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Готовый перевод One Piece The Ship of Lust / Корабель хтивості: Благодаря Змее

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Адреса змісту:https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6926581/1/Thanks-to-a-




Гарри Поттер

Благодаря Змее



На Гарри больше влияет насилие дома, а случайная встреча со змеей

и брачный контракт отправляют его на другой путь. В процессе бета-

тестирования. Под редактированием


Художественная литература M

– Английский – Приключения/Романтика – Гарри П., Дафна Г. –

Главы: 55 – Слов: 453 725 – Отзывы:


– Избранное: 12 102 – Подписки: 7 706 – Обновлено:

26.12.2013, 06:00:15

22.04.2011, 06:51:13

– Статус: завершено – id: 6926581

1. Chapter 1

A young pale skinned boy, thin and lanky with dark messy hair, badly

repaired glasses and a lost look on his face sits quietly in the dark. His

green eyes seem to flash as he spots a spider crawling around the barely

lit confines of his cupboard under the stairs. He doesn't mind spiders

though; they're amongst his only friends in the dark.

He reaches down and gently sets the spider on his palm. "You're just like

me", he says softly, "safe in the dark, but in danger as soon as the light

hits you." He sets the spider down, carefully, and sadly watches it scurry

away. Moments later, he falls into a doze.

A beautiful redhead with enchanting green eyes lets out a horrified

scream. A flash of green light cuts through the air, followed by high,

cold, maniacal laughter as the woman's body hits the ground. Then, a

pair of glowing red eyes replaces the green of the fallen woman, followed

by another flash of green light.

Harry shot straight up, panting and dripping cold sweat. 'Another

nightmare', he thought. He stretched his shoulders and rolled the stiffness

out of his neck, slowly allowing his eyes to adjust to the dim light of his

cupboard. After a few moments, he arose with a sigh, cramming his

glasses onto his face as he opened the door to his little hidey-hole. He

grudgingly trudged towards the kitchen to make 'ikkle Duddikins' special

birthday breakfast. '..Stupid fat whale should be given a special diet, not

special meals. Fat tub o' lard..' he thought venomously, as he started the

bacon, eggs, kippers, and pancakes. Shortly after, Aunt Petunia walked

into the kitchen.

"Freak!" she called, her voice shrill, cutting through Harry's bleary


"Freak! You'd better not ruin my precious Dudley's birthday, or you'll

wish you'd died along with your freakish parents." She spat, beady eyes

glaring holes into the back of Harry's skull.

"Yes, Aunt Petunia" Harry replied in a sullen seconds later, the stairs

creaked and groaned, announcing the arrival of Harry's morbidly obese

male relatives. Whale Sr.: Uncle Vernon, and Whale Jr.: Dudley.

"Boy! You'd best have that breakfast done and Dudley's presents out!"

Vernon shouted, his face nearing its familiar shade of waddled to a chair

in the kitchen, fat jiggling with each step, and plonked himself down

with a grunt.

"Mummy! Why does the freak have to come today?" he whined. His

greedy eyes darted around as he swiftly counted the pile of presents on

the table.

"Thirty seven?!" he yelled. "Why's there only thirty-seven presents! I had

thirty-six last year!"

Petunia, ever the doting mother, sensed the oncoming tantrum, and in an

effort to circumvent it, replied, in a sickeningly sweet, loving voice:

"Duddikins, we'll stop on the way to the zoo and get you two more

presents. How's that sound pumpkin?" She bustled around the table and

draped herself over her small mountain of a child in a very odd

approximation of a hug. "The freak" she said, pausing to emphasize the

word, "has to come because old Mrs. Figg is going to visit her son."

'Yeah, visiting her son. Wonder whose brilliant suggestion that was?

Good going Harry, you get to visit the snakes at the Zoo' Harry thought,

congratulating himself silently.

The year prior, Harry had discovered one of the many reasons his

relatives considered him a freak. While planting Aunt Petunia's rose bushes

that summer, Harry had heard a quiet voice complaining that there were not

enough mice around. Looking around he only spotted a small, smooth snake.

The small grey snake then looked directly at Harry and hissed, "Ssstupid

humansss alwaysss ssstaring or trying to kill ussss." Harry, in a moment of

shock, stumbled back and replied, unknowingly hissing; "I really mussst be a

freak. I ssswear that sssnake wasss jussst talking to me."

The snake's eyes flashed once. "Ahh, you ssspeak the noble tongue! Not a

freak, but a wizard, I believe. I am called Ssslither, hatchling." The newly

named Slither, replied.

"Wizard?" Harry asked; curiosity dancing in his eyes.

Harry and Slither continued their conversations for a year. In that time,

Harry came to value the small creature's companionship and more

importantly, his conversations with the snake. That summer, Harry

gleaned all of Slither's knowledge of the Wizarding World, and was

promptly informed of his technically useless status as the 'Boy-Who-

Lived'. Unfortunately for them both, Aunt Petunia caught the snake in the

garden and killed him in a fit of panic. 'Stupid horse-faced bint', he

thought bitterly is they drove the zoo. In losing Slither, he'd lost his only


Having arrived at the zoo, they meandered through the multitude of

exhibits. Finally, they made it to the reptile house after two hours of

Dudley's incessant whining about boring animals. Spotting a King Cobra

sleeping, Dudley ran up to the hooded serpent's glass enclosure, and

slammed his hammy fists on the glass, waking the snake from its sleep,

before waddling to the next window.

"Sssorry about my idiot cousssin," Harry hissed to the snake.

"Quite alright. Unfortunately it happensss all the time, young ssspeaker,"

the cobra replied in a feminine voice.

"My name isss Harry. What isss yoursss ssserpent?" he asked.

"I wasss called Aiolosss by my mother before I wasss taken."


"I wasss brought here from India, a year or two ago" Aiolos paused and

chuckled a snakey, hissing laugh "At leassst I managed to bite the

sssucker who got me."

"Sssorry to hear that. I know what itsss like to be held captive."

"Ssspeaker Harry, could I asssk you a favour?" the snake asked, softly.

"Of courssse you can, Aiolosss; what isss it?"

"I would like to leave thisss place" she said. As Aiolos said this, Harry was

knocked to the ground by Dudley who had abruptly thrust his face

against the glass to see the cobra that had stood up while talking to,

glared, and focused his anger and the barest hints of magic he could feel

within himself, and then smirked gleefully as he saw the effects.

"AHH!" Dudley screamed, as the glass separating him from the hooded

serpent vanished, and he fell in, flailing as he drew the attention of

everyone in sight.

With a grateful nod to Harry, Aiolos slithered out. As she did, Harry

whispered, "Quick! Coil around me and I'll get you out of here!"

A crowd had gathered as Dudley, now trapped in Aiolos' former

enclosure, began to hammer and wail against the glass that had replaced

itself just as quickly as it had vanished. When a sobbing, splotchy-faced

Dudley had finally been returned to his equally distraught and splotchy-

faced mother, the four of them rushed to the car. All the while, Harry

received glares and hissed insults from his Aunt and Uncle.

"You're going to get it when we get home freak," Uncle Vernon snarled at


Harry, thinking of what had happened to Slither, hissed quietly "Aiolosss,

you had better take your chance now if you want to live."

"I think I will ssstay with you hatchling, if I may."

"Of courssse, but thisss won't be pleasssant." He hissed sullenly, sure that

his cruel relatives would take his newest friend away, the same as they

had with Slither.

"We will sssee, hatchling. Worry not." She hissed reassuringly.

Upon their arrival at number 4 Privet Drive, Harry prepared himself for

the beating of his life. Not bothering to cower or hide, he morosely stood

his ground as his purple-faced, furious Uncle cocked a fat, chunky fist

back to strike him.

Just as Vernon was about to hit him, Aiolos rose up from around Harry's

waist, and hissed menacingly at the Dursleys. All of a sudden, Vernon's

fury and bravery faded quickly in the face of Aiolos' long, glistening fangs

and forked tongue.

As Vernon stopped dead in his tracks, Harry looked down to the cobra

around his waist, then up to his relatives' stunned faces and back down to

the snake once more. Struck by an idea, a smirk that could only be

described as evil, slowly worked its way across his face.

Harry looked square into his Uncle's eyes, and chuckled. "I think things

are going to change around here, Uncle." Not taking his eyes off of the

pale, normally ruddy, fat man in front of him, he hissed to his newfound


"Thanksss Aiolosss. Asss a Wizard, I believe I am allowed a familiar.

Would you be interesssted?"

With a bob of her hooded head, Aiolos flicked her forked tongue out in

amusement. "It would be my honour, hatchling." She hissed back.

The Dursley family could only watch in terror, quivering at the hissed

conversation between the black haired boy and his new serpentine


"Now Uncle, if you hadn't guessed yet, I've managed to find out about

magic - something you clearly thought you could hide from me without a

problem." He paused, and flashed a cocky grin, "Here's how things are

going to work from now on."

He began pacing in front of them while listing his conditions, ticking

each one off on his fingers. "I'm going to be staying in the guest room,

and will receive a fair share of the food. The only chores I'll be doing will

be cooking and garden-work, since I actually find those enjoyable. There

will be no more hitting, no more yelling, and no more insults, because I

really doubt my new friend here will appreciate that" he said, pausing as

he indicated the cobra around his waist.

He stopped his pacing, and continued; "I will also be getting new

clothing, and if you have a problem with anything I just listed, then just

remember that Aiolos is a king cobra, and that her venom is fatal. She's

also not fully grown, as she's only a meter and a half long. I think I

remember hearing that cobras can grow up to five and a half meters long.

And, y'know that little conversation she and I just had?" he asked

rhetorically, with a mad grin on his face, before launching back into his

tirade "She called me her hatchling. Meaning she'd kill you to protect me

without even a second thought. Now if you lot will excuse me, I need to

get comfortable in my new room."

After a month of scaring the Dursleys and eating right, coupled with daily

runs and push ups, Harry was finally starting to look his age. He no

longer looked like a scrawny, depressed, underfed, eight-year-old boy,

and was now starting to look more like an eleven-year-old who exercised

regularly and lived a healthy lifestyle. With Aiolos' help, he'd also

managed to convince (or coerce, depending on your perspective) his Aunt

to purchase him several sets of contact lenses, which allowed his brilliant

emerald eyes to shine.

He had grown his normally unruly hair out past his shoulders, which had

the surprising bonus of taming it while also conveniently covering his

scar. He'd also managed a full wardrobe overhaul, with everything from

shorts and undershirts, to jeans, tee-shirts and even some dressy clothing.

Looking at his calendar, he cracked a grin. 'Finally!' he thought 'I get my

letter today! Happy Birthday to me!'

Harry turned towards his snake and asked; "Aiolosss, do you want to

come to Diagon Alley with me today?"

"I would love to youngling. Anything to get away from thisss pack of

ssswine we live with."

Moments later, a tawny owl flew in through Harry's open window,

dropped an envelope on his bed, and hooted twice, as if waiting for him

to open the letter. Harry smiled again, and turned his attention to the

letter on his bed. Opening the envelope, he unfolded the parchment

before him.

It read:


Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore

(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock,

Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

Dear Mr. Potter,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School

of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books

and equipment.

Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall

Deputy Headmistress



First-year students will require:

1. Three sets of plain work robes (black)

2. One plain pointed hat (black) for day wear

3. One pair of protective gloves (dragon hide or similar)

4. One winter cloak (black, with silver fastenings)

Please note that all pupils' clothes should carry name tags.


All students should have a copy of each of the following:

The Standard Book of Spells (Grade 1) by Miranda Goshawk

A History of Magic by Bathilda Bagshot

Magical Theory by Adalbert Waffling

A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration by Emeric Switch

One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi by Phyllida Spore

Magical Drafts and Potions by Arsenius Jigger

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by Newt Scamander

The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection by Quentin Trimble


1 wand

1 cauldron (pewter, standard size 2)

1 set glass or crystal phials

1 telescope

1 set brass scales

Students may also bring, if they desire, an owl OR a cat OR a toad.



Yours sincerely,

Lucinda Thomsonicle-Pocus

Chief Attendant of Witchcraft Provisions

Taking out a pen, he wrote a quick reply saying that he would be

attending and gave it back to the owl. Harry, now armed with his letter,

dressed swiftly. He decided on a white tank top, a black button-down

shirt with silver buttons, black slacks and his favorite pair of black steel–

toed boots. He shook his hair out of his eyes, and pulled a few locks to

the side, to cover his scar.

Curiously; Aiolos, after having bonded with Harry through the Wizard-

Familiar pact, gained some magical properties. With a satisfied hiss, she

slithered up his body and sunk into his skin, appearing as a tattoo that

coiled around his shoulders and right arm. He slowly descended down

the stairs, reveling in what would soon be a great deal of newfound

freedom for both he and his familiar.

Upon reaching the kitchen, he addressed his uncle; "I've received my

Hogwarts letter and need to go to Diagon Alley today." He smirked, as all

colour seemed to leave his Uncle's normally ruddy face. "You can drop

me off there; I'll find my own way back." He said, with a mirthless smile.

Uncle Vernon managed a barely polite, "Fine, let's go now and get this

rubbish over with."

Uncle Vernon pulled up to Charing Cross Road, and with a wordless wave

of dismissal, Harry let himself out of the car. He grinned widely and

absorbed his first glimpse of Magical London. What appeared to be a

broken down shop front to muggles was actually a cheery, brightly lit

pub filled to the brim with wizards and witches. This; was the Leaky

Cauldron – the most commonly used entrance to Diagon Alley.

Opening the door of the pub, Harry carefully brushed his hair over his

forehead, ensuring that his scar was covered. Keeping his head down, he

headed straight to the back of the pub, out into the chilly courtyard, and

managed to catch someone tapping on the back wall with a wand. As the

other wizard walked through, he waited a few seconds, then swiftly

darted through the magically moved bricks just in time, and turned to

watch the bricks rapidly shift back into place.

In his head he heard Aiolos say, "You ssshould head to their bank firssst",

and nodded in agreement. As he made his way to Gringotts, he managed

to keep his face neutral, not wanting to look out of place. But on the

inside, as only he and Aiolos could tell, he was jubilant and gleeful at the

thought of being back amongst his he made his way into the bank, he

almost stopped dead in surprise at the sight of the Goblin warrior guards.

"Goblinsss", Aiolos hissed, "ssshow ressspect and dignity to them while

not ssshowing fear or intimidation and they will do the sssame."Harry

straightened up and schooled his features once more before walking to

the first open teller he saw.

"What do you want," the Goblin barked out.

"My name is Harry Potter and I was told by a friend that there may be

some money here, in my name, Sir." Harry managed calmly.

"What do you mean 'may', Mr. Potter, where is your key?" the goblin

asked a bit more politely.

"I mean exactly what I said and I have never received a key."

"I think you need to speak to the manager, Ragnok. Follow me." The

goblin got down from his perch and motioned for Harry to follow him.

They walked down many halls for several minutes and eventually

stopped in front of two enormous gold doors. The doors were ornately

decorated, with embossed designs and symbols, and the seal of Gringotts

prominently featured in the middle. A pair of fierce looking, armored,

spear-wielding Goblins stood in front of the doors.

The Goblin teller walked forward as the guards pulled their weapons

away, knocked then stepped back. Thirty seconds later a voice called out

"Enter!" and the doors creaked open. They walked in to the enormous

office where a Goblin, presumably Ragnok, sat behind a magnificent

desk. The goblin moved forward and spoke to Ragnok in a strange

language Aiolos called Gobbledygook and then left.

"Mr. Potter, it seems some grave mistakes have been made," Ragnok


"What mistakes sir, and please call me Harry."

"Then call me Ragnok, Harry." Ragnok sighed and appeared to be lost in

thought for a moment. "As it stands, you are a young wizard about to

start his schooling career. You, however, do not have your vault key, and

are very clearly unaware of the will left to you by your parents. Both of

these things should have been bestowed upon you by your magical

guardian" said the Goblin, eyes narrowing slightly in suspicion.

"I didn't even know magic was real until recently!" Harry exclaimed,

partly surprised, partly irritated at the thought that all of this had been

intentionally kept from him for so long, by some mysterious and

unknown individual. "Please Ragnok, tell me who my magical guardian

is, and if possible, I'd like to hear my parents' will." Harry replied


"Your magical guardian was Albus Dumbledore" Ragnok replied. 'But

that's not going to be true for very much longer' he thought, before

continuing; "We can have the will read immediately, after which you will

be given a new key, following the requisite blood tests."

"Thank you Ragnok, and what did you mean by was?"

"Since you are the last and only heir of a Noble and Ancient House, you

are granted emancipation on your eleventh birthday." Ragnok paused to

take in the Harry's surprised look, before smiling a toothy grin. "Though

you are not yet 17, your emancipation grants you exemption from the

Underage Magic Decree, and as soon as you place that ring upon your

finger, the Trace will be lifted from you."

Harry's mind was a blur as he processed the information that was just

revealed to him. Thoughts racing, and emotions at an all-time high, he

grinned. "Ragnok, sir, that's probably the best news I've heard since I

received my letter. What do I need to do for the blood test?" Ragnok, in

response, pulled out a blank piece of parchment and a silver dagger with

symbols carved into the hilt.

"You will need to prick your finger and let three drops fall onto the

parchment, please."

Harry took the dagger, and very lightly pricked his finger over the

parchment. He let three drops fall, slowly, and blinked in surprise as the

cut sealed itself.

The parchment flashed with a magical light, and the blood rapidly

swirled and formed writing.

Hardwin 'Harry' James Potter: July 31, 1980 –

Son of Lily Potter (nee Evans): January 30, 1960-October 31, 1981

And James Ignotus Potter: March 27, 1960-October 31, 1981

"My name's Hardwin James.." Harry mumbled, having never known that.

Ragnok looked at the parchment, nodded his head and waved his hand. A

burnished wooden box appeared upon his desk with a small bundle of

documents. Ragnok open the box, revealing a red, velvet cushioned

interior, and turned it towards Harry. Nestled within their own specific

indents were two keys and a signet first key looked old, and seemed to be

the typical iron skeleton key. The second key was similar to the first key,

but was a larger, shimmering gold with a ruby on the end of the key's


Finally, Harry took in the signet ring, his eyes widened in shock. It was a

large, masterfully worked gold and ruby piece, featuring a wide gold

band with inlaid ruby vines on the shoulders. Nestled within the vines on

the left was a phoenix with unfurled wings, and similarly, on the right, a

griffin on its hind legs, with a sword clasped in its front talons. The

center stone was a shimmering ruby, cut in the old European style with a

'P' carved into the topmost facet of the gem, and then filled with gold

filigree. Harry's eyes shone with delight as he studied the details of the

ring, recognizing the mythical beasts from a book he'd read at the library.

Ragnok spoke, "The smaller key is to your trust vault, the gold key with

the ruby is for the Potter Family Vault, and the Potter Family signet ring

is to be worn by the House's Lord, which in this case is you, Harry.

Traditionally, signet rings are worn on an individual's non-dominant

hand, on the smallest finger."

"I wish to be known as Hardwin now." The newly named Hardwin said

after a moment of thought. "Harry has some bad connotations for me," he

said as he picked up the keys and placed the ring on his left pinky finger.

The ring flashed and resized to fit him.

"That's fine, Hardwin. Should you wish to conceal the ring, simply will it

to do so."

"Now on to your parents' will," continued Ragnok as he unfolded the

documents and began to read them aloud.

I, James Ignotus Potter and I, Lily Evans Potter being of sound mind and

body declare this to be our final will and testament, all others being void.

Harry if you're hearing this we have not survived to see your second

birthday. Voldemort has finally found and killed us. Make no mistake; he

is a murderer and an evil man. Voldemort has come after us for a specific

reason; one both your mum and I think is worthless. There was a

prophecy made before you were born, that gave Voldemort the idea that

you would be the cause of his eventual death. Voldemort was only given

a part of the prophecy by one of his followers, but never heard the full

version, and he has become obsessed with killing you. We have left

Potter Manor and gone into hiding at our family's cottage in Godric's

Hollow, in order to ensure that the Manor is left in one piece for you.

Godric's Hollow is hidden under the Fidelius Charm, and we've used one

of my friends, Peter Pettigrew, as the secret keeper. If it turns out we're

dead, he's the one who betrayed us to Voldemort. I love you son and

leave everything your mom and I own to you. Stay safe and prank as

many people as you can. Hardwin my beautiful green eyed baby, I love you

and wish I could be there to see you grow up. You're already doing magic;

there's nothing accidental about it, talking and walking, and I'm pretty sure

you already understand more than any other one year old. I have no doubt

that you will be able to beat Voldemort. Study hard and learn all you can, but

don't forget to live your life and enjoy the things that come with it. I love you,

and I am proud of you no matter what.

James Potter and Lily Potter

Hardwin sat silently, looking perfectly composed except for the tears

running down his face. Ragnok allowed him time to let everything sink

in. "Hardwin, this is a list of everything left to you." Hardwin took the

documents and looked them over, his only though being; 'Holy shite'.

Potter Manor (signet ring works as portkey)

5 house elves

2.5 million galleons

10 million galleons worth in jewels, books, weapons, misc. items

Harry managed to stutter out a 'wow', receiving a chuckle from Ragnok.

"Your Trust Vault contains 250,000 galleons for your use while at school.

You are allowed to take books and weapons out of the Potter Family

Vault but you are not allowed to take any money out until you are

fifteen. Any questions?"

"It says my signet ring is a portkey, what's a portkey?"

"It is a transportation device, if you say 'Home to Potter Manor' it will

take you to Potter Manor," Ragnok said with an unexplained grin. "Would

you like to go to your vaults now, Hardwin?"

"Yes, please, and thank you for all your help."

They arrived at the Potter Vault after an incredibly exhilarating cart ride

for Hardwin. He and Ragnok exited the cart and walked down the shaft

to the entrance which, to Hardwin's surprise, was guarded by a real live

dragon. A Chinese Fireball, according to Ragnok.

"He will not harm you, as you are of the Potter lineage, and are Lord of

the House. Take your key and lay it flat in your palm then press it against

the entrance to open it," said the goblin as Hardwin looked at the

entrance in awe.

Spanning the entire three meters of the door was the Potter coat of arms.

It featured a large red and gold kite shield separated into four quadrants.

In the top left quadrant there was a phoenix with its wings spread, and

the bottom right quadrant there was a griffin standing on its hind legs

with a long sword clasped in its right forepaw. The other two quadrants

of the shield featured alternating red and gold diagonal stripes. Above

the shield was a painted scroll that read 'The Most Ancient and Noble

House of Potter' and below the shield there was another, larger scroll with

the family motto, 'Fortune Favors the Bold'.

As the vault opened, Hardwin's jaw dropped at the massive cavern filled

with gold, books, weapons, artifacts, rare ingredients and other strange

items that greeted his eyes. It would have taken him days of exploring to

go through each and every item left to him by his family.

The first thing Hardwin did was find a trunk. After which he immediately

rushed around the vault, and began filling it with books on the wizarding

world, etiquette, Hogwarts-A History, charms, defensive and offensive

magic, transfiguration, potions, runes, and a book on his family's history.

Ragnok, seeing exactly how much had been tossed into the trunk, waved

his hand - shrinking it and putting a featherweight charm on it.

"Just tap it three times when you want to resize it. Now, there's a pair of

letters here, and they seem to be addressed specifically to you." He said

as he walked over to a small table with a pair of envelopes on it.

Hardwin walked over and saw two envelopes; both with his name on

them. One of them bore a scrawled out 'To be opened after Hardwin

James Potter's fifteenth birthday.' He placed that envelope back on the

table and opened the other, smaller envelope, which contained a letter

and a document titled 'Marriage Contract'.

Harry, startled, looked up at Ragnok, blinking rapidly. "M-m-marriage

contract? W-w-w-what's a marriage contract and why do I have one?"

Harry stuttered.

"If I may," Ragnok said, holding out his hand. Harry turned over the


"Ah, this is a contract of marriage between yourself and one Daphne

Greengrass, signed by both sets of parents, and it states that you are to be

married on either her fifteenth birthday, or yours – whichever falls later

in the year." Ragnok paused and pointed to the letter accompanying the

contract. "Perhaps you should read that letter. It may explain your

parents' motives."

Hardwin ripped open the envelope and read:

Dear Hardwin,

I know you're probably very confused right now, but I did have my reasons for

agreeing to this.

Evelyn Warren was a classmate and very good friend of mine from Slytherin

House, and was a 'pure-blood' – one of the tolerable ones, at the very least.

The Warrens, while in good standing, are not a very affluent family and are a

few generations younger than most of the original families. Her parents had set

up a marriage contract between her and the heir to the Greengrass family,

Xavier Greengrass.

The Greengrasses, like the Warrens, are a pureblood family; but are one of the

original 28 magical families in Britain. They are a rich and powerful family,

almost as influential as the Potters, who were descendants of the Peverells of

old. While both Xavier and Evelyn were in Slytherin, even your father, an

ardent Gryffindor, got along with them.

(The rivalry between the Houses is ridiculous; don't buy into it unless you're on

the Quidditch pitch.)

When the War came, they and their families remained neutral. However, as

they were both remarkably talented individuals, they received a great deal of

pressure from both Dumbledore and Voldemort's supporters. In order to allay

this pressure and suspicion from either side, they asked us for this contract, to

subtly prove their allegiance to the Light, while still maintaining their


Since Eve and I were good friends, and your father and Xavier had known one

another since childhood; we agreed.

All four of us have just signed this, and are about to go into hiding, so we're

not sure when this will be revealed to you. Even though you're both just

toddlers, you already seem to get along when you're together. Knowing Evelyn

as well as I do, I'm confident the pair of you will have a strong and healthy


And if she's anything like either of her parents; she'll be hot! Ignore your



Mum and Dad.

'Well…shite' Hardwin thought. Pushing the contract from his mind, he

continued looking and found his father's old school trunk. It was a large,

handsome creation made of black dragon hide with gold finishings, with

three compartments that could be magically expanded to fit as much as

the user needed. At the bottom of one, there was a book on something

called 'Animagi', along with some handwritten notes. Hardwin swiftly

transferred all of the contents of the previous trunk into his father's old

trunk, which, to him, seemed like the better option. They then left the

family vault to visit his trust vault. Hardwin gathered a sizeable amount

of gold that Ragnok said would buy him the best and put it in a

bottomless, weightless money bag. After exchanging pleasantries with

Ragnok, and thanking him for his help and assistance, Hardwin left

Gringotts, and stepped out into the bustling, busy street. Looking down at

his extensive shopping list, he decided that he might as well get the

tedious bit out of the way.

And so, the first stop he decided on was Madam Malkin's Robes for All

Occasions. Upon opening the door, he was greeted by a jam-packed

interior, filled with young students, some his age, some older. Deciding

he'd rather not deal with the crowd, he went next door to Flourish &

Bott's bookstore.

He quietly moved around the store, picking up all the required textbooks,

and tried his luck at finding a text on parseltongue, but found no mention

except for a book titled 'The Rise and Fall of the Dark Arts'. He went on

to get his quills, ink, parchment, cauldron, and potion ingredients at

several other stores in the Alley.

Though he already had a familiar, Hardwin also had his heart set on

another pet; an owl. After a heated internal debate with Aiolos, which

resulted in Aiolos promising that she'd not devour the owl, he made his

way over to Eeylops Owl Emporium to purchase a bird. As soon as he

walked into the store, a beautiful snowy owl flew up and landed on his

shoulder, cooing softly.

"That one's been a right pain, bitin' everyone who comes near 'er," the

man behind the counter said.

Hardwin grinned, "I'll take her." He purchased a cage and treats and

placed them in his trunk, and then re-shrunk it with three taps of his

finger. Heading out of the store he saw the entrance to Knockturn Alley –

and, being the curious boy that he was – decided to have a look around.

"Hedwig", he said, pausing, "Fly to Potter Manor, I will find you there

later." He said to his new owl. The beautiful bird's eyes flashed with a

magical glow, as she attuned herself to her new master's magic, and flew

off with a soft hoot.

As he made his first steps into Knockturn Alley, he noticed a store called

Twilfit & Tattings, which, to his delight, was a clothing store. 'An empty

clothing store,' he noted with a grin.

"What're you after, boy?" the shop owner said with a noncommittal nod

to Hardwin.

Eyes narrowed at the disrespect, and the use of the word 'Boy' that his

dear Uncle Vernon had been so fond of, Hardwin moved his hair to show

his scar and willed his signet ring to show. He slowly raised his gaze and

made eye contact with the woman.

"A little respect would be nice," he said in a clipped, slightly haughty

tone. The shop owner's eyes popped in surprise, and she hastened to

correct her mistake.

"S-s-so s-s-sorry, my Lord!" She stammered, flustered. "I am Madam

Twilfit. How may I help you?"

"I need my Hogwarts robes, two winter cloaks; one with silver fastenings

and one with gold, a set of dark, forest green dress robes and traditional

black dress robes with the Potter crest on both, a pair of black dragon

hide boots, 5 dress shirts in white, 5 in black, and two in dark green, 5

pairs of black slacks, and 3 plain black robes with the Potter crest on

them, all in the finest materials you have," Hardwin replied in a calm,

measured tone.

"Allow me a few moments to get your measurements, milord – and then

I'll need an hour to get everything ready. Would you like any charms

placed on the garments?"

Hardwin consented to be measured and while that was going on he

replied, "What charms do you offer?"

Madam Twilfit ran him a quick list of charms, and he gave it a few

seconds of thought before replying "Growing charms on the boots and

slacks, and heating charms on the cloaks, Madam. I'll stop back in an


As he exited the shop, Aiolos reappeared out of his skin and coiled

around his shoulders and arm. A 2.1 meter long cobra was an instant

deterrent of some of the shadier characters lurking in the Alley. As he

walked, his eye was caught by a seemingly dark and dingy shop called

'Borgin & Burkes'.

'Not to stereotype, but they look like they could have some books on

parseltongue. I think I'll check there.' He thought. He approached the

store's front door, and made his way inside.

"Good afternoon. Do you have a book section?" Hardwin asked, as he

approached the counter. The man behind the counter did not seem at all

shocked to see a boy with a snake enter the shop.

"Yes, my lord. Follow me."

"Thank you…?"

"Borgin, my Lord, Henry Borgin." Replied Mr. Borgin as he swiftly walked

Harry to the back room. Harry looked through the books and found two

that seemed to change in front of his eyes. The writing went from

squiggles to words in seconds.

They were both very old looking, almost as if they would fall apart at the

slightest touch. Hardwin, to his pleasant surprise, noted that both the

tomes were written by Salazar Slytherin himself. Obviously, Henry

Borgin wouldn't know this, as the writing simply looked like squiggles

and odd symbols, clearly disguised by an enchantment spoken in


"They sssmell of parssselmagic, hatchling," Aiolos hissed.

"I take it that isss a good thing," he hissed back.


"You can read those?" Mr. Borgin asked with a raised brow. Harry nodded

in reply before looking at Mr. Borgin with a questioning look.

Borgin, detecting the unasked question, said in reply; "A hundred

galleons for the pair, and, if you'd take my advice, milord, it would be

best for you to avoid speaking parseltongue around others. It tends to

give most of our folk the wrong impression."

Hardwin took the books and laid out 110 galleons saying, "Thanks for the

advice. Now, I'm looking into getting my wand; is Ollivander's the only

place to get wands?"

"No sir, there is a shop down the alley called Wandcrafters." Said the

older man.

"Thank you, Mr. Borgin. Good day."

Hardwin walked into the Wandcrafters and was greeted by a

grandfatherly man who introduced himself simply as Hephaestus.

Looking around, Hardwin saw hundreds upon hundreds of wooden

blocks, a myriad of objects in jars, several rare and precious jewels and

metals, and other magical substances that he didn't even know how to

begin describing. Hardwin moved to introduce himself, still with Aiolos

coiled around him.

"Lord Hardwin Potter." He said.

"Ah, the Boy-Who-Lived, would have figured you for Ollivander's; even

the Malfoy's go there" replied Hephaestus.

"I can finally afford the best, and I really don't intend for anyone to stop

me." He narrowed his eyes and locked his gaze onto Hephaestus'. "I

would prefer it if you did not refer to me as the Boy-who-Lived." He bit

out, the comment having struck an unknown nerve.

"I meant no disrespect, my lord. I was merely making observation that

most magical folk, even those that frequent this Alley, go to Ollivander's,"

Hephaestus said in a calm and easy tone.

Hardwin schooled himself and softened his gaze "I apologize. Your

comment about that night simply sat poorly with me."

Hephaestus nodded in acceptance and said "Well, you came here looking

for a wand. Let's get you started. First-things-first, I'll need to take some


While his arm was being measured, Hardwin asked, "Out of curiosity, are

there any notable clients who come to your shop?"

Hephaestus mused for a few seconds, "Hmm, a few of the older magical

families, most notably the Greengrasses." Hardwin nodded. At the

mention of the Greengrass family, his thoughts turned to his bride-to-be,

which dried out his mouth rather quickly, as he tried to gulp.

"Now, Mr. Potter, I'll need you to run your hand over the tiny wood

samples I have here on the table" at this, he gestured to the slivers of

wood he had set in rows. "There are dozens, yes, but you'll need to go

over every single one, and then let me know which one gives you the

greatest feeling of warmth." Hardwin walked over and began.

Most of the wood slivers gave off no feeling at all. Some felt icy cold,

some felt chaotic and hostile, a few gave him pleasant, bright feelings,

but none of the warmth that Hephaestus mentioned, so he continued as

requested. As he reached the final three samples, the second and third

last samples gave him the most warmth he had ever felt in his life.

It was a pleasant warmth, not unbearably hot, but just comforting, almost

like the sun was smiling upon his palm. He looked at the last sample,

reluctantly placing his palm upon it; but was promptly rewarded with a

shock. He quickly went back to the other two samples, and picked them

both up. One sliver was a stark white, almost like ivory, and the other

was a rich brownish red. He picked them up again, reveling in the

warmth laid upon his hands.

"I got the same feeling from both, is two okay?" Hardwin asked

"Unusual… but, yes, it is okay. The white is wood from a Holly tree and

the other is wood from a Dogwood tree. Those woods are a very odd,

very intriguing combination when combined. Dogwood tends to make for

very playful, mischievous wands, capable of some very visually appealing

spellwork, but are excellent for finesse and charm work. On the other

hand, Holly wands are uniquely suited to protection, defense and combat

magic's of all sorts; however, they tend to be very stubborn and can

fluctuate in power depending upon the wand core." Hephaestus replied.

"Speaking of which, you'll need to repeat the process with my selection of

cores" he gestured to myriad of jars and containers with a smirk, "same

process as before." With a wave of his own wand, all the lids and tops of

the containers opened themselves, and vanished.

Hardwin walked over with an amused sigh, and began to run hands over

the tops. He heard distantly, "It is okay to have more than one core as

well. Multiple cores with multiple woods tend to make for some very

interesting and powerful wands". By the end of the process, Hardwin felt

warmth from a shimmering red and gold feather and a string of red


"A phoenix feather and the heart string of a griffin." Hephaestus said with

a laugh. "You're not going to be an easy customer to craft for." The elder

wizard suddenly looked at the cobra coiled around Hardwin, and his eyes

took on an intrigued glint. "That snake is beautiful. Is it your familiar?"

he asked. A hissing from the snake was heard. Laughing, Hardwin said,

"She thanks you for the compliment. Her name is Aiolos, and yes, she is

my familiar."

"You're a parselmouth." Hephaestus said, as though stating a fact.

"Yes, is there problem with that?" Hardwin asked, slightly weary.

At this, Hephaestus cracked a grin. "Not at all. Just makes me want to ask

you even more, if you'd allow me to take some venom from her to add to

your wand cores."

Looking to Aiolos, who nodded her head yes, Hardwin replied, "Sure."

Hephaestus motioned for Aiolos to open her mouth, which she did. He

raised his wand and swirled it around one of her fangs, holding a tiny

crystal phial right beneath the fang's tip. He slowly coaxed several drops

of venom out before cutting off the flow of magic and stoppering the


"Excellent. Your wand will be an interesting one, Hardwin, but I'll make

sure it is one to be proud of, even with all the complicated ingredients.

I'll need some time to prepare the ingredients, but if you wish to wait,

you may."

"Actually, I've got a few items that need to be picked up from Twilfit &

Tattings. I'll head over there, and then I'll come back." Hardwin said as he

started towards the door.

He paused for a moment, lost in thought, and then turned back to

Hephaestus with a thoughtful look on his face. "Could I watch you make

the wand, sir?"

Hephaestus stared at Hardwin for a long moment as if studying him and

simply replied, "Yes, I'll wait until you get back." Hardwin walked out, a

content grin upon his face. Aiolos sunk back into his skin as he walked

through the doors of Twilfit & Tattings.

Upon noticing him, Madam Twilfit smiled and said, "Your order is ready,

my Lord. That will be 250 galleons."

Hardwin handed over the galleons plus an extra ten galleons as gratuity.

Nodding his thanks, Hardwin pulled out his trunk, which held the rest of

his supplies, tapped it to un-shrink it and added his clothes to it, re-

shrinking it as he left the store.

He walked back to Hephaestus' shop, and entered, Aiolos reappearing on

his shoulders as he walked through the doors.

"Mr. Potter, welcome back", said the wandmaker. He turned on his heel

and walked to the back room of the shop, with Hardwin in tow. Hardwin

took a seat, out of the wandmaker's way, but still in a position to watch

the crafting of his wand.

Hephaestus laid out all the materials that would be used to craft

Hardwin's wand on a work table, and turned to explain the meaning of

the woods to his customer.

"Now then, Hardwin, listen carefully, as I'll be explaining the significance

of your ingredients" said the elder wizard as he cleared his throat.

"Holly and Phoenix-feather are notoriously difficult to combine together

in a wand." He continued.

"Adding dogwood makes the crafting process even more delicate and

difficult – because of the quirkiness of the wood." He paused, ensuring

that Hardwin was still following.

"Now, the added power from the Griffin heartstring may unbalance the

wand and could result in a dangerously overpowered piece. Fortunately

for you, your serpent's venom should provide stability between the two

cores; and will fuse the heartstring and the feather, binding them

together with yours and Aiolos' magic." At this, Hardwin cracked a small,

involuntary grin. Obviously, any eleven-year-old would be excited at the

prospect of a powerful tool of any sort in their hands.

Still, Hephaestus continued on; "This, with the two woods, despite their

very unique temperaments and characteristics should make for a

singularly magnificent and uniquely powerful wand. Your wand won't be

able to be won by force, and will be capable of some of the most dazzling

spellwork ever wrought by one of my creations. Dogwood wands tend to

have a flair for the dramatic, and holly wands tend to seek owners meant

for great things. With the combined properties of the woods and cores,

your wand will be excellently suited to charm work, wards, glamour's,

enchantments and spellwork requiring a great deal of finesse.

Additionally, your wand will take to combat and defensive magic's easier

than most others, all in all, I expect this will be one of my finest, but

most difficult works."

With the explanation out of the way, Hephaestus turned to the

workbench and began his craft. Hephaestus' first step was to fuse the

cores of Hardwin's wand. He donned a pair of dragon hide work gloves

and opened the jar containing the griffin heartstring. As he withdrew the

heartstring, he simultaneously opened the container of the phoenix tail

feather, and brought the two substances together. With nimble fingers,

and the whispered words of some unknown spell, he wound the griffin

heartstring around the phoenix tail feather carefully but swiftly. He

gently laid the two combined substances on a piece of cloth, and

carefully unstopped the phial of Aiolos' venom. He resumed his

whispering, as he poured the venom out along the feather-heartstring,

which absorbed the venom with a bright flash of red magic. What used to

be a wet mess of venom, heartstring and feather, had fused together to

become a feather with a shaft the same black color of Aiolos' venom, and

interwoven gold and red barbs, barbules and barbicels, altogether

creating a very strange, gold, red and black piece of beauty. Having fused

the cores, Hephaestus carefully wrapped the newly created Phoenix-

Griffin-Cobra feather in the silken cloth, and turned his attention to the


The next part of the process was what astounded Hardwin. Hephaestus

took the two blocks of wood, Holly and Dogwood, and laid them side by

side. He swiftly removed the feather from its silk casing and placed it on

top of the block of Holly, and then placed the block of Dogwood on top

of the feather, creating an odd wooden sandwich. Hephaestus then drew

his own wand and tapped the blocks three times each. A flare of magical

light erupted, and the woods slowly began to fuse together with the

feather between them. As the woods merged, Hephaestus began to

compress and mold them with his hands, almost as if the woods had

become soft. Slowly but surely, he shaped and caressed and tweaked

until, in his hands, he held a long, slender object.

Hephaestus gazed down at his work with a smile. The combination of

materials had truly resulted in a beautiful piece. The Holly had become

the main wood of the wand, resulting in an eleven inch long, tapered,

brilliant white wand, with the reddish brown swirls of dogwood creating

a vine-like pattern that ran from the base of the wand, to the tip, all the

way around. The red vines were ever so faintly outlined in black, which

pointed to the influence of Aiolos' venom on the wand. Hephaestus

turned and held his hands out, the wand carefully laid across his palms.

Hardwin, mouth dry in awe, stepped forward shakily and picked up the

wand by the base. The second he did, he felt a blazing warmth rush

through his system, as his magic forged a connection with the masterfully

crafted wand in his hands. He gave it an experimental wave, and a

stream of flames and sparks elegantly wafted from the tip.

Stunned, Hardwin looked down at the wand in his hand, then back up at

Hephaestus, multiple times. He opened his mouth to say something,

anything, but no words came out. Hephaestus chuckled, reading his

newest customer's thoughts. "You're welcome. Now that'll be 100


Hardwin handed the man a bag of coins filled with 155 galleons, "Thank

you for letting me watch, sir."

With that, Hardwin left the shop and exited Knockturn alley. He looked

down at his ring and shrugged. "Home to Potter Manor" he said in a

clear, confident voice. Seconds later he vanished as the portkey whisked

him away.

Hardwin tumbled across a red and white marble floor. "Well that wasss

pleasssant," Aiolos hissed sarcastically. Hardwin shook his head rapidly to

jolt his brain back into a wakeful state, and slowly began to regain his


As he gazed around, jaw slack, he realized he was sitting in an entrance

hall that was as large as the Dursleys' entire ground floor. The hall had

two massive oak doors that presumably opened up to the inside of the

manor. In the middle of the hall, on floor, was the Potter family crest

done in gold, about 10 feet in diameter. The rest of the hall was done in a

deep scarlet red marble with ivory white veins.

As he shakily rose to his feet, Hardwin heard a *pop* and was greeted by

a strange looking creature, roughly the same size as the goblins, but

much thinner. The creature was thin, but looked healthy, with long

floppy ears, and tennis ball sized green eyes, and wore nothing but a red

toga with the Potter crest on it.

"Young Master Hardwin! You's have returned!" the creature said in a deep

male voice. "I am Nips, the Head Potter elf" the strange creature finished,

bowing deeply.

"Elf?" Hardwin asked.

"House elf, master, we's is serving wizarding families, Master."

"Okay. Firstly, just call me Hardwin, none of this Master business. And.

I'm returning?" he said, slightly confused.

"Yes mas - Hardwin, you lived here when you was just a baby, with

Master James and Mistress Lily, before you's all disappeared." The elf said

animatedly. "Now that you is back, we can serve the family again. We's

kept everything the same!"

"So, you serve the Potter family?"

"Yes sir. I is serving Master James and Master Charlus, and now you.

Mistress Lily never let us call her mistress either, you's just like her,

makin' us bad elves."

Flustered, and not wanting to be called 'master', Hardwin searched his

brain for a solution to the obvious problem of his new status in the

house. "Would 'Sir' work? I really don't want to be anybody's master."

"Yes Sir!" said the elf. "Now would Sir Hardwin like a tour?"

With a push of magic, Nips moved the large oaken doors, which opened

with a deep bass creak. The doors led to a beautiful and warmly lit foyer,

with a sitting room on either side. One; more formally decorated, for

entertaining guests, and a second, with a cozier feel, for family.

The first floor of the manor, apart from the entrance hall, foyer and

sitting rooms, contained a cavernous kitchen, with a room for the family

to eat, a library that started on the first floor, and stretched all the way

up to the second floor, an ornately decorated dining room, a full-sized

ball room, a study and a large atrium that opened to the land at the back

of the property.

The plot of land at the back of the manor was several acres across. There

was a pool made to look like a lake, a full-sized Quidditch pitch, stables,

and a 50 acre forest that held trails for the horses. Those trails, and the

horses themselves, were under the care of another elf, Dips.

Hardwin and Nips re-entered the Manor, and ascended to the second

floor. The stairs led to a cozy looking sitting room. One door opened up

to a small hallway which led to the master bedroom, which was

furnished with cherry wood flooring and furniture. A king sized bed was

the focus of the room, pushed against a wall. Keeping in theme with the

rest of the house, the bed had scarlet covers and curtains, with the

curtains tied back with thick golden tasseled ropes.

The rest of the room was just as ornate; above the headboard of the bed

was the Potter family crest and motto done in gold. The room was

decorated with crystal lamps, two intricately carved bookcases, and a

marble fireplace with a cherry wood mantle. Off to the side, a set of

double doors opened into a dressing room with two closets still stuffed

full of his parents' clothing.

Further into this room, a final door opened up to the master bath which

housed a large pool-like tub, and a simply massive shower. The

countertops and appliances were all done in black marble with gold

fixtures and crystal faucets.

Aside from the master bedroom, the second floor held four bedrooms for

family, and the second floor of the library. The third floor had a gym, a

dueling pit with weapons lining the wall, and above the master bedroom,

a nursery that looked like baby Hardwin had only just left yesterday. The

nursery had stairs connecting it to the master bedroom directly. There

were also two guest bedrooms with en-suite bathrooms.

Finally, they descended to the basement; featuring a fully stocked potions

lab, an entertainment room with a billiards table, several shelves of

board games and card games, and a well-stocked, fully furnished wet-bar.

The basement also housed two guest rooms and the elves living quarters.

The Manor tour took nearly 5 hours of in-depth exploration, and by the

time Nips and Hardwin finished, he was completely worn out.

"Nips", he said wearily, "I'm famished. How does cooking work, for house

elves?" he asked.

With a cheery grin and a wink, the elf chuckled. "You shall see, Hardwin

Sir, you shall see!"

Dinner was lovingly and masterfully cooked by Mips, the official cook of

the Potter family. Mips had whipped up a simple, but wonderfully

nutritious affair. Hardwin retired to his chambers and fell into a deep

sleep, shortly after eating.

Hardwin woke up and took a minute to realize he was no longer in the

hell known as number 4, Privet Drive. He broke out into a huge smile as

he took in the sunshine streaming in through the windows, the soft, plush

covers of his new bed, and the general sense of relaxation and peace that

came with having his own space, his own place, his own property.

"I'm going to hunt," Aiolos hissed and slithered out of the room.

He heard a low hooting noise, and noticed Hedwig perched upon a tall,

golden owl-post near the window of the room. He waved and smiled in

greeting, before deciding freshen himself up.

After a standard morning routine, Hardwin dressed and walked down to

the kitchen for breakfast. Mips had organised a wonderful breakfast

spread, and had laid out an array of dishes on the table, by the time

Hardwin had arrived. Eggs done in multiple styles, bacon, sausage, toast,

French toast, pancakes, waffles, fresh milk and orange juice, and plate

upon plate of freshly cut fruit. Hardwin sat down and thanked Mips in a

quiet, subdued tone. At this, Mips walked away, muttering "sir looks too

skinny, Mips will fix."

Hardwin chuckled, shook his head and smiled. 'Someone cares', he

thought. He ate his fill of the wonderful spread, and after nearly 2 hours

of gorging, Hardwin felt stuffed for the first time he could remember.

He went to the library next and found some books on letter etiquette,

marriage contracts, and a diary written by the former Potter family

heads. He headed to the study, planning on writing a letter. Harry read

the book on letter etiquette in under a half hour then practiced writing

with the quill for an hour.

After several drafts, and more than a few scratched out attempts at clean,

legible, respectful writing that appropriately conveyed his message, he

ended up with a finished product that read:

Lord Greengrass,

I have recently been reintroduced to the wizarding world after an absence of

ten years. I had been living with my aunt and uncle but am currently at Potter

Manor. I found out about the contract when I visited my vault. I would like to

meet with you and your family before school starts.


Lord Hardwin James Potter

As the Greengrass family was sitting down to eat a white snowy owl none

of them had ever seen before swooped down and stuck its leg out to Lord

Greengrass. The owl, now relieved of her duty, flew over to the eldest

daughter and perched on the girl's shoulder, rubbing her head against the

girl's cheek. The girl giggled and gave the owl some bacon.

"What a beautiful owl, Xavier what does the letter say?" Lady Greengrass

spoke, smiling at her daughter's new avian friend.

"It's from Lord Potter, my dear, and he would like to meet with us before

the school season starts," Xavier spoke evenly. Three gasps echoed in

stereo as the three females in the room reacted simultaneously, as

everyone there knew about the contract. Evelyn Greengrass shot up from

her chair, raced over and snatched the letter from her husband's hand.

Daphne, now petting the owl on her shoulder, spoke quietly, almost to

herself, "I wonder why he hasn't met with us before now?"

"Damn Dumbledore to the bloody depths of hell," Evelyn spoke harshly.

"He hasn't contacted us because Dumbledore placed the poor boy with

Lily's sister who despises all things magical, and her husband's probably

worse. And it says that he's just been reintroduced to wizarding society."

"Well, we have a month before Hogwarts"; Xavier spoke, "how about we

meet on Friday. This way it leaves time for you two to become better

acquainted before school."

"That's fine with me, mum?" Daphne said, turning to her mother.

"That's fine with me also, darling. Daphne, sweetheart, you need to be

prepared to meet someone completely different from everything you've

heard. I'm not sure how far Petunia would take her hatred of magic."

Daphne nodded her head to show she was listening and the Greengrass

family went back to their breakfast, while Lord Greengrass sent his reply.

Hardwin spent the rest of the week preparing for the upcoming meeting

with his future family. He studied as much about wizarding etiquette and

the social customs of the wizarding elite, as was humanly possible in the

timespan he had. He continued with his daily workouts that he started at

the Dursleys and started reading up on some of the spells in his


When the blinding rays of the Friday morning sun broke through his

window, Hardwin awoke. He was promptly attacked by a mess of

feelings. He felt nervous, but prepared, calm, but jittery.

Since he knew he had a few hours to get ready, as he was going to the

Greengrass home at noon, he took his time in freshening up and dressing.

After his shower he contemplated his clothing options, wanting to

impress his in-laws-to-be, while not coming off as rigid and overly

formal. He ultimately decided on formal black slacks, his dragon hide

boots, a silk green shirt, and willed his signet ring to show.

As he dressed, the tell-tale growls of an empty stomach hit him. 'Well,

time to see what Mips has cooked up this morning' he thought to himself

with a little grin. He leisurely walked down to the kitchen, and was

greeted by a piping hot plate of his favorites, as Mips had, by now,

discerned. He sat down and invited Mips to join him for a few moments.

"Mips, do you know anything about the Greengrasses?" Hardwin asked


"A li'l sir, they was here 'fore Mas'er James and Mis'ress Lily left. They

were nice to us elves," Mips said before popping away. Hardwin got up

and walked out to the back yard and called for Dips.

"Have you seen Aiolos?"

"Yes sir, she's being at the stables, sir.

"Thank you," and with that Hardwin head towards the stables to find his

wayward familiar. He found Aiolos slithering around inside the wooden


"Aiolosss are you going to come with me to the Greengrasss essstate?" he


"Yesss, jussst in cassse," Aiolos hissed and wound her way up to

Hardwin's shoulders.

"What have you been doing out here?" He asked while walking towards

the house.

"Hunting." She hissed in response. "The food optionsss here are far

healthier and more entertaining prey than I expected."

He took out the portkey that came with the letter when he got to the

entrance hall and hissed,"You ssshould sssink in to my ssskin. It may be

more pleasssant for you" Hardwin waited for Aiolos to do so before

saying, "Greengrass Estate."

The first thing Hardwin noticed upon arrival was that he was still

standing. The next things he took in were the four people looking at him.

The gentleman was easily 6 feet tall, had dark brown, almost black hair,

and stormy gray eyes. He was imposing and from the looks of it, very

strong. He introduced himself as Xavier Greengrass.

The woman next to Xavier was, in Hardwin's eyes, incredibly beautiful.

She stood about 5'5, had satin blond hair, bright blue eyes, a large bust,

and introduced herself as Evelyn Greengrass.

Hardwin shook hands with Xavier and bent over to kiss Evelyn's hand.

Evelyn then moved and put her hand on her eldest daughter's shoulder

and said,

"Hardwin, this is our daughter Daphne, your betrothed." Hardwin stepped

up and kissed her hand smoothly saying, "It is a pleasure to meet you, my

beautiful lady." Daphne, who took after her mother, was a cute, petit

blonde. She had blond hair that was a bit darker than her mothers and

magnificent icy blue eyes that looked to be a mixture of her parents. She

was, in a word, perfect, and Hardwin couldn't keep his eyes off her.

He was no longer the skinny, malnourished boy from number 4 Privet

Drive. He was now the spitting image of a young Noble Lord. He had

grown quiet a lot thanks to his recent exposure to magic, proper food,

and exercising. He was now a bit taller than your average eleven year

old, his brilliant emerald eyes showing bright with the contacts, his hair

having been grown out was tamer and pulled back into a stylish tail, and

you could see the hint of muscles behind his silk shirt. Daphne's reply to

Hardwin was to blush and say, "A pleasure to meet you also, Lord Potter."

"Please, call me Hardwin."

"Hardwin," Daphne repeated, with a smile, and introduced her younger

sister Astoria, who was a shy but cute little ten year-old, in Hardwin's

opinion, and he thought wistfully 'I wish I'd had a sibling, instead of


"Well, Hardwin, now that you're here, why don't we settle down for

lunch?" Xavier said as he led everyone to the dining room. They took

their seats, with Xavier and Evelyn at the heads of the small table, with

Daphne and Astoria opposite Hardwin.

'I think you're drooling,' Hardwin heard Aiolos' hissing laughter in his

head and only then did he realize he had still been staring at Daphne the

entire time. It was fairly obvious as to why. Beyond her good looks, while

at Privet Drive, a girl like Daphne wouldn't be caught dead with him.

As the first part of the meal was served Evelyn smiled, thinking of Lily, as

Hardwin thanked the house elf serving him. "So do you mind being called

Harry, as that seems to be what the wizarding world knows you as, or do

you just prefer Hardwin," Evelyn asked.

He looked down as he spoke, "Harry, has some bad memories attached to

it for me." He said hesitantly. Evelyn, seeing Hardwin's downcast look,

realized that she was right about Petunia holding a grudge, but decided

to wait until the meal was over to ask and cast a pointed look to her


Xavier got the message and started a new topic, "You said you had just

been reintroduced to our world? I'm sure it's been a fascinating and

slightly overwhelming time." He said with a smile. "Is there anything in

particular that you're interested in so far?"

He looked thoughtful before answering, "Well, I was really fascinated by

wand crafting. I visited Hephaestus, in Knockturn Alley, for my wand,

and he actually let me watch the whole process." He smiled, at the

memory. "Right now I'd like to learn more about potions and charms

though. The Potter library has only a few potions related books,


"You're like your mother. Her favorites were potions and charms also. She

was a genius with charms," Evelyn told him. Xavier added, "I wouldn't be

surprised if it was her who added the potion books to your family's

library. The Potters have, historically, been recognized for their talent in

battle magic, transfiguration, and wards, with a couple rune and charm

experts thrown in."

Hardwin smiled brightly at hearing about his family, almost causing

Daphne to swoon at how cute he looked. He turned to her and asked, "Do

you have any favorites so far?"

She smiled at him and said, "Herbology, runes, and potions in that order -

although we won't get to study runes until third year at Hogwarts."

"We'll just have to look into them on our own then" Hardwin said, smiling

at the happy look on Daphne's face.

The meal was winding down so Evelyn asked the million dollar question,

"Hardwin, love, could you tell us about your home life with your aunt?"

He looked at her for almost two minutes as if looking into her soul and

asked, "Are you sure you wanna know?" Everyone around the table just

nodded their heads. He sighed, "Very well. Since you are my future

family. But I would appreciate it if it wouldn't leave this room."

"Of course," Evelyn replied.

"Well, to start off I will never consider that place my home, so please

don't call it that." With that statement, the blood wards at number 4

Privet Drive failed. At that moment, Dumbledore was out of his office

and would not find out until it was too late.

"My 'relatives' despised me from the beginning for a reason I only just

found out; magic. I lived in a cupboard for most of my time there. I was

often beaten and starved, especially if I did anything better than my

cousin. I was basically forced to be their house elf. They told me that my

parents died in a car crash because they were both drunk, and said that

the crash was how I got my scar. Until I started primary school, I thought

my name was 'freak', only when my teacher called me 'Harry' did I find

out it was not. Do I need to go on?" Hardwin asked, with his eyes cast

downwards, upset and ashamed at what he had let happen to himself.

Evelyn gave a quiet "No" before getting up and coming over to his side

and hugging him. At first Hardwin stiffened, but relaxed when he

remembered who was touching him. Evelyn spoke after a minute,

"Hardwin darling, you were only a child. You are not to blame for any of

what happened to you, so don't you dare, for a single second, continue to

think that way. The Dursleys are monsters, and are certainly going to

regret their treatment of you if I have anything to say about it." at this

Xavier agreed loudly.

Hardwin looked up to see Xavier looking livid and Daphne crying

silently. Although he knew he shouldn't be, he was amazed that anybody

cared. "Now, you, my dear, are welcome here at any time." Evelyn

continued. "Why don't we have dessert? I'm sure that will brighten

everyone's spirits – after, Daphne can show you around the estate."

Daphne stood from the table, "let's start outside," she said to him. He

joined her at the door and together they walked outside. Daphne led

Hardwin past a swimming pool, which she said her mother talked her

father into adding, and to a large garden. Daphne stopped and turned to

Hardwin. Taking his hand she looked deep into his eyes and said, "I'm

sorry." Hardwin understood from her look that she was talking about the

Dursleys and nodded his head. Daphne, still holding his hand, gestured

toward the garden, "my father and I have been working in this garden

ever since I can remember. It's one of my favorite places to be."

He smiled at her, and she continued. Pointing to a few big buildings

Hardwin recognized as greenhouses she said, "Most of my family's

business comes from our Herbology work. We grow potions ingredients,

regular herbs and spices, and dozens and dozens of forms of magical and

non-magical plants, flowers, trees and shrubs, among other things. Each

one of the greenhouses has a specific environment that caters to the

plants in it. The Greengrasses have always had an affinity for Herbology."

"The Potters, from what I've read in the family library, specialized in

wards and made some of the best magical weapons early on. One of the

books says the first Potter to be a weapons smith learned from a High Elf

before they disappeared." Hardwin said with a grin. Daphne looked awed

at this, "I knew the Potters were an old family," she exclaimed, "but not

that old!"

After exploring the grounds a little more Daphne took Hardwin over to

their stables to meet her horse. "Her name is Artemis, I've had her since I

was 8," Daphne said, and walked over to pet a chestnut brown horse in

one of the stalls.

"I've got a full stable of horses at the manor, but I don't know how to

ride," Hardwin replied.

Daphne smiled at him shyly, "I can teach you if you'd like."

Hardwin smiled back charmingly, "That'd be terrific."

Daphne led Hardwin back into the house and proceeded to show him

around. Hardwin noticed it was laid out very similarly to Potter Manor

but without the all of the muggle additions his mother had made. They

came to a stop at Daphne's room. The room was a done in soothing blue

tones and the furniture and floors were all made of mahogany. Most of

her floor was covered in a huge creamy-golden colored rug; the bed had

gold and blue satin sheets, and had drapes around the bed that were

currently tied back. On the bed lay a black and silver flecked kneazle

kitten with a lion-like tail, white paws and a white mark on its head that

looked almost like a crown. Upon seeing Daphne the tiny cat stretched,

letting out a cheerful meow. Daphne smiled brightly at the kitten walked

over, and picked it up, "this, is Queen, mum and dad got her for me as a

Hogwarts present," Daphne said, sitting down on a cream colored settee.

Hardwin walked over and scratched Queen behind the ears, soliciting a

purr from the little kitten, "fitting name," he spoke as he sat down.

"I thought so too" she laughed.

"So what's your favorite color," Hardwin asked.

Daphne quirked her eyebrow, answering, "blue and green. And yours?"


They went back and forth asking and answering questions, getting to

know each other over the span of an hour. They quickly discovered that

they had many things in common. Both of them preferred small groups of

people over large groups, and they both enjoyed music. Hardwin, having

heard some of the records his parents had kept, stated outright that

wizarding music had nothing on muggle music. They then moved on to

the topic of Hogwarts, with Hardwin asking the bulk of the questions.

"So what's this about Houses? I read about them in Hogwarts a History,

but the book just said that there was one for each founder, and then

talked about what the founders valued."

Daphne searched her mind for what little information she had on the

subject "Well" she said, biting her lip in an oddly cute manner, as she

searched her thoughts, "they keep the sorting methods a secret. It's kind

of like a rite of passage, so even our parents have to keep it a secret." She

said with a tiny grin. "However" she continued, "unless you talk to purist

Gryffindors, the house you're sorted into doesn't really matter. Daddy

once told me that a former headmaster said "we sort them when they're

eleven because if we waited any longer, they'd all go to Slytherin.'"

"That's what I was wondering about! It seems as though they sort you

based on one trait, even though most people have a mixture!"

"It is rather outdated, but it's tradition. You'll find wizards do a lot of

rather questionable things, all because of tradition."

"What house do you think you'll be in," Hardwin asked Daphne.

"I'm not sure." She said with a smile. "My parents haven't really said they

want me to be in any specific house, but I feel like I'm probably going to

be in Ravenclaw or Slytherin. You?"

"I dunno, really. I think I'd fit into any of them, but I guess Slytherin

might be my destination."

Their conversation was cut short by a loud pop, as one of the Greengrass

house elves appeared.

"Mistress Daphne and Master Hardwin, dinner is being ready," said the


"Thank you Toby," Daphne replied. "Come on! Dinner will be in the

dining room." She said to her newfound friend, and future husband. After

a wonderful dinner that was full of laughter and more time spent on

getting to know everyone, Hardwin said his goodbyes. Tomorrow he was

coming back for a flying session.

Hardwin spent the weeks before Hogwarts with either Daphne or her

whole family. For Hardwin, it was probably the most enjoyable stretch of

time in all of his young life. As September neared, Daphne and Hardwin

reviewed their textbooks for the upcoming year. In the final weeks of

summer, the Greengrasses had taught Hardwin how to swim, play

quidditch, and ride horses. Hardwin, in turn, showed them how to fly on

his hippogriffs and play billiards. They would play mini quidditch games

on his pitch and he showed them some of the magical creatures that he'd

discovered in the Potter family's forest.

In the short few weeks, Hardwin and Daphne had become almost

inseparable when together. They would talk, study, or just sit together

quietly. Astoria had become like a little sister to Hardwin; he became

incredibly protective of her in a short time. Daphne's parents treated him

enormously better than his aunt and uncle ever did, and he hoped that if

his parents were alive, they would be like Daphne's.

A few days before they were scheduled to leave for Hogwarts, Hardwin

and Daphne were riding horses on some of the Potter trails. They came to

stop at a meadow that was full of wildflowers and had a small stream

running through it. They dismounted and lay down in the grass next to

each other. Hardwin propped himself up on his elbow and looked at

Daphne for a minute before saying, "I need to tell you something Daph, a

couple things actually."

"Alright," Daphne replied, taking Hardwin's hand.

"In my mum and dad's will they explained why my family was targeted.

There was a prophecy made that said I would be able to defeat

Voldemort." Daphne didn't flinch at the name but sat with a pensive

expression. "In the letter, my mum seemed to think that he would be


Daphne sat quietly for a minute before replying, "That means we're going

to have to train then." Hardwin smiled brightly at her before growing

worried again.

"I-i-i'm a parselmouth." He stammered out. And with that, Hardwin called

on Aiolos. The serpent rose from her tattoo form and slithered out of

Hardwin's sleeve, prompting Daphne to gasp in surprise.

"Don't worry, she likes you." Hardwin said.

Aiolos hissed, "pleasssure to meet you."

"She said it's nice to meet you."

Daphne nodded and said, "Nice to meet you too" as Aiolos slithered up

her arm and on to her shoulders. "Ssshe isss not afraid, jussst a little

nervousss. I like her." Aiolos hissed. Hardwin smiled and told Daphne.

"Hardwin, you do realize I couldn't care less about you being a

parselmouth, right? Remember, both my parents were in Slytherin."

"I was told to be careful of whom I let know," Hardwin replied.

"Whoever told you that was wise, but, just not around me or my family,"

Daphne said smiling.

"Let's head back." Hardwin said with a relieved smile.

Hardwin arrived at the train station with Daphne's family at 10 o'clock.

Daphne's parents had decided that it would be a good idea for their

daughter and future son-in-law to have some time to get settled into a

compartment before leaving, and didn't want to leave anything to the last

minute. After they arrived at the station, Xavier brought their trunks on

board and placed them in the luggage compartment for them. Hugs and

warm goodbyes were exchanged all around, which meant more to

Hardwin than any of his newfound family knew.

After they were settled, the pair sat together in a comfortable silence,

which was happily interrupted by a childhood friend of Daphne's.

Their compartment door burst open, revealing a pretty, jade-eyed

brunette, around Daphne's size, who bounced in with a cheerful grin.

"Tracey!" Daphne squealed. "I missed you so much!"

"I missed you too," the newly named Tracy replied. "Who's this?'

"Oh, sorry, Tracey, meet Hardwin Potter, Hardwin meet Tracey Davis -

my best friend."

Hardwin stood and bowed to Tracey say, "pleased to meet you."

"Likewise, Potter - as in Harry Potter the Boy-Who-Lived."

"Unfortunately." He said "and please, just call me Hardwin,"

"Tracey, Hardwin is my betrothed, the one whose family my parents have

a marriage contract with," Daphne said.

"Ahhh, so this is the mystery fiancé," Tracey said smirking.

"So how was Greece," Daphne asked, then turned to Hardwin and said,

"Tracey and her family spent the summer in Greece, which is why you

two haven't met yet." Hardwin nodded to show his response.

The girls talked about Greece for about fifteen minutes before the

compartment door slid open again. Standing in the door was a tall boy of

eleven who looked to be Italian. He had dark hair, eyes and skin. "Do you

mind if I sit here?" he asked.

Hardwin replied, "Sure, I'm Hardwin Potter."

"Blaise Zabini," the boy replied.

"This is Daphne Greengrass, and Tracy Davis," Hardwin said gesturing to

each of the girls. After the pleasantries were exchanged, Blaise sat down

and spoke, "the train should be leaving soon."

The train ride was spent getting to know Blaise and Tracey. Blaise came

from a pureblood family, but was raised by his mother, who'd had seven

husbands, all of whom died mysteriously. Blaise seemed a bit touchy on

the subject. His mother though had raised him with all the grace and

training given to other purebloods, and they also learned that his family

was neutral during the war. Blaise seemed to be totally indifferent of

status, having ventured into the muggle world with his mother, having

occasionally experienced their prejudice.

Tracey was a half-blood whose father was from a minor pureblood house.

The Davis family had only been around for about 150 years. Her father,

Marius Davis, owned a profitable wizard antiques shop in Knockturn

Alley. Davis Antiques was at the entrance of the Alley so more people,

even those strictly aligned with the 'Light", would stop there. The shop

was opened by her great grandfather, and the Davis family was quite

adept at curse breaking and were widely considered to be expert

historians. Tracey's mother, Addison, was muggle-born and her father

was a Baron in the muggle world. Tracey's mother and Daphne's mother

had been best friends since they met on the train to Hogwarts their first


The train ride was spent playing exploding snap and poker. Hardwin

knew how to play poker, as his uncle frequently watched it on the tele.

He taught the other three how to play and they had a couple of friendly

games. They were interrupted once by a blond haired little boy with a

pointed nose, who tried and failed to look older than he was by slicking

back his hair. On either side of him were two thuggish looking boys who

just stood there silently.

"I heard Harry Potter the-boy-who-lived was on the train - is he in here?"

the blond haired boy snapped out. Hardwin tensed in his seat, which

Daphne noticed, "Malfoy, why don't you try not acting like your arrogant

death-eater of a father and ask nicely, and then maybe we'll consider

answering," Daphne hissed out, "and while you're at it, lose the goons."

Malfoy reddened and was about to storm out when Hardwin spoke up,

"Malfoy, before you act as though you own the world, you should learn a

little something about your family," he pulled out an old, worn looking

book and tossed it to the blonde boy before shutting the door on them.

"What was that?" Daphne asked.

"A family book I thought might come in use. I already read it, and that

was just a copy. I'll show you the actual book later," Hardwin whispered

to her.

"We should change; we're almost there." said Tracy. The boys left the

compartment to change while the girls changed in the compartment.

Apparently while the boys were out, a bossy, bushy-haired girl had come

by looking for a toad.

The train came to a stop and they were told to leave their belongings on

the train. Hardwin turned to Hedwig, "Hey girl, do you want to be let

out," he asked. The owl nodded her head so Hardwin opened the window

and her cage and let her out.

"Smart owl," Blaise commented. Hardwin just smirked and nodded, "let's


All four departed the train and made their way over to a huge man

named Hagrid, who called "Firs' years! This way! Four to a boat!"

Once all the first years had been accounted for, and had boarded the tiny

boats, they set off across the loch, towards the castle.

As they rounded the bend of the massive loch, and got their first look at

Hogwarts, they all gasped. Hardwin was happy to be in a place that was

so close to his parents' memories, and clasped Daphne's hand. Daphne

just squeezed his hand, seeming to know what he needed.

Hagrid led them to the entrance hall where they were met by professor

McGonagall. "Ere' ya go professor, the firs' years'.

"Thank you, Hagrid. I am Professor McGonagall. You will be sorted into

one of four houses; they are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and

Slytherin. While you are at Hogwarts, your house will be your family.

Now wait here while I see if they're ready for you." As the four were

waiting, they observed their fellow first years. They saw Malfoy reading

the book Hardwin gave him, a red-headed boy franticly trying to get dirt

off his nose, and the bossy girl from before talking to a few frightened

looking girls about something she read in Hogwarts, A History. Then,

somebody screamed, and they all turned and saw four ghosts gliding into

the room; two seemed to be arguing. Daphne whispered to Hardwin,

"These four ghosts belong to each of the houses, my mum said they did

this in her first year too."

"Dumbledore probably wants to show off and make an impression on the

muggle-borns," Hardwin whispered back.

Just then, Professor McGonagall came back into the room, "It's time."

They were led into the great hall, where the rest of the students of

Hogwarts were gathered at four massive tables, each with a banner over

top. There was a high table at the far end of the hall, on a marble dais,

where the professors sat. In front of the High table sat a stool with a hat

on it, which, upon noticing the first years' entrance, promptly burst into


Oh you may not think I'm pretty,

But don't judge on what you see,

I'll eat myself if you can find

A smarter hat than me.

You can keep your bowlers black,

Your top hats sleek and tall,

For I'm the Hogwarts Sorting Hat

And I can cap them all.

There's nothing hidden in your head

The Sorting Hat can't see,

So try me on and I will tell you

Where you ought to be.

You might belong in Gryffindor,

Where dwell the brave at heart,

Their daring, nerve, and chivalry

Set Gryffindors apart;

You might belong in Hufflepuff,

Where they are just and loyal,

Those patient Hufflepuffs are true

And unafraid of toil;

Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw,

if you've a ready mind,

Where those of wit and learning,

Will always find their kind;

Or perhaps in Slytherin

You'll make your real friends,

Those cunning folks use any means

To achieve their ends.

So put me on! Don't be afraid!

And don't get in a flap!

You're in safe hands (though I have none)

For I'm a Thinking Cap!

After the song professor McGonagall unrolled a parchment and began

calling names. "Hannah Abbott" went first and was sorted quickly into

Hufflepuff, followed by Susan Bones who also went into Hufflepuff.

Hardwin watched as first Tracey, and then Daphne were both sorted into

Slytherin. Hardwin saw Malfoy close the book given to him with a

thoughtful look and take his turn at the stool, the hat shouted Slytherin

about 30 seconds after being on his head.

"Potter, Harry." Hardwin sighed and walked up to the stool while the

students broke out into awed whispers. As Hardwin came to the stool he

turned and faced professor McGonagall and spoke loudly enough to be

heard by most, "please call me Hardwin, ma'am." Hardwin sat down

ignoring everyone else and placed the hat on his head. At the Slytherin

table Daphne noticed the look of surprise come over Dumbledore when

Hardwin announced his full name. She filed it away to tell him later.

"Ah Mister Potter, you've been on a lot of minds tonight." said the hat.

"You're in my head? I hope it's all been good."

"Some good, some awe." At that, Hardwin sighed while Daphne wondered

what was taking so long.

"Now where to put you… You're as brave as any Gryffindor, loyal to

those you consider friends. Hmmm, you have a thirst for knowledge but

it's motivated by the, ah! Good! You know of it - prophecy, but more than

anything, you have a thirst to prove yourself worthy of your family and

to your betrothed. I know where to put you, but first, a word of caution;

be wary of Albus - he no longer thinks clearly and believes he is absolute.

Now do well in - "SLYTHERIN," the hat shouted, for the whole hall to


Hardwin got up off the stool, handing the hat to a shocked looking

McGonagall. The first to clap was Daphne, followed swiftly by Tracey

and Blaise. They were soon joined by a professor with greasy looking hair

and then the whole school began to clap. Hardwin took his place next to

Daphne with Tracey across from them. The sorting ended with Blaise

being sorted into Slytherin. Dumbledore stood, welcoming the students.

At that point, Hardwin tuned out, and after some rather inane babble,

food appeared on the tables.

As they began eating, Blaise commented; "A Potter in Slytherin? They

probably think that hell just froze over."

Hardwin looked at Blaise with a wry grin and said, "People shouldn't

assume things. Besides - how much does it really matter what House

you're in? The hat chose your most prevalent trait, but really, everyone

has every trait. It's about the degree to which that trait is present – no?"

Some of the older students nearby nodded their heads and flashed small

approving grins when they heard Hardwin's mini speech, while others,

including some Ravenclaws who'd overheard, looked thoughtful. Daphne

smiled proudly and clasped his hand, prompting Hardwin to blush


An older boy a little ways down the table stood up and offered Hardwin

his hand, "Aaron Vaisey - it would be fantastic if people from the other

houses realized that."

Hardwin stood and shook his hand, "Hardwin Potter,"

"So Daph, this is your mysterious betrothed. Pleasure to meet you mate."

Vaisey said to both Hardwin and Daphne with a smirk.

"Yes, now shut up and eat," Daphne replied teasingly while Vaisey


"Aaron is my cousin, his mum is my dad's sister," Daphne explained to

Hardwin. As the meal ended, Dumbledore stood and said "To all students

old and new, the Forbidden Forest is, of course, forbidden," he looked

pointedly at two red headed twins sitting at the Gryffindor table, "and the

third floor corridor is forbidden this year to all those who do not wish to

die a horrible death, now, goodnight."

"Ah – a horrible death. The hat was right. He is losing it," Hardwin

whispered to Daphne as they followed their prefect, Marcus Flint, to the

Slytherin dorms.


"I'll tell you later."

They reached the entrance to the Slytherin common room about five

minutes later, with the prefects stopping a few times to point out some

key passages. They came to a stop in front of a wall that had the outline

of the Slytherin crest was carved into the wall. The prefect spoke "umbra"

and the wall melted away to reveal the entrance to the Slytherin common


The common room was rather low; only about ten feet high, but it was

large, almost as large as Potter Manor's entire front hall. The room was

done in green, silver, and black colors with the furniture done in ebony

wood, in a Victorian-esque style. The floor and walls were stone like the

rest of the castle, but half way through the room, on either side, were

two enormous fireplaces done in green marble, with tapestries adorned

with the Slytherin crest on either side. Between the fireplaces were eight

large couches interspersed with comfortable looking armchairs. All

around the room were tables that had green marble for tops, and chairs

around them that looked to be set up for either studying or just sitting

around. Spaced out on either side of the walls were seven doors, each

marked with a year. There were windows that were charmed to show the

sky, and one large 'port' hole, that revealed that the Slytherin common

room, was at least partially beneath the Great Lake.

One of the older prefects took over the duties for the night, "I'm Fitzroy

Rosier, your seventh year prefect, now get into lines - first years in front,

seventh in back, prefects on the ends."

They lined up in straight lines, with Daphne standing to Hardwin's right

and Blaise on his left. To Daphne's right was Tracey, followed by the rest

of the first years.

Within a few seconds of having the whole group lined up, a man with

black robes, eyes, and black greasy hair came in. All talking ceased


"Good Evening, for those of you in second year and above; welcome back.

To all first years, welcome to Slytherin house." He said, in a high, but

silky voice. He looked into each of the first year's eyes he continued, "I

will not lie to you. Now that you've been sorted into Slytherin - the

majority of the school will paint you as a dark witch or wizard

potentiate. Because of this, I will, at times, show Slytherin favor over the

other houses - particularly Gryffindor. But make no mistake, I will punish

you if you deserve it – indiscriminately. Now we have one rule here in

Slytherin - Stick together. First through third years make sure you are in

a group whenever you leave. For the first few days, an older student will

be escorting first years to their classes. I will be meeting with all

individuals one on one throughout the first week of school. I've appointed

Fitzroy and Hayden as head boy and girl within Slytherin - they have

authority second only to mine. Now I'll turn the rest of this meeting over

to them to instruct the first years. Goodnight." And with that he departed.

Fitzroy and a red-headed girl motioned the first years over to the couches

in the middle of the room. When they'd taken a seat, the redhead started

by saying "Hi all; I'm Hayden Lennox, and I welcome you to Slytherin.

Now like Professor Snape said, one of the older students will escort you

around the castle until you get the hang of things around here." Fitzroy

then started talking, "And if you have a problem with another Slytherin,

you deal with it in the house not outside. Boys dorms are on the right

side, girls are on the left."

When the meeting was over Daphne, Hardwin, Blaise, and Tracey

continued to talk and at one point, they were joined by Aaron who came

over to talk about quidditch for a little while. When most people had

gone to bed, Hardwin and Daphne moved to a secluded corner table. "So

what was that about the Hat," Daphne asked.

"It said to be careful of Dumbledore, that he was planning something and

that he thinks he's absolute."

"When you told McGonagall about your full name, Dumbledore looked

surprised," Daphne commented.

"I don't think he planned on telling me anything. The hat mentioned it

was good that I already knew about the prophecy. "They sat in silence for

a few moments before Daphne caught a glimpse of the clock.

"Shoot. It's almost twelve!" Daphne commented.

"Goodnight Daph," Hardwin said.

"Night Harry," Daphne replied, giving Hardwin a kiss on the cheek.

Hardwin, blushing cherry red, went through the first year door and

entered a hallway with three more doors. On each door were two of the

first year boy's names. Hardwin was placed with Blaise, while Draco was

with a boy named Theodore Nott who Hardwin had yet to talk to, and

Crabbe and Goyle were placed in the same room. Hardwin entered his

room to find Blaise sound asleep.

The dorm was decorated in the same style as the common room, only the

green was a darker forest green. The room had a small fireplace for

winter, as the dungeons obviously got pretty chilly. The room had two

large desks for studying as well as two closets. The bed was a four poster

bed, similar to the one in the master bedroom at Potter Manor, only

slightly smaller in this case. The hangings were green, with the silver

Slytherin serpent imposed upon them. Finally, Hardwin opened the closet

on his side and found his clothes had already been hung, folded or

otherwise stored neatly. He opened one last door and found a bathroom

decorated in the Slytherin motif. Hardwin was all for house pride, but

there was such a thing as excessive. He changed and went to sleep.

The first week of school was uneventful. Things progressed rather slowly,

and the first year Slytherins were escorted to their classes, the library and

the Great Hall by Marcus Flint the 5th year prefect. Flint pointed out only

a few things about the castle, but was extremely knowledgeable

regarding every major Quidditch event that'd happened at the Hogwarts

within the past decade.

For Harry's part, he and Daphne were slightly bored, as most of the

teachers classes consisted of opening speeches and basics that he and

Daphne had already been over.

In their first potions class with the Gryffindors, Professor Snape decided

to test the class. It wouldn't have been so bad had any of the Gryffindors

thought to read ahead – and so – Snape started like every teacher. After

roll call, he began a perfectly rehearsed speech that, according to the

older Slytherins, he recited for the first years, every single year.

Unfortunately - this where things got dicey. As he was giving his speech,

some of the Gryffindors decided to strike up their own conversation.

Snape, with carefully controlled ire in voice, pinpointed one of the

whispering culprits.

"Mr. Weasley! What would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to

an infusion of wormwood?"

A red headed boy sitting at the back of the room turned nearly as red as

his hair as he sunk into his chair. "I dunno," he mumbled.

"Speak clearly, Mr. Weasley. I believe you meant to say 'I don't know 'sir'.

Mr. Malfoy, same question."

"The Draught of Living Death, sir," came the answer from the blond boy

sitting in front of Hardwin.

"Mr. Finnegan, where would I find a bezoar?"

The Irish boy sitting next to Weasley cracked a grin, and smartly replied,

"In your cupboard, sir." The Gryffindors laughed while the Slytherins

winced. Snape didn't take kindly to cheek.

"Five points from Gryffindor, for your impertinence. Mr. Potter?"

"In the stomach of a goat, sir," Hardwin replied respectfully.

"It seems Gryffindor is 0 for 2. Mr. Longbottom - what is the difference

between monkshood and wolfsbane?"

"I-i-it's the same, sir," a boy with brown hair towards the back of the class

managed to squeak out."

"Well it seems there is hope for Gryffindor after all," professor Snape said

silkily, "five points to Slytherin for correct answers." Weasley and

Finnegan glared at Neville then at the Slytherins. "Directions are on the

board, begin." The potion Snape assigned was a rather easy Boil Cure

potion. Many of the Slytherins opened their books to the recipe, while

most of the Gryffs just used the board.

Hardwin finished his potion swiftly and accurately, and had bottled it

and was just waiting for class to end when he heard a loud hissing.

Turning, he shouted to Neville and the boy next to him, "Longbottom!

Get down!" Neville, shocked by the yelling, pulled Dean Thomas down

with him just as the hissing and smoking potion of Ron Weasley boiled

over and started melting everything it touched, including Seamus's

dismal looking cauldron.

Snape came storming out of his backroom and vanished the two ruined

potions shouting, "Finnegan, take Weasley to the hospital wing. You both

received zero's for today." He clicked his teeth in irritation before

muttering "Worthless dunderheads," as he began his rounds of the

classroom, commenting on potions. Out of the Gryffindors only Neville

and Thomas got by without a scathing comment. On the Slytherin side,

most got a nod as well as a 'good.' Crabbe and Goyle, both received

sneers, while Hardwin received 5 points, for a perfect potion. The only

other eventful thing in the first week of classes was the bossy, bushy

haired girl from the train, a Ravenclaw named Hermione Granger, who

would wave frantically until called upon or pout when she wasn't called

on. It was rather annoying, but they only had Charms and Astronomy

with the Ravenclaws.

After an uneventful week of classes, the Great Hall was buzzing early on

Saturday morning. It was an exciting time for the first year Gryffindors

and Slytherins, as after breakfast, they had their first official flying


Daphne, Blaise, Tracey, and Hardwin ate together, chatting about the

week, and were approached by Draco. "Hardwin, here's your book. Thank

you for lending it to me. It was.. Most interesting." he said.

"Thank you for taking care of it," Hardwin replied with a nod to Draco.

"What's with the book mate?" Blaise asked.

"It's a family journal about the Potter family's allies, and the status

between us and our allies at any given time." Hardwin told them.

As breakfast ended, Flint came and collected them early to show them

the best school brooms and give them a few tips before the lesson.

When they got to the pitch there were brooms in two rows across from

each other. Most of the brooms looked pretty bad. Some were old, and in

bad repair. Twigs stuck out at every odd angle and direction, and some of

the shafts were even bent as though they'd been purposefully pushed to a

breaking point.

Flint lined up at the brooms he thought were best and showed them how

to grip the broom right, although most knew how. He then swiftly left

the field when he saw Madam Hooch approaching.

Five minutes later, the Gryffindors trailed in and lined up at the rest of

the brooms. The flying lesson went well until Neville lost control and fell

from his broom, breaking his wrist. Hardwin slipped over and pocketed

Neville's remembrall before anyone noticed. Weasley and Finnegan were

making fun of Neville while the Slytherins just shook their heads in

exasperation, waiting for Madam Hooch to return.

After the lesson, Hardwin, Daphne, Tracey and Blaise made their way

back to the Great Hall for lunch. "Daph, what do you knows about the

Longbottoms?" Hardwin asked.

"They're an old pure-blood family that is traditionally light sided.

Neville's grand mum is about as proper as you can get. His parents

opposed Voldemort and shortly after the war ended, Neville's parents

were found and attacked by Bellatrix and Rodolphus Lestrange, and Barty

Crouch junior. They were tortured into insanity." She said sadly. "Why do

you ask?"

"In my family's library there are journals written by every head of the

family. My father's journal just so happened to mention the Longbottoms

as close friends and allies of my family. He spoke a lot about Neville's

parents having worked together with him in the Auror Corps. I wanted to

visit him and return this," he said holding up the remembrall.

"We can go after lunch. Blaise and I will wait for you outside. I think four

Slytherins would be more than that poor boy can handle," Tracey said,

smirking a little.

Daphne and Hardwin walked into the hospital wing and saw Neville in

one of the far beds. They walked over and Neville got visibly nervous.

Hardwin held up his hands and pulled out the remembrall and set it on

the bedside table, "I wanted to return this mate. It dropped when you fell.

Hope your wrist heals up soon."

Neville nodded in thanks and Hardwin held his hand out, "I'm Hardwin

Potter and this is my betrothed Daphne Greengrass. I wanted to be

formally introduced, as, in my father's journal; your dad was mentioned

as someone my father respected, and called a friend. I'm sorry for what

happened to them."

"Thank you, I-I'm Neville Longbottom," he said, shaking Hardwin's hand.

"Nice to see you again Daphne." Madam Pomfrey then bustled in and

shooed them out, stating her patient needed rest. They met Blaise and

Tracey outside and headed to the library.

On the way back to the Dungeons the three first years left Hardwin

outside Professor Snape's office for his meeting with their Head of House.

"Calm yourssself, hatchling" Aiolos hissed from under his shirt, "He will

not harm you."

"I'm not worried about him harming me. That much isss for sssure. I

jussst don't want to have to deal with any quessstionsss about them." he

hissed back quietly.

"He will underssstand," Aiolos hissed with finality, almost like a mother

chiding her child.

Harry nodded to himself and then knocked on the door. He waited for

about 30 seconds before the door opened, revealing Professor Snape who

motioned him in. The professor walked to his desk and took a seat, then

gestured for Hardwin to do the same. They sat, across from one another.

It seemed as though Snape was studying Hardwin. Studying his face,

studying his eyes; silently forming an opinion.

Finally, Snape broached the silence. "Mr. Potter, I must say that you are a

surprise." Hardwin simply nodded in reply.

"I use these meetings to get to know my students better, and to tell them

what I expect of them. As Slytherins, you are all expected to follow my

rules, or should you feel that you do not wish to comply with a specific

rule, I expect you to at least avoid being caught. After all; you're meant to

be cunning. You should be aware that I do not believe in coddling my

students. That being said, if you need help, I expect you to come to me,

or an older peer, and ask. Part of your success in Slytherin will come

from your grades and in-class performance – just keep in mind that

cunning and ambition are nothing without the intelligence and skill to

back them up."

While Snape spoke, Hardwin rapidly soaked in the information being

delivered to him, nodding and smirking in the appropriate places.

"Now; I've tried making contact with your relatives." Snape continued,

though the word 'relatives' was spoken as though it were a poison being

spat out. "Their only reply was that you 'were no longer their problem,

and had taken up residence elsewhere.' I am quite curious as to where

this 'elsewhere' is." Snape said in a questioning tone.

Hardwin flinched at the mention of his relatives and looked to his feet as

he spoke, "I live at my family's estate, sir." Snape, seeing Hardwin's

reluctance and involuntary twitch, decided not to press him for details

yet. His instincts were telling him that young Mr. Potter would require a

patient hand.

"That's all well and good, Mr. Potter – but in the event of an emergency,

who should I be contacting?" he said with a raised eyebrow.

At this, Hardwin blushed lightly and mumbled "Er, D-Daphne's parents.


Snape nodded and dismissed Hardwin, and the young boy got up and

turned to leave. When he reached the door, Snape spoke again, "Mr.

Potter, your mother was a close friend of mine during our Hogwarts days.

As far as I can tell, you are certainly your mother's son. My door is

always open to you, should you need it." Hardwin nodded and left for the

common room.

"Daph - why don't you go to the feast?" Hardwin said in exasperation.

"Harry, we've been over this. I'm not. Going. Without you." Daphne

replied, slightly frustrated.

"I.. I just don't want you to miss your first Holiday feast because of me,"

Harry said softly while looking down. There were often times when

Daphne and he were alone, that Harry's lack of self-confidence would

show itself.

"Oh Harry, you finally know that your parents loved you and you want to

respect the day they died, I understand that completely – but you, are my

betrothed and more importantly my best friend. I'm staying with you.

Now, let's go out to the common room." She said with a hint of a smirk.

"Tracey and I need your help with our charms assignment." They left

Harry's dorm and walked to a far corner where Tracey, Blaise, and

Theodore Nott were working on some assignments.

"Harry! Where have you been - this damn charm is driving me nuts!"

Tracey said in frustration as Daphne and Hardwin sat down.

"Let me see you try it." He said with a small smile.

Tracey cast "Wingardium Leviosa", at a candle, and managed to shakily

levitate it an inch before it fell back upon the table.

"Take a few deep breaths" he said calmingly. "The charm's not going to

work if you're frustrated. Good. Now, loosen your grip on your wand -

you're suffocating your movements that way." She did as he said and then

quirked an eyebrow at him, as if waiting for further instruction.

"If you loosen up a little" he continued, "you'll get a bit more fluidity with

your wand movements. Good. Now, concentrate on where you want the

candle to go - not where it is."

Tracey did as she was told and managed to make the candle float in a

circle around her. She squealed and jumped up and hugged him, "thank

you thank you thank you!"

Some of the older Slytherins just shook their heads amusedly at the

display. Hardwin had become popular in his house in the past two

months at Hogwarts. Since the start of term, he had earned a fair amount

of house points and impressed the older Slytherins with his behavior –

and in return, most of them had earned his respect as well. It had taken

some time, but most of the house (and Neville) had started calling him

Harry – and he learned to like his nickname since it wasn't being bandied

about as a curse.

Hardwin and his group of friends sat and chatted, worked or practiced

spells for a while, before they checked their clocks. A good majority of

the house got up to leave for the feast, with the first years, except for

Harry and Daphne, lined up in front of the door.

"Hey - you two coming?" Theo asked.

"I don't feel much like celebrating. Thanks for asking though." He replied.

Theo, Draco and Millicent nodded at his answer.

"Blaise and I will stay with you guys" Tracey said. "Maybe we'll finally

teach Harry how to not suck at chess" Tracey said with a teasing smirk,

looking at Blaise, who nodded his acceptance.

"You guys go on," Blaise said.

The three other first years lined up with Pansy, Crabbe, and Goyle who

still disliked Harry – their parents influence clearly ran strong in them.

"So, do your families still teach you about the actual Holiday, aside from

muggle tradition?" Harry asked his friends.

Tracey looked up from the chess match that Blaise had just won, "None of

the families - no matter how "pure" they are - hardly ever celebrate it the

old way. They've either forgotten, like the muggle way better, after all,

it's free candy - what kid wouldn't? Or just don't realize what it's actually

for." She said, before taking a deep breath and launching into an

explanation of the holiday's history.

"Like most holidays from back in the days of yore, Halloween was

supposed to represent a changing of the seasons and the precursor to

harvest time. It marks the end and the beginning of an eternal cycle. It's a

Celtic holiday, the biggest and most important for them, and was

originally called Samhain and was believed to be the day when the veil

between the living world and the afterworld thins. Spirits were said to be

able to cross between the worlds with the greatest ease on that Eve. The

Celts would gather to sacrifice animals, fruits, and vegetables and light

bonfires to guide the dead and keep them on their paths, away from the

living. Then early Christians changed it to have something to do with

Christ and then it developed from there into candy and costumes."

"Maybe Dumbles should have you teach our history class," Harry

snickered and Tracey blushed, "seriously though - that was more

informative than anything Binns has taught us so far."

"Well I wasn't kidding when I said my family was a bunc… *BANG

BANG* what was that," Tracey finished uneasily as the loud banging


"It's probably the Weasley twins pranking the common room," Blaise

stated dryly.

"Well then maybe we should turn the tables on them," Harry said with an

evil smirk and started towards the door with the others in tow. They

walked down the hall following the banging and turned the corner and

stopped dead.

A unified "Oh Shite" was heard from all four preteens.

Meanwhile in the Great Hall, the Halloween feast was in full swing. True

to form, Hogwarts' resident potion master gazed down at the house

tables, with distaste. His gaze was drawn to the doors as they were

thrown open.

"TROLL, TROLL in the Dungeons, thought you ought to know!" Professor

Quirrell yelled, running into the Great Hall. He then promptly passed out.

Snape fumed as the other Professor past out forwards, Snape's eyes

settled on Dumbledore in anger. He had warned the Headmaster about


"SILENCE," Dumbledore shouted then continued when it was quiet.

"Prefects, escort your Houses to their dorms. Professors - with me!" With

that, order was restored. Hufflepuff, Gryffindor, and Ravenclaw made

their way to their dormitories. The Slytherins gathered in the entrance

hall of the Great Hall.

"Damn it, doesn't he realize our common room is in the bloody

dungeons?" Fitzroy Roiser said to the gathered Slytherin prefects.

"Um Flint," Theodore Nott step forward hesitantly, "Harry, Daphne,

Tracey, and Blaise, are in the dungeons."

"Shit," all the prefects said collectively. "We're just going to have to stay

here until Professor Snape gets back," Hayden spoke up, "hopefully those

four will stay in the common room."

"Oh Shite."

Harry and the others came face to face with a mountain troll. The troll

noticed them, and snorted vilely before swinging its club-wielding arm


Harry, his sense for danger keen, shouted, "DUCK!"

The four scattered away from the troll in different directions, and

thankfully, managed to avoid the club. All they heard was a deafening

crash as the head of the club impacted the ground, creating a small crater

and sending chips of stone in every direction. The troll, miffed that it had

missed, focused on the one who'd made the most noise, and with more

speed than anyone would have thought normal, swung the club towards


Thankfully, Harry's honed reflexes from 'Harry Hunting' got him out of

the way fast enough. This time, the troll's club impacted the side of the

wall, sending more fragments of stone flying. One nicked Blaise's face,

and sent him to the ground leaving him unconscious, with a wicked gash

on his cheek.

"Oh no, BLAISE!" Tracey shouted, prompting the troll to seek out the


"Any ideas?" Daphne called out to Harry from behind the troll.

Harry jumped towards Tracey, pushing her out of the way of the club.

"Maybe!" he shouted – "Aiolosss" he hissed. Aiolos rose from Harry's skin,

"Yesss hatchling?"

"Can your venom kill a troll?" Harry hissed, shocking Tracey.

"Posssssibly" was the snake's reply.

Aiolos, with all of the natural speed endowed to her species, shot towards

the troll in a blur. She coiled around its leg, and slithered her way up to

its neck, then bit down, pumping her magically enhanced venom into its

toughened hide.

The troll roared in anger, having felt the bite, and shook Aiolos off.

The beast shook its head from side to side to regain its bearings and went

for another swing at the hiding Daphne, "Daphne, move!" Harry shouted.

She screamed in fright, but swiftly moved to Harry's side when the troll

swung. The troll swung his club but spun around on the follow through,

having been disoriented by Aiolos' bite. It stumbled around the corridor

trying to regain his senses.

"Aiolos' venom isn't working fast enough," Daphne said hurriedly as the

troll managed to zero in on the two first years in the middle of the hall.

Harry drew his wand up and shouted, "DEFODIO!" The grayish spell shot

from Harry's wand and impacted the troll's chest, gouging a hole straight

through it. The troll didn't even blink, before falling to the ground.

Harry slumped against the wall as Professors' Dumbledore, McGonagall

and Flitwick, came around the corner with Quirrell and Snape a little

ways behind. The professors looked to the dead troll, then to the four

first years.

Dumbledore took the lead, "Professor Flitwick, please take Mr. Zabini and

Miss Davis to the hospital wing." He then looked to Daphne and Harry,

Harry was hugging Daphne whispering in her ear as she curled herself

into his chest, and Aiolos was curled protectively around their shoulders.

"Would you like to explain what happened here?" Dumbledore asked.

At Dumbledore's voice, Daphne straightened up and turned around with a

blank visage while Harry spoke, "We were in the common room when we

heard banging. We thought it might've been Fred and George Weasley

trying to prank the common room, but when we came out we were faced

with the troll. It basically just tried to kill us all. Thankfully, Aiolos bit it,

and I hit it with a spell."

"And what spell did you cast, Mr. Potter?"

"The gouging spell." Harry's response was met with varying reactions

from the assembled professors. Dumbledore looked surprised but quickly

schooled his features; McGonagall gasped and looked horrified, while

Snape looked on with a bit of pride.

"You thought that spell appropriate?" Dumbledore asked while frowning,

showing his disapproval.

"That monster had already injured Blaise. Not only that, but it was

tearing up the walls and floor, and obviously it could still do damage to

Tracey, myself, my best friend and my familiar. We were all still in

danger, so yes, sir, I did", Harry replied sharply.

McGonagall apparently took offense to his tone and said, "Watch your

tone, Mr. Potter. Why were you not at the feast like you were supposed

to be?"

"Considering what this holiday means to him, I think that would be

obvious," Daphne answered sardonically.

"Miss Greengrass," Professor Snape said, with a hint of warning in his


"My apologies professor," Daphne spoke softly.

"And the snake, Mr. Potter?" Dumbledore asked.

"As I mentioned, Aiolos is my familiar. As such she is allowed in

Hogwarts as stated in the rules."

"Very well then", was Dumbledore's reply. With that, the remains of the

troll were vanished magically, and the Professors, save for Snape, left.

"Shall we go back to the common room?" Snape said, gesturing towards

the end of the hall. They walked to the common room in silence. When

they entered, Professor Snape looked to the snake pointedly. Harry

glanced at Daphne who nodded her head.

"I'm a parseltongue. Aiolos bonded with me when I rescued her from the

zoo." He said softly.

Professor Snape had faraway look in eyes before he nodded, "It is good

you kept this secret. Where did you learn the gouging spell?" he asked.

"From my family's library, when I visited Gringotts they gave me a

portkey to the family manor," Harry clarified.

"Very well, I think you've earned fifteen points to Slytherin for defending

your peers. The others shall be returning shortly, goodnight."

Most of Slytherin had heard the real story of what happened; the rest of

the houses heard Dumbledore's abbreviated version in which he said the

troll had been subdued and Harry and his friends were involved. After

finding out Harry was a parseltongue, all of Slytherin held a newfound

respect for him, even those who firmly believed in the Dark Lord.

Harry and some of the other first year snakes had managed to get Marcus

Flint to take them flying on the weekend. Harry, Blaise, and Draco were

racing each other, while Millicent, Theo, Daphne, and Tracey were

passing a quaffle. Daphne and Theo seemed to have more skill while the

other two were just having fun being in the air. Blaise eventually went

over to toss the quaffle while Draco and Harry continued to race, adding

in some moves and tricks to their flight.

Flint who had been watching the races intently, decided to release a

golden snitch, as a test. "Potter, Malfoy, I'm going to release a snitch -

catch it!" Draco and Harry nodded and lined up into position, waiting for

Flint to release the snitch.

The golden ball shot up and took off faster than they could see. Harry

flew up higher and began to circle the pitch, Draco doing the same in the

opposite direction. Harry spotted the little golden ball near the visitor

side's hoops and took off after it. Draco followed after Harry, but when

they got close the ball zoomed down.

Harry went into his dive with Draco right behind him. The pair hurtled

through the air like falcons chasing each other on a hunt. As they neared

the ground, Draco pulled up, fearing a crash, and was barely able to do

so on the ancient school broom.

Harry, however, kept going and with four feet left, he lashed out and

grabbed the tiny golden ball. As soon as he grabbed it, he started to pull

up; his feet skimmed the grass while the rickety old broom shook in

protest. The onlookers watched on bated breath as they saw the intense

shaking and quivering of the broom. Finally, Harry somehow managed to

regain control, and shot back up into the sky about five feet before

coming back down to land.

Harry held up the snitch victoriously while his friends cheered, Draco

offered him a slight grin and a high five, complementing him on his


Of course, not everyone was impressed with him. Daphne, who'd been

scared to her core as soon as she saw the two boys enter their dives, ran

over and slapped him upside the back of his head, "Hardwin James Potter

what the bloody hell is wrong with you! These aren't like our brooms

you…" she was, mercifully so (for Harry), cut off.

Flint broke in, "That, was bloody brilliant Potter."

The next thing Harry knew, he was in Professor Snape's office with Flint

standing next to him trying to convince Snape to allow Harry to play

seeker. "Sir he's amazing, the catch was insane, and Higgs did mention he

wants to focus on his OWLS this year."

"Let me see the memory of his catch," Snape said, bringing out a bowl

with some runes carved on it that Harry recognized as the Norse runes

for memory, from a book Daph had.

Seeing Harry's look Snape explained, "This, is a pensieve; it stores and

replays memories." Harry nodded.

Snape watched the memory, and when he came out his face betrayed

nothing. "First off, as Miss Greengrass said, never, ever attempt that, on a

school broom – ever again. Understood?" Snape said harshly.

Harry surprised by his tone quickly replied, "Yes sir," like an army recruit


"Now also from what Miss Greengrass said, you have your own broom,

yes?" Harry nodded.

"Then you should probably send for it, I will talk to the Headmaster,

Flint; get him ready for the game at the end of the month." Flint nodded

with a wicked smirk as he and Harry left.

"Alright Potter I don't want Gryffindor to know you're our seeker 'til the

match, so get the other first years to come with you to the practices and

don't dress in Quidditch robes either. Practices are Tuesdays, Thursdays,

and Fridays, from 3 to 5:30." Harry nodded. After arriving at the common

room, Flint gathered the first years up and told them the plan. All the

ones who were flying today agreed to be there if they could.

Before joining the others who'd already gone to bed, Daphne and Harry

chatted in the corner as they did every night.

"So did Snape say how he was going to convince Dumbledore?" Daphne

asked Harry.

"No, he just mentioned that I should get my broom sent here, should I use

my 2000 or an older broom?"

Daphne looked thoughtful for a minute before answering; "You can use

my broom for practice in case anyone finds out, and save your nimbus

2000 as one last surprise."

Harry nodded and called, "Nips"

With a pop, Nips appeared. "Sirs, is calling Nips?"

"Will you please bring me my Nimbus 2000 along with Daphne's Comet

Two Sixty?"

"Of course Harry Sir, right away." He popped back a moment later with

both brooms.

Harry looked wistfully at his Nimbus 2000 and turned to Daphne, "we've

got to get you a better broom."

"It's just fine, and more importantly not nearly as good as your Nimbus,

not that you need it," Daphne replied with a bemused grin.

"Snape also wants me to come in for private lessons in potions," Harry

said, still looking at his broom.

"You're not marrying your broom, Potter, so look up," Harry looked up

and smiled sheepishly at Daphne, who was scowling at him in mock-


"Sorry." He said with a nervous chuckle.

"Why extra lessons? You're the best in our year for potions." She said with

a proud smile.

"He said it was for more advanced potions and possibly working with him

on new potions altogether."

"Harry, that's wonderful!" Daphne said with a smile. "I'm so proud of you!

Now, it's getting late. We should probably head to bed. I could sit here

and talk with you all night, but we have classes in the morning.

Goodnight!" she said, after hugging him tightly, before walking off to the

girl's dorms.

Time sped by and finally the day of the first Quidditch match of the year

had arrived. Harry met the rest of the team down in the locker room and

pulled out his shrunken Nimbus 2000, tapping it with his wand to resize

it. Flint, Adrian Pucey, and Beau Montague eyed the broom hungrily.

"Potter! Why didn't you bring this beauty out before?" Flint asked


Adrian quickly chimed in with an "and how'd you get it in the first


Harry with a smirk answered, "Daph and I decided that it'd be smarter for

me to use her broom for practices, in case anyone found out. And since

Wood's been suspicious about Higgs having missed two practices so close

to the game, our plan was put to use. I got the Nimbus 2000 when

Daphne's dad suggested it after he took me flying for the first time this

summer. All I had was my dad's old broom."

"Yeah, even though your dad was a Gryffindor he was legendary on the

pitch," Flint exclaimed. There were very few students at Hogwarts who

were more obsessed with Quidditch than Marcus Flint. He knew all of the

school records, and all of the current record-holders. "Now let's kick some

lion ass!"

The Slytherin team flew out on the pitch, earning gasps from the crowd

and players alike. The players were envious and impressed with Harry's

Nimbus, and the crowd, with the fact that Harry was only in his first


The game began with Slytherin scoring the first goal off of a beautiful

breakaway. Flint had managed to dodge Gryffindor's chasers and

whipped the quaffle right past Oliver Wood's outstretched arms. Like

always Slytherin played hard, but to the surprise of most of the school,

they weren't blatantly cheating. Harry managed to break up his fair share

of Gryffindor's chaser plays while he was circling the pitch.

After nearly an hour of play, Harry got bored and decided to pull a mess

with Gryffindor's seeker. As he saw the other boy approach on his broom,

Harry broke into a dive, and maxed out his brooms acceleration. Towler,

Gryffindor's seeker, was on a Comet Two Sixty and was just barely able to

keep up. Thinking Harry was blocking the snitch, Towler kept after him

until they were only 4 feet above the ground.

Harry, with a smirk, pulled right up out of the dive and sharply shot back

up into the air. Towler, on a slower broom, was unable to react fast

enough and plowed into the ground, with the broom and the player

going in separate directions. A classic Wronski Feint – pulled off to

perfection. Harry back at the top of the pitch, found himself shockingly

unable to take advantage of Towler's absence.

His insides lurched as his broom began to buck forwards and backwards.

Harry gripped the broom as tightly as he could while the broom jerked.

Then with one almighty jerk forwards, Harry was pitched forward over

the handle. Harry dangled from his broom above the Quidditch pitch, his

fingers clamped on with all their might.

Flint, worried for his new star's safety, flew over to Derrick Bole, one of

Slytherin's beaters.

"Derrick!" he said "Circle around under him, if he falls, you'll need to

catch him mate!" he continued while pantomiming a circling motion.

Bole nodded and flew off, hovering in a circle a few feet below Harry,

ready and waiting to catch him.

Fortunately for the Slytherins, their precautions were unnecessary –

Harry's brooms antics stopped as suddenly as they'd started, and Harry

flung himself up back onto his broom.

Daphne was next to Tracey and Blaise in the stands when Harry's broom

started malfunctioning. With a soft gasp of fear and worry, Daphne

gripped Tracey's hand tighter then she would've ever thought possible.

Aiolos, who had elected to stay with Daphne during the game, sensed her

fear and coiled a bit tighter in comfort around Daphne's chest.

"Someone's jinxing the broom, the Nimbus 2000 wouldn't malfunction

like that," Blaise whispered. Tracey focused her omnioculars on the

stands, starting with the teachers, "Snape's not blinking and he looks like

he's whispering," she said.

"Check the others for eye contact it can't be Snape," Daphne replied.

The three preteens scanned the crowd with focused eyes, before Tracey

whisper-shouted "Quirrell!" and with that, Blaise took off for the teacher's


It took him about a minute at a dead sprint to reach it. Coming under the

bleachers, Blaise saw a flask on the hip of a visiting parent and nicked it.

He poured the alcohol on Quirrell's cloak then pointed his wand at it and

whispered, "Incendio."

The flames burst up and crackled merrily, igniting off of the alcohol and

breaking Quirrell's line of sight who looked to the flames, realizing he

was on fire. Blaise disappeared quickly before anyone noticed him, and

by the time he got back to Daphne and Tracey, Harry had caught the


Harry swung himself back up on the broom and breathed deeply, getting

his bearings back. Harry looked to Bole in thanks, and saw the snitch

across the pitch. Harry took off after it at a breakneck pace, followed

closely by Towler who'd managed to finally regain his bearings and climb

back into the air.

The snitch dipped, cut and wove, shooting downwards, and finally flew

in a straight line, a few feet off the ground. Harry, mind racing, slowly

got up into a crouch on his broom, and gradually stood, stretching out his

arm as he did. He barely managed to get a finger on it, but that was

enough to throw the ball off its flight pattern, and he quickly snagged it.

Unfortunately, the movement sent him too far forward, and his broom

dipped into the grass, throwing him clear of it. Fortunately, years of

'Harry Hunting' was put to great use as he tucked into a roll, avoiding

injury and came up with the snitch in his hand, and a broad grin on his


After the match, the friends had all gathered in the common room to

celebrate their house team's was laughing in a corner, surrounded by his

closest friends. "So wait, you stole a flask, poured it out on the git's cloak,

then lit him on fire with it? Oh what I would've given to have seen the

look on his face." He said between laughs. Blaise was chuckling but upon

seeing Daphne's expression both he and Harry cut their laughter.

"So why would Quirrell try to kill me?" Harry asked.

Daphne looked pensive and then threw out in a whisper, "Voldemort?"

"Maybe, but I don't think so. Quirrell isn't a pureblood and used to be the

muggle studies teacher. He doesn't seem like the type to have followed

Voldemort so loyally" Tracey replied. Blaise looked thoughtful for a

moment before spotting Vaisey and called out to him.

"What can I do for you four?" Aaron asked as he came over.

"Quirrell used to teach muggle studies right?" Blaise asked. Vaisey

nodded his head yes in response.

"How has been employed this long with that stutter and fainting

problem?" Tracey asked incredulously.

Vaisey laughed, "Well he never used to be like that. He was actually

supposed to be quite the Ravenclaw, but after he took a sabbatical he

changed. Something about a bad encounter with a vampire clan in

Albania, I think." They all nodded and chuckled a little at the thought of

stuttering Professor Quirrell anywhere near a vampire, let alone a whole

clan of them.

Awhile after most of the room had cleared out and gone to bed, Daphne

and Harry were lying next to each other on the couch; talking about

everything and nothing. Daphne sat up and stared at Harry, "Quirrell

worries me. First the troll and now the broom incident?" she paused and

shook her head. "Harry - what if he really wants you dead?"

Harry looked deep into his betrothed's icy blue eyes, and thought for a

few seconds. "How about I ask Aiolos to watch him and see what she

finds out?" He asked her, receiving a nod in response.

"But anything else and I think we should tell Professor Snape." She said,

still with a hint of anxiety in her tone. Harry agreed and hugged Daphne


Two weeks later, Aiolos was still keeping tabs on Quirrell. Besides the

man spending time in the Restricted Section of the library and generally

acting weird, nothing else had happened.

Daphne, Tracey, Blaise and Harry were on their way to the library when

the staircase they were on moved, dumping them off at a door they had

yet to come across. Shrugging at each other they opened it to find a dark


"Damn it all!" They heard from the end and started to see the pillars light


"That sounded like Quirrell," Blaise said.

"Um guys we're in the third floor corridor", Tracey whispered. The group

shared worried looks and tensed up, almost simultaneously.

"Come on, behind here!" Harry whispered and pointed to some pillars

near the door, masked in shadows. Sure enough, they saw Quirrell pass

by mumbling to himself. He pushed the doors open and slammed them

shut once he'd crossed through.

Aiolos, sensing Harry, slithered up to him in the shadows and hissed,

"you need to sssee thisss." And with that she slithered down the hall.

Harry motioned for his friends to follow.

"Aiolos said there's something we should see. C'mon." he said as he

followed his familiar. They got to the end of the hall but were stopped by

an absolutely massive door.

Daphne took out her wand and spoke, "Alohomora."

The door unlocked but Aiolos spoke, "ssslowly open the door, do not go

all the way in." she said before slithering up Harry and melding with his

skin, resuming her tattoo form.

Harry explained to the group what she said then stuck just his head in to

take a quick peek. Not even a second later, he pulled his head out and

abruptly slammed the door, "Lock it, lock it, lock it, now!" he yelled in


Not even bothering to question him, Tracey whipped her wand out and

tapped the door - "Claustro!" she intoned, and in the nick of time. Just as

the door locked, something slammed into the door from the other side,

and the four youngsters heard snarling, scratching and slobbering.

"Okay. We're leaving, now. Time to go." Harry said hurriedly as he took

Daphne's hand and started to run out of the corridor with Tracey and

Blaise following.

When they were once again in the common room Harry hissed at Aiolos,

"That wasssn't funny."

Aiolos made a sound like she was laughing then rose off of her wizard's

skin and slithered over to lay by the fireplace, scaring Pansy Parkinson in

the process. Pansy shrieked and made to swat at Aiolos, but stopped

when Daphne said "Parkinson are you really that stupid? She's a king

cobra, she's poisonous, and she already doesn't like you."

Harry looked over and started laughing when Aiolos let her hood flare

menacingly, "Now that'sss funny," he hissed to her.

"Alright Harry, talk. What the hell was that?" Blaise said when they'd all

gathered around what had become 'their' table, in the corner of the

common room.

"A giant three-headed dog," Harry deadpanned. Tracey started laughing

but stopped once she saw he was serious. "And it was standing on a trap

door." The scarred boy continued.

Tracey and Blaise both had stunned looks on their faces, while Daphne

was able to ask, with a tone of absolute venomous incredulity, "who in

their right bloody mind, allows a Cerberus anywhere near a school!?"

"Clearly Dumbledore thought it'd be a good idea." Harry said with

disbelief. "After all he closed that corridor down this year, so he

obviously knows about it," he finished.

"Well now we know to avoid the damn corridor at all costs," Blaise said

with finality.

"Daph, I think we should mention the dog to your parents," Harry

whispered, not wanting to wake Tracey or Blaise who had fallen asleep

across from them in the compartment. Today they were on the train

heading home for the holidays, or in Harry's case, to the Greengrasses. At

Daphne's look, Harry continued, "I just have a bad feeling about it.

Maybe they'll be able to shed some insight on Dumbledore's thinking."

"Sure, just remember my parents are perfectly sane; whereas

Dumbledore? Not so perfect." She said with a giggle. They shared a laugh

over her comment before she pulled out a chess set, saying "come on you;

let's work on your chess skills." Harry groaned but complied.

Daphne and Harry waved goodbye to Tracey and Blaise as they met up

with the Greengrass family. "Daughter," Xavier spoke with affection while

hugging her before her mother claimed her.

"Harry!" Astoria shouted as she leapt at him in an exuberant

approximation of a flying tackle and a hug. Laughing, Harry hugged her

and flipped her around to his back, where she reached over to give her

sister a hug.

"I guess this means you're happy to see me," Harry smirked as he looked

back to Astoria who giggled.

Xavier grabbed Harry and Daphne's trunks, shrunk them down and

placed them in his pocket. "Ready to go home?" Evelyn asked in a sweet,

motherly tone, placing a hand on both Daphne and Harry's shoulders.

Both children nodded while Harry smiled at the thought of spending the

coming weeks with his new family. Once they'd apparated to the

Greengrass' home Xavier spoke, "Harry you'll be across from Daphne

while staying here."

Harry woke to someone jumping on his bed. "Haaaarrrryyyy, wake up its

Christmas," Astoria sang.

Harry jumped up tackled her and started tickling her while Daphne

laughed from the doorway, "come on you two, mum and daddy are

waiting." She said.

Astoria jumped up and ran out of Harry's room. Harry put on a pair of

Slytherin green pajama pants and a black shirt to go over his wife beater.

"Merry Christmas Daph," he said, giving her a huge hug and a light peck

on the cheek. "Merry Christmas Harry, let's go downstairs," Daph replied.

"Morning dear, enjoy the wakeup call?" Evelyn called out amusedly as

they came down the stairs.

"I've definitely had worse ones," Harry replied laughing, not noticing how

Xavier and Evelyn's faces darkened and Daphne's became worried.

"Well come on we've got presents," Xavier spoke, tossing a present to

Harry, "this one's from Tracey." Harry opened it to find a book written in

what at first appeared to be squiggles, but then formed the words,

'Parseltongue' by Salazar Slytherin.

"Holy Shite!" he exclaimed. Harry grabbed for the card on the ground and

read, 'This has been in the shop for a long, long time and nobody could

read it. When I saw it at the beginning of the week it made me think of

what Parseltongue would look like if it were written down. I hope it

works for you, Merry Christmas, Tracey.'

"What is it?" came from all around him. "It's a book written in

parseltongue by Salazar Slytherin," Harry said in an awed tone.

Harry received a cornicello from Blaise. 'How very Italian of him' Harry

thought amusedly. In Italy, a cornicello was an amulet that was said to

shield the wearer from the evil eye. The one Harry received was

fashioned from the very tip of a Graphorn's golden horn, and was

attached to a thin, masterfully wrought silver chain.

From the elder Greengrass's he was given a first edition copy of 'Moste

Potente Potions' and few sets of his favourite styles of muggle clothing.

From Astoria he received sugar quills, Honeyduke's Chocolate, and some

wizarding fireworks.

Finally, he reached Daphne's gift to him. It was quite nicely wrapped, and

was in a small red velvet box. When he slipped the latch open a golden

snitch shot out, prompting him to instinctively lash out and grab it. As he

examined the snitch, he realized it was professional level snitch with his

name engraved on it. He was surprised when it opened, until Daphne

explained all snitch's open for those who first touch it.

Inside the snitch, there was a heart made from a blue diamond set in a

silver chain. Harry got up and hugged her and kissed her on the cheek

with tears in his eyes. "Hardwin, we have one more gift to give you

before we continue with the rest of the gifts," Xavier said, giving him

folder marked with a Gringotts seal and the Ministry's seal.

Harry took the folder and looked at them questioningly before opening.

The top form read 'Guardianship' across the top in bold. Harry looked at

them with a look of disbelief. "Yes, Harry, we've been granted

guardianship over you, if you wish it to be so" Evelyn spoke softly,

"nothing will have to change except that the Dursleys no longer have any

say in what you do, nor will Dumbledore."

"Th-thank you," he said, tears still fresh in his eyes from Daphne's gift.

Harry stood up and hugged Evelyn, much to her surprise. "Harry darling,

you can come to us with anything you need, or even just to talk,

whenever you like" Evelyn whispered to him as he hugged her.

The Greengrasses opened Harry's presents to them next. Xavier received a

rare book on Herbology written by Helga Hufflepuff that Harry had

found in the Potter library, Evelyn received a diamond serpent brooch

with amethyst eyes from the Potter vault, Astoria an ocicat kitten that

was a beautiful ebony, with silver spots, and Daphne was given a

Datejust Royal Black Rolex watch, with her initials; 'DLGP', engraved on

the back. In addition, as a gift to the whole family, he'd brought a

Pensieve, which were very rare magical artifacts, from the Potter Family


A week into Christmas break, Harry and Daphne were sitting in front of

Xavier and Evelyn in Xavier's study.

"So what did you want to talk to us about," Xavier said realizing both kids

seemed to be tense.

Harry glanced at Daphne who nodded, "Some things have been

happening at school." the boy started. "Dumbledore gave us all a warning

in September to stay away from the third floor corridor, or else risk a

painful death. We also fought off and killed a troll that was let in during

the Halloween feast."

Daphne picked up next with, "then during Harry's first Quidditch match,

his broom was jinxed, almost killing him and we're pretty sure it was

Professor Quirrell."

Harry picked the story back up, "and then we set Aiolos after him and

found him sneaking into the third floor corridor where there's a Cerberus

guarding a trap door."

Xavier sat pensive as Evelyn fumed, "What the hell is wrong with that

delusional old coot!" Xavier stood and placed a hand on Evelyn's shoulder

to calm her a bit then walked to the floo and called out, "Severus Snape,"

Professor Snape's head appeared in the floo, "Xavier, it's been quite some

time. To what do I owe this pleasant surprise?"

"Severus, if you're free, please floo over. I believe we have a problem that

involves my new ward, and your current employer." Severus nodded

noting Xavier's tone, and came through.

"Evelyn, Mr. Potter, Ms. Greengrass," Snape nodded.

Xavier gestured to the last open seat which Severus took. "Considering

my daughter and my son-in-law-to-be are in danger, let's skip the

formalities," Xavier started. "I know most see you as Dumbledore's man,

but I know your loyalty lies first with Lily, with anyone else secondary,

and therefore, should also lie with Harry over the old bastard. Now in the

interest of time and with Harry's permission I'd like to show you his

memories of before he received his letter."

Harry nodded and Xavier pulled out the pensieve that Harry had gifted

the family, and placed the memories in it. When Snape came out, he was

even paler than normal and had a murderously angry mask etched on his

face. "Does Dumbledore know?" he gritted out.

Harry nodded, "He was my former magical guardian. Only, he doesn't

know that he's former."

Xavier spoke next, "it appears to me that he has either grown senile, or is

trying to test Hardwin or get him killed, none of which we will stand for."

Harry smiled at this and ducked his head in pleased embarrassment, only

Daphne caught it and gripped his hand.

"Now, the children have told me that Hardwin has been in mortal danger

three times this year; the troll, his first match, and the Cerberus."

"During the Quidditch match, I was using a counter curse. I suspect that

it was Quirrell who was trying to jinx him. The troll was announced, also

by Quirrell, but I am most curious as to how they know of the Cerberus,"

Snape said silkily.

"Hardwin set his familiar on Quirrell after they suspected him of the

broom jinx," Xavier broke off looking towards the two children.

"He wasn't breaking eye contact and Harry always feels weird around

him," Daphne spoke up, and then Harry continued, "Daphne, Tracey,

Blaise and I got caught on one of those moving staircases on our way to

the Library. It just so happened to switch, and took us right to the bloody

corridor that Dumbledore mentioned in September." He said, almost

bitterly. "Blaise suggested we check it out, so we walked in. We heard

Quirrell cursing about something, and hid behind some pillars, good

thing too, because he stormed out right after."

This time, Daphne picked up the story. "Aiolos had been following him

already, so she mentioned to Harry that she'd found something in the

door up ahead, she told us to follow her, and we did. Apparently, she

thought it'd be funny to tell Harry to open the door without telling him

what was behind it, because he was the one who looked in first, and

apparently there was a Cerberus standing guard over some trap door that

nearly clawed Harry's head off before we got the door closed in time."

"Something needs to be done about whatever crazy scheme Albus is

trying to come up with now," Evelyn said, her tone brooking no

disagreement. "Severus, can you take over Harry and Daphne's defense

lessons for the rest of the year - tell Dumbledore they both have a

problem with garlic, or something?" she asked.

"Of course Evelyn, that's not a problem" he said respectfully. "As for

Quirrell, Mr. Potter, can your familiar keep following him?" Snape

continued, receiving a nod from Harry in response.

"If he goes to the third floor corridor again come and find me. I will keep

Dumbledore away from Harry for the rest of the year; it should be

relatively easy, given my connection to Lily and being his Head of

House." The potions master said with a hint of a smirk.

"Thank you Severus," the said elder Greengrasses, with a quiet 'thank you'

following from the children. As Severus was about to floo back to

Hogwarts he nodded and spoke to Harry, "your mother was a dear friend,

Mr. Potter. I owe her quite a lot" and with that, he left.


So this has been edited and any mistakes were added by me. Thanks

to HunterAzrael who's also doing the editing for my other story. To

all of you waiting for the next chapter of Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum,

it might be a little while my brother passed away a little over a

week ago.



A/N #2 Made some changes the biggest is Harry's name. With the

newer genealogy I wanted to change it to Hardwin. I will be starting

to edit the rest of the chapters now and updating them as I go, so

somethings might not be consistent for awhile

2. Chapter 2

Harry and Daph were lying in the Greengrass library with their

transfiguration texts open working on their term project. Queen

apparently decided Daphne had studied enough and pounced on the

Daphne's quill. "Queenie!" Daphne shrieked. "That was not necessary."

She looked at Harry laughing, "Harry shut it."

Harry ignored her and kept on laughing while Queen pranced on over to

him and started purring. "How 'bout a break Daph," Harry rolled over on

to his back and Daphne scooted closer to him picking up Queen and

laying her on top of Harry and petting her. "Daph what's a good present

to get a house elf?"

"You know I don't think anyone has ever considered that," Daphne spoke

sitting up and looking at Harry with a weird look.

Harry explained upon seeing the look, "they were the first ones to show

any interest in my well-being, especially Mips she wouldn't even let me

leave the table until I ate two helpings, apparently I was too skinny I

think she may have put something in the food too I shouldn't be this

normal looking," he laughed.

"Well you can't get them clothes. They'll take it badly," after Harry's oh so

eloquent huh, she explained further, "giving them clothes symbolizes

freeing them, but their magic depends on them being tied to a family,

without a family's magic they can only live a few years before dying."

"So clothes are out, what about a pendent with the Potter family crest."

"You can try but don't expect them to take it, our house elves hardly

except thank you's."

The Potter elves took about an hour to convince to take the present from

Harry. He gave them a pendent with the Potter crest hanging from a

strap of Hungarian Horntail Dragon hide. Mips cried for an hour then

made him a meal of all his favorites including treacle tart.

When Harry came back to the Greengrasses from delivering his gifts

Xavier sought him out in. Xavier knocked on the open door to Daphne's

room where she, Harry, and Astoria were playing exploding snap.

Xavier smiled at the sight, "Harry this came for you over Christmas but

there was no name given on the tag. Evelyn and I went over to check for

any harmful charms, there was only a few tracking charms. We dispelled

all but one which we both put a confundus charm on," he tossed the

package to Harry who caught it and nodded. Harry looked at the tag,

Your father left this in my possession before he died. Use it well. "It looks like

the old coot's handwriting," Xavier spoke up. Harry nodded and opened

the package.

Out poured a silky material that made Astoria and Daphne gasp, "that's

an invisibility cloak."

Harry looked up with an evil smirk, "so no tracking charms feel like

pulling some pranks Daph," he wiggled his eyebrows at a now equally

smirking Daphne. Xavier walked out of the room laughing.

Blaise, Tracey, Harry, and Daphne were sitting in a compartment

discussing their breaks when the compartment door opened, "Mind if I

join you," Neville Longbottom stood in the doorway.

Harry looked at the other three who nodded, "Sure, we were just

discussing our break."

"Thanks," Neville introduced himself to Blaise, and Tracey.

"So how was your break Neville," Tracey spoke up. "It was good quieter

than usual my uncle went to the Virgin Islands, so it was just my Gran

and me."

"You don't like your uncle," Harry asked.

"He dropped me out a window to see if I would have a bout of accidental

magic, so no not really fond of him."

"What did your Gran do," Daphne asked a bit horrified.

"She's pretty old school," Neville answered uncomfortably.

Harry sensing Neville's mood asked, "Anybody up for poker." With the

exception of Neville they all groaned, "Hey if I have to learn chess you're

gonna learn poker."

"What's poker?"

Harry mumbled, "damn purebloods, Poker is a card game that's a hell of a

lot better than exploding snap for one the cards don't explode."

"No exploding cards, I like this already," Neville replied. The rest of the

ride was spent getting to know the Longbottom heir.

As they arrived at Hogwarts they parted ways with the Gryffindor, "so

we'll meet you in the Library to go over potions and herbology, see ya


"Okay so you don't have a problem with the plants in potions it's the

other stuff. Try treating your knife like you would your wand in charms

class. Keep your movements in a fluid motion don't try to just hack at the

ingredients, the more precise your cuts are the better," Harry explained to

Neville and Tracey.

The five friends were gathered in the library going over their notes and

working on homework for various classes. Tracey and Neville had the

most problems in potions. Harry being the best at it was helping them

out. While in return Neville and Daphne helped Blaise, Tracey, and Harry

out with Herbology. While Harry gardened at Privet drive he had no

experience with magical planets. Tracey was the only one who could stay

awake in Binns' class and helped the other four out with History,

frequently pointing out things Binns didn't even mention. Blaise excelled

at Astronomy often helping the others out with Astronomy, the other four

just thought Professor Sinistra had soft spot for Blaise, who often brought

out his Italian accent in class, which Tracey and Daph endlessly teased

him for having a crush on Sinistra. Daphne and Harry also helped out the

others with charms and defense, Harry apparently inherited not only his

mother's eyes but also her potions and charms skills. All five though

pitched in on transfiguration the proclaimed hardest subject for each of


In three weeks since being back at Hogwarts the five had gained the

notice of the teaching staff. All of them had moved up in rank for all their

classes. Neville had earned his first house points of the year from his

head of house, 10 points from Professor McGonagall, for inter-house

cooperation. The five had been meeting in the library at least three times

a week after dinner for studying. At one point Vaisey had come up to

Neville, who looked like he was going to wet himself at the older

Slytherins look, and jokingly said, "Well congratulations on being the first

of the House of Bravery to brave associations with the Snakes!"

"Oh shut up Aaron you'll put him into shock, a Slytherin complementing

a Gryffindor," Daphne laughed getting Neville to relax.

"Well I try cousin," Vaisey laughed as he walked away "see ya at practice


"Harry what are you doing up," Daphne asked as she stumbled into the

Slytherin common room. Daphne was woken by Aiolos licking her face

trying to get her attention. When she looked at Aiolos, Aiolos pointed her

head towards the door and slithered out to the common room, Daphne


"Nothing," Harry sighed running his hands through his hair.

"Harry come on, talk to me," Daphne said sitting down next to him with

Aiolos wrapped around their shoulders.

Harry sighed again and was quiet for a moment before laying his head in

his lap, "the dream of my parents dying is happening more often, it seems

like it's every other night now." Daphne not knowing what to say took

Harry's head and laid it on her lap running her hands through his hair.

They fell asleep within minutes Aiolos still wrapped Daphne's shoulders.

Harry woke to the feeling of someone staring at him and flinched

violently until he saw Vaisey smirking at him, "You know since she

doesn't have a brother technically I'm well within my rights to kick your

arse for this." Harry looked around a noticed he and Daphne were still on

the couch in front of the fire in the common room then looked back at

Vaisey and gulped. "But I think I'll let you off with a pass since not only

would she kill me Flint would too if you got injured before a match plus

it is Valentine's Day."

Harry sighed in relief while Blaise and Tracey laughed off to the side.

"Well lover boy are you gonna wake Daphne up," Tracey asked. Harry

very maturely stuck his tongue out at her and woke Daphne up.

"Hey Daph we have to get to class."

"Fine, I'm up." Daphne got to her room and saw a red rose on her pillow

with a box of Honeydukes chocolate with note attached that simply read,

Happy Valentine's Day, Always Harry.

The week after Valentine's Day Harry and Daphne were rarely seen

together without holding hands. That Wednesday the group of five was in

the library working on a transfiguration essay on Circe of Ancient Greece

and her transfiguration of men into pigs.

"May I join you?" All five looked up and to their surprise standing there

was Hermione Granger, the know-it-all Ravenclaw, only she wasn't much

of a know-it-all any more. While she still knew it all she didn't force on

people like she did the first week. Apparently there was a confrontation

with surprise, surprise, Ron Weasley the idiot of Gryffindor. Afterwards

she toned downed the hand waving and shouting out answers but

smirked every time she answered a question correctly after Weasley

answered one wrong.

They all looked at each other and Neville spoke up, "Sure we're just

working on Transfiguration."

"Oh I'm almost finished except my essay's is lacking on background on


"Well then you came to the right place as Tracey here knows background

but the rest of us a still a little off on the actual transfiguration principles,

think you can help," Harry asked. Hermione nodded and took a seat and

with that a sixth member was added to their group and Harry's side.

Friday before the Quidditch match against Hufflepuff the next day, the

six of them were in the Great Hall playing gobstones.

"So Hermione what does your dad do again," Blaise asked apparently

fascinated with what he thought was modern day torture.

"He's a dentist Blaise and yes I'm sure it's not torture," Hermione replied

annoyed and for the fifth time today.

Harry chuckled and brought out his cards, the Slytherins groaned while

Neville and Hermione smiled, "ready to pay," Neville said.

"Who would have thought that a Gryffindor would excel at a bluffing

game better than three Slytherins," Daphne sighed, "they'll kick us out of


Harry laughed and was about to reply when Professor Snape came past

them, "Hardwin I need to speak with you in my office tonight, also there's

no gambling in school save it for the common room."

"Come in Hardwin," Professor Snape's silky voice came from behind his

office door.

"Sir," Harry nodded to his professor taking a seat.

"I have arranged for Professor Flitwick to referee the Quidditch match

against Hufflepuff, I would officiate but as Slytherin is playing that would

be seen as unfair," Snape said a bit sarcastically. "Flitwick is a former

dueling champion and will be on watch during the match, while I'll be

sitting in front of Quirrell. Has Aiolos reported anything to you?"

"No sir, Quirrell hasn't tried anything yet, although, he made a trip out to

Hogsmeade. Aiolos wouldn't follow him as she did not want to be that far

away from me while there is a Cerberus in the school."

"Understandable, a familiar will not stray far when it can sense danger."

"She did say that he smelled of smoke and alcohol, so my money is on

one of the pubs as to where he went." "Thank you, good luck in the

match," Professor Snape dismissed him.

"What did Professor Snape want," Daphne asked.

"Flitwick is going to be the ref in tomorrow's match, he suspects Quirrell

will not try anything with Flitwick so close and Snape right in front of

him. Well I'm going to bed, night."

The match was a bit of bore, Hufflepuff has no real standouts aside from

Cedric Diggory, a third year and their seeker. Diggory was largely

considered the best seeker at Hogwarts until Harry joined Slytherin this


Flint's speech before the game consisted of, "If we lose to Hufflepuff I'll

kick your arses and find a way to hold two a days, got it? Good let's go."

Harry and the rest of the team laughed when Vaisey gave Flint the finger

at the two a days idea.

"That was inspirational," Harry sarcastically commented to Vaisey as they

shot up into the air to take their positions.

Flitwick released the snitch and threw up quaffle. The Slytherin chasers

dominated the game and an hour into it they were up 130 to 20, Diggory

tried to break up some plays but the Slytherin beaters kept pressure on

him whenever he lowered into the gameplay. Harry mostly circled the

pitch keeping watch for the snitch but every so often his eyes would stray

to Quirrell.

Finally Harry spotted the snitch behind the Hufflepuff hoops and shot off

after, Cedric was closer but halfway through an attempt to break up a

Slytherin play. Cedric pulled out of the play clipping Montague's broom.

Harry sped towards the snitch his Nimbus easily outstripping Cedric's

Cleansweep Seven with his mistake of clipping Montague. As Harry

closed in on the snitch it swerved left then down leading Harry into a

short dive before he grabbed the snitch as Cedric came up on his tail.

Slytherin won 300 to 50. As Harry left the pitch he shook hands with

Cedric, "You kept it from a complete blow out, nice job mate."

"Next time Hardwin," Cedric joked back.

March passed without much happening. The group of six could be found

in the library studying or in the great hall playing card games or having

chess matches. Neville and Hermione became closer to the group as if

they had been with the other four the whole time.

Harry still had trouble with chess but declared one day, "bring out the

checkers and I would trounce your arses!" making Hermione laugh.

One thing of note was a fifth year Slytherin named Tommy O'Brian got

completely shit-faced on St. Patrick's Day and tried to kiss Professor

McGonagall, he spent some quality time as a parrot after that.

The first week of April Aiolos came to Harry with news about Professor

Quirrell, "he isss leaving more often hatchling, he goes to the forest

sometimes. He'sss alssso taking to himssself more."

"Are you sssure it'sss to himssself?"

"Yessss there isss no one elssse'sss sssent around him during thessse


"Thanksss, Aiolos, I'll tell Professor Snape."

"Daph I need to go talk with Professor Snape feel like taking a walk,"

Harry asked switching back to English in the four's corner of the

Slytherin common room.

"Sure, we'll see you guys in the library later on," Daphne said standing

and taking Harry's hand. They left the common room and headed for

Professor Snape's office.

Snape's silky voice rang out as Harry knocked, "Come in. Hardwin,

Daphne to what do I owe this visit?" Snape asked as they walked in and

sat down.

"Aiolos gave me an update on Professor Quirrell he's leaving the castle

more often and he's talking to himself sir, erratically or Aiolos wouldn't

have mentioned it."

"Did Aiolos mention where Quirrell is going?"

"The forest sometimes, other than that Aiolos doesn't know."

"Thank you for the information."

Harry and Daphne were walking around the lake taking advantage of the

good weather. "You never did tell me about the book you gave Malfoy,"

Daphne asked as they stopped near a big rock that overlooked the lake.

"The book has some of the influential allies of the Potters over time.

Apparently not all Malfoys were arrogant pure blood bigots like Lucius

and Abraxas are described as in my father's journal. While most Malfoys

over time have been on the shadier side they weren't evil. They once

earned that position of respect that Lucius can only hold now by gold.

About five or so generations ago the patriarch of the Malfoy family was

Augustus Malfoy. He lived up to his namesake the Roman Emperor

Augustus, where Rome had a golden age under Augustus so did the

Malfoy family. Augustus believed your character was more important

than blood, as long as he could respect you, he didn't care. He was a

model student for his times and was Head Boy for Hogwarts his seventh

year. He excelled at all his subjects' particularly warding and combat

training, which were taught as electives for Lords during the time period.

In those classes he met Edmund Potter. They were close friends

throughout their lives. During their twenties a Dark Lord by the name of

Leopold Necare rose to power. He murdered his way across England and

Scotland claiming he was the angel of death. Edmund and Augustus

fought against him in three conflicts each. In the last battle, the seventh,

Edmund and Augustus finally fought him together after Necare killed

Augustus's wife. They defeated him by beheading him. Edmund went on

to become something of a Minister for Magic for the time with Augustus

as an advisor. Together they changed opinions in magical society for the

betterment of all. Augustus however never remarried or had children

leaving the Malfoy line to be continued by his younger brother Nero, an

aptly fitting name. Nero resented everything about his brother to his

dying day and passed that along through his son."

"So we basically have jealous brother to thank for a death eater like

Lucius Malfoy," Daphne stated.

"Well that's putting it simply," Harry said as he finished his story walking

into the library. They joined their friends each letting the story sink in


Later as Harry was going to sleep Aiolos slithered into his dorm, "that

ssstupid human isss going to drive me insssane with all hisss mutteringsss

about ssstonessss." Harry thought about it but shrugged it off and went to


At breakfast the next morning Harry surprisingly got mail, "Watcha ya

got there girl," he asked as Hedwig landed in front of him. He took the

scroll as she flitted across the table to Daphne who held out a piece of

bacon for the beautiful snowy owl.

"Harry," Daphne inquired upon seeing a curious look wash over his face.

"It's from Gringotts. Apparently after my lack of knowledge on my first

visit they ordered an audit of my vaults and assets. They want to meet

with me and your parents as soon as school is out to review their


"Well, let my parents know and they'll arrange the meeting, probably for

right after picking us up at Kings Cross. Harry nodded and wrote a note

off to Daphne's parents feeling weird about involving any guardian in his

monetary affairs after the living with the Dursleys where he hid anything

he saw as his, but he tried to shake it off wanting anything normal in his


That afternoon in the library Hermione brought up once again a study

schedule for exams, the other five all simultaneously groaned. "Hermione

at least wait until after my last quidditch match to spring this on us after

all exams aren't for two months," Harry whined a little and pouted at her.

At her contemplative look the other four put on their best pouts and said,


"Oh, fine, I guess two more weeks will be fine, if you don't say anything

then." They all vigorously nodded their heads yes. Hermione sighed and

asked Harry about the importance of stirring counter-clockwise verses


Harry shot up ramrod straight out of bed almost falling over, "bloody

nightmares, always after DADA days, stupid Quirrell." Harry deciding he

wasn't going to get anymore sleep put house shoes on and a hoodie and

grabbed his invisibility cloak and a full potions vial. 'No time like the

present' Harry thought smirking to himself.

Harry was walking the halls under his invisibility cloak prowling for Mrs.

Norris. He found her on the fourth floor near the library. 'Here kitty,

kitty, kitty', Harry thought as Mrs. Norris approached where she could

smell but not see Harry. Harry took the stopper out of the vial and

dumped the potion on the cat. "MEEEEOOOWW" Mrs. Norris shrieked,

'bugger, Filch would have heard that.' At the sound of footsteps Harry ran

for it.

When he finally came to an unlocked door he ducked inside and heard

Filch run past. 'little to close there,' Harry turned around to survey the

room he was in and spotted a large mirror. Taking of the cloak he

walked over and eyed the inscription atop the mirror: Erised stra ehru oyt

ube cafru oyt on wohsi. 'Well it's not English, it's a mirror which reverses

the image so backwards it says, 'I show not your face but your heart's

desire.' Curiosity getting the better of him Harry stood properly in front of

the mirror after a second he adopted a wistful look. In the mirror was an

older version of Harry probably in his twenties with his arm around an

older knockout, pregnant Daphne. In Daphne's arms was a baby girl of

about one year old that had emerald green eyes and blonde hair. While

Harry held the hand of a boy who looked to be three or four that had

black messy hair and icy blue eyes. Behind the family were Harry's

parents looking on with pride. Harry sat there for an hour staring at the

image before Aiolos slithered into his lap. Looking down at Aiolos the

spell was broken and Harry started to pet Aiolos, "What isss wrong


"The mirror ssshows me what I wisssh for not what I have, it'sss not real."

"What do you sssee?"

"My family and I and I am happy."

"Ahh, but remember hatchling while you may never have thisss family in

the mirror, you have one in your mate'sss family. They already care for

you deeply, be at peace you have the family you ssseek."

Harry looked thoughtful and nodded at Aiolos, "Thanksss." Returning to

the calm room with Aiolos as a tattoo Harry thought, 'I'm happy for that

garter snake.' The next day Mrs. Norris was a shockingly neon purple


Blaise, Tracey, Daphne, and Harry were on their way back to their

common room after a library study session. Aiolos raced towards Harry

openly in the hallway, "Aiolos what'ssss wrong," Harry hissed urgently.

"I wasss hunting in the foressst and came upon a wraith feeding off a

unicorn, we mussst tell your SSSnape at once."

"Aiolos found something feeding on a unicorn," Harry spoke quickly to

the other three. Both Daphne and Tracey gasped while Blaise took on a

disgusted look. "We need to get Professor Snape now," Harry said as he

picked up his pace to the dungeons and Aiolos coiled around him and

sunk into his skin.

Harry, Blaise, Tracey, and Daphne came to a stop at Snape's office door,

Harry threw it open. "Mr. Potter I seem to remember you having more

manners than an ape," Professor Snape bit out over a bubbling caldron,

"you four are lucky I am finished," he continued bottling the potion into


"We're sorry sir but Aiolos has news," Harry rushed on, "she said there is

some kind of wraith feeding on the unicorns in the Forbidden Forest."

Snape snapped his head up and looked at the still sick looking faces of

the three magic raised eleven year olds and the one confused looking

muggle raised child in front of him, "Stay here do not touch anything."

He left them cloak billowing in his wake. Upon exiting he sealed the door

to his office.

"He locked us in," Blaise said getting up trying to open the door.

"He must be worried about whatever's out there," Tracey spoke up.

"So why is killing a unicorn evoking so much panic, I know they're pure

but …?"

"Harry, the reason is not so much the killing of the unicorn but who's

doing it. Most harden criminals would never try to kill a unicorn, and to

feed off a unicorn's blood grants immortality as long as you keep drinking

it, but it curses you also, gives you a half life," Daphne's shaking voice

whispered. Harry moved to her side to hold her hand while Aiolos rose

up and wrapped around both of them. Blaise and Tracey sat opposite

them neither saying anything just waiting for Professor Snape to return.

Professor Snape returned an hour later to the sealed office. Taking his

seat he called, "Dotter," a house elf popped into existence.

"Professor Snapes sirs, what can Dotter do for you?"

"Tea for five please," Snape requested quietly. Dotter popped out and in

again with the tea in a matter of seconds, "That's all Dotter," with that the

elf popped out again and Professor Snape gestured to tea, inviting them

to serve themselves.

Once everyone had their tea Snape started, "The wraith that was feeding

off the unicorn was long gone by the time Professor Dumbledore and I, as

well as, Hagrid arrived. Hagrid spoke with one of the centaurs in the

forest and was able to ascertain that the unicorns have retreated deeper

into the forest, where they will be safe. The wraith has presumably fled."

The four friends took the information in solemnly as they finished their

tea. "I would like to speak to Mr. Potter and Miss Greengrass alone,"

Snape spoke again looking at Blaise and Tracey, "you two may return to

the common room, your friends will join you shortly." Blaise and Tracey

nodded and left with a pointed look towards Daphne and Harry who

nodded back.

"It was Voldemort wasn't it," Daphne asked once the door was closed.

Snape nodded, "the wraith leftover some residual magic at the slain

unicorn's location. Headmaster Dumbledore was able to pick up

Voldemort's magical signature, faintly, but it was there."

"So he's looking for a way back," Harry spoke putting together the pieces,

"Quirrell's serving him that's why Quirrell jinxed my broom, he's the only

one sick enough to drink unicorn blood, and the stone Quirrell's is

muttering about, it's the Philosopher's stone isn't, it's the only stone out

there that will grant immortality." At Daphne's look Harry explained

further, "Aiolos has been complaining about Quirrell insanely mumbling

about a stone and in my family's library there was book on Nicolas

Flamel and the stone and you seemed way too worried earlier."

"Very astute Mr. Potter, yes to all your questions," came Snape's silky


"What is that crazy old bastard thinking putting the Philosopher's stone in

a school," Daphne almost yelled.

"The crazy old bastard, as you put it Miss Greengrass, wants to test Harry

to ensure he is the perfect poster boy savior, I assume. Which is why, I

have decided to start giving you two extra lessons," Snape answered.

Turning towards Harry and explaining at his questioning look, "Hardwin,

I owe your father a life debt but more importantly I made a promise to

your mother, my best friend, that I would protect you. I intend to honor

both and as for Miss Greengrass she is your betrothed and as such will be

in the same danger as you." Snape stood from his desk and scanned his

bookshelves. He picked out a semi-long looking text and copied it with

his wand twice, handing one copy to Daphne and one to Harry, "I will

meet with you next Sunday after lunch. I expect you two to have made

significant progress, if not finished with this text. Good night," Snape

dismissed them. "Oh and it's up to you whether or not you share what I

teach you with your other friends." Harry and Daphne nodded looking at

the title of the book: Oculus Mentis.

"So what did Professor Snape say," Blaise asked quietly even though

Harry and he were in their dorm room.

Daphne on the way back convinced Harry to share with his friends, "I

know you're not use to it Harry but Blaise and Tracey will be behind us

forever, Tracey has been my best friend since diapers. Blaise has always been

by himself, usually by choice, but he's opened up to you, he'll be behind you.

As for Neville not even his family gave him a chance but you did, and

Hermione had no friends until us."

"Alright we'll tell them and see what happens but I want to ask Snape about

Hermione, she likes authority a little too much."

"Harry, mate you alright, you spaced there," Blaise asked.

"What would you say if I told you Voldemort is not as dead as people

think he is. And when he finds a way back to full strength he's going to

come after me until either I'm dead or he's dead. So as my friend you'll be

a target," Harry morosely replied.

Blaise sat heavily on his bed contemplating Harry's words. Blaise walked

over to Harry and put a hand on his shoulder, "Hardwin you were the

only one I ever met who didn't judge me based on my mum or even

asked me if she killed them, which she didn't, so let him come and we'll

be ready."

Harry looked Blaise in the eye and nodded smiling, "Professor Snape gave

Daphne and I this book, he wants to train us."

Blaise took the book, "this is for Occlumency and Legilimency. My

mother taught me this, its and obscure branch of magic but highly useful.

Voldemort was skilled in it, it was rumored he tortured people using it."

"Snape gave us until Sunday to read it, why do you know it?"

Blaise once again returned to his bed and adopted a thoughtful look and

sighed, "My mum's family is from Sicily, and my grandfather is a Capo for

the family." Harry nodded growing up in the muggle world he had seen

crime families in the news and in movies when he could occasionally

seek a peek at the TV. "We have secrets to protect, so mum started

teaching me when I was eight."

Harry was sitting with the Slytherin Quidditch team at Breakfast in

preparation for their last game against Ravenclaw.

"It would help if you ate at least some toast," Vaisey suggested and Flint

nodded in agreement. Daphne who was sitting next to Harry buttered

some toast and gave Harry a pointed look, Harry ate the toast with a

defeated look on his face. The rest of the team laughed effectively

breaking the tension.

"Alright if Ravenclaw keeps this close they'll have a chance to beat us for

the cup with a win against Gryffindor in their last game. Potter focus on

the snitch we'll need the 150 cushion. Montague, Vaisey keep pressure on

Bradley he's decent but we keep our plays switched up he won't know

what's coming. Adrian if we fall into a pattern call it out so we switch it

up," Adrian nodded (he was out with a wicked arm injury from a crash in

practice, Pomfrey didn't want him playing for the rest of the year). "Bole,

Derrik keep pressure on Chang this is her first match against Slytherin

lets make it memorable," Flint finished with a smirk.

Harry circled the pitch looking for the any glimpse of gold. So far

Ravenclaw was having trouble keeping up with Slytherin. Bradley was

having trouble keeping track of Slytherin's plays, whenever they would

fall into a pattern Pucey would signal Flint to change it up. Bletchley was

having great game, but let's face it right now the best keeper at Hogwarts

was Oliver Wood. The score was only 100 to 50 about an hour into it.

Bole and Derrik were alternating shooting bludgers at Ravenclaw's

chasers and Chang. Chang had taken to staying almost within arm

lengths of Harry to avoid the bludgers.

Harry was getting rather annoyed at Chang using him as a shield and

decided to try a move Terence Higgs had told him about a Wronski Feint.

Harry took off across swerving trying to make it look like he had seen the

snitch, it worked Chang was following him. Harry went into her sight

path and dived straight down from 30ft above the hoops, Chang followed

as close behind as she could, Harry picked up speed closing in on the

ground keeping in her sight, 4ft above the grass started to pull up, his

feet scanned the grass as he heard sickening crunch. Harry smirked as he

shot back up in the air as Madam Hooch called a timeout. Chang got up a

minute later and got back on her broom, this time she didn't follow


Slytherin scored two more times and Ravenclaw once more when both

Harry and Chang spotted the snitch. It was across the field near the

teachers box Harry reached it first and reached out but it swerved down

and left, Harry who was directly over the teachers box Harry followed

and 'accidentally' kicked Quirrell in the shoulder. Chang caught up with

that but the snitch was on the move, they were back out over the pitch as

the snitch sped up Harry passed Chang leaving her two feet behind him.

Harry was closing in on the snitch, Chang reached out looking like she

was going to grab his broom, Bole lined up a bludger that knocked it

Chang's side with a crack forcing her to the ground as Harry snatched the


Harry woke up the next day still smirking, Chang had 3 cracked ribs

thanks to Derrik. Daphne had been livid after the game that Chang was

going to try and pull Harry's broom. Harry dressed in his Harley boots,

jeans, and a The Clash t-shirt. He put his wand in a holster he had Nips

pick up at Hephaestus, it disillusioned when he put his wand in it. Blaise

was dressed in Italian boots, a pair of designer jeans, and silk button

down black shirt. At Harry's look, Blaise shrugged, "What? I look good."

Harry shook his head, "come on lets go get Daph and Tracey, we're

meeting Neville and Hermione at Snape's office.

"When did Snape let you know about Hermione?"

"Before the match he stopped by the locker room to make sure we were

ready for the match, he let me know then." The boys met Tracey and

Daphne in the common room both were dressed in muggle clothes too.

Tracey in a skirt and green shirt and matching green hightop chucks,

according to Tracey you can never have enough chucks. Daphne had

jeans on with a 'Ramones' t-shirt on (Harry having gotten her obsessed

with them) and her own pair of Harley boots.

"Let's go," Daphne said.

Hermione and Neville were outside Snape's office when they arrived.

Snape had given both Hermione and Neville detentions as a cover. "Hey

guys," Hermione called out when they arrived. "Did you guys finish the

book?" Neville, Daphne, and Harry nodded.

"Come in," Snapes silky voice called out as the door opened. "You all

finished the book I heard," Snape stated while they all looked a little

guilty at being overheard. "Mr. Zabini I understand that you already

know Occlumency, so I will test your mindscape, while the five of them

are finding their core." Blaise nodded. "Now has Mr. Zabini mentioned

anything on the subject," Snape asked.

They nodded Blaise speaking up, "I've shown them some meditative

techniques. They took to it very well but have yet to find their cores."

"To find your core you must not just meditate but clear your mind of

everything except your magic. I want all of you to cast the luminous spell

and focus on the feeling your magic gives off as the wand is kept lit." He

paused to let them cast the spell. "Focus on that feeling, only that

feeling." He let this continue for a minute or so, "Good now cast nox and

we'll continue." He looked at them noticing the awed looks on their faces

and knew that they had felt their magic. "Now I want you to meditate

and find your magic and continue from there if you succeed."

Snape motioned Blaise over to a separate corner of the room and cast the

muffilato charm. "I will be teaching you that spell today. It allows you to

carry on a conversation without being overheard, I invented as such only

a few know of it." Severus showed Blaise the wand movement and had

Blaise practice until he did it correctly five times in a row. "Now,

Legilimens," Snape cast on Blaise expecting to find him unprepared but

Blaise always kept his mindscape up at his mother's request. Blaise let

Severus in to explore it.

Severus appeared in Blaise mind which took on the appearance of a

Venetian villa surrounded by high stone walls with decorative but deadly

spikes at the top. Snape tried the main gate but found it locked with an

electric current running through it preventing him from touching it.

Rather than dealing with the gate Snap merely flew above and over the

wall, using a little known ability of his. He landed and started walking

the path towards the home only to be charged by a group of security

dogs, which looked to be German Sheppard, Severus conjured some meat

for the dogs but only the younger ones took it, so he stunned the rest.

Severus continued to explore the mindscape finally finding Blaise in what

appeared to the boy's bedroom. "So what do you think," Blaise asked from

his bed.

"It is good but you should add some magical traps to more of the villa.

Where are your memories stored?"

"Here in the room in various places, the more important ones in panic

room of sorts," Blaise answered. Severus nodded and approved the

mindscape and ending the spell.

"Well done. I assume your mother taught you" here Blaise nodded and

Snape looked at the clock, two hours had passed, "well let us see how

your friends fared." Professor Snape brought them all out of there

meditative states gently. "Well?"

Neville spoke first, "I had just found my core."

Tracey spoke up next, "I've started my mindscape" at which Daphne and

Hermione nodded.

Finally Harry spoke, "I am halfway done with mine."

"Good, you all have made good progress. Continue on your own and I

will test you each Sunday. For now I'll teach you a spell I taught Blaise

earlier," Professor Snape proceeded to teach them the muffilato charm.

May started with Hermione organizing a study schedule for the group,

including time for Occlumency in it. Harry had finished his mindscape,

though ever since then he looked paler and had dark circles under his

eyes, and was working on strengthening its defenses by researching in the

library occasionally sneaking in to the restricted section.

On the first Thursday in May they were in Herbology class with the

Gryffindors when Ron Weasley the irritating little twit was complaining

of how this class reminded him of chores and how it was unfair for him

to have to do this work, when he fainted, saving the class from his rant.

Professor Sprout had Dean Thomas take him to the infirmary.

Apparently he had an infected hand from a dragon bite and refused to

say anything about it, Neville told the others later that night in the

library. The teachers were in fit trying to figure out what happened,

which Harry found hilarious as everyone knew Hagrid had a thing for

'misunderstood' creatures. Daphne and Hermione who had just finished

their mindscapes just laughed at the misfortunate Weasel. It seems Ron

had made an enemy for life in Hermione after the bathroom incident at


Two days later Hogwarts awoke to find Gryffindor lost 150 points,

effectively taking them out of the race for the house cup. "So Nev, what

did the Weasel do now," Hermione asked smirking as Neville groaned and

hit his head on the table.

"The moron smuggled that dragon out of the castle, which normally

would be praise worthy event, but the idiot along with Thomas and

Finnegan celebrated in the middle of the hallway at midnight. All their

not so quiet celebrations got Filch's attention. He took them to

McGonagall who decided to take 50 points from each of them as well as

detention with Filch for a week. Basically all of Gryffindor is ignoring

them or pranking them."

Hermione continued to smirk while the Slytherins just shook their heads.

"It's rather telling that the whole house turned on them over something

like house points, though," Blaise commented and went back to work on

their essays. They were in the library in their usual spot with books

spread out across the table. Binns had assigned a two foot parchment

essay on magical figure of their choice. Blaise had had the 'mad monk'

Rasputin, Tracey chose the Greek alchemist Paracelsus, Daphne chose

Anne Boleyn, Hermione chose Rowena Ravenclaw, Neville chose a

herbologist Elladora Ketteridge, and Harry Pollyanna Vulticulus the

inventor of Polyjuice Potion. So far they were halfway done although

Tracey had to send home for a book on Anne Boleyn for Daphne, since

the library had a limited selection.

With Sunday came another session with Professor Snape. Harry woke

looking worse for the wear with dark circles under his eyes, almost to the

point where they looked like he had a broken nose. As far as getting

dressed went he put on sweatpants and hoodie with the hood up. As the

four Slytherins met up with Neville and Hermione everyone eyed Harry

with worry.

"Harry are you okay," Hermione asked with worry lacing her tone.

Harry looked around everywhere but his friends and mumbled a bleak,

"fine," and with that they enter the classroom. Nobody quite believing

Harry's answer.

"Who has finished their mindscapes," Snape said as the six took their

seats. Harry, Daphne, and Hermione replied in the affirmative.

"I need to start adding defenses," Tracey replied, "my memories wouldn't

stay put. They would come out to the front of my mind after I organized


"Unfortunately that can happen, most assume that just organizing their

memories in their mindscape is enough but all the does is make it easier

to access. You fixed the problem?"

"Yeah I just had to focus more."

"Good and it is yes not yeah," Snape answered. "Mr. Longbottom?"

Neville looked a bit embarrassed and hung his head, "I'm still having

trouble sorting through memories. I can't focus on them enough to sort


"Tracey start on your defenses," Professor Snape said rising and walking

over to a book shelf he selected a rather worn looking book, "if you need

help with defenses this is an excellent book," Snape handed over the book

and Tracey moved over to a corner of the room to begin.

"Mr. Longbottom," Snape moved over to a cupboard and opened it pulling

out a clear orb, "this is a recent invention of an acquaintance of mine. It

is supposed to help young children focus their magic. It lights up in

various colors the goal is to make it stay the one color you chose while it

floats. Work with this for awhile then try your memories again. You are

doing far better than expected already, you all are." Neville stood and

moved with the orb to the same corner as Tracey.

"Now Misses Granger and Greengrass why don't you work on you

defenses while I test Mr. Potter, Mr. Zabini I believe your Girding Potion

was a subpar, you'll find the ingredients out and the directions on the

board," Blaise walked over to the lab station with a grimace.

Snape turned towards Harry, "Legilimens." Severus Snape enter a dark

forest that if he had to describe he would call it dead ringer for Fangorn

forest in the Lord of the Rings. Snape lit his wand, unfortunately for him,

the forest seemed to swallow all the light except for about arm's length in

front of him. From the side he heard a twig snap, Snape snapped his head

up to only see a pair of glowing green eyes in the distance. Howls went

up in the distance making Snape turned opposite the eyes, the howls

grew closer and from out of the woods charged a pack of wolves. The

lead wolf lunged him, Severus twisted in just enough time to avoid

getting his throat ripped out. He quickly sent a modify stunner that shot

widespread stunners, to take out the remaining wolves, while the lead

one circled around. Severus sent a stunner at the wolf but he avoided it

and circled again. Severus thinking quickly sent two reductos at the

ground to side of the circling wolf as the wolf dodged the other way, the

second reducto hit the wolf moving into the spells path. The wolf's head

exploded into mess of blood and brains, painting the forest. Severus

breathed out as silence reigned again. As he searched the forest he once

again saw the vibrant glowing green eyes, a hoot sounded out, and

Severus again looked towards noise, only to see a the sky clear and a full

moon to appear. The light from the moon was enough to illuminate a

path hardly wide enough for one to walk down. Severus looked around

and seeing no other option took the path.

Severus walked for about five minutes with nothing but the sound of his

footfalls. Suddenly he heard the screech of an eagle, turning Severus

dodged out of way but still got clawed by the large talon of a hippogriff

dive bombing him. As he rolled into the woods he extinguished his wand

bathing him in darkness, making it bit harder for the hippogriff to find

him. He then cast a disillusion charm on himself as well as scent masking

charm. He used a spell to stem the bleeding and continued on until he

was in better light and could conjure a mirror to attempt a healing spell.

Snape moved closer to the path for the moonlight but was careful not to

directly walk on it as before, as that would defeat the purpose of the

disillusion charm. Snape continued on for another minute before he saw

the green eyes again, turning this time he decided to go after them only

to fall into pit that was covered with twigs, "Damn it." As he landed in

the pit his body weight was put all on his left ankle twisting it at sick

angle. Snape stood carefully putting pressure on the ankle, finally

determining it was just sprained. Snape used his ability to fly without a

broom once again and reached the top of the pit and moved towards the

path again.

Finally the woods cleared and the path widened leading to wrought iron

fence and massive gate. The Potter coat of arms was done in gold on the

gate, without knowing it Severus Snape was about to enter a replica of

Potter Manner. Snape walked up to the gate getting ready to cast a

detection spell when the gate slowly creaked opened, enough for him to

step through. Once he walked through the small opening the gate closed

locking Severus inside. The walkway to the enormous manner lit up with

torches lighting the way. Just as Snape made it to the front door he heard

roar like that of lion from behind him, while turning to face whatever

beast Hardwin sent this time, he saw out of the corner of his eyes the

glowing green eyes in a front window. Finishing his turn he saw a full

grown griffin charging him, Snape quickly turned around and cast the

strongest unlocking charm he could think of, the doors opened and he

hurried in slamming them shut just as the griffin was about to cross the

threshold, instead it slammed into the doors.

'Holy Shit' was about the only thing that went through Severus's mind as

he caught his breath. Severus moved from the door and cast a glance

around the entrance hall. Seeing and sensing nothing of importance, he

moved to the door on his right opening it he found himself in sitting

room. Severus moved about the room and found a two family portraits

one that held his parents and Hardwin as a baby and the other of what

appeared to be horse masquerading as a women, whom he knew to be

Petunia, and a whale and a baby whale, he assumed were her husband

and child. Stepping up to look at it properly Severus was pulled into a


The Dursley family was dressed in their Sunday best waiting for the

photographer to arrive. The doorbell rang and the baby whale moved to open

seemingly quite put out over the act, while Petunia enter the kitchen to bring

the tea out, Severus followed her into the kitchen wondering where Hardwin

was. He got his answer. In the kitchen five year old Harry was standing on

stool fixing the tea and biscuits for his aunt. "Well freak is it done," Petunia

questioned her nephew.

"Yes Aunt Petunia." The little boy answered and adopted a hopeful look, "Am I

going to be in the family picture too?"

"Why would we want a worthless freak like you to be in our family picture?"

With that the memory ended and Severus found himself back in the

sitting room with a shocked look on his face that quickly turned to anger.

He left the room quickly through a different door and found himself in a

formal dining room. As he walked around the table he was pulled into

another memory.

Severus watched as what appeared to be again a five year old Harry

serving his relatives dinner. On the boys arm was serving towel. As he

walked away from setting a dish in front of his cousin, Dudley tripped

Hardwin, sending the small boy to the floor. "Good for nothing freak," his

Uncle shouted and stood kicking Hardwin in the ribs. Severus heard the

cracking of ribs. His Uncle then dragged Hardwin from the room and through

him into a cupboard. Severus walked over to the cupboard and opened it

scratched into the side he saw 'Freak's Room'. Severus momentarily forgot

himself and tried to curse a memory.

Professor Snape found himself once again in the dining room, he sat

down at one of the chairs heavily for a few minutes before continuing on.

This time he found himself in a family room and once again sucked into a


Severus found himself in Hardwin's cupboard as he looked around he saw that

this time he was viewing the memory as if he was Hardwin. Looking down he

noticed his arm bent at an angle, obviously broken, strangely he only felt a

mild discomfort. He saw the cupboard opened a crack and looked out to see

Christmas decorations around the house and from the cupboard he could also

see the Dursleys smiling and opening presents. Then Uncle Vernon looked up

and he quickly shut the cupboard.

Severus continued on in the house each room showing a memory of

abuse, although some had a positive impact on Hardwin. In the solarium

of the house a memory of Hardwin being forced to garden at age eight

ended in him discovering Parseltongue and through the garter snake

learning about some magic. Another memory was one of 'Harry Hunting'

which ended in Hardwin avoiding his cousin and his gang by ducking in

the town library. The library from then on became Hardwin's only

sanctuary in Little Whinging. He spent all his time away from number 4

there devouring any book in the library. Severus discovered Hardwin

could read as well as any adult from those memories.

Finally Severus came to the doors to the Potter Family Library as he tried

to open them a house elf popped into existence. "You shall not enter my

sirs, library," the replica of Mips said with furious look on her face. After

being injured twice Severus saw no reason to duel with a protective

house elf, having prior experience with a pissed off elf, decided to end

the spell instead.

Severus ended the spell and coming out of Hardwin's head dismissed the

other five eleven year olds abruptly. After the others left, Snape sat

staring at Hardwin who stared resolutely back, neither saying anything.

Snape after two minutes of tension broke first with, "I assume the library

holds the rest of your memories?" Hardwin nodded. "And I also assume

that the abuse you suffered had been repressed until you sorted through

your memories, which would account for your lack of sleep and the use

of the muffilato charm in your dorm." At Hardwin's look Professor Snape

spoke further, "I monitor first year dorms and the common room. First

years for homesickness and the common room for who is breaking


Hardwin just sat there staring beyond his head of house not saying

anything. They sat there for a good hour or so before Severus sighed,

"Talking helps. I should know," here he gave Hardwin a pointed look,

"Tonight there will be a small dose of dreamless sleep potion on your

nightstand, take it, but don't get used to it. You can come and talk to me

at anytime but know this next Sunday we will be doing this again, even if

it means staring at each other for hours on end."


So that was chapter 2 edited and with added stuff. I hope the format

was easier. Ch. 3 is in progress and will finish out year 1. Then a

chapter or two on Harry's summer, plus a Dumbledore interlude and

Draco interlude. To the person who said it's not called a wife beater,

what is it called in England for future reference? Again any helpful

hints or ideas are welcome.


A/N 2 11/3/2011

Chapter 2 Beta'ed

Oh and i forgot to explain when i just updated chapter 1, the

Greengrass parents become Harry's guardian in the muggle world

only, since in the muggle world he is still considered a minor. It was

used more to show the relationship between the Greengrass parents

and Harry. I didn't expect for people to focus that much on a




Redone with the name change 8-27-16

3. Chapter 3

Harry was moody all week. He frequently snapped at others and his

grades dropped. He didn't even bother to show up to Transfiguration

once. Daphne told McGonagall that he was sick and Professor Snape had

him stay in the dorms. The only night he slept through was Sunday when

he was given the dreamless sleep potion.

Today was Saturday, Blaise woke up to find Harry sitting up in his bed

starring at the wall. "Harry mate, you okay?"

Harry slowly turned back from the wall towards Blaise, the black circles

under his eyes and his pale skin giving him the appearance of death

warmed over, "I'm not feeling well, go on without me," came his

mechanical reply and he turned back to the wall. Blaise got dressed every

so often glancing at Harry who sat on unmoving. "Harry you sure you

don't want to come to breakfast?" Harry nodded without looking at

Blaise. Blaise sighed and left the room.

"Where's Harry," Daphne asked as Blaise came into the common room.

"I the doorm, he said he's not feeling well."

"I sense a but coming," Tracey spoke.

"He kept staring at the wall, he kind of looked like those people who get

their souls sucked out by the Dementors."

"Well we'll bring him something back from breakfast and see how he is,"

Tracey said a little unsurely and glanced at Blaise and Daphne. Blaise

nodded while Daphne looked towards the entrance to the boys dorm, as

they were leaving.

Harry sat on his bed starring at the wall contemplating his memories. He

was taking in nothing, he had felt numb all week, the only real feeling he

experienced was dread for Sunday's meeting with Snape. He would be

forced to talk about how much of freak he was and how weak he was. He

just let them hit him.

"Um Harry I brought you some toast and fruit. It was the only thing we

could bring back," Blaise spoke rather timidly a bit freaked out by Harry's

unusual behavior. Harry just nodded his head. The food went largely

ignored. Harry's behavior continued the rest of the night. By morning all

his friends were worried and Blaise completely freaked out to see Harry

still in the exact same spot.

Blaise went up to Harry, who was rocking back forth a bit, and touched

him on the shoulder. Harry flinched violently and started muttering, "no

uncle, no don't, I won't be a freak anymore." Blaise threw on a school

robe and bolted from the room, down through the common room, and

through the dungeons. He pounded on Professor Snape's living quarter's

door, "PROFESSOR!'

"Bloody hell the castle better be on fire," Snape muttered as he opened his

door. "What the…"

"Professor, sir, something's wrong with Harry, he's in our room," Blaise

broke into Professor Snape's question. Snape took one look at Blaise and

started striding to the Slytherin common room. He arrived in cloak

billowing and strode straight to the first year dorms and into Blaise and

Harry's room. He took in the scene Harry sitting on his bed and went

straight towards the boy in question.

"Hadrian," Severus quietly spoke touching his shoulder, "You're at

Hogwarts in your dorm room. Shhh, Your Uncle isn't here and will never

see you again," Severus spoke as he would comforting a frightened

puppy. Hadrian gradually started to calm himself, he first stop muttering

put kept whimpering and rocking back and forward. "Dotter," Severus

called quietly, the little elf popping into existence, "please bring me a

calming draught from my store room." The little elf nodded and vanished.

Severus placed his arm around Hadrian's shoulders pulling the boy

towards him trying to offer him comfort. Dotter popped back in with the

potion and Severus coaxed Hadrian into drinking it. After a few minutes

Hadrian calmed and actually fell asleep in Severus's arms. Severus sent a

Patronus to Madam Pomfrey asking her to set up a private bed. He then

levitated Hadrian and set out for the hospital wing. As he was leaving the

common room he looked to Hadrian's friends, "I'm taking him to the


Severus took some secret passageways to avoid the students who were

even on their way to breakfast or already there. Once he arrived at the

infirmary Madam Pomfrey motion him over to a sectioned off part. "What

has happened," questioned Hogwart's healer?

Severus set Hadrian down gently on the bed, "first I need your oath as a

healer to not discuss any of this with anyone,"

"Of course," Madam Pomfrey answered a bit upset that he would even

presume to think she would violate her Healer's Oath.

"Even from Albus, should he 'ask'?"

Madam Pomfrey looked at her colleague that few understood and sighed,

"Is it in Mr. Potter's best interests and what about his guardians."

"Yes, he is emancipated in the magical world and his guardianship in the

muggle world was recently transferred to the Xavier and Evelyn

Greengrass, they will agree with me."

The renowned Hogwarts's Healer gave her agreement to silence and

looked to Severus for an explanation as to her new patient.

"He recently develop his occulemency mindscape and I believe until then

he had repressed his memories," Severus's face grew darker as he

continued, "his muggle relatives were abusive. I tested his mindscape and

only viewed a few of them before I ended the spell. I have a feeling those

were the better memories."

"I'll give him a full work up. We'll need to know the full extent of damage

done. Are you going to stay for it?"

"Yes but I first want to notify the Greengrass parents and have them

come, I need to consult with them as to how to handle the situation.

Hadrian has already shown signs of not wanting to talk about it, so I'll

need their help to okay any treatment."

"I assume, than, you'll be helping him to understand. You can use my floo

to contact them."

Severus nodded and left to contact the Greengrass parents. Severus knelt

in front Madam Pomfrey's fireplace and tossed the floo powder in,

"Greengrass Estate."

"Severus what can I do for you," Evelyn's voice rang out from the floo


"I need you and Xavier to come to Hogwarts. Hadrian is in the Hospital

wing, he is physically okay but his mental state is another question."

"I'll contact Xavier and be there in a few," Evelyn spoke ending the floo

call immediately.

Less than five minutes later Madam Pomfrey's floo erupted and out step

the Greengrass parent's both with worried drawn faces. "Ah good you're

here," Madam Pomfrey and Professor Snape walked into the office.

Madam Pomfrey sat and let Severus start the explanation, "I have begun

giving Hadrian and his friends extra lessons, as the Headmaster and I

found traces of the Dark Lord's magical signature in the Forbidden

Forest." He held up a hand for silence before continuing, "it was very

faint, I had started with Occlumency. It has become apparent that

Hadrian has been repressing memories of his abuse at his relatives's


Here Evelyn broke in, "he told us some of his treatment but now I'm

thinking he barely scratched the surface."

Severus nodded, "In his mindscape he sucks you into a few memories, the

more pleasant ones I think," Severus sneered out the word pleasant. I

have experience with children from abusive situations. I asked for you to

be here because Hadrian will need you during the summer to reaffirm he

is not a freak and Madam Pomfrey ran a full diagnostic test on him. I

plan on holding sessions with him on Sundays and Thursdays in hopes of

helping him get past the abuse."

Xavier and Evelyn nodded. Madam Pomfrey than picked up the

conversation. "Hadrian's diagnostic test was deplorable he woke up in

during the scan and I gave him a dreamless sleep potion, enough to last

three hours. He has had his left radius broken three times and only set

the last time. His left shoulder has been dislocated. His right elbow

shattered and apparently healed by magic. He has had his middle and

ring fingers on his right hand broken four times. His left leg broken

twice, his right ankle shattered and again healed by his own magic. His

back is littered with scars from a belt and he's cracked all his ribs at least


"SON OF A BITCH," Xavier yelled standing up and pacing. Evelyn stood

up tears running down her faces and moved to help her husband relax

some. Severus looked murderous and reminded Pomfrey he was at one

point a Deatheater. Madam Pomfrey, herself, looked like for the first time

she would violate her healer's oath and harm someone. After everyone

had calmed somewhat, they sat about coming up with ways to help


"Well I'm going to start him on nutrient potions, although it seems

someone had been giving them to him. He needs to build up bone

strength and he's already quiet tall but his body weight is below what it

should be, although he has good muscle tone. I can also give him a

potion to help with some of his eyesight. It seems some of it is due to

being hit in the back of the head. Without those hits to the head his

vision would be somewhat improved, though he would still use glasses

and the contacts he has in now, his vision wouldn't be as bad if he lost

them in a fight. He will need to take these twice a day from now until the

start of the next school year. I can also give him a salve that will help

reduce the scarring on his back but I'm afraid the worse ones will stay

though. Otherwise he is fine physically, Severus will handle the mental

aspects of his recovery.

"Is there anything else we can do," Evelyn asked still crying a bit.

"Just show him support and encourage him," Severus answered.

"I believe we'll take our leave, Hadrian may retreat further if we are

here," Xavier said standing with Evelyn. The Greengrasses took left the

office Xavier with a determined look on his face.

"Severus are you going to wait for Mr. Potter to wake," Madam Pomfrey


"Yes, I believe his friends will be stopping by soon."

After breakfast ended the five friends of Hadrian made a b-line for the

hospital wing.

"I believe there is rule against running through the halls," Severus said

without looking up from the potions magazine he was reading.

"Sorry, Professor," all five replied.

"How's Harry ," Daphne was the first to ask.

"He's sleeping and will be fine, but it is up to him tell you what was

wrong," Severus answered giving them all a pointed look that told them

not to press Harry. "He will be out of here by dinner, you may come and

collect him before then." They nodded somewhat dejectedly, "as for now I

will test you four's defenses," he said to Daphne, Hermione, and Neville.

They nodded and Blaise went and sat by Harry.

Severus started with Hermione who surprise, surprise, had a library for a

mindscape. Her defenses featured ghosts and poltergeists bearing

resemblances to the Hogwarts ghosts. There were also some sophisticated

traps from the muggle world, bear traps, lasers, and the like. Tracey's

mindscape was set up similarly to her family's store in Knockturn Alley

complete with wards and all. Daphne's mindscape was like Harry's her

family's estate. Snape had to go through the whole house and her

defenses before he even saw the stables where her memories were stored.

Neville, who had worked and focused harder than he ever had,

completely got up to his friends. His mindscape was a large greenhouse

with every kind of plant imaginable. The memories were stored

underneath the plants, the important ones under poisonous planets and

man eating plants.

While Professor Snape was testing the others defenses in Madam

Pomfrey's office Blaise was sitting with Harry. Blaise was starring out the

window when Madam Pomfrey walked past to check on Harry, "It was his

uncle wasn't it," Blaise asked and at Madam Pomfrey's look continued,

"his back, it was his uncle that did it?" Madam Pomfrey gave Blaise a look

that he took as a yes, and excused himself.

Blaise made his way to the owlery with a letter in his hand. He signaled

to his Hawk Owl. "Athena take this to mother."

Harry awoke to find himself feeling somewhat close to normal and for

once his back wasn't tight from the many scars. Harry looked to his left

and saw Professor Snape as well as Madam Pomfrey standing there.

"Good evening Mr. Potter," Madam Pomfrey spoke giving him a jar of

salve, I'll leave it to Professor Snape to explain, I hope the next time I see

you is under better circumstances Mr. Potter," Madam Pomfrey stated

with a look of sympathy before leaving.

"I, Madam Pomfrey, as well as, Xavier and Evelyn, we've decided you

would benefit from therapy." Sverus gave Hadrian a look to silence his

protests, "Madam Pomfrey has done a full diagnostic scan so don't bother,

it will be with myself and starts tonight after you eat. I will not force you

to talk about anything you do not want to and anything we do talk about

stays between us. Now you will be taking a nutrient potion twice a day

once before breakfast and once before dinner." Snape handed Hadrian a

green potion, "you may take this now before you leave."

Hadrian took the potion and uncorked it, he smelt and then drank it

mixed with some pumpkin juice that was next to his bed. Hadrian had a

contemplative look on his face before laughing. At Severus's look Hadrian

explained, "this taste like the pumpkin juice at the Manor, I wondered

why it tasted different here, and now I know. Mips one of my house elfs

must have slipped me this while I was there. She was bit protective of

me," Hadrian chuckled.

"Ah, we had wondered how Madam Pomfrey's scan detected that you had

been given the nutrient potion before." Severus then pointed to the salve,

"that is for your back it will reduce the amount of visible scarring on your

back, you'll need to use it for a month." Hadrian nodded and put the

salve in his pocket. "Now your friends are waiting outside to go to the

Great Hall for dinner, they only know you were sick. It is up to you

whether or not you tell them anything."

Hadrian nodded and left the hospital wing, his friends waiting outside

the doors made a smile appear on his face. "Hey guys."

The girls each hugged him while Blaise nodded and smiled at him and

Neville asked, "Alright, Harry?"

"I will be, I think." He paused and looked down a little, "Sorry about this


"Don't mention it Harry, we all have bad days," Tracey said making him

feel a little more comfortable.

"So let's eat," Daphne said taking Harry's hand leading the group to the

Great Hall. When they got there the group split up and the Slytherin's

went to their table and Neville and Hermione going to theirs. At the

Slytherin table the quidditch team and a few other older students Harry

had gotten to know a little asked how he was doing. Harry felt warmth

inside him knowing that people actually cared about him and smiled a

genuine smile for one of the first times in his life. His friends who were

watching him couldn't help but smile too.

Harry showed up outside Professor Snape's office door like he was told;

only he hesitated and just starred at the closed door. Then the door

opened on its own and from inside came Professor Snape's silky voice,

"were you planning on coming in or were you going to stand there all

night." Hadrian looked a bit sheepish and walked in. Professor Snape

stood and opened a door motioning for Hadrian to follow, Hadrian

walked into Professor Snape's personal lab. "I have some potions to work

on and you are going to help."

"Yes, sir"

"You may call me Severus while we are in private, now I need you to dice

the fire crab meat. Then crush the five knarl quills." They worked in

relative quiet, Harry relaxing as he worked. When Harry finished Severus

gave him some aloe leaves and told him to finely chop them. Harry had

at this point forgotten why he was there and then Severus spoke,

"Hadrian it is not surprising with your home life that you ended up in

Slytherin. More than a few of your fellow snakes came from similar

situations. Keep chopping," Hadrian had stopped when Severus

mentioned home life. Severus paused as Hadrian finished and added the

final ingredient, and then set the potion to simmer. He walked away

motioning Hadrian to follow him over to his desk where there was tea.

Severus started again, "I myself am one of those snakes." He let that sink

in before continuing, "My mother came from a prominent pure-blood

family, however, she fell in love with a muggle. When she married him,

she was disowned, even though she was the last of the next generation.

My parents started to argue more when I was around five, my father also

started drinking then. My father became increasingly abusive towards my

mother and I while expressing his dislike of magic also. My mother died

when I was twelve after that nothing stopped my father from drinking or

abusing me. Like your relatives my father often called me a freak."

Hadrian had a shocked look on his face but quickly pulled it together.

Severus continued, "You and I however, are not the freaks! Ignorant

bigots like your relatives and my father are the freaks. They were wrong

to treat you that way, they should have taken care of you and loved you.

Your reactions to the abuse makes you normal. There was nothing you

could do in that situation, just like there was nothing I could do in my

situation. Now though you can by living and pushing through your

demons." Hadrian nodded. "I'll see you Thursday, same time." Later Harry

lay awake in his bed thinking everything Severus said over. 'Maybe I'm

not a weak, Severus sure as hell isn't.'

The floo in a Venetian Villa erupted and out came a vision of Aphrodite

by the name of Belladonna Zabini. She strode imperiously through the

halls throwing open the doors to a study. "Figlia, to what do I owe this

surprise visit to," spoke a handsome elderly man sitting behind the desk.

"Padre, Blaise as written me an interesting letter. He has befriended

Harry Potter." Her father showed a look of surprise. "They are sharing a

room in Slytherin, Mr. Potter it seems shows signs of abuse. His back is

covered in scars like he has been whipped and had to go to the hospital

wing as he was stuck in a flashback." At this revelation her tone darkened

and as did her father's face. "Blaise has become close to him and

considers him to be his brother. He include the names of Potter's

relatives, a Vernon Dursley, Petunia Dursely, Dudley Dursley and a Marge


"Tell my grandson not to worry, The Dursley's will be getting visitors."

Belladonna smiled and left to send word to her son.

Blaise received an owl in the night and smirked at its contents and went

back to bed.

Harry was somewhat back to normal the next day he had thought about

what Severus had said most of the night. When he got to sleep he didn't

have nightmares which he thought would make the sessions with Severus

worth it.

As the four Slytherins sat in the great hall for breakfast Severus walked

by, "Mr. Potter you have a detention on Wednesday for missing

transfiguration." 'Damn I thought he forgot' Harry thought. "Come on

Harry we have herbology," Daphne said pulling Harry up.

"Today we're going to talk about Devil's Snare. It is vine like plant that as

the name suggest seeks to ensnare the environment around you. It can be

highly dangerous as it will ensnare people and animals. Now it is

typically found damp, dark places. However, people have been known to

use it to guard objects and as a tool for assassination. It can easily be

mistaken for flitterbloom. If you ever find yourself caught in it try, not to

panic as that will only get you killed faster. Its weakness is fire and light."

By Wednesday Harry was having nightmares again but this time they

featured his mum dying not his abuse. The group of six met in the library

before dinner where each of them took the subject they were best at and

drew up practice test questions that they thought would be on the exams.

Afterwards they copied their lists for the others. Tonight they were

working on charms and with the help Daphne, Harry, and Hermione all

six would be suitably prepared for their written portion of their charms

exam by the time they left for dinner. Tomorrow they would work on the

practical side of the exams.

Harry walked into Professor Snape's classroom for his detention right on

time at seven o'clock. Professor Snape nodded in greeting and motioned

for him to sit. Five minutes later Ron Weasley barged into the room. "Mr.

Weasley so nice of you to finally join us. Five points from Gryffindor for


"slimy git," Weasley muttered. Hadrian took on an angry look but stopped

himself from saying anything as Professor Snape started speaking.

"I believe that'll be another five points and detention Friday Mr. Weasley

care to go for another? No… good then we can start. Mr. Potter you will

be dicing up flobberworms for me. Mr. Weasley, you will be cleaning

cauldrons." Snape said pointing towards a stack of the foulest looking

cauldrons Harry had ever seen. "Without magic. Begin."

Harry got up and started to work on the flobberworms Snape had

indicated. They were a bit disgusting but Harry had seen worse. Weasley

slowly moaned his way over to the cauldrons. Two hours later they were

both done, well Harry was. "Very good Mr. Potter you may leave. Mr.

Weasley I would suggest you get a move on your not even half done and

curfew's in an hour."

The next night Hadrian found himself in front of Severus's office door

once again. "Come in Mr. Potter," rang out just as he was about to knock.

Hadrian shook his head and entered.

"How do you do that," Hadrian question.

"A simple sensory ward. You'll find most teachers do the same as it cuts

down on pranks."

"So if I plan any pranks on teachers, I shouldn't mess with their offices,

duly noted." Severus merely gave Hadrian a look and motioned him into

his private lab again. Once their they started working on some minor

healing potions. Unconsciously Hadrian picking up the technique Severus

used to brew the potions. "Why so many healing potions," Hadrian asked.

"Madam Pomfrey is running low, as there are still three weeks left and

one quidditch game she'll be needing more soon. Now how are you


Hadrian sighed, he had already decided to trust Severus after the man's

confession Sunday, but this was still going to be difficult. "I" Hadrian

started then stopped and paused, "I'm angry, confused, and hurt all at

once. I hate them for what they did but at the same time I have only ever

wanted to be normal and their approval."

They continued on for about an hour Severus listening and imparting

words of wisdom on Hadrian as he continued to talk. Before he dismissed

Hadrian for the night Severus asked, "Can you draw, or play music, or

exercise regularly?"

Hadrian looked puzzled but answered, "I was pretty decent at art in

primary school, not like a prodigy or anything, but pretty good. I sucked

at music and singing. And at the Manor or the Greengrass home I can

exercise, why?"

"A technique used by many therapists is creative outlets. I want you to

try drawing what you feel and when you're upset try to exercising as way

to work out your frustrations and see if that helps." Hadrian nodded and

said his goodbye leaving for his dorm.

The next week passed quickly Aiolos, reported that Quirrell seemed to be

getting more and more antsy. The group of six first years spent most of

their free time in the library reviewing and practicing for their exams the

following week.

Saturday they took the day off and went to watch the final Quidditch

match of the year between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw. The four

Slytherins wanted to watch and see where Ravenclaw and Gryffindor

teams would end in points. Both houses had a chance, slim, but still a

chance at beating Slytherin for the Quidditch cup. Neville wanted to see

how his house did, and to cheer on the Gryffindor chasers as each of the

girls had been rather helpful to him over the year in finding his way

around the castle when his friends weren't with him. Hermione didn't

really care about the match and wanted to study but agreed with the

others a break would be good for all of them.

Hogwarts had good day for the match and it seemed as though everyone

had turned out for it. Ravenclaw had a better seeker than Gryffindor and

the chaser lines were mostly equal but the Gryffindor team had better

beaters and keeper. The game was decent but nothing memorable as Cho

Chang caught the snitch 45 minutes into the game, neither team had a

run at beating Slytherin. It was turning out to be a Slytherin dominated

year as they had now won the Quidditch cup and were in first for the

moment in house points.

Sunday the six friends met with Severus. "Today I'm going to teach you a

rather useful spell. When it was created it was used for mostly pranks,

because of that it is not shielded against, the arrogance of some astounds

me occasionally. It is levicorpus," Severus demonstrated on Blaise.

"Why me," Blaise asked dangling upside down in the air.

"Potion's are not useless, as you so quietly grumbled in class Friday,"

Severus replied with a smirk on his face. They practiced the spell for

about an hour, Hadrian unsurprisingly was the first to master the new

spell followed by Hermione then the others.

"Now I'm also going to teach you a simple healing spell, Epskiy." It will

heal minor injuries." Tracey and Neville picked up the healing spell first,

followed by Daphne, Hermione, and then Harry. "Good as you know

doubt have learned this year some people and wands are better suited

towards the different magics." "Now, Hadrian I'll see you after dinner for

our session." The group of six had been practicing so long it was time for

lunch. They made their way to the Great Hall, Harry and Hermione

wondering why they were so hungry.

"Try to eat some meat and carbs, practicing magic like that can take a lot

of you," Daphne spoke, "It's like exercising."

"Hey why don't you guys sit with us," Harry suggested. Hermione nodded

but Neville looked a bit skeptical. "Don't worry Nev, if anybody says

anything I'll deal with it." Nevilled nodded in acceptance.

The six made their way over to Slytherin table and sat down. Neville sat

in between Harry and Daphne and Hermione sat in between Tracey and

Blaise, just in case. Many of the older Slytherin's looked on in pride at the

two non-Slytherin first years crossing House lines. Vaisey came over and

shook Neville's hand jokingly wiping a tear from his eye saying in an over

dramatic fashion, "I'm so happy a Gryffindor finally braves the snake pit."

The Quidditch team that sat around them laughed at his joke and snub at

the same time. Even some of the rest of the hall laughed. However, there

were still those Slytherins that sneered at the group of six. Severus at the

head table made note of those students before continuing eating. As the

meal finished Professor Snape made his way over to the group of six, the

worrisome Slytherins smirked hoping their snarky head of house would

put them in their place, "20 points to each of you for inter-house

cooperation." The whole a hall descended into a shocked silence while

Professor Snape smirked walking the rest of the way out of the Great

Hall. The six friends started laughing at everyone's looks.

After dinner Hadrian showed up to Severus's office with a notebook in

hand. The door opened and Severus called out from the back Lab "Shut

the door Hadrian." Hadrian walked in and shut the door.

"What are you working on?"

"An Invigorating Draught. Crush the ginseng root, use the marble mortar

and pestle on the counter. Hadrian nodded and got to work. They worked

in silence Severus breaking it every so often to explain some of the

ingredients and the finesse of stirring. After they finished they sat down

for some tea.

"Have you tried drawing out some of your feelings?"

"Yes, it has actually been helpful, I didn't think it would." Hadrian handed

Professor Snape the note pad he brought with him. "Do you want to see


Severus nodded, knowing Hadrian would only offer if he wanted him to

see them. Severus flipped through the book almost none of the pictures

were done in color. They were all in pencil shading. One appeared to be

the inside of his cupboard with a spider on the shelf. There were ones of

a belt, sometimes his uncle would appear holding the belt. One picture

had the background shaded with the word 'FREAK' erased into it. Not all

the pictures were sad and disturbing. There was a picture of Aiolos

draped over a tree branch floating in a river. Another of Aiolos draped

over Daphne's shoulders. Then there was one of the image Harry saw in

the Mirror of Erised, though Severus didn't know that, he gasped at the

image of Lily. Hadrian noticed where he was at in the notebook and

spoke up, "I found this mirror in a used classroom it showed you your

heart's desire until then I hadn't even seen a picture of my parents until


Severus looked up sharply, "please tell me you didn't go back to that


"No sir, um Severus I didn't why." Severus looked towards the door and

waved his wand in slithered Aiolos. Aiolos came in and wrapped around

Hadrian's shoulders.

"That mirror is another of Dumbledore's mishaps and should never have

been brought into the castle. The mirror feeds off the magic of those who

stare at it for hours on end. Do not go looking for that mirror again."

"I promise and Aiolos helped me to leave the first time."

"Good," Severus went back to looking at the photos, there were a few

pictures of all his friends. He was down to the last three drawings. The

third to last was of Severus, himself, working on a potion, Severus's icy

heart warmed a little at that. Then there was the Greengrass family,

Evelyn, Xavier, Daphne, and Astoria. The last though caused Severus to

drop the notebook and star at Hadrian, who looked down to his shoes.

The notebook lay open on the desk, the picture staring out at them. The

picture was in pencil like the others but the image was from Hadrian's

point of view from his crib on that fateful Halloween night. The picture

had the only color in the book was the came from the green glow of the

killing curse enveloping Lily Potter.

"Hadrian," Severus spoke softly, "how long have you remembered this


"Since I was little I've been dreaming about it," Hadrian replied softly.

Severus stood and walked quickly over to Hadrian and gathered him in a

hug. Hadrian started to cry softly then it turned to into sobs. Severus held

him while he cried, wishing the child had a different memory of his

mother. After around fifteen minutes Hadrian calmed down, "Thanks,


"You're welcome, now keep drawing and if you need another notepad let

me know." Hadrian nodded and gathered his stuff, Aiolos sinking into his

skin, feeling lighter than he had in a long time. When Hadrian left

Severus pulled out a jar of scotch from his desk and poured himself a

glass. "Lily, I'm sorry."

Hadrian woke the next morning feeling surprisingly happy. Blaise looked

at him kind of strange when he woke up smiling, usually Harry's dead on

his feet in the morning. Today was the start of finals. Harry, Daphne,

Tracey, Blaise, and Neville had Transfiguration and Potions. Hermione

had Charms and Astronomy.

Harry breezed through the potions exam but struggled a bit on the theory

part of the Transfiguration exam. At dinner the six friends this time sat at

the Slytherin table once again. They were taking about the exams.

"So how were the exams," Hermione asked a little excitable showing her

signature enthusiasm for all school related things.

"Potions was easy. Transfiguration the theory sucked but the practical

part was okay," Harry answered. Neville and Blaise rolled their eyes at

Potions being easy.

"How about somebody who's not a potion's prodigy," Hermione asked a

bit sarcastically.

"It wasn't too bad and you don't have to deal with idiots trying to

sabotage your potion because you're in a different house," Tracey

answered. "Crabble the idiot tried to throw a lavender sprig into

Weasley's potion, not like anyone needs to try and make Weasley's potion

worse." Hermione just shook her head in disgust.

"I mean, I don't like him, but potions are dangerous," Hermione said.

"Yeah, so how was charms and Astronomy," Daphne asked. At this most

of the other Slytherin first years listened in.

"Not too horrible, Astronomy was mostly about the constellations, so just

memorizing stuff would have worked. Charms was rather like the other

tests we've had over the year."

By Wednesday everyone was celebrating the end of exams. Today all the

first years had their History of Magic exam for the last one. The fifth and

seventh years of all houses were ready to party and rejoice after their

O.W.L.S and N.E.W.T.S. The six friends met up by the lake after lunch. "I

wish we had a football or something," Harry commented as they were

sitting out by the lake.

"We could go flying," Tracey suggested. Neville and Hermione both

looked a little green at the suggestion.

"Come on guys you gotta get back on a broom at some point," Harry said

with a smile.

Since Harry's smile was a rarity both Neville and Hermione agreed. They

spent most of the day. Harry even got Neville comfortable on broom. He

still didn't like the school brooms but on Daphne's Comet Two Sixty he

was pretty comfortable. Hermione did fine on a broom but preferred to

keep her feet on the ground. They played tag on using the school brooms,

it usually ended with Harry winning.

That evening at dinner Dumbledore was notably absent from the Great

Hall, apparently he had something to do at the Ministry, at least that was

the rumor. Severus was also absent from dinner, Hadrian was a little

worried as Quirrell kept starring at him. "Hey guys can we go see

Professor Snape before we play poker."

"Yeah sure," Daphne replied and the six friends left the hall in search of

Professor Snape. They stopped by the dungeons on their way to an

unused classroom to play poker. They checked the classroom, his office,

and his quarters, but he wasn't in any of them.

"Well was it really important, do you want to keep looking for him,"

Hermione asked.

"No, it's alright lets go hang out."

About an hour into the game Harry had the most money while Blaise and

Neville were coming in a close second. Aiolos slithered into the room,

"youngling he isss going for the ssstone."

"Are you sssure," Aiolos nodded. "she said Quirrell is going after the

stone, right now."

"Dumbledore's gone it makes sense, you-know-who feared Dumbledore,"

Tracey commented. As they moved from the room Aiolos moving on the

floor next to them.

"We need Professor Snape," Hadrian said speeding up to a run. They

searched through the dungeons but once again couldn't find Professor

Snape. "Well guys what do we do, we can't let Quirrell get that stone and

give it to Voldemort."

"We go after him," surprisingly it was Neville that spoke up with

conviction. They looked back and forth from each other and nodded.

Hadrian pulled out the invisibility cloak he had taken to carrying around

with him.

"Wait you guys go, I'll see if I can find Professor Flitwick or McGongall

and if not them I'll keep looking for Professor Snape your going to need

help," Hermione spoke.

"I'll send Aiolos to search for Professor Snape," Harry spoke out to the

group then hissed, "I need you to find Professssssor SSSnape asss fassst

asss you can." Aiolos nodded at Harry before slithering down the hall

tongue flicking picking up the potion master's scent.

The group of five arrived at the locked door on the third floor corridor.

"Alohomora," Harry unlooked the door and slowly opened it before

sighing. "The Cerberus is asleep." They filed into the room where a harp

was playing in the corner.

"Damn, we have to move his paw," Hadrian whispered.

"Why does it have to be a he, it could be a girl," Tracey whispered back.

"Tracey, now is not the time," Daphne hissed. Blaise was busy laughing at

Tracey's angry expression and Harry's incredulous one.

"Uh, guys," Neville whispered shakily

"What," all four turned to him, he pointed at the giant three headed dog

that had just woke up.

"Bugger." Hadrian threw open the now uncovered trap door and yelled,


Harry was the last one in and just as he made it in he heard the trap door

shatter and the dog growl. Harry kept falling and falling until finally he

hit something soft just after Blaise hit.

"What is this stuff," Blaise said just as the unidentified soft object started

tangling around him.

"Devil's Snare!" yelled Daphne and Neville had the same time, "stop


"Whoever can reach their wand, needs to light a fire now!"

Harry, Tracey, and Daphne, all yelled "Incendio!" The Devil's Snare

receded when met with the fire. Once the they were all free they

continued down the stone passage way until they came to another

chamber filled with winged keys.

Neville looked up at all the keys and then to the broom and door on the

other side and

said, "How much you want to bet one of those keys is the only thing that

opens that door."

"I'm with Nev, on this one and since that one has broken wing and the

key's all rusty, I'm going to guess it's that one," Blaise said while pointing

out one of the keys.

"You're the seeker Harry," Daphne nodded towards the broom, "so unless

anyone can do a summoning charm, you're on."

Harry sighed and grabbed the broom and motioned to the other ones, "If

you help will be done faster." Blaise and Daphne grabbed a broom as

well. The keys swarmed and started attacking. "Blaise you go at from the

left, Daph from the right," Harry yelled out. They closed in on the key

from both directions, it swooped downwards into Harry's waiting hand.

Harry, Daphne, and Blaise came back down to the floor and Harry

jammed the still struggling key into the look and opened the next door.

They looked in and could only see black, shrugging and hoping not to

die, they entered the room. Upon entrance the room lit up showing a

giant chessboard. "So what now," Tracey asked.

Blaise spoke up this time, "I think we need to play across, on the other

side behind the white pieces is the door. Look five black pieces are

leaving the board."

"Blaise you're the best at chess, want to take this one over," Hadrian


"Sure, I guess," Blaise answered.

"Way to instill confidence there Blaise," Tracey bit out.

"Shut up," Blaise said giving them their positions. He placed Harry and

Daphne as the King and Queen. "Well white moves first," and with that

the game began. Harry and Daphne were largely kept out of trouble

during the match. Blaise himself seemed to be in the most danger in his

night position. Neville was moved just in time to avoid a dangerous hit,

Tracey came into to danger twice.

"Tracey after I make my move, white will go, and then you need to check

the King. Got it," Blaise asked.

"Yeah but why are you…no, oh, no, you're not…"

"Yes I am now, just do what I told you." Blaise made his move. The white

Queen moved slowly with an ever sense of building doom about it and

struck Blaise on the head and dragged him aside tossing him on the

ground. Tracey and Daphne screamed. Tracey looked over to Daphne and

Harry, "after I move you two go on, Neville and I will get Blaise out of

here." Daphne and Harry looked like they wanted to protest but nodded.

Tracey ran to the White King who threw down his crown ending the

game, she and Neville ran to Blaise while Daphne and Harry ran off the

board to the other side.

Daphne and Harry went through the door and up the next passage way to

another doorway. "There's two chambers left, Quirrell and Professor

Snape's," Daphne said as they stood in front of the door. Harry cocked an

eyebrow at her, "Sprout was the Devil's Snare, Flitwick the keys, and

McGonagall the chess match, that leaves Snape and Quirrell."

Harry nodded and pushed open the door to the next room. They were

immediately assaulted by a foul disgusting order that made their eyes

water. They looked around the room their eyes coming to rest on origin

of the smell. In the middle of the room lay the huge carcass of a dead

troll even bigger than the one from earlier in the year. "Thank Merlin we

don't have to fight another one," Daphne whispered.

"Yeah, come on I can't breathe with the smell." They quickly moved into

the next room expecting something terrible only to find fire. One fire

blocking the way they had just come from that was purple and another

black fire blocking the way forward. In the middle of the room with them

was a table with seven vials of potions and scroll of paper. They walked

up over to the table Daphne picked up the scroll and read:

" Danger lies before you, while safety lies behind,

Two of us will help you, whichever you would find,

One among us seven will let you move ahead,

Another will transport the drinker back instead,

Two among our number hold only nettle-wine,

Three of us are killers, waiting hidden in line

Choose, unless you wish to stay here forevermore

To help you in your choice, we give you these clues four:

First, however slyly the poison tries to hide

You will always find some on nettle wine's left side

Second, different are those who stand at either end

But if you would move onward, neither is your friend;

Third as you see clearly, all are different size

Neither dwarf nor giant hold death in their insides;

Fourth, the second left and the second on the right

Are twins once you taste them, though different at first sight."

"It's a logic puzzle, this one is Severus's," Hadrian said. He and Daphne

studied the puzzle for a minute before coming to the answer. "The

smallest one gets us through to the stone, the one on the right end gets us


"There's only enough for you Harry," Daphne said looking at the smallest

bottle. Harry nodded and took out the invisibility cloak handing it to

Daphne, "go help the others." Daphne looked like she was going to

protest but Harry just shook his head at her, "go."

"Fine," Daphne huffed, "but you had better come back alive," and with

that she hugged him and gave him a kiss on the cheek, then took the

other potion to get out. She glanced back at him as she was leaving and

he smiled at her.

Harry gathered his courage and then downed the rest of the potion to get

through the black flames and moved to the door with his wand out. He

opened the door as quietly as he could and walked inside. Harry walked

slowly down the chamber seeing Quirrell looking into a familiar mirror.

Just as Harry raised his wand to fire a curse Quirrell snapped his fingers

and ropes shot up binding Harry.

"Did you really think you could take me, a servant of the Dark Lord."

Quirrell spoke turning around to face Harry, who was struggling. Quirrell

turned back around and began muttering to himself while looking in the

mirror. "Damn the old fool…how do I get it out…I see myself giving the

stone to my master but how do I get it out."

A whispering, shallow, hunting voice spoke, "use the boy." Harry looked

around but could not see anyone else present.

Quirrell moved over to Harry and unbound and grabbed him by his shirt

lifted him up and put him in front of the mirror. Harry looked in and this

time saw only himself, he was holding the stone and then slipped it into

his pocket, at the same time he felt a weight in his pocket.

'Well boy what do you see," Harry didn't speak so Quirrell shook him,


"I see myself kicking your arse." Quirrell roared in anger and shoved him

to the ground. Harry smacked his head hard on the stone floor

momentarily dazing him. As his head was clearing he hear the start of

the fatal spell, "Avada…"

As Harry prepared himself for death Quirrell was interrupted by the yell

of, "Reducto." Severus Snape came bounding into the chamber his spell

hitting Quirrell's legs throwing him back and causing his curse to go

unfinished. Severus pushed Hadrian back further into the chamber

behind him as Quirrell rose without his turban. Both Hadrian and

Severus looked into the mirror in horror seeing instead of the back of

Quirrell's head a ghostly protruding second head. Quirrells eyes adopted

a look of utter hatred as the same whispery voice from earlier spoke,

"Well Severus my devious old friend, it seems I should have listened to

the rumors."

Severus didn't speak but fired off a silent diffindo, the now fully

possessed Quirrell simply blocked the spel and sent back one of its own,

"crucio." Severus couldn't dodge as Hadrian was behind him and fell to

the curse but held in his screams but jerked from the pain knocking

himself out on the harsh stone floor as Voldemort held the curse for over

a minute.

'It seems as though you chosen your death Severus,"the whispery voice

yelled out completely focused on Severus, "Avada Keda…"

Harry who had gone unnoticed by Voldemort after Severus betrayal had

returned to his feet despite bleeding from his head. At the start of the

killing curse that played so large apart in his dream screamed, "NO," and

lunged for Quirrell, tackling him he knocked the man's wand from his

hand. Hadrian fighting the pain from his early head wound and the pain

brought on by Voldemort's presence. Almost missed Quirrell jerk his own

hands away from him as they burned and turned to ash at Hadrian's bare

skin. Hadrian looked to his hands and noticed they were burned just not

as bad. Quirrell made a move to come closer to Hadrian, who sprung up

and laid his hands on Quirrells face pressing as hard as he could Hadrian

watched as it disintegrated into ash. Hadrian fell to his knees the pain

from his head wound, his scar, and his hands, overcoming him. Just as he

passed out the saw a black specter raise from Quirrell's body and flee the


Harry opened his eyes and saw the white ceiling of the hospital wing. He

blinked confused as it all came rushing back. He looked around and

noticed it was night out and at his bedside sat Severus sleeping. Hadrian

moved in the bed and let out a hiss as he moved his hands. Severus

jerked at the noise and shot up. Seeing it was just Hadrian waking up he

relaxed and sat back down. The two starred at each other for a moment

before Severus spoke, "welcome back Hadrian."

"Severus, what happened , how are the others, where's the stone?"

Severus held up his hand to stop Hadrian, "slow down. Now you and your

friends should never have gone down after the stone." Hadrian looked

like he would interrupt but Severus glared at him, "I realize you looked

for me and sent Aiolos to find me but you should have waited. And

failing I coming back you should have gone with Ms. Granger to get help.

Now as neither of those two options would have worked out, as

McGonagall did not believe Hermione and Flitwick waited for

Dumbledore, who only showed up as you were knocked unconscious, I

will not punition you this time. However, if you ever do something that

foolish again I won't be held responsible for my actions. Understand?"

Hadrian nodded and spoke up, "my friends?"

"Blaise required some minor medical attention for a concussion and left

the hospital wing two days ago, when he came in. The rest were fine."

Hadrian nodded again and yawned as he fought with his eyes to stay

awake. Severus retrieved a potion from the bedside and handed it to him,

"drink and go back to sleep." Hadrian wanted to protest but as soon as he

finished the rather gross potion his eyes closed.

Hadrian woke again three days later this time to see the white beard of

Dumbledore above him. Hadrian shivered. "Ah Harry, my boy,"

"It's Hadrian, sir," Hadrian cut in.

"Right Hadrian, my boy," Hadrian mentally gagged when Dumbledore

said my realization as I reached London that perhaps all was not as it

seemed." Hadrian tried not to glare. "It has been given to Nicolas, who

has destroyed it." Dumbledore looked like he was going to continue but

Harry's friends burst through the hospital wing doors, causing Madam

Pomfrey to come out. Seeing her patient awake she made a b-line for his


"Well I'll take my leave now," Dumbledore said leaving a bit annoyed at

his moment to get Harry alone having been interrupted.

"Good riddance," Harry muttered as the headmaster left.

"Harry guess what, we won the house cup while you were out," Blaise

shouted while Daphne and Tracey smacked him upside the back of the


"He just woke up and that's the first thing you say."

Harry, Daphne, Tracey, Blaise, Neville, and Hermione all sat in their

compartment on the train ride home. Harry looking considerably better

than when he first woke up to days ago.

"So what did Professor Snape say to you yesterday when you met with

him Harry," Hermione asked.

"He gave me a photo album and told me to tell all of you that it would be

beneficial to undergo the inheritance ritual at Gringotts this summer."

The purebloods nodded at this while Hermione looked puzzled. As

Daphne explained to Hermione Harry got lost in his memory of

yesterday's meeting.

"Hadrian come in," Severus welcomed him into his office. "I have something

for you," he took out a beautiful black and silver photo album. I wanted you

to have some pictures of your mother, the ones of your father were donated by

Professor McGonagall."

Harry looked at the pictures in awe and whispered, "Thank you," chocking up

a bit on the words.

Severus nodded and they continued with their usual Thursday meeting.

"Earth to Harry," Tracey called out.

Harry shook his head, "huh, sorry, just thinking."

"We were talking about our exams, how did you do?"

"Pretty good. I got an 'O' in potions, defense, charms, and herbology.

Then I got an 'EE' in Astronomy, Transfiguration, and History of Magic. It

said on the sheet I was 8th overall. How about you guys?"

"I got an 'O' on all the exams with an overall ranking of 1st," Hermione

spoke a little quietly not wanting to boast.

"Wow, nice job Hermione, I got an 'O' in herbology, charms, and potions,

and 'EE' in the rest. They ranked me 12th overall," Neville said proudly.

Everyone in the compartment smiled at him knowing how nervous and

hopeless he started the year out.

"Daph," Harry asked?

Daphne blushed a little and said, "I got an 'O' on them all but History of

Magic and Astronomy. I'm ranked 4th." Harry smiled proudly at her

making her smile back.

"I got an 'O' in astronomy, charms, transfiguration and History of Magic.

'EE' in all the rest. Apparently I'm ranked 10th," Tracey commented. "Well

Blaise your up."

"I got an 'O' in defense, charms, astronomy, and herbology. I got an 'EE' in

the rest and ranked 9th." The train started to slow as he finished. "Looks

like we're at the station."


well theres chapter 3. hope you like it. I've got two research papers

for college due so the next update prob won't be for like a week. As

always helpful suggestions welcome.



4. Summer Pt 1

The group of six made their way off the train with their trunks following

behind them. "Hey guys my Gran wants to meet you," Neville said

nodding his head towards a rather stately looking old woman with a

large buzzard on her hat. Harry stifled a laugh and nodded his head. The

group walked over to the woman where Neville nodded to her, "Gran

may I introduce Lord Hadrian Potter, Blaise Zabini, and Hermione

Granger. You already know Daphne and Tracey."

"It's a pleasure to meet you," all three said. Neville's Gran nodded and

imperiously returned their greeting. Neville rolled his eyes at his friends

who smirked back.

"We'll see you over break," Daphne and the others said wishing Neville

goodbye. The other parents had made their way over to the group.

Hermione's parents introduced themselves to Ms. Zabini and Mr. and Mrs.

Greengrass, and then Hermione introduced her four Slytherin friends and

pointed out Neville to her parents.

After the Grangers left Blaise stepped up to his mother and introduced his

friends, "Mama I like you to meet Harry Potter. And you've met Daphne

and Tracey." Harry took Ms. Zabini offered hand and did a little bow,

"Nice to me you ma'am."

"Likewise Mr. Potter my son has told me quite a bit about you, please call

me Bella," Ms. Zabini spoke with a bit of an accent similar to Blaise when

he gets excited or angry.

Tracey then took over and introduced her parents to Harry, "Harry these

are my parents Marius and Addison Davis."

Harry dutifully shook their hands although by this point Harry was

looking overwhelmed. Xavier noticed and stepped in, "Sorry to keep this

short but we have an appointment at Gringotts and then have to get back

to Astoria." Xavier wrapped his arm around Harry who managed not


"Of course we'll see you next week," Marius said in understanding.

The Greengrass family plus Harry moved to an open appiration point.

Evelyn shrunk the kids' trunks and Xavier put them in the pocket of his

suit. "Harry do you have Aiolos," Xavier asked?

"Yes, she's in her tattoo form, alright grab my hand, Evelyn will take

Daphne. This is going to be uncomfortable but it will be over fast just

remember to breathe." Harry nodded and took Xavier's hand, while

Daphne smiled encouragingly at him. The next thing Harry felt was as if

he was being forced into a tube and couldn't breathe. As soon as Harry

heard a pop he was able to breathe again he sighed in relief. Aiolos

hissed in his head, 'well that wasss not pleasssent.' Harry unconsciously

nodded his reply.

"Sorry Harry, but the sooner you start side-along appiration the easier it

is to get used to," Xavier said with an apologetic smile on his face.

Daphne took his hand and the four made their way to Gringotts. Harry

walked up to the first open teller, "Excuse me, I have an appointment

with Ragnok."

The goblin looked up at him with a surprised look at a human being

polite, "name, sir."

"Lord Hadrian Potter and my graudians in the muggle world, as well as,

my future in-laws the Greengrasses." The Goblin nodded.

"Follow me, if you would." The Goblin led them through the corridors to

Ragnok's office, the Greengrass family looked a bit awed at the ornate

office before, most humans have never seen it, including them.

Walking into the office Ragnok stood and walked over to them, "Hadrian

it is good to see you again, although I wish I had better news," Ragnok

spoke bowing to Harry.

Harry bowed back and with a half smile, half smirk returned the greeting

in Gobbledegook, "It is good to see you too and thank you for your work on

my behalf. Ragnok then did something that would cause most humans to

faint from shock, he smiled, inwardly thinking about how he had always

liked the Potter's.

The three Greengrasses tried hard and almost failed to keep their shocked

looks off their faces. The goblins were never polite and cordial to

humans, granted most humans either sneered at them or were scared of

them, but still goblins by nature were rather hostile. And yet despite that

the leader of the goblin nation was on a first name basis with Harry and

had just smiled at him. The Greengrass family snapped out of their daze

as they were introduced by Harry, "Ragnok, I would like you to meet my

betrothed, Daphne Greengrass, and her parents, Evelyn and Xavier

Greengrass." Ragnok bowed to them and they returned the bow again a

bit shocked at the goblin's behavior but they shook it off and attributed it

to Harry's ability to draw people in. Both Lily and James shared that,

Evelyn though wistfully.

The four took their seats in front of Ragnok's desk as he took his and

brought out some files. "Hadrian after the reading of your parents' will I

looked into some discrepancies. "

"Discrepancies," Hadrian asked.

"Yes, first you did not have your key and you knew nothing of your

heritage. Then there was the mention of Peter Pettigrew in the will." At

the mention of Peter Pettigrew the Greengrass parents looked puzzled as

he was dead, while Daphne looked like she was trying to place the name.

She knew it she just couldn't remember why.

Harry looked murderous at the mention he had studied the books on the

fidiles charm in his family's library, "their betrayer what about the

bastard." The Greengrass parents looked at Harry astonished they had

never seen him with a look of such hatred on his face.

"Hadrian, Sirius Black was their betrayer, he killed Peter Pettigrew and

thirteen muggles to try and hide that he was," Evelyn spoke in quite but

corrective tone.

"I don't know who Sirius Black was but my parent's secret keeper was

Peter Pettigrew. Can you show them the will please Ragnok," Hadrian


"Yes, here it is," Ragnok handed the Greengrass family the document and

then turned to Harry. "Hadrian in the wizarding world it is accepted as

gospel that Sirius Black was your parents secret keeper. This was one of

the discrepancies I looked into." By this point the Greengrass family with

shock turned back to listen to Ragnok. "It turns out your parents will was

sealed by Albus Dumbledore and Barty Crouch, therefore it has never

been read. Here at Gringotts the will be read only to those who are

recipients, you were the only so it wasn't read until to you came in. Also

through our investigation we discovered Sirius Black was never given a

trial. Sirius Black is your Godfather as such you would have been raised

by him if he had not been thrown into Azkaban."

Harry sat there starring past Ragnok with his jaw clenched and his eyes

shut. Daphne stood up and moved over to Harry and sat on his lap

wrapping her arms around him. They sat there as Harry slowly relaxed

into the hug. Daphne moved from his lap and into the chair next to him

and held onto his hand. "What else is there Ragnok," Harrry asked with a


"Dumbledore," he started and Harry let out a small almost growl at the

name, "Dumbledore had been using his access to your trust fund to empty

it out ever year and pocket it into his own vault as well as fund an

organization called the Order of the Phoenix." Harry's eyes glowed with

power as his magic started to react to his anger. Objects in Ragnok's

office started to lift and move about the room smashing into the walls.

Xavier reacted the fastest and knelt in front of Harry and forced him to

look at him, "Harry, Harry, HADRIAN, look at me. You need to calm

down right now you could do more harm to all of us than to Dumbledore.

I promise you he will pay but right now you need to calm down," Xavier

spoke with restrained anger. Harry looked into Xavier's eyes seeing the

promise behind them and Daphne's reassuring hand in felt himself calm

down. Gradually the objects in the room settled and returned to their


Ragnok looked on with sympathy for the boy in front of him. "If I may,"

Ragnok cut in, "the money is easily returned as we can just seize it back

and charge Dumbledore under Goblin Law," here Ragnok smiled

viciously. As for the matter of Sirius Black I have taken the liberty to

contact Madam Bones of the DMLE, she will be here in an hour in the

mean time can Gringotts be of any assistance?"

Xavier was about to decline when Harry and Daphne spoke up, "Actually

there is." The Greengrass looked curiously over at them. "Professor Snape

suggested for us to get the inheritance ritual done here."

"Ah yes, that is one of the services we have the Professor Snape would

know all about, as he had it done when he was eleven," Ragnok replied.

"Inheritance ritual," Xavier asked?

"It was common place until the Ministry outlawed it about 150 years or

so ago due to its use of blood magic. However, Gringotts office it but only

pure-blood families know of it anymore. Of those families most distrust

Goblins, your family however has always had an affinity for herbology,

as such, your family never came in for it preferring to just focus on the

what they scored the highest in at Hogwarts. "The ritual test for things

outside of the Hogwarts curriculum though. Excuse me while I go get the

necessary materials," with that Ragnok left the room.

"So were you two planning on telling us that," Evelyn asked with her

eyebrows raised and a bit of smirk on her face showing Daphne she was

only half serious.

"Well he just told Harry yesterday so…" Daphne trailed off and shrugged

her shoulders.

Ragnok walked back in carrying two parchments and a silver dagger with

runes on the blade. He laid one of the parchment sheets out on desk

which they could now see had runes on the borders of it. He turned back

to the four humans and explained the ritual, "Now what you do is make a

small cut on the palm of your hand, than you hold the tip of the dagger

to it and the blood will flow over the blade. Once the blade fills over,

you'll take the dagger and press the tip to the parchment. "Now ladies

first," he gave the dagger to Daphne. Daphne stood and moved so she was

closer to the parchment on the desk and slit her palm about a centimeter

fliniching a bit. As she held the dagger to the cut she watched as her

blood was pulled from her palm and covered the blade. The runes on the

blade glowed signaling that it had enough blood. Ragnok motioned for

her to place the tip of the dagger on the parchment, as she did the cut on

her palm healed and the blood from the blade poured down on to the

parchment forming words:

Daphne Anne Greengrass

Heir to:

Xavior Charles Greengrass and Evelyn Elizabeth Greengrass nee Warren

Magical Affinities






Mastery, attainable

Combat Magics:

Mastery, attainable

Magical Abilities:


Ragnok took the piece of parchment and gave it to Daphne, he then

motioned for Harry to repeat the process. Harry took the dagger which

looked as good as knew by now and slit his palm repeating the process.

Hadrian James Potter

Heir To:

James Ignotus Potter and Lily Rose Potter nee Evans

Godric Gryffindor

Salazar Slytherin

Magical Affinities:





Combat Magics:


Care of Magical Creatures:

Mastery, attainable

Magical Abilities:



Ragnok took in Harry's inheritance rather impassively. The Greengrasses

on the other hand stared at the sheet in awe while Harry looked upset.

Daphne turned towards Harry intending to ask about the Founders but on

seeing his look instead picked up his hand and asked, "what's wrong


Harry looked at her rather depressingly and said in a whisper, "I just

want to be normal." Harry though he whispered was heard by all in the

room. Ragnok's respect for Harry went up again as most wizards would

shout from the rooftops they were related to two Founders. The

Greengrass parents looked a little ashamed for being awed and forced

themselves to remember they were dealing with a young boy, or man

really with what he has been through. Daphne just hugged him again and

this time Harry returned it immediately taking comfort from her.

Ragnok cleared his throat gaining the rooms attention and motioned for

everyone to retake their seats. "Hadrian nobody else has to know you're a

descendant of Gryffindor and Slytherin, these rituals are private only you

can choose to share the information."

Harry looked up in relief and smiled at that and asked, "How is it possible


"Wizards do not teach history or remember it very well," Ragnok said

shaking his head in disgust. "Godric Gryffindor had one son, while

Salazar Slytherin had a son and a daughter. Salazar's daughter, Catherine

married Godric's son Liam. After the feud Liam and Catherine fled

Hogwarts and settled in Wales changing their name to Potter. One of the

reason's the Potter family is so wealthy is they simply have had a very

long time to accrue interest. The other is that every single generation of

Potter's has held a job, they didn't just stand on their wealth. Aside from

the money there really is nothing for you to inherit. You would inherit

the sword of Gryffindor but that has been lost for centuries."

The Greengrasses and Harry took in Ragnok's story, Harry rather happy

that there was nothing to openly tie him to either of the founders.

"Now as for the results of the ritual Prodigy means that you have a

natural affinity for that subject area. In other words it comes second

nature to you. Where it gives you a level Mastery and then attainable it

means it will come rather easily to you but you will still have to study

and work for it. The magical abilities section is rather self explanatory.

Now I believe Madam Bones should be here, so if you'll excuse me, I'll let

them know to send her in."

"Well Harry that explains why every animal you meet loves you," Daphne

teased. Harry very maturely stuck his tongue out at her.

Ragnok walked back into the room followed by a woman who looked to

be a little older then the Greengrass parents. Her brown hair was pulled

back into a severe knot and she was dressed in a pinstriped business suit

with red Auror robes open.

The Greengrasses and Harry stood facing the two. Ragnok gestured to

them, "Madam Bones, Lord Xavier and Lady Evelyn Greengrass, their

daughter Daphne, and Lord Hadrian James Potter." "My Lords and Ladies,

Madam Amelia Bones."

The Greengrasses nodded in greeting to Amelia, who walked over to

Harry, "Lord Potter the last time I saw you was at your first birthday

party. Your father was always very proud of you."

"Thank you ma'am, it's nice to meet you again, please call me Hadrian,"

Harry answered her with a smile at hearing her speak about his father.

"Now Manager Ragnok why am I here, I suspect it is for more than a

social visit," Madam Bones asked?

"We have some evidence that acquits Sirius Black of the crimes he is

accused of," Ragnok replied like he was discussing the weather.

"Guilty of you mean," Madam Bones practically spit out."

"He was never given a trial, therefore accused of not guilty, and as I said

we have proof he is innocent," Ragnok replied un-phased by her tone. He

picked up the Potter will and handed across his desk to the head of the

Department for Magical Law Enforcement.

Reading over the document she gasped, "why has this not been brought

up before?"

"The will was sealed by Albus Dumbledore we believe he sealed it to keep

Sirius in prison As you know he gave evidence as to Sirius Black being

their secret keeper."

"Excuse me, but who is Madam Bones and what's the DMLE," Harry


"Forgive me Hadrian I thought you knew," Ragnok spoke sincerely.

"We haven't had the chance to inform him about to much yet, the month

before school was spent getting to know each other," Evelyn spoke up.

Ragnok nodded in understanding.

"Harry, the DMLE is the Department of Magical Law Enforcement,

Madam Bones is the head of the department," Xavier explained.

Harry nodded then turned to Madam Bones, "I would like to know how

someone guilty or innocent gets thrown into prison with a trial for going

on twelve years now all at an old git's word." Harry was getting more

upset by the longer he thought about the situation. Daphne squeezed his

hand reminding to calm down. Harry took a deep breath hoping his

magic wouldn't react again.

"Well Hadrian I would like to that as well. However this happened before

I took over the DMLE and it was under the last administration in the

Ministry. Sirius Black however, was not just convicted, excuse me,

accused," Madam Bones corrected herself, "of the betrayal of your parents

but for the murder of Peter Pettigrew and twelve muggles. Everyone

believed Sirius was your parent's secret keeper he was James's best friend

and Sirius admitted to killing James and Lilly when the aurors came for

him. Why would Dumbledore set him up?"

"If I may," Xavier cut in, "Manager Ragnok has discovered that

Dumbledore had been declared Harry's magical guardian, he kept his key

and has been emptying Harry's trust vault every year, 250,000 pounds.

He also dumped Harry with his muggle relatives, who have abused him

since he can remember and were known to the Potter's circle of friends to

loathe magic. They kept Harry in the dark about his magic. This year he

hired a servant of Voldemort who attempted to kill Harry and steal the

Philosopher's Stone. Dumbledore provided the stone with protections that

a group of first years overcame. We are under the impression he was

trying to test Harry and he seemed to be disappointed when Harry was

sorted into Slytherin. We don't know for sure but we believe he has some

plan which features Harry and so far it does not seem like it is in Harry's

best interest."

Madam Bones sighed and let it sink in that Dumbledore was behaving far

from the paragon of good he paraded himself to be. This was the man

that had defeated Grindelwald who had stood for good yet seemed to be

destroying a young man's life. "How do you propose we go about freeing

Sirius Black and something needs to be done about Dumbledore."

"I believe we need Minister Fudge's help," Evelyn replied showing her

dislike for the man. Manager Ragnok, if we could owl him and have

come here ASAP, would that work for you?"

"Yes I believe that will be fine. I'll have some lunch brought up for us."

Xavier sent an owl off requesting Minister Fudge's attendance as matter

concerning Lord Potter had come up. Lunch was served, consisting of

sandwiches and chips. Lunch was eaten quietly amongst those gathered

in Ragnok's office all were trying to come to grips with what they had

found out. Harry was getting rather fidgety and Daphne leaned over to

ask him what was wrong.

"I just need to get out of here for awhile, it's a lot to take in," Harry

whispered back to her.

Daphne nodded and when they were finished stood and walked over to

her father, "Daddy do you think Harry I could walk around the alley

while you have your discussion with Minister Fudge," she pouted at her

father. Xavier looked like he wanted to agree but was worried for their

safety, they were only eleven and Harry was the boy-who-lived.

Ragnok who watched with amusement eyed Harry, who was looking

rather desperate to leave, said, "I would be happy to provide them with a

goblin warrior as protection. He can remain disillusioned as to avoid

unnecessary attention.

Xavier nodded his consent at that, "thank very much, Manager Ragnok."

He turned to Daphne and Harry , "keep your wands ready and try to

avoid Knockturn Alley."

They nodded in return and Evelyn called Harry over to her, "Since your

scar can't be hid with a disillusionment charm, we're going to try this."

With that she pulled out some muggle cover up, Harry pulled a face to

which Evelyn just laughed and applied the makeup which covered his

scar, nicely. "There we go hopefully that will be good enough. We'll meet

you at ice cream parlour in two hours." Ragnok called in a guard and told

him the situation, the guard nodded and disillusioned himself.

Harry and Daphne turned to Ragnok, "thank you for your help today,"

and with that they left the office for Diagon Alley.

Outside the bank Harry turned to Daphne, "Thanks Daph it was getting to

be a…" Harry struggled for words.

"Overwhelming," Daphne supplied.

"Yeah so where do you want to go first?"

"hmm," Daphne adopted a look of great thought, "as fun as it would be to

drag you to Madam Malkin's, I think I'll save that for when were actually

married." She laughed at Harry's pleading look, "How about Gambol &

Japes, have you ever been there?" Harry shook his head no and Daphne

explained, "they sell joke items, fireworks, and different games stuff


"Cool, lets go." Daphne took Harry's hand and pulled him left of

Gringotts. They arrived at Gambol & Japes, Harry looking at the items in

wonder that slowly turned to a smirk.

"I think I'm going to like this store." Daphne just laughed and pulled him

in with her own smirk. Harry ended up buying an obscene amount of Dr.

Fillibuster's Fabulous Fireworks. He bought ones that exploded into

leprechauns, dragons, and even famous quidditch scenes.

"Uh Harry you know we can come back right?"

"Mmmhmm, yep so what are you going to get?"

'Oh nothing much just a fanged Frisbee, our last one ended up on the roof

and then a storm came, not really sure what happened to it after that."

Harry laughed thinking about someone like Dudley ending up with a

growling Frisbee. He paid for his fireworks and Daphne's Frisbee, the

clerk graciously shrunk their packages for them.

"So where to now, my lady," Harry asked with bow. He was starting to

have fun and relax after the heaviness of the morning.

"Well where would you like to go, good sir" Daphne asked giggling and

taking Harry's arm.

"How about Quality Quidditch Supplies, I mostly just stood in awe of the

brooms the last time I was here."

"Sounds good lead the way," Daphne replied enjoying the fact that Harry

was really starting to relax and have fun. While he had loosened up at

school there was always something holding him back from having fun. It

started changing after Professor Snape's meeting with Harry and Daphne

was glad it happened. They arrived at the Quidditch store that always

seemed to be jammed packed, really the wizarding world need another


"Oh look the new Holyhead Jerseys are out," Daphne squealed as they

entered the shop. Daphne headed straight for the Holyhead section

dragging Harry with her.

"I take it you like the team," Harry said with an amused look.

"Like it, I love them. We own a box at the stadium and go to almost every

game when were home for them. They're an all women's team, they're the

best and can make a run for the league champions this year."

"I guess this means I should study up on them," Harry said

"You better believe it Potter, your coming with us to the games after all

and you're from Wales it's appropriate that you're a fan of the team."

They left the store with Harry buying Daphne the jersey of her favorite

player, a chaser, Reagan Bode. Harry bought himself a Holyhead Harpies


"Harry you don't have to pay for my stuff," Daphne said as they were

leaving the quidditch shop.

"I know but I like to, I've never bought anything for anybody before. Let's

go in here real quick I need another note pad for drawing," Harry said

pointing to a stationary store. Harry went in and picked out a couple

drawing pads of varying sizes and he got some charcoal to work with.

"Harry we need to meet mum and dad at Florean's soon," Daphne said.

"You want to go over there now?"

"Sure." They got to Florean's and took a seat at a table that allowed them

to see the Alley and watched for Daphne's parents. Harry scooted his

chair over towards Daphne's and wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

Daphne sighed in happiness leaning into Harry to await her parents.


Okay so a bit shorter chapter than usual but summer is going to be

broken in up into about four chapters I think.

Thanks for the interrest,


5. Summer Pt 2

Xavier, Evelyn, Daphne, and Harry reappeared in the entrance hall of the

Greengrass home. As soon as Daphne and Harry appeared they were

attacked by small blonde missile.

"You're back!" The blonde missile better known as Astoria screamed as

she attached herself to Daphne's legs and then jumped on Harry. The rest

of the Greengrasses looked on waiting for the flinch but it never came

Harry just flipped Astoria on to his back and laughed with her. Daphne

smiled at them while her parents hid their surprise.

"Hey Tori, what have you been up to," Harry asked laughing.

"Nothin'," she drawled out adopting an innocent face.

Evelyn walked over to where her youngest was perched on Harry's back,

"yes, nothing except for stealing her mother's wand and turning the elves

a stunning shade of orange."

Harry laughed, "Orange?"

Tori just shrugged, "it seemed like a good idea at the time. But Toby and

Diby didn't care for it."

"So Harry are you staying for dinner, afterwards we can talk about what

we discussed with Fudge," Xavier asked.

"Um, sure, thank you," Harry replied letting Tori down. "I'm just going to

floo home and drop my stuff off. And Mips and Nips will probably want

to know how the rest of school was.

When Harry arrived back at the Greengrass home he was greeted by

Daphne with a hug. They walked to the dining area in comfortable

silence. Once there the meal began with little fanfare.

"So how did school finish out aside from the obvious," Evelyn asked the

two students.

"It was good, I finished 4th overall for the first years," Daphne answered

glowing when her parents looked at her with proud expressions.

'So Harry how did you do your first year back in the wizarding world,"

Xavier asked smiling encouragingly at Harry who looked confused at

having someone in a parental position ask him how he did.

"I finished 8th overall but 1st in potions. We also won the Quidditch cup,"

Harry answered with a small smile.

"I bet Severus was pleased with those results," Evelyn commented and

Harry nodded his head in confirmation.

"We meant to get out and see one of the matches however, a schedules

didn't match up for the Slytherin games this year. Hopefully will get to

see you play next year," Xavier spoke in an apologetic tone while, Tori

looked incredibly happy at the idea. "Did Daphne tell you about our box

at the HolyHead Harpies stadium? Knowing my daughters and wife you'll

be Harpies fan before the end of the summer, how's that sound to you?"

"Great, I can't wait to see my first professional match," Harry spoke

taking a break from his dessert.

After they finished dinner Xavier led Daphne and Harry to his study to

discuss the meeting with the Minister. After Harry and Daphne took a

seat and they had some tea Xavier started.

"Minister Fudge showed up about fifteen minutes after you left." Xavier

adopted a frustrated look, "at first he was quite insistent that Sirius Black

could not be innocent, after presenting him with the evidence I believe

he would have still intended to do little with it had it not been for

Madam Bones's presence." Xavier held up a hand to stop their protests.

"He's a politician and even more spineless then most, he's worried about

what it might do to his ratings," Xavier spoke with contempt for the man

leaking through his tone. "Together with Madam Bones, Evelyn, myself,

and Ragnok came up with a suitable story to cover Fudge's arse. Basically

he's going to be seen as righting a eleven year mistake, so he'll come out

smelling like a rose.

"Madam Bones is going to arrange for Sirius Black to be moved from

Azkaban to the Ministry holding cells quietly. She's going to have two of

her aurors she trusts to escort him. Then Minister Fudge is going to have

an emergency meeting of the Wizenganmot at which time Dumbledore

will be conveniently having a meeting with the Goblins. From there

Sirius will have his trial under veritaserum. This will take place in two

weeks on July 4th. After that you should have your Godfather back."

Harry looked pleased with the development and thanked Xavier for his

help. Harry spent two more hours with the Greengrass family that night.

The next two weeks passed rather quickly for Harry he usually spent

most of the day with Greengrass family. He and Daphne had gone

horseback riding a few times. Harry was beginning to get comfortable on

a horse, oddly he was more comfortable on the back of a hippogriph then

on the horse. That was another thing they did, Harry invited the whole

Greengrass family over to Potter Manor to fly on the herd of hippogriphs

living in the forest at his home.

He and Daphne had gone on picnic, they were each beginning to feel a

deeper connection to each other than just friends. Daphne was a bit in

awe of how despite his upbringing he could be so good with Astoria,

putting up with her pranks and jokes was not easy especially when she

stole someone's wand. Harry just pranked her back though, one time he

let off one of Dr. Fillibuster's fireworks in Astoria's room instead of her

alarm clock. He was also very sweet although he had tendency to brood

if you left him to his thoughts for too long. She also loved his drawings,

her favorite one so far was a charcoal one of what he saw in the Mirror of

Erised, he gave it to her and it now hung in her room.

Harry for his part was learning to rely on Daphne more and more. He felt

a certain comfort in her presence that he had never felt before in his life.

He could tell her anything, he had even started talking to her about some

of the milder abuse situations. She helped him through them by just

letting him talk it out, or cry, or scream, or even throw things, afterwards

she would just sit with him and run her hands through his hair calming

him. She always seemed to know when something was bothering him and

knew exactly how to bring him out of it. Her parents could often been

seen hiding smiles when they saw Harry and Daphne together.

"Harry what are you going to do when your Godfather is released

tomorrow," Daphne asked while petting Artemis. She and Harry were out

riding the paths of the Greengrass Estate trying to relax before the trial.

"I guess offer him his room back," Harry answered with a quirky smile on

his face. Daphne rose an eyebrow at his statement. "I was looking around

the Manor and found my dad's old room next to it was a room with Sirius

my brother from another mother, on the door. Apparently he stayed there a

lot," Harry spoke laughing while Daphne giggled. "My dad's Head of

House diary says Sirius lived with him after he ran away at 16."

"Anything interesting in the rooms," Daphne asked as she moved to sit

next to Harry. They had stopped at a pond and let the horses graze, Harry

pulled out his sketch book and began to draw.

"Quite a few interesting posters, I didn't know the wizarding world had

playboy," Harry laughed as he continued to draw. Daphne blushed at the

images that conjured in her mind while Harry laughed at her and

wiggled his eyebrows. "Both him and my dad seem to have had thing for

motorcycles too."


Harry shook his head and snorted, "Purebloods, you lot really should get

out more."

"Whatever Harry," Daphne said a bit snarky then giggled, "what did you


Harry showed her the drawing, it was of her sitting majestically a top

Artemis, "do you want it?"

Daphne nodded taking the drawing, "come on we have to get back for


Harry woke up the day of the trial to find one of the either Mips or Nips

had laid out a suit for him to wear, all black with a green tie to match his

eyes. After getting dressed Harry walked down to kitchen to sit with Mips

while he ate as had become his routine unless he spent the night over

with the Greengrass. As he left the kitchen to floo to the Greengrass

Estate he called out to Mips, "After today you'll have another to fatten up

besides me." Mips' eyes grew wide and she started mumbling her plans

for an enormous dinner, and bouncing up and down at the thought more


Harry came out of floo at the Greengrass home still shaking his head.

"What," Daphne greeted him with a curious look.

"I don't think I'll ever understand house elves," Harry said completely

serious while Daphne just laughed pulling him along to her father's study.

Evelyn pulled Harry aside as he walked in and took out her makeup

Harry made a face which Daphne giggled at. He glared at her as her

mother put the makeup over his scar and muttered, "stupid bloody scar,"

as he flooped down in a chair.

"Uh-hem," Evelyn cleared her throat and looked pointedly at Harry.

Harry straightened up in his chair and apologized. Glaring at Daphne

who was once again giggling.

Xavier watched from his desk with a highly amused look on his face. "Are

we finished," he asked attempting to sound stern but failing as he was

still smiling about Harry having a normal childhood reaction to Evelyn's

mothering and not flinching. "Now when we get to the Ministry we have

to go through a security check point there they, check your wand for

identification purposes. From there we'll take the lifts down to the

courtrooms, I want you two," he looked towards Daphne and Harry, "to

stay close to Evelyn and I the Ministry can be a very crowded place.

Astoria will be staying here as we feel she is a little young yet for this

trial. The only reason you two are going is because it's for Harry's

godfather. Good now it's 8:30 we need to leave," with that Xavier rose

from his chair and led them to the floo where Astoria hugged them each

goodbye, "Harry do you have Aiolos with you." Harry nodded motioning

to his shoulder. "Good make sure she stays in that form while at the

Ministry, having a king cobra there could lead to some problems."

Harry looked at the enormous fountain in the atrium for the Ministry of


"I'm actually surprised that was ever built, considering it shows other

creatures on the same level as wizards," the quiet silky comforting tone of

Professor Snape came from behind Harry.

"Severus!" Harry turned and hugged the man, missing the surprised

looked Severus shot at the Greengrass parents, who simply shrugged.

Severus managed to spare a hug in a risk ruining his reputation for the

boy-he-had-come-to-care-about. "What are you doing here?"

"Xavier and Evelyn asked that I come," Severus replied shaking hands

with Xavier and giving Evelyn and Daphne a small bow. "Shall we

continue on then?"

"Yes, we're to meet with Madam Bones in her office, from there she will

escort us to the courtroom," Xavier spoke giving his wife his arm and

leading them to the lifts.

Once they were in the lift and the group was alone Severus asked Harry,

"have you kept up with your drawings?"

Harry nodded and asked, "Are we going to continue meeting."

"Yes, but as it summer will only meet once a week. These past two were a

break to let you get settled down."

"Professor," Daphne spoke up, "Are we going to continue meeting as a

group also?"

"We can but you will have to be able to set up a time once a week at

either your home or Hadrian's Manor." At Harry's look he explained, "The

trace is relative only to muggleborns and half-bloods that live in muggle

areas. The Ministry can tell the magic is being done just not by whom

and the trace is mainly to prevent the statute of secrecy from being

violated. Besides most pure-blood family manors have wards that will

interfere with them. If we continue during the summer, this will be

especially relevant for Ms. Granger."

Harry nodded, "we'll write to the others and let you know if they want to

continue for the summer, what day is okay for you?"

"Wednesdays at 1 o'clock and we'll do you sessions afterwards."

Harry and Daphne nodded as a voice sounded, "Level Two Department of

Magical Law Enforcement." The party of five exited the list and made

their way to Madam Bones' office.

"We're here to see Madam Bones, the Greengrasses," Xavier spoke to

Madam Bones' secretary. The young woman nodded and left to notify

Madam Bones. Xavier turned to and spoke so the two children could not

hear, "I know you dislike the man, but he is Harry's godfather. Try to

keep an open mind for Harry's sake and who knows maybe Azkaban

changed him."

Severus snorted, "Not bloody likely. Probably just made him more


"You can go in now," the secretary came back into the room.

They walked into to a meticulously neat office where Madam Bones sat

behind her desk. There was another women sitting before her who made

Evelyn smile when the women turned around.

"Andromeda," Evelyn greeted the women who bore a striking

resemblance to a certain know felon, although Harry didn't know that.

"Evelyn," Andromeda spoke giving her long time friend a hug and smiling

at Xavier as he greeted her. Then she gave Daphne a hug.

Daphne smiled at the woman and greeted her as Aunt Andi.

Xavier then spoke up, "Andromeda, I like you to meet Daphne's betrothed

Hadrian Potter."

Severus gave Harry a nudge forward as the lad was still waiting in the

wings with him.

"Nice to meet you ma'am," Harry spoke politely.

"Harry, I haven't seen you since you were a baby. It's nice to see you

again too and please call me Andi." Andromeda spoke with a kind smile

on her face that put Harry at ease.

"Yes ma'am, I mean Andi."

"Severus Snape fancy seeing you here," Andromeda spoke easily making

the question heard in her greeting.

"Mrs. Tonks," Severus bowed his head in greeting, "Hadrian is one of my

snakes." Andromeda nodded, having been in Slytherin she understood the

protection their head of house offered the largely alienated Slytherins.

"Good you all know each other," Madam Bones spoke after breaking the

silence left by Severus. "Andromeda here will be representing Sirius in his


Harry looked rather surprised at that given what he learned about Sirius's

imprisonment he assumed know one would help. Andromeda spied the

look and said, "Sirius is my cousin, I was very grateful to hear there was

proof of his innocence. When Amelia here, came to me I was shocked to

realize he never had trial, I always knew he would never turn on James.

It feels great to know that for sure now."

Harry smiled and nodded at her.

"Now, Sirius will be taking Vertiaserum, so this should be over and done

with quickly," Andromeda said as they were getting ready to leave the


The group walked into a large courtroom, Madam Bones and Andromeda

separated from the group. Madam Bones went and set next to what

looked like to Harry a raised judge's platform. Andi went to sit at a table

that was set up on floor near a chair with restraints on it. She pulled out

some papers from a brief case and started shuffling through them. The

Greengrasses, Severus and Harry went and sat in the visitors section. As

they were getting situated Minister Fudge and his undersecretaries and

the court scribe, the scribe and undersecretaries went and took their seats

while Minister Fudge walked over to the Greengrasses.

"Xavier, Evelyn, the Wizenmagot has been called. The trial should begin

shortly and this grave miscarriage of justice shall be corrected. Ah who

might this," Minister Fudge asked glancing towards the children.

Daphne turned towards Harry so the minister couldn't see her and rolled

her eyes at the Minister's pompous attitude, Harry smirked in reply.

"This is our daughter Daphne and Lord Potter," Xavier introduced them.

"Ah Harry Potter my boy where's your scar?"

Severus and Daphne both snorted at the Minister's lack of tact, while

Harry and Xavier both fixed him with a stare that made the Minister feel

a chill go down his spine.

"Muggle makeup has allowed me to hide it and its unwelcome attention

and Minister, I detest the saying my boy or any other address with 'boy'

in it, please call me Hadrian," Harry replied rather icily. Severus put his

hand on Harry's shoulder to help calm him and not try to hex the

incompetent government official.

"Right, um, well, yes," Fudge fumbled for words, "you should have your

godfather back in no time. Ah excuse me, I need to take my place now."

Fudge hurried away while Harry smirked, Daphne giggled at his look and

Aiolos inside his head muttered, "ssstupid human."

"Hadrian it's not polite to make the Minister wet himself in public,"

Evelyn giggled her reprimand. The court room started to fill up with all

the Lords and members of the Wizenmagot as well as a few reporters that

had been invited.

Once everyone had arrived Minister Fudge spoke, "Welcome to an

emergency courtroom session. Today my Lords and voting members we

will correct a great injustice. Please bring forth the prisoner."

At that the doors at the back of the courtroom opened and in walked a

rather gaunt drawn looking man with long scraggly black hair and beard.

He was dressed in black white stripped clothes that had holes in them

and he was chained from his hands to his feet. He was escorted by two

aurors, who both had Patroni circling, and a dementor, but Harry hardly

noticed the chill as he was starring into the rather lifeless eyes of his

godfather Sirius Black. The gray lifeless eyes sparked as they landed on

Harry's emerald green eyes. Harry nodded to the man as he was brought

forth to the chair.

As the chains clanked on the steel chair Harry's attention snapped back to

the courtroom around him. He heard many gasps as the crowd around

him recognized the prisoner, some shouts were heard, and one woman

fainted. Harry rolled his eyes at the response, 'the idiots even if he was

guilty, he's tied up.'

Andromeda stood, "Given the circumstances I believe the presence of the

dementor is unnecessary."

Minister Fudge nodded and signaled for the dementor to leave. Harry's

attention was for the first time brought to the foul ugly black thing,

apparently called a dementor. The two patroni were circling it and led it

out of the courtroom. Harry shivered a bit and faintly heard a woman's

voice as the dementor left. Daphne took his hand and Severus placed a

hand on his shoulder, a gesture that did not go unnoticed by Sirius Black.

"My client has agreed to take veritaserum and to be questioned by

Madam Bones," Andromeda spoke out.

"Mr. Shacklebolt, please," Minister Fudge gestured towards Sirius.

A tall bald black auror step forward and walked over to Sirius producing

a potions' vial with a clear liquid inside of it. "Do you willingly consent to

taking veritaserum."

"I do," Sirius rasped out.

Shacklebolt poured three drops of the potion into Sirius's open mouth

and returned to his position near the back wall.

"Madma Bones, you may question the prisoner."

By this point murmurs had broken out in the courtroom but were

silenced with a look from Madam Bones. Madam Bones started with a

simple question to test the potion, "Who are you?"

"Sirius Orion Black," the response came from Sirius whose eyes had a

glazed over look.

"What is your birthday?"

"January 28, 1959."

Madam Bones nodded to Minister Fudge that the veritaserum took effect

and began with the real questions. "Were you James and Lily Potter's

secret keeper?"

"No." Gasps were heard throughout the courtroom.

"Do you know who was?"

"Peter Pettigrew, we switched."

"Why did they switch?"

"We felt that I would be the obvious choice. So we switched to Peter and

I remained as a decoy."

"What happened the night of October 31, 1981?"

"I arrived at the Potter's home and raced through the home looking for

survivors." Sirius paused and looked up with tears in his eyes. "I found

James' body on the first floor. Upstairs I found Harry crying in his crib

the wall blown out," Sirius chocked on his words, "Lily was in front of the

crib. When I took Harry out of the house Hagrid was there, and told me

on Dumbledors' order he needed Harry. I, I gave him to Hagrid. I should

have stayed but I was so angry I went after Peter." Sirius hung his head

before continuing, "I tracked Peter down to that alley and that's we he

yelled I killed them. Then he blew up the street, cut his finger off, and

transformed into his animagus form."

"What form was that?"

"His form is a rat," Sirius growled out.

"Why did you confess?"

Sirius barked out a harsh laugh, "I was grieving, it was my idea to switch

to Pettigrew, Crouch took it out of context."

Madam Bones nodded and looked to Minister Fudge who also nodded,

Madam Bones than addressed the court, "No further questions.

Shacklebolt the antidote." The tall auror walked over to Sirius and

administered potion that was light blue in color. Sirius's eyes cleared at


"Members of the Wizengamot with this evidence I hope you come to the

right decision," Minister Fudge spoke. "Now let us vote. Guilty?" No one

raised their hand, the use of the truth potion was hard to discount.

"Innocent?" Every voting member raised a hand. Sirius had a rather

shocked look on his face figuring this day would never come for him.

Minister Fudge stood and spoke, "By order of the Wizengamot I

pronounce Sirius Orion Black innocent on all charges. As compensation

for your time in Azkaban you will receive 5,000 galleons for each year

you spent imprisoned. Thank you court is adjourned."

The reports raced out the doors as soon as they cracked open, leaving

their photographers to snap a photo of Sirius getting released before they

too fled the courtroom as fast as they could to make it to print. Kingsley

Shacklebolt unshackled Sirius and congratulated him; they had been in

the same recruit camp for auror training. As everyone filed out of the

courtroom, most hurrying to spread the news, Andormeda made her way

towards her cousin and gave him one of the strongest hugs he had ever

been pulled into. "I knew it wasn't you," she stated simply. Sirius smiled

brightly at her and for the first time Harry got a glimpse of the handsome

aristocratic man Evelyn and his father's journal described his godfather to


The Greengrasses, Harry, and Severus made their way over to Sirius

although Severus hung back only staying close enough incase Hadrian

needed him. Sirius and Andromeda pulled apart as the group walked up.

Sirius looked straight at his godson as the group came near him, but

before anyone could say anything Madam Bones spoke up, "Why don't we

continue this in my office. Sirius can get his things there and it will be

private," she spoke with a nod to the doors where a blonde woman with

horrendous green glass stood with a photographer. The group nodded

and passed the woman on the way out where Madam Bones nodded to

one of the aurors on her security detail. The auror moved away from the

group and escorted the woman and her photographer to a different lift.

The group arrived in Madam Bones' office two silent minutes later. Sirius

taking note of one of his childhood acquaintances one of the few he could

stand, Xavier Greengrass. He noted the woman holding Xavier's hand a

recalled Lily attending their wedding, Evelyn he thought and the girl that

looked like a mix of them holding his godson's hand. And of course he

noted Snape who was standing ramrod straight with his jaw clenched. As

they walked through the door to Madam Bones' office Sirius waited back

and let the rest save Snape go through. Sirius reached out and stopped

Snape from going in, "I would remove your hand from me Black," Severus

growled out.

Sirius did but held up his hands showing he meant no harm and spoke in

a quiet rasping voice, "I have something to say to you."

Severus raised an eyebrow for him to continue.

Sirius sighed at the look, "I wanted to apologize," Severus looked shocked

but masked it quickly the only one who noticed was Harry who had been

looking at the two. "For everything during school especially the shrieking

shack incident. I'm sorry," Sirius spoke with a sincere voice only looking

up at Severus as he said the last two words.

Severus looked long and hard into Sirius's eyes and could see the man

broken by Azkaban, his friends' death and betrayal, and his sincerity and

nodded his acceptance. The two walked into the room while Severus took

a seat around Amelia's desk, Sirius walked over to Harry and knelt down

to his level, "you probably don't remember me but I'm your godfather.

You look so much like your father but with Lily's eyes. I knew it was you

as soon as I saw your eyes in the courtroom," Sirius spoke with deep

emotion in his voice.

Harry surprised everyone in the room by leaning forward and hugging

the man and whispered quietly, "Pa'foot."

Sirius grabbed on to Harry harder and started silently crying wishing he

had never gone after Pettigrew.

After their touching moment was over, Sirius stood and took the last

empty seat, "So not that I don't appreciate it but anyone want to tell me

the hell's going on," Sirius asked with a weary grin. The resulting hour

was spent filling Sirius in on everything that had happened since he was

imprisoned, Harry and Daphne's contract, Severus being his head of

house, and Dumbledore being a grade A jackass. By the end of the hour

Sirius was losing control of his animagus as large canines started to

develop in his mouth and a growling was being heard. He stood from his

chair and started pacing he continued for a minute before grabbing Harry

into a hug and apologizing profusely to him.

Sirius finally calmed down after about ten minutes and retook his seat.

"Well I think we've been here long enough, how about we go out and

celebrated," Evelyn spoke, "then after that we can figure out our next

move." Everyone looked rather relieved when Sirius latched on to the

idea of anything that wasn't prison food.

"Sirius, here are your street clothes from when you were imprisoned,

your money, and a form that states you are allowed a wand. Sadly yours

was snapped," Madam Bones spoke handing them the items over. They

stood to leave and as they were approaching the door Madam Bones

spoke again, "Sirius after you've gotten back on your feet and in better

shape, your job as an auror is still available if you want it?"

Sirius nodded his reply and made his way to the nearest bathroom to

change. While they were waiting Severus pulled Harry over to the side,

"How are you doing?"

"Okay, I remember him, well partly, but still that much is nice."

Severus nodded at him, "Well make my goodbyes I have a potion to


"Sure, um Severus?"


"You two don't like each other do you," Harry said nodding toward the

bathroom his godfather walked into looking a bit upset that the man who

had and is helping him so much was in the position he was.

Severus sighed and knowing it would be important to Hadrian replied,

"No but Azkaban can change people."

Harry smiled at that and Severus left as he rejoined the group.

"Professor Snape had to leave, so wher are we going."

"Well, Andromeda is going to get her daughter and her husband and meet

us in two hours at the Vineyard, restaurant here in the alley. We are

going to get your godfather some clothes and a wand. Sound okay,"

Evelyn addressed Sirius who had reappeared during her conversation.

Sirius nodded his consent.

As they were walking out of the Ministry Sirius said, "So Harry how's the


As they walked into Hephaestus shop Harry and Daphne were still bright

red from the ribbing Sirius had given them. "I've never been here before,"

Sirius mentioned.

"Yes the Black family lately as preferred the publicity Olivander's gets do

to being in the main alley," Hephaestus spoke coming out of the back part

of his shop. "Sirius Black even though this is Kockturn alley I still need

paperwork. I believe my more rare ingredients would be at stake if I were

to sell you one without Ministry say so."

Sirius produced the paperwork, "are all wandmakers creepy or is it just

the British ones?"

"I resent that, I'm not creepy like some unnamed wandmakers, you just

happen to be as famous as your godson or rather infamous. Also I am not

wandmaker, I am a wandcrafter. " Hephaestus spoke while looking over

the paperwork.

"Fair enough and what's the difference," Sirius shrugged.

"Ollivander makes wands and then fits them to the individual as best he

can. I make wands that are perfectly crafted to the individual. Hadrian,

Daphne how are your wands working," Hephaestus asked turning towards


"Great," they both answered with smiles. Hephaestus looked towards both

Xavier and Evelyn; Evelyn had gotten her wand crafted here after their

marriage. Both Greengrass parent's nodded.

"Now run your hand over the all the woods and see which one gives you

the most inviting feeling." Sirius went through all the woods as requested

before going back to a wood block that was towards the beginning. The

block was honey colored, "cypress," Hephaestus said simply.

"Now repeat the process with the core ingredients." Sirius ran his hand

over the open jars. He ended up with two, crushed fang of a grim and

pixie wings, Sirius barked out a laugh at those.

"Lastly the gems." Sirius went to the cases that held the gems and once

again repeated the process. Sirius's magic chose a crimson garnet stone.

"I'll have the wand done in an hour," Hephaestus said before turning to

Harry and seeing his interested look, "do you want to stay again?"

"Can I?" Hadrian replied asking not only Hephaestus but the adults with


The adults nodded before Evelyn replied, "why don't you and Daphne

stay here while we take Sirius to get some clothes?" As Evelyn spoke she

looked towards Hephaestus who nodded his consent.

As they were leaving Sirius let out a teasing, "have fun with the Mrs."

Harry blushed as did Daphne, Hephaestus raised an eyebrow at Hadrian

who answered, "Daphne and I are betrothed."

Hephaestus nodded and as he turned to move them to the back of the

workshop muttered, "your wands are a good match." Harry and Daphne

glanced at each other before following Hephaestus.

"How so," Daphne asked as Harry moved chair over so Daphne could sit.

Harry sat by Hephaestus' work table.

Hephaestus setup the wood and moved the core materials over with the

garnet stone Sirius had chosen, "they complement each other." He pulled

out his carving tools, Daphne noticed the runes on the handles and on

some the actual blades.

As he started carving the wood Harry spoke up not taking his eyes from

the work being done, "How do you the length and shape of the wand?

"Hephaestus who had started hollowing part of the wood for the cores,

"magic helps guide my hands. When the elements are chosen it transfers

some of the users magic into them, that magic helps determine length

and shape." Harry nodded engrossed with the process he was seeing even

more so than he was last summer, since he started drawing again.

Daphne giggled to herself as she watched Harry and Hephaestus notice

nothing else besides the wand. Though she did admit Hephaestus was an

artist with the wands he made. Hers wand was 8 inches long and

featured a spiral vine design that reached down the wand to the Jade

stone. The hilt of her wand reminded Daphne of the rapier her mother

taught her to fence with. Sirius's wand had some curves to it, the garnet

stone seeming to grow out of the wood. The hilt looked like a rather

vicious dog head with its fangs bared.

Once Hephaestus finished both Harry and he seemed to snap out of their

artistic haze. Daphne smirked at Harry, "Welcome back."

Harry blushed a little and turned to Hephaestus, "so if the wands you

craft are better why doesn't everyone come here?"

Hephaestus smirked, "Money. Also some just don't realize my shop even

exists or look into wand lore."

"What happens if the wand isn't bought here or at Ollivander's?"

"You mean like using a parents or someone else's wand," Harry nodded,

"If the wand accepts you nothing, but it will never work as well as your

own either from a shop like mine or Ollivander's. You see the wand helps

to channel your magic, some are better suited to certain magics, just as

some people are better suited to different magics. Having one that is

adverse to your magic can inhibit you."

"I think I'll be bringing some friends here soon." As Harry spoke the door

opened to admit Xavier and Evelyn plus one freshly shaved and clothed

Sirius Black. Sirius had shaved his beard off and cut his hair, it left him

locking younger than before.

"Your wand sir," Hephaestus said handing over the wand hilt first. Sirius

looked at the wand with awe as a warm comforting feeling ran through

him, one he hadn't felt in years. A smile spread over Sirius's face. The

group left the store thanking Hephaestus for his.

After a rather interesting dinner with Andi and her husband Ted and

Daughter who shall be only called Tonks, after Harry mentioned and got

a death glare from said 17 year old girl, "oh yeah, you're the Hufflepuff

who sent Flint to the hospital wing, for calling you a nymph," Sirius and

Harry were sitting in the Greengrass family room discussing things.

"Padfoot, do you want to stay with me, your room's still there," Harry

asked with a hopeful look. He wanted to get to know the man his father

called his brother in the Head of House journal and who was in a few of

his memories.

Sirius after the look from Harry smiled, "Sure pup, I'd love that."

Harry adopted a thoughtful look at the pup comment and then blurted

out, "are you a dog?"

Sirius barked out a laugh at that while the Xavier and Astoria laughed

out loud, Evelyn snorted at the way that statement could be taken, and

Daphne just looked at Harry like he was crazy. Sirius just stood up and

morphed into a large black dog that made the Greengrass family gasped

at what appeared to be a grim. Harry just smiled as the dog bounded

over to him, "pa'foot." The Greengrass family smiled at the scene.

Sirius morphed back, "So how did you know?"

"One of the memories had you and then a dog but all the others didn't

have a dog," Harry spoke like he was still puzzling it out.

"Ah that would be because your mum thought I was a bit to

rambunctious as a dog to be around you in that form when you were still

a baby, something about being a perpetual puppy."

"I guess this means you can teach us about our animagus forms," Daphne


"I'll be back I need to check on something in my old house," Sirius spoke

as there was a lull in the conversation.

About ten minutes later Sirius returned and godson and godfather left for

Potter Manor the first home either of them ever knew.


So finals are over hopefully that translates to more writing faster.

Summer's going to be a one more chapter, and we have draco's and

Dumbledore's interlude.

Thanks suggestions welcome, if you know any British swears and

slang let me know, get Harry a little more British sounding. And for

those who decide to rant about the name Hadrian, I really really

don't like the name Harold more so after seeing the movie Harold &

Maude, obviously I like Roman and Greek mythology and history

hence Hadrian.


6. Summer Pt 3

Scene that describes an abusive episode

Daphne flooed over to Potter Manor and called out for Harry without a

reply. She walked to the kitchen where either Harry, Sirius, or Mips

could be counted on to be but found no one. She continued through the

whole first floor but still found no sign of life. She decided to just go

straight to Harry's room, she knocked but still no one. 'well where else

are they, the game room.' As she made her way to the game room in the

basement she started to hear music. She didn't recognize it, as she got

closer it got louder and louder. As she was outside the door she could

make out the words. Hey man, droogie don't crash here/ There's only room

for one and here she comes/ Here she comes/ Daphne opened the door

quietly, not that it mattered she thought as the full blast of music hit her.

Then she took in the scene around the room and her jaw dropped. Harry

and Sirius were both dressed in Pink button down shirts, white shin

length socks, their underwear, and black sunglasses jumping on the

couches singing at the top of their lungs "Oh don't lean on me man/ Cause

you can't afford the ticket/ I'm back on Suffregette City/Oh don't lean on me

man/" just then Daphne noticed all three of Harry's house elves in the

same clothes, only house elf size and rocking out playing air instruments.

As Bowie continued playing in the background Daphne lost it fell to the

ground laughing. Harry jumped of the couch he was on in the game room

and landed on his knees in front of belting out the last line "ohh, wham

bam, thank you ma'am!." Harry looked down in front of him and noticed

Daphne, "DAPH," Harry squeaked out in a rather high pitched voice,

which just made Daphne laugh harder.

Sirius cut off the couch and cut the music off laughing at his godson's

shocked expression at seeing his betrothed in front of him. Harry

scramble up to his feet and helped his laughing fiancé up. "You can stop

laughing now," Harry deadpanned.

As Daphne got herself under control she looked at Harry who still looked

a bit embarrassed and started giggling again, she looked to Sirius who

had a proud look on his face and when she quirked an eyebrow at him he

simply shrugged his shoulders, "It's a good song."

"Good song or not," Daphne looked to Harry, "yours and Neville's party is

in a half hour." Harry nodded and took off to his room to get dressed as

did Sirius. Daphne looked around the game room and noticed a new

telly, if she remembered that one right and a stereo. She left the game

room to go wait for Harry in the family room thinking back on the

summer so far.

Severus had been merciless on their training and had upped it two twice

a week for two hours once everyone in the group got a custom wand

from Hephaestus. They could move through spells and work faster with

them, especially Neville who had been using his dad's old wand. It took a

visit from Professor Snape to convince Augusta Longbottom that Neville

needed his own wand and that not using his father's wasn't a slight to the

man's memory. Severus had gotten them through the first and second

year spells that he said any competent teacher would have taught,

'meaning only he would have', Daphne thought with a roll of her eyes.

Before Severus would move onto the next year he tested them on casting

the spells silently, if they couldn't they wouldn't move on.

Of course some of the spells were a bit on the darker side which led to an

interesting pissing match between two men. They were getting along

rather nicely for two people who had hated each other for the majority of

their lives. Of course every once in awhile Sirius would slip with a

Snivilus and Severus would throw out a flea bitten mutt comment. But

for Harry's sake they generally kept things pleasant. One area where

Sirius really excelled was aiming, he claimed when he was in auror boot

camp, that was an important aspect. He had them aiming at targets so far

Harry, Blaise, and surprisingly Hermione excelled the most at aiming.

Harry seemed like a natural at it, where Blaise stated his grandfather had

him shooting a gun since he was five; Hermione just shrugged and said

her dad was in the army.

Evelyn had taken to teaching the group fencing Daphne, Tracey, and

Blaise were far ahead of the other three in fencing as they had been

taught their whole lives. Harry was picking it up the fastest as Daphne

and Astoria often helped him with it, when they were bored. Harmione

and Neville though were not far behind Harry. Hermione could often be

found in the library of Potter Manor or the Greengrass one. It had gotten

to the point where her parents and she had taken to staying the weekends

either at Daphne's or Harry's. The group was also taking up running as

Harry could usually be found up at six in the morning working out the

routine he had started at the Dursley's. Sirius had started to run with him,

he was seriously thinking of going back to the auror department. Daphne

just thought he was hot for Amelia Bones.

Another interesting turn of events was Severus had been developing a

potion to reveal someone's animagus form. He declared it ready last week

and the group was getting ready to try it next week.

"Hey you ready," Harry said as he walked into the room snapping out of

her thoughts.

"Yeah and much better choice of clothing, where's Sirius?" Harry blushed

a bit at the clothes comment, she saw him in his underwear, 'I know she's

my fiancé but damn am twelve,' Harry thought while Daphne smirked at

him. He was now dressed in dragon hide boots, jeans, and a black dress

shirt on, the party was going to be held at the Longbottom Estate.

"Sirius is primping I swear that man spends more time in front of the

mirror than you, your mum, and Astoria combined," Harry laughed out.

Sirius walked into the room looking very dapper in a black dress slacks,

dragon hide boots, and a black dress shirt that had silver thread designs

on it. He cuffed the back of Harry's head, "I heard that pup, now tell the

wifey she looks good. And let's go."

Harry blushed but took a good look at Daphne who was dressed in a blue

summer dress that made her eyes stand out, "you look beautiful."

"Mmhmm, he upgraded it to beautiful. A keeper there Daph," Sirius

teased making both kids blush. "Alright in we go," Sirius said pointing to

the floo, he let them go first and then followed.

Sirius stepped out into the entrance hall of Longbottom Manor and was

taken aback by memories of Frank and Alice's wedding.

"Sirius Black, I was happy to hear you were innocent," came the

imperious voice of Augusta Longbottom.

Sirius bowed to the woman and took her hand, "Madam Longbottom, I'm

very sorry for what happened to your son and Alice," Sirius spoke with all

the grace and manner of a seasoned Pureblood Lord. Madam Longbottom

bowed her head momentarily at the mention of her son and daughter in


"A shame about my Frank but Neville is finally coming along," she stated

seemingly ignorant of the insult she applied to her grandson.

Sirius clenched his jaw but responded pleasantly, "He is great kid and

friend to Harry." They reached the back garden and Madam Longbottom

took her seat lording over the party, while Sirius excused himself and

walked over to the Greengrass parents. Sirius looked over the kids

present which included the normal group plus Astoria, Susan Bones,

Hannah Abbott, Aaron Vaisey and the rest of the Slytherin Quidditch

team, The three chaser's from Gryffindor, and the Patil twins.

"Eclectic group," Sirius mentioned to the Greengrass parent's who so far

were the only ones to approach him the others except for Amelia Bones

seemed to be looking at him like he was going to snap and kill everyone.

"Augusta's doing no doubt," Amelia Bones spoke from behind him, "she

throws a party like this every year for Neville unfortunately for him.

Usually he's rather shy and withdrawn at them."

"Amelia you look stunning," Sirius said and rather suavely kissed her


"You don't look too bad yourself," Amelia said a bit demurely, shocking

both Xavier and Evelyn who had never seen this particular side of the

usually hard as nails department head.

"Good food and no dementors does wonders," Sirius barked out with a

laugh. Evelyn and Xavier excused themselves to talk to the Vaisey's and

leave the two starry eyed aurors to themselves.

"Happy birthday Nev," Harry and Daphne said as they walked over to

where he was talking to Blaise and Astoria.

"You too, Harry. Sorry about all this mate," Neville said gesturing to the

rather large party.

"Ahh no worries man, I've never even had a cake before so this is cool,"

Harry off-handily commented looking around at the decorations not

noticing his friends all getting rather hard looks on their faces. As he

turned back around to them they cleared their faces and smiled at him.

"So are the others here?"

