You've allowed Dumbledore to control

our voice for fifteen years, and if you wish to seek amends with me and

Aunt Cassi then this is a necessity."

"Fine." Sirius relented after a few moments. "But I want something in


"Name it."

"You have to come live with me this summer. At least for a week or two.

I can show you around England and the like." Aries made eye contact

with Cassiopeia and he could feel her worry through his Legilimency, but

she consented, and the agreement was made. It was a small concession,

but the reward was worth it.

Aries did not realize that his path toward the library after dinner would

take him pass the second-floor girl's lavatory again, but once he was

there he could not refuse the temptation to return. Myrtle was no where

to be seen and so he slowly approached the snake engraved sink. He cast

a Notice-Me-Not Charm and a strong compulsion charm that would send

anyone short of Dumbledore anywhere but inside the bathroom. It did

not take long before he was once again in the Chamber of Secrets.

Salmissra had shed her skin which was no surprise, he knew something

had been able to control her two years ago. Aunt Cassiopeia had

researched frantically both during and after the incident, but never

discovered who had managed it.

His aunt had strictly forbidden him from intervening, but when he had

heard reports of them trying to find the beast to slay it he knew had to

act. Hades had brought him back to the Chamber in the middle of a

spring night. Salmissra had answered his call and the phoenix transported

them deep into the magical mountains of Germany, into a secluded spot

Aries had found the previous summer. The great Basilisk was there to this

day, protected by every charm and curse Aries knew, despite the many

claims that the beast had been slain. The study was as Aries had left it

eight years ago, though dust had somehow covered everything again. He

vanished it with a wave of his hand and moved to the bookshelf.

Unbeknownst to him, a pair of dark brown eyes followed him as he

moved. They studied him for quiet awhile, as if judging the Heir of


"It's good to see you again." Aries sprang into action and turned to the

sound of the voice, wand in hand and a spell already on his lips. He

expected to be attacked, but nearly dropped his wand in shock. There in

the frame, examining a small black snake that slithered up his arm, was

the moving portrait of Salazar Slytherin. "Welcome back Aries Orion

Black, Heir of Slytherin."

AN: I went back and forth the past two days on whether I'd bring

the portrait to life, I hope it isn't too cliche. Next chapter: The Duel

in the Snow.

7. A Duel in the Snow

N: As always let us begin with the first verse of the Harry Potter

Bible, Chapter 1, Verse 1: I own nothing and it all belongs to JK

Rowling, long may she reign. Hope y'all enjoy it and if you don't,

whatever floats your boat y'all.

"It's good to see you again." Aries sprang into action and turned to the sound

of the voice, wand in hand and a spell already on his lips. He expected to be

attacked, but nearly dropped his wand in shock. There in the frame,

examining a small black snake that slithered up his arm, was the moving

portrait of Salazar Slytherin. "Welcome back Aries Orion Black, Heir of


"Lord Slytherin?" Aries could not believe it. The portrait of his ancestor

moved! Suddenly he was seven-years-old again, silently begging the

portrait to come alive, to tell him of his lineage.

"No, I'm just some random portrait in Salazar Slytherin's secret study."

Salazar drawled. "Honestly you're acting like the last one that came here.

If I had realized my Heirs would be unintelligent maybe I would've

reconsidered that marriage contract."

"If I had realized my ancestor was such an ass maybe I'd have burned

your non-moving portrait when I came here eight years ago." Aries

replied with anger but then stopped, suddenly curious. "The last one?"

"Ha! An Heir with a back bone! Now that's more like it. And yes, Tom

Riddle. He was here. . . Well I'm not exactly sure when. Portraits can't

exactly tell time you know. Not when they're stuck underground."

"Riddle?" Aries repeated. "That isn't a pureblood name."

"No but the Gaunts are and he claimed to be related to him." Now that

was interesting. Two Heirs of Slytherin that did not bear the name Gaunt

or Slytherin. Riddle was not an ancient or noble family and the Blacks

did not have a drop of blood in them. It was a riddle, he thought with a

chuckle, that he intended to solve. "No doubt you're King of Slytherin by

now. Fifth year right I assume?"

"Well I'm a fifth year," Aries started. "But I'm not exactly in Slytherin."

Salazar looked at him like he had a third eye and several awkward

moments passed.

"NOT IN SLYTHERIN?!" Salazar screamed, his anger causing him to hiss

in Parseltongue. "Merlin tell me you are in Ravenclaw at least because if

you're in Godric's House I'll leap out of this portrait and end my line


"Actually, I'm not even a Hogwarts student. I attend Durmstrang


"Oh, thank Merlin you aren't in Gryffindor. And what the hell is a


"It's a school," Aries drawled with a roll of his eyes. "Cold. Teaches the

Dark Arts. You know, much more open minded than what your school

has become."

"Never heard of it. And just what has my school become?" Salazar asked


"A school controlled by someone that views anything harmful as dark or


"Is that what this place has become? Magic isn't light and dark, it's all

about intent! Goodness even Godric knew that despite his high horse

morals." Salazar paused for a moment, looking Aries over. "If you aren't a

Hogwarts student then why are you here?"

"The Tri-Wizard Tournament is being held here." Aries answered. "I was

selected champion for my school."

"The what?" Salazar asked annoyed about being so clueless. Aries

explained it to him, answering all the ancient wizards annoying

questions. The old portrait was far more sarcastic that he had ever

thought he would be, and he wondered if Cassiopeia would disapprove of

how Slytherin talked. They conversed for hours and Aries learned far

more about the history of Hogwarts than any book could have given him.

The portrait had pointed him to certain books of the library he hadn't

retrieved last time and when they moved onto his goals for his life,

Salazar listened intensely. Salazar left him with a piece of advice before

he left.

"Your plans are noble Aries." Salazar began. "Hear me now though. Tom

Riddle was an inspired boy, but one filled with revenge, and what he

eventually became was nothing like the boy I knew when he was here.

Many of his plans were noble too, but along the way he lost something

inside him on his path to immortality. I can sense some of the same

desires in you. You have ambition, cunning, and a will to succeed. All

things that make you my Heir, and a true Slytherin. Find something, find

someone that makes you whole, that keeps you tied to something other

than your drive to complete and perfect my noble work. Perhaps you can

be what Tom never could. You're so different from him, and yet in so

many ways you're just the same.

"What did Tom Riddle become?" But Aries already knew the answer.

"A monster."

The announcement of the Yule Ball on Christmas Eve had added some

drama to the lull between tasks of the Tri-Wizard Tournament. Aries was

unsure how everyone had not already known about it; the ball had been

a tradition of the tournament for centuries. Haydn and Ivan already had

their dates who just so happened to be their dates from the Hogsmeade

weekend. Ivan's date had caused him to recalculate a few things as he

had been positive the Bulgarian was gay, not that he had any issue with

that unlike some wizards. You loved who you loved, and it was often

something you could not help. So why judge someone over it?

Aries had always planned on taking one of the Hogwarts students to the

ball, but he was pretty sure that Daphne had made it entirely clear that

he was off limits and he had seen many girls cower away from him under

her icy glare. He'd have to actually ask the girl at some point, but it

wasn't a priority just yet. Arianna had been giving him hopeful glances

since the announcement, and he supposed it was finally time for that

conversation. He'd rather deal with her response in private rather than

deal with her after she found out he was taking someone else to the ball.

The Spanish girl was right where he hoped, in her cabin and thankfully

alone as the Mayer girl had joined Ivan in the library. Arianna's bright

smile was far too hopeful, and Aries' had to muster far more courage than

he'd like to admit.

"Arianna, we need to talk." He chose Spanish for this conversation, as she

would most likely have switched to it at some point anyway.

"What's up Aries?" There was a nervousness in her smile, but the hope was

still in her eyes.

"I know you want me to take you to the ball." Her smile widened. "But I


"What?" Aries could see it clear as day, the hurt in her eyes and his

passive Legilimency picked up something that clearly felt like betrayal.

"You have been one of my closest friends. You have been there for me in some

of my most vulnerable moments and stood by my side in my darkest. I know

you've developed feelings for me that are beyond what would define a

friendship. I had hoped it would be a phase and that you'd find someone better

suited, but it never passed."

"Why are you doing this to me Aries?" Tears were falling down her

beautiful faces, and her make up started to smear. "I've given everything to

you! I've hurt people I could have been friends with. Lied and manipulated

others. I've done everything you've ever asked of me without question. And all

I've ever wanted in return was to be able to be at your side."

"Arianna, I've been in your mind far too often to not know your dreams. I was

the one who taught you Occlumency remember? I know you want to one day

settle down, to have kids on some vineyard in Spain, living the high life

without a care in the world, with a husband that will truly love you. Despite

all your claims of following me downmy path to destiny, down in your heart

that's what you want, and you wish to pull me away from my destiny to join

you. My dear Arianna, you want something from me I can never give you.

Something I cannot even have myself."

"Can't? Or won't?" Anger had replaced hurt and there was a challenge in

her eye.


"So, you think your destiny is more important than love? Than happiness?

Than giving yourself the happy life that you deserve? Than being with me?"

She had been nearly shouting, but her last question came out almost as a


"Yes." It was a cold thing to say, but it was the truth, and Arianna choked

out a sob as she fell to the ground. Aries wanted to comfort her, but

inside his heart was breaking, and he worried what would happen if he

were to give into the desire to wrap her in his arms. She was a confidant,

someone who he could always count on to be there for him, but her love,

affection, and the kindness in her soul would always pull him away from

his destiny. No, his responsibility.

"Aries." Heart-broken eyes met his as he turned back to look at her. "I love


"I'm sorry Arianna. I don't love you, and I never will. Not as you love me."

The Quidditch tournament had been a rather interesting situation leading

up to the start, as having a three team tournament did not exactly work

out. It was eventually decided that each team would play each other once

over the course of four weekends, and the two teams with the most

points would play again in the final. Durmstrang was slated to face off

against Beauxbatons first and Aries walked hand in hand with Daphne

down to Quidditch pitch. He kept a conversation with Draco along the

way, so that he would not have to talk to Pansy. Draco's irritation with

the girl was beginning to come to a head, especially now that there was a

girl he was actually interested in. Arianna on the other hand completely

ignored Draco, and everyone at the moment. Haydn and Ivan were

optimistic that she'd get over it eventually, but Aries had to wonder if the

girl's feeling might have ruined their powerful quartet. The stands of the

Quidditch pitch were filled with the three schools. Durmstrang sat with

the Slytherins and Beauxbatons were mixed among the other three

houses. It seemed that since the hated house had sided with the hated

school the rest of Hogwarts and Beauxbatons was against them.

The match was very short, unfortunate in Aries' opinion, as he had hoped

to see Beauxbatons embarrassingly defeated. He supposed Krum catching

the snitch ten minutes in, although incredibly anticlimactic, was

embarrassing enough. A translation charm had been used so all students

could understand the commentary. Aries might have had an epiphany if

he had not already tried the charm on the egg. It had some sort of

counter that he had been unable to remove, and so he was back to square

one. He pulled on Daphne's hand, allowing them to lag behind his


"The female population of the castle has been rather cold to me since the

Yule Ball was announced." Aries stated with a smile. "Would you have

anything to do about it?"

"Of course." Daphne's smirk was mischievous. "Too many of them had

fancies of passing you love potion. It was only for your protection."

"My protection? I see that you have yet to find a date yourself."

"That's a problem that can be solved quickly," She replied, tapping her

chin thoughtfully. "Your friend Haydn is rather attractive, though I

suppose I could take Diggory. It wouldn't be hard to convince him to drop

Chang for me." He glared at her playfully with that last statement. She

was trying to rile him up, but he wouldn't give her the satisfaction.

"I think you could do much better."

"Oh really?"

"Daphne, would you give me the honor of escorting you to the Yule Ball?"

"You may have the honor." She gave him a bright smile and placed a kiss

on his cheek. "I'm wearing silver. I do hope you can find robes to match."

The next weeks passed by quickly for Aries and the second task was

approaching. Hogwarts had defeated Beauxbatons the following

weekend, more than likely putting them out of the running for the final.

The biggest surprise had been that Draco had made the team as a chaser

along with the third year. Ginny Weasley, and a seventh year Ravenclaw.

The Weasley twins were their beaters, some Hufflepuff the Keeper, and

an Asian girl, Cho Chang, was their Seeker. Beauxbatons second loss

made next week's match almost pointless, besides ensuring they had

more points than the French, but Krum had mentioned that it gave him

the opportunity to try and mislead their rival before going into the final.

Classes continued on as normal, though the Transfiguration teacher was

really starting to get on his nerves. His desire to change and rip out the

woman's throat was a dark day dream that often lingered throughout the

class. Arianna was avoiding him now, which only irritated him more. She

was over reacting in his opinion and just needed to accept the truth. The

longer she played this out, the more she just hurt herself. She may be a

good friend of his, but she was not irreplaceable, nor was she so

invaluable to his plans that he would give into her. Perhaps he had made

her more important than she deserved. Haydn spent a lot of time with

that French girl, Emma Dubois, and while Aries could see her beauty, the

girl was far too giggly for his liking. Hopefully Haydn would have his fun

and dump the girl after the Ball. Harsh, but she was a distraction, as he

could not focus on his essay when the girls insufferable giggling made

him want to curse her into oblivion.

Aries had been looking for an opportunity to talk with his mentor, but he

had been busy lately with an unknown matter. A simple note to the old

man had allowed him to set up a time in his office on the ship. Professor

von Reich spent much of his time in the castle, but spent his mornings

and evening in his cabin, drinking firewhiskey and reading a book. Aries

was grateful for this as a glass waited for him when he entered the cabin.

Vladimir von Reich was old, though he did not know his actual age. His

mentor had been young when he turned against Grindewald, but old

enough to have extensive crimes in Germany, not to mention a wife and

child. His head was bald and much of his face was hidden by the black

beard that came to a point below his chin. The man could be beneficial to

his plans, if he managed to live that long.

"Dumbledore has the Elder Wand." It was better to get straight to the

point than beat around the bush. Neither wizard preferred small talk if it

could be avoided.

"Ah so our theory is proven correct." Von Reich responded as he stroked

his beard. "And how did you find out?"

"Phrasing of course." Aries relayed the story to his master, who displayed

a look of pure outrage when he heard that Dumbledore had asked to see

his wand. Wands were a personal matter, and many witches and wizards

would rather walk naked before the Wizengamot than allow another to

handle their wand, besides a wandmaker of course. It was just different


"So, at last I know the truth. Grindewald possessed the Elder Wand, and

therein lies the reason why he defeated me." A moment of vulnerability

came for the old wizard, and Aries wondered just how deeply the man

had wanted revenge, to challenge the most feared dark wizard of their

time to an honor duel. Grindewald had soundly defeated him and had left

him in a coma. When he recovered, Dumbledore had finally subdued the

would-be tyrant, and so revenge eluded Vladimir von Reich. "Will you

attempt to take the wand?"

"No." Aries said with a shake of his head. "At least not yet. Dumbledore is

too powerful, and Hogwarts is his home turf. I'll wait until I have the

advantage and have need of the wand."

"Good, I see my lessons of patience were not useless after all." Aries

flushed with embarrassment at the many memories of those awful

lessons. "Cassi told me of your meeting with Sirius before she left. I hear

James Potter was rather rude."

"Yes, that light bigoted idiot thought to insult Germany and me, and by

extension of the House of Black. Practically everything Aunt Cassi loves.

Seeing her rip into him was brilliant."

"Yes, the Potters are rather loyal to Dumbledore, though your revelation

may shed some truth on their situation." Aries gave him a curious look.

"What do you mean?"

"Tell me Aries, how much do you know about Harry Potter?" The boy

who had mysteriously died? What did he matter? He was dead.

"Something happened the night the Dark Lord was defeated that made

him sick and then he died three years later."

"I see." Von Reich said with disappointment. "Cassiopeia has not told you

the truth. You see, Harry was abandoned by the Potters. The events that

led to the Dark Lord's defeat left him a squib, and so they gave him to

Lily Potter's muggle sister. Sometime shortly after, the boy disappeared,

and no one found out until three years later. The muggles had told no

one, not even his mother. They looked everywhere, and he was later

confirmed to be dead. It was a tragedy that Dumbledore covered up."

Aries was furious inside. He knew of what some purebloods did with

squibs, and it was an issue he longed to rectify one day. "I can see your

anger, but I believe there are a few clues that lead to something rather

interesting anomalies. The first being a man: Remus Lupin."

"Let me guess. He's a werewolf?" Aries asked sarcastically.

"Yes, he is." Now that was ironic. "Remus Lupin was one of James Potter's

three best friends, Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew being the other two.

We know of Pettigrew's betrayal, but did you know that Lupin had a

falling out with both Black and the Potters shortly after the fall of the

Dark Lord? It's curious indeed. I doubt Black nor Lupin would have

believed this illness story, considering Lupin was Thomas' godfather and

Sirius was Harry's, though Sirius is now Thomas' as well. Even if the child

was truly sick, why could he not be raised with Black or Lupin? Such an

illness would not have been contagious. So, what caused it? What caused

such a loving family to abandon a child? It does not seem likely the

Potters would do this, no matter the circumstance. I give you my

conclusion: a compulsion charm."

"Absolutely not." Aries disagreed. "A compulsion charm would not be

strong enough. Hell, maybe the Imperious curse, but not a compulsion."

"Perhaps, but you are forgetting both the caster and what he possessed.

There are many magical objects that can increase one's power, many of

them being magical rings hidden or lost through time, but the Elder

Wand has often magnified a user's power. A man as powerful as

Dumbledore could potentially channel magic through it without actually

holding it. My guess is that a number of compulsion charms forced the

Potters, and Sirius, to abandon Harry. No doubt it was cast many times

and perhaps is the very reason James Potter does not sit among the

Wizengamot as his father, Charles, did."

"It seems far fetched. . ."

"And here is my relevant data. Remus Lupin is technically a magical

creature. Certain spells harm him and others have little effect, such as the

Imperious curse. Few spells can control the wolf that resides inside him. I

believe that Dumbledore thought the Elder Wand would over power the

wolf and failed. You see, no doubt the wolf inside him saw Harry and

Thomas as its cubs, its own children. When Remus went to release his

friends, Dumbledore forced them to shun the werewolf, which is why he

has not been seen in England for the past thirteen years. Why the wolf

would have a stronger nature than Potter's parents is unknown to me, but

alas I believe my theory is correct. I contacted Remus Lupin myself to

find out. I also suspect memory charms, no doubt to remove any evidence

of his compulsions, though Lupin made provide the evidence we need

under Veritaserum. This could potentially ruin Albus Dumbledore if used

correctly. This I leave to you."

Aries nodded, the information being processed too fast to speak. This was

a manipulation far beyond any he had thought the Headmaster capable

of. How many compulsion charms had the Potters and Sirius been placed

under for the past thirteen years? How many times had they realized just

what they had done and been done to them and had their memory wiped

so they would forget what the old man made them do to their child? He

had developed a dislike for the Potter patriarch, but now he just felt pity.

It was a wrong that made Aries sick to his stomach. The loss of an

innocent child to an old man's manipulations. Aries would kill one day,

yes, but only when necessary. This was far beyond necessary.

"You should discreetly check your uncle for any charms." Von Reich

warned. "Do not tell him the truth until you are ready, for you will most

likely need to keep him from murdering the Headmaster of Hogwarts."

"I agree." Suddenly the guilt Aries had felt in Sirius made sense. "When

Lupin confirms your theory, I'll release Sirius of his guilt. Perhaps we can

wrestle the Potters to our cause as well when their confidence in

Dumbledore is shaken. But in due time. We will ruin Albus Dumbledore

when it will benefit us."

"Good." Aries took a moment to refill his glass and did the same to his

mentor's. "Do you know of the second task?"

"No, and I do not wish to. It might not be very Slytherin, but the

unknown can bring about many opportunities."

"Oh, I think you'll find this to be an excellent chance to show the people

of England just who you are Aries Black." The smirk on Vladimir von

Reich's face was as dark as Aries' had ever seen it, and he would not

disappoint the man.

The four champions stood in the same tent as the First Task, though Ludo

Bagman was no where near to be found. Sirius Black, James Potter, and

two other aurors were with them, but the champions made no attempt to

talk to them. Thomas and Diggory were having a hushed conversation,

no doubt about the task, and Aries was having a pleasant time with Fleur.

She had expressed her disappointment that he already had a date, though

she admitted she would drop her current date if he did as well. Aries

respectfully declined and once he brought up that he was born in Paris

the veela launched into describing the beauty of her home country. At

last it was time for the Second Task to begin. The two others aurors took

Fleur and Diggory while James took Thomas. Aries followed Sirius lead

and was led into the walls of the stadium under the stands.

"Aries," Sirius began as they walked. "I just wanted to apologize for

James' actions back in Hogsmeade. He's not normally like that."

"It's alright Uncle."

"No, it's not. But maybe I can explain." Sirius took a deep breath and

sighed. "I'm not sure what you know about Harry Potter but what the

papers were told isn't the truth. Its not my story to tell but James made a

mistake, and either way Harry died. Two years before that I made a

mistake and lost Regulus. The thing is that for the past thirteen years

James and I have silently wished to see Harry and Regulus return to us,

even though its impossible. That grief brought us closer than ever,

especially once Remus abandoned us. Then you showed up. You'd be in

Harry's year and I think that's what kills James inside. He wishes with all

his heart that you were Harry. You came to me in Regulus' place, and

Harry is still gone. James hates you for that, because you're everything he

thinks Harry would not have been. For me though, well, you're

everything Regulus would have wanted in a son, and I can't help but love

you, and Aunt Cassi, for that. I know Regulus would be so proud of you

Aries, and I just hope that I can be the uncle he would've wanted me to


Sirius was crying silently, and for the first time Aries did not care. He

didn't know why it meant so much to him, but he was now determined to

rip Dumbledore's manipulative claws off his uncle, even if he had to kill

the old bastard and take the Elder Wand from his cold dead fingers

himself. They reached a small door that Aries realized would open into

the stadium. He wore similar robes from the First Task, and no doubt the

specific charm he had placed on them last year might come in handy if

his suspicions of the task were correct.

"Look Aries," Sirius said now that he was recovered. "It's not cheating

anymore but you're about to do a free-for-all duel. Only one winner.

Thomas and Cedric have been working on some plan. I don't know if

Fleur is involved but she might be. It's probably why she was distracting

you in the tent. Don't tell James I told you this but Thomas can have a

quick temper, and if he thinks Cedric deceived him you might be able to

turn the tables. You know, even the playing field."

"Why Sirius, that is rather Slytherin of you." Aries said approvingly.

"I may not act like it all the time, but I'm still a Black dear nephew." They

shook hands warmly. "Now kick some ass and win the damned thing."

The coliseum had changed somewhat since the First Task. Rocks still

jutted out of the ground but for the most part the area was flat. Oh, and

there was snow covering every inch of the coliseum. Nearly five inches

deep. It crunched under his feet, and the element of surprise would be

removed in this condition. The four champions stood like the four points

of a compass. He saw Thomas' attempt at a discreet nod towards Diggory,

and Fleur was ignoring them both far too intentionally for it to be

innocent. Aries was tempted to take on the three of them at once, but

while he had a good feeling he could defeat them, it was an unnecessary

risk. No, he needed to act like the Heir of Slytherin, just as Salazar had

commanded. A flick of his wrist and an invisible spell made its way over

to Thomas.

"Hello Potter." Thomas nearly jumped at the other side of the stadium at

hearing Aries' voice. "Don't move like that! I cast a spell that makes it so

we can hear each other for now. Listen close and only give a slight nod or

shake of your head." Bagman was introducing the champions and the

task. He only had so much time. "Sirius didn't get a chance to tell you and

your dad didn't believe him. You know how they're fighting right now.

Anyway, he said that Cedric is planning on turning against you. Fleur is

going to attack me as planned and then he's going to take you out. We're

first and second in the table, so they're hoping to take over us." He could

see the anger in Thomas from here and smirked. "I'll shoot a blasting hex

at Cedric to give you a shot at some element of surprise, then I'll take out

Fleur. After that it's a free-for-all. Good luck Potter." Once Thomas gave

him a nod, he cancelled the spell. Everything was set and now their duel

in the snow would begin.

"Lastly," Bagman was saying. "This tournament is set by the old laws. As

such the only spells off limits are the Unforgivables. To eliminate an

opponent, they must either surrender or be incapacitated. No penalties

will be given should a champion die, though killing your fellow

competitor is deeply frowned upon. Good luck champions and let the

Second Task of the 1994 Tri-Wizard Tournament begin!" A canon

sounded and chaos erupted.

"Bombarda!" The blasting hex exploded the rock next to Diggory just as

Thomas' stunner passed by him. Aries paid them no mind and sent a

bone-breaking curse towards Fleur. She spun out of the way threw a ball

of fire at him. His right hand extended, catching the ball of fire, and as he

closed his fist the fire was absorbed into his palm.

"You must not have been paying attention with the dragons, or you did not

believe the tales." Aries said in French. "I can bend dragon fire. Yours is

nothing more than a nuisance." At the last word he threw his hand forward

and the fire ball was blasted back at her. Her eyes widened in surprise, as

the fireball had doubled in intensity, and leaped out the way. She barely

dodged another bone breaker before a blasting hex made him find cover.

Aries had no intention of going back and forth with the veela, so he

returned a blasting hex of his own, exploding the rock she was hiding

behind. He brandished his wand straight into the air.

"Tempestas frigus!" The sky above them suddenly darkened and thunder

rumbled. The air felt electric and a cold rain started to fall. It turned to

sleet before it hit the ground and lightning struck ever so often in the

coliseum. Aries had researched veela thoroughly since the Weighing of

the Wands. Unlike the Sirens of Greek Mythology, veela have a difficulty

dealing with water and extreme cold, and the temperature in the

coliseum was dropping rapidly. His robes magically provided more

warmth than he could ever need, but the mobile robes of the French

champion did little to comfort her, and her warming charms were having

no effect, much to her disadvantage. Fleur started to cast fire frantically,

hoping to heat up the area around her, but between her flame and

extreme cold of the storm it only turned the snow into ice cold water.

Aries was aware that this could kill the girl and had to move quickly to

eliminate his opponent before she died. A bone breaker shattered her leg

and stunner took her in the chest. One of the aurors levitated her body

away while Aries took a seat on a rock to watch Potter and Diggory.

The cold was affecting Potter much more than Diggory, who had been

smart enough to transfigure his robes into a thick fur coat. Diggory's

extensive repertoire of spells was giving him the advantage but Potter

was quicker and smaller, using it to his advantage to weave around the

rocks in a guerilla warfare like manner. He took a deep breath and

calmed the storm that was raging in the coliseum, letting the temperature

rise and the rain to stop. Thunder still rumbled as an occasional bolt of

lightning struck the ground, but the snow had turned to slush and had

started to freeze. The final duel would be interesting for sure. Aries

opened his eyes as a thump sounded and saw that Diggory had finally

managed to stun Potter. He closed his eyes again. Diggory's hard

breathing was loud in his ears, but after a few moments he quieted.

Aries opened his eyes to find Diggory standing roughly ten paces from

him, wand brandished and ready to fight. His robes began to glow as

they changed, obsidian black and golden armor styled in Greek smithing,

formed, and Aries readied himself. He had gone on the offensive at the

beginning with Fleur, but those of Durmstrang recognized the famed

stance of the Viper. He would wait for Diggory to make his move, and

then when the time was right, he would destroy him. There was a tense

moment, thunder rumbled as the intensity of the lightning strikes picked

up, and then their duel began.

Cedric's light magic barreled towards him and Aries' darker magic raced

back. Cuts and bruises started to cover his opponent, but no spell touched

Aries, though he was not entirely unaffected. Diggory had taken to

blasting his surroundings and more than once a shard of stone had

embedded itself in him, though he was sure that he had shattered his

opponents' non-dominant arm. He had to admit, Cedric was powerful,

and he began to unleash magic not seen since Grindewald's war. He

reached out, bending the air around them into a torrent that threatened

to throw Diggory off his feet. Then Aries unleashed fire, allowing the

wind to take it until they were surrounded by a tornado of fire, one that

Aries seemed to control with ease with his hand, as curses flew from his


The heat drew them closer, as Diggory tied to get away from the wall of

flames, and they forced to dodge each others spells as neither had enough

time to cast a shield due to their proximity. Diggory was clearly giving

his all, but Aries hadn't even started yet. He let loose of the tornado, and

began firing curse after curse towards Diggory, who was forced to relent

his own offensive and raise a shield in defense. Aries drew his magic

upon him, and thunder rolled, as he summoned the lightning that struck

his opponent's shield, shattering it. The explosion threw Diggory back

and his wand went flying across the stadium. Aries walked cautiously

over to the champion, dismissing the torrent of fire as he struggled to his

feet, before casting a simple stunner to finish the duel. Diggory ducked

under the spell and threw his fist towards Aries's face. It connected and

Aries saw red, forgoing a simple end to the duel. A blasting hex caught

Diggory in the chest and landed hard on his back. The rain had started

falling again, but now with each slow step Aries took, lightning struck

and thunder rumbled, a sign of his struggling control over his magic. The

storm he had created was thriving off his anger and power, and the

darkness that he so often contained inside himself screamed for Diggory's


He was on all fours as the thick boot of Aries caught him in the gut. He

landed on his back, clutching his stomach, but he stared defiantly at the

Black Heir. A bone-breaker shattered Diggory's leg, and his screams

echoed off the stone walls. That darkness in the back of his mind

screamed to unleash the Cruciatus Curse, but he shattered his other leg.

Aries' heart was pounding and there was a voice whispering in the back

of his mind to finish it. Aries reached out with his magic, wrapping it

around Diggory's throat and squeezing. His fist clinched as his opponent

clawed at his throat, gasping for air. Silent moments passed before he

released him, and Diggory's loud gasping of air filled the coliseum. He

could feel his blood racing through him, the power within him screaming

to be unleashed, and lighting flew from his fingertips. Diggory writhed on

the ground and there were screams from the stands for him to stop, but

he refused, not yet. When at last he relented, trails of smoke floated from

the burns on Diggory's body.

Aries thought the fight was finally done, and he waited for Diggory to

surrender, but the champion remained determined. For a moment, Aries

felt a certain appreciated of the boy, and then Diggory sent a rather

sickly purple looking spell towards him. There was a gasp from the crowd

and Aries saw red again. Another bone breaker shattered the champion's

hand. The Hogwart's champion screamed as Aries stomped hard on the

hand he just broke. Another kick to the ribs and he heard several cracks.

Aries reached down, grabbing Diggory by the front of his robes, and

pulled him to his knees. He held them there, letting the cold rain hit

them both. Blood was running from Diggory's mouth and nose, and his

robes were soaked from the cuts he had given him. Aries struck him

across the face with an armored fist, soaking in the satisfaction of his

actions. He struck him again and again, and on the fifth strike he heard

Cedric's jaw break as he fell to the ground, unconscious. Cheers rose up

from the Durmstrang delegation, who appreciated his brutality, but the

students and staff of the other two schools were dead quiet and Aries

could feel their fear. Part of him rejoiced in it, it rejuvenated him, and as

he raised his arms, clinching his fist, thick bolts of lightning struck the

ground and the stadium shook from the thunder, as his magic struggled

to be contained. The Durmstrang students only cheered louder, but the

rest reeked of fear.

"Ladies and gentlemen your winner." Ludo Bagman said shakily. "Aries

Black of Durmstrang."

His black and golden armor had already turned back into his robes by the

time Madam Pomfrey began to fuss over him. The few shards and the

deep cut were easily taken care of and he was the least of the matron's

worries. Fleur and Thomas had been treated for hypothermia, but the

cold of his storm had been magical and they still seemed to be shivering.

Diggory lay unconscious, though Pomfrey had already said he would

recover fine. None of the injuries Aries had given him had been fatal,

only brutal. His burned flesh had already been healed and Aries could see

the bottle of Skele-Grow on his bedside table. Cho Chang was holding

Diggory's hand, looking very pale, and every time she glanced towards

Aries she flinched. The First Task had shown his power and the Second

Task his utter brutality. The people of England now had two remarkable

reasons to fear and respect him. Draco and Haydn had come in shouting

rather loudly about how awesome what they had seen was. Ivan watched

on quietly with a smile as the other two started reenacting his battle

versus Diggory's stone army. Daphne had pointedly fixed him with a

playful glare .

"Can I help you Greengrass?" He asked with a smirk.

"A tornado of fire? Really?" Daphne ask sarcastically.

"How else was I supposed to impress you?" Daphne blushed but

trademark icy look remained as she took his hand.

"Next time you can just defeat your opponent quickly and not be a show


"Daphne darling, I'm a Black." Aries said with a smirk. "Being dramatic is

what we do best. If you're wanting to stick around you better get used to


"You tricked me!" Thomas shouted across the room, pointing an

accusatory finger at him. Neville Longbottom, Ginny Weasley, and Susan

Bones, he had finally learned their names, all had matching angry looks.

"You lied and you cheated!"

"I cheated? Tell me Potter, how you, Diggory, and Fleur knowing about

the task before hand and making a plan to team up against me isn't


"It's. . . Well. . ."

"It's the same damn thing Potter." Aries growled. "Life is perception. From

your point of view, I tricked you. From mine I played the same game you

three did and I won. And while we're at it, let me give you something to

think about. Who the hell do you think Fleur and Diggory were going to

go after if you three managed to take me out? Each other? We were in

first and second. You think they were going to risk letting you get into

first place? No. They would've taken you out together and then dueled

each other. So why don't you shove your hypocrisy up your ass and stop

getting manipulated by everyone around you. Start thinking for yourself

instead of blindly following everyone with a good idea. It's going to get

you killed one day."

Aries made to leave but stopped at the sight of Sirius. He looked right at

him with fear, and there was something else in his eyes. Hatred? No that

wasn't it. Disappointment. It cut into Aries like a knife. A growl escaped

his lips as he practically stormed away. He wasn't sure why it had upset

him so much, but he found himself changing and running through the

woods. His four padded feet beat the ground as he ran, the light of the

moon dancing in his wolfish eyes. There was something truly calming

about giving into the wolf inside him. His black fur legs carried him

through the forest until at last he stopped. A howl came from his

powerful jaws, and his green eyes shown brightly as snow began to fall.

He reveled in the peace and quiet of the snow-covered forest. An hour

passed, before the great wolf sighed, and Aries turned to make the long

journey back to Hogwarts.

AN: Next chapter: The Yule Ball

8. The Yule Ball

N: As always let us begin with the first verse of the Harry Potter

Bible, Chapter 1, Verse 1: I own nothing and it all belongs to JK

Rowling, long may she reign. For those that haven't read the

updated version of The Duel in the Snow I'd recommend giving it a

read through as I updated some parts. Hope you enjoy this chapter

and if you don't, whatever floats your boat y'all.

He watched helpless as the explosion ripped through the room. His body hit

the table hard and he felt his ribs crack as he landed on the floor. Aries looked

up slowly, blood pouring down his mother's pale face. Panic set in as he saw a

bone sticking out of his chest. Power swirled around him, far from his control.

Glass shattered sending dangerous shards flying through the air. The breathing

exercises were far from his mind, the raging torrent that he always held back

came rushing forth, always out of reach. Waves of energy pushed out of him

as he closed his eyes, screaming for it to end.

"Aries." His mother's calm voice came to him. "Aries, it's alright."

Darkness rushed forth from deep inside himself, lashing out at his mind,

wrestling for control. Aries fought against it, and power pulsed through the

room. He could hear the breaking of tables, shattering of vials, and cracking of

stones. He felt his mother's soft hand cupping his face.

"Aries look at me."

He sat up quickly, his breath came in gasps as the dream assaulted his

senses. The pain in his chest still lingered and his stomach felt queasy at

the sight of his mother's blood. His whole body was tense as he

summoned the void, pushing the memory as far back into his mind as

possible. He would not linger on the past, not when he was destined to

shape the future.

Hogwarts opinion on Thomas Potter had changed drastically following

the Second Task, in fact it had done a complete one-eighty. Now it was

Aries Black that earned the ire of not only Hogwarts, but of Beauxbatons

as well. Despite the fact that Cedric had recovered fine, everyone outside

of Durmstrang seemed to think that Aries had intended to kill him. Not

entirely surprising, but most of Durmstrang knew that if Aries had

wanted the other champion dead then he would have finished the job.

Most of his classmates had taken to telling the competing schools that as

well, something that only increased tensions that week, and it all would

come to a head with the Quidditch Final today. Both Durmstrang and

Hogwarts had played their reserves for their third match of the

tournament, giving neither side any advantage, and only added to the

drama. Aries knew that Viktor far outmatched Chang, but he was also

aware of Draco's skills at Chaser, and he wondered if Durmstrang's

defense would give his older friend the time needed to catch the Snitch.

Beauxbatons and Hogwarts were mixed today leaving Durmstrang to

themselves on the other side of the Quidditch stadium. Aries was left to

sit next to Ivan and a seventh-year with Haydn being on the team and

Arianna no where to be found. Her continued absence was beginning to

infuriate him, and he intended to have a conversation with the girl before

the ball.

Viktor Krum led the Durmstrang team out, dark red robes flying in the

wind. Hogwarts wore black and he noted that their keeper seemed to

stare starstruck at Krum. Ginny Weasley and Roger Davies, two choices

that Aries had learned caused much controversy among the Quidditch

players of Hogwarts, looked ready to play, though Draco looked cocky as

ever. Aries wondered how they'd get along today, considering that he

knew Draco despised the other two.

"Welcome to the Quidditch Final of the 1994 Tri-Wizard Tournament!"

Aries recognized the boy as Lee Jordan, his biased commentary towards

Hogwarts had been in full force during Hogwarts versus Beauxbatons,

and he wondered just how biased it would be today." "We have

Hogwarts!" Cheers rose loudly from the other two schools. "Against

Durmstrang!" Boos overpowered the loud cheers of the leading school.

"For the home team: Weasley, Davies, Malfoy, Weasley, Weasley, Fleet,

aaaaaaaaaaand CHANG!" The cheers were even louder this time, as the

Hogwarts team took a lap, waving to their supporters. "For Durmstrang:

Muller, Milan, Nikola, Hahn, Heinrich, Miroslav, aaaaaaaaaaaand

KRUM!" This time the boos of the other two schools could not contain the

cheer of Durmstrang as their team flew around the stadium with Viktor

Krum at the lead. The two schools faced each other and as the quaffle

was thrown into the air, the game began.

Krum immediately soared high, Chang following, as Draco snagged the

quaffle. A quick pass to Davies and then another to Weasley who threw

towards goal. The Hogwarts section cheered in anticipation, but Miroslav

swatted the quaffle away towards Muller at the last second. Haydn took

off at a lightning pace, yelling in delight as Aries' had allowed him to

borrow his Firebolt. Milan and Nikola flew at intervals to his left and

right, allowing them to juggle the quaffle until Haydn threw it past Fleet.

"Durmstrang scores." Jordan announced dispassionately. "They lead ten to


Hogwarts would not be swayed however, and Davies led a roaring rush

that, with a well timed bludger from one of the Weasley twins, kept

Milan distracted long enough for Draco to get the quaffle past Miroslav.

Neither team could keep a rhythm and any time it seemed one side

would begin to dominate the other would come fighting back. It allowed

for a much more enjoyable game in Aries' opinion, but his frustration

mirrored Krum's as neither had seen the snitch. Chang was having an

even harder time, she seemed to afraid to let Krum out of her sight long

enough to actually look for the snitch. Then Krum dived fast and hard.

The Asian girl panicked speeding after her fellow Sneeker at a back-

breaking pace. Krum pulled up early and sped towards the wall just as

Draco scored for the sixth time. Hogwarts led one hundred and sixty to a

hundred and forty. The Durmstrang Chasers were used to playing rough

Quidditch and it had served them well against Beauxbatons, but the

Hogwarts Chasers were playing fast, avoiding their opponents as the

Weasley twins' bludgers hounded them.

Krum had slowed down, but he was flying in circles with Chang

following, eyes flying over the stadium. Suddenly gasps rang through the

crowd. Aries tore his eyes from the snitch to see Milan smack the ground

with a loud thump. Viktor called for a time out just after Hogwarts scored

again, now up by fifty. Milan would not be able to continue, and their

substitute, Ader, replaced him. The game resumed but suddenly it was

entirely in Hogwarts' favor. The Durmstrang chasers were tired, and

despite the freshness brought by Ader, they could not keep up with their

opponents. Aries caught sight of the snitch, as did Krum, just as Hogwarts

scored again, putting them up two-hundred and nighty to one hundred

and fifty. Viktor dived after the snitch as he flew straight downward,

Chang falling further behind every second. Aries' attention was turned to

Draco who flew deliberately towards Miroslav and let loose the quaffle. It

flew through the goal just as Krum caught the snitch. Dead silence

followed and Viktor looked up towards the scoreboard in confusion and

then it changed to shock.

"Ladies and gentlemen." Lee's voice came through in awe. "The game has

ended, with a score of three-hundred to three-hundred. Um, Professor?

What happens now?"

"We have a tie!" The referee's annoying voice sounded through the

stadium. "A rare occurrence but there are procedures to be followed. This

final will be decided by penalties!" The cheers and screams of the crowd

were louder than they had ever been. This was something that Aries

doubted any of the crowd had ever seen. "Each team will attempt to score

six times, with each player of the team, minus the keeper, making an

attempt. The order is to be decided by the team captains. Hogwarts, as

they did not catch the snitch, will go first!"

Ginny Weasley was up first for the home school. She started off slow, and

then sped past Miroslav, dumping the quaffle through the hoop. Muller

followed and Fleet would have had a better chance saving Haydn's shot if

he had stayed still. Davies' was shocked when Miroslav made the save,

but unfortunately Ader's shot glanced off the post. The score was one to

one and the tension in the stadium was mounting. The first of the

Weasley twins' shot was blocked, and when Krum's shot went through the

Durmstrang section cheered loudly, they had the lead. The second

Weasley twin was successful, but so was their own beater Hahn.

Durmstrang led three to two and their cheers only grew louder. Next

came Chang's whose made goal was a shock to many and it rejuvenated

the Hogwarts side, especially after Heinrich missed. This only left Draco

Malfoy and Igor Nikola. Draco smirked, before flying like a bullet

towards Miroslav before pulling up at the last second, lofting the quaffle

over the Durmstrang keeper. The Hogwarts and Beauxbatons section

were like a roaring storm, and their cheers threaten to deafen the

spectators. It all came down to Nikola. He started slow, going at an easy

pace, swerving left and right. Fleet stuck with him, but when Nikola

continued to go left, he went right, leaving a wide-open goal for him to


"WHAT A MATCH!" Lee screamed. "I have just been informed that it is

now SUDDEN DEATH! The first to break the tie wins!"

Durmstrang would go first, and Nikola eagerly grabbed the quaffle. He

started off similar to his last, before plowing ahead as Draco had done. At

the last second, he dived up and right as he released the quaffle. Fleet

had guessed wrong, but the slight gust of wind caught the quaffle and it

bounced off the Hogwarts' keeper extended foot. The silence around Aries

threatened to suffocate him, and he could do nothing as Draco sealed

their fate. He played no tricks this time, simply outclassing Miroslav, and

scoring the winning goal. The stadium was loud as the Durmstrang

students left the stadium with broken-hearts. While Aries was

disappointed at the result he was proud of Draco's performance, and

made a point to come congratulate his friend, much to the chagrin of the

Hogwarts' students.

Aries' stood impatiently at the entrance hall. Potter, Diggory, and Davies'

joined in their wait for their dates. Chang came first, followed by Susan

Bones. That surprised him as he thought Potter would take the Weasley

girl, but Bones was a better choice for a number of reasons. Fleur came

next and she was positively radiant. Nearly every eye in the hall followed

her, but it was the next girl that caught his attention. Daphne Greengrass

walked down the steps in her exquisite silver dress. There was slit in the

bottom, allowing him a glimpse of her long legs. The top left her

shoulders bare and her hair was up in a braid that formed a halo around

her head. Aries thought she might be the most beautiful girl he had ever

seen and he prayed that his hopes for the girl worked out. He took her

hand and placed a soft kiss to it, before pulling her close and placing

another on her cheek.

"You look magnificent darling." Aries whispered softly before pulling

away from her. Professor McGonagall led them into the Great Hall, where

many of the students had already begun taking their seats. The

champions sat at the table at the end of the hall, where the Headmasters

of the school joined them. The rest of the staff occupied two tables just

below it, and he saw Professor von Reich having a conversation with

Professor Flitwick. Aries could not help but wonder who would win

between the two international duelists. The Hogwarts' elves served up

another fantastic meal and the conversation down the table was light and

merry. He was surprised that wine had been served, Daphne taking full

advantage, though Aries was far more interested in the not so subtle

glances the Weasley twins were giving the bowl of bunch.

The food vanished and a light overture began, signaling the opening

dance. Aries noted, with much surprise, that Hermione Granger was

sitting next to Viktor, who looked far more nervous than he ever had

before a Quidditch match. Ron Weasley, who sat at the same table with a

rather put out looking Indian girl, had a furious look on his face. Aries

pulled Daphne into his arms and began the waltz. Aunt Cassiopeia had

drilled the art of dancing into him at a young age, refusing to allow him

to embarrass her at any of the German Ministry balls they attended. If

Daphne was surprised, she did not show it, and gracefully followed his

lead. It was as the song ended, and others began to enter the dancefloor,

that Aries noticed Arianna. She had slight bags under her eyes that she

had tried to hide with makeup. Otherwise she was her normal gorgeous

self, except that she was on the arms of Elia Kruger. The sixth-year had

been his rival last year and the scar Aries had given him during their

vicious honor duel remained, a small cut across his cheek, so he would

always remember his defeat, and the mercy he had received. He slipped

into Arianna's mind to find it a confused jumble, a sign that the girl was

already drunk, and he felt her jealously, but also the hope of inspiring

jealousy in him. If that was her goal, she would be sorely disappointed.

Aries pulled Daphne closer to him, pushing Arianna out of his mind, as

the next song began.

Aries breathed in the cool air of England as he and Draco stepped outside

the castle. Daphne had wanted to spend a few moments with her friends

and he had welcomed a break from the warm Great Hall. They both had

a glass of firewhiskey in their hands and had been sipping it slowly for

awhile now. The Weasley twins had spiked the bunch, but thankfully he

had brought his own flask full of his favorite drink.

"Parkinson looks like she's having fun." Aries said with a laugh. Draco's

sour face was priceless.

"If only de Cordova hadn't gone with that idiot." Draco muttered. "Merlin,

I hate Pansy. All she cares about is her damn clothes and the latest


"Why Draco, some could say the same about you and your hair."

"Hey, some of us have to be good-looking. We can't all be hideous like



"Smart ass."

"Little dragon."

"Hey now!" Draco yelled, pointing an accusatory finger at Aries. "You

promised you'd never tell anyone about that!"

"And I haven't." Aries said with a smirk, downing his glass. Haydn and

Ivan were great friends, but the relaxed nature around Draco was

refreshing. The two friends from Durmstrang were connections and

future allies. Draco, on the other hand, was a friend and would always be

regardless of his familial status.

"Aries." Sirius' tense voice cut through their mood like a dagger. "Can we

talk?" A short nod to Draco sent him away and there was a silent plea to

keep others away from the coming confrontation.

"How can I help you Uncle?" Aries did not keep the edge from his voice.

They had avoided each other since the Second Task, though he noticed

the distance between Sirius and James had grown as well. Sirius'

disappointment in his actions during the duel had affected him far more

than he liked, but it did not change his opinion on what he had done.

"Your actions during your duel with Cedric." Sirius started. "I think you

owe me an explanation."

"An explanation?" Aries replied. "Why?"

"You tortured him! You had him beat! A simple stunner would have been

sufficient but you used your magic to choke him, cast lightning on him,

shattered dozens of bones, and then beat him unconscious!"

"It isn't my fault that he refused to surrender. And for your information, I

had planned on just stunning him, until he cast a rather dark curse my


"That's entirely different!"

"How?" Aries nearly yelled. "Because it was one curse and not brutal?"

"Yes!" Sirius exclaimed. "So why did you do it?"


"Recognition?" He repeated. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

"Our House is weak!" The volume of Aries' voice was rising. "Ever since

Grandfather died the respect and fear that our House has instilled in

every other has dwindled until now we are nothing more than a laughing


"What the hell does our House matter if we descend into madness?!"

"Everything! Our House is everything! It's the legacy we leave behind to

our children and their children. It's a history that they can look back on

and look to emulate. You look at my actions at the Second Task and you

see another Bellatrix. Did I use the Cruciatus? Did I use the Killing Curse?

No. I made a point, and a damn good one too. I used powerful magic that

shocked and awed and yet Diggory lives. He lives. If I wanted that boy

dead, he would've died in the first ten seconds. If I wanted to torture him

then his screams would still be haunting your nightmares! Not a single

spell I used would have killed or maimed or harmed him beyond repair.

But no, it only matters what kind of magic for you. Not the intent, which

is the only thing that matters."

"The only thing?!" Sirius screamed. "They think you're the next dark lord!

They think you're going to replace Voldemort!"

"Maybe I will!" Aries confessed. "And who's going to stop me? You?"

"If I have to." Sirius said softly. "Maybe James was right. I don't know

why I thought you'd be the best of Regulus, but maybe you're the worst.

Dumbledore was right about you after all."

"So, it's the old man influencing you is it Sirius?" Aries questioned. "Talk

to your old friend Lupin, and tell me what he has to say of your champion

of the Light."

Aries ignored Sirius' shock, and strode past him. Daphne was waiting for

him next to Draco and pulled him onto the dance floor after handing him

a glass of firewhiskey. The music of the Weird Sisters played loudly in his

ears as he let himself be distracted by the sway of Daphne's hips and the

glint in her eyes. The night continued and Aries had hoped the drama for

the night was over, until he saw Arianna again. She was drunk, incredibly

drunk, but that wasn't what angered him. It was the wandering hands of

Kruger that got his attention. Too often in the past few moments had his

hands dipped below her waist or slid intentionally near her chest.

Arianna kept pushing him away but he did not appear to be listening.

Aries slipped into his mind and fury unrelenting came forth. Kruger had

been steadily force feeding her alcohol the entire night with one specific

intention: relieving her of her virginity in one of the abandoned

classrooms, forcefully if he had to. Aries nodded to Haydn to distract

Daphne and Draco to follow him while he dealt with the situation.

Despite her drunken state it was quite easy to pull her into his arms away

from Kruger. Her tense state from before relaxed as she melted into his

arms. They danced slowly until he could pull her into the entrance hall

and out of the castle.

"What the hell were you thinking de Cordova?"

"I got your attention now, don't I?" She tried to sound seducing, but her

words came out slurred.

"You've done nothing of the sort." Aries said sternly. "You've only

embarrassed yourself." Arianna looked like she wanted to cry but Aries

refused to look at her. Draco got the hint and wrapped his arm around

her waist to escort her back to her cabin. Aries trusted Draco to do the

right thing, despite what much of Hogwarts thought of him. Haydn and

Ivan were waiting for him, their dates amusing Daphne who was giving

him a quizzical glance.

"Kruger had every intention of getting 'lucky' with Arianna tonight." Aries

said far more calmly than he felt. "Even if he had to rape her." That drew

anger from both of them and like two silent shadows they went after

Kruger. It wasn't hard to entice him from his friends, a small compulsion

charm convinced him to follow. Aries led him to the very classroom

Kruger had intended to use for his deed tonight. He conjured a chair and

thick black ropes to tie him to the door. Black chains extended from the

walls, keeping his arms out from his body. Haydn stood outside as a

watch and Ivan inside to make sure Aries did not kill him. A wave of his

cancelled the compulsion, and as expected Kruger freaked. A silencing

charm ended the annoying rant and Aries took a seat in front of the boy.

"I'm not sure what has gotten into you Kruger." Aries began. "Perhaps it's

been the comradery of our school during this competition or perhaps it's

been that my attention has been toward more interesting pursuits, or

maybe it's because we're surrounded by wizards that would rather report

the normal actions of our school than chalk it up to boys being boys."

Kruger had begun to shake at the cold tone of the Black heir. The green

specks in his eyes glowed dark and dangerous. Aries had pulled a knife

from his boot and was cleaning the tips of his fingernails. "I'm not sure

what it was, but somewhere along the line you've forgotten just who I


"I can see into your mind Kruger, there is not a secret you can keep from

me. I know that you intentionally got Arianna drunk. I know you took

advantage of her jealousy. I know the very intentions that you had for

this room tonight. But what you forgot, is that regardless of her feelings

right now, Arianna de Cordova is under my protection. And you intended

her harm. You intended to rape her if she did not give in willingly, and

trust me, she had no intention of it. You were nothing more than a tool

she had hoped to use to win me back. I feel for you, to be used like that

is harsh. But I can't let what you would have done slide. I have a

reputation to uphold."

"Please don't kill me!" Kruger begged.

"Kill you?" Aries said with a cold laugh. "I won't kill you. No, I'm going to

hurt you, the way everyone thought I was going to hurt Diggory. I'm

going to hurt you in ways unimaginable, and then I'm going to leave you.

Don't worry, Professor von Reich will find you. He'll heal you. You'll live

for one purpose only: to remind your friends what happens to those that

mess with Aries Black and those under my protection." Aries moved quick

as lightning and slammed his knife into the boy's knee. "Oh, that was a

close one. I almost got the artery." He conjured another knife and stabbed

his hand. Tears were already falling down Kruger's face, but Aries was

just getting started. Another knife was imbedded in his shoulder. "You

have to understand, I'm no monster. I don't enjoy this, as others do. But

you left me no choice. I have to do this. I have to make an example of you

or others will think me weak. I can't afford that." Another knife through

the other hand and the boys screams echoed off the walls.

"Please. . ." Kruger cried. "Please stop."

Aries flicked his wand into his wrist and pointed it at Kruger. "No.

Crucio." Power ripped through his body, into his wand, and struck the

boy. He writhed against the ropes and chains, and blood dribbled down

his lips as he screamed his voice hoarse before Aries finally relented. A

clinch of his fist conjured his Roman gauntlets as he threw punch after

punch into Kruger's face.

Suddenly the door was wrenched open and Aries turned around to lock

eyes with Daphne, Haydn trying to pull her back outside. She looked

from him to Kruger and then back. Aries knew he was covered in the

boys blood, but made no attempt to hide what he had done. This was a

crucial moment, and he wanted the girls true reaction.

"What did he do?" she asked simply.

"He planned to rape Arianna."

"Will you kill him?"


"Why not?" Daphne had cocked her head to the side at that.

"Killing him would only lessen the sentence. We need him to talk. To be

an example."

"Good." Her answer surprised him, but it was a welcome one. "Hurry up, I

don't want to have to dance with Draco." Aries could not hide the smile

as he turned back to Kruger.

"You heard the lady." Aries said, brandishing his wand again. "Crucio."

Aries cracked his knuckles. Kruger was alive, but barely and Aries had a

few last tricks he wanted to use. "No doubt you enjoyed the Second Task,

but let's see if you can stand it as well as Diggory did." He reached out his

hand, slowing closing his fist, and Kruger began to choke. It wasn't until

Aries was sure he was about to pass out did he release him. He did not

wait for Kruger to get his breath back before a torrent of lightning came

from his fingertips and struck him. Screams filled the classroom again

and everything him in screamed to kill the boy. Aries wanted to finish

him off more than he had ever wanted to in his life, but he relented at

last. Blood was everywhere, but Ivan would clean it up. He was good at

that. A simple cleaning charm removed Kruger's blood from him and as

he made his way to leave Haydn stopped him.

"Aries?" He said. "Could you cast some of your wards on the door?"


"You didn't think you'd get all the fun with him would you?" Haydn said

incredulously. "Arianna is our friend too."

Aries nodded, casting the spell, and left them with only one instruction:

"Don't kill him."

Daphne was waiting for him again in the entrance hall, giving him a look

over before nodding her approval. She had taken a step forward in his

plans for her and he knew she deserved an award for her faith in him. He

had danced with other girls leading up to this moment: Fleur, Clarissa

Mayer, Emma Dubois, and even Susan Bones, but now he focused only on

his date. The night ended far quicker than he would have liked, and that

was something considering he truly disliked balls other than the

opportunity to make connections. Aries walked Daphne down to the

dungeons, stopping often as she told him a story regarding a certain spot

in the castle. When they at last reached the dungeons she gave him a

look of expectancy and he returned it with a smirk.

"You surprised me tonight." Aries said as he tucked a stray hair behind

her ear. "I did not think you would approve."

"You think me weak?" she answered coldly.

"I think there's more to you than meets the eye."

"Perhaps." A smile met her lips. "He deserved it. And those who deserve

pain should not be spared."

"An interesting view, one that seems an outlier among your others."

"And what do you know of my views?"

"I'd like to know them all. Especially about our society and what you

think should be done about it." Aries answered truthfully. Daphne

pondered his words, pulling away from him.

"Dumbledore is good for our society." Daphne began. "And at the same

time people like Lucius Malfoy, as much as I loathe to admit it, are as

well. They represent the meeting of two worlds. But the problem is that

they refuse to talk, to compromise. You are either a blood-supremist or

you're a blood-traitor. My father has sat with the Greys for years trying to

bring the two other parties to the table, to create a society that holds to

our traditions while refining it all the same. I do not want our world to

become like the muggle world, but neither should it stay stagnate."

"And what of the muggle world?" She hesitated for a moment, biting her

lip in a way that threatened to distract the young wizard.

"We should not be in hiding." She answered at last. "We are their betters.

But that means we have a responsibility. Not to enslave them, but to

guide them. They should answer to us yes, bow down to us if they have

to. We should be their kings and queens, not hiding far from them. I don't

believe we should enslave them or massacre them, but they need to learn

their place in the world."

"I could not agree more." Aries said. "So where do I come in?"

"What?" It clearly caught her off guard.

"I'm no fool. You think I did not notice? Your thrill for the Dark Arts and

your attraction to me is real, but we are alike in far too many ways for

me not to see what you see. What is your end game?"

"Your influence." Daphne was calm and confident, her composure

restored. "You could bring both sides to the table. I see what you're doing

with this tournament and that article with Skeeter. Father could tell you

that it's working. If you joined my father's party, we have a chance at

making that dream a reality."

"I would not be Lord Black for some time."

"No, but your influence. Your reputation. Simply supporting my father

and his party would do wonders for his agenda."

"And does your father know of your intentions?"

"Of course not. Father would disapprove. He'd disapprove of me learning

the Dark Arts and most certainly disapprove of you. Though he would

dislike Malfoy even more."

"Why the Dark Arts?" Aries asked. The girl had been soaking up the

powerful spells and her Occlumency was improving. She was becoming a

fearsome duelist and Aries could not be prouder.

"He fears that if it becomes known that we know the Dark Arts then-"

"He'll lose his influence within his supposed neutral party."


"Daphne, I have plans," Aries confessed. "Things I wish to do one day. I

want to change the world, and its no Albus Dumbledore that I intend to

be. But neither will I be the Dark Lord. I think that you and I could do

great things together, it will be difficult. But it can be done." He stepped

closer to her, and she instinctively pressed herself close.

"Together?" There was a slight vulnerability there, a tremble in her voice.

"Perhaps." Aries leaned forward and kissed her. It was short, but when he

pulled away Daphne had a bright smile on her face. "Goodnight Daphne."

Aries left her, knowing that he had taken a large gamble tonight, but he

had a strong feeling that his roll of the die would pay off. The Return of

the Ancient House of Black was just beginning.

AN: Next chapter: Discovering Secrets

9. Discovering Secrets

AN: As always let us begin with the first verse of the Harry Potter

Bible, Chapter 1, Verse 1: I own nothing and it all belongs to JK

Rowling, long may she reign. Finally got around to finishing up this

chapter. Work has been a nightmare. It turned out a little better

than I had hoped, but we're halfway through with Part 1 and things

will pick up as we approach the end of the Tri-Wizard Tournament.

Thank you all for reading, reviewing, favoriting, and following. It

means a great deal to me and continues to motivate me, to get the

next chapter out to you as soon as possible and to do my best to

keep the quality matching for each chapter. As always I hope you

enjoy this chapter, and if you don't, whatever floats your boat y'all.

The mystery of Tom Riddle, former Heir of Slytherin, had puzzled Aries

Black, the current Heir of Slytherin, since the portrait of Salazar Slytherin

came to life shortly before the Second Task. It was the reason he poured

through the library's extensive collection of the Daily Prophet instead of

playing cards with Haydn or enjoying the pleasures of a broom cupboard

with Daphne. Fifty odd years ago Riddle had opened the Chamber of

Secrets and yet as far as he could find there was no magical family with

the surname of the former heir. The Gaunts could trace their lineage back

to Slytherin but they had no connection to the Blacks that would give

him any claim to the ancestral line, nor the ability to speak Parseltongue.

The article about the death of Moaning Myrtle revealed little, only that a

culprit was found and later proven innocent by who else but Albus


It was with a long sigh that Aries left the Hogwarts Library. He had

wanted to confront Potter on the matter, but the second Hogwarts'

champion had been too caught up in his new girlfriend, Susan Bones, to

discuss it. Draco had told him that it was the Weasley girl that had been

taken into the Chamber by the supposed Heir. If so, did that mean that

Tom Riddle was alive? And if he was, how could there be two Heirs?

Something was not adding up and Aries hoped that today's meeting

would reveal some of the secrets that eluded him.

His associate was waiting for him in the Three Broomsticks and with a

curt nod the man went upstairs to the room they had reserved for the

Hogsmeade weekend. Rosmerta gave Aries a bright smile and leaned far

more forward than necessary as she handed him a butterbeer. No doubt it

caused other patrons to bend themselves over backwards to impress the

barmaid, but he paid her no mind. Aries sipped on his drink until Aunt

Cassiopeia walked in with Sirius in tow. His uncle stiffened considerably

at the sight of his nephew but under the glare of their aunt he took a seat

beside him.

"Thank you for coming Uncle Sirius," Aries attempted to sound as polite

as possible. Their last argument was fresh in his mind, but today would

require some civility between them both. "I think you'll be glad you did."

"Aunt Cassi made this seem very important." His voice was rough and

there was no doubt that this was the last place Sirius Black wanted to be.

"It is. A guest of mine is waiting upstairs for us." Cassiopeia explained.

"He will have the answers you seek." She led them up the stairs to the last

room on the right. The door creaked as Aries stepped through it and

turned back at the shocked gasp of Sirius. The man waiting for them

stood about six feet tall with a pale face and light brown hair that seemed

to be graying. Thin scars ran along his face and there was a pained look

in his eyes. He gave a rough appearance that only contrasted the fine

robes he wore. Remus Lupin looked nothing like one would expect of a

werewolf in Aries' opinion. Most werewolves wore shabby clothes and

had nothing to their name, but Lupin seemed to have become an

exception to the rule. Aries took a seat facing the door, watching as Sirius

took in his old friends' appearance with a flabbergasted look. Lupin

himself looked rather nervous, wringing his hands over and over while

failing to meet Sirius' eye.

"Remus." Sirius' breathed out. "You look. . . Hell you look better than I've

ever seen you."

"Russia has a unique stance on werewolves." Remus began, his English

sounded rough from the years of speaking Russian. "I've done well for

myself, better than I ever could have in England."

"Russia? What were you doing there?"

"After everything, well, I had to get away. I knew the laws were laxing

there and gave it a shot. My education at Hogwarts allowed me

opportunities to work within their Ministry. Department of Magical


"Perhaps you should both sit down." Aries interrupted. "You two can

catch up after we have had our discussion, and there is much to discuss."

Sirius cautiously took his seat and Remus mirrored his apprehension. His

uncle downed the offered glass of firewhiskey before turning back to

Aries. "A theory of mine was confirmed shortly before the Second Task,

and in turn it supported the theory of my mentor, Vladimir von Reich. He

reached out to Lupin and thanks to Aunt Cassi he has joined us here

today. Sirius, I'm afraid there is something we have to tell you and it

something you will not find pleasant."

"What does Remus have to do with this?"

"Everything." Aries answered. "Sirius, Albus Dumbledore has placed a

number of compulsion and memory charms on you since the fall of the

Dark Lord, mainly concerning the welfare of your deceased godson,

Harry Potter."

"Harry?" Sirius asked. "What the hell do you mean?"

"You ever wonder how exactly Harry ended up with his muggle

relatives?" Cassiopeia asked. "Explain to me how the Potters and you,

Harry's godfather, abandoned that child."

"I. . ." Sirius shook his head as if to clear it. "It was the best thing for


"Purgare mentis." It was a spell of his own creation, derived from his skill

at Legilimency. It reached out with tendrils of magic into one's mind,

removing anything foreign within it, no matter how long ago it was cast.

The success of the spell relied solely on the power of the castor, and Aries

was incredibly powerful. Sirius tensed as the magic swarmed into his

mind and then slumped as it faded. He grabbed his head and Aries

noticed the immediate signs of shock. The auror leapt out of his chair

with a yell, pushing himself back into the wall.

"No!" He sobbed. "It's not true!"

"Sirius listen to me." Remus walked slowly over to his friend and grabbed

him by the shoulder. "Weeks after Voldemort fell, I returned at your

urging. You told me how you thought I was the traitor and wanted to

apologize. When I asked about Harry you became confused and your eyes

glazed, just as they did now. I recognized the compulsion charm and

removed it and you remembered everything. You confronted Dumbledore

on your own as I went to go get Harry, but he was already gone. I came

back only to find Dumbledore had replaced the charm on you, and

another on James and Lily. You were all in a stasis and he tried to place a

compulsion on me. It didn't work so he made all of you reject me. Made

you all think I was jealous of how successful you all were and you forced

me out before I could even tell you what happened to Harry."

"No. . ." Sirius was sobbing and had fallen to the floor.

"Your godson's death is not on your hands Sirius." Cassiopeia's voice was

unusually soft to Aries' ears. "Stronger minds than yours have fallen

victim to such charms and curses. The fault lies only with one: Albus


"Yes." Strength returned to Sirius at last and he came to his feet, wand in

hand as he made his way to the door. "I will kill that bastard myself."

"You will do no such thing Sirius Black." They all turned to Aries sitting

calmly in his seat, but there was a power there, a sense of authority none

of them could refuse.

"Why not?"

"The return of the Dark Lord is near. Albus Dumbledore and his Order

believe so as well, and as much as I loathe to agree with him, the signs

are there. The death of Dumbledore would only pave the way for the

Dark Lord's victory."

"So, you mean to let him live?" Remus questioned. "To get away with his


"No." Aries answered. "Dumbledore will fall, and he will die." That

seemed to pale Sirius despite the anger that wanted to consume him.

"Sirius, I have a destiny before me. There are changes I intend to achieve

in this world. I will not be another Voldemort, but neither will I be an

Albus Dumbledore. A war is coming and everyone expects there to be

only two sides: the dark and the light. But I tell you now that there will

be a third side: mine. And when the smoke clears it will not be Albus

Dumbledore or Lord Voldemort that will be victorious. It will be me."

"You?" Sirius was pale as could be and his wand was nearly falling out of

his grasp.

"Aries will bring about a new age for the Wizarding World." Cassiopeia

gave Sirius a stern glare. "You can join us in our return to prominence or

you can be left behind with the rest of our enemies."

"And Albus Dumbledore will die?" Remus asked quietly. He cared little

for the world after what Albus had done to him, he wanted only

vengeance and to free his friends.

"Many will die Remus Lupin." Aries spoke with a cold edge. "Those who

you claim are good, those who you claim are evil. But yes, Albus

Dumbledore will die. Not today, not tomorrow, but when it serves the

Ancient House of Black. He will pay for what he's done to us and to


"Why do you care what happened to Harry?" demanded Sirius.

"Dorea Black." He answered simply. "She was the mother of James Potter,

and the grandmother of Harry and Thomas. The blood of the House of

Black runs in their veins. They may be Potters, but they are Blacks as

well. I will not allow anyone to harm members of our House, no matter

how distant or how estranged they may be." Sirius walked slowly until he

stood before Aries. He seemed to have resolved the conflict within

himself. Aries could tell he was hesitant and he doubted that Sirius would

ever fully agree with what he had planned, but what his uncle did not

know could not turn him away.

"What would you ask of me?" His tone was genuine and Aries could not

help the smile that reached his face. Sirius had taken a step into the deep

end and there was no way he would let him return to the grasp of Albus

Dumbledore. Aries pulled out a small black ring and placed it into Sirius'


"This magical ring will protect you from compulsion charms." Aries

explained. "You will need to master your emotions, for when the time

comes I will need someone within Dumbledore's Order of the Phoenix.

Remus will have his own assignment, but you will be my agent within

the Order and the Ministry."

"You won't hurt them, will you?" Sirius asked quickly. "My friends?"

"No, but we need to be one step ahead of Dumbledore. We can never

allow him to become aware of our plans. He is gifted at Legilimency, so

you must make it as if nothing as change. You will get your revenge

Sirius, but you must be patient." Sirius nodded to that, retook his seat,

and downed another glass of firewhiskey.

"And what of James and Lily specifically? They need to be freed as well."

Remus interrupted.

"No harm will come to your friends, but for now they will have to

endure. Their sense of betrayal and anger will be magnified tenfold, and

even I may not be able to keep them from taking revenge on Dumbledore

before it would benefit us. We will release them in time." The two old

friends agreed to that, content for the time being. "I know you wish catch

up with your friend Sirius, but there is something else I must ask you."

"Anything Aries, anything." Aries smiled a genuine smile.

"Tell me what the Dark Lord has done since Thomas came to Hogwarts."

"Well that will be a bloody long story." Sirius said with a long exhale.

"His first year Voldemort came after the Philosopher's Stone, which now

that I think about it was kind of stupid to hide in a school full of

children, but he possessed the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. I

think Dumbledore suspected, which makes it even worse, but I don't

know for sure. When Thomas confronted Voldemort, he somehow burned

the professor by touching him though it did not kill Voldemort. He

escaped as a sort of wraith. At least he did not get the stone. Second year

was much weirder." Aries leaned forward expectantly. "The Chamber of

Secrets was reopened. Dumbledore kept a lot of it silent, but Thomas kept

us informed. It was then that he found out that he was a Parselmouth."

"What?" Aries interrupted. "How?"

"We don't know. Dumbledore thinks that Voldemort transferred some of

his powers the night he was destroyed."

"Did he discover how or why?" Cassiopeia asked. Aries and her

exchanged a silent look. This was a serious matter that she would have to


"No, but Parseltongue is how he learned that the monster was a Basilisk.

Dumbledore was removed after the Governors got wind of Hermione's

petrification. Somehow no one died, they only got petrified. Anyway

Thomas and Ron went down into the Chamber with Gilderoy Lockhart. A

failed memory charm wiped his memory but it left Thomas separated

from Ron. That was how he found Ginny and Tom Riddle." A chill went

up Aries' spine. No, it was not possible. "Riddle told Thomas how he had

started with wanting to kill muggleborns, so through a diary he had left

he possessed Ginny, but then Thomas became his new target. He made

her leave messages on the wall and petrify people. You see it was only an

imprint of Tom Riddle, not the actual person himself. The diary was

cursed and it possessed Ginny. The next part. . . I could never forget. We

saw the whole thing in Dumbledore's pensieve."

Aries' Legilimency picked up on Sirius' strong emotion and it pulled him

in. He was back in the Chamber of Secrets. A young Thomas stood over

Ginny, who was unconscious on the floor. A handsome sixteen-year-old

wizard began to write in flames until it formed a name: TOM MARVOLO

RIDDLE. A flourish of his wand and it rearranged to form a sentence

Aries could not believe: I AM LORD VOLDEMORT.

"Voldemort tried to summon the Basilisk but somehow it was just gone."

Sirius continued. "Thomas figured out that it was the diary that needed to

be destroyed and the flash of a phoenix dropped a dagger before him.

Thomas thought it was Fawkes. Somehow he connected that the ghost of

Voldemort was tied to the diary so he grabbed the knife and stabbed the

diary. It freed Ginny and destroyed Voldemort. Sometime after the knife

just disappeared, we still don't know how."

"The diary." Aries interrupted again, letting a hand slide to his left wrist

where the knife Sirius spoke of rested against his arm. "How did Ginny

Weasley come to have it?" Sirius hesitated for a moment.

"Malfoy." Sirius said hesitantly. "Lucius Malfoy gave her the diary. We

wanted to take it before the Wizengamot, but Dumbledore seemed to

think we would not be able to charge him." The news infuriated Aries,

but he controlled his emotions and motioned for Sirius to continue. "His

third year was actually uneventful. We always joked about how some

Death Eater would break out of Azkaban or something but it never

happened. Then this summer came and Thomas started having weird


"About what?" Aries forced himself to concentrate. The image of a young

Voldemort, the former Heir of Slytherin, was burned into his mind.

Salazar Slytherin's portrait would have much to answer to, as would

Lucius Malfoy.

"Voldemort. And Wormtail." Sirius said with worry. "Voldemort killed an

old man somewhere we have yet to find, but Thomas said the snake ate

the old man afterwards. Poor kid couldn't sleep for a week without

Dreamless Sleep Potion." That only confirmed Aries' suspicion. Somehow,

they were sharing dreams, but how?

"Thank you, Sirius." Arius said at last. "I think that's enough for today. I

have much to think on, and you and Remus have a lot of catching up to


"I expect you to make our meeting on time Mr. Lupin." Cassiopeia said as

she broke her silence at last. "We have much to do before this summer."

Aries could not help the speed with which he walked through the halls of

Hogwarts. He cast his protective charms as he entered the bathroom

entrance to the Chamber of Secrets. The discoveries of the morning were

still fresh in his mind and he needed answers. Sirius had provided more

than he could have hoped and his loyalty to House Black was now

assured, but Tom Riddle was his next problem. His footsteps echoed

loudly in the Chamber before he entered Slytherin's study. Salazar was on

the far wall as always, reading some painted book as the black snake

curled around his arm.

"You knew!" Aries shouted, his voice laced with accusation.

"Knew what exactly?" answered Salazar sarcastically.

"Tom Riddle is Voldemort." Aries answered tersely. "My predecessor is the

man who killed my father."

"I thought you did not blame the Dark Lord for that?"

"Not blaming him is different than wanting vengeance!" Sparks were

flying through the room as Aries struggled to control his anger. "I

understand why Voldemort killed him and if I had been in the same

position I would have done it as well but it does not mean I won't tear his

soul into oblivion should he ever return."

"Ah, I see." Salazar gave him a critical look. "Yes, Tom Riddle eventually

became Lord Voldemort sometime while he was at this school though he

sealed the Chamber until you came eight years ago. To be honest, I do

not think Tom is the Heir anymore. There cannot be two Heirs.

Regardless of the fact that you are most decidedly not his son, my guess

is that when he was destroyed he lost his right to be my Heir and thus it

was passed to you. How or why is of little concern. The magic of this

Chamber, the magic of this portrait, and the magic inside you recognize

you as the Heir. This Chamber, the House of Slytherin, and all their

secrets belong to you, Aries Black." That gave him some comfort and he

regained control of his magic. "So tell me, why does it matter if

Voldemort or the Heir of Slytherin killed your father?"

"Part of me believed that Tom was perhaps my grandfather, or my great

grandfather. That just maybe the Gaunts were a false line and Riddle a

false name and this whole time the Blacks were your descendants. But

Voldemort was not a Black. At the same time being your Heir makes Tom

and I almost a weird kind of family. It makes the fact that he killed my

father even more difficult to swallow."

"But does it really change anything?"

"No." Aries said with absolution. "My plans stay the same. When the Dark

Lord returns I will play my part. I will destroy him and Albus

Dumbledore when the time is right. It will just be a little more sweeter of

a victory."

"Speaking of victory," Salazar began. "Tell me of your progress with the

egg." Unfortunately, Aries had made little progress with the blasted thing.

He was confident that he could succeed in the coming task regardless,

though he would like to have the offered clue.

"Next to nothing." Aries confessed. "I'm rarely stumped but this egg has

me dumbfounded."

"Perhaps your translation spell was not as unsuccessful as you think?"

"What do you mean?"

"I've been giving it some thought, and I have to wonder if translation is

not entirely the issue, rather the environment." Salazar had a thoughtful

look as he spoke. "For instance, Merpeople can speak clearly in water, yet

they sound completely different out of it."

"Merpeople!" Aries exclaimed. "Salazar, you genius!" He grabbed his egg

from where it had been sitting in the study and rushed out to the edge of

the Chamber, where long, thin pools of water lined the two walls. Setting

the opened egg in the water, he lowered his head, and a melody reached

his ears.

Come seek us where our voices sound,

We cannot sing above the ground,

And while you're searching, ponder this;

We've taken what you'll sorely miss,

An hour long you'll have to look,

And recover what we took,

But past an hour — the prospect's black,

Too late, it's gone, it won't come back.

They were going to take something from him? No, something he would

sorely miss. It had to be a person. But who would they take from him? At

the beginning of the year he would have assumed Draco or Arianna, but

now Daphne had replaced her in his life and among his friends, not to

mention she steadily avoided all of them. It had to be either Draco or

Daphne. Aries doubted that any true harm would come to them seeing as

they were not the champions, but if anything did there would be hell to


"Salazar," Aries said as he returned to the study. "We have to rescue

someone from the Black Lake. You wouldn't happen to know how to

breathe underwater for an hour would you?"

"Rescue? That sounds like something Godric would do." Slytherin said

with disapproval. "Well there is always gillyweed or the Bubble-Head


"Gryffindor, eh?" An idea came to him. "Godric wouldn't happen to have

a portrait here too would he?"

"Of course, he did! He was a Founder of this school after all."

"Where is it?"

"The Room of Requirement of course."

The Room of Requirement, according to Salazar Slytherin, was located of

the seventh floor, opposite of a very interesting portrait of Barnabas the

Barmy, who was trying to train trolls for the ballet. Aries stood in front of

the blank wall before pacing three times, focusing on the desire to see

Godric Gryffindor's portrait. On his third path an intricate door appeared

with a large golden griffin engraved on it. He went through the door and

found himself in a cosy, round room full of squashy armchairs. Like

Slytherin's study, the portrait of Godric Gryffindor hung on the far wall.

He had long red hair and a beard to match it. A ruby encrusted sword

was on his hip and a red cloak fell from his shoulders.

"Do I know you know boy?" He had a deep voice, one that could easily be

imagined while reading a book of adventure.

"No, though I would say you know my ancestor." Aries answered, meeting

Gryffindor's critical gaze. "I'm the Heir of Slytherin."

"Are you really?" Gryffindor sounded intrigued and a puzzled look came

to him. "You look like you could be one of mine." The comment caught

him off guard, but he maintained his calm composure.

"I can assure you that I am Salazar's Heir. It was his portrait that told me

how to find you."

"Did he now? That's surprising indeed."

"I'm curious as to why you left your portrait here, rather than in some

secret room for the Heir of Gryffindor."

"I always admired Rowena's creation of this room and she allowed me to

leave my portrait here on one condition: that anyone could find my

portrait so long as they asked for it. And here you are, yet, I cannot help

but ask again. Are you sure you're not one of mine?"

"I'm sure." Aries said with irritation. "I'm the Heir of the Most Ancient and

Most Noble House of Black. We have no lineage from you." But a sliver of

doubt slithered into his mind, for they supposedly had no lineage to

Slytherin either. "I think I know your Heir."

"Truly?" Godric asked curiously.

"Thomas Potter I believe. He's in your house. I can say that I think you'd

be proud of your Heir."

"Tell me about him."

"Well he's foolishy brave." Aries began. "Often acts without thinking and

values his friends' opinions far more than he should. He thinks the best of

people until they wrong him, though he forgives them nonetheless. And

he's kind, far kinder than many who are as famous as he." Aries was

surprised at his description of Potter, perhaps he did not dislike the boy

as much as he thought, though he would never admit that to anyone.

"Famous? What for?"

"When he was a child a Dark Lord came to kill him. Somehow the Killing

Curse failed and the Dark Lord was destroyed. He's known as the Boy-


"Ah." Godric looked grateful. "He sounds like a man of my own heart. I'd

very much like to meet him."

Aries left with the promise that he'd return with Godric Gryffindor's Heir

before the end of the year and an interesting recommendation for the

Third Task. Gryffindor was more interesting than Salazar had admitted

and his views on magic were far from what current wizards thought.

January ended quicker than many of the students liked and February was

fast approaching which meant one thing for the three schools: Valentine's

Day. Daphne had already accepted his request to escort her to

Hogsmeade that weekend and he looked forward to the break from

training and homework. Professor von Reich had taken to pushing him

incredibly hard in their training sessions in preparation for the final tasks

of the Tri-Wizard Tournament. The result was that Aries felt far more in

control of his magic than ever before and he had good reason to suspect

it would be needed sooner rather than later.

The morning of his date with Daphne was crisp and cold. Aries, however,

was warm within his Durmstrang coat while many students of the other

schools were bundled tightly under thick winter coats and scarves. The

cold felt refreshing to him though it never truly affected him thanks to

his affinity for fire. It always gave him a certain warmth, something that

Daphne took advantage of as she took his arm and pulled herself close to

him. They walked among the shops nearly in the same order as their

previous date. Daphne wore the silver necklace holding a small sapphire

at its end that he had bought her, though he still felt inclined to purchase

just about anything that caught her eye. The Blacks were a rich family

but even without access to the Black Family Vault, Cassiopeia had

gathered herself a small fortune, one that Aries himself had access to.

Aries had a vault of his own of course, the Slytherin Vault, which

contained riches that Aries doubted he or his descendants would ever be

able to squander.

The young couple, though the official nature of their relationship had yet

to be decided, took a seat in a cozy booth in the back of the Three

Broomsticks. Aries saw that Thomas and Susan were across the room and

gave the Potter heir a respectful nod. Potter seemed thankful earlier that

Bones had not wanted to go to Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop, something

that Aries agreed with. The tea shop seemed terrifying, even to one who

had been subjected to his aunt's Cruciatus Curse. Ginny Weasley sat with

them next to Neville though it was clear that she'd rather be in Susan's

place than their own, something that Aries thought the other redhead

undoubtedly noticed. Daphne was observing her surroundings as well,

but Aries noted that her attention was focused on her younger sister

Astoria, who was sitting alone with one of her male Slytherin class mates.

Aries' date was tense and it was obvious she disapproved of something.

"Father is thinking of accepting Malfoy's marriage proposal." Daphne

offered when he expressed his interest. "He knows that I would never

accept to marry Draco, but Astoria has a different outlook on the Malfoy

heir.. She has a bad taste in men in my opinion."

"Your father would say the same of you if he knew of your involvement

with me." Aries said cheekily as he finished his butterbeer. The drink was

good, but all it did was make him want firewhiskey. "I worry that he

might attempt to find a suitor for you."

"That would be a problem depending on your intentions with me." She

gave him a coy smile. "Though I wonder what would happen to said


"They would be. . . encouraged to seek a contract elsewhere should my

intentions lean one way or the other."

"Encouraged is one way to put it, my dear." Daphne gave her sister one

more look before turning to Potter and Bones. "Amelia Bones could make

a good ally to the Potters. She would make a better ally for you."

"I agree." Aries said with an air of approval. "Plans are already in place.

Though Potter's relationship with her niece could accelerate things."

"And when will I know these plans?" She asked. "You spoke very

cryptically after the Ball and I had hoped you'd be more forthcoming

than you have been."

"In time darling." Aries replied. "Now is the time to lay the foundation."

Thomas and Susan were in fact making their way over to them. Aries

could not have asked for a better moment as he welcomed them to their

table. Susan gave them both a look of caution but given Thomas' ease

with the two she seemed far more accepting of the Ice Queen and the

Durmstrang Champion than her classmates.

"Aries, Daphne." Thomas greeted. "Having a good Valentine's Day?"

"It's been excellent Potter." Aries said more than likely cutting off a

sarcastic comment from Daphne. "I have to say Hogwarts is far more

festive than Durmstrang."

"You don't celebrate holidays there?" inquired Susan.

"Oh, the students do, but other than Yule, most of the staff ignores the

holidays. We do not have an Easter break either as Karkaroff deems such

things a distraction from learning."

"That sounds suffocating." Daphne interjected. "I know Pureblood families

with more festivity than that." Her comment seemed to relax Susan fully

and an enjoyable conversation came forth. The three were all very

interested in the coming Dueling Tournament but Aries had paid it no

mind. None of those who had competed in the Quidditch Tournament

were allowed to duel and it put Durmstrang and Hogwarts at a significant

disadvantage. Aries felt that Beauxbatons were the clear favorite to win

this tournament as one of the French seventh-years, Jean Pole, had been

devastating his opponents in the early round. The conversation turned to

politics and the mysterious disappearance of Bertha Jorkins, a member of

the British Ministry's Department of Magical Games and Sports but then

moved back to more light-hearted topics. Daphne and Susan were

surprisingly getting along well, but Aries had to wonder just how much

of Daphne's warmness was faked. Perhaps she had picked up on his

insinuation of playing nice with Susan Bones to form a bridge to her

aunt. The two girls left, making their way over to the bar to grab more

drinks. Aries slipped a thought into Daphne's mind, their many lessons of

Occlumency allowing her to recognize his presence with ease should he

allow it, and she nodded her understanding.

"Have you figured out the egg Potter?" His Legilimency picked up again.

A large bathroom. Moaning Myrtle floating through staring down at Potter

through the bubbles. Come seek us where our voices sound. Library books.

Neville Longbottom showing him a bundle of slimy, grey-green rat tails.

"Yes." Potter answered truthfully. "Cedric gave me a push in the right

direction. You?"

"I have as well. Though it took me longer than I would like to admit."

"I don't think I would have ever figured it out without Cedric." Potter

laughed at that before a concerned look took over. "Who do you think

they'll take?"

"Draco or Daphne." Aries admitted. "I would guess yours to be Susan. I

have to admit that I approve."


"She's attractive of course. Hufflepuff indicates that she'll be loyal to you.

Not to mention her connections. Her aunt is the Head of the Department

of Magical Law Enforcement. Her work has been outstanding and if I sat

in the Wizengamot I would support many of her recommendations for the

Auror program." Aries paused allowing the comment to sink in, hoping

Potter would pass it along to Susan and then her to Amelia Bones. "You're

famous and connected already Potter, but if you truly believe the Dark

Lord is returning you will need allies of your own. You cannot rely on the

friends of others."

"You mean, like, building up followers?"

"Perhaps." Aries noted the hesitant look on Potter's face. "Though I would

reiterate my phrasing of friends and connections. It would benefit you to

have others act in your best interest because of their loyalty and

friendship to you, not to others."

"Oh, that makes sense." Thomas said with a relieved look.

"Sirius told me about some of your adventures before this year. I have to

say you've accomplished a lot and survived immensely dangerous

circumstances. I suppose your third year was nice until the fiasco at the

World Cup."

"Yeah, that was crazy." Potter scratched his head nervously. "The Dark

Mark still gives me creeps."

"You saw it?"

"Yeah I watched some guy cast it actually, though I had lost my wand so I

couldn't do anything to stop it." As Potter recounted what happened

Aries' Legilimency kicked in again and a memory came forward. It was

clearer than Potter seemed to remember in his story but it was there

nonetheless. A slim figure walked into the clearing. He was oblivious to Potter

as he hid behind the bush. Aries pushed deeper, hoping Thomas would not

notice. The man had straw-colored hair and freckles that adorned his face.

The bright flash of green lit up his face for a moment. Aries fought to keep

his complexion normal as he stared into the eyes of a man he had only

seen twice before. The first time had been in the newspaper when he died

in Azkaban three years ago and the second had been in his dream this

past summer. There, clearly in the woods beneath the Dark Mark, was the

very much not dead Barty Crouch Junior.

AN: Next chapter: Under the Lake

10. Under the Lake

N: As always let us begin with the first verse of the Harry Potter

Bible, Chapter 1, Verse 1: I own nothing and it all belongs to JK

Rowling, long may she reign. This task is my least favorite, though

it allows for things I want to happen later in the story. We have four

chapters left of Part I and I hope you enjoy what is to come. As

always I hope you enjoy this chapter, and if you don't, whatever

floats your boat y'all.

"Where exactly are we?" Thomas Potter asked in way that made Aries

want to forget his promise, but instead opted for sarcasm.

"Hogwarts of course."

"Where exactly in Hogwarts are we?" Potter was clearly annoyed, though

being pulled away from an attractive witch and dragged through the

castle without any clue as to their destination would annoy him as well.

"The seventh floor, next to the portrait of Barnabas the Barmy." Aries

smirked as a look of pure indignation came to Potter's face and he

relented at last. He paced three times in front of the wall and enjoyed

Potter's shock as Gryffindor's entrance formed before them. "Welcome to

the Room of Requirement."

"This is the Gryffindor common room!" Potter's exclamation brought a

newfound dislike for the red room. Aries had not been fond of the color

scheme and now knowing that the Gryffindors of Hogwarts were

consistently surrounded by this catastrophe made him want to be sick.

"You live in this?"

"I would be careful boy," the deep voice of Godric Gryffindor said. "That's

my house you're insulting." Potter looked awestruck, fighting for a word

to say but nothing came out.

"Godric." Aries greeted with a slight bow of his head in respect. "I have

fulfilled my promise: here is your Heir."

"It would seem he is indeed." Godric gave Potter an analyzing glance.

"Heir? What are you talking about Aries?"

"You don't know?" Did the Potters even care about their lineage? "Merlin,

Potter you're the Heir of Godric Gryffindor! Didn't you ever wonder why

your family was so powerful? I mean granted that the potential of each

Heir ebbs and flows but the Potters have had some of the most influential

and powerful witches and wizards for the past few centuries! There's a

reason the purebloods are so obsessed with blood and lineage Potter, it's

because it does matter, to a point."

"It would not surprise me if it was hidden intentionally," Gryffindor

offered. "Being one of our heirs can be very dangerous, as some of my

children unfortunately learned. No doubt there are some that still believe

that if you kill a wizard you gain his power through conquest."

"They are led by a misguided truth." Aries interjected. "Gold, heirlooms,

lordships. Such things can be claimed through conquest, but to absorb

another's magical core is impossible." He missed the sudden sharp look

Godric gave him.

"One should never assume anything is impossible, Aries Black." There had

been a certain emphasis on his name that did not sit well with the Black

Heir. Thomas finally regained himself and suddenly had a thousand

questions for his ancestor, as Aries had when the portrait of Salazar

Slytherin came to life. Aries busied himself with a few of the books, after

checking them for any wayward magic of course. Gryffindor did not seem

the kind to protect knowledge as Salazar did, but no doubt there was

family magic that even Godric would not allow others to learn.

"What do you mean there isn't light and dark magic?" Potter's question

caught his attention and he closed the book to look at the portrait.

"Well there is and there is not." Godric answered cryptically. "You have to

understand that in our time, before even Merlin, dark magic was

considered to be blood magic, something that was neither light nor dark

although the evilest kind of magic could be accomplished through its use,

but perhaps there is a better way to explain it." He paused for a moment

and appeared deep in thought. "Did you know in my time there was no

potion to regrow bones or to simply mend them? It was more

complicated than that. Spells that you would consider routine were

ground-breaking at one point. At one time such curses as the Bone-

Breaking Curse and the Blood-Boiling Curse were not dark magic but

actually spells used by healers. Sometimes they would need to break a

bone further in order to perform a proper healing. Other times a lord or

lady had been poisoned and there was not enough time to brew and

administer a healing potion, so instead the Blood-Boiling Curse literally

boiled the poison out of their system. Painful of course, but effective

nonetheless. Countless other spells that in your world are no longer used

to help heal but rather to harm did not always start out as such. Medicine

is meant to heal you, but too much of it can kill you, the same goes for

many spells of magic."

"But how does that explain the Killing Curse?" Thomas asked. "Or the


"It all goes down to intent. Despite the intent for the Killing Curse's

creation, it was often used by healers during times of war. Too often

someone was in unbearable pain and there was no cure or spell or potion

at the time that could save them. Tell me Thomas, would you rather die

in agony or let a flash of green light take you into the after-life?"

Potter looked as if he did not like what he was hearing at all. "That does

not explain the Cruciatus."

"No, it does not." Godric let out a sigh. "My boy you see the world in

black and white. During our time there were wars and mighty battles that

held the fate of a country or the entire world as we knew it in balance.

Men do unthinkable things in war and that is when they often realize

that the world is a varying shade of gray. You're looking for an answer to

support your own theory, as many do. But it is one I cannot give. Magic

is all about intent. You can have the power, the right wand movements,

the right incantation and still be unable to cast a spell. You can use a

curse such as the Killing Curse to kill an enemy in anger or to show the

dying mercy. Yes, there are spells meant solely to harm another, but that

does not inherently make it dark magic. It is the intent behind it that

matters. Perhaps it would make more since to say that there is no such

thing as light and dark magic, but rather that there are those people that

are inherently good and those that are inherently evil. And then there are

some that fall somewhere in the middle, who are capable of both great

good and also terrible evil. It is not the tool or weapon that is evil, but

rather the person." Aries did not miss the fact that Godric's gaze landed on

him at his last statement. Potter himself looked confused, as if everything

he had ever learned had been challenged. "Maybe you will understand

that one day Thomas Potter, Heir of Gryffindor."

The library of Hogwarts had been a disappointment since the discovery

of the golden egg's clue, offering little to help him accomplish his goal of

the Third Task. It was just a few days away and he had still not chosen

how exactly he was going to breathe underwater. Draco had surprisingly

taken an interest in helping him but after having most of his ideas shot

down he had taken to playing with the Snitch he had nicked from the last


"Why can't you use gillyweed again?" Draco asked in agitated voice.

"Potter is using it."

"What about the Bubble-Head Charm?"

"Diggory and Delacour."

"So? Why can't you do it as well rather than wasting our time in the


"I want to impress people Draco, using a simple charm won't accomplish


"Oh, my bad." Draco drawled. "We can't all be like the great Aries Black."

"I am pretty great." Aries said with a smirk. "Thanks for noticing Draco."

"Tosser." Draco looked up quickly and fumbled with the Snitch. Aries

followed his line of site and locked eyes with Arianna. She looked horrid

if he had to be honest. Her normal healthy look had thinned slightly, as if

she hadn't been eating and the bags under her eyes showed that she still

wasn't sleeping well. They stared at each other for a moment before she

turned and walked right out of the library, causing Draco to let out a

depressed sigh. "She's bloody gorgeous. Too busy pining after you to even

look at me. Bloody shame that is."

Aries ignored that comment probably too intently. He was happy with

Daphne, something he had thought he'd never find in someone whom

could potentially be his equal of sorts. Arianna certainly would never

have filled that role, but even he could not deny that he missed her

friendship far more deeply than he'd ever admit. It caused a deep ache in

his heart he refused to recognize. If he gave into Arianna then she'd

always try to pull him away from his destiny. No, she had to give in first

by giving up on him. Aries only hoped that she would find a way before

she ruined their friendship forever.

"What about turning into a shark or something?" Draco offered.

"No transfigurations. Not very original."

"Alright, what about doing some crazy ritual, parting the black lake, and

flying to get your hostage on a broom?" Aries gave him a shocked look.

