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Готовый перевод One Piece The Ship of Lust / Корабель хтивості: Хогвартс Путь Дхармы4

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Chapter 401

Chapter 401 Tom, We Are Finally Going To Meet Again!

As the two most important exams in the wizarding world, this exam is

not solely administered by Hogwarts.

It is similar to the college entrance examination and the middle school

entrance examination, which do not allow the paper to be published in

the school.

Generally, the Board of Education and the Ministry of Magic send well-

respected wizards to invigilate and set the questions.

In many cases, these proctors are the editors of the textbooks that the

students use, and they control the topics better than the professors.

The test is divided into two parts, usually a written test in the morning

and a practical test in the afternoon.

On the first morning, the fifth-grade students didn't speak much. Some of

them held a small note and tried their best to memorize it.

Some people recited words and repeated all kinds of magic spells that

might be tested.

Luna and Astoria made two amulets together and gave them to Alvin and


Although it was useless, Alvin still rewarded a sticker by himself.

After the meal, all the fifth graders came to a large classroom and started

their first exam.

Alvin finished the exam in just half an hour, and then started chatting

with an invigilator.

"To be honest, when I saw you in the examination room, I thought of

Dumbledore back then.

"You are all far beyond the realm of students, and this kind of exam is a

waste of time for you.

Tofody said with emotion, he is a veteran invigilator, and Dumbledore

also passed the exam under his invigilation.

And now Alvin gives him the same feeling, even more.

In his mind, it is not too much to be an examiner with Alvin's academic


Alvin also said half-jokingly: "I think so too, or you can send me the

transcript directly. 39

The old man glared at him angrily.

"How can I have this right, but after you finish the exam, go out quickly,

the province will affect the mentality of other students."

While speaking, he scanned the entire classroom.

Many students saw Alvin chatting and laughing with the invigilator, and

their facial expressions became weird.

Everyone is here for the exam, why is your painting style different from


"Okay, then I'll go first, see you in the afternoon."

Alvin shook his head amusingly, stood up and left the examination room.

Most of the next exams are like this. Alvin is basically the last one to go

in and the first to come out.

Many examiners even Mag and Umbridge need to stand behind them

respectfully, but with Alvin, they can often chat happily for a long time.

The magic world is also a society, and since it is a society, there are


Obviously, Alvin's qualifications are up, and even beyond, so he can live

comfortably in any circle.

And Professor McGonagall is still a little worse, after all, compared to

these people, she is still too 'young'.

As for Umbridge, what is that?

In addition, a funny thing happened during the exam.

Because of the magical biology, there is no one more authoritative than

Newt in the entire wizarding world.

He is also the only Hogwarts teacher to be the chief examiner.

"Children, I had already retired, but I couldn't refuse Dumbledore's

request, so that's why we have been here for so long."

"You are the first class of students I teach and will be the last. 35

"Let me give you one last gift, all students' grades will automatically

increase by one rating.

The voice fell, and the auditorium instantly remembered thunderous


Several of the invigilator's deputy also smiled bitterly, but the identity of

Uncle Newt was placed here, and in the end, he could only acquiesce.

After learning this news, those five-year students who didn't choose to

protect the magical creatures class regretted their bowels.

If they knew there was such a good thing, they would rather endure

Hagrid for two years before taking this course!

The exam lasted for two weeks, and every day after the exam, Hermione

would ask Alvin to check the answer.

When other students saw the movements of the two, they also came


When the answer is the same as the two of them, they will be elated, and

if they are not the same, it will be like mourning.

This reminded Alvin of the way in his previous life when he asked the

students in the class for the answer.

Hey, in the end, I'm still living as (bdba) I hate it~

Finally, after completing the final potion exam, the fifth-grade students

were completely liberated.

"Fantastic! Finally finished the exam!

Justin Finnery of Hufflepuff happily tore all the textbooks in his hands.

Hannah Abbott on the side was stunned.

"Justin, we just finished O.W.L., not N.E.W.S.T. Are you not going to class

next semester?"

Justin was stunned for a moment, and then said indifferently: "Anyway,

these books will not be used next semester, so they will be torn as soon as

they are torn.

Parvati Patil on the side said quietly: "Don't you use it when you study for

the exam?"

Justin, who finally came to his senses, changed greatly, and hurriedly

used a repairing spell to repair the textbook that had been shredded into


The other students laughed and watched this scene with a lot of relief.

Harry laughed along with him, a smile he had rarely seen these days.

Although he has been learning Occlumency with Snape, progress has

been slow.

He still has strange dreams from time to time.

And in it, that mysterious house appeared countless times.

Harry knew it was the Ministry of Magic's Department of Mysteries,

although he didn't know what it was there for.

But he was certain that there must be something in it that Voldemort

yearned for so much.

In the past few days, this premonition has become stronger and stronger.

Even during the exam, the image there will appear in his mind.

Harry had asked Alvin for his opinion, but Alvin just said that maybe it

was Voldemort's conspiracy to lure him out of Hogwarts.

Nothing else is said.

Suddenly, Harry covered his forehead in pain and fell on the table.

His perspective was walking down the dark, gloomy corridor of the

Department of Mysteries again.

"Take it for me!

A cold and high-pitched voice said without a trace of temperature.

Harry saw something black move on the floor and struggled to raise his



He screamed in horror, but made no sound.

"Harry! Harry!"

Ginny on the side pushed him anxiously, and Harry finally returned to

his body from that scene.

He raised his head sharply, startling Ginny.

But seeing his eyes glowing red and tearing down, Ginny was very

worried again.

"Harry, what happened?"

The surrounding students also looked at them curiously, not knowing

what happened.

Harry didn't answer, he just silently took Ginny's hand and walked out.

And Alvin in the distance saw this scene and smiled slightly.

Tom, we finally meet again.

Chapter 402

Chapter 402 The Division Of Mysteries

Under the night, Harry, Ron, Ginny, and several other students flew

towards London in Thestrals.

They still had some scars and blood on their faces.

Apparently there was a fight.

Not long ago, Harry walked out of the exam room clutching his forehead

and headed straight for the principal's room in Umbridge.

He had to make sure that Sirius was still at 1-2 Grimmauld Place.

The previous conversation with Alvin still played a role, at least he would

use his head to figure out if this was Voldemort's conspiracy.

He first sent several messages to Lupin and Sirius with the login device,

but unfortunately no one answered.

In desperation, he could only use Umbridge's fireplace to check out

Grimmauld Place himself.

With the help of Ginny and other friends, Harry successfully entered the

principal's office and contacted Grimmauld Place.

In the hearth, Harry's expression changed when Kreacher told him that

all the members of the Order of the Phoenix were gone.

But before he could ask any more questions, Umbridge returned.

A war broke out between the two sides, and after bringing down

Umbridge and several of her henchmen, Harry also decided to go to the

Ministry of Magic to save Sirius.

It's just that he didn't want to let Ron and others participate in it, but

after being scolded by Ginny for a few words.

Harry could only bring his little friends and embarked on the journey to

the Ministry of Magic.

Although it was already June, the Thestral was flying extremely fast and

the altitude was not low.

Harry and the others were frozen in the sky and their lips were a little


Just when they couldn't hold on anymore, the Thestral finally reached

their destination.

Fortunately, the entrance to the Ministry of Magic's guests was remote,

plus it was getting late at night.

Otherwise, they would fall from the sky so swaggeringly, and they would

immediately be on the front page of the newspaper.

The young wizards, who had never been to the Ministry of Magic except

Harry, looked both excited and nervous.

"Hold your wands, and we'll be ready for battle at all times.

Harry ordered and walked into the dilapidated phone booth.

He is now extremely thankful that he still remembers the process that Mr.

Weasley brought him.


Turning the dial again and again, a woman's indifferent voice sounded in

the phone booth.

"The Ministry of Magic welcomes you, please indicate your purpose and

personal information."

"Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Neville Longbottom,

Lavender Brown, Seamus Finnigan."

"We're here to save people! So please hurry!

Harry finished speaking very quickly, and then tapped the phone


"Thank you" the female voice was still indifferent, "Guest, please take

your badge and pin it in front of your clothes, and do a wand check in

the lobby of the Ministry of Magic.

Everyone quickly pinned those badges, and the phone booth began to


A golden light hit their feet, and the main entrance of the Ministry of

Magic appeared in front of them.

Harry didn't go out immediately, but looked out tentatively with his

wand to make sure no one was waiting for them.

"Okay, let's go.

After careful observation, and after confirming that there was no one

outside, Harry and his friends rushed to the Department of Mysteries.

No one appeared along the way. This is actually very unscientific. In such

a large organization as the Ministry of Magic, does not even have a

gatekeeper at night?

When several people took the internal elevator to the Department of

Mysteries, Harry looked at the black and gold door without a trace of


Over the past few months, he has come to this place countless times in

his dreams, and now he has finally taken this step.

Harry walked cautiously ahead, the others quietly following him.

Just like returning to his own home, he walked through the gates with


"Harry, have you been here?"

Looking at his performance, Ginny finally couldn't help but ask, it was so


"Yes." Harry didn't look back, "I've been here countless times.

He desperately recalled where Sirius appeared in his mind.

Cabinet…Crystal Ball…Large round turntable.

One element after another flashed through his mind.

After several twists and turns, they entered a very strange hall.

This house is incomparably huge, with a stone pit in the middle, where

there is actually an old stone door with a tattered curtain on it.

"Harry." Ron rubbed his arms uncomfortably, "Sirius shouldn't be here,

right? Let's find him quickly."

The room made him feel bad, not only him, but everyone else was

somewhat uncomfortable.

・・・・For flowers‥0

The only exception was Harry, who seemed to hear something calling

and telling him something from behind the stone door.

But the distance between him and Shimen was too far, and he could

always hear it vaguely.

Although he was curious, finding Sirius was the first priority, and Harry

could only make a mark on the door of the room and leave.

After going through almost all the rooms of the Department of Mysteries,

several people came to a room similar to a church.

It is filled with tall shelves with various glass balls on them.

"right here!"

Harry snorted excitedly and moved forward cautiously.


He was talking about something, he didn't dare to use the illumination

technique, and could only see the number of the cabinet clearly with the

help of the dim light of the crystal ball.


At the edge of the wall, Harry also came to the destination of the trip.

But there is no trace of Sirius here. To be precise, except for a few of

them, there is no one else in the whole room.

Harry searched down the aisle when Neville stuttered.

"Harry, look at that crystal ball."

He stepped forward and looked at a gray crystal ball, the date on it was

sixteen years ago, and the content was horrifying.

"The Dark Lord(?) and Harry Potter. 35

Harry stared blankly, he unconsciously reached out to take it down and

take a closer look.

Why does he have the Dark Lord's name on it?

"do not move!"

Ginny screamed and interrupted him.

"Mum said that the Department of Mysteries is so weird, you don't touch

anything, Harry! 35

"Don't worry, Ginny, there's my name on it, I'll take a look and put it


Without taking his girlfriend's words to heart, Harry gently took down

the crystal ball, "Look, nothing happened, did it?"

At this moment, a lazy voice came from behind them, with a deep


"Very well, Potter, you are as stupid as the Dark Lord said.""

"Turn around now and give me the crystal ball in your hand." +.

Chapter 403

Chapter 403 The Big Fight!

As his voice fell, there were bursts of crackling sounds around him.

Harry knew that it was the voice of the Apparition.

Dozens of shadows fell on their side, surrounding Harry and the others.

Ron sucked in a breath of cold air and turned tremblingly to look at the

man who spoke.

"Lucius Malfoy?"

It was the Death Eater legion headed by Lucius, and Ron saw the faces

that appeared in the Daily Prophet.

My heart jumped out of my throat.

These people are all prisoners who escaped from Azkaban, which one did

not carry a few lives on their hands?

Don't say it was him, even Harry was panicking at the moment, but he

couldn't show it.

It's a big problem, and it's useless to panic.

"Lucius Malfoy, where's Sirius?"

Hearing his question, "Three Three Seven," Old Malfoy laughed as if he

had been hit with a tickle, and the rest of the Death Eaters also let out

inexplicable laughter.

"Master is right, Potter, you are always so reckless.

"Do you think Sirius is really here?"

"This is what the Dark Lord wants you to see. He knows you very well."

"The current Order of the Phoenix is ​​probably still being played

around by the bait we threw out!

"And your role is complete, give me the crystal ball. 39

Malfoy's words made Harry's heart sink to the bottom, and he knew he

had been fooled this time.

Voldemort used his concern for Sirius to lure him here.

And the purpose is the crystal ball in his hand.

Wait, a crystal ball?

Looking at the crystal autumn in his hand, Harry's eyes lit up.


Quickly pulling out his wand, Harry pointed to the life-saving straw in

his hand, and threatened as the surrounding Death Eaters all changed

their expressions:

"Now, step back immediately, or I will destroy him. 35

"Malfoy, you don't want Voldemort to know that you can't get the

Prophecy Ball, do you?

Lucius Malfoy's face was very embarrassed, and he instructed the others

to take a few steps back.

Little Barty couldn't help it, he screamed: "The prophecy ball will fly–"

And Harry had been prepared for a long time, and before he finished

chanting the spell, he cast the Iron Armor Spell and still grabbed the

Prophecy Ball to the death.

"Very good!" Little Barty's chest heaved and heaved, and just as he was

about to continue casting the spell, Lucius Malfoy interrupted him


"Idiot! What does the Dark Lord want? If you break him you're dead! 35

Seeing that the two were on the verge of infighting, Harry keenly seized

the opportunity.


"Fractured! 99

His spell hit the high shelves all around, and a large number of crystal

balls collapsed along with the supports, causing the Death Eaters to mess

up every inch.


With a loud roar, he pulled Ginny and smashed away Lucius who was

standing at the front, and ran towards the door.

He has to get out of here and bring everyone back to Hogwarts.

Hundreds of crystal balls smashed into pieces, and milky white figures

emerged, floating in the air.

"Damn it!" A tall Death Eater blasted away the shards of wood and glass

shards on him with violent magic.

Looking at the several figures who had already run out of the Prophecy

Hall, he let out a violent roar.

"Come on, use the Flying Charm to bring everything here!

Harry led the crowd into a small room and closed the door behind him.

He instructed Ginny, Ron and the others to block the door tightly, and at

the same time took out the log and quickly sent a message to Dumbledore

and Alvin.

At this time, he wanted to shoot himself to death two hours ago, why did

he bring so many companions here?

If it's just him, it doesn't matter if he dies.

But brought Ginny and the others here, then he has the responsibility to

ensure the safety of everyone.

The footsteps outside the door were getting closer and closer, and Harry

could clearly hear Malfoy's call to search for the house.

Within half a minute, someone came to the house where they were

hiding, bombarding the door with magic spells.


bang bang bang!


"As soon as people come in, let's attack with a spell together!"9

Harry squeezed the wand in his hand and spoke nervously.

There is only one exit in this room, and they can only survive by

defeating the wizard who rushed in.

And when Antonin Dolokhov came in, he faced a spell attack like a


"Pass out!"

"Except your weapons!

"Relax your strength!

Looking at these incantations, Dolokhov not only did not panic, but

showed a sinister smile…

An invisible barrier rose up from in front of him, rebounding all kinds of

magic spells flying all over the room.


Dolokhov was a little surprised when he waved his wand and picked up a

red light.

He did not expect that his Iron Armor Curse could not stop all the spells,

and a Disarming Curse broke through the defense and came to him.

"Can't you see, you guys are pretty capable?"

His strength is extremely powerful, and even Bella and Barty Jr., two of

Voldemort's henchmen, are slightly inferior.

Except for the two Dark Lords and Dumbledore, Dolohov never looked

down on anyone.

It is already very good that these little guys who have not graduated can

do this.

"Break to pieces!

Just when he was about to say something, the dazzling Shattering Curse

blasted it away without warning.


Ginny's shouts made the stunned few people regain their senses, and

hurriedly ran out.

It turned out that Ginny hid behind the door just now and didn't take the

shot immediately.

Instead, he picked a sneak attack at a time when the opponent was the

most relaxed.

Harry swallowed his saliva with some effort. Ginny's smashing spell was

a little too powerful.

It's not the time, but Harry is already a little worried about his future

married life 1.0.

This floor of the entire Department of Mysteries was a mess, and

although there were many Death Eaters, it was too big.

This gave Harry and the others room to escape.

But the good times didn't last long, and Harry and the others ran into the

hall with the stone door in a panic again.

This room is very empty, and there is no room for them to hide and


Looking at the Death Eaters who kept gathering, all of them showed


Is it all over?

The Death Eaters all stopped, staring at Harry.

Several people were still panting, and the wounds on their bodies were

still bleeding.

"Potter, you're finished!" Barty tore off the mask on his head, revealing a

pale face.

"Hand over the prophecy ball obediently, I'll save your life!".

Chapter 404

Is A Close Call!

huh! huh!

After a long run, Harry couldn't run anymore.

"Let them go, I'll give you the prophecy ball and go with you.

Struggling to raise his head, Harry panted and bargained with a group of

Death Eaters.

As long as Ginny and the others escaped, he was content.

"No!" Ginny said anxiously, "Harry, you can't go with them.

Ron also objected loudly, and several others also showed determination.

Never let Voldemort get Harry and this prophecy ball!

At this moment, they were worthy of their Gryffindor status.

Lucius Malfoy scanned the entire hall, his ears moved slightly, and he

said to Barty Jr., "Go and bring the prophecy ball."

Little Barty walked over with some unwillingness, he has always disliked

Malfoy's traitorous behavior.

But this time Voldemort asked him to command, and he could not go

against his master's wishes.

"The Prophecy Ball is coming!"

"The Prophecy Ball is coming!"

The two voices remembered almost at the same time, and everyone in the

house looked at the entrance in astonishment.

The prophecy ball also followed Voice 13 and landed on a man with long



Harry opened his mouth in surprise, his reinforcements finally arrived!

Ron, who was behind him, was already crying with tears streaming down

his face.

Although he stopped Harry from trading with the Death Eaters just now,

who would want to die if he could survive?

"Nicely done, Harry.

Sirius ran over and punched Malfoy in the face, blocking Harry's body.

Outside the door, members of the Order of the Phoenix kept rushing in

and attacking the Death Eaters.

And Dolohov also took Malfoy's place and fought with Sirius.

"Take the prophecy ball and take Ron and the others out of here!"

Sirius used a blue streamer to temporarily force Dolohov back, threw the

Prophecy Ball to Harry, and re-entered the fight.

His face was very excited, and he threw out several spells in the wave of

his wand.

As a fighting maniac, Sirius has not been so enthusiastic for a long time.

The last time I was so excited was when I fought against the Death Eaters

with James.

Dolokhov's powerful other Sirius had some scalp tingling.

But it is this kind of opponent that can give him unparalleled pressure.

Several young wizards left the classroom under the cover of Lupin and

others, and Harry returned to rejoin the fight.

Harry is not weak now. Under Alvin's training, although the knowledge

reserve has not been very good, his actual combat ability is absolutely


"Relax your strength!


The Death Eater who was fighting Tonks was hit, and the continuous

offensive stopped instantly.

The female Auror also seized the opportunity, stunned her with two stun

spells, turned around and gave Harry a thumbs up.

"Nice job baby!"

Harry blushed in old age and hurried to help Lupin relieve the pressure.

Although the wizards of the Order of the Phoenix are all elite, there are

far more Death Eaters coming to the Ministry of Magic than in the

original books.

Many face two or more enemies.

Moody's and Kingsley, the two strongest, are in a one-to-five matchup.

Lupin was a little stretched under the siege of Barty Jr. and Goyle.

Just when he was about to be hit by a curse, Harry put a layer of armor

on him in time to stop the magic.

"Thank you, Harry."

Lupin breathed a sigh of relief, he almost thought he was going to be

planted here today.

And Harry didn't have time to be polite to him anymore. He watched

Sirius and Dolohov fiercely fighting, and the wands of both sides danced

with afterimages.

Although it seems to be evenly matched, the fine beads of sweat on

Sirius' forehead have shown his weakness.

The two stood in the stone pit in the middle, and the other Death Eaters

and members of the Order of the Phoenix were reluctant to approach, for

fear of being accidentally injured.

This is also the most intense battlefield on the field.

"Come on! This is not your level! Dolokhov!"

Sirius' wanton voice echoed in the room, and another blue light flashed

between his waves.

Dolokhov calmly swept it away and launched a counterattack.

Sirius' Iron Armor blocked the first attack for him.

But the second spell in a row hit him in the chest.

The smile hadn't completely disappeared from his face, but his eyes

widened in horror.

Harry watched Sirius' body draw a graceful arc, and the landing point

was the mysterious stone gate.

He had a hunch that if he fell into that stone gate, he would never see


"Fast back!

A purple incantation hit Sirius, who was drawing a parabola, changing

his location.


Sirius, who hit the ground heavily, spat out a mouthful of blood.

Dolokhov's spell and physical shock took double damage.


Seeing that his attack was defused, Dolokhov was furious.

Dolokhov knew the strangeness of the gate of the Department of

Mysteries for a long time, and he also deliberately hit Sirius at the stone


Seeing that he was about to succeed, a repelling spell that appeared out

of nowhere would resolve his calculations.

"Sirius, you owe me another life. 35

Alvin's figure suddenly appeared at his feet, and said loosely.

Seeing him coming, Harry was overjoyed, his thighs finally came!

Maybe we can catch all the 337 Death Eaters today!

"Cough, cough…"

"I don't have anything to repay you, and you don't like anything from the

Black family.

Sirius clutched his chest and stood up. Although he was grateful, he

really had nothing to do.

"Forget it," Alvin waved his hand, "I did it out of Harry's face.35

He had no good feelings for this reckless man, and it is still recorded in

his small notebook.

But after all, he was Harry's godfather. After thinking about it for a long

time, Alvin saved him.

And his arrival also frightened many people, most of whom were Death

Eaters who were not imprisoned in Azkaban.

In the Quidditch world, Alvin's ruthlessness towards his enemies also

frightened many people.

These people all shook off their opponents and stepped back to the side.

On the contrary, those who have just come out of Azkaban are a little


However, seeing the movements of his companions, he also stopped


For a while, the scene returned to calm.

"Malfoy, what's going on?"

Dolokhov asked Lucius Malfoy on the side in a low voice, he didn't

understand why a little wizard had such a great deterrent power.

But before he could speak, Alvin shot.

Hurry up to clean up these miscellaneous fish, so that today's protagonist

will appear.

Chapter 405

Chapter 405 Destroys The Rot!


Alvin spit out a word softly, but it landed on a group of Death Eaters, like


No, it's a thunderbolt!


At the same time, a blue lightning bolt condensed above the heads of all

the Death Eaters, which was particularly conspicuous in this dark room.

The speed of the lightning was unimaginable. Fortunately, many people

had already cast the Iron Armor Curse in advance to block some of the

lightning's power.

But even so, a considerable number of people spit black smoke out of

their mouths and fell to the ground.


Antonin Dolokhov got up from the ground in embarrassment and looked

at Alvin with horror.

What kind of magic is this?

He had never seen such a scene before, one word, no, one word

destroyed most of the Death Eaters.

When did such a strong man appear in the magic world again?

"Tsk, it seems that it still lacks a little power.

Alvin shook his head, as if dissatisfied with his attack.

The fact is also true, although the instant lightning is powerful, the

damage is too low.

The ability brought by this Thunderbird bloodline can only be used to

abuse vegetables, well, it can also be used to pretend.

After all, whether you are strong or not is a temporary thing, and

whether you are handsome or not is a lifetime thing.

Hearing his dissatisfied words, Harry's envious eyes turned red.

He also wants such handsome and powerful magic!

However, he remembered that Dumbledore seemed to have defeated

Scrimgeour and ten Aurors with a similar trick back then?

Did Dumbledore teach it to Erwin?

I don't know what Harry was thinking about Alvin's second attack.

"Resist the Ring of Fire!

With him as the center, a ring of flames rose up, sweeping towards the

audience with unparalleled power.

And the Death Eaters who have the ability to resist are all elites, and

naturally they won't sit still.

Their faces were solemn, and they forcibly used their magic power to

open a protection, blocking the sea of ​​fire coming from the pavement.

"Malfoy, think of a way to inform the master. `!

Barty's face was hideous, trying his best to squeeze the magic in his body.

This little wizard is simply a monster.

God's special code of resistance fire ring.

Don't think he can't recognize it by changing his name. This is a fire spell!

When will the fire spell be more terrifying than the fire spell, this is not

magic at all!

Malfoy also smiled wryly, is this new boss really not afraid of

accidentally hurting them?

That is to say, he knew that Alvin was not the kind of master who would

kill a donkey, otherwise he would suspect that the other party was going

to kill someone.

"Just hold on, the master should be here soon!"

Helpless in his heart, he could only speak to everyone in an encouraging


"So perverted!"

Tonks, who was guarded by Alvin behind him, looked at the Death Eaters

who were cornered by the flames in a stunned manner, and spoke out

everyone's heart.

Kingsley smiled wryly, he was the only one of the group who had been


Only he knew clearly that Alvin was just playing around with these Death


Once he takes a serious shot, it is estimated that Barty Jr. and Dolohov

alone will not be able to last for so long.

In a trance, Kingsley felt that he had lived in vain for so many years.

What is the Order of the Phoenix needed to deal with the Death Eaters?

Just inviting Alvin over will solve everything.

The Death Eaters headed by Dolokhov were all sweating profusely at this

time, and if this continued, the water in their bodies would be completely


"Thunderbolt explosion!"

Desperately risking injury, Evan Rozier blasted the wall with a blast spell,

and the Death Eaters escaped along the hole.

And those who are in a coma are left alone, and they will fly away from

each other when disaster is imminent, not to mention these ruthless dark


Alvin frowned and waved away the flames.

Without the protection of these Death Eaters, those who had fainted

would soon be incinerated.

At this juncture now, he doesn't want to kill too many people in front of


The magic world is a very strange place, and there are obviously too

many spells and methods to put people to death.

But killing someone is no small matter at any time.

Why are so many people so afraid of Voldemort that they dare not even

mention his name?

It's nothing more than that Tom's wanton killing of wizards and Muggles

back then was out of tune with the worldview of wizards.

Alvin didn't want to get in the way of taking over the wizarding world in

the future because of too many killings.


A gust of wind rose out of thin air in the hall, swept the unconscious

Death Eaters together and moved them to the corner.

Immediately afterwards, he held his right hand empty, and the broken

wall was like an extension of his body, turning into a giant stone palm,

pressing towards Barty and the others!

They fought back desperately, and countless spells splashed the rocks

that the giant palms beat.

But in the end, it was still in vain. The giant palm grasped the remaining

Death Eaters impartially, and then turned into golden ropes that bound


".々 This is the end?

Neville said in a daze, he looked at the group of captured Death Eaters,

and some did not return to his senses.

"End?" Alvin smiled playfully and looked at Harry, "Harry, give me the

prophecy ball."

"Huh?" Harry was stunned, and without the slightest hesitation, he

handed over the prophecy ball that he had been pinching.

Sirius opened his mouth, but he didn't have time to say what he stopped.

Logically speaking, for such an important thing, he felt that it was better

to leave it to Dumbledore.

"Tom, if you don't come out, you'll never know what this prophecy is


Turning the crystal ball in his hand, Alvin said something that made

people's face go crazy.

Voldemort is coming?

Moody's magic eye turned quickly, trying to find (good Zhao) the clues

that Voldemort appeared here.

"Alvin Gaunt, you are worthy of the last name."

The cold voice echoed in the empty hall, and Harry felt a layer of goose

bumps on his body.

On the contrary, the scar on his forehead was burning with pain.

I don't know when, the strange black mist spread to Alvin's eyes, and

gradually converged into a human figure.

Voldemort in a green robe appeared in everyone's sight.

The Death Eaters who were bound into dumplings looked ecstatic.

"Master, you are finally here to save us!"

From the moment he saw Voldemort, Alvin brought the fear away for


In their hearts, as long as their master takes action, any Gaunt is an ant


Hearing their cries, Voldemort's mouth twitched visibly.

This bunch of rubbish, they know how to embarrass him!

Chapter 406

Chapter 406 Tom, Do Your Best To Defeat Me And Kill Me!

Voldemort flicked his wand impatiently, and a few pieces of rock turned

into sharp daggers, cutting all the ropes.

After these Death Eaters got out of trouble, they limped behind him.

Ignoring these disgraceful things, he turned his attention to Alvin again.

As for those members of the Order of the Phoenix, in his eyes, it was not

worth mentioning at all.

"Alvin Gaunt, give me the crystal ball and I can give you a chance."

Staring at Alvin, tall and slender, with sharp eyes, Voldemort's vertical

pupils flickered with admiration.

Once upon a time, he was as handsome as this junior.

When he was able to become the student council president at Hogwarts,

his portrait played a big role.

Many girls voted for him without any hesitation, even Gryffindor was no


Unfortunately, appearance is a foreign object after all, and only eternity

and black magic are his pursuits.

"Tom…" Alvin said slowly, the crystal ball in his hand glowed strangely,

and when he flipped it over, he put it away.

"I thought you would start fighting as soon as you disagree, but I didn't

expect you to want to recruit me.

337 "Can't you? Alvin, in terms of seniority, you can barely call me

grandpa. In terms of talent, you are one of the few people in the magic

world that I look at. 39

Glancing at the Death Eaters behind him, Voldemort shook his head


There is quite a kind of feeling that the heroes of the world are only the

emperor and Cao Er.

"Together, this group of people can't compare to you alone."

The contempt in the words made Barty and the others grit their teeth and

felt a burst of humiliation.

But even in anger, they had to admit that the strengths of the two sides

were completely different from one dimension.

Alvin was also interested in Voldemort's words, "You know about my


Since the rebirth, although it is a standard orphan treatment for a certain

Lu, Alvin also wanted to know the news of his parents in this life.

After all, it was they who gave themselves this opportunity, and that's

why they are today's brilliance.

But the information the old dean gave him was that he was assigned to

the orphanage by the government, and there was no other useful


And Voldemort actually has news of his parents here?

"I'm still very interested in your junior. 35

Seeing Alvin taking the bait, Voldemort didn't hide it, (bdba) "I stole his

wand from your great-grandfather and planted a false memory in him.

"It also got him into Azkaban by the Ministry of Magic, where he died of

old age.

When it comes to killing his uncle, Voldemort has no guilt at all.

He is an extreme egoist. In order to shape his pure-blood identity, he

even killed his Muggle father without hesitation.

What about an uncle?

There was no wavering on Alvin's face, he had no feelings for these

relatives, and quietly waited for Voldemort's next words.

"I was also surprised that before Morfin Gaunt went to prison, he had a

son, and that was your grandfather. 99

Voldemort told a secret story that no one knew, and hooked everyone's


Before that, not many people really knew the true identity of Voldemort.

No one expected such a relationship between him and Alvin.

And this can't help but sigh in their hearts, the Gaunt family really

always produces some legendary wizards.

There was Slytherin in ancient times, Voldemort and Alvin today.

"Then why didn't I find his records at Hogwarts?

Alvin asked back, since he went to Hogwarts, Alvin found out that the

last member of the Gaunt family was Voldemort's mother, Merope Gaunt.

After that, and until he showed up, the school didn't have members of the

Gaunt family back.

Voldemort sneered, "Your grandfather is also a genius of black magic.

Before he entered school, he killed a wizard and fled to Gaul."

"From what I've heard, he ended up marrying a Muggle and disappeared

from the wizarding world.

"As for your parents, they were completely integrated into the Muggle

world, and they both died in a ridiculous traffic accident not long after

you were born."

Alvin nodded slightly, and finally knew the cause of death of his parents

in this life.

As for resurrecting them?

Alvin really didn't think about it, he never saw the two of them, and he

never felt their soul breath.

Even if they were wizards and their souls were kept in the underworld,

there was nothing he could do.

"Thank you, Tom."

Alvin thanked, although the two were enemies, but this time the other

did help him.

"I'm already your only relative in this world," Voldemort's voice

contained a hint of bewitchment, "Join me under my command, and you

will become a big man under one person and above ten thousand people.

"When the time comes to kill Dumbledore and Grindelwald, the world

will be ruled by you and me.

"Even… I can make you immortal and immortal."

The hearts of the Order of the Phoenix were tense, and Voldemort's offer

was quite tempting.

Didn't you see that a few Death Eaters were already breathing heavily?

Obviously greed.

And once the two of them work together, Dumbledore's trouble is really


Only Harry looked calm, confident that Alvin would make the right


Sure enough, Alvin couldn't help but sneer.

"Eternal life? Just your present honor?"

Looking at Voldemort's nose, oh sorry, the two nostrils in the nose, he

couldn't help it.

"Isn't it?" said Voldemort, "you are still young, and you don't understand

that time is our wizard's worst enemy."

"Look, when Dumbledore grows old and Grindelwald becomes the bones

of the family.

"I, Voldemort, remain as strong as ever.

In the words, there is a strong self-confidence.

The Death Eaters looked at their master adoringly.

Even Lucius Malfoy's eyes showed a trace of struggle.

It should be said that Voldemort still has a certain personal charm,

otherwise he would not have pulled up a group of Death Eaters back


It's just that Alvin doesn't want to talk nonsense with him anymore.

He has already obtained the information he wants, shouldn't it be a

routine operation to turn his face and not recognize a person?

He stroked the wand with his left hand, and a group of flames emerged

from the tip of the wand and flew to the bonfires one by one.

The originally dark and mysterious thing Si was suddenly filled with

firelight, and behind the two stood the Death Eaters and the Order of the

Phoenix, who were clearly distinguished.

"Come on, Tom, beat me and kill me with all your might."

"Strength and immortality can't be shown by just talking.

I didn't expect this to be 400 chapters. I'm very happy to be able to write

so much in the first book. Thank you for your company along the way!

Chapter 407

Chapter 407 Decisive Battle At The Top Of The Ministry Of Magic!

Alvin did a standard dueling etiquette.