"Well the chaser's you know from the matches, I added them to the list,

they were helped me out a lot when I was alone in Gryffindor, Angelina's

dad was close with my dad. The Patil's are here mostly due to Gran,

knows their parents real well, same with Susan and Hannah Abbott. The

rest were your invites." As Neville was speaking the Slytherin Quidditch

team gave over and wished Harry happy birthday before going back to

their in-depth discussion with the Gryffindor Chaser Trio on how playing

hard isn't cheating. Although, Aaron looked more interested in his side

conversation with Alicia Spinnet.

"Happy birthday Harry," came from Hermione, Padma Patil, and Tracey

who had walked over to join the others from their rousing conversation

on what really caused the fall of the Roman Empire. It seemed everyone

had arrived before Harry, Sirius, and Daphne. Harry nodded his thanks as

Susan Bones, Hannah Abbott and Parvati Patil came over. Parvati seemed

more interested in her nails than anything else and said nothing to the

group, her twin gave her a glare that went ignored. Hannah managed to

say happy birthday but still seemed a bit star struck by Harry while

Susan said brightly, "Happy birthday." As the group continued to get to

know each other the party went on parents taking and making plans.

Finally the time for the cake came, Harry looked relieved that it would be

over soon. He still didn't like being around large groups of people. The

cake rather awed everyone when they saw it, was dead ringer for

Hogwarts, Harry and Neville grinned at each other as it came out.

After cake they opened the presents. The Patils gave both boys a

collection of candy. The Abbotts gave Neville a rather nice set of self

cleaning gardening tools, and Harry got a pocket sneakoscope, figuring

with him being the boy-who-lived it would come in handy. After that

both the Abbotts and the Patils excused themselves from the party,

Padma giving Hermione a hug as she left. Next came the gifts from the

Gryffindor chasers, they chipped in and bought Neville a new authentic

home jersey for Puddlemere United while they got Harry a poster of Jess

O'Reilly the Harpies seeker, recently dubbed Harry's favorite player, and

a book on Holyhead Harpies history. The Slytherin Qudditch team got

Neville a book on herbology titled, Rare Magical Medicinal Plants of Great

Britain, plus they got him a Slytherin green shirt that read 'I love snakes'

in silver, that particular present got a laugh from everyone present. Flint

got Harry a book on Seeker tactics, Bole and Derrick got Harry a rather

interesting poster of the Holyhead Harpies that read open later on the

tag, they smirked at Harry when he read it. The Slytherin chasers got

Harry a book titled, Wooing Witches, and a new broom servicing kit.

Amelia and Susan got Neville a mallowsweet plant and gave Harry a

Jinxes for the Jinxed. Hermione gave both Harry and Neville books, Harry

got one on broom care, Neville got one on different magical foci's. Blaise

got Neville a gold Corno like he got Harry for Christmas. Blaise handed

Harry a vial that others at the party recognized held memories and

simply said, "enjoy," with a rather twisted smirk. Astoria gave them both

some stink bombs. Tracey gave Neville a book on his family history that

she saw in her family's shop. She gave Harry a book on the history of

wands. Daphne gave Neville a rare plant seed that had previously only

been grown by her family, with her parents blessing. To Harry she gave a

set of dog tags that had his parent's names and dates on it and his family

crest on the other side. The other one had his name and birthdate on it

with a snitch on the other side. Sirius gave Neville an auror hand book

that had belonged to his father, Frank, "He gave it to me once I entered

the academy, he used it when he went through the academy."

"Thank you Sirius," Neville managed to choke out. Sirius nodded and

patted him on the shoulder.

"Harry you got yours earlier." Harry nodded and smiled at his godfather.

An hour later the party broke up and soon it was only the Greengrasses,

The Bones, and Sirius and Harry. As Susan said goodbye she glanced at

where Sirius and Amelia were chatting quietly by the floo, "Something

tells me will be seeing a lot more of each other."

Harry smiled a little and nodded, "It was nice to meet you Susan,"

Harry and Sirius were sitting in the Greengrass family room after the

party discussing the day.

"It was nice to see that they could forget their house rivalries for a day,"

Evelyn spoke as they were talking about the Slytherin quidditch players

and the Gryffindor quidditch.

"Yeah I never thought I lived to see that, especially with them all being

quidditch rivals on top of house rivals," Sirius spoke.

Daphne spoke up from where she was watching Astoria and Harry play

chess, "you can thank Harry for that. He was determined to get Neville

included into the group after the flying lesson. Since the quidditch

players in Slytherin accepted him nobody else said anything about a

Gryff hanging with us snakes."

Harry laughed at that, "I hope he wears that shirt during the year."

"I don't know Weasel might have heart attack," Daphne laughed along

with him.

"Is he really that bad? Arthur, his father, was always nice and you could

depend on him too," Sirius asked?

"Well the twins are fine although they really like to prank us snakes. And

Percy is okay but he's a bit of kiss ars… um sorry stiff," Daphne spoke

stopping herself from saying arse in-front of her mother and little sister.

"She's right the other Weasleys aren't that bad but Ron's bloody wanker.

He complains about schoolwork non-stop, he made fun of Hermione so

bad that she spent the Halloween feast in the loo crying, he glares at me

and every other Slytherin like were shite," Harry spoke heatedly.

"Hadrian James! Language." Evelyn spoke icily.

"Sorry," Harry said with his head bowed in embarrassment, "he's just

really irritating." Daphne nodded her in agreement and Astoria giggled at

the use of his full name, always means you're in trouble.

"So on a more pleasant note I'm having Andromeda and her family over

for a family dinner would you guys like to come," Sirius asked with a


"Sure, what time," Evelyn answered.


"Hey Sirius what did you get Harry," Astoria asked.

"Well do you remember when I said I had to go back to my house?"

"I was wondering about that your house was looted almost as soon as you

thrown in prison," Xavier commented.

"Yes it was a sight, but before I found Pettigrew, I made a stop at my

house to hide somethings. Mainly Lily's spell book and dairy, I found

them when I was searching the house for Harry. When I went back they

were still there. One of Lily's charms that she invented allowed muggle

stereos and televisions to play on magic. So today I gave him the books,

as well as a telly, stereo, and some music and movies."

"Ahh so that's what I walked in on," Daphne said giggling.

Harry turned red and the Greengrass parents both looked to Sirius who

shrugged, "We were breaking in the stereo."

Harry was in shorts, a muscle shirt and Nikes, he rolled up into a

standing postion as spell impact where he was previously on the ground.

He dodged right and moved a step forward, a spell went past his ear, he

jumped over a low spell aimed at his legs and rolled forward as one

impacted above him. He dodged left still moving subtly forward. He was

forced to his right and had to spin as he almost dodged into a nasty

looking crimson spell. He ducked a spell aimed at his head and pushed

himself forward. He dodged left stepping forward swung his back then

forward slamming into his opponent's head breaking his enemy's nose.

His opponent brought both hands to his face, Harry quickly struck out

and took the man's wand, who looked at Harry shocked that he forgot

himself in the fight and was now wandless.

Harry smirked triumphantly a muttered, "episkey," his godfather's nose

healed instantly. Sirius had been drilling him on dodging, waiting for

seven o'clock to come around, plus Harry wanted to work out. They had

been drilling for two hours Harry had yet to win one. The point was for

Harry to beat Sirius without using magic. As Sirius had told the group

countless times you can't always shield.

"Nice one, now go wash up pup, it's almost six," Sirius said looking at the

clock. Harry smiled at him and took off for his shower. Sirius smiling

proudly at his godson's back.

"SIRIUS! YOU PILLOCK!," came Harry's voice from his room on the third

floor. Sirius smiled to himself from his seat in the family room. It was

6:45, Mips popped in with and with a shake of her head, "yous tea, sirs.

Sirs Harrys going to be getting you back." She popped out and Sirius just

smiled and moved to the entrance hall where the floo was.

Harry came into the room dressed in a pair of black cargo shirts and

Holyhead t-shirt that clashed with his now shocking neon green hair that

was pulled back into a ponytail. Sirius burst out laughing as soon as he

saw Harry.

"Yeah, Yeah, laugh it up tosspot, when does this wear off."

"A week if my memory is correct."

"You're so gonna get it, that means I have to go to Diagon Alley like this."

The Floo roared and out stepped the Tonks family.

"Woah nice hair Harry," Tonks said and changed hers to match. Harry

merrily glared at her. "Ahh come on its not that bad," she spoke wrapping

her arm around his shoulders and walking with him to the side of the


Ted Tonks laughed at Harry's put out expression, while Andromeda

glared at her cousin, "Really Sirius, you're still 5 on the inside aren't you,"

she laughed at the last part. Sirius just gave them a charming smile.

Meanwhile Tonks was talking to Harry quietly, "why's this bothering you

so much usually you're cool with the pranks and just get him back."

"We're going to Diagon Alley with Hermione and her parents Monday to

go to Gringotts so she can get the inheritance test and we're going to the

Harpies game tomorrow, Daphne's gonna kill me."

Tonks thought about it for a minute then said, "She's not going to kill

you, she's gotten caught in the crossfire of yours and Sirius's prank war,

she'll understand. Plus I think we might be able to do something with


"Like what I'm not shaving my head, besides the last time my aunt did

that my hair grew back overnight, that's how much I hate buzz cuts, well

that and she made me look like a freak cause she left some bangs to cover

my scar. That's another thing with my hair long my scar's covered."

"Well you're going to have to leave it up to make up to do that for what I

have planned."

"And what's that," Harry said eyeing the older girl wearily.

"See we can work with the green even if it is rather blinding we're just

going to give you a bit of hair cut and then spike up all around. You'll

look like the Steveo from that movie SLC Punk we watched a week ago,

just instead blue, you'll have a neon green. And remember Daphne

thought he was cute, so you'll piss a lot of righteous upstanding wizards

and witches off," talks said with an extreme amount of sarcasm in her

voice on the last part, "and Daphne will like. It's a win-win for ya."

Harry looked thoughtful for a minute before nodding. At Harry's nod

Tonks started dragging him up to Sirius's bathroom.

"Hey where are you two going," Sirius called out, "the Greengrasses

should be here in five minutes."

"We'll be back in a few," Tonks yelled back waving her hand dismissively.

Andromeda just shook her head while Ted muttered, "she gets more like

you every day," which earned him a smack upside the back of his head,

causing Sirius to laugh.

As they got to Sirius's bathroom Tonks muttered, "I know the ol' mutt has

hair gel in here somewhere."

"Oh behind the mirror," Harry spoke up.

"Found it, ooh and it's the good stuff," Tonks said brightly smiling.

"Alright come Harry, I'm going to cut your hair."

As Harry moved over to her he said, "are you sure you know what you're


"Of course it was either going to be the auror academy or hair styling but

I passed all my NEWT's so auror academy it is. Now sit down and let me

work." Ten minutes later Tonks had his hair cut and styled. "Well what

you think," she asked letting him see himself in the mirror.

"Awesome Tonks, thanks," Harry spoke looking at himself in the mirror,

"it looks like it was on purpose now. Sirius is gonna be peeved." He gave

her a high five and they left the bathroom.

"Well I aim to please. Now all you need are some tattoos and piercings

and the lock would be complete," Tonks spoke wiggling her eyebrows

causing Harry to laugh. As they walked into the dining room where

everyone else was assembled, the jaws of the parents and Sirius dropped.

Astoria giggled and Daphne just stared at Harry with her mouth forming

an 'o'.

"Harry what did you do to your hair," Hermione shrieked as he and Sirius

walked into the three broom sticks to meet her and her parents.

Harry shrugged, "blame Sirius."

Hermione gave Sirius the stink eye and said, "really are you two ever

going to stop pranking each other."

"Nope," came Sirius's reply.

Hermione's mom goggled at both godfather and godson while her dad

laughed, "oh they'd love that in the army."

Harry cocked an eyebrow at the man, who upon seeing the look

explained further, "Our officer's in boot camped took a rather twisted

pleasure out of shaving people's heads epescially if they had their hair

dyed or styled. Hell I had mine spiked just in the front and the guy

smiled like he won the lottery when he went to shave my head."

"Dave, language," Mrs. Granger corrected.

"Sorry honey. Well lets get this show on the road." And with that the

group of five made their way to Diagon Alley and then into Gringotts. All

along the way Harry got starred at but for once it wasn't because of his

scar, causing him to smirk. Hermione elbowed him when she saw the

smirk, "really Harry," she muttered. Harry laughed.

As they approached one of the tellers at Gringotts, Sirius explained the

inheritance test to Hermione's parents while Harry walked up to the teller

and spoke in gobbledegook, "excuse me I have an appointment to see

Manager Ragnok."

The Goblin nodded and had the group follow him through the long

hallways to Ragnok's office. Hermione just looked at Harry expectantly.

Harry sighed, "I'll give you the book on Wednesday." Hermione nodded

excited about learning a new language.

"Ah, Hadrian I have everything ready to go for your friend," Ragnok

spoke as they entered the office.

"Thank you Ragnok. This is Hermione Granger and her parent's David

and Elizabeth Granger. I think you may have met my godfather, Sirius,"

Harry spoke introducing them all.

"Pleasure to meet you and yes I have but it has been awhile, Mr. Black,"

Ragnok bowed his greetings. Sirius bowed back and the Grangers

followed his example. "Please sit."

"Now Hermione this is a athame, used specifically for this ritual. Simply

make a small cut and hold the tip to it. Once the blood as filled the runes

on the hilt touch the tip of the dagger to the parchment. It will not hurt

at all."

Hermione nodded and did as she was asked. She held the tip of the

dagger to the parchment and watched awed as the blood formed words:

Hermione Jean Granger

Heir To:

David Michael Granger and Elizabeth Lynn Granger nee Wilkins

Hector Dagworth-Granger

Magical Affinities:








Mastery, attainable


Mastery, attainable

Magical Abilities:


"Who's Hector Dagworth-Granger," Hermione asked looking towards her

parent's and just generally asking.

"Wow you mean I know something you don't," Harry said in mock



"Hold on I wanna enjoy this feeling," Harry said then seeing Hermione's

look and reaching for her wand quickly said, "He 's the founder of the

Most Extraordinary Society of Potioneers. Don't curse me."

"Maybe," Hermione, "Dad?"

"I'll check the family tree when we get home but I don't know."

"That won't be necessary Captain Granger, we can trace the line right

here," Ragnok spoke and tapped his finger on the name Hector Dagworth-

Granger. From the name the family line from Hermione to Hector


"Thank you Manager Ragnok, but I'm no longer in the military."

"Yes but we are a warrior race, you earned that rank as such we honor

that." David Granger nodded his acceptance. "Now it appears Hector was

an only son and had only one son, whose only son was a squib. He was

cast out into the muggle world for it and dropped the Dagworth part of

his name."

"He was cast out," Hermione said aghast both her parents looked upset at

the news.

"You'll have to remember Hector lived 500 years ago as did his son. It

was still commonplace in my family to cast squibs out and banished me

from the family tapestry Hermione," Sirius said in a comforting tone.

"But it's not right," Hermione and Harry spoke at the same time.

"No it's not, family is family no matter what, and luckily the wizarding

world has people who think like you two do. Hopefully more will as time

goes on," Sirius explained.

"Yes, that would be beneficial to all," Ragnok spoke with a shake of his

head. "Now you have some entitlements as the Dagworth-Granger heir,

there is one vault here that belongs to the family and has been held as

there is still money and though he was cast out the squib son was not

disowned, so the account remained open. They weren't very prominent

before or after Hector. The vault holds 50,000 galleons and some potions

books. Would you like to visit the vault."

"Um not yet," Hermione's mum spoke up, "I think we need to let this

digest first."

"Right well, if you'll excuse me I have some other business I must attend


"Thank you for seeing us today Ragnok," Harry spoke in gobbledegook as

they were leaving.

"Well Hermione is there anything you need before we leave," her parents


"I would like to get a familiar please," Hermione asked?

"You haven't gotten one yet," Sirius asked a bit astonished. Familiars were

very important to and loyal to their humans and their magic.

"Well we've never had a pet and I didn't see the importance of one until I

researched it and saw Harry with Aiolos," Hermione explained.

"Alright I don't see why not," David Granger answered figuring it must be

important or his daughter wouldn't be asking. He glanced at his wife and

she nodded her agreement. The group trekked over to Magical Menagerie

to look at the animals. As they were walking around the store Hermione

noticed over in a forgotten corner a large bushy ginger cat. Hermione

walked over to and heard a voice from behind her.

"I'll give you that one cheap nobody wants the thing," the clerk spoke.

"Well I want him," Hermione answered a bit defensively and upset with

the store clerk.

Ten minutes later the newly dubbed Crookshanks arrived at his new

home with his human girl deleriously happy.

"That had better be gone by term," Severus spoke upon entering the study

of Potter Manor where Harry was waiting for him.

"It should be gone by Saturday," Harry replied referring to his neon green

hair. "Or Sirius is really gonna get."

Severus merrily raised an eyebrow and sat down across from Harry and

motioned for him to start.

"I," Harry paused before continuing, "I've been having nightmares again."

"Your parents or relatives?"

"They started after the birthday party. It just kind of brought to the

forefront some of the past birthdays and holidays. They, they usually

made my birthday one of the worse days of the year for me." As Harry

spoke his voice steadily grew quieter until Severus had to strain to hear

it, "I drew some of the dreams."

Severus nodded and took the offered drawing pad and started to look

through it. The images rather surprisingly shocked a follow of Voldemort.

One image stuck out through mostly because it was un-cataloged by

Madam Pomfrey's injury report. It was a swath of skin that looked to be

thoroughly burned almost to the bone, the skin was charred black and

made Severus want to throw up.

"Harry this last one, when did this happen," Severus asked trying to

control his voice from shaking and anger. He moved over to Harry's side

and laid the pad open on the table in front of them.

Harry seemed to go into a trance as he spoke, "It was when I turned

seven I had asked my Uncle why I didn't get presents. He didn't say

anything but left the house. When he came back he was drunk and told

me what an ungrateful little shite, I was asking for presents when they

took me in when nobody else wanted me. He turned the burner on the

stove on when it was glowing orange, he picked me up and forced my

arm on it. I screamed but he covered my mouth with something I don't

remember I blacked out. When I woke up I was in my cupboard and

could smell this horrible burning and it was me. When I looked down at

my arm I could see the bone through the black and red skin. I passed out

again and the next time I woke up all marks of the burn were gone. I

didn't know what happened and because of it my Uncle looked me in the

cupboard for three days," as Harry finished he had tears running down

his face though he didn't show any other sign of distress. Severus who

had tears of his own in his eyes picked Harry up and sat him his lap

wrapping him into a hug, Harry broke down into sobs and hugged back

not saying anything as Severus murmured comforting words. Aiolos

slithered into the room having felt Harry becoming distressed and sunk

into his shoulder and arm as a tattoo and began comforting her human in

his head, forcing the images out and ones of his friends and new family

in to the forefront of his mind.

Thirty minutes later Harry had completely calmed down and Severus

suggested drawing some images of his friends to help take his mind off of

things before the others got there for practice. Harry began drawing his

friends adding to the group Tonks and her parents. Severus took out a

piece of paper and began writing ingredients and directions to a potion.

Fifteen minutes later Harry and Severus left the office Harry feeling much

lighter than before. Severus turned to Harry before they entered the

practice room where Sirius and his friends were waiting, "I think this will

be appropriate punishment for the mutt's prank," and handed Harry the

potion instructions he had written down in the study. "Your mother's lab

should have the ingredients," Severus said to the now deviously smirking


"Now you all have the ability to become animagus' as your inheritance

states. The potion I brewed is very complicated and something of my

invention. I invented it to cut the process of becoming an animagus in

half," Severus stated.

"Yes, half the time is finding your form, although knowing Olcculmency

it would have taken you less time than it did Harry's father and I did,"

Sirius announced. "Now Severus and I put together a journal of notes,

Harry already has half of it containing his father and my notes, the other

half are Severus' notes. They will help you to make your


"Severus, what's your animal," Harry asked?

"This does not leave the room, as will your forms. My form is a Raven, it

made spying easier during the war as most people do not think too ward

against animagi."

"Now get comfortable as this will put you to sleep," Severus said handing

out vials of the potions to the group who had taken seats. As one they

took the potion that tasted surprisingly good, rather like peppermint.

Neville awoke to find himself in a forest. Unlike the Forbidden Forest of

Hogwarts this forest was lush and green. It seemed to be a coniferous

forest as he was looking around he heard the snap of sticks and turned to

his left, he spied a rather large black bear. "Oh bugger," Neville said as

the bear stood on his hind legs and reached what Neville thought was

about seven feet tall, Neville being Neville ran for it. Unfortunately for

him the bear ran at about 25 mph, the bear lunged and tackled Neville

surprisingly leaving him completely unharmed. Neville sat up as the bear

sat in front of him looking at him. Suddenly Neville was struck with the

realization that this was his animagus form and committed every detail

he could to memory.

Hermione awoke to find herself high up in a tree, 'well no time like the

present to get over my fear of flying.' As she sat in the tree looking for an

animal to appear the sun was setting. When it had gone down Hermione

could see only by the light of the moon from her left she heard a hoot

and a huge owl swooped down onto the branch where it perched staring

at Hermione. Hermione starred into the owls yellow eyes feeling a sense

of familiarity with the animal. The owl was a mix of grey and a brown

that matched Hermione's hair color. From what she estimated the owl

had a wings span of about 3 feet and the bird had a height of a little over

a foot. Hermione recognized the bird as a Great Horned Owl and smiled


Tracey awoke to find herself in a desert like area although she could see

some long grassy and rocky areas. Looking around and seeing nothing

she decided to walk over to one of the grassy areas. As she sat on one of

the rocks she got the feeling she was being watched, suddenly a large cat

pounced from behind her and forced her on the ground. As Tracey was

waiting to meet her maker she had her eyes clenched shut, when nothing

happened she opened her eyes to find a large but not too large cat

perched on top of her staring at her. When Tracey looked the cat in the

eye the cat licked the side of Tracey's face and then trotted a little ways a

ways and sat starring expectantly at Tracey. Tracey moved over to it,

"that was not funny," she spoke as she study the cat. It merrily flicked its


Blaise found himself in a wide open savannah with small trees dotted

among the area. Blaise could see no animals anywhere in the savannah

from his position, so he started walking around. As he found himself

about to walk under one of the small trees, a large snake dropped down

and starred at Blaise. The snake opened its mouth showing off the black

inside and fangs. The snake was a gray gun metal color and it stretch out

in front of him easily being twice as long as Professor Snape was tall.


Daphne found herself looking at what seemed like never ending wide

open space of rolling hills, tall pine trees and fir trees, in background she

could see beautiful mountains. Out of the woods came a beautiful dark

gray and white wolf. The beautiful wolf walked up to Daphne and sat in

front of her and cocked her had almost as if studying her. The wolf was 3

in and half feet long not counting the tail which added another foot and a

half. The wolf had the same icy blue eyes Daphne had, suddenly a howl

was heard from the woods a little ways off and the wolf circled Daphne

looking at her before taking off for the woods, Daphne ran after


Harry opened his eyes to see a huge black, white, and gray wolf standing

over him. When the wolf noticed Harry had opened his eyes it sniffed at

him and then licked across Harry's scar causing a pleasant feeling to run

through Harry. The wolf backed up and allowed Harry to sit up and look

at him. Harry took in his surroundings as he looked around and noticed

he was in a wooded area but to his left was a clearing with a beautiful

waterfall at the end opposite him. The wolf was looked to be around 5

feet long and had a tail that was 2 feet long. The wolf was powerfully

built and looked like he was the most majestic creature in the forest.

Harry sat up and stated memorizing his form and petting him, when the

wolf let out a howl worthy of any wolf. Harry waited for what was going

to happen when a minute later he heard another animal coming, Harry

stepped closer to his wolf for protection.

Out of the woods came a beautiful gray and white wolf that looked

smaller than his own form. The new wolf let out a small howl and trotted

over to Harry's wolf, just as Daphne burst out of the woods. Harry was

still focused on his wolf and the newcomer both of whom had taken to

rubbing noses and curling up next to each other on the ground. Harry's

larger black wolf lying protectively around the smaller wolf, only then

did Harry and Daphne look up to see each other.


"Daph," Harry said as Daphne shouted his name. Harry looked from the

wolves back to Daphne and said, "I guess you're a wolf too."

"Yep," Daphne said popping the p, and moving over to hold Harry's hand.

The vision started fading away as they watched the wolves lay next to

each other.

All six of the pre-teens opened their eyes to see that they were back in

the practice room of Potter Manor with Severus and Sirius looking at

them anxiously. They all smiled at the same time when it dawned on

them they had their forms.

"So how'd it go," Sirius asked excitedly.

"I'm a black bear," Neville answered still a bit in awe of his beast within.

Tracey was the next to speak up, "I'm some kind of large-ish cat," she said

with a shrug of her shoulders.

"I'll help you look for it," Hermione said speaking next; Harry nodded also

to show he would help look for the animal. "I'm a Great Horned Owl."

"Guess that means you're going to get used to heights, right," Harry said

smirking. The rest of the group giggled a little at Hermione having a bird

for animagus. She very maturely stuck her tongue out at Harry in return

making the group left some more and Severus clear his throat to bring

the group back to attention.

"Mr. Zabini," Severus prompted the widely grinning boy.

"I'm a snake," Blaise rattled out excitedly.

Severus grinned at the boy, "an ambush predator how appropriate,"

referring to Blaise's fighting style of stealth over out and out fighting.

"What kind of snake Blaise," Harry asked excitedly, 'maybe somebody else

will speak parsel tongue now'. Blaise shrugged in response, "well what

did it look like," Harry asked.

"Well I woke up on a savannah and walked around looking for an animal,

and then when I walked under a low tree it dropped out to show me it

was there. It was gray and had a black mouth and fangs. It was also

pretty long."

At the mention of the black mouth and fangs Harry let out a whistle,

"damn Blaise, you're a Black Mamba. Their one of the deadliest snakes in

the world and the fastest."

Blaise smiled a bit psychotically at that news, Severus upon seeing the

look, "no scaring the girls once you've mastered the form."

"Aw come on, just once, please," Blasie practically begged. Severus

merrily glared at him. "Fine."

"So Harry, Daphne, what form do you have," Sirius asked.

Daphne and Harry looked at each other and then Harry spoke while

holding Daphne's hand, "we're both Gray Wolves. And we were in each

other's visions," Harry half stated, half asked.

"Severus why don't you take them to the Library, Harry has a large

collection of books on animals that he brought. I'll talk to these two,"

Sirius said and Severus nodded his reply ushering the others out of the


"I'm guessing neither of you know quite what a marriage contract entails

in the magical world," Sirius asked.

"Doesn't it just mean we're going to get married and the bride price,"

Daphne answered back.

"Yes that's part of it," Sirius said motioning the two to follow him. They

walked out of the room and into the study at the end of the hall. Sirius

motioned for both of them to take a seat while he called, "Mips." The

little House elf popped in, "Can you bring us some tea, please."

"Of course, Sirs," Mips replied and popped out and in with the tea in

under a minute.

"Thank you," all three of the humans in the room replied. Mips bowed

and then popped out of the room.

"Fix some tea you're going to need it probably," Sirius stated while

picking up James' copy of the animagus notes that Harry left on the desk

earlier and flipping through them. Finding what he was looking for, he

stopped and marked the page.

"Now first, marriage contracts are a bit different in our world then in the

Muggle world. As long as each child is alive, be it unborn but in the

womb or already present in the world, there is a rather complex charm

that tells if the children will be compatible as adults. Don't ask me how to

explain how, as I don't know," Sirius stated once Harry looked like he was

going to say something. "If anybody knew or knows it was either your

mum or Professor Flitwick. Both were charms masters, or Mistress in

your mum's case. It maybe in her diary," Sirius said to Harry who

nodded. "Now once the spell is cast the families can still chose to betroth

the couple in question, as was done frequently in the past, or they can

dismiss the idea and try someone else. Your spell was red, stating you

were compatible. See your parents have a method to their madness, not

that either of you two seem to mind," Sirius said teasingly causing the

couple to blush.

"Why did we need tea for that," Daphne asked while Harry groaned

knowing his Godfather saved the best or worst, depending on your point

of view, for last.

Sirius smiled, "The spell doesn't tell you exactly how compatible you'll be

just that you are. It could entail acquaintances, friends, or passionate

lovers," Sirius wiggled his eyebrows at the two, who had their blush

bulbs burning bright. "The reason for the tea is this," Sirius handed over

the notes with page marked to them.

They looked at the page and one part stood out as James had written it in

bold and underlined it a few times: A wizard and witch with the same

animal are soul mates! I always knew Lils was it for me. Harry and

Daphne both stared at the page for about a minute. When it finally sunk

in Daphne swooned a bit while blushing and Harry's cherry red face

formed an 'O'. Sirius looked to be on the verge of tears from trying not to

laugh at their faces but lost it and fell to the floor laughing when he saw

Harry trying and failing to form words. Finally Harry got out, "well at

least this saves time." Daphne was still to shocked to do anything but nod

thinking, 'I'm engaged to my soul mate…I'm twelve.'

They made it to the library fifteen minutes later where Severus gave

them both calming draughts and glared at Black for the not so helpful

delivery of the news. As Harry whispered what happened to him.

"Double the ingredients on that potion," Severus whispered back. Harry

told Daphne what that meant only to get in reply a very Slytherin smirk.

"Guess what," Tracey shouted, "I'm a Caracal!"

Two days later Harry finished the potion and gave it to Mips to add to

Sirius's food. He then invited Daphne over for breakfast. Daphne and

Harry gave nothing away as Sirius began eating. After the first bite there

was a flash followed by a, "HEE HAW." Daphne and Harry fell out of their

chairs laughing.

Sirius spent the next two weeks as a donkey.


Song- Suffragette City by David Bowie- if you never heard it go

listen to it. I know the movie SLC Punk didn't come out until 1999

but just go with it, it seems like a Tonks kind of movie and I love so

I used. Suggestions always welocme.



Incase you're curious here are the other wands:

Hermione: Sequoia wood, heartstring of a Chinese Firebolt core,

Lapis Lazuli stone

Blaise: Fir wood, Occamy wing and Demiguise hair core, Aventurine


Tracey: Juniper wood, Imp gall and leperchan staff core, Blue Topaz


Neville: Sycamore and Eucalyptus wood, powdered unicorn horn

and longbottom leaf core, Jade stone

Daphne: Oak and Willow wood, manticore venom, heartstring of a

nundu, and phoenix feather core, Jade stone

7. A Dragon's Interlude

"Mother, may I come in," Draco Malfoy stood in front of the door to his

mother's room. He had continued his research into his family history,

particularly Augustus Malfoy. The man commanded respect from his

peers not by bribery and fear but by earning it, he was a powerful duelist

and statesmen, something he had previously thought his father was. That

was until he looked more closely at the conversations he had with his

father, and the conversations he had ease dropped on that his father had

with his mother and other colleagues. They didn't respect his father they

feared him, he was a criminal.

Draco had searched through his family library and had finally found

Augustus' head of house memoir, it looked as if Nero had tried to destroy

it but had to settle for burring it in the least used section of the library.

Draco didn't even know it was there previously. He had read through the

journal and had absorbed all he could from it. Augustus used knowledge

to get what he wanted, now he was still cunning enough to live up to the

Malfoy name, something Draco had thought his father had done. But

Draco had used the cunning he showed promise of when he was little and

still listened to his mother, and convinced his father to bring him along

to the Ministry when the emergency meeting was held. He separated

from his father and went to the archive department where he charmed

the elderly witch clerk and used a bit of the Malfoy name to gain access

to the archives without her help or his father. He claimed a school

project. Once he was past the clerk he went straight to the court records

and found his father's trial, if you could call it that. Even Draco at twelve

could tell that it was a farce. His father claimed the imperious curse,

something that Draco thought meant you were a spineless weakling if

you were susceptible to. He also looked at other Death Eater trials and

found their crimes horrifying, there were rapes, muders, and looting, and

some of it was against half-bloods and purebloods. Draco had to stop

himself from throwing up at the discovery of Evan Roiser's crimes, 'no

wonder Fitzroy gets upset whenever somebody brings up his father.'

"Come in Dragon," Narcissa Malfoy spoke in a loving tone. "What has

been bothering you lately Draco?" As Narcissa spoke Draco came over

and sat with his mother picking up her hair brush and started brushing

her hair, as he did when he was little. It was comforting for years now he

had been ignoring his mother at his father's behest.

"I was given a book by another Slytherin, when my arrogant attitude

became a problem," Draco spoke with a rather wry tone as if he

understood. "The book talked about Augustus Malfoy."

"Ahh, so that explains the change," Narcissa spoke. When Draco paused

brushing she continued, "a welcome change, Draco."

He continued brushing, "I don't want to be like father, I read the archives

at the Ministry." Narcissa faintly smiled into the mirror at Draco. "I will

not become a Death Eater, I know father expects the Dark Lord to return

but I won't fight for him. I will not become a murder and rapists, I will

not bow to him."

Draco had stopped brushing his mother's hair and had spoke with a

conviction she had never heard in his voice. Narcissa turned around and

pulled Draco into a hug, "Good, I will support you always."

8. Twinkle's Thoughts

A/N: Here's another small interlude on Dumbledore's thoughts

throughout the year. I'm not sure if I'll do his thoughts again or not.

Thank you to sanbeegoldiewhity, your comments helped.

Albus Dumbledore sat in his office stroking his beard contemplating the

coming year, 'Harry Potter the boy-who-lived, will come to Hogwarts this

year and I can start molding him to be the perfect little pawn. The

Dursely's treatment of the boy should make him perfectly open to all

things magic and more importantly myself, the grandfather they all love.'

Albus thought smiling sardonically to himself.

Dumbledore opened a draw in his office and pulled out a picture of

young man, the man in the photo appeared to be dressed in an early

Victorian era suit. The young man in the picture was very handsome and

waved in the photograph. 'Ohh Gellert, if only you hadn't cast that spell

we could have continued with our plans for the world.' Dumbledore

placed the photo back into the desk and thought of where he was now

with his plans. He has subtly influenced the people of magical Britain to

rely on him after he showed his power in defeating Gellert, he held the

elder wand, and he presented an image of Merlin that no one doubted.

He smiled to himself as he thought of the times he denied the position of

Minister of Magic, with that he had the light families practically eating

out of his hands. The boy would fit nicely into his plans, the Potter boy

would take the fall and then he would clean up the mess and once again

hold sway in the wizarding world. The boy could have too much

influence in the world without me to guide him. Dumbledore in all his

plotting failed to notice Fawkes trill sadly in the background.

Damn idiotic boy got sorted into Slytherin, now Severus is going to

befriend him now, damn I thought the Potter genes would win out. Damn

Dursley's must have pushed it too far. Damn, Damn, Damn, I need to get

the boy on my side. Thankfully that fool Quierrel is indeed possessed,

Tom will seek out Harry I will use that and the mirror.

The boy got a gouging spell to work at eleven, not even I could do that,

Dumbledore thought as he flew into his office in a rage. And he has snake

as a familiar. I'll watch him more closely as the year continues, I may

have to push him down the same path I did Tom. Tom was easier though

he already hated people.

Damn I've lost Severus and I can't even turn him as I vouched for him

during the war. Luckily the boy found the Fluffy, ridiculous name but

now he should be intrigued. Now for away to slip him information about

the stone, hmm, perhaps the Weasley boy, he had a loud mouth time to

use it.

'Yes, Yes, Yes', Dumbledore thought while doing a happy dance in his

office, 'the boy went after the stone. Though his friends prove less then

desirable and Severus saved him not me but I can work with that.

Although he doesn't seem to like me and I made it worse by calling him

my boy. No matter soon enough he will be.

'Goblins, worthless little creatures what do they want? They already

refused to hand over the Potter fortune, what do they want now?'

Dumbledore dressed in his bright yellow robes and a floppy wizard hat

walked into Gringotts.

"I have a meeting with Ragnok," he spoke with the twinkle in his eyes.

"That's manager Ragnok, human. Follow me," the goblin teller spat out.

The teller led Dumbledore into Ragnok's office and left him there with a

smirk that caused Dumbledore to shiver.

"Ah Dumbledore did you really think you could outsmart us goblins when

it comes to money. You are despicable stealing from an orphan, were you

a goblin I would have you killed."

Dumbledore pulled his wand, "well luckily I'm not a goblin. You cannot

do anything to me."

Ragnok laughed a truly frightening site and four Goblin warriors

appeared behind Dumbledore. One went for his wand arm while another

took his sword used the flat of it and forced the old wizard to his knees.

The others held Dumbledore forcing his head and chest to be pressed

against Ragnok's desk.

Ragnock spoke, "you may not be a goblin but you still under our laws

when you steal from our client. Therefore as Manager of Gringotts and

head of the Goblins, I pronounce you guilty of theft the punishment for

which is the loss of a hand and the forfeit of your accounts." With that

one of the Goblins took his ax and chopped Dumbledore's left hand off.

"AHHHHHHHHHHH," Dumbledore screamed as the stump of his arm

gushed blood, his hand falling to the ground. Blood started pooling on

Ragnok's floor.

Ragnok snapped his fingers and the blood stopped gushing out and the

wound sealed over preventing Dumbledore from having it re-grown. The

blood on the floor disappeared as did Dumbledore's misplaced hand. "Oh

really it's not that bad," Ragnok said and motioned to the Goblins to take

Dumbledore out. The Goblin warriors dumped Dumbledore on the front

steps of Gringotts. Dumbledore quickly apperated out and back to his


"Fucking Goblins," Dumbledore growled out as he appeared in his rooms

at the castle. He quickly took a pain potion and conjured an inflated

glove to wear where his left hand should be. He never found out until it

was too late to stop the trail of Sirius Black, in fact, when he found out

Sirius was already at Potter Manor with his godson.

Dumbledore grumbled to himself after giving the Defense Against the

Dark Arts to Gilderoy Lockhart. "At least this is one more year they will

have an incompetent teacher." He rubbed his arm when his hand was

supposed to be, he couldn't bring charges against the goblins without

ruining his own reputation. Instead he was plotting ways to destroy

Ragnok subtly. While he was plotting against both Harry, the muggle

world, and Ragnok, Fawkes trilled in mourning and disappeared from

Dumbledore's office in flash. Dumbledore wouldn't even notice until

Professor McGonagall pointed out the missing Phoenix.

9. Pixies

Sirius and Harry were getting ready to meet the rest of Harry's group of

friends and their parents plus Amelia and Susan Bones, at the Leaky

Cauldron for lunch and then their school supplies. Harry dressed in

muggle clothes as was his norm, he had dark jeans on, doc martens, a J!

NX shirt that read COINS RULE EVERYTHING AROUD ME, and he had

Tonks spike his hair into a Mohawk. Looking in the mirror Harry smirked

'I wish I could have Aiolos out instead of a tattoo, than I could really

make somebody piss themselves.'

"Is it your goal in life to scare the poor isolated purebloods to death,"

Sirius sarcastically asked coming to stand in Harry's doorway.

"No that would just be a bonus, I'll settle for shock and awe," Harry

laughed looking at his godfather, "Ready?"

Sirius nodded and led Harry to the floo, "Diagon Alley."

Harry and Sirius stepped out of the floo, Sirius bringing out his wand to

clear them of soot. They made their way over to a table where part of the

group was chatting.

"Hey Harry, Sirius," was heard all around the table.

"So we're waiting, on Hermione then," Harry spoke as he sat down.

"Hello Amelia," Sirius said taking the head of the DMLE's hand and giving

it a kiss.

"Ah the true matter of the suit, comes out," Harry whispered to his friends

referring to Sirius being dressed in a finely tailored black suit with a red

shirt. The girls giggled while the boys rolled their eyes.

"Hey you had better be dressed to impress when we eventually go out,"

Daphne said from her place next to him.

"Of course, dear," Harry replied a bit teasingly and gave her a kiss on the

cheek. As this happened a chorus of hellos was said to the newly arrived

Hermione, they then ordered.

"So how have you been Susan," Daphne asked the lone Hufflepuff at the


"I've been good, Auntie's been busy though. The Misuse of Muggle

Artifacts office has been doing more raids so she hasn't been home as

much so I've been spending time at Neville's." Neville blushed a little at


"I think Sirius is going to go back to his job. He wants to be off during the

summer though so that he can spend time with me," Harry said in


"She'll probably make him a reserve auror than, so what have you guys

been doing."

"Has your aunt been going on any mystery dates lately," Harry asked

looking back to the parents table where Sirius and Amelia looked rather


"Yes actually she has," Susan said now looking curiously over at the two

lovebirds at the parents table, "I take Sirius has too?"

"Mmhmm," Harry replied looking to the other friends who nodded,

"Susan do you know occlumency?"

"Yes, Auntie's job sort of requires it if she wants to tell me anything,


"Well you asked what we've been doing and since you're spending so

much time with Neville we feel you should know we're getting extra help

from Sev, Professor Snape, and Sirius."

"You guys don't need extra help collectively you're like the smartest

group in school."

"We'll tell you more later, are you and your Aunt coming to my house for

dinner with the rest of us?"

"Yeah, alright we'll fill you in then."

The parents sans Augusta Longbottom who had stayed home and the

Granger parents who had to leave because of a previous work

commitment were trying to decide where to go first. "Alright how about

we take Harry, Daphne, Astoria, and Blaise," Xavier spoke motioning to

himself, Evelyn, and Bella, "and Sirius, Amelia, Marius and Addison take

Tracey, Neville, Susan, and Hermione." They nodded in agreement. "My

group all need new robes except Daphne, we'll go to Twilfit & Tattings,

Hephaestus' shop, and Magical Menagerie. You guys can go to Slug &

Jiggers Appothecary, stationary shop, and Smith's Cauldrons, then we'll

meet up at Flourish & Blotts to get the books for the texts books and

whatever others they want."

"I feel like we should say BREAK," Harry muttered to the group who

started laughing while the parents treated the outing like a military


"Alright lets go."

They walked into Twilfit & Tattings and were served right away.

"Astoria needs her Hogwarts Robes," Xavier spoke as Madam Twilfit came

up to them," and Harry here outgrew his."

Madam Twilfit smiled kindly at the newly turned eleven Astoria and then

glanced at Hadrian and was a bit shocked, "why I believe Lord Potter

you've grown more in a year than anyone I've ever met." Thanks to his

potions and non abusive home life Harry now stood at 5'1 and he was no

longer scrawny but had a lanky build and the beginnings of a six pack,

something Daphne appreciated when they went swimming. Harry smiled

in reply to Madam Twilfit who then turned to Blasie and raised an


"Apparently my son and potions don't mix, so he'll be needing new

Hogwarts robes too," Bella Zabini spoke with a teasing tone directed at

her son. Blaise just muttered about stupid combustible ingredients. In no

time at all they had the new robes and moved on to Hephaestus' shop.

"Ah Astoria has turned eleven," Hephaestus spoke looking up from sorting

wand cores with what looked almost like dragon hide gloves on.

Astoria smirked in reply, "Now I won't have to swipe somebody else's


"Merlin, help us," muttered Evelyn causing Belladonna to laugh at her

friends discomfort.

"Now I believe you know the drill," Hephaestus said gesturing to the

woods. Astoria bounced over to the woods and started running her hands

over the woods after all of them she went back to the beginning and

picked out one, "this one."

"Apple wood."

"Fitting 'Tori," Harry commented at the others looks and a nod from

Hephaestus he continued, "it suppose to symbolize youth, innocence,

beauty, and happiness."

Astoria smiled in response and moved on to the cores. Hephaestus looked

contemplatively at Harry while she searched. Astoria picked up one jar

and handed it to Hephaestus.

"Manticore Venom."

"Sweet, now gems right," Astoria asked getting a nod from Hephaestus.

Moving over to the gems she repeated the process, ending up with

Alexandrite. Hephaestus had the wand finished in under an hour once

again with Harry watching fascinated.

They entered Flourish & Blotts having sent Astoria's new tawny owl onto

Greengrass Manor. They quickly found the other group. The kids

disbursed throughout the packed store trying to get to their school books.

"What is with the store today?" Harry asked.

"Did you read the sign," Hermione asked a bit condescendingly.

"If I did I wouldn't be asking now would I?"

"Gilderoy Lockhart is having a book signing."

"That pillock, who would want his bloody signature," Tracey replied.

"Apparently our defense professor look at the defense books," Hermione


"Great one of his idiotic skanks is going to be teaching us, this will be a

productive year," Harry groaned. The rest laughed but were interrupted

by none other than the Weasel himself,

"Oiy! You calling my mom a idiot?" The red headed boy asked his face

slowly turning as red as his hair.

"Anyone else notice he only picked up on the idiot part," Blaise asked

sarcastically as the group walked away ignoring the weasel. The weasel

never being a smart one got so angry at being annoyed that he jerked

Harry's arm around ready to do some serious harm he thought but came

face to face with seven wands.

Harry didn't pull his wand like his friends but leveled a glare on the

Weasel that would freeze the devil and hissed out, "Never lay your hand

on me." At that point Aiolos rose out of Harry's skin and wrapped around

his shoulders with her hood flared.

Ron looked ready to piss himself until his twin brothers came over to see

what was wrong than he looked smug, "Problem," one of the twins asked

subtly drawing their wands.

Harry motioned for his friends to lower theirs and all but Daphne and

Astoria did. Harry contained his anger and looked at the twins and

simply said, "I was speaking only to my friends when your brother

happened to eavesdrop on my opinion that only an idiot would be a fan

of that fraud Lockhart." At the fraud comment the twins smiled sharing

the opinion, "Your brother apparently is one of those idiots," Harry

replied feigning sadness at that turn of events."

The twins without letting Ron speak, "well little Ronnikins here isn't

known for brains." They started pulling their brother away when one of

the twins turned and said, "Oh by the way, nice job with Mrs. Norris last

year." With that conflict temporarily resolved the group picked up their

books and left Diagon Alley.

Harry, Daphne, Blaise, Tracey, Neville, and Hermione sat in their

compartment on the way to Hogwarts for their second year. Astoria had

chosen to sit with Aoife Vaisey, Aaron's little sister who was also going to

be a first year.

"So what house do you think Astoria will be in," Neville asked,

"personally I'm hoping for Gryffindor, she could give the twins a run for

their money."

"Slytherin, she likes pranks and not getting caught," Hermione spoke

looking up from reading Voyages with Vampires.

"Slytherin," Tracey answered simply while still looking at the chess board

where she was playing Blaise.

"Ravenclaw," Blaise spoke after taking Tracey's rook, "she's too innocent

for Slytherin and she likes books as much as Hermione."

"Hermione, why are you reading those books again he's a fraud," Daphne

asked not moving her head from Harry's lap where he was running his

hands through her hair. "Oh and Slytherin she may seem innocent, but

she's evil when it comes to pranks." Harry chuckled at the reminder of

Daphne spending yesterday with purple hair.

"I'm not going to ruin my average just because we have another

incompetent professor," Hermione spoke with a sigh at the thought of not

learning anything useful.

Harry once again chuckled, "Hermione I have no doubt you'll be first in

the year again. And definitely Slytherin, she's sneaky with her pranks,

plus she said and I quote, would light the stupid hat on fire if it didn't put

her with us." The whole compartment started laughing at that comment

imagining little Astoria gleefully lighting the sorting hat on fire.

"She would too," Neville said in between laughs.

"Daphne stood up from her seat, "speaking of Astoria I'm going to go

check on her, make sure she and Aoife are okay." Harry stood up with her

and took her hand and led her out of their compartment.

Astoria and Aoife were settling into the compartment when the Weasely

Twins and a young girl their age knocked on the door.









Day?" The twins asked speaking back and forth making Astoria and Aoife

giggle and the other young girl laugh.













Compartment?" The twins continued their unique speech making Ginny

roll her eyes and elbow them in the stomach when she saw the other two

girls getting confused.

"Do you mind," Ginny asked a bit shyly?

"No common on in," Astoria spoke with a wide smile, "If you're anything

like the twins, I have a feeling we'll get along real well." The twins seeing

Ginny was in good hands left the compartment with a wave.

"So do you ever get one up on the twins," Aoife asked?

Ginny grinned a rather Slytherin grin, "ocassionaly their hard to get but

since I'm the youngest and didn't have a wand, I never got blamed. I

started a two year war between the twins and my brother Charlie. How

do you guys know so much about the twins?"

"Their reputations proceed them," Aoife said with a laugh, "Oh by the

way I'm Aoife and this is Astoria."

"That and Aaron, Aoife's older brother, and Daphne and Hadrian, my

older sister and her betrothed happen to be great fans of the twins. Just

don't tell anyone you know Slytherins have a rep to protect," Astoria

finished with a grin.


"Oh please don't tell me you buy into all that crap about Slytherins being

evil, we're eleven nobody's evil at eleven," Astoria said with a roll of her


"Well unless you're a sociopath, isn't that what Hermione's mom called

it," Aoife asked referring to Daphne's birthday party in August where they

had explained the prejudice against Slytherin to the Granger parents.

Astoria nodded her head in conformation.

"No, it's just a bit odd hearing that Slytherins praise my brothers. After all

my family is rather anti-Slytherin," Ginny answered.

Aoife and Astoria nodded, "So what house do you think you'll be in?"

Ginny shrugged, "well all Weasley's have gone to Gryffindor but maybe

I'll break the tradition. At least my diary thinks so."

"Your Diary thinks so," Astoria answered with a raised eyebrow.

Ginny pulled out an old worn looking diary, "I think one of my parents

got it for me. It rights back."

"You mean like those mirrors that comment on how you look," Aoife


"Sort of, here watch." Ginny wrote in the dairy hi tom, the ink faded into

the diary and new words appeared, hello Ginny, it's good to talk to you

again. Have you made any new friends? Ginny wrote a reply I think so,

Astoria Greengrass and Aoife Vaisey. The ink faded and a minute passed

before a reply appeared, Are you sure they're your friends they could be

using you. Ginny looked up at the two who appeared to have taken

offense to the diary's comment, "It's never said anything like that before.

It's usually rather charming."

"Ginny close the book," once she did Astoria continued, "I don't think you

should write in that book anymore, something doesn't feel right about it.

Do you mind if I show it to my sister," as Astoria spoke the compartment

door opened admitting Daphne and Harry.

"Show me what," Daphne asked as she and Harry entered.

Astoria looked to Ginny who looked a bit awestruck at Harry and his

scar, so Astoria nudged her, Ginny shock her had a little. And Aoife

leaned over and whispered, "he's completely normal, well most of the

time." Ginny gave Astoria the notebook.

"This is creeping me out," Astoria said holding the book turning it over in

her hands. At those words Harry moved swiftly to Astoria's side with

Daphne and took the book from Astoria and looked it over.

"It's a diary, I thought one of my parents gave it to me because it was

with my stuff from Diagon Alley. It talks back and its name is Tom, he's

charming," Ginny spoke up Daphne looked concerned at the diary having

a name. While Harry frowned at the book, not liking the feeling he got

from it either.

"I'm going to hang on to this if you don't mind Ginny, it shouldn't be

talking back," Harry spoke looking up at the girl who paled a bit then


"So besides this book how are you guys doing," Daphne asked looking

towards her little sister.

"Good, we've made a new friend in Ginny as you can see. She seems to be

a prankster too," Astoria said with a smirk causing the other two firsties

to smile.

Daphne groaned in response, "how about you guys focus on pranking

Lockhart, we're going too, maybe we'll force him into early retirement."

Harry grinned in response just as the trolley lady came about, "Anything

from the Trolley."

Harry looked at the first years and bought three of everything giving it to

them. He then bought Daphne a Pumpkin Pastie and himself a box of

Bertie Bott's every flavored beans.

"Well have fun don't fall in when you get in the boats," Harry said as they

were leaving.

"You know Harry Potter," Ginny said after the two second years left.

"He's Daphne's betrothed and he doesn't like people starring or talking

about his scar," Astoria said with a bit of warning in her voice,"just

remember his parents died that night and he doesn't believe he's anything


Ginny nodded and looked contemplative.

"So how are Astoria and Aoife," Hermione asked as they came back into

the compartment, where Susan Bones had joined them.

"Good they've made a new friend in Ginny Weasley, who seems nothing

like her brother Ron. Although she was kind of starstruck by Harry, so

hopefully that ends quickly," Daphne answered. 'The only bad part was

this diary someone gave Ginny, it talks back and has a name."

"Plus it gives off a really nasty aura when I hold it," Harry spoke up. "Any

of you know of any books that talk back."

"No but any object that is sentient enough to have name worries me,"

Hermione said taking the book from Harry.

"Do you know whose diary it is?" Susan asked.

"No only the first name Tom and there are initials on the back that say

T.M. Riddle."

"It's not familliar," Susan started to say but Hermione interrupted.

"Wait, there was a Tom Marvolo Riddle who won special award about

fifty years ago it was in Hogwarts: A History." It didn't say what for

though, he was a Slytherin."

"I think we should turn it over to Severus," Harry stated, "if Tom was a

Slytherin maybe he'll no more. Can somebody else take it though, I really

don't like holding it." Blasie said he would so Hermione handed it over to

him. He put it in his trunk with a shudder.

"So has anybody made any more progress on their animagus form,"

Hermione asked?

"I think I will be able to make the full change soon," Blaise spoke


"Nice," Harry said giving his friend a fist bump.

"Yeah it helps being able to study Aiolos." At that Harry heard a your

welcome in his head.

"She says your welcome," Harry relayed to Blaise who nodded. The

compartment door opened showing Draco Malfoy and Theo Nott. The

groups exchanged hello's amiably not really having any problems with

each other.

"Hadrian may I speak with you," Draco asked politely.

Harry nodded and pulled his wand muttering, "muffliato. You can speak

freely now no one will over hear and they usually know everything I

know," Harry said gesturing to his friends.

Draco nodded, "my father is planning something for this year I'm not so

sure what it is. He is smug about it though and has been saying things

like soon the dark lord will return and the mudbloods will pay. Sorry

Hermione," Draco said looking at Hermione after the mudblood


"Thank you for the warning, Draco," Harry said standing and shaking the

blonds' hand.

Draco nodded, "please give this to your godfather, it is from my mother,

she thought it would be better not coming directly from her."

Harry nodded and took the offered letter as Draco and Theo left the


"So where were we, animagus right," Harry asked sitting down. "I've

finished the body and paws, it's the head and tail that are leaving me

with problems."

"Same here, Sirius said it was the hardest part," Daphne said.

"I've been able to get the claws and fur on my arms and hands but

nothing else," Neville said.

"I've gotten about as fair as Neville," Tracey said, "How about you


"I'll be able to transform all the way on the next try I think." That got

cheers all around like Blaise's did.


"Not too far, I just got claws to form," Susan said. The night after Diagon

Alley Susan had taken the potion Snape made. She ended up being a

panda bear.

The train started to slow as they ended their conversation. The guys left

the compartment as the girls changed, Susan leaving to go back to her

original compartment. Then the guys changed. As they got off the trained

they waved to Astoria, Aoife, and Ginny before making their way over to

the carriages.

"Greengrass, Astoria," was called by Professor McGonagall. Astoria moved

up to the stool where the sorting hat sat. Astoria put the hat on, it slipped

over her eyes, after a minute the hat shouted out, "Slytherin." The

Slytherin table cheered as their newest member made her way over to

the Slytherin table and sat with the two other first years of Slytherin,

Malcolm Baddock and Connor Franco. Daphne gave her sister a smile

from her spot beside Harry. The sorting continued on with a Harper, Kate

going to Hufflepuff. About five minutes later "Vaisey, Aoife" was called at

the hat shouted, "Slytherin," about twenty seconds after the hat landed on

her head.

Slytherin once again burst out into cheers, Aaron Vaisey whistled so loud

you could hear Fang bark out by Hagrid's hut. Right after Aoife took her

seat at the Slytherin table, "Weasley, Ginevra," Ginny stepped forward

and made her way to the sorting hat. Once it was placed on her head the

whole school waited for the shout of Gryffindor but it never came. Three

minutes later there was still no shout from the hat, finally it shouted

"Slytherin." The hall went dead quiet , except for Astoria and Aoife who

started cheering, followed by Harry and company, then Slytherin and the

rest of the houses. Well that was with the exception of Ron Weasely, "MY


All of Slytherin including Professor Severus Snape leveled a death glare

on the idiotic boy. His brother's shook their head at him and pulled him

down from where he had stood. Percy Weasley stood up and moved to sit

next to the youngest Weasley brother, forcing Seamus to move down a

seat. Percy managed to get his brother to shut up while Professor

McGonagall ended the sorting and made her way to the Weasley boys

and dragged Ron out by his ear, causing the school to laugh.

"So how do you guys like Slytherin," Harry asked Astoria, Aoife, and

Ginny. Ginny had had a rough day so far on the first day of term. Her

brother Ron was being a prat calling her a slimy snake whenever he saw

her and glared at her. Her mother sent her a howler at lunch, demanding

she be resorted or she would not be welcome home. She went to

Dumbledore's office after that and he had told her a parent could demand

resorting and placed the hat on Ginny again only to have it refuse to

place her in another house, stating it had done its job correctly the first

time. It had only gotten worse when she received a letter at lunch from

her father that said he would try to change his wife's mind, no you can

home just he'll try. Ginny spent most of the first day of term crying. The

only highpoint had been Draco setting aside his family's blood feud with

the Weasleys and welcomed her to Slytherin House formally.

"It's been great, a lot better than even I thought it would be," Astoria

answered smiling widely from the game of gobstones the five Slytherin

first years were playing.

"Professor Snape isn't quite the hard ass he's painted to be," Malcolm

spoke up.

"Yeah he is rather protective of us snakes," Connor agreed with him.

Harry laughed, "wait 'til potions."

"Why what happens then," Aoife asked with a weary smile?

"Just make sure you read the book and if you have it with the Gryffindors

guard your potion," Blaise answered.

"Ginny how have you been," Tracey asked coming up and putting an arm

around the younger girl.

"I got kicked out of my home, so shitty," Ginny said a bit surprised she

just cursed but really the situation warranted it.

"Ahh you haven't tried to kill anyone, I would have," Tracey said making

the girl laugh. "So buck up, you've always got Slytherin House behind

you." Ginny looked thoughtful at that comment before turning back to

the gobstones game as it was her turn.

"Hey Harry can I borrow Hedwig for a few days. I need to send a letter to

my brother Bill in Egypt."

"Yeah I she should be back tomorrow morning."


The group of six plus the newly joined Susan arrived outside Professor

Snape's classroom for their meeting. Blasie carried the offending diary in

his backpack not wanting to touch the foul thing. The door opened and

the group of seven was ushered in by Professor Snape.

"Today we're going to practice the gouging spell. The spell was invented

by a construction worker, but has been used in duels for over a hundred

years. Hadrian used it last year to end the troll. Now, I believe you can

all do this spell however, it may take awhile. Hadrian if I am correct that

was the first time you had used the spell." Harry nodded. "It worked

because Daphne was in danger and your emotions were high. You will

often find spells come easier in situations like that, where your emotions

are high. Until you are able to perform the spell easily, I want you to call

up your emotions to make it easier to cast the spell. Eventually it will

come naturally to you. Any questions?"

"Professor, we've have something you need to see," Harry spoke up and

Blaise dumped the diary out of his backpack onto Professor Snape's desk

without touching it. "Ginny Weasley had this on the train she has had it

for only a week but it talks back when you write in it. It freaked Astoria,

Aoife, and Ginny out on the train with what it said. The book gives most

of us a bad feeling when we hold it."

"It said its name was Tom when Ginny wrote in it," Hermione spoke next.

"I think it might belong to Tom Riddle, he was a Slytherin and head boy

in 1944. There are initials on the back of it T.M. Riddle."

As Hermione spoke Severus became increasingly pale, "Ginny Weasley

had this?"

"Yes, she had it since her family went to Diagon Alley, she thought her

parents bought it for her. She said she found it in her cauldron later when

she got home," Daphne spoke.

Severus nodded, "I will look into this, when I know more I will let you

know. However if you ever find anything else with these initials bring it

immediately to me and try not to touch it with your bare hands. Now

practice the spell."

"Mr. Zabini," Severus called over Blaise and handed him two books, both

rather ancient looking. "I looked in the Prince vault and found these two

books, they both mention Illusionists."

"Thank you, Professor," Blaise said excitedly taking the books. On his

inheritance test under magical abilities there was listed animagus and

illusionist. Nobody had been able tell him or find any information on

illusionists yet though.

"I will see you all next week at the same time. Keep working on the spell

in the mean time. Daphne, Hadrian work on casting it silently." They

nodded and stared to leave when Severus called them back, "Oh and feel

free to make Lockhart's time here miserable."

The group walked out laughing at the disgusted look on their Professor's

face. When they were gone Severus looked down at the diary with a

curious look. He picked it up and immediately noticed the dark aura

around it. He walked into his office and poured himself a glass of

whiskey and sat starring at the diary. Finally he opened the diary picked

up his quill and wrote, My Lord Voldemort? The ink faded into the diary

and Severus waited, finally writing A servant, I have a job for you. Severus

slammed the diary shut, "Damn it!"

Severus stuck his head into his floo, "Potter Manor, Sirius Black." After a

minute Sirius's head appeared in Severus's fireplace. "Severus? Is Harry


"Hadrian is fine, I require your assistance now, if you can come?"

"Amelia is here with me do you want her to come also," Sirius asked?

"Yes, that's fine."

Sirius and Amelia stepped out of Severus's floo and into his office.

Severus had two more glass of whiskey ready and waiting for them.

Amelia raised an eyebrow at the glasses but Severus just gestured for

them to sit. Once they were seated Severus began.

"I called because of an artifact belonging to a certain not so dead Dark

Lord." Severus nodded his head towards the diary on his desk. "It was

discovered by Hadrian and Daphne in the possession of Ginny Weasley

on the train to Hogwarts. The littlest Weasley has befriended Astoria and

Aoife Vaisey and is now in my House."

"Oh lord, what did Molly do," Amelia said with a sigh.

"Miss. Weasley has been banned from her home, but this diary is more

important right now." Severus said picking it up and handing it to Sirius.

Sirius almost dropped the diary as its aura presented itself. Sirius passed

it to Amelia so that she could feel it. "That is the Dark Lords aura, I have

been in its presence enough to know it. The diary seems to contain a part

of him. It writes back to those who write in it, I suspect that is not all it

will do but I do not know for sure. I confirmed it is the Dark Lord but

that it is all I will do, I do not think anyone should write in it anymore."

Sirius and Amelia nodded. Sirius spoke, "what did you want us to do?"

"I wanted to know if you ever came across anything like this in your days

as an aurors?"

"I never have," Sirius spoke and Amelia nodded in agreement. "I would be

willing to check my family's library at my ancestral home I claimed the

Headship and title last week," Sirius continued. "If it involves dark magic

it should be in there."

Severus nodded, "do so as soon as you can, we need to find out what this

is and fast. The Dark Lord tried to come back last year he will do so

again." Sirius nodded in agreement.

Amelia spoke next, " I have a contact in the Department of Mysteries. I

can ask if they have ever ran across something like this."

"Good in the meantime I'm going to keep this looked away in my office."

Severus, Amelia, and Sirius all downed their beverages before leaving

each hoping they could find something out soon.

A first year Hufflepuff was running through the halls being chased by

Filch for being out after hours. She had gotten lost and had heard stories

about Filch and didn't think to stop. She found herself on the seventh

floor pacing back and forth looking for a place to hide when suddenly a

door appeared in the middle of the wall. Hearing Filch she ducked into

the room. She looked around the room seeing stacks and stacks of…well,

stuff. She found herself fascinated by the stuff and walked down the

makeshift aisles, finally she came to a stop in front of a magnificent

diadem. It seemed to call out to the girl, she reached up for it and it

seemed to jump into her hand. She put the diadem on her head not

aware of the voice in the back of her head that almost seemed to hiss.

She left the room of hidden things in a daze not really knowing where

she was or what she was doing.

"So what's on the agenda for today," Tracey asked as Daphne pulled out

her schedule at breakfast, today was the first day of classes.

"We have double herbology with the ravens, transfiguration with the

'puffs, and oh joy after lunch Defense against the Dark Arts with the


"Damn it's not enough that we have Lockhart we have to have it with the

Gryffindors," Tracey groaned.

"What's so bad about having classes with the Gryffindor," Ginny asked

from her spot next to Tracey in honest curiosity.

"Well it's just that when we get paired with them inevitably, some idiot

Gryffindor or Slytherin tries to sabotage somebody and everything goes

to hell, especially in potions." Ginny nodded.

As they were eating a beautiful snowy owl swooped down and landed on

Harry's shoulder giving his ear a nip. "Hello Hedwig," Harry said giving

her a piece of bacon. Ginny handed Harry her letter. "Hedwig I need you

to take this to Ginny's brother Bill in Egypt, as fast as you can." Hedwig

took the letter and surprising the first years nodded her head and took


"Thanks Harry."

"No problem, we'll see you guys at lunch," Harry and the other three

Slytherins met Hermione by the entrance to the Great Hall.

"You guys ready?"

"Yep lets go which greenhouse are we in," Blaise asked.

"Greenhouse 2," Hermione answered as she waved to Neville and Susan

who were leaving for Charms.

"So how is Ginny taking it," Hermione asked?

"Like a Slytherin, except for the first outburst, she's been holding it

together," Daphne answered, "I can't believe her mum did that in front of

the whole school too." Harry wrapped an arm Daphne's shoulders." Aiolos

slithered up to Harry from the grass. Checking around them Harry hissed

out, "hello Aiolosss."

"Hatchling I will be with the potion massster, he would like ssssome

venom," Aiolos answered back.

Harry nodded, "you have a follower, you know. " Harry gestured with his

head to Crookshanks who was following Aiolos.

"Aiolos nodded her head, "he isss a good judge of character and hunter."

"Okay well try to stay out of trouble," Harry hissed as the unlikely pair of

Aiolos and Crookshanks started on their way to the castle.

Harry noticed his friends' looks, "Severus wants some venom and

apparently Aiolos and Crookshanks went hunting together," he said with

a shrug of his shoulders. Hermione laughed a little at that.

They arrived at the Greenhouse where some other Raven's were milling

about waiting for Professor Sprout to arrive. Following Harry, Daphne,

and Blaise was Draco and Theo. Now they were just waiting on the pug

and her followers, better known as Pansy and Crabble and Goyle. Finally

they arrived sneering at everyone except for one pureblood Ravenclaw

that Harry thought was named Corner. Just as they arrived the door to

the greenhouse opened and allowed them to enter.

"Alright class line up at a station and place your bags behind you. Today

and for about half the year we will be working with Mandrake roots,

after half a year the third years will be taking over. Now who can tell me

about Mandrake roots? Ah Miss. Granger."

"Madrake or Mandragora is a powerful restorative and is used in both the

magical world and muggle world. Also the cry of a mandrake root can

kill a human," Hermione answered.

"Good, five points to Ravenclaw." The other ravens smiled at Hermione.

"Anyone else?" Harry raised his hand, "Mr. Potter."

"It is the main ingredient in most restorative potions and antidotes."

"Good, Good, five points to Slytherin. Now you all need to wear the

earmuffs in front of you. As Miss. Granger said their cry is fail, however

the ones we will be working with are seedlings so they are not fatal but

can knock you out for an hour or two. Now I want you to grasp your

mandrake, pull firmly like so," Professor Sprout said pulling the

mandrake in front of her out. The ugly looking baby thing started wailing

loudly. Crabble who didn't get his earmuffs on in time passed out. "Leave

him there, he'll be fine in an hour. Now after you have it out I want you

to replant your mandrake and make sure to cover it up so it's warm."

The class did as instructed, they could see the mandrake roots squealing

but couldn't hear them it made for a rather interesting image. Draco who

was one station from Blaise started tickling his mandrake which in return

bit his finger.

Harry and some others around him laughed, "Nice Draco."

Draco who had finally gotten his finger out his mandrakes mouth shot

Harry the bird in response, which elicited more laughs from the class.

"Ahh come on Draco I think it likes you," Blaise said pointing to Draco's

mandrake that looked like it was trying to escape the repotting.

"I hate this class," Draco muttered, "why can't we just dice the stupid

things up."

Theo next to him laughed at his friend's plight.

"Today you are going to change a beetle into a button," Professor

McGonagall spoke, the incantation is as follows, "mutonecto, you may

begin." After ten minutes Harry was ready to squash the stupid beetle. He

had so far only made the beetle scurry from one end of the desk to the


Daphne groaned, "I think we're going to need to go over our notes from

last year tonight." So far she had managed to make holes appear on the

beetle which was a little disturbing. Blasie and Tracey in front of them

were having about the same luck with their beetles.

"I hate bugs," Tracey muttered.

"I'm sure it loves you to Ms. Davis now move along," Professor

McGonagall said as she walked past the Slytherins.

"Mutonecto," Draco said, the beetle changed into the button.

"Five points to Slytherin, Mr. Malfoy," Professor McGonagall said even

though it looked like it pained her to do so. Draco grinned at her


"Draco care to share your expertise," Blaise asked?

"If I must," Draco sighed dramatically. "Try to visualize the button the

whole spell, focus more on the button don't think about a beetle at all."

After Draco's explanation most of the Slytherins and Hufflepuffs in class

completed the spell. McGonagall was so impressed she gave Draco ten

more points.

The Slytherin second years made their way to the DADA classroom for

the first class with Gilderoy Lockhart the blond poofter himself. They

arrived in a group and found the door open, they walked in to the

classroom looking at the changes around the room.

"Well its better than garlic," Tracey commented on the décor.

"I don't know, how many pictures of yourself do you need," Blasie asked

sarcastically. The Slytherins chuckled as the Gryffindors walked in led by

the Great Weasel. The majority of the Gryffindor second years glared at

the Slytherins who glared right back.

"Well this is lovely," Gilderoy Lockhart said coming into the room

stopping anything before it could start, "my students are already here."

"Where else would we be," Harry muttered to Neville who he was sitting

next to him for the class, Daphne sat in front of him with Tracey, while

Blaise shared a three seat with Draco and Theo behind Harry. Neville

chuckled in response.

"Welcome, welcome," Lockhart said with a flourish of his arms while

standing in front of the class. "Now first we're going to test how well you

all read my books." Lockhart started passing out parchments with the test

on them while the class collectively groaned.

Harry got the test and let out a snort, "you've got to be kidding." The first

question on the test was What is Gilderoy Lockhart's favorite color? He

heard Neville next to him stat laughing quietly at the questions. Harry

smirked to himself as he answered the questions:

Favorite color-shite brown

Secret ambition-to perform at Chippendales Live

What is my greatest achievement-tying your shoes

What is my ideal birthday gift-a new wig

"Time," Lockhart called, "Ah and Mr. Potter why don't you collect the

exams for your side and um, Mr. Weasel your side please." The Slytherins

started laughing, and even a few of the Gryffindors chuckled.

"Its Weasley," the rapidly turning red boy stated and angrily collected the


Lockhart went through the test tsking and sighing at the lack of correct

answers. "Well it seems like some of you are going to need to study

harder, but at least Miss. Parkinson knew my favorite color was lilac. And

Miss. Patil was the only one to get my ideal birthday gift right, which is

peace between all magical and magical peoples." The Slytherins, minus

Pansy, and the Gryffidor boys looked disgusted that anybody actually

read those books that well.

"Well onto my first lesson," Lockhart said pompously flicking his hair.

"Now I must warn you not to scream," Lockhart stated dramtically as he

pulled out what looked like a rather large birdcage covered with a sheet.

"They will not harm you as long as I'm around," some snorts could be

heard among the students. Lockhart with a flourish ripped the sheet off

the cage reaviling the birdcage packed full of pixies.

"Cornish pixies," Seamus Finnegan laughed out with the rest of the class.

"Freshly caught Cornish Pixies, they are devilishly tricky little things,"

Lockhart said attempting to gain face. "Now simply remember peskipiksi

pesternomi," and with that he opened the cage doors letting a torrent of

blue little pixies flying.

The pixies quickly flew around the room causing chaos. Two of them

flew at the Weasel and pulled by his ears up onto a lighting fixture and

left him there as they flew away laughing. Pixies went flying towards

books and started throwing them around the classrooms. One pixie

decided to nest in Lavender Brown's hair making the girl shriek like a

banshee and Pavarti Patil to try and get the pixie out but she was quickly

attacked by a pixie that seemed to be attracted to her very shinny

hairclip. Those two ran out of the classroom screaming causing a mass

exodus of students. Lockhart tried his spell once, and when it didn't work

he tried one more time causing a pixie to take his wand from him. The

now armed pixie flew up to the skeleton of the dinosaur and quickly

showed it was more adept at magic then Lockhart by shattering the

chains holding it causing it come crashing down on the turned over

Gryffindor desks and the back of the classroom. The armed pixie then

turned to look at Lockhart with what looked like a grin fitting for the

Joker. Lockhart took one look at the pixie and grabbed his suriving

portraits and ran in to his office and slammed the door shut.

While all of the pixies rained destruction upon the classroom. Tracey and

Daphne were hiding under their desk, while Blaise was one of the

students who took off. Harry and Neville, however, were both laughing

like Hyenas. At the very beginning one pixie had flown over to Harry and

perched on his books watching the carnage of his brothers and sisters

wrecked on the classroom. Another had flown over after Ron was hung

on the light fixture and started to ball up paper and throw it at the

Weasel laughing gleefully whenever it landed a face shot. When the pixie

ran out of paper Harry open his notebook for the pixie to have more

paper. The other pixie who looked to be a girl from the little dress it had

on, took Harry's quill and made a score sheet as more and more pixies

flew over to join in the throw-paper-at-the-human-boy-game. Harry and

Neville just kept on laughing especially when the armed pixie turned on

Lockhart and chased him into his office.

Daphne and Tracey slowly came out from under their desk as they

stopped hearing things crashing into the walls. As they came out they

glared at the Harry and Neville who sobered up a bit at the glare, then

they glared at Weasley boy who stopped yelling and looked like he was

going to pee himself at the glare.

"Harry in all your greatness with animals and magical creatures you

could have helped us out instead of laughing like a damn hyena," Daphne

growled out at her fiancé.

"Sorry," Harry laughed as the one armed pixie whistled and the other

fifteen pixies lined up with military precision in three lines of five. The

armed pixie placed the wand on his right shoulder, well right side, and

the pixie step forward together and then bowed to Harry and his friends,

Harry and Neville had started chuckling again, while Daphne and Tracey

just stared in wonder at the pixies. After the pixies bowed they started

flying out the open window, the pixie with the wand set it down in front

of Harry with a grin. Then he too flew out the window, there was still

one little pixie left who flew up to Harry's shoulder after writing with the

quill. I'm needed.


So I only have one class this summer, so hopefully that translate to

more writting time. THanks for the reviews and suggestions


10. Transformations, Pranks, and

a Voice

The next two days passed without incident for Harry and his group of

friends. The female pixie which turned out to be named Shea had taken

off from Harry's shoulder as soon as Ginny was in sight and flew over to

the youngest Weasley. The little pixie was never seen away from Ginny

and seemed to be forming a familiar bond with the girl, which worried

some of the professors as anyone who said anything negative towards

Ginny ended up on the receiving end of a pixie pranks. Shea seemed to

raise the disowned girl's spirit while she was waiting to hear from her

older brother.

The Slytherin Qudditch team was dressed and walked out onto the pitch

disrupting the Gryffindor practice. Behind the Slytherins stood the many

hopefuls to make the team, among them Draco Malfoy.

"Oy, What gives, I booked the pitch for Gryffindor," Gryffindor's keeper

and captain Oliver Wood yelled as he came down to land.

"Save it Wood. I have permission from Professor Snape and Hooch to use

the field," Flint said tossing a piece of parchment at the Gryffidor captain,

who was now surrounded by the rest of Gryffindor's team. Vaisey smiled

from Flint's side charmingly at Alicia Spinnet who waved back rather

shyly for her, causing Angelina and Katie to roll their eyes at their friend.

"I, Professor Severus Snape, request permission for Slytherin to have the

pitch owing to the need to select a new chaser, signed by Snape and

Hooch," Wood read out loud. "Chaser, you already have Vaisey as a

replacement chaser."

"We have the pitch, so bugger off," Flint said not wanting to explain to

the Gryffindor Captain their need for the pitch any further. Wood and

Towler stomped off the pitch expecting the rest of their team to follow,

only they didn't. Angelina and Katie exchanged hellos with the Slytherin

Quidditch players, having taken a liking to them at Harry and Neville's

party, before walking off the field. Vaisey and Alicia chatted a little off to

one side. Fred and George motioned Harry over to where they stood off

to the side.

"Fred, George," Harry greeted as he shook their hands in hello.





You," the twins started speaking in their normal way of trading off.

" What's with the shanghai?"

"Beau graduated and Bletchly decided not to play. So Aaron's going to

move to keeper instead of taking over the open chaser spot, hence the try

out. Nothing major Marcus probably just wanted to piss Wood off by

taking the field," Harry explained.

The twins grinned, "He's always been good at that," the twins spoke

referring to Flint's inane ability to anger their captain. They stopped

grinning then and a serious look game over both their faces, "How's

Ginny doing, we've stopped talking to our parents."

Harry frowned, "she's doing good, better than expected, according to

Astoria that is. But a lot of the older Slytherins have taken her under

their wing. The howler brought back some not so fun memories for some

of their own sortings." The twins nodded, developing thoughtful looks

having never thought about the damage the Slytherin House reputation

can do. "She'll be taken care, we stick by our own," Harry said with


"We should get going Oliver's probably having a coronary," the twins said

still alternating their speech and waving goodbye to Harry.

Harry walked over to where his team and the others were waiting, "I

think I have whiplash from them." He earned laughs from everyone for

that one, most people having experienced the Weasley twins unique

brand of speech.

"Alright, Harry you can treat this as a practice, focus on some of the

seeker moves like your feint," Flint said looking towards Harry who

nodded. "The rest of you are going to drill this is a tryout for chasers,

we're set with keepers in Vaisey. Anyone who doesn't want to be a

chaser, maybe next year." With that a few of the hopefuls left. "Alright in

the air, now!"

The tryout lasted for an hour Flint and Pucey drilled the hopefuls

mercilessly. Surprising many Draco Malfoy was holding his own against

Flint and Pucey. At the moment the chaser hopefuls had been narrowed

down to Draco, a fifth year named Doyle O'Reilly, and a fourth year,

Jared Rowle. Harry had a particular disdain for Rowle as he often

bragged about his father having served Voldemort and his blood status.

The only drill left was one-on-one with the keeper, they each got ten

shots. Whoever scored the most would get the spot. Flint had them pick

numbers out of hat to see who would shoot first, it would be Rowle,

O'Reilly, and finally Draco.

Rowle arrogantly stated to Draco and Doyle, "you won't need to go." Flint

looked ready to take a beater bat to the arse's head, regardless of what

Marcus Flint's beliefs may or may not be when it came to Qudditch he

expected the best and so far Draco and Doyle were on par with Rowle.

Vaisey looked determined to not let his mini death eater year mate to

become part of the team. Rowle arrogantly took off on his first shot and

flew straight at Vaisey not evening attempting to disguise what he was

doing. Vaisey blocked the shot and had to hold in a laugh at Rowle.

Harry was observing the tryout now with Flint and Pucey while Bole and

Derrick to up positions to retrieve the Quaffle.

"Has he always been like that," Harry asked Flint and Pucey.

"He actually used to be worse," Pucey answered. Harry raised an


"Slytherin house is known for pureblood supremacy, yes" Flint asked

speaking rather seriously about a topic that wasn't quidditch. Harry

nodded and made a face in disgust. Flint saw the look and gave a false

laugh, "It used to be worse. When I was first year there were still kids

that were raised during the later years of the war. Most of the Slytherins

then were raised on pureblood supremacy, a lot still are raised by that,

some thought like us have lost parents in the war don't buy into it, at

least not completely. Thank the Gods he done, and he only made five.

O'Reilly you're up!" O'Reilly had a near perfect run only missing two.

Draco flew up into the air and grabbed the tossed Quaffle. Draco banked

right and pushed his broom as fast as it could go, at the last second he

pulled to his left and shot the quaffle at the left hoop at the last second

scoring on Vaisey. Draco continued to impress and managed to make

nine out of ten shots.

"Malfoy, welcome to the team," Flint said to the group of three hopefuls

left as the rest of the team landed. Malfoy grinned in reply as the

members of the team started congratulating him. Doyle nodded to him

while Rowle walked off to pout. "Practice again on Monday at six," Flint


Harry, Blaise, Daphne, and Tracey made their way back from dinner,

having separated from Neville, Hermione, and Susan already. The four

Slytherins had left supper early in hopes of going over their

transfiguration notes from last year before the common room got too

loud it being Saturday night.


"Did you hear that," Harry asked?

"Hear what," Daphne asked?


"That," Harry replied. They all looked at Harry and shock their heads,

looking at him like he was off his rocker. "I heard a voice saying kill and

rip and some other disturbing things."

"What did it sound like," Daphne asked.

"Out of breath, and not very…um smart, I guess. It was one word and

then nothing for a pause before another word," Harry explained with a

confused look on his face.

"Let's go to Professor Snape's office, hearing voices isn't normal even in

our world," Tracey suggested. The four changed directions for Professor

Snape's office.

"Do you still hear it," Daphne asked?

"No it sounded like it was moving away from us."

"What was moving away and from who," came the silky tones of

Professor Snape from behind the four as they arrived at his office door.

"I heard a voice that was talking about killing, while we were walking to

the common room," Harry explained. "No one else heard it."

"In," Severus said opening the door and following them and shutting the

door, sealing it.

The group sat down around Severus' desk and Severus ordered some tea

for them. Harry gratefully took the tea and drank.

"Now none of you could hear this voice," Severus asked? They nodded.

"Hadrian what did it sound like?"

"Breathy and not very smart is the best way I can put it," Hadrian

answered, "it would say one word and pause before saying another."

"I think you may have heard a snake, one that has not been around

humans," Severus answered.

"Why do you say it hasn't been around humans," Harry asked?

"The lack of speech. You probably heard one who ended up by the castle.

I wouldn't worry about it but tell me if it happens again." Hadrian

nodded and he and his friends left for the common room.

Harry was waiting for Aiolos to return to him, he had sent her to see if

she could identify the voice he heard.

"Harry," Daphne called softly as she walked into the common room. It

was past midnight.

"Over here Daph," Harry called back. The common room was rather dark,

the only light coming from the fireplace and rather dim candle next to

the chair where Harry was sitting. Daphne came over and sat with her

back resting on Harry's legs. She reached up and took his hand in hers.

"Waiting on Aiolos?"

"How did you know," Harry asked.

"She's usually curled around your shoulders when you decide to sulk late

at night," Daphne said with a teasing tone to her voice.

"I do not sulk," Harry said with monk affront, "I brood, much more


Daphne laughed, "sorry my mistake."

"You better be," Harry said as he reached down and started tickling her.

Daphne started laughing uncontrollably trying to swat his ends away.

"Hatchlingssss," Aiolos hissed as she slithered into the common room.

Harry stopped tickling Daphne as Aiolos wrapped herself around Harry's

shoulders. Daphne stood and sat in Harry's lap.

"SSSeverusss wassss right it wasss a sssnake but not one that I know."

"Thanksss," Harry hissed to Aiolos and then spoke to Daphne, "it was a

snake, though, Aiolos doesn't recognize it.

"Itsss trial lead away from the ssschool to the chicken coop the half-giant

keepsss. They are all dead and then the trail goesss into the Forbidden


"She said, the snake ate all the chickens and roostersare all dead," Harry

spoke rather solemnly.

"That had to have been a large snake," Daphne said with a worried look.

Harry rested his check against hers in comforting way, "don't worry

Aiolos said the trial disappeared into the Forbidden Forest. We should go

to bed, I'm not particularly looking forward to waking up with Vaisey

starring at me again." Daphne giggled in response and gave Harry a kiss

on his check and moving to the door for the girls dorms. Harry blushed a

bit causing Aiolos to chuckle, "Bedtime Romeo."

"I think it's time to prank Lockhart," Harry announced to his friends as

they were studying in the Library. A week had past and so far Lockhart

showed no improvement, in fact Lockhart seemed to hold the fact that

pixies like Harry against him and his friends. Harry and Neville were

frequently called up to help Lockhart with his ridiculous re-enactments of

his 'daring feats.'

Neville grinned rather sadistically for a Gryffindor, "what did you have in


"I was thinking a potion to cause his hair to fall out," Harry said handing

over a piece of parchment with Harry's newly invented potion.

Daphne and Neville looked it over and made some minor changes to the

ingredients, "If you use more sneezewort you can cause him to lose all of

his hair."

They handed it back to Harry who nodded, "it'll take about two hours to

make. I'll get one of the house elves to put it in his food. It should take an

hour to work if it works like I want it too. So they won't know to look at

the food."

"How long will it last," Susan asked giggling at the image of Lockhart

without hair or eyebrows.

"About week," Harry answered.

Hermione groaned, "you do realize that vain prat will probably cancel

classes for that week."

Harry just smirked and quickly sketched a picture of Lockhart completely

bald and handed it to Hermione who couldn't help but laugh.

"Fine I guess it'll be worth it," Hermione sighed out.

The next day Harry was at Quidditch practice after breakfast when a

girlish scream was heard from the castle all around Hogwarts and its

grounds. Some said you could hear it in Hogsmeade. Harry who was up

in the air chasing after the snitch stopped abruptly, as did the rest of the

team and Blaise, Tracey, and Daphne, who were in the stands looked up

from their card game, as they heard the scream followed by "MY HAIR!"

Harry almost fell off his broom laughing when he realized it was

Lockhart who screamed. In the stands Blaise fell over laughing while

Tracey and Daphne fell into uncontrollable giggles.

"Potter, focus before you fall off," Flint shouted to Harry across the pitch.

Harry laughing still raised his hand to acknowledge Flint and shot off

looking for the snitch.

As Hermione predicted Lockhart cancelled classes for three days and

nobody saw him at meal times. However after three days Dumbledore

told him he had to continue classes. Lockhart protested but showed up to

his first class which happened to be the second year Slytherins and

Gryffindors. Lockhart had a wig on and had obviously penciled on some

rather ugly eyebrows. At the exact same time all the second years in the

classroom burst out laughing, instead of trying to control them Lockhart

pouted and tears welled in eyes and he ran back to his office dismissing

the class.

The group of seven met later that night in front of Professor Snape's

office door that as usual opened with nobody touching it.

"Tonight I want to see how far you are with the gouging curse and then

we're going to work on your animagus forms. Blaise hopefully you'll be

able to finish yours tonight," Severus Snape spoke coming out of the

backroom in his office. He waved his wand and conjured targets for them

to cast on. Harry's first try was non-verbal and successful. Daphne got

hers to work non-verbal on her second try. The others bar Susan, who

had mastered it as well as Daphne and Harry, were moving on to non-

verbal use of the spell but they weren't having much success yet.

"Alright keep working on it, now start working on your animagus forms.

Blaise over here, if you will." Blaise walked over to Severus and sat in

front of the man. Severus started speaking quietly to Blaise, "Blaise when

you fully transform it is important to take control of the animal within.

You must surpress the animal instincts and then transform back, if you do

not you risk staying stuck in your form forever." Blaise nodded before he

stood up and closed his eyes in concentration.

Blaise closed his eyes and focused on envisioning his mamba form. As he

brought the image to the forefront of his mind, he started to focus his

magic on surrounding the mamba. His magic which had a purple tint to it

surrounded the tail end of the mamba and slowly worked its way up the

snake. Blasie could feel himself transforming as his magic started to work

over the snake. Finally the magic surround the head of the snake, Blaise

completed the transformation as the magic worked its way over the head

of the mamba.

Blaise felt the rather strange feeling of being on his stomach and looking

up at everyone in the classroom. He saw Professor Snape standing over

him but his first thought was 'ssstrike,' his inner snake was recognizing

the professor as a threat and lunged for the man's ankle fangs bared.

Blaise in his mind yelled out and managed to stop the strike midway

through it, and the next thing he knew was he had transformed back.

"Congratulations Mr. Zabini, you defeated your inner animal," Severus

smiled at the boy with pride clearly showing. It was a rather unusual site

for the six of the seven, by now Harry had received a few of the elusive

smiles. "You will be able to transform now without worry, each time you

transform your speed of transformation shall increase."

"Now Hadrian, I believe you are ready to transform", Severus spoke. It

had taken Blaise about ten minutes to transform. "I'll tell you the same as

Blaise, take control and then transform back or risk being stuck." Harry


Harry brought up the image of his gray wolf and his magic. His magic

was rather bright emerald green although some of it had a blackish tint,

but Harry put it out of mind. His magic worked rather quickly enveloping

the gray wolf. Harry became aware of every scent in the room, it made

for a rather rank smell considering Professor Snape's lab was also part of

his offices. His mind quickly focused on his mate, he let out a menacing

growl as he noticed the scents of three other males in the room around

his mate. 'wait not mate, Daphne, Daphne who's human.' With that last

thought Harry transformed back into his human form.

"Well done, Hadrian. Why may ask did you growl," Severus asked?

Harry blushed bright red, looking down he muttered, "there were too

many guys in the room."

"What was that I couldn't hear you," Severus said with a smirk that

clearly showed he could indeed hear Harry.

Harry groaned and spoke louder, "There were too many guys near

Daphne." The girls in the room giggled while the other two boys laughed

at his plight. "Oh you just wait," Harry growled out to Severus, who

smirked in reply.

"Miss Granger your turn."

Hermione closed her eyes in concentration and thought of her magic. The

orange tinted swirling magic enveloped her owl. Slowly it worked its way

all around the owl leaving Hermione standing on talons with her wings

folded in. She spread her wings out and gave them a flap, she rose off the

ground a bit before landing again. She spread her wings once again

thinking of the free open skies, just as she was about to take flight she

thought 'No, no, must not fly. I need to change back.' Hermione

reappeared in the room.

"Nicely, done Miss Granger," Severus spoke, "I believe that is all for the

night. The rest of you keep working. Mr. Potter and Mr. Zabini change

back. Hermione looked over to see Blaise in his snake form chatting with

Aiolos, who had been watching in the corner the whole night. Aiolos

looked to be showing Blaise how to move better as a snake. Harry she

noticed was in his wolf form, curled up in front of Daphne who sat there

petting him and studying his form. She noticed Harry's wolf still had his

green eyes and probably to Harry's dismay his scar was present in his fur.

Before Harry changed back he gave Daphne's face a lick causing her to


Severus went to the room at the back of his office where he took out

some tests he was planning on grading. He was interrupted by a head in

his floo.

"Severus can I come through, I have some information," came the voice of

Sirius Black. Severus replied in the affirmative and Sirius stepped through

the floo with three rather old books under his arm. "I found something in

my family library. I think there are two possibilities that we're dealing

with in the diary and both are bad. One possibility is something referred

to as imprint of a memory but I ruled that out as you said this diary can

think and refer to things happening now as opposed to the past like it

should. The more likely possibility is something called a Horcrux."

"There's a book in the Restricted Section that refers to them but only

states they are evil and shall not be mentioned any further," Severus

interrupted him.

"Would that be Magick Moste Evile," Sirius asked setting down a copy of

the book that was one of the three books he brought. Severus nodded

picking up the book. "That peaked my interest when I was looking

through my Library. I found two other books that mention it, one is the

journal of Elladora Black, she spent some time in Egypt. That seems to be

where she found out about Horcruxes." Sirius opened the small book to a

marked page, where he pointed to a word in Egyptian Hieroglyphs it

translated to Horcrux. It read, Horcurxes are vial even for a Black. They

contain a piece of a wizard or witches soul in order to achieve immortality. I

managed to find a book on them however, it is in ancient Sumerian. Sirius

handed over the other book, which had runes on it. "The only problem is

I don't know Ancient Sumerian, and I don't know anyone who does, so

there is no way of knowing until that book is translated if we're dealing

with a Horcrux," Sirius spoke with a shake of his head.

Severus spoke up after turning the book over in his hands, "I'll see what I

can do. The tricky part is going to be finding someone that can translate

it that we can trust."

"Happy birthday Hermione." The group of seven was in an unused

classroom having a small celebration for Hermione's thirteenth birthday.

Harry had had Mips bring a cake from Hermoine's favorite bakery near

her house. The cake was chocolate raspberry with chocolate frosting.

Mips had also stopped by her parents house and picked up their presents

for her. As they were cutting into the cake Astoria, Aoife, and Ginny

came in with their own presents for Hermione.

Hermione unsurprisingly received many books for her birthday, all of

which she was delighted to have. From Harry she was given Moste Potente

Potions, Daphne gave her Beginner's guide to Runes, Tracey gave her

autobiography of an Irish sorceress named Cliodne, Neville gave her own

copy of Magical Theory, Blaise a book on Italian architecture, Susan a

book on Hector Dagworth-Granger she had found in her family library,

and her parents gave her a collection of Shakespeare's plays. Astoria and

Aoife gave her a assortment of Honeydukes chocolates. While Ginny gave

her a card, inside the card was a slip of paper that read, "good for one

pixie prank on Ronald Weasley." Hermione laughed at that thinking she

had never had a birthday where so many people cared.

As they were celebrating a knock came on the door, which opened

showing Professor Snape, "Miss Weasley you have a visitor," Severus

announced opening the door all the way showing a young man with red

hair that was pulled back into a pony tail and a had dragon tooth

hanging from a piercing in his ear.

"Bill," Ginny squealed and ran to her favorite older brother who grabbed

her up into a hug.

"You two may use my office," Severus offered leading the brother and

sister from the room."

"I hope Bill can do something," Astoria said as the door closed.

Ginny came back to the Slytherin later that night and made her way over

to her friends.

"So what did he say," Astoria asked.

"He said he was sorry it took so long but he had to get clearance from

work and then arrange for an international floo. He talked to mum who

isn't changing her mind and dad like always won't stand up to mum. Bill

said he almost cursed her," Ginny said wiping tears from her eyes. Bill

talked to his bosses and they're going to transfer him at the end of the

school year to Scotland so he can work on the tombs here and in Ireland.

He's going to buy a house on the outskirts of Hogsmead so I can stay with

him. He's going to take care of me from now on," Ginny was smiling by

the time she finished her tale. The Slytherins around them who heard her

story smiled happily at the young girl. Some had older brothers and

sisters who spoke highly of Bill Weasley from when he was head boy.

"Harry, Draco get over," Flint yelled as they were running around the

pitch doing their laps before practice. "Alright I'm going to show you two

how to do a Sloth Grip Roll," he said as they came over with their

brooms. Vaisey came over and conjured two large pillows. Flint, Draco,

and Harry hovered about five feet in the air. Marcus demonstrated once

so they could see it up close and then began explaining. After "It's rather

simple the hard part comes in timing and making it fluid. Oh, and don't

forget to hold on." Harry and Draco practiced without any bludgers of

flying, just hovering over the pillows Vaisey conjured. Draco managed to

do it without falling off, while Harry forgot to hold on once and fell,

landing on his back. Luckily the pillows Vaisey conjured we're sufficient.

"Alright over here, you two," Flint called out. "Stay four feet above the

ground and only do the maneuver when you're over the sand. It's

cushioned for a reason." Draco and Harry raced back and forth across the

pitch trying out the Sloth Grip Roll. They would switch off and on

watching the other perform the move offering tips. After twenty minutes

of success Flint called them over again.

"Now let's see how hard you were working, Bole, Derrick you're up." The

next thirty minutes of practice was spent with Harry and Draco running

the gauntlet. They once again took turns flying the length of the pitch but

this time Bole and Derrick were hitting bludgers at them the whole way.

On one particular pass Draco didn't get out the bludger Derrick sent fast

enough and it clipped his should and dislodged him from his broom, he

hit the pitch with a rather large thud. Instead of pouting about Draco got

up rather quickly and back on his broom determined to finish the run. On

another of Harry's passes, Harry changed his grip and left himself open to

the bludger, which slammed into his ribs. Harry kept going with the pass

and avoided the next bludger from Derrick. All in all they had a

productive practice with learning the new move and they managed to do

it without breaking any bones, although they both had some rather nasty

bruises. Once they were in the lock room Marcus handed both of them

some bruise paste with a grin.

They were a week away from Halloween when Daphne, Tracey, and

Neville managed to make their animagus transformations. For Daphne's

though, Severus had all the girls leave the room so as not to have a

repeat of Harry's transformation. Professor Snape had deduced that

Harry's wolf was reacting to having his mate close to so many males, that

combined with it being the first time he would have to control his

instincts had made Harry let out the fearsome growl. Daphne's

transformation went over much smoother, she was the only

transformation that went over without any problem with the animal

instincts, so far. The others had mastered the gouging curse non –


Harry was rather relaxed so far he was having a good year aside from the

idiot Lockhart. Lockhart couldn't decide whether to hate Harry for the

pixies or try to take him in under his wing as a celebrity, something

Harry despised. The seven friends were enjoying a free weekend, they

had finished their homework already and Flint had given the Quidditch

team off. They were passing by a rather large tree that they hadn't

noticed last year. Daphne stepped a little too close to it and a huge

branch came down, Harry's seeker reflexes pulled her out of the way in

time to avoid being crushed.

"What the hell was that," Harry asked as they all backed up from the tree.

"It's a homping willow, I thought it was just a willow until it tried to kill

Daphne," Hermione spoke up.

"Who plants a whomping willow tree at a school, its completely idiotic,"

Daphne yelled in anger.

"Well probably the same senile old man that authorized the three headed

dog last year," Tracey rolled her eyes. The group decided to move onto a

different location and ended up by the stone circle. They sat around

mostly chatting. Eventually they ended up deciding to come up with

another prank for Lockhart.

"I've got one except it isn't for Lockhart, more like the whole school,"

surprising everyone in the group it was Hermione that spoke up. "My

cousin told me about a prank her and her friends pulled at school once.

They took three pigs and wrote the numbers 1,2, and 4 on the pigs, then

they set the pigs loose in the school. The officials eventually caught the

pigs but they cancelled classes and spent the whole day looking for the

third pig."

"What would we use for pigs?" Just as Harry asked that a crack of

thunder was heard and it started pouring rain. The seven friends took off

towards the castle as they ran they passed Hagrids and Harry noticed

three small piglets in his yard. As they entered the entrance hall they

unknowingly tracked mud across the floor.

"HEY, what are you doing befouling my castle, with your filthy shoes,"

Filch shouted at them.

Suddenly the Bloody Baron appeared and moaned at Filch, "enough

Filch." Filch backed off but kept muttering about useless kids.

As the group turned the corner Harry grinned, "Hagrid has piglets."

After Midnight Monday morning Harry and Blaise were waiting for

outside the Ravenclaw common room for Hermione. She came out and

looked around, Harry and Blaise took of the invisibility cloak off showing

themselves. Hermione joined them under the cloak and they made their

way out of the castle and over to Hagrid's where the piglets were kept. As

one they muttered, "petrificus totalus." The piglets went still and silent at

the curse hitting them they each grabbed a piglet and got back under the

cloak. They got to the school and went to Moaning Myrtle's bathroom

Hermione sent a weak compulsion charm at the piglets to make them run

around. They then marked the piglets with the numbers 1,2, and 4 before


"I'll come back in the morning and let them out," Hermione said as they

made their way first to Ravenclaw's common room to drop her off.

The next morning on her way to breakfast Hermione stopped off at the

bathroom and let the piglets out. They immediately started squealing and

running through the halls. Hermione continued on her way no one the

wiser. By lunch only one of the piglets had yet to be caught, turns out

they were rather fast and their small size helped them to get away. Most

of the students had heard of the three little pigs but had yet to see them.

Suddenly those gathered in the great hall for lunch were disturbed by a

loud squeal. Then a piglet with the number 4 on it ran in to the Great

Hall followed by a sprinting Filch. Filch was totally focused on chasing

the piglet when suddenly the pig came to an abrupt halt, sending the still

running Filch tripping over it and straight into a bowl of pudding. Filch

looked up covered in chocolate pudding making the whole school laugh,

some swore they saw the man's cat laughing too. The piglet just turned

and trotted out of the room making everyone laugh once again, when

Hagrid simply picked it up and took it back outside. Filch got up and

stared looking for pig number 3, only to finally ask Hagrid for his help

and realize there were only three pigs to begin with.

Halloween was once again upon Hogwarts school of witchcraft and

wizardry. Harry and his friends were meeting in the same unused

classroom on the 2nd floor as they had for Hermione's birthday.

'So Sirius was telling me stories about my dad, him, and their friend

Remus. They called themselves the Marauders, they would pull pranks

and they were all animagus, they had nicknames based on their forms.

How about we revive them," Harry asked?

"Sure," they all agreed and Susan was excited as she just made her first


"Well I've got one for you Harry," Blaise said smirking, "Bay." Harry

blushed a little but agreed the name fit his animagus.

"How about Onyx for Blaise," Hermione suggested, "for his black mouth."

"I've got Susan's, "Tracey spoke, "Chi Chi the London panda." Susan

nodded her head that she liked it.

Daphne spoke up next," I have one for Hermione, Strix. It's Latin for owl,"

Daphne said to Hermione. Hermione looked rather proud at her new


"How about Beorn for Neville," Susan asked?

"Oh that's from the Hobbit," Hermione exclaimed.

"That's by the Lord of the Rings guy right," Harry asked receiving nods

from both Susan and Hermione.

"It's the name of a guy who can change into a bear in the story," Susan

said. Neville nodded his acceptance of the name.

"Daph how about Snow for your fur," Harry asked and Daphne nodded.

"Cinnamon for Tracey," Daphne spoke, "it matches your fur." Tracey

accepted the nickname and suggested, "how about we go for a run in the

forest as our animagus forms."

They all looked excited at the prospect and left the room on the way out

Harry heard , "rip…kill…I mussst kill…blood."

"Harry did you hear that," Blaise asked? Harry nodded as the voice kept

on speaking and moving away from them.

"I'm following it," Harry spoke and took off running before anybody could

stop him. They chased the voice down though the hallways when Harry

and Blaise came to a stop in a flooded corridor. The water was ankle

deep but they all focused on the writing on the wall in blood, The

Chamber of Secrets has been opened, Enemies of the Heir beware… Harry

was the first to notice Mrs. Norris hanging by her tail from a wall fixture

completely still. As they were looking at the Mrs. Norris students started

to converge on them from both sides of the hallway. They all paused and

broke out into whispers at the message on the wall.

Suddenly Filch pushed through the crowd, "move it, move it, move

along," he muttered then stopped short at the sight of his cat still and

unmoving. Harry standing the closer to the cat was quickly zeroed in on

by Filch, "You, you murdered my cat. I'LL KILL YOU!"

"Argus," came the voice of Headmaster Dumbledore, Filch stopped at the

voice. Twinkles, Professors' McGonagall, Snape, Lockhart, Sprout and

Flitwick, came to a stop at the sight of the blood on the wall.

"All of you back to your common rooms now," Twinkles announced and

the prefects started to assemble their charges and cleared from the

corridor. "Except you seven," Dumbledore said as he noticed them turn to


"He, he murder my cat, I want some justice," Filch ranted at the

Professors and pointing to Harry.

"He has point Potter and his friends weren't at the Feast," Lockhart


"His parent's were murdered on this day imbecile, why would he want to

celebrate," Severus answered scathingly.

"Argus, Mrs. Norris is not dead simply petrified. As soon as the solution is

brewed using Professor Sprout's mandrake crop is ready, Mrs. Norris will

be returned to normal," Dumbledore spoke. He then turned to Harry and

his friends, "you may return to your dormitories."


I changed the names for the animagus forms

11. A Parselmouth?

The next day found the group of seven in their unused classroom.

Hermione pulled out a rather large book. Harry recognized it as

Hogwarts: A History.

"I wanted to go over the legend again," Hermione said noticing the

curious looks.

"Well I've never heard it to begin with so fill us all in, please," Blaise said.

"It's referred to in the story about the founders." Hermione answered

flipping to the page. "The only historical facts are from the story we

already know. That the four most powerful of the age came together and

built Hogwarts a thousand or so years ago and ran the school in

harmony. Then it mentions how a disagreement over which students

should be allowed into Hogwarts drove the founders apart eventually

ending in Salazar Slytherin and Godric Gryffindor having a serious

argument in which Salazar abandoned the school.

From there it deviates from fact into legend. After Salazar left, rumors of

a hidden chamber called surprise, surprise the Chamber of Secrets started

to surface. It is said that Slytherin sealed the Chamber when he left and

that only his true heir would be able to unleash the horror within to

purge the school," Hermione finished.

"What is the horror within," Blaise asked?

"Its suppose to be some sort of monster," Tracey answered, "my father

said that numerous heads have searched the school and found nothing of

the chamber."

"What did Professor Snape say about hearing the snake," Neville asked.

"He said next time if we run after it, he'll use us for potion ingredients,"

Harry said with a slight shiver knowing the man was probably serious.

Over the next week Harry was getting some odd locks, but nothing he

wasn't use to. After all at the beginning of each year he had to deal with

firsties meeting their 'idol the-boy-who-lived, idiots'. One particular first

year from Gryffindor this year, asked him for an autograph, Harry cursed

him with the leg-locker-curse. He earned a detention with McGonagall

for it but he detected a hint of a smile on her face when she heard why

he cursed the little lion.

Today was the first Quidditch match of the season, Gryffindor verses

Slytherin. Harry was with the rest of the team in the Slytherin locker

room when a house elf walked in with a bundle of what looked like

broom packages following him.

"Curtsey of Lucius Malfoy," the house elf spoke. "Young Master Draco a

word." Draco and the house elf moved over to a corner of the room.

"Dobby," Draco greeted, the house elf had taken to respect Draco more

after the discussion with his mother over the summer. In fact the little elf

had helped him to avoid his father over the summer earning Draco's

gratitude as Lucius was not above using some torture curses to punish his


"Master Draco sir, yous father was here rather early and near the

Quidditch balls," Dobby spoke before bowing out of the room.

While Draco was talking with Dobby the members of the Quidditch team

made their way over to the packages and opened them.

"Holy shite!" Marcus Flint managed to get out as he opened the package

revealing six new Nimbus two thousand ones. The team stared in awe at

the gift which cost a small fortune. Draco came over when he was

finished with Dobby.

"Did you know about this," Adrian Pucey asked?

"No," Draco said frowning as he noticed only six brooms.

"Here this was with the package," Flint said handing over a handwritten

note to Draco. Draco instantly recognized his father's writing and opened

the card. You had best live up to the Malfoy name. Potter doesn't get one.

Draco sighed as he quickly read the message.

"Sorry Hadrian," Draco commented.

"Ehh no sweat, I don't need it," Harry said with a grin.

"Damn right you don't," Flint said with a smirk, "Although it would have

been nice to have even more of an advantage. Alright let's go." With that

the Slytherins vacated the locker room and took to the air.

It took the announcer saying something for everyone in the stands to

notice, "And all of Slytherin except Potter appear to be on the NEW

NIMBUS TWO THOUSAND ONE," Lee Jordan the announcer shouted the

last part. The crowd gave a simultaneous gasp as they all noticed the new

brooms. The Slytherin team simply smirked as did Lucius Malfoy in the

staff and visitors box. Professor McGonagall looked like she ate one of the

headmaster's lemon drops.

"And the Quaffle is released," Lee Jordan, "Flint's the first to grab the

Quaffle and rockets down the pitch towards Wood. Flint's arm pulls back

to shoot but he passes back to Malfoy, hidden by Flint's body, Malfoy

goes right and lays it in for an easy goal. Slytherin 10 Gryffindor 0!"

The match continued on in the same fashion, Slytherin dominating

Gryffindor on the pitch. The Slytherin chasers were working together

seamlessly, while no one at Hogwarts could match the Weasley twins at

team work and finesse the older Bole and Derrick were faster to the

bludgers and had more power behind their hits. Vaisey was having a

great game as starting keeper for his first time out, the Gryffindor chaser

line had only managed to three to Slytherin's ten. Harry was lazily

floating around the pitch, looking for the snitch but mostly grinning,

irritating the Gryffindor seeker, Towler to know end. Lucius Malfoy in

the visitors' box muttered something intelligible as Wood blocked a shot.

Harry circling the pitch sensed something coming up on his left and just

in time managed a perfect sloth-grip roll as the bludger sailed over his

broom and down before turning still with speed and flying back at Harry.

Harry shot off forward and the bludger gave chase, Harry turned and

went down the bludger still following, he pulled up and the bludger

followed but Bole was there to redirect it. Harry ended up at the top of

the pitch where he started.

"Having trouble there Potter," Towler mocked as flew about three feet

away from Harry. Harry was about to reply but saw the snitch just past

Towler's ear and shot forward toward the snitch almost dislodging Towler

from his broom as Harry chased after the snitch, the snitch was steadily

moving lower Harry chased with the snitch lowering with it eventually

ending up in the bottom rafters of the pitch. Towler had finally caught up

with Harry but was still a bit behind. They both heard a sickening crunch

behind them and glanced back to see a bludger chasing them. The rafters

had wood crossing in every direction, the snitch would dive in between

and around the beams Harry and Towler following. The bludger was

gaining on them smashing through wood beams behind them Towler

glanced back again at the bludger and then back in time to see the snitch

and Harry shoot up Towler tried to follow but his broom clipped a beam

and shot him over the barrel and forced him into the splits as he hit the

pitch. The bludger kept on after Harry although it took a curve instead of

following straight after. Harry reached out for the snitch only to have the

rouge bludger smash into his arm. Harry gasped at the pain and pulled

his broken arm back in and hooked it around the broom handle. He reach

out now with his left and lunged for the snitch catching it but flipping

him off the broom. He landed hard in the sand on his back and was about

to the raise the snitch when he saw the bludger come crashing down,

Harry moved his legs apart and it impacted the sand before it flew back

up and was about to come down when he heard, "REDUCTO," and

bludger blew up.

"Harry, Harry…you need to stay awake," He heard the same voice that

shouted the spell say. Harry opened his eyes which had somehow closed

and were now fighting to close again. Standing above him was Adrian

Pucey, he was still taking so Harry tried to focus on listening.

"Back off!" Adrian was shouting at someone, all Harry could see through

his teammates was Lockhart's head, Harry groaned. "We need to take him

to a healer not fraud now move!"

At this point Flint, Bole, and Derrick all drew their wands and pointed

them at Lockhart. Lockhart seeing the glint in all three of the quidditch

players' eyes finally ran off murmuring about self important teenagers.

Suddenly Professor Snape appeared above him and picked him up and

started off towards the hospital wing.

"Put on the bed over there," Madam Pomfrey said pointing to a bed on

the left side of the room. Severus put Harry on the bed and forced him

back down when Harry tried to sit up.

"Madam Pomfrey needs to check you over first. Mr. Pucey mentioned you

momentarily blacked out, you could have a concussion. So for right now

lay down," Severus Snape said in a quiet voice to Harry. Just then the

hospital wing doors opened again admitting the Slytherin quidditch team

and Harry's friends. All four of the girls looked rather upset but Daphne

looked not just worried but pissed off.

"What the hell did I tell you about suicidal catches last year," Daphne


Harry looked a bit sheepish and shrugged his shoulders, "we won."

Daphne looked ready to start in again but was interrupted by Madam

Pomfrey coming over to exam Harry.

"Well Mr. Potter you have a shattered right arm and a concussion.

Unfortunately the shattered bone requires skele-gro so you'll be staying

the night." As Madam Pomfrey spoke she summed two bottles. One held a

light blue potion which she poured about a shot worth into a glass for


"First for the concussion," Madam Pomfrey spoke handing him the small

glass. She then opened the skele-gro bottle letting out steam as the cap

was unscrewed. She poured a dose out for his arm and handed it to

Harry, "re-growing bones is nasty business."

Harry looked wryly at the steaming potion, before lifting the glass in

mock cheer, and downed it. He almost coughed it back up. The potion

burned his mouth and throat going down and tasted like a cleaning

solution he drank once on accident. As he coughed, Severus appeared by

his side with a glass of water that Harry gladly took.

"Brilliant catch Harry," Flint spoke up and then shrunk back as he noticed

the looks he was getting from the girls and Professor Snape. The rest of

the quidditch team snickered before wishing Harry luck and leaving the

hospital wing, as did Professor Snape. Harry's friends were moving some

chairs over to sit when Madam Pomfrey came back out and told them to

leave as he needed rest. Daphne gave him a kiss on the cheek before she

left and had to restrain herself from giving him a smack upside the back

of his head.

Harry awoke sometime later to sharp knife like stabbing sensations in his

arm. Harry sat up a bit and reached over for a glass of water. He was

breathing heavily do to the pain in his arm and was trying to put it out of

mind when he heard a commotion outside the hospital wing doors. Harry

lay his head back down and slipped his wand out his holster and next to

his side. The hospital wing doors opened causing Harry to tense and poke

his wand out from under the blankets. Harry relaxed somewhat as he saw

the teachers, he relaxed further when they didn't notice he was awake.

"Bring him over here," Madam Pomfrey spoke softly.

"He's been petrified," Dumbledore spoke.

"Who is he," Madam Pomfrey asked?

"One of my first years a muggle born, Colin Creevy," Professor

McGonagall spoke sadly as she pulled the camera from his hands.

"Do you think he managed to get a picture of his attacker" Madam

Pomfrey asked?

There was some noise from their side and then a click, Harry guessed it

was the camera, than the acrid smell of melted plastic floated through

the room.

"Albus what does this mean," McGonagall spoke Harry could hear the

worry lacing her tone.

"It means that the chamber of secrets has indeed been opened, again,"

Dumbledore spoke in his grandfatherly tone but with a more serious edge

to his voice.

Sleep found the exhausted Harry before he could hear anymore.

"So this has happened before," Hermione asked?

"That was what Twinkles said, but I fell back asleep before I could hear

anymore," Harry answered with a disappointment.

Daphne rubbed his shoulder and said, "It's alright Harry. So please tell me

none of you have bought one of those stupid talismans," Daphne asked?

"No but the twins tried to sell me one earlier," Neville said with a laugh,

"those two will make money off of anything."

"Swindling the stupid, seems rather beneath their talents," Tracey said


"Ahh they deserve it if they actually think there's anything they can do,"

Blaise said.

"Your right there is nothing anyone can do. The heir will cleanse the

school and with any luck your little mudblood will be next," Pansy

Parkinson sneered out at the group as she, Crabbe and Goyle walked past

where Harry and company were sitting. Crabbe and Goyle laughed at her

comment while Pansy continued to sneer at Hermione and looked like

she was going to continue speaking but instead found herself facing seven

wands pointed at her.

Surprising the group it was Neville who growled out, "LEAVE, pug."

Pansy looked shocked that the quiet Neville Longbottom actually said

anything to her that she nodded her head dumbly and left.

Hermione mutter, "limax edere," at Pansy's retreating form. Pansy froze

while she was walking and started to wretch.

A group of first years near Parkinson let an, "EWEEEEE," as a rather nasty

looking green slug came out of Pansy's mouth. Pansy let out a squeal and

ran into the school vomiting slugs as she went.

"Damn Hermione," Blaise commented.

"What did she call me," Hermione asked, Harry looked confused also at

the term. "I know by your reactions its bad but not what it means."

"It means dirty blood," Susan answered, "Purebloods use it to refer to

muggleborns and sometimes half-bloods. Self important arses, is what

aunti calls those who use it."

Hermione looked rather please she cursed Parkinson after the explanation

by Susan.

Harry was sitting in the Slytherin common room late at night. It was after

midnight and Harry was running his hand along Aiolos' scales as he

stared into the fire that was still burning.

"Hatchling what worriessss you," Aiolos asked?

"I'm an heir of Ssslytherin, thisss chamber isss sssuppossssedly only

opened by an heir. Isss it sssomehow me or isss there another who

knowsss they're an heir."

"He lived over a thousssand yearsss ago hatchling, an heir could be


Harry nodded his head and continued starring into the fire and jumped

when someone sat on the couch next to him.

Harry laid his head on Daphne's, "how do you always know when I need


"Just a feeling. It doesn't go away until I see you," Daphne replied and

started running her hands through his hair in a calming way. "It's not

you, we would notice something was wrong, you would notice. Now,


Harry, Blaise, Daphne and Tracey were potions class with the rest of the

Slytherins and Gryffindors. They were working on a swelling solution. So

far the class was going well for the Slytherins at least, Gryffindor was

having some issues if Snape berating Dean Thomas was anything to go

by. Harry though, had been subtly eyeing Ron Weasely the whole class

he had been acting shifty. Harry was in the second lab table from the

front of the row with the Slytherins. In front of Harry and Daphne were

Draco and Theo. Blaise and Neville were behind them while Crabbe and

Goyle were next and then Pansy and Millicent. On the right side of the

room the first lab table that usually remained empty now held Pavarti

and Lavender Brown, Harry thought was her name. The second table was

empty and the third held Thomas, Finnigan, and Weasley. Usually the

first two tables were empty and a Slytherin pair would usually sit there

but the Gryffindors arrived early and took their seats first. Another

unusual table configuration was Weasley sitting in a chair that was on

the aisle and closets to the Slytherins, Weasley usually sat at the back and

as far away from the Slytherins as he could.

Professor Snape continued to move around the class room, he finished

with the Gryffindor side and moved on to the Slytherins. As he moved

down their row Crabbe and Goyle got sneers at the dismal potions ability.

Millicent's got a nod of approval while Pansy's got a muttered prayer

from Snape. Neville and Blaise both got a nod although Snape looked like

he held his tongue a bit. Daphne and Harry both got smiles which

shocked a few of the students in the class and his second smile to Draco

and Theo made it a day that would become myth, Severus Snape the bat

in the dungeons smiled twice. As he made his way back over to the

Gryffindors, Lavender Brown screwed up her potion to the point where it

was starting to bubble over. Severus rushed over to take the potion off

the heat and threw a balancing ingredient into the potion. While Severus

was busy dealing with the potion, Ron Weasley reached into his pocket

and pulled out a firework, lit it and took aim. Harry watching from his

station saw the Weasel's arm pull back he was looking towards Draco's

cauldron and released the firework.

Harry drew his wand up and yelled, "impedimenta," the firework slowed

to a halt in midair. Severus Snape straightened up at once at the jinx.

"Bottle your potions, class dismissed. Mr. Weasley where do you think

you're going," Professor Snape bit out grabbing Weasley by his ear, "we

have an appointment with the headmaster." Severus led the boy out by

his ear, "you'll be expelled if I have anything to say about it."

The seven were waiting for Professor Snape to appear for their weekly

session when Severus came stalking through the hallway and threw open

the door and made his way to his desk. The seven looked at each other a

bit scared before Harry just shrugged and walked in.

"Unfortunately Mr. Weasley is still with us," Severus started but was

interrupted by disbelieving noises from the four Slytherins in the room.

"But he could have killed us and everyone else in the room," Harry said

his voice rising above the others.

"Try telling that to Dumbledore," Severus bit out, "the old man is

convinced the boy didn't know what he was doing or the consequences."

Hermione let out a snort. "Yes, that was my reaction also, Mr. Weasley

will be given a month's detention with a loss of 150 house points."

Neville groaned, "that'll put us back to 50 points."

The six others chuckled and Susan said, "maybe we should send him a

thank you card."

Professor Snape cracked a small smile that disappeared in seconds,

"Today wer're going to work on the impediment jinx. Mr. Potter used it to

much success this afternoon, it can slow down or halt objects or people

and can be very useful in a duel. Oh and twenty points to Slytherin, Mr.

Potter." Harry smiled. "The incantation is impedimenta, you can cast on

each other tonight, I want one person to dodge while another casts. Mr.

Potter you will work with myself."

By the end of the night Harry, Neville and Hermione could cast silently

while the others were able to cast it successfully verbally.

"They're starting a dueling club," Hermione spoke as she sat down at the

group's table in the library.

"Do you think we should go," Tracey asked?

"We might as well, maybe some of the older kids can teach us a spell or

two," Neville said.

"Yeah, Professor Snape will probably want us to go," Harry answered.

"Are you working on the transfiguration," Hermione asked?

"Yeah although Trevor looks to be getting disgruntled," Daphne laughed

as Harry transfigured Trevor into a rather Slytherin looking water goblet.

"You know if you manage that on the test McGonagall might give you

extra credit," Blaise spoke looking at the snake designs etched into the


"So in charge of the dueling club," Neville asked?

"Our esteemed Professor Lockhart," Tracey answered her voiced dripping

with sarcasm.

"You're kidding right," Tracey shook her head in the negative, "but we

have Professor Snape and my Gran says Flitwick was a dueling

champion," Neville replied exasperatedly.

"Yep," Susan said popping the 'p', "but we get Lockhart, thanks to

Dumbledore." Just as she finished the bell tolled for curfew, "well see you

guys tomorrow night," Susan said gathering her things up as did the rest

of them. Neville and Hermione waved to the other five as they departed

the library. Once by the great hall Susan separated from the four snakes.

As the four Slytherins were walking through the dungeons they stumbled

upon Crookshanks and Aiolos who appeared to have something cornered.

As they went closer they saw it was a rat and not just any rat but Ron

Weasley's rat.

"Hey that's the Weasel's rat," Blaise said drawing his wand. The panicked

rat appeared even more frightened by that action.

"Hatchling sssomething isssn't right about thisss rat," Aiolos hissed out.

"How ssso," Harry hissed back causing the rat to still.

"Itsss sssmell isss off."

Harry looked at the rat closer and saw his front right paw was missing a

finger. "Blaissse, bind the rat," Harry hissed to his friend hoping he would

be understood.

Blaise subtly pointed his wand at the rat, having understood the whole

conversation Harry and Aiolos had. The tip of the wand glowed as the

spell was cast silently hitting the rat causing it to go stiff and lie flat as a


"Aiolossss can you carry the rat without poisssioning him," Harry hissed.

Aiolos nodded her head and picked the rat up in her jaws clamping down


"We need Severus," Harry spoke aloud in English. The girls nodded and

the group started towards Severus's office.

"What is it Harry," Daphne asked as they were walking.

"I'll tell you in Professor Snape's office I don't want to be over heard."

Daphne nodded and took Harry's hand as they were walking. They

knocked on Severus' office door, the door opened showing Severus.

"To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit after curfew?"

"Um first could you conjure a cage for the rat Aiolos has it needs to be

unbreakable," Harry asked. Severus looked down to Aiolos noticing the

rat in her mouth nodded and conjured a steal cage for the rather fat rat.

He then placed an unbreakable charm around the cage and Aiolos

deposited the rat into it.

"I need mouth wasssh," Aiolos hissed causing Harry and Blaise chuckled

at the serpents joke.

"Please feel free to explain to all the non-parselmouths," Severus said

raising an eyebrow.

"Finally," Tracey muttered.

"She said she would like some mouthwash," Harry answered. Severus

looked puzzeled at the joke and Harry started his explanation. "We were

coming back from the library when we came upon Aiolos and

Crookshanks who had the rat cornered. When Aiolos felt our approach

she said there was something off about the rat's smell."

"It's Weasley's rat, sir," Blaise interjected.

"Yes, but I looked more closely at the rat and noticed it was missing a toe

on his right front paw." Severus looked at Harry sharply and received a

nod from Harry in return, Daphne and Tracey gasped as they caught on.

"Homenum revelio," Severus cast the spell, the rat lit up red like the

others in the room.

"He's in a full body bind sir, will that hold?"

"He may fight it but in the unbreakable cage it will do him no good."

Severus stood and moved over to the fireplace in his office, "Bones

residence, Amelia Bones." About two minutes later Amelia's head

appeared in the fireplace.

"That still creeps me out," Harry muttered to his friends, who chuckled in


"Severus, is everything okay?"

"Susan is fine as are the others, but I need you here in your full capacity

as Head of the DMLE."

"What's happened Severus," Amelia asked her face hardening.

"Peter Pettigrew has been captured," Severus replied.

"What that rat bastard," everyone in the room heard come from the

fireplace though it wasn't from Amelia Bones. Then Amelia's head

disappeared and Severus moved away just in time for Sirius Black come


"Where is the little bastard," Sirius shouted only to be hit with an

incarcerous and silencing spell by Severus Snape.

"Really Severus," Amelia asked as she stepped through into Severus'


"He was ranting, do you want your boyfriend to go back to jail so soon,"

Severus quipped. Surprising all Amelia blushed a little.

"Shut up Severus, now I assume that would be him," Amelia answered

pointing to the rat in the cage.

"Yes, I've done the reviling spell and it is indeed an animagus."

Amelia picked up the cage and nodded to them, "I'll take him in and we'll

do the necessary spells to make sure then he'll have a trial. I would

suspect it will be public Cornelius will want to flaunt this." With that

Madam Bones disappeared into the floo with the rat cage.

Sirius looked rather pissed off lying there on floor but there was nothing

he could do considering he forgot to bring his wand with him.

Severus looked at him with a small bit of contempt but mostly

understanding, "Are you going to calm down."

Sirius nodded and he was unbound and un-silenced, "So who caught


"Crookshanks and Aiolos," Harry answered. Sirius let out a belly laugh at

the thought of Peter being surrounded by a cat and snake while in his rat


"Can I ask you a question," Blaise said looking at Sirius. Sirius nodded.

"I don't mean to be disrespectful or anything but why would you ever

trust someone who's animagus form is a rat? I mean that's synonymous

with traitor."

Sirius looked thoughtful at the Blaise's question before shrugging, "we

never thought of it that way and Peter was never seen as a threat to


Harry, Blaise, Tracey, Daphne, and Neville where making their way

through the crowded Great Hall where the dueling club was being held.

They were meeting Hermion and two of her year mates from Ravenclaw,

Padma Patil and Su Li. Susan elected to spend some time with Hannah

and some of the other second year badgers. As the group was making

their way over to where Hermione and her two friends stood Harry

accidently bumped into a Hufflepuff by the robes.

"Oh sorry, I wasn't watching," Harry said apologetically to the Hufflepuff.

"S'Alright, I don't think we've met I'm Justin Finch-Fetchly," the

Hufflepuff introduced himself.

Harry held out his hand, "Hadrian Potter."

"Oh I know who you are, all of us do, even us Muggleborns," the

Hufflepuff spoke rather excitedly.

"Erm, I need to catch up to my friends," Harry answered frowing at the

way the boy seemed interested in him for his fame. "See you around."

The Hufflepuff boy said his goodbye as Harry met up with his friends.

"Fanboy," Harry said to his friends at their looks.

Gather round, Gather round," Gilderoy Lockhart announced his presence

as he stepped up on to the raised platform. The idiot was wearing large

plum colored robe that looked difficult to move in. "Can you all here me?

Can you all see me? Good, excellent," Lockhart said pompously strutting

about the platform. "Now Headmaster Dumbledore has given me

permission to start this little dueling club after recent events. As I was

most qualified for the job," there were snickers around the room as he

said that, "I was put in charge. Now my assistant will be Professor Snape,

who tells me he knows a tiny bit about dueling himself." Severus stepped

up on the platform with a look that would have put Lockhart six feet

under, if looks could kill. Lockahrt seemed oblivious to it all continued

on jovially, "now know need to worry you'll have your potion master

back when I'm through with him." Severus' lips curled back.

"Now we'll begin back to back," Lockhart said as Severus and he moved

back to back in the middle of the platform. Severus looked like he was

resisting the urge to kick Lockhart's legs out. "Then you take ten paces,"

they moved the required paces and then turned to face each other.

Severus and Lockhart brought their wands up in front of them and back

down to their sides. "Now we take our stances," Lockhart spoke standing

the side and placing one hand on his hip the other with his wand out in

front, rather like a fencing position, although Lockhart made it look

rather flamboyant. Severus also moved to stand sideways one hand over

his head and the other with his wand out in front, all of Harry's friends

knew this stance and knew Severus wasn't going to hold back against the

ponce, they collectively winced at the smirk Severus wore.

"On the count of three we will cast," Lockhart spoke. "One…two… three."

As soon as Lockhart finished Severus fired off his first curse,

"expelliarmus," the scarlet spell rocketed towards Lockhart and blasted

him back into a wall, making him fall in a lump. Severus merrily smirked

and held up Lockhart's wand in his hand. The Slytherins and some of the

older students mostly males, from the other houses cheered.

"Well it was pretty obvious you were going to do that," Lockhart spoke as

he slowly made his way back to the platform, "I could have blocked you

if I chose to but I thought it would be good for the students to see the

effects of the disarming charm."

Snape sneered at him, "I believe this is yours," Severus through the wand

at Lockhart's feet.

"Right well pair off and we'll start," Harry paired with Blaise, Daphne

with Tracey, Hermione paired with another Ravenclaw. All at once the

Great Hall turned into pandemonium, students were casting spells at each

other left and right. Students were stuck in leg locker curses, some had

boils, others were turning colors they weren't suppose to, and a few pairs

had resorted to fisticuffs. Severus let out a loud bang with his wand,

"perhaps we should teach the children to block unfriendly spells."

"Right how about a volunteer pair. Malfoy and Weasley." The two got up

on to the platform Lockhart tried to explain the shield charm but failed

miserably if the look on Weasley's face was anything to go by. Lockhart

counted down but on two Malfoy fired off a spell that sent Weasley flying

backwards. Weasley stood up and fired of the tickling charm at Malfoy

who laughed uncontrolbly until he shook it off and fired out,

"serpensortia," out of Draco's wand came a large black snake. Girls

shrieked and stepped back. Severus moved to get rid of the snake since

Weasley looked like he was going to wet himself, but Lockhart got there


"Allow me," Lockhart said and waved his wand causing a loud bang

followed by the snake flying ten feet in the air. The snake landed with a

thud and began hissing angrily and twisting around. The snake struck out

at who was closest to it, which happened to be Justin Finch-Fetchly.

Harry yelled out, "SSStop," in Parseltongue. The snake stopped dead and

turned back towards Harry. Harry held out his arm, "come here," he

hissed out. The snake moved towards Harry making students jump back

from its path. It slithered up Harry's arm and onto his shoulders. The

students from the three other houses looked at Harry in horror, Justin

looked like he was a cross between angry and dead scared. Severus Snape

sighed when he heard Harry shout in Parseltongue but moved over to his

student's side. Most of Slytherin house took exception to the way the

other three houses were looking at their star seeker and genuinely nice

but quiet second year and moved to stand behind him as did Neville and

Neville, so did Susan, Daphne took his hand.

Blaise thinking quickly move towards Harry and offered his hand to the

snake, scratching under its head, and hissed, "that'sss a good sssnake."

Harry after realizing what he had done nodded appreciatively towards


"That's enough for today I think," Lockhart said his voice squeaking as he

spoke. The Slytherin's left together. Vaisey who had been dueling with

Alicia Spinnet kissed her hand goodbye as the Slytherins left.

"I'm an idiot," Harry said as they were walking.

"Harry if you wouldn't have stopped the snake, it would have taken that

Hufflepuff's head off," Marcus Flint said with a nod towards the fairly

large snake that was still around Harry and Blaise's shoulders. "What are

you going to do with it?"

"Set him loose," Harry said as they walked passed a window which Blaise

opened and Harry allowed the snake to slither down and out the window

off into the Forbidden Forest.

The next day was hellish for the Slytherins and not just Harry. While

most looked at them with suspicion usually, it had lessened when Harry

had been sorted. Now they were back to fear and suspicion only it was

worse people actually ran from Harry when they saw him and they ran

from some of the older years. Susan had complained that her year mates

were idiots, Ernie MacMillan had convinced them all Harry was the one

petrifying people. Harry was just trying to hold it together until he could

get away from it on Christmas break. Unfortunately for him it was about

to get worse before it was over.

Harry was on his way back from the library where he had to return a

book, he was by himself as he wanted time to think. As he was leaving

the library he glared at Ernie MacMillan who was arguing with Susan

about Harry himself. Susan seeing Harry gave up and joined Harry

leaving the library.

"Sorry Harry, I'm trying."

"It's alright Sue, people always want a scapegoat and I'm it. I'm surprised

their not blaming Blaise too." As Harry spoke they came across a rather

gruesome sight, Nearly Headless Nick petrified. As they looked past Nick,

Susan let out a cry, Justin Finch-Fetchly petrified laying on the ground

with books around him. Harry wrapped Susan in a hug as she looked

shocked. Peeves came around the corner and started singing a song about

Harry being the heir which attracted the attention of students and

teachers alike. The group of Hufflepuffs from the library among them.

"Got in the act, Potter," Ernie spoke loudly. Harry turned with Susan in

his arms crying a glared at the boy.

"Shut up Ernie, Harry didn't do anything. I was with him," Susan yelled

through her tears. Harry just hugged her tighter as she cried. Ernie

looked properly chastised by Susan. Professor McGonagall stepped out of

the crowd with Professor Sinistra.

"Aurora, please take Justin to the hospital wing. MacMillan make you self

useful," she conjured a fan and handed it to him, "blow Sir Nicholas to

the hospital wing." Ernie nodded. Hermione stepped forward and

wrapped an arm around Susan also.

"The rest of you go to your common rooms, now." Harry and Hermione

passed Susan off to Hannah and the other Hufflepuffs.

The group of seven found a compartment and took their seats, all of them

were headed home for the Christmas break. In the two day's since Justin

had been petrified Harry had gotten even more looks of fear despite

having Susan as a witness. Susan was rather ticked at everyone who even

glanced at Harry in fear she had snapped at more than few people, she

was starting to think of Harry as a brother and didn't appreciate that her

word wasn't good enough for everyone.

"So Ginny is staying with you over break," Hermione asked Daphne.

"Yeah, Bill is working on getting a house in Hogsmead over break so she

needs a place to stay. Bill said he was going to bring her to look at some

of the houses to get her opinion."

"So Sirius is throwing a huge party on the twenty third, he already sent

the invitations and I know you all got one," Harry said, "I think he's

planning something."

"Yeah Gran already told me about it. At least it'll be fun knowing Sirius,"

Neville said with a laugh.

"Hopefully all this heir crap blows over while we're on break," Blaise said.

"Now Harry deal, I' m feeling lucky."

The rest of the ride was spent with the seven playing cards and having

fun together.

Harry had been on break for two days now, and was loving the fact that

there was no one whispering about him or starring at him. So far he and

Sirius had hung out at Potter Manor by themselves they watched a few

movies, rocked out to some music, and slept until noon. Harry felt re-

energized from just doing nothing and hanging out with his godfather.

Today was the day of Sirius' Christmas party. The elves had went all out

and decked the halls of Potter Manor in every Christmas decoration they

could find. Sirius and Harry had gone and picked out a Christmas tree

from the forest around Potter Manor, decorating it was about the only

productive thing they had done so far, they cut down a monsterous fir

tree that was about 20 feet high . They had done surprising well with

decorating the tree, according to Mips. The Christmas tree was decked

out in silver and gold ornaments belonging to the Potters and scarlet red

colored garland. Harry had convinced the fairy colony in the forest to

severe as the lights not only on the tree but on the outside of the house.

The tree resembled a muggle tree excepting for the faries, Harry thought

it was brilliant and fitting for his first real Christmas.

Mips was tidying up the manor in preparation for the guests the

Greengrass family plus Ginny as well as Amelia and Susan Bones were

coming over early and were staying until after Christmas morning.

Unbeknownst to Ginny, Sirius had also invited Bill. It was eight a.m.

when Potter Manor's floo lit up depositing Bill Weasley.

"Hello Bill," Harry and Sirius greeted the eldest Weasley son.

"Harry, nice to see you again. And Sirius nice to meet you," Bill said

holding out his hand to Sirius who took it in greeting. Bill let out a low

whistle, "this some place you got here Harry."

Harry grinned, "If you get lost call for Mips or Nips, I had to few times

when I first got here." Bill laughed at that.

"So when do the others get here?"

"Well the Greengrass family and the Bones family will be here in about

an hour," Sirius said, "we figured this would be nice surprise for your

sister. The rest of the guests will be here around four this afternoon.

"Thank you for inviting me."

"No problem have you eaten, Mips is an insanely good cook," Sirius said

clapping Bill on the back and leading him and Harry to the kitchen.

"So Bill what is it you actually do, I mean I know you're a curse breaker."

Harry asked as they were eating some scones waiting for the others to


"Well I work for Gringotts which is well known to be the best in training

curse breakers. Now for what I do, you know I was working Egypt?"

Harry nodded and Bill continued, "Ancient Egyptian tombs of pharaohs,

priests, and nobility are warded and cursed against intruders, I'm one of

the one's who dismantles those curses and wards."

Harry was now looking at the older male in awe, "so you're the first in

those tombs?"

"Yep," Bill said guessing what Harry was thinking about, "the jewels,

tomes, and other relics are incredible."

"What classes did you take at Hogwarts for it?"

"Ancient runes and arithmancy," At Gringotts they go more in depth on

both subjects."

"Hey you two the others should be here in a few minutes," Sirius spoke

coming back into the room his hair gelled. Harry rolled his eyes at the

older man and Sirius returned the gesture by messing Harry's hair. Harry

sighed and pulled his hair back into a small tail now that Sirius had

ruined it, again. Bill chuckled at their antics as they moved to the

entrance hall.

Susan and Amelia arrived first. Amelia greeted Sirius with a kiss which

made the two pre-teens smirk and think about pranks needing to be

pulled. They were introduced to Bill who greeted them with a smile.

Then out of the fire came the Greengrass parents, followed by Astoria

and Ginny, and then Daphne. Ginny upon seeing her brother squealed

and jumped into his arms. Astoria and Daphne both hugged Harry in

greeting as did Evelyn. Sirius and Harry showed everyone to their rooms,

the children separated from the adults going to watch a movie. While the

adults were discussing who was coming to the party tonight and Peter


"Pettigrew's trial is set for the 28th at noon," Amelia said to the Evelyn,

Xavier, and Sirius.

"What have they been doing with him so far," Xavier asked? Sirius had a

rather deadly look on his face.

Amelia took his hand trying to calm him, "we've been interrogating him.

He's has yet to give up anything useful except that he believes that He-

who-must-not-be-named will return and soon.

Xavier looked contemplative, "we already know that."

"Yes but the Minister does not, Dumbledore refuses to budge on school

issues even with the petrifactions at the school this year, he will not let

the Ministry interfere. And he is within his rights, the school charter

states that the Ministry can only appoint a professor if none is found

within two weeks of the start of a new term. Anything else is allowed

only by the leave of previous Headmasters or the Board of Governors."

"And now that Pettigrew has been brought in," Sirius asked?

"He's scared and claiming Pettigrew is delusional from his time as a rat.

However during the trial he will be given veritaserum and I will be

questioning him. It will not be announced publicly even if he does admit

it under veritaserum, also the trial its self will not be public and only the

Minister, myself, Scrimgeour, a scribe, two aurors, the dementor, and

Harry, Traey, Daphne, and Blaise as witnesses will be allowed in and of

course the parents. The press will be given partial transcripts."

Sirius sighed and excused himself from the room, while Evelyn, Xavier,

and Amelia continued talking only this time it was about Sirius and

Amelia's relationship. Xavier enjoyed getting to tease the Head of the

DMLE as a member of the Wizenmagot he was hardly ever in position to

do so.

Sirius found the kids in the game room they had finished watching the

movie and had moved on to playing pool. Astoria and Ginny were

playing foosball. Bill was busy studying the runes and charms required to

make the muggle equipment work. It was actually quite simple instead of

running off electricity Lily used the energy from magic to run the


"Harry, Susan can I talk to you two for a minute," Sirius asked. "We'll be

back in a second. Harry and Susan followed Sirius to an empty sitting

room next to the game room.

"So I wanted to ask you both a question," Sirius started rather unsurely?

"Oookay," Harry and Susan said looking at him like he was off his rocker,

which occasionally he was.

"Good, so, um, how would you feel if I asked Amelia to marry me?"

Harry and Susan looked at each and tried to decide if they should draw

out Sirius' obvious discomfort or end his misery. Harry winked at Susan.

"You mean like tonight," at Sirius' nod Harry continued, "It's awfully short


Susan caught on to Harry and said, "yes I mean we might not even like

each other, did you think about us at all?"

"But, but you and all of them hang out," Sirius stuttered out along with

some other unintelligible words before he realized they were having him

on. "Oh you two are so going to pay." Sirius got up and left the two

laughing twelve year olds in the room.

"Did you see his face I thought his jaw was going to actually fall off,"

Susan said laughing as they left to rejoin their friends.

"So what's up," Daphne asked as they came back into the room?

"Sirius is going to ask Amelia to marry him tonight," Harry said.

"Awe," Daphne, Astoria, and Ginny said at the same time.

Bill leaned over to Harry and muttered, "women."

Harry was about to laugh before he realized in a few years that Daphne

would probably want him to propose, he gulped instead.

Harry was seated at one head of the table with Daphne on his right and

Sirius was at the other head of the table with Amelia seated on his right,

Susan next to her. Among the guests were Neville, his Gran and Great

Uncle who Harry had glared at when they met, he was still livid at the

man for hanging his nephew out the window and dropping him. Tracey

and her parents were there, The Tonks family, Blaise and his mother who

was suspiciously placed across from Severus, The Vaisey family including

Alicia Spinnet who came with Aaron, Bill and Ginny rounded out the rest

of the guest list.

The formal party made Harry a bit uncomfortable, especially with his

Godfather being on the other side of the. Harry was dressed in a black

Hugo Boss suit and had only stopped fidgeting when Daphne took his

hand and he felt Aiolos curl up around his feet. He was further relieved

when he saw on the name cards that Daphne's family and the Tonks

family were closest to him.

"Alright Harry," Xavier asked when everyone had started talking.

Harry nodded and shrugged at the same time, "I've never been to

anything like this let alone host it."

"Just remember outside in for the silverware," Xavier said quietly.

"What's the one on the top for then?"


"Right, dessert."

Before dessert was served Sirius tapped his knife against his glass. The

guests quieted down and Sirius stood.

"While you're all here to celebrate Christmas, I'm hoping when I get done

that they're will be something else to celebrate. "Amelia Susan Bones, you

gave me a chance when most still look at me like a crazed murder and

saved me from my own mind after Azkaban," Sirius kneeled in front of

Amelia, "will you marry me?"

Amelia not trusting her voice nodded and smiled at Sirius whose face

broke out in blinding smile. He slid the ring on to her finger as the guests

applauded the happy couple, well except for Severus who was doing a

kind of golf clap that made Harry laugh. The ring was platinum band and

had a two carat ruby and had a smaller diamond on either side.

Christmas morning arrived and the occupants of Potter Manor were

woken by two excitable eleven year olds. Astoria and Ginny woke

Daphne, Harry, and Susan by jumping up and down on each of the beds.

Daphne in return kicked Astoria's legs out from under her so she fell on

the bed and tackled her tickling her until Astoria cried out she would be

on Daphne if she didn't stop. Ginny fell on the floor laughing on the

serious look on her friends face.

The adults including Bill made their way down to the family room with

the tree at a more sedate pace, as did Harry who still wasn't used to there

being presents for himself. Mips arrived with hot chocolate for everyone

and some biscuits.

"Thank you Mips, I have a gift for you, Nips, Dips again," Harry said as

the other two elves popped into the room. Like the year before all had

tears in their eyes as Harry presented them with their presents. Harry

gave Dips an ivory plated brush for the horses in the stables, inlaid in the

ivory was the Potter crest. Nips received a gold pocket watch that had

belonged to Harry's grandfather, whom Nips had personally served.

Harry hadn't known that until Sirius filled him in on. Mips the motherly

house elf Sirius and Harry adored received necklace that said world's best

house elf.

They decided to start opening presents youngest to oldest, so up first was

Ginny. Ginny who had Shea on her shoulder was rather surprised by how

many gifts she had gotten. Her favorite had to be the signed Gwenog

Jones jersey from the Greengrass family. Astoria went next her favorite

gift ended up coming from Sirius he got her a spastic little owl that Harry

swore had been doused with speed. Daphne went next and loved the

triquetra Celtic knot with a circle ring. In the middle of the knot was a

gemstone that matched her eyes perfectly. Harry was next and his

favorite present came from Professor Snape, it was a set of potions tools

in the highest quality Harry had ever seen, he remembered seeing

Severus use the same set. Susan went after Harry and was enamored with

a book on the Bones family history from Sirius. Most of her family's

books had been destroyed with their Manor in the first war. Bill was up

next and like Ginny was surprised by his gifts, his favorite was from

Harry who gave him a runespoor fang for his earring. Next up was Evelyn

who received from her husband a week's vacation at her favorite spa.

After Evelyn, Sirius was next and his favorite was tie between Amelia

saying yes and Harry's gift to him. They had to go outside to the garage

for Harry's present to his godfather. Harry went over to a covered object

and with a flourish pulled the tarp off revealing a 1953 650cc Triumph

Thunderbird, it was painted a midnight black and had gold colored

decals on it. Sirius ran and picked his godson up and twirled him around

until Harry threatened to puke on him through his laughter. Xavier was

next and received a mimbulus mimbletonia plant from his wife. Amelia

was the last to open gifts and her favorite was also a tie, it was between

the proposal and Sirius next gift to her that was ruby necklace that acted

as an emergency portkey to Potter Manor.

The day for Pettigrew's trial arrived with a prelude that Sirius had

dubbed the mother of all snowball fights. Harry had invited all his friends

over including Tonks over the weekend leading up to the trial. A

snowman building contest had somehow turned into a snowball fight that

pitted Harry, Tonks, Daphne, Blaise, Ginny and Amelia against Sirius,

Susan, Tracey, Hermione, Neville, Astoria, and Bill. Harry's team won

although it was contested by Sirius who claimed they cheated. Harry's

team had built up a fort rather quickly, it was about two feet high and

was circular hiding his whole team from Sirius's team who had built a

fort that was straight across. Harry had paired with Blaise while Tonks

and Amelia made for the another pair, then Daphne and Ginny. Tonks

and Amelia though of using magic before anyone on Sirius's team did and

collapsed a part of the oppositions fort leaving Sirius, Hermione, and

Neville open to attack from the other four. Sirius team ended up waving

a white flag after their fort was completely demolished.

Harry was dressed in a gray suit for the trial, he pulled his hair back and

put some make-up on his scar so he wouldn't attract attention. Sirius

joined him by the floo dressed in a navy blue suit. They arrived at the

ministry and were met at the lifts by Blaise and his mother Bella, Daphne

and her parents, Ginny had gone with Bill to look at houses and he had

graciously taken Astoria with him, and Tracey and her parent Addison

and Marius. They made their way to the courtroom without any problems

most people still tended to stay far away from Sirius. They were met at

the courtroom door by two aurors who Sirius knew a Dawlish and

Robards, said aurors allowed only them through. The trial was called to

order by Minister Fudge, it seemed that Pettigrew wasn't given an

attorney as Harry didn't see one or Pettigrew for that matter. Minister

Fudge, Amelia, another man he didn't recognize, a women who looked

like a walking bottle of Pepto Bismol, and the scribe Harry recognized

from Sirius's trial. Fudge called Amelia to start the trial.

"As I have recently become engaged to Lord Black, I will excuse myself

from the questioning. Head Auror Scrimgeour is here to question the

witnesses and the accused," Madam Bones re-took her seat.

Fudge nodded, "Auror Scrimgeour you may proceed."

"I call witness Mr. Blaise Zabini to the stand."

Blaise stood and moved over to the stand and was sworn in and

questioned by Scrimgeour. This continued for Harry, Daphne, and Tracey

as well. Finally they got to the part they were all waiting for. The doors

at the back of the court room opened and Peter Pettigrew wrapped in

magic suppressing chains, he was led in by two aurors Harry recognized

them from Sirius's trial as Shacklebolt and the other was Proudfoot

according to Sirius. Harry paid more attention this time to the cloaked

figure that was floating next to Pettigrew. Harry found the figure

disturbing, he could only see the hands of it but they looked pale, they

seemed to have a sheen to them and were scabby, Harry was reminded of

a zombie movie that his cousin watched late one night. He noticed the

temperature dropped in the room and that the black cloaked figures

breath was noticeable Harry began to hear a faint voice screaming then

out of Amelia's wand shot a large silvery dog and it circled the cloaked

figure forcing it back and the effects and the faint screaming vanished.

Shacklebolt administered the veritaserum and the questioning began.

"What is your name?"

"Peter Pettigrew."

"When were you born?"

"August 30, 1960."

Scrimgeour satisfied that the veritaserum was working began the real

questions, "We're you James and Lily Potter's secret keeper?"

Peter looked like he was struggling but his answer came out, "yes."

"Are you a severvant of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named?" Harry rolled his

eyes at the hyphenated name.

"yes," Pettigrew squeaked out.

"How long were you a servant of him for?"

"I still am, my Lord will rise again and I will be rewarded." Sirius looked

like he was going to hop the visitors box and strangle him, Harry too

looked like he would kill the man. Daphne grabbed Harry's hand and

Xavier put his hand Sirius's shoulder to keep him still.

"When did you begin serving him?" Rufus amended his question.

"In my seventh year, he promised me I would no longer be in James,

Sirius and Remus' shadows."

"You sniveling little rat," Sirius growled out and stood but Xavier forced

him down into his seat.

"You said he will rise again how do you know this?"

"My mark his still present. He tried last year at Hogwarts but I was too

late to help."

"Shacklebolt the antidote and his arm," Scrimgeour looked disgusted and

motioned to Pettigrew. Shacklebolt gave him the antidote and reached

for his arm showing the faded mark to the room. Pettigrew now that he

had been given the antidote looked extremely worried and scared he was

even started shaking.

"By the power granted to me as Minister of Magic I sentence you to life

imprisonment in Azkaban, aurors take him away." Fudge announced and

banged his gavel; a picture of Pettigrew being lead away was taken for

the papers. The Minister looked rather pale and the Pepto lady looked

strangely pleased her smile made chills run down Harry and his friends'

spines. They vacated the court as fast as the Minister could move, Amelia

waved to Sirius and the others before she and Scrimgeour followed the

Minister out.

"Hey Harry what are these?" Daphne asked holding up a book, two more

were on the ground. Daphne couldn't read anything as it looked like

squiggles. Harry came over from where he was packing his trunk.

"Oh! I forgot about these," Harry shouted excitedly, "They're in

Parseltongue and these two," Harry said holding up the two journal type

books, "were written by Salazar Slytherin. The other was written by

Lycurgus a Greek." Harry pointed to the last one that was parchment

bound together by some twine. "I found two of them in Knockturn Alley,

the other was the one Tracey gave me."

"Do you think it has anything about the chamber in them?" Daphne asked

Harry as he flipped through the book she somewhat remembered from

last Christmas now.

"I'm not sure I never got the chance to read them," Harry finished with a


"Well put them in your trunk we need to leave for the train station."


Hey hope ya'll doing well one more to go until summer. I'm made

Peter more then just a spinless coward it'll work for later and

Blaise's question of Sirius trusting a person who can turn into a rat

is something I've always wondered, when someone is traitor you

call 'em a rat so why would anyone trust him? Hope you enjoyed it

as all ways suggestions helpfull.

Oh and I got a comment about a dialoge only working if you say it

not write, sorry I have a tendency to type the way I talk ususally I

catch it but I missed that one.

12. The Chamber

"Has Sirius and Amelia set a date yet?" Tracey asked Harry and Susan.

They had been back a week and were currently in the library working on

a Transfiguration essay about which law of Transfiguration was used

when doing animal to water goblet and other animal to things

transformations. Harry looked at Susan to see if she had an answer, she

shook her head.

"No, just that it's sometime in the summer. They'll probably have a date

soon though, I would think for invitations and everything."

"Any progress on the Slytherin books," Hermione asked as she put the

finishing touches on her essay. She like most of the time finished before

the others and was proofing her work.

"Well the Lycurgus book and the Slytherin book Tracey gave me are

about Parseltongue and using it with spells and some that are exclusively

Parseltongue spells. The other is a personal diary, it looks like. I'm

reading the whole thing and am only at the beginning, and it begins with

the four getting meeting, so soon hopefully will know," Harry finished.

"Well one thing we do know is that I can speak the language and

understand it when spoken but not when it's written," Blaise

disappointedly added.

"Did anybody actually use their brain over the break," Neville asked as a

group of Ravenclaws passed them looking at Harry fearfully.

"Neville as a pureblood you should know by now the wizarding world

never does if they can avoid it," Daphne joked.

"So the team ready for the game this weekend," Tracey asked Harry.

"Well you should have it easy Harry, Cho's afraid you'll petrify her if she

flies near you," Hermione said with a snort.

Harry groaned, "I thought Ravenclaws were supposed to be smart." The

table chuckled.

"I thought Cho proved last year she wasn't exactly Ravenclaw material,"

Daphne said referring to Cho pulling on Harry's broom the year before. "I

mean who tries to cheat a Slytherin and think nothing's going to happen."

The game as Hermione predicted was not much of a game at all. Cho

stayed on the opposite end of the pitch from Harry for the whole game.

Whenever Harry flew down around the players instead of circling above

the Ravens would scattered away from him often forgetting the quaffle.

Harry at one point trying to make them see how ridiculous they were

being by flying over next to Chambers, Ravenclaws keeper, Chambers left

the goal Harry was near wide open. Finally Davies called a time out and

yelled at his players for about five minutes until Madam Hooch called for

them to come back to the pitch. Harry vacated his position near

Ravenclaws goals and caught the snitch within two minutes later.

Slytherin won 420 to 10 putting them firmly in the lead for the Quidditch

cup, Wood looked like he wanted to strangle the Ravenclaw players.

Harry was sitting on his bed with Salazar's journal in his hands, Blaise

was already out and Aiolos was curled up on the end of his bed.

September 992:

The semester has began once again, I tire of teaching students who have no


in my subjects, It has been fourteen years since we've started. I find myself

missing the apprentice style. The apprentices have much more enthusiasm over

subjects. I've been arguing with Godric lately over the students. Those that do

not have magic parents or come from the peasantry are often barely able to

speak the common tongue, let alone write or understand the Latin used. I feel

that they need to be educated before they can come to Hogwarts. Another

problem is the prejudice being brought in by the common raised. As the church

spreads so does the hatred and fear of our kind, it has the potential to put our

school in danger. Godric and the others cannot see it by I can, the common

outnumber us if their fear continues we could easily be exterminated. It is not

the children I fear but their common families, some are not receptive to us and

one of my prized has returned injured this year, his 'family' wished him a not

so gentle goodbye.

As Harry continued on with his reading the struggle between Salazar and

the others intensified. Violence from parents and villagers against the

students continued at their homes when they were away from Hogwarts.

Salazar seemed particularly concerned for his prized student William,

who was also close to Salzar's son Stavros. It seemed William's father was

devote Christian and believed his son to be evil.

Junius 4 992

I have received an urgent owl from William, my wife Aurora, myself, and


are going to check on him and bring him with us if need be.

There was a pause in the writing as if he stopped and picked it up later.

The parchment he noticed had wet spots on it the writing was harder to

read also.

We, we got to the village, there was fire burning in the middle of the town. The

smell of burnt flesh was easily identifiable. I had sinking feeling as we entered

the village. We moved closer to the center of town, there was a pyre built it

had already been lit strapped to the pyre was a body horribly burnt. The

stench was unbearable for Aurora who moved to the side and vomited. Stavros

and I walked closer unable to look away we pushed through the gathered

crowd. The body was sickening red and black charred. It was William. Stavros

let out yell at the realization that this was his friend almost brother's body. He

had been burned by his own father. Stavros lashed out and started throwing

spells, he burned the village down, I helped. We killed some of the villiagers

but…but in our rage we forgot Aurora was not with us. William's father called

out to us, he Aurora by the throat a knife to her throat, he screamed death to

evil and slit her throat. My wife she fell lifeless to the ground, I heard

screaming and realized it was me. I cast the cruciatus curse for an

undetermined amount of time. When the man was just about to leave his

sanity I stopped and then killed him in the most painful way I could think of I

cast the fiendfyre curse and watched him burn like he did William. Stavros

retrieved his mother's body and we left.

Harry could almost feel the sadness and pain Salazar felt as he was

reading the entry. Aiolos came up the bed and around Harry's shoulders

and licked his face offering comfort to her human. Harry thanked her and

continued reading, he couldn't but the journal down. As he read the

conflict between Slytherin and the other three founders, Godic the most,

became more pronounced Salazar and Stavros went downhill quickly.

Their feelings turned to hate towards all common people as they referred

to them. Catherine turned to Liam but both Salazar and his son turned

inwards. Salazar became almost fanatical and it eventually led to the

blow out with Godric and Salazar leaving the school.

Martius 993

I am leaving the school, I cannot stay here anymore my differences are too


I have built a chamber in secret with Stavros, it shall house my familiar and a

potions store room. Basel shall live within the chamber and guard the school,

for though I may favor purebloods once you are in my house you are under

my protection. The common whom so chose to attack us will face Basel, the

king of serpents, he will protect the school when need but may only be called

on by one of my tongue.

That was the last entry in the journal, Harry closed the journal heavily.

He let out a shaky breath and took out his wand, 'tempus,' Harry thought

the spell and out of his wand came 2:10 formed by a purple wisps.

Harry ran his hand over his face, "Aiolosss do you know a sssnake that isss

called the King of Ssserpentsss?"

"That would be a basssilisssk, hatchling. Very deadly creature but one hasssn't

been ssseen for centuriesss. I'm afraid I know no more."

"Thank you Aiolosss." Harry blew out the candle and tried to fall asleep,

eventually sleep found him.

"Harry you look dead on your feet." Neville commented as he joined the

four Slytherins as they walked into the Great Hall for breakfast the next


"Thanks Nev," Harry commented dryly as the lone Gryffindor went to

separate from them. Tracey grabbed Neville by the arm and pulled him

over to sit with them. Daphne nodded her head towards Hermione and

then there table. Hermione got the message and stood up and walked

over to the Slytherin table where she sat down, Neville who was still

standing sat down after Hermione did. Susan entered the Great Hall and

seeing her friends gathered at the Slytherin table walked over and joined

them. At the Head table Professor Snape had a proud look on his face

that only increased when Alicia Spinnet got up from Gryffindor and sat

next to Aaron Vaisey. The school stared in awe at those non-Slytherins at

the table of the snakes. Susan, Hermione, Neville, and Alicia remained

indifferent to the stares of the other students and continued chatting with

their friends. Severus was about to stand when through the hall doors

came Gilderoy Lockhart in magenta robs followed by some rather

offended looking dwarfs.

The dwarfs were dressed as cupids and Harry thought it made for a

rather offensive site considering some of the dwarves had beards and

were rather fat. He looked at Daphne and saw a disgusted look on her

face that made Harry chuckle, she elbowed him for good measure.

Lockhart moved to the front of the Great Hall and amplified his voice,

"Today is a wondrous day, Valentine's day." Lockhart spoke with glee and

smiled his award winning smile, "I have arranged for these cupids to

deliver you valentines throughout the day. I would like to thank the forty

six people who have sent me cards. Now if you really want to get into the

spirit why not ask Professor Snape for a love potion or Professor Flitwick

for entrancing enchantments." As Lockhart ended his impromptu speech

confetti exploded and the Great Halls decorations changed to a rather

horrifying pink and red. Snape and Flitwick both had looks on their faces

that made Lockhart flee the Great Hall rather quickly. Followed by the

students who fled in hopes of avoiding the dwarves.

Harry had been accosted by dwarves at least four times throughout the

day and had been given twenty cards. Daphne was rather upset with the

dwarves and cards. They were on their way to Charms when Harry was

once again accosted by a dwarf, this one was rather persistent as Harry

tried to escape it pulled Harry around by his arm.

"Oi, you, stay still! I've got a singing card to deliver." Harry looked for an

escape but his bag split open spilling his stuff across the floor. A crowd

had gathered around Harry and his friends. Then the dwarf burst into

song, badly:

"His eyes are as green as fresh pickled toad,

His hair is as dark as a blackboard,

I wish he was mine, he's really divine,

The hero who conquered the Dark Lord."

Harry looked like he was going to die of embarrassment. Daphne who

had looked rather pissed off when the dwarf first arrived was now rolling

on the floor laughing with Tracey. Blaise looked like he was holding his

laughter in. The crowd of first years surrounding him was laughing and

the dwarf looked rather pleased with itself. Harry gathered his things,

muttered a reparo for his bag, and walked away with as much dignity as

he could manage, as he was walking away he saw the twins walking

away laughing and looking entirely too pleased with themselves.

Later that night Harry and his friends were in there unused classroom

which was devoid of all Valentine 's Day crap as Harry put it.

"So the twins need to be pranked and pranked again," Harry stated.

"Are you sure it was them," Neville asked?

"Nope, but does it matter?"

"No, should be fun to prank them what did you have in mind?"

"Well Hermione, Susan I'm going to need your help you're the best at

Transfiguration. I'm going to spike their drinks with a compulsion potion.

I need you two to transfigure their clothes, into diapers and wings can

you manage that?"

"It shouldn't be a problem," Hermione said looking towards Susan who

nodded in agreement.

The next day came and Harry was ready for his payback. He gave the

potion for the twins drinks to one of the elves who was a friend of Mips

and Hermione and Susan were sitting at the Hufflepuff table to get a shot

at the twins. The twins walked in to breakfast late as usual which made

Harry's prank all the more better, the whole school would witness it.

"So you added something Blaise said," Daphne asked Harry?

"Yeah you'll see, I made another potion." As soon as the twins took a sip

Susan and Hermione cast their spells. There was a loud bang and the

twins floated up towards the clouds in the Great Hall and started singing

Endless Love. Hermione and Susan brilliantly transfigured the twins

clothing into an over large diaper, and fairy wings, they had even added

winged sandals. The best part was the twins horrifying looks on their

faces when they realized what happened. The whole school lost it and

was falling out of their seats laughing. Even the teachers were laughing,

well McGonagall was smilling and Severus was smirking but that was as

close as they were going to get.

In between laughs Daphne got out, "how long it last?"

"Two hours," Harry replied with a smirk.

"Oh damn!" Harry said closing Moste Potente Potions, "I forgot to tell you

guys. I finished Salazar's journal." It had been over a week since the

prank but between Quidditch, sessions with Snape, and class work it had

slipped Harry's mind. "The monster in the chamber is Salazar's familiar,

Basel, a basilisk." At Harry's announcement there were gasps around the

classroom the friends were in.

"A Basilisk!"

"But if it's a basilisk why hasn't anyone been killed, though Hagrid's

roosters getting killed makes sense." Hermione spoke as if she was

thinking out loud.

"How so? I don't actually know anything about basilisks," Harry asked


Hermione pulled a book down from one of the shelves. They had taken to

keeping some of their stuff in the classroom, it was in the dungeon and

Severus said he would make sure their stuff was safe.

"Do you have book for everything?" Blaise asked with a teasing tone.

"Yes," Harmione answered completely missing Blaise's small joke. The

others chuckled.

"Now here we go," Hermione said flipping through the pages of Ancient

Creatures, "The basilisk is one of the most feared beasts in the world. It is

known as the king of serpents and is believed to be the most dangerous

snake to ever live. The snake can live up to a thousand years under the

right conditions. Its hide is nigh impossible to harm with magic or

weapon alike. They have two main weapons, their fangs witch hold the

deadliest known venom, it kills within a minute, the only antidote is

phoenix tears although it is untested. Its other weapon is their deadly

gaze if looked upon directly the gaze kills instantly, if looked upon

indirectly it can petrify the gazer. The only know method of killing is to

somehow penetrate the brain through the mouth or the avada kedavra

curse, also the crow of a rooster can kill it. As a side note it is believed

that they can be controlled by parselmouths." Hermione read aloud the

passage on basilisks.

"So there's another Parselmouth in the school besides Harry and Blaise,"

Daphne concluded.

"There's another thing guys," Harry said with a shaky tone of voice, "if it's

been alive this whole time it's been growing. It would have to be like 60

feet long by now."

"So we've been insanely lucky," Blaise said, the others looked at him

questioningly. "Well think about so far only the roosters have been killed.

Mrs. Norris saw it through water, Creevy through his camera, and Justin

through Sir Nick. Sir Nick is already dead so he can't be killed again.

Sooner or later it's going to kill someone."

"We need Professor Snape," Tracey said.

They seven friends arrived at Professor Snape's office moments later.

Harry knocked on the door. They waited for a minute or two before

Professor Snape opened the door.

"Come in," Severus said when he saw who it was.

After they were seated Harry spoke, "we know what it is in the chamber

and petrifying the others." Severus rose an eyebrow and Harry continued,

"it's a basilisk, Salazar Slytherin's familiar Basel to be precise."

"And how did you figure this out?"

"I bought his journal in Knockturn Alley, the store owner wasn't sure

what was but I could read it. He wrote it in Parseltongue. The last entry

talks about Basel but it doesn't say where the chamber is located."

Severus leaned back in his chair with a contemplative look. After a few

minutes he spoke, "I want you all to be very, very, careful in the school.

We do not know who it is that is opening the chamber and controlling

the basilisk. Until we do I'm afraid there is little we can do especially

since we do not know where the entrance is located. And carry

something reflective with you and Harry if you chase after this snake if

you hear it, I will use you as potion ingredients, do you understand me?"

Severus finished starring directly at Harry with a look that promised pain

if he disobeyed him.

"Yes, sir. But um why am I the only one to get a wrning," Harry sulked.

"Because you can hear it and who's idea was it to go after Quirrell. Now

stop sulking I believe I assigned a rather long potions essay."

They got up to go, "I wasn't sulking."

"Mmhmm sure you weren't," Daphne said consoling and teasingly at the

same time, "now let's go finish our essay on hair-raising potions. The

others laughed and Blaise made a whipping motion towards Harry.

Harry was out practicing for the upcoming match against Hufflepuff.

Despite being in the lead for the cup by 300 points Flint still had them

practicing four nights a week. The group of friends rarely went anywhere

alone and was generally checking corners with mirrors before they would

turn the corner. They were getting some strange looks from other

students but that really wasn't anything new. So far they couldn't tell if

Severus had informed anyone else of their discovery.

As Harry was coming back he met up with Daphne, Tracey, and Blaise

and they continued on to the Slytherin common room.

"So the twins still have no idea who pranked them." Blaise said as they

walked into the common room. "They were talking about it after lunch.

They're not sure if they should bow to the prankster or prank the living

daylights out of them." Harry's smirk was decidedly Slytherin and

completely prideful.

At breakfast the next morning Blaise received a letter and then started

banging his head on the table.

"What's up Blaise?" Harry asked stopping his friend from doing

permanent damage.

"My mum is dating Professor Snape."

"So?" Tracey asked stressing the 'o'.

"I suck at Potions and he's my teacher, he has my grades and detentions."

"Yeah and Sirius is going to marry the head of the Magical Law

Enforcement, I win for who's worse in deep shit if they ever get in


The Slytherin Quidditch team had suited up and Marcus was giving them

a pre-game lecture, erm pep talk and last minute details.

"Harry last game better not have made you complacent, Cedric can

compete with you and unlike Chang he isn't stupid enough to believe

your running around petrifying people in your spare time."

"Like he has any," Vaisey commented. The team laughed knowing Harry

was usually busier then Bole and Derrick and they were in their N.E.W.T.


"Alright let's head out." With that the Slytherin Quidditch team made

their way out to the pitch. They were interrupted by their Head of House.

"I'm afraid the match and the rest of the quidditch season has been

cancelled," Severus Snape stated, Harry got a sinking feeling in his gut.

"What," Flint yelled starting to protest but one look from his head of

house silenced him.

"You all need to return directly to the common room, Mr. Potter you're to

come with me." Severus's tone broke no opposition from anyone. Harry

followed his head of house who led him to the hospital wing where

Blaise, Daphne, Tracey, and Susan were waiting. As they approached so

did Neville who was being led by Professor Vector. Together the group

walked into the hospital wing to find two new additions to the petrified

students a Ravenclaw prefect and Hermione. The group rushed their

friend's bedside then turned to look towards Severus.

"They were found outside the library," Severus spoke. They were allowed

a few minutes with their friend before they were escorted to their

common rooms, Severus took his snakes back, they were quiet the whole

journey and Severus couldn't find words to say to his favorites.

They entered the common room where all of Slytherin was waiting. The

look on their fellow snakes faces knew someone else had been attacked.

"There have been two more attacks, Miss Clearwater and Miss Granger

both of Ravenclaw. They are currently petrified in the hospital wing. In

light of the attacks new rules will be going into effect, all students must

return to their House common room by six o'clock in the evening. No

students are to leave the dorms after that time, you will be escorted to

and from classes by a teacher, no student is to use the bathroom

unaccompanied by a teacher, and all further quidditch matches,

practices, and all other evening activities are canceled." Some of the

Slytherin students mumbled and groaned. Severus raised his eyebrow

silencing them and he spoke once more, "if any of you pay attention you

will note Miss Clearwater is a pureblood, these rules apply to everyone.

The next day at breakfast it was clearly evident that Harry Potter was not

the heir of Slytherin. He and his friends were visibly depressed, Susan,

Daphne, and Tracey had tear tracks on their faces, while Blaise and

Harry's faces took on a stoic blank look that was haunting. Neville looked

angry, nobody had ever seen the shy boy with that expression on his face.

"Hadrian," Draco whispered from his spot at the Slytherin table. Harry

looked over, "I know you've looked into the chamber legend or if you

haven't you will now." Harry nodded and Draco continued, "my father

told me the chamber was opened fifty years ago and that a student was

killed but that's all he told me." Harry nodded his thanks.

Harry turned to his friends who were gathered at Slytherin table, "This is

personal now. Tracey can you contact your father find out what he

knows, Nev, you too your Gran knows almost everything and she might

have been at school then." They both nodded their agreement and

brought out a piece of parchment from their bags and began writing their

letters. Tracey's owl Hermes flew down from the rafters of the Great Hall

and took her note off. Neville was about to ask to borrow one of his

friends owls when Hedwig swooped down and landed in front of him.

Harry smiled at his owl and gave her a piece of bacon before she flew off

with Neville's letter.

When Harry, Daphne, Tracey, and Blaise returned to the common room

that night with the other Slytherins and Professor Snape, a notice was

posted for the second years to sign up for next year's classes. They had

five choices Muggle Studies, Divination, Ancient Runes, Arithmancy, and

Care of Magical Creatures. Harry already knew one of his classes, Care of

Magical Creatures he was trying to decide his other classes. He knew he

wanted it to be either Ancient Runes or Arithmancy.

"So we can't drop classes?" Harry asked his friends, he thought History of

Magic was a waste of time with Binns. He could study on his own and

still make an O.W.L.

"Yeah we can't drop until after the O.W.L.'s at the end of fifth year,"

Blaise commented disappointedly. "I wouldn't mind dropping a couple."

"What classes would you drop you need the basics of them for most

jobs?" Tracey pointed out.

"Well History for one Binns is better than a sleeping potion and maybe

defense. We haven't had a decent teacher yet and if Lockhart is a sign of

whats to come a five year old could teach us more." Tracey nodded

conceding he had point.

"Daph what are you signing up for?" Harry asked.

"Ancient Runes and Care of Magical Creatures or Arithmancy, I'm having

trouble deciding." Daphne answered.

"How about I take Arithmancy and teach you it while you do the same

for me with Ancient Runes?" Daphne smiled at Harry and nodded in

acceptance and they put their names down on the lists. Tracey signed up

for Ancient Runes and Arithmancy saying she would help too with

catching them up on the other subject they weren't taking. Blaise signed

up the same classes as Harry stating he had no wish to endure pointless

class like divination or muggle studies, considering you have to be seer

for one and he already spends time in the muggle world. They found out

the next morning Susan signed up for Ancient Runes and Arithmancy

while Neville signed up for Care of Magical Creatures and Ancient Runes.

A week passed without word from either Tracey's dad of Nev's Gran.

During the week Slytherins in all years stuck together more closely as

they noticed the dirty looks all of them were getting from the other

houses, they were the only ones without a victim, yet. Although

surprising most everyone, Ernie Macmillan apologized to Harry for

accusing him citing that he knew he would never do that to Hermione.

Harry wasn't sure if he wanted to accept the apology or sucker punch

him. Another aspect of note was the rumor that Dumbledore had been

sacked by the school governors, indeed Dumbledore was no longer

present at meals and McGonagall had taken his seat in the Great Hall.

This did little to ease the fears of the students who felt vulnerable

without the defeater of Grindelwald and 'greatest wizard alive.' The

others didn't see the difference in him being there or not after all the

attacks had been happening all year. Hagrid was also missing from meals

and his hut was empty.

Another week passed without much happening except some of the

students now said Hagrid went to Azkaban though they weren't sure what

for some speculated it had to do with a dragon. Finally Neville had a

reply from his Gran who said she had been a seventh year then and that

all they knew was a girl had died in a bathroom, they weren't told

anything else and surprisingly this was one time the rumor mill at

Hogwarts didn't have any other information.

"Well that wasn't very helpful," Neville commented, "I wonder what took

so long."

"So a girl was killed in a bathroom." Neville nodded.

"Well hopefully my dad has something else." Tracey said as they walked

towards Potions.

"As you all know finals will begin next week," Professor McGonagall

started only to be cut off by various moans and groans coming from the

class. Harry and his friends minus Susan and Hermione were in their last

class of the day Transfiguration. The groans came from almost everyone

in the classroom.

"We're still having exams!" Seamus Finnegan exclaimed. The Weasel

sitting beside him was nodding his head furiously in agreement with his

friend and then held up his broken wand that was taped.

"Dumbledore wants the school to run as if things were normal." Professor

McGonagall stated. Harry and his friends looked upset they were worried

about their friend, not exams, not to mention a potentially 60 foot snake

petrifying them. "Yes well I hope you have all been studying, now I will

escort you all to the Great Hall for dinner.

Daphne looked pensive at dinner. She was just pushing the food around

her plate not really eating. "Daph what's wrong?" Harry asked his voice

laced with concern.

"I just feel like there's something missing with the chamber. Its there but I

just can't name it and its bothering me." Daphne said with her face

scrunched in frustration. Harry had an errant thought that she looked

rather cute like that.

"We'll figure it out," Tracey said, "we still need to hear from my dad."

Harry nodded in agreement with Tracey and took Daphne's hand beside

him in his and smiled at her hoping to ease her worry.

"I have good news," Professor McGonagall announced Friday morning,

shouts followed this.

"No Exams?"

"Professor Dumbledore's coming back?"

"You caught the heir?"

"Silence," Professor McGonagall called out stopping the random shouts.

"Now Professor Sprout has informed me the mandrakes are ready for

cutting, which means by tomorrow night all those who have been

petrified shall be returned to us." Most of the students cheered although

there were a few who looked upset including Pansy Parkinson and her

stooges. Harry and his friends at the Slytherin table had bright smiles on

their faces that surprised the rest of the school, who ever saw a Slytherin

actually smile and not smirk. Even some of the older Slytherins looked

happy as they were found of the Granger girl, she often proved herself to

have a Slytherin streak when she would outdo Weasley at the exact

moment it would have the most impact.

"Maybe now we'll find out who the heir is now," Susan said as they left

for their first class for the day. As they were walking to Charms Tracey's

owl flew down with a letter for her from her father.

"It's from dad," Tracey said excitedly. But as she was about to open it

Professor Flitwick came in to start his lesson. "After class," she whispered.

After class let out and the group was on their way to lunch Tracey pulled

out the letter and read it. "So he says sorry it took so long but he was

trying to find information on the event. It seems like as now the story

was repressed but he was able to find out some information. He states

that a fourth year muggleborn Ravenclaw, Myrtle Doe was killed in the

girls bathroom. The culprit was identified to be an Acromantula brought

into the castle by Rubeus Hagrid a then third year Gryffindor. He was

expelled when he was caught with the spider by a sixth year Slytherin

Prefect Tom Marvolo Riddle, after the school was threatened with being

shut down. That's all he could get." Tracey finished as they were sitting

down with the others for lunch.

"Well we know it's not Hagrid since it wasn't an acromantula," Neville


"Are you sure your father said it was Tom Riddle that caught Hagrid?"

Harry asked with a worried look on his face.

"Yeah why?"

"The diary Ginny had, remember it belonged to Tom Marvolo Riddle,"

Harry stated in a flat voice.

"Guys I know what I was trying to figure out. The girl who was killed

fifty years ago, she never left the castle." Daphne said receiving weird

looks from her friends. "There's a ghost in the second floor girls


"Isn't that the one you told me not to go into?" Tracey asked her friend.

"Yes and it's because of the ghost 'Moaning Myrtle.' She certainly earns

the nickname too. She cries, and yells at everything she perceives to be

an insult and she frequently floods the bathroom. I told you not to go in

their because of that it's hard to pee when you have someone wailing and

sobbing one stall over."

"I think that might be the entrance," Blaise spoke with a look of deep

thought on his face. "Think about it. All the attacks have happened either

on or below the third floor, the first one right outside that bathroom, the

corridor was flooded that night. And that was the only attack fifty years

ago she must have seen it come out of, well my guess would be a pipe.

That's the only way I can think of that a snake could get around without

being seen if it's huge."

"Where's Professor Snape," Harry said motioning to the head table.

"I don't know, go ask McGonagall she should know as interim

headmistress," Daphne answered.

Harry got up and walked to the head table where Professor McGonagall

was sitting.

"Yes, Hadrian," Professor McGonagall asked?

"I need to talk to Professor Snape, do you know where he is?"

"Yes he is in his lab brewing the restorative for those that have been

petrified and not to be disturbed," McGonagall stated in a tone that told

Harry he wasn't getting to see Severus today. Harry nodded and turned

going back to his seat.

"She's not going to let us see him. He's brewing the restorative."

Harry, Neville, Daphne, Tracey and Blaise were all sitting in Defense

waiting for it to be over. They were also anxious to get to Professor

Snape and tell him they had figured out where the chamber was. They

figured they could convince a Prefect to take them to his office since it

was so near to the common room.

A knock came on the door interrupting Lockhart's rather obnoxious

retelling of another passage from his book. A Hufflepuff prefect came into

the room, Harry couldn't think of her name.

"Professor Sprout needs to speak with Daphne Greengrass. I'm to escort


Lockhart being the idiotic arse that he was didn't even bother to check if

the girl had a slip with her and sent Daphne with the Hufflepuff. Harry

looked a bit worried he was feeling like something bad was going to

happen again. The class ran down with and Professor Lockhart moved to

escort the students to the Great Hall. As he was doing so the idiot trip

and fell looking at smiling at his reflection as he passed a suit of armor.

"Come on," Harry whispered pulling his friends away from the line of

students, "something doesn't feel right I want to check on Daphne." They

nodded and started to follow Harry they had turned the corner when

they ran into Professor McGonagall.

"And just where do you think you are going," McGonagall spoke raising

an eyebrow at the students.

"We were just trying to visit Hermione," Blaise spoke without missing a


Tracey added on, "we've missed her and we just wanted to let her know

we were thinking about her and tell her about exams." As Tracey spoke

tears welled up in her eyes and Harry and Susan both put on sad faces.

McGonagall's expression softened, "Oh I hadn't even thought about how

the petrified students friends were taking all this. You four go on I'll let

Poppy know you're coming."

"Thank you," Tracey said tearfully.

Once McGonagall was gone Harry turned to Tracey, "nice touch with the

crying but now we need to stop in on Hermione since Madam Pomfrey's

waiting for us."

"How did you learn to cry like," Blaise asked?

"I'm a girl, we all know how to cry on que," Tracey said with a laugh,

Susan nodding in agreement. Harry and Blaise rolled their eyes as they

walked into the hospital wing. They made their way over to Hermione's

bed where Madam Pomfrey muttered something about petrified people

not being able to hear before leaving for her office. Blaise, Susan, and

Tracey were focused on Hermione but Harry's attention was drawn to

another bed. The other three followed his eyes to the other bed and

gasped. There was the Hufflepuff prefect that had escorted Daphne.

"Susan, Tracey go get Professor Snape and tell him where the entrance is.

I don't care if you have to blow his office door to pieces, just get him

there." Harry barked out and Susan and Tracey nodded leaving the

hospital wing at a dead sprint for the dungeons.

"Blaise you coming with me?"

"Damn right, I am."

Harry turned to his friend and nodded his thanks, they both took off

running. As they were about round the corner to the corridor with the

bathroom in it an announcement rang out, "All students are to report to

their common rooms immediately. All available teachers to the second

floor corridor," McGonagall's voice rang out but Harry and Blaise could

hear it as if she was near them. They poked their heads around the corner

and saw McGonagall. As they did so they heard footsteps and Harry

pulled them into a nearby broom cupboard in time for Professor Flitwick

to pass without noticing them.

"What is it, another attack?" They heard Professor Sprout ask.

"Worse it is as we feared a student, actually two students, have been

taken into the chamber by the monster. The school will be closed now."

They heard more footsteps as Professor McGonagall talked and then they

heard Professor Lockhart's voice.

"So sorry dozed off what have I missed?"

"Oh good you've arrived, students have been taken into the chamber.

Weren't you saying last night you knew where it was?"

"Oh, erm, right yes I did," Lockhart stuttered out.

"Well then we'll leave you to it," Professor Flitwick said.

Harry and Blaise could hear the condescension in the Professor's voice,

but apparently Lockhart couldn't because his next words were, "right well

I'll just go prepare." Lockhart scampered off immediately.

"Who did the monster take Minerva," Sprout asked as they were passing

by the closet that hid Harry and Blaise.

"Elizabeth Wayne and Daphne Greengrass," McGonagall her tone as

distraught as anyone had ever heard it.

Harry and Blaise exited the cupboard quietly. They saw the message on

the wall as they passed to the entrance of the bathroom, Their skeleton's

will lie in the chamber forever, was written in blood.

Once they entered the bathroom Harry was livid, "they're just going to

leave it up to that motherfucking fraud who can barely even cast a damn

shield spell!"

Blaise grabbed Harry by the shoulder's, "Harry calm down. We're going

down there and with any lock will be able to control it. Not Lockhart.

Now let's find the entrance."

"What are you doing yelling in my bathroom," came the annoying voice

of moaning Myrtle from behind them.

Harry turned towards her and in no mood to try and charm the answer

out of her simply growled out, "where exactly did you die in here and if

you don't tell me I swear to everything in this world I will find a spell to

get rid of you."

Myrtle looked shock while Blaise tried to hide a smirk, but failed


Myrtle pointed to a sink and yelled back, "over there if you must know."

Then she left the room crying.

"Nice Harry," Blaise chuckled. Harry growled at him, sounding very much

like Fang even in though he wasn't in his form. Blaise held up his hands

in surrender and moved to exam the sink.

'Aiolosss," Harry hissed out. Aiolos rose out of Harry's arm and shoulder

and slithered down to the ground.

"Harry I found it," Blaise said fingering the snake carved into the marble

sink than hissing, "open" to the sink. Harry turned as did Aiolos and

watched as the whole sink feature receded back into the structure and

then the structure moved down out of the way leaving a tunnel.

"Aiolosss guard the entrance nobody except Professor Sssnape,

McGonagall, or Flitwick goesss down," Harry hissed to his familiar.

"Be on guard hatchlingsss," Aiolos hissed back.

"So who wants to go down the creepy dark tunnel first," Blaise asked

sarcastically. Harry smirked at his friend before he replied making Blaise

regret his sarcasm.

"How 'bout you go down first in your snake form and check it out." Blaise

eyed the tunnel with speculation before transforming into Onyx before

starting down the side of the tunnel.

He hissed back to Harry, "you know if I die down here my mumsss gonna

kill you." Harry shivered a little at the thought of an enraged Belladonna

Zabini and crossed his fingers. From the bottom of the tunnel he heard

Blaise yell up, "All clear, move your arse it's nasty down here."

Harry slid down the pipe for quite a ways before popping out and landing

on some bones of what looked like animals of various kinds. "You know

you're like a chick sometimes," Harry commented to his friend who

punched him in the arm for the comment. Harry smirked as he rubbed

his arm.

"Damn," Blasie whistled, "this is gonna be one big snake." He said as they

came across a shed snake skin that looked to be forty or so feet long.

They kept walking with their wands out and ready. They arrived at a

round vault like door. Along it were seven snake locks and one snake that

crossed them.

"Open," Harry hissed out. The one snake appeared to slither back and the

seven others began to unlock.

"Blaise transform and stay hidden for now, we know who ever it is

expecting me not you." Blaise nodded and transformed into Onyx as the

door opened and Harry climbed down into the chamber. Onyx slithered

into the shadows and Harry started moving further into the chamber. As

he walked fire lit up in statues of snake heads. The snake heads had

glistening emerald eyes and the statues reached about ten feet high. As

Harry got closer he looked at the statue of what he presumed was

Salazar's head and raised an eyebrow in contempt; he could also see the

younger Hufflepuff girl across the floor of the chamber Harry resisted the

urge to run to see if the girl was okay. All though once his gaze moved

passed the younger girl Harry dropped into a dead sprint. He saw Daphne

tied up bloody and bruised, she didn't seem to be conscious. As Harry ran

and kneeled in front of Daphne he dropped his wand without even

realizing it.

"Daph, Daphne," Harry spoke as he knelt in front of her, running his

hands across her face carefully avoiding the bruises and cuts she had. She

was breathing but she wouldn't wake up. Harry moved to the Hufflepuff

girl and to at least check if she had injuries.

"She's not going to wake and you r fiancé will just long enough to watch

you die," a chilling voice spoke from a dark corner of the chamber. A

man stepped out of the shadows, well Harry guessed he was a man. He

was deathly pale, Harry doubted even a vampire could outdo him, his

face seemed oddly distorted and the whites of his eyes were blood red.

The man gave off a dark aura that Harry remembered distantly.

"Voldemort," Harry growled out.

"In the flesh," Voldemort replied, "well not yet but soon enough the poor

mudblood Huffelpuff will cease to exist and I will return very much

alive!" Voldemort yelled out. Harry made to move but Voldemort let out

a gruesome laugh and held up Harry's wand. Harry froze in place not out

of fear but Voldemort's spell. Harry figured it was the body bind spell

from the effects, however he could slightly move, it seems his wand

wasn't working for Voldemort.

"Now," Voldemort began with a twisted smile on his face, "you shall meet

your doom Harry Potter. As unfortunate that it won't be by my hand, I

find myself not caring, basilisk venom is rather more painful than the

killing curse." Voldemort's sickening rasp of a voice had a gleeful tone to

it. "you see I knew you would come for your little betrothed," Voldemort

was going to continue before Harry interrupted.

"Ha some dark lord you are picking on eleven and twelve year olds, yeah

you're real fearsome," Harry laughed out.


The curse hit Harry but he only felt pain for a moment and it was nothing

that he hadn't experienced at his relatives. It did confirm his thoughts

though, when Voldemort seemed to flicker before he ended the spell

quickly. The shade of Voldemort Harry now realized, as did Blaise,

couldn't cast anything that required power it seemed to barely holding on

to Harry's wand now. Harry had even broken completely free of the body


The ire the shade of Voldemort felt was clearly evident as he spun around

to face the statue of Slytherin and hissed out, "ssspeak to me, Ssslytherin,

greatessst of the Hogwartsss Four."

Harry looked at the statue with a momentary look of panic before his

face blanked. The mouth of Salazar Slytherin was starting to open as it

did Harry heard a burst of song fill the chamber it continued growing

louder both he and Voldemort turned looking for the source. The music

had a lifting affect on Harry his panic and fear lessened while his hope

and courage surged throughout his body making him smirk at Voldemort

who seemed to cringe away from the music. As the music reached its

crescendo and the mouth of Slytherin completely opened, though nobody

was looking, a burst of flame appeared and a magnificent scarlet and

gold bird appeared landing on Harry's shoulder and dropping at his feet

the, sorting hat?,' Harry thought, 'you've got to be kidding me.' But Harry

picked the hat up as Voldemort let out a booming laugh that echoed

throughout the chamber.

"A Hat!" Voldemort laughed spinning around seeing the basilisk come

forth. Harry could hear the great snake slithering out and dared not turn

around. "Parseltonuge won't help now Potter. Kill the boy," Voldemort

hissed to the basilisk, Harry took off running as the phoenix on his

shoulder flew off towards the basilisk. Harry ran until he hit the back of

the chamber wall from there he turned but kept his eyes closed. He

placed his hand along the wall and ran the length of the wall, sorting hat

clutched in his hand. Suddenly Harry heard a great booming noise

followed by a swoosh of air, Harry was hit by something incredibly heavy

and went flying through the air. Harry tucked his body right before he

smashed into the wall of the chamber. Harry managed to avoid most of

the potential damage by tucking but he had cut the side of his face and

forehead leaking blood into his eyes, Harry ended up blinking them open.

His eyes now open, Harry looked down immediately trying to avoid the

basilisk's eyes. As he did he could see the shadows from the fire play on

the wall next to him, he noticed the basilisk was facing away from him

and towards something else that Harry couldn't make out in the shadow.

Harry lifted his eyes to see a battle between the phoenix and the basilisk

being waged. The phoenix was darting around the basilisk's head

distracting it from Harry. The basilisk let out a deafening shriek as the

phoenix dive bombed its left eye, rendering it useless. The basilisk flayed

wildly in pain and attempted to strike at the phoenix its long, thin fangs

poised. It missed the lightning fast phoenix that made another circle

around the basilisk's head, as the phoenix came around it clawed out the

basilisk's right eye, effectively blinding it. Dark blood poured from the

basilisk's open wounds onto the chamber floor.

Voldemort was screaming in rage at the basilisk, "NO! LEAVE THE BIRD!



Harry wished he had his wand so he could shut the wanker up. The

basilisk confused, angry, and wounded reared away from the phoenix.

Harry forced the sorting hat on his head and thought the word 'HELP'

effectively screaming it in his head. He was standing now and jumped the

basilisk's tail as it swooped by him again as he did so he felt something

heavy hit his head, almost knocking him on his arse. He took the hat off

his head a gleaming silver broad sword with a hilt encrusted in rubies the

size of eggs fell into his hand.


SNIFF! SMELL HIM! Voldemort was yelling orders completely focused on

the basilisk and Harry. Onyx slithered over to where the two girls were

unconscious. As he slithered over the Hufflepuff he felt something on the

girl's arm but couldn't see anything. He guessed something was

disillusioned and picked the object up with his mouth and slithered

hidden behind Daphne. He could practically taste the evil on the object

in his mouth.

The basilisk turned towards Harry, it hardly had to move from its fight

with the phoenix, lowering down to the ground and flicking its forked

tongue out, it zeroed in on Harry. Harry saw as the basilisk focused on

him its piosnous green body, enormous eye sockets that were still oozing

blood, and it open its mouth wide, wide enough to swallow Harry whole.

Harry stared at the beast more importantly its fangs; they were as long as

the sword he now clutched, and dripping a sickly greenish black venom.

The basilisk lunged for Harry but Harry moved just fast enough to avoid

it, he brought the sword up ready to strike. The basilisk reared back once

more and struck out again, Harry at the same time thrust the sword up

and into the roof of its mouth. Pain unlike anything he ever felt shot

through Harry's arm right before the elbow. He cried out in pain as he

pulled the sword back out and with it the fang in his arm. The basilisk

jerked up into the air before its gigantic head landed on the chamber

floor with a dull thud.

A searing pain was shooting through Harry's arm as he staggered over the

snake's body and into the middle of the chamber. As he fell to his knees

no longer able to walk do to the pain spreading throughput his body the

sword clattered down next to him. As the room started blurring he heard

footsteps coming closer, he looked up and saw Voldemort coming

towards him.

"You're dead Harry Potter," the shade of Voldemort said in its cold

rasping almost whisper of a voice. Harry wrenched the fang out of his

arm and clutched it in his hand. He felt a brush against his cheek and

looked down away from Voldemort to see the phoenix from earlier.

"Thank you," Harry managed to rasp out, "please help Daphne." Harry

spoke trying to gesture to his fiancé but unable to. He watched as tears

started to well up in the phoenix's eyes. Voldemort noticed also and went

to scream a spell only to hear another voice.

"Expelliarmus," Blaise shouted at the shade of Voldemort. Harry's wand

came flying into Blaise's hand as the shade of Voldemort turned in shock

to see a twelve year old boy holding his only weapon and defense. Blaise

also held the diadem he had dispelled and Daphne was sitting up behind

him with tears in her eyes as she looked at Harry.

Harry, throughout Blaise's interaction, was looking towards the phoenix

as tears dropped from its eyes on to Harry's arm where the gapping ugly

green tinted wound was. Harry watched amazed as his wound shrunk

until there was only the faintest bit of a scar, which you could barely

make out.

"NO," Voldemort's shade screamed out in frustration, he had no weapon,

the diadem was in the boy's hand, he barely had enough strength to even

cast spells with a wand as it seemed the Hufflepuff was still fighting him

even unconscious. Harry smirked at the shade and then looked to Blaise.

"What's that?" Harry asked pointing to the diadem.

"Not sure but it was on the Hufflepuff disillusioned and it has the same

aura as that damn diary and he has," Blaise said pointing to the shade

who looked like a cross between agitated and worried. Harry took the

sword up in his hand and watched as the basilisk venom on the sword

disappeared into it. Harry pointed it at the shade and walked over to

Blaise who gave him his wand. Harry holstered his wand and gave the

sword to Blaise to hold and taking the diadem from Blaise.

Harry smirked at the shade, "you're dead Tom Marvolo Riddle." And with

that Harry stabbed the diadem with the basilisk fang he still held. The

shade of Voldemort let out a horrifying shriek as it seemed to wither in

pain before it simply vanished. The diadem was stained from the venom

but otherwise remained in fairly good condition, a gemstone was crack in

half though. Just then they heard a gasp as the Hufflepuff girl sat up,

frightened beyond belief.

Harry turn towards the two girls and seeing Daphne sitting up ran to her.

Daphne stumbled up and was caught in a hug unlike any other Harry had

given. He seemed to be holding on to her as if she was the reason for

existence. Daphne for her part was crying and hugging him just as

fiercely. Blaise tended to the Hufflepuff girl as best he could.

As Harry and Daphne were about to start speaking they heard footsteps.

Harry grabbed his wand as did Daphne and Blaise and spun towards the

entrance. Professor Snape appeared in the circular entrance way and

seemed to sigh in relief at the sight of the four students, well that was

until the phoenix intervened. The phoenix let out a burst of song as it

flew in front of Harry, who had lowered his wand. The phoenix grabbed

the basilisk fang from the floor where Harry left it next to the diadem.

The phoenix let out another song that seemed to tell all those in the

chamber 'trust me'. The phoenix then took the fang and pointed it

towards Harry's forehead were his scar lay, venom dripped from the

point as the phoenix traced the scare with the fang. The others watched

in horror as Harry clutched his head and let out shriek before passing

out. Severus sprinted towards his students and came up to them just as

the phoenix let out another song which relaxed them a little but overall

did nothing to ease their worry as a black mist rose up out of Harry's scar

and another horrifying shriek was heard before it to vanished. The

phoenix who Severus recognized as Fawkes let out a trill and grabbed

everyone flashing them to the hospital wing, where Madam Pomfrey was

administering the first restorative.

Madam Pomfrey startled by the sudden appearance almost dropped the

restorative she was giving to Mrs. Norris.

"What do you think you're doing making that racket in my hospital

wing," Madam Pomfrey scolded before she even turned around.

Severus cleared his throat making Pomfrey turn around and gasp.

"Lay Mr. Potter on the bed over here, Miss Greengrass the one next to

him," Madam Pomfrey snapped into healer mode and barked out her

orders similar to a drill sergeant.

"Miss Doe," Madam Pomfrey turned to face the girl who had yet to stop

clinging to Blaise. Madam Pomfrey knelt down and gently dislodged the

girls fingers from Blaise's robes, "Miss Doe come now," she spoke softly,

"well get you fixed up right," Madam Pomfrey coaxed the obviously

traumatized girl into a bed near the other petrified victims. She nodded

to Professor Snape and then motioned her head to a cupboard. Professor

Snape took the hint and moved to the cupboard and took out a calming

potion he then walked over to the girl, he rather enjoyed in class as she

knew her potions, and knelt down in front of her coaxing her into

drinking it. They watched as the girl drank the potion, Professor Snape

laid the girl down and her eyes closed as her breathing evened out.

"Blaise, Susan and Tracey are still in the bathroom guarding the entrance,

close the entrance and bring Aiolos with you." Blaise nodded and took off

out of the hospital wing.

"The entrance, you mean they found it?" Madam Pomfrey asked a cross

between awe and disapproval.

"Yes," Snape said in a tone that told Madam Pomfrey he wasn't going to

talk about it. "Now these two need your treatment," Severus said

gesturing to the unconscious Harry and Daphne who was sitting on her

bed looking at Harry. Madam Pomfrey moved over to Daphne and ran a

diagnostic test.

"She has two cracked ribs, cuts and bruises on her face and arms all easy

enough to fix, and a concussion, she'll need the potion for that Severus."

Severus nodded and moved over to retrieve the potion and bruise paste.

Madam Pomfrey healed the cuts and Severus gave her the potion, Madam

Pomfrey applied the bruise paste. Daphne looked better with the blood

and cuts healed. She looked more clear eyed, though she still hadn't

taken her eyes off Harry.

"Miss Greengrass I need you to tell me what happened, then I can attend

to Mr. Potter." Daphne slowly turned towards Madam Pomfrey.

"The prefect came to escort me from class and when we got out into the

hallway, after a walking a bit I noticed her eyes were glazed over. I

stopped walking and backed away but she was stunned and I was bound

before I even noticed anyone. The younger girl came into my sight but

her eyes were red and she levitated me to the chamber she ran me into

few things along the way. When she finally spoke it wasn't her voice it

was quiet rasping male voice. It was hissing like how Harry sounds when

he talks to Aiolos. Then she laughed like the guy in the chamber did. She

came back over me and said something about knowing Harry would

follow me down here then she kicked me in the head. I don't really

remember much. When I woke up Harry was holding a sword and killed

the basilisk. Then Blaise disarmed Voldemort, Harry called him,

Voldemort, and Blaise gave Harry the headpiece. Harry stabbed it with

the fang and Voldemort disappeared. Then the phoenix," she pointed to

the bird above Harry's bed, "picked up the fang and traced it with the

venom along Harry's scar." Daphne let out a sob as she spoke and the

hospital wing doors opened admitting, Tracey, Susan, Blaise, and

Profeesor McGonagall entered. Tracey and Susan ran to their friend and

both wrapped an arm around her. Madam Pomfrey looked like she

wanted to protest but silenced them at Professor Snape's look. "Harry, he

let out a scream of pain, it was horrible. Then he clutched his head and

this black mist came out of his scar and he passed out." Daphne finished

with a sob and turned back towards Harry, her two friends just wrapped

her in a hug.

Severus handed another calming potion to the girl who took it and

downed it. Madam Pomfrey turned to Harry and called Severus over.

"Severus I have not checked his scar over since he was one, I barely had

time then with Albus hovering over but his scar was not a normal curse

scar. It somehow contained a part of You-Know-Who. I do not know what

I may find now, I would like you to stand in front of me while I check his

scar, Minerva," Pomfrey spoke to the other professor who had come over

to them, "please also assist Severus in this, so his friends aren't aware yet.

And if Albus comes in make sure he does not get near young Harry." The

two Professors nodded Minerva a bit surprise at her friends tone

regarding the headmaster, who just this evening had been reinstated.

Madam Pomfrey and the other two Professors moved to Harry and

shielded him from the others as Madam Pomfrey ran a diagnoses scan of

his before checking his scar.

"He has a minor concussion and," Madam Pomfrey gasped, "exposure to

the cruciatus curse, but very limited it seems to have failed to work."

Severus nodded and summoned two potions vial from the open cupboard.

One was the familiar potion for concussions and the other was an orange

colored potion, a cruciatus relief potion of Severus's making. The potion

helped to reduce the shaking and aches that arose in the aftermath of the

cruciatus curse. He spelled both potions into Harry's stomache. Madam

Pomfrey then cast a complicated diagnostic curse in Latin on Harry.

She gasped and had an errant thought that she had been doing quite a lot

of that since Mr. Potter arrived at Hogwarts. "The piece of You-Know-

Who is gone and any basilisk venom in his blood has been negated by

phoenix tears," she said looking towards Fawkes who was sitting on the

headboard of the bed who trilled with pride, Madam Pomfrey snorted as

the bird preened in front of them.

"Negated?" Professor McGonagall asked with a confused look on her face.

"Yes, it is still present in his blood but the tears have taken away the

poisonous effect."

"Draw some blood Poppy and I'll test it, Hadrian will not mind me having

it," Severus stated Madam Pomfrey nodded and summoned a blood vial

to her and drew the blood with a nifty little spell that muggle doctors

would love when it came to little kids. She handed the vial over to


"When will he wake up," Severus asked, McGonagall looked interested in

the answer as well.

"I am not sure, the only problem I can see that we haven't treated is his

magical core is unstable at the moment. As you know there is nothing we

can do to stabilize it. He has to do that on his own." They nodded and

moved on to un-petrify those students while putting curtains up around

Harry's bed but allowed his friends, even Daphne, to sit inside the

curtains. They were even allowed to eat their dinner with him, since

Daphne was also going to have to stay the night in the hospital wing. As

they were eating dinner Hermione joined them as did Neville, who

Professor Snape had gone and gotten. Hermione was welcomed back to

the waking world with hugs all around. Though both she and the others

were upset that Harry was unconscious they enjoyed having the

bookworm of their group back. After dinner the others besides Daphne

were told they had to leave the hospital wing, they did so unwillingly

after giving Daphne a round of hugs. Daphne instead of going back to her

own bed slipped into Harry's and just laid her head on his chest listening

to his heart. Madam Pomfrey came back a half-hour later to find Daphne

asleep and Harry having wrapped an arm around her and even as he laid

there unconscious he had a smile on his face. She decided this once to let

it slide, really they were two young to even think about doing anything

except sleep.

Harry awoke the next day to find himself looking up at the hospital wing

ceiling. He was about to bolt upwards to look for Daphne when he

realized someone was in his arms. He smelt the familiar scent of jasmine

and smiled before he looked down and confirmed his thoughts that it was

indeed Daphne. He watched her for about fifteen minutes studying her

and thanking the gods she was alright, she was his closest friend not to

mention future wife. Her eyes started to flutter open, she looked up into

Harry's eyes and surprising him and herself leaned forward and gave him

a kiss. It was sweet, short, innocent kiss but both felt a shock go through

themselves as it happened. When Daphne pulled back, they simply stared

at each other with smiles on their faces and both blushing a small


After a minute or so Daphne whispered, "thank you, for coming after me,

for saving me."

Harry smiled and replied in his own whisper, "always."

"How are you feeling," she asked.

"Other than a headache, I'm fine. You?" Harry asked searching for any

signs that she was still injured only seeing a slight bruise on her cheek.

"Fine. A headache and the bruise I assume looks worse than it feels, since

I don't feel any discomfort from it." Daphne replied as Harry traced her

face with his hand.

The curtains surrounding his bed opened revealing Madam Pomfrey.

Harry smirked up at her and said, "you despite how much time I seem to

spend in here, I really hate all things hospital wise."

Daphne giggled and Madam Pomfrey muttered something about being

just like his father before speaking aloud, "Well I'll take that as a sign that

you're feeling better?"

"Actually never better though I think that may have something to do with

my magic," Harry replied as the hospital wing doors opened admitting his

friends and Professor Snape.

"Hermione! Your awake!" Harry explained happy to have his friend back.

"Since yesterday, thanks to Professor Snape here," Hermione replied

giving both Harry and Daphne a hug, the others followed suit.

"What was that about your magic," Severus asked?

"When I was unconscious after the pain, I ended up in my magical core,

like when we first worked on occlumency. This time though the black

tint and segment to my magic started to turn emerald green like the rest

of it, right before I woke it had all turned to emerald green. I feel better,

lighter?" Harry said his tone turning questioning as he tried to explain

but apparently he did because Professor Snape nodded.

"Somehow your scar contained some of the Dark Lords magic, my guess is

that the basilisk venom purged that from you. You feel better because he

is no longer a part of you." Severus explained part of it leaving the rest

for when they figured out exactly what a horcrux was, he now suspected

that was what Harry's scar was. It showed just how strong the boy was

considering the diadem managed to possess the first year Hufflepuff in no

time at all. All of Harry's friends and himself shivered at the thought of

the part of Voldemort being inside Harry.

"Well, Miss Greengrass I'll apply the bruise paste one more time and then

you are both free to go as both your scans came back fine." Madam

Pomfrey spoke as Daphne sat up. Madam Pomfrey applied the paste and

then they all allowed Daphne and Harry privacy to change out of the

provided hospital wing pajamas, separate privacy that is.

As they entered the Great Hall for breakfast Harry groaned when he

noticed Tinkles was back at the head table.

"I thought they got rid of him," Harry growled. None of his friends had to

ask whom he was referring to.

"Apparently Lucius Malfoy blackmailed the other governors into sacking

him in the first place. He uncovered the evidence yesterday and was

reinstated," Neville answered as he was the only one who was not

involved directly with the chamber incident and had been around to here

the rumors. "Draco's dad got sacked for good measure, too."

"Well at least that's one good thing," Harry sighed as they all sat down at

the Slytherin table. They got welcome back greetings from most of the

table. Pansy glared at hem fiercely, in return Daphne very maturely stuck

her tongue out at the look-a-like pug.

As Pansy was about to reply Dumbledore stood up and called for silence.

"I would like to thank Professors Sprout and Snape as well as Madam

Pomfrey for their help in the madrake restorative potion." Ar round of

applause went up before he spoke again. "And in light of recent events

that have struck the school," damn did he know how to understate Harry

thought, "end of the year exams have been cancelled." This time an even

great cheer of applause rang out through the Great Hall, as the students

stood and celebrated.

The following weeks passed rather quickly for the group of seven friends.

Aiolos was very glad to have her human back and okay. The majority of

their spare time went to catching Hermione up on all the work she had

missed while being petrified. There were also a few parties to welcome

back the petrified victims. Harry received a letter from Sirius saying they

had set the date for the wedding, June 21st . They had sent the

invitations out at the start of February but forgot to tell Harry and Susan

the date. Sirius also said a phoenix had arrived at the house with the

sword and placed it in Harry's room, apparently Sirius noticed it had

Godric Gryffindor inscribed in the blade. Another thing of note was

Harry's asinine meeting with Twinkles where said headmaster tried to

pump information from Harry and the chamber which Professor Snape

deflected as he went with Harry to the meeting on behalf of Sirius. The

headmaster was also most interested in why Harry's scar had faded to the

point where one could barely see it, when before it had been as vivid as

if it just happened. Harry merrily shrugged and Severus quirked eyebrow

causing the headmaster to almost lose his genial grandfatherly guise but

at the last second he stopped himself form yelling and demanding

answers like a petulant five year old. Both Harry and Severus though

noted the rage in the old man's eyes as they left the office. Probably the

most talked about event was Gilderoy Lockhart losing all of his

memories. Apparently the Weasel had walked in on Lockhart while the

man was toothless and brushing his dentures. Lockhart grabbed Ronald

Weasely's broken wand and attempted to oblviate him only to have the

spell backfire on himself. Thus, the man was now without his memories,

toothless, and in a straight jacket at Saint Mungo's. Harry meanwhile was

just happy to be on the train with his friends and headed to Potter

Manor, his home.


Thus ends year 2 hope you enjoyed it. And that Nifty little spell

Pomfrey uses I wish with all my being that was possible whe I was

kid considering I kick a male nurse in the balls and had to have

three people hold me down to give me a shot, hehehe I don't like

needles very much, blood I'm fine with needles not a chance in hell.

Thanks for reading


13. Wedding Bells are a commin

The seven friends rose as the train came to a stop and pulled their trunks

down from the luggage rack above them. They walked to the front of

their car to meet with Astoria, Aoife, and Ginny, who were sharing a

compartment with the other Slytherin first years.

"Hey guys you ready?" Daphne asked the three girls after exchanging

pleasantries with the other Slytherin firsties. The three girls nodded the

rather large group got off the train and started looking around for their

parents. As they were looking the twins came over to them.

"Ginny," Fred started off the twins usual manner of trading off when they

speak. "We want you to contact us if you need anything, screw mum and

dad." They both gave their baby sister a hug which she returned with

tears in her eyes. They turned and saw their mother with Percy and Ron

glaring at Ginny when she was spotted. As Ginny's eyes started to well

every single person in their group turned to glare at the Weasley mother,

startling her. They then saw Bill make his way through the crowd and

pass his mother without a second glance. He wrapped Ginny in hug.

"Ready to go firefly," Bill asked his little sister. She nodded in return and

hugged her friends goodbye before her a Bill apparated off the platform.

"Well this is going to be unpleasant," Fred and George spoke as they said

good bye to Harry and the others and made their way over to their

fuming mother and brothers.

"I see my Gran," Neville spoke up, "see you guys at the wedding."

"Well I'm meeting my parents on the other side," Hermione said as she

hugged them all goodbye declining their offer to see her through the


"Hey there they are," Blaise said spotting his mother and the others


They were greeted with hugs all around by the parents, although Amelia

is was absent.

"Susan your coming home with Harry and I, your Aunt got called in,"

Sirius spoke. Susan nodded. One by one the families left the station.

"So how was the end of term and there had better be an explanation for

the sword of Godric Gryffindor in it." Sirius said as he, Harry, Susan, and

Amelia sat down for a family dinner their first night back.

"Um it's a long story," Harry started and Susan nodded along with him.

"You know how the Chamber of Secrets was opened?"

"Yes," Amelia said her tone rather angry, "How Dumbledore managed to

cover it up is beyond me, he should have called in the aurors." Sirius

nodded at Amelia's comment.

"Yeah well, Hermione was attacked and petrified, Lucuis Malfoy

blackmailed the governors into getting rid of Dumbledore. Anyways it

was a Hufflepuff first year being possessed by Voldemort, she kidnapped

Daphne and took her down to the chamber, I went after her with Blaise

since Severus was unable to be contacted and the other adults seemed to

leave it up to idiot Lockhart. Long story short I killed the basilisk, that

was the monster in the chamber, with the sword. The phoenix, Professor

Snape told me it was Fawkes, healed me from the basilisk venom and

then did something to my scar."

"Somehow I get the feeling your understating this," Sirius said with a

smile, to which Susan laughed and nodded her head.

"Harry are you sure you want to go back there, there are other magical

schools?" Amelia asked with a concerned look. '

"Somehow I think trouble will still manage to find me," Harry said with a

smirk that made Sirius let out a bark of laughter.

"Um Sirius," Harry started as they were on dessert.

"Yes, Pup?"

"I don't know how to dance." Harry mumbled out.

Sirius looked like he was contemplating a joke but refrained at , his

godson's face, he looked rather distraught. "No problem Harry, I can

teach you. It's part of a pureblood education." Amelia and Susan nodded


"Yeah don't worry Harry, I'll help you and you can surprise Daphne at the

wedding." Susan said with a smile.

Harry smiled brightly back, "Thanks Sue."

"Hey what are soon to be pseudo godsister's for?" Amelia and Sirius

smiled at each other.

After dinner they started Harry's dance lessons right away. Sunday

arrived and the time for Amelia and Sirius's hen and stag parties. Harry

and his friends were gathered at Potter Manor while the adults went out

and partied. Finally the wedding day was here, Harry was excited to see

his first wizarding wedding and was standing as best man for Sirius.

The elves were setting up for the wedding, Amelia and Susan's elf Misty

came to help as well as the Greengrass elves. The ceremony itself was

being held in a clearing in the forest. The clearing was off the main path

in the forest. The clearing was beautiful with a small waterfall in the

background and spacious enough to hold all the guests, the reception was

being held in Potter Manor's Ballroom. The guests had been sent one-way

portkeys to get to Potter Manor, Dips would collect the portkeys to

ensure nobody would have access to the Manor afterwards. Mips was

cooking up the wedding feast with Misty while the other elves were

working on the clearing and ballroom. The guests were arriving at two

o'clock and it was now ten o'clock. The Tonks family had arrived as

Andromeda was the Matron of Honor. The Greengrass family was also

here, all the women were sequestered in Amelia's dressing room, why it

takes six other women and four hours to get ready was beyond Harry's

understanding. He was currently helping the elves get the clearing ready

for the wedding. Sirius and Xavier were both nursing hangovers and were

helping in the ballroom.

"Aiolosss," Harry hissed from where he was currently floating in the air

placing a ribbon on the gazebo that was erected in front of the pool of

water and waterfall. Sirius and Amelia would be standing under it for the

ceremony. They had chosen green and orange for their wedding colors.

Harry was hanging some chocolate brown ribbon on the gazebo. "How'sss

it look," Harry hissed.

"Looksss? I'm a sssnake!"

"Yeah but your alssso a girl, ssso how'sss it look good or no?" Harry

hissed again.

Aiolos sighed, "a little higher on the left." Harry nodded and did as he

told. That completed the clearing. There were light brown chairs with

white seats, every other row had a small vase with orange roses and

green hydrangea hanging from the aisle seat. The aisle was decorated

with orange rose petals. The gazebo was white as it always was Sirius

and Amelia would be standing in with the officiator. Harry, Xavior, and

Kingsley Shacklebolt would be standing off to the side in front of it

opposite Andromeda, another auror named Emmeline Vance, and Nym. It

was almost one o'clock so Harry headed up to the house with Aiolos

draped around his shoulders. Harry got to his room wondering when he

was going to see Daphne today. Harry dressed in his tux. Which

according to Sirius were so much better then dress robes, Harry

personally agreed with him, Amelia just said they watched too many

Bond movies. Harry dressed in his tux went to Sirius teenage room, he

and Amelia had moved into one of the master suites used last by his

grandparents. Harry knocked on the door and Sirius answered.

"We need to get going to welcome guests," Harry said as he walked into

Sirius's room. Sirius was dressed in a similar tux as Harry except where

Harry's vest and tie were black, Sirius's were white. Sirius nodded but

didn't move to put his jacket on yet he was starring at a picture that hung

on the mirror. Harry walked over to him and put a hand on the man's

shoulder as Sirius was leaning with his arms on the dresser. The picture

was of the marauders plus Harry's mother Lily and another young woman

Harry didn't recognize.

"What's up?" Harry asked.

"Out of all of us I never thought I would marry." Sirius said reminiscing.

"Who are the others in the picture," Harry asked.

"The four of us guys we, were friends from the first train ride to

Hogwarts. It's me, your dad, Pettigrew, and Remus Lupin. The girl next to

your mum was Lily's best friend Abbie Armstrong. She was your


"I had wondered about that, if I even had one." Harry commented.

"Abbie was killed right before your parents went into hiding. Niether of

them felt right about naming another Godmother. She and your mum

were the only ones who never took any crap from us."

"Who is Remus I've never heard of him before, just seen him in some

pictures around the Manor." Harry said.

"He was the fourth one of our group, he was the reason we all became

animagus, he was werewolf. He was one of our best friends."

"Is he, did he die in the war too?" Harry asked trying to be polite.

"No." Sirius growled out. Harry looked at Sirius in confusion, "sorry it's

just when I remember the Dursleys and what they did, he should have

been there for you, taken you away. I've been trying to find him but

haven't been able to. It's like he's fallen off the map. It would be nice to

have one of my friends back, at least, after I get some answers as to why

he wasn't there for you."

"Have you tried the muggle world?" Harry asked he also wanted answers

from the man and another friend of his parents would be welcomed.

"Yes I think he may have gone underground or left the country." Sirius

shook his head and rolled his shoulders, "well that's enough of that, let's

go get me hitched." Sirius said with a smile and took his jacket off a

hanger and led his godson out of the room. Harry and Sirius arrived at

the clearing where the other two groomsmen were waiting to welcome

guests. A few minutes later Daphne, her mother, and her sister came

down the path to the clearing Harry's eyes widened as he took in Daphne.

Daphne was wearing a sliver dress with an empire waist that had a navy

blue sash across it. She was wearing the necklace and ring Harry had

given her. Harry cursed the school robes for hiding puberty and he was

suddenly a lot more nervous. Harry showed them to their seats and

blushed as Daphne smiled at him. They hadn't talked about their small

kiss or anything else that had to do with their impending relationship.

And truthfully Harry didn't know where to start. More and more guests

arrived diverting Harry's attention. All of Harry's friends and their

families were there, including Severus who came with Belladonna and

Blaise. Sirius's cousin Narcissa Malfoy came with Draco, apparently

Lucius had a 'business trip' to go on. Sirius looked concerned at that but

Narcissa brushed him off and they took their seats. There were a lot of

Ministry employees at the wedding, Harry thought it looked like the

whole auror department was there, he wasn't sure that was a good thing.

Bill and Ginny were invited and came with the twins and her other older

brother Charlie, this was certain to cause a problem the next day since

they were invited and not Molly and Arthur. Sirius though was rather

pissed at Molly for throwing Ginny out it reminded him too much of his

own. Overall there were about a hundred and fifty guests.

The ceremony was ready to start Harry and the men took their places at

the front. Professor McGonagall was officiating the ceremony. The music

started it was harp playing itself, the bridesmaids walked down the aisles

one by one, they were all in pistachio green all different styles. They

were carrying small bouquets of fire calla lilies. Then Amelia appeared at

the end of aisles dressed in a beautiful white dress with a bouquet of

orange roses, flame calla lilies, and burnt orange hypericum berries.

The ceremony passed without any problems. When it came time to

exchange the rings Harry had a moment of panic when they weren't in

his pocket until he remembered he put them inside his jacket in a pocket.

He gave Sirius a wry grin to which Sirius just laughed. The happy

coupled shared their first kiss as husband and wife to the applause of the


The huge ballroom was decked out with tables draped in chocolate

brown table cloths and fairies were once again in use for lights. The elves

had really out down themselves with the room. Sirius and Amelia had

their dance to Frank Sinatra's Come Fly With Me. Harry when others

started to take the dance floor walked over to Daphne.

"Would you like to dance?" Harry asked trying not to stutter. Daphne

flashed him a brilliant smile.

"I would," Daphne replied. Harry took her hand and brought her over to

the dance floor. They started spinning around the floor rather well

considering one of them just learned to dance.

"I didn't know you could dance," Daphne said with surprise.

"Well Sirius and Susan and Amelia have been drilling it into me since we

got home once I mentioned I didn't know how. I still have a way to go."

Harry said with a laugh.

Daphne smiled back and laughed a little, "as long as you don't step on my

toes we're good Harry. So I'm kind of surprised there haven't been any

pranks today."

"Andromeda made everyone promise that today was prank free for


Harry and Susan were currently staying with the Greengrass family as the

newlyweds were on their honeymoon. They were a week into it and had

a week to go. Sirius had kept the destination a secret from Amelia but the

rest knew where they were going to the Aeolian Islands, Italy. Harry,

Susan, Daphne, and Astoria spent the majority of those two weeks in the

Greengrass pool, almost every day at least one of their friends would be

over to join them. They weren't training during the two weeks Sirius and

Amelia were on their honeymoon. The only thing that was still going on

was Harry's dance lessons. They had the added bonus of improving

Harry's balance. The only down side to the two weeks that Harry could

see was puberty was a bitch. Daphne more often than not spent the time

in a bikini.

"So 'Mione where's this place your taking us to again?" Blaise asked as he,

Harry, Daphne, Tracey, Astoria, Ginny, Aoife, Neville, and Susan sat

around or in the Greengrass pool.

"It's called Pleasure Beach Blackpool, it's the best amusement park in the

U.K. according to my cousin."

"Well it looks bloody brilliant on the telly," Harry said from his position

on a raft in the pool.

"So I looked it up and there's a wizarding pub with a floo in Blackpool

only five minutes from the park. It's called Peeves' Pub.

"Peeves like Peeves at Hogwarts?" Daphne asked with a look of disbelief.

"Yep," Hermione said popping the 'p'. "We'll meet there at 9:30 the park

opens at ten.

"So it's going to be myself and Xavier, your parents and Bill and Tonks

right?" Evelyn asked as she came out to join the kids by the pool.

"Yeah my parents said to remind you to get plenty of muggle money,

things tend to be overpriced at amusement parks. Oh and wear jeans or

shorts, skirts would be bad on some of the rides."

Friday came and with it the trip to Blackpool. Harry got dressed in gray

cargo shorts and another t-shirt from J!NX that read Black Night then

there was a picture of medieval knight holding a claymore and

underneath Reliable Bridge Security since 932. He put on low top black

chucks and went downstairs. Where the only ones ready were Astoria and

her parents. The Greengrass parents were both dressed in jeans and t-

shirts, something Harry had never seen them where. Astoria snorted and

cereal came out her nose when she read Harry's shirt. Xavier shook his

head and Evelyn smiled.

"Where do you get those shirts?" Evelyn asked smiling.

"I ordered them on-line at the library in Little Whinging, or I went to

Spencer's in the London Mall, I'll take you guys next time we got to

London." Harry answered as Susan and Daphne walked in and sat down

to eat. Harry's eyes widen a little and he cursed his hormones, Daphne's

mum chuckled and Xavier smirked and laid a hand on Harry's shoulder

leading him over to the table to eat. Daphne and Susan were both

wearing jean shorts. Daphne had a tank top on that was the blue and

brought out her eyes, she also had her hair up in some fancy twist thing

that Harry had no idea what it was called. Susan had t-shirt on with the

Superman symbol on it. Daphne and Susan were both developing faster

than most others, they already could out do the fifth years at school.

Harry's eyes were permanently fixed on his plate, Xavier and Evelyn

couldn't stop smiling as Daphne tried to get Harry to look up when he

was talking.

Xavier pulled Harry aside before they were leaving, "Harry you need to


Harry gaped at the man thinking 'how the hell am I supposed to do that,

she's beautiful.'

Xavier laughed at Harry's expression having long ago come to terms with

his daughters taking after their mother, it helped that Harry was a good

kid. "Harry did I ever tell you that Evelyn and I started dating in third

year." Harry shook his head no. "It was pretty bad, I couldn't do anything

but stutter at first, I thought she was never going to talk to me again.

Luckily she did but she still tease me about it, so relax and enjoy each

other as you two already know you're meant for each other, that takes

half the pressure off."

Harry nodded, "can you give me a minute."

"Sure I'll wait for you by the fireplace." Xavier said the others had already

left. Harry willed himself to relax. "It's just Daph, it's just Daph," he

repeated to himself and walked out.

"Ready?" Xavier said laying a hand on Harry's shoulder. Harry nodded

and Xavier threw the floo powder into the fireplace, "Peeves' Pub."

Ten children at an amusement park is insane as the group soon found

out. The first ride they went was the Pepsi Max Big One, the tallest

rollercoaster in the U.K. The ride was insanely awesome in the eyes of all

the children including Bill and Tonks. Evelyn and Xavier rather disliked it

and wondered if the Goblins invented rollercoasters. David and Elizabeth

felt like they were back on a date. They spent the whole day at park.

Harry, Blaise, and Daphne's favorite ride was Valhalla. Tracey, Neville,

Astoria, and Ginny's favorite was the Irn Bru Revolution. Tracey, Aoife,

and Hermione was the Infusion. Bill thought Valhalla was the best and

commented on the accuracy to the Norse myths. Tonks was with Tracey,

Aoife, and Hermione with the Infusion being the best. The Greengrass

parents preferred the Alice in Wonderland ride, Harry felt that ride was

one giant boggart. When the Greengrass family arrived home, at seven

everyone was ready to sleep until noon the next day.

Harry and Neville's birthday party was today. This time Harry got chose

what they were doing and Harry chose to take his friends to muggle

London. Sirius was off during the summer but Amelia had taken the day

off from work to spend time with them something that made Harry feel

warm and fuzzy inside. In the weeks leading up to Harry and Neville's

joint birthday and the return of Sirius and Amelia they had been training

as always only this time Severus added in hand to hand combat. Evelyn

continued to train them in sword fighting , Harry, Blaise, and Neville,

used broad swords like the sword of Gryffindor while the girls used

rapiers. Harry had discovered during a practice duel with Severus that he

could summon the sword to himself when he was in need. They also

discovered the sword would reflect minor curses and absorb for a limited

time some of the major curses. When the sword absorbed the curse the

next time Harry's sword made contact with an object or person the

absorbed spell acted. However, Harry was not allowed to summon the

sword or use it during practice fights, due to the basilisk venom. A minor

scratch from Gryffindor's sword was now deadly thanks to the venom.

Severus was training them in Krav Maga an Israeli combat style. Severus

had been taught by a muggle neighbor of his that had found out his

father was abusive. Severus continued on with the training once he

became a Death Eater and then spy. It had the added bonus of being

completely unexpected by Death Eaters. Harry took to the hand to hand

training the fastest he was well on his way to mastering it. Harry trained

with Severus every other day in the morning for two hours, on the

opposite days the whole group of friends trained together. Severus had

taken Harry under his wing for the training, since he was already

showing so much promise. Severus figured when Harry mastered it, he

could take over training his friends while Severus introduced something

new. When his friends asked him about how he developed so fast in Krav

Maga, Harry shrugged and said, "it's similar to how I would fight off

Dudley and his friends."

Unexpectedly Hermione was second to Harry in hand to hand combat.

Her father had taken to teaching her self-defense after a rather cruel

attack in primary school. Her father being formerly a SAS member taught

her his style of hand to hand he learned in the military. Severus had the

idea to bring David Granger in to mix the two techniques. All in all

picking a fight with Harry and his friends would be rather suicidal for the

other students. They had been running and working out, Severus told

them the better shape their body was in the better their magic would be.

As a result Harry and Blaise now looked like most sixth year quidditch

players, lean and muscled. Neville who had a different body type, was

bulkier but not in any way fat more like a rugby player. The girls were

sleek, slim, and deadly and in Daphne and Susan's cases buxom, they had

a tendency to curse their boobs during hand to hand and other work

outs. Hermione and Tracey just cursed them for having boobs this early.

Their rather hilarious arguments on Boobs V. No Boobs had a tendency to

leave the boys resembling lobsters, they would be so embarrassed. So far

Severus, Sirius, and Amelia had taught them two new healing spells,

Sanare vulnus and Consutum. And three new battle spells, Glacies Clavus

which sent three deadly spikes of ice, ignis flagellum the fire whip, and

deprimo which was a blasting curse, that could blow holes through walls

and people.

Harry was dressed in black jeans and a white muscle shirt with a short

sleeve green and white plaid shirt. He tied his hair back in a low ponytail

and put on a pair of green high top chucks. He grabbed a pair of aviator's

and left his room meeting up with Susan who was in Bermuda shorts and

short sleeve Holyhead Harpies shirt.

"You ready," Susan asked throwing her arm around her pseudo brother.

"Yep, I've only been into London a few times myself so, should be pretty

awesome." Harry and Susan met Amelia and Sirius by the fireplace and

flooed to the Leaky Cauldron where they met up with, Daphne, Tracey,

Hermione, Blaise, and Neville.

"Alright you guys ready we're going to use the underground," Amelia

said. The group nodded and they made their way to a black Tahoe out

front that had been magically expanded to fit everyone comfortably,

although you couldn't tell from the outside.

"So what's up first?"

"The Tower," Harry said. They arrived at the Tower and Harry and

Hermione were excited to find out there was a magic guided tour that

showed both the muggle parts and the magical aspects. The women loved

the crown jewels exhibit. They ended up seeing the elusive ghost of Anne

Boleyn and chatted with her for a bit, turns out she really did love Henry

VIII and didn't use a love potion. She seemed to rather abhor the use of

love potions. The little princes made the girls cry and Sirius laugh

uproariously when they played a prank on a unsuspecting muggle couple.

For Neville and Daphne's favorite place of the day was the Royal

Botanical Gardens while Harry's favorite was the London Eye from which

they got to watch the sunset. Harry promised to draw it for Daphne. After

the Eye they head back to the Leaky Cauldron and flooed to the

Greengrass home for a small party with the Tonks family and the

Greengrass family. Harry's favorite gifts were a tie between the ones from

Sirius or Daphne's. Sirius presented him with a new Marauder's Map that

now featured the chamber of secrets, this map unlike the old one Sirius

had told him about listed Harry and his friends nicknames. The second

gift was a set of two-way mirrors he had one for each kid and he himself

had one. To get in touch with one another they just had to speak the

person's name into the mirror and the corresponding mirror would heat

up. There was also a command that activated all the mirrors. He figured

with them being in different houses it would help them if they were

separated. Daphne gave Harry a pair of silver dog tags with his parents

names, birth dates, and wedding date on one side and on other side of

the tags was a stag for James' and a doe for Lily's, their animagus forms.

"Sirius what spell did you use on the mirror?" Hermione asked with a

thoughtful look on her face.

"It's a variation on the protean charm. Why?"

"Just curious," Hermione answered with a look that told them all she

would be researching it. Neville opened his gifts after Harry and found

that his favorite was from The Greengrass parents who had got him a

rare plant from the Amazon Rainforest.

A few days after Harry's birthday Amelia came home from work with a

despondent and angry look on her face. Harry, Susan, and Sirius had just

come in from where Sirius was teaching them how to drive his

motorcycle, when the saw her and knew something was wrong. Sirius

immediately went over to Amelia and wrapped his arms around her.

"Sweetheart what's wrong," Sirius said in a loving voice.

"You may want to sit down, all of you, I have some bad news." Amelia

said and waited for them all to sit before she began again.

"Aunti," Susan prompted Amelia.

"Peter Pettigrew has escaped from Azkaban." Amelia stated in hard tone.

"What!" Susan shrieked out. Sirius looked murderous but remained seated

while Harry's look could have frozen a Dementor in place.

"How," came an even tone from Harry that worried Amelia and Sirius.

Susan knowing Harry's temper was about to flare and fast, left the table

unnoticed and flooed the Greengrass family, Xavier and Daphne

immediately came over. When Susan returned to the room her Aunt and

Sirius were starring at the visible green aura surrounding Harry, while his

magic was starting to make objects float. Daphne shot to Harry's side and

knelt in front of him. She grabbed his head in her hands and forced him

to look her in the eye. They stayed that way starring at each other for a

two minutes before Harry's aura calmed and the objects went back to

their original places. Daphne leaned forward and gave Harry a quick kiss

on the lips that showed her pride in him calming himself.

"Harry," Amelia spoke softly, "can you continue without any problems?"

Daphne answered for him, "yes we'll be fine just finish quickly please."

Amelia nodded and smiled at the girl who would soon be family.

"Pettigrew injured himself significantly, the cause hasn't' been identified

yet. The injury though required for him to be brought to the medical

wing of Azkaban." Here Amelia's face became hard and she bit out, "the

auror on duty did not take magic suppressing cuffs with him, just regular

ones. The suppressers are used when you are dealing with a known

animagus. Pettigrew managed to blindside the auror and transformed.

After that it would have been relatively easy for him to leave the Island

as a rat, there are so many there." Amelia walked over to Sirius and put a

hand on his shoulder for support and to help calm him.

"Any ideas where he has gone?" Xavier asked from his place by his

daughter and Harry.

"Yes." Amelia said followed by a pause, "he's going after Harry." Sirius

shot up from the chair, spun and leveled a vicious punch at the wall,

which broke his hand, not that he noticed. Amelia did and healed it with

a quick spell. Daphne sucked in a breath at Amelia's statement and

clutched Harry's hand tight. Harry moved Daphne so that instead of

sitting next to him, she was now in his lap. Harry wrapped his arms

around her and put his chin on her shoulder. His face was set in a

determined look.

"He'll try for me at Hogwarts," Harry spoke. "It would be the easiest place

and he knows the layout and passages. But it also has Twinkles and as

much as I dislike the man, it makes Hogwarts one of the hardest places

also. Considering he spent years there under Dumbles' nose he will likely

think he can do it again, giving us the advantage, he'll be cocky. I'll be

ready, as will Aiolos."

Sirius amazing all of them had wry grin on his face, "you've been

spending too much time with Severus. That was entirely too quick for a

thirteen year old to outsmart me, Amelia, and Xavier." The others

managed to laugh and some of the tension dispersed.

"I think we should move up are plans to visit the alley sooner," Xaiver

said. "If we are able to go when it's less crowded, it will be easier security

wise. We just need for Severus to get there supply list if he can."

Amelia nodded in agreement, "We wouldn't be expected and if Severus

can get the supply list by this week, it is likely that Pettigrew would not

get that far in the short amount of time. Does he know where Potter

Manor is?" Amelia asked turning to Sirius.

"No, he was never here and if he was James' took everyone but Harry,

Lily, and himself off the ward list when they went into hiding. Plus it

would take Voldemort himself hours to tear the wards here down." Sirius


"Good now shall we contact Severus?" Amelia asked and Xavier moved

from the room to floo the Professor. He returned minutes later with the

Potions Master in tow. Severus nodded his greeting.

"Pettigrew escaped, using his animagus and is after Harry," Sirius said to

catch him up to speed. Severus raised an eyebrow and Amelia cuffed

Sirius across the back of his head.

"Pettigrew managed to injure himself, enough to need the hospital. The

auror who came to escort him did not use supressers. He is suspended

without pay and may be fired pending investigation. He was said to have

been muttering in his sleep about Harry and revenge." Amelia spoke.

Severus nodded taking it all before he spoke, "that rat will try at

Hogwarts." That caused the group to laugh making Severus give them a

look that said they were all mad as a hatter.

Hadrian spoke with a smirk, "that was my thought." Severus smiled at his

prized student.

"Yes but we were wondering if it's possible for you to get the supply list

for the third years this week. It would give us better security options at

the alley if we went now." Amelia spoke.

Severus nodded, "I'll see what I can do. When is it being released that he


"With any luck tomorrow but Fudge ," Amelia trailed off only to have her

thought finished by Sirius, Xavier, and Harry all at the same time.

"Is a idiot."

"Yes," Amelia said dryly.

"As soon as it's released I'll approach Minerva for the schedule. That way

if it should somehow come up in conversation with the Headmaster it'll

have been public news when I bring it up. He still assumes I'll do his

work and for now I want to keep it that way just in case." Those gathered

nodded and Severus left the room.

"Can I go to Hannah's I've been kind of neglecting her," Susan asked.

Amelia nodded and Sirius got up to open the floo connection to the

Abbot's so Susan could floo there.

"Daph?" Xavier asked looking towards his daughter.

Daphne looked Harry in the eyes and then turned back to her father, "I'm

going to stay for awhile if that's okay," she said looking from her father to

Amelia. Both nodded their acceptance. Xavier and Amelia walked to the

entrance and met Sirius they shared a grim look before Xavier flooed

back home to fill in his wife.

"How about we sit out on the swing for awhile," Amelia asked her

husband. Sirius nodded and but his arm around her waist and led her

outside to the Potter's deck. They saw Daphne and Harry riding down one

of the paths as they sat.

Daphne stood when the adults left the room and pulled Harry up, "Come

on let's go for a ride." Harry allowed her to pull him along to the stables.

They arrived and went to their usual horses, Harry's was a black stallion

named Odin and Daphne's was a painted mare named Rhea. Harry

pushed Odin to his limits with Daphne hard on his tail. They stopped

about a mile and half into the forest, on one of the trails. It opened into a

small clearing with a creek running throughout where the horses could

drink. Harry and Daphne dismounted and Harry led Odin and Rhea over

to the creek to drink. Harry walked to the middle of the clearing and laid

down facing the clouds. Daphne came over and sat next to him where she

could look down at his face.

"What are you thinking," Daphne asked brushing Harry's hair from his


Harry was silent for a bit before he spoke, "I'm thinking I would like

nothing more than to hunt the rat bastard down and practice some of our

spells on him."

Daphne looked Harry in the eye and spoke, "trouble finds us enough as it


"I know, but if he comes for me, I will fight him. And win." Harry spoke

his eyes flashing with his magic. Daphne lay across Harry's chest with her

face in his neck.

"You will, but now I think we need to talk about us." Daphne said. Harry

wrapped an arm around her.

"You're already my best friend Daph." Harry said looking down at her, "I

couldn't imagine you not being in my life. When you were taken into the

chamber, I panicked inside. I wouldn't be able to function if you weren't

in my life, you were the first friend I ever had."

Daphne smiled at him her eyes gleaming with happiness, "Harry I've

known about this marriage my whole life. I was worried and I know my

parents were when you disappeared from the magical world and our life.

I didn't know how I would react to you, if you were a spoiled, or what. I

happy your who you are who you are, I wouldn't change you at all,

though I would have killed for the chance to join Blaise's grandfather's

men when they went after the Dursleys. Especially that bitch with the


Harry chuckled at that and got a thoughtful look, "will you go to

Hogsmeade with me, as a date?"

"I would love to," Daphne said sitting up with a smile on her face.

"Hatchling SSSiriusss wantsss to ssspeak with you," Aiolos hissed as she

slithered over to them. Harry picked Aiolos up and started to stroke her

before she moved to sink into Harry's skin as a tattoo.

"Sirius wants to talk to me," Harry clarified for Daphne. They walked over

to their horses Harry stroking Odin's mane whispering to the horse. Odin

neighed and shook his head. Harry turned to Daphne and Rhea, "How

'bout a race?" Harry smirked at Daphne.

Daphne turned to Rhea who neighed, "You're on," she said with her own

smirk. They mounted and counted to three. On three they took off down

the path back towards the stables. Harry and Odin led for awhile until

Daphne let out laugh and Rhea put on the speed. As they raced into the

stable Dips appeared.

"Mistress Daphne wins," he spoke as he took the horses reins as the two


Daphne smirked victoriously while Harry shook his head and patted Odin

on the nose, "we let 'em when didn't we?" Odin neighed and seemed to

agree with Harry's assessment.

"Whatever," Daphne said with a laugh as they started towards the house.

Daphne walked to the floo and gave Harry a kiss on the cheek before

leaving. Harry walked into the family room where Sirius and Amelia

were sitting.

"Hadrian James," Sirius said leaning forward, "I want you to promise me

you will not go looking for Pettigrew and I will do the same." Sirius held

his hand out to Harry. Harry nodded and shook his hand before speaking.

"I will defend myself though."

"Oh we have no doubt," Amelia said, "and we expect you to, we just do

not want you to go actively searching for him. Even the muggle

authorities will be looking for him." She said spoke with belief in her

voice that they would find him. Harry nodded and Sirius and Amelia

both enveloped him in a hug. Harry was filled with a sense of comfort

and parental love, he had never felt that before, he liked it. He realized

that he now had friends and family that would never desert him and

would always support him.

"Severus any news," Sirius asked as he joined the group after their Krav

Maga lessons. They were taking a short break before they would begin

their magical training for today.

"Yes I was able to procure their book lists, for the students. Hermione

you'll have to pick two, however if you study the subjects on your own

you will be able to take the O.W.L.'s and N.E.W.T.'s if you want to. The

schedule can't be worked out.

Hermione nodded, "I'll take Ancient Runes and Arithmancy then."

"Hadrian will be more then able to help you with Magical Creatures,"

Severus answered. Harry nodded his acceptance.

"All right we can go to the alley Friday, you guys ask your parents if they

want to take you, join us, or just send you with us." Sirius said. "Bill is

going to be bringing Ginny with us on Friday, we already spoke about

them joining us."

"I'll be joining you as well," Severus spoke. Sirius nodded to the man.

"I want you all to work on the fire whip today," Severus spoke, "I want

you to be able to produce a decent length of fire before school starts. Also

Sirius and I will be working on your dodging and shielding. Severus

walked over to where Sirius had been drawing a circle on the floor with

his wand. "This is something we devised it works on the same premise

that aurors are trained only harder, as you will be confined to the circle.

You are to doge but if you get stuck throw a shield up, however do not

rely on it, if you do Sirius and I will up the ante, so to speak. Hadrian

you're first."

Harry took his place in the circle while Severus and Harry prepared to

cast. They would start with minor stinging hexes, and move on from

there depending on how often Harry shielded. Sirius took up a position in

front of Harry was standing, Severus took one off to the side. They

counted to three and began flinging hexes. Harry dodged both by ducking

to the left and low. Harry was dodging for the first minute but lost track

of Severus in the process. Severus was now facing Harry's back and

waited for him to dodge Sirius's spell before sending his own at Harry.

Harry at the last second sensed the spell coming but threw up a silent

protégo spell, a variation of one he learned in the Potter library. The spell

encompassed Harry's body in a blue circular shield that repelled Severus

and Sirius next spell were rebounded off the shield. Harry was still able

to dodge and shield at the same time as Severus and Sirius up their spells

to a bone breaker. Harry's shield held until Sirius called time three

minutes later.

"Very good, Hadrian." Severus spoke, "What was that spell?"

"I found it in the Potter Library it's a variation on protego, the incantation

is orbis protego. You can't cast out of it though, but it works for as added

protection when dodging."

Blaise went next and did almost as well as Harry, only he forgot to keep

moving while he was shielding, as a result his shield fell after three bone-

breakers and the forth hit him in the ankle. Sirius healed him and they

moved on to the next. Daphne did almost as well as Harry, coming out

only having been hit by one stinging hex avoiding the all the others.

Hermione used the same spell Harry did and came out without getting

hit. Neville demonstrated the circle was more than a boundary line as

when he stepped out momentarily the side of the circle gave him jolt of

similar to an electric shock. Harry and Susan both managed to produce a

potent length of fire and establish control over it. Hermione had the best

length of fire after theirs reaching about five feet but she had little

control over it. The rest were had either the same length and no control

or a shorter length with no control. Tracey had the shortest length of fire

reaching only three feet, but she was able to control it and wield it like a

whip as Severus had shown them.

On Friday they were all able to meet at the Leaky Cauldron, Blaise came

with his mother Belladonna who gave Severus a kiss, the students

couldn't resist and started to sing and make kissing noises at the two,

Severus silenced them with a merrily a look, which made him smirk

proudly when they all gulped. Sirius was with them, as was Bill Weasely

and Ginny and Asotria. The Greengrass parents also came, Tracey,

Neville, Hermione, came without their parents or in Neville's case his

Gran. Tracey parents though wanted them to stop by their store and meet

them for lunch.

"All right first stop is the cauldron shop, I need some new ones for the

lab, as this last batch of first years was rather impotent when it came to

potions." Ginny and Astoria snickered thinking of the class they shared

with the Gryffindors.

"I need another one too," Harry spoke.

"I would recommend one lined with copper they seem to be the best for

experimenting with new potions, like your prank ones." Severus spoke to

Harry, and picked out a size 4 copper cauldron.

"Thanks," Harry said and took the cauldron over to the counter to pay, it

was four galleons for it. Severus bought ten new pewter cauldrons and

had them sent to Hogwarts. They stopped into Slug & Jiggers to restock

their potion ingredients Blaise and Neville ended up needing the most.

Harry bought more exotic ingredients intending on experimenting at

Hogwarts. Once again Severus ordered in bulk many ingredients and had

them sent to Hogwarts.

"Harry do you need anything at the Quidditch shop?" Sirius asked.

"Yeah I need new arm guards mine took a beating last year." Harry said

they turned and went it while, Belladonna and Severus took Blaise,

Hermione, Tracey, and Susan to get some more parchment and quills.

The rest went into the Quidditch shop.

"Harry, over here." Bill called out. Harry walked over to where Bill was in

front o f some of the more expensive guards. "Charlie he's a seeker too, in

a letter he was going on about these guards. They're made of Antipodean

Opaleye skin, Carlie won't wear them on principle but he said they're the

lightest, strongest, and flexible guards yet, the gloves probably wouldn't

be too bad for potions either. Harry nodded and picked up a pair of arm

guards, fingerless sickles. While he was checking out the owner of the

shop who was working the register today reach down and brought up a

picture of a broom, the back had the brooms stats on it.

"You might be interested in this Mr. Potter. It's a brand new racing broom

made by an up in coming company and it's called the Firebolt. It's the

fastest broom ever to be made and is already being coveted by the

professionals. I've seen some of your games, this would definitely be put

to good use in your hands."

"Thank you I'll keep it in mind." Hadrian spoke and left the man a galleon

in thanks.

"What's that," Daphne asked pointing to the picture?

"A new broom, it's stats and the shop keepers endorsement are making

me want to empty my vault if I have to just to get it, but my Nimbus is

still good." Harry said. Daphne but an arm around Harry's waist and

smiled proudly at him. They met back up with the rest of the group at

Flourish & Blotts.

"All right your defense books from first year are the same, Ginny and

Astoria will need a copy though. Arithmancy needs Numerology and

Gramatica, The Standard Book of Spells Grade 3 and 2 for Ginny and

Astoria, Intermediate Transfiguration, for Runes Ancient Runes Made Easy

and rune dictionaries for Egyptian, Norse, and Latin. For Care of Magical

Creatures The Monster Book of Monsters", Severus said the last one with a

bit of disdain and as he did they looked at once to the piles of books that

were fighting each other in a cage.

"What is the point of that?" Harry asked.

"Your guess is as good as mine," Severus said eyeing the books with an

eyebrow quirked. The others nodded in agreement, Hermione had the

same confused look on her face as Harry.

"Wizards," she muttered under her breath and Harry nodded, the others

could do nothing but shrug their shoulders. "Any idea how to get them to

stop fighting?" She asked looking towards Harry.

"Nope who's the teacher for this year," he asked Severus.

"Hagrid, since he's been cleared." Severus answered.

"Well he knows more about animals than anyone else at Hogwarts,

however, he fails to remember not everyone is as big as him or has the

same skin considering he's half giant. There has to be something though,"

Harry spoke leaning down by the cage. He studied it and saw one book

was flipped on its spine and moving backwards and forwards, the book

was perfectly docile. Harry opened the cage and pulled out a book and

quickly stroked the spine the book calmed immediately and fell open.

Harry pulled out three more books and repeated the process. They found

the rest of their books easily after that, Severus looked for a book on

Sumerian Runes but didn't have any luck.

"Is that it or do any of you need any new robes and such." Sirius asked

the group. Harry, Blaise, Neville, Daphne and Susan all needed new

robes, "Well damn Harry you out grew the growing charms again?" He

asked. Harry nodded he had shot up this summer to about 5' 4'' and his

shoulders and arms grew as well. Blaise was at the same height and

Neville was a bit shorter but had more muscle mass and was just

generally bulkier than both Blaise and Harry. The girls had grown too but

the only ones who out did the growing charms were Susan and Daphne.

So after another visit to Madam Twilfit they stopped in at Tracey's

parents' store.

Marius greeted them at the front of the store, "How did it go?" They all

responded back in the positive, "good Addison will be out in about five

minutes, than we can go eat."

They spread out and looked around the shop. Harry saw Daphne eyeing a

pearl and sapphire necklace from the 1920's. Harry bought it for her

when she wasn't looking figuring he would give it to her for Christmas.

Severus and Sirius both looked for Ancient Rune books on Summerian

but only found a rather old journal that belonged to an English explorer,

who went through the region. There were only a few translated Runes

nothing that would help them.

"Damn," Severus muttered.

"Do you need something in Ancient Sumerian translated," Bill asked


Severus turned to him and gave him a deep penetrating look, "can you?"

"Yes, it's one of the reasons the Goblins put me Egypt."

Severus looked to Sirius who nodded, "stop at Potter Manor tonight. So

we can give you the book." Bill nodded.

"Alright you guys were ready to go," Addison said stepping out from the

back room.

They moved down to a restaurant in the alley called The Crystal and ate

lunch before they went back to Potter Manor to hang out and watch

movies for the night.

Bill, Severus, and Sirius were in a study in Potter Manor after Sirius got a

copy of the Sumerian book. Well it was more like pages of papyrus strung

together but that constituted a book back then.

"This is on a rather sensitive subject. After you translate it I plan on

locking it in the black vault or destroying it," Sirius said.

Bill looked at the book in curiosity and nodded at Sirius.

'It deals with the Dark Lord and how he managed to survive. He made

several of these objects, horcruxes." Severus spoke slomely.

Bill looked startled, "Survived?"

"Yes he survived as wraith, and is trying to find ways back as we speak,

he will eventually succeed unless it can be stopped. Which is why we

need this translated as soon as possible. Even if he rises again to power,

we'll need that information to stop him for good." Bill nodded and

excused himself to get Ginny.

"I'll see what I can do."

"We have a problem," Severus spoke as he entered the practice room to

Potter Manor. They had two weeks before school was set to arrive and so

far Pettigrew had been sited once in Glasglow, Scottland. "They have

decided to bring dementors to Hogwarts."

"What!" Sirius shouted.

"Yes that was most of the professors' responses to it. Minister Fudge has

decided it is in the best interes of the students, they will not be allowed

in the castle just at the boundary line and Hogsmeade."

"And the misistry has that much control over them," Sirius asked with a

raised eyebrow.

"No which is why we're going to teach them," Severus said pointing to the

seven of them, "the Patronus charm. Can you conjure one?" Severus


"Before Azkaban I could, I haven't tried since then," Sirius sighed.

"Expecto Patronum!" Sirius shouted, "Out of his wand came a silver mist

but that was all.

"You need to work on it we'll need it, if the Dark Lord rises again.

Expecto Patronum," Severus said in a small sliky tone of voice. Out of

Severus' wand came a burst of silver mist that formed into doe.

"Lily," Sirius whispered. Severus nodded and canceled the spell.

"This is a spell desgined to combat dementors and it works against

lethifold. It acts as a guardian against the dementors it contains the

casters positive memories, thoughts, and feeling but none of its casters

despair, which is what drives it away. There are fully qualified adult

wizards that cannot perform this charm, so it may not work for you. The

charm takes a shape unique to the caster. While you say the incantation

you need to focus on a single, very happy memory. You all are going to

learn it by the start of school. I want you all to practice non-stop the

dementor's do not recoginize one person from another if they find you on

your own or if they're particually drawn to you they will try to give you

the Kiss.

The Dementor's Kiss sucks out the soul of the victim and leaves behind

and empty shell of a body. It is not something you want to experience.

Dementor's suck the happiness out of you, if you have a strong reaction

to them they bring your worst memories to light and make you relive

them and it is also possible to pass out from their effects. I want you all

to be able to cast a full Patronus before school, as it is harder to cast in

front of a dementor. Now can I borrow a house elf?"

"Mips," Harry called, Mips appeared with a pop.

"I need you to go to Honeydukes and purchase three pounds of

chocolate." Severus told the elf. Mips poped out and after a minute

returned with the chocolate. "Thank you Mips, we'll take some now." She

broke off a chunck and placed it on the table with a spell to keep it cool

then bowed and poped out again.

'"The incantation like you heard is expect patronum. There is no wand

movements just focus on your happy memory. Begin."

The first to cast was Hermione, although nothing happened. Blaise cast

next and was able to produce a fine silver mist but it only held for ten

seconds, Neville and Susan both got the tip of their wand to light up

silver for a almost a minute but it never progressed past that, Tracey

produced a mist for fifteen seconds, Daphne managed to produce a mist

for a minute, Harry's was the same as Daphne's.

"You all need to pick a happier memory," Sirius and Severus said at the

same time.

Harry closed his eyes and ran through his memories since attending

Hogwarts, the ones before definatnely weren't happy. He ran through his

memories and tried to remember the feelings that went along with them.

Harry settled on the day they found out Pettigrew escaped. Harry focused

on how loved he felt laying on the ground with Daphne, holding her, her

smiling at him, racing back to the barn. He let the feeling fill him and

then focused on the hug from Sirius and Amelia and the feelings of

security and wantedness. Harry simply smiled at the feelings and spoke,

"expect patronum." Out of Harry's wand shot a brilliant white and silver

mist that formed into a wolf, Harry opened his eyes and smiled at the

wolf, which looked remarklably like Daphne's animagus form. Harry held

the spell for a good minute before canceling it. By the end of the two

weeks all the students managed to complete the spell, Hermion and her

parents had stayed at Potter Manor to allow Hermione time to practice

the spell. Hermione's took on the form of an otter, Tracey's was a small

kitten, that when let loose tended to run around the room and pounce on

the other patroni. Neville's charm was a panda bear, something that

made him blush, Susan had a a large bear, Blaise had a snake that looked

like his animagus form, Daphne had a large male wolf that looked like

Harry's animagus. Daphne and Harry shared a smile when ever they

would conjure their patroni.

As they boarded the train and left the station Amelia turned to Sirius,

"why did you two drill the patronus into them? The teachers no it, I


"Severus suspects that Harry's past will draw the dementors to him. He

wanted them all prepared." Sirius said as they watched the train

disappear from sight.


Sorry if it took longer than usual but my bro landed in jail again so

it's been crazy at my house. This chapter also came slow, probably

because I know what's coming after it but didn't know what to put

in this one. Hope y'all like it.


14. New Classes and Boggarts

"So did Severus ever say who the new Defense professor is?" Hermione

asked the others

"No, they were still looking I think," Harry said, "despite Quirrell being

incompetent the book he used was pretty good, so they probably just

reassigned it."

"Well hopefully this one isn't an idiot," Blaise said.

"Third time's a charm, right?" Neville asked with a laugh.

"All right," Harry said bringing out his deck of cards.

Susan groaned, "something other than poker, please?"

"Well if you would let me finish I was going to say Bullshit."

"Excuse me?" Daphne said.

"It's a card game; you deal the deck and then start with the two of clubs.

Whoever has the two of clubs starts, then the person to the right of them

lays their three's down and so on, the goal is to be the first without any


"And if you don't have any three's or another card when it's your turn,"

Tracey asked?

"You try to bluff but if somebody calls, bullshit, you have to take the pile,

if they call Bullshit and they're wrong they have to take the pile. It's

simple and fun, even you poor unfortunate purebloods should be able to

get it." Harry said teasing his friends who took his statement as a


"It always works doesn't it," Hermione said to Harry with a laugh at how

riled her friends got when Harry teased them.

"Yep," Harry said popping the 'p'. The group played for the rest of the

trip. They got so into the game that occasionally other students came by

their cabin thinking there was a fight.

"Bullshit!" Harry yelled as Neville tried to put down two kings.

Unfortunately for Harry the Trolley Lady took that moment to open the

door and ask them if they wanted anything.

"Well I never," the trolley lady said astonished. Harry looked up with a

surprised look on his face.

"Oops," Harry said quietly as the trolley lady looked like she was about to

start in on them. "no, no, were playing a card game, that wasn't directed

to you," Harry spoke fastly. Seeing the lady's dubious expression Harry

added, "I could never say something like that to you, you provide us with

happiness on this long journey to Hogwarts every year." The others hid

their giggles and smirks from sight while the lady let it go. Harry for

good measure bought one of everything for him and his friends.

"Nice, Harry," Hermione said rolling her eyes. The others laughed and

went back to the game. Five minutes later they were stopped again by

the train abruptly jerking to a halt.

Hermione looked at her watch, "we too early to be at Hogwarts." Things

on the train got eerily quiet.

"There's something out there," Neville said in a whisper that matched the

quiet that had descended. The train became cold, ice started to spread on

the windows. Harry slipped his wand out as did Daphne, and Blaise. The

cold dropped to freezing and their breathing became visible. They heard

something moving down the hallway from the compartment, the lights

went out. They froze and could feel the cold down into their bones; Harry

started to hear a faint screaming. Harry not recognizing the signs from

the trial, focused on the screaming his grip on his wand loosened. The

screaming got louder and with it Harry's vision clouded and tunneled and

he passed out.

"No please not Harry. Not Harry! Not Harry! - please I'll do anything.

"Stand aside. Stand aside, you stupid girl!"

"No, not Harry!" As Harry heard his mother's last scream he heard another

voice screaming.

"Harry! Harry," Daphne shouted as she shook him. Harry opened his eyes

slowly and looked around, seeing his friends looking concerned at an

older man with scars that looked familiar.

"What happened," Harry asked quietly, not moving his head from

Daphne's lap, where she was stroking his face.

"It was dementor," Hermione spoke quietly and a bit apologetically, "We

froze but it zeroed in on you, it was trying to take your memories.

Daphne and Neville got their patroni to work and drove it off."

"Here eat, I'm your new defense professor," the familiar scarred older man

spoke handing Harry a rather large hunk of chocolate. "Eat all of it; I

need a word with the conductor." With that the man left.

"Eat Harry," Daphne whispered to him. Harry started nibbling on the

chocolate and was surprised to feel better almost instantly. Harry took

some bigger bites.

"We're researching dementors as soon as we can," Hermione spoke in a

tone that they all knew meant no questioning.

"We should check on your sister," Harry said with half the chocolate left.

The group nodded and Harry, Daphne, and Neville were decided upon to

check on them. Neville conjured his patronus to walk in front of them

just in case. As they moved to the car in front of them where Astoria,

Ginny, and Aoife were, they passed Draco and Theo. Draco looked worse

for the ware and Harry broke off a piece of chocolate and gave it to him.

Draco nodded his thanks and the trio moved on. Astoria, Ginny, and

Aoife were in the last compartment of the car.

"Oh thank the gods you're here," Astoria exclaimed hugging her sister and

nodding her head towards Malcolm, another second year Slytherin in

there compartment. The boy was shaking and had his arms wrapped

around his knees. Neville moved is panda patronus to the boy and it

surprised them by sitting around the boy like it was hugging him. The

boy stopped shaking but still looked rather pale; Harry gave the boy the

rest of the chocolate. Malcolm took the chocolate ate it and smiled in

thanks when he noticed it helped.

"That thing came in here, what was it?" Aoife asked.

"A dementor one of the guards of Azkaban, they're going to be at the

school this year. The professor booted them from the train though, so no

more visits for the rest of the way.

"Harry, Draco, quidditch this Friday night," Flint said as they took their

seats, Draco and Theo where behind Tracey, Blaise, and Daphne.

"Already," Draco asked.

"I wrote to Hooch and got the pitch resevered we need to new Beaters

that can either match the Weasley twins or out muscle them." Flint


Harry and Draco groaned at the manic look in Flint's eyes, "this is going

to suck," Harry said leaning past Daphne to so Draco could hear. Draco


"So we shouldn't be expecting you for the whole weekend," Daphne said


Harry groaned and decided for retaliation to tickle her side with causing

her to let out an embarrassing squeak.

"Oh you'll pay for that," she said.

Harry was going to reply but Dumbledore stood raising his arms for


"Before you all go getting befuddled with our excellent feast I have a few

announcements. First and the most important as you'll no doubt have

noticed after their search of the Hogwarts Express. Hogwarts is currently

playing host to the demenorts of Azkaban prison. They are here on

Ministry of Magic Business. They will be stationed at every entrance to

the grounds. I need to make it plain to you all that nobody is to leave the

school without permission this year. Dementor's are not fooled by tricks,

disguises, or even invisibility cloaks," Twinkles said looking towards

Harry. "It is not in the nature of a dementor to understand pleading

therefore none of you should put yourself in a position where you run

afoul of them."

"Now on a more happier note, I am pleased to introduce two new

professors this year." Dumbledore said while smiling happily, the whole

school looked at him like there were a couple screws loose in his head.

"For Defense Against the Dark Arts please welcome Professor Lupin," the

man with the scars stood to a scattered applause, but really who claps

after being told soul sucking fiends are going to be staying at the castle?

Harry though gasped and set his jaw.

"What is it," Daphne asked Harry quietly as Dumbledore introduced

Hagrid as the care of magical creatures' professor.

"I know why he looks familiar; Lupin was one of my dad's friends. He in

some of the pictures around the manor and Sirius has been trying to

contact him; he wants some answers from him."

"Answers?" Tracey asked.

"I'll tell you in the common room."

"Hey look at Snape," Blaise said as they loaded up their plates. Snape was

glaring at Lupin with a look that could freeze hell over. "Any ideas why

he hates our new defense professor already?"

"Yeah common room, though," Harry said indicating they would have to

wait to hear the story.

"So you guys looking forward to Hogsmead," Aaron Vaisey asked from his

seat on the left of Blaise. Harry and Daphne blushed a little; they were

slowly losing all the embarrassment around their relationship. "hmm do I

detect something going on?" Vaisey said in a teasing tone.

"Daphne and Harry are using it as their first date," Blaise replied in a

lovey dovey voice.

Vaisey developed a calculating look Harry caught it immediately, "you do

anything to ruin it and its open season on your ass, and not just but

Sirius," he growled out. Vaisey gulped and a brilliant smile lit up

Daphne's face at Harry's protectiveness and gave him a lingering kiss on

the cheek.

"Thank you," Daphne whispered to Harry. Harry just grinned at her in


So we're in the common room Harry," Tracey prompted. The four

Slytherins were in a corner of the common room at a small table with a

chess set in front of Daphne and Harry. Harry moved and took Daphne's


"Professor Lupin is Remus Lupin, he was the forth Marauder."

"One of your father's friends," Blaise asked?

"yeah, he's also a werewolf." The others gasped but Harry glared at them,

shutting them up. "If you're going to dislike the man wait 'til we have a

class, not because he turns into something he can't control three days out

of a month." The others looked rather ashamed of themselves when they

heard it spelled out like that.

"Wait," Daphne spoke, "if he was one of the Marauders where has he been

and how come he never checked on you?" She was getting more irate by

the second. Harry took her hand under the table to help calm her.

"I don't know neither does Sirius. He's been looking for Lupin wanting the

same answers and some of his own. I think Sirius wanted him to be at the

wedding but Sirius couldn't find him."

"So why does Professor Snape hate him," Blaise asked?

"Besides him being a marauder, well do you remember why Sirius

apologized, Remus was the werewolf. I assume it's nothing personal but

he tried to take a bite out Severus so he's a bit justified."

"So what do you have first?" Daphne asked seeing her schedule open first

thing today.

"Arithmacy, yours is open?" Harry asked receiving a nod. "So that leaves

you and Nev free."

"Yeah, we'll probably go to the library and look up Dementors," Daphne

said before being interrupted by Neville.

"I was hoping you could go over potions with me," Neville asked

"Yeah that's fine, want to try and get through this year without blowing

up a cauldron?" She teased him. The others laughed.

Neville flipped them the bird in return and the group split up to attend

their first Arithmancy class.

Harry, Tracey, Blaise, Hermione, filed into the Arithmancy classroom on

the fourth floor. Susan came in with Hannah and the Hufflepuff that was

petrified last year Justin. Harry waved them over and they took the seats

next to where Harry and Blaise, Hermione and Tracey were sitting.

Hannah for once didn't blush around Harry and Justin apologized to

Harry for his reaction to parseltongue.

"Good Morning and welcome to your first ever Arithmancy class. I am

Professor Septima Vector." The class which consisted of four snakes, six

ravens, and three puffs answered with their own good morning. "I have

review your files and all of you show exceptional talent, however this

class will not be easy, and you will all have to work for your grades. Now

to begin open your books to Chapter 1." The class continued on

reminding Harry why he disliked math in primary school. "Alright your

first assignment is to complete the number chart at the end of chapter 1."

Hermione separated from the group as Harry, Blaise, Tracey, and Susan

with her two friends made their way to Transfiguration.

"So what did you guys think?" Harry asked the group.

"I have a feeling it's going to be the cause of many future headaches,"

Tracey answered.

"You should have signed up for Divination, I think your right," Susan said

causing the group to laugh. They were met at the Transfiguration

classroom by Daphne. McGonagall gave them a lecture on animagi.

Unfortunately for the Harry and friends they didn't pick up anything new

from her lecture.

"What do you think Hagrid will have for our first class," Harry asked his

friends all of which were around him, they were sitting at the Ravenclaw

table, nobody seemed to mind.

"Considering he gave you a book that bites something just as insane,"

Hermione answered.

"Yeah Harry, I'm pretty sure you were the only one who figured out how

to open the book," Neville said chuckling, "at least nobody in Gryffindor

has figured it out."

"You haven't shared?" Daphne asked with a smirk.

"Weasley's been annoying," Neville said with a shrug as he finished off his


"Alright we'll see you three later," Harry, Neville, Blaise, and Daphne left

for magical creatures. On the way out they met up with Draco and Theo.

"So why aren't your books bolted like the rest of us," Theo asked

"Stroke the spine and they calm down," Harry answered.

"Who in their right mind assigns a biting book," Draco mumbled under

his breath.

"I don't think anyone's ever accused Hagrid of being in his right mind, but

you gotta admit he knows his animals," Harry answered with a laugh.

"You're going to be just as insane as him in this class aren't you?" Draco

asked. Harry smirked in reply. "Yeah well just remember anything

happens to you and Marcus is liable to kill you, if you're not dead

already," Draco said with his own smirk. Daphne smacked him upside the

back of his head. "Owe, woman, I was kidding," Draco exclaimed. The

others laughed while Harry gave Daphne a kiss on the cheek

"Hey Draco weren't you in a contract like them?" Blaise asked referring to

Daphne and Harry.

"Draco gave a shudder, "yeah to Parkinson but my mum finally got it

cancelled. I'm not sure how and I don't really care. I'm just happy I'm not

in it." The other boys shudder too at the mention of Parkinson and

Daphne made a face. They came to a stop in front of Hagrid's hut where

the other students were gathered. It was large class with all the years,

Crabble and Goyle had also signed up for it, The Weasel and his two

friends Thomas and Finnegan were the Gryffindors, Terry Boot, Michael

Corner, Morag McDougal, and Mandy Brocklehurst were the Ravens, and

there were four Puffs too, Wayne Hopkins, Zacharias Smith, and Megan


"Alright, today I have a real treat for you all," Hagrid started class in his

booming voice. "Just follow me now," Hagrid led them down a path into

an alcove of the Forbidden Forest where there were too many of the

students strange horse like creatures that had the head and talons of a

bird, and wings. Harry, Daphne, Neville, and Blaise recognized the

creatures as hippogriffs. Hagrid moved over to the hippogriffs and

brought one of the larger ones over, "Now can anyone tell me what these

beautiful creatures are?"

Harry looked around and seeing no one answering raised his hand

saying, "Hippogriffs."

"Right yeh are Harry, erm, Hadrian, five points to Slytherin," hagrid

announced with a smile. At that the Slytherins brightened while the

Gryffindors glared. "Now firs' thing yeh need to know about hippogriffs is

they're proud. Easily offended, hippogriffs are. Don't never insult one,

'cause it might be the last thing yeh do." Most of the students were now

slowly backing away from Hagrid and the hippogriffs. "Now with

hippogriffs yeh always want to let 'em make the firs' move. Yeh need to

be polite, now yeh walk toward him an' wait, if he bows back yeh're ter

touch him. If he doesn' bow, then get away from him sharpish, 'cause

those talons hurt."

"Right who's up firs'?" Hagrid asked. The hippogriffs behind Hagrid

reared up on their hind legs and some shook their heads in protest of

being tethered for the lesson. The class immediately stepped back except

for Harry who stepped forward.

"Hadrian! Good man," Hagrid exclaimed. "Now come on up and bow."

Harry walked forward towards the hippogriff Hagrid had brought

forward and bent in a sweeping bow to the hippogriff keeping his eyes on

the hippogriffs.

"Good, Good! Now yeh have to do what Hadrian here's doin' keep yehr

eyes on the hippogriffs and don't blink, they don't trust yer if yer blink."

The hippogriff eyed Harry for a few seconds before stepping back and

presenting its own bow. Harry moved up to the hippogriff and started to

pet him. Harry marveled at the feathers as he often did with the pack of

hippogriffs in the forest at home.

"What's his name," Harry asked?

"Buckbeak, and I think he'll let yer fly." With that Hagrid picked Harry up

and set him on Buckbeak's back and before Harry was settled he slapped

Buckbeak and the hippogriff took off. Harry lurched forward as Buckbeak

started his run and wrapped his arms around Buckbeaks neck. Buckbeak's

wings flew out as he launched off the ground and soared into the air.

Buckbeak flew Harry around the top of the forest over the Black Lake.

Harry threw his arms out as they flew over the Black Lake and felt the

breeze go through him. Buckbeak banked left and they made their way

back to the paddock where they began, Harry braced himself for the

rough landing as Buckbeak touched down.

The class was clapping when Harry dismounted Buckbeak. Harry gave

the hippogriff another pat before Hagrid came over and threw the

creature a small ferret.

"Alright now no more than three to a hippogriff and remember to be


"So how was it Harry," Draco asked.

"It's brilliant but the landing is a little rough." Harry said with a grin. The

rest of the class passed without incident until Weasley mouthed off. The

Slytherins plus Neville snickered every time Ron Weasley tried to bow to

his hippogriff. The hippogriff seemed rather offended by the Weasel's

mere presence.

Seeing people snicker at him went red and muttered, "stupid overgrown

turkey." The hippogriff took offense and reared up, while Hagrid yelled to

settle it but it ignored the Hogwarts gamekeeper, and came down talons

ready to claw the little Weasel when Harry flicked his wand out of its


"Depulso," Harry muttered. The Weasel went flying out of the way and

landed with a thud fifteen feet on his arm, breaking it. The hippogriff

looked like it wanted to charge after the redhead but settled for the

weasel Hagrid threw to it.