"Have you been reading Muggle religious books?"

"What?" Draco look almost disgusted. "I would never!"

"Eh, it wasn't that bad."

"And when the bloody hell would you have done that?"

"I got bored in Jerusalem. Figured I'd read up on the local history. Turned

out to be a religious book. Water into wine. Walking on water. Basic

magic until the whole resurrection thing." Draco seemed to be content

with that answer and went back to playing with his Snitch. It was as

Aries was distractedly reading the text in front, trying desperately to put

the issue of Arianna out of his mind, that he came across the perfect

solution to his underwater breathing problem. It was an old ritual from

Ancient Egypt and while not the most impressive solution, it would have

to do.

The next night brought his weekly lesson with Daphne, though she

seemed far more interested in snogging than actually learning anything

of the Dark Arts, not that he minded after all. Her Occlumency had

improved exponentially, though he feared that Dumbledore could still

break into her mind if he wished, and he was not entirely sure if the old

man would resort to measures the Dark Lord had considered trivial. It

was the very reason that he was hesitant to reveal any of his plans to her

especially with the increased whispers of the Dark Lord's return. The fact

that the triumvirate masters of Legilimency were also the leaders of the

three sides of the coming war was not lost to Aries. The war would be

centered around intelligence and the side that kept their intentions

hidden the best would have the greatest advantage.

Daphne's warm weight atop of him and her light caress of his face

brought him back from his musing. Her blonde hair was cascading down

her face and her blue eyes had a warmth that rarely existed outside of

this room. Perhaps that was what he liked best about her. She had a

fascination for the Dark Arts that had brought together his friends at

Durmstrang, the drive to succeed and shape a society but also allowed

him a place to get away from it all without attempting to pull him away

from his destiny. She created balance between what was wanted and

what was needed. Salazar had advised him to find something or someone

that made him whole. He had to wonder if he could honestly do any

better in that aspect than Daphne Greengrass.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" A smile threatened to overtake

her forced annoyance.

"I think I was rather lucky that the three schools decided to do an

exchange program." That caused her to smile at last and Aries could not

help but want her to do it more.

"Until you return to Durmstrang, though we'll have this summer. I expect

to get the premier tour of Germany."

"Of course, darling." Aries thought they'd spend the rest of the night in

silence and more than once thought the blonde witch had fallen asleep. It

was near curfew that she lifted her head and gave him a curious look.

"Why have you not taught me the Unforgivables?" He raised an eyebrow

at that. The Dark Arts, despite his belief that magic was all about intent,

contained a hundred ways to control, torture, and kill someone that it

made somewhat pointless to know the Unforgivables, and that had been

one reason he had avoided the curses. Godric's conversation with Potter

floated through his mind and the same exception they had both known

was there, glaring in their hypocrisy.

"I have often told you that magic is about intent." Aries sighed pinching

the bridge of his nose. "The Dark Arts has so many spells to do so many

things but at the end of the day many of those curses can be used for

different reasons. Each of the Unforgivables has only one purpose: to

control, to torture, and to kill. At one time the Killing Curse was merciful.

There is no pain, no suffering, but at the end of the day the intent is

solely to kill. You see killing another person goes against everything in

one's nature that it does something irreparable to you. I told you the Dark

Arts can change you, but there is no way you can use the Unforgivables

without them changing you.'

"You can torture someone with the Dark Arts but there is nothing that

can equal the pain created by the Cruciatus Curse. You can control

someone with the Dark Arts, but the Imperious Curse gives you such

control over another that you can make them defy their own human

nature. I stick to my belief that while we call it the Dark Arts, there is no

such thing as dark magic. But even I cannot deny the evil that can be

caused by the Unforgivables. It takes something inside you so resolute, so

deep, to cast them that in many ways once you do there is no turning

back. Despite what they may have been created for the truth is that they

are undeniably the cruelest of magic, simply because of what they do to

your very core, to your soul. Even giving someone the mercy of a painless

death with the Killing Curse is beyond anything the Dark Arts can do to

you. They will change you and if you aren't strong enough they will turn

you into something you can never come back from."

"Have you used them?" Daphne asked after a moment.


"When was your first time?"

"I was eleven the first time I used the Imperious Curse." She placed her

arms underneath her head so she could look at him as he talked. "I forced

someone to drink a potion that caused them to hallucinate, to suffer their

worst nightmares."

"Why?" He had wondered if she would be appalled at his action, but

instead she only seemed curious.

"He somehow learned about my nightmares. He thought it was funny, to

have to relive your worst memory over and over and over. So, I made

him suffer. He changed his mind after that." Aries could tell that she

wanted to question him on his nightmares, but thankfully she decided

against doing it now.

"And the Cruciatus?"

"Twelve." Aries remembered it very clearly. "A couple seventh years

thought they'd teach me a lesson. Arianna tried to intervene and they

broke her leg. I got so angry and it was the first spell that came to mind.

It was like I had casted it a hundred times before and the spell flew from

my wand. Those two never messed with us again." He closed his eyes,

bringing the last memory to the forefront of his mind. "The Killing Curse.

It was the summer before my third year. Aunt Cassi and I had gone

hiking in the mountains of Germany, where the Ministry kept most of the

country's magical creature, when we came across a pack of werewolves.

They weren't transformed, but they might as well have been. They were

almost rabid and we slaughtered them like animals. At the end there was

just one left. He had lost a leg and was just staring at me with such

hatred, such loathing. I don't how or why but it angered me. They had

attacked us. We had done nothing to them. So how could he be angry at

me for his fate? Before I knew it my wand was pointing at him and I said

the words. I felt detached for a moment, like I had passed through

something different from every kill before. It was then that I truly

understood that some magic was just not like the rest, regardless of

whether it was called dark or light. And that is why I have not taught

them to you."

The day of the Third Task had finally arrived and Aries was on edge.

Neither Daphne nor Draco had been waiting for him outside the ship as

he had asked, so he would know ahead of time who he would have to

rescue. The short walk to the platform where the other three champions

waited did nothing to cool his nerves, but he was not the only one who

seemed to be ruffled. Potter and Diggory both had a look of worry, but

Fleur Delacour seemed to be in a panic. He caught a word or two through

her frantic French, something about her sister and cold water. They took a

veela and placed her in a lake in the middle of winter? Were the organizers

idiots? Aries hoped that for Fleur's and her sister's sake that they had at

least put some sort of warming charm on the younger veela.

"Something was taken from each of our champions." Dumbledore's voice

rang out loudly, quieting the students of the three schools. "They will

have one hour to find their hostage and return them safely to the starting

platform. On the count of three! One! Two!" Aries slide his knife across

his palm. "Three!"

Potter wolfed down the gillyweed and jumped into the water followed by

the other two champions but Aries did not notice. He chanted softly in

Ancient Egyptian, feeling his body react to the ritual. His felt lighter as

his hands and feet webbed, but the real change occurred inside him. His

entire respiratory system was changing. Unlike with gillyweed he would

not have gills, but as he breathed in water it would change into air and

expelling the water as he exhaled. Suddenly he could no longer breathe

and Aries leapt into the lake and as the cold water poured down his

throat into his changed lungs he could breathe again. The ritual would

change him until he left the water, a uniquely specific ritual, one that he

could not find again no matter how many times he looked for the old


Aries did a Point Me charm focusing on Chang who he guessed to be

Diggory's hostage. His wand pointed out and down towards the dark

abyss of the Black Lake. His webbed feet allowed him to move swiftly

through the water and as he swam closer to where he believed the

hostages were, the sweet melody of the golden egg reached his ears. A

scream caught his improved hearing and ripped his attention to his left.

The ritual had also improved his eyesight allowing him to see in the dim

light of the lake. Fleur Delacour was in trouble and that trouble was

grindylows. They tore at her, their long fingers cutting her arms and legs

as she kicked at them. Her wand was focused on keeping the water

creatures away from her bubble. Aries was torn between going to save

her and continuing on but his choice was made for him. Fleur blasted

back one grindylow just as the other's long finger popped her bubble.

He reacted on instinct and his spell hit Fleur before the water pressure

crushed her skull, but the momentary loss of concentration was enough

for the grindylows to swarm her. Suddenly the water was alight with

magic as spell after spell flew from Aries' wand and hand. The water

turned red as his spells ripped and blasted the dark creatures apart before

the last few swam away frantically. He kicked hard to get over to the

veela and a wave of his wand sealed up her wounds but she had lost too

much blood. A blasting curse pushed them up and he let go of her body,

casting a spell to make her float, just before he broke the surface. He

pushed the tip of his wand out of the water and shot up red sparks that

hopefully would alert someone. Aries turned back and swam as hard as

he could back towards his goal, knowing he had wasted too much time

dealing with the grindylows. Diggory was just releasing Chang as he

approached the hostages but Potter was floating next to Susan, seemingly

looking for something. They made eye contact and he shook his head

before nodding at Fleur's hostage. It was then that he noticed his own

hostage, Draco Malfoy, as he floated next to Susan, both in their

respective Hogwarts uniforms. A cutting curse released him but as he

went to free Fleur's hostage a trident found itself against his neck.

"Only one!" hissed one of the Merpeople. Aries raised his wand

threateningly but that only seemed to agitate the small clan more. He

moved quickly and his cutting curse hit the first mermen as he pushed

back away from the trident. Potter followed his lead and freed the veela,

pulling her and Susan upward after Draco. Bending the water around him

Aries threw a current towards the Merpeople, blasting them back and

away from them. He used the force of the current to push himself

upwards, towards the surface where Potter and the three hostages waited

for him. As he broke the surface the effects of the ritual ended and Aries

enjoyed the breath of fresh air.

"No!" Aries turned quickly at the sound of Susan's voice just in time to see

Potter's head go underwater. He lowered his own and growled at the

Merpeople dragging Thomas down. Before anyone could stop him, he

took a deep breath, diving after the Hogwarts champion.

Two of the clan came after him but a well aim cutting curse sliced them

in half. Aries flicked his wand three times sending long torpedo like

spears flying into the next three that came at him. His lungs were starting

to burn and Potter did not seem to be fairing much better. Accio! The

spell struck true and Potter came speeding towards him in the water. He

pushed himself to the side allowing Potter to reach the surface. A sharp

pain erupted in his side and he turned angrily back to mermen. Eviscero!

The merman that had grabbed Potter suddenly wailed in agony as his

entrails were ripped from his body. Merman blood filled the water as

Aries frantically swam towards the surface of the water and the

merpeople retreated. Draco's face was paler than normal when he

reached him and he followed his eyes back down to the still red water,

except the trail of red was coming from him. Blackness began to creep

into him and darkness consumed him.

"Aries!" A voice called to him. "Aries please wake up." That was another

voice, someone familiar. "Please wake up." He recognized the Spanish

voice and at last he opened up his eyes.

"Am I dead?" Aries had often wondered about the after-life, but if he

really was dead and the after-life meant having a gorgeous French girl, a

beautiful English girl, and a breath-taking Spanish girl wake you up, then

perhaps immortality was not so great after all.

"No, you decidedly are not dead Mr. Black." The matron of Hogwarts said

and pushed the three girls out of the way before she started waving her

wand all around him. "You let yourself get stabbed by a trident and it

pierced you good. A few minutes later and my spells and my potions

might not have been enough."

Now that his vision was clear Aries realized that he was back on the

platform. Potter and Diggory were holding their respective girlfriends

close, no doubt seeking warmth after the coldness of the Black Lake.

Fleur had her arms around her sister tightly but her eyes were on him

and him alone. He could feel a slight pull towards her and briefly

wondered about the possibilities of a life debt from the French girl before

arms wrapped around him fiercely. The sweet smell of Arianna's hair

came to him at the same time Daphne's possessive growl reached his ears,

though it did not deter the Spanish girl. Her small hands cupped his face

before she hugged him tightly again. Daphne was glaring daggers into

the girl's back and he wondered if he would finally get that cat fight he

was dreading.

"Aries please forgive me." Arianna begged. "I was foolish and I should not

have pushed myself away from you." Aries knew this was a sensitive

moment. Between Arianna's own guilt and the radiating jealousy of

Daphne he needed to handle this tactfully. He pulled her hands off his

face and held them softly, but not intimately.

"You will always be my friend Arianna. So long as I am yours." She flinched

at the slight emphasis he had placed on friend, but she nodded with a

smile before pulling back and walking over to Haydn, Ivan, and Draco. It

looked like she was having a similar conversation with them and he

hoped they would show her more warmth than he allowed himself to

show. Daphne gratefully went into his arms as he came to his feet.

Jealousy still poured from the girl and Aries had to admit he very much

liked it. Often throughout the year she had frightened off anyone that

had shown interest in him but she had never acted so possessively. Her

icy glare went next to Fleur, who answered it with a smile.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have made a decision." The rabid whispers of

the crowd quieted as Ludo Bagman addressed them. Dumbledore's

spectacled eyes passed over each of the champions, lingering on Aries

with a slightly worrisome look. "Fleur was unable to reach her hostage

but demonstrated an excellent use of the Bubble-Head charm. We award

her twenty-five points." Aries could tell the French girl was disappointed

with herself, though she seemed thankful enough for her sister's safety.

"Cedric Diggory, who also used the Bubble-Head charm, was first to

return with his hostage, though he returned one minute outside the time

limit. We award him forty-seven points." The Hogwarts section roared for

their champion. "Thomas Potter used gillyweed to great effect. He

returned last and well outside the time limit. However, the

Merchieftainess informs us the Mr. Potter was in fact the first champion

to arrive at the hostages. His delay in return was due to his determination

that all the hostages be returned safely. Most of the judges feel that this

shows moral fiber and deserves full marks, however, we award him forty-

five points."

There was a hushed paused before Bagman continued. "Aries Black would

have been first to arrive at the hostages and would have returned well

within the time limit. He was however delayed for as good as, if not a

better reason than Mr. Potter himself. Upon finding Ms. Delacour being

attacked by grindylows, he not only saved her from impending doom

when her Bubble-Head charm was burst, but also chased off the

creatures, closing off her wounds, and bringing her to the surface to be

taken away for medical attention." There were surprised whispers coming

from the Beauxbatons students. "Then upon reaching the hostages he

helped Mr. Potter in saving Gabrielle Delacour as well as their own

hostages, Draco Malfoy and Susan Bones. It was after their ascent to the

surface that some of the Merpeople, acting of their own accord,

attempted to take Mr. Potter. Though we are unsure of their intentions it

is thanks to Mr. Black, nearly at the cost of his own life, that Mr. Potter

was able to escape. It is our view that Mr. Black placing the well beings

of his competitors above his own success is deserving of full marks. We

therefore award him fifty points." The explosion of sound from the

Durmstrang section did not surprise Aries Black, as the school's very

competitive nature had been displayed full force since the beginning of

the tournament. The other two schools were standing, giving him a

respectful and cheerful applause, much to the contrast of their behavior

towards him since the Second Task. Aries Black could not help the smile

that reached his face. Everything was going as planned and it seemed to

him that there was no one that could stop the return of the Ancient

House of Black.

Hundreds of miles away in his muggle father's manor that disgusted him,

a deformed body watched his servant's memory of the Second Task with

eagerness. An idea formed in the Dark Lord's treacherous mind, an

alteration to his plans. Aries Black intrigued him to no end and he came

to one conclusion: he would serve Lord Voldemort, just as his father had

before him, or he would die with Thomas Potter.

AN: Next chapter: Unforeseen Consequences

AN: Before anyone writes angry reviews about how Aries/Harry

accomplishes breathing underwater, I spent two days staring at my

computer trying to figure out some awesome unique way for him to

survive the task. And I got nothing. What I ended up deciding was

what Aries does during the Third Task was far more important than

how he completed it. That's my defense, take it or leave it.

AN: A quick note about the view of magic from Aries, Salazar, and

Godric. None have denied that some magic can be used for evil, and

regularly is, and that these spells and rituals are commonly known

as the Dark Arts. They also understand that it takes a certain intent

to harm, and certain emotions, to use them. But to them, it does not

make magic itself dark. The believe magic is magic, and its rather

the individual who is dark or evil, not the spell. Its a complicated

belief, as it should be. Is the gun or the sword or the bow evil? Or is

it the person? Their belief is not perfect, and perhaps in many ways

they are biased. But that is the point. No character here is perfect,

they contradict themselves at times, as all people do. They see

world as grey, a mix of light and dark, good and evil, within every

person, rather than seeing things as black and white. While

someone like James would say you are either light or dark, Aries,

and the founders themselves, would say that you are neither. I hope

this clears up any confusion. (15 Feb 2020)

11. Unforeseen Consequences

AN: As always let us begin with the first verse of the Harry Potter Bible,

Chapter 1, Verse 1: I own nothing and it all belongs to JK Rowling, long

may she reign. This chapter is the final set up to the end of Part I and we

begin to see the start of things that will happen in Part II. I want to take a

moment again to thank everyone that has read, reviewed, favorited, and

followed. As I write this AN this story has over 300 favorites and nearly

500 followers. While it is little compared to many stories I enjoy, it is far

more than I ever thought would enjoy this story. The first part of this

journey is almost over, so always, I hope you enjoy this chapter, and if

you don't, whatever floats your boat.

The weeks following the Third Task was the most peculiar of Aries' time

at Hogwarts. Everywhere he went a sense of respect and appreciation

followed, most notably from the students of Beauxbatons. Hogwarts'

seemed to be grateful for his actions in the Black Lake as well, but it

mostly stemmed from the Gryffindors, something Aries still had not

decided whether he liked or not. The thing that intrigued him most was

the behavior of Fleur Delacour. Throughout the tournament she had been

rather flirtatious with him, often hinting at why she would make a more

suitable companion than Daphne Greengrass, sometimes even to the girl's

face. It had never seemed to bother the Slytherin, often answering the

veela's behavior with a back-handed comment of her own. It was the fact

that in the weeks since Aries had saved Fleur's life, the French champion

had steadily avoided him to a point. Often, he would catch her simply

watching him, as if studying him, or she would make as if to speak to

him, but then walk away at the last second. Hesitancy was something

that annoyed him and if Fleur did not address whatever issue she had,

Aries would eventually have to force her hand.

Draco was another one of the many things that seemed to annoy him

lately. Not only had the Malfoy heir taken exception to him saving people

over winning, but he had the audacity to say that his solution for the

Third Task had been unimpressive. Aries wanted to see if he could perform

an Ancient Egyptian ritual and not end up looking like Horus for the rest

of his life. Draco's attempts at wooing Arianna, much to her and Pansy's

annoyance, was nothing short of comicalFor once in his friend's life,

Draco had managed to not seem like the pompous ass he was but it had

done little to earn the affection of the Spanish girl.

Aries idly finished stirring his Strengthening Solution. His opinion of

Severus Snape had dropped immensely throughout the year and while

the man may be a Potions Master, he was a rather horrible teacher. At

last the class ended and he followed Draco out the door only to spot Fleur

Delacour waiting for him. She motioned towards an empty classroom

down the hall and he gave her a nod in acknowledgement.

"Draco." Aries said, grabbing his friend by the arm. "Cover for me." Draco

gave him a confused look before he noticed Fleur as she slipped into the

classroom. They shared an amused look before Draco agreed and made to

distract Arianna before she noticed Aries' disappearance. The unused

classroom was meant to be an extra Potions lab, though it looked as if it

had been abandoned a very long time ago. If not for the house elves of

Hogwarts, Aries would not have been surprised if the room had been one

massive web of spiders.

Fleur did not look nervous, something that intrigued Aries considering

her behavior up until now. She still looked at him as if she was studying

him, or rather sizing him up. Did she mean to fight? No. It was something

else, something that Aries could not put his finger on. The French girl

seldom seemed serious, rather spending her time laughing with her

friends or flirting with him. In fact, other than her date with Roger

Davies at the Yule Ball, Fleur had avoided nearly every other male from

all three schools. Still, there was a difference in her character now, a

change in her posture that seemed a red flag in his mind. The silence had

stretched out for a few minutes and when he had failed to come to a

reasonable conclusion, Aries decided to tackle the situation head first.

"If you have something to say Fleur, I would get on with it." Her eyes

flashed with annoyance. "I do not like being forced to wait."

"Zen perhaps you should wait." A smile returned to her lips. She walked

forward slowly until she was inches away from him. Aries felt a slight

pull, similar to what he had felt on the platform after the Third Task. The

situation amused him and rather than stop what he suspected would

happen, he decided to roll the dice and see how it played out. Fleur

cupped his face with both hands and kissed him. Unlike Daphne's kiss,

Fleur's was similar to Arianna's in the fact that it was absolutely

intoxicating. The veela's allure had yet to affect him, but somehow, he

thought it was now in play. She pulled her lips away and he answered

her questioning glance with a raised eyebrow.

"I thought I had made my intentions rather clear Fleur." There was no

edge in his tone, rather a challenge. Fleur had yet to end her little game

with Daphne, but she also had not been this forward.

"Would you really 'ave zat girl over moi?" Fleur answered him, though

she did not pull away from him, rather pressing herself further against

him. "You are not looking for a playzing I zink, rather an equal. Who

bezzer zan moi?" Now this was a surprise, a miscalculation that could

perhaps change things. Daphne was by far the better political choice

especially considering the area of his intended conquest, yet Fleur would

give him something connected to the continent, the missing link to the

French Ministry he had been looking for. Something, however, did not sit

right with him, and he pulled away from her. The idea of an equal meant

she was thinking in the long term yet she had time to play that game

rather than be so forward. So why now? Why after he had saved the life

of her sister and her own? The magical pull came back to him, and a

glance back confirmed that it was not the allure. He could tell when she

was using it, no this was something different. It was the only change

since the task and Aries needed the answer.

"I would not consider Daphne a plaything, though she is rather enjoyable.

She suits my needs both for now and in the long game." Aries watched

her every reaction, waiting for any clue as to her reason behind her

actions. "Perhaps I do not want an equal. An equal implies that there is

something worthy of that which I intend to ascend to." There it was, a

slight flicker of fear. Was it fear of a rejection? Or a missed opportunity?

Both if Aries had to guess, but there was still something more. "You seem

confident that you can give me something far better than Greengrass. Tell

me what is it exactly you can offer me? Because for now all I can see is a

more mature figure, something I have a feeling I can wait for with

Greengrass." The jab worked as intended, there was a flash of anger in

her eyes, but also desperation.

"Loyalty." Fleur continued to surprise and intrigue him. Loyalty was

something that was inspired or given through oaths. If Fleur expected

him to be impressed with that then clearly she had underestimated him,

but perhaps there was more to it. The magical pull came back only for an

instant. "When you saved me from ze lake, somezing happened. A life


"A life debt is not uncommon." Aries answered annoyed. Was that it? "No

doubt Potter has one to me as well. How does that inspire loyalty? The

only thing that gives me is assurance that Potter will not try to kill me

until the debt is repaid."

"You are correct of course." She hesitated for a moment. "I am 'alf veela.

As such many would consider me a 'alf-breed. A creature razzer than

human. Magic in some ways does as well." Fireworks went off in his

mind, lightning fast connections working at last to the conclusion that

had alluded him for weeks. "Ze magic of ze life debt tezzers me to you. It

is not somezing zat can be repaid. I am yours for life, whezzer you want

me or not."

The situation might have depressed most people, but her wording and

body language caught his attention. She had said 'tethers' rather than

enslaved. Her body language gave away her calmness, resignation yes,

but also the feeling of content. If Aries had to guess this was something

she wanted, an opportunity to latch herself to something that could sling

shot her to greatness. And there it was. Fleur did not seek some dream

like Arianna. There under her flirtations and laughter, lay a hunger for

greatness. She sought a life of luxury and power far greater than the one

she already knew. It explained her desire to be a Tri-Wizard Champion.

"And how do you feel about this?" Aries knew the answer, but he wanted

to hear her say it.

"Relieved." Fleur brought her coy smile back in full force. "I am no fool

Aries Black. Potter? Malfoy? Greengrass? And zen your friends from your

school. All powerful. All connected. You seek the life zat I want."

"I'm no Light wizard Fleur." She had walked up to him, letting her fingers

trail across his back. "And my goals are not what one would consider


"Of course not. The paz to greatness is not for ze weak. But for ze strong.

And ze strong must make sacrifices, non?" Aries caught her hand before it

touched his cheek again.

"I'm not interested in some harem." It was not illegal per say in Magical

Britain, but definitely frowned upon. "Daphne suits my needs here,

without her my goals become harder to attain. I will not lose that to

someone who is already bound to me." Fleur flinched away from him.

"You are not my slave, but you are indebted to me. My plans will not be

bent or bowed to the desires of one person. You have much to offer me,

but bond or no bond I can cast you aside and let you see my ascent to

power from afar. If you wish to have a taste of that then you will do as I

ask, though what I ask of you will not be difficult or cruel by any means."

Aries gave her a coy smile of his own. "And perhaps while I do not wish

for a harem, what happens behind closed doors is something no one

needs to know right? There is my offer. Make your choice Fleur."

Fleur answered with a smile. "What would you 'ave me do Aries?"

"I want a meeting with your father." Aries commanded. "I have an offer

that I believe he will not refuse."

The months leading up to the fourth and final task of the Tri-Wizard

Tournament were passing by in a blur for Aries and his friends. Daphne's

preparation for her final examinations had begun to take up large

amounts of her time, forcing her to stay in the library or her common

room late into the night. While Aries would have much rather spent his

newfound free time in a broom cupboard with the Slytherin, it allowed

for much more profitable ventures. He had managed to befriend a few

influential seventh-years who had the potential to make their way up into

the hierarchy of the Ministry of Magic. More importantly though, Aries

had finally tackled a project he had intended on completing since his

mentor's first lesson at Hogwarts so many months ago: The Patronus


His initial lack of success had frustrated Aries to no end. The Patronus

Charm seemed to be one of the few spells that did not give him a sense of

déjà vu. Often when he cast a spell for the first it did not feel like the first

time, but he had no familiar sensation with this charm. Perhaps the most

difficult part had been choosing the correct memory. Professor von Reich

had eased his frustrations stating that even the greatest of wizards had

difficulty choosing a memory that could fuel the immense power a

corporeal Patronus produced. After a couple weeks he had managed the

shield like version of the spell, but the corporeal still eluded him. He

could tell it was some four-legged creature though its actual form was too

blurry to confirm.

The last Hogsmeade weekend of the year looked to be a disappointment

for Aries Black. Daphne had come down with some sort of cold and had

taken the opportunity to study for her exams in the Slytherin dungeons.

Draco had finally managed to convince Arianna to join him for the

weekend, though it might have been more out of annoyance than

anything. This left Aries without any plans, until at least he received a

letter from his aunt. She, and a few guests, would be coming to the

Hogsmeade weekend to visit him. It was a surprise, considering that the

families of the champions were invited to view the last task of the

tournament, but it was a welcome surprise indeed. They had agreed to

meet in the same room at The Three Broomsticks they had months ago

with Sirius and Remus, and he had a slight sense of apprehension as he

made his way down the hall and entered the room. Cassiopeia was

talking to a tall, slim and very pale woman. Her hair was much lighter

than was common of the Black family, but she still had the arrogant good

looks that never failed among their family. Next to her, sitting stiffly,

with a look of mild annoyance, was a man with a pointed face that was

framed by long blonde hair. A walking stick with the head of snake, that

Aries knew hid his wand, lay across his lap.

"Aunt Narcissa!" Narcissa Malfoy gave him a warm smile, something that

would have been much of a surprise to many that dealt with the woman.

"It's wonderful to see you."

"I hope you've been behaving Aries." She hugged him tightly. "No doubt

Draco has been getting up to all sorts of trouble. You've been a good

influence I hope?"

"Of course!" Aries gave her a sly smile, which caused Narcissa to roll her

eyes. The Black Heir turned to Lucius Malfoy, the father of his best friend

and the older brother of his deceased mother. "Lucius."

"Aries." There was a tightness between them that had existed since the

day they met ten years ago. Aries was well aware that up until Lucius'

reunion with his sister that they had believed Draco to be the Heir

Apparent of the Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Black. Aries'

existence had undoubtedly ruined many of Lord Malfoy's plans and it

kept them from being as close as he was to Narcissa. "How are you

finding Hogwarts?"

"It meets expectations, though I find the curriculum to be lacking."

"Well of course." Lucius drawled. "Dumbledore's disapproval of the Dark

Arts leaves us in an unfortunate situation."

"The Dark Arts are not for everyone Lucius." Cassiopeia's dislike of Malfoy

had been much more venomous than Aries had been able to figure out.

There was a missing clue there that no matter how hard he pressed, she

would not give up. "Hogwarts allows for what is needed and the last

thing we need is for more blood-purists like you to fill the Ministry."

"You mean people who follow the Old Ways?" Lucius sneered at the Black

matriarch. "You would see us compromise with those mudblood loving


"A society built by like-minded individuals cannot grow." Aries

interrupted. "It may prosper, for a time, but it will not progress. Those

mudblood loving fools, as you call them, help our society to improve for

all of the Wizarding World."

"At the cost of our traditions." Lucius countered. "It-"

"This is an argument you can have another time." Cassiopeia's stern voice

silenced them both. "I invited you both here for a friendly get-together,

not a political debate." She gave them both a glare before turning back to

Narcissa. "I hear you have few designs that Madam Malkin will be

creating. Do tell." The women carried most of the conversation with Aries

and Lucius adding in a polite word here and there. Their tension did not

go unnoticed by their companions, but they chose not to comment on it.

Aries had never truly liked or disliked Lucius Malfoy. His mother had

gone into hiding in France shortly after refusing Lucius' offer to join the

Dark Lord, thanks to the help of his father. Regulus had done much to

keep her location in Paris a mystery but due to the war no one was ever

sent after her. Aries had always partly attributed that to whatever

kindness Lucius was still capable of. He vaguely remembered his mother's

and uncle's reunion but what he did remember was that Regina had been

far more interested in seeing her nephew and sister-in-law than her

brother. Since Regina's death, Lucius had been far colder to Aries than

ever, no doubt he saw the Black heir as the reason for his sister's death.

Aries could not blame him, seeing as he blamed himself as well.

"It's been so good to see you both again." Narcissa hugged him tightly,

placing a kiss on each cheek. "You had better visit this summer Aries.

Draco will be bored out of his mind without someone to play Quidditch


"Of course, Aunt Cissy." The three made to leave but Aries stopped them.

"You two can leave," He said to Cassiopeia and Narcissa. "I need a word

with Lucius." The obvious dismissal seemed to rub Cassi the wrong way,

but he gave a slight shake of his head. He would have to explain later.

"I have some important meetings Aries." Lucius' glare might frighten

many within the Wizengamot, but Aries' answered it with one of his own.

"Perhaps another time."

"You would do well to do as I say Lucius." Power rippled underneath

Aries' skin and his wand screamed to be unleashed at the challenge of

authority. Narcissa had paled considerably, but after a nod from Lucius

she left with Cassiopeia who gave Aries' a look that clearly demanded

answers. They sat across from each other, hazel with green flecked eyes

meeting vicious grey. "I am very curious to hear your thoughts on the

incident that occurred here at Hogwarts two years ago."

"The one with the Weasley girl?" Lucius hid his surprise well. "A rather

unfortunate event. Luckily Potter, how did he put it? Oh yes, saved the


"Yes, yes he did." Aries leveled him with another glare, resisting the urge

to rip into his mind. "Perhaps you would like to tell me how an eleven-

year-old girl came into the possession of the diary of Lord Voldemort?"

"You will not say that name around me boy!" He had flinched at his

master's name, but not anger returned in full force. "I had nothing to do

with that."

"Sirius, and Potter's memories, have something very different to say. Do

not lie to me Lucius. I will rip the truth from your mind and give you a

reminder of what your master was capable of." Lucius paled instantly.

While he had never been on the receiving end of his master's Legilimency

he had seen the effects and knew very well that his nephew was

incredibly gifted in the art, perhaps as gifted as the Dark Lord. "The

summer prior the Ministry had been conducting raids thanks to the

Muggle Protection Act. If I remember correctly it was partially written by

one Arthur Weasley. A coincidence then that such a powerful artifact

ended up in his only daughter's cauldron."

"Why do you insist on this pointless interrogation when you already

know the answer?"

"Because I want to hear you say it." Aries answered. "I want to hear how

you endangered the life on an innocent girl, a pure-blood. One that had

just begun to experience the beauty of magic. You could have targeted

Arthur Weasley himself, instead you nearly killed an innocent eleven-

year-old girl."

"What does it matter to you?" Lucius countered. "The Weasleys are blood-

traitors! Trying to change our world into something it isn't and washing

away the traditions that our ancient families hold dear."

"They can be convinced!" He was suddenly immensely thankful for the

silencing curse Cassi had cast before she left. "They are not made of

stone. Perhaps one of the older Weasley children could have been

convinced to be less closed minded but now because of your actions they

become another vote that cannot be swayed."

"You worry about votes and politics" The venom in Lucius voice was

palpable. "You have power! Power that could have served the Dark Lord,

if not power that could make you a new one! Instead you choose to play

the Game. We should wipe them all out, just as the Dark Lord would have


"Your Dark Lord was a fool." Aries voiced had turned to ice. "And so are

you." Lucius made to leave but Aries stopped him at the door. "Tell me

about Barty Crouch." The sudden change in topic and tone seemed to

surprise the Malfoy Lord.

"Why would you want to know about him? I think you could ask him


"Not him." Aries said with a shake of his head. "His son."

"Oh." Lucius had a glazed look for a moment, as if remembering

something. "He was a fanatic. Not like Bellatrix but close. He did help

torture the Longbottoms after the Dark Lord was destroyed. But he died

in Azkaban a few years back. Barty was one of the Dark Lord's most

trusted followers, and he was a member of his Inner Circle."

"The Dark Mark that scared you and your friends away at the World Cup.

Remember it?" Lucius gave him a look of annoyance. "He cast it." The

look of shock was almost priceless.

"How do you know this?"

"The subconscious mind remembers things far more clearly than we do. It

catalogues everything we see. I looked into Potter's mind and saw Barty

Crouch Junior clear as day. There was no mistaking it." The surprise on

Lucius' face was genuine and it was somewhat of a relief to Aries. "I see

that the Dark Lord has not called you back into his service."

"The Dark Lord is dead."

"Is he?" Aries enjoyed messing with Lucius. "I wonder how he will feel,

knowing that you never sought him out. You never suffered in Azkaban

like his more loyal followers. You lied and you cowered behind a mask."

"If the Dark Lord has returned then you had best get your priorities

straight Aries Black." There was a hint of a threat in Lucius' voice. "He

does not share power."

"Neither do I Lucius." The challenge was clear and Lucius made to leave

again. "Oh, and Lucius? Should the Dark Lord return, and you drag Draco

down your path of racism and destruction, there is nowhere in this world

that you will be able to hide from me. I will destroy you for destroying

my brother. That is not a threat. It is a promise."

An hour passed that Aries sat in silence, simply thinking. If the Dark Lord

had yet to recall Lucius then it seemed that he was lying low, waiting for

something. Thanks to Sirius he knew that Voldemort was not alone,

rather Wormtail and Barty Crouch Junior were assisting him in his

endeavors. But what were they? The death of Thomas Potter seemed

likely and Aries had a hunch that the Dark Lord was connected to Potter's

name coming out of the Goblet of Fire. The real question was where did

Wormtail and Crouch fit into the picture? Did the Dark Lord require a

care giver? Were they slowly bringing in the old crowd or were they

accomplishing simpler tasks? There had been no mysterious

disappearances, besides Bertha Jorkins, and the Dark Mark had not been

seen since the World Cup. So, what was the Dark Lord's plan? Aries had

plans in preparation for his return, but he also had a sinking feeling that

the Dark Lord's return and the tournament were somehow connected.

"Lucius was fuming when he left earlier." Cassiopeia said as she took the

seat Lucius had vacated earlier. "I figured I'd give you some time to cool


"Thank you, Aunt Cassi." He gave her a warm smile. "Your wisdom, as

always, hits the target." She gave him an expectant look and he

considered where to begin. They corresponded with letters often, but

they lacked detail as neither wanted to risk them being intercepted.

"Ginny Weasley came into the possession of a diary, one with the imprint

of a sixteen-year-old Tom Riddle. Through the diary Riddle possessed the

girl, forcing her to write messages in blood on the wall and petrify

students with Salmrissa." Cassiopeia showed no surprise, but Aries

recognized her calculating look, attempting to make connections with

what she was hearing to what she already knew. "As I told you before,

Riddle is my predecessor. The problem is that Riddle is Voldemort."

"An imprint?" Cassi said more to herself than to Aries. "That sounds like a

portrait, though portraits cannot possess or affect anything outside their

portraits. The exception being the portraits of Hogwarts' prior

Headmasters who can sometimes affect the magic of the castle." They

made eye contact for a moment. "I know of no magic that can do such a

thing to an object."

"Neither do I and I have found the Hogwarts' library to be lacking, which

is unusual. The magic itself does not sound dark. If anything, it was

Riddle that was dark. But my search has been fruitless, I had hoped you

might find something I could not."

Cassi gave him a nod, no doubt already thinking of where she would

look. "And Lucius?"

"He gave her the diary." Aries leaned forward, rubbing his temple. "A

member of his Inner Circle given a diary that belonged to the Dark Lord

himself. There must be some importance there. It makes our plan for this

summer important."

"You think she might provide the missing key?" Cassi was clearly

skeptical but it did not convince Aries to abandon the plan.

"Yes, I believe she will. And what of the other?"

"Remus works diligently, with a fervor I did not believe him capable of. It

will be ready by the beginning of summer."

"Excellent." Aries leaned back, giving his aunt a worried look. "This

tournament has accelerated our plans, but so far everything seems to be

working out. Almost too well. I think it's time we began implementing

the Guard."

"Already?" Cassi had long disapproved of this plan, rather than her

normal skeptical behavior.

"Dumbledore and the Dark Lord have their armies, I believe it is time we

started one of our own."

The night was dark as Aries walked down to the Quidditch field. It was

no longer smooth or flat, but rather looked as if someone had been

building long, low walls that twisted and crisscrossed all over it. Fleur

was already there, pointedly ignoring the odd looks Bagman was giving

her and attempting to stay as far away from the rather large man next to

him. Diggory's loud swearing at the condition of the pitch signaled his

and Potter's entrance.

"Don't worry Mr. Diggory, Mr. Potter." Bagman said at their offended

faces. "You'll have the pitch back to normal once the tournament's over!

Now can anyone guess what we have here?"

"A maze." Aries offered. It shouldn't be much of a surprise, it was a

common final task for the Tri-Wizard Tournament.

"That's right! Our final task will be very straightforward. The Tri-Wizard

Cup will be placed in the middle of the maze. The first champion to reach

the cup, wins the tournament."

"Zat's it?" Fleur asked.

"Well there will be obstacles of course." The rather large man seemed to

beam at that. "Hagrid, Hogwarts' Care for Magical Creatures professor,

will be providing creatures to challenge and hinder your progress to the

cup." They all nodded, though Potter looked rather unhappy. Aries had

heard of Hagrid's love for dangerous creatures and resolved to look over

some of Draco's homework from the class. "Now if there are any

questions? Good, we can be going. It is rather chilly."

The four began their walk back to their respective common areas, but

Aries pulled Potter back for a moment. Fleur looked disappointed though

she continued on her way, choosing to talk to Diggory who looked

flustered by the French girl's attention.

"Look Potter, this is embarrassing." Aries rubbed his temples. "Viktor

wants to know if there is anything. . . Romantic between you and

Granger." Krum had been very interested in the muggle-born girl, mostly

because she had never cared about his fame at all, something he was not

used to. The recent article from Rita Skeeter calling her a 'heart-breaker'

had worried him. He did not believe everything Skeeter said, thanks to

Aries, but he worried that there was some truth to the article. That was

how Aries found himself now being involved in the romantic affairs of a

Quidditch superstar and an annoying muggle-born.

"Oh! Um, no not at all." Potter seemed a little put off at the idea and

Aries believed his assumption to be correct, that he viewed Granger as

more a sister than anything remotely romantic.

"Good, Viktor will be ecstatic."

"Did he believe the article?"

"Not entirely but. . ." Something caught Aries' attention.

"What is it?" Potter turned confused.

"Get behind me Potter." Aries' wand was already in his hand as he pulled

Potter behind him. Was this the Dark Lord's plan? A midnight

assassination? Suddenly a man staggered from behind a tall oak. Aries

was about to cast a curse when he recognized the man. It was Barty

Crouch Senior. He looked as if he had been traveling for days. His clothes

were clearly worn out and there were spots of blood all over it. That was

not the worst of it. Crouch was muttering and gesturing widely.

"Mr. Crouch?" Potter asked curiously.

"Weatherby?" Crouch said madly. "Send a note to Madame Maxine, will


"Potter go get Dumbledore." Aries could see signs of memory loss, no a

memory charm. Something was wrong with his mind and he saw an

opportunity to fill in some of his own missing information.

"What? What's wrong?"

"Do as I say Potter!" It took a moment but finally Potter turned away,

running towards the castle. Aries tentatively touched the mind of Crouch

and upon seeing it a jumbled mess, dived in searching for his answers. It

didn't take long before memories came to him.

Crouch walked along the dark halls of Azkaban. The dementors haunted him

with memories of his son's trials. Barty Crouch Junior sat against the far

walls, muttering pleas for the Dark Lord to save him. His wife wailed as she

saw her son's fragile state, pleading and begging her husband to do something.

The flask was filled with Polyjuice potion and Mrs. Crouch drank eagerly

underneath the invisibility cloak. The Imperious Curse fell over Barty and his

mother took his place. A glass shattered at the news of Barty Crouch Junior's

death, but the man himself sat stoically, underneath the control of the

Imperious Curse. Suddenly Barty was free, and blackness took him as the

Imperious Curse came over him.

Aries pulled from his mind as a twig snapped. He moved quickly

dropping Crouch and erecting a shield just in time to block a stunner. A

man walked forward slowly, into the dim light the castle gave off.

"Barty Crouch Junior." Aries greeted. "Nice of you to join the party."

Barty licked his lips quickly.

"Black." Barty had a crazed look to his eyes and he seemed as if he could

not decide to have his wand pointed at Aries or his father. "My master is

eager to meet with you."

"No doubt he is." A duel here would end in his victory, but he had a

feeling Barty would die before he gave up any information. He had been

a member of the Dark Lord's Inner Circle, and few had been anything

short of dangerous and powerful. Barty Crouch Junior had been an

exceptional duelist and while Aries felt confident, he continued his play

of letting the dice roll. "Go. Take your father and leave." Barty raised an

eyebrow before placing the Imperious Curse on his father again. "Your

father's mind is gone. I destroyed whatever was left. I'd recommended

dumping his body somewhere far away."

"Why are you doing this?" There was a sincerity of confusion in Barty's


"No one should be caged." Aries answered simply. "Especially by their

family. Tell your master I look forward to meeting him as well. Though,

I'm afraid the meeting will not meet his expectations."

"Oh, I think you'll be seeing him far sooner than you think Aries Black." A

flash of green ended the life of Bartemius Crouch Senior as they left the

Hogwarts' grounds. Aries began to form a plan for how he would explain

Crouch Senior's disappearance and waited for the arrival of Potter and

Dumbledore. Aries had the answers he sought and now the foundation

was set for a rather interesting conversation with the Dark Lord. His

pieces were set, now he just had to wait for the game to begin.

AN: I had originally planned for 3 chapters to follow this one, but I may

combine the next two into one, depending on how long the next chapter

ends up being. So I have no title for you at this time. I'm hoping to have

it up by the end of next week. Thank you for reading!

12. The Final Task

AN: As always let us begin with the first verse of the Harry Potter

Bible, Chapter 1, Verse 1: I own nothing and it all belongs to JK

Rowling, long may she reign. The penultimate chapter of Part I. It's

been a surprising journey so far and I look forward to where this

story takes us. As always I hope you enjoy this chapter, and if you

don't, whatever floats your boat y'all.

It had not taken long for Aries to come up with a plan to explain Barty

Crouch Senior's disappearance. When Potter and Dumbledore arrived he

simply told them that the crazed man had run off into the forest and he

had not wanted to use magic to restrain an adult, let alone an esteemed

member of the Ministry of Magic. That had made sense to Potter, but

Aries could tell that Dumbledore was skeptical. He felt a slight probe in

his mind and used his Occlumency to keep his mind guarded as he locked

eyes with Albus challengingly. The look of surprise was well hidden on

Dumbledore's face but his eyes gave it away. They might have had a

confrontation if it had not been for the sudden arrival of Mad-Eye


Mad-Eye had been an anomaly to Aries all year, choosing mostly to

ignore the retired Auror. Aries was not sure of the man's opinion of his

Death Eater father and had decided that it was better to avoid him rather

than risk a confrontation. But there was something different to the Auror

now. Often throughout the year when they had crossed paths in the

corridors of Hogwarts, Moody had paid him little mind but now the

Auror was studying him closely. It was not in the same way that

Dumbledore was. The only way Aries could explain it was that Moody

was looking at him with a new surprised calculating look, perhaps all too

similar to the way Barty Crouch Junior had looked at him moments

before he disappeared with the corpse of his father.

The days leading up to the task were filled with training sessions with his

mentor. Spells flew into the dummies as they moved around the room.

Aries ran through his arsenal of knowledge, focusing on curses and

charms that affected magical creatures more than anything else. Draco's

Care of Magical Creature's homework had illustrated Hagrid's immense

love for dangerous creatures and it only allowed for the number of

dangerous spells Aries knew to increase. His mentor and master,

Professor von Reich, watched his apprentice with a critical eye, looking

for any mistake or sign of weakness. Aries suddenly changed tactics,

turning to spells that would be found more frequently in a duel. He knew

that it might come down to another duel between champions to decide

the victor, and the dummies were blasted apart, cut in half, and

disintegrated until Aries and Vladimir were the only ones left. The Room

of Requirement had become his training ground since its discovery and it

had proved far more useful than he had ever imagined. Aries was unsure

if Potter used it for more than talking to the portrait Godric Gryffindor,

but he could not blame the boy. He had spent many hours talking to

Salazar Slytherin's portrait as well, and it had only increased his

repertoire of spells.

"Excellent Aries," Vladimir said approvingly and with a thought, two

chairs appeared. "Sit. I believe you are ready for the final task. There is

nothing else to learn so let us enjoy this moment of peace." Aries was

thankful for his mentor's approval and took the seat, letting the tension

that had built up between his shoulders disappear. "You have done well

for yourself this year."

"I have always tried to make the best of any situation." That was an

understatement if there ever was one. Aries had accelerated so many of

his plans that at this point he was just waiting for the Dark Lord's return.

Between Sirius, Daphne, Fleur, and Remus he had been able to

accomplish years of work in barely a years' time. There were still a few

tasks that needed to be completed, such as the meeting with Jean

Delacour, but it was of little consequence. This summer would change

things forever and he eagerly awaited the end of the tournament.

"Yes indeed." Von Reich ran a hand over his beard. "You've managed to

win Sirius back to your side with Dumbledore none the wiser. The

Greengrass girl has given you your connection to powerful members of

the Wizengamot, among other things. Remus has provided us with the

information needed to eventually take down Albus. You've gained a life

debt to the daughter of a powerful man in France. You've also discovered

the location of the Elder Wand." The last statement hung in the air, but

Aries had a feeling that his mentor did not think that was the most

important. "And you've brought Potter under your wing."

"What makes you think that?" Aries disagreed entirely. Sure, he had

helped the boy at times, but under no circumstance did he actually care

for Potter.

"How haven't you? Throughout the year you've looked after him. You

were there for him after his friends abandoned him, helping him to move

on and branch out. You taught him to look beyond the simplistic views of

his family, in a way. You led him to his lineage, helping him to realize

that he is far more than just a wizard that survived the Killing Curse. In

the Third Task, you went after him in an attempt to save his life. That

night you went to protect him from the unknown, even though it was

only Crouch." Vladimir gave him a curious gaze. "It seems to me like

Potter is as much under your protection as your other friends, or am I

mistaken? Regardless of what you know may come to pass in the future,

you have helped him on numerous occasions. Not for any political gain,

but because it was simply the right thing to do."

"Does it matter?" Aries was unsure why it annoyed him, but it did. He did

nothing without reason. Yet he could not deny that what Professor von

Reich said was true. Every time something happened with Potter, he had

looked out for him. Even he did not know why, but he still did without a

care for how it would benefit him. It was unlike him, and yet it had

always felt right.

"It does not matter to me. My question is this: what does it mean for


The entrance to the maze was surrounded by a half-circle stand, one that

had managed to fit not only all three schools but also the families of the

champions. Cassiopeia sat next to Sirius, Narcissa, and Lucius, Draco

having chosen to sit with his friends in Slytherin. There were four

openings that each of the champions stood in front of though no one

spoke to the other. Aries had considered commanding Fleur through their

bond that she was not to attempt to win the tournament but had decided

against it. He wanted to win the tournament by himself and felt that such

actions would lessen her opinion of their situation. A feeling of finality

had fallen over them and their silence contrasted the eager noise of the

spectators. The judges watched on and Aries noted that Karkaroff was

exchanging old glances with Professor Snape, rather than being his

normal arrogant self. Albus Dumbledore approached a small podium in

the middle of the opening, giving each of the champions a serious look.

"Earlier today the Tri-Wizard Cup was placed deep within the maze." His

loud voice quieted the noise, but the sense of anticipation was thick. "Mr.

Black, with one hundred forty-eight points, will be the first to enter the

maze, followed by Mr. Diggory, Mr. Potter, and then lastly Ms. Delacour."

Each school roared as their champion was called. "The first champion to

touch the cup will be brought back here and declared the winner of the

1994 Tri-Wizard Tournament." The crowd was roaring at this point but

quieted at a raised hand. "Should at any point a champion wish to

withdraw from the task, they need only send red sparks into the air, and

a professor will retrieve you. Champions gather round."

The four champions formed a half-circle in front of Dumbledore. Fleur

locked eyes with him and gave him an excited smile. Diggory and Potter

both had a nervous confidence in themselves. Aries felt nothing, no

nervousness, and no excitement. He was calm and the void consumed all


"In the maze, you will not find easy challenges or obstacles. Instead, you

will find something even more challenging. People change in the maze,

they find something inside themselves that perhaps frightens them or

changes them forever, for there are those that enter and do not come out

the same. Find the cup if you can, but be wary, for you just might lose

yourself on the way."

It was as the champions returned to their starting spots that Aries noticed

Moody watching him intently. The temptation of Legilimency was too

much and he cautiously touched his mind. He will return tonight. Moody's

thought pushed against his mind with such fervor that Aries pulled back

from his mind immediately. He vaguely heard Dumbledore's count and

the cannon blasting but as he entered the maze Moody licked his lip

quickly, just as Barty Crouch Junior had done. The connection was made

and Aries suddenly had a hunch of what the Dark Lord's plan was, but he

forced it out of his mind. First, he had to survive the task, then he would

deal with whatever Crouch and Voldemort had been up to.

The opening to the maze closed as Aries went through it and darkness

encompassed him. There was an eerie silence, disturbed only by the

slight rustle of the wind through the hedges. He took a left at the first

intersection and continued straight for some time before deciding to take

a right, where he encountered his first obstacle: an acromantula. Aries

made quick work of it, slicing through its legs with a cutting curse before

destroying its head with a reductor curse. One would think that just one

giant spider would be enough, but apparently, Hagrid did not think so,

for as Aries took another right he came face to face with a group of the

acromantulas. He took no chances this time as fire erupted from his

hands, scorching the spiders alive. Aries noted that the hedges themselves

seemed impervious to the fire, unlike the ground.

Aries wondered through the maze trying his best to keep what he thought

was the center always within eyesight, though it was becoming quite

difficult. The paths did not always go straight, but sometimes curved or

took sharp angles. His eyes had started to take a more greenish color in

the darkness with a slight yellow tinge near the edges, much like they did

when he was a wolf. It allowed him to see far clearer in the darkness

without the need for a wand-lighting charm. Again, the eerie silence of a

task meant to be riddled with obstacles stumped him, before he felt

something odd.

There was a new coldness to the air and the night seemed to grow even

darker. Aries cautiously raised his wand, glancing around to find the

source of the change. Then he saw it, hovering above the ground. Dark

robes clothed the humanoid shape, giving it a wraith like look about it.

The Dementor made no move to approach him and for a moment Aries

wondered if it was a Dementor after all.

"Riddikulus." A flash of light illuminated the night, but the Dementor did

not change. The creature slowly turned to him and with a sinking feeling,

Aries realized it was not a boggart. Suddenly the air turned to ice and he

shivered in the darkness. More shapes came towards him and Aries raised

his wand again.

"Expecto Patronum!" A silver shield pulsed from his wand for only a

moment before it faded away. Panic started to grip him as the Dementors

came closer and closer. Memories started to creep into the forefront of his

mind, but one prevailed them all, attacking the void he struggled to keep

in check.

"Expectro Patronum!" This time nothing came from his wand and the

Dementors were nearly on top of him.

He watched helplessly as the explosion ripped through the room. His body hit

the table hard and he felt his ribs crack as he landed on the floor. Aries looked

up slowly, blood pouring down his mother's pale face. Panic set in as he saw a

bone sticking out of his chest. Power swirled around him, far from his control.

Glass shattered sending dangerous shards flying through the air. The breathing

exercises were far from his mind, the raging torrent that he always held back

came rushing forth, always out of reach. Waves of energy pushed out of him

as he closed his eyes, screaming for it to end.

"Aries." His mother's calm voice came to him. "Aries, it's alright."

Darkness rushed forth from deep inside himself, lashing out at his mind,

wrestling for control. Aries fought against it, and power pulsed through the

room. He could hear the breaking of tables, shattering of vials, and cracking of

stones. He felt his mother's soft hand cupping his face.

"Aries look at me."

"Expectro Patronum!" Again nothing and the memory consumed him.

The bright warm dungeon welcomed five-years-old Aries Black. His mother

looked on excitedly as she pulled out the Thaumatagoria. It was beyond rare

and she had been excited when Uncle Lucius had found it for her.

"Come closer Aries," her warm voice called. "We are on the verge of creating

something truly wonderful."

She held the plant over the cauldron when Aries felt it coming. His magic

raked at his body, fighting for control. He held it at bay, and then something

exploded. He watched helplessly as the explosion ripped through the room. His

body hit the table hard and he felt his ribs crack as he landed on the floor.

Aries looked up slowly, blood pouring down his mother's pale face. Panic set in

as he saw a bone sticking out of his chest. Power swirled around him, far from

his control. Glass shattered sending dangerous shards flying through the air.

The breathing exercises were far from his mind, the raging torrent that he

always held back came rushing forth, always out of reach. Waves of energy

pushed out of him as he closed his eyes, screaming for it to end.

"Aries." His mother's calm voice came to him. "Aries, it's alright."

Darkness rushed forth from deep inside himself, lashing out at his mind,

wrestling for control. Aries fought against it, and power pulsed through the

room. He could hear the breaking of tables, shattering of vials, and cracking of

stones. He felt his mother's soft hand cupping his face.

"Aries look at me." He opened his eyes slowly, focusing on the warm blue eyes

of his mother. "Everything is going to be okay." His magic continued to rip into

the room and shattered everything within its grasp. "Just breathe Aries. It's

your magic, it will do what you want. Think of the void. Let it consume

everything. And take control."

Aries imagined the void in his mind and pushed everything into it with all his

might. Emotion, desire, needs, wants, and his magic. The wind began to die

down and the cracking of lightning faded. At last, it was under his control and

turned to his mother. She was kneeling before him, covered in her own blood

which had already pooled underneath her. Shards of glass were embedded in

her chest and a long, thick sliver of wood ripped through her stomach. The

remains of her potion seemed to be eating away at the skin on her arms and

her beautiful blonde hair was falling out. What was left of her skin began to

pale. Tears started to fall from Aries' eyes, but his mother cupped his face with

blood-stained hands.

"Listen to me, Aries." Her voice was soft and fading. "You have to be strong

now. You can't be weak."

"I don't know how mummy."

"Then find out. Make yourself strong."

The memory broke something inside Aries and rage filled him. Suddenly

power flooded into his body and the Dementors flinched.

"Be strong Aries Orion Black. Be strong for me."

The torrent of magic was pounding against him, demanding to be

unleashed. Fire erupted around him, berating the flame impervious

hedges and catching the cloaks of the Dementors aflame. New memories

flooded forth from deep within his mind.

His mother's arm wrapped around him as magic came back to him, making the

objects of the room float as Cassiopeia watched on.

His wand was back in his hand, a glowing white light pulsating at its end.

The heat of the fire rose, burning at last through the edges and a cyclone

of fire began to form around the Dementors.

His mother's warm smile as he brewed his first potion.

The Dementors began to pull back, his power pushing out from him, but

they were trapped by the rising magical flames. They berated the flames

but it did not yield and they could not pass.

"No matter what happens Aries, you will always be my son."

He remembered his mother and warmness filled his heart that he had not

felt in years.

"Be strong."

"EXPECTO PATRONUM!" A white fox appeared before him and from it

pulsed waves of power, pushing back against the Dementors. They were

trapped between the magical flame and the pulses of the Patronus

Charm. A high and cold sickly scream emerged from one before the

others followed until they burst into black flame leaving nothing but

black dust behind. Aries knelt in the center of a charred circle,

surrounded by his pain and triumph. He breathed heavily, forcing the

magic into his control, but focusing on his mother and her memory. She

had been pushed back deep into the recesses of his mind so that he would

not have to remember the pain of her death, but now it had brought

something new. Aries felt stronger and the power that so often seemed

out of his control was now in his grasp, ready to be unleashed.

A scream caught his attention and he recognized it as Fleur's. Aries

wasted no time with the maze, unleashing a torrent of powerful flame,

burning a path through the flame impervious hedges towards his bonded

companion. It did not take long to find her, but she was not alone. Potter

was standing before her, wand pointed at Diggory. They appeared at

stand-off but Diggory turned away and faced him instead. Aries only had

a moment and noticed the glazed over eyes of Diggory just as he sent a

Killing Curse towards him. Potter screamed and Aries dodged it, rolling

to his left towards Fleur.

"Pugare mentis!" The spell's effect was immediate and Diggory fell to his

knees clutching his head. Aries disarmed him quickly and ran towards

him, reaching out with his mind before Diggory could react.

He walked through the hedges, trying to stop his clothes from smoldering when

a haze suddenly came over him.

"Kill Delacour and distract Black. Allow Potter to get to the cup first."

"What are you doing?" Potter's voice brought him back to the present and

Aries was suddenly far more concerned about the boy than he had been

at the beginning of the task.

"Someone Imperioused him," Aries replied as he helped Diggory to his

feet. He made his way over to Fleur who was unconscious but hurt badly.

"She needs Madam Pomfrey."

"I'll send the signal." Potter lifted his wand and sent red sparks into the

air. Aries waved his wand slowly over Fleur, healing what wounds he

could. "So, what now?" Diggory was still shaking his head, trying to clear

it from the haze.

"We go our separate ways." He wanted very badly to stun the other two,

but now he had to get to the end of this mystery. Someone wanted Potter

to reach the cup first and Aries had a good idea who that someone was.

"Watch yourself, Potter, something isn't right here. You're lucky that this

was not your fault Diggory, I hope we don't cross paths again."

Aries left the two to their own decisions deciding to go left. There were

no other obstacles that he came into contact with, which he found

incredibly odd, but thinking back to his two encounters created an even

more disturbing thought. Kill Delacour and distract Black. Someone had

clearly watched their duel and knew that Diggory would not be able to

kill him. Acromantulas and Dementors, on the other hand, had killed

many skilled wizards, regardless of their experience. Allow Potter to get to

the cup first. Aries was very confident that Mad-Eye Moody was, in fact,

Barty Crouch Junior, but how? Did he recently disguise himself as the

former Auror? Or had the former Death Eater been hiding among the

Hogwarts' staff all year? The latter seemed unlikely considering the

Headmaster, but if he had been, did that mean that Crouch was the one

responsible for Potter being in the tournament? These questions needed

answering, and Aries was determined to reach the Tri-Wizard Cup first.

Luck it would seem, was on his side, for as he took a right he came into a

large circular clearing. There on a small platform sat the Tri-Wizard Cup.

Aries glanced around and upon not seeing the other champions, walked

towards his goal. He stood before it with a sense of calm and reached out

for the cup. His hands grasped the handles- and nothing happened. Was

he supposed to still be here? Would the staff know he had found the cup?

Aries waved his wand over the cup and it glowed blue.

It was then that Potter and Diggory emerged on each side of him and

spells flew towards him. A bright blue bubble encompassed him,

absorbing their spells.

"Wait!" Their onslaught of spells continued before Aries had had enough.

He pushed out a wave of power, knocking them both off their feet. "For

fuck's sake, wait!"

"What is it Black?" Clearly, the two were willing to duel to determine the

winner, but technically he had already touched the cup.

"The cup is a portkey." They both had looks of shock and Aries' wanted to

groan at their stupidity. "Dumbledore said the champion would be

returned to the starting area but look at this." He waved his wand and the

bright blue shown again. Potter and Diggory slowly made their way

towards him, looking intently at the cup. "The fact that it's a portkey isn't

the surprise. Watch again." Another wave of his wand and this time they

saw it. Underneath the layer of blue, was another glowing blue layer, but

this was one a shade lighter. "This cup is a portkey to two locations. But

more importantly, this is keyed to someone." Aries touched the cup again

and nothing happened. Potter went to touch it, but he stopped him.

"Diggory, if you would." Again, nothing.

"What the hell is going on?" Diggory exclaimed. Aries' eyes fell on Potter.

"Someone wants Potter to win this tournament." Potter's eyes did not

leave the cup. "Someone placed his name in the Goblet of Fire,

confounding it so he would have to compete. Then tonight, someone

placed the Imperious Curse on you so that Potter would win the

tournament. Whoever did this wants Potter to touch this cup, but it will

not take him back to where we started, at least not at first."

"We need to tell someone." Diggory went to raise his wand but Aries

disarmed him quickly.

"Think Diggory!" Aries nearly screamed. "Who placed this cup here?"

"One of the teachers," Potter answered quietly.

"Yes. Someone wants Potter to walk right into a trap, and I bet you both

can guess who."

"Voldemort." The name hung around them and Diggory paled.

"So, what do we do?" Diggory asked.

"We spring the trap."

"Wait no! No way!" Potter had, at last, tore his eyes from the cup and

faced Aries. "We need to get help. My dad or Sirius or someone!"

"No." Aries' voice was firm. "If we tell someone then we risk the culprit

escaping. Think for a moment. They expected Diggory to be under the

Imperious Curse, Fleur to be dead, and me to be nowhere near this cup.

Whoever placed this cup here expected Potter to be alone and surprised."

Aries looked at the cup with renewed determination. "Except he won't be

alone. There will be three of us, and the element of surprise will be ours.

All three of us touch the cup, and we spring the trap. Once we handle

everything there, we use the cup to come back. Whoever the culprit is

will be surprised to see all three of us return, and we take him out as


"This is insane Aries!" Potter was shaking his head. "There's no point! We

need help. This isn't like what Sirius told you. We have time. They can

come with us. We don't have to do this alone."

"Black's right Potter," Diggory said strongly. "If we ask for help then we

alert whoever did this. We need to do this. We can do this. Together." He

placed his hand on the cup. Aries followed suit, grabbing the cup as well.

Potter looked at them both as if they had grown horns.

"Are you sure about this Aries?"

"Yes. Trust me, Potter." He looked at Aries for a moment before he

grabbed the cup. There was a sharp pull on his navel, and they

disappeared from the grounds of Hogwarts.

Aries landed on his feet next to Diggory, though Potter landed with a

thump on his backside. They were in a graveyard at the base of a massive

mansion. As Potter came to his feet his eyes locked on one particular

grave. It was a marble headstone and on it was inscribed a name Aries

had become all too familiar with: TOM RIDDLE. Suddenly Potter

screamed in pain, clutching his forehead.

"Kill the spare." Aries and Diggory turned to the cold voice, brandishing

their wands. A hooded figure stood across from them.

"Avada Kedavra!" The flash of green light soared towards Diggory and

Aries reacted on instinct. He reached out with his magic, bending the

earth in front of Diggory upwards, creating a wall of hardened earth. The

Killing Curse struck it, blasting the earth in large pieces, and throwing

them both backward. Aries felt his head collide with a headstone and

darkness took him.

"Flesh of the servant. . . Willingly given. . . you will. . . revive your master. . ."

The shaky voice came to him followed by a scream of pain as he regained

consciousness. He slowly pulled himself up, using the headstone in front

of him for cover. The back of his head was caked with blood, but a

whispered spell cleaned the wound. Diggory was still unconscious and

the man who he now recognized as Wormtail walked towards Potter.

"Blood of the enemy. . . Forcibly taken. . . you will resurrect. . . your foe. . ."

A bubbling cauldron sat in the center as Wormtail cut along Potter's arm.

Blood coated the knife as Wormtail returned to the cauldron and tapped

three drops into it. The man dropped to his knees, clutching a stump at

his right arm.

The cauldron was shooting out diamond sparks before they suddenly

stopped. White steam erupted from the cauldron before it exploded,

blocking everything from Aries' view. Then slowly as the steam faded he

began to see the outline of a man.

"Robe me." The man commanded. Wormtail scrambled to collect black

robes and pulled them over the man's head. He turned towards Potter

and he received his first good look at him. The man was skeletally thin

with skin whiter than bone. It was his eyes that struck Aries. They were

wide and a livid scarlet with a nose that flared out like a snake. Aries

suddenly had a good idea who the man was: Lord Voldemort. The Dark

Lord had returned at last. He disillusioned himself quickly, making sure

Diggory was still unconscious and slowly moved to a better position as

the Dark Lord spoke with Wormtail.

"You stand, Thomas Potter, on the remains of my filthy Muggle father."

The Dark Lord's voice was high and cold. "You see that home? That is

where he lived and that is where he died. But alas, my true family

returns." The air was suddenly filled with the swooshing of cloaks as

wizards began to apparate into the graveyard. "Welcome, Death Eaters.

Thirteen years it has been and now you return to me as if it was

yesterday. We are still united under the Dark Mark then. Or are we?"

Diggory began to stir as the Dark Lord berated his followers. The same

spell Aries had used with Potter before the Second Task struck Diggory.

"Don't move!" Diggory tensed but lay still. "Wait until I attack and then

join the fighting. We still have the element of surprise."

"Ah Lucius, my slippery friend." The Dark Lord's voice came back to him

as he ended the spell. Aries watched his uncle remove his mask with a

sense of pride. "I hear you have not renounced the old ways, though you

present a respectful face to the world. Tell me, will you still be as

passionate as you were before? Your exploits at the World Cup were. . .

fun I daresay. And yet you never searched for me as other, more faithful

followers did."

"My Lord had there been any whispers or any sign of your return I-"

"And yet the sight of my Mark filled you with fear." The Dark Lord

sounded displeased. "I am disappointed in all of you. I expect far more

faithful service in the future." He looked around the circle, pausing at

unfilled spots. "We are missing a few members of our family. Some are in

Azkaban, they will be freed of course. A few are dead. There is one who I

believe has left me forever, and then there is one who has already

returned to me. He serves me faithfully even now." Suddenly the Dark

Lord turned to Potter.

"And oh, how could I forget my guest? The one whom we all have to

thank for tonight." The Death Eaters leaned in expectantly. "You see my

friends, years ago I miscalculated. I believed the Potter children to be the

ones Dumbledore saw as my downfall. And when I went to destroy them

something remarkable happened. I believe, in part, my curse reflected

due to the sacrifice of Dorea Potter, but there was something more. Harry

and Thomas somehow performed extraordinary magic and in doing so

the curse, that was meant to kill both children, was somehow turned

back on me. The boys lived, but the toll of the magic killed Harry and

now the Boy-Who-Lives remains."

"Three years ago, Potter thwarted my attempts to seize the Philosopher's

Stone and I thought all was lost until Wormtail found me. When others

failed he succeeded and he brought me Bertha Jorkins, who told us of the

coming Tri-Wizard Tournament. It was through the help of my faithful

servant that I formed a plan, one that would bring about my resurrection.

And now I have returned, to finish what I started thirteen years ago." The

Dark Lord brandished his wand, a ghostly looking yew, and pointed it at

Potter. "Crucio." Potter screamed and fought against the ropes that bound

him before the Dark Lord released him. "You see how foolish it was to

believe that this boy was ever the true cause of my downfall. But I do not

want there to be any doubt in anyone's mind. I will kill you tonight

Thomas Potter. Untie him Wormtail and give him his wand."

Potter struggled to his feet and Aries considered attacking now but

decided against it. The Dark Lord was not yet distracted. Potter and the

Dark Lord stood a few meters apart and the Death Eaters looked on with

eager anticipation.

"You have been taught to duel, yes Potter?" The Dark Lord seemed to be

teasing the boy. "First we bow. Come, Potter, we must follow tradition. I

said bow." As the Dark Lord pushed the tip of his wand down, Potter bent

downward into a bow. "Now we duel." Aries could tell Diggory wanted to

do something but he followed his lead. Moments passed as Potter avoided

the Dark Lord's curses and even managed to throw off his Imperious

before hiding behind a tombstone. "Come now Potter we are not playing

games. Does this mean you are tired of our duel? Does this mean you

wish for me to finish it? Come, Potter, it will be quick. It might even be

painless. I would not know, I have never died."

Aries watched Potter slowly rise to his feet in a defiant manner and face

the Dark Lord. They raised their wands towards each other and then

Aries stepped in between them. The Dark Lord's eyes suddenly widen and

he lowered his wand slightly.

"Aries Black." He hissed the name. "I've been looking forward to meeting

you for some time, though I hoped it would be after I dealt with Potter.

Be a good boy and step aside."

"I'm afraid I can't do that." Black immediately regretted the words, but he

could not allow Potter to die tonight.

"And why is that?" The Dark Lord looked at him challengingly.

"You see, Potter is under my protection." Every eye was on him and

Diggory was readying himself to strike. "Let him leave, and we can have

our talk."

"Ah, no one is leaving tonight. Unless you kneel before me." The Dark

Lord's red eyes narrowed.

"Not really the kneeling type. Now, Diggory!" The rush of power as his

wand came into his hand was intoxicating and the torrent of magic raged

inside him. Fire erupted around him and he threw it at the Dark Lord.

Diggory had sent a blasting curse towards the Death Eaters, but they

were now unsure of just who to attack. The Dark Lord dispersed the fire,

not caring if it struck his own men and the duel began. Aries stood

alongside Potter, each throwing spells while using his free hand to

wandlessly conjure a shield whenever a spell came towards them that

they could not dodge. The Dark Lord had little need for a shield,

choosing instead to simply deflect the spells until Aries began to up the

ante. Powerful spells of the Dark Arts flew from his wand as fire and ice

flowed wandlessly from his hand. The effects of the powerful magic the

two wizards were creating were harming the Death Eaters as well, but

Diggory was starting to tire. A rogue blasting spell struck the ground near

Aries, throwing him off his feet. The Dark Lord shouted the Killing Curse

just as Potter sent the Disarming Charm. A red bolt of light met green and

the wands connected.

At once a silver light burst from the center of the beam connecting the

two wands before creating a bubble around them. A ball of energy hung

in the middle pulsing back and forth between the two wizards. Aries

came to his feet, transfixed on what was happening, as did the Death

Eaters. Diggory leaned heavily on a tombstone, glancing towards the cup

which seemed so far away.

Suddenly Aries felt power from Potter and the ball of energy pushed

towards the Dark Lord. As it touched the yew wand a spirit burst from

the tip. It was an old man. The very same old man that Aries and Potter

had seen die in their dreams. Another pulse and a second figure emerged.

Aries recognized her immediately from his family tree. Dorea Black was

the ideal look of the Black Family and even in death had a stern look on

her face that rivaled Cassiopeia's. She glared at the Dark Lord before

turning to Potter.

"Hold strong Thomas, your grandfather is coming," Dorea stated. "Keep

holding on for just a little longer." She turned to Aries. "Protect him.

Make our family proud."

A third figure suddenly emerged from the Dark Lord's wand. He was an

old man, older than the first, and with hazel eyes filled with an odd look

as if one had seen far too many years. Yet there were lines across his

face, wrinkles from years spent smiling and laughing. For a spirit, he

looked remarkably happy and also determined.

"When we tell you, release the connection," Charles commanded. "You

will only have a few moments to get to the portkey." He looked at them

both fondly, something Aries did not understand. "We are proud of you.

Now go!"

Potter ended the connection and as the spirits raced towards the Dark

Lord, he ran towards the cup. Aries unleashed fire creating a perimeter

around himself, the Dark Lord and the cup. Diggory was almost to the

cup when a cutting curse struck him in the back of his leg. It ripped

through his ligaments and he fell to the ground.

"Go, Potter!" Aries ordered. "I'll get him back. Just go!" Potter hesitated,

but Aries wandlessly pushed him back into the cup.

He reacted instinctively and grabbed the cup. A swish of Aries wand and

wards formed over the graveyard. It was unfortunate that Diggory had

not made it to the cup as he would have to adjust his plans. The Dark

Lord, recovered from the previous affair, raised his wand but stopped as

Aries suddenly bound Diggory in tight, thick ropes. The Hogwarts'

champions shock was evident and only the gag kept him from screaming

in surprise.

"I think it's time for our chat, my Lord." The roaring fire encompassed the

three of them and the crackling of flames kept the Death Eaters unaware

of what occurred in the circle. "Sorry for all that mess. Had to keep up

appearances with the Boy-Who-Lived after all." The Dark Lord's cold

laugh filled the air.

"Will you bow to me now Aries?" The Dark Lord stared at him curiously.

"Like your father before you?"

"I told you before. I'm not the kneeling type." Aries cocked his head to the

side. "Surely you must understand? From one dark lord to another?"

"You call yourself a dark lord?" His amusement was clear and Aries'

bristled at his condescension. "It takes more the knowing the Dark Arts to

be a dark lord, my friend."

"What else could I be?" Aries hissed in Parseltongue. Suddenly all humor

vanished from the Dark Lord and his red eyes narrowed to slits.

"You speak it?" The Dark Lord was holding his wand tightly. "How is this


"I am the Heir of Slytherin. I was born to be a dark lord. To finish Salazar

Slytherin's noble work."

"You lie!"

"Salmissra is rather needy, isn't she?" Aries enjoyed the Dark Lord's shock.

"Always wants to be itched behind her left eye? And Salazar? Much more

sarcastic than I ever thought. I mean, surely you were surprised as well, Tom."

"You are Salazar's heir." The Dark Lord looked at Aries with a newfound

interest. "Which makes you my heir as well. You continue to surprise me,


"I make no claim as your heir. I am the Heir of Slytherin and Black. I need no


"Then why are you here?" Aries felt the presence of his Phoenix arrive, at

last, sitting on the tombstone of Tom Riddle. "Why the appearances? Why

stay if you will not join me?"

"We have a common goal." Aries had recited these words in his mind for

months. "We both wish to finish our ancestor's work, yet we disagree on many

fundamental issues. But we also have a common enemy: Albus Dumbledore."

The Dark Lord continued to show his surprise. "While he lives, neither of us

can succeed. So, I suggest something rather simple: a truce. Neither of us will

move against the other directly until Dumbledore is dead, by your hand or

mine. After that, may the best dark lord win."

The Dark Lord's laughter erupted again. "Oh, Aries you continue to surprise

me. What exactly makes you think I will just agree to this?"

"Right now, Potter is telling Dumbledore exactly what has happened here. And

no doubt they will discover that Barty Crouch Junior has been masquerading

as Moody. You will lose your intended secrecy and one of your more faithful

servants." The Dark Lord's red eyes narrowed again. "Upon my return to

Hogwarts, I will deny your return. As far as I am concerned you, and your

followers, are some dark lord impersonators. It will not stop Dumbledore from

moving against you, but perhaps I can help delay it. I will also attempt to help

return your servant. In return, you agree to my arrangement."

"Aries Black, you are indeed a most interesting individual." The Dark Lord

smiled. Moments passed with an odd tension until at last the Dark Lord

nodded, an interesting gleam in his eye. "I accept."

"I will hold you to your word Tom."

"That name no longer holds any meaning to me," Aries smirked as the

irritation remained etched on the Dark Lord's features. "But how do I know

you will keep your side of the bargain? What can you give me that holds as

much weight as the secret of my return?" The eyes of the Durmstrang

champion fell on Diggory.

"With death." The Dark Lord gave him another look of surprise. "Our

arrangement ends with the death of Albus Dumbledore. Let is also begin with

death. A loose end that needs to be taken care of. If it should become know

that he died by my hand, I will lose the credibility that I have worked so hard

to earn."

"Truthfully?" Wide red eyes met in his. "You will kill the spare?"

"If I must."

"Then let it be done."

Aries raised his wand towards Diggory. It was now or never, he reminded

himself. Truth be told, Aries had many plans for the Diggorys, centered

around Cedric. But destiny had been unkind to the Hufflepuff. Had he

made it to the cup, he would have lived on. But now, his life was forfeit.

"Avada Kedavra." The green light struck Diggory and he fell to the ground

dead. The Dark Lord's laughter again filled the night.

"Again, and again you surprise me. Are you sure you wish this path? You

could rise to greatness with me Aries."

"I will never serve you." He felt Hades land on his shoulder. "When your

downfall arrives, it will not be Potter that brings about your destruction. It will

be me."

"You will serve me, Aries Black. Before the end of all this, you will kneel

before me. I will see to it personally."

The Dark Lord's red eyes bored into him as the flames of Hades consumed

him and they, along with Diggory's corpse, vanished from the graveyard.

He landed outside Moody's office, as he had commanded Hades to take

him to Crouch, and blasted the door open. Barty, still disguised as

Moody, grabbed Potter holding him up with a knife to his throat. They

locked eyes for a moment before Aries acted quickly.

"Stupefy!" The spell collided with Potter, who Barty dropped in surprise.

"Revelio!" Moody's flesh melted away and Barty Crouch Junior was

revealed to him again. They stood apart, wands facing each other before

Aries lowered his. "Go, your master is waiting for you." Barty raised his

eyebrows and moved cautiously towards the fireplace. "That's two you

owe me, Barty. I expect to be repaid in full." The green fire of the Floo

took the Death Eater away leaving the two young wizards to themselves.

A swish of his wand put the office in ruins, making it appear to any that

entered that a duel had occurred. Aries made his way over to Potter and

revived him. The boy sat up quickly, eyes wide, looking frantically

around for the crazed professor.

"What happened? Where's Moody?"

"Whoever that was, it was not Alastor Moody," Aries explained. "But he's

gone now. Escaped through the Floo. Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I think so." Suddenly Potter looked around. "Where's Cedric?"

Aries let out a long sigh.

"He didn't make it." Potter gripped Aries' arm tightly and tears fell down

his face. Aries felt no remorse, no guilt but no joy either. He would not

enjoy what he had to do. Seldom few enjoyed the responsibility that

destiny gave them, but this was his. The war for the Wizarding World

had just begun.

AN: The last chapter of Part I: What Is To Come

13. What Is To Come

AN: As always let us begin with the first verse of the Harry Potter

Bible, Chapter 1, Verse 1: I own nothing and it all belongs to JK

Rowling, long may she reign. The last chapter of Part 1. This chapter

has a lot of dialogue that sets up things to occur in Part II. I hope

you enjoy this chapter and if you don't, whatever floats your boat


The long hall of the hospital wing would have been peaceful if not for the

quiet sobs of Cho Chang. She held tightly to the limp hand of Cedric

Diggory as his body lay on a bed next to his father. Amos Diggory had

been distraught beyond comforting when he had seen the dead body of

his son and had only calmed after Madam Pomfrey gave him a glass of

water infused with Dreamless Sleeping Potion. Potter was across from

them surrounded by his five closest friends and his mother. Lily Potter

was quite beautiful in Aries' opinion and every emotion she displayed

was far more genuine than many others he had seen. She had given him a

curious look when she had sat next to Potter, but Aries dismissed it. He

was trying to hear the quiet argument James Potter was having with

Albus Dumbledore and the Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge. It was a

very heated argument despite the whispered tones and he was tempted to

eavesdrop with magic before his own family walked in.

Sirius looked beside himself with worry but could not seem to decide

whether to go to Aries or Potter first. A slight nod towards Potter sent

him rushing off to his godson, not that Aries blamed him. While he had

not been unharmed in their duel with the Dark Lord, he had fared far

better than Potter and Diggory. Cassiopeia's face was serious, but her

eyes held a look of worry. Aries reached out with his mind and flashed a

quick image of the Dark Lord. Her eyes widened for a moment before

schooling her face. It was just in time as the whispered argument had

ended and the Minister of Magic stepped forward.

Fudge was a portly man, wearing a pin-striped suit and fidgeting with the

lime green bowler hat in his hands. Aries had heard many stories of the

man from Draco, and he hoped that he would have some advantage in

the situation he knew was coming.

"Now there have been some theories as to what has happened tonight,"

Fudge began as he glanced nervously towards Potter. "A student has died

and while we have heard one. . . er. . . story. . . we have not heard the

other view." At that, the Minister turned to Aries. "Thomas here says that

He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named has returned but that cannot be. Perhaps

you can tell us what happened tonight Mr. Black? From the beginning of

course." The entire room turned to him. He could feel Potter's gaze most

of all and Aries only hoped that he would one day understand.

"I entered the maze first." Aries brought up his Occlumency shields

strongly. "After dealing with a creature I heard Fleur scream. She and I

have become close over the year so I went to see if she was alright when

I found Cedric Diggory under the Imperious Curse. When I released him,

we went on our separate ways." Potter was nodding along, something

Dumbledore seemed to be watching closely. "I reached the cup first and

when I grabbed it nothing happened. I performed the Revealing Charm

on the cup and it showed the Portus Charm on it as I expected, but then

there was also another one. Given that Diggory had been under the

Imperious Curse and that Potter had been forced to compete I began to

suspect that something was off, as I told them both when they arrived.

We had Diggory touch the cup- nothing happened." Fudge's eyes were

narrowed with skepticism but Aries ignored him. "Then all three of us

grabbed the cup at once and it took us somewhere else. We were at a

graveyard near a mansion. Someone tried to kill Diggory but I bent the

earth to form a shield. Unfortunately, it exploded which knocked me and

Diggory unconscious." Aries took a deep breath. "When I woke up there

were now two others. One was Peter Pettigrew and the other claimed to

be the Dark Lord."

"Claimed?" Fudge looked incredulous as he questioned Aries. "What does

that mean?" Potter and the rest were dumbfounded at Aries' story and

Dumbledore himself look unsure as what to do.

"Yes," Aries answered. "I have never seen the Dark Lord in person so I can

not tell you if it was really him. For all I know it could have been just

some want to be dark wizard."

"Now wait one second!" James Potter interrupted. "Thomas said that was

Voldemort! You were there! How can you say it was not?"

"I did not say that it wasn't the Dark Lord. Only that he claimed to be."

Aries turned back to Fudge. "I have never seen the Dark Lord and Potter

was a child when He was vanquished, so neither of us can tell you that it

was indeed the Dark Lord."

"See Dumbledore!" Fudge pointed accusatorily at the Headmaster. "This is

all some elaborate plot!"

"What about the Death Eaters?" Aries suppressed the growl that

threatened to escape him. James Potter was being incredibly annoying.

"Thomas said that he saw Malfoy and other Death Eaters there, without

their masks!"

"Preposterous! Lord Malfoy is an outstanding member of the Wizarding

Community and the Wizengamot." They all turned back to Aries who had

seemed to become Fudge's lifeline to sanity. "Was Lord Malfoy there?"

"No." Aries' response silenced the hall. "There were individuals that

arrived after I regained consciousness. But they never removed their

mask, nor were they named." Potter was pale and a look of utter betrayal

was painted across his face.

"I have heard enough!" Fudge declared. "Clearly Thomas Potter is

distraught by the actions of a madman. We will find him and apprehend

him, but regardless You-Know-Who has not returned."

"How did you get back?" Potter's quiet voice stopped Fudge as he made

his way to the door and all eyes turned back to Aries. "You had no

portkey and you can't apparate to Hogwarts. How did you know Moody

was not Moody?" Dumbledore was failing to conceal the look of suspicion

in his eyes and there was a similar look from James.

"I'm not sure," Aries said directly to Potter. "One moment I was there and

the next I was here, outside Moody's office. I heard you struggling and

came in through the door. I had had my suspicions about there being a

spy in Hogwarts, just as we talked about, and assumed that Dumbledore's

phoenix brought me to save you. Considering that Moody was holding a

wand to your throat was enough for me to think he was not who he

really was." Potter seemed to accept that, though unhappily, Dumbledore

was still suspicious. Fudge gave them all a respectful nod before leaving

at last.

"How did you know I had a phoenix, Aries?" Dumbledore asked.

"No one just knows a phoenix, Professor." A slight twinkle returned to the

Headmaster's eyes, but the suspicion was still there. "Now if you'll excuse

me, I have some worried friends to find." Aries left the hospital wing

without waiting for any response, followed by his aunt. They hurried

along the halls of Hogwarts until they found the Minister by the Great

Hall. Fudge stopped when Aries called for him and gave him a pleasant

though nervous smile.

"Ms. Black, Mr. Black." Fudge greeted. "How can I help you?"

"I was hoping we could have a mutually benefiting conversation," Aries

said as they walked onto the grounds of Hogwarts. Cassiopeia looked at

him from the corner of her eye. They had not discussed what he was

about to do, but Aries felt that he had a moment of opportunity that he

could not pass up.

"Of course, of course! Lucius has spoken highly of you Mr. Black."

"Please, call me Aries." The Minister had relaxed considerably at that.

"What would you like to talk about Aries?"

"The predicament we have Minster, regarding this dark lord." Fudge

immediately tensed and it was apparent that the constant shifting of

emotions was taking its toll on the old man. "There is a madman out

there that not only kidnapped the Boy-Who-Lived but also managed to

infiltrate this school. Measures need to be taken, Minister."

"Now see here Mr. Black." The boiler green cap was thoroughly crumpled

at this point and Aries was tempted to burn it. "The Ministry will

investigate this matter and I will see to it personally that the situation is

handled. But there is no need to panic."

"I worry about the Ministry's choice as to who to lead this investigation."

"Auror Scrimgeour and his department are fully capable of handling the


"Are they?" Aries leveled the Minister with a calculating gaze. "The

Department of Magical Law Enforcement is in dire need of revamping.

We need to hire more Aurors and train them to be better. Regardless of

whether or not the Dark Lord has returned, the Ministry needs to protect

its people."

"What are you suggesting?"

"A deal between us Minister." Fudge was eyeing the edge of the grounds

eagerly. "The Black family is incredibly wealthy, even more so than the

Malfoys." Now he had the Minister's attention. "Perhaps some of that

wealth can make it over to you if you give me something I want.

Scrimgeour is an adequate Head Auror, but the position of Assistant Head

is currently lacking. Personally, I feel that Sirius Black would make a far

better Assistant, with aims to one day be Head Auror himself."

"Auror Black would never accept the position from me!" Fudge

exclaimed. "The man detests me!"

"I will deal with my Uncle, you just make sure it happens. Do this and

perhaps we can become as good of friends as you have with Lord

Malfoy." The Minister of Magic glanced around nervously for a few

moments as if weighing his options. Then he nodded and quickly walked

away before apparating just outside the gates of Hogwarts.

"An interesting deal," Cassiopeia commented. "What is the goal?"

"Sirius now has weight within the DMLE and the Ministry, more so than

just being the friend of James Potter and Albus Dumbledore." Aries

glanced towards where the Minister had departed and then back to the

castle. "We will need it sooner rather than later I think."

Professor von Reich's desk was empty for the first time since they had

come to Hogwarts, but it was also the last time they would be in this

room. The delegations from both schools were leaving the next day and

the week that passed had been somber for many. Aries had spent as much

of it as he could with his friends and had far too many late-night

adventures with Daphne. The blond girl had taken to enjoying every

moment they had together before he returned to Durmstrang. Draco had

given up on his advances with Arianna, no doubt due to the fact that the

marriage contract between himself and Astoria Greengrass was looking

more like a when than an if. The time would have been perfect if not for

the cold shoulder from Potter. Ever since the conversation with the

Minister of Magic the boy had been ignoring him, accompanied by the

glares of his friends. Ron Weasley was the worst of them and Aries

looked forward to having an opportunity to blast him on his ass.

A sharp rap to the desk brought his attention back to his mentor, who

was waiting patiently for him. Karkaroff had vanished after the final task

which left the role of Headmaster of Durmstrang to Vladimir von Reich.

It was a position that Aries believed suited his mentor, and no doubt he

would succeed in making Durmstrang far better than it ever had been.

"It has been an interesting year indeed, Aries." Von Reich's voice was

softer than usual and Aries gave him a curious glance. "You have yet to

explain to me what happened to Cedric Diggory."

"I killed him." No emotion came to him and he wondered if that was

normal. "He was supposed to escape with Potter but he didn't make it. I

made a decision and took his life."

"Why not obliviate him?"

"There was too much visibility on this situation." Aries thought over his

reasoning again. "I feared Dumbledore might notice that his memory was

erased or charmed. There were too many risks. Death by the Killing Curse

was common of victims of the Dark Lord. It was the rational decision."

"I agree." His mentor stroked his beard as he looked at him. "And you

mean to go through with it?"

"It was always my plan. It's just happening sooner than I expected." They

looked at each other for a moment and Aries noticed an odd emotion

flash through his mentor's eyes. "The role of Headmaster suits you."

"Thank you, though I am in need of a new Battle Magics teacher." Now

Aries caught the next emotion, and he was beyond surprised.

"Me?" Aries questioned. "You want me to be the Battle Magics professor?"

"Your examinations will not be an issue. You could pass them all right

now with ease. The position is yours if you wish." Aries was speechless

and many moments passed before he finally responded.

"I thought you agreed with my plans. I thought you supported them."

Vladimir pinched the bridge of his nose and let out a long sigh.

"Yes, I do, Aries." Von Reich began. "But those can wait if you wish it.

You can change the world at Durmstrang and then fulfill your plans later.

When you are older and wiser. Our destiny is not written in stone. You

always have a choice."

Aries stared at the desk to his left where Hades was perched. He could

not deny that the offered honored him, and a larger part of him wanted

to take it than he wanted to admit. The problem was the return of Lord

Voldemort. This year had accelerated his plans but even so he had not

been fully prepared to deal with the Dark Lord's resurrection. No, his

place was in this war and not a school. It broke his heart, but he knew

what he had to do.

"Years from now, perhaps, I will accept your offer." Aries stood and faced

his mentor. "But for now, my choice lies with my destiny." He went to

give a respectful bow but Vladimir stopped him, instead extending a

hand to him.

"You are no longer my apprentice." Aries could not stop the sudden look

of betrayal and was even more surprised when Vladimir smiled. "It is not

a punishment. I have nothing left to teach you, Aries." Vladimir took

Aries' hand and shook it. "It will be nice to finally greet you as an equal,

and to know my legacy is in good hands."

Draco stood quietly next to Aries as they stared out onto the lake.

Durmstrang would be leaving in the morning and they had yet to discuss

what had happened after the final task. His friend was well aware of the

Dark Lord's return, as the rumor of Potter's side of the story had

circulated the school. There was expected to be a vigil of sorts for the late

Cedric Diggory tonight and Aries wondered if he would feel any emotion

during it. Whenever the Hufflepuff was brought up, Draco had always

given him a questioning look, something that Aries tended to avoid. It

seemed that his friend would finally get the answers he desired.

"He's really back isn't he?" Draco asked. There was a resignation in his

voice with no anticipation as many no doubt expected of the Slytherin.

"Yes," Aries answered. "The Dark Lord is back."

"Was my father there?" Lucius Malfoy had only sent one letter since the

Dark Lord's return and it had said that they would have to discuss Draco's

future when school had ended. Aries knew that Draco had an internal

battle of what side he really wanted to be on and he pitied the choice his

friend would soon have to make.

"Yes." Draco's face fell for a moment.

"You know where my loyalties lie, Aries." He held up his right hand,

where a faint white line across his palm could be seen if one knew where

to look. "We have always been family, but we are brothers by blood. No

matter what my father does, I'm with you." Aries could not stop the

uncomfortable warmth he felt. They had been eight years old when they

had performed the blood ritual, making them brothers in magic and

blood. He had no idea how they had made the ritual work, but perhaps

their intent had succeeded where their knowledge and experience failed.

He had no idea what to say back, but thankfully he was interrupted

though not by whom he would have liked. Potter was making his way

towards him, alone but with a look of pure indignation. Draco glanced

towards the boy before taking his exit quickly. Aries had known this

confrontation was coming and was prepared as Potter took no time to

start shouting at him.

"You lied!" Potter said accusingly. "You were there! You saw Voldemort

and you saw Malfoy and you lied!"

"Yes, I did." Aries' answer seemed to render Potter speechless. "Tell me,

Potter, what would the truth have accomplished? Fudge was already

convinced of his own ideas. If he did not believe the Chief Warlock of the

Wizengamot, one of the most respected Aurors in the Ministry of Magic,

and the bloody Boy-Who-Lived, what makes you think he would have

believed me?"

"You still could have been honest." Aries rolled his eyes.

"Do you have any idea what's going on right now?" Potter shook his head.

"Fudge is running a smear campaign against Dumbledore and your

family. By summer's end, most of the Wizarding World is going to think

you all are off your rockers."

"Well, what about Malfoy? You could have told the truth about him and

the rest of the Death Eaters."

"Oh really?" Aries growled. "What if it had been Sirius under that mask?

Or Arthur Weasley? Or your own father? Tell me, would you have turned

them in? If it had been Weasley, would you have turned in the father of

your best friend? Would you do that to Ron?"

"I. . . I don't know." Potter suddenly looked troubled. "But Voldemort is

out there and we are doing nothing to stop him!"

"Wrong!" He was having a hard time not strangling the boy for being so

narrow-minded. "Dumbledore is regrouping the Order of the Phoenix.

Yes, I know about it. But most importantly I just secured the Black

family's say in the Ministry. Sirius will not be apart of that smear

campaign because as far as Fudge is concerned, the Black family sides

with the Ministry and not Dumbledore. So, when Assistant Head Auror

Sirius Black makes some recommendation about the DMLE or something

that should be done, Fudge will remember the gold I gave him instead of

what Dumbledore is doing." Potter's eyes were so wide that Aries thought

they might pop out. "Dumbledore can lead his group from the shadows

and try to stop the Dark Lord, but we are going to use the Ministry to try

to get them ready when the Dark Lord's return is discovered. I lied so that

Sirius and I can be the ones inside the Ministry trying to actually do

something without being thrown into the loony bin with the rest of you."

"So, you're on our side?"

"No, Potter, I'm on my side." Potter looked even more confused. "But my

side is against the Dark Lord, and for now that should be enough for you.

Maybe you should think about which side you're on as well." Aries went

to walk away but Potter called for him. He turned around, trying his best

to contain his annoyance.

"You're nothing like I expected." Aries gave him a curious look. "When we

found out about the tournament everyone said you all were evil. Ron was

the worst but even my dad didn't seem to like you."

"What did you expect then?"