"Sycamore wood, ten and one-half inches, phoenix feathers, but I added a

strange material later, resulting in some subtle changes."

"It's more than just a wand. 35

Voldemort frowned as he heard Alvin introduce his wand softly.

He knew it was a rejection of his own offer.

In this case, he can only grant the other party death.

Holding up his wand, his pale and slender fingers stroked the knuckles of

the elder wand, and Voldemort calmly introduced:

"Elderberry, fifteen inches, Thestral feathers."

"You can call him the Elder Wand or you can call him the… Deathly



So stylish!

Listening to them introducing their wands, whether it was the Death

Eaters, or Harry and others, this idea popped into their minds at the same


These people are also experienced in dueling, and never thought that

they could introduce their wands like this before fighting.

Until next time, they must do the same!

Especially Sirius, his face was full of excitement at this time.

He had seen him introduce his wand with a light face when he and

Dolokhov fought again.

Harry was at a loss, what did he think, how did he think this wand

belonged to Dumbledore?

He had once obtained Dumbledore's wand with the Disarming Charm,

and he still remembered the strange appearance of it.

Alvin smacked his lips, not talking, afraid that he would laugh.

Voldemort was clearly satisfied with the Elder Wand, how he would have

looked if he had known that it was all Dumbledore and his calculations.

The deviance wand waved, and in the air where no one noticed, three

invisible sharp blades formed, rapidly approaching Voldemort.

Snape's Shenfeng Wuying played to the extreme in Alvin's hands.

Voldemort listened to the bursts of air breaking, and gave Alvin a deep

look, a silver shield unfolded in front of him.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

The harsh sound of gold and iron symphony made the spectators who

had retreated to cover their ears in pain.

"Avada eats a big melon!"

The scarlet light flashed from the eye socket, and the deep green light cut

through the sky with a deadly breath, approaching Alvin.

"Earth wall! 35

Gently chopped off his right foot, the ground in front of Alvin shook

violently, and a dirt wall carved with a dog's head rose up.

The strong Killing Curse slammed into the earth wall and exploded a big

hole, but it did not completely break through the defense.

But the dog's head was blown off, making him grin.

Tom, you don't understand art!

Voldemort frowned slightly, and when he heard Alvin say the wall of

earth, he thought it was a new type of spell.

The result is an application of Transfiguration.

Immediately, I felt like I was being tricked.

Transfiguration again!

As an absolutely unsolvable killing spell, gnawing the big melon

naturally needless to say about its power.

But he also has his own many points, that is, the damage area is too

narrow, which belongs to the ultimate single-target killing.

It is very easy to be evaded by the physical object or the wizard's


In the hands of Voldemort, the speed and accuracy of the gnawing melon

was raised to an unprecedented level.

But another problem is the congenital defect of the curse, and even he

has a very headache.

This is why he is so afraid of Dumbledore.

Although Lao Deng is proficient in everything, he is best at the

transformation spell.

As long as you fight against him, the countless products of

Transfiguration are an inescapable hurdle.

For this reason, Transfiguration is one of Voldemort's most hated magics.

Well, so is Lily's magic of love.

"Do you think I can only kill curses?

Voldemort smiled icyly, a red whip formed on the Elder Wand, smashing

the stone wall to powder, and Alvin Apparated and disappeared in place.

In less than a second, he appeared behind Voldemort, and a dazzling

golden arrow shot from the tip of the staff.

The speed of the meteor was so fast that Voldemort had no time to turn

his head, and the silver shield slid behind him, trying to block it.

But this is of no use.

Just like a piece of paper, the shield didn't hold up for even a second, and

it was pierced with destructive force.

Voldemort's face changed slightly, and his body twisted at an incredible

angle, dodging the arrows dangerously and dangerously.

This waist power, even Nagini would feel ashamed to see it.


A large hole was blasted out of the wall, revealing a cabinet full of

hourglasses, the time management hall of the Department of Mysteries.


Unforgiving, Alvin made a move, and the two statues in the central hall

suddenly came to life.

A statue of a knight rushed over wielding a long sword, while another

statue of a dwarf raised a side of the gravel and threw it out like a


"Alvin, you totally pissed me off! 35

Voldemort snorted angrily, muttering words and making a strange hiss.

This is Parseltongue, Harry hid behind the protective shield held up by

Sirius and others, trying to hear what Voldemort was saying.

Unfortunately, he was so far away that many words could not be heard



An infiltrating roar emanated from under Voldemort's robes, and two

giant pythons crawled out meanderingly, with countless small snakes

behind them.

From Alvin's point of view, it was like Voldemort laying eggs, and he

gave birth to a steady stream of snakes, and he frowned in disgust.

The knight was soon entangled by a giant python, and a battle broke out

between the two sides.

The giant sword slashed at the sturdy scales of the giant python and

bursts of sparks, and it seemed that the winner would be

indistinguishable for a while.

Another giant python was also approaching the dwarf, and in an instant,

the dominance of field control occupied by Alvin was reversed by


"Call God Guard!"

There was no change in Alvin's face, the wand was raised above his head,

and two Patronus came out.

Affected by the venue, the phoenix and unicorn patron saints are not


But the rich silver light on his body seemed like a real entity.



After two chirps, they rushed into the group of snakes to stir up the


Especially the unicorn patron saint, this patron saint has a wonderful

connection with Celestia, and seeing her old enemy, it is even more


"I made a mistake, I should have brought Celestia here, and let her take

revenge herself.

Alvin thought for a while, his wand pointed at the great sword of the

knight statue, a crimson flame erupted from it, and the serpent roared

again and again.

The scale of the battle continued to expand, and the loud rumblings were

heard incessantly. Harry and the others also retreated again and again.

Sirius had some doubts in his heart, he had already informed

Dumbledore, why hasn't the other party arrived yet? Ten.

Chapter 408

Chapter 408 Voldemort – Death Form

"Avada eats a big melon!"

The green light passed Alvin's side and blew the statue of the dwarf who

was entangled with the snake group to pieces.

And Alvin was not to be outdone, one after another thunder struck dead

a large number of poisonous snakes.

Voldemort's anger had reached its peak at this point, and he was no

longer the calm and confident he had when he first arrived at the

Ministry of Magic.

Since he obtained the Elder Wand, his heart has swelled very strongly,

and he does not know who else is his opponent in the magic world at this


That's why Voldemort recruited Alvin because he was confident that he

could overcome everything.

But reality gave him a slap in the face.

In front of everyone's eyes, he actually stalemate with Alvin.

How could Voldemort, who was full of confidence in his own strength,

endure this?

It is a pity that the "three three seven" emotions of anger cannot improve

his combat effectiveness, after watching his army of snakes be wiped out

by two patron saints and knights wielding flaming great swords.

He knew he couldn't hide.

Some of the means that were originally reserved to deal with

Dumbledore need to be taken out, otherwise, the reputation among the

Death Eaters will not be affected.

There may also be a siege from Dumbledore who is sure to come.

With his left hand beside his mouth, embroidered mouth spit, it is half a

prosperous Tang.

Bah! It's on the set.

He spat out a mass of fiery red fire, and the fire snake quickly took shape,

replacing the previous giant python as the front row.

Immediately afterwards, Voldemort raised his arm, and a powerful magic


In an instant, countless pieces of glass that were used for decoration or

lighting were shattered and turned into shards that filled the sky,

accompanied by his sudden pressing of the palm of his hand,

overwhelming the sky and hitting Alvin.

The surrounding wizards are about to suffocate, is this the realm of magic


The spells that are at your fingertips, the continuous attacks, and even

the most common bullets are all transformed into magical changes in

their hands.

Sirius and the others silently put themselves in the position of Alvin, and

found that if they could last for a minute, it would be considered an

extraordinary performance.

Moody and Kingsley may be stronger, but after three minutes, they will

also fall into defeat.

Seeing the fierce fire that expanded in size again, everyone silently

retreated to the corner of the stairs and continued to watch the battle

with their heads pointed.

Although it is very dangerous, such a powerful wizard can meet and

cannot be sought, and they cannot give up such a rare opportunity.

Looking at the glass fragments in the air, they were still changing during

the flight, and each piece turned into a sharp needle.

Alvin took a deep breath, and the deviance wand emitted a burst of

colorful light to greet him. All the glass that touched the colorful light

turned into butterflies and flew freely.

For a time, there was a hint of romance in this dangerous duel.

His offensive was easily defused by Alvin, and Voldemort's face did not

reveal the slightest surprise.

This is just a means he uses to delay time, just now, he has completed his

secret technique.

"Alvin, you've lost.

Voldemort, who felt that he was winning, regained his calmness and said


Seeing his eyes that had turned from scarlet to green, Alvin felt an

uncomfortable feeling.

He didn't feel any improvement in Voldemort's magic, but it felt so real.

"Avada eats a big melon!'35

Two more swifter and darker killing curses than before hit the two patron

saints, blasting them into a cloud of silver smoke, which floated in the



Keenly aware of a familiar aura, Alvin stared behind Voldemort.

Immediately afterwards, the knight statue was also solved by Voldemort,

and the changes on him were completely completed.

The green light enveloped Voldemort tightly, and a figure wielding a

sickle floated behind him, appearing a little blurry.

And Alvin, finally understood why he felt that familiar feeling.

grim Reaper.

This is the breath of death.

The only big loss that Alvin suffered was the gift from the god of death in

the underworld.

Although he only saw the huge palm that covered the sky, he was sure

that the phantom behind Voldemort must have a great connection with

the god of death.

There was an expression of pain and enjoyment on the pale and terrifying

face, and it took Voldemort more than ten seconds to recover…

Seeing that he didn't say a word, he just played two big melons, which

made Alvin raise his eyebrows.

This was the first time Voldemort had cast the Death-Catching Charm


As the most efficient and direct spell for killing people, the Killing Curse

does not kill someone knowing the spell.

He has something to do with the magic power of the wizard, and also has

something to do with the wizard's strong will to kill.

In the original book, Barty Jr., disguised as Moody, once said that even if

the group of students cast the Killing Curse on him, it would only leave

him with a nosebleed at most.

Therefore, in order to strengthen their will and the determination to kill,

even those wizards who have mastered the skills of silent spellcasting

will not silently cast the Death Slayer.

The same is true of Voldemort, who may face other people, it does not

matter whether he recites a spell or not, but against Alvin, silent casting

can only be a waste of his own magic.

Wanting to feel the difference between Voldemort now, Alvin did not

choose to avoid, but threw the same two golden arrows, and the two

came to confront each other.

A strange thing happened, the spells of the two sides met, and the meteor

only lasted for less than two seconds, melting like ice and snow.

And the Slaughter Curse still exists, with the breath of annihilating all

things indomitable.

Alvin's face changed slightly, his figure disappeared in place, and the wall

behind him suffered 1.0, and a bottomless hole was drilled.


Seeing that his spell had such a strong effect, Voldemort laughed wildly.

He was also experimenting with this secret technique for the first time,

but he did not expect the power to be so powerful.

After Voldemort's resurrection, he made several Horcruxes again, and

gained a deeper understanding of soul killing, which made his Slaughter

Curse rise to an unprecedented level.

"Alvin!~Didn't you let me kill you! Stand in front of me, coward!

The wand in his hand was flying, and the green light filled the room, and

Alvin was not reckless, constantly Apparating to avoid his attacks.

For a time, Voldemort actually had an absolute advantage!

Chapter 409

Chapter 409 The Terrible Arvada, Dumbledore Arrives

In the room filled with green light, Alvin kept Apparating in a small


His speed was very fast, almost leaving an afterimage.

Usually before he stood firm, Voldemort's spell came to him, and he

could only continue to avoid it.

Voldemort's Avada Suo is really powerful at this time, and there is a rule

in it.

Just like Alvin's spell, it is conceptually "killed" by it.

This situation is unheard of, and no one has ever thought that even a

spell can be 'killed'


Any person or item touched by the gnawing melon at this time will be

destroyed, and the spell will not stop until the rules are exhausted.

Even Alvin can't guarantee that he can withstand a few times with

Avalon's hard resistance, after all, both are conceptual-level abilities.

The way to survive is to go first.

Alvin wouldn't do that kind of unsure thing either.

Because of this, he did not choose to resist hard, but to deal with the

nearby, experience the concept of death.

At the current state of 13, every time he wants to improve a little, Alvin

can only do it by drawing super-spec prizes or taking a long time to


This time to solve Voldemort, there are unexpected gains.

Alvin gave Tom a compliment silently in his heart, and then made a


And Voldemort was furious.

Is this person a loach? I can't fight no matter what!

Watching Alvin tossing and turning in the air, Voldemort vomited blood.

Proficient in combat magic and shapeshifting magic, he recognized it,

which can be said to be an Alvin genius.

But why does Apparition, which can only be used as an adult, play so


With a wave of the elder wand, Voldemort frantically poured magic into

the shadow of death behind him.

The phantom quickly solidified, even leaving Voldemort, wielding a

scythe and slashing like Alvin.


What is this? A douchebag?

Alvin's scalp was numb, and he didn't dare to play anymore.

Endless light bloomed from his whole body, and the deviance wand in his

hand also bloomed with golden light.

The two complement each other and weave a big net.

"Amintok's Web!"

Commanding the big net to distribute in the void in front of him, he

surrounded the shadows of the god of death, and the place where the two

touched made a sizzling sound.

Seeing that his lore was under control, Voldemort's pupils showed an

unbelievable look.

In the end, the phantom and the light network perished together and

disappeared in mid-air.

And he also completely got out of the state just now and returned to


Looking at the calm Alvin, Voldemort felt a rare fear in his heart, he

knew that he had lost.

Although the death mode is powerful, the magic power consumed is not

a small number, and now he is just forcibly supporting the surface


And Alvin is also very satisfied with his magic, this light magic from the

inheritance of the lord of endless brilliance, Olympus, is definitely the

nemesis of black magic.

While the two were facing each other, a silver thread suddenly emerged

from the gaps in all directions, forming a huge barrier that enveloped the


At the same time, an old voice also appeared in Voldemort's ears.

"Tom, I'm definitely not letting you escape this time!"

Voldemort's face changed greatly, even if he died again, he would not

forget the master of this voice.


Along with a flash of fire, Dumbledore and a rebellious middle-aged man

with white hair stepped out of the ring of fire and came to Alvin's side.

And Harry and others who had already hid upstairs also came over in

surprise. With Dumbledore and Alvin present, today's Voldemort is

unable to fly!

"Sorry, Gaunt, for leaving you fighting alone for so long. 35

Dumbledore said apologetically, he actually came very early, just to

prevent Voldemort from escaping, he and Grindelwald teamed up to

arrange an anti-apparition formation.

So it took so long.

"Oh, I thought the Headmaster wanted to see me and Voldemort lose

both, and then come out and take advantage of the fisherman."

Alvin responded with a half-smile, and what he said made Dumbledore a

little embarrassed.

In fact, he really has such a plan, after all, the two are now in a hostile


It's just that he had to show up when he saw that Voldemort had lost his


Since you can't solve all the problems at the same time, let's deal with the

longest entanglement first!

A flash of coldness flashed in his eyes, Dumbledore's lips moved slightly,

and a voice that could only be heard by Harry entered his ears, causing

his complexion to change greatly.

With an encouraging look at Harry, he took a big step forward,

confronting Voldemort in place of Alvin.

"Tom, after so many years, it's time for you and me to make a conclusion.

A wand appeared in his hand, and Dumbledore took the lead in


"Shidun is dispatched! 99

More than a dozen statues took heavy steps, obeying Dumbledore's call,

and came from other floors.

Looking at the statue that seemed to be alive, Alvin used it to compare it

with his own methods, and found that Dumbledore gave the

transfiguration product a higher spirituality than him.

Like real creatures, these statues can think and cooperate.

Although the magic power contained is not as much as he has changed,

and the hardness is a little worse, the effect is also not weak.

Seeing his thoughtful look, Grindelwald quietly came to Alvin's side.

337 "Dumbledore relied on this trick to suppress me back then, but the

number is much more than now, there are hundreds of them."9

"The most troublesome thing is that I broke a few, and they can combine

freely and rejoin the battle.

"Then you are really good enough, the Elder Wand was in your hands at

that time!

Angrily, Deng Chui, the greatest magician in the world, gave Deng Chui

an angry look, and Alvin continued to watch the battle between the two.

Obviously, after being beaten by him, Voldemort lost too much magic

power, and he no longer dared to use the Killing Curse or other black

magic recklessly.

You can only deal with Dumbledore with all kinds of little magic.

And those Death Eaters got his orders and attacked the barrier frantically.

As long as the barrier was broken, they could still use Apparition to


It is a pity that the results of the joint efforts of Grindelwald and

Dumbledore, how can they be shaken by them?

Didn't see Lao Ge just standing there and watching, didn't even mean to

stop it?

I just saw Shuai9270's reward and various data. To be honest, I am really

flattered that I can still receive a reward of 50 in the later stage of the


Money is not the most important thing, the sense of recognition brought

by the reward is what makes the little author happiest, and the little

author is also wishing all readers a happy Father's Day!

Chapter 410

Chapter 410 To Deal With This Kind Of Dark Lord, We Don'T Need To

Talk About Morality!

The burning hatred is used as a driving force, and the blooming killing

intent turns into a sharp blade.

Voldemort waved his Elder Wand vigorously.

"Bang! Boom! Boom! 35

With three muffled sounds in a row, several statues were blasted away by

two jet-black spells, and a huge depression appeared in front of them.

A black mist with a strong corrosive aura emanated from the statue, and

it quickly turned into a pool of golden liquid.

But Voldemort was not at all happy, his eyes swept to Alvin and

Grindelwald who had never made a move, and his heart became heavier.

This is the most dangerous situation he has encountered since his debut.

Even when it ravaged the magical world in England, it never encountered

three besiegings of the same level.

If he had known this, he would not have risked coming to the Ministry of

Magic to steal some prophecy ball.

All TM lai Harry Potter!

Thinking of this, he glanced at the shivering Savior hiding in the corner

with murderous intent.

"hurry up!"

A burst of noisy footsteps sounded, and Crouch and a group of Aurors

stayed outside the barrier.

When they saw the man who fought against Dumbledore, the expressions

of several veteran Aurors suddenly changed wildly.


And those new-generation Aurors who had never seen Voldemort before

heard the exclamations of these old seniors, and they also looked


Is Voldemort really back?

Crouch's face was grim. He tried it and found that he couldn't break the

barrier, so he led the Aurors scattered around to watch the world-

shattering battle.

All he had to do was make sure none of the Death Eaters could get away.

And the Death Eaters inside are even more desperate one by one.

This is a real world, and I can't escape even if I want to run.

Alvin saw all the actors and the audience, and when he rolled his eyes, it

was righteousness and stern words.

"To deal with a dark wizard like Voldemort, we don't have to talk about

morality. `!"

"Mr. Grindelwald, let's take action together and take down this Dark


After he finished speaking, he raised his wand in his hand, and a

terrifying thunderstorm formed, and then slammed down like a silver


The corners of Grindelwald's mouth twitched, this little guy is really

going further and further on the road of not being a human being.

Helplessly aiming at Voldemort, a blue flame also spewed out.


Voldemort's angry roar sounded, and he displayed a silver shield in front

of him.

But he faced the attacks of the three at the same time, and the shield only

lasted for less than a second before it shattered, and he also took

advantage of this time to cast an apparition and came to Harry's side.

"Avada eats a big melon!

Casting his life-threatening spell again, Voldemort really gave his life this


He would rather risk the risk of being bombarded by Dumbledore and kill

Harry, the source of everything!

To his surprise, this time he encountered unprecedented obstacles in

casting the spell, as if resisting him and attacking Harry.

But in the end, he still 'forced' the Elder Wand to cast this life-suppressing

spell with his deep-rooted killing intent and powerful magic.

Through his glasses, Harry stared motionless at the green light that

gradually took over his entire field of vision, recalling what Dumbledore

had just said to him.

"Harry, only by letting Voldemort's Killing Curse hit you can you

completely cut off the connection between you and him, and let him

suffer a strong backlash!"

"Don't worry, I'm 80% sure I can survive!""

In a short moment, he experienced countless choices in his heart.

Thinking that this time, it was because of the false memory that

Voldemort presented him that Ginny and others were trapped in danger.

In the end, Harry closed his eyes and opened his hands under the

horrified gazes of countless people.

Welcome to the bright green light!

"You go over there!"

At the same time as the war at the Ministry of Magic.

Vida Rozier was followed by a group of wizards, with Snape standing

beside him, and the group came to Malfoy Manor.

"Thunderbolt explosion!

The bursting spell cast by dozens of wizards was extremely terrifying,

and it completely destroyed the protection of this pure-blood family.

There were still some Death Eaters in the manor at this time, and they

responded quickly after being attacked.

For a time, explosions and screams were heard everywhere, and from

time to time there were eerie green lights that flickered away.

Unfortunately, the Death Eaters were quickly dismantled by the more

dominant Saints, who handed over their wands and were captured.

No way, these people are too ruthless, and they don't talk about martial

arts at all, they often fight one out of three.


A saint let out a shrill scream, and a giant python sprang out from the

depths of the bushes, biting off his neck at an incredible speed.

The python's body was extremely flexible, and the saint died before he

could release any magic spell.

But his screams also successfully attracted the attention of others, and the

five saints tacitly attacked the giant python.

After a lot of effort, it was successfully tied up with countless deformed


Rhoda Vizier walked into the hall with elegant steps, and nodded slightly

to Snape beside him.

White 々 Mr. Snape, our task has been completed, and the rest is left to

you. ""

She got Grindelwald's order to capture this manor, and nothing else.

A group of Death Eaters who were pinned to the ground also looked at

him angrily.


Is it you who brought the devil here?

And Snape turned a blind eye to these eyes, he searched in the crowd,

and quickly found the target.

"Narcissa, come here.

Hearing this, Narcissa Malfoy walked beside Snape in a panic.

"Severus, what the hell is going on here?"

The Malfoy family had a very good relationship with Snape, who was

also Draco Malfoy's godfather.

So, Narcissa wasn't too worried that Snape would hurt her, just a little

surprised why he would betray Voldemort.

"Narcissa, I've always belonged to Dumbledore," Snape said with a slight


Wait, he seems to be Alvin's man now, but that doesn't really matter.

"Now the Mysterious Man and Lucius have fallen into a trap, and the

Ministry of Magic at this time can be described as an endless network. 99

"So, if you still want to save your husband's life, then just obey me.

Narcissa Malfoy immediately panicked when she heard this.

"Severus, you are Draco's godfather, you must help us!"

"Don't worry, as long as you give me what I want, I guarantee they will

be safe."

Chapter 411

Chapter 411 Voldemort'S End

The Division of Mysteries.

Harry's actions frightened Sirius and others.

Because of the incompatibility of the wand, the speed of Voldemort's

spell was not as fast as before.

With his Seeker's reflexes, he had no time to dodge the attack.

But Harry just stood there completely dumb, motionless.

And finally gave up resistance completely, closed his eyes and waited.

When Voldemort saw this scene, a sneer appeared on his face


After fifteen years of entanglement, his grievance with Harry is finally

about to end today!

In an instant, Harry was overwhelmed by the green light and lost all


"Do not!"

Ginny cried out in grief, desperately trying to rush to Harry's side, but

was suppressed by Tonks beside her.

And Voldemort's reaction was even bigger. The moment he hit Harry, his

head seemed to be smashed with a heavy hammer.

The pain that penetrated his soul made Voldemort roar uncontrollably,

staggered back a few steps, and suddenly fell to the ground.

This was a situation that no one expected, and they were all stunned for a


But the three Alvin who knew the inside story did not waste this great


There was a piercing golden glow from his wand, the blue of Grindelwald

and the red of Dumbledore.

Three attacks of different colors hit Voldemort lying dead at almost the

same time, destroying his body.

Subject to such a strong stimulus, Voldemort's soul quickly awakened,

and when he saw that he had become a lone ghost again, he let out

bursts of roars.

It's only one year!

He originally wanted to take revenge on Harry and Dumbledore with full

confidence, how did he fall into such a field after only a year?

What made him even more desperate was that Harry, who he thought

had been completely killed, moved his fingers slightly, and then opened

his eyes.

"I'm not dead?"

Harry looked around blankly, he clearly remembered that he had entered

a vast white space, why did he come back when he opened his eyes?

"What exactly is going on?!

Voldemort let out a scream, and he didn't understand why his own

Death-Catching Curse couldn't kill Harry, but he still hurt himself so


Dumbledore walked to Harry's side and kindly helped him up.

"Harry, you have done a great job, and if I were still the headmaster, I

would definitely give you 200 points.

His eyes were full of relief, and that kind of attitude towards death

calmly was not something that any kind of person could have.

And when he looked up at Voldemort, he was relieved with three points,

three points of regret, and four points of emotion.

"Tom, you didn't understand the emotion of love until now?

Voldemort's soul floating in the air is a question mark, what does this

have to do with love?

In fact, Dumbledore and Alvin were so confident that Harry would


Among them, the factor of the Elder Wand accounts for half, and Lily's

magic cannot be ignored.

This magic will protect Harry until he reaches adulthood, before it loses

its effect.

There was another burst of Apparition, and Snape and Rhoda Vizier also

appeared outside the enchantment with people.

They were still holding a few things in their hands, and behind them was

this big, tightly bound snake.

"Snape! How dare you betray me!"9

There was a gloomy wind, and Voldemort had already recognized it.

Snape's Horcrux was in his hand, with the Brazilian python behind him.

Except for Bella, most of him is here.

Dumbledore breathed a sigh of relief when he saw them coming.

He knew that the Horcruxes here were not all, but only the gold cup in

Bella's hand was left, and the problem became much simpler.

And what surprised him even more was behind him.

A middle-aged man with a haggard face and a green wizard hat appeared

beside Snape and silently handed over a gold cup.

"Snape, I have done your business, remember the conditions you

promised me."

After speaking, he glanced at (bdba) Voldemort full of hatred, and left

the Ministry of Magic before the others could react.

This man is Rodolphus Lestrange, Bella's original husband.

He was an avid Death Eater, and Bella served together with Voldemort.

But when he saw Bella and Voldemort having sex, not only did they not

feel ashamed, but they also let him watch the door afterwards.

From then on, the man's loyalty to the Dark Lord was gone, and all that

remained was endless hatred.

Under Alvin's instruction, Snape turned him back in a few words.

Voldemort arranged for him to take care of Bella who was pregnant, and

he also took this opportunity to sneak up on Bella and stole the gold cup.

Completed vengeance against Voldemort.

"Master, when you killed Lily, did you think that you were still so


Snape spoke coldly, and the unforgettable hatred made the expression on

his face a little distorted.

Even though Lily was pulled back by Alvin, the pain of the yin and yang

had tormented him for more than ten years!

Dumbledore and Grindelwald also opened a hole in the barrier at the

right time, allowing Snape to throw all the Horcruxes in.

"Flying Horcrux!"

Alvin waved his hand, and with the big snake, all four Horcruxes flew in

his direction.

"Professor, I am relatively experienced in destroying Horcruxes, so let me

do it."

Looking at Dumbledore, who was a little wary, Alvin explained with a

smile, and then summoned a fierce fire to cover several Horcruxes.

And he took the opportunity to contact the system and exchanged all the

souls into system gold coins in an instant.

The 20,000 gold coins were worth the hard work he had put in for a


The black mist in the air continued to twist and evaporate, and everyone

present could hear Voldemort's wailing.

Four, no, five Horcruxes were destroyed at the same time, and even he

couldn't bear this kind of backlash.

Under the desperate eyes of the Death Eaters and the ecstatic expressions

of others, the black mist gradually turned into nothingness.

Just when Alvin thought that the first boss was over, an accident


The last wisp of soul fragment was burning with green flames, ignoring

the barrier of the barrier, rushing out of the blockage like a meteor and


"what happened?!

Not only him, Dumbledore's complexion also changed, looking at

Grindelwald beside him, "Didn't you say he can only make nine


Grindelwald was silent, and after a while, he looked at Harry, who was a

little sluggish, and said faintly.

"Perhaps, this is because one of the Horcruxes was formed too

ingeniously to make him unaware of the problem?"

Chapter 412

Chapter 412: The Beginning Of Chaos

Grindelwald also had no idea how this would happen.

According to his calculations, no matter who they are, they will reach

their limit after making nine Horcruxes.

Because the capacity of the soul is limited.

But Voldemort just now subverted his argument. In the state of the soul,

once all the Horcruxes are destroyed, the soul has no right to stay in the


It will soon fade away.

And Voldemort obviously still has the existence of a Horcrux, so that he

can escape at the last moment – here.

After thinking about it for a long time, Grindelwald could only push the

pot to Harry, after all, only his Horcrux was special.

And Dumbledore looked at his brooding old friend, and did not continue

to ask.

Magical things are magical and cannot be expressed in constant formulas.

So Voldemort escaped. Although disappointed, he could accept it in his


He could see that in the end Voldemort's soul was very unstable.

He comforted himself with optimism in his heart, he opened the barrier,

and Crouch waved his hand when he saw this, letting all the Aurors

surround the group of Death Eaters.

Dolokhov and others wanted to fight to the death to see if they could


But at this moment, Lucius Malfoy suddenly launched an attack with a

few people behind him, knocking down a group of diehards by surprise.

"Little Barty! Don't do it yet!"

Crouch shouted angrily, and Barty Jr found that his body was out of

control and attacked his companions.

With their help, the Aurors subdued everyone with little effort.

It's just that they didn't relax their vigilance and used their wands to aim

at Barty Jr. and others.

Although these people turned against the water, they looked like they

saw Voldemort escape and made a helpless choice.

"They are the undercover agents I arranged under Voldemort, Mr. Crouch

won't attack the meritorious people?"

Alvin walked over slowly and patted Lucius Malfoy on the shoulder.

"Yeah, Mr. Crouch, and Malfoy echoed, "We stayed with Voldemort

according to Mr. Gaunt's instructions.

"Even today's action is what I told Mr. Gaunt in advance to successfully

save Harry Potter and others."

Crouch looked at him with disgust. He had always hated Death Eaters.

When he was the head of the Law Enforcement Department at the

Ministry of Magic, he wanted to put all Death Eaters in prison.

But it's a pity that he was fooled by many pure blood families.

They escaped by falsely claiming that they had been under the Imperius

Curse and had been poisoned so that they had to obey Voldemort's


Now that he has such an opportunity, he is really unwilling to let him let

go of Lucius Malfoy.

But under the eyes of Alvin Gujing Wubo, he still said to the Aurors:

"Send a few people to follow them, and let's talk after a thorough


The Aurors agreed without hesitation, and it was a great achievement for

Crouch to bring them here today.

Fudge is obviously completely finished, and now they, the Aurors, have

to pick a new mountain.

Crouch, who has always shown a tough style, is a good choice.

There is a saying that the official messenger always appears at the end.

Fudge has fully proved the correctness of this statement.

After the battlefield was basically cleaned up, he hurriedly brought his

men to the scene.

"What the hell is going on?!"

Fudge looked in shock at the ruins of the Department of Mysteries, and

even the upper and lower floors were also destroyed in a mess.

"My Merlin!" He exclaimed, and soon saw Dumbledore who was talking

to Crouch.

and Grindelwald beside him.

"Ha! Dumbledore, you shouldn't be here, you did all this?"

With a hint of disbelief in the panic, what is Dumbledore trying to do,

completely destroy the Ministry of Magic?

Soon he discovered something was wrong.

Why are so many wizards being watched over by Aurors?

Dumbledore said cheerfully, "Connelly, in fact, I have only contributed a

little to everything here.

"I think you should ask Mr. Gaunt and Voldemort more, they are the

main force."

The officials who followed Fudge had expressions of panic.

"Dumbledore, You-Know-Who is dead, don't use him as a shield!"

Grindelwald sneered, "Dumbledore, you were forced to go to me by this


This kind of straw bag can actually become a Minister of Magic. If the

European Ministry of Magic was all this kind of stuff, he might have

succeeded long ago.

Dumbledore blinked, "Maybe it's just me wanting to go on vacation?35

・・・・For flowers・0

The two ignored Fudge, and the evidence was so overwhelming that no

matter how much he quibble, he could not cover up the truth.

Under the testimony of all the Aurors, there is also the existence of the

group of Death Eaters on the ground.

Fudge's face was pale, and he knew what a wrong decision he had made

this year.

But it was all too late.

"Connelly, I will impeach you as a senior official at the Ministry of


"Because of your mistakes, the news of Voldemort's resurrection was

ignored by the public, causing great harm.

Crouch's sharp eyes glanced at Fudge, who was already sweating, and his

tone was very intriguing.

"I have reason to suspect that you have become one of the Death Eaters.

"Blood spurts!

Fudge was about to vomit blood, when did he become a Death Eater?

Why is it so hard to keep the position of Minister of Magic!

He tried to communicate with Dumbledore, but was ruthlessly rejected,

and then he saw Alvin standing next to Harry.

Like grabbing the last straw, Fudge licked his smiling face and leaned


"Mr. Gaunt, thank you for your contribution to maintaining the peace of

the Ministry of Magic, tomorrow's Daily Prophet must be a wonderful

report of your struggle against the mysterious man.

Fudge swears that this is the most flattering he has ever been in his life,

and even licking Dumbledore has never been so humble.

Alvin, who was about to explain the cause and effect to Harry, was also a

little impatient.

"Fudge, don't you know it's rude to interrupt someone's conversation?

MD! Do you want to be so realistic that the minister doesn't even call?

Hard, his fists were hard, Fudge's face quickly flushed red, and his

temples throbbed.

He hasn't stepped down yet. Believe it or not, he ordered you to be

arrested now?

For a time, the anger came out of the heart, and the evil turned to the



"Sorry, Mr. Gaunt, I was reckless. I'll visit you tomorrow, tomorrow, and

we'll talk in detail then."

With a stiff smile on his face, Fudge looked at the busy people around


For a time, he felt that he had been excluded from the circle…

And Alvin said to Harry with a gentle smile after driving Fudge away.