"Class dismissed, no assignments." Hagrid said moving over to pick the

now whining redhead up, "I'm taking Ronald here to the hospital wing,

Hadrian yer need to come with me."

Hadrian sighed, "No good deed goes unpunished."

"Well you could have used a cushioning charm on the landing," Daphne

said with a smirk.

Blaise finished off with, "why waste a perfectly good spell." Those around

them chuckled and Harry picked up his bag going with Hagrid.

"Yer pretty good with Buckbeak there Hadrian," Hagrid commented

ignoring Ron's whimpering.

"Thanks, we have hippogriffs at Potter Manor they're really fascinating,"

Harry said with contained enthusiasm mindful of the Gryffindor in

Hagrid's arms. "Animals have always been a favorite of mine," Harry said

remembering Sirius's comment that Hagrid was a friend of his parents.

"Really? Yer should come down an' visit me sometime. Yer know I knew

yerh folks. I got some pictures, if yer want to see 'em sometime." Hagrid

said as they arrived at the hospital wing.

"I'd like that, thank you." Harry replied. Hagrid flopped Ron down on to a

bed and Madam Pomfrey came over tutted and fixed him arm with a

simple spell.

"It'll be sore for a day or two, so we'll keep it in a sling for the rest of the

day." As she spoke Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape entered the

hospital wing having been alerted by their students.

"Professors'," Hagrid stated

"He attacked me the evil little snake," Weasel shouted pointing at Harry.

Harry having many years of practice getting yelled at by Vernon simply

stood there like nothing happened.

Severus sneered at the red-faced boy and bit out, "ten points from

Slytherin for insulting a fellow student, in front of three professors no

less." Ron looked like he was going to argue but McGonagall shut the boy

up fast.

"Enough Mr. Weasley. Hadrian would you care to explain your actions,"

She asked politely shocking Weasley. Professor McGonagall rather

respected Hadrian even though he was a Slytherin and their seeker at

that. She knew Transfiguration wasn't the easiest subject for him yet he

managed to study hard and pass the class with an Outstanding last year,

despite ending up in the hospital wing.

Harry looked towards Severus who nodded and started, "Professor Hagrid

had a brilliant class today on Hippogriffs. He brought several into class

and instructed us all on how approach them with respect and to not

insult them. Everyone in the class was doing well under Professor

Hagrid's supervision, when Weasley insulted the hippogriff his group was

working with. The hippogriff reared back and was about to strike out

with its talons, so I pulled my wand and cast a banishing charm at

Weasley. I knew the hippogriff would probably be put down for attacking

a student even though said student was told not to insult them and did so

anyways. I thought the charm would be worth it." Harry explained in a

calm smooth tone that reminded Professor McGonagall of James Potter,

one of her former favorites.

"Well Mr. Potter I think you can go now," Professor McGonagall spoke

looking to Professor Snape who nodded in agreement.

Harry nodded his goodbye to the Professors and smirked at Weasley with

his back to the other professors. As he was walking out he heard.

"Oh and ten points to Slytherin for quick thinking," Severus spoke.

Then McGonagall spoke, "Mr. Weasley I think a detention for

insubordination and insulting a fellow student is in order."

It was Monday morning and Harry and Blaise had a free period as the

others had their first Ancient Runes class. They were in the Slytherin

common room reviewing their notes from charms at the end of last year.

Blaise put his notes away and looked towards Harry to find his friend

studying a book, Curses and Counter Curses.

"What are you planning for your date with Daphne," Blaise asked?

Harry set his book aside, "we'll I talked to both Sirius and Amelia about

Hogsmeade and decided to do a whole day thing. I'm going to take her to

the Raven's Nest, Sirius told me about it, it's a small café that most

students don't visit in favor of The Three Broomsticks or Madam

Puddifoots. I was thinking about Madam Puddifoots until Sirius described

it to me and I think Daphne would kick my acres if I took her there."

Harry said with a grin. Blaise laughed at that. "Amelia agreed she said it

was like a coffee shop type place, run by a Muggleborn. After that I

figured we just go around Hogsmeade to the places she wanted to visit,

then probably meet up with you guys at the Three Broomsticks."

Blaise nodded, "Instead of meeting up with us, take her to Ambrosia, it's

an upscale restaurant my mum told me about, you'll have to make

reservations. Not meeting with us just makes it a little more special."

Harry looked thoughtful and then nodded, "How do I reserve things in

the magical world and I'll have wait until they announce the date for


"You can just send Hedwig with a letter or floo the restaurant. Come one

we need to get to Charms," Blaise answered gathering his stuff.

Harry stood with his bag, "who do we have Charms with?"

"The Ravens."

Harry and Blaise met up at the Charms classroom with Daphne, Tracey,

and Hermione. Hermione's hair was surprisingly tame something Blaise

thought was amazing and was about to say something incredibly stupid

but well intentioned when Harry elbowed him in the stomached. Daphne

had told Harry when he got back from Quidditch tryouts, that Hermione

asked if Daphne would help brew some potions to tame her hair. The

girls walked into the classroom followed by Blaise and Harry.

"What was that for? I wasn't going to say anything bad." Blaise whispered

to Harry.

"Mate unless it's I like your hair, everyone of them will kill us." Harry said

with a laugh. Charms class passed with Flitwick outlining some of the

charms they would be working on for the year, followed by a lecture on

the confundus charm. The group made their way down to lunch after


"So who made the team," Daphne asked. As they were gathered at

Slytherin table for lunch joined by Neville and Hermione, Susan was at

Hufflepuff with Hannah and the other 3rd year puffs.

"It's between Millicent, Jess Urquhart, and Chad Warrington. Chad's got

the most power out of all them and is decent on the broom and the

nimbus 2001 will make up for any problems. Jess and Millicent have

about the same power but Jess is more consistent on his broom. Flint still

needs to decide though."

"What's to decide sounds like it should be Warrington and Urquhart,"

Blaise asked?

"Warrington has a problem with me being a half-blood, and he showed it.

Flint's worried he might not do his job on the pitch if say I'm up against

Cedric or Chang." Harry said with a frown.

"Oh. He is a bit of an arse in the common room, now we know why,"

Tracey answered.

"Yep," Harry said popping the 'p' not worried about it, he could handle

himself on the quidditch pitch and Flint wouldn't tolerate someone on the

team purposely not doing their job. "We'll find out tonight at practice."

Harry walked down to the pitch an hour early with Daphne. Harry went

into the boy's locker room and changed into his practice clothes, for him

that consisted of Nike shorts and t-shirt with under armor he found in

silver and green over the summer and Nike tennis shoes. He threw his

pads in a bag and moved out to the pitch where Daphne was waiting. She

had changed into jeans and wore a Slytherin green hoodie.

"You ready for this?" Harry said walking over to Daphne.

Daphne smiled, "I missed flying with just you this summer." Harry

mounted his broom then Daphne sat behind him and wrapped her arms

around him.

"It was rather crazy this summer." Harry said as he kicked off and shot

into the air. Harry began slowly circling the pitch before speeding up and

taking off higher into the air in a steep climb. Daphne tightened her hold

on Harry as he kept climbing. Harry banked left and started flying figure

eight patterns in the air. Harry then all at once dipped down into a dive

Harry showed no signs of slowing as the ground came closer and closer.

With about ten feet until they plowed into the ground Daphne shrieked,


Harry's response was to let out a deep laugh before pulling up with five

feet left and shooting straight back up into the air.

Daphne thumped Harry on his chest, "that was not funny." But she was

smiling anyway, she loved when Harry was carefree and laughing he was

more often than not serious or just smiling to appease someone. Harry

slowed after awhile and made lazy circles around the pitch once more

enjoying the view and having Daphne's arms around him. He found that

he still wasn't quite used to people touching him but with Daphne it felt

normal and he never flinched from her.

"Potter, let's go!" Flint yelled up to him. Harry signaled that he heard him

and took Daphne over to the stands, she wanted to watch tonight. Harry

suspected that she wanted to be on hand to curse the fifth year

Warrington if needed. And indeed Warrington was there along with the

other fifth year Jess Urquhart. Harry greeted Urquhart and simply gave a

nod to Warrington. Practice for the night was focused on getting

Urquhart and Warrington together, solo they did rather well. It was

setting up plays that they needed work, Flint was relentless and by the

end of the two hour practice they had improved but Harry could tell

there were going to be some tough practices before the first game.

Thursday came and Harry was excited they had double potions and their

first DADA lesson of the year. The older years had nothing but praise for

the excellent but shabby defense professor. The Sytherins were waiting

outside the potions classroom when the Gryffindor's swaggered up

glaring at Harry, well except Neville who laughed at his fellow


Neville walked up to Harry and his friends, "Weasel has convinced them

you tried to kill him and have brainwashed the teachers."

Harry snorted as did the other Slytherins near him. Theo thought it

particularly funny and almost dropped his books he was holding.

"Weasel if a Slytherin tried to kill you, you'd be dead, especially if it was

Hadrian," Theo barked out in a manner reminiscent of Sirius. Some of the

Gryffindors looked a bit panicked at that statement while Ron turned

cherry red and was about to say something when Severus came down the

hall robes billowing behind him.

"Well what are you waiting for the door is open," Professor Snape

commented sarcastically as he passed the students. The Slytherins waited

for the Gruffindors to storm through the door before they entered calmly.

This year Harry was going to pair with Neville instead of Daphne, and

Daphne would pair with Blaise, in hopes that neither Neville nor Blaise

would blow up a cauldron. Tracey paired up with Millicent who seemed

to be less inclined to listen to Pansy this year.

Severus began the double class with a lecture on Shrinking Solutions.

Severus began in his silky tone but as always there seemed to be a

threatening undertone. Most students failed to realize one of the reasons

Severus was so critical was because of the number of accidents even

deaths that could be caused by a potions mishap. "Shrinking solutions if

brewed properly are able to shrink objects, to original sizes, smaller, of

even decrease the ageing process on animals, not humans." Severus said

with a sneer towards the students who were either not listening or not

taking notes, he had visions of destroyed potion labs. "We'll demonstrate

a correct potion on Neville's toad Trevor at the end of the lesson." Severus

said with a smirk towards Neville. Neville gulped and Harry chuckled.

The class started on their shrinking solutions, Harry sent Neville to get

their supplies while Harry started his cauldron.

"Alright Nev," Harry started when he got back to their table, "first we'll

start your cauldron. Now take some calming breaths if your restless when

you start the burner with your wand it can cause the flames to be too

high or too low." Harry set out the ingredients while Neville relaxed and

started his burner. "Good," Harry said checking the temp with his own

wand. "Alright this should be the easy part for you, Nev, chopping the

daisy roots. Now make sure you chop them evenly that's a key part, the

way you treat the ingredients in potions tends to either make or break

the potion in some cases." Harry was completing his potion as he was

quietly helping Neville through his own. "Wait," Harry called out seeing

Neville ready to add the rat spleen. Harry pointed to the textbook he had

open, it read: wait two minutes before adding one rat spleen. Harry had

added the line under one over the summer. As they waited Hadrian

explained, "adding more than one or adding it before the daisy root

dissolves can make it poisonous. Rat spleen can only be used in

moderation in any potion unless of course you want to make a poison,"

Harry said with a smirk that made Neville shake his head at his friend.

They added the rat spleen and used the correct amount of stirs for the


"Okay now I hate this part, what in Merlin's balls dose a 'dash' equal?"

Neville spoke shooting an annoyed glare at the offending direction in the

potions book.

Harry laughed, "Alright I learned this cooking for my relatives," Harry

took the bottle of leech juice and but his thumb halfway over the top of

it, "just put your thumb over the opening so it blocks about half of it and

give it a shake over the potion," Harry did so. "That usually equals a

'dash'." Neville did so and to his and Trevor's relief the potion turned the

bright acid green required. Neville sighed and Professor Snape called

time with five minutes left before the bell would ring.

Severus walked over to Neville and Harry's station and took a look at the

two potions. Severus took out a dish of water and placed Trevor in it.

"Now if brewed correctly Trevor should become a tadpole if not well,

Trevor we'll need replacing." Neville was standing by a bit unsure but

Harry was confident and the other Gryffindors and Pansy, Crabble and

Goyle were snickering knowing Longbottom's abysmal potion skills.

Severus took a dropper out and the class collectively held their breath as

they waited, Severus dropped about four drops onto Trevor. Trevor

shrunk down to a tadpole in a matter of seconds. Neville smiled and

Harry clapped him on the back. Severus nodded and took out the

antidote and poured it on the tadpole reverting the tadpole back to

Trevor. "Potions bottled and on my desk, class dismissed. Hadrian, Mr.

Longbottom stay for a moment." The class bottled up their potions and

Neville and Hadrian waited behind and moved to take their potions to

Severus's desk.

"I would like for Hadrian to continue being your partner in potions,

Neville." Harry and Neville nodded their consent. "Neville I chose you

today to demonstrate because I believe you have enough talent to

perform at least and Exceeds Expectations level, you just need proper

motivation and Hadrian will now be their if you lapse in the directions."

Neville nodded his understanding with surprise showing on his face.

"Five points to Gryffindor and Slytherin, now I believe you have lunch to


"So what did Professor Snape want?" Daphne asked as Harry and Neville

sat down at the Slytherin table for lunch.

"He wants me to stay as Neville's potions partner, he gave us five points

each." Harry said. "How was the Defense class?" Harry asked Hermione

and Susan.

"It was great, we're not allowed to tell you though, and Professor Lupin

would like it to be a surprise." Susan answered.

"Yes and Professor Lupin really knows the subject unlike the last two

Professors." Hermione said while the others looked at her in shook, she

insulted not one but two teachers. Hermione just rolled her eyes at her

friends who laughed.

"Did you find out anything about his scars?" Draco asked from the other

side of Harry, Daphne, and Susan.

"Real subtle there Draco," Daphne snorted. Draco just shrugged.

"Nope he didn't mention them. The rumor going around is that he used to

be an auror or an unspeakable but, I doubt it and if he was we wouldn't

find out anyways." Hermione said.

"Why not," Neville asked at the same time Harry asked,

"What's an unspeakable?"

Daphne answered both questions, "His robes, both aurors and

unspeakables make more than enough money. An unspeakable works in

the Department of Ministries know one really knows exactly what they

do. However, we do know it's dangerous and experimental most of the

time." Harry just nodded and went back to eating thinking on


"Hey guys we need to get to Defense," Tracey said. The Slytherins and

Neville said their goodbyes to Susan and Hermione and left for the

Defense room. When they arrived the door was open and thankfully the

room was devoid of all things Gildory Lockhart. Instead there were

images of the mosters that frequent the wizarding world. There were also

pictures of curses with their wand movements explained and being

preformed. Harry and the others liked the changes to the room for this

year. The Gryffindors came in rather noisily and sat down. The Slytherins

pulled out their parchments, quills, and books. Professor Lupin came into

the classroom with his shabby briefcase and set it down on the desk,

"Hello, Welcome to your first defense lesson of the year. You may put

your books away you won't need them for this class only your wands." He

waited for the class to put their things away and then began speaking


"Now if you all will follow me." Professor Lupin led them down the

corridor and turned a corner where they saw Peeves hanging upside

down showing chewing gum into a keyhole. When Peeves saw Professor

Lupin he broke off what he was doing and cackled with glee.

"Loony, loopy, Lupin. Loony, loopy, Lupin," Peeves sang cackling the

whole time.

"Peeves I don't think Mr. Filch will appreciate that, please remove the

wad of gum." Professor Lupin said calmly while Peeves ignored him and

continued to sing and shove gum into the keyhole. Professor Lupin

turned to the class with a sigh, "this is a rather useful spell to remember.

Waddiwasi!" and with that the wad of gum shot like a missile into Peeves'

nose. The Poltergeist snorted and took off flying down the hall. The

respect for Lupin increased. Lupin continued to lead them down the

hallway and into the teachers' lounge, which was emptied for this

particular day except for a large wardrobe. The wardrobe was rocking

back and forth rather violently making booming sounds.

"Now can anyone tell me what this is?" Professor Lupin asked.

"That's a boggart," Dean Thomas spoke up from the back.

"Correct, five points for Gryffindor. Now I asked the other professors to

leave this one be for a lesson. Who can tell me about boggarts? Ah, Miss


"Boggarts are shape shifters and classed as a dark creature since they feed

off a person's fear."

"Five points to Slytherin. Boggarts prefer to live in dark confined spaces.

Now who can tell me why they can be difficult to get rid of? Mr. Nott?'

"They take the shape of the thing a person fears the most."

"Another five points to Slytherin. Now today, I'm going to teach you how

to defeat one. We already have an advantage over it today, Harry have

you spotted it?" Harry was rocking back on his feet and talking to

Daphne when he was called on. He didn't particularly like where this

lesson was going.

"It's Hadrian, and because there are some many of us it will be confused."

"Good." Professor Lupin was taken aback by Harry's abrupt tone. "Now

what really finishes a boggart is laughter, the charm you use is

Riddikulus." Professor Lupin made them practice saying the spell. "It

takes great force of mind to repel a boggart you have to force the boggart

to assume a form that you find funny. Seamus if you would please."

Seamus came forward, "Now line up behind him, and remember force it

to assume something funny."

Professor Lupin open the wardrobe and out came a hideous looking

women with bluish skin and long gangly white hair, she open it her

mouth and was about to let out a shriek, when Professor Lupin said,

"Wand Seamus."

"Riddikulus," a clown appeared.

"Good, good, next," Professor Lupin said.

Ron Weasley step up next and the clown turned into a giant spider.

Weasley cringed, "Riddikulus." Roller-skates appeared on the spider legs,

the spider tried to find purchased on the floor but his legs kept rolling

out from under him. Parvati stepped forward and a giant king cobra

appeared, the Slytherins smirked.

"Riddikulus," The cobra turned into a rubber hose. Theo stepped up the

first of the Slytherins and the boggart turned into a man in Death Eater

garb the man sneered out underneath a silver mask with a large snake on

the left side of it. Theo froze before Harry who was behind him

whispered, "do it prove him wrong."

"Riddikulus," the Death Eater turned into a man in a giant pink bunny

suit and started dancing, Theo stepped back and Harry stepped forward.

The bunny spun and turned around a long black cloaked creature that

darkened and froze the room appeared. Lupin jumped in front of Harry

and a silvery orb.

"Riddikulus," a white balloon deflated making farting noises and the

balloon was directed into the wardrobe. "All right that's enough for

today, class dismissed." Severus who had entered as Theo was stepping

up glared at Lupin with fury. As the Slytherins left they heard Severus

berating Lupin about making students air their fears in front of other

students, not to mention some people actually have real fears. The

Slytherins smiled at their head of house's concern.


Thanks for all the reviews, alerts, and well wishes about my bro.

Hope y'll enjoy.


15. A Hosmeade first date

Harry woke up earlier than usual as today was his first date with Daphne

and their first Hogsmeade visit. Harry got dressed in a pair of dark jeans

and an emerald green dress shirt with a black tie. Harry tied his hair back

and took out his dad's cloak; he wrapped himself in it and made his way

to the common room. No one was up yet so Harry continued to the girls'

dorms and covered the censors like Sirius had told him about and made

his way to Daphne and Tracey's dorm using the new map Sirius gave him

over the summer. Once he was inside their dorms Harry went to Daphne's

bed and left a note on her bedside table. He concentrated and thought,

lilideous, a beautiful fire lily appeared out of Harry's wand. Harry set the

lily on the table with his note and quietly left the room.

Daphne woke not five minutes later to Harry's scent still in the air. She

breathed deeply and smiled to herself. She sat up and caught sight of the

fire lily and the note. She picked up the lily and smelled it smiling and

then read the letter from Harry.


A beautiful flower for my beautiful girl.


Your Hadrian.

Daphne was smiling goofily at the short but sweet note from Harry when

she was hit by an incoming pillow.

"You two aren't going to be so sickening all the time right," Tracey teased.

Daphne's grin faded into an evil smirk as she took a pillow and dive

bombed Tracey.

"You almost ruined my flower," Daphne said as she hit Tracey with the

pillow laughing, "and it wouldn't be so sickening if you had your own

man. Mmhmm I've seen you eyeing Anthony Goldstein," she teased her


Tracey gasped pretending to be mortally wounded and then picked up

another pillow and wacked Daphne in the head with her own pillow,

"Now you're dead." The girls ended up covered in feathers at the end of

their improtu pillow fight that lasted about five minutes.

"What should I wear," Daphne asked Tracey?

"Well a little birdy told me you may be going to Ambrosia." Tracey

replied. Daphne nodded and moved over to her closet and looked over

her clothes. She settled on a black skirt that ended above her knees with

a long black shirt and a shorter blue wrap around sweater on top. She

added a pair dark blue ballet flats to match and had Tracey help her style

her hair, she wore it up with a few strands framing her face. She put on a

necklace her parents gave her for her birthday this year; it was a silver

chain with a sapphire pendent. She was about to exit the room when she

looked over at Tracey who was wearing jeans and a hoodie laughing on

her bed.

"What?" Daphne whined to her friend who kept laughing, "Tracey damn it

this is important!" Tracey continued laughing stood up from the bed and

walked over to her friend who was pouting. Tracey delicately plucked a

remaining feather from her friend's hair.

"I should have let you leave with that," Tracey said laughing and walking

out the door followed by an embarrassed Daphne.

"Shut up," Daphne said petulantly, Tracey kept laughing as they walked

down into the common room where Blaise and Harry were waiting.

"Wow, Daph, you look beautiful," Harry managed to get out as he stared

at Daphne.

Daphne looked down and said, "You don't look to bad yourself."

"Alright lovebirds, we still have to go to breakfast before you two can go

on your date." Blaise said with a smirk snapping Harry and Daphne out of

the trances they seemed to be in. Harry took Daphne's hand and they left

for the Great Hall.

"So where do you want to go first," Harry asked? He and Daphne had

separated from the others on the way into Hogsmeade.

"Let's go to the Shrieking Shack first; I've wanted to see it since my

parents told me about it." Daphne said pulling Harry forward and turning

back to look at Harry with a smile on her face.

"Come on let's get closer," Daphne said as she moved Harry forward

towards the dilapidated old house that was supposedly the most haunted

place in Scotland. Daphne apparently wanted to get very close she used

an "alohomora," on the fence and pulled Harry forward into the house.

The door creaked open rather eerily reminding Harry of the horror

movies they watched over break. Daphne remembered those movies to as

her hair started to stand on end, or maybe it was the overall atmosphere

of the creepy house. Everywhere she looked there were what looked like

claw marks and slashes. She moved throughout the house assuming

Harry was behind her only to turn around and find him gone.


"Harry?" She called again louder the only reply was a snapping sound

heard behind her. She spun around but nothing was there she couldn't

sense anything either. "Harry?" She called her voice unsteady.

"AAHHHHH!" Daphne screamed as something came up behind her and

blew across her neck. Harry let out a deep laugh and Daphne reached out

and pulled the cloak from her laughing betrothed. "You arse," Daphne

said and punched Harry in the shoulder. Harry laughed and pulled

Daphne into a hug.

"So you want to know the real reason for the Shrieking Shack being the

most haunted place in Scotland?" Harry teased as he held Daphne in a


"What prats like you scaring their girlfriends?" Daphne teased.

"Well possibly," Harry said teasing back, "but it's actually because of all

the racket my dad, Sirius, and Lupin made while he transformed." Harry

said holding Daphne close to him still keeping his teasing tone.

"So does Lupin still transform in this godforsaken building," Daphne

spoke her tone turning weary as she eyed the rundown building.

"Dumbles wouldn't allow Lupin to transform in a place that wouldn't hold

him, even he's not that insane, and remember Severus only got close

enough because he was set up," Harry's tone had changed from teasing to

comforting at Daphne's worry. "Come on we can hit Dervish & Banges

before lunch." Harry led Daphne out of the house and back into

Hogsmeade proper. Daphne and Harry walked down one of the side

streets and into the main street where Dervish & Banges was located.

Harry and Daphne entered Dervish & Banges talking quietly about the

school year so far.

"Did you write Sirius about Professor Lupin," Daphne asked as she looked

with Harry over the items in the store. There were other Hogwarts

students milling about to Daphne kept her voice low.

"Yes, I wrote to him and Amelia the first night. I suspect Amelia is

calming Sirius before she'll let him come he was rather upset at Lupin

seemingly abandoning me to the Dursleys." Daphne's fist clenched at the

mention of his relatives.

"Harry look at this," Daphne said motioning to a muggle CD player that

somehow ended up in Dervish & Banges. "You could use your mum's spell

on it and we could listen to some actually decent music."

Harry nodded and agreed with her. He picked up the CD player and

moved it to the counter. Daphne was looking around the store while a

jewelry case at the counter caught Harry's eye. In it was a pair of

necklaces with wolf pendants; the wolf had two clear gemstones for eyes.

"Ahh, good taste young man," A clerk appeared behind the counter where

the jewelry case was. He brought the jewelry stand the wolves were

sitting on out and laid it on the counter. "These are warning pendants.

You key them to each other by blood, when one wearer is in danger or

great need of the other it heats up."

"I'll take them and the radio, sir," Harry replied as Daphne came to stand

next to him. "How do they work?"

The clerk conjured a small pin, "prick your finger and let your blood drip

on the right eye of each." Harry took the pin and did so; the blood soaked

into the gemstone and swirled around the inside of the gem. The blood

turned from its red color to the green color of his magic. "Now she does

the same on each left eye." Daphne repeated the process and the left

gemstone turned to the blue color of her magic. The eyes of the wolves

were rather hypnotic as the colors continued to swirl. Harry put Daphne's

necklace on and she put his on and they each cast an unbreakable charm

on the necklaces.

"The necklace warms when I'm or you're in danger." Harry explained

Daphne nodded and they left the shop after paying a total of five galleons

for both the radio which cost next to nothing and the necklaces. "You

ready for lunch?" Harry asked

"Yeah, where are we going?" Daphne asked hoping it wasn't Madam


"There's a little café of High Street that Sirius told me about." Harry said

leading Daphne to the café. The café resembled a bookstore café Harry's

aunt had visited once when they were forced to bring him along to

London once. Harry and Daphne took a booth that was nestled in a

corner of the shop. They ordered some sandwiches and to Harry's joy

they had coca-cola on the menu. Daphne tried it and declared it better

then butterbeer. They ate in a comfortable silence.

"We'll have to come back here and bring the others," Daphne said as they

left the cafe. "How 'bout Zonko's next I could use a restock on dung


"Didn't you have ten at the start of the year," Harry asked in shock, he

hadn't noticed any dung bomb attacks recently.

"Well, let's put it this way," Daphne smirked, "Pansy is learning the hard

way not to insult you, in front of me."

Harry threw his head back and laughed. Daphne walked into Zonko's

with a wide smile on her face at seeing Harry enjoy himself. They went

straight to the dung bombs and Daphne picked up a box set that had ten

more in it and Harry picked up a bag with three in them, though he

picked up a box with ten stink pellets, he preferred them as they didn't

leave your hands dirty. You could also slip them in people's pockets

something he planned on doing. He bought some cans of silly sting, the

magical variety that acted as paint, so it lasted even after the string was

taken care of. The paint from it also lasted for a day; he bought some in

blue and bronze. He bought a bundle of fake wands, fake snakes that

moved and hissed like real ones. The charm on the snakes lasted five

minutes and then the snake would explode leaving confetti and more


"You are planning on including me for whatever you're planning right?"

Daphne asked eyeing all of the products Harry was buying.

"Yeah and the others don't worry, Blaise should have gotten the rest. Do

you want anything else?" Harry asked.

"Nope I'm good." Daphne replied and they went over to the counter to

check out. They paid a total of ten galleons with Harry purchasing

Daphne's dung bombs. The clerk went to bag the items but Harry stopped

him and pulled out a small bottomless bag and tossed the stuff in.

Smirking when the clerk laughed having guessed his plan for getting past


"Honeydukes?" Harry asked they had spent about an hour in Zonko's and

it was now four, Harry had reservations for them at 5:30.

"Sure are you paying for me there too?" Daphne asked a bit snarkily, she

good pay for her stuff on her own.

Harry guessing her mood turned and wrapped her in a hug, "I know you

can buy your own but this is a date, and since I did the asking I do the

paying. Next time if you want you can pay but really I just like buying

you stuff." Harry pulled back after telling her that and ginned at her that

half crocked way he usually does.

Daphne sighed and hugged him back, "sorry. Just a bitch moment, as

Tracey would say." Harry gave his crooked grin and gave her a quick kiss

before letting her pull him to Honeydukes.

"You ready to pay, 'cause I'm milking this 'I asked, I pay thing'?" Daphne

asked as they arrived at Honeydukes which amazingly was still packed

with students, though mostly older years.

"Daph I have more money than I could ever need for twenty lifetimes,

especially since I've never been good at being idle. I would buy

Honeydukes if you asked me too." Harry said completely serious.

"Mmhmm, good to know," Daphne flashed him a smirk. Daphne picked

up a basket on the way into the store. She started down the first aisle

way and picked up five chocolate frogs, Harry added three, a box of

assorted choc balls, she also picked up two bars of Honeydukes Finest

Chocolate, Milk Chocolate, two bars Honeydukes Finest Chocolate,

almond, one bar Honeydukes Finest Chocolate, Raspberry filled, and one

bar of Honeydukes Finest Chocolate, Strawberry filled. Harry just

smirked and grabbed a couple of the milk chocolate ones figuring with

the dementors around he could use them. They also bought some pepper

imps, licorice wands, and sugar quils in various flavors. When they got to

the counter the lady behind it just stared at them for a minute before

ringing them up. There total came to ten galleons and fifteen sickles.

Harry paid for it added the candy to his bottomless bag and added a

cooling charm to them. It was five so Harry took Daphne's hand and

started leading her out the store.

They arrived at Ambrosia off High Street and Daphne gave a small squeal

of excitement. Harry smiled at Daphne and led her into the fancy

restaurant. The restaurant was tastefully decorated which rather

surprised Harry from his experience in the wizarding world. Harry and

Daphne enjoyed a rather succulent meal.

"Is Ancient Runes living up to your expectations?" Harry asked over


"It's great; Professor Babbling really knows her runes. She's also keeps it

interesting rather than just memorizing symbols. She's having us write a

paragraph of what we today in Latin runes."

"I wish Vector would make class more interesting but let's face it numbers

aren't interesting." Harry had almost fallen asleep in a few of his

Arithmancy classes but luckily Hermione behind him would kick his

chair keeping him awake. With all the introductory information and

lessons in the class hardly anything they did was really interesting just


"Do you think it was the Weasley twins that super glued Filch's office

shut?" Daphne asked with a laugh. The week before Filch had arrived at

his office door, only to find it wouldn't open. The teachers had tried

every unlocking spell they could think of but the door wouldn't budge.

Finally Professor Burbage studied the door and found glue, she melted it

and Filch could finally get in his office but it was dinner time and


"Nah, I think it was a muggleborn, he gave that fourth year Ravenclaw,

Danny Santo a detention for muddy shoes. Hermione said Danny's pretty

good with pranks in the Ravenclaw common room. It was definitely good

no one thought it was anything but magic. I don't know if the twins even

know what super glue is."

"Their dad's obsessed with muggle things," Daphne pointed out.

"True but usually they take credit for their pranks."

"Would you care for dessert?" Their waiter asked coming up to their


"How about Strawberry Cheesecake," Daphne said looking towards Harry

who nodded. The waiter smiled and left to get their order.

"Daph since we've had two summers now of muggle music what's your

favorite band now?" Harry asked the beautiful girl sitting across from


"Well let's see it's definitely not the Weird Sisters anymore. I think it

would have to be The Cure." Daphne said thinking of the band Tonks had

introduced them to. "What about yours, you didn't have one during first


"The Beastie Boys or AC/DC I'm not sure which ones my favorite though."

Harry said just as the waiter brought over a huge piece of cheesecake

with strawberries and syrup on it. Harry and Daphne split the cheesecake

Daphne moaned when she tasted it causing Harry to wish he had a cold

shower. They finished the dessert and Harry paid and they left the

restaurant. The walk back to Hogwarts was quiet most of the students

already headed back for the feast. There were a few other stragglers

heading back to the castle along the path. Harry had an arm wrapped

around Daphne's shoulder and she was tucked into his side.

They were coming up to the castle when Harry turned his head down

towards her, "Did," Harry started and then stopped again nervously, "Did

you have a good time?"

Daphne turned her head up and smiled at Harry. She moved her arms up

from his waist to his neck and pulled his head down further and initiated

a kiss. Harry moved his head down to hers and met her lips. The kiss

gradually deepened into a heated embrace as the two kissed in the

shadow of the castle for fifteen long seconds. Daphne slowly pulled back

giving Harry's lips another quick kiss as she did so. They stood there still

their foreheads touching breathing deeply. Harry caught his breath and

opened his eyes and smiled at Daphne his eyes shining with mischief and


"Is that a yes?" Harry teased. Daphne pulled him back in for another long

languid kiss.

"Yes." Daphne said with a smile when she pulled back. Harry had a rather

dazed look on his face. "Come on if we're any later we're going to be in

trouble." She teased and pulled Harry along by his hand as he had a

goofy smile on his face.

"HARRY, DAPHNE," Hermione shouted as she ran up to them. It got the

attention of Severus who sighed in relief though no one saw except

perhaps Minerva.

"Mione what's wrong," Daphne asked urgently hearing her friend's tone.

"Pettigrew tried to break in to the Slytherin common room. He was

wondering the dudgeons, well as a rat. The Weasley twins found him but

he escaped he curse one of them pretty badly. George is in the hospital

wing, we're all supposed to go to the Great Hall, and I was on my way


"Professor?" Harry asked as Severus walked over to them as McGonagall

escorted the other students coming back from Hogsmeade to the Great


"You're the last ones, we need to go to the Great Hall, and the students

will be locked down there while we search the castle although it's rather

futile at this point he has probably fled the castle itself. You will all be

safe there and if anything else happens I'll inform you later," Severus said

bringing them to the Great Hall where sleeping bags were laid out. The

separated from Professor Snape and moved to their friends.

Harry stopped by Fred who was sitting up, "Are you okay? How's


"I'm okay, thanks Hadrian. George, George is pretty bad he lost a lot of

blood fast, but Professor Snape found us fast and sealed the wound. We

went to the Hospital Wing; Madam Pomfrey's working on him." Fred said

all of this in a shocked tone not really comprehending seeing his twin fall

with three gaping wounds across his chest.

Harry put a hand on Fred's shoulder, "George will be okay, Severus

knows what he's doing and Madam Pomfrey is the best at what she does.

She served during the war you know. George will be fine and you two

lived up to the Gryffindor name taking on Pettigrew. Be proud of yourself

and George." Harry spoke with conviction looking Fred in the eyes. In

that moment Hadrian reminded McGonagall who was watching of his

father. Fred sat up straighter and looked infinitely prouder of himself and

his brother. Those around who had listened in sat up straighter and took

notice of the commanding tone he spoke with. Harry nodded to Fred and

the Gryffindor chasers before moving to his friends. He greeted his

friends and Astoria, Ginny, and Aoife, who were in the same area despite

the different houses. Susan got up and shot into Harry's arms. He hugged

his pseudo sister to him and tried to comfort her, he also pulled Daphne

into the hug knowing she would need comfort to but would not admit to


Hours later Harry was the up with Fred Weasely who could not sleep

either. They were playing War with cards to pass the time. Harry had

even told Fred to call him Harry instead of his formal name. They were

talking of different pranks they had pulled and Harry included some from

his dad and Sirius's school days. Fred almost had a coronary when he

found out that Sirius and his dad were also known as Padfoot and Prongs.

He pulled out the old map Sirius had talked about and showed Harry

intending on giving him it but Harry stopped him and pulled out the new

one and showed him it.

"Keep it Sirius and my dad would definitely be proud of the way you two

continued on their legacy and you have two more years here to use it.

Pass it on to someone you trust implicitly and will continue the pranking

tradition." Harry said as Fred tried to give him the map. "How did you get

it anyway Sirius said Filch took it, we figured he burned it."

"Nope it was in his locked cabinet, we nicked it first year." Fred informed


The doors to the Great Hall opened and both Harry and Fred and few of

the prefects, including Percy and Penelope the head boy and girl had

their wands out and ready. Professors' Snape, Flitwick, Sprout, and

McGonagall smiled at their readiness to defend the others. Professors'

Flitwick and Sprout went to check on their houses students while

McGonagall informed the prefects and Head students of the news.

Severus made his way to where Fred and Harry were sitting up.

"Boys," Severus nodded to them keeping his voice low so only they could

hear. "Pettigrew has already left as you may a have already discerned. He

is unlikely to make another attempt considering he does not know where

the Slytherin common room is." He turned to Fred, "Your brother is being

treated by Madam Pomfrey and should be released sometime by dinner

tomorrow but I can guarantee based on the spell cast that he will not be

ready for the match against Slytherin, therefore it will be rescheduled

and Slytherin will play another house. George though will be fine in the

long run." Making a show of looking around he spoke quietly, "Twenty

five points to Gryffindor, each, for bravery." Fred looked shocked but

composed himself quickly; Harry just smirked knowing Severus was

rather fond of the Weasley twins although he wouldn't admit that even

under pain of death. "Now both of you need to get to sleep." Severus said

sternly walking away to check on his Slytherins. Harry and Fred said

goodnight before Harry moved over to his friends, Severus was also

waiting for him.

"Hadrian your Godfather is presently at the castle and searching the

grounds. He was here earlier in the day and was asked to assist in official

capacity for the search. He is in his animagus form and maybe staying for

awhile as Padfoot. He wanted me to tell you he'll be around Hagrid's hut

if he has to stay." Harry nodded and they both moved off to go to sleep

for the night.

"Marcus, the game Friday is no longer against Gryffindor. We're taking

Gryffindor's schedule so George can recuperate." Harry said as they sat

down for lunch the next day. Classes had been cancelled; Daphne and the

others in Ancients Runes were a bit upset about that but understood no

one really got any sleep last night.

Marcus nodded though he looked a bit upset, "that puts us against

Hufflepuff first." Flint was silent for a moment before continuing, "We'll

have a meeting tomorrow night before practice, and so be their right

after dinner." Harry nodded and Marcus moved to tell the other players.

"I want to visit George anyone wants to come with?" Harry asked as they

finished lunch. They all stood up with Harry.

"Do you think Nips could bring me something," Daphne asked but as soon

as she said Nips the house elf popped into existence.

"What can Nips do for Miss Daphne," The little elf bowed.

"Hi Nips, can you go and get me a chocolate frog from my dorm and," she

looked to Harry if he wanted to add anything, "Bertie Bott's Box." Nips

bowed and popped out popping back in seconds later with their items.

"Thanks, Nips," Harry spoke. "Do you guys need him to get anything?"

"Nope we made a card earlier," Hermione spoke up. They made their way

to the hospital wing. When they walked in Madam Pomfrey saw them

and nodded to them but also gave them a stern look in warning to

behave. They made their way over to George's bed where Ginny and Fred

were both keeping him company. He was laughing but every so often he

would wince afterwards. The group came over and greetings were


Susan hugged George and cried a bit thanking him for his help, "Thank

you, thank you, thank you." She managed to get out; she didn't want to

lose the family she had; while Harry and their group were good she didn't

know if they could take a seasoned Death Eater yet.

"Hey I didn't do much lil' Bones." George joked. Susan laughed a bit at the

small but lame attempt at joking. Harry snorted and George turned to

him, "gimmie a break I lost like eight pints of blood." That got the others

to laugh and lightened the mood in the hospital wing; he lost about four

pints of blood according to Madam Pomfrey. They gave George the gifts

and the card which he was rather amused by when he was sprayed with

water upon opening the card. George and Fred both laughed at the every

flavor beans they were convinced whoever came up with it was a

prankster at one time.

"So did you guys find out they're switching your quidditch schedule and

ours , you're getting more time to recover," Harry spoke then got a

wicked grin, "not that you being back will help your chances at the cup."

"Oy," George and Fred both said George trying to sit up. Ginny forced her

brother down and turned and gave Daphne a look. Daphne smiled at her

and slapped Harry upside the back of his head and leveled a glare at him.

"Owe, what was that for," Harry complained and then at her glare and

pointed look towards George, he gave a shrug which didn't help his case

Neville chuckled and Blaise just looked at him in sympathy. George

laughed at him.

"Thank you," Ginny told Daphne.


"Alright you lot out he needs his rest." Madam Pomfrey bustled over to

them and kicked them all out except for Fred and Ginny. As they were

leaving Percy came marching imperiously into the hospital wing, though

his expression changed to concern at the still pale complexion of his


The group of seven made their way to the dungeons to meet with

Professor Snape. He had sent notes to them this morning. They knocked

on his door to have it open but no Professor Snape, which meant he was

in his lab. They sat and lounged around the office/lab space of Severus

had. They were waiting for about ten minutes before Severus appeared.

"My apologies I was finishing up a potion. Today you are going to learn

two spells and a healing a spell. The first is the Ribbon Cutting Curse.

The ribbon cutter curse is pink spell that is very deadly. It is used

primarily as a wide range cutting curse but can be used on a smaller scale

depending on the amount of power put into it. This was invented purely

for battle, there is only an incantation, decapitare, and the danger should

be self-explanatory. Now," Severus took his wand and drew a line on the

floor with his wand, "no one under any circumstances is to cross this line

or put even a finger over it. You will do this one at a time, begin,"

Severus said gesturing to the dummies on the other wall. Harry stood

first in line; he focused on his magic and concentrated on the effect he


"Decapitare," Harry spoke loud and clear and aimed for the neck. He

apparently focused his magic a little too much considering he not only

decapitated all the dummies but he cut about two inches into the wall

behind the dummies. "Whoa," Harry whispered which sounded loud in

the now silent room.

"Good but less magic next time. Just a bit less and faster." No one else got

any result close to Harry, Neville got the closest with the dummies

resembling Nearly Headless Nick but it took him five seconds to cast the

spell. Harry was up again and cast almost immediately.

"Decapitare," Harry said calmly as if he was talking to a friend. The

dummies were once again all decapitated with only a scratch on the now

repaired wall. The process repeated, Tracey was able to make two

dummies headless with the five others hanging in by a thread. Hermione

managed them all, as did Neville and Daphne although, they each took

about five seconds to cast again which got a, faster, from Severus. Susan

cast immediately coming up to the line and beheaded four of seven and

Blaise beheaded five. They did one more round Harry managed to behead

all the dummies silently.

"Very good." Severus replied smirking, his onetime comrades were going

to have their hands full.

Neville was next and came up to the line and shouted, "Decapitare," all

the dummies went down.


Tracey, Blaise and Hermione cast immediately at successfully beheaded

five of seven dummies. The last two had a rather large gouge across the

throat which would have killed a person.

Daphne stepped up last and brought her wand up and spoke calmly,

"Decapitare." They were all beheaded.

"Good." Severus waved his wand and the dummies repaired themselves.

"This next spell is one I invented and unfortunately Pettigrew knows as

does other Death Eaters. It requires a down ward slash of your wand, the

incantation is Sectumsempra, and anything severed by this curse cannot

be undone by magic. The curse can only be healed by a spell of my

invention and scarring can only be prevented by the use of dittany soon

after. You have all seen the danger presented by the curse, this something

only to be cast at your enemies." Severus gestured for them to go head,

the line on the ground still present and warning in effect. Hermione and

Susan seemed to have the most trouble with the spell; they couldn't bring

themselves to use the spell at its strength as every time they pictured

George and the bandages he still wore around his chest. Blaise, Harry,

and Neville all managed to cast the spell with devastating results on their

dummies their first try, Harry silently. Tracey and Daphne by their

second try had the spell down and were practicing on casting it

repeatedly. After an hour of practicing Severus called them to a stop this

time leaving the dummies as is.

"The healing spell for sectumsempra is, phocasempra, the only other

person I have ever taught this to, was Madam Pomfrey and Dumbledore.

Madam Pomfrey I don't believe has taught it to anyone, Dumbledore I am

not sure. If done correctly not only will the wound cease to bleed but it

will seal itself as well, it will also cause the wound to glow a light blue."

You may practice on the dummies and then each other. While obviously

there will not be a wound to heal, the glow should appear." Neville,

Susan, and Tracey as always were able to grasp the healing spell first and

were casting it silently with ease by the time Severus called for them to

stop. Harry got the spell on his second try as did the others, though of

them only Harry could cast it silently yet.

"That's enough for today. Make sure to eat a rather large dinner it will

help your magic recuperate. Neville, Blaise you have ten minutes for a

break." Severus said before sitting at his desk.

The others looked towards Blaise and Neville who simply said, "Potions

help." The others nodded and said their goodbyes. Out in the hallway

Harry spoke to the others.

"I'm going to visit Hagrid, anyone want to come?" Daphne nodded her

agreement and took Harry's hand.

"I'll come," Hermione answered wanting to talk to Harry. Susan declined

wanting to hang out with Hannah and Tracey said she needed to finish

her Charms essay that was do tomorrow. They parted ways with the two

girls and the trio continued on to Hagrid's.

When they were out of the school and relatively alone Hermione asked

her question, "Harry how do you manage to cast the spells Professor

Snape and the others teach us? I mean the effects are rather violent and

all the more real seeing the aftermath with George."

Harry sighed and Daphne looked interested in the answer as well, "I'm

guessing this has to do with why you couldn't get Severus's spell?"

Hermione nodded. "Well for me at first I thought about the Dursley's and

trust me they deserved to be targets for those spells, but most come

second nature to me after the first tries. I know Neville did the same, I

asked him." At that Daphne face hardened given she knew exactly what

happened to the Longbottom parents. "Now though especially after seeing

George it's easier for me, the people we'll be fighting against won't

hesitate to kill us, I for one won't let that happen!" Harry spoke with

conviction and brought the hand that was entwined with Daphne's up so

he could give her hand a kiss. "I won't let them hurt my friends or anyone

else if I can help it." They had almost arrived at Hagrid's hut as Harry

said this.

Hermione looked thoughtful as they continued the walk. Arriving at

Hagrid's they saw a familiar looking dog bound over to them.

"Padfoot," they all yelled. Hagrid came out to see who it was and waved

them all inside.

" 'Ello there Harry, Daphne, Hermione. Tea while Sirius here talks to yer

before we get movin'?" Hagrid said as Sirius transformed back since they

were in Hagrid's hut. They nodded and Hagrid poured them some tea.

"Thanks, Hagrid," They replied in unison even Sirius.

"So they did assign you?" Harry started the conversation with Sirius.

"Yep, pup. Amelia has given me strict orders with this one. I'm keeping

watch on the castle and trying to sniff him out as Padfoot but so far no

dice. Also I'll be following you during Hogsmeade visits as well as Tonks

and Alistair Moody. Moody I told you 'bout him, remember?" Harry

nodded but Hermione looked a tad confused.

"He's an auror and one of the best," Daphne explained.

"Oh, yes, I read about him but Tonks should be in her second year at the

academy right?" Hermione clarified.

"Yes, you're right but if a cadet shows enough promise they're sometime's

chosen as apprentices by the experienced aurors. Little Nymphy, caught

Alistair's eye, he saw right through her stumbling act and took her under

as his apprentice. I'm fairly certain he wants' to retire soon. But he's

putting her through the ringer first. You most likely won't see either him

or Nymphy unless Pettigrew is captured." Sirius said with a wicked grin

whenever he said 'Nymphy.'

"You know, if she finds out you called her, that she'll kill you, right?"

Harry asked with grin. Sirius just smirked and shrugged his shoulders.

"Hadrian," Sirius said being serious for once, "I talked to Remus while you

all were at Hogsmeade. I'll refrain from telling you my decision until you

make yours."

"Decision?" Harry asked

"On whether or not you want him in your life," Sirius said handing him a

vial that Harry now recognized as holding a memory. "That's what

happened, Severus has a pensive you can use." Harry nodded and took

the memory placing it in his pocket.

"All right yer ready?" Hagrid asked.

"Yep, we are we going?" Harry asked the friendly half giant.

"I was hopin' yer could help me with a hippogriph. Buckbeak injured his

wing." Hagrid said and they all set off for the paddock where they had

their first lesson, Padfoot included. The girls sat on the paddock fence

watching with padfoot sitting near them watching as Harry and Hagrid

bowed to Buckbeak who accepted them almost immediately.

"All right Harry I'm gonna tah hold Buckbeak and keep him calm. Yer

need to pull the twig out an' bandage his wing. I'll talk yer through it."

Harry nodded and summoned the supplies to himself. Hagrid got

Buckbeak to spread his wing, the 'twig' was only a twig to Hagrid and

Harry internally sighed. 'Hope I don't killed, that would give Hagrid a

shitload of problems but on the plus side it would be a nightmare for


"Harry yer need tah cut the stick at one end as close tah the wing as yerh

can." Harry nodded and used a diffindo, to sever the stick on the outside

part of the wing.

"Now yer goin' pull it out."

Harry nodded and decided to use a lowering charm to get the rest of the

stick out, "Sorry Buckbeak," Harry whispered. "Descendo." The stick

lowered out and Buckbeak bustled around in discomfort. Hagrid calmed

Buckbeak, so he stayed still and wouldn't damage the wing anymore. The

stick came out slowly but surely with little more damage done to

Buckbeak's wing.

"Yer need to clean it now using the cream I made up." Hagrid said with a

nod of his head towards the bucket Harry had summoned earlier. Harry

took a brush up and put some of the cream on it and gently dabbed it on

the wing and the wound area. Then Harry grabbed the bandages and

wrapped the wing. The whole process took about an hour.

"Nicely done Harry. Thank yer for yerh help." Hagrid said giving Harry a

ferret to feed Buckbeak.

"Here you go Buckbeak," Harry whispered while he gave him the ferret

and pet his head. "Gotta be more careful where you're flying. Thanks

Hagrid, this was great." Harry said as he walked back over to Daphne and

Hermione were sitting.

"You guys ready to go back?"

"Yep, you did really well with Buckbeak Harry," Daphne answered as

they started up towards the castle.

"You're really good with animals Harry," Hermione commented.

"Animals are trusting even if you treated them horribly, they don't

deserve that. The only animals I don't like are bulldogs." Harry said with

a shiver. Daphne rubbed his shoulder comfortingly and Hermione gave

him a small sad smile.

Harry showed up outside of Severus door the next night. Harry knocked

and the door was opened by Severus who was sitting at his desk.

"Hadrian what can I do for you?" Severus spoke in his silky tone.

"I was wondering if I could use you're pensive? Sirius gave me the

memory of his talk with Professor Lupin and wants me to make my own

judgments." Harry explained.

"Ahh Amelia must be making quite the impression on the mutt for him to

make a good decision." Severus said then smirked. Hadrian just grinned

back at him knowing Severus was working hard to be around Sirius. And

Amelia had matured Sirius even more than Azkaban had, though Harry

doubted rather anyone would be able to get him to stop pranking people.

Severus stood from his desk and moved over to his lab door. He opened it

and gestured Hadrian forward. Harry followed him into the backroom

and over to where he was standing. Severus pulled out a stone basin with

runes carved into it.

"I assume you know how to use a pensive?" Severus asked. Harry nodded.

"Good I'll leave the door open, I'll be at my desk."

Harry poured the memory into the pensive when Severus exited the

room. The silver wisps floated around the basin, Harry took a deep

breath and stuck his head in. Harry appeared in a room he recognized as

the DADA office, though it was sparsely decorated. Professor Lupin was

sitting at his desk. Sirius entered the room and Lupin's head shot up, he looked

surprised but then composed himself at Sirius's blank look.

"Sirius," Remus spoke after a long pause. He stood from his desk and moved to

give Sirius a hug but was stopped by Sirius. Remus stopped moving towards

Sirius and stumbled to find words, "Sirius I'm sorry I thought you guilty but."

Sirius held up a hand to stop him, "I don't blame you for that. I didn't exactly

help myself when I laughed at the aurors and blamed myself. We didn't

exactly keep you in the loop, do to your furry little problem towards the end,

which I apologize for and if you can forgive me for that, I accept yours, after

all I'm sure my family background went into everyone's opinion." Sirius said

and hung his head with shame for not having total belief in his friend.

Remus sighed, "I don't hold it against you or James, Harry or is it Hadrian

was in danger from the worse Dark Lord Britain had seen since Morgana Le

Fey. I would do anything for him too. "

Sirius gave a small sad smile and then frowned, "So why didn't you?"

Remus gave a confused look.

"He hadn't even heard of you until the Greengrass families told him about the

Marauders. That was a month before his first day at Hogwarts. Ten years

Mooney! Harry went through hell at the Dursley's, I pretty damn sure he

would take Azkaban over their house anytime!" Sirius was pacing as he was

shouting by the end and running his hands through his longer than usual hair.

Remus looked down and moved back behind his desk and sat heavily he pulled

out a bottle of Jameson whiskey and two glasses. He poured a glass for himself

and Sirius who had finally sat down after calming somewhat, although his

hair now looked reminicent of Don King. Remus downed his glass as did


"I, Sirius I went on a rather large drinking binge after you were arrested. Three

of my best friends had been killed and the other was arrested for their murder.

I wasn't sober for a good three weeks." He said pouring another glass, "I even

went to the funeral sloshed. When I finally sobered up, curtsey of a homeless

man bringing me to task for my behavior, I went to Dumbledore to try and

find Harry. I knew you would have been his guardian so I wanted to find

where he went. Dumbledore refused to tell me where he was stating security

purposes. No one was going to know where he was. He told me that he was in

a safe friendly environment and would grow up as a normal happy child. I

tried finding him, I knew Lily had a sister and tried that avenue but I didn't

have her marriage name since she didn't contact Lily after the following out. I

couldn't find him I looked but soon ran out of money to look for him. After

that I hoped he was a happy and that I'd get to see him when he came back to

the Wizarding World."

Sirius nodded, "and the last two years? I mean I had a wedding and was

trying to find you brother."

"Have you checked the werewolf laws since you've been out of prison?" Remus

sarcastically asked. "It's almost impossible to get a decent job with decent pay.

I went into the muggle world and overseas for a while. I was in Africa for a

while, there's a Potions Master there that would provide the Wolfsbane free if I

worked for him. The animals there are nice to be around too. I just came back

at the end of summer because I was released from my contract with the man.

Dumbledore found me almost immediately and offered me the job so I took it

wanting to get to know Harry. Now will you tell me what happened, Padfoot?"

Sirius sighed and poured himself another glass of whisky and he poured one

for Remus even though he had had about three to Sirius's one. "You'll need

this. Harry grew up with Lily's sister, Petunia Dursley, who did not let the past

lay with the dead. Her, her husband Vernon and her son, Dudley, despised all

things magic, including Harry. They abused him mentally and physically as

well as neglected him. He still has scars Mooney, " Sirius said his head hanging

and tears in eyes, and "I've seen Death Eater victims with less scars." Sirius

said his voice breaking. Sirius's voice grew hard, "Dumbledore knew but we

can't prove it, he also stole from Harry, the Goblins punished him. Dumbledore

also suppressed the Potter will, in it explicitly Harry was not to go anywhere

near the Dursley's." Sirius had tears in his eyes as did Remus only his eyes

normally blue, had turned to amber and his finger nails were growing. Sirius

picking up his head saw his friend and rushed around the desk to kneel in

front of him.

"Remus! Remus! Remus, look at me. Harry is fine now and never going back

to the Dursley's their dead anyways." Remus's fingers went back to normal and

the amber was slowly fading away. Remus fell forward with tears in his eyes,

Sirius hugged his friend, his own tears falling.

The memory faded away and Harry found himself in Severus's lab. He

bottled the memory and walked out in a daze of thought. Severus

motioned him to take a seat in front of him. Harry did still in thought

and mechanically took the offered tea that unbeknownst to him was

laced with a calming draught. He drank and the comforting sensation

brought on by the potion laced tea helped to clear his thoughts.

"Informative?" Severus asked after a few minutes of silence for Hadrian to

get his thoughts in order.

"Very. It's easy to forgive him knowing the story but at the same time it's

not because of what I went through. Even with the werewolf laws I

would have gladly lived a life on the run. It's also another reason to damn

Dumbledore to the bloody depths of hell!" Harry said his voice rising at

the end to a yell.

"Hadrian, calm yourself. Use your Olcculmency techniques." Severus

spoke softly allowing his voice to help calm Hadrian. Hadrian breathed

deeply in and out a few times calming down. "What is different between

myself, Sirius and Remus, which makes it harder for you?"

Harry thought for a few minutes, "you were there for me these past two

years. Both of you have helped me through what the Dursley's did and

Remus was bound by a contract. Nothing is all that different. So I should

give him the same chance." Hadrian came to the conclusion Severus

wanted on his own.

"Good, Hadrian. I would suggest drawing out some of your feelings or

talking to Daphne and Aiolos first. But maybe throw the wolf a bone and

allow him to call you Harry." Severus answered. "Now since I so

graciously allowed you to use my pensive how about you grade these last

few first year essays, while I start on my second year essays."

"Cool," Harry said excited that his favorite teacher and mentor trusted

him enough in the subject to help grade the essays.

Harry was pumped for today's match against Hufflepuff. Cedric always

made for good seeker competition. Plus the weather was for crap and

pouring rain, it evened out the competition and made you work for it,

and without his glasses dealing with rain was so much easier. He was

sitting with his friends minus Susan who was sporting all Hufflepuff

clothes at Hufflepuff tables but she flashed her socks at him and they

were green and silver. Harry smiled at his sister. Hermione was staying

behind for the game not really wanting to go out and get soaking wet

although she was wearing Slytherin colors. She and Neville were going to

work on a charms essay Neville was struggling with. Blaise, Tracey, and

Daphne were going to the game and had the wizarding equivalent of

ponchos on, they had warming charms and stay dry charms on the inside

of them.

"Did you get to talk to Professor Lupin yet?" Daphne asked.

"No he wasn't in his office this morning, so Monday." Harry answered as

he was standing to go down to the locker rooms. Flint and the others

were leaving, Draco was standing by waiting for him. Harry leaned down

and gave Daphne a kiss, "see you after the match, bye."

"Alright we get out and play our best, the down pour is going to take

away the advantage our Nimbus 2001's give us, and we have to be at our

best. We play like we do in practice and we'll wipe the floor with them.

Warrington you better damn well play your best or you're not going to

enjoy Slytherin house anymore. Keep pressure on Diggory he's there best

and only real shot at beating us. Now Slytherin on three. One, Two,

Three, SLYTHERIN!" Flint shouted with the rest of the team listening and

joining in for the shout of Slytherin.

They mounted their brooms and flew out onto the pitch and circled the

stands Harry smiled seeing Padfoot sitting next to Hagrid. They circled

the pitch down to their end and began their warm ups, ending up being

well on their way to soaked by the time Madam Hooch called for the

match to start.

"And the Quaffle's up!" Lee Jordan announced, "Flint narrowly manages

to grab it, Flint races down the pitch, Malfoy and Montague at his sides

in a Hawkshead formation. Flint pulls his arm back shoots, WAIT it's a

fake, Montague receives and fires into the left hoop. Ten points to

Slytherin!" Harry cheered from his broom and went back to looking for

the snitch. Harry was zig-zagging around the pitch his eyes open looking

for the snitch, he could barely see ten feet out in front of him. He was

looking for the glint of gold made more difficult by the Hufflepuff yellow.

The score was Slytherin 60 to Hufflepuff's 10. The Hufflepuffs were on a

break away from a dropped passed, Harry dived straight done into the

Hufflepuff chasers and broke up the play but as he was coming back up

he took a bludger to the shoulder. "AND POTTER is HIT by his own

TEAMMATE! Flint doesn't look happy about that!"

"Damn Warrington," Harry muttered as he flew back above the action and

rolled his shoulder. Suddenly he spotted the snitch as did Cedric opposite

the field of him. They both shot up into the air after it, Cedric had the

better line and was a foot ahead of Harry. The snitch continued climbing

higher into the air. Harry and Cedric followed the straight away giving

Harry the chance to make the race dead even. Harry and Cedric were

going back and forth edging each other out. Harry leaned as close to his

broom as he could urging it to go faster and pulled out in front of Cedric,

a lightning bolt struck past them, Harry barely saw it he was so focused

on the snitch but he heard what sounded like 'damn' come from behind

him and felt Cedric pull back. Harry chanced a glance back and could

only make out Cedric's shape and an orange flare on the back of the

broom. Harry turned his head back to the snitch it shot right and then

higher again Harry followed but noticed his broom start to slow. He

looked at the broom and noticed it started to form ice, he noticed at the

same time the wind was no longer roaring around him. Harry began to

feel a chill run through his body that had nothing to do with the weather.

Harry looked around and noticed the black mass beneath him and urged

the broom on higher away from the faceless dementors. Harry took his

hand off the broom and fumbled for his wand as his freezing numb

fingers struggled to pull the wand out of its holster through the damp

sleeve. Harry was starting to hear screaming, and his vision was starting

to tunnel, Harry gave up on the wand and decided to try an outrun them

back to the pitch. As Harry made the decsion the snitch hesitated before

going to shoot off and Harry grabbed and shoved down his quidditch

robes collar. Harry's vision was getting worse as he turned downwards

and tried to speed away, the screaming had turned into pleas, "Please Not

Harry, Not Harry, Not Harry."

Harry heard his mum's voice then Voldemort's, " Stand aside you silly girl."

Then the voice changed and Harry's vision changed from the sky to

Daphne laying beaten in the chamber unconscious and finally Harry's

vision blacked completely and he knew no more, still about fifty feet

above the stands.

"Luckily the Quidditch ground is so soft and then cushioned."

"I thought he was dead," a voice sobbed.

"Its okay, Daph, Madam Pomfrey said he didn't even break any bones," a

voice he now recognized as Tracey spoke.

At the mention of Daphne Harry's eyes shot open. He took in the scene

around him spotted Daphne sitting at his bedside holding his hand. Harry

shot up and wrapped Daphne in a hug. Holding her tight the memory

flashed before his eyes, the dementors, his mum, Voldemort, and then

Daphne in the chamber. He pulled back after a minute and realized he

was in the hospital wing. The Slytherin team minus Warrington was there

covered in mud and soaking wet, Daphne, Tracey, Blaise, and Susan had

wet hair, but were otherwise dry, Neville and Hermione were there too.

"What happen?" Harry asked laying back down, his whole body ached

like he had been beaten.

"You fell off your broom, from about 100 feet in the air." Beau said.

"That's great and all but I meant the match," Harry said with a grin.

"It's been called, and rematch is going to take place since no one caught

the snitch, in fact no one can find it," Marcus said with a bit of

disappointment, but at Daphne's glare he added, "not that that matters

when you fall off your brooms 'cause of dementors." Harry laughed and

stuck his hand in his shirt and brought out the snitch.

"I caught it before I blacked out." Harry said sporting a lopsided smile.

The Slytherin team gave a cheer.

Flint took the snitch, "I gotta tell Hooch." With that the Slytherin team

waved goodbye and made their way out of the hospital wing.

"I would so kick your arse if you weren't in the hospital wing already,"

Daphne muttered and gave him a kiss. Harry grinned.

"Dumbledore was really angry, I've never seen him that angry," Susan

said, she had had the most experience with Dumbledore due to her Aunt's

position in the government. "Even when going over harsh cases," Susan

said with a faraway look in her eyes.

"He ran onto the field as you fell, with Severus right behind him, and

Mad Eye with Tonks and Sirius. They shot off Patroni as the dementors

swarmed and Dumbledore waved his wand at you and you slowed before

you hit the pitch. Dumbledore rounded on the dementors he was furious

they had come onto the school grounds, they fled the stadium. Sirius

conjured a stretcher and escorted you up here, we all thought you

were…" Blaise trailed off at the end.

Harry nodded and searched for something to say, "Did anyone get my


All his friends got quiet before Tracey spoke and pulled out a bag,

"Professor Flitwick tracked it down. It blew into the Whomping Willow."

Harry dumped out the bag and just stared at all the pieces of his beloved



Thanks for all the reviews and favorites, you guys are great. Sorry

about the few word mix ups in the last chapter. I was in a rush

when I posted it and didn't get to check it for that. Hope y'll enjoy.

16. Surprise in the Chamber

Monday morning the Slytherins had Defense and Harry was being

released from the hospital wing. Daphne showed up to get him from the

hospital wing in time for breakfast.

"Hey Daph," Harry said giving her a quick kiss on the lips since madam

Pomfrey was around. Daphne smiled and handed Harry his clothes. Harry

went behind the curtain Madam Pomfrey set up and changed his clothes

into the Hogwarts uniform. He came back out and took hold of Daphne's


As they were walking out Madam Pomfrey spoke, "Now Mr. Potter I

expect not to see you again this year." She said sternly though Harry

could see a smile in her eyes. He had sent the weekend when his friends

weren't there playing chess with Madam Pomfrey or picking her brain

about healing magic. He learned from her that there was a legend,

unconfirmed, that parsletongue could be used for healing, he would look

into it over the summer.

"But I'll miss you too much," Harry said holding a hand over his heart.

Pomfrey just shooed him out of the hospital wing with a smile.

Harry, Daphne, Tracey, Blaise, and Neville walked into the Defense room

and took their seats nodding their head to Professor Lupin in greeting.

Lupin smiled wanly back. The rest of the Slytherin's came in then the

Gryffindor's right as the bell sounded throughout the school.

"Professor," Weasley whined, " Snape gave us two rolls on werewolves

last week."

"Yeah, we haven't even studied werewolves yet," Lavender Brown joined


"Well I'll talk to Professor Snape," Lupin stressed Professor, "for now don't

worry about the essay." The Gryffindors and about half the Slytherins

sighed in relief. Harry's friends though had finished the essay over the

week end, Harry included. Seeing some of their looks Lupin added, "If

you've done it already and have it with you, hand it in and I'll grade it for

extra credit." Harry, Blaise, Tracey, Daphne, Neville, and Theo handed in

their essays.

"Now today we're going to study Hinkypunks." As he finished speaking

Remus took the cover off a glass bell jar presumably showing a

hinkypunk. The hinkypunk stood on one leg and seemed to be composed

of smoke, its head had a little antenna that lit up. "Now can anyone tell

me why they're considered dark creatures? Mr. Malfoy?"

"They lure people into bogs," Draco answered.

"What's so bad about that?" Dean Thomas shouted out his question.

The Hinkypunk answered for Remus when it made a loud squelching

noise and latched on to the inside of the bell jar with an open mouth that

showed off sharp jagged teeth. It reminded Harry of the sharks he had

seen at the zoo.

"Correct Mr. Malfoy and does that answer your question, Mr. Thomas?"

Remus asked with a slight smirk that reminded Harry the man was one of

the marauders. "Now besides that attack bogs can be very dangerous

places and usually if there is one magical creature there is more. The

Hinkypunk attack can hurt but the most serious injury ever reported was

the loss of a hand. To fend off Hinkypunks, either doesn't follow a strange

light into a bog or you can use any number of spells to ward it off.

Generally speaking you only need one spell to make contact to get a

hinkypunk to retreat. "

The rest of the class was filled with naming some low level curses, hexes,

or charms that would be useful against hinypunks. After amassing a

rather large list Professor Lupin had them practice a few of them on each

other. For homework he assigned a sketch of a hinkypunk and an essay

on them.

"I'll see you guys at Arithmancy, I need to talk to Professor Lupin," Harry

told his friends as they packed up.

"I'll wait outside," Daphne replied while the others left.

"Professor," Harry started but was interrupted by Lupin.

"Please Hadrian call me, Remus or Mooney." Remus motioned for him to

sit at one of the tables, Remus took the other.

"Okay but only if you call me Harry," Harry said with a tentative smile.

Remus returned it with the same tentativeness.

"Harry, I want to apologize for not being there for you. I should have,"

Remus said hanging his head.

"I," Harry started, "I don't blame you for your actions, so there's nothing

to apologize for. With Sirius I decided to start over, I'm going to do the

same for you." Harry's words were hesitant but sincere. "I would like to

extend an invitation for you to stay at Potter Manor from now on or at

least during the summer. Sirius and Amelia and Susan already live there

too." Harry gave the man a small.

Remus returned the smile but added, "Harry I have a condition," He

started but Harry interrupted him.

"I know you have your own version pms," Harry said with a lopsided

grin, Remus just glared a little, "we all already know and you can

transform in the forest plus, well I think I'll just show you…" Harry

trailed off. He stood and looked around making sure there were no

portraits around and transformed into Fang.

Remus's jaw dropped open and he stood in shock at the large grey wolf

that now stood before him. Fang let out the wolf equivalent of a laugh

which came out as bark/growl type noise. He then moved towards Remus

and nudged the man's hand with his nose making Remus jump and close

his mouth. Remus studied the wolf in front of him and saw Harry's green

eyes and could very faintly make out a lightning bolt pattern in the fur.

After the events in the chamber his scar had faded almost to nothing but

with Remus's heightened senses he could make out the scar in the fur.

Harry transformed back.

"You're an animagus," Remus whispered out still in awe, it took James,

Sirius, and Peter until fifth year.

"Yep made for a rather boring lecture earlier this year, but I need to go or

Vector's really not gonna be happy," Harry said turning for the door.

"Harry, wait." Remus said and turned to his desk scrawling a note for

Harry to take to Professor Vector.

"Thanks," Harry said taking the note and leaving the classroom. Remus

could see Daphne out in the hallway and smiled to himself.

"Today we're chagin' animals," the whole class gave a cheer they had

been working with flobberworms for a week. All they did was sit there

and eat cabbage, even Harry was hard pressed to find something good

about the creature. "Yeah I know yerh didn't like 'em but they're part of

tah course. We're goin' tah work with lizards for the next couple of

classes. First up I have chameleons for yer. Now yeh' need to be careful

with these little ones. They're easily misplaced they are. Now step up tah

a station, no more than two tah each. Bring yerh notebooks with yah."

The students in the third year Care of Magical Creatures class moved up

to the stations. They were rather cool in Harry's opinion, the class was

held outside the castle on the grounds still even though winter had set in.

Dumbledore despite Harry's opinion was useful on occasion, he had used

spells to ward off the area to be impervious to the weather and had

heating charms placed around it, no matter the weather outside the class

area was perfectly suited to whatever animal they were working with.

The station areas were made out of large tree trunks that had been

smoothed down to give the students places to write and were waist high.

The class area was the paddock from early in the year.

On the stations now were some branches with leaves left on and were

supposedly hiding chameleons. As the students paired up and moved to

the stations they could make out the outline of the small lizards on the

branches. Harry and Daphne moved to a station in the middle with Blaise

and Neville and the left and Draco and Theo on their right. Harry and

Daphne's chameleon moved on the branch and they could see it change

from the brown of the branch to its normal color of a lime green color,

and then it blended into the green leaves and brown branch almost


"Now Chameleon's are classed as magical creatures by the Ministry but

are known tah the muggle world, which is where they get their name.

They blend into the environment are them by changing colors, it works

as protection against larger animals. Chameleon's can be kept as pets.

Now I want yer to draw the chameleon in front of it and identify it for

the next class. I want yer to put everything yer can find about 'em in yerh

essay." Hagrid told them. The last twenty minutes of class was spent

drawing their chameleons. Harry sketched a picture of his and Daphne's

and noted its colors and features. Some of the class struggled with

drawing and had to keep picking up their chameleons and moving them

so they wouldn't blend into the surroundings. Harry and Daphne's

chameleon seemed content to crawl around on Daphne every so often

flicking its tongue out against her skin. The constant moving allowed

Harry to see its normal colors.

McGonagall was taking the names of the students staying over for the

holidays during dinner the next night. It looked like the list was going to

be pretty thin this year with the dementors lurking around the school and

the chance of Pettigrew attacking again. Harry for one was glad to be

going home soon, he needed to see about a new broom, plus Aiolos was

threatening to bite Pansy if the girl kept shrieking every time Aiolos went

in the common room. You'd think after two and half years she gets over

her aversion to snakes, especially since she was in the snake house. But

no, the Shrieking Terror had a fit anytime she saw Harry's familiar. Said

Shrieking Terror was caught contemplating killing Aiolos only for

Daphne and Tracey to overhear her plan. Pansy was in the hospital wing

for three days covered in boils and Aiolos had what Harry thought to be a

smirk, well for snake, on the day Pansy got back. Daphne though was

rewarded with her and Harry's first make out session for defending


"Alright when are we going to pull that prank you and Blaise stocked up

for," Daphne asked the group of seven was in their abandoned classroom.

Harry looked up from the broom catalogue he was looking through, he

was trying to find the best model for seekers but his thoughts kept getting

pulled back to the Firebolt and what the owner at the Quidditch store

said to him.

"Well we've been waiting for the twins to pull a prank on a Ravenclaw

and they finally did, so tonight work for me. And what's really perfect is

Severus just taught us the disillusion charm." Harry answered.

"And what is it we're doing, brother?" Susan asked.

"Well sister, dear, we are pranking Gryffindor Tower. All of Gryffindor

tower." Harry answered smartly to his new sister.

"I get Weasley!" Came five different yells.

"Nope I have something special planned for the wanker," Harry said with

a smirk towards Susan. The idiot weasel had asked Susan out to

Hogsmeade yesterday. Only instead of asking he demanded it and then

when she told him to get lost he called her a bint. "It's my duty as your

new brother to make his life a living hell."

"Fine, but you better make it good," Susan answered.

"Oh it will be. I'll let you know with the mirrors when they're all asleep.

Hermione are you going to join us?"

"Well you are framing my house so I guess at least one Raven should get

to enjoy what they're going to get blamed for." Hermione said with a

smirk. Slowly but surely the group was turning Mione into a first rate


"New Marauders," Harry spoke into his mirror which activated all of his

friends' mirrors. "Everyone should be asleep the only ones moving are

Filch, Mrs. Norris, and Professor Snape. Well pick up Susan first than

Mione, Nev, we'll let you know when to open the door. Let's go," Harry

said and deactivated the mirrors. "Aiolosss you want to come, prank the

lionsss." Harry hissed to his snake that was curled up on his bed. She

opened one eye and shook her head no. Blaise and Harry picked up their

bags of pranking equipment and left the dorm. They met up with Daphne

and Tracey out in the common room and disillusioned themselves and

made their way to the Hufflepuff common room. Harry had the map out

and the dungeons, the same floor Hufflepuff was on, was clear Snape was

patrolling the third floor and Filch and Mrs. Norris were on the fourth


"Sue," Harry whispered into his mirror, her face appeared, "we're here."

Sue came out disillusioned, which made it appear that the Hufflepuff

door opened on its own. Harry pulled out the map and made sure they

were clear before the group started moving again. They made it up to the

third floor, Snape had taken a secret passageway down to the first. They

went up to the fourth floor when Blaise hissed, "Shite its Mrs. Norris,

she's going to smell us."

"Sue you have it?" Harry whispered as Mrs. Norris came closer ears

pricked up, Filch not far behind her.

"Yep," Susan pulled a bundle of something out of her pocket and wrapped

Harry's invisibility cloak around her.

"In here. Mirror, Mirror on the wall who's the fairest of them all," Harry

whispered the mirror hanging on the wall opened and Harry and the

others got in and shot the mirror quietly.

Outside Mrs. Norris smelt the bundle and took off towards Susan who

threw the bundle down another hallway, Mrs. Norris gave chase as did

Filch. Susan knocked on the mirror which opened showing the outlines of

her friends.

"All clear."

They stepped up and moved on coming to the stairs for the fifth floor.

They moved up them, silently avoiding one of the stairs that liked to


"What was that Sue," Daph whispered.

"Catnip," she answered simply.

"I can't believe no one's tried that before," Tracey said with a light


"Mione were at the end of the stairs." Harry said into his mirror before

calling Neville's, "Nev go head and muffle the portraits we're almost

there." Hermione came down and Harry led them to a secret passageway

that led from the fifth floor to the seventh, they would come out next to

the Fat Lady.

"Nev, we're here." Harry whispered into the mirror, the Fat Lady didn't

even stir. The door opened revealing a disillusioned Neville. The Fat Lady

only snored as the door opened and shut.

"All right everybody has their assignments, be back here in ten minutes

for the redecoration of the common room. Harry, Neville, and Blaise each

dumped bags of pranking gear quietly onto the floor of the Gryffindor

common room. They all grabbed a smaller bag and filled it, then they

disbursed throughout the Gryffindor dorms. Hermione had the first year

girls Daphne had the second and third year girls, Tracey had the fourth

and fifth year girls, and Susan had the sixth and Seventh year girls.

Neville had the first and second year boys, Harry the third, forth, and

fifth years, while Blaise had the sixth and seventh years.

Harry grinned viciously as he came into the third year boys' dorms. He

was walking silently but that would hardly matter with the snores

coming from one of the beds, Harry decided whoever that was, was going

to get it twice as bad. As luck would have it was the Weasel. Harry

smirked setting his bag of goodies down and taking out his wand. Harry

took aim and cast a very localized shrinking charm, 'teach you to call my

sis a bint' Harry thought with a vengeful look. The charm was obscure

and very hard to detect, Harry found it while looking for pranks to pull

on Sirius but figured Amelia would kill him for it, if he used it on Sirius.

Harry then proceeded to sprinkle a powder he made into the Weasel's

hair. When hit with water it would cause the hair to dissolve. Harry then

took a spray potion he made at proceed to change the Weasel's hair to a

very bright hot pink, that reminded Harry of Nym, ensuring that the

Weasel would shower. Harry then levitated out of the bag about twenty

feet worth of fake spider webs, interlaced with fake spiders. Harry

wrapped the web around Weasley and the bed so tight he wouldn't be

able to move much except to thrash around. He then placed catnip in

Weasley's school bag ensuring the redhead plenty of time with Mrs.

Norris and any other cat in the castle.

Harry moved on to Finnegan, for Finnegan the plan was rather simple.

Harry covered the boy in honey first. Then he took out a huge roll of

clear Cellophane and used his wand to wrap the boy and his bed in it. He

then cast a mild impervious charm on the Cellophane which would make

it all the more difficult to cut through. Harry then moved over to Dean

Thomas. He used a charm Daphne taught him to make hair length double

and cast it on the boy's afro three times. Then Harry took out another

spray potion, this one left the person's hair the color of the rainbow, and

wouldn't wash out. Then Harry took a red ball that clowns were on their

noses and stuck it Thomas' nose. He then placed a charm on the Dean's

uniforms and shoes. Once the boy but them on they would turn into

clown regalia, he also added a time release charm so Thomas wouldn't be

able to change clothes. Harry moved on to the fourth and fifth year

Gryffindor boys after that.

Harry and the others met back in the Gryffindor common room.

"You red and gold are rather garish when there's this much of it," Tracey

said as she joined the group.

Neville snorted, "No shite. Try it year after year, at least your guys'

common room is done rather tastefully even with the house colors."

"Well Nev, were about to add some blue and bronze to it." Blaise said

with wiry grin and tossed Neville a can of silly string. The Gryffindor

common room was blue and bronze silly string, toilet papered, egged,

and covered in feathers that stuck everywhere thanks to the eggs and

silly string. Not an inch of the common room except where the group of

seven were standing was clear.

"Oh Nev, you're going to have blue and bronze hair tomorrow," Harry off

handedly commented as they finished. "I added some stuff to the


"Babe you're rather evil sometimes," Daphne said as she leaned her head

on Harry's shoulder.

"Ehh, blame Voldy," Harry said with a shrug and wrapped an arm around

Daphne. "Nev, see you tomorrow, look irritated. Shouldn't be too hard

with the snores Weasel gives off. " Neville chuckled and his outline

waved to the others as he made his way up to his dorm. Harry released

the muffilato charm on the portraits, and the others slowly opened the

Portrait door, the Fat Lady still snoring away.

Harry and the rest of Hogwarts awoke the next day to shouts and screams

echoing throughout the castle. Harry and Blaise fell out of their beds

laughing hysterically as some of the screams were louder than Lockhart's.

One that was particularly loud was the Fat Lady who realized she had

been given a Hitler style mustache. Harry and Blaise struggled to control

themselves as they got dressed. Finally they composed themselves as they

walked out their dorm door and put on curious faces like the others.

Everyone but the Gryffindor's made their way to breakfast wondering

what the yelling was for. The Slytherins, Ravenclaws, and Hufflepuffs, all

sat down for breakfast some looking curious, others anxious, and still

others not caring and digging into their breakfast. Crabble and Goyle

were two of those digging into breakfast and Daphne made a disgusted

face at Crabble's open mouth. Harry noticed and discretely cast a

langlock on both of the offending boys. They sat the rest of breakfast

with a dumbfounded look, well more dumfounded than usual, as they

couldn't eat or talk and everyone else was distracted.

As Harry cursed Crabble and Goyle the Gryffindors trickled in groups.

The first and second years came in with little damage done. Only their

hair had changed and they rather enjoyed it, well the boys did. One boy

had pink polka-dotted hair, while another had bright neon yellow. Colin

Creevey though found himself worse off than the rest, the little pest was

still trying to get pictures of Harry. He found himself with bright pink

and red pajamas, which he couldn't change out of, pink bunny slippers

that squeaked when he walked, and a monk haircut. One of the girls

seemed particularly upset with her neon purple hair. The hall just starred

at the Gryffindors walking in. After the first two years came in the other

Gryffindors got up their courage and walked in thinking the lack of

laughter would last, it didn't. The third year girls Parvati and Lavender,

came in glaring at the Ravenclaw table. Lavender's hair had been turned

a deep inky black, her face was chalk white, all her normal make up had

been turned to a deep black, and her clothes had been turned black, even

her tie and Gryffindor crest, she looked like Marilyn Manson. Pavarati on

the other hand now looked like Malibu Barbie. Then the Gryffindor third

year boys came in and the whole school collectively lost it. Some were

falling out of their chairs they were laughing so hard. Dean Thomas

looked like the stereotypical clown, from his over large red shoes to his

rainbow colored afro, his red nose even honked every so often. Seamus

Finnegan skin was cycling through the colors of the rainbow while his

hair did the same only in reverse order. And then Neville walked in with

bright blue robes that looked similar to Dumbledore's and Ravenclaw

bronze hair. He walked over to the Slytherin table and took his seat and

just started eating ignoring the stares and snickers. Then Ron Weasley

came in, walking with a noticeable hitch, he was still shaking from fright

and occasionally a left over fake spider would appear and he would shout

and fall over trying to get it off. His head was completely bald and shined

so brightly it gave off a glare when the sun hit it. The rest of Gryffindor

filed in various states whether it was their clothes, hair, or skin

something had been pranked.

Alicia walked in and stormed over to Slytherin and sat next Vaisey, "If I

ever find out who did this I'm going to string 'em up from the quidditch

goal!" She was stuck in a pair of silk green and silver pajamas with hearts

on them inside the hearts were pictures of her and Vaisey snogging. A

faint blush appeared on Vaisey's face as he realized what the pictures

were of. Flint, Montague, and Urquhart who were sitting around him

were snickering quietly trying not to further piss the Gryffindor chaser

off. As she was talking the twins walked in, they had their hair a neon

blue color and standing up straight, they were in red body suits, and

shoes, one twin had Thing 1 on his chest and the other had Thing 2 on

his chest. With them was their friend Lee Jordan who was transformed

into the Cat in the Hat. The twins had a compulsion charm on them that

made them do the opposite of whatever you told them the whole day.

Finally McGonagall came in looking tired and haggard and pissed off,

with her came Headmaster Twinkles, he looked as he always did

annoyingly happy.

"Before you begin your classes today, the Ravenclaws will be interviewed,

if caught there will be severe consequences." Dumbledore spoke but his

eyes still twinkled, Harry subtly glared at the old man. Hermione was

interviewed for about two minutes before it was concluded that she was

not involved, her wand cleared their tests and McGonagall liked her too

much to suspect her.

"I can't believe we still don't know who it was," Fred and George said in

their usual manner of speaking. They were in the Three Broomsticks the

Friday before they would go home for Christmas Holidays. "I mean that

was epic, nobody in the history of the school has pranked an entire house

at once."

The twins, Lee Jordan, and the Gryffindor chasers were at the booth

behind Harry and his friends. Harry was listening to their conversation.

So far no one had any clue to that pulled the prank on Gryffindor Tower.

The Fat Lady had to be replaced as she refused to go back to guarding

Gryffindor Tower, so now they had a nutcase knight named Sir Cadogan.

Cadogan challenged people to duels, changed the passwords, and chased

people down hallways.

Harry turned to Hermione and whispered, "Maybe we'll get into Hogwarts:

A History for this." Hermione just rolled her eyes. Blaise was flirting with

Madam Rosmerta as Minister Fudge walked through the doors with

Professors McGonagall, Flitwick, and Hagrid. They a seat at a table near

the booth Harry and his friends were sitting at. Harry and the others

were in a corner both and the teachers had their back to them, Fudge

could see them but Harry sat back into the shadows pulling Daphne with

him. They remained unseen to Fudge, Harry cast a listening charm at the

table and Fudge's conversation was heard. Hermione cast a Notice-Me-

Not charm on their own and Blaise and Susan cast a muffilato on the

tables on either side of them.

"Small gillywater?" They heard Madam Rosmerta say as she went to serve

the table.

"That would be me," Professor McGonagall's brogue was heard.

"Four pints of mulled mead," went to Hagrid.

"A cherry syrup and soda with ice and umbrella,"

"Mmm!" Came from Professor Flitwick, Hermione shook her head and

giggled a little at her head of house choice of drink.

"This leaves the red currant rum, for you Minister." Rosmerta said

handing a drink to the Minister.

"Thank you, Rosmerta, m'dear," Minister Fudge spoke, "lovely to see you

again. Why don't you get yourself one and join us."

"Don't mind if I do, thank you, Minister." Rosmerta said. She left and

came back over with a drink and pulled up a chair. "What brings you

here today Minister?"

"Pettigrew of course, you heard about the attack on Halloween." Fudge

said lowering his voice.

"Well there was a rumor," Rosmerta answered interrupted by


"Really Hagrid did you tell the whole pub?"

"Jus' a few," Hagrid replied.

"Remind me never to tell Hagrid a secret," Harry commented and Daphne


" Do you think he's still in the area?" Rosmerta whispered.

"We're sure of it." Fudge answered.

"But the dementors have searched the village twice." Rosmerta's tone

turned a bit frosty, "nearly scared away all my customers, they have."

"Well they're necessary, Pettigrew is a danger to society. I was there for

the aftermath of his spell in that village. I was Junior Minister in the

Department of Magical Catastrophes. It was a horrible mess, there was

blood and limbs everywhere, I still dream about it…" The Minister let his

voice fade out. "There right chuffed at Dumbledore as well, the

Dementors. Just came from meeting one, they're furious he won't allow

them on the grounds."

"And for good reason," McGonagall spoke heatedly, "how are we

supposed to teach with those things flying around, not to mention they

nearly caused Potter to fall to his death."

"Yes, yes certainly cannot have that, they were severely reprimanded."

Fudge stated with finality.

"Oh we had better get going, Minister if you're going to make it to the

dinner with Dumbledore." McGonagall stated. And with that the table got

up and vacated the pub. Harry canceled his charm and Hermione hers.

"Severely reprimanded, " Daphne hissed out her anger rising, "you almost


"Daph," Harry whispered pulling Daphne into his side, "calm down, I'm

fairly certain killing the Minister of Magic is frowned upon." Daphne

smiled a little into his side. Harry leaned down and gave her a lingering

kiss before pulling away. "We should get back to the castle, while it's still

light out. Wouldn't want to piss Tonks off by making her stumble up in

the dark."

"She's still following you with Moody?" Tracey asked.

"Yep, they been on the map the last few times I've looked. They were on

searching the grounds when we pulled our prank," Harry added at

Hermione's alarmed look. The group stood and made their way back to

the castle.

"What are you guys doing for Christmas?" Harry asked his arm wrapped

around Daphne's shoulders as the group walked back.

"We're going to visit some cousins in Australia," Hermione spoke she

sounded rather excited. "My cousin said he would teach me to surf. I've

been reading on surfing techniques."

The others laughed at that, "never change Mione," Tracey said through

her giggles.

"We're going to Italy. Mama wants to introduce Severus to Grandfather,

it's going to make for one hell of Christmas dinner," Blaise said with a

smirk. "We're not leaving 'til the 22nd to give you guys' time on the

basilisk." Blaise said with a nod towards Harry.

"Yeah, Severus thought it would be easier to dissect over the holiday

since the school will be next to empty." Harry replied.

"Well we're going to my cousins' for Christmas dinner," Tracey said. "My

muggle cousins which means I'll be watching whatever sport happens to

be on their tele. But we're not really doing anything else for break."

"Same old, same old." Neville said with a shrug.

"Your house," Daphne said with a laugh to Harry. Harry gave her a quick

kiss, they usually kept things short in front of their friends.

Harry and Daphne were sitting up late in front of the fire in the Slytherin

common room. There were a few other couples scattered throughout the

room. Daphne had her head on Harry's shoulder while Aiolos was spread

across their laps enjoying the warmth from the fire.

"Remus, Bill, and Ginny are going to come over for Christmas dinner."

Harry said in a low voice.

"I'll be happy when Mrs. Weasley pulls her head out of her arse, though

I'm not sure Ginny will forgive her, even if she does. "

"I could never imagine abandoning my kids." Harry said with a shake of

his head, "I never even imagined kids until you. I saw them in the mirror

or what they could look like, now I can't imagine my future without you

or them. " Harry was talking barely above a whisper. Daphne sat up some

to look at his face, it was half shadowed and half lit from the fire light.

Harry was starring into the fire and his eyes got hard he turned to

Daphne, "I swear to you, myself, and my parents that I will kill him when

he rises again. My children will not grow up knowing Voldemort and his

followers as anything but dead."

Daphne pulled Harry's face down to hers, she looked him in the eyes

hoping to convey her feelings of trust and even love. Then she molded

her lips to his in a heated kiss as they kissed Harry's green aura and

Daphne's blue aura flared, sealing his promise in magic. Aiolos felt

comfort from her hatchling's magic.

"Thank you," Daphne whispered when she pulled back. She stood up after

giving him another kiss, "Good night Harry."

"Night Daph," Harry replied a bit dazed from her kisses. Harry went to

bed with a smile on his face.

Harry was dressed in a pair of old cargo shorts that had some tares in

them and a ratty old black shirt and a pair of black high top chucks. He

threw on a hoodie and went down to get breakfast.

"Hey Daph," Harry said as he walked in to Potter Manor's kitchen. She

was dressed similarly to Harry in old clothes, she had an old pair of jeans

and old Harpies t-shirt and old sneakers. "Ready for today?"

Daphne just nodded as she continued eating her waffles. Harry joined her

and turned her face to look at him, "I'll be with plus Severus and Bill. The

Chamber's empty now." Daphne nodded and gave Harry a small smile.

"Wotcher guys." Tonks said as she walked in with Bill Weasley.

"Hey Nym," Harry said getting up and giving her hug. "Hey Bill," Bill

nodded in greeting and made his way to the breakfast table. Tonks rolled

her eyes at him.

"Hey Tonks," Daphne said with a bright smile. "Are you coming with us?"

"Yes she is," Amelia said entering the kitchen. "That way it'll be official, I

have no doubts Dumbledore will try to claim the Basilisk if he finds out."

"But its Harry's by conquest," Daphne answered.

"Yes but Dumbledore may try to claim it as part of the school, which it

isn't. This will prevent him from trying anything. Tonks this will give you

authority needed," Amelia said handing over a piece of parchment with

her seal on it.

"Harry sir, Master Severus's head is in the floo," Nips popped in.

"Thanks Nips." Harry said getting up with Daphne. Amelia pulled them

both over to her and gave them a farewell kiss on the cheek.

"Listen to Severus and Bill, and call Nips to get us if you have any

problems Nymphadora can't handle." Amelia said pulling Harry into a


Harry nodded his head blushing a little at being taken care of, "Bye."

"Take these Bill," Severus said handing Bill a bundle of equipment and

picking up a box of his own. The potions Master made for a rather

interesting site in his own old clothes instead of his usual potions robes.

"Harry carry these," Severus handed him several pairs of Dragon hide

gloves. "Alright let's go." Severus levitated several trunks behind him.

They made their way to the second floor bathroom and unsurprisingly

were met by Headmaster Dumbles himself.

"Ahh may I ask where you're all going this fine day," Dumbledore asked?

Dumbles was dressed in bright green and red robes and had his eyes

twinkling trying to project his grandfatherly image. Tonks however

wasn't having it, she snapped into auror mode.

"Save it Dumbledore, you know exactly why we're here." Tonks snapped

out, she was rather ticked at the old man for his part in Harry and Sirius's

lives. "And before you get any ideas, I have full authority to arrest those

who interfere in Mr. Potter's acquisition of his prize." Tonks said showing

Dumbles the parchment from Amelia. Dumbledore simply turned on his

heel and left, though Harry and Severus could identify the anger in the

man's eyes as he did so.

Harry and Daphne looked to Tonks in awe, never having seen her act

with such authority and poise. Harry spoke for both of them when he

whistled low, "Damn Nym."

Tonks just smiled at him and then turned to Bill, "ward the door, we

wouldn't want a poor unsuspecting student to wander in." They walked in

and Bill started to ward the doors to the bathroom. Daphne was watching

Bill intently as he used his wand to carve runes and chant. Harry was by

Tonks who was looking around the bathroom, "Never would have

guessed this was the entrance."

"Rather brilliant in a way," Harry commented and Tonks nodded. Harry

moved up to the sink with the snake carved on it, "open," he hissed out.

Tonks shivered a little at the hissing. The sink moved back and then

down, "hope you all like slides," Harry said earning a few laughs. Harry

took Daphne's hand and they jumped down the slide, followed by the


"You know it's kind of fun when you're not being forced down it," Daphne

said. Harry just gave Daphne a hug. They group made their way through

the tunnel and came to the still open snake lock vault like door. They

moved done into the actual chamber and like before the torches flared to

life. Showing the snake head statues and the dead carcass of the sixty

foot basilisk.

"Damn Harry!" Bill exclaimed looking at the basilisk. Tonks nodded in

agreement with Bill as she looked at the dead snake in awe.

"How is it still so intact?" Harry asked Severus.

"Basilisks, are highly magical creatures, which combined with this one's

age means it could probably last down here another two years without

decomposing." Severus answered his favorite student.

"Dragons are similar according to Charlie," Bill added. Harry nodded at

the man.

"Bill roll that out if you would," Severus said pointing to the bundle he

still carried. Bill took one end and rolled the bundle out. It looked to

Harry kind of like a bat bag he had seen at one of Dudley's failed

attempts at sports. There were tools in the different slots in the fabric

some looked like scythes while others were tong like, there were also

some smaller cutting tools.

"I want all of you to cast this spell, "luminous caeli," Severus announced

and pointed his wand up towards the ceiling of the chamber. A portion of

the chamber about ten feet lit up as if there were lights in the ceiling.

"Its like having electricity," Harry said starring at the ceiling.

"Yes, your mother was rather brilliant," Severus said in a low tone of


Harry turned to Severus and smiled, "my mum created it?"

"Yes she did, now concentrate on the effect when you cast," Severus said

allowing a small smile to appear on his face.

"Well I'll be damned, I think I hear hell freezing over, Professor Snape

smiled," Tonks said with mock awe. Severus glared in response which

made Harry and Daphne laugh quietly.

"Luminos caeli," Harry, Daphne, Tonks, and Bill said at once. They

effectively lit up the area where the basilisk lay.

Severus took one of the scythe like bladed tools out, "This is a scythe one

that I'll be using to help with the scales." The scythe he pulled out had

about a four foot in length shaft that was made of onyx. The blade of the

scythe if straighten would reach about three feet and was made of

mithril. He pulled out another blade, "This is kopis, easier to control but

for the same purpose." He gave the curved sword to Bill, "Its blade is

made of mirthril like the scythe, it is hard and light and used for these

purposes. These are family heirlooms do not damage them."

He then moved to the other side of the tools, to the smaller tools. "Put

your clothes on before you start Bill, same to you two." Severus looked

towards Harry and Daphne. Harry put on his new dragon hide gloves

from the Quidditch store, they flexed better and fit like a second skin,

Severus studied them and nodded in approval. "You will be working with

the fangs, Hadrian," he said taking out a pair of the tongs. They were

about a foot long and made of onyx they looked similar to ones he had

seen in a chemistry demonstration during primary school. "The edges are

sharp," Severus said pointing out the edges of the pincers. He also opened

the crate he brought with him and pulled out a rather large beaker. "Ever

milked a snake Hadrian?" Severus smirked.

"Yes actually Aiolos," Hadrian answered smirking back.

"Well you get to show your fiancé, this will require two people." Severus

said. Harry nodded. "Let me know when you finished." Severus then

moved over to start on the hide levitating the trunks he brought with him

over. He joined Bill in working the skin off for later use.

"What about you Nym," Harry asked as he and Daphne moved to the

head of the basilisk.

"Har, I was the most abysmal but good potions student Professor Snape

ever emitted to his N.E.W.T. classes. Trust me you don't want me near

these potions tools." Harry and Daphne laughed in response and Severus

snorted from where he stood.

"Was she really that bad," Bill asked?

"Yes, but somehow she always managed to turn in at least an acceptable

potion and she did get an outstanding on her O.W.L."

Harry was showing Daphne how to milk the venom from a fang. He had

her pressing on the venom sack while Harry collected the dangerous

venom from three of the remaining fangs. The fourth and final fang that

had broken off in Harry's arm was still in the middle of the chamber and

was going to stay filled with venom as it was already disconnected. Harry

then took the tongs and gently worked the three fangs out of the

basilisk's mouth and set them in one of the trunks Severus brought with

him. This one had compartments for the different parts they would end

up with.

"Severus, we're done, sir." Harry called from his position at the head of

the snake. Daphne and Harry moved over to Severus and Bill. Severus

and Bill were cutting large swaths of skin at a time, about five feet by

four feet. Severus would then levitate the skin and scales of the basilisk

into an enlarged trunk. "Good, both of you watch Bill for few minutes,

then there are two more Kopis in the bag, start at the other end." Harry

and Daphne did as were told and after watching Bill cut two swaths felt

comfortable to start. They started near the head and worked seamlessly

together. It took the four of them two hours to finish the basilisk hide,

and by the end they were covered in basilisk gunk.

"Personally I prefer the green scales to this," Daphne said with a disgusted

look on her face. The basilisk was now skinless and what was visible to

the eye was the inner tissue and muscles.

"Mips," Harry called. Mips popped in and gave a bow.

When Mips looked up at Harry and saw some of the guts on Harry and

then Daphne Mips sighed and snapped her fingers. Harry, Daphne, Bill

and Severus were cleaned of Basilisk guts.

"How can Mips help?"

"Can you bring us some sandwiches and water, please." Harry asked. Mips

nodded and

popped out. Two minutes later she popped back in with sandwiches and

a pitcher of ice water with glasses.

"Thanks, Mips." Everyone spoke grabbing for sandwiches. Mips nodded

and stuck

around until they were done then she popped out with the dishes.

"Alright now I'm going to show you how to cut out the internal organs

that we can use."

Severus walked over to his equipment and took out a scalpel knife, the

blade was made of copper as was the handle. Severus used one of the

kopis to cut an opening so they all could see. He then proceeded to

expertly cut out the basilisk's heart, spleen, gall bladder, thymus gland,

kidneys, and the one lung the snake had. It all took him about another

hour. When Severus was finished he sighed, "I would have liked to study

the eyes. There has never been an intact pair of eyes or even one eye."

Harry nodded along with the man both thinking of the many possibilities

the eyes could provide. The others just looked at them like they were a

more than a little left of center.

"Now we need to check out the back room. I assume it's hidden in the

mouth somewhere." Harry said to the others than looked at his potions

instructor with worry, "Basilisks don't reproduce right?"

"No, thankfully as this one was female." Severus answered the others

breathed a sigh of relief.

"How could you tell its female?" Daphne asked.

It was Harry that answered this time, "there would have been a scarlet

plume on the head if it was male."

Harry walked towards the head of Salazar Slytherin, his ancestor by

passing the blood and fang. "SSSpeak to me SSSalazar SSSlytherin,

greatessst of the hogwartsss four." Harry hissed towards the statue.

Slowly the mouth of Salazar opened Harry and the others walked up to it

slowly with their wands out. Severus first shot off a luminous caeli spell

into the mouth, it lit up and showed them nothing was in the entrance.

Harry and the others entered a large chamber there was shed skin around

the floor so Harry guessed this was where the basilisk stayed. Bill was

looking at the wall and noticed runes on it.

"This is a hibernation chamber, it activates by the basilisk's magic," he

said starring at the runes. "There's something written about an heir

activating the magic in here too," Bill spoke still studying the runes.

Harry looked at Severus who nodded. Harry hissed out in a loud voice, "I

am the heir of Salazar Slytherin." Harry's magic pulsed a deep emerald

green in the room. As it pulsed around the room his magic came to a spot

on the far side of the chamber where it came to a stop outlining a door.

The magic faded and left in its place was door. Harry moved to the door

and opened it, as he walked in torches flared to life illuminating the

room. Harry was observing the room when his attention was drawn to his


"IT'S ABOUT BLOODY WELL TIME!" A deep voice yelled.


IDIOTS AND RAVING LUNATICS!" Another voice spoke though this one

was quieter but deadly, like Professor Snape's voice.

On the left wall was a talking, moving painting of Harry's ancestors,

Salazar Slytherin and Godric Gryffindor, playing chess.


So for the one who said I have realy bad grammer, yeah I know, I'm

twenty a junior and college and still have to have my mom proof my

papers. Grammer isn't my strong suit. Lol never has been prob never

will. Hope y'll like the prank on Gryffindor. As always suggestions

are welcome. Thanks for the reviews and alerts.


17. Godric and Salazar

"Holy Shite!" Harry whispered out.

"Harry! What's wrong," Daphne shouted as her and Severus followed by

Bill and Tonks rushed into the room completely forgetting to check for

any wards that would prohibit them. Turns out there were none,

thankfully. The four came to a screeching halt at the sight of the large

painting with two of the founders of their school. The painting was a

large standing about eight feet tall and about five feet wide Harry


"Harry are they…" Daphne asked trailing off?

"Yeah they are," Harry said still in a whisper, but everyone caught.

"Great their idiots too," Salazar commented making a move on the chess


"Finally! You made a move! It's been two damn years of thinking," Godric


"You can catch flies that way," Salazar said turning to look at them as

Godric made his move. Salazar turned back to the board and smirked,

taking Godric's knight that he had just moved.

Finally Bill jerked out of his stupor and blurted out, "You don't look like a


"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA," Godric burst out laughing and fell out of his

chair on to the floor. Salazar's glare could have frozen hell over as he

looked at Godric and then the others, Bill actually flinched back from it.

"HAHAHA, I told HAHAHAHA, you it looked like a monkey,

HAHAHAHA!" Godric was still laughing.

Salazar picked up a discarded rook and threw at the laughing founder of

Gryffindor, hitting him in the head. "Art is not my strong suit," Salazar

growled out. As Godric picked himself up off the floor still chuckling.

They just starred at the painting in awe.

"What you try having only one other person to talk to for a thousand

years," Godric said. "Now I take it you're our heir," Godric said looking

towards Harry, "you have my facial structure, and Sal's infernal hair."

Daphne snickered at that and Godric turned his gaze toward her and

cocked an eyebrow.

Harry at that point spoke up taking Daphne's hand in his, "Yes, sir. I'm

Lord Hadrian James Potter and this is my betrothed Daphne Anne

Greengrass." Harry then turned towards Severus, "This is Severus Snape,

my Potions Master and Head of House. To his left William Weasley and

Nymphadora, sorry Nym, Tonks, family friends of mine." Harry pointed

out his friends.

"What house?" Both Godric and Salazar asked at the same time.

"Slytherin." Harry answered.

"Damn," came from Godric.

"Ha!" was all Salazar had to say.

"So are you going to ask any questions?" Salazar asked after a few more


"Um yes we do but can we ask them somewhere else, 'cause I don't want

to Dumbles catching wind of this just yet," Harry said.

"Good point," Severus said then asked the painting "Is there another way

out of this chamber besides the bathroom entrance?"

"Yes out this way through a pipe, it leads to the forest," Salazar said.

"We need to load up the potions and take them out of the school too,"

Severus said.

"Why are you taking us out of the school?" Godric asked.

"The present headmaster is not a very good man all though he projects

that image to the public. He is also trying to control and manipulate

Hadrian for his own gains. There is also a dark lord, a very horrible one,

whom will be coming back soon who has access to this room." Severus

answered. They worked diligently and under the guidance of Salazar to

transfer the potions into a specialty trunk Severus brought with him.

There were about fifty in total along with two unfinished recipes. Then

Severus banished his potions equipment back to his room, he, Tonks, and

Bill levitated the trunks, seven in total, and the painting.

"Hadrian," Salazar said, "There is a rune on the bottom wall outside the

slide down that will close the chamber entrance."

"We'll start out, go and close the chamber doors." Severus said nodding

towards Harry and Daphne. Harry and Daphne left the chamber while the

other three started off down the large pipe out to the forest.

"So nobody's going to take down Bill's wards?" Daphne asked as they

made their way through the snake vault door.

"It'll make for a good prank besides I'm sure Twinkles is up there trying to

undo them as we speak." Harry said they looked up the pipe and sure

enough they could see Dumbles at the top, "can I help you Headmaster?"

Harry called up.

"A Harry my boy," Dumbles started Harry's eyes hardened. "Just checking

to make sure you're all okay." Dumbledore moved closer to the edge.

Harry glared up at the man and ran his hand of the rune; Salazar spoke

of, the entrance closed on Dumbledore surprisingly fast. Harry was still

glaring up the pipe so Daphne took his face in her hands, stood on her

toes and gave him a searing kiss on the lips.

"Better?" She asked as she pulled back.

"Better," Harry nodded and they moved through the chamber to the pipe

and ran to catch up with the others. They walked through the pipe in

relative silence for five minutes before they came out to the Forbidden

Forest. They were in a small clearing with the pipe just visible in the


"Severus are we in the wards?" Harry asked. Severus shook his head no

after casting a silent spell with his wand. "Everyone grab hold my, ring

works as a portkey to the manor." Once everyone was holding hands and

touching the trunks and paintings Harry activated the portkey, "Home,

Potter Manor."

"Well it took ya, long enough," Sirius said coming into the entrance way.

Severus had right the painting and Salazar was leaning against a pillar in

the background of the painting and Godric Gryffindor was standing

straight backed with his hands behind his back looking very much the

warrior he was in his lifetime.

"Cor," Sirius said coming to a halt while looking at the painting. He easily

recognized the figures from historical descriptions.

"Good day," both Godric and Salazar said jovially.

*THUD* Everybody turned, including Amelia, Susan, Xavier, Evelyn,

Ginny, and Astoria who had just walked in, to see Sirius hit the floor,

after fainting. Harry shocked the rest of the group by giving a deep belly

laugh at his godfather's expense. Harry laughed until he had tears in eyes;

while the others had seemed him happy and laughing they had never

seen this.

Harry finally straightened up wiping tears from his eyes, "I'm never

letting him live this down."

Daphne rolled her eyes, "just wake sleeping beauty up."

"Aww, come on, let's leave him for a little while," Harry mocked whined

to Daphne and pulled a puppy dog pout. The others just kind of sat there

in awe at Harry's light banter with Daphne, except Susan who was


"Oh fine but just until we move the painting and the rest of it." Daphne

said with a smile. Harry gave her a quick kiss.

"Alright the basilisk parts can go in the potions lab with Salazar's potions,

the hide we're going to keep for now in storage except a few of the scales

for Hephaestus and the fangs are going to him also." Harry said.

"For right now, why don't we put the painting in the training room,"

Severus suggested. Harry nodded and they levitated everything to the

potions lab, then they took the painting to the training room. Severus

levitated it over to the far wall and conjured a couch and some comfy

chairs. Everyone took a seat, Harry and Daphne on a love seat, Severus

took a chair next to them as did Ginny and Astoria, Evelyn and Xavier,

and Amelia took a couch, while Susan, Bill, and Tonks took another

couch. As they were about to start Sirius strode in with Remus.

"Thanks for waking me," Sirius sarcastically announced.

"Well you looked so comfortable on the floor where mutts belong,"

Severus replied. Harry and the other kids chuckled while Sirius just

glared. Remus was starring at the painting.

"Who knew it was so easy to shut the marauders up?" Evelyn said,

causing the group to chuckle and Remus and Sirius huffed and took a


Harry spoke up looking at the painting, "Salazar, Godric, these are

Astoria, Daphne's younger sister and Ginny Weasley, the younger sister of

Bill. Then on the first couch are Evelyn and Xavier Greengrass, Daphne's

parents, and Amelia and Sirius Black, Sirius is my Godfather and he

recently married Amelia. Then you have Susan, Amelia's niece, I consider

her my sister. And then next to Bill in the chair is Remus Lupin, a family

friend and currently the Defense against the Dark Arts Professor."

"Well you obviously have put together who we are but I am Godric

Gryffindor and this is my friend and comrade Salazar Slytherin." Godric

announced in his deep voice and gestured to Salazar when he introduced

him. "It is good to meet you all." Salazar just nodded in greeting.

"Before we start Harry do you have anyone else that you want here?"

Salazar asked.

"Yeah, I do." Harry said then pulled out his mirror, "new marauders."

Neville, Blaise, Tracey and Hermione's faces appeared in the mirror.

"Hey guys do you have time to come over," Harry asked. Neville, Tracey

and Blaise nodded. "Alright we're in the training room just floo over and

come down."

"Harry I'm already in Australia," Mione said.

"It's alright Mione, we'll hold the mirror up so you can see and hear,"

Daphne said leaning over into the mirror.

"Hey Daph," Hermione said, "What's going on?"

"We found something in the chamber," Daphne said smirking, "we'll tell

you when the others get here. How's Australia so far?"

"Good but hot, we just got in. I was unpacking when the mirror went off."

Hermione answered with a shrug.

"Alright we're here, what's the big deal?" Tracey announced coming into

the room.

"Um, Tracey, look at the wall." Neville said in a shaky voice.

"Holy Hell!"

"Language," both Amelia and Evelyn said at once.

"Take a seat," Severus announced. Blaise, Neville, and Tracey chose to sit

with their backs against the love seat Daphne and Harry were sitting on.

"I'll hold the mirror Harry," Tracey said reaching up behind her for it.

Harry handed it to her and she moved it so Hermione was seeing the


"Oh my," Mione breathed out.

"Salazar, Godric, meet Hermione Granger, Tracey Davis, Blaise Zabini,

and Neville Longbottom." Harry said gesturing to his friends.

"Are you a Longbottom of the Long Bottom?" Godric asked with a bit of

awe to his voice.

"Yes, Sir." Neville answered. Both Salazar and Godric looked impressed.

"Your family has been aiding mine for a very long time," Godric

announced both Harry and Neville grinned at each other.

"I have question since we're all here now," Sirius spoke. "The wizarding

world has been under the impression that you two were bitter enemies."

The others nodded in agreement.

"We were never bitter enemies but we were enemies," Salazar said with a

sigh sitting in his chair which he had turned towards them instead of the

chess board. Godric had done the same.

"Although I could be classed as a bitter enemy of his son, Stavros," Godric

said with his own sigh.

"Hadrian or Harry which one do you prefer?" Salazar asked.

"Either is fine but family calls me Harry."

"Harry then," Salazar said with a small smile. "You have read my journal

did you share it with any of them?"

"Just Severus and my friends the others don't know yet. I haven't really

had time." Harry answered him.

"We know somewhat of the reputation we have gotten. There used to be

another painting of us and the others but it was moved to somewhere in

the castle and covered, we don't know where. I would assume the rumors

and legends surrounding us, the founders, have only been more

exaggerated and further from the truth.

"In our life time Christianity was starting to spread to our area of the

world, and with it commons became fearful and hateful towards magic.

Where previously we had enjoyed a mutual beneficial existence it had

now turned to suspicion. The Church was slowly taking over, their views

on magic and witchcraft and wizardry was that it was demonic. Instead

of being gifted we were demonic, in the eyes of the common leaders.

I was always the most worried of what their fears and hatred would turn

into." Salazar had a faraway look in his eyes but shook it away when

Godric cut in.

"Rowena wasn't far behind Salazar. I and Helga wanted to give them a

chance to prove themselves. Besides there was always more commons

than us," Godric said.

"Well we ran the school and things were different but manageable. Then

a student was sorted into my house by the name of William. William was

the son of a serf and excited about his magic, he wanted a different life.

William was the same age as Stavros and they quickly became friends,

they had an aptitude for the same magic and William became a favorite

of mine, like another son. He was adored by my young daughter

Catherine as an older brother and by my wife Aurora. He was part of our

family. Although we had to send him back to his parents every summer,

he was a serf and it was required why they were training that they still

serve their lords if they were serfs."

"Each year was worse when he returned to us. Finally in going into his

last year he had to return once more. Within days of his return we

received an urgent letter begging us to come and get him. He had never

complained before so we went, Stavros, Aurora, and myself, while

Catherine stayed at the castle. She was only fourteen and she and Liam,

who had turned seventeen and reached maturity, had left already to

spend the day together. We arrived at his village to find most of the

outlying buildings were empty, we could smell the burning of flesh in the

air. As we moved closer we found the town circled around a pyre. They

had burned William alive; his own father had set the fire. Stavros and I

lost it and started cursing the village, only to realize Aurora was not with

us. She had fallen to the ground in her anguish. As I turned to look for

her William's father had called out, he had her and killed her in front of

us." Salazar had tears in his eyes. Godric picked up the story for his


"They both Stavros and Salazar were never the same. They both turned

inward and shunned any common-born in the school. Salazar and I

argued many times, I wanted him to let go of it and realize it wasn't all

commons that thought of us like that. It didn't work not that I expected it

to, really. Salazar left the school soon after, he waited until Liam and

Catherine were wed. This painting was made just before this all

happened, before he left put it in the chamber for his heirs." Godric


"After he left he did not go and kill commons, as most believe," Godric

stated heatedly. "No one really knows what happened to him, he

disappeared. Stavros though became worse, he was mad with rage. He

became the one I fought with; he cursed his fellow students, the

common-born ones. When he reached maturity, he left the school and

eventually became a Dark Lord. He went on rampages against the

commons, they were defenseless against them, and he became obsessed

with keeping magic within magic families. When I started fighting

against him he turned on those who fought with me, including his sister

and Liam. They went into hiding, he was actively trying to kill Catherine,

his mind had become twisted, and he no longer recognized her as family.

When I finally defeated him, I had no choice but to kill, however he

mortally wounded me first."

"That is the true story," Salazar spoke up. "We were kept in touch with

the magical world through our painting with Helga and Rowena, which

was in the school. It was moved around 1100 A.D. after that we spent

time between the chamber painting and that one. Rowena and Helga had

no other surviving paintings to go to." Salazar explained as a loud

popping noise was heard.

"It being dinner sir," Mips said.

"Oh, wow, thank you Mips. We'll be right there." Harry answered.

"That's enough for today Harry we can talk more tomorrow," Salazar

announced and Godric nodded in agreement. They all stood up and

thanked the painting before moving to the formal dining room for dinner,

all of them would be staying for dinner so the kitchen was out.

Harry was woken up by a bouncing Padfoot Christmas morning. Once

Padfoot noticed Harry's eyes were open jumped onto Harry's chest and

his tongue came up drenching Harry's face.

"Oy! Padfoot," Harry yelled pushing the large dog off him, "not cool."

Harry wiped the drool off his face and Padfoot transformed.

"Get dressed its Christmas!" Sirius yelled and bounced on his toes. Harry

couldn't help but laugh Sirius was dressed in red and green pajamas that

had little Christmas elves dancing on it. Harry threw on a pair of green

and red flannel pajama pants over his boxers and put on black muscle


"Alright let's go you mangy mutt." Harry mumbled.

"Hey I am not mangy, thank you very much," Sirius complained as they

left his room.

"Happy Christmas, Harry." Was said by Susan, Amelia, and Remus as he

entered the sitting room with their tree.

"Happy Christmas." Harry said and gladly accepted a cup of hot chocolate

from Susan. "Thanks Sue."

"Mmmhmm, Padfoot wake you too?" She asked.


"This calls for payback," Susan whispered.

"I'll drink to that sis," Harry said and they toasted to an upcoming prank.

"Remus thanks for coming."

"Thank you for inviting me." The quiet man spoke from his seat.

"Shall we open gifts," Amelia asked? Susan and Sirius dived for the pile of

gifts and had them passed out in seconds.

"Remus you're the guest, so you're up first." Harry said still sipping his

hot chocolate.

Remus picked up the three presents he had gotten and opened the first

from Sirius and Amelia. They had gotten him a gold chain that had a

pendant of an anchor. Remus had tears in his eyes as he thanked them.

Harry and Susan looked curious.

"Your mother used to call Remus the anchor of the marauders; he was the

level one of the group." Sirius explained. The two nodded. He opened

Evelyn and Xavier's next and was given a gold watch, stating every

teacher deservered a good watch. Remus had a worn leather watch that

looked like it was ready to fall off at any second. The third was from

Harry and his friends; he opened it and let out a laugh. They had gotten

him a gift certificate to Madam Malkins.

"You had better use it to," Harry and Susan both said. He just laughed

again and nodded.

"Susan, you want to go next?" Amelia asked as Harry seemed content just

sitting there while Susan was bouncing around in her seat. Harry smirked

when Susan ripped the paper off her first present. It was from Daphne

and her family, it was tiny bamboo plant, and everyone got a laugh at

that except Remus.

"What's the joke?" Remus asked a bit confused. Susan stood up and

transformed into Chi Chi, her panda form. Remus gaped a bit and shot

Harry a look, "I take all of your friends are animagi?"

"Yep," Harry replied simply and Susan transformed back and went back

to her presents. She got muggle clothes from Amelia and Sirius, from

Tracey and her family she got a book on Helga Hufflepuff written by Elsa

Falk nee Hufflepuff, her only daughter. From Blaise and his mum she got

an expensive bottle of Italian perfume. Neville gave her a painting by

Monet, Venice at Twilight. Hermione gave her a pack of muggle pens;

Susan went nuts over one of Hermione's pens earlier in the year. From

Harry she got thin gold necklace with a pendant that had the Potter

family crest on it. Susan launched herself at Harry and grabbed him in a

fierce hug thanking him. The back of the pendant said sister of my heart,

he had given one to Astoria and Nym too.

"Harry you're next," Amelia said with a bright smile on her face. Harry

opened the first from Remus; it was album of photos of paintings done by


"Thanks Remus." Harry said excitedly flipping through the book.

"Sirius mentioned you were good at art." Remus replied. Harry went

through his other gifts, from Amelia and Sirius he got clothes muggle

clothes, including a leather jacket.

"I'm going to teach you how to drive my bike; you're going to need that."

Sirius said with a smile. Harry just grinned up at Sirius.

"Boys and their toys," Amelia mumbled under her breath, causing the

others to laugh. From Tracey and her family he got old bronze pendant of

the Rod of Asclepius. He got an expensive art set from Blaise and his

mum, there were oils, charcoal, colored pencils, and water color

materials. From Daphne he got a book on battle magic called, Emulate the

Sword…and other weapons. Harry so far was head of all his friends when

it came to spells that were suited towards dueling and combat, he got the

spells first and perfected them first. His fire whip spell was deadly to be

near; he could wield it as well as any cowboy could wield a lasso. From

Neville he received a picture of their parents at the Lonbottom's wedding,

as well as a new magic imbued sketch pad that allowed the pictures to

move. Hermione gave him a broom tail-twig clippers, which he thought

was odd considering he no longer had a broom. Tonks gave him a

bootleg copy of the auror handbook. Susan gave him a dragon hide

scabbard made for the Sword of Gryffindor; it allowed the sword to be

strapped across his back. Then Sirius brought out a long thin box that he

set in front of him.

"This is from Amelia and I as well as Xavier and Evelyn. Enjoy," Sirius

said and gestured to open the box. Harry carefully untied the ribbon and

slowly lifted the lid off the box.

"Holy Shite," he whispered.

"I think I'll excuse it this once," Amelia said with a smirk. Harry tried to

look apologetic but failed. He lifted the exquisite broom up out of the box

and ran his hand along the ash handle and over the gold number, 25

painted on it.

"Thank you," Harry whispered out still enamored with his new Firebolt


"Right our turn!" Sirius shouted and bounded over to Amelia to open

there presents. "Oh well this sucks, everyone cheaped out and gave us

both the presents," Sirius said pouting; Amelia smacked him lightly

upside the back of his head. They got a very nice Black family set of

china from Narcissa and Draco. From the Zambini family they got a four

day trip to Rome, the Davis gave them a statue of Aengus a Celtic god of

love, the Grangers gave them some books on muggle warfare and

strategies, Neville and his Gran gave them a young Japanese Cherry tree,

and the Greengrasses flooed over their present early this morning. It was

a large box tied with a bow and it occasionally moved, Sirius was

insanely excited to find out what it was. Sirius untied the ribbon and was

going to move the lid when it popped off and out jumped a puppy that

jumped into Sirius's lap and started licking him.

"Scooby!" Sirius shouted causing Harry to laugh and the others to look at

both him and Sirius a little strangely.

"It's a Great Dane puppy," Harry explained, "you know how Sirius

watches Scooby Doo, well Scooby is based off a Great Dane."

"I'm killing Evelyn," Amelia muttered but the puppy turned and looked

over at her with his brown eyes and gave her face a big lick wagging his

tail. Amelia sighed, "Fine you can stay," she told the puppy giving it a

scratch behind the ears. Sirius shouted triumphantly. The puppy was

about eight weeks old and already about twenty pounds, he also was

about fifteen inches from paw to head, and he was a cute light brown

color. "You're training him," Amelia said to Sirius as the newly dubbed

Scooby peed on the floor.

Remus was over at the Manor, it was the full moon tonight and they were

going to go out with Remus and run to night. The days after Christmas

had been spent for Harry hanging out with Daphne, Susan, Astoria,

Ginny, and occasionally Hannah. Harry had conceded to allow Hannah

into the wards but he took her off the ward list when she left, the less

people who had access to Potter Manor the better.

Harry was outside in a heavy winter cloak starring up into the air when

Daphne came out the back doors of the house. She walked over to him

pulling her cloak tight, it was rather windy out making it fell about

fifteen degrees out. She came up to Harry's left side and took his hand

and just stood there looking up searching the sky. A hoot came from her

right and she finally spotted Hedwig soaring in intricate patterns. Harry

held up his right arm and Hedwig glided over to him coming to land on

his out stretched arm.

Harry brought his arm over to Daphne, "Hello beautiful bird," Daphne

cooed stroking Hedwig's chest feathers. Hedwig preened under Daphne's

attention before taking off from Harry's arm. Harry leaned over and

kissed Daphne.

"Mmm, you taste like peppermint," Harry muttered against her lips giving

her one last kiss before pulling back. "Hi."

"Hi," Daphne said with a smile. "You ready for tonight?"

"Yeah. I wonder how a wolf stacks up against a werewolf, but I guess

we'll find out."

"Did Severus get him the potion?"

"Yep yesterday and today, he sent them by house elf. The Wolfsbane

smells rank by the way."

Daphne laughed, "So I take it becoming a werewolf isn't on your to do


"Nope, I think making Wolfsbane will be bad enough," Harry said smiling.

"Daphne, Harry, it's time for dinner," Susan yelled out the back door.

"Come on," Harry said wrapping and arm around Daphne's shoulders and

called for Hedwig, "Hedwig." The snowy owl flew down and landed on

Harry's shoulder as they walked inside. Once they got close to the door

Hedwig took off and made her way over to the barn, where she liked to

hunt with Aioloss. Harry and Daphne walked in and Nips appeared

taking their cloaks, "Thanks Nips." The older house elf nodded and

popped out.

"Hello Daphne," Amelia and Sirius said as Harry and Daphne walked into

the kitchen. Harry and Daphne nodded in greeting and took their seats

opposite Susan.

Just then Remus walked in, "Hello all," Remus said quietly as he walked


"Hi," they all replied. As he took his seat Mips popped in and the food

appeared on the table along with a green colored drink in front of Remus.

"Special elf remedy for nausea caused by potions," Mips said then she

popped back out.

Remus looked surprised having never heard of that before. The others

just chuckled.

"Mips have a cure for almost anything," Harry said with a chuckle. Mips

had out done herself and for once Remus could eat before a full moon.

He ate the excellent pot roast and asparagus that Mips cooked followed

by the treacle tart.

"You guys better had out," Amelia said looking out at the sun starting to

set. Susan, Harry, and Daphne, stood up and went to grab their cloaks,

while Sirius kissed Amelia goodnight. Remus, Sirius, Harry, Daphne, and

Susan made their way out and down the path to the stables. Harry,

Daphne, and Susan were a head of Remus and Sirius and joking around,

laughing, and throwing snow at each other.

"I can't believe they're doing this for me," Remus said to Sirius. Sirius

smiled a bit.

"If all of them were in town, they would all be here most likely," Sirius

said. Remus looked dumb founded. "And I'm fairly certain most of it is

due to Harry. He can draw people in just like Lily and James could. Even

he and Draco get along, and while Draco's getting better Narcissa tell me

he still has his Lucius moments."

"That has to be Lily in him, James would have pranked Draco until he

switched schools," Remus said with a laugh. "What is going on with

Narcissa anyways?"

Sirius sighed, "Narcissa followed her parents' views especially after

Andromeda was disowned. After Andromeda was disowned her parents

and my parents set Narcissa up in a marriage contract to Lucius. I don't

think Narcissa ever loved maybe liked him a bit and loved his lifestyle,

until he joined the Death Eaters. Narcissa saw and heard a lot as Lucius

wife, most of which disturbed her. The one thing Narcissa always wanted

was a son, what she's never wanted was her son to be a Death Eater.

Draco finally realized what being his father would entail and has decided

to change. Harry apparently had a hand in that."

"He really does have a lot of Lily in him," Remus said as they reached the


"Yes he does." Sirius said remembering his friends. The three teens were

in the barn, Daphne and Susan chatting, while Harry was hissing with

Aioloss. The serpent had grown recently and now was around twelve feet


"You all should change," Remus said outside the stable doors. The others

nodded and Harry let Aioloss down. Aioloss slithered over into some hay.

Harry, Daphne, and Susan stood and within a second in their places were

two grey wolfs and one panda. Sirius transformed into padfoot. The three

teens, now animals moved outside the barn to watch as Remus

transformed. There was snarling as Remus's head lengthened, his

shoulders hunched and he shrank down to all fours. A tail sprouted and it

was more tufted than Harry's or Daphne's he was larger than them too.

They all took off into the woods at Potter Manor, Bay let Snow take a

lead and then he lunged at her and tackled her. That started a game of

tag that lasted until after two in the morning. After that they all went

back to the barn and slept through the night, all in all it was one of the

best transformations Remus had ever had.

"Marcus, mate over here," Harry called out he had the rest of the

quidditch team gathered and Marcus was the only one left. Today was

the first day of the new term and Harry had brought his firebolt out into

the common room, he still had it in the box it came in. Flint had been in

a piss-poor mood on the train yesterday.

"What? I need to plan with you not having a broom," Marcus said as he

moved over to where the others were gathered.

"Well I'm about to free up your planning time, this way you'll have time

to crack a book for N .E.W.T.'s." Harry said with a smirk. Marcus looked

at him funny and Harry brought the broom box out from behind him and

enlarged it. Harry took off the lid and Firebolt hovered out of the box.

Marcus's eyes bulged out in surprise, Beau's mouth dropped opened,

Aaron and Urquhart both could only respond with a whispered, "Merlin!"

Draco punched Harry in the shoulder and said, "I think I hate you." To

which Harry laughed.

Warrington just nodded and moved off to be with his friends that

included the likes of Pansy, Crabble, Goyle, Miles Bletchly, Thomas

Avery, and Jasmine Gibbon. All of them had Death Eater parents and

were well on their way to becoming the next generation.

"They're all screwed!" Marcus shouted with glee which made the other

Slytherins all a little uneasy. Marcus was one of the fiercest snakes they

had had in years and he was smiling, a sight they hardly ever saw if it

didn't involve cursing someone. "Practice is tonight, Wednesday, and


Harry, Daphne, Tracey, and Blaise made their way to the Great Hall for

breakfast, along the way they met with Susan, Hannah, and Ernie. Harry

gave Susan a hug as they stepped in beside the Slytherins.

"Morning," the Slytherins said, Susan just gave them a yawn, while the

other two nodded.

"I'm guessing none of you are morning people," Tracey said with her

eyebrow quirked.

"Not a chance," Ernie replied. Hannah just shrugged.

"So how was the rest of your break, Hannah?" Harry asked.

"It was pretty cool, my cousins came over and we had an epic snowball

fight that lasted for like six hours. And I totally nailed my brother in the

head with a slush ball, so it was pretty perfect."

"How old's your brother?" Daphne asked she didn't even know Hannah

had a brother.

"He's an annoying yet loveable four years younger," Hannah said making

the others laugh. They separated when they got to the Great Hall,

breakfast passed with little fan fare although harry noticed the twins

were eyeing everyone with speculation.

"I think the twins widened their suspect pool," Harry said quietly. The

others subtly looked over the Gryffindor table and noticed the twins

seemed to be eyeing the Hufflepuffs individually and weighing their

pranking abilities. Then they started with the Slytherin first years.

"You think they'll figure it out," Blaise questioned.

"Yeah they know we have our own map," Daphne answered, "but the real

question is what they're going to do when they realize it. Now we need to

get to class." Daphne and the others stood, Blaise, her, and Harry met up

with Neville on the way out. Tracey left to meet up with Susan and

Hermione in the library.

As the four walked out to Hagrid's Draco and Theo caught up to walk

with them.

"So who got you the firebolt, Hadrian?" Draco asked as Theo looked on


"Joint gift from Sirius and Amelia, and the Greengrasses." Hadrian said, "I

was going to just get a Two Thousand One like you have but the Firebolt

came as a surprise."

"You have the money though," Draco said .

"Yeah, but the only other ones that have enough money to buy a Firebolt

are either on our team or don't play Quidditch, so the competition would



"Whoa," Theo said and the rest followed his eyes to see a huge bonfire

roaring near where Hagrid's class was held.

"Um Hagrid got rid of that dragon from first year right?" Daphne asked in

a shaky voice.

"Yeah Dumbledore's orders," Harry said pulling Daphne close to him and

slipping his wand out, "You don't think he could get another one do you?"

"There haven't been dragon's in the U.K. for over eighty years," Draco

said put he to pulled his wand. When they got to Hagrid's class luckily

there was no dragon just Hagrid adding wood to the fire.

"'Ello there," Hagrid called out welcoming them.

"Hey Hagrid," they called back taking their seats. After them the puffs

and ravens arrived looking nervous, followed lastly by the Gryffindors.

"All right, today I've got salamanders for ya. Very interestin' creatures

they are. They can live as long as the fire burns and they feed off the

flame given off. Now they can live up tah six hours without a fire, but yer

have tah feed 'em pepper every half hour. Now I want this half of the

class tah gather firewood and dry leaves tah burn. The other half come

up and study the salamanders." Hagrid said dividing the class in half.

Harry, Blaise, Daphne, and Neville were in the first group to study the

salamanders. They moved up and saw Hagrid place a brilliant white,

little lizard on the fire. The lizard turned scarlet red as it scampered up

and down the logs and ash in the fire pit. Harry had brought his sketch

pad with him and started to sketch the little lizards and the fire, only this

time he was using the magical pad Neville gave him for his birthday.

When Harry finished his sketch he added the colors he wanted and then

tapped the pad with his wand. The picture of the fire pit started to move

the flames appeared to be dancing and the log Harry drew was slowly

burning, on the log was a salamander that went from white to scarlet and

was starting to turn blue. The salamander would move up and down the

log repeating itself in the drawing.

"That's awesome Harry," Blaise said as he looked at the moving picture.

"It'll make studying the creatures a lot easier having almost the real thing

in front of us," Neville said with hope in his voice, his memory still wasn't

always the best. When class was half over they switched groups. After

Care of Magical Creatures they moved onto Arithmancy while Daphne

and Neville went to the library to study potions. Neville was slowly

gaining the confidence he needed to succeed in potions under Daphne

and Harry's tutelage. Blaise was still rather hopeless with them he just

didn't have the patience for them.

Blaise, Tracey, and Harry met back up with Neville and Daphne after

lunch to head to DADA. Daphne and Tracey took seats in the front row

on the Slytherin side, or what usually ended up being the Slytherin side

when they were paired with the Gryffindors. Behind them were Neville,

Harry, and Blaise. Then Draco and Theo behind them followed by the

rest of the third year snakes. The Gryffindors filed in a similar fashion

and took their seats, as Remus came out of his office.

"Alright take out your books and turn to page 200," Professor Lupin

announced. "Today we're studying Red Caps. No one is sure where they

originate from but they can be found all over England and Scotland. They

inhabit caves, dungeons, and castles that have a history of violence." As

Remus was speaking he had a slide show going showing pictures of

various castles and pictures of red caps. "They're often classed as a type of

dwarf, goblin, or elf. They stand no more than three to four feet and have

red eyes, talonned hands, and large teeth. The name comes from the red

caps you see them wearing, the hats are stained red with the blood of

their victims. If the caps dry out they are said to die."

"Now they pose the most threat to muggles, as they are nigh impossible

to out run. They carry pikes in their left hands. The pikes, talonned hands

and teeth, are all used to kill their victims. They can easily be repelled by

charms and hexes." Remus went over some useful hexes to use against

Red Caps before class ended, he assigned to them to practice the hexes he

had shown.

"Alright Harry, I want you to chase a practice snitch around and get used

to your broom for the first hour," Marcus Flint said as they walked out

onto the pitch for practice. "Warrington, Urquhart I set up some targets I

want you to work on set up plays. Vaisey get in the goal we're going to

work on a Porksoff Ploy." Marcus released the specialty practice snitch, it

went faster than the Hogwarts game snitches and made more twists,

turns, dives and climbs. Harry mounted the Firebolt and kicked off into

the air. The Firebolt was better than Harry would have even guessed; the

flight was the smoothest he ever experienced. The broom seemed to react

to his thoughts not his grip as the slightest touch caused the broom to

turn. Harry raced up and down the pitch in seconds the stadium blurring

around him. He climbed to the top of the stadium where the various

house flags were and slalomed in and out of them around the whole pitch

in under a minute. His turns were so short and precise he never clipped a

pole even though he was less than an inch away from them.

Finally, after about fifteen minutes of just messing around diving,

zigzagging, and lapping the pitch, Harry started to look for the snitch

Marcus released. He spotted the little golden ball next to Vaisey's head.

Harry tore off after it, the snitch shot up a little and then took a sharp left

and shot down, Harry snatched it before it had a chance to move more

than a total of three feet. Harry looked around and realized he almost

knocked Aaron off his broom.

"Sorry, mate," Harry said to his teammate.

"Its fine I could feel it there, I just didn't think you get here that fast,"

Aaron replied straightening himself on his broom. By now they had the

whole team's attention.

"Harry," Flint yelled out from a little ways down the pitch, "I want to

close your eyes and release the snitch, don't open your eyes or fly after

until I yell go."

"Okay!" Harry yelled back to Marcus. Harry closed his eyes and let the

snitch fly out, it took off over him, and the others could only follow it for

two turns before they lost sight.

A minute later Marcus yelled out, "Go!" Harry opened his eyes and looked

around the pitch reminding Aaron of a hawk his dad kept. Harry spotted

the snitch at the other end of the pitch near the left goal post. Harry took

off after it, he was halfway to the snitch when it to the right about ten

feet before turning to shot up the pitch where Harry was, Harry banked

right using the angle to shave a few seconds just as Harry reached out for

it, it shot straight down. Harry followed shooting down following the

snitch, Harry and the snitch were rapidly approaching the ground. Harry

took his hand off the broom and swiped the snitch out of the air as he

pulled up using his other hand, his shoes brushed the grass as he leveled

out then shot back up. The impressive chase and catch took a total of

twenty second from when Harry spotted it. Practice after that consisted

mostly of the team clocking the time it took Harry to catch the snitch, not

exactly productive but interesting. At the end of practice Marcus sat them

down in the locker rooms.

"Gryffindor plays Ravenclaw in a week from Saturday and then we play

Ravenclaw three weeks after that. I want you all to be at the game. Our

last games are Ravenclaw and Gryffindor both have put together

extremely good sides this year, as did Hufflepuff, well there's was better

than before at least." Marcus said with a laugh, the others joined him.

"Pay attention at the game, study their moves."

"Are their wizarding video cameras?" Harry asked his team.

"What?" Pretty much came from all of his teammates.

"Purebloods," Harry muttered with a sigh, "All right muggles have to

types of cameras the regular camera that takes still photographs, you do

know what those are right?" Harry asked taking on a sarcastic tone.

"Of course we do," Warrington with an offended tone, Harry just smirked

at the annoying fifth year.

"Yeah we know, keep going," Draco said impatiently.

"Well we also have video cameras. Video cameras instead of taking stills,

record the events, so you can play 'em back and watch it later. Now

unlike magical pictures you can record for hours if need be and the

people in the picture cannot change what they did. They can't talk back

to you, or leave the frame, or anything like that, it records exactly what

happened. Anyway the reason I mentioned it is because a lot of muggle

sports teams will record their opponents' matches and study them. You

learn how they play, how they set up plays, and their weaknesses." Harry

explained. "If you had something like that we could prepare for

Ravenclaw and Gryffindor. We'd have Gryffindor in the bag if we had a

tape of their game."

"Right I need to talk to Flitwick bye," Marcus said taking off out the door.

Harry just laughed at his quidditch captain.

"I don't think I ever seen Flint run that fast," Vaisey commented.

"I'm surprised he didn't use his broom," Beau commented.

Marcus with the help of Professor Flitwick managed to make a pair of

omnioculars record like a video camera. Marcus worked nonstop for the

next week with Flitwick in tweaking the spells on the omnioculars. They

turned the replay function, a charm, into a recording function, Flitwick

gave Marcus fifty points for Slytherin and extra credit in charms for the

work he did. The tiny professor even suggested to Marcus that they

would be able to paten the charm and it would most likely get the

quidditch captain an honorary N.W.E.T. in charms.

Harry and Daphne were in the Ravenclaw stands with Hermione, Tracey

and Susan. Neville and Blaise were with Professor Snape working on

Potions. Aiofe, Astoria, and Ginny were also with them sitting in front of

the group of third years. They had joined Hermione who was decked in

Ravenclaw gear with Padma although both girls also brought books with

them, Hermione a Runes dictionary and Padma their Arithmancy text

book. Tracey, Susan and Hannah, who came with Susan were chatting as

they waited for the game, as far as Harry could tell they were discussing

who was cuter, Michael Corner or Wayne Hopkins and which one

Hannah should try to get to notice her.

Hermione who was reading her book out of nowhere cut in with,

"Michael can be an arse go with Wayne." The others looked at her

wondering how long she had been paying attention and rather astonished

that she swore. Padma though looked up and nodded in agreement with


"Wayne it is then," Susan said with a laugh. Harry just shook his head as

the girls giggled and wrapped his arm around Daphne pulling her into his


"Mmm, you're warm," Daphne muttered as she laid her head on Harry's

shoulder. "Did you see, Sirius brought Scooby with him?" Daphne asked.

"Yeah he already grew some more too. I get the feeling he's gonna be

huge." Harry answered.

"True so you think Sirius has him house broken yet?"

"Well I think it'll be easier for him as Padfoot so, hopefully I don't think

Amelia's gonna let him in the house if he isn't soon," Harry replied

laughing. "Fang seems to appreciate having another dog around although

I think Scooby's a bit playful for him."

Daphne started laughing remembering Scooby trying to Fang's ear only to

have Fang roll over on him.

As she was laughing Lee Jordan announced, "AND here comes

GRYFFINDOR. Led by seventh year captain Oliver WOOD, at keeper,

Alicia Spinet, Angelina Johnson, and Katie Bell at chaser, the Weasley

Twins at Beaters and new to the lineup fourth year Marianne Lawson at


"Now Ravenclaw, as captain fifth year chaser Rodger Davies, followed by

chasers Mitch Bradley and Eddie Carmichael, the beaters for Ravenclaw

out next are, Evan Deverill and Simon Gamp, and returning at seeker Cho

Chang!" Jordan yelled out the announcements.

"He really does favor his own house doesn't he," Draco sneered out as he

plopped down on the bench with Theo next to Astoria.

"Yeah well what'd you expect he's a Gryffindor," Astoria said with a

laugh. Shea who was sitting on Ginny's shoulder flew over to Theo and

started messing with his hat.

"Ginny," Theo whined a little Shea always bothered Theo when he was


"Sorry," Ginny said not looking it in the least, "you know if you bother

her she's just gonna prank you worse." Ginny then blushed a little but

only Daphne and Harry noticed it, "she likes you."

"Gin, how's George doing?" Harry asked changing the subject.

"He's good back to normal, has some pretty nasty scars now though.

Although he said it just makes him all the more handsome than Fred,"

Ginny snorted. The others laughed.

"And the Quaffels up! Gryffindor snatches it out of the air and Johnson

streaks down the pitch…

Ravenclaw lost to Gryffindor in a tight game that was dead even until

Lawson caught the snitch. Marcus caught the whole game with the new

omnioculars. They spent the first practice after the Ravenclaw game

watching the replay. Marcus was working on breaking down Ravenclaw's

patterns for their upcoming game in two days.

Harry walked into his dorm room to see Blaise in deep concentration on

his bed. Harry just went and sat on his bed waiting.

After a few minutes, Blaise opened his eyes and looked around,

"Dannazione," he swore. He looked to Harry who cocked an eyebrow at

him in question.

"You know how my heritage test said I was an Illusionist and Snape gave

me those books?"

"Yeah," Harry said dragging the word out in question.

"Well I'm trying to figure out how to do it. The books only said that the

illusionist could create something in their mind and project it to others,

make them think what they're seeing is real. Unfortunately that's all the

books said. But I can't figure it out," Blaise said with a sigh of frustration.

"Try to find your magic first, like we did for Occulmency, then try

building it up while you think of whatever it is you want to create."

Harry said after thinking for a minute. Blaise nodded and closed his eyes.

Blaise receded into his mind and dived into the area where his magic

was. He saw the purple flame that symbolized his magic and brought it

into his mind. He wrapped his magic around the image he wanted to


"Shite!" Harry said. In front of him was what appeared to be a perfect

image of Pamela Anderson in a bathing suit.

Blaise's eyes shot open and he shouted, "Oh HELL YES!"

"Blaise that's awesome and all but a Daphne will kill me, try and change

the image," Harry said. Blaise nodded. In his head he imagined that there

were five of him instead of Pam Anderson, his magic enveloped the five

copies of himself. The image of Pam Anderson that Harry was seeing

changed to the copies of Blaise. Each one was standing in a manner that

Blaise was known for, with his hands behind his back, another was

leaning against the dresser, and the others were roaming around the

room. Blaise closed his eyes and concentrated on his magic lowering it

down from around the Blaises in his mind which made the ones Harry

was seeing disappear too.

"That was brilliant, mate. Can you imagine that in a fight" Harry asked?

"It could definitely save my arse one day," Blaise commented. "Now I just

have to get use to projecting the images."

"Come on we need to go meet with Severus," Harry spoke getting off his

bed and

discarding his robe. Harry and Blaise left their dorm meeting up with

Daphne and Tracey in the common room. Harry took Daphne's hand as

they left to meet with the others at Severus's office.

"Hey guys," Harry said as they arrived at the door to Severus's office.

Neville, Susan, and Hermione were there waiting. The door opened

revealing Severus and Sirius both.

"Sirius, how's the search going," Harry asked as they came in.

"Unfortunately not well, the dementors have done nothing except

terrorize you and the surrounding people of Hogsmeade, and there's no

trail of Pettigrew. The little shit must have picked up some tricks from

the Death Eaters." Sirius said growling out the last part.

"We're going to teach you two new spells, well one new spell and a new

way to use the patronus charm. The Patronus can be modified to work as

a message sending spell. Simply conjure your patronus, when it turns to

you, tell it your message and the name you want it to go to. Sirius will be

in the closet awaiting your messages."

"The closet," Sirius whined.

"Well you are damn sure not going in my lab, so yes the closet." Severus

said with a glare. Sirius glared back and flipped the Potion Master the

bird when said man turned around. The teens laughed and Severus sent a

stinging hex at Sirius without turning around, causing Sirius to yelp and

mumble as he made his way to the closet.

"Expecto Patnonum," Harry spoke clearly. Out of his wand shot out a

silvery replica of Daphne's animgus form Snow. The wolf looked around

seeing nothing threatening padded over to Harry. Harry bent and

whispered in her ear, "Sirius, I need you to pick up Daphne's gift for me

at The Davis shop in the alley." The wolf disappeared into the closet and

soon after Sirius's dog patronus came out and up to Harry.

Sirius's voice was heard, "sure thing pup. Tomorrow you'll have it." The

others each took a turn and were successful, although Harry in general

seemed to have the easiest time with the patronus charm, he could

probably conjure it in his sleep.

"Alright mutt you can come out," Severus called out. Sirius came out and

waited until Severus turned back to the teens to cast a silent charm on

Severus's hair that turned it pink. Sirius motioned with his hands to stay

quiet and they managed to contain themselves. "This next spell is used as

a healing spell, but you can use it in battle. It will give the same effect as

a muggle defibrillator. It gives your heart a shock to start it after your

heart stops, in reverse it can stop your heart if used while your heart is

beating. The incantation is percutio, and there is a wand movement. It is

rather simple, a short jab of your wand forward, like so," Severus said

demonstrating. "Now to practice this I'm going to cast a spell on a

dummy to make it simulate that it has a beating heart. If the dummy's

chest lights up red, you have done the spell correctly, Sirius and I will

monitor your progress." Severus said as he and Sirius performed the spells

on the dummies. It was rather un-nerving since the dummies chests rose

and fall like real people.

Harry brought his magic up within seconds and cast, "percutio." The spell

shot out of his wand, a glowing rust color, and hit the dummy. A bright

red light glowed from the dummy's chest signaling that the spell had

worked. Harry's dummy glowed red every time, Daphne and Hermione

got theirs on the third try, Susan and Neville got theirs about a half hour

into the practice, and Blasie and Tracey hadn't gotten the curse to work

when Severus called time after an hour. Severus and Sirius both had

confidence that they would have it by their next practice session.

"Alright that's enough for now," Severus called. "Anything else you wish

to discuss before you leave?"

Blaise nodded, "I figured out what my ability does and got it to work."

The others interrupted with congratulations before Blaise continued. "I

can create images in my mind and project them so others see them in the

real world." Blaise closed his eyes and a second later appeared another

copy of himself.

"Very good," Severus congratulated him with a proud look on his face.

"Keep practicing with it so it becomes second nature. Now, Sirius and I

have a meeting," Severus said and gestured them out.

"Good luck Harry," Sirius called as they were leaving. Harry smiled and

nodded to show that he heard and made his way to the common room

with Daphne.

"Bill is coming by?" Sirius asked once the teens left the office.

"Yes he said he made progress with the text you gave him," Severus said

as they sat at his desk. Severus reached up on his book shelf and brought

down a bottle of scotch. He poured a glass for himself and Sirius. They

sat there nursing their drinks while they waited for Bill to arrive. The floo

flared and out stepped Bill Weasley who looked like he hadn't slept in


"Voldemort is one of the foulest creatures ever to walk the Earth," Bill

spoke with conviction. He handed the Sumerian text back to Sirius, "I

would suggest taking that and burning it or locking it up in a high

security vault at Gringotts. I have already burnt the translation I made."

"It's that bad?" Severus asked pouring Bill a drink.

"Worse. I'll summarize it for you. Voldemort created a horcrux, and since

he's still out there more than one, as Harry destroyed one already. I

would guess he made more than two since you have one also."

"The diary?"

"I believe so there's a spell to test an object," Bill said and Severus

immediately stood up to access his safe and brought out the diary.

Bill took his wand out and said, "continuo anima" the diary glowed a

sickening grayish-black color. "It's a horcrux. There are three known ways

to destroy a horcrux, the killing curse, fiendfyre, and basilisk venom,

although that last one wasn't in the text. To create a horcrux you have to

kill an innocent soul, which temporarily allows you to split your soul

apart. Then you use a complex spell, that's more of a ritual to trap your

soul in a vessel, it can be a living creature. Once you have split your soul

you can survive after the death of your body. The part of the soul your

body still contains can survive as a wraith. The text alluded to there

being rituals that can give you a new body," Bill said ending his speech

by downing his drink.

"Actually he's made three horcruxes," Severus said as poured another


"Harry?" Sirius asked with a worried tone, putting together the events in

the chamber with Fawkes poisoning Harry's scar.

"Yes, though it most likely was unintentional, as he planned on Hadrian

dying not him," Severus spoke quietly. Bill looked confused at both of

them. "Last year in the chamber after they defeated the Dark Lord, well

part of him, Fawkes, the phoenix, picked up the Basilisk fang that had

been dislodged in Hadrian's arm and used it to trace the outline of

Hadrian's scar. Blaise and Daphne both witnessed the same black mist

and subsequent bright light that signaled the end of the horcrux in the

diadem, come from Hadrian's scar."

"How," Bill started and then stopped, "how was Harry able to fend off

Voldemort's soul for so long?"

"I have no idea but I believe Hadrian's magic as increased since the

remnant of Voldemort was killed. He's now the fastest with learning

spells and has the ability to sense magic around him, though I don't think

he fully realizes it yet."

"He does the best at dodging as well, even if he's fully focused on myself

or Severus, if one of us surprises him he is still able to feel it coming,"

Sirius added for Bill's benefit. "So we need to destroy this diary and hope

Severus's mark fades away completely."

Severus and Bill nodded in agreement. Severus stood and walked into his

lab returning a few seconds later with the fourth and final basilisk fang.

"This fang is the one still filled with venom." He clarified as he came back

in and offered it to them.

Sirius shook his head no, "You deserve to be the one to do this Severus."

Severus nodded and silently made his way over to his desk again where

the diary sat. Severus took the fang in both hands and slammed it down

into the diary, stabbing straight through to his desk. They heard a blood

curdling shriek come from the diary as ink poured out like blood, as it

did a black mist rose and was destroyed by a flash of light. Severus was

breathing hard as he pulled his left sleeve up, "Damn," he muttered. The

outline of the dark mark remained burned into his arm.

"Bloody hell, how many did the bastard make," Bill muttered fiercely. 'I'll

study my memories of the Dark Lord and see if I can figure out a possible

number he may have tried to make. Did the text make any mention of

how many times it can be done?"

"No it didn't although, I can't imagine it would be a high number, I mean

the soul is not indefinite I would think."

"Alright Sirius you should inform Amelia, ask her to check discreetly into

any files the Ministry may have on the Dark Lord and Tom Marvolo

Riddle." Sirius nodded in understanding and both Bill and he took their

leave. Severus still had pink hair, he wouldn't find out until tomorrow

morning, luckily before he left his rooms.

"Alright men, we going to own Ravenclaw today and continue on our

way to having the best winning streak in all of Hogwarts history!" Marcus

Flint was extremely confident in his team despite Ravenclaw having their

best side in years. They had been studying the film for the week non-

stop, they had practice for two hours and then an hour studying film.

They were all confident bordering on cocky but it was well deserved.

Draco and Harry usually study together offering tips and a different

perspective on their positions. Draco was a quidditch fanatic and a rabid

Wimbourne Wasp fan. He was able to offer Harry some advice and

Quidditch moves Harry had yet to hear of. He also told Harry that Comet

Two-Sixties pulled left and could easily be outstripped by the Firebolt.

Harry and the others stood and made their way over to the tunnel and

mounted the brooms flying out on to the pitch as they were announced.

Harry heard a collective gasp from the crowd when Lee announced he

was on a Firebolt. Cho Chang narrowed her eyes at Harry but when he

looked over she gave him a blinding smile and batted her eyelashes at

him, causing Harry to roll his eyes and search out Daphne in the stands.

Daphne watched the whole thing and if looks could kill Chang would be

six feet under. Harry chuckled and hoped for Chang's sake she was good

at defense.

Madam Hooch whistled and Flint and Davies shook hands in the center

before mounting their brooms. "And the quaffel's up!" Jordan announced,

"One by Flint who passes to Malfoy, Malfoy's down the pitch aims, and no

it's a fake to Montague, who shoots and scores! Ten points to Slytherin."

The Slytherin fans cheered, including Amelia who had come to support

Harry, she had big black dog sitting next to her too. Harry's smile was

blinding when he spotted Amelia, who smiled and cheered him on.

Daphne, who had, as always, been watching Harry's every move, smiled

at Harry's amazement that Amelia was here. Harry was getting bored as

Slytherin was shutting Ravenclaw down at every turn and were up sixty

to nil. Harry saw Chang was following his moves intently. Harry shot to

the right making like he was chasing the snitch, he used his broom's

maneuverability to block Chang's site. She followed as closely as she

could, Harry slowed a bit so she could catch up she was behind just off

the tail of his broom, Harry shot downward straight at the ground. Harry

picked up speed and could tell Chang's broom was at its limit, he was

four feet from the ground when he pulled up abruptly, Chang didn't have

enough time to pull her broom up and plowed into the pitch breaking her

wrist and arm, and her broom. Harry shot straight up into the air with a

smirk and saw the snitch out of the corner of his eye, by Vaisey halfway

across the pitch. Harry banked left and shot off after it pushing the

Firebolt to its limits and caught the snitch within fifteen seconds ending

the game, Slytherin 220 to Ravenclaw Zero.


Sorry it took so long but this chapter just didn't want to come out. I

changed their animagus names in this chapter and in chapter ten.

Dannazione, I was told that was damn it in Italian by the internet so

sorry if it's wrong. Hope you enjoy. The memory that Blaise gave

Harry is what Blaise's Grandfather's men did to the Dursleys and it's

coming soonish, I think or I might make it an outtake maybe.


18. The end of third year

Slytherin house was in a riotous mode the rest of the day, they're team

had completely shut down Ravenclaw and if Harry and his Firebolt had

anything to say about Gryffindor was going down in the last game. They

would have the longest winning streak in all of Hogwarts History, for the

house of ambition it would be a supreme victory, over the other houses

that looked down on them. Dinner in the Great Hall was interesting to

say the least; the most composed house of them all was acting for once

like the children they were instead of their parents. The Slytherin

quidditch team was surrounded by the rest of the house who was singing

their praises, even Professor Snape could be seen with a smile on his face.

The Gryffindors though were starring at the Slytherins with contempt,

well except Alicia who was excited for her boyfriend and Neville who

was excited for his friends in Slytherin.

Tracey, Daphne, Harry, and Blaise were in the Slytherin common room

where a party was in full swing. There were cases of butterbeer and even

a keg of Guinness though; no one was really sure who had gotten that

particular item. The older years though refused to let the younger years

near it, only the fifth years up were allowed to drink from it. The other

years were happy enough with the butterbeer, the first and second years

wouldn't be allowed to have that normally until Hogsmeade. Harry was

currently teaching, Marcus, Warrington, who was a bit tipsy, and three

seventh year Slytherins, James Ryan, Naveen Varma, and Stelios

Rookwood. Harry was completely hustling Warrington out of his money,

Aiolos who was in tattoo form hissed in Harry's head, 'thisss kid isss a

disssgrace to the houssse of cunning.'

Harry thought back to her, 'Well he'sss drunk but ssstill he'sss an arssse

sssober, ssso I plan on taking all hisss money.' Aiolos let out a snakish

laugh before going to sleep. Daphne walked over to Harry and gave him

a kiss on the cheek.

"You know he's going to be pissed tomorrow right?" She said still leaning

down next to him.

Harry without looking up from his cards whispered back to her, "Naveen

and Stelios are sober; they'll back me if he makes a scene." Harry looked

and both seventh year as he said that, Naveen nodded to Daphne while

Stelios winked at her showing they would support Harry. Daphne smiled

and was about to turn away when Harry pulled her back and gave her a

heated kiss, "For luck," he said as he released her.

Daphne walked back to Tracey and was surrounded by some fourth year

and fifth year girls. The fourth and fifth year girls were a mixture of just

a bit buzzed to full on shitfaced, Daphne and Tracey found their behavior

rather hilarious, as the ones that were shitfaced, thought they were

whispering when really the whole common room could hear them.

"So Daphne you're a third year and yet you have Lord Hadrian James

Potter, wrapped around your finger, how'd you do it!" Artie Varma,

Naveen's little sister, a fifth year asked what she thought was quietly.

Daphne just sort of stared at her while Tracey laughed heartily at the


"Artie, my friend, Daphne is wrapped around Harry's finger just as much

as he is hers. But I mean really how could she not be, Harry's hot and

treats her like she's the Queen, he's practically perfect well except for his

taste in music," Tracey said still laughing.

Harry yelled out over the din, "for the last damn time, Tracey New Kids

on the Block and all those other little boy bands are complete shit

compared to AC/DC and the like!"

"Whatever Harry you can't dance to Highway to Hell can you!" Tracey

yelled back to him but both were laughing including Daphne who agreed

with both of them, Tracey did have a point; it was easier to dance to the

boy bands. Harry though rather despised dancing though he excelled at

when the others taught him over the summer.

"Okay who are these damn bands you all keep going on about," Marcus

Flint yelled which was followed by others in the common room. It wasn't

unusual to find the four third year friends arguing about music the others

had never heard of.

"Hopeless damn pur," Harry started to say but Blaise yelled out from his

place playing Draco in a game of speed.

"Don't say it Harry you're in the house of purebloods for Merlin's sake!"

"Fine, hold on." Harry said getting up from the poker table, "Daph can

you watch my cards?" Daphne nodded and game over to the poker table

taking Harry's seat.

"What you don't trust us?" Naveen said as innocently as he could manage.

Harry turned back to him, "Oh hell no!"

"Well he's got us there," Stelios said smirking to Naveen and Marcus, who

both nodded in reply. "Where you going by the way?" Stelios asked.

Harry was near the entrance to the boys' dorms when he turned around

and answered, "We found a muggle CD player in a shop in Hogsmeade,

I'm going to go get it and let you listen to the music so you can judge for

yourself and maybe actually develop some good taste." He said while

smirking, the other Slytherins protested the slight against wizarding

music but Daphne, Tracey, and Blaise just shook their heads as Harry

entered the hallway leading to the dorms, no one noticed the rat slip in

with him.

Pettigrew had found the Slytherin common room finally; he had never

been with James and Sirius when they pranked the Slytherins. Tonight

though with so many Slytherins partying and coming and going from the

common room he found it and was able to slip in, now it was only a

matter of finding his way into the Potter boy's dorm and waiting for him

to go to sleep. His opportunity came when the Potter boy himself when

to retrieve something in his dorm. Peter slipped in with him, being

careful to stay behind him and close to the wall. There were some other

Slytherins in the hallway coming and going from their rooms, to the

party, or some of the younger ones turning in for the night, it was

nearing midnight. He followed the Potter boy a ways down the hallway

staying to the shadows about halfway down the main hallway; they

turned right into another hallway that was marked third years. Potter

walked to a door at the end of this hallway and opened it entering it;

Peter scurried in as fast as he could hiding underneath a bed. 'Lucky little

shits our dorms weren't this good in Gryffindor," Pettigrew thought as he

settled into wait under a bed.

Harry quickly grabbed the stereo and place a sonorous charm on it, he

grabbed some CD's and moved back off into the common room, Aiolos

choosing to stay with him as a tattoo, she was rather fond of the Beastie

Boys herself, and her hatchling had grabbed that CD. Harry walked back

into the common room floating the CD's behind him while he carried the

CD player. Harry set the CD player up on a table near where they had the

Wizarding Wireless. Harry traced the rune on the CD player with his

wand and then used the charm on it to get it to play.

"Alright, alright everybody shut up for a minute," Harry called out.

"You're about to be educated in music." He turned the volume up all the

way and put in a Licensed to Ill and out on Fight for Your Right, he thought

it was appropriate for a party. Most of Slytherin listened to the lyrics and

cracked up there were a few die hard purebloods that wouldn't give

anything muggle the time of day. Half way into the song though, people

started dancing and rocking out to the music, Harry just grinned in

success. And moved over to the Poker table to re-take his place, Daphne

stood and made to move away but Harry tugged on her arm and pulled

her down to sit on her lap.

"Stay," Harry said with a pout that made Daphne sigh and nod. The

others just raised an eyebrow; Harry just shrugged and changed the CD

using a remote to AC/DC's Back in Black. Harry went back to playing

poker as Marcus kept feeding Warrington booze. Halfway through the

song Back in Black Warrington passed out hitting his head on the table as

he went, the others chuckled and just kept playing. Daphne looked

around and saw no one was paying attention and kicked Warrington in

the balls, in retaliation for a Pureblood rant the other day. Harry

chuckled and kissed her on the cheek and whispered, "Nice shot."

Daphne just smiled deviously and shrugged, "he's an idiot."

"You're right, this is better than our music," Stelios commented as he won

the hand this round.

Harry was dealing the next round when Severus came in and let out a

loud bang with his wand, "That's enough for tonight, hit the sack!"

Severus yelled out and then vanished the snacks and drinks, including the

Guinness, which earned a raised eyebrow. The Slytherins knew not to

disobey their head of house and everyone started moving for their dorms.

Harry gave Daphne a kiss goodnight. Before he and Blaise left the

common room for their dorm. Blaise and Harry entered their dorm and

got ready for bed, Harry stashing his winnings.

"How much did you score," Blaise asked?

"I got 50 galleons, 14 sickles, and five knuts, total." Harry said with a

smirk, "Warrington so easy to piss off and get going. Night." Harry said as

he climbed into bed his bed and pulled the curtains, as did Blaise.

Peter waited an hour for them to go to sleep, their breathing had evened

out and Pettigrew came out from under the bed, he now knew to be the

Zabini boy's. He transformed back from his rat form. Pettigrew took out

the wand he stole from an old lady who lived near Azkaban's Island. He

swept back the curtains and yelled out, "bombarda!"

Harry who had always been a light sleeper, a necessity at the Dursleys,

heard the curtain being pulled back and his eyes shot open at the start of

the spell. Harry rolled off the bed getting struck win the shoulder instead

of full on in the chest. Harry it the ground and rolled under the bed and

kicked Pettigrew's legs out from under him. Pettigrew hit the stone floor

with a thud, hitting his back of his head on the floor, dazing him.

Blaise who had woken at Pettigrew's spell shot up and closed his eyes and

pictured a dementor. The dementor materialized in the room and

Pettigrew seeing it shot, to his feet. Pettigrew sprinted as fast as a fat

little man could. Not even noticing in his terror that he went straight

through the dementor. Harry underneath the bed was fading fast from

the pain in his shoulder managed to conjure his patrnous and send it off

to Severus. Pettigrew meanwhile sprinted as fast as he could through the

Slytherin dorms knocking over a prefect who came to check on the noise

and cursing another one. He got to the common room and out the door

transforming into wormtail, the fat rat hid in the shadows and escaped

out of Hogwarts and into the forest, then passing out in a mole hole.

Severus was woken by Hadrian's voice in his ear. His eyes shot open

coming face to face with Snow, Hadrian's patronus, "Severus, Pettigrew

was here, I'm hurt…" Hadrian's voice faded out as did the patronus.

Severus jumped up out of bed and sent his own patronus off to Mad-Eye,

Tonks, and Sirius, "Pettigrew was in the Slytherin dorms!" The doe set off

to deliver the message, Severus already out of his rooms and on his way

to the dungeons in a dead sprint. Severus bolted into the common room

where prefects were, Flint came over to him.

"Sir we don't know what happened or where the guy went. Montague was

cursed and being taken to the hospital wing with Thomas Murray, a third

year who got pushed over, he landed on his wrist wrong and broke it. We

weren't sure if we should move Harry, Blaise has been using a spell to

stem the bleeding." As Marcus was speaking they were moving to Harry's

room. They were at the entrance to Harry and Blaise's room when

Severus stopped.

"Well done. There will be an auror trainee coming in probably less than a

minute let her through bring her in here." Marcus nodded and went to

wait outside the common room for the auror.

Severus took in the room the ruined bed and Harry on the floor with

Blaise kneeling over him with his wand pressed to an ugly looking


"Blaise keep the spell up," Severus said moving over to his snakes.

"Epsiky wouldn't work," Blaise said in a hurried voice.

"It's too severe for that spell. Alright Harry I'm going to but your arm in a

bind you won't be able to move it, don't try to. Harry tell Aiolos to come

out of that form."

Harry nodded and thought to Aiolos, 'I need you to ssstay with Daph,


Aiolos gave the equivalent of a nod in Harry's head and rose out of

Harry's skin and curled next to her hatchling. Severus conjured a

stretcher and levitated Harry on to it and then strapped his body down

on it.

As he did that Tonks came into the room, "Harry," she whispered. As she

knelt down next to him.

"Tonks, I need you to take the pictures necessary he's need to be moved

to the hospital wing as soon as possible," Severus said. Tonks nodded and

pulled out a small camera given to aurors and snapped a picture of

Harry's wound and Blaise, who had blood on his clothes.

"That's all I'll need take him," Tonks said, "I'll document the scene, and

then meet you there." Severus nodded and started levitating the stretcher

with Blaise still holding his wand on the wound for pressure. By now

Daphne was out in the common room and looking for Harry. Seeing

Severus and Blaise she rushed over and gasped seeing Harry's wound.

"Harry," she whispered out and reached for him.

"Not yet Daphne, you may come to the hospital wing with Tonks but wait

for her. We need to get to the hospital wing." Severus spoke quietly.

Daphne just nodded and Tracey wrapped an arm around her friend. As

Severus moved Harry out of the common room, Aiolos moved over to

Daphne and slithered up and wrapped around Daphne's waist a few times

before setting her head on Daphne's shoulder and giving Daphne's face a

nudge in comfort.

Harry was levitated to the Hospital wing, "Madam Pomfrey," Severus

called out as they got into the hospital wing. Madam Pomfrey came

bustling out in her night clothes but at seeing another injured student on

a stretcher immediately snapped into action.

"On the bed Severus," She shouted, "What spell was used?"

"Bombarda," the answer came from Blaise who was obviously tiring.

"Blaise are you using the spell it taught you?" Severus asked as Madam

Pomfrey moved around grabbing potions. Blaise nodded.

Severus touched his wand to right above the wound and muttered,

"pressure. Take a seat Blaise you did well." Blaise nodded and heavily sat

on the bed next to his friend. Harry was on his side and Blaise could

clearly study the wound for the first time. Harry's right shoulder was

blown open down to the bone; in fact it looked like some of the bone was

missing. The wound covered the back of his shoulder and bit of his back.

Madam Pomfrey rushed over, "Severus keep the spell up until I tell you."

Madam Pomfrey started a complex healing charm on Harry's shoulder, it

summoned the missing pieces of bone from the wound, and luckily none

had slipped into the bloodstream. The spell then closed the wound;

muscle grew back as did tendons, and the skin reattached. "Severus you

can stop tends to Mr. Zabini for me." Severus nodded.

"Hadrian," Madam Pomfrey said getting her patients attention, "I need

you to swallow some potions for me alright?" Madam Pomfrey spoke in

soothing tones to Harry who was fading in and out of consciousness.

"Skelegrow," She said helping him swallow the dose, "muscle repairing

draught," once again she helped with the potion, "tendon repairing

draught," he managed to swallow, "skin rejuvenating potion," she helped

him and gave him a few moments of rest before leaning over for another

potion. "Hadrian, I'm going to give you a dreamless sleep potion mixed

with a pain potion, your shoulder is still dislocated, and I need the

potions to work before I re-set it tomorrow. I'm giving you the potion to

control movement, I'm also leaving Severus's paralyzing spell in place."

She then helped him drink the final potion. Harry drifted to sleep seconds


Daphne and Tracey raced over to the bed as soon as Tonks released her

hold on them. They had come in while Madam Pomfrey was

administering the potions to Harry and tried to move to him but Tonks

held them back, whispering that Madam Pomfrey needed to finish first.

Tonks held onto the two distraught girls as older sister would, she too

was worried for Harry. Tonks moved at more sedate pace over to Madam

Pomfrey and Severus who were standing between the beds of Harry and

Blaise. Blaise was currently propped up drinking a smoothie; a potion

vial was on the table next to his bed.

"What's the diagnosis?" Tonks asked.

"He was hit with a bombarda, luckily he according to Blaise, Harry was

already moving out of the way when the spell was cast. That stop it from

hitting him directly in the chest and he didn't get hit by the complete

curse only part of it. Luckier still none of the bone fragments entered the

blood stream, and the curse didn't do any damage to his heart despite

being on hit on the left shoulder. He's going to have a painful time of it

even after he wakes up. The dreamless sleep should knock him out for

the next eight hours; the potions though will still be working for two

hours more than that due to the doses, after that we'll have pop his

shoulder back into place. The bombarda hex also leaves a nasty bruise for

the next week afterwards, he'll need bruise paste and possibly a sling, but

with his threshold for pain he may be able to forego the sling as long as

he doesn't move it too much." Madam Pomfrey announced loud enough

for Harry's friends to hear. "He should wake later today at eleven o'clock

or noon, the latest one o'clock."

"Blaise here has some magical exhaustion hence the smoothie and the

pepper-up potion next to him," Severus answered before Tonks could ask

her question.

"Sirius and Mad-Eye tracked his scent to the Forrest, there it gets

muddled but they're still looking," Tonks informed them. Tonks pulled up

a chair and took out a small notebook and a muggle pen, she preferred

them over quills. "Alright Blaise, you feel up to some questions?"

"Sure Tonks," Blaise answered sipping his smoothie. Severus stood by to

listen and Madam Pomfrey checked Harry's vitals while listening.

"What woke you tonight," Tonks asked?

"I heard a spell being shouted," Blaise answered, with his Grandfather

being who he was, this wasn't the first time Blaise had been interviewed.

"Did you recognize the spell?"

"Yes, it was the bombarda hex." Blaise answered promptly.

"Did you recognize the caster," Tonks asked rolling her eyes a little at the

question but it was required.

"Yes, it was Peter Pettigrew. I saw him in person last year so I'm certain it

was him," Blaise clarified, which earned him a grateful look from Tonks.

"Was he casting at Harry?"

"Yes, but Harry was moving as he cast, and rolled out of the way of part

of the curse. Harry then hit the floor and rolled under his bed and kicked

Pettigrew's legs out from under him. Pettigrew's head bounced off the

floor, but he still retained the wand in his hand." Blaise paused to take a

drink before continuing. "I'm an illusionist and recently discovered how

to use my ability. I projected an image of a dementor and Pettigrew took

off out of the room sprinting, he didn't notice he ran through the


Tonks nodded taking down the information, "What happened next?"

"I grabbed my wand off my bedside table and moved over to Harry, his

patronus disappeared out of our room. Harry was really pale and

bleeding all over the floor, I tried to use the episky spell but it didn't

work. So I reached for a robe that was on the floor and put pressure on it

for a second, until I remembered the pressura spell was better. I held the

spell and then Professor Snape came into the room a few minutes later

with Marcus Flint." Blaise finished taking a long drink of the smoothie, he

had almost finished it.

"Fifty points to Slytherin for your illusion," Severus said.

"Actually Severus make that hundred his spell probably saved Hadrian's

life," Madam Pomfrey corrected standing next to him. Daphne gave Blaise

a blinding smile from her spot holding Harry's hand. Tracey got up and

gave him a hug and Aiolos who was now curled up on Harry's bed hissed

out, "Thank you fellow ssspeaker."

Blaise nodded to Aiolos and hissed back, "Anytime."

"Professor your turn," Tonks said turning to face Severus.

"I was awoken by Hadrian's patronus at three this morning. Harry's

message said

Pettigrew attacked and he was injured. I rushed down to the Slytherin

common room and was met by Marcus Flint my seventh year prefect and

was informed that Beau Montague was cursed and Thomas Murray was

pushed over landing on his wrist wrong, which resulted in him breaking

it and that they were already on their way to the hospital wing. Marcus

also told me they were unsure if it was safe to move Hadrian and that

Blaise was using a spell to stem the bleeding. When I arrived in their

room Blaise was uninjured and Hadrian was on the ground bleeding and

was in and out of conciseness. I paralyzed his arm and we moved him


"Thank you Professor. I'm assigned to stay the night with Harry so you

can go and join the others search sir," Tonks said. Severus nodded to

Tonks and Madam Pomfrey before leaving to join Sirius and Alastor.

Tonks turned to Madam Pomfrey next, and healer started answering

without being prompted.

"Mr. Murray was fixed with a simple spell and sent back to his dorm. Mr.

Montague was cursed with the Flagrante curse; his chest has a second

degree burn, a bad one. I treated it and gave Mr. Montague a dreamless

sleep potion. He will need to apply a burn salve for a week in order for it

to heal fully; there may still be some scarring."

"Thank you Madam Pomfrey. You don't have to go over Harry's injuries

again ma'am." Tonks finished writing in her notepad and flipped it shut.

Madam Pomfrey gave Blaise his potion before turning to the to third year

girls, "You'll see them both tomorrow Mr. Zabini at breakfast after that

you can come back for Hadrian." The girls nodded knowing better than to

argue with Madam Pomfrey. Daphne gave Harry a quick kiss on his lips

before they left the hospital wing.

"Miss Tonks you said you were staying?" Tonks nodded. "Check his vitals

every hour, come and get me if there's any change. I'm going to get a few

more hours of sleep in before the parents descend in the morning." Tonks

nodded her agreement and summoned a book to read for the rest of the

morning, she knew her boss would be in here as soon as she heard and

didn't want to accidently fall asleep.

Sure enough four hours later at eight in the morning Amelia Bones

stormed into the hospital wing in a fury. Tonks shot up out of her chair

and snapped to attention.

"Madam Black," Tonks said while standing.

Amelia looked around the hospital wing and sighed, "you can relax

Tonks." Amelia walked over to Blaise who was being tended to by

Madam Pomfrey. "Blaise who are you feeling?"

"I'm alright Amelia, thanks. What's going to happen now?" Blaise asked

getting up out of the hospital wing bed. As he was getting up Daphne and

Tracey came in with Blaise's clothes for the day.

"Security is going to be tightened. Alastor Moody and Tonks will now be

following Harry around out in the open now. Everywhere Harry goes,

they're going to go. The dementors are going to be increasing their

patrols in Hogsmeade and in the Forrest. They're also going to be security

trolls guarding the entrance to Slytherin." As Amelia was speaking Beau

Montague's mother walked into the hospital wing. Beau was waking up

and his mother rushed over to him as did Madam Pomfrey. Madam

Pomfrey applied a salve to Beau chest and conversed with his mother

about the injury, Beau assured her he was okay and she left after

spending about ten minutes with him. Blaise, Daphne, and Tracey left to

go to breakfast and wait for word that Harry had awakened.

Amelia sat next to Harry's bed and dismissed Tonks, "Tonks go get some

rest, and I'm staying for awhile." Tonks nodded and left the hospital wing

to catch up on some sleep before Mad-Eye would come to get her later.

Around nine Sirius joined Amelia in her vigil over Harry.

"How is he?" Sirius asked as he took a seat next to his wife.

"He's been asleep the whole time; Madam Pomfrey needs to set his

shoulder when he wakes up. He hasn't moved too much since I've been


Sirius leaned towards the bed and moved the sheet covering Harry so he

could see his

shoulder. Madam Pomfrey had done her job well once again, there would

be little scarring left from what Sirius could tell. Harry also had a rather

nasty bruise covering most of his shoulder.

"He was hit with a bombarda," Sirius told Amelia who nodded and

grimaced at the bruise on her pseudo son's shoulder. Sirius sat back and

wrapped an arm around his wife. About a half hour later Madam

Pomfrey had her elf deliver the two some food.

At exactly eleven Daphne, Tracey, Blaise, Neville, Susan, and Hermione

invaded the hospital wing to sit with their friend hoping he would wake

soon. The three snakes checked on Montague while they waited for Harry

to wake, Beau was released and noon and told to apply the salve every

four hours for the next two days.

Finally at 12:30 Harry woke up. The first face he saw was Daphne's who

had tear tracks still on her face. Daphne gasped when he woke alerting

the others who had been talking quietly. Sirius and Amelia immediately

leaned over to see Harry's face and give him a small smile. Hermione

alerted Madam Pomfrey who came bustling over. Madam Pomfrey waved

her wand over Harry's shoulder scanning the injury.

"Well Hadrian, everything looks good we just need to set your shoulder

now," Madam Pomfrey said and summoned a jar to her and ending the

paralyzing charm on his arm. "This is a numbing salve I'm going to put it

on your shoulder before I set it." Madam Pomfrey applied the salve and

waited for about five minutes before using a spell to set Harry's shoulder.

Harry grunted in pain when his shoulder was popped back into place but

other than that showed no signs of discomfort. Sirius helped Harry to sit

up in the bed, which made Daphne stare and blush as she ogled Harry's

bare chest that was now showing. Tracey whistled appreciatively while

Hermione and Susan just rolled their eyes. Harry looked down to see

what Daphne was starring at and blushed bright red. Sirius and Amelia

laughed at the young teens.

"Can I have a shirt," Harry squeaked out causing Sirius to laugh harder

and throw him one of his muscle shirts, Sirius had brought with him.

Amelia helped him put the shirt on and whispered to the still red Harry,

"she's gone swimming with you what's the deal?"

"This is different," Harry stuttered out a bit which caused Amelia to laugh

again as she helped him tie his hair back.

"How do you feel?" Amelia asked as she sat back down.

"I'm alright but hungry." Harry said which made Blaise and Neville laugh.

Susan muttered out a sigh of, "boys."

"So what happened, it's kinda blurred," Harry asked as Madam Pomfrey

came out with breakfast for him, she had oatmeal with cinnamon and

apples, plus yogurt and berries, with a glass of milk.

"Eat up, all of it if you can, then I'll give you a pain potion. That numbing

paste is only short acting and should wear off in a minute." Madam

Pomfrey said before going back into her office and coming out with a

chess set which she gave to them.

"It was Pettigrew he got into the dorm during the party last night." Sirius

answered him. "He threw a bombarda at you but you were moving

already and only part of the curse hit you, you kicked his legs out from

under him and Blaise used an illusion of a dementor he panicked and

fled. We tracked his sent to the Forrest but it's hard to differentiate once

out there. Blaise here probably saved your life by quickly using a healing

spell on you."

Harry nodded and grasped Blaise's hand in his own, "Thanks man."

"No problem, Harry, we can't have you dying who else will save all our

arses." Blaise joked which made Harry smile but Daphne slapped him

upside the back of his head while the other girls glared at him. Neville

tried to hold in his laughter and was turning red from the effort.

The week after Harry was in the hospital and Pettigrew passed quietly

but the whole school was a bit on edge. The security trolls were an

unwelcomed guard for the Slytherins who were reminded of Harry's first

year when a troll attacked. Today was a Hogsmeade visit day; the whole

school seemed to sigh in relief. Harry put the bruise paste on his shoulder

before slipping on a t-shirt then a green plaid shirt over that, he had

jeans on and a pair of green high top Chucks. He took Daphne's gift and

slipped it in his pocket before tying his hair back, looking in the mirror

he thought it was time for a haircut, now that his scar had faded to

practically nothing he felt comfortable with short hair.

"Hey Nym can you come in here?" Harry called he was in his and Blaise's

bathroom. Blaise was already gone for the day with Tracey.

"Lookin' good Har, what's up?" Tonks asked as she leaned in the doorway

to the washroom.

"Can you cut my hair again, I want tah wear it shorter." Harry said as he

pulled it out of the hair tie.

"Sure what do you wanna do with it?" Tonks said now walking into the

room and started messing with Harry's hair.

"Can you cut the same length that we did when Sirius dyed my hair neon


"Yeah sure, sit down and I'll do it." Harry sat and Tonks used her wand to

mimic scissors to cut Harry's hair down. It took about five minutes. Once

Tonks finished Harry spiked his hair a bit using some of Blaise's hair gel.

"Nice, you ready?"

"Yep lets go get Daph," Harry said walking out of the room and down into

the common room. Daphne was there waiting for Harry dressed in jeans a

Slytherin t-shirt with their crest on it, and a zip-up hoodie. Harry walked

up to and gave her a quick but lingering kiss. He pulled back from her

just a few inches their noses still touching, "Ready?"

"Yep." They left the common room with Tonks following a few yards

back, she was dressed in jeans and a hoodie too, she had her badge

around her neck but hidden in her hoodie. She had shrunk her height a

little and changed her eyes to a dark blue and her hair to a normal brown

color. She looked like she was student out with the others, which was

what they wanted. Even if Pettigrew had seen Tonks before her ability

allowed her to shadow Harry without Pettigrew being able to recognize


Harry and Daphne wandered down to Hogsmeade hand in hand taking

their time and enjoying the nice weather. It was a bit muddy out but that

was normal.

"I like the hair by the way," Daphne said as they walked.

"Thanks, I got kind of sick of long hair," Harry answered as he pulled

Daphne closer into his body.

"How's your shoulder?"

"It hardly hurts anymore the bruise is fading so within the next couple of

days, it should be totally normal again."

"That's good I think Marcus is going insane," Daphne laughed the

Quidditch captain was going a bit crazy with Madam Pomfrey's order of

no quidditch for a week for either Beau or Harry.

"You think he's crazy in the common room you should see him at practice

if Beau or me look in a direction other than the pitch or the game film he

goes nuts, and on a tirade for five minutes until Urquhart hits a bludger

at him." Daphne started laughing at Harry's comments as they walked

into Zonko's. Tonks followed them in a couple minutes later and browsed

the store while keeping an eye on them.

"So what are you getting this time?" Harry asked as Daphne went to the

back of the store, where the trick wands were kept.

"Pansy is still on my shitlist and Chang got added to it last week," Daphne

said simply as she picked up a few trick wands, dungbombs, and belch


"What did Cho do?" Harry asked with a confused expression.

Daphne looked at him like he was stupid before sighing and saying, "At

the game she was eyeing you up. She should know hell all of Hogwarts

should realize by now that you're mine." Daphne huffed as she and Harry

paid and then left the shop. Harry pulled Daphne into a side alley

between the shops and wrapped his arms around her.

"You do know that you're the only one I want to be with for eternity,

right?" Harry answered. Daphne tried looking anywhere but at Harry

feeling embarrassed about her feelings. Harry took hold of Daphne's chin

forcing her to look at him, "What's wrong Daph?"

Daphne huffed a little and blushed, "well she's older than me, and so are

some of the other girls that try and impress you."

Harry chuckled a little which earned him a glare, "First of all I'm thirteen

why they look at me is beyond me and it's mostly for my scar anyways,

which just pisses me off. Second, you're way more gorgeous than half the

girls in this school and you're thirteen, I mean you should hear what the

guys in the dorm say about you. Half the time Blaise has to keep my hand

from going to my wand and teaching them how to use the fire whip

spell," Harry said with a growl at remembering what Warrington had said

once, Harry had almost killed him. Blaise had gotten his wand arm but

with the other one Harry punched Warrington in the face. Warrington

had a black eye for two days after that one.

Daphne sighed, "Alright I know I'm being petty and jealous, sorry."

Harry laughed again and kissed her rather heatedly. The kiss lasted for a

good thirty seconds before Harry pulled back from her lips both

breathing heavily. "I kinda like it, so you still planning on putting Chang

on your shitlist."

Daphne smirked, "Yep."

"I'll give you the map and my dad's cloak just let me know when you

want to do it. Plus Hermione detests her, so I'm sure she'll help." Daphne

laughed and Harry gave her another kiss. "I have something for you,"

Harry said, "I was gonna wait until after we ate but I figure now's a better

time." Harry pulled out Daphne's gift from his pocket and handed it to

her. It was jewelry box, "I asked Addison to pick it up for me, I hope you


Daphne opened the box and gasped, inside was a platinum chain and a

platinum heart pendant. On one side the heart was outlined in small

diamonds and on the other side was an inscription, Gra geal mo chroi,

Gaelic for love of my heart. Harry took the necklace from her and put it

around her neck for her. Daphne pulled his head down to hers and pulled

him into another long heated kiss, this time Tonks wolf whistled from her

vantage point. They broke apart and blushed and moved out of the

alleyway to head to the Three Broomsticks for lunch.

"Ello Harry, thanks for comin' down today," Hagrid said as Harry came

into site at his cabin with Daphne and Blaise.

"No prob' Hagrid, what are we doing today," Harry said as he bended

over to greet Padfoot, Scooby, and Fang. Fang bounded over to Blaise as

did Scooby both dogs knocked him over and started attacking him with

their slobber. Scooby was four months old today and already fifty pounds

and about two feet tall on all fours.

"Alright, alright, I love you too Scooby, get off me," Blaise said pushing

Scooby off him and glaring at Harry, Daphne, Hagrid, and even Padfoot

who was giving the doggy equivalent of laughter. "Thanks for the help,

arses," Blaise muttered under his breath.

Far from being offended Hagrid let out a booming laugh, "Right lets go,

Daphne are yer commin with us?

"We got a heard of aethonon in the Forrest, I'm gonna bring 'em on up to

the paddock for next week's classes. They're pretty big heard and got

some foals and colts."

"Yeah sure I would love too."

"So what're aethonons like?" Harry asked as they moved through the

forest to where Hagrid knew the heard to stay. They each had a bag of

carrots and some oats with them to give to the aethonons.

"Well they're jus' like regular horses but they got wings on 'em. They're

mostly chestnut in color and if they're any different it's either lighter

chestnut or darker." Hagrid said as they were walking down a well worn


"Hagrid you know the forest better than anyone right?" Harry asked as

they came into a clearing with the aethonos. The aethonos were beautiful

horses with wings that were shorter than the hippogriphs. They fed the

aethonons and got them to follow them through the Forrest.

"Yeah I suppose I would." Hagrid answered Harry as he was walking at

the front of the heard.

"What other creatures are here in the Forrest?"

"Well you got yerh standard Forrest creatures and then the magical ones

added, there aren't any werewolves despite what yer may have heard.

Just some regular wolves. Yer go the animals I already showed yer all in

class. Then there's unicorns, the centaurs, acromantulas," at that Daphne

gasped but Hagrid continued on, "blood-sucking bugbears, bowtruckles, a

clabber, not really sure how he got here, dugbogs, fairies, a few forest

trolls." By now they had the herd of aethonons in the paddock and were

walking back to Hagrid's hut. Once there Hagrid poured them some tea

before he continued thinking on the creatures he had seen in the Forrest.

"Lets see than there are thestrals, imps, jarveys pretty funny creatures

most of the time and good for gardens, knarls, nifflers seen a few of those

which means there's a lot of 'em, pixies though they're usually not

around, like sticking to populated areas, and woodlouse. That's all the

magical ones in the forest." Hagrid answered thoroughly something that

pleased Harry to no end.

"Hagrid what's a thestral," Daphne asked, "I've never heard of it."

"Neither have I," Blaise added on.

"Well thestrals are a breed of winged horses. Yer study 'em in fifth year

but they're only visible to those that have seen death and can remember


"How do you forget seeing someone die," Blaise asked which got him

elbowed by Daphne.

"You're too young, like I was," Harry answered with a sad smile.

Hagrid cleared his throat, "Yes well they're beautiful creatures in their

own way, very fast and docile most of time. Well yer three better get up

to the castle for supper, thanks for yer help," Hagrid said and waved them

out. Harry, Blaise, and Daphne left the Hagrid's with Tonks in front of

them and Mad-Eye following behind.

March game and with it Blaise and Susan's birthdays. Blaise's birthday

was on the fourth while Susan's was on the twenty-seventh. For both

birthday's they hung out in the abandoned classroom they always used

when they were together but not at the library. Blaise received a silver

engraved lunascope, a pair of raybands, Italian leather boots which he

went crazy over, a Juventus Quidditch jersey, a book on defensive

charms, and a few t-shirts with sarcastic sayings on them.

Susan's birthday was much the same only Hannah and some other

Hufflepuff's and a few Ravenclaw's. They hung out in the abandoned

classroom, listening to music. Susan got a lot of candy from Honeydukes,

some Zonko's products, an ancient runes book, a bracelet with the Bones

family crest on it, a pair of emerald earrings, Holyhead Harpies gear, a

collection of Jane Austin's books, and a rapier of her own that had

aquamarine gems in the gold hilt. An interesting development at the

party was Neville spending an inordinate amount of time with Hannah in

a secluded corner of the room.

"Class dismissed," Professor Flitwick's cheerful voice announced. The class

stood and gathered their things.

"You guys go on I want to ask Flitwick a question," Harry said to his

gathered friends. They nodded and left for the Great Hall for lunch,

except for Daphne who hung back outside the classroom.

"Professor can I speak to you?" Harry asked with his backpack slung over

his shoulder.

"Sure, sure. Hadrian come on into my office," Flitwick said getting off his

stack of books, and moving to the side where there was a door. Flitwick

opened it and it lead into his office, that was on the fifth floor even

though the classroom was on the third floor. Harry goggled a bit at the

wonders of magic before shaking his head and entering. The office was

circular and large. In one area of the office was various trophies and

awards for dueling, another area was dedicated to posters of charms and

their movements, one area had what seemed like hundreds of books, and

the last designated area was of students and Professor Flitwick, or of

them when they were older. Harry was fixated by a picture of his mum in

school robes bowed over a desk performing a complicated charm with

professor Flitwick standing next to her giving aid, as the picture was

snapped they both looked towards the camera and smiled up before

going back to their work. Another was of his mum, his dad, and Harry

himself, his mum was holding him and bouncing him while his dad was

waving Harry's little arm at the camera.

"Your mother was a favorite of mine and one of the most brilliant charms

students I've ever taught." Professor Flitwick had come up behind where

Harry was standing. "She sent me that about six months after you were

born, I believe right before it was taken you levitated yourself out of your

playpen." As he said that the baby Harry floated in the air over his mum's

hands a few inches laughing like only a baby can. Harry smiled at the


"So you wanted to ask me something, I assume it's not about class as you

surely don't need the help." Flitwick said taking a seat behind his desk.

"No I was told by Sev, um, Professor Snape that what I wanted to do

would be your area of expertise." Harry started, "It's kind of complicated

so bear with me if you would," Flitwick nodded for him to continue. "On

portraits in the magical world you use charms to animate it and to

implant; I think that's the right word, memories into the portrait."

Flitwick nodded, "Yes, the portrait will have all the memories that the

person has up to the date they use the memory transfer charm."

"Well I have a really old painting of two of my ancestors, the painting is

animated and has their memories except the painting is huge and at the

moment we cannot find any smaller paintings, so they're forced to stay in

the large painting and in the only room in the house that can really

accommodate that. It makes for picking their brains rather difficult, they

would also like to move around, they've been stuck for a rather long

time. So what I'm asking is if I draw a portrait of them can I animate

using their personas that occupy the large painting."

"Humm," Flitwick hummed to himself, "The only problem I see is that the

person who cast the charm has to be the one whose picture it is, it's their

magic that gives it their personality and magic." Flitwick paused for a

minute or two before speaking again, "Why don't you work on drawing

the portraits and getting them to your liking and I'll work on tweaking

the charm, with you being their blood relative it may work. I'll let you

know when I think I have something."

Harry smiled his crooked smile at Flitwick, "Thank you for your time and

help, Professor."

"Don't mention it, I could use the challenge," Flitwick said dismissing


Harry met Daphne outside the classroom, "so what did he say," she

couldn't help but smile at Harry as he was still sporting his crooked grin

which was her favorite.

"He said he thinks he can make it work, but he's not sure. He wants me to

work on the portraits and he'll work on the charm." He smiled again

taking Daphne in his arms and giving her a kiss before taking her hand

and going to lunch.

Today was the last match of the year, Gryffindor and Slytherin. All of

Slytherin house was practically vibrating with excitement; if they won

their house would go down in Hogwarts History for something they could

be proud of. Severus was sporting a grin and was having entirely too

much fun with pointing out to McGonagall that Slytherin was not only in

first but also undefeated these last three years. McGonagall was scowling

at breakfast while sitting next to the Potion Master. The two professors

had made a bet earlier in the week that the loser of the match would

were the victor's house colors for a whole school day.

Harry was sitting with his quidditch teammates with Daphne, Tracey,

and Blaise to one side. Marcus was as focused as anybody had ever seen

him his whole entire time at Hogwarts, it was rumored that there were

going to be scouts at the game. Harry and Beau were both feeling fine

with no after affects from either curses, Beau had no scarring at all while

Harry had very light scarring around where the skin was blown open but

it looked better than all the scars he had gotten from the Dursleys. The

Slytherin team stood to leave for the locker rooms, Daphne gave Harry a

kiss on the cheek.

"See you after the game," she said. Aaron walked over to the Gryffindor

table where Alicia sat picked her up and gave her a searing kiss in front

of the whole hall, wolf whistles rang out from the twins as Vaisey

released his girlfriend.

"You're going down, love ya." Vaisey said before walking out leaving

Alicia standing their breathless, her face slowly turned to one of

determination as she and the other Gryffindors left for their locker rooms.

Oliver looked rather pissed off as they left the great hall mutter about

fraternizing with the enemy.


match of the season," Lee Jordan announced, "between GRYFFINDOR and

Slytherin," the disdain for Slytherin was evident in his voice as he

announced. In the stands were indeed some scouts, parents, and

Hogwarts quidditch alumni. Harry when he took off into the air could see

Amelia, Sirius, Xavier, Evelyn, and Mrs. Malfoy. "We're in for a historic

match today folks," Jordan announced as the teams were warming up. "If

Slytherin wins they'll cement the longest winning streak in school history

for the Quidditch Cup! But, Gryffindor can stop the streak and take the

cup for the first time since Charlie Weasley was in school if they win by

sixty or more points! Now Madam Hooch calls for the captains in the


Harry was rather annoyed at Jordan's announcing it was clearly against

Slytherin and every time he said the name he sneered it out. Severus

looked like he wanted to strangle the offending boy. Harry thought

Jordan was just itching to get pranked again. Hooch called over Marcus

and Wood to shake hands, the shake was more of a test of brute

strength…Marcus won by the grimace on Oliver's face. The rest of the

Slytherins smirked at that the Gryffindor chaser trio, just rolled their

eyes, something that made Vaisey laugh. The captains mounted their

brooms; Marcus hovered in his spot while Wood flew off to the

Gryffindor goals. Harry looked over at Lawson, she was better than

Towler but only just, most of it was from being lighter than him. Lawson

was riding a Nimbus Two Thousand a decent match for his Firebolt, the

Nimbus topped out at 90mph while his Firebolt topped out at 150mph in

a straight away he would win hands down. Lawson was a focused seeker;

she lost to Cedric by only a few feet. She also didn't bullshit around with

trash talking something Harry appreciated, it really only ever ended with

the other seeker plowing into the ground after his feint anyways.

"And the Quaffles up!" Harry snapped his head to the action on the pitch,

Marcus won the toss and was streaking down the field, he passed to

Draco who was nailed with a well paced bludger from one of the twins,

Draco barely hung onto the quaffle and tried to pass it off to Montague

but Angelina intercepted the pass. Gryffindor was on the attack, their

chaser working in sync with each other and dodging bludgers, Katie had

Flint on her and barely managed a pass to Alicia who caught it in the

keeper's zone and fired the quaffle at the left goal but Vaisey blocked the


Ten minutes into the game neither team had scored or gained an

advantage in the field. Lawson and Harry were both circling the pitch but

had yet to see the snitch. The Gryffindor trio had a breakaway down the

pitch, Beau and Draco were gaining on them but not fast enough, the trio

was only focused on the goal and the Slytherin chasers, Harry was above

them and shot straight down into the play pushing his Firebolt up to

speed, as Angelina passed to Katie, Harry struck out with his foot and

kicked the quaffle out of Katie's path and straight into Draco's. Draco

turned on the spot after catching the kicked quaffle. Draco streaked back

towards the Gryffindor goals and straight at Wood, Wood was focused on

Draco and forgot about Marcus who was cherry picking near the scoring

area, Draco made a quick pass to Marcus who fired the quaffle into the

right goal, Slytherin went up ten to nothing. After that Slytherin gained

the upper hand and settled into a rhythm and scored four more times

before Gryffindor answered with their own goal. The game settled again,

Harry saw the snitch over by the professors' and visitors' stands and shot

off after it. Harry was the only one going for it as Lawson hadn't seen it,

out of nowhere came a bludger hit by one of the twins, it impacted

Harry's formerly injured shoulder. The bludger forced Harry off course as

he veered when his arm was hit and lost sight of the snitch. Gryffindor

scored again while Harry was chasing the snitch setting the score at fifty

to twenty. The game went on for another thirty minutes with Slytherin

mostly dominating the game and scoring three more times. Harry had

just broken up another play when he saw the snitch and Lawson chasing

it. Harry shot off after the two; he managed to pull even with Lawson as

the snitch was on a straight away. Harry quickly outstripped her and then

shot left after the snitch taking the inside path forcing Lawson even

further back. The snitch shot into a dive with Harry following, Harry did

a sloth-barrel roll and dodged a bludger coming back around Harry

reached out and snagged the snitch.

"And Slytherin wins the match 230 to Gryffindor's 20. Slytherin takes the

Quidditch Cup," Lee announced sounding rather depressed. McGonagall

looked like she swallowed something foul while Snape was openly

smiling. Harry looked around the stands and spotted Daphne he flew over

and gave her a quick kiss before joining his team in celebrating.

April faded into May and with it the summer weather arrived at

Hogwarts. While the wonderful weather was finally here so too was

exams. The days were mostly filled with studying. Harry and his friends

had taken to studying outside by the lake. Moody didn't really care for

that it was harder to guard them, but none of them could stand being

indoors for awhile. They had taken to transfiguring small shells and rocks

on the lakeshore into small animals trying to prepare for their

transfiguration final. They had interesting go of practicing charms, the

cheering charm, unparticular was fun, they focused on the cushioning

charms and the arête charm, which dried a person instantly, Harry

pushed Blaise in the lake to practice that one. Studying outside made

subjects like arithmancy more tolerable for them.

Harry and Daphne were walking out by the lake after dinner one night

just enjoying the weather before exams started tomorrow.

"You guys are coming with us to the continent, did Sirius tell you?"

Daphne asked as they walked.

"Yeah he said Amelia couldn't get away and with the World Cup going to

be in England he was getting called into work, so just Sue and I are going

with you guys." Harry said as he pulled Daphne closer to his side. The

Greengrasses and Harry and Sue would be traveling the continent for

some of the summer, they would be going to France and Italy.

"Have you ever been to either one?" Harry asked as they stopped and sat

on a large rock that was used by many of the students as a bench, but

tonight they were the only ones out here.

"France, mum likes it. I like the museums, you should like the louve."

"You know I never thought I would get to go anywhere, the Dursleys

would definitely never take me. I never thought I would get to go on my

own either." Harry spoke looking over the lake, Daphne laid her head on

his shoulder and he wrapped his arms around her taking comfort from

his girlfriend. Aiolos slithered up on to the rock and over by Harry.

"Hatchlingsss," Aiolos hissed in greeting.

"Hey," Harry hissed back.

"What are you ssstresssing about Hatchling," Aiolos asked?

Harry laughed and Daphne cocked an eyebrow at him so he explained in

English, "She asked what I'm stressed about." Daphne laughed and Harry

hissed, "We were talking about the sssummer, we're going to France and

Italy and that led to thoughtsss about the Dursssleysss."

Aiolos let out a feral hiss and her hood flared at the mention of the

Dursleys, "ssstupid fat arsssesss."

Harry laughed again before asking, "Were did you come from originally


"I wasss born in India and wasss there for two yearsss, Hatchling," Aiolos

answered with a sigh.

"Maybe we'll go there someday and visssit," Harry hissed out.

"Mione I will never doubt you again," Susan said as they all took a seat at

the Hufflepuff table for a change. Hermione just raised an eyebrow, "We

had to transfigure a teapot into a tortoise," Susan said.

"Hey do you guys think McGonagall will take off for my being a turtle not

a tortoise, I mean I've never even seen a tortoise before," Harry said

picking out a sandwich for lunch.

"I don't think so Harry," Hermione answered him, "you did the

transfiguration correct right? No china pattern left over or anything?"

"Nope perfect turtle."

"You should be fine, I imagine you're not the only one to do a turtle

instead of tortoise," Hermione replied, "I wonder what I'll have to do."

"Wait, wait, wait," Blaise said making the conversation pause, "there's a


Hermione rolled her eyes, "point." The others laughed including the other

Hufflepuff's around them.

After lunch they didn't have time to rest as their next exam was charms

with Hermione this time. The friends were all reasonably satisfied with

their written half of their charms exam and their practical portion.

Although, Daphne over did Harry's and sent him into a fit of laughter

that lasted an hour, he came back and preformed the charm perfectly.

The next day Blaise, Harry, Daphne, and Neville had their Care of

Magical Creatures exam bright early in the morning. The four of them

walked out with Theo and Draco like always and were the first ones out

there. In the paddock were a few aethonon's, hippogriffs, chameleons,

salamanders with a fire going, and there were a few nifflers. By now the

rest of the class had arrived and Hagrid came over to announce their


"A'right yerh exam today is for the next hour yerh tah show me how well

you can care for the animal in front of you. Oh and if for some reason

yerh creature is injured or killed yer fail," Hagrid announced giving a few

choice students a glare. Harry was selected to care for an aenthonon,

Daphne got paired with a salamander, Neville with hippogriff, and Blaise

with a niffler. The exam was probably the easiest they would ever take,

caring for the animals in the paddock was rather easy as they were docile

animals, unless you angered them. Hagrid paired Weasel with a niffler

not wanting him near an aethonon or hippogriff.

They went to lunch and met up with the rest of their friends and then

made their way to the potions classroom for their next exam. Blaise and

Neville were both nervous but nowhere near as nervous as they were at

the beginning of the school year. They had to brew a confusing

concoction, Harry breezed through it while Neville had some trouble

with getting his to thicken. Severus was lurking around the classroom

like he usually did although during exams he didn't comment out loud

about their potions, the students weren't sure what was worse out loud or

just sneering and walking away. When Severus came to Neville's he

paused and caught the boy's eye and motioned making a deep breathing

motion. Neville closed his eyes and breathed trying to focus his thoughts,

he finally remembered how to thicken it and added the necessary

ingredient. Severus nodded and walked away marking in his grade book.

Later on at midnight they sat for their astronomy exam.

Holding an exam at midnight and having one the next morning seemed

rather stupid but they did, History of Magic at that. The third year exam

for History was on the witch hunts, Harry had never particularly paid

attention to Binns, but he had a little of it in primary and Tracey

thankfully went over the witch hunts in depth when he asked about them

once. He felt confident he would pass the exam. That afternoon they had

herbology which ended up being difficult, if just for the sun beating

down on them as they harvested Areca Nuts.

After their Herbology exam and after the Ancient Runes exam the group

of friends plus Astoria, Ginny, Aiofie, Draco and Theo, celebrated

Tracey's birthday. The friends welcomed the distraction from the exams

and stress they brought with them. They asked the elves to help them

with some food and drinks and just listened to music and talked trying to

unwind a bit. They even got Hermione to put her arithmancy book down.

Tracey's favorite present came from Daphne who had gotten her friend a

set of amethyst earrings that were charmed to eavesdrop on

conversations if you tapped them.

The next morning they had their DADA exam with Remus. Remus led the

class outside the castle where an obstacle course featuring some of the

creatures they had dealt with all year. Harry made his way through the

obstacle course without problems the very last obstacle was a boggart,

obviously Remus hadn't heeded Severus's warning earlier in the year.

Harry, though, thought facing your fear was a relatively good thing, at

least the obstacle course was more private as only Remus was watching.

Harry got the boggart without showing any signs of tiring, in fact he felt

like he could do the obstacle course five more times and still not break a

sweat. The boggart came out of trunk stationed at the end of the obstacle

course, the area around the trunk freezing as the boggart took the

appearance of a dementor. Harry paused for a second before shaking off

the effects and thinking of kissing Daphne, "expect patronum," out of

Harry's wand came the silvery form of Snow. Harry forced the boggart

down into the trunk, finishing his run of the obstacle course.

"Well down Harry," Remus said as Harry came out, "You can wait for

your friends if you'd like."

"Thanks Remus, who's up now?"


"So the boggart?"

"Yes despite what Severus may think, it's better to face your fear sooner

rather than later.

"I agree but I think he was more upset about it being in front of the other

students," Harry replied.

"Hence why only I can see it," Remus answered with a grin that turned

into a grimace at what he was watching, Daphne's boggart took the

appearance of Harry dying with a dark figure standing over the body.

Remus moved forward to intervene but stopped when Daphne's pale

white face became determined and she shouted out, "Ridukulus." The

boggart turned into Harry getting tackled by Scooby. Daphne walked out

of the obstacle and straight into Harry's arms letting tears fall from her

eyes. Harry just held her and running his hands up and down her back

trying to comfort her. As Harry was holding her, Blaise came out looking

rather pissed off, but at the sight of Daphne so upset he calmed and went

and laid a hand on her shoulder. Tracey was the next to come out of the

test she didn't look upset until she spied Daphne. Tracey moved over to

them and Harry handed Daphne off to her best friend before walking

over to Remus.

"What was her boggart?" Harry asked with cold furry behind his words.

Remus sighed looking sadly at Harry, "It was you de, dead with a figure

standing over you?" Remus's voice broke as he tried to say dead but

turned questioning at the end.

"Voldemort, the figure was Voldemort." Harry said before walking back

to his friends and girlfriend.

Harry took Daphne back in his arms, "I'm fine Daph, and not going

anywhere." He gave her a kiss and when he pulled back she smiled at

him and nodded.

As Daphne calmed and took Harry's hand, Tracey wrapped an arm

around her friend's shoulders. Draco had come out while this was going

on he was paler than usual and looked like he was going to be sick, Theo

came out looking just as bad, and he was the last of the Slytherins. Pansy,

Millicent, Crabble, and Goyle had gone before them. Draco and Theo

nodded to them and left for their dorm. Neville came out of the obstacle

course five minutes later looking determined, Remus nodded at the group

who left for their dorms to calm down before lunch. Daphne was still

holding tight to Harry's hand.

After lunch those who had arithmancy went to their exam, it ended up

being an essay on everything they knew about the number seven and its

magical properties. Harry finished early along with Hermione they left

the classroom and met Daphne at the door. Harry grabbed Daphne's hand

and put his arm around Hermione's shoulder.

"Are last exam feels nice doesn't?" Harry asked with his crooked grin on

his face. Daphne shared his sentiments but not Hermione.

"Now I just really want to know what I got," Hermione said, "and since

you guys are going on vacation I'll have to wait to get any interesting

books." Harry and Daphne laughed at their bookish friend.

"Hermione I promise to send you some long interesting books to last you

while we're on vacation." Hermione grinned in response.

"Thank you." As they were chatting and laughing walking through the

hall they came across Professor Trelawney. Trelawney the insect looking

professor came to a dead stop in front of the friends. She seized up and

she stood their unnaturally still.

Hermione spoke in a questioning tone, "Professor?" She looked at Daphne

and Harry, "Professor do you need…"

As Hermione spoke she was interrupted by a harsh, loud voice coming

from professor Trelawney, "IT WILL HAPPEN TONIGHT. THE DARK LORD








"Oh my apologies," Professor Trelawney said stepping out from in front of

them, "must have gotten daze in the heat, sorry to hold you up dears."

Professor Trelawney said willowy voice that they assumed was her

normal voice. The three friends looked to each other before they as one

moved out of the way. The Professor continued on her walk as if nothing


"Was that a prophecy?" Hermione asked in a shocked voice, "I thought

she was fraud."

"We need Professor Snape. Alastor, Nym," Harry called out to the empty

hallway. Both auror and auror in training appeared before the three. "Did

you hear that?"

They both nodded grimly.

"Amelia needs to know about this, one of you needs to tell her and Sirius.

We're going to Professor Snape's office to tell him and give him are

memory so he can see it."

"Tonks, go warn Sirius to be on high alert tonight and then go to the

Ministry and inform Amelia," Moody barked out. Nym nodded and took

off down the hallway. "I should inform Dumbledore," Moody said

cringing a bit at the look on all three students faces, in a word, furious

would describe them. Moody had learned through watching their training

that Hadrian Potter was a force to be reckoned with when he was angry

or determined, the Greengrass girl was no slouch either, and the Granger

girl knew almost every spell she read.

"He's the only one You-Know-Who ever feared him knowing will go a

long way."

"Fine but you're on your own. Twinkles can rot in hell for all I care,"

Harry almost hissed out. "We're going to tell Severus." He was so angry he

was almost shaking, Pettigrew reviving Voldemort and being reminded

that Dumbledore was useful, was getting to him. Daphne squeezed his

hand and pulled him down to give him a quick kiss, something that

usually calmed him, it worked barely. Harry, Daphne, and Hermione set

off for Professor Snape's office, while Moody made for Dumbledore's


Daphne pulled out her mirror, "New Marauders," she spoke into it.

Moments later Neville, Blaise, Tracey, and Susan's faces appeared in her

mirror. "You need to meet us at Professor Snape's office, now!"

They arrived at Professor Snape's office at the same time as Neville.

Blaise, Tracey, and Susan were already there but unfortunately Severus

was not. As they waited for him Aiolos slithered up to Harry and sunk

into his arm as a tattoo trying to help calm her human down, she could

sense his anger and frustration building. 'Hatchling you mussst calm

yourssself or your aura will ssstart to ssshow and your magic may take

over. Ussse your olccumency technique,' Aiolos hissed in his head. With

Aiolos's help Harry slowly calmed down and was breathing evenly, he

could feel his magic recede. When he opened his eyes Professor Snape

was coming down the hallway. The door opened as he approached and

the teens filed into the office.

"My office sensory charm tripped. It also informed me that one of you

was on the verge of releasing accidental magic?" Severus questioned with

a raised eyebrow. The others looked to Harry who sighed and hung his

head, a bit ashamed he still didn't have his anger under control.

"Sir it's well known that Professor Trelawney is supposed to be a fraud is

she," Harry asked quietly.

"Not entirely," Severus said. Hermione looked rather shocked everyone

she had asked in Ravenclaw and even Professor McGonagall all alluded

to the woman being a fraud. "Your research was correct Hermione she for

the most part is a complete fraud. She is not very gifted at seeing but

does in fact have the gift. There has only been one known incident of her

having a true vision, she was the one that gave the prophecy about the

Dark Lord and Hadrian before he was born. That turned out to be true

and was witnessed not only by Dumbledore but also by," Severus paused

before looking at Hadrian and saying softly, "by myself. Why?"

Harry didn't even bother with Severus's admission of guilt and moved

straight to the point, "We think she gave one today, in front of Daphne,

Hermione, me, as well as, Nym, and Moody. We would like you to view

the memory to make certain, the others too," Harry said with a gesture to

his friends. Severus nodded and stood to get his pensive, bringing it back

he set it on his desk for the others to access. He help Harry bring out the

memory and place it in the pensive. Severus and the others entered the

pensive rather subdued do to Harry, Daphne, and Hermione's behavior. A

couple minutes later they returned all of them had paled considerably.

"That was an actual prophecy, hopefully one we can prevent. Sirius and

Amelia have been told," Severus questioned. Harry was in the process of

answering when in came Amelia, Nym, and Moody.

"You're damn right I've been told. I have ten aurors along with Alastor,

Sirius, and myself that will be searching the castle and grounds for

Pettigrew tonight, Sirius caught his scent again close to the border of the

Forrest." Amelia said as she stormed in. "We need to speak to

Dumbledore, I want all students confined to their dorms until tomorrow

morning, while the search is going on. And you all," Amelia said turning

to the teens gathered around Severus's desk, "If you so much as think

about stepping one toe outside your common rooms tonight, I will

personally see to it that you can't sit for a week! Do you understand me?"

They all nodded thoroughly chastised and any and all desired to help out

squelched. "Good go to your dorms and Auror Trainee Tonks will be

accompanying the four snakes in the room for the rest of the night."

Tonks nodded and saluted her superior. The teens nodded, Susan and

Harry giving Amelia a hug before they left the office. The friends parted

outside the office, the four Slytherins being escorted by Tonks to their

common room.

Ten minutes after they arrived an announcement came on over the

system, "All students are to return to their dorms immediately." It took

about twenty minutes for all the students to return to their common

rooms. Once all of Slytherin was gathered Severus entered the common

room robes billowing out behind him.

Silence descended in the common room as Severus raised his hand for

quiet, "All students are to be sealed into their common rooms until

morning, for their own safety." Severus paused before he continuing he

was going to inform them of some of the details knowing they would take

their 'incarceration' better that way. When the din died down Severus

spoke, "We've been tipped off that Pettigrew is planning something for

tonight. Right now Madam Black and a team of her aurors are here to do

a sweep of the school and grounds with the dementors. After I leave you

will be sealed in using an old defense of Hogwarts, no one will be able to

break the spell, so do not try," Severus bit the last part on and glared at

each and every Slytherin for good measure. "I will see you all in the

morning, dinner will be served here in the common room at the usual

time. Good night." With that Severus left the common room and the place

where the door was in the wall glowed gold before the door faded out of


"Well that sucks," One of the older Slytherins deadpanned making the

others laugh and effectively diffusing some of the tension.

Harry, Blaise, Tracey, and Daphne spent their time a table in one of the

corners of the common room. Harry had before him the marauders map

and was following the movements of the aurors as well as his godparents.

He cursed himself earlier for not giving the map to Severus but he

couldn't get it at the time, so now they were waiting and watching for

Pettigrew to appear anywhere on the map.

Most other Slytherins had gone to bed and it was just after eleven when

they saw him on the map. Harry snapped his wand out of the holster as

fast as he could, "expecto patronum," he muttered. Snow appeared and

saw nothing so the wolf turned to Harry. "Sirius he's by the whomping

willow," Harry spoke to his patronus which disappeared in search of

Sirius. About two minutes later Sirius and only Sirius arrived at the

whomping willow by the look of the dots on the map a fight ensued, and

a minute later Amelia and Moody's dots appeared on the map, then all

the dots disappeared off the map. All four Slytherins and Tonks gasped

when that happened.

"Don't freak out yet," Blaise interjected, "They could just be off the map,

and the whomping willow is on the edge of it." The others nodded but

everyone was still tensed and barely breathing. Then five minutes later

their dots appeared on the map, Sirius's and Amelia's, along with some

other aurors who were rushing to them from the other direction, Severus

was among them.

An hour later, Severus came into the common room to see them all

sitting around drinking hot chocolate, graciously provided by the house

elves of Slytherin. "He got away," Severus growled out.

"Damn it!" Harry hissed out in parseltonuge. The others didn't have to

speak it to know what he was saying and nodded their agreement.

"There was an altercation with Sirius and Pettigrew during which they

both were knocked down the hillside into the forest. Sirius's head struck a

rock and he was knocked unconscious. Pettigrew appearated out, he must

have mapped out the wards during the year. The dementors instead of

doing their job and going after Pettigrew went after the unconscious

Sirius, they almost gave him the kiss but were driven off by Amelia's

patronus. Alastor was able to track Pettigrew's apperation to France, and

then Germany but the trail ended there." Severus said trying to hold his

anger in at the fact that the little turncoat had gotten away. There was

silenced followed by Severus's speech as they all looked at each other.

"There's nothing we can do except wait for him to come back, then we'll

kill him," Harry stated in a hard determined voice after the long silence.


YEAZ! I'm glad that's done. book three is always the hardest for me

to write, so now happy it's over, I love writting about the tourny.

Hope y'll enjoy. On another note does anybody know what the

weather does in Scotland, cause I live in Northeast Ohio where the

weather changes every damn day. Shout out to Kings Cross . a new

HP forum.

Thanks for the reviews I enjoy your suggestions,


19. The World Cup

"Come in Hadrian," Severus's silky voice called out as Hadrian was about

to knock on the door to his office. Hadrian walked into the office in his

street clothes, classes being out this last week. Hadrian took a seat across

from the man he thought of as his mentor, with his sketch book in hand.

"Hello Severus," Harry said as he sat.

Severus nodded, "First order of business, here are your grades, I'm very

impressed as well as proud to announce you managed to be third overall

this year."

Harry smiled and took the parchment looking it over he had, an O in

Potions, Charms, Care of Magical Creatures, Defense Against the Dark

Arts, Astronomy, History of Magic, his exam pushed him to an O, and he

bumped up his Transfiguration grade to an O. He was left with an EE in

Arithmancy. Harry's jaw dropped a bit at his grades he wasn't expecting

his transfiguration or history grades to be that high.

"How has your drawing been coming," Severus asked quietly sipping

some tea. He poured Harry some tea; Harry took it and handed over his

sketch pad.

"It's been good."

"Your parents?" Severus questioned as he flipped through and some more

pictures of Lily and James than he ever had from Harry.

"They've been on my mind a lot lately," Harry whispered out his

thoughts, "the dementors, I may hate them but they've given me

memories of them back." Severus took a deep breath at Harry's words and

focused his attentions back at the pictures. They were drawings of Lily

and James together, by themselves just smiling, and Lily working with

what looked like potions and even a picture James as Prongs.

"When you draw them what do you feel?"

Harry sighed trying to collect his thoughts, "I, Mostly I wish I knew more

about them. All I really know about them was they were good people, my

mum loved charms and potions, and my dad was a prankster and was

good at transfiguration. I suppose I've never really asked about them

much but I was never suppose to ask about them, and being told they

were drunks and worthless kind of washed away any want to find out

about them," Harry finished still whispering only now his tone held

unleashed furry behind it.

"Hadrian how about if we go back to meeting one-on-one for an hour

before the group sessions, I had known your mother since we were

children and I'm sure Minerva would be happy to talk to you about your

father. She knew him since he was a boy and was friends with his

mother. While we're on the subject of your parents is there anything you

would like to know now, that you can think of?"

Harry thought for a minute before answering, "What did they do?

Nobody's ever mentioned their jobs."

"Your mother after marrying James took over the management of the

Potter Estate, as you're aware it is rather large, that in and of its self is a

full time job. She also worked on inventing new charms in her spare

time; she was responsible for a few of the household charms in use

today." Severus became quiet before continuing on to Harry's fathers' job.

"Your father was a freelance warder, he worked primarily for Gringotts. I

believe you met with Ragnok about your accounts?" Harry nodded that

he had. "Ragnok is the head of the Goblin Nation and rarely meets with

humans; however, he was a friend of your fathers due to his work with

Gringotts. I'll speak to Minerva for you and see what she wants to arrange

to speak with you about your father, if you'd like?"

"Please, I know that Sirius and Remus mean well but they don't like to

talk about my father and when they do, they kind of glorify him, I just

want to know my parents good and bad," Harry answered eagerly.

"Good, then we're finished here. Remember to keep up with at least your

exercise while you are in France and Italy," Severus said giving Harry his

sketch pad back and shaking the boy's hand before sending him on his


"So how did you guys finish out for the year," Harry asked as they sat in

the compartment on the way to Kings Cross.

"First," Hermione said with a smile she loved having friends who didn't

care that she was smart.

"Nice job Mione," Harry and the others applied.

"Fourth," Daphne answered.

"Fifth," Tracey answered.

"Seventh," Susan said proudly the year before she was fifteenth but with

Hermione and the others study regime she was more focused on her


"I moved up to eighth this year," Blaise said.

"And I moved up to tenth," Neville added proudly. "So how long are you

guys going to be gone for?"

"We'll be back the Monday or Tuesday before yours and Harry's birthday

party," Daphne answered. "We're flying; dad wants us to know how to

navigate the muggle world in case of emergency. And apparently flying

by plane is less nauseating, than international portkeys and apparition.

We're flying out Monday morning at like 5:00am." Daphne made a face at

the time, while she did okay with mornings 5:00am was a little early, not

to mention they had to leave earlier than that to get to the airport.

"Are you excited to go Harry, France is lovely and there's so much to see.

I'm a bit jealous you get to go to Italy," Hermione said. And for the rest of

the trip they talked about the upcoming trip, Harry was the only one who

had yet to vacation out of the country. Of course Harry hadn't been on

any vacations anyway so he was just excited to go; since he started

drawing though he was even more excited to see the museums and art.

Tracey had been telling him of Italian history, Ancient Rome mostly, and

their impact on the magical world.

"Hey pup, you packed yet?" Sirius asked knocking on Harry's door and

entering his room.

"Yeah, I'm almost finished, how many pairs of dress pants and shirts

should I bring," Harry asked looking a bit confused at all the clothes he

laid out.

"Well you should do okay with two dress pants, maybe a black pair and

the gray pair you have. Then just take three dress shirts and some

different ties, Evelyn and Xavier said it was mostly just to relax and have

fun so that should be good.

"Right," Harry said and added another pair of dress pants and another

shirt and for safe measure a coat to match his black dress pants. "Alright

I'm good," Harry said closing his trunk shut. He and Sirius left Harry's

room with the trunk and Harry's backpack following them. They left

them off by the floo with Susan's stuff and went to the kitchen to eat with

the others.

"So how's the prep for the final going," Harry asked

"Well the stadium's almost built. The longest part was setting up the

wards to shield the stadium from muggles. After that we'll set up some

security wards in the stands, the aurors are mostly supervising right now

our biggest prep is getting ready for the day of. We're really just going

over scenarios. With so many foreign dignitaries coming we have to go

over every possibility especially in light of Trelawney's prediction."

Amelia snorted at that. Sirius smiled as did Harry and Susan who knew

Amelia's stance on divination even if from a reputable seer. "Yes we know

you hate divination, but in light of what the prediction contained we

have to prepare."

"What do you think about Trelawney's prophecy," Harry asked Amelia


"It was real but I don't think it applied to Pettigrew maybe some other

former Death Eater we've over looked. However, the future changes with

each decision Trelawney could have another prophecy tomorrow stating

the servant drowned in the bathtub." Harry laughed at Amelia's choke

and accepted her answer.

"How are your pictures of Sal and Godric coming," Susan asked?

"Good, I've got two done of Sal in black and white. I sent them to Flitwick

to see which one he thought would be better for the charm to work. After

he chooses, I'll paint it. I'm starting one of Godric."

"Its soooo early," Astoria moaned from her spot in the Greengrass Manor

Entry Hall, she was leaning on her trunk looking like she was going to

pass out. Harry, Susan, and Daphne yawned in agreement from their

spots. Daphne was leaning on Harry's left shoulder with her eyes closed

while Susan was leaning on his right shoulder with her eyes open but


Evelyn looked at all of them and tried to hide her laughter but failing

rather spectacularly. Xavier walked into the room and shrunk all their

trunks with a wave of his wand, causing the kids to fall on the ground

and Daphne's eyes to pop open and glare at her father. Xavier collected

the trunks while Evelyn took Astoria's hand and Susan's. Xavier then took

Harry's and Susan and without warning they disapperated on the spot,

they reappeared in a bathroom at the Heathrow airport. They walked out

sufficiently awakened after feeling like they were being squeezed through

a tube. Daphne, Astoria, and Susan glared at Xavier and Evelyn who

laughed in response.

"Awake now," Evelyn questioned looking for Harry, "Where's Harry?"

Xavier shrugged at went back into the bathroom to check and found

Harry throwing up into one of the trash cans.

Once Harry was finished he turned to Xavier, "A little warning next


"Sorry Harry. I forgot you've never appearated before." Xavier raised his

wand to Harry and said, "scourgify dens." Harry's mouth felt instantly

fresher. "Most people prefer just brushing their teeth but that's a handy

spell for when you find yourself without a toothbrush." Harry nodded and

they left the bathroom.

"Everything okay," Evelyn asked?

"Yep, it was Harry's first time appearating. Now let's go check in for our

flight," Xavier answered. They moved through the security checks after

that rather flawlessly, Xavier had gotten them all passports and id's,

Harry didn't know how and didn't ask. Their flight boarded and they took

off at 5:30 in the morning. Daphne was gripping Harry's hand so tight he

felt like his hand was going to go numb.

"Daph, it's alright." Harry whispered and brought her hand to his lips and

gave her hand a kiss, she lowered the death grip on his hand, to a

manageable level. After the plain evened out in the air Daphne, Susan,

Astoria, and Harry passed out for the whole flight. The next thing they

knew Evelyn and Xavier were waking them up.

"Come on guys the plane landed," Evelyn said as she shook them awake.

They woke with more ease this time around it was 8 in the morning in

Paris, France when they landed. Harry was looking in wonder around the

city as they were driven to their hotel, Hotel Prince de Galles, Evelyn had

picked the hotel because it had a distinctly Parisian feel to it and she

wanted Harry to experience all he could while they were in France for

two weeks. They were checked into their suite the presidential one as

Evelyn and Xavier thought it would fit them all comfortably and Harry

could have a connecting room on his own, so he didn't have to bunk with

three teenage girls.

Harry and the others were in awe as they walked into suite. The walls

were cream colored and the furniture was done in the Louis XV style, and

there was amazing artwork on the walls. They walked out onto the patio

and gasped as they saw the amazing view of the Eiffel Tower.

"Wow," was all Harry managed to say as he looked out. Xavier and

Evelyn showed everyone where they would be sleeping.

"I thought you might appreciate your own room," Xavier said placing his

hand on Harry's shoulder. Harry sighed in relief which made Xavier let

out a laugh.

"Alright we're going shopping!" Evelyn stated followed by squeals from

all three girls.

"You ready for this," Xavier said with a grimace.

"No," Harry said shaking his head staring at the girls bouncing and


"Smart man, grab a book or your sketch pad, you're gonna need it,"

Xavier said grabbing his own file of stuff to read.

Four hours later the ladies finally took a lunch break and Harry and

Xavier sighed in relief. They had endured boutique after boutique, either

sitting there watching the girls model clothes or being forced into clothes

by the girls. Xavier had managed to balance his Greenhouse books and

Harry had finished one picture of Godric. They sat down to eat at a little

bistro near the shops to eat. They ordered their lunches and chatted

about where they wanted to go.

"So are we done shopping," Harry asked, Xavier snorted.

"What do you mean this is just the lunch break?" Daphne replied. Harry's

eyes widened and he looked to Xavier for support.

Xavier just shook his head, "after sixteen years of marriage I can inform

you that women are never done shopping, everything is merely a pause."

Evelyn fixed a playful glare at her husband and Harry turned a little

green while he sat there watching Daphne talk to Susan, Astoria, and her

mother about which store they were going to next. Daphne had a bright

smile on her face while she was talking, Harry noted. He sighed and

resolved himself to a life of watching Daphne shop but he had to admit if

she kept smiling like that he would let her blow through the whole entire

Potter fortune.

Xavier saw Harry's look and chuckled softly before clapping Harry on his

shoulder, "You're a good man Harry." Harry smiled at his soon to be

father-in-law and they went back to eating quietly.

They arrived back at the hotel at eight that night Harry and Xavier

loaded down with bags, shrunken and full sized bags. Astoria, Susan,

Daphne, and Evelyn were each carrying bags also, Harry was in awe that

you could spend that much money in one go but then again he wasn't a


They got to their room and Harry set the bags down and flopped down

on a chair in the suite. Xavier copied him and the women laughed. Harry

looked over at them and glared a bit.

"Yeah laugh it up, how do you expect to get this shi…stuff," he changed

words at Evelyn's look, "home."

They laughed, "space enlargement charm Mr. Potter, don't they teach that

at Hogwarts anymore," Evelyn said teasing him.

Harry just banged his head on the back of the chair and Xavier sighed,

"you walked into that one."

"Yep," Harry said. "So what are we doing now?"

"How about dinner down in the restaurant," Evelyn suggested Harry and

Xavier both nodded furiously hungry from all the walking and carrying

bags around. "Alright everybody change and meet back here in fifteen

minutes." Harry left for his room and took out his black dress pants and

changed into them, he wore his dragon skin boots. He walked shirtless

into his bathroom shirtless to wash his face off and spiked his hair. Harry

pulled on a black dress shirt, the inside of the shirt was a deep red, and

Harry left the collar un-done and rolled the sleeves a bit. He walked into

the main suite and saw the only one ready was Xavier he joined the man

who was watching a soccer match between Argentina and Greece.

"This is a World Cup year for football too right?" Harry asked as he sat


"Yep, this one's Argentina and Greece, group stage still." Harry and Xavier

spent the next ten minutes yelling at the telly. Finally the women came

out and Evelyn rolled her eyes at the pair.

"Alright let's go boys," Evelyn said. Both looked up surprised that they

were no longer alone. They stood still looking at the telle so; Evelyn shut

it off finally gaining their attention. They were all dressed in summer

dresses and ready to go. At dinner it was decided that tomorrow they

would go to the Louvre.

Harry collapsed down onto the sofa in the Greengrass family room, it felt

good to be back home. They had spent two weeks in France, one in Paris

and the other on the Cote d'Azure on the beach. The days on the beach

were some of the best Harry ever had. The Greengrasses had rented a

villa on the beach. Everyday Harry got up and ran on the beach to the

sunrise in the background, sometimes Daphne joined him, other days she

slept. Their first day on the beach Daphne wore a white bikini that had

Harry's eyes popping out of his skull like a cartoon character.

Xavier took one look at Harry eyeing his eldest daughter, promptly

asked, "Do I need to seal you in your room or will you behave?" Xavier

said managing to keep a straight face when Harry looked over to him and


Harry squeaked out an, "I'll be good." Xavier burst out laughing and then

got popped upside the back of his head by his wife who was standing

nearby and smiling. Harry's favorite experience though was jet skiing

with Daphne's arms wrapped around him, another activity they did

almost every day, mostly Harry was thankful Daphne was behind him

and couldn't feel his reaction.

The next three weeks were spent in Italy, after visiting the country Harry

wanted to find out if he had a house in Italy and if he didn't he planned

on buying one. They spent the first week in Venice exploring the canals

and architecture, Harry's favorite place was the Piazza San Marco. On

one night Harry took Daphne out on a date they went on gondola ride

and then ate at Ristorante Riva Rosa, it was nice but expensive place to

eat. After they ate they went back for another ride on a gondola to see

the city at night, well they were going to but it was a bit difficult to see

the city while they were attached at the lips. Harry discovered that night

Daphne was very sensitive on her neck right below her ear.

Their second week in Italy was spent in Florence. In Florence they visited

the Duomo, The Fountain of Neptune, Harry drew a beautiful picture of

the fountain with Daphne sitting on the ledge of the fountain blonde hair

flowing. They visited the Ponte Vecchio which was amazing lit up at

night, the Basilica of San Lorenzo, and the Uffizi. The third week was

spent in Rome where they spent time chatting with the ghosts of

gladiators at the Colosseum, they went down into the catacombs, though

Evelyn didn't really share their enthusiasm for the catacombs, the

Vatican, the Pantheon, Daphne was rather upset that not a single magical

artifact remained at the Pantheon, The Trevi Fountain, the Forum,

Trajan's Market, Trajan's forum and Harry took Daphne on a date to the

Villa Borghese gardens and the last place they visited was Castel


"You awake there," Daphne asked as she came into the room. Harry

cracked his eyes open still flopped out on the couch and barely nodded.

Daphne sat on the couch next to him, brought her feet up and curled into

Harry's side. Harry wrapped on arm around her and brought her face to

his, leaning into a knee weakening kiss. Daphne moaned into Harry's

mouth as his tongue tangled with her own. Harry moved his lips from

hers and across her smooth skin to his favorite place on the side of her

neck, Harry nuzzled there for a minute before kissing his way back to her

lips and pulling back.

"That's definitely my favorite way to say hi," Daphne murmured. Harry

hummed is agreement and closed his eyes hugging Daphne closer. Harry

fell asleep within in minutes of holding Daphne. Daphne just starred at

Harry and ran her hand through his hair.

"Daph," Evelyn called walking into the room and pausing at seeing Harry

asleep. She lowered her voice, "I'll put him in the guest room he uses over

here, floo Sirius and tell him, Susan already went back." Daphne nodded

and slowly got up from the couch trying not to jostle Harry and wake

him. Evelyn sighed and levitated Harry up to the guest room where he

normally staid. Evelyn kissed his forehead before walking out of the


Tuesday Harry and his friends met at Potter Manor to re-start their

training with Severus, Sirius was working but Evelyn was going to come

and have them work on their sword play. "Hadrian, Susan," Severus said

as he came out from the floo to Potter Manor, "Welcome back. How did

your travels go?"

"Good, tiring but well," Susan answered while Harry smiled a bright

lopsided grin at Severus. Severus allowed one of his rare smiles to show.

"I hope you stayed in shape," Severus said with his eyebrow raised as the

others started to come out of the floo, Evelyn apperating in with


"They did, Harry the most," Evelyn answered. Severus nodded and

smirked at Harry, who shrugged. Working out helped to get rid of any

worries or stress for Harry if he wasn't drawing them.

They exchanged hugs and welcome backs before making their way down

to the training room in Potter Manor.

As they walked in they were greeted by Sal, "Finally you're back. You

know it's bloody well boring with no one home," he growled out.

"No wonder people thought he was a dark lord, he's a bloody grouch,"

Blaise muttered.

"I heard that!"

"Godric rolled his eyes, "Now you see what I had to put up with."

Severus cleared his throat, "As interesting as this is, they're here to train,

and you can talk later."

"Maybe it's a Slytherin thing or a potion's master thing, you know being a

grouch," Susan said earning a disgruntled look from Harry, Salazar, and


"Alright today you're going to be dueling each other two on one. You

must adapt to the situation Evelyn and I will be throwing obstacles into

the duel. We'll be seeing how well the new feature added by myself,

Sirius, Amelia, Madam Longbottom, Belladonna and Bill, while you were

away. The training room will now be able to give us different settings."

Severus walked over to one of the walls where there were now series of

runes etched into the wall. Severus activated one and the training room

took on the model of a forest. It was rather dark as an actual forest would

be, there were tress all around and roots sticking up out of the ground.

"Harry you're up first goes into the forest until you hit the back wall of

the training room," Severus said. Harry nodded and started to move

across room that was now a forest. The training room was rather large as

it took up half of the whole underground of Potter Manor. Severus was

looking at them trying to decide who to pair up against Harry. Neville

had, besides Daphne, the most power next to Harry and Hermione knew

more spells than Harry, though she had yet to try them all out.

"Neville and Hermione, you'll go against him." They nodded and entered

the forest, Severus activated another rune that projected the inside of the

forest to the others, "watch and learn. Neville and Hermione already

made a mistake."

"They should have planned something together," Blaise answered the

unasked question. Severus nodded as did Godric and Sal, who were

watching the projection with rapt attention.

Harry had not been idle while Severus picked who was going to be paired

against him. He surveyed the area and found he had a small clearing of

about six feet around, with trees or bushes surrounding it. Harry conjured

a massive amount of smoke and had it fill the clearing then he turned to

a tree and climbed up it and disillusioned himself. Harry was waiting for

about five to ten minutes when a sensory ward he put up tripped. Harry

watched from his position high in the trees as Hermione came in from

the left and Neville from the right, Harry decided to go for Neville first,

as he could almost match Harry power wise. Harry had a clear shot at

Neville coming up on his right and took it, he raised wand and thought

out, "stupefy," the red spell shot from Harry's wand and impacted Neville

on his head and tossed him back and unconscious, into the shrubbery

around him. Harry jumped down from the tree and quickly disillusioned

Neville's body and picked up his wand, Harry ducked into the woods just

as Hermione dispelled the smoke. Hermione looked around for Neville as

she did so she waved her wand in circle around her subtly. She looked

down and examined the foot prints on the ground and was about to

follow them when Harry realized his mistake and sent out a curse from

the woods, "diffindo," Harry unleashed the cutting curse at Hermione, the

spell bounced off the shield she had envelope her earlier. Hermione sent

a curse back at where she thought Harry was and he dived out of the way

coming up from his roll and firing off a powerful, "bombarda", at

Hermione her shield shattered under the power of Harry's spell and

cracked a rib or two. Hermione bent over and Harry fired off an,

"petrificus totalus, expelliarmus." Hermione's wand came flying into Harry's

hand and Severus deactivated the runes.

The room reverted back to its original form. Severus went over to

Hermione and headed her while Harry disillusioned Neville and woke

him up. Neville stood up wearily and shook his head.

"Well done Hadrian," Severus said. "Now who can tell me what they did

wrong?" Severus asked as Harry gave his friends back their wands.

"They didn't plan anything," Blaise answered.

"They walked into a spelled area without doing a revealing spell, or

dispelling the smoke," Daphne answered.

"We didn't look up," Neville added rubbing his head.

"Sorry mate," Harry said with a chuckle.

"Good," Evelyn said, "Now what did they do right?"

"They flanked him," Susan said.

"Yes but planning would have made it better and more useful especially if

we would have communicated," Hermione answered. Severus nodded.

"Harry set a trap and disillusioned himself," Daphne said with a smile

towards her boyfriend.

"Good, good. Next Daphne verses Tracey and Susan," Severus announced

and activated another rune scheme that turned half the training room

into a section of what looked like a small part of Diagon Alley.

"Harry!" Daphne squealed a bit and ran to him as he came out of the floo

at Longbottom Manor. Daphne jumped on him and Harry caught her as

she wrapped her legs around gave him a kiss, Sirius made a barffing

noise that interrupted what was on its way to becoming a steaming kiss.

Harry let Daphne down and they both blushed a bit.

"You think the last time they saw each other was last year not two days

ago," Susan said rolling her eyes and giving Hannah a hug and then

Neville. "Happy birthday Nev."

"Oh common on Sue there in looove," Hannah sang out in a teasing voice.

Susan grumbled a bit and Hannah added, "Maybe it's time for you to get

a boyfriend then."

"No!" Both Sirius and Harry said. Harry added to his shout by saying, "she

doesn't need one of us hanging on her and thinking the things we think."

Harry finished with Sirius nodding along with him, neither paid attention

to the glares they were getting from Susan and the other women and the

girls. Two thumps were heard and followed by both Harry and Sirius

yelling, "Ouch, what?" Both Daphne and Amelia smacked them upside the

back of their heads.

Thank you," Susan said stilling glaring at her brother and the man she

thought of as a father now, "idiots," she muttered and walked away

hooking her arm with Hannah and Daphne and joining the party. Amelia

shook her head at Sirius as she too walked off to talk with Madam


"Oh get up Neville," Harry said to his friend who was currently on the

ground laughing at him and Sirius.

"So how'd you talk your grandmother into a small party with only a few

parents?" Harry asked as he, Neville and Sirius joined the party.

"It was rather easy; she's exceedingly proud of me and was willing to let

me have the party I wanted. She and Uncle Algie have even been

bragging about me to their friends." Neville said with a smile as they

joined Blaise, Draco, and Theo who were discussing the upcoming finale.

Harry smiled at his friend who was obviously happy about his new

relationship with his guardians, Harry knew that even if you weren't

always treated right you still would strive sometimes for their approval

that was what he wanted at the Dursleys hell he would have settled for

acceptance or even just to be left alone.

"Hey Drake, Theo glad you could join us," Harry said and clapped them

on the back in friendship.

"Thanks for inviting us," Draco answered as they took a pause from their

conversation to greet the two birthday boys.

"Hey how did you guys get here anyways," Blaise asked knowing both

boys parents.

"Mine parents think I'm at Drake's," Theo said.

"And mum's covering for us," Draco added. They all nodded in agreement

and went back to discussing Quidditch.

"I still can't believe Bulgaria made it this far," Draco commented.

"Yeah and all on the back of Krum," Harry added with a smirk towards

Draco, "It's all in the seeker."

"Please everyone knows it's the chasers that make the difference, doesn't

matter if you catch the snitch and already getting killed," Draco ribbed


"Who's Krum," Hermione asked as she and the girls came over.

"Viktor Krum is Bulgaria's seeker and the youngest player in the

tournament and professional quidditch," Theo answered. "He's brilliant on

a broom, probably one of the best to ever play."

"So they're in the final then?"

"." Draco gave her a look that said how do you not know that.

"Muggleborn, remember," Hermione added with an, are you stupid look.

"Well it's Ireland, Bulgaria, Brazil, or Sweden that are going to be in the

final depending on how the semi's turn out.

"Come on time to eat," Sirius yelled out to them.

Frank Bryce was the old caretaker of the Riddle Mansion on the outskirts

of Little Haggelton. He was supposedly the killer of the former tenants of

the house but was released when the autopsy reports on the Riddle's

came back as natural causes, in 1945. Frank was now seventy some years

old with a false leg left over from the War. It was his leg that woke him

this night as he fixed some tea, he saw flashes of light coming from the

old Mansion which he was still caretaker of. "Damn kids," Frank muttered

and grabbed a flashlight and his key to the Mansion. Frank moved up

from his small cottage and through the Riddle graveyard and in to the

house, he moved to where he could hear voices and looked through the

cracked door.

In a dark dank room of what looked like an old mansion from the 1920's

in décor a, a fire was roaring. In front of the fire was a high backed

stuffed chair. A short squat man was standing in the shadows cast by the

firelight. He seemed to be bowing a bit and Frank could just make out

some…thing else sitting in the chair from the light.

"Wormtail," a wheezy voice hissed out, "where is Nagini," it wasn't asked

as a question, rather a demand.

"Sh, Sh-e, She's out exploring the house I think, M,Mm, Master," a

familiar voice stuttered out. "There's more in the bottle, Master, if you're

still hungry," Wormtail managed to get out without stuttering.

"You will need to milk Nagini, I will need more," the voice hissed out


"H-how long will we be staying here master?"

"A week we need to wait for the Quidditch World Cup to end before the

plans can go through."

"Why must we wait, Master? Couldn't we have used Bertha Jorkins?"

"Because you fool, the Ministry has added security to everywhere with all

the foreigners coming into the country, we wouldn't want the muggles

catching on. Jorkins served a different purpose, stop stuttering before I

cut your tongue out."

"And does it really need to be the Potter boy, my lord," Wormtail said and

then stuttered to correct himself, "not that I have any feelings for the boy,

no, none at all but another wizard would be easier to get at and take,"

Wormtail muttered.

"Yes it could be another wizard but Harry Potter will be used and then I

shall kill the boy, and perhaps feed you to Nagini, if you do not stop

questioning me!"

Frank Bryce was getting more nervous as time went on while he was

listening. First he was hearing made up words and things of fairy tales,

then something about the Ministry and murdering a boy. He turned to

leave but as he did a huge green snake slithered through the hallway and

into the room. The snake looked towards the chair and was moving his

head, the hiss like voice actually turned into hissing. Frank had a fleeting

thought that whoever was in the chair was talking to the snake before he

shook it off. He was turning to leave when he heard the hiss voice

speaking normally again.

"Wormtail, Nagini tells me the old muggle caretaker is standing outside

the door listening to our discussion." A small hand pointed towards the

door, "Why don't you turn me around so I can give our guest a proper

greeting." Womtail complied and turned the chair around, a hideous fetus

like thing was the last thing Frank Bryce saw as an eerie green light

enveloped him.

Across England Harry shot up in his bunk sweating and breathing hard,

he stumbled out of his bunk and into the main area of their tent. Harry,

Susan, Amelia, and Sirius were at the World Cup campsite two days early

as their jobs required it. Bill and Ginny had come with them as Amelia

and Sirius spent most of their time working. Their 'tent' was practically as

large as the Dursely's house. Harry moved into the kitchen and started to

make some tea, Scooby came trotting up to him.

"Hey Scoob," Harry said. Scooby had grown a lot and fast at eight months

he weighed 120 pounds, more the even Daph weighed, and he stood at

nearly three feet. Scooby wagged his tail as Harry scratched behind his

ears as the tea was steeping. When the tea finished Harry took it and

padded over to the couch in his bare feet. He pulled his legs up and

rested his hands on his knees trying to comprehend his dream without

completely freaking out. Scooby got on the couch next to him and laid


"Harry?" Amelia called softly as she came into the room awoke by the

small amount of noise in the kitchen, she was always a light sleeper. She

came around to where he was sitting to see him. "Scoob," she said and

the puppy scooted down the couch so Amelia could sit. She sat and

wrapped an arm around Harry's shoulder, Harry turned a bit so he could

face her. "What is it Harry?"

Harry paused before answering, "I had a dream, a vivid one of

Voldemort. He's gaining strength, I don't know how but his snake has

something to do with it. He now as a solid for it, it looks like a deformed

fetus, baby thing but with arms and legs. He's with Pettigrew, he killed

somebody named Bertha Jorkins and is planning something, he wants to

kill…me but first he needs me for something. He killed somebody in the

dream, a muggle, I could feel the killing curse as it took him," Harry

ended in a whisper voice shaking.

Amelia pulled Harry into a hug and held him close, whispering comforts

in his ear. She stroked his hair calming him, as she felt tears soak the

shirt she slept in. Harry slowly fell asleep as Amelia whispered to him

and held him, gently rocking him back and forth. When she was sure he

was sleeping deeply she pulled back and laid him gently on the couch,

Scooby made room and curled up into Harry's side, almost laying on him.

Amelia struggled to hold a laugh in as the huge puppy laid half on Harry

getting comfortable and Harry wrapped an arm around the dog, "keep

him company Scoob," She whispered before going back to hers and

Sirius's room.

The next time Harry woke that morning Severus was there in the tent

with Sirius and Amelia and Bill. They were sitting at the table each

drinking tea.

"Good you're up," Sirius said. "Good get ready and then you, Susan, and

Ginny can go explore the campgrounds," Sirius said walking over to him

and giving him a wink, "we'll fill you in after the match is over," he said

quietly. Harry nodded and went into his room and changed into some

cargo shorts and an Ireland t-shirt, he put on matching green Chucks.

Harry came out and looked to Susan and Ginny who were dressed

similarly, on muggle shorts and t-shirts. Ginny had a shamrock painted

on her cheek, Shea was on her shoulder wearing a tiny, tiny Ireland shirt.

"You two ready?" Harry asked.

"Yep," they both answered and the three of them set out to explore, they

were right near the stadium and closest to them seemed to be the Ireland

supporters. Everywhere they looked there were Ireland colors. Tents had

shamrocks painted on them, leprechauns, and Ireland flags. Irish flags

hung everywhere.

"This is awesome," Ginny said rather awed as she took everything in.

They passed on tent and Ernie MacMillan called out to them.

"Hey, Susan, Hadrian."

They stopped walking and came over to Ernie's tent where his parents

were sitting.

"Mum, Da, this is Susan Bones and Hadrian Potter, and Ginny right,"

Ernie asked and Ginny nodded, "Ginny Weasley."

They shook her hands and chatted with Ernie for a bit finding out that,

Muggles were actually manning the entrance areas because the land they

were on was a camp ground. The Ministry workers had been handing out

warnings and fines to some of the partiers as they were using magic

openly, the Bulgarian's were getting hit the hardest because they had

huge moving posters of Krum on their tents. They said goodbye to Ernie

and moved through the camp to the souvenir section where vendors were

all over, selling anything and everything Ireland and Bulgaria.

"You guys want something, I've got my money on me," Harry asked the

two girls he thought of as sisters. Ginny usually spent her time with Tori

over at the Greengrasses. They squealed at the thought of shopping and

Harry inwardly shot himself thinking back to France and Italy where

three days of the trip were shopping from the ass crack of dawn until


They moved from booth to booth browsing the goods. Harry was actually

the first to buy something purchasing Omnioculars for the three of them.

"Hey face paint, we're gonna need some more when the others get here,"

Ginny said as they passed a booth selling various paints in Ireland and

Bulgarian colors.

"Oh I sooo want one of those," Susan said pointing to some guy's giant

cloth hat in Ireland colors with a dancing leprechaun on it. They moved

over to the guy selling the hats and bought one for Susan with the

leprechaun, Harry got one with a shamrock that would light up around

the hat and Ginny got one with a leprechaun that was in a fighting stance

and would move around the hat like a boxer. They walked over to a

stand that was selling memorabilia like signed posters, game snitches

from previous matches, quaffles, beater bats, and uniforms, some were

signed like the posters others weren't. Shea seemed quite taken with one

of the snitches that were on the stand, she looked like a kid in a candy

stores her big eyes grew even wider while she was looking at the shiny

snitch. Harry moved over a purchased the snitch which was unsigned but

was from an Ireland group match. Harry took the snitch and let it fly in

front of Shea who chased it around, the snitch had a spell on it to stay

near the buyer so Harry wasn't worry about the snitch getting away from


"Thanks Harry," Ginny said quietly a little embarrassed Harry spent that

much money for her familiar.

"Hey don't worry about it, Shea deserves a reward for her pranking

talent," Harry joked lightening the mood. The group moved out of the

tent selling memorabilia and looked around trying to decide what to do.

As they were walking around the camp ground, Harry spotted a little

blonde girl that looked about seven or eight, looking around and growing

panicked, tears were welling up the little girl's eyes. Harry knew that

feeling, she was lost, of course Harry was never lost the fuckers left him

on purpose but he was willing to bet all the gold in his vault she was lost.

"Sue," Harry said pointing out the little girl, "I think she's lost."

"Come on lets help her, before anything happens to her," Susan answered

and Ginny nodded in agreement. Shea caught her snitch and sat on

Ginny's shoulder as they moved over to the little girl. "Harry send your

patronus to Bill when we get her name," Susan said. Harry nodded.

Susan, Harry, and Ginny came up to the little girl and Ginny and Susan

knelt down to her height.

"Hi, I'm Susan, this is Ginny and my brother Harry," Susan spoke in a

cheerful voice and gestured to them as she said their names. Harry and

Ginny smiled at the little girl who tried to smile back but failed. Shea

floated down to the little girl and gave her the snitch and flew around the

little girl making her giggle. "Are your parents around?"

The little girl shook her head and said, "Non, lost," she said in broken

English and pointing to herself.

Susan replied, "Parles tu François?" She was the only one of them that

spoke French. The little girl nodded. "Comment tu t'appelles?"

"Je m'appelle Gabrielle Delacour." At hearing her name Harry sent his

patronus off to Bill and the others for help. Susan took the girl's hand and

led her over to a nearby table where they all sat down to wait for Bill to

arrive, Shea doing a good job of keeping the little girl entertained.

While Susan, Harry, and Ginny were out wandering the campground Bill,

Severus, Amelia and Sirius were discussing Harry's dream. Amelia

thought it was to detailed to be just a dream and alerted Severus as soon

as she told Sirius this morning.

"I agree with Amelia that the dream was real," Severus concluded after

hearing Amelia's recounting of the dream. Severus put his arm on the

table and rolled his sleeve up showing the dark mark to those gathered.

"It's getting darker, he's getting stronger."

Sirius looked at the mark and sighed, "It's darker than the one's I saw in


"Why is Harry having dreams of him," Amelia asked?

"He may have a left over connection with the You-Know-Who, from the

horcrux," Bill spoke. "In the text I studied there was mention that a living

horcrux can share a connection with the maker, it maybe a residual

connection, I can check using a spell from the book."

"Can the Dark Lord use this connection," Severus questioned?

"If it's residual know, only Harry will be able to because the link he has to

Harry is shut. And Harry won't be able to go into his mind or anything,

he may just pick up some glimpses in his dreams from time to time. If the

horcrux wasn't destroyed Harry and Voldemort may have been able to

access each other's minds. Since Harry still lives and the horcrux in his

mind was destroyed, Harry's magic took on some of You-Know-Who's and

cleansed it so Harry could use it, it will work as a sort of warning system

for Harry."

"I think he also may have use Nagini as horcrux with the death of Bertha

Jorkins, it would be the only way he could gain strength the way he has,"

Bill added.

"I agree, he already had a bond with Nagini this will strengthen it,"

Severus said.

"We need a way to get Fudge use to the idea that Voldemort will be back,

with Lucius at his side he won't accept it easily, we need solid proof and

saying Hadrian has a link with a sociopath isn't going to cut it," Sirius


Amelia nodded, "Fudge will bury his head in the sand, if this is sprung on

him without evidence."

"How could he just not believe a warning like this?" Bill questioned, "I

mean he's the head of the government he has a duty to his people."

"He may but he's a politician William," Severus answered using his

teacher voice, "He's greedy and was chosen by the pureblood voting block

supported him. He's easily manipulated and sympathetic to them, granted

he's not an idiot, he would never join the Dark Lord, just because he likes

his traditions. However, if he acts like a chicken shit, he may do more

harm than good. He's also become cautious of Dumbledore lately

whatever we do there cannot be Dumbledore supporters involved."

"I might have an idea, but I'm going to need Narcissa's help. I'll fill you in

later I need to check something out," Sirius said getting up from the table

and kissing Amelia before exiting the tent.

"Severus will all the marks get darker," Amelia asked?

"Yes and as he gains more power they may start to move. Right now it's

still faint but it will get darker the longer he's out there."

"I'm going to contact Jacob Carey, he's one of our Auror's on duty at

Azkaban, I want him to watch the marks, he'll then add it in his reports

and I can take those to Fudge." Amelia said standing and moving over to

the floo in the tent. "You're welcome to stay Severus, if you want to."

"Thank you but I have a potion to get back to," Severus answered and left

through the floo, it was a perk of being the head of the DMLE.

As Severus left and Amelia was about to start her floo call, Harry's

patronus came into the kitchen.

"Bill we found a lost girl, she's French and her name's Gabrielle Delacour.

We're in the concessions area where they're selling everything just

outside the memorabilia tent," Harry's voice came from Snow.

"Let me check the listing," Amelia said, "the Delacour's are a prominent

family in France, they're probably going insane with worry." She moved

into her and Sirius's room and brought out a large parchment scroll, and

started to look down it, "They're in this section about a mile away from

our tent. Come on I'll go with you to their tent and let them know then

you can go and get them." Amelia said and both her and Bill left the tent

in the direction of the Delacour's tent. They arrived about ten minutes

later and found the Delacour patriarch discussing with the aurors while

the mother was pacing as was their other daughter.

Bill came to a halting stop at the sight of the Delacour daughter she was

beautiful. She had silvery blonde hair, deep blue eyes, and a perfect face

with ivory white skin. Amelia elbowed Bill who started forward again

this time focusing on the father.

"Madam Black," the Auror with the father snapped to attention.

"Jennings, you can go back to your post, we found his daughter," Amelia

said and turned her attention to the Delacour patriarch. "Mr. Delacour

your daughter is safe, she was found by my niece and godson, and

William's sister. I wanted to let you know before William goes and

retrieves them."

"Pere, I'll go with him stay with mere," the daughter spoke coming up to


"This is my eldest daughter Fleur, she'll go with William to meet with

Gabi. Thank you, Madam Black."

Bill and Fleur set out to bring the wayward girl back to her parents. They

had about a thirty minute walk to the area where the Harry, Susan,

Ginny, and Gabi were waiting.

"Zank you, for helping find ma soeur," Fleur spoke in French and English

choosing her words slowly, Bill thought she probably hardly ever spoke

English if she knew it.

"It's no problem, Harry probably recognized your sister was lost, he's

good with his surroundings. You don't need to worry about her with

them, they all know what to do," Bill said trying to ease some of her

worries. "Oh by the way, I'm Bill Weasley," Bill introduced himself

formally with a dashing smile.

"Fleur Delacour," Fleur said with a small smile.

"There they are," Bill said pointing out the small group at a picnic table

where Gabrielle and the others were laughing at something Shea was


"Gabi!" Fleur shouted and raced to her sister's side, Gabi got up and met

her halfway. They were speaking fast in French to each other Gabi was

crying and holding tight to her big sister. Harry, Susan, and Ginny moved

over to meet Bill near the sisters.

"Hey Bill," They said coming over to him.

"Hey guys, what happened?"

Harry shrugged, "She looked lost." Bill chuckled and Susan and Ginny just

rolled their eyes at Harry acting like he did nothing.

"Zank you for helping her," Fleur said as she came over and gave all three

of them a hug and kissed their cheeks in thanks.

"French," Harry muttered loud enough for only Sue to hear, she hit up

side the back of his head.

"So everyone ready to go back to the tent, I'm hungry," Bill said and

Ginny nodded along with him.

"Weasleys," Both Harry and Susan chuckled earning them mock glares,

and got Fleur and Gabrielle to laugh. "Let's go," Harry said shaking his

head. Shea hovered around them as they walked back. They chatted with

the Delacours for awhile after they returned Gabi before making their

way back to their tent.

"Harry I'm going to run a check on your scar," Bill said as they were

sitting in Harry's room talking about Fleur and Daphne.

"The text I went over said once you destroy a living horcrux, if the vessel

remains alive there may be a residual connection." Harry nodded and

closed his eyes as Bill pointed his wand at him. Harry heard Bill saying

something in a different language, a chant Harry thought.

About two minutes later Bill stopped, "Alright Harry." Harry opened his

eyes and raised an eyebrow at Bill. "Your scar has a residual connection,"

seeing Harry's panicked look he added quickly, "It's not what you're

thinking. Your mind is closed off to him, he can't access it, you can't

actively go into his and search around either, but you can get glimpses of

what he's doing while you sleep. The unconscious mind is still a world

fully understand either by magic or muggles. You're scar what's left of it

will act as a warning system of sorts, you'll know when he's around,

though, when you're conscious." Harry nodded.

"Bill you have experience with girls right," Harry asked?

Bill smirked at him trying to decide whether or not to tease him, "Tell the

master what's on your mind?"

Harry rolled his eyes, "I want to ask Daphne to marry me."

"You're already contracted to marry at fifteen, but you want to ask her

anyway," Bill said.


"Well you're already doing that right. When do you want to do it by?"

"Before summer, since I suspect they'll be planning, Daph's birthday is the

27th of August so we have to be married either before that or on the


"Right then I suggest Christmas, and make it special. Now special doesn't

necessarily mean thousands of roses and candles and the like, do

something you'll know she'll love and that's unique to you two."

Harry nodded, "thank you," Harry said and Bill nodded and left the room,

so Harry could go to sleep.

Harry woke up the next day to Daphne sitting on his bed smiling at him,

"well this is a nice way to wake up," Harry commented sleepily. Daphne

giggled at him, his hair was sticking up on only the right side, he looked

like he had been in a wind tunnel, and his eyes were only half open. She

leaned forward and caught his lips into a sweet lingering kiss, she pulled

back a bit leaving her lips just inches away from his.

"Good morning," She whispered and then pulled all the way back as

Astoria came in and jumped on the bed fully waking Harry up if the kiss


"Get up already!" She said before bouncing out of the room again and

doing the same to Susan.

"Blaise and Neville are here and Tracey and her parents are bringing

Hermione, soon," Daphne said giving him a kiss on the cheek before

leaving the room. Harry smiled to himself and made his way to the

shower and to get ready, he dressed in jeans and another Ireland shirt

with Troy's name and number on the back. Harry entered the kitchen

about twenty minutes later to see Susan and Ginny eating at the table.

"The others are sitting outside," Susan said standing up from the table,

Harry nodded and sat down to eat a quick breakfast. Ginny left after a

few minutes and Daphne walked in as Harry finished eating. Harry

cleaned up his dishes and Daphne pulled him into the living area and

pushed him down on the couch. Daphne lay down next to him and Harry

wrapped his arms around her pulling her closer. Harry ran his nose along

hers and smiled at her looking into her eyes for a minute before bringing

her lips to his in a slow kiss. His lips lid over hers slowly deepening the

kiss. Daphne parted her lips allowing Harry's tongue into her mouth.

Their tongues tangled as they kissed, Harry winning the short battle for

dominance. He slid his tongue into her mouth to explore, loving the

unique taste she had.

Harry kissed down Daphne's neck and back up again, Daphne was

breathing heavily as Harry's hands started to explore Daphne's body. He

was running his hands up and down her back and moved his lips back to

hers, before pulling back. Daphne buried her head in his chest as he held

her. They talked quietly for about two hours before they even got to

yesterday, the only day they had been separated from each other.

"What happened yesterday, I could feel something off with you for

awhile," Daphne asked giving Harry's neck a kiss. They had discussed

their ability to feel each other slightly, but hadn't been able to come up

with a reason for why they could. Since meeting each other they could

feel when the other was in distress, Harry felt it when she was taken into

the chamber, and Daphne had felt it before during the philosopher's stone

incident, the aftermath of the chamber, and sometimes just when he

would lie awake at night pondering something.

"I had a dream, Sirius, Amelia, Bill, and Severus discussed it later and

came to the conclusion that it was real." Harry spoke holding Daphne

closer, he hated the feeling of knowing Voldemort killed someone in

front of him, even if it was dream. "He was with Pettigrew and they were

discussing a plan, to get to me, he wants to use me for something and

then kill me." Daphne pulled in a shuddering gasp as Harry said that and

Harry stroked her hair calming her. "He's getting stronger and will soon

be back, in the dream I was watching it from somebody's, a muggle, point

of view he found out someone was in the Mansion and went to check it

out, I think he was a caretaker for the property, Voldemort killed him. I

could feel the curse coming towards him."

Daphne held on to Harry tighter and ran her hands through his hair,

which always calmed him. Harry realized as he stopped shaking that he

had been shaking while he told her the story.

"Damn mate, that's horrible," Blaise said from behind them. He, Neville,

and Susan were standing behind the couch and had heard the story.

Harry and Daphne sat up on the couch making room for Susan, who

threw an arm around her brother in support from the side that Daphne

wasn't curled into. Blaise and Neville took seats in the two open chairs.

"Bill tested the remainder of my scar, I have a residual connection with

Voldemort. It basically means I'll have these dreams once in awhile until

the bastard's dead. But he can't access my mind or anything."

"Alright enough gloom and doom already," Tracey said as her and

Hermione walked in to the tent. The Davis family had a tent next to

Harry's for the night where the girls would be staying. "Let's go get the

rest of us some souvenirs and Sirius said we need more wood for the fire."

They all got up and exchanged hugs with Tracey and Hermione before

leaving the tent.

"Be back by five for dinner," Evelyn called to them as they left to go

explore. They waved back to her that they had heard and left the area.

On the way to they stopped by the Delacour's and introduced their

friends and cheeked in on little Gabi, who was back to normal after

getting separated from her parents.

"So how'd you meet them?" Hermione asked as they made their way to

the merchandise section of the campground.

"The little one, Gabi, got lost yesterday and we helped her get back to her

folks," Harry answered with a shrug.

"They were hot," Blaise commented on Fleur and her mother, Tracey

standing next to him slapped him upside the back of his head, "what they

were," Blaise said then ducked behind Neville to avoid another hit.

"Hey, don't drag me into this just 'cause you put your foot in it again,"

Neville said stepping out of the way and giving Tracey another shot at


"Ouch, Oy where's the solidarity mate?" Blaise asked Neville.

"Dead in the face of angry teenage girls everywhere," Neville deadpanned

causing the others to laugh.

"I'm pretty sure their part veela," Daphne added to the conversation,

Tracey nodded in agreement with her friend.

"What's a veela," Harry asked?

"They're classified as sub-humans but that would be offensive to Fleur

and her family so don't say that to them," Tracey answered. "Veela are

women that can turn into birds when angry and hurl fireballs at people.

When in their human form they're exceedingly beautiful and when they

dance can charm men into doing anything they want."

"And act like drooling idiots," Daphne added with a smirk.

"Right but that's not very hard anyways," Tracey said making Hermione,

Daphne, and Susan giggle while the boys tried to look outraged. "They're

also the mascot for Bulgaria so we'll see what a full-blooded veela can do

tonight. Now let's shop." The boys groaned as they were led from vendor

to vendor.

They were at a professional face painting booth, they're face paint was

charmed to move around the person's face, when they spotted some

friends from Hogwarts. Hannah was getting her face painted with a

dancing leprechaun at one of the stations and Neville and Susan moved

over to talk with her, her little brother was jumping up and down next to

Neville, who didn't seem to mind.

"Hey Hadrian," came a voice to Harry's left that he recognized as Cedric


"Hey Cedric," Harry and Daphne moved over to chat with him.

"Hadrian, Daphne this is my dad Amos Diggory," Cedric introduced them

to the older man next to him that shared Cedric's brown hair and nose

from what Daphne could tell. They shook hands with the man.

"Harry Potter, bless me," Amos exclaimed as they shook hands, "it's nice

to meet you even if you did beat my boy at Quidditch, he'll get you this

year though," the man said competitively.

"We'll see Cedric's always good competition, 'bout the only at Hogwarts,"

Harry smirked.

"Really dad, I reckon Harry could maybe match Krum," Cedric answered

always the Huffelpuff.

"I don't know about that did you see their game against Sweden?" Harry

asked and for the next five minutes they divulged into quidditch talk

until Cedric and his dad had to move to their tent.

"Ginny," a voice near Harry gasped and Harry turned to see Ginny,

Astoria, and Aiofe, face to face with Arthur Weasley and Percy Weasley.

Percy didn't look like he was interested in his banished sister and was

instead looking around at the nearby Ministry officials he could spot.

Arthur however had paled and made to give Ginny a hug but Ginny

pulled back a little, her face a mask of indifference. Harry, Daphne,

Susan, Tracey, Blaise, Neville, and Hermione moved to stand behind her

and also flanked the three younger teens, as Ron Weasley joined his


"Dad what are you doing wasting time with these snakes," youngest

Weasley boy sneered out, Ginny glared at him.

Surprising all of them Arthur spoke in a harsh tone to his son, "Keep your

mouth shut Ron and go get the fire wood like I told you," he punctuated

his statement with a glare towards his youngest son. Ginny's face

softened a bit as her dad defended her and her friends. "Ginny may I talk

with you for a moment, alone?"

Ginny was hesitant but Harry could tell that she wanted to speak to her

father, "Ginny go over there with him, we'll be right here if anything

happens," Harry spoke and glared at the man pulling up some of his

magic which cause Arthur to pale slightly.

"Take that as a warning to not upset your daughter," Daphne hissed out

from her spot besides Harry. Arthur nodded and he and Ginny moved off

to the side to talk.

"Harry I'm fairly certain he almost wet himself," Hermione scolded.

"Well he shouldn't have abandoned his daughter," Harry said without

looking remorseful.

"Yes but it looks as if he's trying to mend that somehow and he should be

given that chance," Hermione said still taking him to task.

"Fine," Harry sighed, "I'm sorry, but Merlin help him if he makes her cry,"

Harry growled and Hermione smiled at him, glad Harry accepted her


"Fair enough." Hermione said as they went back to watching the

conversation taking place. Ginny gave her father a tentative hug before

rejoining her friends and Arthur smiled sadly at his little girl.

At around eight o'clock a loud gong rang out through the campground

signaling that seating had opened for the match.

"Come on you lot," Sirius said calling them all together, "time to go."

They made a twenty minute hike through the woods laughing and joking

around as they walked. As they came to the huge stadium Sirius spoke

again, "Alright Amelia and I have to sit in the Minister's box but all of

you are in the box right next door, so make sure to party and annoy the

hell out of Fudge, yeah?" Sirius said making them all laugh. They went

up flight after flight of stairs until they came to the top tier of boxes, in

the middle was the Minister's box where Sirius and Amelia entered, and

they went into the box next to it, it fit twenty people and Sirius bought

the whole box for them. It was the Davis parents and Greengrass parents

plus Bill, Harry, Susan, Daphne, Neville, Blaise, Hermione, Tracey,

Astoria and Ginny. The stadium was practically buzzing with excitement.

As everyone was taking their seats, across from their box was a giant

black screen that had advertisements streaming across it. Harry was in

awe as was everyone else except the parents, having never seen anything

like this before in the wizarding world.

"The stadium fits 100,000," Xavier told them having to shout somewhat

because of the noise, "It's the largest one built yet." A few minutes later

they heard a booming voice echo throughout the stadium.


QUIDDITCH WORLD CUP FINAL," the voice of Ludo Bagman sounded

throughout the stadium. The black screen changed to say Bulgaria 0

Ireland 0.

"And without further ado, allow me to announce the Bulgarian National

Team Mascots!" A solid block of red and black fans to their right roared

out in approval as about a hundred Veela came gliding out onto the field.

Harry like every other male was looking at the Veela in awe and then the

music started and they started to dance to it, almost every male

experience a feeling of pure bliss wash over their mind. Harry felt it but

quickly shook his head clear and turned away from the field and noticed

both Xavier and Marius were looking away as well as plugging their ears.

The song really wasn't doing that much to Harry so he didn't bothered

instead he turned towards Daphne who had been watching his reaction.