"I don't know." Potter shrugged. "A dark wizard I guess. Not some alright

bloke with anger issues."

Aries let out an amused laugh. "I am a dark wizard Potter. But dark does

necessarily mean evil." He left Potter staring at him dumbfounded. Aries

hoped that one day Potter could get over his black and white views. He

had plans for the Boy-Who-Lived, but he had a lot of maturing to do first.

The Great Hall was filled with hushed whispers as the meal ended. All

three schools were packed onto the tables and there was a somber tone to

the conversations. Black banners hung from the ceiling and Aries saw

that the Hufflepuff table moved lethargically and seemed to dread the

coming announcement from the Headmaster of Hogwarts. Dumbledore

himself had a look of determination as he stood before the students.

"We have come to discuss a terrible tragedy that has befallen us."

Dumbledore began. "But also, to celebrate the life of a wonderful wizard.

Cedric Diggory was a determined hard-worker, infinitely fair-minded,

and a loyal friend. It is the reason why I think you should all know how

he died." Aries could hear the crying coming from the Hufflepuff table as

Dumbledore ran his hand through his long white beard. "You see, Cedric

Diggory was murdered by Lord Voldemort." Gasps rang out through the

hall. "The Ministry of Magic does not wish me to tell you this, but I

believe it would be an insult to his memory to do so. This year you have

formed bonds of friendship across that will be more important than ever.

Remember that, and Cedric Diggory will not have died in vain.

Remember that and we will celebrate a boy that was kind, honest, brave,

and true, right to the very end."

The students of Durmstrang walked back to the Spanish galleon without a

word. They had all saved their goodbyes for the morning, as they would

depart just after breakfast. Aries and his three friends settled in Haydn

and his cabin, each lost in their own thoughts. He dreaded the news he

would have to break to his friends. Haydn and Ivan would be okay, but it

was Arianna that he worried about the most. Since the Third Task, their

friendship had been recovering. Her disapproval of Daphne was still

obvious, but she had come to accept it and not run away at the first sight

of the blond girl.

"I will be thankful to return to Durmstrang," Ivan said in German. "It is too

warm here." Haydn let out a bark of laughter and even Aries cracked a


"Yes, and that means going home. The girls of Germany will be excited to see

me after all this time." Arianna smacked the back of Haydn's head hard.

"You are not magic's gift to women as you would like to think Haydn." She

said with a smirk. "But yes, I agree. I am excited to return to Durmstrang and

to Spain. You all will visit, yes?"

"I won't be coming back." There was already a look of acceptance from

Haydn and Ivan as if they expected it, but Arianna had a look of pure


"What?" Her voice was quiet and he barely heard her whisper.

"I am going to be living with my uncle here in England this summer, and then I

am transferring to Hogwarts next year." Aries looked Arianna in the eyes,

where tears were already beginning to form. "I'll, of course, visit you all,

and you're welcome to visit me here, but the Dark Lord's return has

accelerated my plans. I need to be here." Arianna ripped her eyes away from

him and practically ran from the cabin.

"She'll come back Aries," Haydn offered. "She always does." But Aries had a

feeling that this had been the final straw for the Spanish girl. There was a

pain in his heart he did not wish to acknowledge.

"We will do as you have always asked of us Aries," Ivan said with a slight

bow of his head. "Our loyalty lies with you. But that does not mean you get

out of visiting us."

"Yes, my father would be beside himself if you don't visit." Haydn grinned as

he pulled out his deck of cards. "Besides, what other rich friend do I have to

take money from?" Aries could not contain the laughter that erupted from

him. He knew the path ahead of him would be dark, and no doubt filled

with pain, but he was grateful that he had found those whom would

stand beside him through all of it. A sense of finality and determination

filled Aries Orion Black. The time for waiting was over. The time for the

return of the Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Black had come at


AN: That concludes Part I. Part II: The Order of the Phoenix begins

with its own Prologue followed by the first chapter: 12 Grimmauld

Place. This is where the story will pick up and feature more than

just Aries' POV. We will finally begin to see just what Aries' plans

are for the House of Black and his war against both Albus

Dumbledore and Lord Voldemort. I hope y'all are as excited for it as

I am.

14. Part II: Prologue

The face of Severus Snape was emotionless as he sat before the Dark

Lord. Deep within his guarded mind, a sliver of fear threatened to

emerge, but years of Occlumency training kept him calm. Lucius Malfoy,

sitting to his right, was fidgeting with his cane that sat across his lap.

Despite many of the Death Eaters' failing to search for the Dark Lord,

Severus was unsure as to why the Malfoy lord was so nervous before

their master. The Dark Lord had yet to truly punish either of them, in

fact, he had yet to do much of anything since his return a few weeks ago.

A few meetings had occurred where the most interesting event had been

the discovery of Barty Crouch Junior not being dead. It had brought to

light the true identity of the Mad-Eye Moody impostor, but no details as

to his escape had been shared with anyone besides the Dark Lord.

Lord Voldemort himself was calm sitting before his two servants. He was

idly reading over a copy of the latest Daily Prophet while sipping at a

glass of fire whiskey. His features were smooth, though he looked far

more like a snake than a man, yet there was a cold elegance that

contained the handsomeness of the Dark Lord's youth. It created a

frightening combination as if he was a walking trap that lured in his prey

to a painful death. But were they servants or were they prey as well?

Severus' position at Hogwarts and the Order of the Phoenix had already

proven valuable to the Dark Lord, but he was unsure as to why they had

been asked to remain behind after the meeting.

"My lord. . ." Lucius choked out. "How may we be of service to you?"

Severus caught the slight twinge of annoyance flash across the Dark

Lord's face.

"Service." The Dark Lord repeated. "Yes, your service will very much be

necessary. Severus, tell me about Aries Black." The question caught them

both off guard, though Severus was able to hide his surprise far better

than Lucius. The lord of House Malfoy's look of surprise quickly changed

to anger.

"Aries Black is an exceptional young wizard," Severus began. "He did not

turn in any assignment that was below an Outstanding, though he tended

to show little effort in attaining this success. His abilities far outmatch

any others near his age and his overall grasp of magic exceeds many.

Dumbledore fears he may one day be more powerful than Grindewald

and perhaps himself."

"Truly? Dumbledore actually fears him?"

"He does not fear him, my Lord, rather he fears what may become of the

boy, if not guided down the correct path."

"So, he wishes to guide the boy?"

"Yes," Severus answered carefully. "He hopes that the boy's uncle will be

instrumental in guiding the boy to the light. I, however, believe he will

be unsuccessful. Aries Black is far too independent and too grey in his

views to be strayed to Dumbledore's side."

"Interesting." The Dark Lord turned to Lucius. "What about you? Do you

think Black could be persuaded to our cause?"

"No, my Lord." Lucius glanced around as if looking for an answer. "Aries

has long expressed his disapproval with your methods, though not your

goals. He would see us rule over the muggles as a monarchy, not a

dictatorship. His dislike for you, in particular, is well known, my Lord."

"Yes, he made it quite clear during our duel." The Dark Lord seemed to

ponder for a moment and Severus took the opportunity to press for


"And just what did happen during your duel, my Lord?"

"Ah, yes, I'm sure you all would like to know. That, for now, will remain

with me, however."

"But, my Lord, many are anxious to hear what happened after the Potter

boy escaped."

"Dumbledore included?" The Dark Lord let out a cold laugh. "Careful

Severus or I may begin to question your loyalty further." He looked

between them for a few moments. "I have assignments for you both

regarding the Black Heir. Lucius, you will report all you know of the

boy's actions and intentions. I hear Draco is quite close to him, use him to

get me what I request."

"My Lord," Lucius hesitated. "Draco is not forthcoming when it comes to

Aries. I fear he will be less than cooperative in providing information."

"He is your son, Lucius. I expect you to be able to control him far better

than you have the Wizengamot in my absence." The Dark Lord turned

away from Lucius. "Severus, you will attempt to persuade the boy to our

cause. If he is truly against both Dumbledore and me, he will have

created a third side to this war. Join him as my spy if you can. The boy

will serve me one way or the other."

Albus Dumbledore felt his feet hit the ground as he exited the pensieve.

Thomas' memory of his encounter with Voldemort floated in the silver

bowl before he waved it away. A heaviness crept over the Hogwarts

Headmaster and he felt his age for what seemed like the hundredth time

since the return of Voldemort. The memory brought troubling matters to

the forefront of his mind and he wondered just what Aries Black's

endgame was. His musing was interrupted as Severus Snape calmly

walked into his office.

The Potions Master of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

seldom showed any sort of emotion beyond annoyance. Dumbledore was

aware of Snape's biased views towards those outside the Slytherin House,

but he had allowed it simply to keep the man from leaving. It had only

been through the actions of Dumbledore that Severus Snape had not been

sent to Azkaban, but it did not necessarily keep the man from leaving

England. Truthfully that reason belonged to another, though Severus was

blinded by the reality of the matter in Albus' opinion.

"What did he want with you?" Albus asked as Severus took the seat

before him.

"Aries Black," Severus replied. "He wished to know of the boy and if he

could be persuaded to join the Dark Lord."

"So, Aries has Voldemort's attention as well." Dumbledore adjusted his

glances slightly, glancing towards the now hidden pensieve.

"Yes, he has given Lucius and I assignments regarding Black. Lucius to

spy and myself to persuade the boy to join his cause. He even wishes to

me to spy for the boy, as I do for him."

"Indeed? You must proceed carefully Severus. Your position inside

Voldemort's inner circle is paramount to our success."

"I'm aware," Severus answered with some annoyance. "The problem is

how I will be able to persuade the boy in general. He has returned to


"I would not be so sure." Dumbledore gestured towards a letter with the

seal of Durmstrang. "Aries will be closer than you think. I also understand

that he will be moving in with Sirius in the coming days, though I am

unsure just what he's been doing since he left Hogwarts."

"You wish me to be around him as well?"

"Sirius' home serves as the Headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix, I

have little doubt that you will find ample opportunities to converse with

Aries throughout the summer."

"I will not enjoy this, Albus." Dumbledore let out a long laugh at the look

of pure annoyance on Severus' face.

"You have been through much more than this my friend. I have no doubt

you will succeed."

A darkness seemed to spread out over the land. Whispers slithered along with

it creating a white noise that quietly drowned out all other noise. A bright eye

shared by three heads stuck out among the darkness that began to engulf him.

The whispers attacked his mind and visions came forth. He saw his father,

broken and bloodied. His mother lay next to him, sliced open along with her

abdomen and blood pooling around her. Draco and Daphne were held in the

air, impaled by long spikes that stuck out of the ground. Haydn hung from a

tree, a tight noose around his neck. Ivan's body twitched on the ground, his

head still rolling away from his body.

Then there was Arianna. She knelt on the ground, tears of blood falling from

her eyes. He stood before her, with red eyes like those of the Dark Lord. This

was the source of the darkness. A twisted version of himself. He held the Elder

Wand limply in his hand as he pointed it towards Arianna. He could hear her

cries for mercy. He could hear her profession of love. His face was cold, void

of all emotion. He saw himself whisper the words.

"Avada Kedavra."

Aries Black jolted up with a yell. He threw himself back against his

headboard at the sight of his room. For just a moment, written across the

wall in blood, read a chilling warning: The Dark One Comes.

15. 12 Grimmauld Place

A loud pop broke through the silence of the small square. The sight of

grimy houses welcomed Aries Black as he regained his senses. Sirius let

out a loud sigh next to him at the sight of the surrounding area. The

houses were not pretty by any sort of measure, in fact, they were

downright shabby. Many of their windows were broken or completely

shattered, the paint was peeling off some of their walls, and rubble or

trash sat outside their doors. It was not the sight that Aries expected to

hold the ancient home of the House of Black. Well, one of their ancient

homes at least but he did not expect their actual home to look like these

others. It was then that Aries noticed that there was a Number Eleven

and a Number Thirteen, but not a Number Twelve. He waited patiently as

Sirius fumbled in his pocket before pulling out a small piece of

parchment and handed it to him. It had neat, curly handwriting that did

not match the more unkept writing of Sirius.

The headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix may

be found at Number 12, Grimmauld Place, London.

"Burn it quick," Sirius ordered. Aries pushed a small flame into the palm

of his hand, destroying the parchment. He focused on the words and

suddenly a battered door appeared before him, just between Number

Eleven and Thirteen. Grimy windows and dirty walls followed as Number

Twelve fully appeared. The stereo in Number Thirteen continued to thud

on as if the Muggles had not noticed a thing.

"The Fidelus?" Aries asked. It made sense overall, but he highly doubted

the Dark Lord would attempt an attack on the Most Ancient and Most

Noble House of Black, regardless of their agreement. Sirius was loved by

many within the Ministry and killing him would ruin any chance of

persuading others to join the Dark Lord.

"Dumbledore insisted." Sirius led the way across the street. "I'm still

surprised you think this would be a good place."

"Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Cliché I know, but until

we have more on our side, we need to keep the impression that we are on

Dumbledore's side."

The door opened to a poorly lit hall with old-fashioned gas lamps

hanging on the walls. Portraits lined the wall and a serpent chandelier

hung from the ceiling. The inside of their ancient home fared better than

the outside, but it was not perfect. He could see the faint lines of cobwebs

on the chandelier and in places along the wall, the wallpaper was

beginning to peel. Dust covered some of the items that Aries doubted had

been moved in years.

"Do you not have a house elf?"

"We do, though, he does less than good work. Not very fond of me living

here I have to say. I'm not here much, to be honest." That answer did not

surprise Aries at all considering his uncle's opinion of the family views.

Much of the house still held a liking to the dark views of the Black

family. A particular portrait caught his attention as it was the straightest

of the portraits on the wall, but two large curtains covered it from being

seen. "Ah yes, that is the portrait of my mother, Walburga Black. She's a

right nasty woman I tell you. Don't make any loud noises or she'll wake

up screaming her head off."

They made their way into the kitchen, a large room with rough stone

walls. Most of the light came from a fire near one far end. A long wooden

table stood in the middle of the room, crammed with chairs. Pots and

pans hung from the ceiling and a bar sat on the far end, opposite of the

fire. Bottles of fire whiskey and other alcoholic drinks sat on a shelf along

the wall with fine glasses and goblets next to them.

"This is where the Order of the Phoenix meets," Sirius said with cheerful

sarcasm. "Hours of sitting listening to people discuss how they can do

absolutely nothing. In fact, there is a meeting tomorrow."

"I doubt Dumbledore will allow me to attend," Aries said as he poured

himself and Sirius a glass of firewhiskey. Sirius gave him a questioning

look before shrugging and taking his glass. "You know how to work a

pensieve?" Sirius nodded. "Good, I will be able to review the meeting

afterward. What does he have the Order doing? Besides guarding the


"What? How?" He did not seem to know how to form a full sentence.

"How did you know about that?"

"I have friends within Britain's Ministry of Magic, uncle. And I have

known of the prophecy for some time, though I am unsure as to its exact


"James told me a long time ago. It says-"

"I do not wish to know." Aries interrupted. "That should remain between

the Potters and the Dark Lord. Whatever reason the Dark Lord went after

the Potter children is irrelevant. We have our own issues to deal with.

But that can wait for another time."

"Well other than that, practically nothing. Snape gives reports of

Voldemort's intentions, but they seldom have anything worthwhile."

"Severus Snape returned to the Dark Lord?" Now, this was a surprise.

There was no way the Dark Lord would allow a servant of his within the

Order, which meant that both sides believed Snape to be their man.

"Yes, he spies for the Order. Though I hardly trust the greasy bastard."

"I understand him to be a master of Occlumency." Sirius raised his

eyebrows at that. "Be more open to the man Sirius, he could prove useful

in bringing down both the Dark Lord and Albus Dumbledore."

"You want me to be nice to Snivelly?"

"Civil is the word I would choose." A sharp rap on the front door caught

both of their attention.

"They're here!" Sirius nearly jumped up like a giddy schoolboy and

rushed to the door, carefully avoiding the umbrella stand. He opened the

door to reveal two people: one he recognized as Remus Lupin, looking

smart in nice robes, and the other was a young woman. She was a head

shorter than Remus with pale heart-shaped face and short spiky pink

hair. "Aries you've met Remus. This clumsy woman is Nymphadora

Tonks, our cousin."

"Don't call me Nymphadora!" she said fiercely. She walked forward with a

glare towards Sirius before she suddenly hugged Aries tightly. "You can

call me Tonks, it's nice to meet you cousin."

"It is nice to meet you as well." Aries gave her a curious look. "What is

wrong with your name?"

"How would you feel about being called Nymphadora all the time? It's

not exactly as decent as Orion or Sirius or Aries." He failed to keep the

smirk off his face.

"Well, I'm sure there are some ways to shorten it without completely

abandoning your given name." He thought for a moment. "Dora perhaps?"

"It's not the worst thing I suppose," Dora said with a slight shrug. Remus

stepped forward and shook Aries' hand.

"Glad to see you finally made it, Aries." Remus gave him a mischievous

smile. "Sirius was worse than a girl. Thought maybe you weren't coming

at all."

"I had some things to take care of in Germany before I came here for the

summer." Sirius was glaring hotly at Remus, though the werewolf was

paying him no mind. "I'm glad to hear I was welcomed. Sirius and I have

already started drinking for the day. I hope you care to join us."

It turned out that while Sirius and Remus were a fun sort to be around,

they were a riot when firewhiskey was involved. By the end of the night,

Aries was particularly glad that he had cast a silencing charm on the

room, or the portrait of Walburga Black would have woken far too many

times. Aries had noted that as the night went on Dora had found herself

closer and closer to Remus, something the older man did not seem to

mind. Sirius noticed as well from what he could tell and did not seem to


Nymphadora Tonks had turned out to be far more interesting than her

unusual appearance gave off. She was a Metamorphmagus, a natural born

gift that was rare even though it was found in the Black family tree. The

woman was also an Auror, who had trained under Alastor Moody, and

from what he could tell was an excellent witch. Sirius spoke highly of her

abilities and Aries wondered if she could be persuaded to join their cause.

She seemed to be incredibly loyal to Dumbledore and the Order, but her

fondness for Remus and obvious love of family might be enough for him

to convince her to switch sides. It would be a matter left for another

time, as the two left, Dora far more intoxicated than Remus.

"Come on Aries, I can show you your room." Sirius led him up the stairs,

past a row of house elf heads that hung along the wall. They stopped at a

door with deep scratch marks and a sign that was nailed to the door. It

was neatly lettered by hand and Aries' heart stopped as he recognized the


Do Not Enter

Without the Express Permission of

Regulus Arcturus Black

"All the rooms are nice, but the family rooms are best. I figured you

should have Regulus' old room." Aries could hear the pain in his uncle's

voice and again was reminded just how deeply Sirius had loved his

brother. He slowly opened the door to reveal a room that reveled in the

pride of their house. Emerald and silver draped the room from the bed to

the covers and the walls. The crest of House Black was painstakingly

painted over the bed along with its motto, Toujours Pur. The far wall was

covered in yellow newspaper clippings, stuck together to create a collage.

Aries could see that they were all about the Dark Lord, showing the

obsession of his father's youth.

A photograph caught his attention and he slowly moved towards it. It

was a picture of a Hogwarts Quidditch team with snakes emblazoned on

their chest. He saw his father sitting in the center of the front row. Aries

immediately saw himself in his father who looked at him curiously from

the photo, before smiling and waving brightly. His heart tightened for a

moment and he forced himself to look away from the picture.

"He played Seeker," Sirius said as he gestured towards the picture. "He

was quite good. Might have been able to play professionally if. . . if

things had been different."

"Always pure." Aries translated, trying to ignore the tightness of his chest.

"Hypocritical really. Familia Primum would fit better."

"Family First." His uncle gave him a look of agreement. "I like it."

"No pureblood family has been truly pure for centuries. Perhaps an

addition to our motto is in order." He glanced over the collection of

books his father had kept. "Thank you, Sirius."

"I'll leave you to it then." Sirius gave him a respectful nod and left the

room in a hurry. Clearly, despite all the years, Regulus's death still struck

him deeply. Aries found his luggage, brought here by Sirius' mysterious

house elf, and changed into sleep ware. His vision from the night

returned vividly in the darkness as he slid into the bed. Goosebumps

crept along his arms and he formed his Occlumency shields, trying to

push the vision deep within his minds. Tomorrow he would search the

Black Library for answers, but for now, he would sleep.

The clash of pots and pans falling to the ground woke Aries from his

restless sleep. A nightmare version of his vision had plagued his dreams

throughout the night. Seconds later screams echoed through the house. It

was obvious to Aries that this was the screams of Walburga Black's

portrait. He dressed smartly, trying to ignore the portrait's screams,

before making his way downstairs. The velvet curtains had been thrown

back, revealing a life-size portrait of Walburga Black. The old woman was

drooling and her eyes were rolling as her yellow skin stretched taut with

her screams. Sirius was trying unsuccessfully to pull the curtains back.

"Blood traitor, abomination, the shame of my flesh!" Walburga screamed.


"Mudblood loving fool! Not worthy of our name! Not worthy of-" Suddenly

the portrait ended her wailing as her rolling eyes landed on Aries.

Moments passed as her mouth opened and closed like a fish. "Regulus?"

"I am not Regulus Black," Aries replied, drawing himself straight. "I am

Aries, son of Regulus."

"Regulus' son?" Walburga lost all sense of surprise and was now studying

him closely. "You have his look. Yes, you could be his son."

"I will not be judged by a portrait who has lost all sense of herself." Aries

strode purposely as the portrait recoiled from his words. "You disrespect

this House with your incredulous screams. Regardless of your views,

Sirius Black is Head of House Black. You are not Walburga Black, you are

a portrait. One I will remove if you cannot learn how to act like a proper

vassal of House Black. Do I make myself clear?" He hissed out the last

words and the portrait of Walburga Black paled before giving a short

nod. "What is the name of our house elf Sirius?"

"Kreacher," Sirius whispered, still dumbfounded by the silence of his

mother's portrait.

"Kreacher!" Aries summoned. A loud crack brought Kreacher into the

hall. Save for the filthy loincloth tied around his waist, the house elf was

completely naked. Its skin looked too big for the elf, a few white hairs

sprouted from its bald head with bloodshot eyes and a snout-like nose.

"The filthy blood traitor's guest calls." Kreacher lamented. "Stayed in

master's room. Oh no, what a disgrace."

"Silence elf." Kreacher suddenly straightened at Aries' harsh tone. "I am

Aries Black, son of Regulus, and you will give me the respect I deserve.

Sirius is your master now and if I hear one more word against him I will

cut out your tongue and give you clothes." Its eyes were wider than plates

then the elf threw himself at his feet.

"Master's son has come!" Large tears fell from the elf's eyes. "Oh, I tried to

help Master Regulus, I tried so hard but nothing would work! I failed

Master! I failed!" This had not been the reaction Aries had expected and

knelt before the elf.

"How did you fail my father?"

"The locket." Kreacher croaked. "He told me to destroy it. I did everything

I could but nothing could destroy it."

"Perhaps I can try Kreacher." Aries locked eyes with Sirius and could tell

he knew nothing about what the house elf spoke of. "Bring me the

locket." Kreacher popped away for a moment before returning carrying a

golden locket. A serpentine 'S' was formed by green jewels. Aries took it

from Kreacher and immediately felt a powerful darkness, but not

unfamiliar. It created a sense of familiarity as if he had held it before. A

crystal cave surrounded him as he placed the locket in a crystal bowl. The

moment passed and Aries struggle to bring more of the memory forth.

"What is it, Aries?" Sirius was looking at him with concern. Aries

suddenly regretted his words to the creature, for he had no desire to

destroy the locket.

"This locket cannot be destroyed by ordinary means." Kreacher bowed his

head. "So, we will have to find an extraordinary way to destroy it. We

will finish my father's work Kreacher, whatever that might have been."

The house elf raised his heads, eyes filled with hope. "Your outfit is filthy

and does not show the greatness of our house. I expect you to have a

proper uniform by the time breakfast is finished."

"Right away Master Aries!" Kreacher popped away, a renewed vigor with

him. Aries led Sirius into the kitchen and was pleased to find toast

already laid out along with the Daily Prophet.

"Just what the hell is that locket, Aries?" Sirius asked. He was rubbing his

temples as if he had a headache and kept glancing towards the kitchen


"It's Salazar Slytherin's locket." Aries ran a hand over the locket. "I've seen

it before."

"Where?" He wanted to tell Sirius the truth but hesitated for a moment.

"I need a vow that you will not repeat what I am about to say."

"It's that serious?"

"Yes." Sirius seemed to ponder for a moment before removing his wand.

"I, Sirius Orion Black, vow to keep the secret of Aries Orion Black, so

mote it be." The tip of Sirius' wand flashed brightly and the deed was


"I am the Heir of Slytherin." Aries waited for a moment to sink in. "I've

been to the Chamber of Secrets and behind the stone carving of Slytherin

is his study which contains his portrait. The locket is in the portrait."

Sirius was silent for a long while before finally speaking up.

"How is this possible?"

"I do not know." Sirius had paled slightly. "I've been able to speak

Parseltongue for as long as I can remember. I visited the Chamber of

Secrets when I was seven and that is when I discovered I was the Heir

because I could command Slytherin's beast."

"The Basilisk. Then how did the diary control it?"

"That is a piece of magic that I have yet to understand." Aries glanced

towards the locket. It seemed to call to him, as the Chamber had once

done. "I am, however, the reason the Basilisk disappeared. I helped her

escape sometime before the Weasley girl was taken. I was thirteen at the

time and did not know how of the diary or her possession."

"Dumbledore said that Thomas slew the Basilisk."

"One of Dumbledore's many lies. I do not know if Thomas agreed to the

lie, or if he was memory charmed." Sirius looked deeply troubled at that.

"If Thomas agreed, it was for the best. The diary was destroyed and

control of the Basilisk was gone."

"I suppose you're right. I guess I should have expected you to have

something else insanely crazy about you. The Heir of Slytherin." Sirius

shook his head and clearly did not want to continue the conversation.

Kreacher almost skipped over as their breakfast appeared before them.

The house elf's demeanor had completely changed though he was still a

little stiff towards Sirius. Aries would have to make sure Sirius treated the

elf with some civility. House elves possessed an incredible sort of magic

that was often able to transcend their own magical wards. A wronged

servant could become a powerful asset to their enemy.

"You mentioned last night that there would be a meeting of the Order


"Yes," Sirius answered as he began to eat. "It should be this afternoon.

Dumbledore will arrive last. The Potters and Weasleys will arrive first."

"The Weasleys?" Aries asked incredulously. "Here?"

"They live with the Potters right now. They didn't want to leave all their

children alone so they will come here for the meeting." Sirius gave a sour

look. "They also managed to invite themselves for dinner, though it seems

more like James invited them. He's been closer to Arthur than to me for a

while now."

"Because of me?"

"Because of a lot of things." Sirius made it clear he did not wish to

continue the conversation. Aries finished his breakfast and excused


The library of House Black was larger than one would think, given the

relative size of the home, but magic was a wonderful thing. Life, on the

other hand, was not being so wonderful as it had thrown two large

questions into his path: the vision and the locket. Were they connected?

Or was it two paths converging at a point? Aries began to scour the

library for answers. Hours later found Aries surrounded by old texts, but

nothing had brought him close to any answers. The pop of Kreacher

arriving brought his attention away from his unsuccessful research.

"Master Aries, Master Sirius wished me to tell you that the Potters have

arrived," Aries noted that Kreacher had left out the Weasleys, no doubt

intentionally. The house elf was clearly doing his best to contain himself.

"Thank you, Kreacher. Ensure that no one enters the library unless I bring

them. This knowledge belongs to our House, no others."

"As you wish, Master."

Aries took a slow, purposeful walk downstairs towards the kitchen, where

the sounds of the arrivals came. He silently opened the door and

surveyed the scene before anyone noticed him. Sirius was talking

exuberantly with Thomas, who seemed very happy to see his godfather.

Ron, Fred, and George were listening closely, which meant his uncle was

probably telling some story. Lily Potter was talking quietly with an older

woman, most likely Molly Weasley. James Potter was talking to Arthur

Weasley, while Ginny sat off to the side reading a book and giving

Thomas furtive glances.

"Aries!" Thomas greeted. The room immediately quieted. There was a

sudden tension in the room. Most gave him looks of suspicious, besides

Sirius, Thomas, and surprisingly Ginny, but Ron gave him a look of

downright hatred. It was then that he noticed there was another guest in

their home, Hermione Granger, who had just entered the kitchen. She

gave more of a curious look than anything.

"Hello Thomas, it's good to see you again." His polite tone seemed to

relax most of the room, but Ron and James continued their looks of

disapproval. He accepted the cup of tea Kreacher offered him and sat at

the table next to Thomas. "I suppose it isn't a surprise that your parents

are in the Order."

"You know about the Order?" Ron asked angrily.

"I am aware of the Order, yes. It's hardly a secret, Weasley." Aries turned

to Hermione. "I was unaware that you were a member of the Potter or

Weasley family. Did I miss a marriage proposal?" He noted that Ron's ears

turned crimson immediately.

"I'm living with the Weasleys," Hermione replied hotly. "Professor

Dumbledore felt that it was not safe for me because. . . well. . ."

"Because she's friends with me. Professor Dumbledore thinks that

Voldemort could target her." Thomas offered. "It's the same with the

Weasleys. The protections at our home are better than the Burrows so

they're living with us."

"Perhaps if you had told Fudge the truth none of this would have to

happen." The venom in James Potter's voice was clear and there a new

tension between the man and Sirius.

"We have been over this James." Sirius looked as if he wanted to rise to

his feet. "Aries made a decision that will benefit the Order."

"Like your promotion?" James replied, the jealousy in his voice clear. "I

apologize, Assistant Head Auror, but I fail to see how he has done

anything to benefit anyone other than himself and you."

"Enough!" Lily's shout made both men realize their argument was not

private. "You two are squabbling like school boys. I had thought you both

more mature than that. The rest of the Order will be arriving shortly.

Children go to your rooms. Now!"

Aries made no intention to move rather returning the glare he was

receiving from James. It only intensified when the man realized he was

not going anywhere at all. The tension was building again and Aries

wondered if the Auror would bring it to a duel. His wand was pulsating

against his arm, begging to be released for combat. A hand on his

shoulder stopped him, as Sirius gave him an almost pleading look before

he finally relented.

Sometime during his long walk towards the kitchens earlier than Potters

and Weasleys had been shown their rooms for the night. He politely

knocked on the door where he felt Thomas' presence, though he was not

alone. Ron, Hermione, and Ginny shared the room and the four were in

the middle of a heated discussion that quieted as Thomas called for him

to come in.

"What are you doing here?" Ron's continued anger was beginning to be an

annoyance to Aries, one he very much wanted to squash like a bug.

"I had come to see if Thomas would like to join me in the library, but

now I think I might invite your sister as well. There's so much forbidden

knowledge in the Black library." Ron's and Ginny's faces were now

matching shades of red, though for very different reasons. Aries turned

from them both to Thomas. "I'd like to show you something if you would

oblige me."

"Of course, Aries." Thomas jumped up from the bed, leaving his friends

gaping back at him. The walk to the library was a short one, but the

Potter boy managed to fill it with meaningless conversation anyway. "So.

. . um. . . Do you have a thing for Ginny?"

"Fortunately, no," Aries said with a laugh. "What heart I have belongs to

Daphne for now."

"For now?"

"The future is in constant motion, to act as if something is forever is

foolish." Thomas seemed to be hanging on his every word so he decided

to elaborate. "Life is full of an infinite number of variables. If one is to

succeed at all their goals, they must attempt to plan for as many as

possible. To see every choice's possible consequences and if it leads

towards the outcome that you wish to create."

"Like chess," Thomas interjected. "You're trying to plan multiple moves

ahead and to guess what your opponent is doing."

"Exactly like chess, Thomas." Aries motioned for Thomas to enter first as

they reached the library. He walked past his collection of research from

earlier towards a bookshelf in the far back corner. One of the books stuck

out more than the rest and Aries pulled it down from the bookshelf.

Thomas raised his eyebrows as he was handed the book.

"What is this?" His eyes roamed over the title How to Win When No One

Else is Playing.

"A book Potter." Aries drawled.

"I meant what is it about?" Thomas said as he rolled his eyes.

"The Dark Lord is no fool." Aries made eye contact with Thomas. "If not

for the miracle of your survival, the world would be under his rule. He

will not make the same mistakes as last time. He will not fight the same

way he did before either. This book focuses on how to make alliances, to

make deals that favor your goals. It teaches exactly what we just talked


"I don't think I'm going to be doing much fighting, to be honest."

"You already have. Whether you or your parents like it or not, you're

going to be at the center of this war. You-"

"Master Aries!" Kreacher cried as he popped next to them. "The mudblood

wouldn't listen! She goes to the Black books!" Aries took off at a dash, his

wand in hand. He rounded the corner just as Hermione began to reach

for a book.

"Stupefy!" The red bolt of magic struck her, throwing her to the ground.

Ron leaped to his feet, wand raised, but Aries disarmed him with ease.

"What the hell Black?!"

"You fucking fool!" Aries yelled. "What is wrong with you? Are you a

pureblood or not?" He strode over to Hermione and pointed his wand.


"You stunned me!" Hermione accused as she sat up.

"Listen to me you fucking mudblood." He spat out the words with more

hatred than they had ever seen. "Do you have any idea what touching

those books would have done? You would have died. Those are part of

the Black Grimoire. Secrets recorded throughout the centuries for

members of the Black family and the Black family alone." Aries turned to

Ron. "And you! You of all people should know better! Did you want your

friend to die?"

"They're just books!" Ron replied trying to seem innocent.

"Just books!" Aries' anger was fueling the darkness within him and he

desperately tried to push back inside himself. "Tell me, Thomas, do the

Potters have a grimoire?"

"Yes," Thomas said quietly.

"And what would happen if someone outside the family touched those


"I don't know if they would die, but it would be bad."

"That's barbaric!" Hermione cried, looking appalled at Thomas. That only

rejuvenated Aries' anger.

"That's our world!" Their heated argument had brought visitors as Sirius,

James, and Lily entered the library. "Our world is full of peril and secrets

and traditions that you have yet to know and learn. You spend so much

time in books yet you know nothing of our world!"

"Knowledge should not be kept secret. And maybe our world should

change." Hermione had risen to her feet and was glaring at Aries. Thomas

looked as if he wasn't sure who he should report and Ron looked

downright fearful of them both.

"Knowledge is power," Aries replied. "And power is not shared by the

House of Black. You chose to leave your world for ours, Hermione

Granger, maybe it's time you learned about your choice."

Aries walked away from them all and exited the library heading towards

the room he lived in now, the room of his father. As he sat down on the

bed he was suddenly aware of the heaviness of the locket around his

neck, and the heat emitting from its emeralds. He pulled it off and stared

down at the mysterious locket. A weight seemed to be lifted off his

shoulders and Aries began to wonder if his anger in the library had truly

been his or the locket his father might have died trying to destroy.

AN: The next chapter: Lord Black.

16. Lord Black

AN: I really enjoyed writing this chapter. We finally get to see a bit of

what Aries and CO have been planning. If you read 12 Grimmauld Place

but did not read the Prologue make sure you do. It has a few things I will

be referencing more and more as we move on in the story. As always, I

hope you enjoy reading, and if you don't, whatever floats your boat y'all.

"James, have you created the next schedule?" Dumbledore's deep voice

seemed to resonate off the stone walls of 12 Grimmauld Place's kitchen.

The many members of the Order of the Phoenix crammed around the

long table turned their heads to James Potter, who was sitting in between

his wife and Arthur Weasley.

"I have, Albus," James replied holding out a piece of parchment.

"Everyone get a good look, I'll be burning it before the evening is done."

A murmur of acknowledgment passed through the Order.

"Severus," Dumbledore continued. "Do we have any news?"

"None, I'm afraid." Severus was the lone one not sitting at the table,

choosing to stand at the far end next to the fire. "The Dark Lord does

little besides keeping an eye on those who guard the Prophecy. His

followers within the Wizengamot continue their agenda, adding fuel to

the fire of discreditation of yourself and the Potters."

"Needless work of fools." Alastor Moody cut in. "If not for Black, perhaps

the Minister would be on our side."

"You will not speak ill of my nephew in my presence, Alastor." Sirius'

words cut through the room. "Dumbledore and I have explained his

actions more than once to this Order. I see no need to repeat myself."

"I care little about what he told you, Sirius. I've heard enough from others

to see he's a rotten one. We're harboring an enemy, regardless of if he

serves Voldemort now or later."

"Enough." The chatter that had started ceased at Dumbledore's

interjection. "Aries Black is an immensely powerful wizard, one that may

tilt the balance of this war. Regardless of his intentions, I believe he may

come to be our ally. Sirius?"

"I've spoken to Aries." He glanced nervously around the room, stopping at

James. "He knows his views are not welcomed here, but I think

eventually he may be able to be brought within the Order if nothing

more than to help us fight. He will not serve Voldemort. That much I


"That boy would see no one as his master other than himself." Moody


"And are we servants then?" Sirius returned with heat. "I thought we were

free witches and wizards? Is there a master in this room I am unaware


"You know damn well what I mean Sirius."

"Aries Black is not our enemy." Again, Dumbledore's firm voice ended the

argument. "If there are no other issues?" He paused for a moment. "Then

we are adjourned."

Aries' feet hit the floor as he exited his uncle's memory within the

pensieve. He had been aware of some hostility from members of the

Order, but he had underestimated just how many saw him as more foe

than friend. There was a rumor that he had been the real murderer of

Cedric Diggory and he was far too aware of it. Regardless of the truth

about Diggory's death, there was no evidence to confirm the rumor. Their

duel during the Second Task seemed to be all anyone wanted to talk

about when the topic of the late Hogwarts student came about. It

unnerved Aries that though these members of the Order knew of the Dark

Lord's return, they still seemed convinced of his guilt.

His attention turned to the sudden sense of darkness coming from the

lockbox on his dresser. He had kept the locket hidden inside his room

since the library incident. In truth, the entire event unnerved him, as he

did not enjoy the idea of anything influencing his actions. Hours spent in

the library had yet to reveal any clue as to the origin of the locket or just

how it came to be in his father's possession, though he guessed it was

somehow related to the Dark Lord. Regulus Black's death was not a

certain thing, as a body had never been found, but the Dark Lord had

always been accused of his father's murder. Aries had begun to wonder if

there might be some sort of connection between the diary and the locket,

but with the diary being destroyed, and no inkling of how it had worked,

he was out of options for the moment.

The issues of the powerful objects would have to be set aside for now, as

Aries and Sirius were having important guests today. They patiently

awaited the arrival of Remus Lupin and Cassiopeia Black, frequent travel

partners of late. Aries was well aware of their work, it had been his plan

after all, but had yet to hear of whether or not it was completed. It was

vital to the success of this summer's campaign against both Dumbledore

and the Dark Lord. His arrangement with the former Heir of Slytherin

had been no direct actions, but it mentioned nothing of indirect attacks.

Both of their enemies had already been able to move their pieces around

on the board, now it was House Black's turn.

Remus Lupin's appearance had, at last, stopped being a surprise to the

residents of 12 Grimmauld Place. Today he wore elegant black robes,

unknowingly at Aries' command, and had begun to grow a light graying

beard. Cassiopeia still looked as intimidating as ever, despite the few

white hairs Aries could see among the sea of grey. Kreacher, wearing a

robe fit for an elf with the crest of their house stitched above his breast,

brought each a hot cup of tea. There was an expected silence that

surrounded the four conspirators. Unknown to the world, it was Aries

Black who was the master in this circle, despite being only sixteen years

of age.

"Remus, I trust you have good news for me." Aries opened with a serious

tone. He reserved all hints of a friendly tone from these meetings, hoping

to instill the seriousness of his vision.

"The land has been purchased and facilities have already begun to be

built." The werewolf answered with a slight bow of his head. "We have

two potion masters hard at work and we will be ready for the first few

trials. I have gathered a small group that will test the wards, though we

have already confirmed the success of the muggle-repelling charm."

"Excellent work. And the documentation?"

"Finished and polished, Aries." Cassiopeia provided a thick stack of

paperwork to him. He took a moment, carefully reading the first few

pages before setting on the table before him.

"What about our loophole?" Aries sat back as Cassiopeia collected herself.

"Spotless. There's nothing Albus Dumbledore nor the Wizengamot can do

to stop this from happening."

"I don't see why we can't just get rid of Dumbledore completely," Remus

growled. "He belongs in Azkaban."

"I don't disagree with you," Aries replied. "However, we need him for

now. So long as Dumbledore remains, the Dark Lord will be cautious.

This provides us time to prepare for the downfall of them both." He

turned to his uncle. "I trust you know what is required of you?"

"Yes." Sirius fidgeted with himself. "Are you sure this will not get me

kicked from the Order? James is a bit of a head hot lately and I don't

think Albus will appreciate all this."

"Your position within the Ministry is too valuable, especially with Rufus

unlikely to consider joining a group of vigilantes." Cassiopeia's words

seemed to calm him. Aries felt compassion for his uncle, who was seeing

his desires and goals stray from that of his friends. No doubt he worried

about never seeing his godson again, but that was unlikely no matter

their course of action. Thomas would be seventeen in a few years and not

even his parents could stop him from seeing his godfather at that point.

"Cassiopeia's right," Aries said once Sirius' looked more composed before

turning to Remus. "Remus Lupin, I'm afraid we've kept you out of the

loop. Stand before us." The werewolf was suddenly cautious and slowly

rose to his feet. "You have been wronged by those who you once called a

friend. In turn, you have acted with courage and since your return you

have been beneficial to the future return of our House. Such loyalty to

your friend can not go without being honored."

"You have been a better friend that I have ever deserved," Sirius stated,

taking his cue. "Your loyalty to my house cannot go unnoticed."

"Your labors help to see the greatness of our House restored," Cassiopeia

added. "Your loyalty to our honor cannot go unrewarded." Sirius rose to

his feet, removing his wand from its holster.

"I, Sirius Orion Black, Head of House Black, do name you, Remus John

Lupin, a vassal of House Black. From henceforth your name carries with

it our crest. Your actions carry with it the weight of our power. You will

find safety from your enemies within the shield of our protection." He

smiled for a moment before continuing. "As our vassal, it is within our

right to bestow upon you the right of nobility. From this day until the last

day of your children, you shall be Remus, Head of the Noble House of

Lupin, vassal to the Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Black." Sirius

waved his wand in an intricate pattern above Remus' heart. A crest began

to form resembling the crest of House Black, save for the large wolf head

that emblazoned its center.

"An oath of fealty is owed to a greater house, Lord Lupin," Aries said,

rising to his feet. Remus' eyes were wide as Sirius returned to his seat.

The werewolf slowly pulled out his wand and knelt before Aries.

"I, Remus John Lupin, do swear fealty for my house to the House of Black

in perpetuity." Remus paused, glancing at Sirius who nodded back. "I also

swear fealty to Aries Orion Black, to serve him faithfully until the end of

my days, so mote it be."

"Rise, my friend." Aries clasped the man's arm tightly before Sirius bear

hugged his friend. Cassiopeia gave him a strong look of approval. Not

only had they ensured a faithful servant to their House but had also

presented a strong statement once news of the creation of House Lupin

reached the Wizengamot. Few seldom created new houses, solely for

keeping power to themselves but now others would see the potential

rewards for serving the House of Black, and swing power into his favor.

"This is well justified. I expect you and Sirius to be drunk by the time I

return. I have one last arrangement before the meeting tomorrow. Toast

to the long-awaited return of our House." Aries left them as Kreacher

began to bring bottles of firewhiskey. Cassiopeia, he noted, had made her

way to the library, no doubt double checking parts of their plan. He

disillusioned himself before making his way down the streets of London.

It was a quiet night with clouds overhead that blocked the crescent

moon's light. An alley appeared to his left and he took it before he felt

the spinning of apparition. Aries landed in the middle of a pathway with

a silent crack, felt only through the pattern of magic. A great mansion

stood before him and as he approached the gate he saw a great 'M' carved

into stone gates. He placed his hand on the center of the 'M' and the gates

opened before him.

The path towards Malfoy Manor was long, but he had not wanted to risk

apparating into the grounds themselves. He was aware that the Dark Lord

did not currently stay at the manor, but who knows what kind of traps

Lucius had instilled since his return. His magic gave him warning now as

he approached the great doors, and a simple wave of his hand dispelled

the wards. A flick of his wrist lifted the heavy door knocker and it

pounded on the wooden doors. He heard the popping of an elf before the

great doors opened.

"Master Aries!" cried the little elf, exuberantly. "Mistress and Master will

be so happy to see you."

"I have no doubt of it." Aries said, handing the elf his coat. "But I have

come to see Lord Malfoy."

"I will go tell the Master at once!" The elf popped away and Aries was

grateful. No elf should be that cheery in his opinion, but at least that

stupid elf, Dobby, was gone. Now knowing the full extent of the elf's

departure made it even more enjoyable. He made his way to the study,

already knowing Lucius would be there, and knocked politely on the


"Enter." Malfoy's voice had a stern tone to it and Aries savored in

annoying his best friend's father. "What cause have you to grace my

home, Aries?"

"A proposition." He replied. "For you and the Dark Lord."

"Truly?" Lucius leaned back. It was obvious he was interested, but he did

not look as if he wanted to agree to anything Aries had to say.

"Tomorrow the landscape of the Wizengamot will change. The Dark Lord

stands to benefit from it, so long as you hold to your end of the bargain."

"And that would be?"

"I understand that the Dark Lord has some laws he wishes you to see

passed. Help me tomorrow and some of those will pass far easier than

expected." Lucius raised his eyebrows and leaned forward expectantly.

"Tell me how I can help you."

Sirius and Aries wore nearly identical robes, though his was far more

intricate than his uncle's. The Hall of the Wizengamot was a circular

room, where the members could face each other as they debated with a

lowered section to hear from any who wished to lay a matter before the

council. Albus Dumbledore, from his seat of Chief Warlock, looked

questioningly at them both in their seats of the visitor section. Their

presence was not disallowed, as both were members of a great house,

though it was perhaps unusual. Cassiopeia seemed to glare at each

member from her spot next to Aries, and many of the powerful lords

refused to meet her gaze.

The Chief Warlock banged his gavel three times and the lords and ladies

of the Wizengamot took their seats.

"This council is now in session," Dumbledore stated. "I see we have a

guest. Lord Black, have you come to reclaim your seat on this council?"

"No, Chief Warlock." Sirius' answer seemed to relax Dumbledore. "Aries

will one day be Head of House Black and so I have brought him to see

the working of this great council."

"So be it. I open the floor to Undersecretary Umbridge, who brings forth

issues within the Ministry of Magic."

Aries found the woman, robed in far too much pink, to be incredibly

annoying. He had heard of her of course and her hatred of all things half-

breed. She was also a pureblood with a staunch opinion of the

muggleborns within their society. As far as Aries knew she was not a

follower of the Dark Lord, but it did not necessarily mean she did not

help him accomplish his goals. The meeting passed with little of serious

consequence occurring. In fact, it was downright boring, but Aries did

not mind. Their time was coming soon and he could not wait to see the

Wizengamot's reaction.

"Are there any more issues that any wish to lay before this council?"

Dumbledore asked the assembly. Lord Malfoy, who had been silent

throughout the meeting, rose to his feet, much to the surprise of his


"I do, Chief Warlock," Lucius said with a smirk. "I call Aries Black to the

stand, who has asked to speak to this council." Whispers filled the hall as

Aries elegantly made his way to the center of the council.

"Thank you, Lord Malfoy." Aries began. "Lords and Ladies of the

Wizengamot I come before you to bring to light an injustice against the

House of Black." Dumbledore was failing to contain his glare towards

Aries but he continued on unhindered. "Years ago, my grandfather, Lord

Orion Black, cast out my uncle, Sirius Black, from our home, though he

was not disowned as many believe. Still, it was not his intention that

Sirius should ever be Lord or Head of our great house." Aries pulled out a

rolled scroll and handed it to Amelia Bones, Director of the Department

of Magical Law Enforcement. "This is a copy of Orion Black's will,

graciously provided by Gringotts. It states that while he did not wish for

the removal of Sirius from House Black, he passed the responsibility of

Head and Lord to my father, Regulus Arcturus Black." Loud murmurs

began to creep among the hall.

"I bring this matter before you today for a reason." Aries turned to Sirius.

"I do not accuse Sirius Black of attempting to steal the lordship of House

Black. For those who know him my uncle could care less about this

council. He would rather drink fire whiskey, dance with witches, and

catch the bad guys." Laughter erupted at his words, but the assembly

began to hang on his words. "Regardless, he is recognized as the Head of

House Black. It was the wish of my grandfather that Regulus and his sons

continue that honor instead. Sirius has acted upon the knowledge that no

other Black living could accept the responsibility. As you can see that is

not the case. I hold no ill will towards my uncle, but yet I cannot allow

this injustice to my grandfather to continue. I, Aries Orion Black, in the

presence of this council do lay claim to my right of birth as Head and

Lord of the Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Black. I will duel to

the death if I must Sirius, though it would pain me far more than I wish

to admit to do so."

"That will not be necessary, Aries," Sirius said he stood from his seat.

"What my nephew has said is true. I would not make a good lord, as

many of you know." Again, there was laughter among the lords and

ladies. "Aries will make a far better lord than I ever could. This is the

wish of my father and regardless of the actions of my brother, the sins of

the father are not the sins of the son." He pulled out his wand and held it

before him. "I, Sirius Orion Black, renounce any claim to the lordship of

House Black. May it pass to the rightful heir as Lord Orion Black, my

father, would have wished." A flash of light nearly blinded the court as

Aries removed his own wand.

"I, Aries Orion Black, son of the rightful lord Regulus Arcturus Black,

claim the lordship of House Black." Magic began to pulse from his wand.

"I accept all responsibilities for my house, its vassals, and its lands. I

stand as Head of my House and will guide it towards greatness, as my

ancestors would have done. So mote it be." A flash of black light erupted

from his wand, forming a great raven above his head, before fading into

nothingness. Silence filled the hall as the new Lord Black stood regally

before them. Albus Dumbledore stared down at him with a look of pure

indignation and Aries could only smirk in return.

"We welcome you to our council, Lord Black," Malfoy said with a large


"Thank you, Lord Malfoy, but I am afraid that I am not finished." Aries

turned to his aunt. "Cassiopeia Black is a renowned study of magical law.

Tell me, what law was passed on the fourth of November, in the year

sixteen hundred and four?"

"The Proxy Act, my Lord," Cassiopeia answered. "It was designed to

create rules for proxies to follow during a conflict involving many lords

of the Wizengamot who were not able to actually attend the meetings


"And what did it require of the proxies who stood in place for these


"It was a requirement that each proxy takes appropriate notes to be given

to the respective lord, held for the public record to ensure that the

proxies were following the law. Also, in order for the said proxy to vote

in place of the lord, a letter detailing their vote with the seal of the Lord's

ring was required. Otherwise, they were to abstain from the vote."

"Were there any exceptions to the law?" Aries asked as he made eye

contact with Dumbledore.

"Yes, my Lord," Cassiopeia smirked. "A proxy could vote in place of a lord

who otherwise did not have the capacity to understand the vote or the

ability to vote. This applied mostly to children and those were

incapacitated. Still, in order for this exemption to take place, the next

ruling member of the house had to give approval. Such as a brother or


"I see." Aries turned fully to Albus Dumbledore. "Chief Warlock, how long

did you serve as a proxy for House Black?" The entirety of the

Wizengamot stared shocked at Dumbledore.

"Fifteen years," Albus answered, his face slightly pale.

"Interesting." He pulled out a small vanilla folder. "This was magically

created the day you became proxy. I find it odd then that it is empty.

Upon further examination there is no letter of approval from the then

acting Head, Sirius Black, to vote in his stead. Yet, I find years' and years'

worth of voting results in which House Black voted erroneously."

Whispers filled the hall as Aries let this information sink in. "While your

votes may have reflected the views of my uncle, you voted without

official approval. Regardless if you conversed with Sirius or not, you did

not follow the law."

"Surely this is not necessary." Albus attempted to interrupt, but Aries


"Not necessary, Chief Warlock?" His emphasis on Dumbledore's title did

not go unnoticed by the assembly. "I find it troublesome that the

individual whom we raised to this position acted against a law he is

supposed to uphold." Aries turned to a man he recognized as Lord Nott.

"Tell me, my Lord, would you appreciate someone voting without your

approval or consent?"

"Of course not, my Lord." He, like many of the conservative party who

had long fought against the liberal reform, had a feral grin as he replied

to Aries. "To do so is to act in the name of my house without my


"I think many would agree with Lord Nott." Aries paused so that

Dumbledore could hear the murmured agreements. "I was angered when

I realized this and so, with the authority granted to Assistant Head Auror

Sirius Black, an investigation was conducted into the Wizengamot affairs

of Albus Dumbledore. He has not followed the protocol for any of the

House he proxies for. That is six houses he has voted for throughout the

years without the official and lawful consent of their houses."

The Wizengamot exploded in outraged cries and not all of them were

from the conservation party. The grey party was outraged as well and

even some from the liberal party stood, shouting their anger towards the

Chief Warlock. Aries raised a hand quietly and the crowd slowly ceased

their cries. A man from the grey party stood and he recognized him from

Daphne's photo she kept as a bookmark. Lord Greengrass was a tall man,

with dark brown hair and steel blue eyes. The hall watched as he

pondered Dumbledore before turning to Aries.

"Lord Black, you have accused Albus Dumbledore of a crime against not

one, but many Most Ancient and Most Noble Houses." Greengrass' voice

was deep and it resonated within the hall. "It is your right to challenge

him to an honor duel or to request a trial in which time in Azkaban will

be the punishment. You have presented enough evidence for him to be

sentenced today. The choice we leave to you."

Aries stared at Albus for a long moment, hoping that the Headmaster

would understand the gravity of the situation.

"Albus Dumbledore is a great wizard." The new Lord of House Black

began. "Truthfully I do not believe what he did was out of malice or ill

intent. Regardless, it was against the law, and as Chief Warlock we

expect him to be the most lawful of us all." Aries paused for a moment.

"Therefore, I move that he should be removed as Chief Warlock and

forbidden from holding the position of a proxy within these halls for two

years as a probationary period." Dumbledore looked as if he was about to

collapse from relief.

"You do not wish him to see time in Azkaban, Lord Black?"

"No," Aries replied. "That would be a waste of a great wizard and we need

as many of those as we can in the days ahead." He gave a deep bow and

returned to his seat next to Sirius and Cassiopeia.

"I second the motion." Lucius' voice rang loud in the hall and suddenly

many voices rose in agreement. Albus Dumbledore gave a look of

rejection before standing.

"I will not resist, my lords and ladies." The old wizard stepped away from

the great seat and left the hall with a purposeful walk. And then a

hundred voices began to argue over his replacement. Aries noted that

those among the conservative and grey party whom he knew to be Death

Eaters said nothing but looked to Lucius to lead them on.

"I would hear what Lord Black has to say." Aries did not know who made

the statement, but suddenly the whole hall had their eyes on him. He

stood and eyed as many of the crowd as he could, stopping on Lucius. It

had taken them hours into the night to agree on this decision, but based

on the look he received, he had little to worry about.

"We live in troubled times." Aries would have to lie to say he did not

enjoy the way each member of the hall hung on his words. "Two worlds

collide and we do not see it clearer than in this hall. The traditions of old

versus the reform of the new. One is either a blood supremacist or a

blood traitor. My lords, my ladies we cannot divide ourselves. We must

each come to the table, not just to compromise, but to create a world

where we can live in harmony. Where men can live in the old ways and

men can live in the new ways, without the controlling of the other." He

turned to the grey party. "For years, your party has attempted to be that

bridge and we need that bridge between two worlds now more than ever.

I believe there to be no one better for this position than Lord Greengrass."

The grey party broke out into shouts of agreements before Lord

Greengrass himself quieted them. "He has long been a man of honor and

one who is willing to hear both sides of an argument and make the

appropriate decision. Through his leadership, I believe we may be able to

reach a true accord within these walls." As Aries returned to his seat

applause and agreement began to ring out in the hall.

"I accept your nomination, Lord Black." Lord Greengrass said with a

respectful bow.

"And I second it." Lord Malfoy's declaration shocked the hall. "Are there

any other nominations?" There was a silence. "I call for a vote. All for?"

Nearly everyone in the hall, including Aries, lit the tips of their raised

wands. "Those against?" Only a few, mainly from the liberal party. "Any

abstains?" None raised their wand. Lucius waited for a moment, as the

magical quill logged the votes before announcing the results.

"Congratulations Lord Greengrass, you are our new Chief Warlock."

Applause again filled the hall the new Chief Warlock took his position.

Three times he banged the gavel and the applause died away.

"I think we've had enough excitement for today," Lord Greengrass

laughed. "But there is one last matter to handle." He turned to Aries.

"Lord Black, will you choose a party to offer your support? Or will you

abstain?" This had not been part of the conversation Aries had had with

Lucius, but there was a look of hopefulness from all three parties.

"I will, Chief Warlock." Aries stood to face the assembly. "It is my humble

request to join the grey party and to assist the bridging of two worlds."

There was a look of complete shock from both parties, as they had both

expected him to join the conservatives given his darker nature. The grey

party, on the other hand, looked absolutely delighted for such a

prestigious house to join their fold.

"A new leader for the party has yet to be chosen, so the decision rests

with me." Lord Greengrass stated before turning to said party. It took

only a moment, as the entirety of the group gave a quick agreement.

"Lord Black you are welcomed into our party. Now, it is my pleasure to

end this council. Session adjourned."

The hallway outside the Wizengamot Hall was filled with members

wishing to greet the new Lord Black and congratulate the new Chief

Warlock, Lord Greengrass. Aries noted that Lucius, and a few of his Death

Eater associates, were waiting patiently for him at the far end of the hall.

He had a few guesses as to what that conversation would be, but it was of

little concern to him. Truthfully, he was looking forward to speaking with

Lord Greengrass, even if it was not in private. Aries truly believed the

man would be an excellent Chief Warlock especially given Daphne's

comments about her father after the Yule Ball last year. His girlfriend

was, in fact, the reason he wanted to speak with her father, as he was

unsure as to the extent of Lord Greengrass' knowledge about the

relationship Aries had with his daughter.

Aries shook far too many hands than he would have liked and his face

was sore from pretending to be nice and courteous to the many members

of the Wizengamot before at last, he came face to face with Lord

Greengrass. Despite Aries being many years younger, they stood at a

similar height, with the older man only being a few inches taller. He

noted that the Chief Warlock gave him a look of respect, rather than

looking down on him for his age as some members had when they

greeted him.

"Daphne has told me much about you, Lord Black." It was an interesting

way to start their conversation and it showed that the man was aware of

some part of their relationship.

"I hope she has spoken highly of me," Aries replied with an innocent

looking smile. "She has spoken of you as well, Lord Greengrass."

"Has she?" Greengrass now seemed to be studying him, as if he was not

sure if Aries was truly friend or foe. "I heard an interesting rumor when

discussing the likelihood of a marriage contract with Lord Malfoy during

the year."

"I'm afraid I'm not one for gossip." He smirked. "I tend to leave that to the

woman's circle."

"Is it gossip when I suddenly find my oldest daughter is, as they would

say, off the market?" The older man definitely had a gleam of the sort, as

if he was testing the young lord.

"I was unaware you had accepted a marriage contract for her. I believe

she would not approve from what I know of her."

"No marriage contract has been accepted." Aries could tell this was a test,

no a game. He felt no tension in the air, other than that of two wolves

trying to decide who was the bigger threat. "Should I be expecting one?"

"That remains to be seen, my lord. Perhaps it could be discussed over

dinner? As well as many other important matters."

"My wife would be delighted to have such a renown guest such as

yourself, Lord Black." He reached out a hand for Aries to shake. "As well

as my daughter, if what I hear is correct."

"We shall have to find out." Aries glanced back to find Lucius still waiting

for him. "Forgive me, I must excuse myself. I fear my Uncle Lucius is an

impatient man." He left Lord Greengrass with a short, but respectful bow,

before making his way over to Lucius. He stood among his associates,

Lord Nott and Lord Avery. He could feel their unease and slight

displeasure. "My lords, how may I help you?"

"Your decision to join the grey party was most unexpected, nephew."

Lucius was gripping his cane tightly.

"I chose the option that would most benefit me, as well others."

"Perhaps you could elaborate." Lord Avery offered.

"You have a strong grasp of the conservative party, but it is often the grey

party that decides the vote," Aries said slipping into Avery's mind to find

out just how much he knew. "I will be able to bring the party to heel and

help pass laws that will benefit us all." His words triggered the response

he needed. He could see Lucius telling his friends of an agreement with

himself, though no mention of any sort of benefit to the Dark Lord. As he

slipped into Lucius' mind he saw his uncle in a meeting with the Dark

Lord alone, telling him of their agreement.

"Lord Black is correct." Lord Nott nodded approvingly. "We will have a

chance to pull more votes."

"Indeed." Lucius attempted to give Aries a chilling look, but he paid it no

mind. "I hope you keep up your end of the deal, Lord Black."

"I will, Lord Malfoy. Just remember that I hold the cards here." Aries

basked in their confusing looks. "I would hate for a certain memory of a

meeting in a graveyard to find its way onto Director Bones' desk. Good

day gentlemen." He left them, paled faced and shocked, and made to

leave the Ministry. Everything had gone according to plan and soon

Britain would see the greatness of House Black once more.

AN: Next chapter: The Werewolf Conservation Act

17. The Werewolf Conservation


AN: I own none of this. It all belongs to JK Rowling, long may she reign.

This chapter turned out better than I hoped. As always I hope you enjoy

reading, and if you don't, whatever floats your boat y'all.

Thomas Potter enjoyed the silence he was surrounded in, for once, as

Potter Manor had been far too noisy for most of the summer. His mother

had taken them to 12 Grimmauld Place to see Sirius, though he was

unsure as to why. He had noticed a tension of sorts between his parents

and it gave him a cold ache in his gut. They were fighting more and more

every day and the awkward presence of the Weasleys did not help much.

The recent meeting of the Wizengamot in which Albus Dumbledore had

been removed as Chief Warlock had only added fuel to the fire on his

father's increasing anger. Thomas knew the real source of it: Aries Black.

Aries recent ascension to Lord of House Black had angered James Potter

to no end, and Thomas had not needed to even attempt to eavesdrop to

hear his heated argument with Dumbledore. James thought of Aries as

the next Voldemort, though Thomas disagreed. The older boy definitely

had views that Thomas did not agree with, but that did not make

someone necessarily wrong or evil, did it? Thomas certainly hoped it

didn't, as a sickening feeling came into his gut again. He let out a long

sigh and tried to focus on his Potions assignment.

"That was a pretty heavy sigh for an almost fifteen-year-old," Sirius said

cheerfully. Thomas smiled brightly at his godfather, honestly happy for

the distraction from his homework. "What's going on, cub?"

"I don't really want to talk about it." And he didn't, though he felt that he


"Come on, you can tell me. I'm a Black. We're good at keeping secrets."

Thomas hesitated for a moment, then decided to tell him.

"Do you love Aries?" Thomas asked. "Even though his views are different

than yours?"

"Oh." Sirius pondered for a moment, staring down at his hands. "Not at

first. It took a while. But yeah, I do. He reminds me so much of the good

in Regulus." He looked at Thomas seriously. "Why?"

"Sometimes I feel like dad. . . Well, that dad wouldn't love me if I saw

things differently than him." The words stumbled out of his mouth. "That

he would label me evil as he does with Aries."

"Oh cub, James would never do that." Sirius' heart suddenly broke and he

pulled Thomas into a bear hug. What was going on with his best friend?

"You're his son. He will always love you."

"He used to think of you as a brother." Thomas countered pulling away

from Sirius. "But now its like he hates you. He wants nothing to do with


"People change Thomas, and sometimes even the closest of friends go

their separate ways, but family always comes back. James is still my

brother and I know we will smooth things out eventually." Sirius took a

deep sigh. "It's late Thomas, you should be getting back home. Go and get

your things."

"Can I stay? Just for the night?"

"If you would like, sweetie." Lily's singsong voice came as she entered the

library. "Go home, grab some clothes and then come back." Sirius was

thankful that Aries had found a way to connect the Floos between Potter

Manor and 12 Grimmauld Place. It had made travel for his closest friends

much easier not to mention the fact that his godson visited nearly every

day. Thomas took off at a near sprint and Sirius felt a heavy weight in his

heart, but it lifted slightly as Lily sat down beside him. "He loves you. So

much more than you know."

"He means everything to me," Sirius answered. Lily was absolutely

beautiful in her summer dress and he tried with all of his might to look

anywhere but her.

"He was jealous of Aries for a while," Lily said sadly. "He thought that

with Aries around, you wouldn't care for him anymore. The fact that you

still do means everything to him."

"I could never replace him. He and Aries are like the sons I never had."

She reached over and gripped Sirius' hand. His heart beat slightly faster

as her soft hand contrasted his rough one.

"James will get over this, I promise." Lily let go of his hand and stood up.

"But thank you for loving my son as your own. I can never thank you

enough." She left Sirius though, with a breaking heart and wounded

pride. He was so caught up in his thoughts that he did not hear Aries

come up behind him.

"Does she know?" Aries asked softly.

"No," Sirius replied, a deep sadness in his voice that Aries never thought

he would hear, besides when talking about his father. "And she can never


"How long?"

"Sixteen long years. I can't tell you how many women I've seen or slept

with trying to drive her from my mind. But then I see her again, in a

home, with a son I could not be prouder of and then my will breaks over

and over again. I love her Aries, but she will never be mine." Aries placed

a comforting hand on his uncle's shoulder and then left the man to rid

himself of pity and return the mask of a content man.

The robes of Lord Black equaled his status as he appeared before the door

of the Greengrass home. It was a large manor, though not quite as large

as Malfoy Manor but then Lucius did always feel like he had to

compensate for something. He knocked politely and only had to wait a

few moments before the door opened. Daphne Greengrass was stunning

in the light blue summer dress she wore that reached just below her

knees. She smiled brightly at him, extending her hand for him to take

and lead him through the door.

"Good evening, Lord Black." Aries could tell the girl rather enjoyed his

new title and given their Yule conversation, was delighted with how the

Wizengamot meeting had unfolded.

"Good evening to you as well, Miss Greengrass." He bowed slightly,

bringing the back of her hand to his lips. Daphne smiled even brighter

before pulling him into the next room. The Greengrass family was there

to meet him in perfect form for a family portrait. Lord Greengrass stood

tall in elegant silver and emerald robes, matching the colors of his house

crest. Lady Greengrass, studying him with a thorough gaze, wore a silver

gown that was far fancier than either of her children's dresses. Astoria,

who gave a friendly smile to Aries, wore a similar sundress to Daphne.

"May I present our home, Lord Black," Daphne said with a slight bow to

her father.

"It is an honor to be invited to your home, Lord and Lady Greengrass."

Aries gave a respectful nod to them both but did not bow. He would not

show deference to another house.

"We welcome you to our home, Lord Black." Lord Greengrass greeted.

"Dinner is being served in the dining room. Daphne, if you could lead our

guest there."

"Of course, father." She tugged on his hand and lead him through to the

dining room. The room was a decent size and could easily fit a large

party though the table was smaller than one would expect of the room. It

had clearly been shrunk for their dinner even though it could still fit a

small feast. Five chairs surrounded with one at each end, two on one

side, a lone chair on the other. Daphne led him to one of the end chairs

before standing behind the chair nearest to him. Astoria stood behind the

chair next to her and Lord Greengrass took the other far end with Lady

Greengrass next to him. They waited patiently for Lord Greengrass to sit,

then Lord Black, before the rest finally seated themselves. Food appeared

before them as it did at Hogwarts and Aries was delighted with the

excellent cuisine.

"So, Daphne," Lady Greengrass began. "Tell us how you met Lord Black."

"You can call me Aries, my lady." He said with a roguish smile.

"Formalities are not necessary with such excellent food here. Do you not

agree, Lord Greengrass?"

"Of course." Cyrus Greengrass said almost begrudgingly.

"Unfortunately, I met Aries through Draco," Daphne said with a sour look

about his friend. "I'm afraid it's the only beneficial thing Draco has

brought into my life. It took me some time to warm up to him until I

learned that he was nothing like his friend. He invited me to Hogsmeade,

after a bit of encouragement from me, and then we attended the Yule Ball


"I still don't know how he melted your heart, sis," Astoria said causing her

mother to chuckle. "I thought you were into girls, to be honest." Aries

nearly choked on his baked chicken as Daphne's face flushed in anger.

"Astoria!" Lady Greengrass glared at her youngest daughter. "Such

vulgarity will not be used here. I apologize, Aries. My daughter does not

think before she speaks."

"It is not a problem, my Lady." Aries offered, trying his best not to laugh.

"But I was surprised as well, Astoria. I heard many stories about

Hogwarts 'Ice Queen.'"

"Daphne tends to have a cold composition to those she is not close to."

Cyrus offered. "I was unaware you were so close to the Malfoys?"

"Everyone focuses on who my father was, but many forget my mother

was a Malfoy. Regina Malfoy."

"Ah, yes, I remember her." Lady Greengrass said turning to her father.

"She was such a kind-hearted soul for a Slytherin. I do remember her

hexing a few boys once, nasty sight. Quite good at Charms if I remember


"I remember her as well." Cyrus leaned forward. "And do you have similar

views as the Malfoy family?"

"Cyrus, I hardly think this is dinner conversation."

"Lord Black is courting our daughter." Cyrus rebuked. "Now is as good as

time as ever to see what his goals are. His actions, whether his courting is

successful or not, could affect our house, seeing that he is now also a

member of the grey party."

"I have a sense that you already disapprove of me, Cyrus." Aries

statement was stone, opening a challenge for the older man.

"I do not disapprove of you as an ally, or as a member of the

Wizengamot. But for my daughter? Yes."

"Then this conversation is meaningless. Let us retire and speak of politics

as you would clearly wish to do."

"Father, if I may," Daphne interrupted. "Perhaps you misjudge Aries."

"Do I?" Cyrus turned a careful eye to Daphne. "Perhaps it is you that

misjudges him. This man would break the neutrality of our house."

"And yet could help us accomplish all that we dream." Daphne had a

confident gleam in her eye. "House Black is on the rise and has already

shown a glimpse of its power and potential. His presence within the grey

will bring members of both sides to the table. We can be there as we

write history and create the world we have dreamed of."

"So, you allow this courting because of ambition?" Her father had a

curious look on his face. "Your heart plays no part in this?"

"Emotions blinds one from seeing clearly," Daphne said though Cyrus did

not miss the look of approval from Aries. "I see someone whom can fulfill

my heart and help to accomplish not only my goals but the goals of my

house. If our neutrality must be sacrificed for that, then so be it."

"My vision is simple, Cyrus." Aries offered, squeezing Daphne's hand

under the table. "I wish to see a world where our traditions are held

sacred but that we progress. We cannot remain stagnant but we cannot

forget our past. I envision a better tomorrow than what we have today."

"A vague and auspicious goal." Cyrus rubbed his short beard. "And what

of the Dark Lord?"

"He is as much of the problem as any. He pushes for genocide and

slaughter of all. We should not shun those of magical ability because of

their blood status."

"So, you would see us live among side muggles then? As we always


"No." Aries did not hesitate. This was the moment that their alliance

would make or break. "Are we not their betters? If Merlin had been king,

not Arthur, where would we be today? We should rule, as is our right.

But not as the Dark Lord wishes, through fear. We are their betters, so we

should guide them. Through our magic, we can create a world of global

peace under our banner."

"And who's crest flies on that banner?" Cyrus leaned forward expectantly.


"Perhaps." He did not back down. "If I am the man deemed worthy of

such honor."

"Is this not our dream as well, father?" Daphne's hopeful voice seemed to

catch her father off guard. "Is this not what we've talked about long into

the night when we saw wrongs in our world? We can make that dream a

reality, but not by ourselves." Cyrus Greengrass was quiet for some time

as the house elves cleared away their plates.

"You are a dangerous and cunning man, Aries Black. You did not come

here for talk of courting at all did you?" Cyrus shook his head. "You wish

for an alliance between our houses."

"Your cleverness precedes you." Aries dipped his head in respect. "An

alliance would benefit us both in many ways. The most being that we can

work together to create a plan for this dream of yours."

"Were you in on this, Daphne?"

"Yes, father."

"I see." Again, the Lord of House Greengrass was silent before he nodded

his head at last. "I agree to your alliance, Lord Black, but I do not

approve of you courting my daughter."

"Father!" She went to continue her resistance but Cyrus held up a hand.

"I do not know if you are the best fit for her yet, and perhaps it is not best

for my house. Time will tell."

"I expected nothing less, Lord Greengrass." The conversation, it seemed,

was over and Aries had no intention of overstaying his welcome. "Dinner

was excellent, perhaps you can join me at my home sometime."

"We will see, my Lord." Cyrus turned to Daphne. "I will permit you to say

your goodbyes." Daphne stood up as quickly as formality dictated and

pulled Aries towards the door. She wasted no time wrapping her arms

around his neck and crashing her lips to his. They stood there, wrapped

in passion before they pulled away solely for the need of air.

"Well, that went better than expected," Daphne said as she breathed

heavily. "I think father might actually like you."

"Really?" Aries asked with a laugh. "How so?"

"You had a backbone and did not give in at the first sign of danger." She

leaned up and kissed him again. "Don't worry. Father will fight and fight

until he realizes its inevitable. He knows this is the best but he likes to

keep his options open."

"I perfectly understand."

"You could sneak back tonight you know," Daphne offered with a sly grin.

"I can change the wards a bit."

"Now that is an unnecessary risk, though one I wish I could take. I have

to prepare for the Wizengamot tomorrow." Aries gave her one final kiss

before leaving the manor and apparating home.

The Wizengamot Hall slowly filled as Aries watched from his house seat

in the grey party. It was not surprising to find it near the front where

Lord Greengrass' seat had once been. As Chief Warlock, he was no longer

the head of their party and one had yet to be chosen in the four meetings

since the removal of Albus Dumbledore. Aries personally did not want

the position just yet, but he would not refuse if it was offered to him.

Cassiopeia gave him a nod as she took her seat beside Sirius in the visitor

section. He had booked a slot to present in the meeting today and

Cassiopeia had been charged with assuring that his guests arrived in a

timely manner. The houses in which Dumbledore had previously proxied

for had yet to choose a replacement save for the Longbottom family.

Augusta Longbottom now sat proxy for House Longbottom and if Aries

was correct she had had one hell of an earful for the Hogwarts

Headmaster. It was a requirement that every proxy sign acknowledgment

of the Proxy Law and clearly Albus had used his position of Chief

Warlock to sweep his doings under the table.

Lord Greengrass banged his gavel, signaling the beginning of the

meeting. The lords and ladies of court quickly returned to their seat,

ending their mindless talk. That was when he was surprised to see a last-

minute guest, Lily Potter. She took a seat beside Sirius, giving him a

questioning glance that Sirius returned with a smile.

"This court is now in session." The Chief Warlock lifted a piece of

parchment to read before addressing the assembly. "Today's session is

short unless we have matters to address within the court." He turned to

Aries. "Lord Black, you have requested to present a matter before the


"I do, Chief Warlock." Aries stood regally and purposefully walked to the

center of the hall. He paused for a moment, gathering himself. "Lords,

ladies, wizards, and witches of the Wizengamot, we face a serious

problem. One I would see rectified." He turned towards the entrance

where Cassiopeia now stood, but she was not alone. "Come, my child."

Aries extended a hand as a young boy, no older than eight walked

towards. He waved his wand and a cushy chair conjured before him in

which the child sat. "To the common eye, this is a normal boy. A son of a

pureblood family with dreams." Aries tried to look at each party,

ensuring their attention was caught. "He had dreams, my fellow lords and

ladies. Dreams of magic. He dreamed of performing what we now take

for granted every day. He dreamed of Hogwarts like his parents before

him. He dreamed of wearing the red of Gryffindor and flying for their

Quidditch team. Scoring the winning goal as they won the Quidditch

Cup. Dreams that we all had when we were children.'

"But these dreams were ripped away from him." Aries clinched his fists

tightly. "Monsters came into the night, slaughtering and devouring his

parents leaving him cursed with an affliction that has no cure. I speak of

werewolves." Gasps at the atrocities rang through the hall. "These culprits

have long been apprehended and it was discovered that they possessed

the potion known as Wolfsbane, that allows one to maintain their own

mind in the wolf form." Aries turned to the child. "But my lords these

beasts are not my reason for being before you today. They should suffer

as the Death Eaters do with the Dementor's Kiss. But what of this boy?"

He pointed to him as every eye landed on the small child. "He is a

wizard. A pureblood. Not of an ancient family but yet still pureblooded.

Many of you would cast this child aside as a monster but this affliction is

not of his making. Our kind is diminishing and yet we throw aside

witches and wizards because they are different. Why?'

"They are classified as dangerous but yet it is one day in a month in

which they change. Twelve of three-hundred and sixty-five days of every

year are enough to throw this child aside and force him to live in

poverty? Are we such prejudiced individuals that we can not see beyond

the affliction of this child? Past the beast that is not of their own

making?" Aries turned to Lady Abbot. "Tell me, if your daughter was

attacked by a werewolf, would you allow what would happen to this

child to happen to yours? Of course not. It has not happened to us, but it

happens to those that this council rules over. We must be better my lords

and ladies. I have a solution, but I also know someone that has lived it."

Aries heard the entrance door open. "May I present to the Wizengamot

Remus, Lord of House Lupin, vassal to the Most Ancient and Most Noble

House of Black."

The shocked whispers that spread throughout the hall were not only for

the return of Remus Lupin, one that many knew from their time at

Hogwarts and famed split from the Potter family. Aries had announced

him as a lord and vassal, indicating his new status and who protected

him. The wizarding world was going to learn about his affliction, and any

retaliation would be considered an insult to the House of Black.

Lily Potter sat still as a stone as Remus Lupin walked towards the center

of the hall. Her eyes followed every step, staring at the person who had

abandoned them just after the death of their eldest son.

"Thank you, my Lord." Remus bowed deeply to Aries, as one would to a

master. Many of the Wizengamot noted this and some looked to Aries

with a sense of greed. The werewolf turned to the child, who was looking

at him curiously. "I was once just like this boy. I was cursed with an

affliction of which there is no cure and no escape. Thankfully, Albus

Dumbledore saw something in me and helped me to attend Hogwarts

School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Despite the man's injustice against

my lord's house, I will never forget what he did for me. School was

difficult but I came to have two friends, James Potter, and Sirius Black.

They even became Animagi when they discovered that the werewolf

curse cannot be transferred into animals and so they were immune when

transformed. Through the kindness of others and the keeping of secrets, I

was able to live a normal life. Without them, I do not know how I would

have survived." Remus caught Lily's eyes as tears began to form in them.

"But not all are as fortunate as I was and after a disagreement with the

Blacks and Potters, I left. I traveled for some time until I ended up in

Russia, where their ministry was having difficulty with the local

werewolves. Thankfully due to being educated at Hogwarts, the officials

listened to me and hired me to serve as an ambassador to the packs.

Through much dialogue, the packs and the ministry came to a solution.

Land was awarded to the packs and was warded off so no one without

the curse could enter. They lived as they wanted, left alone with no risk

of attacking anyone because, on the night of the full moon, wards were

erected that prohibited the werewolves from leaving the land. Attacks

decreased dramatically and to this day the ministry has an open dialogue

with the packs."

"Werewolves living alongside wizards and witches." Aries began as

Remus took a step backward. "Russia's solution worked, but like

anything, I believe we can do better." He snapped his fingers and a thin

piece of parchment appeared before every member of the Wizengamot. "I

present to you an outline of the Werewolf Conservation Act. This law

would cordon an area that every werewolf in Magical Britain can live, if

they wish, and be given shelter during the full moon. It will have muggle-

repelling charms as well as charms to keep those with the affliction from

leaving during the full moon. Also, wolfsbane will be provided to all

those that come in order to ease their transformation.'

"Having a safe place to transform is not the only benefit of this bill. Those

that choose to participate have now been removed from the possibility of

being a danger to any individual. This bill would then replace the

werewolf legislation drafted two years ago that prohibits those with the

curse from possessing full-time jobs within the Ministry of Magic.."

"This bill says that each werewolf must register himself and keep a form

of identification saying they are indeed a werewolf." Lord Davis from the

grey party said. "That is a dangerous proposition, Lord Black."

"And why should they not?" Aries asked incredulously. "The registry is to

keep account of the expenses for Wolfsbane and lodging. Also, it allows

an employer to know if said wizard is a part of this bill. Those that do not

register and do not use this asylum will not reap the benefits of it. They

can continue to be outcasts. It is a small price to pay to live a normal


"So, there will be no enforcement of the bill?" The question came from a

member of the conservative party, whom Aries did not know.

"Not to those who decline the offer. This is an opportunity for those with

the werewolf curse to have a normal life. If they choose to ignore it then,

as I said, they will not reap the benefits. Those who register will be

required to be at the asylum during the full moon. They can stay in

provided lodging temporarily until they get jobs that can allow them to

pay for their own homes. Then they can pay to remain at the lodging or

purchase their own homes."

"What say you. . . Lord Lupin?" Lord Greengrass asked. "Would you

register for this?"

"I already have, Chief Warlock," Remus replied. "For months now I and a

group of werewolves have tested the wards and the lodging. Registering

myself as a werewolf would be a small price to be pay to be able to work

the job I have always dreamed of within this Ministry." The assembly

broke into chatter, discussing the proposed bill. Aries knew he had

backed the Wizengamot into a corner, they just did not know it yet.

"Hem hem." Dolores Umbridge stood as the chatter came to a halt.

"Werewolves are half-breeds, Lord Black. Why should we give them any

sort of help? They are a danger to our society and way of life."

"Are they Madam Undersecretary?" Aries challenged. "Perhaps you have

not talked to a werewolf before. Come here, child." The boy stood from

his chair and walked over to Aries. "What is your name?"

"Christopher, my Lord."

"I challenge you to tell that to Christopher, Madam Undersecretary."

There was an immediate tension in the hall. "Tell this child who watched

helplessly as his parents were devoured and slaughtered that he is a

danger to this society. Tell this child whose dreams could have had been

ripped away just as easily by any person in this hall with a few powerful

curses. If this boy is a danger to society because he changes to a beast

once a month, then so I am. Every last wizard who is capable of casting a

spell that causes harm or death is a danger to this society. So, go ahead,

repeat your words." The silence was deafening as Dolores retook her seat


"We have heard Lord Black's proposition." Lord Greengrass said to the

hall. "The full law will be delivered to each member of the Wizengamot.

Are there any further questions for Lord Black? Then this matter is

adjourned and will be voted on in seven days' time. We will recess for ten

minutes before continuing with the session."

"What are we going to do about Black, Albus?" James Potter asked hotly.

"Which one?" Moody added and for once James did not immediately

disagree. This was their first meeting since the removal of Albus

Dumbledore from the Wizengamot and it only contained his most trusted

members and Sirius' absence was noticed by all.

"My removal from the Wizengamot was coming, whether Aries caused it

or not," Albus answered. "Fudge had been pushing for it for weeks."

"Except now most of the Ministry mistrusts you and some parents do as

well." James shook his head as he spoke. "This doesn't look good for us. I

didn't even know about the Proxy Law. I mean, who even cares about

that? We chose you as a proxy for a reason."

"It is an old one, still followed by many, though rarely enforced. A

mistake on my part that allowed an opening for Aries to exploit. While

you and many others may not care, those of the old ways care much for

tradition. Truthfully, Aries took hold of an opportunity that

circumstances provided. Many of the Wizengamot wanted me gone but

had no real reason to remove me. He provided it with a rather ingenious


"You don't seem very angry." Arthur Weasley offered.

"It would accomplish nothing. We must now focus on the present. I will

present a letter to the Daily Prophet offering my apologies and reasons for

my actions. It will gain us some friends but we will have to wait until

Voldemort's return. Then this smear campaign will end."

"So, what is our goal?" James asked.

"You and Alastor will begin to organize response teams. We need

individuals who are ready to go at a moment's notice when Severus

brings words of a Death Eater attack." Albus turned to Arthur. "You will

take over the organization of protecting the prophecy. It is imperative

that we keep Voldemort from retrieving it."

"What about Remus?" James was curious as to what Dumbledore's

decision about the man would be.

"I will approach him about possibly returning to the Order," Dumbledore

answered with a sigh. "But I fear he has chosen to side with Aries."

"Black's werewolf bill throws a large wrench in our plans," Moody

growled. "Any chance of them siding with us goes out the window when

the Ministry is on the verge of giving them a better option than we or

Voldemort can provide."

"It will almost certainly be passed," Arthur added. "Aries was a genius

when he allowed himself to be interviewed by Skeeter. The whole of

Britain knows about the law and what it would mean. The fact that she

interviewed the young boy didn't help either. Both sides are going to look

like racists if they vote against."

"What I don't get is the point of it," James put in. "Besides the registry, it's

a great idea. But what does he stand to gain?"

"Popularity and favor among the people." The old man answered. "He is

the talk of the Ministry and most of Britain. His rising popularity lowers

our chances of him agreeing to join us. Sirius alone remains our best


"But can we trust him?" Moody gripped his staff tightly. "He could be

Aries' spy for all we know."

"Sirius has every reason to wish for the downfall of Voldemort. We must

hope and believe the best in our friends. Once we begin to fight among

ourselves, then Voldemort wins."

"I understand you have a dinner with the Delacour family tonight,"

Cassiopeia said smoothly as they waited for the official vote. It was

customary that the Lord who sponsored or wrote the bill to not be in the

chamber during the vote, in order to prevent retaliation against members

of the Wizengamot. Pointless in Aries' opinion, as he had already secured

his votes through the uproar of Rita Skeeter's article. None would dare

see it fail at this point and too many were trying to win his favor. He

would not know the official vote, but Legilimency was a gift meant to be


"Indeed, I do," Aries answered. "I received Fleur's invitation last night."

"And does Daphne know of your relationship with Fleur Delacour?" Aries

raised his eyebrows.

"She does not know of the life debt that Fleur owes. Not yet at least."

"A dangerous game, Aries," Cassiopeia said disapprovingly. "I thought I

taught you better."

"I will handle the situation." Aries retorted. "I have already secured the

alliance between our house and House Greengrass. I do not need

Daphne's hand to maintain it."

"But insulting their daughter could ruin the alliance."

"Touché." Aries conceded as he heard his name called for by Lord

Greengrass himself. He entered the hall confidently, triumph resolute on

his face. Once he reached the center he stopped and awaited the council's


"Your bill has passed, Lord Black." The Chief Warlock announced.

"Unanimous save for one vote." Aries had a strong hunch that that vote

came from someone drowning in pink. "You will be expected to find a

full-time supplier for the Wolfsbane Potion in two weeks' time. The

registry will be regulated through the Department for the Regulation and

Control of Magical Creatures. Your recommendation for Director of the

Werewolf Conservation Program has been approved as well."

"Thank you, Chief Warlock." Aries returned to his seat among the grey

party triumphantly. Many shook his hand and clapped him on the back as

he seated himself. Phase two of his plan for this summer was nearly

complete. There just one final action that needed to be done.

"Come in, Remus." Aries sat at his desk within the Ministry of Magic. It

was far plainer than one would expect of a lord of the Wizengamot, but

its simplicity drew attention to the young man himself, rather than the

room. Remus had yet to hear the news of their success and seemed

nervous as to the point of the meeting. "I have good news for you. Your

law has passed, congratulations." The werewolf sighed audibly in relief.

"Thank you, my Lord."

"There is no need for such formalities here," Aries instructed. "We are

celebrating after all. Kreacher!" The house elf popped into the office and

bowed deeply to Aries. "Two glasses of fire whiskey, if you would." Once

the elf had returned with their drinks, Aries leaned back in a relaxed

fashion before addressing his guest. "I'm sure Cassiopeia has made you

aware of the Ministry's choice of Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher.

Honestly, I'm surprised Albus went with it, but given his situation, I

cannot blame him. I had considered pushing your name forward as a

more qualified replacement but I do not wish for your talents to be


"Wasted?" Remus asked. It was clear to Aries that Remus wished to teach,

but he had more important uses for the man.

"The Wizengamot requested a recommendation as to whom should lead

this Werewolf Conservation Program. I personally could not think of

anyone better than you."

"Surely someone else would be more qualified."

"Perhaps," Aries mused. "But none that I can trust. The Dark Lord and

Albus Dumbledore will push to have werewolves join their side. One for

their abilities and the other to keep them away from the opportunity to

harm others."

"And what would you have them for?" Remus had a slight edge to his

voice and Aries considered his next words carefully.

"Simply put we need allies, Remus. If they are on our side then they are

not on the Dark Lord's side. And do you really think Dumbledore is a

better alternative? Given his past?"

"No," Remus relented. "Neither is a good option."

"Exactly my point, my friend." Aries downed the rest of his drink before

leaning forward. "I think the position of director will suit you very well

and it gives us another in at the Ministry. You have no need to worry

about mistreatment, it's against the law now after all. The werewolves

know that is was our work that achieved this for them. Now give them

something to aspire to reach, Director Lupin."

Aries was far too aware of the similarities to his dinner with the

Greengrass family as he kissed Fleur's hand and was led inside to meet

her family. The Delacour chateau was remarkably beautiful as were its

inhabitants. Jean Delacour stood a few inches shorter than Aries, but he

had the composure of a powerful man and one who knew it. Apolline

Delacour was a beautiful woman and Aries could see that Fleur very

much resembled her mother. He noticed the absence of the younger

sister, Gabrielle, but did not think much of it. This night could take a turn

for the worst, as perhaps Jean predicted.

"Gabrielle is with friends tonight," Jean explained. "I felt that perhaps this

conservation was better had without her presence." The Frenchman's

English was perfect, no doubt from dealing with the English just across

the channel.

"I agree, monsieur." Aries inclined his head respectfully, speaking fluent

French. He had spent many long hours studying the language since his

bond formed with Fleur. "I look forward to tasting the cuisines of France. I

have heard the wine is to die for." Apolline tensed slightly at his wording

and Jean narrowed his eyes. Fleur nervously fidgeted with her hands

before the ringing of a bell broke the tension. She quickly grabbed his

hand and pulled him into the dining room. He waited until all had

entered the room before sitting on the left of Apolline. They took notice

of his awareness of their culture and no doubt they took this as a hopeful

avenue of how the night would go.

Dinner was a smooth affair with the talk mostly centering trivial things.

They strayed away from the Tri-Wizard Tournament, his recent law, and,

of course, Fleur's life debt. Aries thoroughly enjoyed the food and found

it to be the best food he had ever had in France. He was surprised to

learn that Apolline and Fleur, rather than the house elves, had cooked the

food. If this was the result then perhaps he should look into cooking.

After he had completed his goals of course.

"I think it is time we discussed the elephant in the room," Jean said as he

placed his napkin on the empty plate.

"I believe it is," Aries replied. "I take it you are aware of Fleur's life debt? And

from the body language of you and your wife, you are not overly joyed at the


"How could we be? She is enslaved to you." Fleur looked affronted by her

father's word but Aries ignored her.

"That is not how she put it." Jean clearly did not like the answer and it

seemed to frustrate Apolline.

"Slavery is slavery, no matter how you word it." The hostess' words were

meant to cut but Aries skin was thicker than stone.

"And here I was thinking we could come to a mutual agreement."

"An agreement?" Jean asked with raised eyebrows.

"You do not wish to see Fleur enslaved correct? I can ensure that happens, so

long as you give me something I want." Fleur looked back and forth as anger

etched itself across Jean's face.

"You would blackmail me with my daughter's life?"

"Her life belongs to me, Jean." Aries leaned forward. "An uncomfortable

reality but there it is."

"Her life is her own." Jean fired back.

"As I understand it she is tethered to me. Compelled to obey my every

command as a result of the veela in her blood reacting to the life debt. How

that plays out can go many ways."

"And just what exactly would you command her to do, eh? Cook your food,

wash your clothes, and warm your bed at night?" The Frenchman seemed to

fill with anger. "I know what men tend to expect of veela and I will not see

my daughter enslaved. Release her from this bond at once!"

"No." Fleur's voice was steel as she cut into the conversation. "I will not see

this bond ended."

"Nor would I." Aries agreed. "You misjudge me for a coward, monsieur. One

who would take from someone that which they would not give. I am no

monster, Jean Delacour."

"You would have me believe that you would take care of her? When you will

not release her from this bond?"

"This bond provides me an opportunity to get that which I desire," Aries said

rather coldly. "I will not fold when I have the winning hand."

"And what do you desire Monsieur Black?" Jean spat out.

"Power, Monsieur Delacour." Aries leaned forward eagerly. "The power to

defeat my enemies, to help instill the vision I have for this world. And now,

sitting in the palm of my hand is the daughter of one of the most powerful men

in France. My vision will one day expand beyond Magical Britain. This is an

agreement that can benefit us both."

"You wish to conquer?"

"I wish to transform. To create a world better than the one we live in now.

Some will need to be conquered, as there are always those who stand in the

way of progress. I will build a brave new world, with Fleur at my side, that

will last for a millennium."

"And if she does not wish to be at your side?"

"But I do father," Fleur said rather eagerly. "This is my opportunity for

greatness. To live a life outside of the ordinary. A life of adventure and doing

something meaningful. I know you don't like this father, but truthfully, I am

relieved. Who is going to say no to Aries Black now? You did not see his

power. He will change the world father. Better to be on his side than on the


Jean was silent for some time, pondering the words of his daughter. He

looked to his wife and after she nodded, rather reluctantly, he turned

back to Aries.

"I do not like this at all." Jean sighed. "If I could I would ensure you never

saw her again. What would you have me do?"

"I will need friends within your Ministry," Aries instructed. "I will require

invitations to your Ministry events and for you to begin to build my popularity

within France. And perhaps when it comes time for an election, Jean Delacour

will be on the ballot. And he will win."

AN: Next chapter: The Return of the Estranged

18. The Return of the Estranged

AN: I own none of this and it all belongs JKR. I've enjoyed writing

the summer arc, with one more left in it before they return to

Hogwarts, and it sets up a lot of things to come both in this school

year for our characters but also into the next one and so forth. Right

now a lot is going Aries' way as he's caught a lot of people like deer

in headlights, but I promise you that won't always be so. This year

will bring him challenges and I look forward to both writing them

and enjoying y'alls feedback. I never imagined so many would enjoy

the story, y'all are a gift. Thank you for motivating me to continue

this story. As always I hope you enjoy this chapter and if you don't,

whatever floats your boat y'all. Happy New Year!

The halls of Hogwarts were warm to Aries as he approached the stone

gargoyle. They had always seemed warm to him compared to those of

Durmstrang, but given where he had just come from, it was as if he stood

next to a roaring fire. If Aries was, to be honest with himself, he

somewhat dreaded the coming meeting, though he was well aware that it

was necessary. Dumbledore had often made his way through 12

Grimmauld Place and despite the Headmaster's avoidance of Aries, he

had not given the young lord the answer he had expected. Many of his

plans were centered around his attendance of Hogwarts School of

Witchcraft and Wizardry this year and he would not be denied.