"Come on, let's continue." Ten.

Chapter 413

Chapter 413 The Great Earthquake! Reckoning!

In any society, people at the bottom are sad.

They can never confirm the authenticity of the news they receive, and

passively live in the so-called truth.

So much so that when the truth emerges, they realize how wrong they


How much can happen in one night?

Many people have no concept of this time, thinking that it is enough for a

dinner and a sweet dream.

And after seeing the Daily Prophet, the wizards in England realized how

fantastic things happened after they fell asleep.

It's simply out of line!

"Shocking! The mysterious man returns! Appears in the Department of


"Hero! Alvin Gaunt fights against Mysterio! In the end, he wins!"

"We have a traitor! Crouch angrily scolded Fudge "Three-Three-Seven" as

a Death Eater!"

Looking at the headlines that subverted the three views, these wizards

who looked at the newspapers wiped their eyes subconsciously.

You must be dreaming, haven't you woken up yet?

Or is April Fool's Day early?

After reading the three reports, everyone has a clear understanding of

what happened to the Ministry of Magic yesterday.

First, Harry Potter and other students broke into the Ministry of Magic at

night, and then they were attacked by Death Eaters in the Ministry of


Immediately afterwards, the Ministry of Magic seemed to be dead, and

there was no one on duty, and Harry and the others were rescued by

Sirius Black and others.

An even more terrifying thing happened. The mysterious man, the Dark

Lord who had long disappeared from everyone's eyes, appeared directly.

If it hadn't been for Alvin Gaunt to stop him, he might have gotten what

he wanted and left.

As for what caused the mysterious man to attack the Ministry of Magic so

much, the newspaper did not mention it, and people speculated that it

was probably a powerful weapon.

The mysterious man must want to obtain this weapon and then rule the

entire magical world!

In the end, under the siege of Gaunt, Dumbledore and Grindelwald, his

conspiracy failed and he escaped with serious injuries.

And when everything was over, Fudge, the Minister of Magic, was long

overdue and knew nothing of what happened.

This is the 'truth' presented to the public in the newspapers.

Although there are some gaps with the facts, in general, it is enough to

be appalling.

After learning everything, the wizards were furious!

As early as a year ago, Dumbledore and Harry Potter had preached to

them about the resurrection of You-Know-Who.

It was the Ministry of Magic that kept telling them it was fiction and they

were safe.

As a result, they lived ignorantly for a year in this dangerous


The anger of the majority of the wizards could no longer be suppressed,

and they were no longer satisfied with the protest method of sending

roaring letters, because it was completely displeased.

Countless wizards Apparated to the entrance of the Ministry of Magic,

marching and protesting.

They don't care about wizarding secrecy laws, and they must make Fudge


As a result, in the next few days, the entire magical world was in chaos,

and the Ministry of Magic had to send a large number of people to

maintain order and eliminate the memory of accidentally injured


Even the Aurors have dispatched several teams, and they usually don't

care about these tedious chores.

And what about Fudge, the source of all storms?

He has now been imprisoned in his own mansion under semi-house

arrest, there is no need to go out, and all rights to communicate with

others are prohibited.

Everyone knows that he is done.

And those who hoped to become Minister of Magic also started their own


Aside from Scrimgeour and Burns, who were already popular candidates,

Barty Crowe Sr. emerged as one of the most promising candidates to

become the next minister.

The reason is very simple. A year ago, he stood firmly on Dumbledore's

side, believing that Voldemort had returned, and repeatedly reminded

ordinary wizards to pay attention to their safety.

This move made many people feel good about him and hoped that he

would become the next Minister of Magic.

"Let go of me! Let go of me! 35

At Hogwarts, Umbridge's scream was extraordinarily weak under the

cheers of the surrounding students.

"I'm the Headmaster of Hogwarts! And the Senior Deputy Minister of

Magic! You have no right to do this to me!

"I want to see Minister Fudge! I bleed for him! I did my deeds for him!"

The two Aurors held her arms tightly, and Lockhart held Umbridge's

wand in his hand…

After Fudge lost power, his cronies would naturally be liquidated one by


And Umbridge is the first to bear the brunt, Alvin has long been

impatient with this toad.

Dumbledore didn't show up at school for two days, so he asked Lockhart

to come over first to solve the problem.

Lockhart is hot now, and after Fudge's downfall, he took out a lot of

evidence that he accepted bribes from pure-blood families, and stabbed

him to the last.

It's so hard to die, those families are still Death Eaters, such as Crabbe,

Goyle, and the Malfoy family.

Of course, the Malfoy family has been whitewashed, they are the

meritorious people who have endured humiliation and provided

information to Mr. Gaunt under the command of Voldemort.

With these credits, Lockhart also became the deputy director of the Law

Enforcement Division.

Today, his purpose is to liquidate the evidence that Umbridge committed

at Hogwarts during this time.

Taking out a piece of parchment, Lockhart showed his signature smile to

the onlookers, and received a scream.

Waving at them with enjoyment, Lockhart cleared his throat and said


"Dolores Umbridge, you are suspected of interfering with the normal

teaching order at Hogwarts and punishing students by illegally using the

black magic.

"And, acted as the mysterious man's inner responder at the Ministry of

Magic, providing him with a lot of intelligence 1.0.

"The Ministry of Magic will now hold you in lawful custody pending trial

at Wizengamore.35

"I'm not!" Umbridge struggled frantically, "I'm not a Death Eater!"

She knew that he would never admit to this crime, and that if she only

helped Fudge to do something wrong at Hogwarts, she would still have a


But if he was really identified as a Death Eater, he would definitely be

able to put Azkaban in prison.

"Whether it's a Death Eater or not, it doesn't count what you said, and

what I said doesn't count either."

Lockhart leaned closer to Umbridge's ear, looking at Alvin out of the

corner of his eye.

"The truth is only in the hands of the strong, and your struggles are


After speaking, he just stood up and waved his hand, "Take it away!"

Chapter 414

Chapter 414 Gemini'S Gratitude, The New Minister Of Magic

The sad ending of Umbridge also means that Hogwarts is back on track


At the same time, it once again proved Voldemort's curse on this position.

However, since it is the end of the semester, the fifth and seventh grades

who have completed the exams are excluded.

The other little wizards just celebrated briefly, and then re-entered the

intense exam.

As for the two grades who have passed the exam, they are enjoying the

most relaxing time at the end of the semester.

After Harry published the news in the Daily Prophet, he immediately

received an apology and admiration from countless people.

He was recorded in the newspaper as a person who insisted on the truth

and kept trying to protect everyone's image, which made many readers


Although many people are also swearing before the newspaper and the

Ministry of Magic colluded to cover up the truth.

However, most people also know that some things cannot be decided by

the newspaper itself, and the root of the matter is those rotten politicians.

For a time, Harry got the treatment of Alvin at the beginning. Every time

it was time for dinner, a large group of owls would rush into the

auditorium and throw him a lot of baggage.

There are apology letters, as well as various souvenirs and gifts.

This has caused him to not have a good meal for 13 days, and these little

guys will leave him some 'prize' every time they go


"Thank you, Alvin."

Fred gave him a firm hug, thanking him for protecting Ginny and Ron at

the Ministry of Magic.

After George and Fred left at Umbridge, their expulsion order was

automatically rescinded, and they became students at Hogwarts again.

In order to allow the two to graduate smoothly, Professor McGonagall

wants them to repeat their grades and take the N.E.W.S.T exam next


The twins' faces changed with fright. God knows how happy they have

been for more than a month.

After the joke shop opened, they earned the sum of all the years they

spent at Hogwarts in a month.

And Alia also noticed their booming business. After finding out that they

were all working for Alvin, the two parties together were ready to open

up overseas markets.

Now the twins are sharpening their knives and preparing to open their

own shop to the European continent. As a result, Professor McGonagall

asked them to come back to school and delay for a year. Only a fool

would be willing.

So, under Mag's hateful eyes, the two ran out of the office and came out

to find Alvin.

"It's okay, we're all friends.

Alvin waved his hand, indicating that they don't have to be so polite, and

then exhorted:

"You two don't go too far, Voldemort has not completely fallen, and now

he is the most difficult time to deal with.

"Be careful when he kills Diagon Alley and blows up your two stores.

The twins shrank their necks at the same time. The two of them wanted

to turn Voldemort into a spoof prop to win attention, but Alvin did not


Harry also looked at these two daring fellows with admiration, and no

one dared to mention Voldemort's name.

These two are good, they are already thinking about how to let

Voldemort make money for them, and they deserve to be rich.

"By the way, Fred looked around the auditorium and finally looked at the

staff seat, where the headmaster's seat was always vacant.

"Where's Dumbledore? Umbridge is gone, should he be back?"

In Crouch's mansion, Dumbledore sat opposite the owner, Barty Crouch


Lao Deng's complexion looks good, but his hair and beard are a little

messy, obviously he hasn't taken care of it much these days.

But it is not surprising that Fudge was completely cool, and Voldemort

had to deal with such a big thing himself.

He has been so busy these days.

Especially when he and Grindelwald appeared together, which touched

the sensitive nerves of many people.

The first Dark Lord and the greatest white wizard teamed up to defeat the

second Dark Lord, the implication of which is unthinkable.

In order to appease the emotions of these people, Dumbledore also spent

a lot of effort.

And today he came to Crouch for one important thing, that is, the

position of Minister of Magic.

After experiencing Fudge's incident, he also understood how much

trouble a cooperative Minister of Magic would save him.

Now he and Crouch are in the honeymoon period, and the other party

has shared a lot of pressure from the Ministry of Magic for him over the

past year.

Even in Grindelwald's case, he was a big help.

Just because Crouch persuaded the people on the International

Federation of Wizards, he had the opportunity to live in peace with his

old friends.

Compared with the hot-tempered Scrimgeour and the old-fashioned

Burns, Crouch's ability is undoubtedly above the two of them.

Fudge would never have been Minister of Magic had it not been for the

crimes of Barty Crouch Jr.

As for Barty Jr., Dumbledore never worried, he was a man who was very

willing to give people a chance to correct him.

Even, he believes that only when a person makes mistakes, will he go all

out to get better.

Thinking of this, he looked at Barty Crouch Jr, who was sitting

motionless in the chair, and his tone was gentle.

"Then Barty, can you tell me how you let Barty betray you?"

He clearly knew that Barty Jr. was a fanatical follower of Voldemort, and

he almost killed Barty the old last year.

But how could such a person turn against the water at the time of the

Ministry of Magic 337?

"I used a potion for him to temporarily control him for a while at a

critical time."

Old Barty Crouch didn't hide it, and simply told the information.

Dumbledore nodded slightly, and did not suspect anything. The Crouch

family is also a pure-blood family with profound background, and it is

not uncommon to have some strange methods.

It's just that the only thing he has some doubts is, when was this

medicine given?

"Dumbledore," Crouch said in a deep voice, "I'll give Wizengamore an

account about Barty Jr."

"I can step down from all my duties, and Barty will live in Crouch Manor


Although Alvin told him that Barty Jr would return as a hero, Crouch

wanted a face.

He knew how many bastards his son had done, and it was enough to save

his life.

For the rest of his life, he is estimated to be the reproductive machine of

the Crouch family, used to pass on the lineage.

And Dumbledore did shake his head, rejecting his offer.

"Barty, I suggest you think about it, and let him go over the matter of

little Barty."

"I think you have more important things to do next. 35

Sorry for getting up late, the next chapter is a little late….

Chapter 415

Chapter 415 The Script Has Already Been Arranged By Alvin

Dumbledore looked at Crouch with admiration, and was very satisfied

with his practice of giving up his rights to keep Barty Jr.

Only those who understand family affection and are willing to sacrifice

for it are his fellow travelers.

"Barty, Voldemort is not dead, he still has a chance to make a comeback.

"This is a time when you need to take on greater responsibilities, and

there's no better person to be Minister of Magic than you.

"I think Rufus is more suitable than me," Crouch said calmly in the face of

the ministerial throne, without showing any fluctuations.

"It really doesn't work, Amelia is also a good candidate."

Hearing the two he recommended, Dumbledore frowned slightly.

"You know Rufus, his character is too tough, and he has a lot of opinions

on me. 35

Speaking of which, he also sighed.

Scrimgeour had certainly been a lot more honest since the last time he

was tortured by Alvin pretending to be him.

But the hostility has not decreased but increased.

His temper is too hot, and he has always believed that everything in the

magic world should be handled by the Ministry of Magic, and everything

is done with passion.

He completely disregarded whether he had the ability to deal with such a

complicated situation now.

If he were to hold the post of Minister of Magic, he might not even be

able to maintain his current relationship with Grindelwald.

Crouch was noncommittal about Dumbledore's assessment, having

worked with Scrimgeour for many years and knew his temperament.

"What about Amelia? She is the highest position among the three of us,

and it is only logical that she should take over.

In the Ministry of Magic, although each department is independent of

each other and performs its own duties, no department has the right to

interfere with other departments.

Of course, the Law Enforcement Division and the Auror are a bit special.

In name, the Auror Office must obey the Law Enforcement Division's


But as the largest armed force of the Ministry of Magic, the Aurors are

absolutely impossible to be mastered by one department.

Generally, it is divided among the three departments of the Minister of

Magic, the Director of the Auror Office, and the Law Enforcement


Therefore, the Law Enforcement Department, which originally held the

legislative power, became the largest real power department after

acquiring a part of the armed forces.

Amelia Burns' power is second only to Fudge, and far higher than that of

an unknown senior deputy minister like Umbridge.

So generally speaking, the Minister of Magic is taken over by the Director

of the Law Enforcement Department.

"Amelia she…`" Saying this, Dumbledore hesitated and organized the


"She's still too rigid and only puts us on the passive side."

Voldemort, Alvin, both were his enemies at this point.

Although Grindelwald has a good relationship with him recently, until

now, he has not figured out what conspiracy is involved.

Based on what he knew about Grindelwald, he definitely didn't walk out

of Nurmengard to become a headmaster, there must be a deeper plan.

In the face of these three people, Borns' rigid temper will definitely affect

decision-making and work efficiency.

"Amelia is definitely a very good enforcer, but she's too disciplined when

it comes to making decisions. 35

"Like when you proposed that you could use the Unforgivable Curse

against the Death Eaters, isn't she a staunch opponent? 35

Crouch showed a stunned expression, and Dumbledore didn't say that he

really forgot.

During the height of the Death Eaters' rampant, he insisted that the

Aurors of the Ministry of Magic could do whatever they could, even

killing the Death Eaters on the spot.

And Burns is the one who is most opposed to him, and the reason is very

simple, the law of the Ministry of Magic does not have such a provision.

At the time, he was half pissed off.

"Barty, only you can clean up the current mess, don't worry, as long as

you want, I will definitely support you on Wizengamore.

Dumbledore persuaded bitterly that he had never thought that it would

be so difficult for a person to be Minister of Magic.

This was not the case with Fudge back then. As soon as he heard that he

intended to support him, he immediately agreed with joy.

After pondering for a long time, Crouch nodded heavily, "I promise you,


Seeing that he finally let go, Dumbledore was relieved a lot.

"There will be a meeting in Wizengamo the day after tomorrow. With my

support and your own prestige, this matter is basically guaranteed."

"When the time comes, I would like to invite you to the Hogwarts school

year wrap-up, to cooperate with me in issuing some policies.

"No problem, just in time to announce the problem with the Headmaster

of Hogwarts.

Crouch responded vaguely.

Dumbledore nodded, looked at his watch, and left after chatting for a


He still has a lot of things to deal with today, and at the school, Snape is

still waiting for him to report some work.

Watching Dumbledore leave, Crouch untied the shackles of his son.

".々Old man, I really never thought that you would surrender to a kid."

As soon as he opened his mouth, Barty was sneering, and he also saw the

truth of many things at home these days.

It turned out that his master was not defeated by Dumbledore, nor was

Harry Potter, the son of prophecy, but Alvin!

Thinking of this, he regretted it to death. When he was pretending to be

Ludo Bagman, why didn't he find an opportunity to sneak up on Alvin?

Even a life-for-life is worth it!

"Gouging out the bone!"

Crouch's indifferent voice sounded, and the little Barty who was hit by

the Cruciatus fell to the ground with a pale face and twitched, stiffening

and not screaming.

"(Hao Zhao) It doesn't matter if you know about some things, but there

are some people you can't slander at will.

Looking at his incompetent son, a trace of disgust flashed in his eyes.

But he promised the woman who had never asked him once to save his

son's life.

"You have also seen the horror of Gaunt, and the Lord Voldemort, who

you regard as a god, is played and applauded by him.

"Dumbledore's mind was also clearly guessed by him, and every word I

said today, every word, was taught to me by him.

Crouching down, old Batty stared at his son machine with sharp eyes like


"You can survive now, thanks to you Laozi, I sold my life to him, don't

know what to do!

Speaking of his hideous expression at the end, even Barty was frightened.

He stared blankly at his father, unable to say a word.

Chapter 416

Chapter 416: The Intruders At The Wizengamore Conference

Crouch did not intimidate his son, and Alvin had anticipated what

happened today long after the events in the Department of Mysteries

were over.

At the beginning, he confessed about Barty Jr. and rejected the post of

Minister of Magic, all according to the script.

And Dumbledore also completely fell into the carefully set trap and

spared no effort to support him.

Crouch couldn't help feeling chills at Alvin's ability to calculate people's


He can always accurately grasp everyone's weaknesses, use his emotions

as chains, and control everyone by remote control.

He was controlled by the existence of Barty Jr., and Dumbledore was

guessed all his thoughts because of his character.

As for Snape, Crouch knew of Lily's existence.

This is also the fundamental reason why he can't raise any resistance to


He wanted his dead wife to come back to him.

It can be said that Alvin, who has mastered the resurrection stone, has

mastered the lifeline of many people. With this as a fetter, he can do too

many things.

And because of his existence, the Resurrection Stone has become the

most powerful of the Three Hallows of Death.

Time soon came to the day of the Wizengamore meeting.

On the sixth floor of the Ministry of Magic, there is a magnificent

conference room, which is specially provided for the use of the

Wizengamore Mage Corps.

This is also the dream place of countless wizards. Only when you enter

here can you enter the highest circle in the magic world.

As the current Chief Mage, Alvin naturally needs to attend.

He was wearing a lavender gold-trimmed robe, embroidered with stars,

sun and moon embroidered with mithril threads, and there was a letter

W on his left chest, which was the symbol of Wizengamot.

The decoration and gold edging on his clothes represent his identity as

the chief mage.

When Alvin came here, the others were almost there, Dumbledore and

Crouch sat together and whispered something.

He didn't go up to say hello, and came to his seat on his own.

Not long after, the hall was almost full of people.

Compared with the last trial of Harry, there were a lot more people this

time. After all, the election of the Minister of Magic was more important

than the trial of a child.

Two of the vacant seats belonged to Fudge and Umbridge.

"Okay," glanced at the audience, Alvin's voice was like a muffler (bdba),

suppressing all the discussions.

"4396 Sessions in Wizengamore, moderated by Alvin Gaunt. 35

Looking at the thick meeting minutes in his hand, Alvin realized that this

ancient organization has held so many meetings.

"First and foremost, the previous Minister for Magic, Cornelius Fudge, has

been removed from office as he faces multiple charges.

"One of the most important things we do today is to elect a new Minister

for Magic."

Taping his fingers on the table, Alvin saw that Scrimgeour and Burns'

faces were slightly flushed, looking at him expectantly.

"Let me say it first, it's only been five years since I entered the magic

world, and I have no idea who is more suitable for this position, so I give

up the right to vote.

"However, from the current point of view, there are only three most

qualified, Mr. Barty Crouch, Mr. Rufus Scrimgeour and Ms. Amelia Burns.


"I believe you have no objections, right?"

His words were approved by everyone, and after Dumbledore made it

clear that he would not participate in the election, only these three were


"Then ask the three of you to speak in succession. Who will come first?"

Leaning back in a comfortable position, Alvin was ready to start


He felt that such a scene was very similar to the Parliament of the

Muggle world in England. As the controller, it was also very interesting

to watch the people below.

"I come!"

The hot-tempered Scrimgeour was the first to step forward.

"It was a mistake for Fudge to be a minister, and as long as I take office, I

will definitely correct his mistakes! 35

As soon as he came up, he secretly poked at Dumbledore. Everyone knew

that Dumbledore was the one who supported Fudge, who was not favored

by everyone.

Frowning slightly, Lao Deng did not refute, but listened patiently.

Afterwards, Scrimgeour spoke out about his philosophy, spitting out his

excitement and waving his arms excitedly.

"The power of the Ministry of Magic is far from enough, and our threat is

not only You-Know-Who, but also Grindelwald as far away as Europe.

"So we need more Aurors, the teaching philosophy of Hogwarts is too


"Looking at the quality of graduates in recent years, there are hardly

many who are eligible to enter the preparatory Auror training program."

"Reform! Must be reformed!"

Speaking of this, Old Deng finally couldn't bear it any longer. Scrimgeour

wanted to put his hand into Hogwarts, which he absolutely did not allow.

"Rufus, this is your speech for the Minister of Magic, not the headmaster

of Hogwarts. Please do not interfere too much with Hogwarts affairs. 35

"Besides, there are enough Aurors at the Ministry of Magic, and if I

remember correctly, there are already a full 20 teams?"

His words have won the approval of many people. Aurors are not so easy

to cultivate.

The energy and resources consumed are those in power who know best.

What's more, it doesn't mean that training an Auror is over, and their

salary is far higher than that of ordinary employees.

For the Ministry of Magic, keeping so many Aurors now is a huge burden.

Seeing so many people opposing him, Scrimgeour's face was also a little



He was a little angry: "Now that there are two Dark Lords outside at the

same time, are you ignoring the safety of the people for such a short-

sighted benefit?

"Do you know how many saints there are in Grindelwald? What if they

call and don't have enough manpower!

The scene depicted by Scrimgeour managed to scare a group of people,

and his position became shaken.

Grindelwald is not only frightening of his magical attainments, but the

huge number of wizards who once gathered around him also cast a great

shadow on this continent.

It's not a bad thing for the Ministry of Magic to have more power, at least

it can better reassure the people.

Just when they were hesitating, a chuckle sounded, and then it turned

into a sarcastic laughter.


Alvin, who was watching the play, regained his senses, followed the

voice and looked over, and then he was slightly stunned.

Why is he here?

The laughing old man slowly combed his white hair upwards, and his

appearance and body shape changed rapidly.

A person who shouldn't be here is sitting here so swaggeringly!

Gellert Grindelwald!.

Chapter 417

Chapter 417 Double Reed

Looking at Grindelwald who was still laughing, many people did not


Why is he here?

Only Dumbledore's face was calm, and it was no surprise that this person

appeared here, after all, he had always been very courageous.

When Grindelwald was wanted all over the world, he also mixed into the

Ministry of Magic of various countries to stir up the storm. In this regard,

the Free Nation has the most say.

At that time, Grindelwald became the Auror Director of the Free Nation.

If Newt's appearance hadn't disrupted his plans, the Free Nation's

Ministry of Magic might not have survived that fate.

What is even more outrageous is that the plans of the Free State, Prussia

and other countries to arrest Grindelwald were actually made by him

when he was involved in the Ministry of Magic.

The world is so magical.

After many years, Dumbledore saw this scene again, and it felt like a


But now is not the time for him to sigh, Grindelwald's approach has

touched the bottom line of these people, and he must show some posture.

"Gellert, you've gone too far this time, where's Bas-Saud?"

Bagshot is the name of Grindelwald pretending to be a wizard, and

Dumbledore was afraid that he would do something irrational.

If a Wizengamore member died because of him, that would be a big deal.

"catch him!"

"Dumbledore, Gaunt! With you two here, Grindelwald can't fly today! 99

Scrimgeour shouted, his expression very excited, the wand had appeared

in his hand, ready to attack at any time.

Following his words, the entire venue suddenly became noisy, and many

people had realized that this was an excellent opportunity, and everyone

urged Dumbledore and Gaunt to do it.

"kill him!"

"You will pay the price if you dare to appear here alone! Dumbledore, kill



Looking at these clamoring people, the corner of Grindelwald's mouth

outlined a cold arc, and his eyes without a trace of emotion swept over


"Shut up!

Crouch yelled, interrupting them.

"Now is not the time to start a war. If Dumbledore and the others fight,

who will keep you safe!"

One sentence was like pouring cold water on everyone's heads, making

them completely sober.

Then Crouch glared at Scrimgeour, "Rufus, I'm the director of the

International Cooperation Department. The Grindelwald affair is a

diplomatic matter and should be handled by me!"

Scrimgeour was speechless at the remarks, and he really just went


Alvin didn't speak the whole time, watching Crouch's performance, he

suddenly understood something.

This is a double reed.

And those Wizengamore members looked at Crouch with grateful eyes.

They were also stunned by Scrimgeour for a while, and their blood

boiled. ,

Now calm down and think about it, and fight with Grindelwald on the

spot. With the presence of Alvin and Dumbledore, maybe he can really

take him down.

But how many of all the people present will survive, that is unknown.

Grindelwald couldn't help but chuckle, "I originally thought that the

Ministry of Magic in England were all idiots like Fudge, but I didn't

expect that there are still smart people."


The entire venue was silent.

Now no one dares to jump out and act as the first bird. Who knows if the

Dark Lord will hold revenge?

"Don't worry, Albus, Bagshot is safe now, I'll just let him sleep a little

longer, after all, he's very old, and a little more rest is always good."

Grindelwald looked at Dumbledore with a smile, indicating that he

should not be so nervous.

"Then what is the purpose of your visit today?"

Dumbledore's expression was slightly relaxed, as long as he didn't kill

anyone, he could say anything.

"Just pretend I don't exist," Grindelwald waved, "I'm just here to join in

the fun and see what kind of person the next England Minister of Magic

will be. 99

After staring at him for a long time, Dumbledore nodded slowly, agreeing

with his statement.

"Cough cough!

Alvin coughed lightly, "Since Mr. Grindelwald is here to watch, we

shouldn't neglect the guests, let's continue the meeting.

"This is the end of Mr. Scrimgeour's speech, and the next one, Ms. Burns,

is yours."

A middle-aged woman with short, capable hair stood up and slowly

shook her head.

・・・・For flowers・0

"Sorry, Mr. Gaunt, I suddenly found that there is no good way to deal

with these emergencies. The position of Minister of Magic should be left

to someone more capable."

She looked at Crouch and gave up today's election with some regret.

Just after Grindelwald appeared, her mind went blank, and she

subconsciously wanted to call out to the Auror.

But after seeing Crouch's neither humble nor arrogant, and confrontation

with Grindelwald lightly, she realized that she was still too immature.

As a public-minded Hufflepuff, Burns felt from the bottom of his heart

that Crouch was a better fit for that position.

Therefore, although she has regrets in her heart and cannot show her

ambition, she still gave up wisely.

Alvin looked at her, surprised, but continued, "Now that Ms. Burns has

given up, Mr. Crouch is left for so long.35

In today's game, it was understood by Crouch, who solved a competitor

without a fight.

Crouch also nodded to Alvin, and then glanced at Grindelwald with a

playful face before he started his speech.

"My philosophy is completely different from that of Scrimgeour and

Fudge, that development is the first priority of the wizarding world.35

"Of course, I also have a detailed plan for Voldemort. At present, the

Death Eaters have basically been wiped out, and only Lestrange escaped

with serious injuries.

"So we shouldn't put too much energy on that lonely ghost, but on the

magic world itself.

After a speech, Crouch successfully distributed the benefits, and many

people were satisfied.

Compared to Scrimgeour, they felt more comfortable getting along with

smart people like Crouch.

What a great Ravenclaw!

In the end, Crouch also looked meaningfully at Grindelwald who had

been silent.

"As for Mr. Grindelwald, I'm sure we'll be friends forever, won't we?"

Quietly looking at Crouch for two seconds, Grindelwald smiled.

"Yes, Crouch, isn't it, you are such an interesting person." Ten.

Chapter 418

Chapter 418 The Wings Are Full, Crouch'S Request.

Grindelwald is gone, and after the play is over, his task can be considered

a successful completion.

Before leaving, Dumbledore also invited him to Hogwarts in two days,

and he agreed.

The rest of the matter has no suspense, Crouch with almost unanimous

attitude, successfully served as the new Minister of Magic.

There was a smile on Lao Deng's face. Although there were some twists

and turns in today's affairs, the result was always good.

Now that the Minister of Magic has been elected, Crouch will preside

over the next meeting.

After promulgating some policies to raise people's vigilance and

awareness of prevention, the action against Voldemort ended there.

Although he is still alive, he will not pose any threat to England in a

short period of time. Only when he shows up can he be better targeted.

"Three Three Seven"

At the end of the meeting, he also announced that he would make some

personnel adjustments at the Ministry of Magic in the near future.

No one was surprised, one emperor and one courtier.

Didn't Fudge also transfer Crouch to the Shimizu Yamen of the

International Magical Cooperation Division when he took office?

Only Scrimgeour looked gloomy, and he was the biggest loser after


Burns' remarks just now undoubtedly sold Crouch a good deal, and she

will definitely get a good result in the subsequent position adjustment.

He is different. He has always been worried that Crouch has a Death

Eater son, and the relationship between the two is relatively rigid. He

usually finds Crouch in trouble.

It is estimated that he, the head of the Auror office, has done it.

With a sullen face, Scrimgeour walked out of the door as soon as the

meeting ended.

And Alvin was not in a hurry to leave. After everyone left, he looked at

Crouch who was packing the parchment and said with some doubts.

"When did you get Grindelwald's help?

There were only the two of them in the room at this time, so Alvin didn't

bother to avoid anything, and asked directly.

A smile appeared on Crouch's serious face: "Just after Dumbledore looked

for me, I contacted Mr. Grindelwald, hoping that he would help me

reduce some resistance.

"However, I didn't expect the effect to be so good, and Burns gave up


"To be honest, I didn't expect Mr Grindelwald to talk so well, I just tried


Crouch is now more and more emotional, the gap between the two

generations of Dark Lords is still too big, in his heart, Voldemort has

completely reduced to a small yoke.

Then he asked worriedly: "You don't want us to cooperate in private?

Shaking his head, Alvin wasn't displeased with the private connection

between them.

On the contrary, he feels that it is a good thing that his subordinates can

exert their own initiative, so that he can save a lot of things.

"Rest assured, you are free to play, everyone has their own place, and all

I need is to make your talents work for me.

After comforting Crouch and telling him not to think too much, Alvin

was ready to leave.

The real drama was yet to come. Two days later, Dumbledore invited

officials from the Ministry of Magic and members of the Order of the

Phoenix to attend the closing dinner at Hogwarts.

He also did this to appease people and declare his attitude to the entire

magic world.

However, Alvin decided to give a big gift that day.

Dumbledore is ready to attack him, and one of the conditions for

supporting Crouch to go up is to curb the development of the magic net


Although he didn't know why Alvin would spare no effort to promote the

login device, Dumbledore knew that it must be of great help to him.

As long as it is beneficial to Alvin, then he will subconsciously curb it.

And when Alvin knew about this, he didn't plan to play any wretched

development routine with Lao Deng.

He is now full of wings, and some things need to speed up the progress.

Before realizing national transcendence, he must completely control the

magic world, so as to make a smooth transition under the great changes

in the future.

Thinking of something, Crouch suddenly stopped him.


Crouch's expression was a bit tangled, but he finally asked: "Mr. Gaunt,

what conditions do you need before you can resurrect my dead wife…35"

"As long as you speak, I will fight this old life, and I will also complete

your task.

In normal times, Alvin is very approachable in front of his subordinates

and never puts on airs.

Generally, Crouch and others will call them by name directly, without

any sense of restraint.

But his wife's affairs were so important to him that he used honorifics


Hearing his request, Alvin also frowned, which made Crouch's heart skip

a beat.

After pondering for a long time, Alvin said: "Mr. Crouch, I don't want to

hide you, I have no plans to resurrect anyone in the near future.

"Not long ago, Lao Ge also wanted me to help him resurrect a person, but

I also refused. 99

Crouch was a little sad, even Grindelwald's request was rejected?

He didn't think he had more face than the original Dark Lord.

Looking at the old man who was so haggard in an instant, Alvin also had

a headache.

It's not that he doesn't want to promise Crouch, but he really has a lot of

psychological shadows on the god of death.

Now he is indeed a lot stronger than before, but there is no qualitative

change, and he still has no confidence in the face of the legendary death.

If he took the Mage Tower with him, he felt that he would still have a

chance of winning.

But the current mage tower is his top priority, and if he suffers a little

damage, the El 1.0 text will hurt for a long time.

Without hiding, he told Crouch all his concerns.

"The god of death actually exists?!

With shock written all over his face, Crouch knew what Alvin's means of

resurrecting people were, and was shocked by the existence of death.

Born in a pure-blood family, he grew up listening to "The Tales of

Bedouin the Poet". He never thought that a fairy tale collection would

contain the biggest secret in the magical world.

"Yeah," Alvin sighed and patted Crouch on the shoulder, "you can ask

Snape for specific things, he was also a witness at the time.

"In short, when I'm not absolutely sure, I won't act rashly.

Chapter 419

Chapter 419 The Lottery That Appeared After Hundreds Of Chapters~

After leaving the Ministry, Alvin returned to Hogwarts.

However, he was not in a good mood, and the last conversation made

him a little embarrassed.

Thinking that since he entered the magic world, he has always been

smooth sailing, even Voldemort was teased by him at will, and Lao Ge

became half of his subordinates.

But only when facing the god of death, the other party didn't even show

his face, just relying on one palm to let him flee in embarrassment.

I really endure for a while, the more I think, the more angry I get, and

the more I take a step back, the more I lose.

Looking at the surge of gold coins in the system account, Alvin decided to

go back and draw a wave of cards to see if he could get any good things.

"System, you have to work harder, don't keep giving junk cards.