She gave him a blinding smile as she realized Harry was able to ignore

the effect of the veela's. Harry pulled her in for deep kiss that lasted until

the music stopped, he pulled back and smiled at her before releasing her

to watch once more. He laughed at Blaise who was smiling stupidly as if

he were high. Neville, he noticed had one foot on the railing like he was

going to jump down to the veela's. They both smiled sheepishly as they

came out of it.

"And now, kindly put your wands in the air… for the Irish National Team

Mascots!" As Ludo finished a wave of green and gold swept into the

stadium. It made a circuit around the stadium before separating and

shooting to each goal post and then a rainbow appeared between the two

clouds of light. The crowed was roaring like they were watching a

fireworks display as the two clouds formed up again and then formed a

shamrock in the sky. The shamrock danced over head and Harry realized

it was made up of tiny red bearded me holding green or gold lamps. The

shamrock faded and the leprechauns took their spot on the pitch across

from the veela.

"Leprechauns?" Harry shouted to Daphne.

"What else from the Irish," she replied back laughing.

"Now ladies and gentleman help me welcome the…Bulgarian National

Team," Bagman roared, "Here's Dimitrov!

A scarlet and black flier flew out from the entrance far below them to the

applause of the Bulgaria supporters. The man was a blur as he flew

around the stadium.


Another scarlet clad flier came out from the entrance and zoomed out

across the pitch to join Dimitrov.

"Zorgraf! Levski! Vulchanov! Volkov! AAANNNDDD…KRUM!"

Harry focused his omnioculars on the last flier, Bulgaria's famous seeker.

The Bulgaria seeker had the usual lean build of a seeker and was dark

and sallow skinned, with a large curved nose and thick black eyebrows.

Harry thought he looked like an overgrown bird of prey on his broom. He

was hard pressed to believe Krum was only eighteen. The crowd was

going insane as Krum was announced, everyone was cheering for the

young seeker even Irish fans.

"And now please greet, the IRISH NATIONAL TEAM! Presenting,

Connolly! Ryan! Troy! Mullet! Moran! Quigley! Aaaand Lynch!"

Harry swerved the omnioculars to the Irish team's entrance and watched

the seven green clad players fly out onto the pitch. Bagman was

announcing about the referee but Harry was sizing up the players.

"Harry, they're opening the case," Daphne said and Harry nodded and

gave her a quick kiss on the cheek as thanks. He focused his omnioculars

on the ref as he kicked open the box and the four balls shot into the air,

Harry focused on the snitch and watched it fly up and then out of sight.

"Theeeeeeey're OFF!" screamed Bagman. "And it's Mullet! Troy! Moran!

Dimitrov! Back to Mullet! Troy! Levski! Moran!"

It was Quidditch like never before seen by Harry even at the other

professional matches he had seen. The speed of the match was incredible

and Harry wondered how much of it was the players and how much of it

was the Firebolt. Bagman's play by play had turned to him only saying

the names as he had no time for anything else. Harry's omnioculars were

listing the plays by the Irish chasers, they were streaking down the pitch

in the Hawkshead formation, Troy was in the center flanked by Mullet

and Moran. Porskoff Ploy and it worked as Bagman announced.

"TROY SCORES! Ten to Zero Ireland."

"Within ten minutes after Troy's victory lap the Irish had scored twice

more. The game got even faster as they scored, but the game also got

more brutal. The Bulgarian beaters Volkov and Vulchanov stepped up

their hits on the bludgers sending them fast and furious at the Irish

Chasers. They were causing the Chasers to have to scatter and finally

Ivanova broke through the Irish ranks, dodge the keeper, Ryan; and

scored Bulgaria's first goal.

The men in their box all looked away from the field as the veela started

to dance after the goal, they danced for a few seconds and when Harry

looked back they had finished and Bulgaria had the Quaffel back.

"Dimitrov! Levski! Dimitrov! Ivanova…oh I say!" roared Bagman.

The whole stadium gasped as Krum and Lynch plummeted through the

center of the chasers, Harry thought they could have been free falling

from an airplane with how fast they were going, Harry was searching for

the snitch in front of them but couldn't spot it, and he realized it was


"It's a feint!" Harry yelled at the same time that Hermione shouted next to


"They're going to crash!" She was partly right as at the last second Krum

pulled up and spiraled into the air as Lynch nailed the pitch with a dull

thud that rang out in the stadium.

"Nice call Harry," Blaise said.

"It's a time-out," Bagman yelled, "Lynch will be attended to by trained


"No I thought it was trained bears that we're gonna help him up," Neville

deadpanned and Xavier next to laughed.

"That was rather unnecessary wasn't it."

As they tended to Lynch, Krum was searching the pitch for the snitch

without interruption. Harry had never seen anyone fly that well as Krum

seemed to be flying without a broom at all it seemed like it was

inconvenience. Lynch was back to his feet at last and mounted his

Firebolt, kicking off back into the air, to the cheers of the Irish


After fifteen more minutes Ireland pulled ahead by ten more goals, they

were leading by hundred and thirty points to Bulgaria's ten. The game

got dirtier as it went Bulgaria being called for most of the fouls. The

mascots started to go back and forth at each other with the leprechauns

teasing the veela, in response the veela started dancing and this time the

referee was pulled into their dance and was posing in front of them. A

mediwizard had to come on and kick him in the shins to snap him out of

it. As revenge Mostafa, the ref, tried to send the veela off the field, the

Bulgarian beaters took exception to that and landed yelling at the ref,

resulting in two penalties for Ireland.

As play continued and the Irish went up further, play became even dirtier

though Harry wasn't sure how that could happen. Dimitrov skinned

Moran earning another foul and the resulting penalty ended with the

leprechauns taunting the veela which led to fireballs being thrown at

them by the now bird like veelas. Harry found the whole thing rather

ridiculous as more attention was being but on the mascots then the

players. The Irish scored once more, when Quigley one of Irish beaters,

sent one of the hardest bludgers Harry had ever seen at Krum who didn't

duck fast enough and was nailed dead in the center of his face.

The crowed groaned as one, as they saw Krum's face which was covered

in blood. Harry was sure he had a broken nose, but Mostafa was

distracted due to a veela lighting his broom on fire and didn't call a time

out. Bagman was screaming for a time out but none was given as Lynch

suddenly dived after the snitch, this time for real. Harry used his

omnioculars and spotted the snitch out in front.

"He's seen it he's not feinting!" Harry shouted to the rest of the box who

all brought up their own omnioculars to watch. Krum took off after them

ignoring his injury, despite his vision being blocked. Blood was flying off

into the air behind Krum as he caught up to Lynch and leveled with him.

They were going straight at the ground again—

"They're going to crash again," Hermione shouted!

"Nope just Lynch," Harry yelled back not looking up from his


He was right as for the second time that night Lynch kissed the pitch in a

not so gentle manner and was then stampeded by a hoard of angry veela.

"Remind me never to piss of Fleur," Harry muttered to Daphne who

laughed and nodded to him.

"Where's the snitch?" Blaise shouted

"Krum, he's got it! Krum's got the snitch," Harry shouted!

And sure enough Krum his robes dripping with blood from his nose was

rising gently into the air with his arm outstretched, a glint of gold

flashing to the crowd from his closed fist. The scoreboard was flashing,

Bulgaria: 160, Ireland: 170. The crowd didn't seem to notice until

Bagman shouted.


players seemed taken aback at the sudden end to the match but the

supporters for Ireland were going crazy, the sound was deafening.

"That was unbelievable!" Harry said as they arrived back at their tents.

"You could do that Harry," Daphne said as they took seats around the

living area of the Black's tent.

"Damn right he could," Sirius said as he and Amelia entered the tent

about five minutes after the others, they had to stay for the ceremony.

"And then England will finally when the cup again hopefully, it's been

seventy five years since the English won." Harry was smiling as his

friends and family discussed the match they had just seen along with his

own prospects of playing for England, he had never had so many people

believe in him, it felt good. Daphne sitting next to him pulled him in for a


"What is the awed look for, babe?"

Harry looked down at his girlfriend, "It's nice to have a family," he said

simply and kissed her again. It was later going on later when Ginny was

the first to fall asleep so the parents decided that was it for everybody,

the girls left for the Davis tent while the boys got ready for bed. Harry

went to sleeps with dreams of his name being announced at the final of a

Quidditch World Cup.

Harry was sleeping but not very well, the Irish were still going strong but

around two in the morning Bill came into his room that he was sharing

with Blaise tonight.

"Harry, Blaise get up now!" Bill shouted urgently. Both boys shot up with

their wands in hand. "Get dressed fast, we need to go now!" Bill said

moving to wake Neville. Harry Blaise quickly through on jeans and shoes

and moved out to the opening of the tents. Amelia and Sirius were gone

moving towards, a tightly grouped back of wizards dressed in black robes

with black hoods and masked faces. They had their wands pointed in the

air and Harry saw four floating figures struggling as they contorted into

unnatural positions. Harry noticed two of the figures were very small.

Harry's anger grew and he made to move forward as did Neville but they

were held back by Xavier.

"Not now boys, let the aurors handle, Sirius has a plan." Xavier said. "Stay

here wands out and ready, if they come near, don't hold back," Xavier

gave the orders fast, "apperate to my manor," He told the Davis parents

and Bill, they nodded. Both Davis parents grabbed a kid, Ginny and

Astoria, while Evelyn grabbed, Aiofe who was staying with them, Xavier

grabbed Susan and Bill grabbed Tracey's arm and as one they turned on

the spot with loud pops and apperated out.

"Hermione behind us," Harry shouted to her as he, Daphne, Neville, and

Blaise, formed a

semi-circle around her. All five had their wands out and ready to defend


"Who are they?" Hermione shouted to her friends, people were running in

all directions screaming as tents collapsed and went up in flames.

"Death Eaters," Daphne said back and watched as Harry and Neville's

jaws clenched in fury both wanting nothing more than to go out and

fight, but they stayed Hermione was a muggleborn and a well-known one

to Lucius Malfoy who was likely out there.

Seconds later they heard pops around them as Xavier, Marius, and Bill

came back. They turned to find five wands on them and nodded to the

alert teens who lowered their wands.

"I'm staying," Harry said doing the math quickly.

"Me too," Blaise said, Neville looked ready to protest but was silenced

when Blaise added, "I can use an illusion if they come by." They nodded

and Xavier grabbed his daughter's arm, while Bill took Hermione, and

Marius took Neville they apperated out. Leaving Blaise and Harry who

knelt down when spells started flying, the ministry arurors attacked the

mob of Death Eaters. Harry could see one Death Eater's robe flash red

right before the auror's attacked. Suddenly they heard two pop's next to

them they spun to see Xavier and Bill. They grabbed hold and apperated

out of the camp site as a green cloud of smoke rose up into the air and

formed a skull with a snake protruding from its mouth.

As they appeared in the Greengrass entrance hall, Harry asked, "What

was that at the end?"

Xavier looked around at the others grimly before stating, "The dark mark,


Conjured it as we left. It would rise up into the air and hang there,"

Xavier said looking towards Harry who nodded. "It was only conjured

when they killed someone, let's hope tonight that was prevented. Now

let's all settle down for the night, you all staying?" The Davis family and

Bill and Ginny nodded.

"For the night if that's okay?" Bill asked.

Xavier nodded, "that's fine we'll see you all in the morning hopeful Sirius

and Amelia will be back then."

Harry and the others woke up the later in the day at about eleven in the

morning. Harry walked down to the Greengrass kitchen and took a seat

next to Daphne at the counter.

"Have you heard from Sirius or Amelia yet?" Harry asked. Xavier lowered

the paper he was reading and smiled at him.

"Yes, and they're going to be busy they only caught one Death Eater but it

was Lucius Malfoy." Xavier said with a vicious grin, he never like Lucius

Malfoy who was ahead of him in school.

"But the paper said?" Daphne questioned as Harry shouted gleefully.


"Rita Skeeter," Evelyn sneered the name out like it was vial disease,

"writes what she wants never the truth. She wanted to but the Ministry in

a bad light, I'm surprised that she hasn't been thrown in jail yet for

defamation. She hasn't managed to find out that Malfoy was arrested but

she's complaining that the Ministry only caught one person and that

security was lax," Evelyn explained to Harry.

"She's the one that printed that article about Remus and cost him his job

right?" Harry asked with hatred in his voice.

"The one and only," Daphne said. All of them took it hard when Remus

was outted over the summer for being a werewolf and teaching at

Hogwarts. It cost him the DADA job as parents wrote in demanding he be

fired. Dumbledore caved almost immediately despite Remus being the

best DADA teacher Hogwarts had seen in years. Rita's article referred to

Remus as a dangerous vile creature who couldn't possibly be trusted

around children. Harry wanted to do something but as Rita wrote an

opinion column it was hard to do anything and Remus was a werewolf.

"Where's everyone else?" Harry asked as Ginny and Astoria came into the


"Marius and Addison wanted to take Hermione home and explain what

had happened to her parents, they also wanted to impress the serious

nature upon the Granger parent's since they knew Hogwarts will not, so

they left earlier this morning. Aiofe wanted to go home and let her

parents know she was okay, as did, Neville and Blaise. Bill was up early

and volunteered to go back and pack up the campsite."

Harry and Daphne snickered at that, they knew Bill wanted a chance to

see if Fleur and her family were okay but he wouldn't admit it yet. Ginny

looked thoughtful she wasn't quite sure what to make of the French girl

that had caught her brother's eye, her and Astoria had talked about it a

little last night. She had decided she'd take a wait and see approach.

"You all ready to go to the Alley later when Bill gets back," Evelyn asked

them. They nodded and went to go get dressed. As Daphne was dressing

her mirror heated up, it was Hermione.

"Hey Daph," Hermione said. Daphne pulled on her shirt and picked up

the mirror.

"Hey 'Mione, what's up?"

"My dad wants to talk to your parents and Sirius and Amelia, possibly

Severus?" Hermione said.

"Alright, were going to the Alley to get our stuff in about an hour, do you

want to meet us there? We're supposed to meet up with Amelia and Sirius

at Goodman Restaurant."

"Hold on," Hermione said and Daphne could hear her talking to her


"Yeah that's fine, we'll see you at the Alley, bye."

"See ya soon," Daphne said and put the mirror in her pocket. She walked

downstairs to meet Harry and Susan, who had finally woken up.

"Nice of you to join us," Daphne joked with Susan. Daphne and Susan

were both dressed in jeans. Daphne had layered some silver and green

tank tops, while Susan had on a Hogwart's t-shirt that had the Hogwarts

crest on it. Harry was wearing black jeans and a navy t-shirt that hung

tight to his muscles, Daphne noticed, Susan had to flick her to get her


"Let's go," Evelyn said coming into the room.

"We're going to meet Hermione and her folks at the Leaky Cauldron, they

would like to talk to you guys and Amelia and Sirius."

"Okay that's fine they can come to dinner with us," Evelyn answered as

Astoria and Xavier entered the room. Bill and Ginny left when he got

back having already done their shopping.

They flooed to the Leaky Cauldron and were met by Hermione and her

parents, David and Elizabeth. David looked rather grim and serious as he

shook hands with the Greengrass parents. "Well first we need to stop by

Hephaestus' shop Susan is going to get a custom wand, that'll take the


The group made their way to the familiar shop, where Hephaestus

greeted them, "So whose wand will I be making today?"

"That would be me," Susan said stepping forward.

"Miss Bones, correct?" Hephaestus asked.

"Yep," Susan answered.

"First please pick a wood, more than one is fine. Just run your hand over

the wood blocks and tell me which ones feel the best." Susan did as she

was told and finished holding two blocks.

"Cedar and Maple, very good for healing magic," Hephaestus said. "Now

the same with the cores if you would." Susan ran her hand over the cores.

She had two jars pulled out when she finished.

"Feather of a Griffin and Phoenix tears, you must be good at healing

spells and protection spells," Hephaestus said. "Lastly the Gemstone, the

same way as before." Susan ended up with an aquamarine, stone for the

focus stone. "I'll need an hour, are you staying."

"Not today," Harry sighed sadly.

"They left the store and went to get Harry's school pants altered as he had

grown two more inches and they were a bit short, his robes still fit fine.

Harry felt for Neville who this year needed a new wardrobe as he had

bulked up some with muscles and had grown a couple inches too, though

he was still shorter then Blaise and Harry. Harry stood at 5'6 and Blaise

at 5'7on the tall side for their age. They got Harry some new school pants

and some new jeans. They moved onto restock their potion supplies and

Harry got some more magical art supplies. After that they made their

way back to Hephaestus's shop to pick up Susan's wand.

"It was an enjoyment making your wand Miss. Bones," Hephaestus said

handing over the new wand that was a light brown in color, the wand

was about nine inches in length and the hilt was done in the shape of a

bear paw with the claws stretching on to the wand shaft where it

connected to the hilt. "Hadrian something in me wouldn't rest until I

made you and Daphne an extra wand," Hephaestus brought out a box

that held a copy of both Harry and Daphne's wands.

"Thank you," Harry and Daphne both said. They paid for the wands,

Hephaestus gave them wands holders made of dragon hide free of charge.

"Alright now were going to go into the Muggle world, Harry wants a tux

not dress robes," Evelyn said the group made their way back to the leaky

cauldron and shrunk their purchases and put them in Evelyn's purse.

David rose an eyebrow at Harry who replied, "They're too bulky, I feel

like I'm drowning in robes most of the time."

David laughed, "Probably why togas went out of style." Xavier nodded he

mostly dressed in muggle clothes also, the only ones always in robes were

the diehard traditionalists. Harry ended up buying a Kenneth Cole three

button notch lapel Tuxedo, at least that's what the lady said it was, it was

black except for the vest and tie which was a dark navy blue, as

instructed by Daphne and Evelyn. Harry, Daphne, and the others were

not told why they need dress clothes just that they did. Daphne and

Evelyn had gone earlier in the summer to pick out her dress, Harry had

yet to see it and was told he wouldn't until she had to wear it, at least

now he knew the color.

The pulled up to the restaurant about a half hour after they left Diagon

Alley. Sirius and Amelia were already waiting inside for them and they

were taken over to their table by a nice waiter that Harry was going to

publicly humiliate if he didn't stop starring at Daphne.

"David, Elizabeth nice of you to join us," Sirius said as he and Amelia

greeted the others as they took they're seats.

"I have some questions about what's going on in your world," David said

as he took his seat.

"Well we might as well get those out of the way first so fire away," Sirius

said looking to Amelia and the Greengrasses who nodded their


"Alright, how much danger is Hermione in?"

"For the time being, no more than any other student would be for normal

school yard happenings." Amelia answered David's first question. "Until

he comes back no one is any danger other than what might normally


"And when he comes back and how can he even come back," Elizabeth

Granger asked.

Amelia and the others sighed, "Hermione is in exceedingly more danger

than anyone else for a number of reasons. One, she is a muggleborn and

they despise muggles and muggleborns. Two, she's easily the smartest

witch to grace Hogwarts in years, making her a target as they feel she is

inferior to them and will want to prove that. And thirdly, and probably

the most important, she is friends with Harry," Amelia answered.

"To your second question," Sirius answered, "magic and not very good

magic, in fact the most evil kind there is. But make no mistake he will be


"And I will kill him for good this time," Harry added fiercely holding

Daphne's hand tighter. He wanted a family and he wanted it with

Daphne, he be damned if he let Voldemort take away his dream.

David and Elizabeth were both taken aback by Harry's statement for

different reasons. David for the fact that the others seemed to agree a kid

would be the one to kill someone Marius Davis compared to Hitler; and

Elizabeth for the fact that someone as young as Harry was talking about

killing someone else, no matter how evil they may be.

"You all seem to accept Harry will be the one to kill this terrorist yet he's

only fourteen," David said skeptically.

"Sir," Harry spoke before the others could, "I know you want to protect

your daughter so I won't take offense to your incredulous tone.

Voledmort wants to kill me more than anything, you see a prophecy was

made stating I will be his downfall. Now whether I believe that or you

believe that doesn't matter, he believes it and so does the rest of the

idiotic wizarding world. So I will be the one to kill him."

David looked into Harry's eyes for a good minute before nodding his head

before speaking again, "what do I need to do to protect my wife and

daughter at home?"

"Do you still have your guns from when you were in the military," Xavier

asked. David nodded. "Good you'll need them, magic can stop bullets

however only if the correct shield is up at the precise moment, since a

shot will kill you before you blink most can't get a shield up in time.

Have your guns on hand and upgrade your security system, other than

that there's nothing you can do." David nodded and he sat back taking in

what he was told. A few minutes later the waiter came and took their

orders and the conversation shifted to more jovial topics.

After they were done eating and had seen the Grangers to a cab the

others apperated back to their homes, Sirius and Amelia took Susan and

Harry home, while the Greengrass parents took Daphne and Astoria


"Harry," Sirius asked later that night, "when Lucius's trial comes and he's

convicted I'll be able to dissolve Narcissa's contract with him and make

Draco a son of the Black family instead of the Malfoy family. When that

happens they will need a place to stay until the Black Family home is up

and running, it's probably going to take awhile since its been empty since

my mother died."

"That's fine Sirius I'll add them to the ward book when the time comes

but I'll probably take them off except for the floo after they move, the

same as for the others. Will they get along with Remus though, he was

here first."

"Understandable, I know you want Potter Manor to last through the next

war, I do too," Sirius said his voice fading before he shook his head

clearing his thoughts. "And Narcissa won't mind Remus, he's smart and

doesn't play as many pranks as I do, that'll put him higher in her books

then I am and I'm family," Sirius said with a laugh. "Well good night


"Night Sirius."


Well that one was a doozy lol. Sorry that I kinda crapped out the

trip abroad but all the thoughts I had for it went on vacation and

haven't come back yet. Hope y'll enjoyed it and it was worth the


Thanks for reviews,


20. The announcement

Harry woke up early the next day, it was Daphne's fourteenth birthday

and Harry was going over early to surprise her. Daphne wanted a quiet

birthday, so they were going to hang out at Potter Manor and watch

movies and then have dinner with Amelia and Sirius and the Greengrass

parents. Blaise, Tracey, Neville, and Hermione were coming over at noon,

as was Ginny. Harry wanted to be their when Daphne woke up to give

her his present and then she and Astoria would come over. Harry got

dressed in a pair of Nike Basket ball shorts and a black muscle shirt, he

put socks on but didn't bother with shoes, it was 35.2*C.

Harry picked up Daphne's present and made his way down stairs, it was

eight in the morning; he had about an hour before Daphne would start to

wake up. Harry made his way to the kitchen where Mips had pancakes

ready and was working on Daphne's birthday dinner.

"Hey Mips, Sirius, Remus" Harry said as he walked in. Mips nodded to

him and continued on with her work, she was making Daphne's cake.

"Hey pup," Sirius said barely glancing away from his pancakes.

"Cub," Remus said looking up from the paper.

"I can't believe you still read that after all those people agreed with

Skeeter," Harry said getting some pancakes and setting Daphne's present

on the counter.

"It's either this or the Quibbler, while the Quibbler is funny it's not very

informative unless you can decipher Lovegood's stories. It's easier to read

the Prophet."

"If ever get the chance to I'm pulling one massive prank on Skeeter,"

Harry muttered.

"Here, Here," Sirius said.

"Hey Sirius, why do you have to wait for Sirius to be convicted before

you can violate the contract Narcissa is in.

"Terms of the contract, my aunt and uncle were as big of jackasses as my

parents, both Heads of the Families have to agree to end the contract,

unless the terms are violated then the spouses family can end the

contract. Narcissa's contract says that it can only be broken if the spouse

commits a crime unbecoming of the family in the Head's eyes, being a

convicted Death Eater is unbecoming in my book. It also states that any

children will stay with Narcissa, and that they be given half the Malfoy

family fortune as well as Narcissa's dowry is to be returned, Malfoy gets

to keep his house, though I'm sure Narcissa will relieve him of some of

the more expensive items in the house."

"You better get going if you want to surprise Daphne," Remus added.

Harry looked at the clock it was eight forty-five. Harry took one more

bite, picked up her present and made his way to the floo.

"Greengrass Estate," Harry called out and with a whoosh of green flames

he was gone.

"Hello Harry," Evelyn said as she was passing by, "Daphne's still asleep,

go on up."

"Thanks, Evelyn," Harry said as he made his way to the stairs. He arrived

at Daphne's room and quietly opened the door and tiptoed over to the

bed. Daphne was sleeping on her back with one arm thrown over her

head, Harry smiled at the sight. He leaned down and kissed her lips.

Daphne's eyes fluttered but didn't open so Harry pressed another soft kiss

to her lips, and this time she opened her eyes.

Harry smiled at her, "Happy birthday, baby."

Daphne smiled and made to kiss him but Harry pulled back, she frowned

at him and pouted. Harry smiled at pulled her present from behind his

back for her to see. Her pout quickly turned into a smile as she took the

box from Harry. She pulled the bow off and opened the small box and

gasped, inside was deep blood red ruby carved in the shape of a heart,

and it was about an inch in width and height. The heart had a little notch

cut into it so it could be worn on the necklace Harry gave her. She picked

up the heart and examined it; inside of the heart was a rune for


"Harry it's beautiful," Daphne said and jumped forward to give him a kiss

that soon deepened and lasted for about thirty seconds before Harry

pulled back.

"Hephaestus helped me pick the stone, it's said to be protection against

misfortune and bad health, warriors and kings use to wear them into

battle." Harry got a bit quiet before continuing, "It's said when given as a

gift it symbolizes friendship and love," he whispered out the last word.

Daphne took in a deep breath as Harry finished, understanding what he

was trying to say. She pulled his head up to face her and she looked into

his eyes and he nodded in response to her unasked question.

"I love you too," Daphne whispered and pulled him into a kiss. The kiss

deepened and Harry slipped his tongue into her mouth. Daphne pushed

against Harry and he fell back onto her bed, with Daphne moving on top

of him, just then the door flew open.

"Harry and Daphne sittin in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G," Astoria sung out only to

be interrupted by Daphne's scream of rage.

"You little!" Daphne screamed and took off after her sister who started

running down the hall giggling like mad. Harry flopped back onto

Daphne's bed not sure if he wanted to join her in killing her little sister,

or thank Astoria on bended knee. Harry got off the bed and made his way

to the Greengrass kitchen to await Daphne and Astoria. Evelyn was

sitting at the table and raised an eyebrow at Harry, the sounds of Daphne

chasing Astoria through the house. Harry looked sheepish and shrugged,

making Evelyn laugh.

A half hour later Daphne and Astoria came into the kitchen giggling

together, Astoria sporting neon pink hair. They were both dressed in jean

shorts and t-shirts, Daphne's tee was in the Union Jack pattern and

Astoria had a tee shirt that Harry got her that read I'm not short, I'm fun


"So what do you want to do while we wait for the others," Harry asked as

they were about to step into the floo.

"Let's go flying," She said before using the floo to arrive at Potter Manor.

They were greeted by Susan who jumped her friend.

"Happy Birthday!" Susan squealed out in a tone Harry was sure only

teenage girls could produce.

"Let's go fly," Harry said and they all moved out to the pitch at Potter

Manor. Daphne was on her Comet Two Sixty, Astoria had her own Comet

Two Sixty, Susan was on her Cleansweep Seven, and Harry was on his

Firebolt. They fooled around in the air for a couple hours, Harry letting

them take turns on the Firebolt. For awhile he and Daphne flew together

on his broom. They played shuntbumps using conjured lances made of

foam and they played about five feet off the ground, the Potter Pitch was

laced with cushioning charms. At eleven thirty they went back to the

house and Sirius left to get Hermione and popped back in with her a

minute or so later.

"Happy birthday," Hermione said giving her a hug. Sirius took the

present; they were saving them for the dinner when Daphne's parents

would be over. The floo flashed in quick succession as Blaise, Neville, and

Tracey were deposited into Potter Manor.

"I'm going to mention to Severus to teach you all about apperating,"

Sirius muttered, "Have fun guys we'll leave you to it," he said louder for

them all to here. They moved off to the game room.

"What movie first Daph?" Hermione asked as she walked over to the wall

of movies. They all took various seats around the room, Blaise in a

lazyboy, Tracey, Susan, Ginny, and Astoria took a couch off to the side of

the big screen T.V., Harry and Daphne were on a love seat, Daphne

curled into his side.

"The Goonies," Daphne answered cheerfully. Harry smiled as he liked the

movie, he and Sirius watched after he first got out of prison.

"The Goonies?" Blaise asked skeptically.

"Trust me; you'll like it," Harry answered, "besides its Daph's day." Blaise

snorted in response. After The Goonies, they watched Gremlins and were

given two bowls of popcorn by Mips. After Gremlins they watched Gone

With the Wind, much to the chagrin of the boys but they soldiered

through it, well except Blaise who slept. After that Sirius came in to get

them for dinner.

"Well the first two were good, but damn Daph that last one was boring,"

Blaise said earning a slap from Tracey.

"Idiot boys," Tracey muttered and Neville and Harry chuckled at their

friend's expense. That night at dinner which consisted of Daphne's

favorites, she received a rare book on Norse Runes from Hermione who

found it in Obscurus Books in the alley. Blaise gave her a hair clip that

was silver, Neville gave her a eucalyptus tree, Tracey gave her some

perfume, and Susan gave her a book on Ancient Egyptian Runes. Her

parents gave her a new saddle for her horse and Sirius and Amelia gave

her a bracelet that was in a twist design and was platinum with

protection Runes etched into it, as well as the words future god-daughter-

in-law. Ginny gave her a dragon hide bracelet that she made herself with

Bill's wand and it had the Norse rune for sister, both Astoria and Daphne

wrapped the littlest Weasley into a hug after that one.

The day after Daphne's birthday was Lucius Malfoy's trial. One reporter

from the Daily Profit had been informed, Nellie Bly, who was known for

good solid reporting, in fact she was usually the only one to get the facts

straight at the Daily Prophet. Fudge was stewing over the fact that

Malfoy one of his top 'advisors' was sitting in a Ministry holding cell and

would be convicted of being a Death Eater, it would not look good in the

eyes of the public. So he had left the organizing of the trail up to Amelia.

It was to be in front of the Wizenmagot and Malfoy per a little known

law passed after the first war with Voldemort would be forced fed

Veritaserum. The law was passed after so many suspected Death Eaters

were found to have been 'imperioused.' The law was passed by one vote

in the Wizenmagot and it stated that if any of the 'imperioused' Death

Eaters were to be found in a trial for similar crimes they were to be given

Veritaserum, willingly or not.

At ten in the morning the trial began with Madam Black as presiding

judge and questioner. Fudge was in attendance but could not partake do

to his close relationship with the defendant. Lucius Malfoy was brought

out from his cell with two aurors and a dementor guarding him. Amelia

had to cover a snort of laughter as she saw one of the men she most

detested; it was probably the first time Malfoy had ever gone without a

bath, or even a comb. The man's usually perfect blonde locks looked as if

his head was a bird's nest. His face and clothes were smudge with dirt,

his fingernails looked almost black, if Amelia had to guess the prick was

more upset about that then the fact that he was about to be convicted of

being a Death Eater.

"Lucius Abraxas Malfoy, you are hear by charge with four counts of

assaulting muggles, two counts of assaulting muggle minors, four counts

of usage of an unforgivable curse, the imperius, six counts of assaulting a

Ministry official, and one count a disturbing the peace." Amelia read his

charges that were the result of the World Cup attack. "If found guilty of

these crimes the court will review pervious charges against you. How do

you plea?"

"Not guilty," The Malfoy patriarch tried to sneer out as if the whole court

was below him, however he failed rather spectacularly as his voice was

shaking from the presence of the dementor.

"Very well, the court will note he pleaded not guilty. As per law 1128b

you are to be given Veritaserum and questioned. Aurors please

administer the potion," Amelia said nodding to Dawlish and Shacklebolt

as Lucius paled quiet considerably. Shacklebolt came forward and wrench

Malfoy's mouth open and Dawlish poured the potion into the man's

throat, Shacklebolt forced him to swallow and then released Malfoy.

"State your name and birthday for the record?" Amelia spoke in a loud

clear voice.

Lucius's eyes were clouded over from the potion and he spoke in a

monotone, "Lucius Abraxas Malfoy. May 19, 1954."

"Describe the events that took place after the Quidditch World Cup on

August 25, 1994."

"The old crew and I were sharing some drinks after the match and going

on about the disgracefulness that there had been muggles present and

that we had to use muggle property for the Quidditch World Cup. And as

if that wasn't bad enough I had to spend the game in the same box as

those damn bloodtraitor Weasleys and a damn house elf because Crouch

the old bastard didn't show up. So in retaliation we decided to have a

little fun and took out our old robes and masks. We imperioused the

mudblood filth and tortured them in the air, and we burned tents and

through spells at random, it was almost like the good old days. But then

the worthless aurors had to go and spoil our fun with the muggles. I was

petrified by a spell and saw the dark mark go up, so we all scattered. Our

Lord would be displeased with us having claimed imperius." Malfoy

finished his statement most of the court had gasped throughout it as they

now realized the implications of his statement.

Amelia banged the gavel for quiet, "In light of the nature of your

statement the court is now allowed to examine old charges. Lucius

Malfoy was you a loyal Death Eater to the Dark Lord Voldemort?" The

crowd gasped as she said his name, Amelia tried to stop from rolling her

eyes at them.


"Are you still a loyal Death Eater?"

"Absolutely and when my Lord returns I shall be rewarded."

"Who do you know of that was also loyal but claimed imperius?" As soon

as Amelia asked the question a loud bang was heard throughout the

courtroom and smoke filled the air. Spells rocketed towards Malfoy but

Kingsley dove for him and knocked Malfoy chair and all over to the

ground. Dawlish and Shacklebolt managed to unchain Malfoy and drag

him out with the dementor following. When the smoke cleared panic was

rampant, people were screaming and shouting and trying to flee. And

another loud bang was heard, this time from Dumbledore's wand.

"SILENCE!" The old man roared at the crowd of Wizenmagot members.

"Thank you, Dumbledore," Amelia spoke once the crowd quieted. She

spoke next in a loud clear voice as more aurors filled the courtroom,

"Everybody is to remain in their seats and will not move as the aurors

check wands." Amelia's tone broke no opposition not that it mattered

while the smoke was still there; those that threw the spells had cleared

their wands. After twenty minutes the aurors all shook their heads at

Amelia, confirming they had no suspects.

"The rest of the trial will proceed without the defendant being present. In

light of his testimony Lucius Malfoy is guilty on all charges. The former

charges against him, six counts of murder, three counts of rape, twenty

counts of torture by use of the cruciatus curse, and five counts of the use

of the imperious court, will be brought against him once more, which he

is also found guilty of. Sentencing will be held next."

As Amelia was speaking a loud cry of, "Expecto Patronum," was heard.

Amelia recognized the voice of Shacklebolt. Suddenly Dawlish burst back

into the court room.

"The Dementor went rouge and kissed Malfoy before we could stop it," he

called out loud enough for the crowd to here. Murmurs and gasps went

through the crowd once again. Amelia banged the gavel for silence.

"Case closed, court adjourned," She formally dismissed everyone and sat

heavily back down in her chair. Once the room had cleared of the

Wizenmagot Amelia shouted, "DAMN IT To the bloody depths of hell!"

Her aurors were taken aback never having heard their boss swear before.

"Take his sorry carcass to Azkaban and let him rot! Where's that

dementor now?" She barked out her order to Dawlish.

"Gone ma'am."


Harry, Susan, and Draco arrived at Platform Nine and three quarters with

Sirius and Narcissa who had made a portkey, Harry and Aiolos still hated

the form of travel, even if he could land. Amelia was busy at the Ministry

dealing with the aftermath of Lucius Malfoy being kissed before he could

be sentenced or give them more information. They couldn't actually go

back and question any of those who claimed imperius because some of

them actually had been and it was some very important people, Amelia

could not justify re-questioning all of them under veritaserum, with,

Fudge refusing to accept yet that Voldemort may be back.

Draco and Narcissa were both taking Lucius's kiss rather well, Draco was

quiet for a few days and stayed mostly to himself flying but he came out

of it rather quickly and was back to his somewhat spoiled but friendly

way. Narcissa on the other hand was rather ecstatic; she seemed to drift

around the house in a blissful daze. Since Lucius had been kissed before

he could be sentenced, Sirius did not have to claim the contract violated.

All the Malfoy fortune now reverted to Draco, who was taken to

Gringotts to claim his Lordship. Narcissa and Draco were trying to decide

whether they wanted to sell Malfoy Manor or keep it, they couldn't live

in it as the Dark Lord had access to it and knew where it was.

Sirius and Narcissa hugged them all goodbye with warnings to be careful

and be on their guard, the Dark Lord was more dangerous now than ever,

as he could operate in secret and without being checked as Fudge was

denying the warnings around him.

"Hey, Harry," Daphne said as she and her family came over to them.

Harry gave Daphne a quick kiss and the kids made their way to the train.

"I'll see you guys, I'm going to find Theo," Draco said after storing his

stuff with theirs.

"See yah at the Feast," they replied. Draco and Theo usually sat with

Padma Patil and Terry Boot.

"So did anyone spill on what was going on at Hogwarts," Tracey asked.

"Nope Amelia said it was classified information according to the Minister

and not to be released until he says so," Harry answered.

"Impervius," Harry and his friends muttered as one as they disembarked

from the train to get to the carriages, a massive thunderstorm was

drenching everything that wasn't spelled. The carriages pulled themselves

to the front entrance of the castle which was being lit by lightning

strikes; Harry thought the castle was a rather fighting stage for a horror

movie tonight. When they got to the entrance hall they arrived in time to

see Peeves soak some Gryffindors, Weasley the worst, with water

balloons. Professor McGonagall came out yelling at the poltergeist.

"PEEVES! Peeves come down here at once," McGonagall shouted at the

poltergeist as she ran out and skidded across the floor. She had to grab

onto Hermione who was near her to stop from falling. She continued

yelling after apologizing to Hermione, which did absolutely nothing to

deter the prank loving menace.

"Peeves," Harry called out to the Poltergeist, "The Bloody Baron won't be

pleased with you interrupting the feast," he calmly said to the poltergeist.

Peeves looked around and took off down the hall abandoning his water

balloon assault.

"Thank you, Hadrian," Professor McGonagall said turning to face him.

Harry nodded to her as he, Daphne, Tracey, and Blaise made their way to

the Slytherin table and Susan, Neville, and Hermione, went to their own

tables. Harry sat down next to Draco and Aaron who had a prefect badge


"Nice job, Vaisey," Harry said as he sat down next to the fifth year.

"Thanks Harry."

"So who was made captain," Harry asked not seeing Montague,

Warrington, or Urquhart around yet, hoping it wasn't Warrington, though

he didn't think Severus would ever make the boy captain, but you never


"We don't know yet, Beau didn't get anything and neither did Warrington

or Urquhart." Aaron like Draco and Harry looked worried at that

statement but before anything more could be exchange Professor

McGonagall entered with the new arrivals. As they watched the sorting in

quiet at the Slytherin table Harry had a good feeling whatever was

happening at Hogwarts this year was going to interfere with Quidditch.

"Creevey, Dennis," Professor McGonagall called.

Harry banged his head against the table, "There's two of them?" He

groaned out. The Slytherins who heard him chuckled; Colin Creevey had

not given up on Harry being his idol even though Harry was Slytherin.

Finally the sorting ended Slytherin received three first year boys and two

girls. Dumbledore stood and lifted his hands for silence.

"I just have two words now, Tuck In." He sat back down and as one

people moved to start eating.

"There's still an open seat at the head table," Daphne spoke looking up at

the table, the seat next to Professor McGonagall was still open.

"It's gotta be for the new Defense Professor," Blaise answered.

"I thought the Professor's had to be present at Feasts," Harry answered.

"They do," Tracey said just as the door to the Great Hall was thrown open

with a loud bang. In walked a scarred man who had a pronounced limp

and spinning eye, dressed in a traveling cloak and leaning on a staff.

"Moody?" Daphne questioned as old man Twinkles stood up.

Everybody turned to look between the two men, "Ahh welcome your new

Defense Professor Alastor Moody," Dumbledore announced. The two men

shock hands and Moody sat to the murmur of students conversing about

him, he took a pull from a flask on his hip.

"I thought Moody said he wanted a quiet retirement," Tracey asked with a

confused look.

"He did, but maybe he changed his mind," Harry said unsurely.

"Wait what about Tonks?"

"Third year at the Academy you shadow a routine field officer, she's

shadowing Kingsley Shacklebolt. Moody was mostly a trainer at the

Academy for the last five years or so she said." Harry told Blaise who

nodded in understanding.

Dumbledore stood again at the end of the Feast, "Welcome back to

another year at Hogwarts and welcome to the first years. The Forbidden

Forest as always is forbidden to students and fanged Frisbees, along with

497 other items are on the banned items list, for the full list see Mr.

Filch's office door.

Now in other news the Quidditch season for this year has been canceled."

As Dumbledore said this shouts of anger rang out from all the Quidditch

players and fans. Dumbledore held his hands up for silence which came

slowly. "Quidditch will be canceled because this year Hogwarts is playing

host to a most prestigious event…The TRIWIZARD TOURNAMENT!"

Murmurs went through the four tables. "The tournament has not been

active since the 1792 due to the death toll, but our Departments of

International Cooperation and Sports and Games have brought it back,

however they have added a stipulation of the champions must be

seventeen years of age to enter." More protests rang out from the

students. *BANG*, Professor McGonagall sent off a loud noise with her

wand and glared at the students; they quieted but had surly looks on

their faces. "The champion from three schools will be chosen by an

impartial judge and will compete in three tasks, three dangerous tasks,

enter at your own risk, the winner will gain not only eternal glory but

1000 galleons." As he finished the students were getting louder again

protesting the age limit, notably Fred and George Weasley. Dumbledore

raised his arms again for quiet, "Now because of the age limit we are

adding three more competitions for the schools, a quidditch tournament,

dueling tournament, as well as an academic competition. Tryouts for the

three other competitions will be held next week for each team, Madam

Hooch will be in charge of the Quidditch team, Professors' Snape and

Flitwick will handle the dueling competition, and Professor McGonagall

and Madam Prince will be heading up the academic team, they will be

posting the information tomorrow or the day after. Now you are all


The next day at breakfast Hermione joined the Slytherins, while Neville

sat with Hannah and Susan at the Hufflepuff table. Neville, Hannah, and

Susan had Herbology first thing while the snakes had Charms with the


"Hello everyone," Professor Flitwick squeaked out, "Did you have a nice

break?" The class replied in the affirmative and Flitwick squeaked out,

"Good, Good. Today were going to work on the Avis charm. The Avis

charm conjurs birds out of your wand, Avis will conjure a small white

dove; you can change the birds by adding the Latin name of the bird you

want to conjure ahead of Avis. There are no wand motions with this

spell. "Falco Avis," Flitwick said and out of his wand shot five Merlin

falcons. "The more concentration and the better visual picture the more

life like the birds, start with a bird you know well, begin."

Harry thought of a simple white dove he often saw around Potter Manor,

"Avis, "out of Harry's wand came five small white doves that fluttered

around the classroom for a minute until they popped out of existence.

"Very good Mr. Potter, five points to Slytherin." Flitwick spoke and then

came a bit closer to Harry and Daphne's table, "Please see me after class,"

Harry nodded and went back to working on the charm and helping

Daphne out, by the end of class Hermione had gotten the charm as did,

Daphne, Tracey, and Blaise, plus a few other ravens. After class Harry

stayed behind while Daphne waited for him with Tracey.

"Hadrian, I finished the charm and I think it will work. Now the painting

you have is it a full size or a head shot."

"Full size," Harry answered.

"Then I think we're going to go with the two you drew of them standing.

Now I must say Mr. Potter I was quite shocked when I received these

paintings, after receiving the second set I made an educated guess as to

who the first one was of. Am I correct?"

Harry looked at the tiny Professor hard before nodding, "Yes sir you are."

"I should like to meet them when this is through if I may?"

"Of course they wanted to come back here anyways but all their other

portraits have been destroyed except for one and they have no idea

where that one is. That one may interest you more sir, the other painting

has all four of the founders." Flitwick gasped at that and almost started

bouncing in his seat.

"The painting is lost somewhere here in Hogwarts, except they are not

sure where, wherever it is they can't be heard by others, not even house

elves. When can we do the spell sir?"

"Hmm," Flitwick said looking over his calendar, "assuming that you don't

want to move the painting from your home, how about the first

Hogsmeade visit, October 25. That way you can leave the school."

"Alright, thank you sir this means a lot to me and to them," Harry said

smiling his crocked grin.

"It was enjoyable," Flitwick said smiling back, "I'll look into where the

painting might be. Are you going to try out for the tournament, maybe

even try and fool the judge like your friends the Weasley twins," Flitwick

asked with a laugh.

"No sir I'm not interested in the Triwaizard Tournament, but the

Quidditch one and maybe the dueling one would be awesome, are we

allowed to do more than one?"

"The only ones allowed to do more than one are those selected for the

Triwizard Tournament itself, and then only one other. I suspect you'll

choose Quidditch?"

"Yes sir," Harry said with a laugh, "but Daph was talking about trying out

for dueling and academic."

"Good, good," Professor Flitwick said as he dismissed Harry.

"Tryouts are posted," Neville said as he took a seat at the Hufflepuff table,

it was Tuesday their second day of term. "Quidditch tryouts are Friday at

six and Saturday beginning at nine, Dueling Saturday starting at three

and Sunday starting at nine, and then Academic Sunday at two and

Monday at six."

"So are you guys trying out for anything," Hannah asked?

"Quidditch," Harry answered with a smirk.

"Oh, really never would have guessed it," Hannah replied back with a

laugh, and the others joined her.

"Academic and Dueling," Daphne answered.

"Dueling," Blaise answered as did Neville.

"Academic, possibly dueling, I'm not sure." Hermione answered.

"Well you certainly know enough for both if you do tryout," Tracey said,

"I think I might go out for the academic."

"I'm not doing any of them, more content to watch and learn for now,"

Susan answered. "Did anyone mention if they're going to go out for the

Triwizard competition? Cedric said he was going to, he's probably the

best hope of Hufflepuff getting a Champion."

"Angelina mentioned she might go out for it and of course Fred and

George are plotting. They're probably the only ones that could possibly

screw the impartial judge up bad enough to make it even though they're

under seventeen," Neville answered.

"If Fred and George can't do it nobody can," Hannah agreed.

"Are you going out for any of the teams," Harry asked?

"Nope, I'm just gonna enjoy the games."

"So what do we have today," Harry asked Daph.

"History of magic and Double Potions both with the Griffs." *thump*

They looked over and saw Blaise's head bang against the table.

"Why do we always have potions with the Griffs, no offense Neville.

Somebody always tries to sabotage and my potions are shitty enough as it


Finally Friday arrived and the school was practically buzzing with

excitement as the first tryout was to be held, for Quidditch Madam

Hooch was there with another younger woman who was wearing practice

uniform for the Holyhead Harpies. Harry recognized her as Gwenog

Jones the captain of the Holyhead Harpies.

"Holy shit, Daph's gonna freak," Harry muttered to Draco.

"Why," Harry just nodded his head in the direction of Hooch and Jones.

"Oh shite," Draco said. Sure enough Daphne who was in the stands with

Harry's friends was thoroughly freaking out.

The stands we're filled with students wanting to watch and support their

friends. All of the Quidditch players were there as well as this years


"Hey Ginny, nice broom," Draco said as they made their way over to the

middle of the pitch.

"Thanks, Bill wrote Charlie and told him I was going to try out for

Slytherin this year, and apparently that means I get a new broom. He told

me to keep the Weasley tradition alive and to bring it to Slytherin."

Ginny was holding a Nimbus Two Thousand curtsey of Charlie Weasley.

"Alright listen up," Madam Hooch yelled out, "As you may have noticed

beside me is Gwenog Jones of the Holyhead Harpies." A cheer went out

form the Holyhead fans. "She has graciously given us her time for the

tryouts today and tomorrow. Now first I want the keeper hopefuls over

here," Hooch said pointing out to a spot on the pitch, nine hopefuls made

their way over. "The Chasers, over there," a mass of twenty people moved

over. "Beaters over here," ten people made their way over. "And seekers,"

there were only the four house seekers from last year trying out.

"Hey Cedric," Harry said as he moved over to where Hooch had pointed

out, "Sue and Hannah said you were going to enter the Triwizard


"Yeah I figured I give it a shot."

"Well you're the best in seventh year, good luck mate," Harry answered

with a grin towards his Quidditch competition and friend. Harry ignored

Cho Chang who was trying to decide who to flirt with, Harry or Cedric.

Tryouts lasted until ten at night, and they only got through the seekers

and keepers. The next day Gwenog was back again and signing

autographs before the tryout started. They went through the day by

Gwenog watching the beaters and Madam Hooch breaking the Chasers

into two large groups before further breaking them down. They used

most of the allotted time for the tryout finishing with an hour left,

Madam Hooch dismissed them and she was going to make up the teams

and post them later tonight or tomorrow morning.

"Har-ry," somebody called in a sing-song voice, "Har-ry wake-uuuppp."

Harry blinked his eyes opened to see Daphne standing over him. As his

eyes fluttered open Daphne leaned down and pressed her lips to his in a

sensual lingering kiss.

She pulled back and smiled at him, "I wanted to be the first to

congratulate you," she said giving him a radiant smile and handing him a

piece of parchment. Harry sat up and pulled Daphne onto the bed to sit

next to him, he wrapped an arm around her and she absent mindedly ran

her nails softly over his chest. Harry shivered a little and opened the


Hogwarts Qudiditch Team:

Keeper: Aaron Vaisey. Alternate: Cormac McLaggen

Beater: Fred Weasley. Alternate: Jess Urquhart

Beater: George Weasley. Alternate: Evan Deverill

Chaser: Angelina Johnson. Alternate: Katie Bell

Chaser: Rodger Davis, Co-Captain. Alternate: Beau Montague

Chaser: Alicia Spinnent. Alternate: Draco Malfoy

Seeker: Hadrian Potter, Co-Captain. Alternate Cedric Diggory

Alternate Fliers: Ginerva Weasley and Edward Carmichael

First practice Monday at 7:00pm, all fliers must attend.

"Wow,"Harry said quietly, "she made me a co- captain."

"Harry people listen to you, you going to have to get used to it and best

of all it's not because you're the 'Boy-Who-Lived,'" Daphne said rolling her

eyes at the hyphenated name Harry detested. "It's because you have a

certain presence about you that people are intimidated and drawn in by,

it's rather hot," Daphne finished with a grin, in response Harry tickled her

for five minutes until she screamed, "I'm gonna pee!"

"You ready for this afternoon's tryout?"

"Yeah, I'm just wondering what Severus has planned for a tryout. Now

you need to get dressed, I'll see you in the common room." She gave him

a quick kiss and left the room. Harry got dressed in street clothes and

made his way to join his friends. As he walked into the common room

more than a few people congratulated him like they had with the other

Slytherins who had made the team. It hadn't surprised most people that it

was comprised mainly of Slytherins and Gryffindor they were the only

Houses with consistently good teams at Hogwarts.

The dueling tryouts were being held in the Great Hall with Professor

Flitwick and Professor Snape presiding over it. There were a lot of

students trying out for the dueling team; Harry wasn't sure how they

were going to finish the tryout in two days. The team was open to those

who wanted to try out but a trained observer could already tell about

half of them didn't stand a chance, simply by the way they were dressed

or their stance. Harry was in the stands that had been set up for

spectators, with Susan, Hermione, who had decided not to try out, and

Susan. Neville, Blaise, Tracey, who decided to try out, and Daphne were

standing in a group down on the floor with Draco and Theo. Neville was

looking determined and glaring at Ron Weasley, earlier in the day when

Neville had been talking about trying out the Weasel had called him an

almost squib who didn't stand a chance.

Severus and Flitwick walked up to the center of the main platform where

Flitwick let off a loud bang with his wand, bringing the room to

attention. Severus spoke, "We're going to start by randomly pairing you

against another in your year, and if you win you will continue to the next

round." They're were only two second years there, a Slytherin named

Robert Smithstone and a Ravenclaw named Dylan McCarty. The Slytherin

won but neither student used anything above a third year curse. There

were six third years, and the three that made it through were all from

Slytherin, Astoria, Aiofe, and Malcolm Baddock.

The fourth years were up next Professor Snape looked like he was trying

to contain a gleeful grin when he called out the next two names out of

hat, "Longbottom and Weasley." He continued pulling names and ended

up with, Daphne v. Seamus Finnegan, Tracey v. Su Li, Blaise v. Michael

Corner, Draco v. Ernie MacMillan, and Theo v. Padma Patil. They were

lined up on the dueling platforms and Professor Flitwick spoke, "Begin."

Blaise immediately began casting spells at Corner who put up a shield but

it collapsed under the spells and Blaise's stunner hit Corner knocking him

unconscious, Blaise summoned his opponent's wand and his duel ended.

Daphne held her wand as a fencer would and stood in what could be

perceived as a lazy stand. Finnegan threw the first spell a jelly-legs jinx

and Harry shook his head, "do they really think that will be enough,"

Harry said in a disgusted tone, "Durmstrang is famous for covering the

dark arts."

"They've probably never even heard of Durmstrang," Hermione

commented shaking her head, "Oh nice one Daph." Daphne had been

sidestepping Finnegan's pathetic attempts and he was beginning to get

more irate, finally Daphne cast a spell, aguamenti, Finnegan was

showered in water and so was the dueling platform. Finnegan rushed her

and Daphne spoke calmly, "Glacies," the platform froze into solid ice and

the charging Finnegan was thrown into the air and fell knocking his head

against the ice and rendering him unconscious, Daphne smirked and

summoned his wand.

Draco had already beaten Ernie and Padma had just lost to Theo, though

she put up a good fight. Weasley was turning as red as his hair as Neville

was still holding the shield he had cast in the very beginning of his duel

finally Weasley stopped casting and took a breath, Neville didn't even

speak aloud as he used expelliarmus to summon the wand from Weasley's

grip without trouble. Harry and the others cheered for Neville making

Weasley turn even redder. Tracey had just finished with Su Li who had

put up an amazing fight against Tracey.

"Mione what do you know about Su Li," Susan asked eyeing the small

Ravenclaw who was shaking Tracey's hand.

"She's quiet, really quiet and really good at potions. Her dad was a

dueling champion in China before they moved here for her mum's job at

the Ministry, she's the ambassador."

"Before we continue Su Li and Padma Patil will be permitted to carry on,"

Severus announced after conferring with Flitwick. They got through the

rest of the years in time for dinner, two fifth years, most were focused on

their owls, and ten sixth years went on, plus two seventh years, again

most were either focused on N.E.W.T.'s or the tournament proper.

"Clever Daph," Harry said as he gave his girlfriend a kiss as they sat down

for dinner in the Great Hall.

"Man little Su Li packs a punch," Tracey commented rubbing her shoulder

which had been hit by part of a diffindo that made it through her shield.

The next day Severus and Flitwick had them dueling against the others

no matter what year, randomly chosen, again. Theo lost to a seventh year

Ravenclaw in his first duel, Thomas Kensington. Draco won against one

of the fifth years, Marietta Edgecombe, with a well placed reducto that

launched her off her feet; she dropped her wand and was left open to his

stunner. The second year was taken out by Padma. Su Li lost to Samantha

Fawcett, Malcolm and Aiofe years were taken out by a fifth and one of

the sixth years. Blaise was paired up against a sixth year and one with a

bit of help from his illusions combined with his speed at casting. Tracey

faced Astoria and won though it was close Astoria fought like her sister,

using her slyness. Daphne was paired against Stebbins, a sixth year

Hufflepuff; he went into the match cocky and came out shamed. The last

fifth year, from Hufflepuff, was taken out by Towler from Gryffindor. The

last fourth year a Ravenclaw, was taken out by Lee Jordan. Warrington

one of the remaining sixth years was taken out by the last seventh year,

Jason Murray of Hufflepuff. Ethan Chambers of Hufflepuff was taken out

of the competition by Thomas Avery. Neville took out a sixth year from

Slytherin, Jasmine Gibbons, it was hard fought duel but Neville

overpowered her, surprising many of those watching.

They were left with thirteen after the second cut of people, there were

going to be seven spots for the dueling team. They decided to test the

accuracy of those left using dummies. "Alright," Professor Flitwick called,

"the nest phase will test your speed and accuracy from there we will

determine the final team." Severus was conjuring the dummies as

Flitwick was talking, "You will be casting stinging hexes at the dummies,

the dummies are designed to light up, your task will be to hit the lit area

with the stinging hex as fast as you can and as accurately, in two

minutes." They were each lined up across from a dummy about ten yards

away. "Begin," Severus called out. Stinging hexes went flying as the

dummies lit up in various areas with red lights. The randomly lit areas

were lit for only a short time you had to hit in that time period to score a

point. "Time," Severus called out. Severus and Flitwick went over to the

dummies to receive the results. "The team will be comprised of Thomas

Kensington, Jason Murray, Thomas Avery, Blaise Zabini, Neville

Longbottom, and Daphne Greengrass. Alternate will be Lee Jordan,"

Professor Flitwick announced as the spectators cheered. "The first

practice will be held Tuesday night at six."

"Congrats Daph," Harry said as he pulled her into a searing kiss for

congratulations. When he pulled back Daphne was breathing hard and

Harry was smiling his lopsided grin. "Nice job guys," Harry said looking

to the others.

"Yeah, you're not going to try and snog us too are ya," Neville asked

Harry with a mock worried look on his face, causing them to laugh.

Harry just rolled his eyes at his friend, "You're hilarious Longbottom."

The academic tryout consisted of Professor McGonagall and Madam

Prince giving the hopefuls a rather long test and this one was only on

three subjects, Charms, Potions, and Runes. After that the hopefuls were

given an hour break for dinner and then they had a test on Astronomy

and Arithmancy. Monday night they were tested on Transfiguration and

History. They're team was posted the next night in the common room.

Academic Team

Hermione Granger

Tracey Davis

Padma Patil

Andrew Harper

Nathan Clearwater

Alternate: Blair Simon

It didn't escape the notice of the school that the majority of those chosen

to represent them were Slytherins.


Hey guys so the movie was freakin awesome in my humble opinion,

and Maggie Smith was awesome as McGonagall in this film, not that

she wasn't in the rest. Sorry it was a bit of a wait for the chapter but

I got a new job that has more hours.



21. The Start of the Tournament

The next month and half leading up to the arrival was hectic for

everyone involved in one of the teams, the Professors in charge of each

team were relentless in their training. Harry and the team had Quidditch

practice five out of seven nights of the week. The first practice had been

amazing and a bloody nightmare for all those involved.

"Alright listen up," Madam Hooch began, "I don't care what House you're

in, who you're dating, who you've had pathetic school yard spats with, or

who's beaten whom on the pitch, from now you are a team!" She stared

each one of them in the hard in the eye as she said that. "You are

representing Hogwarts on a world stage you will not embarrass, your

school or yourselves by giving into petty jealousies, I expect you to act

like a team on and off the pitch, if you have any problems with that leave

now," she paused waiting for any of them to make a move, none did.

"Good. Now I've made Hadrian and Rodger captains, if they tell you to do

something do it, unless I tell you otherwise. If for whatever reason

Rodger or Hadrian cannot play Cedric will be the captain out on the

field. Ginny you will be training as an alternate chaser and a seeker,

every practice you will switch on and off between the chasers and

training with Harry and Cedric. Eddie the same goes for you only at

beater and keeper, problems?" Both players shook their heads no. "Good

now for starters I want everyone to do three laps around the pitch," the

players moved for their brooms, except for Harry who saw a bit a

mischief present in Madam Hooch's eyes, "I didn't mention brooms did I?

You need to be in top physical shape as well. Hadrian you run every day

set the pace." Hadrian nodded and led the groups in their laps, while they

were running Hooch was conjuring exercise equipment, nothing big just

weights of varying pounds and a couple bars for pull ups. Harry

completed the run along with Cedric, Aaron and surprisingly Ginny

without any problems. Alicia, Angelina, Eddie, Evan and Katie were a bit

winded but didn't really show any signs of real fatigue. Draco, Rodger,

Beau, Jess, Cormac, Fred, and George, who were all purebloods, looked

like they were going to pass out. Harry laughed a little and quirked an

eyebrow at Ginny, in question.

"Bill thinks exercise is important plus Evelyn started to teach me fencing

also," Ginny said with a shrug as Madam Hooch came over.

"Why purebloods look down on exercise I'll never know," she muttered

before speaking louder, "Fitness will help improve not only your

Quidditch but also your magic in general. And you might as well save the

glaring as you'll be doing this every practice. Hadrian do you know how

to use the equipment I conjured?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Good show them how, along with push-ups, sit-ups, crunches, pull-ups,

chin-ups, and jumping jacks. You have a half-hour."

Harry nodded, "alright guys first we need to stretch, so circle up." Harry

led them through some simple stretches that took about ten minutes.

"Now, first I'm going to show you how to do them but does anyone know

how to do all that Madam Hooch said?" Alicia, Angelina, Evan, Katie, and

Aaron raised their hands.

"Okay why you guys get started and do ten of each, if you can't do ten of

the pull-ups or chin-ups just do as many as you can. And if you can do

more go up to twenty five, then hit the weights for a little bit. Oh and

start with the pull-ups and chin-ups. The rest of you follow me, first up

we have jumping jacks," Harry went through and demonstrated for them

each one before helping them through the exercises. They got in a few

lifts with weights when Madam Hooch came back over from where she

was observing.

"Now I want you to do your stretches and the exercises Hadrian showed

you every day, so that includes the days we don't have practice." A few of

them groaned and Madam Hooch grinned, "the more you do it, the easier

they get. Now let's fly." The next hour and a half of practice was spent

getting everyone use to flying with each other for the first time. Hooch

blew her whistle at the end and they all landed, "Alright that was good

for today but tomorrow the real fun starts, dismissed."

"She's enjoyed that too much," Draco commented as the team made their

way back to the castle. The team laughed uproarously at the extremely

put out look Draco wore, those who saw them come into the castle

starred in awe at members from all the houses getting along, especially

because they were quidditch players. The players were usually the

fiercest of house rivals. Dueling practices were similar to the quidditch

practices, five nights a week and with a focus not just on spells but on the

physical aspects of it. The Academic team were often found pouring over

books in the library, most were focused on a specialty, like History but

they still studied for all aspects.

It was the first visit to Hogsmeade and the day Flitwick was going to try

the spell on the portraits. The others were going to town while Harry and

Daphne were going to floo home with Flitwick. Harry got ready and he

and Daphne went up to Breakfast. They wished the others a good day and

then they met Flitwick at his office.

"Ahh Hadrian, Daphne good morning." Flitwick said as he welcomed

them into his office. Harry had shipped his to paintings home using

Hedwig earlier in the week; he didn't want them to go through the floo.

"Hi professor," They both replied.

"I need to go first and add you to the ward list before you can come

through Professor," Harry said to the tiny Professor who nodded in

understanding and handed Harry the floo powder.

"Potter Manor," Harry shouted throwing the powder in and then stepping

through the floo, Sirius and Scooby greeted him on the other side.

"Scoob down boy," Harry said as the exuberant puppy jumped up on

Harry, placing his paws and Harry's shoulder and giving Harry's face a

lick. "Um Sirius if he jumps on Flitwick he'll knock him over."

"Right, Scoob sit, stay." Sirius said and placed a hand on the dog's collar

after he sat. Harry took the ward list from Sirius and added Filius


"Alright Daph you guys can come through," Harry said sticking his head

in the floo.

Flitwick and Daphne stepped out of the floo and Sirius tugged back on

Scooby's collar the puppy stayed sitting but his tail was wagging so fast it

was a blur.

"Ahh, who's this," Flitwick said reaching out and petting the large puppy,

Flitwick's hand was smaller than Scoob's head.

"This is Scooby, he's Sirius's." Harry said as they started to the practice

room where the large painting of Godric and Salazar was. Scoob got

excited and ran knocking Flitwick on to his back and proceeded to run

around with Flitwick holding on and Sirius rolling on the floor laughing.

Harry held in his laughter and spoke, "Scoob come on," Harry called out.

Scooby still with the Head of Ravenclaw House on his back trotted over

to Harry as they entered the practice room. Salazar and Godric just stared

in shock at the sight presented before them.

Flitwick got off Scooby and summoned a biscuit for him, "thank you for

the ride." At that Daphne lost it and Harry let out his grin.

"Godric, Salazar, I'd like you to meet Professor Filius Flitwick, Head of

Ravenclaw House and Charms Master at Hogwarts."

"Pleasure" they both answered. Flitwick looked a little shocked, he had

been trying to prepare himself to meet two of the Founders especially one

with the reputation of being a dark lord.

"Likewise," Flitwick managed to squeak out.

"So you're going to get us a new picture," Salazar asked?

"Yes, yes Hadrian the paintings," Harry and Daphne placed the two

paintings one of Gryffindor with his sword and in the setting of a training

room, and one of Salazar in a potions lab and placed them on easels in

front of the large painting.

"Alright Hadrian where your initials are on the painting," Flitwick said

pointing to the cleverly hidden signature. "You need to trace over them in

your blood." Harry pricked his finger and went over the initials on

Godric's painting. "Now repeat after me, touching your to Godric and

then to the signature. Delego memoria. Now touch your wand again to

Godric and then to the signature in blood, delego animates."

Harry touched his wand to Godric in the large painting and said, "Delego,"

then he touched his wand to the signature, "memoria." He repeated the

process saying, "Delego animates." A flash of red enveloped the smaller

painting Harry had done and Godric moved from the large painting into

the smaller one and he drew his sword and turned to face them.

"It worked!" The painting of Godric said. Harry repeated the process for

Salazar who was happy to have some potions to fiddle around with.

"So where should we put them," Daphne asked?

"Severus's office. That way we can get their advice during the year plus

I'm sure Severus wants to pick Salazar's brain on those potions we found,

since he hasn't had time yet."

It was the Thursday, the day before Durmstrang and Beauxbatons arrived

and Harry was in Defense with Susan. Harry was sitting with Blaise in the

second row with Daphne and Tracey in front of them and Susan and

Hannah behind them. Harry was impressed with Moody's teaching so far,

even if he randomly went on paranoid tirades about the Ministry and

Death Eaters. Harry couldn't remember him doing that as much the last

time he saw him, but chalked the behavior up to simply spending more

time around the man, either that or the man had a crack habit, Harry

snorted to himself with that last thought. Daphne turned and looked at

him oddly, he shrugged and she shook her head before turning back


Moody limped into the classroom and barked out put your books away

you won't need them for today." He moved to the chalkboard and wrote

in his barely legible scrawl, The Unfogivables. "Tell me about them?"

Moody prompted the students; Tracey raised her hand, "Miss Davies?"

"There are three and they were outlawed at separate times, the Cruciatus

curse in 1053, the Imperious curse in 1252, and the Avada Kedavra curse

in 1407. Nobody knows when the curses were invented but the first

record of all three curses is from the time of the Four Founders in 950's."

"Good, correct, five points to Slytherin, who can tell me what they do,

starting with the Imperious?"

Susan raised her hand and Moody nodded at her to answer, "it gives the

caster the ability to control their enemies mind. It can be fought off by

those with a strong force of mind."

"Five points to Hufflepuff, now Dumbledore wants me to show you these

curses." Moody levitated a spider out of jar on the front of table, he than

enlarged it. "This little beauty is an Australian Funnel Spider her bite can

be lethal, Imperio." As Moody moved his wand the spider danced across

the front table, Moody then to the shock of the students had the spider

jump from desk to desk and scaring some of the students, many of them

were laughing. Harry, though, was stone faced as he watched; Daphne

and Blaise had similar looks while Tracey and Susan just looked


"You think that's funny do you?" Moody asked in a bit of a shout, "What

should I have her do nest jumped out the wind," and with that the spider

flew to the window, "drown herself," the spider flew over a jar of water

cringing away from it. Moody's next words were in a whisper as the class

was dead quiet, "or perhaps bite one of you? This curse is not a joke, you

can be made to do terrible things with it, even kill your own family. Now

the next curse the Cruciatus curse, anyone?"

Draco raised his hand hesitantly and with a haunted look in his eyes, "It

causes emence pain unlike anything the victim has ever felt."

"Five to Slytherin, Crucio!" Moody cast the spell and the spider made

hissing noises unlike anything Harry had heard from a spider before, and

it curled inward on itself trying to escape the pain. "Prolonged use can

cause the victim to become insane," Moody said in an odd tone that only

Harry caught, it caused Harry to look hard at Moody who abruptly

stopped the curse. "And the last one," he paused for an answer to his

question, "no one, it kills. Avada Kedavra!" A green jet of light shot out

from his and rocketed towards the spider. The spider was enveloped by

the green light and tossed a little ways down the table. Harry starred at

the spider as he thought of his parents and the countless others who died

without so much as a mark left on them but on those left behind.

"Everybody up, form a line," Moody called to the class who stood and did

as he said, "I'm going to cast the imperius on you all, Dumbledore wants

you to recognize and perhaps be able to fight it." He took turns casting

the imperious at them, Justin Finch-Fetchly made a rather good squirrel,

Ernie MacMillan jumped in a circle on one foot, Hannah did an amazing

series of acrobatic flips across the room, he was followed by many more

interesting performances, and then there was Harry.


Harry felt a sense of calm and euphoria come over Harry and he hear a

voice say in his head, 'jump, jump on to the desk.' Harry before he even

flexed his muscles, slammed his mind shield up as he heard again this

time longer, 'jump', still Harry didn't move, 'JUMP', "No," Harry spoke and

forced the presence out of his mind. Moody actually stumbled back as

Harry's magic pushed against him, no one except Daphne noticed Moody

look worried before he masked it.

"Good, excellent Potter fought it off and beat it!" Moody declared

excitedly. Harry just nodded to the man still contemplating his thoughts

on the killing curse. "Greengrass you're up. Imperio!"

The same feeling washed over Daphne and she closed her eyes blissfully

until she heard a voice say, 'kiss Goyle and declare you love him,' Daphne

eyes immediately shot open and her shields locked into place and she

walked over and pulled Harry into a passionate kiss, long enough for her

to slip her tongue into his mouth, then she pulled back at turned and

glared and Moody. Harry was once again in a euphoric state but this time

he embraced it and wrapped his arms around Daphne's waist pulling her

close to him, so that Daphne's back was against his chest. Harry leaned

his head down on her shoulder and smiled goofily back at the rest of the


"Um good, fifteen points to Slytherin, Greengrass, Potter, and Zabini are

the only ones to fight it off the rest of you need work, Davis just a little

more and then you'll have it. Class dismissed."

"Hey guys how did transfiguration go, Nev," Tracey asked as they sat

down to eat dinner that night.

"I completely cocked up my switching spell, and McGonagall was pissed.

They're really going all out on getting ready for this tournament." Neville

sighed as he took his seat.

"Yeah no shite, Hooch is like a slave driver, I think I've gained like seven

pounds of solid muscle since we started not to mention my arse is

starting go numb whenever I look at my broom." That got the rest of the

table laughing. They were at the Slytherin table but Cedric, Susan, Hanna

and Jason Murray of Hufflepuff was sitting with them, as was, Hermione,

Padma, Rodger Davis, Eddie Carmichael, and Evan Deverill of

Ravenclaw, plus the Gryffindors from the Quidditch team and Lee

Jordan. Some of the Slytherins had to sit at the other tables with their

friends in Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff to make room for all of them.

It was past midnight and Harry was up in the Slytherin common room

with Daphne leaning against his shoulder. Aiolos was in front of them

curled by the fire, "they are all asssleep hatchling," Aiolos hissed to

Harry, the last of the Slytherins had left the common room about twenty

minutes ago.

"Everyone else is asleep," Harry mentioned.

"So are you going to tell me what's bothering you or am I going to have

to torture you to get," Daphne said wiggling her eyebrows at him.

Harry chuckled a bit at her, which was her intended result. He sighed,

"Seeing the curse today being used…" Harry trailed off and Daphne

moved to sit in on Harry's lap facing him, she laid her head on his

shoulder. Harry wrapped his arms around her and held her, "there's not

even a mark left on the body. Daphne just nodded and they sat there for

awhile Daphne trying to comfort Harry.

"Slytherin as always will represent the best of Hogwarts," Severus Snape

spoke to his students who had just finish with their last class the Friday

that the foreign schools were arriving. "As such I expect you to be dressed

neatly in your full uniform, failure to do so will land you in detention.

And Merlin help you if they're not clean," Severus said giving Crabble a

hard stare. "You will line up as group first years, followed by second and

so on, prefects on the end."

At 5:50 all of Hogwarts was lined up in front of the Entrance Hall of the

castle, the Slytherins set an example which the Ravenclaws and

Hufflepuffs followed, while McGonagall was struggling between getting

the Gryffindors organized similarly and wanting to strangle some of them

for their lack of decorum. The Slytherins were trying to hide their smirks

all of them were dressed in their finest school robes and cloaks.

"Well are they going to get here or what?" Blaise muttered and Tracey

elbowed him. "What," he replied indigently.

"They're French did you really expect them to be anything but

fashionably late," Tracey answered with a smirk. Harry and Daphne

laughed along with the others in earshot finally at 6:10 one of the

Creevey brothers shouted.

"It's a flying house!"

Hogwarts turned to where he pointed and they saw a flying…something,

which turned into a giant carriage being pulled by what Harry could

identify as Abraxan, rather large white flying horses. The carriage landed

almost knocking Hagrid on his arse, a feat in and of itself. Hogwarts

waited and finally a squirrely looking boy came out and set a step down

for the carriage, and out came the biggest woman Harry had ever seen.

The woman was probably about no more than an inch taller than Hagrid,

and she was dressed in fine silk robes and decked in jewels. Following

Madam Maxine was a group of thirty students all appearing to be in at

least their fifth year with the majority probably being seventeen year

olds. They were dressed in fine silk blue robes that Harry assumed must

have been cold considering they were all buried under scarves.

"Why don't they just use a warming charm?" Harry asked.

"Who the hell knows," Daphne answered with a bit of sarcasm directed

towards the French contenders who were acting rather haughty. She was

looking for Fleur and couldn't spot her or her signature silvery blonde

hair. "Can you see Fleur?"

"No she must be one of the ones covered up," Tracey answered.

As they were talking Madam Maxine had made her way up to

Dumbledore who greeted her with open arms. "Ahh my dear Madam

Maxine, Hogwarts welcome's you. Would you like to wait inside for

Durmstrang or would you like to stay out here?"

"I think we will head in side, Dumbly-dorr," Madam Maxine said looking

over her students.

"Mr. Filch, please take Madam Maxine and her students to the Great

Hall," Dumbledore spoke and the caretaker ran over huffing and puffing,

with Mrs. Norris following. The students had taken to starring back at the

stars in hopes of spotting Durmstrang first. They began to hear a rather

odd bubbling sound coming from the darkness and Lee Jordan called out

to all of them.

"The Lake," once again the Hogwarts students and professors turned, this

time towards the Lake. As they watch the surface began to bumble and

swirl like someone had the pulled the plug on the Black Lake. Then a

dark wooden pole started to rise from the surface as it came out Harry

recognized it.

"It's a mast for a like an old warship or something," Harry said quietly to

his friends. As Harry spoke a loud squelching noise was heard and up out

of the water came as Harry said, an old fashioned warship that looked

like it could have been a wreck at one point. It bowed back and forth

before it settled in the water of the Black Lake. A plank was thrown out

as a walkway and once again about thirty or so people came towards the

Hogwarts. A tall, sleek looking man in silver furs came up to Dumbles.

"Albus, it is good to see you again," He greeted with open arms and gave

the Headmaster a strong hug, Harry instantly disliked the man.

"Igor," Dumbledore spoke jovially as he embraced the man. The man

looked like an idiot movie villain that you saw in old black and white

movies, who tied damsels in distress to railroad tracks, with his goatee

and beady eyes. "Ahhh, Dear old Hogwarts," the man said in what was

supposed to be a tone of longing and happiness came out off, as the man

grimaced while he tried to smile, showing off horrible yellow decaying

teeth, Daphne and Tracey booth flinched away from the man's teeth and

made gagging noises, Harry Blaise tried to hide their smiles.

"Viktor, come we must go inside," Karkaroff said shortly, "I hope you

don't mind Dumbledore, Viktor has a slight head cold." He motioned a

student forward who walked past him rolling his eyes, the student had

large hooked nose and thick eyebrows that were instantly recognizable.

Ron Weasley with all the tact of a rampaging dragon shouted, "Blimey it's

Viktor Krum," in a high pitched squeak. The Slytherins laughed while the

other houses tried to get glimpses of the star quidditch player as he lead

the fur cloaked Durmstrang contingent into Hogwarts.

The Hogwarts students filed in after the Durmstrang students, well

Gryffindor and some of the Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw girls rushed in

while the rest orderly went in starting with the Slytherins, then

Ravenclaw, and then Hufflepuff. The students of Durmstrang were still

gathered around the entrance trying to determine where to sit; the

Weasel was practically bouncing trying to get Krum's attention. The

Beauxbatons students had chosen to sit at the Ravenclaw table and they

saw Fleur and waved as she was now sitting next to Hermione conversing

quietly, a few seconds into the conversation Fleur and the rest of the

Beauxbatons students momentarily looked like they wanted to bang their

heads against the table in idiocy and Hermione smirked, Harry figured

she asked about the warming charm. Seeing nobody moving to help the

Durmstrang students out Harry motioned for Daphne to go ahead to the

Slytherin table while he stopped and walked up to Krum, figuring he

would be the best bet at understanding English out of the Durmstrang

students. Viktor for his part was rather surprised somebody approached

him without fawning or looking dazed and crazed like a fan boy or girl


"Hello, I'm Lord Hadrian Potter," Harry said formally bowing to Viktor.

Viktor's eyes widen, the only sign that he recognized Harry, before he

bowed back, "Viktor Krum."

"You and the rest of Durmstrang," Harry spoke gesturing to the other

Durmstrang students and making eye contact with a few of them, "are

welcome to sit at Slytherin table with us."

"Zank you." Viktor spoke to Harry and then told the others in a foreign

language Harry thought was Russian. Harry led them over to the

Slytherin table, the snakes rearranged themselves so they could fit

comfortably and Harry took his seat next to Daphne. Daphne had sat

towards an open end of the table, which was usually open, after Harry

had approached Viktor. Viktor and the other Durmstrang students chose

to sit near them. Viktor sat next to Blaise who was across from Harry.

While they waited for the staff to enter the hall the Durmstrang students

took off their heavy outer fur coats and hats, leaving them in blood red

robes. The robes were done in a military fashion, they had a blood red

shell coat with two rows of bronze buttons and a high collar that stood

straight up and was strapped with a thick black belt at the waist. They

had a cape that was hung over their right shoulder, blood red dress pants

and high black boots, the few girls wore blood red skirts and capes that

attached at both shoulders. All together they made for a rather imposing

sight. Finally the teachers walked into the Great Hall, where four extra

chairs were instead of two, they were all added to the sides of

Dumbledore. The last in line were Headmaster Karkaroff, Dumbledore,

and Madam Maxine. The Beauxbatons students stood when they saw

their headmistress enter and remained standing until she took her seat,

despite some snickers from the Hogwarts students.

"Welcome everyone, students, ghosts, and most especially honored

guests." Harry snorted at Dumbledore's speech, who the hell thanks ghost

for being present before their guests. "I trust you will all find Hogwarts

satisfactory during your stay here." Fleur giggled a bit from her spot and

they looked over to see Hermione roll her eyes at the older French girl.

"Now then the Triwizard tournament will officially be opened at the end

of the Feast please enjoy." As he said that the golden plates Hogwarts had

filled with food.

"Vy solid gold plates?" Viktor asked Harry with a look on his face that

said, how has somebody not lifted these yet.

"We've learned it's better not to ask when it comes to the odd and strange

things at Hogwarts," Harry said with a shrug.

Blaise added, "Like for instance the staircases randomly move and change

patterns and we have stairs that vanish when you step on them."

Viktor looked at Dumbles and then back at Harry and his friends, "So he

really is Choknutyj?"

Harry didn't have to understand Viktor to know what he asked, "Yes, yes

he is, just don't tell the Gryffindor." Viktor let out a deep laugh and


"So are you going to compete in the Quidditch tournament, are you even

allowed to by your sponsors?" Daphne asked showing her enthusiasm for

the sport.

"Da, I can compete and vill for Durmstrang, sponsors think it good for

image, besides I enjoy it."

"Well you may be a pro but, you're going to lose. Harry here is are seeker

and is damn good he caught the snitch once while being chased by a

dementor," Vaisey spoke up from a little ways down the table. That led to

some ribbing back and forth between the Sytherins and the Durmstrang

students but most of it was in good nature.

"You have right build for seeker, did you really get chased by dementor

and catch snitch?"

"Yeah but I lost my first broom in the process, it kinda sucked because of

that." Harry said Viktor nodded.

"You vill be good competitor," He said with finality and Dumbledore

stood ending the conversation.

"Now that you all are fed and sated, may I present to you Mr. Crouch and

Mr. Ludo Bagman. Mr. Crouch is the head of our Department of

International Magical Cooperation and Mr. Bagman is the head of or

Magical Sports and Games department both men have worked tirelessly

in bringing about the reinstatement of the Triwizard Tournament." A

cheer went up as Dumbledore announced that. Both men stood to the

applause although Crouch looked anything but happy.

"What's with the Hitler mustache?" Harry said as he leaned over to

Daphne, "It's insulting to even wear that style now."

"Who knows but Crouch as always been a hard ass, he might not be a

Death Eater or sympathizer but he does believe in wizard supremacy over

other magical creatures plus, he's lethal in his own right and completely

stone hearted. He sent his son to Azkaban after he was found to be a

Death Eater and disowned him."

"He was also on the fast track to becoming Minister until his son was

found out," Tracey added over the applause, "after that he was demoted

and people lost trust in him, he still wants to be Minister."

As she finished Dumbledore resumed his speech, "when the casket is

brought in the tournament will be officially opened. The tournament will

consist of three tasks spaced throughout the year; these tasks are

designed to test the competitors in every way. While Eternal glory awaits

the winner, mortal peril also awaits all the contestants, enter at your own

risk. Entering your name also constitutes a binding magical contract if

chosen you will have to compete, there is no turning back.

"Now the casket if you please," Dumbledore spoke and the Great Hall

doors opened. Filch came in carrying a rather large but ancient looking

chest. Filch brought it to the front of the Hall and the owl stand where

Dumbledore spoke from faded into the ground and Filch placed the

casket down where it was. Dumbledore waved his wand and the casket

turned into a stand and from it rose a rather plain looking goblet except

for blue flames that rose about six inches up from the inside of the

goblet. "The Goblet of Fire, our impartial selector, to enter simply write

your name on a piece of paper and cast it into the flames. You have until

tomorrow's Halloween Feast when the names will be announced. In order

to ensure that only those of legal age enter I will be creating an age line

to go around the Goblet, as a warning, it will keep those under seventeen

from entering.

"For the three other competitions, the first Quidditch game will be held

November 14th and will be Beauxbatons V. Hogwarts. The first dueling

competition is to be held November 28th and will be between

Beauxbatons and Durmstrang. The Academic Competition will be held

towards the end of the year and will be all three schools competing at

once. Good luck and good night."

Madam Maxine rose from the head table and her students followed Fleur

waved to them as she left the Great Hall. Some of the Hogwarts students

were filling out while others were still scattered around eating. The

Slytherins stayed while the Durmstrang students finished finally

Karkaroff stood and the Durmstrang students and Slytherin students rose

and made their way out, the exodus of students plus the girls following

Krum made for a traffic jam. Harry was pushed up against Karkaroff.

Who just managed to spy what was left of Harry's scar, while it was no

longer vibrant as before with his hair spiked and thanks to a convienently

placed torch Karkaroff got a good look at it. Karkaroff pulled Harry

forward by his robes trying to get a better look; Harry acted on instinct

driven into him not only from the Dursleys but also his training. He

grabbed Karkaroff's wrists where Karkaroff was holding his robes and

twisted the man's wrist and forced him into a kneel by kicking the back

of the man's legs, Harry holding Karkaroff's arms behind his back forced

him to stay in place.

The Slytherins around Harry and his friends acted in defense and pulled

their wands aiming at Karkaroff and his aide who had his wand pulled.

Almost all the older Slytherins and forced the younger ones back behind

them and split their wands between Karkaroff and his Aide. Daphne was

seething and you could see the beginning of a spell light up her wand

though she had yet to even utter a sound.

Professor McGonagall, Dumbledore, Severus, and Madam Pomfrey rushed

over to the scene to intervene. Before Dumbledore or McGonagall could

say anything Severus held his hand up to silence them. Severus could see

from his position that Harry was trying to fight a flashback to the

Dursleys, he was sweating, tense, and had a widely spark to his eyes, and

he had yet to release Karkaroff who was struggling and making it worse

for himself. Severus came over and laid a hand on the back of Harry's

neck and spoke softly, "Hadrian you are at Hogwarts, release the fool he

will not hurt you." As Severus was leaning into talk he had to stop

himself from flinching away, he could see Aiolos's head and neck, the rest

of the snake's body still in tattoo form but ready to strike in defense of

her human should the Karkaroff make a wrong move. "Hadrian," Severus

said still calmly but a bit more forceful.

Harry slowly released Karkaroff and man rounded on him in anger only

to come face to face with Severus who had stepped halfway in front of


"Karkaroff," Severus said bitingly, "it would be in your best interest not to

lay a hand on one of my students, ever again;" Severus put more bite to

some of his words with the intention of reminding Karkaroff just who he

was dealing with. "As you can see my snakes will defend themselves and

each other." Severus nodded to his Slytherins who all put their wands

away and started to leave towards the dungeons again. Karkaroff spun

angrily and marched out of the school, most of Durmstrang looked like

they found the incident funny, while Viktor looked thoughtful, and a few

others with backgrounds not unlike Harry's looked understanding, having

seen what Severus saw.

"Hadrian explain," Severus prompted when it was only him, Professor

McGonagall, and Twinkles, Madam Pomfrey had left intending to get

Harry a small dose of Dreamless sleep potion for him.

"We were walking out and I got forced into Karkaroff, I turned intending

to apologize, and then he grabbed me. I defended myself without

thinking everything's kinda blurred," Harry explained in a calm voice.

"Daphne?" Severus prompted.

"Karkaroff grabbed him and pulled Harry close to him. He looked

surprised and angry at the same time then Harry twisted out of his

grasped and forced him to the ground."

Severus nodded and then turned, "come Madam Pomfrey wants to see


"Severus this requires more discussion," Dumbledore spoke his annoying

twinkle still present in his eyes. Severus looked at Dumbledore like he

had grown a second head, Aiolos had come out of Harry's skin and was

now wrapped around the outside of Harry's robes and was hissing

angrily, Daphne's wand glowed again, Harry closed his eyes and took

deep breaths, and McGonagall looked completely shocked but it was she

who spoke first.

"Honestly Albus, the man knows you never lay a hand on a student

especially one that is not yours. And Mr. Potter reacted without harm but

to defend himself from an older more experienced wizard, he did nothing

wrong and he has a whole house as his witness. Enough of this."

Dumbledore tried to mask his anger at his Deputy's dressing down but his

eyes lost their twinkle, showing it to Severus and Harry. "My mistake,"

with that the old man turned on his heel and left the hallway.

"Good night Mr. Potter, Miss Greengrass," McGonagall spoke before

leaving, they nodded in return.

The three Slytherins started on their way to the hospital wing. It was

about three minutes into the walk when Harry spoke, "Severus."

Severus turned and looked at Harry as did Daphne.

"Karkaroff he's a Death Eater isn't he?" Harry asked with a hard tone of


Severus stopped walking as did his two students, "Yes, he was. How did

you know?"

"I could sense his mark when he grabbed me, his left arm had

Voldemort's magic on it," Harry answered and Daphne squeezed his hand

in support.

"Can you sense my also?"

"Yes, but yours is fainter, like he lost a bit of control of the mark and it's

only when you touch me with that arm."

Severus nodded and they resumed walking, not noticing the figure limp

away from behind them. Severus spoke a minute or so later when they

were almost to the hospital wing.

"Igor Karkaroff was a Death Eater but when he was caught after the

downfall of the Dark Lord, he turned traitor and ratted out a number of

other Death Eaters. In return for his testimony he cut a deal and only had

to spend two years in Azkaban. Be careful around him, the Dark Lord will

want Karkaroff dead when he returns, as such Karkaroff might try

something stupid. I will keep a closer watch on him."

Harry and Daphne both nodded and they entered the hospital wing.

Madam Pomfrey was waiting for them and came over with glass that had

a very small amount of Dreamless Sleep potion in it.

"Well Hadrian, I see your back," Madam Pomfrey spoke in a mock

scolding manner.

"I missed you, after all you're my favorite healer and visiting just for the

sake of visiting isn't quite the same," Harry replied back charmingly.

Madam Pomfrey shook her head and smiled, "Drink up; it's a smaller

amount as such it won't knock you out like normal. This will just be

enough to keep dreams at bay, but I would hurry up and get to the

dungeons after you take it, it will make you tired." Harry nodded and

downed the small amount of liquid and smiled his lopsided goodbye

before he, Daphne, and Severus left for the dungeons.

Everyone woke the next day early on in the morning despite it being

Saturday. They were anxious to find out who had put their names in.

Harry and his friends not so much, the only Slytherin who was putting

his name in was Warrington, the rest were either too young or were

focused on the big picture of passing their N.E.W.T.'s to get a job. They

knew Cedric was entering as well as Angelina besides those two they

really didn't care, plus they all had practice. Harry and the other

quidditch players ate a quick breakfast, Angelina tossed her name in and

they took off for the pitch, Cedric having already put his name in. They

arrived outside the locker room to find Hooch standing there waiting for


"I have a surprise for all of you," Hooch said and opened the doors to the

locker room, it had been redone. There was a gathering place for the

whole team to meet with Hooch that had a dry erase type board and

comfortable chairs instead of the usual benches. Then there were two

doors one for the guys and one for the girls, they entered and saw brand

new uniforms. There were two practice jerseys, one in white and the

other in black each had the Hogwarts crest on them with their number

and name. Harry was happy to see they looked and felt more like muggle

football jerseys, they were more of a silk material and were long sleeved.

The pants were in a style like muggle American football, with the pads on

the inside instead of outside, they seemed more aerodynamic as the

uniforms forwent the out robe. The game uniform was done in a sleek

looking silver that was lighter than Slytherin silver. The front of the

uniform had the Hogwarts crest on it, the sleeves had the house crest that

the player was in on the left, and on the right sleeve was the animal of

their house in a fierce pose. The Gryffindor players had a roaring lion,

the Slytherins had a snake in mid strike, the Ravenclaw members had an

eagle that looked ready to catch its prey in its talons, and the Hufflepuffs

had a rampant badger. The back of their jerseys had their name and

number on the back in black. The pants for the games were also black

and once again done in the American football style. The pads were silver

and more modern looking, Harry noticed all the equipment down to the

new silver and black shoes featured the Nike* symbol. They got dressed

in the practice uniforms and made their way back to Hooch raving about

the new uniforms.

When the girls joined them Hooch motioned for them all to sit, "As those

of you who are familiar with the muggle world of sports will notice these

uniforms and equipment were all donated by the Nike corporation. The

CEO found out his daughter was a which three years ago and was

introduced to our world in America, he wants to get into the Wizarding

Sports since his daughter will be a part of it and he sees it as a good

business opportunity. He donated uniforms to all three schools." The

halfblood players and two muggleborn players looked particularly

excited about this development.

"We also have had another piece of equipment donated," Hooch said and

with a flourish of her wand a broom size box flew to each player,

including the alternates. They opened it and at once they all gasped and

Hooch smirked. Inside the boxes were Nike racing brooms. "These are the

first of the line, I've tested them, trust me when I say you'll love them. It

seems muggles take their sports very seriously and it's now transferring

over with Nike. The brooms you'll notice for each position are a bit

different; they're designed with the specific position in mind. If you

noticed the pads the seekers and keepers wear are different from the pads

the beaters and chasers use. There is a stat card in the box for your

broom. You get to keep it after the tournament is over."

Harry pulled out his stat card and read it over,

Aerodynamic shaft made using TCT Carbon Technologies lined with Cuban

Mahogany wood.

Tail Twigs hand-crafted bamboo and perfectly aligned for best aerodynamic


Perfectly balanced, shaft equals weight of twig and foot holds

Foot holds made using TCT Carbon Technologies

Goes from 0 to 170 mph in 6.5 seconds

Harry looked over his broom which was painted black and had the Nike

check across

it and couldn't stop the grin that spread over his face and asked the one

question they all wanted to know, "When do we get to try 'em?"

"Right now, today's practice will just be getting used to the brooms,"

Hooch said and they all bolted out of the locker room practically sprinted

through their warm ups and then took to the skies.

Harry and the other Quidditch players came into the castle exhilarated,

their new brooms and equipment had brought them even closer together

as a team.

"Harry," Daphne said as she came into the common room to find her

boyfriend still smiling stupidly while playing chess with Draco. Harry

pulled Daphne into her lap and gave her a kiss. "Why are you both

grinning like fools, move your knight," Daphne said from her spot. Harry

did as he was told and got check mate, Harry's grin got wider.

"That's cheating," Draco said petulantly before he grinned again.

"Okay you two really need to tell me why you look like the Cheshire Cat,"

Daphne said shaking her head.

"You know the muggle sporting company I like, Nike?" Harry asked while

Draco reset the board this time to play against Blaise, who had come in

with Daphne. Daphne nodded and Harry continued talking, "They're

sponsoring the quidditch tournament, the CEO's daughter is a witch and

they found out three years ago. He wants to bring Nike to the wizarding

world and has given the quidditch teams new uniforms, equipment, and

brooms. Really, really, awesome brooms, better then my Firebolt."

Harry's smile grew wider if that was possible.

"Boys and their toys," Daphne muttered and in response Harry nuzzled

her neck. Harry kept Daphne in his lap as Tracey came back to the

common room, and Draco, Theo, and Blaise were having a small chess

tournament. Harry alternated from kissing Daphne and nuzzling her neck

to watching the chess match as she and Tracey talked.

An hour later they were in all gathered in the Great Hall for the

Halloween Feast. Due to it being a feast students were required to sit

with their houses. Durmstrang joined the Slytherins and Beauxbatons

once again joined the Ravenclaw table. Fleur was sitting next to

Hermione, Padma, and Su Li. Krum was sitting with Harry and his friends

plus some of the other Durmstrang students.

"Vy iz their zo much candy," Viktor asked?

"Dumbledore celebrates All Hallows Eve the muggle way, besides most

celebrate the tradition this way in our country, of course that's not all

people celebrate now," Tracey answered. One of Viktor's friends

translated it to the others.

"Zo there's alvay's a Feast?"

"Yes, what' do you guys do?"

"Ve light candles and move on," Viktor said simply.

"I wish we did that," Harry said looking around the room with an

annoyed expression and pushed his plate away from him. Daphne laid

her head on his shoulder in comfort. Viktor seemed a bit confused but

then Tracey's comment made sense, the downfall of Voldemort and the

death of Harry's parents. "I hate this day," Harry muttered.

Dumbledore stood and the plates and candy vanished from the hall.

Dumbledore raised his hands and the all the lights except those in the

various jack o' lanterns went out, the Goblet was still burning blue. "And

now the time has come for the contestants to be chosen," Dumbledore's

voice boomed throughout the hall. Everyone was quiet as they waited for

something to happen finally the goblet flared a scarlet and a piece of

paper floated out in to Dumbledore's hand.

"The champion for Beauxbaton's Academy of magic is…Fleur Delacour,"

Dumbledore announced with dramatics. The Beauxbaton students

applauded but those who were here for the Triwizard tournament were

crying they were so upset, though there was an enormous amount of

applause from the men and boys gathered. Harry and his friends were

whistling for their French friend. Fleur was ushered into a chamber at the

side of the Great Hall to a wait for the others. The applause died down

and the goblet sparked scarlet again and Dumbledore's arm shot out for

the paper that was emitted. "The champion for Durmstrang Institute is…

Viktor Krum," a roar of applause and cheers rang out in the hall, and the

Durmstrang students were chanting his name. Viktor stood and walked to

the side chamber.

"Bravo, bravo, Viktor, knew you could do it," Karkaroff shouted as he

passed though Viktor didn't acknowledge the man. Once again the

applause died down and the Goblet sparked scarlet.

"The Champion for Hogwarts is," Dumbledore boomed, "is Cedric

Diggory!" The whole of Hufflepuff jumped to their feet shouting for their

champion. The rest of Hogwarts joined them although some looked

disappointed. The Quidditch team, Harry included were on their feet

cheering for their friend. Cedric was smiling widely as he made his way

to the side chamber; he inspired the same reaction from a lot of the girls

as Fleur had the boys.

"Now that are champions have been chosen, they will be told the

information of the first task. It will be held November 24th. I'm sure both

Beauxbatons and Durmstrang will be able to give their champions," as he

was speaking the goblet started sparking and turned scarlet once more, as

the hall went quiet. Daphne looked at Harry with a worried look, if

tradition held today wasn't going to end well for Harry. Dumbledore's

hand automatically reached out for the piece of parchment, he started at

before he finally cleared his throat and said, "Harry Potter."

Harry paled in his seat, he didn't want this. Daphne had his hand in a

death grip as an angry buzz started to fill the hall. Finally Harry stood,

Daphne was pulled up with him and Tracey and Blaise stood also, and

nodded to Harry. Harry walked with Daphne still gripping his hand up to

the front of the hall. Karkaroff and Maxine were glaring at him, the other

professor's looked shocked, and Severus was on his feet and moving

towards Dumbledore with a furious look on his face but when he looked

to Harry, Harry shook his head no and Severus nodded in support. "Go

through Harry," Dumbledore said and looked like was going to say

something about Daphne's presence but Snape had reached him.

Harry entered the antechamber of the Great Hall still pale and grabbed

Daphne into a hug, holding tight as she ran her hand through his hair.

Aiolos rose from his skin and wrapped herself around both of them.

Fleur, Cedric, and Viktor turned to look at them with varying

expressions. Fleur looked puzzled as she knew Harry and Daphne weren't

very public with their affection, and she was wondering why they were

here. Viktor looked confused and Cedric who knew them the longest and

was friends with Harry immediately looked concerned. Cedric knew from

spending so much time with Harry on the quidditch team that Aiolos

never wrapped around Harry and Daphne like that unless something was

wrong, he also could tell Aiolos was worried from how fast she was


"Harry what's wrong," Cedric questioned coming over to them. Aiolos

moved to release them and Daphne let go of Harry but kept his hand in


"My name came out of the damned cup," Harry said quietly.

Cedric looked taken aback, Fleur's look was one of confusion, Harry had

made his opinion of the tournament and fame clear to her, Viktor

straightened trying to reconcile this cheating development with his

thoughts on Hadrian so far, they didn't add up. Before anyone could say

anything the judges plus Professors McGonagall, Snape, and Moody burst

into the room arguing.

Daphne caught the word, "Liar," being thrown around in French by

Maxine and her grip on Harry's hand tightened.

Harry heard Karkaroff say something about, "cheating little shits and

withdrawing from the competition."

In return he heard Severus say in a deadly voice, "watch what you accuse

my students of Karkaroff." The voices of the others joined in a medley of

shouts and accusations and finally Harry had had enough.

"ENOUGH," Harry yelled out so pissed at the accusations that he almost

hissed the word. Harry released Daphne's hand and his wand shot out of

its holster and into his hand. He raised the wand and his arm over his

heart and spoke in a loud clear voice, "I Lord Hadrian James Potter swear

on my magic and life that I did not enter myself in this tournament nor

did I have anyone else enter my name." Harry's magic swirled around

him and the green flashed white showing magic had accepted his oath,

that and he didn't drop dead of course. His oath pretty much shut

everybody down in the room, the other champions nodded at him.

"Unfortunately, Lord Potter," Crouch spoke, "you must still compete, your

name coming out of the Goblet means you have to compete or face losing

your magic." Crouch looked genuinely sorry that Harry had to compete,

Bagman though looked gleeful, something that made Harry and Daphne

want to give the man a swift kick in the balls. Dumbledore didn't even

look at Harry, Karkaroff looked pissed as did Maxine, Moody looked

suspiciously calm, and Professors Snape and McGonagall looked at Harry

with sympathy.

"Can we get on with this," Daphne asked rather annoyed at the adults in

the room that were acting like squabbling children.

"Right," Ludo Bagman said and pulled the four champions together, "the

first task is designed to test your daring and courage so you will not be

told what it is you face."

Harry snorted, "that's not daring that's stupidity."

"Hadrian," Severus said sharply.

"Sorry," Hadrian muttered not looking the least bit sorry, the other

champions and Daphne struggled to keep a straight face while the Heads

looked at him in contempt for his deeming of a legendary tournament,

Harry struggled to keep from stick his tongue out at them like a five year

old. Aiolos however had no such reservations and hissed out, "ssstupid

fucking imbecilesss, too bad you killed the basssilssisk you could have fed

thessse idiotsss to it. Asss it isss that goat looking one needsss to watch it or I

might get hungry." Harry lost it and started laughing while everyone

starred at him like he'd lost it and Severus thinking quickly stepped up to

his student who was still laughing and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"If you'll excuse us, I think my student needs some time to adjust,"

Severus said ushering Daphne and the still laughing Harry out of the

room. The others just starred after them, Maxine and Karkaroff looking

rather shocked.

Cedric snorted at their expressions and when they turned to look at him

he shrugged, "You do know Harry's a parselmouth right? By the way he

was laughing I take it Aiolos doesn't like you very much." At that he too

left the room chuckling.


So the tournament has officially started. Sorry about some of the

spelling mistakes that didn't get fixed my spell check was PMS'ing

and I didn't fell like trying to find the couple of words that didn't get

corrected. And holy hell it's hotter than hell where I live right now,

thank God for the AC.

Hope y'll enjoyed,


22. Dragons and The First Match

"Harry what exactly did Aiolos say," Daphne asked as they walked to the

dungeons with Professor Snape.

"She called them imbeciles and said it was too bad the basilisk wasn't still

alive because we could feed them to it, and then she said she would eat

the goat looking one." Harry said chuckling, "I'm not sure if she meant

Karkaroff or Dumbledore." Daphne started laughing and rubbed Aiolos

under her mouth, and Aiolos let out a hiss of content, Severus had a

smirk in his face as he thought that.

"I'm going to make an announcement when we get to Slytherin common

room, so don't go anywhere. I suspect most of the house is already

throwing a party," Severus said with a wry in grin. They came to the

Slytherin Common Room entrance, "Cupiditas." The entrance opened and

indeed there was a party going on in Slytherin, Harry recognized his

Green Day CD being played. As they entered the music was caught off by

a spell from Severus's wand. The students of Slytherin turned and started

to cheer and some started shouting how'd you do it, until Severus cut

them off by holding his hand up for silence.

"First off, Mr. Potter has given a magical oath stating he did not nor did

he have someone enter his name into the Goblet, he swore it on his life

and magic. As you can see it was accepted. Second, Mr. Potter still has to

compete in the tournament and will be a Triwizard Champion." Here the

Slytherins gave a cheer. Severus again raised a hand for silence, "Despite

the oath there will still be those that see Mr. Potter as a cheater, and

fraud. I expect Slytherin house, as always, to stand beside one another.

Lights out by one am." Severus turned and left the common room to their


Severus left the common room and went straight to his office, robes

billowing behind him. He walked into his office and went straight to a

bottle of whiskey that was in his office and poured himself a glass and

downed the contents.

"What's happened lad," Salazar spoke up from his painting above

Severus's desk.

"Hold on," Severus conjured his patronus and sent it to Sirius and Amelia,

then sat waiting for them to floo into his office. They arrived a few

minutes later and Severus poured them a drink as he sat. Sirius raised an

eyebrow at the drink and Amelia grew concerned.

"Hadrian has been selected to compete in the triwizard tournament,

though he did not enter or ask anyone to enter himself," Severus bluntly

announced. Sirius smiled at his pup being a champion but his face

suddenly fell when he remembered why the tournament was disbanded

in the first place. He picked up the drink and knocked it back. Amelia sat

back in her chair with a sigh, Salazar and Godric looked puzzled.

"Excuse us but why is this a bad thing," Godric asked?

"The tournament was started in 1294, in 1792 it was disbanded. It was

held eighty three times, out of the two hundred forty nine champions,

105 died competing in the tournament. In the last one all three

competitors were killed and the three head's and many spectators were

injured by a rampaging cockatrice."

"Why was it revived," Salazar asked.

"Fudge is an idiot," Amelia answered, "Harry has to compete doesn't he?"

"Yes, your name coming out from the Goblet is a binding magical

contract, so no matter what he has to compete."

"Do you think this has to do with Voldemort and what Harry saw at the

World Cup," Amelia asked.

"Damn," both Severus and Sirius said under their breath. "It's a definite

possibility, there are enough followers in the school and he's already

proven that he can get into the school," Severus answered.

"What about Karkaroff, has he done anything else since they arrived,"

Sirius asked?

"No but I wouldn't put it past him. A lot of Death Eaters want him dead

and he may think doing something to Harry will put him in Voldemort's

good graces. He'll known what the mark getting darker means just as the

rest of us. Dumbledore has ordered Moody to investigate the incident."

"You sound off about that," Amelia stated.

"Something is off with Moody, I'm sure of it but I don't what."

"Are you sure he's not just getting more paranoid, he did have that false

break in report before the semester started," Sirius added.

"That's what has me worried."

"I'll look into the false report," Amelia said leaning forward in her chair,

"Keep a close eye on Alistor, if he pays too much attention to Harry and

the tournament I want to know. Now we have another problem, Fudge is

refusing to believe the reports from Azkaban, about the marks darkening.

He's completely ignoring it."

"Releasing it to the public would just cause panic, so what now," Sirius

mused aloud.

"Keep feeding him reports and maybe misplace a few to other


"Right well I need to get my Slytherins to bed."

Before they flooed out Amelia and Sirius both turned to Severus with

pleading looks, "Severus please," Amelia started to say but was stopped

by Severus.

"He will be prepared." With that Sirius and Amelia flooed out of Severus's


As Severus left the common room the party picked back up in full swing.

Two Slytherin seventh years, Urquhart and Tristan Jameson, took Harry

up and put him on their shoulders not paying any attention to Aiolos who

was still wrapped around him. They started a chant.

"SLYTHERIN, SLYTHERIN, SLYTHERIN," The whole house took up the

chant as Harry was paraded around the common room. Daphne's worried

look melted into a smile as she saw her boyfriend be embraced by the

whole house, half of which were his enemies any other time, but tonight

they were just kids who were finally on top of the school that alienated

them. They finally put Harry down after he translated Aiolos's warning of

going to bite someone. No one wanted to face the cobra's wrath.

Harry moved over to one of the couches in front of the main fireplace,

Aiolos slithered up the fireplace and draped out across the mantle,

looking very much the Slytherin mascot. Daphne came over to Harry and

sat next to him curled into his side as they watched their house enjoy the

party. Blaise and Tracey came over to join them. They sat mostly

watching the others, lost in their own thoughts. The party continued on

with various people coming over to congratulate Harry and ask if he

really did swear an oath. The students were in awe of that magical oaths

were dangerous given they could be interrupted different ways and most

weren't ever willing to lose their magic.

Around midnight the party started to wind down and people made their

way to their dorms, now there were only couples scattered around the

common room in various states of snogging and cuddling.

"So what did they say about the first task," Blaise asked?

"The idiots want to test are daring and courage by facing the unknown,

they're not telling us," Harry snorted out.

"No wonder so many people die," Blaise said, Daphne and Tracey glared

at him so he backed tracked, "I meant so how are we going to find out

what it is. I bet we could drug Bagman and he wouldn't even notice."

Harry laughed at that.

"Let's just get to bed, we can figure it with the others tomorrow," Harry

answered. The others nodded and Tracey and Blaise moved off to the

dorms but Daphne held Harry back. Daphne straddled Harry's lap and

pulled him into a hug just resting her head on his shoulder as Harry ran

his hands up and down her back. Harry was surprised to feel something

wet hit his shoulder and pulled Daphne back a little to see her face.

Daphne had tears in her eyes and was trying not to look at Harry,

embarrassed by them.

"Oh Daph," Harry said quietly and pulled her tighter to him, "it's going to

be okay, I don't know how," Harry moved her face so she could look him

in the eyes," but I promise you I will not die in this tournament. I fully

intend on being married to you this time next year." Harry's words were

spoken with all the fierceness of his inner wolf. Daphne nodded and

buried her head in Harry's chest.

"Harry I want," she hesitated a bit, "I want to stay with you tonight," she

spoke quietly but with determination. Harry pulled in a breath, they had

fall asleep together on a couch plenty of times but they had never

intended to or even thought about sleeping with each other in, a… bed,

Harry gulped.

"Alright Daph," he said quietly embracing his inner Gryffindor courage.

They were the only ones left in the common room but Harry still

disillusioned Daphne as he cover the censors to the boys dorms. Harry led

her to his and Blaise's dorm in the fourth year hallway. Blaise was

snoring away as they entered and Daphne stifled a giggle.

"Yeah he's loud sometimes," Harry said with a chuckle as he removed the

disillusion charm on Daphne. Daphne pulled out one of Harry's Quidditch

jerseys and Harry motioned for her to change on his bed with the drapes

pulled. As she changed, Harry stripped down to his star-wars boxers.

Daphne pulled the drapes back and snorted at Harry's boxers which had

Yoda on them. Harry though was having trouble breathing at the sight of

Daphne in only his Qudditch jersey that stopped about mid thigh on her.

His only thoughts were, 'she's gonna kill me,' and 'need to calm down,

calm down, the Dursleys.' With that last thought Harry was able to calm

enough to where he felt comfortable to join her in his bed. Daphne and

Harry both blushed a bit as they got under the covers of his bed. Daphne

though, snuggled up to Harry and laid her head on his bare chest, not

saying a word. She brought her hand up and traced some of the scars left

by the damn Dursley's. She traced one that was over his heart, it was in

the shape of a bold type 'S' with an outline of a shield, it looked like it

would have been a coat of arms. She looked at Harry questioningly, the

scar was faint and she hadn't noticed it before.

"Uncle Vernon went to a secondary school called Smeltings, he had ring

from it," Harry spoke quietly not looking at Daphne but rather through

her, it was haunting. "I don't really remember what I did but he heated

the ring a little and then punched me while I was against a wall shirtless,

it burned into me the symbol for the school." A tear dropped from

Daphne's eye onto Harry's chest onto the scar, she gently kissed it

lingering for a moment, before reaching up and brought Harry's lips to

hers. She pulled him into a soft lingering kiss that made Harry forget all

about the Dursley's, hell he forgot his name momentarily. She then rested

her head against his chest and drifted off to sleep, Harry followed soon


The next day Harry awoke before Daphne, thankfully in his opinion as he

had the reaction any fourteen year old boy would have after spending the

night with their dream girl, even if it was just sleeping. Harry spent the

next ten minutes trying to keep his mind from running wild and calm

down enough so he wouldn't be mortally embarrassed when Daphne

woke. It worked until Daphne rolled over in sleep and ended rubbing her

arse over Harry's most sensitive area, "Damn," Harry muttered as his

efforts were instantly shattered. Daphne woke and stretched like a cat,

not helping Harry, before she realized where she was and stopped. She

pause her stretching and felt Harry behind her, a wicked smirk crossed

her face and she twisted a little rubbing up against Harry.

Harry groaned and a deep red blush came over his face as he said, "you're

completely evil." He kissed her cheek and shot out of his bed. Daphne

rolled over and smiled at him, she was about to say something and the

door opened.

"Well it's about time lovebirds," Blaise said as he walked in without

opening the door all the way. "Daph," Tracey's waiting in the common

room to get you back into the girls' dorms." Harry caught on and gave

Daphne his invisibility cloak, she covered herself in it after giving Harry

a kiss and Blaise opened the door and walked back out. Harry dressed

fast in jeans and a t-shirt glad he didn't have practice today. He met with

Blaise in the common room and waited for Tracey and Daphne to join

them. Blaise wagged his eyebrows at Harry who shoved him a bit.

"Come off, all we did is sleep," Harry said and then lowered his voice,

"she's really worried mate."

Blaise noted the serious tone and his face set in determination, "we'll get

you through without problems mate and you know the girls will make

sure she's alright." Harry nodded and the girls joined them.

Tracey smirked and said, "I hope you don't want that jersey back, cause

you ain't gonna get it," she said in a teasing tone that made Daphne


Harry blushed a bit too but then smirked, "she looks better in it anyway."

Blaise laughed and Tracey looked a little shock before she joined him and

Daphne blushed deeper.

Harry wrapped an arm around her and whispered, "payback for your

wiggle this morning."

"Alright, break it up," Blaise said. "Hermione's waiting to get to the

library and research the tournament."

They moved down to the Great Hall for breakfast where Harry's mood

instantly soured, half of Gryffindor, it seemed all of Hufflepuff except

Susan, Hannah, Cedric, and surprisingly Ernie Macmillan, and a few

Ravenclaw's were wearing badges that said support Cedric Diggory- The

REAL Hogwart's Champion!, then the words spun off the badges and in

a sickly green color flashed, POTTER STINKS! The Slytherins weren't

wearing any though Pansy and some of her friends looked like they

wanted to but knew Snape would flay them alive. Hermione, Susan,

Neville, Hannah, and Fleur moved to sit at the Slytherin table with them

when they came in.

"'Arry I hate zee school," Fleur said glaring at one of the students passing

by wearing a badge. Harry laughed.

"Thanks Fleur."

"So Fleur what is Beauxbaton's like, you never did tell us why you

snorted at Dumbles though, we love that you did," Tracey asked.

Fleur thought for a minute trying to think of a way to describe her school

and then smiled, "Have you ever been to Versailles?" Fleur asked?

They nodded and Neville asked, "The French Palace?" Fleur nodded and

Neville said, "I've seen pictures but never been there."

"Eet is very similar to that, and eet iz much much warmer and smaller.

And if one of you mentions ze warming charm I'll throw a fireball at you,

Oui?" They laughed at that, "Now I muz go before Madam Maxine haz a

fit." Fleur laughed and they all laughed as she scared a first year

Hufflepuff glaring as fiercely as she was.

Ginny spoke up from a little ways down the table, "I think she might be

sprouting feathers, I hope she doesn't light anyone on fire."

"Are you done yet we need to get to the library," Hermione said and

stood from the table.

"Yeah I'm done lets go," Harry said standing up. They made their way to

the library without incident but Hermione groaned when they entered

the library. "What?" Harry asked looking around he spotted some other

Hogwarts students and Viktor was in it.

"Viktor's here," Hermione said.

"Is that a problem," Harry, Blaise, and Neville all asked going for their

wands, ready to curse their new friend if he had done anything to upset


Daphne, Tracey, and Hannah grabbed their arms to stop them and

Hermione spoke, "no you over protective Neanderthals, he didn't do

anything I haven't even really talk to him much, it's just wherever he

goes his fan club follows." Hermione pointed out the giggling gaggle of

girls that were at the table one over from Viktor staring at him and

talking rather loudly. The three boys chuckled and Hermione glared at

them, so they quickly and quietly sat at a table and folded their hands

like angels. The girls giggled and Hermione sighed pulling out a book

from her bag and joining them.

"I ordered this when the tournament was announced; it's a history on the

tournament and chronicles the tasks each tournament had. Now the

tournaments been held eighty three times, every six years usually. The

tasks seem to follow a pattern; the first task almost always involves

getting past a dangerous creature of some sorts.

Now in the really olden days it involved killing the creature, but since

the tournament in 1636 it involved getting past the creature not killing

it, in fact killing it was and is against the rules."

"What kind of creatures are we talking about," Susan asked looking

concerned for her brother.

"Most famously a cockatrice, it then went on a rampage which is why

they closed the tournament," Hermione answered quietly.

Daphne, Tracey, Neville, Blaise, Hannah and Susan gasped at that but

Harry asked, "What's a cockatrice?"

"A cockatrice is a cross between a rooster and a dragon. Nobody's sure

how it came about but it's one of the most deadly creatures in our world,

it can kill and petrify like the basilisk can, it can also fly and its talons

are razor sharp," Daphne answered. "What other creatures have they


"Really anything rated a five and over on the Ministry rating guide,"

Hermione answered, "they even used a basilisk once, two champions

died, and the one who killed it barely survived."

"Well at least we know I can kill one of those," Harry joked, the only one

who laughed was Blaise and then they both got glared at again.

"Damn," Blaise muttered and Harry nodded in agreement.

"Alright so let's make a list of possible creatures and then go from there,"

Daphne said and turned to Harry, "where are the creature books again?"

"I'll go get a copy of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them; it has all the

ratings in there." Harry said and went off to find the book. When he came

back Hermione had a parchment divided in half, it read: possible and not

possible. Harry had brought two copies of the books and gave one to

Daphne, "start at the back, I'll start at the front."

"I think we should add some of the four rated ones to," Tracey added.

It took about five minutes to list the creatures; they had on the possible

side: acromantulas, banshees, bicorns, dragons, graphorn, kelpi, lethifold,

manticores, occamy, quintaped, runespoor, and sphinxes. On the not

possible list was, basilisks, cockatrices, nundos, and chimeras.

"Well I doubt they'll use a sphinx, it's too easy to get past, just figure out

the riddle," Susan said and it was crossed off the list.

"Add Cerberus, we missed it and Hagrid owns one, so," Neville drifted off

at the thought of Fluffy.

"Star it too and Acromantulas, Hagrid used to have one as a pet and he

said they were in the forest," Harry added.

"He kept one as a pet!" Hannah exclaimed and Harry just shrugged.

"Cross off bicorns, there near impossible to find and demonic so I doubt

the Ministry would use them since they're trying to prevent deaths."

"I'm going to star dragons, they seemed to be the most popular used,"

Hermione spoke and the others gulped. "The first task has always taken

place on land too, so no kelpi's."

"Lethifolds have to be a no too, the only spell that even works against

them is the Patronus," Tracey said.

"Oh we should cross off the occamy and runespoors if they were going to

use them they've probably changed it as Harry's a parselmouth," Susan

came up with.

"Okay that leaves us with dragons, acromantulas, and Fluffy at the most

likely and graphorns, manticores, and banshee's as possible."

The week after Harry's name came out of the goblet wasn't too horrible.

They found out that Ron Weasley was the one to make the badges; they

were surprised usually he couldn't even tie his own shoes let alone come

up with something on relatively difficult on his own.

Harry, Daphne, Neville, Blaise, Draco, and Theo were talking in a group

as they took their Blast-Ended Skewerts, something Harry was sure

Hagrid invented illegally. After class had finished that Tuesday and as

they were walking back, Weasley approached them his badge glaring out

at Harry.

Flanking Weasley was Finnegan and Dean Thomas, "Like the badges

Potter made them myself," Weasley spouted off with a proud smirk.

"Oh yeah it was really clever Weasley, I stink so I'll take a shower but

there's no cure for being drop on you head now is there? I mean really a

five year old could come up with a better insult, you're pathetic just like

your mother," Harry sneered out. The Slytherins and Neville laughed.

Harry turned around to walk off when Ron pulled his wand and shot a

curse off.

The curse sailed between Harry and Daphne, not hitting either of them

but Hermione who was coming up to them, her teeth started to grow

uncontrollably. Harry turned around with his wand ready but had been

beaten to it by Moody.

"I'll teach you to curse someone when their back is turned," Moody

shouted as a spell shot out at Ron, suddenly in Ron's place stood a ginger

weasel. Moody moved his wand and was muttering as the weasel was

bounced up into the air, "you stinking, cowardly, spineless little."

By this time a crowd of students had gathered and were laughing Ron

Weasley's plight, including Harry and his friends, except for Daphne and

Susan who had taken Hermione to the hospital wing. Moody then

pointed his wand at Finnegan and the ginger weasel was put down his

pants. Seamus's face turned red and he was yelling at Thomas, "get him

out, get him out," as the weasel ran around in his pants. Dean Thomas

just shook his head not willing to put his hand down Seamus's pants.

Seamus let out a pathetic yelp, "he bit me," the weasel eventually found

his way down the pant leg and out. Moody raised the weasel in the air

and made it do spins and then Professor McGonagall came running out

into the courtyard they were in.

"Professor, Professor Moody what are you doing?"

"Teaching," Moody bit out,"

"Is, Is that a student," McGonagall asked appalled.

"Technically it's a weasel," Moody said and Professor McGonagall ended

the spell and Ron Weasley appeared looking pale and crazed. He took

one look at Moody and bolted out of the court yard Dean and Seamus


"Professor Moody, we never use transfiguration as a punishment,

Dumbledore surely told you that," McGonagall said sternly.

"He might have mentioned it," Moody said evasively. McGonagall just

glared at him before walking off.

"Alright there Potter," Moody asked and as he did, took a drink of his

flask, Harry smelt something awful coming from it.

"Fine, sir, I need to check on my friend," Harry said and they left the

court yard and went to the hospital wing, they met Hermione, Daphne,

and Susan coming out of the hospital.

"You okay Hermione," they asked at once.

"Yep," Hermione said happily.

"Hermione that was truly Slytherin," Daphne said laughing and then

shook off inquiries over what Hermione did, "come on we've got class

then practice."

Harry was in potion's on Friday when Colin Creevey came into the lab

throwing the door open and startling the hell out of Neville, who

dropped an ingredient into his cauldron. Harry immediately grabbed

Neville and ducked to the side as the potion blew.

The potion spewed up and Severus shouted out a spell that covered the

cauldron and the potions contents. At once Neville, Harry, and Severus

turned and glared at the offending boy. Creevey took a step back and

stuttered out, "Th, th, they need Mr. P-p-potter upstairs," he quaked

under the glares. Severus checked his watch and cursed in his mind, 'the

weighing of the wands.'

"He'll be up in a moment, Hadrian, Neville my office now," Severus

spoke. They nodded got up off the floor and went into the back office.

"Neville you can make your potion up later with Hadrian," Severus spoke

and nodded to the door.

"Thank you, sir," Neville spoke and then left the office.

Severus moved over to the floo and tossed some floo powder in,

"Department of Magical Law Enforcement Amelia Black," Severus said

into the floo. He turned to Harry, "they want you for the weighing of the

wands, it's a rather asinine ritual they do before the tournament, it's

covered by the media, more specifically Rita Skeeter, the Harpy from

Hell," Severus said and turned back to fireplace where Amelia's head was

now present, Harry looked thoughtful and then smirked dangerously at

Severus's comment. "It's the weighing of the wands, I thought you might

want to go with Harry," Severus said.

"I'm coming through." Amelia stepped through the floo and came over to

Harry. "Whatever that smirk means just make sure no one's permanently

hurt, okay?"

Harry nodded and Amelia came over and gave him a hug which Harry

returned a wistful smile on his face. Severus, Amelia, and Harry left the

office and luckily the potions lab was still intact Severus moved to clean

up the wasted potion and Harry grabbed his stuff, gave Daphne a quick

kiss on the cheek, and left with Amelia. Amelia put her arm around Harry

as they walked up to the small classroom that was being used.

"So how are you taking all this?"

Harry was silent for a about a minute before he answered, "It sucks, I

really just want a normal year of school where all I have to do is worry

about, Quidditch, my grades, and Daphne but it doesn't look like that's

gonna happen. And Daphne she hasn't shown it since my name came out

but she's worried, I don't like it, I've had Aiolos stay closer to her lately."

Amelia pulled Harry in for another hug before saying, "I promise one

these years the only thing you'll have to worry about is keeping Daphne

happy, I don't know if we'll manage it while you're at Hogwarts but it

will happen." Harry nodded and they walked into the small classroom

being used for the weighing of the wands. Fleur, Viktor, and Cedric, were

already there having a conversation while studiously trying to avoid an

older woman with blonde hair, and acid green glasses. The woman

turned and smiled brightly when Harry came in but quickly shrunk into

the shadows when Amelia glared at her. Harry moved over to the other

champions with Amelia smirking at who he assumed to be the Harpy

from Hell, Rita Skeeter, the bitch seemed to be terrified of his honorary


"Hey guys," Harry said as he came over. "I'd like you to meet my

Godmother Amelia Black. Amelia, you remember Fleur, and this is Cedric

Diggory and Viktor Krum," Harry introduced her.

"Hello Fleur, Cedric, Viktor. I hope you all are having a pleasant stay at

Hogwarts." They nodded. Amelia turned to Viktor, "That was a very

impressive game you had against Ireland, Mr. Krum, and your catch was

the best I've ever seen."

"Zank you, Madam," Viktor replied with a small bow and for once he lost

his surly look, well until Bagman spoke.

"Ahh good you're all here," Bagman said as he entered with the other

Headmasters and mistress, plus another individual. "Ahh and you've all

met Rita I assume," he said pointing out the blonde reporter in the corner

of the room, "she'll be doing the writing on the tournament." Amelia

snorted at that and Rita glared at her, Harry openly laughed. "Well now

for the weighing of the wands we have Ollivander of Ollivander's Wands

in Daigon Alley." He introduced the old silver haired man next to

Dumbledore, "he will be checking to make sure your wands are in proper

working order for the tournament."

Ollivander stepped into the middle of the room and spoke in quiet voice,

"Miss Delacour care to go first?" Ollivander asked and Fleur swept over to

him producing her wand to him.

"Hmm," he said as he twirled it around in his hand causing pink and gold

sparks to come out. He held it close to his eyes before he spoke again,

"nine and half inches…inflexible…rosewood…and containing, oh my,"

"An 'air from ze 'ead of a veela," Fleur said for him looking proudly, "one

of my grandmuzzer's."

"Yes," Ollivander spoke, "I've never used veela hair as my cores. I find it

makes for a very temperamental wand, however to each his own, if it

suits you…" he trailed off and ran his fingers over the wand and

muttered, "orchiedous," flowers burst forth from the wand. "Very good, it's

in fine working order," he said giving the wand back to Fleur.

"Except for warming charms of course," Harry muttered next to her, Fleur

elbowed him and Viktor and Cedric laughed.

"Mr. Diggory next, please," Ollivander called. Cedric smiled and stood

walking over to Ollivander and producing his wand. "Ah now this is one

mine, isn't it?"

"Why wouldn't he know is he senile," Harry muttered causing Fleur and

Viktor to chuckle and Amelia to lightly hit Harry upside his head and

muttered a, "behave," to him.

"Oh yes I remember it well," Ollivander spoke seemingly giddy over it

belonging to him. "Contains a single hair from the tail of a particularly

fine male unicorn…nearly gored me with his horn after I plucked it.

Twelve and a quarter inches…ash…and pleasantly springy. It's in fine

condition…You treat it regularly?"

"Polished it last night," Cedric said brightly.

Harry couldn't resist, "I bet that's not the only wand he polished." Fleur

giggled as she blushed and Viktor laughed loudly. Amelia hit Harry a bit

harder this time and Harry looked back at her, "Oh come on that was too

perfect." The others laughed and Amelia held back a smirk.

Ollivander let loose a stream of silver smoke rings with Cedric's wand

before handing it back. "Mr. Krum, please?" Viktor strode over to him and

handed over his wand, though he scowled as he did so, Harry empathized

with him, and giving up your wand to someone you didn't know sucked,

especially with him listing the parts.

"Hmm, this is a Gregorovitch creation, unless I'm mistaken? A fine wand-

maker…though the styling was never quite what I…however…"

Ollivander trailed off and lifted the wand examining it. "Yes…hornbeam

and Dragon Heartstring?" Viktor nodded and Ollivander continued,

"Rather thicker than one usually sees…quite rigid…ten and a quarter

inches…Avis," the hornbeam went off like a cannon and out shot birds

that flittered towards the open window. Ollivander handed the wand

back to Viktor, "Which leaves Mr. Potter?"

Harry got up and walked over to the old man who seemed to think all

other wand-makers were beneath him, 'wonder what he'll think of mine,'

went through Harry's mind with a bit of sarcasm. Harry's wand shot from

its holster and into his hand, Harry twirled it so the hilt that was in the

shape of a striking snake was facing out to Ollivander, who took the

wand and stifled a gasp, "a crafted wand…" Ollivander held the wand

close to his face like the others and ran his hand over the wand, it felt

wrong to Harry that someone other than himself or Hephaestus was

studying his wand so intimately. Ollivander took longer than he had with

the others, "Holly and Dogwood…phoenix feather…heart string of a

griffin…and king cobra venom…plus an emerald for a foci…fascinating

eleven inches strong and unyielding." Ollivander gave the wand a swish

and made a fountain of wine pour out from Harry's wand before he

finally gave it back to Harry. Harry snatched it back and placed it in his

holster glad to have it once again.

"Good, good, wonderful," Bagman said, "now how about the photo's Rita,

first the judges and the contestants?"

Rita complied though she seemed keener on doing individual shots. The

photographs took seemingly forever. First Madam Maxine cast a shadow

on everyone else no matter where she stood, eventually they had her sit,

Karkaroff kept twirling his mustache, Viktor who hated pictures tried to

seek off at one point but was caught by Rita, the photographer kept

pushing Fleur to the front of the group, and Rita tried to get Harry

featured more prominently but Harry wasn't having it and neither was


"Skeeter, keep touching my Godson and I'll file a harassment charge

against you and maybe one for your photographer who keeps touching

Fleur," Amelia said daring Skeeter to try anything else. After that pictures

went more smoothly but still took until dinner to finish.

When Harry arrived at dinner with the other champions, they all went to

sit at Slytherin except Cedric who waved goodbye to them and sat at the

Hufflepuff table with his friends. Harry sat down gave Daphne a searing

kiss that left her blinking like an owl, then turned to his friends and

smirked, "I've got a prank for Skeeter."

It was two days before the first Quidditch match and Harry was getting

restless. They had been training relentlessly and Harry was confident

they could take Beauxbaton's, Fleur said they were rather weak at

Quidditch and it sure seemed like it from the practices they caught on the

pitch. They had a good keeper and two of their chasers were on pair with

Alicia and Angie, but the rest of the team was rather adequate. Harry was

disappointed to see the seeker wasn't a bit better, this would be his warm

up for Krum and it seemed like any other match against Cho or

Gryffindor. Cedric, Harry, and Ginny had taken to practicing with all

three of them chasing after a practice snitch designed to take more twists

and turns.

Harry was sitting in the common room and was fidgeting in his seat,

something unusual for the boy who had had fidgeting beaten out of him

by the time he hit five. Daphne noticed and set her Ancient Runes book

down and leaned over laying a hand on Harry. Harry jumped a bit and

whirled around, Daphne was sure he should have gotten whiplash from

how fast he twisted.

"How about we go for a run as Snow and Bay," Daphne asked quietly.

Harry nodded eagerly and they left the common room holding hands, the

rest of the House thought they were going to snog somewhere.

Once outside Harry took out his mirror, "New Marauders," he waited for

all his friends' faces to appear. "Hey guys were going to for a run in the

woods; if you want to join meet us out back of Hagrid's." They nodded

and Harry put his mirror away once again taking Daphne's hand. They

walked quietly and fast thanks to Harry's nerves until Daphne pulled him

into an empty broom cupboard.

"Daph, what…" Harry was stopped by Daphne pressing her lips against

his. Daphne pulled him down, she ran her hands through his hair, and

Harry gave himself over to the kiss. Harry always managed to be

surprised at how soft and warm Daphne's lips were, he felt like he was

floating when he kissed her. Daphne slipped her tongue into Harry's

mouth; Harry moaned at the taste of Daphne's mouth and then groaned

when she pulled away from him minutes later.

"Now will you stop speed walking," Daphne asked with her eyebrows


Harry grinned, "I don't know if that's the result I get," Harry trailed off

wagging his eyebrows at her. Daphne giggled and pulled him out of the


"Come on their waiting," Daphne said.

They arrived behind Hagrid's hut without any further interruptions,

though neither were sure if that was a good thing or not. When they got

their only Tracey and Susan were there.

"Hey guys," Tracey said. "Hermione's helping Neville and Blaise with


"Alright let's go," Daphne said looking around making sure no one could

see them and she transformed into Snow. Harry, Susan, and Tracey

followed suit. The four animals went bounding into the Forbidden

Forrest; Cinnamon started a game of tag. They went back and forth

chasing each other down and occasionally tackling one another, Chi Chi

was the hardest to pin. Snow had just been tagged by Cinnamon and she

bolted after Bay. Bay cut around a tree and jumped over another downed

branch and turned fast to the right. Out of nowhere Snow pounced on

him and brought him down, they went tumbling down a hill and landed

with Snow on top of Bay, Snow gave a wolfy grin at Bay and then

jumped off abruptly when they heard a thundering roar coming from in

front of them. Bay got up off the ground and on to his paws like lightning

and jumped in front of Snow growling.

They had landed on the edge of a clearing in the Forbidden Forest. It was

what was in the clearing that had Snow and Bay on edge, four enormous

dragons were gathered. Harry recognized a Norwegian Ridgeback from

Hagrid's description of Norbert. From the books in the library Harry

guessed the other types, a smaller Welsh Green, a scarlet scaled one that

let out a mushroom bloom of smoke, the Chinese Firebolt, and lastly a

large and pissed off Hungarian Horntail, which was shooting fire at the

handlers. There were about thirty handlers, and Bay picked out Charlie

Weasley's voice among those shouting spells at the dragon. Finally they

unleashed a barrage of stunning spells that knocked the dragon down.

The Hungarian Horntail was down but not out, though it looked like it

had given up for now. The Horntail's eyes were darting around, looking

for something, the dragon looked helpless and Bay didn't like it, he

recognized the look, he wore it at the Dursley's.

Bay looked towards Snow and nudged her shoulder and nodded to the

small hill top. Snow got the gist and went and sat on the hill top. Bay,

though darted forward into the enclosure, he carefully avoided the

handlers and stuck to the shadows. Finally he got close to the Horntail's

cage, would be the only word for it. Bay was surprised to hear a hissing

come from the Horntail that as he came closer turned into words.

"Eggsss, mussst protect my babiesss," the Horntail was hissing out as her

eyes scanned the clearing. Bay crept close to the cage and let out a little

whine, gaining the dragon's attention. The Horntail's head turned to Bay

and its eyes narrowed in on the grey wolf. Bay crept closer and sniffed

the dragon. Then Bay turned and sniffed the air, he caught the similar

scent and headed towards it. He came to one of the Handlers' tents and

sniffed out the three eggs inside. Bay snuck inside and used his snout to

push one of the eggs out of the back of the tent. Bay gently rolled the egg

with his snout to the Horntail, who had whipped around as soon as she

caught scent of her egg. She roared out, "mine."

Bay stopped and then lightly tapped the egg forward towards her and

then nodded to her. She quieted and looked oddly at the wolf. Bay

continued to push the egg forward until the egg was now in the Horntail's

cage. Bay went back and repeated the process twice and once she was

given the three eggs, he gave a wolfy grin and turned and went and sat

next to Snow who glared at Bay. As Bay sat and watched, Cinnamon and

Chi Chi came over and watched the Horntail calm down. They all gave

the animal equivalent of a laugh when the trainers went nuts trying to

find the eggs only to locate them with the Hungarian Horntail. None of

the trainers looked particularly thrilled to go and get the eggs back.

The four animals turned to leave the clearing but stopped abruptly they

saw, Hagrid and Madam Maxine talking to Charlie Weasley about the

dragons. Then as they moved farther away from the clearing they saw

Karkaroff sneaking into it. Bay stopped upon seeing the man and turned

and looped behind him. Bay was just visible behind Karkaroff.

Bay let out a loud howl from behind him, and Karkaroff jumped about a

foot in the air and let out a girlish squeak and ran for it. A throaty growl

type laugh came from Bay as he rejoined his friends and ran back to the


"Harry what the bloody hell were you thinking," Daphne yelled at him.

Harry just shrugged, "She looked sad."

"I swear to Merlin you're insane sometimes, just like Hagrid," Daphne


Harry just grinned at her and Daphne continued ranting as they entered

the castle, Tracey and Susan were trying not to laugh as their friend


Finally Susan stopped her, "Maybe we should go and get the others and

let them know its dragons," she said quietly.

"You do that tell them to meet us at Severus's office," Harry said grinning.

"Why are you grinning like a Hatter, if you just found out your facing a

dragon," Tracey asked looking at him like he belonged in a straight


"I could understand it," Harry said with a grin, all three girls stopped

dead and looked at him. Harry grabbed Daphne and started walking

down the hall with Daphne in tow. "We'll meet you in Professor Snape's


"Come in," Severus's voice sounded from his office. Harry, Daphne,

Hermione, Neville, Blaise, Tracey, and Susan entered his office. "To what

do I owe this pleasure?"

"We found out it's dragons for the first task, nesting ones at that," Harry

announced. Neville gulped at Harry's announcement, while Hermione

gasped, Blaise remained unmoved at the new information.

"What I need is to talk to Salazar," Harry said. "Godric would you mind

getting him?" Harry asked as only Godric was currently in his portrait.

Godric nodded and left the portrait and coming back seconds later.

Salazar entered his own portrait.

"What can I do for you Harry?" Salazar questioned as he appeared.

"I could understand the Hungarian Horntail in the forest; can I speak to

all dragons?" Harry asked, gasps came from his friends who didn't know

and from Severus.

Salazar looked thoughtful, "I have no firsthand knowledge on the subject

but I do know parselmouths can speak to dragons. It was long ago, before

even my time, that parselmouths were also dragon riders, after all

dragons are serpents. When parselmouths started to become rarer the

riders died out as even those that did speak did share it as they were seen

as evil. I would have a backup plan besides talking to the dragon, it may

not be friendly."

"Harry," Godric spoke up, "take my, well, your sword with you as well,

just in case, with the basilisk venom it will take down a dragon."

"I'll summon it to me when I enter the task and I think I'll go with the

flame manipulation spell we found. Thank you," Harry said the portraits

nodded to him. Harry and his friends said goodbye to Severus and left the

office. Severus let out a sigh of relief when they left.

"Yes he does have a good plan and enough power to execute it, rest easy

lad," Salazar said to Severus interpreting his sigh wrong.

"Yes that's true but mostly I'm just relieved Amelia won't have a reason to

kill me now," Severus muttered and both Godric and Salazar let out deep


"We'll inform them that Harry has plan," Godric said laughing.

"Welcome everyone to the first Quidditch match of the tournament

Beauxbatons Academy verses…HOGWARTS," Lee Jordan announced to

the roaring applause of a packed to capacity Hogwarts stadium. A poll

was taken by the students as to who they wanted to announce the

Quidditch games, Jordan beat out Bagman by a landslide. "This match

promises to be an epic showdown with the debut of the new NIKE

BROOMS that can outpace the Firebolt; both teams will be riding them.

Also the new uniforms and gear were provided by Nike.

AND NOW here's the team from BEAXBATON'S! First out their keeper

and captain, sixth year, Francis ABNEY! Next the Beaters, fifth year, Elise

DeLome and sixth year, Anton Guiscard. Your chasers are seventh years

Isaac and Leon Rousseau, and Penelope Badeau, and fifth year seeker,

ZOE BARRET!" The French fliers flew out onto the field in powder blue

uniforms similar to the Hogwarts uniforms, their brooms were the same

light blue but with a golden Nike check on it. Their alternates flew out

after them and took their place on the sideline with their coach.


ARE YOUR FLIERS," Jordan shouted, "Starting at Keeper fifth year,

"AARON VAISEY…your chaser squad Seventh year co-captain RODGER


your beaters the terrible twosome, sixth years FRED and GEORGE

WEASLEY, and lastly you CO-CAPTAIN and UNBEATEN seeker, HARRY

POTTER!" The crowd roared the whole time Lee Jordan was announcing

and grew louder with each introduction, it was almost as deafening as

the World Cup by the time the team, Madam Hooch, and the alternates

flew out onto the field. Madam Hooch shook hands with the Beauxbaton's

coach and Rodger and Harry with the Beauxbaton captain Abney. Then

they went to their warm ups. There was an international level ref, for the

game an Austrian by the name of Thomas Einwaller, he signaled the

warning time for the game and the teams congregated around their


"Alright Potter, focus on the snitch, unless Vaisey signals you into play,

avoid the bludgers and get the snitch but try and wait until we have lead

to gives us some play time. Rodger, girls, do your thing and keep up the

team work their twins are just as good as Fred and George with knowing

each other's next move but the third one they can't incorporate. Vaisey

stay between your goals you tend to favor your right so watch it. Gred,

Forge kick arse," Hooch said with a yell causing everyone to laugh.

"Alright, Hogwarts on three. One, two, three."

"HOGWARTS," they all shouted and took to the air. Harry took his place

above the other players. And looked around the stadium, he spotted

Sirius and Amelia in the stands and smiled, next to them was the

Greengrasses and Belladonna was sitting next to Severus with a Hogwarts

jersey on, Harry had never seen the elegant women in a t-shirt before it

made for an odd sight.

"And Einwaller releases the bludgers, followed by the Golden Snitch."

Harry watched the snitch come up and zoom around his head and then

Barret's before disappearing out of sight near the visitors' box. "The

Quaffel's up and won by HOGWARTS! Davis races down the pitch with

Angelina at his side, they volley back and forth Davis brings the Quaffel

into the keeper's box and…FAKES a shot and passes back to Spinnet.

GOAL SPINNET, Hogwarts 10 Beauxbatons 0. "Beauxbaton's in possession

Rousseau passes to Rousseau, who flies under the other Rousseau, passes

up to his brother, but OWWW, that had to hurt, Fred nails Isaac with a

bludger to the shoulder! Gryffindor in possession, Davis takes it down the

pitch, he's alone he tosses it, nails it with the tail of his broom and it

soars past, Abney in the left hoop, HOGWARTS 20 Beauxbatons 0. Leon

receives the pass from Abney, he streaks down left, then wings it across

the field to his twin, intercepted by Angelina…Angelina takes it down the

pitch leading Davis and Spinnet, Nice One GEORGE intercepts a bludger

meant for Angelina, Angelina pulls back to shoot but drops it down to

SPINNET, who shoots, SAVED by Abney, who comes up just in time!

Abney passes out to Badaeu, Badaeu takes it down, ducks Davis and rolls

out of the way of a well aimed bludger by Fred, passes off to Leon, Leon

fakes left and shoots right, but Vaisey doesn't fall for it, saved by


Harry tuned out Jordan and the crowd and focused his search on the

snitch. Harry circled to his left keeping an eye on Barret who looked to

be seeking Harry instead of the snitch, Harry would have to remember to

thank Jordan for his intro, and Barret seemed shaken by it. Harry

dropped down lower about level with the rest of the game to scan lower.

So far he hadn't seen a speck of gold. "And Beauxbatons's is Finally on the

board with that one by Isaac, HOGWARTS 50, and BEAUXBATONS 10."

Harry looked up and saw the replay on screen provided by Nike, Vaisey

had gotten his fingertips on the Quaffel but it wasn't enough for the

bullet fired by Isaac. Harry shot back up to the top of the pitch and right

through a Bauxbatons attack giving Hogwarts the Quaffel back. "DAVIS

scores on the breakaway orchestrated by Potter, HOGWATS 60

BEAXBATONS 10." Harry scanned the pitch and saw Barret still on his

arse, enough was enough, and Harry decided and tore off down the pitch

towards, the Hogwarts goals. About ten yards from Vaisey who, by this

point was use to Harry feinting near him, didn't even blink, Harry went

into a dive hoping Jordan caught it and he did, "It looks like Potter's seen

the snitch!" Barret who was unsure decide she had to commit with

Jordan announcing it and dived after Harry. Harry stayed in her line of

sight never letting her actually see in front of him…the pitch came closer

and closer…20 feet…15 feet…10 feet…5 feet and Harry shot back up out

of the dive in barely in time to miss the pitch…Barret wasn't so lucky and

plowed into the pitch, hard. "Oowww and that one had to hurt! Barret

fell for Potter's feint, and Madam Pomfrey and Madam Guerir rush out

onto the pitch to see to Barret." Harry searched the field while Barret was

seen to; Harry spotted the snitch near the Gryffindor spectator tower,

blending with the gold except for one wing which was in the scarlet.

"And Barret's up but looking woozy as she takes back into the air, play

resumes. OHHH AND a BEAUTIFUL reverse pass by Davis to Angelina

puts Hogwarts up seventy to ten. The Quaffel's thrown in by Abney to

Isaac, who passes to Leon, who ducks Spinnet, back Isaac, Davis miss the

pass to Badeau who passes quickly back to Isaac, Isaac narrowly got out

of that bludger…but wait George performs a perfect BLUDGER

BACKBEAT nails Isaac who drops the Quaffel and slumps over his broom.

SPINNENT SCORES off the dropped pass with a long shot. HOGWARTS

EIGHTY, BEAUXBATONS TEN!" Harry who had been tracking the snitch

which was now by the Beauxbaton goals decided to end the match and

shot off after it, he pushed his Nike broom to the max and grabbed the

snitch seconds later but kept his speed up, stopping in front of the

Professors' box where Jordan was and held up the snitch. "HARRY



Well that one came quick even with work, so we're still in a freaking

heat advisory where I live, it sucks but I get out of mowing the lawn

so that makes it kinda worth it.

Hope y'll enjoyed


23. The First task

A/N I added the first dueling match since I forgot it, sorry if it sucks

it wasn't really planned just need to get it in here.

Harry finally caught up to Cedric after having been mobbed on the pitch.

"Hey Cedric wait up mate," Harry called out, Cedric was with some other

Hufflepuff's on their way to their dorms for Hufflepuff's celebration, it

seemed each of the houses would be partying tonight. Cedric sent his

friends on their way, and waited for Harry to catch up.

"Nice catch, mate," Cedric said throwing an arm around Harry's shoulder.

"Thanks, man, so I found out what the first task is," Harry spoke lowering

his voice. Cedric stopped looking shocked, "Its dragons, one for each of


"How'd you find out," Cedric asked.

"Went for a run in the forest and came upon them, but more importantly

Maxime and Karkaroff were both out there, I'm betting Fleur and Viktor

know already."

"So why tell me?"

"Cedric you're a friend, besides the only way to be the best is to beat the

best, in order for that you gotta know." Harry responded with a shrug.

"Thanks mate." Cedric said as he turned to go an opposite way to

Hufflepuff. Daphne, Tracey, and Blaise caught up to him.

"So why'd you really tell him," Daphne asked as Harry pulled her into

him and wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

"Fleur and Viktor know, it just wouldn't be right," Harry said with


"Sure you weren't supposed to be in Gryffindor there," Blaise asked


"Shut up," Harry said and pushed his friend playfully.

"Vici," Tracey spoke the password for Slytherin. As he, Vaisey, Draco, and

Urquhart entered a cheer went up through Slytherin House who looked

to be just starting their party in celebration of Hogwarts win.

"Potter, come with me," Moody barked out at Harry who was walking

with Daphne on his way to the dungeons, they had just came in from a

run as Snow and Bay. Harry had wanted to visit the dragons again and

see if he could understand them all, and Daphne refused to let him go

alone. Plus, they enjoyed running alone together in their forms; their

animals seemed to be more in tune with each other instinctually. Harry

and Daphne were walking with Daphne curled into Harry's side and

kissing every few feet, still exhilarated by their run and the knowledge

that no matter what dragon, Harry could indeed speak to them.

Harry looked up abruptly from Daphne's neck, "Alright," Harry said trying

not to let his hesitation show, something wasn't right with Moody but he

couldn't figure out exactly what it was. He started to move towards

where Moody was standing a little ways in front of them but Moody

called out again.

"Only you Potter, Miss Greengrass can find her own way back to her

common room," Moody barked again. Harry looked, Daphne in the eye

before nodding just enough for her to notice and then leaned in and

kissed her, so Moody wouldn't get suspicious. Harry started walking

towards Moody, who set out before Harry could come even with him.

Once they rounded the corner and Moody's staff faded away, Daphne

took off at a run for Severus's office.

Harry and Moody reached Mad-Eye's office Moody well ahead of Harry

the whole time. Moody pulled over a stool for Harry and took his own

seat about four feet away, by the time Harry entered the office. He

nodded to the stool and Harry sat as Moody took his false leg off and

rubbed the joint achingly. Harry looked around the office and was

instantly on edge though he hid it well, thanks to the Dursleys, all the

dark detectors Moody had in his office were currently active, Harry was

particularly drawn to the foe glass it was showing a blurry Mad-Eye

Moody in it.

"Like my dark detectors do ya?"

Harry simply nodded and but looked a little questioning, as he decided to

play dumb.

Moody simply thought he didn't know what they were and explained,

"sneakoscopes and secrecy sensor, mine were made specially to be

sensitive for up to a mile away, damn things been going off since I got

with the lies and things students try to hide. And that's a Foe Glass, there

useful to know if your enemy is sneaking up behind you as that's when

they become clear in the mirror."

Harry nodded, "Professor why am I here?"

"The first task is commin' up. There's a tradition as old as the tournament

that Dumbledore doesn't believe but personally I think he should as you

could get killed too easily."

"What's that sir," Harry asked still playing possum.

"Cheating," Moody said simply then followed up with, "the first task is

dragons." Harry put on a shocked look. "Now don't panic, that's the worst

thing you could do. The best course of action is make it simple and play

to your strengths. Flying for instance."

Harry looked thoughtful and then nodded, "A summoning charm would

work to get me my broom."

"Good, good, now off ya go." Moody said taking a drink from his flask.

Harry had to fight to keep his face straight and not show surprise when

Moody opened his flask. It smelt like Moody, exactly like Moody. Harry

sniffed again subtly and notice Moody didn't smell quiet like Moody, not

like whatever was in the flask.

"Thank you," Harry said as he walked out from the room closing the door.

As soon as Harry turned the corner he broke out into a dead sprint for the

dungeons. He only stopped when he threw open the door to Severus's

office where Severus was pacing and Daphne was on the edge of her seat


"It's not Alistor," Harry said as he burst into the room. Severus stopped

shortly and Daphne pulled Harry into a hug and then pushed him down

into a seat and sat on his lap. Severus took his seat behind his desk.

"Are you sure?"

"Positive," Harry said in a calmer voice, Daphne's presence often calmed

him, it didn't hurt that she was tracing patterns on his hand. "Well he

hasn't been right all year but when I went into his office with him it was

obvious. First when he sat down he took his fake leg off and then rubbed

it, Alistor never shows weakness in front of others. Then all the dark

detectors in his office were going off, but he gave some bull about it

being cause by the students, except in the foe glass he had I could make

out his own blurry face floating in it. Lastly you know how after you're in

your animagus form for awhile your senses are a bit heightened." Severus

nodded, "well I think he has polyjuice potion in his flask, it's not the

antidote that's usually in it, and it smells exactly like Moody's scent.

When I sniffed again while he was still drinking, I focused on him, his

scent was off."

"Damn," Severus muttered and got up and through some floo powder into

his floo, "Potter Manor. Mips, I need to speak to Amelia please." He

waited for about a minute before Amelia came into view. "I need you at

the school in full Director mode." Severus pulled his head out and moved

into the private lab attached to his office, when he came back out Amelia

and Sirius were being greeted by Harry and Daphne. Both were dressed

in their auror attire.

"Alistor Moody is being polyjuiced," Severus announced.

"We need to capture whoever it is so they can talk," Sirius said right

away, Severus nodded as did Amelia.

"There's a problem," Severus responded, "Hadrian has just come from his

office, and he has a foe glass that I'm willing to bet he never takes his

eyes off of."

"So just get to him when he's not in his office," Daphne said like it was

the simplest thing in the world.

"We can't aurors cannot act against professors while on school grounds

without the approval of the Headmaster. It was a ward enacted in the

1820's, and the Headmaster controls the school wards," Amelia explained.

"If Dumbledore hasn't figured out by now that Moody isn't Moody, he's

certainly not going to allow us to arrest one of his friends without hard

proof, our suspicions aren't enough." Seeing Harry's look at mentioning

Alistor was one of Dumbledore's friends she added, "Even with a breach

in their friendship since we've talked to Moody he won't allow it,

Dumbledore won't allow it. And I don't want to ask him for a favor as, he

will want it returned and he would use it to get to you."

"So we wait for him to leave the school," Harry asked.

"Yes but so far he hasn't left the school at all," Severus answered. "Watch

and wait, Harry if he seeks you out again let me know, but for now avoid

him but don't make it obvious."

Harry and Daphne left Severus office with Sirius and Amelia still there.

"Moody's an imposter and we're going to leave him in the school," Sirius

almost shouted out.

Amelia moved over to Sirius and laid a hand on his shoulder, "we have

no other option as of right now, unless you want to involve Dumbledore.

How has 'Moody's' investigation into the Goblet gone?" Amelia said

turning to look at Severus as Sirius put his head in his hands.

"Nowhere the only thing he's turned up is a confundus charm, by now it's

safe to say he is responsible for putting Harry's name in the Goblet."

"But how does this play to his favor Voldemort wants him alive based on

the dream, the tournament is most likely to get him killed then captured,"

Sirius added.

"I have yet to come up with an explanation either," Severus answered,

"what did your investigation turn up on Moody's incident from the


"Amos Diggory was the first to hear about it for some reason, and tipped

off Arthur Weasley to it; considering muggle objects were involved he did

the right thing. Arthur kept it from moving any farther than a warning

for Moody about charming muggle items, instead of a trial, even as an

auror, Moody has had warnings before he should have been on trial.

Other than that nothing, there was no investigating about the supposed

intruder, it was just assumed Moody's paranoia got the best of him,"

Amelia sighed her aurors should have been called in, not Arthur no

matter how well intentioned.

"What were you getting from your office," Sirius questioned?"

"Veritaserum, I'm going to carry it if we get the chance to capture Moody,

I'm not wasting time on questioning him without it. Has Dumbledore

been active at the Ministry, he's been too quite lately?"

"He's been getting closer to the Chang family, I think he wants to push

their daughter Cho on Harry, but what he doesn't know is that Harry's

betrothed and there's nothing he can do there."

"He doesn't?" Sirius questioned surprised.

"No some Slytherins know but the rest of the school just know that

they're dating and we want to keep it that way the only way to break a

betrothal is death, unless stated in the contract, and there's doesn't have

an out."

"You really think he'll try to kill Daphne?"

"I wouldn't put it past him."

Harry woke up the day of the first task rather excited but then he

remembered he still had class this morning, History of Magic and

Arithmancy, 'what a way to get pumped before a death defying

afternoon', he thought sarcastically. Binns as usual had half the class

asleep, a quarter doing homework for other classes, and the rest actually

taking notes but then they were Ravenclaws. Harry and Daphne spent the

class passing notes to each other.

I'm bored, Harry read off Daphne's note.

How bout we sneak off for awhile after the task today just you and me?


Well go to Hogsmeade for a bit.

Finally Harry was fetched by a Severus to take him down to the

champions' tent to await the start of the first task. It was at the end of

Arithmancy; Daphne stood up with him and pulled him into a heated

kiss, in front of the whole class. Harry joined Severus at the door in a

daze. Severus just shook his head at the display and maneuvered Harry

down the hallway, since he didn't seem to want to move.

"Come on lover boy, you have to change first," Severus said smirking.

Severus led him to a nearby bathroom to change. Harry was given black

combat style pants, which had a bold silver stripe that was outline on

either side with green. Severus had given him his doc martins for shoes

that went well with the combat pants. Harry was given a green and silver

shirt, and for once a robe that didn't look like it would hamper him. The

robe was made of dragon hide and some other material that made it light

but durable. It buttoned from the waist to about where his heart would

be from there he could lace it to how tight or loose he wanted it to be. At

his waist the robe was slit and only hung to the sides and behind him.

The robe sleeves went to his elbows; down the sleeves were silver stripes.

He noticed Severus had given him his scabbard for his sword; he strapped

it to his waist, and put on the fingerless gloves.

"Thanks for the shoes," Harry said as he came back out.

"I figured you would be more comfortable with your own worn ones,

then those provided for you," Severus answered as they started walking


"Who made the robes?"

"Raymond Dagonet, he owns a small shop run out of Manchester, he does

leather working for muggles and dragon hide for wizards. Your robes and

Cedric's are a combination of dragon hide and the same material used in

wind breakers." Severus said they had reached the stadium built for the

first task and to one side was a large tent that Severus led Harry into.

Inside Cedric in his own robes that were different from Harry's only in

color, yellow and black. Fleur was there as was Madam Maxime, Fleur's

uniform for the tournament, had blue trouser style pants, a padded lame

fencers use, and she had a light blue colored jacket on, Harry wondered

how much protection hers would offer, but Viktor's was worse in that

manner. Viktor had on dark combat style pants and shoes like Harry but

besides that he only had on a Durmstrang turtle neck and red outer robe.

They were either pacing or starring at absolutely nothing with intense


"Well no need to look like it's a funeral," Harry said sarcastically, "at least

not yet." Harry's statement got some chuckles at the atmosphere

lightened. At least until Rita Skeeter walked in a snapped a photo of the

four of them. They all tensed at her presence and Harry wondered why

the Daily Prophet had a tabloid bitch like Skeeter covering the

tournament. Skeeter had quick-notes quill out and was mouthing words

to it, Harry made out something about a Bulgarian bon-bon, who he

could only assume meant Viktor. "Bloody bitch," Harry muttered and

looked at her with a glare that could freeze hell. Severus laid a hand on

Harry's shoulder getting him to calm down.

The tent opening flew open and in walked Ludo Bagman, Mr. Crouch,

and the three heads of the school. "Good you're all here!" Ludo Bagman

spoke in his normal upbeat tone, which annoyed everyone around him.

The Headmaster's went to their students and stood behind them,

Dumbledore in between Harry and Cedric with Severus still at Harry's

shoulder. "Gather round, gather round," Bagman stated and Crouch

looked like he wanted to throttle the man. The four gathered around

Bagman and Crouch and this time Crouch started speaking.

"Today you will face a beast that once roamed all over the Earth, often

terrorizing people, hording treasure, and feasting on the flesh and bones

of those weaker. Your task today is to get past these Beasts and collect a

golden egg, which will lead you to your next task. You will pick one from

this bag, Miss Delacour ladies first." Crouch held out a bag for Fleur to

pick from, Fleur reached in a flinched back a little, and then came out

with a miniature model of a Welsh Green Dragon.

"The Welsh Green, Mr. Krum you next," Crouch said holding the bag open

once more. Viktor reached in, his face hardening as he pulled out his

miniature, "The Chinese Firebolt." Viktor looked at Karkaroff and nodded

shortly. "Mr. Diggory, please." Cedric cracked his neck, a nervous tick

Harry had noticed Cedric displayed. Cedric pulled out a model of

Norwegian Ridgeback, Cedric nodded to himself as he studied it. "The

Norwegian Ridgeback and now, Mr. Potter." Harry grinned as he reached

into the bag leaving the others to wonder about his sanity. Harry reached

in and pulled out the tiny Hungarian Horntail, Harry smiled at the

dragon and tickled it under its chin. The mini horntail seemed to hiss in

content, as Harry did so.

The others starred at him with looks of wonder and Severus muttered,

"You and your damn pets." Harry's smirk grew.

"Right you will go in the order marked on your model, at the sound of

the cannon Mr. Diggory you will go first. Now we must leave you,"

Crouch said and walked towards the entrance to the tent. Bagman was

bouncing around as he wished them luck and left the tent the Heads and

Severus followed them out, each wishing their champs good luck.

"So how's everyone doing?" Harry asked in a voice that mimicked

Bagman's. The others chuckled, and Cedric lightly pushed Harry.

"Oh just peachy you know good chap, just going to fight a wee little

dragon," Cedric replied back in the same kind of tone. As they were

laughing the cannon went off with a loud bang that shook the tent.

Cedric stood and moved to the entrance that led to the stadium, Cedric

stopped and took in a deep breath before nodding to himself and entering

the enclosure. They could hear the roar of the crowd as they exclaimed

over whatever Cedric was doing. About ten minutes into it the crowd let

out a gasp and then roared with approval. Finally they quieted. In the

champions tent they could only here the crowd not the announcers or the

scores. About two minutes after it the crowd quieted down the cannon

went off again and Fleur stood.

"Good luck Fleur, and remember you only get to date Bill if you survive,"

Harry said a Fleur turned looking like she didn't know whether to curse

him or smile dreamily, she settled for the latter.

"Do you really zink I could get a date with William?" Fleur asked with her

dreamy smile in place.

Viktor shook his head, "FLEUR," Fleur snapped out of it and glared at

him, "your dragon iz waiting," Viktor simply replied not at all fazed by

her glare.

"Oh, Oiu, zank you." Fleur made her way to the entrance to the stadium

and pulled her wand. She swept the tent flap back and ducked under

entering the enclosure.

Harry and Viktor started laughing once she left. Viktor spoke when they

sobered up, "You flew vell, I look forward to our match."

"Thanks, Viktor so do I. What do you like better the Firebolt or the Nike

broom, the Nike broom is faster but so far that's the only difference I can


"Da Nike bvoom, eez better, it seems to haf under gone more testing, so

far no kinks. The first Firebolt I vas thrown from on bad turn." They

heard the crowd give a mighty cheer as Viktor finished speaking and then

the crowd quieted once again. The cannon went off and Viktor stood and

through off his outer blood red robe. Harry stood with him and nodded

to him as he turned to leave the tent.

Harry was bored once Viktor left and contented himself fooling around

with his model dragon. His dragon seemed quite content to be with

Harry, he got the model to fly around doing flips and figure eights.

Finally the crowd quieted once more and Harry got a wicked smirk on his

face, "lets really freak 'em out, eeh, Pyro," Harry said to the mini Horntail

in his hand. The mini dragon seemed to grin as well. Harry and the newly

dubbed Pyro went around the Champions' tent and lit small fires in the

corners. After they finished Harry went and waited by the flap for few

seconds before the cannon went off. Harry exited the tent laughing.

Harry was in what looked like to be a mimic of a mountainous region,

there were rocks and boulders everywhere you looked and sitting high on

top of the largest of them all was the Hungarian Horntail herself in all

her glory guarding her nest. She was looking around widely at the crowd

and Harry was now more worried about their safety then his, well

Daphne's at least.

'Accio Sword of Gryffindor,' Harry thought holding his wand out, he

remained undetected by the Horntail. As Harry held his wand up the

sword flew into his hand, Harry sheathed the sword and then had to duck

out of the way.

The wind changed as the sword had come into the clearing at the

Horntail picked up the scent of someone far too close to her eggs for

comfort and immediately breathed out a stream of fire in the direction

she detected the scent. Harry waited for the stream to die down and then

shot back up and dive into a roll coming up closer to the Horntail. The

Horntail was about to shoot more fire towards the annoying human pest

when she breathed in again. The scent was familiar, it was the wolf! The

wolf that gave her eggs. She stopped and hissed out, "wolf."

Harry stepped out from his place behind the boulder; he jumped up onto

the nearest one with his hands out so the dragon could see them. She

sniffed and hissed towards him, "wolf."

Harry smiled and hissed out, "yesss I'm the wolf that brought you your


"Why," the Dragon hissed back.

"Why should you be ssseperated from your babiesss at the whim of one of

usss humansss, bessssidesss you looked sssad."

"You're not here to hurt my egsss," She looked at Harry dubiously.

"Never," Harry hissed with conviction, "I'm an orphan I would never

ssseperate a mother from her child unless ssshe wasss a poor mother."

"What do you need from me rider," She hissed.

"One of the eggsss you're guarding doessss not belong, I wasss sssent to

collect it," Harry said.

The massive dragon stared down at the eggs and sniffed them out, she let

out a growl and fire surrounded her mouth somewhat. She nodded and

turned back to Harry, "thisss isss not my egg, come here and I will give it

to you there'sss a charm on it to prevent sssummoning." Harry nodded.

He hopped from rock to rock and boulder to boulder until he was right in

front of the dragon he bowed to her in respect. She bowed back, it looked

rather strange but she moved back and her front talons forward bowed

her massive neck to Harry. She then picked the golden egg up in her

massive jaws and extended it to Harry. Harry reached out and took the

egg from the Dragon's jaws. The crowd which had gone silent except for

whispers while Harry and the dragon conversed, now gasp in shock and

terror as Harry reached into the dragon's jaws to take his egg, then he did

something that shocked them even more, some fainted, and others

screamed in terror.

As Harry took the egg he spied the chain that tethered the dragon to the

Earth, it looked tight and uncomfortable. "Thank you my lady," Harry

hissed with a bow as he took the egg. Then Harry raised his wand the

dragon looked uncomfortable but knew one wizard and a rider at that

would not damage her much if at all. "Releashio," Harry spoke clearly

with his wand pointed at the collar of chains. The chains broke with a

snap and the Horntail shook it off and the other chains. Nobody

including the dragon handlers could move as they all stood terrified.

"Can I assssk for one more favor," Harry hissed.

"You may rider," the Horntail spoke bowing her head to Harry.

"Can I go for a ride?" Harry hissed with a lopsided grin.

"Yesss, I don't sssee why not." Harry left the golden egg on the ground

and climb onto the dragon's back, "Hang on to the ssspikesss." She let out

a roar of flames and with a flap of her massive wings they started into

the air.

"What'sss your name," Harry hissed loudly to the dragon.

"Kaji," She hissed back to him. They were getting higher in the air, they

were far above the stadium and rising, she rose far into the clouds. Then

they started gliding in the air, she started to fly in figure eight patterns

and great swooping dives. Harry moved so that he was straddling the

Kaji's neck and lifted his arms out so that he was no longer holding on as

Kaji flew around the skies of Hogwarts. They flew for about ten minutes

before Kaji landed back into the stadium the first task was being held in.

Kaji looked at her eggs inspecting them as Harry petted her on the snout.

Everyone in the stadium still looked shocked and unmoved, except

Hagrid who was beaming with pride and Daphne who looked like she

want to laugh and kill him at the same time. Harry grinned at her and

shrugged his shoulders.

"Rider what isss your name," Kaji hissed to Harry.

"Hadrian Jamesss Potter, my lady, but friends call me Harry," he hissed


"Rider Hadrian, you have ssshown kindnessssss, ssstrength, and cunning,

today you are as worthy as any dragon," She said bowing to Harry, who

bowed back. "Now I need to go back to my ssstupid human handlersss

who haven't even noticed their ssstadium isss about to catch Fire." She

sounded rather depressed at that thought. Harry turned and saw the tent

was indeed completely alight and ready to spread to the stadium.

Harry laughed out loud and then cast a sonorous charm on his voice.

"You know the stadium's about to catch fire right," he asked sarcastically

and gestured to the burning tent.

That seemed to knock everyone out of their stupor and the Slytherins let

out a roar of approval, the others followed, though most still looked

shocked. Harry turned back to Kaji, "Jussst to let you know, mossst of

usss humansss may have a tendency towardssss idiocy but the red headed

handler over there," Harry pointed out Charlie Weasley, "he'sss the

brother of a good friend of mine and I think if he could he have himssself

turned into a dragon, he likesss you all ssso much."

"I'll give him a chance but tell him to keep our eggsss with ussss," Kaji


"No problem," Harry hissed back. Harry waved Charlie over who flew

down from where he was stationed.

"Blimey Harry, that was insane, she let you fly her," Charlie exclaimed.

"Yeah, I asked her to give you chance, so she said she try and listen to

you but you need to keep the mothers and their eggs close, alright?"

"Yeah sure no problem Harry, that was bloody fantastic." Charlie said in

awe and waved the Kaji to follow him. She gathered her eggs and did so

without problems, the other handlers damn near fall off their brooms in

shock. Harry just smiled and left the stadium without even glancing at

the judges.

"Hadrian how on Earth are you the only Champion to come out without a

scratch on you," Madam Pomfrey exclaimed looking over one of her

favorite and most frequent patients.

"Dragons can understand parseltongue," Harry said with a shrug, he had

exited the stadium to find himself walking directly into the hospital tent

set up for the task. Madam Pomfrey shooed him off to the other side of

the tent where the other champions were sitting. Fleur was sitting in a

chair off to the side looking concerned at the state of Viktor and Cedric.

He noticed her pants were burned a bit but that was all. Cedric was

leaning up against a table and had some kind of blue paste on his right

arm and right side of his neck and face, he was grinning though, so Harry

guessed Madam Pomfrey had already fed him a pain potion. Viktor was

in another chair off to the side he had some minor scratches on the side

of his face and hand. He looked physically fine except for those but Harry

noticed he had a depressed look on his face.

"What's wrong Viktor?"

"Some of the real eggs were smashed in my attempt, I veel horrible for

dragon," Viktor replied.

Harry looked sad to hear that, "If you like I could tell her you're sorry

about it?"

All three looked at him sharply at that statement and then Cedric

groaned, "Parseltongue you could bloody talk to the dragon couldn't you."

Harry smirked, "I even got her to take me for a ride."

"Ohh you suck," Cedric and the other two groaned out, Harry just

laughed in response.

"What were you grinning at before I came in," Harry asked and as he was

finished just had time to set the golden egg down before a blonde missile

jumped into his now open arms. Daphne grabbed his face in her hands

and looked him over and then looked him in the eyes checking to see if

he was hurt, when he shook his head slightly no, she pulled him in for a

searing kiss. Harry moaned into the kiss as Daphne's tongue traced his

lips begging for him to open them, he complied. Their tongues danced

together as they kissed, Harry pulled Daphne tighter to him, and moved

the kiss to the spot right behind her ear that drove her wild. Daphne

unconsciously rolled her hips into Harry's groan and was about to bring

his mouth back to hers when a throat cleared and made them pull apart.

"Ahhemm," Madam Pomfrey cleared her throat as she walked in on them

snogging. Daphne disengaged her legs from around Harry's waist and

dropped to the ground blushing furiously and trying to hide behind Harry

as all their friends plus the three other champions started wolf whistling

and cheering for them.

Harry was wishing he had someone to hide behind as he blushed even

redder when Fleur added, "You French kiss almost as good as moi." The

others laughed at the couples expense and even Madam Pomfrey crack a

smile. After about a minute they finally calmed down.

Hermione was the one to ask, "Harry what did the dragon say to you and

did you even look at your scores?"

Harry shook his head no to the last questioned and answered the first,

"Kaji said I was kind, strong, and cunning, and she also thinks her

handlers are idiots.

"Kaji?" Blaise questioned.

"Kaji is the Horntail's name." They looked in awe at him and Harry just

rolled his eyes. "So Cedric gonna answer my question?"

"Right I'm getting a puppy," Cedric stated happily, "I've never had pet or a

familiar and I finally decided on one." At Harry's look he added, "I

transfigured a boulder into a Labrador dog and at first the dragon went

for it but then when I took the egg it changed its mind and went for me,"

Cedric said gesturing to the blue paste on his body. "The Labrador

attacked the dragon when it went for me even though it was suicide, and

it fought the dragon off! So I'm getting a black lab as soon as schools

done," Cedric said grinning.

"Damn, nice job. What did you get for a score?"

"I got a thirty-seven cause I got roasted."

"What about you guys," Harry asked turning to Fleur and Cedric.

"I charmed moi dragon to sleep and then took the egg, ze dragon snored

and fire came out and singed moi pantalons. I was given a trent neuf."

"Conjunctivitis Curse to eyes, I got forty," Viktor said glancing every so

often at Hermione.

"You got a forty-one, in case you're wondering," Blaise spoke up.

"So let's open this bitch," Harry said and undid the clasp just as Fleur,

Viktor, Cedric, and Madam Pomfrey screamed, "NO!"

As Harry opened a loud screeching wailing was let loose from the egg,

Harry dropped the egg as he covered his ears. The others were cringing

as they covered their ears, Harry kicked the egg shut and at once the

screeching stopped. The only thing Harry could think of to compare the

screeching to, was when one of his primary school teachers scrapped

their nails across the chalkboard to get everyone's attention.

"What the hell kind of a clue is that," Harry exclaimed?" The others


The Great Hall had been transformed into a dueling platform with stands

lining the sides of the Hall. Today was the first dueling competition

between Beauxbatons Academy and Durmstrang Institute. Everyone from

Durmstrang and Beauxbatons' turned out to watch, as did the majority of

Hogwarts. There was also a stand reserved for parents and visitors who

wanted to watch the competition. Harry was sitting in the stands on the

bench right above Daphne who was sitting with the Hogwart's dueling

team. On either side of the Hogwart's team sat Flitwick and Severus. Next

to Harry on his right sat Hermione, Susan and Hannah, on his left sat

Astoria, Ginny, and Aiofie. On the bench behind him sat Fred, George,

Vaisey, Alicia, Angelina, Katie, Fleur, Viktor, and Viktor's friend Jorg.

Harry had his hands resting on Daphne's shoulder as he chatted with

those around him waiting for it to start,

"Now you may haf' won et Quidditch but at dueling we can win," Fleur


"Maybe against Hogwarts, not us," Jorge spoke proudly; the whole

Hogwarts team turned and just looked at him.

Harry laughing said, "You may not want to say that right now." Jorg and

Viktor just laughed in response.

Barty Crouch stood and called for the attention of the crowd, "Attention,

attention. Today we have the first dueling competition of the tournament

between Beauxbatons and Durmstrang!" The crowd let up a cheer and

Crouch allowed them to continue for a moment, "Today the dueling

tournament will be refereed by none other than Major Whitehorn,

England's Dueling Champion." A cheer went through the crowd at this

and a tall man of about thirty rose from his seat next to the judges and

waved. The man looked rather ordinary but from the way he held himself

one could tell he thought of himself as important and crowd cheering

him perhaps he was.

"Professor," Harry asked leaning forward towards Severus.

"The man is a hit-wizard as well as dueling champion, he can duel in a

competition but his style isn't worth much in an actual fight," Severus

said back to him quietly. Harry nodded and sat back in his seat to watch.

"The duelists for Beauxbatons," Whitehorn announced and held his hand

up toward the Beauxbaton duelists who stood and bowed. "The duelists

for Durmstrang." The Durmstrang contenders rose and bowed. "The first

match is Laurent Vassar of Beauxbatons against Zoran Illic of Durmstrang

competitors to the platform." A tall black boy with dread locks in a

uniform similar to Fleur's from the first task except without the jacket

came to the platform for Beauxbatons, while a tall, stocky blonde haired

boy with a buzz cut walked to the platform with a long stride. He was

dressed in the usual Durmstrang uniform except the cape that they

typically wore draped over one shoulder. Whitehorn moved to an

observation deck off to the side of the middle of the platform. "No spells

that are lethal. The first to disarm their opponent wins. Begin!"

Whitehorn called.

Zoran immediately shot a barrage of spells at his opponent forcing him

on the defensive. Laurent's shield was holding but he couldn't attack

through it. Zoran wasn't letting up he mixed verbal and nonverbal spells

so that he was always casting. Harry recognized the diffindo, reducto,

and bombarda hexes being thrown by Zoran. Harry now recognized the

Durmstrang boy's strategy he was throwing simple but powerful spells at

the shield with Laurent not dodging and relying on a shield sooner or

later the shield would falter. And falter it did on a powerful bombarda

part of the spell made it through and struck Laurent on the chest. A

wound opened across Laurent's chest and blood seeped into the padded

protector he was wearing, showing just how powerful the spell was.

Laurent seemed surprised but quickly fired back a silent stunning spell,

Harry could tell by the color. Zoran ducked out of the way and fired back

this time a loud, "sagitto," a barrage of arrows shot forth out his wand and

Laurent conjured a wooden wall to take the arrows. Zoran though had

shot another bombarda out after it, it struck the wood and blew it to

pieces, Zoran immediately banished them at the French boy who didn't

react fast enough and several pieces struck him, some imbedding into his

skin. One large chunk of wood struck him in the head dazing him.

"Expelliarmus," Zoran shouted and Laurent's wand flew into his

outstretched hand.

"Match!" Whitehorn shouted out and Madam Pomfrey rushed to aid the

fallen French boy. The next matches were closer then the first and well

fought though Harry didn't pick up any new spells. It seemed Durmstrang

competitors' had more actual dueling experience then Beauxbatons but

the Beauxbatons contingent had a greater variety of spells at use.

Durmstrang won by one match.

"Hagrid we a need a way to keep them calm!" Harry shouted to his

Professor from where he was ducking behind a large stone. His blast-

ended skweret and the rest of the classes were currently rebelling against

their hibernation. The damn things had grown and were now about as

tall as Harry, and their flames were reaching out about five feet, and

Harry was predicting Hagrid wouldn't have a house if this kept up.

"Draco, Daphne take a bag, run up to the castle and get some sleeping

potions and calming draughts from Madam Pomfrey," Harry shouted out.

The whole class was going to get scorched at this rate. Daphne and Draco

left their robes and sprinted to the castle. Hagrid was the only one who

could handle the skwerets at this point with his Giant skin that was more

durable than theirs. Harry swatted at a beetle that was around him and it

left just as Daphne and Draco returned, most of the class fled into the

cabin, while Harry, Theo, Blaise, Neville, and Hannah remained. Draco

and Daphne came to a stop from behind where they were hiding.

"Hagrid get out of the way," Harry shouted and Hagrid moved, "aim for

the mouths." As Hagrid moved away the remaining Blast-Ended Skwerets

started to fight amongst themselves, leaving them open to the assault of

potions. They took aim and fired the potions off, Draco, Harry, Blaise,

and Daphne's potions hit their targets and the Skwerets swallowed them.

Neville and Theo hit with their next throw, Hannah decided to just feed

them the potions. Harry, Draco, Daphne and Blaise hit their next throws

also. The ten remaining Skwerets had now been dosed with potions and

Harry and the others were waiting hoping they would take affect at all.

After a minute they did start to calm and Harry and the others helped

Hagrid to corral them into their cages. As they did so Rita Skeeter in an

obnoxious fur collar and her green horn rimmed classes, and crocodile

bag turned up leaning against Hagrid's cabin.

"Well, well, well…doesn't this look like fun." Rita announced from her


Hagrid turned to her from where he was getting a Skweret in its cage,

"Who're you?"

Rita looked a tad insulted, "Rita Skeeter Daily Prophet Reporter," she


Theo snorted, "Reporter more like story-teller, couldn't even get Harry's

age right." Rita looked slighted but it was Hagrid that spoke next.

"Didn't Dumbledore ban yer from the castle?"

Rita ignored that comment, "What are these fascinating creatures called?"

"Blast-Ended Skwerets," Hagrid said.

"Really never heard of them, where are they from?"

Hagrid looked around trying to avoid the question when Daphne spoke

up, "They're very interesting aren't they Harry?" She turned and winked

at Hagrid who smiled at her appreciatively.

"Yes very interesting creatures," Harry said with a wiry smile.

"Oh you're here, Harry!" Rita preened. "So you like Care of a Magical

Creatures do you? One of your favorite lessons?"

"Yes, definitely." Harry spoke with conviction and a glare at Rita.

"Lovely. Been teaching long have you?" Rita said turning to Hagrid and

looking around at the students. Harry did so too, and noticed Theo had a

rather deep scratch across his face, Daphne's skirt was burnt, he and

Draco had some burnt fingers, and Neville had some cuts on his arms, the

rest of the class had their noses pressed to the window of Hagrid's cabin

waiting to see if the coast was clear.

"Me second year o'ny," Hagrid said.

"Well how about an interview, the Prophet has a zoology column, I'm

sure people would be interested in these lovely creatures."

"Erm, sure I guess that's al'righ. Erm class dismissed."

"All see you Friday night then Hagrid," Rita announced as she left. The

students left as she did too.

"She gonna twist everything he says," Neville said as they walked away.

"Yeah put hopefully he doesn't say anything about where he got those

Skwerets, or anything else that's unwittingly illegal." Hannah replied.

"Yeah so hospital wing?" Harry said looking at his hands and the others.

"Yep," they all sighed out."

"Well I expected to see you all back here after Mr. Malfoy and Miss

Greengrass's impromptu raid on the potions cabinet," Madam Pomfrey

said as they all trudged into hospital wing.

"I told you to ask," Harry said looking at them.

They shrugged; "speed was necessary," Draco answered displaying his


"Come over here each of you on a bed if you're hurt," Madam Pomfrey

said gesturing to the beds. "Alright Mr. Malfoy, Harry not to bad on the

burns little bit of burn paste and you should be fine tomorrow." She put

the burn paste on their hands and then bandaged the areas with the

paste, "Off in the morning not before got it?" They nodded.

"Mr. Longbottom a simple epskiy will do, any of you care to try it?"

Hannah volunteered and fixed his scratches without problems.

"Mr. Nott, yours is a little worse off than the others," She muttered a

healing spell and Theo's face slowly healed the deep cut, leaving behind a

bruise. "Here you go Mr. Nott," she said handing him in a minor pain

potion, "It might be uncomfortable for the next day or so."

"Thank you Madam Pomfrey," Hadrian said.

Madam Pomfrey nodded to him and then said, "You owe me eight

calming potions and two sleeping draughts."

"Yes ma'am," they groaned as they left the hospital wing.

They were in Herbology Thursday morning working with Flutterby

Bushes. The bushes would quiver and shake as they were pruning them.

Theo almost cut his finger off when he went to snip one leaf and it

flittered out of the way.

"Careful, careful, make sure you have a firm grip on the stem there, Nott,"

Professor Sprout spoke from where she was watching over the class of

snakes and ravens. They continued pruning their Flutterby Bushes for the

rest of the class, when there were five minutes left in the class Professor

Sprout called them to attention.

"Alright put your things away I have an announcement to make,"

Professor Sprout called out. There was shuffling as everyone moved to

put their plants and things away. When it died down Professor Sprout

spoke again, "Now it's tradition during the Triwizard Tournament to hold

a Yule Ball. So on the 25 of December we will be holding a Yule Ball, for

all fourth years and above all though you may invite a younger student if

you wish. It will start at eight p.m. and go until midnight, as tradition it

will include a feast and dress attire. That's all you're dismissed. Mr. Potter

may I see you for a moment?"

Harry moved to the front of the class while the others filed out. "Yes,


"Hadrian as a champion you are required to attend and open the dance

with your date, so you must attend," Professor Sprout told him. "The first

dance is a waltz, will you need lessons? I know you grew up in a muggle

household so I thought I'd ask."

"Thanks for asking Professor but I had to learn to dance for Sirius and

Amelia's wedding," Harry said with a sigh.

"Everything alright, Hadrian," Professor Sprout the perpetually caring

Professor asked.

"Yeah it's just I had planned something for Daph for Christmas, I'll have

to figure out how to change it now."

"Well if you need anything just ask, Hadrian," Professor Sprout said


Harry grinned his lopsided grin that reminded her of his father, "Thanks

Professor." Harry left the greenhouse in a foul mood and grumbling to

himself about Balls and stupid tournaments. Daphne just looked at him

wondering what was wrong.

"Does anyone know what's wrong with Harry?" Daphne asked as she sat

with her friends in the Slytherin common room. "He's been ticked off

since the end of herbology and won't tell me what's wrong," She

explained a bit worriedly.

The others looked around and Blaise sighed, "we'll go ask but don't count

on anything." He, Draco, and Theo got up and entered the boys' dorm,

while Tracey, Astoria, Ginny, and Aoifie comforted Daphne.

"Harry get off your ass and go tell Daph you're sorry before I bloody well

kick your ass," Blaise said as he, Draco, and Theo barged into his and

Harry's room. Harry was brooding on his bed; Aiolos was ignoring him

and curled up in the corner of the bed.

"Yeah, damn Harry. Daph's upset and for once you're not doing anything

to help," Draco added.

Harry sighed and realized they weren't going to let up, "It's this damn ball

it completely just fucked my plans to hell in a hand basket."

Draco and Theo looked at him like he lost a screw while Blaise having

heard the phrase understood it, "What did you have planned for her?"

"I was going to take her out to this fancy restaurant in London, take her

up on the eye and then when we got back home there was going to be a

ton of candles and I was going to ask her to marry me."

"But you're betrothed?" Theo said like Harry was stupid both Draco and

Theo smacked him upside the back of his head.

"He's trying to make it romantic for her ya, pillock!"

"Ohh, why?"

"Merlin help whoever falls for you," Draco muttered.

"Now with this Ball, I don't what I'm gonna do, there's no place good

except the Astronomy tower and it's too damn cold out to go outside,"

Harry complained he really wanted this to be good for Daphne. "Fuckin'

hell this sucks."

"Hey maybe you can ask Dobby for help," Draco said thinking out loud.

"Dobby, your house elf," Harry asked?

"Well mum freed him, the little bugger always wanted that but who could

blame him with Lucius as a master, and he got work here at Hogwarts.

House elves know everything there is to know about the places they


"Alright where is he?"

"Probably in the kitchens but I don't know where those are," Draco


"I do," Harry replied just let me get something and then apologize to

Daphne," Harry said getting up off his bed and moving to his trunk.

"We'll meet you outside the common room," Blaise said as he, Draco, and

Theo left.

Harry moved to his trunk opening it he placed his hand on a small snake

he had carved into the side of the trunk, "new maraudersss," Harry

hissed. A foot wide passage opened in the side of the trunk revealing a

small opening in which Harry had his invisibility cloak and the

marauder's map Sirius made him. He took the map out and activated it,

for the passage way to the kitchen, once he memorized it; he deactivated

the map and place it back into the opening. Harry flicked his wand into

his hand and muttered, "rosaous," from his wand a deep red rose shot into

his hand. Harry left his dorm and made his way to the common room he

spotted Daphne among Tracey, Astoria, Aoifie, and Ginny who were

talking. Daphne looked dethatched from the group though like she was

focused on something else. Harry sighed; it was his fault since he was

acting like an arse, not towards her just in general. Harry made his way

over to them where he got glared at by the four other girls.

"Daph can I talk to you for a minute," Harry said with the rose hidden

behind his back. Daphne nodded and rose from her seat and walked with

him over to a private corner of the room. "I'm sorry I was acting like a

ponce," he stated flat out. "It's just I had something planned for us on

Christmas already. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have taken it so badly and I

should have done this as soon as Professor Sprout announced it," he

pulled the rose from behind his back and held it out to her. With one

hand place gently on her cheek he looked her in the eyes as he asked,

"will you be my date to the Ball?"

Daphne smiled up at him and took the rose, "yes," she said and allowed

Harry to lean in and give her a sweet but heated kiss. "Even though you

were acting like an arse," she smirked and he grinned apologetically at

her. She simply pulled him in for another kiss that lasted longer than the

first. "What were you planning anyways, that made you so upset?"

"Nope don't even think you can get me to tell you, it may still be in effect

I just have to talk to a house elf," Harry said with a grin and pulled her in

for a kiss that made her stare dreamily after him as he left the common

room with a wave to his friends. Daphne made her way back to the girls

with a dazed but content look on her face.

"You know it's not bloody fair, he's so damn romantic and he's only

fourteen. What the hell happened to you," Artie Varma said glaring at her

boyfriend, Andrew Wilkes. Andrew just gaped like a fish, "I mean you

didn't even ask me just said, 'so should we stay the whole time at the

ball', arse." She finished and hit him with a pillow. Daphne and several

other girls laughed at that while others like Artie glared at their

respective boyfriends.

"So I take it from your grin she accepted your apology?" Blaise said

smirking at Harry.

"Mmhmm," was all Harry replied as he started leading them to the

kitchens. They walked through the dungeons and came to a stop near the

Huffelpuff common room, in front of a picture of a fruit basket. Harry

reached up and tickled the pare, strangely it blushed and giggled, as the

picture swung open.

"Blimmey I didn't think the kitchens would be this big," Theo said as they

walked through. The kitchens stretched the length of the great hall and

all around them house elves were bustling back and forth, washing

dishes, and preparing food.

"So any ideas on how to find Dobby now," Harry asked. As he did so

another elf stopped in front of them.

"Sirs looking for Dobby?" The elf asked.

"Um, yeah do you know where he is?" Harry asked the elf.

"Yes, I go get him," the elf popped away and then popped back in this

time with Dobby. Harry remembered the little elf from the Quidditch

match when he brought the Nimbus 2001's in.

"Master Draco and Master Draco's friends has come to visit Dobby,"

Dobby bowed to them excitedly.

"Dobby mum freed you, you don't have to call us Master anymore are

names are fine," Draco said to the little elf that took about as much abuse

as Draco did from Lucius.

"Thank you sirs," Dobby said and Draco just shrugged figuring that was

the best he was going to get.

"Well Dobby, we have a question for you," Blaise started, "you see Harry

here had a nice romantic Christmas planned for his girlfriend and was

going to propose to her but now with the Yule Ball his plans are down

the shitter. Do you know any place in the castle where Harry could take

her for a romantic setting that's private after the ball?"

The little elf had a look of concentration on his face and then he started

bouncing rapidly on his feet, "Dobby knows, Dobby knows! The Come

and Go room!" The little elf stated proudly.

"The Come and Go room?" Theo asked.

"Yes sirs, we elves use it for storage sometimes; it's called the room of

requirement too. It can become anything you need it too," Dobby said

excitedly. "Come Dobby show you," the little elf said exiting the kitchens.

Dobby led them up to the seventh floor, bouncing the whole way. They

went into a largely unused hallway that had a painting of Barnabas the

Barmy trying to teach trolls ballet.

"To make it work sirs, you have to walk past the wall three times

thinking of what you need." Dobby exclaimed still bouncing excited he

was being helpful. Harry looked at the others and shrugged and then

started to pace in front of the blank wall. After his third pass a door

appeared. Harry opened it and to his astonishment he found an exact

replica of the Slytherin common room.

"Cor," Harry muttered.

"Harry close the door," Blaise said, once he did Blaise started pacing in

front of the now blank wall again. When Blaise opened the door a large

Olympic sized swimming pool was now in the room. "This bloody


"Thanks Dobby," the guys said in awe of the room that was changing

before them. Dobby beamed proudly and popped back out, they assumed

to the kitchens, and they started to head back to the common room.

Harry stopped suddenly and looked like the proverbial light bulb went

off in his head. He resumed walking as the guys looked back at him and

just shook his head smiling.

"Alright Harry what was so important that we needed to talk to Professor

Snape now, I was working on my transfiguration," Hermione complained.

Harry smirked at her, "you'll see." He and the rest of the new marauders

were outside Professor Snape's office door waiting for him to allow them

entrance. After about five minutes the door opened.

"My apologies for the wait I was finishing a potion," Severus spoke as he

opened the door to allow them in. "What can I do for you all?"

They all looked to Harry who smirked, "I think I know where the portrait

of the Founders is." They all gasped and started at him except for Blaise.

"Of course, a room of hidden things," Blaise exclaimed.

"Would one of you care to enlighten the rest of us," Severus asked with a

raised eyebrow.

"I need to ask a house elf for help planning something and the elf

suggested the Come and Go room or the Room of Requirement. It's on the

seventh floor across from Barnabas the Barmy; it's a hidden room that

can become whatever you want it to be. I bet someone hid the painting

in there," Harry explained.

"It's gonna take all of us though, I mean can you imagine how much

stuff's been hidden over the past thousand years by someone who needed

to get rid of something quick," Blaise added.

"Alright so tomorrow we search for the room of hidden things, meet me

in the seventh floor corridor at nine o'clock," Severus said to all of them.


Woot Woot another chapter down faster than usual, and holy hell I

passed 200,000 words never thought that would happen.

7-29-11, I fixed the error I made with Madam Maixme's name, they

already found the diadem for those of you who keep suggesting it.

Thanks for the reviews


24. The Yule Ball

There's a lemon at the end so fair warning

Harry was pacing in front of the wall as the others arrived. 'I need the

room of hidden things,' Harry repeated as he paced in front of the door.

Harry was dressed in a pair of ripped jeans, a dirty pair of Chucks that he

wore in the stables, and old t-shirt that read, People Like You Are The

Reason People Like Me Need Medication, Blaise laughed until he couldn't

breathe at that one and said something about wearing it the next time he

went to a family reunion. As the doors appeared in the wall Daphne came

up to him and wrapped an arm around his waist as they moved into the


"Alright," Severus spoke as they moved into the enormous room that was

lined with junk piled high up into the air; it looked like a city of junk.

"Don't touch anything that you don't know what it is, especially old

potions." Severus pointed out several old congealed potions that were

strewn about in their general vicinity. Harry noticed some empty sherry

bottles near the door.

Harry snickered, "So anyone knows who drinks sherry?" Harry said lifting

up one of the many empty bottles.

Severus just shook his head, "if you find it or something you want me to

look at send up red sparks with your wand, the incantation is periculum.

Spread out, everyone take an aisle."

"Damn I wonder what poor idiot was on the other side of that," Neville

said pointing to a bloody axe that was rest up against some furniture, as

he moved down into his aisles of stuff.

Harry moved down his aisle looking around for the painting. He passed

loads of busted up furniture that seemed to make up the majority of the

junk. 'What the hell,' Harry thought as he came across a life-sized stuffed

troll. Harry was halfway through the aisle when he came upon something

he had seen in Borgin & Burkes. It was a tall black cabinet that had gold

markings on it, the same markings as the one in Borgin & Burkes.

"Periculum," Harry said raising his wand into the air and firing off the red

sparks. He waited for a minute or two before Severus showed up as did

Daphne, Tracey, and Hermione. After another minute Neville came in

from the opposite side carrying a rather wicked looking plant that was

moving around and seemed to be sniffing things. Finally Blaise came

tumbling down a pile of junk to Harry's left. They stared at him.

"What it was shorter than walking around on in the last aisle," Blaise

shrugged, "oh I found this." Blaise was holding a polished black case with

gold castings, inside were three books, Blaise had found: True History of

the Founders by Ivan Holm grandson of Helga Hufflepuff, Runes of the Viking

Battle Mages by Harald Sigurdsson, and, The Thief's Spell book by Rodger


"Where did you find the one on the founders," Severus asked?

"It was just thrown with some other stuff, I looked all around the painting

isn't there," Blaise answered.

"Hadrian why the sparks," Severus asked?

"This cabinet I seen it before in Borgin & Burkes, the exact one." Harry

explained gesturing to the cabinet. Severus ran his hand over the cabinet

before he opened it. There was nothing in it and Severus closed it and

tapped it muttering a spell with his wand held to the cabinet, it glowed


"It's a vanishing cabinet. Are you sure the exact copy was at Borgin &

Burkes," Severus said.

"Yes sir, I remember the designs," Harry answered.

"Back up," Severus said to them, they did as he said and Severus held up

his wand, "Reducto maxima," the cabinet exploded into a shower of

slithers and dust. "Twin vanishing cabinets can be used as passageways;

I'm not taking the chance of this one being used if its twin is at Borgin

and Burkes. Keep searching it's almost lunch."

They spread back out, and Harry wandered down his aisles again. 'This is

going to take forever,' he thought to himself and pulled out his mirror,

"Padfoot," he spoke into it. About a minute later Sirius's face appeared.

"What do you need pup?" Sirius asked with a smile.

"Are you at the Manor?" Sirius nodded, "Can you tell Sirius and Godric

we're looking for the painting and we need them to make as much noise

as they can."

"Will do, hold on." Sirius disappeared. Harry conjured his patronus and

sent it off to his friends and Professor, with a message to be quiet and

listen for them. "Alright pup message delivered good luck," Sirius said

nodding into the mirror.

"Thanks, Padfoot," Harry replied and slipped the mirror back into his

pocket. Harry listened; the giant room was silent which made it a bit

eerie in Harry's opinion. He started moving towards the back. As Harry

was moving he could hear muffled yelling, it was soft and he couldn't

pinpoint it. Thinking fast Harry transformed into Bay and perked his ears

straight as he listened.

He heard it to his left farther down. He took off running towards his

name being called; as he was running he let out a howl. Daphne

transformed into Snow at the howl and was still for a moment before she

heard their names being called and started towards it. The others moved

towards the sound of the howl, only Severs thinking to transform into his

raven. Severus flew above them and Snow and Bay ran to where they

heard it. Bay reached the area first he could hear them now perfectly in

fact they were too loud so he transformed back. Harry started to move

furniture out from the area he could hear them.

"Sal, Godric, can you hear me?" Harry said loudly.

"Yes Harry we're here there's something covering the painting." Just as

Salazar spoke Snow appeared next to him and transformed into Daphne

and a raven dropped out of the air transforming into Severus before he

even stopped flying.

"Daphne put your wand away, magic may interfere, will have to move

everything by hand," Severus spoke moving to help Harry move

furniture. Tracey and Hermione arrived next followed by Susan and

Neville, who were toting bags, and Blaise who now had another bag of

stuff. Daphne just shook her head.

"Drop the bags we have to do it by hand," Daphne said as she and

Hermione moved a desk out of the way.

"Ahh, damn," Neville said as he jerked his hand away from a chair that he

had touched it was burned.

"Kick it out of the way," Severus said studying the chair.

Neville did so and noticed that his shoe was burnt on the side that had

touched it, "who curses a chair?"

"Maybe it was a prank," Blaise said with a shrug as he tossed a chest full

of clothes out of the way.

"Like one of those shock things you put on your hand when you shake

someone else's hand," Hermione suggested when Neville still looked at

the chair like it was a fascinating plant.

"Forget the chair and get us out of here," A women's voice sounded.

"Row they are coming, calm down," Godric's voice answered. "Oww damn

Row that hurt," they heard Godric say. They started laughing as they

were clearing junk finally they came to a blacked out case that had a

large combination lock on it that you would find on a safe.

"Blaise let me see that Thief's book," Severus said holding his hand out for

it. Blaise handed it over to the Professor. Severus flipped through it and

came to a stop on one of the pages, "aperui numeri," above the dial where

his wand was three purple numbers appeared like smoke, 7, 13, 9.

Severus put the combination in and the dial clicked open and Severus

pulled the latch and opened the blacked out container. Inside was a

painting of the Four Founders, Salazar and Godric were now easily

recognizable to the teens and their Professor; the painting was about four

feet tall and eight feet wide. They were able to identify Rowena

Ravenclaw as Godric was hiding behind the other woman in the painting.

Rowena Ravenclaw was a beautiful woman who looked to be around

thirty or so at the time of painting. She looked regal and screamed

elegance; she had high cheek bones, pale skin and lips with dark brown

almost black hair and dark brown eyes. She was tall, almost as tall as

Godric who was probably around six foot at least. She was dressed in a

dark blue dress that was in the style of Roman and Greek style, it hugged

her form and had deeper neck then Harry would have expected, it was

tied around the waist with a long belt that was made of a gold material.

Around her neck was a gold necklace with an eagle pendant, the eagle's

eyes were light blue sapphires, on her head was the diadem, they

destroyed in the chamber.

The other woman who Godric was hiding behind was heavier then

Rowena and shorter, but still just as easy on the eyes, she looked a bit

older than Rowena. Helga Hufflepuff was dressed in a similar style gown

but hers was black with yellowish-gold trimmings around the wrists and

neckline, she too had, a long belt on that was in a yellowish-gold

material. She was smiling as she helped to calm Rowena down and her

eyes held an amused glint in them. Her eyes were a light blue almost

crystal color, she had dark red hair that was pulled up in an elaborate

way. She had a darker complexion then Rowena but not by much, she

had rosy cheeks and reminded Harry of the archetype for a mother, she

had a sense of home, and caring about her even in a painting. Helga also

wore a matching cloak that was held together by a badger broach.

"Hmmhmm," Severus cleared his throat to get the occupants of the

paintings attention, "as interesting as it would be to see you turn Godric

into a teapot or something perhaps you could wait until we get you out

of this room." They all turned to the on looking teens and Professor in


"Hmph, only one of each of our students, Helga should we be worried,"

Rowena asked amused as she studied the group.

"Hey Hermione counts for like four Ravenclaws and same with Sue,"

Blaise said speaking up for his friends.

"And if you would notice there's only one of mine too," Godric said.

"Well one of them is your heir so he counts for two," Rowena said.

"They're like an old married couple," Neville said under his breath to his

friends. Rowena and Godric both glared at him. "What you are."

"Fascinating, Hadrian did you bring your invisibility cloak," Severus


"Yes," Harry replied bringing it out as Severus cast a detection spell

around the painting, finding nothing he levitated the painting out of the


"I'm going to take this painting down to my office, do you all want to stay

and search for something, it is a weekend," Severus asked them.

"Yeah I'd like to look around more," Hadrian said looking towards

Daphne and the others who nodded.

"Alright, call for Dobby if you're not sure. They nodded and Harry threw

the invisibility cloak over the painting and Severus started to walk out.

"So where do you guys wanna start," Harry asked?"

"Well I pretty much got through my aisle of stuff, other than this stuff it

was furniture and nasty congealed potions," Blaise said.

"Same with mine," Susan said, "I got some jewelry that was in buried

other than that there was just junk like fanged Frisbees and other prank


"I got halfway through mine I don't think there was anything else worth

anything except the plant."

"Alright so let's work from Neville's aisles on down," Hermione said.

"Susan, Blaise, and I will take the rest of Neville's. And Harry, Tracey,

Daphne, and Neville, can take the one I was in and we'll see what time it

is when we finish seeing if we can get the other aisles."

"Sounds good," Tracey said and they moved off to their aisles. They

ended up getting through Neville's, Hermione's, and Harry's aisles by

dinner and only had to call Dobby twice, thanks to Tracey's knowledge

on items. They still had to come back and do Daphne's and Tracey's. They

ended up with more books all with promising battle art spells, and to

Blaise's amazement Tracey found a book titled, An Illusionist's Manifesto

by Trent Baliey. They found a Silver Arrow broomstick that was in near

perfect condition, which would fetch about 500 galleons at auction

maybe more, they decided since Susan was the one to recognize it she

could get the profits. Harry found a found Sirius's Christmas present, a

perfectly intact bottle of 1937 Rare Collection Glenfiddich bottle of

Whiskey, Harry starred at the bottle for about five minutes before

Daphne snapped him out of it. They found a case of herbs that were at

one point used as medicinal herbs but in concentration were lethal;

Daphne identified a few like false or white hellebores. Hermione though

found a book which she kept to herself only stating they would find out

later what it was. She was going to give it to Harry as Christmas present;

it was a diary entitled, An Accounting of the Infamous Pranks of Messer's.

Mooney, Padfoot, Prongs, and Wormtail. One of them must have gotten

caught with it and ditched it in the room.

Term had finally ended yesterday and Harry was all for it. So far he had

been followed around from class to class, meal to meal, and even to the

dungeons by girls from Hogwarts, Beauxbatons, and even two out of the

five Durmstrang girls. It seemed they all wanted him to escort them to

the ball and no matter how many times he or Daphne made it clear he

already had a date more kept popping up. The most persistent of his

admires was Cho Chang, the fifth year Ravenclaw seeker who had two

years earlier tried to knock him off his broom, really did she think she

had even a snowball's chance in hell, especially after last year. Daphne

had launched her signature dung bomb prank assault on the older girl

but then Harry guessed it wasn't quite as effective if they still didn't know

who had done it. The girl had cornered Harry at one point when he was

on his way back from the bathroom to rejoin his friends in the library.

She had on an outfit that made her look like a cheap hooker and had

practically forced herself on him when she was thrown violently to the

other end of the hall by Daphne's banishing charm.

Daphne almost laughed at Harry's frightened look but mange to keep her

face in her ice mask, as her friends had labeled it, "Go near my boyfriend

again and I promise you won't show your face in public for a month, got

it," Daphne said calmly to the older girl who just huffed and stormed off.

"Daph I tried to get her off," Harry rapidly fired out once the other girl

was gone. Daphne turned and looked at Harry who was pale as ghost and

had the same expression as a five year old who had just seen the movie

Alien for the first time, completely utterly horrified. She lost it and

almost fell over she was laughing so hard.

"You…" she gasped trying to speak through her laughter, "should see your

face, right now."

Harry just glared at her but couldn't help grinning as he watched her

continue to struggle with her laughter. "Alright, come on Chuckles, we

need to get back to the others." That incident had happened two days ago

and so far Cho was heeding the warning, well that and Harry was using

the marauder's map to avoid the girl. She made him feel like he was a

piece meat about to be served to one of Marge's Bulldogs, when she

starred at him.

"Hey lets go for a swim in the Room of Requirement, there's nothing else

to do and Harry can avoid the swarm of females in heat," Blaise said to

Daphne, Tracey, and Harry who were starring about the common room

trying to think of something to do, they had ruled out the usual and

Daphne and Harry both didn't feel like going outside in the blizzard.

"Alright let's go," Daphne said getting up off the couch and holding her

hand out to Harry. They asked Draco and Theo plus Astoria, Ginny, and

Aiofie if they wanted to go too. Draco, Theo, and Astoria decided to join

them; Ginny and Aiofie were working on their Ancient Runes project so

they could get it out of the way.

The group of Slytherins got to the Room of Requirement and were joined

by Susan, Hannah, Cedric, and Ernie MacMillan as those four were still

the only sane ones in Hufflepuff they stuck together, Neville, Hermione,

and surprisingly Viktor and Fleur who were in the library with Hermione

when they called her on the mirror. Harry was pacing in front of the

Room and the door appeared just as Hermione, Viktor, and Fleur arrived.

They entered and saw a nice size pool for all of them and a hot tub in one

corner, on the left side was a door that said boys and on the right a door

that said girls.

"There should be suits in the locker rooms," Harry said to the group as

they filed in, the doors shut and sealed themselves as the room was in

use. The guys made it out of the locker rooms first, so surprise there

really. They were all dressed in swim trunks, Harry though kept one of

his muscle shirts on, he was fine with Daphne seeing his scars but that

was it for right now. As it was the others could still see some of the scars

on his arms left by Vernon or Dudley and the scars surrounding his ankle

and part of his left leg, thanks to Ripper. Some of the guys looked curious

but Blaise and Neville gave them all a look that said ask and die, so none

of them said anything.

Suddenly Cedric grinned a bit wickedly for a Hufflepuff and caught

Viktor's eye and nodded towards Harry with a smirk. Viktor returned the

smirk and they subtly walked over behind Harry.

"How's the water?" Harry asked Blaise who had just put his toes in.

"Let's find out," Cedric said and at once he and Viktor picked Harry up

and tossed him in the pool.

Harry came up spitting water and glaring, "Bloody wankers," Harry


"Well how is it?" Cedric asked.

"I don't know why don't you find out," Harry said and smirked as he saw

Blaise and Neville come up behind his to sneak attackers and push them

in the pull. Both Viktor and Cedric came up out of the water but didn't

have time to say anything as Draco, Theo, Blaise, and Neville, cannon

balled in to the pool right in front of them.

When Draco came up he grinned at the two older boys, "Do something to

one snake it's gonna get returned tenfold."

"Slytherins," Cedric said with a grin and splashed them back starting a

splash war that lasted until the girls came out. All of them except for

Fleur, Astoria, and Hermione were dressed in bikinis, not that the one

piece's weren't flattering they were, and all the boys present gulped as


"So how ez the water," Fleur asked. They all looked at each other and


"That's become a dangerous question," Draco snickered.

"What did you do?" Daphne, Tracey, Hermione, and Susan asked at the

same time, earning another round of snickers from the boys.

"The water's great, perfect actually," Harry answered the question seeing

the look on

Daphne and Astoria's faces that was normally on Evelyn's face whenever

they were about to get it for some prank. The girls nodded and Fleur,

Hermione, Hannah, and Tracey moved to the ladder to enter while

Daphne, Astoria, and Susan just jumped into the pool. Harry was looking

oddly at Fleur when Daphne swam over.

"What's up," Daphne asked quietly.

"Look around none of the guys are making an arse out of themselves in

front of Fleur, and if I lower my shields there's no pull like usual."

"Harry think about it in terms of wand cores," Daphne suggested.

It took a minute but it dawned on him Fleur was warning a swim cap,

"Their hair's what gives off the allure?" Harry said questioningly.

"Yep at least for those who are half-blooded or less," Daphne replied, "we

asked her." Daphne shrugged and then ducked Harry under. Harry

returned the favor. They ended up dragging everyone into another splash

battle for about ten minutes, and then a net appeared over part of the

pool along with volleyball. They split up into teams girls verse guys. The

girls won, unsurprisingly, for some reason the guys kept getting

distracted. They swam around and played various games for about

another two hours before some of them got changed and left, Viktor and

Fleur both had to get back to their school contingents, Draco, Theo and

Ernie left to work on some homework and Hannah and Neville left to

spend some time together. Harry and the others got out about a half-hour

later. After they changed and had come back out of the locker rooms the

room had changed into a comfortable smaller version of the Slytherin

common room. Harry brought out his bag which had his egg in it.

"So do you think the room can help me figure this out?" Harry asked

looking at his friends as he did so the room changed and a smaller pool

appeared off to the side as did the boys' locker room again.

"A pool," Blaise asked incredulously.

"Maybe it wants you to open it in the water," Astoria said as she and the

others starred at the pool in question, "I mean none of you thought of a

pool again right?"

They all shook their heads that they hadn't. "Well it's worth a shot,"

Daphne said.

"Fine," Harry sighed and went back into the locker room to change again.

He came back out in his swim wear he took the egg and opened it, it let

out it's now familiar shrieking and Harry tossed it into the pool.

Surprisingly they couldn't hear the loud incessant wailing anymore; they

couldn't hear anything from it. Harry dived into the pool and almost lost

his breath when instead of screeching heard a rather beautiful chorus of

voices singing. Harry listened to the song and then grabbed the egg and

swam back to the surface with a murderous look of rage on his face. As

he hopped out of the pool Harry through the egg into the air and without

even thinking summoned his wand from its resting place in the locker

room. While the egg was still in the air Harry hissed out in parseltongue,

"confrigo." The egg exploded into dust that floated down to the ground,

Harry's friends steeped back from him as his aurora started to appear and

he continued to cast spells, the room conjuring plenty of items for him to


Daphne stepped forward and touched her hand to the back of Harry's

now glowing neck. Harry's glow faded at her touch and he lowered his

wand instantly and Daphne wrapped her arms around him and Harry's

anger seemed to deflate. Harry pulled her tighter to him; seemingly

holding on to her like she would float away. She was whispering quietly

to him as they held on to each other.

Finally Astoria broke the silence in the room, "Harry what is it?"

Harry sighed and pulled away from Daphne, "let me change and calm

down a little." He released Daphne reluctantly and moved into the locker

room where he stepped into a hot shower that helped to soother him;

unbeknownst to him the room had laced the water with a calming

potion. Harry changed into his street clothes and rejoined his friends,

Daphne was pacing and Astoria and Tracey were trying to calm her.

Susan was being calmed by Hermione and Blaise. As Harry came out

Daphne stopped short and moved back into his arms, Harry led her over

to one of the chairs in the room and sat pulling her down into his lap.

The others moved to the chairs around him waiting for him to start.

"The screeching was really a song that could only be heard underwater."

Hermione gasped at that and Harry nodded to her, "merfolk were singing,

I'm guessing we have a colony in the Black Lake?"

"Yes we do a small one," Hermione answered, "it was put there in 1802

when they had to be moved out of Loch Ness."

"They're going to take something," Harry added air quotes around his

next words, "that I'll surely miss." Harry's harsh look came back, "The

only thing I'll surely miss isn't a thing but you all especially Daph," Harry

held her tighter as he spoke, "I don't care about anything else I have so it

has to be one of you. Hermione?"

Hermione paled at Harry's words and looked rather angry herself as she

answered, "I thought they would change the task. Traditionally they take

a person the champion will miss the most and hide them for the second

task, the champion then has to find them. With the tournament council

wanting to make it as safe as possible I figured they would change it."

"That's why you're so pissed," Blaise said, angry himself, "they're gonna

take Daphne." Harry nodded and Blaise adopted a fierce look. Susan

interrupted before he could say anything more.

"What did the rest of it say?"

"I'll have an hour to find her and then it said past an hour prospect's

black, it won't come back."

"They wouldn't really put her danger Harry," Susan tried to reassure

everyone, not just Harry, but it didn't work not even for herself.

"I don't trust Dumbledore or the bloody Ministry to keep anyone safe,"

Harry scowled.

Astoria seeing everyone start to get anxious and knowing Harry's plan for

Christmas suggested, "Why don't we wait until after Christmas to deal

with this, we have until February. Enjoy the holiday and then we can talk

to Professor Snape and plan until we've covered every possibility but for

now let's just rest. You deserve it, you've done the first task and the first

match and even Hooch and the others gave you all off until after

Christmas. You need some time to unwind before we do this."

Harry woke up late Christmas morning and smiled at seeing the presents

piled on his trunk at the end of his bed. It still amazed him that he was

given presents for Christmas.

"Well are ya gonna open 'em or just stare at them," Blaise said as he came

out of their bathroom. Blaise had opened his already, "Thanks for the

necklace mate."

"Your welcome," Harry replied and as opened his first present. Harry had

given Blaise, Neville, Draco, and Theo, each a leather necklace with a

dragon fang hanging from it, the dragons were willing to part with them

to Harry at least. Harry opened his presents receiving from Amelia and

Sirius gave him a black folding knife that Sirius said was an Emerson

CQC 7, it was titanium and recommended by David Granger. Amelia

provided him with a dragon hide leg holster for the knife. From Astoria

he got a box of ten chocolate frogs, Tracey gave him a book on chess

strategies since he still sucked at it according to the note, Susan gave him

a box of prank items from Zonko's,Ginny gave him a new copy of

Quidditch Through the Ages because his had gotten broom polish spilt on

it, Neville gave him a book titled Rare Ingredients and Rarer Potions by

Hector Dagworth-Granger, Blaise gave him a subscription to the

magazine Potions Aficionado, and Daphne gave him a pair of silver snitch

cuff-links. When Harry opened Hermione's present he almost fainted from

shock, as he turned the journal over and over in his hands and then

opened it finding his father's handwritting and Sirius, plus one others

Harry thought was Remus's. 'I need to get Mione another present,' Harry

thought as he hid the book in the secret part of his trunk not wanting

anyone to find it. The rest of his friends gave him an assortment of candy

like Bertie Botts Every Flavor Beans, licorice wands, and ice mice to

name a few.

Harry got up and showered and decided to just put on a pair of Slytherin

sweat pants and a muscle shirt, which showed off Aiolos in tattoo form.

He joined his friends in the Slytherin common room. There was a buffet

type set up in the common room as they were banned from the Great

Hall for now while the Professors were preparing it for the Ball. The

common room seemed as crowded as usual and smaller as everyone in it

were rowdier than usual. At one point someone set off a Filibuster's No

Heat Fireworks, and Severus came in and dragged a sixth year out by his

ear for that one. Ever-Bashing Boomerang's were being thrown about as

were Fanged Frisbees, and various games were being played around the

common room. At around one and two o'clock the common room started

to empty as the girls left to get dressed.

"Why does it take three hours for women to get ready?" Blaise asked as

they, the males of the house were the only ones left in the common room.

"That is a mystery that will never be fully solved," Vaisey called out from

his spot in the common room, his comment got laughs from everyone.

Harry was sitting at a table watching what was turning out to be a rather

epic chess match between Draco and Urquhart. There was a pop from his

right and Harry turned to see Dobby standing there.

"Hey Dobby, let's go to my room," Harry suggested. Dobby nodded and

followed Harry back into his dorm room. "I want the room to be the view

from the deck on the Eiffel tower, and I guess just dessert since we'll be

eating at the ball. Um how about tiramisu, can you do that?"

Dobby nodded eagerly, "Oh yes it was favorite of Madam Malfoy," Dobby

said in his usual happy manner since being freed.

Harry breathed out a sigh of relief, "Okay well, um and I have a gift for

you as a thank you for helping me. Draco said you liked these." Harry

said and handed over a wrapped package to Dobby. Dobby opened it and

started bouncing on his toes so fast Harry was afraid he'd get whiplash.

"Ohhh thank you, thank you, thank you, Mr. Harry Potter Sir. Dobby

loves socks." Harry had given the freed strange little elf a pack of eight

pairs of woolen socks that were all mismatched and bright colors with

designs on them. Dobby popped out soon after that and Harry sighed the

little elf had to have a stash of speed somewhere. Harry sat on his bed

and Aiolos rose out of his skin and slithered down the bed as Harry

grabbed his copy of Moste Pontente Potions, Harry was looking through

the book and came to Felix Felicis.

"Now thisss I could definitely ussse," he hissed to Aiolos.

Aiolos moved so she could see what Harry was talking about, "Felix

Felicisss the luck potion, you don't need luck ssshe lovesss you."

"Maybe but it would certainly help the nervesss," Harry hissed.

"Maybe you sssshould have kept the whissskey for yourssself," Aiolos

hissed laughingly.

Harry chuckled and kept flipping through the book, he stopped when he

came to an interesting potion, Veritaserum, was among one he flagged he

had the ingredients for it at Potter Manor and thought he could probably

brew it. He also saw one that was labeled Dragon's Breath, supposedly

allowed the drinker to breath fire up to twenty feet. Finally Blaise came

in about two hours later.

"Harry better start getting ready mate," Blaise said.

Harry nodded and turned to Aiolos, "Are you going to come with me


Aiolos let out the snake equivalent of a snort, "I think I'll sssstay here, no

telling what you two young love birdsss will get up to."

Harry looked at Aiolos as if she had a second head and then snorted,

"You need to ssstop reading Tracey'sss romance novelsss." Aiolos didn't

even dignify him with a response just curled into a coil and shut her eyes.

"So that's where Tracey's dirty books go," Blaise asked looking like he was

trying to figure out how a snake could read.

"Yep and don't ask how all I know is one day I came here and she had

one of the books propped up." Blaise laughed but Harry looked kind of

disturb by his familiar's choice of reading material. Harry got dressed in

his tux and spiked his hair all over as Daphne requested. He put his new

silver cuff links in and made his way out to common room conjuring a

corsage as he did. It was seven thirty and the common room had some

people moving about waiting for their dates, Blaise came out and waved

to Harry as he left, Blaise was dressed in traditional dress robes that were

all black. Blaise's date was Padma Patil from Ravenclaw and Blaise was

headed to the Ravenclaw common room to meet her. Tracey came out of

the Slytherin girls dorm dressed in a red wrap dress that was strapless

and hugged her upper body before flaring out.

"Hey handsome," Tracey said in greeting to Harry.

"You don't look to bad yourself," Harry said to Tracey giving her hug as

Theo came over to claim her hand.

"Oh you better do better than that with Daph," Tracey laughing said as

she waved goodbye. Draco and Harry were the only fourth year boys left

in the common room.

"You know if you hurt her or make her cry I'll kill you, right?" Harry said

turning to Draco was about to laugh but saw Harry was serious and

nodded. Harry smirked and then slapped him on the back as Astoria

came out in a pretty dark purple dress and fur stole. Draco looked like he

swallowed his tongue, Harry pushed him forward and he managed to


"You look lovely," Draco said squeakily. Astoria blushed a bit and took

his hand and they left the common room. Finally Daphne came out and

Harry's mouth drop open, Daphne looked stunning. She had on a navy

blue dress that was over one shoulder and hugged her upper body but

flared not as wide as Tracey's. It also had a silver pattern that ran along

the side of the dress and twisted up towards her covered shoulder.

"Daph, you look… beautiful," Harry said looking stunned.

Daphne smiled at him, "Thank you," she said softly.

"Here this is for you," Harry said placing the corsage on her wrist; he

conjured it to be a navy blue rose and baby's breath. Daphne smiled at

him and reached up and gave him a soft kiss. "Come on we need to go,"

Harry said pulling back a little, wishing they didn't have to go to the Ball.

Harry offered her his arm, and they left the common room making their

way to the Great Hall.

"Oh good you've arrived," Professor McGonagall said in a tartan red

gown. Harry shot Daphne a look and she just laughed, "Alright over here

please," McGonagall said ushering them over to the other champions.

Harry and Daphne both smiled widely at the other champions, Fleur had

somehow gotten Bill Weasley here as he was standing there in dress robes

of a dark forest green, and Fleur was wearing a stunning silver dress.

Viktor was like Harry dressed in a tux his was all black including the vest

but his tie matched Hermione's periwinkle blue dress. Hermione looked

amazing and had the brightest smile Harry had ever seen on her face, he

eyes were sparkling as much as her dress. Cedric was in traditional

wizard dress robes, his looked like a traditional black and white tux but

with a robe, his date was a seventh year Hufflepuff, known for being one

of the beauties of the school, Melissa Bennet who was dressed in a white

Grecian style gown.

"The others will be forming a receiving line you will walk passed and

take your seats at the head table; you'll be next to the judges. After the

meal the Weird Sisters will take the stage and play a waltz which you

will open. After that you are free to do what you will and join your

friends," McGonagall said. "Miss Delacour and Mr. Weasley you will lead

the champions in, followed by Miss Granger and Mr. Krum, then Mr.

Diggory and Miss Bennet, and lastly Mr. Potter and Miss Greengrass your

end the line of champions." They lined up and the hall doors opened on

either side of the doors was a long line of clapping students and their

dates. As he passed by with Daphne, Harry smiled and nodded to some of

his friends that he could spot. The hall was beautifully decorated even

more so than it usually was around Christmas time, with everlasting

icicles, fairies, ice sculptures, and other decorations that transformed the

hall inter a sort of winter wonder land. The four house tables had been

replaced by smaller round tables that fit up to a dozen students. Harry

and Daphne followed the other champions to the head table and were

seated next to Percy Weasley, much to their chagrin and apparently Bill's,

who was across from them.

"Percy," Bill said tersely.

"William," Percy replied back in the same tone and gave Fleur a

disapproving look. Bill looked like he wanted to reach across the table

and smack him a few times for the look as it was; Harry subtly took his

wand out and subtly used a switching spell. Harry switched the contents

of Percy's drink with that of a potion vial in his pocket, Harry gave Bill

and Fleur a smirk that Bill recognized as the one Harry wore when he

pranked somebody. Bill smiled in return. Finally Dumbledore moved his

ancient arse up to the Head table and motioned for everyone to sit.

Dumbles picked up his menu and looked at it then said loudly into his

plate, "Pork Chops," his meal appeared.

Harry looked at his menu and decided on, "Prime Rib."

The others ordered and everyone's meal appeared, Percy started to drone

on about getting promoted to personal assistant for Mr. Crouch. Harry

just looked at Daphne and smirked, two seconds later Percy took a sip of

his drink and a poof of smoke enveloped him. When the smoke cleared

sitting in Percy's place was a little organ grinder's monkey dressed in a

little suit and with little a drum around his waist and little drumsticks in

his hands. The whole table started laughing followed quickly by the

school as Monkey Percy hoped on the table and started to make his way

out of the hall, banging his drum as he went. Professor McGonagall a

little ways down the table placed her head in her hands and sighed.

"So Viktor how does Durmstrang compare to Hogwarts," Harry asked his

friend's date who was sitting across and to Harry's right.

"Vell it is larger, Durmstrang haf' four floor, only. The fires at Durmstrang

are light for magical purposes only. But ve haf' vast ground with lakes

and mountains," Viktor explained only to be interrupted by Karkaroff.

"Come now Viktor, don't be giving away all our secrets," Igor said

silencing Viktor and getting drawn into a conversation with Dumbledore

over the magical school's secrecy.

"Why do you not allow muggleborns," Hermione asked not so much

accusingly but curious.

"Vell, it's more to do wif' size than anything, like I said ve haf' only four

floors. Durmstrang serve more than one country, many country send

students, vhere as Hogwarts and Beauxbaton both serve only one

country," Viktor explained. Hermione nodded excepting his explanation

as did the rest of the table. "There are still those that are against

muggleborn but more just because of size, than prejudice."

"That makes sense, how many countries feed into Durmstrang," Daphne


It was Karkaroff that answered this time, "Right now we have students

from ten countries."

"What about Beauxbatons Fleur, you said it looked like the French Palace

anything else," Hermione asked?

"Well we don't 'ave O.W.L.'s or N.E.W.T.'s as you call them, we sit exams

after six years. Then if you choose to you can go for mastery, so

technically I'm a sixth year student by your system."

"Where do you live in France," Bill asked his date?

"My family home ez in Bordeaux." The Champions and their dates talked

quietly sometimes to just each other and sometimes to the others. Harry

and Daphne were enjoying the meal now that Percy was gone.

"So how long until the potion wears off," Daphne whispered to Harry.

"Two days," Harry smirked.

"When are we going to prank Skeeter?"

"I finished the potion two days ago. I was hoping she be here tonight so I

could use it but I don't see it."

"Does she have to drink it?"

"No this one just has to have skin contact but its fine if she drinks it."

"You'd think she be here," Daphne said scanning the room.

As the dinner finished Dumbledore stood before the whole school, in his

red and green Christmas robes that made him look even more like an

escaped loon.

"Your attention please," Dumbledore spoke in a loud voice with his hands

up for silence. "Before I introduce our musical guests, I have a few

announcements. First the next Quidditch Match will be January 10th

Beauxbatons verses Durmstrang, and the next dueling competition will be

February 6th Durmstrang verses Hogwarts," a cheer went up at these

announcements. "Also for those of you wanting pictures of tonight, a

photographer is stationed in the fairy grotto outside the main doors. And

now without further ado, I give you the WEIRD SISTERS!" Another cheer

went up as Dumbledore introduced them.

As Dumbledore had been talking, McGonagall had moved the champions

to the dance floor. The Weird Sisters came out and started gathering their

instruments. Harry took Daphne's waist as the music started playing.

Harry and Daphne twirled around the floor with the other champions,

Harry was blocking out the crowd that had gathered to watch the

opening dance and was focusing his attention solely on Daphne's eyes.

The ice blue orbs were hypnotic to Harry as they moved around the

dance floor. Daphne was staring back into his eyes with a look of

adoration as Harry spun her. When the song ended the crowd applauded

the champions and those who had joined them on the dance floor. Harry

was startled a bit by the applause and looked around to see that the

Heads of all three schools, Ludo Bagman and his wife, and some of the

other students and professors had joined them on the dance floor for the

first dance.

"ARE YOU READY TO ROCK, HOGWARTS!" The lead singer of the Weird

Sisters announced to which a mass of students rushed the stage and

cheered. The Weird Sisters broke into their newest single and the

students started dancing. Harry offered Daphne his hand and they made

their way over to their group of friends and started dancing. After about

a half hour of straight dancing switching off partners with each other,

they made their way to a table.

"Anyone want some punch," Harry asked? More than a few of his friends

nodded, so he, Blaise, Neville, and Viktor left to get drinks. "So how's it

going with Padma?"

"Good she's almost as smart as Mione and she's a great dancer," Blaise

answered as they waited to get punch.

"Yes Hermy-one, very smart," Viktor added.

Harry chuckled, "just call her Mione if it's easier she won't mind."

"Mi-ne," Viktor tried it out, "That I can say."

They got the punch and brought it back to the girls who were giggling

about something, more than likely having to do with him since Daphne

was blushing bright.

After they finished their punch Neville, Hannah, Susan and her date

Ernie, Padma, Blaise, Hermione and Viktor went back dancing while

Harry held Daphne back. "You want to get our picture taken, the line was

relatively short."

Daphne nodded and Harry took Harry's hand and together they walked to

the fairy grotto that had been set up. It was amazingly down with roses

in bloom among the ice bushes and fairies lighting up the small area.

There were only a few couples in front of them so they waited in line,

Daphne moved in front of him and had Harry wrap his arms around her.

They stood waiting for their turn with Daphne's back to Harry's front,

Daphne wrapped in his arms, his head resting on her shoulder. When it

was their turn they adopted the same pose but Harry leaned down and

whispered in Daphne's ear.

"I love you," and he kissed her right under her ear smiling at the camera.

Daphne's smile could have lit up the darkest black hole as Harry

whispered it to her.

"That was the best picture I've taken all night," the photographer said,

"you'll picture will come Owl Posted in the next week."

"Thank you, sir," Harry said and gave the man a galleon tip.

As they were moving back into the castle Daphne went to speak but was

interrupted by shouting. They moved quickly to the shouting and found

Ronald Weasley, Seamus, and Dean all with their dates, mocking out

Ginny and her date Michael Corner. Ginny had her wand drawn as did

Corner but they had yet to cast a spell, Ginny for her part was doing

rather well showing her indifference to her brother's comments about

slimy rotten snakes.

"Go get Bill, I think he'll want to know about this," Harry said to Daphne

who nodded and left. Harry drew his wand and came quietly up behind

the group he raised his wand and nodded to Ginny.

As one they cast Ginny out loud Harry silently. Harry fired out two silent

'petrificus totalus' he hit Dean and Seamus, Ginny had fired aloud,

"Chiroptera mucosa." She hit Ron who immediately clutched at his face.

Their dates, well Seamus's and Dean's, Lavender Brown and Parvati Patil,

turned and fired, Lavender at Harry, and Parvati at Ginny.

"Petrificus totalus," Corner got off before Parvati could get her spell off,

Ginny had bound her brother who was now screaming as bats came out

of his nose, but unable to do anything.

Harry silently shielded Lavender's spell with, 'protego echo.' Harry's silent

shield glowed blue as Lavender's spell was deflected and came back at

her at twice the speed, her binding spell, struck herself. Daphne, Bill, and

Fleur, came up behind Harry, causing those bound on the ground to pale.

Bill waved his wand and released the all but Ron who still had bats

coming out of his nose.

"Leave, now." Bill bit out and the four fourth years fled leaving their

friend behind. "Ginny, Michael you can leave if you'd like same to you

Daphne, Harry. Ron and I are going to have a little chat." Ginny and

Michael nodded and started to leave, but Fleur reached out to Ginny to

check and see if she was okay. Ginny smiled at the older girl before

continuing on with her date.

"Thank you Harry, Daphne, we'll see you later," Bill said still looking at

his little brother, whose nose had finally stopped sprouting bats but was

now significantly paler since his eldest brother was standing over him.

"Don't mention it, have a good night," Harry said to both Fleur and Bill

before leaving the court yard.

"One more dance and then I have a surprise for you," Harry said as he

pulled Daphne into his side and back into the Great Hall.

"Really," Daphne said with glee and then a pout trying to get him to tell


"Ah ah, not even pouting will get you answers this time," Harry said and

leaned down giving her a languid kiss before spinning her on to the

dance floor where a slow song had just started. They spent the dance

holding tight to each other in their own little bubble, Daphne was

surprised when she was being led off the dance floor not having heard

the music stop she was so caught up. Harry led Daphne from the room

and up to the seventh floor corridor and to Barnabus the Barmy where a

door appeared as they moved closer. Harry pulled out a handkerchief and

grinned at her.

"Indulge me," Harry said holding it up to her. Daphne pouted at him so

he leaned in and gave her a searing kiss, slipping his tongue into her

mouth and tasting her. He pulled back so that their lips were barely apart

and spoke softly, "please."

Daphne sighed, "Okay." Harry pulled back with a triumphant grin on his

face which made Daphne roll her eyes. Harry moved behind her and tied

the handkerchief around her eyes. Harry took her elbow and opened the

door to the Room of Requirement. Harry had to stop himself from

gasping; Dobby had out done himself, although he really shouldn't have

expected anything less from Narcissa Malfoy's former house elf. They

were indeed on the highest observation deck, Dobby had one table that

was setup for two with a dozen roses on it and a candle with the tiramisu

and a bottle of fake champagne, which made Harry chuckle to himself.

The view was Paris lit up at night but the best part was even though it

was lit up, the stars were perfectly visible thanks to the magic of the

room and there was music playing faintly in the background.

"Are you ready," Harry asked in a whisper right next to her ear.

Daphne let out an impatient huff, "Yes!" She wanted to see what Harry

had planned for her, Harry undid the silk handkerchief and Daphne

gasped as she took in her surroundings.

"I had planned to actually take you here but with the ball I had to bring

Paris to us," Harry whispered still standing behind her with her in his

arms. "Do you like it?" He asked shyly.

"Harry it's perfect," Daphne whispered back, talking loudly seemed like it

would ruin the moment. Harry led her over to the table where she smiled

at the sight of one of her favorite deserts. Harry held out her chair for her

and she sat gracefully and then smiled playfully as Harry poured the fake

champagne into her glass.

"Thank you Harry, I love it," Daphne spoke as she looked around. Harry

was about to reply but almost swallowed his tongue instead as Daphne

took a bite of the tiramisu and moaned with her eyes closed. They ate in

relative silence content to just be with each other and hold hands across

the table. Finally they finished and Harry stood before Daphne could say


"I have one more surprise for you," Harry whispered, his voice shaking a

little as he came next to Daphne's chair. She turned towards him and

gasped as he kneeled in front of her and took her hand. "Daphne Anne

Greengrass, I know you're betrothed to marry me but I hope and ask that

you accept this ring because you want to. I love you and promise to

continue loving you until the day we die. Daphne will you marry?" Harry

managed to get out though he could hardly breathe and his heart felt like

it was going to beat out of his chest. He held out the ring box with his

other hand and used a bit of wandless magic for the box to open.

Daphne didn't even looked at the ring but started crying as she sat

forward and wrapped her arms around Harry and whispered in his ear,

"Yes." Harry's face broke out into a blinding smile one that had never

before been seen on his face and would only be seen a few more times

over the course of his life. Daphne pulled back and their lips met in a

soft, lingering kiss, before Harry stopped it to put the ring on her finger.

Daphne watched as he slid the ring onto her finger in awe. The ring was

a platinum band with a two carat princess cut diamond that had a

smaller pear cut icy sapphire stone on either side.

"Do you like it," Harry asked uncertainly and babbled, "If you don't we

can get another one."

Daphne stopped his babbling by leaning in and kissing him, she slipped

her tongue into his mouth and proceeded to explore his mouth for the

next the two minutes. When they parted they were both breathing hard,

Harry had goofy smile on his face. "I love it," Daphne said and pulled him

up so they were both standing. Harry leaned in and gave her what started

out as a sweet soft kiss but turned heated within seconds. Daphne had

her hands buried in his hair while Harry's was tracing patterns down

Daphne's back to her bum where he cupped it. She moaned and raked her

nails down Harry's back and moved her hands to push his jacket off.

Harry moved from Daphne's lips down to her neck. Daphne's hands

moved to strip Harry of his tie but fumbled with the knot; Daphne

brandished her wand and banished the tie completely which made Harry

pull back and smirk at her.

"Shut up," Daphne muttered quietly and pulled Harry back in for another

heated kiss, Harry, Daphne decided had an immensely talented tongue.

Harry's tongue caressed hers as she undid the buttons on his shirt and

threw it off of him. Harry pulled her tighter to him and moaned into her

neck as Daphne's hands started to explore the contours of Harry's back.

She traced over the scars with her nails, making Harry shiver. Daphne

pulled back from Harry and pushed him so he fell back on a queen sized

bed the room had conjured. Harry lay on the bed with his legs hanging

off and shirtless staring at Daphne he smiled shyly at him. She reached

behind her and started to undo the zipper on her dress, she slowly

brought it down and then reached up and slid the one strap off and let

the dress fall into a pool at her feet. Harry's breath hitched at the sight of

his fiancé's barely clothed body, all she had on was a pair of lacy navy

blue boy shorts and a strapless lace bra.

Daphne smiled pleased with the effect she was having on her man and

moved to straddle him on the bed. Daphne smirked internally when she

felt the bulge in Harry's pants grow as she leaned down and pressed soft

languid kisses on Harry's chest paying particular attention to the scars

that littered his chest. Harry meanwhile was running his hands up and

down Daphne's sides awed at her smooth, flawless skin. Finally Daphne

moved her kisses back to Harry's lips and Harry's tongue immediately

plunged into her mouth and explored her honey and mint tasting mouth.

Daphne moaned and reached her hands down to undo Harry's pants she

pushed them down a bit but Harry flipped them over and up the bed.

Harry kicked his pants off as he kissed down Daphne's neck to her chest

where he started to explore much to Daphne's appreciation.

"Harry…more," Daphne moaned out as she hooked her one of her legs

around his and pushing up into him. Harry's breath turned haggard as

she did and he pulled back and looked at her for permission with his

hands at her bra clasp. Daphne nodded and bit her bottom lip as Harry

undid her bra and gently slid it off of her body, he tossed it somewhere.

Harry starred at her from his spot above her and Daphne moaned as she

felt him grow larger against her thigh. Harry moved his head to her right

breast and brought his lips to her. He explored with his tongue and his

hands. He swirled his tongue around her nipple and Daphne moaned out

and arched into him again. Harry moved from her breasts and kissed a

heated trail down her smooth stomach to her boy shorts, Harry once

again looked at her permission and Daphne nodded. Harry hooked his

thumbs under them and started to bring them down her legs, kissing as

he did. He kissed down her legs as he slid the underwear off and then he

kissed back up both her legs, Daphne in turn was a mess as she laid

panting on the bed. Harry stopped at the apex of her thighs, Harry

starred at Daphne's nether regions which were bare in awe before

Daphne made an impatient sound and tried to rub her thighs together, a

bit difficult since Harry was in between her legs. Harry started to explore

Daphne's folds with his fingers paying attention to what made her arch

and moan. As Daphne became wetter Harry became bolder with his

actions and slipped a finger into her, Daphne moaned the loudest yet and

Harry increased the speed of his finger and added another one. Daphne

was a mess of quivering limbs as Harry's fingers brought her higher and

then he curled them up in her and she let out a scream as she climaxed.

Daphne's orgasm flooded Harry's fingers and he pulled them out, Harry

curiously looked at his fingers and brought them to his mouth his tongue

came out and licked them, Daphne moaned at the sight and Harry at the

taste. Just as Daphne was coming down from her high Harry gave her

folds a lick, Daphne arched into him.

"Daph I'm gonna try something," Harry whispered to her before returning

to between her legs. Harry's tongue started to caress her folds and

Daphne couldn't contain a scream, Harry was using parsletongue on her

folds and Daphne gripped on to the sheets as she arched up. Harry was

fully enjoying the unique taste Daphne and the way she was moaning and

arching and it was all because of him, he tried not to smirk in triumph,

and Sirius said this was hard.

After a few minutes of Harry caressing her folds Daphne screamed out,

"HHAAARRRRY!" Harry kissed his way back up Daphne's stomach

stopping to play with her navel before kissing each of her breasts only to

be pulled by his hair up to Daphne who locked him into a searing kiss

that left Harry breathless. Daphne used her legs to flip Harry over so she

was back on top. Daphne and Harry's tongues continued to tangle with

each other as Daphne moved her hands down to Harry's boxers. Daphne's

hand slipped into his boxers and started to stroke him, she gasped as she

took in his size, he was large, something that both excited her and

worried her. She started used her other hand to pull his boxers down and

Harry managed to get them off the rest of the way. Daphne stroked him

as she kissed and nipped at his jaw line and neck. Harry moaned at a

rather fierce nip to his neck enjoying Daphne marking him. It didn't take

much of Daphne stroking him before he gasped and tensed his orgasm

over taking him. Daphne moved down his chest further and paid special

attention to his delicious looking v. Daphne's tongue traced his v and

Harry's member started to grow again. Daphne finally moved so she was

leaning over his somewhat hard cock. Daphne took it in her hand once

again and marveled at it as it grew in her hand back to its full length and


"You don't have to," Harry said rather quietly as Daphne examined him,

she had a look of wonder on her face and Harry wasn't sure it was a good


Daphne looked at him like he was crazy, "Harry, relax and enjoy,"

Daphne said in a husky voice and leaned down and enveloped him with

her mouth. Harry groaned as he saw himself be taken by his fiancé's

mouth. Daphne for her part was trying to remember the tips given by the

older Slytherin girls. Harry's head fell back as Daphne swirled her tongue

around him as she suckled him. Harry threaded his hand into her hair

almost involuntarily as she continued to take his length in her mouth.

She bobbed her had up and down and moaned as Harry's hand tugged a

little on her hair. Daphne reached her hand down and gripped his sack

and the rest of his shaft that she couldn't fit into her mouth.

That did it for Harry who groaned out, "Daphne," as he came into her

waiting mouth. Daphne swallowed all he gave her and wonder a little at

the taste it wasn't bad but salty. Harry was panting trying to catch his

breath as Daphne kissed back up his body and placed a kiss under his

chin on his neck, she lingered there for a moment before pulling away so

she was level with Harry. Harry put a hand behind her neck and gently

brought his lips to hers, in a soft but passionate kiss. Daphne rested her

head on his chest and Harry pulled the covers up over them, and

wrapped her in his arms, as they drifted off to sleep.


So that was my first attempt at ever writing anything remotely

lemony, so was it good, bad, horrible, hated it, loved it, too much

too soon, tell me what ya think, please. And no more heat advisory

*Woot Woot*, however its still humid beyond belief and it freakin

hailed yesterday morning, good ol' Northeast Ohio where mother

nature PMS's every day of the year.

Hope y'll enjoyed

25. Crouch's mistake

Harry awoke the next morning to the scent of jasmine and the sight of

blonde hair, he smiled his crooked smile as he remembered the night

before. Harry quietly reached for his wand which ended up on a stand

next to the bed that the Room conjured for them, 'tempus,' he silently cast

and in small green numbers the time appeared, 5:45. Harry sighed and

set his wand back on the table returning to his previous position of

spooning with Daphne. He laid there awake simply content to hold

Daphne in his arms for awhile. After about ten minutes Daphne began to

stir, she stretched against him, making him groan and her smirk.

As she rolled over to face him she playfully spoke, "Somebody's up this

morning." Harry responded by tickling her sides. This stared a tickle war

that turned into playful kisses and nips between the young couple.

After a few minutes Harry pulled back, "We should get back to the

common room before everyone else starts to wake." They quickly dressed,

a bit shyly despite the previous nights activities. Harry grabbed Daphne's

hand as they exited the room and brought their entwined hands up for a

kiss and they made their way through the passage ways to the common

room. Harry gave Daphne a soft kiss before she turned and went into the

Slytherin girls' dorms and then smiled goofily at the closed door for a few

minutes before turning and making his way to his dorm where he

collapsed on to the bed still smiling like the cat that caught the Carney.

He slipped back into sleep for the morning with dreams of blue eyed,

black haired and green eyed, blonde haired babies.

After the Yule Ball Harry dove into researching away to keep Daphne safe

in the Black Lake. He wanted to keep her next to him at all times and

possibly kill Twinkles but Daphne refused and wouldn't talk to him for

three hours until he apologized and promised not to kill the old bastard

surprisingly that wasn't what she was pissed about, that was two days

ago. So Harry was researching portkeys, summoning charms, tracking

charms anything he could think of. Currently he was sitting at Severus'

desk as, Severus was watching over his friends try to master the latest

spell he taught them, ignis explodere, it had the same effect as an

incendiary bomb and was more easily controlled than fiendfyre. Harry

had already mastered the spell and had returned to his books.

"Ahh, damn it! Longbottom, concentrate!" Severus said as he put out his

robes which had caught fire. Luckily Severus put the fire out before

anything more than his robes could burn. Harry had looked up as Severus

shouted and suddenly inspiration struck him.

"Severus!" Harry shouted and startled everyone in the room, "Oh um

sorry." Severus just shook his head and motioned for them to continue


"Hermione help Longbottom," Severus said as he moved over to his desk.

"Yes," he asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Sorry to bring this up but it gave me, your dark mark," Harry said

nodding to his professor's arm, "he can summon you through it, we'll let

you know you need to show up and where to go right?"

"Yes," Severus said quietly, "The Dark Lord used a variation on the

Protean Charm, a warming charm, and a locator spell."

Harry nodded, "Do you have any notes on it I have an idea."

Severus nodded and moved to open a desk draw, be very careful with

these I have been trying to find away to remove the mark for a long


"Yes sir," Harry nodded and took the scroll of parchment from his


"Alright, that's enough for tonight."

"Do you think it'll work," Harry asked Hermione who had been reviewing

his and Professor Snape's notes. Tomorrow was the start of term and

Harry had spent the rest of break buried in the notes, Daphne was

irritated and amazed at the same time, irritated because Harry wasn't

paying very much attention to her or anyone really, Aiolos was irritated

too, and amazed that he cared this much.

"It should work although you should have Professor Snape look over it,"

Hermione announced from their table in the library. Their table could

actually only fit Hermione and Harry as they both had stacks upon stacks

of books they were pulling from for Harry's idea, Severus had allowed

them to have access to the restricted section. The rest of the new

marauders were sitting at another table to the side of them working on

their last minute assignments for the new term.

"Daph-ne," Viktor's voice came from behind her, she turned to look at her

Bulgarian friend, "Can I haf' a vord?"

"Sure Viktor," Daphne said getting up and taking a book on cross-species

switching spells with her, "let's talk while I put this away." They moved

away from the table and down an aisle before Viktor started to speak.

"I know you and Hadrian are together, does it bother you that they haf'

spent whole break together?"

Daphne chuckled a little, "One thing you have to understand about both

of them, Harry and Hermione is they can be very task oriented when

they're trying to find answers. Granted I'm a bit irritated at him for not

being able to spend most of break snogging in the common room or

someplace else," Daphne laughed as she talked, "but it's just part of him,

plus he promised to make it up to me. But I'm guessing you're a little

worried they have feelings for each other?"

Viktor nodded a bit sheepishly and Daphne laughed again, "It would

seem that way but I'll let you in on a little secret if you promise to keep

it." Daphne fixed him with a questioning look to which he nodded. "Harry

and I are betrothed we'll be married by the start of the next school year.

And as for Harry's feelings, Harry grew up without a family so he made

his own, Hermione is like a sister to him and I know for a fact she thinks

of Harry as a brother. You on the other hand her feelings aren't familial

at all," Daphne said with a smirk as she put her book away on the shelf.


Daphne just smirked at him, "I suspect like Harry she'll probably try and

make this up to you."

"Thank you," Viktor said and bowed to her as he took the seat Harry had

vacated upon their return.

Daphne nodded, "Where's Harry?"

"He asked for you to meet him in Professor Snape's office," Hermione


"Thanks see you at dinner," Daphne said gathering her things.

"Come in Daphne," Severus's voice rang out as he was looking over Harry

notes. Daphne came in and Harry smiled up at her as she sat next to him.

"It'll work, Hadrian well done, fifty points to Slytherin," Severus smirked

happy to have any reason to give Slytherin points.

Daphne sat next to Harry and Harry took her hand in his and gave it a

kiss, "I found away to keep you safe always and it'll work the same way

for me. It combines the Protean Charm, a locator charm, and the spell

used on portkeys. I based if off the Dark Mark, this mark will allow me to

summon you to me where ever you are and likewise, although it would

have to be tested through anti-portkey wards but other than those it will


"Harry that's amazing!" Daphne exclaimed excitedly and leaned over and

gave him a quick kiss, "How does it work?"

Harry smirked and cocked an eyebrow at her, "Fancy a tattoo?" Daphne

raised an eyebrow at him in return. "Like I said it's based on the dark

mark, I will need to place it as a tattoo that way neither of us will be

without it and nobody will think anything of it."

"Where would you place it," Daphne asked.

"Any place, it can be activated from pressing your wand tip to it or by

speaking an activation word. Personally I already know where I'm going

to put mine," Harry said with a crooked grin.

"Where?" Harry placed a hand over his heart and Daphne smiled at him

looking like she wanted to do more but Severus's presence made that

rather impossible.

"You'll have to cast it on me and I will have to do yours'. Oh and Severus

I have another page of notes for you, this one is on the Dark Mark itself. I

think I may be able to remove it, well transfer it to something else that

holds magic. I think the part you were missing was it can only be

removed by the caster either dying or removing it, because of my

residual connection I may be able to. You would have to ask Bill for sure

though?" Severus snatched the roll of parchment from his hand almost

ripping it in his haste. He scanned the document as fast as he could and

still be able to take in information. "The thing is I don't what you could

transfer the mark to, it has to have lasting magic."

"Thank you," Severus choked out before clearing his throat. "Miss

Greengrass think of the tattoo you want and tomorrow night we can cast

the spells. I need to show this to Bill, if you'd excuse me?"

"Sure, come on Harry," Daphne said understanding the man was

emotional over the subject but wanting to hide it. Daphne pulled Harry

up and dragged him out of the room and to the nearest broom cupboard

where she proceeded to snog him until he couldn't remember his name.

Harry and Daphne exited the broom cupboard, both with goofy grins and

Harry with his hair in about five different directions. They arrived back

in the common room to find Blaise in a conversation with Aiolos and

Tracey chatting with Astoria, Ginny, and Aiofie. Shea was sitting on

Ginny's shoulder smirking deviously at Pansy who had neon green hair,

and was glaring at the pixie.

"I think I know how to get the potion to Skeeter," Harry said looking at

Shea. "Shea, come here for a minute." Shea flew over to Harry and

Daphne who had joined Blaise in the corner of the common room. "I have

a prank for you," Harry said to the pixie who was floating in front of him.

Shea smiled devilishly and her eyes took on a gleeful look. "I need you to

get this to touch that bitch of a reporter Rita Skeeter's skin." Shea took

the small vial of potion from Harry and gave him a salute before flying

back over to Ginny.

"Harry can I embellish the mark?" Daphne asked quietly to her fiancé.

"I can design whatever you want love," Harry said nuzzling Daphne's

neck. Daphne smiled widely.

"I think I know what I want," Daphne replied. Harry's wand shot out of

his holster and he summoned his sketch pad and flipped to a blank page.

"Wait what was that?" Daphne asked stopping him from continuing. She

flipped back a few pages to a drawing of herself lying on a couch with

one arm throw over her head and the other draped across her stomach,

she had her ring on and a bikini that was obviously drawn in at a later

date. She raised an eyebrow at him; Harry shrugged and pulled Daphne

in for a kiss. He deepened the kiss as she ran her hands through his hair;

Harry slipped his tongue in her honey flavored mouth and then pulled

back slowly. Daphne forgot about the picture and Harry slipped the

sketch pad forward while Daphne still had her eyes closed.

He grinned at her crookedly, "So what did you have in mind for your


"Huh? Ohh right my tattoo." Daphne said a bit dazed. "I want in the

middle of my wrist on the inside a lightning bolt and in the same place

on the outside a wolf's head and connected by a Celtic knot."

"Okay let me draw somethin' up." Harry started sketching the easiest was

the lightning bolt on one side of paper he drew out an eternity knot and

then tried to decide on the wolf. He drew a small wolf whose tail blended

in with the eternity knot; the wolf was in a sitting position with its head

throw back baying. The body was done in simple but elegant lines that

Celtic style was known for and its front paws faded into the eternity knot

on the other side. "What do you think?"

"I love it," Daphne replied with a smile, "What are you going to get, after

all I'm going to cast it so it can't be too complicated."

"You know how you write in fine script when you do essays?" Daphne

nodded, "I want you to put your initials across my heart." Daphne nodded

and moved Harry's sketch pad to the table in front of them. She turned to

him and pulled his head down to hers for a kiss. Daphne parted her lips

and allowed Harry's tongue to enter her mouth. Daphne moaned quietly

and shivered as Harry's tongue traced her own and played in her mouth,

damn he was good at that. They sat on a over sized chair in their little

corner of the common room nuzzling into each other and sharing kisses,

some a bit heated for being in a public place, well into the night.

Everyone had vacated the common room except Harry, Daphne and

Aiolos. Harry and Daphne were now seated on a couch placed in front of

the main fireplace as Aiolos liked the warmth it produced.

"Daph I was wondering," Harry started quietly and turned her so she was

looking into his eyes, "if you would consider wearing your ring on your

necklace, until this task is over." As Harry spoke a deep look of sadness

and regret came over his face as he tried to convey how much he hated

asking this of her. Daphne face fell a bit but she continued to search his

eyes and found only love and worry present. "I don't want Dumbledore to

know of it why he has the chance to place a spell on you even with

Severus being present." Severus had told Harry privately that he would

ensure that Dumbledore only placed the sedation spell on Daphne and

that if possible he himself would do it.

Daphne sighed but nodded and Harry pulled her onto his lap so she was

straddling him and held her tightly to him in a hug. He whispered into

her ear, "I'm sorry to ask and believe me I want everyone to know you're

mine," he growled the last part out a bit, "but I do not trust that ancient

codger with your life." Daphne smiled into his neck and rewarded Harry

with a well place wiggle that made him groan. Harry and Daphne lost

themselves in a heated embrace until

Aiolos hissed out, "Damn human hormonessss, I'm in the room, ya

tosssssspotsss." Daphne pulled away a bit surprised at the volume of

Aiolos's hissing usually she was fairly quiet.

Harry, though, pulled back laughing, "Your language hasss certainly got

more colorful. But I ssssupposssse we ssshould go to bed asss classssssesss

resssume tomorrow." Harry turned to Daphne and said, "Apparently she

would prefer we not snog in front of her."

Daphne giggled into Harry's shoulder and then sighed looking at the

clock above the fireplace, "I think we need to go to sleep after all we have

Skwerts in the morning." They stood and shared one more kiss before

Aiolos slither up on to Harry's shoulders and they parted ways at the

dorm entrances.

Harry woke up the first day of term ready to get back to classes and

practices. He met up with Blaise, Daphne, and Tracey and together they

walked to the Great Hall for breakfast along the way meeting with Susan

and Hannah. Susan elected to sit with her pseudo brother as did Hannah

when Neville came over to join them. By now Slytherin was used to

having visitors at their table, in fact the only table as of yet to open to

the other houses was Gryffindor, though the odd Gryffindor could be

spotted amongst the houses.

"Harry," Tracey's spoke her tone urgent and upset. In her hand was her

daily copy of The Daily Prophet. "The horrible infectious harpy, also

known as Rita Skeeter, has done it again." Tracey handed him the copy of

the Prophet glaring at it with disdain.

Harry flipped it to the front and saw glaring out at him the headline,

"Dumbledore's Giant Mistake." Harry quickly read through the article and

grew steadily angrier with each line. His magic started to seep out of

him, plates, goblets, and other things like books started to shake in their

place. Then his aura flared as he got to Weasley's statement that he was

attacked by a hippogriph and they all hated Hagrid. As his aura flared

the candles in the Great Hall blew out, and Severus at the head table took

notice. As Severus made his way to the Slytherin table as quickly as he

could without running, Harry's aura flared and this time a steady green

pulsing stayed present around Harry as he finished the article. He stood

ready to draw his wand and curse the offending Weasel, since Skeeter

wasn't there, when Severus reach him and pulled him into a half nelson


"Miss Greengrass come with me," Severus said as he pulled Harry from

the Great Hall, with Daphne following and others looking on in awe and

concern. By some small fortune Dumbledore was luckily absent from the

Great Hall that morning to pre-occupied with a new batch of lemon


Severus still hadn't released Harry, though Harry wasn't fighting, as he

dragged him out to the Forbidden Forest. Daphne was looking on

concerned and was just about to ask when Severus abruptly stopped

about twenty yards into the Forest. "I believe no one will mind if you

happen to cull some of these trees." Harry turned and started casting

spells at the trees around him, his magic starting to settle as his anger


Severus moved over to where Daphne was standing a little ways behind

Harry and whispered to her, "I'm excusing you two from your first class

as Hadrian is most likely to kill Weasley. Take him for a run in the Forest

when he settles." Daphne nodded and gave her professor a small smile of

thanks as she continued watching her fiancé in concern. Severus left to

attend to his first class leaving them alone in the Forest.

Daphne was startled when Harry yelled out, "THAT FUCKING BITCH!

HAGRID WOULDN"T HURT A DAMN FLY!" As he fnished his shoulders

sagged and he seemed to calm even more his aura fading away into

nothing. Daphne rushed forward to him and wrapped her arms around

him. Harry sighed into her embrace, "First she makes life hell for

werewolves, like Remus, then she spouts bull about Viktor, and now she's

made it damn near impossible for Hagrid to keep his job. And how the

hell does she even know he's half giant or that his mother was Fredwulfa,

that's not something even Hagrid would let slip." Daphne just ran her

hands down Harry's back in a soothing motion as he ranted and calmed

himself down. Finally he pulled away and smiled at her in thanks, which

quickly turned into a rather evil little grin, "Weasley's begging to be

pranked and bloody well at that."

Daphne laughed in response and nodded, "come on, Severus excused us

from our first class. Let's go for a run," and with that Daphne transformed

into snow and shot off into the forest. Harry took off after her and

transformed on the fly into Bay and let out howl that echoed around the

forest, even those in Care of Magical Creatures could hear it.

Snow and Bay ran through the Forest with no direction in mind, both

working out the stress of the year. Finally after about a half hour of

running Snow pounced from behind on Bay and tackled him to the

ground. Snow gave a wolfy grin as she stood over Bay who managed to

roll his eyes. Snow jumped off him when she heard a horses neigh come

from her right.

Snow transformed back into Daphne and she gaped out at the sight in

front of her, there

stood a herd of unicorns. There were pure white adults, some youngsters

that were silver and just growing horns, and then there were golden

foals. Some of the younger ones came closer to them and allowed Daphne

to pet them. Harry came up behind Daphne and some of the silver ones

scattered back to their herd. The younger ones stayed and even allowed

Harry to pet them.

Suddenly a gust of fire appeared and Fawkes appeared and landed on

Harry's shoulder and trilled to the unicorns. Upon seeing the phoenix all

the unicorns came around to Harry and Daphne. One unicorn had to be

helped over by two of the other unicorns. Fawkes took off from his

shoulder and flew around the unicorn singing as he did. The unicorn

seemed to pick up strength and came to rest at Harry and Daphne's feet,

slowly they moved to pet the unicorn at their feet. As they were gently

petting the ailing unicorn, he moved his front hoof to his horn and

amazing Daphne and Harry the horn fell off. The unicorn moved the horn

to Harry with his nose. Harry starred at in awe before gently picking it

up and putting an enlargement charm on his pocket and setting it in

there, carefully. Then another unicorn came over and made a small cut

with its horn on the downed unicorn, a small trickle of blood started and

some other unicorns plus Fawkes nodded towards the wound and Daphne

quickly conjured a glass and placed it by the wound to collect the blood.

Then Fawkes dropped a tear over the wound which sealed itself and then

Fawkes dropped some tears into the glass Daphne held. Fawkes then

landed on Harry and Daphne's shoulders and in a swirl of flames they

disappeared from the Forest and the unicorns went back to grazing.

Harry and Daphne appeared in the potions lab just as the tone chimed

signaling the end of class. Harry got his bearings first and yelled out,

"SIR! We need an unbreakable vial now!"

Severus was annoyed at the tone but complied and pulled out a vial with

the necessary charms on it. Harry summoned it to him which earned him

a scowl but Harry ignored it and transferred the contents of the glass

Daphne was holding to the unbreakable vial. It was then that Severus

took note of the slivery substance, his look turned curious as he noted the

substance. "Hadrian an explanation now," Severus said eyeing the

substance, "is that what I think it is?"

Harry had finished and looked up and finally noticed his professor's

annoyed look, he looked sheepishly at Severus, "Sorry sir. When you left

us we went for a run in the Forest. We ended up in a clearing with

unicorns, and long story short, Fawkes should up, they came over and an

old one gave us its horn and blood willingly and then Fawkes dropped

some tears into the blood." Harry pointed to the vial, "That is probably

the most potent healing substance on Earth." Harry then pulled the horn

out of his pocket to show Severus.

"Come into my office and I'll get something for you to store it in," Severus

said as soon as Harry finished his explanation. Severus pulled out a

cherry wood box and Harry set the horn in the box.

"Severus?" Salazar prompted from his spot in the painting of the four

Founders as they saw him, Harry, and Daphne come into the office like a

bat out of hell.

"Hold on," Severus then got out a small box that had runes carved in it

and set the vial of blood and tears in it. "Harry run your hand over the

runes, it will prick your hand." Harry complied and the runes did indeed

prick his hand and then glowed green. "The box will only open for you

now, take care of it."

"Yes sir."

"Now since you're here would like to perform the mark, you both have a

free period now I believe."

"You ready Daph," Harry asked softly as Severus explained to the

Founders what was just given to Harry.

Daphne smiled at him, "Yep you go first though," she said holding out her

wrist to Harry.

Harry nodded and took out his wand and placed it to her skin with

Severus watching over them. "Proteus macula," Harry's wand glowed after

the last word and he traced with his wand the drawing he had down

earlier. Once he had finished tracing the design on Daphne's wrist he

continued the spell, "portus arcesso mi amor." As Harry finished the spell

Daphne's tattoo glowed a deep emerald green and in a flash it felt to her

that it sealed itself to her wrist. Daphne looked at the tattoo in awe; it

was the exact shade of Harry's eyes and his aura. Now it was time for

Daphne to cast the spell and mark Harry. Harry took of his robe and shirt

folding them as he took a seat.

Daphne took a calming breath before placing the tip of her wand against

Harry's chest, "Proteus macula," she spoke and the wand tip glowed as it

had with Harry's spell. She slowly traced out her initials on his chest in

her fine script before finishing the spell, "portus arcesso mi amor." The

initials now placed on Harry's chest glowed blue and flashed sealing the

spell onto him.

"Let's see if it worked, Daphne step into the other room," Severus

suggested. Daphne went into the other room and for good measure went

into the potion ingredients closet. Harry waited for a minute and then

said the activation words, "arcesso mi amor." Daphne appeared in front of

Harry a second. "Good one more time to see if it can work through

Hogwarts. Daphne floo to your manor and Harry call Harry." Daphne

nodded and through the required floo powder in before stepping into the

fireplace and disappearing into the green flames.

She arrived home and one of the Greengrass house elves appeared and

bowed a little, "Does Miss Daphne need anything?"

"No thank you, Donder. I'm just testing something out for a second then

I'll be back at Hogwarts." Daphne smiled to her family's elf, the little elf

nodded and popped back out. "Arcesso mi amor." Harry appeared before

her and picked her up spinning her around and then giving her kiss.

Daphne giggled, "Put me down we need to get back."

Harry laughed and did so, "how 'bout I floo back and then summon you,"

Harry asked giving Daphne a quick kiss. Daphne nodded and groaned a

little when Harry pulled back from the kiss and flooed back to Severus's


Harry arrived back and stepped out of the floo, "It worked arcesso mi

amor." Daphne appeared in Severus's office once again. "How come it

worked through Hogwarts," Harry asked as they gathered their things.

"While you utilize the port key spell, it's not completely a port key

therefore the wards aren't guarding against it. Now off with you, you

have classes and then both of you have practice."

Harry was bundled in a black winter cloak that was lined with fur as he

sat next to his team and Madam Hooch for the Durmstrang verse

Beauxbatons Quidditch match. It was only the third day of the new term,

and so far it was shaping up to be a cold January. Right now it was

currently snowing on the pitch as they waited for the two teams to be

announced, Lee was still going to be announcing and Viktor had said it

was one of the things he was looking forward to. Apparently Lee's

sometimes off the wall commentary was more interesting then the

professional announcers, especially when McGonagall would stop him

mid sentence.

"Hadrian, Cedric, Ginny pay attention to Krum's movements especially

when he dives, he enjoys feinting as much as Hadrian does," Hooch said

from her spot. "Hadrian I want you to try and figure out if there are any

tells to Krum when he feints, do you have the recording omniculars?"

"Yes, Ma'am," Hadrian replied as did Ginny and Draco. Ginny had been

appointed to watch the game through the recording omniculars as had


"Now you all know who to watch pay attention to their chasers, they are

the best coming out of school I've ever seen, that combined with Krum

being their seeker makes them the likely winner of this match."

As Hooch finished her statement Jordan announced, "And here comes the

Beauxbatons' team. Led by Abney, then DeLome, Guiscard, Isaac and

Leon Rousseau, Badeau, and Barret!" The Beauxbatons team flew out to

scattered applause and cheers. "And for the first time the Durmstrang

team! As chasers, sixth year cousins, Dmitry Petrov, Armand Putin, and

Anastasiya Petrov! As Beaters, fifth year Maksym Shapko and seventh

year, Aleksandr Vasiliev, and Keeper sixth year Misha Shevchenko. AND


roar went through the gathered crowd. Hermione had joined the crowd

in their enthusiastic embrace of Viktor Krum.

"Damn Mione you don't even get this we Harry plays," Theo said from his

seat next to her. Hermione had a V on one cheek and K on the other and

was wearing a Viktor Krum jersey.

"Sush you," Hermione said and went back to cheering. Harry and the

team laughed from their spots in front of Harry's friends.

"Shea," Ginny called and Shea came over from where she was playing

with Draco's hair, thoroughly annoying the proper Slytherin. "Rita

Skeeter is in the visitor box, the bimbo in the acid green cloak," Ginny

said to Shea. Shea got an evil smile on her pixie face and flew off. Harry

grinned from his spot and then laughed at Hooch's next comment.

"I didn't hear a thing," Madam Hooch said as she watched the teams

warm up.

"Einwaller calls the captains to the middle of Pitch; they shake and mount

their brooms. And the Bludgers are up, followed by the Golden Snitch,

and Einwaller takes his broom and toss the Quaffel up! Durmstrang grabs

the quaffel first, Petrov races down the pitch, passes Ana who passes back

to Armand, pass to Dmitry, Dmitry SCORES! Durmstrang 10 to

Beauxbatons' 0. Leon takes it down the pitch passes, INTERCEPTED by

Armand. Armand to Ana to Dmitry, back to Ana who passes to Armand,

ducks a bludger and throws a long shot, Ana SCORES USING HER

BROOM TAIL TO FINISH THE PASS! Durmstrang 20 to Beauxbatons' 0."

The game continued on in similar fashion Durmstrang dominated

Beauxbatons in all positions. Krum feinted twice but they seemed more to

be from boredom than a calculated play. The Durmstrang beaters didn't

exactly have teamwork down but that didn't seem to matter as they were

built like tanks. When they performed a perfect Dopplebeater Defense, it

hit its target, Abeny, and knocked him from his broom and broke his arm

in two places. Finally Viktor ended the game making a rather easy catch

of the snitch as Barret was trying to break up another play by the

Durmstrang chasers. Durmstrang won 220 to 10.

"AAAAHHHHHH!" As Durmstrang celebrated a scream was heard that

echoed around the pitch. It had come from the visitor's box. A small little

four years old had screamed and jumped into her mother's lap, "Mommy!

Mommy! Monster! Monster! Mommy," the little girl wailed as she tried to

burry herself in her mum's lap and tried to point at the…thing next to

her. Where formally Rita Skeeter had been sitting was now an ugly bird

like creature. Rita currently was a harpy. She no longer had hair in fact

she looked like a balding Olivander with a beak for a nose and mouth.

She had wings instead of arms and from the waist down had large talon

like legs. In all she was covered with feathers that were a nasty grayish

color and looked like the ugliest over grown baby bird to ever exist.

Finally after glaring at the child and the others who were moving away

from her, somebody took pity and conjured a mirror for her. Out of the

bird creatures mouth came what was supposed to be an indigent scream

turned out to be a squawk. She would stay that way for the next three


"Hermione are there any books on the Black Lake?" Harry and his friends

were spending the Friday night after practice in their abandoned

classroom. Tomorrow they had a Hogsmeade day and their teams had

been given off.

"Not that I'm aware of Harry and I checked the library." Hermione

answered with an apologetic look. She was helping Neville on the spell

Severus had taught them last time they met.

"Well we know you're going to have to face merfolk and grindylows but

that's it," Daphne said looking up from her Ancient Runes book. They

were told to expect a quiz next week on Norse Runes.

"Don't forget the Giant Squid," Blaise spoke up from his spot lounging on

a couch they had placed in the room, he was reviewing his charms notes.

"Yeah but the Giant Squid likes Harry, remember that time Harry fed it

some toast and stopped the first years from throwing things at it," Susan

added. "The squid is more likely to help Harry then hinder him."

Harry nodded; he was looking through a book on fresh water creatures.

So far the only other dangerous thing Harry could think of was a Kelpie.

There wasn't a Kelpie in the Black Lake and unless they took the one

from Loch Ness there wasn't going to be one anytime soon now. He found

in a book on merfolk that they used Lobalugs as weapons; the little things

were poisons if they stung you. Then there were Plimpies which served as

sort of a warning of merfolk. So the main problem Harry could see was

finding the mervilliage. For breathing underwater he already decided to

use gillyweed. It was in the book Neville had given him for Christmas. He

ordered it from Sluggs & Jiggers and hoped to get it by Sunday so he

could start checking out the Lake.

"So where to first?" Harry asked Daphne who was tucked into his side

and he had his arm around her shoulders. They were walking with Viktor

and Hermione who were holding hands next to them. Tracey and Susan

were walking on the other side of Hermione and Viktor. Blaise had left

with Padma earlier and Neville was in detention along with Draco. Draco

had punched the Weasel in Care of Magical Creatures after a comment

about Hagrid and then Seamus sucker punched Draco. Neville decided

that was unfair and landed a punch on Seamus that broke his nose.