Stoic was the word Aries would use to describe the guardian of the

Headmaster's office. He had heard that Dumbledore enjoyed using the

names of candy as his passwords. Eccentric, but also rather ingenious. It

made for a more presentable entrance, but Aries would not be distracted

from the fact that Albus Dumbledore was, in fact, a very dangerous

individual, and a master of the Game.

"I am Aries, Heir of Slytherin. Open in the name of my ancestor." The

stone gargoyle bowed his head low and moved aside, revealing the

winding staircase. Aries walked slowly to the intricate wooden door and

knocked three times.

"Enter." Dumbledore's voice came from the room, with a poorly hidden

sound of surprise. "Good morning, Mr. Black," The old man greeted

warmly, despite his slight hesitation, and gestured to the seat in front of

his desk. Aries took it nonchalantly and refortified his Occlumency

shields before his eyes met the Headmasters. "While I am grateful for

your visit, I am curious how you managed to get past the gargoyle."

"A wizard never reveals his secrets, Dumbledore," Aries replied with a sly

grin. "I have to say your office is as expected. Intimidating and yet

welcoming. A difficult combination that you succeeded in."

"I will try to take that as a compliment." The Headmaster paused for a

moment, his eyes flicking toward the stack of papers that were all too

familiar to Aries. "Your recent travels were not one I would expect of a

student on holiday, Mr. Black."

"I was unaware that my doings on holiday were your concern,

Headmaster," Aries said tersely. He had known that Dumbledore had been

watching his movements closely, but even he thought his recent trip had

gone unnoticed. "Though if we are speaking of prisons and travels, I have

to admit I was disappointed that you did not visit us in Germany on your

trip to Austria last month. Tell me, how is Grindewald?"

Any warmth that had been in the room vanished at the mention of

Dumbledore's incarcerated lover. Aries had known of the man's guilty

pleasure of visiting Nurmengard Castle in the mountains of Austria and

had it watched closely since the beginning of the summer.

"Why are you here, Mr. Black?" Dumbledore's tone was ice now, and

Aries rejoiced in the slight victory over the old man. Despite this, he did

not miss the old man's eyes flashing toward the wand that sat on the desk

between them. The Elder Wand, considered to be the greatest and most

powerful wand in existence, sat unknowingly to all, save a few, within

the halls of Hogwarts.

"Not for that," Aries answered, inclining his head towards the Elder

Wand. "At least not yet."

"You believe that you do not need it?" It was a challenge, one that Aries


"It is not suited for me, at least not yet." Dumbledore's eyebrows raised

and Aries pushed back the slight probe of Legilimency. "For now, my own

wand will suffice. I believe formalities will no longer be needed when I

come for the wand, Professor."

"Perhaps not. If not for the wand, then why have you come?"

"I believe we both already know the answer," Aries said with no care to

hide his annoyance. "You received my letter exactly a fortnight after your

end of term and I, nor Headmaster von Reich, have received any form of

confirmation. Your tardiness in response has been noted."

"Indeed, it has." Dumbledore ran a hand through his beard, looking

towards the stack of papers before him. "Your fifth-year examinations for

Durmstrang were impressive. Perfect marks in every subject. I was

surprised to see that you managed to take the OWLs as well. Oustandings

across the board. Your letter of approval and recommendation from

Headmaster von Reich gushed your praise, as well as detailed some of

your private studies." He let a long sigh. "Mr. Black, I have no doubt that

you could sit for your NEWTs right now and pass with at least Exceeds

Expectations, if not Oustandings, in every subject you took for your

OWLs. Your position within the Ministry would see any requirements

waived. So, perhaps the real question is this: why are you wanting to

attend Hogwarts when there is almost nothing my professors can teach

you that you do not already know?"

"Is that really the question you want to ask me? Because I think you

already know that answer." Dumbledore graced them both with his look

of surprise, before leaning back.

"I reviewed Thomas' memory of the final task many times. Your own

story lacks details that would bring it in any resemblance to the one

Thomas had told."

"I have already told you and the Order the reasoning for my lie to the

Ministry," Aries said confidently. "It has already benefited us greatly and

will continue to do so until the Dark Lord is defeated."

"Fear of a name only increases fear itself."

"I thought you were a patron of formalities. He is the Dark Lord."

"Your lies regarding the presence of Death Eaters is questionable,"

Dumbledore said, ignoring Aries' slight jab. "I understand saving the

father of your friend, but all it has done has left others to help with

Voldemort's mission."

"And reduced my credibility. It would've caused chaos within the

Wizengamot. Any steps forward we have made towards a world that can

live in harmony after the Dark Lord's fall would never have happened

without them. We both seek balance. But true balance is not having the

scales of judgment be weighed down by one side. You cannot just have

yin, you must also have yang."

"Chinese proverbs are an idealist, but not always practical."

"Yet we are not looking for idealism or practicality, rather the sum of

their equation. We must have our Malfoys to combat the Potters and vice


"So, you would see people like Diggory die for the sake of a vision? You

would let a war be raged because you believe it attributes to true


"Did you not also believe that at one time?" Aries could feel their

argument coming to a point. "You speak as if you are not at fault as well.

You allow conflict within these halls for the sake of tradition. While the

Sorting Hat does not put entirely like-minded students together, you

allow the Slytherin House to be filled with individuals whose ambition

turns to madness. Every child of a Death Eater wears the silver and green

and I do not see that changing with me."

Dumbledore seemed troubled, as evident by the slight scrunch of his face,

and was silent for a moment. It was then that Aries noted that every

portrait of the former headmasters of Hogwarts was watching their

exchange intently, including the one of his great-grandfather.

"Cedric Diggory died of the Killing Curse," Dumbledore began, "But he

was not entirely unharmed." Aries rolled his eyes.

"All of us had just gone through the maze. We were all harmed in some

way shape or another."

"That is not entirely what I meant. When Madam Pomphrey was cleaning

his body she noticed bruising, ones that are consistent with the

Incarcerous Spell. During my review of Thomas' memory, I did not come

across any Death Eater using it nor was he subject to spell upon his

return. Can you tell me how this came to be?" Suspicion rolled off

Dumbledore's words and Aries more violently threw off his Legilimency


"Simple. One of the Death Eaters hit him with it, though who I cannot tell

you. I freed him of it during my duel with the Dark Lord, though he was

killed moments later. I was making my way to his body when we were

returned to Hogwarts, just outside Moody's office." The lie rolled off Aries

tongue easily and he hoped it was enough for the old man.

"Speaking of that, I have spoken to Fawkes. It would seem he was not the

Phoenix that returned you here."

"Then perhaps another was responsible?"

"You would have me believe that another Phoenix, out of the blue,

rescued you and brought you here?"

"Phoenixes are rare and mysterious creatures. Who I am to say what one

would or would not do?" Aries let out an agitated sigh. "Your suspicion is

noted, Professor Dumbledore, and unfortunately my time is valuable. Are

you going to approve of my transfer to Hogwarts or not?"

"You have not given me a valid reason to approve of such a thing."

"You clearly have been keeping your eye on me, one way or another. I'll

admit my reasoning for attending Hogwarts is not entirely academic,

though I would argue that they are valid reasons. The Dark Lord has

returned, and as much as you believe that I may become your enemy, I

can assure you that he is mine. The enemy of my enemy is my friend,


"You have yet to prove that you are entirely on our side, Mr. Black."

"You have yet to give me a reason that your side is better than my own."

They sat silently across from each other for some time, neither willing to

be the first to speak. Neither wanted to lose what had become a battle of

ideals, rather than a conversation of switching schools, but Aries knew

that Dumbledore wanted him right here in this castle, where the old man

could watch his every move.

"I believe you know when the train departs, Mr. Black." Dumbledore

relented at last. "You will be sorted with the first-years, though I do not

think it to be entirely necessary."

"No," Aries answered with a smirk. "Slytherin is in my blood after all." He

only wished the old man knew just how much it did.

The bang of a gavel brought the voices of the Wizengamot to a close.

Lord Greengrass, the Chief Warlock of their assembly, turned an amused

look to Aries, who sat almost regally in House Black's seat.

"Lord Black," the Chief Warlock greeted with some humor, "I see you

have another matter to present before us. I hope you do not intend to

give this council any more grey hairs." Aries chuckled along with the rest

of the Wizengamot as he stood and made his way to the floor.

"I wish I could say it was so, Chief Warlock," Aries called out. "Alas, I'm

afraid that my matter today may be a bit more controversial than my

past presentations." He paused for a moment, waiting for the full

attention of the Wizengamot. Once they were all silent, he turned to

Madam Bones. "Tell me, if you would, what the Department of Magical

Law Enforcements defines insanity as?"

"Madness, irrationality, dementia." Bones answered curiously.

"And if one was insane, are their actions really their own?"

"It would depend on the level of insanity."

"And you agree that the use of the Cruciatus Curse can cause insanity?"

"Through prolonged expose, yes."

"Must it be used in one occurrence or can the continued exposure in short

bursts over a long period of time cause insanity as well?"

"The last war gave us the answer rather often, Lord Black." Bones

answered with heat. "Though it is not out of reach to assume that the

latter can occur as well."

"What is the meaning of this line of questioning Lord Black?" The Chief

Warlock asked before he could continue.

"I can assure you, Chief Warlock, that I am about to show you. I just have

one more question for Director Bones." He turned to her again. "If I were

to use the Cruciatus Curse on an individual, which resulted in that person

being considered insane, enough so that their views of right and wrong

became twisted, and they committed the act of murder on my command,

who would be charged with a crime?"

"You would be, my Lord. If it was determined that the individual could

no longer determine that murder was wrong both legally and morally,

they would be detained at Saint Mungo's and you would be convicted and

sent to Azkaban, if not receive the Dementor's Kiss."

"I personally agree with that assessment, Director, and it is what I will

request next that will be the difficult part." Aries took a deep breath. "As

the Head of House Black, I call for the release of Bellatrix Lestrange nee

Black from Azkaban under the plea of insanity." There was a shocked

silence and then the entire hall exploded in noise. He waited patiently,

though sending an annoyed look towards Lord Greengrass as he

attempted to reign in the crazed assembly.

"Surely you are insane, Lord Black," came the voice of Director Bones as

the yelling died out.

"I have in my possession a detailed report from a renowned mind healer

of Saint Mungo's who, with my permission, studied Bellatrix's mind and

came to the same conclusion as I did: the prolonged use of the Cruciatus

Curse, as well as the repeated use of Legilimency, has warped and ruined

her mind into insanity." The Wizengamot tried to erupt again but Aries

stopped them. "Igor Karkaroff, in his statement securing his freedom,

commented under Veritaserum that the Dark Lord repeatedly used the

Cruciatus Curse not only on his victims, but on his servants as well. It is

well noted that Bellatrix Lestrange was among the ones that received his

wrath more than most. It is also noted that rather than hear reports from

his Death Eaters, the Dark Lord would use his gift of Legilimency to

forcefully rip the information from their minds, as he often did with his

victims. Bellatrix Lestrange nee Black exhibits signs of both of these

actions as documented by a Ministry certified official." He pulled the

report from his robes and handed it to Director Bones. The Wizengamot

was silently and eagerly awaiting her word as she methodically looked

over the report. She let out a long sigh before facing the council.

"Lord Black speaks true." Director Bones announced, almost dejectedly. "If

this was brought before me, we could not convict her of any crimes, as

we would be unsure of exactly when she became clinically insane."

"She is a Death Eater!" Amos Diggory's voice rang out through the hall.

"She took the mark and therefore is a criminal!"

"And at what point did becoming a Death Eater start being a crime?"

Aries questioned the hall. "At what point does believing in something

become a crime? Many of your forget but the Dark Lord was not always a

dark lord. He was charismatic. Many found him to be handsome. Smart.

An idealist. An individual with a vision to create a world that resounded

with those around him. So, they joined him. What was a mark in

exchange for a better world? And then the killing started. And the

torture. Suddenly that charismatic man was a monster who was more

powerful than any other in centuries. Who are we to know who stayed

with him out of loyalty or fear?"

"Any good man would have died rather than stay." A voice called out.

"Would they? If the Dark Lord walked into your home and told you that

if you did not join him, he would slaughter your family, would you watch

it happen? If so then you are a better man than many. What is honor in

exchange for the love of another? Would you watch your children die for

your honor? Many would not. And if we say that simply joining the Dark

Lord before he ever murdered anyone is a crime, isn't fourteen years in

Azkaban enough justice?"

"So, the lives of Frank and Alice Longbottom mean nothing to you?" Aries

turned to Augusta Longbottom, the mother of Frank Longbottom, who sat

silently behind Diggory.

"What happened to the Longbottoms was tragic. But it is my belief that

the true cause was the Dark Lord, not Bellatrix. I cannot change what

happened to them, but I can do what I can for my house. Bellatrix is a

Black, and I would see her returned home where we can begin to heal

what is left of her mind from the ravaging of the Dark Lord. I only hope

that you can see that it was not truly Bellatrix that went to the

Longbottom's home that night. Rather a twisted version of the Dark Lord

controlling her. If those under the Imperious Curse now walk free, then I

see no reason why Bellatrix should not return to the House of Black."

Aries knocked on the wooden door three loud times before stepping back

next to Cassiopeia and Sirius. It was a warm summer evening that

brought to this wooden door with a purpose very similar to that which

brought him before the Wizengamot just days prior: the return of

estranged family members. Andromeda Tonks, unlike Sirius, had been

formally disowned and stricken from the House of Black years ago when

she had run off and married her muggleborn husband, Ted. Aries had met

their daughter, Nymphadora Tonks, and was expecting the up and

coming Auror to join them this evening. While Aries was rather

optimistic about the situation, Cassiopeia and Sirius did share in his


A middle-aged woman with light brown hair and soft, wide eyes opened

the door cautiously, glancing between the three skeptically before silently

waving them inside. Truth be told, Aries was surprised Andromeda had

even answered his request, let alone accepted. It was why he was so

optimistic, but he knew there were obstacles they would all have to

maneuver through.

Andromeda seemed to have no interest in pleasantries and led them

straight to the dining hall where Ted and Dora awaited. It was no

surprise that Aries found himself sitting at the end of the table facing

Andromeda with Ted on her right next to Sirius and Dora on her left next

to Cassi. He sat where the Lord of House Black would across from the

head of their household. One would expect Ted Tonks to fill that role, but

Andromeda remembered some of her training and understood that their

house would never recognize him in that position. This left only

Andromeda, the reason they were here in the first place.

"Forgive the rudeness, my Lord," Andromeda started with some sarcasm.

"Dinner is here to make what I believe to be an unpleasant conversation

somewhat bearable. I don't want to sit through arguments when we can

at least enjoy food and get on with our lives."

"I think we can forgo the formalities," Aries responded. "We have not met

though I highly doubt that you are unaware of who I am. Aries Black,

Lord of House Black. I believe you recognize Cassiopeia and Sirius." He

turned to Ted, who seemed unsure of just what to do. "I have met your

daughter before but I am glad to meet you. From what I hear you have

loved a daughter of my house and raised an excellent Auror." Andromeda

raised her eyebrows at his statement but remained silent.

"Thank you, Aries," Ted said with a sideways glance at Andromeda, who

simply nodded. "I have to admit, welcoming the new Lord Black into our

home was not something I ever expected to do." Now it was Aries' turn to

glance sideways at Cassiopeia, who seemed to way her options before


"Perhaps then dinner was not necessary at all," Aries stated, frowning at

his plate. "Andromeda, years ago you were banished from the House of

Black. Then, the reasoning was just and one that I cannot help but agree

with even now. That being said, forgiveness should never be out of reach.

House Black stands divided. I would see it united." He took a moment to

look at each member of the Tonks family before continuing. "I, Aries,

Lord of House Black, would see Andromeda reinstated in the House of

Black. Her husband, Theodore Tonks, and her daughter, Nymphadora

Tonks, would be therefore recognized as scions of House Black."

The shock of his proclamation was not lost on the three hosts. Ted and

Dora were downright flabbergasted and Andromeda's mouth kept

opening and closing. Aries made no move to speak, rather hoping that

their wits would return to them sooner rather than later.

"Why would you do this?" Ted asked.

"The time for our family to squabble over differences has passed,"

Cassiopeia said firmly. "The Dark Lord tore this family apart in the

previous war. We would see our family rise above the pettiness that has

plagued it for generations and see it rise to greatness."

"Voldemort was not the reason this family was torn apart." Andromeda

nearly spat out the name of the Dark Lord and sent a glare towards her

aunt. "Bigotry and racism have done more damage than any monster


"And what of selfishness?" Aries asked quietly. The eyes of everyone

turned to the Black lord. "You turned your back on your family for a

muggleborn. Disobeying your father without any means of reconciliation

or compromise."

"He disowned her!" Ted exclaimed.

"And what else should he have done?" Aries gave the man a curious

glance before turning to Andromeda. "Lord Lestrange was a powerful

man and the implied support of the Dark Lord did not go unnoticed.

Turning down his marriage offer was out of the question for Cygnus, who

too often lived in the shadows of Orion. When you ran off and eloped,

the entire reputation of the Black family was at stake. We could not

afford a blood-feud with the Lestranges and the others that would have

supported him. So you were disowned, Bellatrix married Rudolphus

instead, and all was forgiven."

"All was forgiven?" Aries could see the light of anger in Andromeda's

eyes. "You speak as if this is some fairy tale and everything happened as

it should've."

"It did, considering all the alternatives." Cassiopeia interrupted. "The

Lestranges felt that you had been punished enough and did not pursue

vengeance. The battles between the Order and the Dark Lord

notwithstanding of course. You live your life freely now, with a loving

husband and a successful daughter. All that remains is returning to your


"This is my family now." Andromeda's voice was firm and her eyes

hardened. Ted and Dora did not reflect her certainty. Dora was not a

surprise but Ted was for sure. Perhaps it would be the muggleborn whom

she had left her family for that would get her to return. Aries took a deep

breath before rising to his feet.

"Regardless, my offer remains. Whatever you choose, if you ever need

something I am here to help. We may not see eye to eye on certain things

Andromeda, but we're family. Disowned or not. I could reinstate you

without your approval, but I will not do so." He nodded to Dora, hoping

she could help her father change Andromeda's mind and turned to leave.

He knew that Sirius stayed, though he did not hear the words his uncle

spoke. All he knew was that when Sirius returned, he looked more

dejected than he had ever seen him in the short time they had known one


"Come on Aries, you can't really think you'll be in Slytherin," Thomas said

enjoying the older boy's annoyance.

"The Black family has a bit of a tradition in being in Slytherin, Potter."

"Sirius was in Gryffindor. Besides your outgoing attitude would fit well

with us." He had to fight hard from bursting into laughter at Aries' near

horrified look, though it quickly disappeared as they entered Diagon

Alley. Hermione and Ron hung back slightly from them and Thomas was

again reminded of the library incident. Their friendship had been

strained since then and Aries outburst including a certain m-word had

not helped anything. Thomas reminding Ron that he also tended to say

things he did not mean when he was angry had only made matters worse.

"Weasley and Granger seem to be close these days." The nonchalant tone

that Aries spoke with reminded Thomas way too much of Malfoy in his


"Can you read my mind?" Thomas asked a bit paranoid.

"I am gifted in the Mind Arts," Aries replied, giving him his trademark

curious glance. "Though I do not read your mind Potter. It's not a book."

"Well whatever it is, you seemed to always say what's on my mind."

"You wear your thoughts on your sleeve, I think anyone with any sense of

observation could tell what was on your mind." Aries glanced back at the

two behind them. "Some friends aren't meant to last forever Potter."

"What's that supposed to mean?" The older boy never got a chance to

answer as Thomas was suddenly engulfed in red hair. Susan Bones had

nearly tackled him with her hug. Their embrace kept the frustrated look

of Aries hidden from them.

"Thomas!" She pecked his cheek quickly before pulling away. "It's good to

see you again. The summer has been dreadful not being able to visit."

"Yeah, sorry about that," Thomas replied with a slight shrug of his

shoulders. "Mum and dad have been a bit paranoid lately with everything

going on." Susan went to say something else, but suddenly noticed the

presence of Aries, who had been far too interested in the books of

Flourish and Blotts window.

"What are you doing here?" Susan's change in tone was immediate and

would have cut like ice if Aries cared about her opinion at all.

"Taking a lovely stroll through the alley. Purchasing books for school.

You know, normal things."

"I meant what are you doing here with-"

"Susan, it's okay." Thomas interrupted, looking slightly worried his red-

headed girlfriend might trying to duel the older boy right here in the

street. "It's complicated but everything's alright." She looked back and

forth between them, before crossing her arms.

"You owe me an explanation."

"I'll explain on the way to Hogwarts." Susan went to respond but Thomas

cut her off. "We can't talk about it here. You have to wait. I'm sorry."

The rest of the day was eventful though Thomas did feel sorry about

Aries. He had overheard that Daphne had already been to Diagon Alley

and that Draco would be going the next day. Honestly, Thomas had no

idea why Aries had chosen to come along that day, but he hoped that it

was a sign that their awkward friendship could continue into the school

year. It was when they left Quality Quidditch Supplies when it happened.

Thomas suddenly became aware of Aries tensing up beside him and that

their Order bodyguards were nowhere to be found, and there had been

more than a few. He started reaching for his wand when the street before

them exploded. The bright blue aura of Aries erecting a shield was the

last thing Thomas saw before the slight pull of his navel whisked him

away back to Godric's Hollow.

Lord Black criticizes Ministry following Diagon Alley Attack!

Witches and Wizards, it was not even an hour after the shocking events

at Diagon Alley that Lord Black, 16, was in the Minister of Magic's

office criticizing the supposed reforms of the Department of Magical

Law Enforcement. Following the meeting with Minister Fudge, Lord

Black chose to have his concerns voiced here with your favorite writer,

Rita Skeeter. When asked just what he had spoken with the Minister

about, he had this to say: "A few months ago two students of Hogwarts

and one of Durmstrang were kidnapped from Hogwarts by a madman.

The Minister has yet to provide any proof that this person is anywhere

close to being caught. Today innocent people were attacked and we're

lucky that no one was fatally injured. Director Bones has complained

again and again that despite the increase of funding and recruitment,

the Ministry is still keeping them on a leash. I think its high time that

Cornelius stops trying to please everyone and allows the DMLE and the

Auror Department to find and apprehend these criminals." Lord Black's

statements seemed to echo with many of the Ministry employees

themselves and the very members of the Wizengamot. The Minister's

office was flooded with complaints and rallying cries for support of the

well-known desires of Director Bones have filled the Ministry's halls.

Assistant Head Auror Sirius Black declined to comment on the target of

the Diagon Alley attack, but Auror Potter, as well as others, believe that

his son, Thomas Potter, was the intended target. This raises questions of

if the supposed madman from the Tri-Wizard Tournament was behind

the attack and if so, what will Minister Fudge do about it? Is it time for

perhaps a different wizard to be in charge?

Aries threw the article to the side with a small smirk as he sat outside the

Wizengamot chamber. Rita was proving to be an invaluable asset and

with the profits that she was getting, he hardly had to pay her. The idea

that Aries Black was not someone to be messed with was beginning to

really settle in, and the fact that an entirely new guideline for the

Department of Magical Law Enforcement, graciously co-written by Black

himself, passed not twenty-four hours later hammered the idea home. It

made what he was waiting on now, an almost certainty.

"Are you sure about this?" Cassiopeia asked. "Don't get me wrong, I am

excited to see Bella again and back to her old self before that maniac

came along. Still, do you think it's worth it?"

"The locket, the diary, Malfoy and Black." Aries recited trying to suppress

the shiver of remembering how the locket had affected him. "Powerful

objects. Powerful families. Loyal followers. There are questions that need


"Why not just take it from Lucius? That man could rot in Azkaban for all I


"I will not do that to Draco's father." He answered sternly. "Besides Lucius

could come of use. I will need to be in Bellatrix's mind often to heal her. I

should come across the information I need. No one was closer to the Dark

Lord than her. We should learn a great deal from her and have someone

on the inside we can trust."

"You'll trust her?"

"Indoctrination works both ways, Aunt Cassi."

"I see," Cassi answered, though somewhat disapprovingly. "If it must be

done, then some be it. But speaking of having someone on the inside, you

are aware of Severus are you not?"

"That he has been instructed to attempt to bring me into the Dark Lord's

fold?" Aries asked. "Yes, though I hope to swing him to our side."

"Be careful." She warned as the doors to the Wizengamot opened. "He is

far more than a simple Potions master." Aries nodded in agreement

before walking through the doors. There was a sense of finality to many

of those seated before him, but he could sense much apprehension from

the liberal party. Lord Greengrass banged his gavel three times, bringing

the whispers of the hall to a halt.

"Lord Black, this council has made its decision regarding your request

and the evidence provided by you." The Chief Warlock began. "During

the time between your request and now, another investigation was

completed, one that only confirmed the information brought before us

previously. While the vote was not unanimous, it was an overwhelming

majority." Greengrass took a breath before addressing them again.

"Bellatrix Lestrange nee Black is henceforth placed on probation. As

outlined in the formal written request from Lord Black, she will be placed

on house arrest at a home of his choosing. She will be required to be seen

monthly at Saint Mungo's by professional mind healers to study the

progress of her mental rehabilitation, though the manner of her healing is

to remain up to Lord Black as Head of House Black. The allegations of

being a Death Eater are not reversed, however in one year's time should

more evidence be submitted, we will consider the removal of the charge

of her assault on Frank and Alice Longbottom." There was a slight

murmur of unrest here, but Lord Greengrass continued. "Many in this hall

know the claims of Albus Dumbledore and the Potter family. While there

is no proof of the Dark Lord's return, the recent attack on Diagon Alley

reinforces this condition." Aries met Lord Greengrass' look with a

challenging look of his own. "Bellatrix Lestrange is not to own a wand or

perform any magic intentionally until she is considered to be medically

sane if that day ever comes. If at any point she should perform any act

considered to be in the nature of a Death Eater and attempt to finish the

work her former master wished, then she will forfeit all rights given this

day and upon immediate capture by the Department of Magical Law

Enforcement be subjected to the Dementor's Kiss. Do you, Lord Black,

accept this condition given by the Wizengamot?"

"I do." Aries tone was like a sword that cut through the Wizengamot.

Truthfully, he had expected as much, but he would not let his

disappointment go unnoticed. He was thankful when the meeting ended

and quickly made his exit, flanked by two wizards a foot behind him.

They were former students of Durmstrang, ones that had graduated just

last year, and were excellent duelists. Dark purple robes covered them,

with leather gauntlets over their forearms. Each walked with a tall

wooden staff, characteristic of the Battle Magics class taught at

Durmstrang. Gunter and Jurgen had often acted as bodyguards

throughout his first few years at Durmstrang and had leaped at the

opportunity to resume their post following the attack of Diagon Alley.

Their presence, nor the Black crest woven onto their breast and the

ancient symbol of the Praetorian Guard on their cloaks, went unnoticed

by the members of the Wizengamot exiting the chamber. It dissuaded

many from approaching him, but not Lucius Malfoy.

"Personal guards? A bit paranoid Lord Black?" Lucius drawled.

"I'm afraid they insisted on coming with me." Aries drawled back.

"Having powerful friends can be rewarding, don't you agree?"

"And did they insist of the choice of insignia? The Praetorian Guards of

the Roman Empire if I remember correctly." The blonde hair wizard

looked disdainfully at the two guards, who stared back with no emotion.

"Many here will remember that the Praetorians guarded the muggle

emperor and the wizard one. It might not go over so well with those who

will come to power." Aries smirked darkly before leaning forward.

"It wasn't meant to," Aries whispered to Lucius. "The Dark Lord has his

servants and I have mine. There's only room in this world for one ruler

and I can assure you that I will be the emperor of this world." Lucius

recoiled with a glare looking around to make sure no one had overheard


"Releasing Bellatrix was a mistake. I don't know what happened between

you two in the graveyard but right now no one is allowed to move

against you. The Dark Lord favors Bella more than anyone. You just

might lose your exemption over this. Serve the Dark Lord and we can

make this world right."

"Oh, I don't think so," Aries said confidently. "He has much worse to

worry about than where Bellatrix is staying. It's kind of you to worry

about me Lucius, but you should be worrying about yourself. Maybe you

should think of switching sides before it's too late."

"This isn't a game Black!" Lucius whispered fiercely. "Sooner or later your

games will catch up to you and the Dark Lord will see you as an enemy

rather than a weapon to wield."

"I'll be waiting for the day, Lucius. I just hope for Draco's sake that you're

on the right side." Aries left his uncle and best friend's father fuming in

the Ministry's halls. Lucius attempts to sway him to the Dark Lord's side

were futile, but Aries had been sincere. He knew at some point Lucius

would have to die if he remained with the Dark Lord and he really did

not want to kill Draco's father if he didn't have to.

Aries' home in Germany was unusually quiet when Sirius Black walked

through the front door. Aries waited for him and cringed at the sight of

Bellatrix Lestrange. They had been granted permission to place the

Imperious Curse on her during the travel trip to the continent, but it did

nothing to hinder the horrid look of her. When Aries had visited her in

Azkaban, he had hardly looked at her, focusing on the state of her mind

instead, but nothing kept him from taking in her appearance now. Her

face was gaunt and her once thick, shiny hair had dulled and frayed. It

reminded him of Hermione's hair, though somehow still much more

managed. If one was looking at her she would seem clumsy, yet still

walked with a grace that many would have been envious of. Sirius

silently walked her up the halls until at last, they arrived at the room

they had prepared her. Once they had forced her to lay on the bed, Aries

placed a comatose spell on her and bound her to the bound.

"That should keep her body in a healthy stasis, though Narcissa has

already provided me with nutritional potions that should heal her body,"

Aries said softly. "I have a month left until Hogwarts to radically heal her


"Cissy is here?" Sirius asked, seeming to have not heard anything else

Aries has said.

"Yes, though she left to get Draco."

"Why does she want Draco here?"

Aries was saved from giving an explanation at the sound of the front door

opening again and a familiar voice met his ears. Andromeda Tonks, with

her husband and daughter in tow, stood awkwardly next to Narcissa and

Draco in the entrance of his home.

"Can you do it?" It was a vague statement but Aries knew what she was


"It will take a toll. On her and I, but yes, I can heal her. She will never be

the same and she will remember everything, but perhaps she can be a

portion of how she used to be. It would be easier of course if you were

here with her during it all." That at last seemed to break Andromeda, her

stern appearance softening.

"Do you really mean all of it?" Andromeda asked quietly. "Restoring our

house, making it better, making the world better?"

"Yes," Aries answered resolutely. "And even more."

"Then I, no we, accept your offer." Narcissa and Sirius suddenly shared

looks of joy before simultaneously embracing Andromeda, and Sirius

shook Ted's hand rather violently.

"I cannot tell you how pleased I am to hear it," Aries said with a genuine

smile. "I think a feast is in order, and no doubt our Head Elf has prepared

one for the ages."

Aries, at last, slipped away from the feast. It had been awkward at first

but slowly they had all opened up. These moments were perhaps what

best separated the Dark Lord from himself, as Aries cherished them while

the latter saw only weakness. He made his way towards his study and

took his seat, waiting for his guest to arrive. It had taken a lot of effort to

coerce the mind healers and others to give the reports and votes

necessary to bring Bellatrix home, though her mind was indeed insane.

Hours spent talking with Dora, while enjoyable, had rewarded him at last

with the return of Andromeda and her family to the House of Black. The

estranged Black family was once again whole. It was just one more step

along the way to restoring their house to greatness. The flash of his

private floo coming to life brought him from his musing as Remus Lupin

entered the study.

"My Lord," Remus greeted, bowing deeply before him.

"There is no need for such formalities here, Remus. Sirius is downstairs

celebrating." Aries instructed. "Please sit." Once Remus had seated, he

poured them both a glass of firewhiskey. "The conservation has been an

overwhelming success these past two months. Your hard work and

dedication have paid off. I'm impressed."

"Thank you."

"And the recruitment?"

"It goes well. It wasn't hard to find those that didn't seem suited for desk


"Good, good. Our army grows and the Dark Lord's dwindles." The sudden

change of the Daily Prophet's front cover caught his eye. "Your work in

Diagon Alley was excellent. I honestly didn't think you had it in you.

Attacking all those families and children."

"It was. . . difficult. But if I have learned anything its that the ends justify

the means."

"Indeed, they do, my friend." Aries sighed at the slight remorse in Remus'

face. "One day Sirius, James, Lily, and all of them will understand. We

bear the burden that they cannot. This war requires sacrifice, one that

not all are willing to give. We're making a better world Remus, remember

that always."

AN: Next chapter: The Trial of Thomas Potter.

19. The Trial of Thomas Potter

AN: We are nearing the end of the summer and the return to

Hogwarts is near. As always, I hope you enjoy this chapter, and if

you don't, whatever floats your boat y'all.

Thomas did not know why they had to do this every year. These people

did not even want them in their home. As far as he knew the muggles did

not consider them family, even though his mom was the woman's sister.

Petunia might be his aunt, and Vernon might be his uncle, but truth be

told family was the last thing he considered them to be as well. Every

single year they came out to this dreadful and perfect home just to have

his parents ignore all the side comments the Dursley's threw at them. Not

to mention he had to put up with Dudley's bullying just so his mom could

keep some sort of relationship with her sister. After everything that had

happened with Harry, he had thought they would never see them. He

knew his father hated these muggles, and he could never understand how

his father was could be so polite to them.

No one had ever told him just why Petunia hated his mother so much,

though he had a guess it had to do something with Hogwarts. It could

have been that she ended up with someone like Vernon, who seemed to

get fatter with every year, while his mum ended up with his dad, a rich

guy that did not seem to break the couch when he sat. Though Petunia

seemed happy enough with her life, it was just when they arrived that

she was unhappy, or at least that was what she made them believe.

His mother signaling that he could leave the house for some fresh air

nearly caused him to burst into joy, and he did his best not to run

outside. Thomas knew he was not genuinely alone since, after

Voldemort's return, he had never really been alone beside when he was

sleeping or in the loo. He was aware that there were at least two

bodyguards from the Order following, well hidden under invisibility

cloaks and ready for a fight if it happened. Any attack was doubtful in his

opinion though, as just because people knew his mother was

muggleborns did not mean anyone knew where her dreadful sister lived.

"Running away already, freak?" Dudley's voice quickly turned what had

been a peaceful walk into a nightmare. Countless times before, when

there had not been Order bodyguards, Dudley had taken to physically

bullying him, and as they grew older, he made sure to punch where no

one could see the bruises right away. Thomas had always been forced to

take the beating since Dudley outweighed him and he could not use

magic outside of school, at least not here where there were no powerful

wards to block the Trace.

"Just away from you, Dudley," Thomas said with a sigh. "I don't get why

either of our families wastes time with it." He had thought Dudley was

going to hit him, but he was just staring at him in what Thomas thought

was a confused face. "You know my mum loves your mum. I mean they're

sisters. She just wants to have her sister back to how it used to be. I don't

see why that's such a big deal."

Thomas waited for an answer, perhaps beginning the first real

conversation between the two boys, but suddenly the sky grew

unnaturally dark, and the wind started to race. A chill went up his spine

as it reminded him of Aries' duel with Cedric during the Tri-Wizard

Tournament, yet no lightning or thunder came, but it was getting

remarkably cold.

"What are you doing, Thomas?" He barely recognized that Dudley had

called him by his first name before, but he knew what he heard in his

voice: fear.

"I'm not doing anything!" Thomas drew his wand though, ready for

whatever was causing the sudden, unnatural storm. Frantically he

searched for his bodyguards, who should have come racing to him by

now, but they were nowhere to be found. He reached to his chest for this

portkey, but his heart dropped as he realized it wasn't on him. His walk

had taken him far from his cousin's house, but he saw a small tunnel

where they could take cover from the wind. "Come on, follow me!"

They rushed towards the tunnel as heavy rain began pouring from the

sky. A dreadful feeling that Thomas could not explain was creeping up

into him, and it became even worse as the water on the ground began to

freeze. Then Thomas came face to face with his first Dementor.

Thomas knew the spell to repel the horrifying creature and how to use it,

but as the Dementor drew closer, his happiest memories seemed to slip

from him. Darkness closed in around him when suddenly a bright light

flashed throughout the tunnel. He thought he heard a terrifying scream

and the Dementor recoiled from the light. Vaguely Thomas could hear his

mother's voice as his father's face came into view.

"Thomas, can you hear me?" He tried to answer, but words seemed

confusing, and he slipped into unconsciousness.

"My son did nothing to Dudley," James said with anger. "It was the


"The what?" Vernon asked as he did his best to match the venom in

James' voice.

"Dementors," Lily answered. "They guard our prison. But there's no reason

why they would come here."

"I need to report to the Ministry." James left quickly, and Lily heard the

loud pop as he apparated away. Many things had gone wrong today with

the top two being the sudden disappearance of Order guards for Thomas

and then the Dementor attack. Her eyes rested on Thomas who was

asleep on one side of the couch with Dudley on the other side.

"Dudley will be fine," Lily said, trying to soothe her sister. "Chocolate will

help him feel better."

"Perhaps it would be best if you left." Petunia's words struck deep inside

her and Lily could only nod. She woke up Thomas, who just gave her a

groggy acknowledgment, before lifting to anti-portkey spell and

activating the portkey she wore. Sirius was waiting for them along with

Albus Dumbledore. Lily had found that Sirius tended to avoid the

Headmaster, though she was unsure why. He seemed to be tolerating his

presence now as he rushed forward to grab Thomas.

"What in the hell happened?" Sirius was pulling Thomas over to the table,

where the now well-mannered Kreacher had laid out a smorgasbord of

chocolate desserts and drinks.

"I also wish to know what has occurred." Albus echoed gravely. "Thomas,

if you could tell us between sips of the excellent hot cocoa Kreacher has


"I can't really explain it," Thomas answered awkwardly. "One second we

were there and the next thing a storm blew in. But I knew it wasn't

natural. It felt like the storm Aries created back in the tournament." Lily

caught the slight way Albus glanced towards Sirius, who tensed up at

Aries' name. "Then it got so cold, and it started to rain. So, we rushed

over to that tunnel. And then the Dementor's showed up." Thomas

shivered suddenly. "I tried to cast the Patronus charm, but I couldn't get

it to work. But then mum and dad showed up and were able to get rid of


"Who could have done this Albus?"

"I'm not sure," Albus replied. "But unfortunately, this is only the

beginning of our problems."

He floated through the grey of Bellatrix's mind, searching for his prize. A

wasteland that seemed to want to attack him at every move but was too

preoccupied with fighting itself, as if both he and her own mind were

foreign entities. At soft points he would smooth out the radicalization,

attempting to rid her mind of anything that seemed to be the cause of the

Dark Lord's Legilimency. Aries tried not to think about how he knew how

to do this, but the images of Bellatrix's mind were more than a reminder

to the mind of Arianna than he wanted to admit. Hours each day he spent

working at his task of freeing Bellatrix's mind, hoping that it would, at

last, give him a final clue to the mystery of Slytherin's locket that had

plagued him for the summer. He had yet to wake her from the magically

induced coma, somewhat unsure of the form her mind would take when


Aries pulled out of Bellatrix's mind as he felt a presence enter the room,

one he immediately recognized as Cassiopeia. She had been very busy

this summer helping Remus with the Werewolf Conservation, providing

logistics to the Praetorian Guard which had become his own private

army, and collecting as much blackmail as she could on all the prominent

figures in Magical Britain. Cassi seemed slightly annoyed, though Aries

could guess where it was directed, as she examined her formerly

imprisoned niece.

"Any success?" Cassiopeia asked, no doubt probing the outer edges of

Bellatrix's mind.

"Some," Aries answered slightly less victoriously than he would have

hoped by now. "The Dark Lord's rape of her mind goes beyond what I

thought. At times his lingering presence seems to fight against my own


"Perhaps another avenue of approach would yield better results?" He

stood up, turning away from Bellatrix and leaving the room, Cassi

following closely.

"No. Bellatrix has the key. The locket, the diary. . . These powerful

artifacts are connected to the Dark Lord. If anyone knew of their exact

importance, it would be her."

"Have you considered opening Lord Slytherin's locket?" Aries eyed her

suspiciously. The question came out more as a challenge than one would


"I have considered it." He replied slowly. "But the magic surrounding it is.

. . Complicated. There is a darkness there that seems to draw one in. I

will not risk opening it until I know the spell it contains, and how to

counter it."

"A responsible answer," Cassiopeia said approvingly, taking a seat at their

table. "I had feared that you might become reckless considering its ties to

you and your ancestor." Aries was about to respond when the door burst

open. Fleur Delacour walked through and stopped immediately, a slight

blush rising into her cheeks. Her presence would not have been too bad,

Aries considered, if she wore more than the red bra and thong that clung

tightly to her. Fleur took one look at Cassiopeia, who was struggling to

contain her anger, before hastily leaving the kitchen. Aries enjoyed the

site of her quick exit before turning to Cassiopeia somewhat amused.

"Is her presence necessary, Aries?" Cassi asked through gritted teeth.

"Of course." He doubted his cheekiness helped, but when did anyone ever

see Cassi so flustered? "I need to keep up good relations with the

Delacour's, especially with the French Ministry's ball upcoming."

"And I suppose keeping those 'good relations' requires fucking Jean

Delacour's daughter every night?"

"Every other night is the minimum requirement," Aries answered with a

smirk. "At least, that's what Fleur says."

"I wonder how the Greengrasses feel about this arrangement?" Cassi

smirked at what she believed to be a good move in their verbal chess


"No doubt Lord Greengrass cares little. His cooperation came without the

marriage contract to his daughter."

"Yes, but what will he say when his beloved daughter is shamed and

embarrassed by her lover's infidelity? Perhaps he will believe you have

wronged her and decide to gift his cooperation elsewhere?"

"I can deal with the Greengrasses," Aries answered, anger flashing into his

eyes. "You can rest assured of that."

They sat in silence for some time, as Aries considered what his aunt had

said. Did he really want to marry Daphne? Perhaps at one point but that

opinion had begun to change, as tying himself to one person would

eliminate potential avenues to power that Aries may not be able to

afford. He had avoided her since the dinner with their family, opting to

attempt to stay within the good graces of the Chief Warlock. But then

again came the question of Daphne or Fluer. Daphne was indeed

powerful, though not nearly as powerful as Fleur, but the veela would

never equal the English's girls ability to traverse British politics. England,

however, was only one part of the world he would one day rule. There

was time to figure these things out, so he pushed them from his mind,

just as Cassi began to speak again.

"What are your intentions with Potter's trial?" Aries raised his eyebrows

at that.

"Nothing." He answered honestly. "It's open and shut. I looked at Auror

Potter's incident report. The Wizengamot will clear his son of all charges."

Cassi studied him for a moment before leaning forward.

"The grays are fully in your control, so long as you do not anger Lord

Greengrass." Cassi began, a thoughtful look dressed on her face. "The

conservatives are with you now, and those who cling to the Dark Lord

are beginning to see you as a better alternative to a madman. The

liberals, however, need some work to come to your side."

"You have my attention. What do you suggest?"

"Heir Potter is a member of one of the oldest families. A Most Noble and

Most Ancient family. That family is also a strictly light family. There is

perhaps a way to earn the gratitude of all the Wizengamot, including the

conservatives. And at the same time remind Fudge that he is not the one

truly in charge."

James Potter, along with his wife and soon to be on trial son, rushed

through the Ministry of Magic, trying to reach the courtroom as fast as

possible. They had just received the last-minute notification that Thomas'

trial had not only been moved but had also be scheduled three hours

earlier. He had tried to reach Dumbledore, but nothing had worked to

find him, not even a Patronus. They were almost to the elevator when

Sirius stepped in front of them.

"Move Sirius!" James shouted.

"Wait, Head Auror Scrimgeour needs to see you right now, James," Sirius

said, looking far more severe than he ever had.

"Tell Scrimgeour he can shove-"

"Auror Potter," Sirius said sternly. "That wasn't a request." The two friends

glared at each other hotly before Lily stepped in between them.

"That's enough you two," Lily said turning to James. "Go and then hurry

to the trial." James gritted his teeth before nodding and rushed off to

Scrimgeour's office. He paid no attention to the Head Auror's secretary

and threw the door open to his office.

"James, welcome please have a seat." Rufus Scrimgeour greeted.

"Biscuit?" James quickly took his seat, waving off the biscuit.

"I think you forgot about my son's trial. I need to go right now."

"Yes, I'm afraid I can't let you go to that. Orders."

"Orders?!" James yelled. "If it's the Minister's orders he can go shove them

right up his ass!"

"Well now that we know how you really feel," Rufus said with a laugh. "It

was not the Minister who ordered me. Rather it was Lord Black."

"What?" Anger swelled within James. Was that boy trying to get his son

expelled? Was the Black lord trying to get him fired as well? "Why would

you even listen to that brat?"

"Perhaps you should take care with how you describe a lord, Auror

Potter. And to be honest, because I agreed with his explanation. Also, I

believe now is a good time to have this chat." Rufus took a deep breath,

appreciating that James did not interrupt his pause. "Do you know how

many times the Minister has tried to fire you since the end of the Tri-

Wizard Tournament? Weekly. If not twice or more a week. Do you have

any idea who you have to thank for that?"

"You?" James guessed weakly.

"The House of Black. More specifically Lord Black himself." Rufus

corrected, much to James' astonishment. "I think you can guess that

Fudge is running himself into a grave and soon he will be removed.

Especially considering the Dark Lord's return."

"What? I thought you agreed with the Minister!"

"Agree with that blubbering fool? No. Lord Black told me the truth

immediately. And he has played the Minster and the Wizengamot like

puppets on a string. Once Fudge is removed, Lord Black needs only speak

a name, and we will have a new Minister of Magic. And when that

happens, we will, of course, need a new Head Auror." James' mouth

seemed to drop, though without him noticing.

"You?" Potter said when he had, at last, regained control of his mouth.

"I believe so. Though I cannot be quite for sure. It would make sense.

Sirius Black will never become Head Auror, though perhaps the Head of

the DMLE itself if I could guess. And when I am gone there is only one

logical replacement: you."

"I don't understand." Rufus sighed very audibly. His time as a Slytherin

truly made him appreciate what Lord Black was doing, but it made

dealing with this Gryffindor complicated.

"He intends to make you Head Auror if what I have come to suspect plays

out. It's only logical. Especially when one considers that you will have an

excellent Assistant Head in Sirius Black. Now, your animosity with Lord

Black, and in turn, your former friend Sirius, is well known. But to be

frank James, at this point you owe your job and any future you have in it

to Lord Black. I would recommend that from now on you be more. . .

Amiable to him. He is not as bad as you believe he is. Have I made

myself clear, Auror Potter?"

James stared back incredulously for many moments, struggling to accept

what he had heard. Did he really owe all that to Aries? And why would

Aries make him Head Auror? Honestly, it did not entirely make sense to

him, as it contradicted everything he had begun to believe about his

friend's nephew. He shook his head to clear his thoughts, before slowly

nodding back to the Head Auror. James could be amiable to the boy, but

his actions did not make him any less suspicious, it only made him more

in James' opinion.

"Good," Rufus said happily before gesturing to the door. "Now don't you

have a trial to attend to?"

"Good luck, Thomas." Lily said as she hugged her son, trying to hide her

worry as best as she could.

"But what about Professor Dumbledore?" Thomas asked, looking around

for his mentor who was nowhere to be found.

"He'll be here cub, don't worry." The lie came easy for Sirius, as had

countless other lies this summer. He was beginning to understand just

how grey Aries saw things, but with Voldemort's return, his resolve had

only strengthened. He had lost nearly everything by the end of the last

war, and he would be damned if the same thing happened. James would

never understand, though Sirius cared less for that every day. He hardly

recognized his friend and had grown much closer to Remus, despite the

fact that he was off far busier with tasks from Aries than Sirius ever could

be. "Come on Lily, we have to go to the visitor's section." Sirius hugged

Thomas tightly before pulling Lily away.

"What is this about Sirius?"

"What do you mean?" They took their seats alone, as the rest of the small

section was empty. Sirius' eyes floated to the Potter seat of the

Wizengamot which remained empty. Augusta Longbottom had happily

returned to her position and accepted the offer of being a proxy for the

Potter family. He wondered if Aries, who sat a few rows down conversing

with Lord Greengrass, wanted the Potter seat for himself but his nephew

had never paid it any attention.

"I mean why did Rufus want James now of all times?" The worry and

slight anger in her voice concerned him, and he almost spilled the beans,

but he had to console her somehow. "And where is Albus? This should be

a simple case, and yet the entire Wizengamot is here!"

"Keep your voice down!" Sirius furiously whispered. "Look everything is

under control. Aries didn't want James here because he might interfere

and with the way things are going right now, if James and Fudge go at it

in front of the entire Wizengamot things will get ugly fast for you family.

Dumbledore won't be here since anything he does will only turn the

Ministry more against your family. Aries is hoping that what he does

today will restore some respect to your family name and get the Ministry

off your family's back. If not keep James from nearly being fired by the

Minister of Magic every week." Lily stared at him, wide-eyed for a

moment, but was stopped from speaking as the Minister of Magic

Cornelius Fudge hammered the gavel three times. Thomas was brought in

flanked by two Aurors that Sirius recognized as Kingsley Shacklebolt and

Dora Tonks. He shook his head in wonder. Just how far did Aries' reach

go these days? His hand was suddenly crushed by Lily's grasp as chains

wrapped around Thomas' wrist, and he had to fight to keep her from

erupting in outrage.

"The accused is before us." Fudge announced. "State your name for the


"Thomas Charles Potter." The boy's answer was shaky, and Sirius could

tell he was nervous."


"Witness for the defense! Aries Orion Black, Lord of the Most Ancient and

Most Noble House of Black." All eyes turned to Aries as he stood regally

and made his way down beside Thomas, who stared up at the older boy

in shock.

"There is no need for a defense, Lord Black." Fudge began nervously, his

eyes frantically glancing towards Lucius who seemed to be staring very

intently at anything other than the Minister. "A rather open and shut case.

I believe those were your words." Aries smiled at the man's foolish

attempt to catch him off guard.

"Yes, indeed they were. But of course, when I said that I believed it was

for Heir Potter to be cleared of all charges. Not be tried before the

entirety of the Wizengamot." The hall had suddenly gone very still. None

had missed the younger Potter's title that Aries had dropped rather

intentionally. "And we had just finished looking over Auror Potter's

incident report. It was rather clear in my opinion."

"Yes, um, however, the rules must be followed." The Minister seemed to

be reaching at this point. "This is his second incident. It requires a


"A hearing yes, not a criminal hearing." Many had begun to nod along

with Aries' words. "And besides, that formality is only required in two

proved incidents. Lord Malfoy provided that his former house elf had

been trying to get Heir Potter expelled three years ago. And this previous

incident report provided by an official Auror of the Ministry of Magic

proves that Heir Potter acted in self-defense. All considered I am

confused on just why you brought Heir Potter into court today. Perhaps

you wished to increase your defamation against the heir of a Most Noble

and Most Ancient family?" If the hall had been still before it was now a

graveyard. Every eye was on Fudge, who seemed to want nothing more

than to apparate from the hall. "That would be absurd of course.

Especially considering how his grandmother was Dorea Black, making

him the last Potter that can be legally and magically claimed by the Black

family as one of their own. You would never plot against a member of

both House Potter and House Black?"

"Of course not!" Fudge banged his gavel quickly. "Cleared of all charges!"

"Excellent!" The entire Wizengamot seemed to sigh in relief. "Then, of

course, the reason you assembled the entire Wizengamot was to discuss

our Dementor problem, correct?"

"Excuse me?" The Minister's voice was weak, and Sirius was struggling to

laugh at the entire situation.

"Have you forgotten that two Dementors went rogue and attacked the

Heir of one of our esteemed Houses? Surely the Ministry, who has

complete control over our dark friends, could explain what happened?"

"Hem hem." Sirius' head snapped to the toad-like the woman next to the

Fudge. He recognized the pink covered woman as Dolores Umbridge,

who had recently been promoted to Under Secretary. "I'm afraid I don't

understand what you are implying Lord Black. Are you saying that the

Ministry had something to do with this?"

"I would never imply such a thing, Under Secretary. But unless you have

something valuable to add to the conversation, I think you should sit

back and wait until you understand what is said and leave this to the

Lords and Ladies of the Wizengamot." Aries' angered response threw

Sirius off guard. Did he dislike the woman? Surely her voice was

annoying, but Sirius had yet to learn much about the new Under

Secretary. "Now Minister, I expect an investigation will take place?"

"Of course, Lord Black, of course." Fudge smiled nervously, and the one

that Aries returned with was almost predatory. Sirius wondered if the

Minister understood that the entire Wizengamot had found out who

honestly ran the Ministry today.

"What was that all about?!" Sweat seemed to pour from Fudge's face as he

sat across from Aries in the Minister's office. The man was pitiful and

truly disgusting, but Aries needed him for now. He knew Rufus

Scrimgeour had guessed his plan easily enough, though he had let him

honestly. It was important that Rufus believed himself to be important;

otherwise, he might become suspicious.

"Your media tactics against Dumbledore and the Potters have been

understandable and tolerable," Aries said staring down the other man.

"But dragging the Heir of House Potter, an ally to House Black, before the

entire Wizengamot on bogus charges is ludicrous. You forgot your place,


"My place?" Fudge asked incredulously. "I am the Minister of Magic!"

"A position that you retain so long as the Wizengamot allows you to."

Aries sipped at his fire whiskey happily. "You remain Minister because

those of us with actual power want you here. And the day that changes

you will be gone before you can say Quidditch."

"You dare?" Aries slammed his glass down, shattering it, and got to his

feet. Towering above the other man.

"Yes, I dare," Anger flashed in Aries' eyes. "This defamation against the

Potters and Dumbledore goes on because I allow it. Your foolish follower

is going to be at Hogwarts because I allow it. You sit here because I

haven't decided to have you removed. You do nothing without my

approval. You live a lavish life due to Lucius and I. You can lose it all in a

second. Think about it, Minister." Aries left with a feeling of blood lust.

Everything in him wanted to slaughter the arrogant man. But there was

no need. He would remove Fudge in time, and then the Ministry would

indeed be his.

Memories flashed before her eyes, but she saw them differently as if she was

standing in a pensieve watching herself make decisions and do things that she

could not explain. What was happening? She saw herself tortured, felt her

mind being ripped apart, and in turn abusing others. Cruelty was not

something she had ever shied away from as her father, Cygnus, would never

have accepted weakness from his daughter. Yet what she saw herself doing

was sick and beyond anything that could be explained. Even she did not know

what ends these means could be justified with.

"Crucio!" She watched, horrified, as her own body writhed on the floor.

Minutes passed by, and she wondered how long the body she saw could hold

on. Then the spell was released. Most would expect tears or cries, but all she

heard was laughter. It was cold and haunted, but she knew it was hers.

Her eyes flew open as she sat up quickly. Pain raked at her body as if she

had just experienced the very Cruciatus Curse she had seen being used.

Her vision was blurry but has things came into focus, she found herself in

her childhood bedroom, though she had not been here in years. But

where had she been? And why did everything look so. . . Old? She wore

nothing but a simple medical gown, something commonly worn by those

at Saint Mungo's. Had she been at the hospital? Then she saw herself in

the mirror. She hardly recognized the woman that stared back at her. The

black hair was long and healthy, and her face was fuller, but her eyes

seemed haunted. What had happened to her? She looked more vigorous

than the women in her dreams, but her eyes just seemed so. . . Worn?

The door opened to a familiar hall with the heads of house-elves that she

could suddenly remember. She tried every door she passed, but each was

locked. It felt like she was being led somewhere until at last, she opened

the door to the lounging room, where she knew their family tapestry was

kept. She nearly gasped as she saw the man awaiting her.

"Regulus?" Her voice cracked as if it hadn't been used in months.

"I'm Aries, his son." The young man said softly. He gestured to the seat

before him. "Perhaps you should take a seat, Bellatrix. We have must to

discuss." The door behind her slammed shut, and Bellatrix Lestrange

could not help but wonder what the hell was going on.

AN: Next chapter: Gatherings, Reunions, and the Sorting Hat

20. Gatherings, Reunions and the

Sorting Hat

AN: As promised the next chapter. We are finally going back to

Hogwarts. Lots of set up for things down the road and things will

start to begin to come to a point in our plotlines. Thank you for

everyone still going with HP aka Aries Black and House Black. As

always, I hope you enjoy this chapter, and if you don't, whatever

floats your boat y'all.

Green fire enveloped him, pushing him through the network of chimneys

across Germany before it disappeared, revealing the elegant ballroom of

the French Ministry of Magic. Soft music filled the background as quiet

chatter passed from guest to guest. Aries scanned the room quickly,

looking for his aunt and uncle who had arrived sometime before him. He

had wanted to enter alone, hoping that Sirius and Cassi's previous arrival

would draw more attention to him and those he intended to meet with


Sirius was not hard to find as the Englishmen stuck out among the French

with ease, though he had dressed up for the occasion. He was not

obnoxious, thankfully, but perhaps that was due to Cassiopeia standing

next to him. Aries had known his aunt would jump at the chance to

come, considering how much gossip was sure to be passed around

tonight. No doubt by the end of the night she would have enough

blackmail to control most of the French Ministry.

He spotted Jean Delacour at last, but his eyes shifted quickly to his

company. Fleur stood next to him, standing in a silver dress that Aries

could not help but compare to the one Daphne had worn at the Yule Ball.

While Daphne had been beautiful, she paled in comparison to how Fleur

looked tonight. A weaker man would have been dumbfounded by the

young woman, especially with her veela charm. Aries, however, just

shrugged off the slight allure and went to greet the French family.

"Bonjour, Monsieur Delacour," Aries gave no bow or tip of his head as he

greeted the man in French and Jean did the same. Anyone watching

would see that they saw themselves as equals, though Aries knew it was

far more of a master to servant.

"Lord Black, thank you for accepting my invitation," Fleur was casually

conversing with her mother, trying her best to look anywhere other than

Aries it seemed. Her mother, on the other hand, seemed to study him

with a hard look in her eye. Clearly, she was not over their former dinner


"How I could I refuse?" Aries said with a laugh. "It's not often an Englishmen

is welcomed so into France." He spoke louder than he was accustomed to or

preferred, but Aries needed to be heard, whereas normally he did his best

not to be overheard. "I hope this is a sign of more to come. I have always

hoped for more international cooperation between our great ministries. But we

are here to enjoy ourselves."

"I could not agree with you more, on both counts." Jean turned back to his

family, motioning for them to join the conversation. "I do not believe you

have met my family, though I'm sure you remember my daughter, Fleur, from

the Tri-Wizard Tournament."

"An excellent champion." Aries took her hand and kissed it, before doing

the same with Apolline and Gabrielle.

"Jean! You did not tell me you knew Lord Black!" The sudden loud voice

came from Louise Martin, whom Aries recognized from Cassiopeia's

comprehensive back brief this morning. While Jean Delacour was the

head of the Bureau de la Justice Magique, Louise Martin was the head of

the Bureau des Magicommunications, the equivalent of the British

Department of International Magical Cooperation. Aries knew that Jean

and Louise worked closely together, considering criminals sometimes

passed across France's borders into Spain and Germany.

"Yes, I met him shortly after the Tri-Wizard Tournament. Lord Black, this is

the man I spoke of before, Louise Martin." Jean's answer was believable if

not somewhat the truth. Aries' noticed that the other man had no

problem lying, even to one considered a close friend. "I was concerned this

'madman' they are after could cross into France. If he was good enough to

sneak into Hogwarts right under Dumbledore's nose, then who knows what he's

capable of?"

"Completely understandable!" Louise said with a smile before he turned to

Aries. "Chancellor Muller speaks rather highly of you. He said you grew up in


"A rather eye-opening experience. I believe it's why my fellow lords and ladies

of the Wizengamot find me rather abrasive." That drew a laugh from the

other two men as they each grabbed a glass of wine from the server that

stopped briefly at their group.

"Speaking of a madman, Albus Dumbledore seems rather convinced that their

so-called 'dark lord' has returned." Aries did not miss the slight edge to

Louise's voice. "It might be refreshing to have an unbiased opinion? I believe

you were there as well?" He nearly smiled, but years of training kept the

temptation at bay. Louise might have attended Beauxbatons, but he

would have been a Slytherin for sure.

"I was indeed," Aries began, taking a sip of his wine. "Though even I cannot

say if it was the Dark Lord. Not even his most trusted servants ever saw his

face, so how am I to know if it was him? Besides, they consider him to be the

greatest dark lord. I highly doubt a fifteen-year-old and a fourteen-year-old

could escape him so easily."

"Surely you humble yourself? Chancellor Muller and Headmaster von Reich

speak so highly of you and your skill. I also saw your duel with that poor boy

who died. Quite impressive."

"Excellence at dueling does not always equate to excellence in war." Aries'

voice was hard, his eyes locked with Louise. The man was clearly testing

him, and Aries had every intention of winning. There was a slight tension

within the group, but it ended as another joined their group, oblivious to

that very tension.

"Louise, Jean!" Sometimes Aries wondered just how good his luck could

be as the man who had joined them was Jaimie Lemaire, the head of the

Bureau des Aurors. Aries also knew that these three were the main

opposition to the current President of the French Ministry of Magic,

Gareth Belcourt. "And Lord Black it's a pleasure to meet you. Jaimie Lemaire,

at your service. I just had the pleasure of meeting Sirius. I must admit I had

my reservations given what I've heard of the man, but he seems to be an

excellent Auror."

"I'm a little biased in that, Monsieur Lemaire, though I would have to agree."

"We were just discussing this madman the English are after and whether or not

it's their 'dark lord.'" Louise said to the group as Jaimie's eyebrows raised,

glancing between Aries and Jean, who had been rather silent.

"Truly? A bit of a heavy subject so early into the party, Louise, though you've

never shied away from the more. . . difficult things." Aries did not miss their

eyes flicker quickly to President Belcourt, who was conversing rather

enthusiastically with Sirius. If Sirius did his job well enough, the

president would be drunk well before the night ended and hopefully

make an ass of himself rather spectacularly. "Please forgive me for

indulging in a personal question, Lord Black. There are few Englishmen who

spend any significant time of the continent, let alone grow up in Allemagne. I

was curious to whom you believe to be the more powerful dark lord. Your He-

Who-Must-Not-Be-Named or Gellert Grindewald?"

Aries did not answer right away, choosing instead to finish his glass of

wine and study the room. There were a few groups that could potentially

hear what he was about to say and there was little doubt it would be in

both the French papers but the Daily Prophet as well. The three men did

not seem to mind his pause, though he knew he could not keep them


"If we are to discuss the Dark Lord and Gellert Grindewald we must take into

consideration what connects the two. Dumbledore." Aries let the thought

settle for a moment. "Now the two waged completely different wars with

Grindewald focusing more on urban warfare while the Dark Lord concentrated

on guerilla warfare and acts of terrorism. Dumbledore only fought Grindewald

once, but he met the Dark Lord in battle multiple times but never to

completion. Both dark wizards seemed to fear Dumbledore though only one

was defeated by him. One could reason that given Dumbledore met the Dark

Lord in the field multiple times, that he considered him a more powerful threat

over Grindewald. The man's own account seems to point to the fact that the

Dark Lord was more powerful. Personally, I would have to agree with the

man. And here is my reasoning.'

"Grindewald was indeed powerful, but the source of his widespread fear can

more easily be connected to his mighty army and overall destruction

throughout Europe. One hears that the ultimate battle between Dumbledore

and Grindewald is worthy of the gods of war and is a testament to his power.

However, without the massive army and support that Grindewald possessed, I

do not believe his campaign would have been anywhere near as successful.'

"Now take into consideration the Dark Lord of Britain. It is not arrogant to

consider that the wizards and witches of Britain are exceptional considering

the bloodlines we possess: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Slytherin, and

most importantly Merlin himself. Given the Dark Lord's blood purity

propaganda one could reasonably suspect him to be a pureblood. Perhaps an

heir of one of those powerful families? While Grindewald was defeated in a

single batter against Dumbledore, the Dark Lord survived multiple times and

even forced the great wizard to retreat himself a time or two. He is supposedly

a master of Legilimency, Occlumency, the advanced methods of the Dark Arts,

and, if one believes Dumbledore, the dark wizard has cheated death. The Dark

Lord's power is in himself and only himself. One cannot overlook the fact that

Grindelwald's war was far more devastating than that of the Dark Lord's war.

That being said, I believe that had the Dark Lord conquered Britain and

turned his attention to the continent, well. . . Let us just be thankful for

Thomas Potter stopping him fourteen years ago."

"A well-reasoned answer, Lord Black," Jaimie answered, studying Aries

with a different look than before. "I look forward to hopefully working with

you in the future."

"I concur," Louise said as he glanced towards Jean with a nod. Aries'

smirked, his assumption, at last, being confirmed. Jean had set this up,

every part of it, and it seemed he had won the approval of Louise Martin

and Jaimie Lemaire. Now he just had to convince them to follow his


"I would enjoy that but considering our current political situations, I find it

unlikely." Aries over-exaggerated its glance towards President Belcourt.

"Perhaps in the future, we can find ourselves in a place where international

cooperation is a more pressing concern. I know how well Director Bones of the

Department of Magical Law Enforcement enjoys working with Jean. Perhaps I

can introduce you three to Minister Fudge?"

"We would look forward to meeting your minister, whomever that might be,"

Louise said the last part much quieter than the rest and Aries simply


"Now if you would excuse me, I think I must dance. It would be rather

unforgiving if I came all this way and simply talked! There are beautiful

women here, as I'm sure you agree." The three men laughed loudly with

Jean waving over to his wife. Aries glanced towards Fleur then back to

Jean. "With your permission, of course."

"His permission is not needed." Fleur's sing-song voice cut in, taking him by

the hand and pulling him to the dance floor. Classical music flowed

throughout the hall, and they danced quietly for the first song, and Aries

took the chance to study the hall. The President was indeed drunk by

now, and Sirius was now occupied dancing with a beautiful French

woman. Aries' hoped he would not fall so quickly, as he had a surprise

for his uncle that he had been working on most of the summer.

Cassiopeia was speaking to another woman he recognized as the head of

the Bureau des Accidents et Catastrophes Magiques. Aries wondered if Cassi

would have the women on their side by the end of the night. Personally,

he thought that France would have a new President by Halloween if

tonight continued the way it was going. "Staring at other women, are we?"

"I would not consider studying to be staring," Aries replied, continuing his

study of the room. His eyes narrowed as he saw Prime Minister de

Cordova of Spain. Why was he here? Did that mean Arianna was as well?

The father of his friend had recently won Spain's election, thanks to years

of work from Cassiopeia, but Aries did not think he would be present

here. Perhaps years as Ambassador of Spain had made him enjoy these


"Call it what you like," Her voice was flirtatious, and Aries wondered if

they would end up at her place or his. She had recently moved into a flat

in England and taken a job at Gringotts. It was not the most exciting of

jobs, but her half-breed status gave her credit with the goblins, and it

kept her close if anything needed to be done discreetly within London.

"Regardless, I believe I am owed your entire attention."

"Tonight is too valuable for childish things, Fleur." She did not tense at his

hard tone, something that infuriated Aries to no end.

"Ah yes, but in two days you return to Hogwarts and that prissy little

Greengrass girl." There was a sliver of jealousy in her voice that Aries' was

surprised to hear. "It would be unfortunate if I let the night pass without

marking my territory, no?"

"Mind yourself. We are in public. We have never met outside the tournament."

"Do you not believe in love at first sight, Aries?" He ignored the rhetorical

question and continued to dance. A few songs passed before Aries left

casually. Any onlookers would not see anything out of place, and he

honestly did need a drink. He had spent far too much time in Fleur's

company for his own good, and the effect she was beginning to have on

him was not agreeable. She did not fear him despite being little more

than a slave enforced by deeper magic than either of them could

understand. And to be honest, he enjoyed her presence. At one point he

had not considered her to be an equal that could stand beside him. He

had thought Daphne to be that one, but had the summer truly changed

his perception? Or had it been that he had spent so much time with Fleur

rather than Daphne? Neither could defeat him in a duel, but Fleur

possessed far more power and could hold herself against him far longer

than others, even without the use of the Dark Arts.

Aries sighed and pushed the thoughts away as he drank some punch. It

was refreshing and far better than allowing himself to become drunk on

the wine as many had by this point. He considered rejoining the dance

floor, to complete the idea that he had come on honest intentions when

he saw a familiar face leave the ballroom onto the balcony. Every fiber of

him said to avoid the temptation, but logic and emotion won out. She

had been his confidant for years, and she was the daughter of the Prime

Minister after all.

Arianna faced away from him, looking out over Furstenberg Square and

the Sixth District of Paris. There were few onlookers, as the building had

powerful Notice-Me-Not charms, just like the one he had placed over the

balcony itself. Aries did not want anyone observing them from the

ballroom, as he was unsure where this conversation would go. Arianna

made no move of recognition as he stood beside her.

"Hello, Arianna," Aries greeted in Spanish, choosing her native tongue in

hopes to make her feel more comfortable. "How have you been?" She

turned to him, finally admitting he was there. Aries noticed she looked as

beautiful as ever, though her eyes seemed distant. He wanted to reach

into her mind, to feel her emotions as she spoke, but decided against it.

The indoctrination of Bellatrix's mind was a constant reminder of what he

had unintentionally done to the girl before him. Did she even know? It

was nowhere near as painful or immense as what the Dark Lord had

done, but how much of their friendship, and the girl's own feelings, were

due to her own personality or what he had done to her mind?

"Fine." He expected more, but while the girl stared at him, she said

nothing more.

"You have not answered any of my letters."

"No, I have not."

"May I ask why?"

"I had nothing to say." Aries felt anger flash in his eyes. Was this a game to

her? He turned from her, looking into the ballroom. "I see you're having a

good time with Fleur. You've convinced most that you've never met. Though we

both know you spent time in the prefect's bathroom at Hogwarts together. I'm

surprised Daphne never found out." This is what she wanted to talk about?

"I am not betrothed to the Greengrass girl. I can do as I please." That seemed

to surprise the girl.

"What happened to your grand plan for England?"

"It changed. The Dark Lord's return has. . . forced me to accelerate things."

Was there a look of hope in her eyes now? What was going on with this

girl? His natural Legilimency was not picking anything up either. "The

Wizengamot has fallen into place without a marriage contract. They were far

easier to manipulate than even I suspected."

"Then your plans have not changed." Now he understood. Did she really

think he would abandon everything simply because some dark wizard

had returned? That he would give up his pursuit of conquest?

"My goal is continuous," Aries stated firmly."My methods and plans will

change, but my destiny will continue."

"Then we have nothing to talk about."

"What is it that you want from me, Arianna?" There was anger in his voice,

and it surprised her, as his anger was rarely directed at her. "To abandon

all that I have worked and trained to have some cottage on the seashore? For

love and happiness while death and pain thrive in this world when I have the

power and the responsibility to change it?"

"All I have ever wanted is your love, Aries."

"Don't lie to me. I told you before, I have seen your mind."

"And you think because of that I won't stand beside you throughout all that?"

Arianna clinched her fists tightly as if she wanted to hit him. "I want to be

the only one who receives your love and affection. And because of that, you

see weakness. I know you better than you believe I do."

"That isn't why I think you're weak!" Aries had said it at last. All of his

friends were powerful, and while Arianna possessed both political and

magical power, she lacked what he truly needed her to have.

"Then tell me!" Arianna yelled, and Aries was grateful for the privacy

charms he had placed over the balcony.

"You let emotion rule your life. Even now, you allow it to make a fool of

yourself here at a Ministry gathering. You focus more on your dream world

than you do on the present. While you could defeat anyone in a duel, you lack

the fortitude to actually kill someone. I cannot trust you to do what must be

done if it ever came down to it. I have surrounded myself with people who

would kill and die for the idea that we strive for every day. You, on the other

hand, are unpredictable and that makes you dangerous to me and to my goals.

You are good for little other than being a confidant. It makes you a liability."

"So that's all I am? A weakness?" The girl seemed broken.

"No." Aries sighed as he answered honestly. Who was he to chastise the

girl over emotion when it was threatening to rule him now? "You have

always been my friend and confidant. But I cannot be what you want me to

be." He glanced towards the party that he had been away from for far too

long. "Think on this Arianna. Would you rather have me in what way you can

or not at all? I will not play this game with you forever."

Aries woke up slowly, feeling the weight of Fleur on his chest. The

warmth of her naked body threatened to keep him in the bed, but he had

only today to accomplish his last goal for the summer. Aries dressed

casually, leaving a small note for Fleur, and made his way to the room

where Bellatrix had been staying. She looked far healthier than she had

months ago when she arrived and younger if he had to guess. Narcissa's

potions and constant attention to her sister had done Bellatrix well.

"Are you sure about this?" Cassiopeia asked from her seat next to

Bellatrix. "By your own account, her mind is still fragile."

"She needs to be rearranging her mind herself." Aries' answered. "This

stasis does not allow enough conscious thought for that to occur."

"And how do you recommend getting her to the Black home? It's under

the Fidelius, is it not?" Aries smirked and pulled out a small piece of a


"Sirius should not be so trusting. This is the note with the secret, written

by Albus Dumbledore himself." Cassiopeia raised her eyebrows and

simply nodded. "I trust you can make a portkey?"

"Of course."

"Good." Aries glanced around and cast a quick compulsion charm on

Bellatrix before readying himself to leave. "Take her to her room there

and remove the stasis. The charm should bring her to me. Sirius has

already ensured that the home is clear. Everyone is at the Potters' right


"I hope you find the answers we seek, Aries."

Aries waited patiently as Bellatrix made her way through 12 Grimmauld

Place. Her mind was chaotic, pushing out thoughts that any natural

Legillimens would pick up on. At last, the door opened, and Bellatrix

entered the room. She gasped loudly as her eyes met his own.

"Regulus?" Her voice cracked as if it hadn't been used in months.

"I'm Aries, his son." He gestured to the seat before him. "Perhaps you

should take a seat, Bellatrix. We have must to discuss." The door behind

her slammed shut, causing Bellatrix to jump slightly. She looked at the

chair suspiciously and slowly sat before the man who claimed to be her

cousin' son.

"Regulus was killed-"

"By the Dark Lord, yes." Aries interrupted. "My mother was Regina

Malfoy. She was hiding in France at father's instruction. He feared the

Dark Lord may kill her and his unborn child should he have failed him. I

was raised by our Aunt Cassiopeia."

"What happened?" Bellatrix said, somewhat frantically. "What's going


"The year is nineteen-ninety-five, and you have been imprisoned in

Azkaban for the past fourteen years." Her eyes widen, and Aries knew her

mind was struggling to grasp what was happening. "Fourteen years ago

the Dark Lord went to Godric's Hollow and attempted to kill the Potter

children. Something happened, and he was destroyed."

"The Dark Lord? Gone?"

"Yes and no," Aries answered. "His body was destroyed, but in June he

returned." Bellatrix was wincing in pain now, her hands holding her


"Why was I in Azkaban?" She seemed to struggle with the words. "Why

am I not with the Dark Lord? Why do I have all these horrifying

memories?" Aries suddenly realized her dual personalities were fighting.

There was Bellatrix, and then there was the Inner Circle Death Eater.

Aries needed Bella to win at all costs.

"After the Dark Lord was defeated, you, Rudolphus, Rabastan, and Barty

Crouch went to the home of the Longbottoms and tortured Frank and

Alice to insanity." He caught her sudden look of disgust and outrage. "The

four of you were caught, tried, and sentenced to life in Azkaban."

"Why would I do that? They're purebloods." Bellatrix was shaking her

head, almost violently. "Wait, why am I here? And not in Azkaban?"

"The answer to both of those questions is identical." Aries began. "What

do you know of indoctrination? And of the effects of the Cruciatus Curse

to the mind?"

"Little," Bella looked at him confused.

"The Dark Lord is a master of Legilimency. Many of the confessions of

Death Eaters, both given freely and under Veritaserum, reveal that he

would often break into their own minds for his reports." Bellatrix nodded

at that. "He also often used the Cruciatus Curse on his own followers. You

seemed to be the subject of both of these methods more so than anyone. I

have been attempting to undo the damage done to your mind these past

months, and it has been extensive. The constant and consistent uses of

Legilimency and the Cruciatus Curse have changed you, Bellatrix.

Changed you into some twisted form of yourself. A twisted form that was

capable of murdering children, massacring helpless witches and wizards,

and torturing a pureblooded family into insanity. When I discovered this,

I immediately demanded your release in front of the Wizengamot after I

claimed our house seat."

"The Dark Lord did that to me?"

"Yes," Aries took a sip from his fire whiskey, enjoying the taste before

pouring Bellatrix a glass. "I do not condemn your decision to join the

Dark Lord, as much of what he aims to accomplish is similar to my own

goals. That being said, I do not condone his methods or the methods that

you came to use due to his indoctrination of your mind. I would see you

freed from his grasp and I would hope that you would aid me in my


Bellatrix rose to her feet and faced away from him. "Why would you have

me released?"

"I aim to see House Black restored to its former glory," Aries answered,

Bellatrix's back still to him. "That is. . . difficult when one of its most

infamous members is incarcerated in Azkaban. Freeing you and thereby

exonerating you of your crimes helps to create a new image for our

house. One that can, in time, return to greatness." He paused for a

moment, and Bellatrix seemed to understand that he was not finished.

"There is also the fact that the Dark Lord has returned. While your former

master and I share certain beliefs, our ultimate goals differ entirely. I

believe you to possess critical information that may lead to his


"And if I were not to cooperate?" Bellatrix turned back to face him, a

certain gleam in her eye.

"I would take the information from you," Aries answered, his resolve

unwavering under a stare that had broken countless members of the

Order of the Phoenix. "And then I would eliminate you if I could find no

other use for you. I want this family to return to glory, but I will not

allow you or anyone to stand in my way." They stared at each other for a

few moments. Aries could guess that if Bellatrix knew Legilimency, she

would be attempting to invade his mind and if she possessed a wand,

they would most likely duel. He could not help but enjoy the thought of

dueling Bellatrix, someone perhaps more skilled in the Dark Arts than

even he was.

"So, you really are a Black." Bellatrix, at last, said with a small smile

before she cocked her head to the side. "You say your goals differ from

the Dark Lord's own goals. How?"

"He means to rule them through power and fear. World domination in

which he would enslave every being. The problem is that it ends with

only one thing: death. For everyone." Aries rose to feet and stood before

her. "I mean to rule everyone through deception, manipulation, and

outmaneuvering our enemies. House Black will rise to power and rule

both the Wizarding and Muggle world before anyone knows what

happened to them. We will put the muggles in line so that they know

who their betters are. We will end the Statue of Secrecy. There will be

war. There will be death. But at the end, we can live and coexist rather

than enslave others and commit genocide. A genocide that would destroy

everything we strive to create and preserve."

"And you need someone who can kill," Bellatrix answered strongly.

"I need someone who can do what needs to be done without destroying

our world in the process." Aries turned his back to her to pour himself

another glass of fire whiskey. "The Dark Lord's path will only end in

chaos. My path will end in victory. Victory for wizards. Victory for House

Black. Victory for all of us."

"How?" There was a desperation in her demand, but he could sense

something else as well, a certain longing. Had his own indoctrination

gone so far already? Or had the Dark Lord's indoctrination, void of its

very master's presence in her mind, latched onto the only thing similar in

Bellatrix's mind?

"I will destroy the Dark Lord." He handed Bellatrix another glass of fire

whiskey before raising his in salute. "By the end of the year, I will have

my own man as Minister of Magic. Soon after the ministries of Europe

will fall in line. And then all of Europe will. Once I have the continent

others will flock to our civilization. I will not do it through war or

conquest, but by manipulating the very systems that these fools have

created to control themselves."

"How can I help?" And there it was. The very inception he had planted in

her mind from the beginning. Trust, specifically in him. He knew he

should feel a certain sickening feeling, but there was nothing. The ends

justified the means and in doing so, he would free a member of the Black

family from the grasps of the Dark Lord and gain what he believed to be

invaluable information.

"I believe the Dark Lord entrusted certain items of importance to his most

trusted members," Aries said as he swirled his glass. "He gave his

childhood diary, one that contained the imprint of his sixteen-year-old

self, to Lucius Malfoy. And then, in a way, he gave Slytherin's own locket

to my father. Both items possessed remarkable dark magic. The diary

nearly killed a student at Hogwarts, and even I'm not sure what the

locket is capable of. Did the Dark Lord ever give you anything to guard

or keep safe?"

"Yes," Bellatrix said slowly. "A cup. I placed it in my vault at Gringotts."

"And was there anything special about this cup?"

"It was possessed incredible magic, but I never knew what exactly made

the cup so special. It did feel like I was in his presence when I held it. He

said he would destroy the entire Black family if anything were to happen

to it." Aries leaned back slowly and turned his head towards the family


"Let me see it." Bellatrix flinched for a moment, before relaxing with a

nod. Aries gently entered her mind, the natural protection provided by

the Dark Lord's indoctrination gone, and at last, saw his goal.

The Dark Lord stood above her, a cup in his hands. It was a golden cup, with

two large handles on each side, and a large badger on the front of it.

"You will protect this cup with your life, Bellatrix Lestrange."

Aries released the memory and slowly left her mind. Helga Hufflepuff's

cup! The Dark Lord has possessed two of the founder's personal items? He

now had an avenue to search as there were few items directly linked to

the founders. Gryffindor's sword and Ravenclaw's lost diadem were the

immediate things he needed to check. The main problem was that

Ravenclaw's lost diadem was just that: lost. The only good thing that

came to mind is that Hogwarts was the best place to look for both of

those things.

"Thank you, Bellatrix. Your help has been invaluable. I'll let Cassiopeia

and Narcissa know of your recovery." Aries made his way to the door

before he stopped and turned back to Bellatrix. "If I discover you've

betrayed me, or that you've returned to the Dark Lord, I will see to your

death. Personally." It was harsh, perhaps, but how else was he supposed

to deal with Bellatrix Lestrange?

Platform Nine and Three Quarters was a hectic affair as parents said

goodbye to their children and those children rushed off to the gleaming

red train. Sirius had accompanied him here as Cassiopeia had chosen to

stay and lead her own line of questions with Bellatrix. It seemed a fitting

end to a crazy summer that had been filled with plots and plans but not

without its own good moments. Much to Aries' chargon, he had come to

enjoy the times spent with Sirius, especially when they went to watch the

Heidelberg Harriers. Of course, there was the fact that he would never

mention that he, a lord of a magical house, had ridden a muggle

motorcycle, one that could fly no less. But the thing Aries' had enjoyed

the most was watching Sirius go from someone who could be blindly led

to someone who could begin to see the bigger picture of what they

wanted to accomplish. The summer had changed Sirius far more than

Aries had ever hoped. Perhaps would day Sirius would be a part of that

bigger picture, rather than just a cog like everyone else.

"Uncle Sirius, it's alright," Aries said with a laugh. "I'm not really a

hugging person. A handshake will do." Sirius nervously laughed and

rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment.

"I guess that makes sense, Aries," Sirius sobered for a minute before

extending his hand. "Thank you. For this summer. For everything. It's

nice to have a family again. My family."

"Well, maybe you can start one of your own." He placed a small piece of

paper into Sirius' hand and then shook it.

"What's this?"

"It's the address of Marlene McKinnon." Sirius paled considerably, and

Aries smiled confidently. "She's not dead if that's what you're thinking.

But having your entire family murdered before your eyes takes its toll. If

you're honest about finding her and maybe rekindling your relationship,

it will take a lot of work. Maybe it will help you forget more. . . unlikely

avenues." Aries did not miss Sirius' eyes flick towards Lily Potter, but he

chose to ignore it. "I'll see you at Christmas, Sirius." Aries left his uncle

feeling good about the entire situation, though Sirius did not know

everything about Marlene McKinnon. That would come in due time after


Aries made his way through the train, looking for the apartment that

Draco had described in their last letter. The two had spent little time with

each other this summer, but that had been with good reason. Aries was

all too aware that the Dark Lord had tasked Lucius with finding out

everything about him, which included using his own son as a spy. Draco's

loyalty lied with him; he was sure, but every son wanted his father's

affections. It made what he could reveal to Draco difficult this year, but

so long as Dumbledore lived his truce with the Dark Lord remained. It

was sealed in death after all.

The compartment was rather full when Aries found it with Draco,

Daphne, and some of their friends as well. Aries recognized Blaise Zabini,

someone who he intended to become more acquainted with throughout

the year, and Tracey Davis, a cog of the rumor mill he planned to exploit.

The last individual was someone he did not precisely know, but he could

put a name to a face, however.

"Aries Black," he greeted extending a hand. "Pleased to meet you."

"Theodore Nott, my lord," he returned, standing up to shake his hand.

"Please, we're all students here," Aries said, physically waving off the

formalities as he sat down next to Daphne. "There's no need for titles

while we're at school." He casually let his arm rest over Daphne's

shoulders. She did not shrug him off, but the coolness he felt from her

was not exaggerated. "It's good to see you all again. Good summers?" The

conversation turned to meaningless chatter, something that Aries could

only stand as it was a means to an end, though it was nice to be around

those who were not consistently plotting against him. He knew Theodore's

father was a staunch supporter of the Dark Lord and that the son did not

often associate with Draco nor vice versa. Still, if this was to be his main

support in Slytherin, he supposed it would do.

The girls graciously exited the compartment when they neared the castle

so that they could all change into their school robes. Aries very much

disliked the robes compared to those of Durmstrang, but the

Acromantulan silk was a nice change for sure, although it was hardly

tactical or strategic. It would take time to see if his Greek Armor spell

could be adapted to these new robes.

Aries could hear the half-giant Hagrid calling for the first years but

followed Draco as they made their way to the carriages. He recognized

the threstrals that pulled them, finding the odd creatures that he had

been able to see since he was five somewhat comforting. They were the

closest thing to death itself, and unlike the Dark Lord, he wanted to make

an ally of Death. He made a note to visit the creatures, wherever they

were kept.

The Great Hall was a constant among the ever-changing theme of

Hogwarts and Aries felt a certain fulfillment standing on the outside

looking in. The Heir of Slytherin and the last of the House of Black had,

at last, returned to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Aries

enjoyed the fulfilling moment as he waited for Professor McGonagall. He

had been instructed to go with the first years, but he would have killed

Hagrid if he had been forced into those boats.

"Ah, Mr. Black," Professor McGonagall called, followed by the newcomers

to the school. "We had been looking for you."

"I chose the less traveled road, Professor." If his politeness surprised the

old woman, she made no show of it. Aries followed the group of students

and hardly listened to the hat sing its song, though he caught the

message in its entirety. Strength through Unity. It was shocking how

close it was to his own belief, though perhaps the goal was different.

"Black, Aries!" He could not even express how happy he was that he was

the first to be sorted. Aries did not know how much longer he could take

standing up there with a bunch of eleven-year-olds before he starting

shooting Bone-Breaking Curses everywhere. He sat down on the stool and

felt the hat hit his head.

"Finally! I've been waiting for this for some time, Aries Orion Black." The hats

thought entered his mind, and Aries felt the mental probe, shoving it

back hard. "Now then, I can't exactly sort you with those shields."

"My mind is my own hat. You will not enter."

"Your secrets are safe with me, Aries. I am bound to this school and to its


"And what of the Headmaster?"

"He is not the school. Regardless I need something to sort you."

"I already know where I belong, and so should you. In fact, you knew from the


"Of course, I did, Heir of Slytherin. But I must admit that I am most curious.

Because the last Heir was a Riddle, no pun intended."

"It's a mystery to us all. Now can we get this over with?"

"Since you said it so nicely. Come and find me, when you realize the answers

you seek are out of your reach. Now, there is nowhere else for you but-

SLYTHERIN!" The Slytherin table erupted into cheers that none of the

other sortings equated to. The Sorting Hat's words stuck with his as he

made his way to the Slytherin table but Aries pushed them aside, he

would think of them later, as he took his place across from Draco and

next to Daphne. Along with still feeling the cold shoulder of his icy

girlfriend, he caught a slightly disappointed look from Thomas, before

the boy smiled, though rather unconvincingly, and waved. He gave the

boy a curt nod back before studying the table, already making a mental

note of how he would deal with each and every person in Slytherin. At

last, the sorting ended, and the food was delivered. Aries ate slowly,

paying as much attention to the conversations around him, and again

noting Daphne's silence. She would need to be dealt with and soon. It

would be disappointing if Daphne proved to be less than useful.

The reality was that so much had changed since in the year since he had

arrived at Hogwarts for the Tri-Wizard Tournament. He had never

intended to attend Hogwarts until his seventh year, and only after

graduating would he have taken over his seat in the Wizengamot. Years

of plans had been accelerated into one summer. He had thought a well

reasoned marriage contract would have been needed to assure alliances,

but after his show of power during the tournament and the fear campaign

Dumbledore seemed to be running, the Wizengamot had fallen into his

hands. He had truly enjoyed the relationship he had had with Daphne

last year, even with the few midnight adventures he had had with Fleur,

and truly thought that she could be an equal. The Dark Lord's return had

changed much, if he was honest with himself. Suddenly he had no time

for silly romances and games of Quidditch. Every move, every decision,

and every word had to direct him towards his goal.

Dumbledore made to give his speech but was interrupted by Dolores

Umbridge, the annoying Under Secretary, and the new Defense Against

the Dark Arts professor. Her speech was nearly mind-numbing, but she

made her point. The Ministry was interfering at Hogwarts, just as Aries'

had pictured it months ago when he had dropped the idea on the

Minister of Magic himself. Though he would have chosen someone less

annoying and less pink, all that mattered was that Dumbledore and the

staff were far more interested in what this annoying and weirdly

prejudiced half-blood was doing, rather than what he was doing.

Everything was working out rather nicely, but Aries was honestly

concerned that when something went wrong, it would go wrong badly.

Draco, being a prefect, led the first years down through the halls of

Hogwarts into the dungeons where they ended at the portrait guarding

the Slytherin dormitory. Aries glanced around and, upon immediately

noticing the nice leather chair facing the fireplace, took a seat in it and

waited as the rest of the House gathered. Daphne perched herself on the

arm of his chair, an action that Aries found out of place with the rest of

her recent behavior. Though, upon further review, the rather ravished

looks from the other Slytherin girls their age seemed enough for Daphne

to want to mark her territory. He only hoped that she did not find how

Fleur chose to mark her territory.

"First-years, welcome to Slytherin," Draco started. "First things first,

everyone hates you. The staff, the other houses, and everyone in this

room. We are all each fighting to become the best in the world. Whether

that's through brute force, deception, or by simply being better is up to

you. That being said our house is a united front. Our squabbles do not

leave this dormitory. If you have issues, deal with them where no eyes

can see you. The only person here that will help you are your allies and

Professor Snape, our Head of House. If you're in trouble, he's the only one

who can get you out of it. The other professors will be biased against

you. But that's okay because Slytherin is the House of the Cunning and

Ambitious. Your rooms are down the staircase two floors and to the right.

Your name is on your door. Your room is your sanctuary, guard it well.

For the first week, you will be ready at six-thirty sharp and the prefects

will take you to the Great Hall and then to your classes. After that, you're

on your own." Draco finished his speech and as he made his way over to

the fireplace, Aries gave him a slow clap.

"Excellent speech, Draco," Aries said with a laugh. "'Everyone hates you,'

a great way to motivate the first years."

"Well, what else was I supposed to say?" Draco said with a grumble. "It's

not like any of the past prefects prepared us very well."

"It was a rather interesting change of tone for you, Malfoy," Daphne, at

last, broke her silence from her spot on the chair. "I would say it was a

refreshing and accurate description of our house, thankfully without all

the blood prejudice." Draco's eyes flashed to Aries for a moment.

"Yes, well, the summer changed some things for me." Aries made a

mental note to discuss that comment with Draco later. Perhaps the Dark

Lord and his friend's idiotic father had been harsher than Aries expected.

"And I think we are about to see our first 'squabble.'" Daphne gestured her

hood towards another Slytherin who was making his way towards their

group. Aries leaned back, letting his arm slip around Daphne's waist and

the boy came to stand before him.

"That's my chair, Black."

"Is it?" Aries asked rather innocently. "I don't see your name on it. Of

course, I don't exactly know your name so it could be anyone's chair as far

as I'm concerned."

"It's Cassius Warrington," Cassius said hotly. "And I'm the Seventh Year

Prefect and, seeing as the Head Boy this year is not in Slytherin, that

makes that chair mine."

"Really?" He slightly nudged Daphne off the chair, freeing his arms, and

slipped into Cassius' unguarded mind. The boy's intentions were clear, a

fight would occur regardless of how the situation played off. Cassius

would be nuisance regardless, better to end it quickly. "Why don't you

take it from me then?"

Cassius growled and went to reach for his wand, but Aries was quicker.

His wand snapped into his hand and screamed to be unleashed. The

overwhelming power of the wand flowed through his veins as Bone-

Breaking Curse struck Cassius square in the sternum with a loud crack.

Aries stood quickly as he twisted his wand clock-wise and swept right,

casting an inverted Cutting Curse that sliced along Cassius' calves.

Sectumsempra! He had no time to think of just how he knew the spell

before he slashed his wand across his body. Blood spurted out, splattering

his face and robes, but Aries paid it no mind. Cassius' back hit the ground

hard just as a flash of lightning flew from Aries' hand into him. His

screams were loud, despite Aries releasing the lightning almost

immediately. He discreetly cast a wandless healing charm, only to ensure

that the boy did not die though he would be in pain for some time.

"Have you all forgotten who I am?" Aries asked the room, which was

deathly silent. "Have you all forgotten the Tri-Wizard Tournament

already?" He gestured towards Cassius, who lay moaning in his own pool

of blood. "Things are about to change here and quickly. Change with it or

be left behind." Aries turned to the chair and flicked his wand, so that

BLACK was engraved in fine letters across its back. "Just so we're clear on

who's chair it really is. Goodnight, Slytherin."

Draco barged into Aries' room just as the Black heir finished his wards,

which was quite lucky for the Malfoy heir as he would have spent a few

weeks at a minimum in the hospital wing had he even been just a minute


"What the hell, Aries?!" Draco nearly screamed. "What was that?"

"A message, clear and simple." That did not seem to relieve his friend,

which only agitated Aries. "I entered his mind, Draco and sensed his

intentions. Cassius Warrington meant to make my life a living hell while I

was here for Merlin knows why. I don't have time for such small-time

rivalries. So, I ended it before it began and at the same time made it clear

just who rules in Slytherin."

"So, what now?" Draco said after a moment, sighing almost dejectedly.

"Now, our next phase begins my friend," Aries clasped his friend's

shoulder. "By the end of this year, everyone will want to be on our side,

Draco. Everyone."

AN: Next chapter: Sides Must Be Chosen

21. Sides Must Be Chosen

AN: This chapter turned out much shorter than I expected, but I felt

it best to split this chapter into two. It's taken me awhile to see

where I wanted to go with this story as I've changed certain things

and added in others. Thanks for everyone still sticking with this

story, it is not abandoned. I will finish it, though it may take longer

than I had hoped. I just want to put out the best story I can. As

always I hope you enjoy this new chapter, and if you don't,

whatever floats your boat y'all.