Although the dog author has not written a system for so long, our

protagonist still draws cards often.

But the effect has not been very ideal. Although there are some good

things, it does not help him to improve his strength.

Sure enough, Brexit was the wrong choice!

This time, with the 20,000 gold coins brought by the Horcrux and the

more than 10,000 gold coins he had saved before, Alvin was going to get

a big one.

He wanted to dive straight into the dormitory, but he was stopped by Qiu

and He 13 Min who directly drew the lottery.

Blinking her big eyes, Hermione looked at Alvin curiously: "How, who is

the new Minister of Magic?"

Qiu was equally curious, after all, her parents worked at the Ministry of

Magic, and they were more concerned about these things since


The little girls, Luna and Astoria, didn't care about this, but instead

argued endlessly with the yellow-skinned rat described in the naysayer.

"That's what Alvin told me, he said this is Pikachu.

Hearing their conversation, Alvin took a few steps back silently.

Before Luna depicted many creatures that never existed in the magical

world, he also spoke a lot of information about Pokémon on a whim.

Unexpectedly, the little witch was convinced of this. In her world view,

Alvin would not lie to her.

The consequence is that she submitted the information about these

creatures to her own naysayer, and Mr. Lovegood actually published it.

On the contrary, it made Alvin a little embarrassed now.

Some of them didn't go to see the two of them with a guilty conscience,

and told Hermione and Qiu the news of Crouch's election, and they were

not surprised by this.

During the Triwizard Tournament last year, Crouch was meticulous in his

work, and his well-organized image was admired by many students.

Hermione was one of them, and she felt that Ministry officials should be

this strict, not a potbellied politician like Fudge.

Autumn is also very happy, because Crouch is a graduate of Ravenclaw

College, you must know that Ravenclaw rarely produces Ministers of


Most Ravenclaws are obsessed with knowledge and are very easy to

become technical talents, and not many are deeply cultivated in the

Ministry of Magic.

Conversely, Slytherin's ambitions and Gryffindor's style-loving personality

go hand-in-hand at the Ministry of Magic, where the two Houses make up

the majority of Ministers of Magic.

Like Fudge, he was a student of Gryffindor.

"What about Headmaster Dumbledore? Umbridge was kicked out,

shouldn't he come back and be Headmaster?"

Qiu's problem is also a question for many students. Recently, Professor

McGonagall has done a good job in presiding over the school, but

Dumbledore is like the backbone of this school.

Without him, I always felt like something was missing.

"I saw him in parliament today, but he left when it was over, what could

be wrong?

Alvin answered vaguely, not telling them his plans.

It's not that he doesn't believe Qiu and others, but this time the action is a

bit big, and he doesn't want to see a little risk of leakage.

After coaxing a few girls away, Alvin was finally free and ready to start

the lottery.

Host: Alvin Gaunt

Age: 15

Birthday: October 31st

Status: Merlin First Class Medal recipient (Fudge abdicated and

reinstated), Chief Mage of Wizengamot. Fifth graders at Hogwarts.

Bloodline: Son of Magic (Wizard Complete Body)

Magic Scale: 723

Magical Items: Away from Gensokyo on Earth, Deviance…(Omitted)

Charm Learning Talent: 9

Polymorph talent: 9 (varies freely)

Divination talent: 6 (excellent)

Potions Talent: 9 (Reincarnation of Medicine God)

Black Magic Talent: 9 (The Demon King Comes to the World)

Defence Against the Dark Arts Talent: 9 (Partners of Justice)

Spells: Three Unforgivable Spells, Arcane Inheritance of the Lord of

Radiance, One Meteor, Polar Reversal…(Omitted)


Systematic evaluation: Congratulations to the host who has gone further

and further behind the scenes. With just one step away, you can overturn

the justice order and establish your own rules.

Looking at the gorgeous panel, Alvin was also very emotional.

From the beginning, only magic spell talents and black magic talents

were superior, and now they are almost full.

Even divination has reached level 6, successfully surpassing Trelawney.

This is all due to his own efforts in the past five years, um, although the

system has played a role in it.

But what the hell is this dog system, what is the mastermind behind the

scenes, overturning the order of justice?

He is working hard for a better tomorrow, okay?

After operating for a while, Alvin didn't find the function to modify the

system evaluation, so he could only start the lottery under the scolding.

"Dog system, I've got all the gold coins. If you don't get something good,

this chapter will be completely watery. By then, readers will not be able

to scold me to death?"5


With a word of warning, Alvin clicked the lottery button with ease.

The familiar multicolored streamer flashed, and his face was also filled

with joy.

The colorful light means that he has successfully drawn a diamond-level

prize in this lottery. Although I don't know if it will help him, there is at

least one hope.

Soon, more than 300 cards appeared in front of Alvin's eyes.

Five gold cards and two diamond cards first caught his eye.

"Looks like I'm lucky this time, there are still two diamond cards."

Somewhat unexpectedly, Alvin didn't expect today's system to be so


But the good stuff is fun to open until the end.

It's still an old habit, all the cards below the gold card are directly

broken, and the items are stored in the storage space.

The magic spell cards are all converted into knowledge and flow into the


At the level he is now, his mastery of magic spells has reached an

extreme state.

Although the number of cards is large, the improvement brought by it is

very small.

It would be great if you could distribute these cards to Qiu and the


Thinking helplessly in his heart, Alvin flipped open the only five gold


I regret it, I shouldn't go, I thought there would be some beautiful

bridesmaids to wish me off the list…

Chapter 420

Chapter 420 Prophecy Ah F*Ck Gus, Gundam Is Here!

Name: Getler Grindelwald

Quality: Gold

Talent: Black Magic: 8 Prophecy Ah f*ck Gus

Spells: Contemporary Black Magic, Defence Against the Dark Arts,

Ancient Black Magic.

The first one is his old friend, Alvin raised his eyebrows and decisively

chose to predict the talent of F*ck Gus.

In the past, Alvin didn't choose this talent because his prediction talent

was too low, and it was useless to choose it.

Unlike the general prophecy talent, the reason why Grindelwald can

capture the picture of the future is because of this talent.

Like Trelawney, he can only make predictions, but he can't see the

specific picture, let alone present it.

After fusing the cards, Alvin was faintly touched, and a strange feeling

burst out in his heart, but it was elusive.

There seemed to be a series of pictures flashing in my mind, but the

speed was too fast to be seen clearly.

Frowning slightly, he knew that his talent for prophecy was not high

enough, and of course there was a reason why he had never learned any

divination knowledge.

Divination is very special, not a kind of magic at all.

There has never been a spell in the wizarding world that can be used to

predict the future.

The formation of this discipline was continuously explored by a talented

person, and then various divination techniques were obtained.

Such as tea divination, crystal ball divination, tarot divination.

Therefore, Alvin's talent is up to standard, but without the right method,

he can't fully develop his potential.

"I need to read books about divination when I go back." Thinking so, he

looked at the other cards.

Two character cards, one from Mr. Newt and one from his own dean,

Professor Flitwick.

Although he respects Flitwick, Alvin still has to say that this card is really


Say sorry to my dean, the card turned into a streamer to improve Alvin's

magic scale.

But Uncle Newt has an animal-friendly talent, which is somewhat useful

to him.

The fourth gold card is a skill.

[Zero Freeze: Releases cold air that is infinitely close to absolute zero,

freezing any object it touches. ]

The introduction is simple, but the implications are terrifying.

The freezing spell that exists in the magic world itself has basically been

reduced to a life spell. Sometimes it is necessary to freeze beer or drinks,

and it is basically achieved by freezing spells.

And the usefulness in battle is also very limited, it can only cover a layer

of frost on the ground to limit the opponent's actions.

It's not the same as the so-called near-absolute zero spell drawn by Alvin.

It can be regarded as a good spell, but the improvement of strength is not


After making such an evaluation for Zero Degree Frozen, Alvin learned

the spell.

Maybe in others, this is definitely a killer existence, but he feels that it is

too limited to use.

Some tasteless.

And the last gold card is a bottle of bloodline awakening potion, there is

no surprise.

Let's take a look at what good things can be opened with two diamond


Silently bowed to the ancestors of the Sanqing Dynasty, and all the prizes

of the two diamond cards appeared in front of his eyes.

A guaranteed talent-breaking limit card, nothing new, just skip it.

The second card made him instantly widen his eyes.

Name: Susanoo

Quality: Diamond

Introduction: The top pupil technique from the world of "Legend of

Beauty Contacts", after being transformed by the system, the host can

turn his own magic into an indestructible huge energy body, capable of

both attacking and defending.

After reading all the information, Alvin could only shout out loud!

He clearly knew that although Susanoo was a powerful skill, the real

upper limit was not high.

After all, the world of Naruto is stronger than the world of Harry Potter,

and it involves the cosmic starry sky.

But it is also limited.

Therefore, even if this skill is developed to the limit, it is a legendary


However, strong or not is a temporary thing, handsome or not is a

lifetime thing.

At least Alvin can guarantee that even Dumbledore and Grindelwald can't

do anything about him with Desusanoh using his current magic.

As for the god of death, he also has a certain degree of confidence to

retreat, after all, Gundam's comprehensiveness is no joke.

With a thought, before Alvin appeared in Black Lake, he couldn't wait to

see the color of his Gundam.

The magic power surged all over his body, and a golden energy surged

out of his body, forming a three- or four-meter-high skeleton skeleton,

wrapping Alvin in it.

With the continuous infusion of magic power, the skeleton became more

three-dimensional, and in the end, 'flesh and blood' and meridians were

derived, gradually transforming into a human form.

And the fluctuations that Alvin radiated became stronger and stronger,

and many small animals in the forest were frightened and shivered by


Celestia, who was playing with her friends, felt Alvin's breath and ran

over with a neigh.

And faster than her is the basilisk lurking under the artificial lake. Since

being brought here by Alvin for retirement, the basilisk has nothing and

never emerges.

But it can't be done if it doesn't come out today, it has already felt the


Although the basilisk knows that this is the magic power of its own

master, it is really a little flustered standing in front of its own nest to

engage in such a big battle!

What if the owner wants to chop it up and eat snake soup?

The calm lake water fluctuated violently, a huge snake head appeared,

and Alvin was startled.

He found that the two protrusions on the Basilisk's forehead became

more and more obvious, and the two horns were about to emerge.

It's been a long time since I saw this big guy, and Alvin almost forgot that

he still has a pet living under the black lake.

I don't know how the despicable Haierbo cultivated the basilisk, but it

became more and more in line with the Jiaohualong in the legend of the

East (Haohao Zhao).

". 々 hoo!"

The basilisk closed his eyes tightly and roared at his master.

Although it sounds terrifying, Alvin feels the meaning of ingratiating.

With a dumb smile, Alvin didn't expect this guy to be quite timid, he just

felt that his movements were so nervous.

"Don't worry, I'm just experimenting with new magic.

Alvin reassured him, and then the conversation changed, "But you came

out just in time, come and do me a little favor."


The basilisk is a little confused and doesn't know what machine the

owner needs it to do.

"It's alright, just don't move…"

Alvin's tone sounded like he was flicking a child's lollipop.

So when Celestia arrived, she saw the basilisk with a body length of tens

of meters being caught by a huge golden arm like a loach, and it was

thrown around…

Chapter 421

Chapter 421 The Power Of Time!


The basilisk roared again, but it was full of grievances.

Alvin was too addicted, put it back into the lake water, the basilisk did

not turn his head back, and got into the deepest.

He sent 4, and he didn't take the initiative to take the initiative!

And Celestia saw that her master was wrapped in a huge golden armored

warrior, and curiously pushed the top with her horn, making a sound of

gold and iron symphony.

Alvin waved Susanoo away, and felt the consumption of magic power,

which was still within an acceptable range.

However, he only reached the third form, his legs did not grow out, but

the upper body was covered with armor.

The bigger the size of Susa, the more mana consumed, and Alvin can't

guarantee that he can use the full-scale Gundam now.

Perhaps even if it can be used, the time will not be too long.

But it can already be counted as a good trump card at this stage.

After playing with Celestia for a while, Alvin looked at the distant

unicorn and fell into contemplation.

After a long time, he opened the system panel again, looked at the two

talent-breaking cards, and without hesitation, added all of them to the

prediction talent.

In fact, it is very disadvantageous for him to do so. Grindelwald's

prediction talent is 7.

He can wait patiently. After drawing two old cards, he only needs one

talent-breaking card to reach the full ninth level.

337 It's just that, since he merged with the prophecy Ah f*ck Gus, there

will always be some images flashing involuntarily.

And Alvin has absolutely no control over this happening.

Anyway, his current talent is enough. Since this is the case, it is better to

put forward the prophecy ability in one go, and maybe there will be

some unexpected joy.

The card shattered, and a strange feeling came to him, Alvin closed his

eyes and realized it carefully.

Although he closed his eyes, the world appeared in his mind, and

countless threads intertwined together, forming a dense web.

Putting a thought into one of them, he saw it.

A velvet velvet will live freely here for three months, and then die


As he concentrated his attention, he also saw more detailed pictures, and

saw the puffy velvet flying freely and playing with his companions.

Leave offspring after two months, and then die.

After a long time, Alvin opened his eyes again, as if it was an illusion,

and there were gears intertwined in his pupils.

A look of shock gradually appeared on his face.

"It's… the power of time.

He never thought that the prophetic talent that he originally despised

could be traced back to the mystery of time.

Just now, he just passed the long three months and experienced the rest

of his life as a velvet.

Instead of the kind of future information he imagined, obtained through

intuition in the dark.

"It's a big loss…"

Alvin muttered to himself, he now regretted using the two limit cards so


Through his experience for so long, although the talent has improved

greatly from the seventh to the eighth level, it has not changed to the

level of quality.

But once you reach the ninth level, it is different, which represents the

road to legend.

In other words, as long as a wizard has a talent to reach the ninth level,

as long as he perseveres in research, there will be a great chance to

achieve the legendary rank.

The current Alvin is extremely curious, how far can he achieve when his

prophetic talent is at full level?

But regretting it is useless now, he can be described as a poor man now,

spending all the gold coins cleanly.

"Why can't Tom make more Horcruxes?"

At this moment, Alvin once again played Voldemort's idea, and thought

with some anger.

If Lao Fu heard his heart, I wonder if he would rush to Alvin desperately

and die with him?

Soon, a long semester is coming to an end.

Since Crouch has been Minister of Magic, he's been in a lot of moves.

The first is Voldemort's problem, the Ministry of Magic has issued a

(bdba) self-defense guide to every wizarding family, which has many

practical distress spells.

He repeatedly stressed that he should not fight the Death Eaters or

Voldemort, and as soon as he found out about them, he would

immediately Apparate.

If you can't escape, use the spell taught above to call for help.

The Aurors were also scattered to several areas where wizards mainly

lived. When the little wizards of Hogwarts went to Hogsmeade to play,

they could see the Aurors patrolling.

Another key issue is Azkaban.

By now, the Ministry of Magic naturally knew what deal Voldemort had

made with the Dementors, which is why so many prisoners were allowed

to escape.

Crouch, who originally wanted to exterminate these creatures, was

persuaded by Alvin.

He gave a better way, that is, to control their clan with two Dementors of


The strange flowers among these two dementors have not been released

since they were captured by Alvin, and they live a wonderful life under

the support of a large number of Muggle emotions.

Compared to that year, neither of them knew how much stronger they


When Crouch saw that Alvin even arranged undercover in the

Dementors, he also admired it.

This boss is really hidden, underworld and white people have his people,

and now even magical creatures are not spared?

With the help of Crouching Dragon and Phoenix, those Dementors also

obediently obeyed the orders of the Ministry of Magic and dutifully

guarded Azkaban.

After a retrial, a large number of fugitives have also been sent back, and

many Death Eaters who escaped trial more than ten years ago have also

been wiped out.

The only exception is Loftus Lestrange.

Because he was successful in capturing the Horcrux, Crouch gave him

half a year to leave a bloodline for the Lestrange family, and then be

locked in Azkaban.

In this regard, the green hat man has no opinion. After such a painful

experience, he feels that there is nothing wrong with Azkaban.

He'd be waiting there, waiting for the day Bellatrix was locked up.

The last thing, which has nothing to do with ordinary wizards, is the

adjustment within the Ministry of Magic.

Scrimgeour was undoubtedly transferred from his position as the head of

the Auror's office to be in charge of the aftermath of the wizard's misuse

of magic.

In his place was Lockhart, one of Fudge's 'hearts'.

Many people wondered why Crouch chose him for such an important

position, but they guessed that Lockhart must have put forward some

conditions that could not be refused.

Finally, amid the ongoing turmoil, it was the last day of Alvin's fifth


A large number of off-campus wizards have come to Hogwarts for the

Last Supper of the school year.

Chapter 422

Chapter 422 My Eyes Are On The Future!

Many people came to Hogwarts today, members of the Order of the

Phoenix, Ministry of Magic officials, and some newspaper reporters.

Some well-informed people already know that Dumbledore and Crouch

may have something big to announce today.

Currently waiting anxiously.

"What's wrong with your eyes?

Grindelwald looked at Alvin with some doubts. He hadn't seen him for a

few days. He found that this little wizard had undergone some wonderful


Especially the pair of eyes, he clearly remembered that Alvin's eyes were

standard black pupils, but now they are as bright as colored glass, which

can't be called – strange.

Although the aura emanating from it was not terrifying, he was keenly

aware of a trace of unease.

It was as if he had been seen through, and in front of Alvin, he had no

secrets at all.

"It's nothing, I'm working on a new kind of magic recently, and it's

normal to have some changes."

With a smile on his face, Alvin explained indifferently.

a little?

The Dark Lord has a strange expression on his face, and he is too skilled

at talking nonsense with his eyes open?

However, he was not asking, and some secrets are better not to be delved


"Have you really decided to have a showdown?"

Speaking of the most important thing today, Grindelwald's face also

became much more serious.

Just before he came, having known the full script, he couldn't imagine

how much damage it had done to Dumbledore.

It is even said that in a fit of rage, the two sides may go to war directly.

This is what Grindelwald doesn't want to see, he knows that Dumbledore

and Alvin will only have a dead end at this time.

Also, to be precise, it will be extremely difficult to fight against Alvin

from now on.

This kid is a monster, and it's been almost a year since he was released,

and he's unaware of Alvin's deep dive now.

Only when he does it can he feel the magic power that is as deep as the


Thinking of this, Grindelwald was about to crack.

Why can't the magic world be more peaceful?

It's ridiculous to say that a Dark Lord is the person who is most

concerned about the comfort of the wizarding world, although he only

cares about Dumbledore.

Looking at Grindelwald, Alvin thought deeply.

"You can rest assured that everything will develop according to my will,

and Dumbledore's reaction is no exception."

"Why?" Grindelwald looked at him suspiciously, "Are you so sure that

Albus won't turn his face?"

"Because my eyes are on the future. 35

Grindelwald's heart jumped when he said this, and he thought of the pair

of eyes that ran through time and space and made him backlash, and his

expression was slightly unnatural.

Just seeing the old enemy Uncle Newt not far away, Grindelwald

hurriedly made an excuse and went to trouble Newt Newt.

Looking at his hurried back, Alvin's mouth twitched slightly.

Just now, he suddenly discovered that Grindelwald's purpose of relying

on himself was not so simple.

But there are too many variables in the future. Just his observation,

Grindelwald made more than 500 different choices.

"Hey," Alvin shook his head slightly, and said to himself helplessly: "Old

Ge, it's quite pleasant to get along with you, I hope you don't make the

wrong choice…'"9


Grindelwald stopped Newt, who was exchanging knowledge about

magical creatures with Cedric and other Hufflepuffs.

Seeing his arrival, those students' faces changed and they left consciously.

In the face of the Dark Lord, even though Grindelwald didn't act so

ferocious last time he came to Hogwarts, these little wizards were still

very afraid.

In an instant, surrounded by Newt, there was no one around.

He smiled wryly, Grindelwald was really a 'stalker'


Why is the Dark Lord so vengeful?

Voldemort was doomed against Harry, and Grindelwald was doomed

against him.

"I heard that you left Hogwarts, are you interested in coming to

Durmstrang for a year?"

Another invitation was issued, and Grindelwald really wanted to

entertain Newt.

Before Newt refused, an old, but full of air voice interrupted their


"Grindelwald! What do you want to do?"

A white-haired old woman stood in front of Newt. Although her face was

full of wrinkles, she could vaguely see that she was also a rare beauty

when she was young.


That man was Grindelwald's wife, Tina Goldstein, now also called Tina


She is the legendary Auror of the United States, who was able to fight

against the existence of Bo with Grindelwald.

Cassandra's idol is Tina, who plans to enter the Free Nation's Auror

organization after graduation.

"Tina, long time no see, didn't expect you to be so old now?"

Grindelwald was not angry, and greeted him with a smile.

And Tina looked at Grindelwald as before, her face darkened.

What a woman cares about most is her own appearance. Seeing

Grindelwald mocking herself like this, she couldn't help it because she

had a hot temper.

With a flip of the palm, the wand appeared in his hand.

"Grindelwald, no matter what conspiracy you have, Newt and I will

defeat you, just like New York, Paris, and Berlin!

For a time, the tense atmosphere here attracted the attention of many

people. The little wizards did not dare to approach, and only dared to

watch from a distance.

When Moody and other members of the Order of the Phoenix saw that

the situation here was wrong, they quickly stood beside Newt and looked

at Grindelwald with a serious expression.

Obviously they are the party with the most people, but Sirius and the

others always feel that they are like a lonely boat in the storm, and there

is a possibility that the boat will capsize at any time.

But it is relieved that Grindelwald has no intention of doing it.

Because Dumbledore came, he watched them silently.

Glancing at them, Grindelwald walked towards Dumbledore, "You don't

have to be so careful, today's protagonist is not me."

Dumbledore frowned slightly, and didn't think much about it, "I just don't

want the news of the Dark Lord's arrest at Hogwarts in the Daily Prophet


As the only Dark Lord currently active in the wizarding world,

Grindelwald's every move is being watched.

But Dumbledore didn't want the two to turn against each other again,

and his current target was Alvin.

With different thoughts, the two also came to the staff seat.

Dumbledore ceded the main seat to Crouch, and he took Grindelwald to

the left.

The fifth grade Hogwarts school year wraps up, officially starting ten.

Chapter 423

Chapter 423 The New Principal – Alvin Gaunt!

Strictly speaking, now Dumbledore is not the headmaster of Hogwarts.

Because the Ministry of Magic has so far not issued a single order stating

that Officer Dumbledore is reinstated.

It's just that everyone subconsciously believed that after Umbridge left,

he automatically became the principal again.

And one of the reasons Dumbledore asked Crouch to come here today

was to appease people's hearts and announce the appointment of the

headmaster by the way.

As Crouch got up, the entire auditorium became silent.

People on and off campus are all looking forward to what the new

minister will say.

"First of all, I'm here to apologize to all Hogwarts teachers and students.


As soon as he came up, the new Minister of Magic bowed slightly to the

surrounding, "In the past year, because of some improper operations of

the Ministry of Magic "Sansanqi", it has brought you a lot of trouble. 99

"Even, some students' learning progress has been delayed.

As the saying goes, predecessors plant trees, and later generations enjoy

the shade.

But it can also be said conversely that the predecessors dug the pit, and

the later generations compensated.

The actions of Fudge and Umbridge have long made many young wizards

complain about the Ministry of Magic, and these anger still need to be

pacified by Crouch.

Obviously, his low profile won a lot of goodwill as soon as he came up,

and the auditorium soon burst into warm applause.

The reporters' magic cameras were not idle, they were frantically taking

pictures, and they all thought of the title.

"Shocked! Crouch completely rejected Fudge's education reform and

made a low profile gesture to Dumbledore. "

After the applause died out, Crouch announced a series of compensatory


For example, increasing the funding support of the Ministry of Magic and

providing more British pounds to Galleons for Muggle-born wizards.

Even the salaries of the professors have been increased by him a lot. For

a time, both the students and the professors have smiles on their faces,

obviously very satisfied.

Finally, Crouch solemnly promised: "I can guarantee that during my

tenure, I will give Hogwarts the greatest autonomy, and no one can

interfere with the headmaster's decision.

As soon as these words came out, many people were moved.

You know, although Hogwarts had a special status before, under normal

circumstances the Ministry of Magic would not interfere.

But as long as the minister wants to, he can always take advantage of the

loophole and increase his influence in the only wizarding school in


Otherwise, Umbridge wouldn't run amok in the school.

As soon as Crouch's words came out, it represented that the next

Hogwarts had become a semi-independent state, and even he could not

control it.

Once he repents, it also means that his credibility will be lost, which is

fatal to a Minister of Magic.

That's why everyone was so shocked, I didn't expect him to make such a

heavy commitment in public.

Even Dumbledore's face showed consternation, apparently unaware that

Crouch would do this.

What followed was a deep emotion. He didn't expect Crouch to trust him

so much. Sure enough, supporting such a smart man to become Minister

of Magic was a correct decision.

Speaking of this, Crouch looked annoyed, "I'm sorry, I forgot, there is no

headmaster at Hogwarts at this time."35

"Then let me announce now that the Ministry of Magic has decided that

the Headmaster of Hogwarts will be appointed by…"

He deliberately sold out, but no one was aroused.

Everyone knows that this is just a cutscene.

"Mr. Alvin Gaunt takes over!

There was thunderous applause in the auditorium, but after a few shots,

it disappeared again.

Everyone felt wrong.

If they heard correctly, it doesn't seem like Dumbledore's name was

pronounced just now, right?

Dumbledore was also stunned, he looked at Crouch, "Barty, you

pronounced the wrong name."

Although it was a little weird, he still reminded in a low voice.

At this time, Crouch didn't look at him at all, but swept his eyes to

everyone who looked at him, repeating word by word:

"The Headmaster of Hogwarts will be succeeded by Mr. Alvin Gaunt."

Now, everyone knows that there is really no problem with his ears, and

Crouch is reading Alvin's name.

In an instant, he became the focus of the audience.

Even Cho, Hermione, Luna, and Astoria couldn't believe it.

How did their boyfriend change from a student to a principal all of a


Alvin Shi Shiran stood up, used his magic power to transmit his voice to

his children and then explained to them, facing thousands of eyes, and

walked to the staff seat.

"Batti, what the hell is going on, this is no time for jokes. 99

Dumbledore spoke very seriously, and if this was a joke, no doubt it was


Unfortunately, to his disappointment, Crouch still didn't look at him,

didn't speak, but gave up his seat when Alvin walked to him.

"Sorry, Professor, Mr. Crouch thinks I may be better suited to be

Headmaster of Hogwarts than you are.

Keeping Crouch behind him calmly, Alvin faced his old principal with

full aura.

Professor McGonagall wanted to open her mouth angrily, but during the

confrontation between Alvin and Dumbledore, she found it difficult to

breathe, let alone speak.

"So, Barty has always been your guy?"

Dumbledore was not stupid and found the crux of the problem in an


He suddenly found that he seemed to have fallen into a bottomless trap.

Before that, he actually didn't find any connection between Alvin and

Crouch, and neither of the two social circles intersected.

Unexpectedly, after he worked so hard to send Crouch to the throne of

the Ministry of Magic, he showed his fangs to himself.

In a trance, the terrifying power of his body dissipated a lot, and Alvin

also restrained a lot.

"Gaunt! What the hell are you trying to do?"

Mag was finally able to speak, she was as angry as a lioness, glaring at

the student she had always been optimistic about.

She couldn't imagine that the betrayal this time came from within the


And most of the members of the Order of the Phoenix also stood up, and

the situation at this time has already made many people dumbfounded.

Even they were, but standing behind Dumbledore was their subconscious


Faced with Mag's questioning, Alvin finally spoke up.

Chapter 424

Chapter 424 Dumbledore: Am I On The Opposite Side Of The World?

"Professor McGonagall, do you think Professor Dumbledore is really a

qualified Headmaster?"

Alvin's voice was soft, but under the influence of magic, the entire

auditorium could hear it clearly.

And Mag was also stunned.

"Of course, Gaunt, Dumbledore is the greatest white wizard of the

century, one of the best headmasters in Hogwarts history.

"If he's incompetent, don't you think you'll do better than him?"

Her words won the approval of many people, and the discussion in the

audience became louder.

Dumbledore's face also showed a look of relief, and being able to get the

approval of so many little wizards was even more pleasing to him than

defeating Voldemort.

But soon, he couldn't smile anymore.

Because he noticed one thing, the expression on Grindelwald's face did

not change in the slightest.

It was as if he knew what happened today.

A sudden premonition poured out of his heart, and it was constantly


"Professor, can I ask you a few 13 questions?"

Alvin looked at him and asked very politely. He didn't wait for

Dumbledore to reply, and he asked his own questions.

"May I ask how many Defence Against the Dark Arts professors have

changed at Hogwarts over the years?"

"Why has the quality of students at Hogwarts been getting worse in

recent years?"

Two simple questions silenced Dumbledore.

He can actually answer both of these questions.

The first is that Hogwarts has replaced 38 Defence Against the Dark Arts

professors in the past half century.

No, 39 if you include Umbridge.

Voldemort has cursed the position since his mastery of the dark arts, and

no one has served more than a year since then.

Although Dumbledore knew about it, he couldn't do anything about it.

Because, this is the magic that Voldemort casts in his name, and as long

as others are still afraid of this name, the effect of magic will always


For so many years, he could only keep looking for a suitable wizard,

making the teacher of this class a consumable item.

This also explains Alvin's second question, why the quality of students is

getting worse and worse over the years.

The imperfect teaching system makes it almost impossible for students to

learn any useful knowledge from Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

Of course, occasionally there will be one or two reliable teachers, but if

the tacit understanding between students and students has not been

cultivated, they will leave the stage sadly due to the problem of curses.

There is a saying that Scrimgeour is right, the students at Hogwarts have

been getting worse every year.

Even the quality of the Aurors in the Ministry of Magic has been


But can he say these things?

Once it was said, it not only made public the fact that this position was

cursed, but also completely confirmed the possibility of rumors.

And he also revealed his inaction, he could only watch Voldemort

rampage and do nothing.

Therefore, Dumbledore could only be silent.

Seeing that he didn't mean to answer, Alvin didn't bother.

"Professor, you can't solve some problems, but that doesn't mean I can't."

"I believe that under my leadership, Hogwarts, no, the entire wizarding

world will be better. 35

At this point, Alvin has made no secret of his ambitions and declared that

he will control the magic world.

Some smart people were shocked when they saw that Crouch didn't

respond to this.

Such an attitude was already evident, and the Ministry of Magic

welcomed another puppet minister.

Like Fudge back then, Crouch is now obedient to Alvin.

"Even if you say that, it can't hide your danger, Gaunt.

Dumbledore's eyes gradually turned cold, "Your ideal is great, but it is

very likely to bring the magic world into the abyss!"

He didn't dare to tell the truth, because it seemed like a fantasy to most


Unless it's personal experience, who would believe that Alvin used the

means to awaken Muggles to the wizarding bloodline?

For the first time, Dumbledore felt as if he was on the opposite side of the


All along, he is in the camp of absolute justice to fight against

Grindelwald, and Voldemort.

Alvin, however, used upright rules to get him kicked out of Hogwarts.

"Professor, this is the end of the matter, it's useless to say these things."

"As the new Headmaster of Hogwarts, I cordially invite you to serve as

Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts next term."5

"If you wish, I can also add a senior vice-principal position for you."

Dumbledore was silent, he had reason to suspect that Alvin was trying to

use Voldemort's hand to kill him directly.

"Gaunt, I wouldn't admit anyone but Dumbledore as Headmaster. 35

"If you're going to drive him out, then expel me too!

McGonagall also understood the current situation, but there was nothing

she could do, she could only stand up to express her support for


The situation this time was completely different from the one with

Umbridge, when almost everyone believed that he was only temporarily

away and would return sooner or later.

But this time, McGonagall didn't know what to do, and could only hope

that his threat would make Alvin a little bit afraid.

Her 337 words also aroused the emotions of many professors, and they

spoke out in support.

"Yes, Dumbledore is gone, so am I!"

This is the ancient runevan professor babbling.

"Gaunt, how did you come to be like this? If you drive Dumbledore away,

then expel me too."5

With regret in his voice, this is the dean of Hufflepuff, Professor Sprout.

She has always admired Alvin and never thought things would get to this



Next, the Muggle Professor and Mrs. Hooch also stood up.

Unfortunately, the efforts of these professors are doomed to be in vain.

Alvin was indifferent to their threats, and even respected the professors.

But in the face of the general situation, a little personal emotion doesn't

matter at all.

"Very well, you were fired."

"Professors can go to their offices to pack up and leave school."

"Thank you to several professors for their teaching over the years, and

Hogwarts will never forget your contributions."

His indifferent attitude finally angered Dumbledore, the huge magic

power on his body rippled unconsciously, and a wand appeared in his


But what happened next made his heart completely cold.

Chapter 425

Chapter 425 If You Want War, I Will Give You War!

"Gellert, you…"

Feeling being held back by a stick, Dumbledore's voice trembled slightly.

There was also a hint of helplessness in Grindelwald's tone, as well as an

indescribable disappointment.

"Sorry, Albus, I'm an undercover agent.

The crowd was in an uproar, and no one thought that at such a critical

time, Grindelwald, who had never spoken, would attack Dumbledore

from behind.

The flames flashed, and a phoenix appeared above Dumbledore's head,

leading him to Apparate out of the staff seat and come to the gate.

And Grindelwald didn't make any moves, letting him escape from his


"Gellert, why? Why did you do this?"

The anger in his tone could even be heard by a fool.

Dumbledore did not expect that his ominous premonition just now had


At that time, seeing Grindelwald's indifferent look, he had a bad


The result was even worse than he expected. The other party ignored the

friendship for so many years and directly attacked him.

Suddenly, Dumbledore's mind flashed, and he looked at Alvin with

burning eyes, "Gaunt, did you release Grindelwald?"

Everything, everything, finally colluded in his mind.