Neville and Draco were serving detention with McGonagall and Weasley

and Finnegan were serving detention with Severus.

"How 'bout Dervish & Banges," Tracey suggested, "they always have

interesting stuff."

"Sounds good to me, Viktor you ever been to Hogsmeade before," Harry


"No, but Mi-nee haf' told me stories," Viktor replied.

"Well at Dervish & Banges you can find almost anything," Daphne said.

Viktor nodded in reply. They entered the store and nodded to the clerk in

hello and spread out as they looked around. Harry was looking around

the store but not really paying too much attention. Tracey ended up

buying a Medusa medallion that was said to ward against evil spirits, her

father collects Medusa artifacts because even if they were completely

muggle made they seemed to have magical properties. They ended up

going to Honeydukes afterwards; they all purchased something at the

world renowned candy shop.

"Take a seat I'll be with ya, in a minute," Madam Rosmerta greeted them

as they walked through the doors. They sat down in a booth in the corner

of The Three Broomsticks. As they waited Bill Weasley and Fleur

Delacour came in and took a seat with them.

"Sorry 'bout the wait, and congrats so far Harry you're doin a brilliant

job. You two as well. Now what can I get you," Madam Rosmerta finally

got to them just as Fleur and Bill joined them.

"Butterbeer, please," Daphne answered as did the others except Bill,

Viktor, and Fleur.

"Guinness," Bill said with a smile towards Rosmerta.

"Mead, Vank you," Viktor ordered.

"Tea, s'il vous plait."

"Alright it'll just be a minute." Madam Rosmerta disappeared and came

back about two minutes later with a tray following her that had their

drinks on it.

"So Harry how long is that prank on Skeeter going to last," Bill asked

laughing into his drink at the surprised look on the others faces.

"Three weeks," Harry smirked, "How'd you know it was me?"

"I was watching the game, and I saw Shea right before it happened.

Ginny isn't that good at potions," Bill said with a shrug.

"Vell I for one vank you, I haf' never been subjected to worse reporting,"

Viktor said.

"Well for some reason her reporting seems to run unchecked, she gets to

say whatever she wants and knows ever stopped her. I find her to be an

absolute bitch and I will find a way to shut up her up indefinitely," Harry

said fiercely.

"I just want to know how she gets her information," Hermione added.

"When we talked to Hagrid he said the only person he ever told about his

mum being a giant was Dumbledore and Madam Maxine. You don't think

she would have said anything," Hermione asked her question directed

towards Fleur.

"Non, Madam Maxine would not, she will not even admit to 'aving giant

blood," Fleur said quietly and then added heatedly, "She would not 'ave

anyone subjected to zee Skeeter insect."

Harry suddenly sat up straighter and slipped his wand out, an action only

Daphne noticed. Harry was sitting in the corner of the booth up against

the wall and had a view of the whole room. Alastor Moody had just come

through the door and took a seat at the corner of the bar facing most of

the dining area, his eye spinning wildly. "Bill," Harry called quietly, "have

you been informed of my 'eye' problem this year?" Bill looked confused

for a minute until it registered in his brain what Harry was talking about.

"Ahh right, Amelia gave me something for it but it's at my house. Fleur

do you want to come with me or stay here, I'll just be a few minutes?"

"I'll go, I would like to zee your house," Fleur answered standing with


"Alright will be back with aid in a few minutes," Bill said giving Fleur his

hand and together they left the pub, Bill spotting Mad-Eye as they walked


About five minutes later he returned with not only Fleur but also Sirius

and Amelia. "Look who we found roaming Hogsmeade apparently in

search of you, Harry," Bill said as they came in. Amelia looked around

and spotted Mad-Eye sitting in his corner, one eye roving the room.

"Excuse me for a moment, I see Alastor and need to talk to him about

some auror business," Amelia said and turned and made her way to

Alastor who sat up straighter and took a drink of his flask. As Amelia

moved towards him, both eyes became fixed to the Director of the DMLE.

"Have you made any progress on my Godson's entry in to the tournament

Veteran Moody," Amelia asked using his formal title as a training officer,

something she never did. Moody had saved her life once before she

became Director, ever since they had been on a first name basis.

"A powerful confundus charm was place on the cup, Madam Director,"

Alastor growled out in his gravelly voice. "It had to have been an adult;

everyone in the castle is cleared. My money's on Karkaroff but we can't

touch him as a visiting Headmaster." While he was talking still with both

eyes fixed on Amelia and her movements, a shabbily dressed man

approached Madam Rosmerta next to Moody on the other side.

Amelia sighed, "Karkaroff should have never been given a deal." At that

the man talking to Rosmerta turned abruptly and grabbed Moody up in a

full Nelson headlock, Alastor's eye never even had time to swirl around as

the shabby man didn't reach for a weapon. As soon as he was in the

headlock Amelia flicked her wand out and fired a silent binding cures on

Mad-Eye, and then stunned him for good measure.

"Well done Trainee Tonks," Amelia said to the shabbily dressed man who

morphed into the familiar visage of Nymphadora Tonks, pink hair and


"Thanks boss," Tonks replied with a wink. Sirius moved over with Harry

following him.

"Auror business, go back to your drinks," Sirius barked out in an

unusually serious and commanding tone. The crowd listened but kept

eyeing them and whispering until they escorted the stunned and bound

body of Mad Eye Moody out of the bar. "Sorry about the disturbance


Rosmerta just sighed and waved him off, "One of the draw backs of

owning a pub."

Sirius and the others joined Amelia and Nymphadora outside the back of

The Three Broomsticks.

"We're going to Portkey him in and throw him in a cell for him to change

back, if anybody asks, just say it has to do with the incident from this

summer, alright?" Amelia said looking at the gather teens plus Bill. They

all nodded in response. "Hopefully this will get through to Cornelius but

don't count on it he's growing more paranoid by the minute." With that

they portkeyed away from Hogsmeade.

"Harry look at this," Tracey said from across the Slytherin table handing

Harry the paper. Harry flipped it so both he and Daphne could read.


On Saturday January 16th, Madam Black the Director of Department of

Magical Law Enforcement, herself went to Hogsmeade and arrested Veteran

Auror Alastor 'Mad-Eye' Moody. Alastor Moody has been on the books as this

year's Defense Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts, however in an

astonishing twist Alastor Moody has never taught a day at Hogwarts.

An hour after arriving in a Ministry holding cell in the auror department

Alastor 'Mad-Eye' Moody morphed into none other than Bartimus Crouch Jr.,

the supposed dead inmate of Azkaban prison. Crouch Jr. was famously

convicted for the taking part in the torture of Aurors' Frank and Alice

Longbottom to life in Azkaban Prison by none other than his father Bartimus

Crouch Senior, former head of Department of Magical Law Enforcement and

current Head of the Department of International Cooperation.

Bartimus Crouch Jr. was interrogated, much of which remains classified

information, by Madam Black, Auror First Class Kingsley Shacklebolt, and

observed by Reserve Auror Sirius Black and Auror Trainee Nymphadora

Tonks. What we can release to you is below, it should be noted that at the

Daily Prophet we cleaned up his language and pieced it together to be more


Q: How did you escape Azkaban?

A: My mother convinced my father to help me. When she was dying, they

came to visit, we used the polyjuice potion to switch places, she died while still

polyjuiced, making you idiots think I was dead.

Q: What happened after your escape from Azkaban?

A: My father kept me under the imperious curse to control me for over ten

years. He was no match for my master though, who freed me, his faithful.

Q: How did you come to impersonate Alastor Moody?"

A: My master came across information that he would be teaching at Hogwarts.

I was sent along with another, we overwhelmed him. I took his place and came

to Hogwarts.

Q: Why Hogwarts?

A: Harry Potter is there my master has plans for the boy; I entered him in the

tournament as per my master's orders.

Q: What are your master's plans?

A: I have not been told yet, he does not want them discovered if I was

captured. Someone else will take my place.

Q: Where is Alastor Moody?

A: Locked in his trunk.

That is all of the interview that has not been classified as a state secret by the

Ministry. Alastor Moody was retrieved over the weekend and will take up his

post as Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor as his contract says. Moody

will remain throughout the year and then return to training aurors.

As for Bartimus Crouch Jr., he was given the kiss by an Azkaban Dementor as

soon as Minister Fudge was notified of his escape and capture. Currently the

Minister has issued a decree that Bartimus Crouch Jr. was insane from

prolong exposure to the imperious and that Bartimus Crouch Sr. is to be

captured for questioning on sight. Currently the wayward Head of the

Department of International Cooperation is missing. No one is currently aware

of what has happened to Crouch Senior, he had been reported as sick and

home on leave acting through his subordinates. When a search of his home

was completed he was found to be absent, a search is underway but nothing

has turned up. So now the question is where Crouch Sr., is dead, serving this

same mysterious master, or simply running from his actions?"

Article by Raymond Peakes.

Harry put the article down with a sigh, "Fudge is going to bury this."

"My thoughts too," Tracey answered and Daphne nodded.

"I don't get it, why is Fudge trying to discount this instead of prepare,"

Hermione asked?

"Mione, that's a question you need to ask Sirius or Amelia, or hell

anybody who lived through the first war," Blaise answered. "It was a

complete different atmosphere, one of terror that was never seen in Great

Britain before, nobody wants to go back to that."

"He's right even with Grindelwald and World War II, Britain wasn't

invaded. Grindelwald was focused more on the continent and though

Hitler bombed our country, he never came close to invading, he turned to

Russia instead," Tracey added. Hermione nodded but still wanted to talk

with Sirius or Amelia further.


First off, sorry, sorry, sorry. I picked up some extra shifts since my

summer class ended and my fall classes start next week. So I'm

going to look for a Beta for this to clean up the grammer, so if you

are one or know one who won't mind my helluva amount of

grammer mishaps let me know. Also if you have any suggestions as

to questions for the academic challenge I'm open to them. On the

upside I know how to make Umbridge and Fudge acting like an idiot

fit into the story.

Thanks for your patience,


26. The second task

"Al'righ, everyone settle down," Hagrid said. He decided to take Harry

and his friends' advice and come back to class. Hagrid was thoroughly

impressed that a Malfoy had defended him and decided he owed it to the

students to come back. "We're goin' to keep on wit' the unicorns fer now,"

Hagrid announced and the entire class sighed in relief.

"Hagrid can I talk you after dinner tonight?" Harry asked as the class

ended and the others were gathering their stuff.

"Sure, Harry, jus' come on down," Hagrid replied to him with a wave as

they started to walk off.

"Hey guys," Hermione, Tracey, and Susan called to them as they came in

from Care of Magical Creatures. "How was Hagrid's first class back?"

"Great, he didn't bring back the Skrewts so that was good," Daphne


"Good, good so we've got charms, come on."

"She's like a drill instructor sometimes," Blaise murmured to Harry who

snickered, earning both boys a slapped upside the back of their heads.

Severus who was walking past laughed aloud causing a first year

watching to faint from shock and another to gape openly at the bat from

the dungeon.

Severus sneered, "Five points from Ravenclaw for fainting." The Slytherin

fourth years laughed while Hermione sighed and rolled her eyes.

That night Harry went to sleep rather early, his thoughts still on Crouch

Junior and Voldemort. The new marauders had been called down to

Severus's office to discuss what Crouch had revealed that wasn't in the

paper. The Master he spoke of was indeed Voldemort and the other

servant who helped with Moody's capture was Wormtail. Moody had

been released, debriefed, and given a large bottle of Fire Whiskey. Harry

was more focused on the fact that Voldemort didn't tell Crouch Jr. his

plans, which meant they could still be carried out by Wormtail or


"Welcome to the next dueling competition between BEAUBAXTONS and

HOGWARTS," announced Bagman who had taken over the whole

tournament in Crouch Senior's place, who had yet to be found. Amelia

and the others were convinced he was most likely dead, killed by

Voldemort. She was working on convincing Fudge to act but it was

proving to be extremely difficult. The minister and his undersecretary

were refusing to believe anything other than Barty Crouch Jr. was insane.

"Today's match ups promise to be thrilling," Bagman announced with

glee. "The first match up will be Olivier Lefevre of Beauxbatons against

Blaise Zabini of Hogwarts." A cheer rang out through the crowds as the

duelists made their way to the dueling platform.

Blaise bowed to his opponent, only slightly tipping his head forward,

whereas Olivier gave a deep sweeping bow. Blaise had to stop himself

from snorting. As the French teen came up from his bow Bagman shouted

to begin the match and Blaise fired off a silent spell as soon as the word

'begin' left Bagman's mouth. The silent diffindo shot out of Blaise's wand

at lightning speed. The French seventh year ducked the silver spell with

surprise, not expecting it from the fourth year. Blaise cast a reducto at the

French teen's feet as soon as the boy ducked his first spell. Olivier was

thrown from his feet and quickly cast a bright red shield that quickly

proved useful as several of Blaise's spells impacted it. Olivier scrambled

to his feet and started casting back while dodging Blaise's spells. Blaise

dodged a reducto thrown at him and cast back with a defodio. He over

powered it and it slammed through Olivier's shield and left him no time

to dodge. The gouging hex hit Olivier in the left shoulder, blood poured

out almost immediately and Olivier staggered back. Blaise sent a silent

levicorpus, that struck the pain filled French teen and hung him upside

down in the air. Olivier dropped his wand as he was jerked upwards and

Blaise calmly said, "Accio wand," and Olivier's wand was summoned to

Blaise who bowed and released Olivier from the spell.

"Match, Hogwarts," Bagman announced and Olivier was rushed by the

healers present. Hogwarts supporters gave a massive cheer as Blaise won

the first duel. Harry, Susan, Tracey, and Hermione cheered the loudest

for their friend who was overshadowed sometimes by his mother's


"A fabulous showing by Blaise Zabini, the fourth year Slytherin of

Hogwarts," Bagman announced to cheers, after Olivier was tended to.

"Next up for you we have Charlotte Prideux against Thomas Avery!" The

duel was evenly fought but Prideux wasn't Beauxbatons' dueling

champion for nothing and won the match with a well-timed bludgeoning

hex followed by a fire spell. Avery was using a protego shield which was

good for lower level hexes like the bludgeoning hex but did nothing to

stop an elemental spell.

"Avery's good but he relies on dark spells that can't be used in this

competition," Moody growled out to Harry whom he was sitting next to.

"He's going to follow his father, you'll need to be on guard when he

comes back."

"The only reason we don't have problems now is because he's scared of

Severus, do you really think our problems will increase to throwing spells

when Voldy is back?" Harry asked, leaning into Moody and lowering his


"Yes," Moody said simply. They watched the next match in silence, both

thinking more on Voldemort's soon to be second coming. Thomas

Kensington won his match against a final year Beauxbatons student,

Dartagnan Chevalier. Harry had a fleeting thought that wizarding parents

must have a damn good pain killer during birth with some of the names

they come up with.

"Next match up, Beauxbatons competitor Guy Arceneau versus Neville

Longbottom of Hogwarts, both fourth years," Bagman announced in his

ever present and ever irritating jovial manner.

"They thought he was a Death Eater," Harry whispered to Alastor,

gesturing to Bagman, "Voldemort would have killed the annoying prick at

the first meeting." Surprising many of those nearby, including Harry's

friends, Moody barked out a laugh.

Neville looked over his opponent, appraising him while he nodded his

head instead of bowing. The French boy was taller than Neville but

Neville was bulkier and had significantly more muscle. Neville fought a

rather Slytherin smirk as he saw the boy opposite him gulp. Vaguely

Neville heard Bagman start the duel. Neville stared at Guy, this time

letting the smirk show as Guy started to sweat.

Guy brought his wand up and fired, "Reducto." Neville simply waved his

wand at the spell and deflected it. Neville continued to deflect spells as

Guy got sweatier and more desperate with his spells. When Guy finally

took a breath, Neville struck with a silent reducto. Neville's spell

destroyed Guy's shield without slowing and slammed into the French boy,

throwing him back a good five feet and fracturing four ribs and his

shoulder. Neville summoned the boy's wand and the duel ended. Most of

Hogwarts looked at Neville in awe, primarily the Gryffindors who still

saw him as the meek little first year off the boat. Harry, Hermione,

Susan, Tracey, and Hannah though were whooping and yelling their

approval as was the Hogwarts dueling team. Severus and Flitwick were

both looking on with pride.

"And a very good showing by the Longbottom scion, definitely living up

to his parents," Bagman yelled out to the finally cheering crowd. Harry

suddenly stilled and focused on the dueling platform as Daphne moved to

take her place for the next match.

"Easy lad, she can handle herself," Moody said and placed a hand on

Harry's shoulder.

"I know, I just don't like seeing her get cast at while I sit here," Harry

muttered. Moody let out a grizzly chuckle.

Daphne turned to face her opponent and ran over the Beauxbatons girl's

previous match. Roslin Gravois was a Beauxbatons' final year student and

a sly dueler, rather like Daphne. Daphne fired first with a simple,

"Expelliarmus." Daphne spoke aloud, wanting to see if she would dodge or

shield; against Durmstrang she had dodged. She dodged and countered

with a stunner. Daphne used a rebounding shield and sent it back at

Roslin, casting three stunners of her own; one down the middle following

the rebounded stunner, one to the left, and one to the right. Roslin

dodged the rebounded spell but she was dodging into the path of another

one. She pulled back just in time for both spells to miss, but the follow up

curse down the middle hit her dead on. Roslin dropped, rendered

unconscious by Daphne's stunner. Daphne smirked and turned, blowing

Harry a kiss. Harry smiled back at her and Moody patted him on the

shoulder and laughed again.

"And HOGWARTS WINS the fastest duel of the tournament!


after playing with his opponent for a few minutes. Severus and Flitwick

were looking on proudly while Karkaroff looked a bit worried as he left

the Great Hall.

"Harry, have you found the mervillage yet?" Hermione asked as she

flipped through a book on arithmancy. It was two days before the task

and Harry had spent at least one day a week exploring the Black Lake.

"No, and the only helpful thing so far is that the Giant Squid likes me

even more since I played tag with it. Daphne's agreed to let me cast a

tracking charm on her tomorrow night. We found one that will produce a

beam of light that only I can see that's tethered to Daphne's magic."

"Good, get in and get out. Honestly the Black Lake in the middle of

winter, this tournament's asinine," Hermione muttered. Harry and the

others laughed.

"Don't worry, with the Gillyweed I don't need to cast a warming charm; it

allows me to stay warm."

"Has Viktor said anything to you about the task?" Blaise asked Hermione

as he waited for Tracey to finish looking over his paper on the History of


"No, just that he's ready for it. We try not to talk about the tasks,"

Hermione answered.

"Hey Mione, you read a book on Veela after meeting Fleur right?" Daphne


"Mmhmm, why?"

"Is the water going to impede Fleur at all, you know, with Veela being

creatures of fire?"

"Well she won't be able to use her Veela powers under water but since

she's matured already she shouldn't have any other problems. Veela that

haven't matured yet, though, have to watch the time they spend

immersed in water, it can have adverse reactions on their magic." Daphne

nodded with a thoughtful look on her face.

Harry woke up the day of the task rather irate; Daphne had been escorted

to the Headmaster's office by Severus and hadn't returned by midnight.

Harry, even though he knew it was coming was still pissed about Daphne

being taken and put at risk. Aiolos had slithered onto his shoulder and

sunk in as a tattoo in order to help calm him, but he still had to go to the

room of requirement and cast spells for an hour. He spent a good part of

that hour setting dummies of Dumbles on fire with the incendiary spell

Severus taught them. He went to bed about two o'clock after working on

his meditative exercises.

Harry pushed his covers off of him in a flourish and stalked to the shower

to get ready. Blaise tried not to laugh at his friend, knowing it would only

turn Harry's ire towards him, something no one in their right mind

wanted. Harry pulled on his green and silver board shorts and then his

Hogwarts Triwizard outfit over it. He didn't talk as he made his way to

the Great Hall for breakfast, content to merely glare at everyone in his

path. As he sat down to eat he noticed Hermione missing from his group

of friends surrounding him and Cedric's girlfriend, Melissa Bennet, was

also missing.

"I'm going to kill whoever thought this was a good idea," Harry growled

as his magic started to release. Severus noticed his aura from the head

table and hurried over to calm his student down.

"Hadrian come with me," Severus said as he laid a hand on Harry's

shoulder. He spoke in a tone that didn't give Harry a choice.

"Yes sir," Harry said, and stood jerkily.

"Man I feel bad for the judges, Harry's either gonna out right kill 'em or

prank 'em all to death," Blaise muttered, making the table laugh. At once

they all stopped laughing and looked at each other with worried looks; it

was entirely possible Harry would do exactly that.

"Hadrian, your aura is starting to show, now calm yourself. I was with

Daphne as she was placed under the spell and as there were girls

involved they spent the night under Minerva and Poppy's care. They've

already been placed in the Lake, all you have to do is activate your

locating charm and you'll have her back safe. Use some of your

meditative exercises; you're acting like a bloody Gryffindor. Daphne

would be most displeased if you killed Dumbledore." Harry cracked a

smile at that and started focusing on his breathing and took some deep

breaths, his aura fading.

"Good, now I'm supposed to escort you down to the platform," Severus

said just as Cedric joined them as well as the Quidditch team and Harry's


Harry and the rest were taken in the boats they used first year to arrive

at the castle, and were taken over to a set of stands that were raised out

of the Blake Lake. There were stands surrounding the platform that

Cedric, Harry, Neville, Blaise, Tracey, and Susan were taken to. The

Quidditch team plus Hannah, Aofie, and Astoria went up a little ways to

the stands.

"How are they even going to see?" Harry asked, motioning to the murky

lake that aptly earned its name.

"A charm has been placed around the mervillage, similar to the one at the

Quidditch World Cup," Severus answered and gestured to where workers

were placing the finishing touches on a screen a little ways off.

As they talked, Viktor and a few of his friends plus Karkaroff came over

to the platform on the boats. Karkaroff and Severus had a stare down that

Severus won when Karkaroff flinched away. "Bloody coward," Severus

muttered and Harry, being the only one to hear, smirked. Cedric nodded

to Viktor who returned it but Harry moved over to the Bulgarian, who

was quite a bit bigger than him and pulled him off to the side.

"Just to let you know," Harry started, "If you don't bring Hermione back

unharmed, I'll kill you," Harry finished in a deadly tone. Viktor simply

nodded to Harry before moving away, swatting at a nearby bug. The rest

of the school came out, as did the judges, but they were still waiting on

Fleur to arrive. Madam Maxime had already arrived and was looking

rather put out.

When Fleur finally arrived riding a boat with two friends from

Beauxbatons, Harry immediately noticed she was a nervous wreck.

Fleur's hair was all over the place and her eyes were red. One of her

friends was whispering to her in French while the other was rubbing her

arms and shoulders. Tracey and Susan moved over to her, Susan asking

in French what was wrong. Fleur was too upset to try and speak English.

Susan and Tracey gasped, Tracey staying by Fleur but Susan moved over

to where Harry and the boys stood watching.

"They took Gabrielle as Fleur's hostage," Susan spoke softly but with

urgency in her tone.

"Bloody hell, our Ministry is full of idiots," Harry said fiercely and turned

to Severus. "How long have they been underwater?"

"About three hours now," Severus answered looking confused before it

dawned on him. "Why the hell didn't Maxime say anything, we can't

communicate with the merfolk until the task is over due to a spell."

"Ask Fleur how long Gabrielle can be underwater," Harry said to Susan.

Susan nodded and moved over to Fleur who looked even more panicked

than before.

"She doesn't know and she's panicking even more. The cold water is

worse than warm water for Gabi's magic."

"Damn, if Fleur can't continue in the task message me with you patronus,

if I leave Gabi down there Bill will kill me, so will Ginny." Severus

nodded his approval as the three Heads came over with Bagman and

Monroe Clagg, the new head of the International Department of Magical

Cooperation. Severus leveled a glare on Maxime and the other judges.

They shrunk back at the Ex-Death Eater's glaze. Dumbledore cleared his

throat and the students around them snickered as they saw the adults

flinching under the glare they had learned to live with by third year at

the most.

"WELCOME TO THE SECOND TASK!" Ludo Bagman announced after

casting a sonorous charm on his voice. He was trying not to let it show

how thoroughly afraid of the livid Potions Master he was. The friends of

the Champions had been ushered back behind them so the Champions

stood alone and were instructed to wave to the stands. Harry rolled his

eyes and midway through his wave flipped the bird to the whole crowd,

eliciting laughs and gasps. Severus lightly smacked him upside the back

of his head and raised an eyebrow at the teen. Harry just shrugged back

as Bagman continued. "For this task something rather important to each

Champion has been taken and hidden in the Lake. The Champions will

have an hour to retrieve their hostage. Along the way they will face the

many creatures lurking in the Black Lake," Ludo finished with his voice

fading, trying to be mysterious. Harry struggled to not curse the man.

Harry stripped down to his broad shorts, as did Cedric, Viktor, and Fleur

to her suit. Harry had his wand strapped to his forearm and his new

combat knife strapped to his leg. He put his left hand to his wand and

muttered, "Quaere," activating the locating spell on Daphne. Harry was

able to see a bright purple line appear in front of him and disappear into

the water.

"When the cannon sounds you may start," Bagman announced and waved

his hand. Filch lit the fuse and the cannon went off. Viktor began casting,

moving his wand around himself while Cedric and Fleur both cast spells

as they jumped into the water. Harry swallowed the gillyweed he had

and dove in, not waiting for the gills to come.

About ten seconds into the water, Harry felt the gills and webbing start to

grow and his need for a breath relaxed. He shot forward past the other

two champions in the water, following the bright, almost neon line that

extended into the deep. Harry sunk lower into in the lake and farther

from the stands as he followed. It was murky in the lake; even with the

advantage of gillyweed he was having trouble seeing more than ten feet

in front of him. He moved through the seaweed and other algae in his

path, and as he was beginning to think he might be swimming too fast for

the various aquatic denizens of the lake to threaten him, Harry felt

something pull at his left leg and bite into it.

"Fuck," Harry mumbled, the expletive erupting from his mouth as several

bubbles. He turned and shot a blasting curse at the offending grindylow,

which was promptly blasted to pieces. Blood stained the water around

him, some of hit his own from the wound in his leg, but most of it was

thick, black, and strewn with grindylow bits. Several grindylows that

looked like they were going to swarm Harry from behind stopped short at

the sight of their dismembered fellow. Harry glared at them, "You lil'

bastards will get the same," he said through the water and the beasts

sunk back down, leaving him peace. Harry used a healing spell to seal the

bite, knowing the blood would continue to run in the water and attract

nastier things than grindylows if he didn't. After closing the wound, he

turned back to follow the magical line tethered to Daphne.

After twenty minutes of swimming in the oppressively dark and

thankfully empty water, Harry was able to see the outlines of the

mervillage. Several plimpies hastily dispersed in his path as he neared his

goal. He could hear an eerie melody as he descended further into the

village proper. Harry was rather awed that the mervillage seemed to

resemble the residential part of Hogsmeade. He assumed there would just

be caves or some other crude structures, but the merpeoples' homes were

surprisingly elegant and civilized. He even saw a pet grindylow leashed

in front of one of the homes, its owner watching intently Harry as he

swam past.

Harry swam to the center of the village where a mass of merpeople were

congregating, holding spears and singing their haunting tune. In the

center were the four hostages tied to the bottom of the lake. As he looked

over the hostages, Harry's anger at the task started to get the best of him;

short of the few small bubbles erupting from their mouths, they looked

dead. They were pale and an eerie green glow was cast on their faces,

forcibly reminding Harry of the killing curse. As Harry swam over to

Daphne, Susan's messenger patronous struck him in the head.

"Fleur was ambushed by the grindylows and pulled out."

Harry sighed and moved down to cut the ropes binding Daphne. When he

moved over to cut Gabi's rope he was stopped by a large merman

pointing a spear at him.

"Only one," the merman hissed out and jabbed the spear forward a bit to

make his point.

Harry, who was already pissed, let his aura flare and placed his knife

back in the ankle holder, drawing his wand instead. "Get out of my way,"

Harry said. The venom in his voice was mottled by the water, but the tip

of his wand glowing an angry red seemed to get his point across just the

same. The merman took the hint and backed off fearfully, as did the

others. Harry used his wand this time to cut Gabi's rope. He grabbed the

small girl under the arm and swam over to Daphne. He gathered her up

as well and started kicking. He made his way slowly out of the

mervillage, and saw Cedric swim by giving him an odd look at the two

hostages he had. Then Harry had to separate himself with a jerk from

Gabi to move both of them out of the way of a shark man thing. Before

he lashed out with a spell, he noticed the swim trunks on the lower half

of it, indicating it was Krum. Grumbling to himself, he caught Gabi's arm

again and started up. He swam much slower with the two girls and was

quickly growing frustrated at the enormous distance he still had to cover

to the surface. He felt a disturbance in the water behind him, and knew

he was about to be attacked again. He turned and caught a fleeting

glimpse of a long, pale appendage shooting towards him before he was

struck hard in the back, propelling him and the two girls all the way up

and out of the water a few feet. As they landed back down, both Gabi

and Daphne spluttered as they woke to bone chilling water soaking them.

Gabi, not one for water and feeling lightheaded, started panicking and

latched onto Harry while rapidly speaking French.

Daphne swam the couple feet she was separated from them and started to

speak to Gabi as Harry and her started back to the platform and the

cheering crowd about twenty feet away. "Shh Gabi, it's okay. Harry's got

you and we're going to get you out of the water." Daphne murmured the

words over and over in an effort to calm the understandably frightened

little veela. Harry, with Daphne's help, got Gabi back to the platform

with just a bit of difficulty. Fleur pulled her sister up and off Harry and

wrapped her in a large, fluffy blanket and pulled her in for a hug, casting

warming charms and drying charms over and over again on the shivering

girl. Daphne was helped from the water by Blaise and Neville and then

given a fluffy towel by Susan as Tracey cast a drying charm on her friend.

"You've got about five minutes left Hadrian," Severus spoke as he looked

down to where Harry was still in the water due to the gills. Harry nodded

and kept his neck where the gills were under the water, though he held

onto the platform. Daphne came over to the edge so she could talk to him

as did his friends.

"Nice job Harry, you're the first one out," Susan congratulated him.

Daphne was smiling at him and looked to be waiting impatiently for him

to get out of the water. Fleur, Harry noticed, was fussing over Gabi and

ignoring Madam Pomfrey who was trying to look over both girls. Fleur,

though she was cut up and still bleeding from the grindylow assault,

refused treatment until Pomfrey was finished with Gabrielle. Madam

Pomfrey ran her wand over Gabrielle, who was looking pale and woozy.

"Severus, I need a Pepper Up potion," Madam Pomfrey said. Severus

pulled a potion out of his robe pocket and handed it over. Madam

Pomfrey got Gabrielle to swallow the potion and the usual steam came

out, but the girl's condition didn't look to be improving. While Pomfrey

continued to wave her wand over Gabrielle, Cedric surfaced with his

hostage. "I need to take her to the hospital wing," Madam Pomfrey said,

giving the judges a glare. "Severus can you handle the others for me?"

Severus nodded in reply and Madam Pomfrey ushered Fleur and

Gabrielle into a boat and made for the castle, Gabi wrapped in Fleur's


Harry felt the effects of the Gillyweed fading just as Cedric and Melissa

made it to the platform. Cedric and Melissa were helped up by Blaise and

Neville, while Harry swung himself up onto the platform. They were

immediately hit with drying and warming charms and given thick, fluffy

towels like the others. Severus checked all three over for injuries and

found them all fine, though both Harry and Cedric had a couple marks

left over from the grindylows.

Daphne launched herself at Harry and grabbed him by his hair, pulling

him down into a heated kiss. Severus and the other adults cleared their

throats before the kiss could go very far, though. When they separated

neither looked the least bit ashamed or sorry and they could hear wolf

whistles from the crowd. Melissa looked like she would have liked to be

doing the same to Cedric if it weren't for the surroundings.

"Nice job Harry. What did you use?" Cedric asked but was interrupted by

the crowd giving another loud cheer. Viktor and Hermione surfaced.

Viktor canceling his spell and his head reforming made for an odd sight.

Hermione hugged Viktor before they swam over to the platform. They

were helped out of the water by the others and given the same treatment,

though Viktor required a healing spell and pain-numbing potion from


"Merman stab me," Viktor said gesturing to his shoulder, "vought I vas a

real shark, damn fish!" Viktor's shoulder had a stab wound about an inch

deep but Severus was able to close it easily. "Vank you." Severus nodded

and turned to make sure Hermione was alright.

A loud bang was heard that quieted the crowd, everyone turned to the

sound which came from Bagman's wand. "Marks out of fifty will be given

to the Champions. For her use of the bubblehead charm and getting to

the outskirts of the mervillage we award Fleur Delacour twenty-five

points," that was met by cheers from the Beauxbatons contingent but that

was about it. "For his use of partial transfiguration and returning only

two minutes outside the time limit we award Viktor Krum, THIRYT-

EIGHT POINTS!" Again cheers went up, louder than the ones for Fleur.

"For his use of the bubblehead charm and returning only one minute

outside the time limit we award Cedric Diggory, FORTY-THREE POINTS!"

More cheers, and Melissa gave Cedric a kiss on the cheek making the

dashing seventh year blush as he heard the wolf whistles. "AND for his

use of gillyweed and returning with not only his own hostage but

another's and within the time limit we award Mr. Potter, FIFTY POINTS!"

The loudest cheer yet erupted from the crowd but Harry rolled his eyes.

'Hypocritical bastards,' Harry thought.

"YES, YES, congratulations! The next Quidditch match will be March

13th, the next dueling match April 17th and the academic challenge will

be April 24th. The third and final Tri-Wizard task will be June 18th!"

Harry and Daphne were in the Room of Requirement later that night;

only the room currently looked like the clearing Sirius's wedding took

place in with the added benefit of a comfy couch. Harry was stretched

out with his head in Daphne's lap while she played with his hair. Harry

was content for the first time in the weeks since finding out about the

second task and Daphne's roll in it. When Harry sighed Daphne looked

down into his eyes and smiled at him in a way that made his insides

melt. Harry stretched up and gave Daphne a soft kiss before lying back


"Thank you for saving me," Daphne said when Harry pulled back.

"Always," Harry replied simply.

Daphne smiled and then started snickering as she thought of the

aftermath of the task, Harry gave her a look. "I was just thinking about

Madam Pomfrey completely tearing all the heads and judges a new one."

Harry's crooked grin was in full force as he laughed in agreement. Once

everyone had gotten back to the castle, Madam Pomfrey had insisted on

seeing the contestants as well as the judges. The champions she wanted

to look over for herself and see if anything needed healing outside

Severus's expertise. The judges, well the judges and heads of the three

schools were almost reduced to tears of shame and stupidity, Bagman

actually was, as Madam Pomfrey ripped them to shreds over Gabrielle's

condition. Ultimately Gabi would be fine but for the next few days she

was going to need to be kept inside and near a fire to help her magic

rebound from the exposure to the icy lake. Seeing Madam Pomfrey's

tirade was the only thing that kept Harry from finding out which judge's

idea the second task was and giving them a swift kick in the balls.

"Yeah that was pretty good," Harry chuckled. "What do you think Draco

and his mum are going to do?" Draco and Narcissa had been trying to

decide if they were going to keep Malfoy Manor. It held no real ties for

Narcissa but for Draco it was home. The problem was, Voldemort had

access to it and would expect Draco and Narcissa's help.

"I doubt Draco will destroy it or sell it," Daphne said, "Despite that fact

that he says he wants to and Narcissa wants it destroyed. Family Manor's

like ours and the Malfoy's are hard to build anymore, there just simply

isn't the space and muggles populate too much of the land." Harry looked

at her questioningly and Daphne rolled her eyes. "Most family manors

have vast grounds for two purposes, it keeps muggles away and because

of the magic in the manor, magical beings, plant life, and so forth are

attracted to it. They're probably just going to empty it of everything they

want and close it up until Voldemort is good and dead."

Harry just nodded, "Sirius wants to clean out his parents' home, he finally

decided. I think he's going to offer it to Narcissa." Harry sat up and pulled

Daphne into his side with his arms wrapped around her. Daphne sighed

contentedly and laid her head on his chest.

"Where is Sirius's home? The Blacks sold their Manor a few centuries ago

if I remember correctly."

"It's in London and apparently needs a lot of work. Sirius wants to redo

the whole house, said he hates the damn place."


"It reminds him of his mother," Harry said, laughing. Daphne giggled and

then reached her hands up behind Harry's neck and brought his lips

down to hers.

"'Nuff talking," Daphne murmured against his lips and then pressed hers

to his. Harry pulled Daphne onto his lap so she was straddling him.

Daphne deepened the kiss and slipped her tongue into Harry's mouth,

taking control. Daphne's tongue played in Harry's mouth for a minute or

so before she moved her mouth down to his neck. Harry moaned as

Daphne kissed and licked on his neck before moving her hands down to

his shirt. Harry lifted his arms and Daphne pulled his t-shirt up over his

head. Daphne leaned back and looked her fiancé over with appreciation.

"Like what ya see?" Harry asked waggling his eyebrows. Daphne licked

her lips making Harry groan. She smirked and kissed her way around

Harry's chest, tracing the scars littering his body. Harry would suck in a

breath every time she hit a scar, growing harder each time. Harry pulled

her head back to his and immediately claimed her lips in a harsh kiss.

Daphne moaned into Harry's mouth as his tongue dominated hers.

Daphne rolled her hips into his and they both moaned louder. Harry

moved his hands down to the hem of Daphne's shirt and ran his hands

over the skin of her hips making her buck into him again before he lifted

her shirt over her head.

Daphne pulled back from Harry and bucked her hips again getting his

attention and Harry looked up into her eyes. Daphne smiled and reached

behind her undoing her bra and let it slip to the floor. Harry pulled her

back into him and kissed her lips then slowly brought his lips down

Daphne's neck, stopping to amuse himself with the spot behind her ear as

he thrust his hips into her. Daphne was slowly melting as Harry

continued to kiss and suck his way down her neck and to her breasts.

Daphne and Harry were moving in synch, thrusting and pushing against

each other as Harry moved his mouth to her breasts. Harry's mouth

closed around her left nipple as he brought his hand up to massage her

other breast.

"Oh God Harry," Daphne moaned as her head fell onto his shoulder and

she kissed his collarbone. Harry moved his mouth to her other breast and

repeated his treatment with his mouth and tongue. Daphne was bucking

widely into Harry as she moved closer to her climax. She was moaning

and panting as she felt it building within her as they moved. She raked

her nails down Harry's back and rolled her hips into him as she screamed

out, "Harry!" At the same Harry thrust up and groaned out his own


Harry slowly stopped his ministrations and moved his kisses back up her

neck and to her lips. Their kissing was now short and sweet as Harry

moved them so they were lying down on the couch. Harry absently

waved his hand cleaning the mess in his pants as he wrapped his arms

around Daphne as they lay facing each other. The room conjured a

blanket and it draped across them as they drifted to sleep.


Sorry it's kind of short, my semester started Monday, so now I have

classes and work. So bear with me here, the chapters might take a

little longer than usual do to my new schedule. On the plus side I

have a beta one Mr. Skellington, who has corrected this chapter. So

a big thank you to him.

Thanks for the reviews,



LMAO sorry about the word confusion for those of you who caught


27. Quidditch Championship


It was Saturday after the second task and a Hogsmeade weekend but

Harry, Draco, Blaise and Severus would not be going to Hogsmeade. They

were going to Malfoy Manor to help pack up the Manor, Draco had

decided to just pack up what they wanted away from the Dark Lord and

otherwise close up the manor. They were also going to leave a few

surprises for the Dark Lord and his followers should they seek shelter at

Malfoy Manor. Sirius, Amelia, Remus, Narcissa, Bill, Andromeda, and Ted

Tonks would be meeting them there. The rest were going to Hogsmeade,

though Daphne wanted to go with them but Severus said Malfoy Manor

was too dangerous, the only reason Harry and Blaise were going because

of their ability to sense the Dark Lords' magic.

"Are you all ready?" Severus asked as the three boys walked into his

office. Draco nodded looking paler than normal, Harry and Blaise both

looked determined as they nodded.

"The floo address for Malfoy Manor is Serpentine Manor," Draco said and

picked up the floo powder, tossing it in and repeating the address as he

stepped into the green flames and disappeared. The others following

Severus casting locking charms on his office when he left.

"Welcome to Malfoy Manor," Draco said with a flourish, Narcissa shook

her head and also greeted the newcomers. Harry looked around the

entrance hall and noticed it was similar to Potter Manor but smaller and

darker in color, it was done in black and white marble and the walls had

green accents.

Narcissa clapped her hands gathering everyone's attention, "Okay Dobby

our house elf," she said nodding toward Draco, "with the help of Mips,

Dips, and Nips, are going to be packing away the clothes and furniture

we want to bring with us. Ted, Andy, and myself are going to go through

the library and sort through the books, most can be left but we'll be

taking the darker books, rare books, and Malfoy family books. Bill I

would like you to go with Draco and show him how to put the paintings

and statutes into stasis and than the ones that can't be moved place under

protective wards?" Bill nodded. "Severus and Sirius are going to take

Hadrian and Blaise into the hidden room. You two can box up those

items in there and either have an elf take them to Gringotts or you can

destroy them. You can join us in the library when you're finished." They

all nodded and moved to their areas around the house, Draco and Bill

headed outside first to start in the gardens.

Severus took Sirius, Harry, and Blaise, to the Malfoy family Drawing

Room; he banished a tapestry on the floor and moved his wand over in a

complicated motion chanting in Latin. Runes glowed on the floor after a

minute and a door appeared and slid open across the floor, revealing a

staircase. They moved down the stairs and into a large underground

cellar that housed a variety of objects.

"It would be something belonging to the founders, if my research is

correct," Severus observed. "Try not to touch anything without getting an

okay from myself or Sirius." Harry and Blaise nodded and moved to

separate sides of the large cellar. Sirius went with Harry and Severus

with Blaise. Blaise and Harry stretched out their magic trying to sense

Voldemort's eerie and revolting magic. It was complicated by the many

dark objects in the room but as they moved through out the room not

one object held Voldemort's aura.

"Nothing," Harry and Blaise said in unison.

"Alright," Severus sighed, "use your wand to move the smaller objects like

the necklaces, rings, and pendants into some of these trunks Narcissa

provided. Sirius and I will go through the larger items." It took about an

hour to go through the objects in the cellar, some were just borderline

that many people frowned upon but were not illegal, others were flat out

illegal, not to mention murderous in some cases. There were poisons and

poisons and more poisons, Severus wonder what exactly Lucius was

planning on doing with them. Enchanted daggers, which stole magic

from the one stabbed and daggers that had bleeding runes inlayed in

them, one nick and the victim, would bleed out. Dark tomes that had

blood rituals of the worst kind, something Voldemort would no doubt

want, Severus even recognized a few that Voldemort had preformed. The

best find though was a ledger of sorts from Borgin & Burkes that dated

back to when the Voldemort worked there.

"Some of these need to be destroyed," Sirius spoke as they collect the

things they were keeping.

"Fiendfyre would work," Draco spoke from above on the steps where he

and Bill stood. "The cellar is warded more heavily than the whole house;

one of you could cast it and then seal it."

"Are you sure Dragon?" Severus asked quietly towards his Godson after

all these objects belonged to him.

"Yes, I don't want it and I can't imagine any of my descendents needing

these." Draco said and then added quietly, "at least I would hope so." Bill

laid a hand on his shoulder in support.

"Alright everybody out," Sirius said with a gleeful grin, "I love this spell."

Harry, Blaise, and Severus who heard him all exchanged weary looks.

"Oh give me some credit; I am a Black after all."

"Fine but if you screw this up, I'll get you fixed mutt," Severus growled.

Sirius winced and nodded. Bill ushered the teens to the far side of the

room, opposite the entrance to the hidden room. Severus had his wand

on trained on the door of the entrance and Sirius had his wand aimed at

a cabinet in the back of the chamber.

"Fiendfyre," Sirius shouted and out of his wand raged a fiery chimera that

engulfed the cabinet and started spreading as Severus got the entrance

shut and sealed. They could feel the heat on their feet but other than that

there were no signs of the dangerous curse. After about ten minutes the

heat died down and Severus cast a revealing spell that made the stone

door see through. The fire had died out and nothing was left except for


"We'll lay the traps, why don't you join your mother and aunt in the

library," Severus suggested to Draco and the others. They left for the

library; it took them about another two hours to collect everything they

wanted and to lay the traps for Voldemort and the Death Eaters.

They arrived back at Hogwarts at six that night after eating with

Narcissa, Andromeda, and Ted. They arrived back at Hogwarts smiling at

a joke Sirius told right before they left but the smiles faded as soon as

they saw Daphne, Tracey, Susan, Neville, Hannah, and Padma Patil.

Daphne had a split lip and Tracey had her wrist wrapped. The others had

looks that ranged from anger, worry, and numerousness.

Harry took one look at Daphne and his smile melted from his faced and

was replaced with cold hard visage that had Hannah and Padma

flinching, never having seen him likes that. Harry calmly, eerily over to

Daphne and tenderly took her chin in his hand, looking at her lip and

then in her eyes, "are you okay?" Daphne nodded. "Good," Harry replied

tenderly before his voice turned to ice," What happened?"

Everyone but Daphne flinched away as his magic flared and wrapped

around Daphne. Daphne felt comforted by the magic as it healed her lip

and spoke, "Somebody cursed us from behind in Hogsmeade. Whoever it

was planned it, they threw a blasting curse at the ground that scattered

us. I bit my lip when I fell," she gave a small grin at that, "when we

turned to cast back the walkway we were in was covered in smoke. The

spells came at us but we were ready and shielded, but we used a

deflecting shield. One of the curses we deflected slammed into the wall

next to Hermione and exploded. Hermione screamed out and the curse

stopped, and the attackers fled. One of them yelped though having gotten

hit with Viktor's bone exploding curse. Hermione's in the hospital wing

one of the fragments from the building hit her in the throat, she lost a lot

of blood," Daphne's voiced trailed off and she snuggled into Harry's chest

with tears in her eyes.

"She was cut up by the fragments badly, some of them were embedded.

Madam Pomfrey's furious," Neville finished where Daphne left off. "So far

no one has showed up to the hospital wing with any other injuries.

Viktor's with her right now. Padma has some interesting information."

Neville was shaking trying to contain his rage and Hannah placed her

hand in his trying to settle him.

Padma wrung her hands as she looked at the faces of Professor Snape,

Blaise, Draco, and Harry in worry, they're face were blank but their jaws

were clenched in anger. "I think one of the attackers might have been

Malachi Edgecombe."

"Edgecombe? Why him, he's a Raven like 'Mione," Neville said.

"Yes but he's also Death Eater material," Severus spoke.

Padma nodded, "And he's been one of the angriest that Hermione, a

muggle-born fourth year beat out pure-blood fifth, sixth, and seventh

years. There's been whisper around the Ravenclaw common room about


"Why hasn't she told us," Blaise asked?

"Hermione doesn't spend a lot of time in the common room, she's usually

with you guys, in the library, or with Viktor lately. She hasn't heard it, I

only did a couple nights ago and I don't think I was supposed to."

"Thanks Padma," Blaise said and gave her a quick kiss as she stood to


"Hermione's a friend," Padma replied with a shrug.

"Aiolossss," Harry hissed out and the snake rose out of his arm and

slithered out of his t-shirt.

"I will be able to ssssmell them out, if you take me to the alley way,"

Aiolos hissed back in response to his thoughts she had heard before she

came out of her tattoo form.

"Daphne and I are going to go to the alley with Aiolos, she's going to try

and get the scent of the attackers, and we can try in our wolf form."

"Do you think anyone will show up at the hospital wing," Susan asked.

"Yes but they will most likely claim it happened falling from a broom or

some other way," Severus answered. "I'll go talk with Filius to see what is

being done by Dumbledore."

"Regardless this is personal, we will deal with them," Harry said fiercely

and the others nodded.

Severus smirked, "I expect nothing less."

They relaxed slightly at Severus's answer and then Blaise spoke, "We're

going to sit with Hermione while you guys check it out."

Harry and Daphne made their way out of the castle using the secret

passageway to Honeydukes. They slipped into the store using the

invisibility cloak and through the town.

"We were over here, Rita Skeeter was out so we we're going to slip into

the Three Broomsticks using the back door," Daphne said pointing out the


"They must have been following you," Harry said as they entered. Aiolos

slithered down from around Harry's waist and started examining the

alleyway tongue flicking in and out. Harry cast a Notice-Me-Not charm

on the alley and Snow and Bay joined Aiolos sniffing around. Harry

almost immediately started growling at one side of the alley. Snow came

over to him and started growling as she recognized two scents; they often

came across in the Slytherin common room after runs, Warrington and

his girlfriend Jasmine Gibbons. Besides those two the three of them were

able to recognize three other scents from Hogwarts but Harry and

Daphne weren't familiar enough with them to single out who they were.

"Aiolosss, when we get back track down the ssscentsss, we're going to

visssit Hermione," Harry hissed out. Aiolos nodded and started back

towards the castle.

"Let's go I want to check on Hermione," Daphne said taking Harry's hand

and tossing the invisibility cloak over them.

Harry and Daphne walked into the hospital wing to find the others

gathered around Hermione's bed with Viktor holding her hand.

"Hey Mione, how you doing," Daphne asked as they came up to her bed.

Harry summoned to more chairs over and they sat.

"Well enough thank you. Madam Pomfrey said I can leave in the

morning; she wants to keep me overnight for observation, because of

blood loss. Any ideas on who attacked us?"

Harry glanced around and cast the muffilato charm, protecting the area.

"We know two of them, Warrington and his girlfriend Gibbons. Padma

thinks one of them might have been Malachi Edgecombe, Aiolos is

tracking the three other scents so we'll know for sure in a little bit."

"Vho is vis Aiolos," Viktor asked?

"Sorry Viktor, Aiolos is my familiar. She's a King Cobra," Harry said with

pride in his voice.

"You haf' a venomous snake for a familiar," Viktor asked curiously?

Harry looked at Hermione who nodded, so he answered, "I'm a

parselmouth, I freed Aiolos from a zoo when I was ten."

Viktor nodded with a slight smile on his face at the image of a ten year

old Harry breaking his snake out of a zoo.

Harry's own smirk turned cold after a few seconds, "Mione we will get

vengeance on them but, it's your choice ultimately whether we prank

them or truly teach them a lesson as we've been taught. We all know

Dumbledore will not do anything except maybe detention or loss of

points." Hermione looked thoughtful but Viktor looked outraged.

"VAT!" Viktor shouted showing his temper

The Hogwarts students nodded wearily, "Dumbledore's favorite thing is to

offer second chances. The idiot Weasley boy, you know the one that

stares at you," Blaise asked. Viktor nodded, "He tried to throw a firework

into one of our potions, and it could have killed half the class if Harry

hadn't stopped it. Dumbledore took away house points and gave him

detention for three weeks."

"Vats absurd, at Durmstrang ve vould be expelled at once," Viktor spoke.

"Tell me about, the secondary school in my district has a zero tolerance

policy, you even do something like shoulder check another student and

it's an automatic three day suspension," Hermione added.

Harry snorted, "Could've used that at my primary school."

"I think we should teach them a lesson," Hermione spoke softly, she was

more of the academic fight as a last resort type, "normally I would say

pranking would work but they intended to hurt us, me imparticularly. I

won't be a target or have my family targeted if I can help it, hopefully

this will head some of it off."

As Hermione finished and the others took in her statement Aiolos

slithered into the hospital wing.

"AAHHhh, Mr. Potter what have I said about letting Aiolos wander in

here unannounced," Madam Pomfrey's voice rang out from her office.

Harry and the others snickered; Madam Pomfrey was not a fan of snakes,

though she was learning to tolerate Aiolos.

"Sorry Madam Pomfrey," Harry called out trying not to laugh.

"Mmmhmm sure you are. You have ten minutes before I want Miss

Granger to rest," she called back.

Aiolos slithered on over to Harry and Viktor's eyes widen at the sight of

the very large cobra. He was expecting a smaller snake but really when

had Harry ever done anything little. The serpent slither across Harry and

Daphne and extended on to the bed near Hermione. Aiolos bumped

Hermione's hand with her mouth. She flicked her tongue against

Hermione making the girl giggle.

Aiolos hissed something and Harry translated, "She said she hopes you

heal fast."

"Thank you," Hermione replied to the snake and pat her on the head like

she would Crookshanks, who was currently sleeping at the foot of

Hermione's bed. Aiolos turned and started hissing to Harry.

Harry translated to the group, "She tracked two of the scents to

Ravenclaw dorms where they were the strongest. It's Malachi and his

sister Marietta. The other scent led to Gryffindor, Rex King."

"King's a seventh year," Neville spoke up, "He's a pure-blood, old-school,

but I wouldn't expect this of him but no one expected Pettigrew."

"Old school," Hermione asked?

"The family is steeped in tradition, contracts of all kinds are made only

by the Head of the Family, house-elves, rituals, a seat on the Wizenmagot

but as far as I know no one in the family was even accused of being a

Death Eater sympathizer."

"Well not anymore," Tracey said.

"So we think of a plan and hit them hard, Warrington and Gibbons we

can deal with easily in Slytherin. The dorms only house pairs," Daphne


"King will have to be on his own somehow," Neville said with a furrowed

brow, "Since this isn't going to be a prank we can't chance the other three

seventh years up."

"Marietta and Malachi will be tough to get to," Hermione spoke. "Marietta

and Cho are practically the same person and Malachi," she hesitated, "is

definitely a Ravenclaw but he would have made a good Slytherin."

"So we study the map, learn their patterns and strike when we know

they're alone," Harry said with finality.

A week had passed and the New Marauders had developed their plan of

attack. Warrington and Gibbons would be taken care of by Harry and

Blaise and Daphne and Tracey, respectively, during the night in the

dorms. Most likely they're subsequent injuries would go unnoticed as it

wasn't uncommon for Slytherins to deal with disputes in house. Neville

had watched Rex King for the week and learned his routine, getting to

him would be relatively simple as he kept to himself, teaching him a

lesson would be a bit more difficult as King was no slouch with magic,

specifically charms. Malachi and Marietta on the other hand took more

planning as they were often were with at least one other person. Malachi

was skilled magically, in all areas where as Marietta could barely hex her

way out of paper bag, her strength lied in theory and research. They were

weary though even Lockhart proved adept at one type of magic.

Hermione was able to narrow down an opportunity to get to Marietta;

the girl was in the library every Sunday night until curfew, by herself.

Malachi, they decided they would just have to wait until he was alone on

the map.

Harry and Blaise made their way out of their dorm room and down the

hall to the seventh year hallway. They slipped into Warrington's room, he

shared with Timothy Winchcombe. Harry silently cast a muffilato charm

on Winchcombe's bed and Blaise cast a sticking charm on his curtains.

They then turned to the walls and cast silencing charms. Harry had found

out an interesting tidbit about Warrington from Aiolos, he was scared of

snakes. His heart rate increased and Aiolos could sense it from the future

Death Eater. Harry cast the serpensortia charm for times, and out of his

wand came four large green anacondas.

"Bind him to the bed, don't let him move," Harry hissed to the four

snakes. The snakes complied and one wrapped around each leg and arms

and then to the bed posts. The snakes started constricting and binding

him tighter waking Warrington up. Warrington woke and tried to stretch

and looked around, he let out scream worthy of a five year old just

denied candy. Harry and Blaise chuckled drawing Warrington's attention.

Warrington made to shout but Blaise silenced him. Warrington started to

struggle against the anacondas but he only managed to make the

squeezing worse and to make it even worse Aiolos moved on to the bed

and settled on the struggling teen's chest. Aiolos hissed and her hood

flared making Warrington cease all movement and his breathing to


*SNAP* the noise drew Warrington's attention to Harry who was holding

his hand in the air. The room seemed to take on an icy atmosphere as

Harry starred the older teen down.

"Now, now Warrington you didn't think you could try and curse not only

my fiancé, friends, and the girl I think of as a sister and get away with it,

did you?" Harry's voice was almost a hiss as he spoke. "You see not only

did you attempt it but Daphne in the process was hurt and Hermione was

almost killed. We," Harry said gesturing from himself to Blaise, "Happen

to take offense to that." Blaise smiled when Harry turned to him, it was

truly sadistic and reminded Warrington that Blaise's mum was

mysteriously widowed seven times. Silence reigned for a few moments as

they let Warrington commiserate on that. Harry moved over to

Warrington's side table and picked up the wand that was laying there and

moved it in front of Warrington so he could see it. Warrington tried to

lunge for it but only succeeded in making Aiolos hiss menacingly at him.

Harry dropped the wand and Aiolos struck out snapping the wand

between her jaws. Shock was evident in the pure-blood's eyes as his wand

was snapped in the snake's jaws. Harry then cocked his arm back and let

in fly striking Warrington in the mouth, breaking the older boys jaw and

knocked two teeth out.

"That was for Daphne," Harry hissed, "now for 'Mione." Harry reached out

his arm and Aiolos slithered around his arm and free of any spell damage

to be inflicted. Harry and Blaise both cast bone-breaking curses at

Warrington; one struck him in the left leg and the other in his right arm.

Blaise smirked as tears gathered in Warrington's eyes. Blaise then took a

page from his grandfather's book and cast a bone breaker on each of

Warrington's fingers, one by one.

Harry banished the snakes holding Warrington and nodded to Blaise.

Blaise smirked and closed his eyes. Snake after snake poured down on

Warrington as he found himself incased in a coffin, though he could see

through the dark. The snakes were all around him hissing, slithering up

and down, there tongues flickering out, and eyes glinting. Warrington

pissed himself as he whimpered and cried in fright and pain trying not to

move. The snakes wrapped around his head and Warrington passed out

from the combination of stressors. Blaise stopped the illusion and they

left the room without bothering Warrington's roommate at all.

Warrington was found the next morning by his roommate Timothy, who

almost vomited at the stench of urine in the air. He ran to get Professor

Snape, who summoned Madam Pomfrey. Warrington was taken to the

hospital wing and spent a week there, over that week all the culprits of

Hermione's attack joined him for various broken bones, lacerations, and

psychological traumas. Each refused to name their attackers and no one

was talking or bragging about having done the attacks. Warrington for

the next month couldn't look at a snake without shaking.

"Welcome one and all to the FINAL QUIDDITCH MATCH of the

tournament between DURMSTRANG and…HOGWARTS!" Lee Jordan

announced as the referee made his way out onto the pitch. "Please put

your hands together the DUMSTRANG CONTINGENT, led by VIKTOR

KRUM! Followed by the chasers, PETROV, PUTIN, and PETROV. As

beaters for Durmstrang, SHAPKO and VASILIEV! AND at keeper,

SHEVCHENKO." The Durmstrang team flew out onto the pitch to the roar

of the crowd. It seemed fairly well divided today in the stands; most of

Durmstrang Institute had been port-keyed in to Britain for the game if

they wanted to attend. Aside from the students the stands were packed

with visitors, another whole set of stands had been added to the stadium

for the game. The extra quidditch fans seemed to be supporting

Durmstrang over Hogwarts, mostly due to Viktor's present. There was

even a Viktor Krum fan club there that had Hermione glaring at the

visitor stands every so often.

"AND NOW your very own HOGWARTS QUIDDITCH TEAM! Being led




BEATING, FRED AND GEORGE WEASLEY, and lastly but not least

KEEPER ARRON VASIEY!" The Hogwarts team and their alternates got a

thunderous amount of applause that even the merfolk of the Black Lake

could hear the vibrations of it. They flew around warming up for a few

minutes before the ref called the captains over to shake, Harry and Viktor

smirked at each other, each trying to outdo the other in strength at the

handshake, Rodger simply rolled his eyes at the two and chuckled. The

ref wasn't quite sure what to make of it and simply glared at them both.

They made their way back over to their teams; Madam Hooch simply

nodded at all of them, confidence pouring off her.

"Alright gather up," Harry said to the Hogwarts players.

"Krum might be a professional but the others aren't," Rodger Davis said

with tone that offered no opposition. "They're the best Durmstrang has

and we're the best Hogwarts has, we're just as good as them if not better.

As for Krum, Harry here is the best seeker to come out of Hogwarts in

over a century, he can beat Krum."

Harry nodded in appreciation to Rodger, "Hogwarts on three," he put his

hand out and the others joined him, "One, two, three, HOGWARTS!"

The starters mounted their brooms and got into position as the ref moved

to open the ball chest. He kicked the crate open and the bludgers shot up,

followed by the snitch.

"AND THE QUAFFEL'S UP! WON BY HOGWARTS! Davis streaks down the

pitch, passes to Sipinnet, to Johnson, Angelina take's left and dodges a

bludger by Shapko, Weasley send it at Petrov and blocks Petrov from

Johnson. Johnson shoots; it's wide but a FAKE! SPINNET ON THE


DURMSTRANG 0! Shevchenko puts the quaffel back in play to Putin.

Putin takes it down the pitch tosses to Anastasia; Anastasia swerves

around Spinnent; ooohhhh but she's hit by a bludger sent by Weasley!

Her brother recovers the quaffel though and continues down the pitch.

Davis jostles with him and the quaffel drops! Spinnent catches it and

streaks down the pitch; ducks a bludger, aims, and SAVED by

SCHEVCHENKO. Petrov receives the quaffel, Durmstang's down the pitch

in the Hawkeshead, good movement of the quaffel by Durmstrang. And

Angelina tries to interfere on the pass but is taken out by a well placed

bludger. Putin shoots and SAVED BY VAISEY!"

The game went back and forth for an hour without either side gaining an

advantage. Durmstrang had tied the match fifteen minutes into the match

with a well played Porskoff Ploy, since then the scoring went back and

forth, now tied at forty apiece. With the match even both seekers had

interfered little with play going on below them. Harry wasn't willing to

chance Viktor seeing the snitch before him and having to come back up

as opposed to diving for it. Viktor on the other hand was weary of Harry,

though not a professional player, Harry had natural talent and instinct

practically oozed from him once he was on a broom. Suddenly a thud

echo throughout the stadium followed by a loud scream of "SHITE!"

Harry and Viktor scanned the pitch and saw Alicia Spinnent slumped

over her broom holding her arm awkwardly. Madam Hooch called a time

out immediately and Rodger and Aaron helped guide Alicia down to the

ground. Harry wanted to go to his team but knew Viktor would use the

time to search for the snitch. Cedric and Ginny both nodded to him to

stay in the air so Harry searched for the snitch opposite Viktor. About

two minutes later Lee's voice announced, "And after that nasty hit from

the bludger by Shapko, left side chaser Alicia Spinnent will be out for the

rest of game with a shattered humorous bone."

As Lee said that half the stadium chorused out with a, "Shut up Gred/

Forge!" Harry stifled a laugh as both Fred and George pouted before

breaking into huge grins making Alicia laugh.

Lee smirked as he announced, "In for Spinnent will be fourth year chaser

DRACO MALFOY!" A cheer went up for the Hogwarts reserve chaser as he

came onto the field with the rest of the Hogwarts team. Harry went back

to looking for the snitch but no progress had been made by either him or

Viktor. The game continued back into play Draco lending Hogwarts an

advantage for the first time in the match. He was smaller and faster than

Alicia and the Durmstang team, which changed the chaser and beater

play of Hogwarts. Durmstrang wasn't prepared for the more breakaway

style of play brought when Draco was in the game. Hogwarts went up by

twenty ten minutes into resumed play thanks to breakaways by Draco.

Finally Harry spotted the snitch it was buzzing about just under the

chasers. Harry dived down as did Viktor off to Harry's left. "AND IT

LOOKS LIKE THEY'VE SEEN THE SNITCH!" The whole stadium went

quiet as the two seekers flew towards the glint of gold only some could

make out. Harry could feel Viktor come up beside him but didn't spare a

glance to the older boy as he flew after the snitch. As they reached the

middle of the pitch the chasers for each team scattered to avoid their

seekers and Rodger capitalized on the distraction and scored another goal

for Hogwarts. The snitch swerved up into the air Harry and Viktor

following but both having to separate from their lines as Petrvo was in

the way. Harry and Viktor came back onto their lines following the snitch

up, Harry's slightly smaller frame allowing him to outstrip Viktor a few

feet. The snitch banked into a large turn to the left Harry and Viktor

following, Harry getting the inside just a bit. Suddenly Harry had to

swerve as Vasiliev placed a bludger right in his path. Harry pulled back

and lost sight of the snitch but luck was with him as the bludger sailed

into Viktor whose view of it had been blocked by Harry's body. The

bludger hit Viktor in the chest, winding him. Harry turned his pull back

into a roll and shot off the other way and caught sight of the snitch and

took off after it. Viktor blinked a couple of times and shook his head to

clear his thoughts and caught the golden glint off to the side and took off

after it. Harry and Viktor moved down with the snitch as it lowered

closer to the ground. They were coming in from opposite sides as they

closed in on the snitch. "THEY'RE GONNA CRASH!" Lee announced as

they were five feet off the ground as they closed in on the snitch head on

with each other. Harry and Viktor both with outstretch hands grasped for

the snitch that jerked up a few inches at the last second; Harry whose

reflexes were faster jerked his broom up with it. As his hand clasped

around the snitch Harry's broom clipped Viktor's shoulder. Viktor plowed

into the pitch but managed to get his hands up to guard his face while

Harry was sent flying over top of Viktor and slammed hard into the pitch,

though he managed to roll with it lessening the impact.

The crowd gasped as one and then flinched as one as the two seekers

collided. As they hit the ground and stopped moving the crowd was silent

until Harry regained some of his senses and held up his fist showing the


WINS THE QUIDDITCH TOURNAMENT!" The supporters for Hogwarts let

out deafening roar of approval as they moved to rush the pitch. Madam

Pomfrey and the Durmstrang healer rushed the pitch with speed that

should be impossible for women their age and attended to the two

downed seekers. Harry was already getting to his feet when Madam

Pomfrey reached him.

"Hadrian James Potter stop right there," Madam Pomfrey's voice managed

to cut clear through the din of the crowd. Harry had been trying to subtly

sneak behind his teammates in hopes of avoiding Pomfrey. Harry stopped

and turned and smiled sheepishly at her. Madam Pomfrey just glared and

cast a diagnostic charm as she stopped in front of him with Alicia

grinning and the rest of the team grinning beside her. "Episkey," Madam

Pomfrey said and his nose stopped bleeding, "there was that so difficult?"

"Maybe," Harry said with a crooked simile before he and the rest of the

team were swarmed and hoisted into the air.

Later that night Harry was sitting comfortably in a corner of the Slytherin

common room just taking in the atmosphere of the after party going on

with Aiolos resting around his neck. After the celebration on the pitch

and the Quidditch team cleaned up, there was impromptu party in the

Great Hall for the Hogwarts students. Nobody knew who organized but

Harry saw a few house elves beaming with pride at the Hogwarts

Quidditch players. All the houses partied in the Great Hall until

Dumbledore shut it down at eleven. From there the party continued in

the house common rooms with a few students participating in parties at a

common room other than their own. For instance Alicia was present in

the Slytherin common room currently enjoying herself from her spot on

Aaron's lap, the new marauders were present surrounding Harry or

dancing in a cleared are of the common room. Hermione though was

absent, something that made Harry snicker since he knew she wasn't in

the Ravenclaw common room.

"What are you smirking at," Daphne said as she came over after dancing

with Tracey and Susan. Daphne came to stop in front of Harry, who was

sitting with his legs open. Harry closed them around Daphne making her

stumble forward and Harry caught her, pulling her down so she was

sitting on his lap. Daphne gave Aiolos a pat before making herself

comfortable on Harry's lap with a smirk of her own.

Harry groaned before he answered her, "Oh I just noticed Hermione's

been suspiciously missing since the end of the match." Harry waggled his

eyebrows at Daphne who giggled.

"Hmm, that gives me an idea," Daphne purred making Harry cock his

head at her with his crooked smile on his face. "Aiolos I'm taking your

perch, sorry," Daphne said scratching under the snakes mouth. Aiolos's

responding hiss sounded more like huff and the large serpent wove her

way through the crowd causing a few shrieks. Daphne leaned into Harry

and pressed her lips to his softly, slowly kissing him. Daphne pulled back,

too soon in Harry's opinion, he pouted. "Come on," Daphne said getting

up off his lap slowly and taking his hand lead Harry out of the Slytherin

common room. The halls were deserted it seemed even Filch was

celebrating tonight. Daphne led Harry by the hand to a secret

passageway that lead up to the fourth floor.

Harry took the opportunity to pull Daphne back into him and leaned in

giving her a searing kiss. Harry slipped his tongue into her mouth fully

intent on exploring it once again but Daphne pulled back. "Nope wait

until we get to the room." They came to the fourth floor and moved into

another secret passage that took them the rest of the way to the seventh

floor. As Harry closed the door to the room Daphne pounced and pushed

him into the doors as she kissed him. Daphne's tongue roamed over his

lips asking for entrance which Harry granted. They're tongues battled and

caressed each other as their hands started to remove clothing. Harry

reversed their positions and kissed down Daphne's neck enjoying the feel

of her skin against his lips. His hands went to the hem of her shirt and

she raised her arms, Harry flung the shirt away. Harry's hands traced

lightly up and down Daphne's bare sides, making her shiver against him.

Harry's shirt came off next followed by Daphne's bra. Harry moved his

mouth down to Daphne's breast placing feather light kisses over them

until Daphne pushed off the door and brought Harry's lips back to hers

backing Harry up to the bed. When Harry's legs hit the bed Daphne

pushed him back onto the bed. Daphne leaned over and kissed her way

down his chest to his pants. Daphne looked up coyly at him and smirked

as she undid his pants and pushed his pants and boxers off, "Tonight is

about you," she said as she lowered her mouth to him.


Sorry, sorry, sorry. It was a long wait but after I posted last the

semester started and along with my five classes for the first two

weeks I was working thirty hours which left time for pretty much

nothing. And then after that my laptop screen literally split apart so

I had to send it away for repairs, i just got it back this afternoon and

am completely negalegting a paper to get this up. Not sure when the

next update will come but it will be shorter than it took to get this

chapter up!



28. Duels and down time

This was not checked by a Beta

"Welcome to the final dueling match between Hogwarts School of

Witchcraft and Wizardry and Durmstrang Institute of Magic!" The last

month had passed with little fanfare in regards to the tournaments for the

New Marauders. Viktor and Harry were photographed shaking hands

with each other the day after the Quidditch final at the trophy

presentation; both had rather goofy grins on their faces. After the shake

between the two seekers both teams got up and congratulated each other

in the photo. Rita Skeeter for once wrote a rather flattering article for the

teams; well half an article, the other half contained various shots at

Dumbledore for failing to catch the culprit of her harpy prank.

Harry was in the stands with his friends as well as Alastor, Xavier,

Evelyn, Belladonna, and Neville's Gran. Neville's Gran was sitting next to

Alastor with her vulture hat sitting like she was holding court with

among the other parents and generally glaring at Karkaroff and Snape.

Harry struggled not to laugh as Neville rolled his eyes at his

grandmother's attitude. She had yet to accept Severus or Belladonna but

Neville usually just disregarded what his grandmother said. Luckily

though since he was picked to represent Hogwarts on the dueling team

she had toned it down but he was likely to get another ear full when she

saw he wasn't using his father's wand.

"Now please welcome the Durmstrang Institute duelers," Kevin Vorenus,

the current dueling champion of North America; they brought him for

today's competition. "Lead by Zoran Illic, their seventh year captain.

Followed by fellow seventh year Oleh Husyev, sixth years Yuriy Rotan,

Davor Suker, Helmut Rahn, Grzegorz Lato, and fifth year Karl Belanov.

Durmstrang's alternate is sixth year Elena Rogova and their coach

Headmaster Igor Karkaroff."

At the Karkaroff's name both Moody and Xavier snorted in contempt from

behind Harry. Harry turned and raised an eyebrow at them as did Susan,

Hermione, and Tracey.

Moody fixed his magical eye on Karkaroff as he answered their unasked

question, "Karkaroff was at best a subpar dueler and I know for a fact

Yuri Zavurov, a former Russian auror and dueling champion is a

Professor at Durmstrang. Karkaroff is looking to impress people, and his

duelers are going to suffer for it."

Xavier added his own thoughts when Moody finished, "Karkaroff has

always been a weasel. If Durmstrang wins the dueling competition it will

make him look good in front of his students' parents. Lato's father for

instance is a high ranking politician in Ukraine; Karkaroff wants asylum

should Voldemort rise again. He thinks this is how he'll get it."

"Bit risky isn't?" Harry said glancing at Karkaroff, "If they lose he's going

to look like a self indulgent prick." The others nodded in agreement with


"Yes, but he was counting on Dumbledore being the one in charge of

Hogwarts' dueling team," Xavier answered. "Luckily for us and unlucky

for him the board made the decisions on who would run each of the

teams. If Dumbledore was in charge of the dueling team he most likely

would have had them practicing tickling charms where as Severus and

Professor Flitwick," Xavier trailed off with a smirk and the teens nodded

understanding his meaning.

"Now for the Hogwarts dueling team," Vorenus announced to the cheer of

the crowd that was spilt about seventy/thirty for Hogwarts. "Lead by

seventh years Thomas Kennsington and Jason Murray; followed by sixth

years Samantha Fawcett and Thomas Avery, and fourth years Daphne

Greengrass, Neville Longbottom, and Blaise Zabini. Hogwarts' alternate is

sixth year Lee Jordan. And give a round of applause for the Hogwarts'

coaches Dueling and Charms Master Filius Flitwick and Dueling and

Potions Master Severus Snape!"

Harry started chuckling, "Anyone else think Karkaroff's looking nervous

now?" The others around him looked and Karkaroff was indeed sweating

a bit more and the man's beady little eyes were darting from Severus to

Professor Flitwick to the Hogwarts duelers and back.

"Now welcome our first duelers to the platform for Durmstrang the

seventh year ZORAN ILLIC and for Hogwarts the fourth year DAPHNE


Harry tensed as Daphne walked to the platform and faced the large teen

from Durmstrang. Harry hated seeing Daphne fight, though she could

handle herself, he didn't like seeing curses flying at her. 'calm yourssself

hatchling,' Aiolos spoke inside Harry's head, 'your magic isss gathering.' Harry

looked down at his hands and saw what Aiolos meant; his hands had a

faint greenish glow. Harry took some deep breaths and Evelyn placed a

hand on his shoulder helping to calm him. Harry looked back up to the

platform and almost snarled Illic was starring at Daphne's chest and

eyeing her like a piece of meat. Then the bastard winked at her, Daphne's

blank expression hardened.

"Damn!" Viktor said from Hermione's left side, "Daf-nee iz going to wipe

floor wif' him now, right?"

Hermione laughed at her boyfriend's putout expression, "Yes, yes she is,"

Hermione replied. Harry smirked down the row at Viktor and nodded.

Daphne's expression as hardened as the barbaric boy across from her and

the nerve to wink at her with Harry in the stands. 'He's lucky he's still

breathing,' crossed Daphne's mind as the announcer talked about the

rules for the crowds benefit. Nothing automatically lethal and no

weapons besides your wand were the rules in a nutshell. Daphne started

smirking as the announcer went through his spiel and Zoran started to

sweat as the fourth year little thing across from him smirked.

"Bow," Vorenus said to the competitors. Daphne barely nodded her head

forward where as Zoran bowed. "Begin!"

Zoran shot a powerful arching reducto at Daphne, who ducked under the

spell while firing off three silent stunners. Zoran dodged on and shielded

another but the third broke through his shield. The shield took off some

of the power leaving his left shoulder and arm slightly numb. Zoran was

surprised at the power behind the spell and Daphne fired off the gouging

curse with perfect aim, Zoran's wand hand. Daphne's spell impacted

Zoran's wand hand in the back the curse went through the flesh and

bones and cracked his wand as it kept traveling into the spelled boundary

of the platform. Zoran let out a strangled cry as the spell impact and tore

through his hand and wand. Blood spilled out of the hand as did bone

fragments and parts of his wand fell to the ground. Karkaroff looked

outraged while Daphne, Harry, Xavier and Evelyn, Severus, smirked and

Professor Flitwick let out a sigh and shook his head.

"He shouldn't have winked," Tracey said in a sing-song voice that made

Viktor shake his head in disgust.

"Now that was a gouging spell, folks! Next duelers to the platforms. For

Durmstrang we have sixth year HELMUT RAHN and for Hogwarts

SAMANTHA FAWCETT!" The opponents faced each other and bowed.

Fawcett fired first and kept up a barrage of spells while Rahn shielded

and dodged a bit. Rahn finally found an opening and fired a cutting curse

at Fawcett. The duel evened out after that and they traded spells for close

to twenty minutes before Rahn managed to land a lucky disarming spell

against Fawcett.

The next two duels followed a similar pattern with Avery losing to Yuriy

Rotan and Murray taking out Durmstrang's other seventh year Oleh


"Now were tied up with two matches a piece and three to go, welcome

the next competitors. From Durmstrang we have KARL BELANOV and

representing Hogwarts this round is fourth year BLAISE ZABINI!"

Blaise stepped up onto the platform eyeing the crowd around him. His

eyes settled on his friends and then flickered to his mother, who was

smiling proudly at him. He grinned back at her as she laid a hand over

her heart, a small sign of affection that they had been doing since Blaise

could remember.

His focus turned back to his opponent a fifth year who stood around the

same height as Blaise but that was where the similarities ended. While

Blaise was in top physical condition thanks to Severus and Sirius's

training, the Durmstrang boy was thin and spindly. Flitwick had drilled

into the duelers the background of all their opponents, Karl Belanov was

on the Durmstrang team for his knowledge of spells not dueling skills.

"Begin!" Blaise heard as Belanov came up from his bow firing an icing

spell at Blaise's feet, but Blaise was already casting. Four arching stunners

were sent at Belanov as Blaise used it to give him time to dispel the ice

on the platform where he stood. Blaise was silently holding a shield at

the same time he was casting, aspis, the spell worked as the ancient

shield of the same name did. The charm, taught to the duelers by

Flitwick, applied a magical version of the ancient shield to the casters left

arm. As they moved their arm the shield moved and as an added bonus

the shield was only visible to the opponent when a spell struck it. The

charm also required minimal concentration once cast, if you had enough

magic and proper occlumency training one didn't even have to

concentrate on the shield at all.

The aspis flared red as an unknown curse impacted it as Blaise shielded

the unfriendly gray spell, the spell deflected and blew up a chunk of the

platform. Blaise thinking quickly banished the fragments of the platform

at Belanov who jumped to his right to avoid it. Unfortunately for Belanov

nobody had taught him to dodge so he was sprawled on the ground as

Blaise sent a silent stunner at him, knocking the Durmstrang boy out.

Blaise summoned the other teen's wand ending the duel.

"MATCH HOGWARTS! Hogwarts now leads three to one."

Blaise nodded to Kensington as the older boy moved passed him to take

his place on the platform.

"Please welcome to the platform our final duelers who will decide this

thrilling DUELING CHAMPIONSHIP!" Vorenus announced, "From

Durmstrang sixth year GREZGORZ LATO! And anchoring the Hogwarts

team fourth year NEVILLE LONGBOTTOM!"

Neville moved to take his spot on the platform not even sparing a glance

for the crowd but focused on his task, Severus had chosen him to anchor

the team and he was going to make the stern Professor proud. As he

turned and faced his opponent Neville was calm and collected, the small

nervous pudgy boy from first year long forgotten memory. The older boy

across from him smirked at Neville who simply blinked in return, irking

Lato a bit. Lato bowed in a sarcastic manner showing Neville exactly

what he thought of facing a fourth year, cocky. As Neville leaned back

from his slight bow, Vorenus hesitated leaving the crowd in suspense

before shouting, "BEGIN!"

Lato lazily fired off a disarming charm at Neville, who just as lazily

flicked his wand sending the spell wide. Lato snapped his wrist a bit

more, showing his anger at Neville's silent deflection, as he sent a stunner

at Neville this time. Neville again lazily sent the stunner off to the side.

Lato's jaw clench and fired three more stunning spells in quick

succession, Neville once again deflected two of the spells and to Lato's

ever growing anger simply step aside from the last stunner. Neville now

stood slightly to the left of his previous position and did something that

caused Lato to yell in furry, he smirked at the older boy and imitated

Lato's earlier bow. Lato began throwing cutting curses, gouging hexes,

reductos, and stunners one right after another nonstop for a good two

minutes. Neville easily dodged or parried his spells to the side. Finally

Lato stopped out of breath and red in the face, Neville struck. Neville

snapped his wand up and sent a silent bombarda curse at the sixth year.

The light orange spell raced at the Durmstrang boy who tried to summon

a shield but the curse was too fast and slammed into the Durmstrang boy

sending him flying back ten feet into the shield around the dueling

platform. The boy flopped down to the ground unconscious as Neville

summoned his wand.


"You were brilliant out there," Harry quietly muttered to Daphne. They

were currently sprawled out on a couch in front of a fireplace in the

Slytherin common room. The common room was currently empty as

everyone was either asleep or passed out, the party having ended a few

hours ago at one.

Daphne leaned her head back on Harry's chest so she was looking up at

him and flashed him smile, "He had it coming. I mean really who

blatantly checks out their dueling opponent."

Harry grinned down at her lopsided and kissed her sweetly and slowly

once before pulling back a little and still grinning before deepening the

kiss. Their tongues tangled and Harry pulled her tighter to him for a few

minutes before releasing her from the kiss, he kissed down her neck and

then just wrapped her in his arms again.

"Aiolos what did you think of the match," Daphne said lovingly to the

snake that was perched on the hearth. Aiolos hissed back to Daphne

before letting out a snake-ish laugh.

"She commends you on your win and says Zoran would make a good

weasel," Harry said laughing. They sat in silence for a few minutes before

Harry spoke again, "Have you thought about the wedding at all?"

"Some of the time but we've both been kind of busy," Daphne said with a

light laugh.

"True but I thought girls plan weddings from the womb or something,"

Harry asked with a grin.

Daphne poked him in the side before smiling, "while Tracey may have

hers planned, I never really thought about it. I've known about the

contract my whole life I knew the wedding wasn't my choice, hell some

people in contracts don't even have a ceremony, with you not being

around I didn't know what to expect. So I just didn't think about it,"

Daphne explained with a shrug.

Harry flipped them on the couch so Daphne was now under him as he

hovered over her. Harry looked into Daphne's eyes and saw some

lingering sadness in them. He lowered his mouth to hers and kissed her

tracing her lips with his tongue. Daphne opened her mouth to him and

Harry gently explored the inside of her mouth before he pulled back

slightly and once again looked her in the eyes, "Well I'm here now and

you can have any wedding you want this summer be it one fit for queen

or trip to Vegas to have Elvis marry us. I don't care as long as I get to

marry you and you're happy," Harry whispered lovingly. Daphne smiled

up at him and threaded her hands through his hair and pulled him down

once again to her lips.

Aiolos watched her hatchling kiss his mate for a few minutes letting him

enjoy his peace before slithering down off the hearth and giving Daphne's

bare foot a flick with her tongue.

"EEEkkk," Daphne shrieked as something cold and wet hit her foot. She

pushed Harry back to see what it was and saw Aiolos smirking; oddly

enough Aiolos accomplished the human display quite well.

Harry leaned back and looked down at Aiolos and hissed, "Not cool."

"Well asss much fun asss you ssseem to be having it isss called the

common room for a reassson, I don't think Daphne will appreciate an

audience," Aiolos hissed back calmly.

Harry mockingly huffed, "fine," he hissed and then turned to Daphne and

spoke in English, "Aiolos pointed out were still in the common room."

Daphne blushed bright red as the realization hit her that anyone could

have seen them snogging on the couch. Harry grinned down at her as she

blushed, so Daphne did as any good girlfriend would and pushed him off

the couch. He landed with an, humph, followed by Aiolos' laughing hiss.

"Prat," Daphne muttered.

Harry grinned in reply and helped her stand, "Sometimes but always

yours," he commented and gave her one more quick kiss before she

turned and entered the hallway to the girls' dorms.

"Ten galleons on Hogwarts," Harry said smiling slyly at Viktor and Fleur

who were sitting with him and the New Marauders. Today was the finally

the academic challenge and Hermione was a basket case, well on the

inside. You could practically see her thoughts running over everything

she, Tracey, and the rest of the Hogwarts team learned for today. The

New Murauders minus Tracey and Hermione but with Theo and Draco

were in the stands waiting for the Challenge to get underway and Harry

decided it had been to long since he parted someone from their money.

"Done," Fleur spoke right away.

Viktor though hesitated and eyed his girlfriend at the Hogwarts team's

table, "Vat is the expression?" He thought for a moment and then

announced, "Ah, no dice! Mione on her own vould beat Durmstrang vith

how hard she studied."

The group chuckled at that while Fleur just raised an eyebrow and said,

"Almost all of ze Beauxbatons team iz like Hermione when it comes to


Jaws dropped around Fleur at her statement but Draco managed to

speak, "I don't think I could handle more than one Granger. I mean she

already has us studying for finals and we have two months, the schedules

not even out yet!" Blaise nodded along with him only for both of them to

regret that as they were smacked upside the back of their head by Susan

and Daphne respectively.

"Shut up it's about to start," Daphne said before muttering, "It's too bad

the Grangers can't be here."

Harry wrapped an arm around Daphne's shoulders and pointed out the

Davis parents who were sitting in the front row with camcorder.

"When did you buy a camcorder?"

"I had Sirius pick up a catalog and then circled the one to get and sent

him to the store with the catalog. Then I wrote step by step instructions

for how to work it, see the paper Marius is holding? Instead of idiot proof

its wizard proof." Daphne started laughing so hard she snorted making

Harry chuckle. "Have you thought any about the wedding?"

Daphne nodded, "Small. That's it so far."

"Small is good," Harry replied and gave Daphne's neck a quick nip.


from his spot on the stage that had been set up in the Great Hall.

"Does anyone else find Bagman ludicrously under qualified for this,"

Blaise asked?

Everyone in the vicinity laughed causing Bagman to falter in his speech

as the laughter rang out.

"Yes, well," Bagman stuttered as the crowd quieted down again. "Today's

competition is between all three schools. For Beauxbatons Academy we

have Amelie Lisle, Marie Robert, Constance Desmarais, Cecile Desmarais,

Anton Aucion, and Thierry Evra." The Beauxbatons team stood from their

table and bowed to the gathered spectators. "The Durmstrang contestants

are Olof Baier, Axel Kluge, Grigori Dolohov, Raina Jakov, Sonia Chinca,

and Viviana Radu." Once again the students rose from their seats and

bowed to the crowd. "AND REPRESENTING HOGWARTS, "Blair Simon,

Hermione Granger, Tracey Davis, Nathan Clearwater, Andrew Harper,

and Odin Blane!"

"Alright the format for today's competition will be as follows. I, your

announcer, will ask a question the first team to answer correctly will be

given five points. The second team to answer correctly will be award

three points. And the last team will be given one point; if you have a

wrong answer no points will be awarded. Now each team has one writer

who is responsible for the answer, it will appear on the front of the table.

As you can see it is impossible for one team to see another's answer. The

first team to reach seventy five points is the winner!"

"Now the first question is, Name the magical properties of the number


The questions continued on in the same manner with Bagman asking

them and the three teams answering them. After five questions

Beauxbatons lead twenty to Hogwarts seventeen and Durmstrang five.

Viktor looked at the scoreboard and shook his head muttering about

Karkaroff being a biased ass. Blaise was asleep on Susan's shoulder.

Susan, Hannah, and Daphne were discussing some of the questions as

they came up; currently they were debating whether or not oven cleaner

qualified as a use of dragon blood. Draco and Theo were playing the card

game war. Harry was chatting with Fleur and Viktor about possibilities

for the third task.

The academic competition contoured on for another three hours before a

Beauxbatons ended the competition by answering which properties of

transfiguration the philosopher's stone uses. Beauxbatons one with

seventy six points, Hogwarts finished with sixty seven points, and

Durmstrang finished with forty eight points.


As Bagman announced Beauxbatons as the winner Fleur turned to Harry,

Blaise, and Draco with her hand out. "I believe 'uo owe mio some

money," Fleur said with a smirk. The three boys grumbled as they handed

over their ten galleons each. The others who didn't bet just laughed at

them as Tracey and Hermione came over to join them.

"Well at least they cared enough to bet on us, even Blaise was asleep

through the whole thing," Tracey commented sarcastically to Hermione

and shot Blaise a look.

Blaise just shrugged and Hermione laughed, "Well I'm just happy people

actually showed up. In primary school when there were competitions like

this the only ones to show were parents."

"Today you're going to brew the antidote to amortentia," Severus lectured

quietly to the silent class of fourth years, most of which were taking

notes, well the Slytherins for some unknown reason the Gryffindors still

had yet to learn the art of note taking in potions class. Severus internally

sighed as he envisioned cauldrons blowing up. "Amortentia is the

strongest love potion to have been invented if brewed properly it can

turn you into a blubbering idiot faster than a full blooded veela. Now


"Nev, get the fluxweed, hellebore, and cinnamon sticks. I'll get the

essence of murtlap, ginkgo leaves, and the puffer fish." Harry and Neville

went to the potions cabinet to get their ingredients. Harry took the

murtlap and ginkgo leaves back to their station before putting on his

dragon hide gloves and going to a tank filled with pufferfish and pulling

one out.

As he made his way back to the table with the fish under a stasis charm

he heard Severus yell out, "WEASLY, put your gloves on before you pick

up a puffer fish! Impudent whelp."

Harry just shook his head at Neville and tried to hold in his laughter, "He

really tried to pick up a poisonous fish without gloves?"

Neville nodded, "He was 'bout an inch away from the puffer too." Neville

took the ginkgo leaves and began to detach them from the stems; he had

already finished with the hellebore.

"Nice job Nev, alright you need to crush the cinnamon sticks with the

marble mortar and pistol. You can watch at the same time as I clean the

puffer fish. Normally you can just get the part you need already clean,

but Professor Snape wants us to know how to do this. The quills are used

in other potions." Harry turned to the cauldron and added the essence of

murtalp to the cauldron; they needed to heat it until it turned red. He

then started on the puffer fish he needed to clean it and add only the

liver to the potion. Harry carefully went about cleaning the puffer, taking

the quills off and then separating the parts with the silver knife.

"Just so you are all aware I will be testing one antidote on a student."

Severus spoke in a sharp voice, "though as you should no doubt realize

due to the ingredients you're working with if brewed incorrectly the

antidote functions as a poison."

Half the students gulped while the others went pale, Harry smirked well

use to Severus's scare tactics. Harry finished with his fish and put the

pieces to the side as the potion turned red. "Nev, add the ginkgo leaves

one at a time as I stir." The leaf had to dissolve before they could add

another, one by one the leaves dissolved and the potion turned a dark

blue. Neville then took the ground cinnamon sticks and added it to the

potion as Harry added the hellebore, the potion turned bright blue after

five minutes of stirring five clockwise and then one counter-clockwise

stir. "Alright now we need to wait two and a half minutes before adding

the diced puffer liver." Neville counted down the time and Harry added

the liver. Harry started stirring every minute they need to add a counter-

clockwise stir, for three minutes. Finally Harry turned off the heat and let

the potion cool, now clear in color. After it cooled they bottled it, it made

three bottles.

Severus called for time about ten minutes after Harry and Neville had

finished. Harry took a look around and noticed only three other groups

with the correct finished product, Blaise and Daphne, Tracey and

Millicent, and Draco and Theo.

"WEASLY, FINNEGAN, don't even touch your cauldron just leave it there!

Same for you Crabble, Goyle," Severus bit out as he moved to their

stations in the back of the room and placed a spell around the two

stations. Harry thought it looked like someone had spread tar over both

stations. Pansy Parkinson and Parvati Patil's potion was light blue, Harry

guessed that would garner an acceptable from Severus. Dean Thomas and

Lavender Brown's potion was an angry red color.

"Congratulations Mr. Thomas, Miss Brown you've managed to make a

poison, not an antidote," Severus said scathingly as he eyed their potion.

Then Severus smirked, "Any volunteers for testing Mr. Malfoy and Mr.

Nott's potion? No, well then I'll just have to pick. WEASLEY, front and

center! Close your eyes Weasley." Severus pulled a potion out of his

pocket that had a pearl shine to it, amortentia. Severus walked around

the classroom and stopped by Crabble, he pricked Crabble's finger with a

small needle and let a drop of blood into the amortentia. The prick

healed on Crabble's finger and Severus moved back to Weasley who was

at the front of the class shaking and pale with his eyes closed. "Drink up

Mr. Weasley," Severus gave him the amortentia and Weasley relaxed,

opening his eyes and focusing on the burly fourth year Slytherin in the

back. Weasley's mouth opened slightly and he looked dazed, he waved to

Crabble shyly before Severus gave him the antidote Draco and Theo

brewed. Weasley snapped out of it and immediately blushed bright red,

whether it was from anger or not Harry didn't know.

"Class dismissed," Severus said with a smirk.

Harry and the new marauders were outside in spread out in front of the

black lake enjoying the good weather brought with the first of May.

Blaise was currently snogging off to the side and ignoring his potions

essay with his current flavor of the week, fifth year Ravenclaw Nola


"Cho and her annoying band of followers are going to irritate us even

more after this," Daphne commented looking up from her Ancient Runes


"At least you don't have to live in the same house as them," Hermione

said with a scowl. "Nola's horrible you'd think being in Ravenclaw and

knowing Blaise has gone through three other girls since Padma and him

split she'd realize Blaise isn't serious. But know she simpers all around the

common room claiming she's in love."

"Really," Susan asked a bit skeptically, Johnston was one of the top

students in fifth year.

"Mmhmm, last night she crowed to Cho about winning her own

Slytherin," Hermione's voice held no small amount of disgust.

"Wait what's this about winning a Slytherin," Tracey asked looking up

from her Arithmancy text book with a curious look, "we're no longer


Susan and Hermione shared a look before Susan spoke, "well you

probably wouldn't have heard since the older years in your house are the

only ones who have been willing to date outside the house. Since the

teams for the tournament started the older girls from Ravenclaw,

Huffelpuff, and Gryffindor have started adding the Slytherin males to the

eligible bachelor list. Harry's at the top and Blaise is damn near close to it

after the dueling tournament."

Daphne's look turned possessive at that comment and Harry who was

trying to steadily ignore the conversation at Daphne's side pressed a

calming kiss to the back of Daphne's neck. "Relax Daph, they can take

their list and shove it for all I care, besides I won't even qualify for

bachelor after this summer. I'll be yours in every way," Harry whispered

into her ear. Daphne relaxed and gave him a quick kiss before returning

to her work and the conversation.

Neville who was across from them and working on potions snickered at

Harry. Harry smirked in reply and asked aloud, "So where's Neville of this


Susan caught on fast and answered, "Well since the beginning of the year

and his minor growth spurt he moved up to about thirteenth on the list.

But after his impressive dueling showing I believe he's up to fifth on

everyone's list." Neville blushed as Susan finished and turned even redder

as she added, "Hannah's hexed a few of the older puffs with some

interesting results."

"So Harry any word on the third task yet," Hermione asked changing the

subject earning a look of thanks from the still red Neville.

"Yeah we got a letter earlier today saying Bagman wants to meet with us

next week."

"That's it?"

"Yep, I'm getting rather sick of the whole thing," Harry said before

turning to Neville, "Done?"

"Yep, you?" Harry nodded and they switched essays, so Neville could look

over his herbology essay on Astragalus and Harry could look over

Neville's potions easy on amortentia.

"Harry… I'm trying… to read," Daphne managed to gasp out as Harry

kissed down her neck. They were currently lying on his bed in the

Slytherin dorms, Blaise was off on his own and Aiolos was stealing one of

Tracey's dirty books.

"But this so much more fun," Harry muttered against her neck and nipped

behind her ear. Daphne moaned and Harry took her book and set it down

before he flipped them and hovered over her. Harry hovered over her

and brought his lips down to hers and parted her lips with his tongue.

Harry explored Daphne's mouth with his tongue before moving back to

her neck. Harry moved his hands to her shirt and drew it up her body,

Daphne's arms went up and Harry parted her from her shirt. Harry

looked down at his fiancé with a hungry gaze in his eye, one that made

Daphne feel as if she was the goddess Aphrodite herself. Harry next rid

her of her bra and kissed down her chest, he nipped at her breasts

playfully and teased her nipples with his tongue.

"Haaarrryy," Daphne moaned pleadingly.

Harry looked up at her and smirked playfully before slowing kissing a

path down her stomach, stomping to amuse himself with her navel before

moving lower and divesting her of her skirt and thong at the same time.

Harry slowly kissed his way up to the apex of her thighs, he looked up at

her and locked eyes with her as he gave her lower lips one long lick.

Daphne moaned and thrust her hips up off the bed and into Harry who

started to eat her in earnest. As Daphne moaned and mewed her

appreciation, Harry switch to parseltongue and proceeded to recite his

love of Daphne's taste against her. Daphne's hands wound their way into

his hair and tugged hard as she arched off the bed and screamed out her


"HAAARRRRYY!" Harry lapped happily at Daphne's release until she

relaxed back onto the bed. Harry placed one final kiss against her before

kissing his way back up her body. Daphne was still breathing hard as

Harry pulled her to his chest and she wrapped around him, settling her

breathing. "Not that I don't appreciate it but what was that for," Daphne

asked placing a kiss on Harry's neck.

Harry wrapped his arms tighter around her for a moment and shrugged,

"I love you." Daphne smiled up at him before looking over at the clock on

Harry's bedside, "We need to get to dinner."

Harry made his way down to the quidditch pitch with the other

champions to meet with Bagman laughing at a joke Viktor made that had

Fleur blushing. Abruptly Cedric, Viktor, and Harry came to a stop as they

saw the quidditch pitch, Fleur kept walking not realizing they had

stopped until Harry shouted.

"What the bloody hell did you wankers do to the pitch!" Harry shouted as

he took in Bagman and Percy Weasley standing by the pitch that now

had very large shrubs growing out of it.

Bagman just continued smiling having no idea how close three quidditch

stars were to ending his pathetic little life. Percy Weasley looked

affronted and Fleur rolled her eyes.

"Boys you can kill Bagman after I win, but for now 'ow about we just let

'im tell us what's going on," Fleur asked with a mock lock of superiority

that Percy Weasley sneered at but the others laughed at.

"Uhhuhh sure Frenchie keep dreamin'," Harry said with a smile.

"Vight keep dreaming, for ve all know I vill vin," Viktor added with a


"Right now that's the spirit," Bagman said trying to take control. "This is

the location of the third task, any guesses as to what it is?" Bagman said

in his annoyingly cheerful voice while bouncing in place like a five year

old. All four champions looked like they wanted to either deck the guy or

call the men in white coats.

"Maze," Viktor grunted out in reply. Harry snorted at Viktor's grunt as

Bagman looked like little kid that just had their balloon animal popped in

front of them.

"Yes, too right my boy! A maze, well it will be after the hedges finish

growing," Bagman said happily only to take a step back when all three

male champions glared at him for daring to damage the pitch. "Now, now

boys the pitch will be fine after the third task is over."

"It better be," Cedric muttered to Harry who nodded.

Bagman paled a bit, "Well that's all for tonight," he tried to say cheerfully.

"That's it? That's all we get is it's a maze? You're kidding right," Harry


"Well, yes. The first to find their way through the maze to the cup wins

the tournament," Bagman spoke like that was obvious. "Now off with ya."

Harry looked like he wanted to continue to have it out with Bagman but

Fleur, Viktor, and Cedric steered him off toward the castle.

"A bloody dragon, followed by merry romp in the Blake Lake when it's

practically frozen and now just a bloody maze! I hate this damn

tournament!" Harry was ranting as the three others kept leading him

toward the castle all trying to contain there laughter. "Stupid bloody

bastards," Harry muttered as he quieted.

"You done now," Cedric asked laughing?

"For now," Harry replied seriously.

"Vell for vhat its vorth, you are right, vis tournament iz fucked," Viktor

said making Cedric and Harry laugh.

Fleur's laughter trailed off as she noticed someone stumbling in the

Forbidden Forest. Fleur stopped and the others turned to look at her.

"Fleur everything alright," Cedric asked. Fleur raised her hand and

pointed out the shadowy figure stumbling around the edge of the Forest.

They looked and could just make out the figure of a man in bowler hat

and suit. Cedric turned to the others and shrugged, "Wands out?"

"Yes," Harry said bluntly, "Fleur call out to him."

"Monsieur," Fleur called out to the man who looked around but couldn't

seem to locate Fleur. They moved closer to the Forest as a group and

Fleur called out louder this time, "Monsieur, do 'ou need some help?"

Fleur lit up her wand this time and the man turned towards them and let

out a noise recognition. The man stumbled violently towards them and

Harry wondered if he was drunk.

"Monsieur Crouch?" Fleur was the first to recognize the man. As he

gripped onto Viktor's robes to steady himself Barty Crouch came into the

light looking pale and shaky.

"We need to get him to the hospital wing now," Cedric said urgently.

They nodded and as they did a spell came racing towards them. Harry

had a shield up and ready guarding all of them as the gray spell hit.

"Viktor start helping him towards the hospital wing; Fleur shield them,"

Harry snapped out. Both Viktor and Fleur immediately obeyed and

started helping Crouch toward the castle, Fleur with a shield up.

"Aiolosss, go after the cassster!" Harry hissed out as Aiolos rose out of

tattoo form and shot off towards the Forest.

"Luminos maxima," Cedric shouted the spell and it lit up the Forest. They

saw Aiolos moving into the Forest but so did the caster, who apparently

didn't like snakes as he yelped and took off running.

Harry pulled out the mirror in his pocket and called into it, "Padfoot!" He

waited for about twenty seconds before Sirius's smiling face showed up in

the mirror. "Padfoot I need you and Amelia in full auror mode at

Hogwarts now, bring help if you can but get here now!" Sirius's face

turned worried but he nodded, "I'll put up red sparks so you know where

we are." Sirius left the mirror shouting for Amelia. Harry put his mirror

away. "Come on, carefully," Harry said to Cedric who nodded and was

moving forward rather like a trained auror, with his wand up and his arm

steadying it further. "Nice who trained you," Harry asked?

"My uncle was an auror in the first war. Any ideas as to who were after?"

"Yes unfortunately, but were stopping by the edge of the Forest, Amelia

will kill me if I rush in there with only one other person. She says I let

my inner Gryffindor out to much in fights some times," Harry said

grinning over to Cedric. They stopped at the edge of the Forest with their

wands ready. About a minute later the mirror in Harry's pocket started

heating up. "Periculum," Harry said with his wand pointed in the air.

Soon after the red sparks shot up Sirius, Amelia, Tonks, Professor Moody,

and Kingsley Shacklebolt appeared. "Damn," Cedric said, "you really

called in the cavalry with this one."

Harry raised an eyebrow in surprise at Sirius.

Sirius shrugged, "I didn't like the look on your face. Now what's going


"We were coming back from finding out about the third task." Cedric

snorted interrupting Harry who tried to look innocent as he continued,

"Fleur spotted a man stumbling around the edge of the Forest. We called

out to him after the second time he heard us and stumbled towards us."

"Thought he was drunk," Cedric piped in.

"Same here, but then he got into the light and he was pale and shaky. It

was Barty Crouch, he had to grab onto Viktor to stand. He was mumbling

and not making sense and looked pretty freaked out. Cedric said he

needed the hospital wing and right after that a spell shot out at us. I

shielded the group and had Fleur and Viktor take him to the hospital

wing and had Aiolos go after the caster. Cedric lit up the Forest so we

could see whoever it was shouted and took off upon spotting Aiolos

coming for him." Harry paused and looked at Sirius with a hard look, "It

looked like Pettigrew," the rest sucked in a breath at that, "but I was too

far away to see for certain."

"Damn it," Sirius barked out.

"Right well," Amelia started, "Sirius come with me to the hospital wing.

Moody, Tonks, Shacklebolt sweep the Forest were they spotted him for

any clues. Cedric, Harry, stay here and help." Amelia looked appraisingly

at Cedric, "I'm giving you both clearance to act should you spot Pettigrew

still in the Forest but, do not do anything stupid, clear?"

Harry nodded, "Got it."

"Yes, ma'am," Cedric said with his own nod. Amelia and Sirius turned and

walked away from them.

"Where'd you see 'im lads," Moody questioned. They walked into the

forest a ways and pointed out the area. As the aurors looked around the

site casting spells here and there, Harry and Cedric kept their wands up

ready for anything.

As Harry looked around he called out to the aurors, "Professor, Aiolos's

track is over here, it leads deeper in.

"A'righ Cedric, Tonks go back to the castle and see what's going on.

Kingsley, Hadrian with me. Aiolos' tracks lead only a few feet deeper into

the forest before going to the right. They followed and around five to ten

minutes later they found themselves outside the forest and out of the

wards where a very angry Aiolos was waiting.

"Aiolosss," Harry questioned his familiar with worry.

"I'm not hurt hatchling," she replied, "it wassss the rat. I'm ssssorry he

essscaped me."

Harry held his arm down to Aiolos who slithered up and draped herself

over his shoulders, "It'ssss okay we sssaw the ssspell damage along the

way. Are you sssure you are unharmed."

"Yesss hatchling."

Harry turned to Moody and Kingsley who was avoiding looking at Aiolos,

"Aiolos confirmed it was Pettigrew, she wasn't able to catch him. He must

have apparated once he reached the clearing. You alright there Kingsley,"

Harry asked with a smirk?

"Fine Hadrian just don't want to be on the wrong side of an angry king

cobra," Kingsley said in his deep voice. Harry chuckled at the auror.

"Alright let's get back; the appirition trail will have died out by now."


So the bad news is I'm sick. Good news is that it made it relatively

easy to get this chapter out. Hope to get another done soon.



29. The Third Task and a death

NOT BETA'ED, I just fixed the end as a reviewer was kind enough to

point out I left a step out.

Harry arrived in the hospital wing with Shacklebolt and Moody noticing

to his displeasure Dumbles was here as well as the two other heads of the

visiting schools.

"Thank you for your time Bartimus, a healer from St. Mungos will be here

shortly," Amelia finished and turned without even glancing at

Dumbledore to Madam Pomfrey. "Nobody and I mean absolutely nobody

is allowed access to Mr. Crouch besides yourself until he is taken to St.

Mungos," Amelia cast a glare at Dumbledore as she spoke.

"Surely Amelia I may be of some assistance here," Dumbledore spoke a bit

too eagerly, "Besides he was found on school grounds I should be allowed

access to him."

Amelia turned to Sirius who nodded to her before she answered

Dumbledore, "Wards have been erected around Bartimus's bed, if there is

any attempt to interfere with said wards I will have the perpetrator

arrested and thrown in Azkaban for obstruction of justice," Amelia spoke

in hard voice reminding everyone in the room of her position, the auror's

including Sirius and Moody straighten their stance even more. "And make

no mistake Headmaster," Amelia practically spat the word out, "I will

have even you thrown in Azkaban, as you should have surely put

together by now, I know damn well why you were that glove. And even

though goblins have jurisdiction in that matter, I will take any chance

presented to me to avenge my Godson!" With that Amelia spun on her

heel and led the aurors and champions out of the hospital wing. Harry on

the way out paused and turned back to Mr. Crouch's bed.

"Harry?" Sirius called out to his Godson.

"Aiolosss guard Mr. Crouch until the healersss take him to Ssst.

Mungossss. You have my premissssssion to defend him how you sssee fit,"

Harry hissed to Aiolos who was still around his shoulders. Aiolos nodded

and slithered off Harry's shoulder and curled up on Crouch's bed in a

defensive position.

Harry answered the unasked question by those in the room, "Extra

protection, I've given Aiolos orders to defend Mr. Crouch as she see fits.

After all we wouldn't want someone like Pettigrew to slip back in and

silence Mr. Crouch for good." Harry cast a hard glance at Dumbledore

and then Karkaroff. Harry turned and left the room with others before

anyone could protest.

"Thank you for your help, Fleur, Viktor. I hope you weren't attacked on

the way to the hospital wing," Amelia told the two visiting champions.

"Non after 'Arry's shield went up we weren't attacked," Fleur said.

"He seemed to be," Viktor hesitated searching for the words in English,

"only part aware of himself."

"Yes unfortunately he will be quiet out of it for some time," Amelia spoke.

"Madam Pomfrey has diagnosed him with long term exposure to the

imperious curse. If he ever gains back his mind in full it will be a

miracle." They had reached the main doors to the castle by now and

Fleur and Viktor nodded their goodbyes as they left for the Beauxbaton

carriage and Durmstrang ship.

"Cedric you handled yourself rather well out there," Amelia said eyeing

the young man with approval, "any thoughts on what you want to do for

a career? I'd be happy to have you in as an auror."

"Thank you ma'am I'd like that very much but right now I just want to

survive this tournament," Cedric said. "Night Harry," he nodded to the

others and left for the Hufflepuff dorms.

"Well you're dismissed right up your reports when you get back to the

office," Amelia said nodding to Tonks and Shacklebolt. They saluted

before leaving down the path to the gates of Hogwarts. "We should

inform Severus, Alastor are you coming with us?"

"Nah, I'm going to keep an eye on Crouch," Moody growled out. Amelia

nodded to him and the four separated Moody leaving for the Hospital

wing, and Sirius, Amelia, and Harry for Severus's office.

"He said he was kept by the Dark Lord," Severus questioned?

"Yes but everything he was saying was fragmented, due to the imperious

no doubt placed by the Dark Lord himself given the severity of Poppy's

diagnosis," Sirius replied back.

"Fudge is going to deny this again isn't he," Harry questioned with rage in

his eyes.

"Yes and unfortunately he has every right to, long term exposure to the

imperious curse on a struggling victim causes an unknown amount of

damage to the brain. Bartimus is currently very much insane in the eyes

of the magical world."

"This isn't good Crouch was one of the highest placed officials during the

First War with the Dark Lord, and even though he had his fall from grace

he was still privy to many secrets of the ministry. The Dark Lord has had

him since at least the Yule Ball who knows what he was able to get out of

him," Severus said as if thinking aloud. Sirius and Amelia nodded in

agreement. They sat there in silence for a few minutes everyone thinking

over the potential amount of secrets Crouch unwillingly spilt.

"One thing for certain is that Voldy is planning something for the third

task," Sirius said breaking the silence. "Crouch babbled about that more

than anything else in reference to him. Hadrian you must be on your

guard for anything out of the ordinary in the maze. Keep your mirror

with you during the task, if anything goes wrong warn Daphne and she

can port key you out."

Harry nodded to his Godfather and then turned to Severus, "Sir since the

other events ended I've had more time. I've been working on ways to

remove your dark mark. I think I have a way to remove it." Severus and

the others leaned forward in their seats to stare intently at Harry as he

pulled out a notebook that had his notes on the protean charm, the tattoo

portkey, and the dark mark. "I think if we suppress your magic, the link

can be severed. Since I have a residual magical connection to him it

should allow me to remove it if your magic isn't there to anchor it."

"But the only way that will work is death in Severus's case," Sirius

answered. "The kind of magical suppression you're talking about won't be

enough for any known methods, like the auror suppression cuffs we use

on suspects when we escort them to Azkaban."

"Convention methods yes, but you forget I'm a potions prodigy," Harry

said with a smirk to Severus who had look of understanding dawn on his


"Draught of the Living Death," Severus muttered.

"Yeah you'll see from my notes that I tested why Draught of the Living

Death fools so many magical healers and medi-wizards. The wormwood

when combined with the valerian root suppresses the magical signature.

Full on intents and purposes it turns you into a squib while you're asleep,

it also does put you near death as you're hardly breathing and your heart

beat is so low it doesn't show up on magical medical scans.

The dark mark is almost a living entity with the way it's connected to

Voldy. If you're near death and your magic is suppressed it will not want

to be connected to you making it severable," Harry explained.

"How did you test the Draught of the Living Dead and why didn't you ask

for help," Severus asked giving Hadrian a hard stare upset that he had

done risky research on his own.

Hadrian looked a bit sheepish as he answered the first question, "well I

brewed the Draught on my own and might have tested it on Mrs. Norris's

to see how it affected the magic. And then Aiolos volunteered for me to

mark her with my own mark, and then to test if I could sever the link and

destroy the mark Aiolos said she didn't even feel a thing as the mark was

removed because of the potion," Harry got excited as he spoke but then

quieted and looked down. He didn't look back up as he spoke, "I didn't

tell anyone because I didn't think it work. I didn't want to get anyone's

hopes up."

Severus glanced at the Sirius and Amelia and put his finger to his lips for

them to remain silent. Severus rose from his seat and moved to kneel at

Hadrian's side and put an arm around the teen's shoulders. Severus

whispered in his ear, "Hadrian you don't have to hide anything you do

from us. Whether you ultimately fail or triumph we will help you along

the way and support you. Do you understand?"

Hadrian looked over to his mentor's face and searched it for any sign of a

lie and then at Amelia and Sirius. In all three he found support,

understanding, and what he thought, hoped was love. "Yes," Hadrian

spoke after a lengthy silence, his voice cracking a little.

"Good," Severus said simply and gave Hadrian a hug. "Now I want to look

over your notes and then we can set up a time to remove the blasted

thing." Severus stood and moved back to his desk taking his seat. Amelia

and Sirius both stood and moved over to Hadrian and placed a hand on

his shoulder each giving it a squeeze and giving Hadrian a reassuring

smile. Harry looked up at them with a sheepish smile.

"Sorry," Harry said quietly.

"Hadrian never be sorry about your feelings," Sirius spoke. "We know it

takes time."

"It's actually good in a way that you're all here," Severus said giving

Harry I mild cheering potion to drink. "I've found out a possible location

of a horcrux, I've found the home of the Dark Lord's mother, his

grandfather and uncle. He visited it his family home twice, once during

school and once not long after. The first visit occurred at the same time

as the Dark Lord's muggle father, grandfather, and grandmother were

killed. Morfin Gaunt the Dark Lord's uncle was thrown in to Azkaban for

the crimes. The Dark Lord likes taking trophies of his victims and leaving

them in places that have meaning to him; it was always one of the more

disturbing things to witness as a Death Eater. "

"I believe he only ever visited his ancestral home twice. The first he was

the one who must likely killed his family, framing his uncle. Narcissa

managed to procure the Malfoy family diaries the day we trapped the

manor. Abraxas speaks of the Dark Lord in them. That's how I know he

went back once, Abraxas was with him. He spoke in the diary that the

Dark Lord entered what Abraxas thought was a pathetic shack and came

out after some time. Abraxas commented that the magic flowing off the

shack was like nothing he had ever experienced."

"Do you know where the shack is," Sirius asked?"

"Yes outside Little Hangleton, we're going to need Bill and Hadrian to go."

"I'll go as well," Sirius remarked, "organize it with Bill and let me know

when you're ready to go."

Severus nodded, "I believe Hadrian your fiancé is currently waiting for

you outside my door, after all you have been gone longer than expected,"

Severus smirked as he dismissed Harry who ran to the door.

"Oh bye, see you soon," He stopped to say to Sirius and Amelia before

exiting the door to see Daphne.

The door shut leaving the three adults in various states of amusement.

"Well what do you know he gets a girlfriend and suddenly, we're chopped

liver. Forget we're raising him," Sirius commented to which Amelia just

knocked upside the back of the head while smiling.

"Harry," Daphne said in relief and wrapped him into a hug. "What took so


"Let's get the others they need to hear too," Harry said and Daphne

nodded sending off her patronus to meet at the unused classroom they

usually met. "There was a complication at the revealing of the third task,"

Harry said as he took Daphne's hand in his and they started towards the

unused classroom.

Harry and Daphne got to the room first it being closest to Severus' office

and took a seat on one of the old couches Severus had added to the room.

Harry sat and pulled Daphne down onto his lap and wrapped his arms

around her and ran his hands over her waist, settling them there.

"What's wrong Harry," Daphne said leaning back into his chest placing

her hands over his.

"He wants me for something other than to kill me; otherwise he would

have just had Crouch Jr. take me to him as soon as he got a chance."

Harry spoke quietly but with fierceness, "I wouldn't help that sociopath to

anything, I'd rather die."

Daphne pulled his face down to look at her, "I won't let that happen, I

promise." She sealed her promise with a soft but passionate kiss that

made Harry feel that he could take on a thousand dementors without


"Please tell me you didn't bring us here just to watch you snog," Blaise

snarked as he walked into the room with Tracey.

Tracey smacked him, "They were having a moment arse! Besides we have

to watch you snog with whatever skank you're with."

Harry and Daphne watched amused as they bickered back and forth,

finally Susan's entry a few minutes later broke it up. Susan cocked an

eyebrow at the two and smirked along with Harry and Daphne. Tracey

huffed as she sat down on the opposite side of the room from Blaise, who

muttered something that sounded like crazy woman. Finally Neville and

Hermione arrived at the room and took seats.

"So I take it this is about the third task," Hermione asked getting right to

the point as always.

"Sort of," Harry started, "we did find out the third task is going to be the

traditional maze, and unfortunately they've completely ruined the pitch

for the damn thing."

"Harry, love, I'm sure the pitch will be fine. Move on," Daphne said

rolling her eyes a little.

"That's beside the point it doesn't even look like the pitch what if we

wanted to have a practice."

"Harry!" came shouts from Hermione, Susan, Tracey, and Daphne.

"Alright fine. Well we were on our way back when Fleur spotted

somebody stumbling along the Forest edge. It was Mr. Crouch; he was

pale, shaky, and taking chaotically. Well when he got to us, somebody

shot a spell off at us. I shielded and had Fleur and Viktor take Crouch to

the hospital wing. I set Aiolos on after the caster in the forest and Cedric

lit up the Forest so we could see. The caster took off as soon as he spotted

Aiolos coming after him. I called for Amelia and Sirius who brought

Tonks, Kingsley, and Professor Moody to help. Amelia and Sirius went to

see Crouch while Cedric, Tonks, Moody, and Kingsley went to check out

the forest. Anyways Aiolos chased down the caster who turned out to be

Pettigrew," Harry growled out the name. "The little rat got away."

"And Crouch," Neville asked?

"Was interviewed by Amelia and is going to be transferred to St. Mungos

long term ward for spell damage. He was exposed to the imperious curse,

Amelia and Sirius think by Voldy himself due to the extensive trauma.

Unfortunately they seem to think that nothing can be done for his mind.

His words and thoughts are jumbled but they managed to piece together

that Voldy has something planned for the third task. They're also worried

about what state secrets Voldy may have gotten from Crouch while he

was under the imperious this whole time."

"Why can nothing be done," Hermione asked hotly, "why not bring in a

psychiatrist to help Mr. Crouch."

"A what," came the response from all but Tracey and Harry?

"Hermione," Tracey spoke up, "the wizarding world doesn't have

psychologists, and they don't even acknowledge mental illness. Most who

have an illness are shunned from their families like squibs or the family

just ignores anything is wrong. For those like Mr. Crouch who have had

their mind broken by trauma their made comfortable at St. Mungos but

nothing else is really done."

"That's horrible," Hermione gasped and Harry eyes darkened.

"Yes it is but most spells don't even show things like CT Scans or MRI's,"

Tracey added. "The only reason I know is because of my mum. She

figured out my aunt suffered from Bi-polar disorder and got her help in

the muggle world."

"Well something needs to be done about that," Hermione said a

determined glint formed in her eyes.

"So what are you going to do about the third task," Neville asked?

"Train and make sure you all have your mirrors on you during the task,

especially you Daph," Harry said. "If they heat up in warning I need you

to use the portkey tattoo to get me out of there and to you."

"So why are we meeting in the room of requirement," Blaise asked as the

new mauraders took seats from among the chairs the room had conjured.

In front of them stood Severus and off to the side were some potions,

bandages, and a couple books.

"We're meeting here today because the room will allow you to apparate,"

Severus stated before waving his wand at the conjured blackboard and

having writing appear. Destination, Determination, and Deliberation,

appeared on the board in front of them. "These are the key things to

remember when learning how to apparate. With the rise in Death Eater

activity and the Dark Lord's planning I thought it prudent to begin

teaching you. I want you all to master this spell by the end of the

semester," Severus said giving them a long look that told them failure

was not an option with this spell. "There are several reasons why, one,

nobody will be expecting you to know how to apparate, it makes

travelling easier, and if you master it sufficiently you can use it in a


Hermione raised her hand and Severus nodded for her to speak, "I've

never heard of it being used in a duel before sir?"

"Yes and that fact as saved my life on occasion. If you learn to do it fast

enough you can apparate around spells or behind your opponent. And it

is a little known fact that apparation is possible if anti-apparation wards

are in place. The anti-apparation wards keep you from apparating into or

out of a location, they do nothing to stop you apparating around the

inside the ward."

"Now to begin with I want you each to stand five feet away from one of

the hoops on the floor. Apparation is a non-verbal spell, the incantation is

appareo. Now apparition is similar to the animagus transformation as it

takes a great deal of will power and concentration. You must focus on

your destination and will yourself to appear there. Once you have the

destination firmly in your mind turn on your heel saying the incantation

in your head, remember to focus."

"You must keep in mind splinching is a very real possibility, you can

leave behind limbs, fingers, nails, hair, and wound yourself by partial

splinching when something doesn't completely detach. That is why focus

is so important; your destination must be in your mind as well as yourself

fully intact. Now try apparating into the hoops in front of you."

Severus observed them from his vantage point as they tried it out. So far

he guessed Harry, Blaise, and Hermione would be the first to apparate

and do it successfully. They had currently not attempted it but rather

were concentrating, Severus could feel Harry's magic from the other side

of the room. Harry suddenly spun on his heel and with a pop equivalent

to a muggle bottle rocket appeared in the hoop across from him. He

looked slightly pale and if Severus had to guess he was close to throwing


"Well done Hadrian," Severus said proudly and then smirked, "now do it

faster and quieter." Harry sighed and just hoped the nausea went away

before he ralphed one of his friends.

*BANG* Harry and Hermione and Severus all flinched and made to duck

before they remembered guns weren't around Hogwarts. Blaise just stood

in his hoop with a shit eating grin. Severus growled, "Do it quieter."

Severus spun quickly as another pop went off somewhere in-between the

gunshot and bottle rocket sound to see Neville standing in his hoop.

Severus moved quickly over to the boy as he folded in on himself,

holding his arm. Severus sat Neville down in a chair the room conjured

and pulled out a bottle from his robes. "Let me have your arm

Longbottom," Severus spoke quietly. Severus vanished Neville's shirt

sleeve and saw a deep laceration near his shoulder.

"Now this is going to sting but it heels apparition wounds like this the

fastest. Essence of Dittany," Severus explained as he dropped some of the

liquid onto Neville's arm. Neville winced in pain but kept silent as the

dittany slowly closed the wound. "Sit for awhile." Severus then spoke to

the rest of them, "Bring a picture of yourself at your destination into your

mind before you apparated. It's important to focus on details when

attempting it for the first few attempts."

By the end of the four hour long practice Hadrian could apparate all

around the room with relative quiet and ease, although he still seemed

pale every time. Blaise was a bit louder than Harry but could apparate

successfully and Hermione apparated but was still fairly loud which

would work unless you wanted to quietly make an entrance. Daphne and

Susan managed to successfully apparate three times over the period

without incident. Neville and Tracey though while apparating more times

than Daphne and Susan both had multiple splinching accidents. Neville's

first splinching accident was definitely the worst, Severus was glad to

admit, as most sixth year apparition classes usually involve the loss and

subsequent reattachment of limbs.

"Harry what are you doing," Daphne asked as she took a seat in the

library disillusioning herself. Aiolos had woken her and indicated Daphne

needed to follow her, so she did to the library where Harry was sprawled

out pouring over rather ancient looking book, his invisibility cloak on the

table next to him.

Harry looked at his girlfriend and then down at his familiar both looking

concerned at him. "I'm trying to find a different way of traveling," Harry

muttered as Daphne took a seat next to him. Harry put an arm around

her shoulders and gave her a gentle kiss on the cheek, "sorry if I worried

you, I just got kinda immersed," Harry gestured to the books.

"It's alright as long as you tell me why you're so hell bent on finding

another way of travel," Daphne a coy smirk on her face as she gave him

the ultimatum.

Harry gave her a crooked-grin at his Slytherin girlfriend showing her sly

side, "Well floo travel is horrible, with all the spinning and soot, port-

keys feel like whiplash, and apparating," Harry hesitated and quieted his

voice even lower, "apparating reminds me too much of the Dursley's and

being in the cupboard. It makes me panic feeling squeezed in like it does

and the suffocating feeling brings up bad memories."

"Baby," Daphne said comfortingly as she wrapped an arm around him and

ran her hand through his hair, "why didn't you say something?"

Harry shrugged and Daphne just sat and ran her hand through his hair

for a few minutes.

"So did you find anything yet?"

"No there aren't even decent references to floo, port-keys, and

apparition," Harry said and huffed pushing the books away. "Apparation

I've found out didn't exist until the 1500's and port-keys don't show up

until the 1300's. There has to a better way to travel."

"Harry did you try asking the founders," Daphne asked trying to conceal a

smile as Harry jokingly banged his head on the table at her suggestion.

"I'll take that as a no," Daphne giggled.

"Yeah, Yeah laugh it up. I guess we can go to bed now, I'll ask the

founders about it." Harry sent a spell at the books which started to

restack themselves and fly to the shelves. Harry let Aiolos sink into his

skin and then wrapped the invisibility cloak around both him and

Daphne as they moved to the Slytherin dungeons. As they arrived in the

common room Harry wrapped his arms around Daphne engulfing her in a

hug, "Will you stay with me tonight?"

Daphne pulled back just enough to look up into Harry's eyes, "Of course,"

she replied quietly and together they made their way to Harry's dorm,

only stopping to cover the sensors on the door. Harry stripped to his

boxers and gave Daphne a t-shirt of his to sleep in when they got to his

room. Once in bed Daphne cradled Harry's head to her chest and started

humming an old lullaby her mother used to sing to her and ran her hands

through Harry's hair in a comforting manner. Harry drifted to sleep with

a content smile that Daphne rarely saw on her fiancé's face. Daphne

followed Harry to sleep soon after.

"Oomph," Harry grunted as he hit the mats lining the floor of the Room of

Requirement. He was sprawling with Blaise and Neville. He was so

focused on his standing opponent, Blaise, which he forgot about Neville

who had been sprawled out on the ground from roundhouse to the chest.

Neville took a shot when he saw it and swept Harry's legs from under

him and Blaise locked him in a hold. "Alright, I give," Harry said looking

at the now standing Neville and shrugging Blaise off of him.

"Well that's enough of that for today, I got to meet Hannah for a picnic,"

Neville said as he made his way to the shower room that was just added.

Blaise looked at Harry, "One more round?"

"No we've got that Transfiguration project, remember," Harry said as he

went to his own shower the room provided.

"Ahh, damn I forgot. McGonagall would be the one to give us a massive

project the week before the final task," Blaise complained as he went to

get ready.

After they were changed, the three boys left the room of requirements

and headed down to the lower levels of the castle. Before turning the

corner out of a passageway and into the corridor with the library, they

were met with a rather unfortunate sight, well unfortunate for the weasel

king that is. Ronald Weasley, Dean Thomas, and Seamus Finnegan had

Ginny Weasley pinned into the wall while her boyfriend Michael Corner.

Ginny was bravely standing up to her brother who seemed to have gotten

her wand. Thomas and Finnegan were acting as look outs with Finnegan

keeping a boot on Michael's chest and Thomas smirking at Ginny in a

way that made Harry want castrate the little bastard.

"You good for nothing little bitch! First you betray the family and now

you're whoring around like all the other slutty snakes!" The red faced

Weasel reared his hand back and Harry shot out.

"Fracta," Harry said snapping his wand up, the bone breaking curse hit

with perfect aim Ronald Weasley's moving arm. Harry registered two

spells shoot past him right after he fired. Neville hit Finnegan with a

stunner that knocked the boy down the hall five feet and unconscious.

Blaise had shot off a flipendo, at Dean Thomas who was now hanging

upside down from the ceiling.

"AHHAHHH," The Weasel screamed cradling his arm to his chest, Ginny

took the opportunity to strike and landed a solid punch to her idiot

brother's face. Ginny took his wand and hers back.

"Thanks guys," Ginny said, "can one of you check on Michael? I think it

was Seamus that hit him." Neville nodded and moved forward casting an

ennvenerate on Michael Corner who woke a bit dazed. Neville helped him

sit up and study the Ravenclaw.

"Hospital wing, I think he's got a concussion," Neville said turning to

Ginny who nodded. Ron was whimpering on the ground so Harry aimed

a very nice curb stop at the boy, knocking him out.

"It wasn't a curse," Ginny answered as she knelt next to her boyfriend.

"Neither of us heard anything," Michael added.

"Well these idiots can't cast silently," Blaise said and looked up into the

dangling and paling boy's face, "So what did you use?"

"Screw you snake," Thomas said back.

Blaise turned and smirked at Harry and Neville, "This one's got spunk

maybe we should let him go." Thomas looked a bit happier at that but

then Blaise started smirking again, "Or prolong his agony even longer,

either's suitable for someone with spunk." Blaise let his amusement slip

through his mask of arrogance as his tone was a bit giddy.

Thomas was now actively trying in vain to get release the spell holding

him upside down to the ceiling. The others just laughed as he flailed

about. Finally he stated to talk his voice higher now in desperation, "It

was Seamus! He hit with the brass knuckles!" Thomas was getting

hysterical so Harry put a silencing charm on the boy. Blaise moved down

over to where Seamus laid still unconscious and found a pair of knuckle

dusters in Finnegan's pocket.

"Well these are mine now," Blaise said examining them, "rather nice pair

too." Harry smirked at Neville who returned it; Blaise had a thing for


"Ginny why don't you go with Michael to the hospital wing and we'll deal

with the trash," Harry said. Ginny looked like she wanted to argue but

Harry stopped her, "you can always prank them later but for now we're

going to teach Ron and his friends some manners. Especially you

Thomas," Harry sneered at the boy, "I for one don't appreciate how you

were leering at a girl I consider to be family." Harry turned back to Ginny

and gave her a wink and she agreed to take Michael to the hospital wing.

As they were walking Corner gave Finnegan his parting shot took out his

wand at shot a boils hex at a rather interesting part of the Irish boys


"Bloody wanker couldn't even use his wand," Michael snarked as he past

with Ginny who smiled at the hex and added one of her own as she

noticed Finnegan stir. The bat-boogey hex worked wonders as always.

"She takes after us," Blaise said with false tears in his eyes, "I'm so proud."

Neville and Harry laughed and turned back to Dean Thomas who was on

the verge of passing out. Neville waved his wand lazily and Thomas hit

the floor like a sack of potatoes, knocking the dazed teen out completely.

"You two can have him, I have an interesting hex for the Weasel I want to

try," Neville said smiling.

Blaise and Harry smirked as they new lately Neville had been rather

upset that even standard silencing charms wasn't keeping the racket of

Ron Weasley's snoring down.

"So what to do with him," Blaise mused as he walked in a circle around

Thomas. Harry smirked and pulled a tiny bottle of industrial strength

superglue out of his pocket.

"I was saving this Filch and some doors but I think Thomas here is a good

a reason as any to use it," Harry said. With a wave his wand Harry

vanished Dean Thomas's clothes.

"Well no wonder he can't get a girl friend that's pathetic," Blaise

snickered. Harry used his wand to control the glue bottle and proceeded

to superglue Dean's buttcheeks together while Blaise used a paint charm

to write in red across Thomas's chest, Ask me how to treat women?.

Harry then directed the glue bottle to the wall where he outlined the

image of a person and Blaise floated Dean Thomas's body over to it and

then stuck it to the wall.

Neville came over to their end of the hallway, "Done? We should get

going before classes change."

"Is that enough," Blaise asked turning to Harry.

"It should be considering their going to have un-superglue him from the

wall; he should lose a few layers of skin. Not to mention the fifth year

Slytherins and Ravens should be coming down the hall in oh say five


With that they left Dean Thomas naked and stuck to the wall, Ron

Weasley with a freshly shaved head and eyebrows and sporting green and

silver skin, and Finnegan was simply left unconscious to deal with Ginny

and Michael's spells.

"You guys were supposed to be here twenty minutes ago," Tracey said as

Harry and Blaise made their way over to their table in the library.

"We had a small encounter with a rodent," Blaise said as they sat next to

Tracey and Daphne.


"The weasel variety," Harry clarified for his fiancé as he gave her hello


"Ahh, that explains it," Daphne said turning back to her runes text in

front of her.

"How's your guy's project coming," Blaise asked?

"It's good just rather slow process we're translating an Old Norse

document. We have to figure out what it was used for and its

significance," Tracey explained. "We have most of it done, but we can't

find an author. Have you two finally decided on what you're going to


"Yeah we're going to transfigure our hedgehogs into some Slytherin style

flatware," Harry spoke, "we just have to write the paper on the principle

it uses." They went back to working on their projects for an hour or so

before Hermione and Viktor joined them to work on some homework as

well. They spent the rest of time until dinner chatting about their

homework and the task coming up tomorrow.

"Some announcements before breakfast," Dumbledore said standing in

front of his throne at the head table. "This morning will be the last exams

of the year as you all know," Dumbledore's grandfather persona smiled as

the students Hogwarts, Beauxbatons, and Durmstrang all gave a cheer.

"After that you will all have the day free until the third and final task

tonight starting at six o'clock. The stadium will open at 5 o'clock for

seating. Now for our Champions we have a small surprise for you after

lunch. Have a lovely day." Dumbledore finished and sat a little unsteadily

into his chair.

"Is it just me or does Dumbledore seem high," Blaise asked with a weary

smile to his friends around him at Slytherin table.

"No, it's not just you," Hermione answered with her brow furrowed. "He

seems like some of my parents' patients who get a little too much of the

laughing gas."

"He has seemed rather more off kilter lately but I haven't really paid

attention since whatever it is has kept his focus off of us," Harry said and

shrugged his shoulders going back to his meal.

"So what do you think Binns is going to test us on today more Goblin

Rebellion's or will he actually pick a relevant topic," Tracey asked getting

a look from all of them that said what do you think, "right more damn

Goblins. Someone should just exorcise his worthless translucent asre." All

the students in earshot of Tracey started chuckling.

After taking another year end final on Goblins, this time on the Goblin

Rebellion of 1048, the Slytherin fourth years made their way back to the

Great Hall for lunch. After eating a small lunch Harry stood with the

other Champions and made their way over to the antechamber of the

Great Hall. Harry and the other champions all gave a wide smile upon

entering. Inside the chamber were their families, chatting amongst each

other. Fleur's parents and sister were there, as was Amos and Victoria

Diggory, two men who looked like Viktor one older than the other and

for Harry, Sirius, Amelia, and Tonks was there.

"Hey guys," Harry said smiling as he made his way to them. Sirius and

Amelia enveloped him in a hug that Harry returned. Then he turned to

Tonks, "Hey Nym," he gave the older girl a hug.

"Hey Har," Tonks said giving him a squeeze, "How's the year been besides

you know Dragons, insane teachers, and an ice cold lake," she joked.

"Oh you know same old, same old," Harry grinned.

"Ahh good you're all here," Ludo Bagman said coming into the room.

"You have the rest of the day to spend with your families and to meet us

at the pitch at 5 o'clock." Ludo left the room soon after that as Amelia

looked like she wanted to arrest the man for breathing. The families of

the champions were all introduced to each other. Viktor had his father;

Petro who was ran a successful Quidditch shop in Bulgaria, and his older

brother, Fedor a beater for a Russian team Rasputin's Monks, who looked

like an MMA fighter in Harry's opinion. Nym's hair changed to a deep red

when Fedor kissed her hand in greeting making Sirius and Harry smirk

and Amelia knock both of them upside the back of their heads.

"How about a walk around the Lake," Sirius asked and they nodded their

agreement. The rest of the afternoon was spent with the Champions and

their families and sometimes their friends wandering the Hogwarts

ground catching up with each other.

Finally the time came for them to part with their families at the entrance

to the Champions' tent. Harry gave a hug to Sirius, Amelia, Nym, and

little Gabby who had spent most of the day perched on Harry's back.

"Daph," Harry whispered as he pulled her into a hug, "keep your mirror

out and get ready to activate your tattoo." Daphne nodded into his neck

and placed a kiss there as she pulled back. Harry moved his lips to hers

and pressed a kiss against them. Daphne sighed and parted her lips

allowing Harry's tongue to enter her mouth for a few seconds before they

parted, breathing heavily.

"Good luck, love," Daphne said giving him one more kiss before leaving

the tent. Harry watched her walk away and then turned to the three

other champions with a wide slightly insane smirk on his face.

"Oh, no. I know that look," Cedric said palming his face.

"Vat are you planning 'Arry," Fleur asked as Viktor looked on amused.

"How would you three like to join me on pranking a centuries old

tradition," Harry said and waggled his eyebrows at them.

Cedric started laughing as he caught on to what Harry was saying, slowly

Fleur and Viktor joined the two chuckling Hogwarts' students.

"Wee," Fleur said nodding as she giggled at the potential look on Madam

Maxine's face at the end of the day.

"Anything dat pisses off Karkaroff vorks for me," Viktor said nodding.

"Alight so we'll meet right inside the maze," Harry said quietly as the

judges and

Headmasters walked in. They quieted and made their way over to where

Bagman motioned them to stand.

"Alright your point totals will determine the order you enter the maze.

Mr. Potter you'll enter first and be given four minutes until Mr. Diggory

can enter. Thirty seconds after Mr. Diggory enters, Mr. Krum you will be

allowed to enter and Finally Ms. Delacour you may enter two minutes

after Mr. Krum." They all nodded Harry looking rather bored with the

whole event; the other champions sniggered while Karkaroff and Maxine

glared at him. Dumbledore just stood off to the side looking at the

fireplace dazed. Harry eyed the old man more certain now that he was

higher than kite as he stared into the fire.

"Now the maze is a dangerous place filled with dangerous creatures,

spells, and puzzles, all designed to test you, push your limits," Bagman

said over theatrically. Harry really had to try to hold back his arm from

swinging forward into Bagman's face.

Cedric leaned over to Harry noticing him twitching, "what's up?"

"My fist has the uncontrollable urge to want to jack Bagman in the face,"

Harry whispered. Cedric laughed out loud earning himself another glare

from Madam Maxine. They both smiled innocently at her before turning

back to Bagman, who had finished talking.

"Right well out you go," Dumbledore said finally joining the group in the

present, he looked suddenly clear headed which worried Harry. He

ushered them out from the Champions tent and onto the Quidditch pitch.

The crowd was cheering and holding signs and buying various items from

vendors, creating an almost deafening amount of noise. Harry spotted his

family and friends who had been joined by Xavier, Evelyn, Narcissa, and

Remus. He smiled at Daphne who returned it and touched her wrist

where her tattoo was.


voice rang out again, Harry's wrist flinched forward involuntarily.


Bagman let them continue for a few minutes before he continued. "The

first to enter the maze at the sound of the cannon will be MR. HADRIAN

POTTER!" The cannon went off prematurely and nearly flattened Percy

Weasley who turned and glared at Filch who shrugged. Harry made his

way into the maze laughing hysterically making some of the crowd worry

about his sanity. As Harry entered the maze and took a seat to wait for

the others on the opposite side of the maze a fat rat missing a toe

scurried out and into the Forbidden Forest.

"What are they doing," Minister Fudge growled out to Bagman and Percy

Weasley who both looked on rather shocked. The champions were sitting

on the ground in the very entrance of the maze playing cards as they

waited for Fleur's penalty time to be counted down. Fleur herself was

fighting not to laugh as the crowd looking on at the jumbo screens were

murmuring amongst themselves confused. Finally the cannon rang out

for Fleur to enter and the boys vanished their deck of cards, this time

Viktor taking the pot of winnings.

"'Ello boys, ready," Fleur asked as she came in sight of them.

"Yep how are the sheep," Harry asked with a nod back towards the now

closed entrance of the maze.

"Stunned stupid," Fleur deadpanned. They laughed and Viktor used his

wand and shot the point me spell off. A red arrow pointed to the left

tunnel of bushes so they moved forward. They walked in the eerily quiet

maze for a few minutes before a fog descended down onto them. It wasn't

bad or had any effect other than to annoy them. The fog wouldn't vanish

so they kept walking forward. Suddenly they found themselves dangling

upside down hanging into the sky.

Cedric was the first to figure it out, "keep walking it's a charm, and it'll

reverse itself." They continued moving and sure enough it reversed itself,

leaving them all a bit woozy. They took a right turn and Harry who was

in the lead dove out of the way.

"Duck!" Harry yelled as he dove forward into a roll. The other three

dodged a massive fireball let off by a fully grown Blast-Ended Skrewt.

The Champions scattered with Fleur and Cedric off to the right and

Viktor and Harry off to the left. The Skwert decided to charge Viktor and

Harry who shot off spells but were forced to duck to the side as neither

spell had an effect. The skwerts stinger nailed Viktor in the side as it

veered for the older teen. Fleur and Cedric shot off their own spells

which only served to piss it off as it turned on them.

Viktor was on his feet again as was Harry as the Skwert nailed Cedric

with its tail, Fleur jumped the still swinging tail.

"Its stomach we have to get hit its stomach," Harry shouted to his friends,

"it's the only part unprotected!" Viktor nodded while he and Fleur

squared off against the irate skwert. It charged again but this time blasted

fire back towards Harry who was behind him.

"Ignis flama," Harry cast as the spells impacted him. "Awe shite I liked

these robes," Harry commented as part of the flames scorched his robe

before it could be put out. Cedric off to the side shot a bombarda, at the

Skwerts legs. It sent the Skwert off course missing Fleur and Viktor.

Harry thinking quickly iced the ground underneath the Skwert. Viktor

shot forward and slid on the ground underneath the stumbling skwert

legs, and sliding on the ice shot off an impedimenta, the curse stuck the

skwert in its underbelly. Viktor continued forward on the ice to be

stopped and pulled up standing by Harry. The Skwert fall immobile off to

the side and the champions gathered over to the side.

"Vat vas that?" Fleur asked her accent flaring.

"That my dear French ami, was a Blast-Ended Skwert courtesy of the one

and only Hagrid you're the friendly half-giant who sometimes forgets the

rest of the world does not have giant skin." Harry said.

"Hadrian you're his favorite," Cedric said speaking in a lightly high voice,

"tell him he's not allowed to experiment anymore alright?"

"Sure, sure. I just hope he hasn't started another one yet," Harry said the

Skwert twitched and Viktor fired off an over powered stunning spell at

the animal, er, thing. Harry hit it with another one for good measure.

"Let's just move on before et wakes up, oui?"

They used the point me spell this time it sent them to a tunnel heading

toward the right. They moved down some twisting passages for about

five minutes without any attacks. They came to another split in the

passageways and each looked them over, suddenly Fleur screamed. The

boys rushed to her position to see what appeared to be Gabriella dead on

the ground in front of them with a merman over her. Harry jerked the

stunned Fleur out of the way, unfortunately for them the image changed.

Now in front of them stood a dementor. The dementor reared up towards

them and focused on Harry and Fleur who both started to lose their grasp

on their wands.

"Riddukulus," came a shout from Cedric who pushed Fleur and Harry to

the ground. The dementor/boggart changed into the illustrious Cornelius

Fudge dressed in drag regale fit for Dolly Parton. Cedric and Viktor

started laughing at the sight as did Harry and Fleur when they looked up.

The Dolly/Fudge in front of them then broke out into the song 9 to 5

causing them to laugh harder and the boggart to vanish.

"I really hate boggarts," Harry said after it was gone and they moved

forward. He had an arm wrapped around Fleur as did Viktor giving some

comfort to their French friend while Cedric led them down another pass.

"I haf never seen one before, I vish I could still say vat," Viktor said. After

a few minutes Fleur seemed to pull herself together as they walked.

"I've been dreaming of that since the second task, horrid tournament,"

Fleur whispered to them and they nodded in understanding.

"Shh," Cedric called back to them. They stopped and held their wands

ready; Harry moved up to stand next to Cedric.

"There's nothing," Cedric whispered to Harry, "nothing at all complete

silences not even wind." Harry thought quickly on tasks of the past

tournaments, his thoughts settling on one particular past monster, a

lethifold. Complete silence and darkness followed the lethifold wherever

it went. The shadow in front of them barely twitched but Harry caught it.

"Expecto patronum," Harry shouted at the same time that he swiped

Cedric's feet from under him to get Cedric out of the way. Harry's silver

wolf shot forward out of his wand basking the area in light, showing the

outline of the lethifold. The lethifold recoiled from it and sunk into the

shadows. But Harry's wolf wouldn't let it escape and charged it jaws

snapping around the black cloud and tearing it to pieces. Finally only the

wolf was left, she trotted over to Harry and gave his hand a nudge before

dissipating into nothing.

"'ou can conjure a patronus," Fleur asked.

"Mmhmm I can show you later, "Harry said and then smirked, "or I'm

sure Bill would looove too." Fleur sent a light stinging hex at him. They

laughed it off and kept moving. They took a left, then, a right, another

right, and finally another slight right before they walked into a clearing

in the maze.

"I don't like vis," Viktor commented after a minute of nothing happening.

Just as Viktor spoke a high pitched scream was heard and followed by

heavy stomping sound to his left. They turned but too late as the

acromantula slammed into Viktor and sent him flying ten feet across the

clearing and landing hard. His head bounced painfully off a root on the

ground as he lay sprawled out.

The others scrambled out of the way of the huge spider as it spun on

them. It charged Harry who shot a stunning spell at the spider but had to

dodge to his left when it kept coming. Cedric and Fleur simultaneously

shot a bombarda, they both hit tearing off three of the spiders left legs

and smashing a whole in its body. The spider now wounded rampaged

and went after the closest, easiest target, Viktor. The spider reared back

and aimed it's fangs at Viktor but Harry moved into its path and at point-

blank range fired a ribbon cutting curse at the spider. The spider dropped

unfortunately for Harry, right on top of him and Viktor.

"Oh bloody hell this is sick," Harry complained as Cedric and Fleur

moved the dead body of the spider off of the other two with their magic.

Harry took Cedric's offered hand and stood only to almost topple over as

his left ankle gave out.

"Harry pull your pant leg up," Cedric said kneeling and looking at his

ankle. Cedric cast a diagnostic spell, "its sprained probably from the two

hundred pound spider landing on it."

"Well that's just dandy isn't it," Harry replied sarcastically and then

turned to Fleur who was waking Viktor. "How's Viktor?"

"Concussion and broken arm from the landing," Fleur replied helping

Viktor to stand.

"That's it? You flew like ten feet," Cedric answered.

Viktor smirked and flexed a little, "Built like brick." Fleur and Harry

laughed while Cedric just shook his head muttering.

"I had to ask. Come on this way and hopefully it's over soon," Cedric said

pointing out a path to the left. They moved down the path in silence

hoping this time to hear if something was going to spring out at them.

Turns out they needn't worry as when they turned a corner a huge sphinx

was sprawled out in front of the entrance to the trophy.

"Holy hell did they raid Hagrid's personal zoo or something," Cedric

snarked as he took in the sight.

The sphinx glared at him before taking an a rather haughty air and

speaking, "Welcome Champions I am your finally task. Pass me and you

may take the cup, lose to me and I receive a four-course meal." The

champions' eyes widen as the female sphinx finished.

"And just what do we have to do to avoid getting eaten?" Fleur asked

rather putout at the beasts tone.

"A riddle one for each of you. Who's first?"

They glanced at each other and Harry shrugged and proceeded to use the

time honored tradition of 'eeny meeny miny moe'. It landed on Cedric


"Damn. Alright what's my line?"

The sphinx smirked as she replied in a riddle. "Feed me and I live, give me

a drink and I die. What am I?

Cedric thought for a few moments before replying, "Fire."

"You may pass," the sphinx lifted its paw and allowed Cedric to pass.

Cedric stood on the other side to wait for the others. The sphinx looked

confused but turned to Fleur who stepped forward.

"Only one color, but not one size. Stuck at the bottom, yet easily flies. Present

in sun, but not in rain. Doing no harm, and feeling no pain. What is it?

Fleur smiled as she replied, "A shadow." The sphinx allowed her to pass

and Viktor stepped up.

"What falls but never breaks? What breaks but never falls?"

Viktor who still looked dazed was swaying on his feet as he thought of an

answer. He shrugged, "Night and Day."

The sphinx let Viktor pass and he joined them on the other side. The

sphinx then turned its attention to Harry. Harry gave the sphinx a

crooked grin as she looked at him. The sphinx shook out her mane and

sighed, "In olden days you are a clever thief charged with treason against the

king and sentenced to death. But the king decided to be a little lenient and lets

you choose your own way to die. What way should you choose?"

Harry laughed and with smirk and a bow replied, "Old age." The sphinx

moved out of the way grumbling about being hungry as she did so. Harry

joined the others and as one they turned towards the Triwizard Cup.

"So on three," Harry said as all four of them stood around the cup within

reach. They nodded.

"Raz," Came for Viktor.

"Duex," Fleur spoke.

"Three," Cedric finished and they all grabbed onto a handle of the

Triwizard Cup. They immediately felt the jerk and spin of the portkey as

they touched the cup.

"Bugger," Harry spoke as they were spinning. They slammed hard into the

ground after a few minutes of spinning.

As Harry entered the maze in front of them the crowd was cheering and

going wild with Chants of Potter, until he sat down and pulled out his

deck of cards and started shuffling them. As the crowd settled into shock

Daphne slowly started giggling and by the time Cedric joined him she

was outright laughing, holding her sides and wiping tears from her eyes.

Sirius and the others looked at Daphne in shock so she tried to explain,

"He's…gasp…pranking…giggle…the tournament," she lost it again and

started laughing. The adults looked up at the screen which now showed

Viktor, Cedric, and Harry in a friendly poker match, and their eyes

widen. Sirius and Remus though looked on with pride and surprisingly

there were tears in Sirius's eyes.

"Sirius?" Amelia prompted a bit worried that maybe he had bet some

ungodly amount of money on Harry.

"Prongs would be so proud," Sirius said wiping his eyes. The teens

laughed out loud while Amelia just shook her head.

They heard shouting off to their left and turned to look only to see Fudge

waving his arms and yelling at Bagman and Percy Weasley while the toad

looking woman looked on at the screen in anger. The foreign dignitaries

seemed to be torn between laughing and shock.

As the Champions defeated the tasks together the crowd largely forgot

that the Champions weren't competing against each other. They were

enthralled with their battles with the monsters in the maze. After their

fight with the dementor/boggart the crowd was gasping for air and

wiping tears from their eyes while Fudge finally shut up and just sat

there quietly turning red. The toad next to him however looked like she

was going to explode in anger. Dumbledore looked slightly amused but

his eyes had a sharpness to them that worried Amelia.

Finally they got to where the Champions grabbed hold of the Triwizard

Cup. The port-key activated and the crowd went wild again, except for

the dignitaries and judges who looked worried. Amelia, Sirius, Remus,

Narcissa, Xavier, Evelyn, and Severus looked sharply up at the judges and

narrowed in a Dumbledore who tried to hide the pleased look on his face.

Dumbledore quickly put a worried look on his face as he gathered with

the other judges.

"Daphne your mirror," Sirius whispered as the adults got up and moved

to the judges, they nodded to the other parents of the champions to join

them. And they gathered around Dumbledore and the other judges. They

appeared to be arguing as Daphne looked from them to her mirror and

back again.

"Daph, he'll be okay," Astoria whispered to her sister as she moved to

kneel in front of her sister. Daphne gave her a small smile and her friends

crowded around her to support her. They all moved their wands

surreptitiously to a ready position as they waited for Harry to contact


They slammed into the ground as they stopped spinning all of them

letting out a groan of pain.

Harry was the first to recover and rolled to his feet, "Get your wands out,"

he hissed with urgency. Cedric and Fleur complied scrambling to their

feet but Viktor didn't move. Harry looked down and noticed Viktor was

unconscious again. "Damn. Fleur stay with Viktor, don't move from the

cup." Harry's voice took on a commanding tone as he searched the

darkness in front of them. "Cedric stay behind me," he spoke as they

moved forward. They peered around and trying to disconcert where they


"Tombstones," Cedric muttered as he read some of the grave markers.

They moved forward and found themselves in front an old mausoleum

that had an open space in front where a large cauldron was set up. Harry

noticed opposite the cauldron was a large gravestone, with angel of

death, he stopped suddenly in front of it.

"We need to leave now," Harry hissed out. Cedric nodded and moved

back toward Fleur and Viktor who were on the ground next to the cup,

Fleur kneeling over Viktor. Cedric moved with his back towards them.

Suddenly the cauldron flared.

"Four for the price of one," a shrouded, snake-ish hiss of a voice rang out,

as a figure moved into the light of the cauldron. Hatred flared in Harry as

he recognized the figure as Peter Pettigrew.

"Pettigrew," Harry hissed. A cold laughter rang from the bundle Pettigrew

was holding.

"Kill the spares," it hissed. Pettigrew snapped the wand in his hand up but

Harry was faster.

"Ignis explodere," Harry shouted the spell and directed it towards the

already flaming cauldron. The cauldron flared and engulfed Pettigrew's

side; he dropped the wand and the bundle that looked like a deformed

baby. The killing curse struck wide of Cedric who rolled out of the way

towards Fleur and Viktor. He put one hand on the cup and the other on

Fleur who was holding Viktor; they disappeared in the swirl of the port-


The bundle of Voldemort caught on fire with the spell Harry cast and

rolled around letting out a screaming hiss. Pettigrew was fumbling trying

to find a wand and put out the fire that was currently ravishing the side

of his body. Harry pulled his mirror out of his pocket as he heard the

hissing voice of a snake.

"Massster," Nagini hissed as she flew forward and smothered the flames

on the sick disfigured bundle.

"Ssstop the boy," it hissed.

"Daphne," Harry called out into the mirror. Harry dodged left, "diffindo,"

he fired at the large snake as the port-key tattoo activated.

Harry landed with a thud on his feet in front of Daphne who was now

standing in the opening of the pitch to the maze with the other

champions. Viktor was being treated by Madam Pomfrey. Harry turned to

Severus who had grabbed onto his shoulder, "It was Voldemort and

Pettigrew. Harry got out before the pitch was swarmed with fans. Aside

from his friends and family the only others to hear Harry, was

Dumbledore, the judges and a few dignitaries including Fudge and his


Fudge quickly used a sonorous charm on his voice bringing attention to


INTERSETING FINAL!" Fudge glared at the champions as he said


HAVE WON THE TRIWAIZARD CUP!" Fudge announced and practically

threw the prize money at the four champions before stalking off ending

the tournament in temper tantrum suited for a five year old. Students

from all three schools swarmed the champions but Harry ducked out of

the way and over to Severus.

"Severus, we need to get that mark off of you now," Harry whispered

urgently. His head was splitting with pain as he knew Voldemort seethed

in anger. Harry was getting glimpses of what was going on and trying to

stay on his feet as he focused on the Potion's Master in front of him.

Severus nodded as he placed a hand on Harry's shoulder and led him

away from the ceremony with Sirius and Amelia and the others following

close behind him. They weren't missed except by Dumbledore who eyed

them as they left.

They arrived at the potion's office five minutes later and filed in, the new

marauders, Remus, Narcissa, Sirius, Amelia, Evelyn, and Xavier.

"What happened?" Severus questioned as they all took seats or perched

around the office. The founders straightened in their portraits. Harry

grasped his head in his hands as he got another flash of Voldemort.

Daphne ran her hands through his hair trying to help as the others looked


"I don't know how but Voldemort got to the Triwizard cup and turned it

into a port-key. It took us to that graveyard from the beginning of the

year in the first vision. There was cauldron in front of a mausoleum, and

Voldemort's parent's tombstone. Pettigrew came out holding Voldemort

or whatever he is," Harry grunted as he pulled himself back from another

glimpse. "Fleur and Viktor stayed by the cup, Viktor was unconscious."

Harry looked toward Hermione, "He's got a concussion." Hermione sighed

with relief as Harry added that and smiled at him. "Cedric and I moved

toward the cauldron trying to figure out where we were, I didn't realize it

'til I saw the grave marker. The cauldron lit up with a flare and Pettigrew

and Voldemort came out, Voldemort order Pettigrew to kill the spares,"

Harry let out a mirthless chuckle. "I cast the ignis explodere at the

cauldron. It fire around the cauldron exploded and engulfed Pettigrew,

he dropped Voldemort." Harry let out a chuckle as he said that, the

others just looked at him.

"Well come on he dropped his master, little rat's gonna get it," Harry said

in a sing song voice that caused the others to chuckle. Narcissa cleared

her throat and gave Harry a look, "Right sorry aunt Cissa. The killing

curse Pettigrew flung at Cedric hit wide because Pettigrew dropped the

wand. Nagini came out and put the bundle of Voldemort out, she lunged

at me but I dodged and Daphne activated the port-key."

"What were they trying to do," Remus muttered.

"A ritual," Harry said as he down an offered calming potion and pepper-

up potion from Severus. "It's still going on Voldemort just ordered

Pettigrew to summon Knott Sr., they're going to kidnap an Order," Harry

voice turned questioning at the word order, "member to continue.

Voldemort's pissed and coming back from the tenor of his thoughts." They

all exhaled heavily at Harry's words.

"An order member is member of The Order of the Phoenix, a resistance

group set up by Dumbledore during the first war," Amelia filled in the

teens in the room.

"Severus we need to get your mark off of you now, before he's reborn and

stronger," Harry said quietly. Severus nodded to him as he stared off into

the flames of a nearby potion that was simmering.

"Remus and I are going to take Naricssa to Grimuald place and perform

the fidelius charm. Why you take off Severus's mark. I want you under

that charm tonight if he's coming back," Sirius said turning to his cousin

who looked rather pale. "Will just keep to the parts of the house that are

renovated right now, the basement, first, and second floor." Narcissa

nodded and the three of them flooed out of Severus's office.

"We're going to increase the wards tonight," Xavier spoke and guided

Evelyn to the floo after giving Harry and Daphne a hug goodbye.

"While I would love to watch this I'm going to go check on Viktor,"

Hermione said.

"I'll go with you," Susan offered and they vacated the crowded office.

Now all that was left was Amelia, Harry, Severus, Blaise, Neville, Tracey,

and Daphne.

"Hadrian do you need anything before we start," Severus asked.

"No just your arm," Harry replied. Severus raised the sleeve and showed

the dark mark to the room, Blaise recoiled from it as did Harry, both

feeling Voldemort's magic coming off it stronger than usual. The mark

was significantly dark and moving this time. Severus took out a small vile

and downed it's contents, within seconds he was seemingly dead in his

office chair. Harry shut his eyes and laid his hand over the mark. Harry

focused on his magic and then searched for Severus's; he found it after a

few moments. Then Harry sought out with his magic the dark mark, he

found it wrapped around Severus's own magic centered in his arm. Harry

stated a chant in parseltonuge as he focused his magic on untangling


"Sssever," Harry finished the chant in parseltongue and Severus twitched

in pain, even with the Draught of the Living Dead working on him,as

magic flared around his arm and the mark burned off with an eerie

shriek. Harry collapsed down into Daphne's arms. Neville and Blaise

moved in a flash to help Harry sit in a chair.

Harry smiled as he breathed heavily, "It worked," he breathed out in

relief as he stared at Severus's now blemish free arm. Amelia moved

around the office and handed both Harry a pepper-up potion and took

out the antidote to the Draught of the Living Dead. She opened Severus's

mouth and gently trickled the potion down into the potion master's

mouth. Amelia tickled Severu's thoart to help the potion along. The

antidote started working and Severus twitched awake slowly. He blinked

a few times before it came back to him what was going on, he

straightened and looked down at his arm, a smile spread across his face.

"Drink. I'll make some tea," Amelia said as she turned to Harry and laid

her hand on Harry's head and then checked his pulse which was racing.

*BANG* the door to the potions office flew open and Dumbledore

appeared before them his magic swirling around him in unstable bursts.

"No I can't allow my spy to be LOST," Dumbledore shouted. He turned to


Dumbledore shouted and spell went flying at Harry. Amelia who rushed

into the room when the door flew open redirected the curse and all

watched in what seemed like slow motion as the curse sped toward the

simmering potion Severus had going.

"GET DOWN!" Severus shouted as he dove under his desk with his wand

moving. Harry spun at Daphne and pulled her down to ground flipping

the chair over he was sitting on to guard them. Neville, Blaise, and

Tracey, all rolled to the floor as a shield Severus conjured went a top

them. Amelia rolled into the room using her auror skills and under the

desk with Severus.

*BOOM* The potion went off with a bang and exploded out over all

those uncovered, Harry gasped as he was hit with potion in the back and

a vision hit him of Voldemort rising out of a cauldron, he blacked out

then. Dumbledore who was still standing as the potion exploded watched

in shocked silence as the potion and his own magic rained down on him.

The unfinished potion acted as on acid and burned through Dumbledore's

skin, causing the old man to shriek in pain and finally it all ended with a

another explosion as Dumbledore's unstable core exploded and his magic

fled him, filling the atmosphere before being absorbed by Hogwarts'

wards. Dumbledore the illustrious, villainous, headmaster of Hogwarts

dropped to the floor dead.

A/N Thank you for all your reviews, I think i might hit 1000 with

this one, kinda makes me giddy, LOL. So I killed Dumbledore and

scared up Pettigrew pretty bad with Harry's fire. Next chapter will

deal with Dumbledore's death and the start, possibly all of the

summer. Enjoy!

A/N#2 I fixed the part with Severus's mark and YAY! I hit 1000, I

really do feel giddy! Never expected this. Thanks y'll!

Thanks again,


30. Chapter 30


Harry sat quietly next to Daphne as some old bumbling fool rattle on

about the great man that was Albus Dumbledore. Three days had passed

since the last task and Dumbledore's untimely demise. Harry's back had

healed and he and Daphne started planning their wedding in ernest. But

right now Harry along with the rest of the school and a host of other

guests, officials, and foreigners were at the castle dressed in a black and

enduring a funeral praising a man he hated. Harry cracked his neck from

side to side in frustration. Daphne moved her hand to cover his and

glared at a first year Hufflepuff who was trying to catch a glimpse of


The day after the task the Daily Prophet in all its tabloid glory published

an article by Rita Skeeter claiming that Hadrian was deranged and had

claimed the He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named was back and had kidnapped

the Champions. She went on to claim that all the Champions were

involved on pranking the masses and discrediting England in the eyes of

the world. After that article Fudge's supporters capitalized on the claim

and published another hoping to redeem Fudge from a recent fall in the

public's eyes. With the articles and the shadowy circumstances

surrounding Dumbledore's death people seemed to be eyeing Hadrian

with distrust and disdain.

Hadrian didn't exactly care one way or the other how they thought of

him it was more the starring at him that annoyed him, it made it hard to

sneak off with Daphne. Also he didn't feel he should have to show that he

gave a damn at all about a man who put him through hell and robbed

him but Amelia said something about political showing so he shrugged it


"Stop fidgeting," Daphne muttered.

"It's been two hours, Dumbles was old but come on," Harry whispered

back making Blaise on his other side snort. They earned a glare from an

ancient looking old woman near them. And they all fought the urge to

stick their tongues out of her but squashed it as the old man talking

finally sat down with a tearful sob.

"Gods that was long," Draco breathed out as they stood and finished the

funeral. Some pallbearers took up Dumbledore's casket and started out of

the Great Hall. Dumbledore was being buried on the grounds of the

school on an island in the Black Lake.

"Tomorrow can't come fast enough," Tracey said as they made their way

down to the Slytherin common room and collapsed onto the couches.

"So did you have nice goodbye with Viktor," Tracey asked in a teasing

voice as Hermione joined them in their compartment for the ride home.

Hermione blushed, "Yes, thank you for asking. I'm going to visit him in


Susan, Tracey, and Daphne let out shrieks that were only audible to small

furry mammals and other teenage girls, as exhibited by Hannah who just

joined the compartment with Neville. Neville looked bewildered but

Hannah just sat right down and got right into the girls' conversation.

"Don't ask," Harry said in response to Neville's look. The boys decided to

play exploding snap while the girls chatted for awhile.

"I'm gonna take a walk," Harry declared standing and stretching his arms

above his head. They had about two hours still left before the train would

be at the station.

Daphne stood and came over to him, "I'll join you." They left the

compartment with Daphne tucking herself into Harry's side and smiling

up at him contently. Harry wrapped an arm around her shoulders as they

walked. Harry kissed the side of her head as they walked.

"Sirius and Amelia are gathering everyone at the house tonight, to talk

about what happened," Harry said quietly.

"Are you okay with that," Daphne replied. Harry nodded. They walked a

little further and came upon the Weasley twins selling some of their joke


"Step right up…"

"…purchase wonderfully woe…"

"…inducing Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes products…"

"…frighten, disgust, entertain…" Fred and George traded off as they sold

their products. Harry and Daphne watched amused as everyone from first

years to exiting seventh years bought out Fred and George's supply. When

the crowd finally dispersed after buying out Fred and George they

greeted Harry and Daphne.

"Ahh the future Potters…"

"…Welcome to our humble compartment…"

Harry and Daphne laughed, "Gred, Forge. Anything new?"

"Funny you should ask…"

"…They're not yet finished but…"

"…We're working on our skiving snack boxes…"

"…Guaranteed to get you out of class," George finished with a flourish

presenting a box of seemingly harmless sweets.

"Wow these are actually pretty ingenious," Daphne said as she looked

through the box and Fred explained some of them to her. Harry got a

calculating look on his face as he thought for a minute.

"Gred, Forge, how would you two like to do this for a living," Harry asked

with a smirk.

Fred and George looked rather excited before they calmed a bit, "We


"…love to…"

"…but we need capital and investors…"

"…Nobody takes us seriously though…"

"Well meet your first serious investor," Harry said and pulled out his

money pouch that held is share of the winnings from the Triwizard

Tournament. He handed it to the protesting twins, "It's not charity guys.

It's an investment. I think you two could probably run Zonko's into the

ground if you let your twisted little minds run wild. Zonko's hasn't even

come out with any new products in years. The only thing you have to

promise to do is keep my name out of it deal?" Harry asked.

Fred and George shared a glance and looked like they still wanted to

protest but Daphne spoke up, "If it makes you feel better we can have

Andromeda Tonks write up a contract?"

Finally Fred and George nodded, "Alright we accept but uh, mum will kill

us if she finds out."

"That's alright set up a time with Bill and we can meet with Andromeda

but for now here you go," Harry said giving them the money. "It looks

like you're out of products, make some more." The twins accepted the

money this time and thanked Harry and Daphne profusely who just

shook it off and went back to their compartment as the train was


"So what do you think of navy and silver for the colors," Daphne asked on

the way back.

"Colors?" Harry asked making Daphne roll her eyes.

"For the wedding?"

"Oh right, sorry," Harry said giving her a kiss that almost made her forget

her name and did make her forgive him for his little memory lapse.

"Brilliant," Harry said when they parted.

"Thank you all for coming tonight," Amelia said calling everyone's

attention to her. They were currently in the formal dining hall of Potter

Manor. The formal hall was massive when compared to the room they

usually took their meals in at Potter Manor. The room was large designed

for entertaining during balls and other such events, Harry and the others

usually avoided it. Harry looked around the large table from his spot to

the left of Amelia who was seated at the head of the table, Sirius was on

her right. Currently seated around the table was Alastor Gumboil, the

head of the Hit-Wizard squads, Rufus Scrimgeour, Amelia's second in

command, Artemius Lawson, head of the Department of Regulation and

Control of Magical Creatures, Cuthbert Mockridge, head of the Goblin

Liaisons Department, and Cadmus Hammer, Harry wasn't sure what he

did but from the looks everyone else at the table gave him, he was damn

important. Amelia had gathered few aurors and politicians also, Connie

Hammer, aurors John Dawilsh, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Alastor Moody,

Tonks, and Raymond Sykes. For politicians she had invited Madam

Lonbottom, Tiberius Ogden, The Greengrasses, Simon MacMillian, Jonas

and Maria Abbott, Mobius Bobbin, and Xin Li.

"I've asked you here tonight because I know that I can trust all of you

implicitly with what I'm about to tell you. Voldemort," Amelia paused

and was happy to note only half of those in the room gasped or

shuddered at the name, "is back. Now before you say anything he was

never actually gone only banished to the form of a wraith."

"HA! I knew it," came the shouted reply from Camdus Hammer.

Surprisingly, at least to Harry and his friends, the rest of the group

seemed more accepting of what Amelia said with Hammer's confirmation.

Amelia smiled slightly, "Yes well, he now has a body." Amelia held her

hand up for quiet, "during the final task of the Triwizard Tournament he

kidnapped the champions intending to use Hadrian as part of a ritual.

Luckily we were prepared and were able to get the champions out of

there." Sirius at this point levitated a pensieve onto the table. Harry then

stepped forward and withdrew the memory of the Third Task starting at

the sphinx and placed it in the pensive. Sirius tapped a rune on the side

of the pensive and the memory was projected for all to see. Gasps and

groans were heard around the room as memory played out.

"You handled yourself well Potter," Cadmus said once the memory ended

and silence reigned in the room.

"They all did," his wife Connie added.

"Well they were chosen for a reason," Draco replied surprising many of

those gathered in the room.

"Cornelius won't accept this," Tiberius Ogden replied, "He detests memory

evidence almost as much as he detests any actual conflict. And Umbridge

may as well be a Death Eater with her attitudes."

"What I want to know is how he got a body," Lawson asked.

"We have an answer for that," Bill Weasley said stepping forward from

where he was observing in the corner of the room. "At the beginning of

their second year," he said gesturing to Harry and his friends, "and my

sisters first year. Lucius Malfoy slipped my sister a cursed diary. Upon

examination of we were able to find out what it was exactly cursed with,

the diary was a horcrux."

"Oh bugger," Cadmus murmured not quite as quiet as he thought.

"Yes," Bill said with a smirk, "for those who don't know a horcrux is an

object or thing that possesses a piece of soul. It requires the murder of an

innocent to split your soul and then you have to perform a ritual to seal

your piece of soul in whatever it is you pick. A horcrux is one of the most

evil things magic can create. It allows you to live on after death as long

as the horcrux is intact."

"And where is this diary now," Madam Longbottom asked.

"We destroyed it along with two other horcruxes," Bill replied and once

again gasps went through the room.

"How many did that monster create," Xin Li asked with a disgusted look

on his face.

"We don't know although we believe we have found the location of

another," Sirius spoke. "We will be exploring that soon meanwhile

Severus Snape is trying to find more possibilities."

"What were the two other horcruxes and how did you destroy them? We

in the Department of Mysteries have been searching for information on

horcruxes for a long time," Cadmus spoke.

"The lost diadem of Ravenclaw and," Amelia hesitated looking Cadmus in

the eye, "Harry. They were destroyed using basilisk venom, and Harry

survived thanks to a phoenix," Amelia answered before someone asked.

"Now we have one more thing to show you. Because of Harry being a

former horcrux a link of sorts was created into Voldemort's mind. Harry

can get glimpses of Voldemort's sight when he is experiencing high

emotions. Voldemort completed the ritual he started on the night of the

third task."

Harry once again placed a memory in the pensive but this time he looked

away from the projected memory as he had no desire to see it again. The

others found themselves viewing the graveyard again only this time there

was somebody else present with Peter Pettigrew and the hideous form of

the Dark Lord. The man was dressed in Death Eater garb but Harry knew

him to be Vincent Nott. Being held in place by the angel of death that

marked the grave of Voldmort's father and grandparents was a woman

who was struggling against the scythe. The woman's face was completely

bruised on one side and was bleeding from her lip and her night shirt was

stained with blood around the ribs. The cauldron flared to life and Nott

began the ritual sneering at the now crying woman.

"Bone of the father unknowingly given, you will renew your son." Nott

pointed his wand at the ground and a bone shot up through the dirt and

he levitated it over to the cauldron and dropped it in. He then turned to

his lord who nodded to Pettigrew. Nott smirked and handed an athame to

Pettigrew and spoke again, "Flesh of the servant, willingly sacrificed, you

will revive your master." They watched in morbid fascination as

Pettigrew, shaking, horribly cut off his right arm at the elbow and fell

into the cauldron. Pettigrew started whimpering as he held the bloody

stump of his arm to him, Nott sneered at him and struck him with a

cauterizing spell, stopping the blood flow but also making Pettigrew

scream in pain; Voldemort chuckled. Then Nott faced the woman who

was crying and shaking her head no. Nott waved his wand and the

woman floated over to the cauldron and was pushed over it. Nott took

her by the hair and placed his wand to her neck, outstretched over the

cauldron. "Blood of the enemy, forcibly taken, you will resurrect your

foe!" He took his wand now glowing orange and slit across the woman's

throat as he spoke. Blood poured into the cauldron and the woman

gurgled on more that poured from her mouth and slowly they watched as

the life left her eyes and Nott dropped the woman unceremoniously to

the ground. He moved over to where Voldemort's hideously disfigured

baby like form was perched with Nagini wrapped around it. Nott bowed

and then lifted Voldemort into the air and dropped him into the

cauldron. The cauldron was consumed by the flames underneath it and

soon melted into nothing as the fire consumed Voldemort's form it grew

and twisted and then black smoke surrounded the whole memory. When

it faded a tall, pale, skeleton like figure stood there, the thing's face

almost glowed in the dark of the graveyard. It was bone white and

looked to have skin stretched thinly across the skull, his eyes were large

and wide and vivid scarlet red and instead of a nose he had slits that

distinctly screamed, snake.

"My wand," Voldemort spoke holding out a long pale hand to Pettigrew.

Pettigrew shuffled over and bowed deeply to Voldemort and held out his

wand handle first to his Lord. Voldemort's scaly hands enveloped the

wand and with a simple wave he was cloaked in a black hooded robe,

and the memory faded to black as Harry lost consciousness at that point.

Immediately after the memory ended Daphne, Hermione, Tracey, Susan,

Evelyn, Tonks, and Mockridge all raced out of the room and threw up.

The rest of those who remained in the room paled significantly, though

Cadmus, Harry, Amelia, Dawlish, and Shacklebolt all looked determined

and angry at the same time.

"That was Madam McKinnnon," Madam Longbottom spoke, "she was the

only one of that family to survive the first war." By now the others had

returned and Amelia looked at them with a steely look.

"I need you all to begin gathering allies and start training your family

members; a second war is coming and fast."

"Um Amelia, I need to show you something," Hermione said once

everyone had left

except from the new marauders, Sirius, Amelia, Madam Longbottom, and

the Greengrasses.

Amelia looked at the girl with one eyebrow raised, "Why do you sound


"Well you see I found out how Rita Skeeter gets all her information,"

Hermione started only to be interrupted by Amelia.

"Hermione that's wonderful do you know how many state secrets she's

given away, but she's been protected under certain laws but if you have

her sources we can actually do something."

"Well then may I present you with Rita Skeeter," Hermione said with a

flourish and took out a jar with a beetle in it. "In her unregistered

animagus form."

"How on Earth did you figure out she was an animagus," Amelia asked

taking the jar holding the beetle.

"She revealed one too many of Viktor's and my private conversations.

Thanks to her I get hate mail from angry fan girls. I went over our

conversations and realized this beetle was in every one that ended up in

print. So I set her up," Hermione explained.

Amelia started laughing that turned into full-blown laughter, "You really

are the smartest witch of your age. Why don't we just keep her this way

for now."

Sirius, Draco, Xavier and Harry were currently safely ensconced in the

game room of Potter Manor currently hiding under about five layers of

wards put up by Sirius and Xavier. In the two weeks they had been back

from Hogwarts their time was either spent training or preparing for the

wedding. Although they had settled on a small wedding, it seemed to

Harry that there was always something needing to be done for it and

more often than not his opinion was ignored. Harry pointed that out to

his loveable dogfather, Sirius responded by laughing for ten minutes and

then told Harry welcome to married life.

Currently Harry was trying to figure out where he was going to take

Daphne for their honeymoon. Sirius and Xavier were shooting pool while

Harry and Draco were looking over a list of Potter properties he had

gotten from Ragnok. Draco turned out to be most helpful, but then he's

known Daphne since they were in nappies.

"You should take her to either Potter Hideaway or the summer house in

the French Riviera," Draco suggested, "Daphne's always loved the beach.

She told me once when we were little she wanted to be a mermaid like in

the ones in fairytales."

Harry tapped the names of the properties and was given a picture and

description of each. The summer home was a typical mansion on the

coast of France, like the one they went to the year before. The Hideaway

though, Harry decided was perfect. It was a bungalow situated on

isolated part of Bora Bora. The bungalow sat on stilts above the water

and for two miles in any direction was warded with muggle-repelling

charms, notice-me-not charms, and it was unplottable. It was only

accessible to Potters and Potter house elves.

"I'm going with the Hideaway," Harry announced and called Nips, "Nips."

"Yes, sir," Nips said when he popped in.

"I've decided on taking Daphne to the Hideaway for our Honeymoon can

you make sure it's ready for a week long stay. We'll be leaving the night

of the wedding."

"Of course, sir. Nips get it ready for you," Nips said with a bow and

popped out of the room.

Draco and Harry joined Sirius and Xavier over at the pool table.

"How about me Harry verses you and Draco," Sirius asked Xavier and the

two teens.

Harry fiddle with his bowtie as he in front of the newly erect gazebo in

the same clearing Sirius and Amelia tied the knot. Today was Daphne's

fifteenth birthday and their wedding day. Harry couldn't figure out why

he was nervous, he was marrying the girl he loved and he was sure she

wouldn't, not mention couldn't, say no, but he was still nervous. He

blamed Sirius, thanks to his little 'talk' with the older man at his bachelor

party the night before. According to Sirius it would hurt Daphne

something fierce when they actually did the deed, as such according to

Sirius, he needed to make sure he gave Daphne a few orgasms before he

penetrated her. Sirius then went on to describe various positions, toys,

and spells that could be used in the bedroom, needless to say it was one

of the most embarrassing conversations Harry had ever been subjected to.

He spent half the night after all the other guys had passed out searching

for a spell or potion that would help ease Daphne's pain but couldn't find


"Harry stop messing with your tie you'll pull it to threads if you keep it

up," Sirius said clapping him on the shoulder.

Harry sighed and then flopped into a chair nearby.

"It's not like she can say no mate," Blaise said as he took a seat next to

Harry. Harry just glared at his friend in response.

"I know that damn it, it's just," Harry struggled for words, "never mind."

"Alright boys look alive," Amelia announced as she came into the

clearing, with Bill and Fleur, Ginny, Charlie, and the Twins. "The guests

are arriving." Harry stood and plastered a smile on his face and Amelia

chuckled, "almost believable, just don't puke on Daphne," Amelia said

laughing and pulling him into a hug.

Harry managed to chuckle, "thanks," he said quietly, and gave Amelia a


"You ready honey," Xavier asked taking Daphne's arm.

Daphne took a deep breath and looked at her dad standing behind her in

the mirror. She nodded and she took her father's arm as he led her out of

Potter Manor and down the soft candle lit path that had been erected

hanging from the silver candle post were navy blue ribbons.

"You know if it were any other boy, well man in Hadrian's case, I would

have spirited you away, damn the contract." Xavier said as they got closer

to the clearing where the ceremony was taking place.

Daphne smiled softly at her father, "Thanks, daddy," she whispered as

they came to a stop where Astoria and Blaise were standing getting ready

to make their way down the aisle. The clearing was done similarly to

Sirius and Amelia's only with a color scheme of silver and navy blue.

Daphne and her father were out of sight of the guests but Astoria turned

back and waved to her sister and Blaise gave her a wink before they

started to slowly walk down the aisle. "Love you daddy," Daphne said as

the music started playing for them to walk down the aisle. Daphne

looked around the clearing as her and her father moved down the aisle,

hardly taking any of the decorations in mainly looking at the faces that

were happily smiling back at her. The gathered group was relatively

small for what was to be The-Boy-Who-Lived's wedding but that was

exactly how they both wanted it. Aside from the New Marauders and

their families were her aunt and uncle and her cousin with Aaron being

accompanied by Alicia, the Diggorys' with Cedric dressed in his formal

auror cadet robes and Melissa Bennett. Melissa was present in two

capacities, one as Cedric's date and the second as the only reporter on

scene. Daphne and Harry had heard from Cedric that he was still dating

Melissa and that she would be his date and immediately asked the newest

reporter of the Daily Prophet to write an article on the wedding, thus

avoiding a Rita Skeeter type article being written of them and them

having to invite another reporter. Next to Hermione and her parents was

Viktor who had apparated in from Bulgaria earlier in the week with his

brother, Fedor, who was accompanying Tonks. Mr. and Mrs. Tonks and

Nym and Fedor sat behind Sirius and Amelia on the groom's side, while

sitting next to Sirius was Remus, Narcissa, Draco, Severus and Belladonna

Zabini. Behind her own family sat Ginny, Fred and George accompanied

by Katie Bell and Angelina Johnson, and Bill who was with Fleur. Fleur's

family was also there seated among the guests along with some family

and business friends of her parents and Sirius and Amelia.

Finally Daphne's eyes settled on the one person she would do absolutely

anything for, Harry. Daphne sighed as she took in Harry's appearance, he

was dressed in a jet black tux, with a silver tie and had a navy blue rose

pinned on his coat. The tux had been tailored to fit Harry perfectly and

the untamable short Potter hair had been tamed thanks to Tonks, who

had managed to style it for him. Daphne's eyes locked with Harry's and a

brilliant smile lit up her face as Harry smiled his lopsided grin back at


Harry for his part was stunned stupid when Daphne started walking

down the aisle, Blaise had to reach over and close his jaw for him.

Daphne looked stunning in her wedding dress. The dress had one strap

over her left shoulder and hugged her upper body with a silver diamond

incrusted snake clasped at her waist with the white material flaring out.

Harry could only grin at her happily as Xavier passed Daphne off to

Harry once they reached the front row of seats. Xavier kissed Daphne on

the forehead before taking his place next to his wife. Harry took Daphne's

hand in his and brought it to his mouth giving her hand a quick kiss

before turning and leading her a few more steps to where Professor

Babbling stood to perform the ceremony. The willowy, rather hippie like

professor (in Harry's opinion), was not only a runes master but also a

Druid Priestess. She was going to perform the ceremony since Harry and

Daphne had elected to be married through a handfasting ceremony, the

ceremony actually bound their souls together.

"We are gathered here today, to unite two souls as one," Professor

Babbling started the ceremony. "Do you, Daphne Anne Greengrass and

you, Hadrian James Potter join us here of your own free will to

acknowledge the eternal bond shared by both of you."

"I do," Daphne replied.

"I do," Harry spoke after Daphne.

"You may face each other, join hands. Harry you may recite your vows,"

Professor Babbling said with a smile towards Harry.

Harry took a breath and then smiled at Daphne before in a low voice

spoke, "Daph I never experienced love until I met you. You mean

everything to me. I promise to love, protect, and cherish you until the

end of time." Professor Babbling turn towards Daphne and nodded for her

to speak.

"Harry I was sure what to expect when I finally met you bet through

everything these past five years I know exactly how I feel. I love you, and

promise to love, protect, cherish and stand by your side no matter what

for the rest of our lives."

Professor Babbling smiled at the couple who were looking at each other

with adoration, "Here before these witnesses, Daphne Anne Greengrass,

and Hadrian James Potter have sworn their vows to each other."

Professor Babbling used her wand and directed it and gold cloth cord and

wove it around their hands as she spoke, "With this cord I bind them to

those vows."

Both Harry and Daphne spoke together, "Heart to thee, body to thee,

always and forever, so mote it be."

Then Professor Babbling and those in attendance replied, "So mote it be."

The cord flashed gold and disappeared. Harry and Daphne stepped

together, Harry taking her in his arms.

"I love you," he whispered before leaning down and pressing his lips to

hers. The kiss was slow but passionate only to be broken up a few

seconds later by wolf whistles and clapping. Daphne and Harry both

blushed a bit as they pulled back from each other and smiled at their

family and friends.

"What do you think," Harry asked as they appeared on the beach that

connected to the Hideaway via a deck.

"It's beautiful," Daphne said in an awed tone as she looked out at the

Hideaway in the crystal clear water that glistened as the moon shown

down. She moved closer to the deck to begin walking up to the

Hideaway, Harry smirked behind her. He moved swiftly and scooped

Daphne up bridal style, causing her to squeal.

"Harry," She said playfully with reproach, "I know how to walk."

"Yes but muggle tradition states I need to carry my blushing bride over

the threshold," Harry said playfully as he smiled down at her. He absent

mindedly waved his hand and their bags floated behind them as they

walked up the deck into the bungalow. As they crossed the threshold

Harry leaned down and gently placed his lips to hers, he slowly deepened

the kissed as Daphne moved her hands up to his hair. She skillfully

maneuvered herself in his arms to wrap her legs around her waist and

ground into her hip, Harry groaned and moved to kiss her down her

neck. He pulled back to look at Daphne as he moved them into the


"Harry," Daphne breathed, "make me yours completely."

Harry nodded and gently placed Daphne on her feet and leaned in

cupping her face, he gently kissed her. The kiss turned passionate quickly

as Daphne's tongue traced his lips and parted them as she tangled her

hands in his hair. Harry moved his hands to the zipper of her dress and

slowly lowered it down her back, pushing the dress off her shoulders.

Daphne stepped back from Harry and let her dress fall to the ground.

"You're going to kill me," Harry groaned out. Daphne was topless but had

on a shear blue thong that had a garter belt attached to shear stockings.

Daphne smirked triumphantly and sashayed toward him but stopped

when Harry's own lopsided grin appeared along with devilish look glint

in his eyes. Harry's grin grew as he closed the distance between them and

took her chin in his hand, claiming her lips for his own. Harry moved

Daphne back until her legs hit the bed and then pushed her back. Daphne

fell against the bed, pulling Harry with her and down on top of her.

Daphne moaned as Harry moved down her body placing kisses wherever

he could place his lips. He lowered his lips down to where her thong sat

beneath her hips. Harry breathed in Daphne's scent as he ran his nose

along her hips.

Daphne's breath came out shakily as she tried not to giggle, "Harry that

tickles," she breathed out. Harry smiled against her skin and nipped at

her skin. Daphne let out a small squeak and then moaned as Harry lathed

the spot with his tongue before he snapped the garter and disrobed her of

the rest of her garments. Harry kissed up her leg and slowly parted her

thighs and gave her glistening pussy a long lick.

"Haarrrry," she half moaned, half whimpered in a plea for him to

continue. Harry swirled his tongue around her clit and around her

entrance. Harry focused his darkening eyes on her and pushed a finger

into her entrance. Daphne moaned and gripped the sheets while Harry

worked her over with his tongue and fingers as he inserted another.

Harry teased her clit with his tongue while he pumped his fingers in and

out of her. Daphne felt the heat building in her as Harry sped up his

thrusting fingers and tongue. Harry could tell Daphne was close as she

was mewling and had closed her eyes as she lifted off the bed, he gently

nipped at her clit at the same time he curled his fingers up into her g-


"HARRRRYYY!" Daphne screamed out. Harry quickly replaced his fingers

with his mouth and lapped gently at her as she came. Daphne panted and

her body quivered as Harry lapped at the remains of her orgasm. Harry's

tongue kept her on edge as she threaded her hands through his hair and

tugged. Harry allowed himself to be pulled up and when he was even

with her face he smirked at her wild expression. Daphne forced her

tongue into his mouth and ran her tongue over every surface of his

mouth. Harry moaned as Daphne's tongue explored his mouth and

caressed his own tongue. Harry ran his hands over her body keeping her

stimulated as she kissed him.

When they were running short on air Daphne moved her kiss to his neck

and up to his ear where she nibbled on his ear before saying, "Harry I

want you, enter me already." Harry breathed out shakily as Daphne

moved her hands from his back to down to his ass giving him a playful

smile and squeeze before her eyes burned lustily and moved to grip his

cock. Harry moaned as she stroked him and guided him to her entrance.

Harry stopped as he was at her entrance and just stared into her eyes

before giving her a gentle a kiss. He pushed into her as he deepened the

kiss and hit her barrier. Daphne's breath hitched a bit in anticipation,

Harry pulled back from the kiss and Daphne nodded at him. Harry thrust

forward deeper into Daphne, burying himself in her. Harry and Daphne

both took deep breaths at the intrusion, Daphne for the pain and Harry

because of the feelings he was experiencing. To him it was better than

anything he had ever experienced, being in her tight, hot pussy made

him never want to leave but at the same time Harry battled feelings of

guilt for the pain he just caused his beloved new bride. Daphne breathed

out trembling it was painful but she had been in worse pain. Harry

nuzzled her neck and kissed down her chest to the top of her breasts. He

took one nipple into his mouth and lathed it with his tongue and gently

nipped around to her other breast.

"Harry you can move now," Daphne said rolling her hips into his. The

pain was ebbing away being replaced by pleasure. Harry groaned when

she rolled her hips up into his and started thrusting in and out of her, the

first few thrusts were awkward as they tried to find a rhythm, soon they

were both crying out, and Harry lathed attention on neck.

"Daph I'm not gonna last much longer," Harry panted out as he thrust into

her. He was overcome by her heat and picked up his pace, his hips

working like a piston into her as he kissed her greedily.

"Ohh God! Just a little more," Daphne moaned as Harry moved his kisses

to her neck and then down to her breasts.

Harry moved his lips back up her neck where he nipped at the skin and

whispered in her ear, "Cum, cum for me Daph."

"FUCCCK HARRY" Daphne screamed as she came.

"Oh God, Daph. Fucckkk…I, I'm," Harry groaned and struggled to keep

pumping as she shook and clenched around him orgasm. Harry followed

her within two thrusts and slowly they both came down. Harry pumped

into once more as Daphne rolled her hips into him as she came down.

Harry hovered over Daphne as they both panted trying to regain their

breath. Daphne smiled up at him and Harry gently kissed her before

rolling over next to her and pulling her to him. Daphne laid her head on

his chest and he placed a kiss on her head as they drifted off to sleep.

They had been at Potter Hideaway for a blissful three days enjoying the

beach and each other. Besides meals and swimming plus one bonfire that

ended in making love on the beach they hadn't left the bed. Although

Harry rather wished they had skipped the beach…sand got everywhere.

Daphne was given a potion by her mother before she left that specially

designed to dispel any linger achiness of a woman's first time that proved

to be rather useful as they had woken each other three times throughout

their first night for a repeat. By now Harry had a favorite position,

Daphne riding him as he took her in form above him, he loved watching

her facial expressions, Daphne meanwhile liked it when he took her

against a wall without warning. They had just finished christening the

love seat, the last in all the horizontal surfaces of the hideaway, and had

drifted off to sleep when it happened.

Screams of pain were heard as Harry took in his surroundings to realize

Voldemort had pulled Harry into his head once again. He panicked as he

too in the form of his friend and school mate, Theo Nott, beaten and

bloody on the ground while a man Harry knew to be Theodore Nott Sr.,

looked on with a disgusted expression. The disgust was directed at Theo

and morphed into anger as Nott Sr. cast the cruciatus curse on his only

son. Theo's body contorted in pain as he screamed but only a rasping

sound was hear as his throat was raw from so much screaming. Theo's

face was a mass of swollen bruises and blood, the left side had one large

bruise Harry realized was in the shape of a boot print. His left arm hung

uselessly at his side and blood soaked through his shirt. There were

gashes up and down Theo's body, Harry wanted to throw up.

"Enough," a bored voice called, Harry looked around for the owner but

realized it was himself, meaning Voldemort. "Leave him locked in his

room for now. We'll deal with him later." Harry watched as Theo was

levitated away, past a woman who with red rimmed eyes that were the

same hazel color as Theo's, by an unknown masked Death Eater.

Harry shot woke with a shout and shot straight up on the couch in a cold

sweat. Daphne was instantly awake beside him.

She took his head in her hands trying to get him to focus his eyes on her,

"Harry, Harry what's wrong?"

He took a moment but focused in on his lovers' eyes and realized he was

out of Voldemort's head. "We need to leave, love," Harry said softly with

regret in his voice.

Daphne simply nodded though she too looked sad, "You were pulled into

his head again weren't you," she asked?

Harry nodded and then spoke in barely a whisper, "He was watching as

Nott Sr. tortured Theo."

Daphne gasped and tears formed in her eyes as she thought about her

friend, "Oh God Theo," Daphne's voice was filled with pain as she thought

of her childhood friend being tortured by his own father. Harry hugged

Daphne to him and she sobbed into his chest for a few minutes before she

felt a tear hit her shoulder and realized Harry too was crying, though


"Why do you have to see into that monster's head?" It was a rhetorical

question that she muttered allowed and Harry's only answer was to hug

her tighter to him.

A/N: Okay it's a bit short but I wanted to get it up for those of you

waiting. Shcool and work have hit pretty hard lately which was the

reason for the delay. Hopefully the next chapter doesn't take as


Thanks for all the reviews I do read all of them though I only

usually answer those with a direct question.


31. A House Elf rescue


Harry and Daphne landed in Potter Manor's entry hall in the familiar

swirl of colors portkey travel induced. Nips popped in right away and

popped out again with their bags before either one had gained their

equilibrium back.

"Harry? Daphne?" Sirius's voice came from the opposite side of the

entrance hall. He blinked hard from the bright automatic lights of the

hall; it was only two in the morning. "What's wrong? Are you alright?

Why are you home," Sirius rapidly fired off his questions as he pulled

them both in for a hug and simultaneously checked for injuries.

"Were fine Padfoot," Harry answered as he returned his godfather's hug.

When they pulled back Harry added, "Theo, however, is screwed if we

don't find a way to get him out of his home."

Sirius looked puzzled for a moment before his brain engaged, "Voldemort

is at his house?"

"Yes and he was watching as Nott Sr. beat and tortured Theo. I got pulled

into his head while I was sleeping."

Sirius paled, "I'll wake Amelia, floo Severus and Mad Eye, get them here.

We'll meet you in the kitchen as I'm sure Mips is already fixing you both

something." They nodded and Sirius turned on his heel and quickly

started towards the door he came through.

Daphne turned to Harry, "We need Draco too, he knows Theo's house the

best and will know how we might be able to help him."

Harry nodded more to himself than to Daphne, "Use the floo in the

study," he smiled widely as he said the next part, "as a Potter you can

authorize people entry while in there."

Daphne smiled back at him and gave him a sweet, tender kiss, "meet you

in the kitchen." Harry smiled for a moment as he watched her walk away

but his look quickly turned serious as he went over to the floo in the wall

next to him.

"Prince Court," Harry called into the floo to be met with the appearance

of a house elf. "Is Severus available?"

"Master Snape being at Mistress Zabini's residence," the dutiful house elf


"Thank you, Jeeves," Harry replied with a small grin that always

managed to make its way onto his face at the house elf's name. Harry

ended the call, tossed some more floo powder in and called, "Zabini

Penthouse, London."

This time Harry was met with a bleary eyed Blaise, "Aren't you supposed

to be on your honeymoon," Blaise managed to quip though tiredly.

"Blaise I need Severus to floo over ASAP. You and your mum should

come to we may need your unique point of view. I'll explain once you're

here," Harry said with urgency.

"Right we'll be there in about five minutes," Blaise said seriously but also

with curiosity.

Harry grabbed some more floo powder and sighed and took a deep

breath as he prepared for the next pass phrase he needed to say, "Mad

Eye Moody's Improved Fortress, red, star, fox, pineapple, screw, constant

vigilance." Harry shook his head; Moody's paranoia was starting to reach

epic proportions.

"SPEAK," the incredibly alert at two fifteen in the morning Alastor Moody

barked at Harry.

"Moody we have an emergency and need your help," Harry replied.

"Right. Move," Moody said. Harry scrambled back as Alastor stepped

through the floo to Potter Manor.

"Do you even sleep," Harry asked taking in Moody's appearance. Alastor

was clothed in his usual attire and even had his leather trench coat on.


"Right well I need to wait for Severus and the Zabini's, the others should

be in the kitchen by now," Harry said without even flinching at Moody's

yell. Alastor nodded and made his way to the kitchen.

"Oh Shite," Blaise muttered as he tripped coming out of the floo bowling

into Harry sending both boys sprawling on the floor. "Ehh sorry mate, too

early for the floo," Blaise said with a groan. Severus snorted and

Belladonna rolled her eyes as the two got up.

"Come on they're in the kitchen," Harry said and gave Blaise a small

shove in retaliation. This turned into a mini shove war that ended when

Severus pulled them into the kitchen by their ears.

"Behave children," Severus said in his most condescending voice. Harry

and Blaise moved to their seats grumbling as the others laughed.

"Nice babe," Daphne laughed and gave Harry a kiss on the cheek as he sat

next to her.

As Mips handed the newcomers tea Mad Eye spoke gruffly, "So why are

we here laddie?"

Harry sighed before speaking in a quiet voice, "I had another vision."

Quiet descended around the table and Sirius looked sympathetically at

Harry. "Theo was getting tortured by his dad in front of Voldemort. The

vision ended with them taking Theo to his room." Narcissa had tears in

her eyes as did Belladonna; they had known Theo since diapers after all.

The others looked pissed Draco was turning red with anger and Severus

looked rather like Remus during a full moon. "I'm fairly certain they

intend to do it again or possibly killed him. Voldemort was livid but


"We need to get him out now, when he's like that it means he suspects

betrayal. He will kill Mr. Knott if he refuses to help him," Severus spoke.

"With him there the wards will be tougher than Buckingham Palace to

bypass," Amelia added. Severus, Alastor, and Sirius all nodded in


"Nott's place was hard enough to get into before," Alastor growled out.

"Took a team twenty minutes to bring 'em down at the end of the first


The teens around the table looked defiant at Alastor's words. Mips

popped in to refill the tea and Daphne smiled suddenly, "What about a

house elf? They go in and out of wards all the time and they can bring

people with them."

Draco smiled as well, "Theo's mum has a personal house elf who only

answers to her. She'll help as long as we can protect him, I think."

"I agree with Draco, Shannon will help her son but she'll never leave

herself," Narcissa spoke her voice lowering as she did.

"Aunt Cissa will you write a letter to his mother, see if you can convince

her to allow her elf to get Theo out. I'll send Dips to her if she doesn't

agree, Dips will have no problem pissing Voldemort off, he hates him for

the death of my grandparents and parents," Harry asked his tone turning

icy as he spoke.

Narcissa nodded and summoned a quill, parchment, and ink. Severus and

Belladonna moved over to help her with the letter. They each added their

own advice as to what would get Shannon Nott to concede to their out

for her son.

"Dips," Harry called and the old stern house elf of the stables appeared

with a slight nod of his head to Harry and Daphne. "Dips I need you to

take a letter to Shannon Nott and it's imperative that no one else is

around. If after reading the letter she doesn't give any instructions to you

or to her personal house elf, I want you to do whatever you have to get

Theo out of his room and here. Voldemort wants him dead. Make it look

like Theo ran away on his own."

Dips took on a look that assured everyone present that Theo would one

way or another be at Potter Manor by sunrise. With the letter finished

Dips popped away and Severus snapped into action.

"Hadrian, Daphne, Draco, and come with me to the brewery we need to

get potions prepared for Mr. Nott's arrival." Harry and Daphne stood and

made to join him but Amelia spoke stopping them momentarily.

"We'll get a room ready for him down the hall in the family wing. Alastor

go to the ministry and get in touch with a few trusted associates we'll

need to stall Nott until the start of term in four days. Everybody is still

scrambling since Dumbledore's death so it shouldn't be too hard. Sirius

floo St. Mungos and ask for Healer Cillian he should be just ending his

shift. Harry he'll need to come over."

"I'll add him and Theo to the wards," Harry said as he, Daphne, Draco,

Severus and Belladonna left for the potions lab while Narcissa, Amelia,

and Susan left to make up a room for Theo and get some minor healing

supplies ready.

"Blaise come on we'll fill in Cillian while the science geeks do their

thing," Sirius said lightening the situation for Blaise. Blaise chuckled and

they made their way to the floo.

The next day Theo sat surround by friends while Healer Cillian, a trauma

specialist and friend of Amelia's from her school days, checked him over

and once more administered an anti-cruciatus potion. Severus,

Belladonna, Draco, Daphne, Harry and eventually Narcissa after seeing

how bad Theo really was, brewed all the way into the afternoon. They

brewed anti-cruciatus restoratives, blood replenishing potions, pain

numbing potions, bruise paste, anti-inflaming paste, hydration potions,

and low level stomach soothing potions to help with combination of

major potions.

Theo arrived unconscious only moments after Cillian had been briefed on

the situation. Dips took Harry off to the side informing him that Shannon

Nott cooperated and the letter had been burned and a few precious items

along with Theo's broom, and owl were brought with him and his

window left open. Harry nodded and was rewarded with a smile from the

small stubborn old elf. Healer Cillian snapped straight to work ordering

Severus and Susan around the room grabbing potions and setting Susan

to work on some of Theo's more minor cuts and fractures once he

realized her skill with healing magic. Severus as a potions master had the

second most background to Cillian in the room when it came to healing.

Courses in healing were required for potions mastery; too many things

could go wrong when brewing. Theo had a laundry list of injuries that

made even Harry and Severus cringe. His left leg was broken in three

places, his fingers on his right hand were all fractured, he had a severe

concussion, his jaw was broken, the ribs on his right side were all

fractured and bruised on the left side, he had three lacerations on his

right arm, two of which went down to the bone, the other was an inch

deep, his face was one massive bruise and he was shaking intermediately

from the cruciatus curse.

Theo was able to sit up by dinner but he couldn't talk yet, Cillian had

used a spell to lock his jaw into place while a bone knitting potion went

to work on it. Theo was writing on a pad his thanks to his friends. Half

his face was covered in a pink bruise paste that made the others snicker

and Severus raise an eyebrow at Harry who just grinned innocently.

"What happened," the burning question was finally asked by Amelia.

Draco read off what his friend wrote down in rather messy scrawl, rather

understandable given he was a righty, "Spying on father and the others,

got caught. Asked if I wanted to join and in a moment of Gryffindor

stupidity told 'em to 'f ' off," Draco censored himself as he was next to his

mother. Those gathered chuckled while Sirius gaffed loudly. Draco spoke

as Theo once again began writing, "He is after something in the

Department of Mysteries, won't do anything openly 'til he has it or at

least that's what I got out of what I heard."

"Alright that's enough until he heals up more," Cillian said interrupting

any further conversation on the topic. "Rest until term begins, you're

going to be apparating there, and it will take a lot out of you. Adults

outside please, final orders and such," The Irishman spoke jovially.

Later that evening Severus arrived at Potter Manor looking grim, not at

all unusual. He met the others in the training room where they were

practicing dodging as well as a few new curses and some like Harry and

Hermione were working out on the sports equipment. The first curse was

one Sirius used frequently in fights, nullum visus, it blinded your

opponent, the amount of power put behind the spell would determine for

how long the blindness lasted. The next spell Harry found in the Potter

Library, fulgur, sent a constant bolt of lightning from the casters' wand. It

could feel similar to getting hit with a taser or cruciatus curse depending

on how long it was held. The last spell they were using was the maxima,

when applied to any spell it increased the effect about ten times however

it took a lot out of the caster when done.

"Severus, what's wrong," Harry greeted his mentor; Harry was one of the

few that could tell the difference between the potions professor's sullen


"I've come to the decision that we need to move on the possible location

of the horcrux. Since we know he's at the Nott home and not anywhere

near the Little Hangleton, it's the safest time possible to investigate."

"Sue send your aunt a patronus, she wanted to go with us on this one,"

Sirius said and Susan sent her panda patronus off.

"Hadrian collect some potions and the emergency portkeys." Harry left

the room and went over to the Potions Lab and retrieved a few blood

replenishing and healing draughts from the lab. Harry summoned his

leather jacket as he, Severus, Blaise, and Sirius walked to the entrance

hall in order to apparate out. He handed out a plain leather bracelet to

each of them as Amelia stepped out of the floo he handed her one to,

they worked as the portkeys.

They apparated out, Severus taking Blaise side along. They landed and

Amelia pulled out a roll of parchment. At the looks of the others she

spoke, "Search warrant, this is owned property after all." Sirius fought off

a laugh at Voldemort trying to take them to court for breaking and

entering. Amelia, Sirius, and Severus approached the house with their

wands out casting. Blaise and Harry followed slowly with their wands out

in front but checking around them. The house/shack was in a deserted

area of Little Hangleton and was almost covered by overgrown weeds

and vines. They waited while Severus, Amelia, and Sirius worked through

the wards surrounding the shack. When they finished both Amelia and

Sirius were looking rather pale while Severus looked resigned.

"Sirius, Amelia? You guys okay," Harry asked with Blaise at his side wand

up and ready to cast at a moment's notice.

"Just some unpleasant wards, pup," Sirius said, "I'm glad I had access to

your family library, some of those wards I've only seen in books."

"I suspect there will be no alarms or other wards on the place as he

would feel his wards were enough precisely because of what Sirius just

said," Severus said.

They entered the shack cautiously with their wands ready, the shack

seemed to suck in light while remaining dark inside.

"Do you think luminos is safe to use?"

"Yes." They all activated the spell lighting up the small shack.

"You think they ever heard of a duster," Blaise quipped as they took in

the few inches of dust that covered everything in sight. The shack was

divided into three rooms, a kitchen area, living area, and bedroom, there

was no bathroom in sight.

"Can either of you feel it?" Sirius asked.

Blaise shook his head, "There's been too much dark magic used in here I

can't differentiate any of it."

"I can feel it," Harry answered. He moved into the living room and knelt

in one area before standing again. Harry cast a silent reducto at the floor

boards, causing the old wood to disintegrate. Underneath there was a

small gold box that he levitated out. Severus cast a spell over the box and

found no spells on it, waving the lid open they found a ring. The ring had

a simple gold band with a black princess cut stone. The stone had some

odd scratches on it that seemed to be a deliberate but pointless.

"That's it, the ring is it," Harry said. Severus nodded and levitated the ring

it a small simple leather pouch. He levitated the box back into place and

transfigured some nearby pieces of a broken chair into floorboards to

replace the ones Harry broke.

"Good now let's get out of here, this place gives me the creeps," Sirius

said which was second by Blaise. The five left the shack and quickly

apparated back to the entrance hall where Daphne and the others

awaited them. Daphne moved to Harry's side quickly and took his face in

her hands studying his eyes intently before she nodded and gave him a

quick kiss.

They all moved silently down to the training room where Severus set

emptied the pouch on a table currently holding some daggers for

training. Harry went over to the nearby wall and took the sword of

Gryffindor down from its resting place. The others backed up as Harry

went over to the table and swung the sword down upon the ring. The

shriek came from the ring as it was cleaved in two, the stone parting

from the gold band and flew to the other side of the table. The gold band

twisted and melted its form as the black mist rose out of ring and gave a

wailing moan as it vanished with a bright flash of light.

The next day the teens of Potter Manor plus the new marauders, Ginny

and Astoria, were sitting around the game room in various states of

relaxation. Theo had been allowed to be levitated down stairs and was

now propped up against a mass of pillows on one of the couches,

currently embattled against Ginny in a game of chess. Draco and Astoria

were watching the chess match giving welcomed and unwelcomed advice

at times. Neville and Blaise were shooting pool discussing what sort of

insane creature Hagrid would find this year. Susan, Tracey and Daphne

were near the CD player listening quietly to a Johnny Cash album and

chatting about the upcoming year. Hermione was sitting with them

alternating between the conversation and a book that Harry had lent her,

Wand Lore by Gerhard Ollivander. It dated to the twelfth century but was

still considered one of the best books on wand lore. Harry, himself, was

seated on the floor in between Daphne legs sketching.

*Pop* Mips appeared in front of Daphne and Harry, "Sirs, Mrs., an owl be

dropping these off for yous," Mips said handing the two their Hogwarts


"Aren't these a little late," questioned Harry.

"We only got ours last week. They finally decided on a new Headmaster,

Professor Flitwick was chosen. Professor McGonagall elected to stay as

head of Gryffindor and Deputy Headmistress which delayed the process,"

Hermione replied.

"Must have been the unplottable charms on the island," Daphne muttered

as she opened her letter and a prefect badge slid into her hand along with

the supply list.

"Oh thank Merlin," Tracey breathed a sigh of relief at Daphne's badge.

Pansy as a prefect would have been horrible and Millicent was an

unknown. The girl was mostly neutral towards them, but with Voldemort

back they weren't sure how Millicent would behave towards them. The

Bullstrodes were rumored to be Death Eaters, though never charged and

her uncle on her mother's side was in Azkaban for being a Death Eater.

"You didn't honestly think they would give Pansy a prefect badge,"

Daphne said with a raised eyebrow, "she's a twit."

"Hey stranger things have happened at deal old hoggy warts," Tracey

defended herself. "Besides we don't know about Millicent."

"Dad's an Eater don't know 'bout her mum," Theo quipped without

looking up from the board. Aside from a lingering soreness and a still

rather bruised leg he was feeling almost normal. Harry after five years

still managed to be awed at magic whenever he looked at Theo's healed

face, he'd still be a mass of deep black and blue in the muggle world.

"Damn," Tracey replied, "that means I'm rooming with two junior Death


"We'll ward your bed," Harry said as he slit the envelope he was holding

open. "All of us will need too, with the attack on 'Mione last year we

know there are Eaters in every house," he slid his supply list out and a

nice shiny prefect badge landed in his hand too.

"At least with you two as prefects we'll have some more insurance in our

house," Draco said, "they're all going to start coming out of the woodwork


Silenced reigned for a few moments before Neville spoke, "Not just Harry

and Daphne are insurance, 'Mione, Hannah, and I all got prefect badges."

The others nodded and except for the stereo not a sound was made until

Sirius came in the room.

"Ahh good you got your letters. I was coming to see if anyone wanted to

go to the Alley? I've got a few stops to make and Theo did you have a

chance to get your stuff for the year?"

"No I wasn't really allowed out of the house for the last month or so, da

was getting paranoid."

"Alright, so who's joining me," Sirius asked cheerfully. Harry sometimes

wondered if his dogfather was hit with a permanent cheering charm.

Harry and Daphne stood up as did Susan and Hermione. Susan had

waited for them to get her supplies and Hermione just wanted to look at

some more books. The others elected to stay at the manor.

Harry, Daphne, Hermione, and Susan stepped out into the Alley and

waved to Sirius who headed off to Gringotts, they were to meet with him

at the Leaky Cauldron at four o'clock.

"So where to first," Harry asked?

"Apothecary?" Susan suggested. They walked through the streets

garnering some attention when the people realized it was Harry and

Daphne. Some merely starred, braver ones pointed, and still braver ones

tried coming up to them but the group of four ignored them and

continued into the store.

"You ask for autograph in my store and I'll throw ya out on your arse,"

the old apothecary Raymond Jiggers snarled at some gawking twelve

year olds, who wanted the Boy-Who-Lived-And-Tri-Wizard-Champion's


"Looks like they finally got over Dumbledore's death," Daphne muttered

to her friends while smiling at old clerk behind the counter, they hadn't

seen him before "Thank you, we need to restock our potions kit for fifth

year and we need one for our friend also a fifth year," Daphne said

gesturing to herself, Susan, and Harry who was wandering about the

shop. Harry purchased some linden root, interested in experimenting

with it and its calming abilities. The old pro gathered the supplies from

around the store quickly and efficiently for the three fifth year kits.

"Ah Mr. Potter I've heard of your potions skill, your mother was much the

same," the old man commented as Harry paid for the items. "Your father

on the other hand was much more interested in ingredients that make

things go boom," the man said dryly. Harry smiled one of his rare true

smiles that lit up his whole face and Daphne at his side smiled and tipped

the man a little extra before they left the shop.

The four teens left the shop and headed for Scribbulus and Quality

Quidditch Supplies, the girls went into the former while Harry went into

the latter. Harry picked up a new broom polishing kit before meeting the

girls next door. They all need new quills and Daphne picked up new

stationary that had been order with her new initials embossed on it. They

quickly moved to Flourish & Blotts and picked up their text books and


"What is this shite?" Harry asked looking at the assigned DADA text,

Defensive Magical Theory by Wilbert Slinkhard.

"What's wrong?" Daphne and Susan asked while Hermione replied "It is

dreadfully boring," before wondering off again. Daphne and Susan looked

more closely at the book. "It isn't in the Potter Library or ours," Daphne

said taking the book out of her husbands' hands and looking it over.

"It's not in the library at home because it does nothing but regurgitate

theory in such complexity that by the time you're done reading a chapter

you don't your own arse from your elbow let alone defense theory. It was

one of the books I picked up my first trip to the Alley but I thought

theory would be a good place to start but this was a complete waste of

time. The chapter on counter-curses and jinxes was one big spiel about

how their actually just as morally reprehensible as the actual spell cast at

you," Harry finished passionately while looking at the book hoping it

would burst into flames just from his glare.

Susan looked a bit worried while Daphne was more amused by the book

and simply replied, "I take it Slinkhard was a pacifist?"

Harry gave her a look and Susan chuckled before she asked, "What are

we going to do about our OWLS?"

Harry sighed, "Between your aunt, Sirius, and Severus' lessons we

probably could have passed our NEWT's by now."

"But the rest of our year mates," Susan asked and got a shrug in reply.

"Harry come here for a second," Hermione called from another row. The

three of them moved off to find Hermione who was down an aisle labeled

miscellaneous. "Look at this one," Hermione held up a book, "it's written

by Hephaestus Kerr."

"I didn't know he wrote a book," Harry said looking over the thick tome

Hermione was holding titled simply Crafting. Harry flipped through the

book reading over a few pages, "I've been trying to find something this

thorough since I got my wand."

"Well then you buy it, I'll borrow it when you're done if you don't mind."

Harry barely heard Hermione's reply already absorbed by the

introduction to the book.

Daphne rolled her eyes, "Come on, this way," she muttered pulling her

husband by the sleeve so he wouldn't run into anything. The three girls

led Harry through the Alley to the Three Broom Sticks to use the floo

back to Potter Manor.

Later that night Harry, Daphne, Amelia, Sirius, Susan, Theo, Draco,

Narcissa, and Remus sat down to dinner at Potter Manor. Harry had been

forced at wand point by Daphne to put his book down and join much to

the amusement of portrait of the founders, Draco, Susan, and Theo.

"Sirius you control the wards of Grimmuald Place correct," Narcissa asked

from her seat.

"Yes and before you asked I've tried the damn thing won't come off the

wall," Sirius replied with an exasperated sigh. Draco and Remus

snickered as Sirius explained further, "I've tried everything even paint


"Mind filling the rest of us in," Susan prompted.

"The crazy old bat also known as Walburga Black, my mother, used a

permanent sticking charm to stick her portrait to the wall," Sirius replied

venomously. Amelia, Remus, Draco, and Harry smirked while Susan,

Daphne, and Theo looked a bit confused at the description of his mother.

"Don't judge you have yet to meet the old hag," Narcissa said to the three

slightly confused teens. "She's gotten worse with old age and her portrait

is in the front entrance, every time there's even a peep she screams about

blood purity and how we're all traitors to the family," Narcissa said her

frustration evident.

"So if she's permanently stuck to the wall why not just cut out the part of

the wall the portrait's on?" Daphne asked with a look that said you're

really over complicating the situation. Harry burst out laughing at the

stunned looks on Sirius, Narcissa, and Remus's stunned faces. Harry

leaned over and gave Daphne a kiss on her forehead.

"Alright so now that Sirius can finally burn the portrait of his mother,"

Amelia spoke causing Sirius to break out in a grin that had the table

wondering if he inherited the insanity of the Black family. "I've finally

came up for a plan for Skeeter."

Draco snorted, "You should've kept her in the jar longer."

"Yes but myself, Cadmus, and Simon MacMillian have figured out how to

put her pen and following to good use. We released her today and made

her take a unbreakable vow that she would no longer report government

secrets, made her register her form which makes it public, and for the

next year she's going to be running actual stories instead of gossip pieces

and the best part is she gets to criticize Fudge which she was happy to

do. Her stories are going to feature the Dark Mark becoming active, the

disappearances starting with Madam McKinnon, and any other strange

accounts that we may tip her off to. The hope is that people will

recognize the signs and prepare. As the articles become more frequent we

can start to push in the Wizenmagot but until then Fudge has too much

power." The others looked intrigued although Draco, Harry, and Remus

wouldn't have minded if they left her in the jar for the rest of eternity or

stepped on the annoying beetle.

"Now Theo tomorrow Bill Weasley's going to come over early in the

morning and floo you to his house in Hogsmeade. From there you under

Harry's invisibility cloak and Bill are going to take the passage in the

Shrieking Shack to Hogwarts. Once you're on the grounds your father

can't order you to be turned over to him, the Hogwarts bylaws prevent it.

Unfortunately that means you'll probably be restricted during Hogsmeade

weekends." Everyone looked sympathetically towards the teen,

understanding Hogsmeade weekends were a nice break away during the

school year especially during OWL's and NEWT's.

Theo just shrugged, "I'll get over it," so far his father had filed a runaway

report and Amelia assigned two first year aurors to the case, one being

Tonks, so the case was hitting dead ends and fabricated leads. He

understood if his father got a hold of him again he wouldn't survive long.

Harry laid in bed later that night still fully engrossed by his new book on

wand crafting as Daphne finished whatever it was she was doing in their

ensuite master bath. They had moved into the master suite since getting

back from their honeymoon. Daphne moved about the room making

rather loud noises but Harry never even moved eyes away from the book.

Daphne sighed and then went over to the dresser where her wand was,

moving back in front of the king size bed and waved it with an

aggravated motion. The book Harry was reading zoomed across the room

and hit the wall with a thud. Harry watched the book and looked

incredulous as it fell to the floor. He turned to face Daphne intending on

asking what she did that for when his jaw dropped open. Daphne stood at

the end of the bed with her hip cocked to the side one hand on her hip

with the other twirling her wand; she was dressed in a sheer blue teddy

and nothing else.

"You husbandly have some duties to attend to," Daphne said imperiously

her head high in the air with all the haughtiness of pureblood princess,

but she turned towards him with a searing look and devilish smirk.

Daphne tossed her wand to the side and slowly crawled onto the bed and

then slowly stalked up the bed towards Harry who had a fleeting thought

that Daphne might turn into her wolf form before Daphne lent in and

pressed her lips to his. Harry deepened the kiss, tracing her lips with his

tongue before pushing his tongue inside her mouth. Daphne moaned as

Harry's tongue worked wonders in her mouth. Harry ran his hands down

her sides and then he brought his hands under her teddy and traced

patterns lightly on her skin making her shiver. Harry brought his hands

to the hem of her teddy and brought it up, they parted slowly so he could

remove it and he threw it across the room. Harry flipped them so Daphne

was under him; Harry held himself above her and starred at her with love

shinning in his eyes before kissing her again. Harry moved his kisses to

her neck making Daphne groan as his hot tongue worked its way down

her neck to her chest. Harry took a nipple into his mouth and lathed it

with his tongue as his hand worked the other. Daphne moaned and

arched into Harry. Harry slowly worked his way down to her stomach

with his kisses. Harry would stop and lath attention on one spot at the

same time he inserted two fingers into her center, thrusting in and out,

slowly working her to her climax. As she was about to reach her peak

Harry pulled his fingers out making Daphne groaned in protest and Harry

smirked into her skin.

"Haarry," Daphne protested as he looked up at her with a dangerous glint

in his eyes. Harry ignored her plea and moved his mouth down to her

glistening pussy. Harry flattened his tongue against her and gave one

long lick before he started to eat her out in earnest. Harry circled her clit

with his tongue before plunging his tongue inside her, and repeated it

over and over again, making her squirm, mew, and moan. Harry reveled

in the noises his wife made and her thrusting into his face gently. Harry

added his fingers to his licking and started to repeat his vows in

parseltongue against her clit.

"Ohh, goddd, Harry don't stop," Daphne moaned her hands gripping the

sheets. Once again when she was at the point of climax Harry stopped

and pulled back smirking at her. Daphne growled at her husband and

went to move her hands but Harry quickly pinned them to the bed and

with his body in between her legs she couldn't gain any release that way.

Harry was poised at her entrance smiling at her he leaned down and

kissed her in between words, "Summoning my book like that was a bit

rude wifey."

Daphne rolled her eyes before smirking at him, "I'm sorry." She pulled

him down to her and whispered into his ear, "Now fuck me already."

Harry's eyes darkened at her words and he plunged into her causing him

to moan and her to cry out. Harry started gently but at Daphne's urging

he started to piston his hips in and out of her. Daphne already worked

into to frenzy and denied release quickly reached her climax.

"HHAAARRY!" Daphne screamed and raked her nails down her husband's

back causing him to groan. Daphne shook and spasm around him, Harry

slowed his thrusting as not to lose it yet. When she was close to the end

of her orgasm Harry pulled out and flipped her over so she was on her

knees and quickly thrust back into her from behind. Daphne screamed

out at the new angle and was sent into another orgasm as Harry thrust

hard and fast into her.

Daphne clenched down hard around him for second time and Harry

yelled out, "Fuck! Daph." They came down off their high panting and

Harry rolled them onto their sides and cuddled Daphne to him. Daphne

was already drifting off to sleep when Harry kissed her and whispered,

"Night, love."

"Hey Bill, Ginny," Harry said with a bright smile despite the fact it was

eight in the morning and he was returning to school for a year in which

he may have to fend off the rest of his house. And worse in his opinion

by the text book they were going to have yet another sub par defense

professor, however those paled in comparison to the wake up call Daphne

had given him where she returned the pleasure he gave her the night

before. Severus had yet to find out the identity of the professor as there

were apparently sweeping changes going on at the school that Flitwick

wanted kept secret until the students arrived; he was also working on a

new potion tirelessly with Saslazar's help but they had yet to share with

the rest what it was about.

"Harry, Theo" Bill replied with a nod to the two boys at the kitchen table.

Ginny glared at him causing Harry to laugh, and her to give a small

growl as she took a seat next to Theo, who silently passed her the tea.

"Where are the others," Bill asked as he poured himself some tea

chuckling at Theo and Ginny.

"Amelia had to go in early. Sirius is still in front of the mirror," Harry said

smirking causing the others to laugh and Sirius himself to knock him

upside his head as Sirius walked in. "Susan and Daphne are checking to

see if they left anything."

"Nope nothing," Susan said as they walked in their arms linked and

giggling making Harry cock an eyebrow at them.

"Alright lets head out," Sirius announced and they all headed to Potter

entrance hall saying bye to Mips. Harry handed over his invisibility cloak

to who took it reverently having never been close to one before and

knowing how much it meant to Harry. Bill through floo powder into the

fire and he and Theo stepped in.

With a hand on Theo's shoulder and announced, "The Beorgan." They

disappeared in a swirl of green flames. As the floo died Sirius apparated

Susan and Ginny while Daphne and Harry apparated themselves to

platform 9 ¾, to start their next year at Hogwarts.


Well that was kinda filler-ish but necessary in my opinion. Hope you

enjoy it. THe next chapter should come soon as my classes for the

semester are done and I just had knee surgery so I have a lot of free


Thanks for reading,


32. Umbridge's first day

"Hey guys," Blaise said coming up to Susan, Harry, Daphne, and Ginny

who had just met up with the Astoria and the Greengrass parents.

Belladonna joined Sirius, Xavier, and Evelyn in their conversation; all of

them were alert and watching the comings and goings on the platform.

They were waiting for the Grangers to show up, Hermione being a

prominent muggle-born was now a top target to Death Eaters. They were

waiting between the platform floo and the entrance to muggle London.

Draco and Neville joined the group, soon after Blaise, coming in from the


"Hey da," Astoria called getting her father's attention, "we're going to get

a compartment." She pointed to herself, Ginny and Draco. Her father

nodded and Xavier and Evelyn gave her hug before wishing them well for

the year. "We'll save you guys a compartment," Astoria called back to the

others who nodded. At ten thirty Hermione and her parents coming

through the entrance. Goodbyes were shared and the teens boarded the

train while the Greengrass parents, Sirius, and Belladonna left the

platform with the Grangers. The fifth years found the compartment

Astoria and the other two saved for the new marauders in the third car

opposite their own.

"We'll see you in a little bit, prefect meeting," Hermione said after the

group got their trunks stored. Harry, Daphne, and Hermione made their

way to the first car where the prefect meeting was.

"Hey Daph, Harry, Hermione," Aaron Vaisey, slytherins' sixth year male

prefect spoke in greeting. "How was the honeymoon," Aaron asked

waggling his eyebrows. Daphne pulled back from hugging him and gave

him a shove while Harry grinned. Aaron's counterpart from Slytherin,

Artie Varma glared at them. The two seventh year prefects from Slytherin

were on opposite sides of the room one of them, Thomas Avery was next

to Varma, while Marissa Covenington came and stood near them.

"Alright everyone, gather round," Rodger Davies the Head Boy for the

year called out to those gathered. Next to Rodger stood Rose Zeller, a

Hufflepuff seventh year and the Head girl for this year.

"Now first off we know there has been speculation in the papers as well

as denial and with Dumbledore gone people have become somewhat

paranoid," Rose spoke looking at them all. "Our first duty is to keep

everyone especially the first year muggle-born and raised calm and help

them adjust to their new world."

"Now for the fifth years," Rodger picked up, "you can give detentions and

take points but they will be reviewed by the students' Head of House.

You're also responsible for patrolling the hallways at night. Fifth years

get the first shift, and then seventh years the second and sixth years get

the final shift before the professors take over. You're also responsible for

showing the new first years to the common room tonight."

"If you are found abusing your power as prefect, you can be stripped of

position," Rose finished the speech and dismissed them. The new

marauder prefects returned to their compartment with Hannah who

promptly sat in Neville's lap making him blush a bit. They were almost to

Hogwarts when they had an unfortunate visit by the pug-faced-bitch also

know as Pansy Parkinson.

Crabble through open the door to their compartment and Pansy stood

there sneering at all of them, "Well if it isn't the jumped up half-blood

and his merry band of mudbloods and blood traitors," Parkinson said in

her high-pitched nauseating voice.

Neville, Harry, and Blaise clutched their wands a bit tighter, while

Hermione and Susan glared at the offensive girl. Tracey smirked at the

girl and Daphne rolled her eyes and replied in an off handed manner,

"Well if it isn't the pug and her bulldogs, aren't you do at the kennel


In the true spoiled little princess way Pansy glared and stomped her foot

pulling and tried to pull her wand, while he voice raised even higher,

"You and yours are going to learn your place this year," as she spoke and

finally freed her wand from her robes she found herself facing the seven

wands of the new marauders. The pug and her two goons paled at the

sight but stood their ground, at least, until the compartment door behind

them opened. The three want-a-be Death Eaters turned completely,

leaving their backs exposed to the new marauders, to face the wands of

Astoria, Ginny, Draco, Malcolm Baddock, and Luna Lovegood.

Harry smirked at each of his friends started casting some time release

prank spells on the three idiot Slytherins. Finally Pansy turned back to

face the new marauders, Harry stepped forward out of his friends and

stared at Pansy, Crabble and Goyle each in turn until they broke eye

contact with him. Harry stepped closer to them and in sharp low tones

with his eyes like ice spoke, "You know as well as I know that the rumors

are true, that depraved sad excuse for a master of yours is back. The only

one that's going to get what's coming to them is him. I will kill him and

anyone who steps in my path. Pass that along to your friends," Harry said

the last with a smirk but there was no mistaking the seriousness in his

voice. Pansy looked like she was going to wet herself as she, Crabble, and

Goyle made a hasty retreat. The rest of the ride passed peacefully though

a bit more somber.

As they changed into their over robes for Hogwarts Hermione gave a

surprised gasp, "Oh I forgot." Hermione reached up into her book bag and

pulled out a smaller bag she opened it and handed out small canisters to

each of the girls. The guys were in the other compartment changing,

Harry pouted that he wouldn't be with his wife but Neville just pushed

him into the other compartment. "These are from my dad he wanted all

of us girls to have one, its pocket sized pepper spray. When you can't

reach your wand or for a nasty surprise you spray it in your attacker's

eyes," Hermione explained to her friends.

"Oh this is awesome," Tracey who knew what pepper spray was from her

mother. "I can't wait to try this out on a Death Eater," she was almost

giddy as the boys joined them.

As the large group went to separate to get in the carriages Daphne who

was talking to Tracey and walking around the front of the carriage

bumped into…well something… and fell straight into Harry's waiting


"Daph your eyes okay," Harry quipped sarcastically as he helped his wife

up giving her a kiss on the neck.

"Harry what are you talking about this nothing there like always,"

Hermione said in a questioning tone.

"He's talking about the horse that pulls the carriage," Neville said like it

was obvious.

"Nothing pulls the carriage," Tracey said defensively.

As Blaise was about to retort the wispy voice of Luna Lovegood was

heard, "Actually you're all right. Thestrals are pulling the carriages;

they're very sweet creatures, misunderstood really." Luna finished

stepping into the carriage that held Ginny, Astoria, Draco, and Malcolm.

Those that couldn't see the thestrals looked at the blonde Ravenclaw to

the empty spaces in front of the carriages trying to figure out what was

going on. While understanding dawned on Harry's face. They all smashed

into one carriage as Harry explained.

"She's not nuts and neither are we," Harry said nodding towards Neville

and Blaise.

"Well of curse she's not crazy despite what Chang calls her," Hermione

said crossly, she had defend Luna plenty of times in the common room

knowing what it was like to get picked on. She was hoping she could help

more this year being a prefect.

"Relax Hermione," Harry said calmly, before his eyes narrowed, "What

does Cho call her?" Harry detested bullies.

Hermione huffed a little, "they call her Loony Luna. I've done some

research and while Luna is strange in her own right, I'm pretty sure she

has some aura reading or seer ability that adds to her strangeness."

"We'll chat later 'Mione," Daphne said with a grin, she did love pranking

Chang. Hermione grinned at her friend and nodded. "Now what do you

know about the invisible thestrals," Daphne said turning back to look at

her husband, as she was currently sitting on his lap wiggling every so

often causing her husband to blush.

"I've read about thestrals, but the books don't really describe them so I've

never put it together. They're flying skeletal horses; they look rather like

raptors with wings." Harry's voice lowered as he said the next part, "They

can only be seen by those that have seen death. It's why you can't see

them." The group quieted and Daphne turned so she was straddling Harry

and pulled him in for a hug.

The group separated to their house tables as they entered Hogwarts.

Harry, Blaise, Tracey, and Daphne took seats in the middle of Slytherin

table with the rest of the quidditch team. Warrington was at one end of

the Quidditch team and to Warrington's right were all pure-blood

Slytherins who sneered or glared at Harry. To Harry's side sat some

pureblood Slytherins as well as the half-blood Slytherins they all looked

defiantly at the other half of Slytherin. Severus was studying his house

while the students filed in, marking which ones would cause problems

and which ones he would need to help by warding their dorms. He also

spotted a few students that would bear watching from the other houses.

Once the students all took their seats Professor McGonagall strolled into

the hall leading a line of nervous looking first years into the hall. The hat

then burst into a strange song that was more of warning then anything.

In the hat's opinion they need to unite as a school and not give into petty

house rivalries. Whispers broke through the clapping for the hat unlike

previous years where only cheering was heard. McGonagall took it all in

stride and called the first, first year went to Gryffindor. The sorting

passed quickly Slytherin gained nine new students, Hufflepuff seven,

Ravenclaw eight, and Gryffindor eight. As they ate Harry was searching

the Head Table for the new teachers and was surprised at who he found.

Harry was particularly concerned about the pink clad toad that sat where

the DADA Professor usually sat. He knew the woman was Madam

Umbridge who was Fudge's lackey; she had no reason to be here at

Hogwarts. Finally the feats ended and Headmaster Flitwick stood, his

chair much less throne like then Dumbles' was.

"As you may have realized," Flitwick began when the students quieted, "I

have been elected Headmaster by the Hogwarts Board as Professor

McGonagall wished to remain as Deputy and Professor of Transfiguration,

as well as Head of Gryffindor." The students clapped politely while

Ravenclaw raved for their former Head of House. "Thank you, now I have

some introduction's to make taking over as Head of Ravenclaw House

will be our arthimancy professor, Professor Vector." Ravenclaw cheered

while the other houses remained quiet. "Now taking over as Charms

professor is Fedor Krum, Professor Krum is one of the youngest to gain

his mastery in charms in the last century." Cheers went up for the new

teacher, some of the older years looked impressed with his

accomplishment while the quidditch fanatics were giddy with the

thought of possibly seeing Viktor Krum again. Hermione looked like it

was an everyday occurrence. "Returning to Care of Magical Creatures

while Professor Hagrid is away on family leave is Professor Grubbly-

Plank." Flitwick's normal jolly tone faded as he introduced the next

Professor, "And for Defense against the Dark Arts Professor Delores

Umbridge," Flitwick with said in flat voice before he perked up again

moving to a different topic. "Now Mr. Filch has asked me to remind you

all magic is not permitted in the corridors and the full list…"

"Hem, hem," Broke through his speech and Professor Umbridge stood in

front of her chair. Flitwick looked back at Umbridge stunned that she

would interrupt and Umbridge took her chance to speak. In a simpering

sickly sweet girlish voice, "Thank you Headmaster for that wonderful

introduction." Daphne pretended to gag at the amount of sweetness in her

voice. "It is wonderful to be back at Hogwarts and see so many smiling

face back at me," Umbridge said to many snickers as the students looked

around and realized hardly anyone was actually pay attention to the

offensive woman. She then lost the girlish tone in her voice and turned

serious but still in a high pitched tone that had every dog in Hogsmeade

howling. She blathered on about the Ministry valuing education. As she

was dithering on about progress for the sake of progress being

detrimental to society she was interrupted by a scream from Pansy

Parkinson who was starring at what was Crabble.

From beside Pansy Crabble had been transformed into a green fury

creature that muggle-borns recognized as the Dr. Seuss character the

Grinch. Goyle had been turned into a bright neon yellow squirrel, who

was currently twitching. Suddenly Mrs. Norris caught sight of the squirrel

and with a loud vicious meow took off out of Mr. Filch's arms and ran

after the yellow squirrel. Goyle turned squirrel let a squeak and scurried

up Pansy body and nested in her hair, which was channeling Don King at

the moment. Pansy herself was giving a very convincing performance as

Jamie Lee Curtis being chased by Michael Myers as she stared at

Crabble/Grinch screaming. Her skin was also flashing through all the

colors of the rainbows as she started running out of the all, Squirrel

Goyle hanging on with all his might as Mrs. Norris chased after them.

Crabble meanwhile ignored his now furry green hands and kept stuffing

his mouth. The rest of the hall was roaring with laughter even some of

the professors were trying to hold back smiles.

New Marauders were looking at each other in wonder and awe finally

Blaise summed up their feelings when he asked quietly, "Well I guess

that's what happens when you cast silently unplanned." Tracey and

Daphne just nodded while Susan over at the Hufflepuff table finally lost it

and started laughing, Neville was shaking his head, and Hermione looked

like she was trying to list every possible spell combination in her head to

find out what would have caused those particular effects. Harry though

was watching Umbridge, she reminded him too much of his aunt Petunia

when she would abuse him. She was perhaps the most cruel one minute

playing the loving aunt Harry always dreamed of the next her eyes

turned hard and the sickly sweet voice morphed to sickly venom before

she strike with a hot frying pan, cleaner, or just her nails in his skin.

Harry watched as Umbridge went from sickly sweet to venom in her eyes

the same way his psychopathic aunt changed, split second Harry starred

at the venom present in Umbridge's eyes as she watched Hogwarts laugh

at her interruption. Harry barely registered Flitwick's dismissal of the

school and Daphne helping to corral the first years, he watched

Umbridge as she looked over the students with a sneer and ice cold eyes.

Aiolos was trying to comfort him but memory flashed through his head

and then Umbridge made eye contact with Harry, instantly the sweetness

was back in her eyes and smile as she nodded to Harry, Harry suppressed

a shiver as he turned away and gripped Daphne's hand as she explained

the way to the dungeons.

They lined up the first years for Professor Snape, Harry never letting go

of Daphne's hand, Aiolos whispering away in his head. Daphne kept a

straight face as she welcomed the first years and explained some of the

rules of Slytherin until Professor Snape arrived, however internally she

was freaking out of the grip Harry had on her hand and his silence, it

reminded her of when she first met him. Severus arrived and gave one of

the fastest and most intimidating first year speeches as he watched Harry

retreat into himself.

"Now Mr. Zabini you will be rooming with Mr. Malfoy and Mr. Nott,

while Ms. Davies you will be in a single for the year. Lord and Lady

Potter follow me," Severus led the pair over to a large painting of The

Bloody Baron when he was just Baron Camoys, the painting like its

ghostly counterpart rarely talked. Severus nodded to the painting and it

opened revealing a passageway that went about ten feet before they met

a wall with a snake carved in it.

"Open," Severus said simply before turning to Harry and Daph, "You may

set a pass word for whatever you wish though I need to know it." The

snake moved around the wall before a door appeared and opened into a

nice sized sitting room that was decorated in warm colors, it had a large

fireplace on one wall with a cozy looking rug that Daphne wanted to

layout on. The sitting room had a large cedar coffee table surround by a

love seat and some plush arm chairs. In one corner was a cedar book case

and a work desk.

"Through the door on the left is the bathroom that connects to the

bedroom and the door on the right opens to the bedroom as well. Now

your friends are allowed in here but they have to abide by curfew and

there is another entrance, behind this portrait," Severus gestured to a

painting of Hera and Zeus; it opens to the hallway right of the common

room entrance. To gain entrance from the Hallway the knight in the

alcove guards the passage simply give him the password he will let you

enter. Good night I'll see you in the morning." Severus spun and walked

back out to the common room.

Daphne didn't even bother looking around the room after the wall sealed

shut behind Professor Snape. She led Harry by the hand over to the couch

where she sat him down and then sat on his lap straddling him in a hug.

She ran her hands soothingly through his hair as she quietly asked, "What

is it Harry?" Instead of talking Harry summoned his sketch pad Daphne

made to move but Harry holding the sketch pad and his pencil hugged

her tighter to him. Daphne pressed herself against him giving him room

to work as she continued to run her hands through his hair. Harry started

sketching first he sketched two pairs of eyes, they were the same and

looked like they would burn the viewer alive. Then he started sketching

faces around the eyes. Daphne held him throughout his sketching

whispering gentle words. Finally he dropped the pencil and shifted

Daphne so she could see the sketches he drew. Daphne gasped as she

took in the faces, one of his aunt, she had only seen a picture of the

woman once but it was her, and the other of Professor Umbridge.

"She shouldn't be around kids," Harry mumbled as he hugged Daphne to

him. Daphne held him for a while just rocking back and forth. The clock

chimed eight o'clock signaling it was time for them to make their rounds

as Prefects. "I have a gift for Flitwick before we start our rounds," Harry

said standing up with Daphne still wrapped around him. He gave her a

deep linger kiss that had Daphne moan in protest as he pulled back and

set her gently on her feet. "Thank you," Harry said looking deeply into

her eyes and gave her a sweet gentle kiss on her forehead.

"Whatever, whenever," Daphne replied quietly. Harry smiled and

summoned Flitwick's gift before they set off. As they made their way to

the Headmaster's office they passed Ernie and Hannah who were assigned

to the Dungeons and ground floor. Hermione and Anthony Goldstein had

the first, second, and third floors. Parvati Patil and Neville had the fourth

and fifth floors, leaving Harry and Daphne with the sixth and seventh

floors. For their first week they were paired together as houses but

according to Rose and Rodger there would be weeks they were paired

with a prefect from another house. They took shortcuts up to the seventh

floor and stop in front of the gargoyle that guarded the Headmaster's


"Can you see if Headmaster Flitwick is available," Harry asked the statue,

something he learned from the founders, you didn't need a password to

get into the Headmaster's office. About a minute later the gargoyle

moved aside and the stairs up to the office appeared. Harry and Daphne

climbed the stairs and knocked on the door to the office receiving a,

"come in," in Flitwick's squeaky voice.

"Ah, Hadrian, Daphne I was going to speak with you tomorrow," Flitwick

announced with a smile.

"I hope were not in trouble," Daphne quipped with a smile.

"No, no, although I suspect we have you to thank for cutting Professor

Umbridge off," Flitwick said with a smirk worthy of a Slytherin.

Harry and Daphne smirked in reply as they took a seat Harry pulling the

package out from behind him. "I have a gift for you," Harry said and

handed over the package, "I thought at least one copy should belong here

in the Headmaster's office."

Flitwick untied the ribbon and took the packaging off displaying a

painting of the four founders in various poses. Flitwick looked

appreciatively at it and then let out a gasp as the four founders started to

move around the painting and chatting with each other and then Flitwick

passed out right after Rowena turned to him and said, "Oh, Hello."

Followed by Salazar saying, "So Harry finally gave you the painting?"

Godric then spoke drawing Harry and Daphne's attention away from their

unconscious headmaster, "that went well don't you think?" Harry

chuckled when Helga hit Godric in the back of his head. Flitwick woke

up to see Salazar laughing at Godric and Rowena returning the favor of

hitting Salazar in the head, followed by Godric very maturely sticking his

tongue out at Salazar.

Flitwick once again lost it only with laughter this time, Harry and

Daphne didn't know whether to laugh at their headmaster's squeaky

laugh or be concerned that he hadn't stopped yet. Finally after a few

minutes Headmaster Flitwick got a hold of himself.

"I know just where to put this," Flitwick stood up and levitated a picture

of a stunned Albus Dumbledore, who was actually moving his lips but no

noise came from the portrait. Flitwick levitated Dumbledore to the back

of the office and placed it on the wall in a dark corner that was barely

visible. He then levitated the painting of the founders up on to the wall

to the side of his desk where he could comfortably chat with them. When

Flitwick turned back to the Potters, Harry with a questioning look

motioned to the portrait of Dumbledore.

"Ahh, I'm fairly certain Albus had completely lost control of his mental

facilities by the time he died," Flitwick explained. "He hasn't stopped

spouting off how you, Hadrian, need to be controlled and slowly eased

into the need for you to die by You-Know-Who's hand for him to be

defeated. I silenced him, he was giving me a migraine on top of the one I

had thanks to all the paperwork Dumbledore has largely ignored for the

last five years. Now if you don't mind me asking how did you get the

spell to work for all four founders?"

"Well we had to tweak the spell you came up with. For Sal and Godric we

used your spell but for Ro and Helga, Daphne came up with a rune

scheme for them to work," Harry said proudly as he smiled at his wife.

"Really well, Daphne I'm sure if you showed your work to Professor

Babbling that she would give you some extra credit, you may even be

able to gain an honorary O.W.L. or N.E.W.T. Now if I'm not mistaken you

two have rounds to make."

"Yes sir, thank you," Daphne replied with a bright smile.

"Sir you might find out that the founders have some interesting advice on

how to deal with our new Defense professor."

Flitwick gained a devious glint in his eyes as he nodded, "Oh one more

thing here are the rules for married students." Flitwick handed them a

bound set of parchment that was discolored it was so old. At their looks

he added, "We've had engaged students but it's been at least fifty years

since we had a married couple at school." They took the rules and left the

office to make their rounds. Unsurprisingly there were no students out on

the first night pushing the rules of Hogwarts; instead they were catching

up in the dorms.

"Thank Merlin that's done. I mean come on History of magic first thing on

a Monday its cruel and unusual punishment," Susan complained as they

walked to their abandoned classroom. The Slytherins, now including

Theo and Draco, plus Susan flopped heavily onto the couches set up in

the room.

Hermione and Neville joined the group about five minutes later coming

in from Herbology. "So what did Professor Binns go over," Hermione

asked entirely too brightly in the opinion of the others who glared at

their friend. "Alright, alright I'll start, you'll be happy to know Professor

Sprout starts something new with only a reminder that it is our O.W.L.

year. Although she did assign a twenty-four inch essay on the properties

and uses of Fanged Geraniums, evil little plant that was," Hermione said

as she sat down.

"Not another man eating plant," Draco mumbled causing Neville to laugh.

"We haven't had any man eating plants yet, you just pissed off your

mandrake," Neville said still laughing.

"Some of us aren't gardeners," Draco replied sullenly

"Right you're delicate like Pansy," Neville said causing the others to


"Oi!" Draco exclaimed threw a pillow at Neville hitting him square in the

head, but he didn't stop laughing.

After a few minutes they had calmed down and Harry looked piercingly

at Neville, "What's going to happen between you and Hannah?"

Neville and a few of the others looked blindsided by Harry's question but

Daphne, Theo, and Susan looked at him with understanding. "What, what

do you mean," Neville asked his shyness returning a bit.

Harry realized his question caught them off guard and explained,

"Depending upon how serious you are, she may or may not be at the

forefront of Voldemort's most wanted. It's well known you're one of my

closest friends, your parents were prominent supporters against him, you

could have been the baby in the prophecy, and you're the last of a

powerful light family. All of those factors put you at the top of his list

meaning those you care about a fair game. If you're serious about Hannah

we need to bring her into our training." Neville nodded thinking about

the others, Viktor is a Durmstrang grad and knows his shite, Blaise is a

certifiable playboy, Susan and Tracey have yet to be in a serious

relationship, Daphne has Harry, and Theo and Draco are both showing

serious signs of falling hard for the littlest Weasley and Greengrass,

respectively. Both Ginny and Astoria excelled at defense and practiced

with Bill and Evelyn.

Neville nodded to Harry, "I have Charms next with the 'puffs. I'll talk to


"Good let us know, we'll meet next break in Professor Snape's classroom,

he wants us there anyways."

"Well we should get to potions, Professor Snape probably has a horrible

potion up for today," Tracey said.

"Quidditch try-outs are Thursday at four," Draco said to Harry, "Vaisey's

been made captain he thinks it ought to have been you."

"He's got more experience with Quidditch and he has seniority and most

years on the team," Harry said with a shrug.

Draco nodded along with what Harry said, "That's what I said, and

Warrington feels he should have gotten it being a seventh year." Harry

snorted and Draco laughed, "Yea that's what I thought. Do you know

which one you're going to use yet, the Nike or the Firebolt?"

"If you asked last year I would've said the Firebolt but the Nike broom

kinda grew on me," Harry replied, "though I'm leaning towards my

Firebolt, it's got more speed, better for me as a seeker. Do we have any

others than Flint's spot to fill?"

"Nope Jess is back and so is Montague, although Vaisey is thinking of

having some reserve players would be good. Next we lose, Montague,

Jess, and blessedly Warrington."

"Speaking of Warrington and his ilk did any of you have any issues last

night," Daphne asked cutting in as they arrived at the Potions classroom

with Hermione, for the first year they had potions without the


"No our wards didn't go off," Blaise answered. Tracey shook her head no,

but Hermione glanced at the floor checking to see if the rest of the class

was here yet.

"My wards went off, scared the hell out of Padma. I'm fairly certain it was

Edgecombe again I saw the door shut to her and Cho's room."

"Well she needs to be taught another lesson then," Harry muttered as the

rest of the Slytherins showed up followed shortly by the Ravens who

looked rather flustered already. Anthony Goldstein was already clutching

a book on man eating plants. The door opened and the class filed in and

took their seats out calmly and for once there were no glares exchanged

between the two houses.

Professor Snape came out of his office and immediately the class silenced

themselves and turned towards the front of the classroom. "Before we

begin I will remind you that in June you will be taking an exam that can

determine your career. I expect even the most moronic of my potion

students to gain an Acceptable. Another excellent side effect of the exam

is it will weed out the idiots as I only take the best of my brewers into my

N.E.W.T. classes." Severus seemed rather gleeful after that as he smirked

looking over a few such as Crabble, Goyle, Terry Boot, Mandy

Brocklehurst, Pansy, and Kevin Erntwhistle, all who paled at the look.

"Now as you have noticed Headmaster Flitwick has blessedly chosen to

separate the Slytherin and Gryffindor potion lessons, as such any

cauldron blown up or melted will earn you three detentions

automatically," Severus actually smiled at this scarring about half the

class permanently. "Today you will brew a potion that commonly appears

on O.W.L. exams the Draught of Peace. Be warned that if you are too

heavy handed with the ingredients you can place the drinker in an

irreversible sleep. You have an hour and a half, begin." Severus said and

with a wave of his wand the instructions appeared on the board.

Harry new the potion; he had used it before when caught in a flashback

of the Dursleys. Severus was actually doing the students a favor by

assigning this particular potion, if they brewed it correctly they would be

able to use it if they an anxiety attack later on in the year. Harry looked

around and noticed only Hermione and Su Li seemed to realize this as

they grabbed a few extra vials for their potions. Harry expertly portioned

out and prepared his ingredients first as the potion required precise

timing and the temperature had to be checked throughout. When Severus

called for time, Harry had brewed a perfect potion, as had Daphne,

Hermione, Su Li, Draco, and Theo. The rest had either almost perfect

ones or acceptable potions except for Crabble who lit his robes on fire

when his potion vial broke, and Goyle had the contents of his cauldron

vanished when it congealed into what looked rather like concrete. Harry

bottled a couple extra vials with doses of the Draught of Peace.

The New Marauders stayed behind while the others filed out as fast as

they could eager to put space between themselves and their potions

Professor. About five minutes later Susan, Hannah, and Neville arrived,

Neville with a smile on his face and Hannah with a determined look,

though she did look apprehensive at Professor Snape, who let's face it

gave future first years nightmares. Susan pulled her friend into a seat

with a smile.

"Professor," Hannah said with a nod towards Professor Snape.

"Hannah's going to be joining us in our training sessions," Harry took the

lead speaking with a smile sent towards Hannah who looked a little

relieved as she realized she was among the top students at Hogwarts.

Severus nodded, "Miss Abbott do you know Occulmency?"

Hannah nodded, "My dad has had my brother I learning it since I can

remember, his grandfather was a master at it."

"We'll be meeting Saturday for the majority of the afternoon," Severus

said calmly, "I'll evaluate your skills then. Mr. Longbottom work with

Miss. Abbott on the some of the easier spells I've taught you before then.

Now I asked you here because of Delores Umbridge our new DADA

teacher," Severus sneered the name out. "She was not a choice for any

professorship but we had no DADA teacher as of a week before term and

there were no applicants for the job. The rumors of the curse on the

position are apparently alive and well. Her application came in and

unfortunately Flitwick had to accept her. Be extremely careful around

her, she is Fudge's right hand, and could prime material for a Death

Eater. She's bigoted, a pure-blood supremacist, and vicious. I want you all

to stay out of trouble in her class no matter how she baits you and she

will. With the articles Skeeter's writing Fudge and his lackey's are

scrambling they need something to reassure the masses, Harry as the

Boy-Who-Lived is able to do that. Be on your guard around her. Now

some of you have a class to get to, as do I," Severus finished dismissing

them to their own thoughts and classes.

Later that afternoon Harry and the Slytherins filed into the horrifyingly

redecorated Defense classroom, the walls had been turned pink.

"It looks like pepto bismal threw up in here," Harry muttered causing a

few chuckles among the muggleborn and half blood Hufflepuffs and

Slytherins. As they settled into their seats Professor Umbridge walked in

fake smile plastered on her toad like face and her rather hideous

handbag, according to Daphne, on her arm.

"Good afternoon class," She said in the same sickly sweet voice she used

at the Feast. In return she got a few scattered replies of good afternoons.

"Oh my. No that won't do," Professor Umbridge continued, "now as a

class you return the greeting. Good Afternoon class."

The Hufflepuff students returned the greeting, while the Slytherin

students looked at Umbridge like she was off her rocker and resolutely

stared back at her without talking. Like they were ever going to

cheerfully say hello to a Professor, they were Slytherins, they had a

reputation to protect.

Umbridge looked startled before it cleared and in her sugary voice said,

"Well now, wands away please," her voice squeaked higher as she said

the word please. The class grudgingly put their wands in their bags

except those with holsters who placed them on their wrist. They took out

quills, ink, and parchment, as Umbridge stabbed her dinky little wand at

the board causing Defense against the Dark Arts, A return to the basics,

to appear. The class audibly groaned.

"Tut, tut. None of that now," Umbridge said, "You all have been woefully

taught in this subject throughout the years. Your instruction in the

subject has been fragmented with the change in teaching each year. Your

previous instructors have strayed or at times completely disregarded any

Ministry-approved curriculum leaving you all thoroughly unprepared for

your O.W.L.'s.

"You'll be happy to know we've fixed that problem this year. You'll be

learning from a Ministry-approved curriculum," with that Professor

Umbridge stabbed the board again and writing appeared on the board.

Course Aims:

Understanding the principles underlying defensive magic.

Learning to recognize situations in which defensive magic can

legally be used.

Placing the use of defensive magic in context for practical use.

Harry looked at the board in disgust as he quickly realized there was

nothing about

Actually using magic, which combined with her order of wands away,

made him realize she was not even going to attempt teaching them

practically. He didn't even bother writing them down.

"Now turn to page five and read chapter 1. There will be no need for

talking," Umbridge spoke with sharpness in her still sugary sweet voice.

Harry, Daphne, Tracey, and Susan sat with their books close having

already read the book in its entirety. Harry looked around and noticed

Blaise sleeping with his head turned down towards the book, Theo and

Draco were playing paper football, and Pansy was doing her nails as was

Megan Jones. Hannah looked like she was trying to read but her head

kept nodding fighting sleep, Ernie MacMillan and Justin Finch-Fletchly

were playing tic-tac-toe, Zacharias Smith was even trying he just put his

head down sleeping as did Crabble and Goyle.

Harry decided to occupy his time with his wife, he smirked. Harry place

his hand on top of Daphne's which was resting on her thigh. Daphne

showed no notice just continued to doodle on her parchment, after all

Harry held her hand all the time. Harry began lightly running his fingers

over Daphne's skin, making her shiver and look over at him. Harry

though was facing the front with no expression on his face, Daphne went

back to doodling. Harry gently placed his hand under hers, Daphne

sighed she always relaxed when Harry's hands were on her. Slowly Harry

started tracing patterns on her thigh; he would slowly go up and down

her leg, her skirt rising slightly. Harry's hand reached higher making

Daphne plush and stare at Harry, who smirked as his hand went further

up. Suddenly Goyle let out a loud snore waking half the class and made

Umbridge finally look up at the class. Harry moved his hand back to his

desk then and Goyle spasmed awake, the class starring at him. Umbridge

started to reprimand him but Susan's hand shot up stopping her.

"Yes Miss?" Umbridge paused for Susan's name.

"Bones, Susan Bones," Susan replied and smirked when Umbridge paled

slightly. "I have a question about the course aims, they don't say anything

about using defensive spells," Susan questioned.

"Using defensive spells? I can't imagine a situation that would arise in my

classroom where you need to use a defensive spell. Why on earth would

you be attacked in a school," Professor Umbridge said with a look of

wonder on her face.

"I don't know cause somebody might set a sixty foot basilisk on us all

again," Justin Finch-Fletchley said sarcastically.

Umbridge flushed and snapped out, "Students will raise their hand when

they wish to speak in my classroom. Mr.?"

"Finch-Fletchley, Justin Finch-Fletchley," he spoke as if he were James

Bond making half the class snicker.

Before she could reprimand him Ernie's hand flew in the air, "Ah yes


"MacMillian," Ernie said pompously before stating like he was talking to a

three year old, "Isn't the whole point of this class to learn to use defensive

spells so we can defend ourselves."

Umbridge bristled, "You will be learning theory behind the spells in

Ministry approved, risk free, secure"

She was cut off by Blaise, "What's the…

"Raise your hand!"

Blaise raised his hand and when she nodded he spoke, "What is the point

of that if we're attacked it sure as hell won't be risk free," Blaise said with

sarcasm dripping in his voice. The class openly laughed at that.

Umbridge ignored the comment, "I do not wish to criticize the way things

have been run in this school," her fake smile reappeared in full force. "But

you have been exposed to some very irresponsible wizards in this class-

yes very irresponsible," her face turned horrified as she said, "not to

mention some very dangerous half-breeds!"

She was cut off by Hannah, "If you're talking about Professor Lupin,"

Umbridge went to speak but Hannah rose her voice, "he was the best

teacher we've ever had even the older years said so."

Umbridge turned as pink as her robes, "Half-breeds…"she trailed off

when she noticed the almost the entire class was glaring at her with hate

as she said half-breed. Harry himself was close to losing control of his

aura, all the New Marauders were, including Draco and Theo. Both Draco

and Theo had become close to Remus since their stays at Potter Manor,

they had even had a chance to observe him in his were-form under

woflsbane. Draco was getting particularly close to the man who was often

at Grimauld Place setting up new wards and helping him and his mother

restore the home, he suspected the man would soon become his step-

father, and was proud of that, which was a change for the Malfoy heir.

The only ones in the class not glaring at her were Pansy, Crabble, Goyle,

and Megan Jones. Before anything else could happen the bell rang

signaling the end of classes for the first day. The New Marauders were

the last to leave the classroom, each giving Umbridge a piercing stare

that made the mad which pale.


You can decide whether mad denotes pissed off or insane with that

last sentence. Love the reviews



33. The begining of the End for


After dinner that night the New Marauders, Hannah, Theo, and Draco

met in the abandoned classroom they used to practice. Those that had

class with Umbridge were trying to contain their fury at her use of half-

breed in reference to Remus. In the background Nirvana's Nevermind was


"This calls for revenge in honor of our fellow marauder," Susan said


"Marauder?" Theo asked. "Wait you guys are the ones who pranked all of

Gryffindor!" He nearly shouted. They shushed him

"Yes, oh by the way you three need to find your animagus forms,

Marauder tradition," surprisingly it was Hermione who spoke. "We can

whip up the potion for you," She nodded to Daphne and Harry including


Draco looked a little sheepish, "Um you only need to make two doses of


"You're an amimagus," Theo asked his best friend in surprise.

"Mum thought learning it would be good in case we ever needed to

escape Lucius," Draco said, "It can't go farther than this room though, she

still doesn't want anyone to know."

Harry and the others nodded in understanding, "Same here, what's your


Draco transformed into a small gyrfalcon almost pure white gyrfalcon,

there were spots of grey flecked throughout his plumage. Draco flew

around the room before he landed again.

"Now what are we going to name him," Tracey asked

"Hmm how 'bout Rex, Latin for King. Falcons were considered royal birds

all the way back to the Egyptians," Hermione suggested.

"I honor of the marauders, I dubbed thee, Rex." Harry said in pompous

voice before oddly turning serious to announce, "We need a prank for


"Prank," Draco snorted, "we should tar and feather toady bitch." That

garnered laughter from the group and a twisted smirk from Harry.

Hermione saw the look and shot Harry a glare, "Harry we're not tarring

and feathering a professor!"

"I know that it just gave me an idea," Harry said with a roll of his eyes.

"You remember that crappy movie Sirius had us watch, he rented it after

the full moon that one time. What was it?" Harry thinking out loud.

"Oh the crappy werewolf one right," Daphne said.

"Teen wolf," Tracey answered with an eye roll, "and if you two had done

something beside snog during it you might remember it. It was rather

horrible though wasn't."

"It's about a werewolf?" Theo asked with his head cocked and a

questioning look on his face. He had only seen a few movies while at

Potter Manor but none dealt with magic.

"Not an actual werewolf and in the movie it looked more like the ape-

man then a werewolf. Just lots of hair and howling," Hermione said with

a smile. "However it would be perfect for Umbridge.

"Alright so potion or spells for this one," Daphne asked."

"I think we'll need a combination this time," Hermione spoke and Harry

nodded along with her.

"Potion for the physical changes and spells for the howling," Harry

suggested, Hermione nodded.

"Daphne, Draco, Neville and I can come up with the potion," Harry said,

"What do you think for the spell, compulsion charm?"

"Three of us should hit her with some over charged ones," Hermione

replied, "You, Theo, Susan, and I are the strongest at charms, though with

Professor Snape's warning to you, you shouldn't be casting at Professor

Umbridge directly." Harry looked at her strangely causing Tracey to


"Honestly Harry sometimes I wonder how you got into Slytherin. If

there's any hint of the spell on your wand when she finally gets dispelled

and tries to figure out who didn't, she can use that against you."

"Right, I knew that," Harry said causing some chuckles and Tracey to roll

her eyes at Daphne who simply smiled and shrugged giving Harry a kiss

on the cheek.

"Alright so we'll do the spell, you guys work on coming up with a potion,"

Theo said.

"Harry do you have the map?" Tracey asked?

"Mmhmm," He handed over the map.

"We need to trace her movements, while you come up with your potion.

When you figure out if the potion is going to end up as skin based or if

she has to ingest it we'll," she nodded to herself and Hannah, "have the

best way to get her set and ready."

From the painting Harry had hung this morning, it was of the founders

and like the one he gave Flitwick fully active. Godric appeared in the

painting, this painting was of the founders at a poker table, "Ahh good

you're all here Headmaster Flitwick just had a rather interesting

conversation with Professor Umbitch." Rowena came into the painting

and hit Godric in the head; Godric cleared his throat, "Um right I mean

Umbridge. The Headmaster gave me permission to share with you the

gist of the conversation. Basically he told Umbridge in no uncertain terms

that she had two weeks to resign her job as Undersecretary or as a

Hogwarts Professor, she cannot be both.

"Why two weeks," Harry asked a bit upset.

"There are still no applicants for the job and the Headmaster is trounced

in paperwork and school issues now that classes are in session. He also

gives his full permission to you all to help her decision along." Godric

finished with a smirk, "Make sure you tell the twins, as well as Ginny's


"Thanks Godric, can you ask Sal to come over?" Harry replied and Godric

nodded leaving the painting to track down Sal. "So let's get this potion

done hopefully she'll be the same as Lockhart and hideaway for the

length of the potion," Harry said turning to his friends. "Tracey send a

patronus to the twins and Ginny get them here." Tracey sent off her

patronus which was a familiar looking snake, which made Blaise shoot a

look that she promptly ignored.

"Hadrian what can I help with?" Salazar Slytherin asked, "Maybe a potion

to stop that young lass from fainting," he pointed towards Hannah who

was pale, very pale.

"Oh shite, Neville did you explain to your lovely girlfriend about the

founders," Daphne asked.

"Um I knew I left something out," Neville laughed nervously. "Han,

Hannah, are you okay."

"Here Hannah drink," Hermione said handing Hannah a class of coke. She

had quietly asked for Dobby and asked him to please get her a coke. "Its

coke, sugar helps prevent people from going into shock."

"Thanks," Hannah muttered quietly as Neville rubbed her back before she

nodded for him to go over where Harry, Draco, and Daphne were

gathered by the portrait and their potion supplies, "So the Founders?"

"Right well second year remember the chamber of secrets and the

basilisk?" Tracey explained, "While Harry wasn't the heir of Slytherin who

set the basilisk loose he is an heir of Slytherin," she paused, "and


Hannah looked a bit stunned as she looked over at Harry, "So you're

saying Harry, over there that hates everything that has to do with being

the boy-who-lived, a lord, and famous, is the heir to Salazar Slytherin

and Godric Gryffindor."

Tracey nodded and Hannah lost. The rest of the group turned to watch as

Hannah laughed so hard she coke-cola came out her nose. Unsurprisingly

the sensation of coke-cola going through her nose sobered her a bit. Still

laughing though controllably, "Damn Harry, who'd you kill in a past life?"

She fell back into laughter.

"Only a 'puff," Draco muttered before turning back to their work.

Tracey waited until Hannah got uncontrolled to finish, "Well in the

Chamber Harry found a painting of the Godric and Sal, and that led to us

finding a portrait of the four founders in the castle."

"Playing poker?" Hannah asked dubiously with a nod towards the


"Well that was Harry, of course." Tracey said and Hannah nodded

knowing Harry's love for hustling purebloods out of their money at


"So what is this map we're going to use to track Umbitch, erm

Umbridge?" Hannah asked laughing, "It does fit doesn't," she asked

referring to her slip of the tongue.

Tracey laughed, "That it is. It's the Marauder's Map. Harry's dad and his

friends made it while they were here." She picked up her the map and

tapped it with her wand, "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good."

With that the lines of Hogwarts and the dots indicating persons in the

castle appeared.

"Wow," Hannah looked amazed over the map.

"Yeah we added to it, Umbridge is on her way back from the

headmaster's office." Tracey commented as a knock rang on the door.

Tracey moved to open it and came face to face with the Weasley twins,

Ginny, Astoria, and Aoife. "Hey guys come on in," Tracey welcomed

them. The others all looked over at the new entries. Hermione and Susan

came over to join them all.

"Alright so here's the deal," Tracey started then looked at the three

younger teens, "you had Umbridge today," they nodded with disgusted

looks on their faces, "and you two will learn soon enough how much of a

bitch she really is. Flitwick has given us and you permission to make

Umbridge's life hell for the next two weeks in hopes that she quits. You

see she still holds the position of Undersecretary at the Ministry; you

can't hold a Ministry position and work as a Hogwart's Professor. So

therefore it's our duty to help her choose between her jobs," Tracey

finished with a very Slytherin smirk that was mirrored by the twins.

"Hey Gred, Forge which one of you deals with your potions," Harry called


"That be me Harrykins," Fred said getting up and coming over to the

group huddle around the potion supplies. They were deep in conversation

with Sal and Fred jumped right in. They watched Umbridge she was

pacing in her office.

"We need to get ears in her office," George said, "find out what she really


Two hours later they just finished the potion when Hannah called out,

"Guys we have rounds."

"We're done," Fred announced.

"Hannah you have the Great Hall still right?" Harry asked.

"Yep," Hannah replied.

"Right, sprinkle this on Umbridge's chair," Harry said, "It's harmless

unless you have it on your skin while you drink the potion."

"We came up with these to help minimize the potential to get caught,"

Fred said and George finished, "Professors never check for more than one

component to a prank." Hannah took the bag of fine yellowish powder

with her as the group separated.

The next morning the students and professors of Hogwarts quietly sat

down to breakfast as they did every day. "I talked to Sirius last night,"

Harry said to his friends gathered at Slytherin table. Everyone had

noticed with glee Professor Umbridge's shocked expression on seeing the

houses mix when she came into hall this morning, it simply wasn't heard

of she exclaimed. "He's willing to put in his application as DADA teacher

and quit as an auror, even with Amelia there he's not fond of the Ministry

after Azkaban. We just need Umbridge to quit or piss her off to the point

she does something worthy of getting fired."

As Harry finished his explanation various gasps were heard throughout

the hall by those watching the head table. Heads turned to watch as

Umbridge shrieked and her silverware clattered to the floor. Hair

sprouted out of her, hair bursting out through her hideous pink robes, the

pinned hair gave way to a mane of hair that covered her forehead, and

hair came around the majority of her face, her hands, and burst the

seams on her stockings. Her face itself morphed into a rather wolf/

monkey hybrid and as she went to gasp a loud howl rang out echoing in

the great hall.

"AAAHHWOOOO!" Umbridge looked horrified and her fur covered hands

shot up to cover her snout. She tried to talk but another howl came out,

she shot up from her chair and fled the Great Hall with a mournful howl.

As the school broke down into laughter, Fred and George Weasley

nodded with their heads to the doors of the hall. Harry and his friends

laughingly made their way out of the hall with some of the other students

getting to their first classes.

Fred and George led them outside and to the corner of the courtyard.

"Thanks to your lovely wife and her rune expertise," Fred started.

"We were able to get our extendable ears to work without being

connected," George finished.

"We stuck one in her office last night," Fred said just as they heard a howl

come out of the ear like thing.

"I AAHHHWOOO HATE CHILDREN!" Umbridge's angry voice came over

the ear.

"AHH, Um I mean Delores is that you," They head a distant voice ask?"

"That's Fudge," Blaise whispered as they listened.

"These arrogant brats, look what they've turned, AAAHHWOOO me into!