The Great Hall was nearly empty as Aries made his way to the Slytherin

Table, save for the few early risers of Ravenclaw. They paid him no mind,

clearly engrossed in their heated argument, though it was kept to

whispers. He was an early riser himself, having spent the morning

running around the lake of Hogwarts and doing what Cassiopeia had only

disdainfully called 'muggle exercises.' She was not wrong, but even she

could not disagree with the results. Outside of Quidditch players, few

witches and wizards were muscular in any way and the speed and

strength brought to him from the training gave him another edge over

any future opponents. Fortunately, the food of Hogwarts was more than

enough to fulfill the hunger brought on from the exercising.

Aries only gave those that entered the Great Hall a fleeting glance,

making a note of any who he felt he should approach throughout the

year. Most of Hufflepuff was quickly disregarded, especially considering

the more aggressive looks he was being given. He was more than aware

of the unfortunate idea that he had killed Cedric Diggory in that

graveyard and that there had never been a resurrected dark lord. A

completely illogical thought, even though he had, in fact, killed the

former Hufflepuff champion, but memories of their dramatic duel during

the Tri-Wizard Tournament only fueled the idea. There was little proof,

and Potter's own statements freed him of any guilt. Still, there was a clear

bias against him in Hufflepuff that might affect his plans for the year. It

would need to be rectified somehow, thought at the moment Aries was

unsure of just how to go about that.

His musings were interrupted as Theodore Nott sat before him. The boy

was a curious case that Aries had not yet decided what to do with. Nott's

father was a member of the Wizengamot, and often leaned whichever

way Lucius did, but he was also a staunch follower of the Dark Lord. Lord

Nott had a mean streak, one that had caused the deaths of men, women,

and children alike during the first war, though it was hardly known

unless you knew a Death Eater personally. A member of the Dark Lord's

Inner Circle, there was little doubt that Lord Nott's stock was rising, as

were the expectations for his son, Theodore.

"It's rather unusual for me not to be the first at our table," Theodore said,

gesturing to the still empty table. "Most of Slytherin will arrive soon

before the rest of the school does anyway."

"I gathered as much from Draco's speech last night," Aries still meant to

talk to his friend about his now changed persona. "A united front.

Interesting ideas considering our current political state." Theodore simply

raised his eyebrows before making his plate. Students began to trickle in,

but many of the Slytherins seemed to be wary of Aries. For now, they

feared him, but soon they would need to respect him as well.

"Why are you at Hogwarts?" Theodore's question was surprising, but it

did not catch Aries' off guard.

"Every Black has walked through these halls," Aries began, watching

Nott's reactions closely. "Durmstrang taught me valuable lessons, but I

had hoped to attend Hogwarts. Last year only reinforced that idea."

"And the real reason?" It seemed that Nott had no time for games. "I've

seen your OWL results. Outstandings across the board and

recommendations to take your NEWT's two years ahead, both from the

proctors and from Headmaster von Reich."

"You think there is nothing for me to learn here?"

"I think academics is the least of your concerns right now."

"Would the same be said for you?" Aries asked with a smirk. "I hear that

the Dark Lord wishes for you to spy on me, and report back to your

father. Taking the Mark so soon then?" Theodore did his best to not show

emotion, but the way his eyes slightly widened and the little bit of color

that drained from his face told Aries all he needed to know. "And here I

thought you didn't want to be like your father."

"If you know that, then why talk to me?" Theodore asked as he squinted

his eyes towards Aries.

"You honestly think I'll give you anything of value to report?"

"And what happens when the truth about Diggory comes out?" Aries

smiled, causing Theodore to be even more confused.

"And what truth is that?"

"No one knows what happened to him, besides you and the Dark Lord.

One minute he was alive, the next he wasn't. The Death Eaters that were

there don't even know." Theo glanced left and right, assuring himself he

wasn't going to be overheard. "But I know something happened. The Dark

Lord has a no-kill order on you that you're to be brought in alive. That

means he thinks you'd make a good follower. What possible reason could

he have to want to recruit someone who fought him and stopped him

from killing Potter? He wouldn't have us spying on you if you were

already a follower, which leads to only one thing: Diggory. I think you

killed him."

"A rather interesting theory, Nott. But let me ask you a question." Aries

leaned in closely. "Even if that was true, is trying to blackmail someone

who killed one of the most powerful students at Hogwarts and then

managed to duel to a standstill with the most powerful Dark Lord in

history really wise?"

Theodore showed no emotion, but his eyes flicked towards Aries' right

wrist, where his wand rested against his forearm. Did he think they

would duel right here in the Great Hall? Or was he worried about some

discreet curse he might cast? Aries' could feel his wand calling to him,

screaming to unleashed hellish magic throughout the hall.

"Great another early riser!" Draco's voice broke through the tension as he

took a seat next to Theodore. The Malfoy heir was seemingly unaware of

the duel that had nearly broken out between the two sixth year

Slytherins, but as Daphne sat down next to Aries, she gave him a rather

curious glance. He offered her a small smile, one that did not quite reach

his eyes. She sat down close enough to signify something closer than a

normal friendship, but lacking the slight touches was evident compared

to what occurred between the two the previous year. It was clear that

Aries would need to deal with the Ice Queen's sudden coldness but now

was not the time. "What were you two talking about?"

"The finer points of Arithmancy in the modern magical word," Aries lied

easily, locking eyes with Nott.

"Yes," Theodore confirmed, "Though we were about to discuss schedules."

His cue was just on time, as Severus Snape neared their group. Aries

gladly took the offered parchment from the Potions master, though not

without noticing the slightly suspicious glance he received. Daphne

noticed it as well, as she sat quietly beside him.

"What are you all taking?" Draco asked with an annoyed look at his own


"Defense, Potions, Charms, Transfiguration, Arithmancy, and Ancient

Runes." Aries recited. "Mondays are easy, just Potions and Arithmancy.

Defense and Transfiguration, both with Gryffindor, on Tuesday. Charms

with Ravenclaw and Defense on Thursday. Friday a nice batch of Potions

and Ancient Runes."

"I see we have identical schedules," Nott commented and Draco looked

downright insulted.

"Six NEWT level courses?" Draco exclaimed. "Both of you?" He suddenly

looked at Daphne's schedule before cursing. "How the hell are you in

Potions with us? Oh, who am I kidding. You should probably be in all of

our courses with us." Nott seemed surprised, but Aries was not. He had

been aware that she had taken her Potions OWL over the summer, thanks

to a word from her father and himself. "Tracey, please tell me you won't

be like these showoffs."

"Oh no not at all," Tracey said, sitting down between Draco and Theodore

while clutching her schedule that Snape placed in front of her, to much

annoyance at her tardiness. "I don't plan on taking any extra NEWTs next

year, besides Care of Magical Creatures."

"You're still taking classes from that oaf?" Daphne said with much disgust.

"That oaf seems not to be here," Aries stated, inclining his head to the

now full staff table. "I believe Dumbledore said some Grubby-Pank lady

was teaching it."

"Grubbily-Plank," Daphne corrected, though she gave him an annoyed

look. "Don't act as if you didn't pay attention to the feast."

"I wonder where he's gone," There was clearly a dejectedness to Tracey.

She was softer than most of Slytherin, but her connections would pay off

in the long run.

"Hopefully the big oaf is dead," Draco said rather cruelly, as the group

stood up to head towards Potions. Tracey waved goodbye to them, as she

was the only one in the group not in NEWT level potions, thanks to

Daphne's extra work over the summer. "I'll never forgive him for that

blasted hippogriff."

"You mean the one where you acted like an absolute idiot and had to

suffer the consequences?"

"Aries control your girlfriend," The slight way Daphne tensed was lost to

Draco, but not Aries. She had slipped her arm into his, but he felt how

rigid she had become, if only for an instant.

Thankfully, due to their being in Slytherin, they made it to the dungeons

quicker than most and had already found seats in the classroom before

the rest of the sixth-year students climbed in. The class was relatively

small, so much so that the course was made up of all four houses. Aries

only recognized a few, Katie Bell from Gryffindor and Cho Chang from

Ravenclaw. The Asian girl looked sullen, and where her face had once

been full, it was now thin, almost unhealthily so. Clearly, the death of

Cedric Diggory had affected her greatly, and the depth of their

relationship deeper than he had thought. For a quick moment, Aries felt a

pang of guilt, but it passed quickly. Cedric's death had been guaranteed

the moment he failed to escape with Thomas. There had been no way he

would have been able to leave alive. Aries had given him a quick and

merciful death. He would not have gotten the same mercy from the

Death Eaters.

Aries nearly laughed at the instructions on the board for the first potion

of his sixth year. The Draught of Living Death. It was a potion he had

brewed for years, and one he knew by heart. He was about to collect his

ingredients with the rest when he stopped, his eyes locked on the

chalkboard. A quick glance at his textbook, confused him even more

before he looked towards the potion master. Last year, throughout the

lessons, there had never been a mistake in either the instructions or the

textbook, but step five was clearly wrong. There was a small knowing

smile, and suddenly, it all made sense. One had to know that some things

did not work in brewing potions, and thus the mistake was intentional. It

may have been an honest mistake in the text, but it was an intentional

one from Snape. Aries collected his ingredients, and brewed his potion

almost by memory, paying far more attention to the failed attempts of his

classmates, though Daphne's was near as perfect as is. Her mother is a

potion mistress herself after all. Did she know of the mistake as well? If so,

she gave no inclination, or desire to warn her classmates. But why would

she? She was a Slytherin after all.

"While most of you have made passable attempts at our lesson," Severus

began with a drawl, "Others have failed entirely. Only Mister Black and

Miss Greengrass have provided us a perfected potion. The rest of you owe

me a foot on the proper brewing of the Draught of Living Death by our

next lesson." Aries' assumption of Daphne was correct, as her eyebrows

raised at Snape's emphasis. "You are dismissed. Mister Black, if you

would stay a moment."

He made no rush to pack his things, allowing time for the small class to

disperse, leaving two of the three most dangerous wizards in the school

alone. Aries' mental shields had been in place the entirety of the course,

and he had little concern that Severus could penetrate his wards. He

knew, however, that one could learn just as much from what said and did

not say, as from Legilimency. Aries had hoped Severus would approach,

and now it was time to win the man's favor.

"The Dark Lord has noticed you, Black," Severus stated with a hiss,

"Whatever happened in that graveyard intrigued him, and your success in

the Wizengamot as only further his interest."

"So much so that he has asked his spy to attempt to bring me over to his

side?" The potion master's face showed no emotion, but Aries caught the

slight gleam in his eyes. "And as I understand it, Dumbledore has asked

the same of you. It must be interesting, to say the least, to have two

masters ask the same mission of you."

"You know much that you should not know," Snape answered. "And yet

you do not know everything."

"I know that you told the Dark Lord the prophecy you overhead in the

Hog's Head," Aries said with a smirk. "I wonder if Lily Potter knows that.

Does her husband or Sirius? I hear Remus is much more familiar with his

werewolf side than he was in the Shrieking Shack all those years ago."

Now there was emotion, as Snape's face slightly paled. "I wonder what

would happen should I let that little bit of information slip?"

"You know as well I do how that would end." Severus had tensed, and his

left arm moved slightly free of the desk, giving him room to summon his

wand. "The Order and the Ministry would suffer far worse without the

information I provide."

"Good reason to stay alive." Aries offered. "Though if the Dark Lord were

to discover the extent to which you help the Order, I fear he would not

end your suffering so quickly."

"Regardless, I would be dead either way. So, the threat is pointless."

"I think the threat of having the one you love hate you beyond all repair

is greater than any punishment the Dark Lord could unleash upon you.

Not to mention, I'm the one who can have you killed by both sides. I

guess you could call that the ace up my sleeve."

"What is it you want, Black?" There was an edge to Snape's question, and

Aries was happy he had pushed the man past his calm exterior.

"I just want to be kept in the loop," Aries said with a simple shrug. "What

is one more master to serve?"

"And you expect me not to tell the other two?" Severus locked eyes with

him, attempt to glare into Aries' soul. "There is more at stake here than

your silly little game of power." Aries could not help but laugh at the

Death Eater's foolishness.

"Oh, but it is Severus," Aries said as he rose to his feet. "It's all a game

with each side of the triangle using a different strategy. But in the end,

only one of us will remain. The question you have to ask is this: which

side do you have the most to gain from? The Dark Lord who will kill your

beloved should he win? Dumbledore, whose Greater Good and forgiving

nature have cost more lives than necessary? Or perhaps my side? The

unknown player who has yet to enter the game. They believe I am a

pawn. But I can assure you, when the game has played out, they will all

remember my name. I think that's enough of a reason to keep this our

little secret, don't you? Just one of many you have kept all these years,


Bellatrix labored quietly through the use of the limited wand she had

been given. She could cast the simplest of spells, and every day her magic

returned to her. Aries had given her a pensieve, helping her to remove

the worst of the memories that plagued her, reminding her of the

atrocities that had been committed in her past. How could she have done

such things? She remembered pledging herself to the Dark Lord, and then

it was as if the very image twisted throughout the years of her memory.

She remembered questioning things, but then accepting them, even as

she now asked whether she had indeed allowed them. As a child, she had

always been slightly cruel and much colder than others. But even then

the actions that she would later commit disgusted her, especially against

purebloods of all magical beings. Her views still lined up with what the

Dark Lord and Aries, no Lord Black, believed, but she was nowhere near

accepting of the methods her former master employed. Terrorism,

genocide, and the destruction of the very fabric of the world she loved

more than anything. Did she want change? Yes, but not the kind that

would tear apart the world, leaving behind such destruction that it had

compared to the atrocities of Grindelwald.

Thinking of the Dark Lord brought fresh anger into her mind. She

remembered everything and all the evil things she had unknowingly

endured for her former master. And the way her husband had allowed it

all, the husband she had been forced to wed. She could feel her emotions

boiling over, and suddenly the wand suddenly cracked in her hand, and a

burst of magic was released throughout 12 Grimmauld Place.

"Bella!" Narcissa said with a fuss. "That's the third one this week! I can't

keep writing Cassi to approve more of these. You need to control your

emotions better."

"We both know I'm poor at that," Bella said with a short laugh. "It's not

like I see much of our aunt to feel her wrath anyway."

"That's uncalled for, Bella." She rolled her eyes as she collected the

remains of the wand under the careful watch of Lady Malfoy. "You know

she's busy handling the Wizengamot, as well as Aries' other projects."

"Truthfully I'm surprised you know about them." There was a cold gleam

in Bellatrix's eyes as she stared at her sister, but a knock at the door

stopped anything from happening. She felt herself stiffen, a sliver of fear

coursing through her body. "I thought no one from the Order would be

here today? Sirius made sure of it."

"Sirius did that for a reason," Narcissa answered softly. She heard the

door open, and then a few minutes later close. The sound of footsteps

floated through the halls, but after years of fighting, Bella knew it to be

more than one person, two if she was correct. At last, the door to the

lounge opened, and she saw her aunt Cassiopeia and someone she

thought she might never see again: Andromeda.

Her sister was much older than Bella remembered, but it had been over a

decade since they had last seen one another. Even through the wars, they

had never faced off against each other. But then a third woman came

forth, with a startled look on her face. Pink hair slowly darkened to

black, and the round face sharpened, almost mirroring the very face that

Bella knew she wore.

"Bella?" Andromeda said hesitantly, unsure of what to do. There was

tension, so much so that she half expected the five women to break into a

fight. There was anger, for what the other had done. And yet there was

an irresistible elation, to see one another in a different light. Bella could

not fight herself as she rose to her feet and slowly walked towards

Andromeda. They stood only a foot apart before they could bear it no

longer and embraced. Tears fell down their faces, ignored by each other

as they clung tightly to one another. Narcissa and Cassi looked away

respectfully, allowing the two sisters their moment of emotion in peace.

"I'm so sorry, Andi," Bella gasped out. "For everything. For ever choosing

anything of you and Cissy." Andi was quiet and pulled away from her

sister, her back turned towards the other.

"I'm not sure I can ever forget what you did," Andi said shakily. "But if

you truly have changed, then perhaps I can forgive."

"And the House of Black is whole once more," Cassiopeia stated with a

small smile. "Andromeda, I believe you have an introduction to make."

The brown-haired sister motioned for her daughter to come forward.

"Bellatrix, this is Nymphadora Tonks, my daughter."

"And a metamorphagus no less," Bella said in awe. "You truly are a


"And now it is time for us to discuss what is to become of our House."

Cassi gestured for each to sit and an awkward silence descended upon the

women. "Aries is the Head of our House and the Lord of House Black. Yet

he does not stand alone. He has us, Sirius, and Draco. Seven scions and

one lord. Aries has plans for this House that far extend the reach of the

Dark Lord and Dumbledore. He has brought this family together again;

we must repay him with our hardest effort."

"I'm sorry Cassi, but is this wise?" Andromeda glanced sideways at Bella.

"We are united, yes, but, and I'm sorry Bella, are we sure of everyone's


"Spit it out, Andi," The heat in Bella's voice was undeniable.

"I understand and accept Aries' explanation for who you became." She

answered just as heatedly. "But you joined You-Know-Who long before he

corrupted you. How do we know you won't rejoin him when Aries' plan

doesn't agree with what you want? You deserted us once before, how do

we know you will not again?"

"He took everything from me!" The scream that broke from Bellatrix was

soul-wrenching, and glass shattered throughout the room. "I had three

children. Three beautiful children. They would have been perfect. And he

tore them away from me. He forced me to miscarry three separate times

so that my loyalty would never be divided. And my disgusting monster of

a husband never cared. So long as he still had his plaything every night.

You think I want to go back to that bastard?" A dark, cruel gleam shined

in Bellatrix's eyes. "No, I want to destroy everything he holds dear and

take everything away from him like he did to me. I want to be there when

Aries destroys him for good." Silence met her words, and tears ran anew

from Andromeda and Dora. Cissy and Cassi kept their composure, having

been there when Aries' had unlocked that part of her memory that her

mind had forced deep down thanks to the compulsion charms from the

Dark Lord. It had destroyed her inside, and any thought of the returning

to her former master vanished. She had known that Aries had hoped for a

spy within the Dark Lord's ranks, but now he had a weapon, one that

would stop at nothing to get her vengeance.

Andromeda slowly reached out and took her sister's hand. "I'm so sorry,

Bella. No one should have to bear what you did." She turned to look at

Cissy after Bella had seemed to gain control of herself again. "And what

of you? I know of your dissatisfaction with your husband's loyalties. But

will you be loyal to Aries and this house of Lucius?"

"Lucius has. . ." Cissy began as she looked at her hands. "Lucius has

chosen his side. I had hoped that with the fall of the Dark Lord that he

would change. But he has not, and now with his master's return, he has

become worse. Forcing his son to spy on his own nephew and pledging

him to the Dark Lord before he's even seventeen. I see only one end for

my family in Lucius' plan: death. Perhaps with the fall of the Dark Lord,

Lucius will return to how he was before all this. I may be a Malfoy now,

but I have always been a Black through and through."

"And you Nymphadora?" Cassi asked, turning at last to the youngest of

the women. "Will you join the House of Black as well? Our plan will ask

much of you, and it will require difficult tasks of you, considering your

role in the Ministry and in the Order. Dumbledore is as much our enemy

as the Dark Lord."

"I. . . I don't know." Dora answered honestly. "This is what I've always

wanted. For me, for mum. But to fight the two greatest wizards of our

time? Just our family? And is Dumbledore really that bad?"

"The Dark Lord and Dumbledore stand at two sides of the spectrum,"

Narcissa said, not too cruel. "One would kill any in his path, and the

other would allow others to die for his Greater Good. How many could

have been saved had Dumbledore acted as Aries does now? We move to

create a better world, the culmination of all this struggle between two

arrogant men. Aries will rise above them, and we, the women of our

House, will stand beside him. We will guide him on the right path. We

have seen the mistakes and triumphs of others. It is our duty to aid one

with the power he wields."

"We are not asking you to break your moral guidelines, Dora." Cassi

offered. "Only to do that which you can to help our family. Can you do


Dora looked towards her mother; uncertainty written honestly upon her

face. Andromeda simply smiled in return.

"It is your decision, my daughter, and one that should not be taken

lightly." Her mother said lovingly. "But, for what it is worth, having

suffered from both sides, I believe this to be the right one. For once, our

family stands united, and together, we cannot fail."

"Then my decision is obvious, isn't it?" Dora smiled with determination.

"For our family."

"For our family," Cassi repeated with a satisfied look on her face and

leaned forward. "Each of us will have our roles to play. Soon the world

will know the House of Black."

AN: Next Chapter: Dealing with Umbridge

22. Dealing with Umbridge

AN: I am so sorry it took so long to finally continue this story. I have

to admit that there have been so many times I stared at an empty

word document with no will to write. I just felt such

discouragement, but every time I started writing something else and

went to post it, I always came back to this one and my

determination to finish this story, if for no other reason than my

word. This story will probably end up being a lot shorter than I

intended, but regardless I will finish it. I hope those that found this

story in the beginning will continue to follow it. As always I hope

you enjoy this new chapter, and if you don't, whatever floats your

boat y'all.

"Malfoy!" Draco turned around, his wand going towards his hand when

he saw that it was Daphne Greengrass calling for him. He waited a

moment for her to catch up before she signaled to the empty classroom

just down the hall. Silently, he followed her there, hoping that whatever

mysterious act the Greengrass heiress was up to wouldn't end with him

having to duel with Aries' temper.

"What do you want, Greengrass?" Draco asked once they had entered the


"Just to talk," Daphne seemed unsure, something that the Ice Queen

rarely was. "What is going on with Aries?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that all last year I thought we were dating, and then the summer

goes by, he and my father consider a marriage contract, and then when

my father said he would consider it, I did not hear from Aries once. Then

he shows up here to Hogwarts, acting as if nothing has changed. After he

went on that date with that French bitch."

Draco rubbed his eyes warily and wondered how he had ever thought

Daphne was different than other girls.

"Do you have any idea who Aries even is?"


"I mean, do you know Aries?" Draco asked again. "Really know him?"

"I thought I did."

"If you think you did, then you never did." His answer was short and

harsh. "And if you know you know him, then you only know part of him."

"What are you going on about?"

"Aries isn't like you or me. We're ordinary to someone like him." Draco

said with some exasperation. "He stands above us, looking down upon the

rest like Dumbledore and the Dark Lord. We're all just pieces on a

chessboard. And each piece sees a different side of Aries. He wears masks

for everyone, showing them either what they want to see or what they

need to see. And you're no different. Look at how he acts with Potter or

us, and then how he can seemingly just handle the Wizengamot, but then

nearly kill Warrington, all with ease. He'll switch between whichever

mask he needs to play a situation to his advantage, but the truth is this:

Aries is a viper waiting to strike, and when he does, he will have fooled

everyone. "

"I find that hard to believe," Daphne answer back hotly. "Considering

everything from last year."

"You honestly think Aries would want to marry anyone after just a year of

knowing them?" She flinched back from his raised voice. "You think he

would throw away all the possibilities of opportunity that he has for one

person? Have you even been paying attention? Did you not see what he

did to Arianna?" Draco felt a wave of particular anger in him towards his

friend that he had never acknowledged before. "That girl loved him, and I

mean truly loved him. And I think Aries loved her back, in his way. But

he threw her aside for you because it provided an opportunity for allies

in England. Do you think he didn't know who your father was before he

started 'dating' you? Everyone he calls a friend either has power

themselves or his directly related to someone in power. Arianna's father

is now the President of Spain. Haydn's father is the Chancellor of

Germany. Ivan is the beloved nephew of the Prime Minister of Bulgaria.

And now your father is the Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot. You think

it's all a coincidence?"

"So, what are you saying?" There was anger in Daphne's eyes as she

replied. "That he lied to me? And used me?"

"Yes, and no," Draco answered awkwardly. He had allowed his

frustrations to create a very poor, but true image of his friend. Aries

could not control what the Dark Lord did to his family, even if it was

indirectly his fault. "There are few people who honestly know the real

Aries. His aunt Cassi is one, Arianna another, and then me. I've known

him for the longest, and I've seen all the masks he puts on. Maybe Aries

did feel something for you, but he never does anything based solely on

feelings. Look, he should be the one you talk to."

"What happened to you?" Daphne asked suddenly, her anger still there

but curiosity taking over. "You've changed."

"You know of the Dark Lord's return?" She nodded. "Well, Aries got his

attention, and the Dark Lord wants him to be a Death Eater. So, being his

friend with a father who has the Mark, makes me the perfect candidate

for information. My father eagerly offered my services." Draco clenched

his fists in anger as he remembered when his father told him all about

the great honor it was to serve the Dark Lord. "We know something like

that would happen, so Aries and I saw little of each other this summer.

He's my brother, Daphne, and I was left alone to deal with my foolish

father and a dark lord. It. . . it took its toll."

"I'm sorry," She offered awkwardly after a few moments of silence.

"Don't be," Draco said, though he did not meet her eyes. "It was the only

way. I had to isolate myself, or I'd be dead for failing my mission. Aries'

avoided me, so I only got the Cruciatus a few times. Mercy the Dark Lord

called it since I can't control what Aries' does." He took a few deep

breaths, as haunting memories of the Cruciatus while his father watched

on attacked his mind. "Look, I'm not saying not to trust or love Aries. But

be careful. He isn't like us, and if you're expecting him to throw away his

goals for love, then just look at Arianna for an example. Nothing will

ever be more important than his destiny. Nothing."

Aries sighed as he watched the Slytherin Quidditch tryouts. Truthfully,

some of the players were downright pitiful, and the angry glances from

Cassius Warrington made him question his decision not to play

Quidditch. Sure, it would've been enjoyable, but he did not want any

distractions from his more important work. Umbridge was already doing

her job: creating division within the halls of Hogwarts. Her rather

conservative teaching style had drawn the ire of teachers and students

alike, though Aries was just amused. It was all just too easy. The Dark

Lord and Dumbledore were drawing too much attention to themselves,

and it left a void that Aries was eager to fill.

The arrival of Potter only fueled that idea, as the boy was ripe for

molding. There was distrust, as Dumbledore had steadily avoided the boy

all summer, and with the growing tension between him and his father,

the boy was starting to question what he knew.

"Potter," Aries greeted. "Bold choice to come here during the tryouts."

"Whether I see who's on their team doesn't matter," Thomas laughed,

though Aries noticed the bandage wrapped around his hand as the

younger boy ran a hand through his hair. "We'll beat them no matter who

they have."

"I doubt you came here to discuss Quidditch." Potter shuffled his feet,

staring at the ground awkwardly before he took a seat next to Aries. He

wrung his hands as if he was struggling to decide on some unknown


"I have never felt as weak as I did with the Dementors," Thomas finally

stated. "Not even in the graveyard. I had my wand, I had you and. . .

Cedric." He barely whispered the former champion's name. "But when I

was standing there, unable to cast the Patronus, I knew I was going to die.

I have faced Voldemort three times now, and never once was I helpless.

Afraid, yes, but not helpless. I can't be that anymore, not if I'm to help

stop him." Aries raised his eyebrows. This form of motivation had been

absent in Potter's life as far as he had known him. "I know the charm, but

not like you know it. I was hoping you could teach me how to do the

Patronus Charm. Honestly, I was hoping you'd teach me to fight like you


Was it really that easy? Had Potter just seemingly fallen into his hands

after one encounter with Dementors? If properly wielded, Potter could

become the very thing that secured him Magical Britain in one fell

swoop. His eyes fell to Potter's hand, and he felt his blood boil. He had

heard of the practices used by Umbridge, but there had been little

evidence to it.

"I will teach you all that you could learn on one condition," Aries said.

"Show me your hand."

"Oh, that, it's nothing, Aries."

"Do you want to learn or not?"

Potter glanced at his hands before sighing and unwrapping the bandage.

Carved into the back of his hand were the words I Must Not Tell Lies. So

the rumors were true. Umbridge was meant to create division, but doing

this to an Heir of a Noble and Ancient Family was beyond the line. It

would need to be dealt with and soon.

"Eight o clock. Room of Requirement. Saturday morning. Wear normal

clothing and bring only your wand." Aries commanded, before rising to

his feet. "Do not be late." Aries left Potter sitting in the stands and did not

wait for an answer. He had a girl to find, one very talented with her


Tracey Davis walked innocently enough through the halls on her way

back to the Slytherin dormitory. She often liked to spend her Saturdays

outside, enjoying the company of the magical creatures that did not

judge her for merely being a half-blood. Slytherin was where she

belonged, and she knew it. Her friends were fantastic, even Draco, to a

point, but the rest of the house was just tiresome, which was how she

found herself walking alone back to her dormitory. Daphne and Nott

were in the library, Blaise was off doing who knows what, and Draco and

Aries were at the Quidditch pitch. There was just her, the only not

pureblood. She sighed loudly, letting the bubbly mask she often wore


A scream nearly tore from her lips as a rough hand grabbed her arm and

pulled her into the broom closet. She tensed up as hands rested lightly on

her forearms.

"I doubt this is how you imagined being with me in a broom closet."

Tracey's cheeks burned with embarrassment as she realized it was Aries.

How the hell did he know I had imagined that?

"Daphne would not be happy about this."

"I won't tell if you don't." There was a strong temptation there, and as her

eyes grew accustomed to the dark, she could see the faint outline of Aries'

lips. "Unfortunately, that's not why I have you in a broom closet. Though

there's time for that later." She felt her heartbeat a little faster at that


"What do you want?" She asked a little breathless, much to her

annoyance. Could she not keep her desire for her best friend's boyfriend in

check for one second?!

"Umbridge," Aries answered, his breath hot on her neck. "I want you to

spread a nasty little rumor about her, and to the right people."

"Who?" She couldn't stop herself from turning so that her lips were closer

to his.

"Abott and Macmillan." Tracey could feel how close they were and

instinctively pushed herself closer to this. She wanted this. Besides, she

knew of Daphne's frustrations. For all she knew, the two could break up

tomorrow, so why not enjoy this? She hated herself for even thinking it

and disgust seemed to fill her, despite not being able to pull away from

him. "Convince them to write home on the blood-quill."

"And what do I get?" Aries' lips brushed against hers, and she felt an

electric shock go through her skin before he pulled away.

"We'll see how everything goes," He said, opening the broom closet door.

"And then we'll go from there."

Aries had enjoyed the little foreplay with Davis far too much. He had

seen her desires in her mind last year, and they had only grown this year.

It seemed Davis was quite jealous of Daphne, despite the two being close.

Regardless, he was about to enjoy this conversation much more.

He knocked politely on Professor Umbridge's office door and waited

patiently for her to answer. The Defense Professor was, once again,

dressed in all pink as she answered the door. There was a slight

annoyance on her face before politeness replaced it quickly. He wondered

if the Minster had ordered Umbridge to play nicely with him, considering

their rather rude encounter at the Wizengamot.

"Mr. Black," Dolores greeted. "How may I help you?"

"I was wondering if we could have a chat, Professor," Aries said all too

politely. "From one supporter of the Ministry to another. There are some.

. . rather unfortunate things going on in the school I had hoped to


"Oh, well, then come in!" Her high voice grated against his ears, but the

polite mask remained as Aries' sat in the chair before her desk "Tea?"

"Yes, please. Two sugars." Once the tea had been mixed, with a carefully

disguised charm ensuring the drink free of potions, Aries happily faced

the professor. "You see, the other day, I noticed something rather unusual

with one of the pureblood families." Dolores perked up as Aries expected.

Despite being a half-blood, the woman was very much a blood purist.

"What happened to them?" Umbridge asked all too eagerly. "And who

was it?"

"You see, they had this nasty little cut on their hands," He began, slowly

removing his wand. "And it said I Must Not Tell Lies." Immobulus!

Incarcerous! Muffliato! The cat paintings all froze as ropes wrapped tightly

around Dolores.

"What do you think you're doing, Black?!"

"That's Lord Black to you, half-blood." Aries stood up; his wand pointed

towards the toad-like woman. "Have you forgotten the trial already? The

Potters may be fools, but Thomas is still my blood and is under my

protection. Did I not make that clear enough?" He twisted his wand

clockwise, and the ropes tightened.

"The Minister will hear about this!" The bitch screamed.

"If the Minister hears about this, he will wonder why his fool of an

Undersecretary pissed off the most powerful lord in Britain. One who is

capable of seeing him removed from office with a single word." He let

those words settle into the trapped professor. "How do you think he'll

think of you when he realizes you're to blame? Oh, I think I have little to

worry about." Aries leaned in, driving his wand into the back of her

hand, causing her to scream in agony. "And if I find out that you have

used that blood-quill on Potter, or any other pureblood in this school, I

will show you the true meaning of torture." He lifted his wand, taking in

his work. Carved into the back of her bloody hand were the words: I

Must Know My Place. "Remember this. If it not for you unknown

usefulness, I would kill you now. Continue doing the Minister's work, and

perhaps you won't be dead by the end of the year."

He entered her mind, forming strong walls around the memory. Her

unconscious mind wouldn't know the difference, but if anyone tried to

see the memory, it would kill her in the process. A flick of his wand

released the bindings, and the woman fell to the floor. Aries left her

there, tears and blood mixing on the carpet.

James Potter distractedly walked down the streets of Muggle London. It

was a nice reprieve from the stresses of Magical Britain, where he

couldn't go anywhere without being recognized. He made his way down

the usual streets, heading to the pub he and Sirius had often visited after

every raid. It had been a tradition of theirs, at least until Aries Black had

arrived. He knew his hatred for the boy was irrational, but his friend's

nephew practically screamed power and dark magic. Sirius had even

admitted knowing Aries knew and used dark magic! His friend had never

once accepted the use of such magic, not even with his family. So how

could he take it in this boy?

Regulus had always been a sore point in their conversations, but James

knew Sirius had always regretted how he had handled the situation with

his brother. James took a seat at the bar, ordering the same drink as ever,

as the troubled thoughts ran through his mind. Then there was Thomas,

his son. He did not like how Thomas had come to befriend Aries, and in

some ways, look up to the boy. James had always wondered how Peter

Pettigrew had gone dark, but in his mind, he had always assumed

someone like Aries, maybe even Regulus himself, had convinced him to

turn. But Thomas was not Peter. There was a pain in James' heart, as he

remembered the times that he and Sirius had treated their friend far

worse than he deserved. Deep down, James knew there was no one to

blame but himself.

He felt distant from his family if he was honest with himself. Lily and

Sirius seemed to be changing, accepting of things he wasn't. They had

experienced a loss of siblings in their way, but James had lost his parents

to the very hands of Lord Voldemort. Aries reminded him of him far too

much. Chills ran down his spine, as each of the three times he had come

face to face with the dark wizard flashed before his eyes. It was an

irrational fear, James knew, as Aries was not a dark lord because if he

were, then Sirius wouldn't love him. Love had not blinded Sirius from the

flaws of his family, and it did not blind him now, but James could not get

himself to accept the boy that was seemingly tearing apart all he knew

without realizing it.

"James?" Sirius' shaky voice caused him to turn around to face his old

friend. He was dressed as usual, in all black with a leather jacket. "I can


"Wait," James called out after a moment, stopping his friend. "I think we

can have a pint without arguing, don't you?" Sirius seemed unsure, before

taking the stool at the bar beside him. They waited in silence before the

bartender brought Sirius his drink.

"It's been a long time since we've been here," Sirius commented. "At least

a few months."

"A year." James felt embarrassed, just saying it. Had he drifted so far

from the friend he once called brother? "How did it come to this?"

"Aries," The name was all that was needed. "I found a way to repay my

brother, to find forgiveness I had thought lost. For years I had hoped that

I would find Regulus alive somewhere and apologize for not being there."

"We were on different sides of the war," James said softly. "We were


"And he was still my brother." They did not raise their voices. There was

a defeated tone in both of them, that seemed to draw them together. "My

brother who I loved, and I let that war tear us apart. Maybe, just maybe,

if I had been more understanding. I had been there for him then, maybe

he would be alive. I wish I could be there for him the way Aries has been

there for Thomas."


"You think Thomas and I don't talk?" Sirius asked sincerely. "He's my

godson. Thomas and Aries are the closest thing I have to children. When

Thomas was selected for the tournament, he had no idea what to do. But

Aries encouraged him, and because of that, Thomas strived to win. When

Thomas questioned things last year, Aries helped him find his own

answers and didn't push bullshit onto him, regardless of what he chose to

believe in the end. Then Aries came to his defense at the trial. Thomas

sees him as an older brother, a distant one, but still one, nonetheless. If I

had been anything like Aries with Regulus, then maybe he would have


"You know exactly how I feel about Aries," James whispered hotly.

"Who cares about his views on magic?" There was a tiredness in Sirius'

voice that caught James off guard. "Aren't you tired of that petty fight?

When we have a war to win?"

"What are you talking about?" Sirius sighed before downing his drink.

"Aries has done more for the fight against Voldemort than anyone," Sirius

stated. "The DMLE and the Auror Corps have more members and more

freedom than ever. When Voldemort finally shows his face, we might

have a chance. And if you haven't noticed, the minute he does show up,

Aries already has a replacement for Fudge in place. One that will want to

fight this time. Not sit back and react like Dumbledore wants to do. Not

to mention, have you noticed that since the trial, the Daily Prophet hasn't

said one word against you or your family?"

"Don't say a word against Dumbledore!"

"Or what?" Sirius' eyes had a weird gleam about it. "He is not god. That

man has allowed thousands to die for his refusal to act. Right now,

Voldemort hasn't struck out, besides the few things we have been able to

respond to, thanks to Snivellus. But when he does come out in the open, I

plan on taking the fight to him with Aries. I'm not going to sit back and

watch my friends die and have to watch my godson die again." The

mention of Harry struck a chord, and James nearly dropped his drink. "I

loved Harry. And now he's gone. Dumbledore might not have cast the

charm, but him refusing to face Voldemort, just like he did with

Grindewald, makes him just as responsible."

"Harry was my son." James gritted out. "I will not let you use his death as

an excuse."

"So is Thomas." Sirius countered back. "Are you planning on letting

Dumbledore make a martyr out of him too? For all the supposed training

he was supposed to endure, little has come of it. I will not sit back again.

I will fight, and I hope you plan to join me. Aries is not going to sit back

and let Voldemort kill at will. We are going to kill that son of a bitch if

it's the last thing I do."

"How can you talk like that?"

"Regulus." Sirius choked on the name. "Harry." There were tears in his

eyes. "Charles. Dorea. Alice. Frank. And so many more. I will not let

Voldemort win. Not this time."

"He lost the war! He was destroyed."

"We all lost, James." His friend deflated before him, his shoulder

lowering. "Can't you see that?"

James was about to respond when there was a slight buzz from Sirius'

pockets. He recognized the sound as their communicators. It vibrated,

much like the muggle cell phones, to keep their cover in the muggle

world. Sirius looked at it discreetly, before cautiously glancing towards


"You might want to come with me to the office," His friend said, the

redness of anger rising into his face. "I think you're going to want to see


Sirius had secretly been thankfully when his communicator had gone off,

as the conversation had taken a rather unexpected turn. So much for not

arguing. He had to suppress a laugh, especially now that he stood in the

office of Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. James stood next to

him, as officers searched the room. Dolores Umbridge was fuming just

outside, as Dumbledore stood next to her. He had noticed the small,

unsure glances his friend was sending the Headmaster. He sincerely

hoped his words had struck a chord with his friend, and they would

finally be able to release him of the confundus charm from years past.

He visibly shook his head, to an instinctual smirk from James. Sirius'

animagus form too often blended over to his human form, but he needed

to focus on the present rather than his issues with his friend. Scrimgeour

barely had time to hand out orders as Lord Abott and Lord Macmillan

grilled him over the possible use of a blood quill. Apparently, their

children had written home, and the two lords of houses belonging to the

Sacred Twenty-Eight wasted no time in causing an uproar. Sirius did not

doubt that the entire Auror Department, and most of the Ministry, knew

about the rumor.

"Well?!" Scrimgeour demanded as he walked into the room. "Tell me you

have an answer. By the time you two left I had nearly half the

Wizengamont in my office, I only escaped by reminding everyone that

that toad works for the Minister, not me!"

"I'm sorry, sir," James said as one of the junior Aurors shook his head.

"There's no blood quill, and no sign of its use."

"What about the students?" Sirius asked curiously. "Forgive me, sir, but a

child of one of the Sacred Twenty-Eight would not send that letter as a

prank. Umbridge could be sentenced to death by execution by a

Pureblood family for this. Even if she is such a horrid teacher as Aries

tells me, this seems far fetched."

"I tend to agree, Sirius." The Head Auror turned to Dumbledore, who had

a pensive look about him. "I do not like this, Albus. Parents are worried,

and rightfully so, some have even permitted me to question their

children. If you know something, I need to know it now. Because if I find

out you knew and hid it for some bollocks reason, I'll bring you down

with her and the Minister." An unbearable tension filled the room as the

two men stared at one another. Sirius knew that Scrimgeour had Aries'

backing, but had it given the man enough confidence to challenge

Dumbledore? Or did Scrimgeour know something that he did not?

"I can assure you, Head Auror, that I had no knowledge of this, nor has it

been brought to the attention of my staff." Dumbledore sighed, "I'm afraid

the only way to know is to question Madam Umbridge."

"Unfortunately, that isn't possible," Scrimgeour handed the Headmaster a

letter. "She has Fudge's protection, Albus, and without evidence, he'll just

push it aside. I need to interview students."

"Did the letters say who had Umbridge had used the quill on?" James


"No, only that it was being used." Sirius glanced towards James with a

raised eyebrow. Suddenly he had the feeling that this was not just about

the blood quill. "Well, Albus? Yes or no?"

"I cannot allow you to mass interview students," the Headmaster replied.

"Not without evidence of the quill or its injuries. I will speak to the

students, of course, and tell them that they can receive help if something

has happened."

Scrimgeour simply nodded and left the room, followed by James, Sirius,

and their team. Umbridge had a triumphant look as they left her office,

but Sirius noticed it didn't quite reach her eyes. He had a feeling

something was missing in all of this, and he wasn't sure he would like it if

he found out. Was it all just some poliitical move? Was Aries behind it?

Or was Umbridge really torturing students and they were letting her get

away with it? Worry filled Sirius' stomach and he couldn't help feeling he

had somehow let down the students of Hogwarts.

Aries stared at the locket inside the privacy of his room. It called to him,

and while the young Black lord knew how dangerous such an item could

be, he could not be rid of it. Trancelike, he lifted the locket and place it

around his neck, the weight heavy, yet comforting. His eyelids suddenly

felt heavy, and he was asleep before his head hit the pillow.

'Remember who you are,' something whispered.

Memories flashed before his eyes.

He was in an orphange.

He was riding the train for the first time.

The hat sat on his head. "SLYTHERIN!"

Light flashed past a great oaf of man, blasting the chest open, and a large

spider fled away.

Then suddenly the memories stopped and he found himself in a hallway. He

slowly approached the door, light flickering below it, and turned the handle.

The fire crackled in the fireplace as the family laughed and rejoiced. Music

filled the air, so they did not hear the nearing footsteps. Aries' lip curled in

disgust at the muggle's he saw, and he raised his wand.

"Avada Kedavra," he whispered, almost gleefully. The flash of light struck the

woman, and she fell. The two men froze still, their feeble minds not being able

to understand what had happened, and the older man fell to another flash of

green. The last man fell to his knees before the other two, tears falling down

his face as he turned to Aries.

"What have you done to them?!" The man screamed. "Who are you?!"

Aries did not answer. The muggle filth deserved no answer. A flash of green

and the man was dead. Suddenly the world changed, blackness soaking deep

into the confines of the world, and an island formed in the darkness. A great

ash tree rose from the land, and a hooded man stood before it. Aries found

himself drawn to the island as if magic pulled him through the air. The man

turned to him.

"Remember who you are."

Aries shot up, sweat beading his forehead, and his breath shallow, but

then he froze, the foreign memories of the dream forgotten, for there

stood the man from the tree in front of him. White eyes flashed power,

and yet Aries flung his hand forward, a powerful burst of flame erupting

from his palm. The fire simply went through the man, as he faded into

nothing. His heart was beating faster than it ever had, and something

akin to fear started to eat at him before he heard the voice again.

"Remember who you are."

AN: Obviously I'm fully aware there are some issues here. Aries has

Tracey spread a rumor, then threatens Dolores and warns her

against telling Fudge, but then the Aurors come and search her

office anyway? Trust me. All three are important and the next

chapter will show why. Figured I'd give everyone a free piece of

candy there.

Also, as I'm continuing this story I'm also going through and

revising. Fixing some grammar errors that slipped the proof reading

as well as clearing up some plot points. I'll keep y'all updated as far

as what has been revised with each new chapter.

23. The Patronus Charm

AN: As always I own none of this. Really enjoyed writing this

chapter as it has LOTS of dialogue and interaction, which is a

continuous theme. I enjoy watching how characters interact with

one another. While Aries has built up a tremendous amount of

power over the years, I have no intention of him suddenly finding

some ancient magic power to give him the victory. He will continue

to outmatch, out maneuver, and out power his enemies, which is

why how he interacts with these other characters is so important,

and so fun to write. I hope you enjoy this chapter, and if you don't,

whatever floats your boat y'all.

The Minister of Magic was a busy man as of late. Letters were

bombarding his office, and members of the Wizengamot had made many

stops by his office demanding answers to these blood quill questions. It

had started with Lord Abott and Lord Macmillan before members of both

the light and grey parties began pestering him. What had that bloody

woman been thinking? He did not doubt that toad had used the blood

quill, but what he didn't understand was how she hadn't been caught.

Scrimgeour had given him no time to warn her before sending Black and

Potter off to Hogwarts to investigate. Still, he was not about to complain

about the situation, considering it would have been his head as well

should the quill had been found.

"Minister?" Weatherby said, knocking on the door. "Lord Remus of the

Noble House of Lupin wishes to speak to you, sir." Fudge could not hide

his displeasure. Not only had Lord Black made a werewolf a lord and head

of a noble house, but the man now dared to bother him without an

appointment? But he knew he could not refuse the half-breed.

"Send him in, Weatherby." He did not see the red head's flash of irritation

but lifted his head as Lupin walked in and took his seat. "How can I help


"I'm afraid I am here on behalf of my liege lord, Lord Black, Minister."

Lupin began, stroking the grey beard he had started to grow. "While he

cannot visit himself, he wished me to discuss with you the matter of this

'blood quill.' He is not pleased, Minister, not at all."

"As it was said in the Daily Prophet, the Aurors found no evidence of

anything," the Minister hastily replied. "Lord Black does not need to feel


"Oh, but he does." Remus smiled somewhat cruelly. "I mean, for

Headmaster Dumbeldore to allow blood quills to be used on students,

especially those of our more prominent families, is something that just

cannot stand. Something must be done."

"Dumbledore?" What did the old man have to do with it?

"Well, it must be his fault, right?" Fudge's hands fidgeted as thoughts ran

wild through his head. "I know for a fact there was no communication

between this office and Professor Umbridge, so it's not as if you told her

to hide it. And of course, we must mention the clear animosity of the rest

of the staff towards her. From my point of view, it would seem as though

she was set up. No evidence? Dumbledore refusing to allow students to

be interviewed?"

"Yes, yes. Of course!" It all played out in his mind. The headlines, the

press, and the outrage shifted from himself and the Ministry towards the

senile headmaster. "Lord Black agrees with you?"

"Oh, my liege lord would never say such things against the headmaster,

while he is at Hogwarts," Lupin answered carefully. "Though I have it on

good authority that he mentioned such things to his dear uncle Sirius.

Little can be done here Minister, but perhaps we could give Dolores the

power to. . . correct Hogwarts' issues." Fudge's eyebrows raised eye, and a

cruel smile slid onto his round face.

"Dolores Umbridge named High Inquisitor of Hogwarts following allegations of

blood quill use at Hogwarts." Draco recited, the current edition of the Daily

Prophet in his hands. "Did you have something to do with this Aries?"

Aries smirked but gave no reply as he lazily flipped through the book in

his hands. "Fine then, keep your secrets." There was a slight edge to

Draco's voice, and Aries let the book thump on the table.

"You know exactly why I'm keeping my cards close to my chest, Draco."

He said with a raised eyebrow. "As long as your father remains the Dark

Lord's servant, I cannot put you in a position of risk."

"I'm already at risk!" Draco shouted, grateful for the Muffliato charm they

had cast when they chose their library table. Aries sighed loudly,

aggressively rubbing the bridge of his nose.

"Perhaps its time we address the boggart in the room, don't you think?"

The blonde-haired boy turned his head, staring at one of the bookshelves.

"I know what happened this summer, Draco, but it could not have been


"How the hell would you know? You never asked! You never cared! You

let me suffer alone at the Dark Lord's hands time and time again."

"And if I hadn't?" Aries replied hotly. "What do you think the Dark Lord

would have done had you refused him? Do you think he would have

stopped with you? What about your mother?" Draco had paled at that,

but Aries wasn't done. "Or what about your sister?" His friend's mouth

dropped, and he struggled to speak for some time as Aries patiently



"You think I wasn't watching? I assure you I made sure to be fully aware

of everything going on at Malfoy Manor."

"Mother?" He simply nodded, and Draco's head fell. "This is tearing my

family apart. No one was supposed to know. My father doesn't even know


"Narcissa will be taken care of," Aries said softly. "And the Dark Lord will

not get his hands on the newest Malfoy. But we must tread lightly."

"I'm sorry. I should have known you wouldn't leave me alone. Well,

entirely anyway." Draco lifted his head and looked Aries in the eyes. "You

would have saved us, right? If the Dark Lord had decided we were no

longer useful?"

"You know that answer, Draco," Aries said seriously. "We're brothers in

blood. No matter what." Silence rested between the two, and he was glad

to see that the animosity from Draco seemed to be disappearing. "Your

speech in the common room intrigued me. Care to explain?"

"I guess this summer made me see some things differently," Draco said

with a sigh. "I've spent so long trying to do everything to be the person

my father wanted me to be, and then he just readily prostituted my life to

the Dark Lord. He sat there and watched Him torture me. And I just

decided I didn't care anymore. About the traditions, about the purity of

blood. About all the horse shit, my father spewed every day. Nothing

good could come from the Dark Lord. . . I've never seen such a monster."

Draco looked away for a moment, his eyes glazed over as if remembering


"And the rest of them too. Father made me watch as they tortured and

raped some poor muggleborn. I didn't know her name. I don't think she

ever came to Hogwarts. And they laughed, like it was all a good joke.

Suddenly, it wasn't a prank. It wasn't putting someone back in their place.

All I could think of was Granger. Annoying as she is, but the thought was

there. Even I'm not daft enough to think she's not brilliant. That if she

could learn her place, maybe she could benefit our world. Does she

deserve to be bumped down a peg or two? Absolutely. But that? What

they were doing to that poor girl? No, not even her.'

"Then, they just killed her. Left her lying in a puddle of blood and their

handiwork. They were so proud of what they had done as if they had just

won a game of Quidditch. At that moment I realized that you were right,

I guess. You've always been right. I won't say I've given up on the idea

that we're better than some, and we deserve our rightful place in the

world. But no one deserves what happened to that girl simply because

they were born different."

Aries, who seemed to always have a calculated response to give, was left

speechless. Somehow that tidbit of information had failed to reach him,

and he was disgusted at what the Death Eaters had done. It was relieving

to know that Draco had finally seen his father and his friends for what

they were. Aries simply reached over and placed a comforting hand on

Draco's shoulder. It was apparent the incident still affected his friend, but

it had been for the best. Draco could now become his own man, and not

a copy of his father.

To say Thomas was nervous as he headed towards the Room of

Requirement was an understatement. Terrified might have been a better

word. He had not told anyone of training with Aries Black, as it had been

a rather touchy subject with Susan, who did not trust the Slytherin at all.

Not that he could entirely blame her as many of Hogwarts, especially

those in Hufflepuff, had avoided Black since the Second Task of the Tri-

Wizard tournament. While he had not seen their brutal duel, he had

heard more than enough to know it had gotten out of hand. Then there

was Cedric's death at the graveyard. Thomas was no fool, and he knew

that some questioned the circumstances around the champion's death,

mostly from those who did believe about Voldemort's return.

His friendship with Black had caused other issues as well, mostly with

Ron. The fellow fifth-year believed him, of course, but he, like many

others in Gryffindor, distrusted Aries. Whether it be his family, his House,

or his uncaring attitude about light or dark magic, it had driven a wedge

between himself and his red-headed friend, with Hermione in the middle.

She still had been undecided on the young Black lord, but she was

unwilling to choose a side like she had last year so quickly.

Thomas made it to the Room of Requirement with a minute to spare and

hastily entered, finding Aries waiting for him, in the same robes he had

worn throughout the Tri-Wizard Tournament. The older boy gave him a

look over, and Thomas had a feeling he was disappointed.

"When I said normal clothing, I meant wizard clothing," Aries said with a

shake of his head. "It will do, however, as your family as a tendency to

wear muggle clothing. Now, you said you wish to learn the Patronus, but

also how to fight, correct?"

"Yes," Thomas answered, honestly. "Voldemort is back. And I have to be

ready to fight him."

"Good, then listen closely." Aries seemed to wait for Thomas to gather

himself. "I will be giving you a training regimen, one that you will not

shy away from, or you will find yourself short of a teacher. We will not

use honorifics, as you are not my apprentice. But understand that while

here, I am in charge. We are not students. We are not friends. You are a

student, and I the teacher. Understand?" Thomas gave a quick nod, his

eyes wide in surprise. "So first, a duel. Ready yourself."

Aries leaned back into his stance, his Viper form ready, as Thomas stood

still for a moment, before shaking his head and reading himself as well.

"Begin." Thomas quickly sent a stunner, hoping to catch Aries off guard

but was shocked as he simply deflected the spell, crashing into the wall

with a bang. He knew he had been distracted and blacked out as Aries'

stunner hit him. Groggily, his eyes opened, and he stared up at Aries,

who Thomas was sure had a disappointed look on his face.

"I expected more, Thomas." The words stung deeper than he had thought.

"No doubt you have never seen someone deflect a spell, but even I

expected you not to lose concentration that easily. It will not happen

again. Ready yourself." He rose to his feet as Aries walked back into his

spot. He shook his head again and pushed his thoughts out of his mind.

He would show Aries he was capable of more.

"Begin." Another stunner flew from his wand, and just as Aries deflected

it, he sent a blasting hex towards him. Aries spun out of the way, casting

his own stunner back. It bounced off Thomas' shield before a fluid series

of spells crashed into it. Thomas pushed power into the simmering blue

shield, shuffling his feet in an attempt to get a better angle on his

opponent. Suddenly, he dropped his guard and rolled to his right, and

fired off three blasting hexes in a row. Using the smoke caused by the

blast, Thomas sprinted to his right and began to fire stunners towards

where Aries had been. He waited, glancing around him to ensure he had

not been flanked, as the smoke cleared, but Aries was nowhere to be


"Are stunners and blasting hexes all you know?" Aries' voice came from

behind him, and he felt the cold tip of a wand against his neck.

"Are bone breakers all you know?" Thomas replied sarcastically.

"No," Aries responded with a laugh as he lowered his wand, "But they are

quite effective. That was more of what I expected, but we will need to

widen your armory of spells beyond what your father has taught you if

you are to defeat the Dark Lord."

"I am not learning dark magic." He glared for a moment at Aries, but then

wilted under the cold, calculating eyes that met his.

"I thought we had gotten over this after your discussion with Godric."

Guilt filled him at that, and he rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

"You have been back to see Godric, right?"

"Once, after the first time. But I just got mad, I guess," Thomas answered

nervously. "I just couldn't understand how he kept pushing me to use that

side of magic. I mean. . . I don't know, Aries. I just can't."

"You cannot expect to defeat the Dark Lord, or his followers, with simple

stunners," Aries answered hotly. "You might get lucky, but more than

likely, you'll end up dead." Thomas refused to meet his eyes, and he was

thankful that Aries seemed to give up on the conversation with a long


"Let us focus on the Patronus Charm." He eagerly perked up at that, as

Aries glanced towards the wall in thought. "Regardless of yours or my

views on magic, the world is inclined to separate magic into light and

dark. Many would say that a light wizard could not use true 'dark' magic

and that a dark wizard could not use pure 'light' magic. For example, the

Killing Curse and the Patronus Charm." Thomas listened intently, as Aries

began to pace. "This is not inherently true at all, as someone in a fit of

rage could cast the Killing Curse, and one does not need to be light or

dark to use the Patronus. It, like all magic, is a manifestation of intent

and emotion. The Dark Arts, as they are named, focus on an intent to

harm, with anger being the primary emotional catalyst. Some schools of

magic, like Transfiguration and Charms, focus less on emotion and more

on intent and the will to shape with their magic. And then some charms,

such as the Patronus, concentrate on the more 'lighter' sides of emotion.

Happiness is the fuel that powers the Patronus Charm. It is this reason

that it is considered a 'light' spell.'

"And with that in mind, a question." Aries continued, turning to Thomas.

"Could the Dark Lord cast a Patronus Charm?"

"No!" Thomas answered quickly. "How could he? He's evil!"

"And so you are saying that there is nothing that makes the Dark Lord

feel happiness? Or joy?"

"Well, no, or. . ." He let his voice die as he considered it. "You're trying to

convince me again, aren't you?"

"To a point," the Slytherin answered with a smirk. "The point here is that

again, emotion is the focus. In reality, while it is unlikely that the Dark

Lord could muster a Patronus, it is not impossible. Food for thought, Heir

of Gryffindor. Now, for the charm itself. Expecto Patronum is the


"Expecto Patronum," Thomas repeated as Aries gave a nod.

"Now, as I said before, happiness is the fuel. Most people use a memory.

But the reason I say that the Dark Lord would likely not be able to use it

is that the more powerful the memory is, the more powerful the

Patronus. It is unlikely the Dark Lord possesses such a memory, but

again, not impossible." Thomas began to rack his mind for a memory,

picking out a few he thought would work. "Now, the memory is

important, but also subjective. One would say riding a broom for the first

time would not work, but for someone abused their entire life, it may as

well be their happiest memory. For you, however, it might not be

enough. Think of the memory, and let it consume you until it's all you

can feel. And then say the words." Thomas took a deep breath and

focused, the memory becoming more and more real before him until he

could feel the warmth of the fireplace.

"Expecto Patronum." There was a slight pull on his magic, but when he

opened his eyes, there was nothing. He tried again and again, and despite

the slight pull he felt, he could not preform the charm.

"You are conflicted, Thomas. I would not even need Legillimency to

figure that out; it's in your magic."

"My magic? So my memory was not good enough?"

"I did not say that," Aries closed his eyes, and two chairs formed between

them. He motioned for them to sit and gave him a curious look. "But

regardless, something is happening that is keeping you from casting the

spell. Sometimes, emotional upheaval, or life events, can affect our magic

in unknown ways." Thomas felt tense and looked away again. "I've

noticed you've been somewhat ostracized by your house again.

Something you wish to explain?" There was nothing that Thomas wanted

to do less than discuss it. But then the memories of the Dementors

returned with a shudder.

"I know the Prophet stopped running those horrible articles, but it hasn't

made anyone believe me more." Thomas ran a hand through his hair in

frustration. "Seamus and some others flat out think I'm a nutter. Susan

and her friends think I'm crazy for being friends with you, as most still

haven't decided on what happened at the graveyard. My dad is so intent

on making sure I'm a 'light' wizard that I want to break everything in my

home when I'm around him. I didn't even tell him about the blood-quill! I

feel so angry all the time. Dumbledore has been avoiding me all year, and

that fucking Umbridge woman is tormenting me every day, and the only

one that seems to care is the one who everyone, besides Sirius, thinks is

the next Dark Lord!" He hadn't meant to yell or to tell Aries all of that,

but once he had started, he couldn't stop. Thomas glanced up, wondering

what Aries' reaction would be, only to find a look of understanding.

"Who are you?" Aries asked softly.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, who are you, Thomas Potter?" He asked again. "Are you a

muggleborn? Are you just another ordinary wizard? Who. Are. You?"

"I'm Thomas, Heir to the Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Potter."

Thomas replied, still unsure of what Aries was getting at, but he didn't

say anything so he continued. "I'm the Heir of Gryffindor. I'm the Boy-


"So why the fuck do you care what they think?" Thomas's face shot up at

the venom in Aries' voice. "We had this talk last year. It seems we're

bound to revisit things. One day, you'll be face to face with the Dark

Lord. And you know what will matter? You. Not Seamus and his friends.

Not Susan and her friends. Not your father. You. One day, you'll be old,

and every night you'll have to go to sleep, remembering your life, and

you will have to be the one who lives with himself. Do you want to go to

sleep at night, remembering how you let others rule your life? Or do you

want to remember how you seized every day victoriously? It's like I told

you before, friends are nice, but at the end of the day, all you have is


"And as far as your father goes, he's not you. His life is not yours. His

choices do not matter, but yours do. If you live your life trying to please

everyone around you, you will be miserable. You and I, Thomas, we are a

cut above the rest. We are lions and a lion does not concern itself with

the opinion of the sheep. Do you understand?"

"But I cannot just throw everyone to the side, just for myself!"

"That's your choice, Thomas," Aries answered with more control. "But you

also cannot allow them to control your life. It is not your responsibility to

make others accept you for who you are. It is theirs. And if they cannot,

then let them fade away. Those who are true to you will stick by you, not

leave based on the circumstances." Silence breathed in between them, as

Thomas thought on Aries' words, and no matter what argument came up,

none could dispel the one Aries had. "And as far as Dumbledore goes, he

is not god. He is not infallible. He makes mistakes, same as you and I. I

cannot tell you why he is avoiding you, but if he is not here for you now,

when you are downcast, then why is he here? Why allow him to have

power over you when he does not care for you when you need him?"

Thomas tried to push the doubts of the headmaster aside, but they

continued, as Aries had simply voiced the dark thought that had already

been inside his head. "Clear your mind, Thomas. Do not delay. Make your

choice here and now. Stay and cast the Patronus Charm, take control of

your life, or leave, and continue to allow others to rule you. I will not

teach someone so weak-willed. Make your choice."

Aries sat calmly before Thomas, as a million emotions seemed to play

across his face. He had been surprised that the Gryffindor had opened up

to him so easily. But who else was there to open up to? Who else did not

judge the boy on his decisions? These fools were so concerned about

Thomas not becoming like him that they had pushed him right into Aries'

hands. Aries knew about the boy's doubts, especially regarding

Dumbledore, and had all too eagerly reinforced the distrust he was

forming for the old man.

He wondered if the boy would be successful, remembering his own issues

with the charm last year. But then again, no one had helped him past his

problems, the very reason it took so long for him to master the Patronus

Charm, as he had just now with Thomas. At last Thomas stood staring at

the door for just a moment, before he turned away. He took several

minutes, and Aries felt the discord in Thomas' magic fade away. Thomas

raised his wand again, and Aries leaned forward.

"Expecto Patronum." He could not help but smile, as the white shield of

the Patronus formed before Thomas.

"And that, Thomas, is the Patronus Charm," Aries said, a slight surprise in

his voice.

"Is it normal?" Thomas asked, letting go of the spell. "To get it on the first

try? Well. . . first real try."

"No, not at all," Aries replied honestly. "But for us, it is no surprise. You

are powerful, Thomas, more than you realize. But there is more to the

spell." He lifted his wand and closed his eyes. "Expecto Patronum." A white

fox shot from his wand, and danced around them, its white eyes seeming

to stare at Thomas. "This is a corporeal Patronus. It will take the form of

something that represents your happiness. For me, it represents my

mother. A fox was her animagus."

"What happened to her?" Thomas asked, noting the sadness in his voice.

"A tragedy." The memories flash forward into his mind before he shoved

them down deep within his consciousness. "But that is enough for today.

Every morning you will run to the Quidditch pitch, complete ten laps.

You will complete a hundred push-ups and sit-ups. Then return. Once you

can do this all within thirty minutes, we will progress your physical

training. You understand the importance of this?"

"The fight isn't over just because you've been disarmed," Thomas

answered in a recited way. Aries simply nodded.

"Same time, next week."

The room was stone, as Aries requested, and he sat with his legs crossed

on the floor, deep in meditation. A month had passed since the beginning

of term, and much had happened already. Between his lessons with

Potter, dealing with Umbridge overstepping with the use of the blood

quill, dealing with the changing Draco, and the ever-exciting situation

with Theodore Nott, along with the ever torrent of homework, Aries had

been quite busy.

His thoughts concerned the letter he had recently received from

Cassiopeia, detailing the current status of his many projects. He was

happy to hear, of course, that the Werewolf Conservation continued to

thrive, and a rather large magical community had begun to form,

complete with shops and restaurants. Wizards and witches who had, for

so long, been outcast by Magical Britain had come to find a real home,

and Director Lupin seemed to take every chance to reaffirm that it was all

thanks to Lord Black, something evident in the 'fan mail' he had begun to

receive. The other success was the recent approval from Gringotts,

regarding the school construction that had started on the grounds. Soon,

children afflicted with lycanthropy would be able to receive a quality

education, one that Aries could shape to reflect his views.

Next came the report of the Praetorian Guard. His show of them at the

Wizengamot had created quite the rumor mill. Still, none knew the full

extent of his army, currently located in Bulgaria, under the protection of

Ivan's uncle. Slowly, but surely, the regiment was rising in numbers and

skill. The financial burden would have taken a toll, if not for his timely

investment in the products required for Wolfsbane. Ministry money lined

his vault, as they purchased the ingredients for the Werewolf


It was as Aries was musing the third, and final piece, of information

Cassiopeia had sent him, that he felt Daphne enter the room. He had

requested her presence, as she was the last issue he had yet to remedy.

Despite his earlier idea that she needed to be dealt with sooner rather

than later, her game of cat and mouse had not been as distracting or as

much of an inconvenience as he expected. But the girl had put off their

confrontation for too long, and he had finally decided to deal with it. She

mirrored how he sat, right across from him, and seemed to wait, her

trademark look of ice on her face.

"I believe you have taken an issue with me, Daphne," Aries stated simply.

"Care to explain?"

"And I believe I am owed an explanation, Black," Daphne replied coldly.

"About many things."

"Such as?"

"This summer. Your plans." Her eyes flashed for a moment. "Delacour." He

raised his eyebrow in challenge.

"And you think I owe you anything?"

"Considering our relationship, yes. I'm not asking anything of Lord Black.

I'm asking something of Aries. The boy I spent much time with in this

room, and aboard the ship, and in the library. The one that made me

actually feel something, and the one I thought could help me realize my

dream for this world."

"But aren't they one and the same?" countered Aries. "Let us not be

ignorant. Had I not been the heir to the Most Ancient and Most Noble

House of Black, you would have never looked my way. Not in any

snobbish way, but your dreams lie further than being a trophy wife. You

long for greatness, as I do. You would never have married just for love.

You would have married someone that could benefit your plan. But then

we met one another. And we both found someone that could be an equal,

one that could further our goals, and perhaps, love as well."

"Then what changed?"

"Truly? The Dark Lord. I was forced to accelerate my plans. Dumbledore

was removed, and through the help of Lord Malfoy, your father was

made Chief Warlock. With one fell swoop, the Wizengamot had fallen

into my hands. Your father readily accepted an alliance, and suddenly I

did not need marriage to gain political power. My name and my actions

during the Tri-Wizard Tournament had already done that."

"That still does not explain your actions," Daphne said, and there was

unmistakable anger in her voice. "After that dinner with my family, you

dropped me like some summer fling. I am not some Daisy Buchanan to

drop without a second thought. You never even sent a letter, and

pointedly ignored mine."

"Your father made it clear he did not approve," Aries replied. "Given the

circumstances, his allegiance and cooperation within the Wizengamot

were more important than your feelings. For one as political savvy as you

claim to be, I figured that would be obvious."

"Oh, we will play that card, will we?" A cold laugh escaped her throat.

"Like you couldn't have slipped Tracey a letter? Or had a house-elf bring

it? No doubt the reality is that you were too busy with your putain. I'm no

idiot. I know you and Delacour would meet up throughout last year. And

I let you have your fun. A gift you could call it, for helping my dream of

the future come to a reality. But then the summer came, you dropped me,

and went to that ball with her. You think I wouldn't notice?" Aries, it

seemed, had slightly underestimated the girl, but he was not concerned.

"Fleur is a nature of my reality in which you much accept," He raised a

hand to silence Daphne before she could reply, anger alight in her eyes.

"Following the Third Task, she came to me. Magic it would seem, deems

her kind more creature than human, and as such, a life debt formed

between us. But not like the one that formed between Potter and me.

Delacour is tethered and bound to me by the deepest of magics. If I were

to choose, the magic binding us could force her to fulfill my every desire

or to complete any task I were to give her. Through her, I have gained an

invaluable tool. A follower whose loyalty can never be in question.

Because of this, she is something I will not relinquish, even for you,

Daphne." His words seemed to give her thought as she looked at him


"So, she is nothing more than a slave?" Daphne asked, her voice softer

than before.

"I prefer to think of her as more of a loyal servant." Aries offered,

watching Daphne closely.

"Then, she would never take the name of Black?" She leaned forward,

placing her hands on the ground as Aries laughed.

"No, never. She may be an equal to me in some ways, and while I do, in

my own way, care for her, I would not marry her." Daphne seemed to

crawl towards him, the top of her shirt opened, giving him a tasteful


"And what about me?" There was no vulnerability in her voice, rather a

sense of challenge. Aries had given it much thought over the past month.

It was how he had concluded that he would never marry Fleur. Why

would he? She was bound to him, and so long as her soul belonged to

him, the soon to be President of Magical France would always be loyal to

him. His last connection to the continent was made.

"Your actions at the Yule Ball made it clear that you understand that

sometimes, violence and cruelty are necessary to achieve our goals. "

Aries said, enjoying the look of desire in Daphne's eyes. "We will deceive.

We will manipulate. And we will kill. We will do what must be done to

make our vision a reality. If you can accept that, then I think you could,

perhaps, make a suitable first wife." He said the last with a laugh. "I will

need someone to rule over Britain one day, after all."

"You will only have one wife, if I have anything to say about it, Black."

She closed the distance, pushing him onto the ground before smashing

her lips into his. Aries would have been a liar had he said he did not miss

the taste of her lips, as her body pressed against his before she pulled

away. "You can keep your pet, Black, but you belong to me. I will make

sure Fleur Delacour knows her place."

If there was a word to describe Professor McGonagall at the moment,

unhappy would be a rather massive understatement. It had been a month

since Thomas' first lesson with Aries and in the time between Dolores

Umbridge had been named 'High Inquisitor' of Hogwarts. The letter he

had received from his father had been worrisome and warned him

consistently against angering the Defense teacher anymore. He had never

told his father about the blood-quill, partly because he wanted nothing to

do with his father but he had also not wanted to let the old toad win by

getting the better of him.

Umbridge was watching the class closely, and with everything Professor

McGonagall did, the other woman would make notes. She was evaluating

the teachers, though why she thought she knew what made a good

teacher or not was lost to Thomas. He breathed a sigh of relief when the

class, and the day for that matter, was over. There was still an hour

before dinner, so he followed Ron and Hermione back to the common

room. Their friendship had never been the same since the Tri-Wizard

Tournament, and the strains of this year, mostly due to Aries, made

specific conversations avoided at all cost.

"Bloody hell," Ron sighed as he plopped down on the couch in front of

the fire. "Umbridge is causing all sorts of hell right now."

"On top of not teaching us a thing," Thomas responded, placing himself in

the armchair. "Honestly, I feel like I know more about defense than she


"Think that goes for the first years too, mate." The two could not contain

the laughter that suddenly burst from them both, drawing an irritated

look from the seventh years who were studying furiously for their

NEWTs. Hermione came down and sat on the couch next to Ron, a

pensive look on her mind.

"What's on your mind, Hermione?" She didn't answer Thomas at first,

giving a quick look around the room, before leaning in closely.

"We need to do something about Umbridge."

"That'll go over real well," Ron said with a scoff. "The Aurors didn't find

anything, and unless Thomas or someone willingly steps up, she won't be


"No, I mean the class," Hermione said with a shake of her head. "We

aren't learning anything this year, and we have our OWLs. I say we start

teaching ourselves."

"I mean, don't we already?" Thomas asked. "Or do you mean, like, a

club?" Hermione nodded.

"That's exactly what I mean. And I think you should teach it, Thomas."

"I don't think that's necessarily a good idea. There's no way anyone in this

school would want me to teach them. And Dad told me specifically not to

piss off Umbridge."

"Well, it wouldn't be breaking any school rules, right?" Ron offered.

"Maybe not," Thomas answered. "But we both know she doesn't want us

actually practicing spells. Somehow I think this won't go over very well."

"Just give it a thought, okay? I think you'll be surprised by how many

students would want to learn from you." Hermione gave him a pleading

look, and he nodded after a minute. "I'll ask around discreetly and see if

anyone else is interested." Thomas sighed as she got up and left the

common room. So much for coasting out the year.

He stood on the island again, the great ash tree staring down at him, and felt

the swirl of magic. To an onlooker, it would seem there was no wind at all,

but he could feel the torrent of magic surrounding him, centered on the great

tree like the eye of a hurricane. Whispers floated through the air, and he

turned, facing the man that so often haunted his dreams. Bright, white eyes

flashed, and the swirl of magic stopped. But then the man moved aside, and

the island faded away. Instead, a corridor appeared, as he walked forward,

full of doors on each side. It seemed like an eternity that he walked until at

last, he faced a door. He grasped the handle and turned, opening the door

before him. A vast room awaited him, and then he saw it: the Veil. The

whispers grew louder as he faced the tall arch. Suddenly he turned, and the

man was there again, and with a hard push, he fell through the Veil.

Aries shot up in his bed, sweat covering his body, and his heart

pounding. A pain suddenly crept on his chest, and as he looked down, the

outline of a hand was bruised onto his chest. He looked around

frantically for the man, but he was not there. There was one thing that

had made sense in the dream: the Department of Mysteries. He had been

there on more than one occasion throughout the summer, but why was

he suddenly dreaming of it? What did the whispers mean? Who was the

man who kept haunting his dreams? Why did he keep seeing the great

ash tree? Aries did his best to rid himself of the dream, as the warm

water of the shower rinsed over him. He had another lesson with Thomas

today, and it would not do well to show discomfort in front of his


His fondness for Thomas had only increased as the boy began to shed the

childish tendencies and take on a more serious attitude. Aries seriously

doubted the training that the boy had skipped out on in his youth had

ever been as severe as the training he was doing now, and the results

were showing. Thomas had never been overweight, the training as a

child and Quidditch had seen to that, but he was slowly developing

muscles that would give him the advantage in a fight. Every week,

Thomas would improve, but he was beginning to understand that his

simple repertoire of spells was a disadvantage.

He started their lesson by having himself and Thomas to do a rigorous

exercise routine and was glad that the room provided a shower for them

both to use. Once Thomas was thoroughly exhausted, he had the boy

continue his work on fifth-year spells. Umbridge's teaching, or lack

thereof, was causing more of a headache than he considered, but Potter

was more than capable of catching up. Then, they dueled. It was rather

enjoyable, he had noted, to be the teacher and not the student, and it was

a new challenge all in itself. While Thomas' sole goal was to disarm him,

Aries strived to challenge the younger boy, forcing him out of his comfort

zone and to adapt. He understood now why his former master, Vladimir

von Reich, had enjoyed their lessons so much.

"A month and a half, we've been doing this," Thomas panted after being

disarmed again, "And I still can't beat you."

"I'm afraid it will be sometime before you come close to defeating me,"

Aries said with a laugh as he returned the boys wand. "Though I would

say there are few here at Hogwarts that could. Durmstrang is a different

story, as they are taught Battle Magics and how to duel from their first

year." Thomas rolled in his in amusement, as Aries seemed always to say

how Durmstrang was better. "I hear you're going to start a Defense club."

"Oh, um, yeah," Thomas replied with a nervous laugh. "It was Hermione's

idea, but I kinda caved."

"And how do you feel about helping others, despite their dislike and

distrust of you?"

"It's just the right thing to do," The boy shrugged. "If I have the means to

help them, why shouldn't I?"

"Indeed," Aries felt a rush of pride for the boy, though he still did not

entirely understand why. Perhaps he was beginning to see something of

himself in the boy. They were both heirs of the founders after all. "I

believe that those of us, with the power and ability to do so, have a

certain responsibility to the magical world. I believe we are both such

individuals. Any ideas about how you will teach? You will have more

than just fifth years."

"I actually wanted to ask you about that. You see, well, you're good at

this. Way better than me. I was hoping you would be willing to help. I

mean, the Slytherins probably need help too, right? The good ones that


"You want me to teach?" Aries said with a laugh. "You haven't told your

friends about our lessons, yet you want me to help teach all your


"Yes," Thomas answered firmly. "It's their choice, but you're the best

dueler I've ever seen. You know more magic than anyone, and lastly, you

know the Dark Arts. Who better to teach us how to defend against them?

It's their choice. But if they want me to help them, then they'll have to let

you teach them."

Aries made to look as if he thought it over, but his decision had already

been made. He would not pass up the opportunity to build bridges with

the individuals in other houses who might end up holding an essential

spot within the Ministry, or the Wizengamot itself. "I'll help, but it is your

responsibility to convince the others. It is your group, after all." This

could work, he mused, perhaps he could create the very army that Fudge

was so worried about. Yes, he would create Dumbledore's Army.

AN: Next Chapter: Dumbledore's Army. We'll continue to bounce

back and forth between Thomas and Aries POV. Free candy, we

have a duel coming next chapter that's been in my head since the

beginning, and I can't wait.

24. Dumbledore's Army

AN: This chapter and the next were supposed to be one, but as I was

writing I ended up adding more than expected, which was a

welcomed surprise. As always, I hope you like this chapter, and if

you don't, whatever floats your boat y'all.

"I think I liked it better when you two weren't getting along." Draco

drawled from his seat across Aries and Daphne in the Three Broomsticks.

"Jealous, Malfoy?" Daphne said with a smirk. "I had heard the rumors

that women weren't your fancy, but now I'm starting to believe them."

Aries couldn't contain his laughter as Draco's ears turned an almost

Weasley red. "I'll let father know so he can call off the marriage contract."

"Oh, come now, Draco," Aries interrupted before the two starting throw

spells. "Play nicely. After all, we all know Astoria adores you." Draco

rolled his eyes and set back with an exaggerated huff. They both knew he

could do far worse than Daphne's younger sister, though the contract had

yet to be finalized. That was in part Aries doing, as it ensured that Lucius

Malfoy maintained particular goodwill with the grey party.

"At least you two can have fun with your meeting. I'll be stuck here

listening to Pansy whine about the contract all afternoon."

"Speaking of which, it's time for us to go," Aries said as he rose to his feet

with an offered hand to Daphne. "Still cannot believe they choose the

Hog's Head of all places for this meeting. Umbridge will know about it

before the meetings even done."

"Then why didn't you change it?" Draco asked.

"I've made a good habit of capitalizing on people's mistakes, Draco,"

replied Aries with a smile. "This is no different."

Aries and Daphne took their time as they walked towards the Hog's Head

arm in arm. They had already gotten their shopping out of the way and

had a light lunch at the Three Broomsticks. The blonde girl had never

been an unconfident witch, but her confidence had seemed to rise to new

levels after their conversation a few weeks ago. Their Dark Arts lessons

had continued as well, something she had begun to attack with new vigor

as if she hoped to prove she could outdo Fleur in every way.

At last, they had reached the Hog's Head, and, as requested, Astoria,

Blaise, and Tracey waited patiently outside for them. He gave them each

a nod and entered the pub. A quick count told him that twenty-five had

decided to attend the meetings, most of them being fifth year students.

Every house was represented, at least now that they had arrived. He

glanced around the room, and after seeing the four individuals he had

asked to be here, sat at the last available table with the other Slytherins.

A motion to the bartender, a man he knew to be Aberforth Dumbledore,

brought a round of butterbeer to the table.

"What the bloody hell are they doing here?" Ron exclaimed loudly to the

agreeance of the rest of the group.

"We want to pass our exams too, Weasley." Daphne drawled as she rolled

her eyes. "You lot aren't the only ones not learning anything from


"This is about more than passing our exams," Susan Bones said from her

spot at the front next to Thomas. "This is about learning how to fight

Death Eaters."

"Oh, are there some here?" Aries, who seldom had an issue controlling his

emotions, found it very difficult not to laugh at Daphne, as she looked

around the room frantically. "Well, thank goodness we have all of you to

protect us."

"They're here because I asked them to be." Thomas interrupted as he

stood. "Susan is right. This is not only so we can pass our exams but so

that when Voldemort and the Death Eaters show themselves, we're


"And so, you invited Death Eater spawn to train with us?" A Hufflepuff

said, Zacharias Smith if he remembered correctly. "For all we know, they

could be spying on us. And not to mention, you invited him." All eyes

landed on Aries, who returned their glares with a smirk.

"Is my presence a problem, Smith?" Aries asked innocently.

"Enough!" All eyes looked back to the front, where Hermione had

snapped in her quill in frustration. "Why are they here, Thomas?"

"Just because someone is a Slytherin, does not make them a Death Eater,"

Thomas began. "And just because someone isn't in Slytherin doesn't make

them good either. The night my grandparents died, we were under the

Fidelius. Our secret keeper, and the man that betrayed my family to

Voldemort, was a Gryffindor. If a lion can become a Death Eater, then a

snake can be the good guy." He took a deep breath, with a sideways

glance towards Susan. "Throughout this year, Aries has been training me.

You see, while our parents have been out doing what they can, Aries and

I have been training to take the fight to Voldemort. Every day I get

stronger because of him. He's the most powerful wizard I know besides

Dumbledore and Voldemort. He's taught me how to duel, to perform the

Patronus Charm, and how to survive. If you want me to help you, then

you'll have to accept Aries, which means accepting his friends as well. I

trust him, and if you trust me, you'll trust him as well."

"You both can perform the Patronus?" Katie Bell asked as she looked

towards Aries. Her cheeks flushed when they made eye contact, but a

raise of the eyebrows from Daphne caused the Gryffindor to look away.

"Yes," Thomas answered. "But Aries can produce a corporeal Patronus."

"Prove it," Smith demanded. Aries yawned and lazily drew his wand.

"Expecto Patronum." The white fox shot from his wand, running through

the pub before it stopped in front of Thomas and disappeared. "Happy?"

"That's all good and well," Hermione said. "But Aries' proficiency in magic

isn't our-"

"What about Cedric?" Michael Corner interrupted, another fifth-year

student in Ravenclaw, as he looked intently at Aries. "You and

Dumbledore keep saying Voldemort killed him, but no one actually

knows. Besides you." Cho Chang, who had been staring at the floor for

most of the meeting, suddenly looked up, and Aries could not quite place

the look in her eye.

"If you here for me to tell you how Cedric died, then you've come to the

wrong place," Aries replied. "If you don't believe Albus Dumbledore and

Thomas Potter, then what makes anything I say matter? Unless, of

course, you mean to accuse me of something?" He looked around the

room, his eyes stopping on the Hufflepuffs, but they remained silent. "I

thought we were here to learn about magic, not put me on trial,


"We are," Hermione replied, though he could tell she was tense. "But

unfortunately, your presence, along with the rest of the Slytherins, was

never agreed upon. I understand why Thomas invited you, and it makes

sense logically, but I have some concerns of my own."

"Because you're a muggleborn," Daphne offered.

"Yes. I, along with many others, have been constantly harassed by the

Slytherins since I came to Hogwarts. What I want to know is why you

would be willing to teach us anything."

"You're referring to the incident this summer?" Aries asked, and when

Hermione gave a nod, he shook his head slightly. "It is not uncommon for

magical families to have a grimoire, but for those of us who can trace our

familial lines to the founders and beyond, there is family magic, traits,

and secrets that are protected. These things are sacred to the family and

are passed down from heir to heir and taught throughout the family. As

even Thomas can attest to with the Potter family, this is common

regardless of whether that family is considered 'light' or 'dark.'

"Now, as to the concern of your blood status. Many of our ancient

families have long held to the belief of blood purity, but the fact is that

inbreeding has done the exact opposite of what was intended. Instead of

ensuring the strength of blood, bloodlines that had existed for centuries

began to die out. It is part of the reason for individuals like Crabbe and

Goyle, who can hardly read yet alone perform any great magics. It is a

practice that must be cast aside. That being said, magic does not appear

out of midair. Somewhere in your family, Granger, there has been a

witch or wizard, which has resulted in you being magical. Therefore, you

belong in our world, but not without sacrifice.'

"This is not the muggle world, and as such as we have traditions that are

sacred to those who have shaped this world for centuries. You, who were

born and raised in the muggle world, cannot come here and expect it to

change just because it is not what you have come to understand as right

and wrong. That does not mean, however, that we cannot progress.

Individuals, like you, can help us make our magical world a better one.

But you must understand that you are giving up one world to live in ours.

Does that answer your question, Granger?" A glance around the room saw

that many had taken his words to thought and were genuinely surprised

at the Slytherin's point of view.

"What about the Dark Arts?" Ron suddenly asked. "Thomas said you

would be helping teach us. You cannot expect us to want to learn from

someone who openly practices them."

"And why not?" Thomas replied heatedly. "Who better to learn from? I've

had run-ins with Voldemort before, but both times he was weakened. And

yet, Aries went toe to toe with him when he was at full strength. If he

hadn't been there, I wouldn't have made it out alive." Aries watched

Thomas eye the room as he dared them to challenge him. "I can teach

you what I can and what I know, but if you want the best chance to

survive a run-in with Death Eaters, then you have to learn from Aries as


"Look, you have the chance to be taught by two Tri-Wizard champions,"

Hermione began slowly after a tense moment had passed. "Thomas is the

best at defense in our year, and I think everyone knows what Black got

on his OWLs. If there was ever a chance to learn how to best defend

ourselves and pass our exams, this is it. So, is everyone agreed?" No one

said a word, but no one left either, much to Aries' surprise, though he

was sure there was still some ill will towards him. "Right, so the question

is how often we are-"

"It can't clash with Quidditch," Angelina Johnson said from the back next

to Katie Bell and Alicia Spinnet.

"Don't you think this is a bit more important?" Ernie McMillan replied.

"Even with our OWLs coming up and the denial of You-Know-Who. I

mean, the Ministry gave us a teacher who is actually trying to prevent us

from using defensive spells!"

"Fudge believes that Dumbledore wants to take over the Ministry," Aries

said as he answered the implied question. "And he's afraid that he's using

students to build an army to do just that. But Angelina is right. If we are

suddenly all rescheduling Quidditch practices for this, it will become

suspicious. This is important, but we must remain discreet. As far as

location, Thomas and I have already decided. We'll let everyone know the

time and place at the last possible minute so that Umbridge has no time

to find out where we're meeting."

Hermione began to rummage in her bag and produced parchment and a

quill, then hesitated, rather as though she was steeling herself to say


"I think everybody should write their name down just so we know who

was here. But I also think that we all ought to agree not to shout about

what we're doing. So, if you sign, you're agreeing not to tell Umbridge or

anybody else what we're up to."

One of the Weasley twins went and wrote his name first, all too happily,

but Aries noticed that some were immediately hesitant to write down

their names. Aries couldn't blame them, but did they really think Granger

would just leave the list lying around? It took some convincing from

Thomas, but eventually, everyone began to sign their names, including

the Slytherins. Aries was the last to go up to sign his name but stopped

the minute he saw the parchment up close. It was dripping with magic,

and he immediately knew the spells Granger had cast. He looked up,

making eye contact with her with a raised eyebrow, and she instantly

paled. His name formed on the parchment with a wave of his hand, but

Granger knew the magic wouldn't affect him.

Daphne had waited for him outside, but he gave her a slight nod towards

the castle, while he waited for his companions to meet him. As she

walked away, Cassiopeia, Sirius, Remus, and Fleur exited the Hogs Head,

their glamours still on. They walked in silence towards the Shrieking

Shack, a Notice-Me-Not charm keeping their movement hidden. When

they had arrived in the small upstairs bedroom, they removed their

glamours and waited for Aries to make himself comfortable in the chair

before they took their own seats.

"I hope we all have good news?" Aries asked. "Cassiopeia?"

"The Legion continues to grow, both in number and skill." Cassiopeia

began. "Commandant Taim again expresses his gratitude at your trust in

him and hopes you can come to see his progress at your earliest

convenience. He has also selected four more wizards to become

Praetorians. He will inform you should they survive the training." Aries

nodded, a slight grimace on his face. Taim was more animal than man,

but he owed his life to Aries, and after being named Commandant of the

Legion, he had taken to only allowing the best to have the honor to

protect their lord. Five had already died in Taim's evaluations, as far as

he knew.

"The DMLE has doubled its recruitment, as has the Auror Department,"

Sirius said, though he threw a weird look towards Cassi. "We've been able

to up patrols in most of the major populated magical regions.

Unfortunately, there is little we can do as far as patrolling Muggle

regions. That has been left to the Order. It took some convincing, but

we've started trying to follow known Death Eaters. Hopefully, we can get

a guess as to where they're hiding, and maybe we can find out where

they'll strike first."

"I think the Dark Lord is content hiding, for now." Aries interrupted.

"He'll move slowly but surely and do little to draw the attention of the

Ministry. Azkaban is our main concern. You need to convince Bones and

Scrimgeour to replace the Dementors. The Dark Lord's most powerful

servants reside in that prison, and we cannot allow them to escape."

Sirius nodded his understanding before continuing.

"Dumbledore still has members guarding the Prophecy." Cassiopeia gave

a loud huff at that. "He refuses to have it removed. I think he wants to

use it as bait, but he truly does not want the Dark Lord to get his hands

on it."

"Can we destroy it somehow?" Remus asked.

"Not without alerting both the Order and the Ministry. For now, it's a

waiting game."

Aries nodded as he turned to the werewolf. "Cassiopeia informed me of

the Conservation, Remus, so no need to waste your time. What of the

other projects?"

"I've convinced forty-four to join your cause, my lord," Remus said as he

pulled out a folder, which he handed to Cassiopeia. "Each has met your

conditions and will be sent to Commandant Taim for training. The Dark

Lord has sent a delegation to the werewolf packs in the north, but as you

requested, we did not respond. A wise move indeed, my lord, as the

packs have selected a representative, and she has requested we send a

delegation as well."

"I trust you have chosen a delegation?"

"Yes, my lord." Remus handed another folder to Cassiopeia. "I will lead

them, of course. I fully expect to gain their allegiance by Winter Solstice."

Aries did not respond, as he waited for Cassiopeia to finish looking over

the dossiers Remus had given her. When she had, at last, nodded her

approval, he turned back to Remus.

"Excellent work, my friend." Fleur smiled coyly as his gaze landed on her

at last.

"I've managed to look over the vaults of our known Death Eaters, though

convincing the goblins has not been easy," Fleur said, idly looking at her

fingertips as she spoke in French. "Luckily enough, Dumbledore and the

Dark Lord have rubbed them wrong enough for them to consider giving you

their support. They allowed me to look over the inventories in an attempt to

bridge a more formal alliance with you. The goblins seem to hope to have

more. . . flexibility within the magical world. Something akin to what the

Lycans have been given. That being said, I found nothing similar to the locket

or the cup. The goblins seemed to have an idea of what the cup was, I think.

They've requested a meeting with you, no doubt to discuss their demands, but

perhaps they could be convinced to part with that information as well?"

"Dealing with goblins is a tricky affair, Aries," Cassiopeia stated suddenly.

"They've given us something for seemingly nothing in return. They will

expect something during the negotiations, I have no doubt."

"And yet, we cannot afford to miss out on this opportunity," Aries replied.

"Did they mention when they wished to meet?"

"No, my lord." He caught the flirtatious tone Fleur had used, but ignored it

for now.

"Then I will meet with them at Christmas Break," Aries decided. "Leaving

beforehand would be more suspicious than I can afford right now."

"Then, is it wise to help with this defense club?" Cassiopeia asked with a

raised eyebrow. "It will surely draw the attention of Dumbledore,

considering his brother was the barkeep."

"I have little concern about the reaction from the Ministry, and I'm aware

that Dumbledore will be in the know. This is an opportunity to gain

followers outside of Durmstrang and Slytherin. It is a calculated risk, but

one I believe will pay off." Aries left them shortly after, though he

thoroughly enjoyed his time with Fleur once the others had left. He

looked forward to seeing how Daphne would 'put her in her place,'

though he supposed he would have to ensure the two did not end up

killing the other. Sirius' unease at the mention of the Legion had not gone

unnoticed by Aries, and he hoped he would be able to resolve the issue at

Christmas when he would go inspect his army himself.

Thomas jumped as Susan suddenly slammed her hand on the desk.

"She knows," Susan whispered angrily. "She's banned all student

organizations, including Quidditch."

"What?!" Thomas fought to keep his voice down in the library and

quickly glanced around to make sure Madam Prince had not heard him.


"How do you think?"

"Don't start that, Susan." His tone was dangerously close to anger.

"Hermione charmed it, and he signed it. If it was him, we would know. I

trust Aries. Why can't you?"

Susan was saved from answering as Hermione walked up to them

frantically. They all eyed each other before sitting down, pushing their

chairs close together.

"He knows?" Hermione asked as she looked at Susan, who nodded. "It had

to have been Aries."

"He signed!" Thomas whispered aggressively, but his frustration changed

to confusion when Hermione hesitated.

"Actually, he didn't. He saw my enchantments. I don't know how, but the

minute he looked at the parchment, he stopped and looked at me like he

just knew somehow."

"He can see magic," Thomas face-palmed. "He told me during one of our

training sessions."

"He can see it?" Hermione looked as if she wanted to bombard Thomas

with questions, but Susan quickly cut her off.

"So, Hermione's magic doesn't pertain to him," Susan stated hotly. "He's

the only one who didn't sign."

"There were other people there!" He glanced between the two girls. "Why

are you so hell-bent on blaming him for everything that goes wrong in

this castle? A statue falls, and you immediately assume Aries did it. It

rains, and it's somehow Aries' fault."

"Why are you so determined to defend him?" Thomas could hear the

coldness in Susan's voice, but suddenly he didn't care.

"Because, unlike you lot, Aries has been there for me since the

beginning!" He turned an accusatory look towards Hermione. "When my

name came out of the goblet, he encouraged me to do my best. He made

me see that my worth was more than what you and Ron determined it to

be. He encouraged me to make better friends. When the merpeople tried

to kill me, he saved me. When Cedric was imperioused in the final task,

he saved me again. When Voldemort returned, he faced down the most

infamous wizard of our time to save my life. If not for him, I would have

been expelled this summer! And, while everyone else I care about is too

busy trying to decide whether I'm lying or not, or whether Aries is a good

person or not, and while Dumbledore has too many things to deal with

besides helping me figure out just what the fuck is happening to me,

Aries Black is taking his time to train me. To make me better. So, that the

next time I face Voldemort, I can walk away alive on something other

than luck. And if you two can't see that, then I don't want anything to do

with either of you."