In the last year, the good relationship between him and Alvin has also

undergone some subtle changes.

Because of the existence of the magic net login device, the

communication between the two has obviously decreased a lot.

And his purpose of releasing Grindelwald's is obvious, to divert his


Under the double restraint of Voldemort and Grindelwald, he has almost

no energy to care about other things this year.

It wasn't until Newt brought him the news that he suddenly realized

Alvin's big move.

But how could that be?

Fudge was pressing step by step, Voldemort was hiding in the dark, and

Grindelwald was eyeing him.

These things on the surface were messy enough that even after

discovering Alvin's true purpose, he didn't act immediately.

One is because he has not thought of any solution for the time being, and

the other is that he feels that Alvin's power is weak, and its development

will not be too fast.

He can completely solve the threat in front of him, and then he frees up

his hands to make a good plan.

But until today, Dumbledore realized that he was wrong, and an invisible

net had already shrouded him.

It is extremely difficult to resist now.

"Professor Dumbledore, there are some things that can't be said nonsense,

I don't know how Mr. Grindelwald left Nurmengard. 99

"It's just that he didn't know where he learned about my plan, and he told

some of your past events, and made it clear that he would support my


"I saw that he was so sincere, so I naturally agreed.

Alvin took Dumbledore's words lightly and blocked it back. If he publicly

admitted that it was Grindelwald who released him, then the nature of

the matter would have changed.

So even if it's bullshit, Alvin has to give a reason at will.

"That little bastard!

Grindelwald scolded angrily, he clearly arranged everything, how could

he put the whole pot on his head.

Didn't you see that the way Dumbledore looked at him had changed?

Why don't good people do it, but have to do it!

But although he was aggrieved in his heart, Grindelwald knew that he

could only bear all this silently, and he nodded his head and said:

"That's right, Albus, you once betrayed our blood alliance, and today I

want you to experience what it's like to be betrayed by your own


As soon as the words came out, he actually felt a little relaxed, and his

heart was also dark.

Sure enough, the process of hurting each other is painful and happy!

"Okay!" Dumbledore took a deep breath, suppressing his trembling heart,

and looked at the others in the auditorium.

The expressions of these people are different. Today's melon is really too

big, and many people have already expressed that they can't bear it.

Especially the students of Gryffindor and Hufflepuff, they haven't reacted

yet, so their dean was fired like this?

"Crouch, you have also seen that Gaunt has joined forces with

Grindelwald, are you still so obsessed with it?

"And everyone here, we just defeated Voldemort once, and now a bigger

threat is before you."

"You really don't see that our magical world has been manipulated by a

behind-the-scenes hand?"

Dumbledore knew now that he could turn the tables today only if they

were on the opposite side of the majority.

"That's right! Alvin Gaunt! You are a complete conspiracy!

Moody limped to Dumbledore's side, and the magic eye kept scanning

Grindelwald and Alvin.

In his eyes, as long as there is a connection with the dark wizard, it must

not be a good thing!

Alvin didn't speak, but gestured to Crouch with his eyes, he also

understood and took a step forward.

".々 Mr. Grindelwald and I had a conversation just two days ago, and he

promised that as long as Alvin Gaunt became the principal."5

"Then he'll make an unbreakable oath with me that he won't kill a single

native wizard in England.

"Even his wizards will be similarly restrained."

The crowd boiled, they did not expect that Grindelwald would offer such

generous conditions.

"Mr Crouch, are you telling the truth?

Rita Skeeter asked excitedly, this is big news.

If it is true as Crouch said, then for England, Grindelwald is just a

powerful wizard, no longer a threat.

"That's right," Krach said loudly, "(Good Zhao) If it can't be done, I, the

Minister of Magic, will resign on the spot.""

Just kidding, with Alvin there, it's too easy.

Seeing that he was so determined, those who were swaying fell silent


Dumbledore also accepted his fate, and he knew that he was over.

But it doesn't matter, since there is no way to solve it through peaceful

means, then the only way is to use force.

You want war! I will give you war!

"Gaunt! There's something you haven't figured out yet. 35

The old man's voice was loud and vigorous, and the magic power on his

body galloped up.

"Hogwarts is the Hogwarts of England, the Hogwarts of all teachers and


"But he's not the Hogwarts of the Ministry of Magic!"

"It was my failure to educate you like this, let me tell you now. 99

"What is the Millennium Will of Hogwarts!"

Chapter 426

Chapter 426 The Wrath Of The Lion!

As the words fell, Dumbledore's aura once again rose to a peak.

"Don't resist, everyone, this battle is very dangerous!"

A gentle force enveloped everyone present and wanted to move them to

the edge of the auditorium.

Almost everyone obeyed Dumbledore's will, and soon the middle of the

auditorium was emptied.

And several deans did not move at all, and chose to stay in place.

Professor McGonagall wanted to fight with Dumbledore, while Professor

Flitwick was extremely complicated and didn't know how to choose.

Alvin is one of the most satisfying students in his teaching career, bar


Whether it is his respect or the thirst for knowledge, he is worthy of the

best Ravenclaw in history.

He also often feels that it is the pride of his life to have a student like


Because of this thought of being a student, he always received envious

glances from Professor McGonagall and Professor Sprout.

But today's events have far exceeded his ability to cope, and Professor

Flitwick, who was caught in the middle, didn't know what to do.

"Professor, please go aside first, there are some things I have to do.

Looking at Foley's 337th dimension, Alvin sincerely persuaded him that

he could ignore McGonagall and Sprout, but for his own dean, he could

persuade him if he could.

"Alas! 39

With a sigh, Professor Flitwick left, instead of joining the audience, he

left the auditorium directly.

He didn't want to see what happened next, no matter who stayed, it was

a kind of injury to him.

Watching his dean leave, Alvin waved his sleeves, and a shock wave

threw several professors who were caught off guard into the crowd,

leaving only Snape standing there.

"Snape, help me protect Hermione and the others,

Alvin gave a command, and Snape nodded under Dumbledore's

unbelievable eyes, turned into a black robe, and came to Hermione and

the others with a few ups and downs.

Looking at the small wizards crowded around him, he frowned in

displeasure, and opened a protective shield.

On the scene, it became Alvin, Grindelwald, Crouch and Dumbledore.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but many people saw a flaming phoenix

hovering behind Dumbledore, and a giant blue (bdba) bird competed

with him.

"Let me go and get rid of Dumbledore. 99

Grindelwald's position is slightly higher, and it is he who is competing

with Dumbledore at this time.

His expression was solemn, because he had already felt the raging anger

contained in that old body.

At this time, Dumbledore's mentality was very unstable, and one of the

people he trusted the most, Snape, was actually a child of twenty-five???

In the huge magic world, does he still have someone he can trust?

Grindelwald was also afraid that Dumbledore in this state would do

something irrational and be slaughtered by Alvin.

That's right, he wasn't worried about Alvin, but he really thought that

Lao Deng couldn't beat Alvin, so he was ready to make a move and let

him retreat.

"No need," Alvin said in a relaxed tone, completely unwilling to face the

enemy. He took a step forward and came to Dumbledore in an instant.

"Headmaster, there's actually something I'd like to tell you, it's not the

Ministry of Magic who made me this Headmaster, but the school that

chose me.

Dumbledore laughed angrily. He didn't do any useless battles of words,

but silently meditated on something.

Fox's figure disappeared around him, and soon returned, with a hat still

in his mouth.

"What are you doing? A duel demonstration?"

"Dumbledore, you should take care of your Phoenix… He burned all the

new dust on my body.

The broken-mouthed sorting hat was a little surprised, and the big mouth

at the top chattered.

But Dumbledore was not in the mood to accompany him to make fun of

him at this time, he took the hat with a blank face, and stretched out his

hand to take it out.

When people are still wondering why the sorting hat is brought here at

this time.

He saw that his hand had left the hat, and he was still holding a silver

sword that looked very sharp.

The little wizards were in an uproar, and their eyes widened


There's a sword hidden in the Sorting Hat!

Everyone here entered the school through the sorting ceremony, and

when they saw the blade that shone with cold light, their necks were a

little cold.

No one knew that the sorting ceremony was so dangerous!

If the Sorting Hat accidentally leaks the sword…

The consequences were unimaginable.

And Dumbledore's next words can be regarded as a solution for them.

"This sword, the legacy of Godric Gryffindor, is called the sword of


"Only a real Gryffindor can pull it out of the Sorting Hat."

Slowly talking about the origin of the sword, Dumbledore also held him

high, under Alvin's surprised eyes.

There was a raging fire on the sword!

"This sword not only represents the history of Hogwarts, it is also the last

resort of protection left by the founder to the school.39

Dumbledore muttered to himself, guilt in his heart.

He really is an incompetent principal, and he actually used the trump

card left by the founder during his tenure.

Moreover, it turned out to be used to deal with a student in the school!

But this emotion comes and goes quickly, and now is not the time for


He had to use the Thunder to drive Alvin out of school with the power of


Only in this way can he turn defeat into victory!

Almost at the same time, all Gryffindor students throbbed, even


The four college pennants hanging high in the auditorium slowly fell, and

countless golden light spots converged in front of Dumbledore.

Soon, a male lion was formed, and he roared in the sky, with a terrifying



The sound was so loud that even the starry sky ceiling above his head

trembled slightly.

And Alvin also felt that the whole castle was rejecting his existence, as if

his existence was the biggest threat to the school.

"Alvin Gaunt!" Dumbledore slashed the sword fiercely, the tip of the

sword pointed at him, and there was a grandeur in his voice.

"I declare as heir to Gryffindor, Headmaster of Hogwarts!

"You've been banished from Hogwarts!

Some readers say that I write slowly, but I really don't want to be slow…

For the plot that has been paved for so long, I also write it carefully,

because it also involves the world-wide struggle in the future.

Chapter 427

Chapter 427 You Are The Heir!

As his voice fell, the lion roared wildly, waving its sharp claws and


Its sound is like a drum, its momentum is like thunder, and it is

incomparable to an ordinary lion.

Alvin frowned. It wasn't that he couldn't deal with it, but the feeling of

being in the quagmire and being constrained everywhere made him


Even casting spells takes a lot more effort than usual.

He raised his hand and fired a thunderbolt, which directly blasted the

lion into the sky, and then the silver snake danced wildly, and fell on it


Soon, the male lion turned into a spot of light again, but tried to gather


Not only that, from the inside of the castle, the Gryffindor teachers and

students radiated continuous light spots, and they were still forming

golden lions.

"Is this Gryffindor's legacy to Hogwarts?"

Grindelwald's face was amazed, and his tone was incredible.

"What kind of magic is this?"

Crouch asked him a little worriedly, and saw two more lions in an

instant, as well as the changes in the expressions of everyone.

At that time, even if Alvin wins, Dumbledore has successfully planted a

seed in everyone's heart.

He was the orthodox at Hogwarts, and Alvin was simply driving him

away by force.

Grindelwald pondered for a long time before speaking, and there was still

some uncertainty in his tone.

"Hogwarts Castle has experienced thousands of years of precipitation.

There are countless wizards who have been active here. The magic power

they unconsciously exudes has long cast this place into a huge magic


"And Gryffindor took advantage of this and turned the continued power

of the entire castle into its own means to protect it."

He turned to look at the group of Gryffindor students again, rubbing his


"What is this with this group of students… It should be that they signed a

contract with this castle when they entered the school, and they will

contribute their strength at a critical moment.

In the end, he was also a little unsure. The mystery in this area was not

Grindelwald's main attack direction, and he was also half-guessing and



Crouch's heart moved and found that only Gryffindor students were

producing light spots.

Is it a sorting ceremony?

"So Alvin is he sure he can win?"

Grindelwald reluctantly slapped his mouth, "I had full confidence in him

at first, but now I can't see it clearly.

"After all, now he is not fighting against Dumbledore, but against the

wizards who have existed in this castle for thousands of years!


Another red light cannon split a lion flying, and Alvin also felt the

difficulty of the matter.

Every lion here is not weak, and the magic power contained in its body

far exceeds that of Aurors. The most difficult thing is that they are


Seeing Dumbledore standing there comfortably, a rare burst of anger

appeared in his heart.

Although I have seen this picture from the process of predicting the

future, I still feel uncomfortable.

He has always tortured others, when is it someone else's turn to torture


You are the heir to the founder, right?

A golden skeleton appeared outside his body, turning into a warrior

holding a shield and a giant sword at an extremely fast speed, swept

away all the male lions like chopping melons and vegetables.

Seeing this scene, Dumbledore did not panic at all, as long as the castle's

magic power was not exhausted, his attack would not stop.

And Alvin, who summoned Susa, also freed his hand, and a crystal ball

and a wooden token appeared on the two palms.

At the same time, the Slytherin puppet hidden in the deepest chamber of

the chamber and Rowena Ravenclaw, who is far away in Gaul and

experimenting with Nicole LeMay, are feeling weak.

Slytherin closed his eyes, felt the situation in the castle, and laughed


"Godric, I didn't expect the fight between you and me to last a thousand


"Well, let's see who is right this time.

The voice fell, and a piece of parchment deep in the castle trembled

slowly, and Alvin's name gradually appeared on it, but the speed was

very slow.

And Ravenclaw is similar, handing over the authority to control the

castle to Alvin, and no longer paying attention to the situation here.

For her, the battle after a thousand years could not give her the slightest

interest, and only the grand plan could make her dazzled.

In the hall, the students of Slytherin and Ravenclaw had the same

changes as the Gryffindors.

Under Dumbledore's unbelievable eyes, green and blue light spots floated

out of their bodies, converging into giant pythons and ravens.

・・・・For flowers・0

As soon as he appeared, he was fighting with his lion army.


Dumbledore looked at Alvin who was holding a crystal ball and a

wooden sign, and he was completely numb at the moment.

"Professor, thank you for your reminder, otherwise I would have

forgotten that I am still the heir to Ravenclaw and Slytherin."

The words were very irritating, but they also succeeded in shocking many


They did not expect that, in addition to Gryffindor's heir, Dumbledore,

the other two founders' heirs also appeared.

And still the same person.

Injured, Dumbledore was very injured. Since this day, his originally very

strong heart has been shattered.

So bullying!

A series of blows followed, and he couldn't accept it.

Especially in the last wave, he clearly gained the upper hand with

Gryffindor's legacy, but was backstabbed by his beloved school!

In an instant, Dumbledore had the urge to drop his wand and surrender


And at this time, there are Hufflepuff students who are just as depressed

as he is.

Why do the other three academies have heirs, but the little badgers


In fact, what they didn't know was that the heir to Hufflepuff was

standing here, it was Uncle Newt.

It's just that the easy-going Hufflepuff didn't leave any backhands, only a

lot of knowledge about magical creatures, which was taken away by

Newt when he was a student.

And he also wrote it into the book "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find It"

without reservation.

After Alvin revealed his identity, the situation changed.

The simplest math problem, two is greater than one.

Under the siege of the python and the raven, the male lion retreated

steadily, and was soon scattered into a light spot.

What was different this time was that although these light spots wanted

to converge, they were blocked.

Only a few of the Gryffindor students floating out of the body reluctantly

converged into a humanoid figure and let out a helpless sigh.

"Salazar, are you going to be against me forever?"

"And you, Rowena, why are you helping this old snake? 39+


Chapter 428

Meeting Across The Millennium, Let The School Decide His Master!


Everyone was shocked again.

Today's reversal is something they have never thought about in their life,

and now even the legendary Gryffindor has appeared.

No novel can be written like this!

Yes, they're not stupid, though it's not known by what means Gryffindor

has reincarnated.

But they all knew clearly that the voice just now must be from him.

The python and the raven also stopped their offensive, and also gathered

two human figures.

I can't see the specific appearance, but Slytherin gives the impression of a

spooky old man.

And Ravenclaw is more eye-catching, just standing in the void, it makes

people feel that the elegance is peerless, and the strange charm makes

many people forget to breathe.

"Godric, after more than a thousand years, your "three-five-three" mouth

is still so stinky! 35

Slytherin cursed angrily, but anyone could hear the joy in his tone.

The relationship between the two is very complicated, that is, lifelong

friends and lifelong enemies.

The friendship and struggle between them have lasted for too long, and it

has to be emotional to be able to meet after a thousand years.

"Roina, you have never intervened in the fight between me and Salazar

before, why are you on his side now instead?"

Directly ignoring the bad old man of Slytherin, Gryffindor stared at

Ravenclaw with some resentment.

Hogwarts was divided into three factions, the Gryffindor faction and the

Slytherin faction.

The remaining good friends, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff, did not interfere

in the affairs between the two and were neutral.

Gryffindor couldn't understand, how could he be beaten in mixed doubles


"Lion, Rowena is always on my side. Is there anything strange about her

dealing with you?"

"To shut up!"

Slytherin, who was still proudly laughing at Gryffindor, was instantly


And the viewers who have been eating melons have also discovered that

it seems that Ravenclaw's status was somewhat special among the


And Ravenclaw also flew in front of Alvin and stood side by side with


"This matter has nothing to do with Slytherin, it's just that my heir is the

same person as Slytherin."

Alvin nodded to her, looked at Dumbledore, who had fallen into black

and white, and asked, "Professor, are we still fighting?"

But before Lao Deng could speak, Gryffindor answered him in a

passionate tone.

"Hit! Our Gryffindor dictionary never gives up the word! Until the last

moment, the outcome is still unknown!"

He is such a person, on the road of fighting all his life.

Although he has no certainty in the face of the siege of Ravenclaw and

Slytherin, the more he does, the more his blood boils!

"Alvin Gaunt, as you can see, this auditorium has been scarred by our


"This is still the result of our extreme restraint, I believe you don't want

Hogwarts to suffer more damage, right?

Alvin heard it, this Gryffindor wants to change the method, don't think

about it, it must be a method that is beneficial to him.

He was overjoyed. He never thought that Gryffindor, who was recorded

as the most reckless wizard in history, especially likes to carry swords

and cut people, would have such a delicate mind.

The glazed brilliance in his eyes flashed, and scenes that might happen in

the future appeared in front of Alvin's eyes. He was stunned for two

seconds before he suddenly realized.

Is that so?

"No problem, Head Gryffindor, everything is yours.

Alvin complied with his request, and Dumbledore made no objection.

Now the protagonists on this stage are not him and Alvin, but the three


Seeing him so happy, Gryffindor was overjoyed and said to Slytherin and


"Then let the castle choose his master, as long as his name appears on it, I

will immediately admit defeat.

"Roina, Salazar, I need your help, I can't summon her alone with my


what are they talking about?

Most of the people looked blank and couldn't understand the

conversation between the founders at all.

And, why does the Hogwarts castle choose its own owner?

But Dumbledore's mind moved slightly, and a glimmer of hope ignited in

his heart…

"Ancestor, Rowena, please cooperate with Dean Gryffindor." Alvin said to

the two who were looking at him, and Alvin stood there quietly.

Only after experiencing despair, perhaps Dumbledore will accept his fate.

If that's the case, then he won't be polite.

With his permission, the two nodded slightly and stretched out a finger at

the same time. At a point in the void, Gryffindor did the same.

Three rays of light shot out from their fingertips, intertwined in the air,

and gradually turned into a pen and a roll of parchment.

"Is this the legendary pen of acceptance, the book of admission?

Hermione, who was guarded by Snape behind her, exclaimed, attracting

the attention of many people.

Seeing everyone's curious eyes, Hermione didn't give a shit.

"I have seen in "A History of Hogwarts" that Hogwarts selects wizards

based on two powerful magical props."

"They are the pen of acceptance, the book of admission.

"As soon as all young wizards born in England show a talent for magic,

they will be accepted and recorded in the Book of Admission."

"And the power of the book of admission is even greater, he has the right

to reject those students who are not eligible to enter the school 1.0, to

ensure that the students' talents meet the standard. 35

Gryffindor also heard Hermione's explanation, and when he saw the

radiance of courage exuding from the little girl, he knew that this was an

excellent 'Gryffindor'.

"That's right, little girl, I'm very happy that you are such a brilliant

student in my academy after a thousand years.

Gryffindor smiled heartily, and simply told what was about to happen.

"And one thing that won't be recorded is that the Book of Admission is

actually the title deed to Hogwarts!"

title deed?

Someone's eyes widened, looking at the parchment with burning eyes.

So, if anyone can get this title, doesn't he become the master of


And Gryffindor's next words also proved their conjecture.

Chapter 429

Chapter 429 Dumbledore, Exit!

"When a school elects a new principal, the pen of admission will put the

new principal's name on the book of acceptance."

"Once the Book of Acceptance deems the person qualified enough to be a

Headmaster, his name will appear below the Headmasters!"

Gryffindor also completely solved everyone's doubts.

"Little girl, do your best, I think you are very likely to become one of the

principals in the future!

Gryffindor encouraged Hermione. He had seen too many advantages in

Hermione, and he also believed that the future of this little wizard was


If she can become the principal, it will be a good thing for the school.

Hermione blushed slightly after being praised, and said very

embarrassedly, "I think it's quite suitable for my boyfriend to be the


"Oh?" Gryffindor became interested, "who is your boyfriend? Let me see if

he's that good?

Hermione raised her hand in embarrassment and pointed to Alvin who

smiled at her, "He's my boyfriend friend."


Gryffindor wants to scold her!

How can you just find someone who is related to Alvin's 13 series?

He did not expect that he would be backstabbed by his own little wizard

a thousand years later!

Gryffindor, who felt a little socially dead, quickly changed the subject

and pointed to the already formed book of acceptance and said:

"Let's see the final Hogwarts choice, who is the most qualified candidate!"

The parchment slowly unfolded, with dense words on it, and Gryffindor

enlarged it a lot in order to make it clearer for everyone to see.

With the appearance of names, the little wizards also saw characters they

knew well from above, such as the deans of major colleges, and other


"I saw my name!

A seventh-grade student shouted excitedly, and many others, like him,

saw their names.

When the parchment was finally stretched out completely, the names of

the successive principals also emerged one by one.

"Phineas Black!

"Armando Dippet!"

At this moment, whether it was Dumbledore or anyone present, they all

looked nervously at the bottom of the parchment.

"Albus, Dumbledore, and… Alvin!"

Alvin's name has not been completely portrayed, but the pen of

admission is gradually writing his name firmly.

The Book of Acceptance does not mean the slightest rejection.

This also means that the school has chosen Alvin as his new owner!

Seeing this result, Slytherin laughed, Gryffindor remained silent, and

Dumbledore's eyes completely lost their luster.

He lost, terribly.

The little wizards were also very complicated, especially Harry, who

didn't know whether to celebrate his friend or mourn for Dumbledore's


He was also one of the most uncomfortable people at this dinner party,

with his thighs on one side, bah, his best friend.

On the other hand, he is an elder who treats him very well.

He suddenly felt that he should turn around and leave like Professor

Flitwick, and stop looking at these bad things.

And now he also knows why Dumbledore made him be careful about

Alvin at that time.

Grindelwald also had a tangled face, he had never seen Dumbledore like


At any time, he is calm and calm, and no difficulties can hit him.

But now, Dumbledore was just an old man who suffered successive blows

and couldn't bear it.


After a long time, Gryffindor let out a long sigh and floated to

Dumbledore's side.

"Sorry, heir, but in the end I couldn't help you.""

Dumbledore shook his head, "Don't say that, Mr. Gryffindor, maybe I'm

really not fit to be the headmaster?"

Seeing him like this, Gryffindor wanted to comfort him, but any words at

this time were pale.

He knew it was useless to say more.

"Stop laughing, stinky snake! It's time for us to disappear!"

"People who have long since passed away, don't meddle too much with

the things of the present!"

Angrily scolded the smug Slytherin, Gryffindor took the lead in turning

into a spot of light and scattered into every corner of the castle.

Seeing that the old opponent took the initiative to hide, Slaterin jumped

his feet angrily, but he had no choice but to snort coldly and then


Ravenclaw smiled slightly.

"Zuo Gu? Sorry, I'm not like you. I want to see more of such a wonderful


Nodding to Alvin, she flew to her daughter's side and chatted with her.

"Professor, what do you mean?

Alvin called Dumbledore softly to see if he was fighting or fighting.

If he continues to fight, then he intends to show some real skills.

Alvin took a look at the system task bar and found that it was still

displayed in the Unfinished column after defeating and so on.

He was not surprised, after all, the battle just now was exactly a contest

between him and Gryffindor and Hogwarts.

If Lao Deng is still obsessed, then today is the time for him to break into

the legend.

"Forget it, you win, Gaunt. 35

The staggering 353 walked to the entrance of the auditorium, and Alvin

opened the oak door for him kindly.

The banquet that originally started at noon, now the sun is setting

outside, and Dumbledore, who has a lonely expression, complements

each other a little.

"Wait for me, Albus!""

Professor McGonagall suddenly made a sound, tore off the robe with the

Gryffindor logo on his body, and walked quickly to the old man's side.

"I said that Hogwarts is Hogwarts where you are here, and since you are

leaving, I will not be staying at this school!

Despite the pain in his heart, Professor McGonagall said firmly to


There is no doubt about her love for the school, but Alvin's actions

completely broke her heart, and it is better to leave now than to suffer in

the future.

Reading this meaning from her eyes, Dumbledore did not refuse.

Immediately afterwards, all the members of the Order of the Phoenix,

Professor Sprout also stood up silently and came to Dumbledore's side.

Even some students are just around the corner, but this matter is too

important for them to make a decision in a short time.

Seeing that he still has so many supporters, it made the disheartened

Dumbledore feel a lot better.

Glancing at the castle one last time, Dumbledore's eyes became firmer.

Hogwarts, he will definitely come back!

Chapter 430

Chapter 430: The Consciousness Of The Black Hand Behind The Scenes

Many times, the development of things does not depend on people's will.

Moreover, they have also far overestimated the meaning of some people's

existence, and the world will run as usual without anyone.

The events of Hogwarts that day quickly spread throughout the English

wizarding world, and many people felt that the sky was falling.

Dumbledore has always been a symbol of England, and his status is very


Almost all the Mesozoic and Cenozoic are his students and are deeply


They did not expect that one day their beloved principal would be

overthrown by a fifth-grade student.

Coupled with the cooperation of Crouch, the huge England has no place

for Dumbledore to stand.

After this turmoil enough to be recorded in the annals of history,

countless people felt that their future life would definitely undergo great


But since the beginning of July, the magic world has remained calm, with

no waves.

Even with Alvin's relationship with the Ministry of Magic, the tension

that had permeated England has dissipated a lot.

Until this time, many people suddenly realized that it really doesn't

matter whether Dumbledore exists or not.

People just get used to it.

And during this time, Alvin has also been very busy.

Now he has officially walked from behind the scenes to the front desk,

and the whole magic world is spreading his story.

The magical world here does not refer to a small land in England, but

wizards all over the world.

Many people are wondering how evil a person is to be able to play

Dumbledore with applause at this age.

And Alvin didn't have time to judge and speculate about him in the

unexpected world.

The Ministry of Magic, the school, and Knockturn Alley all came to him a

little bit.

Especially on the school side, many professors need him to re-select

suitable candidates, those who are not good enough, and those who are

too good are very difficult to find.

For other courses, Alvin already has a rough plan, but for the course of

Transfiguration, Alvin has no favorite candidates yet.

No way, Professor McGonagall has a very high reputation among

students. If he can't find a better candidate, wouldn't he be slapping

himself in the face.

By the way, he has to face the questioning of several little witches


What happened that day made Hermione and others very excited, not

that Alvin was doing something wrong, they were definitely on his side.

It's just that for such a big thing, Alvin didn't show any signs before,

which made his children very hurt.

Sometimes women don't want much, what they need is your trust in her.

As a result, even the most well-behaved Luna didn't give Alvin a good

look during this period of time, and let him coax him for a long time.

He also knew in his heart that it was wrong for him to do so, and Alvin

had to spend a lot of time every day to atone for his mistakes.

If it weren't for the fact that the Dragon Blood Body Refinement Ritual

had increased a lot of physique, it is estimated that now his limbs have

become weak and his eye sockets are sunken.

After this period of time was over, Alvin decided to go to Osiris to

'borrow' a little dragon's blood. He found that after his physique had

improved, everything he could do was much easier.

And just one day in mid-July, Harry, who had not been seen since the

end of the semester, suddenly came to his house.

Alvin was a little surprised. He thought that Harry would be taken away

from England by Sirius and others, but he didn't expect him to stay here.

Yes, Dumbledore and some members of the Order of the Phoenix have

left England, and there is no word on where they went.

Seeing Harry who suddenly matured a lot, Alvin nodded slightly.

After all, when he was at the Ministry of Magic, he also experienced a

death, and encountered such a thing again.

It can be said that as long as you are not stupid, you will definitely grow


And as soon as he came in, Harry didn't sell anything, and directly asked

Alvin what the purpose of doing this was.

There were so many questions buried in his mind that Harry himself

didn't know where to begin.

Alvin took his time and didn't answer Harry's question immediately, but

took the lead in asking a question.

"Do you know where Dumbledore and the others went…?"

Harry was silent for a few seconds before speaking: "I only know that

they left Europe, and I don't know exactly where they went.

In fact, Sirius found Aunt Paige's house the next day and wanted to take

him away with him, but Harry refused.

Because of this, the two also had a big fight, and Sirius felt that it would

only be more dangerous for him to stay with Alvin.

Seeing his expression, Alvin also understood a lot of things and felt


Friendship for so many years has not been in vain, and Harry finally

chose his side.

66々Harry, Dumbledore and I don't have any personal grudges, it's a

battle of ideas between us.

"But, it's bigger than a personal feud, so I had to attack when he wasn't


Harry asked a little puzzled: "Then you are really indifferent to the

departure of Professor McGonagall and Professor Sprout?"

This is also a very uncomfortable point for him. Although Professor

McGonagall is very strict with him, Harry can feel the care in it.

And Professor Sprout, the best-tempered Dean, is also part of his fond

memories of Hogwarts.

"It's uncomfortable," Alvin nodded, "several professors are usually good to

me, but this time I can't be lenient."

"I can do even more extreme things for the greater good. 35

"This time I've been merciful, otherwise, with Grindelwald and me, even

Dumbledore wouldn't even want to leave Hogwarts that day.

(good lee good)

Here, he also reminded Harry to be vaccinated in the future.

There's a lot to lose since he decides to go this route, but Alvin doesn't


As long as the people you value are still by your side, the rest is not


Now that he has chosen to be a mastermind behind the scenes, Alvin has

long been aware of it.

Those who can be used by him will be treated well, and those who

oppose him will not be merciful in the future.

Letting Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall and others go is the last time

he has softened his heart.

It should be regarded as a repayment for their kindness in preaching and

cultivating at Hogwarts over the past few years.

In the end, this can be regarded as an answer to some questions in the

comment area. In any case, Alvin will eventually control the world, but

the process must be tortuous, and the ending of Lao Deng's loneliness will

not be achieved overnight.

Chapter 431

Chapter 431: Harry'S Attitude, Crouch'S Action

In fact, Alvin is very satisfied with the current situation.

Although Hermione and the others made a little awkwardness, it was also

because of his concealment that they didn't say a word about his actions.

The Lemay couple, the elders who took good care of him when he first

entered the magic world, also supported him without hesitation.

Especially LeMay, who is still contributing to his research in the

laboratory at a very old age, made Alvin a little embarrassed.

In addition, there are two professors, Snape and Flitwick. Needless to say,

Snape, the relationship between the two has changed now.

Because of Lily's existence, Snape is definitely his most staunch supporter.

Professor Flitwick also wrote back to him these days, saying that he

would still stay at Hogwarts.

But Alvin's request to make him the vice-principal of Hogwarts was


And Harry saw his resolute attitude and knew that Alvin's temperament

was like that.

Usually joking, but once he gets serious, no one can change his decision.

In the end, he could only sigh helplessly, and said resignedly.

"I'll help you, Alvin, but don't regret it."5

Having said that, things can be considered open, and Harry has also fully

stated his position.

He knows that he may not be able to help Alvin with his abilities, but

353 will give his best whenever he needs it.

Not for anything else, but for the realization of my friend's dream.

Well, although he still doesn't know what Alvin's dream is.

After the business was over, Harry also began to complain to Alvin about

the bad things that had happened during this period of time.

"You don't know, the Weasleys are already in a quarrel because of what

you've done."

"When I went there a few days ago, Mr. Arthur advised me not to go to

Hogwarts next term, and let me transfer to Ilvermorny or Beauxbatons."

"As soon as I mention you, Mrs. Jasmine's tears can't stop flowing."

Now Harry doesn't know if Ginny and Ron will be back next term.

Their family has been divided into two factions, some stand Alvin, some

stand Dumbledore.

The twins, for example, were surprised but thought Hogwarts would

definitely be fun under Alvin's management.

Both of them regretted that they had graduated so early.

And Arthur, the backbone of the Order of the Phoenix, was very jealous

of Alvin. If he hadn't had to work to raise a family, he would have left

England with Dumbledore.

Hearing this, Alvin waved his hands indifferently.

"It doesn't matter if they go back to Hogwarts. If they do, I will definitely

welcome them. If they don't come, I can only say it's their loss."

"Beginning next semester, I'm going to make a big overhaul of the school,

and I'm sure there will be surprises. 95


Harry was very curious when he heard the words, but Alvin's tone was

very strict and he didn't reveal it at all.

And he also told Harry that this year's birthday present was ready, but he

needed to go to school to receive it.

Harry didn't respond to this, and every year Alvin would prepare him a

birthday present, let alone a little later, even if he didn't have one.

On the contrary, he was a little worried when he gave Alvin gifts every


Because the other party lacked everything, every time Harry had to die a

lot of brain cells before he could think of a suitable gift.

Suddenly thinking of something, Alvin asked, "What are you doing this


Harry shook his head blankly, "I don't know either, the Dursleys basically

don't care about me now, so they have a lot of free time every day."

"Then are you interested in experiencing the life of an Auror?"