I am an AAAHHWOOO Undersecretary this will not AAAHHWOOOO


"Now, now Delores we talked about this I need you to help spy on those

Professor's plotting against me. I need Potter to support me in saying the

Dark Lord is no threat, Skeeter refuses to work for us anymore. And we're

being blocked in the Wizenmagot so you will not become High


The bell sang out first classes start in five minutes, so George ended the

spell and they went their separate ways knowing Umbridge was going to

be a bit more difficult to un-seat. Although they did manage to get under

her skin since she cancelled DADA class for the two days the prank


The next two days was spent in relative peace and quiet since Umbridge

never left her office. Charms with Fedor was a unique experience with

the Gryffindors. Fedor took absolutely know bull shit from anyone, he

ruled over his classroom and had an interesting way of punishing

students. He didn't take points or give detentions unless it was a very

serious infraction, instead if you disobeyed him, was, late, talked while

he talked, started an argument, or really anything, he had you do

pushups, crunches, and even sprints. He had Weasley, Crabble, and

Goyle, doing sprints up and down the hallway outside the charms

classroom. It was surprisingly effective as one day Parvati had to do

thirty push-ups for carrying on with Lavender after that Parvati barely

even glanced towards her friend during class.

They had already had more essays than they knew what to do with, a

two feet essay on silencing charms, a foot on bowtrucles, three feet on

Inanimatous Conjurus in transfiguration, the herbology assignment, and

potions assignment, in arithmancy they had three and half feet on the

properties on the number thirteen and what makes it unluckily for some.

One fun thing to report was that Luna Lovegood had managed with a bit

of Hermione's persuasion to find a photograph of Umbridge's wolfy

transformation and send it to her father. All Wednesday the Ministry and

Umbridge were flooded with howlers and letters on the new breed of

werewolf, the Daily Prophet picked up the article. Remus sent them a

congratulatory letter.

Thursday morning dawned bright and early Umbridge walked her

established route to the Great Hall hair free with a smile on her face. The

smile slowly faded as the knights surrounding the Great Hall broke

formed and lined up on either side of the now wide open doors that

showed the whole hall filled and eating with their arms presented.

In a regal voice one of the knights spoke, "Presenting the Would-Be High-

Inquisitor-of- Hogwarts," at that the teachers as one glared heatedly at

the Professor. "Lady Toad herself, Professor Delores Umbitch," the knight

cleared its throat, "erm Umbridge!" The Knights behind her pushed her

forward so that she was propelled into the Great Hall flushed scarlet. The

knights disbanded and went back to their inanimate states. Professor

Umbridge made her way up to the front of the hall and sat steaming as

the hall roared with laughter.

Finally after being stared at by Umbridge Flitwick stood, "There will be

an investigation into the pranks on Professor Umbridge. As of right now

since the identity of the perpetrator or perpetrators is unknown, "ten

points to each house for brilliant charms work." The hall stared in silence

their Headmaster until snickering started up again which had the effect

of the whole hall once again laughing and cheering for points.

As Flitwick sat he shrugged at his fellow Professors, "That was N.E.W.T.

level work."

The fifth year Slytherins and Hufflepuffs sat trying to contain their

snickering in the DADA classroom; a few students noticed a bag on the

desk of Professor Umbridge. Umbridge walked in a rage, "Open to page

fifteen, read chapter 2, no talking."

She sat and paused as she took in the bag, she looked up to the students

who quickly looked down at their books. "What is this," she asked shrilly.

Some students looked up but the rest ignored her knowing full well

whatever was in the bag was probably a prank. "What is this," she

repeated louder.

Megan Jones put her hand the air, "Ma'am it was there when we got


Umbridge nodded and opened the bag, and out flew several chocolate

flies. Umbridge shrieked and banished all of the flies much to the

laughter of the class. "QUITE! Silence for the rest of class!" The class

snickered on and off throughout the rest of class much to Umbridge's


It didn't let up as after the fifth year class she had seventh year Gryffindor

and Slytherin. The two groups sent hexes and curses back and forth the

whole class period, causing Umbridge to summon all their wands and

place them outside the door. At the end of class Fred and George quietly

dropped five of their own brand of fireworks. Umbridge tried every spell

she could to put the exploding fireworks out only to make the explosions

worse. At the end of the break between classes a thoroughly singed

Professor Umbridge opened the door to the first years. Her pink robes

were tinged with soot as was her face, her hair was burned off on the left

side, her right eyebrow was missing, and sparks were shooting out of her

shoe. The first years looked at her with wide eyes letting out small

squeaks of fright. When Umbridge tried to smile her reptilian smile a first

year girl let out a scream and ran off down the hall.

The week passed with Umbridge becoming more and more agitated and

frayed, the only upside of the week was Ginny making Chaser. Shea had

been in and out of her office taking small objects and hiding them, her

tea cups were a favorite of Shea's. Umbridge jumped at any loud noise

and struck out with a stunning spell at a poor bird that flew to close to

the window she was sitting at. The next day a flock of birds appeared

over the ceiling of the Great Hall and then much to the surprise of

everyone proceeded to take a shit over Umbridge's head, resulting in her

pink robes being stained white, she wasn't seen for the rest of Saturday.

As the next week came Umbridge got vicious she handed out detentions

left and right for even smiling in classes. She handed out 'Trolls' on all

assignments, and any conversation that involved the Ministry or

Voldemort's questionable return was met with a lecture, detention, and

demented looks that had many of the students questioning her sanity.

Harry or his friends had yet to receive a detention from her, neither had

any pure-blood student. She was loathed to do it according to Hermione

but gave Weasel a detention for saying Dumbledore believed Voldemort

was coming back. Weasel served his detention with Filch. Harry and his

friends had more than one encounter with the toad though; she tried to

act friendly but came off as a simpering fool causing Daphne to sneer at

the toad openly. So far the New Marauders had turned Umbridge into a

werewolf, a Carney (Fred and George), a mule, and a bottle of pepto


It was Friday night and Harry was on rounds with Parvati Patil of

Gryffindor. They were assigned to the seventh and sixth floors. They were

currently near the Gryffindor common room it was about a hallway over.

"So it you don't mind me asking why did you and Daphne tied the knot so

early?" Parvati asked trying to make conversation with the intimidating

Slytherin that was Harry.

Harry starred at her intently wondering if she honestly wanted to know

or if she wanted gossip. After a minute he answered, "Our parents made a

contract when we were born, along with the compatibility spell, we're

soul mates," Harry finished with a small smile as he said soul mates.

"My father wanted to contract Padma and I," Parvati replied, "without

using the spell. Our aunt said our mother nearly shot him she was so

brassed off. Apparently our dog, Rover, had some company for two weeks

before he relented." Parvati finished with a laugh.

Harry was smirking as he asked, "What made him so insistent?"

"He's from India, he settled here because he owns a shipping business.

Marriage Contracts are very much still the norm in the area he's from."

"So no contracts at all?"

"Nope he gave up on that after that one," Parvati laughed a little. They

walked the hallways looking for students misbehaving. As they turned

left down an un-used corridor, they heard sniffling. Harry's wand shot out

of its holster and into his hand. Parvati was looking for the sound they

found it in the form of a Gryffindor first year hiding behind a statue.

Parvati knelt down wanting to comfort the boy but he turned away from

her. Harry knelt down and pulled the boy to him, "Euan what's wrong,"

Harry's voice commanded as the boy tried to wipe tears from his eyes so

no one would see him crying he shook his head.

"Nothing," Euan replied his voice wavering, covering his hand.

Harry lowered his voice, "Euan men are hurt all the time, crying is not a

weakness." Harry's voice broke no opposition and Euan slowly showed

Harry his hand. Carved into the skin was I will not tell lies. Harry saw red

but controlled his tone, "Who did this to you?"

Euan felt almost compelled to answer Harry's voice reminded him of

military general, "I," he sniffled, "I had detention with Professor

Umbridge. My aunt works at the Ministry she disappeared, my grand da

says it's just like last time. I said that in class she gave me detention and

made me write with this quill, it had no ink and my hand," Euan trailed

off at that and shuddered his hand stung so much. He started sniffling

and but otherwise remained silent.

Harry growled out, "Blood quill." Harry scooped up the small first year

into his arms and placed him on his back. "Hold on, we're going to take

some shortcuts, sound good?"

Euan smiled, "Yeah."

"Parvati go to the Headmaster's office ask the gargoyle for him tell it it's

an emergency. Meet us in the hospital wing," Harry said in his forceful

voice. Harry turned without waiting for a reply and immediately turned

to a secret passageway and started to the hospital wing. He arrived in

record time and called out, "Madam Pomfrey we need some essence of

dittany now!"

Madam Pomfrey bustled out of her office with a bottle in hand as Harry

flipped the first year off his back and onto the bed making said first year

giggle. "Hadrian what happened?" Madam Pomfrey asked coming over to

the two students.

"Umbridge used a blood quill on Euan, here." Madam Pomfrey looked as

outraged as Harry felt. "Headmaster Flitwick should be here soon, I'll be

back in a moment," Harry spun on his heel and was out of the Hospital

wing before anyone could say anything. Harry made his way to the

Defense Against the Dark Arts Professors office and threw open the door.

"Why I never!" Umbridge said. Harry quickly took in the office a student

was sitting writing lines with the blood quill.

"Stewart, hospital wing now!" Harry barked out. The second year Raven

shot up and out of the office quicker than lightning, not even bothering

with his bag. Harry immediately summoned the quill to him and

pocketed it.

Umbridge opened her mouth but Harry cut her off, "You WILL be

SILENT!" Harry's aura flared out around him the green blazing eerily

close to the killing curse. Umbridge shut her mouth with an audible click.

"You are nothing more than a foul, evil, toad," Harry snapped out. "As

Lord of the Ancient and Noble House of Potter, I declare a formal

investigation of Delores Umbridge for torture." Magic accepted the

declaration with a flash of green; at the Wizenmagot and Auror office

miles away in London the investigation wrote itself into the docket.

Harry transfigured Umbridge into a toad, taking her wand and tossing it

into the fire place.

Harry entered the Hospital wing where Euan and Stewart were being

treated and Professors Vector and McGonagall, and Headmaster Flitwick

were conferring. Parvati was helping to entertain the two boys.

"Headmaster, Professors," Harry said with a nod to them as he came in

levitating a toad.

Flitwick raised an eyebrow, "Hadrian I wasn't aware you kept a toad?"

"I don't. This is Professor Umbridge," Harry's voice was dripping with

sarcasm as he said Professor, "As Lord of an Ancient and Noble House I

declared a formal investigation into her activities, magic accepted it." The

Professors looked impressed and Flitwick smile almost split his face wide


"We've already talked to Euan and Stewart they've told us what happen

that combined with the evidence of their hands enables me to cancel

Delores Umbridge's contract. Please transfigure her back Hadrian."

"Before I do you might want this." Harry pulled the blood quill from his

pocket and handed it over to his Headmaster. "Stewart was in the process

of writing lines with it when I walked in on them."

"Yes," Flitwick took it with anger in his eyes; "I would like to fire her now

though," Flitwick nodded to the toad that was trying to run away even

though Hadrian had it spelled. The toad looked like it was treading water

in the air. Euan and Stewart looked torn between laughing and starring

at the curious picture the floating toad made.

Harry transfigured her back to a person, "Bufo Verto," The toad

transfigured back into the short, squat, toadyish woman.

Before Umbridge could say anything Flitwick spoke, "Delores Umbridge

you are hereby stripped of your title as Professor of Hogwarts and fire

effective immediately."

The doors to the Hospital wing opened again this time emitting three

people, two dressed in auror robes, the third Sirius was dressed in casual


John Dawlish spoke in a typical auror booming auror voice as he walked

over to Umbridge spun her around and placed magic suppressing

handcuffs on her, "Delores Umbridge you are hereby suspended as

Undersecretary Minister, pending an investigation warranted by the

magic as asked for by Head of the Noble and Ancient House of Potter."

Delores Umbridge was silenced and forced to sit in a chair in the corner

of the Hospital wing with Auror Stephens guarding her.

"Lord Potter?" Dawlish turned to him with his question.

"Delores Umbridge has tortured for sure two students by use of blood

quill, possibly more." Harry answered with a nod towards Euan and

Stewart. "Parvati and I were on rounds when we found Euan, at first he

refused to tell us what was wrong. He relented after a minute and

showed us his hand which has I will tell lies carved into it. I asked how it

happened he replied that he was given detention by Umbridge for saying

Voldemort was back." Harry was surprised that Dawlish stood tall

without flinching at the name, he used too. "I brought him to the Hospital

wing while Parvati went to retrieve the Headmaster. Once here I left

Euan to Madam Pomfrey and went straight to the DADA office and found

Umbridge watching as Stewart was writing lines with a blood quill. I

apprehended her and asked magic for the investigation." The others

snorted at the word apprehended. Dawlish quirked an eyebrow, "I might

have turned her into a toad. Also her wand may have dropped into the

fireplace as she was transfigured."

Dawlish laughed as he turned and interviewed the others taking the

blood quill from Flitwick, took pictures of the boys' hands and took their

statements with their Head of Houses' permission.

"Alright were done here, Stephens read her her rights, she's under arrest."

Dawlish called out and Stephens looked rather gleeful at that, "I think it's

his first time collaring someone," Dawlish replied to Sirius's look towards

the rookie. "Lord Potter the trial will be next week on Thursday at one

o'clock. It will be more of a formality, the evidence is against her, and

this blood quill is Ministry issued, it was supposed to be returned months

ago. The last to check it out was Delores Umbridge. She will be

questioned under Veriatserum."

"Thank you, auror Dawlish."

Dawlish nodded and he and Stephens escorted Umbridge out of the

hospital wing, though you could tell she was trying to protest, her mouth

open wide yelling silently. Stephens looked like he was trying not to

laugh as they left.

Sirius walked over from where he had been watching to the side of the

Hospital wing doors. Sirius handed over a small packet of papers, "My

application for Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, Headmaster

Flitwick. I just ask that before I start you have a curse breaker look over

the supposed curse on the office?"

"Done and welcome back to Hogwarts Mr. Black." Professor McGonagall

groaned. "Let's move this discussion to my office, shall we?" Flitwick

asked jovially before turning to the two boys still waiting to be released

from the hospital wing, "I am very sorry either of you had to go through

that. Punishments of that sort are absolutely against policy at Hogwarts."

The boys nodded not really knowing what to say.

"You two are free to go but I want to see you tomorrow morning before

breakfast, yes?" Madam Pomfrey spoke in a no nonsense tone. Both boys

nodded quickly eager to leave the hospital wing, "Right Mr. Potter will

you escort Mr. Ackerly back to his common room, and Miss. Patil please

take Mr. Abercrombie back to the Gryffindor common room.

Harry made it back to the Slytherin common room an hour after he was

due back. He made his way over to his friends who were occasionally

glancing at the door to the common room. Daphne was the first to spot

him and smiled to him in relief. Harry walked with his one eye on

Daphne and the other on the left half of the common room, where the

pure-blood and Death Eater supporters gathered. The Slytherin common

room these days was as tense as any political debate between die-hard

liberals and die-hard conservatives could get. Everyone watched the

other side waiting for a spell to come at them.

Harry sat down next to Daphne and pulled her into a kiss that made him

sigh in relief. Daphne was alarmed knowing something was wrong; the

kiss had a sense of urgency to it that normally wasn't present. Once he

pulled back Daphne took his hand in hers and rubbed comforting circles

on Harry's hand.

"Umbridge was arrested tonight. I ordered an investigation into her as

Lord Potter." Harry's words brought silence to those around him in

hearing range, including, Blaise, Tracey, Daphne, Theo, Draco, Aaron,

Malcolm Baddock, Ginny, Aiofie, Astoria, and Jess Urquhart. "She was

forcing those she had in detention to write lines with a blood quill. I

found Euan Abercrombie while on rounds, his hand had I will not tell lies,

carved into it. When I went to the DADA office she had Stewart Ackerly

writing with the quill, I turned her into a toad," Harry deadpanned. Those

around him laughed at that before quieting as he started talking again,

"Her trial is Thursday at one, I have to attend. If you all will excuse me I

have some essays to work on."

Harry left the common room without another word. Daphne glanced at

her friends who simply nodded that she should follow Harry and she

stood walking over to the entrance to their quarters taking his hand. As

they entered their own sitting room, Harry flopped into a chair.

"I could have killed her, I wanted to." Harry said quietly.

Daphne sighed and dropped gracefully into his lap pulling his head up so

he was looking at her, "You didn't. You controlled yourself and your

temper and even had the presence of mind to ask magic for a trial."

"Yes but," Harry trailed off looking down. Daphne once again brought his

face up to hers, and seeing tears in his eyes hugged him to her. "I'm, we're

going to have to kill. This will be a war, people on both sides will die but

I want to kill them. But I don't want to be like them."

"Harry, yes you want to kill them but as with Umbridge just because you

want to doesn't mean you will. You are not them Harry and I promise

you I will not let you become like them. Just as long as you promise you

will let me become like them either," Daphne said with conviction.

"Always," Harry replied back with a fire in eyes.

"Good now you have a history essay and transfiguration essay still to do,"

Daphne said before teasingly wiggling on his lap before getting up and

moving over to the couch.

Harry groaned before grudgingly getting up to get his supplies, "Giant

wars, oh boy." Harry sarcastically replied, "how long do you think were

gonna spend on them, we only spent four years on Goblin wars."

Daphne chuckled as Harry muttered to himself about Binns and his

fascination with creature wars. Daphne summoned The Picture of Dorian

Grey to her and flipped the stereo on low so that Sublime's 40oz. to

Freedom came on. Harry worked on his essay diligently for another hour

and half before; Daphne got bored and decided that was enough for

tonight. She slinked over to him and wrapped her arms around his neck

moving her hands down his chest. She leaned over him started nibbling

on his ear. She slowly moved her lips to his neck she kissed, nibbled and

lathed attention on his pulse point.

"Daph, baby," Harry moaned, "Transfiguration essay still to do." Daphne

ignored him moving to his lips, as she leaned over him she undid the

buttons on his shirt and splayed it open. She slipped her tongue into his

mouth as she ran her nails over his chest occasionally hitting one of his

nipples, causing Harry to shiver and moan. Daphne slowly undid his belt

and pants, as she continued to kiss him; she slid her hand into his pants

and slowly stroked him above his boxers. All thoughts of an essay

disappeared from Harry's mind, actually all thoughts besides, 'feels good,'

left his mind. Daphne broke the kiss and slowly spun Harry's chair so that

he was now facing her, she smiled coyly at him and worked his pants and

boxers down. Harry's cock bobbed as she released it from his boxers.

Daphne looked hungrily at him and took him in her hands, and slowly

started stroking him, she would stroked him slowly twice and then added

a fast stroke that had Harry moaning. Daphne after a few minutes

replaced her hands with her mouth. She sucked around the head before

running her tongue down the shaft.

Daphne moaned around him, she loved tasting him, the moan sent

vibrations around him causing him to moan out, "Oh," pant, "God," moan,

"Daph don't stop." She started to mimic her hand movements of earlier

with her mouth, Harry was moaning with his head thrown back over the


Harry threaded his hand in her hair as she sucked and licked him like a

Popsicle, "Daph, Love, I'm gonna…cum." Daphne hollowed her cheeks

and sucked at his groaned out declaration. Harry felt himself tighten and

then sweet bliss took over his mind as he shot into Daphne's mouth.

When he stopped cumming Daphne gave him another long lick and suck.

Harry groaned and pulled Daphne up on to his lap, and immediately

captured her lips and tongue in a searing kiss that left her breathless.

Harry broke the steamy kiss when his need for oxygen became too great,

he moved down to Daphne's neck. Daphne was breathing hard left dizzy

by it. Harry wasted no time and ripped Daphne's blouse off. He moved

his kiss down to her chest as Daphne undid her bra and tossed it

somewhere in the room, she didn't care where as Harry started to play

with her nipples. Harry sucked and twirled her right nipple with his

tongue as before pulling back blowing on it lightly and turning to the

other nipple he gave it the same attention. Harry kicked off his pants as

he moved his adept seeker hands down and under her skirt. He vanished

her thong and let his fingers entertain Daphne. Daphne moaned as

Harry's hands worked her body in ways only he could. As she started

grinding into his hand that had three fingers buried in her, he stood from

the chair, removing his hand. She wrapped her legs around his waist as

he carried her to their bedroom once again claiming her lips.

Harry started to hiss in parseltongue as their lips clashed making Daphne

moan aloud. As they made their way into the bedroom Harry's cock

rubbed up against her pussy, working her up just as his hand had. Harry

reached the bedroom as keeping his lips firmly attached to Daphne's as

his tongue flickered with parsletongue at inhuman speed. He knelt on the

bed as he laid Daphne down on it. He separated from Daphne and starred

down at her.

She looked like the picture perfect succubus as she lay sprawled out

beneath him clad only in her skirt which was bunched up around her

waist leaving her bare. Her hair was clad around her like a halo and she

was panting heavily as Harry took her in.

"Damn it… Harry, fuck me…please!" She begged breathlessly, Harry had

worked her almost to orgasm twice, she wanted, need release. Harry

grinned and quickly sheathed himself in Daphne to the hilt causing them

both to moan. Harry buried his lips in Daphne's neck and with her breasts

as he thrust in and out. Daphne's walls started to clench around him and

he sped up faster.

"Ohhh, Haarryyy, harder!" Daphne moaned. Harry obliged his begging

wife pounding into her with abandon.

"Fuck," Harry groaned as she seized around him in a powerful vice grip.

She started to clench around him in orgasm. She screamed out and raked

her nails down his back and Harry gasp as an intense orgasm over took

him and he shot his seed into Daphne. They slowed their thrusts and

Harry slowly pulled out of Daphne. Harry kissed her lovingly around her

neck, her lips, and then finally claimed her lips in a slow, but passionate

kiss. He turned over on his back laying next to Daphne, he pulled her to

him and she turned on her side spooned up to him with her head resting

on his chest. "I love you," Harry whispered.

Daphne turned her head and pressed a kiss to his chest right above his

heart, "I love you too," she responded quietly as they both drifted off to

sleep exhausted in the best way.

Harry walked into the Great Hall and let go of Daphne's hand as she

made her way over to the Hufflepuff table where Hannah asked them to

sit today. Harry went over to the Gryffindor table while his friends took

their seats at the 'puff table. Harry walked over to Euan who sat near the

end of the table with the other first years.

Harry came up behind Euan and bent down next to him, "How's your

hand Euan?"

The other Gryffindors looked either oddly or suspiciously at the Slytherin

prefect at their table, except for Parvati and her friends, the Chasers and

the Weasley twins. Euan and his friends though looked at Harry with awe

and gratefulness.

"Good it doesn't even hurt anymore and you can't see the words

anymore," Euan exclaimed happily, "Madam Pomfrey said after another

day of treatment, the scar will fade to just a line." Some around the boy

looked startled at the exclamation and whispers broke out.

Harry chuckled at Euan's happy expression that he'd have a scar just not

the words, "Good story right?" Harry asked laughing. Euan nodded

happily. "Alright just wanted to make sure you're okay, if you need

anything let me know?" Euan nodded going back to his food; Harry made

his way to the Ravenclaw table and asked Stewart Ackerly the same

questions, receiving a similar reply.

"I'm good it was only my first detention with her and I was only with her

for a few minutes before you came in. Thanks Hadrian."

With that Harry made his way over to join his friends at the 'puff table.

He explained what had happened to the others who weren't Slytherins

and therefore hadn't heard the story the night before. They were

outraged and looked rather gleeful at Harry's transfiguration and burning

of Umbridge's wand. As they spoke, Headmaster Flitwick and Sirius

walked into the Great Hall. Flitwick came to his seat and called for


"I have a few announcements to make before you all finish breakfast and

go off to your activities for this Saturday." The school turned their

attention to their headmaster anxious to know if the rumors were true

and Umbridge was gone. "Last night Professor Umbridge was fired from

her post as Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor." In a show of how

hated she was the school let out with unanimous cheers. "Yes, well, we

also called in a team from Gringotts to look over the supposed curse on

the DADA office. There was one and it was broken so with that, I

introduce your new Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor, former

auror Sirius Black." Sirius stepped forward and gave an exaggerated bow,

to the scattered applause and gasps. Some idiots in the crowd were still

wary about him. And much to the annoyance of Harry and Susan some of

the girls swooned. Professor McGonagall could be seen conjuring a bottle

of scotch downing a shot before swearing in her native Gaelic as Sirius

smiled out at the crowd.


Thanks fo the reviews, hope you like the chapter. Umbridge's time

at Hogwarts is over not sure if I'm going to kill her off yet. With

Sirius training will come in earnest for the students and the DA will

be here just not as Dumbledore's Army.



34. The DA

Monday arrived and by lunch the first and forth years were buzzing with

excitement over their first lessons with Sirius. The first years all boasted

of having learned their first shield, while the fourth years were trying out

stunning spells on each other in the hallways much to Filch's horror and

Madam Pomfrey. Harry and the other New Marauders were almost

bouncing in their seats as they ate lunch. Harry, Blaise, Daphne, Draco,

and Theo could hardly sit through their free period, but finally the tone

rang for their DADA period. They were met at the DADA classroom by

the other Slytherins and the Hufflepuffs.

They filled into the classroom and took their usual seats; though at each

seat a new textbook was sitting. Compendium of Common Curses and Their

Counter-Actions. Sirius came in through his office which everyone was

happy to see was not pink and had not one kitten in sight. "Alright,

everyone?" Sirius spoke as he came in front of the class; there was a

scattered response before he continued. "I took the liberty of buying my

classes their textbooks for the year since I'll be using a different textbook

then the one first assigned to you. But you can put those away as today

you will not need them." The class collectively sighed at that.

"Today we're going to be working on an important charm that should be

taught to all who live in the United Kingdom and anywhere else

dementors may be present. Does anybody know where else dementors

can be found? Ernie?"

"Iceland and Greenland are the only other two known places dementors

exist," Ernie answered."

"Good, five points to Hufflepuff. Now the dementors in the last war sided

with Lord Voldemort," Sirius paused, "I expect all of you to work on not

flinching, hiding, screaming, anything else except making a disgusted

face because of the things he's done, when you hear the name,

understood." They nodded except for a select few who looked angry at his

use of Voldemort's name; Sirius noted those before moving on. "As I was

saying they sided with Voldemort, they also sided with Grindewald

during World War II. It's safe to say whether or not you believe

Voldemort is back or not, if there ever is another dark lord, and there

will be, the dementors will side with them. The dementors are foul,

loathsome creatures who will take any opportunity given to them to steal

someone's soul. Now I'm not telling you this to scare you but you need to

be aware of the real need for mastery of the patronus charm."

"Now everybody stand," He waved his wand and the desks cleared to the

sides of the room. "Give yourself some space. The incantation is expect

patronum, now in order for the charm to work you must fill yourself with

your happiest memory. Question Miss Parkinson?"

"Adults can't master this how are we supposed to," She asked in her most

snobbish tone. Some of the class looked startled by her revelation.

Sirius sighed, "Well Miss Parkinson, even if you don't have the magic to

master it some will," Sirius smirked after all, he was still a marauder, he

wasn't going to let some little wannabe Death Eater tell his class they

couldn't do it. "Besides even producing the white mist can save you from

being kissed. Now just to prove a fifth year can do this, Harry, Daphne,

Susan, Blaise, Tracey, Draco, Theo you have the floor," Sirius waved his

arm for them to go ahead.

"Expecto patronum," simaltaniously the seven shouted or said the spell.

From Harry's wand came a female wolf that immediately took its place

next the large male wolf Daphne had conjured. From Susan's wand came

a small song bird, her mother's animagus according to Amelia. Tracey's

familiar snake was slithering around and Aiolos appeared out of Harry's

robes and slithered around with the silver mist snake much to their

amusement. Blaise had a large wild cat that looked familiar to the new

marauders; he quickly dispelled it and glared at Sirius when the man

laughed. Draco was able to produce a slivery form of his Gyrfalcon

though he looked to be struggling to hold it. Theo produced a rather

wide silvery mist dome around him; he had been trying to learn it since

third year but had only gotten so far.

"Good five points for each of you, now I'm going to walk around as are

they to help the rest of you with patronus. If you're having trouble with

the spell do your best to not become frustrated as that will make your

attempts worse." From around him shouts of expecto patronum were

heard but so far no one produced anything. Harry moved over to help

Theo first, while the others spread out to help.

"How long have you been able to do the mist shield," Harry asked?

Theo sighed, "It took me until forth year to get the shield and hold it for

any length of time. I can hold for like an hour now. I can't get past it

though. I'm picturing the memory and everything."

"Right when you picture the memory, try and remember the feelings that

went with. I have to fill my mind with the feeling not the necessarily the

memory. Once you have that try casting again."

Theo was quiet for a few minutes as he closed his eyes trying to bring up

the feelings that went along with his time with his Uncle before he died,

"Expecto patronum," The white mist gradually started to form, after a few

seconds, Harry clapped him on the back.

"Nice job mate." Theo opened his eyes and starring at him was slivery

pixie. Theo titled his head as he starred at it the pixie winked before

fading back out of existence.

"Holy Shite," Theo whispered to himself. Harry laughed as he moved to

help Justin. Justin was barely getting any light from his wand.

"Justin," Harry nodded. Justin sort of grimmaced a smile in greeting. "If

you don't mind me asking what are you using for your memory?"

"I was using the memory of getting my letter," Justin said.

"Try using a memory that really means something to you, a memory

where you can perfectly recall the smell, the weather, the date,

everything about that event."

Justin nodded and closed his eyes trying to think of a memory. He smiled

slightly without realizing it as he pictured holding his baby brother for

the first time last year, "Expect patronum," Justin opened his eyes as he

cast and out of his wand came a sliver capuchin monkey. The monkey

crawled up Justin and sat on his shoulder for a minute before dissipating.

As the new marauders walked around Sirius came up next to Harry.

"You sure you don't want to teach pup, you could put us all out of job.

Everyone you helped has gotten the charm." Harry just shrugged like it

was nothing, Sirius clapped him on the back chuckling, sometimes his

godson amazed him. "Alright that's enough for today, now I want you all

to practice your patronus whenever you get the time, work at so it's

second nature to you. I'll be testing you on it at some point. Now for next

class I want you to have read through the first three chapters and wear

clothes you can move in for next class." The bell toned as he finished

speaking and the class walked out raving about their lesson.

"Lords and Ladies of the Wizenmagot we've been called together today to

bring to Justice Madam Delores Umbridge who has had charges leveled

against her by Lord Hadrian James Potter, Head of the Ancient and Noble

House of Potter," the newly elected Chief Warlock Lord Tiberius Ogden

boomed. "Madam Umbridge has been accused of torture of six minors, as

well as fraud and tampering with secure Ministry files. Enough evidence

has been acquired to use Veritaserum on Madam Umbridge as such we

will hear the evidence before we bring in Madam Umbridge for

questioning. The parents or head of house for each minor have given

permission for Veritaserum to be used during questioning. Madam

Jension you may begin."

Madam Jension was a Ministry lawyer who had absolutely no love for

Delores Umbridge, her brother was werewolf having been turned when

he was just out of Hogwarts. Umbridge and her laws had made his life

harder than it needed to be. Madam Jension began first questing Harry

about why he called for the investigation and what happened when he

apprehended Umbridge. Parvati was questioned as was, Stewart, Euan,

Dennis Creevey, Laura Madley, a first year muggle-born 'puff, Kathrine

Rodgers, a second year half-blood Ravenclaw, and Brent Harper, a second

year half-blood 'puff. Their bloodlines were something Jension focused on

as Harper, Creevey, and Madley, were forced to write I will respect my


After the students were called Aurors Dawlish and Stephens were called

to testify on the evidence they found. The fraud and tampering charges

were being brought against her as she falsified the document stating she

returned the blood quill, the Ministry had five on hand that were only to

be used in certain contracts, the laws were explicit in that. Following the

aurors findings they looked into other ministry matters that directly

involved Umbridge. They found in her office documented records of

instances where she knowingly authorized the capture and killing of

innocent werewolves by hit-wizards, they also found a ledger with bribes

given to her and Fudge from first Lucius Malfoy and then someone with

the initials TLN, seems she got smarter as time went on.

After questioning the aurors Delores Umbridge was brought in, her pink

clothes were wrinkled and out of place, her hair flat around her head,

and she had deep dark circles under her eyes. She was in hand cuffs and

leg restraints, she looked defiantly at the court and she sneered at the

Hogwarts student she had tortured.

Ogden spoke once more as Umbridge was forced to sit and was chained

up by Dawlish and Stephens. "In accordance of the protocol for a Lord's

trial, enough hard evidence has been found to warrant the use of

Veritaserum, whether you comply or not." Ogden glared at Umbridge,

"Aurors administer the Veritaserum." Umbridge tried to struggle and

would not open her mouth, Stephens gleefully pinch Umbridge's nose

forcing her to open her mouth or pass out. Dawlish tipped the vial and

tapped out three drops into Umbridge's mouth. Umbridge's eyes glazed


Jension immediately started with the testing question, "State your name."

"Delores Jane Umbridge," she stated in a dull voice.

"For what purpose did you check out a blood quill?"

"To use it on those little mudblood brats. I hate children," Umbridge

spoke joyfully gaining glares from the Wizenmagot.

"Did you falsify the records on the blood quills?"


"Did you use the blood quill on any students?"

"Yes I finally got to use it during detentions on six mudblood bastards."


"Those little bastards turned me into a bloody half-breed!"

"Now Delores it was just a little prank, surely a grown woman can handle

that?" Jension asked condescendingly as Umbridge got more and more

angry. "Now did you or did you not take bribes from Lucius Malfoy and

an as of yet an unknown TLN?"

"Yes, we took bribes gladly why shouldn't we take more of their money

after we're the reason they escaped Azkaban."

"What were the bribes for?"

"Furthering the pureblood agenda, putting mudbloods in their place, and

helping to keep their muggle hunting activities from the filthy mudblood

Prime Minister. After all Lucius and Nott have the right idea about

dealing with undesirables, death."

"Nott? Theodore Nott Sr. is TLN?"


"Who else took bribes from them?"

"Minister Fudge."

"Stupefy," The seven aurors in the court room voices rang out together as

they stunned the Minister for Magic with glee. Fudge wasn't very popular

in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement given the enormous

budget cuts he made to their department. One of the aurors present

slapped handcuffs on Fudge and levitated the Minister out of the

courtroom and into a holding cell; he may have bumped his head on the

way into the cell once or twice.

"The Ministry rests its case," Jension spoke clearly once the commotion

was over.

"Please escort the defendant and witnesses out while we come to a

verdict," Tiberius spoke and nodded to Dawlish and Stephens, who took

Umbridge out who was once again struggling. "Lord Potter as the accuser

you will need to leave also." Harry nodded and left with the students and

Professor Flitwick. Not ten minutes later they were called back in.

"The Wizenmagot has found the accused Delores Umbridge guilty on six

counts of child abuse, three counts of fraud, and fifty counts of bribery.

You are hereby sentenced to forty years in Azkaban. You may also face

further charges pending the now open investigation into Minister

Cornelius Fudge." As Ogden finished Umbridge was once again escorted

out by the aurors who were forced to stun her while being portkeyed to


"Now in light of today's proceedings Minister Fudge will be suspended

from his duties, as such we, the members of the Wizenmagot must

nominate an interim Minister. Nominations?" Tiberius Ogden called.

"I nominate Pious Thicknesse," Lord Timmon Parkinson called

immediately; he was seconded by Lord Samson Jones.

"I nominate Amelia Bones," Lady Augusta Longbottom called; she was

seconded by Lord Amos Diggory.

"I nominate Marianna Edgecombe," Lord Walden McNair called and was

seconded by Lord Nathanial King. Harry smiled at the two Death Eater

candidates. They waited for a few minutes but no one else was called.

"Votes for Madam Bones," Ogden called and sixty eight wands were lit

and tallied. "For Madam Edgecombe?" This time thirty three wands were

lit and counted, "Votes for Thicknesse," the remaining twenty seven

wands lit up. "The interim Minister of Magic is Madam Amelia Bones."

The trial passed and with Rita Skeeter covering it for the Daily Prophet

the country was properly outraged and called for Fudge's head. Skeeter

was pleased that she finally got to really tear someone's reputation to

shreds, and eviscerated Umbridge in the press. The first thing Amelia did

was authorize Cadmus Hammer of the Department of Mysteries to

research the Dark Mark. Hammer chose to use Rodluphous Lestrange to

experiment on; his smile would have given the goblins chills had they

seen it. She also immediately gave the auror corps an increased budget

and she along with Rufus Scrimgeour set up a system to streamline auror

corps training into a year rather than three.

Today Amelia along with a guard of three aurors was meeting up with

Harry and Daphne, Susan, and Sirius at the Three Broomsticks. It was the

first Hogsmeade weekend and Amelia said she had some things to discuss

with them all. They were waiting in one of the private rooms when

Amelia arrived.

"You can wait outside Shacklebolt," Amelia said with frustration as she

entered the room. She was muttering, "Damn, bloody, babysitters." Sirius

came over and swept her into a kiss, stopping the muttering and Amelia


"Something the matter, honey?" Sirius asked with a smirk.

"Sush you, this job is going to drive me insane," Amelia said before sitting

down at the table that had lunch lain out on it. "Between the pureblood's

who think I should kiss their arses like Fudge did and trying to make the

Wizenmagot see reason about Voldemort's return, I feel like I've been run

over by a train." Harry snickered and poured Amelia a large goblet of

wine. Amelia smiled appreciatively but shook her head, "that's part of

what I need to talk to you all about." Susan and Daphne gasped while

Harry and Sirius looked on stupidly.

"I won't be running for Minister once the election is over and the new

Minister is sworn in I'll be back to only being the Head of the DMLE,"

Amelia said with a small smile at the girls.

"But you've worked for this your whole life," Sirius said in concern for his

wife, she wanted to be Minister for a while and was planning on running

when Fudge's term ended.

"Yes but with the war coming I'm going to have another responsibility,

one that takes precedent over becoming Minister especially during a time

of war," Amelia said hinting but Sirius still didn't get it.

Harry though had the provebial light bulb go off over his head and

snickered, smirked, and handed the still full goblet of wine to Sirius,

"Here Padfoot I think you're going to need this." Daphne swatted Harry

but grinned at him while Susan snickered at her uncle-in-law.

"Will someone please fill me the bloody hell in," Sirius said noticing

everyone laughing at him.

"Honestly how you even got through Hogwarts amazes me sometimes,"

Amelia mumbled, "I'm pregnant Sirius." *Thud* Sirius hit the ground.

The teens laughed at the man while Susan looked at him oddly, "He sure

faints a lot for a Gryffindor." That brought a snort from Amelia and more

laughter from Harry and Daphne. Sirius looked up from the floor at

Amelia who raised an eyebrow at him. He scrambled up from the floor

downed the wine and sat heavily for a minute.

Finally a wide grin split across his face, "I'm gonna be a father!" Sirius got

up a danced a jig before pulling Amelia in for kiss. He waltzed around

the room with a grinning Amelia while sing, "I'm a father." Once they sat

back down Daphne, Susan, and Harry all got up and gave them hugs,

congratulating them.

"So how far along are you," Susan asked happily.

"Eight weeks. Harry I also wanted to take you to the department of

mysteries today and retrieve that damned prophecy. Maybe Voldemort

will make a move than I'm sick of waiting for it to happen. But enough of

that how's the year gone so far now that Umbridge is gone?" They

cheerfully filled her in on the pranks, Sirius's teaching, and weeding out

those students who followed Voldemort.

"Welcome to the first meeting of the Defense Association," Sirius

announced standing on the platform provided by the room of

requirement. "For those of you who think this is just school club you are

sorely mistaken," Sirius was oddly serious for once. "Professor Flitwick

has given me permission to discipline you as I see fit while you are

participating. I will not just be teaching you how to duel; I will be

teaching you how to survive in a fight for your life. I expect you to work

your arse off in here, if you have problem with this than I suggest you

leave now!" Sirius spoke in a deadly tone and that combined with Severus

glaring at the assembled group made more than a few students leave.

Severus stepped forth next, "Now as you no doubt read in the Daily

Prophet this morning Voldemort is alive and well. I, Severus Tobias

Snape swear on my magic that what I am about to tell you is the truth."

Magic sealed his vow with a flash of silvery gray that matched is aura,

the students gasped as they oath was made if he lied at all his magic

would be forfeit. "Most of you have heard by now that I was a spy during

the dark lord's first reign, though before the oath I doubt most of you

believed it. As a spy I took the Dark Lord's mark and until last year when

a way was finally found to remove it, it was present on my arm. The

mark as the department of mysteries found out was tied to the Dark

Lord's magic had he died on All Hallows Eve in 1981 the mark would

have vanished with him. Throughout the years the mark has been

documented as growing darker until it returned to its vibrancy at the end

of last year, marking the Dark Lord's return. Now we don't why he hasn't

struck yet but we will use this lull to prepare our world so it will not

come to such harm as during the first war. Now given Professor Black's

warning and my own statements here today, I want those of you here to

think very hard about joining this group. The time will come when those

in this group may be called to fight. If you still want to join come back

next week. Oh and levicorpis," Severus said pointing his wand at Sirius

upending him.

"Oh very funny, Severus let me down," Sirius complained as he hung

upside down by one foot. The tension in the room was broken and the

students left some laughing others still looking thoughtful.

The next week began the first meeting of the Defense Association in

earnest. Sirius and Severus were at the helm and worked surprisingly

well together, Sirius's expertise was light sided spells and offset Severus's

dark sided expertise, while they're personalities offset each other. Some

responded to Sirius's easy going nature while others like Harry responded

to being pushed hard by Severus. The turnout was for the Defense

Association was above what they expected and encompassed students

from all houses and from third year and up. From Slytherin house they

had Aoife, Astoria, Ginny, Malcom Baddock, Gram Pritchard, Aaron, Jess,

Beau, two fourth years Selene Corvin and Gwenth Raiden, and a fifth

year Mathis Westmore. Gryffindor had the largest turnout with the

majority of each year fourth year and up turned out and out of the

Gryffindor's left only a few would bear watching. Hufflepuff and

Ravenclaw each out a decent turn out.

"Weasley if you don't more your arse I'm going to move it for you,"

Severus growled out as he noticed the youngest male barely moving in

the dodging exercise. The Weasel made the mistake of rolling his eyes.

"That's it," murmured with sharpness, before flicking his wand producing

an echoing booming noise that made half the class duck and cover.

Everyone turned silently to Severus who's glare was worthy of Medusa.

Severus spoke in a deadly but velvet tone that all the Slytherins in the

room flinched at, someone was in trouble. "As Professor Black and I have

stated many times the purpose of the stinging hex in this exercise is to

represent two of the Death Eaters' favorite curses, the cruciatus curse and

the killing curse. Both of which are unblockable so dodging is imperative.

Mr. Ronald Weasley here feels that dodging is above him, we will prove

him wrong." Whispers rang out through the class, most wondering if

Snape was going to use the unforgivables. Ron himself was starting to

sweat and was trying to subtly moving out of the dodging circle he was

in; unfortunately for him the dodging circles prevented his leaving. The

dodging circles were drawn rather like runes and were tied to the caster.

Once inside the circle the dodger and any spells fired into the circle were

locked in by a ward. The only one able to dispel the ward was the caster

in this case, Severus or Sirius. Ronald had no choice but to stay in the


Severus walked over to the watching group and stopped in front of Harry

and whispered into his ear. Harry smirked and then winked at the


Severus moved back over in front of Ron's circle as the students around

Harry gasped as Aiolos rose up out of his skin and then slithered out of

his shirt and down onto the floor. Parvati stifled a scream as the Aiolos

grew to her full size before moving over to coil near Severus. She hissed

in a menacing way but Harry fought laughter at what she actually said,

laughing would have ruined Severus' plan.

"Considering the cruciatus and the killing curse are illegal, we'll have to

use a substitute to give Mr. Weasley the proper motivation. For those of

you who don't know the king cobra cans strike at three meters per

second," Severus said with a look towards Aiolos, "meaning she can cover

ten feet in a one second, faster than any curse flung at you. King cobras

also have one of deadliest bites known to man; one bite can kill a grown

elephant." Aiolos hissed again rising up to look Ron in the eyes.

Harry snickered and leaned over to Daphne, "She said stop you're making

me blush, the show off." Daphne turned into her husband's chest to cover

her laughter. Some of those gathered thought she was distraught at

Harry's familiar being used in such away. Those New Marauders in the

crowd knew better as Aiolos was known for making snarky comments.

Ron looked like he was going to faint as Severus said, "Begin." Aiolos

waited a half second before striking forward at lightning speed. Ron just

managed to dodge out of the way of the snake. Aiolos struck out again

and again for about a minute until Ron started slowing and stumbled to

his left. Aiolos struck out and landed a bite on the boy's right leg. Ron let

out a pitiful screech that sounded more like a dying a cat than a fifteen

year old boy.

"AHHHHH! IT'S," whine, "GONNA," sob, "KILL," moan, "ME!" He was

moaning and whining making the others cringed and some of the smarter

students frown in disgust. He lay on the floor whimpering and rolling

around on the floor and flailing his limbs around.

Finally a Ravenclaw sixth year shouted, "You prat king cobra venom's a

paralytic. You're not dying. You're not even bleeding that badly you


"Thank you Mr. Marsters," Sirius said sarcastically as he glared at Ron

Weasley, a quick eipsky healing the bite mark on his leg. "We've been

doing dodging exercises for two weeks and you can only last a minute.

You'll have detention with me tonight, be prepared to work out as you

should be anyways."

"Um, Harry?" Parvati asked quietly as she eyed Aiolos who was sprawled

across her wizard's shoulders. "Why didn't Aiolos's venom do anything?"

"Aiolos like most venomous snakes can do what is called a dry bit, or a

bite that doesn't contain any venom. It's mostly used for defense by

cobras." Harry explained, "I wouldn't risk my familiar on Weasley. I asked

her not to use her venom; though she was rather loath to comply Ronald

isn't her favorite person." As Harry said that Ginny walked up and gave

Aiolos a scratch under her jaw.

"Such a good familiar," Ginny muttered before smirking at her rapidly

turning red youngest brother. Those around her snickered, even the


"That's enough for today," Severus announced. "Next meeting I expect all

of you to be able to perform the protego shield, stunning spell, and

summononing spell silently." The Defense Association groaned but were

quickly silenced at look from both Professors. The DA filled out of the

Room of Requirement though the New Marauders, most of the Gryffindor

quidditch team, and a few others stayed behind to chat, the room

changing to a common room type room.

"Aiolos come here for a moment?" Daphne asked, she was talking with

Parvati about their rounds later today when she remembered the lessons

on bogarts. Aiolos slithered over to Daphne and rose up to settle around

Daphne. Parvati looked nervous and Padma came over to take her sister's

hand. "She won't hurt you; she's actually very gentle unless of course she's

hunting. Your bogart was a cobra if I remember correctly?"

"Yes," Parvati said shakily reaching out a hand to pat Aiolos as she had

seen Ginny do. Parvati looked surprised as she pet the large snake, "She's

not slimy," she muttered under her breath but Aiolos let out a snort,

scarring Parvati a bit.

"Don't worry she's laughing," Harry spoke joining his wife and the two

Patils, "She said no matter how often idiots refer to us as slimy we are

not," Harry said imitating Aiolos's haughty tone before smirking at his


"What happened that made you afraid of king cobras?" Daphne asked as

Aiolos moved so she was now draped over both of Harry and her


"When we were visiting our grandparents in India, a king cobra somehow

ended up in Par's bed," Padma answered giving her sister's hand a


"Yeah that would definitely do it," Daphne said.

"WELCOME HOGWARTS to the first quidditch match of the season

between GRYFFINDOR AND SLYTHERIN!" Lee Jordan announced in his

final year at Hogwarts and as announcer. "A promising match we shall

have today folks, as Gryffindor is led by Angelina Johnson, one of the

best looking girls, right sorry Professor, the successor to Oliver Wood!"

Angelina shot a withering glare at Lee who merely winked. "AND

Slytherin being led by Marcus Flint's successor Aaron Vaisey."

As they circled the pitch Aaron commented to Harry, "What my arse

doesn't look glorious biased commentators." The Slytherins laughed as

they flew.

"I would comment but anyway I do Daphne might kill me," Harry called


To which Urquhart responded, "Well then allow me," he glanced over to

Angelina and then back at his captain, "Nope she's got you beat there

cap." Ginny rolled her eyes and flew next to Jess then hit upside the back

of his head.

"That's for your girlfriend," she hit him again, "and that was for

Angelina." The team snickered.

Lee announced then, "Seems like there's trouble in paradise of the

Slytherin champions as Ginny Weasley the first female member of

Slytherin Quidditch in twenty years, smacks Urquhart! Weasley is

following a long standing tradition of Weasley Quidditch players. Is she


Fred and George preened rather similarly to peacocks as their friend

announced their names. "LET'S FIND OUT! Madam Hooch calls the

captains together to shake and they mount their brooms. The snitch is

out between Potter and the new Gryffindor seeker Tina McLaggan,

younger sister to the new keeper for Gryffindor Cormac McLaggen. Tina

is a prodigy similar to Potter himself being given permission to fly as a

first year! AND THE QUAFFLE'S UP! It's won by JOHNSON! She streaks

down the pitch, passes to BELL, Bell to Spinnent, Spinnent back to

Johnson who SHOOTS! OHH SAVED BY VAISEY even as he's hit by a

zinger from WEASLEY! The Slytherins are on the move down the pitch in

a Hawkshead formation with Montague in the lead, he drops back to

Malfoy who dodges a bludger! Barrel roles switching sides with Weasley



rocket at McLaggen who stretches but NO! IT's past his fingertips barely.


Harry floated around the pitch on his Firebolt, he leant Ginny his Nike

broom for the game. He preferred his Firebolt, he was more comfortable

with his turns and feints on the Firebolt. The match seemed to be

relatively even though both McLaggen's were green played to Slytherins

advantage. Ginny fit in seamlessly with the Slytherins thanks to days

spent at Potter Manor, she could also anticipate her brothers' attacks

from years of watching them play. Tina was good Harry would give her

that, bought so far she lacked the ability to break up plays, it didn't help

that she was only about ninety pounds and rather short. She was a small

player but fast. Harry glanced around and saw no sign of the snitch but

Gryffindor had a breakaway. Harry turned and sped down towards the

Gryffindor chaser trio. Dove straight down for Katie Bell, who currently

held the quaffle. Katie was so focused on avoiding Draco who was

coming up at her from underneath she didn't see Harry. Harry shot down

and punched the quaffle out of Katie's arms, into Draco's waiting hands.

Draco turned with the quaffle coming face to face with Angelina.

"Draco!" Ginny called out she was under him; he dropped the quaffle

down to Ginny who through Hail Mary down to Montague who had

recovered from the bludger attack that resulted in the Gryffindor


"Montague's got a one on one with McLaggen thanks to the WEASLEY'S

HAIL MARY down the pitch. Montague shoots, it's a FAKE! He fires into

the right hoop. "SLYTHERIN 60 to GRYFFINDOR 40!" Harry flew back up

over the pitch and kept his search going. Draco and Ginny both scored

once more before he spotted the snitch. It was floating above the sand

under play. He dove immediately he swerved in and out of players;

almost knocking into George, unfortunately for George his brother's

bludger aimed for Harry hit him in the nose breaking it. As Harry twisted

back onto his broom proper and raced after the snitch he felt someone

come up on him. He looked back slightly and made out Tina behind him.

Harry cursed internally; Tina on a Nimbus 2000 could equal Harry's

speed almost thanks to her slight build. Harry pressed himself to his

Firebolt mimicking the twists and turns of the snitch. Tina shadowing

him almost even with him. The snitch banked right and Harry followed

but Tina had the inside track and pulled ahead. Harry willed his broom

as fast as it could go and pulled even with Tina who was reaching for the

snitch one hand off her broom. As she swiped for it the snitch pulled left

out of her reach and she pitched off her broom and into the sand unable

to control the broom with one hand through the turn. Harry saw her fall

out of the corner of his eye; he smiled inwardly, and reached out closing

his fist around the snitch. "And damn it Slytherin wins! Woohoo!" Lee

announced rather put out and with a roll of his eyes, the Slytherins

laughed as McGonagall scolded Jordan. Harry landed and moved over to

where Tina McLaggan was sitting up.

Harry looked over for injuries, "Are you hurt?" he said offering his hand.

Tina glanced warily at the outstretched hand before she shook her head

no and allowed him to help her up. "You know the first time my father-

in-law let me chase a snitch I did the same thing. Only our pitch is all

grass and no sand, tore my arm up pretty bad. You did could but next

time don't take your hand off 'til you're within reach, it prevents that

from happening." Tina nodded with a small smile and then headed off to

where Angelina had gathered the Gryffindors. Harry was hoisted into the

air by Vaisey.

"Oh shite," Daphne muttered dropping her tea cup, it shattered. Harry

sped through the bathroom into their suites' common room and over the

couch in front of Daphne. He knelt next to her, moving the paper out of

her hands and then checking her for a cut from the cup before pulling

back and forcing her to look at him.

She was frightened, "Daph what's wrong?"

"Paper," She said without feeling. Harry picked it up and looked at the

title his eyes growing hard.

He read through the article, "Fuck. We're going to need to check on

Neville but are you okay?"

"I will be its just that we were training but nothing was really happening.

Now it's really started. Those were some of the worst criminals in the

United Kingdom, after Azkaban I can't imagine any of them being better

now." Harry pulled Daphne into his arms and sat back down on the couch

with her wrapped around him.

"We will make it through this war I promise you that. There," he nodded

to the paper indicating the escapee's, "going to pay especially the


Harry rocked her for a few minutes before she calmed down and leaned

in giving him a long lingering kiss. "Thanks now we need to see how

Neville's doing, get dressed." Daphne was already in jeans, a t-shirt, and a

Slytherin zip up, as it was the Sunday after yesterday's Quidditch match.

Harry gave her one more kiss before moving back to their bathroom to

finish shaving. Harry decided to spike his hair in a Mohawk to see what

Professor McGonagall would have to say; really the woman was too

serious for her own good sometimes. He threw on a Sex Pistols t-shirt and

a pair of black ripped jeans before coming out and strapping his wand

holster to his arm. Daphne watched him and licked her lips, then groaned

when he looked up at her with his lopsided grin.

"You ready, I sent a message over the mirrors to everyone, and we're

meeting in the classroom." Harry asked oblivious to Daphne's thoughts.

Daphne sighed, Neville needed his friends right now and probably a few

training dummies to kill, "Fine let's go." Harry looked at her strangely

before he shrugged and they left for through the Slytherin common room

to meet up with their snake friends before leaving. As they greeted each

other Harry discreetly watched the common room there were grins on

some of the students' faces. Finally they all turned to leave when Harry

felt it coming. Harry spun with his wand out and forced Daphne behind

him. The spell dissipated against his shield harmlessly, as Daphne moved

up next to Harry but forced Astoria behind her and Draco, Theo doing

the same for Ginny and Aoifie while Blaise and Tracey moved next to

Harry. While they moved Harry zeroed in Warrington and sent a wasted

no time sending back at the arrogant seventh year a silent bone breaker.

Warrington managed to shield but not enough as Harry's powerful bone

breaker passed through the shield. Warrington dropped his wand as his

wrist fractured under Harry's well placed spell.

The common room immediately split with about a third of the house

drawing their wands and moving to stand by Harry. Harry was surprised

as more than just those Slytherin's in the DA stood with him, a few but

still surprising. The majority of the other two thirds joined Warrington's

side but a few neutrals moved to the sides of the walls.

"Now we'll see who dies, Potter. Your band of merry mudbloods should

be on watch," Pansy Parkinson sneered.

"Really?" Harry asked, "You might want that wrist checked Warrington,

as for your wand, Daph?" Harry asked and tossed Warrington's wand into

the air, he had summoned it as the room split like the red sea.

Daphne grinned and cast, "Defodio," the gouging hex destroyed the older

teen's wand. The purebloods gasped, destroying someone's wand was

unheard of, even prisoners just had their wands taken and locked up.

Warrington started to charge but was quickly stopped going stiff as a

board before falling over, "That is quite enough!" Severus's voice boomed

around the common room. Some of the Slytherins jumped and put their

wands away but the New Marauders and some of the fiercest mini Death

Eater's did not. "Whoever has their wands out by the time I count to three

will lose it! One…" he looked around and the New Marauders lowered

their wands but did not holster them. "TWO…" he glared at the students

on the far side of the common room, "Three!" The idiots new enough to

put their wands away before he said three, unfortunately. "Warrington

you will be coming with me! Did you really think I would not have

monitoring spells in this common room; you cast an organ dissolving

curse at another student. If it were any other student who put up a shield

they'd be dead and you would have a first class ticket straight to

Azkaban! As it is Mr. Potter is strong enough that a simple protego will

protect him from any of you." Severus was livid as he spoke, his face was

turning red and the wand in his hand kept twitching.

"As of right now all of Slytherin house is on probation, if you do anything

to jeopardize the safety of your fellow students I will personally throw

you out the gates of Hogwarts!" He shot a withering glare at his students

reminding them he was once a Death Eater, even if he was just a spy,

before levitating Warrington out of the room. The students' passions were

culled by Severus's speech and those on Harry's side left the common

room. Harry didn't turn until he was out the door.

"Alright before we go our separate ways listen up," Harry called to the

Slytherins around him. "Ward your beds at night we've had attacks

already. If you don't know how ask one of the older students in Runes,

alright?" They nodded before heading off.

"We need to meet up later," Vaisey said to Harry, Draco, Ginny, Jess, and

Beau. "We need a new beater. I doubt Warrington will be back and even

if he is, he won't be playing for me anymore."

"After dinner we can meet in our rooms," Harry said indicating his and

Daphne's room with his head; they were standing in front of the statue

that guarded the entrance.

"That'll work," they all agreed before Aaron, Jess, and Beau left too.

The Slytherin New Marauders left for their room talking quietly about

Warrington. They paused as they entered the room. Where the two

training dummies were kept was now a whole in the stone work that an

elf in a Hogwarts' uniform shaking his head at it.

"So I take we missed the cursing?" Harry quipped. Neville maturely

flipped him the bird before apologizing to the elf. The little elf glared at

Neville before snapping his fingers and wall repaired its self.

The elf turned back and flashed Neville a smile, "Nobody's gone through

the whole wall before, not even former headmasters." The little elf

popped out leaving Neville shocked, the others just laughed.

"You okay?" Harry asked his rather introverted friend.

"Better. I won't be truly okay 'til their dead," Neville said quietly.

Harry placed a hand on Neville's shoulder, "We'll help with that, the

LeStranges should have been executed the first time. Speaking of which

why weren't they?"

"The LeStranges are an old family and the last of that family," Draco

spoke. "They weren't executed because their money stopped it from

happening, while my dad was able to by his way out on the imperious,

Aunt Bella and her husband and brother-in-law are very devoted

followers. They would never dream of saying they weren't in control."

Neville made a face at Draco calling Bellatrix Aunt Bella. "Sorry Nev, my

mum used to tell me stories of them growing up before Bellatrix went

insane. And she did go insane, by that book on the mind Hermione lent

me, I would guess schizophrenia. Nobody would have caught it or even

admitted to it in the Black family though, I doubt even my mum would."

Neville simply nodded before looking towards Hermione, "Do you think

my parents could benefit from a muggle mind healer?"

"What's they're diagnosis?" Hermione asked softly.

"They don't have one, physically there's nothing wrong with them,"

Neville replied with a shrug.

Hermione looked a bit disgusted that the wizarding world didn't have any

help for Neville's parents, "It wouldn't hurt any but we would have to try

and find a squib or a muggleborn that went into psychology."

"Mrs. Tonks might know of one," Daphne added before something

dawned on her, "where are Hannah and Susan?"

Neville answered, "Ernie MacMillian's older brother was one of the aurors

stationed as a guard at Azkaban. He was killed last night during the

breakout. Sprout wanted everyone in the common room."

"So who all broke out," Ginny asked, "I only saw the headline."

"Fifteen convicted Death Eaters broke out and twenty more criminals

who they suspect joined Voldy," Theo answered, "Including Umbridge."

"Bugger, Umbridge really," Tracey asked?"

"Yep she's one they want captured or killed at all costs," Harry replied

and at Astoria's look explained further, "She was one of the highest

Ministry officials, so she has a lot of information to give Voldy."

"Who were the other criminals the ones that weren't Death Eaters before,"

Hermione asked.

"Your garden variety murders, rapists, and enforcers who didn't want to

stay in prison any longer," Blaise answered. "I'm surprised Voldy didn't

kill the rest but at the same time Azkaban is practically torture. It

definitely isn't a shining example for human rights."

"Hey guys," Hannah and Susan said coming in looking a bit stressed.

"How's Ernie?" Harry asked as Hannah sat down on Neville's lap and

Susan took a seat in one of the comfy chairs in the room.

"Bad he was really close to his brother," Susan answered. "His parents are

picking him up later today; he's going home for a week."

"Oh and the dementors deserted Azkaban too," Theo added.

"Damn," was collectively spoken by all of them.

"Oh, 'ello." Hagrid said as he opened the door seeing Harry, Daphne,

Neville, and Blaise, his most enthusiastic students.

"Hey Hagrid, we wanted to welcome you back," Harry replied.

"Well come in, get some tea." Hagrid ushered them in. They set down

around the table in Hagrid's hut and he put on some water and took a

seat putting a steak on his eye. His eye was rather black and blue.

"Hagrid what happened to your eye," Daphne said getting up and moving

the steak before Hagrid could protest.

"Well I went to visit me family, favor to Dumbledore yeh see," Hagrid


"Giants I take it by the bruise," Daphne asked, Hagrid nodded, "Harry do

you have any potions on you?" Harry had taken to carrying some minor

healing potions as he found some students during his prefect rounds some

students were reluctant to visit Madam Pomfrey for whatever reason.

Harry pulled out a vial of with a bruise potion and handed it over to his


"I'd use a spell but I'm not sure how effective it would be," Daphne said,

"The potion should take care of it better than a steak."

"So your visit didn't go well?"

"It wen' well 'til some Death Eaters showed up. Then it wen' downhill

rather quick, it did. Got outta there af'er tha'."

"So it's safe to say the best we can hope for is the giants stay neutral,"

Blaise asked though no one needed to answer.

"Well now that your back can we switch to an animal other than

unicorns, the only ones that can go near the herd is the Professor,

Daphne, and Megan Jones. Even they don't manage to get that close,"

Neville remarked.

"Unicorns, hey?" Hagrid replied. "What else yer been studying?"

"Bowtruckles, nifflers, and kneazles. We all own kneazles it's been rather

boring without you," Harry said grinning until Daphne hit him upside the

head. "What? It has." Hagrid beamed at Harry happy that others enjoyed

the same animals he did.

"I got some good ones planned. Though don't know how many of yer be

able ta see the Thestrals, maybe yer could draw the herd fer me. I'd give

yer extra credit fer it?"

"Yeah sure I could use some of the paints Aunt Amelia gave me to

animate them," Harry volunteered.

Hagrid beamed, "Right. Few days be enough time?" Harry nodded and

the friends spent the rest of the time discussing fact from fiction about

giants. Later that night they discovered Warrington had been expelled by

Flitwick. Viasey had elected to hold another try-out to fill the beater


"Alright class gather round today I'm gonna teach yer about Thestrals.

Now I 'magine most of yer can't see 'em but here at Hogwarts and in fact

right now in front of yer is a herd of Thestrals," Hagrid was excited you

could tell by the way he was practically bouncing in place, quite a feat

for a half giant, Harry thought he felt the ground moving. Hagrid pulled

out an apple and tossed it behind him. The majority of the class watched

in awe as the apple hung there in the air and then gasped when a bite

was taken out of it.

"What yer looking like that fer, this is the wizarding world," Hagrid asked

the dubious looking students like they were a bit slow. Harry had to

laugh at the others face; really half of them were purebloods. "Now don't

worry for those of yer who can't see them I had Harry here draw up some

pictures of the herd. Did a right good job of it too," Hagrid said smiling

proudly at his student. Harry took his cue and took out some easels from

his bag enlarging them, then placing his drawings on them. The students

who couldn't see the Thestrals moved over to exam them. The few who

could see them moved closer to the herd after seeing Harry step up and

start petting one of the mares. "Now some people think they're unlucky

but, they aren't. Does anyone know why they're considered unlucky? Mr.


"They can only be seen by those who have seen death," Theo said a bit

pale as he looked at the Thestrals.

"Right five points to Slytherin. Now Thestrals are very clever and

typically gentle creatures unless yer annoy then they might take a bit

outta yer," Hagrid said eyeing Ron Weasley. "Now those of yer that can

see them can go ahead and pet 'em like Harry's doing. Get use to 'em and

yer can fly 'em during the next few classes." That cheered up the students

who could see them well except Neville who didn't share the same

appreciation for flying. Harry, Theo, Neville, Blaise, Morag McDougal,

and Wayne Hopkins were trying to feed the Thestrals some apples while

the others in the class were studying the pictures Harry drew, one of

them had a detailed description of the different parts of the Thestrals.

They walked back to the castle for dinner from the Thestrals, chatting

quietly about the chances of astronomy getting canceled tonight if it

snowed. Harry had his arm over Daphne's shoulders and was looking off

into the distance.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Daphne asked using the muggle phrase

Tracey's mum used around them.

Harry looked down at her and smiled, "I was thinking of getting another

tattoo," his words were half question, half statement.

"Mmhm, where?" Daphne hummed her questioned.

"I wanted to get a thestral on my back; I'm not sure how big yet."

Daphne's eyes glazed over as he talked. "I want to put the dates of my

parents' lives on it."

Daphne snapped out of her lusty haze at those words and looked at Harry

softly, "I think it would look great and it's a fitting tribute. There is

something rather hauntingly beautiful about them."

Harry smiled back at her, "So where do you get a tattoo in the magical


Daphne looked puzzled, "I don't know, maybe Tonks would though?"

"I'll send her a letter, Hedwig's been getting restless anyways with Sirius

being here and how busy Amelia is. Amelia finally got the Wizenmagot to

pass the law allowing dark mark detectors at the Ministry."

"Finally I can't wait for the bastards who dragged their feet to get

caught," Theo exclaimed after hearing Harry's words.

"What about those who were imperious in the first war, or claimed it

anyways?" Draco asked as they all took seats at the Ravenclaw table with

Hermione and Luna Lovegood.

"Talking about the dark mark detectors?" Susan asked as she sat down

with Hannah. They nodded. "Another part of the law one of the sticking

points with the Wizenmagot is that anyone caught with the dark mark is

subject to mandatory questioning under veritaserum."

"Good maybe we'll actually stand a chance now when he strikes, instead

of falling like a house of cards," Hannah said surprising them all. "What

my dad is part of the Wizenmagot guys?

"Yeah it's just," Draco trailed off.


"You're a 'puff and that was mean," Draco looked confused like the

thought clashed with his universe. *Thump* "OWE what was that for!"

Susan had kicked him under the table and glared at him.

"Idiot," Susan muttered before Hermione spoke.

"That's all well and good but what about the unmarked that help, like

Bagman?" Nobody had an answer for that.

"Oh guys, I finished my form," Theo said excitedly.

"Great so a run tonight after astronomy in honor," Harry asked. The

group nodded excited for the run, it would be their first time in the forest

this year.


Sorry about the wait got stuck a little. Next chapter there will

probably be an attack by Voldy and people will die.

Thanks for the reviews,


35. The war officially begins

"Holy SHITE! Where the hell did that come from!" Aaron shouted at the

same time he tried to whisper the words. Harry would have laughed but

he just sat there hovering on his broom in shock. They were watching as

a second year tiny little thing completely annihilate every beater

challenge Vaisey and Urquhart could think of. Catherine Rowle was

twelve year old born to both a squib father and mother, her mother was a

from a prominent pure-blood family from Australia. They met in the

United States where they both moved to early on.

"You can close your mouths now," Cat quipped sarcastically.

"Cat where the hell did you learn that?" Ginny asked and the boys on the

team just nodded along.

"You know both my parents are squibs right and I'm American?" They

nodded. "Well dad's favorite sport is baseball. Since I was five I've been

playing fast-pitch softball, basically the girl equivalent and the better

one," she smirked.

"I saw one of those games on TV, before Dudley changed the channel that

is," Harry said.

"Yeah well the U.S. rocks at it and were totally going to take the gold

during the Olympics this year."

"Can you show us a pensive memory of some games, so we know how

you got this good," Harry suggested as most of the team including himself

were still rather clueless.

"Sure, sure."

"Alright try-outs over!" Vaisey yelled, "You got the job practice is

Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturdays."

"Sweet this help with my training," She stated and at their looks

explained, "I want to go back and play in college, no offense but this

world really sucks for my parents." They nodded all knowing how

pureblood families react to squibs especially the Rowle family.

"How did try outs go," Daphne asked later that night as they were in their

own common room. Daphne was running her hands through Harry's hair

as he lay with his head in her lap. She was reading an ancient runes' text

given to her by Professor Babbling, it was an ancient Egyptian text that

showed runes being used it different aspects of farming. Daphne was

excited to try and adapt them to her family's greenhouses.

"Good Cat Rowle is the new beater and insanely good. I think Jess is

jealous," Harry snickered.

"Andromeda wrote back to Neville she contacted a few clients she knows

and found a squib neurologist whose going to take over treatment of

Neville's parents. He's going to contact a psychologist he knows also.

Neville gave permission in the letter to Andromeda to give his parents

files if she found a doctor. He suspects they may have retreated into their

minds from pain among any other problems."

"That's great!" Harry said sitting up a smile stretching across his face for

his friend.

"Yes but Neville's grandmother isn't thrilled with trusting muggle or squib

doctors," Daphne sighed. "Neville already okayed it though and his

parents are being moved to the National Hospital for Neurology and

Neurosurgery already. Apparently Lady Longbottom is less then pleased

she sent a howler to Neville. Susan sent Amelia a letter to try and have

her talk to Lady Longbottom."

"But he's trying to have them helped," Harry started. "What the bloody

hell could she have to say against that!"

"Lady Longbottom grew up in a time where squibs were supposed to be

silent non-entities who accepted their lot in life and worked for the

family. Squibs like the neurologist Andromeda found were treated like

Andromeda and Sirius, cast out and forbidden contact."

"Stupid bloody fucking purebloods," Harry said getting up off the couch

and standing with his arm on the mantel of the fireplace. Daphne got up

and wrapped her arms around his chest from behind and gave his

shirtless back a kiss. Before laying her head up against his back.

"Different generations, babe," Daphne said quietly, "same as in the

muggle world.

"I know I just don't get how people piss family away," He turned and

brought Daphne into his arms, "Come on let's go to bed." They walked to

the bedroom with Harry's arm wrapped around Daphne.

"Awe how cute," Aiolos hissed sarcastically from where she was curled on

the couch.

"Jealousss," Harry hissed back with a smirk.

Aiolos sighed, "I need to get laid."

"HOLD," Sirius yelled out to the DA who were fighting in mock duels.

Half were fighting, the other half were watching and taking notes.

Fighting was exactly the right word for what they were doing too, they

were not dueling. Severus and Sirius both had drilled it into them this

past semester that Death Eaters, didn't bow, take ten paces, or wait

stupidly for their opponent to throw a spell.

"Who can tell me what Dean here did perfectly and what Michael Corner

did wrong," Sirius asked. He was standing next to Dean who was in the

process of getting up off of Michael Corner., who was unconscious on the


"Perfectly! He cheated," Stephen Cornfoot exclaimed. Sirius just looked at

him like he was stupid as did some of the others in the room, most were

either muggleborn or half-bloods. The other purebloods looked like they

were in agreement with Cornfoot. Harry tried not to laugh as Sirius woke

up Corner and healed him; he mostly fainted from the sight of the blood

coming out of his nose. Sirius asked him the questioned but Michael

looked rather outraged himself.

"Seamus your snickering along with my godson tell me why?"

"Cause no Death Eater's goin' to give a rats arse 'bout cheating," Seamus


"Five points to Gryffindor. Now Dean here did exactly what every single

one of you should do if you're disarmed and have a Death Eater gloating

over you. Beat the crap out of him! You never stop to gloat while your

opponent is still awake or alive or there our spells flying around you!

Corner go run some laps, Dean give him his wand back." As Sirius spoke

a track appeared and Corner sighed wanting to curse his damn pride, laps

sucked. He had Dean's wand but stood over the cocky Gryffindor to gloat

only to find himself with his legs kicked out from under him and Dean

pummeling him in the face.

"Alright let's switch it up." Sirius called and the students taking notes

walked over to get their sparring partners from Severus. Severus had a

tendency to pair up students that had disagreements during the week,

this had one expected advantage and one unexpected advantage. The

expected one was that the students took the duels more seriously than if

they were dueling their friends. The unexpected one was leaving many of

the professors happy, duels over girls or guys, or just petty disagreements

weren't being fought illicitly instead the students waited for the Friday

meeting of the DA to duke it out. Severus and Sirius made sure the

students understood that all arguments ended after Friday duels.

The only students who weren't permitted to duel others were the New

Marauders, they could only duel amongst themselves separate from the

group. Occasionally Severus and Sirius paired up two or three of the

regular DA students against one of the New Marauders. Those duels

tended to be a learning experience for the DA and helped the students to

realize sometimes it was better to cut and run than keep fighting. So far

the DA had learned to dodge, summon silently, stun silently, and shield

silently using protego, orbis protego, and revenio protego, which set the

curse back at the caster. They had learned only a few offensive spells,

ones that were easily cast back to back, confrigo, defodio, diffindo,

expelliarmus, impedimenta, reducto and bombarda. They were being

taught to get creative with their spells during duels. Using simpler spells

that Death Eaters wouldn't bother shielding or even paying attention to

once cast, the twins were the best at it using spells around their

opponents that were time release or seemed absurd until the effect took

place. Sirius had taken the twins under his wing and was training them

outside of DA.

"Gather round," Sirius called out to the DA. "Since this is the last meeting

before break we figured you could have some fun. We going to have a

game of capture the flag." With that the room changed around them, they

were standing in a clearing and either side of them was a forest that

reminded them of the Forbidden Forest. "In the forest on either side is a

cabin you can put your flag in there and come up with your game plan."

"Nominate your captains," Severus said and immediately voices rang out.

"Hadrian or Harry," came from a majority of the voices.

"Aaron," came from Harry. Aaron rolled his eyes at Harry having called

out Harry's name.

"Angelina," was called by Katie Bell, Alicia, and the majority of


"Rodger," was called by some of the Ravens and Puffs that hadn't called

Harry's name.

Severus, "Do you four want to be up for captain?" All but Vaisey nodded.

He wrote the three names on a board that appeared and took a vote.

"Hadrian and Miss. Johnson are captains." They picked their teams with

Angelina going first and selected Fred.

Harry smirked at her, "George. You didn't really think I let you have both

of them?"

Angelina let her anger get the best of her and picked, "Daphne." Daphne

sighed as she joined the side with Fred and Angelina.

"Ready to lose babe," Harry quipped as she walked past him; she stuck

her tongue out at him. "Blaise."

"Calm down Angelina," Daphne muttered to her captain, "he's trying to

make you angry." They continued on and off until everyone was on a

team, Harry choosing more for strategy while Angelina picked her friends

more often than not.

"Alright here are your flags," Sirius handed over a white flag to each

captain, the flags changed in their hands. Harry's flag turned green and

had a king cobra coiled around a lightning bolt. Angelina's changed to

gold and had a lion roaring with a wand and broom crossed underneath

the lion.

"You may only stun your opponents," Severus spoke, "once stunned you

will have a minute to revive your downed teammate, if they are not

revived I or Professor Black will escort you from play. Your flag must be

placed where the other team may retrieve it. You have twenty minutes to

plan your strategy," He dismissed them to their sides.

Harry led his team quietly through the woods and about five minutes in

came to the cabin. It was a simple, one story, ranch style cabin that was

empty in side save for a fire place. Harry smirked when he saw it and

took the flag casting a fireproofing charm on it, used to protect jewelry

and important documents. Harry placed the flag on the back wall of the

fireplace and stood back.

"Incendio," flames roared to life in the fireplace. "Alright were going to

split up into three. One group led by Blaise is going to be on defense of

the flag. Blaise feel free to use your illusions in different rooms in the

cabin. I want Rose, Selene, Ernie, and Su on defense with Blaise. If the

flag is taken cast the caterwauling charm to let everyone know. Go set

up." Harry turned to those left and smirked as he lead them out of the

cabin, "The second team is going to be in the woods the main goal is to

take out Angelina's fighters. Aaron you're in the lead, I want you Alicia,

George, Ginny, Astoria, Aiofe, Gwenth, Luna, Susan, and Terry to man

the woods. George do you have any of your prank stuff on you?" He

nodded. "Good they said only a stunner can take out the other team but

they didn't say we couldn't get creative with it. I want all of you

disillusioned and to set traps for them. Alicia any tips on how she'll


"Well with Daphne and the others knowing on you think, she'll probably

focus on attacking in numbers. She'll split between the flag and attacking

with more on the attacking side," Alicia replied.

"That's what I thought. Alright she favors the Hawkshead formation in

Quidditch. She'll probably come in at a vee formation now so set up

accordingly. We've got ten minutes get to it." They nodded and Aaron

and his crew took off with Aaron who was giving orders.

"Alright Draco, Nev, you guys ready to do this," Harry asked as he started

leading them through the forest, far right off of the cabin. He was

working with the theory that the other teams' cabin was directly opposite

their own.

They walked in silence until they reached a spot near the main clearing

but still in the woods. They could see Angelina's team spread out around

their side of the clearing. Harry held up his hand and the three Slytherins

stopped and knelt hidden by a cloister of trees and shrubs. "My guess is

she left the Marauders on her team as defense, so we've got Hermione,

Hannah, Theo, Astoria, Tracey, and Daphne at least."

"Only, I counted the fighters on this side of the vee, put together with the

other side leaves only six of them guarding the flag," Draco spoke quietly.

"We've got two minutes," Neville said watching the timer above the trees

set by Severus.

"Alright disillusion charms and silencing charms," Harry whispered. "We

let them pass our fighters can take them out. For us we stay hidden, once

we get the cabin in sight we'll make a new plan, only stun someone if you

have to and do it point blank we don't want the flash to give us away."

They nodded and all three cast the spells they sat disillusioned in the

trees, Neville and Draco on either side of Harry.

The timer stroke zero and Angelina and her fighters started moving

forward slowly. When they all reached the clearing they paused for a

moment as if wondering why no one fired on them yet. They kept

moving and slowly the fighters passed by the trio who kept still and

silent as the last in the line on their side, Zacharias Smith passed. Harry

silently lit the tip of his wand red and the trio moved forward and into

the clearing. They silently moved and heard a girlish shriek come from

behind them.

Neville snorted quietly, "Lavender." They kept moving swiftly and

silently, had anybody been watching closely they would have been able

to see the strange distortion that came with moving while under the

charm. The distortion lessened as they came into the trees on the other

side of clearing. They moved quietly and swiftly through the woods

picking their way through making sure not to step on twigs or leaves.

About twenty yards out from the cabin they stopped, no one was in sight.

They knelt in formation still with Harry in front of the two others; Harry

watched the environment for a few minutes.

Harry smiled to himself and quietly cast, "homenum revelio," on the area.

The area around the cabin lit up with six red outlines, two were up in the

trees about ten yards from the cabin. "Shit, lay flat," Harry muttered. He

relaxed though when he noticed they only circled within ten yards. The

owl landed to the right of the cabin while a small gyrfalcon landed to the

left of the cabin.

"Daphne put up some wards, probably an alarm and a minor protection

ward. Both Hermione and Astoria are in the trees," Harry whispered.

"Ten yards or so," Draco said just as quietly, "for the wards. They're

staying in side of the trees they land on."

"We need to find the rune wards she put up," Harry said.

"My guess is the trees they're on," Neville said.

"To easy, think Slytherin Nev," Draco commented.

"I could send them out but we need to take out the birds first," Harry


"They're gonna kill you for that," Neville chuckled.

"They are birds at the moment."

"Mmhmm try that for a defense," Draco snarked.

"Whatever, focus," Harry muttered.

"Harry do you have your dad's cloak," Neville asked?


"Transform into Bay and we'll stick the cloak to you, find the runes while

we take out them out."

"What about my smell? Bay's a bigger predator then them."

"I've got a pack of dung bombs," Draco suggested.

"That'll work," With that Harry took his dad's cloak out of his pocket and

handed it to Neville. He transformed into Bay and they threw the cloak

over him and stuck it to him, with his snout barely showing. Bay took off

with his nose to the ground while Draco and Neville moved quickly

through the trees. They separated and tossed the dung bombs into the

space around the trees. The birds if possible made a look of disgust and

circled the cabin perimeter but saw, smelt, and heard nothing so they

went back to the trees they were sitting on. When they landed twin jets

of red light struck each of the birds. Draco gently floated Astoria in her

gyrfalcon form down to the ground while Neville scrambled and caught

Strix as she floated down.

They moved quickly from the trees incase those inside of the cabin saw

the light. They moved to the front of the cabin and waited for Harry to

do his thing and scent out the wards. A few minutes later a faint blue

shimmer was seen briefly marking the fallen wards.

Draco jumped a little as something cold and wet hit the back of his neck.

He turned and saw a floating nose. "Nice Harry." They un stuck the cloak

and it fell off showing the large grey wolf that was Bay with his tongue

lolling out of his mouth. Bay lay flat against the ground and transformed

back. Harry replaced the disillusion charm and sat by his friends.

"So kick in the front door, three prong attack, or Santa style?" Harry

asked with a grin.

"Santa style?" Draco and Neville both asked like he was nuts.

"The chimney," Harry said in a voice that clearly stated how did you not

get that.

"I say two through the front door and one through the back window,"

Draco said ignoring Harry. "So who wants to go through the window?"

"I'll do it. It'll be spelled but I can get it open muggle style without

alerting them," Harry volunteered.

"I say we blow the door Gryffindor style and give Harry a better chance

at slipping in," Neville said with a grin.

"You just want to blow something up," Draco quipped.

Neville waggled his eyebrows, "Your point?"

"Right lets use the deprimo spell, it gives off smoke when it blows."

"See you inside," Harry said before moving off to the back of the cabin.

Draco and Neville slunk next to the ground and took up positions on

either side of the door. They waited a few minutes for Harry to get in

place before Draco cast the reavling spell once more, highlighting their

targets. Neville sent the spell at the door and it blew into the cabin, they

entered immediately casting and dropped Tracey and Hannah.

Harry used his knife that he always kept on his person and popped the

screen off the back window. He used his knife blade to prop up the

window enough to slip a wire into it and hook it on the old fashion

window lock. He heard the blast and snickered as Daphne moved in front

of the rooms' door that was open; the flag was in the room he was

currently breaking into. The lock clicked and he slid it open all sound

masked by the duel now taking place. Harry slipped in and quickly

moved behind Daphne. He pressed the tip of his wand to her neck and

cast the stunning spell, catching her as she fell. Draco was unconscious

and Harry quickly revived him and cast at Theo's turned back.

"Incarcerous," the chains shot out of Harry's wand and wrapped around

Theo as Neville disarmed him. The look on Theo's face said it all.

"You guys suck," Theo said as he was stunned by a smirking Draco. The

three teens moved back into the room that Harry broke into and took the


"Aw shite!" Neville said as he picked up the flag and a siren blared

around them. Harry quickly conjured a copy of Angelina's flag.

"Neville give it to Draco," Harry said as they were moving through the

cabin. "Transform and fly it back." Draco nodded took the flag and turned

into his own gyrfalcon form and took off. "Race ya back," Harry smirked

at Neville.

"Go!" Neville said as he took off running.

"Hey I'm the Slytherin, I'm supposed to cheat, you cheater," Harry called

after his friend and took off running. About halfway back they ran into

Malcolm, Gram, and Rodger. They quickly through up shields, Harry's a

reflecting one. As the spell reflected Harry silently cast a banishing charm

behind it propelling the curse back at Gram with blinding speed. Harry

turned to face Rodger while Neville faced off with Malcolm. Neville

quickly overpowered Malcolm while Harry played with Rodger until the

scenery faded around them and Sirius's voice was heard.

"FREEZE!" Sirius called, "POTTER WINS!"

"What he still has the flag," Rodger called back pointing to the flag in

Harry's hand. It vanished as he spoke and Rodger turned back to Sirius

and the others to see Draco wave his flag at him. "Bugger."

"Very well done, Harry's team lost seven competitors while Angelina's lost

all but seven when their flag was taken." Sirius said happily as everybody

was revived and gathered together in the room once more. "Now for the

winners," Sirius said and gestured for them to listen to Severus.

"The winners are exempt from the potions and defense against the dark

arts homework assigned over the holiday break," Severus said though he

looked pained to do so but then he smirked, "The losing team must write

an extra essay on creative uses of spells." The winners gave a cheer and

everybody started talking at once and leaving the room in groups of


Harry felt odd he was on his belly and moving through a cold black

hallway. It seemed somewhat familiar to him but for the most he couldn't

figure out what was going on. He moved pushing himself along, he was

sleek, powerful, and fast. Everywhere he looked were vibrant color

shapes but only shapes nothing very defined.

Suddenly he stopped there was a man ahead of him in the hallway. His

tongue flicked out tasting the air for a scent not recognizing it. Harry

suddenly realized as the forked tongue appeared in front of him, he was

pulled into Voldemort's twisted mind. Fuck, ran through his mind as he

once again became aware of Voldemort's thoughts. He was debating

leaving the man alone and continuing with his master's plans. Harry

internally furrowed his brow at that thought; he was moving closer to the

man and could hear not only hissing but speech. He realized the man was

talking to himself.

"Damn, bloody, all nighters," The man muttered as he stood in front of

some rotating doors, one of the doors stopped in front of him. "No damn

it, I don't need the prophecies. I need the library mysteries. Stupid doors."

The man raised his hand and flicked his wand and doors rotated faster.

He sighed and turned on his feet to pace when he stopped dead looking

at Harry. Harry struck and sunk his fangs into the man, repeating the

strike faster than he could comprehend. The man crumbled to the floor

and Harry got a glimpse of himself in the reflective door, Nagini. Nagini/

Harry moved off to push open a door when she jerked back, the man was


"Diffindo," The man bleeding and broken on the floor fired the spell at the

snake. The snake let out a screeching hiss as spell cut into her tail

section, slicing it wide open. The snake turned and fled.

Harry shot up in his bed sweaty, disoriented, and panting. His breathing

was slowing as the room around him stopped swimming.

"Harry!" Daphne came into view worry written all over her face. Behind

her stood Professor Snape looking equally concerned in his students'

private room.

"I got pulled in again to Voldemort's mind,' Harry started blinking his

eyes a few times to clear his thoughts. "Only I was in Nagini's body and

mind too, she attacked someone. I'm not sure where but the man was

talking about prophecies, the library, and there were rotating doors."

Severus cursed to himself before conjuring his patronus, "expecto

patronum," the doe turned to Severus waiting. "Amelia, Nagini attacked

someone in the Department of Mysteries hallway." He sent the doe on his

way and turned back to Harry. "Is she still there?"

"I don't think so; she got hit with a cutting curse after turning her back on

the man. I don't know how but he managed one hell of a curse after that

attack. Nagini bit him multiple times. Nagini was looking for something.

She wanted to get something for him."

"The Prophecy," Severus answered, "he doesn't know the whole thing."

Daphne snorted, "So he's wasting his time going after some two bit

alcoholics' prophecy that doesn't even say anything useful and would be

completely absolutely irrelevant had Dumbledore done his job and taken

out Voldy forty years ago!" Daphne spat out her words with contempt

and both Harry and Severus looked at her in a bit of awe.

Finally Harry started laughing, "Thought about it much."

Daphne pouted, "Well it's true," she huffed.

A large dog patronus came into the room and Amelia's voice was heard,

"We found him, it was Unspeakable Bode. He's been taken to St. Mungo's,

we've heard nothing about his condition yet. Nagini's gone and nothings


"Here," Severus said holding out a potion and at Harry's look added,

"Small dose, you have to be on the train tomorrow." Harry nodded and

downed the small amount of dreamless sleep before falling into a dead


"Happy Christmas," Harry murmured as Daphne's eyes fluttered open as

he pressed light kisses to her face.

"Happy Christmas," Daphne quietly replied back letting Harry amuse

himself with pressing kisses to her face and neck. She giggled quietly as

he moved to her neck.

"I have a present for you," Harry said with boyishness evident in his voice

that was hardly ever heard. He rolled over in their bed and opened a

drawer on his bedside table. He pulled out a thin jewelry box. He handed

the box over to Daphne and watched as she opened it. Daphne gasped as

she opened and pulled out a charm bracelet that was made of sapphires

and emeralds, it had a clasped that was a Celtic lover's knot and dangling

from the bracelet were two platinum wolf charms. As Daphne fingered

the bracelet gently Harry spoke, "It's tradition in our family to give a

bracelet for the first Christmas gift after a marriage. I read about it in my

dad's journal, it's supposed to signify something with meaning to the


"Harry it's beautiful," Daphne said tearing up a bit as Harry took the

bracelet and clasped it on her wrist. Daphne reached up and pulled his

face to his and pressed her lips to his. Harry moved his arms so that they

pulled Daphne firmly to him. He leaned them over as they kissed and

moved a top Daphne and slipped his tongue into her mouth.

*POP* They both jumped and separated at the noise. They turned

towards the end of their bed where a smirking house elf stood.

"Erm hmm," Nips cleared his throat, "Young Miss Astoria is threatening to

come in and wake you up if you're not down stairs in two minutes." Nips

smirked again before popping out.

Harry groaned, "I'm not getting him any more gifts." Daphne giggled as

they separated and got dressed before going down to join the others to

open gifts.

The weekend after Christmas brought two visitors to Potter Manor in the

form of Cadmus and Connie Hammer.

"Unspeakable Hammer, Auror Hammer, welcome back to Potter Manor,"

Daphne greeted them as they stepped out of the floo.

"Cadmus and Connie are fine Mrs. Potter," Connie said with a smile.

"I would return the favor but you're the first person to call me Mrs.

Potter. I rather like it," Daphne said with a dreamy look that made the

Hammer's chuckle.

"Ah Madam Minister how's the pregnancy coming?" Cadmus said when

Amelia walked into the entrance hall.

Amelia scowled, "I'll be damn happy when the elections are over and

when I stop throwing up every damn morning," she muttered before

turning and walking out.

Connie snickered at her boss's retreating form, "Told you not to ask."

Cadmus blanched a bit and walked ahead of Daphne and Connie. "She's

still throwing up?"

"Not as much but yeah, Sirius is just happy she stopped throwing up

because of his aftershave." Daphne laughed as they joined the others who

were gathered in the training room. Only Severus, Blaise, and Belladonna

were over currently the other New Marauders spending time with their

families. Blaise and Harry were sparring with swords in the middle of the

room with Godric giving pointers as was Xavier. Evelyn and Belladonna

were dueling in one half of the room. Sirius was working with Astoria

and Susan on some of their spell work. Amelia was observing with

Cadmus when Daphne and Connie entered just behind them.

"As much as enjoy your company," Cadmus started loudly enough for

them all to hear, "this unfortunately isn't a social call." Everyone stopped

their actions even Godric who was the only one in the painting of himself

and Salazar. "We found something in Rodolphus LeStrange's head."

"Why don't we move to the library and I'll get Severus," Harry suggested

sheathing the sword of Gryffindor in its holder currently strapped to his

waist. Severus was working in the lab with Salazar on a potion for the

last year; neither would tell anyone what it was.

Harry quietly knocked on the door so as not to startle Severus, "Severus,"

he called opening the door a bit even though it was his lab.

"Come in Hadrian," Severus said as he placed the potion under stasis.

"Cadmus Hammer is here. He has some news involving the LeStrange we

still have in custody. We're meeting in the library," Harry said the last

towards Salazar. As Harry and Severus walked to the library Harry asked,

"Are you ever going to share the potion you two have been working on?"

Severus smirked knowing the curiosity was getting to his student, "We're

getting close to having a viable potion to test, though we need a subject.

It should only be a month or so more before we can test it. Afterwards I'll

share it; right now I should not want to get anyone's hopes up." Harry

looked at his Mentor curiously but was prevented from saying anything

as they were at the library.

"Good, Snape we'll need your opinion on this," Cadmus said as they

entered. Harry perched on the arm of the chair Daphne sat in while

Severus moved to take a seat next to Belladonna. "Now what I tell you

here now about some of our operations will be denied if a word of it ever

gets out to the public, understood?" Cadmus looked sternly at all of them

in the room including Amelia. After getting a nod from everyone he

continued, "We have certain unspeakables that specialize in the mind

magics, legimency and occulmency. We've been having them work on

Roldophus for the last few months. Last week they came across a memory

that they largely discarded but struck me as curious. The memory was of

his wife Bellatrix placing the cup of Hufflepuff into the Lestrange vault at

Gringotts." Severus sucked in a breath making the connection right away.

The others looked at Cadmus in confusion so he continued, "In 1945

Hepzibah Smith was murdered supposedly by her house elf, missing from

Smith's vast collection were two items Hufflepuff's cup and an old locket

with an 'S' inscribed on it. With the cup being in Rodolphus's memory I

did some digging and found that Hepzibah Smith was a frequent

customer at Borgin & Burkes. At the time of her death she had befriended

a clerk at the store who showed interest in her collection, the clerk's

name was Tom Marvolo Riddle."

"Shite," Harry summed up everyone's feelings with that one word as he

put it together.

"Language," Belladonna, Evelyn, and Amelia all said at once to which the

teens present rolled their eyes.

"Considering one of ol' Voldy's horcruxes is locked up in Gringotts, the

most secured place in England, I think shite is appropriate," Sirius replied

in his godson's defense.

"Can't we use Roldolphus to get it," Xavier asked.

"There is no way the Goblins will allow us to force Roldophus to get the

horcrux and I'm not willing to risk sending Lestrange out to get it with

his wife and brother on the run," Cadmus replied to which the aurors in

the room nodded their agreement, Roldolphus was almost as feared as his


"I could ask," Harry started to speak but then winced in pain.

"What's wrong?" Came from everyone who was looking at him.

Harry ignored them and quickly pulled the mirror that was in his pocket

out, it was burning red. Harry flipped it over and Hermione's panicked

face came into view, "Harry my family's under attack!" Hermione's voice

rang out before she disappeared from the mirror.

"Accio Granger Port-key," Sirius's voice was the next thing heard in the


Amelia jumped up, "I'll alert the aurors, the rest of you go." She

commanded already moving out of the library to get to the nearest floo.

The small medallion that served as a port-key for the traveling as a group

to the Granger's house flew into the room and into Sirius's hand.

"This will take us to their back yard," Sirius explained for those who

didn't know as everyone placed a hand on the medallion or someone

holding it.

"Astoria you're staying here," Xavier spoke and silenced his youngests'

protests with a look, "Floo to Bill's, alert him and then stay with Ginny

and Theo." Astoria nodded and left the room.

"Ready," Sirius asked before saying the activation word, "Owl." They

disappeared in a swirl of colors.

Hermione was lounging in the family room of her home while her

parents watched a rugby match on the telly. She glanced up every now

and then to check the score of one of her father's favorite sports. She

didn't care for the sport but her father went wild for it and was currently

yelling at the telly, she glanced at her mother who rolled her eyes at

Hermione before smiling. Hermione smiled as she went back to her book,

suddenly a loud alarm sounded all around the Granger house. Hermione

shot up and her wand was in her hand as she moved to the window

looking out the front of the house.

"We have to go now!" Hermione shouted to her parents as she ran for

portkey Amelia made for their family to travel to Potter Manor. She ran

into the living room and grabbed a plain clock off the mantel above their

fireplace and came back into the family room and grabbed her parents, as

the alarm changed to a chirping sound.

"Damn," Hermione whispered as she moved the clock hands to 3:10 as

her parents put their hands on her shoulders.

"What?" Her father asked urgently.

"They're on the last layer of wards," Hermione spoke quickly as the

portkey flashed red. She paled and started rambling as she spoke, "Oh no!

They put up their own wards, anti portkey wards. We can't leave." As

Hermione spoke her father was moving to the front closed he kept

locked, he quickly un locked it and threw it open and grabbed to bags

out of it. He moved quickly back to the room with his wife and daughter.

"Liz," He called in a tone he hadn't used since his military days, it made

his wife jump and look straight at him, instead of out the window she

had been peeking through. He opened the smaller bag and took out

Browning pistol; he loaded it with a full clip and gave it to his wife. "Go

in the basement if anybody enters without calling out to you shoot them."

He gave his wife a kiss and moved her to the basement, "stay quiet and


Hermione took off up the stairs as her father went for his guns. She ran

into her room and grabbed the communications mirror. "Harry," She

called out a few times before his face appeared in the mirror. "My

family's under attack." She said quickly without waiting for a reply

knowing her best friend didn't need any more information. She ran back

down the stairs as a final alarm rang out signaling the wards had fallen.

"DAD!" She called out as she hit the bottom stair.

"Dining room," Her father yelled back she ran into the room and saw the

dining room table flipped and her father behind it with his service rifle

up and loaded. "Get behind the table," he said just as an explosion rocked

the house, dust and derbies fell from the ceiling. Hermione ducked

behind the table. Her father had his rifle aimed at the entrance to the

dining room that led in from the front door so she pointed her wand

towards the other entrance way.

*Crack* a loud crack was heard as the door flew off its hinges and

splintered into the hallway. Immediately someone draped in black enter

the door way and David Granger open fire with a small burst.

*pop* *pop* *pop* Hermione heard the short burst of her father's rifle

before hearing a thud and someone yell, but she didn't turn to look.

Hermione saw part of the cloak flash into view and started casting; she

chose the bombarda curse and fired as soon as the Death Eater came into

view. The silent, colorless spell slammed into the Death Eater's chest.

"Ahh damn mudblood!" The death eater yelled as he staggered back.

Hermione wasted no time and iced over the floor with a quick spell. The

Death Eater fell back his head banging off the floor and Hermione fired

another spell as her father's rifle went off. She sent an over powered

incendio at the fallen death eater, his robes instantly catching fire. The

death eater started shouting.

Another appeared in the doorway behind the fiery death eater and made

the mistake of tending to his comrade first. "Decapitare." Hermione's spell

hit as her father's gun went off again. The Death Eater Hermione it with

the ribbon cutting curse, the death eater crumpled to the floor.

"AHHHH!" Hermione heard the scream of frustration and then a female

voice shout, "REDUCTO MAXIMUS!" The spell crashed into the side of the

house like a bomb hit it. The spell threw her father into her as shrapnel

flew everywhere. Hermione dazed with cuts littering the left side of her

body her right side was covered by her father.

"Dad," Hermione muttered disoriented and moved him off her,

"DAADDDDYYY!" Hermione's anguished scream rang out as she looked

down at her father. He was unconscious and bleeding from several places

but the most horrifying injury was a piece of metal rebar through her

father's left side. Hermione quickly felt for a pulse and almost cried with

relief when she found one.

"Awww is the wittle bitty mudbloods daddy dead," a sickening baby voice

said from behind her. Hermione whirled bringing up her wand but the

voice yelled out, "crucio!" Hermione hit the ground screaming. "Naughty

wittle mudblood trying to curse her betters."

Hermione was panting with tears streaming down her face as painful

aftershocks racked her body but she looked defiantly at felon she

recognized from the paper and rasped out, "fuck you bitch!"

Hermione flinched as she readied herself to be cursed again but instead

heard a voice that did make her cry in relief.

Harry shouted over the din of the spells flying, "Ignis flagellum!"

They landed about twenty feet behind Hermione's house in a wooded

area that was out of sight of muggles; Amelia had also placed Notice-Me-

Not charms around the area two years ago when they added the wards to

Hermione's house. As they took in their surroundings they could see

smoke billowing up in the air.

Severus was the first to speak, "Daphne, Evelyn, Blaise, Susan, take out

the Death Eaters setting fire to the other houses. You'll need to do it as

quickly as you can; one of them is also their warder. For now just stun

any muggle that gets in the way." They nodded and moved through the

woods to the other backwards hoping to surprise as many death eaters as

they could.

"Alright let's go be careful," Severus said and he, Belladonna, Sirius,

Xavier, and Harry moved towards the Granger's house. They saw three

death eaters milling about the back door, each shouting about jumped up

mudbloods. As they moved they heard the rifle going off as well as a fire

roaring in the upper right part of the house that looked like it had been it

with a deprimo spell.

"Pick one," Harry said quietly as moved forward. "Got yours? Wait for it."

They nodded and were only a few yards off of the arguing death eaters.

"Little bitch is flinging spells left and right, how we supposed to get in

there?" Harry heard one of them asked.

Harry rolled his eyes and deadpanned, "How about using a shield charm

you pathetic idiots." The death eaters turned but the others were already

casting. One fell to Severus's sectumsempra curse, his wand hand cut off

from his body. Another fell to Belladonna's near point blank reducto

hitting him square in the face. The last was a hair quicker then Sirius's ice

spike curse. The death eater rolled backwards and had shield up while

looking at the five he faced grabbed for his emergency portkey. Nothing


Sirius smirked, "You three go on Xavier and I can handle him." Severus,

Belladonna, and Harry nodded moving on up to the house while the duel

started behind them.

"You guys go around front I'll come up through the back," Harry said just

as they heard the loud yell of reducto maximus. Harry who was standing

closest to the back door had to steady himself from the spells' shockwave.

"Bellatrix," Severus hissed.

"Go now," Harry said urgently before moving in through the shattered

sliding door. He carefully stepped into the kitchen and took in the two

downed death eaters. One of the death eaters was missing a head that

had rolled over near the stove; his body was surrounded by a pool of

blood stemming from his neck, or what was left of it. Harry vanished the

blood so he wouldn't step in it and heard Hermione's scream he moved

forward quickly but had to side step the last death eater. The death eater

was lying in a pool of half water half ice and was still on fire, his arms

contorted and frozen in pain from burning alive. Harry once again

vanished the ice as he heard baby talk come from the next room.

Harry looked in still hidden in the hallway and saw the turned over table

with a whole through the middle of it. His expression hardened as he saw

his friend's father unconscious while she stared defiantly at whoever was

cursing her. "Fuck you," he heard Hermione say and he burst into the

room casting loudly over the din of spells colliding together in from and

behind the house, "Ignis flagellum!"

Harry invoked the flame whip curse in a fury and snapped it towards

Bellatrix LeStrange with deadly speed. The flaming curse struck Bellatrix

in her outstretched wand arm cutting open a two inch deep wound from

her shoulder to her elbow, around the bleeding wound was a second

degree burn. Bellatrix howled in agony and turned on Harry casting.

"Avada Kedavra," The green spell shot at Harry who ducked it while

casting his own curses.

"Deffodio, sectumsempra, reducto." He sent the three curses aimed at

different areas while adding silently to the mix a bombarda hex aimed at

the floor Bellatrix was standing on. Bellatrix was shielding the three

verbal curses when the bombarda hit sending her flying backwards and

out the hole in the wall she created. Harry sprinted out after her just as

the house flashed red, indicating the warder had been dealt with. Sirius

came in as Harry left and immediately gave Hermione who was holding

her dad a portkey to St. Mungo's.

Harry followed Bellatrix out, firing silently at the witch getting to her

feet. Bellatrix was able to shield or reflected his curses, but was on the

defensive. Looking around at the carnage and her fallen or dueling

comrades she grabbed for her emergency portkey while sneering at


Harry though was casting again, "Sagitto," three deadly arrows shot out

his wand as if fired by cannon and towards Bellatrix. Harry smirked as he

saw the arrows disappear with her; a small known fact about portkey

travel was that while spells cannot impact the travel, physical objects

can. Seeing Bellatrix portkey out the remaining conscious death eaters

copied her, ending the short battle. Harry turned back towards the house

to see Sirius walking out of the giant hole in the wall.

"I portkeyed Hermione and her father to St. Mungo's. Xavier and I are

fine the last death eater from the back is bound and unconscious," Sirius

spoke quickly. Harry nodded and immediately turned searching for

Daphne, who was running up to him.

"Harry," She breathed out as she ran into his arms and pulled him in for a

hug. Harry quickly pulled back looking for any injuries on his wife. "I'm

fine Blaise is hurt badly though," Daphne answered his searching look.

"My mum apperated him to St. Mungo's when the wards fell." As they

spoke several pops were heard around the yard heralding the arrival of

the aurors.

Nymphadora Tonks, Hestia Jones, John Dawlish, Fedor Krum, and Bill

Weasley all arrived to find seven wands pointed at them. They looked at

the wands with apprehension knowing they were likely dead if they

moved an inch until they were recognized. When the wands lowered

Dawlish spoke first.

"I take it its over?" He received nods as Xavier walked out of the hole

with Liz Granger who was looking pale and shocked pistol still in hand.

"Where's Hermione and David," She fired off before anyone else could


Sirius answered, "I portkeyed Hermione and your husband to St. Mungo's

our hospital. Severus and the others can take you with them." At the

looks from the others he continued, "I know you all want to go now. I can

take care of this," he gestured to the aurors and Fedor and Bill. "Go,"

Sirius urged. They nodded and Tonks tossed them a portkey.

Once everyone was holding it she tapped it with her wand and spoke the

activation word, "Emergency room."

Far away from the Battle that took place in the Granger's normally

peaceful neighborhood five death eaters landed at the Dark Lord's

headquarters. Bellatrix Lestrange was the first to land and did so with a

cry of pain, one arrow fired by the blasted Potter brat was stuck into her

already wounded right shoulder, making that arm useless for right now.

The second arrow fired was stuck into her right thigh, the third was

embedded into the wall behind her.

Next to her appeared Rabastan LeStrange who growled out, "epskiy," as he

pointed his wand towards a gaping shoulder wound that was pouring

blood out. The epskiy stemmed the bleeding but that was all. He limped

over to his sister-in-law as three more death eaters appeared, one missing

a leg collapsed to the floor. The second death eater had a large ice spike

penetrating his stomach, the ice turning red with blood, he quickly fell to

the floor gurgling blood. The third and final death eater, who was

bleeding from wounds on his arms and leg, from the Granger house

started to limp towards his commrade but was stopped by Rabastan.

"Don't bother he's dying," Rabastan growled as the death eater with blood

pouring out of his mouth coughed once and then stopped moving.

"Diagon Alley had better have gone better," Rabastan left muttering.


Okay this chapter took on a life of its own as i started writting it

that was completely different from my thoughts before hand. Next

chapter will deal with the aftermath of the short battle. Should

Sirius have a girl or boy?



36. Aftermath

The group landed in the triage room of St. Mungo's emergency ward.

They landed in a flurry of activity, all around them healers were rushing

to and fro, and patients were bleeding, screaming, whimpering, and


"Professor Snape!" A healer shouted from where he was working on a

patient bleeding from a gaping shoulder wound above his heart. "We

need HELP NOW!"

Severus jumped into action but first turned to Susan, "The patients sitting

in the waiting room help them if you get consent." The words were sent

rapid fire at her and Belladonna moved off to help Susan. Severus made

his way to the healer who had shouted for him and was summoning

potions as he went.

Harry, Daphne, Xavier, and Elizabeth Granger were left to fend for

themselves in the chaos of the ward. Harry was looking for Hermione and

her father but couldn't spot them through the people. Harry looked to

Elizabeth Granger who was shaking and panicked looking and decided

enough was enough.

Harry grabbed a passing healer by the robes the healer turned to protest

but was silenced by Harry's look, "Hermione and David Granger where

are they?" The healer looked blank and Harry growled sounding very

much like Bay, "Teenage girl with crutiatus exposure and her father in

critical condition. Came in through portkey."

The healer nodded, "They're still working on the father, no one but

healers allowed in. The girl was healed and moved upstairs, third floor

for treatment of the crutiatus." The healer said rapidly before Harry

released him and he raced off.

"Xavier find Blaise and Evelyn, I'll take Mrs. Granger upstairs." Harry

turned to Daphne, "Do you want to stay with your dad or come with me?"

Before Daphne could answer Xavier spoke, "Go with Harry, there's too

many people in here." They nodded in agreement and Daphne took Mrs.

Granger's hand and led her to the lift with Harry leading the way. Finally

they got to a lift and took it up to the third floor in silence. The doors

opened to the third floor which was still busy but not as crazy as the first

floor. They moved over to the desk in the center where an apprentice

healer was stationed.

"Where looking for Hermione Granger," Harry spoke and added without

being prompted, "Her mother and friends," he gestured to Mrs. Granger

and then himself and Daphne.

The apprentice nodded and came out from around the desk area, "I'm

apprentice healer Clearwater. She was healed downstairs and then

brought up for treatment of cruciatus exposure."

"Hermione's a muggleborn," Daphne interrupted.

"Ahh right. Mrs. Granger?" She turned towards Elizabeth Granger as they

stopped in front of Hermione's room. "The cruciatus curse is one of the

worst curses known to our kind and is generally called the torture curse.

Unfortunately there is yet to be a potion made specifically to treat the

curse. However we can treat some of its effects and luckily your daughter

had only a very minute exposure. We gave her a potion to treat the after

spasms and a dreamless sleep potion so she can sleep off the effects. We'll

also monitor her for the next day after she wakes but she should have no

ill effects from the curse."

"Thank you," Elizabeth spoke softly before going into the room and

pulling up a chair next to her daughter and holding her hand. Harry and

Daphne stayed outside giving her time and turned to the Apprentice


"What happened," Daphne asked?

Apprentice Clearwater looked shocked, "You mean you didn't come from

Diagon Alley?"

"No, Hermione's home was attacked by death eaters. We don't know

anything about the alley?"

"Diagon Alley was attacked by Death Eaters, Fenrir Greyback and his

pack, well the wizards in it, and dementors. So far twenty are dead and

fifty-seven have been kissed but injured are still coming in. The attack

lasted for a half-hour, the aurors arrived ten minutes in to the battle but

not enough came until about twenty minutes in. The most of the Death

Eaters portkeyed out but Greyback and his pack, the Dementors, and the

Carrows and Antonin Dolohov stayed and fought for awhile."

"You mean to tell me a handful of wizards held off our auror corps?"

Harry asked shock written all over his face.

"Not exactly, about half of the whole known population of Great Britain's

dementors was present at the Alley, around 200 hundred I think. Most of

the aurors were combating the dementors, I said fifty-seven kissed but we

have hundreds with exposure luckily only a small percent of those have

bad reactions to the dementors." A light with off above a room down the

hall a little ways off causing Apprentice Clearwater to say, "Excuse me


Daphne cut her off with a nod, "Of course, thank you for the

information." Daphne turned to look at her husband and saw his clenched

jaw and fists. She moved so she was in front of Harry and took his hands

in hers and slowly got him to unclench his fists and wrap his arms

around her. Harry sighed heavily as he calmed as Daphne ran her hands

up and down his back.

"What is it," Daphne asked, "Besides the obvious."

"We need to find a way to take out the dementors more permanently then

the patronus charm."

"Headmaster Flitwick might know where to start," Daphne said.

"I think also think we should have Mrs. Granger and Mr. Granger, if he

survives, move into Grimmuald Place or into Potter Manor. She's going to

be a target today proved that. Hermione's the only one of our friends that

isn't protected at home."

"The Weasley's," Daphne pointed out quietly.

"Bill's a curse breaker," Harry said puzzled.

"I meant the other Weasley's," Harry stiffened in her arms, "The twins still

live at home."

"They spend most of their time at Bill's and they're moving out at the end

of the year," Harry growled. "Besides Bill won't leave his parents

unprotected, no matter how far their heads; are up their arses."

"I wasn't suggesting they move in," Daphne chuckled, "I might kill

Weasley Matriarch in that case, just making you aware of it. The

Weasley's are pureblood but lost their family manor long ago and the

protection that went with it."

"The Head Journals mention the family wards; the Potters' have layers

and layers of wards. I'm supposed to add to them."

As they were speaking outside Hermione's room Xavier and Evelyn came

up through the lift and on to the floor. Evelyn looked like she had been

crying with red rimmed eyes and pulled both Daphne and Harry into a


Xavier looked stone faced as his wife released them, "David Granger

didn't make it. Splinters made it into the blood stream and into his heart."

Daphne turned into Harry's chest and started crying into him. Harry just

wrapped her in his arms and held her as he buried his head in her neck

calming him. He respected and genuinely like David Granger and was

devastated for Hermione.

Mrs. Granger came out a moment later after seeing Xavier and Evelyn. At

the looks on Daphne and Harry's faces she started shaking her head no.

"Liz I'm so sorry but David, he didn't make it," Evelyn spoke quietly.

"No, no, he can't," Liz was sobbing and collapsed into Evelyn's arms. Liz

sobbed into Evelyn while Evelyn made comforting noises for a few

minutes before she spoke again, "I want to see him." She spoke quietly

and looked back to her daughter still sleeping in her own hospital bed.

"We'll stay with 'Mione," Harry choked on the words a bit. Mrs. Granger

looked over the two teens in front of her and smiled softly at the looks of

caring on their faces. She reached out and squeezed Harry's arm as

Evelyn and Xavier led her back towards the lift. Harry and Daphne went

into the room and sat quietly next to the bed, Harry with his arm

wrapped around Daphne's shoulders as she leaned into him.

They were alone for an hour or so before Tonks, Fedor, and Viktor

arrived outside the door to Hermione's room. Viktor was dressed in

quidditch fatigues that were soaked through and his short hair had flakes

of snow in it. Viktor moved straight for the other side of Hermione's bed

and looked at Harry for a diagnosis.

"She has some minor gashes and bruises from debris caused by the

explosion to the wall of their house. Those have been healed but she was

exposure to the curciatus curse by Bellatrix LeStrange," Harry said with

bitterness lacing his voice. Viktor, Tonks, and Fedor sucked in a breath,

the cruelty of the Lestrange families was well known all over the

wizarding world. "She was only under the curse about a minute before I

got there and intervened." Viktor nodded but his hands tightened into

fists. "She's been treated and right now is under dreamless sleep while the

potions work." Harry took a breath before finishing, "Her father died in

the attack."

"We know, Xavier found us on our way up," Tonks said quietly.

"What happened after we left?" Daphne asked Tonks quietly. "We called

in for a memory modifier and a few other aurors. The story the muggles

think is a terrorist attack on their street. That was put down bravely by

David Granger a former British Royal Marine and their neighborhood

dentist. He did kill three including Emmerich Jugson, an inner circle

death eater who's been on the run since the last war. There weren't any

other notables there but I suspected Rabastan LeStrange was there given

that Bellatrix was there. The other death eaters all of which two are dead

were new recruits it looks like. The one that Sirius and Xavier captured

was Chad Warrington," Tonks said with a look towards Harry who

growled at the name and was about to punch the nearby wall but Daphne

stopped him with a look. "The other Death Eater that we captured has

been identified as Malachi Edgecombe, who's missing his wand arm,

curtsey of Belladonna. They've been taken into custody and are being

questioned by the unspeakbles."

"The Unspeakables?" Daphne questioned?

"Amelia authorized them to be present at interrogations, for intimidation

and they have the according to Cadmus Hammer the best legimencers in

the country. Kinda freaky when you think about the implications of that,"

Tonks said shaking her head.

"Did you bring Edgecombe here," Harry said with a growl.

"No," Tonks said with a glare towards Harry knowing where his thoughts

were going. "We cauterized the wound and took them both straight to the

Ministry holding cells." As Tonks finished talking the lift chimed again

and out of the lift came Blaise with a distressed looking apprentice healer

behind him.

"How's Mione?" Blaise asked immediately while ignoring the apprentice

behind him. The left side of his face was bruised; he had only a beater

on, and his left arm was in a sling. The upper part of his arm that was

showing was black and blue and there was a large gauze bandage on his

upper chest area on the left side. His friends smiled at him as he rolled

his eyes at the healer behind him.

"Mr. Zabini you need to go back to your bed while the potion works," the

apprentice said exasperatedly.

Blaise turned with fire in his eyes making the apprentice healer flinch

back, "Look my friend," Blaise stopped and corrected himself, "family just

lost her dad and will need her family's support! Have you ever lost a

parent," Blaise asked sharply, "No? Well I have so I know. Now go bother

someone who actually needs help."

The apprentice huffed and turned towards Tonks, "Give him this," she

shoved a potion at Tonks and then stormed back to the lift.

"I hate hospitals," Blaise grumbled as he looked at the potion.

"What the hell am I supposed to do with this," Tonks asked looking at the


Harry held his hand out for the potion and once he had it opened it and

sniffed, "SkinNit Potion. Madam Pomfrey's given me this a couple times.

Were you awake when they gave you the last dose?"

"Yeah I was never unconscious, unfortunately," Blaise said rolling his

shoulder a bit. "Gave me it about ten minutes ago."

"You really do need to sit down at least it's going to start working and it

must be bad if she wants you to have another dose," Harry said and

nodded towards Hermione's room, "She's sleeping so be quiet and she

doesn't know yet." They all moved back into Hermione's room Tonks,

Fedor, and Blaise taking a seat on couch in the corner of the room. Harry

and Daphne moved two chairs from Hermione's bed over near the couch

setting them so they could see the whole room but could comfortably talk

quietly to the others.

"What did you get hit with Blaise?" Harry asked looking his friend over.

"It was silent but the healers suggested a reducto or bombarda from the

damage pattern. Luckily I'm a lefty and had my arm up casting or I might

be dead apparently." Blaise sighed before continuing, "I was focused on

my illusion and the D.E. in front of me, bastard snuck up behind me.

When do I have to take that nasty shite again oh potions' guru?"

They all chuckled a bit before Harry answered, "You got forty minutes."

The group sat and watched over Hermione until after about an hour

Xavier, Evelyn, Susan, and a red swollen faced Elizabeth entered the

room again.

Xavier nodded to Harry indicating he wanted to talk in the hallway.

Harry rose and moved his chair over next to Hermione opposite Viktor

who had gotten up to give Mrs. Granger a hug. Viktor had spent some of

the summer with the Grangers. Harry joined Xavier in the hall after

smiling sadly at Mrs. Granger.

"Hadrian," Xavier started as they moved towards a lobby area on the

floor. "I want you to take Daphne, Susan, and Blaise home to your

Manor," Xavier gave Harry a look that stopped the impending argument.

"I want you to pick up Astoria, Ginny, and Wile E. and bring them back

to the Manor also if you don't mind." Xavier used Theo's marauder

nickname as they were in public and Theo was considered a runaway.

"We're including Belladonna are going to stay and help Elizabeth make

arrangements and hopefully convince her to stay either at our manor,

yours, or Grimmuald Place with Narcissa, preferably Grimmuald Place

which is where Amelia is going to be staying after the election takes

place. You can all come back in the morning to visit Hermione and help

her through this but for now she's going to be sleeping until about noon

the healer said."

"Fine," Harry said a bit mutinously.

"Hadrian," Xavier said a bit more sternly grabbing Harry's attention, "You

are the only one, with the exception of Blaise, Wile E., and Draco two of

who weren't at the battle, have dealt with turmoil in life. More

importantly you are the only one to have killed someone before. Your

friends, including Daphne will need you tonight once it sinks in. Evelyn

already broke down once; take care of my little girl." Xavier pinned Harry

with a piercing look and Harry's expression of defiance faded and he

nodded at his father-in-law."

As they walked back in Harry moved over to Susan, Blaise and Daphne

and spoke quietly, "Guys were going home and picking up Astoria, Ginny,

and Wile E. on the way." As they both looked towards the bed where

Hermione slept he added, "We're coming back first thing tomorrow."

Daphne came over and Harry wrapped her close to him in his arms as

they, Susan and Blaise said their goodbyes to the others.

Harry watched from the balcony of the master suite as Daphne tossed

and turned in their bed. Next to him were two steaming mugs of hot

chocolate with warming charms on them. When they had gotten back to

the manor Susan had broken down not just from their small battle which

in hindsight wasn't that bad for the New Marauders and company. Susan

had only taken on one Death Eater and used a medical spell that was

supposed to be used jump a patient's heart, of course it could work the

opposite way to. The spell though like the killing curse left no physical

marks on the victim. Susan was more effect by helping out in the triage

unit of seeing the wounded and the kissed victims. Every one of the teens

gathered around the usually tough Hufflepuff and helped her through her

tears. The one plus side of the evening for Susan was the head Healer of

the Emergency floor offered her a job as soon as she passed her NEWT's.

Daphne woke twisted in her sheets and breathing hard with her hair

plastered to her face from sweat. She turned looking for Harry and

panicked a bit when she couldn't find him.

"Daph, I'm out here," Harry called without looking into the room. Daphne

stood and wrapped the sheet around her body as she moved out to the

balcony of their suite. Harry opened his arms to her and Daphne

collapsed into them. Daphne sobbed as Harry wrapped her in his arms

and rocked her as she cried.

"There was so much blood and Mr. Granger and Blaise," Daphne cried as

he rocked with her.

"Shh, shh. I know," Harry whispered as he held her.

"I keep seeing Blaise dead, the spell hitting higher. How are we going to

do this?" Daphne said as her crying slowed to sniffles. Harry gave her one

of the cups of hot chocolate and Daphne sipped quietly. Harry thought

for a few minutes as to what to say.

"Blaise is going to be okay. Hermione will get through this with our help,

she won't be alone and neither will anyone else. We get through this

because we have to. What we want is irrelevant because we won't be able

to have it as long as Voldemort and his followers are free. We'll fight for

our futures, we deserve to have one just like everyone else, free of

terror," Harry finished with conviction. Harry sat with Daphne on his lap

until she fell back asleep in his lap. He quietly stood with her in his arms

and moved back to their bed. He gently tucked her back in and fell asleep

with her tucked into his arms.

Harry and the others teen gathered around in the kitchen for breakfast

and were surprised to see Amelia come in, not having known she came

back last night. She sat heavily and Mips quickly brought over a healthy

breakfast of eggs and pickles, which Amelia promptly dug into much to

the chagrin of the teens. Blaise started to open his mouth only to be shut

as Susan promptly smacked his head.

"Ow! Hey I'm injured here!"

"And you were about to get more injured," Susan snarked to the chuckles

of the others.

"So what's going to happen?" Harry asked his Godmother.

"I talked to the muggle prime minister last night. I had to warn him that

Voldemort was on the offense again and what to look for on dementor

attacks. He's not happy that we don't even have away to kill the

dementors. I also talked to him about the attack on the Granger's and

David Granger's defense of his family. Mr. Granger is going to be buried

with full military honors, because of the fires and the explosion Bellatrix

caused; they're going to call it a terrorist attack. As for the attack on the

Alley we managed to capture two marked Death Eaters both wizards and

members of Fenrir Greyback's pack. Unfortunately they're also foreign so

we know Fenrir is recruiting oversees which means so is Voldemort. I had

to alert the officials of Bulgaria and Russia as well not that the Russian's

care all that much. Now are we ready to go to the hospital?"

The group gathered around a port-key Amelia had that would allow them

to by-pass the wards and go straight to Hermione's floor, there were some

perks to being the Minister. Hermione was awake and crying quietly into

her mother's arms as Viktor gently rubbed her back. Upon seeing her

friends in the door Hermione got up and was immediately enveloped into

a group hug. Elizabeth smiled at the sight, her daughter had never had so

many friends that she knew of. They sat with Hermione throughout the

day as her mother worked on the burial arrangements and went back to

their house with Xavier, Evelyn, and Sirius to help pack up their

belongings. Elizabeth had decided to temporarily close the practice she

and David had, a sabbatical was going to be the excuse, and she was

going to move into Potter Manor. With Amelia being pregnant and Sirius

at Hogwarts Elizabeth felt like she could be of use at Potter Manor.

Hermione was released later in the evening and was able to go back to

the Granger home to sort through her belongings as well. There were a

few breakdowns as they went through the house especially in the dining

room where David Granger fell. Hermione spent a good ten minutes

crying into her mother's sweater as she knelt in the spot where her father

died. Most of the belongings were sent to Gringotts by Xavier for storage

until after the war, the rest went with them to Potter Manor, where all

the New Marauders and their families had gathered for a dinner in

remembrance of David Granger.

The funeral was held two days later in David Granger's home town where

his both his parents and Elizabeth's parents still resided. The whole of the

small town gathered for the funeral. The only wizards present were the

New Marauders and their families excluding Madam Longbottom and

Amelia who both went into the Ministry as to not draw any attention to

the home town of the Granger's fearing a future attack on Hermione's

grandparents might happen. The Minister and her bodyguards' presence

in a small muggle town would be noticed by any spies in the ministry.

The funeral went off without a hitch, the wizards all easily blending in

with the dress and customs of muggle funerals which weren't all that

different from their own, in fact they were adapted from magical

funerals. Hermione and her mother held up fairly well during the funeral

but soon after the majority of guests left both succumbed to their tears.

With only the weekend left until the first day of the new term began the

New Marauders were gathered in the library of Potter Manor pouring

through every book that mentioned dementors. They had books from not

only the Potter Library but also from the Longbottom, Zabini, Davis,

Greengrass, Bones, Malfoy, and Black libraries as well as the Prince

Vault. So far the Davis, Malfoy, and Black books were proving the most

in depth research into dementors. The downside was the Malfoy and

Black books while on dementors focused on what they are and how to

possibly control them. They didn't want anyone to be able to control

them, the New Marauders wanted to destroy them. After seeing the

kissed victims in St. Mungo's after the attack they were all in agreement

that the Dementor's Kiss was thoroughly inhumane and should never be

given under any circumstance. Actually Harry and Hermione were trying

to convince their friends Azkaban was inhumane but were having little

success yet; the Geneva Convention hadn't made the same impact in the

wizarding world.

The Davis books explained the history of the Dementors in Britain and

had some drawings of demetors in them. Tracey was going through the

Davis books as some of the information was handwritten and not by any

scribe. Tracey was the only one with experience with deciphering old

English writing. Harry who hand the second most experience with old

handwriting thanks to his head of house journals, which had been copied

over into modern English by his Great Grandfather studied a Prince book

on advanced charms. Harry was deciphering the written Prince book by

comparing the old English Head of House journals and his Great

Grandfather's update of them.

"I've got something!" Tracey shouted suddenly startling not only her

friends but Rowena who was pacing in the portrait of the four founders.

Rowena was racking her brain for anything helpful on Dementors while

waiting to be of use if they found something. "It's an account from a

travelling healer. While passing through a village during an outbreak of

the sweat he heard about a neighboring village that was wiped out by the

sweat except for a few survivors only these survivors weren't quite right

and were taken in by the village. After asking around he was shown the

survivors and was certain it was a dementor attack."

"He questioned the villagers and found further evidence. The survivors

were brought in by a farmer who went to visit his wife's family. The

farmer and his wife described feeling uneasy and sickly themselves so

they gathered the last few survivors, set fire to the village and fled as fast

as they could. They were quarantined for a week upon returning to their

own village before being allowed back in as they hadn't gotten sick. They

attributed the uneasy feelings to the sweat. After the account the healer

left for the neighboring village as he could cast the patronus and wanted

to drive off the dementor or dementors if he could. When he got to the

village all he found was a few strange piles of grew ash and specks of

black cloaks mixed in. The two ash piles gave off the uneasy feeling

attributed to dementors. He assumed they must have been killed in the

fire though he never got the opportunity to test his theory." Tracey

finished with the entry and looked up at the excited faces of Neville,

Susan, and Hannah and the skeptical faces of Daphne, Blaise, Draco, and


"Well it's better than nothing," she said directed to the Slytherins while

the others looked puzzled. Tracey turned to the others, "like any good

Slytherin they're thinking why hasn't anyone come up with this before."

The other three deflated at that realizing it how implausible it was.

Harry interrupted everyone's thoughts when he spoke up, "Because no

wizard can get close enough to cast," he set down the Prince book he was

reading. "There's a handwritten account on the blank page opposite the

expect patronus entry in here. It re-counts a dementor attack on the last

dragon reserves that used to be in England. The Wizards were either

casting the patronus charm or were incapacitated. The Welsh Greens on

the reserve on the other hand weren't and fried the dementors when they

realized what was going on with their handlers."

"Now think about for instance me passing out and falling from my broom

because of dementors. Dementors have the ability to incapacitate us

unless we can call up our happy memory in time. You're incapacitated

too fast to even try and cast a fire charm."

"It makes sense dementors not only take your memories but turns

everything it comes in contact with turn's icy cold," Daphne speculated.

"What you need is to somehow alter the patronus charm to include fire,"

Rowena said from the painting. "You can alter spells in various ways; one

through arithmancy, but to do that you would need the work of the

originator of the spell which we don't have. No one knows who invented

the patronus charm; it was thought to be a Norsemen or travelling

scholar. My guess would be for the travelling scholar based upon the use

of Latin. You could try combining the spell with a fire spell."

Blaise picked up his wand at the last suggestion but Hermione beat him

to whatever he was going to do, "silencio. Really what would posses you

to attempt a fire spell in a library," Hermione commented with an

eyebrow raised. Tracey from her position next to Blaise snorted and

promptly smacked him in the head. "Thank you," Hermione directed to

Tracey while the others laughed at the put out expression on Blaise's face.

"Well let's move to the training room and try it out," Harry suggested and

started to levitate the painting of Rowena out of the room. As the group

moved Blaise signaled to his mouth but Hermione just huffed.

"You can stay silent for awhile. Honestly you could have burned down

the entire library!" The group tried for an hour to combine the patronus

with one of the many fire spells they knew but to no avail. All attempts

ended with the caster cutting off either their patronus or the flame they


"It's no good," Daphne finally spoke, "they're not combining just

cancelling each other out." They sighed in agreement and looked to the

painting but it was Harry who spoke next.

"What if we don't change the spell at all but the feelings behind them?"

Harry asked toward the painting.

Rowena looked at Harry appraisingly before simply stating, "Explain."

"Well the patronus works on positive happy thoughts and the image

created is bathed in the bright white light associated with happy

thoughts. Fire is normally associated with anger but in keeping with the

positive thoughts it's also associated with passion. So if you tried to cast

while filling your thoughts with something passionate with the intent of

creating fire, it should work the same way, right?"

Rowena did not respond right away instead she passed in the painting

thinking over Harry's idea. When she finally turned towards the group

again she looked directly at Harry, "I assume you have your passionate

thought ready?" Harry nodded, "Good. Try it, I believe it will work."

Harry stood off to the side of his friends and closed in eyes in

concentration. He filled his mind with thoughts of Daphne, their wedding

night, and other times spent in her arms. Interspersed with Daphne he

envisioned his patronus but instead of the silvery white light he imagined

his wolf flaming with the heat of a fiendfyre charm. He concentrated on

these thoughts for a good two minutes before bringing his wand up and

saying in a gravelly voice that only Daphne recognized, "Expecto

patronum!" Out of Harry's wand poured an intense heat that coalesced

into a flaming grey wolf that snarled at the room ready to protect. The

fiery wolf slowly clamed as it noticed nothing to defend against and

circled around to look at Harry. The heat of the new patronus cooled as

the wolf took a seat in front of Harry waiting for orders. Harry just

smiled at the wolf and waved his wand canceling the spell.

Harry was surrounded by friends in the next moment giving him their

congratulations. Daphne wore a smirk having guessed his thoughts

making Harry blush a bit. Daphne pulled Harry down for a scorching kiss

and then stood separately from the group and cast the spell herself,

"Expecto patronum." Daphne's spell replicated Harry's with a fiery wolf

that was larger than Harry's circling her protectively, before she vanished

it and smiled at Harry. The group took turns practicing casting for an

hour with only Neville being able to produce the fiery patronus. The

others were able to create the intense heat given off before the protector

formed. Draco managed to a ball of fire that was trying to form but that

was it. Harry sent a normal patronus off to Amelia who was in the garden

of Potter Manor with Elizabeth.

Amelia and Elizabeth both came into the training room to see the group

of with grins wider than the Cheshire cat. "What did you do?" Amelia

asked apprehensively knowing full well the groups fondness for pranks.

"Aw Auntie I'm hurt that you think we would prank you," Susan spoke

grinning with false sadness in her voice. Amelia fixed her niece with a

look. "Alright fine," Susan spoke, "Harry found a way to possibly destroy

the dementors."

"That's wonderful," Amelia said with hope in her voice. "Let's see it."

"It's the same incantation but instead of thinking happy thoughts you use

passionate thoughts." Harry spoke with a minimal amount of blush spoke,

"Expecto patronum!" His fiery version of Snow burst out of his wand and

gave a howl that came out in flames. "We just need to test it."

"We'll teach it to some aurors and have them try it out in the field.

They're most likely to come across dementors first," Amelia immediately

moving to attempt to cast the new version.

"You need to visualize the fiery protector while you cast," Harry


Amelia nodded and took a moment before casting, "Expecto patronum."

Out of the interim Minister of Magic's wand came a blazing dog that

looked remarkably like a grim. "Good I'll go to the DMLE and inform the



So this chapter took awhile and was a pain in the ass to write. It just

wouldn't come out and real life was intervening. I'm not real

pleased with it but wanted to get it up for you guys. While a fiery

patronus isn't very original, I hope the explanation behind it is.

Thanks for the reviews and support,


37. War comes to Hogwarts

The first day of term saw the New Marauders back at Hogwarts and to

Amelia's relief the election of the new Minister of Magic. The talk of the

train was the attack on Diagon Alley and the doom of the wizarding

world. The followers of Voldemort that were on the train smirked at the

muggleborn students maliciously. Harry, Daphne, Tracey, Neville, Susan,

and Hermione were the only ones in the compartment when Pansy

Parkinson, Dumb and Dumber, and surprisingly Marietta Edgecombe

stopped by to gloat. Pansy and Marietta were standing in the doorway

with Crabble and Goyle behind them.

"Did you enjoy being taught your place you filthy mudblood," Parkinson

sneered only to be stopped short when she moved her eyes from

Hermione to in front of her. She paused, gulped, and then stepped back

so she could look them in the face. Both Harry and Neville had shot up

and moved towards the door. Harry stood at 5'8 tall for their age group

and had strong lanky frame that towered over Pansy while Neville stood

at 5'5 he had the build of a rugby player that out classed both Crabble

and Goyle. Pansy and Marietta gulped at the intimidating pose and

stepped back only to take in the whole view of the compartment. Tracey

and Daphne had their wands pointed at the offending girls as did Susan

but she also had an arm wrapped around Hermione who simply glared at

the two girls. Hermione's eyes were watery but she refused to give them

the satisfaction of seeing her cry.

Harry's eyes glowed with hate and his aura seeped out around him flaring

menacingly at the offenders. "Leave now." The girls tried to scramble out

but Crabble and Goyle both still stood stupidly blocking the way. As they

were struggling to leave Harry smirked and called, "Oh and Parkinson

we've got a surprise for your Master." After that Daphne sent a silent

banishing charm at the four sending them flying down the hallway of the

train. Harry shut the compartment door and silenced it as Hermione

sobbed into Susan's arms while Susan rocked her friend. As Susan was

comforting Hermione, Hannah appeared at the door with Anthony

Goldstein. Harry slid the door open to allow Hannah in while Anthony

waited at the door as he was supposed to have rounds with Hermione.

Harry and Daphne moved into the hallway with Anthony, "Tony I'm

going to go on rounds with you," Daphne spoke quietly.

"Is everything alright with Hermione," Anthony said looking worried for

his fellow raven and friend.

"Mione's house was attacked on the same day as the Diagon Alley. Her

father was killed in the attack and Parkinson decided to stop by to

remind her," Harry spoke with anger lacing his voice.

"Pansy's a bitch," Anthony stated, "Why don't we go make her life


Daphne laughed, "My thoughts exactly." Then she turned to Harry and

gave him a kiss, "See you in a while, babe." They left to make their

rounds and harass Pansy for a bit, with any luck they catch her doing

something detention worthy like messing with a firstie.

"Where the hell have you been?" Harry snapped as Blaise strolled down

hallway leisurely as Daphne and Anthony went out the other doorway.

Blaise's smile faded and he frowned as he took in Harry's tone, "What


Harry sighed and tried to control his temper knowing his friend did

nothing wrong, "Parkinson, Edgecombe, Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum

stopped by. The Pug had words for Hermione."

Blaise's face was set in stone as Harry spoke, "She never learns."

"Nope," Harry said and then smirked, "Public prank tomorrow."

"Sounds good," Blaise said as they walked back into the compartment.

"I think we should wear blinders tomorrow," Blaise snickered as Harry,

Draco, Theo and he weaved a set of trigger released transfiguration spells

on the doors to the great hall. They were disillusioned as they worked

and had used the muffilato charm around the portraits to ensure they

stayed asleep. They had distracted Mrs. Norris with catnip and had

caught Filch in a secret passageway. Harry knew from his prefect status

when the professors checked the Great Hall, they had ten minutes.

"Well yeah but that would be a little obvious," Theo said while he


"Done," Harry commented and Draco nodded he was too. "Let's get back."

The four Slytherins made their way back to the dungeons as an ugly rat

looking thing streaked by them with a hiss.

"What the hell was that," Blaise asked in whispered yell.

Harry who was smirking spoke up, "I may have added some hair removal

potion to the catnip we gave Mrs. Norris."

Theo let out a bark of laughter but paused as they heard footsteps coming

their way. They moved to the side of the hall still under their

disillusionment charms.

"My cat, my poor cat, Mrs. Norris come back," Filch wailed as he ran past

them chasing after the now hairless feline.

Harry made it back to his and Daphne's room barely containing mirth at

Filch's wailing. He wore a boyish grin as he walked into his bedroom

where Daphne was asleep. His grin quickly turned into a devilish smirk

as he took in the sight before him. Daphne was sprawled across the bed

with only the sheet covering the bottom half of her body. Her top half

was nude and her lips formed a perfect pout as she slept. Harry's smirk

grew as he quickly discarded his clothes and slinked over to their bed. He

slowly pulled the sheet down off her body revealing the rest of her to his

eyes. Harry crawled onto the bed and moved so he was kneeling with his

legs on either side of hers. Harry lowered his face and gently brushed his

nose along her waist a few passes making Daphne moan in her sleep and

brush her legs together. Harry smiled into her skin and kissed down to

her hairless mound before giving her one long opened mouth kiss to her

slit. Daphne moaned and her eyes fluttered opened.

"Hhharrry," she whined as she took in what was happening and he

smirked looking up at her. Harry kissed the inside of both thighs before

he began to eat out his wife in earnest. Harry's tongue slipped back and

forth over her clit making her moan and thrust her hips up into him.

Harry put his parseltongue to good use as he made Daphne whither and

moan on the bed. Harry had to wrap his arms around her thighs so he

could continue as she was moving wildly. "Oooohh, Ooohhh, GAWD,"

Daphne was moaning non-stop as Harry pleasured her. She could feel the

fire building in her as Harry brought her closer to the edge. Harry felt her

muscles clench and nipped at her nub causing her to scream out.


Harry lapped at Daphne as she climaxed. Harry quickly moved up her

body with kisses and thrust into her at the same time. Daphne had no

time to come down from her high as Harry filled her. He pounded in and

out of her with powerful fast thrusts; Daphne's mouth fell open in a silent

scream as she orgasm again. Daphne clenched around him tightly and

Harry lost it as he emptied himself into her. Harry slowly pulled himself

out of Daphne as he placed soft kisses to Daphne's neck and cheeks. He

rolled them so that he was on his back and Daphne was against his chest.

He brought her lips to his as he gave her passionate kiss that left her

breathless. He pulled back and Daphne rested her head on his chest.

As she calmed she asked with a smile, "Not that I'm complaining but

what brought that on?" Harry simply smirked at his wife causing her to

laugh tiredly, "You pulled a prank didn't you." Harry grinned his rare

boyish grin and kissed his wife's head. They drifted off to sleep soon


At Breakfast the next the morning Harry sat at the far side of the

Slytherin table chatting with his wife and their friends when the star

attractions walked through the doors to the Great Hall. Laughter and

sounds of disgust filled the Great Hall and some first years started crying.

As Pansy, Crabble, and Goyle walked into the hall their robes and

uniforms disappeared leaving them in their underwear. Said underwear

had been transfigured by the spells placed on the door tailored to them;

Crabble and Goyle were now sporting pink boxers with I Heart Gilderoy

Lockheart flashing randomly in bright red. Pansy's bra and panties had

been turned purple with pink hearts that featured Ablus Dumbledore

pictures winking at the hall. Pansy was the first to notice the stares and

preened at the attention as she walked further into the hall. When she

finally noticed the draft in the hall and glanced down at herself she let

out a screeching scream that had all the familiars in the castle running

for safety. Pansy fled the hall to the laughter as did Crabble and Goyle at

the same time only for them to run smack into Marietta Edgecombe

who's own clothes had been transfigured similarly to Pansy's. They fell in

a tangle of limbs that caused first years to cry and older years to lose

their breakfast, before mercifully one of the teachers banished them from

the hall. As Harry, Daphne, Draco, Theo, Blaise, Neville, and Hannah left

for their first class of the day, Care of Magical Creatures, Hermione

stopped by with a smile.

"Thanks but I think I lost my breakfast," The four Slytherin boys smirked

proudly at that.

"Really I could have gone ten lifetimes without seeing that," Susan said as

she stopped beside them with Tracey.

"Although you could start a new diet fad with the way those four make

you lose your appetite," Tracey quipped.

"Merlin," Daphne sighed exasperatedly as she flopped onto the sofa in her

and Harry's sitting room. Currently the original New Marauders were

housed in various lounged positions around the room. "They're trying to

kill us before Voldemort gets a chance."

"You think Sirius would be nicer," Susan said from her spot where she

was glaring at a stack of DADA books gathered on the coffee table.

Harry snorted, "Please, in true Sirius wisdom, he believes we need to

suffer just as he did for O.W.L.'s!"

"At least we know DADA pretty well and between us have all the needed

books, we won't have to go to the library," Tracey said from where she

was sprawled in front of the small fireplace.

"But still we have a bloody twenty four foot essay on the Morholt Giant

Revolt, a thirty foot essay on the Draught of Rage, and thanks to Sirius a

twenty four foot essay on the Flagrante curse and hex," Blaise exclaimed.

"Well it's our O.W.L.'s," Hermione started high spirited but as Harry

started piling books they would need in the center of the coffee table she

finished dejectedly, "we should get started."

Harry reached for a potions book only to have Daphne smack him in the

head, "Do your History essay you always put it off and I know you can do


"Yes dear," Harry said rolling his eyes at Blaise and Neville who snickered

and passed Harry a history book. They worked for two hours before the

prefects among them had to leave for rounds.

The next few weeks passed similarly to their first day back with

assignments being piled on by the teachers, even Hagrid gave out five

feet on leprechauns. The Defense Association was working on silent

shielding, Sirius was for once serious, and drilled into his students the

importance of silent shields. If your opponent did not know what shield

you had cast defeating it became all the more harder. For motivation

Sirius, Severus, and Headmaster Flitwick would randomly cast minor

stinging hexes at the D.A. members at all hours of the day, Flitwick

thought it an ingenuous idea after witnessing Severus cast at Ernie

MacMillan in the hall. Ernie who had never been the best with charms

cast a perfect silent protego shield, a charm based defensive spell.

On the plus side last weekend Voldemort sent out the dementors to a

muggle village with a substantial half-blood population, the muggles in

the area simply thought the others were a bit weird but nothing they

couldn't deal with. An off duty auror noticed the signs of incoming

dementors and called for backup. Rufus Scrimgeour the newly elected

Minister of Magic, himself and a squad of twenty aurors responded to the

call. Five of them including, Scrimgeour, had been taught by Amelia to

use the new patronus charm. The other fifteen were split into pairs one

casting the normal patronus and the other were ordered to cast the ignis

explodere curse on the dementors. The plan worked and they estimated

about one hundred dementors had been taken out, the dementors

panicked when faced with their own destruction by wizards, something

they had never experience. With the success of the new patronus the

Ministry was offering free classes to master the charm to all adult


Today was the Slytherin Hufflepuff quidditch match; everyone in the

castle was excited for the game. Parents and quidditch fans were pouring

in for the match, Hogwarts seemed like one of the safest places to be and

fans were aware of that. The wards which had been upgraded over

winter break would keep out all those meaning harm to the school and

students, including dementors and other magical creatures. The wards

were part of the original scheme that the Founders had alerted Flitwick

to, all the professors met on the winter solstice to perform the spells

using the magic of the solstice to lend support. The stadium was packed

to the limits for the game the Slytherins were primed to take home the

title once again as well as hosting the future of the English professional



MATCH!" Lee Jordan announced. "Here's the Hufflepuffs led by CAPTAIN







second year CATHERINE ROWLE!" Lee moved away from the mic but

unfortunately not far enough as whispered to Fred and George next to

him, "I think Vaisey took a header at their tryout, the girl's tiny!"

The whole stadium heard including McGonagall who shouted,


"Erm right and SEEKER HARRY POTTER!" The crowd gave a roar for the

Slytherin team that increased to deafening shouts for Harry. As they

warmed up on the field Lee continued filing in the guests on the two

teams. "Hufflepuff has a host of new players this year with Whitby,

Medly, Smith, and Cauldwell. Today will be a real test to see how they

stack up against the veteran Slytherin team who only has one new player

this year. Vaisey has already proven himself as Captain with a win

against Gryffindor while Cadwallader lost in his first match as a captain

to Ravenclaw."

Harry blocked out the commentary Jordan was providing as they warmed

up, instead he focused on Cat or Owen Cauldwell. Cat so far looked to be

displaying almost no nerves in her debut game. Owen was second year

Hufflepuff who was riding a Nimbus 2001. The 2001 was normally not a

speed match for the Nike broom Harry was riding; Owen's slight frame

could give Harry contention on a straight away. Owen was gliding

around at the top of the pitch nervously glancing at the packed stands

including Gwenog Jones of the Harpies and the manager of Puddlemere

United Philbert Deverill. The players on Slytherin that were part of the

Hogwarts team barely glanced twice at the two Quidditch stars. Cat just

smirked at them ready to blow them away and then tell them to kiss her


"Madam Hooch calls the players in," Jordan announced. "And the

Quaffle's UP! SNAGGED BY GINNY WEASLY! She's really living up to the

family quidditch reputation! She takes it down the pitch fakes past Smith

send a bullet across the goals, Summerby goes for but Montague's there

first and punches it through the right hoop! SLYTHERIN 10! Cdwallader

gets the quaffle and starts down the pitch. WOW, THAT'S SOME WICKED


STRAIGHT OUT OF CADWALLDER'S ARM! Malfoy drops low and scoops

it up, Malfoy takes Whitby closes in Malfoy passes rifles it back to

Montague, Montague takes it high, races past Medly, fakes the shot,


Harry chuckled as he circled the pitch, thirty minutes in and the quaffle

had yet to pass onto the Slytherin side of the pitch. Slytherin was quickly

up ninety to nothing. Harry noted Vaisey circling the Slytherin goals

lazily; actually he looked like he was sleeping. Harry smirked and took

off at a blinding pace straight at Vaisey, Owen followed assuming Harry

had seen the snitch. Harry looked behind him and saw Owen was only a

few broom lengths behind and smirked as he turned back to Vaisey who

Harry could now see was laid out along his broom. The crowed took a

collective gasp as Harry and Owen zoomed straight towards Vaisey. One

broom length away from Vaisey Harry maneuvered so he shot just under

Vaisey, Harry kicked him in the ass as he past under. Owen just seconds

later barely had time to pull up as he did the twigs of his broom tail

brushed Vaisey faces. Vaisey jumped almost off his broom at being

awaked by the kick to the ass and the broom to the face. Vaisey quickly

remembered himself and latched onto his broom.

He spotted Harry laughing near the goal post while Owen looked torn

between being angry at Harry for fooling or terrified Vaisey would kill


WON"T HURT YOU!" Aaron shouted at Harry waving his fist. Harry's

laughter increased especially when Aaron added, "When did we get 100?"

Harry flew over to Vaisey, "How 'bout we switch to keep away and give

Cat some practice time?"

Aaron nodded, "Yeah that's fine, its' only Hufflepuff. If it was Gryffindor

I'd say keep it up but they got three second years up here don't wanna

completely take 'em apart, might not come back. Tell Cat to its open

season on Smith though, little shit needs to be taken down a peg or two.

Just look at the little arsewipe." They both looked to see completely red

faced yelling at Medly while a bludger went straight past him. Harry

smirked and took off to come up next to Cat.

"Cat we're gonna switch to keep away. Oh and feel free to make Smith

cry," Harry said as he took off to let the chasers know the plan. Cat's

smirk was reminiscent of the Cheshire cat as she eyed Smith. The

pompous ass frequently reminded Cat she was the daughter of two


"OOOHHH I FELT THAT ALL THE WAY UP HERE!" Lee said as the most

of the crowed grimaced as Cat nailed Smith right in the side with a

bludger as he yelled at Whitby. This went on for the next twenty minutes

before Harry finally decided to take mercy on Smith and ended the game

with an easy catch, having spotted the snitch ten minutes earlier.

"SLYTHEIN WINS 250 to 0!" Lee announced before adding, "Well ladies

and gents somehow I think we've seen the last of Zacharias Smith on the

Quidditch Pitch!"

"JORDAN!" McGonagall shouted again Lee just shrugged and gave her a

'what' look as Smith was taken off the pitch by stretcher, none of the

Hufflepuff players looked remotely upset at that. Turns out Smith ended

up with three cracked ribs, a broken wrist, two missing teeth, and a


"Today you will be brewing a rather volatile potion as such I expect your

full attention on your cauldrons," Professor Snape spoke in a deadly but

silky voice that made the majority of the fifth year Slytherin/Ravenclaw

class shiver. "The Draught of Rage as the name suggests can lead the

drinker to go into a blind rage out to destroy anything in their path. It

has no taste and as such has been used in the past for nefarious means.

Trained potion masters though can detect whether it was in someone's

system up to a three days later. Begin."

"Blaise get the horseradish root and the vinegar. Get the vinegar

measured and on the fire as soon as you get back, then do dice the

horseradish root," Harry said as he moved away from their lab table.

Blaise nodded and moved off to get the vinegar and horseradish root.

Harry collected the Hellsbreath, tentacula leaves, screechsnap, lemon,

alihosty, and pinyang. Harry brought back what they needed and quickly

stopped Blaise from throwing in the diced horseradish root. "Did you

even the read the directions?"

Blaise looked at him like he was stupid, "Yeah it says toss it in."

"After you check the heat, it has to be at 130 exactly or it won't dissolve."

Blaise nodded and checked the temp with his wand before gently placing

the diced root in the vinegar; Harry had no wish for vinegar to go

everywhere. As they waited Harry had Blaise strip the tentacula leaves

while he soaked the pinyang in lemon juice before placing it in the

cauldron and then stirring counterclockwise twenty times adding a

clockwise stir every five times. As he stirred Harry heard from his right

Hermione's voice.

"Michael!" Her voice was a bit high. He looked over and saw her brewing

partner Michael Corner had the screechsnap in his hand ready to put it in

at the wrong stage, if he did potentially a cloud of poisonous gas could be


"Uh, oh sorry spaced out for a second," Corner's reply came. Harry looked

over at the other fifth year who did look tired and a bit glassy eyed.

Harry shrugged and went back to his potion as he noticed Severus

glancing at Corner. Blaise was adding the stripped tentacula leaves as

Harry upped the heat of the fire. As they waited for the potion's

temperature to increase Harry crushed three screechsnaps before

chopping them while Blaise checked the temp and then added the

alihosty and stirring clockwise eleven times. When Blaise finished Harry

added the screechsnap. They waited until the potion turned a blood red

before Blaise doused the flames and took over stirring vigorously and

Harry picked up the small bottle of Hellsbreath which he forbade Blaise

from touching earlier in the year. The ingredient was easily one of the

most unstable that Hogwarts students worked with. Too much of it and it

exploded, shake it too much it exploded, too much heat near it sparked

flames, basically it liked to blow up therefore Blaise wasn't allowed to

touch it considering his potions blew up all on their own. Severus was

moving around stations and vanishing potions that were smoking or just

telling students to bottle what they had and not bother with adding the

hellsbreath. Crabble and Goyle were dismissed from the room early on in

the potion making. Pansy and Millicent got told to bottle theirs and leave

after setting their potion on his desk as did Terry Boot and Mandy

Brocklehurst, Morag MacDougal and Lisa Turpin, and Stephen Cornfoot

and Anthony Goldstein. The only ones in the room allowed finishing their

potions were Padma and Su Li, Kevin Entwhistle who was working alone,

Blaise and Harry, Draco and Theo, and Daphne and Tracey. Kevin was at

the front station of the row of Ravenclaws now that everyone else was

dismissed. Daphne and Tracey were directly across the aisle from him.

Behind Daphne and Tracey were Harry and Blaise; behind them were

Draco and Theo. Across from Draco and Theo were Hermione and

Michael Corner. Two stations behind them were Padma and Su Li which

was were Professor Snape was currently watching as they added the three

drops of hellsbreath. Harry added his own and waited for the potion to

turn clear. It took only twenty seconds for it to turn clear Harry grinned

at Blaise as they bottled and labeled it. Blaise took the potion up to the

front where he placed on the desk among the others. Daphne and Tracey

were cleaning up their station chatting. Su Li was moving towards the

front of the room while Draco moved to place his bottle of hellsbreath

back in the ingredients cabinet. Padma joined him with her bottle having

picked up Harry's on the way to the cabinet off to the front of the room,

Harry nodded in thanks. Kevin was adding his own to his potion when it


"Michael add the hellsbreath already," Hermione said as she stirred.

Severus looked up and started making his way towards them. Harry

looked over and could see Michael struggling with the bottle.

Suddenly it clicked in Harry's mind the glassy eyes, "EVERYBODY

DOWN!" Several things happened at once, Harry shot over to Hermione

who was diagonal to him and pulled her back towards his station while

turning his back on Corner. Daphne and Tracey shot forward and ducked

under Severus's desk with Blaise who threw up a shield. Severus trusting

Hadrian through a shield over the corner where Draco and Padma while

rushing towards Michael Corner. Draco was pushing Padma towards the

chalkboard while he wrapped around her shielding her. Su Li did the

only thing she could and dived forward and Kevin tried to throw a shield

over his bottle of hellsbreath but it failed, succeeding in only knocking it

over as he moved away.

As they were all moving Harry just reaching Hermione and pushing her

out of the way, Michael lost his battle and dumped the contents of the

Hellsbreath into his potion and over the fire that was still lit. An

explosion rocked the potions lab as Severus whipped Corner back behind

him before they were both thrown off their feet and into the wall.

Shrapnel from the cauldron followed a cloud of fire that engulfed the

station and reach five feet around it. The shockwave sent cauldrons and

vials flying. The container of Hellsbreath Kevin knocked over exploded

seconds later causing another explosion of fire and his full cauldron

flying over into the corner where Draco and Padma were.

Harry shouted as shrapnel from the cauldron hit his back and shout out,

"Aspis." The shield spell glowed blue as Harry threw his arm with the

shield up to cover not only himself but Hermione too. The shield

continued to glow as shrapnel impacted it and bounced off. When it died

down Harry removed his arm and immediately looked for Daphne.

"Daph?" Harry yelled as he stood up surveying the damage. Harry said,

"expecto patronum," the silvery form of Snow stood before him, "Madam

Pomfrey there's been potions explosion we need help Severus is down!"

Snow disappeared out the room.

"Harry?" Daphne called.

"Don't touch anything around you while you come out the rage potions

on the desk exploded. Kevin needs help." Harry spoke taking in

everything stepping gently over to where Severus and Michael Corner

were unconscious on the floor. Hermione was dosing flames as she

moved towards Su Li who was unmoving on the ground. Harry turned as

he heard a scream, Draco was standing over Padma with his hand

clenched around his wand in the process of casting, Theo, who was

moving towards Draco, shot his wand up and a red jet of light marking

the stunning spell impacted Draco in the back knocking him out. "Padma

open the door on your left its Professor Snape's office there's a floo in

there. Call St. Mungos now!" Harry quickly moved to Severus and Corner.

"Shite! Tracey get over here now!" Harry shouted as both Severus and

Corner were bleeding heavily. Severus looked horrible his body was

littered with shrapnel both pewter and glass sticking out of his chest,

arms, and legs. He had burns over his right side, his arm from reaching

for Corner was the worst, and Harry could see bone. Corner's left hand

was missing with jagged bones and flesh mixed with blood and his left

arm was singed black. Harry cast the only thing he knew would help,

"pressure," the spell stemmed the bleeding as Harry kept it up.

Tracey arrived in a rush and gasped at the sight before casting, "Vita."

The spell light up gray and Tracey faltered. "Daph I need your help."

Daphne stood up from where Hermione was crying over Su Li, the girl

had no pulse. "We both need to cast the vital suspending curse," She said

as Daphne knelt next to her and they both cast the healers spell only

recently taught to them by the man they were helping. Susan was the

best but Tracey and Daphne weren't that far behind her.

After what seemed like hours but was really only about two minutes

Madam Pomfrey arrived at the same time five healers were ushered into

the lab by a hysterical Padma. Madam Pomfrey gasped upon taking in

sight of the room, blood, ash, shrapnel and spilled potions covered almost

every inch. Madam Pomfrey and the five St. Mungos personal seemed

frozen in shock never having seen a potions disaster of the magnitude.

Harry snapped them out by calling out the injuries he knew, "Corner's

missing a hand and his arm is singed black! Professor Snape's

unconscious with shrapnel and burn injuries. Tracey and Daph have

suspended his vitals!"

"Draco's unconscious, stunner, he absorbed Kevin's cauldron full of rage

draught," Theo yelled out.

Blaise followed with, "Kevin's burned on his left side and unconscious!"

Blaise, Theo, and Harry's words were fired at a rapid pace that snapped

the healers out of their daze.

"Beaucourt, Trudy, take Severus," Madam Pomfrey barked out the orders

to the younger healers she had helped train. "Thurston, Phillips, over to

Kevin," She nodded in Blaise's direction as she moved to the area where

Severus, Michael, Daphne, Tracey, and Harry were all at. She used a

body bind on Corner and moved him away from Severus to a semi clean

area before beginning.

"Girls keep the spell up," Harry heard as he moved with Michael Corner

and Madam Pomfrey keeping his spell going.

"Keep it up Hadrian," Madam Pomfrey said as she cast a diagnostic,

gasped, and then brought out some vials from her healer robes. She

immediately spelled blood replenishing potions, from what Harry could

tell, into Corner's stomach before stunning the boy to keep him

unconscious. "You can stop your spell Hadrian." She worked her wand

over the teen's body muttering in Latin for a couple of minutes; every so

often another potion would disappear into Corner. Harry sat next to his

eyes finally processing what they had seen. The one thing that stood out

the most was Padma and Hermione crying over their fellow Raven,

Padma more hysterically than Hermione who was glancing at Draco and


"He's just stunned, the rage potion landed on him," Harry said over the

din to Hermione who nodded in thanks.

"Hadrian," Madam Pomfrey spoke from next to him snapping his

attention back to the Hogwarts healer. "Floo to St. Mungos tell them we

need three beds, tell them it's a code Pliny." Harry sprinted to the floo

and came out at St. Mungos Emergency Room triage, not noticing for

once he landed right. Harry in his Hogwarts robes was quickly spotted by

the waiting Head Healer of the ER who raced over to the floo entrance.

"Madam Pomfrey said code Pliny," Harry started.

"Damn!" The healer interrupted, "How many beds?" The healer fired off

the question.


"CODE PLINY! WE NEED THREE BEDS!" The healer's words brought a

rush of action "What can you tell me, quick lad." The healer moved them

clear of the floo entrance should someone come through.

Harry answered him as fast as he could, "Rage potions. Corner dropped

the bottle of Hellsbreath in the cauldron and the fire." Harry spoke almost

in one breath.


out again as Harry moved back towards the floo. The healer gently

grabbed Harry by the shoulder and spun Harry back to face him. "Where

do you think you're going laddie?"

Harry looked confused back at the man, "Back to help?" It came out as a


The healer quirked a smile, "The only place you're going is with

Apprentice Markowitz over here," he nodded to a blonde female standing

nearby, "to get wounds looked at." Harry looked at him blankly. "Your

arms and back are tore up lad," the healer spoke gently but firmly

realizing Harry had yet to notice.

"Oh," Harry said as he finally took in his own cuts.

The healer chuckled, "Apprentice Markowitz patch him up while we wait

for his friends."

The Apprentice Healer came over a led Harry to a bed in the emergency

room, "Come on your friends will be coming through as soon as their

stable." Harry just nodded as he sat and Markowitz started spelling out

the small pieces of shrapnel Harry had been hit with. She used dittany to

seal some of the larger wounds but a simple episky worked for most of

the small cuts. "You might have some bruises but that's it," she spoke as

the floo rang in three quick successions. Healers all around immediately

jumped into action as the three injured patients from Hogwarts came

through; they were levitated quickly into operating rooms out of Harry's


Another apprentice came over and spoke, "They're asking for you back at

Hogwarts. Madam Pomfrey is staying there as Mr. Malfoy can remain at

the castle."

Harry took another trip through the floo network this time stumbling as

he came out of the floo. He was immediately embraced by Daphne.

Daphne buried her head in his chest and Harry just held her as he looked

around. Headmaster Flitwick and Professor McGonagall were here as was

Tonks and two other aurors who were placing Su Li in a body bag.

Madam Pomfrey had Draco on a stretcher and was getting ready to take

him up to the Hospital Wing.

"Harry I need your statement," Tonks said as she came over to them.

Harry nodded his response and shifted Daphne so she was to his side.

"You know the drill just give me your account."

"First I'm fairly certain Michael Corner's under the imperious curse,"

Harry's statement caused Flitwick and McGonagall to come closer as well

as the other two aurors in the room.

"Explain," was Tonks' only reply aside from her eyes narrowing.

"Hold on," Flitwick stated before turning to McGonagall, "Lock down the

common rooms start with Ravenclaw." McGonagall nodded and left the

room in a hurry and Tonks nodded her thanks.

"We were making the Draught of Rage; earlier in the class Corner almost

added an ingredient at the wrong time. It would have let loose a cloud of

poisonous gas. 'Mione caught it before he put it in. Corner shook it off as

being tired and he looked it, glassy eyed with circles under his eyes and

just a rather blank look. When he went to poor the Hellsbreath in his

hand was shaking and kept jerking away before he finally dropped it.

He's one of the best brewers in our year."

"Damn, floo the DMLE get three more teams here. We need to search the

Houses and go over everyone's wands," Tonks spoke to one of the other

aurors who nodded and moved into Professor Snape's office.

"Hermione telling him to add the hellsbreath already got my attention

again. When I noticed him shaking I shouted for everyone to get down. I

pulled Hermione out of the way and got a shield up a little late.

Apprentice Markowitz at St. Mungos took care of my cuts."

"Alright I want you all to go to the hospital wing for right now," Tonks

said and gave Harry a look that said if you argue I'll curse you seven

ways from Sunday.

Around an hour later Cadmus Hammer walked in to the Hospital wing

with an unspeakable next to him. Harry, Daphne, Tracey, Hermione, and

Theo sat up straighter around Draco's bed, he was still stunned. Madam

Pomfrey didn't want to wake him up with their being so many variables

with the potion Draco was soaked with.

"Ah hello you five," Cadmus spoke fondly before his voice turned somber,

"I'm sorry about your classmate Miss Li." The five simply nodded in

response. Cadmus put a hand on the unspeakble's shoulder and the

unspeakable lowered his hood to show a forty something smiling man.

"This is Unspeakble Rayes he's going to check on Draco here to see what

can be done or if we need to just wait it out." They nodded and moved

away from Draco so Unspeakable Rayes could go to work.

"Well Hadrian are you always so alert in potions class?" Cadmus asked a

bit carefully.

The Slytherins chuckled and Harry answered a ruefully, "For the past four

years we've had potions with the Gryffindors. We have to be alert if we

want to turn in anything at all." Harry's voice grew more serious as he

added, "A couple years ago the youngest Weasley boy tried throwing a

firework in Draco's potion. Had it gone it would have caused an

explosion like today." Cadmus nodded with a thoughtful expression as

Sirius entered the room with Tonks.

"Draco awake yet?" Tonks asked as she entered.

"Auror Tonks," Cadmus answered, "Unspeakable Rayes is looking him

over to see if anything can be done to speed the Rage Draught out of


"I'm going to wake him up," Unspeakable Rayes said after applying a

body-bind charm and silencing charm to the teen. Draco awoke wild eyed

and immediately straining against the body bind, a testament to the

amount of potion his skin absorbed and Kevin's potions ability. "Hello Mr.

Malfoy. I'm Unspeakable Rayes and you are currently in the hospital

wing of Hogwarts." He paused and Draco opened his mouth to shout and

Rayes dumped a potion down his mouth and then forced him to swallow

it by closing his mouth and nose. Draco unwillingly swallowed and then

started yelling but no sound came out of his mouth. Slowly Draco's

yelling stopped, a half smirk half Cheshire cat like grin appeared on his

face, and his eyes took on a dreamy expression. Unspeakable Rayes

smiled and released the charms on Draco. Draco then surprised them all

by sitting forward and wrapping Unspeakable Rayes in his arms. Draco

sat there holding Rayes around the waist with the same dopey look on

his face. Everyone in the room stopped and looked at the normally

proper and a bit spoiled teen hugging an Unspeakable around the waist.

And that was the scene that the parents of the various students involved

in the explosion walked in on. The Patil parents went straight over to

Padma who was still crying despite the calming potions she had taken,

Madam Pomfrey had been trying to comfort the girl. Hermione's mother

who was being led in by Narcissa and Remus Lupin wrapped her

daughter in a hug. Hermione leaned into her mother's embrace tears

leaking out of her eyes. Tracey's parents reacted similarly while Blaise's

mother gripped her son's shoulder starring into his eyes before pulling

him into her side as they whispered in Italian before moving to the

nearest floo, Blaise nodded to Harry before they left conforming Harry's

thoughts on where the two Zabini's were headed. Daphne's mum and dad

placed their arms around them both from behind.

Before anyone could talk Narcissa arched one perfectly shaped eyebrow

and asked in her regal voice, "Would someone care to explain why my

son is hugging an unspeakable?" The sharpness of her voice reminded

everyone just who her sister was and what family she came from.

"MUMMY!" Draco's hilariously high pitched voice screamed across the

room. He tried to leave the bed but Unspeakable Rayes stopped him.

"I think it would be better if he stayed in bed while the potion is in

effect," Rayes said which prompted Narcissa to turn to him. He gulped as

she starred him down before moving over to her son who wrapped her in

a hug. Harry snickered at Rayes's face as Narcissa moved over to Draco.

"Hi!" Draco said like an excited five year old on Christmas morning.

Narcissa turned her head prompting Rayes to start speaking, "I gave

Draco a combination of a Draught of Peace and Euphoria potion to

counteract the amount of Rage Potion in his system. He's going to be a

bit, erm, happy." Rayes said with a grimace that turned into a smile when

Narcissa only shook her head in exasperation.

Draco then turned to Remus who was standing next to Sirius at the head

of Draco's bed, "SOOooo when are you going to ask my mum to marry

you? I mean so you're furry and have a tail once a month. Uncle Sirius is

like that half the time."

"DRACO," Came from Narcissa while the room gladly took the

opportunity to laugh.

"I think we'll give you some privacy," Madam Pomfrey spoke before

sectioning Draco off from the rest of the room.

After about five minutes later Headmaster Flitwick and Kingsley

Shacklebolt entered the room and talked with Tonks and Sirius before

turning to those collected in the room. Kingsley stepped forward from the

group while Flitwick and Sirius disappeared out the hospital wing.

"I'm Auror Lieutenant Shaklebolt," He started in his deep voice that

grabbed everyone's attention. "We've investigated and found the young

man who caused the explosion to be under the imperious curse and we

have taken a suspect into custody. I cannot yet give you their name as

they are a minor and have not yet been formally charged. You will all be

the first to know any further information in the case. If you'll excuse me I

need to meet with the Headmaster and the Li family." Kingsley left with

Tonks in tow presumably to the Headmaster's office.

"I'm Professor Black," Sirius spoke next in soft tone of voice, "Headmaster

Flitwick is allowing you to take your son or daughter home for a few

days if you feel it necessary. If you chose not to and they're struggling

later in the week they may be excused. As for the students the Houses

have been taken out of lock down so you may return after spending time

with your parents, please let me know if you're going to be taking your

student home."

Sirius seeing Harry was occupied with the Greengrass parents took time

to see to Theo who was hanging around in the background of the hospital

wing. "All right there Theo?"

"Yeah it's just, it's not supposed to come to Hogwarts," Theo said quietly.

"I know," Sirius stated simply and placed a hand on the boy's shoulder in


"What about my parents," Theo asked quietly with a nod to the families.

"We thought it best not inform them but Cissa said she would find a way

to get your mother a letter. I sure she would include anything you

wanted to add." Theo nodded to the first part but remained unresponsive

to the rest of Sirius's comment. Sirius paused for a moment before

adding, "You know when I was sixteen I ran away from home for much

the same reasons you did." Theo turned to him looking interested so

Sirius continued, "I ran to James's, Harry's dad, house they welcomed me

in and treated me like second son, even added me to the wards." Sirius

nodded to the sectioned off bed where Draco, his mum, and Remus were

still at laughter being heard every so often. "Go join them, Narcissa will

welcome you." Theo looked unsure but Sirius propelled him forward a

bit, "Go on." Theo slowly made his way to the curtains and cleared his

throat gaining the occupants attention. Narcissa open the curtains to see

who it was and smiled warmly at Theo welcoming him to sit next to her.

As she closed the curtains around them Sirius gave her a nod and a smile

which she returned in understanding.

Sirius made his way over to where the others were gathered intent on

checking on his godson to be intercepted by Padma's father.

"Professor Black," The short Indian man stated in a rather thick accent, "I

think we'll be taking Padma home for a little while. Would it, could it be

arranged for her twin Parvati to join us? I think it would help Padma."

Sirius nodded to the man, "Of course I think that would be fine. I'll let

Professor McGonagall know to bring Parvati down."

"Thank you," came the heartfelt reply the man really did love his

daughters. Sirius nodded and conjured his patronus sending it to

McGonagall. As he arrived at the edge of the group of Slytherins and one

Ravenclaw and their parents Harry surprised him by pulling him into a

hug. It dawned on him quickly. Severus was the first adult to show Harry

support and, well, love. Far from being pissed to hell and back, as he

himself would have expected, Sirius only found he saddened that Harry

was once again in pain.

"It'll be okay pup. It'll be okay," Sirius repeated quietly as he wrapped

Harry in a strong hug and rocked him back and forth a bit.


Well its been awhile hasn't it? I feel like the last month has been a

year long with all the projects and papers due in my classes. My

semester finally ended and I'm officially a senior in college (Woot

Woot) so updates will be more frequent as I'll finally have time to

right something other than research papers. As always enjoy and

thanks for the support.


A/N #2 5-15-12

Fixed the Slytherin Ravenclaw match to Slytherin Hufflepuff, sorry I

switched teams halfway through and thought I had fixed all of 'em.

Now to the reviewer who said i'm fucked in the head and write like I

have a mental illness, it's called AU for a reason it's not supposed to

be cannon you fucktard! Basically the only thing I have to say to

you is FUCK OFF, don't like than don't read it!


38. Change of Rules

The next day the Great Hall was decorated with black banners in honor

of Su Li. The students were quiet as they ate this morning. The Ravens

were red eyed and sniffling still over the loss of their housemate. Pansy

and her ilk were quickly shut up by glares from the majority of the

school, including the Professors. After they had been eating for around

ten minutes Headmaster Flitwick made his way to the podium that had

arisen when he stood. He stepped up on stairs placed there for him and

held his hands for quiet which commenced instantly.

"Yesterday we had the great misfortune of losing a bright and talented

young student, Su Li will be missed and forever in our memories."

Flitwick paused for a moment of silence before he continued. "Yesterday

we had three more injuries besides the death of Miss Li. Miss Li tragically

died instantly after a piece of shrapnel pierced her neck and severing her

spinal cord. Professor Snape suffered a collapsed lung, perforated spleen,

and several cuts and second degree burns. He is currently awake and

giving the healers at St. Mungos hell," Flitwick said which caused

chuckles amongst the school. "He will make a full recovery but will be

out for a week, his classes will be taken over by Professor Rayes while

Professor Snape is recovering," Flitwick gestured to a man seated at the

head table, the unspeakable from the night before. "Kevin Ernstwhile

suffered second degree burns on the left side of his body but will make a

full recovery with the help of the healers at St. Mungos. Michael Corner

was found to be under the imperious curse and suffered first degree burns

on his left arm, a severe concussion, several deep gashes, as well as the

loss of his left hand." The students gasped at the description of injuries,

"I've shared the injuries of the students at allowance of their parents. It's

my hope that this will help prevent future incidents whether criminal or

not in potions classes, it is dangerous subject with very real consequences

when things go wrong," Flitwick starred down Ron Weasley as he spoke

the last part before moving his gaze to the rest of the students. "While

Professor Snape is recovering the temporary Head of House for Slytherin

will be Professor Sinistra."

"You'll also notice that we are missing Eddie Carmichael is no longer with

us. As of seven thirty this morning he was officially charged with casting

the imperious curse, one count of murder for the death of Su Li, and

twenty one counts of attempted murder for each student who was in the

room during the Ravenclaw/Slytherin potions period. Carmichael at the

age of sixteen will go to a hearing tomorrow to decide whether he will be

tried as an adult. If Ambassador Li has any say he will be and as an adult

under the new laws he faces not only life in Azkaban or the kiss but the

possibility of being directly deposited into the Veil of Death." Again the

students let out gasps and a few students like Pansy and Marietta

Edgecombe paled dramatically before quickly covering themselves.

"In light of the serious nature of the charges and the attitudes displayed

by some students still remaining at this school we have decided to

institute some rule changes. From now on any student heard using the

term 'mudblood' will be given a detention for the first offense, second

offence will be a Saturday session, and a third offense will result in an in

house suspension. Any offense after that will result in the confiscation of

the offender's wand except for classes." The normal offenders of this rule

gave shouts of disapproval but a look from the staff quickly silenced

them. "Also were adding harsher penalties to those who violate the rule

of no magic in the corridors, especially those found to be fighting. First

time offenders will be given Saturday sessions with Mr. Filch, Professor

McGonagall, or myself. Second offense will result in an in house

suspension; third offenses will result in the automatic suspension and

possible expulsion or the student." Flitwick gave a hard look to all the

students silencing some of the more rowdy students. "Now before I

dismiss you to your day," Flitwick started, "Grief councilors will be

available in the hospital wing to those who need them and classes are

canceled excluding OWL and NEWT levels."

"Hey Sue, Blaise said to tell you sorry but he can't work on the project

today for DADA," Theo said as they met up to with the others before

heading to their classes, the Slytherins and Neville would separate from

the others on the third floor for the Charms classroom.

"That's understandable, where is he anyways?

"He spent all night at the hospital with his mother," Theo answered as

they walked. "He didn't get in until about five this morning Flitwick is

excusing him from classes for today."

"Did he find anything out about Professor Snape," Neville asked as they

waved bye to the others side. They had arrived at the Charms classroom

and were taking their seats, most of the class turned to hear Theo's


"Just what Headmaster Flitwick told us. They kept Professor Snape asleep

last night and said they would keep in out for most of today. They want

to let everything heal up," Theo answered to the class.

"The jumped up blood traitor got what he deserved. It's just too bad he

didn't die," Pansy sneered out.

Before any of the students could respond the door to the classroom

slammed shut causing them all to jump and Professor Krum snapped out

with a growl, "Detention Parkinson. You'd think given the Headmaster's

warning this morning you'd use your brain, but then that's probably too

much to expect from inbred pureblood whose parents are second

cousins." The rest of the class snickered at Pansy's outraged look. "Lets get

one thing straight before we continue on I'm a half-blood and I have no

problem teaching you lesson on punishment, I did attend Durmstrang

after all," Fedor said as he starred down those that were problems in his

classes. Pansy paled as he added, "Your detention will be with me I

suggest wherein something you can exercise in, be at the Quidditch Pitch

at six a.m. on Saturday."

"Now today we'll be working on the animation charm. The goal of today

is to get your object to walk. The incantation is anima, and the wand

movement is as follows," Professor Krum demonstrated with a motion

like one would roll their wrist, "end with a sharp twist. The results should

look something like this," With a flick of his wrist Fedor made the Darth

Vader figurine on his desk come to life complete with light saber sound

effects. The tiny Darth Vader ran, flipped, slashed, blocked, and twirled

on the desk for a few minutes before stopping and making the figurine

bow. Fedor smirked at some of the looks he was getting from

muggleborns, "It's better than Star Treck," he said with a shrug to the

laughter of the muggleborns and half-bloods.

Daphne gave Harry a look, so Harry replied quietly, "I'll show you over

the summer." She nodded accepting it as Fedor distributed figurines and

other toys to the students. Harry got a G.I. Joe and Daphne sitting next to

him got a Barbie which she took with a glare directed at Fedor. Draco

was given t-rex toy while Theo got King Kong figure. Neville got a Ken

doll while Tracey got a Chucky doll.

"Alright nope not gonna happen," Tracey said, "psycho killing doll goes to

someone else," she tossed it towards Pansy as a laughing Fedor gave her a

Buzz Light-year toy. Pansy shrieked as she got a look at the doll.

"Begin, I'll be around to help," Fedor said once he handed out toys to

everyone. Harry pulled up a picture in his head of a soldier marching,

then he rolled his wrist a few times getting a feel for the movements

before he cast.

"Anima," Harry opened his eyes as he cast the spell which swirled blue

around the G.I. Joe before disappearing into the G. I. Joe. The G.I. Joe

lifted one leg before the other and started marching around the desk in

front of him. He smirked at the G.I. Joe but lost it as Fedor clapped him

on the back in congratulations. "Damn," he whispered under his breath.

"Ah use your occulmency to help keep concentration while doing other

things," Fedor commented, "five points to Slytherin. Try more

complicated movements." Harry looked around and saw he was the only

one to get his figure walking some were twitching spastically. He started

laughing but received a punch to the shoulder from Daphne. Daphne's

Barbie doll had one leg going up and down like a rockette doll on


Harry laughed and received a glare and she balled up her fist again,

"Hold on before you get violent again, I'm gonna help." Harry said

laughing between words making Daphne huff.

"Arse," she muttered. Harry looked around and seeing Professor Krum

occupied gave Daphne a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Alright cast it for me," Harry prompted.

Daphne sighed calming herself a bit before casting, "Anima." The spell

only swirled around the legs of the Barbie before once again it started

kicking radically.

"When you walk your whole body moves not just the legs," Harry said.

"You're focusing only on moving the legs. You want the whole body to

move." Daphne's mouth formed an 'o' before she managed to make her

Barbie walk successfully while Harry's G.I. Joe kozachok dance around

the desk. Getting laughs from the rather sullen class, Fedor gave Harry a

nod of appreciation before the class was dismissed.

Herbology unfortunately went more morose fully reminding the students

of the events of the previous day. Professor Sprout lacked her usual

chipper attitude and was sniffling as she lectured on honking daffodils.

When the class ended the students filed out the door at record speed even

the Hufflepuffs. Lunch passed rather slowly after that with the New

Marauders simply eating without much talking going on around them.

Daphne leaned her head on Harry's shoulder the whole time. After lunch

they trekked their way to double transfiguration, the Slytherins shared

the course with the Ravenclaws. McGonagall was seated at her desk as

they filed in and took their seats.

McGonagall stood and those that had been talking quietly stopped as

their professor stood looking them over. "Unfortunate times have befallen

us all. With a world as small as ours it will continue to impact all of us

while we fight this menace," she paused before seeming to force herself

to say, Voldemort, but one of the easiest ways to defeat him is to

continue on living. So that is what we will do, we will remember Su Li

for the shy yet cheerful, intelligent, beautiful girl that she was and honor

her by continue to living. Now open your books to page 95 today will be

going over vanishing spells."

By Saturday, Valentine's Day, the majority of students old enough for

Hogsmeade were looking forward to enjoying a day to let loose after a

week of mourning for their fallen classmate. Wednesday most of the

Ravenclaws were absent from school as the Li family had invited them to

the Su's funeral as well as a few of the other students who were friends

with Su. The students and staff were looking forward to a Hogsmeade

weekend speeding the process to normalcy, though grief counselors were

still present for those that felt the need to visit them.

Harry awoke to find Daphne still sleeping next to him curled into his side

with her head on his chest. He smiled before softly pressing a kiss to his

wife's head and extricating himself from her. He moved to the sitting

room and called for Mips who arrived before him with a slight pop.

"Hello Mips, I was wondering if you could bring me a tray of Daphne's

favorites." Harry asked his elf quietly and then added, "oh and some roses

from the garden."

Mips smiled before replying, "Sir Harry better than Master James at

Valentine's day," before she popped out of the room. Harry laughed softly

as his elf left. Mips returned with a tray of food with a vase of roses.

"Thanks Mips," Harry said as he took the tray and made his way back to

the bedroom. Harry floated the tray next to the bed and gently nuzzled

Daphne's neck and kissed his way to her lips. Harry gently woke his wife

and smiled at her as her eyes fluttered open. Daphne smiled back at him

when she registered her husband's face above her. They shared a soft kiss

before Daphne pulled back.

"Mmm something smells good," She commented and looked around for

the food. Harry chuckled and floated the food over to them. "Oh

chocolate chip pancakes, strawberries, and a latte, Mips is a godsend,"

she said with a smirk.

Harry let out a chuckle, "That she is. Happy Valentine's Day. When were

finished we can go to Hogsmeade than floo to your surprise."

"Okay but I have your surprise scheduled for three," Daphne said as she


"Oh I get a surprise this year," Harry said in a teasing voice as he ate his

own pancakes.

"Mmmhmm," Daphne said as she gave him a kiss.

"Strawberries," Harry muttered against her lips. They ate the rest of their

meal stealing kisses between bites.

"So what do I need to wear?" Daphne asked from the bathroom of their


"You don't really need to be dressed up for this if you don't want," Harry

called back as he finished dressing in jeans, doc martins, with a dark

green button up that he left the bottom and top undone.

Daphne came out of the bathroom in a towel and licked her lips. She

slowly stalked towards Harry and pulled him towards her using his shirt,

"me likey," she growled playfully making Harry groan. Harry pulled her

in for a kiss he hissed into her mouth using parseltongue leaving Daphne

to be the one moaning.

Harry pulled away with a smirk moving her towards the closet and gave

her a playful spank, "While I would love to continue what you started, we

should get going if you want your surprise."

Daphne looked like she was contemplating saying screw the surprise but

huffed, "Fine I'll be good." Daphne said then smirked coyly and dropped

her towel and turned towards the closet. Harry groaned and forced

himself out of the room he shared with his wife. Harry grabbed his

leather jacket that was tossed on the back of the couch and waited for his

wife to come out. She did about ten minutes later dressed in a pair of

jeans, black heeled boots, and a tight blue turtle neck she had over her

arm a long white pea coat. She was wearing one of the necklaces Harry

gave her.

"You look beautiful," Harry said and gave her a sweet lingering kiss. "So I

need some ink and Aiolos wants some ice mice apparently." Harry

finished with a roll of his eyes internally at his familiar who was

currently in tattoo form.

"She knows they're not real mice?" Daphne asked a bit confused.

"Yeah turns out I need to have some words with Blaise about feeding

Aiolos sweets," Harry replied.

Daphne snorted, "Well I need to pick up some parchment I'm out from all

these essays but other than that I don't need anything."

Harry held open the door to their rooms and held out his arm to Daphne,

"To Scrivenshaft's we go milady." Daphne giggled and took his arm and

they set off to Hogsmeade. Along the way they met up with Tracey who

was with Beau Montague. They chatted about their plans for the day well

the girls did while Harry and Beau chatted about the upcoming

Ravenclaw/Gryffindor game and how it would affect the standings.

"Alright boys you can talk about quidditch later," Tracey said as she

pulled Beau away to Madam Puddifoots.

"Ah Lord Potter it's nice to finally meet you," A middle age brown haired

man said from his position where he was stocking supplies off to the side

of the entrance. "I'm the owner Reginald Scrivenschaft. Your tri-wizard

performance was inspiring," he said holding his hand out with a large

kind smile on his face, "I hope you'll play for England for at least one


Harry smiled happy he was recognized for his own merit and replied with

a simple, "We'll see."

The man smiled back, "let me know if you need any help," and then went

back to stocking. Daphne and Harry moved to gather their supplies;

Daphne had a ream of parchment while Harry picked up a few bottles of

blue and black ink. They paid for their supplies and Harry banished them

back to their room at Hogwarts before waving goodbye to Mr.

Scrivenschaft. Harry took Daphne's hand and led her to a nearby alley

before pulling out a piece of parchment.

"Ready for your gift?" Harry asked though he knew it wasn't need as

Daphne was bouncing on feet. "Alright hold on," Harry indicated the

parchment and tapped it with his wand when she took hold. They were

off in a swirl of blue that indicated a portkey. They arrived outside Hever

Castle in Kent.

"OOohhh, I've always wanted to come here," Daphne said with a squeal

and jumped up and down in Harry's arms. "Did you know they have a

magical section?" She said with happiness still oozing from her. They

paid their fees and entered the castle and spent the majority of the day

impressed with the grandeur of the castle. Daphne was impressed that

they managed to obtain Anne Boylen's wand, the attendant said that it

was saved by her sister Mary. They spent an enjoyable lunch out in the

magical section of the Tudor gardens under warming charms.

"Now time for your surprise," Daphne said as they left the castle, "I had

Tonks make the portkey for me." Harry raised his eyebrow at that but

didn't have time to say anything as Daphne said the activation code for

the portkey, her arm already wrapped around Harry, " Manchester."

They arrived in an entry point of an alley similar to Diagon Alley. It had

few shops than Diagon Alley but had more what looked like to Harry

apartment buildings and duplexes. Among the shops were a Gladrags,

Zonkos, and Quality Quidditch Supply Shop but there were also smaller

store fronts mixed in. In the Pages, looked like a bookstore from where

they stood and across from it was a music store that advertised

instruments as well as records, next to the music store was a cafe/bar

called the Griffin's Nest. But what drew Harry's eye immediately was the

graffiti style sign of The Body Shop, a magical tattoo and piercing parlor.

Underneath the sign the glass was plastered with pictures from band

posters to tribal and Celtic designs.

Daphne seeing where Harry was looking spoke, "I figured with everything

that's happened you would forget to ask Tonks about a tattoo parlor. She

helped me schedule your appointment and give the guy a few of your

thestral drawings to work off of." Harry just turned to her with his

lopsided grin on his face and started pulling her towards the shop. They

entered the shop and Harry was pleased to see it looked more muggle

than wizard; he had had brief images of torture devices when he thought

of a wizarding tattoo. There was a woman who looked to be in her

twenties behind the desk with spiky hair that was black, purple, and red.

One arm had a sleeve and the other had a tribal band across her other

arm. The area around her left eye, forehead, and down to her cheek were

covered in stars. She also had a few facial piercings. In the shop bent

over a few customers were two guys. One was burly and looked like he

could snap the tattoo gun he was holding in half with ease. He had both

arms covered in sleeves that stretched onto his back; his neck was

tattooed with nautical star. The other guy had a long sleeve shirt on so

they couldn't tell if his arms were inked but he did have some art on his

hands, he was lanky, had long hair pulled back, caged ears, and pierced

eyebrows. All in all they made for an intimidating sight but Harry's eyes

were on the walls which were plastered with pictures of tattoos the

artists had done or could do. One section of the wall was reserved for

custom tattoos.

"Hi can I help you," The girl at the desk asked when they came in.

"Yes," Daphne said while Harry seemingly went deaf as he looked around

the room. "Nym Tonks made an appointment for my husband, she

dropped off some of his drawings too."

The girl started laughing, "You can get away with using her first name,

and damn I'm impressed. I'm Jamie and you must be Daphne making

him," she nodded towards Harry, "Hadrian right?" She came around to

their side of the desk and held her hand out in greeting.

"Yep, Harry," Daphne called but Harry was starring at some of the custom

tats, "Harry!" She called a little louder making Harry turn with a sheepish

smile, "Babe this is Jamie one of the artists," She said as he came back

over to them took Daphne's hand and held his other out to Jamie.

"Hadrian Potter," he introduced himself.

"Jamie, your drawings are pretty amazing and are going to make an

awesome tattoo." She said and moved over to the desk were she picked

up a folder that held Harry's drawings. "Come over here," She said and

moved to a sitting area over to one side that had a couple of couches.

They moved over Harry talking a seat next to Jamie while Daphne sat to

his right looking on. "Alright, I'm the one who's going to do your tat and

by the drawings you want it pretty large?"

"Yeah I wanted it to take up most of my back," Harry said with a nod.

"Right I was thinking this one would be the best for you," she said

pointing to the middle of the three drawings. It showed the thestral

coming towards you head on in mid gallop its wings out stretched. "Most

people do side views for animals like Pegasus's and such. The wings will

extend on to your shoulder blades while the body takes up your back and

you want the dates on the wings. Now do you want it in black and white

or color?"

"Since we're doing just one thestral, I wanna do it in black and white but

instead of white eyes can we do one in hazel and one in green," Harry


"Yeah forgive the question but if I remember my boy-who-lived crap,"

She said sharing a chuckle with Daphne and Harry, "Your mother's eyes

are the same green as yours?" Harry nodded. "Do you have a picture of

your dad so I can get the eye color?"

"Dips," Daphne called, the house elf popped in with a short bow, "Can

you find us a color picture of Harry's dad one that shows his eyes,


"Milady," dips said with a bow before popping back out and then

appearing seconds later with a headshot of James Potter without his


"Thanks Dips," Harry said taking the picture giving the elf a small nod.

"Great!" She said brightly, "now Tonks said you most likely would want to

do this in the back room?" They nodded, "Alright you'll need your shirt

off. I'll be back in a few just need to make the stencil." She pointed them

to the way back as she made her way off to the desk and waved her wand

over the picture.

Harry and Daphne passed the other artists and their clients one getting

the finishing touches put on a phoenix while the other was getting was a

tattoo of his mom on his arm. They walked into the back room there was

padded table in the room and tattooing tools which Harry took time to


"Nice of Tonks to get us a private appointment," Daphne asked coming up

next to him and pulling him in for a quick kiss.

"Yeah thanks for remembering," Harry said into her ear before he pulled

back and tossed his coat on a nearby chair, followed by his shirt. Daphne

looked on appreciatively. Harry moved closer to her and was about to

pull her in for another kiss when the door opened.

Jamie took in the scene and grinned as she said, "Hey, hey, known of

that…unless you work here."

They laughed before Harry cocked an eyebrow at the table, "You want

me to lay on that now?"

Jamie let out a laugh, "Its clean no worries." As Harry laid face down on

the table Jamie moved over to prep her equipment and ink. When Jamie

turned back around she had enough tact not to make any noise but

Daphne could tell she was shocked at the amount of scarring on Harry's

back. She simply nodded to herself as Tonks's request registered in her

head and got to work. She spelled the stencil marks she need to make and

told him to look in the mirror to see the basic design. "Alright I'm gonna

get started your going feel some minor pricks but the majority is painless,

the pricks are to remind you not to move mostly. She got started and to

Harry who had experience with pain it seemed like nothing more than an


"What makes these magical tattoos?" Harry asked, "It seems rather similar

to muggle tattooing."

Jamie nodded in agreement though Harry couldn't see it and spoke while

she worked, "It is but a bit more of the olden style. The needle point we

use is custom made for the artist. It's actually made with the same

properties of our wands, though each one is only capable of one spell. All

have to switch points for the coloring of the Thestral. And due to the lack

of pain and irritation thanks to spells tattoos go much faster and easier."

"It didn't look like wood but I knew it wasn't metal," Daphne spoke from

her position looking on and playing with Harry's hand.

"It's polished and sanded for hours then treated with a potion that we

don't give away except to our apprentices. The ink also has tiny crystals

in it that hold spells. That way we can put movement into the tattoos."

"Who makes the points for you," Harry asked as there was a pause as she

changed tips.

"A wand crafter out of Knockturn alley named Hephaestus," Jamie


"We know him my family's been buying wands from him for few

generations now and Harry's made a friend out of him." Daphne spoke

with a smile. After that they chatted about random things while Jamie

worked everything from piercings, quidditch, to shoes. Finally after five

hours and one break the tattoo was finished.

"Alright you're done," Jamie said with a smile.

Harry stood and turned so he could see his back in the full length mirror.

Slowly a full blown lopsided grin appeared on Harry's face, Daphne was

reminded of little boy at Christmas. Jamie made the thestral look like it

was about to take flight off Harry's back. The thestral was as detailed as

Harry made the pictures for Hagrids class with even the muscles clenched

in the wing ready for flight. At the top of each wing were the dates of

Harry's parents' birth and death written in neat script. But it was the eyes

that Harry loved the most; they seemed to glow out at you.

"This is bloody wicked," Harry finally stated making Jamie grin in

accomplishment. He turned to see what Daphne thought but he didn't

need to ask. Daphne was looking him over like a piece of meat

unconsciously licking her lips.

Jamie laughed, "I think you need to get her to a private place very soon."

Harry smirked as he got dressed again and they walked out to the front.

"Alright that's gonna be fifty galleons," Jamie said as they got back to the

front desk that also doubled as the case for the piercings. "And this here,"

she handed Harry a salve, "unlike muggle tattoos you'll only need to put

this on tonight, you won't need it after that."

"Thanks," Harry and Daphne both said before Harry handed over the

money. "We'll probably be seeing you again," Harry said as they left.

Daphne held out a portkey as soon as the left a shop and activated it.

They landed in Hogsmeade with Harry trying to catch his bearings.

Daphne pulled him to her by his shirt before placing her lips to his. She

licked and nipped at his lips before he opened them and she let her

tongue loose to caress Harry's mouth. Harry moaned as Daphne's lips and

tongue had their way with his. She pulled back after a minute leaving

them both breathless.

Suddenly she grinned looking at him with half lidded eyes, "race ya

back." She transformed into Snow and took off in the direction of the

forest. Harry starred after her dazed before he transformed into bay and

let out a playful howl that had most of Hogsmeade starring nervously out

their windows. Bay ran after Snow's sent and quickly got her in his sights.

He yipped and quickly sped up to her taking a playful swipe at her tail.

Before shooting forward and to the left into the Hogwarts wards with

Snow chasing after him. The raced back and forth entering the forest and

tagging each other before Snow took to a couple of downed trees for

higher ground and leapt tackling Bay into a clearing deep in the forest.

As she tackled him down, she transformed back at the same time Harry

did. Daphne had Harry pinned underneath her breathing hard. She

leaned down and claimed his lips with hers. Harry traced her lips with

her tongue; Daphne parted her lips allowing his tongue entrance into her

mouth to play. Daphne moaned and broke the kiss moving to Harry's

neck. It was Harry's turn to moan as Daphne sucked, licked, and nipped

at his neck. Daphne flicked her wrist letting her wand into her hand and

vanished both of their clothes to one side of the clearing.

Daphne slunk down Harry's body kissing his first at his tattoo of her

initials before moving down to his abs, Harry's workouts insured a six

pack which Daphne lathed with attention before moving on while her

hands moved to his growing cock. She looked at him through lust addled

eyes before placing a kiss right above his dick with a smirk. Harry

groaned as Daphne's lips slowly enveloped him and her warm, wet,

mouth sucked around him.

"Uh, Daaaph," Harry moaned out as she worked him in and out of her

mouth twirling her tongue around his tip as she came up, each time

Harry let out a grunt of appreciation. Daphne then started to take him

farther into her mouth until he bottomed out in throat.

"So good," Harry moaned out as she deep throated him. His hands went

tangled in her hair at their own volition giving a tug every time he hit

the back of her throat, Daphne hummed in anticipation knowing this

meant Harry was close. She smoothly slid her hand that had been

working the length of his cock she couldn't fit into her mouth down to his

balls and squeezed.

"Ohh FUCK, Daph!" Harry groaned as he shot his load into her throat.

Daphne swallowed down his shots of sperm with ease, still massaging his

balls keeping him hard. When Harry stopped coming and he was

breathing deep Daphne popped his dick out of her mouth and gave it a

kiss on the head smirking at him.

Harry not one to be out down quickly pulled Daphne up his body to his

lips causing her to let out a little squeal of surprise at his speed. He

forced his tongue into her mouth while his one hand traveled down her

body tracing her hips making her shiver and moan before he quickly

plunged two fingers into her dripping core.

"OOOHHH," surprised by the rough entrance Daphne's moan was higher

than usual but she instantly soaked Harry's finger showing her approval.

He flipped them over so he was on top and while his fingers still thrusted

in and out powerfully causing Daphne to arch into him. Harry furiously

kissed down Daphne's neck and right underneath her ear nipped harder

than usual.

"FUCK!" Daphne moaned loudly panting bellow Harry as he thrust now

three fingers in and out of her she was close to cumming she could feel it

in every inch of her body. Harry moved from her neck to her breast. First

giving attention to the left with his other free hand and sucking and

licking on the right nipple. He switched his hand and lips; Daphne was

now rocking her hips into his hand.

"OH FUCK! HAAARRY…I'M gonna cum, FUCK!" Daphne screamed the

last in anger as Harry bit down on her left nipple playfully but at the

same time pulled his fingers from her just as she was peaking. Daphne

looked at Harry incredulously but Harry merely smirked and flipped

Daphne so she was on her hands and knees and before she could utter

another sound Harry thrust into her from behind.

"HARRRRYYY!" Daphne's scream reverberated around the forest as she

climaxed at Harry's rough thrust. Harry moaned as he entered Daphne,

his wife was tight, hot, and deliciously wet and he was so much deeper

this way. Harry continued thrusting in and out as Daphne's slick walls

contracted around him as she climaxed. She was making small mewing

noises and moaning fuck as Harry continued to thrust into her. Her noises

drove him to thrust harder until he was pounding into her their skin

slapping against each other, Daphne was on her way to her third climax

when Harry was getting close. Harry sped up even faster and Daphne

screamed out another climax and clenched like a vice grip around Harry's

cock while she arched her back so far that her head rested on Harry's

shoulder as he leaned forward as his own climax hit him.

Harry grunted and yelled out, "DAPHNE," as he climaxed. He leaned

forward into Daphne's back and had his arms wrapped around her as they

both jerked and spasmed from their powerful climaxes. Harry slumped

forward and waved his hand at the ground casting a heating charm

before he pulled out of Daphne as they both moved to lie on the ground

panting for breath as they came down from their high. They lay side by

side on the ground collecting themselves Harry rolled his head to one

side and laughed at what he saw. Daphne turned to her side rolling into

Harry with her head propped up on her hand to see what he was

laughing at and chuckled herself. There was a very disapproving looking

elder unicorn leading away some younger foals who had wandered into

the clearing Daphne and Harry occupied. The elder unicorn shook its

main at them before flicking its tail and walking away.

"We can't get in trouble for corrupting unicorns can we?" Harry asked

with a chuckle as he pulled Daphne to him for a light kiss and summoned

their clothing back.

"That was," Daphne started but struggled to find the words she wanted.

"Intense," kiss, "amazing," kiss, "wonderful," Harry spoke lovingly. "I'm

surprised there hasn't been a search party sent for us." Harry spoke as he

helped Daphne up to her feet and wrapping her in his arms as he handed

her clothes.

"I let Professor Sinistra know we would probably be late," Daphne

explained as she started to dress. "We don't really have to be at the castle

on the weekends." They dressed and decided to walk back through the

forest forgoing their wolf forms. Aiolos took the opportunity to hunt since

they were already in the forest and rose up out of Harry's arm.

"Oh Merlin, I forgot Aiolos was in tattoo form," Daphne said blushing a

bit as they walked.

Harry snickered, "Eh she'll just ignore us for the day. She's a closet

pervert." Daphne just sighed and wrapped an arm around Harry's waist as

they walked. They had gotten about ten minutes into the walk back to

the castle when they heard a commotion that sounded like a fight.

Someone was yelling and they heard a screeching hissing noise that

Hadrian thought sounded familiar.

It dawned on him what it was as they moved faster to the noise but

cautiously with their wands out, "That's an acromantula." Both their

pulses raced faster as Harry made the realization. They came to the edge

of the fighting and saw a young centaur wounded and cornered by the

overgrown spider advancing on him. "Daph get to the centaur and stop

the bleeding I'll take the spider," Harry whispered in a commanding tone

that Daphne nodded to, they could see and smell thanks to the still

lingering effects of the animagi transformation that the young centaur

had a deep shoulder wounded that was bleeding profusely. "When I light

up the clearing take the right side to the centaur," Daphne nodded and

squeezed his hand in reply. Harry shouted his spell to gain the attention

of the acromantula, "Luimos Maximus!" The spell lit up the entire

surrounding area and drew the attention of the both the spider and the


Harry shot to left drawing the spider's attention solely on him as he cast

overpowered stunning spells at the beast to ensure he had its full

attention while Daphne raced to the centaur. As Daphne came with feet

of the centaur the spider charged Harry shrieking as it went. Harry cast

nonverbal spells in quick succession as the spider raced towards him. He

quickly iced the path in front of him over with a freezing charm sending

the spider into a reckless out of control slide towards him. Then as the

acromantula was about to reach him he jumped and cast a small

banishing charm underneath himself, sending him vaulting over the

spider while he cast at it sending an overpowered ribbon cutting curse at

the spiders head.

"Decapitare!" Harry shouted as he spun over the top of the acromantula

and safely landed on the other side as he vanished the ice. The spider

gave a sickening shriek as the spell hit. It twitched and jerked twice

before the stillness of death took over. Harry looked at the scene with

disgust blood and brain matter from the spider were splayed over some

of the trees as well as the forest ground.

"Daph, is he alright," Harry called back to Daphne who was healing the

now barely conscious centaur.

"I healed his broken ribs but the puncture wound has acromantula venom

in it and won't close. He needs a blood replenishing potion," Daphne said

quickly. Harry tossed her two vials of potions he had in his pocket before

moving over to the dead spider. Harry conjured a small vial and collected

some of the venom before searching the forest floor. Seeing what he

wanted he gathered some plants and rushed over to Daphne. "Moss?" She

asked giving him a look.

"I saw this on the discovery channel it can help absorbed some of the

venom," Harry spoke laying the moss over the wound.

The centaur after being given the blood replenishing potions was slowly

coming back to his right state of mind and looked startled at the wizards

helping him. "Whoa, slow down," Harry said as the centaur made to jerk

away. "We're trying to help you," he nodded to the spider he killed. "Stay

still." A moment later they heard the sound of hooves thundering through

the forest coming towards them. "Daph make sure the moss stays on his

wound it's already soaking up the venom."

Harry turned with his wand out to dace the incoming centaurs or at least

he hoped they were centaurs. They circled around Harry, Daphne, and

the centaur. They all had weapons on them and one burst through to

wear they were.

"CONAN!" The read headed centaur said as he burst through in a panic.

Harry drew his wand upwards though not threateningly.

The young centaur Daphne was with coughed as he called out, "Father,"

he cleared his throat, "I'm here."

"HUMAN WHAT DID YOU DO," The centaur turned towards Harry and


Harry's wand shot up and he placed a shimmering protego orbis shield

around Daphne and the young centaur. "We did not do anything," Harry

said calmly but used the commanding tone he was usually unaware of.

"Your son was attacked by an acromantula," Harry pointed to the dead

spider off towards to the side. "We healed him," he paused, "well sort of

we gave him blood replenishing potions and healed his broken bones but

we don't know how to take care of the venom so we placed moss on it.

We can't close the wound with the venom untreated."

The red-headed centaur still looked pissed off but Conan spoke, "Father

he's telling the truth I caught the acromantula on our lands and chased it

off but followed on my own," he wheezed in between his words.

Another centaur stepped forward, "Ronan calm down. Antila see to

Conan. Drop your shield young wizard."

Harry snorted, "That's my wife and soul mate and you're all still holding

your weapons and Hagrid has said you barely tolerate his presence in the

forest. I'm not letting my shield down until you drop your weapons."

"Arrogant human," another centaur bit out. Harry's wand shot up at the

centaur and the first centaur spoke again.

"BANE! That's enough," The older centaur barked the order, "He's

defending his mate as any of us would sheathe your weapons." They did

Bane grudgingly. Harry nodded and lowered the shield surrounding

Daphne and Conan. A female centaur stepped forward and moved to

Conan while Daphne moved to Harry, who wrapped an arm around her.

"You can leave now human."

"We're not leaving until we know Conan is alright," Daphne spoke this

time with a steely look in her eyes that said there was no arguing.

"He will be fine once we get back to our land and I can further heal him,"

Antila said, "The moss was a good idea."

"They need to leave now," the one called Bane spoke.

"They saved my life, the acromantula had me cornered and they've shown

no aggression only you have," Conan spoke up.

"Says the foolish colt that ran after an acromantula on his own," Bane

spat. At that both the still unknown centaur and Ronan turned to him in


"Quiet Bane we owe them a debt," Ronan said in a fierce voice.

"That's it Bane go back to our lands now," the centaur commanded with a

glare towards Bane who scowled and galloped off. "The rest of you escort

Conan back and watch for more acromantulas in our territory." The

centaur waited for his herd to gallop off before he spoke next.

"You can put your wands away young ones I will not harm you. I would

however like your names. Mine is Magorian, I am the leader of this herd."

"I'm Hadrian Potter," Harry spoke as he holstered his wand.

"And I'm Daphne Potter nee Greengrass," Daphne said as she too

holstered her wand, "we're pleased to make your acquaintance."

"You two are strange humans to help a centaur most would not risk it,"


"We're not most people," Harry spoke, "we were happy to help."

"You Harry Potter are an enigma among all but then the stars told us

that, you are welcome in all parts of the forest. You should move on

though acromantulas usually travel in groups," Magorian spoke before

turning and leaving them with a nod.

"Well that was…interesting," Harry said after a minute.

Daphne just nodded before saying, "Why don't we transform and run back

it will be quicker?"

"Good idea." They transformed into Bay and Snow before taking off for

Hogwarts at a sprint.

A/N So I had a Ravenclaw commit the murder and changed the rules

at Hogwarts, I always thought they were to lienient considering

wands can be lethal weapons.

Thanks for the reviews and support,


A/N #2 6-01-12

I added Su Li's injuries.

39. Futures and Lockets

Monday came and with it the return of Professor Snape and the Patils

along with a few other students who had to leave school do to their

friendship with Su Li. Kevin Ernstwhile would hopefully return during

the week. "Before I turn you lose for your first class I have a couple

announcements today," Headmaster Flitwick spoke. "First I would like to

welcome back Professor Snape who has made a full recovery," surprising

even the man himself there was applause from all four houses. "Yes now

some of you may be wondering why Professor Rayes is still here. Until at

least the end of the year possibly longer Professor Rayes will be working

as an assistant to Professor Snap in fourth year potions and up." Oddly

Severus looked pleased with the development at least to his Slytherins

that is, you could just make out the tiniest of amused smiles before it


"And on another note Professor Binns has finally moved on to his next

life," Headmaster Flitwick had to stop as a cheer went up through every

house. "Yes well may I introduce your new History of Magic Professor,

Addison Davis?" Tracey's mother came out from a side room that the

champions had gathered in during the Triwizard Tournament. Tracey's

mouth fell open in shock allowing the pumpkin juice she was dirking to

spill out of her mouth. Blaise pulled himself away from Raquel Moon, a

Slytherin sixth year, to start laughing at her only for Daphne to slap him

upside the back of his head and Tracey to glare at him.

"I take it you didn't know about this?" Daphne asked her best friend who

was alternating between gaping like a fish at her smirking mother and

glaring at Blaise.

"No not a word though I'm happy about it," Tracey replied. "It's about

time we had some decent history teaching and right in time for O.W.L.'s."

"Eehh, did you have to mention O.W.L.'s," Theo said from his seat next to

Tracey as he banged his head on the table. Ginny laughed next to him

and ran her hand threw his hair.

"Yeah well you better get used to it we have our meetings with our

Head's tonight," Susan said as she came up behind them. "You ready we

have History with Addison, erm Professor Davis. This is gonna be as hard

as remembering Sirius is Professor Black," Susan groaned.

They got to History of Magic and took their usual seats and waited for

Addison to arrive. She did moments later and wasn't pleased to see that

not even half the class had their text books with them. Of those with text

books out half of them were text books for different classes. "Alright

settle down," She called as she walked to the front of the class. "I'm

Professor Addison Davis and I have mastery in Wizarding Culture and

History. Now this year as I'm sure you've heard about a thousand times is

very important." The class chuckled a bit. "Now your O.W.L.'s can be over

any subject you're supposed to have study but aside from a small amount

on the witch trials I'm guessing Professor Binn's didn't change it up from

when I was here and that you all have been thoroughly indoctrinated on

Goblin Rebellions and Giant Wars?" They all nodded and made faces at

the two subjects. "Right well you'll be happy to know I despise those

subjects after seven years with Professor Binns myself. So today I thought

we start with something many of you may find interesting, the Founders."

The class sat straighter in their chairs and many took out parchment and

quills to take notes as Professor Davis began. "Now in the last few

generations who had Professor Binns as a history teacher the Founders

have mostly passed into legend with their actual histories being

forgotten. Those of us who received their mastery outside the country

such as in the States or on the continent have a more in depth knowledge

of the founders. Most of the teaching on the founders comes from two

books Guide to Medieval Sorcery and Hogwarts: A History, but recent

discoveries of Salazar Slytherin's journals and a book by Ivan Holm the

grandson of Helga Hufflepuff called True Histories of the Founders have

shed new light on their lives. Both the Journals and Holm's books have

been verified by a council of historians and are in the process of being


"Now we'll start with the most controversial of the four Salazar

Slytherin." The Slytherins perked up at their founder's name while some

of the Hufflepuffs looked disappointed. "You all know that Salazar was

one of the four founders and eventually left the school what you don't

know are the reasons why or where he came from."

"He hated muggleborns," Wayne Hopkins shouted from the back of the

classroom. Some people nodded in agreement while others, Zacharias

Smith, Megan Jones, Pansy, Crabble, and Goyle smirked.

"Actually he didn't," Professor Davis spoke with a smile getting ready to

thoroughly piss off the pureblood maniacs. "Salazar himself was only a

half-blood. We know that from True Histories of the Founders which gives

the only accounting of Salazar's childhood and patronage that we know

of, his own journal did not begin until he was sixteen. Salazar was the

son of Druid priest and women from the small Celtic clan he grew up in.

Salazar as the son of a priest was taught to read and write both the Celtic

of his clan, the common vernacular of the time, and Latin which

surprisingly his mother knew suggesting she was at one point either a

Roman or had contact with the Romans. Salazar showed magic from an

early age and as such his father took him into Druid training almost

immediately. At the age of twelve however his Clan was wiped out by a

rival group, Salazar was the only survivor, his magic saved him. After

that he traveled for a time his knowledge of language and his ability to

speak to snakes gave him an income as well as gaining the attention of

several wizards and witches he crossed paths with where he was taught

controlled magic such as Charms, Transfiguration, and Battle magic.'

"At fourteen Salazar met a man who would become like a second father

to him Stavros Raycine, a potions master. Salazar quickly picked up the

art of potions and excelled at creating new ones under Raycine and

eventually surpassed him in skill. By sixteen Salazar was living and

working full time with Raycine who was a sought after healer and

apothecary due to his potions, his business only increased with Salazar

there. Which we know do to his business logs pictured here," With a

flourish of her wand a projection of a very old and worn ledger appeared

for them. It was difficult for most to read in the old English and

occasionally Latin. She highlighted a few sections for them that were

footnotes by Raycine about potions and Salazar's work for him.

"Based on his diaries at the age of sixteen almost seventeen Salazar and

Raycine were sent a letter with urgent summons to a moor on the

opposite side of the country from where they lived to attend a Baron's

son who was so far incurable. The son's name was Godric Gryffindor; he

had been caught in minor battle between neighbors that exploded into a

catastrophe when one tried to stab the other. Godric moved in at that

point and ended up dispatching the aggressor but in the process was

stabbed. The blade was poisoned, with the aggressor dead they could not

determine the poison and every attempt at healing the wound was

rejected by Godric's body. It was poisoned with acromantula venom.

Salazar was able to identify the venom and treat not just the poison but

also speed the healing of the wound with essence of murtlap, something

he earlier discovered. From them on Godric and Salazar became close

friends." Just after she finished the warning sound for changing classes

rang. "Alright we'll continue this next class," Professor Davis finished and

dismissed them much to the chagrin of the intrigued class.

"Hey mum did ya wanna mention anything?" Tracey said as the class left.

Addison Davis merely raised an eyebrow at her daughters question

leaving Tracey to mutter, "Just saying a little warning would have been

nice." She gave her mum a hug, "It's nice to have you as a teacher."

"That's better," Addison said as she returned her daughter's hug. "Harry

thank you for translating Salazar's journal. They said at Dust & Mildew

that you'll receive the first English copy by owl in a few days time."

Harry shrugged in response, "Salazar thought the actual story would be


"Well it will be, Voldemort's recruiting should slow with the publication

of the journal especially since we can cross check some of the key

moments. Now you all need to get to your next classes," she shooed them

out of the class as a group of first years came in."

The Potters, Tracey, Blaise, Draco, and Theo separated from Susan and

Hannah and headed down to the Potions laboratory for their first class

with Severus back. As usual the class was gathered outside the room

while waiting for Professor Snape. Hermione was standing with Padma

Patil as were the other Ravens in show of protection and togetherness.

Professor Snape arrived in a flourish of robes as usual strangely instead of

intimidating the majority of the class (the mini-death eaters shook in

their dragon skin shoes) felt an ease settle over them at the familiarity of

the entrance. They didn't even notice Professor Rayes chuckling in the

background as they filed into the classroom.

Professor Snape stood at the front of the classroom with his arms folded

as they took their usual seats in the class. Padma was starring at the spot

she last saw Su Li with a bit of a haunted look. Morag MacDougal who

was next to Padma today gently got her attention back on Professor

Snape who was ready to begin.

"Now some of you are probably wondering why Professor Rayes is

staying on," Professor Snape stated in a quiet but attention grabbing

voice. "Myself and Headmaster Flitwick have decided that Professor

Rayes as an unspeakable would be most beneficial to have remaining in

the school in case anyone has any other idiotic ideas," the glare he gave

Pansy, Grabble, Goyle, and Millicent could have frozen hell as it was they

all turned rather pale. "Today we will be brewing strengthening solutions.

You will each be brewing your own, begin." Severus and Professor Rayes

both made rounds around the tables as the students brewed Professor

Snape was watching over the Slytherin section and Professor Rayes was

checking over the Ravenclaw section.

"Crabble, Goyle what a surprise your potion is already a dismal failure

and we're only twenty minutes in," Professor Snape bit out before

vanishing the contents of their cauldrons. "Get out of my classroom,"

Severus said waving his wand making their books pack themselves in

their bags and zoom out of the classroom the two lumbering after them.

Professor Rayes snickered.

"Problem?" Severus asked his colleague. "After all you taught me much

the same way except if I remember correctly you wandlessly through me

out the door." Severus said quietly as he passed Hadrian who let out a


"True but you had already passed your N.E.W.T's and were a prodigy

unlike those two fools who shouldn't be allowed even near a wand let

alone a cauldron."

"Student?" The question came from Hadrian who was letting his potion

simmer for ten minutes before adding salamander blood.

"I apprenticed under Rayes for my mastery," Severus answered him. "Now

he's my subordinate while on leave from the Unspeakables."

"Any particular reason for his leave?" Harry asked Severus.

"An injury I believe." Harry nodded as Professor Snape moved on to

another table Harry started to stir clockwise five times and then added

his salamander blood. After the salamander blood Harry added the four

drops of pomegranate juice and lowered the heat to let the potion finish.

"Bottle your potions. You are dismissed," Professor Snape announced.

Harry bottled his potion and leaned over to talk to Daphne, "I'll meet you

guys at lunch I want to talk to Severus."

"Take my potion up?" Daphne asked. Harry nodded and gave her a kiss

on the cheek as she gathered her stuff to leave with the others.

"Hadrian why don't we move into my office," Severus said when he

realized Harry was hanging around.

"I'll see you at lunch Severus," Professor Rayes called to him to which

Severus nodded.

Severus took his seat behind his desk as Harry shifted back and forth on

his feet a bit uneasy.

"Hadrian take a seat," Severus gestured and Harry took the seat quickly to

stop him from fidgeting.

"So how was the hospital," Harry finally asked after trying to formulate

the question.

Severus had to contain a smirk at how Harry was asking in a roundabout

way if he was okay, "The hospital was dreadfully sterile and cold as

usual, not to mention the dunderhead apprentice that was with the just

slightly less moronic healer never shut up. Other than annoyance the

only thing I was left with was a couple of new scars." Harry nodded his

head at Severus's words though he still looked a bit uneasy. Severus stood

and moved to Harry's chair and placed a hand on Harry's shoulders. "I'm

truly okay thanks in large part to your warning." Harry looked up at his

potions professor and mentor searching his face for a minute before he

nodded and smiled. "Now I believe we need to head to the Great Hall."

Harry stood up and together made his way companionably with Severus

to the Great Hall. "So are you ever going to tell me what potion you and

Salazar are working on?" Harry said to his teacher with a smile.

Severus smirked, "It's almost done then we just have to test it. I don't

want to get anyone's hopes up by mentioning what it is about." Harry

groaned impatiently and Severus gave a small chuckle, "Though if you

can keep it from the others I'll tell you?"

"Can I tell Daphne?"

"Of course," Severus nodded, "Salazar was working on a cure for

lycanthropy before he left Hogwarts. It was one of the potions we found

in the Chamber. When I asked Salazar about it he explained the

properties and theory he was working with. I suggested that it may be

combined with certain properties of the wolfsbane potion which is what

we're working on. If it works it will cure the lycanthropy."

Harry was grinning brightly thinking of Remus, "Brilliant. That'll be

huge!" Harry took a breath and then started snickering causing Severus to

stop walking and stare at Harry.

"Something you wish to share Hadrian?" Severus asked with a brow

quirked and an edge to his voice.

"You know you're going to have to smile when they give you the Order of

Merlin right?" Harry snickered and then ran into the Great Hall before

Severus could do more than frown at the thought.

"Brat," Severus muttered before walking in.

Harry took his seat next to Daphne with a composed face and started

loading up his plate. "Hey Draco how goes it on getting Remus to

propose?" Harry asked Draco who was sitting a few people away.

"Not yet he's being a weasel trying to say his furry problem precludes

marriage of any kind," Draco said with a roll of his eyes before muttering,

"Bloody hell I'd take a werewolf over Lucius any day." Some of the

purebloods around them sneered in disgust but Draco just glared at them

almost daring them to say something, nobody took his challenge

especially with Neville, Blaise, Harry, Theo, and the girls backing him.

"So what did Sirius go over in DADA," Blaise asked Neville who had gone

earlier in the day.

"Hurling hex," Neville replied without looking up from the assignment he

was working on next to his lunch.

"Damn," Blaise replied.

"If you already know it you have to do it silently and he gives an


"I thought you finished that last night," Hannah cut in. Neville grimaced

and shrugged at his girlfriend in reply.

"What's the assignment?"

Neville looked up from his assignment and glared at Blaise before

answering, "You have to come up with five "light" ways to use each spell

learned in first year from the Standard Book of Spells: Year 1 and five

"dark" ways. Now shut up I need to finish this for charms or I'm gonna

have to do push-ups the whole time."

"The whole time?" Blaise asked with a snort.

"If Fedor knows you can handle the exercises he adds to 'em," Aaron

answered from a little ways a way.

"Yeah how'd do you not know that?" Hermione asked in a bit of shock.

"I happen to be good at Charms," Blaise said in a haughty tone back to

which Draco snorted.

"You may be good at Charms but your dumbarse is only saved from push-

ups 'cause Fedor finds you amusing," Draco said. "We need to get to


They took their seats in Defense Against the Dark Arts with the

Hufflepuffs to wait for Sirius. Susan took a seat with Hannah in front of

Daphne and Harry and turned to chat with them.

"So Aunty has a check up today I think Sirius forgot," Susan said to which

Hannah gave her a look.

Harry explained, "Um," he paused before going on, "Erm Amelia is kind

of, um well bigger than normal?" It came out as a question as he finished

looking to and from Daphne and Susan who were trying to keep a

straight face. Harry had a deer in the headlights look as he scrambled for

the right words to describe a pregnant Amelia. Finally Hannah was the

one that broke into giggles which led to Daphne and Susan laughing

while Harry just looked put out.

"What Harry's trying to say is, Amelia may be pregnant with twins,"

Daphne awnsered. "They think one may have been hiding behind the

other because as Harry oh so elegantly put it Amelia is very pregnant."

"And Sirius is in no way as nervous as he was the first check up," Susan

said before smirking, "last time the healer offered to give him a sedative

just to get him to sit still."

"Alright class," Sirius spoke as he practically bounced into the classroom,

definitely not nervous Harry noted. "Today we're working on the hurling

hex. Now who can tell me some known uses of the hex? Mr. Nott?"

"It's used to sabotage brooms in quidditch," Theo answered.

"Yes, good. Sabotaging brooms is one of the most frequent uses of the

hurling hex. The most famous being the Quidditch World Cup of

1701where a player from Romania was almost killed when thrown from

his broom. After that it became standard practice for the referee

association to go over all brooms before the World Cup matches. Other


"Dueling," was called out by someone in the back of the classroom.

"Naturally. It was first introduced on the dueling circuit in 1684. Anyone

know why it was considered so dangerous? Mr. MacMillan?"

"It's considered dangerous because of the unpredictable trajectory it sends

you on when it hits you."

"Right. It can throw you in any and all directions. It will be different

every time the spell is cast. Now the incantation is lacio and there is no

wand movement for it." Sirius waved his wand and the tables were

replaced with dummies. "We're going to practice on…"

Sirius was cut off by the door slamming open with a loud thud as it hit

the wall. The class as one swiveled in their chairs to see a furious red

faced pregnant Director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement.

"You utter and complete son of bitch!" Amelia roared as she came into

the classroom and started throwing hexes. Sirius wide eyed and panicked

threw up a shield to stop the hexes flying his way as the class ducked

under their desks for cover.

Sirius managed to yell out, "Class dismissed." The class scurried out not

wanting to face a hormonal pregnant First Class Auror but the Susan,

Harry, Daphne, Tracey, and Blaise. Finally after about two straight

minutes of cursing and hexing Amelia stopped and passed the floor

muttering to herself. Sirius's skin was now rapidly cycling through the

colors of the rainbow, his hair was turned into dandelions, and his robes

resembled a certain deceased headmaster. The five teens slowly appeared

from beneath their desks to see Sirius holding his hands up in surrender

while Amelia was pacing.

Harry and Blaise snickered at Sirius's predicament quietly not wanting to

draw Amelia's attention to them. Tracey and Daphne both smacked them

on the back of the head and glared. Susan meanwhile asked what they

were all thinking, "Um Aunty what's wrong?"

Amelia turned to her niece slowly before stating, "This mongrel," she said

with a growl towards Sirius, "got me pregnant with triplets. Triplets!"

"Triplets," Sirius said quietly, "as in three? At the same time?" Sirius

seemed to pale at that as the bright purple his skin was turned a lavender

color causing Blaise to lose it and fall to the ground laughing.

"Yes as triplets as in I have to birth three babies in one go," Amelia said

groaning before sinking into a chair with Susan's help. Harry looked to be

warring between shock and laughter at Sirius's face and Amelia looked to

be bringing her wand up at Blaise's prone form.

"Um I think we'll just leave you two talk," Susan said quickly after getting

her aunt in a chair and nodding to Tracey and Daphne. Daphne pulled

Harry by the sleeve out of the room while Tracey levitated the still

laughing Blaise out and Susan gathered up their stuff before rushing out

and shutting the door. They came face to face with Severus and

Headmaster Flitwick who simply looked at the five for an explanation as

did Hannah, Draco, and Theo who had stuck around.

"Well it turns out Auntie's pregnant with triplets," Susan quipped in

response to the unasked question. Flitwick smiled brightly at the

disruption actually being happy news while Severus did something no

one in the hall or school for that matter had ever seen before, he let a full

blown laugh that continued on for almost a minute.

"Serves the dog right," Severus muttered as he turned still chuckling to go

back to his Potions class.

The Dark Lord, Pureblood Purist or Halfblood Hoax? The title of the

Quibbler article boldly screamed out to its readers. The article was

written by Rita Skeeter as a part of her deal between Amelia and Cadmus

Hammer. The article started with the Gaunt family history and its claim

to the line of Salazar Slytherin to its decline by the birth of the last

known Gaunt, Tom Marvolo Gaunt. The article describe in detail the

squalor conditions the Gaunt family found its self in do to inbreeding,

dark arts abuse, and criminal charges. Then it tracked Merope Gaunt's

love potion poisoning of a local squire Tom Riddle and subsequent

abandonment of Merope once the potion use ceased and the birth of Tom

Marvolo Riddle who was abandoned for an orphanage at the death of his

mother in childbirth. Then the article tracked Tom Marvolo Riddle

through his Hogwarts years and most importantly in his sixth year the

development of the alias Lord Voldemort to his acquaintances. It further

followed his work at Borgin & Burkes plus the suspicious murder of

Hepzibah Smith, Tom Riddle's disappearance and then the re-emergence

of Lord Voldemort.

Following the article were birth records from the muggle world,

Hogwarts records for Tom Riddle's years, and memories collected from

those who knew Tom Riddle (given to the newspaper by Aberforth

Dumbledore who had found them among his brother's things). Needless

to say the article was stirring controversy all over the wizarding world

and was quickly picked up by the Daily Prophet and other news outlets.

Harry was throwing curses left and right causing chaos in the room

around him. The curses were coming out of his mouth just shy of hisses.

The sickly green light of the killing curse was striking down men and

women in black robes. Finally the cursing stopped only to be replaced

with hissing.

"They will ssstill fear you massster," a large snake hissed to him.

"Yess but not enough there will be doubtsss," he hissed to the snake. He

then looked out to those still standing before him. In a deathly quiet

voice he sneered out, "The first person to bring me Rita Skeeter's head

will be greatly rewarded." He paused and when nobody moved

continued, "Why are you still HERE?" He yelled out the last word sending

most of the robed figures scurrying out of the room while still trying to

bow. "Bellatrix, Rabastan, Rookwood, Mulciber, come with me we have a

ritual to perform!"

Harry woke with a start as he snapped out of the vision he was pulled

into by Voldemort's anger. He sat up on leaning on his arms and looked

over to where Daphne lay sleeping in his quidditch jersey from the year

before and then at the clock with read six in the morning. Harry sighed

and gently moved out of bed as not to wake her and pulled on a t-shirt

before moving into their sitting room. "Mips."

The little elf appeared with a pop and bowed her head to Harry, "Sirs


"Hey Mips, I need you to take a letter to Amelia right away," Harry said

as he sat down to write out that Voldemort was angry and preparing a

ritual with the named Death Eaters. Along with a hit out on Rita Skeeter,

not that Harry really minded considering the insect was only helping

them to avoid Azkaban not because she cared about anyone other than

herself. He handed it to Mips with a nod of thanks and sat back on the

couch. To his surprise Mips popped back in a minute later.

"Sirs Harry need to drink tea," Mips said handing Harry a cup of steaming

tea before popping out again. Harry shrugged and started to drink the tea

and chuckled soflty to himself as he tasted the calming draught. He

nursed the tea for a few minutes, with Aiolos curled next to him, before

Hedwig floo in from an altered window he asked Severus for.

"Hey girl," Harry said as he stroked Hedwig for a bit before taking the

paper and his copy of the Quibbler from her, "Anything good in here

today." Hedwig hooted at him with a look that said is there ever? Harry

chuckled before unraveling the Quibbler and two Daily Prophets, Harry

raised an eyebrow at the double edition before seeing the cover of the

Quibbler, his mouth dropped open. He glanced at the Daily Prophets and

saw that the second copy was announcing breaking news, the same

article as the Quibbler. Harry sat looking at the news for a full minute

before letting out a laugh and muttering, "Well that explains a lot."

"What explains a lot?" Daphne asked as she came up behind him and

wrapped her arms around him and kissed him on the cheek.

"I had another vision this morning," Harry explained before holding up

the paper for her to see the headline.

"It's about time," Daphne muttered before giving him one more kiss on

the cheek and moving back towards their bedroom. She turned back once

she was at the door, "You know we have time for shower," she winked at

him before continuing into the room. A grin spread over Harry's face as

he raced after her.

The school was buzzing with the news for the rest of the day with the

news of the Dark Lord's true identity. The pureblood purists ranged from

abject denial to rage that anyone would insinuate their 'deliverer' was a

mudblood. Some of the students openly mocked the Dark Lord which

only served to make the smarter ones to sneer, he may not be a

pureblood as he claimed but that didn't change all he had done. Harry

and the others only hoped it would stem some of his recruitment.

"So what do we have today?"

"After Care of Magical Creatures we have our meetings with Professor

Snape," Daphne answered.

"What are these meetings for again," Harry asked.

"Career advice and the classes offered after O.W.L's baby," Daphne replied

as they got up to leave for their first class.

They gathered around Hagrid's hut at their desks and instantly almost all

of them cringed away from them. On the desks were furry insects about

two inches in size and as it moved around slowly a trail of fluid followed


"Alrigh' settle down and don't put yer books on the tables, don't wanna

mess with the fluid on the tables," Hagrid spoke in his loud voice. "Any

ideas what they are?"

"They're glumbumbles," Neville answered.

"Right yer are there Neville five points to Gryffindor," Hagrid answered

with a grin. "Glumbumbles er magical insects that can survive in most

areas but do really well in areas with nettles their food. Now who knows

what good are they? Harry?"

"The fluid produces melancholy and is used as the antidote to the

hysteria caused by alihosty leaves."

"Good ten points ter Slytherin. Today yer goin' ter learn how to feed 'em

and ter collect the alihosty antidote." Hagrid demonstrated with practiced

ease which was surprising to many of the students considering his size.

Feeding them was relatively easy as you could just place the nettles in

front of them and they took care of the rest. Collecting the fluid wasn't

too hard just not particularly appealing, it had an eerie reminder of


After class ended the Slytherins waved their friends goodbye and made

their way to the dungeons to meet with Professor Snape for their

interviews about their futures, just what every fifteen/sixteen year old

wanted to do. The fifth years were sitting in the relatively empty

common room as aside from some seventh years with a free period

studying the rest were in class or enjoying themselves. Draco and Theo

sat down to a chess match, Tracey and Daphne pulled out Ancient Runes

work while Harry pulled out a sketchbook. Millicent made a b-line for

her dorm while Pansy, Crabble, and Goyle sat around looking stupid.

Blaise was currently meeting with Severus. Blaise had been so nervous he

managed to stay quiet all of Care of Magical Creatures nothing like

having a talk about your impending future with the man who was likely

to be your next step father. Blaise came in looking relieved and smirking

a bit to which his friends took as a good sign.

Blaise let out a whistle similar to a dog call before calling out, "Pug

you're up next." Blaise smirked as Pansy let out an indigent shriek and

Crabble and Goyle stood up lumbering but paused at the wands of Draco,

Daphne, Tracey, Harry, and Theo who hadn't even bothered turning

around just stuck his wand behind him. Blaise laughed as they quickly sat

back down leaving Pansy to stomp out of the common room.

They all lowered their wands and went back to what they were doing as

Blaise took a seat at the coffee table Daphne, Tracey, and Harry were

lounging around. Blaise pulled out his potions work as Harry asked

without looking up. "I take it it went well?"

"Yep discussed my options far away from a potions lab," Blaise answered

causing the others to laugh.

"I think I might like to be a historian probably specializing in Ancient

Rome and its magic," Blaise said "maybe a few years on the international

dueling circuit first though. Basically he said I should keep my core

classes except for potions and astronomy and need nothing less than an

'O' on my history of magic and ancient runes O.W.L.'s and N.E.W.T's if I

want to wait to pursue a career as a historian. Any Masters in the field

would want that as insurance for waiting a few years or more."

"A historian really?" Tracey sounded surprised and intrigued at Blaise's

choice of possible profession.

Blaise shrugged, "Well yeah. My uncle is firstborn and would be taking

over the family when my Grandfather passes and then my uncle has five

kids, four of them boys. So I won't ever need to be real involved there if I

don't want to. I haven't really ever been interested in the day to day

operations of the family anyways. Plus I've always been interested in

Italy's, particularly Rome's, history; my room at home is filled with books

on it." Blaise answered matter of fact like Tracey should have none this

forgetting Tracey had never been to his home only Harry had before.

Harry snickered quietly at the astonished look on Tracey's face causing

Daphne to give him a poke in the ribs. Blaise's next comment though

caused Tracey to roll her eyes and Harry to openly laugh, "Besides there's

plenty of debauchery in Ancient Rome to keep things interesting," he

wagged his eyebrows as he finished.

"That's more like it," Daphne muttered under her breath. The group of

fifth years came and went as Severus interviewed them. Finally it was

Daphne and Harry's turn, Severus had elected to talk to them together.

"Take a seat," Severus spoke as they walked into his office. Severus

gestured to some tea that he had in front of him, "Help yourself." Severus

had two files out in front of him going through them. "Now you two are

in a rather unique position for your futures. Both of you inherit your

family estates. Now Harry's situation is a bit different as the Potter's are

only known for being warders they do not have specific family business,

it is mostly a side job. They focus most of their time on politics due to

their seat on the Wizenmagot. What have been your thoughts on a


"You mean besides living?" Harry asked a bit sardonically causing

Daphne to give him a glare. He shrugged sheepishly in response.

Severus waited for Harry to look at him before fixing him with a piercing

stare that froze Harry in place. "Hadrian I promise you that we will do

everything possible to prepare you for your battle and to know you won't

be alone for it. All of us will help you in the task placed a head of you. I

have come to realize there is no one else I would rather trust with

defeating the Dark Lord. That being said if I ever here those words out of

your mouth again I'll use you as potions ingredients."

"And I'll use you as fertilizer," Daphne muttered before giving him a glare

once more before softening her look. "I fully intend on having children

which means you're just going to have to suck it up and kill the bastard,

okay?" Daphne finished with a smirk at Harry's blush in front of his

Professor. Harry nodded and gave Daphne's hand a squeeze to show his


"Well erm, in that case I would like to be craft wands," Harry said with

his head down flashes of insecurity were going through his head. He

knew it was stupid to still hear Vernon and his Aunt saying he would

never amount to anything in his head. They were dead, bigoted, and

abusive but it still crept up on him. Daphne gave his hand a supporting


"I thought as much so I took the liberty of discussing the possibility with

Hephaestus a few weeks back. Hephaestus is willing to take you on as his

apprentice after you graduate Hogwarts. He asks that you gain at least an

"E" on your Arithmancy, Care of Magical Creatures, and Herbology

O.W.L.'s and N.E.W.T's. He also told me to let you know that he found a

strong potions background helpful when he apprenticed though it is not a

requirement." Severus said and Harry who had brightened at the news of

Hephaestus wanting him for an apprentice was eagerly memorizing every

word Severus spoke. "I told him that would not be a problem for you,"

Harry nodded his agreement and tried to mask his shock at Severus's next

words, "because if I had anything to do with it you gain your potions

mastery before you graduated Hogwarts."

Harry opened and closed his mouth looking for anything to grasp in his

brain but nothing came. Daphne was also sitting shocked and could do

nothing to help her husband who ended or so eloquently stating, "Huh?"

Daphne just nodded along with Harry's statement knowing from her

childhood in the wizarding world that a potions mastery was one of the

hardest to achieve. Potion Master's required perfection from their

apprentices and often accepted nothing less due to the often volatile

components they worked with; after all it didn't look good if your

apprentice blew him or herself up.

Severus smirked, "Hadrian you happen to be the best potions student I've

ever taught. Master Rayes agrees with me, you could easily sit your

N.E.W.T instead of your O.W.L. in potions. I believe you have to much

natural talent at the subject to let it go to waste. So if you are willing to

sit your N.E.W.T and pass I will take you on as my apprentice starting

next year." Severus seeing he was still having trouble computing the

information added, "Take some time to think about it and talk it over

with Daphne and let me know in a week?" Harry nodded that that was


"Good. Now on to you Mrs. Potter, have you had any discussions with

your parents about what you want to do or thoughts on the matter


Daphne nodded, "We, Harry, I, and my parents talked a little after the

wedding. I would like to achieve mastery in Ancient Runes and

Herbology. Barring any horrible happenings I won't need to take over for

my father for a long time and it's possible that by the time my father

either passes or steps down as Head of the Family that my second son or

first daughter will be able to take over. I do plan though if my father

wishes to step down early to continue on running the Greengrass

Greenhouses and Supplies Company. I've wanted to since I was a little

girl. For that I would need my Herbology mastery. The Ancient Runes

mastery would purely be for self interest in the subject."

"Your father has been prepping you for the family estate then?" Severus


"Since Astoria's birth," Daphne replied. Her mother had had

complications during her sister's birth leaving her unable to bare another

child. Her father far from being upset simply started to plan for Daphne

and eventually Daphne's child to take over the Greengrass Estate.

"Well I'm thankful that at least the majority of my Slytherins have plans

set up and goals they want to achieve. Professor McGonagall and Sprout

often complain about these fifth year meetings. I have one other thing to

discuss with you. I've found the possible location of another horcrux. It's

very remote, a beachside cliff. We are going to go after it next weekend,

Sirius, myself, Cadmus, and you if you're up to it?"

"That's fine," Harry replied happy to be a possible step closer to killing

Voldemort. "Why Unspeakable Hammer though?"

"Amelia asked that we invite him along since she would not be able to

come," Severus answered, "Think about my proposal. You're free to go."

He dismissed them giving Harry a lot to think about.

The weekend found Harry, Severus, and Sirius meeting Cadmus Hammer

at The Three Broomsticks before heading out to Severus's lead. They sat

down to get drink and discuss their options once they got to the location.

Severus laid down a post card on the table as they sipped their drinks.

"We'll have to apparate to this rock here," Severus said pointing to a large

rock jutting out from the water. "From there we can apparate to the cliff

side cave."

"How did you settle on this location," Cadmus asked?"

"Through the orphanage he grew up in. I found the matron of the place

she is still unsettled by him to this day. One particular story she

remembered was a field trip to this location. He disappeared with two

other children for a period of time and when they returned both children

were completely terrified and would not go near Riddle ever again. One

was eventually committed to a sanitarium."

"How old was he when this happened?"

"About nine," Severus answered.

"Bloody sociopath," Harry muttered.

"Yep," Sirius agreed, "Ready to go?" They nodded paid for their drinks

and left the pup with Severus apparating with Harry the others by


They landed on the rock in the middle of the ocean with Harry doubled

over, "Side apparation sucks more than apparating," Harry muttered.

Severus just simply pointed to a cave, "That's the one," they apparated

one more time and found themselves in a dark, jagged cave.

"Luminos caeli," Severus's spell lit up the cave they were in. The cave was

empty of all things except salt water and rock.

"The walls hold the entrance," Cadmus answered as he looked searchingly

over the walls. He came to the right wall of the cave. "He would,"

Cadmus muttered before making a small cut on his hand with his wand

and placed the bloody part to the wall. A loud creaking was heard as the

cave wall sank back before sliding to the side. Severus recast his spell

once they entered the new chamber.

"So who wants to swim through the creepy lake first," Sirius asked as a

large lake separated them from a grouping of rocks holding a pedestal.

Severus who was looking around replied, "No one is swimming." With a

flick of his wand a small boat appeared up from the depths of the lake.

He studied the boat before saying, "It will only carry one adult wizard but

Harry should be able to cross with one of us in it."

"How much you want to bet it's not going to let us make three trips,"

Harry answered.

"Harry's right only one trip will be made or whatever he hid in the lake

will activate," Cadmus said.

"So how about we levitate each other across," Sirius said. "He wouldn't

have warded against first year spells his egos to big."

Severus nodded, "Harry and I will cross in the boat. Levitate each other

across at the same time," He said to Sirius and Cadmus. They nodded and

Severus and Harry claimed into the rickety old boat.

"You think he purposely picked the shitiest boat he could," Harry

muttered causing Severus to smirk. The slow journey across the lake was

quiet until Harry caught a glint of something in the water. "There's

definitely something down there," Harry said. They all looked but none

could clearly make out what it was in the ink black lake. They reached

the other side and Sirius and Cadmus touched down at the same time as

Severus and Harry stepped out of the boat.

They walked up to the pedestal and found a bowl of clear liquid with a

locket in the bottom of it.

"That's Slytherin's locket but there's too much of his magic in here for me

to sense if it's a horcrux." Harry stated. They nodded and tried vanishing

the liquid but nothing happened. Sirius picked up the clam shell that was

there and scooped some of the liquid up and poured it out on the ground.

The liquid disappeared off the ground and the basin filled back up to the

original amount.

"It has to be drunk which means poison," Cadmus said.

"Bullshit," Harry said, "Some conjure a pitcher." Severus did so and Harry

took it and the shell from Sirius. He scooped out some of the liquid and

poured it in the pitcher, it stayed in. "It just can't touch the ground."

Harry quickly fished out the liquid into the pitcher and pulled out the

locket but his face fell when he had it in hand. "It's not a horcrux." Harry

said dejected.

"Why would he go to all this trouble for nothing," As Sirius said that the

water rippled around them.

"I think we're about to find out what's in the lake," Cadmus said. A head

appeared with glowing white eyes. It moved further up and you could see

a torso. Around the rocks slimy pale grayish arms started clawing at the

ground and pulling bodies out of the water.

"Zombies?" Harry asked at the same time Severus shouted, "Inferi.

Fiendfyre now!"

As one four shouts of, "Feindfyre," rang out as fire poured out of their

wands. Sirius's fiendfyre took the shape of a raging chimera, Severus's a

runespoor, Cadmus's a nundu, and Harry's took the form of a dragon. The

four rampaging beasts of fire charged the hundreds of inferi grotesquely

making their way towards the group. The inferi caught in the fire

shrieked and twisted trying to escape from the fire. The pale gray skin of

the inferi turned to charred black flaking skin that burned and smoldered

as the fiendfyre surrounded them. The smells of rotting burnt flesh nearly

making Harry gag and lose concentration. Harry quickly cancelled the

spell so it wouldn't engulf them if he lost control.

Harry looked around and almost lost his lunch but did fall to his knees.

All around him lay blackened body parts and ashes of the inferi. The

smell was like nothing Harry had ever smelt before. Present in the air

already was the smell of decaying bodies brought simply by the presence

of the inferi, but also now added to it was the burnt flesh smell. Harry

couldn't even come up with the words for the smell. Finally the last inferi

fell to a pile of ashes and the other three canceled their spells and turned

immediately towards him.

Severus acted the fastest and cast a bubblehead charm over Harry who

nodded his thanks. Sirius came over and placed a hand on Harry's

shoulder starring at him searchingly. "How could anyone do that to

people," Harry asked quietly looking at what was now left of three

hundred people.

Sirius pulled Harry into a hug as Cadmus answered, "Inferi are one of the

worst creations in our world and have been outlawed since almost after

the spell was invented. Only the most vials of criminals can even cast the

spell. It was also one of the reason people feared him, he used inferi in a

whole new terrifying way."

Cadmus leaned down and picked up the locket Harry had dropped and

popped it open, "Well that's interesting." He pulled out the paper and

handed the locket to Severus who stood stoically looking out at the once

again calm water. "To the Dark Lord. I know I will be dead long before you

read this but I want you to know it was I who discovered your secret. I have

stolen the real horcrux and will destroy it. In hopes that when you meet your

match you will be mortal once more. Singed by R.A.B."

"What!" Sirius shouted and grabbed the note from Cadmus. "Holy Shite!"

Sirius whisper yelled in response to seeing the note. He sat heavily on


Severus asked, "Is it him?"

"Yes, it's his handwriting?" Sirius replied heavily.

"Who?" Harry asked bewildered.

"My brother Regulus Arcturus Black. He joined the Death Eaters almost as

soon as he turned seventeen. I had heard rumors he defected while I was

in Azkaban but never put much stock in them. I knew once I got out he

was killed but I figured like every other Death Eater who didn't die in

battle was because their lord was on a rampage and flinging curses."

"Nobody knew what happed to Regulus he simply disappeared one day,"

Severus supplied. "Do you know where the locket may be?"

"If anyone knows where it is, it's Kreacher our house elf. He's at Grimuald

Place." Sirius answered standing up. "Right let's go. My brother started

this I'm going to finish it." They moved back across the lake and out the

cave and apparated away. Harry this time on his own since they were in

a secluded area and Cadmus didn't care if he wasn't seventeen. They

apparated across the street from Grimuald before waiting for the house to

appear and knocking on the front door.

Narcissa answered the door surprise glinting over her face as she saw

who was there. "Come in," She welcomed them in before asking, "To what

do I owe the pleasure?"

"We need to talk to Kreacher," Sirius replied, "It has to do with Regulus."

Narcissa had a shocked looked on her face at his response and

immediately called, "Kreacher."

"Mistress needs Kreacher," the old worn elf appeared with a pop.

"Kreacher I want you to answer all their questions truthfully," Narcissa

ordered he elf.

They moved to the sitting room and Sirius pulled out the locket,

"Kreacher have you ever seen this before?"

"Hows blood traitor get Master Regulus's locket," Kreacher said getting

ready to launch

himself at Sirius.

"Kreacher wait this is a copy. Did Regulus give you a locket like this?"

"Kreacher was supposed to destroy locket but everything Kreacher did

fail. Kreacher a bead elf," Kreacher said almost in tears.

"Kreacher you're not a bad elf. What Regulus gave you was a very

powerful dark object but we know how to destroy it if you still have it,"

Sirius answered more gently then anyone in the room had ever heard him

speak to the elf.

"Kreacher has it. Kreacher get it," Kreacher said before disappearing and

reappearing instantly with the real locket in his hands.

"That's definitely it," Harry said.

"None of us could open that," Narcissa spoke up, "We found it while

cleaning the house."

"It's probably sealed in parseltongue," Harry said. "You ready Sirius?"

Harry pulled the sword of Gryffindor from his waist and handed it to his

Godfather. "As soon as I open it stab it." They moved everyone to the side

of the room and Harry placed the locket on a nearby table.

"Open," Harry hissed causing most of the room to shiver. Sirius wasted no

time as the eye in the locket tried to focus on the room and slammed the

sword of Gryffindor down onto the locket shattering it. A screech was

heard all around them and the familiar black mist rose and dissipated

again before the screeching stopped.

"Yous did it," Kreacher exclaimed taking the broken locket in his hands

and holding it out to Sirius.

"Keep it Kreacher just," he hesitated, "can you tell me what happened to

Regulus?" Kreacher looked stunned but nodded and from there the story

of Regulus Black was told to his brother and cousin. The dark lord had

set up his horcrux using Kreacher and had left the house elf to die but

Regulus, who had become increasingly disillusioned with the Dark Lord,

called for his house elf finding Kreacher near death was the last straw.

Regulus used a bezoar on Kreacher before ordering the elf to return him

to where the Dark Lord had taken him. Once there Regulus was able to

quickly put to together the signs of horcrux making and took the locket

after drinking the poison inside, Unfortunately the inferi combined with

the poison overwhelmed him and he was killed in the cave. Regulus had

made Kreacher take the locket and leave wanting more than anything to

destroy the foul object. By the end of Kreacher's tale both Sirius and

Narcissa wept for their brother and cousin while Harry, Severus, and

Cadmus tried their best to comfort them with the knowledge that Regulus

had showed himself to be a true hero, turning away from the dark side as

he did.

After a half-four or so one that saw the appearance of Remus by

Narcissa's side and Amelia being retrieved by Alice Granger to comfort

Sirius, Severus, Harry, and Cadmus excused themselves to return to their

respective jobs and schooling.


Okay the probability of my story getting deleted seems to be high so

if it happens I'll post on another site, most likely The Writers Coffee

Shop. If you all want to let me know what other sites you go to and I

get a majority at one I'll post there. Though I'd like to say I think ffn

is being rather idiotic about deleting fics, I've seen some really good

fics get deleted lately when a story that's ripped off parts of mine

and others is still up even though its been reported.

Thanks and hope you enjoy,


40. Plans and Battles

"So Hadrian what have you decided?" Severus asked as he and his student

sat in Professor Snape's office.

"I would like to sit for my N.E.W.T in potions and take you up on your

offer to apprentice under you." Harry replied with a smile an excited

gleam in his eyes.

"Good" Severus replied with a rare smile himself. "Now I know you've

read through and performed almost all the potions in Advanced Potion-

Making, I want you to finish the potions you have left in that before

studying some of the shorter potions in Moste Potente Potions. Madam

Marchbanks has been the scorer since Dumbledore's time and won't take

kindly to fifth year presuming to take his N.E.W.T. already," Severus said

the last with sneer. "She'll likely give you a potion from Moste Potente


Harry nodded in response before asking, "When will our sessions start?"

"After you pass your N.E.W.T. We'll meet an hour everyday and two on

the weekend," Severus said with a bit of a sadistic smirk.

"Tyrant," Harry muttered under his breath to which Severus flat out

grinned. "Is there any precedent to this?"

"Since the O.W.L. and N.E.W.T's have been in place not for potions but

for other subjects yes. Our illustrious former headmaster for all his faults

tested out and apprenticed to a Transfiguration Master at sixteen and

then under Nicholas Flammel at twenty which is unheard of for Alchemy.

No one since him though has tested out early." Severus said before calling

an elf and receiving tea for both of them.

"How are you dealing with the developments this year?" Severus asked as

he sipped his tea waiting for his student to reply.

Harry took the offered tea and gathered his thoughts. "I like married life

so far," Harry started off with a small smile. "With O.W.L.'s, the war, the

potions incident, and Amelia's pregnancy Daphne I have been too busy to

any disagreements or fights."

Severus smirked, "Well that and you're still in the honeymoon stage."

Harry blushed before moving on, "I feel good with O.W.L.'s. But then

with Hermione as a best friend we've been reviewing since Yule." Harry

resumed drinking and didn't look in a hurry to get to the other subjects

he mentioned.

"And the war?" Severus prompted.

Harry hung his head a bit before answering, "I just want to live my life

with Daphne but a psychopath wants me dead and everyone else I care

about. I really want to take Daph and run away to Tahiti."

"But?" Severus asked leading Harry.

"I don't believe in that ridiculous prophecy but he does and I wouldn't be

able to live with myself if I left innocent people to die." Harry finished

softly but with a fire in his emerald eyes that reminded Severus of Lily in

that moment.

Severus paused before speaking, "And that is something you must never

loose. Your passion for helping those weaker than you is what makes you

so different from everyone else. It reminds very much of your mother."

Severus fixed him with a piercing stare as he finished.

"How are you during with the death of Su Li and the injuries that day?"

Severus said switching gears.

"I'm doing better than Daphne with it but then living at the Dursley's

resembled a warzone for me most of the time," Harry said with a shrug.

"Daphne's been writing her mum and Amelia a lot which has been

helping. She wakes during the night sometimes but I can usually get her

to calm down."

"Good, Amelia and Evelyn are good for her to talk with her. Both lived

through the last war and Amelia was actively involved with it. What of

your other friends?"

"Neville seems to get more determined with every death reported. He

internalizes it and then takes it out on practice dummies."

"Yes Mr. Longbottom has come a long way from his first year."

"Blaise is fine I think he's run through all the fifth year girls left and most

of sixth year," Harry snickered as Severus rolled his eyes at that.

"Blaise has been around violence most of his life so it's nothing new to

him but his way of dealing with it will probably get him cursed if he

doesn't watch it."

Harry chuckled, "He usually is good about letting them know he only

wants to fool around but yeah and I can't wait," Harry laughed. "Susan

and Hannah are doing better than I thought they would."

"Remember this isn't the muggle world. Susan was raised by Amelia after

losing her parents in the first war. She's also been raised to be the Head

of the Bones family as has Draco, Neville, and Theo that is why they all

seem to be more mature than their peers at some points. Hannah though

is surprising but I suspect with Neville's help she is coping."

Harry nodded, "Tracey is doing okay she spends a lot of time journaling

since spending a couple sessions with the counselor you brought in after

the potions accident. Hermione has thrown herself into her studies with a

blind ambition. I'm worried about her she isn't taking as many breaks as

she should and has started to blow us off on our runs in the forest."

Severus rested his hands under his chin thinking about his plan of action,

"Normally I would not encourage you but it may be time for rather epic

prank," he spoke wearily as Hadrian transformed from his normal mature

almost adult like visage to ordinary smirking Slytherin teen. "Not only

will it give Miss Granger a break but it will help relax the rest of the

school. As for her school work I will talk to Professor Vector and discuss

our options."

Harry met up with his friends in their abandoned classroom turned

common room for the group of friends. Hermione, Harry noticed was

missing from the group as was Blaise, Draco, and Theo. Harry entered the

room and went straight to Daphne who was seated on a couch talking to

Tracey, Susan, and Hannah. Neville was reading a book on Herbology.

Harry went behind Daphne and bent down wrapping his arms around

her; he tilted her head and gave her a quick kiss.

"What has you in such a good mood?" Daphne asked as Harry picked her

up and then placed her comfortably on his lap his hands locking with her


"We've been given permission to pull a prank," Harry said eagerly.

Conjuring his patronous, "New Marauders report to our room and

Hermione if you don't come I'll drag you here as Bay," he spoke to the

sitting wolf before it took off out of the room. They waited for about five

minutes chatting aimlessly about their assignments left for the weekend.

Draco and Theo were the first to arrive though both looked a bit put out.

"This better be good," Draco growled out, "Today was the first time in a

week I got to spend with Astoria."

"It is," Harry stated nonchalantly before noticing Draco's normally perfect

hair was out of place. Harry turned a chilling stare on Draco and asked,

"Just what were you doing with my little sister?" Draco paled at the

question and stumbled on a reply before Harry stopped him by laughing,

"Just kidding I already threatened you once and according to Susan and

Daphne that's all I get," he pouted at the last part.

"Over-protective git," Draco muttered as everyone else chuckled though it

stopped once the door opened again.

Blaise entered pulling Hermione by her sleeve while Hermione protested,

"But I need to study O.W.L.'s are important to my future!"

"And Harry will drag you here as Bay besides you're the most prepared

student in the school," Blaise retorted.

Hermione was cut off by Harry, "Mione he's right and we have permission

to pull a prank from Severus. It's been too long since our last one."

"So what do you want to do?" Theo asked as with all the grace of a

proper pureblood flopped down onto the couch making Daphne snort.

"Well I had an idea that would make Fred and George proud as it's their

product," Harry said and pulled out what looked like a Christmas cracker

combined with a grenade. "A portable swamp. You could completely

block off hallway or almost half a classroom with it." Harry said with a

flourish presenting it to his friends. "Gred and Forge are working on items

for their joke shop this is one of them. When they gave me it I asked if I

could mess around with it. So Sirius and I have every once in awhile

when we needed a break from the school year we worked on it. We came

up with a few others," Harry summoned a bag from the corner of the

room and as he brought each one out he said its name, "Portable Blizzard

and I mean blizzard, Portable Quicksand, Portable Dessert Dunes,

Portable Tornado, Portable Lake, Portable Sandstorm, and a Portable


"Is this why Dobby was muttering about snow indoors and had all the

towels that one day?" Daphne asked holding up the blizzard one. Harry

grinned sheepishly in response.

"You can't vanish them and they take a full day to dissipate. So I'm

thinking we use the Quicksand, Swamp, Dessert Dunes, Lake and Blizzard

ones to block the classrooms for a day and give everyone a break from

the rush to get everything in before exams."

"Works for me," Blaise said tossing a Portable Lake in the air. Tracey and

Hermione sitting next to him moved away quickly in case he set it off.

Daphne summoned it silently and gave Blaise a glare.

"We can place them tonight and yes Hermione we'll leave the library

safe," Neville said with an eye roll before adding, "but if you visit it I'll

chase you through it as Beorn. Got it?" Hermione huffed but nodded.

"Fine. Now how do these work," she asked turning to Harry.

"You pull the side," Harry indicated a twisted portion of the wrapping,

"Drop it and move. You have about four seconds before the spells activate

with a flash of white, kinda like a strobe light."

"So that means we need to make Filch and the prefects aren't in at least

the hall that we're in." Tracey said as she picked up the Marauders map

studying the layout of the castle a bit. "We'll we can't place one in

Severus's classroom he'll kill us, literally."

"We can use the portable swamp or lake to block off the entrance,"

Hannah said, I'd recommend the lake less chance of a mess."

"Right. So potions gets a Portable Lake," Hermione said starting a list

going by floor. "DADA?"

"Portable Dune," Harry, Susan, and Daphne spoke at the same time. Harry

explained further at the others' looks, "Sirius hates sand."

Hermione added DADA/Dune to the list before asking, "Muggle Studies?"

Neville replied with, "Swamp."

They continued back and forth listing the classrooms and someone

calling out a Portable disaster for said classroom. The more hated the

class, like Arithmancy and Divination, the more horrible the disaster

used, a Portable Swamp and a Portable Quicksand respectively. The plan

was to wait until the last of the prefects finished rounds before starting.

Then Theo and Draco would take the Potions Lab as it was in the

dungeons and if Filch or Severus happened upon them it would be easily

explainable. Blaise was given the first floor which included History of

Magic, DADA, and Muggle Studies. Arithmancy on the second floor

would be pranked by Hannah and Susan who decided for kicks and

giggles to place a Portable Sandstorm in Sirius' office. Hermione took

Charms and Filch's office on the third floor while Tracey took Ancient

Runes and the Astronomy class rooms. Neville gleefully planted the

Portable Desert Dune in the Transfiguration he struggled with the class

almost as much as potions and McGonagall had been brutal this year.

Neville also had the entrance to the Divination classroom which smelled

rather like a certain illicit substance which forced Neville not to break

down in laughter. Harry and Daphne took the outside classrooms, the

Greenhouses and Care of Magical Creatures area.

Hagrid awoke earlier than anyone in the school as he usually did. He

piddled around his hut making tea and watching the sunrise out of the

window belatedly noting Fang was outside barking happily. Hagrid

finished his tea and rock cake moving towards his door he pulled on his

trench coat and picked up his crossbow. He stepped out the door of his

hut looking out towards the sky taking a breath of the outdoors he loved

and prepared to make his early morning sweep of the forest edge. He

stepped of his front steps and directly into a seven foot moat.

"OI! Wha' in the world." Hagrid shouted as a huge splash went over him

and he spluttered water. He took in the surrounding areas and his draw

dropped. Surrounding his hut and classroom area was a huge moat about

seven feet wide and seven feet deep. As he tried to formulate a response

he took in Fang happily doggy paddling around the moat.

"Yer' nutty dog! Yer' 'posed to stop this from happenin'!" Hagrid moved

through the moat easily but slowly as he feet still touched the ground.

Hagrid made his way up to the castle sopping wet and dripping all over

the halls but Filch was nowhere in sight to complain. Hagrid quickly

made his way up to the second floor and to the gargoyle.

He threw open the door to the headmaster's office, "Headmaster I've been


"We know," Professor McGonagall stated dryly. Hagrid took in the office

and realized almost every teacher who normally awoke early was in the

office. Professor McGonagall he noticed had sand fall off her when she

crossed her arms. Professor Krum who was dressed in his workout clothes

had instead of sweat dripping off him, icicles hanging from his hair.

Professor Vector had mud up to her knees and an awful smell was

coming from it. Professor Sinistra similarly to Hagrid himself was soaking

wet. Professor Snape shockingly simply looked amused at the situation.

As he took in his fellow teachers Filch burst in looking completely

haggard and breathless. He had a combination of mud, water, sand, and

snow sticking to him.

"All…"stop, pant," the classrooms…" pant, "blocked." Filch wheezed out

of the words.

Flitwick sighed before asking, "I take it you could not vanish the

contents?" They nodded while McGonagall glared.

"Nothing worked," McGonagall said her lips in a thin line and her brogue

coming through more pronounced.

Severus attempted to look upset and managed it very well reminding

those present students feared his class, "Perhaps we should cancel classes

until we manage to vanish the contents blocking our classrooms." The

surrounding teachers looked shocked at his announcement.

Flitwick grinned at the suggestions, Madam Pomfrey had been busy with

calming potions lately, and "I think that's an excellent idea Severus. We'll

make the announcement at breakfast. Now if that's it I have some

paperwork to finish," Flitwick shooed them out of his office to the

protesting of the Professors. As he was ushering them out of his office he

heard Severus ask to meet with Professor Vector.

Around an hour and half later Flitwick stood at the front of the Great

Hall and motioned for silence. The hall dwindled down into silence, "As

you have no doubt noticed walking the halls this morning some of the

classrooms are either blocked or been turned into a winter wonderland."

There were snickers around the hall especially some first years who had

had an impromptu snowball fight in the charms classroom. "As such

classes for today are cancelled while we work on vanishing the issues." A

cheer went up through the hall while fifth years and seventh years.

Latter in the day found Harry and Daphne enjoying a fly around

Hogwarts. Daphne held onto Harry around his waist with her head on his

shoulder. Daphne's hands were active as they reached down and moved

under his hoodie and shirt to run her hands along his abs.

Harry shivered, "Now none of that you don't want me to crash do you?"

He asked in a teasing voice. Daphne chuckled light and stilled her hands

only to shriek as Harry pulled into a steep dive. Harry laughed as the

wind rushed at him and Daphne screamed before he finally pulled up at

shot straight back into the sky.

Daphne laughed as they shot into the air and laughing spoke, "arse."

Harry gave a deep chuckle before twisting into some figure eights.

"Enjoying the day off," Daphne asked.

"Immensely," Harry said laughing before he quieted. He pulled some

more loop-de-loops much to Daphne's amusement. He even out and

pulled over the Forbidden Forest.

Harry lowered his voice and hovered over a clearing that some unicorns

were at, "I feel like I should be out there."

Daphne held him a little tighter and laid her head on his shoulder again,

"Fighting?" Harry nodded. "Our aurors are handling it for now just fine

husband," she said reminding him that he had a family now to think

about. "Riddle hasn't shown himself at any of the battles only at," she

paused taking a breath, "muggle hunting outings. He won't actively

participate unless he knows he has the upper hand. We know how to

fight yes but we are just fifteen the aurors are actually doing their jobs

and well. Scrimegour isn't hiding in the sand and Cadmus, Connie,

Amelia and Gumboil won't let him this time. Even the wizenmagot is

stepping up now that those with the dark mark are gone. The law

protecting aurors, hit wizards, and citizens from prosecution if a Death

Eater is injured or killed in a fight passed. Besides I need you here with

me." She said with a kiss on his cheek.


The Residential section of Diagon Alley, where many of the shopkeepers live,

was attacked the night of February Twenty-Fifth. Twenty Death Eaters and an

unheard of amount of Vampires attacked the residential section of Diagon

Alley, there were seventy vampires total. If you know anything about Vampires

you know they are mostly solitary creatures yet the large group were united in

terrorizing Diagon Alley.

The two groups attacked at three o'clock in the morning when everyone was

asleep hoping to catch the residents and business owners' off gaurd. The

Vampires attacked first by breaking into several houses and apartment

dwellings. They killed twenty and infected twelve with Vampirism before

aurors arrived on scene, seven children were among the dead and one child

was infected. Aurors were alerted by Michael Baddock, an auror cadet who

was on a pass. Baddock killed three vampires in his apartment using a solis

spell, it produces sun beams. He then used an auror communication spell to

alert the aurors on duty. Within seconds aurors responded but found they

could not apparate into the residential block. Thinking quickly temporary head

of the DMLE Head Auror Connie Hammer order a shadow team, aurors that

are trained specifically in stealth operations, into the alley itself before moving

on foot to the residential block where they found the Death Eaters in groups of

five at strategic points surrounding the block, a pentagram, employing anti-

apparation wards. The shadow team was able to disrupt the warders allowing

them to fall and they along with another auror team engaged the Death Eaters.

At the same time she activated the shadow team Head Auror Hammer order

Cadet Baddock to open his floo connection where she sent through two teams

of aurors before the wards dropped and allowed mass amounts of aurors to

apparate in. The Auror teams Alpha and Delta, Delta joined by Cadet

Baddock quickly moved to attack the vampires. Team Alpha swept the

apartment complex ridding it of about fifteen vampires before moving on.

Team Delta left the complex to move onto block. They were quickly engaged

any vampire in sight using sun and fire spells being joined by those civilians

that recognized their attackers as vampires. The surprised vampires lost thirty

three of their numbers before fighting back using their superior speed and

strength to avoid spells and attack any in their path. A total of forty eight

vampires were killed before they fled the area, Auror Team Alpha in pursuit

captured three, including Radu Corvinus. Those with family and friends in the

Balkans will recognize the name Radu Corvinus; he has been wanted for

crimes against humanity since 1623 and claims to be the inspiration for Count


The shadow team, Team Six, engaged the Death Eaters first killing three of the

warders including Aeneas Yaxely, a prominent auror who in death is now

unmasked as a Death Eater. The two other warders, a Mr. Jason Irving

connected to the prominent Rowle family and Mr. Balder Heinz of Germany

were captured and our being questioned. Team Six was quickly reinforced by

Auror Teams Beta, Gamma, and Omega. The combined auror teams were able

to overwhelm the Death Eater forces and overtook them showing liberal use of

the new regulations of fighting to incapacitate, however that may be. Seven

Death Eaters were captured and six killed. The names of the civilians killed

will be released after all family members have been notified while the names of

the infected will only be released if they survive the change to vampire.

Death Eaters Killed: Aurors K.I.A.:

Aeneas Yaxely Sr. Ryan Williamson

Robert Rowlands Elizabeth Riggs

Magdalene O'Rielly Rachel Meyers

Thorne Crane

Vincent Crane

Bastet Rothenberg

Death Eaters Captured:

Aeneas Yaxely Jr.

Jacques Deschamps

Juanita Ramos

Iker Casillas

William Rowle

Jonathan Emmerich

Laural Cohen

A New TABOO! By Reece Walker

Lord Voldemort has once again made his named feared with managing to use

the infamous taboo curse. The Curse for those of you who do not know allows

for the tracking of a certain word once the word is spoken aloud. What makes

it so dangerous? The curse negates all wards known to the wizarding world.

Voldemort obviously wants to remind us all of the fear his name inspires in the

populous. The taboo impacts those brave enough to speak the Dark Lord's

name aloud, instead of by the ridiculous moniker You-Know-Who. Yes I said

ridiculous! A young friend pointed out to me while I was at school that fear of

a name only increase the fear itself. So yes the taboo has been used and

Voldemort has successfully killed five of our own brave men and women. Ryan

and Anne Chesters, Arthur MacMillian, Steven Chen, and Christine Welch

were killed by Death Eaters after saying Voldemort while speaking aloud to

friends or a spouse.

The aurors released their findings of the taboo at a press conference held

yesterday, March 15. When asked what we should call You-Know-Who to

show him we're not afraid of him, Temporary Head of the DMLE Connie

Hammer replied, "Try his real name Tom Riddle. The article Rita Skeeter

published earlier in the year was completely factual and can be attested to by

the Goblins, Muggle Tax Records, and Hogwarts Records." The press

conference was also to inform the public of progress being made towards the

capture of Death Eaters. The Vampire Battle of Diagon Alley as you all know

yielded several captures and the DMLE was able to interrogate them with

success. They turned over in all fifty four Death Eaters and four Death Eater

Safe Houses. Since the battle raids have taken place and we have raided and

burned all four Safe houses. For a full list of the fifty four Death Eaters

captured, killed, or on the run see page C3.

The New Marauders currently sat in Potter Manor around the massive

formal dining table having just finished reading the article by Elizabeth

Bennet under the nom de plume Reece Walker. Alongside the New

Marauders sat a very pregnant Amelia, Sirius, the Hammers, Abbots, the

Greengrasses, Mad-Eye Moody, Tonks, Remus, Narcissa, Severus,

Belladonna, the Krums, Delacours, Bill, Alastor Gumboil, Artemis

Lawson, Cuthbert Mockridge, Dawilsh, Shacklebolt, Raymond Skyes,

Madam Longbottom, Tiberious Ogden, Simon MacMillian (who looked

ready to kill now having lost not only his son but nephew as well),

Mobious Bobbin, and Xin Li.