Thomas paced back and forth as he waited for everyone to show up. He

could have talked to Susan, Hermione, or Ron, all who sat around the

small table the room had provided for them, but ever since their

argument in the library, he had steadily avoided all three. Aries was the

first to arrive, followed by his Slytherin friends. He seemed to study the

room before he gave Thomas a nod of approval. Thomas released his

breath that he had not realized he had been holding before. Since when

did Aries' approval mean so much to me? He pushed the question from his

mind, as the rest of the group slowly made their way into the room.

"Thank you all for coming," Thomas greeted far more confidently than he

felt. "I think first we should decide a name, as I think it means something

to all of us."

"The Defense Club doesn't work?" Astoria said with a laugh.

"The Defense Association sounds better." Chang offered from her spot. "Or

D.A. for short."

"Well, we aren't a club." Katie Bell informed the group. "And we aren't

here just to be some association. We're here to learn and train how to

beat You-Know-Who's Death Eaters."

"What about Dumbledore's Army?" Ginny asked.

"It's what the Minister, and Umbridge, fear most," Aries replied to the

group after the murmur had died down. "This group is in open defiance

of our High Inquisitor, and the Minister by default. So why not make their

fears come true?"

"I cannot believe I am saying this, but Black is right," Ron said from

beside Hermione. "Our loyalty lies with Dumbledore, not Fudge." A

murmur of agreement ran through the group, and Thomas nodded to


"Dumbledore's Army it is," Hermione said as she wrote it across the

parchment of their names. She magically stuck it to the wall, and the first

meeting of Dumbledore's Army was in session.

"Aries and I will take turns teaching everyone different things," Thomas

began. "I know many of you are wary of Aries' knowledge of magic,

which is why I will teach you all the spells we've agreed need to be

known. When it comes to tactics and dueling, Aries will be teaching. If

you can't accept that, the door is right there." No one moved, so Thomas

continued. "The first spell we are going to learn is the Disarming Charm."

"Expelliarmus?" Zacharias said indignantly. "That's a first-year charm! Are

we going to be learning how to levitate things too?"

"So, you're a master of the spell, then?" Aries asked.

"Of course, I am!"

"Prove it then." Aries flicked his wrist, and his wand shot into his hand.

"Disarm me." Smith hesitated for a moment, but when no one stepped in

to stop them, he took out his wand as well. Thomas watched as Aries fell

into his Viper stance, something he had come to understand was

intentionally misleading. He wanted his opponent to think he was lazy

and untrained. Smith fired off the disarming charm with a shout, but

Aries only sidestepped the spell. Again, the Hufflepuff attacked, but each

one attempt flew by Aries as he moved with ease. Then suddenly, Aries

went on the offensive. In the blink of an eye, Smith's wand had flown out

of his hand, and he was hanging upside down by his ankle.

"You are disarmed and helpless," Aries said as he strolled towards Smith.

"You are now worse off than those that die at the hands of the Killing

Curse. If I wanted, I could torture you. I could use the Cruciatus. Simple

but effective. But if you were in the hands of some of the crueler Death

Eaters, they would find more elaborate ways to deal with you. Maybe

they'd cut you until you were close to death and then heal you. Break

every bone and then give you Skelegrow. Use the cutting curse and

remove parts of your body until you begged for death." He turned to the

rest of the group, all very pale beside the Slytherins. "That is what you

have waiting for you. You all want to act as if you want to learn to fight,

but you ignore the reality of what you will be facing. This is not a game.

So, you will either accept that everything Thomas and I are here to teach

is as valid as the next, or you can leave, and hope a better wizard than

you is there to save you."

"As everyone knows, the incantation is Expelliarmus," Thomas informed

the group, once Aries had returned to his group of friends. "Each of your

pair off. Take turns using the spell on one another. Once everyone can

successfully disarm the other, we'll move onto the Shield Charm."

Thomas walked around the room as he watched the group that had

become Dumbledore's Army practice. He hadn't been surprised that there

were adjustments to be made, even among the seventh years, as Aries

had had to correct his own casting of the spell. Aries made little effort to

go outside the Slytherins and spent most of his time on Astoria. Thomas

didn't blame him, and he knew it would take time for the group to accept

him, though the Ravenclaws seemed to watch him as if analyzing his

every move. The group worked hard for nearly an hour and a half before

Thomas brought them to a halt.

"Well done, everyone," He waited as the group formed around him. "I

think that's a good start, but everyone now has a grasp on the Disarming

Charm. We'll work on the Shield Charm next week." Thomas and Aries

waited as the group exited but he noted Aries' interested gaze on Neville,

who seemed to have avoided the Slytherin. "You didn't need to scare

them like that."

"Half of them do not believe the Dark Lord has returned," Aries replied

with a raised eyebrow. "But there are still Death Eaters out there. They

need to take you seriously, Potter. You cannot allow Smith to question

your every move and expect the others to not have lingering doubt."

"We are teaching them to defend themselves, not make a political move!"

"Every decision you make matters, Potter," There was anger in Aries' voice

that Thomas seldom heard. "Whether you like it or not, you are a leader

of witches and wizards. They look up to you. If you want your words to

have weight and for them to listen to you, you have to treat every

moment as a game of chess. A single wrong move within a game of

brilliance can cost you.'

"And unlike us, Potter, they don't know what they're facing. They should

be scared. Before today half of them couldn't cast the Disarming charm

correctly. Only a fool, like Smith, believes himself to be above fear. Even

the greatest wizards experience fear. It's how we face it that determines

who we are. They need to face that fear if we want anything we teach

them to actually matter."

"You're annoying sometimes," Thomas said with a sigh. "Every time you

do something, you always have some reason behind it that I can't find

fault in. You could be nicer, though, you know?"

"Come now, Thomas," Aries said with a smirk, "I do have a reputation to


Aries knew that Thomas' idiotic friends were looking for the missing Boy-

Who-Lived, but he knew exactly where he was. He walked quietly

through the halls, a disillusionment charm over him, as he made his way

towards the Room of Requirement. Thomas was, just as he expected, in

the process of destroying one of the practice dummies the room had

provided, still in his Quidditch robes. The boy did not notice his arrival,

so he chose to wait on a comfy chair the room provided and to sip on a

glass of firewhiskey that he had been inclined to bring. He watched

intently as the spells clashed against the unmoving targets, though

Thomas seemed to be frustrated at the lack of destruction from his spells.

At last, the fifth year dropped his wand, eyes on the floor, as he tried to

catch his breath.

"The Dark Arts would yield the results you're wanting, Potter," Aries said

with a smirk as the boy whipped around, wand at the ready. "If I wanted

you dead, you'd already be done. Sit." He raised an eyebrow when

Thomas made no move, but eventually, the boy wilted.

"Why are you here?" Thomas asked grumpily. Aries poured him a glass,

which he took somewhat hesitantly.

"You are my student. I've put a lot of time and effort into our training


"Can't you just say we're friends?" The Gryffindor asked with a laugh as

he slowly sipped the firewhiskey. Aries didn't answer, choosing instead to

sip his own glass.

"You did a poor job controlling your emotions today," Aries observed. "I'll

be having words with Draco, though take pity on him. The Dark Lord's

return has not made life all roses and rainbows for him." Thomas'

eyebrows shot up at that, but Aries did not elaborate. "But you know that

Umbridge is out to get you, and you gave her, as well as the Minister,

more fuel to add to the fire."

"I know, I know," Thomas said with a sigh. "It's just lately, I've not been

able to. . . control my anger. I get mad at things I shouldn't. I can't

explain it."

"You have a lot on your plate, Potter. Even the wisest of wizards do not

always handle all stress well. You are human, after all. Don't be so hard

on yourself, but be better. Now, on your feet. I did not take time out of

my day to have a Potter pity party." He noticed Thomas laugh at that and

forced the room to change. "We're here, so we might as well train.

Though, today will be something different." Along the walls formed racks

of weapons. Swords, shields, and spears of all kinds lined the walls. "No

doubt you've noticed I always wear these combat robes, and there is a

reason to that. Long ago, I created a unique fusion spell that allows you

to change something into another with a simple pulse of magic." Aries

closed his eyes, and with a push of his magic, his robes changed into the

golden black armor he had worn in the Second Task of the Tri-Wizard

Tournament. "It's something I will teach you eventually, but for now, you

will use the armor provided."

Thomas hesitated for a moment, but then quickly went to change at

Aries' irritated look. Aries' irritation, however, was not at Potter. Every

day he felt that their training sessions were becoming more and more of

an apprenticeship. But he did not plan to teach Thomas everything,

right? No, and if Thomas was his apprentice, he would willingly soak in

all his knowledge, the Dark Arts included. But the reality was that Aries

had little reason to continue their lessons. So, why did he? Aries shook

his head as Thomas returned. His conflicting thoughts on the Potter heir

would have to wait for another day.

"Pick a sword," Aries commanded, and once Thomas had returned, he

transformed his wand into a Greek sword. "Now, why do you think I am

going to teach you the Way of the Sword?"

"Because it's good to know other ways of fighting?"

"Yes, but not entirely." Aries took up a simple high guard and slowly

moved through different forms. "The Way of the Sword is much like a

dance. It flows, and in a battle between masters, it would ebb and flow

like a river. But it is never choppy, or rigid. As you move the blade, your

entire body moves with it, and every movement feeds into the next one,

like bends in a river. These forms, when done correctly, maximize every

muscle and movement, allowing the least amount of effort to achieve the

greatest result.'

"That is the result we long for in our magic, especially in dueling. You

see, right now, you act as if you are wielding a muggle gun." Thomas

dropped his jaw at the reference. "Yes, I know of them. But you point

your wand and fire the first spell that comes to mind. Instead, your

casting should be deliberate, with every incantation and wand movement

feeding into the next. As you will come to understand with the sword,

not every form flows into the next. There is a sort of choreography into

the art. It is the same with magic. Do you understand?"

"I think so," Thomas answered honestly. "But it's hard to imagine."

"It will not be, once you have begun to practice the forms," Aries replied.

"Now, widen your stance, and do as I do."

For nearly two hours, Thomas mimicked the movements Aries made.

Aries was not always a patient teacher with Thomas, but he ensured that

the younger boy knew every form by heart before moving to the next,

and often would go back and make him perform a form from earlier

again until he could do every movement perfectly.

"There!" Aries exclaimed. "Did you feel the difference?"

"Yes," Thomas answered, slightly out of breath. He was drenched in

sweat, and Aries was thankful the room provided showers. "Everything

felt smooth like the blade was pulling me along."

"Exactly. That feeling is what you need to focus on with your dueling. It'll

take time, just like these forms, but once you understand the idea and

apply it to how you fight with magic, there will be few who-" Aries

stopped as the door suddenly opened, and Susan Bones walked in. She

paused, the sight of them both wearing Greek armor with swords was no

doubt a shock. Thomas looked up at her, a guilty look starting to cover

his face.

"Hi," the Gryffindor greeted rather awkwardly as he rubbed the back of

his neck. "Fancy seeing you here." Aries rolled his eyes and casually

transformed his armor and sword back into his robes and wand.

"When Hermione said you weren't in the common room and I couldn't

find you in your favorite spots, I figured you'd be here," Susan glanced at

Aries for a moment, before she turned back to Thomas. "I'm sorry about

Quidditch, Thomas. I know it meant a lot to you."

"It's okay," Thomas replied quietly. "Aries was right, I didn't control my

emotions at all. I practically handed Umbridge what she wanted."

"That's not true!" Susan countered with an open glare to Aries. "Malfoy

practically taunted you and-"

"Malfoy was trying to get a rise out of me, and I let him." Aries was

surprised at that admission but remained silent as the two faced off. "He

didn't control how I reacted. I let him and Umbridge win."

"That's rather. . . mature of you." The redhead walked over to him slowly,

as if she forgot that Aries was there. "I'm sorry, Thomas. I haven't been

very good to you this year. You've needed me, and I haven't been there."

"You aren't wrong there," Thomas said with a harsh laugh. "But I haven't

exactly made it easy on you." The two embraced, and Aries suddenly felt

like he was intruding on a somewhat personal moment. He made to leave

quickly, but as he left, he saw the boy mouth the words 'thank you.'

The Chamber of Secrets lit up as Aries strode angrily through the great

hall. A wave of his hand expelled the dust the seemed to infinitely collect

in the small study.

"Welcome back, Aries," Salazar greeted. "And how is your defense going?"

"Good, I suppose," Aries answered idly as he approached the bookshelf.

"They've mastered the Shield Charm, and we're finally getting into

dueling tactics, though they're complete rubbish. Granger and Daphne

are starting to have a bit of a rivalry, so it'll be interesting to see them

duel. You wouldn't happen to have any books on Goblins, would you?"

"Oh, there's something on the bookshelf, I'm sure." He rolled his eyes and

continued his search. "Anything I could be of use for? Some special

projects? A new spell?"

"Perhaps after Christmas break, though, if you can tell me a way to look

into the future and get some answers, that would be nice."

"Ah, meddling with time. A rather interesting pursuit," The portrait of

Slytherin stroked his beard behind Aries, as the boy searched through his

ancestors' study. "Rowena and I once conducted a rather poor

experiment. We tried to travel forward in time, though we were never


"Not much surprise there," Aries answered, not giving Salazar his full


"We did, however, achieve something quite peculiar. You see, rather than

sending ourselves forward, we ended up pulling an item back." Aries

suddenly dropped the book he was holding and slowly turned towards his

ancestor's portrait.

"Are you telling me you pulled an object into your time from the future?"

"Well, we weren't entirely sure. It was my locket that showed up, but

interesting enough, it was clearly not my locket. It looked nearly the

exact same, but it very much had a different owner."

"The locket," Aries began, his heart pounding and his mind racing. "Was

there anything different about it?"

"Besides the obvious?" Salazar asked innocently. "Why yes, if I remember

correctly, there was something inherently wrong with it. A darkness that

could not be explained. We tried desperately to remove it, but nothing

worked. It was as if the locket resisted our attempts. Rowena was foolish

enough to wear the locket, and it seemed to affect her. She suddenly

became angry and jealous, nearly attacking me! When she removed it,

she said it was as if a weight had lifted off her shoulders. We quickly

banished the item and abandoned our project."

It was as if a spell broke in Aries' mind, like a compulsion charm had

been placed on him. Countless times he had been in this study since the

beginning of the year, and yet he had never mentioned the locket. A

sickening feeling entered his stomach as he began to understand the

magic imbued in the locket was far sinister than he had ever expected.

But there was hope, as another realization came to him.

"Salazar, you're bloody brilliant," Aries exclaimed and removed his wand.

"You didn't pull your locket back in time, you pulled it across universes."

He flicked his wand from left to right and a line of magic formed in the

study. "Time turners have proved that time is linear. But there is more

than just time." A tap of his wand on the line duplicated it, and suddenly

lines were running parallel to the first. "Not only is time linear, but it is

also parallel. Thousands of universes running along the same line of time,

all connected." He flicked his wand up, and lines formed, running across

each of the parallel lines at specific points, connecting all of them. "There

are events and items that transcend space and time, linking all of these

universes together. Your locket is one of them. I have your locket Salazar,

and the very magic you described is contained within the one in our

timeline. So take an event, such as the fall of the Dark Lord. In our

timeline, the Potter children were with their grandparents, and they

stopped the Dark Lord. But in another timeline, maybe they are with

their parents, and James and Lily die, instead of Charles and Dorea. Or,

maybe Thomas has no brother. Perhaps in some, he's an orphan. The

point is that that moment is reflected across all the universes, blending

and bleeding upon one another. Perhaps in another timeline, Thomas

dies, and Harry lives."

"Genius," Salazar said, his portrait eyes widen. "But what does that have

to do with the locket?"

"I knew it was important to the Dark Lord," Aries answered. "But this! It

means that locket is significant enough for its importance to transcend

space and time. For all we know, the locket may hold the key to

defeating the Dark Lord. Bloody hell, I've wasted so much time! I have to

find the diadem."

"Rowena's diadem?"

"Yes, but it's been lost for centuries. Any ideas?"

"Ask Godric," Slytherin replied, a puzzled look on his face. "He and

Rowena remained friends after our split. He may know." Aries grabbed

the books on goblins he had found and nearly sprinted as he left the

Chamber. He knew he was close to discovering the locket, and he would

not stop until it was found.

AN: The Snake

25. The Snake

AN: A little shorter than normal, since this was the last half of the

previous chapter. As always, I hope you like this chapter, and if you

don't, whatever floats your boat y'all.

The darkness of his mind faded as Aries searched through his

subconscious as he often had since his youth, searching for answers that

always seemed out of his reach. Memories that had long plagued him,

ones that clearly were not his own, and now the continued dreams of the

Department of Mysteries. The latter was a fixture that was ever in the

focus of Albus Dumbledore and the Dark Lord. He was well aware the

Dark Lord sought the prophecy within the halls, and thanks to his

training with Thomas, he also knew the younger boy dreamt of the

mysterious hallway. So why was Aries plagued with them as well? Why

did they always seem to follow the chaotic visions surrounding Yggdrasil

and the Old Man?

The concern of shared dreams was the entirety of the issue at hand for

Aries. Did he contain some connection to Thomas? Or did the two heirs

of Slytherin have a connection through the shared bloodline of Salazar?

Neither made sense if he was honest. His chaotic visions had begun after

the Dark Lord had returned yes, but all the shared dreams were preceded

by the images themselves. So, were they connected? Were the very

dreams that Thomas also had a warning from the Old Man? It was a

never-ending line of questioning that had begun to drive him insane.

"Aries?" Daphne's soft voice came from the door, and Aries was ripped

from his own mind. "I interrupted you, it would seem. Care to share?"

She slipped onto the bed, pulling herself against his back and wrapping

her arms around his bare chest.

"Not yet," Aries answered, and he felt the girl tense. "Not until I know the

entirety of it." Daphne nodded against the back of his neck as her hands

moved up to massage his shoulders.

"I cornered the Bloody Baron like you asked," she began to place soft

kisses along his neck and up to his ear as she spoke. "The Grey Lady has

disappeared. None of the ghosts know where she has gone."

"Damnit," Aries cursed with a ferocity that surprised Daphne. "Of all

times, a ghost chooses to piss off it's now when I need to speak to one the


"Perhaps I could help," the movements of her hands smoothed out the

tenseness in his shoulders. "If you would just tell me what you seek." He

sighed and leaned back against her.

"I'm afraid the current issue resides outside the realms of our expertise,


"Then let me help in other ways?" Daphne placed a kiss on his cheek.

"The dinner has been arranged with my family. Something I could

convince father of? A plot here at Hogwarts that is beneath your time?"

"Do you yearn so much to do my bidding?"

"I think it obvious that I've tied my fate to yours. Why would I not do

anything to make sure we succeed? Have I not earned your trust?"

"Yes, I suppose you have," Aries pulled away from her arms. "The Grey

Lady is incredibly important, as I believe she holds the key to the last

missing piece of information I seek."

"Information regarding?" Her eyes followed him as he paced.

"My father was given something rather incredible by the Dark Lord. The

locket of Salazar Slytherin." Daphne's eyes widen, but Aries paid her no

mind. "He gave Lucius his own diary from his time at Hogwarts, and he

gave Bellatrix Hufflepuff's Cup. Now, the diary is what possessed the

Weasley girl, as it contained an imprint of the Dark Lord's sixteen-year-

old self. These objects are important to him, as he gave them to some of

his most trusted followers to guard. But why? What was their


"It seems odd for the Dark Lord to have any sentimental value with an


"I agree. So, their importance is something beyond just being items

belonging to the founders. The diary, the locket, and the cup all possess

some of the most wretched magic I have ever felt. When I wear the

locket. . . I am not myself. The same can be said of the cup. I do not

believe that Gryffindor's sword had been tainted, as Dumbledore would

have recognized it as being similar to the diary. But-"

"You think the Dark Lord did something to Rowena's diadem?"

"Yes," Aries replied with a smile. "And, perhaps, I can resist the magic

long enough to use the diadem to find out just what the Dark Lord has

done." The girl had a very pensive look on her face as she tapped her

chin in thought.

"I can look through my father's library," Daphne offered. "But if the Black

library has not provided any results, I doubt mine will."

"It is of no consequence," Aries dismissed as he came to lay next to her.

"There is one last place I have to look. The diadem will have to wait until

the Ghost of Ravenclaw returns."

"So now, you've given me a bite. What about your plans? The real plans?"

"That can wait until Christmas, darling." He leaned in and kissed her

softly. 'For now, other adventures await." He felt her smile against his lips

as she pulled him on top of her.

Aries only gave a polite nod to those that wished him goodnight, as their

lesson concluded. The members of Dumbledore's Army had made many

leaps forward in the weeks since the group had formed; as such, some of

the students were beginning to open up to him, especially the

Ravenclaws. Their hunger for knowledge had finally overpowered their

suspicion of him. He made his way back to the Slytherin common room

under the Disillusionment Charm, sneaking past prefects until he arrived

the dungeons. A wave of his hand removed the charm, and he entered

the common room, which was empty save Theodore Nott.

The son of one of the most trusted wizards with the Dark Lord's inner

circle was a continued mystery to him. Aries was aware that Theodore

had little intention of being a Death Eater, but he was also informed that

he still passed on information to his father. Nevertheless, Aries sat down

in his chair in front of the fire and waited for Nott to speak.

"The Dark Lord is growing impatient," Theodore said at last, "Lord Malfoy

is failing him within the Wizengamot, and every day that passes without

your allegiance frustrates him."

"Have you been invited to their meetings now?" Aries asked as he looked

towards the other. "The Dark Lord will continue to grow impatient, I'm

afraid. I have no intention of bending the knee."

"Then what is your intention?"

"Spoilers, Nott," Theodore glared at him, but Aries only smiled. "You can't

think I really would just monologue my plan to you? So you can run back

and tell daddy who will tell the Dark Lord?"

"He knows of your relationship with Greengrass. You don't think he'll

target her?"

"He would be a fool to think I would leave my allies so vulnerable," Aries

answered back with a cold stare. "Or that threats would work with me.

I'm not Dumbledore. I will not throw caution to the wind and risk a

bishop over a pawn."

"Do you wish to have us tortured?" Theodore asked hotly, suddenly

showing fear in his eyes. "Every one of us who has failed to provide the

Dark Lord information is going to get the Cruciatus when we return home

for Christmas."

"Then don't." The other Slytherin tensed at words. "Spend Christmas with

my family. Choose a different side."


"Come now, Theodore," Aries leaned forward and looked the other boy in

the eye. "We both know you have no intention of becoming a Death

Eater. So why continue to serve your father's master?"

"You cannot protect me from the Dark Lord or my father."

"Then why is he spying on me?" Aries asked, honestly. "If the Dark Lord is

so powerful, then why is he spending more resources dealing with me

than Dumbledore? And why is Dumbledore spying on my just as much as

the Dark Lord? Come on, Theodore! You're smarter than this." He waited,

but Theodore did not respond as he was too caught up in his own

thoughts. "I can help you, Theodore. I'll be waiting when you've made

your decision."

Thomas smiled proudly as the rest of Dumbledore's Army entered the

Room of Requirement. So much had happened since its first meeting, and

not a lot of it good, but this group was something that brought him a lot

of pride.

"Today, we're going to put dueling aside," Thomas stated to the group.

"No doubt many of you are happy about that. And instead, we're going to

do something just as important. Aries and I wanted to make sure we

taught you all before the break. We're going to learn the Patronus

Charm." Excited whispers broke out through the group. "Normally, I

teach the magic, but Aries is the one who taught me, so it's best if he

does it."

"The Patronus Charm, in the shortest explanation, is a manifestation of

happiness in magic," Aries began before the group could protest. "This is

why it is so effective against Dementors, who are the embodiment of

sorrow and despair. The incantation is Expecto Patronum. Unlike other

spells you've been using, this one requires emotion: happiness. The best

way to achieve this is by using a particular memory to fuel that emotion."

"Is there anything particular we should use?" asked Terry Boot.

"It's subjective. What works for me may not work for you. But it needs to

be something more than a mundane memory. Try to think of your

happiest memory and let it fill you. Then, cast the charm." Shouts of the

incantation filled the room, but not a single person managed to even

procure a wisp. "Keep trying. This isn't like a defense spell. It's more

complicated, and very few ever get it on the first try." By the end of their

hour and a half, a few had managed to create a shield. Thomas spent

much of the time encouraging the others, and Aries had to consistently

remind them that failing at the spell was entirely reasonable. "I think

we've all had enough."

"Aries is right," Thomas agreed. "We'll meet up again after the break.

Happy Christmas, everyone!" Thomas personally said goodnight to

everyone, ensuring to give Susan a quick kiss, before he turned and

realized that Neville hadn't left yet. He stood in the back, staring at the

wall where a picture of the original Order of the Phoenix hung. A hand

landed on his shoulder when he moved forward, and he turned to find

Aries stopping him.

"I'll handle this," Aries said softly.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?"

"Neville is more conflicted than you know. He needs someone to take his

confusion out on, and right now, I'm the center of it."

"How do you know? Thomas asked before he suddenly looked alarmed.

"You're not reading his mind, are you?!"

"Again, Potter, I do not read minds," Aries said with a frustrated sigh. "I

told you I am gifted in the Mind Arts, Legilimency being part of that.

While I can enter another's mind, I do not do so without permission. That

being said, there is something called passive Legilimency. Can you stop

yourself from hearing others talk around you?"

"Well, no."

"The same can be said regarding thoughts. If one thinks hard or loud

enough, if that makes sense, their thoughts project, and those with the

gift of passive Legilimency, like Dumbledore or me, cannot help but


"That's a little creepy," Thomas said with an awkward laugh.

"Perhaps, but we can discuss this another time. I'll deal with Neville." He

accepted the dismissive tone of Aries and left the room quickly. He only

hoped that Aries was kinder to Neville than he tended to be with others.

The heir to the Ancient and Noble House of Longbottom stood transfixed

at the picture for some time, and Aries wondered if he was in some kind

of trance. He had seen a memory of Neville from his first year, and much

about the boy had changed since then. The only thing that remained the

same was his magic, though many tended to blame that on his wand.

Aries walked forward slowly until he stood next to Neville. A few

moments passed in silence as the two stared at the picture.

"I often wonder if my father would have been among them," Aries

confessed. "If he had managed to escape the Dark Lord after his betrayal."

Neville did not answer him but instead looked down at his feet. "I wonder

what my father would think of me. Would he approve of the path I have

chosen? I suppose it's a relief to you to know that your parents cannot see

the failure their son has become." Neville's head shot up, and Aries

smirked at the fire he saw in the boy's eyes.

"What did you say?" Neville asked through gritted teeth.

"Your parents were powerful," Aries answered as he walked away. "Frank

and Alice Longbottom were exceptional. And yet here you stand, an heir

to an ancient and noble house, barely able to cast a shield charm. You

think of vengeance. Ha! You would die before you ever cast your first

spell. Better that they're insane because at least this way, they can't see

the worthless squib you've become." He could see Neville's anger, but the

boy still did not react. "Bellatrix walks free because of me. She laughs and

cries and has been reunited with her family. Can you imagine? The

woman who tortured your parents to insanity is free." Tears began to fall

from Neville. "I can see in your mind, Longbottom. You want to strike

out. So, what stops you? Is it because you think you can't defeat me? Or

because you know deep inside that you will never be worthy of your

father's wand?"

Neville glared at him; his fists clenched, but he did nothing. Aries drew

he wand and sent mild stinging hexes at the boy. He yelped and jumped

back, pulling his wand to try to throw up a shield.

"Is that all you're good for, Longbottom? A weak shield charm? Who do

you mean to protect? Your family? Your friends?" He started throwing

more powerful charms, shattering the boy's shield. "You think Hannah

will ever want the failure that you are? Maybe you should have died

when your uncle had thrown you out of that window. At least then, you

won't have to watch when the Death Eaters come to finish what they

started with your parents." Now, Aries was beginning to become angry

himself and started throwing the Dark Arts at the boy, intentionally

missing him, but shattering his shield any time Neville managed to

conjure another one.

"Why are you here, Neville? Still trying to prove you are worthy of

something? Your father's wand is in your hands, and it rejects you! Your

family has stood by the Potters for centuries, and they look upon you

with shame! You will never stand by the House of Potter as your father,

and all the Lords of House Longbottom had before. Their legacy is dead

because of you!"

At last, something snapped inside Neville Longbottom. Aries felt Neville's

power skyrocketed, as the wall between the boy and his magic fell apart.

Spell after spell flew Aries way, each increasing with ferocity and power,

but he merely sidestepped each one.

"Is that all you can do?!" Aries laughed loudly and coldly. "Pathetic!"

"Bombarda!" He sidestepped Longbottom's spell, but when it collided with

the wall, it shattered with an enormous explosion. Aries smiled as

Longbottom sent exploding charm after exploding charm at him, but

none connected. The room began to fall apart, as Longbottom's magic,

pent up after years of weakness, rushed forth from his wand, but the boy

was tiring.

"That's it! Feel your magic, Longbottom! Let your anger fuel your magic!"

Aries moved in closer to Longbottom, sidestepping and spinning away

from his spells. When they were just a few feet apart, Aries disarmed him

and threw him to the ground. Longbottom fought him, but Aries held him

down. "Look around, Longbottom! Look!" Suddenly, Neville stopped in

shock, as if finally seeing what he had done to the room. The walls were

shattered, and the practice dummies were destroyed from the sheer

strength of his magic.

"Did I do this?"

"Yes, Longbottom, you did," Aries answered with a smile. "For the first

time in your life, you took control. You forgot about your own

insecurities. You forgot about your self-worth. You forgot about the wand

you were using and willed your magic to do as you commanded."

"I don't understand, the wand. Its-"

"You do not think your wand knows who you are?" Neville frowned at

the question. "Your father's blood runs through your veins. His magic is

within you. You think that wand would deny you, the son of its master?

The wand may choose the wizard, Longbottom, but magic is sentient. The

wand never refused you, but rather you refused it. Years you have spent

thinking yourself unworthy of your father because you are nothing like

him. And yet, do you know why your father would be most disappointed

in you? Not because you are unlike him, but rather because you are

choosing to not be yourself. Greatness comes in many forms, Longbottom,

and there is not just one path." Aries rose to his feet and extended a hand

to the boy. Longbottom took it, and as he stood, the room began to repair


"You were trying to make me angry, weren't you?" Longbottom asked

curiously. "You wanted me to see this."

"Yes," Aries replied. "It's time for you to stop being a scared boy and

become the man you need to be, Lord Longbottom. My words were harsh,

but they needed to be said." He waited for Neville to nod. "A wand of

your own may suit you better, Longbottom, but I think now you'll realize

just how much you, not the wand, were holding yourself back." His task

was complete, and Aries made his way to leave the room to allow

Longbottom time in his thoughts.

"Wait!" He turned, as Longbottom called to him. The boy had a somewhat

nervous look to him, and Aries could sense his inner conflict. "Is it true?

What you said about the Cruciatus at the Wizengamot? That it can be

healed?" He knew immediately what Longbottom meant.

"Bella's case is far different than that of your parents," Aries said, and he

could not help the sadness in his voice. "I do not know if what you mean

to ask is possible."

"But you won't say it's impossible." There was a hope in Longbottom's

voice that Aries could not deny.

"The Cruciatus does not affect the body, but rather the mind." He ran a

hand through his hair as he collected his thoughts. "It forces the mind to

believe itself to be feeling real torture, affecting the pain receptors of the

body. In Bella's case, it allowed the Dark Lord to twist her nature through

the combined use of Legilimency and the Cruciatus. But for your parents,

they were tortured for so long that their minds retreated deep into their

subconscious, forcing themselves away from the pain, but also from

conscious thought. Some have attempted to bring those who have been

tortured to insanity back, but it has always ended in death. For the

victim, and sometimes even the healer."


"It's the mind that is affected, so it is the mind that must be healed. And

for that to be done, one must face the very thing causing the ailment.

They would need to relive that moment. For most, the second time kills

them. And the healer, well, they feel it as well. It has not been attempted

for centuries, Longbottom, and for a good reason."

"But it's possible?" Neville asked, his hope not being deterred. Aries

sighed and considered it. Theoretically, it was possible, but the reality

was that it was incredibly risky. More than likely, it would end in the

death of Frank and Alice. But what if he was successful? Could he earn

the allegiance of the Longbottom family? Then again, what if he failed?

Would all he had accomplished fall apart from the attempt? Would the

Wizengamot accuse him of murder? That was doubtful, he controlled the

Wizengamot. He was the Wizengamot. He looked up into the hope-filled

eyes of Neville Longbottom, and suddenly he was back in that potion's

lab, willing his magic to bring his mother back to life. So much of what

he had done centered around manipulation, death, deceit, and

destruction. Could he do something to actually help another person? He

had to. He had to show that he was different than the Dark Lord. It what

his mother would have done, after all.

"Yes, it's possible, Neville Longbottom," Aries answered at last.

"Could the mind healer that looked at. . . her do it?"

"No, I'm afraid he could not. I have been the one healing Bella's mind,

removing the Dark Lord's influence from her.

"You?" Aries sighed again.

"There are only two others who are as gifted in Legilimency as I am:

Albus Dumbledore and the Dark Lord. I can assure you the latter will not

help, and if Dumbledore had meant to try, he would have done it long

ago." Neville's eye went wide. "That leaves only me. And to do such a

thing would require an ordeal that I am not eager to attempt. It is also

not something I would do without something in return."

"Anything," Longbottom said quickly. "I'll do anything you ask!"

"Do not be so quick to offer up your life," Aries chastised. "I require an

oath of fealty, and, when you ascend to the Head of House Longbottom,

you will name me proxy of your seat on the Wizengamot." The boy

suddenly looked rather timid, and Aries acted quickly. "I will not demand

anything of you beyond your own morals, Longbottom, but is aiding me

in my endeavors not worth the lives of your parents? To see them whole

again? And your path does not lie within the realm of the politics of the

Wizengamot. I could do a lot of good with your seat." Neville was silent

for a long time, before he finally nodded, though there was still doubt in

his eyes. He went to leave, but Aries grabbed him.

"You will need to be there," Aries commanded. "But do not hope too

much, Longbottom. I make no promises. Regardless, I will have my oath.

Understand?" Neville nodded slowly. Aries let him leave and wondered

just how he was going to accomplish something the greatest wizards of

history had not.

Aries stood before the great ash tree of Yggdrasil, the World Tree. Its branches

spanned to many realms, and he could see into each of them, as the Old Man

commanded the magic before them with the waves of his arms. As he drew his

arms in a circle, the world changed. They stood on a mountain, a magnificent

marble temple before them. Lightning flashed through the sky before the world

turned again. A stone temple rose from the sand as a great serpent attacked a

warrior made of the sun. Another change, and they stood before Yggdrasil

again. But now, the branches connected the tree to the two great temples, and

war flashed above them. Mighty warriors clashed, as powerful magic spread

through the sky. A bright flash of light and the world faded until Aries stood


A bright eye shared by three heads stuck out among the darkness. It watched

him, and Aries felt as if the eye could see through him. The Old Man looked

down upon the creatures, mouthing words that Aries could not hear before

they all faded away. Suddenly, he was before the Veil. Whispers called to him,

and the Old Man faced him.

"Remember who you are. Seek me, o' soul of souls. See now, which is seen


He felt his body changed, something smooth replaced his own. The walls of the

Department of Mystery formed around him as he slithered down the hall. At

the end of the hall was a door, and a red-headed man sat before it. He tried to

stand and pull his wand, but Aries struck first. Giant fangs sunk into the man's

skin, and he screamed.

Aries shot up from his bed and proceeded to retch onto the floor. He felt

drained as if the dream had pulled on his magic. There was no mistaking

it; in the dream, he was the snake. Was it a warning? Or had it happened

just now? He threw off his covers, the vomit banished with a wave of his

hand, and made his way to the desk. Quickly, he found the item he was

looking for, a mirror that his uncle had given him.

"Sirius Black," Aries said into the mirror and waited. A few moments

passed, and then his uncle's face appeared.

"Aries? Are you okay?" Sirius asked though Aries could tell he was

moving frantically, and others were running in the background. "Listen,

I'm sorry I don't have time right now, something has happened."

"Arthur Weasley was attacked, wasn't he?"

"What? How did you know?"

"A story for another time," Aries answered. "But you confirmed something

for me. Let me know if he's alright."

Sleep did not come for Aries the rest of the night, and he was grateful

when the sun shined through his window at last. He dressed quickly and

made his way to the common room to wait for his friends. When they

arrived, at last, he left silently for the Great Hall, the others following

behind him. He felt Daphne slide her arm through his, but he paid her no

mind. The Great Hall was filling as the students came for breakfast and

his eyes scanned the table for Potter, but he was nowhere to be found

and neither were the Weasleys. Granger sat alone, and Aries shook off

Daphne's arm and made his way over to her. Before anyone could say a

word, he sat across from Granger and cast a quick Muffliato.

"Black?" Granger said, confused. "What are-"

"Where is Potter and the Weasleys?" Aries asked in whispered tones.

"They're gone," she answered. "I can't tell you any-"

"I already know about Arthur Weasley," he interrupted with irritation.

"Did something happen to Thomas? Did he dream anything?"

"Yes," Surprise laced Granger's voice. "How did you know?"

"A guess, but it all makes sense now," He threw a glance towards

Dumbledore, who was eyeing them. "Thomas has been different all year,

right? Quick to anger, short temper, the lot?" Granger nodded, and Aries

let out a frustrated sigh. He looked up at Dumbledore and made eye

contact, forcefully pushing a thought in his direction. The Headmaster

started for a moment before he nodded, and Aries allowed the man to

send the password back. The two stood nearly simultaneously and left the

Great Hall, Aries through the great doors, and Dumbledore through the


"Candy Cane," Aries told the stone gargoyle, and it moved aside. Voices

floated down the staircase, and Aries recognized that Umbridge was in

the office with Dumbledore. He knocked politely, stopping the


"Enter," Dumbledore said, and he opened the door.

"Mr. Black," Umbridge greeted tersely. "Perhaps now is not the best time."

"I'm here at Professor Dumbledore's request," Aries replied with a raise of

his eyebrow.

"Indeed, Sirius has requested to speak with you regarding family matters,

Mr. Black."

"This is an irregularity, Headmaster," the large woman nearly screeched.

"First Potter and the Weasleys disappear, and now, you allow this!"

"A guardian wishing to speak with his charge is not illegal, Madam

Umbridge. Unless you have some issues to take with the Black family?"

Umbridge glared at him but said nothing.

"Where did they go, Dumbledore?" Umbridge demanded. "Students

cannot just leave Hogwarts early! I am the Undersecretary of the Ministry

of Magic, and you will answer me!"

"What Lord Potter and Lord Weasley do is no business of yours, woman,"

Aries said coldly. "The Ministry has no power here at Hogwarts. Do not

think your pointless title means anything here. Now go, before I decide to

tell the lords and ladies of the Wizengamot that you believe you can tell

them what they can or cannot do with their children." The woman made

no move to leave, but she reeked of fear. "Go." It came out almost like a

hiss, and Umbridge practically fled. Aries turned his attention back to

Dumbledore, who was studying him again.

"One does not need to be so harsh, Mr. Black," Dumbledore said


"We are not here to discuss tactics, Headmaster." Aries glared at the old

man. "You've avoided Potter all year, and now you've allowed this.

Explain yourself."

"You think you are owed an explanation?" The old man countered.

"Thomas is owed an explanation. But we both know you will not give it to

him. I am here on his behalf."

"His is not your apprentice, though you may wish it were so." The words

struck a chord within Aries, and to a point, he knew Dumbledore was

right, but he would not let the old man win.

"And he is not your pawn to manipulate." Aries let his anger fill his voice.

"You have yet to tell him the prophecy, allowing the Potters to keep it

from him, and you have avoided him all year when he has needed you


"Yet, he has found a confidant in you. In many ways, you bring out the

best in each other."

"This is not a time for games, Headmaster. Tell me of the connection

between Thomas and the Dark Lord." Dumbledore started at that, his

mask slipped only for a moment, before he leaned forward curiously.

"How do you know of this?"

"My knowledge does not matter," Aries replied. "But rather your inaction.

How long have you known?"

"Why does it matter so much to you?" Dumbledore asked curiously.

"Perhaps I do not wish to see another Potter's blood on your hands,

Headmaster." Twinkling eyes suddenly flashed, and power filled the air.

"Oh, do stow your feathers. We are not peacocks. Surely you did not

think that I wouldn't know the real story about Harry Potter? I wonder

what would happen should all the memory charms on the Potters be


"You do not want to make an enemy of me."

"The same goes for me, Headmaster," Aries returned hotly, refusing to

back down. "Now, either work with me, or I will see to it that the Potters

become aware of your sins."

"Remus has been telling stories again, it would seem," Albus said in

passing as if he refused to acknowledge his own actions, but the power

left the room. "What of the connection? No doubt Thomas has told you

that Voldemort transferred some of his powers to him the night he was


"Bullocks. I'm not Potter, and that silly excuse will not work on me. If

that was the case, every wizard would be a Parselmouth or a

metamorphmagus. What is the connection between Thomas's scar and the

diary?" The Headmaster suddenly sat straight, and quickly stood, an

alarmed look in his eyes.

"You made the connection as well?

"The diary affected the Weasley girl's emotions, much as Thomas'

connection has with him."

Dumbledore paced for a moment, before reluctantly answering Aries. "I

have an idea, though, I am not willing to share it."

"Why?" Aries asked, his eyes narrow.

"I do not believe it should be known among others."

"And you fear that I would replicate whatever it is that the Dark Lord has

accomplished?" The Headmaster's silence was all he needed for an

answer. "So be it. Let this be the last bridge to be burned, Headmaster."

AN: Next Chapter: A Soul for a Soul

26. A Soul for a Soul

AN: WOW. This is a VERY long chapter. I debated splitting it, but no

point felt like a solid ending for the chapter, save for the one I had.

Truthfully, it could have been ever longer, but I left that for the next

chapter. This is by far one of my favorites, as it has two scenes

which were always the foundation of the idea of my story. As

always, I hope you like this chapter, and if you don't, whatever

floats your boat y'all.

The trail of Daphne's fingers through his hair was a comfort he had come

to enjoy throughout the last few months at Hogwarts. His head lay in her

lap, as pair traveled on the Hogwarts Express back to London, and his

legs stretched out over the seat. Draco seemed intent on ignoring their

public display of affections, something that had only continued to grow

as they neared Christmas. The planned dinner at Greengrass Manor had

somehow morphed into a Christmas Ball, with some rather essential

figures within Magical Britain set to attend. However, their private

dinner would still occur. He was excited, something he was surprised to

feel, to finally bring Daphne, and her family, into the more delicate

workings of his plans. It was a risk, but one did not reap the rewards by

folding every round. Haydn, no doubt, would be proud his gambling

problem seemed to have rubbed off on him in more ways than one.

There was, of course, the problem of his closest friend and blood-brother,

Draco Malfoy. Aries was well aware that Narcissa Malfoy was currently

no longer staying in Malfoy Manor, but rather Cassiopeia's home in

Berlin. The discovery of her being with child again had driven a wedge

between her love for family and her husband's loyalty to the Dark Lord.

She was protected within the sphere of the Black family, but the same

could not be said for Draco. Aries had no intention of allowing his friend

to suffer as he had during the summer break, but spiriting him away

would cause suspicion, and no doubt ends with the Malfoy line being

terminated by the Dark Lord on account of treason. That was if Lucius

didn't try to take care of Draco's betrayal personally, which was the very

reason Aries had suggested harboring Narcissa. So long as Lucius did not

control the child growing within his wife, Aries believed Draco to be safe.

Daphne's light caresses brought his attention back to her, and the book

she was reading. A simple one of the Dark Arts, but necessary no less. She

had intentions to be his dark mistress, as she joked, but it only reminded

him of the dangerous task that was forthcoming. A cold chill went down

his spine at the thought of it, something that Daphne noticed with a

surprised glance. Few things made Aries feel something akin to fear, but

dealing with them was close. Their very magic and essence were different,

even from their distinct cousins that the Ministry tried so hard to


He opted to change positions, as his mind continued to roam, putting his

back against the window and pulling Daphne's back to his chest. The

troublesome project of the locket and the cup dominated his mind still,

and his failed conversation with Dumbledore only fueled the belief that

they were incredibly important to the Dark Lord. Nevertheless, their

purpose continued to elude him, as well as the meaning of their

connection to Potter's scar. There were too many similarities for Aries to

ignore. What would cause Slytherin's ability, passed down by generation,

to be transferred from the Dark Lord to Potter? It was more than just

some trick of the Mind Arts, as Aries had initially believed with the diary.

Aries had a guess, and it was somewhat alarming.

The past week after Potter and the Weasleys left had been dedicated to

trying to confirm his theory. It had been an illogical thought at first, but

when one eliminated all other avenues, what was left, no matter the

improbability, was the answer. Transference of mind and blood would

not equate Potter to speaking Parseltongue or having shared dreams. If

that was the case, Draco would have the ability through their blood

bond, and anyone he possessed with the Imperious or controlled through

Legilimency would be able to speak it as well. Then there was the idea of

transference of magic. There had been a ritual, a transference of magical

cores that could save one's life, more than likely at the cost of another.

But it merely replenished magic rather than replacing it. The person's core

would adapt the incoming magic to heal itself. Blood, mind, and magic.

None gave the answer which he sought, which left only one possible

conclusion: soul magic.

He was aware that Grindelwald had delved deep into the abyss that was

soul magic. Sinister things could be done with those possibilities. Still, it

was a branch of magic that few ever attempted to learn, let alone

practice. The other three could be healed, but the soul was its own entity.

One could not heal another soul, as far as he knew. But what did that

mean? He was clueless, but another item of interest led him to believe

that he was correct. Every book that Aries knew contained some sort of

reference to soul magic was missing within Hogwarts. Cassiopeia's own

failed search made him believe that Dumbledore had gone out of his way

to ensure that none but the old man himself would know of what the

Dark Lord had accomplished. There was the possibility that Grindelwald

knew, but Aries would not step within Nurmengard Castle while

Dumbledore watched his movements so closely. His upcoming trip to the

Balkans would have to be planned carefully for that very reason, and it

was there Aries hoped his search would end at last.

The musings of his problem came to an end, as the trip to London did.

Draco grabbed his trunk and left, giving to the two a chance to say

goodbye. Daphne wasted no time and turned quickly to capture his lips

in a deep kiss. To say he was starting to actually develop deep feelings

for the girl was beginning to become an understatement, and he was

starting to formulate a plan to rectify this weakness. Aries was not foolish

enough to see it as something else, because it was a weakness, but that

did not stop him from deepening the kiss, pulling the girl closer to him

for a moment. It was a short, blissful moment, but Aries ended it

knowing they needed to depart.

Daphne gave him a smile and light kiss before she made her way over to

her parents. Aries could see the slight disapproval from Cyrus Greengrass,

but he dismissed it. The Chief Warlock was well aware of Aries'

continued prowess within the Wizengamot, even with Cassi proxying his

seat while he was at Hogwarts. There was nothing the man could do, and

even if Cyrus tried to betroth Daphne to another, he had enough pull,

leverage, power, and gold to ensure that the other was well aware that

accepting it was an ill-advised decision. Another inclination of the

weakness that the girl was becoming. Her departure left him alone with

Draco, as they glanced towards his father, speaking in whispered, but

heated tones with Andromeda and Cassiopeia.

"Well, Aries, this is it," Draco said with a grimace. Aries mirrored his

expression, trying hard to hide his look of displeasure with Lucius.

"You can always stay with me," Aries offered. "It's been a while."

"Over Christmas? Did snogging with Daphne make you dumb all of a

sudden? No way the Dark Lord would buy that." His friend was right, but

there had to be something Aries could do. "My Occlumency has gotten a

lot better, and you know it. I'll do what I can, but we both know I don't

know much right now."

"That'll change, I swear it." Determination laced Aries's voice. "If it gets

out of hand, just go straight to Sirius. We'll deal with the consequences

after that. I'll war with Voldemort if I have to." Draco flinched at the

name, but he knew Aries only dropped formalities, even with the Dark

Lord, if he was exceptionally angry.

"Thanks, Aries." They embraced their usual way, reaching forward and

gripping the forearm of the other in place of shaking hands. "I'll see you

at the Greengrasses." Aries watched his friend walk away, the mask of

confidence hiding his own resignation, and he could not help but feel as

if he had let Draco down.

The weight of the world seemed to fall on his shoulders these days, Sirius

mused. It was late, far too late to be working when his godson and

nephew were currently back at his home for the first time in months.

Unfortunately, his job as Assistant Head Auror required long hours filling

out paperwork, meeting with Scrimgeour and Director Bones, and just

absolute bullshit. He never thought he would be here. Not be the one out

fighting the bad guys, but this was where Aries' needed him, and so that's

where he remained.

"Come on in," Sirius called a someone knocked at the door. Tonks popped

her head in, as she was the on-call Auror tonight, though she looked a

little confused. "What's up, Dora?"

"Front desk says someone's on their way here. Some kid. Apparently

looked in bad shape. Said he was a friend of Aries, though." A friend of

Aries? At the Ministry at this hour?

"Be ready, Dora, this doesn't seem right." Sirius quickly threw a few

wards towards the door and readied his alert beacon.

"You think it's a trap?" She had pulled her wand and was glancing

towards the front of the office.

"Maybe, just be ready. Escort him here. If anything is off, the wards will

let us know." Sirius waited at his desk nervously, his wand across his lap.

A knock at the door, and the visitor entered. A hood covered his face,

and he tensed.

"Thank Merlin," the kid said before he promptly collapsed. Sirius wasted

no time, jumping up as he yelled for Tonks and crouched in front of the


"Holy shit, its Theodore Nott," Sirius breathed, but that wasn't the only

thing. There was blood. Lots of blood. "Dora, call Andromeda and get her

here now, then call Aries." He did not dare cast any healing spells, in case

there was something more severe than he could handle. Still, the

diagnostic spell was clear: the Cruciatus Curse had been used multiple


"What could you-" Andromeda's voice cut off at the sight of Nott, and she

immediately went to work. Tense minutes passed as Tonks and Sirius

watched on, Andromeda working tirelessly on the boy until the flash of

green signaled Aries' arrival. Even at this hour, Aries had managed to

look smart, though there was a look of pure frustration on his face.

"What happened?" his nephew demanded.

"I don't know," Sirius answered helplessly. "He just showed up and

collapsed. Andi?"

"The Cruciatus. Many times." Andromeda looked between the two for a

moment. "As well as some nasty uses of the Dark Arts. Nothing

intentionally fatal. But he will need time to recover."

"I need him to speak, Andromeda." Aries had a seriousness to his voice

that Sirius was shocked to hear. There was a look of guilt in his eyes that

he could not place.

"Aries, the boy is weak. I need to put him a stasis spell."

"No." Andromeda stopped and looked at Aries, the anger in his voice

clearly a surprise. "You will wake him. I will get my answers. And then

he will sleep. This needs to be dealt with. Now." Sirius flinched back at

his nephew's sudden anger, but the guilt was there again. Why? He

looked to Andromeda, who seemed to give in, albeit reluctantly. A few

spells later, and Nott woke with a gasp, instantly grasping his stomach.

Aries moved fast, kneeling before the boy and holding him upright.

"Who did this, Theo?" Aries asked as the rest watched on intently. Theo

simply should his head, tears falling down his face. "Drop your shields

then." The boy whipped his head around, fear in his eyes before he

slowly nodded. It only took a few moments, before Aries nodded to

Andromeda. Nott was asleep not a second later, the stasis spell in effect.

"What happened, Aries?"

"Lord Nott happened." Aries gritted his teeth. "The Dark Lord never even

got a chance to touch him. Nott Senior took it upon himself to punish

Theo before he could ever arrive."

"His father did this?!" Dora cried out. "We have to do something!"

"No, we can't." All eyes turned to Aries. "At least, not yet. We'll give him

sanctuary, as I offered him earlier in the year." His eyes landed on

Andromeda. "Andi, you'll take him in. He'll need medical care, which will

keep him out of Saint Mungos, and it's the last place Lord Nott will look."

Aries now turned to Sirius. "Investigate, but quietly. Get all the

information we need. Then, when the time is right, and it is in our favor,

we'll strike. Until then, Theo's health is our priority. Understood?" Sirius

nodded, along with others. "Keep me updated, Andi." Aries left through

the floo, something clearly on his mind, and Sirius could not help but

wonder just what he had gotten himself into.

The flash of flames brought Aries into existence under cover of darkness.

Frigid, mountain air did not deter him from his goal, as a pop signaled

the arrival of his companion. Heavy cloaks fell from their shoulders,

though his own covered his armor.

"Vladimir," Aries' voice struggled to carry in the wind.

"Aries," His former master seemed wary, as his eyes drifted towards the

high castle in the distance. "Are you sure about this?"

"I have run out of options." He let a sigh leave his lips. "Their knowledge

is infinite, and the task crucial. I will do what must be done." Vladimir

von Reich nodded and turned to guard their back. "Should I not return by

daybreak, summon the Legion. And kill me, no matter the cost."

Slow steps carried Aries up the mountainside as the path grew steeper.

Signs of warning littered the path when dirt turned to stone steps, but he

paid them no mind. He knew of what awaited him, and he would not

turn aside. Finally, he came to a grand stone archway with stone doors

locked against entry. The knife from Sirius was sliced against his palm,

and Aries placed it on the door. His blood was suddenly pulled, and Aries

struggled to remain upright. A loud crack sounded, and as the door

released his hand, it began to open. He quickly downed a Blood-

Replenishing Potion and continued his journey.

Glowing eyes that struck out against the dark night followed him with

every step. His wand was yearning to be unleashed, to strike out against

the foes, but he denied it. Every step that brought him closer to the castle

brought him closer to the uselessness of his magic and the possibility of

death. The sounding of hooves brought him to a stop as three armored

riders bound down the path towards him. They formed a triangle around

him, long spears pointing at him, and the sound of a hundred bowstrings

pulled taunt fluttered to his ears. Patiently they all waited in silence until

a fourth rider approached.

"Who dares to enter our domain?" The rider shouted over the wind.

"I seek an audience with Lord Marcus," Aries replied, resisting the futile

power of his wand.

"Lord Marcus is not a simpleton to be called upon, wizard. Leave now or

face eternal damnation." Aries did not answer, but slowly raised his hand,

where a silver ring suddenly gleamed brightly in the darkness. The

commander flinched at the sight of it, his gleaming eyes widening in


"I am Aries, son of Black, and I am a friend of the Coven, this ring

bestowed to our bloodline upon the breaking of the world." Whispers

erupted from the watchers, as they waited for the commander's signal.

"Send a messenger to Lord Marcus, if you wish. I will wait." A moment

passed before the commander signaled one of the archers to return.

Nearly an hour passed as they waited tensely. Aries' eyes never left the

commanders, whose gleaming orbs seemed to yearn for a fight, but

remained cautious. The commander turned, as the archer returned with a

piece of parchment. Aries could see his disappointment, but nevertheless,

spears and bows relaxed at the commander's signal.

"Follow me, Lord of Black."

The commander knocked three times on the door then left with a glance

towards Aries. The air felt tight within the walls of the castle, and it

pressed upon him as if trying to suffocate him.

"Enter," came a soft but commanding voice. Aries entered, and for the

first time in two years, he laid eyes on Marcus. While Aries had changed

much in the time, the other had not. Electric blue eyes gleamed in the

candlelit room as they met his own. "Aries, how unexpected. I gave your

family the ring as a sense of honor, I did not believe you would ever

come here of all places. Have you, at last, considered my offer?"

"I must decline again, my lord." He hated to honorific of the man, but

Aries knew all too well how helpless he was in this place. The power of

the castle was dreadful, and it pressed down on his magic painfully.

"Ah, but immortality?" Marcus stood and walked around his desk towards

him. "Surely you long for such a thing?"

"At a price even I would not endure," Aries answered. "Magic is my life. I

will not lose such a gift."

"And yet, we have our own magic, do we not? What a weapon it would be

in your hands." Long fangs were revealed as Marcus gave a predatory

smile. Aries did his best not to flinch from the man. He hated this beyond

reason. The vulnerability of this place. The cost of what would happen

should the man take his soul. But he needed this man, and the knowledge

he possessed. "Replace mine with your own. Cast aside your petty magics.

Stand by me. And we can conquer this world together, Aries." The

ancient one possessed magic indeed, powerful magic, but a cost Aries

would never bear. Their magic was limited in its scope and capabilities.

To lose the amazing wonders and limitless possibilities of his own magic

was a fate worse than death itself in his eyes.

"I have given you my answer. It will not change." Marcus clicked his

tongue, barring his fangs again.

"Then why have you come, son of Black?"

"I. . . I seek information." Cold laughter erupted throughout the room..

"Oh, the ever-powerful Aries comes crawling to me in search of

information." The ancient one smirked coldly. "What price are you willing

to give me, hm? Surely not your soul. But perhaps another? There is a

price for knowledge, of course, but also for entry. One does not simply

walk into our home and leave as they wish."

"I will not give you my soul, my lord." Aries reaffirmed.

"Another then, perhaps? A girl whom you love?" His magic suddenly

tensed and pressed against the suppression of the darkness around him.

"Oh, I think not. I do not wish to make an enemy of you, son of Black.

After all, you were once our servants. And if you will not join me, then

that is all you will be. Oh, how far your bloodline has come. No, I will

not rid myself of such a powerful tool that you could become." Anger rose

in him at the ancient one's boldness. Their family would never again

serve these creatures, not so long as magic ran in their veins. "Truly, your

kind caused such a fuss in the order of things. And it is only the victors

that write the history, yes? Magic, as you call it. Oh yes, we will right

things soon. What is another millennia to wait for the proper time?"

Silence was what Aries gave him. He would not speak out, not here,

where he was at such a disadvantage. "Ha! Obedient, like your ancestors

were. Oh, my great ravens of war. your blood was. The first to submit

and the last to fall. Yet, here you stand, on the foundation we built for

you. Toujours Pur. You even have our words. How endearing." Aries

tensed as Marcus leaned forward, his fangs so close to his skin. "There is

a girl in the village. Young and pure. You will bring her to me, in place of

you. A soul for a soul. Do you understand?" He nodded, a chill down his

back as the cold breath of the ancient one burnt his skin. "Now, tell me

what you wish to know, and then the price will be determined." Marcus

returned to his desk, and Aries breathed freely for the first time in


He reached into his pocket and slowly pulled out the locket before he

placed it on the desk before him. Marcus leaned forward and observed

the locket, running his hands over it, drinking in the darkness of its


"Slytherin's locket," Marcus said with a glance towards Aries. "I remember

him wearing such a thing during his travels, but he did not do this.

Ancient magic has been placed upon this, one I have not seen for almost

three thousand years. Is this the knowledge you seek?"

"Yes, and how to destroy it."

"It is an incredible thing, what has been done to the locket." Marcus

began, a new gleam in his eyes. "Herpo the Foul was the first to do so. I

am not surprised the writings of this experiment were locked away so

none could repeat it. He studied the soul extensively and how your

actions affected it. What you have, son of Black, is a Horcrux. A partition

of the soul locked within an object. So long as this piece of the maker's

soul remains attached to this object of the physical realm, their soul

cannot pass on. They remain tethered here."

"That's how the Dark Lord survived," Aries suddenly said, his fear

momentarily forgotten.

"The one whom you call Voldemort?" Marcus asked. "He came here

before, no doubt to learn about our immortality. He, like you, gave a soul

for a soul. Though his price for knowledge was much more severe."

"What was it?"

"Rather personal, don't you think? You may ask him, of course. Now, as

to a Horcrux's destruction. The container must be destroyed, though it

cannot be done by normal means. Its measure must be extraordinary, and

beyond any measure of protection."

"Would the maker know?"

"If it was destroyed? I do not know, but there is one other way." Marcus

leaned forward. "How ironic. A soul for a soul, Aries. To replace the soul

in the container with your own, forcing it to be removed from the

physical plane." The predatory grin returned, causing a chill to run down

Aries' spine. "That is to be your price for knowledge. You will return here,

on the Summer Solstice, with a Horcrux of your own. You will give it to

me, and the fate of your bloodline will be in our hands once more."

"And if I refuse?" Aries could not help the comment, his fear and anger

fueling his actions.

"Would you be so foolish, boy?" Marcus raised an eyebrow in question. "If

you refuse, I will find you. I will draw the magic from you and drain your

blood from your body. Then I will turn you, and when the compulsion to

feed overrides all sense of your mind, I will gather all those you love and

cherish and watch as you tear them apart. One way or the other, son of

Black, I will have my servant." Aries made no reply, merely nodding in

resignation, and made his way to the village. Blue eyes and blonde hair

that reminded him far too much of Daphne danced in the fire of the

tavern. Lustful eyes saw him and smiled. His own smile did not reach his

eyes, as the Imperious curse left his lips.

The tension was palpable as Aries exited the green flames of the floo

network into the cozy entry room of Greengrass Manor. He had arrived

after Cassiopeia and Sirius, as he was the guest of honor at this rather

formal dinner. It would be a light meal, so as to enjoy the festivity of the

ball scheduled for later in the night. All looked rather smart, though none

wore their intended robes for the dance. His eyes landed on Daphne, who

gave him a wide smile, but then his attention was drawn to Cyrus. The

man had a civil look, but Aries could sense his displeasure and discomfort

from a mile away.

"Lord Black," Cyrus greeted and surprisingly bowed to him, which caused

his wife and children to quickly curtsy. "As always, it is an honor to

invite you, and those of House Black, into our home."

"It is our honor to accept Lord Greengrass," Aries answered, and gave him

a friendly smile. "I look forward to a rather enlightening time with your

wonderful family." Cyrus raised his eyebrow slightly but led them to the

dining hall. Like the last time he had been here, Aries and Cyrus sat on

the ends. Daphne took her spot next to him, to the displeasure of her

father, Aries noted. Cassiopeia and Sirius sat to his left, while Astoria sat

in between Daphne and her mother.

"How do you like Slytherin, my Lord?" Lady Greengrass asked casually.

"Very well, in fact, though I've had to deal with some minor obstacles

that were no concern."

"Ha!" Astoria exclaimed. "If you call kicking Warrington's ass an


Her father rubbed the bridge of his nose in agitation. "Must you

embarrass us every time Lord Black is invited, Astoria?"

"Father, he had it coming." Daphne interrupted. "Let's just say, the older

years have found it a poor decision to mess with Tori while Aries has

been in Slytherin. Not that it was a good idea before."

"Indeed," Aries met Cyrus' eye and shrugged. "Prince of Slytherin?"

"King, more like." He finished his glass and waited for the house-elf to

refill it. "A new hierarchy had to be instated. I had to be more persuasive

than I would have liked, but a means to an end, I suppose." Sirius glanced

between the two uncertainly, and Aries noted his discomfort. Hence, he

moved the conversation to lighter topics. At last, dinner was finished,

and, after a rather enjoyable dessert, the group moved to the sitting

room. Glass of wine and firewhiskey were passed around, as Cyrus forced

his youngest daughter to go began getting ready for the ball. Daphne

simply raised an eyebrow at her father and chose to perch herself on the

armchair that Aries occupied.

"I thought I had made myself clear on the concerns of my daughter, Lord

Black," Cyrus' words were cold, though he glared more forcefully at his

disobedient daughter. "And I thought I told you the same, Daphne."

"And I made my own decision, father." The conviction in Daphne's voice

cut off any retort Aries had. "I am not content to be some bargaining chip

you can pass around. Lord Black is now the head of the Grey Party, and

more lords and ladies join his side every day. Nevertheless, I am choosing

him, regardless of your own decisions or desires. And if you think any

Lord and Lady will accept a marriage offer from you while Aries is

around, you're a fool."

"Daphne!" Lady Greengrass shouted. Cassiopeia sat amused, though Sirius

was suddenly far more interested in the bookshelf across from him. "You

will not disrespect your father in front of our guests. He is your father

and the head of this house."

"And I am its future," Daphne replied angrily. "You have been a better

father than most, but even I can see the wheels turning. Astoria and

Draco? Really? And not to mention, the fact that you've been floating my

name around the lords of the Wizengamot. Oh yes, I know of the offers.

And you know how I know?" Aries and Cyrus locked eyes, and he could

see anger there, but also a concern. "I made it clear last summer where

my heart and ambitions lay, and yet you seek to use me in such a way?

What could any of them offer that House Black could not?" Silence

followed that Aries was reluctant to fill.

"I'm sorry, my child," Cyrus said after a long pause. "Others were

beginning to inquire about your. . . availability. If I did not seem to be

interested, it would be suspicious. And in truth, I had some concerns

about Lord Black's own status after the ball at the French Ministry."

"Oh, please," Daphne interrupted. "Fleur is tethered to Aries; she is no

more threat than Tracey is," Aries smirked at that. So, she did know of her

friend's interest, and unwillingness to pursue it.

"She speaks true," Aries offered at last. "After the Third Task of the Tri-

Wizard Tournament, Fleur approached me. Magic, it seems, as bound her

to me. She is of no consequence. You can rest assured that my loyalty lies

with Daphne." He felt her tense softly at that but paid it no mind.

"So, you want a marriage contract then?" Cyrus and his wife exchanged a


"Perhaps," Aries said noncommittally. "It would be a good show of

tradition, but not yet. This summer, when Black Manor has been

completed." Cyrus nodded, and Aries had little doubt the man would

work up some contract. That gave him six months to determine how to

ensure the agreement benefited him more than just having Daphne.

"Now, onto more important matters."

"Of more import than my daughter?"

"Yes, I believe it is finally time to discuss my plans for the Wizarding

World. Cyrus?" The man nodded, with a glance at this wife, the woman

left rather frustrated. Sirius looked at him intently, as did Daphne.

Cassiopeia observed the group. "But first, I require a vow of secrecy."

"Daphne, you will leave as well."

"No," Aries replied sternly. "If she is to be my betrothed, then she will be

at my side regardless. There will be nothing that I know that she does

not. Starting right this moment." He saw the sudden sharp look from

Cassiopeia but ignored her to continue his stare down with Cyrus. The

man looked between him and his daughter before he resigned with a

sigh. He gave the vow, and they waited for Aries to speak.

"First and foremost, as we are all aware, the Dark Lord is not dead.

Fourteen years ago, his body was destroyed, but he lived on. I have, at

last, come to the conclusion of how: Horcruxes." Cassiopeia suddenly

gasped, slapping her hand to her forehead. "He has split his soul and

placed them into multiple objects. The only way to destroy them is to

destroy the item in which it contained." Aries looked over to Cassiopeia,

who was now staring at him in horror. She had made the connection as

well, and the pain washed over him at what he would have to do. "One

was destroyed, but two are in my possession. It is possible he may have

created more."

"You say only one was destroyed?" Daphne asked, letting her hand rub

the back of his neck. "If we know what they are, why not destroy them?"

"The Dark Lord was not whole when the first was destroyed, so it is

unlikely he felt its destructed. I do not know if his resurrection would

allow him to feel their elimination. We will wait until we are sure we

have collected them all, and then destroy them."

"He is immortal until we have them destroyed," Cyrus said as he

connected the dots. "This has to be a priority."

"Indeed, it is, but unfortunately, we are at a dead end. Now that we know

what we're looking for, we can narrow our search. Cassiopeia will

continue her work, but we must be cautious. If the Dark Lord becomes

aware that we have discovered his secret, we may lose the chance to

defeat him forever."

"Does Dumbledore know?" Sirius asked.

"I believe so," Aries looked at his uncle with slight hesitation. "It is

possible that he has known since Thomas' second year since the diary was

the first Horcrux discovered."

"So, fighting him is pointless, right?" Sirius looked around the group. "If

we manage to take him out again, he'll just come back."

Cassiopeia nodded, proud of her nephew's intuition. "Correct, which is

why our endeavors will be focused on more attainable goals. The

Horcruxes are a priority and will be my concern."

"Our second concern is the Ministry," Aries continued. "Fudge will be

removed by Summer Solstice, and in his place will be Scrimgeour. Potter

will take over as Head Auror, and we will continue to improve funding

towards the DMLE. I do not know when the Dark Lord will show himself,

but when he does, the Ministry needs to be ready."

"How can you be so sure?" Cyrus asked. "I do not doubt that many within

the Wizengamot will be happy to see him removed, but doing so will

paint on a target on your back. We need a valid reason to remove him."

"Umbitch!" Daphne yelled as she jumped to her feet. "Oh, Aries, you're


"Care to share?" The girl smiled mischievously as she turned to her father.

"Father, can't you see? Aries is the one who suggested to Fudge that she

be placed in Hogwarts. Then that bitch uses the blood quill, and in a

single stroke, Aries gets enough evidence on her to have her removed,

but instead has a rumor passed around that causes her to be

investigated." Again, Aries was impressed at what she had picked up.

"Potter and Sirius come to investigate and find nothing, but then she's

promoted to High Inquisitor." Suddenly she stopped and turned to Aries

with narrowed eyes. "Dumbledore's Army. You are cheeky. . . You're going

to have him removed, aren't you?"

"One way or the other," Aries answered with a smirk. "And when he is,

Umbridge will replace him. At the end of the year, multiple students will

come forward, and when they do, all hell will break loose. Fudge will

have to resign from the backlash, and then we can have Scrimgeour

replace him."

"Hold on a second. You're telling me that she did have a blood quill? Did

she use it on anyone? Thomas?" Sirius saw the hesitation in Aries's eyes

and had his answer. He went to move but found himself stuck to the


"I can assure you, uncle, that she got what she deserved." There was an

edge in Aries' voice that gave Sirius a chill, but he nodded. "Now, that

pertains to the Ministry. It is now time to discuss my Order. Dumbledore

has his Order of the Phoenix, and the Dark Lord has his own Death

Eaters." Aries glanced towards Sirius for a moment, then continued. "I

have, at my command, nearly four hundred wizards located at my

training grounds in Bulgaria. Some of them have come from the

Conservation, and they make up specialized units to deal with any that

choose to side with the Dark Lord over their kin. Roughly fifty make up

the Praetorian Guard, who are my personal protectors. Soon, they will

begin protecting my Inner Circle as well, which will include your family."

"And their purpose?"

"To usher in a new world," Aries answered simply. "We will root out the

infestation that is the Dark Lord and Dumbledore, but there will those

that oppose what is to come." Now, Aries turned his full attention to

Sirius, as this would be the breaking point of their relationship as uncle

and nephew. "It will take time and lots of planning, but one day soon, I

will unite the magical societies of Europe under one banner: mine. Once

that has been accomplished, and our army has risen, the muggle

governments will fall. Through surrender or conquest, though hopefully

the first. By the end of my days, I hope to see us take our rightful place in

this world. We will no longer hide from those who should look to us for

guidance. We will rule over them and guide them. We will create a world

of peace, not destruction as the Dark Lord intends. We will not enslave

the muggles, but nor will we allow ourselves to continue to remain

hidden." He paused, not taking his eyes off of Sirius, as his uncle

processed what he had said. Cyrus, it seemed, was having a silent

discussion with his daughter. "Currently, there is a triumvirate of power

between myself, Headmaster Dumbledore, and the Dark Lord. It is my

hope that many of those that follow them will join us, but should they

not, they will either surrender to what it is to come, or they will need to

be destroyed, as their masters will be."

"You can't mean that, Aries!" Sirius was suddenly looking up with wild


"And what do you think will happen, Sirius?" Cassiopeia looked at him

critically. "Will the Death Eaters and the Order suddenly stop fighting

when Aries takes over? No, they will see him as another Dark Lord. They

will fight and fight, and because of that, they will need to be destroyed."

"They're my friends!" He stood up, looking between Aries and Cassiopeia

in anger. "I will not let you just kill them!"

"Then it is simple," the idleness of Cassi's voice seemed to throw off

Sirius. "Bring them into the fold or convince them to accept Aries' ideals

and to live freely within his rule. Do you not wish for Dumbledore to die

for what he did to you and the Potters?"

"Yes! But that doesn't mean I want the others to die!"

"And if you were the one to strike the killing blow?" Aries asked. "What if

they stood between you and your vengeance? If they sided with him

rather than you? If they wished for James and Lily to remain his

prisoners?" The Greengrasses looked at each other in honest confusion as

the Black family handled their affairs. "Would you allow them to stop

you, or would you do what must be done for your friends and a family?"

"A choice has to be made, Sirius," Cassiopeia reached forward and took

her nephew's hand. "Your inaction cost you the life of your brother. Do

not allow it to be the reason those whom you call family to suffer now."

Sirius visibly flinched and took a step back, Cassi's hand the only reason

he did not fall to the ground.

"I. . . I don't know if I can do this." He looked up at them, the fear still in

his eyes. "I've done everything you asked of me. I spied and lied and

manipulated and threatened so many people since you told me what he

did to us. But to kill them? What makes that any different than what

Voldemort has done? And will do?"

"The Dark Lord kills for pleasure," Daphne provided, taking her spot next

to Aries, who nodded his approval at her words. "Aries, and us as well,

will only do what we must. The Dark Lord would kill your friends just for

being who they are, whether they stood in his way or not. We only ask

that they stand aside. Let them live their lives happily and accept that

which will come to pass. I believe that you can convince them, Sirius." He

did not seem so sure himself, but Sirius slowly took his seat back next to


"We have to free them, Aries," Sirius whispered in anguish. "I can't do this

without them anymore."

"This summer, uncle, I promise," Aries replied soothingly. "Until I have

laid in my plans for his death, they will have to remain. I cannot allow

them to kill the Headmaster, not without using his sins against him to the

fullest. Which is perhaps the most important moment of our campaign.'

"Many have wished to know what happened last year, and now I will tell

you." Cyrus leaned in close, and he could feel Daphne's surprise. "I had a

hunch that Mad-Eye was not really Alastor Moody, but rather an

impostor. That was only confirmed when I reached the cup first, and it

did not send me back to the starting point victoriously. Upon inspecting

the cup, I discovered it had been tampered with. I convinced Cedric and

Thomas to spring the trap, in hopes that we would find the point of all

this. Alas, even I was surprised at what happened. Cedric and I were

knocked unconscious, and as you know, the Dark Lord returned. Cedric

battled the Death Eaters, as Thomas and I faced the Dark Lord. This is

where my story divulges from the 'official one.''

"It was my hope that Cedric would escape with Thomas, but he did not.

And my plan began to unravel. You see, I had long expected the Dark

Lord to return, but not so soon. I knew I could not face off against him at

his full strength and that of Order at once. So, I decided to offer a truce

with the Dark Lord. Neither of us would move directly against the other,

or their assets, until our mutual enemy was destroyed."

"Dumbledore," Daphne whispered to which Aries nodded.

"I agreed to keep his return a secret from the masses as leverage.

However, the Dark Lord wanted something in return. I had surrounded us

in a wall of fire so that the Death Eaters would not see what occurred.

But unfortunately, Cedric was too close. While we spoke in Parseltongue,

I had to bind him to keep from interfering. He was a loose end, and so I

eliminated him." Sirius's shock was evident, but Cassi had stood and

placed a firm hand on his shoulder, which kept him still. "I could not risk

a memory charm, or Legilimency, as the Headmaster would have seen

the signs. So he could not return, and if I had left him, there is no telling

what the Dark Lord and his followers would have done to him. I made

the decision of mercy. The Killing Curse ended his life and sealed the

agreement between the Dark Lord and myself."

"We have immunity, to a degree." Cyrus was thoughtful. Sirius was

shaking, his head in his hands as he struggled to cope with what Aries

had revealed. "The death of Cedric is tragic, but I agree. A mercy it was.

Even you must see this, Sirius? We can now act freely with only the

Order to worry about, who is doing the fighting for us, it would seem.

But we are fragmented. No offense, my lord, but surely there are more

within your sphere of influence than the four of us."

"Discretion is key, my friend." Aries offered with a smile. He noticed the

sudden deference Cyrus suddenly showed him. "Come the Summer

Solstice, all will be revealed, and our order established."

"It will be an honor to serve," Daphne was surprised at her father's

sudden submissiveness. "I cannot lie, I never thought my dreams would

be a reality. But if what I have heard is to be true, you are just as

powerful as the Dark Lord and Dumbledore. Perhaps more so."

"There is one last secret to tell," Aries stood and pushed his hand forward.

On the ring finger of his right hand, the Black family ring shown brightly

in its obsidian, but suddenly a second shimmered into existence. A silver

ring formed, the crest Slytherin embezzled with tiny emeralds. Daphne's

eyes widen at the sight, Cyrus remained speechless, and Sirius had nearly

crumpled against his seat in shock. "I am the Heir of Slytherin. It is my

destiny to fulfill the workings and wishes of my ancestor. Together, my

friends, we will usher in a new world. I, the Lord of Slytherin, will take

my rightful place in this world, with you all at my side."

Daphne smiled from her spot next to her father and sister, enjoying the

festive music the band played, as she sipped her wine. Ever since Aries

had opened up to her about the locket, she had strived to repay that

trust, and this was the result. What had been initially a formal dinner for

the family had turned into a rather fantastic spectacle. Many members of

the Wizengamot laughed loudly throughout the ballroom, all allies or

potential allies of Aries, mingling together. Then there was the added

surprise of a few dear friends. Haydn, Ivan, Victor Krum, and Draco all

sat around a table, smiles plastered across their lips as they, along with

Sirius, dragged their fathers into their gambling game, except Lucius, of

course. He stood awkwardly next to Narcissa, who was too busy speaking

with Andromeda, Cassiopeia, and Nymphadora to give her husband any


She glanced towards the clock, and a rather cruel smile worked its way

onto her gorgeous face. Times had been assigned to every invitation, to

avoid clogging the flew network, but also to ensure a particular order of

entertainment. Her father took her cue, and they made their way to the

fireplace to greet their guests. Green flames flashed, and the Prime

Minister of Spain arrived, followed quickly by his wife and daughter. It

was the last one that Daphne was more than excited to see. Arianna de

Cordova. The name grated against her mind. If there was anyone that was

a danger to her plan, it was the Spanish girl who was just as gorgeous as

she remembered.

"Welcome, Miss Cordova," Daphne allowed a little bite into her voice, but

she did not want to cause a scene. "I'm so glad you could come. I know

Aries will be happy to see his friends again. He spoke so much of Haydn,

Ivan, and Viktor this year, but I knew he'd want you to be here. He'll be

so excited to share his success here in England." Arianna made no

noticeable reaction to her comment, but her eyes looked throughout the

hall, no doubt for Aries.

"I'm sure I'll find him at some point," Arianna answered back. "No doubt

he's tired of schoolgirls and wants more mature company." Daphne raised

an eyebrow but only smirked. So, the girl had some bite after all.

"Well, he'll be the last to arrive, so watch the floo. I wouldn't want you to

miss his entrance." Her father looked at her skeptically, but she simply

shrugged. It was her time to be put some witches in their place. No

sooner had the thought crossed her mind did the Delacours arrive.

"Miss Delacour, welcome to our home. It's a pleasure to formally meet

you." Fleur took the offered hand, but their eyes locked. The two fathers

immediately noticed the tension and watched the two out of the corner of

their eyes. Nothing more said, because nothing more needed to be said.

They knew their current place in Aries' lives, though Fleur no doubt

wished for me. Daphne would make sure that the other girl knew it was

futile. Cyrus leaned in close to Daphne, as the French family walked


"What the hell are you doing, Daphne?"

"Marking my territory." It was a perfect cue, as the bell signaling the

guest of honor rang. Everyone rose to their feet, as was customary, and

faced the fireplace as green flames erupted for the third time. Aries Black,

the Lord of House Black and Lord Slytherin, as she now knew, exited, his

formal black robes looking entirely regal, and he flashed her a wide

smile. Her father stepped forward and bowed deeply to Aries, far more

profound than he had earlier, something the crowd noted all too well.

"Lord Black, we welcome such an esteemed guest to our home." Lord

Greengrass greeted, still in a deep bow. "May it ever provide you

sanctuary, should you ever need it."

"Your hospitality is welcomed and rejoiced, Lord Greengrass." Aries

smiled and lifted his hand slightly. "Rise, my friend. This is a time of Yule

and joy." Lady Greengrass had appeared next to her husband, and she

provided a deep curtsy before Aries kissed her hand in respect. Daphne

had been rather deliberate in switching spots with Astoria, all part of the

plan, as her younger sister repeated the gesture. Aries simply raised an

eyebrow in question at her antics, before she stepped forward, wrapped

her arms around his neck, and pressed her lips onto his with every eye in

the hall on them.

It was forward of her. Incredibly forward of her, but that was entirely the

point. No girl or woman in the magical world would be so forward at a

formal event, in the presence of lords and ladies, in the home of an

Ancient and Noble family, without specific reassurances. It told everyone

in the hall that she belonged to him already. And the fact that Lord

Greengrass made no move to correct her, made no move to blast Aries

away from her, only confirmed the idea in the heads of all these powerful

guests. Their marriage contract might not have been drawn up yet, but

the point was proven.

Then, as her lips still caressed his, there was the fact that Aries made to

move to correct her either. It had been a gamble for sure. What if Aries

rejected her? Or was angry at the display? Hogwarts was one thing, but

here some rules and traditions had to be followed. Only a few people, like

Aries, for example, had the power and leverage to ignore or bend those

rules. Yet, here he was, most brilliantly snogging her in front of the entire

hall. For the first time in her life, she was more than happy that she had

listened to one of Tracey Davis' romantic suggestions.

"Welcome to Greengrass Manor, Lord Black," Daphne said breathlessly.

Aries smirked down at her, before offering her arm and turning to the

crowd. She allowed a rather ruthless smirk to show, as she made eye

contact with Fleur and Arianna, both who were struggling to conceal

their disgruntled expressions. There was one place of concern, though:

Cassiopeia. She was unsure what the guardian of Aries would think of

their display, and there was only one word: disappointment. She knew

that the Black matron was dangerous, but the old woman was not the

only one with the habit of keeping a little black book.

"My friends, I thank you for coming tonight. And thank you, Lord

Greengrass, for making me the guest of honor tonight in your home."

Aries's commanding voice rang through the hall, and all looked at him

expectantly. "Tonight, we celebrate Yule, and all that comes with it. Let

us celebrate the magic of our world and our lives. Let us remember the

purpose of the Winter Solstice and let us hope for the future." Cheers rang

through the hall, and the band resumed its festive music.

The night was spent in rather dull fashion for her, though she never left

Aries' arm. He spoke to nearly everyone with a veiled threat there and an

implication there. She was thoroughly sure that by the end of the night,

more than a few alliances would be secure, and with every slight squeeze

of her hand, she knew Aries was thankful, at least in his own way.

Daphne was more than aware that he wasn't in love with her, at least in

the way the books she would read as a young girl described. Aries was

far too ambitious for such a trivial emotion, but that did not mean he

didn't appreciate her, nor did he not enjoy her company. Love, Daphne

assured herself, was something that could grow later. It had with her

parents and many magical relationships throughout time. Still, she could

not deny the tug in her own heart that was the very emotion of love.

Every touch, every smile, the real ones anyway, and every word had

begun to make her heart flutter. Suddenly she could not take it anymore,

and the moment Aries had finished his conversation, she pulled him onto

the dance floor.

Her head rested against his shoulder, as the soft music filled the hall. His

arms were wrapped tightly around her with his chin sitting atop her

head. They hard shared a few kisses throughout their time dancing. She

could feel Aries tense from time to time as if he wanted to say something

but never did.

"Something on your mind, love?" Daphne's voice was far softer than

usual, as it had become of late.

"I have something of which to give, and something of which to say," Aries

answered hesitantly. "Though I do not think you will like either one."

"Truly, you don't think I would ever not like a gift?" Her laughter was

quiet, but she relished the small smile she drew from him. He reached

into his pocket and pulled out a magnificent bracelet. It was a mixture of

black, silver, and green, like the colors of Slytherin. But she could see

what looked like obsidian and emerald littering the bracelet. Aries

reached forward to slide it onto her wrist, the magic slowly sizing it to fit

her perfectly. "Why in Merlin's name would you think I would not like


"It's for your protection," Aries said, and she immediately tensed.

Protection? Did she think she was weak? "No, absolutely not." Daphne

glared up at him and realized she had projected again. Aries ran a hand

through his hair for a moment, showing his rather unusual frustration. "I

think the only person I've ever loved was my mother. And the day she

died, I don't think I've ever felt that emotion since. That is not to say that

I do not care about others, at least in my own way. Draco is the closest

thing I have to a brother. I care about him more than anything, and yet I

can say that I don't love him. Haydn, Ivan, Sirius, all of them. I've prided

myself on ensuring every move I made was a winning move, regardless if

it was a step forward or a step back. Even getting to know you, as you

know, was a calculated move. Everything was falling into place." Aries

paused, and Daphne traced light circles on his chest as she waited for

him to continue.

"Then the Dark Lord returned, and things changed. I claimed my seat

nearly two years earlier than planned. I returned to Hogwarts a year

earlier as well. I was forced to accelerate things, and yet, alliances fell

into my lap. The Wizengamot, void of any real power and leadership, was

bent and broken quicker than I ever imagined. Suddenly, I didn't need

you anymore. I was willing to allow your father his wish. We had our

fun, and I did not think any more would come of it." The words hurt,

something that Daphne could not help, but it was honesty, and that pain

was better than any lie.

"I had my fun in the summer. What guy wouldn't want a veela willingly

in his bed? Yet something was not the same. I often wondered if it was

because of Arianna. Still, truth be told, I never saw myself going

anywhere with her. She was too. . . soft. Her vision of the future a far

different picture than my own. Then I came back to Hogwarts, and I

looked forward to more nightly adventures with you. But it was clear you

wanted more than just a broom cupboard companion. It made me think

about my decision. At one point, I had considered making Fleur my

bride. She was powerful, and my position in the Wizengamot would

make it unwise for them to comment on her. . . species. But then I kept

coming back to you.'

"After our discussion in the Room of Requirement, things changed. I saw

the way you acted, always looking for an angle for me to succeed in.

Hell, because of you, I hardly had to deal with anyone in Slytherin after

Warrington. You made sure they either fell in line or ensured they felt my

wrath. Then all this! All this, so that I could have an opportunity to

further my goals.'

"I can see us, standing side by side, at the end of all this. Once our work

is finished. I know you won't betray me. I know you'll spend every

moment helping me to realize my goal. I cannot thank you enough for

that. For being the thing that has kept me grounded and sane these past

six months." Daphne didn't wait for him to continue, she couldn't help

herself any longer. She reached up and grabbed his head, pulling his lips

towards hers. The taste of him never grew old, but he pulled away far too

quickly for her liking.

"There's more," Aries tried to say, but he was a little more breathless than

he'd probably like to admit. "The bracelet is a portkey. It's keyed to my

home in Germany, and it's powerful. It will break through almost any

wards someone has created. I'm no fool to know that what I feel is

perhaps. . . more than I ever thought I'd let myself feel. But I also know

that means you will be targeted. I will not throw caution to the wind

because of it, but I will ensure that you are well protected." No more

words passed between them as she kissed him again. Her heart was

warm, far warmer than it had ever felt when her eyes landed on Arianna

de Cordova. She was watching them, a pained look in her eye. It was

time to put the nail in the coffin, Daphne mused even though the last

thing she wanted was to leave Aries after his confession. Aries stopped

her, as she made to move away, his eyes following hers to Arianna. "Do

what you must, but do not be too callous." His words surprised her. He

had no intention of stopping her? "She loves me, perhaps as you do. And

if things had been different, it may have been her in your place.

Remember that. It is not always necessary to send a message so


Aries' words floated through her mind as she made her way over to

Arianna. Fleur had already gotten part of the message, no doubt from the

beginning of the night, but her coffin nail would come later, as Daphne

had a much more intimate plan of dealing with her. Words would suffice

for the Spanish girl. Daphne sat down next to her, a glass of wine in her

hands, as the two watched Aries, who was now dancing with Astoria.

"For a minute there, I thought he actually might say he loved you,"

Arianna said, breaking the silence. "But that would be impossible for him.

I hope you know that."

"I'm more than aware how our beloved Aries works," Daphne replied. "I

can love him enough for us both until he realizes he can return the

feeling." The other girl laughed. A soft but cruel laugh.

"I loved him from the first moment we met. A poor eleven-year-old girl

with a crush, but it blossomed. And I honestly thought I would be the one

for him." The girl looked wistfully towards Aries. Daphne did feel a tang

of sadness for the girl, but she was not so easily deterred by a sob story.

"I supposed I should thank you," Arianna turned to her at the comment,

but Daphne only smiled. "If you weren't so soft, as he called it, you could

have been out there. It could have been you in his arms. But none of that

matters now. He's mine, and here you are watching from the sidelines."

"You think I'm not in this game?" Heat suddenly poured in Arianna's

voice. "If I wanted, Aries would be mine within a second. You. Know.

Nothing. You are a toy in his life. Nothing more. One day he will tire of

you. He will tire of being used by Cassiopeia. He will tire of his destiny.

And then he will find me. You are a placeholder, Daphne Greengrass.

Nothing more." She stood, her eyes locking with Aries for a moment

before she made to leave, but Daphne grabbed her wrist and pulled her

back. The sweetest smile plastered across her face.

"I'm not like you. I'm not soft. If you ever come near Aries, I will kill you

where you stand." Daphne expected the girl to flinch, to cower, or quite

literally anything except what the girl actually did. She smiled, a cruel

smile that Daphne did not think ever could belong on such a soft face.

"I would love to see you try."

Christmas morning had been a rather joyful affair. The Weasleys had left

for Potter Manor the night before, leaving only the true members of the

House of Black. Bella's recovery was continuing at an excellent rate, as

the way she sat and joked with Sirius proved. Andromeda and Cassiopeia

were off in a corner, no doubt discussing the day's affair. At the same

time, Dora seemed content to drink hot chocolate by the fire. The gifts

had been great, though he had no need for such things, but he did

appreciate them. His gift was here, the family his father had so longed to

see whole again. He had only wished that Draco and Narcissa were here.

His mind floated to the events of the previous night, especially his time

with Daphne. They had fooled around quite often at Hogwarts, but

Daphne had always been hesitant to give herself to him entirely until last

night, at least. They love making had gone on well into the night, but

Aries wasn't a fool. Daphne was far more confident now that the contract

was being written up, but her conversation with Arianna had something

to do with the girl's desperation. He had an inkling that Daphne had not

come out on top of their verbal spar as she had expected.

But even the pleasant thought of making love with Daphne could not

keep his mind from wandering back to the castle, the Horcrux, and the

ancient one. It chilled him to his bones, and it had caused him many

restless nights sense. Cassi seemed to sense his unease and made her way

over to him, but Aries shook his head and led her away from the rest of

the family towards the tapestry room. They walked in silence, and when

they had arrived, Aries let his eyes roam over their family tree.

"Sirius struggles with what you revealed to him," Cassi observed to Aries,

bringing him out of his musings. "But if he is to help us in the coming

wars, his fortitude must be sound. He will have to make his choice sooner

rather than later. Still, I do not think he will betray us."

"Agreed," Aries returned softly, though he did not comment further. His

mind still clouded with unease.

"Theodore recovers well," He felt Cassi move closer to him, but for once,

her presence brought him no comfort. "When will you see him?"

"Tomorrow. I have been. . . preoccupied of late. And he needs to come to

terms with what was done to him. Only then can we move forward." His

eyes never left the tapestry, following the line of stars down to the name

of his father. Had he been aware of their debt? Had he been brought

before the ancient one as well?

"What's on your mind, Aries? Surely the discovery of the Horcrux has not

tempered your spirits this much."

"No, it has not." He did not continue, and he could feel Cassi's quizzical


"I am curious. How did you find out about their nature? I must admit I

had heard of Horcruxes before, but even I had not made the connection."

Aries did not answer for some time, but when he turned to her, he could

not hide his own emotions. A quick ward on the room ensured that none

would hear their conversation.

"I sought knowledge." Cassi gave him a curious look before her face went

stone. "I went to Lord Marcus." She rushed forward, her wand waving

around him as she searched for any signs of their handiwork, but he

pushed her away.

"I'm fine, Cassi," Aries said grudgingly.

"And your magic?"

"Healing." He plopped down in the armchair, letting his hand cover his


"What madness drove you there?"

"I needed to know. And I didn't know where else to look." Cassi looked at

him thoughtfully for a moment before she turned her back to him as if

struggling with something. "He gave me the knowledge I sought, and now

we know what must be done.

"What was the price?"

"A soul for a soul." He sighed loudly. "He spared me, but someone else

took my place."

"And for the knowledge?"

"My soul. A portion of it." Cassi whipped around. "I have until Summer

Solstice to create a Horcrux and deliver it to him."

"You cannot!"

"We can't refuse him," Aries replied seriously.

"You were a fool to go there, Aries." Her voice dripped with

condescension. She paced back and forth. "We will have to destroy him.

The entire Coven if we have to."

"And how are we to destroy them? The magic of the modern world is no

good against them. The true battle magics died out ages ago." Aries

rubbed the bridge of his nose. "They ruled this land for millenniums

before the rebellions, and they lasted centuries. History may have

forgotten the ancient ones, but we have not. We are the only ones left

who remember. They have forgotten how we truly came to power and

why they feared us for centuries. They have forgotten who our masters

were, how we served them. They have forgotten that we fought to the last

to protect our masters in the rebellions. And when we were defeated, and

our masters driven into hiding, how we slaughtered every last one of those

traitorous families one by one with our family magics."

"I know our history, Aries," Cassi said through gritted teeth. "But the

point is that they were defeated."

"Defeated, not destroyed." Aries rose, gesturing wildly towards the map.

"Our family has lived through the annals of history. Breathed our magic

into the world. Our own records claim the descendants of Ares himself!

Yet, here we are, bound to them still."

"We stopped being bound centuries ago, our freedom was paid for in the

blood of our enemies. We cannot return to their slavery, not without our

plans falling to ruin."

"It matters not," Aries sighed again. "Come solstice, Marcus will have

what he has longed for. A puppet to pull its strings, and with the Horcrux

in his possession, I will be his eternal slave for him to rule through." Cassi

strode forward and grabbed him by the shoulders.

"We will find a way to destroy him. All of them."

"If we destroy Marcus, and I am not saying it's impossible, we will have

unleashed hell upon the world. His followers will sweep upon the world

like fire through a dead forest." Aries gritted his own teeth in frustration.

"When we strike, it must be the killing blow. They must all perish, or we


It was easy enough to slip away from the others, as they were far too

busy paying attention to Arthur Weasley than Aries, Andromeda, and

Cassiopeia. Christmas Day meant that Saint Mungos was far more active

than he would have liked, but he had waited until the Weasley family

had gone to cover his own tracks. Neville and Augusta Longbottom

waited for him at the entrance to the Janus Thickney Ward, a look of

nervousness on their faces. He made no move to acknowledge them but

followed as they entered the ward. They passed bed after bed until they

reached their destination, a room designated for the Longbottoms. Aries

entered last and cast multiple wards on the door before he turned to


"Neville explained this to you?" Aries asked seriously. "I make no

promise. None. And if at any moment I feel as though my life is

threatened, I will stop. Regardless of what happens to them."