Hermione had been arranged by him to intern at the Ministry of Magic,

and Harry, the future thug he valued, should also undergo some practical


Harry's eyes lit up in an instant.

Don't look at Aurors in front of Alvin, Voldemort and others, they are no

different from ordinary wizards.

But in the eyes of others, Aurors should be one of the most high-end

(bdba) professions.

When Harry said he wanted to be an Auror when he was a career coach,

Professor McGonagall and Umbridge had a big fight.

Now that Alvin says so, of course he's interested.

"Is that okay? But I'm not an adult yet, so outside of school is not allowed

to cast spells."

Although he was excited, Harry's shadow from last year had not

disappeared, and he didn't want to go to court again because of the issue

of off-campus spellcasting.

"Absolutely no problem," Alvin assured, patting his chest, "now that the

entire Ministry of Magic is my word, you can just go back and wait for

the news.

Sure enough, on the second day, Crouch, who had been quiet all the

time, moved.

And his first fire was on the issue of underage wizards casting spells

outside of school.

Crouch directly revised the age limit, as long as students who passed the

O.W.L.S exam after the fifth grade were allowed to cast spells outside of


Of course, this is also limited, and it must be done with the consent of the

parent or guardian.

The revision of this law has won the favor of many young wizards. You

must know that it is difficult to be unable to cast spells for two months

during the summer vacation.

Well now, the little wizards can also practice their spellcasting

proficiency during the two months of summer vacation.

The second fire, Crouch, was aimed at those Ministry officials who were

dissatisfied with him.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that he is Alvin's person, and even

the primary and secondary positions of the two are very obvious.

How can a dignified Minister of Magic be a puppet?

Especially Amelia Burns, who felt cheated and thought Crouch was better

against Grindelwald, and Voldemort.

Unexpectedly, he is actually the spokesperson of a little wizard!

To this end, she is already preparing for the impeachment proceedings

and wants to bring Crouch out of office directly.

And Crouch also knew his current situation and used the minister's power

to exclude dissidents.

Supported a lot of people who came from Alvin.

Of course, this process is not achieved overnight, but Crouch is very

confident, and no one in England can stop them now.

Grindelwald also signed an unbreakable oath with him in the public eye,

fulfilling the promise of the day.

This catapulted Crouch's fame to its peak in an instant.

Like ordinary people in the Muggle world, wizards don't pay much

attention to the battles at the top, and it doesn't matter who is the real

ruler as long as they can live a good life.

These people wouldn't have been so angry if Fudge had not endangered

their safety by hiding what happened to Voldemort.

Now, it seems that Crouch is clearly doing a good job.

Chapter 432

Chapter 432 Ms. Rozier, Are You Interested In Coming To Hogwarts?

"You mage tower…"

Grindelwald, who performed a play with Crouch in front of the public,

did not leave England, but came to Knockturn Alley.

It's still summer vacation, and Durmstrang doesn't have anything to deal

with, so he just came here to visit Alvin's lair.

This time, I found something amazing.

In front of him, a magnificent mage tower stood quietly, and what

surprised him was the huge magic power contained in this mage tower.

This is like an active volcano, although it remains calm on the surface,

once it erupts, it will destroy the sky – destroy the earth!

"Call him the Tower of Glory, from now on this will be the headquarters

of the Illuminati. 99

Alvin hasn't given up on the Illuminati he created on a whim, the

prototype of what he sees as the World Council.

It's just that his requirements are relatively high, and few people have

joined so far.

"Come on, I'll take you in for a tour, and there are other things that need

your help."

Leading Grindelwald and Vida Rozier into the Mage Tower, Alvin

introduced them to the layout of each floor.

The more they listened, the more shocked the two of them became.

Where is this a mage tower?

There is a space dedicated to growing potions, a space dedicated to

raising magical creatures, and a variety of well-equipped laboratories, a

living place to meet any need.

There is even a floor for the staff area for the mage tower servants and

alchemy creatures to survive.

And these are just incidental, what shocked Grindelwald the most is that

he found many unheard of spells and magic pattern knowledge from all

aspects of this mage tower.

As if…not of this world.

After seeing those transistor cannons, Grindelwald broke out in a cold

sweat. If he was hit by this thing, his defense would be as good as paper.

In the end, several people came to the master living area at the top of the

tower, which was also the area that Arya and Nagini arranged most


All the things used in it are selected by the two and Furong personally,

and the layout is also very particular, which is very comfortable.

The three sat on the tea table by the window, enjoying afternoon tea.

Looking at the view of the mountains and small scenery outside the

window, Grindelwald felt a little uncomfortable.

The same tower, why was he so casual when he built Nurmengard?

If he was as diligent as Alvin, he wouldn't be able to reveal mysterious

magic everywhere, but at least from the point of view of enjoyment, it

was definitely not much different.

In that case, he would be able to live a lot more comfortably during the

decades he was detained.

Vida Rozier on the other side didn't say a word, tasting the tea in silence.

She has always been very measured in her heart, although Alvin let her

sit here with him, it was just his easy-going personality and didn't care

much about these differences.

But he couldn't push his nose on his face.

When the two bosses spoke, she only had to wear her ears.

"You just happened to be here today, so I don't have to look for you

again, there are two things I want you to do.

After enjoying a pleasant time, Alvin also talked about business.

In fact, today Grindelwald won't come, and he will find him in two days.

England has stabilized a lot recently.

Some things also need to be put on the agenda.

Grindelwald did not speak, but ate another piece of pastry. He has no

decision-making power, and he does what Alvin says.

If he can't do it, he simply refuses.

Alvin didn't wait for his answer, and continued talking on his own.

"You can also see that my mage tower has been built, but it still lacks a

lot of things. 35

"I'll give you a material in a while. The magical creatures and potions on

it are not easy to collect in England. You go and ask your saints to help."

Alvin wants to collect a copy of all species and put them in the mage

tower to prevent some species from going extinct in the future.

The magic world now lacks a lot of materials, so that all kinds of magical

potions only exist in books and can no longer be refined.

He makes more preparations, and he will save trouble when needed in

the future.

Moreover, the environment of the planting layer is very suitable for the

growth of magical medicine, not only the efficacy of the medicine will be

improved, but the time to fully mature will also be greatly reduced.

If you want to refine a huge amount of witch spirit potions, then Alvin

needs a steady stream of materials.

・・・・For flowers‥0

It's just that England is still too small, and although species is rich,

specialties in certain regions are still hard to find.

This has to rely on the saints who are numerous and powerful.

"No problem," Grindelwald agreed immediately, such a trivial matter

costing him no energy at all.

After saying the first thing, Alvin thought of something again, and turned

his attention to the French black rose who had been drinking tea.

"Greg, does Ms. Rozier have any position at Durmstrang?"

As soon as Vida Rozier's hand holding the tea stopped, she didn't know

why the topic came to her.

Grindelwald was also a little puzzled, but still replied: "She is now a vice-

principal, but the usual trivial matters are handled by someone."

"She's just showing up as my face.35

Hearing this, Alvin nodded, and since that was the case, then he would

have no psychological burden, and invited:

"Ms Rozier, are you interested in teaching at Hogwarts?"


Grindelwald and Rozier didn't expect Alvin to mention this.

"What do you want him to teach?" Grindelwald was curious, could it be

Defense Against the Dark Arts?

If it was this course, he would definitely not agree, after all, Voldemort

has not been completely solved, and the curse against this position still


"No no no," Alvin shook his head in disapproval, "I want to teach an

introductory course in black magic, Ms. Rozier is proficient in all kinds of

black magic and has a lot of experience."5

"I couldn't find someone more suitable than her for a while."

Halfway through the conversation, Alvin looked at Grindelwald with

bright eyes again, because he suddenly realized that there was a more

suitable candidate here?

"Lao Ge, why don't you come and be this professor?

Grindelwald's head was shaking like a rattle, joking, asking him to teach

a bunch of stinky kids?

Thinking of the group of Gryffindor children, he was afraid that he could

not help but use these little guys as his black magic experiments.

"I don't care, Vader is indeed a good candidate, but you still have to find

a suitable replacement."

"I don't want my right-hand man to be poached by you like this." Ten.

Chapter 433

Chapter 433 The Pace Of Conquest

For his freedom and a leisurely retirement life, Grindelwald sold Vida

Rozier without hesitation.

However, the last sentence was considered a conscience discovery. After

all, he couldn't bear his right-hand man to be prostituted by Alvin like


Seeing Grindelwald's refusal so firm, Alvin was a little pity, but he didn't

say anything more.

Being able to dig up a Vida Rozier is already a good result, and it belongs

to today's windfall.

Without further ado, Alvin explained that Vader came to report on the

day of the school's start date, and said the most important thing today.

"I'm going to attack Ou Lu, and the one who does it is you."

Grindelwald's heart froze, knowing that Alvin was going to make a big


He subconsciously stroked the silver pendant "Three Five Three" in his

arms, "What are you going to do?"

Ever since that day at Hogwarts, Grindelwald knew that Alvin was


But he still did not expect that this day would come so quickly.

Seeing his unnatural look, Alvin laughed and joked.

"Why, aren't you afraid?"

Grindelwald laughed instead, "Afraid? When I was traveling across

Europe, Voldemort was still playing in the mud at Hogwarts.

It's not that he said that in terms of how to conquer Europe, there is no

one better than him except the art student!

"I'm just worried that if the action is too big, it will hurt countless

ordinary wizards. They are all my compatriots and should not be killed in

this internal struggle."

Grindelwald's words are at least 80% true, unless absolutely necessary, he

is not a person who likes to kill his compatriots very much.

This is in stark contrast to Tom.

Seeing that he had such a big reaction, Alvin also opened up the topic

with a funny smile.

This old man is very old, and he still eats the tricks. It's really fun.

"Okay, I know you're the best at rebelling, and you care about the world!"

First, he held the old child lightly before Alvin revealed his plan.

"Don't you think there are too many Ministry of Magic in Eastern Europe

right now?"

Grindelwald nodded, there were indeed too many. Since he was released

from prison, he found that the east side, which had been unified into one

giant, had actually split into so many small countries.

The establishment of the Ministry of Magic is usually closely related to

the regime of the Muggle world.

That's why there are dozens of Ministry of Magic in that small place.

Although most of them are two or three big cats and kittens, at least they

have been recognized by the International Federation of Wizards.

"Then let's unite them first." Alvin grabbed his hand and clenched it into

a fist.

"Such a loose regime is not conducive for us to implement executive

orders and sell my magic net login device.""

"This time, after you go back, start taking action. I believe you should be

familiar with this set."

However, Grindelwald shook his head, this matter is not as simple as

Alvin thought.

"If you do this, the International Federation of Wizards will definitely not

agree. If they can't even protect the sovereignty of a Ministry of Magic,

there is no need for them to exist.

"Unless you are ready to go to war with the entire Wumen Federation, I

advise you to change to a more euphemistic way.

In fact, there are now several small countries with the Ministry of Magic

attached to Grindelwald, but this is their own choice.

The International Witch Federation also cannot interfere with the internal

resolutions of countries.

But Alvin's approach was a bit too blatant, and he wanted to start a third

world war.

Even at the beginning, he wanted to control the Wu Federation through a

roundabout strategy, but in the end he failed, so he had no choice but to

fight head-on.

Sure enough, a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers.

Alvin not only did not feel discouraged, but looked at Grindelwald with


Being able to think of this is enough to prove that he is really considering

his proposal seriously, and is not perfunctory.

It's just that since he came up with this plan, how could he not have

thought of this level?

"Don't be in a hurry, Lao Ge."

After waving the teapot to fill Grindelwald with a cup first, Alvin

continued: "I have no plans to start a war with the WU now, we can

change our minds…"

"If these small countries, together with other countries in the entire

European continent, form a consortium together, wouldn't it be enough

for us to directly control this consortium?"

"At that time, even if the Umbrella Union is looking for trouble, we can

use the names of so many countries to directly push back."

This is the set that Alvin copied from the previous life of Ou Meng.

Externally, those countries that joined Ou Meng wear a pair of pants in

order to strive for greater interests.

Once his plan is successful, it will be no different from becoming the

Supreme Emperor of Europe.

The resources and manpower of the entire continent demanded anything

from him.

Immediately afterwards, he told a lot of details and listened to

Grindelwald, but the other party was silent for a while.

After thinking for a long time, Grindelwald sighed:

"Even if your magical talent is not so monstrous, with this brain, the

position of Minister of Magic is yours."

"Stop talking nonsense, Lao Ge, just say whether you do it or not. 99

Not caring about his flattery, Alvin waited for his reply.

"You have put such a beautiful picture in front of me, there is no reason

not to do it.

Grindelwald put down the teacup, and his heart was also a little boiling.

Although the life in Durmstrang this year was leisurely, it was a little too

dull for a hero like him who used to be all-powerful.

Leaving aside the ties between 1.0 and Dumbledore, Grindelwald felt that

Alvin was really his confidant.

Although the two have different routes and different ideas, they are both

working hard for the future of the wizarding world.

"How great would it be if Albus could understand us too?"

I don't know how many times I have expressed such emotion in my heart,

and Grindelwald left with Vida Rozier.

And Alvin's side also has some work to prepare, this kind of political

matter is more suitable for Crouch to come forward.

Telling him everything about today, Crouch marveled at the madness

between the two, but also expressed that he would cooperate with all his


On the first day of August, as the Minister of Magic of England, he

invited the Ministers of Magic of all the countries on the Continent.

Chapter 434

Chapter 434 Provocation From The Minister Of Magic

In the hot summer, on August 1st, almost all the European Ministers of

Magic came to England with a few escorts.

As Crouch's first invitation after taking office, as long as it is a normal

person, he will not refuse.

If it did, it would really be a slap in the face of England's Ministry of


Moreover, these countries are also very curious, what is the big event

that can make Crouch make such a big battle.

So there is such a strange scene on the streets of London.

In a dilapidated phone booth, from time to time elites in suits walked in

and disappeared.

Occasionally, Muggles noticed what happened here, and they were also

cleaned up by the wizards on duty nearby who cast oblivion spells.

Today is such a big day, and Crouch does not dare to neglect. At this

time, both inside and outside the Ministry of Magic, there are a large

number of Aurors patrolling.

It can be said with certainty that if something happened to these people

today, then the whole of England will become the target of public

criticism, and even trigger a wizarding stand.


A 13-sized wizard stopped and looked back at the man who stopped him.

When he saw the gray-haired old wizard who was wearing a burgundy

suit, an unexpected look appeared on his face.

"Mr. Leno, I didn't expect you to come."

This wizard named Leno is the Minister of Magic of the Gallic Kingdom,

and Eustaff is the Minister of Magic of the Bear Country.

Both of them stomped their feet, and the entire Continent would be

shocked three times.

"Hahaha, you can come, why can't I come?"

Leno walked up to Eustaff and wanted to give a warm hug, but was

ruthlessly rejected, and Eustaff just shook his hand in a formulaic way.

"Mr. Leno, I can't get used to the passion and romance of your Gauls.

Leno didn't care either, if he really had such a good relationship with this

Maozi, his gesture was just to prepare for the next cliché.

Sure enough, after a few formulaic greetings, Leno asked calmly:

"I heard that the personnel of your hairy bear country arrived in England

yesterday, how is it, have you heard any news?

Eustaff sighed and shook his head.

"Although we arrived yesterday, we haven't seen Crouch yet, and we

don't know what medicine he sells in the gourd."

Leno frowned, thinking about the truth of what he said, but after

observing Eustaff's expression for a while, he was partial to the other

party and did not lie.

The recent England is a bit weird, especially the shadow of Grindelwald,

which makes the Minister of Magic have to be vigilant.

After thinking for a long time without thinking of any clues, Leno had no

choice but to walk into today's conference room with Eustaff.

The two came relatively early. At this time, there were only a few people

in the huge conference room. As the host, Crouch was naturally here.

In addition to him, ministers from several small Eastern European

countries also arrived.

And the most eye-catching is the two young people sitting next to Crouch

who are chatting.

One of them was wearing an Auror uniform with a prominent scar on his

forehead, and it was Harry.

The other is naturally Alvin.

Harry had recently received special Auror training at the Ministry of

Magic, and because of his relationship with Alvin, Crouch gave him a lot

of special care.

After only ten days of not seeing each other, Harry has a resolute and

resolute temperament, and obviously has gained a lot.

At this time, he was chatting with Alvin about the experience during this

period, and he couldn't stop ecstatic when he talked about the wonderful


"The dark wizard saw us approaching the door, and subconsciously

wanted to attack, I…"

"Mr Gaunt!"

A voice interrupted their conversation, and Leno walked over to the two

with a serious face.

"You are?"

Alvin was a little puzzled, he didn't know the old man.

"I'm the Gallic Minister of Magic, Leno Dorian, and I have a few more

questions to ask."

Leno first reported his home, and then looked at him with scrutiny.

Alvin also suddenly realized that this is Gaul's newly appointed Minister

of Magic.

As for the one he met at the Alchemy Summit before, he has already

retired automatically after his term of office.

"I don't know if Minister Leno has anything to do with me?" He didn't

know what intersection he had with this person, and he looked at him

with this kind of eyes as soon as he came up.

Although he was upset, he didn't show it, so he still had patience.

"I would like to ask what is the relationship between Mr. Gaunt and

Grindelwald, and why he would support you against Dumbledore."

"Also, why do you want to cooperate with him, don't you know the

monstrous deeds he has committed?

When he said the last sentence, his tone became extremely severe,

expressing strong dissatisfaction.

The smile on Alvin's face subsided, who did he think he was?

He has always had a good impression of the Gauls, whether it is Nicole or

Fleur, they have an unusual relationship with him.

Even Maxim took good care of him.


But today, Leno's arrogant and arrogant attitude, as if he was

interrogating a prisoner, completely angered him.

Crouch and Harry, who were on the side, were a little frightened when

they heard it, and took two steps back silently, so as not to be stained

with blood in a while.

How dare he, Harry has never seen anyone dare to speak to Alvin in such

a tone, even Fudge was polite to Alvin before.

Really ignorant.

"I don't seem obliged to answer you, Mr. Minister."

Alvin tapped his fingers on the table and said casually.

The ticking sound was particularly clear in the empty room.

Along with his movements, a palpitating feeling shrouded Leno and

several Aurors.

They seemed to be strangled by a pair of invisible hands, making it very

difficult to breathe.

Several Aurors struggled to draw their wands, but it was a luxury for

them to move their fingers because they couldn't breathe.

In Leno's eyes, Alvin's figure became taller and taller, and he was as small

as an ant in the ground…

I was completely powerless, like a woman who came to an aunt and

struggled to get up from the bed to code..

Chapter 435

Chapter 435 Another Minister Of Magic, United

In the trance of consciousness, Leno even felt his soul being pulled away

from his body.

"Mr Leno, we in England are a country of the rule of law, and even

defamation is liable.

Alvin stepped forward, put his hand on his body gently, and reminded in

a familiar tone.

And the several Aurors behind him have been completely blurred, and

there is no reaction at all.

Fortunately, today's Alvin did not have the idea of ​​​​hands-on, just

warned and dispersed the means.

Leno put his hands on his knees, panting heavily, his straight suit was

already soaked with sweat and became soft and slumped.

Before today, he absolutely couldn't believe that one day he would be

toyed with by an underage wizard, without the slightest resistance.

As Gaul's Minister of Magic, Alvin's intelligence and combat analysis have

long been on his table.

But he has always dismissed it, and even thought it was an English


A student, how powerful can he be, there is no need to read those

newspapers and rumors.

From now on, as long as it is about Alvin, he will never miss any!

"Leno! Mr. Gaunt is Special Advisor to the Ministry of Magic in England,

Headmaster of Hogwarts, please pay attention to your attitude!

Crouch spoke coldly, as if he wanted to be held accountable.

But Leno was not only not angry, but gave him a grateful look.

he knows.

This is Crouch giving him another step down.

"Sorry, Mr. Gaunt, I was the one who made a slip of the tongue. Please

excuse a Gallic man for being wary of Grindelwald."

With apologetic expressions on his face, he explained to Alvin sincerely.

His words came from the sincerity of his heart. For the wizards of Gaul,

Grindelwald was the existence that could stop children from crying at


When Dumbledore defeated Grindelwald, the Gallic Ministry of Magic

strongly demanded the execution, but Dumbledore refused in the end.

The same was true last year, when the representatives of Gaul refused to

negotiate, even though the vast majority had agreed to reconciliation.

Leno's age is from that era, and his father was killed in a battle with a


The hatred for Grindelwald can be imagined.

However, he still had some doubts about the relationship between Alvin

and Grindelwald.

But now the situation is stronger than people, so I can only take it easy

first, and then I will investigate slowly when I go back.

Alvin waved his hand, didn't say anything, and sat back in his seat.

This person can't stay, and the relationship between him and Lao Ge will

be exposed sooner or later, and it will be annoying if the Gauls are

dragging their feet from the inside.

When you wait, find an opportunity to let him step down and support

someone of your own to go up.

Now Alvin is very familiar with this kind of thing, and changing a

Minister of Magic is really not a big deal.

And from the beginning to the end, the ministers of those small Eastern

European countries did not say a word, they just ate the melon in silence.

In matters between the two great powers, they are not yet qualified to


After Leno became honest, people from other countries soon arrived.

Crouch also did not talk nonsense, and directly threw out the idea of


Hearing his proposal, many Ministers of Magic were very moved.

In a sense, the organization of the International Confederation of Wizards

is actually a burden to those countries in Europe.

As the birthplace of magic, the European continent is naturally much

stronger than other continents.

Don't tell me about the one in the East, it has soared across the country,

not in this dimension.

In order to help the development of Heizhou and America, the Umbrella

Union takes a lot of resources from the European side every year.

Potions, potion raw materials, various magic props, and even gold


Although it is not a lot to be apportioned to each country, it would be

unpleasant to take out so many things for nothing.

What's more, what about these politicians who count every profit clearly?

However, although Crouch's idea is good, the benefits are not enough to

make countries make up their minds.

The reason is very simple. The current Umbrella Federation is very

strong, with the support of the Free State behind it.

Grindelwald stirred the situation for decades, and the entire European

continent suffered heavy losses, and a large number of elite wizards died

during that period.

Although the Free State was also affected at the beginning, after all, due

to the geographical location, the war did not really spread here.

Under the situation, they rely on the unique location factor and

population advantage, and their overall strength is rapidly expanding.

After the war, the European wizarding world discovered that the real

winner of this war was neither them nor Grindelwald.

but a free country.

Therefore, although the former England had such a world-class wizard as


But in terms of overall strength, it was still much worse than the Free

State. After all, many excellent wizards died at the hands of Death Eaters

and Voldemort.

As for why Ilvermorny's students pulled their hips so much last time?

Or because the Ministry of Magic of the Free State was established for too

short a time, and the background is insufficient.

They can train qualified wizards in large numbers, but geniuses are really


Crouch saw that these people were heartbroken, but no one spoke, and

he was a little disdainful.

In the end, there is still a lack of interest, these guys are the masters of

not seeing the rabbit but not the eagle.

But it doesn't matter, now that you eat it, you will have to spit it out for

me a little bit.

".々 Ladies and gentlemen, the establishment of our European Union is

not only a benefit. `."

"If we can become a union between us, then tariffs on various items will

naturally cease to exist.

(Good Li Hao) "In addition, the wizards who originally needed to apply in

advance to go abroad can also travel freely, which greatly increases your

local income and saves a lot of trouble. 99


The scenes he depicted attracted a lot of people, especially those of the

great powers.

Often the Ministry of Magic in those small countries will impose high

tariffs on their products, greatly limiting their profits.

If according to Crouch's vision, then it is undoubtedly a big piece of good


As for those small countries, Crouch may promise that there will be a

support fund allocated to them every year to develop their own wizards.

So far, almost all participating countries have felt the benefits of joining

the consortium.

Without any hesitation, they voted in favor.

I find it a little boring to write about this kind of trickery, think about it

tomorrow, speed up the progress, and enter the next semester.

Chapter 436

Of Grindelwald

When the overall situation is confirmed, there are still some small profit

distributions that need to be discussed.

And these things have nothing to do with Alvin, the result he wants has

been achieved, and the remaining small problems are left to Crouch to


After three days of war of words, the Continental Wizarding Association

was officially formed.

Once the news was announced, it immediately caused a sensation in the

entire magic world.

Especially the president of the International Confederation of Wizards

and the Minister of Magic of the United States, both of them were

stunned by this big news…

what's the situation?

Don't tell them about such a big thing, they didn't even get a little wind.

In a blink of an eye, the entire European continent is united, what is this

going to do, and what is it to do alone without the UW?

The two anxiously sent several questioning emails to the Ministry of

Magic of the European countries to test their attitude.

But these letters all flowed into the sea like mud, and no reply was


Finally, Crouch wrote back to them with only a short sentence.

"This is an exchange between the Ministry of Magic of the European

countries, and it does not violate the rules of the Umbrella Union."

Seeing such a perfunctory sentence, both of them were almost dizzy.

But Crouch was right, the UW 353 really had no position to intervene in

this matter.

In the past, they could use their power to bully these scattered European

countries, but now they don't even have the ability.

In desperation, the two could only watch Ou Lu develop on its own, but

there was nothing they could do.

Those ordinary wizards will not care about the game at the upper level,

they will only proceed from the perspective of their own interests.

Obviously this is a good thing for them.

For a long time, the Ministry of Magic of various countries has strictly

controlled the matter of going abroad, because wizards are a group of

people who control extraordinary power.

Once they are allowed to move freely, any trouble in other countries is a

troublesome diplomatic affair.

Newt is the best example. At that time, he made a lot of noise because he

captured magical creatures everywhere.

Many countries refused his entry, and when there was no way, he would

enter other areas through Muggle means.

And this is also the choice of many wizards, disguised as Muggles to go to

other countries.

Because this does not have to go through a series of audits, (bdba) saves

a lot of trouble.

But when they go abroad, they have to be careful if they want to cast

magic. If the Ministry of Magic finds out their identities, they will be

deported, and in serious cases, they may be detained.

Well now, wizards from various European countries only need to register

at the destination, and they can move freely, which is very convenient.

For a time, the tourism industry in various countries has developed a lot,

allowing local businesses to make a lot of money, and they are full of

praise for Crouch who proposed the union.

In this new look, Grindelwald slowly stretched his black hand to the goal

that Alvin gave him.

In a way, the original Dark Lord was far more terrifying than he was.

After experiencing the ups and downs, coupled with the precipitation of

Nurmengard over the years, he has realized a lot of mistakes he made at

the beginning.

Too impatient, he was too impatient.

Because of the prophecy, he saw the cruelty of the future, so his actions

were inevitably affected.

Although Newt's scourge has a million points of credit among them,

Grindelwald believes that as long as he is allowed to start over, he will

definitely be able to do better than before.

Well, in addition to losing to Dumbledore in the end.

This can't be changed, because the gap in strength cannot be made up by


And this time Alvin let him do his old job again, and now he can be

regarded as smug.

In fact, this is also the case. Since he was released from prison, it can be

said that he has had a good time.

From the perspective of the site, Grindelwald has a very wide range of

Durmstrang radiation. Prussia, Poland, and the Nordic site are all affected

by this one of the three major magic academies in Europe.

Even Albania, where Voldemort was hiding before.

In the past, because of Alvin's restrictions and Dumbledore's presence, he

did not show his fangs.

Now that Lao Deng has run away, Alvin let him let go, and Grindelwald

is slowly changing this influence into actual control.

One small country after another was captured by him, and occasionally

he encountered some stubborn people, and he patiently persuaded them.

Eli's convincing is his greatest strength.


"Gouging out the bone! 9

The icy red light knocked the wizard to the ground and let out a painful


"Well, Mr. Minister, do you think I have the right to protect you now?"

Sitting on the sofa, Grindelwald looked at the Minister of Magic of a

small country as if he were looking at another wild dog.

Don't get me wrong, the Cruciatus Curse just now was not released by

him, and it is not his turn to take such a role.

After a while, the minister slowly raised his head and looked at him in


"Grindelwald, aren't you afraid of the Witch Federation's revenge for

doing this? Anyway, I am the Minister of Magic of a country!


With a cold snort of disdain, Grindelwald didn't even raise his head: "Do

you think they can still reach out to Europe now? 99

"Perhaps you can count on the Europa League, but what you need to

know is that a lot of people are already on my side.

The minister was silent, knowing that what Grindelwald said was the


Now that Crouch is powerful, the relationship between the two is a

partner, and it is impossible to stand out for him.

For a time, he had already produced many things.

This move of the Europa League seems to be a good thing for all of them,

but in fact, they have fallen into a trap.

But after he figured out what to do, he smiled bitterly in his heart. The

minister reluctantly agreed to Grindelwald and became one of his


"Carry away. 35

He waved his hand to let the two saints take him away, and

Grindelwald's heart was not disturbed. He had seen too much of this kind

of thing in the past two days.

There is no shortage of smart people in the world, but smart people often

lack enough power.

Just like now, there must be many smart people who have seen

something wrong, but facing Grindelwald and Alvin, they have no

confidence to resist.

And often because they are smart enough, they will not make extreme

choices, but will only choose to yield.

"Dumbledore… look, this is who you want to protect…"

Holding the pocket watch in his hand, Grindelwald let out a mocking


Chapter 437

Chapter 437 It'S Time To Let Them Feel The Exam-Oriented Education

From The East!

"Alvin, wake up and pick up Cassandra today.""

Early in the morning, Qiu pushed Alvin, who was sleeping to death, with

great effort, a little helpless.

Don't get me wrong, he didn't do something last night that he couldn't

write, causing exhaustion.

Instead, he went to the mage and re-recorded some of the magic patterns

and formations that he had newly learned, which made him so tired.

"Come on, honey, let me sleep for half an hour."

The slender big hand took Qiu into his arms, Alvin muttered, and fell

asleep again.

And the little sister also breathed a helpless breath and lay quietly with



Two hours later, when Alvin hurriedly Apparated to the airport, he saw

Cassandra sitting expressionlessly in a cafe.

"Sorry, Cassandra, I'm late.

"You're an hour late.

Cassandra looked at her watch and turned her head away angrily.

She was afraid that she couldn't help laughing, because Alvin came in a

hurry, and even his hairstyle was like a messy chicken coop.

Seeing Cassandra, although a little unhappy, was not particularly angry,

and Alvin was also relieved.

The two did not go home, but wandered around London.

Last time I came in a hurry, I walked in a hurry, until finally Cassandra

didn't have time to take a good lap in England.

This time is different, she has fully graduated, and this time she came to

England to help Alvin manage the business.

Originally, Arya was in charge of these things, but as Alvin's affairs

became more and more, she was no longer able to manage it.

Knockturn Alley, the construction of the mage tower, and the training of


Especially now that the level is getting higher and higher, every step,

Arya is walking on thin ice.

After all, in essence, she is just the helm of a small family in Knockturn

Alley, and it is not bad to be able to barely maintain the situation.

Unlike Cassandra, her background and talent determine that her ability is

destined to be much stronger.

After all, from the beginning, she was raised according to the standards

of the Walley family heir.

Originally Alvin wanted to bring Cassandra to Hogwarts, but after

thinking about it, maybe these things were more suitable for her.

Asked about her advice, and sure enough, Cassandra also chose business.

In her words, the time spent in school was long enough, a full seven


It would be very boring to let her go back to school now.

Taking Cassandra through the bustling commercial street, the two also

chatted about another important thing.

Dumbledore and some of his followers appeared in the Free Nation.

"I also heard from my grandfather about this. After the establishment of

the European Union, Dumbledore secretly went to the Ministry of Magic

of the Free State. 35

"My grandfather doesn't know what they talked about, but… it seems to

be related to Ilvermorny.

Cassandra talked about the information she knew, but there was not

much, because Lao Deng's whereabouts were also very secretive.

Alvin raised his eyebrows, not too surprised that he appeared in the Free


After all, the world is big, and only there is in line with Lao Deng's


His own influence there is very high, coupled with the current

relationship between Europe and the Umbrella Union, he also chose the

free country.

Alvin didn't care much about this, and this year was the development

period he fought for himself.

Once everything was in place and Dumbledore didn't bother him, he'd

take the initiative.

After playing with Cassandra for a few days, the time came to the end of


And Alvin is also ready to go to Hogwarts to take office.

Several vacant professor candidates were also basically filled by him,

except for Transfiguration…

The original Professor McGonagall did a really good job.

Several candidates in my mind are either too old or have no teaching


As a result, the current Alvin was ready to go up when the school started.

Teaching these students at his level is a waste of money, but there is no

way, who made his recruitment work difficult?

But there was one thing to cheer him up, that no student chose not to

come to Hogwarts.

Even those wizarding families whose families worked for the Order of the


In fact, Alvin probably guessed the thoughts of these people, and bet on

both sides.

Then at that time he will let the talents he cultivated fight against those

who follow Dumbledore and completely destroy their beliefs.


At that time, I don't know how wonderful their expressions should be?

On the last day, Alvin brought Cho, Hermione, Luna and Astoria to

Knockturn Alley to buy books for next semester.

In order to let the wizards feel the changes in Knockturn Alley, he

deliberately set out a few shops and let some merchants settle in.

Among them, he deliberately did not allow Lihen Bookstore in Diagon

Alley to sell this year's textbooks, just to force those people to come and

take a look at Knockturn Alley.

At first, many wizards were afraid of Knockturn Alley's notoriety and

dared not come.

After all, Knockturn Alley used to be synonymous with danger and dark

wizards, and only shady deals would come here.


But after some daring people promoted it, everyone gradually realized

that Knockturn Alley was completely different from before.

Even in a way, better than the environment of Diagon Alley.

"Alvin, why are there so many more books this year?"

Looking at the book list in her hand, Hermione was a little surprised.

In the past, except for the Lockhart session, Hogwarts basically needed to

buy very few books every year.

But looking at the long list of books in her hand, Hermione wondered if

her boyfriend had run out of money recently, and was going to scare the

little wizards with the bookstore.