"I apologize for being late but unfortunately there was another attack

from the taboo. Six people were killed at this one," Minister Scrimgeour

announced morosely as he and his most trusted bodyguards and aide

entered the room. Those gathered simply nodded solemnly at the report

which was becoming more frequent. Harry sunk lower in his seat which

unfortunately for him did not go un-noticed by his godfather.

"Hadrian," Sirius barked out the name as he would an order to his former

comrades in the auror corps. "This is not your fault! This is war these

peoples death are the fault of Vol_Riddle and his followers only!" Those

around the table turned to the startled teen, Sirius rarely used that

particular tone with him. Taking in the bags under his eyes, ruffled hair,

the pain in his eyes and his worried wife nodded and spoke their

agreement but none so loud or perhaps more effective than Simon


Simon MacMillan the sometimes pompous but overall respected man

stood from his seat and walked down to where Harry sat at one head of

the table. Simon MacMillan knelt in front of Harry and forced Harry to

look at him in the eyes, "Hadrian you are not responsible for anyone's

death not my son's, nephew's or anyone else. You shouldn't even be

responsible for that maniac's death, damned prophecy or not, but it is

clear he will seek you out. Until that time unless you are already at a

location where a battle takes place you will not be going into combat.

Your only job is living your life as a teenager preparing for his O.W.L.,

keep your wife happy, and sit in on meetings like this. Understood?" The

man's tone was more forceful than anyone had ever heard from the

Wizenmagot member who usually preferred to let quietly let his

opponents talk themselves into a political mess. "That goes for all of you,"

he said looking up at the new marauders around Harry. They nodded

back to him most in relief though they would never admit it even on

their deathbed.

As the man walked back to his seat the other adults nodded to him and

Scrimgeour spoke, "I could not have said that any better. I don't like that

we must put the fate of that man in the hands of a fifteen year old, no

offense to you Mr. Potter," the Minister said actually meaning the words

he spoke.

Harry grinned, "None taken I would do the same."

Scrimgeour smiled a tad back happy to not have offended a future

member of the Wizenmagot. "This prophecy aside Riddle with out a

doubt thinks you are the only thing that stands in his way to true

immortality and I have no desire for you to get hurt or killed and give the

bastard an even surer belief of his invincibility." Harry nodded as did

some others in the room who were in agreement with what their Minister

had spoken. "Now Cuthbert are we getting anywhere with the goblins?"

Cuthbert Mockridge was a rather short man with spectacles and a gap in

his teeth that would do Michael Strahan proud almost growled in

frustration at the question. Bill Weasley who sat next to him frowned at

the question also. Finally Mockridge spoke, "No. They refuse to let us into

the LeStrange Vault. The only option I can see is to renegotiate the treaty

with the Goblins and give them something they want and they might give

us what we want. They have no love for Death Eaters but they are

extremely proud of their clients' confidentiality and they don't exactly

trust the Ministry either given past history."

Bill nodded his agreement, "I've tried to get them to budge also but they

won't not even Harry's letter asking for assistance on the basis of their

friendship has moved them. Right now the only thing we could do is

imperious LeStrange and have him take it out and pray the goblins don't

find out." Scrimgeour was a bit red in the face but was cut off from

saying anything by Hermione.

"Actually I have an idea that I've been working on," Hermione

announced. Heads turned to look at the girl in shock. The New

Marauders while not shocked that Hermione would come up with

something were still surprised and let it show. They had thought the only

thing she had been doing was studying for O.W.L.'s. Hermione huffed,

"Oh, honestly I wasn't just studying in the library!" Then under her breath

but quiet enough she mumbled, "Yet you still limited my time in the

library. Really like too much studying can," before she could continue

Severus had cleared his throat causing her to stop and look at him.

Severus gave her a glare usually reserved for first year potions students

who melt cauldrons. Hermione grimaced and gave a half smile of apology

before speaking.

"Anyways I think we can use Bellatrix, erm, Mrs. LeStrange?" She

stumbled over what name to use.

"Bellatrix," Narcissa and Sirius replied.

"Right I think we can use Bellatrix." Rufus curious as to what the bright

young witch came up with waved his hand for her to continue. "If we can

capture Bellatrix we can have her examined by a Psychiatrist who can

declare her insane." At some looks she added, "From all I've read Bellatrix

LeStrange seems to be a textbook case of a paranoid schizophrenia.

Schizophrenia is a mental illness. Since she doesn't take medicine and

would not take muggle medicine, the only kind there is a diagnosis of the

sorts and refusal of medication will can get her declared unfit to take

care of herself. She would then need to have a legal guardian appointed.

With her husband and brother-in-law being wanted felons neither would

qualify which leaves Sirius, as her head of house he can claim

guardianship. There is precedence for this in the wizarding world, I found

a few cases similar but the mentally ill persons were not also criminally

insane. If Sirius is given guardianship of Bellatrix the goblins will allow

him access to the LeStrange Vault."

"How did you come up with this," Tiberius Ogden asked with a surprised


"It's fairly common in the muggle world to appoint guardians when

someone presents a danger to the community and refuses to take their

medicine or show that they can't take care of themselves. The precedence

in the wizarding world comes from years ago when betrothals between

young children. Guardianship was typically transferred to the males'

family," Hermione let her disapproval of the act known. "The Wizarding

world simply ignores mental illness instead which is why there is no

direct precedent but I don't think the goblins will care just as long as

Sirius legally has guardianship."

"Alright," Connie Hammer said once it looked like everyone took in what

the young witch had said. "I'll order my aurors to make capturing

Bellatrix LeStrange a top priority. Luckily for us she makes frequent

appearances at battles without a mask."

"Have we made any progress on locating Riddle or more safe houses?"

Connie spoke again, "No we've accessed all the information from the

captured Death Eaters we have. We," She hesitated and glanced at Theo

apologetically, "we raided Nott Manor but there was no trace of anyone

having been there in months and the three house elves were dead." Theo

hung his head at the news but remained stone faced.

"I believe we need to step up security at Azkaban once again," Xin Li said

breaking the silence. "We've captured many and he may be looking to

break them out once again since he has already done so before."

"We don't have many aurors to spare now especially due to the taboo,"

Connie answered with Amelia nodding along.

"After the dementors joined Riddle I had to re-staff the prison to replace

them. I transferred as many as I could spare to the island," Amelia added.

"Right now what I'm worried about is if he attacks the prison we have

lower level aurors on duty there. We can't afford to send someone like

Shacklebolt or Tonks there."

"How about some of my hit-wizards then?" Gumboil suggested to the

group. "We've had more sign up since Riddle revealed himself to the

public. I can spare some to Azkaban and they would be more than

willingly for the work."

"That would help," Connie agreed.

Rufus nodded, "Transfer as many as Auror Hammer needs to the prison.

Anyone else have anything to add before we adjourn?"

"I have question," Harry asked from his position. Rufus nodded and Harry

turned towards Connie a bit in his chair, "Do you have any idea how

many Death Eaters show up when the taboo is activated?"

"About four it seems to be from apparation signatures," she answered.

"You want to capture more Death Eaters?" Harry said towards Rufus

Scrimgeour who gave him a 'duh' look. Harry smirked, "Turn the taboo

against them. We know they won't ignore the use of their Master's name

so plan an ambush. At a serious of easily defensible and concealed point

have someone say his name and then ambush the Death Eaters when they

show up. Set up as many as you can and do it at about a minute apart.

We'll catch them off guard and make Riddle regret the taboo by thinning

his forces rather easily."

Scrimgeour, Amelia, Connie, Cadmus, and Gumboil all looked thoughtful

before Rufus spoke, "I like it." He stood from the table as did the others,

"We have plans to make."


Yesterday March 18th at precisely seven o'clock in the evening the aurors and

hit wizards turned the taboo on the Death Eaters. In a daring plan set up by

auror and hit wizard command along with Minister Scrimgeour the aurors and

hit wizards ambushed the Death Eaters responding to the taboo curse of their

Master's name. Around four or five Death Eaters responded to an individual

saying Voldemort out loud. The responding Death Eaters were stunned to find

no one present when they arrived as they looked around for the culprit the

surrounding aurors struck catching them off guard and were able to capture or

kill all Death Eaters that arrived to do their master's biding.

Among the dead were prominent Wizenmagot's member Marianna

Edgecombe's son Malachi Edgecombe, also Pious Thickness, Wizenmagot

member, who has been missing from the Ministry since the dark mark

detectors were put in place. Four other Death Eaters killed in the ambush were

all foreigners, Konstantin Dragnot-Russian, Sergei Granat-Russia, Philippe

Rami-France, and Hugo Matuidi-France. The captured Death Eaters include

former Undersecretary Delores Umbridge, Lord Thorfinn Rowle head of the

Rowle family, Raymond Gibbon son of Lord Gibbon one of the 'missing'

Wizenmagot members, Brent Selwyn majority shareholder of Dervish & Bangs,

Simon Moon son of Lord Moon of the Wizenmagot, and Lord Baldwin

Bullstrode head of the Bullstrode family.

Eight were-wolves of Fenir Greyback's pack were also captured in the ambush.

The were-wolves captured are now being held by the ministry as they exhibited

symptoms of the transformation while the full moon is still a week away.

Healers and Unspeakables are currently working towards finding the answer


For a full list of those captured see page 5.

The article of the ambush on the Death Eaters was met with a cheer at

Hogwarts. Even in the first war or with Grindlewald a capture of so many

enemies at once had never occurred. Marietta Edgecombe left the

Ravenclaw table in tears though there was a snarl on her face,

interestingly Cho followed her friend. A third year Syltherin, Jenna

Moon, simply glared at the paper in front of her. Cat Rowle had a smirk

on her face and toasted her Quidditch teammates earning glares from the

half of Slytherin that supported the Death Eaters, Cat flipped them the

bird much to the laughter of the Quidditch team. Jasmine Gibbon looked

murderous and lit her copy of the Daily Prophet on fire. The most

surprising reaction came from Millicent Bullstrode the girl smiled slightly

before quickly schooling her features and moved to speak to her Head of

House at the head table. Severus and Headmaster Flitwick left the head

table with the Slytherin teen.

Harry had grin that lit up his whole face at having been involved in a

way with the war effort. Sirius at the head table looked at his godson in

relief, he was getting worried Harry might do something headstrong. The

part about the were-wolves worried him though and what the

ramifications would mean for Remus.

Later in the day Sirius and Severus surveyed the Defense Association as

they welcomed a new member.

"We have a new member joining us today," Severus said and Millicent

Bulstrode walked into the Room of Requirement. "I expect you all to

welcome her," Severus said with a warning to his Slytherins in the group.

They nodded though a few looked wary of her.

"Today we're going to work on cadence casting sometimes called string

casting. It is a strategy duelers use to improve their speed of casting as

well as breaking shields." Sirius explained. This was his area of expertise

and what he was known for in the aurors. "The goal is to use hexes or

curses with similar wand movements so you can improve your speed.

One wand movement goes into the movement of the next curse." He

demonstrated and then sent the DA off to practice. As he and Severus

observed and correct students Sirius asked Severus quietly, "I thought

Millicent sided with the other future Death Eaters?"

Severus nodded, "She did in response to her father's urgings," Severus

gave Sirius a look.

"Ahh the either do it or I'll disown you urge," Sirius muttered.

"Yes, you're familiar?" Severus quipped before they separated and went to

help students.


SORRY! SORRY! SORRY! sorry it took so long but i had a severe case

of writers block and a week long family vacation. I was having

trouble writing scenes of them at school. Since they're at Hogwart's I

think they would be shielded from the majority of what's going on

in the war. I don't want to bore you guys with just them going to


I hope you enjoy and let me know what you think.

Thanks, AM.


41. Battle at Hogsmeade

A/N: I went through this fast sorry for errors




It was Slytherin's final match and even though they were almost

guaranteed the Quidditch Cup Aaron was taking no chances with

Gryffindor still having a game against Ravenclaw at the end of next

month. So Vaisey had them suit up early in their gear and meet at the

Great Hall for breakfast as a team. They ate quietly each focusing on the

match at hand and their opponents, Ravenclaw. Harry by now knew

Chang would mark him for the match and was planning on enjoying

feinting a few times. Harry ate a couple eggs and some fruit before the

Vaisey made a motion for them to leave.

"We have to make a stop before we go down to the field," Aaron said with

a smirk as he led the group down to the dungeons once more stopping en

route to the Slytherin dorms.

"Vaisey what the hell are we doing," Urquhart asked in a growled tone,

getting up for something stupid wasn't exactly his idea of a good time.

"Just wait," Vaisey said. Jess muttered under his breath and folded his

arms across his chest causing his muscle to strain against the quidditch

gear. Cat next to him managed to look just as intimidating with her eyes

only half open as she held her beater's bat in her left hand. Draco was

propped lazily against the wall resting his arm on his broom. Harry and

Ginny though recognized a rather curious gleam in Aaron's eyes only

because it was frequently in the twins eyes. They shot each other a 'what

is he up to' look before backing up a few spaces. They heard chattering

coming towards them and Vaisey's grin faded to a snarl just Aoifie and

her first boyfriend a Hufflepuff fourth year, named Vinnie Rice, turned

the corner.

Aoifie and Vinnie stopped dead at the sight of the Slytherin Quidditch

team in front of them. Aoifie was about to smile and wave when she took

in her brother's glare along with the rest of the Quidditch team. Aaron at

six feet five inches was standing at his full height with his arms crossed

and sneering. Jess Urquhart was the largest on the team at six foot four

and was around 240 pounds which was currently on display in the

qudditch uniform he wore and was glaring at everyone in sight. Beau

stood next to him with a lazy smirk on his face arms crossed against his

chest, while he looked small next to Urquhart, Beau stood at five feet

eight inches and was a solid 190 pounds. Next to him the small second

year while not physically intimidating managed to look a bit psychotic as

she looked lovingly at her beater's bat. Ginny while slight, small, and

wiry was well known for being able to keep her twin brothers in line.

Draco who stood at five feet nine inches and about 150 pounds of wiry

muscle was looking at the couple appraisingly. Lastly Harry Potter stood

currently at five foot ten and was 160 pounds of pure muscle smirking off

to the side.

Vinnie paled dramatically at the sight before him but showed the loyalty

worthy of a Hufflepuff by staying next to his newly asked girlfriend.

Harry was actually worried he might not have any blood left in his body

with how white he was.

"Aoifie," Aaron started in a frosty tone his eyes lingering on their joined

hands, "who's your friend?"

"Aaron," Aoifie said in a warning tone that he ignored and simply waited

for an answer. Aoifie huffed, "This is my boyfriend Vinnie." She stressed

the word boyfriend and fingered her wand in warning.

Aaron kept his face devoid of expression as he looked over the Hufflepuff

in front of him. "So you asked my baby sister out?" Aaron asked.

Vinnie swallowed before answering in a surprisingly steady voice, "I did."

"You best treat her right," Aaron said before glancing around at his team,


"Crystal," Vinnie's voice cracked a bit but otherwise remained standing by

Aoifie though Harry could detect some sweat dripping from his brow.

"Good," Aaron said and moved aside letting them pass. Aoifie could do

nothing more than glare as Vinnie hurried them away to the Great Hall.

"You're an arse!" Ginny said in her friend's defense. "And I will so help

Aoifie kill you." She turned and started for the pitch ahead of the rest of

the team. Immediately the rest of the team started cracking up.

"Much better than when you threatened me," Harry said as they started

walking back up to go to the pitch. They wandered out to the locker

rooms to put on their guards Ginny still ignoring Aaron who was

snickering every so often.

"Alright gather up," Vaisey started his team speech. "This is Davies last

year and their tied with Gryffindor for second and they have the last

game both teams want to take our title. So we need to pummel them into

the ground! Harry I don't want you to catch the snitch until we're up by

at least hundred points that should give us a big enough lead but hold off

longer if you can. Interfere with their plays Chang marks you so she

shouldn't spot the snitch before you even if you are in play more. Jess,

Cat I want you to keep pressure on Corner he's the replacement and will

be easy to make nervous. If we start hard on him he'll crack after a few

body shots. Gin, Drake, Beau we need to score fast and hard. If we keep

pressure on them they'll fold. Win on three." They all put their hands in

as Vaisey counted down, "One. Two. Three."

"WIN!" They shouted together before grabbing their brooms and heading

out through the tunnel.


announced as the team took to the sky above the pitch. "Led by seventh

year and captain their KEEPER AARON VAISEY! Followed by beaters Jess

Urquhart and Cat Rowle! Now Chasers Ginny Weasley, Draco Malfoy and

rounding out the line seventh year Beau Montague! AAANND LASTLY


Harry looked around amused by the booing from about half the stadium

at the announcement of their team. Ravenclaw of course wanted their

own team to win while the majority of Gryffindor and Hufflepuff wanted

on new champion, Gryffindor just on principle and Hufflepuff in the

interest of fairness. They were out down however by the cheering coming

from the Slytherin stands as well as the visitors stands which were filled

to capacity with not only the family of the players but those who wanted

to enjoy the day with no fear of Death Eater attacks. For the first time in

decades Slytherin had fans from those outside their own house. Little kids

were dressed in Slytherin colors and were waving Slytherin pendants.

Chang was already eyeing him from across the pitch with the rest of the

Ravenclaws as they went through their warm ups. He was surprised

though by a look of loathing on the opposing seeker's face, usually she

just tried to flirt with him. Harry like the good Slytherin he was simply

smirked at her before going back to warm ups.

"Madame Hooch calls for the teams at the center. Davies looks to be

trying to break Vaisey's hand with his shake," he was interrupted by



"Well he was," came Lee's reply to the amusement of the crowd. "ANND


ROWLE AUTOMATICALLY!" Cat had positioned herself perfectly to be

able to speed at the dropping bludger as soon as Hooch released the

quaffle. Cat speed forward and swung her bat at the perfectly dropping

bludger and nailed straight into Corner's left shoulder. The bludger hit

right under his pad and caused the fifth year to spiral down a few feet

before he managed to pull his broom pack into control. Meanwhile

Montague had grabbed the quaffle over their third year rookie chaser and

instantly they fell into a hawkshead formation. The Hawkshead left the

Ravenclaw team on a two on three defense while Corner flounder and

Slytherin scored their first goal.

"Davies comes around the goals with the quaffle and Ravenclaw's attack

forms, Davies loops too Corner who loops over head of Bradley. Bradley

throws to Corner, OH CORNER'S HIT AGAIN! Urquhart of Slytherin

delivers the bludger that almost unseats the Ravenclaw! Malfoy recovers

the quaffle! Slytherin scores!" Bradley takes the quaffle out and down the

pitch, Weasley defends. Bradley looks for a pass but Corner his quickly

taken out of the picture by Rowle. Pass to Davies, Davies opens and

shoots! Block by Vaisey. The Slytherin beaters are really dominating this

game as Urquhart takes Corner out of his defensive position and leaves

Malfoy open! Malfoy heads the formation. Weasley on his left as they

streak the pitch in give and go's. Wait Weasley halts and throws long to

Montague who knocks it in the left hoop!" Davies looks angry as he takes

it out from behind his goal. Davies and Bradley take it down ignoring

Corner, Davies dodges a bludger. Focus changes to Davies as both Malfoy

and Weasley take him on. He manages a pass and Ravenclaw sneaks one

by Vaisey! 30-10!"

Harry cursed as Davies and Bradley both gained confidence with their

goal and Chambers seemed to sigh in relief. Davies shouted at Chang to

find the snitch and Harry smirked at the opening. He took off into play

pushing his broom to its limits and swerved expertly around his

teammates without interrupting their play. Cho dived following him

trying to follow his swerves but ran into Corner and snarled angrily at

him before pushing her broom around to follow Harry. Harry was smiling

widely as he flew through the air performing loops, figure eights, and

zigzagging in and out of play when he saw Chang back on his tail he

slowed. Harry suddenly dived and Cho followed not being able to see

around him. Harry pushed further and further down while adding tiny

moves to block her view of the pitch in front of him. They were getting

closer and closer to the ground and Cho looked nervous but continued to

follow not willing to risk it. Finally Harry jerked his broom up about

three feet from the ground and shot straight up into the air while Cho

reacted too slowly and plowed into the sandy pitch. Harry leveled out to

watch the carnage. Chang hit head first into the sand and skidded across.

Her face was covered in sand and was bleeding from scratches while she

was holding her hand. Madam Hooch called a time out but Cho refused

treatment and angrily got back on her broom. She rode up to Harry's


"You'll pay Potter," Her eyes flashed in anger and Harry smirked before

shooting into play breaking up a Ravenclaw attack.

"Corner's really sweating it out there as he gets pelted again by a bludger

from Rowle! It's now 60 to 10 as Montague scores on a breakaway from

Weasley!" Lee announced as Davies took the quaffle out. "AND


Harry was hovering over the pitch and cursed as Chang spotted the snitch

at the same time he did, she was closer. Harry quickly dived under play

gaining speed as he pushed his broom to its limits. He swerved under

players and pulled even with Chang as the snitch went down and to the

left of the pitch. Harry put on another burst of speed and pulled ahead of

Chang cutting off Chang who swerved into the stands with a thunk.

Harry heard her curse as Urquhart sent a bludger at her impacting her

arm. She lost sight of the snitch so Harry quickly stopped his run and

pulled off as if looking for the snitch before he shot back into the air; he

tracked the snitch for a minute before he lost sight. He was confident

Chang had no idea where it was so he went back to interrupting play.

Slytherin was now up 90 to 10 thanks to a quick goal by Ginny followed

by a goal by Montague off a reverse pass.

"Ravenclaw takes the quaffle down the pitch in a Hawkshead formation,"

Lee announced. "Urquhart beats Lawson to the bludger and Corner loses

formation. Malfoy and Montague converge on Bradley who tries to pass

but NO WEASLEY TAKES IT! She's streaking down the pitch, ladies and

gentlemen she can fly or what, Weasley scores! 100-10 Slytherin!"

Harry began his search for the snitch leaving the game to his teammates.

He pulled up above play to search. Harry searched for a spot of gold

anywhere on the pitch aware of Cho now solely focused on marking him.

Harry circled the pitch at low speeds a few times before he spotted a glint

of gold moving around the chasers on the pitch. Harry dived down into

play at top speeds never taking his eyes off the snitch as it looped around

Ginny. Harry pressed low against his broom making himself as

aerodynamic as possible as he cut by Ginny after the snitch and dipped

low under Draco before shooting straight up in front of Corner, Corner

had to pull his broom back so hard he flipped around only to be

sideswiped by Cho. Harry swerved out in a left turn doing a figure eight

around Beau before he dropped down into another dive in front of Davies

barley hearing the crash that resulted between Chang and Davies. Harry

chased down the snitch not taking his eyes off the snitch that was rapidly

closing in on the grass. Harry was gaining inches against the snitch as the

ground approached; he reached out one hand and put on a burst of

speed. He grabbed the snitch and threw his weight back at once. His

broom jerked back into a stop right before he would have plowed into

the ground, Harry quickly pulled his broom into a flip and was able to

shoot forward and finally stop at a hover about two feet off the ground.

He held the snitch up causing a roar of applause to go through the

stadium. Harry looked back and saw a dazed Davies and enraged Chang

trying to untangle themselves from their crashed that sent them both to

the ground.


shouted, "But will it be enough to hold the top spot as Gryffindor plays

Ravenclaw in the final match next month!" The Slytherin team swarmed

Harry and lifted him into the air in victory. They cheered him on as the

Ravenclaws left the pitch with a shaking Michael Corner. Finally Madam

Hooch got the Slytherins to leave the field after taking a victory lap to

the cheering stadium.

Harry was the last of his teammates in the locker room having showered

and was changing before he would leave. While the rest of the team and

friends would party in the common room Harry and Daphne were going

to meet Sirius, Remus, Severus, and Healer Cillian at the Shrieking Shack.

Severus was finally ready to test his cure on Remus. Harry had just said

goodbye to Draco when he heard the locker room door open. Harry

turned with his wand up ready to curse whoever entered if need be.

"Not quite the reaction I was hoping for," Daphne said teasingly as she

turned the corner

to where Harry was changing. "But definitely worth the sight in front of

me." She licked her lips which where curled into a sultry smile. Harry

was standing with his jeans pulled up but only halfway zipped and left

unbuttoned hanging on low on his hips. He had yet to put a shirt on but

hand his wand holster strapped to his arm drops of water still clung to

his torso and his black hair was wet and in disarray. Harry smiled as he

placed his wand back into its holster and Daphne sashayed forward into

his arms. Daphne threaded her hands into his hair and pulled his mouth

down to hers for a passionate kiss. Daphne traced Harry's lips with her

tongue and he parted them allowing her entrance to his mouth. Daphne

and Harry's tongues dueled for dominance while her hands roamed over

Harry's bare chest and down into his pants. Daphne growled in

appreciation as she realized Harry had chosen to go commando that

night. Harry groaned when Daphne's hand came in contact with him. It

was his turn to growl though as Daphne pulled away and out of his arms.

"As much as I would love to continue this," Daphne said in a throaty

voice, "We need to go meet them."

"Tease," Harry muttered to which Daphne only laughed.

She embraced him once more before saying, "How about I promise to

spend tomorrow making it up to you?"

"I supposed," Harry said teasingly before giving Daphne another kiss

before pulling on a Slytherin t-shirt before doing a drying charm on his

hair. "Ready to go?"

"Yep," Daphne replied taking his hand and leading him out of the locker

room while chatting about the match. Daphne was rather happy about

Cho's two trips into the ground.

"She's been calling Luna loony again," Daphne said at Harry's raised

eyebrow. "And she's been joining in with Marietta and some other

pureblood Ravens calling first year muggleborns mudbloods. They're

afraid to say anything to the professors. Hermione has tried to go to

Vector but without the first years themselves or Professor Vector hearing

them there isn't much she can do." Harry looked pensive as they came up

to the Whomping Willow where Severus was waiting hidden by the

shadows cast by the tree.

Harry suddenly turned on his heel and thrust Daphne behind him as he

brought his wand up and redirected the incoming curse at the ground

while sending a silent disarming charm and incarcerous charm at their

attacker. The spells hit before the attacker even comprehended Harry had

done more then deflect the first curse. Harry grabbed the wand out of the

air with the honed precision of a seeker while the reducto curse slammed

into the ground five feet away scattering mud, dirt, and grass over the

area. Harry's furry was evident on his face and in the way his magic

rippled in the air around him. While his magic comforted Daphne, it

terrified the downed attacker. Harry starred down at Cho Chang as she

sat struggling against the chains of his incarcerous spell. Out of seemingly

nowhere Aiolos appeared atop the struggling girl causing her to let out a

shriek and still. Aiolos hissed threateningly at the girl.

Harry himself almost hissed as he spoke in a tone that could freeze hell,

"For a Ravenclaw I expected better. Instead you manage one of the most

idiotic plans of attack against a superior enemy."

Cho glared up at them and snarled, "What you're going to tattle on me?"

Aiolos hissed causing the girl to shrink back into the ground. Harry

simply smirked at the girl in front of him.

"What the hell are you smirking at mudblood?"

"I believe that would be me Miss Chang," Severus's said as if he was

talking about the weather although both Harry and Daphne could detect

the underlying anger in his voice. Cho paled as she watched Severus walk

out of the shadows. Severus conjured a patronus and sending it off to the

castle. "Let's see you threw a reducto curse at my students, aimed at their

heads, and you called one of them a mudblood. Congratulations Miss

Chang you just won yourself an expulsion." As they waited Severus took

memories from Harry and Daphne as well as his own.

"Professor Vector, Headmaster Flitwick," Severus nodded to his colleagues

as they arrived on the scene. Both frowned as they took in the creator to

their left and the downed Ravenclaw who though pale still starred

hatefully at Harry and his wife. "Miss Chang here attacked my students

while their backs were turned with a reducto to Mr. Potter's head."

Professor Vector's frown deepened while Headmaster Flitwick looked

thunderously at his student, one he formally thought highly of. "May I

have her wand?" Flitwick held out his hand. Harry placed the wand in his

hand. Flitwick waved his wand over the slim dark wand of Cho Chang

and from the wand smoke spelled out Reducto.

"Here are the memories as you know Hadrian and I have something to

attend to," Severus mentioned as dusk was starting.

"Yes, that's fine we'll take it from here," Flitwick answered with assurance

before putting a silencing charm over Cho. "Depending on her answer I

may call in the aurors and have her charged. You may be contacted by

them." Harry nodded and Flitwick cancelled all the spells on Cho, "My

office now Miss Chang!"

"Come we're late," Severus said briskly after Headmaster Flitwick and

Professor Vector led Cho Chang away from the area. Severus froze the

whomping willow before all three of them made their way into the

tunnel leading to the Shrieking Shack.

"Hadrian I will be documenting throughout the night I would like for you

to sit next to me and watch. Healer Cillian will also be documenting

effects of the potion as well as monitoring Lupin's health. Both of you will

be in your animagus forms all night, understood?" Severus spoke with

fierceness in his tone. Daphne and Harry both nodded as Severus opened

the door to the Shrieking Shack revealing a calm Healer Cillian, a pacing

Remus, and a bouncing Sirius.

Severus produced a metal container that held a steaming potion and

placed it on the table of the living room they were in. Remus stopped

pacing and turned to look at the container with a guarded expression on

his face. Sirius still bounced around the room with giddiness as he

greeted Daphne and Harry.

"Great game Harry!" Sirius spoke pulling his godson into a hug. "Daphne."

"A little excited Sirius," Daphne asked with a small grin as Sirius hugged

her. Sirius just grinned in response.

"Remus when you're ready you may take the potion," Severus spoke

halting any other discussion. He handed the ingredient list and directions

to Cillian. Remus looked out a window seeing the sun about to

completely set and took up the potion container. He nodded to Severus

and began drinking, a grimace on his face at the taste. Severus took out

parchment and quill to begin his notes; Cillian's were already out and had

some documentation on them. Sirius, Harry, and Daphne transformed.

Bay jumped up onto a chair next to Severus and Cillian studying the

papers. Cillian's papers documented Remus's health and status in


"You may want to take a seat," Severus directed at Remus as he was

drinking, "It promises to be painful as I highly doubt the wolf in you

wants to die." Remus moved to sit on a couch nearby as he finished the


"Well so far so good," Remus said as he finished the potion only to double

over in pain. Healer Cillian was up and forcing him to lay back as he ran

his wand over Remus. Severus jotted down the time and the side effects.

Harry fixed his eyes between what Severus and Cillian were doing and

Remus worriedly. Sirius whined and Daphne was fidgeting in place while

her ears twitched while they waited for anything to possibly happen.

Severus swore under his breath but the transformed animagus heard it,

"Shite." Remus's hands, ears, and eyes looked like they were starting the

change to werewolf. Remus yelled out again and his hands stopped

growing reverting back to his normal human hands, his eyes turned blue

once more, and his ears melted back into human ears. Severus relaxed

back into his seat and 4continued documenting the changes in his

shorthand and he passed out.

"He's spiking a fever," Cillian announced, "38.5."

Remus was calm after that for awhile but his temperature gradually rose

over the next four hours finally stopping at 40.6. Suddenly Remus

twitched after his temperature hit 40.6. His body started jerking. Cillian's

wand was a blur as he was casting, first he placed a protective spell

around Remus's mouth ensuring his teeth and tongue remained

unharmed before he immobilized his body. The shaking came and went

for an hour before stopping completely. After another half hour Cillian

released the spells on Remus. Every fifteen minutes Cillian checked

Remus's body temp and recorded it as did Severus. His temp fell as

steadily as it rose and after four hours was back to a normal body temp.

It was nearing four in the morning when Remus opened his eyes again

groaning with the effort. He moved slowly as he turned to his side to look

around the room. His groan woke Snow who had been lightly dozing off

to the side.

"Unfortunately I can't give you a pain potion until we know if it worked

for sure," Cillian spoke from where he stood off to the side of the couch.

"So you have two hours and twenty two minutes until then."

"Care to describe the effects?" Severus asked.

"I thought I was going to go through the same change at first. I could feel

my organs change and the start of my bones but it stopped and shifted

back to normal." Bay and Snow both let out a whine at the description of

the change. "I could feel the wolf's anger but it was blotted out by the fire

that when through my body. All I felt for the whole time was burning

and my body changing some before shifting back to normal." Severus and

Cillian wrote down the effects Remus described. Cillian then poured

Remus a cup of tea from the pot they had made throughout the night.

"In an hour I'll perform the spell that gives us the result for lycanthrope

but you haven't transformed yet so at the very least Severus has managed

to stop the transformation." Remus took the tea with a nod while

smirking and conjured a bowl with tea for all three of the canines in the

room. All three growled at the Marauder while Snow managed a glare in

wolf form but it managed to cut the tension in the silent room.

Finally the sun rose and Remus still remained human. Sirius transformed

back and grabbed his friend into a hug. Snow looked at Severus who

nodded to her and transformed back as did Bay. Daphne moved to stand

by Harry who still sat next to Severus all three remained in their stoic

Slytherin visage while they waited for Healer Cillian to perform the test

for lycanthrope.

"You're arm Remus," Cillian prompted. Remus held out his arm to Cillian.

Cillian took out a glass vial and tapped the open rim with his wand, it

glowed a soft yellow, Cillian placed it to Remus's arm and a small trickle

of blood flowed into it. Cillian took out another vial this one with a clear

liquid in it. Cillian added the liquid to the vial with Remus's blood. All

those present except for maybe Harry and Daphne who did not know

what they were waiting for, waited on bated breath for a change in color.

The blood and the clear liquid mixed and in its place was a light blue

liquid. "Congratulations Remus you're the first cured werewolf in

existence." Cillian spoke with a broad smile on his face. Daphne and

Harry shouted in glee with Sirius while both Severus and Remus were

more reserved in their celebrations.

"You know what this means?" Sirius asked with a grin. Remus raised an

eyebrow in question. "Ring shopping. Time to make an honest woman of

my cousin." This was met with laughter from the room and a blinding

smile from Remus as the thought set in.

Remus turned to Severus unable to form words adequate to express his

gratitude but finally settling on, "Thank you."

"Yes well we'll have to test it on three more werewolves before we can

announce the results," Severus answered brushing off the thanks. "Do you

know any others who are willing to be test subjects so we can release the


"I know more than enough that are willing," Remus answered, "how many

do you want?"

"At least two others ones that preferably have no ties to Severus," Healer

Cillian answered and Severus nodded in agreement.

"Let me know what day and I'll have them here," Remus replied.

"Does next Saturday work for you Severus?" Healer Cillian asked.

"That will be fine. Be here at eight am sharp."

Remus nodded and giving them all a smile pulled Sirius toward the door

saying, "We have a ring to buy."

"I would like to remind everyone before I send you off," Headmaster

Flitwick spoke as he stood at the Head Table in the Great Hall. "To be

alert and if anything should strike you as odd to please report your

findings to the aurors stationed in Hogsmeade. Aside from that I hope

you all enjoy your last visit before end of the year reviews begin in

earnest." The Headmaster dismissed them to either finish their breakfast

or to Hogsmeade for the weekend. Since last weekend Cho had been

expelled for the severity of her indiscretion. The aurors though had

released her into her parents' custody and gave her probation, no one at

the school was sure of what was going to happen to her.

It was a very nice Sunday a week before the Quidditch final and

unfortunately for any Ravenclaw Quidditch players Davis was holding

practice nonstop. The Slytherins were confident their lead would hold but

Gryffindor had a chance to sneak in and win the Quidditch Cup if the

game was a run away.

"So where do you want to go first?" Harry asked as he and Daphne

ambled up the path to Hogsmeade. Harry was in jeans and a t-shirt his

wand strapped to his arm in its holster.

"Mmm, how about Scrivenshaft's? I could use some more ink before

review starts," Daphne replied looking up at him with her nose scrunched

slightly in distaste at the coming review for O.W.L.'s.

Harry chuckled and with their linked hands spun Daphne forward

causing her to giggle, "Sounds good. We don't have to meet up with Nev,

Hannah, Draco, Astoria, Tracey, and Susan until five."

"No Blaise today?" Daphne asked in surprise.

Harry snorted, "He plans on wooing Kylie Rames of Hufflepuff into

spending time with him at the Shrieking Shack." Harry's tone told Daphne

exactly what Blaise wanted to do at the Shrieking Shack.

"Isn't Rames a seventh year?"


"You'd think she'd know better," Daphne shaking her head.

"The whole school should know better by now," Harry said with a

chuckle. They entered into Hogsmeade with smiles on their faces. As they

were passing by Zonko's Ginny, Aoifie, and Vinnie came out of the store

smiling and with a bag full of products.

"Ginny Weasley shopping at Zonko's?" Harry said in mock surprise.

Ginny laughed, "Hey the twins still have to set up shop and then get a

store here in Hogsmeade before I can shop there. Besides Theo requested

some things."

"You guys headed back or are you going to hang around?" Daphne asked.

"No we're gonna hang around for awhile yet," Aiofie answered.

"We'll see you guys later," Daphne said as they continued on to

Scrivenshaft's. They ducked into the store Harry brushing up against a

man on his way out. Harry shivered at the contact with the man and

sharply turned to look at him.

"Apologies," the man muttered without looking up as he continued out of

the store.

"Babe?" Daphne asked.

"I'm fine go get your ink," Harry said with a nod. Daphne went into the

store but Harry stayed outside watching the man disappear into the

crowd. Harry closed his eyes in concentration and using his olcumancy

techniques blocked out the world around him. Harry reached his magic

out around him and shivered at what he discovered. There was an

oppressive heavy feeling in the magic around Hogsmeade, one that

wasn't usually present, one that he had felt before when encountering

Voldemort. The door jangled behind him jolting him from his meditative


"Hello Mr. Scrivenshaft," Harry said quietly.

The man who looked irritated stopped and smiled at Harry, "Ah Mr.

Potter, it's nice to see you but I have to get to the Ministry?"

"Problems?" Harry asked the store keep.

"Damn floo is messing up again," Mr. Scrivenshaft replied nodding as he

left to an apparating point.

Harry entered the store and spotted Daphne at the register. Harry stayed

by the door and Daphne moved to his side quickly seeing his wrinkled


"What is it?" Daphne asked quietly.

"That man was an Eater, the floo has gone out, and I can feel Riddle's

magic in the air. They're going to attack," Harry said quietly taking her

hand and leading her out of the store. Harry set a brisk pace as he headed

for post office which was doubling as an auror station. They had added

another small section to the post office to house the aurors on duty in

Hogsmeade while the war was going on. Harry entered through the post

office in case anyone was watching him. Harry entered the auror section

and made his way to the office of the lead auror on duty.

"Thank Merlin," Harry said as he took in who was on duty. "Kingsley we

have a series problem."

Kingsley stood upon their entrance and looked the couple over. Harry's

voice was commanding but his grip on Daphne's hand was impossibly

tight while Daphne herself didn't seem to notice and was paler than

usual. "What is it Hadrian?" Kingsley deep voice was soothing at the

moment to both Harry and Daphne.

"We're about to be attacked." Kinsley nodded at the statement before

conjuring a patronus and sending it off. "There was an Eater at

Scrivenshaft then the floo went out. There are more here I can feel it,"

Harry finished. As he did four aurors came into Shacklebolt's office.

"Where's everyone else?"Kingsley asked anger leaking into his voice.

The four aurors snapped to attention before a brown haired slightly built

and younger then Kingsley answered, "Sir, Giggs is at Madam Rosemerta's

her floo went out! Loch is breaking up a dirty fight at the Hog's Head.

White got a call from Honeydukes at the same time yours came through!


"Damn," Kingsley muttered. "Aurors we have proof that Death Eaters are

going to attack Hogsmeade today." He was cut off as a loud explosion

was heard from the outside. "Damn! Hadrian!" The name was snapped as

a command and Harry turned to Kingsley with his wand out already.

"Your James Potter's son and Sirius Black's godson, you know ways in and

out of the castle?"

"Honeydukes cellar and the Shrieking Shack tunnel." Harry snapped out.

"Good you and your friends, the ones that can fight, evacuate students to

Hogwarts through the tunnels, than civilians stun them if you have to

just get 'em out! We'll draw their fire," Kingsley eyed his aurors. "Keep

paths to Honeydukes and the Shrieking Shack as well as the main path as

open as possible. I don't when back up will get here," another explosion

went off followed by screams. "Let's go!" The aurors moved out with a

speed Harry hadn't seen from them.

Harry whipped out his communication mirror as he moved into the post

office where at least ten students of all ages were cowering and four

workers were conjuring boards over the windows, "Marauders report!" He

shouted into it. Almost instantly they all appeared. "We're under attack!

Our goal is to evacuate to Hogwarts using Honeydukes and Shrieking

Shack! Get the students out now! Anyone seen Ginny?"

"She's here at the Three Broom Sticks," Neville said.

"Tell her to get to her house and open the floo for the aurors to come

through. The Death Eaters blocked the business floos."

"I'm alerting the teachers," Hermione said she looked like she was


"We need to eliminate the warders," Tracey yelled into the mirror as she

was glancing back and forth from wherever she was.

"I'm on it!" Harry yelled before ending the connection with them all.

Aiolos rose out of his arm and slithered to the floor. "Summon King

Cobras." Harry spoke turning to Daphne. "Serpensortia," Harry and

Daphne's spells produced three Cobras's each. Malcolm Baddock and a

Ravenclaw fifth year summoned two more each. They were hissing

around angrily on the floor but Harry silenced them with a hiss.

"SSSilence. I need your help," Harry hissed causing some of the workers to

falter in what they were doing. Daphne's glare got them to continue on


"What do you need ssspeaker," the cobras replied.

"Find the wardersss and bite to kill. Aiolosss, my familiar, will ssshow you the

onesss to bite. If any other ssspeaker interferesss do not listen to him!"

The conjured cobras looked to Aiolos then back at Harry, "We will obey

brother King only," they hissed. Harry nodded relieved.

"I'm going to make you invisssible to the humansss," the snakes nodded.

Harry switched to English, "We need to disillusion them." The spells were

cast and the snakes blended in with the façade. Harry opened the post

office door and looked around; the aurors were taking cover casting wide

ranging spells at the incoming Death Eaters, around forty from what he

could see. "GO," He hissed and ushered them out the door as he did so he

silently cast orbis protego. The spell surrounded himself and the door he

was holding as a spell impacted it. The shield held and Harry quickly

ducked back inside.

"When I yell go all of you are going to book it as fast as you can to

Honeydukes understood?" Harry asked his voice as sharp as Kingsley's


As he spoke a sliver coyote came into the room and shouted at Harry in

Ginny's voice, "I'm here but the village is swarmed I had to get here as

Ky. The floo's open you know the password!"

Harry conjured his own patronus, "Madam Hammer Bill Weasley's floo is

open for aurors. Password is Beorgan." He sent the wolf off before

returning to his mirror. "Tracey!"

"Yeah," She answered.

"You and Susan are in Honeydukes?"


"I've got people in the post office in two minutes open the door of

Honeydukes I'm sending them over!"

"Right!" Tracey answered and they canceled the call.

"Alright I'm going to open the door, Daphne and I will go out first and

provide covering fire. Run your ass off!" Harry said as he and Daphne

moved to the door. "Cast a lumos maxima; hold it for as long as you can."

Daphne nodded. "One, two, three." Harry threw open the door and

Daphne dived out into a roll casting as she came to her knees. A surge of

blinding white light came out of her wand and raced towards the Death

Eaters forcing them into shields or firing blindly. "Go!" Harry yelled as he

Daphne was casting. Harry moved just to the outside point of the door so

it would stay open as he summoned his magic and cast, "Bombarda

Maxima!" The spell went off like a cannon as he felt his classmates and

the workers rush past him. Both Susan and Tracey did as Harry and

Daphne and the post office inhabitants made it safely across to


"Daph drop back to," Harry had to dodge an incoming cutting curse,

"Sectumsempra," Harry sent back leveling two Death Eaters standing

close together. "The next house we need to check for occupants."

Daphne started moving backwards as she quickly deflected spells before

sending a chain back at them, 'contego, depulso, deprimo.' The first two

spells of the chain were blocked by Death Eaters but the third spell

slipped under a Death Eater's aspis shield. It impacted the man's legs

blowing them off his body causing the man to fall forward into a gushing

pool of blood and bone. As they were backing up to the next business a

small Daphne saw a group of students huddled down between the

businesses. "Harry students in the alley way!"

"Covering fire in three," Harry said and Daphne motioned the students to

run. 'Deprimo Maxima, Lumos Maxima.'

"Honeydukes cellar," Daphne said to the group of five passing. One

student, a third year, was hit by a spell and fell in the middle of the road.

Susan leapt from the doorway running to the girl. Harry swore as he saw

it happen, "Decapitare," he shouted the large scale cutting curse at the

Death Eaters in front. The spell impacted ten Death Eaters. Five were able

to shield the spell completely, one managed to shield the majority of the

curse receiving only a scratch, but four had their shields collapse under

the spell, two lost their heads, one head his hanging by threads while the

final Death Eater impacted by the had his throat slit, blood poured out of

the man's throat as he gurgled to death.

"Nice one Hadrian!" Kingsley's deep voice rang out. Harry looked and saw

Daphne had taken the opportunity to empty the building next to the Post

office. The aurors were keeping paths clear to Honeydukes but The Three

Broomsticks was getting surrounded by Death Eaters. It was also were

Kingsley, two other aurors, Neville, Hannah, Madam Rosemerta, and

some civilians were fighting it out with the Death Eaters. Luckily Harry

could spot the teachers coming up the path and would be closest to aid

the fighters at the Three Broom Sticks. Harry looked back up the main

street of Hogsmeade.

"Daph we need to get people out the back of these home," Harry said

pointing up the street towards the homes on their side of the main

roadway, unfortunately the Death Eaters seemed to be massing from that

area. She nodded and they ducked through an alley way to their side.

"Our goal is to evacuate to Hogwarts using Honeydukes and the Shrieking

Shack!" Blaise cut out of the mirror conversation. "Get your shirt on we

have to move," Blaise yelled to Kylie who nodded and threw on her shirt

not brothering to notice it was inside out. Blaise grabbed her hand and

pulled her down the stairs. He threw open a small closet and opened the

trap door to the tunnel. He then still holding her one hand sprinted for

the front door of the Shack. He looked up and swore in Italian while

Kylie gasped. Students were ducked behind trees trying to hide from

Death Eaters throwing curses though it seemed they were just playing

with the students. There were six Death Eaters throwing the curses

moving towards the students and shack.

"Kylie no stunners, you incapacitate them. On three cast your most

deadly silent spell you can. Then get the students inside and into the

tunnel. Tell the first one to hit the knot on the Whomping Willow as soon

as they get through." Blaise said he pulled her in front of her snapping

her out of her daze. She nodded but was as white as a ghost. "One, two,

three!" Blaise pointed his wand and cast 'decapritare' His spell hit three of

the Death Eaters who were unguarded as they toyed with students. One

in the process of casting the cruciatus curse on a third year. Two lost

their heads while the third ducked out of the way but not completely

taking a glancing blow of the spell across his back causing him to yell out

in pain. The other three Death Eaters turned to watch their comrades get

hit before turning to where the spells came from. One of them was hit in

the arm with an arrow, unfortunately he was the only one who was hit

by Rames's spell, and fortunately it was his wand arm.

"Get to the Shack NOW!" Blaise shouted to the students. He had four

death Eaters to contend with. At once four spells came flying at him but

Blaise dodged to the side and forward casting shields around the other

students. The one who had been crucio'ed was still down shaking from

the curse. "Justin get the kid!" Blaise yelled to the only student he

recognized through his haze of battle. Blaise conjured up an illusion of

aurors coming to the charge complete with yelling and spells flying. The

Death Eaters turned, except one who cast at Blaise. Blaise dodged casting

back with furious pace stringing together chains as he dodged and

weaved. Finally a bone breaking hex hit the Death Eater in his wand arm,

he dropped his wand and Blaise shot a cutting curse at it.

"You little sack of shit," the Death Eater screamed.

Blaise ignored him and moved to the other Death Eaters who were

realizing something was wrong with the aurors attacking them,

'Sectumsempra.' Blaise's spell shot out at them. The spell hit two out of the

three of the Death Eaters opening gaping wounds in their backs. The

Death Eater without a wand charged him. Blaise ducked under his arms

and planted an uppercut in his chin, then grabbed an arm and spun him

around so he was in front of Blaise. Just as Blaise did so a killing curse

flew at him. The Death Eater instantly died as Blaise tossed him to the

ground and cast three successive reducto's at the caster. The third broke

his shield and nose throwing blood into the man's eyes. 'Sagitto' Blaise

sent the arrows at the temporarily blinded Death Eater killing the man.

Blaise dodged as a spell came in and hit the ground where he was

standing. The ground exploded flinging rocks into Blaise one cutting his

cheek open. Blaise rolled to his side and came up with a switch blade in

one hand that he impaled a one of the last two Death Eaters with before

firing off a bombarda hex at the last Death Eater. The stumbling,

bleeding Death Eater made an attempt to block but it failed and he was

blown back from the curse four feet. Blaise summoned all the wands on

the ground and broke them before turning to see all the students he just

helped starring at him. "What the BLOODY HELL ARE YOU LOOKING

AT? GET THROUGH THE TUNNLE!" He shouted spurring them into

action before he took off for the nearest houses. Three were cleared easily

and sent to the Shrieking Shack before he encountered more Death


Three were setting fire to the back of a house while laughing at the

people trapped inside. Blaise running towards the house cast a loud,

"Bombarda Maxima!" The spell hit its' target, the ground beneath their

feet. The Death Eaters shielded but unfortunately for them the target

wasn't their bodies. The spell impacted the earth beneath them sending

them flying in different directions. One went straight into the house he

had set on fire his screams were heard as he went through the wood and

plaster only to burn. The other two were sent wide, Blaise getting lucky

as one landed awkwardly breaking his neck. The last was able to roll as

he hit the ground but was bleeding profusely from his head. Blaise didn't

hesitate as he cast 'sectumsempra,' when the Death Eater got to his knees,

his head leaving his body. Blaise ran to the house and kicked the back

door open. He covered his mouth with his arm before yelling out,

"Hello?" The father popped up with his wand at Blaise before lowering it

upon realizing it was a student. "Come on I can get you to Hogwarts,"

Blaise yelled over the fire and explosions. The father nodded and cast

flame freezing charms around them as the fire got closer. He got his

family and they raced back out the door as the raging fire unfroze again.

"Go to the Shrieking Shack there's a tunnel." Blaise said before taking off

again only to be stopped by someone yelling his name.

"BLAISE," Sirius's voice was heard over the din. Blaise turned and saw

Sirius and Severus coming towards him. They caught up to him within


"These houses are cleared," Blaise spoke as soon as they got within

hearing range.

"There are still people trapped in the rest of the shops," Sirius said.

"Take the back way we're going around front to draw fire," Severus said,

"Start with Zonko's send them to Honeydukes its closer, until we get to

Puddifoot's." Blaise nodded and they separated again.

Neville finished the mirror call and immediately shot off a bang with his

wand and jumped on a table, "LISTEN UP!" The usually quiet Gryffindor

shouted causing all commotion in the bar to stop and look to him while

the auror was trying to do the same thing but failing. "We're under

attack. Board the windows and put shield spells up. Madam Rosemerta

we need access to the back door as well as the front. All students and

children are to evacuate to Hogwarts through Honeydukes or the

Shrieking Shack, there are tunnels in both! If you can fight stay but

wards have gone up preventing apparation and portkey's and business

floos are down." While Neville was talking Hannah was gathering

Hogwarts students sending half to the front and half to the back. The

group at the back door was going to loop around back to the Shrieking

shack while the others, the older students, would have to cross the main

road to Honeydukes. Some adults followed not wanting to brave fighting.

Neville and Auror Giggs moved to the front while Hannah and three

adults went to the back. "We need covering fire," Neville said.

Giggs summoned his patronus a small lizard and sent it off with a request

for covering fire. Three seconds later an auror sent up green sparks.

"We've got ten seconds." Gigs said.

"Alright me, Giggs, Madam Rosemerta, and you three want to fight?"

Neville said though it ended as a question for the three men in to his left.

They nodded. "Okay when we open the door we go out first shoot wide

range spells and keep the focus on yourselves so the students have a

chance to get across." They nodded.

"Nev we got a problem!" Hannah shouted from the back, "We're being


"Shite," Neville swore and then found Draco and Astoria with Aiofie and

Vinnie in the crowd. "Draco, 'Tori, Aiofie," He called them to him,

"Alright Harry and Daph might kill me for this but I want you three to

help Hannah with the back and then 'Tori, Aiofie, go and evacuate as

many of the houses down the lane that you can. Draco if their

surrounding us that want this building down ready to fight?" Draco

nodded. "Good." Neville pulled him close to him so only Draco could hear

his next words, "turn around and stun Gibbon and Edgecombe, I got

Bletchley and Jones." Draco clapped Neville on the back in what looked

like a show of good luck before turning.

"Stupefy," They sent two silent stunning spells followed by two vocal ones

at their targets.

"You have a reason for that?" Auror Giggs asked.

"Aye," Neville nodded, "their more likely to trip other students then help

them. Right let's go!" Draco, Astoria, Aoifie, and Vinnie moved to the

back door while Neville turned and grabbed the door handle.

"GO!" Giggs shouted and Neville threw open the door while casting a

lumos maxima at the same time Giggs leapt out and shouted out "Sonitus."

Out of Giggs wand came a red spell that impacted at the feet of the first

line of Death Eaters. From the point of impact started a red shell

surround the Death Eaters and immediate areas. Anyone inside the red

shell was instantly rendered deaf by a loud bang similar to a standing

near five cannons firing at once. Combined with the blinding spell Neville

sent down the Death Eaters were given a taste of a flash bang grenade.

Students and civilians rushed out of the Three Broom Sticks dashing

across the street as Kingsley and his auror squad sent a barrage of spells

at the off balance Death Eaters.

Neville had no time to celebrate whatever small victory they had as a

spell went streaking by his ear. He turned and dodged another curse as

Death Eaters entered from the alley between buildings to his right.

Neville was joined by Giggs as he fired off a chain of silent gouging

hexes. Sirius and Severus's drilling on the importance of aim paid off as

three Death Eaters were struck with gouging hexes in their major

arteries. One was struck in the femoral artery while another was struck in

the jugular and the last across his wrist leaving a two inch wide whole in

his arm. The man dropped his wand with a cry and Neville quickly

summoned it and snapped it. Giggs sent four bone shattering hexes at the

Death Eaters effectively incapacitating two; one was struck in both legs

while the other suffered from a now shattered collarbone. Unfortunately

one Death Eater who appeared unmasked walked from the shadows


"Dolohov," Giggs said as the man walked forward with a smirk on his

face. Neville sucked in a breath before setting himself.

'Defodio, reducto, deprimo,' Neville silently sent the chain off at Dolohov

but Dolohov easily batted away the curses. Dolohov barely moved his

wand as he sent back four curses at Neville who dodge three and shielded

one. A barely noticeable frown marred Dolohov face as he now

contended with Giggs's spells. Neville added his own with 'sagitto, fracta,

pila' the curses shot out his wand but the arrows were transfigured by

Dolohov into toothpicks while the bone breaking curse was parried and

finally the Roman javelin created by the pila spell was sent back towards

Neville who ducked out of the way. Unfortunately the javelin impacted a

fighter behind him in the leg.

A shout of, "AURORS," came from the Death Eaters at the other end of

the main street. Neville and Giggs looked relieved at the sight of two

auror squads coming in from the north side of the street. Dolohov though

made his first mistake of the duel as he glanced back to see the aurors

advancing. Neville saw his opening and silently sent a diffindo at

Dolohov. Dolohov managed to turn back in time to see the spell but was

unable to shield the spell fast enough. The cutting curse slashed across

Dolohov's left shoulder cutting through the dragon hide vest and about

two inches deep. Dolohov snarled and snapped his wand up sending a

purple curse that zigzagged across the space towards Neville and Giggs.

Neville hit the ground not knowing what the spell was and was unwilling

to shield it. Unfortunately the rookie Giggs was still focused on his fellow

aurors arrival and only just managed a protego shield. The spell hit Giggs

passing through the shield. Giggs yelled out in agony as he fell to the

ground and started to writhe in pain. Dolohov moved closer to them as

he smirked but Neville was casting. Neville's first curse was a 'deprimo,' he

aimed it at the window Dolohov was passing, Dolohov seeing the curse

wide didn't bother with it or a shield and was left unprotected as the

glass from the window shattered out at him cutting into his face. Neville

in quick succession fired four more silent deprimo curses at the ground

around Dolohov. Dolohov was thrown back into the corner of the Three

Broom Sticks outer walls and didn't move.

Above Neville and the rest of Hogsmeade the sky crackled a deep orange

before a loud crack was heard all around. Neville gave a shout of triumph

and scrambled to the downed auror.

"The wards are down!" Neville shouted as he got Auror Giggs on his back.

"Where's your port key!"

Giggs was pale and shaking but managed to get out, "left," he coughed up

some blood, "pocket." Neville nodded and searched the auror grabbed the


Neville place it on his chest and looked behind him and spotted the

javelin victim, "accio Cornfoot." The Hogwarts' student zoomed over to

Neville; the Ravenclaw had tears in his eyes and was moaning in pain.

"Hold tight to the rope length," Neville said moving Stephen's hand on

top of the rope he placed on Giggs' chest.

"Mungos," Giggs activated it and both disappeared.

"Avada Kedavra," The curse was snarled at Neville who managed to just

roll out the way of the spell. Neville went on the defensive as Dolohov

was back on his feet casting every dark arts curse he could think of.

Aiolos slithered out into the battle field that had become Hogsmeade

leading the pack of angry King Cobras. "Thisss way my brothersss and

sssissstersss," she hissed as she moved close to the Post Office wall. The

followed around the back of the Post Office before Aiolos led them across

an open area into the outlying areas of Hogsmeade.

"Ssstay to the outlying areasss." Aiolos hissed as she flicked her tongue

out smelling for the foul magic her hatchling encountered on Death

Eaters. She moved forward smelling for the Death Eaters. They moved

into the woods surrounding Hogsmeade. Aiolos moving swiftly through

the woods her head bobbing in different directions scenting out the

warders. After about five minutes of searching they came across the first

warder being guarded by two other Death Eaters. Her eyes were closed in

concentration as her wand moved in the movements needed for the


"Now you know what to look for. The human moving itsss wand isss the

one to bite. Bite to kill. Move out, find the warderssss," Aiolos hissed

quietly and the disillusioned king cobras dispersed into the woods. Aiolos

slithered quiet and fast up to the warder. The other two were talking

loudly and wouldn't even slightly detect Aiolos. Aiolos was in striking

range and reared up and struck out as quick as lightning. Her fangs

landed in the skin of the Death Eater's leg. Aiolos pumped her venom in

before unleashing the Death Eater who cried out in pain. Aiolos quickly

shot to the side and went straight for the nearest Death Eater who was

floundering wondering what was wrong with his comrade. Aiolos lunged

again and got the second Death Eater on the arm, releasing a burst or

venom before releasing and moving once more. The Death Eaters were

panicking trying to find their attacker. They through spells but nothing

connected Aiolos got into another striking position as the last Death Eater

cast a homenum revelio charm which revealed nothing to them. Aiolos

struck and hit the third and final Death Eater in the back of the leg just

under the knee. Aiolos worked her venom in once more before releasing

the Death Eater. Aiolos backed away as quickly as she could a spell

impacting the ground in front of her, she hissed in displeasure but the

spell missed as she was too quick. Aiolos moved over to a tree and

slithered up to watch as her venom worked.

"It's a snake bite," the male Death Eater yelled in panic thinking they

must have displeased their master. The first Death Eater to have been

bitten was holding her leg in pain as she fell to the ground, her leg

unable to support her.

"I can't see," She moaned out as her ward scheme failed no longer able to

concentrate on feeding her magic into them. The male Death Eater

stumbled as he tried to stay standing. The third Death Eater fell to the

ground sitting trying to heal the back of her knee.

"It's not healing," The third Death Eater said her voice laced with pain.

The male Death Eater tore at his robes as he struggled to breathe. His

wound being closer to the heart meant the venom was reaching his

internal organs faster. His diaphragm was starting to freeze from the

effects of the venom.

"Can't breathe," His voice was coming in gasps. Their struggles were

making the venom work faster as it pumped through their veins.

Aiolos watched from the tree in satisfaction. She looked to the sky and

saw the beginnings of the wards crack. It took another five minutes for

the wards to fall completely. In another ten minutes the male Death Eater

slipped into a coma. The other two were in too much pain to do

anything. It took less than half-hour for the venom to kill all three. Aiolos

hissed and moved off the tree to find her hatchling.

Harry and Daphne were moving nonstop as they emptied houses and

store fronts of students and people. Daphne was now sporting a gash

across her right arm that she had healed enough to stop the bleeding.

They had just joined up with Aberforth Dumbledore at the Hog's Head

when they heard the shout alerting the Death Eaters to the auror squads

coming in.

"We need to push towards Dervish & Bangs students are likely to be stuck

inside," Harry shouted to Aberforth and some of the pub goers who had

stuck around to fight. Harry ducked a spell that impacted behind him

spraying dirt up his back. Harry shot back two rapid fire sectumsempra

cutting curses at the Death Eater. The first landed across the man's chest

dispelling his shield and cutting through leaving two gashes that sprayed

blood. The second hit right after but higher with the bottom gash hitting

the same spot as the top one prior to it. The wound widened to four

inches and two inches deep. The top two gashes open over the man's

right shoulder and cut off his mask. The stunned face of Rex King froze as

he fell to his knees and bled out on the ground. They slowly moved

forward dodging hexes and curses while sending them back. Both

Aberforth and Harry packed enormous power into their spells collapsing

shields while Daphne and the others would follow up almost immediately

with bludgeoning hex, cutting curse, or other offensive hex. The result

was a remarkable swath of Death Eaters dead, dying, or incapacitated on

the road to Dervish & Bangs from the Hog's Head.

They came to Dervish & Banges seeing it surrounded by swarms of Death

Eater's a few bodies of students and civilians were scattered around

outside. They could make out students and people inside struggling to

shield the walls while the Death Eaters tried to bring the building down

around them.

"They're tryin' to collapse the buildin'," Aberforth deduced. "We'll take the

ones on the right," He said nodding to the three companions with them.

"You two take the left. Get the students out before you go around front."

Harry and Daphne nodded moving to get into a better position. There

was a cluster of three towards the middle left of the building. "Ignis

explodere!" Harry sent the fire curse at them and it exploded hitting the

first in the back. The other two were engulfed in flames. The one on the

right managed to put his out but was taken out by Daphne's cutting curse

which severed his wand arm at the elbow. Daphne summoned the wand

sending a blasting hex at it while it was coming towards her.

Harry dodged to the left as a ribbon cutting curse came at them; Daphne

to the right, the y belatedly noticed the wards had fallen. The curse

missed culling some trees behind them. "Ignis flagellum," Harry invoked

the fire whip curse and snapped it out towards the Death Eater that cast

the ribbon cutter. The whip wrapped around the Death Eater's

outstretched wand arm. The flame seared into the man's arm and kept

burning as Harry pulled the whip back sending the Death Eater flying

into a tree with first degree burns eating at his arm, his wand dropped

somewhere in flight. Harry snapped the whip again sending it towards a

Death Eater attempting to set fire to the building. The whip wrapped

around the lower leg of the Death Eater and Harry jerked it back sending

the Death Eater into the trees as he did with the other one. Daphne

followed up with defodio curse which struck the man in the back

crippling him. Harry ended the flame whip and moved to the back door

of Dervish & Banges.

"Everybody out now!" Harry shouted. The students poured out, "Use the

back ways get to Honeydukes and the Shrieking Shack, someone we'll get

you back to Hogwarts."

"The wards are done apparate if you can," Daphne added. The store keeps

did so almost immediately taking with them some of the students that

were hurt. "Go through the store or around it?" Daphne asked Harry.

"Around, might fall down if it gets hit any more," Harry replied as they

cautiously made their way around the store to where the Death Eaters

massing point was. "It's gonna be close quarters," Harry said. Daphne

simply nodded. Harry summoned Godric's sword to him, the sword

appearing scabbard and all out of thin air next to him. He strapped it to

his waist and pulled his knife from it's' ankle holder and gave it to

Daphne. "Use it if you need to." Daphne nodded and took the knife and

slipped it into her belt.

Harry dodged out from the alley way into the congestion at the front of

the street. Since the auror squads had arrived and more were coming in

the Death Eaters were forced to fight instead of causing destruction in a

free for all. Harry spotted McGonagall, Flitwick, and Sinistra on the

fringe of the fighting protecting students and civilians as they fled to

Hogwarts, though Flitwick was helping Neville in a fight with an

unmasked Death Eater by the Three Broom Sticks. In the thick of the

battle he could make out Severus and Sirius dueling with various Death

Eaters. Blaise was holding his own against them but was bleeding from

several cuts and gashes.

"Crucio," Harry heard to his right and saw a Death Eater torturing Auror

Dawlish who went down with a nasty leg wound.

'Sagitto, diffindo,' Harry's arrow spell sent the three arrows rocketing at

the Death Eater. Two of the arrows struck him in both legs, the third in

his gut, and finally the cutting curse impacted the Death Eaters chest.

Dawlish managed to kick the Death Eater's legs out from under him

toppling the Eater who was unable to get back up; Dawlish bound him

and nodded his thanks to Harry. Harry shielded a spell and dodged

another taking his wand and leveling two Death Eaters with a bombarda

hex. Harry ducked under a nasty looking smoky black curse and drew his

sword as he moved forward into the fray. Harry stabbed his wand

forward and shot out an ice spike curse impaling a Death Eater. At the

same time he brought his sword down on a Death Eater's wand arm

severing the limb and injecting the basilisk venom into the Death Eater's

blood stream. Harry twirled as he brought the sword up dodging spells he

slashed another Death Eater across the back and shot off a sectumsempra

hitting a Death Eater in the gut.

Then it happened into Harry's view came Sirius and the widely untamed

Bellatrix LeStrange. Both were locked in their duel though they seemed

to be enjoying toying with each other. Bellatrix sent a red spell at Sirius

at the same time another Death Eater with a brutal scar down one side

sent the killing curse at Sirius.

"NOOOO!" Harry's shout was punctuated by his magic flaring around him

knocking Death Eaters over in their places. Harry's only thought was

moving Sirius and his magic reacted and cast an accio on Sirius pulling

him through the crowd. Harry acting on instinct threw the sword in his

head like a baseball sending flying hilt over blade as it flew with speed

enhanced by his magic still flaring around him. The crowd of fighters

seemed to part as the sword rocketed towards the Death Eater with the

jagged scar. After seconds the sword impaled itself in the Death Eater's

right shoulder only stopping as the hilt hit his collarbone. The fighters

stop to stare in horror at the sight and Harry's still flaring. Daphne and

Blaise though used to seeing his aura reacted the fastest and sent their

most powerful stunners at Bellatrix both connected and the witch was

sent flying as she was knocked unconscious.

Suddenly all the Death Eaters looked towards their arm before one

shouted, "RETREAT!" They all activated portkeys the majority of them

making it out of Hogsmeade though some of the aurors managed to snap

out of their shock and stun a few. As people still starred at Harry, Sirius

next to him on the ground, and the Death Eaters his aura knocked out,

Severus quietly slipped a portkey on Bellatrix and activated it.

"Get the wounded to St. Mungo's!" A shout came in Kingsley's deep voice

was amplified to all those around Hogsmeade. "ALL STUDENTS STILL

HERE REPORT TO HOGWART'S NOW!" The only students left were

either gravely injured and being apparated to St. Mungos or were the

New Mauraders' who while worse for the ware remained able to move on

their own power back to Hogwarts.

Harry though just shot at the now standing Sirius holding onto him as if

his life depended on it. Tears were in Harry's eyes as he squeezed Sirius

in a death grip that doubled as a hug. He was shaking somewhat as Sirius

held onto him and rocked back and forth.

"Shh, shh, it's okay pup," Sirius said whispering into his godson's ear as he

held onto him. "I'm okay; you got me out of the way. Shh" Sirius's voice

was choked with emotion, "I'm alive." Sirius had tears leak out of his eyes

as he tried to comfort his godson. Harry's emotions were all over the

place thinking he was losing his surrogate father. "Come on," Sirius

whispered quietly, "let's go back to Hogwarts. Come on," Sirius started

leading Harry back with arms still around him. Severus came over to

Daphne who was looking at her husband with a lost expression. When

she felt Severus next to her she reached out her hand and took his in a

death grip.

"It's alright Daphne," Severus said and started leading Daphne behind

Sirius and Harry. Blaise moved past the people starring at Harry or

bustling around arresting Death Eaters or putting people in body bags. He

walked up to where the Death Eater Harry impaled with the Sword of

Gryffindor. He looked at the body effectively stuck to an outer wall of

Scrivenshaft's. Blaise used both hands and pulled the sword out of the

man's body, the Death Eater dropped with a thunk, Blaise just shook his

head as he pointed the blade down.

"Well they've done it now," he muttered as he started the walk back to


A Death Eater being arrested snorted, "Done what, the whelp's shattered."

Blaise smirked, "Oh he may be shocked but after that he'll be pissed." The

man sneered and an auror pushed him from behind. Blaise smirked and

'accidently' hit the Death Eater with the blade on his ankle. "Oops." Blaise

said as he walked away smirking, the Death Eater would die two minutes

later from Basilisk venom. As Blaise passed the Three Broom Sticks

Draco, Hannah, and Neville fell in line with him as they walked with

their professors back up to Hogwarts to assess the damage done to the



Well that was fun to write. As i said at the top I went through spell

check fast and am sure there are more errors then usual but I

wanted to post this tonight. Hope you enjoy and let me know if you

liked the battle.



42. Death and then life

They got to the gates of the Castle and were met with Hagrid holding his

cross bow along with Professors Sprout, Vector, and Krum all with their

wands at the ready. Upon seeing Harry and Sirius walking up the path

followed immediately by Severus and Daphne, they lowered their wands

or crossbow in Hagrid's case.

"Report Professor Krum," Sirius's order came out while he was still

holding on to Harry. He nodded towards the school indicating it was


"There were at least twenty students that came back injured. Four with

cruciatas exposure though only one case is severe. Seven are in critical

condition with Madam Pomfrey and four St. Mungo's healers and four

apprentice healers working on them, one suffering from an organ

dissolving curse. Nine others with minor injuries the most sever being

treated easily with essence of dittany. The students in the Defense

Association stepped up when it came to getting their fellow students out

of the village.

All civilians injured that came in were immediately sent to St. Mungo's

unless they were in critical condition. Two have been most likely driven

mad by over exposure to the cruciatas curse," Fedor snapped out the lists

in military precision that spoke of his Durmstrang days. They had

reached the entry way of the school and the others had now caught up to


"How many students are unaccounted for?" Headmaster Flitwick asked. "I

will need to send the names and ages to Auror Shacklebolt as soon as


"Well with these five being accounted for now," Professor Vector started,

"Five Hufflepuffs. Third year Anthony Zeller, forth year Owen Cauldweld,

fifth years Megan Jones and Wayne Hopkins, and sixth year Robin


"Jones is fine," Neville cut in tiredly. He was currently sporting a broken

nose that caused blood to run down his face, some of it dried already. He

also had a large third degree burn to his left arm. "We stunned her,

Gibbon, Bletchly, and Edgecombe at the Three Broomsticks."

Professors Sprout, Vector, Sinistra, and McGonagall looked shocked at his

explanation while Headmaster Flitwick, Severus, Sirius, and Professor

Krum nodded their agreement.

Professor Vector shook off her shock and continued, "Ravenclaw made it

out alright with only sixth year Marietta Edgecombe and one third years

Orla Quirke and a fifth year Stephen Cornfoot, unaccounted for.

Gryffindor has nine unaccounted for, third years Jack Sloper and Richard

Coote, two fourth years, Colin Creevey and Doris Sinclair, two fifth years,

Lavender Brown and Seamus Finnegan, sixth year Katie Bell, and seventh

years Angelina Johnson, Alicia Spinnet, and Patricia Stimpson."

"Cornfoot is at St. Mungo's he took a spear to his thigh," Neville cut in. "I

sent him at the same time I sent Auror Giggs using Giggs' portkey."

"Slytherin has five missing besides them and Gibbon and Bletchly," she

said with a nod to the three Slytherins. "Fourth years, Ginny Weasley,

Aoife Vaisey, Astoria Greengrass," at her sister and cousin's names

Daphne gasped and her hand flew to her mouth in anguish. Harry, who

had detached himself from Sirius as the professors talked and collected

himself, immediately took Daphne in his arms. "And sixth year Marcus

Colt," Professor Vector finished quietly well aware of the tension now in

the group at the mention of their friends.

Harry cleared his throat as a silence descended on the group turning their

attention to him, "Ginny should be okay, I doubt the aurors allowed her

back out of her house."

"I will deliver the list and check on the students we know are alright,"

Headmaster Flitwick spoke. "I'll send them back if they are all right.

Professors Krum and Hagrid please await them. All students who were

not injured I want to go to their common rooms for the night. Professor

Sinistra please take care of the Slytherins. Severus I want you to help in

the hospital wing. Minerva please notify the parents of those students

who are unharmed that they are okay, I'll send word on the others as

soon as I know," He spoke to his deputy. "As for you five hospital wing


They went to their duties, with the five students in stages of grief and

shock as they were led to the Hospital Wing. Sirius led the group with

Harry carrying Daphne who was unable to walk at the moment in her

grief. Neville had Hannah pulled close to him as she cried softly. Blaise

had a death grip on sword he still held while Draco looked even more

pale then usual and lost as he concentrated on moving towards the

Hospital wing. They arrived to see the hospital wing in motion as never

before as healers rushed around working on the critically injured

students. Severus jumped in to help the healers relieving another

apprentice healer to work on those with minor injuries and get them out

of the hospital wing. They were also sending calming draught after

calming draught away with the house elves who were giving it to the

students. Susan was assisting an apprentice and Tracey was currently

sleeping do to a calming draught.

Severus summoned anti cruciatas potions while he worked and called

out, "Hadrian give these to those four," he gave a jerk of his head to four

students in their beds who were shaking. Harry grabbed the potions out

of the air and moved over to the beds. He knew two of the students, Luna

Lovegood and Graham Pritchard of Slytherin. The other two he

recognized but couldn't claim to know with Romalda Vane, a Gryffindor,

and Kevin Whitby, a Hufflepuff.

"Hey guys," Harry started softly but with a hint of command in his voice,

"This is an anti-cruciatas potion. It'll help with the shaking and after

pains." They quickly reached out to take it and downed then quickly

grimaced. Harry smirked a little, "Yeah apparently it tastes horrible. Try

and rest," Harry finished and pulled the curtains on each of their beds. He

moved over to the potions cupboard and looked for a calming potion but

found it empty of the wanted potion. Harry swore softly before

inspiration struck, "Mips."

*Pop* "What can Mips be doing for…WHAT HAPPEN TO SIRS?" Mips

said as she came up from her bow and took in Harry's state. Harry had a

large gash across the left side of his face that ran down to his neck, he

had placed a spell to stop the bleeding but it seemed to have started

again as he brought his hand up to it. His clothes were singed in areas

while his skin was smudged with ashes and dirt. Though Mips couldn't

see it Harry had three broken ribs, one on his left side and two on his

right and a fractured rib on the right side plus a sprained ankle. The

ankle he almost didn't notice, the same with his ribs, as it was fairly

normal occurrence in his early years.

"Mips I'll be fine but can you get the extra draught of peace potions that

we brewed earlier in the year I have some, Daphne, Susan, Hermione,

Draco, and Theo have some. Just ask them for theirs and bring them back


"Mips be back quick," the little elf replied and popped out.

Harry quickly went back to his wife and friends who were all gathered

around Tracey's bed. He sat next to Daphne and pulled his sniffling wife

onto his lap and she buried her face in his un-bloodied side. "Shh, she'll

be okay." Harry murmured to her as he rubbed her back in comfort. Mips

popped back in with the potions on the tray there were fifteen in total

and Harry grabbed one immediately as he smiled at Mips in thanks and

then directed her to Severus. "Daph, shh, come on drink," He slowly got

Daphne to drink the draught of peace. As she finished an apprentice

healer was finally able to get to them.

"Why am I not surprised to see you all again," The apprentice said. They

looked up to see apprentice Clearwater. They all managed a rueful smile

for the apprentice and former Hogwarts head girl. "Who's first?" Harry

nodded to Daphne who now that the potion had taken affect was starting

to fall asleep from the events of the day. "Miss Greengrass I'm going to

cast a diagnostic spell on you," Apprentice Clearwater spoke softly as

Harry moved Daphne to sit on an empty bed next to Tracey's. Daphne

just nodded taking Harry's hand not letting him move far. The spell

surrounded Daphne and the apprentice started to summon a potion as she

received the results. "Alright you have a concussion which is what the

potion is for," Apprentice Clearwater spoke giving the potion to Daphne.

Daphne grimaced as it went down but sighed as the potion started to take

the edge off her headache. "I need you to hold your arm out," Daphne

slowly extended her left arm as much as she could grimacing with the

effort. A soft green glow enveloped her arm as her muscles were healed.

"You had a minor tear to your brachialis muscle. No strenuous use of

your left arm for the next few days."

"Alright I assume Hannah's next?" Apprentice Clearwater asked with a

smile as Harry got Daphne to lie down. "Mr. Potter if she falls asleep

wake her up every half hour." Harry nodded.

"Yes you guessed right Penny," Hannah said when Penny Clearwater

turned back to her. "These four won't let you touch them until the

delicate women are healed," She said with a roll of her eyes at the word

delicate. Hannah had always gotten along with the former Ravenclaw

who had tutored her in Astronomy Hannah's first year. Penelope

Clearwater cast the diagnostic spell and nodded to herself as she got the

results. A quick epskiy spell healed Hannah's broken fingers on her left

hand, two of them. Then Apprentice Clearwater used a suture spell to

take care of a slash on Hannah's upper left arm.

She summoned a potion, "Pepper Up for the magical fatigue," she handed

it to Hannah who accepted it with a nod. "Mr. Potter your next. I need to

heal that gash to your face and neck." She did a quick spell to vanish the

dried blood and dirt from his face. She waved her wand over his face

murmuring, "vulnera sanentur," the gash to Harry's neck slowly healed

itself as the skin came back together over it. "I want you to use some skin

soother paste for the next two to three days to prevent a scar, okay?"

Harry nodded. Then she cast the familiar diagnostic and gasped,

"Hadrian," she said is first name in shock forgetting her protocol as a

healer. "How are you still upright? You have three broken ribs and one

fractured rib." Harry shrugged. She summoned Skele-knit and portioned

out a dose laughing slightly at Harry's frown directed at the bottle. "Yep

you earned yourself one of the nastiest tasting potions," She said getting a

small laugh from the group as she gave it to Harry. "Right shirt off let me

wrap them up," She spoke after he finished.

Harry moved to take off his shirt but winced a bit, "Hold up Harry,"

Blaise said as he moved over to help him get the shirt off.

"Thanks," Harry said with a nod. Penny goggled a bit at his back tattoo

but quickly pulled herself back together and wrapped his ribs in


"I'm sure you know from Quidditch, keep the bandages on for the next

day," She said as she did another quick espiky on Harry's ankle.

"Mr. Longbottom your next," Penny went through her diagnostics on

Neville revealing a severely broken nose, "Damn," she swore quietly

causing Hannah to look at her in concern knowing Penny hardly ever

swore. "Take this for the nose," she portioned out a Skele-knit dose for

Neville. "What spell hit your left arm?" She asked concerned, "And how

much pain are you in?"

Neville sighed as now Hannah was close to losing it. He quickly took

Hannah's hand and held up his hand to silence her impending

interrogation of Penny, "I was dueling with Dolohov?" He said the name

with a question. "Auror Giggs said his name but I don't recognize it. I

shield a blackish spell but it came through the shield and set my sleeve

on fire. I put it out but I can still feel it as if it's alight."

"Professor Snape," Penny called through the hospital wing. Severus

looked up from the patient he and another healer were working on. The

St. Mungo's healer nodded that he could leave.

"Yes Apprentice Clearwater," Severus asked.

"I think Neville was hit with some kind of dark fire curse? It won't come

up on the diagnostic and his description fits. I don't know what detection

spell to cast but it was Antonin Dolohov that cursed him."

Severus sucked in a breath and waved his wand over Neville's arm. A

dark purple surrounded his arm, "Blár eldær," Severus said quietly. "It's

an ancient Norse spell. Neville how long ago did this hit you?"

"About five minutes now. It was the last spell he threw before he

portkeyed out," Neville said.

"Apprentice Clearwater watch carefully. The counter for this curse is

lyfja," Severus moved his wand in a figure eight pattern over the burn

that was slowly getting worse. He muttered the spell over and over while

his wand moved over Neville's arm. Slowly the burn receded until there

was nothing left except a scar. "Mr. Longbottom you'll have to use scar

paste but that will never fully heal the scar. Antonin Dolohov is an expert

at Old Norse that particular spell was referred to as black fire by them. It

continues to burn the flesh until it's countered." With that Severus left to

resume working on the patients in critical condition.

"Mr. Zabini," Penelope turned to him next and cast the diagnostic. "Not

too bad just a few sutures spell required." She healed a gash on his right

arm that was a few inches deep and then one on his chest that extended

down to his ribs. "It's going to feel tight for the next day or so," She said

after she healed him. "Now Mr. Malfoy," She cast the diagnostic spell. She

frowned and summoned one of the draught of peace potions that Mips

brought in. "Drink up Mr. Malfoy." She also hit the Head of the Malfoy

Household with a warming charm. She looked around and saw Susan

coming towards the group. Susan looked sweaty and dirty but aside from

that was uninjured during the battle.

Penelope walked the few feet to meet her, "Susan, Draco needs to be

watched for shock. I placed a warming charm on him and gave him a

draught of peace. Check his blood pressure every thirty minutes or so.

Don't let him fall asleep." Susan nodded and they exchanged positions,

Susan going over to her friends while Penelope left to check in with a

Healer on what needed to be done.

The group of friends sat mostly in silence as they waited for any news or

to be released from the hospital wing. Harry was the one to break the

silence, "Tracey?"

"She was hit with a bludgeoning hex to her ribs," Susan replied. "I healed

her and gave her a calming potion so she could sleep it off." She turned to

Draco who still looked rather lost, "Draco you came out without a

scratch?" She asked merely curious as everyone else had some injury.

Draco shrugged, "They seemed more focused on destroying the Three

Broom Sticks. I'm fairly certain we were dealing with newbie's too."

"Yeah I kil…" He stopped his voice choking on the word, "I took out Rex

King," Harry added his voice monotone. The group looked at him none

with surprise but with sympathy. Killing a faceless masked Death Eater

was one thing but knowing who you killed was another. Especially when

the one you killed was a student you passed in the halls and ate meals

with everyday for years. Susan wrapped her brother in a hug in comfort

and he buried his head in her shoulder his own shaking as he tried to

deal with the emotions of killing someone. When he felt a privacy ward

go up Harry cried out his emotions silently into his sister's arms as she

simply held him whispering comfort to him. Harry slowly pulled himself

together giving Susan a tight squeeze before pulling back. "Thanks,"

Harry murmured as he looked at the group, Neville looked intensely at

the ground as he held a teary eyed Hannah close.

Blaise looked murderous as he started out window to his left, he hated

when anyone disrupted his family. He considered each and every one of

the Marauders family to him. The fact that Harry who he considered a

brother and the strongest of the group was upset about killing murders,

rapists, and psychopaths made him furious at the Death Eaters. Blaise

knew Harry would never consider violence against another unless he was

provoked and he vowed to make the Death Eaters pay for causing his

brother to feel sorry over their deaths. Draco had started breathing hard

and Susan quickly moved over to him. She loosened the button up he had

on and checked his pulse again, it was racing.

"Draco," Susan called softly turning his face to look at her, "I want you to

follow my breathing alright?" Draco nodded and Susan started taking

deep calming breaths. Susan got Draco to calm his breathing and his

pulse returned to normal.

Finally things started to calm in the hospital wings as the healers finished

their work getting all their patients into a stable condition only moving

one to St. Mungo's. The four healers left the hospital wing as did three of

the four apprentices, one staying to assist Madam Pomfrey. As they left

moving the one patient which the group of friends recognized as fourth

year Gryffindor Demelza Robins, Headmaster Flitwick entered the

hospital wing. He checked the condition of each student with Madam


"Demelza Robins was just moved to St. Mungo's she had a perforated lung

and extensive burn damage to her left side. With therapy she should

make a full recovery. Michael Corner had three shattered ribs from a

bludgeoning hex that came close to impacting his lungs but we managed

to keep the clear, it looks like the curse hit him unshielded as his skin is

blown apart at the impact area. Lee Jordan was hit with the cruciatas and

then a severing charm to his hand, luckily the boy must have managed

some sort of shield as it stopped at the bone he lost almost forty percent

of his blood. Laura Madley had first degree burns on her right arm and

chest we're able to treat them and have her in an induced coma for the

next day for pain while all the Skin-Knit and burn paste potions work,"

Madam Pomfrey said as she turned towards the four with cruciatas

exposure who were now sleeping under dreamless sleep administered by

Severus. "These four were exposed to the curciatas curse Miss Lovegood

had the worst while Mr. Boot had the least. The curse on Mr. Boot must

have been cast by a novice as it seemed to have failed from his

description. We've treated five broken bones, three students for burns,

five for concussions, and three for extreme bruising. We've ran out of

calming potions but a house elf popped in with Draughts of Peace, I

believe Miss. Greengrass, Mr. Malfoy, and Miss Lovegood all under those


"Thank you Madam Pomfrey," Headmaster Flitwick said with a small

bow. "We're notifying the parents as to where their children are so

prepare for the parents." She nodded, "I need to have few words with this

group." He moved over to the New Marauders who cancelled the privacy

spell allowing him into their group. "Miss Weasley and the three

Gryffindor chasers are fine. Miss Weasley saw them being evacuated

behind the aurors and pulled them into her and her brother's home.

Those you stunned were also fine." He turned to Harry and spoke gravely,

"Mr. Potter I need you and Mrs. Potter to join me in my office." As he

finished Addison Davies came into the Hospital wing and went straight to

her daughter and her friends. "Professor Davies will explain to the rest of


"Daph, Daphne," Harry gently woke his wife up. "Headmaster Flitwick

needs us to go with him." Daphne sat up rather quickly causing her to

hold her head. Harry simply scooped her up off the bed and she wrapped

her arms around his neck as he carried her. They walked quietly to the

Headmaster's office where they were immediately swept into hugs by

Daphne's parents, as well as the Vaisey's and Aaron who were in the


"First as you know there was a battle in Hogsmeade today while the

students were there. Currently we have students in our own Hospital

wing and at St. Mungo's. Astoria and Aoife both helped to evacuate the

village of Hogsmeade and the students back to Hogwarts. They are

responsible for saving many lives. Astoria was transported to St. Mungo's

with a broken femur and concussion." He paused before taking a breath,

"I regret to inform you that Aoife was hit with a killing curse while, she

took the curse while saving a small child I was told."

"NOOO!" Aaron was out of his seat and to his knees as he repeated the

word no over and over again. Mrs. Vaisey collapsed into her husband's

arms as she sobbed. Evelyn turned into her husband's shoulder as she

cried for her niece and her guilt at being happy it wasn't Astoria. They

both moved to wrap Xavier's sister into hug pulling all four of them into

a hug. Daphne was turned in Harry's arms with her face buried in his

neck; Harry had his face buried in her hair. Headmaster Flitwick came

around from his desk and laid a hand on Aaron's shoulder. Aaron latched

onto his Headmaster like a lifeline as he sobbed.

After sobbing for a time Brayden Vaisey asked, "Where are my daughter

and niece," he asked through a choked voice.

"They were both moved to St. Mungo's," Headmaster Flitwick spoke

quietly, "my floo is open to you." The Vaisey's were the first ones through

the floo followed by the Greengrass parents; Harry though stopped

Daphne for a moment.

"Headmaster it might be beneficial to inform Alicia Spinnet, I know

Aaron plans on proposing to her at the end of the year," Harry said


Flitwick gave a soft smile, "I'll let her know," with that Harry and Daphne

stepped through the floo to St. Mungo's.

In the Hospital Wing Addison moved to her daughter's bedside feeling

her forehead and giving her a kiss. She turned back to the others who

were looking at her expectantly especially Draco. She had never seen the

Malfoy boy look as un-composed as he did now. "Tracey, honey, wake

up," Addison gently shook her daughter awake.

"Mum?" Tracey asked softly before it all came flying back to her. She sat

up quickly scanning the area. "Where are Harry and Daphne?"

In response they all looked to Addison. Addison sighed, "They went with

Headmaster Flitwick. Astoria was transported to St. Mungo's she suffered

a broken femur." They seemed to let out a sigh of relief as they heard her

injury. Draco seemed to instantly gain color back in his face. "Aoife

Vaisey though," Addison's voice dropped, "was struck by the killing curse

while helping a young girl." She was met with gasps from Tracey and

Susan. Neville flew up from his chair that clattered back to the floor and

he stormed over to the window he pulled his fist back and let it fly at the

wall with a shout. His magic gathering around him as he breathed hard

and kept his fist clenched with his head leaned against the wall. Madam

Pomfrey looked to be almost ready to kill with shock at the outburst in

her hospital wing but Severus quickly held a hand up to her. She paused

what was about to be a tirade on disturbing sleeping patients and nodded

to Severus.

Severus extended a hand to the group stilling them from acting. Severus

came up from behind Neville slowly placing a hand on Neville's shoulder,

"Mr. Longbottom," Severus spoke in soothing tone to his student. Neville

jerked a bit at the question in Severus's voice.

Neville choked back tears as he answered, "I told them to evacuate the

town so we could fight at the Three Broom Sticks. I shouldn't have let

them. They don't have the training we do. Harry wanted us to clear the

village. I got her…" He started to say but was cut off fiercely by Severus.

"Do not finish that thought," Severus bit out. "Aoife's death was the fault

of the Death Eater that cast the curse. You did what you had to in order

to get those in the Three Broom Sticks out. Aoife could have chosen not

to fight but she didn't she chose to stand by what she thought was right.

And she wasn't as untrained as you may think; she was member of the DA

and the Vaisey parents were forces to be reckoned with and still are. This

was not your fault," Severus said turning Neville to face him. When

Neville finally seemed to relent some of his guilt Severus released him.

"Now for being a dunderhead and punching a wall you don't get a pain

potion just ice." With a flick of his wand an ice pack arrived and he

handed it to Neville and allowed Hannah to take his place.

Harry and Daphne arrived back from St. Mungo's early into the next

morning having spent time with the Vaisey family late into the night.

Astoria verged on inconsolable as she sobbed into her mother and sister's

arm over the loss of her lifelong friend and cousin. Harry tried his best to

comfort his wife but was at a loss for words and simply managed to hold

his wife as she cried, little did he know that was all she needed from him.

They had found out from passing families and students that three other

Hogwarts students had been killed in the attack, Anthony Zeller, Rose's

little brother, Doris Sinclair, and Patricia Stimpson.

"Daph," Harry called getting his wife's attention as she changed into

pajamas. "I want you to take some," He said handing her a vial of

Dreamless Sleep potion. Daphne simply nodded not having the energy to

even attempt an argument. Harry took a bit of the potion himself before

they both crawled into bed. Daphne folded into Harry's arms sniffling as

she fell asleep. Harry kissed the top of her head gently and softly stroked

her hair as she drifted off to sleep, Harry following after her.

Harry was the first to awake the next day and slowly slipped out of bed

careful to let Daphne continue sleeping. Harry sighed looking at the clock

that read eight am and ran his hand through his hair absently noticing it

was getting close to needing to be tied back again; he had only slept for

six hours. He quietly slipped out of the room as Daphne pulled Harry's

pillow to her. Harry walked into their common area eyed a stack of

homework that was in the corner but shook his head and walked over to

the corner where his art supplies were stored. Harry pulled out his sketch

pad and some pencils. He made himself comfortable on the couch as he

started sketching. His hand moved across the pages in fluid motions as he

drew his feelings and thoughts out. He drew in a trance for almost two

hours before a knock at their door to the hallway in the dungeons. Harry

unfolded himself from his position on their couch and set his sketch pad

on the table. He opened the door and was unsurprised to find his friends

with Hermione and Susan in the lead outside the door. As Blaise passed

by he handed Harry the sword, "Thought you might want this," with a

small grin. Harry nodded in thanks.

"Daphne's sleeping," Harry said quietly as he let them in. They spread out

around the room Hermione giving him a tight hug worthy of someone

five times her size before taking a seat by the fireplace. "Mips," Harry

called quietly and the little elf popped in without much noise sensing her

master's want for quiet. "Can we have some tea please?" He asked with a

small smile. The little elf nodded and disappeared only to reappear

seconds later with a steaming hot pot of tea with all the fixings and some

biscuits on a platter. Mips received a chorus of thanks before bowing out.

"How are you?" Hermione was the first to break the silence.

Harry thought for a moment before answering, "Aoife was always so

happy and smiling. It's going to be different not seeing her." They nodded

in agreement.

"Draco and Theo are with Ginny and Astoria right now," Tracey said

quietly, "Aaron wasn't back."

"I don't think he'll be until after the funeral," Harry said.

"Professor McGonagall came and got Alicia this morning," Neville spoke,

"Harry I'm."

Harry cut him off, "Unless you cast the spell at Aoife you have nothing to

apologize for Nev."

"He's right," Daphne said as she stepped out of their bedroom dressed for

the day. She moved to Harry's lap and he enfolded her in his arms. She

picked up his tea and took a few sips before resting her head on his


"How are you guys doing?" Daphne asked.

Blaise shrugged in response as did Tracey causing Hermione to sigh,

"Slytherins." They shared a laugh at that.

Blaise though replied in a quiet but monotone voice, "My mother despite

being married seven times has never as people claim killed any of her

husband's. I on the other hand have. My father the one that gave me the

Zabini name was abusive prick. When I was six I can remember hiding

under a table while he beat my mum and then suddenly he was thrown

across the room and into a glass door. It was only my second outburst of

accidental magic. After that I shut down and my grandfather came to talk

with me. I accepted long ago killing may be in my future and in my

opinion killing Death Eaters is to kind." They were silent for a long time

before Neville broke the silence.

"I just wish I hadn't sent Astoria and Aoife to warn people," Neville said


Daphne got off Harry and kneeled in front of Neville, "Neville listen to

me it wasn't your fault knowing those two they would have helped

anyways. Let it go." Her voice lowered, "People are going to die while

that monster lives and it may be people close to us, like…" Daphne

choked as she tried to say the name, "like Aoife. But we have to keep

going and not let guilt drowned us." She got up and made her way back

to Harry who wrapped her in a hug.

"Well said," Hannah added quietly giving Neville a squeeze. Susan

sniffled a bit but otherwise remained stoic as did Hermione. Tracey had

tears running down her face and surprising all of them it was Blaise who

stood and made his way over to her. He picked Tracey up and set her in

his lap as he murmured it would be okay.

"Would all students report to the Great Hall," Headmaster Flitwick

announced over an overhead system used for the chimes at the end of


They all stood but Hermione stopped them, "Um Harry I don't think you

want to go to the Great Hall in your boxers." Harry looked down and

realized he was still in boxers and a muscle shirt.

"Though the views appreciated," Tracey said with a watery smirk. They

all laughed.

"Yeah, yeah laugh it up," Harry muttered as he went into Daphne's and

his room to throw on jeans a tee and grabbed his wand slipping it into

his holster. They walked up to the Great Hall and took seats around

Theo, Ginny, Draco, and Astoria. Both girls looked to have red eyes and

when the Weasley twins entered they made their way over to Slytherin

and sat on either side of their sister. Once everyone was in the Great Hall

Headmaster Flitwick stood and called for silence.

"I find myself once again having to inform you that we lost members of

our small community here at Hogwarts. Thirteen year old Anthony Zeller,

fourteen year old Doris Sinclair, seventeen year old Patricia Stimpson,

and fourteen year old Aoife Vaisey who died while rescuing a young girl

from her home, were all killed during the attack on Hogsmeade. I hope

by now you've all realized this war has nothing to do with blood status as

all four who lost their lives in yesterday's attack were purebloods. This

war is about power and a madman's quest to find it. This monster thrives

on terror and chaos as such we will fight him and honor his victims by

continuing on with life. Grieve for those you have lost but live for them

also." Flitwick ended his speech and allowed them to disperse from the


The funerals came and passed during the next week. Aoife's funeral had

been small with simply family and close friends attending. They had a

small internment followed by a small party celebrating milestones in her

short life. Harry and the New Marauders were released from school for

the day of the funeral. Aside from Aoife's funeral Harry, Daphne, Hannah,

Neville and Hermione were invited to attend the funeral of Anthony

Zeller and went to support Rose, their head girl for the year. Funerals

were held all week and into the weekend in Hogsmeade for the victims

who lived there, about twenty people died. The Gryffindor/ Ravenclaw

match was pushed back a week to give time for the funerals to take


Harry was by himself in the Room of Requirement having woken up

early. Instead of lying in bed for the next five hours, as it was Sunday,

Harry chose to go for a run and let Daphne sleep. As he was running he

decided he would review the battle as it had been irritating him. He

spelled a note for Daphne after getting back and showering and changing.

Harry looked around in shock at the room; he really didn't expect it to

work. He had asked the room for a way to view his memory of the battle

in 3D. The room provided him with a pensive that he added his memory

to buy than the pensive sunk into the floor. A few minutes later Harry

was standing in the middle Hogsmeade while the battle raged around

him. Harry took out a notebook and never out quill and started taking

notes on what he was watching. The interesting part was he could see

what was going on all around him and pause or speed up the memory.

Harry was able to identify the three inner circle members two of which

were un-masked, Antonin Dolohov and Bellatrix LeStrange. The third he

identified by the intricate designs on the mask. The lower Death Eaters

he noticed had very plain masks. The one that was cut from Rex King's

face was simply black; it even lacked a skull design. He was noting things

as he came to the part of the memory showing Sirius, a knock came on

the door to the Room of Requirement.

"Pause," Harry said aloud and the memory stopped, "Come in." The New

Marauders along with Ginny, Astoria, Draco, and Theo entered and

almost all of them pulled their wands. "Hold it," Harry said quickly, "It's

just a memory. I'm going over the battle."

"Anything interesting?" Hermione asked as they all looked at the

seemingly real images surrounding them. Blaise passed his hand through

one of the Death Eaters.

"A few," Harry spoke, "There are three levels of Death Eater's it seems.

The lowest wear only black masks, intermediates wear black skull masks;

upper level Death Eaters have the more intricate masks. The ones with

the intricate masks or like Bellatrix," Harry pointed to the women about

to engage Sirius, "that wear no masks are the ones that we need to be

careful of. They are the ones that don't stop to crucio someone until they

know no one is attacking, and they throw less killing curses than the

other two levels of Death Eaters. They're also the ones were doing the

most damage to the buildings. Also I don't think this was a typical Death

Eater attack everything we know of them is quick hits that kill lots of

people and then run. This battle went on to long."

"You're correct Mr. Potter," Connie Hammer said as she walked in the

door with Severus and Sirius. "It was a diversion. Riddle himself along

with five others broke into the Department of Mysteries while we focused

on Hogsmeade. Barty Crouch Jr., Rabastain LeStrange, Nott Sr., and

Alecto and Amycus Carrow were with him. My husband dueled him

personally and managed to wound Riddle but he escaped with the

prophecy. Cadmus is currently in St. Mungo's recovering from the attack

as well as one other Unspeakable."

Blaise snorted, "All that for a prophecy that tells him shite?"

"Yes," Connie replied simply. "We've kept it out of the papers so far. We

don't want the people to know he managed to break into the Ministry as

it's not exactly inspiring. Considering it has stayed out of the paper

Riddle doesn't want it known that he was injured."

"Or he just doesn't want people think he was obsessing over something as

useless as a prophecy," Astoria muttered murderously thinking of her

friend dying for a bloody prophecy.

"I would have informed you sooner but I was at the hospital or

Hogsmeade," Connie said looking at Sirius and Severus as well as the

New Marauders. "Now what is this?" Connie said gesturing to the room

that was still paused in Harry's memory.

"This is my memory of the battle, we're coming to the worst part," Harry

said softly. "Play." The memory shot into action. They watched memory

Harry dodge spells and attack with not just his wand but his sword. But

Harry's focus and the memory's focus was on Sirius who was dueling

Bellatrix. The attacks on both Bellatrix and Sirius seemed to cease as they

stood across from each other on the battlefield. Sirius grinned lazily at

Bellatrix who smirked as sane but amused glint entered her eye. Sirius

threw the first curse which Bellatrix side stepped like it was nothing and

indeed it was nothing as it hit a Death Eater behind her, said Death Eater

only started to laugh uncontrollably. The traded spells back and forth but

Sirius' lazy grin never left his face and Bellatrix far from being the

unpredictable insane Death Eater was calmly responding to each of his

curses and hexes. Then it happened as Sirius goaded Bellatrix a Death

turned and saw his opening casting the killing curse at Sirius. The

anguish was plain for all of those in the room to see on Harry's face as he

screamed and threw the sword while summoning Sirius out of the way of

the curse. The curse ended up hitting another Death Eater, the memory

cut out shortly after with the Death Eaters portkeying away. Instantly all

the New Marauders plus Connie and Severus turned to Sirius with livid

expressions except Harry's which was more confused than anything.

It was Daphne that spoke first and in a voice barely over a whisper but as

deadly as any killing curse asked, "What in the hell were doing? It sure as

hell wasn't dueling."

Sirius looked like he was going to try and defend himself but at Harry's

devastated face he closed his mouth and flopped into one of the chairs

the room just provided for them all. "Sit down this is going to be

complicated," Sirius said voice filled with grief. They all sat in various

positions around a table where tea appeared. "All children in the Black

family are taught three basic tenants, 'always pure,' 'always first,' and

'always Black.' What it means is we were taught that purebloods are the

best; Blacks are the best of the purebloods, and loyalty to the family

above any other. While I was undoubtedly the rebel of the family

apparently loyalty to the family stuck."

"That better not be it. I almost lost you because you weren't taking it

seriously!" Harry was shouting by the time he said seriously. The

emotions were written on his face as he thought about losing first his

parents and potentially his godfather.

"No that's not it," Sirius said now thoroughly disgusted with himself.

"Bellatrix was my eldest cousin and the one I was closest with." They

looked shocked listening to him; he had made his opinion of his deranged

cousin known. "My own mother as you can tell from the portrait didn't

approve of me. Bellatrix being the eldest often treated me like a younger

brother if not son. I may have been willful and defiant at times but

Bellatrix was fiercely independent and valued that I had my own

opinions and would act on them though they differed from hers. It wasn't

until started Hogwarts that we started drifting farther apart. She married

Roldolphus a pureblood maniac and nutcase in his own right and I was

sorted into Gryffindor making friends with your father and spending my

time at the Potters. It was around that time Bellatrix truly started losing

it, of course my parents and aunt and uncle maintained nothing was

wrong she was simply expressing her views more exuberantly," Sirius said

his voice dripping in sarcasm. "She was also the first Black to join Riddle

and they weren't exactly thrilled until she started moving up the ranks.

When I saw her I just went back into our old dueling for fun mindset."

Sirius trailed off as he finished. The room didn't look particularly thrilled

by his explanation but they accepted it.

"What do you mean they weren't thrilled?" Neville asked his voice quiet.

"Black's first bowing down to a lord doesn't eaxactly fit that but when she

started moving up and became a leader and as it looked like Riddle

would win they became happy with it," Sirius said.

"Don't do it again." Harry said with a sense of finality. Sirius got up from

his seat and pulled Harry up into a hug.

"I won't pup, I swear it," Sirius spoke with conviction. They were

interrupted from saying anything else by a slivery badger floating into

the room.

"Amelia's in labor," The voice of Andromeda Tonks was heard from the

badger's mouth, "Sirius get your arse over here!" The badger dissipated.

Harry pulled back from his Godfather with a huge smile on his face but

upon seeing his Godfather's now pale stunned face he started laughing


"You're not going to faint again right?" Harry said through his laughter,

"Somehow I don't think Amelia will be happy with you if you do?"

"Professor McGonagall's flood is the closest," Ginny said.

"Let's see," Harry said and a fireplace with flood powder next to it

appeared in the room.

"Or that works," Ginny laughed.

"I think just the mutt, Harry and Daphne, and Susan should go right

now," Severus said to group earning him some pouts from the girls. The

guys did care so much and were happy to avoid Amelia knowing curses

would most likely be flying as soon as one of them stuck their foot in it.

"I'll let Headmaster Flitwick know."

Sirius was the first through the floo with Susan while Harry and Daphne

went last. They stepped through to hear a rather loud scream echo

through the house. Harry cringed which won him a small chuckle from

Remus and Narcissa who were there to greet them.

"Not what you thought?" Narcissa asked Harry.

"Well I thought there might be less screaming with potions," Harry said

with a shrug.

Narcissa chuckled, "Ah to be so young and naive. Well let's go up. Susan,

Sirius, Andromeda, and Healer Doula are already up there."

Harry leaned over to ask Daphne quietly, "Are there always so many

people at births?"

Daphne smiled at her clueless husband, "Yes births in the wizarding

world are a huge deal especially for pureblood families. Amelia and

Sirius are both purebloods and Sirius's child will be the heir to Black

family so this one is even more important." They had come to the sitting

room near the master suite of the Black family home. They all sat on the

edge of their seats. Remus and Narcissa taking one love seat to the left of

the door to the bedroom, Harry and Daphne took a seat on a couch

holding Susan already.

"It's also why the birth is hear at Grimuald Place," Narcissa said as they

sat having heard the conversation Daphne and Harry were having. "Heirs

by tradition are to be born in the family home."

"Isn't the hospital better?" Harry asked as he heard another scream

followed by some cursing at Sirius.

"It depends," Narcissa answered, "usually for multiple births they do

prefer you to be at St. Mungo's but Sirius and Amelia wanted to keep

with tradition. And Healer Doula is the best at home births." A clatter

was heard from downstairs and Narcissa smiled, "I believe Nymphadora's


Sure enough seconds later the pink hair of Tonks was seen coming up the

stairs, "Did I miss anything?" Tonks asked as another yell of explicative's

came from the room.

"Not yet," Narcissa answered. "They released you?"

"I was on desk duty today Madam Hammer let me come," Tonks

answered as she gave everyone in the room a hug. "How long has she

been in labor so far?"

"An hour or so now," Narcissa said. Another scream followed by Sirius's

yelp had the room laughing,

"For both their sakes Merlin let it be fast," Remus said between chuckles.

They sat back after that and started chatting trying to pass the time while

Amelia promised to kill Sirius and being able to get away with it.

"So you three ready for O.W.L.'s?" Tonks asked with a grin causing the

three students to groan.

"Talk of O.W.L.'s is off limits tonight," Susan said with a groan. "Although

Harry should be the one stressed with going for a N.E.W.T."

"A N.E.W.T.?" Narcissa, Remus, and Tonks asked at once.

Harry ducked his head as he answered but managed not to blush,

"Severus wants me to sit for my potions N.E.W.T. and if I pass it he'll

allow me to apprentice under him for the next two years." The three

adults smiled at him.

Daphne added knowing Harry was too modest to, "Severus knows Harry

wants to be a wandcrafter but said he had too much talent in potions to

pass up a mastery." She smiled proudly at her husband.

"Congratulations Har," Tonks said excited for him.

"Yes Harry that is something to hold your head up over," Narcissa said,

"Severus would not have even suggested something like that if he wasn't

absolutely sure you would pass you N.E.W.T."

They heard one of the loudest screams yet followed by a high pitched

wail of a baby. The cries continued for a minute before lowering and

Andromeda opened the door and brought with a blue bundle of blankets.

"It's a boy," Andromeda said with a happy grin. The females in the room

all came to coo over the wiggling babe wrapped in blankets.

"He's precious," Narcissa cooed as Andromeda turned the baby over to

her. She reentered the room as Amelia gave another mighty scream that

was followed by another baby's cry. The cries of this baby continued even

while Andromeda brought him out to see the rest of the family as Amelia

was still in labor.

"Another boy," Susan said as the little babe was given to her. She cradled

the baby close to her and cooed at him, "Hello little baby boy, I'm your

cousin/sister." As Susan cooed to the little baby boy who was slightly

smaller than the babe Narcissa held the babe quieted his cries and stared

up at Susan. As she cooed they all heard the floo flare again and up the

stairs came Evelyn and Xavier Greengrass as well as Ted Tonks.

"They're here," Evelyn said in somewhat of squeal. She went over to

Narcissa who passed her the Black heir. "Oh he's definitely a Black look at

those eyes," Evelyn said.

"Still one more," Tonks said to her father and Xavier.

"Two boys," Xavier said with chuckle, "Sirius must be happy."

"Shush you," Evelyn said as she held the baby. Susan meanwhile moved

over to Daphne on the couch and passed her the younger of the boys.

"Ohh look at you your so cute," Daphne cooed to the baby. Harry sat next

to them looking at the babe with a grin. He was a cute and like Evelyn

said definitely a Black. Both boys had the icy gray eyes Sirius, his

brother, father, Andromeda, and Harry knew Phineas Nigellus Black, the

former headmaster had the same gray eyes. They both had little tufts of

black hair. Daphne to his surprise turned to him, "Do you want to hold

him?" She didn't give him time to answer as she set the baby in Harry's

arm and showed the now slightly panicked Harry how to hold the baby

supporting his head. They baby quirked somewhat of a smile making

Harry chuckle down at the baby. Harry started as he heard another loud

scream come from Amelia causing the baby in his arms to start crying

which added to the cries coming from the room. "Just rock him a bit

Harry," Daphne said to her now completely freaked out husband. Harry

just nodded and tried rocking the baby to get him calm. He slowly

calmed down as Harry rocked him which earned Harry a dazzling smile

from Daphne. Harry smiled back and Susan chuckled.

"Alright loverboy," Susan said as she gently took the baby from him,

while he smiled goofily at Daphne to the chuckles of the room.

Andromeda came to the door, "You can come in now. She said with a

smile as Narcissa handed Daphne the first born boy. Harry, Susan,

Daphne and came into the room smiling at Sirius and Amelia. Amelia was

holding a little bundle of pink.

"Oh a girl," Susan said with a smile.

"They're beautiful Amelia, Sirius," Daphne said handing the baby she was

holding to Sirius who beamed with pride. "Well what are their names?"

"Oh boy," Amelia said as Susan came and sat next to her on the bed with

the other triplet. "These two are going to need different color blankets.

Look at them," She said tiredly as she looked at the two boys."

"Well the one in Sirius's arms is the first born," Daphne said from where

she sat at the end of the now clean bed curtsey of a spell from Healer

Doula who was talking to Andromeda. Harry stood behind her smiling at

the scene in front of him.

"This heartbreak," Sirius started indicating the baby boy in his arm, "Is

Regulus James Black." Harry smiled at the name and Daphne squeezed

his hand. "The baby Susan's holding will be called Edgar Perseus Black."

Susan gasped and had tears gather at her father's name and Amelia

leaned over and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"And the girl?" Susan asked quietly so as not to wake the little girl

cuddled into her aunt.

"Lyra Emmeline Black," Amelia said with smile.

"I'll add the names to the Tapestry if you'd like?" Andromeda asked Sirius.

"Please," Sirius answered as the Regulus squirmed in his arms and opened

his mouth to cry. "Why don't you guys take Lyra to meet the others, I

think little RJ here is hungry." Daphne was gently given Lyra while Sirius

gave RJ to Amelia and took Edgar from Susan. Each teen gave Amelia a

kiss before leaving the room.

"Everyone meet Lyra Emmeline Black," Daphne said as she presented the

tiny pink bundle to the room.

"Awe she's so tiny," Tonks said as Daphne passed the little bundle to her.

The little Lyra opened her eyes and Tonks let out a chuckle, "She's got

mum and Bellatrix's eyes. The little baby stretched in Tonks' arms and

then seemed to settle her attention on Tonks. To the surprise of everyone

in the room the little babe's swath of pale blonde hair turned bright pink.

Tonks squealed a little, "She's a metamorph!"


Yeah! another update. So I continued the Black tradtion of naming

after stars and constellations with the births and since I have no

experience beyond health class with child birth so you get the side

of it Harry would hear from a different room.



Thanks for the support,


43. OWL's

Susan, Harry, and Daphne spent the whole rest of Sunday with the

triplets and their family only returning at around eight that night. They

were thoroughly entertained by the RJ and Eddie as they were dubbed.

When neither one was being held RJ would start crying until he was

picked up but as soon as he stopped Eddie would start crying. They

traded off back and forth seeming to have fun running Sirius back and

forth across the room. Amelia had been given some nutrient potions that

wouldn't affect the babies to take care of any nausea or potential after

birth problems. Little Lyra was the most well behaved of the babies she

slept, cried only when she was hungry, and unconsciously changed her

hair color to fit whoever's arms she was in though her favorite seemed to

be the bright colors Tonks favored, she would gurgle and make noises

like laughter when her hair changed to a bright pink. They took pictures

with each of the babies to take to Hogwarts.

They flooed back to Hogwarts through the Headmaster's floo and were

met with Headmaster Flitwick and Professor McGonagall.

"So how are the babies?" Flitwick asked with excitement that mirrored on

Professor McGonagall's face.

"The boys are a handful but so cute and little Lyra is a dream," Susan said

with an excited gush. They showed the two Professor's the pictures they

had taken of the triplets; Sirius was looking like a proud papa as he

looked over the three in one of the pictures.

"Hey, over here," the portrait of Phineaus Nigillus Black shouted, "Let me

see my heirs."

Harry looked over with a smirk, "What's the magic word?" Harry asked

the perpetually snarky old Headmaster.

The former Headmaster and Lord Black glared at Harry before gritting

out, "Please."

Slytherin officially won the house cup after Gryffindor managed to

control their match against Ravenclaw but even when the younger

McClaggen caught the snitch their lead wasn't enough to overtake

Slytherin on points. Slytherin though for the first time in Harry's five

years did not have a House party. The usual triumph over the other three

houses was missing with the divide in Slytherin not to mention Aaron

and the rest of the quidditch team didn't feel like celebrating so soon

after their captain's little sister's death.

Harry opened his eyes and groaned as sunlight from their charmed

window came into the room. Daphne was draped across his body with

her head resting on his chest, her breath tickling him. Harry gently

gathered her hair from her neck and then bent his head and gently

pressed his lips to her neck. He kissed her neck and nipped at her causing

her to sigh. Harry kept kissing and nipping until she opened her eyes.

"Har-ry," She whined as she opened her eyes, "I was sleeping just fine on

my pillow."

Harry chuckled and nipped her neck one last time as she sighed Harry

replied, "We have to get to breakfast 'member O.W.L.'s start today."

"Fine," Daphne muttered as she rolled off Harry and out of bed. Harry

pouted at her, "No pouting after all you're the one that woke me up,"

Daphne said with grin. They quickly dressed for the day and made their

way to the Great Hall for breakfast where the examiners were seated at

the High table with the other Professors minus Sirius who was on leave

to be with Amelia and the triplets.

"Do you think it's a requirement that the O.W.L. testers be older than

dirt," Blaise asked as they sat down at Slytherin. Today they were all at

their own tables as they tried to eat before their exams; Hermione was at

Ravenclaw studying with Padma Patil and Morag MacDougal. Neville

was sitting quietly reviewing his charms notes. Hannah and Susan along

with the other Hufflepuff's were quizzing each other in a small group.

The fourth years at the three tables were looking fearfully at the fifth


"Why are we the only ones not studying," Draco asked as he looked over

the tables sure enough the Slytherins both fifth and seventh years looked

rather calm.

"Easy," Theo replied, "We know we either know it by now or we don't."

There was some nodding from the other fifth years and the seventh years.

As they finished eating Headmaster Flitwick stood.

"Fifth years you'll have about ten minutes before you're due back in the

Great Hall for O.W.L's. You'll have two hours to complete the written.

Seventh years will need to report to the Great Hall at ten o'clock sharp.

Have a nice day," Flitwick ended in a cheerful tone that had most of the

fifth and seventh years look at him like he was mad.

The fifth years congregated in the entrance way of the Great Hall until

the doors were opened for them to take their exam. The four House

tables where replaced by four rows of individual desks that had

pamphlets of parchment on them. The three examiners were at the high

table. "Attention fifth years," Madam Marchbanks called in an amplified

voice. "Your exams are laid out in alphabetical order please find your

booklet and take your seat."

"Wow something that makes sense," Harry snorted causing the

muggleborns and halfbloods around him to laugh and Daphne to lightly

hit him on the arm. They filed in and were looking for their seats Harry

was seated behind Daphne which made him smile to himself.

"Please use blue or black ink only. You'll have two hours beginning,

now." Madam Marchbanks called and used her wand to flip the large

sand timer over.

Harry opened his booklet and frowned at the first question. A (give the

incantation and wand movements to make an object fly. B (explain the

properties and functions of said charm. He hoped the rest of the exam

wasn't as easy or he might prank the ever living hell out of his professors

for hyping the exams so much. It got progressively harder or just moved

through the years of charms depending on how much you studied. Fedor

would be disappointed to know the only fifth year spell on the written

portion was the summoning charm. Harry finished with a half hour left

and noticed his friends and a few splattering of other students were

finished. Hermione was the only New Marauder still working but Harry

knew she was simply going over all her work for probably the third time.

"Time," Madam Marchbanks called, "Quills down. Please leave your

exams closed and on your desk." The students noisily made their way out

of the hall glad to be able to talk and release some of the nerves of

O.W.L.'s off. They exchanged places with the seventh years.

"So what did you think?" Hermione asked the gathered group of friends.

"There was only one fifth year spell," Harry said with frown.

"The practical should have more after all they already know we can do

the other spells," Susan answered.

"Yeah let's hope so or this week is going to be boring," Harry replied.

"Let's go over our spells while we wait," Hermione said as they entered

their unused classroom and gathered around a table. After about an hour

and a half of practicing silencing charms, summoning charms, animation

charms, growth charms, and color changing.

Harry suddenly smirked and cast at Hermione, "novoestriatu," Hermione's

hair went from her normal brown to Slytherin green. The others stopped

and stared at Hermione who finally looked up from her studying feeling

eyes on her.

"What?" Hermione asked annoyed to be taken away from her studying.

Tracey conjured a mirrored and held it up to Hermione. Hermione's face

went from annoyed to shocked and then her eyes narrowed as she looked

at the group and her eyes landed on Harry. She simply glared before

turning back to her studying. Harry was confused for a minute usually

Hermione retaliated. A minute passed and Harry shrugged and went back

to making Queenie who was sitting in front of him a rainbow of colors.

He heard giggling to his left and looked at Daphne who was starring at

his hair which was now a half blue and half bronze. Harry took out his

mirror and looked and smirked and sent back a color changing charm at

Hermione silently this time. Hermione though was ready and had shield

up causing the spell to bounce off and hit Neville. Neville goggled at his

hand which had turned silver with green polka dots. He glared at Harry

and sent his own spell which Harry deflected on to Tracey who lit up

Gryffindor Gold with red hearts. Tracey looked at her arms and shrieked

and cast at Neville. The casting quickly dissolved into an all out color

changing war with each trying to come up with the most outrageous

color combinations. Queenie meowed unhappily and dove under after

being hit with a color changing charm that turned her fur a neon pink

and toad green stripes. Queenie leaped under the table where Aiolos was

curled up. Upon seeing the feline Aiolos started hissing in laughter

causing Queenie to glare at her fellow familiar. Queenie was vindicated a

moment later when Aiolos got hit with a stray charm that turned the

fearsome king cobra bright purple. Queenie swished her tail imperiously

and meowed at the snake. Aiolos looked at herself and hissed unhappily,

"ssstupid humansss."

The New Marauders arrived in the entrance to the Great Hall laughing

uproariously in various colors. Harry was spotting blood red hair while

his skin was a horribly clashing bright pink. Daphne's normally blond

hair was Ravenclaw blue while her skin was bronze. Tracey was

Gryffindor gold and red stripped skin while she had bright green hair.

Hermione's brown hair had been changed to neon orange while her skin

was flashing red, yellow, and green. Blaise looked disgruntled as his hair

was turned stark white resembling Lucius Malfoy's hair, his skin was also

white making him look like he had been doused in flour. Draco and Theo

both had plum colored skin but Draco's hair was stripped yellow and

black while Theo's resembled the Union Jack. Hannah had resembled a

flamingo with pink skin and hair and an orange nose. Susan the last of

them had sliver skin with green hearts and purple hair.

Headmaster Flitwick sighed at them as the examiners goggled at the

group, "Finite Incantatem." All the New Marauders except Neville and

Hermione returned to normal. Headmaster Flitwick rolled his eyes,

"Hadrian please cancels your spells." Harry nodded and with a flick of his

wand Neville and Hermione returned to normal much to the groups'

laughter. The examiners though starred at Harry in shock. They unlike

most of the students realized the only reason the Headmaster would need

to ask Harry to cancel his spell was that Harry was magically stronger.

"Now that everyone's here I'll call you in groups of three. You're to go to

the open examiner. Hannah Abbott, Susan Bones, and Terence Boot,"

Flitwick called and ushered them into the Great Hall. It took about fifteen

to twenty minutes before each student finished with the examiner. They

were told to leave the entrance way after they were finished so Susan and

Hannah waved to their friends as they left and the next group was called.

Harry fiddled with Daphne's rings as they waited content to simply sit

next to her. Daphne had her head on his shoulder and chuckled as

Hermione came out looking like she was reciting everything she just did

in her head. Finally Headmaster Flitwick called them, "Daphne, Madam

Marchbanks is open and Harry, Examiner Tofty is ready."

The examiner eyed Harry with scrutiny, "Name?"

"Hadrian Potter," Harry stated and almost growled as the examiner's eyes

flicked to where his scar had been. It was almost completely gone by

now. "It's not polite to stare," Harry growled causing the little man to


Examiner Tofty cleared his throat, "Right please perform the levitation

charm on the lizard." Harry sighed and waved his wand silently

producing the spell and levitating the protesting lizard in the air. Harry

perfectly controlled the spell as he moved the lizard around and back

down to the desk.

"Problem Mr. Potter?" Tofty asked noticing Harry's disgruntled look.

"I expected these exams to be harder," Harry said a bit wearily not

wanting to insult the man responsible for his grade.

"Ahh, well according to our list you're one of the top ten students in your

year. Often times the top students in the year and those prepared for the

exams find them to be nothing harder than normal end of the year

exams. Now how about a cheering charm?" Harry again cast the spell

silently, this time on the man himself. "Good, good. I'd like you to

summon one of your textbooks for me. Please say the spell allowed so

that I know what textbook you're summoning."

"Accio Monster Book of Monster's," Harry said as if he were having a

conversation. They waited a moment and sure enough the book appeared

in Harry's hands. Harry quickly stroked the spine for the book to calm

itself and presented it to Tofty. Tofty made a note on his chart before

turning back to Harry.

"Now change the lizard to blue, red, and then return it to normal." Harry

performed the spells easily as he waved his wand in the correct motions.

"Thank you, you're dismissed." Harry nodded to the man took his book

and left the Great Hall at the same time that Daphne was. They linked

their hands and made their way to the library where they had agreed to

meet before.

The next day they had their transfiguration O.W.L. which like the Charms

exam went through the material they covered in the previous years

before getting to vanishing and multiplying materials and animals. Their

practical had them transfiguring objects like frogs into flatware and a

plate into a small bird. It ended with them having to vanish an animal

completely, Harry's was a ferret at the same time he vanished his Parvati

Patil multiplied hers into a flock a flamingos. Harry was able to move

quickly through the written aspect of the Herbology O.W.L. thanks to

Daphne and Neville's expertise in the subject but he was bitten by his

fanged geranium on the practical. On Thursday Harry flew through the

Defense Against the Dark Arts O.W.L. and was the first to finish with an

hour left. All his friends finished with at least a half hour left in fact all

those in the Defense Association finished the exam with time left. Harry

and the New Marauders each completed the practical silently; Madam

Marchbanks had even asked Harry to perform the patronus charm. Friday

Harry, Neville, Blaise, and Draco had the day off as Ancient Runes was

the O.W.L. of the day. They spent the time studying for potions Harry

and Draco helping the other two. Harry studied Moste Potente Potions for

the rest of the day with Daphne quizzing him.

Monday arrived and Harry wished his friends luck on their O.W.L. while

he went to study out by the lake enjoying the time. He was studying with

Aaron and Alicia and the Weasley Twins who were quietly going over

their notes.




"This," the twins asked Harry as an alarm they set went off to remind

them to head to the Great Hall.

Harry nodded, "You're both taking the potions N.E.W.T.?" Harry asked

them knowing Fred was better at potions.






"Beneficial to the shop," George finished with a grin. Alicia shook her

head in laughter; the twins really were completely serious about the joke


"Aaron here,"

"Told us,"

"We're more likely,"

"Too get serious investors,"

"If we pass more N.E.W.T's."

Aaron nodded, "You two are likely to outdo Zonko's with your ideas.

Zonko's hasn't put out any new products in years."

Harry glanced sideways at Aaron and smiled with Alicia both were happy

Aaron was taking an interest in the twins business. It was helping him

with his grief to focus on something else. It helped that Aoife bought all

her prank products from the twins after coming to Hogwarts. The Vaisey

held major share holdings in a variety of Wizarding World so Aaron was

very knowledgeable about businesses.

Harry got various looks as they entered the Great Hall the pureblood

supremacists gave him looks of contempt and sneers while others simply

looked curious. Daphne gave him a kiss for good luck while his other

friends wished him luck. Madam Marchbanks gave him a stormy look as

she stopped him at the door, "So you think you can take an N.E.W.T

early? Not even Dumbledore did that," the last part was said in an

undertone but Harry caught it and fought to keep a sneer off his face at

the mention of Dumbledore. "You'll be seated in the last desk and the last

desk over there," She pointed to the last desk in the far row. Harry

nodded and made his way to the desk pulling out his ink and quills.

When the exam begun Harry opened his booklet and was surprised to see

only a few questions dealing with material before fifth year. It moved

quickly into potions such as the Draught of Peace and beyond. The

hardest potion on the exam was on the properties Felix Felicis, the luck

potion. The potion was only mentioned in seventh year classes but not

brewed Harry knew. Severus was of the opinion that Felix Fleicis had no

place being brewed in a school or by those without a N.E.W.T.; most

potion master's agreed with Severus. Harry though felt confident in his

answers on the properties and preparation of the ingredients. Finally

Harry finished his written part with five minutes left and checked over

his answers on polyjucie potion and wiggenweld potion.

"Time!" Madam Marchbanks called and some of the seventh years

groaned as they weren't finished. Jasmine Gibbon and Miles Bletchley

were among those which surprised Harry a bit. Jasmine was skilled at

potions he knew from Severus but what really surprised him were there

were three others who didn't finish. Severus only took the best for his

N.E.W.T courses not finishing was something Harry never considered.

"Report to the potions lab tomorrow morning for your practical exams at

eight am sharp."

Harry left the Great Hall and was met by his friends who were waiting

among the group to enter the Great Hall for lunch. They had to wait for

the tables to be transfigured back.

"How was it?" Hermione asked excitedly.

"Really 'Mione he hasn't even been finished a minute yet," Ginny said

with a laugh from her place beside Theo, her and Astoria having just

finished DADA. Hermione just huffed in annoyance. The doors to the

Great Hall opened and they all took a seat at the Ravenclaw table as it

was only sparsely populated as the Ravens were out studying.

"How about you guys tell me about your exam," Harry said.

"Well it reviewed potions from the first four years and then the hardest

was on polyjuice potion but we had to answer about strengthen solutions

and the draught of peace. I don't think I answered the outcome of

strengthen solutions as thoroughly as I could have." In response her

friends looked to the heavens for guidance.

Harry chuckled, "I'm sure you'll get an outstanding 'Minoe. The N.E.W.T

had less review and focused on sixth and seventh year potions," Harry

said. "There was a question about Felix Felicis."

"We don't brew that though," Hermione said anxiously.

"Relax 'Mione we still have to pass the O.W.L to get to that," Blaise said

with shake of his head.

"Severus covers the potion 'Mione we just don't brew it," Harry said.

"What do you think they'll have us brew?" Draco asked, "My money's on

Draught of Peace."

"It's likely," Harry agreed, "It's one of the most complicated fifth year

potions. I just hope they have enough tact not to assign the draught of

rage," Harry finished quietly. They all nodded at that and sat in their

thoughts. "I won't be able to do anything tomorrow," Harry said to

Daphne. "My practical is then."

Daphne nodded, "We'll probably be spending most of the day in the

library anyway until the Care of Magical Creatures O.W.L. for us." She

then turned to Ginny and Astoria, "How's DADA with the other teachers

filing in?" The staff had decided since there were only a few weeks left in

the year that DADA would be covered by the other Professors on rotation

while Sirius was with Amelia and the newborns. Sirius would resume his

job at the start of the next year and was going to have his living quaters

expanded for Amelia and the newborns to live in also.

"It's good we had Professor Sinistra today. She lectured on how certain

planetary alignments can impact defensive and offensive wards. It was

interesting I didn't realize they could be impacted like that," Ginny

replied. Astoria nodding along with her, Ginny knew more about wards

in their year than anyone else thanks to living with Bill.

"I don't think any of us knew. Planetary alignments happen so rarely but

apparently that was what Professor Sinistra did her theory on which got

her mastery of Astronomy," Astoria added.

The next day Harry arrived in the Potions lab at exactly eight a.m. with

the other N.E.W.T. hopefuls. Jasmine Gibbon, Miles Bletchley, Aaron

Vaisey, and Beau Montague rounded out the Slytherins. Fred and George

Weasley, Alicia Spinnet, and Angelina Johnson were the Gryffindor

representatives. There was only one Hufflepuff Brain Summerby from the

Quidditch team and from Ravenclaw there were three going for a potion

N.E.W.T., Rodger Davies, Miranda Tate, and Colleen Winterhold.

"In front of your stations is the potion you will brew. All of you have a

different potion, begin," Examiner Tofty started the examination.

Harry opened up his packet and fought to keep a smirk off his face as he

glanced at Madam Marchbanks. Severus was right she wanted to test him

and make him fold because he had yet to pass fifth year. She had given

him Dreamless Sleep potion a potion a potion learned in the first year of

apprenticeship in potions or healing magic. Harry though had been

brewing the potion for the last year; Severus had suggested he learn it

after fourth year citing the cost of the potion and Harry's nightmares.

Harry could almost brew it in his sleep now. Harry took out his copper

cauldron and then moved to collect his ingredients from storage. He

waited patiently as some of the other students rushed the area. Harry

pulled out lavender, valerian sprigs, flobberworm mucus (something that

made him cringe), asphodel, hellebore syrup, sopophorus beans,

wormwood leaves, cowslip leaves and a feverfew sprig. Harry was careful

to handle the feverfew sprig with his dragon hide gloves on, it could

cause contact dermatitis and Harry wasn't eager to find out if it would

react with his skin. Harry made a few trips to get his ingredients. He

shredded the valerian sprigs and combined with the lavender leaves

using the mortar and petal to grind it into a paste. He lit his cauldron

adjusting the temperature until it was just right and added the four doses

of flobberworm mucus. He had to heat it for four minutes before adding

four tea spoons of the valerian sprigs to the cauldron. He stirred the

cauldron gently thirteen times anti-clockwise before once again adjusting

the heat on the cauldron letting the potion simmer a half hour.

He moved his mortar and pestle to the side and pulled out a silver

dagger. He moved the sopophorus beans over a beaker that he placed a

sliver strainer over it. He place one of the beans on it and crushed the

bean between the flat of his dagger blade and the strainer. He used three

beans to collect the ten milliliters of a dark red juice from the bean. He

measured out four ounces of hellebore syrup and mixed it into the beaker

holding the bean juice. He stirred the mixture until it turned a dark blue

and let it sit for five minutes while he waited for the potion to finish

simmering. At five minutes Harry added the liquid to his cauldron and

adjusted the heat higher on his cauldron. He stirred the cauldron seven

times anti-clockwise then three times clockwise he repeated the process

for twenty minutes and then lowered then took the potion off the heat.

He placed the cauldron on a stand as he prepared the next step of the

potion. He had to let the potion cool completely before he would be able

to add anything. Harry cleaned the mortar and pestle completely of the

previous plant residue. Harry stripped the wormwood leaves from the

stems and then meticulously chopped the leaves every way possible

before adding them to the mortar. He took the cowslip plants and used a

small pair of silver tweezers to separate the flowing part from the leaves.

He added the flower petals to the mortar. He crushed the two into a fine

powder that had a yellow tint to it and check the temperature of his

potion; he still needed the potion to cool more. It took another five

minutes for the temperature to arrive at the point he needed. He added

the powder to the cauldron and stirred it clockwise every minute on the

minute for ten minutes. The potion turned to an even darker shade of

blue and Harry nodded to himself and set the potion back on the flames.

He was to gently heat the potion for a half hour. He took out the silver

dagger and moved the sprig of feverfew in front of him. This was the

component when combined with cowslip that prevented nightmares but

it was also addictive in large quantities. Harry cut the feverfew into thin

strips an inch long. Ten strips were needed for one cauldron of the

potion. Harry took his time making the strips perfect in length and width.

He then adjusted the heat on the cauldron to a near boiling temperature

and added the strips one at a time, one strip for every minute. The strips

dissolved when they impacted the potion and with each one the potion

gradually turned the necessary purple color, as the tenth one dissolved

Harry immediately extinguished the flames on cauldron.

Harry smiled to himself as he observed his potion, it was perfect. He

waited for it to cool once more before bottling the potion into eight

crystal vials casting unbreakable charms on them. He turned one in to

Madam Marchbanks and this time didn't fight the smirk that spread

across his face as he handed it to her. He went back to his station and

disposed of his left over ingredients properly before cleaning his

cauldron. Harry was one of the last still in the room and nodded to a

couple of those still brewing before leaving. He checked his watch and

cursed he had just missed lunch which meant his next O.W.L. was

starting in ten minutes. Harry sprinted down the dungeons to the kitchen

where he tickled the pear to enter and was spotted quickly by Dobby.

"Sirs Harry," Dobby greeted. "Hows can Dobby help you?" The little elf

asked at almost warp speed.

"Hey Dobby I missed lunch and have to get to my next O.W.L. do you

think you could whip up a sandwich for me?" Harry asked with a grin.

"Of course," The little elf said as if suggesting that he wouldn't be able to

was an insult. The little elf disappeared into the kitchen before coming

back about a minute later with a large roast beef sandwich and a goblet

of pumpkin juice.

"Thanks Dobby," Harry said as he sat down at a small table in the

kitchens and scarffed down the sandwich and pumpkin juice before

taking off again to get to Hagrid's. He made it there just as the examiner

was calling the first student. The examiner, one that Harry hadn't seen

before, glared at Harry who merely shrugged in response.

"Hey babe," Daphne said quietly as Harry came to stand next to her. He

gave her a quick kiss before turning to the others.

"How's this exam going to go?" Harry asked.

"He's got it set up behind Hagrid's," Blaise answered. "He's going to call us

back and go through the exam before sending us back to the castle."

"That's it?"

"Yep," Neville answered, "How was your potions practical?"

Harry grinned in response, "She gave Dreamless Sleep."

Daphne snorted, "So much for trying to fail you." The others laughed

knowing Harry knew the potion backwards and forwards.

"I just a little miffed I couldn't change it at all. I've been working on a

replacement to feverfew to take the addiction aspect out of the potion. I

wanted to try it the next time I brewed the potion but I couldn't very well

try it on an exam." The exam passed quickly all they had to do was

identify a knarl, care for bowtruckles and fire crabs, and correctly

identify what to feed a sick unicorn. All in all it was a walk in the park

compared to some of Hagrid's past classes. Draco, Megan Jones, and Ron

Weasley got burned by their fire crabs while Justin Finch-Fetchly and

Goyle over fed their bowtruckles. Astronomy was next on their list Harry

was pretty sure he missed a few of the sixty three moons of Jupiter. Their

practical was just filling out a star chart which was easy enough if you

knew how to use a telescope. The worst part was the astronomy practical

started at eleven at night even though they had arithmancy the next day

first thing in the morning. Arithmancy was as painful as they all expected

it to be those that didn't take the subject were beyond thrilled at their

choice when the arthimancy fifth years came out looking like they had

just run the gauntlet. Harry's hair was sticking up in disarray as he had

run his hand through it so many times as did Blaise's usually perfectly

styled hair. Hermione's was as bushy as first year and Susan, Hannah,

and Tracey's looked just as frizzed out. After that they had the

unfortunate luck to have their final exam History of Magic. Luckily years

of self study due to Tracey's obsession with History left the New

Marauders in a relatively good position for their exam despite Binns'

focus on Goblins. Professor Davis tried to catch the fifth years up but

unfortunately there was only so much she could cram in less than half a

school year.

In honor of the end of N.E.W.T.'s and O.W.L's each house threw a massive

party to let lose after two weeks of horror. The Slytherins house party

was a bit awkward; there was strong divide down the bloodlines of the

house. However the pureblood supremacist didn't seem to have any

problem with Harry's stereo blaring muggle music, a new CD he picked

up over the summer, Foo Fighters, was playing throughout the common

room. Harry was once again holding court at a poker table and was

currently enjoying winning a pot of a hundred galleons against Beau,

Draco, Jess, and surprisingly Miles Bletchley. Bletchley was eager to

prove as a pureblood he was better than Harry at the game and combined

with the firewhisky he was drinking he eagerly kept upping the pot. All

four of the Quidditch boys were on edge as they were playing before

Bletchley sat down they were enjoying ribbing each other and taking

money from each other. Bletchley's appearance at the poker table

brought a tension that settled over the group. Nips that Harry had asked

to deal and was currently dressed in a tuxedo minus the coat and little

green visor was even on edge.

Daphne was in the middle of a common room where a dance space had

been cleared. She was dancing with Tracey, Ginny, and Astoria but was

subtly keeping an eye on the poker table where a sizable crowd was

watching. She could see Harry with a hand under the table in his pocket

where he kept his knife. She knew he wouldn't risk openly handling his

wand while Miles was only a foot away from him and surrounded by

Jasmine Gibbon and Ethan Hawk, another pureblood follower of

Voldemort. Both Jasmine and Ethan were skilled seventh years and were

eyeing Harry and the others as Miles played. Each time Miles ended up

winning a hand they would cheer him on while sneer at the other

players. Theo and Blaise came over to the girls with drinks for them and

Daphne motioned them all off the dance floor.

"What's up Daph," Astoria asked eyeing her sister. Astoria could tell she

was tense halfway through the song that had been playing. Daphne held

up a finger for them to wait while the CD changed to 2pac's All Eyez On

Me, one of the few rap CD's Harry owned, came on replacing the Foo


"Bletchley is getting drunker and angrier as he loses more money,"

Daphne said with a nod to the poker table. Theo and Blasie scanned the

whole room before finally turning to the poker table as the girls chatted.

Theo who had known the Bletchley family since he was a baby could tell

Miles was getting twitchy and Gibbon and Hawk's comments in his ears

weren't helping as Bletchley lost another hand and pile of gold and silver

this time to Jess. Jess who was on his way to being blitzed had no

problem rubbing it in.

"You should play with us every game," Jess started slurring a bit. "This

just bought me a new pair of dragon hide boots." Jess said with a smirk

in Bletchley's direction. Bletchley sneered in response and through a

sickle in the middle of the table to buy into the next hand.

"Draco can tell too," Theo answered. Draco's eyes were darting around

the table. To anyone but Theo and his friends he looked like he was

checking the others for bluffs but Theo could tell his friend's eyes were

only glancing between Harry and the three blood purists.

"Why don't you and Ginny go dance," Daphne said turned to Blaise and

Tracey, "You two too just stay close to the edge of the floor. Astoria and I

will go join our men." They all nodded and finished their drinks before

separating. The two couples moved to the dance floor close to the poker

table while the two Greengrass sisters moved to join those watching the

poker match. "Tori act buzzed," Daphne said in her sister's ear. Astoria

nodded and plastered a smile on her face both girls flushed from dancing

easily passed for two somewhat buzzed carefree teenagers. Daphne

draped an arm across Harry's shoulders and leaned down pressing a kiss

into his neck. Both Astoria and Daphne stood behind Draco and Harry

respectively as they watched the game. Things further tensed as Bletchley

emptied his bag of money into the pot. It totaled around a thousand

pounds in galleons, sickles, and knuts. Harry was the only one to match

him but instead of money he should Bletchley a pocket watch he carried.

It was fold and encrusted with rubies, a Potter family heirloom.

Bletchley's eyes widen but he smirked and nodded his acceptance.

Bletchley continued smirking as he laid down his full house. He sat back

in his chair with a smirk as he took the bottle of firewhiskey.

"Looks like that's now a Bletchley family heirloom," Miles sneered at

Harry. Harry simply smirked in response and laid his cards down

showing a straight flush, the only reason he was willing to bet the watch.

"Thanks for playing. Come again," Harry smirked as he took the pile.

Unsurprisingly his words sparked a reaction from the drunken blood

purist and his friends.

"Why you," Bletchley shouted his wand appearing in his hand. Harry

though was ready as he was still standing from taking the pile he

whipped his hand out of his pocket and flipped the knife open as his

other arm shot over and into Miles' wand arm causing the spell to go

wide of Harry. Harry continued his momentum and knocked Bletchley to

the floo with his knife at Bletchley's throat.

As soon as he saw Bletchley's wand Draco flicked his out of its holster

and sent an incarcerus spell at Hawk who deflected but gave time for his

friends to get over to the table. Astoria and Daphne drew their wand sat

he same time and had them pointed at Jasmine Gibbon and Ethan Hawk

with the wand tips glowing waiting to release the spells if the two

seventh years moved. Blaise, Tracey, Theo, and Ginny quickly backed

them up from different angles.

The Common Room went silent as Bletchley's bombarda hex hit a wall

with a bang sending shrapnel all over and the students near it screamed

in panic. After that they all turned and starred as the music blared in the

background. Harry had the older Bletchly pinned to the ground with his

knife at Bletchley's neck stilling the older teen from moving. Gibbon and

Hawk held their wands at Astoria, Daphne, and Draco but were very

aware that they had been surrounded by Blaise, Tracey, Theo, and Ginny.

Malcolm, Graham, and Millicent had the members of the Defense

Association in the common room holding at wand point the other blood

purists in the common room. Suddenly the music cut off and the

Slytherins all turned to the entrance of the common room. Harry didn't

turn and neither did the New Marauders present but Bletchly did and

sobered fast leaving Harry to know who was at the entrance.

"Apparently my warning was not clear enough for you Bletchley,"

Professor Snape's hard voice seemed to penetrate every inch of the

common room. "Wands away!" Everyone with a wand out either lowered

them or put them away as Professor Snape stalked over to the poker

table. He looked first at the money piled on the table then the damage to

the wall behind where Harry was sitting and finally down at Harry who

still continued to pin Bletchley to the floor. Bletchley, Severus noticed

seemed ready to piss himself as he sobered and now realized exactly the

situation he was in. "Mr. Potter release the idiot," Professor Snape said

coldly. Harry did put took with him Bletchley's wand which he had

dropped when Harry pinned him. Harry stood keeping his eyes on

Bletchley and only once he was fully to his feet and clear of Bletchley did

he close his knife and place it back in his pocket. Severus now realized

why Bletchley looked like he would piss himself; Harry's expression

clearly stated he wanted to harm Bletchly not to mention his magic

making his eyes glow eerily similar to the killing curse. "Bed now,"

Professor Snape said to the common room, "except those involved." The

common room emptied faster than anyone thought possible.

"Memories now," Severus said giving them all vials to store them. They

did so and handed them back to him who placed them in his pocket. "You

two are coming with me, the rest of you are to go to bed. If there is one

spell thrown I will know," Professor Snape said to the group. Harry and

Miles followed Severus out of the common room while the others left to

their rooms glaring at each other. Aiolos rose out of Harry's skin and

slithered over to Daphne and wrapped around the girl.

"Thanks Aiolos," Daphne said as she made her way to Harry and her

rooms. Harry came back within ten minutes. He found Daphne sitting on

the couch with Aiolos draped along the back. "What are you smirking

at?" Daphne asked as he came in with a grin.

"Severus actually threw Bletchley out the front gates. Unfortunately for

Bletchley Kingsley Shacklebolt was there to take him in to custody,"

Harry snickered as he said it.

Daphne laughed, "You're showing that to me in the pensive when we get


Harry sat next to her on the couch and pulled her to him so that she was

laying on him, "Home sounds nice about now." He said as he ran a hand

through her hair.

"Yeah so does no school work over the summer," Daphne said quietly

starting to drift to sleep with Harry playing with her hair.

"Ssshe'sss asssleep," Aiolos hissed quietly.

"Ssshe wasss worried when Ssseverusss had me go with him," Harry

replied back softly.

"Ssshe'sss your wife, ssshe will alwaysss worry," Aiolos replied.

"It'sss kind of nice."

"Itsss a good thing you only want to be a wand crafter or her hair may

turn gray before ssshe'sss thirty."

Harry snorted, "Nice Aiolosss."

"It'sss true. When do we return home?"

"A week. Are you anxiousss?"

"I would like to get back to my hunting groundsss and get the

hatchlingsss ussse to me," Aiolos replied. "I do not wisssh them to be

frightened of me."

"With my parssseltounge I doubt they will be," Harry said, "but then

Sssiriuss isss their father ssso who knowsss," he finished with a laugh.

"I'm going to put Daphne to bed. Goodnight Aiolosss."

"Goodnight hatchling," Aiolos replied before moving in front of the fire.

"Harry look at this," Hermione exclaimed as she thrust the Daily Prophet

in front of him. "Did you know about this!?" Harry took the paper and

there on the headlines was Lycanthrope cured! Harry scanned the article

and was pleased to see that both Severus and Salazar were mentioned

having created the cure. Harry looked around the Great Hall and

snickered at all the awed looks being sent at Severus. He openly gaffed at

the uncomfortable look and sneer Severus sent the students.

"Yes I knew Daphne and I were there when Remus took the potion,"

Harry said and then added quickly, "Severus wanted it kept quiet until

they knew it worked."

"Harry this is probably the biggest potions invention this century,"

Hermione said adding her own awed look in Severus's direction.

"Mione if you keep looking at him like that he'll having you cleaning first

year cauldrons for a month," Tracey said snickering when Hermione

quickly looked away.

"It lists the first werewolves to be cured," Daphne said looking at the

article. "It gives a bit of a bio on them as well. Elizabeth really found her

calling," Daphne said as she got to the end of the article and noticed the


"She's moving up the ranks faster than even Skeeter did and she's doing it

without spilling state secrets or gossip crap," Tracey added. "What does it

say about Remus?"

"He's considered a half-blood as one set of grand-parents were muggles.

His father was part of the Department of Regulation of Magical Creatures

and spoke out against Fenrir Greyback leading to Remus being bitten at

age four," Daphne finished with surprise, "I didn't know he was bitten at

four years old. That must have been horrible," She said quietly before

continuing, "It says he is a very skilled wizard in DADA, Charms,

Transfiguration, and was a championship dueler when Hogwarts had a

dueling club. It mentions him being the DADA Professor and has some

quotes from students, saying he was the best they had during their years.

And Liz finishes his bio by saying it was a travesty that such a capable

wizard was held back simply for being a werewolf."

"Well she has a point," Draco said in response. "Remus is responsible for

most of the changes to Grimuald Place; he's really good at Charms." Theo

was nodding along with Draco's statement.

"Who else has been cured?" The question came from Ginny.

"Three more who had been bitten by Fenrir Greyback, a ten year old

name Thomas O' Mulley, a thirty year old named Robin Trainer, and a

fifty year old name Ashleigh Ramd. Two purebloods Richard Winterfold

and Micah Prewett."

"Prewett?" Ginny said and grabbed the article. She scanned the article

and sniffed in disdain, "Apparently I'm not the only Prewett to be

banished because of something unworthy. And they call themselves a

light family!" Ginny was turning red with anger and Theo gently took her

hand that she had clenched around her wand and slowly got her to

release it.

"Maybe you should ask Bill about him before you try to curse you or

family members," Theo suggesested.

"Fine," Ginny huffed in irritation. She had yet to hear from her father

again after they had talked at the World Cup two years ago. All other

discussion was halted as Headmaster Flitwick stood at the Head table for


"Your attention please," The somewhat squeaky voice of Headmaster

Flitwick filled the hall. "Before I release you to the train station I have a

few announcements. First some rules for the train ride home. Once you

are seated in a compartment we ask that you remain there for the

duration of the ride unless going to bathroom. For your safety we will

have three professors and four aurors on the train for your trip home,

they will be patrolling the train corridors. Any disturbances will be dealt

with at the start of next year or if you just took your N.E.W.T.'s problems

will be brought to the aurors and you may be charged as an adult.

Prefects are allowed to move about the train on their rounds. Also there

will be aurors present at both platforms, do not antagonize them,"

Headmaster Flitwick spoke with warning. "Also I need to meet with all

the prefects for a few minutes after breakfast is finished in the adjoining

room," Flitwick gestured to the room the champions met in last year and

the first years are taken to.

"We'll meet up with you at the satiation," Harry said as he and Daphne

rose with Hannah, Neville, and Hermione to meet with the other prefects.

It took about three or four minutes for the prefects to gather in the small

room. They were met with Professor Vector, Sinistra, and Professor Davis

as well as Headmaster Flitwick and Professor McGonagall.

"We wanted to meet with you to go over what you're supposed to do if

students are out of their compartments," Headmaster Flitwick spoke. "If

it's a prescient violation or they refuse to listen take their names and turn

it into one of the teachers present on the train and we'll deal with it from

there. Professors Vector, Sinistra, and Davis will be on the train with you.

Other than that we haven't announced it yet but it looks like Hogsmeade

weekends will be cancelled with the ongoing war. We would like you all

to come up with some ideas of things to replace them next year. Please

write Professor McGonagall with any ideas. I hope you all have a safe

summer," Headmaster Flitwick said dismissing them to the train. Harry,

Daphne, Neville, Hermione, and Hannah waved to Addison before

departing the room.

They boarded one of the carriages left and made their way quietly up the

path to Hogsmeade Station. Each in their own thoughts as they were

caught in memories of the last time they were in Hogsmeade. Harry took

Daphne's hand and brought their entwined hands to his lips, in response

Daphne laid her head on his shoulder. Neville held Hannah close to him

as they both looked at the recovering Hogsmeade without seeing it.

"Guys," Hermione said softly bringing them out of their thoughts, "we're

here." Hermione pointed to the station and they got out finding their

friends as did the prefects ahead of them, they all looked around at

Hogsmeade with wistful looks. The Three Broomsticks had already been

repaired, the windows and outer walls fixed. Dervish & Banges was still

being worked on as was the Hogs Head and Scrivenshaft's which

sustained some of the worst damage dealt by the Death Eaters. Madam

Puddifoot's had sustained the most damage being completely burned

downed. Madam Puddifoot herself was a hundred and three and almost

in the debt didn't have money to ward her business like the others on the

main street. She didn't seem to upset as she collected the insurance

money and then almost doubled it as she sold her plot in Hogsmeade to a

new business. She gleefully retired to the Bahamas practically skipping

out of Hogsmeade.

"All right let's get on the train," Professor Vector said as they came up

behind the prefects. "Who has the first shift?"

"Hermione and Anthony," Rose Zeller answered and then handed

Professor Vector a list of who had what rounds.

"I'll find you guys in an hour," Hermione said as her and Anthony

disappeared into the very first compartment.

"Come on we're probably in the usual compartment," Hannah said as she

tugged Neville's hand and lead them away. Harry and Daphne followed

stepping into the third car and finding their friends in the final

compartments of the car. Susan, Blaise, and Tracey were in the one with

Harry, Daphne, Neville, and Hannah's things. Draco, Astoria, Ginny,

Malcolm Baddock, Graham Pritchard, and Luna Lovegood were in the

compartment across from them. The Gryffindor Chasers, the twins, Lee

Jordan, Aaron, and Beau were in the compartment right before theirs but

across the aisle. They were all talking between the compartments while

Draco, Malcolm and Graham were pulling out an exploding snap set. The

twins were leaned over showing Blaise, Tracey, and Susan plans for their

shop they had just finished negotiating for.

Harry, Daphne, Hannah, and Neville sat down joining the conversation.

"It's actually a really good spot," Fred said.

"Across from Gringotts on the corner," George finished.

"We sent plans,"

"To the contractor,"

"They started this week," Fred finished this time.

"We should be up,"

"And running in a month."

"Do you guys have products and workers yet?" Ginny asked from behind


"We have thousands of products stocked at Bill's,"

"And Dad's shed so the Walking Howler,"

"Doesn't burn them like she did,"

"Our order forms last year," George said with a glare.

"She burned your order forms?" Ginny sounded rather appalled. She

couldn't understand her mum's problem with the twins running a joke

shop as long as they were successful and they were.


"She was cleaning our room out,"

"More like inspecting," Fred muttered.

"Alright back to happy matters," Harry said noticing all three Weasleys

were glaring, "Who did you hire?"

"We've got a clerk named Verity Clarke to,"

"Take care of the register,"

"She's a few years out of Hogwarts and,"

"A real bubbly person,"

"Tonks actually helped us find her."

"And then just us to work on products though,"

"Remus and Sirius have been helping invent some new products,"

"Or tweak some of the ones we have," Fred finished.

"Do you guys need help with development?" Daphne asked this time. "I

mean you have more than Hogwarts kids to supply and being new you'll

probably go through your products faster."

"We thought of that but,"

"We can't afford that yet so,"

"It will just be us making the stuff but,"

"We're living above the store so,"

"We'll have lots of time to devote to making new products."

"Well let us know if you need any help with products," Harry said. "I

suspect we're going to have a rather inside summer anyway."


"I doubt we're going to be allowed to go out much with Death Eater

attacks," Harry clarified.

"We'll keep that in mind." Fred and George said in unison. Harry looked

over and saw Alicia try and cheer Aaron up. He was looking out the

window with a pensive look on his face.

Suddenly silence descended over Fred and George's compartment and

Harry heard Alicia ask, "What?"

"Marry Me?" Aaron repeated with a serious look on his face. Silence

descended now on Harry's own compartment as they turned to look at

them. Aaron reached into his pocket and pulled out a ring box opening it

to show Alicia. "I was planning on doing this romantically but I don't

want to wait anymore. Will you, Alicia Spinnet, marry me?" Alicia looked

down at the ring and up at Aaron's face about three times before


"Yes, I'll marry you," Alicia replied her voice starting out stunned but

ending in a squeal. Which was quickly followed by Angelina and Katie's

own squeals as Aaron with a huge smile placed the ring on her hand and

Alicia pulled him in for a heated kiss. All three compartments broke out

into cheers and wolf whistles as the kiss continued. Those in Ginny and

Astoria's compartment were leaning over and in the aisle as they watched

while Fred and George pulled out a small firework and lit it off causing

silver bells to explode around the happy couple. The rest of the car soon

followed in cheering the couple on. Only to quiet down when the

compartment door opened showing Hermione, Anthony, and Kingsley

Shacklebolt appeared.

"Why does it not surprise me that it's all of you," Hermione asked

sarcastically causing Anthony to snicker and Kingsley to sigh.

"Anyone want to fill us in?" Kingsley's deep voice silenced the car.

"An engagement," Angelina shouted from their compartment. Fred,

George, and Beau pushed the newly engaged couple into the hallway.

Hermione smiled happily at her friends as Alicia held up her hand

showing her new ring to the prefects and auror.

"Alright just keep it calmer and no fireworks," Kingsley said with a look

to the twins who had an innocent look on their face.

"See you Anthony," Hermione said as her fellow Ravenclaw made his way

out of the car. "Harry, Daphne you guys are up," Hermione said sitting

down next to Neville and Hannah as the two Slytherin Prefects got up.

"Congrats man," Harry said to Aaron clapping him on the shoulder. And

he gave Alicia a hug when Daphne was done hugging her. Both Aaron

and Alicia had smiles on their faces, the first for Aaron since Aoife's


The Hogwarts train came to a halt at Platform nine and three quarters

without any problems much to the relief of the professors, aurors, and

students on board. The New Marauders made their way off the train to

find their parents. They found the group off to one side near the

platform's entrance to the muggle world. Addison greeted her husband

with a kiss followed by Tracey giving her father a hug. The Greengrass

parents greeted their daughters and Harry and Susan since both Sirius

and Amelia were at Potter Manor with the triplets. Hermione squealed

quietly when she noticed Viktor standing with her mother holding a

bouquet of iris, her favorite flower. Draco was surprised to see Remus

standing with his hand locked in his mother's. He noticed a ring glinting

on his mother's hand and gave an un-Slytherin whoop before quickly

smothering it and strutting over to them much to his mother's

amusement. Draco looked around subtly and noticing everyone was busy

greeting parents pulled both Remus and Narcissa into a hug before

pulling back and glaring at Remus.

"You had better treat my mother right or I'll use the whole Malfoy fortune

to make your life miserable," Draco said with a dangerous warning in his


Remus inwardly grinned at Draco's protectiveness but kept his face

serious, "You have my word," Remus said. Narcissa didn't know whether

to be overjoyed at her son's show of protectiveness or hit both men

upside the back of their heads for treating her like she wasn't there.

Astoria smiled warmly at Draco noticing his concealed happiness.

Narcissa settled with simply stating, "Bill dropped Wile E. off about an

hour ago." Draco nodded pleased that his friend once again avoided the

aurors who were still supposed to arrest him for being a runaway.

Blaise greeted his mother warmly but noted two of his grandfather's men

hanging back by the entrance way to the platform scanning the

surroundings. "Mama," Blaise greeted and then raised an eyebrow at her.

Belladonna easily caught her son's meaning, "Father wants us protected

as we won't be able to maintain neutrality with you being Harry's friend

and my dating Severus," she spoke quietly.

"Well at least its only Cesare and Luca," Blaise said quietly Cesare was his

cousin and Luca was his grandfather's godson. "Harry will want to thank


Ginny was greeted Bill, Fleur, and surprisingly Charlie with glee as did

the twins. "Bill, Fleur, Charlie!" Ginny exclaimed throwing her arms

around her second oldest brother. The twins followed though without the

throwing themselves at their brothers. They also greeted Fleur with

dashing smiles.

"We still would,"

"Like to meet some Veela twins," Fred finished the sentence causing Bill

to smack them both and Ginny and Fleur to giggle.

"You wouldn't be able to 'andle them," Fleur said with a laugh her French

accent lessened considerably. Off to one side their mother was glaring at

them, you could practically feel the heat from her face turning red.

"We best be going though,"

"We just need to get our stuff,"

"Then we're moving into our,"

"Flat above our shop," The twins said glancing at their mother though

they were surprised she was the only one glaring Ron was simply acting

like the whole reunion by the entrance was not happening. Ron had

somewhat curbed his ire towards Slytherins and his sister after being

taken to task by the DA and especially after the battle at Hogsmeade.

Their father was looking on with a longing look. Fleur and Bill nodded

while Ginny was still talking animatedly to Charlie.

You're coming for dinner tonight right?" Bill asked.

"If we're done in time," George answered with Fred nodding.

"We will see then," Fleur replied with a smile as the twins nodded giving

Ginny a wave as they walked off to the rest of their family. The families

started to disperse from the station leaving the Greengrass family.

"We'll see you tonight at dinner," Xavier said to Harry, Daphne, and


"Harry use your ring to get back," Evelyn said pulling back from giving

Daphne a hug. "Technically the aurors can arrest you if you apparate,"

She said with a nod to the aurors on the platform.

Harry nodded and willed his Potter family ring to appear on his left

hand, "Hold on," Harry said to Daphne and Susan. They both put their

now shrunken trunks courtesy of Evelyn and Xavier in their pockets and

took one of Harry's hands. "Home, Potter Manor." They disappeared from

the platform in the familiar swirl of colors.


So there's the end of fifth year. I put the twins shop on a corner to

match the movie but it never actually says what the store is next to

so I picked a place. Hope you enjoyed. My classes started this week

so updates will probably go back to every two weeks but I try to

write whenever I get time.

Thanks for the suppot,


44. Goblin's Enter the War

Harry laughed as he watched the triplets who were officially a month old

yesterday be entertained by Daphne. Daphne was playing 'peek 'a' boo' by

covering her face with her hands and then saying boo with a funny look

on her face. The triplets were just starting to babble back at people and

currently RJ was the loudest and most talkative. He was actively waving

his little hand at Daphne trying to figure out where Daphne was

'disappearing' too. Eddie was babbling back and forth from Daphne and

RJ. And the cutest one in Harry's opinion was little Lyra who's hair

changed color every time Daphne appeared from her dark almost black

hair to Daphne's blonde hair.

Harry and Daphne were currently babysitting for Sirius and Amelia who

had been asked along with Narcissa and Remus, and Ted and Andromeda

Tonks to meet with Dr. Michael Rawthorn a psychologist and

neurosurgeon that ran a small psych hospital not far away from

Derbyshire, England that catered to wealthy clients. Rawthorn was squib

and friend of Andromeda Tonks whom she had met on a case in the

muggle world. His hospital was currently home to Bellatrix LeStrange nee

Black whom had been there since the end of the Battle of Hogsmeade. Dr.

Rawthorn had deemed that he was finally ready to diagnose Bellatrix

after a month of being at the hospital. Bellatrix's room had been warded

against all magic including accidental magic with some Black family

spells provided by Narcissa and Andromeda. Blacks were prepared for

anything, Sirius had remarked upon being asked about the spells.

The first two weeks were difficult as Bellatrix was combative, furious,

and refusing to talk to him and his staff. It only increased after Bellatrix

was told she was not allowed to use magic of any kind and was being

treated by muggles. Her nurse, Raven also a squib, told them the scream

of frustration cracked a window but the family thought she was

exaggerating. After sedating Bellatrix for a week and out of the influence

of magic, Narcissa had been allowed to visit Bellatrix. Narcissa had been

surprised to find her sister calmly looking out the window of her room

but then Nurse Raven told her of the sedation and she simply nodded and

smiled apologetically at the Nurse. Raven a forty year old calm caring

woman simply shrugged and told her it was part of the job.

"Bella?" Narcissa called tentatively as she stepped into the room and took

a seat in the sitting room area of Bella's room. Bellatrix turned towards

her sister sedately and turned to face her younger sister. Narcissa held

back some surprise at her sister's appearance. The normally dark and

wild appearance was tame. Bellatrix's black hair was streaked with gray

from her time in Azkaban and was wispy instead of full. Her lidded eyes

were haunted and the strange violet coloring Bellatrix had was dulled.

She was also fairly skinny not the malnutrition of Harry she had seen in

Evelyn's memories but not healthy either. She was in scrubs, or at least

that was what Narcissa had heard Remus call them.

"Cissy," Bellatrix stated flatly as she took a seat across from Narcissa. "I

believe I have you to thank for putting me in this mudblood torture," her

eyes flashed dangerously.

Narcissa though having grown up with Bellatrix was not cowed by the

look she simply thanked Merlin that the wards were up. She could take

Bellatrix in muggle fight; well she assumed she would be given Bellatrix's

current state. "Yes you do," Narcissa said primly, "and before you yell

you're going to stay here for the forcible future until your diagnosed."

"Diagnosed!?" Bellatrix yelled.

"Yes you either are simply a sociopath in which case you'll be sent back

to Azkaban or you have a mental illness," Narcissa said as if discussing

the weather. "Muggles have made great strides in mental health while we

have remained stagnate refusing to believe anything is wrong."

"Nothing is wrong," Bellatrix shouted standing and pacing the room

muttering to herself.

Narcissa also stood and raised her voice slightly, "Nothing's wrong!? So

you always wanted to kill and torture people. Not just adults but

innocent children! You've always wanted to reveal in people begging you

for their lives! Or how about bowing down to a Sociopath who enjoys

TORTURING YOU!" Narcissa shouted at her sister who was now furiously

pacing back and forth holding her head and answering someone who

wasn't there. Suddenly the door burst open and Nurse Raven along with

three other nurses and Dr. Rawthorn came into the room. They were

surprised when it only took Nurse Raven to calm her and but her into

bed. Dr. Rawthorn pulled out a needle and injected some medicine into

Bellatrix's arm. Narcissa watched with tears in her eyes as her sister

closed her eyes and fell into a deep sleep. Narcissa fled the room and

found herself in the solarium of the hospital where she was found by

Nurse Raven.

"I'm sorry to have yelled at her and upset her," Narcissa said her face

clear of tears and emotion once she noticed the other woman.

The nurse patted Narcissa's arm, "Honey it isn't the first time a family

member has lost their cool with a patient and I don't suppose it will be

the last. Mental illness is not only tough on the patient but the family

who cares for them. And besides that was the first time all of us weren't

needed to get her to calm down. Don't feel too bad and hopefully once

we can diagnose her and get her on the medication she will figure it out."

Nurse Raven told her.

Now they were going back to find out if Dr. Rawthorn thought Bellatrix

had a mental illness. All three Blacks were on edge if not only would they

be potentially getting their sister and cousin back but there was horcrux

on the line. Harry was worried about Sirius and the others even if

Bellatrix was found to have a serious mental illness she would have to be

in the hospital for the rest of her life as part of her sentence. A foul smell

broke Harry out of his thoughts and he laughed at Daphne's scrunched up

nose. Harry wandlessly cast the bubblehead charm on them and moved

to the triplets.

"I'm now convinced this spell was thought of by a parent," Harry said his

voice a bit distorted which made the babies look at him oddly. Harry and

Daphne both laughed at the sight of their faces. They picked up each of

the babies and determined the smell was from RJ who in Harry's opinion

looked proud of himself. And unfortunately for Harry he was holding

baby RJ which meant he got to change him. Harry moved RJ over to the

changing table and quickly moved through the motions of changing the

baby. Harry and Hermione had turned the family onto disposable diapers

needless to say the house elves were extremely happy not to have to

wash the cloth diapers anymore. Daphne looked at Harry with an odd

expression on her face as she held little Lyra while Eddie was watching a

floating mobile of stars.

"What?" Harry asked Daphne who smiled at him.

"You're really good with them," Daphne said with in a quiet voice with a

goofy smile on her face. Harry walked over to her and was leaning into

the kiss when Susan's voice was heard.

"Hey guys how's…" Susan trailed off as she walked into the room. She

giggled, "My bad." Harry rolled his eyes. "How are the babies?"

"Good," Harry started but then lowered his voice as he noticed Eddie had

drifted off to sleep as had Lyra who was being rocked in Daphne's arms.

He looked at the baby in his arms and noticed RJ was fighting to keep his

eyes open. "I think its naptime," Harry said quietly. Susan nodded and

went over to pick up Eddie who barely stirred. They left the game room

and went across the hall where a room had been converted to a nursery

for the floor they were on and put the three babies down for a nap.

Scooby, Aiolos, and Queenie all moved in front of the cribs protectively

as they prepared to join the babies for a nap. Susan activated the

communication crystal in the room and took one for herself. The crystals

would alert Susan if anything was wrong or the triplets woke, they

worked like muggle baby monitors.

"Why don't you two go for a ride or something," Susan suggested, "You've

not had a lot of alone time lately." It was true they spent most of their

time with the New Marauders or with the triplets and family. The Manor

was constantly filled with friends and family coming to see and spend

time with the newborns.

Daphne and Harry smiled at her, "Thanks Sue." Daphne said and pulled

Harry along with her. "Come on we should visit Odin and Artemis,"

Daphne smiled back at Harry. Harry smiled in reply happy to see Daphne

enjoying herself, those moments had been few and far between since

Aoife's death. They quickly came to the stables and saddled up the two

horses that were stamping at the ground ready to go.

"Which trail do you want to take," Harry asked as they mounted the

horses and moved out of the stable.

"Let's go see the hippogriffs," Daphne suggested. Harry nodded and

steered Odin to the west where the trail to the hippogriffs clearing was. It

was about thirty minutes into the forest from the stables and took them

through hundreds of oak trees and elm trees. Daphne liked the feel of the

trail; it was one of the tamer ones on the Potter property. They trotted

along at a good pace but slow enough for them to enjoy the trail.

"Have you heard from Hephaestus yet?" Daphne asked as they moved


"I got a letter back from Hephaestus earlier today. He said he'll be glad to

take me as an apprentice when I graduate," Harry replied with a smile.

Daphne stopped Artemis next to Odin and reached over and pulled Harry

into a quick kiss, "That's great!" She said excited for her husband.

"He told me he gave up on an apprentice when his wife and son were

killed in the first war with Riddle. He was simply going to let the

business die with him as no one ever showed much interest in what he

actually did until I came into the shop," Harry said with sadness in his

voice as he spoke of Hephaestus' family. "He was going to ask me if I

wanted to try wand crafting. He recommended Potions, Herbology, and

Care of Magical Creatures for my N.E.W.T's. Any other classes would

simply be for my own use. The rest he would need to teach me during my

apprenticeship." Harry had a boyish grin on his face that Daphne loved.

With a smile of her own she asked, "Are you going to take any other

classes. You'll be busy with your potions apprenticeship."

"I think I'm just going to take DADA and probably Transfiguration so

McGonagall doesn't kill me," He said with laugh.

"Yes I don't imagine she'll be happy if you don't continue her class, she

likes you too much. I think you single handedly changed the opinion she

had of Slytherins from the last twenty or so years," Daphne replied with a

giggle. McGonagall seemed to reserve a soft spot for Harry.

"Have you thought about what classes you want to continue with?" Harry

asked as they came to the clearing where a small herd of hippogriffs

lived. They dismounted and drew the attention of the hippogriffs. Daphne

and Harry bowed to the herd and received bows back before they moved

into the clearing with the herd.

"DADA, Charms, Potions, Ancient Runes, and Herbology," Daphne said

with a thoughtful look. "And I might continue with Care of Magical

Creatures though I'm not entirely sure yet. It would be good to know

more about what animals would help the greenhouses but I'm not sure if

there would be any in the N.E.W.T years of Magical Creatures. Plus your

rather handy with them," she giggled as a two of the hippogriffs circled


Harry nodded with a grin but then his face turned serious, "Daph don't

take this the wrong way but have you ever been asked if you want to

take over the family greenhouses?"

Daphne knew what Harry was getting at so she didn't take offense, "No

it's always been assumed that the eldest will take control of the family

business in most pureblood families and it is in the Greengrass family but

I enjoy the greenhouses. My father's taken me to them since I was two.

And Astoria doesn't have as much of an affinity for plants as I do."

"But you want to do it, right," Harry simply wanted his wife to be happy

with her choice.

Daphne smiled softly and moved over to her husband. She pulled him to

her with her hands around his waist she leaned back so that he could see

her face. "I'm very happy with it," She said and leaned in to give him a

slow lingering kiss, "Thank you for asking." Daphne said with a smile and

Harry let out a sigh of relief. He didn't want to cross any possible

boundaries or seem to accuse her father of pushing Daphne to continue

the family business; he simply wanted to insure she would be happy.

"Besides I really interested in what runes I can use to improve the

greenhouses. I'm the first in the family to show an interest and aptitude

in Runes in over a hundred years. Are you okay though with our second

son being the heir to house Greengrass?" Daphne asked as she pet a

female hippogriff named, Witherwings, the palomino hippogriff was fond

of Daphne.

"Yes your father talked to me about it before we officially tied the knot.

He asked if I would give our second son the name Greengrass-Potter. I

didn't see what the big deal was," Harry said with a grin, "I suspect that's

because I wasn't raised traditionally," he made air quotes around

traditionally causing Daphne to roll her eyes. "He'll be raised by us; he'll

just continue your family name on. It's easy to see why that's important.

But anyway that's only if we have two sons."

"How many kids do you want?" Daphne asked, "I know you saw three in

the Mirror of Erised."

"More than one," Harry said as he noticed a hippogriff walking with a

limp. He moved over to it and bowed directly in front of the hippogriff,

Seti, if Harry remembered correctly. "Hey Seti," Harry said once he got a

bow and gently moved towards his back left leg that had a gash across it.

Harry knelt next to Seti examining the cut. Daphne nodded at Harry's

more than one comment and watched as he moved by Seti. "You're the

one who has to give birth though so how many kids were you thinking?"

"Dips," Harry called and the house elf popped into view and bowed to

Harry. "Can you bring me a cleansing salve for animals, degrading

bandages, and knitting potion for animals." Dips nodded and popped out.

"I never really thought about it until you told me about the Mirror of

Erised," Daphne said as she came and knelt next to Harry. "But more than

one definitely but I don't plan on ever birthing a brood like Molly

Weasley," Daphne said and wrinkled her nose at the thought of Mrs.


Harry chuckled, "No neither do I. I just don't want my kid to be alone I

had always wished I had a sibling. Thanks Dips," Harry said as the house

elf popped in with the supplies Harry asked for. Daphne took the

bandages so they would remain sterile.

"Alright Seti, I'm gonna clean the wound," Harry said and the white

hippogriff blinked at him. "Daph try to just keep him calm." Daphne

nodded and moved so she could be by the hippogriffs head and stroked

the feathers whispering to it like she did her horse. Harry took the jar of

cleansing salve he always had on hand for the animals on the property

gathered some on his hand and gently rubbed it into the wound. Seti

flinched away from the stinging sensation but Daphne was able to calm

the animal. Harry took the animal skin knit potion and poured it

carefully onto the hippogriffs wound before taking the bandages Daphne

handed him. He added a bit more of the knitting potion to the bandages.

He carefully wrapped the wound tightly and then stood making his way

to the front of the hippogriff.

"Watch yourself Seti," Harry said as both he and Daphne backed up and

made their way to a nearby fallen tree to sit.

"Three sounds good," Daphne said as she took Harry's hand and leaned

into him. They watched the hippogriffs take off into flight. "What do you

make of the quiet?" Daphne asked speaking of the lack of attacks.

"He's probably trying to figure out what the power he knows not is,"

Harry said with a roll of his eyes. "The muggle world hasn't been as quiet

though. Amelia, Minister Scrimegour, and Connie met with the Prime


"The bridge collapse?"

"Yes it was dementors according to Scrimegour and a few Death Eaters.

The dementors are breeding. Riddle's hiding them but Cadmus is working

on finding them. The Prime Minister was happy that we finial have a way

to destroy them. He wants to know what we can do about attacks on the

muggles though."

"What about Cadmus's idea?" Daphne asked; Cadmus had been trying to

get an undercover agent into Voldemort's forces.

"He's been accept into the Death Eaters the problem is Riddle is getting

more paranoid according to Cadmus. He's barely telling the Death Eaters

when and where they're going to raid. Just simply making portkeys and

giving them out."

A silver panda bear came into the clearing and Susan's voice was heard,

"Aunt Amelia is back with the others." They mounted their horses and

raced back to the stable for once Harry and Odin won.

"Finally," Harry said giving Odin a pat, the horse neighed in agreement

before they left the stables. They came into the house up the deck and

followed the sound of the babies. They ended in up in the family sitting

room. All three couples were there along with Susan and the babies. RJ

was being held by Amelia while Eddie was in Narcissa's arms and Lyra

was watching everything from Andromeda's arms. "Hello everyone,"

Harry greeted as he and Daphne took a seat on a couch where Susan was


"How did it go," Daphne asked eyeing the three Black adults they all

looked rather pensive.

"Bellatrix was sane for the first time in years," Andromeda was the one to

answer. The other two nodded. "She's been diagnosed with

undifferentiated schizophrenia, she presents with symptoms of all the

different types. She's responding well to the medication though they're

still tweaking them and working on therapy with her. He gave Sirius

power of attorney over her, which will give us access to the vault."

"It was so strange," Narcissa said in a far off voice. "She was able to hold

a conversation and she was actually glad when she asked about her

wand," Narcissa said in astonishment. Remus laid a hand on his fiancé's

shoulder in comfort. They had decided to give Bellatrix's wand to the

Longbottom family. Neville, his Grandmother, and his uncle ceremonially

burned the wand that had caused their family so much pain.

"Rufus has authorized the imprisonment of Bellatrix at Dr. Rawthorn's

facility but at any problems or attempt at escape she will be sent to

Azkaban," Amelia added. The three teens nodded not saying much

sensing the Blacks need for time to think.

After a few moments Sirius stood, "Harry let's go get the damned thing."

Amelia glared at him, "Um darned thing?" Sirius replied to the glare.

Amelia sighed and rolled her eyes to the amusement of the room.

"We're going to take the triplets to Grimuald Place then, I don't want

their magic exposed to that possibly," Amelia said. "And remember to

contact Rufus he wanted to be here to see the next Horcrux destroyed."

"I'm going to go with them," Daphne said at Harry's look.

"Alright, I'll see you in a bit," Harry replied giving her a kiss before


Harry and Sirius apparated to the Alley which was somewhat deserted

though with the presence of the aurors and hitwizards plus the random

Unspeakable dressed in their uniform it was not as deserted as Riddle

would have liked. As they made their way to Gingotts they were pleased

to see Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes was finished. The building was a rather

horrifying display of orange with a giant Jack in the Box on top that

appeared to be either Fred or George with a purple top hat on. Fred and

George where currently outside hanging a Grand Opening banner that

was done in neon colors and had fireworks exploding in the background

complete with sound effects.

"Hey Gred, Forge!" Harry called out to them causing them to turn with

wide grins.

"Harry! The Glorious Mr. Padfoot!" Fred shouted.

"Welcome to our humble abode!" George finished.

"You guys ready for tomorrow," Harry asked referring to their opening

the next day.

"Yeah we're ready,"

"Everything's stacked and prepared,"

"Wanna have a looksie," Fred asked with a flourish towards the door.

Harry looked to Sirius who was smiling broadly and nodded to Fred.

"I'll send Angie out to help," Fred said to George who had the banner half

turned over. They followed Fred in to the store which unsurprisingly fit

the twins' personality, organized chaos. "ANGIE! Georgia needs help out

front!" Fred shouted.

"Why would I think you two could even hang a banner," Angelina said as

she walked past. "Hey Harry, Professor Black!" She called as she moved


"The girls have been helping when they have time," Fred said. The store

was packed to the gills. "Over here you have all our WonderWitch

products for teenie boppers. Love potions, skin care, Pygmy Puffs, and a

variety other chick things," Fred finished softly not saying chick things

around the Verity and Alicia nearby. The packaging for the WonderWitch

products was a violent purple or pink.

Harry turned to his left and saw a copy of a Ministry poster of You-Know-

Who only it said U-No-Poo. Harry started chuckling, "Oh my God," Harry

said between laughs. Around the constipation product were edible dark

marks, snakes that looked remarkably like Nagini and turned into multi-

color gummy worms, a miniature Fenrir Greyback on a leash and studded

pink collar, and Death Eater masks that turn into clown masks once put


"Well the way we see it, we're Weasley's so he already wants us dead

might as well give him an actual reason," Fred said to which Harry and

Sirius just shook their heads. They moved through the store which had

another whole section for their fireworks, one for their skiving snack

boxes with various other prank items that had to do with sudden

unpleasantness. They also had a section of muggle magic tricks and some

of their big ticket items.

"This looks awesome and fits you well," Sirius said. "We'll stop by

tomorrow for your opening but we need to get to Gringotts."

"See you then," Fred replied and on the way out they waved to George

and Angelina who had managed to hang the banner straight.

"See you tomorrow," Harry called to them as they passed and entered the


They nodded to the guards of the bank who respectfully nodded back but

otherwise remain at attention. They entered the bank and looked around

at the tellers and witches and wizards. As they were observing the room a

goblin came up to them that Harry recognized and nodded to.

"Griphook, it's good to see you again," Harry spoke in gobbeldegook.

"Lord Potter, Lord Black," Griphook replied back in gobbledegook. They

noticed a few interested parties shifting closer to listen as they were

greeted personally by a goblin. A few managed to recognize Harry and

Sirius from other trips out. Harry noticed and nodded to the crowd

around them.

Sirius recognized the gesture and simply continued the conversation in

gobbledegook, "We need to meet with Ragnok about a certain vault

situation," Sirius said on the off chance another paranoid pureblood was

one of their eavesdroppers. "We've rectified the problem."

"Follow me," Griphook replied turning on his heel and glaring at some of

the eavesdroppers making them jump back about a foot. One of their

eavesdroppers, a middle age pureblood by the dress robes quickly left as

they were led out of the lobby. Griphook lead them down familiar halls

until they came to Ragnok's office. Griphook knocked and waited for the

'enter,' before he let them into Ragnok's office.

Ragnok looked up from his papers upon noticing the occupants he put

them aside and asked, "Did I miss an appointment?"

"No not all," Sirius replied. "It is our intrusion you see I've given

guardianship over Bellatrix," Sirius stepped forward with an envelope

extended. Ragnok leaned over his desk and took the envelope from him.

"We wanted to get this as soon as possible."

Ragnok looked over the documents inside and muttered a spell in

gobbledegook to verify all the information was truthful. The documents

glowed red signifying they were. "I do not mean to insult you but I must

verify them," Ragnok said to which Harry and Sirius simply nodded.

"I'll take you personally to the LeStrange Vault; you need a high-level

goblin anyways." Ragnok came around the desk and motioned for them

to follow him. "Griphook inform Master Balrog of my whereabouts."

Griphook bowed low before leaving to presumably follow Ragnok's

orders. Ragnok led them to a doorway near his office which opened up to

its very own cart and rail system. "I am sorry to have hindered you in this

process but the limited rights my race have in the wizarding world are

based on our confidentiality and protection of our clients. As leader of

the Goblin Nation I must do what is my people's best interest." Ragnok

said as he took a seat in the cart followed by Sirius and Harry.

Both Harry and Sirius waved off his words but it was Harry that spoke,

"We understand Ragnok. Your people have a very precarious truce with

the wizarding world mostly based on the wizards prejudice. We wouldn't

want you to put your peoples standing in jeopardy."

"Hopefully after this war is done and over progress can be made between

us," Sirius followed Harry's statements. "Most of those that are actively

against better relations with 'creature' races are being arrested or killed in

battle and those that support them will lesson as the war continues."

"I would very much like your hopes to come true," Ragnok replied.

"Unfortunately we, the council of Goblins, have voted and will only enter

this war if Riddle attacks us directly." Sirius and Harry nodded in

understanding; the goblins couldn't afford to take aside unless one or the

other moved against them openly. The cart moved along in silence for a

few minutes before Ragnok spoke again, "I understand congratulations

are in order Lord Black on your three heirs." Ragnok had a rare smile on

his face.

"Yes thank you," Sirius said beaming like the proud papa he was, "Regulas

James, Edgar Persus, and Lyra Emmaline."

"Strong names," Ragnok replied as another father would. "What about

you Lord Potter you've been wed a year?"

Harry paled and nearly swallowed his tongue at Ragnok's implication,

"We…um…that is…we're still in school," Harry stuttered as he tried to

formulate a response. Sirius and Ragnok burst out laughing as one at the

stunned and slightly queasy look on Harry's face. Ragnok's laughter was

bit disconcerting as being a goblin it was slightly manicle. Harry just

huffed and crossed arm muttering about old codgers in any race. By the

time they stopped in front of the LeStrange vault Ragnok and Sirius had

gotten themselves under control again. They stepped out of the cart and

jumped slightly as a roar echoed off the cave walls.

"That would be Scarsnout, the Ukrainian Ironbelly who guards this

particular section of vaults. Being the Head Goblin's cart we pass behind

him," Ragnok said as he stepped up to the massive stone vault door that

had LeStrange carved into it in old English script.

"I can feel it from here," Harry muttered. Sirius placed a hand on his

godson's shoulder in reply. Ragnok traced his finger down the middle of

the vault door. A seam appeared between the 'r' and the 'a' of LeStrange

and the doors opened inwards from there. The vault was teeming with

gold, silver, and bronze coins as well as antiques, armor, and jewelry

from the heyday of the LeStrange family. Harry entered the vault and

followed the oppressive feel of magic that was Riddle's soul. He found

himself standing in front of simple golden cup with a badger on it.

"Don't touch it," Sirius called out as Harry moved to take it. "The gemino

curse is on everything in the vault. Paranoid buggers," Sirius finished

under his breath.

"Yes they are," Ragnok said and snapped his fingers. Harry felt a rush of

magic go over the vault, "You may touch it now. If I may I would like to

see it destroyed," Ragnok asked. Harry nodded.

"Let's go outside the vault," Sirius suggested, "We wouldn't any backlash

inside the vault." Harry picked up the cup with a grimace at the feel of

the magic. They moved outside the vault to the corridor and Harry closed

his eyes in concentration. The sword of Gryffindor appeared in the

corridor; Harry snagged it out of the air and strapped the scabbard to his


"That is a very important sword to us Goblins," Ragnok mentioned eyeing

the ruby encrusted hilt of the Sword of Gryffindor.

"When this war is over maybe we can make a deal for it," Harry said with

smirk. Ragnok simply nodded in reply still eyeing the goblin made sword.

Harry set the golden cup on the floor in front of them. He drew the sword

from its scabbard while Sirius tapped Ragnok on the shoulder and

motioned him to back up from the cup and Harry. Harry wrapped both

hands around the hilt as he lifted the sword high. He brought it down

and struck the cup with force resulting in a familiar but horrifying shriek.

A black mist rose out of the cup and formed into a replica of Riddle's

snake visage before it dissipated with a shriek and mighty force of magic.

What was left was the famous cup of Hufflepuff cleaved in two.

"That bastard really knew how to pick 'em didn't he," Sirius spoke as he

glared at the now destroyed work of history.

"Yes," Ragnok agreed with him as he looked somewhat in awe but disgust

of the magic that had just been displayed before him. "I know our wares

are good but it shouldn't have been able to do that," Ragnok said with a

nod to the sword Harry sheathed.

"In my second year the sword appeared to me during a fight with a

basilisk. I killed it by piercing the basilisk through the mouth." Harry

explained with a shrug.

"It took on the venom," Ragnok said with another look to the sword.

Suddenly an alarm sounded throughout the corridors and the LeStrange

Vault they stood in front of glowed blue before bars slammed to the

ground in front of the door. They turned to Ragnok with a look of

question on their faces. "The bank has been lock down, one of our guards

was killed," Ragnok growled out. As he spoke a goblin in gleaming silver

colored armor ran up to them and stopped at attention pulling his helmet


He bowed, "My liege, the jumped up human is attacking the bank. He

killed the guards stationed outside. He wants him," the Goblin said with a

look toward Harry.

Ragnok growled, "Follow me," He jumped into the cart Harry, Sirius, and

the un-named goblin following. "I would hold on." Ragnok said with

sadistic grin. The cart took off at break neck speed similar to a roller

coaster. They came to a halting stop moments later back at Ragnok's

office. Ragnok moved over to a room in his office that opened into a

small armory. The un-named goblin quickly helped Ragnok dress in

similar silvery armor. Harry gave Sirius a look.

"Mithril," Sirius whispered leaning towards Harry.

Ragnok motioned the two wizards over to him making the other goblin

goggle a bit. "But some armor on this is going to get messy. Sharptooth,"

Ragnok barked the order and the surprised goblin snapped to attention,

"Tell Master Balrog to have a brigade meet me at the doors." The goblin

now dubbed Sharptooth bowed and saluted before taking off. "I believe

these will fit wizards." He motioned to some dragon hide cuirasses that

would cover their chests and shoulders; there were also dragon hide

gauntlets that allowed for a wand or a dagger to be placed in them. Sirius

shed his outer robe and placed the gleaming black hide cuirass on while

Harry tied it for him before repeating the process for Harry. They

strapped the gauntlets on their arms placing their wands in the holster

aspect the goblins had added to it. Both Sirius and Harry looked a tad

comical with jeans and t-shirts under their armor.

"What type of spells do your armors repel?" Harry asked as they began

walking to the front of the bank.

"Yours will be useful against cutting curses except perhaps the ribbon

cutter and more low level dark arts curses. Bludgeoning curses you will

need to watch out for. Ours will guard us from almost any but

unforgivable and high level dark arts curses though they'll lesson them

some." Sirius meanwhile sent a patronus off to the Ministry specifically to

the DMLE.

"My Liege," a Goblin of similar age to Ragnok who dressed in similar

armor the only difference being it was less ornate greeted them. Ragnok's

had jewels encrusted in the mithril.

"Master Balrog are they ready?" Ragnok asked Master Balrog as he looked

over a full brigade of goblins in armor with swords, war axes, maces, and

pikes. Each goblin was baring their teeth in anger knowing the Dark Lord

had killed two of their own. They looked beyond fierce and Harry finally

understood the wizards' fear of Goblins. The goblins were in rows of six

with ten deep. Ragnok stood at the back with Master Balrog, Sirius, and

Harry. Customers were being herded to the sides of the bank walls by the


"Warriors," Ragnok's voice rang out in Gobbledegook, the only notice

taken by the slight turn of the head. "Today the wizards outside have

taken two of own!" A shout was heard from the goblins, "Today we will

take revenge!" Another shout was heard from the goblins. Ragnok

snapped his fingers and the bank doors were taken off of lockdown and

Harry drew his sword and wand. The Goblin brigade marched forward

out the doors and down the steps before stopping leaving about twenty

feet between the first line and the fifty or so Death Eaters with Voldemort

at their back.

"I simply want the boy," Voldemort said in a voice that beguiled his


The Goblins had stopped with four deep still in the bank with Ragnok

flanked on his right by Master Balrog and on his left by Harry and Sirius.

"You've killed two of our own Mr. Riddle," Ragnok said. '

Voldemort's eyes flashed dangerously at the address of Ragnok, "Avada

Kedavra." Voldemort snapped off the killing curse towards Ragnok.

"Granum," Harry conjured a two by two foot slab of granite in the path of

the curse. The granite slab exploded in a green light and Harry banished

the shrapnel back at Voldemort as soon as it exploded. The pieces flew at

Voldemort but he vanished them quickly, while Ragnok gave the order

for the goblins to attack. The goblins rushed the Death Eaters who were

still waiting for a command and quickly cut down six Death Eaters before

the Death Eaters reacted. The fired spells out at the goblins quickly

figuring out their darker spells were the only effective ones. Voldemort

was laughing hysterically as he cast Killing curses cutting down goblins.

"Har-ry," Sirius warned but it was too late. Harry had taken off for the

battle, specifically Voldemort. "Damn it!" Sirius swore and followed into

the fray.

"War-Master Balrog that boy is the reason that monster will be defeated,"

Ragnok said surveying the battle. Balrog nodded and signaled the back

line of the goblins and they rushed into the fray following Sirius and


Harry ran into the battle and brought his sword down on the closest

Death Eater. He ended up talking off the Death Eater's wand arm. Harry

finished him with a paralyzing curse before he had to shield an incoming

sickly brown curse Harry spun out of the way of another curse and

brought his sword up slashing open a deep wound across the chest of

another Death Eater. He fought side by side with the goblins while

cutting a path to Voldemort.

Sirius followed Harry doing what he could to not only defend himself but

to take out Death Eaters aiming for Harry. He felt more than once a

cutting curse slip past his shields and hit the cuirass but all stopped

before hitting his skin. He could sense the goblin warriors around him as

he ducked and shielded spells. Then time seemed to slow as he saw Harry

stepping off to square off against Voldemort. All the combatants seemed

to slow only half concentrating on the duel before them while their main

focus was on Harry and Voldemort.

"Riddle!" Harry called interrupting the Dark Lord in the middle of casting

a killing curse. The Dark Lord turned towards him with fury in his eyes.

Harry sheathed the sword of Gryffindor as Voldemort turned to him. He

snapped his wand up quickly to conjure another granite slab but stopped

when he noticed the curse was wide of him. Harry slightly turned to see a

Death Eater in the process of casting at him get hit by the killing curse.

Harry heard Voldemort begin to speak to all those present but Harry

silently sent four curses in quick succession at the Dark Lord cutting him

off. Voldemort was taken by surprise having taken his sight off Harry and

the first curse, sectumsempra, landed hitting Voldemort in his left arm,

neck, and side of his face. He deflected the last three with a cold fury

building his eyes as blood dripped down onto his wand. "Ah fuck," Harry

muttered before dodging to his right then left then back and left again as

spells impacted the ground or people or goblins behind him. Harry spun

to his right then jumped a low aimed curse before having to hit the

ground and roll to prevent a stream of fire. Harry was panting as he

quickly leapt to his feet when the jet of fire stop. He fired off a

bludgeoning hex Voldemort had to shield but Harry had enough power

behind it to break Voldemort's shield and hit him in his injured left arm.

The still bleeding wound was opened further leaving the bone showing.

Voldemort roared in fury and unleashed a torrent of pure black magic at

Harry. Harry's eyes widen as the black cloud of magic came at him. Harry

sent the first curse to come to mind at the black magic his patronus. The

silvery stag shot out of the wand and charged the black magic cloud. The

stag seemed to absorb the black magic before exploding in a shower of

silvery light.

Harry watched in awe as his patronus exploded leaving him open for

attack. Voldemort capitalized on his distraction and cast a dark version of

the bludgeoning hex at Harry. The curse hit Harry smashing into his

chest and throwing him back into the air and smashing into the ground.

The force of the curse was somewhat lessened by the cuirass but it was

only really effective against the small shrapnel that accompanied the

darker version of the hex. Five of Harry's ribs instantly broke and one

shattered on the impact sending fragments into his lungs. He landed hard

on his back but retained enough focus to roll as soon as he hit the ground

which was lucky for him as Voldemort had followed up on the curse with

an organ dissolving hex. Harry's head was swimming as he moved out of

the way of curses. He pulled his magic into himself and tried to block out

pain with his occlumency techniques. He knew he had to do something

quick. He dodged more and more spells avoiding shielding to save his

magic all the while moving closer to Voldemort. Before Voldemort could

notice Harry dived and tucked into a roll as he avoided another curse and

came up directly in front of the Dark Lord. Harry who stood level with

the Dark Lord slammed his head forward into the Dark Lords in a head

but stunning the Dark Lord. Harry then used all the magic he had pulled

and sent the most powerful banishing hex he could in his state and sent it

point-blank at Voldemort. Voldemort was sent flying back into through

the wall of the store behind him. Harry collapsed just as aurors appeared.

Sirius cheered internally as Harry's first curse hit Voldemort and opened

wounds in the snake-faced bastard. Sirius quickly ducked a curse at sent

a ribbon cutting curse back at the Death Eater who cast before turning

back to the duel. He cursed as Harry was forced on the defensive and

ducked another curse this time from a Death Eater within an arm's reach.

Sirius quickly pulled back and sent a left hook at the Death Eater

connecting at the Death Eater's temple knocking the Death Eater out. He

focused on Harry mostly shielding or ducking spells so he could keep

track of his godson. He belatedly noticed a ring of Goblins surrounding

the duel between Harry and the Dark Lord keeping others away from it.

He then watched in horror as Harry was thrown from his feet and hit the

ground hard. He started moving towards Harry once again and watched

proudly as Harry caught the Dark Lord off guard fighting like a muggle

before sending the robbed bastard flying into a building. "HARRY!" Sirius

shouted and took off in a sprint towards his now collapsed godson

pushing goblins and Death Eaters alike out of the way. He rushed to

Harry's position and quickly checked for a pulse before taking a guarding

stance over his godson as a bloody and stunned Voldemort made his way

out of a pile of rubble. Sirius barely moved his eyes as to see the aurors

on scene Connie Hammer leading the way.

Voldemort looked to Sirius and the Goblins surrounding Harry and to the

aurors and amplified his voice, "Retreat." He disappeared in the swirling

blue of a portkey as did all the Death Eaters present that could. Sirius

quickly turned to his unconscious godson to see him being treated by a


"He needs a wizard healer a.s.a.p.," the Goblin said looking up at Sirius,

"I've done what I can to slow bleeding but our magic is different."

"Accio Connie's emergency portkey," Sirius said the spell in a blur. A

length of rope rushed to him from where the aurors were and Sirius

snagged it out of the air. He touched Harry and called out, "Activate."

They disappeared into a swirl of blue leaving Ragnok to explain the

events of the day.


So next chapter slower because of classes starting up again. So I

hope you got the right impression with the last battle, it was

supposed to be a very quick. Hope you enjoyed.

Thanks for the reviews,


45. Advantages to summer

A/N: Warning there's a rather explicit lemon at the end so feel free

to skip that if you don't like that.

Sirius was left in the waiting room with an apprentice Healer looking at

his cuts and bruises none of which ran very deep thanks to the cuirass.

The Apprentice had attempted to move Sirius but found the man rooted

to the floor starring after his godson.

"Lord Black," Healer Sorenson said startling Sirius out of his trance.

"Huh?" Sirius replied oh so eloquently.

"I believe Apprentice Clearwater is done with you if you'll follow me I'll

take you to Lord Potter," Healer Sorenson spoke calmly and slowly.

Sirius shook his head and blinked, "How's Harry," rapidly shot out of his


"He'll be fine," Healer Sorenson assured him as he gestured for them to

start walking. They moved through the hallways on their way to Harry's

room. "He broke his ribs, shattered one, and it perforated his lung. That

boy is strong," Healer Sorenson commented as they came to a stop at the

door to Harry's room looking in on him.

"Yes he is," Sirius said.

"He'll be fine and at this point is simply sleeping it off," Healer Sorenson.

We healed his lung and ribs and gave him Skele-grow for the shattered

rib. May I ask what happened? We've had a few more people come in

from the Alley."

"We," Sirius said with a nod to Harry, "went to the bank and someone

tipped off Riddle who came with almost sixty Death Eaters. He made the

mistake of killing the two goblin guards out front before asking them to

turn us over to him. The goblins refused and together with a brigade of

goblins we fought the Death Eaters and Riddle. The battle only took

about five minutes or so, more of a skirmish, Harry wounded the bastard.

If you'll excuse me I need to let the family know," Sirius finished.

"Of course," Healer Sorenson said with a wide smile on his face at the

news of Harry wounding the dark Lord. As he left Sirius sent off a

patronus and then entered Harry's room.

Sirius was only alone for about five minutes before a host of Blacks and

Greengrasses plus Susan and Remus descended upon the room. Daphne

was the first one in and bypassed Sirius moving straight to the edge of

her husband's bed. She gently sat on one side and took Harry's hand in

hers and laced their fingers together. Amelia came rushing into the room

with Lyra in her arms followed directly by Susan who pulled up a chair

on the opposite side of Sirius and Daphne. Following them was

Andromeda, Ted, Evelyn, Xavier, Narcissa, Remus, Draco who had RJ,

and Astoria who was carrying Ed. As one they turned toward Sirius for an


He looked somewhat startled by the massive amount of people in the

small hospital room but quickly smiled to reassure everyone. "He's fine

simply sleeping right now." Daphne visibly relaxed at Sirius's words and

turned back to Harry and smoothed his hair out. "A Death Eater must

have been in the bank at the same time as we entered. After we finished

destroying it the bank locked down according to Ragnok that only

happens when a goblin is killed on the premises. Anyway a goblin in full

armor ran up to us and said Riddle was outside the bank and had killed

the two guards stationed at the doors," Ted sucked in a breath at that, he

was CPA and did a lot of work with the goblins so he knew their ways.

Sirius looked at him and grinned a bit, "Yep," He answered Ted before

turning to the others, "Ragnok declared war on Riddle and the Death

Eaters. He, War Master Balrog, and a whole goblin brigade fought with

Harry and me against Riddle this afternoon."

Daphne jerked back to look at Sirius at that, "He was there?"

"Yes," Sirius nodded, "Harry fought him and managed to do pretty well

until his focus slipped and Riddle sneaked in the flail bludgeoning hex.

Harry took the hex but Ragnok provided us with those dragon hide

cuirasses," Sirius pointed to where he hung the two cuirasses. "The flail

part of the curse was stopped but he still broke five ribs and shattered

one perforating his lung. Somehow Harry managed to fight on by

dodging spells slowly making his way to Riddle. Riddle didn't notice

Harry moving closer and Harry head butted him and then sent an

extremely over-charged banishing hex at Riddle." Sirius looked

thoughtful, "That's probably why he's still out," he nodded to Harry.

"Riddle flew into and through the building across the street and didn't

come out to pretty and that's when the aurors arrived and they all left."

All the occupants of the room looked at Harry with a bit of awe before

Amelia stood up and handed Lyra to Andromeda, "Right well can I have

your memory of it. I'll need to go in most likely." And sure enough as she

finished Auror Tonks appeared at the door. Draco and Astoria moved

aside so she could enter.

"Ma'am Minister Scirmegour requests your presence. He's in the briefing

room with Madam Hammer, Unspeakable Hammer, Director Mockridge,

and Manager Ragnok," she said in her auror tone ignoring for the

moment the others in the room. Her voice softened a bit as spoke next,

"He also wants to know about Harry's condition."

"Tell him if he could get the license of the mack truck that hit me that be

great," Harry spoke up from the bed surprising everyone.

Daphne immediately turned back to him and planted a rough kiss on his

lips, "You've got to quit doing this to me," she joked quietly as she pulled

back. Harry gave her his lopsided grin in response.

"How are you feeling Harry?" Amelia asked coming forward to give him a

light hug and giving him a look that asked if it was okay if she left.

"I feel pretty good actually," Harry said, "I'll see you later at home."

Amelia nodded and turned back to Sirius.

Sirius handed her a glass vial with the memory, "I started it with

destroying the horcrux I know Rufus said he wanted to be there but we

kinda forgot," Sirius said a bit sheepishly.

"Since not only are the goblins joining us but Harry wounded Riddle in

battle he'll probably be too busy dancing a jig to notice," Amelia said

earning a laugh from everyone. "Auror Tonks," She called turning to the

doorway where Tonks stood. "You're to stay here on guard until they

leave." Tonks saluted and moved aside so Amelia could leave.

"We'll go get the Healer," Remus said with a smile towards Harry who

nodded in appreciation. Remus and Narcissa vacated the room in search

of Healer Sorenson.

"So not that I don't appreciate it but why are you all here if I'm getting

out of here soon?" Harry asked quietly.

Andromeda answered with a soft smile, "We were all gathered around the

triplets when Daphne and Amelia received Sirius's patronus. And with

you we never know how long you'll be out," She said with a smirk

gaining a chuckle from everyone and some gurgles from the triplets.

Harry smiled in return but quickly frowned as he thought about the

battle but before anyone else could say anything Daphne spoke.

"We'll talk about it tomorrow after you've slept and the rest our

gathered." She leant towards him and gently took his lips in a kiss

silencing any thought of protest. When she pulled away she could see in

his eyes he conceded and smiled softly. Harry laughed softly as their

moment was interrupted by a foul smell and Draco's groan.

"Awe man come on RJ," Draco whined.

Daphne laughed softly and answered Harry's question, "that's the second

time in an hour he's needed a change while Draco's been holding him."

Harry laughed aloud at that. The door opened and a middle aged man in

healer robes walked in with a smile on his face.

"Hello Lord Potter, I'm Healer Sorenson." He held his hand out for Harry

to shake. "I worked on your injuries today."

Harry moved to sit up on the bed and took the man's hand, "Thank you


"I assume you want to go home?"

Harry nodded eagerly causing Healer Sorenson to chuckle, "Alright let me

just cast a diagnostic once more." He cast the spell and nodded to himself

as he got the result. "Everything checks out fine, just take it easy for the

next couple of days."

"Oh he will," Daphne answered for him causing the room to laugh.

Healer Sorenson shook Harry's hand once more and as he was leaving

said, "Well done by the way. It's about time that bastard was proven

human," Healer Sorenson said causing Harry to blush a bit but nodded in

acceptance. He was released from the hospital with little fanfare thanks

to Tonks' presence with the family. Though there were plenty of 'patients'

in the waiting room as they left.

"Harry why is it always you," Daphne mumbled to herself. It was around

three in the morning and aside from her and Harry's breathing their wing

of Potter Manor was silent. Harry was sprawled in their kings sized bed

with the sheets only coming up to cover his waist, he had one arm

thrown over his head while the other was thrown above Daphne's pillow.

Daphne was currently sideways across the bed with her face propped on

her arms watching Harry sleep. Harry had shown everyone present the

memory when they returned to the manor. Aside from that and mirror

calling their friends to come over tomorrow and see it Harry had done

nothing but sleep.

It was odd as usually Harry was always ready to move on to the next

thing after a stay in the hospital. Sirius and Remus had speculated after

Harry went to sleep that Harry had poured an enormous amount of magic

into his patrnous to counter act the black cloud of magic Voldemort had

sent at them. None of them not the former Blacks, Malfoys, or Remus had

been able to answer what exactly that black cloud of magic from

Voldemort was but they all agreed Harry's reaction was the best possible.

Daphne's eyes traced the various scars on Harry's chest as she watched

his chest rise and fall. She was both thrilled and terrified at Harry's fight

with Voldemort. She knew it was inevitable that they would face each

other but she had been hoping it would be put off for as long as possible.

The fight had proven both her fears and hopes, Harry was able to stand

and fight him but Voldemort's experience and spell repertoire far

outweighed her husband's. She slowly reached out a hand and traced the

tattoo of her initials that graced his left peck.

"If this war doesn't end soon I'll have gray hair before I'm twenty,"

Daphne sighed quietly and gave the tattoo a kiss before moving and

curling into Harry's side. Both Harry's arms came down to further press

Daphne to his side. Daphne smiled before drifting back to sleep.

Harry and the rest of the New Marauders and Severus all were in the

training room of Potter Manor surrounding a pensive. The four founders

were in their painting anxiously awaiting the viewing of them memory

also. Harry set it to play and they all watched absorbed in the memory

playing before them.

When the memory finished Harry turned to Severus and the founders,

"Any ideas on what the black cloud was?" Severus shook his head while

in contemplation. The students all looked bewildered at the spell never

seeing or hearing of a spell like that. Salazar cleared his throat from the

painting gaining the rooms attention.

Godric turned to Salazar and asked, "Ezekiel?" Salazar nodded to him and

Godric cursed, surprisingly Helga and Rowena did also.

"Ezekiel was the name of necromancer that we," Salazar said nodding to

other three founders, "Fought before we founded Hogwarts. He fought

each of us on separate occasions before finally facing off with me. That

black cloud is similar to a dementor's kiss only instead of sucking out

your soul it focuses on your magic. The longer you're in that cloud the

more magic it pulls from your body and transfers it to the caster. It also

kills the victim and leaves them looking rather like a mummy. We never

figured out how it did do that we also never figured out what the

incantation was." Salazar finished looking reminiscent of the fearsome

visage that housed the basilisk.

"Your patrnous was ingenious Hadrian," Rowena said with a proud look,

"None of us were able to come up with a way to defeat that spell we

simply avoided it. You see we witnessed Ezekiel use it on a friend of ours

and the outcome. Whenever he would attempt it on one of us we

apparated out of the way. He wasn't very adept at using wards."

Harry shrugged at the praise, "It was the first thing that came to mind

besides 'oh shite'. Daphne gave him a poke in the ribs for that while

Blaise, Draco, Neville, and Theo snickered.

"Is Riddle a necromancer?" Hermione asked the room.

"I don't believe so though horcruxes would be classified as a type of

necromancy," Salazar answered. "From everything Severus has shared

with me Riddle has not done any form of necromancy besides horcruxes

and they would be the lowest form. If he were a necromancer this war

would have either ended long ago or it would take decades longer to


"What about inferi?" Neville spoke up.

"Inferi while vile and an insult to the dead are not a true form of

necromancy," Salazar said. They looked confused even Severus who was

the most well versed in the dark arts.

Godric clarified, "Inferi are basically just animated corpses with a

compulsion charm placed on them. Where as if it were a true

necromantic art, the inferi would be able to completely act on their own."

"Why did you say if he were a necromancer this war would have ended

sooner or go on way longer," Tracey asked.

"Necromancers are very few and far between," Salazar said. "Most who

try their hand at necromancy die during rituals or spells that go wrong. A

true necromancer is very very dangerous. It took all four of us to defeat

Ezekiel Messing with Death is never a good thing, he always wins,"

Salazar finished rather philosophically.

"Alright back to the present," Helga called taking everyone off the subject

of necromancy. "Harry did some very good things in that fight and we

learned some key points about the Death Eaters. Anyone care to guess?"

Hannah was the one who answered, "All the wizards except maybe five

or so in the battle stopped to watch Harry face off against Riddle. The

goblins however didn't and were able to take out a significant number of

Death Eaters."

Helga smiled warmly at Hannah her fellow Hufflepuff being the one to

point it out, "Exactly it will most likely happen again when they next

fight. Riddle has been built up to the point where people think he is

invincible and will want to watch the fight. Don't let them. A fight isn't

over until your opponents can no longer fight back."

"Anything else?"

"Riddle gets blindly angry," Ginny said. "My Ron and Charlie can get like

that," She explained further, "They just start attacking leaving themselves


"Good there's nothing that says you can't take a pot shot at Riddle if he's

solely focused on someone else. Just because a prophecy says Harry has

to be the one to kill him doesn't mean we can't help him along."

"Alright all of you but Harry," Severus called their attention, "Start

sparring it seems as if hand to hand combat is going to be your advantage

over the seasoned Death Eaters." They groaned but complied. They all

paired up Susan against Hannah, Tracey against Astoria, and Daphne

paired up against Ginny. Neville paired against Theo and Draco paired

against Blaise. They sparred for about five minutes before Severus called

them to stop.

He glared at Harry and Hermione who were chuckling, "Obviously you

all know each other too well. Tracey pair with Draco, Theo with Ginny,

Blaise with Hannah, and Daphne with Neville," Severus said with a smirk

towards Harry who growled in protest but Astoria came over and pushed

him back down onto his chair.

"Daphne can handle herself," Astoria said and took a seat next to him.

Neville had by far the most brute strength out of all of them. He was the

stockiest and Harry was not amused at the prospect of his wife sparring

with him.

"Daphne will be against Death Eaters bigger then Neville Harry,"

Hermione said in a matter of fact voice. Harry simply growled in return

causing Astoria and Susan to giggle and Hermione to huff. The opponents

each took up their positions and Severus whistled for them to start. Harry

focused on Daphne and Neville. Daphne stood ready and watching

Neville who charged her about a second after Severus whistled. Daphne

twisted out to the side and stuck her foot out tripping Neville as she

grabbed onto one his arms and used his momentum to throw him

forward in a heap.

"Did you try to screw that one up Longbottom," Severus asked to the

amusement of the room as Daphne gave little curtsey. Neville pushed

himself up with a groan. "Never underestimate your opponent."

"Again," Neville asked in Daphne's direction. Daphne nodded and they

both reset. Severus whistled again and this time Neville waited. Neville

slowly moved towards Daphne who was bouncing on her toes. Daphne

waited patiently as she bounced and finally Neville broke and swung at

Daphne with a right hook. Daphne swiftly moved and sent Neville to the

side using his momentum. Neville was able to stop himself with a jerk

but Daphne struck out with a kick to the back of Neville's knee. She went

to finish him with another kick but Neville blocked it and flipped Daphne

onto her back. Neville got to his feet but Daphne swiped his feet out from

underneath him sending him down to the mat again his head striking the

floor with thud. Daphne quickly sprung to her feet and Severus ended the

fight as Neville cradled his head.

Severus looked around and rolled his eyes. Draco had a broken wrist,

Blaise was favoring his left ankle, and Theo had a dislocated shoulder. "If

you had been fighting Bellatrix you'd all be insane or dead," Severus bit

out. "Just because you opponent is a women does not mean you take it

easy on them."

Neville didn't even bother trying to defend himself or become angry at

the mention of Bellatrix, he was still seeing two Daphne's helping him

stand. Draco looked peeved that Tracey had beaten him as did Blaise but

Theo looked affronted by Severus's words.

"Hey I'm a Slytherin of course I tried," Theo replied and then grinned,

"Gin just kicked my arse. I think I'll hide behind her in the fight." He

wrapped his good arm around Ginny who smirked proudly.

"Thanks for the vote of confidence but I think I'll just use you as a

distraction," Ginny replied.

"Yes well you can all heal the muggle way," Severus said. He set Theo's

shoulder first causing the smirking boy to lose groan in pain. He set

Draco's wrist and conjured a splint for his wrist. He checked Blaise's

ankle and found it sprained so he wrapped it for him. Then he cast a

diagnostic on Neville who had a concussion. Severus summoned a pill

bottle and ice bags. He gave two aspirin and an ice bag to each of them.

"Hermione and Susan you're up and let's see Ginny and Astoria pair up."

They sparred for the rest of the afternoon stopping for dinner. They were

joined by Sirius, Amelia, Belladonna, Elizabeth Granger, and Viktor


"Viktor!" Hermione gave a very un-Hermione-ish squeal as she took in the

sight of her boyfriend.

Viktor picked her up and spun her before laying a kiss on her that had

most of the men growling. They all proceeded to slapped up side the back

of their heads by their respective girlfriends or in Blaise's case by Tracey

and Susan, they felt he could do with two. Harry though got poked in the

ribs by Daphne who muttered, "Over protective gits."

"What are you doing here?"

"My vacation start two days ago for a month," Hermione nodded showing

she remembered, "Vell tatko got tired of Fedor and my moping. Ve're

spending it here not at Anterwerp."

"Viktor's family usually spend his vacation together since the season's so

busy," Hermione explained to the others.

"Fedor is vith Tons," Viktor said causing Sirius to smirk.

Amelia smacked, "Don't even think about it," She said as she came in

from feeding the triplets. Sirius pouted as the rest snickered. "Let's eat

before Mips' wonderful work gets cold. Nice to see you again Viktor."

Viktor nodded to her as they all took their seats at the table and dug in.

"Hey Victor any tips on Quidditch try-outs," Harry asked as they were

digging into dessert. Viktor looked puzzled as Ginny and Draco groaned.

"We're losing a chaser, beater, and keeper for our house team," Harry


"All seventh years and we have no reserves at Hogwarts," Draco added.

"Start early," Viktor replied. "Vocus on your keeper. You already haf two

chasers that vork vell together so fitting another in von't be too hard. If

you can get a good keeper and a decent beater you should retain your top

spot." As he finished speaking Ginny, Draco, and Harry started shooting

the names of Slytherins across the table with input from Sirius, Xavier,

Blaise, Theo, Daphne and Astoria. The Quidditch talk quickly spiraled

into chaos as it was prone to do with Harpy fans, Falcon fans, and

Puddlemere fans all at the same time.

Amelia let out a sharp whistle, "Enough! You will behave civilly and not

swear around my babies or you can take it outside." Amelia, Evelyn,

Tracey, Susan, and Hermione watched incredulously as the majority of

table got up and walked outside loudly 'debating' the English and Ireland

Quidditch league. Viktor watched not sure which was more amusing the

quidditch debate or the look on the faces of the group still sitting.

"What are you smirking at?" Hermione asked her boyfriend with an

arched eyebrow.

Viktor just shook his head laughing, "Bulgaria vould own all there," he

paused as Amelia gave him a look, "butts." Hermione sighed and shared

an eye roll with Tracey and Susan. Viktor stood and moved to Hermione's

side holding out his hand and with a bow asked, "Vould you like to go


Hermione giggled a bit and stood with a curtsey, "Why yes I would good


Susan and Tracey shared a look before Susan called out to the pair

walking out the door, "I thought you hated flying?"

"Not with Viktor!" Hermione called back with a grin.

Tracey sighed and Susan muttered to herself, "I need a boyfriend."

This time Evelyn, Amelia, and Elizabeth shared a look before Amelia said

to Susan, "Don't rush. It will happen eventually."

Evelyn looked to Tracey and added sympathetically, "I'm sure Blaise will

get his head out of his arse soon and if he doesn't Belladonna will." With

that Evelyn, Elizabeth, and Amelia left the room laughing to themselves

at the two girls' looks. The girls shook off their stupor and joined the

three in the family room with the triplets.


We at the Daily Prophet can now confirm what the rumors have been saying,

Harry Potter, the Boy-Who-Lived, wounded the Dark Lord Riddle during

battle. That's right ladies and gents the Dark Lord bleeds red just like the rest

of us. Minister Rufus Scrimegour confirmed for us several facts about the

skirmish that took place at Diagon Alley on June 30th.

First he confirmed that the Dark Lord Riddle did indeed attack Gringotts

without provocation with a troop of fifty or so Death Eaters. The attack came

after being alerted that Lord Potter and his Godfather were in the bank

conducting business. The Dark Lord then provoked the Goblins by immediately

killing the two goblin guards outside of the bank upon his arrival. The bank

immediately went into lockdown protecting not only the bank but the

customers also.

Second he confirmed that a Goblin brigade led by War-Master Balrog and

none other than Goblin leader and Bank Manager Ragnok confronted the

Dark Lord. By Ragnok and Balrog's side were Lord Sirius Black and Lord

Hadrian Potter.

Third Minister Scrimegour confirmed the reports that Lord Potter entered the

frey after Dark Lord Riddle threw a killing curse at Ragnok. Lord Potter

shielded the Goblin leader before running into the fight followed by Lord

Black. The Goblins and the two Lords were able to cut down thirty four Death

Eaters and incapacitate five. (Needless to say the Goblins fight to kill and

win). Lord Potter entered a duel with Dark Lord Riddle. Duel last only minutes

but ended with Lord Potter landing a vicious head-butt to Riddle and then

banishing him through a wall leaving Riddle to stumble back up slowly only to

port-key out as aurors swarmed the scene. His remaining staggering Death

Eaters fleeing along with their master as not to be caught.

Minister Scrimegour had this to say, "Tom Riddle is nothing more than a

common terrorist who can and will bleed just like the rest of us. If you need

any further proof go look at the blood pooled in Twilfitt & Tatting's." The

Minister was rather gleeful as the five captured Death Eaters are eager to talk

if it means they will not be kissed or returned to their master. The willingness

of Death Eaters to break their silence suggests Riddle is losing his power over

them and that this war could very well winding down.

Harry put down his copy of the Daily Prophet with a resigned sigh, "They

didn't mention I needed a trip to St. Mungo's or that ten goblins died and

fifteen were injured." He was sitting on the balcony to their master suite

enjoying a slow start to a lazy summer day.

Daphne moved over to him and sat on his lap pulling him to her, "You

give the mass of sheep hope," her voice dipped sarcastically at sheep

causing Harry to chuckle. "And be happy that's the first article I've ever

read that mentions the Goblins in a good light." Harry blew out a long

breath and pulled Daphne tighter into his chest. She nuzzled into Harry's

bare chest as Harry ran his hand over her arm lightly.

"Do you want to go on a date tonight?" Harry asked as one of the triplets

let loose a wail.

Daphne smiled up at him and wrapped her arms around his neck pulling

him down to meet her lips. Daphne lips came in contact with his own as

she kissed him slowly before tracing his lips with her tongue. He parted

his mouth allowing her entrance as their tongues dueled. She slowly

pulled back before smiling as Harry tried to follow her lips. She laid

another gentle kiss on his lips before pulling back farther, "I would love


"Great we'll take Sirius's bike and go in to town. Dinner and a movie?"

Harry said with a lopsided grin.

"Sounds good," Daphne said as an alarm sounded in their room.

"Duty calls," Harry said with a chuckle at Daphne's pout. He stood

carrying Daphne in his arms and into their room. He lightly placed kisses

on her face and neck as he walked them to their bed. He pulled back with

a smirk and then let go causing Daphne to squeal as she dropped down

on to their bed.

"Prat," Daphne laughed as Harry continued to smirk while pulling on a t-

shirt. "What does Severus have you brewing anyway?"

"Amortentia," Harry said with grin.

"Really?" Daphne said surprised at Severus's use of a love potion.

"It's been very tricky to brew, lots of steps and quirks to the ingredients."

Harry said with a nod of understanding at Daphne's surprise.

"What are we going to do with it?" Daphne asked more to herself but still

out loud.

"Use Scooby's hair and then dose Sirius," Harry smirked as he walked out

of the room leaving Daphne collapsing in giggles on the bed.

Harry kicked started Sirius's Indian and grinned as the motor came to life

beneath him. He loved riding Sirius's bike, it reminded him of the

freedom of his broom. He was dressed in a pair of faded black jeans, his

dragon hide boots, a muscle shirt underneath a red button up, and his

leather jacket gifted to him by Sirius.

"You ready to go?" Harry called above the motor's roar before he looked

up and his draw dropped. Daphne stood in front of him in a pair of that

looked poured on her, high heeled dragon hide boots, a scoop neck tight

navy blue shirt with her own leather jacket. Around her neck was one of

the various pieces of jewelry Harry had given her, this necklace was a

sapphire heart pendant on a white gold chain. Daphne smirked and made

her way over to the bike taking her place behind him. She placed a kiss

on the back of Harry's neck causing him to shiver as he pulled the bike

out of the garage and started the ten mile drive to the nearest town with

a theater.

Harry pulled the bike into a parking spot outside a small mom and pop

style restaurant in Wiltshire. Harry and Daphne drew the eye of more

than a few towns' people between the bike and their general

attractiveness. More than one older couple smiled as they looked at the

young couple easily spotting the love between the two as Harry held

open the door to the restaurant.

"Ello Dearies seat yourself. I'll be with you in few," An older woman

called out to them as they walked in. They smiled in return and moved to

a secluded both for two. "What can I get you to drink?"

"I'll take a coke," Harry answered and then looked to Daphne.

"Lemonade, please," Daphne replied with a smile.

"Be back in jiffy." Their server left with their orders.

"Have you thought any about Headmaster Flitwick's request about what

to do instead of Hogsmeade weekends?" Daphne asked as she looked over

the menu.

"Well I know in muggle schools they usually hold dances for each

season," Harry said with a shrug.


"Yeah, some of the older students would talk about them. Usually I think

at least one was formal like the Yule Ball was and then the others were

semi-formal and more laid back."

"That could be interesting." She returned with their drinks and took their

order. Sheppard's pie for Harry and fish and chips for Daphne. "We

should try and do something to get the younger years involved in."

"Well I know Tracey will probably throw a fit but for Halloween we could

suggest dressing up?" Harry said with a weary look envisioning Tracey's

lecture that would come from celebrating a traditional wizarding holiday

even more muggle than usual.

"Actually I think that would work especially with Aunt Addi teaching.

She'd be more than willing to lecture on Samhain. Which would placate

all the purebloods and any pureblood parental complaints," Daphne said

with a nod. They finished dinner with light talk about Severus starting

Harry's apprenticeship and his potions so far, which included brewing

veritaserum, dragon's breath, and mandrake restorative. He was also

researching effects the lunar cycle, eclipses, and star and planetary

alignments had on ingredients. Daphne had been spending free time at

her family's greenhouses helping her father out. They finished their meal

at the restaurant and walked across the street to the movie theater.

"So action, comedy, or another comedy?" Harry asked as they looked at

the times.

"Oh! Let's do Independence Day," Daphne said, "I wanna see the effects."

Daphne was bouncing in place with Harry's arm around her shoulders.

Harry chuckled, since watching Star Wars Daphne had been on a special

effects kick whenever movies were chose.

"Alright then," Harry said and walked up to the ticket booth where a

young male was working. Said male was currently eyeing Daphne like a

Ron Weasley eyes food.

Harry stood up to his full height and growled out, "Two for Independence

Day." He may or may not have shifted his teeth to that of Bay as he

growled at the teen. The skinny kid behind the counter shivered at the

tone and almost ripped the ticket in half in his haste to hand it over to

Harry. Harry grabbed them and led Daphne away from the counter

giving the other teen a glare.

Daphne smacked Harry in the stomach, "Behave and did you really have

to transform your teeth?"

Harry had a decidedly Slytherin grin as he spoke, "Yes, yes I did. Would

you like popcorn?"

Daphne rolled her eyes but smiled letting him no he wasn't really in

trouble, "Milk Duds."

"Yes ma'am," Harry said getting her candy before leading them to the

theater. Daphne set amazed through the film as she watched the film. She

actually jumped into Harry's lap as the alien popped out of the head of

the other one, not that Harry minded at all.

"That was awesome," Daphne said exhuberently as she and Harry walked

to the bike.

"I'm glad you liked it," Harry said pulling her close. They were at the bike

now and Harry pulled Daphne in for a kiss that left her knees week. She

braced herslef against the bike as Harry ran his nose along her neck,

"Let's go home." He wishpered quietly into her ear before nipping her

neck and pulling away. Daphne made a small whining noise as he did so.

Harry started the bike and Daphne hopped on behind him and ran her

hands underneath his shirts and onto his chest. She rested her chin on his

shoulder wrapped closely around Harry as he sped down the roads to the


Harry pulled into the garage and parked the bike with ease as Daphne

started to kiss his neck. Harry sung off the bike and pulled Daphne up

and into his arms bridal style. He bent his face down to hers and

captured her lips in a searing kiss before apparating them to their suite.

Harry set her down as they appeared in front of their bed. Harry took her

face in his heads and once again claimed her lips this time slipping his

tongue into her mouth. Daphne shrugged off her jacket before Harry

moved his hands down her back. She stripped him of his jacket and shirt

at once before Harry lifted her shirt off. Harry slowly ran his down

Daphne's back caressing her skin making her moan into the kiss as he

stripped her of her bra. Daphne allowed them to part long enough for

Harry to take his muscle shirt off before pulling him back to her. Harry

moved his lips down from her mouth to her neck leaving a fire trail on

Daphne's skin. He slowly walked her back to their bed while amusing

himself with the sensitve skin of her throat while his hands worked their

own magic on her breast. Daphne's legs hit the edge of the back and she

gladley fell back on to as Harry continued his work.

Harry pulled back from their embrace so he stood between her legs

haging off the edge of the bed. He grinned as he watched her pant and

gasp for breath before he brought his lips down to her skin once more.

This time nipping lightly above her heart before moving his lips to

encircle her left nipple. Daphne whimpered in pleasure as he licked

around her nipple before bitting gently while his hands worked her right

breast. He switched after a few mintues trailing his kiss over to her right

breast. Daphne bucked her hips up into him and he grinned into her skin

before moving his kisses down her toned stomach. He let his tongue

lightly play with her belly-button tickling her before moving lower to

trace her hip bones with first his nose and then his lips as he undid her

jeans. Harry slowly worked her jeans off her much to her frustration as

she tried move against him. He grinned trapping her legs in a way so he

could control her disrobing. Free of both her boots and jeans Harry stood

and simply gazed at his wife's body. She was clothed in only a black

thong that made his already hardening cock stand firm against his jeans.

Before she could say anything Harry picked up her right ankle and slowly

kissed his way up her leg. He stopped at her inner thigh to tease the skin

there before he finally removed her thong. He traced the same path down

her left leg as he slid the undergarmet off her. Now fully divest of her

clothing he leaned down to pull her into a passionate kiss that had

Daphne bucking against his jean clad hips. His hands remaind active as

they kissed teasing around her clit never fulling entering her.

"Har-," She started a whimpering moan as she pulled only millimeters

away from his lips only to end his name in a shout, "-REY," as he

forcefully entered two fingers into her. She arched into him pressing her

chest against his this time gaining a groan from him as her nipples

rubbed against his chest. Harry continued to finger Daphne pulling his

fingers in and out slowly a few times before givnig them a sharp thrust.

Daphne was arched against him in back bend that seemed to defy

gravitey as he worked to her climax only for him to completely pull his

fingers from her just as hse was about to hit her peak. "Oh goodd, don't

stop," She moaned as into his ear as she pulled him to her roughly.

Harry's reply was to untangle her fingers from his hair and move so he

could now taste his wife. He grinned up at Daphne who was panting and

wild-eyed from being denied her climax. He gave one slow, long, lick of

her pussy using the flat of his tongue making Daphne spasm against him.

He moved his hands so he could hold her hips as he immeidately after

the lick thrust his tongue into her. "OOHHH!" Harry smirked into her as

she moaned and tried not to buck into his face. He could tell she was

quickly comming close again as her hands threaded into his hair once

more. She gave sharp little tugs every time he nipped at her clit. As she

came closer Harry switched to speaking parseltongue against her pussy

causing Daphne to give a forceful tug at his hair and buck her hips into

his face uncontroalbly as she climaxed from the stimulation. Harry

slowed his speaking but kept it up as she climaxed and slowly came


Daphne was breathing heavily from her climax as she used her grip on

him to pull him up her body. His jeans rubbed against her sensitive cunt

causing her to buck lightly into him and Harry to groan. "You have too

many clothes on," She whispered heavily as he leveled with her. She

claimed his lips with her own growing at the taste of herslef on them as

herhands moved down to undo the button of his jeans and zipper. She

pushed his jeans and boxers down his body has far as she could freeing

his erection. Harry kicked his clothes off the rest of the way as Daphne's

small, warm, smooth hands grasped him. Harry jerked in her hands as

she started to pump him while still forecfully kissing him. Daphne guided

him to her dripping entrance but Harry moved her hands off his member

and brought them above her head where he clasped them together with

one of his own. His lopsided grin was in full force as he slowly teased her

entrance with the head of his dick. He claimed her lips again forcing his

tongue into her mouth and dominating hers before moving to nip behind

her ear. She bucked into him but Harry held his hips back to prevent him

from entering her.

"Harry," Daphne panted before mewing as his tip brushed her entrance

once more, "Har-ry." He looked up from her neck still allowing his tongue

to trace patterns on her skin. She looked into his eyes and asked, "What,"

she paused for breath, "did you say-OH! Into me," she managed to get her

question out through gasps as he continued teasing her entering her little

before pulling out quickly.

Harry smirked and moved so his mouth was sright next to her ear while

his cock just dipped into her folds, "I said I'm going to fuck you so hard

you won't be able to walk." With that he entered her completley

bottoming out into her pussy.

"HHHAARRRYYY!" Daphne let out wild scream as Harry thrust into her

roughly and deeply triggering another orgasim as she arched into him.

He remain in her pussy as she clenched around him after his entrance

while whispering all his previous words in parsletongue to her,

prolonging her orgasim. As she showed signs of cathing her breath Harry

started moving insider her. He pistoned his hips in and out of her

dripping sensitve cunt causing Daphne to mew inchoerently as he used

her for his own pleasure this time. She was chanting his name over and

over as she met his thrust with her own arching into him. She moved to

claim his lips once more as he fucked her before moving them to where

his neck met his collarbone. He thrust were becoming jerky as he neared

his climaxed and her own built up once more. He started rutting against

her harder the sound of skin slapping together filling the room and she

bit down on the junction his neck and collar bone.

"DAPHNE!" Harry shouted into her neck as the bite hit him triggering his

own powerfull oragasm. She felt his cock jerk in her and spurting his

seed into her and she arched into him with her own final orgasim. Harry

slowed his hips and stayed sheathed in her as his cock emptied and their

jucies mingled together he languidly kissed her as their orgasims

finished. They were both breathing heavily sharing small tired kisses as

they came down from their high. Harry rolled off Daphne and onto his

back wrapping Daphne into his chest. Daphne kissed his chest once

before quickly slipping into an exhausted sleep Harry following right



Sorry for th ewait but classes have been hectic. Lots and lots of

papers so far this semester so not a lot of time for writing. Hope you

enjoyed and thanks for your lovely reviews they really give me that

extra push to write when I have time.



46. Sweet Sixteen

Harry dressed in dark jeans and a Slytherin green button-up dress shirt

with sliver threading that shown depending on how the light hit it, a gift

from Daphne. Along with his dragon hide boots he had a matching

dragon hide strap for his once again grown out hair. Daphne came in the

room dressed in a silver and blue sun dress.

"Harry can you?" Daphne asked holding up a heart shaped necklace.

Harry smiled and came over taking the necklace while she swept her hair

up. Harry fastened the necklace and pressed a kiss to her neck. Daphne

shivered in delight at the kiss and let her hair fall back down.

Today Madam Longbottom was hosting another joint party for Harry and

Neville's birthdays. It was functioning not only as their party but a safe

gathering for all of Madam Longbottom's associates and friends. Everyone

from the New Marauders, the Slytherin Quidditch team, to the Hogwarts

Professors, the Hammers, and other Ministry officials hence the reason

for the dressier clothes.

"You ready?" Harry asked as Daphne strapped her heels on.

"Yep," She took his out stretched hand and they walked down the halls of

Potter Manor. "Why do you think we haven't gotten our O.W.L.'s yet?" All

the other New Marauders minus Susan had received their results so far.

"Sirius and I looked into the wards more closely. Apparently my

grandfather added a mail ward to the ward scheme towards the end of

the last war. Only owls from people on the ward list or Gringotts are

allowed through. Headmaster Flitwick said he would bring them today."

Daphne nodded and they came to stop with the rest of the family waiting

at the floo. Amelia, Sirius, and Susan each held one of the triplets, Lyra's

hair matching Susan's green dress.

"She's gonna be a Slytherin," Harry said in a sing-song voice to which

Sirius stuck his tongue out at him. Lyra had been on a green kick lately,

her hair and eyes taking on various shades of the color. RJ copied his

father and stuck his tongue out blowing a raspberry causing Amelia to

lightly smack Sirius.

"Behave. Everyone ready?" They nodded and proceeded through the floo,

Harry and Daphne first followed by the others. Amelia, Sirius, and the

triplets were only staying for a couple hours before returning to the

manor. The party was in full swing when they arrived people were

milling about drinking and eating from party trays carried by little elves.

The teenagers and other youngsters were either talking in groups or

playing cornhole which surprised Harry until he saw Hermione showing

them how to play.

"Harry, Daph, Sue, over here," Hannah called out to them from the

cornhole area. Hermione had set up four sets of the cornhole boards set

up each set in house colors.

"Hey guys," they greeted them when they walked over. "Cornhole?" Harry

asked Hermione.

"It seemed like a good idea," Hermione said with a shrug. "Blaise is

setting up a booci ball game with the twins, the chasers, and Marcus and

Aaron," Hermione said pointing to a small ways out where Blaise, his

mother, and Severus were showing the others how to play.

"You guys pick your classes yet?" Harry asked his group of friends.

"Yeah I'm sticking with the cores except potions and history but keeping

Care of Magical Creatures," Neville said with a smile he was going for a

Herbology Mastery.

"I'm dropping Arithmancy, Ancient Runes and astronomy," Tracey

replied. "I already learned what I need for taking over my dad's store

from Arithmancy so I don't need to continue taking it."

"So you decided then?" Daphne asked her best friend since diapers who

had been having trouble deciding exactly what she wanted to do. As an

only child Tracey was torn between simply taking over the store or

following her dream and attaining a history mastery from the Roman

Magical University in Rome. Luckily Marius easily made the decision by

claiming he wasn't going to retire until at least seventy leaving Tracey

free to attend RMU if she so chose to.

"I can still get my mastery and take over the family store," Tracey said

with a smile towards her parents who were talking with Sirius and

Amelia and the Greengrasses. "Besides I really do enjoy finding out the

background of the inventory we get."

"I'm going for a catch all," Hermione said as she expertly tossed a bean

bag into one of the opposite holes. "I haven't decided and Lord Hammer

dropped a hint that when he looked for researchers he typically wants

them well-rounded."

"Unspeakable Granger," Neville said with a slight tremble to his voice

that perfectly matched the way most in the Ministry addressed

Unspeakables. He smirked when Hermione rolled her eyes at the tone, "It

has a nice ring to it."

"Score!" Cat Rowle yelled as her toss landed in top hole, "Were O.W.L.'s

really that bad?"

"No, just keep up with your work," Harry said as he tossed one towards

the board Cat, Draco, and Ginny were standing behind. "Finally," he

muttered to himself as it sailed through a hole, causing Daphne and

Tracey to giggle.

Draco then easily scored on his throw making Harry, Tracey, and Daphne

groan they were now down five to two. Draco smirked, "This is a game

for chasers," as Daphne's toss landed with a thud on the board and then

Ginny scored one. "I talked with mother and Remus plus RipTooth about

the Malfoy family investments and businesses. RipTooth was a bit

shocked I even wanted his opinion apparently Lucius only showed up

when investments took a down turn," Draco snorted. "I'm dropping

herbology, astronomy, care of magical creatures, and history of magic. I

need to focus more on arithmancy and DADA if I'm going to more

involved then Lucius ever was with the family investments. Remus

suggested taking some classes in the muggle world when I finish

Hogwarts, RipTooth agreed. Apparently they have a lot more classes

focused solely on running businesses."

Ginny started snickering at that which caused the others to look at her,

"Oh come on poor ol' Lucius must be rolling in his grave," She explained

causing the others to laugh and Draco's smirk to widen considerably.

"That's just a bonus," Draco quipped. Astoria who was teamed with

Malcolm Baddock and Padma Patil against Parvati, Gram, and Theo was

shaking her head and grinning at her boyfriend's answer.

"I'm going for the healer track so I'm dropping history, astronomy,

transfiguration, and care of magical creatures. Madam Pomfrey and my

aunt both said I should keep arithmancy that it could come in handy

when dealing with injuries from new spells," Hannah said from her spot

next to Neville and Susan who were playing against Tonks, Fedor, and


"Your aunt?" Fedor asked from his place his accent more reduced than his

brother's having been in England for a year and dating Tonks.

"My aunt is Healer MacMillan at St. Mungos." Hannah explained to Fedor

causing Tonks to smile at the name.

"Healer MacMillan's the one who treated my blood poisoning from some

rusty old knife a perp got me with." Tonks said with a bit of a wince at

the memory.

"She specializes with treating muggle illnesses and converting muggle

treatments to magical ones," Hannah said proudly.

"MacMillan?" Harry asked referring to Ernie who had just joined the

bocci ball players.

"She married Ernie's second cousin," she said as she sunk a bean bag

against Hermione, Tonks, and Fedor.

"Hey guys sorry were late," Bill called as Fleur and he walked up. "Happy

birthday Neville, Harry," Bill said giving each teen a clap on the back.

Fleur bussed both their cheeks giving her own greeting, "'Appy Birthday

'Arry, Neville." As she kissed Harry's cheek last Ginny who had been

watching the pair intently gave off a high pitched squeal as her eyes

narrowed in on Fleur's hand braced on Harry's shoulder. Instantly Fleur

smiled widely and all the girls in the vicinity searched for what made

Ginny fly at Fleur in a hug. It took only seconds for them to find the

glinting engagement ring on Fleur's left hand. The girls each pulled Fleur

into a hug and gave her congratulations, Tonks the longest having found

a kindred spirit in Fleur.

"Congrats Bill," Harry said with a smile and one armed hug when the

boys finally caught on.

"Well I couldn't leave you as the only married one," Bill replied with a

laugh. He lightly punched Fedor on the shoulder and nodded his head

towards where Tonks was laughing with Fleur but longingly looking at

the engagement ring. Fedor watched Tonks and Fleur chatting about the

ring and proposal with the others and winked at Tonks when she looked

up at him.

He turned back to Bill, "I think I might need the name of your jeweler."

"What's all the noise about over here," Xavier called from a little ways

away where he and Evelyn were chatting with Madam Longbottom, the

Hammers, and the Abbotts.

Bill looked to Harry and Neville for permission to share the news as it

was their party, both eagerly nodded happily enjoying the thought that

the spotlight would shift to someone else. Bill laughed a bit guessing

their thoughts, "We're engaged!" He called back to Xavier.

Congratulations and Champaign was called for from Madam Longbottom,

who had heard nothing but good things about the pair of curse-breakers

from her grandson.

The party continued on with birthday wishes for the two boys while Bill

and Fleur were congratulated on their engagement. Harry and Daphne

spent time split between their friends and some of the adults at the party

who were all eager to talk to Harry about his battle with the Dark Lord

some even thanked him. For Harry it was rather frustrating, all he

wanted to do today was not talk about the Voldemort. Daphne was able

to spot his mounting frustration and pulled him into the relatively empty

solarium of Longbottom Manor.

She pulled him into a hug running her hands up his back soothingly,

"Relax babe," she whispered into his ear as he buried his head in her

neck. Harry kept his head in her neck breathing in her scent to calm

himself. "Their happy you can fight him and want to show it," Daphne

said softly.

Harry pulled back but kept Daphne in his arms, "I don't want to think

about him today."

"How about if you continue to graciously accept their thanks I promise

that tomorrow your actual birthday will be Dark Lord free? We'll do

whatever you want aside from the family dinner Amelia and mum have

planned." Daphne said giving him a quick kiss as there were people

taking quietly in the solarium.

Harry smiled down at his wife and nodded, "Thanks," he spoke quietly as

he pressed his lips against hers once more before pulling away and

simply walking hand in hand as Daphne explained some of the plants in

the room.

"Ah there you are," They were interrupted by Headmaster Flitwick. "I'm

getting ready to leave and wanted to give you your results and present. I

all ready gave Susan hers." Flitwick said in his usual jovial tone. Both

Daphne and Harry smiled at the small Headmaster and took the proffered

envelopes from him. Flitwick pulled out a book from his robes and

enlarged it, "This is for you," he said handing it to Harry.

Harry took the book reading over the title, Charms for the Dueling Masters

by Eli Hezrah. "Thank you, sir," Harry said looking at the book with

interest bright in his eyes.

"You're very welcome; I used charms from this book in many of my

championship duels over the years." Flitwick said with a smile which

then turned rather wane. "I know this probably isn't the most appropriate

venue to bring up Riddle but I wanted to thank you as the goblins have

agreed to station a goblin brigade at Hogwarts and one at Hogsmeade.

While we still will not be having Hogsmeade weekends this will greatly

improve security and make Riddle think twice about attacking either

place." Harry simply nodded in response and gave a slight smile. "I will

see you back at school."

"Well that should make teaching goblin rebellions interesting," Daphne

whispered making Harry chuckle.

"Hey guys," Hermione said from the entrance of the solarium getting

everyone's attention, "It's time for cake."

Harry woke up the next day gasping for breath. Daphne was currently

under the covers treating Harry the best wakeup call he had ever gotten.

Harry tossed the covers off to reveal Daphne deep throating him. Daphne

hummed around him as he hit the back of her throat causing Harry to

groan and thread his hand in Daphne's hair. Daphne slowly pulled back

running her tongue along his length before bobbing up and down again.

Harry was trying not to thrust into Daphne's mouth at the feelings she

was evoking from him.

"Ugh! Daph!" He lost it and came in her mouth as she deep throated him

again while bring her hand up to give his balls a squeeze. Daphne

swallowed all it as she slowly brought him down from his high.

She released him and smiled up at him with a wicked gleam in her eyes,

"Happy Birthday Harry." Harry pulled her to him and devoured her lips in

a searing kiss. They cuddled in bed for an hour exchanging kisses before

a knock at their door sounded.

"Um guys I know its Harry's birthday and all but Auntie just got called in

and wants to give you her and Sirius's gift before she leaves," Susan


"Alright Sue, we'll be down in a few," Harry called back. "Well I guess we

should get dressed," Harry pouted.

"Come on," Daphne said getting out the bed still naked causing Harry's

eyes to wander as she walked to their closet. She turned when she didn't

hear him moving behind her. His eyes were zeroed in on her arse until

she turned around then moved to her breast. Daphne rolled her eyes and

walked back to the bed. She placed her hand under her husband's chin

and tilted his head up so his eyes were now on hers. "Focus. We can

finish this tonight after dinner. Now get dressed." She turned around and

started walking back to the closet only to hear Harry growl lightly and

jump from the bed. He pulled her from behind into his arms and nipped

at her neck.

"You're a shameless tease," he whispered and nipped her neck again

before walking ahead of her.

Daphne blew out a breath she had been holding while wrapped in Harry's

arm, "and I'm the tease," she muttered with a sigh, and joined Harry

getting dressed which was much slower process than usual. They finally

got downstairs about five minutes later and were met with tight smiles

from Amelia and Sirius, Susan though still wasn't told why Amelia had

been called in.

"What happened?" Harry asked seeing their tight smiles.

"I'll inform you tomorrow we're still gathering information anyways,"

Amelia said in a way that left no room for argument. "You are going to

enjoy your birthday and I'll be back for your dinner tonight."

"Now come on we have your gift waiting," Sirius said with a grin. They

were led out to the garage where next to Sirius's bike was something

covered with a tarp. Susan, Amelia, and Sirius were grinning along with

Daphne. "It's not much of a wrapping but it's more fitting then a bow," He

said and with a flourish pulled the tarp off a gleaming motorcycle. A

Kawasaki Ninja zx6r sport bike was unveiled in a dark green almost black

paint with silver trim. Harry's jaw dropped at the sight of the bike that

was released just last year.

"It'll go zero to 97km in about three seconds on par with your firebolt,"

Amelia added and Harry's smile grew.

"Thank you," Harry smiled happily and grabbed Amelia and Sirius in a


"You're welcome pup," Sirius said with a smile.

Amelia gave him a kiss on the cheek, "Your welcome, now I need to go.

Have fun and wear a helmet." She laughed to go back into the house with

Sirius following giving Harry a wink.

"I wanna ride after you take Daphne out," Susan said giving Harry a hug.

"Sure thing Sue," Harry said returning the hug. "Ready?" He turned to

Daphne who already put her helmet on.

"You know it," Daphne said with a grin.

Harry strapped on his own helmet and started the bike up loving the purr

of the engine already. "Hang on," He said over the motor to Daphne

before gunning the engine and taking off down the driveway. They came

back about an hour later and Harry took Susan out on the country roads

around the manor.

For the rest of the day Harry and Daphne and sometimes Susan just lazed

around watching movies. A rather odd selection of movies Hackers, the

Lion King, and Frankenstein, but it was Harry's Birthday so he chose.

"Is it just me or did that actress look like Bellatrix?" Susan asked after

Frankenstein ended.

"She looked like Bellatrix," Harry and Daphne said at the same time.

They all shared a look, "Let's not show that to Neville." Susan said as the

video ejected and she placed it back on the shelf.

"Works for me," Harry agreed as he leaned down to pet to Scooby who

was sprawled across the front of the loveseat he and Daphne sat on.

"Hey guys," Astoria said poking her head into the game room, "time to

eat." Scooby was the first up and bounded out the door knocking the

smaller Astoria down. She landed on her but with an oof, "Scooby!" She

yelled after the Great Dane that was bounding towards the kitchen. The

three older teens laughed quietly until Astoria fixed them with a glare.

"Anyone plan on helping me up?" Harry extended a hand to Astoria who

took it getting hoisted off the ground. "Arses," Astoria muttered when she

noticed they were still smirking.

They arrived at the family dining room to see Sirius helping Amelia into

her seat; she looked exhausted but kept a smile on her face as Harry

entered. Evelyn and Xavier were their also taking their seats. On the table

were his favorites and he helped Daphne into her seat and then Astoria.

They sat down to eat with little conversation as they dug into the

scrumptious meal provided by Mips.

Finally about halfway through the meal Evelyn broke the silence, "So you

three didn't tell us how your O.W.L.'s went? Headmaster Flitwick gave

them to you last night right?"

"Yes we just didn't have time with the party going on," Daphne answered.

Evelyn, Xavier, Amelia, Sirius, Astoria, and Susan all looked to Harry as

she said that.

Harry faked innocence at their look and with a raised eyebrow asked,

"What?" Daphne rolled her eyes and lightly poked him in the ribs. "Oh

right my Potions N.E.W.T. I got an 'O'," Harry said nonchalantly before

grinning as shouts of congratulations were heard around the table.

Xavier held up his goblet, "A toast to our potions prodigy and future

youngest ever potions master," his toast was met by the others with a

cheer. Harry blushed but nodded his thanks at the praise.

"So how did the rest of your test go?" Amelia asked with a proud smile on

her face.

"I got O's on charms, transfiguration, herbology, DADA, and care of

magical creatures. And Exceeds Expectations on astronomy, arithmancy,

and history." Harry said counting the classes off on his fingers so he got

them all.

"Nine in all with a N.E.W.T. Lily and James would be thrilled," Sirius said

with a wide grin. Harry blushed again but had a large smile on his face at

Sirius's words. "What about you Suzie Q," Sirius asked earning a glare

from the Hufflepuff.

"In herbology, charms, DAD, astronomy, ancient runes, transfiguration,

and somehow potions, I got an O while I got exceeds expectations in

history and arithmancy." Susan said with pride in herself.

"That's great!" Amelia beamed at her niece. "Have you decided what

classes you're going to continue?

"I'm not really sure what I want to do yet so I'm going to keep

transfiguration, charms, herbology, potions, ancient runes, and


"A wise decision it will leave your options open. If you keep doing well in

all those you'll be suited to apprentice in those and you'll fit the

requirements for almost every department in the Ministry," Evelyn


"That was the idea I just hope I don't get overloaded since most people

drop at least one of the core courses," Susan said with a bit of trepidation

in her voice.

"You'll do fine," Sirius answered. "Aurors take the main courses and

James took ancient runes and arithmancy too. If he could get through it

with all the pranks and other activities," he wagged his eyebrows at that

causing Amelia to roll her eyes, "you'll do fine."

Amelia nodded her agreement, "I'm amazed some of my aurors got

through those classes at the same time." Her comment got some laughs

from the table.

"Daph?" Xavier prompted his daughter.

"I received O's in potions, herbology, ancient runes, DADA,

transfiguration, charms, and history and then two EE's in Astronomy and

Care of Magical Creatures." Daphne said with a look towards her parents

for approval. Both Xavier and Evelyn grinned proudly at their daughter.

Xavier especially so knowing she very much wanted to take over for him

one day operating the three specialized greenhouses run by the

Greengrass family, he was thrilled to see how she would use ancient

runes in the greenhouses since it had been so long since they had had

runes expert work from them or with them.

Astoria let out a low whistle, "Damn Daph way to set the bar." Her

comment caused the table to crack up while Evelyn looked at Astoria

with an exasperated look.

"Alright how about we give you your present before Astoria gets

grounded," Xavier asked with a smirk towards his youngest who simply

shrugged in response. "It's more sentimental than anything," Xavier said

taking an item out of his pocket and enlarging it. A book was handed

over to Harry. He opened it and was awed to see his mother's

handwriting on most of the pages along with photos of her at Hogwarts.

"I was cleaning out some of my school things and found some letters from

Lily and some pictures. I wrote to some others to see if they could find

any letters or photos. They sent me back some of those in the book

there," Evelyn said quietly as Harry flipped through the pages slowly

letting his eyes take in everything.

Harry cleared his throat before saying a froggy, "Thank you."

The day after Harry's birthday the prophet astonishingly had a front page

article on attacks on muggles or at least that was what Harry thought

until he started reading the article. The article was on the systematic

attack on incoming muggle born students over the last three days. Harry

was still a bit impressed that the prophet managed to have a front page

article on muggleborns. Typically attacks on muggles and muggleborns

warranted small articles and were not on the front page, ever.

"This is why you got called in right?" Harry asked as Amelia joined him

in the kitchen. He tossed the paper across the counter to her. She sat

down with her unfortunately decaf tea and scanned the article.

"Well at least they didn't leak that we have to look in house for the

culprit," Amelia muttered. Harry raised an eyebrow in question as

Daphne walked in sleepily with Susan also rubbing her eyes. Harry pulled

Daphne to him to sit on his lap and she stole sips of caffeinated tea from

his own mug.

Susan inhaled the scent of tea as Mips popped over with a mug and

sighed out, "Caffeine."

"Shut it," Amelia muttered at the comment of caffeine. Susan snickered.

"Back to your question. Somehow a Death Eater got their hands on a list

of the incoming muggle-born students either from Hogwarts or the

Improper Use of Magic Offices. We're investigating the Improper Use of

Magic Offices while leaving Hogwarts to Headmaster Flitwick as he has

more control there anyways. It more than likely leaked from the

Improper Use of Magic Offices. They're responsible for setting up wards

for monitoring magic and also wards for alerting aurors if something

happens at the home to endanger the muggleborn students." Amelia

paused taking a sip of her tea. "Right now everyone in those offices is

going through intensive interrogation with the Unspeakables, Rufus and I

will not tolerate this slip. Since we purged those with the dark mark

we've been relatively free of Death Eater influences this is the first leak to

Death Eaters since I held interim office and Rufus was elected."

"Did any of them choose to you know?" Susan asked quietly trailing off.

Daphne gasped and Harry looked confused.

"Yes," Amelia said sadly, "Three elected to have their magic bound and

obliviated. Four families were killed in the attacks."

"You can bind someone's magic?" Harry asked.

"At age eleven it is still possible to bind someone's core completely;

anytime after is too difficult for a complete bind or to wipe their

memories of magic afterwards." Amelia explained as Sirius walked in the


"They're sleeping!" Sirius said as if he had just won a gold medal. Amelia

snorted into her tea while Harry, Susan, and Daphne openly laughed at

him. "Yeah, yeah, laugh it up just you wait," he muttered.

"Ready to go?" Sirius asked as he greeted Susan, Harry, and Daphne in

the entrance hall of the manor. They were meeting the other New

Marauders at the Leaky Cauldron. Sirius was going to floo over with

them and then return home to Amelia and the triplets. Tonks, Fedor,

Remus, Severus, and Belladonna would be accompanying the group

through the Alley.

"Yep," Susan replied all three teens were dressed in jeans and t-shirts with

their wands strapped to their forearms. Harry also had the sword of

Gryffindor strapped around his waist.

"I'll floo through first then let you know to follow," Sirius said with his

wand out. He flooed through to the Leaky Cauldron and seconds later his

head appeared in the floo. "All clear, come on through." Susan went

through then Harry and Daphne followed.

"Hey guys," They greeted Neville, Hannah, Draco, Astoria, Hermione,

Tracey, Blaise, and Theo.

"Where's Ginny?" Daphne asked looking at Theo.

"She was supposed to be here about five minutes ago," Theo answered

worriedly. Suddenly the floo roared again and Ginny stepped out though

her eyes were red from crying and her hands were clenched in fists.

"Gin!" Theo called to her and moved quickly to her. "What's wrong?" He

said quickly his hands tracing her arms and his eyes searching her face

looking for any injury. Belladonna, Severus, Fedor, Tonks, and Remus

had instantly moved closer to the group of teens with their wands out

ready to head to the floo.

"Its nothing," Ginny said quickly to the group knowing they were

thinking an attack had possibly happened, "I'm just really angry." Ginny

said with gritted teeth. "Apparently Molly," She almost snarled out the

name of her mother, "found out from someone at the party Bill and Fleur

were engaged." After she spoke everyone simultaneously relaxed but also

tensed guessing where the conversation was headed. "She doesn't approve

of Fleur," Ginny said sarcastically then added, "the Howler she sent nearly

shattered a window and sent Fleur into tears." Theo not knowing what

else to do simply pulled his girlfriend into a hug as she slowly calmed


"Shall we continue with the trip," Severus said once he saw Ginny's fists

unclench. "Hadrian and I need to be back by three o'clock." They all

nodded and made their way to the entrance to Daigon Alley.

"We need to go to the apothecary first," Severus announced and lead the

group into the store.

Neville made a face at some of the more interesting ingredients on

display, pickled pixie eyes, "I'm so happy I'm done with this."

Blaise grinned, "Oh yeah no more nasty fumes." They high-fived each

other laughing and dreaming of all the things they wouldn't have to do in


"I assure you my cauldrons and ingredients are just as thankful," Severus

quipped without turning from the man behind the counter who laughed

along with the rest of the group while Blaise and Neville pouted. The

clerk gathered the more dangerous ingredients from behind the desk

while the others picked up what they would need for their upcoming

classes. "And then I'll need these delivered to school per usual," he

handed over a list to the apothecary.

"Upping the ante this year?" The clerk asked looking over some of the

ingredients on the list.

Severus snickered to himself before pulling Harry forward, "Mr. Potter

here passed his potion N.E.W.T and will be apprenticing under me for the

next two years to gain his mastery. He'll be the youngest potion master

beating even myself," Severus said silkily as Harry blushed under the

praise and shifted uncomfortably. The clerk behind the desk stood gob

smacked as he took in the information.

"A Master at seventeen," he managed to stutter out in awe. His gaze of

wonder made Harry even more uncomfortable as he quickly exited the

shop with Daphne and the others. Severus came out smirking a minute

later after having paid for the school supplies. Harry glared at his potions

professor as he came out.

"What was that for?"

"Don't think I forgot about your little quip about an order of Merlin,

Amelia put me up for one," Severus said in a snarky tone.

Belladonna cleared her throat and glared at the two, "Behave or I'll set

the twins on you."

"Yes ma'am," Harry said at the same time Severus replied.

"Of course darling," Severus said with a grimace at the thought of dealing

with Weasley pranks after they just graduated. The group tried not to

snicker at the expression but failed.

"Does anyone need anything for Quidditch?" Belladonna asked. The three

quidditch players responded in the negative. "Then Flourish & Botts is

next. Everyone have their book lists?" They nodded in the positive this

time. The large group was greeted with much fanfare from Mr. Flourish

who didn't even realize Harry was among the group, he was just happy to

have so many customers at once. Hermione who spent the most time in

the shop was guided around by Flourish to the books she needed and

simply wanted. He recognized the girl as one of his best customers and

easily identified that she hadn't decided on a career path yet by the books

she chose.

"If you still haven't made up your mind by the time your seventh year

ends you'll have a position here," Mr. Flourish said as Hermione paid for

her purchases. Hermione beamed at the words and the group groaned

knowing Hermione would likely never leave the store if she had access to

all the books.

"Who needs robes?" Belladonna asked the group once they pulled

Hermione out of Flourish & Botts. Astoria, Ginny, Tracey, Theo, and

Blaise raised their hands. Belladonna rolled her eyes at her son's hand, he

simply wanted new robes.

"I need to go to the stationary shop," Hannah added.

"I need to visit Hephaestus," Harry said.

"Alright, Severus and I will take them to Twilfit & Tattings," Belladonna

spoke nodding to those who needed robes. "Remus why don't you take

them to the stationary shop and Tonks, Fedor go with Harry and whoever

wants to join him."

"His shop's in Knockturn right?" Tonks asked. Harry nodded. "Why don't

you have Aiolos come out?" Aiolos responded rising out of Harry's skin

and slithering down out of his shirt. The large King Cobra then wrapped

herself around Harry's stomach and up over his shoulders. The few other

people out walking out in the Alley gave them a wide berth at the sight

of the snake. Aiolos hissed out a laugh leaving Harry to roll his eyes.

"I'm going to go with Harry and Daph," Draco said giving Astoria a kiss

on the cheek. Astoria nodded. They separated with Remus taking

Hannah, Neville, Susan, and Hermione to the stationary shop and Tonks

and Fedor left with Harry, Daphne, and Draco. Harry led the way to

Hephaestus shop down Knockturn Alley. Despite the lack of people in the

Diagon Alley Knockturn Alley was still thriving as always.

"Can't keep an only semi-legal market down," Draco muttered as they

walked. Tonks snorted while the others chuckled as they entered the

wandcrafter's shop.

"A Hadrian thank you for coming," Hephaestus said coming out into the

main area of the shop where the others were. "I spoke with your Potions

Master and he told me you would be going into the Forbidden Forest

with him for ingredients. I would like you to retrieve these if possible. It

will of course count towards your apprenticeship," Hephaestus spoke

handing over a list to Harry.

"Sure it shouldn't be too hard," Harry said reviewing the list. "I already

know where to look for a few of these."

"Acromantula venom?" Daphne said with a raised eyebrow.

"I use the last of my stock on a recent customer," Hephaestus answered,

"Your gamekeeper kept one as a pet and is aware that I need venom from

time to time."

"Hagrid kept one as a pet!" Draco and Tonks exclaimed at the same time

while Harry and Daphne just shook their heads unsurprised.

"They were part of the tournament," Daphne said with a shrug.

"I thought it was shipped in," Tonks replied a bit shocked.

"I'm really glad I dropped Creatures," Draco said after Hephaestus

shrugged in reply to his and Tonks' exclamation. Draco suddenly smirked

in a decidedly Slytherin way.

"What?" Daphne asked.

"What do you think the chances are that the Weasel kept Creatures,"

Draco's smirk widened.

"That could possibly make a class on acromantulas worth it," Harry said

with a laugh.

"A class on them," Tonks said still a bit shocked. She was one of the more

adventurous students who went into the forest during Hogwarts.

"They eat people," Fedor added wondering about his fellow professor's


"Yes," Hephaestus replied rather unaffected.

"Harry you need to find out how many acromantulas there are in the

forest," Tonks said after a moment.

"Why? I mean I know their dangerous but Hagrid keeps them under

control," Harry answered. Hephaestus look changed to concern at Harry's


"Giants are the only ones who can effectively control of acromantulas,"

Hephaestus said with a groan.

"The giants sided with Riddle in the last war and with Grindelwald

before," Tonks explained before the others asked. "If he gets the giants

again the school could be in serious danger with the acromantulas

already being in the wards. Come on we need to meet with the others

and I need to report to Madam Black and Minister Scrimegour." Fedor

pulled Tonks to his side in a comforting gesture. Hephaestus nodded and

wished them goodbye as they left Aiolos's presence guaranteeing them a

wide berth from even the denizens of Knockturn Alley.

They met up with the others and Tonks excused herself from the group, "I

have to get back to work. I'll see you tomorrow," She gave Fedor a quick

kiss before leaving.

"Acromantulas live in the Forbidden Forest," Harry said as way of


Understanding appeared on Severus's face, "I'll explain later let's get


"Before you leave for Hogwarts tomorrow Minister Scrimegour asked me

to update you on the situation as it stands and what will be going on at

Hogwarts this year," Cadmus spoke from his position of pacing in front of

the couches in Potter Manor's family room. The New Marauders and their

families were gathered in the room watching intently.

"We managed to get a spy in Riddle's Death Eaters about a month before

the attacks on the incoming muggleborns." Cadmus raised his hand to

silence the question Hermione was about to fire off. "As you know we

discovered the leak in the Ministry, Rodger Selwynn from Improper Use

of Magic. Selwynn cut a deal and gave us the names of four high ranking

Death Eaters. After their capture our spy was elevated to a lieutenant

position in the Death Eaters, he didn't know of the muggleborn attacks

until they happened." Cadmus spoke with a frown marring his features,

permanently binding someone's magic never sat well with him but his

department handled the bindings, he wished it could have been

prevented. "The only members of the inner-circle from the first war left

are the Carrow twins, Rabastan LeStrange, Aniton Dolohov, and Justin

Gibbon. According to our spy he is gathering as many forces as he can. It

looks like the final battle will be taking place sooner rather than later,"

Cadmus said with both worry and relief in his voice. "We also asked our

spy to track the snake," he sounded dejected as spoke, "we can all but

confirm that it's a horcrux. Voldemort is unbelievably paranoid about the

snake never leaving it alone and he killed a recruit for flinching and

pointing his wand at the snake. How we're going to kill it I'm not sure."

Silence reigned for a few minutes once Cadmus finished.

"Do you need us to do anything?" Harry asked the others nodding their


"If you can figure out from Hagrid the number of acromantulas in the

forest it would help us decide whether to neutralize them, ship them out,

or even possibly leave them be," Cadmus answered. "Other than that just

be on your guard as some of the Death Eaters children are at the school."

"Are you doing anything about them?" Neville asked referring to the

junior Death Eaters.

"All students and their belongings are going to be thoroughly searched

upon entrance to the castle grounds. Also there will be random checks

during the school year. Anyone caught with an illegal item will be

expelled. Anyone caught with a suspicious item will be questioned and

then a determination will be made. Headmaster Flitwick is not taking any

chances while the war is on." Cadmus smiled, "Aside from that I want you

all to try and enjoy yourself. As of right now we will have warning before

he acts and we know hopefully the last and only remaining horcrux is his

snake." They all teens and adults alike looked more relaxed after Cadmus

spoke. "I wish you all good luck and hopefully I won't see you until

Christmas," Cadmus finished with a grin that they returned knowing he

meant he hoped there wouldn't be another attack. They went to sleep

that night with a feeling of hope running through their veins.

Harry, Daphne, Neville, Hannah, Hermione, and Astoria were gathered in

the prefects' compartment. Astoria was joined by Malcolm Baddock as the

newly appointed fifth year Slytherin prefects. They were surprise to see

Raymond Convington and Joslyn Stone as the seventh year Slytherin

prefects, it should have been Thomas Avery and Artie Varma going by

last year.

Raymond and Joslyn joined them towards one side of the compartment,

"Hello," Joslyn said with a nod to the others.

Raymond quietly added with a smirk, "Avery and Varma have been

stripped of their duties as have Marietta Edgecombe, Nathan Jones, and

Robert Turner."

"Anyone with Death Eater ties than?" Malcolm asked.

"You're here aren't you," Joslyn sarcastically asked but smiled as she

added, "It's anyone with Death Eater ties and who have shown to be

pureblood bias at school." Malcolm nodded.

"Alright gather round guys we have a lot to cover," Katie Bell's voice rose

above the din in the compartment. She was standing next to Joshua

Kurns of Hufflepuff. Kurns was a quiet Hufflepuff known for being

studious and kind, otherwise known as the stereotypical Hufflepuff and

perfect candidate for Head Boy. He was genuine good guy and a


"First up we have rounds as always fifth years will take the first rounds of

the night, then seventh years, and finally the sixth years will take the last

round," Joshua said in a clear voice. "While were here we need to come

up with a list of activities for Katie and I to bring to the staff meeting

tomorrow. The ones to replace Hogsmeade weekends because as you

know Riddle and his minions ruined that for us," Joshua sneered. "Any


"Well we thought about it over break with the others," Daphne started

nodding to her close friends, "and the ball was pretty popular during the

Tri-wizard Tournament. So we were thinking one for Halloween that

could be a costume affair to include the younger years but we could ask

Professor Davis to teach about Samhain to all the years for the magical

side. And then a Yule ball and a spring one."

"That would work and the governors would be happy with the teachings

for Samhain and if we include traditional Yule events," Malcolm

answered, his uncle was one of the governors.

"It's a good idea but what are we gonna do for music?" Tanya Peaks a

fifth year Ravenclaw asked. "We can't exactly hire the Weird Sisters

again. They were paid for by funds for the tournament." As she spoke all

the Slytherins present and Harry's friends turned to him with a raised


"I can charm a sound system but we'll have to ask Tonks about what kind

we'll need," Harry said with a shrug.

"Wait! Hold it!" Justin Finch Fetchley said loudly, "You know how to

charm electronics to work and you didn't tell anyone! I've been listening

to that bloody wizarding music for six years. It sucks! All it is either

classical, whinny women, or bollocks about hairy trolls." He said quoting

a popular Weird Sister's song. Harry and the others tried not laugh at the

irate Hufflepuff muttering about Smith and his obsession with Celestina

Warbeck but they lost it at the mention of Warbeck.

"Harry you can charm electronics?" Katie asked surprised

Harry looked down and cleared his throat, "I found it in my mum's

journal and Daphne tweaked a rune for it," he said with a proud smile at

the last part.

Katie nodded, "Well we'll keep it quiet for now as long as you charm our

CD players?" Katie said with a grin.


"Any other ideas?" Joshua asked the group.

"Yes," Anthony Goldstein said from his spot with the other Ravenclaw

prefects. "A few of us discussed possibly doing a fair based on the

Tailteann Games. Traditionally it would be in August but we were

thinking we could organize it and plan it for the last week of school since

we traditionally have it off anyways."

"That could work we'll pitch it to the professors," Joshua said. "If there's

nothing else fifth years you got patrol while we're on the train." The fifth

year prefects groaned but nodded and with that the meeting dispersed.

Harry and Daphne sat next to each other at the Slytherin table waiting

for Severus to hand them their schedules for the first day. Harry already

knew that he would be working through the lunch hour this particular

day as his Baneberry potion would be ready for its next step at 12:36

exactly. He wasn't sure yet if he would look forward to his coming work

load or dread it but was prepared for both.

"Hadrian, Professor Black has excused you from the last twenty minutes

of DADA," Severus spoke quietly as he came to the section where Harry

and Daphne were sitting amongst friends. "Grab some lunch before

coming down to the lab."

"Yes sir," Harry said accepting his schedule. He looked it over finding

double DADA and Independent Potions Study. "Do you guys have potions

too?" He turned to his friends.

"Yep, double," Daphne replied with Draco nodding in confirmation.

"They're all doubles from now on," Draco said looking over his schedule.

"Well let's go see Sirius," Blaise said then snorted, "What do ya think well

drive him more insane screaming triplets or shaking first years?" He

snickered along with Draco. Harry remained quiet counting down from

three in his head and sure enough at one Tracey and Daphne slapped

both boys on the back of the head. It was Theo and Harry's turn to

snicker while Neville, Hermione, Hannah, and Susan joined them as they

entered the classroom.