"We understand," Augusta replied, her chin held high. "We only ask that

you try, as others have not." Aries nodded and turned to Neville.

"Your oath. I will have it now." Neville did not look at his grandmother,

who had a look surprise on her face, but rather at his parents. It was

evident that Augusta was unaware of their deal, but it was of no

consequence. Aries would see Neville claim his seat before they returned

to Hogwarts.

"I, Neville of House Longbottom, do hereby swear fealty to Aries Orion,

Lord of the Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Black. By my magic,

let it be so." Magic pulsed through the room, and Aries felt the slight pull

of acceptance, and it was done.

"What have you done, Neville?" Augusta whispered.

"A soul for a soul." Ironic, Aries thought. "His life for the life of his

parents. It is time, Neville. Sit on her other side."

"No, you will heal Frank first." He turned to the matriarch with a rather

flat stare.

"Regardless of the result of my attempt, I will face backlash for this. If I

fail and it is a lord of the Wizengamot that dies, I will be putting out fires

for years. If she dies, months if not less. Then I can try again with Frank

after the storm has passed. We do not even know if this is truly possible.

If you want your son to return, then I must try with Alice first." Once

Augusta nodded, Aries took his place next to Alice Longbottom. "Hold her

hand, Neville, and mine as well. This will make the mind link easier. Do

you have any Occlumency training?" Neville nodded slowly. "Good, this

will be easier then. I will enter her mind and find her consciousness, but

you are what will work. She will need something, a reason to survive the

hell we are about to go through. When she starts to struggle, project your

thoughts towards me. Cassiopeia will help you. And then I'll project them

to her. You cannot give up. No matter what you hear. The wards are

silenced, but I will not silence her. Understand?" Aries turned at last to

Cassiopeia, who still looked at him indignantly. "Under no circumstance

does anyone enter this room."

Aries took a deep breath, focused his mind, and reached out.

Insanity. No mind that he had ever touched was this hectic. Disorganized.

Thoughts, memories, ideas floated around chaotically, pulling at him

with every push of his consciousness. Nothing made sense. Bellatrix's

mind had at least been intact, transformed rather than destroyed like

Alice's was. It felt like hours he searched, and nothing was there. Just

random thoughts. No consciousness. No hopes. No desires. Then, he felt


It was cold. It leached out at him, and suddenly he felt pain. It was not

unbearable, but one taste was all it took for Aries to recognize the

Cruciatus. He saw nothing but felt everything. So, he pushed deeper and

deeper into the darkness of his mind until he ran into a wall. A physical


"Oh, honey, I left the stove on. Can you get it for me?" A sweet voice called,

and Aries looked up to see Alice Longbottom setting the table. Like a ghost,

Frank seemed to move mechanically through the home, turning off the stove

before he returned to his seat. Aries read the front of the newspaper that Frank

unfolded. The Boy-Who-Lived was written across it in bold letters. Suddenly,

thunder struck outside, rattling the home. Then the doorbell rang. Frank paid

it no mind, but Alice looked up in fear. "Oh, mustn't answer that. Those rowdy

neighbors, always causing trouble." It rang again. And again. And again. Still,

Alice did not answer. Aries walked slowly towards the window and looked

outside. There, on the doorstep, stood four Death Eaters, Bellatrix among

them. A storm brewed violently outside, and Aries knew what it really was: the


"Oh, honey, I left the stove on. Can you get it for me?" Aries turned again and

watch as Frank folded his newspaper and went to the turn the stove off again,

before returning back to his seat. Aries walked forward slowly until he stood

right in front of Frank, but the man did not see him. He went to grab Frank's

arm, but his hand floated through it like a ghost. Alice gasped as if noticing

Aries for the first time.

"Who are you?" Alice asked, her eyes flipping back between himself and

Frank, who was still reading the newspaper.

"A friend of Neville's," Aries answered. "I'm here to take you home."

"Home?" Alice laughed. "I am home. Oh, honey, I left the stove on. Can you

get it for me?" Aries moved closer, observing the woman.

"Where's Neville, Alice?"

"Oh, he's with Augusta, of course! Grandma hasn't seen him in a while, but

he'll be back soon." The doorbell rang again.

"Is that Neville there?" Alice looked fearfully for the door before shaking her


"No, that's those rowdy neighbors." She went back to placing the table, not

even noticing that the silverware kept disappearing.

"Why don't you answer the door, Alice?"

"Oh, I can't do that. Mustn't answer that. Those rowdy neighbors, always

causing trouble."

"How did I get here, Alice?" She looked around, puzzled, as she struggled to

answer him. "What was Neville wearing this morning?"

"Well, he was wearing. . . He was wearing. . ." Alice stopped frozen. "I can't


"How long have you been placing that table? How long has Frank been reading

the newspaper?" Alice looked down and then back at Frank. The doorbell

rang. "Alice, who is at the door?"

"I can't answer that. Mustn't answer that! Those rowdy neighbors, always

causing trouble!"

"Who are the neighbors?" Aries walked up and grabbed Alice by the elbows,

surprised that he could. He stood taller than her, and her fearful eyes looked

up at him, "Who's at the door?"

"It's them." Fear laced her voice so thick, and her mind shook. "It's them.

Frank, it's them!" But Frank didn't move, because Frank wasn't there anymore.

The doorbell was ringing violently. "Who are you?!"

"Alice, listen to me." The house was shaking, and Aries was only too aware of

what was happening. Her mind was collapsing in on itself. Once it did, she

was dead and maybe him with her. "You know what's behind that door. You

do. And you've been scared of it for fourteen years. But Alice, you have open

that door."


"Right now, your body lies in St. Mungos. You know why. You've always

known. But you've lived in this loop, this cave, long enough. Neville needs you,

Alice. You have to try."

"I can't. I can't." Alice was panicking, The shaking of the house worsened.

"Frank is gone. He's gone, it's just me."

"Not this time. I'm here." Aries grabbed her face and forced her to look into his

eyes. "Neville is here." And he pushed memories of Neville into her. Her eyes

widen, as the house reacted even more violently. "You're going to die here,

Alice, if you don't answer that door. We're here with you. You won't have to

do this alone." Alice frantically looked back and forth between him and the

door, but she slowly made her way there. The house calmed with every step.

Her hand touched the knob, and everything stilled. She turned her hand, and

it began.

Screams. Terrible screams. Andromeda and Cassiopeia rushed forward to

hold Alice still before she hurt herself. Half a century, she had been alive,

and she never knew someone could sound so horrific. Then Alice's magic

was unleashed, years of being pushed deep inside her resulted the torrent

of magic tearing the room apart.

"Now, Neville! Now!" But the boy sat there stunned, horrified at the

screams that came from his mother. Cassi looked towards Augusta, who

was just as frozen, as the winds whipped around her. "Augusta, if you

don't move your ass and knock some sense into your son, then Alice is

going to die!" She made no move, and Cassi reached out and grabbed

Neville. "Get a grip of yourself and talk to her!" Neville looked at her, and

then back towards his mother, who was writhing in pain.

"Mum?" Neville's voice floated through the abyss as Alice and Aries writhed on

the floor. Four Cruciatuses. It had not been one by one. They had all tortured

the two Longbottoms individually. Aries gripped Alice's hand tightly, trying to

use his Legilimency to push away the attacks.

"Neville!" Alice screamed before another wave of the curse struck.

"Mum? Can you hear me?" Tears were falling down Alice's face, though from

the curse or Neville, he did not know.

"I can hear you! I'm here!" She screamed through the pain.

"I need you, mum. We need you. God, I don't know how we've gotten this far,

Gran and me. I've seen you like this for so long. I've missed you for so long."

"Neville, I'm here!" The pain intensified, and Aries's vision blurred.

"That's your son, Alice." Aries managed to gasp out. "That's your son. You

can't give up. You have to keep fighting."


"I'm losing her!" Andromeda's voice cried out frantically.

"Do something!" Cassi yelled back. "Keep talking, Neville!

"There's nothing I can do, it's her mind!"

"Mum, you have to come back. We need you. Dad will need you. Voldemort's

back. There's so much wrong, and I need you. We need you back."

"NEVILLE!" Alice's anguished voice cried out. Aries managed to lift his head

through the pain and saw the door was wide open. Not only that, but a path

had cleared in the storm.

"Alice, we have to get out! You have to fight! Stand up! Come on!"

"Fight it, mum. Please be strong. I know you are. I've done all I can to be like

you and dad. But I need you here, not a memory." Alice screamed out again,

pushing herself to her knees.

"Oh no, you don't." Bellatrix's playful voice floated the air. "You aren't going

anywhere. Crucio!" Aries did the only thing he knew to do. He threw himself

in front of it. Where the sudden burst of energy came from, he did not know,

but for the moment, Alice was free of the spell. Convulsions racked his body,

his hoarse voice screaming out in pain that he never knew was possible to feel,

amplified by their combined consciousness.

"Alice, go!" Suddenly all four of the Cruciatuses were on him and only him.

Mind-blowing pain ripped through him. But he watched, Alice slowly rose. She

cried out again as the Cruciatus struck her, but she walked forward. Slowly.

Agonizing step after step.

"Please, mum. I need you. I love you." Aries watched her for a moment, as the

pain subsided and all of it was directed at her, the pain of the Cruciatus so

focused on whomever it thought a threat. Alice screamed as she gripped the

door and threw herself from the house.

"No," Andromeda nearly sobbed. The winds had stopped at last and Aries

had slumped from the chair onto the floor. Cassiopeia threw diagnostic

spell after spell at him, but to no avail. Angry tears began to well up in

her. Alice was still as a statue, without even the rise and fall of her chest.

Moments passed in silence. Cassi slowly stood, prepared to go contact the

staff when a cough stopped her. She turned quicker than she ever

thought she could, as Aries evolved into a coughing fit. Blood spurted

onto his hand as he coughed, and Andi rushed over to see him.

"What happened? Is she alive?" Of course, the fool boy was more worried

about his success than his health.

"Forget it, you're lucky to be alive." Andromeda started pulling potions

and forcing Aries to drink them. "You're going to hurt like hell for at least

a week, you foolish boy." Cassi sighed in relief, as Aries was alright at

last. Her gaze turned to Neville, who was crying softly in Augusta's arms.

She truly felt sorry for the boy, but then her eyes widen in astonishment.

Slowly, an arm reached up, grabbing Neville from behind. The boy

turned slowly before his eyes locked with another. Alice looked back at

him, but the distant look that so often had accompanied her was gone. A

smile worked its way onto her face.

"Mum?" Tears started to fall even heavier from Neville's eyes.

"Oh, my sweet boy." Alice pulled Neville into a hug as the boy began to

fully weep. "I'm back, my sweet boy. I'm back."

AN: Some free candy

1. The Ancient Ones: I think I made it pretty obvious, yeah? But like

all zombie movies that never say 'zombie,' we'll never see them

called what they actually are. But for any that couldn't read behind

the lines, we see my own version of the Black family history which

will continued to be revealed as we continue. BLUF, the Black

family served the ancient ones for centuries and were their most

loyal followers. It's where the magical community gained their deep

fear of the family, though they don't remember it. The ancient ones

were eventually defeated, but not destroyed, but at a cost which is

unknown to us. The Black family exacted their revenge, destroying

those who betrayed their masters and knew of their allegiance,

earning their freedom, and placed themselves among the 28 to

become founders of the Magical Britain that eventually formed.

Suddenly, there is a larger enemy that just Voldemort for our main

character to worry about. Marcus wants to return to his rightful

place, and he looks to use Aries to do it. But that won't stop him

from attempting to complete his own goal, while he looks for awhile

to destroy his families former master.

2. Haphne lovers, there you go. Got some good content in there for

ya, but also to show that Aries isn't entirely heartless. I'm not much

for fluff, but I wanted it to be obvious that there was some genuine

attraction between the two. Initially, I really wanted Daphne to

come out on top versus Arianna in their little verbal match, but it

didn't make much sense as I was writing it. We needed to see that

Arianna is a bit of a badass herself, though she's more restrained

than some of our other characters. As far as all the fluff that

probably happened between the sorting and Christmas, y'all can fill

in that yourself.

Don't have a name for the next chapter just yet, so no free candy

there. Thanks for reading!

27. Lives Reborn

AN: Sorry for the hiatus, things have been hectic as of late as I

believe it has been for everyone. Hopefully you are finding solace in

enjoying stories as I have, whether they're written, filmed, or

played. This chapter was a more recent addition, but I felt we were

quite ready to return to Hogwarts just yet. As always, I hope you

enjoy this chapter, and if you don't, whatever floats your boat y'all.

Amelia Bones, the Director of the Department of Magical Law

Enforcement, had a slightly irritated look on her face. And why would

she not? Who in their right minds would want to be called into the office

on Christmas of all days? Yet, here she was, sitting across from the

famous Lord Black, who had a tired smile across his face. She had already

read the report and knew full well that he had been treated for exposure

to the Cruciatus Curse, despite it not actually being cast on him. The

uproar of the staff from Saint Mungos had been deafening; cries of

malpractice heavy among them, but the reality was that there was no real

crime she could pin on the young lord.

"Is there a problem, Director?" There was a forced innocence in the boy's

voice that grated her. Many of her daughter's letters were filled with

complaints of the Slytherin, mostly doing with his supposed influence on

her boyfriend, Thomas Potter.

"You have managed to ruin my Christmas, Lord Black," Amelia answered.

"Many individuals are not happy with your actions."

"Ah, but here I am having a nice chat with you and not currently in a

cell." Lord Black smiled brightly. "We both know I have committed no


"Why Alice and not Frank?" Black lifted an eyebrow, and his smile turned

to a smirk. "Surely, it would have benefitted you more?"

"Ah, so you question the law of politics? That is the very reason I helped

Alice first. If I had helped Lord Longbottom, I would be standing before

the Wizengamot, regardless of my success. The old lords could care less

about Alice. Even if she had died, it was more likely the Wizengamot

would have cleared me of all charges."

"Rather honest of you, Lord Black." Amelia ran a hand through her hair in

exasperation. How was she to deal with this?

"I find honesty to be a tad refreshing in these times," Black said rather

thoughtfully. "Madmen on the loose. Dark lords supposedly returning.

Fudge being incompetent. I have tried to get you the help you need,

though our esteemed minister has seen fit to listen to Lucius more."

"We are not here to discuss business, Lord Black, we-"

"Have we not already stated that I am without a charge?" Amelia glared

at the boy. "Have it your way, we can discuss shop at a different time. I

am free to go then?" She gave him a curt nod, her irritation overriding

her senses, and watched Lord Black leave, flanked by his armored guard.

A loud sigh escaped her as her thoughts moved back to his last words.

She was more than aware that many of the department's recent upgrades

had been due to Lord Black's work through the Wizengamot, but that did

not make her trust him anymore. He was up to something, and she knew

she had to figure it out.

The sound of a mug crashing to the floor broke Thomas of his stupor,

throwing away the most recent Quidditch magazine to rush down the

stairs. Everyone else, meaning the Weasleys of course, were still asleep in

their beds. Yet, Thomas had promised Aries to keep up his physical

training through the break. It made his sprint through the halls easy, and

by the time he reached the kitchen, he was not even out of breath. His

eyes flashed around quickly, looking for any sign of danger, but only

found his mother staring at the newspaper. He fought to quell his fast-

beating heart and realized how bad he had overreacted. In truth, he had

been jumpy ever since the nightmare of the snake. Thomas did not want

to even think about the days he had spent sulking, wondering if he had

been possessed by Voldemort. It had not been until Ginny rather angrily

reminded him that she was the one who had actually been possessed and

helped him realized it was nothing like it.

"Mum?" Thomas called softly, noticing the tears falling from his mother's

face. It was only the day after Christmas. Had something happened

again? "What is it?" His mother was stopped from answering as his father

suddenly appeared from the floo. James' eyes went from Lily to the

newspaper, and back before he rushed forward to hug her tightly. "Um,

mum? Dad? What's happening?"

"Something incredible," Lily barely chocked out. "Alice Longbottom has

been healed." Thomas' eyes widened, and he could not hide his shock.

Neville's mom was alive? How?

"By Black," James said, and the confusion in his voice was evident. "It

makes no sense. Why would he do that?"

"Does the why really matter, James? Our friend is back. She's alive for the

first time in fourteen years."

"Why don't we just go ask him?" Thomas asked. "He's with Sirius, right?"

No sooner had they said it than they were through the floo and into 12

Grimmauld Place. It had changed so much since Aries' return, Thomas

noticed. It had never been dirty, but now it looked plain regal. There was

also the fact that the portrait of Walburga Black remained uncovered, her

haughty eyes falling them through the entrance hall with nothing more

than an irritated huff.

Raised voices could be heard from the kitchen, and Thomas quickly

followed his parents before he could be told otherwise. The scene could

only be described as chaotic. On one end sat Aries, calm despite the

yelling from various members of the Order, and on the other end sat

Dumbledore, whose eyes held no twinkle as they stared down the other.

On cue, Dumbledore raised his hand, and silence fell. Sirius sat next to

Aries, glaring at the Order members who had clearly spent time

attempting to berate his nephew, but he seemed unbothered.

"Is there a problem, Headmaster?" Thomas watched Aries smirk smugly

and felt his father tense next to him. "And do not start with some

pretentious preamble, as though you do not know that I just left Director

Bone's office. I have committed no crime, and yet you and your Order

have seen fit to invade my family home."

"What you did was reckless, Mr. Black," Dumbledore glared openly at

him. "Alice could easily have died as been healed."

"She was already dead," The group flinched at his words. "Clearly Lady

Augusta and Heir Longbottom saw fit to agree to my attempt, so I'm

rather confused at your disapproval with my actions. I did what you

could, or would, not do. The disapproval of cowards is praise to the brave,

Headmaster." Many had paled at his words, mostly Dumbledore. Thomas

did not understand, but as he glanced at his mother, she gave a quick

shake of her head. Later, she mouthed.

"It is not your place to do such things."

"And it is yours to decide such things?" Aries retaliated. "It is your place

to decide what is best for each and every member of our society? As I

said, the family considered it to be worth the risk, as did I. Now, I have a

dinner to prepare for. If there is nothing more serious to discuss, I believe

you all can see your way out." No one moved, until at last Dumbledore

stood, motioning for them all to leave. One by one, they left, Dumbledore

still locking eyes with Aries until they noticed his presence as well.

Almost at once, Dumbledore broke eye contact and swiftly left the room

without a glance. Thomas sighed and made to leave with his parents. He

wanted to stay, to talk to Aries, but his father's firm grip on his shoulder

led him to the floo.

Lily watched James and Thomas floo away and was about to grab her

own handful when someone grabbed her by the wrist. She whipped

around quickly and found herself face to face with Aries Black. The two

had hardly spoken, mostly on account of her husband's view of the boy,

but also because she was conflicted herself. Thomas was close to the boy,

and she very well knew that many of the changes in his son, good

changes, had been due to Aries.

"Can I help you, Lord Black?" Her voice was even, but only so she could

keep the shake out of her voice.

"The Headmaster is not being entirely honest with you," Aries started and

quickly continued before she could cut him off. "What do you know of

Thomas' abilities? This connection?" Lily was puzzled but gave it a

thought for a moment.

"He told us that when Voldemort was destroyed, he somehow transferred

some of his abilities over to Thomas."

"And that makes sense to you?" His sudden conviction stunned her, and

she took a step back hesitantly. "Sirius has told me you're one of the

brightest witches he's ever met. So, tell me, in what way could the Dark

Lord transfer power to Thomas?"

"There are ways but-"

"Not transferring magic, Potter. Transferring abilities." Aries interrupted.

"Thomas is a Parselmouth. An ability past through bloodlines down from

Salazar Slytherin himself. If one could just pass on the ability, why

wouldn't they? Or anything ability for that matter? Empaths?

Metamorphagus? Yet, we can barely predict how their abilities manifest.

There's no pattern we've been able to discern. They either manifest or

they don't. So again, how in the bloody world did he transfer that ability?'

Lily was suddenly far too puzzled to respond.

"Then this 'connection' of the mind." Aries continued, his eyes burning

with conviction. "Have you ever heard of such a thing? It is possible to

enter another's mind with Legilimency, but to form a constant connection

that feeds off emotions? To see events from the eyes of another as they

happen. Come on, Potter, even you have to see these things do not add

up! So why has Headmaster Dumbledore fed you this cockamamie story?"

"What is the truth, then?" Lily suddenly countered. She was starting to

see what Black was saying, but she couldn't think of her own solution.

"I have my theories," Black answered after a moment. He was usually

good at hiding any emotion, but Lily could see the conflict and,

surprisingly, sadness in his eyes. "But I will not tell you until I am


"You're lying," She could see it, and the guilt that flashed just for a

moment was the answer she needed. "Tell me."

"I cannot, not yet." Black raised a hand, cutting off the angry retort Lily

was set to unleash. "You're right, I am almost certain that I am right. But

I fear what will happen should the Headmaster discover that someone

else knows."


"I want you to think carefully on a few things, and when you have

reasoned an agreeable answer, I will tell you." Aries paused for a

moment, and Lily managed to spot Sirius speaking with Severus in the

kitchen before her attention was brought back to Aries. "Do you think it

is strange that three first years were able to manage their way through a

trap that was meant to keep the Dark Lord from getting the Sorcerer's

Stone? Do you also think it is rather strange that Headmaster

Dumbledore chose to send his phoenix, a creature that can use a magical

flame to teleport anyone great distances, with a hat and a sword rather

than coming himself to Thomas' rescue? Do you not think it is quite

strange that the Headmaster who, like me, is incredibly gifted in the

Mind Arts somehow did not manage to discover that, within the walls of

his own school, was a former death eater disguised by Polyjuice potion?

Lastly, and I want you to think incredibly long about this one, why did

Headmaster Dumbledore recommend that you send Harry Potter, your

eldest son, to live with your sister? And why did you agree to it? Think

clearly on these things, Lily Potter, and come to me when you have found

the answer."

The sound of Aries' fork tapping against his glass of firewhiskey brought

the room to silence. Daphne, his soon to be betrothed, smiled up at him

from his right, while Sirius started filling glasses on his left. Down the

table, the rest of his house, Andromeda, Dora, Narcissa, Draco, and

Cassiopeia, joined him. At the same time, their guests sat at the end of

the table. Neville and Augusta Longbottom sat across from one another,

while their guest of honor filled the table at the end. Alice, still looking

somewhat weak, had been cleared this morning from Saint Mungos after

test after test all through the night had revealed she was medically

healthy. Her mind would need work, but that was something one of their

licensed mind healers could do, Aries had done the heavy lifting after all.

Their feast had been extensive, and Alice had been able to enjoy her first

real meal in over a decade thanks to the potions that had quickly

returned her body to normal.

"I believe a toast is truly in order," Aries said to the table, holding his

glass high. "The year is coming to a close, but it has seen much good

occur. The House of Black is whole once more, and our estranged family

has come together at last. I sit here knowing that the dreams of my father

have been accomplished. And yet, we have done so much more." He let

his eyes roam from person to person along the table. "We have made

much progress in the world, and every day we move closer to a society

that is not ruled by fear and madness, as the Dark Lord wishes, but

towards true freedom and prosperity. But our family's accomplishments

are not all we have to be joyous of." His eyes, at last, rested on Alice, who

smiled brightly as she took her son's hand. "Like our own family, the

Longbottom family has been reunited after fourteen long years. My lady,

it is my esteemed pleasure to welcome your return. To reunited families!"

The table repeated his toast and downed their drinks. Alice had tears in

her eyes as she gripped Neville's hand tightly.

"I cannot thank you enough for what you've done, Lord Black," Alice said

at last. "I hope our family can stand beside yours for as long as it can."

"Your allegiance is more than welcome, Lady Longbottom," Aries inclined

his head with a smile. "I only hope that I am as successful with your


"When do you plan to try, my lord?" Augusta had become far more polite

since the return of her daughter in law, and Aries gave her a polite smile

as well.

"This summer," he answered. "I'm afraid it took much more out of me

than I anticipated, and I do not wish to attempt such a thing without

being at my full strength. There is the question of House Longbottom's

lordship, however."

"Aries, I mean, Lord Black should be proxy," Neville said quickly, his eyes

moving rapidly between his mother and grandmother.

"While I, in fact, agree that is not what he means," the elderly woman

said. "Frank is the current lord."

"And Neville is fifteen. As such, by our laws, he is officially the heir, like

Draco with the Malfoy family, and given the state of his father can lay

claim to the lordship."

"But Frank is still alive!" Alice's voice was laced with confusion and


"A technicality, my lady," Cassiopeia broke in. "While Draco here cannot

lay claim to his lordship until his father's death, Neville can because

Frank is incapable of performing his duties. Even should Aries be

successful, it is likely the Wizengamot would not allow him to sit due to

his former condition."

"They can do that?" Draco asked suddenly. "The Longbottom is a Most

Ancient and Noble house."

"They are," Narcissa answered, "But the Wizengamot is made of many of

those families. While they could not stop him from remaining the lord, a

vote from the more prominent members could keep him from his seat.

Claims of insanity, influence from Aries' Legilimency. Anything."

"More prominent?" Alice asked with confusion.

"The Council," Aries replied. "Originally made up of the Sacred Twenty-

Eight. As you know, the Wizengamot is made up of the noble houses as

well as some of the positions within the Ministry, such as the directors

and some of the minister's staff. That said, when it comes to the matters

of houses and lordships, unless it is a legal matter, it is handled by the

Council. Only half the Council remains, between families dying out or

marrying into others."

"The Dark Lord controls most of the Council, considering they're Death

Eaters," Cassiopeia informed them, "But this is why we chose to remove

Dumbledore via the Proxy Act. Due to his status as a proxy, he controlled

four votes on the Council, not to mention all the votes those families had

due to bloodlines in the Wizengamot."

"But Gran sits as proxy right now," Neville reasoned with a thoughtful

look. "So why does it matter who is lord?"

"Because, if the lord of House Longbottom were to make Lord Black the

proxy, it would send a message," Alice's voice broke through their

musings. "You want Neville to claim the lordship and make you his

proxy." Aries inclined his head, signaling his agreement. "For what


"To be honest, my lady, I seek to control the Wizengamot." He saw

Cassiopeia's shocked look but paid her no mind. "As of now, there is a

clear struggle for power. The conservatives, led by Lucius, do their best

to ensure the government is weak, attempting to pass laws that favor the

Dark Lord. The liberals, on the other head, are mainly led by Albus

Dumbledore, who controls their votes from within his Order. Though far

less of them are controlled directly than with the conservatives. Despite

this, many on both sides have come to the Greys, my party, though we do

not have a clear majority. As of now, none of the three parties can pass a

vote without some individuals swaying sides. I hope that should it be

made known that House Longbottom sides with us, after everything, that

many on the liberal side will join ours, creating a majority."

"To what end?" Alice locked eyes with him, and Aries returned her stare.

"To the same end everyone wants. Peace everlasting. A world somewhere

in between the eccentrics of the Dark Lord and Headmaster Dumbledore."

Aries answered, but then he looked back towards the door for a moment,

much to Alice's confusion. "But perhaps I am not the best person to

describe it if you can face your past."

"No!" Augusta's voice rang firmly. "You agreed you would not bring her

here!" Neville suddenly had a grim look to his voice, his fists clenched

white on the table.

"I said she would not join unless asked." Alice was staring down at her

plate, her thoughts bouncing off her mind loud enough that Aries could

hear them. "I had hoped that the past could be left there, and we could

move into the new year fresh."

"Aries, this is too much." Narcissa chided, her eyes on Alice.

"It will be too much for her mind," Andromeda added in while Dora next

to her had suddenly changed her pink hair back to her normal color,

managing to look all like the woman in question as she stared at the


"Better to remove the limb than leave it to fester," Aries said softly.

"Alice?" She was silent for a moment before she slowly raised her head

and nodded. He summoned Kreacher, who quickly popped away to get

the woman. They all waited patiently, though there was tension in the


The door opened, and Bellatrix Lestrange walked in. The difference

between when she had left Azkaban and now was night and day. Any

man would have noticed her evident beauty. She had filled out where

before she had been gaunt, her black hair was full and curled, and her

face healthy. Her eyes were the only thing that remained unchanged, as a

haunted look managed to stay despite the emotions that flittered across

her face. She stood there and seemed to look everywhere but at Alice.

Aries could feel her emotions radiating from her, guilt being the most

prominent. He knew she did not regret many of the things she did in

service to the Dark Lord, but rather the manner in which her twisted

mind had gone about them.

"It will be announced soon," Aries said into the silence, "that Bella will

denounce her marriage to Lestrange, and with our authority, the

marriage will be annulled. So, it is Bellatrix Black that stands before you

now. Freed from the torment the Dark Lord had caused her, ready to be

reborn in the fires of this moment." His words floated in the room,

ringing through the silence that lingered. The eyes of the table seemed to

move back and forth between the two, as Alice stared hard at the woman

before her. Aries watched her slowly rise to her feet and walk around the

table until she stood face to face with Bella.

"Look at me," Alice's rough voice seemed to startle the woman, but Bella's

face rose to meet her. They looked into another's eyes for some time, as if

Alice was looking for something in particular. Then, without warning,

Alice reached forward, grabbing Bella by the shoulders, and pulled her

into a hug. From where he stood, Aries could just see the tears falling

from Alice's face, as Bella awkwardly returned the hug, fighting tears

herself. The two women released their embrace, and Alice quickly wiped

her tears away.

"I asked what became of you when all the healers were gone, and it was

Andromeda and me. She was hesitant, but I had to know. I had to know

that you faced justice. When she told me you had been in Azkaban, I

rejoiced, assuming that you had died there. But then she told me how my

own savior had saved you, and I had no idea what to think about that.

Then she told me what had happened to you. How He had raped your

mind, tortured you, took child after child away from you, and suddenly I

could see your descent into madness. I could see how he twisted you."

Suddenly, Alice slapped Bella hard across the face, Narcissa moved to do

something, but Aries stopped her with a raised hand. "That was for what

you did to me. What you made me lose. I do not know if I can ever

forgive you, and I know I will not forget. But if I cannot accept that you

have changed truly, and offer you a deserved second chance, then I am

no better than those who I would call my enemies." Bella rose back to her

full height, nodding in acceptance of Alice's actions. "I have taken my

vengeance, let it be a reminder always that I spared you when others

would not. But hear me now, if you ever join their side again, if you raise

your wand against my family or another ever again, then I will

personally hunt you down and kill you as I could have today." Tears

flowed freely from Bella, but she nodded all the same.

"I am Black again, and a Black I shall remain," Bella answered. "My

loyalty lies with my family."

"Good, now tell me of this world in which Aries' envisions. Tell me why

you believe it now more than you did with Voldemort."

Sirius watched happily from his spot in the room, sipping on his glass of

firewhiskey. Aries, who often seemed far too pressed with his duties to

relax, was doing just that as he sat across from Draco in their game of

chess. Daphne, whom Sirius was starting to approve greatly of due to her

rather sarcastic nature, sat on the arm of Aries' chair, seemingly trying to

distract him. Dora sat in the middle, making her face change into silly

looks causing laughter to erupt from the three teens. It was the first time

in so long that Sirius had actually seen his nephew act like a teenager,

laughing brightly with his friends. Draco had surprised him the most by

being incredibly polite and the exact opposite of how he remembered the

boy being a few years earlier. It had seemed that Aries' presence had

cooled the boy off, though he remembered his nephew saying that Draco

did not entirely agree with everything his father did.

Then there were his cousins Narcissa, Andromeda, and Bellatrix. The

three sat around a table, gossiping and laughing about times long ago

before the war had torn them apart. They seemed to approve of the four's

actions across from them, taking time every now and then to laugh at

their antics before turning back to their own conversations. Sirius, for

once, did not mind at all being out of both groups. Aries' words from

early, about this being Regulus' dream had rung deem within him, and he

was more than content watching it unfold. Would his brother really have

been happy? With all of it? It made him genuinely think about what

would have happened if this had been how his childhood went. An ache

went through his heart before he hastily looked for a distraction.

His eyes lingered on the table for a moment, and the conversation from

earlier replied in his mind. White lies and half-truths had become a staple

of Aries' dealings with people, telling each person enough of the truth to

believe, but also the part they were more than willing to accept. It was

something Sirius had come to accept as necessary, as he was more than

accustomed to doing the same thing now. It was all too prevalent with

every interaction he had with the Potters. He was glad that Aries had

finally made a move with Lily, pushing her towards the truth gently, but

he wondered when his friends would be free at last. If not for Severus

giving him a letter meant for Aries, and his strange warning, he would

have added his own two knuts to Aries' speech. Still, it would not do to

meddle with Aries' plans. Everything else had managed to work itself out,


The empty chair caught Sirius' attention now, as it had earlier. He had

assumed it was for Bella, but after she had joined them, another chair

had been added for her. When he had question Aries, he had only

received a mischievous smile in return. Was it for Remus, perhaps? Sirius

had not seen his friend since their meeting in Hogsmeade. He knew

Remus was the busiest of the group, as he was always working at the

Conservation, making it better and collaborating with other governments

on the possibility of replicating its success elsewhere, though that was

not all. Sirius had known about the Legion for some time, having helped

Cassiopeia with its logistics countless times, but it had been a shock to

know many of its recruits had been gathered from the Conservation. On

top of that, not all of the recruits were magical. Muggles turned

werewolves had been added to the reservation, without the knowledge of

the Wizengamot, and added much to its success. Those that did not have

a ready skill had been added to the Legion, and Sirius had realized the

real purpose of the Wolfsbane. He had wanted to confront Aries about it

numerous times, but what struck him the most was that Remus knew and

did not object either.

A loud knock suddenly drew himself out of his musings. Who could be

knocking at this hour? And all who knew the secret of 12 Grimmauld

Place apparated right in. Sirius made to remove his wand, but Aries

stopped him, a knowing smile on his face.

"It would seem our guest has, at last, arrived," Aries said, the smile

growing. "It would appear that the task took longer than expected, but it

is of no importance. Could you go and greet our guest, Sirius?"

He nodded, confused, but did not return his wand. His footsteps seemed

loud to him as he made his way to the door. Sirius did not know why he

was worried, after all, Aries had invited whoever it was. But still, why?

Before he knew it, the door was before him, and he quickly opened it,

wand at the ready. His eyes widened, and slowly his wand fell to his side

before it slipped from his grasp onto the floor.

Long, brown hair framed the round face that greeted him. Bright,

chocolate-colored eyes shined at him as the woman smiled softly

towards. It was raining outside, and though the portico shielded her from

the rain, she was drenched, as if she had stood in the rain pondering

whether to knock at the door.

"Marlene?" Sirius asked, his voice failing to reach a volume higher than a

whisper. He could feel his heart pounding, and his hands shook.

"Hello, Padfoot," Marlene answered softly, her head cocking to the side.

"Can I come in?" Sirius moved the side, and she smiled softly again as she

walked through. A wave of her wand dried her, and Sirius immediately

saw it wasn't her original one. Her eyes followed his, and a sad look

crossed her face. "It was destroyed in the fire, I had to get a new one."

"How?" His voice broke before he could finish the question.

"How am I alive?" Her voice was sad, and it brought pain into Sirius'

heart that he thought had long been buried. "Travers cast fiendfyre at our

home. My parents didn't make it, but something between the fiendfyre

and my dad's last spell broke the wards. I apparated away, but I was hurt

bad. I heard nothing was left of the house, so I'm not surprised everyone

thought I was dead. After everything, I thought I was strong, but I wasn't.

I'm not sure where I ended up, but eventually, I was found and taken to a

healer. It took time for my wounds to heal. She was a squib and could

only use potions. Her ingredients were limited, and I wasn't strong

enough to apparate. By the time I was, the Dark Lord was defeated, and

everything seemed to be right again. I wanted so desperately to come

back to see you again. But I was haunted. I wasn't ready. So, I left. I

didn't want to give you the hope of something I could not give at the


"Where did you go?"

"Everywhere!" Marlene's voice took a sudden lighter sound. "America.

Africa. Asia. The world, Sirius. And it was brilliant. I meant so many

people and learned so many things. It was. . . liberating. Until a few years

ago." She sighed, and Sirius leaned forward, so desperately wanting to

hear her story. "I was in Germany when I ran into some rather nasty

individuals. They left me no choice, and so I killed them. Unfortunately,

one of those nasty individuals ended up being related to a prominent

member of Germany's government, and I ended up being arrested a short

time later. They had no idea who I really was, but thankfully, someone

came to my aid."

"Cassiopeia," Sirius said with a laugh.

"Yeah, you should have seen how quickly that case got dismissed. She

was furious, not for my actions, but for getting caught. I had little gold

and nowhere to live at the time, thanks to some rather bad decisions, but

she offered me a job. I thought I would be working for her, but guess my

surprise when I started working for a thirteen-year-old kid, your nephew.

I had picked up a trick or two from my travels, as well as made some

friends. So, he put me to work, and that's my story. I came to him this

past summer and asked him to give you my address, but you never came.

I was worried you didn't want to see me, but when he invited me to

dinner, I couldn't refuse. I wanted to see you this summer but being so

close I had to come. I needed to see you."

"I wanted to come," Sirius started, "But to be honest, I was terrified. It

was almost to good to be true. What if everything had changed? I didn't

know what to think." Her hands suddenly cupped his face, hands that

were rougher than he had ever remembered. She brought his head level,

so her eyes could pour into his.

"Everything changes, Sirius, especially us," Marlene whispered to him,

"But it doesn't have to be bad. And some things, some things do stay the

same." She gave him a smile, one that seemed to warm parts of his heart

that had been cold for so long. Laughter floated down the hall, rich

laughter, and it seemed to brighten Marlene's eyes. Sirius could not help

the smile that started to spread across his face. "I think we should join

them, and you owe me the famous Sirius Black's hot chocolate." Marlene

grabbed his hand and nearly dragged him back to the room. Cheers

greeted them, and for the first time in years, Sirius felt that things were

the closest to how they should have been. As his eyes met Aries, who

raised his glass with a smile, Sirius knew it was all thanks to the son of

his brother. Yes, Regulus would have been happy, and so Sirius would be

happy enough for them both.

Aries' feet hit the carpet with a soft thud as he emerged into the small

home of the Tonks family. It had taken time for their meeting to occur,

but Aries had not wanted to rush the boy. It had been obvious what had

happened, but he still felt guilt surprisingly. Punishment from the Dark

Lord would have been expected and tolerated as payment for their poor

choice of master. But to be harmed as he was from his own father? It was

a calculation Aries had not made, but perhaps he should have. He was

well aware of Lord Nott's mean streak, but he had not considered that he

would go so far as to harm his son and heir.

Upon entering the small guest room, Aries noted that Theodore Nott

looked somewhat healthy, at least physically. Andromeda had told him

that the boy willingly took any potions she gave him, but hardly ate more

than necessary. She often had to provide him with Dreamless Sleep

Potion, due to the constant nightmares that seemed to eat away at him.

Weak eyes met his own, and Aries saw a defeated wizard. Had he

cowered here the entire break? Did he not trust Aries' protection? It was

then that Aries saw the boy's arm, there along his forearm was the Dark


"I offered you protection," Aries reminded the boy. Despite his own guilt,

he would not sugarcoat the truth. He needed to hear it. "I told you that

you could spend Christmas here, but you did not listen."

"No, I didn't," Theodore answered weakly.

"You chose loyalty to your father and to your family, something in which

I cannot blame you. Draco did the same for the longest time." He

wandlessly moved the chair in the corner in front of Theodore and sat.

"Yet, when the Dark Lord returned, he saw where his father's loyalty lies.

Not with his son, but with the Dark Lord. While he did not suffer at the

hands of his father, as you have, he made no move to stop the Dark Lord

from torturing Draco for not cooperating. Now, with every passing day,

Lucius' hold on his son lessens. The same can be said for you, even

though you bear the mark. The Dark Lord believes his only rival to be the

Headmaster, but I can assure you, he will find that I am more of a rival

than any."

"I know you dueled him," the boy said. "But it seems far fetched to

believe you are his rival."

"Then why have I been unaffected?" Aries countered back. "He moves

against the Ministry, against the Order, and yet here I stand. He has his

reasons yet, but he will learn to fear me as he has with the Headmaster."

"What do you want, Aries?" He could hear the exasperation in his voice.

"I want only freedom. Freedom to be ourselves."

"Grindelwald," Theodore said with a laugh recognizing his words. "You

see yourself to be him?"

"The better version. The victorious one." Aries answered seriously. "But

tell me, what do you want?"

"Just that," Again, the boy laughed, but this time it was cold. "Freedom.

How ironic."

"And if I could promise you that freedom, Theo? Freedom from your

father and the Dark Lord? What would you do for me?"

"Anything." Theodore suddenly looked up, fire in his eyes. "I would do


"Then join me, Theodore Nott. Pledge yourself to me. And I will ensure

your freedom from the Dark Lord." The Nott heir was silent for a time,

his eyes fixed on Aries as he pondered the offer.

"I'll do all that you ask, on one condition," Theodore said. "I want you to

kill my father."

AN: Next chapter: The Mind Arts.

Hopefully y'all caught the Grindelwald quotes!

28. Plots and Plans

AN: Sorry for the hiatus everyone. I had some time off and with

COVID, I've been working from home so I've been spending lots of

time with my children. That being said, I hadn't put this off or

forgotten about it, rather I was struggling where I wanted to go with

a few of the scenes. Even now, this chapter is a little meh to me, but

I wanted to set up things that come later and when it came down to

it, I struggled with getting them where I thought they were

'acceptable.' I'm looking forward to the next few chapters where

things will pick up a little and I have a bit more of a clearer picture

of what I want. All in all, as always, I hope you enjoy this chapter,

and if you don't, whatever floats your boat y'all.

He felt every goblin eye on him as he walked down the long entrance hall

of Gringotts, though he paid them no mind at all. Instead, his own eyes

took in the look of the marble hall. There was a simple elegance to the

design that Aries found he quite liked, and within it, the machine of the

goblin nation worked. It was a machine that kept the wheels of the

Wizarding World running. However, few would ever willingly admit the

economic importance of the goblin race. There was, after all, a rich and

bloody history between wizard and goblin.

"I have an appointment with Director Ragnok," Aries stated as he arrived

at the entrance desk. The Head Goblin barely glanced at him for a

moment before gesturing towards another goblin.

"Griphook," the Goblin called. "Take Lord Black to see the Director." He

was led to a rather simple looking office. For one as important as Ragnok,

it seemed a little too simple in Aries' own opinion.

"Greetings, Director Ragnok," Aries said with a slight inclination of his

head. "May your gold always flow, and your blades be ever sharp."

"And may the rivers run with the blood of your enemies," Ragnok replied

with a feral grin. "Sit, Lord Black, we have been expecting you."

"So, I have been told, of course, by Miss Delacour."

"Yes, indeed," Aries noted that the goblin did not seem pleased nor

displeased entirely. He hoped that was a good sign. "We found it rather

surprising that one of our newest employees had another employer."

"Call it a partnership. We have mutual goals in which we are attempting

to achieve."

"Then what can I help you with Lord Black?" Ragnok asked as he looked

through a somewhat extensive folder, one Aries recognized as the

financial portfolio of the Black Family. "Your account manager has done

excellent with your assets, even with the. . . prior Lord Black's reluctancy.

Lady Cassiopeia has been like a fresh wet stone to your gold, so I have

been told."

"Miss Delacour informed you of the item in which I wish to obtain," Aries

offered. "Though doing so without the Dark Lord's knowledge is


"And having Lady Lestrange walk into her vault would bring a certain

amount of suspicion, no? Perhaps we can come to some sort of

arrangement? Truly, the movement of an item is a simple matter for a

fee, of course."

"And perhaps you have something you wish to ask of me?" Ragnok was

silent for some time, his eyes still looking over the portfolio as if

collecting his thoughts.

"My kind is not as blind as other wizards, Lord Black." He began, at last,

his goblin eyes rising to meet his own. "We see the game you three play.

The triumvirate of power, we have begun to call it. We see an

opportunity to, perhaps, better our position by placing our bets

accordingly. The current administration will not allow us to go further,

and should the Dark Lord rise to power, we risk subjugation. With you,

however, we have a chance to attain that which has eluded us: freedom."

It was Aries' turn to sit in silence, weighing the options before him.

"And you must think me a fool." There was an edge to his voice, one that

seemed to catch the goblin off guard. "I know what you desire. To allow

you the knowledge of wandlore would be like inviting a Lycan into my

home without wolfsbane amid a full moon. An invitation to disaster. I am

no fool, Director. We both know the importance and reality of the goblin

nation to the magical societies of this world. Despite this, you throwing

in your lot amid a civil war is folly. The Dark Lord is a wizard problem

and one that will be handled accordingly. We need no assistance to deal

with him."

"Bold words to be spoken, wizard child," Ragnok bared his teeth in anger.

"You think him to be a nuisance? We remember his war from before."

"I believe there are issues far more concerning than one dark wizard," As

the words left his lips, Aries slowly turned his hand, the silver ring of the

Coven fading into existence long enough to be seen, before fading away.

"You dare come before us in their name?!" Blades appeared in Ragnok's

clawed hands, as he shot to his feet. Aries did not rise to his challenge,

instead lifting an eyebrow in annoyance at the goblin's actions.

"Peace, Director, I come here in no one's name but my own," Aries replied

calmly. "Though, I believe there are few who remember how my family

earned that name outside these halls." Slowly, the goblin returned to his

seat, but the blades remained visible on the director's desk.

"What is the meaning of this, Lord Black?"

"I believe that our former masters mean to return to their 'rightful' place

in this world." Ragnok had shown little emotion through their meeting,

other than his blatant outburst, but Aries could feel the fear from the


"And have you come with an offer, Lord of Black?" The formality brought

a sudden chill to the room as if ancient magics long forgotten had crept

into the air.

"I am not their servant, Ragnok," Aries stated hotly. "Nor do I have any

intention of my family being enslaved to them ever again. I come with no

offer, save one of my own." He hesitated for a moment. "Consider the

dealings of the cup a sign of friendship. Transfer the cup to my ancestral

vault, and once the Dark Lord is defeated, you may retain all the gold

and possessions within the Lestrange vault. A far more considerable fee

than expected, no doubt.'

"Then, we prepare. We must work in secret, of course, to avoid arousing

suspicion from the Coven. I do not know when He will make his move,

but whether it be in our lifetime or in a century from now, it is my hope

that our alliance will bring us victory."

"This is not a request to be taken lightly, Lord Black," Ragnok said after a

moment, his relief evident on his face and in his voice. "I must take this

before the Council. Preparation for such a war would take years, decades


"But our history tells us of its potential. We have found victory against

them before. Our kind worked together once and defeated them. Perhaps

with more preparation, we can, at last, destroy them."

"And we remember what the last Lord of Black did to those of us who

rose up against the ancient ones." A weary look came over the goblin.

"We have not forgotten your family magics within these halls, even if it

was millenniums ago. It is all that is left of the ancient magics."

"Then they shall have to be relearned, or the world as we know it will

perish beneath the power of the Coven." The silence stretched between

them, as Aries waited for the goblin's decision.

"I will bring your offer before the council, but your offer of friendship is

accepted." Ragnok offered, at last. "I cannot make promises of the nation,

but here within England, you shall have friends. I will not see the ancient

ones returned to power."

Chaos was a rather interesting word in Thomas's opinion. Still, if he could

sum it up in one picture, it would be the Weasley family getting ready to

return to Hogwarts. They seemed to be everywhere at once, fretting

about trying to find all of their valuables. Thomas would not have been

surprised if he had been the same way in the past years, but something

had changed and had not gone unnoticed by his parents. His early

morning routines, to the afternoon workouts, to the constant time in the

library studying spells, and lastly, his time spent practicing. He had never

asked anyone to join him, mostly because he had created a specific

routine he enjoyed, but also because the last person he wanted to duel

was his own father.

James had been busy throughout the break between meetings for the

Order and the constant pressure of being an Auror for the Ministry that

seemed to take up all of his time. Christmas had been the one day where

the whole family had actually relaxed, despite the antics of Fred and

George. Still, whenever they were around one another, there was a

tension that did not go away. His mother had been rather adamant about

discovering the reason for his changed behavior. Eventually, he had

caved, describing the training he had been doing with Aries, along with

explaining more about Dumbledore's Army. Thomas had expected his

mother to be angry, but instead, she had been, well, happy. It had been a

surprise, but he knew his mother had told his father, resulting in the

tension between them. Thomas could not understand the dislike, almost

hatred, that his father had for Aries. Sure, their opinions on magic were

different. Still, after everything, after seemingly bringing Alice

Longbottom back to life, Aries couldn't be evil, right?

The thoughts ran through his mind more than he would like to admit,

even as his father sat across from his right now. Thomas wondered if his

father missed Sirius at all. The two had seldom seen one another since

the beginning of the term, and for the first time in years, Sirius had not

spent Christmas at the Potters. He understood that his godfather had his

own family again, something he was more than happy about, but there

was a clear distance forming between the Potters and Sirius.

"Something on your mind, Thomas?" James' voice cut through his mind,

somewhat startling him, and Thomas gave a shake of his head as if to

clear his thoughts.

"Just thinking about Uncle Sirius," Thomas chose to answer honestly.

However, he knew it might end up in a disagreement between them.

"This was the first Christmas he didn't spend here."

"Clearly Sirius chose his priorities differently this year," There was

bitterness in his father's voice that he was not accustomed to hearing, and

it threw Thomas for a loop.

"Dad. . ." His voice trailed off, not sure what to say, as James' eyes had

never left the newspaper in front of him. "I think Uncle Sirius is, well. . .

torn in two." That got his father's attention, as he put down the

newspaper and slowly raised his head to meet Thomas' eyes. "I mean, he

never had any children. You said how that one girl died back in the first

war, and then he lost his brother. All he had was us, you know? Then

Aries came along, son of his brother, and he had a family again. I mean,

he's brought together the whole family for the first time since before the

first war. And I think that he hoped you would be happy for him."

"You think I'm not?"

"I think you care more about Aries' views that anyone." Again, Thomas

could not help honesty. "And I think you can't stand that Uncle Sirius

doesn't care. It's driving you, it's driving us all apart."

"You don't know what you're talking about, Thomas," James rose to his

feet and started to walk away, but a surge of anger caused Thomas to

follow him all the way to his study, where he slammed to door.

"No, you don't know what you're talking about!" The ferocity in his voice

surprised even himself, but he would not stop. "You know how I found

out I was the Heir of Gryffindor? Aries! Do you know who helped me

realize I was worth my than what my friends think? Aries! Do you have

any idea who has helped me become better and stronger? Aries! All you

have done is sit around and mope that your friend has a family again! I

know Sirius wasn't my original godfather. He was Harry's. Did you ever

think he lost something too?! I don't even remember Harry! But ever

since I found out about him, all I've wanted was an older brother. To

have Harry back, and then comes along Aries, who does everything an

older brother should! He looks out for me, lets me know when I'm an

idiot, and he's there for me every time I need him. Unlike you! You're too

busy being a coward to see that someone can be a good person without

agreeing to your stupid views on magic! I-" His next words were stopped

as his vision blurred as he was slapped across the face. Weeks ago, he

would have fallen to the ground from the force of his father's blow, but

after training with Aries, his feet remained planted. Thomas felt the sting

of the strike, but only anger filled his eyes as he glared at his father.

James did not even look ashamed but instead returned his son's glare.

"I forbid you from doing anything with that boy," James commanded.

"You will not talk to him, train with him, or anything. Do I make myself


"Oh, yes," Thomas answered, but he gave a cruel smile. "You've made

yourself perfectly clear, father." He turned on his heels and left the room,

making no move to conceal the red mark beginning to cover his cheek.

James let out a deep breath as he took his place among the top members

of the Order. Albus, Alastor, Arthur, and, to his displeasure, Severus had

eagerly awaited his return from the Wizengamot within the study of

Potter Manor. Adding the responsibility of attending the Wizengamot, as

well as being the proxy for House Weasley, had James feeling far too

stretch when the duties of being a Ministry Auror took up nearly all of his

time. He could feel himself being distanced from Lily, and even more so


"What news, James?" Albus' question brought him out of his rabbit hole

of thoughts, and gratefully took the offered glass of firewhiskey from


"I'm afraid it's worse than we thought," James began, slowly sipping his

drink. "Lord Black as been named Lord Regent of House Longbottom. And

it was the new Lord Longbottom that named him as such."

"Regent?" Arthur gasped out the word. "How is that possible?"

"Neville made his case before the Wizengamot that his place in life

resided far from the walls of the Ministry. Said that once he left

Hogwarts, he had plans to travel and such and did not want to deal with

all the hassles of proxies. That he trusted Lord Black to act in the best

interests of Magical Britain. The Council of the Most Ancient and Most

Noble families voted, approving his request."

"The changing of allegiances was not unexpected," Albus said calmly after

a moment. "Though to this degree. . . It has been done in the past, though

not without an oath of fealty."

"That was my thought as well. Is there something that can be done?"

James rubbed the bridge of his nose in frustration. "This is clearly a quid

pro quo situation."

"Unfortunately, not, as the dealings of the thirteen families are far

beyond the contestation of the Wizengamot. If Lord Longbottom wished

for Lord Black to be Regent, then we know the vote of the Council was

merely a show of protocol." Albus seemed to pause a moment before

meeting James' eyes. "There is a solution that could present itself."

"No," James replied, almost vehemently. "I cannot claim it. It would be a

bigger risk than necessary, and without the aid of the other Heirs, the

votes would mean nothing." The other three in the room glanced

curiously between the two, the meaning of their words passing by

without understanding.

"Then we must begin to focus on the Most Noble houses," Arthur stated

after a moment. "We need to pull votes back towards our party."

"I'm afraid the Wizengamot may be well out of reach. Aries has it in a

vice grip and has managed to grow his party to the majority. The switch

of allegiance for the Longbottoms will only make his grip stronger. We

need to focus on more achievable goals." Dumbledore turned his head

towards James. "Thanks to Rufus, we know they intend to make you

Head Auror. This provides us with an excellent opportunity to place

individuals within the task force that are loyal to the Order."

"Sirius, nor Rufus, would just overlook this, Albus. We have Kingsley and

Tonks, but if I attempt to bring more into the Order, I might see myself in

a cell."

"Can we even trust Tonks?" Moody interrupted hotly. "I trained the girl

and am damn proud of her, but she may as well be a Black now. Not to

mention she's gettin' rather close to Lupin, who's closer to a follower of

Black than anything."

"Alastor has a point, Albus," Severus drawled softly from his almost

forgotten place. "The Dark Lord's continued pursuit of Black is troubling.

Perhaps it is best to cut them off?"

"As I have said before, the Black family is not our enemy."

"How can you say that?" Alastor said, slamming his hand onto the arm of

his chair. "You've spoken your suspicions, Albus, and I will not see them

ignored any longer!"

"Suspicions?" James asked as the group looked towards the Headmaster,

with even Severus seeming curious. "What does he mean?" It was Albus'

turn to rub the bridge of his nose in frustration before he addressed the


"These are, of course, my suspicions, but that does not mean there is any

truth to the matter," Albus began. "It begins with Aries' return to

Hogwarts from the return of Voldemort. I know for a fact that Fawkes

was not the one who returned him, and given that phoenixes are

incredibly rare, it leads me to believe that Aries has a phoenix as a

familiar as well."

"Shouldn't that be a good thing?" Arthur asked. "The phoenix has long

been a symbol of strength and compassion."

"The nature of his phoenix, and how he managed to bond with one, is

still a mystery," Albus admitted with a sigh. "But to continue, Aries

returned to Hogwarts and arrived at the entrance to the fake Moody's

office, where he was attempting to kill Thomas. This adds to my

suspicion that Aries was also aware of the impostor. I'm aware of his

proficiency in Occlumency. Still, it also leads to my suspicion that Aries

is gifted in Legilimency as well, to the point of having passive


"His Occlumency is perhaps as good as mine," the compliment coming

from Severus nearly shocked the group, but he gave them no time to

respond. "It is a simple stretch to believe he is gifted in Legilimency as

well, especially considering the Dark Lord believes the boy to be a master

of the Mind Arts. Which means, of course, that he can hide the truth from

nearly everyone, including the Headmaster and the Dark Lord."

"Indeed, and now we move to the real situation: Cedric Diggory." He

paused for a moment, weighing his words. "It is possible that Cedric died

by Aries' hand." The others nearly erupted in protest, save Severus, but

Albus stopped them with a raise of his hand. "I do not know the entire

reasoning, but we can discuss how I came to this possibility. First, Aries'

return. If Aries had his own Phoenix, then why did he not have them

returned immediately? Rather he willingly dueled Voldemort and

allowed Thomas to escape, seemingly at his own expense. Now, it is after

Thomas' escape that the speculation comes.'

"Why not escape then? A phoenix would allow both Aries and Cedric to

escape alive. Instead, we know they did not return right away, during

which Cedric died. Then there are the orders of Voldemort. Thanks to

Severus, we know that no one is supposed to harm Aries, though spying

on him is encouraged while at the same time. I believe it is possible that

Voldemort and Aries came to some sort of agreement. Though its purpose

and duration are unknown. No doubt, Aries meant for Cedric to escape

with Thomas, leaving him alone to discuss matters with Voldemort, but

when he did not, Aries was forced to eliminate him. Or perhaps the Dark

Lord and his followers did kill Cedric. The reality is that no one but Aries

and Voldemort knows what happened. That being said, when I

questioned him regarding the events, he was evasive and even 'noted' my

suspicion. Whether that was meant as a denial, in fact, or simply to stir

the pot, I do not know. As I said, these are suspicions."

"Except your guesses are hardly wrong, Albus," James said as he

scratched at his stubble. "If you suspect these things, then why not bring

it to Bones?"

"Because Black would deny everything," Severus replied before Albus

could. "And if Black is as gifted in the Mind Arts as we believe, then

Veritaserum would have no effect on him. It's a potion of the mind, and

one who has as much power over their own mind as Black does would

never be under its control. Unless we can break into his mind or force

him to confess, otherwise, there is nothing we can do."

"Then why are you still insistent on inviting him to the Order?" Alastor

demanded. "Regardless, Black is dangerous."

"Which is exactly why we must make him our ally," countered Severus, to

the surprise of all.

"Severus is right. Aries is far too valuable of an ally to allow him

elsewhere. Whether you call them followers or not, he has them within

the Ministry, the Dark Lord forces, and our own." Dumbledore paused for

a moment. "He controls the Wizengamot. We know Sirius, if not Tonks as

well, readily reports to him, and given his close friendship with Draco

Malfoy, it is not a stretch to believe that Lucius and others may support

him as well. Lastly, there is simply the fact that he is, perhaps, the most

powerful wizard alive, besides Voldemort and me. We need him to ally

with us."

"But why?" Arthur asked. "Humbleness aside, Albus, could you not defeat

Him? Not to mention this prophecy. Is Thomas not the Chosen One?"

Albus did not answer for a moment, his struggle to choose his words

visible to the group.

"I have made many mistakes in my life, but the one I regret the most was

my failure to face Grindewald," Sorrow covered Albus' face as he

continued to speak. "Despite this, I did not question my abilities. Even

with all that Grindewald possessed, I was assured of my victory. Rather, I

questioned my own convictions. That is not the same as with Tom. The

reality is that while I have come face to face with him on more than one

occasion, even I am not entirely sure of my ability to defeat him. Aries,

on the other hand, is stronger than any of us were at his age. No doubt in

a few years, he will rival anything that I, Grindewald, and even

Voldemort have come to achieve. I believe that Thomas will be the

downfall of Voldemort, but I do not know if my aid alone will be enough.

If we are to tilt the balance of power and victory to our side, we need


"Then what can we do?" Arthur asked curiously.

"For now, the Aurors are our focus," Albus informed them. "We need to

have as many of our people already on the inside as we can. Even if it is

just your team, James, something is better than nothing. And we

continue to guard the prophecy. Voldemort cannot be allowed to have it.

Severus and I will continue our attempts to bring Aries into the fold, but

as it stands, I will invite him to join the Order at the end of the year. If

there is nothing else, perhaps it would be best to call it a night,

gentlemen." Alastor, Arthur, and Severus all quietly left, but James made

a small motion for Albus to stay. "Is there something you wish to discuss,


"Do you now doubt the prophecy?" James asked, honestly.

"I have never doubted that which fate as made known to us," Albus

answered. "I have long believed that love, the very thing Voldemort does

not understand, but Thomas does, would be his downfall. Still, there is

the matter of victory in battle. I do not know how we will achieve it, but

with Aries, we have a better chance of it being sooner rather than later."

"Do you really not believe you can defeat Voldemort? Even with the

Elder Wand?" Albus gave him a look of surprise for a moment before the

twinkle in his eyes returned.

"I suppose as the last of the Peverell's, you would know of its existence,"

the Headmaster surmised with a chuckle. "Truthfully, I do not know.

Voldemort is perhaps one of the most powerful wizards in the history of


"But how do you know that by allowing Aries to join our side, that by

allowing him to continue his ways that, in doing so, we would simply be

replacing one dark lord with another?" Albus let out another long sigh,

before placing his spectacles on the table before him.

"How much of my past did Charles tell you?" James sat back a moment,

somewhat caught off guard by the question.

"I believe I know enough."

"Then, you know I was not always as I am now. Once I was young and

foolish, I made mistakes. If someone in your place saw a younger version

of myself as you see Aries, then their thoughts would be similar. The

reality is that when you look at Aries, you see another Voldemort. But I

see myself. I see someone struggling with their power and their place in

this world. I saw the same thing in Tom all those years ago, and while I

may have failed with him, I hope not to fail with Aries." James stared at

the fire for a long time before he turned back to Albus.

"And what if you already have?"

The letter was light in his heads, as Aries read over the words again. Its

scrawl was neat, and the bottom was simply signed: The Dark Lord. It

was a simple warning and a reminder of his offer, but he caught the main

message: return Bellatrix or face the consequences. Aries doubted that the

Dark Lord cared for his servant, in fact, he would probably kill her

immediately, but instead, he wished to ascertain the safety of his

Horcrux. It had been moved, of course, to one of the safest places Aries

could think of, and the last place the Dark Lord would look. Still, Aries

had made precautions. Bella remained solely at 12 Grimmauld Place,

under the protection of the Fidelius Charm, and members of the

Praetorian Guard had been stationed there to ensure her security.

He let out a sigh as he stood up to make his way to leave for Platform

Nine and Three Quarters. The slight rustle of cloaks was all that gave

away his disillusioned guards behind him. They usually did not follow

him around so, but as they were heading into London, they refused to

leave his side or to remain visible. Taim did well, Aries thought with a

small laugh.

"Sirius," Aries greeted warmly, choosing to hug his uncle rather than

shake his hand. The action surprised Sirius, but he quickly returned the

gesture. "I'm proud of you, Uncle. I thought we almost lost you for a

while there."

"There are still some things I want to talk about," He could see the

uncertainty in his uncle's eyes but dismissed it.

"You'll understand in time, but we can discuss it this summer," Sirius

returned the smile that Aries gave him after a moment. "Daphne sends

her love and says not to get into too much trouble."

"She's a slow learner apparently," Sirius barked with a laugh, "We Blacks

are always getting into trouble. Be safe, Aries."

"You as well, Uncle." A slight pop twisted him out of 12 Grimmauld Place

and Aries found himself on the platform, standing before the gleaming

red train. The platform had mostly cleared, as the train was meant to

leave shortly. Once he was on the train, Aries moved slowly down the

aisle, looking inside each compartment until he found his friends.

Draco was simply staring out the window, paying the group no mind as

Tracey and Blaise enjoyed a game of Exploding Snap. Daphne was

engrossed in her Transfiguration book but managed to give a quick smile

before returning to her book. Aries sat down next to her before letting his

head fall into her lap. Soft fingers immediately wove themselves into his

hair, massaging the top of his scalp. He was more than content to spend

the rest of the train like this, maybe even get a nap in, but he opened his

eyes as the compartment door opened again. Theo entered and

awkwardly sat near Aries' feet. Draco looked at him suspiciously, but a

quick nod from Aries eased his friend's tension.

"I'm glad to see you finally joined us, Theo," Draco said, extending his

hand. Theo shook it slowly, giving a curt nod much to the confusion of

Tracey and Blaise. Aries noticed Tracey's quick glance, but ignored it,

choosing instead to let sleep take him.

The trip from the Slytherin common room to the Potions classroom was

short, considering both were located in the dungeons of Hogwarts.

Professor Snape had requested the meeting through a simple slipped note

at dinner. However, Aries was sure that the late hour was contributed by

Thomas' new Occlumency lessons. He entered the classroom at Snape's

invitation, and while it was empty, the door to the Potion master's office

was wide open. The smell of tea wafted through the air, as Aries entered

the room.

"Lord Black," Snape greeted as Aries took his seat across from the man.

He noted the use of his title, meaning that this was no simple school


"Severus, a pleasure to be invited to tea," His words were smooth,

portraying no emotion to the double agent of the Dark Lord and Albus


"I trust Black passed on my message?"

"Indeed, he did," Aries answered with a slight nod of his head. "I have

read over the letter, and your warning was rather interesting."

"The Dark Lord is growing tired of your game, my lord," The use of

honorifics was rather interesting to Aries. Perhaps he had finally

considered his offer? "He wants Bellatrix to return, and to twist her back

into the weapon she was."

"He will not make a move so bold, not yet anyway." He sipped at the tea,

having already wandlessly checked it for potions. "What did you think of

his letter?"

"It would be unwise to ignore such an invitation." Snape's face gave

nothing away and his Occlumency was too good for Aries to pick up any

stray thoughts. "Such a refusal would, perhaps, convince the Dark Lord to

rescind his agreement with you. His frustrations are mounting."

"Ah, yes, I have seen his frustrations, and that of his followers."

"Theodore. . ." For once, emotion played across Snape's face, just for a

moment. "How is he?"

"Doing as well as one can, I suppose. His wounds have healed, but one

does not recover well after being harmed so by his own father. He is in

good hands now; I can assure you."

"Lord Nott was displeased that he could not find his son," Aries caught

the warning in Snape's voice. "I would not be surprised if he comes to

collect him in person at the end of the year."

"Lord Nott is of no concern." He let the statement hang in the year, and

this time it was Snape who could not hide his surprise. "I have plans for

Theodore and his father. You need not worry yourself over your student.

I am curious about how Thomas' lesson went."

"The boy surprisingly knows the basics. Regardless, he was unable to

repel my attempts."

"Perhaps that is due to the method you are using."

"It is not entirely up to me." Aries raised his eyebrows at that, setting

down his finished tea. "The Headmaster has requested a more. . .

aggressive approach. He believes that it will help prepare Potter for the

Dark Lord."

"Bollocks," Snape flinched at the sudden ferocity in his voice. "It will only

weaken his mind, not prepare him. Not without prepared defenses. And

you allow this?"

"I do not approve, even with Potter. But I do not believe that proficient

Occlumency is the Headmaster's intent."

"And what is the Headmaster's intent?" Aries stated, observing Snape.

"No doubt you've realized what the Dark Lord is after, yes?" Snape waited

for Aries' confirmation before continuing. "It is the Headmaster's belief

that the Dark Lord will eventually go after his goal personally. But he

will also attempt to kill two birds with one stone, as the muggles say."

"So, the Headmaster is on the same thought path as I." He ran his hand

through his hair, thinking through what to reveal to the Potions master.

"That the Dark Lord will use this 'connection' to draw Potter in. I take it

that he is now aware of it?"

"To a point, though, I do not think he fully understands its implications."

"And you do?"

"Truthfully?" Snape seemed to be pondering his own truth himself. "I find

the entire situation. . . troubling. This 'connection,' as the Headmaster

calls it, defies the boundaries of the Mind Arts as we know them. I find

myself questioning its existence and the reason as to why it exists." Aries

let silence fall between them again. It was clear that the double agent

was beginning to honestly question the Headmaster. He was a man who

liked to know the cards in other's hands before he made his own move,

but for now, he was unsure. There was a chance that Aries could swing

Snape entirely to his side, but it would take carefully wording, and just

the right leverage.

"Tell me, Severus, what do you know of Horcruxes?" The Potion master

paled at the mention of the soul magic, his eyes portraying his own


"How do you know of them?"

"I have never shied away from the Dark Arts, like yourself, however, I did

not discover them out of ambition for my own immortality. It was by

happenstance that I came across one, and in turn, led me down a path to

their discovery, and their importance." Aries rose to his feet, turning his

back to the Potion master, giving him a chance to dissect the information

without fear of repercussion for his emotions. "I have come to discover

that the Dark Lord has created at least three Horcruxes. One has been

destroyed, two are in my possession, and I believe that he has created


"Three? More?" The dread was evident in Snape's voice. "I had suspected

he had created one, but to do so many. His soul must be. . ."

"He has pushed the boundaries of soul magic far beyond any, even Herpo

the Foul, could have dreamed. It is my belief based on what I have seen

that he has entrusted members of his Inner Circle with his Horcruxes.

Bellatrix was given one, Lucius as well, and in a way, my father was

tasked with the protection of one." Aries turned back to Snape, now

paying close attention to his reaction, and reaching out with the slightest

probe of Legilimency. "Did the Dark Lord ever entrust something to you?"

"No," He picked up little save that Snape was telling the truth. "He never

trusted me entirely, only enough to ensure that I kept him informed of

the Headmaster's actions. Bellatrix, Lucius, and Regulus were perhaps the

most devout of his followers. Nott was too. . . temperamental. Perhaps

Barty or one of the Lestrange brothers, but he would've chosen Bellatrix

over them."

"Which confirms my suspicions. If he has created more, then they'll be

somewhere else.'

"Why tell me this?" Snape asked suddenly.

"Have you not figured out?" Aries let incredulity enter his voice. "The

Dark Lord's fragile soul, already split into at least three separate pieces,

went to Godric's Hollow in search of the Potters. The Killing Curse, a

spell that targets only the soul, rebounds. And suddenly, a young boy has

a scar, the ability to speak Parseltongue, and a mysterious connection to

a recently resurrected dark lord."

"Merlin. . . Potter is. . ."

"A Horcrux." Snape's pale face rose to meet his.

"Then, for the Dark Lord to be destroyed, Potter must die."

"It would seem likely," Aries answered somberly. "As far as I know, there

are only two ways to destroy a Horcrux. To destroy its container beyond

repair, using unnatural and unique means, like Basilisk venom, for

instance. Or, to create another Horcrux with the item itself, to push a

piece of your own soul into the container, ripping the other's soul piece

connection to the physical realm away."

"Then perhaps a soul bond-"

"No," Aries interrupted. "That would only tether one soul to another. It

would not remove the Horcrux nor destroy it. Not to mention, what if the

soulbond were to attach itself to both Potter's soul and the soul fragment?

Sure, there is the intent of the ritual, but who knows just how the

Horcrux is attached to Potter."

"That means that Dumbledore has been leading him to slaughter."

"Yes, the beloved leader of the light, has been leading a boy, Lily's son, to

slaughter." Snape's first clenched white at the mention of his love, the

only one that Aries believed the man had ever loved. "It brings a new

light to certain events, no? Quirrell, the Chamber of Secrets? Was Potter

ever meant to survive? Or to prepare for his eventual sacrifice? Perhaps

the Headmaster believes that the Dark Lord must be the one to do it, in

order to destroy the Horcrux."

"It is something that Dumbledore would do." There was evident anger in

Snape's voice, and Aries smirked victoriously.

"You asked the reason I was telling you this?" Aries reminded the man,

the plans formulating in his own mind. "The truth is that there are only

two individuals that match my ability in Legilimency. But of us three,

there is only one who is capable of matching that skill with Occlumency:

you. You can keep this information from the Dark Lord and the

Headmaster, even to your death. But you are also one of the few people

who have reason to want them both dead.' That caught Snape's attention,

as the shock had left his face, replaced by pure curiosity.

"You wish to kill Dumbledore?"

"Do you not?" Aries asked with a smile. "The man who has forced you to

play this dangerous game. To commit atrocities in the name of some

'greater good.' The man who forced the one woman you have ever loved

in abandoning her child to his death. Do you not wish to avenge her?

Whether you see it or not, you are in chains by both the Dark Lord and

the Headmaster. I have the power to free you from those chains. Is that

not what you desire? Freedom? I can help you achieve all that you would

seek. Freedom. Power. Recognition. Vengeance."

There was a drawn-out silence for a time, and Aries wondered if he had

miscalculated before Severus responded at last.

"You're playing a very dangerous game, my Lord." Severus stated with a

bow of his head, adding in the honorific. "It will not be easy to outplay

both Dumbledore and the Dark Lord."

"Leave that to me, my friend. You have done well, keeping me informed

of the Dark Lord's and Albus' doings."

"Relaying information has been a normal task for me of late. It is


"And yet, knowing now what you know of Horcruxes, and the

information you have given me of the Dark Lord and the Headmaster,

such as the more secret Order meetings, places you in far more danger

than you were before. We will need to be careful, so I do not lose my new

follower. Still, there is a task I require of you. One that will test your

loyalty and cement you to our cause."

"What would you have me do, my Lord?" Aries could not help the almost

predatory grin from forming.

"I am aware that due to the Dark Mark, you cannot make an oath of

featly, something I will address in time. But given your new precarious

position, I trust that you will not tell anyone our little secret?" Aries

finished his cup of tea and simply smiled. "You will help me kill Lord

Nott and, in doing so, will set up Albus Dumbledore's downfall."

Sweat was rolling off Thomas as he swung the heavy sword through the

forms. He could feel Aries' eyes follow him with every move and he knew

if he made the slightest mistake, that the older boy would correct him.

This was how their training sessions had gone ever since their return

from Christmas break. Thomas would spend nearly an hour going

through the forms of the sword. Aries would teach him a new spell or

dueling technique, and then they would duel until Thomas wanted to

faint from exhaustion. He had quickly learned than the work was more

than worth it. His stamina, reaction time, and casting had improved

dramatically over the year since they had started, and it was only getting

better. Today, however, seemed to be the opposite.

"Again! Your sword dropped below the intended line." A low growl

escaped Thomas as he pulled the sword back to its starting position and

began anew. He kept going, but his concentration kept slipping, and it

was apparent that Aries was getting frustrated. "Enough! Put away the

sword. You'll do no good with it today. Perhaps a different means of

learning is required. Freshen up and then return. No spell work today."

Thomas sighed in relief as the water hit him, but there was no time to

relax. When he exited the bathroom, he found Aries seated before a table

with an empty chair for him.

"So, what's the plan now?"

"To talk," Aries said simply. "Your concentration clearly isn't here, so I

won't waste my time with practice." The comment stung, but Thomas

tried his best to push it out of his mind.

"Yeah, sorry," Thomas said, rather lamely. "These lessons with Snape have

been. . . exhausting. But thanks to your help, it's getting better. I never

realized how much of what you taught me was the basics of


"The ability to control one's mind and emotions is critical to succeeding

at Occlumency. It is also how one tends to bring out the best in

themselves, regardless of their preferred choice. You'll find that those

who are considered the top of their craft tend to be proficient at

Occlumency. But that cannot be the entire reason for your lack of focus."

"I guess, I'm still having issues with dad," Aries could see that it was

difficult for Thomas to admit that. "And then there's everything with

Neville. I mean, he seems so much happier now that his mom his back,

but no one seems to care about that. My dad and everyone only care

about whatever he did at the Wizengamot."

"I'm not entirely surprised. Even I had not expected for the new Lord

Longbottom to make such a declaration of allegiance."

"I don't even get why it's back deal. But I guess I don't really know

anything about the Wizengamot anyway."

"You. . ." Aries could not even finish the sentence as he sat in shock for a

moment. "Are you telling that Lord Potter has told you nothing of how

the Wizengamot works?"

"No," Thomas answered sheepishly. "I mean, he probably tried, but I was

more interested in Quidditch or something, I guess."

"It seems that will be out lesson today." He sat back for a moment,

wondering just where to begin. "When Hogwarts was founded, there was

no Magical Britain. It was after Merlin walked through its Halls as a

young Slytherin that he realized there was a need for the magical people

to govern himself. After the fall of Mordred and Morgana, Merlin brought

together the thirteen great magical families of Britain, those whom you

know as the Most Ancient and Most Noble Houses."

"Wait, the Potters were around when Merlin was?"

"Yes, and no. The Peverells were around when Merlin was, however

when the last of the Peverells were married off to a Potter, it was his

decision that their children take the name Potter. As such, the Peverell

named died out, but the Potters assumed all their rights and titles, such

as being one of the thirteen Most Ancient and Most Noble families. Now

what Merlin did was created the Wizard's Council consisting of the

thirteen families, the four founders of Hogwarts, and himself. They ruled

Magical Britain for centuries until 1707, though with some changes.'

"The first would be the addition of what you now know as the Ancient

and Most Noble families. These fifteen families were added to the

Wizard's Council as a lesser position. It should be no surprise to you that

the council now encompassed what is known as the Sacred Twenty-Eight.

These families ranged from the wealthiest and powerful, like the Malfoys,

to the lowest and poorest, like the Weasleys."

"So, what about the Prewitts?" Thomas interrupted again. "Mrs. Weasley

was a Prewitt. So, shouldn't Bill be able to be a Prewitt?"

"Ah, that's a different issue. You see, should a single heir be born of more

than one line, he would have to have more than one child to continue the

line. Therefore, it is Charlie who could become a Prewitt. No one wizard

may hold lineage over two bloodlines. Now, in 1707, when the Ministry

of Magic was officially created, the Wizard's Council was disbanded and

reformed into the Wizengamot. Sixteen noble families were added, now

known as the Most Noble families. The remaining families of magical

nobility were simply known as the Noble families, whose rights still

exceeded those of the common wizard, but incredibly paled in

comparison to those of the Most Ancient and Most Noble families. Lastly,

the Minister of Magic and his cabinet, meaning the heads of each

Ministry department, were added, equaling what we know as the

Wizengamot today."

"Now that you know how the Wizengamot was formed, it's important to

know how it works." Aries took a moment for Thomas to process it all

before he continued. "In order to maintain their power, and the heirs of

the founders and Merlin, the original thirteen families implemented a

voting system. The Most Ancient and Most Noble families would receive

five votes, the Ancient and Most Noble families three votes, and the Most

Nobles and members of Ministerial cabinet were given one vote, save for

the Minster of Magic himself who would receive three votes. The Chief

Warlock would be the only one without a vote, save in the event of a tie.'

"The Minster of Magic would be chosen by the Wizengamot, and then he

would select his cabinet. Often times, those individuals remained from

the prior administration, whether due to their body of work or approval

from the Wizengamot."

"If the Minster chooses the cabinet, then why would their approval


"That is actually rather simple," Aries said with a smile, glad to see that

Thomas was asking the right questions. "There is only one body that can

have the Minster removed, that being the same group that chose him: the

Wizengamot. Take the current situation with Amelia Bones. She is

consistently at odds with Fudge, and he has yet to remove her. This is

because Amelia has the backing of the Wizengamot, and Fudge knows

that if he were to replace her, the party in the majority would have him


"And the party in the majority is yours."

"Indeed, it is," Aries said. "The current Wizengamot consists of one

hundred and nine votes, due to certain families either being stripped of

their original titles by the Council or being incarcerated in Azkaban. The

Wizengamot is made up of three parties: the Darks, the Lights, and the

Greys. As it stands, the Greys have fifty-six votes, giving us a majority

over the Light and Dark parties, while the Light has fifteen and the Dark

has thirty-eight.'

"These three parties were created during the addition of the Ancient and

Most Nobles Houses to the Wizard's Council. The original thirteen

debated heatedly regarding their addition, with it nearly being split in

half. That divide came from the fact that some wished to ensure that they

maintained true power in the government while the other half wished for

them all to have equal footing. The two sides became known as the Darks

and the Lights, most notably because of the two sides' use of the Dark

Arts. It was what became known as the Greys who formed the

compromise, giving the first thirteen more rights, power, and votes than

all those who would join the Wizard's Council later on."

"What about the heirs? And Merlin himself?"

"As far as?"

"Well, they were originally on the Wizard's Council," Thomas said, slowly

forming his own question. "We still think being an heir to the founder is a

big deal now, so surely they thought so as well."

"Ah, I see." Aries paused a moment before continuing. "Here is where we

come to the exception to the rule of being able to rule over two lineages.

This is because the founders were not magical families of prominence.

Rather, the four were immensely powerful wizards who rose to power.

There is a reason why no one has their surname. You, as the Heir of

Gryffindor, could claim that title. But your official title would be High

Lord Gryffindor, Lord of the Most Ancient and Most Noble House of

Potter. The heirs of the founders, and of Merlin should one ever be found,

still have a place in the Wizengamot. They are known as the High Lords

of Magical Britain, and each possesses ten votes for a total of fifty.

Knowing now that the Dark Lord was the Heir of Slytherin, I'm surprised

that he never assumed his position within the Wizengamot when he

reached fifteen." Aries fell into his own pool of thought but was drawn

out by the sudden troubled look on Thomas' face. "Something confuses

you, Potter?"

"You said was."

"I'm sorry?" Aries asked in confusion.

"You said Voldemort was the Heir of Slytherin," Thomas said as he looked

curiously at Aries. "Wouldn't he still be the Heir?"

"Yes, yes, he would," he said rather quickly. "I must have misspoken." He

had hoped that would deter the sudden curiosity of Potter, but it seemed

to only encourage it.

"You never misspeak." Aries was, for the first time, somewhat unsure of

what to do. Thomas's sudden confidence that there was a meaning behind

his words was surprising, but not something he could not slither his way

out of. But perhaps now was the time to tell Thomas the truth. It had

been his intention after all, and he had every meaning to assume his own

place in the Wizengamot has Lord Slytherin.

"Indeed, I do not," Aries answered finally. "In fact, I am the Heir of


"Um. . . . What?!" It was clear that Thomas had not been expecting that as

he struggled to form a full sentence. "How is that even possible?!"

"Truthfully, I do not know. Years ago, I felt called to the Chamber of

Secrets, where I learned from the Basilisk herself that I was the Heir. The

magic of herself and the Chamber recognized me as such. In fact, I am

the reason there was no Basilisk when you went to the Chamber to save

Ginny Weasley."


"Yes, I had heard the stories of the Chamber of Secrets being reopened

and the petrification of students," Aries explained, the weight of the

dagger against his forearm suddenly becoming heavier. "So, I waited until

nightfall and came to Britain where I took the Basilisk somewhere she

could no longer be used."

"Well, thanks for that," Thomas said with a shocked laugh. "The Heir of

Slytherin, friends with the Heir of Gryffindor."

"And Smith is the Heir of Hufflepuff," Aries provided. "Though very few

know that. Long ago, the four heirs agreed to keep their bloodlines

secret, in order to preserve them and so they would no longer be hunted.

This is the reason the four seats of the High Lords remain vacant. No vow

was taken, but until now, there has never been any heir powerful enough

to reclaim their seat and fend off those who would attempt to destroy


"So, you mean to reclaim the seat then?" Thomas asked curiously. "Why?

Don't you already have the majority?"

"It is my hope, Thomas, that one day, we both can claim our places as

High Lords of Magical Britain," Aries stated passionately. "That way, after

the fall of the Dark Lord, we can shape our country into a place where

those like Him can never again rise to power."

"You want me to help you?" There was confusion there as if Thomas can

never possibly understand why someone like Aries would want his help.

"Remember what I told you once? That 'I believe that those of us, with

the power and ability to do so, have a certain responsibility to the

magical world.' We have the power to change this world for the better.

It's my hope that you will help me to do so." He could see the wheels

turning in Potter's head. The need for approval during so much conflict

with his father shown out among the boy. "I think that's enough for

today. Think about what I've said, Thomas, and when you're ready to

help me change the world, I'll be here."

Aries strode slowly through the hall, replaying his conversation with

Potter over and over in his mind. He had never intended to reveal his

lineage so soon, but he hoped his gamble would pay off, and bring his

would-be apprentice fully to his side. Potter would never be able to

stomach the true things that Aries would have to do, but he did not need

the warrior Potter. He was the Boy-Who-Lived, a symbol, the Heir of

Gryffindor, and the heir to a Most Ancient and Most Noble House. All he

needed was the Potter's allegiance. But as long as James Potter survived,

there would always be a wedge between them.

It had been a desire of his to drive a wedge between young Potter and his

father. Still, the reality was that the current separation was entirely out

of Aries' hands. His thoughts came back to the locket and the cup, then to

the very fragment of the Dark Lord's soul that resided in Potter. Could the

Horcrux, which had created a connection between Potter and the Dark

Lord, be affecting those around in the same way the locket did to those

who wore it? It would make sense logically, given the reactions that

those closest to Potter tended to have, such as his own father and his best

friend, Ron Weasley.

"Um, Aries?" He turned around, finding a familiar-looking girl walking

towards him. He slipped into her mind slowly, feeling her anxiousness as

he pulled her name into his own.

"Miss Edgecombe," Aries greeted with a charming, yet reassuring smile.

"How can I help you?" The anxiousness he had felt in her mind was

evident on her face as she wrung her hands.

"I'm not sure if you know my mum, but she really supports what you're

doing in the Ministry, and um. . ." Marietta took a deep breath, trying to

calm herself. "She said if I ever needed anything or was in trouble with

Madam Umbridge to come to you, and you'd help."

"How can I help you?"

"You see, my mum works with the Floo Network. She's told me that she's

been helping Madam Umbridge monitor the Floo, and I joined the D.A. to

help my grades, but I'm terrified, Aries. I'm worried if Madam Umbridge

finds out about me that they'll fire my mum. I don't know what to do, just

please help me. I think we should tell Umbridge." Aries was silent for a

moment as he pondered what to do. It seemed that some of his plans

would have to be moved forward, as there was no way the girl would go

without confessing for much longer.

"You were right to come to me," Aries said slowly. "I can help you and

ensure that your mother will face no backlash at the Ministry. I will need

a few things from you, of course." She nodded slowly, accepting his

terms. "First, you can tell no one of the D.A. Secondly, I will need

Granger's list, the one with all of our names. At the next meeting, I need

you to steal it. And lastly, I need you to trust me. Okay?" She nodded

again, her relief evident. "Don't come to me again until you have the list.

Trust me, this will all be over soon." He sighed in frustration as Marietta

walked away before he pulled out his mirror. "Remus Lupin."

"Yes, my Lord?" Remus asked as his face appeared before him.

"Things have escalated, and we will have to move sooner than expected,"

Aries informed him. "Prepare Sirius for his role. It's time to let Fudge in

on Dumbledore's Army."

29. Wizard's Chess

AN: I actually feel like I stayed on schedule this month! I had been

putting together bits and pieces of this, but finally got it all together

last night. All in all, as always, I hope you enjoy this chapter, and if

you don't, whatever floats your boat y'all.

Bellatrix could not help the smile that formed on her face as she exited

the floo. The feeling of her wand in her own hand seemed to invigorate

her every time she held it. So many years without magic inside the

fortress of Azkaban had left her with a new appreciation for the gift.

Simple charms and spells that before had been said with little thought

were now nearly cherished. Still, she had begun to grow restless, and so

Aries had surprised her further: the Legion. And more importantly

Commandant Taim. He was a harsh man, one who saw the training of the

Legion as his life's ultimate work. A true magical army formed by his own

hand for one who would reshape the world. There was a reverence that

Taim held for Aries Black that somewhat reminded her of the reverence

she once held for the Dark Lord and now held for her cousin as well.

When Aries had introduced them, Taim had seen her as the true

challenge for his forces, and so day by day she spent among the Legion,

testing their abilities to react to the very tactics she had helped the Dark

Lord create.

"One would hope you would not brandish your wand so careless, Bella,"

the stern voice of Cassiopeia chided.

"If our Lord did not wish for me to have it, he would not have given it to

me," Bella replied in a sing-song voice. "And where are my dear sisters?"

"Narcissa continues overseeing her assignment. I have been assured all

will be ready by the summer solstice." Cassi did not even look up from

her little black book as she answered. "And Andromeda was helping at

the Conservation. Director Lupin has requested more Wolfsbane. It seems

another pack has been added to the fray."

"And so, the Legion will grow as well?" A curt nod was her only answer

and Bella smiled. She wondered what would have happened if the Dark

Lord had acted as Aries had. There had been several Lycans that had

joined the Dark Lord in the first war, but it seemed to pale to those who

now joined their cause so readily eager to fight for their right to a normal

life. "How much longer?"

"Until the true fight begins?" Cassiopeia asked thoughtfully. "Not for some

time. I believe Aries has begun to put together a plan to deal with

Dumbledore if his actions recently have anything to say. But even then, I

am not sure. The Dark Lord will be difficult to defeat. Aries has pushed

farther than I hoped he would, but he does not heed my warnings.

Dumbledore will be easier to defeat than the Dark Lord, but he must be

careful, or else the power base he has built will crumble." Bellatrix

allowed her words to sink in. It surprised her that Cassiopeia was so

cautious. She had seen the memories of the Tri-Wizard Tournament, even

of events of the Graveyard. It was clear to her that Aries had the

potential to rival the Dark Lord one day, if not already. But what if he did

not? What if he never rivaled the Dark Lord in time? "That being said, I

am far more interested in you, Bellatrix." Cassiopeia's words brought her

out of her musings as she sent a questioning glance towards her.

"What do you mean?"

"Rudolphus." The name triggered anger within her. Pain. Hatred. The love

that she had once felt was twisted within her. Flashes of him standing

there as the Dark Lord tortured her. His emotionless face as their

kidnapped nurses and doctors told her there was nothing they could do

for her unborn children. "What will you do when you face him?"

"I will kill him." Her words rasped against her throat as tears threatened to

fall. The pain was nearly unbearable. Bella had thought herself over such

fooless emotions, but they rolled over her like a tidal wave.

"And what happens when he professes his love?" Bella wanted to scoff at

the idea. Love? He had never professed anything near love. Infatuation.

Lust. Pleasure. But never love. But what if he did? She wasn't given a

chance to answer, as suddenly Sirius burst from the floo in a flash of

green fire, his wand at the ready and a fire in his eyes. He strode towards

her, the tip of his wand flashing a sickly green color.

"Did you do it?!" The viciousness in his voice sounded so foreign to her

that she failed to respond, her eyes stuck in the flash of green.

"What is the meaning of this?" Cassiopeia demanded as she rose to her

feet. "Sirius?"

"Look at me, Bella!" Her eyes snapped to his, her own fire coming back to

her as she gripped her wand tightly. "Did you help them escape


"What are you talking about?" Bella asked, a sudden fear creeping into

her stomach.

"I know you were gone today." Sirius rambled on. "I know you left. Did

you go to Azkaban and help the Death Eaters escape?!"

"I was with Taim," she replied quickly. "All day. Go. Ask." Sirius did not

say anything right away, but after a moment he slowly lowered his wand

before collapsing into the armchair next to the fire.

"They all escaped." He said at last. "Every last of one them. And they

slaughtered every guard and Auror stationed there. I had to make sure. I


"To make sure I didn't betray you," Bella finished softly. "Never again,

Sirius. I promised you. I promised our Lord."

"I know," Sirius ran a hand over his voice, looking exhausted. "Voldemort

has his Inner Circle back. Well, most of them."

"And soon Aries will have his." Cassiopeia declared. "We will need to

move quickly to ensure our assets are protected." She turned to Bella


"I will inform Commandant Taim," Bella said with a small smile. "It's time

the Legion was able to give a glimpse of its strength."

If anything was certain to Sirius, it was that a lot could change in twenty-

four hours. To a certain extent, nothing had actually changed, but rather

the makings of Aries' plan was now revealed. Black-robed and armored

witches and wizards strode the halls, following prominent members of

the Ministry of Magic as they hustled and bustled through their workday.

No one seemed to question them, nor the obvious Black Coat of Arms

that graced their cloaks. Technically there was a rule against standing

magical armies. It was one of the many reasons that the Dark Lord first

war had been so successful. But what no one had seemed to notice was

the simple addition to a bill following an attack of Diagon Alley the past

summer. And why would they? Aries had so aggressively called for action

to support the DMLE, that few ever read it. Even if they had, Sirius knew

they would not have seen the small section simply stating that should a

situation arise that threatened the wellbeing of the Ministry of Magic,

like a mass breakout from Azkaban, a private security force could be

established by the author of the bill to protect the vital members of their

society. Not that anyone cared or checked. There had been a mass

breakout of Azkaban after all.

Sirius, despite being the Assistant Head Auror, was not excluded from the

protection list that Aries had put together either. Being that he was a

Black, however, meant that rather than normal members of the Legion

following him, he was graced with the presence of the Praetorians, which

did draw some attention. It did bring a smile to his face to think of Andi

telling off the two poor Praetorians whose job it was to follow her around

Saint Mungos. Despite his weavings through the crowded Atrium, his two

guards followed him faithfully, showing no signs of frustration from his

clear attempts to allude them. His mind cleared, however, when he, at

last, saw his goal: Marlene.

She was still as beautiful now as she had been back at Hogwarts and had

been like a ray of sunshine in the moral storm that berated him at times.

Aries had brought both good and bad into his life, but Marlene had made

it all worth it. He felt relieved every time he saw her smile at him,

instead of the anger he had expected from his nightmares all these years.

"Hey Padfoot," a grin growing as she greeted him. "Fancy meeting you


"I'm still surprised they let me in," Sirius answered with a laugh. He

extended his arm to her and the quiet pop apparition twisted them away.

London greeted them, as did the almost silent pops of the Praetorians

apparition, whose armor, much like Sirius' robes, had changed into

muggle suits. To Sirius, they seemed to look like the Secret Service out of

American movies.

"How do they always seem to know?" Marlene whispered with a giggle.

"I have no bloody clue and Aries won't tell me!" His words came out like

a growl, which only caused her to laugh louder. They enjoyed their

leisurely stroll until they came at last to their favorite restaurant. It was a

simple place, overlooking a busy street next to a river.

"I don't have as much time today," Sirius looked up sharply at the slight

frown in Marlene's voice. "I have a job this afternoon."

"You still haven't told me what exactly it is that you do," His own frown

deepened as her eyes avoided his for a moment. "Another thing that Aries

won't tell me." She was quiet for a moment before a long sigh escaped


"Let's just say I deal in information," Marlene said slowly as if trying to

put her thoughts into words carefully. "If Aries, or Cassiopeia, want

something found out, that her little black book doesn't have, then I go get


"Wait a second," Sirius almost choked on his words. "You don't. . . You

don't. . ." Marlene's eyes widened for a second before she venomously

shook her head.

"No! Oh Sirius, of course not." Her words came out quick, trying to soothe

Sirius' sudden worry. "I would never stoop so low as that. No, I just. . .

Make sure I'm not seen I guess."

"So . . . You just hide in a bush and listen to people?" She left out a shaky


"Something like that."

"And is that all you do?" Again, her eyes shifted away from his for a

second. But was it shame he had seen for just a moment? Or anger?

"I can't tell you everything, Sirius."

"Why not?"

"The simple answer is that Aries has forbidden it," Marlene answered, a

firmness in her voice that caught him off guard. "Like many of us, I am

tied to him in ways that some will never know. And the complex answer

is that even if I could, I'm not sure I would want to. I don't want you to

think any less of me." Sirius pondered that for a moment. So, it was

shame. If she wasn't prostituting herself, then what could she possibly

have to be ashamed of?