"The Wizard's Guide to Self-Defense", "Introduction to Elementary

Dueling", "Potions from the Field"…

The little witch counted, and there were about twenty new books, which

was a record.

"Because these books have to be used." Alvin answered in a random

manner, holding the flower crown that Luna bought just now.

"Have you been too busy at the Ministry of Magic during this time, I have

sent a special push to explain this problem."

"Starting next term, Hogwarts students won't be as laid back as we were."

Not knowing what to think, Alvin's mouth showed a wicked smile.

The dragon slayer will eventually become a dragon, and that's what he is


It's time for these Hogwarts students to experience what exam-oriented

education from the East is all about!

It's a new month, ask for a monthly ticket~~~+.

Chapter 438

Chapter 438 The New Potions Professor

Hearing Alvin ask this, Hermione's pretty face also showed a hint of


As he said, she'd been in the Ministry of Magic lately, ignoring the school.

Throughout the summer, Hermione worked with Mrs. Greenglass as an


The little witch was quickly recognized by many people for her smart and

studious talent.

In general, interns are doing chores, sending documents and the like.

Hermione, on the other hand, was regarded as a regular employee in the

Emergency Response Department, and she was often too busy to touch

the ground.

Although she is very tired every day, she has no intention of complaining

at all, but enjoys it very much.

Maybe she was born to be suitable for such an environment. She has

grown rapidly in the past two months, and she realized how naive she

was before.

If it wasn't for Alvin to protect her, I don't know how many losses "three

seven zeros" would have to be suffered.

But the consequence of this is that she pays too little attention to the

outside world, and it was only today that she hurriedly dragged Alvin to

buy things with her.

Naturally, they don't know these things.

After a while of coquettish fooling, a few people returned home after


Tomorrow is the start of school. Although everyone is old, but for some

reason, except for Alvin, the little witches are very excited.

Maybe it's because of Alvin being the principal. It feels strange enough

that his boyfriend is his principal.

And the result of being too excited is that everyone woke up late the next


Alvin doesn't care, he's not a student now, and he can go to school with a

single Apparition.

Others can't do it. One of Qiu and others is either a prefect or the

president of the student council, and must appear on the train to

maintain order.

When they rushed to the train station in a hurry, Alvin was still enjoying

tea at home.

It was only in the afternoon that he went to the castle with Kassandra's

kiss goodbye.

"Why are you here at this time?"

Looking at Alvin who suddenly appeared in his laboratory, Snape

frowned in dissatisfaction, and reluctantly emptied the potion that had

been brewed and discarded.

"It will be deducted from your salary."9

Alvin didn't care about his complaints, instead he glanced at the stolen

potion, feeling a little distressed.

With his eyesight, he naturally discovered the value of this potion, but

Alvin didn't know what it was used for.

Possibly a new potion that Snape himself researched.

Had Snape been so rude when old Deng was in charge?

That pot of raw materials was at least 400 Galleons, which was about to

catch up with Arthur's one-year salary.

Snape was in a hurry, why didn't he find this guy so stingy before?

Alvin is also plausible about this.

In the past, Hogwarts was not his property, no matter how much harm

was done, it had nothing to do with him.

It's different now. As the principal of this school, this is all spending his

money on his own research.

Hearing his explanation, Snape was speechless for a long time and could

only nod his head in recognition.

"Mr Gaunt, is Harry here?"

Seeing that their 'friendly' exchange was over, a middle-aged witch who

had been silent since the beginning asked expectantly.

"Miss Evans, you also graduated from Hogwarts, and Harry is still on the

Hogwarts Express."5

Alvin looked at Lily and spread his hands helplessly.

Yes, this red-haired, green-eyed, middle-aged witch is Harry's mother,

Lily Evans.

Now she has been completely resurrected, but it is not Snape's credit.

In the end, Snape still found that his talent in alchemy was too poor. If he

wanted to make a body for Lily, he might have to wait in his next life.

He couldn't bear Lily's existence in the form of a soul body, and licked

her face to ask Alvin for help.

After signing some long-term work contracts, Alvin also helped him.

But instead of refining his body, he used a skill he had drawn a long time


Bright recovery.

That's right, the author of this legendary skill dog has not mentioned it

since he digs a hole, because he has spent too much magic power.

What's more, Alvin's realm is not yet reached, and it is a leapfrog display,

which consumes more.

Now that he has the Mage Tower, he has no worries at all by borrowing

the magic power from the magic net.

Resurrection Radiance is not only a healing skill to bring back to life, but

it can also help wizards who only have a soul or a body that fits


This is how Lily was completely resurrected by Alvin.

Not only her, but also Luna's mother was replaced by Alvin.

Now Mr. Lovegood's wish to add a sister to Luna can be fulfilled.

Lily blushed, she knew she was too impatient, and apologized repeatedly.

Naturally, Alvin wouldn't care about such a trivial matter, and laughed

and joked: "Miss Evans, don't make excuses because Harry is your son in

the future.

Lily was the new potions professor he had chosen.

She is a potion genius that Snape affirmed in the original book. Although

she has been dead for so many years, she has learned a lot from Snape's

side in the past two years.

She is more than enough for the duties of a potions professor.

Hearing his teasing, Lily shook her head again and again: "How come, I

will only treat Harry more strictly, as my son, how can he lose to others

in Potions?"

Hearing this, Alvin inexplicably wanted to observe a moment of silence

for the upcoming Harry.

It seems that it is not a good thing to have your own mother as your main

teacher. Oh yes, there is also a stepfather teacher. These days should be

even more difficult.

"Mr. Gaunt," Lily said, pulling Alvin back, a little distracted.

"Have you solved the curse on the Defence Against the Dark Arts

professorship? Is there any danger in Snape taking the position?

Speaking of 1.0, she glanced at Snape worriedly.

Alvin was a little surprised: "Who said I solved the curse of this position?

Also, Snape wasn't this year's Defence Against the Dark Arts professor.

Snape's face changed immediately. Isn't he the professor of Defense

Against the Dark Arts this year?

Originally, he thought that Alvin had moved him out of the Potions class

in order to be the teacher of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, but

it turned out to be not after a long time?

So what kind of teacher is he going to be, transfiguration?

His transfiguration isn't that deep…

Seeing his face, Alvin knew that the two had misunderstood, and laughed

a little dumbly.

"Don't guess, the new position guarantees your satisfaction, and you will

know it at the opening ceremony in a while.

After speaking, Alvin left the laboratory and returned to the principal's

office, which now belongs to him.

Chapter 439

Chapter 439 The Assistant Has Something To Do, Nothing…

If Hogwarts is the most awe-inspiring and longing for students.

Then it is undoubtedly the principal's office.

Since the establishment of the school, the influence of Hogwarts has

continued to spread, and until now, every headmaster is an important


Especially Dumbledore, he is known as the greatest headmaster the

school has ever had, and the greatest white wizard of the century.

Of course, there is a little moisture in it, at least the level of the Big Four

is beyond the reach of Dumbledore.

And his teaching level is really worrying, the quality of students at

Hogwarts is not as good as the year.

But it is undeniable that his prestige has made the position of Hogwarts

headmaster even more aloof.

In the castle at this time, except for a few teachers, there was no one else,

and Alvin came to the office on the eighth floor.

This place may be a little mysterious to other students.

But Alvin, no matter the number of times he came to Dumbledore, or the

days when he pretended to be the Headmaster, couldn't be more familiar

with what he was already familiar with.

The statue at the door saw him, and without asking for the password, it

directly separated from the middle and made way for a passage.


Alvin thought for a moment, then said to him: "If someone comes to me

in the future, the password is the magic net.

The statue nodded silently, memorizing the password.

Entering the office, it was much more empty than the last time he came.

Everything that belonged to Dumbledore was removed, but the iconic

Pensieve remained.

It was not Dumbledore's property, it belonged to Hogwarts.

Looking at the empty bookshelves and many missing decorations, Alvin

decided to arrange it after he was free.

Surrounding, the portraits of the successive principals all opened and

looked at him with complex expressions.

They are all too familiar with Alvin.

Many thought he could take Dumbledore's place in the future and make

Hogwarts great again.

But no one could have predicted that Alvin would come back here in this


And Dumbledore did leave the school so suddenly.

One of the frames was empty, and it was reserved for Dumbledore, but he

left before he could leave the portrait.

"Seniors, are you so surprised to see me? Didn't you accept this fact in a

summer vacation? Rome

Sitting comfortably in the main seat, Alvin looked at the previous

principals with a playful look.

Now his predecessor's call is well-deserved.

After another long silence, Phineas Black, whom Alvin was most familiar

with, spoke up.

"Alvin… Principal, where's my poor great-grandson? I hadn't seen him

the last time I went back to Grimmauld Place.

Although he was scolding Sirius all day, he was the only seed of the Black

family after all, and he was still very concerned about it.

He was afraid that Alvin would come to cut the weeds and destroy the

Black family.

"Sirius…he should be with Dumbledore in the Free Nation now, I don't

know how he is doing.

There is no hiding, Alvin said 1510.

Cassandra did not tell him who was still with Dumbledore, but as a die-

hard Dumbledore, Sirius had a high probability of being together.

Hearing the news of the great-grandson, Phineas Black was also relieved

and thanked Alvin again.

Last time at the Ministry of Magic, if it wasn't for Alvin's shot, Sirius

would never have been dead again.

Phineas also didn't know where to get the news, and he always wanted to

express his gratitude to Alvin, but only now has the opportunity to meet


With Blake's warm-up, those principals also opened the chat box and

communicated with Alvin.

As one of the backgrounds of Hogwarts, although they regret

Dumbledore's departure, the current headmaster is their target.

So the two sides chatted quite harmoniously. A new principal came. They

must understand Alvin's philosophy and see if he is qualified.

When he heard that he was going to "add negative" to these students,

except for the few deans who appeared in Ravenclaw, they agreed.

Other principals felt his demands were too strict.

After all, in the West, they are really not used to managing the students

strictly and planning their development.

"I can't do anything either," Alvin said innocently, "these students are so

full of energy, I have to find a way for them to vent."5

"In this way they can learn knowledge and leave me a lot of things, isn't

it the best of both worlds?"

Numerous portraits looked at each other, although it sounded reasonable,

but they still felt that something was wrong.

Is your intention in the end for the students, or for your own


Seeing that he had successfully bluffed these principals, Alvin's heart

burst into laughter.

There is no purpose for him to do this, it is purely for his own fun.

Where did the Hogwarts students experience what 996, they still had a

lot of time every day to study mischief and explore the castle.

How can this be done? If the flowers in the future have not been

destroyed, can they still be called flowers?

To get rid of these old antiques, Alvin also began to deal with some


With the experience of helping Lao Deng on behalf of the class, Alvin

quickly explained the trivial matters.

However, he frowned. In the past, he knew that as a principal, there were

many things every day.

It ranges from teaching planning to the purchase of kitchen ingredients.

Alvin wanted to be the principal, not the nanny for the students.

Moreover, he has to replace the vacancy of Transfiguration professor.

There are not many administrative positions at Hogwarts, and these

things are handled by the vice-principal.

When Professor McGonagall was there, he was in charge of many things,

and now Snape has become the vice-principal, but he has more important


It seems that he has to find an assistant principal to help him with these


After thinking about it, Alvin thinks Nagini is a good choice.

It's good that Arya is in charge of the affairs on the Mage Tower. After a

year of growth, Nagini is already competent for this job.

He took out the magic net login device and sent a message to Nagini, and

soon she came directly to Alvin through Feluwang.


Looking at the well-dressed snake maid, Alvin also smiled with


"Nagini, you will be my assistant principal in the future, except for some

difficult issues, you can come to me, and you can decide the rest by


Nagini nodded lightly, without any objection.

It's just the master's task, she will do it seriously no matter what.

Chapter 440

You Are So Good At Selling Things, Do Your Family Know?

It was getting dark gradually, and the students of Hogwarts also entered

the school one after another.

Different from the usual liveliness, although today's little wizards also

have the joy of meeting their friends, their faces are more blank.

After all, what happened on the last day of last semester was too big.

During the summer vacation, I may not feel much, and I just go to play.

But when they came to the school, they suddenly realized.

Hogwarts has changed owners, and many familiar professors have


Yes, Alvin has a special place in the school, and can even be said to be on

a par with Dumbledore.

But that is because everyone looks forward to his talent, admires his

strength, and fears his achievements.

This has nothing to do with being a good principal or not.

Especially since not only the principal has left, but also two deans, what

will happen to their courses this semester?

With apprehension and daze about the unknown, the little wizards in the

entire auditorium were whispering in low voices.

Usually at this time, all professors should be sitting on the staff seats with

smiles on their faces and watching their arrival.

But today there were only a few professors present, Snape sat there

expressionlessly, while Professor Flitwick went to the side hall to manage

the freshmen.

The professors of several other elective courses were restless on the staff

seat, not knowing what was going on.

"The principal has already selected professors for other disciplines, and

they will appear one by one in a while.

Snape said something lightly, which relieved everyone's embarrassment.

Qiu, the others, and Harry were a little worried about whether Alvin

could pass the test today.

"This stinky bastard has to betray himself, so that people have to worry

about him.

Astoria whispered to Luna that this guy did a very good job of keeping

secrets, and even they didn't know who the new professor would be.

Qiu glared at her angrily, the little girl stuck out her tongue playfully,

and stopped nagging.

Among the few people, Qiu was the eldest sister, and the naughty ghost

Astoria was usually the most afraid of her.

At this moment, a wooden door behind the staff seat creaked open, and

Alvin appeared in the auditorium wearing a gorgeous silver mage robe.

And behind him was Nagini, her very worn sorting hat in her hand.

In an instant, the buzzing noise in the auditorium disappeared, and

everyone looked in his direction.

Facing the gazes of so many people, Alvin was not flustered at all, but

rather puzzled.

"Look at what I do, everyone here is old, don't you know me after a

summer vacation?"?

All the students complained, we know the student Alvin, not the

principal Alvin!

But when he said this, everyone's heart was inexplicably relieved.

After all, Alvin is also an acquaintance, but his identity has changed a bit,

so there is no need to be so nervous.

With a slight toss from the snake maid, the Sorting Hat fell on the small

stool, and Professor Flitwick led this year's freshmen into the auditorium

from one side.

The process is the same every year, but this is still the most anticipated

part of the students.

Looking at these little guys who are about to enter school, many people's

faces have a look of reminiscence.

They were so immature back then.

And these new little guys are also very surprised, why is there a young

man sitting in the middle of the professor's seat?

Although they are very handsome, but they compared, maybe some

students will be older than this young man.

Flitwick nodded to Alvin, who quickly accepted the fact that his student

was his immediate boss.

After the Sorting Hat sang the once-a-year, different year-to-year sorting

song, this year's sorting ceremony also began.

It is worth mentioning that he also incorporated Alvin into the song, only

those freshmen know that this young man is actually the principal of this


Some Muggle-born people are even thinking: Sure enough, this is the

wizarding world? Even the headmaster is so magical.

"Alice Abbott!"

Flitwick uttered the name of the first freshman of the year, a little

freckled blond witch trotting to the Sorting Hat.

Hearing this name, Alvin raised his brows and looked at Hannah Abbott

in Hufflepuff.

The other party also felt his gaze and nodded lightly.

Did not run away, this Alice is also a member of the Aibo family.

Sure enough, as soon as the Sorting Hat touched the girl's hair, it couldn't

wait to report the Hufflepuff results.

The little badgers gave warm applause and welcomed their new born.

".々Beasley Devin!

"David Lee!"

As the names were read out by Flitwick, the ranks of the freshmen

gradually became shorter.

Soon after this year's last freshman was sorted into Slytherin, the sorting

ceremony came to an end.

After seeing him seated, Alvin also stood up and started today's main


The students found themselves looking forward to the Headmaster's

speech as much as they do today, when they used to stare at their plates

to see when the damn dinner would come.

But today I don't think so.

"Welcome, welcome to our old students, and our new freshmen.

With a smile on his face, Alvin came to a regular opening, and the people

below also clapped.

"According to the normal process, I should let you fill your stomachs first,

so that everyone will not be hungry and listen to my (good Zhao's)


"However, as you can see, quite a few of our professors were not present.

This is a welcome ceremony that I specially arranged for them. 39

In the entire auditorium, except for Alvin's voice, no one else spoke, all

waiting for the arrival of the new professor.

"This year's Hogwarts has ushered in a big change, not only I have

become the headmaster, but also many subjects have changed professors.


"Defense Against the Dark Arts, Potions, Transfiguration, Herbology.

"Protecting Magical Biology, Alchemy, Ancient Runes."

"There's even a new subject I've created that will bring a new professor."

Alvin talked eloquently, but the little wizards were all anxious to death,

including Qiu, they all looked at him dissatisfied.

After talking for a long time, you let them come out!

You are so good at selling things, do your family know?

Chapter 441

Chapter 441 Dramatic Professor Candidates

Looking at the eyes that were about to kill people in the audience, Alvin

couldn't help but smile.

When the bad taste is satisfied, he will stop playing.

Didn't you see that Qiu and Hermione started grinding their teeth?

"Well, the first professor, the professor of ancient runes, is also a

professor of alchemy…'

"Violet Evegarden!"

The voice fell, and there was a sound of leather boots stepping on the

ground, and Violet walked in front of everyone with brisk steps.

There was a burst of exclamation from the four long tables, and even the

professors on the staff seat couldn't help but widen their eyes.

Violet and the others naturally knew that when Alvin gave an open class,

the alchemy doll left a deep impression on them.

That one-handed flame magic is something that many wizards can't even


But everyone did not expect that Alvin would actually let his alchemy

doll be a professor of ancient rune and alchemy.

Ignoring everyone's reaction, Alvin continued: "Alchemy is closely related

to ancient runes, and alchemy can only be taken as an elective after sixth


"So I chose a professor to be in charge of both disciplines.

"I know that more than 370 people doubt Violet, but you must know that

I taught her ancient runes and alchemy skills."

"Even in my usual experiments, she played a key role."

"So you can put your heart in your belly."

The little wizards fell into contemplation.

Needless to say, the level of Alvin, even Nicole Lemay has more than

once praised.

As the only alchemist master in the world, Violet can serve as his

assistant, and the level is naturally no problem.

So…they still make money?

Having figured this out, everyone immediately welcomed Violet's arrival,

and she bowed politely to express her gratitude.

When the applause died out, Alvin also announced the next new


"The new professor of herbal medicine, he is also an old acquaintance,

although I regret the departure of Professor Sprout…"

"But I'm sure this new professor will do just as well."

The little wizards of Hufflepuff looked tangled. In their hearts, Sprout

was already the best dean and professor.

But Alvin said that he is everyone's old acquaintance, who is it?

"Cedric, come out.

Alvin shouted to the door, and a wizard as handsome as a vampire

walked out with a smile on his face, waving to greet everyone.

This person is Cedric Diggory, who participated in the Triwizard

Tournament with Harry.

Everyone did not expect that this senior would come back to everyone

after only leaving school for two months.

For a time, the sadness of the little badgers in Hufflepuff because of

Sprout's departure was diluted a lot.

Alvin was also very satisfied when he saw the students who were


"I won't introduce Cedric too much, everyone must be familiar with him,

in addition to the professor of herbal medicine, he is also the dean of

Hufflepuff College.

As one of the best old people in Hogwarts, Cedric's popularity is not

guaranteed, and his presence can effectively ease the badger's heart.

And, as a Hufflepuff genius, Cedric's talent in herbalism and magical

biology goes without saying.

During the Triwizard Tournament, Cedric used herbs to help himself

through difficulties more than once, and could be regarded as a practical


Although he is definitely worse than Sprout, it is enough to be a qualified

teacher, and he is still young and can keep improving.

"Thank you, I will try my best to share my skills and experience in herbal

medicine with you without reservation."9


Cedric was also very happy to see familiar faces.

He originally thought it would be difficult for him to see these lovely

juniors after graduation, and he did not expect that he would have the

opportunity to come to Hogwarts to be a professor.

Since Alvin gave him this stage, Cedric also made up his mind to live up

to the expectations of the other party.

Sitting beside Snape unaccustomedly, Cedric was still a little nervous.

In the past, these people were all his teachers, and now everyone has

become colleagues, which is strange enough.

Then, Alvin continued to introduce: "Professor for the protection of

magical biology, served by Miss Fleur Delacour. 95

Cho and Hermione's eyes widened.

No wonder, no wonder Fleur would go back to Gaul during the summer


Originally, they were a little strange. Furong and Alvin only had time to

spend more time together in the two months of summer vacation, so how

could they go back at this time.

But now I understand that after becoming professors, the two have a lot

of alone time.

Even when Qiu, Hermione and the others were working hard in class,

maybe the two of them were chatting with each other in the office.

The more they thought about it, the more wrong their faces became. A

touch of greenness quietly fell on the top of their heads, and the eyes

they looked at Alvin became more and more dangerous.

"Cough cough!

Noticing something was wrong with the little witches, Alvin quickly

coughed twice, waking up the students who were attracted by the natural

charm of Hibiscus.

The current Furong is brighter and more attractive than before, and the

development of the Veela bloodline is also a step closer.

Although it is not her initiative to exude charm now, it is enough for

these young people to drink a pot.

Especially those freshmen and second-year students who had never seen

Furong, were short of breath, blushing and thick necks.

It was as if the goddess Venus had descended, firmly grasping their


But what happened next broke their hearts.

Furong came to Alvin's side with a beautiful smile and gave him a

passionate kiss, while the professors were selectively blind, pretending

they didn't see anything.

Well, this is also a benefit after Mag leaves. If she was there, her fur

would definitely explode.


The mentality of the freshmen collapsed, what do you mean, you will

abuse the dog as soon as you come!

After enjoying the enthusiasm of the mixed-race Veela, Alvin pushed her

away helplessly.

This little goblin doesn't even look at how much hatred she has drawn for


He suddenly regretted letting Furong be the professor.

Will the students forget to learn something when they go to class, and are

only immersed in her prosperous appearance?

Chapter 442

Chapter 442 Mother And Son Will Meet At Last!

Although she thought so in her heart, Furong was indeed a qualified

teacher of protective magical biology.

First of all, her unique bloodline advantage is not comparable to ordinary


Fleur's grandmother lived in the Veela tribe, where she used to play since

she was a child, and there are many other magical creatures around.

It can be said that she has forged an indissoluble bond with various

magical creatures since she was a child.

In addition, the blood of Veela has strong tameness to all kinds of

magical creatures, and it can also ensure that there will be no dangerous

situations in the classroom.

That's why Alvin chose her.

Furong's appearance amazed everyone, but everyone understood the

truth, the one who appeared later. The more heavyweight.

Sure enough, when Vida Rozier was introduced to everyone by Alvin,

there was nothing in the auditorium except for the first-year students.

Others were already terrified.

When Grindelwald brought Vader to his appearance last semester, almost

everyone remembered this elegant and calm lady.

Not only because of her beauty, but also because of her special status in


Almost all the students did not dare to look up when they saw her, and

they were very respectful.

Even against Grindelwald, they were not like this.

And what is the purpose of this great god appearing at Hogwarts?

Is it true that Alvin and Grindelwald are actually wearing a pair of pants,

as their adults said?

If Alvin hears someone say that about him and Grindelwald, he

guarantees that this person can enjoy eighteen touches from the


However, no matter how powerful he is, he will not monitor everyone's

thoughts in real time.

"Ms. Rozier was dug up by me with a lot of hard work."

Alvin made up without blushing or panting, and Vader on the side

couldn't help rolling his eyes.

You and Grindelwald just had a cup of tea, how exaggerated is it?

No wonder that every time Grindelwald mentioned Alvin, he would

reveal a hint of helplessness.

This little wizard sometimes does things, and it does a little… escape.

Then surprisingly, when Vader sat down, Alvin didn't say what course

she would be teaching.

Without giving them a chance to ask questions, Alvin pointed to the last

vacant seat: "The last one, the last professor of the day. 39

"Welcome to our new Potions Professor, Ms. Lily Evans.

Hearing this name, Harry instinctively frowned, but he didn't remember

anything until he saw the red-haired and green-eyed woman.

He was the one who suddenly opened his eyes wide. This figure was the

one he had seen countless times in his dreams, and who had also burst

into tears.


In the silent auditorium, Harry's voice was so abrupt that everyone in the

entire auditorium heard his shout.

And Lily looked at Harry with tears in her eyes, ran over desperately, and

embraced him in her arms.

"Harry, I'm sorry, it's your mother who has made you suffer all these


Lily burst into tears and stroked Harry's hair with difficulty.

She has seen Harry's experience all these years, and it hurts in her heart.

Especially in the past two years, innocents were involved in the Triwizard

Tournament, and this year she almost lost her life to the Ministry of

Magic. She knew all of this.

Sometimes, Lily thought, it might be a better choice to let Harry live his

life in the Muggle world smoothly.

But this is fate, since Voldemort entered their house fifteen years ago, the

involvement between the two has been doomed.

Before, as a soul body, she had no power at all.

But now it's different. With the help of Alvin, she is reborn and has the

ability to help her son shelter from the wind and rain.

Feeling the throbbing of the blood connection, and the warm embrace,

Harry was also sure that this was his mother.


Unlike the subconscious shout just now, after confirming Lily's identity,

his shouting was not so smooth, and even sounded a little jerky.

After all, the word had only appeared in his dreams, and Harry had never

pronounced it in fifteen years.

"What the hell is going on? You haven't…"

Although Harry was pleasantly surprised, the doubts in his heart


Lily pushed Harry away, and looked at him with tender, watery eyes that

were almost identical.

"Happy belated birthday, Harry. 35

Ask for flowers・O

"Mr. Gaunt resurrected me, and I am your birthday present this year.


Harry raised his head, looked at Alvin who was watching him with a

smile, nodded at him, and a word only he could hear appeared in his


"Happy birthday, how about this birthday present?

Laughing and wiping away tears, Harry didn't answer, but this was the

best birthday present he had ever received in his life, and he would never

have it again.

"Alvin, this… what the hell is going on here?"

Flitwick stammered and asked, he naturally knew Lily, and he couldn't

help crying when he saw Harry.

Because he really liked this well-behaved and sensible witch who was

gifted with diseases, he couldn't believe the news of her and James'

sacrifice at the time.


And Lily, who reappeared today, once again challenged his worldview.

"Professor, Ms. Evans was resurrected by me, and after tracing some

ancient books, I successfully found a way to resurrect some people.

"It's just that this kind of thing is too difficult, even I have paid a heavy

price, and even now I don't have the ability to resurrect anyone.

His voice was not deliberately lowered, on the contrary, he intended to

let everyone hear it.

Alvin knew what a shock it would make in the wizarding world once Lily

showed up.

Even more shocking than the appearance of a Dark Lord.

At that time, there will definitely be countless people crazy to explore

this secret.

Although Alvin is not afraid, it is a little less troublesome, and he also

hopes to bring his meaning to the outside world through all the students

in the school.

Hearing what he said, Professor Flitwick nodded sullenly.

His students are really getting more and more incomprehensible. Now he

can even resurrect a dead person. Could he be the reincarnation of


No, according to historical records, Merlin has no such ability.

The more he thought about it, the more he couldn't figure it out, Flitwick

simply gave up, looking at Alvin's eyes with pride.

No matter what achievements Alvin has achieved now, he was once his

student, which cannot be changed.

Thank you for your reward, the little author will continue to work hard

and will not end up unfinished! 10.

Chapter 443

Chapter 443: The Miserable Life Of Future Students

The shock brought by Lily is far beyond what other people can match.

Except for Hermione and others who knew about Alvin's ability, others

also recognized his mighty power again.

It has always been known that Alvin is very strong, but it is impossible to

speculate on the specific step.

If there is a measure, it is not weaker than Dumbledore. After all, in this

auditorium last semester, Alvin personally drove Dumbledore away.

This concept is very vague, because the levels are too different.

Can you tell the difference between the world champion and the world


But today, everyone finally understands that this is not a dimensional


At the same time, some people have no qualms about the fact that Alvin

has become the principal.

With such a strong wizard as the head of their school "Three Seven

Zeros", what else is there to choose.

Alvin looked at his watch, it has been more than an hour since he started

talking, and there are still some things to finish, let these little wizards


Lily also found herself taking up so much time that she couldn't stop

talking to Harry.

It wasn't until he heard Ron's stomach 'gurgling' next to him that he

realized that it was not the time for their mother-son communication.

Seeing that she was about to come over, Alvin waved his hand: "No need,

Ms. Evans, you can just do that, I'll go on about mine.

"Everyone saw it, too, Ms. Evans, Harry's mother, once a hero of the

wizarding world."

"From today onwards, she is everyone's Potions Professor, and she is also

the Head of Gryffindor."

The applause in the auditorium was louder than ever. Lily was a

celebrity, and anyone who knew Harry knew this great mother.

For such people, no matter which college they are, they will respect them

from the bottom of their hearts.

It's just that some people are wondering, since Lily is a potions professor,

what does Snape do?

"After the introduction of new faces, let me announce the school's

educational reform and some personnel changes."

With a wave of Alvin's hand, all the candles in the auditorium went out,

and a light curtain appeared in front of him with the positions of various

professors on it.

"There is currently no suitable Transfiguration professor, so I'll give you a

substitute for the time being."

"Professor Snape will be teaching a brand new course – Practical Spells.

Curse combat class?

Hearing this word, many people's eyes light up, and it sounds like a

course that allows them to cast spells to their heart's content.

Alvin continued: "This class will replace the old Defence Against the Dark

Arts class and improve it."

"You will not only learn the content of the previous Defense Against the

Dark Arts class in the classroom, but also the application of spells and


Hearing this, a satisfied smile appeared on Snape's face.

This coincides with his goal. Although the name has been changed, the

core is still Defense Against the Dark Arts.

But the next sentence made Snape's face turn green.

"This will be your most important class in school, and if Professor Snape's

teaching results are not satisfactory, I am ready to change.

Suddenly, his sense of crisis rose.

If he was replaced, wouldn't it prove that he had been begging for a

Defence Against the Dark Arts position for so many years was a joke?

Snape's originally happy mood immediately subsided, and he turned to

think about how to make the class more efficient.

"As for Ms. Rosier…" Alvin looked at the French Black Rose, "She will be

the professor of the introductory course in black magic."


The hall fell silent again.

Did they hear it right?

What Alvin just said is, teaching black magic?

Looking at the disbelieving students, and the professors, Alvin repeats

with certainty: "You heard right, from now on, Hogwarts will teach the

dark magic.

This time, the crowd completely exploded.

Black magic has always been synonymous with evil and darkness, and in

general, everyone is disgusted by it.

Although some pure blood families have the habit of collecting black

magic, they even regard it as the heritage of a family.

But Durmstrang was the only school that declared that he would teach

black magic like Alvin.

Looking at the noisy crowd, Alvin pouted, he had expected this to


It's just that it's too late now, they're not hungry, they're still hungry.


With the help of the re-amplification spell, his voice easily suppressed all

the discussions.

"The dark magic course is not an introductory course. Only students who

have reached the third grade and who have reached O in the previous

year's Defense Against the Dark Arts can take it as an elective. 35

"As for more details, you can find out later."

Seeing that he has said so, the students can only give up, but some people

are already ready to move.

The more forbidden something, the more desired.

The same is true of black magic. Many people are both fearful and

curious about it.

In the past, they used to get in touch secretly, but now the school has

given this opportunity, and they naturally won't miss it.

Next, Alvin announced several reforms, most of which delighted the

students was that Quidditch became a two-player format.

In the past, there were only a few games every year, and it was not

enjoyable to watch or play.

Now that he has changed it a little and doubled the number of games, he

is naturally welcomed by everyone.

"Okay, let's eat!"

After talking about the Forbidden Forest at the end, Alvin was a little

hungry, he didn't even sing the school song, he just served the food.

The same is true for the rest of the people. Before you know it, the time

has come to nearly ten o'clock. In the past, everyone had returned to the

Rest Room 1.0 at this time.

Finally, after enjoying the sumptuous dinner, the little wizards returned

to the dormitory, while the professors were pulled into a classroom by

Alvin and continued the meeting.

"It's about curriculum reform, but also specific matters about homework


He handed out the parchments for the professors to browse.

The content is not too much, but each one makes everyone a little scared.

"Headmaster Gaunt, do you really want to change this?"

The professor of Muggle Studies swallowed and looked at his colleagues.

They all had the same expressions as him, and he knew that everyone got

the same content.

He can already see the miserable lives of future students.

"That's right, what's the problem, Keridi?

Chapter 444

Chapter 444: Human Body Transfiguration

Keridi Boubaji, it is the name of this professor.

"I think it's a bit too strict, can these little wizards adapt?"

Kai Ruidi said periodically that he knew that it was wrong to oppose the

new principal's policy from the beginning, but he couldn't care less.

If you do as Alvin thinks, the students will suffer in the future.

His views represent the opinions of the majority.

If Alvin's method is followed, these little wizards will not only have to

complete the thesis, but also double their daily homework.

Most importantly, Alvin divided the entire academic year into two

semesters and four exams.

This means that the previous kind of surprise review is no longer


On average, they face an exam every two months.

And it will still be recorded in the total score.

Seeing this, many people have already thought that Alvin has a grudge

against the students…

When he was a student, Dumbledore was not so cruel.

Lily and Snape didn't speak, and Snape was in favor of the plan. He felt

that the Hogwarts students were just too indulgent to do something as

simple as brewing a potion.

A long time ago, he had actually spoken to Dumbledore about this at 13

and wanted to be stricter with the students.

It's a pity that Lao Deng, who loves students, stopped him.

He advocates free education more, so that students can better discover

their talents.

Sirius, and Harry's father are his favorite works.

As for Lily, don't say that Alvin just added a burden to the students, even

if she was asked to corporally punish others, she didn't care.


Alvin's voice was very calm, and there was no displeasure at their dissent.

"I think as a professor, everyone wants their students to be better, right?"