Sirius was standing ready at the front of the room though his normally

manicured goatee and long hair were in disarray. "Shut it," Sirius said to

the New Marauders before any of them could comment. "Lyra has colic

and its better not to use a pepper up potion if it can be avoided in the

first few years." They all gave him a sympathetic glances but refrained

from saying anything as the rest of the class filed in. "Find a seat quickly,"

Sirius said with a surprising amount of seriousness. Harry watched the

class as they sat and was somewhat surprised at the amount of students

that made it into the class. "Due to the ongoing war the Headmaster

decided to allow those with an Acceptable into my class something I was

against," Sirius starred down a few students namely Crabbe, Goyle,

Weasely and Lavender Brown. Aside from them and the New Mauraders

it was the Patil twins, Ernie MacMillan, Justin Fintch-Fetchly, Wayne

Hopkins, Terry Boot, Mandy Brocklehurst, Anthony Goldstein, and

Michael Corner in the class. It was large for a N.E.W.T but Harry was

rather shocked it wasn't bigger still with the war.

"We're starting right away with silent casting," Sirius moved the class

along. "The important part of silent casting is to visualize the spell and

will it to happen. Now I want to see where you all are. For some silent

casting is instinctual. Pair up, those on the left will cast, on the right

shield," Sirius spoke and with a wave of his wand the desks were pushed

to the sides of the room. Harry paired with Neville and with a smirk

began casting random charms silently. Neville was forced on the

defensive but was able to keep his shield up and thanks to the amount of

people plus the way the pairs were arranged they were forced to keep

spells close. The rest of the students forced their attention away from the

New Marauders who were all exchanging silent spells and to each other.

"Weasley I said silent casting!" Sirius called as Ron Weasley attempted a

spell none to quietly under his breath. Weasley went redder then his hair

and started muttering but was silenced when Sirius called out, "I will kick

you out my class," Sirius growled and turned to Goyle, "You as well

Goyle. Are you even trying," The Slytherin boy was starring at his wand

dumbly. It was quiet for a few more minutes before a protego was heard

down the line, "Nicely done Miss Patil. Five points to Ravencalw. Miss

Brocklehurst your shielding needs to be silent also. Everyone hold a


Giggling was heard from Hannah who was looking at Neville now

sporting a buzzard like hat similar to his grandmother's. "Sneaking

snake," Neville muttered to Harry who had shot the spell just seconds

after Neville dropped his shield. Harry smirked.

"Hadrian," Sirius called in a tone that made Harry's smirk to disappear.

"Fifty push-ups now," Sirius said without looking to watch him start.

Harry hissed in parseltongue while shrugging off his outer robe and

rolling his sleeves up, "and five more for cussing, did you forget my

form?" Sirius called.

"Now Padma," Sirius said drawing attention to him. "Did you notice

anything different casting silently over aloud?"

Padma thought for a second, "I could feel it," she said with her brow


"Exactly," Sirius replied with a smile, "Silent casting is much more in tune

with your magic. I want everyone who has yet to cast silently to cast a

disarming charm but I want you to focus on your magic while you do it

then try it silently."

"And how are we supposed to do that?" Weasley asked sarcastically.

"How did you make it through first year Weasel?" Draco asked with an

arched eyebrow before haughtily replying, "Think of how it felt when you

got your wand."

"Well said Draco but no points for the 'tude," Sirius said with a slight

smirk. Draco shrugged a shoulder in reply. "And you're on thin ice

Weasley." Sirius let them cast and moved over to Harry who was on his

feet again this time shielding as Neville cast. "Harry you can go eat now,"

their spells stopped and Harry nodded going to gather his things before

leaving. "Neville you can pair with me," Sirius took Harry's position, "try

to overload my shield silently." Neville nodded and was about to cast

when this time Smith proved himself the fool.

"Where's Potter going?" The Hufflepuff sneered out.

"Unlike some of you my godson can cast silently," Sirius replied with a

look of contempt on his face, "and he is attempting his Potions Mastery as

such he is need in the lab." The students who didn't know looked

impressed while Smith flushed.

"It won't take you long to finish the Baneberry Potion now you're on the

last steps," Severus said as Harry came into the private lab. Harry nodded

and went straight for the silver cauldron on the burner and extinguished

the flame. Harry cast a cooling charm on the outside of the cauldron

holding it for precisely a minute. Harry retrieved a silver scalpel from his

potions kit and spliced two vanilla beans before adding them to the onyx

mortar then he added seven drops of vinegar to mortar. He ground the

mixture in the mortar into a fine paste and let it sit for two minutes and

twenty five seconds before adding it to the cauldron. He then proceeded

to stir vigorously for six minutes until the potion turned a vivid maroon.

Harry grinned as he looked at the potion it was perfect. He took out a

dropper and filled it. "Professor," Harry called. "It's done." Severus moved

from his desk over to Harry and transfigured a goblet into a rat.

"Place some in its mouth," Severus used a spell to open the rat's mouth

and Harry placed two drops into the rat. The rats breathing slowed

rapidly until it completely stopped and the rat went limp. Severus

transfigured it back into the goblet. "Bottle that in crystal vials; we may

need that for the acromentulas."

"If that nest is as big as they think we'll need more than just this potion,"

Harry said under his breath.

"I was thinking killing off as many as we could with the potion before we

go in," Severus replied, "but yes we will need more" Harry finished

bottling the Baneberry potion and started on cleaning out the cauldron

and his tools. As he finished he heard the students come into the main

potions lab. "Those are the ingredients for the next potion you are to

brew," he pointed to them on the desk. "When I come back I expect you

to tell me what it is without any other knowledge." Harry nodded and

went to study the ingredients while Severus exited the lab. Harry

observed the potions ingredients and ran through what he knew about

them in his head. He then turned to the cauldron that was out it was

crystal and the mortar and pestle laid out were jade as was the stirrer. It

dawned on Harry what it was then and a lopsided grin took over his face.

Felix Felicis, the luck potion.

"I take it you know what it is?" Severus asked as he came back into his

private lab.

"Felix Felicis," Harry replied with a grin.

"Yes, something we'll need for the acromentula nest," Severus said with a

smirk. "Now I want you to list every possible outcome of every ingredient

that needs to go into the potion before you start. This potion can go

wrong very quickly. You need to know the possibilities before you start.

I'll review it when you're done." Severus said before turning and leaving

to monitor the class, Harry winked to Daphne who looked up as Severus

opened the door. She smiled back before looking down to her potion.

Harry pulled out a large parchment sheet and a never-out quill and

cleared a space large enough for his work and Moste Potente Potions. The

first ingredient list was leprechaun beard hairs perhaps the easiest

ingredient as they rarely reacted negatively and nothing in the potion

was proven to react with them negatively. He went through the rest of

the ingredients for the next hour and half listing every combination that

could leave the potion ineffective or worse blow up. One of the worst

problems came from the crystal cauldron it could only withstand a small

amount of instability before it was destroyed. It was going to take two

months to brew but Harry was excited over its possible uses.

Harry started measuring the leprechaun beard hair while he waited for

Severus. The thirteen hairs needed to be cut exactly seven centimeters in

length. Harry used a spell to hold the hairs in place and straight to the

cutting surface. He measured three times before taking a gold plated

scalpel and slicing them at the correct length. He moved them off to the

side before gathering three acorns and placed them into the jade mortar

and pestle. It took ten minutes but the acorns were finally crushed into a

very fine powder. As he finished Severus entered the room.


"I place it on your desk. I'm just setting up some of the ingredients now,"

Harry replied.

"Good I would tend to the bamboo shuts next, those take awhile to get

right," Severus said looking over his ingredients. Harry took out a cleaver

like knife and pulled the foot long bamboo shoot to him. He went to

work cleaving it in two before then chopping the rest of the bamboo into

small fine pieces. It took about twenty minutes to actually chop it to the

right size. Harry then turned to the cauldron and pulled the tigers blood

out from the other ingredients. He measured out three cups and poured it

into the cauldron and lit the flame. As he waited for it to boil he took two

pomegranates and seed them then crushed the seeds for their juice. He

measured out three cups of the pomegranate juice and added it to the

now boiling tigers' blood. The mixture turned a light red as he added in

the juice. He stirred the mixture eight times counter-clockwise and then

lowered it off the heat. He added the leprechaun beard hair to cauldron

and grinned when it sparked green as it hit the mixture before dissolving.

He stirred eight more times counter-clockwise making sure the

leprechaun hair was fully dissolved before turning the flame back on low.

He added the bamboo to his mortar and pestle with the acorn powder

lightly grounding the mixture together before adding it to the cauldron.

He increased the flame on the cauldron to a medium heat. He stirred

eighteen times adding a counter-clockwise stir to every two clock-wise

stirs. He let the mixture sit on the medium heat for fifteen minutes being

careful to keep the temperature precisely at the right temperature. He

quickly took the cauldron off the heat. He waited for the temperature to

settle and then placed it in stasis.

"Good, it's the right color and consistency," Severus said as he looked it

over. "Your list was complete. How long will this sit."

"Seven days and seven hours," Harry answered.

Severus nodded, "Let's go to dinner. I'm sure Daphne's waiting to see


"What did they brew today?" Harry questioned.

"Draught of the Living Death," he said as they started down the hallways.

"Daphne was bored wasn't she?" Harry said.

"Yes I take it you've brewed it with her?"

"A few times." Harry said with a grin. "I slipped some to Sirius once and

he fainted in his soup." Severus cracked a smile as they entered the Great

Hall causing some of the other students to stare in shock. Severus

automatically sneered at them causing them to sigh in relief that hell

hadn't froze over.


Finally! I got completely bogged down with classes, LSAT Review

Course, and work and wasn't able to write. As for the question I

know will be coming from the comment Sirius makes about his form

I'm simply refering to a dog's sense of hearing. Any adult knows

when somethings muttered by a teen it's usually a curse. Oh and I

realise I've given Aaron Vaisey about three different ages but the

final one (only a year older) is the correct one and one I will be

going with when I edit the story.

Hope you enjoy and thanks for the reviews,


47. Halloween preperations

"Alright listen up!" Harry called out to those gathered in front of him on

the Quidditch pitch. The Slytherin quidditch hopefuls quieted as Ginny,

Draco, and Cat came up behind him flanking their captain. A few of the

hopefuls glared at the four and Harry shook his head immediately

marking them off the list. It was unfortunate the House team could suffer

thanks to the pureblood maniacs in it. "As you know we need a chaser,

beater, and keeper," Harry started. "I want those going for chaser over to

the left with Ginny and Draco. Those going for beater to the right by Cat

and keepers you can take a seat for now on the bench or warm up with

each other." Only a few of them took Harry's suggestion, he made a

mental note which ones. "Chasers, Draco and Ginny are going to take you

through the paces at far end of the pitch." With that a group of about

seven hopefuls went off following Draco and Ginny. "Mount your

brooms," Harry barked to the beater hopefuls. The four shot into the air

with ease which boded well for Harry and Cat. Cat shot up with them

and threw four beater bats to them. Cat's money was on Millicent

Bulstrode who was trying out for the second time having sat out Cat's

tryout year because of her father's view of Harry.

"Alright Cat and I set up a containment field for the bludgers I'm about to

release. You have the area in between the flares that Cat just shot off to

maneuver." Cat had marked out a square area with flares giving them

about twenty feet to move in. "Cat's hovering at the top height the

bludgers will be allowed to go. I'm going to release one bludger, then

two, three, and finally four. Your goal is hit the bludgers between each

other and unseat each other if you can." Harry and Cat both had rather

maniacal grins on their face causing the beater hopefuls to shift

uncomfortably. They had done this over Viktor's visit and it had proven

to be rather carnage filled but productive practice exercise. Harry opened

a large case on the ground holding two sets of bludgers. He stepped back

and used his wand to release one bludger into the air. It shot up and

Millicent wasted no time rocketing towards it in the small space and

sending it at Christian Wallace, a fourth year Slytherin. Surprised he

barely managed to divert the bludger away from him setting up a rather

easy power shot for Alcrid Timmons, another fifth year, who sent it at

Kyle Rockwell, a third year. Unfortunately for Rockwell he didn't notice

that Harry had released another bludger and only managed to block the

one from Timmons. Millicent had sent the other one from below him and

flipped him from his broom. Rockwell was helped up by Harry who

motioned for the third year to stand to one side. The three remaining

beaters were able to keep up with the two bludgers so after two minutes

Harry released a third. Timmons took advantage of the new bludger and

sent one at Wallace at the same time as Millicent did. Millicent took a hit

from the random bludger but stayed seated while Wallace lost his grip on

his broom thanks to the two hits. Harry released the fourth bludger and

him and the others watched as Millicent and Timmons dodged and sent

bludgers around the containment field. Millicent and Timmons both took

a few good hits from bludgers but in the end Millicent unseated Timmons

Harry and Cat corralled the bludgers back into the case while discussing

the drill. "So what you think?" Harry asked while the four waited to one


"I think a teamwork and aiming drill with me between Timmons and

Millicent will settle it," Cat answered. Harry nodded and straightened out

to look at the four beater hopefuls.

"Christian, Kyle, better luck next time. Thanks for coming out," Harry

dismissed the two boys who looked resigned and left the pitch. Harry

conjured some five hoops and sent them into the sky settling them

randomly. "Alright you're," Harry spoke to Millicent and Alcrid, "going to

work with Cat to send bludgers through the hoops. You'll start with

trying to put a bludger through the red, than send one through the blue,

green, yellow, and end with one through the black hoop," Harry told

them. "Alcrid you're up first." Alcird and Cat took places on either side of

the hoops and Harry released two bludgers into the sky. Cat maneuvered

behind one and sent a pass to Alcrid before shooting off behind the red

hoop. Alcrid had to dodge one bludger but returned Cat's pass through

the red hoop, nicking one of the edges. Alcrid was hit three times by a

bludger and only managed to return Cat's set up through three of the

hoops. Millicent went next and avoided taking any hits by a bludger but

only managed three of five hoops too. Harry looked to Cat who nodded

towards Millicent.

"Alright Millicent you got the spot. Nice try out Alcrid," Harry called out

when they landed. He shook Alcrid's hand before sending him off the

pitch. "Congrats Millicent," Harry smiled at his fellow sixth year.

"Thanks Hadrian," Millicent replied with a grin, "I kept up practicing after

that first tryout hoping to come out again last year but with my dad and

all I couldn't exactly be friendly with you all." She finished a bit

sheepishly but Harry just shrugged her off.

"Don't worry about it you and Cat can practice for a bit while I go check

on the chasers," he nodded to the players on the other side of the pitch.

"Yeah come on we can knock a bludger around while we wait for them to

finish," Cat said and they moved off to the side.

Harry flew down to the end of the pitch with the chasers and came to a

stop next to Draco and Ginny, "So did you decide?"

Draco answered, "Clayton Meyers," he pointed out a third year Slytherin

flying patterns around the others. The thirteen year old was on the larger

size already standing at five feet five inches and had a lanky but athletic


Harry watched for a few minutes before nodding his agreement. He

whistled getting their attention, "Clayton! Welcome to the team," he

called out. The third year grinned and pumped his fist in the air grinning

at the others. A couple of the others grumbled but the rest of the chaser

hopefuls congratulated him.

"Alright you three ready to test the keepers," Harry asked when Clayton

landed in front of them. "I need you to pull out all the stops on the

keepers. We really need to test them so that they can hold their own in

the matches. They'll probably be are weakest link this year," Harry said

for Clayton's benefit. The third year nodded.

Harry gathered the team in front of the keeper hopefuls, "Alright so far

Clayton and Millicent have made the team. You guys are the last to be

tested. You have big shoes to fill; Aaron was one of the best keepers to

pass through Hogwarts in awhile. He even had offers from three pro

teams in the English/Ireland league. First we're going to run some three

on three drills, they'll" he pointed to the Slytherin chasers, "be trying to

score on you and we'll be defending. You each get five shots. Bowers

you're up first." They took to the air and for the next half hour faced off

in mini three on three games.

Harry sent off two of the six hopefuls after the three on three games, "Cat

and Millicent are going to send some bludgers at you. Do NOT leave the

keeper area. This is going to test your ability to dodge. The chasers are

going to take shots." Harry spoke to the remaining four. Cat and Millicent

flew up and took ideal positions to take shots at the goals. Harry turned

to Draco, Ginny, and Clayton, "No tricks or anything, just straight shots

for no." They nodded though Ginny pouted a bit causing Harry to grin.

"You'll get your chance assuming more than one survives this." The

chasers took to the air.

They ran a basic Hawkshead formation towards the Bowers, the first

keeper up. Draco shot a pass up to Ginny who lead the formation. She

hurled the quaffle at the right goal while Millicent set Cat up to thrash

Bowers with a bludger, Bowers shot right and punched the quaffle wide

while doing a barrel role to avoid the bludger. The chasers took four

more shots on Bowers who managed to block two of the shots. The other

two he let in in favor of avoiding a hit by the bludgers being sent at him.

After Bowers, Clint Esters a fifth year managed to stop four out of five

but once again let one goal in rather than take a nasty hit by both

bludgers. The last to go was Heathcliff Twonk a fourth year Slytherin.

Heathcliff was a blind hair blue eyed baby faced fourteen year old who

stood at six feet tall already. So far he was the most impressive of the

keeper hopefuls, Harry hoped it continued. The fourth year was well

liked in and out of Slytherin his baby face made it hard for anyone to

dislike the boy. The chasers came at Heathcliff in as reverse Hawkshead

formation with Draco in the center. As they neared the goal area Ginny

and Clayton broke formation and cut across the center obscuring Draco

and the quaffle. Ginny and Clayton zigzagged back and forth in front of

Draco he pulled left and shot the quaffle with blistering speed towards

the left goal as Cat and Millicent both sent bludgers in to Heathcliff's

path. Heathcliff shot low under Millicent's bludger and dropped his

shoulder just enough for Cat's bludger to miss him. He extended his long

arm out and pulled the quaffle in easily. The chasers lined up for the next

shot single file flying straight at him. Draco led with the quaffle, he

dropped it down to Ginny who swopped under him just in time to catch

it and put on a burst of speed towards the goal before shooting straight

up and dropping the quaffle to Clayton who caught it and fired it towards

the right goal. Heathcliff shot low avoiding Cat's bludger and rolled out

of the path of Millicent's and straight into the quaffle that he wrapped up

into his arms while gripping the broomstick with his legs before righting

himself. The next shot came with Ginny firing on the center hoop after

faking left, Cat who read Ginny's tell, sent the bludger to the center as

Heathcliff recovered shooting back to the center. Heathcliff saw the

bludger but couldn't do anything if he would stop the goal. He gritted his

teeth as he reached out and blocked the quaffle taking the bludger in his

side. He groaned as he felt a sharp pain in his ribs before tossing the

quaffle back to the chasers and grinning a dimpled smile as if everything

was fine. They finished out the next three shots with Heathcliff taking

another shot to the ribs but stopping all the goals. Heathcliff landed with

a smile that defied the pain in his ribs.

"Alright last up we're gonna do some penalty shots on Esters and Twonk,"

Harry said eyeing Heathcliff. "Esters you're up first." Clint Esters took to

the goals and Harry turned to the chasers with a smirk, "Have fun." They

grinned and flew up into the sky with Draco lining up for the first shot.

Heathcliff hovered off to the side of the goals watching intently trying

not to grimace.

Cat and Millicent watched from their place next to Harry on the ground.

Cat turned to Harry, "Heathcliff has at least a fractured rib."

"I know but he wants to keep playing, if I stop him we have to take

Esters. I'd rather have Heathcliff," Harry said. "We'll fly him to Madam

Pomfrey afterwards," He said with a grin.

"She's gonna kill us one of these days," Cat said laughing.

"Nah it goes against her oath," Harry chuckled as Esters missed Ginny's

shot. Ester's landed with a grin having stopped four out of five. Harry

merely nodded not saying anything. Heathcliff took his position and

watched as Clayton came towards him. Heathcliff watched as Clayton

faked left as did against Esters and went right. Heathcliff stopped the shot

without much trouble having gone right to begin with. Ginny was next

she sped towards the goals at top speed and then stopped dead jerking

the broom left and firing towards the center when Heathcliff started

moving left. He jerked his broom up and over extending his long arms

out with a grimace and stopping the shot.

"I'm going to go warn Madam Pomfrey to get some Skele-Knit ready," Cat

said and took off on her broom towards the school.

"That's three of five with messed up ribs," Millicent whistled low in awe.

"Of all the recent keepers in Hogwarts history only Aaron and Wood

would pull that off, maybe."

"Yep," Harry agreed as the team landed in front of them plus Esters and

Heathcliff. "Congrats Heathcliff you made the team."

"What! I stopped more than him," Clint Esters shouted.

Harry gave Clint a hard look, "In penalties yes but this is based on the

whole try-put besides. Heathcliff stopped three with probably a broken

rib or two. You stopped four perfectly healthy." Estes looked like he

wanted to protest but as he took in Heathcliff grimacing and holding his

side while bent at the waist he stopped. Clint turned back to Harry and

nodded before walking off.

"Let's get you to the hospital wing and check those ribs out," Harry said

with a grin towards Heathcliff.

"Where's Harry?" Katie asked before they started the prefect meeting, as

he was missing.

Daphne snorted, "He's brewing blood replenishing and pepper-up potions

for Madam Pomfrey as punishment letting Heathcliff continue the tryout

with broken ribs. She's right pissed but Harry's her favorite so instead of

losing points he's been brewing for about five hours now." She was

chuckling and Katie simply shook her head.

"We better start practicing," Katie said with groan to Demelza Robins, one

of the new Gryffindor players and a perfect.

"Slytherin already has the pitch booked three times a week for two and

half hours," Demelza replied with a nod.

"How'd you find that out?" Katie asked.

"Vicky is dating Heathcliff," Demelza replied referring to one of their

Gryffindor Housemates who had tried out for Gryffindor's team. Katie

nodded and then turned to the rest of the group as Joshua turned up just

a bit late.

"Ready?" Katie asked him.

"Yep just finalized some things with Professor Davis," Joshua replied.

"Alright listen up," Joshua called silencing the chatting prefects. "We got

the okay for all ideas we came up for including the games at the end of

the year!" He said with an excited smile, he had done some research into

the games and felt that they would be an interesting event for not just

this year but future years. The Ravenclaws who came up with the idea

gave whoop. "The first thing we're going to be organizing is the

Halloween dance. We got permission to wear costumes during the day

and to have a costume contest. We have to come up with a small prize

for it?" Any ideas?"

"We can go to Honeydukes and set up a plastic pumpkin with some of the

better candy they offer," Demelza suggested.

"That sounds good but who's going to pay for the candy?" Anthony

Goldstein asked.

"Leave that to me and Harry," Daphne answered. "We'll get the candy and

the pumpkin candy holder. Professor Black wants to take the triplets the

muggle way too."

Neville snorted, "He just wants the candy."

"Yep." Daphne replied simply making the prefects laugh.

"Now we need fliers for the common rooms for the costume contest and

the masquerade ball," Katie said. "Any volunteers?"

"I can help out with that," Tanya Peaks said, "I draw in my spare time."

"I'll help," Joslyn volunteered too.

"Alright and then we need judges for the costumes two from each house,"

Joshua brought up. "You won't be eligible for the contest though."

"I'll do it," Raymond Convington stepped up for Slytherin.

"I'll be the other judge for Slytherin," Malcolm added.

"I'll do it for Gryffindor," Katie volunteered and looked to her houses

other prefects.

"Me too. I don't really like candy," Collin Creevy volunteered for


"We'll do it," Hermione and Anthony volunteered for Ravenclaw. They

were followed by Joshua and Justin Finch-Fetchly for Hufflepuff.

"Professor Davis is going to be teaching about Samhain for the week

leading up to Halloween," Joshua said. "Can you and Harry organize

music?" He asked Daphne. "I know he's busy with his apprenticeship plus


"Yeah I'll talk to Tonks and I know how to do the charms and runes need

for the music," Daphne replied.

"Good so we have three weeks to get everything organized. Fliers need to

be up by next week to give everyone time to get costumes and semi

formal ware for the masquerade. We'll be meeting with Professors

McGonagall, Hagrid, and Headmaster Flitwick at eleven a.m. on

Halloween to set up for the ball. Any questions or concerns?" Katie asked

the group. No one had any so they broke up for the night to do their

duties; Tanya and Joslyn getting together to chat about the fliers.

Harry had just finished his potions for Madam Pomfrey and was moving

on to the Felix Felicis potion he was brewing. He was beat and a bit

nauseous from the fumes but the Felix Felicis needed to be worked on.

He took it out of stasis and placed it on a low flame. Harry added three

scarab beetle shells to the jade mortar and pestle and crushed them into a

rough powder. He then added six dragon fly wings to the mortar and

pestle and two milliliters of bat blood. He then crushed it into a paste

before checking the temperature of the potion. It was slowly turning a

scarlet red signaling its readiness to add the next ingredients. He added

the paste slowly as he stirred the potion clockwise. He finished adding

the paste on the thirteenth stir and the potion slowly started to turn

yellow. Harry then pulled two small koi fish to him and took out the gold

plated scalpel once again. He carefully removed the scales from the koi

talking about twenty minutes as he worked meticulously. He picked out

twenty three of the most complete scales and added one every minute for

the next twenty three minutes before stirring the potion counterclockwise

nine times. Harry placed the flame and potion under stasis and carefully

levitated it all to an unused corner of the room. It now needed to stew on

low heat for sixth months.

"Harry are you finished?" Daphne asked softly as she opened the lab door.

He had told her to meet him at seven o'clock.

"Yep just need to clean up," Harry replied with a tired smile.

"Want some help," Daphne asked. Harry nodded and they worked quietly

for the next ten minutes cleaning up Harry's potion area. They worked in

tedium moving to and fro without any problems. As they finished Harry

pulled Daphne into a kiss. He slowly worked his tongue across her lips

before she parted her mouth and allowed him entrance. They kiss

languidly for a few minutes before they broke apart.

"I missed you today," Harry said.

"Next time don't piss Madam Pomfrey off," Daphne said cheekily giving

him another quick kiss when Harry grinned.

"Yeah so what did I miss at the meeting?" He asked as they started

walking to the common room.

"We're in charge of getting Honeyduke's Finest for a prize in the costume

contest. We need to put it in one of those plastic pumpkins muggles use

for Trick or Treating." Harry nodded. "Everything else got approved and

we need to help decorate for the ball starting at eleven a.m. on


They reached their rooms without any problems and opened it to find the

New Marauders in their sitting room, "Hey guys what are you doing?"

Harry asked as he flopped down into a large cushion chair Daphne set

her book bag down next to him and sat on the arm of the chair and ran

her hands soothingly through his hair.

"Were working on potions and herbology we're borrowing some of your

books," Hermione replied. "You have some the library doesn't have," she

said crinkling her nose in disgust that the Hogwarts library was


"Don't be too upset 'Mione some of these are family books," Daphne said

knowing where her friend's thoughts were going.

"Blaise what are you working on?" Harry asked knowing he didn't have

either class but had an essay in front of him.

"Charms. The essay on changing vinegar to wine. I still can't get the

change right." Blaise replied scratching his head in confusion. "I don't

know what's wrong I mean I know enough about wine properties to get it

right, I am Italian after all."

"Let's see you do it," Harry said and waved his wand filling a goblet

nearby with vinegar. Harry cast a small ward around the group so if it

exploded it wouldn't dose them with vinegar. Blaise tap his wand three

times on the rim before swirling it in a circle around the top. The vinegar

instead of exploding turned to ice this time.

"You're circling your wand it needs to be more of an ellipse over the top

as you finish the spell," Harry said as Daphne conjured more vinegar for

Blaise to try again. This time he managed to change the vinegar to a deep

crimson liquid. He picked up the goblet swirled it and then sipped the


"Now that's some damn fine wine," Blaise said making the others either

roll their eyes or chuckle. "Well now that that's done I've got a date with

Katarina Lufkin." At that Tracey stopped laughing and frowned as Blaise

walked out the door. She had thought that they were making progress

moving to more than friends. Daphne seeing her best friend's face stood

up and nodded to her and Harry's bedroom. Daphne kissed Harry's

forehead and took Tracey's hand and led her into their bedroom. Susan

joined them and they spent the next hour comforting Tracey. Harry

glared at the spot Blaise had been and resolved to talk to him, Blaise

either needed to be more discrete around Tracey or pull his head out of

his ass.

"Hagrid we need to talk," Harry said after his Care of Magical Creatures

class had ended. Neville, Daphne, and Theo were with him. They had just

finished a lesson on Merepeople, not the most exciting class but

interesting. Harry wished he had that lesson in fourth year rather than

Blast Ended Skerwts. Turns Merepeople and Veelas had a war about three

hundred years ago. The Veela clans at the time came out of victors and

Merepeople had dwindled down to just three clans. It was hard to feel

sorry for them after Hagrid explained the Merepeople started the war by

killing ten Veela children by keeping them hostage in the arctic.

"Right-O come on in," Hagrid gestured to his hut. The four filed in to his


"So wha' do yer need ta' talk 'bout," Hagrid said as he fixed some tea and

brought them some rock cakes. They took the rock cakes but subtly fed

them to Fang who choked them down with no problem. The tea was

served and Harry tried to think of how to start he knew Hagrid loved his

acromantula that he raised.

"Hagrid you know the Riddle wants me dead," Harry started. Hagrid

looked fiercely at Harry but at the same time the gentle half-giant had

tears well in his eyes.

"Yea I know tha bastard be comin'," Hagrid replied.

"Do you also know the giants have sided with him," Harry asked.

"I knew it would come to tha'." Hagrid said shaking his head sadly. "Why

yer asking me 'bout them."

Harry looked Hagrid in the eye, "I know there are acromantulas in the

forest, only giants can control them."

Hagrid put it together after a few minutes of silence, "Yer want to kill


Harry dropped his head knowing Hagrid cared about all his animals,

"Depending on how many there are we would try to relocate them first. I

know you care about them but they're a danger to the students."

Hagrid once again had tears in his eyes, "I only talk ta' Aragog he leads

'em. I raised him from a babe. But he's dyin," Hagrid let out a sob. "Mosag

his mate will side wit the death eaters if they promise feedin' grounds."

Hagrid was sobbing and Harry got up and put an arm around one of the

massive shoulders Hagrid had trying to comfort him. Fang laid his large

head in Hagrid's lap while Daphne patted his hand.

"How many are their Hagrid and how long has he had a mate," Theo

asked going what he knew about spider breeding habits from class.

"Since 1952," Hagrid replied with a sob.

Theo mentally averaged it and simply said, "Oh shit! We can't relocate

that many acromantulas. Hell we might not even be able to go into their

nest. That's a hell of a lot of human munching spiders."

Hagrid let out a small chuckle and Theo inwardly smiled, "No yer can't.

Can yer at least give me 'til Aragog passes."

"That'll work Hagrid were brewing Felix Felicis for help it will take six

months," Harry said softly.

"Aragog will pass 'round then," Hagrid replied with a nod while still

crying some.

"I really am sorry Hagrid," Harry stated softly with his hand on Hagrid's

shoulder. "I know you care about them."

"Yer a good man 'Arry. I know yer wouldn't do this less yer had to,"

Hagrid answered. "Yer care 'bout animals much as I do. Well yer four

better get back to the castle fer lunch." They nodded and left Hagrid to

his grief over Aragog.

"Well… that was sad," Neville who had been quiet the whole time stated.

"I didn't think anyone could care that much about a man eating pet."

"At least he doesn't share the same bond with the mate and the offspring,"

Theo said with shiver at the thought of the enormous amount of spiders

in the forest.

It was the second Saturday of the school year and Harry finally had some

time to himself. Daphne was off with the prefects planning the Halloween

Ball. He was currently in Sirius's office entertaining the triplets while

Sirius and Amelia spent some time together in Hogsmeade. The boys

were dressed in little onesies, RJ's a red one with a lion on it and Eddie

had a gold onesie with a roaring dragon on it. Lyra's onesie was bright

green with an owl on it that looked remarkably like Hedwig.

RJ and Eddie were currently in the play pen babbling back and forth as

they tried to bat at the magical mobile above their heads. The mobile had

five stuffed dragons that flew around them roaring out smoke and fire.

They looked exactly like real dragons only miniatures, there was an

antipodean opaleye the iridescent dragon kept the attention of the twins

like no other, while the other four were a crimson Chinese firebolt that

Eddie kept trying to grab the beard of, a Peruvian vipertooth, a

Romanian Longhorn whose golden horn grabbed their attention

whenever it glinted in the light, and a Swedish Short-Snout that little

Lyra seemed to watch the most.

Lyra was currently sitting in Harry's lap outside the playpen. She had her

back to his chest resting on him as he attempted to feed her some baby

peaches. He had managed to feed RJ and Eddie their lunches but Lyra

was being fussy and trying to bat and kick at the spoon and jar in Harry's


"Alright Lyra," Harry muttered to himself trying to think of an

entertaining way to feed her. RJ and Eddie gobbled their food down like

they were starving. He remembered in a muggle movie somebody trying

to get a baby to eat by imitating an airplane. Lyra was fascinated by

different colors. Harry quickly charmed the spoon to be neon green and

Lyra babbled at it. Harry put some peaches on it and then animated the

spoon to zip around Lyra. Her babbling increased and her eyes widen.

Harry watched carefully saw her mouth open and maneuvered the spoon

into her waiting mouth. She took the peaches and Harry sighed, "Finally."

I took another twenty minutes to feed her. He had to change the spoon to

pink, purple, and blue and he and to add some colorful sparks to the

flying spoon to finish feeding her.

Harry picked up Lyra and held her so she was eye level with him and

fixed her with a mock stern glance, "Well it's about time," he finished

breaking into a grin and Lyra babbled at him with bright eyes. He moved

a towel to his shoulder and burped her. Harry laughed as she gave a final

big burp that sounded like something that would come out of a drunken

Sirius. He looked over to the play pen and saw RJ and Eddie snoozing

with the dragons floating around their heads.

"Well Lyra it's just you and me," Harry said with a smile. He moved so he

was on his back and held Lyra high up above him. "You wanna fly little

one," Harry said with a goofy smile. Lyra changed her eyes to a bright

emerald green of Harry's and he took that as a yes. He started making

zooming noises and her up in the air moving around. She was kicking her

legs and cooing as Harry moved her around. "You're gonna be a little flier

aren't you," Harry said in an excited tone making Lyra babble more. He

slowly brought her down to lie on his chest as she started to close her

eyes. Harry lay on his back and gently rubbed Lyra's back as her hair

changed to her natural platinum blond and she snuggled into his chest.

They both slowly fell asleep with Lyra snoozing on his chest.

Amelia and Sirius walked in a half hour later to find them like that. RJ

and Eddie napping in the play pen while Lyra and Harry slept on the

floor. "Awe," Amelia cooed as she took in the sight of her kids and pseudo

nephew. "Siri, we need a picture," She said quietly.

Sirius nodded and went to a closet in his office and pulled out a camera.

He snapped a photo of the kids managing to get all four of them in the

picture. "He get them to eat," Sirius said when he put the camera down

and pointed to the can of peaches and the neon blue spoon.

"We have neon spoons?" Amelia asked softly.

"No," Sirius chuckled, "Lyra must not have wanted to eat from a normal

spoon." Amelia snorted and shook her head. She gently picked up Lyra off

Harry's chest. Lyra wiggled into Amelia's chest and yawned before falling

back asleep. Sirius gently woke his godson up, "Harry wake up pup. We're

back," Sirius shook his shoulder.

Harry's eyes slowly opened and he took in the amused smiles of his

godfather and Amelia, "Hey." Harry said quietly.

"How'd they do," Amelia asked as Sirius helped Harry off the ground.

"Good, good. RJ and Eddie ate their peaches really well. Lyra was a bit

more difficult but I changed the color of the spoon levitated it around her

to get her to eat," Harry replied. "Other than that they just babbled away

at the dragons and I played airplane with Lyra before she fell asleep."

"Airplane?" Amelia asked.

Sirius chuckled, "Your mum used to do that with you." Harry smiled and

Sirius turned to Amelia, "It would probably be called broom in the

wizarding world. You lie on your back and hold the babe up and fly 'em

around," Sirius said with a grin. Amelia just nodded and stroked Lyra's


The clock in Sirius's office struck two o'clock, "Daphne and the others are

probably down now," Amelia said to Harry. "Thank you for watching


"Any time their fun to be with," Harry said and gave them both a hug

before leaving the office to meet up with Daphne.

Harry found Daphne in the Great Hall just as the meeting about the ball

was breaking up. Daphne, Susan, Hannah, Joslyn, Katie, Demelza,

Joshua, Justin Finch-Fetchly, Tanya, Astoria, Malcolm, Fiona Belmont,

Declan Haworth, and Cordelia Gifford were on the planning committee

and were saying their goodbyes to Professor McGonagall, Davis, and

Headmaster Flitwick.

"Hey Daph," Harry said as she got up from the table to come over to him

with a wave to the others. He leaned in and gave her quick kiss. "You

wanna go for a walk?" Harry asked.

"Sure," Daphne replied zipping her Slytherin hoodie up before taking his

hand. They slowly ambled out the doors on to the grounds of Hogwarts.

"How were the triplets?" Daphne asked as they walked toward the lake.

"Good. Lyra was a bit fussy when I tried to feed her," Harry said with a


"She doesn't seem fond of whole food does she," Daphne said with a


Harry grinned and pulled her close to give her a kiss on the cheek, "No

she doesn't. I charmed the spoon to fly around her and snuck it in when

she babbled." Daphne laughed a tinkling bell like laugh making Harry

grin at her. He pulled her into his arms and wrapped her close. Harry

leaned down and captured her lips with his. He traced her lips with his

tongue before entering her mouth and exploring its depths. Daphne

moaned into the kiss and shivered as he moved down to her neck placing

light kisses there. They continued for about two minutes before they

pulled back and shared a smile. They continued on towards the lake in

silence before coming to a large rock where they sat with Harry against

the rock and Daphne taking her place on his lap with her back to his


"How'd the planning go?" Harry asked while nuzzling her neck. Daphne

barred her neck to give him more access.

"It went well," Daphne said a bit breathlessly. "Were going to be mixing

in traditional samhain decorations with muggle ones. No giant pumpkins

this year but smaller ones mixed with effigies to light the way." She was

panting a bit as she finished, Harry still nuzzling her neck.

"I love the way you smell," Harry said quietly. "You smell like home,"

Harry added. She turned her had so that he could claim her lips again.

They kissed languidly by the lakeside enjoying a day off.


Alright I'm sorry this is short and fillerish but I've been sick wiht

this bronchitis like shit since Thanksgiving and am completely warn

out between finals, work, and being sick. Hope everyone had and

has a good holiday season.

Thanks for the support and reviews,


48. Halloween Masquerade

"We talked with Hagrid," Harry started he and the New Marauders were

currently meeting with Headmaster Flitwick, Minister Scrimegour,

Director Hammer, Warmaster Bodrod, and Amelia. Warmaster Riphorn

was leading the Goblin Brigade stationed at Hogwarts. They had a week

until Halloween and Scrimegour wanted an update on their progress with

the Acromentulas. "Relocation is out of the question. Argog, Hagrid's

acromantula has been with a mate since the fifties," Harry stated causing

Riphorn to groan and the others to look at him questioningly.

"Acromantulas mate about three times a year and the female lie around

50 eggs at time," Riphorn answered. "Even if only half survive each time

were dealing with a massive amount of spiders. It's too bad you killed

that basilisk," Riphorn said turning to Harry.

"Yeah I know," Harry said with a wry grin to the Goblin.

"How would a homicidal thousand year old Basilisk help us?" Tracey

asked with disbelief.

"Spiders even non magical spiders fear basilisk and acromentulas would

make a tasty meal for a thousand year old one," Harry replied. "Snakes

eat spiders."

"Just another reason why I love Aiolos," Daphne said giving said snake a

pat underneath its jaw. Aiolos was currently draped across her and

Harry's lap. Aiolos hissed a laugh.

"So," Minister Scrimegour said with a whistle, "Anyone have any ideas on

how to take out a massive den of man-eating spiders besides a basilisk."

"Well Severus had me brew Felix Felicis it will be ready if five months,"

Harry said. "So if we decide to send men in we'll wait until it's ready."

"Right," Scrimegour said. "Cadmus work on some plans in your

department. We need away to take the acromentulas out without doing

damage to the forest or its other denizens. We don't need the centaurs in

an uproar right now."

"Any news on possible plans Riddle has for Halloween," Theo asked.

"No," Cadmus answered. "He's been more erratic than usual and focusing

on muggle targets. Gathering his Death Eaters without notice to attack

and then dismissing them right after. However he always does something

on Halloween but all possible wizarding targets will be guarded with the

heaviest security available."

"What about a high profile muggle target?" Blaise asked.

"We didn't think about it but now that you mention it," Amelia answered,

"It seems likely. It would build the confidence of his Death Eaters before

attacking Hogwarts." Amelia stated with Warmaster Riphorn nodding his


"I'll inform the Prime Minister," Scrimegour said with nod. With that the

meeting broke up and the New Marauders went back to their classes

while the adults continued to speculate potential targets.

"So we have the feast at six and then the ball right after?" Harry asked in

the direction of Professor Davis. The prefects along with Headmaster

Flitwick and Professors McGonagall, Davis, and Hagrid were decorating

the Great Hall for the night's festivities. Currently he, Professor Davis,

and Daphne were setting up the stereo equipment that Tonks had found

for him. Harry was charming the equipment with his mum's spell while

Daphne was applying a rune to them that would take the place of

electrical outlets, which Hogwarts of course didn't have.

"Yes," Addison answered maneuvering a speaker into place with her

wand, "Is here good?"

"Yep," Harry said checking where she put it in a corner of the room.

"The feast satisfies the governors especially since the Headmaster is only

allowing the candy to be served at the very end along with regular

deserts. And of course the masquerade helped the governors accept the

costumes today."

"Why is that? No one really explained it," Harry said while charming the

DJ table.

"If you were still in my history class it would have been," Addison teased

Harry who looked sheepish for a moment before catching her grin.

"Masquerades have a long history, longer than Halloween in the muggle

world. The wizarding community in Venice began using them in the late

1300's for royalty in the various states. They used them for parties to

introduce new royals or marriages. It was an easy way to make meet

without prejudices, since ideally there is some ambiguity with the masks.

It spread to muggle community and became a tradition for Carnival in

the 15th century."

"The royals in Italy were magical?" Harry asked.

"Some but I don't just mean kings or queens but the wealthiest in the

cities too," Addison said. "There have been a few magical in England's


Harry nodded finishing up the charm on the rest of the speakers before

moving them into place with his wand. He looked around the Great Hall

and was rather amazed at what he saw. Forgoing pumpkins they used the

traditional turnips carved with faces placed where torches normally lit

the hall. Behind the head table Hagrid and Headmaster Flitwick were

laying the ground work for a massive bonfire. The bonfire and the turnips

would be the only light for the night's ball. Professor McGonagall had

transfigured the normal long tables into small round tables that would

seat about ten people each plus one place setting to be left open for the

dead at each table was an intricately carved turnip by Hagrid. Some

featured faces, others scenes of wands giving off sparks or other spells,

witches hats a top a cat's face, and owls. Each carving allowed for the

light from the candle to emphasize it to the best degree highlighting

Hagrid's carving skills. The rest of the hall was decorated in black,

purple, and red banners for decorations. All in all it looked reminiscent of

a gothic hall, dark and foreboding, yet the lanterns and the decorations

carved into them took some of the sinister feelings away.

"We're going to go meet the others," Daphne said coming over to him and

giving him a quick kiss, "Your suit's in Blaise's room." She said with a

smile before turning from Harry and joining Hermione and Hannah at the

entrance to the Great Hall. Harry looked down at his watch and saw that

there was still three hours to the feast. He noticed the other female

prefects were all in the process of finishing what they were working on

and exiting the hall.

"You know I'm surprised they trust us to finish the hall," Joshua called

out from across the hall only to get hit with a stinging hex from Katie

who hadn't left yet.

"Five points from Gryffindor Miss Bell," Professor McGonagall called with

a resigned shake of her head.

Addison chuckled from beside Harry, "He should have known better."

"So why does it take hours for women to get ready," Harry asked with


"If I told you that my dear, I'd have to kill you," Addison laughed as they

finished up the speakers.

"Well that's it for us," Harry finished laying the spells on the speakers.

"Anything else Joshua?"

"No you're good to go Harry," He called back.

"See you tonight Professor," Harry said with a wave to Addison.

"Hey Aiolosss," Harry hissed out as he sat down on a couch in front of

one of the many fireplaces in the Slytherin common room. Aiolos was

curled in front of the fire place as she watched Blaise play Theo in a

chess match and Draco worked on animating multiple objects at once.

"Hatchling," Aiolos hissed back and moved to Harry's side flicking her

tongue at him. "I've been hearing thingsss in the foressst. The ssspiderss

are moving," Aiolos hissed to him.

"We're trying to work on a plan for the ssspidersss," Harry hissed back.

"We're waiting on a potion to bolster our chancesss againssst them."

"Perhapsss the centaursss would be willing to help you," Aiolos hissed.

"That isss sssomething we hadn't thought of," Harry said quietly almost to

himself, "I'm not sssure they would be willing to help the minissstry."

"What if you worked to revisssse their treatiesss?" Aiolos asked.

"The centaursss resssent the minissstry deeply," Harry replied.

"Do you blame them?"

"No I've read sssome of the hissstory between the minissstry and the

centaursss. We kept restriciting territory until eventually we moved them

to the forbidden foressst. On one hand we can't let centaursss roam and

chance mugglesss ssseeing them but the forbidden foressst was ssstupid

place to put them. To many dangerousss beingsss like the ssspiders are

drawn to the magic and centaursss have only passive magical abilitiesss,"

Harry told attentive snake.

"Yesss not to mention the ssstupidity often disssplayed by teenagersss,"

Aiolos quipped.

Harry laughed, "That too. Ssso read any good booksss lately or have you

been keeping to Tracey'sss sssmut novelssss."

"They're not sssmut they're romance novelsss," Aiolos hissed, "but yesss

actually I'm enjoying Daphne'sss copy of The Illiad."

"Widening your horizensss?" Harry asked with raised eyebrows. Aiolos bit

him in reply making Harry laugh and mutter a quick healing spell. "What

are you going to do tonight?" Harry asked once Aiolos stopped grumbling

about snarky wizards.

"Ssscare firssst yearsss," Aiolos easily replied. Harry snorted out a laugh

before Aiolos continued. "Then I think I'll watch the tripletsss for awhile

there have been sssome whissspersss among the ssschool about them."

Harry looked sharply at Aiolos, "What," he hissed lowly with obvious


"Do not worry hatchling," Aiolos soothed, "The Goblinsss know and

ssstationed two gaurdsss at Sssirusss'sss quartersss. I know though that

death eatersss like to do thingsss on thisss day, ssso I figured I would

ssspend time with them. I will not hesssitate to protect the tripletsss."

Harry nodded but a fire burned in his eyes, "Let'sss go talk to the

goblinsss," Harry said and allowed Aiolos to wrap around his neck and

shoulders. "I'll be back in a bit," Harry said in English to his friends.

Draco the only one who looked up to replied starred hard at Harry once

he noticed the set jaw and burning eyes. "Harry?" Harry nodded to him

and Draco stood to go with him. They waited until they reached the

hallway to talk again.

"Aiolos said there have been whispers about attacking the triplets," Harry

said quietly. "The goblins know and I want to speak to them." Draco's jaw

clenched as they continued to a previously unused part of the dungeons

that the goblins refitted for their brigade.

"Who is it?" Draco asked quietly.

Harry hissed to Aiolos and waited for a reply before answering Draco,

"She was in the Hufflepuff common room. A group of older students

talking quietly, she was hunting a mouse in the walls."

"Loyalty of 'puffs," Draco said venomously. "Susan will be pissed if

anything happens to them especially by Hufflepuffs." Draco said with a

sharpness and calculating look that reminded Harry of Draco's animgaus

form. This was his family if anyone attacked them he would kill for them.

He hadn't had family he could be proud of until he met Harry. Sirius and

Amelia accepted him and his mother back into the family despite Lucius

and past behavior.

They arrived at the entrance to the Goblin quarters and were met with

two goblin warriors in full regalia complete with spears. "I would like to

talk to Warmaster Riphorn," Harry said in gobbledygook. The two guards

eyed Harry, Draco, and Aiolos before nodding and opening the door.

"Straight through to the back," One of the guards grunted in


Harry and Draco nodded and walked through the door to find themselves

in a typical military bunk hall. Goblins were sharpening weapons or

talking amongst themselves. Through an open door they saw a sparring

ring had been set up. They walked to the back and waited to be

announced by the goblin guard in front of the last door. The goblin guard

disappeared into the room and came back out moments later.

They entered the office to see various weapons and armors on the walls.

Warmaster Riphorn set behind a gilded desk looking over various

parchments. "Lord Potter, Lord Malfoy," he greeted setting the papers

aside after a minute. He motioned for them to sit.

Harry spoke first, "Aiolos told me there have been plots against Sirius's

triplets. Most likely tonight."

"Yes we've stationed guards at the quarters of Lord Black," Warmaster

Riphorn replied.

"Aiolos will be there tonight with them," Harry replied. "It anyone tries

anything I would request time with the attackers before you inform the

Headmaster of them." Draco nodded along with Harry's statement.

Warmaster Riphorn gave a fierce smirk, "That can be arranged Lord

Potter, Lord Malfoy."

Harry straightened his bowtie before picking up the half face mask lying

on the dresser next to him. He studied the black metallic like mask before

putting it on. It was black with emerald green Celtic designs lining the

sides of it. He was instructed by Daphne, according to the note next to

the mask, to slick his hair back and fit the mask to the right side of his

face, he grinned now recognizing the costume. Except for the black and

green design of the mask he was dressed as the Phantom. Daphne loved

the musical and unbeknownst to her Harry had tickets for them to see it

over Christmas break.

"I make this look good," Blaise whistled to himself causing Harry to laugh

to himself before looking over at his friend. Blaise was dressed in an all

black suit with a Medico della Peste mask that was black with silver


Harry raised an eyebrow at his friend, "A plague doctor really?"

"Well the goal is to play doctor with Maria Weston," Blaise said with

smirk naming his seventh year Hufflepuff date.

Harry rolled his eyes and silently said a prayer that Tracey wouldn't kill

him tonight. The two had been flirting more often but Harry wasn't sure

Blaise understood Tracey was serious. Despite being like brothers Harry

would kick his arse if Blaise made Tracey cry tonight. "Come on the

others are in the common room already." They walked out of the dorms

and joined Draco and Theo in the common room. Draco was dressed in as

V from the V for Vendetta complete with a Guy Fawkes mask. He had the

mask in his hand as he talked to some of the other Slytherins and Theo.

Theo was dressed as an Italy Renaissance noble in navy blue with a half

mask that was gold and navy blue diamond pattern.

"Nice costume Draco," Harry commented when he got close to the two.

"Well I thought someone who fights against an oppressive purity driven

government would be fighting," Draco said with smirk towards the

eavesdropping Artie Varma, Thomas Avery, Pansy Parkinson, and Crabbe

and Goyle. Avery reached for his wand but was stopped by Varma who

simply glared at them and led her group out of the common room. Harry

laughed softly as they passed.

"Making friends?" They heard come from a friendly voice. They turned to

see Astoria and Ginny had joined them.

"Always," Draco quipped to his girlfriend with a smirk. "You look

beautiful, Tori." Astoria was dressed in a black one shoulder ball gown

that hugged her waist before flaring out with white swirl like designs on

the fabric. In her hand was a half mask that was half white and half black

with similar designs as her dress. Ginny was dressed to match Theo in a

navy blue Renaissance nobility dress with mask covering her eyes that

was dark blue than a lighter navy blue and final gold as it got closer

around the eyes.

"My lady you look ravishing," Theo said in an exaggerated Old English

accent. Ginny rolled her eyes but accept the compliment and took his

outstretched hand. "We'll see you guys there," Theo said before he and

the others left placing their masks on as they left the common room.

"Hey guys," Malcolm Baddock said as he Gram Pritchard joined them.

Malcolm was escorting Tracey as a friend to the feast and ball while

Gram's date was also a Hufflepuff. Malcolm was dressed in a 1920's green

and silver zuit suite complete with a large green fedora with a feather in

its band. He had a bauta style sliver mask along with him. Gram was

dressed in a green and silver Venetian jester with a full face mask.

Just as Harry was about to reply he heard Daphne's voice from behind

them, "Ready boys?" She asked with a smile that turned to smirk as she

saw Blaise's jaw drop as he eyed Tracey.

He quickly covered it by putting on his mask, "Ready," his voice cracked

a little before he cleared his throat to continue, "Let's go Gram we're

gonna be late." He quickly frog marched a smirking Gram out of the

common room. Harry, Daphne, and Malcolm burst out laughing as Blaise

left the common room while Tracey smirked.

"You do look stunning Tracey," Malcolm said as he stopped laughing.

Tracey who stood at 5'7 had her long legs on display in a sliver flapper

dress that stopped a little past mid thigh; the stilettos she wore only

made her legs look longer. Her hair was pinned in a flapper style and her

half mask was Slytherin green with a see-through black lace pattern

covering it. The mask had a large plume of black feathers attached to the

left top corner of the mask.

"Thank you," Tracey said with a genuine smile and curtsey.

"What do ya think?" Daphne asked playfully giving a twirl for Harry.

"Ravishing," Harry replied pulling his wife in for a deep kiss. Daphne was

in a black strapless dress that was floor length. It was fitted to her waist

and then flared out to the left with some of the fabric gathered and

draped at her right hip. The top half of her dress and intricate lace and

bead work done in the same green as on Harry's mask. Her hair was

styled in an up do that emphasized her neck and showed off thin

platinum chain necklace that had a rather large teardrop emerald

pendant. Her mask only covered her eyes and was made of a smooth thin

black metal that was cut in such a way that it looked like a lace pattern

similar to Tracey's mask.

After Harry let pulled back from the kiss Daphne playfully spoke, "And

you look dashing though I think you need one more thing."


"Mmhmm, your sword," Daphne said and grabbed the Sword of

Gryffindor from where she had set it next to the couch during their

entrance. Harry grinned at her and took the sword attaching it to his


"Ready to go? We need to meet Neville and Hannah and Susan and

Seamus," Harry said.

"Yep," Tracey answered.

Harry took Daphne's hand and led her out of the common room with

Tracey and Malcolm. They chatted on the way to meet the others at the

Hufflepuff common room entrance. When they got there the others were

waiting, Neville was dressed as pirate with a dark blue vest and cape

with a solid black bauta mask. Hannah was dressed as a18th century

French noble woman with full mask held on stick. The mask matched the

colors of her outfit, it was two toned with the top being gold then fading

to white with the lips being gold also. Susan was dressed in tight fitting

one strap purple dress that reached to her knees with a half mask that

was gold, green, and purple diamond pattern. Seamus was dressed in a

jester costume and mask in the same color scheme though he wore a full

mask. Seamus was trying to covertly stare at Susan chest making Harry

growl at the Irishman upon their arrival. Seamus straightened up and

starred at the ceiling while greeting the others.

"Sue," Harry said and gave his god sister a kiss on the cheek, "You look

lovely. As do you Hannah," he gave her a kiss on the cheek to while

Neville did the same to Tracey and Daphne. Malcolm said his hellos

though a bit warmly to the non Gryffindors, Seamus got a nod. They

made their way to the Great Hall passing first, second, and third years

running there in muggle costumes.

"Hey where's Hermione tonight?" Neville asked the group as they neared

the entrance.

"Her, Padma, and some others decided to go as a group. Hermione's in a

blue and gold cat mask," Daphne replied. They entered the Great Hall

and looked around in awe. Even with being a part of the decorating

committee they had yet to see it finished. With the sun setting the Hall's

deep purples and blacks were given a glowing tint. When the sun would

finally set the fires in the hall would give the hall an eerie but fitting


"You can tell the purebloods," Malcolm commented as they walked in. He

was eyeing some of the younger years in their costumes. "Just look at the

vampires," He was laughing quietly letting them all know his comment

wasn't meant to be prejudiced. They looked to the table he was looking

at. Harry grinned at the sight there were three vampires at the table two

were dressed as replicas of Bram Stoker's Dracula while the other simply

spelled his canines longer and pointy.

"How'd you know wha' a muggle vampire looks like," Seamus asked only

a tad insulting which was tame for the opinionated Irishman.

Malcolm's eyes narrowed under his mask though only Tracey could tell as

his grip on her hand tightened. She rubbed his knuckles in a comforting

way as Malcolm spoke, "Our Manor is only a few miles from a muggle

town, there's a movie theatre there."

Seamus nodded and wisely held in his reply as Susan tightened her hold

on his hand while giving the Irishman an entirely too sweet look. Harry

just shook his head recognizing the look of Susan, Seamus was in trouble

if he opened his mouth without thinking again.

"Let's go," Harry eased the tension that was building, "There's an open

table over there," Harry said putting out to a table near the DJ booth that

had been set up. Tonks was DJing tonight with permission from Amelia.

Tonks doubled as an undercover agent as the only ones who knew it was

Tonks was a few Professors and Harry and the New Marauders. They

made their way to the table without incident saying hello to people they

recognized. At their table were Harry, Daphne, Tracey, Malcolm, Neville,

Hannah, Susan and Seamus. They were only sitting for a few minutes

when Harry recognized Heathcliff come up to the table with his date,

which had a full mask on stick coving her face.

"Mind if we join you," Heathcliff asked. He was dressed in black modern

style dress robes that consisted of a suit and cape with a white mask

Phantom style mask. His date moved her mask with and flashed them a

smile. Harry recognized the Gryffindor Chaser, Vicky Frobisher. She was

dressed in a black and white checkerboard style dress with white Go-go

boots and her hair was done like Farrah Fawcet (Sirius watched Charlie's

Angels almost religiously).

"Of course," Daphne answered with a smile.

"You sure you wanna sit with us snakes," Harry jokingly asked with a


Vicky returned the smirk, "Well I can't leave Seamus here all alone. He

might start World War Three with his mouth," she snarked.

"Oi!" Seamus shouted but laughed it off with the rest of the table. "So

Harry know any potions that blow things up?" Seamus asked with a grin.

"Actually there's one I'm working on with Professor Snape. It's called

Dragon's Breath. It allows you to breathe fire as hot as a dragon's."

"Wicked," was the only reply from Seamus.

"Hey look at Professor McGonagall," Tracey said laughing at the

disgruntled look on the face of the teacher. The stern professor was

looking at table of third years with a disgusted look as if someone had

laid a rotten fish in front of her. At the table was a kid dressed as Freddy

Kruger, knife hand and all. Harry started laughing while the other

costumes weren't as let's say interesting, as Freddy the others were

dressed as slasher film characters. There was someone dressed as Michael

Meyers, Jason and Hannibal Lector.

"Do you think she knows who the characters are?" Harry asked with a


"I doubt they'd still be sitting there if she did," Tracey said with a shiver,

she hated Halloween. She jumped every time she heard the Michael

Meyers theme. She was going to comment on it when Headmaster

Flitwick stood at the Headtable.

"I'll not make this long," The Headmaster stated, "Welcome to the

Halloween Feast. We hope you enjoy the new take on this year's feast. So

without further ado our feast." With that food appeared on the tables

along with candy both smuggle and wizarding variety.

The meal was going well with students chatting while eating and

stocking candy in pockets for later. Everything was going well until some

late comers showed up. The doors to the Great Hall opened and reveal

two Death Eaters.

Harry shot up out of his seat with his wand drawn and spell lit on his

wand, though he held from firing as he saw no wand. Across the Hall

others followed but weren't as generous as Harry shot off spells. Ten

incarcerous spells, five stunners, seven impedimenta curses struck the


"HOLD!" Headmaster Flitwick shouted in an amplified voice stopping all

movement. The only ones moving were aurors and goblins who had

canceled their disillusion spells. The aurors quickly moved to the suspects

and ripped the masks off the unconscious Death Eaters. It revealed

Cormac McLaggen and Marcus Belby. Headmaster Flitwick looked livid

as he moved to the front of the Hall. The aurors woke the boys up who

looked dazed at the hall around them.

"Was' happen?" Marcus Belby managed to slur out. The aurors picked

them up on to their feet and Cormac pitched forward being caught by an


A goblin stepped forward with his axe in front of him, he sniffed Cormac,

"He's drunk," the goblin growled out and spit at Cormac's feet. The

Headmaster's face turned an angry red color.

"Take them to my office now!" Headmaster Flitwick shouted then turned

to one of the aurors. "Tell Director Black to meet me in my office, she's

with Professor Black." The auror nodded and walked out. Cormac paled

dramatically while Belby swayed on his feet. Most of the school had a

disgusted look on their faces as the two were frog marched out of the


Vicky slammed her head on the table and groaned, "There goes our


The others chuckled but Daphne looked at Harry curiously, "Why didn't

you fire your spell."

"We're teenagers we're stupid and impulsive by nature. I kinda figured

this would happen," Harry said with a shrug and a sad grin.

"Apologies for the disruption," Professor McGonagall announced from the

Head table. Anymore interruptions shall be dealt with likewise," She

glared out at the students showing her displeasure. She then waved her

hand s in motion for them to resume the feast.

"I didn't think those two were that stupid," Malcolm commented as they

got back to eating.

"They're not," Vicky said still glum over her team's worsening prospects.

"I overheard Cormac talking in the common room that some Hufflepuff

dared him to do that, but he sounded like he blew it off."

Seamus laughed, "Firewhiskey can change things. Some of the seventh

years were passin' it 'round while you birds were getting' dressed." The

others laughed and nodded at that but Harry was pensive. He found

Draco's eyes at a table nearby, Draco nodded to him before returning to

his meal. The meal wound down and Professor McGonagall once again

took to the Head table as Headmaster Flitwick had yet to return.

"At this time I would like to dismiss the lower years to their common

room," She announced. As the lower years left while gathering what

candy they could, the tables were cleared from the dance area leaving

about half the tables. Tonks appeared at the DJ booth with incandescent

mask that changed colors as the light hit it; her hair was a normal black

as not to give her away.

Once the tables were cleared from the floor music came through the

speakers and shouts of excitement came from muggleborns and

halfbloods and they recognized the music. 'Doin' it' by LL Cool J came on

to start the party off. Most of the purebloods went with the music

without thought though a select few looked put out by the music. Daphne

pulled Harry out to the dance floor without preamble eager to enjoy the

night. They danced for the next four songs before taking a break when

Vanilla Ice's Ice Ice Baby came on.

Daphne pulled Harry off the floor and far away from the DJ booth as he

glared at it, trying to make it go up in flames. Daphne was laughing at

the disgruntled look on Harry's face, "Oh come on she has to play pop

songs it a dance."

"Yeah but Ice Ice Baby," Harry whined playfully. "She should just play

Under Pressure," He grumbled under his breath as they were met by

Hermione and Padma at the punch table.

"Harry stop whining," Hermione said before they even started talking

causing Harry to pout and Daphne and Padma to laugh.

"Not a fan of Vanilla Ice Harry?" Padma asked. Harry glared causing a

new round of giggles from the girls.

"Enjoying the dance?" Daphne asked after a minute, taking pity on her


"Yes being with a group seems to make the wannabe playboys away,"

Padma said with laugh.

"Padma's in the same boat as I am," Hermione filled in for Daphne and

Harry. "She's dating a boy from India."

"You look surprised Harry?" Padma commented as Harry handed Daphne

her punch.

"Parvati told me about your dad's attempt at contracts," He trailed off

with a shrug and a smile.

Padma shared, her father was quiet literally in the dog house for that.

"And you thought I'd stay away from Indian boys like Parvati," Padma

finished his statement.

"Guilty," Harry grinned.

Padma laughed, "I did for awhile but I met Amar over the summer when

we visited Goa."

"How is Goa?" Daphne asked. "It's on my list of places to visit," she said

sharing a smile with Harry.

"It's beautiful especially the beaches. It's one of the richest parts of India

so it's very modern though the culture is still there."

"It was colonized by the Portuguese though not British right?" Hermione

asked curiously.

Padma nodded the feathers on her mask bouncing, "Yes you can tell by

the architecture." Padma was going to continue but squealed instead, "I

love this song come on," she pulled Hermione onto the dance floor as No

Doubt's Just a Girl came on. Harry and Daphne shared a laugh as their

bookish friend was pulled into dancing.

They weren't alone long before Neville and Hannah joined them at the

table they moved to to rest. Neville tolerated dancing for Hannah's sake

which she was fully aware of.

"Having fun," Harry asked with a smirk towards Neville. In response

Neville shot him the bird.

"Hogwarts should have done these types of events earlier," Hannah

responded in a much nicer way. "It encourages us beyond Houses."

Daphne's simple response to that was, "Tradition."

"I know but still it's not like Houses matter when we leave school,"

Hannah said before smiling, "ooh good song. I love Michael Jackson."

Harry shrugged, "I like his earlier music not so much now." Hannah

looked aghast but Harry simply smirked.

"Whatever," Hannah said with all the attitude of a Valley Girl but lost it

and started laughing.

Neville looked a little spooked, "You're way too good at that."

"So what'd you guys think of McLaggen and Belby earlier," Hannah asked

quietly despite the loud music.

"They were colossal idiots," Daphne replied.

"They were drunk," Neville said right after which was followed by Harry.

"Figured it was bound to happen, this being a masquerade and all."

Hannah nodded to that, "Belby's dad is going to furious. We know the

family and Marcus' grandfather was killed by Death Eaters."

"Ouch," Harry replied thinking of Belby's punishment.

Daphne chuckled, "They just get keep getting more stupid." The song

changed as she finished causing Daphne and Hannah to stand up and

Neville and Harry to groan as they got pulled up to dance. Whitney

Huston's I Will Always Love You came on.

"You just had to let them watch that movie," Neville snarked to Harry as

they were pulled to the dance floor. Harry shrugged, he may have found

the song annoying after awhile but now it meant he got to hold Daphne

close. He enfolded Daphne into his arms as they swayed to the music in

the background. Daphne laid her head on his shoulder as they danced to

the music. Harry turned her face to his and took her lips in a kiss

brushing his lips against hers slowly, languidly.

"I love you," Harry said softly moving his lips to her ear. Daphne pulled

his face back to hers and met his lips in another tender kiss. The music

changed to a fast tempo and Daphne turned so her back was facing

Harry's front. She shimmied down Harry's front and back up in time to

the music while Harry danced with her. They moved off to one side lost

in their own world.

They were startled out of their bubble by a goblin guard, "Lord Potter."

He gave Harry a significant look. Daphne watched with worry as Harry's

eyes narrowed.

"Can you find Draco and meet me in outside the hall," Harry asked his

tone laced with anger. His face softened a bit at Daphne's worried look,

"I'll explain once Draco's there."

"Alright then," Daphne said with a nod and gave him a quick kiss.

Harry walked with the goblin along the wall without pulling any

attention to themselves with the darkness of the hall. "Who and how?"

Harry asked in gobbledygook.

"Ryan Jones, Mitchell Frostburn, Nathanial Bathe, and Lindsey Roth. All

Hufflepuffs three seventh years and one sixth year," The Goblin replied in

gobbledygook. Harry's knuckles tightened on his sword's hilt. They

stopped outside the entrance to the Great Hall and waited. Moments later

Draco, Astoria, and Daphne appeared.

"Explain," came from both Daphne and Astoria in perfect in synch with

each other. Despite the situation both Draco and Harry cracked a smile.

"Aiolos told me earlier today that she overheard some Hufflepuff's

discussing an attack on the triplets," Harry said with a growl. Both

Daphne and Astoria straightened at the mention of the triplets.

"And Cormac was set up to get Amelia and Sirius out of their quarters,"

Daphne finished with a growl similar to Harry's.

"He wasn't in on it?" Draco asked Harry as the goblin started leading

them to Sirius' quarters.

"No Vicky, the Gryffindor chaser, sat with us for the feast. She said

Cormac was talking loudly in the common room that some Hufflepuff

dared him to dress as a Death Eater for tonight."

"And McLaggen's the type of idiot to do it," Draco concluded, he didn't

have much love for the brash Gryffindor keeper.

"Especially when drunk," Daphne added, "Neville told us some of the

seventh year Gryffindor's got their hands on Firewhiskey."

"Both Amelia and Sirius left the quarters for them?" Astoria asked the


"Yes both were rather furious with the news. Of course they know we

were guarding the door and Aiolos was there. They called a house elf to

watch the sleeping whelps," the goblin replied in a gruff manor. They

passed the entrance to Sirius' quarters and gasped. The door was blown

off the hinges; they could hear the triplets crying.

"Why haven't Amelia and Sirius been informed yet?" Daphne asked with

concern. The goblin gave Harry a side glance.

Harry answered the question, "Once Amelia is informed she has to take

jurisdiction over the case and we can't spend any time with the culprits."

He said with a glance to Draco.

Astoria and Daphne didn't look happy with that but nodded their

consent, "We'll sit with the triplets. Could you please inform Amelia and

Sirius now," Daphne asked the goblin.

The goblin warrior nodded his consent, "They are being held in that

room," he pointed down the hall where two goblin warriors were

guarding a door to an empty classroom. He then set off at a leisurely pace

to the Headmaster's office.

"Don't do anything you'll regret," Daphne said giving Harry a kiss before

taking Astoria's hand and walking into Sirius's quarters to relieve the

house elf struggling to get the triplets calm.

Harry and Draco nodded to each other before walking the short way to

the door where the goblins were standing guard. One moved aside while

the other ran his finger down the door unlocking it for them. Draco

replaced his mask while Harry conjured a fedora to hide the rest of his

face. They entered the dimly lit classroom giving off a sinister air that

made the goblin warriors in the room smirk while the four students

shivered. They were already bound in chains and huddled in the corner.

They were all dressed in standard dress robes sans masks. Lindsey looked

pale and her eyes darted about the room. When her eyes landed on the

masked Draco and Harry her eyes widened in fear. Of the three boys only

Nathanial Bathe looked scared, he was the lone sixth year of the group.

The other two looked defiant and sneered at the goblins in disgust. They

looked at Harry and Draco with fearful curiosity. Harry and Draco waited

for them to make the first move.

Finally the leader of the group Ryan Jones broke the silence, "What do

you want," he sneered at them. Harry and Draco removed their disguises

and looked at the four with hatred burning in their eyes; Harry's a

glowing green while Draco's was a cool grey. Lindsey let out small shriek

at the hate in the eyes not sure which was worse. Ryan Jones sneered at

them while Mitchell Frostburn glared at the two and then at Lindsey.

Draco recorded them coolly while Harry burned holes into their skin.

Aiolos made an appearance over Lindsey's shoulder causing her to shriek

again and start to whimper.

"Come Aiolosss," Harry hissed causing all four to jump though it was

quickly covered by Jones and Frostburn. Aiolos snapped at them before

coming to a stop in front of Harry and Draco.

"Well," Jones spit out his eyes darting from the snake to the goblins and

then to Harry and Draco. "What do you want?" Jones continued getting

up to his feet with urgency in his tone.

Draco simply starred at the older teen in the eyes, "You attacked a Black."

Draco let his comment settle. The four traditionally trained purebloods

had a tremor of fear run down their spines. They knew the Black family

lived up to their name especially when it came to family they cared

about. "We're," Draco gestured to Harry and himself, "Blacks." With that

Draco slammed his fist into Ryan Jones face. His nose shattered with an

audible snap and blood gushed from it as the older boy fell back into his

friends. Frostburn caught him looked down at his friend in shock at the

force of Draco's punch before he shot up.

He got about five inches before Harry's booted foot slammed into his

chest breaking four of the boy's ribs. He slammed into the ground as

Harry put his foot down as if nothing happened. Aiolos hissed

menacingly at the other two causing Lindsey to shriek again. Aiolos

zeroed in on the girl and slithered over to her. The girl tried to fling

Aiolos off but Harry froze her already chained arms in place to prevent

any harm to his familiar. Aiolos slithered up to the now sobbing girl's

neck. Aiolos tightened around her neck making it harder for her to

breathe while Aiolos raised her hood and hissed at the girl causing her to

shrink back.

"You attacked not only a Black but three innocent babies," Harry growled.

"And for what?"

"We will be rewarded," Frostburn wheezed.

Draco shot out with his fist nailing Frostburn in the jaw, dislocating it.

He took Frostburn by his robes and slammed him into the wall making

his head bounce off the wall, "Bullshit the only reward you'll get is the


"The Dark Lord will mark us now," Jones added holding his nose. His

voice was nasally as he spoke, "These disgusting creatures can't hold us."

Harry shot forward and lifted Jones with up off his feet, "Those disgusting

creatures as you call them are what keeps your economy thriving, they

have fought your Lord and won, and they will continue to do so," Harry

sneered at him. "Those creatures are more human than you'll ever be;

they defend children while you try to harm them." With that for the

second time that evening a fist met Ryan Jones's face. Harry landed a

solid punch to the side of Jones's face as he was trying to twist away. The

force of the punch knocked him unconscious and Harry dropped the

older boy unceremoniously onto the ground in a heap. He looked over

and noticed Draco had smashed his foot down on to the hands of

Nathanial Bathe who was trying to reach for broken chair leg to use as a

weapon. Draco ground his boot on the teen's hand breaking his fingers.

Harry and Draco suddenly made a face as did the goblins in the room.

They looked to Lindsey Roth, who was a sobbing mess of tears, had wet

herself from fear of Aiolos.

Aiolos slithered off the girl, "Damn disssgusssting humans."

"You'll pay for this," she sobbed out in an attempt to save face.

Draco let out a dark chuckle, "Did you forget you're in goblin custody.

This is perfectly allowed by their laws. You should study more about

what goes on your life. Not that you'll have to deal with goblins much

longer considering what fate awaits you."

Harry laughed at her look of confusion, "Not only did you attack the sons

and daughter of two Ancient families but the children of the Director of

the DMLE. You will not be given leniency for anything."

Nathanial whimpered at that and in response Harry's foot connected with

his mouth knocking out three teeth and breaking the boy's jaw. They

were interrupted by any further violence when the goblin that brought

them from the hall walked in.

"My Lords, the aurors are here to take custody of the four," he spoke in

gobbledygook. Harry and Draco nodded.

"Aiolosss come," Harry called to his familiar who came and sank into

Harry's skin as a tattoo.

They left the room much to the relief of Lindsey and Mitchell, the only

two awake. They came face to face with Sirius and a group of aurors.

"You didn't kill them did you?" Sirius asked with a grim look.

"We simply reminded them they're dealing with Black's," Draco said


"So once again, did you kill them?" Sirius asked again with a grin similar

to Draco. Some of the older aurors grimaced at the reminder of the Black


"No," Harry stated simply. "We'll be with Amelia and the triplets." He

nodded to the aurors as he and Draco made their way past them. As they

were walking down the hall Sirius and the aurors whistled at the damage

they caused in only five minutes.

Harry and Draco made their way into Sirius's quarters where the girls and

Amelia were with the triplets. Draco turned to the left over pieces of the

door and transfigured them back into their original state. A house elf

popped in and reattached the new door to the hinges.

"Thank you Draco," came quietly from Amelia who was holding Lyra

while RJ and Ed had gone back to sleep. Draco nodded to the woman he

considered family while he put his arm over Astoria's shoulders and

pulled her to him. Harry moved over to where Daphne was sitting near

the triplets bassinets. He sat down and placed a kiss on her head while

looking over the two boys for any scratch.

"Why did the goblins allow the door to be blown up?" Astoria asked while

looking over the door.

"The four had to act for the goblins to arrest them," Amelia answered still

quiet, there were tear tracks on her face. Astoria accepted the answer but

didn't look happy about as she gazed at the triplets. They sat quietly

watching the triplets sleep peacefully despite the night's events.

Sirius came back after a few minutes looking irritated, "Those two idiots

you knocked out still have no idea what they've done." He paused before

he asked, "What the hell did you do to the girl." The others looked a bit

alarmed at the question.

Harry and Draco shrugged, "Nothing Aiolos wrapped around her and

scared her." Aiolos rose out of Harry's skin and slithered out of his robes

giving them all an imperious look making them laugh.

"Well anyways they've been taken into custody and will be arraigned in

the morning," Sirius said sitting down by his wife and pulling her into

hug with Lyra.

"We're going to head back to the dance," Draco said standing with

Astoria. Harry and Daphne stood also wanting to give Sirius and Amelia

time together with their kids, though Aiolos stayed.

Daphne pulled Harry aside once they got into the hallway, "I don't want

to go back to the dance." She said quietly pulling him into a kiss. When

she pulled back Harry smiled at her and took her hand leading her down

to their quarters in the dungeons using some of the secret passages in the


Once they got back to their quarters Harry took his sword off and placed

it on a stand above their fireplace. Daphne took his cloak off as he did

and then pushed him so he was sitting on the couch. She gazed at him

lovingly for a moment before moving over to join him on the couch

sitting so she straddled his lap and laid her head on his shoulder.

"Are you okay?" She asked as she played with his hair.

"Yes," Harry said after a few seconds, "The triplets were unharmed but

those four really were idiots like Sirius said. They refused to accept what

they did."

"Well like you said earlier we're teenagers, stupid and irresponsible most

of the time," Daphne said with a laugh. Harry grinned at her in response

and started tickling her. She started giggling and squirming on his lap.

"Har-ry…stop," She gasped out between giggles. All her squirming though

had a different reaction for him. Harry stopped tickling her but Daphne

grinned wickedly and kept moving on his lap.

"Daph," Harry groaned. She laughed with her head thrown back and

Harry moved forward and nipped at her neck.

He picked her up and switched positions so that she was under him on

the couch. He trailed kissed across her neck and up to her lips before

slipping his tongue into her mouth. Daphne moaned as his tongue played

with hers and threw his suit jacket off before working on undoing his

vest and shirt. Harry moved his mouth to her ear lobe and sucked it into

his mouth making her moan again as she got his shirt off. She ran her

nails down his chest drawing a shiver from Harry. He moved back to her

lips and she took his lips in an urgent way. He picked her up off the

couch and she wrapped her legs around his waist. He brought her to their

bedroom and set her down onto her feet. He brought his lips to her neck

while she undid his pants. Harry kissed her shoulders sliding the material

down off them before undoing the zipper of her dress and pushing it

down off her body.

Harry pulled back to look at her and nearly bit his tongue in surprise, his

wife had gone without a bra tonight. She had a lacey black thong that

Harry nearly tore off before leaning her down on to the bed. He kicked

his pants off and his boxers before quickly joining her on the bed.

Daphne giggled as she watched Harry, he grinned at her with a lopsided

smile. He moved over her and kissed down her stomach. He ran his nose

over her hips bones lightly making her shiver and her hands go to his

hair. He slowly moved his lips to her thighs giving each one a sensual

kiss before moving to her center.

He flattened his tongue and gave one long lick to her center, "Oooh,"

Daphne moaned as he began to eat her out in earnest. He licked, sucked,

and nibble at her clit while she tugged at his hair whenever he hit a

certain spot. He brought one his fingers up to her entrance and inserted it

slowly making her buck her hips for more. He grinned against her and set

a fast pace with his tongue and fingers. Daphne was writhing against him

as he worked her towards her climax. Finally he curled his fingers

roughly in her while nipping her clit and she screamed as she climaxed.

He withdrew his fingers and slowed his licking until her breathing

evened out before he kissed back up her body. He stopped to play with

her breast working her up again before she finally pulled him up to her.

"In me now," she moaned out as his dick rubbed against her pussy. Harry

brought his lips to hers and plunged his tongue into her mouth as he

entered her. She bucked against him and Harry moaned with pleasure as

he sunk into her. She clenched her inner muscles around his member as

he began to move in and out of her. Daphne moved her lips to Harry's

neck and began to kiss under the back of his ear.

"Daph," Harry groaned and started moving faster and rocking into her.

She met his thrusts with equal vigor rising up to meet his hips. Both of

them could feel it building in them as they met each other's thrusts.

Harry claimed her lips once more as he moved faster plunging as far in as

he could go before pulling out. Daphne's muscles clenched rapidly around

him as she screamed out her climax. Harry followed moments later in his

own climax.

They slowly came down from their high still moving with each other

languidly. Harry finally pulled out and moved from a top Daphne pulling

her with him. She was now laying on her side half on Harry with her

head on his chest. Harry ran his hands through her hair as they were

silent for few moments simply enjoying each other.

"We haven't had much time to ourselves," Daphne commented breaking

the silence, "But that more than makes up for it," she finished playfully

and kissed where his heart was.

"We should take a trip over Christmas break," Harry said still playing

with her hair.

"Mmh, that sounds nice," Daphne said sleepily. Harry laughed quietly and

Daphne slipped into dreamland. Harry stayed awake for a few more

minutes thinking about where they could go.


Well it's been bit hasn't? Sorry but it turns out i had whooping

cough and was sick until about the second week of Jan. and then of

course classes started. And let me tell you this start of the semester

has sucked big time. Anyway I'm on spring break now so we'll see if

I can crank out another chapter soon.

as always thanks for your reveiws and support,


49. Weasley is our King

"Riddle attacked muggle Liverpool," Hermione announced not looking up

from her paper as Harry, Daphne, Tracey, and Blaise joined her at the

Ravenclaw table for breakfast the day after the Masquerade. "And the

attack on The Black children beat it out for the front page," Hermione

added with a bit of bitterness seeping through.

Harry gave her a sharp look at the tone of voice so she added, "The attack

on Liverpool killed thirteen mugggles, had thirteen muggles kissed,

thirteen tortured, and thirteen houses burned to the ground. Its first

mention is on page five and the main headline is about the majority of

reaming Dementors being killed off.

"I'm not saying an unsuccessful attack on the triplets of the Director of

Magical Law Enforcement doesn't matter or that it shouldn't make the

front page. However the rest of the story is on the Black and Bones family

lines form page two to four." Harry's sharp look dissipated and he held

out his hand for the paper. Hermione turned it over willingly to Harry

who perused the articles.

"It's not surprising," Daphne said softly with look guilt on her face. "The

large portion, the richest portion, of wizarding Britain still doesn't like to

acknowledge the muggle world." Tracey being a half-blood shared

Hermione's outrage but also knew from her father's family what Daphne

was getting at, the old regime of wizarding world would rather think the

muggle world didn't exist.

"Do you think there was any ritual attempt by Riddle or did he just play

on muggle superstitions," Harry asked after finishing the article. His

questioned was directed to Hermione and Tracey, his fellow arthimancy


Tracey looked pensive before answering, "If it was just the murders I

would be inclined to think so however none of the other events point to a

ritual. So it was most likely just Riddle using muggle superstition in his


"Yeah," Blaise added, "He would know it too with growing up in the

muggle world." Hermione looked thoughtful at the answer most likely

planning a trip to the library in the near future. With that the group

finished eating in a quiet silence each lost in their thoughts.

They stood to leave for charms and were joined by Neville, Hannah,

Susan, Draco, and Theo. "So did you guys here McClaggen and Belby's

punishment?" Neville said with undisguised glee. The rest of the group

had been informed by Draco and Astoria of what happened the night

before. At their denial Neville continued, "Cormac is banned from

quidditch for the rest of Hogwarts, Katie was pissed but understood." The

Slytherin quidditch players shared a grin. "They've also been stripped of

their wands for anything other than classes or homework which is to be

supervised by a teacher. Then their fathers were called, Dean Thomas

swore he heard yelling from the opposite side of the corridor to the

Headmaster office when he walked by. Anyways apparently they were

both so hacked off they gave Madam Bones permission to throw them in

Azkaban for a one day and night. And they agreed to both boys' underage

magic restrictions being left in place until their eighteen."

"Holy shite," Susan said in a rather stunned voice. Harry, Hermione,

Draco, and Theo shared her look of surprise. Hannah had heard this from

Neville earlier which was the only reason she was able to keep her look

of surprise contained.

"You don't think that's harsh?" Susan said turning to Daphne, Blaise, and


"Well we all," Blaise said gesturing to himself, Daphne, and Tracey. "Have

spent time around the McClaggen's at functions and parties. Cormac

McClaggen Sr. maybe a braggart, like his son, but he's a hard arse and

deeply involved in the Wizenmagot. He's on the finance committee."

Daphne added, "And Vicki the Gryffindor chaser told us last night that

Belby lost a family member to Death Eater's in the first war. So it's not

surprising that their families were hacked off."

"Still holding someone under the restriction for another year is huge,"

Theo spoke up. Hermione and Harry gave him a look so he explained,

"It's not just 'oh I can do magic out of school,' it's a wizard or witches

official coming of age. It's usually in pureblood families, which both

McClaggen and Belby are, are huge deal celebrated with an elaborate

party. It wouldn't surprise even though Harry's emancipated and married

if Sirius was planning on having one for Harry." Harry groaned at that


Daphne chuckled, "My poor anti-social famous husband," she teased and

gave him a quick peck on the check as they entered the Charms

classroom. The other laughed at Harry's pouting expression.

They took their seats at the front of the classroom and waited for the

other N.E.W.T level students to arrive. It was fairly large since N.E.W.T

classes were held with all four houses and close to the all of their year

had chosen to continue the class; though thanks to Fedor's rigorous

syllabus and punishments a few had dropped the course.

"Alright I want everybody to put their things and their outer robes into

these trunks to my left," Fedor said as he walked in wearing a rain

slicker. He drew odd looks form the class but they were all quick to

comply with his words. Once everyone had done as he asked the

Bulgarian started speaking again, "Today you'll be learning the aguamenti

charm. And no none of you will cast and impervious charm on

yourselves. Perhaps getting wet will teach you to control the spell better.

Now who can tell me about the charm? Mr. Finch-Fetchly?"

"It's a form of conjuration and is used to create a fountain of water," The

Hufflepuff answered.

"Good. Now the trick with this spell is learning to control the amount of

power you put into it. You can either get a trickle," Fedor demonstrated

with drops of water coming out of his wand, "Or a violent jet." Fedor said

with a smirk a sent the spell at Harry who ducked out of the way leaving

the spell to hit Hermione who was sitting behind him. Hermione's

expression would have looked well suited on a drowned cat causing

Fedor to curse under his breath. "Well looks like I'll be avoiding Viktor

for awhile," he muttered causing those who could hear it to laugh.

Hermione glared and conjured her own stream of water and sent it at

Harry who was still laughing. Harry was hit in the face with the jet

stream leaving him snorting water. Harry glared at Hermione who raised

an eyebrow. He turned to Daphne who was snickering at him and

proceeded to shake his long hair like a dog proceeding to soak her.

Daphne glared and was about to wave her wand when Fedor spoke again.

"Alright hold it! And five points to Ravenclaw. There are no wand

movements with this spell. You'll only move you wand to direct the

stream as Hermione demonstrated. You'll goal for today's class is to be

able to produce a gentle stream of water."

Fedor let them loose to perform the spell and it quickly became evident

why he was wearing a rain slicker. Within minutes a majority of the class

was soaked when they attempted the spell putting too much power

behind it. Harry and the New Marauders though had simply descended

into a water fight.

"You all show me the spell," Fedor came up to them with a wine glass in

hand. "Fill it up and then leave. They're already wrecking havoc on my

classroom enough," He gestured to the rest of the class. Each one of them

performed the spell without splashing any water out of the wine glass.

They left the classroom just as Padma sent an overpowered jet of water

accidently at Lavender Brown who returned fired. Padma ducked and

Lavender's jet of water hit Pansy who retaliated. Fedor quickly froze the

class with an impedimenta curse before yelling as Harry shut the door to

the classroom.

"Welcome to the first quidditch match of the season!" Luna Lovegood's

dreamy voice proclaimed out over the qudditch pitch. She was

interesting choice to replace Lee Jordan as announcer but would at least

be rid of the bias Jordan was known for. "Between the undefeated

champions SLYTHERIN and GRYFFINDOR!" As she spoke the Slytherins

and Gryffindors flew out on to the pitch. "Starting for Slytherin we have

seeker and first year captain HARRY POTTER!" A large cheer was heard

from not just the Slytherin section but the rest of the school. Harry spied

Sirius and Amelia in the visitor's box with the triplets bundled up. They

were bundled in Slytherin cloaks but each had red hats on making Harry

chuckle especially when Lyra tried to pull hers off. "Returning at chaser

for Slytherin we have DRACO MALFOY and GINNY WEASLEY. Joining

them at chaser this year is third year CLAYTON MEYERS! At beater for

Slytherin the unstoppable CAT ROWLE is back." Cat brushed her knuckles

across her jersey at Luna's words making her team laugh. "Joining her is

sixth year MILLICENT BULSTRODE! And steeping in to former captain

Aaron Vaisey's shoes is forth year HEATHCLIFF TWONK!" Heathcliff

paled a bit at the mention of filing in for Vaisey. But was bolstered by his

team and the Slytherin cheers.

"Starting for Gryffindor and in her first year at captain is chaser KATIE

BELL!" Katie didn't look particularly thrilled as her team warmed up.

"Joining her on the Gryffindor chaser line is DEMELZA ROBBINS and

VICKY FROBISHER. Gryffindor has two new beaters this year replacing

the dynamic duo that was Fred and George Weasley. Both forth years

ADREW KIRKE and JACK SLOPER! Back at seeker and hoping to outdo

Potter is TINA MCLAGGEN! And filling in for the now displaced Cormac

McLaggen at keeper is RON WEASLEY!" Ron blushed a furious red at

being called a 'fill in'. The Slytherins snickered while Ginny laughed

loudly at her bigoted brother's response. Katie looked frustrated as Ron

missed a practice shot by a mile. Madam Hooch called them in to the

center of the pitch.

"Shake hands," she called to Harry and Katie.

Harry smirked competitively as she took his hand saying, "Good luck."

Katie narrowed her eyes, "Break a leg, Potter." Harry's smirk widened

somehow he knew she didn't mean it as good luck. Madam Hooch rolled

her eyes and allowed Harry and Katie to take their places in the air.

"THE QUAFFLE'S UP!" Luna shouted as Ginny streaked forward and

grabbed it out from Vicky. "Ginny with the quaffle leads the Slytherin

chasers down the pitch as Clayton loops to her left and Malfoy loops

under her to the right. WEASLEY passes wide to Clayton who loops over

head of Ginny and Malfoy. He drops it down to Malfoy. AND a nasty hit

by Rowle to BELL stops the block on MALFOY! MALFOY SHOOTS AND

SCORES! Slytherin 10, Gryffindor 0!"

Harry watched the game from above as Katie brought the quaffle out

using the Hawkeshead formation with Vicky to her left and Demelza on

her right. Millicent took Vicky out of the formation with a well placed

bludger to her shoulder while Clayton blocked her from rejoining. Draco

cutoff Demelza in the passing lane as Ginny took on Katie. The older

chaser out maneuvered Ginny but had the quaffle stripped from her by

Cat's bludger.

"WEASLEY RECOVERS THE DROP!" Luna's voice called as Ginny streaked

down the pitch in a breakaway. She barrel-rolled to avoid a bludger

coming up and faking a shot to the left. Ron fell for the fake shooting

wide left while Ginny rocketed a shot into the right hoop. "WEASLEY

SCORES ON HER OLDER BROTHER! Slytherin 20, Gryffindor 0.

This time Vicky brought the quaffle out swing wide to the left of the

pitch making lessening the effect of the bludgers being sent from the

middle of the pitch. She streaked up the left side of the stands with

Clayton gaining on her. She launched a pass to Katie but it was

intercepted by Draco. Draco lost it though when Tina dropped down from

above him without him realizing it. Katie picked up the quaffle and shot

to the left goal. "A SAVE BY HEATHCLIFF!"

Harry cheered his teammate on and laughed to himself as Ron turned as

scarlet as his uniform. While the Weasel wasn't quite as vocal with his

bias against Slytherins since the Defense Association he was still an arse

towards his sister. Forty five minutes into the game Slytherin was up 60

to 0 only the combined efforts of Tina and Gryffindor's chasers kept the

score from ratcheting up. The Gryffindor beaters weren't bad but lacked

the teamwork of Fred and George and the power that Cat and Millicent

had. At an hour in Slytherin increased their lead by twenty more points.

The Slytherins started to chant:

Weasley is our King!

He cannot block a ring!

Weasley is our King!

He cannot save a thing!

Weasley is our King!

Ron turned even redder much and missed another save by a mile;

Clayton hadn't even tried a fake. Katie looked like she would pop a blood

vessel in a minute if Weasley didn't at least save one. Harry finally

spotted the snitch near the Gryffindor hoops. He shot to it at the same

time Tina did both were near the Slytherin goal. Harry had been circling

the pitch while Tina managed to interrupt a pass from Clayton to Draco.

Tina shot out towards her own goals as she came up from the play. Both

were streaking across the pitch, Harry had the better line while Tina was

facing more resistance from gravity. The snitch shot in across the hoops

drawing the attention of the Weasel. Harry swung in by the Gryffindor

goals and Weasley in an act of desperation kicked out his leg into Harry's

broom. Harry was forced off his line and slammed into the left Gryffindor

goal ring. His right ankle was smashed in between the metal foot rest on

his broom and the metal hoop. His ankle gave an audible snap as it was

wrenched between the broom and the goal. Harry pitched forward off his

broom and into the path of Tina McLaggen who had just pulled even as

he went into the ring. He managed to snag the end of Tina's broom

causing her to pitch forward as she reached out and caught the snitch;

Madam Hooch's whistle was heard at the same time. She and Harry

hurtled down towards the pitch.

"Shite I can't pull up Hadrian!" Tina yelled releasing the snitch as she

tried to pull up with both hands.

Harry gritted out, "Keep slowing and stay balanced." He jerked on the

broom while he swung himself over the broom. He wrapped his arms

around the small second year and jerked up with her causing them to

shoot up in time to miss plowing into the pitch. Harry slowed the broom

as they to a hover before landing it grimacing as it put weight on his

ankle. Tina hopped off as soon as her feet touched the grass and turned

to help Harry off the broom.

"Hadrian!" She was trying to brace his weight but she only weighed about

ninety pounds to Harry's one thirty of solid muscle and was struggling.

Draco quickly landed next to Tina and took Hadrian's weight. "It's his

right ankle," Tina said to Draco.

"YOU FUCKING PILLOCK!" They heard Ginny shout from about twenty

feet away where all the other players had gathered. Madam Hooch was

trying to keep them separated from Ron while the professors rushed to

help. Ginny managed to dunk under Madam Hooch and shot up

swinging. Her right hook connected with her brother's face breaking his

nose and dropping him to the ground. Katie was the closest and grabbed

Ginny before she could do any more damage. The mob of quidditch

players was separated with a spell from Flitwick who had reached the

edge of the pitch. He was joined by Professors McGonagall and Krum.

Professor Krum helped Katie with Ginny while Madam Hooch and

Professor McGonagall laid into the Weasel.

Headmaster Flitwick moved to Harry, Draco and Tina, "Mr. Malfoy, Miss

McLaggen, please help Mr. Potter to Madam Pomfrey. Hadrian do you

want to press charges?" The small Headmaster asked.

Hadrian snorted, "no I think that hit was enough," he laughed.

The Headmaster smothered a grin, "Unfortunately I'll have to disciple her

also. If you'll excuse me."

As Draco helped Hadrian off the pitch with Tina alongside, "Well we're

still undefeated." Harry nodded to the scoreboard; it read Slytherin 150,

Gryffindor 150. Draco shook his head.

"Not the way I wanted to beat you to the snitch."

"Harry!" Daphne shouted as she intercepted them.

"Broken ankle," Harry said calmly.

"You could hear the snap," Tina added.

Harry and Draco glared at her while Daphne paled, "Sorry," Tina

sheepishly replied.

"I'm gonna kill the Weasel. Gryffindor will be you to it, remember it's

Slytherins that play dirty," Tina said with smirk lightening the mood.

"I'm fine," Harry repeated to Daphne as they walked. "I've had worse."

Daphne rolled her eyes, "That's beside the point."

"Daph it was an act of desperation in a defeat. It happens," Harry said still

trying to calm his furious wife. "Now that doesn't mean we're not going to

prank him but it does happen in sports." Daphne huffed and made no

further comment until they reached the hospital wing. Draco tried and

failed to smother a laugh causing Daphne to level a glare on him.

"Hadrian why am I not surprised," Madam Pomfrey said as she turned

them walking Hadrian in.

"Broken ankle," Harry repeated again.

"Set him down over there," Madam Pomfrey pointed to a bed as she

finished putting some potions away before coming over to him. Harry

swung his legs up on to the bed and Daphne perched on the bed next to

him. Madam Pomfrey cast a diagnostic spell around his ankle. "Not too

bad a clean break," She said. She wove her wand in a pattern around the

ankle in question. Harry felt the bone shifting in his ankle as it was

healed. "Nothing strenuous for the next few days and some ice would be

helpful," She said as she finished.

"So who won?" Madam Pomfrey asked when he swung his legs back over

the side. She looked surprised when both Draco and Tina grumbled.

Harry's eyes hardened a bit at the thought that his perfect catch streak

was ended.

"They tied," Daphne answered for the grumbling quiditch players.

"Slytherin was up 150 to Gryffindor's zero when they saw the snitch.

They were close and then the Weasel," Daphne's eyes narrowed and she

spat the name, "kick Harry's broom. Tina caught the snitch right after

Harry was forced out of the snitch run by the kick."

Madam Pomfrey sighed, "I take it I'll be seeing Mr. Weasley a few times

this week." Harry and Draco grinned causing Madam Pomfrey to narrow

her eyes at the two, "Shoo all of you and try not to permanently injure


"So what is this going to do to him?" Neville whispered though it was

rather pointless with the way the Weasel was snoring. By now Dean

Thomas slept with silencing charms around his bed and Seamus could

sleep through a tornado according to Neville. The Weasel had just gotten

back from a one week suspension for his quidditch violence. Apparently

his mum had taken pity on him since the nose that Madam Pomfrey

refused to heal was straight once again.

They were currently standing above Ron Weasley snoring away

completely unaware of what was to befall him. Harry sprinkled a fine

powder onto the sleeping teen. The powder was designed to itch ensuring

the boy would shower. Once in contact with water the prank would

activate. "It's going to make him hallucinate, everything from giant

spiders to purple unicorns," Harry said eyeing the sleeping teen trying not

to snicker. "And the crown?" Neville asked as he attached it with a very

old almost lost sticking charm to the Weasel's head. It was a rather garish

crown transfigured to look silver with snake heads protruding from it

with green emerald eyes. Across the front in script was King of Slytherin.

"Rex's idea," Harry said with a snicker, "the powder will wear off after

twenty four hours. The best part is it's undetectable." Harry nodded to

Neville before throwing his invisibility cloak over and leaving Gryffindor


Harry entered his room and slid the cloak off with a grin. Daphne was

lying on the bed sprawled out with one arm thrown over her head with

her tattoo easily identifiable. She was in a light blue baby doll that fell to

the top of her thighs just barely covering her. She had kicked the sheets

off and her body was spread out over the whole of the bed. Harry

stripped and crawled onto the bed he hovered by her legs and placed his

lips to the inside of her left ankle. He lightly nipped at the skin before

kissing his way up her left leg to the inside of her left thigh. She awoke

slightly surprised but was soon giggling as Harry nuzzled her thigh before

moving to repeat the kisses and nips to her right leg.

"Harry," Daphne pouted as he seemed content with driving her insane

kissing her the inside of her right ankle, where she was ticklish. Harry

grinned wickedly and quickly moved to claim her lips in a searing kiss.

Daphne opened her mouth to accept his tongue which quickly worked to

battle with her's. Harry's tongue plundered Daphne's mouth with abandon

while his hands worked her baby doll top up her hips. His hands traced

patterns into her skin making goose bumps appear on her skin as moaned

into his mouth. She raised her arms above her head and Harry stripped

her of the baby doll and tossed it somewhere behind him. He kissed

down her neck and paused on the crook of her neck and her shoulder. He

lavished attention on the spot causing Daphne to moan and squirm

beneath him. He nipped gently at it before moving to her breasts. He

took her left nipple into his mouth and suckled on it as his hand played

with her other breast. Her nails dug into his shoulders as he nipped her

breast before switching his attention to the other.

He moved his attention to the flat planes of her stomach before finally

settling between her thighs. He grinned wickedly up at her before

flattening his tongue and giving her one long lick that had her squeeze

her thighs around him. He immediately started to reciting parseltongue

against her most intimate areas. Daphne screamed and bucked against

him as his tongue flicked against her cliterous as he entered a finger into

her. He quickly brought her to her peak, "HARRRY!" She screamed out as

her hips bucked against him as he continued to lap at her as she


She threaded her hands into his hair and used it to tug him up her body

to her, "If you don't fuck me already, I'm going to tie you to the bed and

have my way with you," She groaned out as he teaseingly rubbed his dick

against her as she laid kisses on his neck. He smirked at her words

contemplating whether he should let her before deciding against it. He

quickly thrust inside her burying himself to the hilt.

"OH!" Daphne moaned as Harry groaned into her shoulder at the feeling

of filling her. Harry lingered for a moment before pulling almost all the

way out before slamming back into her. Daphne's hips met his hips each

time causing him to go deeper into her. Harry brought his hands to her

breast and tweaked and massaged her breasts. Daphne was rapidly

approaching another climax as Harry thrust into her over and over

without pause. Harry could feel her tightening around him. He groaned

around her breast as his own climax approached. He sped impossibly

faster as he thrust into her driving her over the edge with a powerful


"OH GOD!" Daphne moaned and her nails scrapped against his back

pushing him over the edge as Daphne's walls clenched around him

gripping him in a vice.

"DAPH!" Harry yelled out as he spilled himself into her. The slowly rode

out their climaxes together. Daphne tiredly brought Harry's lips to hers in

slow passionate kiss. Once Daphne's climax ended Harry slowly pulled

out as Daphne whimpered at the loss. He smiled against her lips slowly

bringing her down from her high. He moved from atop her to his side

rolling Daphne to hers as they continued their slow languid kisses.

Daphne ended the kiss and curled into Harry's arms as they both drifted

off to sleep. Daphne's last conscious thought was that she loved it when

he pulled pranks.

The next day saw the Weasel glaring at every Slytherin in sight while

simultaneously trying to pull the crown off his head while shoveling food

into his mouth at breakfast. Harry sat down to breakfast with Daphne

still smiling widely from the night before. Tracey glanced at her friend in

a bit of concern at the dreamy smile that usually was not displayed by

the Slytherin queen.

"Daph you alright there?" Tracey asked as she poured herself a glass of

orange juice.

"Hmm? Oh I'm more than fine," Daphne said ending with her dreamy

look changing to a smirk.

A look of understanding dawned on Tracey's face before she laughed to

herself, "I bet you are."

Blaise looked confused still, "Huh, what do you mean she looks high?

Harry I think she got into some of your potion ingredients." Harry

smirked at his friend in reply.

"You're an idiot sometimes," Tracey snarked with a shake of her head.

Suddenly a yell from the Gryffindor table drew their attention.

A girlish shriek rang out, "AHHH SPIDERS! They're everywhere!" The

Weasel continued to shriek when everyone else in the hall looked at him

like he was nuts. He fell over backwards off the bench before running out

of the hall as if Voldemort himself appeared and asked him out on a date.

The whole hall paused for a minute unsure of what to do before someone

started laughing which sparked a chain reaction. Harry and his friends

shared a smirk before joining the laughter. Professor McGonagall sighed

heavily as she got up from the head table and slowly followed her

wayward lion out of the hall.

"Come on we have herbology," Daphne said once her laughter stopped.

Harry, Daphne, and Theo nodded to Blaise, Tracey, and Draco before

leaving the Slytherin table and joining Hermione, Hannah, Susan, and

Neville at the doors to the Great Hall for Herbology. They made their

way out of the school down to the greenhouses. They filed into

greenhouse six with the other N.E.W.T level herbology students.

"So what are these plants? I've never seen them before," Harry said

turning to Neville and Daphne. The plants on Professor Sprout's desk

were about three feet tall with wicked looking thorns on the stems. The

leaves were a deep crimson color and separated into five points.

"By the heat in here, it's tropical," Neville said with a shrug.

Daphne moved closer to examine one of the plants examining it. She

looked closely at the leaves for a moment, "Blood Stars," Daphne

concluded. "We had them for a year when I was young," Daphne

continued still looking closely at the plants. "I don't remember much

about them except they're found in the Amazon."

"Correct Mrs. Potter," Professor Sprout said coming in behind them. "Five

points to Slytherin. Now everyone take a plant by the base it's in do not

touch the thorns." Each student took a plant to their stations. "Now these

plants are from the Amazon Rain Forest as Mrs. Potter said. They are

used in few of the rarer potions. Their leaves are the main ingredients

used in potions. The thorns though are used in poisons anyone know


Padma Patil answered, "They prevent blood clotting."

"Five points to Ravenclaw," Professor Sprout answered. "Which is why

you need to wear your dragon hide gloves when handling these plants.

Now who knows what the leaves are used for in potions?"

"They're used in the Dragon Pox vaccine potion," Harry answered

"Correct five more to Slytherin. Now you need to strip the leaves from the

stem, make sure not to tear them. Then you need to take a pair of dragon

bone clippers to remove the thorns directly at the stem." Professor Sprout

instructed them waving her wand to unlock a chest which held the

dragon bone clippers; they were about twenty galleons a piece hence the

locked chest. Daphne and Neville were the fastest in the class at stripping

the leaves and thorns from the plant. Harry wasn't from behind but had a

few tears in his gloves from the thorns.

"These thorns are bloody tough," Harry commented to Daphne under his

breath. The thorns were about three inches long and had one of the

sharpest points he had ever seen on a plant.

Daphne nodded, "They are really tough in potions they have to be

dissolved in extreme heat. You can't crush them."

Harry raised an eyebrow at her, "Do I need to watch my food?"

Daphne snorted, "Dad has us learn almost everything about the plants in

the greenhouses in case questions arise with buyers. Besides aside from

Professor Snape you're the only with the skill to brew a potion using the

thorns. Extreme heat is a bit of an understatement."

"Alright everyone place your leaves in box on the front table. I'll be

collecting the thorns," Professor Sprout announced at the end of the

period. As they packed their things away Professor Sprout stopped by

Harry and Daphne's station. "Hadrian would you take the leaves to

Professor Snape?"

"Sure." Harry went and collected the wooden box holding the leaves

before he and Daphne waved goodbye to Professor Sprout.



A horde of Death Eaters attacked a muggle football game in Manchester,

England yesterday evening. The attack was lead by the Carrow twins and

Fenir Greyback. They attacked the stadium from two sides with liberal use of

the bombarda hex. They collapsed the entrances and then attacked the

muggles enjoying the game. The Carrow twins led Death Eaters in attacking

the muggles with the killing curse and the torture curse while Greyback led his

pack of half transformed werewolves against the muggles.

Aurors arrived on scene within minutes to help the overwhelmed muggle

security forces at the scene. Muggle reinforcements were also at the scene

within fifteen minutes of the start of the attack. Ten muggles including three

children were killed by wizards and four were driven insane by the torture

curse. Fifteen muggles were mutilated by Greyback's pack luckily though none

were turned as it was not the full moon.

Aurors on scene were able to capture Fenir Greyback by forcibly administering

the new cure for werewolves (invented by Professor Severus Snape of

Hogwarts). The auror responsible for the capture was Auror Second class

Nymphadora Tonks who used a muggle dart gun to force the cure into

Greyback. Greyback has been taken into custody and faces over two hundred

counts of murder, assault, and rape, stemming from the not only this war but

the first war with Tom Riddle's forces.

Article by Melissa Bennet

Harry set the article down with a sense of conviction he felt bad for the

muggle families but also an immeasurable amount of joy that the man

who was responsible for Remus's and so many others pain was now in


Draco snorted from the opposite side of the Slytherin table, "Should but

the bloody bastard in a zoo for the rest of eternity."


So it's been awhile but the last semester of school and graduation

was insane. Sorry about the wait but just to let you all know I'm

never going to abandon my story I will finish it. It just might take a

little bit.



50. Holiday in Goa

It was week after the attack in Manchester at the football game. Tonks

was on her first rotation at Hogwarts since the attack and was swarmed

with well wishers from students. Currently she was with Daphne and

Harry taking the triplets on a walk by the lake.

"So Tonks how does it feel to be the new hero," Harry said with a smirk.

"Gotta say takes the pressure off of me."

Tonks' hair turned an angry red, Lyra's followed, "If I wasn't holding my

baby cousin I'd hit you." Plenty of ministry workers and even people on

the streets, when she wore her auror robes, had been thanking her non-

stop for taking down Greyback. "I had to make my hair normal just to get

people to stop recognizing me."

"Oh the horror," Daphne sighed dramatically causing RJ to giggle and

Tonks to grumble.

"Though the look on the mongrels face when he realized what we had

done to him made it worth it," Tonks chuckled.

"What about the muggles? I mean those games are huge," Harry asked as

he adjusted Eddie in his arms.

"The obliviators worked overtime," Tonks said ruefully. "Plus the muggle

news published it as a terrorist attack; if any where missed they're apt to

accept that. Has anyone come up with any new ideas on the


"The goblin scouts are trying to map out the nest and area surrounding it

for possible ways in and out. Mind you all while trying not to get eaten

by the damn things," Harry replied only for Daphne to hit him upside the

back of his head.

"Language," Daphne said just as Eddie tried to copy Harry's words but

instead some baby gurgles came out. Harry smirked while Daphne rolled

her eyes and Tonks laughed. "Well we need to get them back Sirius is on

break now. "

Tonks, Daphne, and Harry waited for Sirius to come to the door of his

and Amelia's apartments. Harry had Eddie by his hands while he stood on

the ground shifting from one leg to the other giggling. RJ squirmed

seeing his brother and Daphne copied Harry letting RJ wobble on his

feet. Lyra just looked on with a bored look from Tonks' arms. Sirius

opened the door and looked on with laughter before scooping his boys up

into his arms. He leaned over and gave Lyra a kiss on her forehead before

nodding for them to follow him in. He placed the triplets in a large crib.

"Thanks for watching them," Sirius said when he turned back to them.

"No problem," Tonks replied.

"Now Amelia wanted me to let you three know you're needed in the staff

room, ASAP. All the prefects will be at the meeting as well as the Head of

Houses." Sirius said while preparing baby food.

"Alright, we'll see you in class," Daphne said as the three left his quarters.

They walked in a comfortable silence to the staff room, Daphne and

Harry holding hands as they went.

They arrived at the staff room to find most of the other prefects, the Head

of Houses, Madam Bones, Minister Scrimgeour, and two of the other

aurors on duty at the school. After they arrived the rest of the prefects

and Head Boy and Girl filed in promptly.

"Everyone take a seat," Minister Scrimgeour. "We at the Ministry have

decided to prepare an evacuation plan in case the worse should happen

and the castle falls."

Whispers broke out among some of the prefects but were quickly quelled

by Headmaster Flitwick, "Quiet please. You are here because as prefects

we believe you have more maturity and will be able to handle your

responsibilities." The prefects who looked uneasy quieted at their

Headmaster's faith.

Minister Scrimgeour nodded to Flitwick, "We have arranged through the

Department of Magical Transportation to make one way portkeys

activated by a command phrase. These wristbands will be given out to all

students." He showed them one of the wristbands that was about an half

an inch wide, the one he was holding was green and had Slytherin

written on it in silver with the Slytherin snake. There was one for each

house. They were split up between the Heads of Houses.

"The Heads will announce the plan to the students and you all will help

to hand out the bracelets. They work as one way portkeys to Beauxbatons

Magical Academy. Madam Maxime has graciously offered to host our

students in case of evacuation." Rufus finished.

"Why the French," one of the other prefects said hidden behind the


"Because Beauxbatons," Scrimegour said sarcastically, "is the safest place

in France next to the French Ministry and equipped to handle children,"

he bit out.

"Hey," came an indigent squawk from Gram who turned out to be the

prefect who spoke before. Daphne snickered next to Harry who rolled his

eyes. Severus came and stood directly next to Gram with a glare that

could melt cauldrons. Gram gulped.

"The Heads have the master portkey that can activate all of the ones for

their houses. They can only be activated by the master portkey and once

on they cannot be taken off. Also the seventh years that are members of

the DA will have the choice of staying and fighting only if they are

seventeen. Once the seventh year turns seventeen the pupil can choose to

take off the bracelet." Some of the prefects started to protest but we're

quickly silenced by their Heads of Houses. The meeting broke off quickly

afterwards with Severus escorting Gram out by the ear.

The winter holidays came upon Hogwarts with blinding speed or so it

seemed to at least the fifth and seventh years plus Harry. Severus had

him brewing potions whenever he could; he spent some nights sleeping

in the potions lab. He ended up slacking on his prefect duties but most of

the others did not begrudge him that. When he was not preparing

potions, training, quidditch, or prefect duties he was trying to plan a

vacation for Daphne to make up for the lack of attention. Currently Harry

was face down in his charms textbook in his and Daphne's rooms.

Daphne entered the room with Tracey laughing at Tracey's impression of

Professor Babbling's overly enthusiastic lecture on Incan runes.

Daphne stopped laughing abruptly and shushed Tracey who looked over

at the couch, "Awe, how cute."

Daphne pushed her friend playfully, "Shut up."

Tracey giggled quietly, "I'll see you guys at dinner."

Daphne sighed and walked over to the couch where Harry had fallen

asleep in an awkward position. She gently removed the book from

between his grasp and his head before she leaned him back into a more

comfortable position. Daphne moved to a sitting chair before pulling out

her runes text and getting started on her essay. As she worked Aiolos

came into the room from hunting. Aiolos swiveled her head from the

sleeping Harry to Daphne and hissed quietly. Daphne smiled at the snake

that came over and wrapped up near her feat. "Something's gotta give,"

she whispered to the snake giving her a rub before going back to her


Harry woke with a stretch the cracked his back causing Daphne to turn to

him. Harry got up off the couch and moved to Daphne's side. He leaned

down his lips connecting with hers in a slow building kiss before he

pulled away, "How long was I out?" Harry asked tiredly punctuated with

a yawn.

"You were asleep when Tracey I got back about two hours ago," Daphne

answered looking up at the clock in the room. "We should go dinner's in

just a few minutes."

"Alright," Harry stretched again and held his hand out for her to take. She

closed her text and set her essay away so it could dry. Daphne took his

hand and allowed him to lead her from the room.

"Sssee you later, Aiolosss," Harry hissed a goodbye to his familiar. They

were met by Tracey, Draco, Theo, and Astoria as they were leaving their


"You know you have a book mark right there," Theo said pointing to the

right side of Harry's face. Harry turned to look at Daphne with a raised

eyebrow. She giggled along with Astoria and Tracey in reply.

Harry just shook his head, "Come on, I'm hungry." Harry said and started

leading the group towards the great hall. They were seated in the Great

Hall surround by the rest of the New Marauders. Hermione discussing

with Harry the potion he just finished for Severus, Dementor's Breath. It

mimicked the effects a dementor created minus the kiss.

Silence slowly crept through the hall as Headmaster Flitwick stood at the

Head table with his arms raised. "Before I release you for the night some

final words," Flitwick spoke with a smile on his face. "The train time has

been changed to depart tomorrow promptly at eight o'clock tomorrow

morning." There were some groans throughout the hall. "There will be an

escort to the train. For those of those who are staying there will be Yule

ball on the twenty fourth, Madam Marie Gladrags of Gladrags

Wizardwear has agreed to come with a selection of clothes and to

measure those who would like new clothes for the ball." A cheer went up

from most of the girls in the Great Hall. "She will be here on the

fourteenth with her staff.

We've also decided to organize a few winter events. The first is a

snowball fight tournament open over the holidays organized by Madam

Hooch for teams of seven, see her for details. Second we will be having a

snowman building competition judge by the Professor Vector, Madam

Pomfrey, and Professor Babbling see them for details. That is all for the

night. I hope you all enjoy your winter holidays and may they be safe."

Harry, Daphne, Tracey, and Hermione were the only New Marauders on

the train the next morning, the rest were staying behind for the winter

holiday. Hermione and her mother were going to vacation in Mexico for

the Holiday to spend some time just the two of them. Tracey simply

wanted to get out of the castle, Blaise was driving her insane. They were

finally talking more without arguments but then he started dating

Simmone Jones of Ravenclaw.

The four of them were in their own car with Tonks and Fedor. Tracey

was talking to Fedor about private tutoring verses classes. Fedor had

experienced both first at Durmstrang and then when he gained his

mastery while playing professional quidditch. Hermione was reading a

muggle book the Once and Future King. Tonks was currently on patrol for

the next hour.

"You still haven't told me where were going," Daphne said from where

she was tucked in to Harry's side.

"It's a surprise." Harry said with a smile. He kissed her forehead before

turning to look at Hermione, telling Daphne without words she wasn't

going to find out. "'Mione that book's about King Arthur right?"

"You have not read it yet?" Hermione asked with surprise. Harry had

usually read all the books Hermione had been assigned in muggle school

or were thought of as classics.

"It has magic in it," Harry said with a shrug. "I got a beating for

Shakespeare, I'm pretty sure anything with Merlin was out of the

question," he finished matter of factly. All the inhabitants of the

compartment eyes darkened at the casual way Harry talked of abuse.

Fedor looked like he was going to question him but was silenced by

Tracey. Tracey mouthed the words 'ask Tonks,' to him and he nodded

letting it go.

"You read Shakespeare before eleven?" Hermione asked surprised.

"It was one of those side by side ones where it has the old English and the

modern," Harry explained. "The librarian saw me reading Lord of the Flies

and suggested it."

"What did you think of Lord of the Flies?" Hermione asked, "I thought it

was over-rated."

"I liked it until the ending," Harry said with a shrug, "then it got kind of

ridiculous." For the rest of the ride the four plus Fedor and Tonks

discussed their reading habits, occasionally comparing wizarding and

muggle literature.

"Alright Harry here's your portkey," Tonks said handing over his muggle

passport. "It's been made into a two way portkey. You'll leave from here

and it'll bring you back to King's Cross from wherever you are."

"What not even Tonks gets to know?"

"Oh I know where you're going this is just more fun," Tonks said as

Daphne pouted.

"Come on you'll find out soon enough," Harry said as he pulled Daphne to

the portkey area of the platform.

"Bye Tracey, 'Mine," Daphne said as she was being pulled away from her

friends with Harry smiling.

"Have fun," Tracey said in sing-song voice.

"You know," Daphne said accusingly as Tracey smirked. Before she could

say anything else Harry activated the portkey.

They appeared in crowded area with people talking in a variety of

languages, Daphne recognized Portuguese and English but the third was

a mystery to her. She glared at Harry, "A little warning would be nice."

Harry smirked, "I'm the one who hates portkey travel," he leaned forward

and gave her a kiss.

Daphne's glare softened, "I'm not particularly fond of it either you know.

So do I get to know where we are?"

"Well this isn't actually it," Harry said looking around. "This is one of the

many magical alleys in India. And more specifically Silver Alley in Goa,"

he explained without stopping. Daphne gapped at him for a moment

before squealing and jumping into his arms.

"We're in India!" She squealed again.

"Yep," Harry said with a kiss. "Let's go our hotel is muggle." Harry led

Daphne out of the alley and into muggle Goa. Both Daphne and Harry

wandered to their hotel while taking in some of the nearby sights and

markets. They walked for about fifteen minutes before they came to a

rather massive hotel.

"Harry this isn't a hotel it's a resort," Daphne said while looking at the

beautiful sprawling resort that was the Park Hyatt Goa Resort and Spa.

"Same thing," Harry said leading her to the front desk. "Hi we have a

reservation for Potter." The concierge looked a bit dubiously at the pair

of teens but entered the name into the computer. She fought to keep the

surprise of her face when the reservation appeared.

"Can I see your passport please," The concierge asked him with a bit of


Harry smirked while Daphne put on her best haughty pureblood look she

usually reserved for pureblood balls as they both handed over their

passports, "Here you go ma'am."

She paled a little as their names confirmed they were indeed the Potters.

She signaled a bag boy over, "Thomas will show you to your rooms."

They stayed in their rooms for the majority of the first few days simply

relaxing as Harry caught up on some much needed rest. They would visit

the beach which was to Daphne far better than those she'd previously

visited; Harry's opinion was it's a beach, which resulted in him getting

smacked up side the back of his head. Daphne went on horticultural tour

the hotel offered while Harry slept. Today though Harry was up before

Daphne with room service waiting for her when she woke.

"Mmm, smells good," Daphne said as she stretched. Harry was dressed in

cargo shorts and an old Sex Pistols t-shirt of Sirius's and a pair of red

converse high tops. "What are we doing today?" Daphne said around a

full mouth of food.

Harry laughed at her before answering, "We're going to appearate to

Kaziranga National Park for a tour by jeep. It's a magical tour so we can

explore a little in our animagus forms if we want and Aiolos can come

out of tattoo form."

He was rambling a little and obviously excited if the wide smile on his

face was anything to go by, "A magical tour by Jeep?" Daphne asked with

a curious expression.

"I don't want to ride on an elephant with Aiolos," Harry explained. He

was bouncing a little as he spoke.

"What has you so excited?" Daphne asked with an indulgent smile he

resembled on he looked on a broom.

"Aiolos is really excited to be visiting her natural habitat. She says one

her siblings was relocated to the reserve," Harry explained.

"Really they got relocated to a reserve and Aiolos got taken to a zoo?"

"They were divided up by the humans. Aiolos read the label on the crate

one of her siblings was put in." Harry said with Aiolos nodding along on

his skin making the tattoo move. Daphne held in a giggle lest Aiolos

realize Daphne was laughing at how excited she was. Aiolos only moved

in tattoo form when she was eager to come out. The last time Daphne

laughed at her Aiolos hid her favorite shoes in the barn. "Oh the guy I

spoke with said we can take some potion ingredients and plant samples

as long as it doesn't interfere with the habitats." Daphne perked up at

those words and went to take a quick shower. Harry laughed to himself

and went to weight for her in the living area of the suit and turned on a

cricket game.

Daphne came out dressed in short dark denim shorts with a black Led

Zeppelin t-shirt on and high top hiking boots on. She had a draw string

bag on her back. "Let's go," she took Harry's hand and let him apperate

them to the park. They landed in a section warded for magical visitors to

land. They were met by an Indian man who greeted them with a smile.

"Mr. and Mrs. Potter welcome. I'm your guide today. Bashir Bharma," He

greeted them in surprisingly smooth English.

"Nice to meet you," Harry greeted him, "please just call me Harry."

"And Daphne," Daphne added.

Bashir nodded, "I heard you were interested in possibly gathering some

ingredients and especially seeing the any cobras? You do know that will

be hard to come by, the cobras I mean." He spoke while leading them to a

nearby jeep.

Harry smirked as he was greeting in the jeep. He helped Daphne in and

then took his own seat. He waited for Bashir to turn to him and extended

his arm out. Aiolos rose out of his skin and expanded to her full length as

she came down his arm and curled into a circle at his feat.

"Aiolos here is my familiar, I'm a parseltongue," Harry continued

smirking. Bashir gulped a bit as he took in the full length of the king

cobra on the floor of the jeep.

"I thought that was rumor," Bashir commented. "I went to school at

Hogwarts before returning to study here for my mastery in Care of

Magical Creatures. I've met two other parseltongues here in India and

that still creeps me out." Aiolos hissed out a laugh in response. Bashir

looked to Harry for translation.

"She's laughing at you," Harry said dryly while Daphne hid her smile.

Bashir looked between them and the snake before laughing himself.

"Right what would you guys like to see first?"

"Ooh, the rhinos," Daphne said.

"Alright the Great India One Horned Rhinoceros it is," He started the jeep

and started towards the part of the reserve where the rhinos congregated.

Daphne snapped pictures of the rhinos and other animals they came

across. They came to a stop near one of the rivers and Bashir got out of

the jeep along with Daphne and Harry.

"You're one of the Greengrass's, right?" Bashir asked Daphne with a smile.

At her nod he gestured to some plants growing in the water. "These are

invasive to the environment so feel free to take some samples if you

want. They're water,"

"Hyacinth," Daphne finished, "We don't have any at our greenhouses. Do

you want any for potions on hand babe?"

"Yeah sure I can think of a few potions we could use them for," Harry

answered. Daphne clipped a few of the plants and placed them in jars

with water in her bag. They got back in the jeep and travel for a bit until

they passed a cluster of trees.

"Stop," Daphne said as they passed a particular tree. "Is there any way I

can take seeds from this," Daphne asked pointing to the tree.

"What is it?" Harry asked.

It was Bashir that answered, "It's a ficius religiosa or sacred fig tree. Both

the fruit from this tree and the wood carries magical properties. It's

native to India and some other Asian countries. Do you think you can

grow them?"

"I'm working on creating a scheme of runes that will make a greenhouse

mimic the natural environment the species is from." Daphne explained

while Harry looked at the wood.

"Hephaestus has a block of this wood," Harry added.

"Let me check if they'll allow it," Bashir said and sent his patronous off

with the message. A returning patronus came a few moments later. "Two

galleons and they'll let you have some seeds and a branch of the wood for

Master Kerr."

Harry handed over the money and Daphne collected some seeds. Harry

meanwhile moved over to one of the smaller branches. He studied the

branch for a few moments before casting a precise silent severing charm

on the branch. He cut the branch into three sections each about a foot

long and handed them over to Daphne to add to her bag.

"Let'sss go damn it," came out in a hiss from the jeep.

Harry laughed, "Alright we're coming," he hissed back to his familiar.

"Impatient snake," he said to the others.

"Right let's go find some snakes," Bashir said with a laugh. He drove for a

while before stopping in some grasslands. "I'm going to kill the engine

and we can walk for a little while see if we or Aiolos can find some

songs. Aiolos slithered out of the jeep and flicking her tongue before

moving forward with some speed. The followed Aiolos for about five

minutes before Aiolos stopped and reared up hissing. Bashir and Daphne

froze but Harry moved forward listening.

"My territory," came a low hissing. It reminded Harry of the basilisk.

"A friend and a ssspeaker," Aiolos hissed back much more smoothly. "I am

Aiolosss." The other snake came out from his hiding area. It was shorter

than Aiolos by about five feet. It was cobra and it reared up upon seeing

Aiolos standing at full height. Harry noticed some markings on the back

and was able to identify it as an Indian Cobra.

"No speakersss. Legend," the Indian Cobra hissed.

Harry smirked, "Really," he hissed. The Indian Cobra reared back in


"Ssspeaker," he leaned forward similar to a bow. "I am Naja."

"We're looking for King Cobrasss," Harry hissed to Naja.

"I'm looking for one of my brood mates," Aiolos hissed.

"That way," Naja turned and directed them east from where they were.

"Thanksss," Harry said but before turning stopped and asked, "Can I have

some venom?" Naja thought for a moment before bobbing is head in


"Daph can I have a vial?" Harry asked holding out his hand without

turning his back on the foreign snake. Daphne handed him the glass vial

he had charmed for this. Aiolos moved back from them and in front of

Daphne and Bashir. Harry moved to Naja who opened his mouth barring

his fangs. "Jussst but your fangsss over the edge and let the venom flow,"

Harry directed Naja. Naja filled the vial about a quarter of the way before

pulling back.

"You passsss a vipersss territory on the way," Naja said before turning.

"Mean," his voice floated back to Harry as he disappeared into his nest.

Harry turned back to the others when Naja disappeared, "We need to go

that way," he pointed east. "He mentioned a viper that has territory we

have to pass. Apparently the viper is, well a viper," Harry finished with

wry smile.

"Great," Daphne said sarcastically while pulling out her wand. Aiolos

reared up and Bashir gulped. They followed Aiolos who once again took

the lead. They walked cautiously with their wands out on alert for the


"We have Russell's vipers here," Bashir spoke. "One of the big four of


"Big four?"

"One of the top four venomous snakes in India," Harry qualified. "One of

the four responsible for biting humans."

"Damn," Daphne muttered. They walked a while before they heard

hissing. Harry and Aiolos were trying to determine where the snake was,

its words were undistinguishable.

"HARRY!" Daphne screamed as a snake latched onto her boot. Aiolos

moved faster than Harry had ever seen her, even when hunting, move

and latched onto the snake right under the head.

Harry moved next to them and hissed out, "Releassse her." Bashir flinched

at Harry's icy tone combined with the hissing. The snake released Daphne

from its hold. "Why did you attack usss?"

"You're in my territory," It hissed without moving since Aiolos still had

the snake in her mouth fangs ready to sink into it. "Releasse me!"

"If you ssstrike at usss I will end you," Harry hissed.

"I did not know you ssspoke," it hissed still angry. Aiolos clamped down

harder. "I will not attack," it hissed with less anger.

Aiolos released the snake and Daphne moved quickly to Harry's side,

"Leave we are passsssing through," Aiolos hissed. The Russel's Viper left

hissing unintelligible words. "We ssshould move quickly." Aiolos took off

at a fast pace, Bashir was quick to follow the King Cobra away from the

unfriendly snake.

"Are you alright?" Harry asked while looking Daphne over and keeping

one eye on the retreating viper.

"I wore hiking boots for a reason but let's use a spell when we hear

hissing next time?" Harry looked down at Daphne and nodded giving her

a kiss before moving to follow Aiolos.

"You know I never seen a snake move as fast as she did," Bashir said

when they caught up to him and Aiolos. Aiolos was hissing with another

King Cobra who eyed the humans wearily.

"When she bonded with me gained some magical properties and I gained

immunity from king venom."

Bashir looked a little green at that, "She bit you?"

"Yes it's how snakes complete a familiar bond," Harry said with a smirk.

"It burned a little." Bashir attempted a shaky nod.

"Harry has a different pain threshold than most people," Daphne added.

"Thisss way," Aiolos hissed before taking off again. Aiolos finally stopped

in as she picked up a scent with her tongue.

She hissed out, "Maharaja." An answering hiss was heard and Harry held

his wand ready in case of another incident.

"Whosss in my territory?" Was the reply as an olive green King Cobra rose

up with its hood flared.

"Ussse your tongue pea brain," Aiolos replied moving towards the other


Maharaja flicked his tongue and cocked his head in an odd manner for a

snake, "Aiolos." The reply came out in a happy tone that Harry usually

didn't associate with snakes. "I never thought I'd see you again."

"My bonded brought," Aiolos replied. "He ssspeaksss," She pointed to

Harry with her head. "He broke me out of a damn zoo."

"SSSpeaker?" Maharaja turned to Harry.

"Hello. You're one of Aiolosss'sss broodmatesss?" Harry asked.

"Yesss, Ssspeaker. What'sss a zoo?"

" It'sss a place where humansss keep animalsss in cagesss to look at,"

Aiolos answered with distaste.

Maharaja's hood flared in anger, "That'sss where they took you?"

"Yesss but like I sssaid Harry broke me out," Aiolos replied.


"My idiot cousssin had hisss birthday at the zoo and wasss banging on the

glasssss to Aiolossss'sss enclosssure. I vanissshed the glassssss in a bout of

accidental magic trapping him in the cage and freeing Aiolossss."

Maharaja hissed a laugh at that. "Aiolosss probably sssaved me from my

Uncle killing me afterwardsss," Harry added.

"Mother sssaid you would do well," Maharaja hissed to Aiolos.

"Yesss well Britain'sss bloody cold," Aiolos hissed. Maharaja hissed in

laughter again. They spent another hour catching up with Maharaja

before Bashir mentioned they should head back. On the ride back Harry

and Daphne were able to see a tiger hunting and taking down a kill.

On their last night in Goa Harry arranged for them to have a private

dinner in one of the resorts cabana's on the beach. They feasted on local

favorites in the candle light while the moon shone above them. "What

was your favorite place?" Harry asked as they lounged after dinner

sipping on drinks.

"The Taj Mahal," Daphne answered without hesitating. "The architecture

was like nothing I've ever seen before and all for his wife." She smiled up

at him.

"Yeah the outlying complexes were pretty insane too."

"So how did you like your second trip out of the UK?" Daphne asked still

smiling at her husband as she brought her hand up to trace his jaw


His smile lit up his face, "It was good," always a man of few words.

"Aiolos loved it."

Daphne giggled, "We're probably going to have to come back here

annually. What did he say at the end that you didn't translate?"

"He usually avoids the humans at the reserve. Now that he knows some

of them are wizards he plans on playing some practical jokes," Harry


Daphne groaned and laughed at the same time, "Aiolos will kill him if

anything happens to him."

Harry chuckled, "I'll send Bashir a picture of him." He nuzzled his nose

into Daphne's neck and placed soft kisses on her throat. Daphne moaned.

Harry looked up checking if anyone was around and apperated them to

their room.

Harry quickly stripped Daphne of her dress and laid her back on their

bed claiming her lips for his own. Their tongues dueled for dominance

Harry's eventually winning. Harry moved his kiss down to her throat he

kissed from once side to the other and then nipped her earlobe.

"Harry," Daphne let out a frustrated moan. He chuckled against her skin

and moved down to her neck to her shoulders and then to her breasts. He

brought his hands up tracing her hips lightly causing her to shiver. His

right hand continued to her right breast while his tongue circled the

areole on her left breast. He teased the nipple until it harden to a peak

and then switched his attention to the other, giving it the same

treatment. Daphne shivered and arched into Harry's hands as they

explored her stomach gently teasing the flesh with his fingertips.

"Har-rry," Daphne moaned again as he smiled against her skin before

moving to place languid kisses down her body. He stopped at her navel

and teased it with his tongue. Her hands buried themselves in his hair.

She pushed him down with her hands to get him to go where she wanted

but he skipped and moved to tease her thighs.

"HARRY DAMN IT!" Daphne yelled. Harry plunged his tongue into her

sopping center with no preamble. "OHH!" She clamped her legs around

him. He started in earnest eating her out. "Harry, oh Gods, Harry." He

started twisting and spinning his tongue in what Daphne knew to be

parseltongue. She began clenching around him as he added two fingers to

his work. Within seconds she screamed out her climax. As she came

down Harry starred at her with a Cheshire cat grin before kissing back up

her body.

Daphne jerked him up by the hair and claimed him in a ferocious kiss

that left Harry's head spinning. "Fuck me already," she breathed out.

Harry lined up with her and entered home. She clenched around her

inner muscles around him and he moaned out. "Payback for teasing."

Harry grinned out at her and pulled out before thrusting back in with

force. "Oh God Daph," he groaned out as Daphne clenched around him

again. He thrust in and out of Daphne alternating speeds some slow and

then fast thrusts. He started bottoming out in Daphne as her clenching

became more sporadic as she got closer to her climax. Harry thrusts got

more uncontrolled as he was getting closer. He lowered her lips to breast

and started tweaking her nipples with his tongue and light nips.

"OHH," Daphne arched into him as she climaxed clenching around Harry

so tight he stopped thrusting as he climaxed in tedium with her. He held

Daphne to him as they both came down from their highs. He reached

down and pulled the covers over them as their breathing slowed.

"I love you," Harry whispered as Daphne started drifting to sleep.

"Mmmh, love," she yawned, "you too." Harry laughed as he held her as

she drifted off.


So my muse went on strike and refused negotiations until about two

days ago. We came to the agreement that the final battle is coming

in sixth year.

In other news I wrote a piece for Fandom4LLS. It's a prologue for my

next story, another Harry Potter one. This one will be pretty much

all AU. The entry is done and just waiting for a BETA to go over

before I send it in. It will be up at the latest August 15 so head over

and check it out it's for a good cause and won't be posted here until

at least Dec 1st.



51. The begining of the end

"So how was the ball," Daphne asked as she Tracey, Hermione, and Susan

while in the library. They were working on a Charms project in the

library. Harry and Draco were at Quidditch. Neville was working with

professor Sprout in the greenhouses while Theo was off pulling a prank

on a Hufflepuff that insulted Ginny. Apparently it was personal and he

denied help.

"It was great everything from the tables and chairs to the speakers were

made out of ice. Plus the traditional fairies and trees," Susan gushed.

"And did Pritchard behave himself?" Daphne asked with smirk

Susan groaned, "You sound like Harry. In fact he threatened Gram as

soon as I told him who took me when you got back."

Tracey laughed, "Gram's used to it. Harry threatened him when we to the

Samhain ball, just as friends." Susan huffed in frustration.

"At least Gram asked you out afterwards instead of wetting himself like

Finch-Fetchly did," Hermione added without looking up from her book.

Susan brightened, "That's true."

Daphne and Tracey were giggling across from them, "He wet himself,"

Tracey breathed out.

Susan glared at Hermione, "Mione. You weren't supposed to tell them

that. Do not make his life miserable. I don't even think Harry realized it."

Daphne and Tracey nodded but were still laughing at the table. They

continued on for a few minutes before Hermione snapped.

"Can we get back to the project now," She glared at the two laughing who

tried to sober. They managed to get back to work but Daphne and Tracey

still giggled every once in a while making Hermione roll her eyes and

Susan bang her head on the table.

"Alright everyone listen up," Harry called to the quidditch team sitting

around the locker room. "We have Ravenclaw this time. They've actually

managed to field a pretty good team. Corner, Bradley, Chambers, and

Lawson have all worked together over the summer. Douglas Fairbanks

has come into replace Davies as chaser. Fairbanks has a good arm and is

no push over on a broom. Their new beater is Seti Mubarak and he's built

like a tank that can fly. Their weakest spot is their seeker, a second year,

Marissa Simms. The only real thing she has going for her is speed but this

blizzard should slow that down." The Slytherins chuckled as Harry

gestured out the window of their locker room. It was early February and

the snow was coming down hard and thick in one last storm before

spring hopefully came. "Millicent I want you to cover Seti. You can match

his strength but you'll also faster than him. Chambers struggles at

multiple angles so try to avoid one on one shot against her." The chasers

nodded their consent. "Right Slytherin on three," Harry called putting his

hand out where it was joined by the others.

"One," Ginny called.

"Two," followed Draco.

"Three," Harry finished, "SLYTHEIRN!"


dreamy voice came across the loudspeaker in the quidditch arena. The

sometime spacey blond was wearing a large wide brimmed felt hat that

both the mascots for Slytherin and Ravenclaw. "First out we have the

Ravenclaws led by their newly minted captain, William Bradley! His

fellow chasers Michael Corner and Douglas Fairbanks!" The three

Ravenclaw chasers flew out onto the field with looks of concentration on

their faces. "And at the beater position for Ravenclaw are Seti Mubarak

and Mark Lawson! Returning at keeper is Tricia Chambers! And at seeker

Marissa Simms!" The last Ravenclaw to fly out onto the pitch was a tiny

thing barely over four feet tall.

"And the SLYTHERINS! Led by their captain seeker Harry Potter!" Luna's

commentary didn't have the same enthusiastic shouting that Lee's did but

it was still effective in rousing the crowd. "Slytherins chaser line-up

comes out next led by Draco Malfoy, followed by Ginny Weasely and

Clayton Meyers. Next up the beaters Cat Rowle and Millicent Bulstrode

and finally at keeper Heathcliff Townk." The crowd went wild; despite

the weather the guest bleachers were full of spectators.

"Madam Hooch calls for the captains! POTTER and BRADLEY shake

hands; Potter with his usual smirk, Bradley's starting to look a bit like the

moon." Those sitting around the commentary box looked at Luna with a

raised eyebrow. "Pale he looks pale," Luna said with shake of her head

causing the animals on her hat to start fighting. "AND THEY MOUNT

THEIR BROOMS; a tension filled silence is on the pitch rather like what a

biffer-baum causes." Luna added.

Harry snorted on his broom above the others as the stadium turned to

look at Luna who didn't seem to notice. He looked back down to see

Madam Hooch set loose the bludgers and snitch. He tracked the snitch as

it shot up but quickly disappeared into the snow. Harry shook his hair

out not that it helped much by the time the quaffle was up and snagged

his hair was full of snow again.

"Malfoy snags the quaffle and takes off in formation with the Slytherin

chasers. He streaks down the pitch with Bradley guarding him. He ducks

under Bradley and throws to Weasley who grabs it just over Corner.

Weasley shakes Corner with a quick break before shooting left and

crosses over top Meyers and drops the quaffle to him! Meyers shakes off

Fairbanks. And shoots to the goals with Malfoy to his left. OH that hurt!

Bradley is hit by bludger to the arm leaving Malfoy open. Meyers shoots

but it's tipped by Fairbanks, Malfoy picks it up and shoots! He scores

Slytherin 10 Ravenclaw 0!"

Harry cheered his team on while simultaneously thinking the match

needed to end fast. The weather was working in favor of Ravenclaw

making the Slytherins easier to catch. Harry searched around the pitch

for the snitch but was finding it difficult to see more than a few feet in

front of him. "Ravenclaw on a breakaway thanks to Mubarak's bludger hit

on Weasley. Malfoy's pushing to catch up to Fairbanks and Lawson."

"Damn," Harry cursed. He shot down in the direction of the Slytherin

goals. He came down in time to see the Ravenclaws descend on the

scoring area. He dove down into the path of Lawson.

"POTTER cuts off Lawson and Fairbanks forces a shot as Malfoy closes on


Harry shot back into the air as Malfoy came out with the quaffle. Harry

felt something coming his way and quickly sloth rolled. He watched the

bludger sail pass where he just was.

"MUBARK'S bludger misses Potter!"

Harry shot higher out of play to avoid more bludgers, he saw Cat redirect

the one that almost hit him. It nailed Mubarak in the back causing him to

miss the other bludger and allowing Millicent to send it at Bradley.

"BRADLEY loses the quaffle thanks to a bludger by Bulstrode."

Harry saw a glint of gold in the snow and shot towards it. He was closely

followed by Simms who had been marking him. Simms' small frame

allowed her push ahead of Harry. The snitch moved down and to the

right. Harry shot down to follow at an angle while Simms followed the

path of the snitch.


Harry pushed the broom faster as he heard the score. They had dropped

into the field of play now Harry edged past Simms as Ravenclaw brought

the quaffle out. Simms' sight was covered by Harry's bulk the snitch shot

up and Harry followed just managing to avoid Fairbanks, Simms wasn't

so lucky not having seen her teammate and ploughed into him.

"FAIRBANKS AND SIMMS collide in the middle of a snitch run!"

Harry closed in on the snitch. It stopped dead and Harry shot above it.

The snitch started to move down but Harry performed another sloth roll

and snagged it out of the air hanging from his broom by one hand and

his legs.


announced as the snake on her hat topped the eagle in triumph.

A week after the match Harry and Severus were in the potions lab

bringing the Felix Felicis out of stasis. The potion had rendered down

leaving only around two cups of viable potion. Severus ladled it out into

a small clear vial using a gold plated ladle.

"So far it is correct," Severus commented on the color and consistency of

the potion as Harry watched. Severus poured a drop of the potion on the

ladle before bringing it to his lips.

"Wait why do you get to try?" Harry asked with a grin.

Severus narrowed his eyes before smirking, "Because I'm the master and

you're the apprentice." Harry groaned, "And you're being graded on it."

He brought it to his lips and swallowed the amount on the ladle. He

immediately tasted the sweetness of the correct potion before he was

overcome with a sense of exhilaration.

"Congratulations you've brewed Felix Felicis," Severus said with a large

smile much to Harry's hidden amusement.

"Now let's deal with the acromantulas," Harry said grabbing the vial.

Severus followed him out of the potions lab, grabbing vials of antidote to

acromantula venom, and to the aurors command in Hogwarts.

"We have Felix Felicis let's kill some spiders," Harry said as he walked in

finding Tonks on duty with three other aurors. Warmaster Riphorn was

also there.

"I'll gather my warriors, who else is going in?" Riphorn asked.

"Fedor, Professors, Snape, Vector, and Black are the faculty coming with

us." Tonks replied to Riphorn.

"And Blaise, Neville, Theo, Draco, and Daphne are coming with me,"

Harry said as he sent a patronus off to his friends. Tonks sent one off to

the faculty coming. Riphorn left to gather his warriors. A few minutes

later they were all gathered in the small room. Fedor momentarily

expanded the room with a charm. Those gathered were dressed in dragon

hide cuirasses as well as dragon hide pants. The aurors had shrugged off

their typical cloaks and replaced them with a cloak similar to what Harry

was given in the Tri-wizard tourney.

"Right these are aurors, Simmons, Trent, and Gibbs for those of you who

don't know," Tonks said to the gathered room. "Everyone will work in

groups of two plus two goblins for extra protection. One will cast

fiendfyre on the spiders while the opposite of the pair will shield and

ensure the acromantula doesn't attack the caster."

"The goblins have tunneled into the nest from the bottom and have it

secured for our entry most of the goblin warriors will be outside the

entrance and the nest to ensure none of the spiders escape."

"Every human will be taking Felix Felicis to try to minimize damage,"

Tonks gave the orders and the Felix Felicis was passed around.

"You know Tonks is pretty hot when she's all commanding," Blaise said in

a not so quiet whisper. Draco punched the Italian boy in the jaw while

Harry got him in the shoulder with a solid punch. Daphne reached over

and wacked him on the head while Fedor sent a stinging hex at idiot.

Blaise doubled over in pain groaning, "You guys suck!" Neville and Theo

were holding their stomachs they were laughing so hard.

Tonks walked over with precision her hair red. Blaise looked up at the

auror and gulped. "The last suspect who said that to me got his head put

through a wall."

"Sorry, ma'am," Blaise quickly shot out.

"Now figure out who is shielding and who is casting," Tonks said turning

on her heel.

"Neville's shielding I'm casting," Blaise was the first to answer.

"I'm casting, Theo's shielding," Draco said to his cousin with a nod.

"And Harry's casting while I shield," Daphne spoke. Master Riphorn

nodded and gestured to his goblins a pair of warriors came to stand next

to each pair of students.

"I'm shielding for Severus," Fedor said.

"As am I for Sirius," Professor Vector. Again a pair of goblins moved for

each pair. The aurors quickly paired off with Riphorn and one of his

lieutenants moving to guard Tonks and Gibbs. Once everyone took a sip

of the Felix Felicis the potion was given back to Harry with about a cup

of the potion left. Only the goblins going into the nest took some of the

luck potion.

"Let's move," Tonks spoke leading the way out of the castle. Riphorn

spoke a command in gobbledygook and the goblins not paired with

wizards fell in behind them. They passed by Hagrid's hut to see the half

giant crying but nodding his agreement to the act. Hagrid's love of his

pets was only out done by his love for Hogwarts and its students.

They walked carefully through the forest sticking to the path the goblins

outlined for them. The aurors with Riphorn led the way while a column

of goblins finished the precision. Every goblin and human had their

weapon or wand at the ready searching for any danger the forest might


After walking for about forty-five minutes they came upon five goblins

milling about with maps and excavation tools. They saluted Riphorn

upon sight.

"Warmaster Riphorn," One of the goblins stepped forward and greeted

him. "All the spiders are currently in the nest. We believe the original one

is dying and picking a successor, the reason for the gathering."

"You'll enter through this tunnel," the goblin pointed out a six foot wide

opening in the ground. "The tunnel is seven feet high. Once you get to the

center of the nest the tunnel will be marked off with rune stones. Activate

the rune stones and the top of the tunnel will vanish allowing you

entrance to nest. The entrance leads up to level with bottom of the nest

via a makeshift ramp."

"Once we get into the nest form up in a circle," Tonks spoke. "The casters

will form the outside ring with a goblin on either side. The shielders will

form an inner ring directly behind who they're shielding. Any questions?

No? Good, let's go."

They filed into the tunnel in lines of four across with goblins on the

flanks. They moved silently through the tunnel for about twenty minutes

before they came to the rune stones. One goblin moved to each of the

four rune stones. They simultaneously touched the rune stones until they

started glowing a deep blue. The goblins quickly fell back into line while

unsheathing their weapons. Harry brought his wand up and started

gathering his magic. They were only waiting for about five seconds

before the tunnel rood collapsed and the ramp became visible. The

teachers were the first up and out the ramp with their goblin escorts

followed by the students. Tonks and the other aurors vaulted themselves

over the sides without taking the ramp. They reached the surface at the

same time as the teachers.

Harry was already casting as he felt Daphne come up from behind him

with a translucent shield. She kept a hand on his shoulder as he moved.

"Fiendfyre," Harry's shout was joined by the other casters. The fire shot

out of his wand as he heard an unrecognized voice weakly shout.

"Kill them!"

Harry looked in the direction of the shout and shuddered inside.

Everywhere he looked were spiders ranging from as large as he was to

two massive ones the size of a double-decker bus that were perched

halfway up the nest. His flame took form into a familiar looking dragon

he pushed it forward enveloping a charging spider and charring it to an

empty husk in before he directed it further into the nest. He recognized

Severus's and Sirius's own fiendfyre spell. Other shapes of fire took place

around him. The heat was overpowering as all the fiendfyre spells

worked to burn the nest down around them. Harry focused on the nest in

front of him and tried to drown out the noises of the dying spiders. He

saw out the corner of his eye the goblin nest to him charge out with two

axes. The warrior slipped just under the pincers of the juvenile

acromantula and struck at its legs. The spider collapsed as the goblin

slipped out and rammed both axes into its head before rejoining Harry.

"Oh Merlin," Harry heard come from Daphne in a disgusted tone. Harry

poured more power into her spell as he saw the monstrous spiders join

the fray. He focused on the fast moving one as it closed in on the circle,

venom dripping from its fangs. The full force of his dragon met the

acromantula head on. The fiery dragon breathed out an intense flame

before flying into the spider and enveloping it completely. As Harry

watched his dragon burn the acromantula its mate charged Harry. It

flung the goblin on his right side across the enclosure and into someone

else's fiendfyre spell. The goblin warrior was killed almost instantly by

the shear heat of the fire.

Daphne turned her spell to guard fully on Harry's right side just as the

spider struck forward. The spider bounced back minutely but was so

focused on Harry it missed the blazing basilisk as it shot in between the

spider and Harry. The spider reared back at the sight of the basilisk

before shrieking painfully as the snake overtook it in flames.

Daphne turned away from the sight back to Harry who banished his

fiendfyre as the giant spider he was facing turned to ash. Around her the

flames stopped as the casters finished their spells. She looked to find who

was controlling the basilisk fiendfyre and saw Blaise with an intense look

of concentration on his face as he burned the spider to ash.

"BLAISE!" Harry called out to his friend standing near to him. "It's over!"

Blaise's eyes twitched and jerked his wand down canceling the spell. His

basilisk went out almost instantly.

"Thanks Blaise," Daphne said quietly. He nodded in response.

Harry looked over and saw how close the mate was to him and nodded

his thanks also to Blaise. He looked around and realized he could now see

the force of goblins that were outside the nest. The nest was now

completely gone with only a few remaining spiders intact enough to take

venom from.

"No silk worth salvaging," one of the goblins who met them at the tunnel

entrance said as he entered the former nest looking around.

"Shame," one of the goblin warriors on the other side of Harry said. The

humans turned to them with a bewildered look.

"Venom though," Harry said in gobbledygook to the goblin.

Understanding they, like goblins always were, tried to balance this fight

with profit. Some of the goblins moved to collect samples as did Harry,

his were going to Hephaestus. The goblin warriors were gathered around

the spot where their fallen comrade had died.

Harry walked up to Riphorn and bowed, "my condolences," he spoke in


"He did with his sword. He brought honor to the goblins," Riphorn

replied back in gobbledygook. He turned back to his warriors with

nothing more to say. Harry nodded to Tonks that they should leave the

goblins be.

"Right let's get out of here," Tonks called to everyone. "We have to make

a report."

Daphne came up next to Harry and wrapped an arm around his waist.

Harry pulled her close with an arm over her shoulder. "So spiders now

officially freak me out. You're killing them from now on," Daphne said

giving him a kiss on the cheek and a grin.

"I don't think I like them anymore either," Harry said with a grimace

thinking of the massive spiders. "Aiolos can be in charge of spider


Daphne chuckled, "Where she anyways. I would've thought she'd be here

gleefully watching giant spiders croak."

Harry smirked, "She's making sure Gram behaves himself. Ooof!"

Daphne pulled back and elbowed Harry in the side, "Why!? You like

Gram, he's your friend."

Harry rubbed his side and grinned his lopsided grin, "It's a reminder."

Blaise, Draco, Theo, and Neville all laughed from beside them.

Daphne huffed, "Boys." Despite that she stayed tucked into Harry's side.

Harry breathed a sigh of relief; at least he wouldn't be sleeping on the

couch tonight.

Harry and the rest of the New Marauders were sitting around quietly

studying in the Potter's quarters. It was the middle of March and the

professors were ramping up for the end of the year.

"Alright oh-potions-expert," Daphne started. "I give what are sopophorous

beans do in the euphoria elixir?" She had three different potion texts

open around her. Blaise was laughing at her so she threw one of the

books at him; he ducked and stuck his tongue out.

Harry chuckled at them, "What do sopophorous beans do on their own?"

"They put you in dream-like state," Daphne answered.

"Right. Which is what they do in the potion to an effect," Harry

explained. "They make you more susceptible to…"

Harry was cut off by a grim patronus entering the room, "Get dressed for

battle NOW!" Came out in Amelia's voice followed by a large boom that

echoed through the castle. Draco, Theo, Ginny, Astoria, and Tracey took

off for the entrance that led to Slytherin common room. Hermione,

Neville, Hannah, and Susan ran for the exit that led to the hallways.

Harry and Daphne moved to their rooms.

A death eater with a black mask with silver tribal markings on them

moved through the mass of cloaked and masked figures. The outer ring of

the gathering was filled with giants each carrying a massive club or

machete. The second ring was filled with disfigured hags and partially

transformed werewolves. The closest figures were the human death

eaters. He pushed his way to the front of the crowd gathered around one

man skeletal gray with red eyes and snake like visage.

"Gather my death eaters," Voldemort, "Tonight we end this pathetic

uprising against us!" A cheer went through the crowd. "Tonight we wipe

out the halfboods, mudbloods, and blood traitors! We take Hogwarts! We

take the world!" Tonight you kill! Feast in their fear!"

The death eaters cheered widely as Voldemort basked in their need for

death and gore. The masked death eater with tribal markings hastily

made his way through the celebrating crowd and out of the dilapidated

Carrow manor they were gathered at. He quickly took out a small sheet

of paper and activated the rune on it. The paper disappeared from his

hands and he quickly lit up a pipe as someone moved behind him.

"Not celebrating Micah," came a wheezy but snipping voice behind him.

He sucked in on the pipe before turning around and blowing the smoke

out into the woman's face, "Celebrating in my own way, Alecto," he

sneered out.

The woman snarled at him, "You're lucky you have the Dark Lord's favor."

She spun on her heels, "He's activating the portkeys, get inside!"

He breathed in another breath of the pipe before putting it out and

joining her in back inside the manor.

Across England at the DMLE a sleeping auror was jarred awake by an

alarm going off. She jerked upright and grabbed the piece of paper.

Written on it in Norse runes was, Hogwarts, now. "Awe shite why my

shift," she muttered before sprinting down to Connie Hammer's office

hoping she was in. Director Bones had the day but she had seen Hammer

earlier today.

Seeing the light on in the office she burst through the door without

preamble, "Hogwarts is going to be attacked!"

Connie shot out of her seat and activated a rune that sent an alarm

through the auror offices and the unspeakable offices. She sent a

patronus off before moving to a magical speaker, "Hogwarts is under

attack move to portkey positions." There was a rush around the office as

the aurors dressed for battle before moving to their sections.

Connie joined the aurors, "Get ready as soon as we have word from

Hogwarts we'll activate the portkeys."

Amelia and Sirius were sitting down to a late dinner after finally getting

the triplets to sleep. Sirius's hair was sticking up on the left side where

Lyra had pulled it for an hour.

"So Sue said you gave a sixteen inch essay on resisting the imperious

curse?" Amelia asked as they dug into dinner. Sirius's answer was cut off

by the appearance chinchilla patronus.

"Hogwarts is being attacked tonight. I alerted Flitwick," Connie's voice

came through.

"Shite!" Sirius swore.

They both shot up from the table making for the triplets room. They

gathered the triplets waking them. Sirius pushed them into Amelia's arms

while Amelia set them down and called for a house elf.

Sirius jerked to a stop, "Oh no, no, no! You're going with them!"

"No I'm not!" Amelia snapped right back.

"Yes you are!"

"Sirius I'm the head of the DMLE! I'm staying!" The house elf watched the

verbal tennis match with wide eyes.

"You're their mother! We both can't stay," Sirius finished a little calmer.

The triplets were crying by now watching their parents.

"Fine rock, paper, scissors," Amelia said with a glare at her husband. The

stuck their fists out for the game. "Rock, paper, scissors, one, two, thee.

Damn it!" Sirius won with scissors.

"Ha!" Sirius replied only to be pulled into a frantic kiss by Amelia.

"If you die," she warned, "I'll bring you back just so I can do it again. Got


Sirius pulled his wife in for another kiss, "I love you too. Now go!" Sirius

dressed for a battle and pulled his hair back before taking off out his


Amelia conjured her patronus, "Get dressed for battle NOW!" She sent the

silvery grim off to her family before looking to the house elf. She closed

her eyes as she heard something impact the castle. She was holding the

boys while Lyra was strapped to her chest in a harness. "Let's go, Dodder."

The house elf bobbed his head and took Amelia's hand before using his

own magic to apperate them through the wards of Hogwarts to Potter


Harry was dressed in his familiar dragon hide cuirass, pants, and boots

that laced up his calves, tucked into his left boot was the pocket knife

given to him by David Granger. Strapped to his waist was the sword of

Gryffindor and on both forearms he had a wand strapped on. Daphne was

dressed similarly to Harry just minus the sword. Daphne did have a can

of pepper spray strapped to her waist near the back. Tracey, Theo, and

Draco shared a similar wardrobe as they stood next to Severus. Severus

unlike his five students had an outer robe over his gear hiding most of it.

The entirety of Slytherin was gathered in the common room, a similar

sight was being played out in the other common rooms. Severus stood

before them and spoke softly in the silent room as they could hear the

castle being hit with something, "Hogwarts is under attack." He held up a

hand that stilled the room of motion despite his words. "Those of you of

age that participated in the DA may stay if you are of age. Step forward

now if you want to fight." He waited and the only Slytherins to step

forward were Raymond Covington, Joslyn Stone, and Millicent Bulstrode.

He nodded to her the other of age Slytherins either looked slightly guilty

or angry. "You will be portkeyed out in three, two, one," He activated his

own wrist band before the angry ones could try and strip them off. The

wards opened at his exact countdown and the students were emptied out

of the common room. About ten seconds later the wards closed with a

vengeance Harry looked out one of the spell windows. He saw a shell like

dome come up over the school and abruptly the crashing stopped.

"What is that?" Harry asked.

"It's a protection dome specifically designed by Rowena Ravenclaw for

Hogwarts," Severus answered. As he answered Raymond and Joslyn

appeared back in the common in room in a dragon hide outer-robe used

for dueling by purebloods.

"Millicent," Theo called holding out a cuirass to her. "It's Ginny's for

fencing. We enlarged it, it won't be the best fitting armor but it's better

than robes."

"Thanks," She slipped it on.

"We need to get to the Great Hall," Severus snapped out as he saw spells

impact the dome. "The aurors and unspeakable were supposed to portkey

in at the same time the students were sent out."

They left the Slytherin dorms and entered into the hallway cautiously,

Severus paused to seal the Slytherin common room shut. Only

parselmouth could override the seal built in by Salazar himself and

Voldemort was unaware of the password. Of all the rumors about

Slytherin the one that held true was his paranoia.

They were met by Professor Sprout and the Hufflepuffs that had stayed as

they neared the Great Hall. Susan, Hannah, and Ernie MacMillian were

the students among Harry's year that stayed. Joshua Kerns was the only

seventh year Hufflepuff Harry recognized but he was one of four. The

Hufflepuff students minus Susan, Hannah, and one seventh year were

lacking in protective gear. Harry inwardly cursed himself for not having

thought of the other students who would stay to fight. Professor Sprout

simply had her large dragon hide apron she used for the more dangerous

greenhouses on.

When they arrived at the entrance to the Great Hall the doors to the

school were thrown open. Harry watched in awe as the knights that

decorated the castle became animated and mobilized in entrance way

courtyard and up the bridge. In the very back of the court yard and

positioned in the entrance way was about half the goblin warriors. Harry

saw Warmaster Riphorn's lieutenant in the lead.

When they made it to the Great Hall proper they were met by a horde of

people. All of the staff, aurors, unspeakables, students, and somehow a

group of former students, plus Fleur and Viktor, at the front of were five

red heads, four of which Harry recognized. Harry looked around and saw

almost every member of the DA that was old enough had stayed to fight,

including to his surprise Ron Weasley and Terry Boot. Ron surprised him

because he was genuinely an arse and Terry was always more interested

in the healing aspects of the DA than fighting.

"Bill?" Harry called out in surprise to the group.

"Ginny," Bill called back and Harry nodded. Any further conversation was

cut off by Headmaster Flitwick's amplified voice.

"Listen up people we have limited time before the dome collapses under

the weight of the spells! Any of you with healing abilities are to go with

Madam Pomfrey and a small contingent of aurors to the hospital wing.

It's been warded to hopefully withstand any great damage. You will be

defending it as we will need it!" At his words Madam Pomfrey, Hannah,

Terry, and few aurors in medical robes plus the auror contingent of six

aurors started to leave.

"Sue go with them," Harry commanded quietly to his pseudo sister. She

turned to argue but Harry cut her off, "I know you can fight but you're

also versed in healing spells. They need you."

Susan let out a huff of air, "Fine. Don't die!" She threatened before pulling

him in for a bone crushing hug. "Promise?" She asked in somewhat

watery voice.

"I'll do my best," Harry told her quietly and gave her one last hug.

"The goblins have split their forces between the entrance and the border

to the Forbidden forest. I need volunteers to join them to go with

Warmaster Riphorn." The Weasley twins, Charlie Weasley, most of the

unspeakables, Katie Bell, Angelina Johnson, Alicia Spinnent, Aaron

Vasiey, Draco, and Theo left with Riphorn. The Weasley twins knew the

forest almost as well as the New Marauders, the New Marauders from

exploring in their animagus forms and the twins, well, anything

forbidden was okay with them.

"I need a small contingent to go to the covered bridge to ensure that

passage inside the castle is defended. If it is lost blow it up!" Flitwick

announced with a vengeance.

"I'll go!" Seamus Finnigan shouted gaining a laugh from the staff and

student population easing some of the mounting tension. Professor

McGonagall palmed her face in exasperation. A group of ten chuckling

aurors moved to join Seamus, Neville, Dean Thomas, Ron Weasley, Oliver

Wood, Ernie MacMilliam, and Padma Patil.

"The astronomy tower is last area in need," Flitwick spoke. All but five of

the aurors including Tonks, the rest of the unspeakables, Professors

Sinistra, Krum, and Vector, and Remus Lupin moved to leave.

"The rest of us need to spread out in the courtyard, bridge, and grounds.

Particularly by the whomping willow, the third floor corridor, and the

fifth floor corridor. Move!"

"You want to be out front don't you?" Daphne said without turning to

look at Harry.

"I have to be," Harry replied back.

"Fine out front it is then," Daphne said with a glare that told Harry if he

argued he be sleeping with Scooby if he survived.

"I'm going to the third floor," Tracey said grabbing both Harry and

Daphne in for a hug which they eagerly returned.

"I'll go with you," came Hermione's voice from behind them. Viktor was

standing next to her. Hermione pulled all three of them into a desperate

hug before pulling away and leaving with Viktor and Tracey.

"I'll be on the fifth floor," Severus said in a clipped tone he was joined by

the other Slytherins who had stayed and Pavarti Patil.

"Well pup, I assume were going out the front doors," Sirius said cheerfully

appearing besides Harry with Xavier and Evelyn.

"No fucking around this time," Harry hissed to Sirius when he heard his


Sirius's grin failed and he nodded, "I swear it!"

Harry Daphne led the group of wizards and witches out to the courtyard.

Filius Flitwick was to Harry's left followed by Professor McGonagall.

Sirius was on Daphne's right followed by her parents. Bill Weasley and

Fleur were in a line behind them with some of the former students and

Alastor Moody.

Voldemort stood surrounded by his minions most masked but his most

loyal forgoing the masks. Of course the giants, hags, and werewolves

weren't worthy of being called his death eaters. He grabbed Amycus

Carrow's wrist and reveled in the pain it caused his follower as everyone's

portkey activated. They landed in the outskirts of Hogsmeade. Darkness

had fallen as they entered and Hogsmeade was locked down on curfew

while the war was on. He struck out with his wand and the first building

he passed went up in flames as it was engulfed by fiery basilisk. The dark

lord made no attempt to control the fiendfyre spell as it raged through

Hogsmeade overpowering the wards on the buildings. His followers were

bolstered by the display as they moved through the village firing spells at

the small contingent of aurors outside.

"Avada Kedavra," Amycus Carrow's spell connected with one of the aurors

at the same time his twin's killing curse struck another.

"Shite! Fall back to the school," the auror captain shouted as he threw up

a shield around his team. The dark lord struck out with his wand, the

pink curse shot out and passed through the auror's shield. The captain

dived under the spell but his four remaining aurors drop slowly to their

knees as their heads rolled off to the side.

The death eaters laughed as only the captain was left and half of

Hogsmeade was consumed by the dark lord's fiendfyre. Unbeknownst to

the death eaters the residents of Hogsmeade were all given emergency

portkeys after the first attack on the village and were able to escape with

their lives.

"Surrender and I'll let you live," Voldemort's ghostly tones caused shivers

on to go down the spine of the captain.

The captain looked around him and moved his wand to lower causing the

death eaters to relax. "Go to Hell," he snapped out his wand snapping out

as he silently cast the sagitto curse. The arrows shot out raster than the

death eaters could see and two fell to the curse; one with an arrow in his

heart, the other with an arrow to the neck. The final arrow lodge in the

wand arm of a death eater.

"Crucio!" Voldemort spell dropped the captain to the ground. "You

squander your one and only chance," he hissed as he held the screaming

auror under his curse. He continued to hold the man under the curse

watching with undisguised glee. The man was seizuring on the ground

uncontrollably. After a minute in the half his screams turned to hoarse

groans of pain simply unable to scream any more. When the captain was

no longer to make any noise and was reduced to a twitching mass,

Voldemort stopped the curse, "Forward. Wolves go through the forest.

Dolohov take twenty through the shrieking shack. Alecto take fifteen

through Honeydukes. Amycus take ten through Zonko's." He said

directing his followers up the path to the school while the others broke


"Giants, hags, the bridge," Voldemort directed. The giants and hags broke

off heading further up the path to the bridge entrance of the school.

Voldemort directed his death eaters to a nearby hill to overlook the

ensuing battle.

He moved to the foremost position on the hill as the giants and hags got

closer to the bridge. Nagini slithered out of his skin and settled next to

him. "Watch my pet asss Hogwartsss crumblesss," he hissed to his familiar

turned horcrux. He's glee turned to anger as he saw the knights of

Hogwarts take to the bridge.

At the sight of the knights the largest giant, Golgomath, who had sped his

gait placed his club down. He reached out and picked up a large boulder

and threw it at Hogwarts. It crashed into the gates smashing them off the

hinges and into the knights scattering the first two lines of knights. The

knights that remained intact and those from the third line filled the gap.

The majority of the giants stopped and followed their gurg's example and

started throwing boulders like quaffle at the school and knights. The hags

began casting spells at the knights who used their spell enforced shields

to block them. Two giants made it to the bridge and stormed through the

now open gates. The knights converged on giants legs and began hack at

them. Two lines were taken out by a club but were reformed in seconds.

Just after a boulder shattered against one of the towers a golden dome

appeared over the school and bridge sending the two giants that made it

in flying backwards off the bridge. One giant landed hard on group of

hags killing the five of them and leaving a five foot crater in the ground.

The other giant fell into two of his own who picked him back up.

Voldemort growled in anger, "Gibbon, Struthers, take half to the covered

bridge. Fire on the dome with deprimo." The death eaters separated.

"Micah, Martin, when the ward falls take your unit to the astronomy

tower. Fire," he called.

The death eaters fired their spells on the on the dome. As they started to

impact Voldemort spied movement towards the back of the knights. He

saw a glinting of ruby and silver, "Potter." The spells were dancing

harmlessly off the shield. More joined them from the hags in front of the

bridge and finally at the opposite side of the dome the death eaters at the

covered bridge fired spells into the dome. Little patches opened up into

the dome but it still held fast. Voldemort became enraged at the sight of

dome holding. With a shout of rage he brought his wand up and fired at

the dome. Instead of the small deprimo spells his followers shot off the

one that came out of his wand had the effect of howitzer. It struck the

dome with an unholy force and shattered a thirty foot hole in the dome.

He continued to pour power into the spell as it continuously widened the

hole. The massive hole spread and started to merge with the ones torn

open by his death eaters. The holes continued to merge until finally the

pressure on the wards caused it to fail completely. The dome came

crashing down resembling thunder.

"Bring me Potter," Voldemort snarled out to his death eaters rushed from

their positions to the now unprotected denizens of Hogwarts. As his

death eaters passed him Voldemort's shoulders sagged as the loss of

energy from his overpowered spell hit him. Nagini moved in front of him

before he started to seemingly glide down following his minions.


So I have found myself with free time as I decided I hated law

school and withdrew. Now I have no idea what I'm going to do. So

anyways the next chapter will probably come out faster.

Thanks for the reviews and support,


52. The Battle Commences

As they moved closer to the covered bridge Neville raised his hand to

halt the defenders with him. "Timmons," he called to the senior auror

with him. "I've got an ideal on how to take out a lot of death eaters."

Timmons nodded for him to go ahead. "I want the aurors to stay out of

sight and hidden while we go forward," Neville gestured to the students.

"Seamus, Dean, and Oliver can set up the bridge to blow. Padma, Ernie,

and Weasley use the luminos maximus spell to hide them."

"And what are you going to do?" Timmons asked with dubious


"I'm going to pick fight. With just us students they'll be more apt to

simply charge us." Timmons nodded his acceptance though reluctantly

and motioned his aurors to hide. "Seamus, you need to be fast the dome's

not going to hold much longer." As Neville finished and started across the

bridge Seamus started directing Dean and Oliver what spells to place

where. Dean needed less instruction than Oliver given Seamus was his

best friend and had been taught some of Seamus's spells already. Halfway

across the bridge Padma, Ernie, and Weasley stopped and commenced

their spells shielding the three boys.

"As soon as the dome falls get off the bridge as fast as you can." Neville

resumed moving forward only this time he added a swagger to his walk

one usually saw with Draco or Blaise.

Neville moved fluidly to the other side of the bridge where about twenty

feet away he could see the death eaters being held at bay by the dome.

Neville looked over the group and saw two without masks both of which

he recognized from wanted posters. Justin Gibbon was a death eater from

the first war and one of Voldemort's inner circle. The other was Zacharias

Struthers, a death eater who made his name in this war for raping his

victims. Neville casually conjured a patronus, a move that incandesced

some of the death eaters, most of them could not conjure one. He bent

down to give the bear patronus its message before sending it on his way.

"Well look at all of you lined doing your halfblood masters dirty work.

Tell me does it feel good, make you feel all tingly, that you're about to try

and slaughter children." Neville finished with mocking voice.

"Lies!" Gibbons tried to stop one of the lower death eaters who raced

forward into the dome firing spells. The spells impacted the dome with

little fanfare but the death eater kept running forward the second the

death eater hit the dome the death eater disintegrated into dust. Gibbon

gripped his wand tighter as he watched.

Neville smirked at him, "Nice try. Who's next how about you?" He

pointed to Struthers who sneered back at him. "Come on it'll be fun we

can play Red Rover, you know this is a school we like games here." Most

of the death eaters snarled and few stepped forward but were quickly

held in place by their comrades.

"You won't be playing much longer," Gibbon replied and pointed over

Neville's head. Neville turned and saw the gaping hole in the dome

growing large by the second. "Fire again," Gibbon ordered his death

eaters. They fired their spells on the dome and this time the holes merged

and the dome quickly collapsed.

As soon as the dome fell Neville flicked his wand a bombarda hex flew

out and impacted to the left of Gibbon. Four death eaters were killed

instantly by the spell. A fifth had is arm blown off while four more were

thrown back into the death eater lines. His spell gave Padma, Ernie, and

Weasley time to run.

"Avada kedavra," Gibbon's spell raced at Neville.

Neville ducked the spell turning as he did he took off running. Gibbon

and Struthers charged after him. The death eaters saw their leaders

charging and followed them forward after the boy and towards the other

students they glimpsed on the bridge. They all recognized one of the

Weasley brats on the bridge. Blood traitors deserved their deaths

countless times over in their minds. They rushed onto the bridge

following Gibbon and Struthers.

Neville was halfway over the bridge now, "SEAMUS LIGHT IT NOW!"

Neville raced back twisting and shielding as curses flew around the

bridge and at him. Pieces of the bridge were shattering and splintering as

he ran. He saw Seamus point his wand as the spell flew towards the

supports of the bridge. Neville increased his speed.

Seamus's spell hit the first spell placed by Dean at the opposite end of the

bridge where the death eaters were still trying to funnel in. The supports

at the end blew and from there the spell started to flash back and forth to

all the other spell bundles. Each section of supports collapsed in a flash of

fire the supports burning in seconds. The death eaters closest to the

bridge but not on it were thrown back while the others stopped abruptly

as they watched the bridge collapsed down into the gorge bellow them

carrying those death eaters on the bridge down with them.

"Fuck," Gibbon apperated off the bridge just as the wood under his feet

turned to ash.

Neville could feel the bridge buckling and giving out around him. He

turned his head to the side just enough to peer behind and saw the bridge

going down. Neville had five feet left of bridge in front of him and only

inches behind him. He flicked his wand into his wrist holder and jumped.

The bridge fell around him as he was flung into the air. He concentrated

on his animagus form and turned his nails into the claws of his bear

form. His claws sunk into the ground as his body slammed into the

earthen side. He bounced into with a groan and saw the others move

forward. "No stop! The others are apperating over." As Neville spoke they

all heard the pops of apperation. The aurors moved in quickly from their

hiding spots and pushed the students under the cover spaces.

"Fire from cover," Timmons told the students. "Take them down out," he

told his own aurors. He slashed his wand at an incoming death eater. The

death eater fell his apperation cut down by the ribbon cutting curse.

Neville pulled himself up and over the edge he was hanging from with

gritted teeth. He stood firing his wand at death eater nearby. The masked

figure fell to Neville's ice spike, blood turning the ice red as he fell.

"Avada Kedavra," Neville heard Gibbon's spell and turned to look for him.

An auror fell to the killing curse.

"Sagitto," Neville fired off the arrows toward Gibbon. Gibbon turned at

the last minute and the arrows went past. Only one of the three arrows

connected with something, a death eater's leg. The death eater faltered in

his spell as the arrow lodged in his leg, Ernie brought the eater down

with cutting curse that severed his wand arm.

"You little jumped up blood traitor," Gibbon said turning to Neville. "Your

parents got what they deserved and so will you," he snarled before firing

off a deep purple spell at Neville.

Neville ducked instead of shielding not knowing the curse. He fired his

own deprimo curse at Gibbon. Gibbon through up a shield that deflected

the curse away before firing another killing curse. Neville rolled out of

the way of the curse.

A dark gray curse flew at Neville; he recognized it as an asphyxiation

curse. Neville threw up a shield. The curse died on impact as it hit the

shield. Neville fired back at Gibbon, "Bombarda." Neville's curse hit

Gibbon's shield but tore through it. The spell impacted Gibbon's left arm

and shoulder. His shoulder was wrenched from its socket while the

clothes and layers of skin were torn from his arm.

"Arghh!" Gibbon shouted in pain before striking out at Neville, "Avada

Kedavra, Avada Kedavra, Avada Kedavra, Crucio!" Neville dived out of the

way of the three killing curses but was brought sprawling to the ground

on his last dodge. The cruciatus curse his Neville as he was on the


Neville's body seized up but he refused to let out any noise as the torture

curse sent fire through his veins. Gibbon held the spell for fifteen seconds

before cutting it off moving in to loom over Neville.

"I want you conscious to know, you're going to join your blood traitor

parents," Gibbon gloated over Neville. Neville was breathing heavily as

his body twitched. At the mention of his parents his face morphed into a

deadly glare and his body was brought under his control. He kicked out

with his leg sweeping Gibbon off his feet and into the air. Gibbon hit the

ground hard on his back knocking the wind out him and dazing him as

his head bounced painfully off the ground.

Neville shot from his position on top of Gibbon pinning him. One of

Neville's knees was lodge on Gibbon's wrist preventing him from using

his wand. Neville pulled back his arm and let loose a vicious right hook.

The punch landed true connecting with Gibbon's jaw and mouth. Blood

poured from his mouth and nose and his jaw hung awkwardly as Gibbon

tried to say something, tried to move his wand to cast at Neville. Neville

this time pulled his arm back with his wand at the ready, "decapitare,"

Neville's spell was spoken quietly almost like a prayer. Gibbon's head

rolled away from his body as Neville's spell left a gouge in the ground

inches deep where Gibbon's neck had been.

Neville stood from Gibbon's body and took a cursory glance around. He

saw the auror bodies and death eater bodies littering the ground. As he

turned to where his other classmates were taking cover he saw to death

eaters blow one of the rocks apart hiding them. Oliver was thrown back

from debris while Padma and Seamus rolled to the ground vulnerable.

"Sectumsempra," the dark cutting curse raced at the two gloating death

eaters. One went down with three wide gashes to his back that poured

blood out on to the ground around him. The other merely stumbled

forward. His robes fell open in the back and Neville realized the death

eater was wearing dragon hide. The death eater turned on his heals to

face Neville firing off a bone breaking curse at him. Neville shielded the

spell into another death eater nearby leaving the auror fighting the death

eater to finish the masked one off.

"Bombarda maximus, deprimo maximus, glacies clavus," Neville's spells flew

one right after the other. The first spell was aimed at the death eater who

shielded most of it but some of the blasting curse made it through and

tore the dragon hide from his chest. The next one Neville aimed at the

ground to his left forcing the death eater to the ground. His final spell

sent three ice spikes at the prone death eater. The death eater conjured

fire and managed to melt two of the three, the last landing in his spleen.

The man groaned out and brought his wand up to fire at Neville.

"Stupify," Padma had recovered and fired the spell at the death eater

Neville was fighting. No one on the field bother to turn or shield as it was

a stunning spell. Padma's aim though from the DA rang true and

impacted the death eater with his wand at Neville in the back of his neck.

The death eater flew forward and landed in an unconscious heap. Blood

pooling on the ground from the ice spike still lodged in his spleen.

"We surrender!" Neville heard and turned to look. Three reaming death

eaters were being held at wand point by four aurors. One of the death

eaters was missing part of his leg, another was bleeding from several

different cutting curses to his chest, face, and neck, the last was teetering

on the edge of unconsciousness. They through their wands down to the


Neville quickly summoned the wands of those three and the wand of the

death eater Padma knocked out. He severed the wands with a cutting

curse before turning to Auror Timmons who was awkwardly holding his

left arm. "Knock them out!"

Three spells of stupefy rang out and the three death eaters crumbled to

the floor. The four aurors moved to check their fallen and found one of

the five alive. Neville moved to where Oliver was laying unconscious. He

quickly felt for a pulse as Padma came up behind him.

Neville turned to her and shook his head no. Oliver Wood was dead from

shrapnel wounds.

"Neville Dean has a pulse," Seamus shouted in his Irish brogue. Neville

quickly left Oliver and rushed to where Seamus and Weasley were

standing over an unconscious Dean Thomas. "Move," he shoved the

frozen Weasley out his way and knelt over Thomas.

"Sanare vulnus," Neville recited one of the healing spells Sirius had taught

him over and over until some of the wounds on Dean's body closed. He

looked at the gathered students, Ernie was the worst off, his wand arm

was hanging limply and he was twitching from exposure to the cruciatas

curse. "Ernie can you apperate?" Neville's words were spoken at a rapid

pace. The boy shakily nodded.

"Apparate yourself and Dean to the hospital wing now," Neville grabbed

the Hufflepuff by his robes and attached his hand to Dean with a mild

sticking charm. "Go now." The Hufflepuff apperated away with Dean

Thomas in tow.

"Any of yours alive," Neville turned to Auror Timmons. He noticed the

unconscious death eaters were gone. The aurors were looking a bit better

having done some basic field healing spells, Timmons arm was in a sling.

"No. We sent the eaters to Azkaban via portkey. We need to," the rest of

his statement was cut off by a howl and a blood curdling scream. They

turned in the direction of the scream.

"That came from the whomping willow," Neville answered he didn't wait

for the others and took off at a run. The others following him.

Tonks leaned over the edge from her position on the Astronomy tower.

She could see the mass of death eaters on the hill. She was one of the first

lines of defense on the astronomy tower. They had all take strategic

positions around the circular tower. The top two floors were open to the

sky to allow students to see the stars. Through the middle of both floors

was a three dimensional version of the solar system. The aurors took the

uppermost floor with Professor Krum and Sinistra. They positioned

themselves in two circles an outer one and inner one hoping to

effectively trap any incoming death eaters in between the two. The ten of

the fifteen unspeakable plus Professor Vector and Remus had done the

same on the second topmost floor. The last five unspeakable were

position at the stairs to block any death eaters that broke through the


"Shite," Tonks swore.

"Nym?" Fedor asked with concern before seeing the large display of

magic hit the dome.

"Voldemort." She said with a nod to the display. "Get ready for an

incoming," Tonks called to the others, "He's about to bring down the


Seconds after she spoke the dome collapsed and she saw a group of death

eaters disappear from view. She dropped the spy glass and looked in

front of her for the ripple of air apperation caused. It didn't take long for

it to appear and Tonks' wand shot out with a gray spell. The incoming

death eater was forced out his apparation and crashed in between Tonks

and Fedor with a sickening crunch. Fedor at the same time forced

another out that was firing at Tonks through his apparation.

The spell went wide blowing up chunks of stone into the air. Tonks

turned and fired a bone breaking hex at the death eater's neck. It killed

him on impact. The death eaters started landing on the two floors in


"Nym cover me," Fedor said as he started moving his wand in complex


Tonks turned and began firing spells rapidly at the death eaters. One fell

to a cutting curse while another had his wand arm severed.

"Sectumsempra," Tonks heard and felt the spell come at her. She twisted

out the way of the spell. It sliced a good portion of the robe near her arm.

She turned to face the death eater, half his mask was missing. She

recognized the man from a wanted poster, Martin, a death eater fond of

torture and skilled in all manner of cutting curses.

"Decapitare," the ribbon cutting curse came at Tonks who flung up a

shield. Three more curses followed in quick succession. He shield failed

under the third spell she dropped to her knees as her shield flickered out.

She avoided most of the cutting curse but part of it sliced opened a

wound on left cheek from her the corner of her mouth to ear. The wound

turned to deep black around the edges eating away at her skin.

She ignored it and rolled out of the way of another spell from Martian.

She got back to her feet wand up and ready to fire. As she started to fire

two hands came up behind Martian at his neck grabbed him and

wrenched his neck to the side. Martian dropped dead to the ground

behind him stood a death eater in black mask with silver tribal markings.

The eater tore his mask off quickly.

"Micah?" Tonks asked in shock recognizing one of the aurors she

graduated with.

He pulled off his death eater robes and sent a bone breaking hex at a

nearby death eater, "You have no idea how long I've been waiting to do

that." Micah said with a smile to Tonks. Tonks wand snapped up and

fired off a curse that flew just left of Micah's head. He swallowed and

turned seeing a death eater drop behind him, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Suddenly the statues that capped the turrets of the astronomy tower

came to life and flew at the death eaters. The gargoyles ripped and tore

at the death eaters trying to fend them off. Tonks looked to Fedor and

smiled as she saw him directing the gargoyles.

"Avada Kedavra," The killing curse flew at Fedor.

Tonks screamed, "Sectumsempra," at the offending death eater. She saw

her spell connect before turning to Fedor. Her spell tore open three

wounds across the chest and one reached far enough to slit his throat.

The death eater gurgled on blood as the robed figure dropped to his

knees but Tonks was focused on Fedor. At the last second a gargoyle flew

into the path of the killing curse. The stone exploded into Fedor as the

killing curse struck it. Fedor threw himself back twisting as he did so.

Three large chunks of rock impacted Fedor in his back and head. Tonks

went to run to him but was held by Micah.

"You're in the middle of the battle," Micah told her. She shoved him off

and started firing hexes and curses at anything in black. She worked her

way to Fedor while striking down death eaters. She quickly knelt and felt

for a pulse, she sighed in relief when she felt one. Fedor stirred as he

checked him.

"Fedor," Tonks called to him over the din. He opened his eyes with a

groan. Tonks turned him so she could see the back of his head. She

quickly waved her wand over the wound and the blood cleared. The

wound to the back of his head was a small gash.

"Epskiy," Tonks healed the wound and helped Fedor up. As she was

pulling him up Fedor pushed her out of the way of an incoming killing

curse. His wand shot out and a dark red curse went straight through the

death eater's shield. The death eater seized his muscles tightening as he

tried to claw at his own body. Burning heat ran through his veins, blood

started to pool out of his eyes, ears, nose, and mouth. His blood boiled in

his veins as he collapsed to the ground.

Fedor got shakily to his feet his head still swimming as he rejoined the

fight. He stepped over the body of a fallen auror as he cast more spells

into the fray.

"Stand back," Severus spoke to the four students with him. He was in

front of the statue of Gregory the Smarmy.

"Why we in front of a statue?" Joslyn asked impatiently.

"Because it opens up into a passage to Zonko's now stand back while I set

a ward," Severus bit out. Joslyn wisely remained quite.

"Jos, get over here and help me," Raymond called to her. "Conjure some

slabs of marble." Raymond focused as he moved his wand through the

spell. A slab of marble about six inches thick, about four feet high and six

feet long. He used his wand and positioned it on angle. Joslyn followed

his movements conjuring an identical slab. She positioned hers in the

same manner. Together with Raymond's they formed a vee with one wall

of the hallway at their back.

"Get behind the slabs," Raymond said to Millicent and Parvati.

Severus was chanting in a language the students did not recognized as he

moved his wand over the floor of the statue. After a minute or two the

floor glowed a violent yellow before it faded away. Severus smirked as he

walked away from the door and vaulted over the edge of the protective


"As soon as the barrier ward goes off throw your deadliest spells, no

hesitating," Severus said his tone sharper than they had ever heard in

class. He looked them each in the eye holding their gaze until they

nodded. Each of them brought their wands up to fire, Raymond, Joslyn,

and Severus's wand were all glowing with the spell waiting to be


They were not waiting long before the statue disappeared and an

entrance way opened. Three death eaters crossed the threshold at the

same time. A thundering explosion was heard as fire and smoke filled the

entrance way. The three death eaters died instantly blown apart by the

explosion. Two more were taken out of the battle as they bled out from

their injuries. Through the smoke the defenders saw more black cloaks.

"Avada Kedavra, fractus, ignis explodere, reducto, sagitto," The five spells

flew into the entry way. One death eater was killed instantly by Severus's

killing curse. Joslyn's bone breaking hex hit one death eater in the leg.

Raymond's fire bomb hex did not hit anyone but impacted at the bottom

of the entryway causing the death eaters to scatter without shielding.

Parvati's reducto spell hit one of the sprawled death eaters in the chest

collapsing his lungs rendering him dead. Millicent's arrows all hit one

unfortunate death eater, one to his arm and two to his chest. Of the

eleven death eaters Voldemort sent eight were taken out before they

could exit the secret passage.

"Avada Kedavra," The killing curse was repeated eight times by the death

eaters left followed by a strangled epsiky.

"Get back!" Severus yelled as the green streaks rocketed towards them.

The students through themselves towards the back wall while Severus

through a rebounding shield. The marble slabs exploded as they were hit

by the killing curses. The pieces of rock hit Severus's shield and bounced

back out into the hall. Fire streaked out of the passageway enveloping the

rocks and melting them down to nothing.

"Severus you always were a pain in the arse," Amycus Carrow spoke as he

came out into the hallway. He had a death eater on either side of him;

the one on the left had a limp from his hastily healed leg.

Severus fired a silent bombarda curse at the floor in front of them

scattering the death eaters. Millicent and Pavarti teamed up on the one

with the limp while Joslyn and Raymond took the other. Severus

immediately went after Amycus distracting him from the students.

Amycus growled at Severus as he shielded an incoming spell before firing

his own, "flagrante," the burning hex flew at Severus. He batted it away

with a smirk towards Amycus.

"Percutio," Amycus fired a shock spell at the Severus who batted it away


"Sectumsempra," Severus's personal cutting curse came at Amycus who

dodged it instead of shielding it. As he moved to the left Severus quick as

lighting sent blood boiling curse at where he stepped. Amycus threw up a

brick wall that took the curse; he blew it up and sent the bricks at

Severus. Severus reduced the bricks to pebbles. Severus sent an

asphyxiation hex at Amycus who shield and tried to direct it towards one

of the students.

"Avada Kedvra," Severus heard the spell and then heard Millicent's shout

of "No."

Severus became in raged at that and flung three sectumsempra curses at

Amycus. Amycus shielded one but the last two broke through. The first

one to break through opened up three large gouges to Amycus's right

arm. One large across his wrist caused him to drop his wand. The last

curse open three gashes that went straight the dragon hide robe Amycus

wore. The gashes reached all the way across his chest and into his neck.

Amycus fell to the ground choking on blood. Severus moved forward and

stood over the glaring Carrow. Severus pressed his foot to Amycus's wrist

causing blood to rush out faster. He used his other foot to snap Amycus's

wand before he left him to bleed out.

"Bombarda, deprimo, reducto," He looked up in time to see his three

remaining students' spells land on the remaining death eater that had

killed Parvati." The death eater erupted in a shower of blood and bone as

the spells hit at the same time. The three students were sprayed with

blood and bits of brain as they turned to their Professor.

Severus nodded to them and they relaxed their wands as one they moved

over to Parvati. Severus helped them to levitate the body to a nearby

alcove. He conjured a white sheet and laid it over the body. All three

Slytherin purebloods raised their wands in the hallway and lit off a spark

of white light in honor of Parvati.

"Down to the third floor now," Severus said when their spells finished.

They nodded and together took off down the nearest staircase. Amycus

Carrow was left to bleed out in the fifth floor corridor.

Along the third floor corridor there were two sets of defenders in front of

the hospital wing doors were six aurors set up in semi circle. Across from

the statue of the humpbacked witch Hermione, Tracey, Viktor, Joshua

Kerns, and three other Hufflepuffs were with them. They were staggered

with Viktor and Joshua at the front of the group closest to the statute.

"Iginis explodere," Viktor's fire bomb curse enveloped the entire

passageway. Screams were heard from the death eaters as they burned

and suffocated from the heat taking all the oxygen from the air. Alecto

Carrow growled in the passageway and banished the five dying death

eaters into the hallway. As they moved forward when the flames died.

Viktor dived out of the way from the bodies as did Joshua and one other

Hufflepuff who was in the way.

"Killing curses," Alecto said to her followers. As one ten killing curses

flew into the hallway. Hermione, Viktor, Joshua, and Tracey all fell to

the ground while firing back at the death eaters. Two Hufflepuffs fell to

the killing curses when they froze up upon hearing and seeing the curse.

The final Hufflepuff avoided one killing curse only to be hit by another.

"Damn!" One of the aurors cursed. "Marzden, Trebets, Kramer, get down

there and help them!" Three aurors sprinted down the hall casting spells.

They caught the left flank of the death eaters. Three death eaters fell as

the aurors' spells rang true hitting their marks.

Hermione pushed herself up, "Bombarda Maximus." The death eaters

assumed her spell went wide and did not bother with it. Unfortunately

for them Hermione was aiming for the wall behind them. The wall

exploded into shrapnel forcing those quick enough to shield themselves.

One death eater fell to a piece of shrapnel to the neck. Hermione's spell

did what she intended though allowed the students to get to their feet

after the barrage of killing curses.

Tracey was unlucky enough to find herself squaring off with Alecto

Carrow after getting to her feet. Alecto let loose a fury of spells at the

sixth year Marauder.

"Orbis Protego," Tracey through up the shield Harry had taught them all.

She was surrounded by a shimmering blue shield that deflected the

curses away from her. Alecto continued firing spells and Tracey was

forced to cut the shield off as it weakened and dodged. Alecto stopped

with continuous spells and pulled her wand back for a more complicated

wand movement.

Tracey struck lowering the shield, "Sectumsempra." Alecto was forced to

stop her wand movements to shield the curse. Tracey quickly strung

together four spells, one right after the other. Alecto used her wand to

deflect the curses away. Tracey gritted her teeth in frustration.

"Avada Kedavra," Alecto sent the killing curse at Tracey. Tracey dodged

the spell and Alecto's follow up flagrante curse. "Stay still damn it!"

Alecto growled out as she cast another killing curse at Tracey. Tracey

dodged and silently cast a glacis spell at the ground Alecto stood on.

Alecto did not notice the ground icing beneath her and once again tried a

complicated wand motion but as she stepped into the movement she was

brought down by the ice. Tracey paused to catch her breath as Alecto

went down.

Only Alecto went down casting, "Crucio." The torture curse struck Tracey

who screamed out in pain. Alecto slowly got to her feet while keeping the

spell on Tracey. "Halfblood bitch," Alecto said as she stood over Tracey

with a sick smile.

"How about a mudblood bitch," came from behind Alecto. She turned and

not inches away stood Hermione with a can of pepper spray in her hand.

Hermione released the streamed right into Alecto's eyes. Alecto screamed

out and pushed her hands to her eyes forgetting her wand. "Reducto."

Hermione's spell came at pointblank and shot Alecto down the hall about

five feet, she landed in a bloody heap with a capping cavity in her chest.

Hermione moved to stand over Tracey as she continued casting at death


Guarding Tracey prevented her from dodging spells but Hermione fell

back on every shield spell she knew when faced with unfriendly spells.

"Decapitare," she shot the ribbon cutting curse at a death eater facing off

with Joshua Kerns. The spell severed the death eater's spinal cord.

"Orbis Protego," Hermione's shield surrounded both herself and Tracey as

two death eaters rained downed spells on the vulnerable pair.

"Ignis flagellum," Viktor's flame whip raced towards the two death eaters

and struck around both of their wrists. He snapped the flame back pulling

both death eaters with it. Their wrists were burned to the bone by the

flame whip. Their wands dropped and Viktor snapped the flame with

down on the wands. They burned in half releasing a burst of magic. Both

death eaters dropped to their knees with their hands up in surrender.

Viktor snarled at them and snapped the flame whip again. It struck them

in the face. The masks burned off from the whip, their faces now

permanently scarred by a burn line from one temple to the side of their


"Viktor!" Hermione shouted getting his attention. Viktor ended the flame

whip and turned to look at his girlfriend. "Help get Josh to the hospital

wing." She was already levitating Tracey towards the hospital wing.

Around them the aurors were stunning and sending surrendered death

eaters straight to cells in Azkaban. Aside from Joshua only one other

Hufflepuff was still breathing. Susan rushed from the hospital wing to her

side and quickly started some minor healing spells before levitating her

to the hospital wing.

Hermione delivered Tracey to the hospital wing with Susan right behind

her. As they entered others were apperating into the hospital wing.

Hermione recognized Ernie MacMillian and Dean Thomas.

"Hermione, Viktor!" Hermione turned to see Severus coming in. "With me

now!" He called out to the two. Raymond and Joslyn were helping

Millicent to a bed she was bleeding badly from a head wound. Hermione

nodded to Susan before she took Viktor by the arm and went meet

Severus. Raymond and Joslyn reached Severus at the same time as Viktor

and Hermione. "Hermione, Viktor, you're with me out front at the gates.

Joslyn, Raymond, help out by the forest and the whomping willow. No

one has come in from those areas yet."

"Hold up," Draco called everyone to attention. He was with thirty

unspeakbles as well as a few Ravenclaws and the group of former

students. Among the Ravenclaws were two of Blaise's former girlfriends

Katarina Lufkin, Cordelia Gifford, and a prefect Declan Haworth. They

were coming up to the edge of the forest and on their right was the

whomping willow.

"We're in charge here," One of the hooded unspeakables barked out.

Theo's wand shot up quicker than the unspeakable could track and

silenced him from speaking anymore.

An unspeakable lowered his hood revealing Cadmus Hammer to

everyone, "And I didn't give you permission to speak. Nice spell work

Theo." Theo nodded and gave a smirk to the silenced unspeakable.

Cadmus cancelled Theo's spell before nodding to Draco, "Go ahead."

"The whomping willow opens a secret passage into the shrieking shack at

Hogsmeade. Voldemort," Draco rolled his eyes when half the people

around him shuddered at the name. "Voldemort knows about it. We can

set a trap at the entrance to it."

"You, you, you, you, and you move it double time to the whomping

willow," Cadmus pointed out three unspeakable; one was the one

mouthing off to Draco.




"Names," The Weasley twins snarked.

Cadmus smirked at them, "Unspeakables don't do names."

"I'll go with them," Theo added. "Vaisey, Chasers, Charlie, with me." They

broke from the group with Theo in the lead.

"How do you suggest getting close enough to the tree to set a trap," the

mouthy unspeakable asked with sarcasm as the tree flowed back and

forth angrily.

Theo rolled his eyes, "Watch and learn Mouthy." He transformed into

Wily E. and deftly avoided the branches. He pressed a paw to the knot

stilling the branches and opening the passage way. The unspeakable

moved towards the entrance and began to lay traps over the entrance.

Vaisey snickered before turning to the girls, "Let's set up some cover, it's

to open out here." They nodded and went about conjuring slabs of marble

and other obstacles to hide behind all over twenty foot radius around the


Charlie meanwhile was moving along the inside of the obstacles waving

his wand in intricate patterns. He went to five spots on the ground

layering spells on the ground. By the time he was finished Theo and the

unspeakable were back on the far sides of the obstacles. Theo raised an

eyebrow at the elder Weasley.

"Containment ward we use on the dragons. We can let the whomping

willow do some of the work. We can fire on them and they can fire on us

but they won't be able to step out of the containment field."

"Disillusion yourselves, the dome's failing," Theo shouted before moving

his wand over himself and disappearing behind a marble slab.

"Lieutenant Smashskull," Draco said as he led the rest of the group to

where the Goblins were stationed. They were lined up in five lines of six

with Smashskull on the far side of the last line.

"Young Malfoy, Unspeakable Hammer," Smashskull addressed the two

foremost of the group. "My scout tells me the wards extended about ten

yards into the forest. On the other side of the ward is a group of about

forty partially transformed werewolves being led by Rabastan LeStrange

and Garou Leftwitch former Beta to Fenrir Greyback and current Alpha."

"There are two," Fred started.

"Clearings we can," George added,

"Lure them into,"

"And split the forces."

"The one by the waterfall and the one at the start of centaur territory?"

Draco asked.

"Yep, hopefully since,"

"The werewolves are partially,"

"Transformed, the centaurs will fight,"

"With us." George finished the twins' thoughts on the matter.

"Right well I'll go with the goblins to the clearing near the centaurs,"

Draco commented.

"Hedging your bets," Draco heard come from his left. It was unspeakable

Rayes' voice. He lowered his hood, "Hoping the centaurs will be even

more inclined to help if the goblins are fighting on their land."

"Well they'll be more inclined to help other creatures than us lowly

humans," Draco replied. Cadmus laughed aloud.

"Rayes go with Draco and the goblins," Cadmus gave Rayes a look that

said to protect Draco. Rayes nodded.

"We'll set up the lures and then join the unspeakables," Fred said George

was already jogging away from the groups. He started to run after his

twin to join up with him.

"Cadmus go straight in seven yards then turn left and go for about

another yard and you'll hit the clearing." Draco said to Cadmus before

leaving with the goblins in the opposite direction.

"You know the Goblins are going to attack straight up right?" Rayes asked


"I can handle it," Draco replied marching with the goblins.

The goblins spread out in the clearing information with the school behind

them. The goblins stood perfectly still with their weapons at the ready.

The first line of goblins held shields in one hand and in the other a spear.

The spear tip was twisted in a way to maximize damage when drawn out

of a body. The next line of goblins held swords and shields or double

wielding swords or axes. All the goblins were dressed in plate armor of

mithral from head to toe. Draco looked to Lieutenant Smashskull, the

goblin held a massive maul with spikes on the ends of the hammer. Draco

and Rayes took up positions at the back of the goblin lines as directed by


The Weasley twins led the Unspeakables to the opposite clearing before

moving ahead and out of the clearing. Both twins disillusioned

themselves as they left the clearing heading farther into the forest. They

paused and when they could see the lines of weres and Rabastan

LeStrange. Rabastan and a few of the wizard werewolves were firing on

the dome and holes were appearing in the translucent shield. The

Weasley twins each started moving their wands in sync with each other.

Less than thirty seconds later about ten illusions popped into existence.

The illusions took on the appearance of students in Hogwarts robes. They

came closer to the domes as the Weasley twins controlled them. Rabastan

was the first to notice the students milling about in the woods like they

were looking for someone. The student illusions took no notice of the

death eaters.

"We have to find Harry before the wards fall," One of the illusions yelled

to the others. Rabastan and the others straightened and redoubled their

efforts to bring the dome down. Finally they like everyone saw the great

burst of magic feed into the dome.

Rabastan grinned, "Our Master joins the fight." The dome came down

with thunder. "Well look what we have here," Rabastan gloated to the

students in a magnified voice. The illusions turned to Rabastan with

fright plain on their face.

"Run!" The illusions turned and started sprinting through the forest, the

Weasley twins well ahead of their illusions. The illusions split into two

groups and Rabastan directed Garou to take one of them while he

followed the others splitting the werewolves in half.

The Weasley twins entered the clearing with the unspeakable, "One

minute 'til they get here."

"Arm the traps," One of the unspeakable shouted. Before taking the

Weasley Twins by the arms, "Stay behind us and avoid their claws and

teeth." The Weasley twins nodded and took up a position closest to the

school behind the Unspeakables that were spread out in strategic

positions around the clearing.

"What," Rayes said quietly as he picked out students coming towards


Draco changed his eyesight to that of his animgus and saw the students

flicker somewhat and Rabastan in the lead behind them, "Illusions! Get

ready they're coming!"


Hope you enjoyed. Thanks for the reviews and support.


53. Family Battles

"What," Rayes said quietly as he picked out students coming towards


Draco changed his eyesight to that of his animagus and saw the students

flicker somewhat and Rabastan in the lead behind them, "Illusions! Get

ready they're coming!"

Draco's eyes flashed back to his normal irises while his wand started

moving in a large figure eight pattern, "Vicissitudo argentums calx." He

moved his wand upwards forcing the now transfigured stones on the

forest floor to rise like a wall in front of the goblins. The transfigure

stones glinted in the moonlight offered by nearly full moon.

"Silver," Rayes muttered quietly before turning to Draco, "Werewolves,"

His conclusion was spoken loud enough for the goblins to hear.

"They've force a partial transformation," Draco answered. "Let's reverse

it," with those words he flicked his wand out towards the woods

banishing the silver stones at the incoming fighters with as much force as

bolt being fired from a crossbow. The stones flew through the woods.

"AHH!" Shouts were heard as the silver stones lodged into the skin of the

werewolves. Rabastan saw the transformations reversing and held back.

The werewolves crashed into the clearing almost drunkenly as the first

two lines of werewolves were in the process of being forced to

completely regain their human forms. Draco zeroed in on one werewolf

and saw a sickly looking smoke mixing with the blood pouring from the

five wounds in his face and arms. The were's claws were retracted back

into fingernails as his fingers twisted in snapped back into human form.

His elongated jaw was crunching back into place his teeth retracting as

his head was flung back in a painful howl that changed to a human

scream. Draco snapped his wand at him; a piercing hex to the exposed

neck abruptly ended the screaming.

The goblins in the front line waited until the weres were in striking

distance and as one slammed their shields into the disoriented weres. The

first stumbled back and were quickly finished by the goblins plunging

their spears into the chests of the werewolves. As one the goblins

retracted their spears their shields coming back to cover their bodies.

"Fucking creatures," Rabastan sneered out at both the goblins and

werewolves. Only a few of werewolves with him could claim magic and

had wands with them. The rest of the disgusting breed were relaying on

their forced transformations his Master had provided.

Rabastan brought his wand up as the unarmed werewolves died against

the shields of the goblins front line. "Bombarda Maximum," Rabastan's

spell was forced out of his wand with such power his arm recoiled. The

wide range spell slammed into not only the goblin front lines but the

werewolves unlucky enough to be caught in its path.

The spell impacted the goblins rune protected shields shattering them

and throwing the front line into the second and third lines. Only two of

the front line goblins died from shrapnel from their shields. The rest were

dazed but quickly got themselves up. The fourth line of the goblins

rushed forward to cover their downed comrades.

The reinvigorated werewolves rushed forward. One werewolf with

dreaded hair and facial tattoos launched himself at a pair of entangled

goblins He snapped the neck of an armored goblin. He kicked out with

his foot as the other goblin charged him knocking the weapon away with

his enhanced strength. He dived at the goblin and speared him into tree

on the edge of the clearing. The goblin's body was crushed between the

werewolf and the tree. The werewolf took the trapped goblin by the neck

and wrenched his head clear off. The werewolf gave a bestial roar that

spurred on his fellow werewolves. They followed his example and dived

into the battle with no thought to themselves.

Rabastan's face contorted with rage as his spell was dulled by the goblin

armor. "Fire the killing curse at them." He spoke through clenched teeth

at the wand wielding werewolves. There were nine of them. While the

unarmed werewolves fought with the goblins the wand wielding ones

and Rabastan fired the killing curses out into the clearing staying hidden

by the woods. The jets of green light lit up the clearing. Seven goblins fell

to the killing curse while one went wide and two hit attacking

werewolves. "Again and aim you idiots!" Rabastan yelled at his followers.

The jets of light filled the clearing once more.

Draco ducked a jet of light and hit the ground as the killing curses flew

into more goblins cutting their numbers yet again. Only one full line of

goblins was left plus Smashskull, Rayes, and himself. Draco changed his

eyes once more to that of his avian form allowing him to search the

woods more easily.

"Rayes," he called out to the unspeakable. "It's Rabastan he's staying in

the woods." Draco forced himself from the ground and slipped into the

back of the clearing and into the woods. He looped around the side of the

clearing with Rayes on his heels. They came first upon two of the weres

isolated from Rabastan. They both struck a piercing hex hitting Draco's

target in the back of his neck and Rayes orange spell seemingly coating

the air around the other target.

The werewolf seized up, dropping his wand and grabbing for his throat.

He struggled to breath as the same silvery smoke that was in the other

werewolf wounds came out of his mouth and seemed to bleed out of his

skin. He slowly dropped dead to the ground. The orange glow faded out

just as a green light came streaking towards them. They dived in opposite

directions avoiding the spell.

"Hello nephew," Rabastan sneered out the greeting like a curse. Draco

rolled out of the way of another curse and to his feet. Rayes was about

six feet to his right and the remaining seven armed werewolves and

Rabastan were advancing on them. "I've dreamed of ending your father

since his coward's way out of the last war but I'll settle for ending the line

of Malfoy." Rabastan gloated. He fired another killing curse at Draco who

ducked to his left letting the spell sail over head and ducking behind a


"Bring him to me," Rabastan snarled at the wolves that advanced firing

stunning spells. Rayes fired from his position hidden by his dark

unspeakable hooded robes. The close range blasting curse killed two of

the werewolves and blew the wand arm off the third. The wandless

werewolf snarled and took off at a sprint towards Rayes' revealed


Draco ducked behind another tree as a spell flew by him, cursing himself

for running after Rabastan LeStrange. He knew from his father and

mother that his Rabastan was the most powerful LeStrange; apparently it

annoyed Bellatrix that she was wed to the weaker LeStrange. Rabastan

also had a large spell repertoire. As evident as the tree he was hiding at

previously went up in flames and burnt to ashes in the time it took him

to move. Draco heard the werewolves getting closer.

"Sectumsempra," He moved from cover and fired into the pack of

werewolves before diving to another tree, as another was decimated by

an acid curse from Rabastan. His cutting curse took out one werewolf the

others simply shaking off the open wounds.

Suddenly Draco was jerked out from the tree he was taking cover behind.

Just as he realized a centaur had grabbed him a volley of arrow fire

rained down where he was previously at. The arrows flew into the

remaining werewolves. The werewolves fired on the centaurs put were

quickly turned into pincushions as another volley of arrows impacted


"We will take care of the weres," The centaur looming over him spoke.

"The wizards are your responsibility." The centaurs took off towards were

Rayes was fighting with two werewolves both still partially transformed

and using claw's as well as wands. Draco straightened his back and

nodded to himself.

"Come out little Malfoy or are you a chicken shit like your father,"

Rabastan yelled out.

Draco came out from behind cover and stood face to face with his Uncle.

A pan of a few yards stood between them. Draco had his wand out to his

side; Rabastan was standing in a dueling stance similar to Severus's

stance when he wants to show off. Draco knew he would have to change

his footing before firing. And in seconds Rabastan shifted moving forward

as he was casting. Draco moved forward ducking the spell firing his own,

"Sectumsempra." His cutting curse flew out at Rabastan while he moved

closer still. Rabastan shielded the curse with a conjured wall. The dark

cutting curse split the wall and Rabastan laced them with acid before

banishing them at Draco. Draco jumped over the lower portion and

twisted to avoid the upper part. It left him vulnerable though and

Rabatan's deadening hex hit Draco's left arm.

"Ahh," Draco cried out as searing pain shot through his left arm. He hit

the ground awkwardly but quickly rolled to avoid another curse. He shot

to his feet pushing the pain behind his occulmency barriers. He fired off a

cadence of spells, a bombarda hex, deprimo hex, and finally a piercing

hex. The first two were shielded but the deprimo hex blew through the

shield with a smoke hiding the piercing hex. The hex hit Rabastan in the

side opening a wide whole in his armor and stabbing into the skin two

three inches. Rabastan growled and in response sent the killing curse at


Draco did a forward roll over the curse bring him still closer to Rabastan.

"Using mudblood methods in a duel your father would be ashamed."

Rabastan baited Draco. Draco though paid his words no heed, seeing as

he hated his dead father. Rabastan fired off two organ dissolving hexes

followed by a blinding curse. Draco transfigured a nearby stick into a

brick wall. The spells hit harmlessly against the wall before Draco blew it

up and banished the pieces at Rabastan. Rabastan conjured a fierce wall

of fire that melted the stone to nothing. "This is getting annoying,"

Rabastan growled. "Atraignis, ignisferrum." Rabastan's curses raced at

Draco who conjured a magical shield blocking the first spell. Two thirds

of the way towards him the second spell formed into a flaming short

sword. Draco cursed and twisted knowing his shield would not block a

solid object. He wasn't fast enough and the sword lodged into his left

shoulder just missing his heart.

"Shite!" Draco screamed as the impact of sword flung him onto his back.

Draco dropped his wand on impact as his head bounced painfully off a

tree root. The magical sword disappearing back into the abyss.

"Crucio," Rabastan's torture curse hit the dazed Draco. Draco clenched his

jaw refusing to scream as the curse spread throughout his body with a

familiar pain. Rabastan walked up next to Draco. "Well your doing better

than your pathetic father he whined like a bitch." He let off the curse

while he was gloating.

Draco moved his right hand to his back as Rabastan talked about his

father. His hand closed around something, Draco hid a smirk. "My

father," Draco rasped quietly.

"What about the little bitch," Rabastan said leaning down towards Draco

to hear him.

Draco shot up bringing his hand out from behind his back, "Kept a lot of

daggers," Draco finished loudly as he plunged the into Rabastan's neck.

The magically enhanced stiletto pierced Rabastan's neck like butter. He

pushed Rabastan to the side using the stiletto as leverage. He collapsed

onto his back and searched blindly for his wand finally getting a grip on

it. A twig snapped beside him and he turned with his wand.

"HOLD," Rayes yelled in a pain riddled voice. Draco looked closer and

saw Rayes bleeding from a horrible wound to the top of his shoulder and

neck area. His robes and armor were torn open across his chest with large

gashes from claw marks.

Draco's body twitched as he asked, "You've been bitten." His tone was

raspy and broken.

Rayes nodded, "The centaurs are taking care of the rest of the


"We need to help," Draco tried to stand but fell back to his knees his left

arm giving out as he tried to catch himself. The pain that he had pushed

behind his occulmency barriers flared up. "Ahh," Draco screamed and

then hissed in pain before passing out.

"Great she's going to kill me," Rayes muttered under his breath as he

rushed the last inches to Draco before activating his hospital port key.

Fred and George turned to each other and rolled their eyes as the

unspeakable shouted.

"Right I'm sure,"

"The weres didn't,"

"Hear that," George finished the twins' thoughts. Some of the unspeakable

groaned and got down into positions.

Fred and George disillusioned themselves and cast a spell to mask their

scents just as the magical traps the unspeakable had cast lit up a bright

yellow in the dark. The werewolves burst into the clearing avoiding the

traps. The unspeakable opened fire on the werewolves. The werewolves

were surrounded by the unspeakable on three sides. The werewolves

were disoriented by the first round of spells.

"SCENT THEM OUT!" Came a rumbling yell from further in the woods.

Fred tapped George on the shoulder knowing instinctively where his twin

was, "Let's find that one," he whispered to his twin. They both set off in

the woods looping around the clearing as the fighting continued.

George stilled to an abrupt halt as an unspeakable was thrown in front of

him with a werewolf clawing at him trying to get his teeth into the

unspeakable. The unspeakable was on his back fighting to keep the

werewolves mouth from his body. George silently cast a transfiguration

spell on the werewolf. The werewolf stilled in shock as its teeth and

claws where changed to buck teeth and fluffy rabbit paws. The clawing

stopped and the unspeakable launched the werewolf off with a powerful

kick before bring his wand up to envelope the werewolf in a silver mist.

Fred and George continued on through the forest and crouched down

near a large tree. Near them a werewolf was casting spells his grip on his

wand tenuous as he worked around large jagged claws.

"Avada Kedavra," the killing curse shot out of the wand the twins tracked

it to an unspeakable who collapsed on the ground.

The twins separated, George going wide to the right and Fred going to

the left of the werewolf alpha. They cast as one George casting a high

powered stunner that distracted Garou while Fred cast a minor levitation

charm that slipped past Garou. The levitation charm dislodged the wand

from Garou's already tenuous grasp. The wand was flung in wide of

Garou's grasp. Garou growled viciously and sniffed the air.

Another growl broke through the night, "Why don't you fight me like a










The twins unique way of speaking kept Garou from pinpointing his

attacker, believing it was only one. George threw a bone-breaking hex at

the alpha who jumped it only to be tripped up by Fred's tripping hex as

his feet hit the ground. Garou face planted into the dirt and was nailed by

George's piercing hex. It hit one of Garou's legs leaving a hole two inches

into his shin.

Garou growled and shot to his feet using his inhuman speed to avoid a

hex by Fred. "A tripping hex? When I find you I'm going to rip you into

pieces," Garou growled avoiding two more spells trying to pinpoint his

attacker. Suddenly a twig snapped to his left.

"Shite!" Fred muttered but Garou picked it up. He took off like a shot

towards Fred and dived towards him tackling him around the stomach

and forcing the two into a somersault. Fred's spells failed as Garou

grappled with him.

George ran forward trying to get a lock on Garou and avoid his brother

but the tumbling made it impossible. Garou was slashing at Fred as they

rolled to a stop, Garou pinning Fred on his back. Garou lunged forward

and Fred tried to moves his head to the side but Garou caught his head in

his teeth.

"AHH!" Fred's yell of pain broke through all the noise of the battle in the


George didn't hesitate, "Sectumsempra." The spell rocketed towards Garou

who released Fred's head at the voice of another. He turned to look ready

to spring off Fred but as he took in George the spell tore through his neck

and chest. Garou's head was thrown back as his neck was slashed nearly

clear through by George's spell. Garou fell to the side as George rushed to

his twin.

Fred smiled wearily up at George, "Did," he coughed interrupting his

speaking, "get him?" He asked in a breaking voice.

"Yeah," George said quietly looking over his twin's wounds. He had a

massive bite wound to the left side of his head, his ear dangling by

threads it seemed. George choked back a sob, "He'll be joining Nearly

Headless Nick," George managed to joke. Fred smiled back before his

eyes rolled back and he passed out. "FRED!" George yelled trying to wake

him. He turned with his wand up at a hand being pressed to his shoulder.

He saw an unspeakable and lowered his wand. The unspeakable

separated George from Fred and cast a spell for vitals.

"He's alive," The unspeakable said bluntly before dropping a portkey on

Fred. It activated with a flash. "Come on we need to get back to the

school," The unspeakable said pulling the shocked twin by the scruff of

his collar to his feet. "They still need our help," He started rushing George

to the other unspeakable still standing about twelve in all. Milling about

the clearing were centaurs which pulled George from his stupor.

"When did the centaurs get here," George asked while running next to the

unspeakable. "Right before you killed Garou. Double time it to the

school!" The unspeakable hollered his command to not only George but

the others. As one they started sprinting towards the school grounds,

joined halfway back by two remaining lines of goblins and Lieutenant


Theo knelt at the side of one of the marble slabs allowing for him to see

out over the open space in front of whopming willow. The willow stilled

as a death eater came out pressing a hand to the knot on the tree. Just as

his hand touched the willow multiple explosions went off as the traps

triggered. The death eater was thrown from the tree, his limp body

bouncing off the wall of the containment field. The entrance to the

passageway collapse down into the earth blocking the path.

"Well that'll hold them," Angelina said from her place near Theo.

"Shh! Not for long give them about three minutes to clear it," Theo hissed

back to her. As Theo finished speaking they saw the entrance to the

passageway enveloped in fire. The heat of the fire could be felt from their


"Damn it," Charlie cursed.

"Yes?" Theo asked quietly.

"In English that spell translates to dragon fire," Charlie replied. "We've got

about thirty seconds before they burn through the rubble completely."

"What's the origin of the curse," Theo asked quietly.

"Norse," Charlie said a bit confused at the question.

"Damn!" Theo hissed. "If you see a death eater without a mask or one that

has an elaborate Norse snake on it leave him to the aurors. It's Dolohov."

Theo sent a patronus off to where he knew the mouthy unspeakable was

at warning him of Dolohov. A slight flare of a wand tip and Theo knew

his message had been heard.

Three death eaters appeared at the entrance casting immediately in a

haphazard way not being able to see their foes. The marble slabs shielded

the defenders from the curses while other flew wide of them all.

Suddenly the whomping willow came to life and sent the three death

eaters flying into the containment field wall. They fell to the ground

unmoving, heads and limbs bent at awkward angles. Five more death

eaters appeared at the mouth of the passageway followed by sixth who

stood in the middle of the five.

"Drekibal" The Norse fire spell shot from the wand of the sixth death

eater. The whomping willow went up like kindling.

"Avada Kedavra," The killing curse shot from the wand of an unspeakable

and struck down one of the death eaters. The death eaters paused in

shock as one of their own was brought down by the killing curse. The

Fire curse cut off abruptly and the death eater turned towards the

unspeakables, Anton Dolohov's face sneering out at them. Curses rapidly

flew towards the unspeakable from Dolohov's wand. The unspeakable

scattered and started flinging curses back as more death eaters poured

from the whole now that the whomping willow was nothing more than

charred timber.

"Incendia incarcerous," The spell flew from Charlie Weasley's wand. One of

the death eaters collapsed to the ground wrapped in flaming chains. The

chains burned through the death eater's armor and robes scorching his

skin leaving the scent of burning flesh in the air. Charlie followed up

with a stunning spell that left the death eater helpless to the burning


The chasers showed their ability to aim as their hexes and curses flew

under and between death eater shields while the defenders moved from

marble slab to slab. Theo threw Severus's signature cutting curse out at

the death eaters. Theo's curse liberated two death eaters from a left leg,

and one right leg.

"ENOUGH! Destroy the marble! Killing curses!" A death eater in an

elaborate mask yelled. Theo stilled all his spell casting with a jerk. He

leaned out from his spot behind the marble and focused on the voice. He

saw a death eater in full garb and dragon hide armor. The death eater's

mask with black as night and covering the whole mask in gold and silver

inlay was a knotted and gnarled tree. Theo froze at the sight of the mask

an image burned into his brain. Suddenly a green streak entered Theo's

vision but he couldn't move.

"Theo!" He heard Charlie's voice as he was jerked by the collar back. The

killing curse went through the containment field and struck the marble.

The marble exploded towards them Charlie threw himself and Theo to

the ground. The most of the shrapnel flew over head but Theo groaned as

a few pieces hit his back and shoulder. His dragon hide armor protected

him from most of it but he could feel the bruises forming already. He

rolled to his feet as did Charlie.

"You okay?" Charlie asked referring to his freezing not the marble both

his and Theo's disillusion spells failed as they were hit. Theo nodded but

made no other reply. "One more round of killing curses and that

containment field is going to crash," Charlie said before they separated as

more killing curses flew at them as beside the unspeakable they were the

only ones visible. Charlie went sprawling against the ground while Theo

was ducking and dodging more gracefully as he tried to find coverage.

"Affligo," The particularly nasty bone breaking hex flew from Vaisey's

wand and hit a death eater's wand arm as they were casting a killing

curse at Charlie. The killing curse went wide of Charlie but as it passed

through the containment field a flash of light was seen. The containment

field walls flared visibly and then crashed to the ground. The magical

backlash threw Vaisey and the chasers back a few feet and caused their

spells to fail making them visible to the death eaters. Spells started firing

back and forth between the two groups the four unspeakable left doing

what they could to stay between the death eaters and the others.

The death eater with the tree mask zeroed in on Vaisey and clipped him

with the cruciatas curse. Vaisey when down screaming but it was short-


"Sectumsempra," Theo shouted the spell at the death eater. The spell hit

the death eater in the back. Theo placed the spell well as the death eater's

armor was cut away by two of the slashes while another cut into the

death eater's right shoulder. The death eater turned with precision to face

Theo. "It's me you want, so fight me! IT'S WHY YOU'RE HERE ISN'T IT

FATHER!" Theo was shouting by end of his mini speech.

The death eater smirked and waved his wand, making his mask

disappear. An older version of Theo but with a wide scar running down

the left side of his face stood smirking at his son. "Look at you dressed

like a mudblood bastard."

Theo let the words roll off him, he had heard worse from his father.

"Better than being dressed like my master's bitch," Theo replied his wand

at the ready.

The elder Nott snarled, "You always were a mouthy little bastard just like

your bitch of a mother," he paused before smirking at Theo, "was."

The word hit Theo like a tidal wave. He paled before asking, "What do

you mean was?" his question came out in a rush.

Nott let out a vicious laugh, "You think your little escape went

unanswered." He pointed to the scar marring his face. "I had to hit

something and seeing as my favorite toy was gone your mother kindly

stepped in. I may have gotten carried away," he finished laughing at the

look on his son's face.

Theo's wand came up in a flurry of motions. Five curses shot out one

right after the other. The elder Nott shielded the first two but the third

burst broke his shield down. The fourth curse pierced clear through Nott's

shoulder right shoulder. The final curse a bombarda was aimed at his

legs. Nott was thrown back by the curse that hit his legs straight on. His

left leg was lost below the knee while his right leg was mangled beyond

repair. Theo walked over to his father his chest heaving as rage ran

through him.

He stood over his father, the man that had made his life a living hell

since he could remember, who just bragged about killing his mother. His

father was sneered up at him, "You don't have it in you." He spit at Theo's


"I hope you burn in hell," Theo said pulling him by his robes up to him.

"Viscus Solvo." The organ dissolving curse enveloped Nott in a blood red

mist before sinking into his skin. The man screamed out and Theo

dropped him to the ground. The curse would take ten minutes to kill,

Theo knew as it was the first dark arts curse his father taught him. He

made Theo cast it on his pet cat. Theo cast a silencing charm on him

before leaving him and joining the battle. The chasers were working in

sync as well as they did on the quidditch pitch. They had five death

eaters lying around them unmoving. Alicia was bleeding from a wide cut

on her forehead above her left eyebrow. Angelina's left arm was being

held close to her body in a makeshift sling. Katie was bleeding from

various wounds across her chest and stomach. They were facing off

against one last death eater. Charlie was keeping two death eaters busy.

"Shite!" Vaisey swore. Theo turned to his left and rushed towards his

former classmate. Vaisey took a cutting curse to his upper left arm.

"Ignis explodere," Theo's firebomb curse enveloped one of Vaisey's foes.

The other turned to Theo leaving the death eater open to Vaisey. Vaisey

struck with the ribbon cutting curse, the death eater's head fell to the

ground. Theo shot a bombarda hex at the burning death eater ending the

pain of the death eater's life.

"Avada Kedavra," Another unspeakable went down unmoving by the

death eater teamed with Dolohov. The two death eaters were working

together better than Theo had ever heard of or seen with death eaters.

When one moved to attack the other moved to block or shield. Theo

didn't have time to watch any further as a spell streaked past the left side

of his head. He turned and engaged a death eater with a bone white mask

that seemed to have a snake motif burned into it.

Theo calmly sidestepped another hex from the unknown death eater. The

mask was rather plain but still it was not the normal black mask of a new

recruit. The spells of the death eater were mostly verbal allowing Theo to

successfully block and parry spells away from his body.

"Fracta," The rather tame bone breaker flew at Theo who batted it away.

The death eater still in frustration before moving into the wand motions

of a high-powered spell. Theo struck with bone breaking curse to the

death eater's neck. The death eater dropped to the ground dead and Theo

moved towards the death eater. He knelt and removed the mask. He

reeled back at the discovery of Hayden Lennox, his former house mate.

"Avada Kedavra," The spell surged at Theo who threw himself onto his

back to avoid it. He rolled preparing to retaliate but the death eater was

struck down by a ribbon cutting curse. The death eater's head rolled off

while his body collapsed, looking past him Theo saw one of the twins

with his wand drawn. The lone twin was with the rest of the surviving

unspeakable from the forest. The death eaters were now surrounded on

all sides. The surviving death eaters bar Dolohov and his partner threw

down their wands. Theo looked to where Dolohov was standing back to

back with the masked death eater. Dolohov snarled at the unspeakables.

Theo saw most of the unspeakables relax. Theo stayed tense with his

wand ready as did George and the rest of the students who had been in

the D.A.

"Put your wands down NOW!" Mouthy shouted to them.

Dolohov snapped his wand, "Ragnarök!" The spell shot from his wand into

the air. The silver ball of energy shot up in the air, the younger

unspeakable tracked the light while the older ones dived to the sides

conjuring shield walls as they went, the students doing the same. The

death eaters without wands were left vulnerable. Theo dived further back

before conjuring a shield wall that covered his front and stretched over

the top of his head, he braced his body against it.

The silver ball came back down to eye height and pulsed once before

exploding outwards. The force of the spell tossed everyone not shield

back like ragdolls while enveloping the bodies in a searing burst of fire so

hot it appeared white. The blast rocked against the marble shield walls

melting them down as it continued outwards. The fire stretched over the

tops of the shield walls causing screams from some of the defenders. Just

as the fire was starting to scorch through their skin down to the bone it

rushed back towards Dolohov and his partner. The fire consumed the two

death eaters burning away the skin from their bones, than disintegrating

the bones to ash.

The noise of the fire died out and Theo tapped his shield wall and it

disintegrated in front of him. "Fucking psycho," Theo muttered looking

over the carnage in front of him. Bodies littered the ground in front of

him. The carnage stretched for a twenty foot radius of charred remains

one undistinguishable from the other. He saw Charlie Weasley moving

among those left alive focusing his wand work on their bones from

Dolohov's last spell. Theo ducked on reflex as an explosion was heard

from the direction of the front of the school.

"I can't heal these two," Charlie said after the explosion pointing to

Angelina and Alicia.

"Burnside give 'em your portkey," One of the unspeakable shouted.

"Everyone else get to the front of the school, NOW!"

As they took off Theo came up by George, "Draco?"

"I'm not sure," George said while using a quick healing spell to close a

large wound on his arm, "He wasn't in the clearing though."

"And Fred?" Charlie asked as he joined them.

George stumbled a bit in his walk at the mention of his twin, "Hospital

wing, werewolf." Charlie didn't press him further but placed a hand on

his shoulder to steady him.

"Let us deal with the giants when they break through," Warmaster

Riphorn commented as if he were taking a stroll in the park. "Your spells

are of no use against them."

The giants were storming through the knights with the support of the

hags. The sound of stone cracking and shattering were heard throughout

of the courtyard. The metal knights were fairing somewhat better against

the giants.

"This is pointless," Harry said as he watched another knight get smashed

to pieces.

"The knights were charmed to fight wizards not giants," Headmaster

Flitwick spoke.

"Warmaster Riphorn?" Harry asked.

"Fire on the Hags," Riphorn replied to Harry before shouting a command

in gobbledygook. The goblins charge forward into the fray. The goblins

wove in between the knights that were trying to hack at giants as if they

were human sized. Two goblins in gleaming plate armor passed through

the legs of a giant and turned and slashed at the backs of the legs. The

goblin blades sliced halfway through the giant's legs. The giant collapsed

forward crashing down to the bridge. Goblins swarmed the giant and

hacked at him with their blades and axes. The giant stopped moving after

one particularly vicious hit to his neck that severed his head.

"Bombarda," Harry's spell shot from his wand at impacted the head of a

hag that was casting at Riphorn. More spells followed aimed at the hags

as the goblins continued their hit and swarm techniques on the giants.

Another giant was taken down but in his fall landed on a team of goblins

killing them instantly. The battle continued in the same manner but the

goblin force was quickly waning for every giant taken out three goblins


"Defodio Maximum," Harry's gouging hex tore through a giant's throat

collapsing it back onto a group of hags.

"DEFODIO MAXIMUM," The overpowered gouging hexes rang out from

Bill, Fleur, and Alastor Moody. There curses landed true and three more

giants were taken out leaving six more.

"Avada Kedavra," Killing curses rang out striking down countless goblins

went down as the death eaters joined the fight. Voldemort leading from

the back of the death eaters, his pale visage clear in the dark. A dark red

curse flew out of Voldemort's wand pulverizing all the knights it came in

contact with. He followed the curse up with another that was dark purple

aimed at a group of goblins bringing down a giant. The goblins, armor

and all, were melted down to ash by the spell.

Warmaster Riphorn gave a fierce war cry upon the sight. The war cry

stilled the attackers and the goblins quickly killed five hags and one

giant. Riphorn charged towards Voldemort with his war axe ready. He

dodged attacks and struck out at any in his path. He cleaved the leg off a

hag and followed it by beheading a death eater. Riphorn moved with the

grace, agility, and ferocity that epitomized the goblin race. He tore

through the ranks of the death eaters, relieving them of limbs and heads.

Voldemort turned to the rampaging goblin and calmly raised his wand. A

sickly brown spell shot out of his wand. Riphorn ducked the spell but the

brown curse was still under control of the Dark Lord. He redirected it

back at the charging goblin. The curse struck the goblin in the back and

continued clear through his flesh. Riphorn's axe fell from his hands as his

body was split in half.

"NO!" Harry shouted as he saw Riphorn fall to Voldemort. Harry broke

the line and charged.


So this took awhile but I'm struggling with Harry's battle and

wanted it to be apart of this chapter but obviously that didn't

happen. Oh and for the reviewer who questioned Fred and George's

illusions and Draco being able to see through them. What Fred and

George did was a spell completely different from Blaise's power. The

spell fades and dies as the illusions move farther away from the

caster, as such Draco's avian eyes could see the flickering of the

dying illusions.

Enjoy and thanks for reviews,


54. The Final Battle

Harry moved through the crowded battlefield his sword in his right hand

and his wand in his left both cutting into enemies as he moved. He

ducked under the reach of one of the two remaining giants on the

battlefield. He struck out with his sword as he passed the giant. The

sword of Gryffindor sliced clean through the back of the giant's leg. The

giant fell forward to the ground. Harry turned back and shot off an

overpowered gouging hex, it ripped through the giant's head sending

bone and brain into the air.

He fell upon the lines of hags next. Running forward he thrust his sword

in the heart of a hag. He kicked out at the hag's body dislodging it from

his blade. He threw up a silent shield as a spell raced towards him from a

nearby enemy.

"Sectumsempra." The hag firing at Harry fell to the ground with three deep

wounds slashed across her body.

Harry turned as back as he heard his wife's voice shout the spell. Daphne

was only yards behind him with the rest of the defenders. They had taken

out the last of the giants and were moving on the hags. He gaze was

drawn to a hag enveloped in a gray haze. The mist disappeared and in its

place was mummified corpse of a hag. Harry followed the mist back to

Bill Weasley's wand before he felt an incoming spell.

Harry turned and dodged the spell and shielded another. He turned his

sights back on the lines of hags. As he shielded another his anger grew as

he saw the death eaters simply standing around laughing as the Hogwarts

defenders fought and died. Harry took aim at the hag firing at him and

smirked, "Bombarda Maximum!" The powerful explosive hex shot out of

Harry's wand and cut a path straight through the last of the hags and into

the waiting death eaters. Harry surged forward through the bodies and

fell upon the death eaters with a vengeance.

Harry came face to face with the death eaters as Bill Weasley and Daphne

fell into step beside him. He felt others beside him ready for the death

eaters and held his wand up. "Ignis flagellum," the flame whip snapped

forward with a crack. The defenders charged the death eaters who shot

off a flurry of killing curses. Defenders fell as Harry struck with the whip

and wrapped it around a death eater jerking the death eater towards him.

The death eater came with in arm's length he struck with his sword

nearly slicing the man in half. Harry wielded both the flame with and

sword with deadly precision as he moved through the ranks of the death


A death eater in a red skull mask stepped forward to face him with a

conjured sword in his hand. The death eater stepped in Harry's path with

a grin present under his mask. "Let's see how you face a real swordsman


Harry ended the flame whip and took a fencing stand. The death eater

struck first lunging towards Harry. Harry parried the move and goblin

made silver clashed with steel. Harry twisted moving the other sword

away from his body. Harry feinted to the right and stuck the left arm of

the death eater. The death eater dropped his wand as his bicep was torn

open. The death eater's smirk faded and he launched into a series of

attacks on Harry. Harry countered each move backing up as he did. The

death eater forced his body forward to continue the attack and was

shifted off balance falling forward. Harry struck with a riposte and buried

the sword of Gryffindor in the death eater's heart.

Harry pulled the sword free without preamble and turned firing off a

ribbon cutting hex at a death eater attacking Daphne before pushing

forward once more. Harry searched the field of battle and found

Voldemort firing spells as if conducting an orchestra. Harry traced the

path of a killing curse from Voldemort's wand. The curse struck true and

Harry's eyes hardened as he watched Alistor Moody fall. The three death

eaters that had been fighting Moody quickly moved to other targets one

killing Ron Weasely who had come in with Neville and the others from

the bridge.

Harry stabbed his sword through an attacking death eater before letting

loose with silent fire bomb curse on a clustered set of death eaters. The

death eaters screamed as they were engulfed in flames. The flames licked

and bit at their skin melting it from their bodies were turned to ash, the

heat fueled by Harry's anger.

Voldemort stopped conducting from his perch on a fallen column of

Hogwarts to find the source of the screams. His already slit like eyes

narrowed further as he saw it was his fighters burning. He watched as

Harry sliced into a death eater's back with his sword before moving on.

The death eater fell in the middle of his spell as the basilisk venom in the

sword killed him.

"Potter!" Voldemort hissed with hate. He jumped down from his perch

and started flinging combatants out of his way as he converged on Harry.

Harry watched Voldemort coming towards him and quickly moved to

meet him. As they drew in close to each other Voldemort fired first,

"Avada Kedavra." The killing curse shot at Harry with alarming speed.

Harry thrust the sword out and the killing curse was absorbed into the

blade. The blade glowed green as the curse swirled in it.

Harry wasted no time and hurled the sword from his grasp. The sword

hurtled passed Voldemort who simply watched it pass by.

"That was pathetic Potter," Voldemort hissed a laugh.

Harry smirked at him, "Who said I was aiming for you?" Harry asked the

question before nodding in the direction behind Harry. A death eater

who had been squaring off with Daphne lay dead along with two others

the spelled sword had hit. Voldemort turned to look and Harry fired,

"Sectumsempra." Voldemort turned in time for one of the curses signature

cuts to miss him but the other two opened up wide slashes along his

chest and left arm. He snarled as Harry drew first blood.

Daphne ran after her husband into the fray of the battle. Daphne was

intercepted by a giant club made from what looked like an actual tree

branch. The club slammed into the ground in front of her with enough

force to shake the ground knocking her off balance. She quickly got her

feet under her diving to the side as the club came down again. Daphne

fired off a bombarda hex but it did little besides anger the giant that

toward over the others. He roared at Daphne who shot under his club

once again and rolled coming up behind the giant leader.

"Compes," A gray mist formed a chain like apparition that wrapped

around the giants left arm.

"Compes," Fleur's spelled joined Daphne's and wrapped around the right

arm of the giant. They both jerked their wands backwards causing the

giants to twist back dislocating them for their sockets. Bill Weasley

followed up with a bone shattering hex to the giant's legs. The giant

collapsed forced off balance by the three spells. Goblin's swarmed the

giant quickly killing it.

Daphne turned from the giant to see the remaining two giant's try and

flee now that their leader was dead. One was cut down by Headmaster

Flitwick and Professor McGonagall. The last rampaging giant dropped

from a killing curse courtesy of Lord Voldemort, upon Voldemort seeing

him flee.

"Shite," Daphne cursed as she ducked. A spell streaked by her hitting her

cheek cutting open the flesh there. Daphne dropped to the ground firing

at the hag who targeted her. He ice spike curse impaled the hag through

the chest. She quickly said a spell to stem the bleeding of the cut on the

face before taking down another hag. "Fleur behind you," She shouted

warning her friend as a hag with a wickedly curved dagger snuck up

behind Fleur. Daphne took out her hag as Fleur finished her front

attacker before spinning and incinerating the dagger wielding hag with a

fireball. Daphne turned to look at the field spotting Harry. She dodged a

spell firing her own relieving a hag of her arm before finishing her with a

piercing hex to the head. She was able to see Harry blast his way through

the hags to the death eaters.

"Ignis Paries Parietes," Daphne took a page out of Harry's book and cleared

an area of twenty feet around her of hags. Her spell lit up a wall of fire

that consumed the hags and started into the death eaters. Her

concentration broke as she rolled to dodge a killing curse from a death

eater. The wall of fire went out taking with it a good portion of Daphne's

magical reserves. Daphne stumbled forward as she regained her footing

feeling lightheaded from the spell.

"Daphne," Fleur's shout was heard by her fiancé who was closer to


"Damn," Bill swore as he saw Daphne stumbled after spell. At his fiancé's

call he move to Daphne's side ducking a spell. Bill drew his wand and

fired back at the death eater with an Egyptian curse. The death eater

turned to granite before them before Bill blew the stone statute up. He

banished the pieces at incoming death eaters.

"Daphne," He grabbed her by the arm and pulled her towards him, "You


"Yeah just a lil' tired," Daphne slurred a bit. Bill pushed Daphne down as

a spell came flying at them.

"Deprimo," The spell blew the ground in front of the death eaters and the

smoke obscured them for a few seconds. "Drink this," Bill said thrusting a

potion towards Daphne.

Daphne downed the potion and her ears smoked, "Pepper Up?"

"I figured someone would need it," Bill said with a smile before pushing

away from Daphne suddenly. Daphne threw herself back at the same time

and spell went past them both. Daphne put up a shield as three spells

shot toward her new position while Bill used another Egyptian curse to

induce a waking nightmare on the death eater that fired at them.

Fleur from her spot watched in horror as a death eater fired at Bill's

vulnerable back, "William!" Fleur screamed. Bill turned as the curse was

coming he tried to turn but the curse hit the left side of his face. Bill

yelled out in agony as the death eater held the curse on him.

Fleur's anger surged in her welling up in her. Her anger spread through

her like a fire, she could feel it coming though it shouldn't be possible.

Fleur's body sprouted wings, talons, and a beak as her vela side took

over. She conjured a massive fireball and hurled it at the death eater

casting the spell. In no time her wings took her over to the death eater.

She stretched out her hand and with talons ripped the man's throat out.

The anger left her as the spell stopped and the man fell to his death at

her feet. The partial transformation into a full vela ended. She bent down

towards Bill feeling with for a pulse. She found one and let out a breath.

"Urgh," She heard a gurgling sound behind her and turned with her wand

in time to see a death eater fall with three wide gashes across the chest

and throat.

"Fleur activate his portkey we need to keep fighting," Daphne said

coming up to her older friend. Fleur had tears in her eyes as she turned to

argue with Daphne. Daphne cut her off, "He would keep fighting." Fleur

nodded and activated the portkey to send him to the hospital wing.

Fleur took Daphne's offered hand and they pushed back into the battle.

Fleur wielded fire curses as Daphne wielded ice curse at the death eaters.

They pushed into the left flank of the death eaters with Professor

McGonagall and Sirius among others.

"Sagitto," Daphne's spell sent arrows into some incoming death eaters.

"Little Bitch," one of them snarled as the arrow went into his thigh. He

turned to fire on Daphne but was impaled by a sword. Her eyes traced

the familiar sword before turning to see where it had come from. She saw

two death eaters with glancing sword wounds drop from venom before

her eyes fell on her husband and Voldemort. She paused her fighting to

see Voldemort snarl and throw a black curse at Harry.

"Ugh!" Daphne grunted as she hit the ground with a death eater on top of

her. She cursed as the death eater's bulk weighed her down. He grabbed

her wrist and slammed it against the ground while they struggled. Her

wand fell from her grasp. The death eater tossed it to the side.

"Now you're mine," He snarled sitting back but pinning her to the ground.

Daphne struggled and managed to elbow him in the face, she reached

behind her and her hand fell on to a familiar canister.

"Go to Hell," Daphne snarled and brought her free hand up and pressed

down on the button. Pepper Spray shot out into the death eater's eyes

and mouth. The death eater let loose a less than manly shriek as he fell

back trying to escape the spray. Daphne pushed him the rest of the way

off and then kicked in the head knocking him out. She got up sparing a

glance to her husband dodging attacks from Voldemort and pulled out

her second wand. She sent a prayer to the gods before rejoining the fight.

Blaise moved along with Harry coving his back as he moved through the

fighters. "Sectumsempra," Blaise's spell hit a death eater taking aim at

Harry's back. Blaise ducked a spell firing back with a cutting curse that

took the death eater's wand arm off. Blaise followed up with a piercing

hex aimed at the death eater's eye, killing the masked fighter instantly.

"Shite," Blaise swore as death eaters and hags swarmed his path to Harry.

Blaise quickly scanned the battlefield. He sprinted to his right where he

saw fallen brick that created a nook about seven feet up. Blaise quickly

climbed up on the brick finding foot holds in jagged rumble. He laid flat

in the small nook of the wall and ceiling. Blaise no had eyes in the whole


He watched Headmaster Flitwick move through the ranks of enemies like

a tidal wave, fury in motion. Blaise found his eyes drawn back to Harry

after blasted a path to the main horde of death eaters. Blaise shot a curse

at a death eater firing on Professor McGonagall, the death eater fell with

a metal spike in her chest. Blaise continued to pick targets out and fire on

them covering the defenders.

"Damn!" He swore as a curse hit the rock façade above him. Blaise sent

an illusion to distract the death eater responsible distracting him. Blaise's

piercing hex went through his heart seconds later. Suddenly things

seemed to slow on the field. Blaise scanned the ground and found Harry

squaring off with Voldemort. Blaise watched the fighters stop and stare.

He concentrated and brought forth illusions in front of paused death

eaters. His illusions started firing spells, jarring the Hogwarts defenders

back into the fight. Blaise carefully picked out targets his illusions were

dueling and fired on them from his spot. Death eaters continued to drop

on the field.

Blaise saw a death eater go for Harry and quickly fired a bone shattering

hex at the death eater's wand arm. The curse went wide and missed

Harry while Blaise followed up with a piercing hex to the death eater's

head. Blaise fired again at a death eater aiming at Harry taking the death

eater out with bone shattering hex to the skull. Blaise watched Harry as

he forced Voldemort to expand more energy firing spell after spell at the

dodging Harry. Blaise fired on another death eater as Harry through his

sword across the field. Blaise watched as the sword exploded into shards

killing death eaters around it.

Blaise took aim again this time at a death eater sneaking up on Daphne,

the piercing hex went through the death eater's eye. Blaise's careful aim

and target selection ensured no spell was wasted as he saw Neville join

the battle with others in tow. Blaise spied Hermione join the mix firing at

a death eater closets to her.

Blaise shifted his focus from Harry to Hermione in urgency as death

eaters recognized the muggleborn. Blaise shot a ribbon cutting curse at

two death eaters charging Hermione. Both death eaters fell with their

heads severed from their bodies. Blaise shot a piercing hex at the death

eater Hermione was now fighting, killing him. Hermione looked around

the battle but was unable to pick Blaise out. As Hermione went back to

the fight Blaise resumed his protection of her.


Blaise heard Daphne's shout and turned his eyes back to the duel between

Harry and Voldemort. Blaise eyes turned to ice as he watched Harry

being held under the cruciatas curse. His eyes were drawn to the snakes

battling behind Harry. As Aiolos bit down on Nagini Blaise channeled all

his hate into his curse, "Avada Kedavra." The killing curse raced towards

the snakes striking Nagini. Voldemort's last horcrux was destroyed.

Harry cursed internally as he dodged another unrecognizable curse from

Voldemort after goading him. Harry dodged and final deflected a bone

shattering hex. Harry dodged left and rolled out of the way of a black

spell similar to one from their previous fight. Harry watched out of the

corner of his eye as the spell hit a seventh year Hufflepuff. The Hufflepuff

went stiff as a board before his mouth opened in a wordless scream.

Harry winced as he was hit by cutting curse on his left arm. He sent back

a bombarda hex followed by a ribbon cutting curse. Voldemort put up a

shield that broke down with the bombard hex letting the ribbon cutter

partially through. It tore through Voldemort's left shoulder, leaving it

hanging by tendons.

Harry deflected organ boiling curse and concentrated on his sword. With

a silent summoning charm the sword dislodged itself from a dead death

eater and flew into Harry's hand. Harry spun bringing the sword down on

another curse. The gray mist produced by the curse was absorbed into

the sword. With the sword taking on curses Harry was able to fire back

on Voldemort. Harry launched into a barrage of curses lead by a bone

breaker. Harry's four curses were aimed at precise targets. Voldemort

shield three of the cures but overlooked a burning hex aimed at his leg.

His right leg burst into scalding flames.

Voldemort screamed in rage as he put the flames out, "Avada kedavra,

Avada kedavra, Avada kedavra!" The killing curses shot at Harry. Harry

dodged one of the curse then moved the sword to take another before

spinning out of the way of the last one. Harry shot off more curses.

Voldemort shielded the curses but his shield broke on the last. Once

again in a rage Voldemort threw his whole body into casting his next

spell. His lead leg, the one Harry burned, gave out on him as he cast,

"Andlat!" The Norse curse shot wide of Harry and streaked at Professor


Harry launched the sword again, the spell met sword in the middle of the

blade. The spell sank into the sword as it continued on. The sword started

glowing drawing the eye of the fighters on both sides. The sword glowed

brighter as it sailed through the air finally stopping as it lodged in a

death eater's stomach. The sword cycled through the colors of the curses

it contained before glowing so bright those near it had to shield their

eyes. The death eater screamed and sword shattered into pieces as the

death eater's body was reduced to ash. Harry's face fell, the sword

allowed him to concentrate on curses as it absorbed Voldemort's

unknown spells.

Suddenly Harry was launched forward as Aiolos jumped from his skin

and intercepted Nagini's bight. Aiolos's bulk forced Nagini to the side and

Harry stumbled off balance.

Voldemort saw his opportunity, "Crucio!" Already off balance Harry had

no choice but to let his body fall forward in hopes of dodging the curse.

Voldemort's wand moved with him trapping Harry in agonizing pain.

Harry's spine twisted wickedly as he tried not to scream out from the

curse. He could hear Aiolos hissing and snapping at Nagini.

Aiolos saw Nagini from her place as a tattoo. The hissing snake was

slithering towards Harry and Aiolos preparing to strike. Aiolos hissed in

anger and sprung from Harry's body knocking into Nagini forcing the

other snake off to the side. Aiolos's rose up and her hood flared out.

Aiolos's length dominated the magically enhanced adder snake but Nagini

struck again. Aiolos darted to the side hissing a warning, before recoiling

back. Aiolos knew the snake she was fighting had to die for her hatchling

to survive. Aiolos shot out of her coil and slammed her body into the

adder covering it. Aiolos snapped down with her jaws right behind

Nagini's head. Her fangs sank into the adder and she called on the magic

he shared with Harry to overpower her venom and sent it into Nagini.

Nagini gave off a screeching hiss as the venom pumped through her

body. Aiolos heard a human shout and quickly dislodged her fangs and

shot to the side, a curse streaking by her.

Voldemort held the curse on Harry as he apparated forward to stand over

Harry. Harry was twisted in pain as Voldemort came to tower over him.

Voldemort lent down and pulled Harry's wand from his hand with some

trouble. Voldemort was breathing heavily from the fight, his arm still

bleeding and his leg burn growing worse as healing magic was beneath

him. He stood over Harry only seeing his enemy suffering.

"You're going to die Harry Potter," Voldemort said unknowingly echoing

his shade's words to Harry.

"Massster," Voldemort was cut off by Nagini's dying hiss.

"NOOO!" Voldemort roared slipping into parseltongue as he watched his

vessel die. He fired a killing curse at Aiolos. Aiolos moved out the way in

the nick of time. Voldemort raised his arm to fire again.

The cruciatus curse lifted from Harry as Voldemort's attention was drawn

by Aiolos. Harry flexed his fingers gripped his hand around the knife

David Granger gave him. Harry flipped it open as Voldemort stepped

over him to fire the killing curse. Harry slammed the knife down into

Voldemort's foot. Voldemort screamed his curse dying on his lips. Harry

shot up ramming Voldemort around the middle with his shoulders. He

ripped the knife from Voldemort's foot as he tackled Voldemort down to

the ground. Voldemort released his wand as his body was driven into the

ground. Harry armed with his knife wasted no time and buried the knife

to the hilt in Voldemort's heart. Voldemort stilled in Harry's arms as what

little of his soul was left in this world fled his body pulling him down to


Harry pushed himself off Voldemort's body pulling the knife with him.

Blood was covering Harry's battle armor as he stood. He flicked his left

wrist and his spare wand shot into his hand. Armed with a wand and

blood stained combat knife Harry pointed his wand at the nearest death

eater. The death eaters were standing seemingly in shock as they saw

their leader killed by a muggle knife.

"Surrender and you might live," Harry's voice was horse and he shook

from exposure to the torture curse but no one doubted his words or his

will to follow through. The death eater across from him threw down his

wand and knelt with his hands up. Tonks broke through the mass of

injured and dead fighters.

"By the order of the British Ministry of Magic you are under arrest," She

slapped a portkey on him sending him to Azkaban.

"Harry!" Daphne collide with Harry in relief. Harry stumbled and fell to

the ground with her collapsing from exhaustion. "HARRY!" Her shout

turned worried as he stopped responding.

Harry's eyes slowly blinked open as he regained consciousness. He was

aware of a weight on the end of his bed and across his chest. He tilted his

head to look and saw Daphne draped across his chest, he rose a little and

saw the weight at the end of his bed was Aiolos.

Daphne felt him stir and sat up, "Harry," she said softly.

"Hey Daph," Harry replied hoarsely. Daphne moved to the side and

retrieved a glass of water. Harry pushed himself up his left arm aching.

He took the glass drinking most of the contents. He gave the glass back

and glanced at his left arm, a jagged deep scar ran across it.

"Who did we lose?" Harry asked quietly.

Daphne's face fell, "You shouldn't be worried about that now."

"Daph?" Harry asked again.

"Fine but first, you. You've been unconscious for two days from magical

exhaustion and cruciatus curse not mention you needed thirty stiches and

two doses of skin stitch to close the wound on your arm."

"Parvati, Millicent, Katrina Lufkin, Declan Haworth, Oliver Wood, Percy

Weasley, Professor Vector, Alastor Moody, Lavender Brown, Hagrid,

Leanne Ramos of Gryffindor, all the Hufflepuffs who fought besides Josh,

Ernie, Susan, and Hannah. Twenty one aurors including the ones in

Hogsmeade and fifteen unspeakables." Daphne's quiet reply made Harry

sit back. He ran his hands over his face, crying softly. Daphne moved to

sit beside him on the bed and wrapped her arms around him. "You did

everything you could. You killed the bastard and ended this war for once

and for all. It is not your fault." Daphne said fiercely her tears joining his.

"What about our friends?" Harry asked after a while.

"The Hammers both made it through the battle with only exhaustion and

some skin stitch each. Tonks had her left arm shattered, Fedor had a

nasty concussion and broke his ankle. Tracey's suffering from exposure to

the cruciatus curse and a concussion. Hermione needed skin stitch for a

wound to her chest that also caused some broken ribs. Viktor only had

some bruised ribs," Daphne grinned, "maybe we should send our kids to

Durmstrang if that's how they fight." Harry chuckled. Daphne grew

serious again, "Fred nearly had his face torn off by Garou, he's stable but

hasn't woken up yet. George has some major bruising on his chest from a

bombarda curse that was only partially stopped. Hannah is fine just

minor burns that should be fine in a few days. Neville has cruciatus

exposure, a concussion, burns to his left arm, and a deep shoulder

wound. Theo is fine apart from shock."

"What?" Harry asked confused.

"He killed his father during the battle," Daphne replied turning her eyes

downward as she cried, "Right after he told Theo he killed Theo's mum."

Harry's grip on Daphne tightened, "He deserved it. I hope Theo doesn't

waste time on his death."

"I think it's mainly his mum," Daphne commented before moving on.

"Vaisey needed twenty stitches and skin stitch. Katie needed about forty

stitches and three doses of skin stich in various areas. Alicia had a

concussion and needed a dose of skin stitch for a head wound. Angelina

broke her arm in three places. Charlie Weasley had some minor burns but

said and I quote, 'The dragons do far worse, especially Harry's horntail.'

Harry started laughing once again as he pictured his dragon friend form

fourth year. "And what did Ginny do to him?"

"She slapped him in the head," Daphne dead panned. "How did you know

Ginny and Astoria hijacked their portkeys?"

"I didn't but I can't imagine them not staying. Where were they?"

"The room of requirement watching the battle using the room's magic."

"Draco?" Harry asked.

"Draco, lost his left arm. Rabastan LeStrange used a deadening hex on it

during their battle and then nearly chopped it off with a flaming sword.

The Healers had to amputate it. Astoria and his mum are with."

"What about Remus?" He asked confused.

"He's unconscious still. He lost a lot of blood from a bombarda curse. The

curse also collapsed a lung and broke nearly every rib."

"Sirius and Severus?"

"Severus took a cutting curse to the face when he joined the fight in the

courtyard. He's lost his sight in his left eye but it may be possible to

repair it through extensive healing magic." She paused and took a breath

before she plowed on. "Sirius is paralyzed from the waist down."

"What!?" How? Who?" Harry shouted starting to get up from the bed.

Daphne pushed him down.

"Harry you can see him as soon as a healer clears you just wait," Daphne

implored him. He sat back and she answered his questions. "A death eater

used an old dark curse, that hasn't been used since the Renaissance era.

They couldn't identify it before it took his legs."

"There's nothing they can do?" Harry asked quietly.

"No it doesn't look like it." Daphne said and hit a bedside crystal that

alerted a healer Harry was awake.

"You didn't mention Blaise?" Harry asked.

Daphne grinned as she answered, "The canny little bastard didn't even

have a scratch on him but according to Ginny and Astoria he took out

just as many death eaters as the rest of us."

Harry was laughing as the healer entered the room, "Well that's a good

sign," The healer spoke. He muttered a diagnostic spell. "You're free to go.

Try and stay out of hospitals in the future," he joked with Harry to cover

his joy at meeting the Boy-Who-Triumphed.

"I plan too," Harry muttered.

Harry Daphne had just visited Draco who was being kept in good spirits

by his mother and girlfriend. Draco was convincing Narcissa to, one spare

Rayes's life and two to go visit Remus. Draco didn't want Remus to wake

up alone not to mention Astoria had made some promises for when they

were alone.

Harry and Daphne avoided Fred's bed seeing as how the Weasley mother

was alternating between fussing over Fred and glaring at Fleur and

Ginny. Harry got George's attention from a ways off.

"Fred doesn't look happy but he looks good?" Harry said with an unasked


George rolled his eyes, "Mum didn't really give us a choice she burst in

here as soon as she got word we had all fought. Someone good naturally

told her Fleur transformed during the battle, she didn't take it well and

Ginny and Bill took offense. And yeah he's a lot better all the blood back

in his body and sewed up. We should be back in the shop in a few days.

Have you guys gotten a chance to check on Angelina? Fred wants to

know how she is but doesn't want mum to know so he can't ask right


"She's good except for her arm. She's going to be out of quidditch for a

few months though," Daphne answered. "Why doesn't Fred want your

mum to know?"

"Well they've been dating for a year now and Angelina doesn't like mum

much after what happen with Fleur and Ginny."

"Were going to visit Sirius do you guys need anything?" Harry asked.

"No were good. Thanks for everything," George said with a meaningful

look towards Harry. Harry gave a half smile-half grimace in return.

Harry and Daphne passed through the expanded Hospital wing greeting

those they knew and smiling when Harry was thanked profusely. They

passed by Severus's room where Belladonna and Blaise were visiting.

"How's the eye?" Harry asked.

"Fine," Severus replied tersely. He hated hospitals almost as much as

Harry. "Do not forget about the potion in my lab." Belladonna hit him in

the head, "Owe! I'm injured here."

"And Harry just killed Voldemort. His potions mastery can wait a few

days," Belladonna said while Blaise tried to contain his laughter off to the


"HEY!" Blaise said as Severus hit him.

"I'm might not be able to see you over there but I can tell your laughing,"

Severus replied smoothly. Harry, Daphne, and Belladonna all fought

laughter. "Go check on the mutt," Severus said turning back to Harry. "I'll

be out of here shortly. He however still has a few days while they make

sure the Flesh Rot curse is entirely out of his body."

Harry nodded, "You sure you're okay," Harry asked with worry lacing his


"The Gods saw fit to give me two," Severus replied waving them out of

the room.

Harry gave Severus a grin before they left the room leaving the budding

family to themselves. They came to a stop outside of the room Daphne

had been shown to be Sirius's. They knocked on the closed door but

received no response. Harry shrugged and opened the door enough to

poke his head through. He opened the door to let Daphne see the empty

room. There were toys about the rooms and some of the triplets' clothes

but no Sirius.

Daphne looked at Harry, "We should try Remus's room. Come on it's

down the hall. My parents left to see him just before you woke up."

"Harry! You're awake!" Evelyn said as she grabbed him up into a hug. She

pulled back and took his face in her hands looking intently in his eyes,

"I'm so glad you're okay."

"Thank you," Harry said for the first time that day. "Is Sirius in there?"

"Yes he's waiting for Remus to wake up and entertaining the triplets

much to Amelia's chagrin." Evelyn went to the door opening it bringing

Harry through the door. "Look who's finally awake?"

"Harry! Have a nice nap? Sirius asked joyfully from a wheelchair. He had

Eddie and Lyra on his lap while Amelia was holding RJ shushing Sirius.

"Really Sirius," she said smacking him on the head.

"Well I think we deserved a nap after that," Came the groaning reply from

the bed. Everyone turned and saw Remus blinking his eyes open.


Well free time doesn't help much when you're majorly depressed.

Good news though I'm on meds now and doing better hence the


Hope you enjoy it. There is probably only one or two more chapters

in Thanks to a Snake.


55. Epilogue

Six Months Later

Harry looked out over the gathered guests with a quirky smile as he

reveled in the quietness of his life since the defeat of the Voldemort. He

was honored along with the other fighters at Hogwarts for bravery and

courage and of course killing Voldemort but after that he was mostly left

alone. Of course the two month trip he and Daphne took around the

world helped avoid most of the fever of well wishes. Also most wizards

seemed put out that all it took to kill Voldemort was a muggle knife,

nobody intended on telling the general public of horcruxes Voldemort's

unnatural extension of his life was now classified as the highest of state


Today Harry and Daphne had the honor of hosting Bill and Fleur's

wedding. The clearing where Sirius and Amelia's wedding was held was

decorated with fairy lights tones of gold, silver, and sapphire. Fairies

flitted around proud to be a part of another magical creature's wedding,

as they considered Fleur. Fleur literally glowed with happiness, Harry

figured it had to due with her Veela nature or a woman thing, now that

he thought about it. Her white dress shimmered with faint tones of blue

as Bill spun her around the dance floor for their first dance.

They were soon joined by Tonks, who was her matron of honor, in a light

sapphire blue dress that hung of the shoulder with a gold sash around her

waist. Fedor was dressed in modern looking dress robes with a gold vest

showing him as a part of the wedding party. Fedor and Tonks and eloped

quietly after the war with only Harry and Daphne present at a ceremony

at the Temple of Hera in Olympia, Greece.

Joining Tonks and Fedor was Charlie Weasley, Bill's best man. Charlie

was dressed in the same colors as Tonks, while his date, a fellow dragon

keeper was dressed in a light green dress robes. She was a native

Romanian much to his mother's displeasure. Harry laughed quietly

causing Daphne to turn towards him with an eyebrow raised, he nodded

in the direction of Mrs. Weasley. Ginny had shown off her power earlier,

albeit covertly, as she silenced her mother during the ceremony. Daphne

laughed along with her husband as Mrs. Weasley was still silenced and

was being ignored by Mr. Weasley.

Harry's eyes fell on Draco and Astoria who were sitting with Xavier and

Evelyn, Remus and Narcissa, Sirius and Amelia, and Severus and Amelia.

Draco despite missing his arm looked like the pureblood prince he was

and Astoria looked just as charming. Sirius was sitting with two of the

triplets in his lap, his wheelchair was a gleaming chrome and black,

according to some, monstrosity that went as fast as his motorcycle and

was charmed to fly.

Severus had regained most of his eyesight largely due to a potion created

by Harry, Belladonna, and himself. It worked to repair and strengthen

damaged nerves, the only drawbacks were the potion was expensive and

needed to be taken once a month or the effects would recede. Neville had

bought the majority of the potion and was giving it to his parents under

the care of a squib doctor.

Neville and Hannah joined the floor with other couples as the dance

opened up to all others. Neville asked Hannah to marry him soon after

the battle ended in fact there was a horde of engagements announced

after the battle. Neville and Hannah planned on a long engagement

choosing to wait for his parents to awaken and be able to participate in

the wedding. They were showing progress with the new potion.

Ginny's laughter caught his attention, Shea was dancing with the little

groom figurine from the top of the cake. Theo took Ginny's hand and

twirled her on to the dance floor. Theo had inherited his family's fortune.

The first thing he did was burry his mother's remain in a place away from

the Nott family mausoleum and in a graveyard where the Potter's were

buried. After that he burned down the entire manor and sold the property

to a relatively new pureblood family. Theo decided to build a home in

Godric's Hollow.

Blaise spun into view with Tracey in his arms. Blaise refused to leave

Tracey side as she laid in the hospital wing. Blaise looked smooth as silk

in his tuxedo and Tracey was smiling wide in a lavender dress. Tracey

and Blaise tended to fight like cats and dogs but they seemed to be going


His gaze fell on Susan who was dancing with Ernie Macmillan, he glared

at him making the Hufflepuff stumble in his footing. Susan glared back at

Harry and gave him the finger. Harry laughed a deep belly laugh.

"Alright leave Susan alone and dance with me," Daphne said standing

from her seat at the wedding party's table. Daphne along with Ginny was

dressed in soft gold off the shoulder dress with a sapphire blue sash the

opposite of Tonks. Harry was dressed similarly to Charlie and Fred and

George. Harry faked a groan as Daphne pulled him up. Fred and George

laughed at him and he turned and flashed them a smile.

Harry drew Daphne in close as he took her waist in his hands. He held

her to him as they danced the end of Fleur and Bill's song. The dancing

sped up as a reel played. Harry and Daphne danced the steps with the

others enjoying the festivities late into the night.

One Year Later

Hogwarts had been rebuilt in the months following the final battle. Most

of the damage to the school had been done by the Giants yet the school

endured. School resumed as normal once the damage had been cleaned

from the area. The only difference was Argus Filch and Mrs. Norris

decided to retire having had enough of the magical school during Harry's


"Wizards and Witches I present to you the Hogwarts class of 1999!"

Headmaster Flitwick announced to the gathered crowd of parents and

students. The former seventh years shot to their feet with cheers while

throwing their hats into the air. Harry grabbed Daphne and kissed her as

the hats came down around them. He released her with a smile that

made her heart flutter. She smiled back at him and he reached down

grabbing their hats. Harry's was easy to find as his had a both a green

ribbon for Slytherin and a white one signifying his potion's mastery.

Daphne's was also easy to find as it had a purple ribbon as well as a

green. Professor Babbling had pushed Daphne to complete her runes

mastery while in her final year.

Suddenly Harry was grabbed around the legs by little hands. He looked

down and spotted little Lyra sporting green hair and smiling up at him.

" 'Rry up!" She said with a smile. Harry laughed and picked her up

flipping her onto his shoulders. She giggled the entire time, "Yay up!"

Fly!" She said in her broken baby speak. 'Flying' was her favorite activity,

being on someone's shoulders as they ran. Harry grinned at Daphne who

laughed and took the hats from him as he started running to where Sirius

and Amelia were seated.

"Sorry Harry, she wiggled free," Amelia said with a laugh.

"Its fine," Harry was laughing as he tickled Lyra. She shrieked with

laughter and grabbed onto his hair to keep her balance. Harry winced but

his smile returned as Daphne took his hand.

"So did you enjoy your one normal year of school," Amelia asked Harry

while passing a squirming RJ to Daphne. RJ giggled as Daphne held him

perched on her hip. Her slight baby bump showing with the way her robe

hugged her body.

"It was great no one tried to kill me," Harry answered with a grin.

"Daphne how are you both," Sirius asked wheeling up Eddie in his lap.

"Were good Madam Pomfrey said I'm three months along and

everything's fine."

"What happened to waiting a few years?" Evelyn asked with an eyebrow

raised at her daughter. Daphne blushed scarlet and muttered under her

breath along with Harry. Evelyn started laughing showing she was joking

and Daphne glared at her mum. D

"Daph!" Can you believe we're done!" Tracey exclaimed as she through

her arms around her friend.

Blaise came with her and clapped Harry on the back. He reached up and

tickled Lyra, "That's finished finally!" Harry just laughed as the others

came over to him.

"So Sue, Hermione did you decide what you're going to do now?" Amelia

asked as they came over.

"I'm going to the Baba Yaga Institute in Russia," Hermione answered.

Viktor smiled widely at that, international portkey's were horrible.

"I've decided to go to the auror academy," Susan answered. Amelia and

Daphne both immediately hit Sirius and Harry on the back of their heads.

"That's wonderful Sue," Amelia said giving her a big hug.

"Mmhmm great," Harry and Sirius muttered under their breath. Susan

rolled her eyes.

"Alright let's go before my Gran has a coronary," Neville said eyeing his

grandmother who was holding a party for the graduates at promptly two

o' clock, it was now five minutes until two.

"Alright let's go to the gates the portkey's down there," Amelia announced

taking Lyra and RJ from Harry and Daphne and placing them in Sirius's

lap. Sirius gunned the engine his wheelchair his kids squealing with

delight. Harry smiled after them.

"You ready?" Daphne asked as Harry had turned back to look at the


"Yeah let's go," Harry said softly pulling Daphne into a kiss before they

followed the others down and out the gates of Hogwarts.


So short sweet little epilogue for you guys. I will more than likely

come back to this story and post more short little oneshots of what's

going on with the characters in the years following but for now I'm

going to be focusing on Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum.

Thanks so much for the support and continued follows, favorites,

and reviews they really mean a lot to me.



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