"Sirius," she caught him off before he can continue. "I waited so long to

come back. To see you again. To have what we have now. You might not

understand, but I'm not ready to risk telling you everything in the chance

that I will lose all this again. I've been to rock bottom, and Aries and

Cassi got me out of it. They owed me nothing, and in return for my work,

they have given me everything." Another sigh escaped her and for a

moment, Sirius was reminded of how tired he had felt just last night after

the breakout. "For as long as we can, before this war breaks out, I want to

enjoy life. I want to enjoy us." She reached out and took his hand, giving

him a weak smile. "Please?" Sirius gave her hand a reassuring squeeze

and pushed his doubts from his mind.

He focused on enjoying his food, the way the sun seemed to shine on her

beautiful hair, the sound of her laughter. So, he didn't see her pull her

wand from her sleeve. He didn't see her silently whisper the Imperious

curse. He didn't see the way the eyes of the girl two rows over seem to

glaze over. And after he had given Marlene a kiss goodbye before he left,

he didn't see her follow the girl into the ally nearly ten minutes away.

Which means, he did not see the flash of green that left Marlene's wand,

ending the girl's life.

He wasn't sure why there a feeling of unease in his stomach. Was it

because he was the first to arrive at the Room of Requirement? Aries was

always first with obvious signs that he had been there for a while doing

some sort of training. Was it because it was ten minutes past their start

time? Others had started to notice that Aries was missing, and he was

never late. Or was it because none of the Slytherins were there. He could

feel Susan's suspicious glance at him, and the scrunched-up face of

Hermione meant she was going through their day, wondering if at some

point she had seen or heard that their missing members had gotten

detention. But Aries never had detention. Thomas tried to push down his

worry, as he turned to face the group, but it was clear that he wasn't the

only one worried.


Thomas turned with his wand already out, falling into his dueling stance.


Many of Dumbledore's Army brandished their wands as well, but just as

many seemed eager to disappear through an exit, but none appeared.

Thomas felt the room leave his control, as if someone with more

willpower had arrived. And suddenly, Thomas knew what was



The room changed. Its stone walls hardened into steel, becoming far more

like the walls of a prison than that of a castle. The great doors opened

revealing a sight that caused his heart to fall into his stomach. Dolores

Umbridge stood before them, a sadistic smile painted across her face, as

Aries Black and the rest of Slytherins stood by.

"I would suggest lowering your wands children," the sickly-sweet voice of

Umbridge grated at his eyes, as anger started to rise. "Or it won't just be

Potter and Granger that are getting expelled. Return to your dormitories,

I have all of your names right here." He hadn't thought the night could get

any worse, until he saw what was in Umbridge's hand: a list that clearly

said Dumbledore's Army and all of their names. "Potter, Granger, if you


The two followed her, a sense of defeat and anger filling their minds, as

the Slytherins surrounded them. Umbridge was talking gleefully to Black,

he could no longer stand to say his other name, though the older boy

seemed rather non-committal to their conversation. He never looked back

at Thomas, something he was glad for. He didn't think he could stop

himself from lunging and trying to beat in the older boy's face. Anger,

one that he did not even notice felt foreign, was rising in him again. A

need to lash out was becoming unescapable. But before he could act on

the sudden impulse, they had arrived at their destination: the

Headmaster's office.

"Ah, Dolores, are you aware that you have students out of bed?"

Dumbledore asked innocently. He could see the pink anger rise in

Umbridge's cheeks.

"I'm afraid the game is up, Dumbledore," Clear victory rang in her voice,

but Thomas could suddenly only stare at Aries. The older boy was

looking at him now, studying him with a look no different than if

Thomas was practicing another form or spell. "Minister!" His gaze was

drawn from his former friend when Cornelius Fudge, followed by a few

Aurors that Thomas recognized, most importantly his father and

godfather. James went to immediately begin shouting, but a strong grip

on his arm from Sirius and a stern look from the man that Thomas

recognized as Head Auror Scrimgeour, stopped him.

"Is it true?" Fudge asked, a giddiness covering his words.

"Oh, yes indeed it is, Minister," Dolores answered, handing Fudge the list.

"They're guilty I say! Potter should be expelled this instant!"

"Now, Madam Umbridge, that does seem rather extreme," Black's first

words were smooth, almost slippery to Thomas' ears, and caused a chill

to run up his spine. "While Potter and Granger may have been explicit to

this crime, I do not believe the fault lies with them. If I may, Minister?"

"Of course, Lord Black," Fudge was so focused on Black that he didn't see

the outright glare Umbridge was now sending the boy.

"It is a rather simple tale," Black began as he clasped his hands before

him. "Months ago, I was approached to help some of the students

struggling with the new curriculum in Defense Against the Dark Arts. At

first, I was disinclined to acquiesce to their request, but Miss Greengrass

assured me that it was my duty to help the future of our world perform at

their best while here at Hogwarts." Fudge nodded at that, hanging on

Black's every word. "So, I agreed and attended their meeting in

Hogsmeade to discuss a schedule. Shortly after, Madam Umbridge

disbanded all teams and groups. It was an odd coincidence, I thought, but

pushed it aside, and Potter did not approach me again in regard to the


"I continued on with my own studies but was recently approached by a

fellow student who had attended the Hogsmeade meeting. You see, she

was rather worried about something she was involved in. I will not say

her name, but her mother does work in the Ministry of Magic, so clearly,

she worried for her mother's career. She told me that this group was

going to start meeting up, but that the Slytherins were no longer invited.

Apparently, it was feared we would tattle tale." Black paused for a

moment, before his eyes fell of Thomas. "I did not believe her when she

said that Potter was forming an anti-Ministry group here at Hogwarts. So,

I did my own sort of investigation."

"Why did you not inform me?" Umbridge interrupted aggressively. "Or

any proper Ministry official?"

"As Lord Black, I am properly entitled to investigate and handle any issue

dealing with a Most Ancient and Most Noble Family. I feared that Heir

Potter was being used. And I was right." Black pointed towards the list

rather fiercely. "That says Dumbledore's Army. Not Potter's."

"Well, Dumbledore?" Fudge asked, turning towards the Headmaster.

"What do you have to say for yourself?"

"I think you have figured it out quite well yourself, Minister." There was a

calmness in Dumbledore's voice that seemed out of place to Thomas, and

the twinkle had yet to leave his eyes.

"So, you admit it then?! You recruited students and tried to turn them

against the Ministry of Magic?! This is treason! Aurors! Arrest him!" If not

for all of Thomas' lessons with Black, he would have missed it. The slight

hesitation of the Aurors, whom Thomas now realized were coincidently

nearly all Order members, and the almost unnoticeable nod of

Dumbledore. Fawkes cawed softly in the background.

"I see you believe that I intend to. . . what is the phrase? Go quietly?"

Dumbledore stated, rising out of his chair, causing Fudge and Umbridge

to shrink back. "Oh, I have no intention of going to Azkaban tonight." The

Aurors moved, fast enough to be believable, but a sudden flash of magic

caused Thomas to clamp his eyes shut. A quiet scene greeted him as his

eyes slowly opened. Fudge, Umbridge, and Scrimgeour were stunned on

the ground, while the two Blacks and his father stood unharmed.

"What the bloody hell have you done?!" James yelled, his frustration at

last being unbearable to contain as he pointed a finger angerly at the

younger Black.

"He made his move, James," Dumbledore answered calmly, his eyes only

on Black who returned his gaze unflinchingly. "I trust you will take care

of the students."

"Haven't I always?" Black responded dryly. "I trust you will not go too far.

This round is coming to an end."

"Indeed." The others stared bewildered between the two wizards, their

words passing by without comprehension. "When the time comes, I will

be there." Then Fawkes landed on his shoulder and with a flash of red

flame, Dumbledore was gone. They stood there for a moment, no one

sure what to do, until Sirius began to wake the stunned officials.

"He's gone!" Fudge cried.

"Capturing him was always a long shot, Minister," Scrimgeour said sourly,

though he glanced suspiciously at Lord Black, who answered his look

with a raised eyebrow. "I guess the question remains is what to do now

that Dumbledore is gone."

"Well, Madam Umbridge will take over as Headmistress," Thomas barely

concealed the groan that was rising in him. "Yes, that will do. Now, I

think that's enough excitement for one night."

"What about Potter and Granger?!" Umbridge nearly screamed. "They

committed treason!"

"Ah, yes," The Minster said tiredly. "I had nearly forgotten."

"As I said before, Minister," Black interrupted before Umbridge could

speak. "Expulsion is rather extreme. After all, if some of our more

esteemed members of the Wizengamot could fall prey to the Imperious

Curse of the Dark Lord, then surely a few school children could be

deceived by someone as wise and cunning as Dumbledore?" Brilliant.

Thomas couldn't help himself. It was bloody brilliant and the anger on

Umbridge face told the story.

"Yes, yes, you're right. No expulsion. These poor children." Fudge

muttered incoherently for a moment, before turning to his father. "James,

I am sorry for what Albus did to your children. Terrible. Just, terrible.

Now, let's call this a night, and be rid of it. Just terrible."

"I'm afraid I wasn't finished, Cornelius." The sudden disappearance of the

Minister's honorific, and ice in his voice, caused the Fudge to turn quickly

back to Lord Black, a sheepish look covering his face. "When we spoke of

Headmistress Umbridge's appointment this summer, it was to ensure that

such a thing as this would not happen. While there were many

improvements made, it is clear that these educational decrees of hers

were not. . . effective. Given the fact that this anti-Ministry organization

was still formed I believe these decrees are no longer necessary.

Especially given Dumbledore's removal."

"Yes, I suppose you are right," The thoughtfulness of the Minister's voice

made Thomas believe he had to be hearing things.

"And given the Headmistress duties, it is clear that she will not have time

to continue teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts. But that is no matter,

given the curriculum. I believe a simple study hall with their Heads of

House will do nicely. They simply just need to read the textbooks, after

all. Which reminds me, a Headmistress does not run detentions. So, it

only makes sense that the Heads of House resume their normal duties.

Headmistress Umbridge will need all the time she can get to rewrite the

curriculum for the next school year, after all."

Yes, Thomas had to be dreaming. There was no way. Even as the Minster

nodded his agreement and Umbridge's face turned far pinker than her

jumper, Thomas could not believe what he was hearing.

"You are, of course, right, Lord Black," Fudge turned to Umbridge, a look

of authority about him. "Remove the decrees and make it so,

Headmistress. Perhaps those Slytherins we spoke of could help you. Now,

if that is, at last, all there is?" The Minister did not even bother to hide

his sigh of exhaustion before he quickly escaped through the floo. His

father hugged him quickly, whispering a few words of encouragement

that he barely heard, before he followed the Minister. Sirius had done the

same with Black before he too left. The last thing Thomas saw as slowly

left the office with Hermione, still shocked to the core, was a look of

victory of Black's face that made it clear, that despite everything,

Umbridge had lost, and he had won.

It was an odd sight that greeted him the next morning as Professor

McGonagall summoned them all down to the common room before

breakfast. Everyone in Gryffindor had already known all that their Head

of House informed them, thanks their intensive interrogation of him the

night before. Thomas had, of course, left out the incident with

Dumbledore, but had gleefully told them all that had transpired before

and after. It left them all with a rather confused feeling. Aries Black had

sold them out to Umbridge, but in doing so had neatly locked her in a

cage. Dumbledore's words had come back to him: He made his move,

James. The former Headmaster had acted like he expected it all happen

exactly as it did. Aries, no, Black, had made his move. Now it was

Dumbledore's. Or was it Voldemort's?It was all chess like he had been

told months ago.

He and Hermione lagged behind everyone, though everyone seemed to

be lagging on their way to the Great Hall. A small smile formed as he saw

Susan. After the night prior, he had just wanted to be wrapped up in her

arms and rest. But immediately, Thomas tensed and noticed a few things

out of place. First was that Susan was suddenly walking towards him

rather quickly. Second was that her fists were clenched so tight that her

knuckles were white. And third was that, instead of joy or relief on her

face, she had a look of anger that rivaled Umbridge's from the night


Pain seared through his cheek as she slapped, the sound echoing in the


"I told you!" Susan nearly yelled before seeming to gain some composure.

"I told you and you refused to listen. He sold us out! You wouldn't listen to

Ron. You ignored Hermione. You pretty much said that everyone's

concern was bloody bollocks. And you didn't believe your fucking

girlfriend. Well, I told you so! I've had enough. We are through." Her last

words, sounding more like an angry hiss than words, struck him harder

than her slap. She left him there, standing alone, and he could not help

but notice that when he sat next to Hermione in the Great Hall, that there

was no one else sitting anywhere near them.

There was a saying that 'clothes make the man,' yet it could not be truer

than now. Aries had always seemed welcoming during his time in

Hogwarts, seeming to appear no more than simply another student at

times. Paying attention to others, especially Aries Black, was something

that Theodore Nott had been ordered to do, after all. Yet, as he stood next

to him in the third-floor girl's lavatory, it was clear that Black was not

just a student. Despite the simple black robes, the other boy looked regal

with an air of authority about him that seemed to just scream power.

An odd sounding hiss, one that Theo quickly noted came from Aries

himself, caused the sink before him to simply change. Now a pathway

had formed, and stairs rose to meet them. Aries said nothing, as if words

were a waste of his time and he just expected obedience. So, Theo

followed, all the while questioning what was to become of him. Aries had

given him no instruction in the Slytherin Common Room, save to come

along. They exited the long pathway into a wide chamber, a large face

carved into the far wall that every member of his Hogwarts House would


"Salazar Slytherin," Theo said, barely a whisper, coming to a stop.

"Indeed, it is. This is the Chamber of Secrets, the great work of my

ancestor." Shock coursed through him. Could it be? Not only did he stand

in one of the greatest wonders of the Founders, the Heir himself had

brought him here? "This has been my base of operations during my time

here at Hogwarts. Salazar had enough foresight to ensure that the wards

here act independently of those that surround Hogwarts, yet they are just

as powerful. It has allowed me to come and go as I please, as well as

meet those whom I wish. As the Heir of Slytherin, the wards answer to

me, and to me alone." Aries continued forward and he rushed to follow,

the weight of his words crashing down on him.

He was led to a small study and his eyes widen when he saw the portrait

of Salazar Slytherin himself. For a moment he had hoped that it would

move, and the great founder would begin speaking, but much to his

disappointment, the portrait remained still. It was then that he noticed

they were not alone. Long, brown hair framed the round face of the

woman and the bright, chocolate-colored eyes seemed to draw him in,

but Theo tensed warily. There something off about her. She did not stand,

but rather moved quickly to kneel before Aries.

"My Lord," The reverence in the voice of a woman clearly twice Aries' age

shocked him. "I have done as you have asked."

"And?" Her eyes never left the ground as she lifted up a small bracelet.

"It is a portkey, my Lord. Undetectable. It will take you to a small room

unknown to all but him. He will expect to find the girl, but you will be

waiting for him."

"And the girl?"

"I killed her in an ally away from the main areas. No one saw. Her body

is at the bottom of the channel by now." There was no falter. No emotion.

He saw the way Aries suddenly smiled. He shivered. It was too much like

the Dark Lord.

"You have done well." Lord Black's voice was like silk as he reached down

to pull her face upwards. "And you will be rewarded just as well. Enjoy

your night with Sirius. I will finish our work."

"I live to serve, my Lord," The woman bowed deeply, her face nearly

touching Lord Black's feet, before she hurried off. The pop of apparition

was Theodore's only sign that she had left.

"Hades," Lord Black called and suddenly a great flash of black flame

erupted into a grand phoenix. Its coat was black as night and he could

not help but stare in wonder. "I have revealed many secrets to you

tonight, my friend. I hope my faith in you has not been misplaced."

Another shiver. Did he even know how much he sounded like the Dark

Lord? "It is time." Theodore Nott felt the pull of his navel and the

Chamber of Secrets spun away.

He landed quietly next to Lord Black, the black phoenix shimmering into

invisibility. Theo had never seen this room, despite living in the manner

for sixteen years and knowing of his father's weakness for prostitutes,

magical and squib alike. It was he who had told Lord Black of this

weakness and it had seemed that the woman from the chamber had

followed it to one of his father's favorites. Now, they stood, listening to

the cursing of his father. Heavy footsteps grew increasingly louder until

the door ripped open. A flash of red light caught Lord Nott off guard, and

he collapsed to the ground.

Lord Black moved almost meticulously as he secured Lord Nott to a chair

with a simple binding spell. Hades had shimmered back into existence,

but neither powerful entity seemed to pay him any mind as he stared

dumbfounded at the pile of filth that was, he father. He is about to die.

The words whispered to him, filling him with a mixture of excitement

and uncertainty.

"How?" Theodore asked, not sure where the sudden question came from.

"How will you kill him?" Lord Black did not answer but turned away

towards the small table where a glass of firewhiskey sat. He poured

himself a glass before sitting himself in the armchair in the corner.

"Hades, it is time." The Phoenix soared down, landing on Lord Nott's lap,

where its talons ripped into the man's skin. "Rennervate." Lord Nott awoke

and screamed in an instant as the phoenix clenched its talons further.

Then Theodore felt something else. A wave of magic ripped through the

room. The source was the phoenix itself and it seemed to pour into his

father. Lord Black sat calmly, despite the torrent of magic, but his eyes

flickered beneath his close eyelids. Then it was over as quickly as it

began. Lord Nott slumped as Lord Black rose to his feet.

"All phoenixes are gifted in healing and in a version of the Mind Arts,"

Lord Black began as if leading a lecture, "While normal phoenixes have a

way with emotions, the 'black' phoenix is gifted in Legilimency and

Occlumency. It can provide a natural defense for its bonded's mind, as

well perform Legilimency itself, relaying the memories and emotions to

its bonded. That is what you just witnessed. Hades has left your father

little more than a vessel of bones and muscle. His mind is destroyed.'

"Now kill him." Theodore's head snapped to Lord Black who returned his

gaze with a look of calculation. This was a test. It all meanings of the

word, Lord Nott was dead. But he still breathed, and his heart still beat.

There was just two simple words to finish it properly.

"I. . ."

"Do you not long for freedom?" Lord Black's voice was ice that ripped

through him. "I have given you your revenge on a silver platter, yet you

hesitate! Reach out and take it! His titles, his position, his power is yours

for the taking!" No, it is his for the taking, remember? The same voice

whispered again. "He did not care for you as the Dark Lord tortured you.

You were a tool to him, to be used like the prostitutes he fucked in this

very room! Kill. Him. Now."

"Avada Kedavra!" He had no idea when he had taken out his wand. Nor

when he had pointed it at his brain-dead father. But for a moment,

Theodore thought he saw fear in Lord Nott's eyes before his body

slumped to ground.

"Good," Lord Black's voice whispered. "You have done well, Lord Nott."

And he was Lord Nott now, wasn't he? He would take his father's place,

but he knew he would serve a different master. He fell to the ground, his

knees collapsing underneath him, and moved to kneel before Lord Black.

Theo knew what was required of him. He shivered for a third time. It felt

all too much like kneeling before the Dark Lord. He had thought he was

escaping, but he was just enslaving himself to another master.

"The mark prohibits you from swearing fealty, but I have, at last a

remedy for that. Give me your arm, Theodore." Slowly he raised his

marked arm towards Lord Black, but the older boy hissed in anger. "The

other arm." Lord Black gripped his wrist and placed the tip of his wand on

his forearm. His new lord hissed, much like he had before entering the

Chamber of Secrets, and Theo felt an all too familiar burn. A snake began

to form on his arm, but unlike the Dark Lord's mark, it formed a perfect

circle, eating its own tale. Then a raven formed, its wings and tail

overlapping the body of the snake as its white eyes seemed to stare into

his soul. The mental shields that encompassed his mind suddenly felt

stronger, but as his eyes rose to meet Lord Black's, they felt like

transparent glass. "The bindings of the Dark Lord no longer shackle you."

But his do. The voice whispered. He felt little surprise as the oath fealty

rolled off his tongue, the flash of light another signal of his new

allegiance. His new master.

AN: I really enjoyed this chapter, though they never seem to end up

as good as they were originally in my head. That being said, it was

fun to right a chapter where none of it was from Aries' point of

view. He often sees himself as this savior, but we can clearly see

that not all see him that way. Very much looking forward to the

next few chapters. From my original outline from over two years

ago (which blows my mind that it's been that long since I took a

leap of faith and posted the first chapter), there are four chapters

left of Part II. These, however, were my original ideas that ended up

causing this whole story. I have a feeling they will be incredibly

difficult to write, but I can't wait for that challenge.

I had really hoped to be finished with this story long ago, and had

moved on to others that I work on sparingly from time to time. But

life doesn't always work that way. Still, after two years to have over

2700 followers and 2000 favorites is insane. I'm an avid Fanfic

reader myself, so at times I feel abit less about my own writing

compared to others. But to see so many have enjoyed and continue

to enjoy this story is a blessing. Thank y'all for that. It's been very

much appreciated and continues to motivate me to finish this story.

30. Of OWLs and Visions

AN: Another long hiatus. But the story continues. I hope you enjoy

it, and if you don't, whatever floats your boat y'all.

The Dark Lord's study had a simple elegance, something that Severus

noticed nearly every time he entered. There were no horrid things to

send chills up your spine, to grow goosebumps on your arms, or haunt

your nightmares. No, the Dark Lord was enough for that. Gleaming red

eyes shown bright underneath the darkness of his drawn hood and the air

felt heavy from the magic that emanated from the wizard. The Dark Lord

was the exact opposite of Albus Dumbledore in every way, something

that both wizards seemed to be immensely proud of.

He knelt before his master and waited, his Occlumency shields held

tightly over his mind, as the burning sensation of the Dark Mark

thrummed along his thoughts. The Dark Lord made no move to

acknowledge him. His red eyes stayed glued to the newspaper in front of

him. The Daily Prophet had wasted no time in releasing a statement with

a picture of the Dark Mark hovering above the manor of the late Lord


"What have you found, Severus?" The Dark Lord's voice was quiet, but

hard as steel. It was unnerving to him, how well his master contained his


"Lord Black did not leave the school grounds, nor did any student."

Severus began slowly. "Given the Dark Mark, the Order and their allies

within the Ministry believe this to be your work. But, as with the World

Cup, the Minister is refusing to believe in your return."

"Lord Nott had not displeased me," came the rather even reply. "And

what of my own followers? Lucius. . . Barty. . . Bella?"

"Bellatrix's location is still a mystery to me. Lord Black has not entrusted

it to me, nor have any of the others revealed it. As for your more faithful

servants, none were guilty of this." Silence greeted his words, though he

dared not look up from the ground. It was not an entirely true statement.

It had been he, after all, who had informed Lord Black of their schedule,

and had ensured that Lord Nott would be home alone.

"And what of Theodore?"

"It seems he has thrown his lot in with Lord Black," Severus hesitated at

the sharp hiss from the Dark Lord. "For what reasons, I do not know. His

Occlumency is sound, and he has refused to confide in me."

"Dumbledore's disappearance has done little to improve your position,


"He left no clue to his plans, my Lord. Nor does Lord Black fully trust me.

I have fed him information as you ordered, but he has yet to act on it. He

does not act rashly, nor is he prone to risk his pieces for a pawn. To draw

him out, we must capture something important to him."

"And yet, he has made those who are valuable nearly untouchable." The

Dark Lord said, displeasure lacing his voice. "But it is not Aries whom I

wish to draw out. His value is still being determined. Perhaps there is

another way to achieve my goals." Severus waited, hoping that the Dark

Lord would elaborate, but he did not. "Tell me of Hogwarts."

"Our new Headmistress runs the school in little but name. Lord Black has

backed her into a corner, even with this Inquisitorial Squad she has

created. All of its members are loyal to him without her knowledge. The

blood-traitor Weasleys are causing havoc, but the school is hardly in a

position of weakness as you had hoped, my Lord."

"It would seem Aries has out played us again," The Dark Lord nearly

whispered, his eyes moving to a three-sided chess board in the corner.

"For now, at least."

James' eyes ran over the contents of the files for what seemed like the

millionth time.

"It just doesn't make sense!"

"It's Voldemort, James. Nothing makes sense." He shook his head at

Sirius' dismissal.

"Can't you see it? Why would Voldemort kill Nott and leave the Dark

Mark? He wants to hide not give himself away!"

"I don't know, alright?!" Sirius yelled as he slammed his hand on the desk.

"But who besides a Death Eater knows how to make the Mark? We went

up and down that crime scene and not a single trace of anything. No

special spells or curses. The house elf already identified the portkey."

James sighed in frustration. "Look, go get some sleep. Forget about the

case for now. Until we get word from Scrimgeour we can't do anything


Sirius left, giving him a small pat on the shoulder. It wasn't enough to

remind James that he and Sirius had been almost amiable the past few

months, as the file still consumed his thoughts. He felt like something

was missing and knowing that both Scrimgeour and Bones agreed with

him drove him crazy. Their questioning of Theodore Nott had revealed

nothing but considering that he had never left the school there had not

been much point.

Potter Manor was nearly silent when James finally returned home. The

sun had already fallen, and night had risen as questions ran through his

mind, the answers eluding him. Their house elf had noticed his arrival

and a warm plate of dinner awaited him when he sat at the table. Lily

was nowhere to be found, which wasn't exactly a surprise. Ever since

Thomas had left for school after Christmas break, his wife had spent

hours upon hours in the Potter library.

She had never shared what exactly she was researching and had refused

to answer his own questions. It was another behavior in a long list of

ones that seemed the scream the distance that had grown between them

in the past year. But it wasn't just Lily he felt like he was losing. Sirius

and his own son seemed to be slipping away from him. Every day his

former best friend, someone he had once claimed to be brother in all but

blood, seemed to place himself further and further within the

mechanisms of Lord Black, and Thomas was just as bad. He knew all too

well that his son had disobeyed him, continuing to train under the older

boy, and it seemed like the son he had raised was starting to disappear. It

all frightened him far more than he would ever admit. He had never felt

this alone.

The worst of it was the shame he felt. He had actually struck his own son.

James couldn't help but shake his head, as tears threatened to fall. He

shuddered to think what his father and mother would think of him now.

And despite everything he had not apologized yet. He just couldn't bring

himself to admit what he had done. It was cowardice, perhaps the most

cowardly thing he had ever done, but it was there, festering at the

forefront of his mind always, taunting him.

"James?" His head shot up to see Lily standing in the door, concern

covering his face.

"Hey," he answered rather lamely. She was staring intently at him, a

contrast to their normal, awkward avoidance of each other.

"Are you alright?" James could not stop the familiar frustrated sigh that

escaped him.

"Yeah, Lils, I'm fine." He paused for a moment. "I think I've really messed

up though."

"With Thomas?" There was a slight edge to her voice, but James could

tell she wanted him to continue.

"Everyone, honestly. Ever since Aries got here, I just haven't felt like. . .


"Things have changed so quickly, James. We knew this day would come

but I don't think any of thought it would happen so soon. It's been

difficult on all of us. Especially you." Lily came to sit beside him, cupping

his face with her hands. "Our world isn't as black and white as we like to

think it is."

"I know, I know." Silence stretched between them and James noticed Lily

biting her lip, a nervous habit of hers. "What is it, Lils?"

"I want it to be nothing, but. . ."

"But what?" Lily took a deep breath, organizing her thoughts before she

looked James right in the eye.

"Has any of what Thomas has gone through bothered you at all?" He

didn't answer, not even bothering to try to hide his confused look. "His

first year Thomas came face to face with Voldemort who was possessing

a professor for an entire year. Then he and his friends managed to easily

work their way through traps that were meant to stop Voldemort


"Lily those traps were in place before Thomas even got to Hogwarts. You

know that."

"But then why were they so easy?" Again, James had no answer. "Second

year. There's no way Albus could have known of the diary or anything,

but then he sends Fawkes to help Thomas? With a hat and a sword? You

know as well as I the capabilities of Phoenixes. Albus could have been

there himself! Yet, he left our twelve-year-old son to fight a bloody basilisk

with a sword."

"The wards-"

"Don't give me that sorry excuse, Potter!" Lily was clearly irate, as she

rose to her feet, pointing angerly at James. "There are no wards that can

keep a Phoenix out! "

"I don't know Lily!" James yelled back. "I don't know why Albus does

what he does! He-"

"And then last year! Moody being. . . not Moody! That's twice that Albus

has allowed Voldemort or one of his Death Eaters to be at Hogwarts for

an entire year!"

"He's not infallible. We know that he's made mistakes. But he's always

had our best interests at heart."

"Does he?" Lily grounded out the question, her fists clinched tightly. "Then

why did he want us to send Harry away?"

James visibly flinched and could not meet Lily's eyes, as guilt flooded

him. Ever since Harry's disappearance, they had never mentioned him. A

silent agreement between the two that the pain was too much to admit.

But Lily seemed to catch on to his guilt.

"Do you know something, James?" Her voice was quiet, but it felt like ice

against his ears and heart.

"Lily. . ." He had never seen his wife move so quickly, but suddenly there

was a wand in his face.

"Tell. Me. Now."

"He was dying!" The words came out in a choked sob, as years of tears

seem to escape James at last. "Whatever happened that night was killing

him. It drained his magic and was going to drain him of his life. Albus

placed wards at the home that were supposed to let us know when he

passed, but they never alerted us. That's how we found out he was


"Dying?" There was no strength left in her voice. "Harry was dying, and

we sent him away. . ." Lily suddenly stood and almost ran towards the


"Lily!" But he was too late, and she disappeared in a flash of green flames.

He let out a depressed sigh as he went to get more Firewhiskey. His life

felt broken apart and James could not see how he was supposed to fix it.

The flash of green flame surprised Sirius for as far as he knew he was not

expecting any visitors at 12 Grimmauld Place. Marlene was off on

another mysterious assignment and the three Black sisters were off with

Cassiopeia, probably plotting some other plan for Aries. There were no

Order members here for once, but yet there was Lily Potter, viciously

wiping ash off her jeans as tears fell furiously down her face.

"Lily?" That was all he managed to say before she nearly collapsed in his

arms, holding on tightly, as if for dear life. She began to tell him

everything. Her fears and doubts about Thomas' time at Hogwarts and

Dumbledore's potential involvement. The war and how it was tearing her

family apart. Then about James confession as sobs racked at her body.

"We left him to die?" He did not have to fake the anger in voice. It was

still there, burning like an enduring flame in the pit of his stomach.

"I don't know what to do Sirius," Lily admitted between tearful hiccups. "I

can't go home right now, not yet. And I don't think I can look

Dumbledore in the eye. He and James lied to us. Oh, Harry. . ."

"You can stay here for the night." He began softly. "As for Dumbledore. . .

well. . ."

"Don't be meek," A soft laugh accompanied her words. "Everyone in the

Order knows you don't like Dumbledore. I suppose you only stay for

Aries, right?"

"Something like that."

"Is. . . Is Aries' side alright?" He stiffened at the question but forced

himself to relax. Lily was distressed, she wasn't here to spy, and if he

could convince her to join then maybe Aries could remove the charms


"Aries wants what Dumbledore wants: to defeat Voldemort. He wants a

better integration of Muggleborns into our society while preserving our

traditions and values. He wants progress, but not just for the sake of

progress. He's neither a blood supremacist nor a blood traitor, he's just. . .

Aries. He does what he needs too, though sometimes his methods are. . ."


"Yeah. He plays the system. Everyone plays dirty, so he sees no reason as

to why he shouldn't."

"The Order isn't perfect either."

"No, no it's not." They sat there for some time, before Sirius finally

showed her to a spare room. He could hear her cries as he walked to his

own room, where he sat for hours staring at the wall, wondering if there

were any way things would ever go back to normal.

Fleur's beauty was something that never ceased to catch Aries' off guard,

despite the affection he felt for Daphne. The Greengrass Heiress had

become a critical part of his plan for Magical Britain, but all of her guile

and political savviness seemed to pale in comparison to the French

Veela's beauty. Internally he smirked, grateful that they were both bound

to him in ways beyond any other's comprehension, though in drastically

different ways.

"The Director's work continues well," Fleur said, continuing her report, her

French rolling off her tongue. "I give it a year or so before we are adequately

prepared to defend London. The rest of Britain will take time. A decade is the

best estimate. Expanding onto the continent will be. . . difficult."

"It is of no consequence," Aries said dismissively. "What of the Council?"

"They. . . deliberate." The Veela hesitated a moment, a distasteful look

covering her face. "From what I gathered they mistrust you."

"As they should." He let the conversation die, his eyes roaming over the

occupants of the Leaky Cauldron. The expectant party for his meeting

had not arrived, but it did not worry him yet. Members of his Praetorian

Guard has blended in quite easily. He doubted only his true enemies

would ever notice.

"I have met someone who could further our goals." Aries raised his eyebrows

in surprise and motioned for Fleur to continue. "Bill Weasley. He's a gifted

Curse Breaker and well liked within Gringotts. He's been petitioning for the

Goblins to support Dumbledore and his Order."

"Unfortunate then, that I have already garnered their support. Weasley, you

say? I have designs for Percival, but Bill is the Heir Apparent."

"He is. . . interested in me." A stronger look of distaste flashed across her

face. "In another life, perhaps. But he is nothing in comparison to you." Aries

smirked at her reaction, but a plan already begun to form in his mind.

"Let his interest grow. Encourage it if you must." It was Fleur's turn to allow

surprise show. "Become his friend, seduce him even. Allow him to bring you

into Dumbledore's Order of the Phoenix. Sirius' position may become

compromised. But you have little connection to me. And once Bill is the new

Lord Weasley, you can influence him."

"Am I to whore myself out for you?" He was uncertain when the nature of

the cruel task he was giving her set in, but he pushed away the nagging

feeling that he was enjoying it. But you are, aren't you? At last, his party

at arrived, drawing his attention away from irritated Veela in front of


"Do not give yourself to him if you do not desire. But I will have Bill Weasley

on my side."

He left her without another word, the resigned look on her face etching

itself into his mind as he followed the hooded man to the room at the end

of the upstairs hallway. The furniture had been transfigured, leaving

behind too high-backed leather chairs with a small, round table between

them. Two glasses and a bottle of Ogden's finest rested on the table.

The man removed his hood, revealing the face of Barty Crouch Junior.

He had filled out some since their encounter in Moody's office almost a

year before. The slight twitch of his face remained, but there was a

certain gleam in his eye. While no words were spoken, Aries could sense

the Death Eater's almost fanatical desire to duel him here and now. The

magic of his wand pulsed against his forearm demanding that he unleash

a torrent of magic against the would-be foe. But Aries was not here to

duel. He dismissed the man and sat down to wait. Barty sneered, showing

a look of disappointment before he pressed his wand into the familiar

Dark Mark.

There was no grand entrance. No darkening of the rooms or storms

forming on the horizon. One minute it was only Barty Crouch Junior and

Aries Black in the room, then an almost inaudible pop brought the arrival

of Lord Voldemort.

In the graveyard, the Dark Lord had been gaunt and the robes he had

worn seemed too gaunt for him. But now, he looked every bit the dark

lord he claimed to be. Power emanated from the wizard; every step more

graceful than the first as he walked calmly to claim his seat across from


"Lord Black," Voldemort greeted evenly as he motioned for Barty to leave.

"Lord Voldemort."

"You dare?" Aries raised an eyebrow in question.

"Forgive me then. I assumed since you called me by my title, I was to do

the same for you. So, what shall I call you? Your highness? Your

darkness? Tom?" Red eyes narrowed at his cheek as the he gripped his

yew wand tightly. "I cannot in good conscious call you my lord, as we are.

. . occupational rivals."

"You believe yourself to be my equal?"

"As close to anyone but Albus Dumbledore can be." They sat in silence,

the bottle of firewhiskey all but forgotten behind their nearly

impenetrable shields of Occlumency. Neither made true eye contact for

risk of their talented Legilimency. Aries knew that Voldemort was more

than aware of his own skill, as he had had Severus inform the Dark Lord.

It made the idea of attempting to enter the other's mind risky, as it would

leave your own mind open for a counterattack.

"I find myself surprised that you have held your part of the bargain,"

Voldemort's voice was like silk, but he could hear the cold edge in his


"But that is who we are, is it not? We dark lords must honor our words."

Aries answered. "It is what separates us from the mindless wizards who

sow chaos without purpose. We are not fools that allow emotion to

dictate our actions. We are calculated. Besides, there is the matter of

relation, of course."


"We are the Heirs of Slytherin. It would be unwise to waste our assets on

one another while our true enemy lives."

"Dumbledore." Voldemort gritted out the name, his hand tightening on

his wand again. "But there is still the matter of Thomas Potter."

"Potter is a misguided boy," Aries dismissed with a wave of his hand. "He

is an above average wizard when properly motivated, but he lacks all

ability and conviction to destroy you. He is not like us."

"Then you hold no truth to the prophecy?"

"I do not know the prophecy."

"Foolish to deny yourself the power of knowledge that Dumbledore and I


"And yet, what did that knowledge do for you?" The suddenness of Aries'

counter seemed to make Voldemort hesitate. "The Potters were a

nuisance, but at the end they were no threat. Even the great Lord Charles

Potter fell to your power when not even Grindewald could defeat him

easily. But if you had never come to hear the prophecy, it is far more

likely that I would bear your mark and be in your service with my father

than sitting across from you debating the merits of Divination."

Voldemort was silent for a moment before a small smile grew.

"Perhaps you are right, and I have placed far too much stock in

prophecy," Voldemort mused, as curiosity flashed in his eyes. "You do not

believe Potter to be my downfall then?"

"You fulfilled the prophecy with your own actions," Aries stressed. "I do

not what power you have given it with them, but Potter is no more a

threat to you than one of your Death Eaters is to me. Once the influence

of the Headmaster and his pathetic father have been removed, Potter will

be molded into the wizard he should have always been. He, and his

family, are under my protection, Lord Voldemort. You will not harm


"Your protection," Voldemort began with cruel laugh. "Your protection is

nothing compared to my power, Lord Black. Potter will die by my hand,

prophecy be damned. He has stood in my way before; he will not stand in

it any longer."

"Then understand that I will protect him with the full power of my

capabilities. Bargain or not."

"Perhaps we should settle it now?" Voldemort slowly pointed his wand at

Aries' heart, the tip glowing slightly green. Aries paid it no mind, though

his eyes flashed in anger, the small green specks glowing the same color

as the end of Voldemort's yew wand.

"That would be foolish," Aries stated evenly. "Headmaster Dumbledore

lives, and while he does neither of our goals can be attained. He is our

enemy. Our goals are almost mutually exclusive. We both gain from our

rising powers." The glowing green light slowly faded as Voldemort

lowered his wand.

"It is refreshing to deal with one who does not cower in fear of me with

every move," Voldemort titled his head to the side, as if studying him. "I

offer you again to join me. We are the Heirs of Slytherin, as you say, but

you can be my Heir as well.' The offer nearly caused Aries' mask to falter.

"Join me, Aries Black. Not as my servant, but as my Heir. Help me to

shape this world at my side. Together as we work in the shadows, we can

accomplish wonders. Together there are none that can stand in our way."

For a moment, an awfully long moment, Aries almost considered it. The

knowledge and power of the Dark Lord Voldemort at his disposal. To

learn from the most powerful dark wizard in the history of magic would

create limitless possibilities. Perhaps together they could defeat the

Ancient Ones. But then a single word brought him to reality: horcruxes.

Heir or not, he would be dooming himself to a lifetime of servitude to

another immortal, and one who had killed his father.

"I'm afraid that I do not share power, Lord Voldemort." The two sat in

silence once again as red eyes narrowed in anger. Their time of

discussion was over.

"Bella is mine," The anger of the Dark Lord was barely contained within

his words. "Return her to me."

"Bellatrix Black is a scion of my house. She serves no one but her House

and Lord." Aries countered.

"You have begun to vex me. You deny my gracious offer. You deny me

my most faithful servant. You make demands of me. And you kill my

interrogator." It was a cheap trick, in his own opinion, but perhaps Lord

Voldemort was used to dealing with far more incompetent wizards.

"I am not guilty of Lord Nott's death." Aries answered easily, his mask

without falter and his mind blank. "I assumed based on the Dark Mark

above his home, that he displeased you. Or, has the Headmaster at last

resorted to other tactics? He is pushing rather hard to make your return

known. The Dark Mark above the home of a suspected Death Eater is

rather. . . suspicious."

"Dumbledore's morals prevent him from acting as we do," Voldemort


"And what of his followers? Have your Death Eaters never disobeyed your

orders?" The Dark Lord seemed to consider his words but did not bother

to follow Aries' theory.

"I rarely leave a meeting with so little, but I'm afraid our time is up. I

have a feeling we will be seeing each other very soon, Aries." Voldemort

gave no warning, but disapparated with nothing more than the quietest

pop. Aries gave only the slightest nod in acknowledgement.

"Very soon, Tom."

The past few weeks had been some of the longest Thomas had ever

experience while in Hogwarts. He had thought nothing could have made

him feel as low as the time everyone thought he was the Heir of

Slytherin. Then came last year with the Tri-Wizard Tournament but even

that paled in comparison to how he felt now. Truthfully, he couldn't

really blame any of them, but the fact that he had come to consider every

member of Dumbledore's Army as his friend made it hurt even more.

Despite this, his group of friends that were closest to him had only

shrunk by one. Hermione and Ron had been quick to defend him, despite

their own reservations, and Neville, Ginny, and Luna still maintained a

good friendship with him. It was the absence of Susan Bones that seemed

to cause him the most pain.

In a way, he felt he had taken her for granted. They had never been an

overly romantic or excessively affectionate couple, though they had had

their share of late-night broom cupboard visits, but her continuous and

supportive presence had gotten him through all the troubles of this year.

They had dated for almost a year and a half, before she had

ceremoniously dumped in right outside the Great Hall for all of Hogwarts

to see, something the Slytherins were keen on reminding him. Still, after

the initial few days, Susan had only seemed sad rather than angry and

Thomas did everything he could to not look her way. He felt abandoned

and it made him feel very conflicted on whether or not he wanted the

red-head back.

Thomas had not thought things could get any worse, until the time for

their O.W.L.'s arrived. Hermione spent every second fretting, while Ron

and Thomas hoped for the best of the situation, but the night of their

Astronomy O.W.L. had left most of the school shaken. Tales of Hagrid

fighting off at least four Aurors had ran rampant through the school,

while the clear disappearance of Professor McGonagall, whom Thomas

had seen take four stunners to the chest, seemed to worry the students

even more. It was clear that they were left in the mercy of Headmistress

Dolores Umbridge now that both Dumbledore and McGonagall were


The fact that these were the things that Thomas thought of during his

History of Magic examination wasn't lost to him. But honestly, he

couldn't really care about Goblins or Liechtenstein or Pierre Bonaccord.

He sighed rather loudly, putting his head in his hands, closing his eyes in

a vain attempt to remember something.

He was walking along the cool, dark corridors to the Department of

Mysteries again, with a firm and purposeful stride, sometimes breaking

into a run. He had to reach his destination at last. He went through one

door and then another and another until he was once again in the

cathedral-sized room. His heart pounding beneath his chest as he walked

down the rows. Finally he reached the ninety-seventh row and began to

hurry down the aisle. But there was a shape at the end, a black shape

moving along the floor like a wounded animal.

"Take it for me. . . Lift it down, now. . ."A voice nearly whispered. A voice

that Thomas knew all too well, one seemingly devoid of emotion. "I

cannot touch it. . . but you can. . . Crucio!"

The shape withered and screamed, its voice hoarse and painful, before it

slumped to the ground.

"Lord Voldemort is waiting. . ."

"You'll have to kill me." The shape raised its face and Thomas found

himself staring at his own father.

"Undoubtedly I shall in the end. But you will fetch it for me first, Potter.

You think I have shown you pain? I have shown you nothing. We have so

much time, Potter. And no one to come save you." Somebody screamed as

Voldemort lowered his wand. He fell sideways off a hot desk onto the

cold floor as Thomas hit the ground and awoke, still yelling, his scar on

fire, as the Great Hall erupted around him.

"For the last time, I don't need the hospital wing!" Thomas shouted at Ron

and Hermione within the confines of an abandoned classroom. "We need.

. . We need. . . The Ministry." He made to move past them, but they

grabbed his arms and pulled him back.

"Thomas!" Hermione yelled, clutching his arm tightly. "Tell us what


"It's Voldemort. He's got my dad at the Department of Ministry."


"How'd you-"

"I saw it! Just now! When I fell asleep in the exam. I was there and then I

saw him. He was torturing dad!" He felt himself going weak and forced

himself to sit down as he went through clearing his mind. "How are we

going to get there?"

"Get where?" Ron asked after a moment's silence.

"The Ministry!" Thomas said with exasperation. "So, we can rescue my


"Thomas, think this through," Hermione commanded slowly, "How did

Voldemort get to the Ministry? In the middle of the day without being

seen? How do you know it's not just. . . well. . . a dream?"

"It's Voldemort, Hermione. Bloody hell, Aries and Dumbledore do

incredible things and they're not bloody dark lords! Who knows what

Voldemort can do!"

"But what about your dreams, Thomas?"

"You think I've been studying Occlumency for no reason?" Thomas asked

hotly. "These aren't dreams, they're real! And every moment we wasted

arguing about this is another moment closer to my dad dying!"

The classroom door opened, causing the trio to whip around as Ginny,

Neville, and Luna came in looking rather curious.

"Hello there," Ginny said uncertainly. "Thought we heard Thomas' voice.

What's going on?"

"Never you mind," Thomas said roughly.

"I don't know how you expect us to help with that tone." Ginny replied


"Well, you can't."

"Hang on, Thomas," Hermione interrupted, "I think they can."


"Well, we need to figure out if Voldemort actually has your dad," she

began. "There's enough of us to cause a distraction for just long enough

for you to find out."

"How's he gonna do that?" Ron asked.

"With Umbridge's fire. It's the only one still connected to the Floo

network. You all cause a distraction, and Thomas and I will sneak in

there with his cloak and fire call Potter Manor."

Thomas begrudgingly admitted it was a good plan, as Hermione divvied

up responsibilities. He made his way quickly back to his dorm, grabbing

his cloak and the knife Sirius had given him, ignoring the calls of his

classmates. He found Hermione waiting by a muttering stone head and

slipped under the cloak with her as they passed Ginny and Luna trying to

keep students away from the hall saying something about Garroting Gas.

Finally, they made it to Umbridge's office and, with Sirius' knife making

swift work of the lock, were quickly inside. The office was empty, save

for the garish kittens that were basking in the late afternoon sun that was

warming their plates.

"I thought she would have added more security following the second

niffler. . ." The comment, and its joyous memories of the two magical

creatures' adventures in Umbridge's office, would have brought him to a

contagious laughter if not for the situation at hand. Thomas grabbed a

pinch of Floo powder and tossed into the grate.

"Potter Manor!" He cried as he thrusted his head into the green flames.

He found himself looking into entry room of Potter Manor. "Topsy!" The

family house elf popped into existence in front of the fire.

"Master Thomas!"

"Topsy, where's mum and dad?"

"I'm afraid I don't know where Mistress Lily is, and Master James went to

the Ministry."

"The Ministry?!"

"Yes, Master James said he-"

Before the elf could finish his sentence, Thomas felt himself being pulled

back hard. Suddenly, he found himself staring up into angry face of

Dolores Umbridge. He felt his wand being ripped from his as Umbridge

leaned down into face.

"Who were you calling Potter?!" The toad-like woman yelled, spit flying

from her mouth. "Was it Dumbledore?" Her head whipped around quick

enough to crack as she eyed Hermione. "Take her wand as well." He felt

himself being secured to a chair but was able to get a quick glance at the

one who was guarding Hermione and realized it was Daphne Greengrass,

a regular of the Inquisitorial Squad. "What were you doing in my office,


"I was trying to get my Firebolt." The lie came out smooth as Thomas

frantically tried to keep his mind blank and his adequate Occlumency

shields in place.

"Liar." Umbridge spat. "I have had just about enough of your lies." A

scuffle brought his attention to the door, where Ron, Ginny, Neville, and

Luna were escorted in by Draco Malfoy, Theodore Nott, Tracey Davis,

and Blaise Zabini, the main four of the Inquisitorial Squad.

"We got all of them, Professor," Davis said happily.

"Good, good," Umbridge said as she watched their struggles. "Well, looks

like Hogwarts will soon be a Weasley-free zone, doesn't it?" Malfoy

laughed, though to Thomas it seemed unusually forced, as Umbridge

gave her wide grin and settled into chair across from him. "Whom were

you attempting to communicate with?"

"Who I talk to is none of your business," answered Thomas hotly.

"You sent me for, Headmistress?" came the annoyed voice of Severus,

interrupting whatever retort Umbridge had had planned, with a look of

indifference at the captured students. Yet, his presence brought about an

idea and Thomas struggled to nonchalantly make eye contact with the

Potion's Master.

"Ah, Professor Snape." She gave a victorious look as she spoke. "I would

like another bottle of Veritaserum please."

"I'm afraid, you took my last bottle to interrogate Potter. Surely you did

not use all of it?"

"Can you not make more?" A hint of exasperation dripped into her voice

nearly covered by her girlish-sweet voice.

"Certainly," Snape replied evenly. "It will take a full moon's cycle, of


"A month?! I cannot wait that long, Severus! I have just caught Potter

red-handed attempting to communicate with persons unknown through

my own Floo! I wish to interrogate him, and you will provide me the

means to do it."

"As I have already told you, Veritaserum will take a month unless you

wish to poison him. It is rather difficult to confess anything when one is. .

. dying." At last, Snape turned his head towards Thomas and their eyes


Voldemort has my father in the Department of Mysteries! He thought

ferociously. Voldemort has my father!

"-out of my office!" For a moment, Snape hesitated, and Thomas wasn't

sure if the Potion's Master had heard his thoughts. But before he could

shout out his warning, Snape left the room quickly with a swish of his


"Very well," Umbridge said lowly, her knuckles turning white from the

force with which she was gripping her wand. "I have no other choice

without Veritaserum. . . the Minister will understand. The Cruciatus

Curse should loosen your tongue."

"No!" Hermione and Ginny shouted in unison, but the older girl

continued. "That's illegal under any circumstance! The Minister would

not allow it!"

"What Cornelius doesn't know will never hurt him," The toad-like woman

said with a sadistic grin. "He never knew I sent dementors after Potter

this summer, but he was all too happy to have a reason to expel him."

"It was you?" Thomas asked incredulously.

"Someone had to act. They all talked and talked, but I did something. But

Dumbledore managed to save you again, didn't he? But he's not here

today." Umbridge raised her wand, an insane glint in her eye, until it

pointed right at his scar.


"No!" Hermione shouted. "Thomas, we have to tell her."

"No way!"

"She'll force it out of us, Thomas. . . we have to tell her."

"Tell me what? Tell me what?!" Umbridge

"What is the meaning of this?" Thomas sagged against his restraints in

relief. Aries, no Lord Black, walked into the small office with every

amount of regality one could muster, his wand pointed at Umbridge.

Fierce eyes roamed the room at last landing on him. He felt the familiar

presence of Aries grazing against his mind and he eagerly pushed forward

as much of the day's events as he could.

"You dare interrupt me? I am the Headmistress of this School and the

Undersecretary to the Minister of Magic in the midst of discovering a plot

against this school!"

"All I see, is an attempted illegal use of an Unforgiveable against the Heir

Presumptive of House Potter."

"Potter is a threat to our society and has ties to the terrorist organization

led by Albus Dumbledore!"

"Your proof?" Somehow, Aries' voice remained easy, though his wand had

never moved from being pointed at Umbridge. The Headmistress had

noticed this, her eyes frantically moving between his wand and his face.

"I caught him using my Floo to contact someone."

"Perhaps he was trying to contact his father? Pertaining to the actions

that have seen our Care of Magical Creatures professor arrested and our

Transfiguration professor sent to Saint Mungo's?"

"He was trying to contact Dumbledore! And this was just about to


"Truly?" Aries said as his eyes landed on Hermione while lowering his

wand. Hours upon hours of practice gave Thomas just the smallest cue,

but his mind was blank, so he saw the slight habit of Aries raising a

single eyebrow that he always did before using Legillimency. "I see. It

seems as if the game is finally up, Miss Umbridge."

"What?" answered Umbridge quietly. "What do you mean?"

"Miss Granger was going to tell you about the weapon. A design of Albus

Dumbledore that is meant to overthrow the Minister of Magic."

"It's true, Professor," Hermione rushed to add on, barely containing her

own surprise, "We've been finishing it ever since Dumbledore escaped."

"Where is it?!" Umbridge screamed.

"The Forbidden Forest."

"Yes, of course, of course," she muttered wildly. "Your wand, Black."

"I'm afraid I cannot do that, Miss Umbridge." Aries replied coolly. "My

wand would burn your hand, but I will happily leave it with Miss

Greengrass who is unaffected by its peculiar magic. She has been

unaware and is a victim of my own plotting. I can then take you to see

this. . . weapon."

Aries walked smoothly along the path that led past the former home of

Rubeus Hagrid, with Dolores Umbridge right in tow. His annoyance with

the situation was much deeper than his cool facial expressions showed.

Many plans had been laid to deal with the fat toad, ones that would

benefit him but Thomas and his friends had ruined those in a simple

decision to invade Umbridge's office. Why the foolish boy had not just

come to in was a question he was sure to ask him later, still Aries had

managed to improvise. The wards of Hogwarts did not extend deep into

the forest after all and some of his newly marked followers would prove

useful indeed.

"Well? Where is it?" Umbridge asked, a slight nervousness in her voice, as

they continued deep into the Forbidden Forest, but Aries ignored her. He

had had enough of talking with her and she did not seem inclined to ask


Potter believed that the Dark Lord had captured his father and had let

glimpses of his actions slip through the confused bond they shared. Aries

let the slightest of frustrations show in his face at the idiocy of his would-

be apprenctice. This saving-people-thing would have to be dealt with soon.

"Enough!" He turned to find Umbridge's face red in anger as her wand

shook in her outstretched hand. "Where is this weapon?!"

"Poor Dolores," Aries said with a smirk. "You really thought there was a

weapon? There's nothing here, but us and some of my friends." Shadows

formed a circle around them, and it was far too late for Umbridge to

escape as the anti-apparition ward rose.

"Who are they?!"

"I remember vividly your hatred for werewolves. Half-breeds is what you

called them. As if they were lesser. Oh, but my dear Dolores. They have

been my greatest servants." The circle been to close, slowly, around them.

A bright green spell flew frantically from Umbridge's wand, but it sailed

harmlessly over its intended target. A simple flick of his wrist sent the

wand flying far from her reach. "You think you were clever, Dolores, as if

you were the great mastermind from the beginning, but it was I who

sowed the seeds of doubt in Dumbledore to ensure your position here at

Hogwarts." Umbridge froze at that, her eyes slowly coming up to meet

his. "It was I who planned and organized the bombing of Diagon Alley,

forcing the Ministry to revamp the Department of Magical Law

Enforcement. I allowed those dementors to go after Thomas Potter,

therefore giving me the chance to wrestle the last bit of control of the

Wizengamot from the Minister. I ensured that Dumbledore's Army would

thrive, creating members of our magical society ready to join my army.

And then I had Lord Nott killed. I even placed the Dark Mark above his


"You. . . It's all been you. . . Cornelius was right. . . He-Who-Must-Not-Be-

Named isn't back. . ."

"Oh, he's back, Dolores. You've lived in denial long enough. Lord

Voldemort lives. But none of that matters. You fucked with the wrong

dark lord, Dolores. And now, I believe my friends are hungry."

"Why?" Umbridge barely croaked out the words as the ravenous

werewolves approached her, unnaturally sharp human teeth glittering in

the moonlight.

"I told you that Thomas Potter is under my protection and that if you

tried to harm him, I would show you the meaning of torture. I can think

of nothing better than being food for lesser creatures. I just wanted you to

die knowing the truth. After all, we must not tell lies, Dolores."

Aries let himself basks in her screams for a moment, enjoying the sweet

irony of the situation, before he turned to swiftly return to the castle. As

he re-entered the office that formally belonged to Dolores Umbridge, he

found another irritating sight: The Inquisitorial Squad were all stunned

and bound against the wall of the office. He summoned his wand from

Daphne's robe and quickly revived Draco.

"What in the bloody hell happened?"

"Potter fuckin' attacked us, that's what!" Draco yelled angerly. "We freed

them and then the Weasley girl broke Davis' nose and all hell broke

loose. What is going on, Aries?"

"Thomas believes the Dark Lord has captured his father and taken him to

the Department of Mysteries."

"That's impossible," Theodore said groggily as he rose to his feet.

"It's a ruse," Aries said in agreement. "He's drawing Thomas to the

prophecy to retrieve it for him. No doubt a few of our Azkaban escapees

are awaiting him."

"As well as my father," Draco said begrudgingly.

"Which is exactly why none of you will be going." Shouts of disagreement

rose up quickly, mostly from Draco and Daphne, but Aries quickly

silenced them. "You, Draco, are not ready to face your father. Regardless

of your progress, I can feel your conflict, and Lucius is no meek wizard to

be trifled with unprepared. You, Theodore, are important to my plans.

You cannot be seen at my side in combat with the Death Eaters. Davis

and Zabini, you two might be good in a schoolhouse duel, but you are

nowhere near good enough to face trained Death Eaters."

"And what about me?" challenged Daphne.

"You, my love, are far too important to me to be wasted on the

battlefield. More importantly, the Dark Lord will stop at nothing to bring

me to his side, and to him, you would be the key. I will not risk it." Deep

down, Aries enjoyed the slight blush that crept into the mask of the Ice

Queen, but he ignored it all the same.

"The Dark Lord will have sent his inner circle for a job like this," Draco

said quickly, "Even Dumbledore would struggle against all of them. You

can't just go alone!"

"Who said anything about going alone?" Aries gave a quick smirk, and

then vanished in black flame.

"Ninety-seven!" Hermione cried as she struggled to catch her breath.

Thomas' head whipped back and forth down the aisles as he searched for

his father.

"Look around! He's somewhere here!"

"Thomas. . ."

"He should be near here," whispered Thomas.

"Thomas," a small hand gripped his and he turned to find Ginny looking

at him worriedly. "I. . . I don't think your dad is here." He went to move,

to continue searching for his father who he knew was here, but Ginny

kept a firm grip on his hand and didn't let him. He turned back again, an

angry retort on his lips when Ron's voice stopped him.

"Thomas? Have you seen this?" His hand slipped out of Ginny's as he

walked slowly over to where Ron stood before a shelf of glowing orbs. "It.

. . It has your name on it."

"My name?" When Thomas reached him, he found Ron pointing at a

specific orb with a yellowish label affixed to the shelf it sat on. In spidery

writing was a date some sixteen years before, and below that:

S.P.T. to A.P.W.B.D.

Dark Lord and (?) Thomas Potter.

"What is it?" Ron asked. "Why has it got your name on it?" Thomas let his

eyes scan down the length of the shelf.

"None of the rest of us are here. Only. . . me." He slowly reached for the

small orb.

"I don't think you should touch it, Thomas." Hermione's warning stopped

him for a moment.

"Why not? My name is on it."

"Don't, Thomas." Ginny said worriedly. For some reason, her voice almost

stopped him, but in a moment of sheer recklessness, Thomas reached

forward and grabbed the orb. He had expected it be cold, like metal, but

instead it was warm to the touch. Other than that, there seemed to be

nothing special. He felt no odd magic from it, and despite their tenseness

of the group, nothing actually happened. He felt his friends move closer

to peer at the small orb that mysteriously had his name when, from right

behind them, came an all too familiar drawling voice.

"Very good, Potter. Now turn around, nice and slowly, and give that to

me." In that moment realization dawned on Thomas. It had all been a

trap, and he had walked right into it.

31. The Triumvirate of Power

AN: The penultimate chapter of Part II. I'm not particularly good at

fight scenes, but I think these will suffice. I hope you enjoy it, and if

you don't whatever floats your boat y'all.

A flash of flame brought the Lord of Black to the Department of Mysteries

within the Ministry of Magic. His customary robes were replaced by the

familiar family armor he had worn long ago in the Tri-Wizard

Tournament and the wand which had been at his side since he was seven

was outstretched in his hand and yearned for its power to be unleashed.

Still unnoticed as he carefully moved forward, he could see the fool-

headed Hogwarts students he was here to rescue seemingly having an

ambivalent conversation with Death Eaters.

"It's time you learned the difference between real and dreams, Potter,"

came the voice of Lucius Malfoy, whom Aries had recognized long before

he had heard his words. "Now give me the prophecy or we start using


"Go ahead, Lucius," Aries called out. "Can you not see? These children are

ready to defy you even now." His eyes met Thomas and he reached out to

connect their minds.

I have a plan! came Thomas' thought and Aries saw in his mind's eye the


"Black," hissed one of the Death Eaters as he raised his wand, a green

glow beginning to form.

Distract them, and I will get your friends to safety.

"This does not concern you, Aries," Lucius said with irritation.


"As I told the Dark Lord," he replied. "Potter is under my protection."

Just watch.

"Your protection means nothing, Black," another Death Eater said. "The

Dark Lord will take what he wants."

"Hand over the prophecy and no one need get hurt," Lucius resumed

calmly, his focus on Thomas.

"If I hand this over, you'll just kill us anyway!" Aries felt the

disappearance of Hades and along with it, one of the students, Lovegood

if he remembered correctly.

"Accio prophecy!" Two shield charms, from Aries and Thomas, leapt

forward to block the summoning charm.

"This is pointless, Lucius! Let's just kill the brats and take it!"

"I TOLD YOU NO!" roared Lucius. "Potter and Black are for the Dark


"Then perhaps we persuade them?" This time a ruthless voice came

forward, one Aries recognized as Antonin Dolohov. "What about that

little red head, eh? We could have some fun, love, and maybe after we're

done torturing her, Potter will give up the Prophecy?"

"They're trying to escape!" A Death Eater shouted just as Hades flash

flamed back into the hall too close to the front, his talons about to grab

Ginny Weasley to transport her away sensing Aries' spike of worry.

Shouts of the Killing Curse came quickly, and the streaks of green light

came rushing toward the group. Time seemed to slow for Aries as he

magically pushed the group into the aisles away from the curses, but the

effort left him no time to move himself. He could distantly hear the angry

shouts of Lucius as his armor basked in the green light, but before it

could hit him, the Killing Curse collided with black flame. Hades

exploded and ash fell into a large pile onto the ground. For a second, the

Death Eaters seemed stunned, and Aries took the moment, reaching

frantically into the pile until he found the small phoenix, and threw

himself to the side to land next to Thomas.

"What the hell was that?!"

"Hades, my phoenix," Aries replied as he began to throw spells down at

the Death Eaters while tucking Hades into his pocket, "And also my

escape plan. He's not dead, just reborn. But he won't be able to flash

flame anyone out of here."

"So, what do we do now?!" Hermione yelled. Aries leaned out and

pointed his wand towards their enemy.

"Crepitus Solis!" A great flash of light exploded, blinding all in its path.

"Follow me!" He paused only for a second, as the orb in front of him

glowed interestingly, before he took off, the students of Hogwarts

following quickly at his heels. They got to the end of row ninety-seven

and took a quick right toward a door that was slightly ajar. He pushed

into the room, wand at the ready as he scanned for more Death Eaters.

"Colloportus!" gasped Hermione and the door sealed shut.

"Why aren't we fighting them?!" Thomas asked angrily. "Why are we


"Because our only way through the wards of the Ministry just took a

killing curse for me, and despite all my skill, I cannot keep five bone-

headed children alive by myself against twelve of the Dark Lord's most

powerful servants!"

"Who are you-"

"You, Potter!" Aries yelled. "Why-"

"Quiet!" Hermione whispered aggressively. "Where are the others?!" It

clicked in Aries' head that three of his bone-headed wards were now

gone. "Wait, listen!" Footsteps stopped just outside the door and the

voices carried to their ears.

"Leave him, leave him I say, the Dark Lord cares more for the prophecy

than his injuries." Lucius commanded from behind the door. "We'll split

into pairs and search, and don't forget be gentle with Potter until we have

the prophecy. Kill the others if necessary."

"What about Black?"

"The Dark Lord wishes to deal with him, but kill him if he gets in your

way. Rodolphus and Crouch, you take the left, Crabbe, Rabastan, go

right, Jugson, Dolohov, the door straight ahead, Rookwood, over there,

and Mulciber with me."

"What do we do?" whispered Thomas.

"We keep moving," Aries replied and quietly began to run down the hall

away from the Death Eaters. His mind racing as he wondered where the

other students went. Alone, he could potentially hold off the Death Eaters

with some reckless spell craft, but not without risking injury to those he

was here to protect.

"Stand aside," commanded a rough voice. "Alohomora!"

The door flew open just as Aries, Thomas, and Hermione reached the end

of the room. The two younger students jumped underneath the desk,

giving Aries the clearance he needed. He thrusted his wand forward and

a torrent of flame erupted into the room. As it wasn't Fiend Fyre, it would

be easy to dispel, but Aries only needed to create an opportunity.

"Run, Thomas!" Aries shouted as a sickly purple spell collided with the

smaller of the two men, collapsing him instantly. The other stood tall and

returned with a volley of his own spells. They collided with Aries' shield

and a quick whip of his wand sent a wave of power ripping through the

floor, throwing Dolohov hard against the wall with a sickening crunch.

Aries turned and followed through where Thomas and Hermione had

gone, throwing a locking spell at the door as he passed through.

He entered another room as the door on the far end blew open with a

shout of Impedimenta, knocking Thomas and Hermione back onto the


"WE'VE GOT HIM!" shouted the Death Eater victoriously, but he next

words were cut short as Aries slashed his wand aggressively across his

body, causing blood to splash against the far wall. The Death Eater

collapsed, but Aries felt a sudden wave of incoming magic, he twisted to

the side, not having enough time to throw up his own shield, as a streak

of purple flame flew past him straight into Hermione.

Aries didn't wait to see if she was okay but instead turned back, throwing

the same spell of purple flame back towards its original caster: Dolohov.

His arm hung limply at his side and his mask was gone, but a sadistic

grin covered his face as he side stepped the spell.

"Oh, the Dark Lord was right," Dolohov said with a laugh, "You are fun to

play with it." The two wizards threw the same spell at the same time, the

Killing Curse, and they collided with a bright flash of green light and

then the room exploded with spell fire. Neither used shields, as they

twisted and turned, dogging each other's deadly spell craft. A sudden

crash at the door distracted them both for an instant, as another Death

Eater came through with his head shrunken down to a baby, but as Aries

turned back to Dolohov, the flash of a stunner struck his opponent.

Thomas' wand pointed right at the Death Eater before he turned back to

the motionless Hermione.

"What did he do to her?" Thomas asked frantically as Aries rushed to him,

waving his wand for a diagnostic spell.

"She'll live," Aries reassured him, "But we have to get her out of here. I

know the spell; she'll need potions from Severus." The sound of more

footsteps came and Aries looked around for a solution. "We're almost to

the exit. Take her and go. Get to the atrium, there are Floos there. Get

her to back to Hogwarts."

"What? No!"

"Thomas, she will die if you don't. I'll get you there and then you get her

to safety." Aries commanded, leaving no room for argument. He waited,

as Thomas hefted Hermione's small frame over his shoulder, leaving his

wand arm available. "Focus on defensive spells. If we get into a fight, I'll

lead the offensive." Thomas gave a quick nod of agreement before they

headed for the door. It shut behind them as the entered the circular room

and the walls began to rotate. Aries focused hard, keeping his attention

on the right door as the room slowed to a stop. But before they could

head that way, three figures fell out of a door as it sprung open to their


"Ron!" Thomas gasped three surprised faces looked up at him. "Ginny,

Neville, are you all-"

"Hey, Harry!" Ron said giggling weakly. "Or, I mean, Tom! Or. . . I mean.

. ." Ron was rather pale, and blood dripped from the side of his mouth as

he collapsed against Thomas.

"Ginny?" Thomas asked worriedly. "What happened?" It was Neville who

responded, as Ginny slid down the wall to sit, shaking her head.

"I think her ankle is broke. They chased us through so many rooms. One

of 'em grabbed Ginny and I hit him with a Reducto but. . ."

"What about Ron?" Aries listened carefully for the sound of more

footsteps as he walked over to kneel in front of the younger Weasley. Her

eyes were close and her breath ragged. He gently lifted her foot onto his

knee, pulling her pant leg beg to expose her ankle. It was bruised a deep

purple and swollen. He casted quick cooling charm to ice the area before

conjuring a wrap to secure her ankle in place. He ignored the blush that

had risen in Weasley's cheeks, despite the deadly situation.

"I don't know what they hit him with," Neville answered exasperatedly.

"But he's been acting all. . . funny since."

"We have to get out of here," Aries interrupted. "Thomas carry Granger.

Neville, get the passed out Weasley. Can you walk yourself, Weasley?"

"It's only my ankle!" Weasley tried to stand up, but immediately collapsed

onto Aries' waiting arm.

"At least the useful Weasley isn't passed out," he grumbled. "Protect my

side. Let's go." Aries supported Weasley as they walked as quickly as

possible to the other side of the room, with Thomas and Neville moving

slowly behind him. They had almost reached the other door when their

bad luck continued.

"There they are!" shouted the voice of Barty Crouch Jr. Aries kept a firm

grip on Weasley's arm as he spun them around, keeping her upright, and

instinctively spells flew from their wands. Weasley's Reductor Curse

crashed into the door frame just as Aries' blasting curse exploded the

floor around the Death Eaters. It gave Thomas and Neville just enough

time to escape before Aries unceremoniously threw the younger Weasley

through the door and slammed it behind him.

"Seal the doors!" Aries shouted as he moved to follow his own

instructions. It didn't take long for the Death Eaters to adapt as a door

blasted open, throwing Neville back into a desk with a loud thud before

he rolled to the ground unconscious. Aries grabbed Weasley by the arm,

while throwing a stunning spell of his own at her brother who seemed to

want to summon brains of all things, pulling her up to her feet so she

could throw spells of her own. A blasting curse threw them apart and

Aries watched as a stunning spell took her in the chest.

"Thomas, run!" Aries unleashed a wave of pure magical force towards the

Death Eaters, knocking them all off their feet, before he followed

Thomas, hoping the Death Eaters would ignore the unconscious students

and follow them, not sure how he would feel about being right. As he ran

through the door, he leapt at the last second, seeing that the floor gave

out. He landed hard on his feet next to Thomas, who had obviously not

noticed the drop. Whispers rang through the large circular room that

seemed to originate from the stone archway that sat on a dais in the


"Aries, can you hear that?" whispered Thomas as he rose to his feet, but

Aries did not answer.

"Oh, my son," came the voice of his mother that stilled him.

"Aries?" It was laughter, not Thomas' worried voice, that broke him out of

the trance that had him transfixed upon the stone arch way. Death Eaters

seemed to pour into the room from every door, surrounding them as the

stood on the dais.

"Your race is run, Potter," drawled Lucius as he pulled off his mask. "Now

hand me the prophecy!"

"I'll give you one last chance to leave Lucius," Aries offered as he raised

his wand, ignoring the other's words. "This is the point of no return for

you. Either go back to your family or throw your lot in with them."

"You're in no place to bargain, Black," Lucius counted, "You think we fear

you, after you've spent all this time running?" Aries only flashed a smile,

despite knowing the desperate situation of being outnumbered as they


"Before I had those whom I needed to protect. Those who could have

been harmed. Now there's only us. Protego Diabolica!" He whipped his

wand in a circle around his head as black flame erupted around the dais.

Shouts of fear came from the Death Eaters struggling to push themselves


"What is that?!" Thomas shouted.

"A spell of Gellert Grindewald," answered Aries wearily, the power of the

spell pulling on him, "And a last resort."

"How long can you hold that?"

"As long as I have to!" But Aries knew that the spell was not without

limits. Unleashed without control, the spell could consume all as well as

Fiend Fyre, but to keep Protego Diabolica within one's control required

immense strength and concentration. It could not be held forever without


"You can't hide forever, Aries!" shouted Lucius as he cast as powerful

shield charm around his fellow Death Eaters. "Sooner or later, you will

have to give up!" A flick of his wand caused a great tendril of flame to

strike at Lucius' shield. The older wizard looked about frantically before

catching Crouch's and Dolohov's eyes. "Use Finite!"

"Finite Incantatem!" shouted ten voices at once as they pointed their

wands at the dark flames. Years ago, five extraordinary witches and

wizards used the General Counter-Spell to contain Grindewald's

unleashed Protego Diabolica. Now, however, was a wizard more powerful

than that dark lord, who still controlled the spell. Aries felt the wave of

magic against his own and pushed back, unleashing his own power into

the dark flames as they spread out toward the Death Eaters.

"Now!" Lucius commanded. "Avada Kedavra!" Three green spells erupted

from the wands of Lucius, Crouch, and Dolohov. Aries frantically

summoned the dark flames back to him, creating a wall of flame that

exploded apart it absorbed the killing curses. The three Death Eaters

rushed forward again, throwing spell after spell that crashed against

Aries' newly erected shield that barely covered himself and Thomas. The

latter was throwing spells of his own, but they weakened as they passed

through Aries' dense shield, allowing the Death Eaters to easily deflect


Black and Potter, standing side by side, kept the high ground as they

defended themselves from the approaching Death Eaters. The other seven

seemed to have an understanding to stay back, that the three more

powerful wizards of their group were to spear head this attack. Aries

could feel himself being pushed back as the drain of using Protego

Diabolica and continuously battling the Dark Lord's three most powerful

servants with little to no help was beginning to fatigue him.

"It's over, Black!" Dolohov shouted triumphantly he shattered Aries' shield

with an incredible blast of dark magic. "No one is coming to save you!"

"Says who?" The battle seemed to freeze as James Potter and Sirius Black

jumped down from the door above to land on either side of him. He felt a

slight flow of magic and his eyes found Andromeda as renewed energy

filled his core. Members of the Order, led by Alastor Moody and Kingsley

Shacklebolt came from one door, while Cassiopeia, Nymphadora, Remus,

Alice Longbottom, and Bellatrix Black came from another. For a moment,

there was silence as Lucius Malfoy, Barty Crouch Junior and Antonin

Dolohov and their Death Eaters stared down James Potter, Sirius Black,

and Aries Black and their Orders before chaos and spell fire broke out.

Aries threw up a wide shield charm covering himself, James, and Sirius,

as three powerful curses struck it. The two Aurors wasted no time

throwing their own spells back while Aries covered their advanced.

Thomas watched their backs as they pushed forward, the three Death

Eaters no longer having the advantage as the six of them battled around

the dais. Aries could feel Dolohov's aggressiveness as his spells continued

to aim where he was shielding the two Aurors while occasionally

throwing in his own spell. His eyes caught movement, as Bellatrix and

Alive moved in to fight the Lestrange brothers.

The slight distraction was enough for Dolohov, who threw another

incredibly strong blasting hex, just as he lowered his shield for his own

volley of spells. It collided at his feet, throwing him back and splitting up

their trio. James grabbed Thomas as he was thrown back, falling into a

roll that soften their contact with the ground. Sirius was not so lucky as

he was collided with the ground below the dias. He climbed to his feet

quickly though and engaged Lucius and Crouch as James seemed to have

a short shouting match with Thomas, pointing angrily at the doorway the

Order had come from.

Aries had little time to observe anything else as Dolohov continued his

advance, casting another wave of purple flame. He flicked it casually

aside and sent a black colored spell which shattered the hasty shield that

his opponent had erected. Dolohov pressured forcing them further away

from James, Sirius, Lucius, and Crouch. His aggressiveness was not a

surprise to Aries, but he could feel the desperation rolling off of the

Death Eater now. He ducked under another killing curse before sending a

cutting curse that ripped through Dolohov's shoulder. A blasting curse of

his own followed, throwing Dolohov across the room.

"Avada Kedavra!" The shout was loud, carrying across the battle to Aries'

ears and he turned just in time to see the bright flash of green light from

Barty Crouch Junior's wand. Again, time seemed to slow for him, as he

saw the intended target was no other than his uncle Sirius. His magic

flowed long before his arm stretched out towards his uncle, and he pulled

Sirius out of the path of the Killing Curse. The curse continued to fly and

just as it passed through where Sirius had been, it barreled towards


There was a moment, a single moment no longer than the blink of an eye,

in which Aries knew he could save the father of his would-be apprenctice.

But in that moment, all of his plans and his hopes for molding Thomas to

his will without the guidance of his narrow-viewed father came to the

front of his mind, and he hesitated.

"DAD!" Thomas screamed as the flash of green streaking light collided

into his father. It seemed to take an age for James to fall as the lifeless

body curved in a graceful arc and fell through the ragged veil hanging

from the arch.

Aries could see the mingled look of fear and surprise on James Potter's

face as he fell through the ancient doorway and disappeared behind the

veil, which fluttered for a moment as though in a high wind and then fell

back into place. Thomas' screams echoed across the room, but Aries could

pay them no mind as he reengaged Lucius so Sirius could rush to stop

Thomas from nearly throwing himself into the archway after his fallen


"Another life lost because of your pride, Black!"

"And yours will follow, Malfoy," Aries returned venomously. "You've

made your choice. Family or not, you will not stand in my way any


"Bombarda!" Lucius shouted with rage, slashing his wand with the

incantation. Aries side stepped the spell, playing into his uncle's rage and

throwing a bone-breaker that shattered his leg. He followed it up with a

powerful stunner that blasted Lucius across the room. His eyes roamed

around the room, before seeing the ajar door and noticing Potter's and

Crouch's absence. The Death Eaters were quickly beginning to lose

ground now Crouch had fled and Dolohov and Lucius were incapacitated.

Noticing this, Aries left the battle to the others, choosing to chase after

his would-be apprenctice.

"Crucio!" The tip of Thomas' wand flashed red and Crouch flew backward

with a scream, but did not writhe in terror as the caster had no doubt

intended. Instead, Crouch only seemed to laugh as he rose back to his


"Never cast an Unforgivable, have ya, Potter?"

"Crucio." Aries calm voice cut through Thomas' focus as Crouch suddenly

began to scream and writhe in pain. He let it last for only a few seconds,

before releasing the spell. Crouch lay there, panting in pain as Aries came

to stand beside Thomas. "You have to mean it, Thomas, with every fiber

of your being. Let your anger feed your magic." Thomas slowly raised his

wand, the end already beginning to glow red.

Screams erupted again from Barty Crouch and then pained laughter came

once Thomas released the spell.

"Your Cruciatus is nothing, Potter," Crouch croaked out, "When compared

to our Dark Lords, our masters."

"Remotio!" Intent drove Aries' spell and blood splattered as Crouch's

tongue was ripped from his mouth. Anger flashed through Aries as he

turned back to Thomas. "He killed your father. He laughed as James died.

He deserves it!" He cleared his mind and let himself calm for a moment

and then spoke quietly: "You know the spell. Two words and you can

avenge your father here and now."

Thomas held his wand tightly, keeping it pointed at the now frantic and

weeping Crouch. Deep, ragged breaths seemed to shake his entire body as

he focused on nothing but his hatred for the man before him. Aries

waited, knowing this was a moment in which everything could turn. His

would-be apprentice could become his fully, and Thomas would be

molded into a wizard that that could help Aries reshape the world to

their will, as equals.

"I. . . I can't. . ." Thomas said, his wand slowly falling to his side. "I hate

him. But I can't. . . It's not our way."

"Avada Kedavra!" Green light flashed from Aries' wand and Barty Crouch

Junior died in a pile of his blood in the atrium of the Ministry of Magic.

Thomas seemed to stare at the body before shocked eyes met the

disappointed one of Aries'.

"You. . . You killed him."

"If you show mercy to your enemy, they will just take another life," Aries

said sternly. "Today your father died, but now he cannot kill another

father. Another mother, or son or daughter. Do not give your enemy a

chance to strike again."

"He's right, Thomas," slithered a voice from the shadows. They turned,

wands at the ready, and found themselves face to face with Lord

Voldemort. "Mercy is a weakness." Lord Voldemort walked carefully,

almost gliding towards them. "You have killed one of my most loyal

servants, Lord Black. And here I thought we had an agreement?" Thomas

head whipped so hard to look at Aries that his neck cracked, but Aries

paid him no mind.

"He killed James Potter," Aries explained with no remorse. "I told you the

Potters were under my protection. An eye for an eye seemed only right."

He brandished his wand, settling into his Viper stance. "Stay back,

Thomas, this is no longer your fight."

"Not his fight?" laughed Lord Voldemort, "But we are here in his honor.

After all, it is he who brought us all here together in his folly. James

Potter may have died, but Thomas here as managed to ruin my plans

nonetheless. The prophecy is gone, but no matter. I will rid the world of

the Potter line and then you and I, Aries, will have a discussion in

regards to your place in this world."

"I told you before, Lord Voldemort, I do not share power." The two locked

eyes, before Voldemort sneered.

"Avada Kedavra!" Aries flung Thomas towards cover wandlessly while

rolling out of the way of the killing curse. He shot off a spell chain of a

bone breaker, blood-boiler, and a killing curse of his own. The Dark Lord

easily deflected the first two and simply side stepped the last, but Aries

was ready. He flicked his wand at the water, summoning it, and bending

it into a great serpent that rose to the ceiling. Lord Voldemort only

laughed as he summoned a great serpent of his own made of Fiend Fyre.

The two dark lords focused their power into their elemental serpents

before attacking as one. Fire and water clashed in the atrium as the

serpents fought to strike but Aries would not trust in that alone. He kept

control of his serpent wandlessly, moving to the side to allow him to

begin casting spells towards Voldemort with his wand, but the Dark Lord

would not be defeated so easily. They seemed to move uncannily similar,

their spells colliding in the air as their serpents could find no opening for

victory. Those spells that did not meet flew past their targets smashing

into the atrium. The air seemed electric from the powerful magic that

emanated from the wizards.

"Enough!" The Dark Lord shouted as he pushed a sudden surge of power

through his Fiend Fyre serpent. It struck out, blasting itself through Aries'

water serpent and moved to strike at him. Aries slashed upward, causing

a wave of razor-sharp air to slash through and decapitate the fire serpent.

He followed it up with three blasting hexes towards the Dark Lord, who

was forced to throw up a shield charm. Without Lord Voldemort's

control, the Fiend Fyre began to grow wild, but Aries wrestled it into his

control and quickly dispelled the flames.

Voldemort lowered his shield and eyed Aries, as if reevaluating him. The

Dark Lord cocked his head to the side before he began his attack again.

This time, there was not a back and forth of spells, as Voldemort pushed

for an advantage. Aries once again felt the drain of the night's battle.

Dueling with Dolohov, the Protego Diabolica, the elemental magic, and

now his duel with Lord Voldemort. He was fatigued, while the Dark Lord

was fresh. Still, Aries knew he matched the Dark Lord in power and

magic, so he continued to fight back, but every time he tried to go on the

offensive, he was thrown back. An onslaught of spell fire came at Aries,

forcing him to shield, deflect, or simply dodge the spells as he was

pushed back from the atrium towards the now empty fountain. A cruel

smiling was creeping its way onto Lord Voldemort's face and with every

spell that crashed against Aries' weakening shield, it grew larger. A

cutting curse slipped past his defenses, grazing his cheek and leaving a

long but thin cut. Aries felt his magic pull, quickly closing the shallow


Suddenly, Lord Voldemort stopped sending spells, but continued his

advance purposefully. Aries took the opening and began to unleash spell

fire of his own. Despite the lack of onslaught from his opponent, his

spells were slower and weaker than normal, allowing the Dark Lord to

easily deflect each spell until a cutting curse of his own came. Voldemort,

from what Aries saw, seemed to step into the spell, allowing it to graze

his bare forearm. Within seconds, however, it magically healed in an

almost similar manner to how Aries' cut had just minutes before. A

disarming spell sent Aries' wand flying away from him while another

spell caught him right in the chest, sending him back against the fountain

wall. As he lay there, panting from exhaustion and as pain wracked his

body, Aries came to one sickening conclusion: the Dark Lord had never

been taking the duel seriously.

"We are not so different after all, Aries Black," the Dark Lord said softly.

"We seek power. We have performed rituals to increase our power and

pushed our magic beyond the likes of any ordinary wizard. We gather

like-minded members of our society to help us achieve our goals. Just

think of what we could accomplish together.'

"Long have I pondered your purpose, your existence, in this pattern of

time. The Heir of Slytherin, yet not a child of mine. But magic is sentient

and with purpose, constantly trying to correct the imbalances that we

cause in the world. And so magic has brought you to me. A boy without a

father, and a lord without a son. An imbalance corrected. You are my

heir, Aries. Join me and let us rule this world together."

"NO!" Thomas shouted, rising from his cover, and throwing spells toward

the Dark Lord. Each was deflected with ease and Voldemort sent the

younger boy flying back into the walls of the atrium with a painful

crunch. Aries paid it no mind, lost as he was in his own disbelief.

For years now, he had prepared for this moment, the time to prove his

worth. And yet, in that moment, coming face to face with Lord

Voldemort himself, his power and training had amounted to nothing. He

was meant to be a dark lord himself, meant to destroy all that stood in

his path and create a new world order in the ashes of Albus Dumbledore

and Lord Voldemort. But here and now, he had two choices: death or


He had never taken Lord Voldemort's offers of service seriously for more

than a moment or two, a slight consideration of all the Dark Lord had

could offer. But that decision had been weighed against his own

understanding that he was an equal to Voldemort, or at least capable of

defeating him. Now, he had a truer understanding of the Dark Lord's skill

and power. A year ago, in the graveyard, Aries had held his own due to

his own skill and power, but it was now obvious that the Dark Lord had

been a shadow of his former self, still recovering from a old and dark

ritual that restored his body. And it was even more obvious in the year

past that Voldemort had not been idle in his own pursuit of power. Lord

Voldemort stood atop the mountain while Aries was at its base staring up

at him.

"You will have your chance in the spotlight soon, Potter," Lord Voldemort

drawled as his eyes lazily came back to land on Aries, who looked up at

the Dark Lord with disbelief. "But I will have my heir stand beside me as I

destroy you."

"You will have neither." For the first time in his life, the words of Albus

Dumbledore brought relief to Aries Black. Lord Voldemort sneered again

as his red eyes lifted to focus on the Headmaster, his wand still

dangerously pointed at Aries' heart. "It was foolish of you to come here

tonight, Tom. The Aurors are on their way."

"By which time I will be gone, and you will be dead," Voldemort raised

his wand from Aries and sent a killing curse towards Dumbledore, who

side stepped the spell with a graceful movement. "Why do you not

retaliate? Do you not seek to kill me? Are you above such brutality?"

"We both know there are many ways of destroying a man Tom," Albus

said calmly before he waved his wand intricately towards Aries and for

the second time that night, he felt his energy restored. Except this time, it

seemed as if an infinite amount of foreign, no, elder magic fueled his

core. Wandlessly he summoned his wand back as he rose to his feet.

"There is nothing worse than death!"

The three of them stood apart, points of a triangle of magic each trying to

stand taller than the others. They were the stages of power, each

representing the quest of all wizards: Albus Dumbledore, the greatest of

all; Lord Voldemort, a wizard in his prime seeking to overthrow the one

above him; and Aries Black, the successor to both awaiting his moment of

triumph. And yet, in that moment they were equals awaiting the deciding

variable for how the battle would end.

"You find yourself in a poor position, Dumbledore," Voldemort sneered as

his eyes fell on Aries, standing uncertainly as his eyes flickered between

the two wizards. "Tonight, my heir joins me at last, and together we shall

see you fall."

"You overestimate your appeal, Tom" Albus replied. "The future of the

House of Black is still to be decided."

"Soon you will see, you and Potter will die at my hand."

"No," Aries said softly, his eyes going to the Elder Wand in Dumbledore's

hand before coming to rest on the Dark Lord, the elder power coursing

through his veins. He sidestepped until he came to stand next to Albus

Dumbledore. "This is not your hour."

Voldemort let out an angry growl as he raised his wand to attack.

"So, my heir needs one last lesson?" the Dark Lord said with a sadistic

laugh. "I will bend you to my will."

Aries struck first, hoping to push the advantage that he was sure to have

now that Dumbledore, and more importantly the Elder Wand, had joined

him. Dumbledore followed suit, casting a wave of thick magic that forced

Voldemort to conjure a shield. It left no physical damage but caused a

loud gong-like sound to reverberate throughout the atrium. Powerful,

dark magic flew from Aries wand that crashed into the Dark Lord's

shields, as Dumbledore began to summon the water that covered the

floor and manipulate it around him. Voldemort let out a yell, lowering

his shield and sending out a wave of magic that threatened to knock

Aries off his feet. The eldest wizard wasted no time, forcing the water to

surround Voldemort like a cocoon of molten glass. For a moment, all that

could be seen was a shadowed figure that was sure to suffocate from the

pressure of the water sphere.

Aries felt it before he saw it, a split-second reaction that allowed him to

step in front of Dumbledore and deflect the sudden curse that Voldemort

had thrown, though it was enough of a distraction for the Dark Lord to

counter the water sphere and fall to the ground. He landed on his feet

and threw forth a torrent of dark, magical power. Aries ducked just as

Dumbledore threw up a shield of his own. Voldemort's spell crashed into

Dumbledore's shield, shooting off to the left and right, ripping apart of

the walls of the atrium it came into contact with. Aries slashed across his

body, sending another wave of razor-like air that the Dark Lord simply

absorbed into a ball of energy that, for a moment, he struggled to

contain. Then, with a high-pitched scream mixed with laughter, released

as a wave of energy. Glass all around them shattered as Aries and

Dumbledore were thrown back. The yew wand slashed upward, causing

the glass to rise in the air, sharp edges pointing right at them. Another

flick sent them flying through the air, thousands of deadly points ready to

pierce them. The two wizards moved as one, conjuring a thick line of

greyish magic that caused the glass to transform to sand as it passed


Voldemort eyed them both with an angry glare, studying them for a

moment before his eyes landed on Thomas. An evil grin formed on his

face and then at once disappeared. Thomas made to move, no doubt

believing that Voldemort had chosen to flee.

"Stay where you are, Thomas!" Aries yelled frantically. Thomas looked at

him in confusion, no doubt wondering why now of all times, he seemed

to sound. . . frightened. Then, Thomas screamed. He writhed on the floor

in pain, his eyes clinched shut, but when he did open them, a red tint had

fallen over them.

"Kill me now, Dumbledore," Thomas spoke, but it was the Dark Lord's voice

that came. "If death means nothing, then kill the boy. . ." For a moment,

Dumbledore seemed to hesitate, and anger flowed through Aries. He

reached out with his mind and touched Thomas'. Pain, unbelievable pain

threatened to overwhelm him for a moment. But then, he heard Thomas'


Let the pain stop, thought Thomas. End it, Dumbledore. . . Death is nothing

compared to this. . . I could see my father again. . .

"Thomas listen to me," pleaded Aries, "You are the last of the Potter line.

A line that has endured the darkness for generations. Your father knew

who you were and spent his entire life preparing you. Think of your

father, Thomas, and fight back."

Aries took a deep breath and plunged into the depths of Thomas' mind.

He was no longer in the Ministry of Magi, but within a prison where

Thomas was locked tight in the coils of a red-eyed creature. He wasted no

time and thrust his mindscape in a spear headed attack on the creature. A

collision, an explosion, or some sort of dynamic event had been what

Aries expected, but instead the Dark Lord's mind and his seemed to fuse.

Memories flashed before his eyes that he had seen before, long ago, in

nightmares past, until a wave of emotion from Thomas ripped them

apart, throwing Aries from his mind.

A moment passed and nothing changed, then slowly Thomas began to

still. Aries looked up to find Voldemort standing before him, his wand

pointed right at Aries' heart, eyes wide and frantic.

"What are you?" whispered the Dark Lord, confusion shown brightly in his

blood red eyes. "Who are you?"

A wave of gasps grabbed Lord Voldemort's attention, and together their

heads turned to find the Minister of Magic, along with the heads of the

Auror Department, the DMLE, and their subordinates staring in disbelief.


Lord Voldemort glared at the group, before looking down at Aries once


"You will know where to find me." An almost silent pop and the Dark

Lord was gone.

AN: Hold in your angry reviews, because I'm about to give out a few

notes here which should stow the torches and pitchforks. If these

still have you ready to burn me at the stake for some perceived

slight and/or not understanding of the story I'm trying to write then

hopefully the next chapter will have the answers you seek.

1. Many of you have commented that Aries is OP. Well he is, and

believe it or not as the writer I'm very well aware how he is

portrayed, just as I'm aware he's a bit of hypocrite (plot twist, it's

part of the plot). Almost the entirety of this story has been from

Aries' perspective. Have you ever had something that you thought

you were just the absolute best in, then went to the big leagues and

realized you weren't all that great? Exactly. Aries has wiped the

floor with most of his competition, but now has his first good run in

with the top DEs and with a fully restored Lord Voldemort. It's not

students in the tournament anymore. He may have defeated

Dolohov, but they don't call Voldemort the most powerful Dark Lord

for nothing. Aries has led every moment in the belief that he is

greater than or at least equal to the Dark Lord, to know find out he's

not exactly as strong as he thought. How will that affect his plans

and his overall mindset? That's the question we hope to find out in

the next chapter.

2. One thing I have always had in my head is a bit of a power

rankings, but literally for this scene alone I didn't want to ever

actually mention it(I may post it eventually), but it's how I've based

most of our characters actions. Lord Voldemort, Albus Dumbledore,

and Aries Black make up the Big Three (obviously) when it comes to

present day magic, all having surpassed the power level of Gellert

Grindewald with even their followers eclipsing the followers of

Grindewald. With the exception of the argument that in breeding

has weakened magic, I go by the idea that magic continues to grow

stronger with every passing generation. So it stands to reason that

the one or two generational talents that spring up would surpass

their predecessors. Therefore Gellert is less powerful than

Dumbledore (ignoring the Elder Wand) who is less powerful

Voldemort who is less powerful than Aries, *potentially once he

peaks in power*. I would use the same argument for our Death

Eaters. Lots of fics pass them off as jokes or weak. I disagree. Maybe

the mindless mass of DEs, but Voldemort's Inner Circle are made up

of some the most powerful witches and wizards alive. Malfoy,

Crouch, and Dolohov, even Bellatrix if she were still a DE, would

and could be Dark Lords/Ladies in their own right, if not for the

likes of Lord Voldemort and Aries. Hence, why Dolohov vs Black

isn't just swept to the side. Aries does win, but its not effortless.

3. I know I've seen it commented a few times, so a few things about

the Ancient Ones. First, no, they were not just made up because

Aries is OP. They've always been a part of the plan meant to come in

at the exact time I brought them in. Second, they are NOT zombies.

The reference was that in nearly every zombie movie, the never say

the word 'zombie,' but it's pretty obvious to everyone watching the

movie that it contains zombies. The point is that there are enough

hints throughout the series to know what the Ancient Ones are, but

we are never going to say the word that describes exactly what they


4. One last chapter of Part II, Consequences of Secrets Kept, and

then we're on to Part III!

Внимание! Этот перевод, возможно, ещё не готов.

Его статус: идёт перевод


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