No one objected to this. Anyone who could come to Hogwarts to teach

should have the idea of ​​educating people and becoming talented.

Otherwise, the magical world would have a lot easier positions than here.

"Since we all think so, then let's do an experiment, with Christmas as the

limit, if the results are not satisfactory, we are gradually returning to the

status quo, how about it?"

Several professors nodded and agreed with his proposal. After carefully

looking at the teaching requirements, they also dismissed the meeting.

And Alvin also returned to the eighth floor, the exclusive principal's

dormitory is in a secret door in the office, where the elves have prepared

a new decoration for him.

But Alvin was used to living in his own private villa, and this house was

considered a waste.

The next morning, Alvin had breakfast and came to the Transfiguration


There are a lot of empty classrooms at Hogwarts, but Alvin still uses the

one on the second floor that Professor McGonagall used before.

There is no other reason, it is because it is big enough, even if students

from four colleges come together, there is enough space inside.

It didn't take long for the four-year-old Ravenclaws and Gryffindors to

arrive one after another. Luna was startled when she saw Alvin, and then

she smiled.

It was the first time she had a class with Alvin, although one was a

teacher and the other was a student.

The classroom was very quiet, and no one dared to make a loud noise,

which was still the influence left by Mag.

As one of the two strictest professors at Hogwarts, no one dared to mess

with her class.

At nine o'clock, the class bell rang on time.

"I still remember when Professor McGonagall gave me my first

Transfiguration class, he used Af*ck Gus and turned from a cat into a

man. 95

Instead of starting the lecture immediately, he fell into memory instead.

The little wizards were in the same state. At that time, they were startled

by Professor McGonagall, but they also succeeded in arousing the

curiosity and yearning of these little guys for Transfiguration.

As they learn about magic, they realize how difficult it is to be a f*ck


Alvin mentions this, is he also a f*ck Gus?

Looking at everyone's expectant eyes, Alvin smiled. "I'm not some kind of

f*ck Gus, I like the way I am now compared to the animal form."

"However, as a new teacher, as usual, I should show you a hand."

After he finished speaking, he didn't take out his wand, his fingers moved

a little away, and an idle table in the back of the classroom turned into a


With a roar in the sky, it flew up under the terrified eyes of the students

and rushed to the front of the classroom.

Finally, he jumped up and rushed towards Alvin.

But when it was in the air, the lion turned into a raven and landed lightly

on his shoulder.

Afterwards, the raven circled in the classroom, turning into a little badger

and a giant python on the way.

From beginning to end, the process of change is smooth and natural

without any stagnation.

The fourth-grade students are no longer novices of magic, so they

naturally know how difficult it is.

Especially when he performs deformation again on the basis of

deformation, he can still do so smoothly. Alvin's transfiguration level can

only be described as superb.

And the most shocking thing isn't that.

Just as the python slowly climbed to Alvin's side, everyone thought it was


370 I saw the python stand upright and slowly turned into the

appearance of Voldemort's destruction!

The long and narrow scarlet eyes, the two huge nostrils, and the pale and

sinister face are exactly the same as the wanted list published in the Daily



Just as everyone fell into fear, Ginny blurted out.

She was the only person present who had seen Voldemort in person, and

her fear of him was not that deep.

After all, after seeing him being beaten by Alvin and Dumbledore,

Voldemort's image completely collapsed.

What surprised her the most now was that Alvin had used Humanoid


Because on the first day of learning Transfiguration, Professor

McGonagall said that the human body is the most complex combination,

and it is extremely difficult to use Transfiguration to conjure a human


Not even she can do it.

And today, Alvin made it easy.

Seeing the lifelike Voldemort, if not for seeing it with her own eyes,

Ginny even thought it was Voldemort's invasion of Hogwarts.

"That's right, it's Transfiguration, Gryffindor is worth ten points.

Alvin smiled at Ginny and gave him a point.

These little wizards were stunned by the success, so he could start his

lectures smoothly…

Chapter 445

Chapter 445: The Tired Professor Flitwick

With the scene at the beginning, the next class was also much smoother.

The little wizards listened honestly to Alvin explaining the techniques of


As fourth graders, they have already begun to touch the living body

transformation, which is also the time when everyone opened the gap.

Talented students can master it quickly, and from then on, the level can

be continuously improved.

And students with less talent may only be able to conjure some simple

animals in the final seventh grade.

Magic is spiritual, and no matter how many techniques Alvin talks about,

he can't teach them all.

But he knows that one thing is absolutely right, that is, diligence can

make up for the poor.

So with five minutes to go before get out of class, he stopped.

"That's it for how to decipher the owl's body structure. Remember to use

your senses and magic to outline the species you want to transform."

"That's it for today's class, let me talk about homework and extra-

curricular tuition.

The faces of the little wizards who were originally very immersed

immediately drooped down.

As a student, anyone who hears the word homework will not have a good


And those little Muggle wizards were even more terrified.

Did they hear it right, extracurricular cram school?

Alvin used his wand as a teaching stick, tapped on the blackboard, and a

large piece of dense handwriting appeared on it.

"This is the content of this week's homework. You don't have to memorize

it. After class, use your magic web login to download a software called


"Afterwards, your assignments and papers will have prompts on them,

and you can also submit them there.

No one spoke, and everyone was stunned by the content of the


Leaving aside two 4-foot papers, the mere fact that they successfully

deformed fifty times a day is scary enough.

"Principal, are you sure this is a week's homework.`?"

A Gryffindor lion cub couldn't help it, is this amount too large?

Successfully deformed fifty times a day, and there are quality

requirements, doesn't that mean that this alone will take up nearly an

hour of their time?

"That's right, Mr. Bugatti, if I can't finish it, I'll write to your parents~"

Alvin looked at everyone with a smile on his face, but to the little

wizards, it was the devil's smile!

Even Luna's eyes widened, looking like she was betrayed.

My boyfriend is actually cheating on himself!

"Then… what about the extracurricular cram school?"

Colin asked weakly, the little brother of Harry and Alvin quickly accepted

the reality, he should do more homework, and it would be a big deal to

follow Harry for an hour.

But this extracurricular cram…

"Hello Colin, starting the second weekend of this term, the school will be

offering remedial classes for all students in fifth grade and below.

"There are three types of cram schools, basic classes, which are for

students with grades below p (very poor).

"Consolidation classes are for students with grades p and e (good).

"The promotion class is for students with good grades (excellent).

"In addition to the promotion class, the other two remedial classes are


"You don't have to worry about so many grades, and the school's

educational resources will be insufficient. Believe me, Hogwarts will not

abandon any student."

After speaking, Alvin transformed his textbook into a new envelope and

put it in his pocket, and left the classroom lightly.

Only a group of dumbfounded students remained.

After a long time, Ginny looked at Luna, and muttered to herself, "Luna,

your boyfriend… this is killing us! 99

The same scene happened not only in Alvin's class, but also in other

teachers' classes.

When everyone saw the mountains and seas of homework and the

development of cram schools, they were all numb.

Originally they had expected it to be just the private actions of the


But when they came to the auditorium, except for the first-year freshmen

who knew nothing, the expressions on everyone's faces were the same as


Only at this time did the little wizards realize the seriousness of the


After a series of confessions, no matter who it is, everyone knows that the

future will not be easy.

Immediately, countless pairs of mournful eyes looked at Alvin, who was

enjoying the meal leisurely.

They know that this former classmate and the current principal is the


However, Alvin did not have the slightest sense of self-awareness. He ate

his meals on his own and chatted with Furong from time to time.

"Have you figured out what to teach in the first class?"

Furong will have the first class of the semester tomorrow, so Alvin

naturally has to take good care of his fiancée.

He stroked the silver thread that was hanging down from his ear, and

Furong looked at him with all kinds of style: "々 I think I've thought

about it, but I just don't know if someone supports it or not.


Alvin became interested: "Don't worry, as long as you ask, I can even

catch Voldemort as a teaching aid for you.


The mixed-race Veela couldn't help laughing, and patted Alvin who was

doing the trick.

He even used Voldemort as a teaching aid. He dared to catch it, but he

didn't dare to use it. By then, the little wizard was scared to tears in the

first class, and her reputation was completely ruined.

"Damn, don't make trouble, I'm serious!"

Furong's eyes shone brightly: "In the first class, I want to introduce

unicorns to everyone, but all the unicorns in the Forbidden Forest were

kidnapped by you, and you must be responsible.

There was another sentence she didn't say, that is, the unicorn is in the

forbidden forest, and there is a high probability that it will not agree to

her request. (Good Zhao's)

After all, this pure creature will only get close to the pure girl they

admire, and to put it bluntly, it is Yangou.

"So you're making up your mind. 35

Nodding Furong's forehead affectionately, Alvin did not refuse.

Those unicorns eat his and his, and it's time to contribute to the dust.

"I'll get them out in a minute, but Celestia won't give it to you. 35

How can I pull out my little baby and show it to those students as


Furong, who had achieved her goal, happily kissed Alvin's forehead,

causing Professor Flitwick to burp.

What happened at Hogwarts, has the dog food been fed to the


Look at Lily and Snape who are about to be posted together, and Fleur

and Alvin who are already posted together.

The old professor suddenly had the urge to find a wife…

Chapter 446

Chapter 446 The Old Man Who Looks At The Sea

The next month, the little wizards at Hogwarts felt that going to school

was such a pain.

Different from the past, all professors' attitude towards students has taken

a 180-degree turn.

The amiable professors, such as Flitwick, are increasingly demanding of

their students.

In the previous semester, students only had to master a few key spells.

The professors would hint in their usual lectures about what spells might

appear in the final exams.

As for the others, it's better if you learn it, and it's not a big deal if you

can't learn it.

So many times, after mastering the necessary magic spells, everyone

relaxes and chooses some interesting ones to study freely.

But now, no matter what the teacher teaches, it is possible to appear in

the exam.

It is the amount of work that is enough to make people collapse, which

has frightened many people.

The most Damn it is the software called Xuetong, and its intelligence is


Some students secretly reduced the amount of practice and wanted to

pass the test, but they were faithfully recorded by this garbage software.

The next day in class, these 370 students were called in public, and they

were warned that if there was a next time, they would call their parents.

Damn it!

Who came up with such a vicious trick to call parents!

In this 'high pressure' state, countless little wizards are in a hurry, just to

complete the tasks of the professors as soon as possible, so that they can

play a fruit ninja with friends.

The only thing that is gratifying is that the new professors this semester

are all very good, and there is no inconsistency caused by the departure

of McGonagall and others.

One of the most popular is of course Hibiscus.

When she came to the students with four holy unicorns, everyone was

sure that this was the best professor ever to protect magical creatures.

Not even Newt can compare.

No way, who made the unicorn mysterious and has many legends, it is

very popular among the group of little wizards.

And Furong's outstanding appearance and interesting classroom process

also made everyone like it very much.

Although everyone knows that she is Alvin's girlfriend, but who doesn't

like to let a big beauty teach him a lesson?

The same is true for Li (bdba) Li, who was originally resurrected and

already has a high topicality, coupled with a gentle temperament,

forming a strong contrast with Snape.

Especially Harry, his favorite class now is Potions, although his mother

leaves a lot of homework for him and is very strict with him.

But that's all about loving him!

Life is so wonderful, Harry, who hated potions the most and swore that

he would not take potions after sixth grade, has become the most loyal

supporter of this class.

Free State, a small town in California.

This is a beautiful seaside town, but because of its remote location, few

foreign tourists visit it.

Just a month ago, a group of Englishmen had come to live in Eulalie

Hicks' house.

For the residents of the small town, this Hicks is also a weird person, she

rarely communicates with outsiders and claims to be a teacher.

But until now, no one knows which school she works in.

Over the years, Hicks has also retired. Whenever someone asks her this

question, she always smiles and says a strange name.


As long as she was unwilling to speak, the residents stopped asking


During this period of time, the group of newly arrived Englishmen have

also been shallow, but there is an old man who often comes to the beach

with a small bench and sits for an afternoon.

"Dumbledore, I knew you were here."

Professor McGonagall's voice sounded behind Dumbledore, pulling his

wandering thoughts to reality.

This group of visitors from England was part of Dumbledore and the

Order of the Phoenix.

After being kicked out of Hogwarts by Alvin, Dumbledore suddenly

discovered that for over a hundred years, he had no home other than


At first Professor McGonagall suggested that they could go to Gaul, to


But this proposal was rejected by Dumbledore, who knew that the entire

Continent and England would inevitably fall into the hands of Alvin and


A good student of his own will not watch himself develop smoothly

under his nose.

It happened that Hicks of the Free State invited him to be a guest here,

and Dumbledore brought a group of followers to the Free State.

Hicks was a comrade who once fought against Grindelwald with him, and

what happened on the Continental side made many people uneasy.

And this time the invitation is not so personal. Hicks did so at the request

of the Ministry of Magic of the Free State.

In fact, as these people expected, after the establishment of the European

Union Conference, the control of the International Wizarding Federation

over there has dropped to an unprecedented level.

And they were horrified to discover that Grindelwald's figure had slowly

penetrated into the interior of various countries, and it was not an

exaggeration to call it the Supreme Emperor.

The situation now is even more terrifying than it was a few decades ago.

After all, the European Continent has been resisting, but some are losing


But what about now?

Grindelwald devoured most of the continent without a single shot, and

his footsteps never stopped.

At this time, Dumbledore's importance is reflected, he is the only one

who can fight against the Dark Lord.

Well, the people here don't know much about Alvin's fighting power, and

they only think that he drove Dumbledore away through trickery.

Only Dumbledore knew in his heart that Alvin was a wizard at the same

level as him, or even higher.

During this period of time, in addition to discussing with the Free Nation

how to solve Grindelwald, he often came to the beach to reflect.

Why did things turn out like this?

He didn't believe Alvin's wording, and the cooperation between him and

Grindelwald was definitely more than just driving himself away.

Even he was extremely certain that the resurrection of Voldemort and the

escape of Grindelwald were all made by Alvin.

But, what's the use of knowing it?

For more than a month, he has not thought of any good solutions.

He didn't know of any means to stop Alvin's ambitions, other than to

wage war directly.

Chapter 447

Chapter 441 Dumbledore'S Evaluation Of Alvin

"Minerva, what's the matter with me?"

Looking at the somewhat dusty Mag, a trace of guilt flashed in

Dumbledore's eyes.

If she hadn't chosen to leave Hogwarts with her, she would still be the

esteemed vice-headmaster now.

From what he knew about Alvin, as long as McGonagall was still in

school for one day, there would be no less respect.

Without seeing his expression, Mag's face was solemn and complicated,

and he said solemnly: "There is some news from Hogwarts from Pomona,

I think you should know about it.

Pomona is Professor Sprout. Although she also left Hogwarts, she did not

choose to leave with Dumbledore.

She had no interest in these battles, and she felt a little tired when she

left Hogwarts.

Now that Sprout is retired, he plays with the herbs he has cultivated at

home every day, which is quite leisurely.

It's just that Hogwarts has changed a lot in the past month or so. She felt

that some things were very important to Dumbledore, so she contacted

Professor McGonagall and told him everything she knew.

Sure enough, after hearing this, Professor McGonagall's face changed

greatly, and he immediately came to Dumbledore.

"Come on, Minerva, isn't Gaunt the one who bombed the school?"

His eyes looked behind Mag, where Sirius, Lu Ping and others were

coming, apparently handed over by Mag.

After the leader of the Order of the Phoenix was in place, McGonagall

took a deep breath and said slowly: "Alvin he… resurrected Lily!"

"It's Harry's mother, Lily Potter!"

In an instant, Sirius raised his head in disbelief and screamed.

"Professor Lily McGonagall, are you sure you're not kidding? 35

Dumbledore's originally sloppy eyes also became sharp, the wand

appeared in his hand, and an invisible soundproof barrier was arranged

by him.

"What's the matter, Minerva?"

"I know you can't believe it, even when I first heard it…"

Mag was not surprised by everyone's reaction, and told everything that

happened at the school opening banquet without anyone interrupting her


After a long time, Dumbledore stood up tremblingly and looked at the

other side of the ocean.

"Gaunt…you're more capable than I thought…"

With a heavy whisper in his heart, he was also severely touched by Alvin.

It is such a big deal to be able to resurrect a person who has been dead

for more than ten years.

And does this also mean that even someone who has died longer can…

His heart was beating violently, and Dumbledore took a deep breath

under everyone's worried eyes.

No, I can't think about it anymore.

He tried to calm himself down, but it didn't work.

Because he has always had an object he wants to resurrect!

Sirius took the lead and couldn't sit still, he was about to leave here, and

he shouted: "No, I want to go back to see Lily, why is she resurrected, but

James is nowhere to be seen.

"Come back!" Dumbledore's voice was more serious than ever: "In what

capacity are you questioning her, or are you going to trouble Gaunt?"

"Professor!" Sirius shouted without showing weakness: "I don't understand

why you are enemies with Alvin, no, exactly, why the two of you are

enemies! 99

He had been holding back this sentence for a long time.

Since Harry didn't leave with him, Sirius had doubts about his choice.

In fact, it is not only him, even if other people choose to follow

Dumbledore to the free country, it is because of their trust in


But their hearts are confused, they don't know why they are fighting.

Seeing their eyes, Dumbledore was helpless. He originally planned to tell

the truth before the war, but now it is impossible.

"Because Gaunt is more ambitious and dangerous than Tom."9

Hearing this, Mag and others became even more puzzled.

In their impression, Dumbledore never cares about the ambitions of

others, as long as he is not an evil dark wizard, even if the power is

monstrous, he will not have any ideas.

・・・・For flowers‥0

Although people like Alvin have a little more means, they can't be called

evil, right?

"Sirius, if one day, the world is full of wizards, what do you think?"

Without answering their doubts immediately, Dumbledore asked Sirius


"It's all wizards?" Scratching his head, Sirius was a little confused, "How

is this possible? Hogwarts has only those students every year, how can

the world be full of wizards?"

"What if, Alvin's goal is to turn all Muggles in the world into wizards?"

Dumbledore's words frightened these people.


"You're kidding. Albus," Professor McGonagall stammered, apparently in


"First of all it's an impossible thing, even if he succeeds, how many

Muggles are there in the world, and what good is it for him?

Seeing Dumbledore's serious eyes, McGonagall couldn't speak anymore.

She knew that Dumbledore would never joke about such a big thing.

"Sorry, Minerva, he has the ability to turn a Muggle into a wizard now,

Gaunt and Nico have successfully turned a Muggle into a wizard.

"As for why he did this, I actually feel that I have overlooked one thing

for a long time."

whats the matter?

McGonagall looked at him curiously, wanting to hear his evaluation of


Phoenix Fox just returned from foraging and landed on Dumbledore's


"In essence, Gaunt was a man as proud as Grindelwald."

"No, he was prouder than Grindelwald, and they both thought Muggle

blood was backward and wizards were unreasonable."35

Speaking of this, Dumbledore sighed softly: "That's why they all chose to

fight against the secrecy law, and Grindelwald wants to enslave the

Muggle world.

"And Alvin is even better, he wants to make the whole world

supernatural, then the whole world will be a wizard, and the secrecy law

will be useless. 35+.

Chapter 448

Chapter 448: Voldemort Reappears

If Alvin had heard Dumbledore's assessment of him, he would have

applauded him.

After so many years, it was not Qiu and the others who knew him best,

nor his subordinates like Snape, but Lao Deng.

All along, Alvin has always been kind in front of outsiders, and his

occasional anger is only aimed at the enemy.

That's why he gained everyone's admiration and respect.

Why is Dumbledore so popular?

It's not because his strength is matched with his character that makes him


The same goes for Alvin.

But how can a high-ranking strong man not have his own pride?

Voldemort's pride is to see the weak as ants, he is strong, so he can

dominate the life of any weak.

Dumbledore's pride is "three seven zero" restraint, he knows that once he

can't restrain his ambition, the entire magic world will fall into

unprecedented turmoil.

And Alvin, his pride is directed at himself, compassion for the weak,

respect for friends, these are the performance of personal qualities.

He doesn't need to show his strength all the time like Voldemort, nor

does he need to restrain his ambitions like Dumbledore.

Unswervingly accomplishing his goals is what he really needs.

Since Dumbledore stood in his way, defeat him, and since secrecy

shackles his freedom, destroy him.

This is the real Alvin.

After listening to Dumbledore's evaluation, Professor McGonagall also

sighed slightly.

She thought she cared about every student, especially a genius like Alvin,

but in the end, she still didn't see it as thoroughly as Dumbledore.

"Then what exactly should we do to make his conspiracy public?"

This is the only way McGonagall can think of. As long as the wizards

know what Alvin is thinking, even many of those who submit to him will

not be able to accept this matter, and thus defect.

"Minerva," Dumbledore stroked Fox's feathers, something was not as

simple as they thought.

"If we break Alvin's plan now, he'll be completely free from fear.

"It won't be something that can be solved by killing one or two wizards,

and countless Muggles will be involved."

"So we have to wait until the day when he can't help but completely

defeat him in one fell swoop."

Dumbledore, who has been conservative all his life, still chooses a

conservative strategy this time, and he will not do it easily if he is not

fully prepared.

"Professor, are you trying to kill Alvin?" Sirius was a little moved, and

Professor McGonagall became nervous.

"You guys overestimate me." Dumbledore smiled bitterly, "I don't even

know how to defeat Alvin, let alone kill him?

"In fact, as long as I can stop his idea of ​​turning Muggles into wizards,

I'm satisfied, even if he rules the wizarding world."

Hearing this, Mag was relieved.

In any case, she still liked the student Alvin very much, and she had

regretted more than once that the little wizard was not a student of


Looking at the members of the Order of the Phoenix with a heavy

expression, Dumbledore waved his hand, "Don't think about it too much,

the top priority is to unite with more friends to fight against Alvin and

Grindelwald. 99

"Remember, don't reveal what happened today, lest some people panic

and startle the snake."

Everyone nodded, they knew the seriousness of the matter, and naturally

they would not talk nonsense easily.

After sending Mag and the others away, Dumbledore sat on the stool

again and looked into the distance.

In fact, there was one thing he didn't say just now, that is, he was

thinking about whether to cooperate with Voldemort.

At the level of Dumbledore, there is no eternal enemy. In the face of the

powerful Alvin and Grindelwald, he naturally thinks of Voldemort, who

has never heard of him.

Compared to these two people, Voldemort, who had already destroyed

nine Horcruxes, was no longer a threat.

As long as the matter is resolved, the chaos of the wizarding world will

only return to the state of his confrontation with Voldemort, which is

better than sailing into the unknown abyss.

But these words can't be detailed with Mag and the others, because not

everyone thinks about the big picture like him…

"Tom, I don't know how you are now. I didn't expect that one day, I

would have the intention to cooperate with you…"

Laughing at himself, Dumbledore also sighed helplessly.

Albanian forest.

The interior of a giant tree in the sky was hollowed out, and Bellatrix had

a big belly and sat with difficulty on the chair she made with magic.

"Master, I have already felt that she will be born soon.

A gentle smile appeared on her originally crazy face, and the brilliance of

motherhood also shone up.

Voldemort's voice came out of his head,

"Thank you, Bella.

Since the war at the Ministry of Magic, Voldemort has fallen into a coma

after escaping the siege of the Alvin trio.

And his soul also came down to Bella, who was also fleeing for his life,

under a strange gravitational force.

After a long period of warm cultivation, his consciousness gradually


Speaking of which, Bella also had a big fate. Rodolphus Lestrange's shot

made her keenly feel that something was wrong. With the blood of

Voldemort, Bella naturally wouldn't take risks.

The Saints and Aurors fled their former residences and went to Albania

before the Saints and Aurors moved, and slipped through the net.

"Master, do you really want to do this?"

Listening to Voldemort's praise from 1.0, she did not show joy, but

looked at her belly tangled.

This is her child!

"I don't want to do this either, Bella, but you and I are in too dangerous a

situation. I must resurrect as soon as possible to face Gaunt and

Grindelwald who may come at any time.

"As for the child, when I am resurrected, I can give you another."

Although the tone was angry, the awe-inspiring killing intent and deep-

rooted hatred could not be concealed.

During this period of time, Bella also collected a lot of news from the

outside world.

Voldemort also completely understood that his great enemies were never

Dumbledore and Harry.

It's his descendant – Alvin Gaunt!.

Chapter 449

Chapter 443 Unprecedented Silence!

Voldemort was not a fool, or rather, he was an extremely intelligent


in various senses.

It's just because his talent is too strong, his power has expanded to a

terrifying level, and coupled with the influence of black magic, this

makes him a little bit reluctant to use his brain.

If you can convince people with 'reasons', why do you have to work hard

to convince people with reason?

So all along, he has never been able to think about any conspiracy and

tricks, relying on his own magic to conquer the world.

This situation changed after his resurrection.

On the one hand, it was the pressure brought on him by Dumbledore,

and on the other hand, it was the content of the prophecy that he had

already made a comeback, and Voldemort couldn't help being careless.

This is also why in the past year, he did not show up, but was secretly

doing things in secret.

Finally, under a series of intrigues, he successfully led Harry out of

Hogwarts, and helped him get the prophecy ball in the Department of


At this time, he felt that he could do it, and it was time to move.

And then…the cups.

13 First beaten by Alvin, then beaten by Dumbledore, then beaten by

Alvin, Dumbledore, and Grindelwald together.

In the end, even the Horcrux was destroyed. If he hadn't left a secret

hand on Bella's body, it would have been cold by now.

After returning to Albania, he stayed in Bellatrix and had nothing to do,

spending a lot of time thinking about life every day.

The same doubt as Dumbledore appeared in his mind.

Why did things turn out like this?

Could he be retrograde this year?

And when he learned that Alvin drove Dumbledore out of Hogwarts and

joined forces with Grindelwald to dominate the entire continent.

Voldemort couldn't help but let out a sigh.

As expected of the species of the Gaunt family, intrigues and tricks play

just like that.

He has long known that Alvin is definitely not a good student, sooner or

later one day he will show his fangs.

Seeing Dumbledore's fate, Voldemort somewhat gloated.

Then, he gradually discovered something was wrong…

Why did Alvin arrive early when he was at the Ministry of Magic?

Why did Alvin leave Harry behind when he was resurrected?

The most important thing is… why after his fall, Snape, Malfoy and these

people actually betrayed without hesitation, and life is better than


And it all makes sense when you bring Alvin into that manipulative


It turned out that Alvin's eyeliner was all around him, and even his own

resurrection had the other's handwriting in it.

Even Bella's search for him was planned by the other party.

Although it is not known why Alvin did this, Voldemort was sure that the

person who released Bella must not be Peter Pettigrew.

Either Alvin or his men!

After being enlightened and clear about everything, Voldemort fell into


For a long time, he didn't know who his opponent was, and he kept

focusing on Harry and Dumbledore.

That's what happened today.

The anger in Voldemort's heart was burning. If he had the ability now, he

would definitely kill Hogwarts immediately and kill Alvin 180 times

before giving up.

But he's a piece of shit now.

What qualifications does a lone ghost living on Bella have to talk about


Fortunately, Bella is still alive, and the child in her belly is still alive, so

she has a chance to start over.

"Bella, I can already feel the active magic of this child in you."

Voldemort comforted in a soft voice. Now, just like two years ago, he had

to rely on this woman to survive and make a comeback, and his attitude

was naturally good and there was nothing to say.

"She is your and my child, and the body that best suits me. Once I am

reborn in this child, I will give you everything you want in the future.

Bella's children were his last resort.

After she became pregnant, Voldemort was acutely aware that the child

had the breath of his soul.

Due to the large number of Horcruxes made, his soul was very unstable.

When the essence was delivered to Bella, he accidentally took away a

piece of soul and accidentally generated a Horcrux.

After discovering this, Voldemort kept silent and silently regarded it as a

hole card.

Because of the soul fragments, this body seems to be tailor-made for him,

it fits perfectly, and the magic talent is definitely not weak.

Seeing that Voldemort had said so, Bella's eyes flashed a trace of struggle,

but she finally accepted her fate.

"Master, I will listen to you.

"But how long will it take after your resurrection before we can go to

Gaunt for revenge?"

When it comes to Alvin, Bella is also gnashing her teeth. If it weren't for

him, she wouldn't be reduced to this point, and she wouldn't even be able

to keep her own flesh and blood!

But Alvin is too strong. With her ability, it is impossible to hurt the other

party in this life. If Voldemort develops, how many years will he be

proud of?

What worries her even more is that the previous Voldemort does not

seem to be Alvin's opponent… In the battle at the Ministry of Magic, the

"Daily Prophet" described it in great detail in order to make Alvin


Even if Voldemort returns to his peak, Alvin will be stronger by then…

"Don't worry so much, Bella," Voldemort said calmly, "I know what level

of enemy I'm facing."5

"If I grow up naturally, I'm sure I'll be at the same level in ten years, but

it's not enough.

He no longer has any contempt.

"There is a terrifying power in this world that can make a little wizard

show the ability that even Aurors are afraid of, and that is silence.


Bella, who was born in a pure-blood family, naturally knew what

Momoran was, and also knew how powerful Momoran was, and a trace

of horror flashed in her eyes.

Is it…

Sure enough, Voldemort's gloomy voice sounded in her mind, this time

with a hint of madness.

"That's right… I just want to suppress the magic in my body, and with

this superb magic talent, to create an unprecedented silent one!"

Chapter 450

Chapter 444: The Disgraceful Hogwarts Student

Alvin, who was far away at Hogwarts, naturally didn't know, and now he

is being constantly missed by two old things.

In fact, even if he knew about it, he didn't have the time to pay attention

to it now.

Because this time is one of the few relaxing moments in his day.

Now Alvin is very regretful, why did he take up the position of professor

of Transfiguration when he started school.

This is simply not what people do!

There are seven grades at Hogwarts, and Transfiguration is compulsory,

which means he has 14 lessons a week.

And Hogwarts classes are usually large classes, each class is two hours, it

can be said that almost every day he has to take a full six-hour class.

This is not the end, he still needs to prepare lessons, pay attention to the

progress of other professors' courses, and even revise homework.

If he was given another chance, Alvin would definitely not choose

himself to be this professor.

Nagini, who was sitting by the side and was correcting documents, felt a

little distressed when he saw his master's unlovable appearance. He put

down the pen in his hand and came behind him, and massaged it gently.

The little maid's massage income has become more and more superb over

the years, and she knows where to press the most comfortable for her

own master.

Enjoying the gentle clothing of the snake maid, Alvin also felt a lot more


If it hadn't been for Nagini's existence to save him a lot of chores, he

might not even have this rest time now.

At this moment, there was a movement at the door, the door slowly

opened, and Vida Rozier walked in.

When he saw Nagini, he was slightly taken aback, then smiled and said


The two are old acquaintances. When she was in Paris, she even shot and

arrested Nagini, the purpose was to force the silent one to submit.

It's just that I didn't expect that the two of them would work together

decades later.

The world is really amazing.

Seeing Nagini's bumpy look and collagen-rich face, Rozier was also


Although she has regained her youth now, it is only an appearance.

Unlike Nagini, time has no effect on her since she became a bloodcursed


Until she was resolved by Alvin to restore her original shape, she was still

a woman's most beautiful grade.

"Ms. Rosier, what's the matter?"

Alvin's words interrupted Rozier's mental activities, and she also

straightened her expression, clarifying the purpose of today's visit.

"Mr. Gaunt, after more than a month of observation, I have a general

understanding of the magic level of the Hogwarts students, and the little

wizards who signed up for the introduction to black magic have also

been screened."5

Alvin nodded, the introduction to black magic was not taught from the

beginning, but had a one-month screening period.

For the spread of black magic, Alvin is supportive, and the little wizards

of Hogwarts are seriously insufficient in lethality, because most normal

magic can be defended by iron armor.

This also led to the fact that when many people were dueling, it was

often that whoever had the thickest shield would win the final victory.

But the dark wizards can play this with you, because there are countless

kinds of black magic that can break through the defense of the Iron

Armor and kill people directly.

This is also the purpose of Alvin opening this class, to enrich the

offensive methods of the little wizards, and to have more understanding

of black magic.

But this process needs to be cautious, and he doesn't want to cultivate a

bunch of little Toms by himself.

This is what Rozier observed and screened for this month.

"Then do you have any specific thoughts, Ms. Rozier."

Alvin said that you are an expert and listen to you.

And Rozier also hesitated a little, then said his thoughts: "I think it's

better to slow down first, let Professor Snape improve the willpower of

the students, I am teaching black magic.

"This semester, I mainly focus on introducing the negative effects and

hazards of black magic.

Over the past month, she has also gained some preliminary

understanding of the students at Hogwarts.

It cannot be said that it is the flowers in the greenhouse, it can only be

said that it is unsightly.

She did not expect that most of the little wizards at Hogwarts, under

Dumbledore's management, had no concept of fighting at all.

As for why it is most, because she still found some good seedlings.

For example, people like Hermione, Harry, and some students who have

participated in D.A. At least they know how to move and dodge when

they cast magic, instead of ignorantly resisting.

Controlling black magic requires a strong heart. If black magic is spread

recklessly, she is afraid that some people will go astray and Alvin will

trouble her.

And Alvin naturally understood what she meant, and his face was a little


In any case, Hogwarts is also his territory, and his own family is so

embarrassed, he is also very embarrassed.

It seemed that Snape was going to have to give Snape something to think


Having made a decision in his heart, Alvin nodded calmly, agreeing with

Rozier's idea.

".々You can do it in your own way, and I will give you the greatest rights

under the condition of ensuring safety. 35

Rozier sat for a while and then left, even taking Miss Nagini with her.

The two made an appointment to go to Hogsmeade for afternoon tea

together in the chat just now. Alvin saw that Nagini rarely had a chat, so

he took a vacation early.

And he looked at the time, there was still half an hour before the

afternoon class, and he called Snape over again.

No one knew what the two of them were talking about, but someone saw

Snape stinking on his face all afternoon.

On the second day, Snape brought a box of potions directly to the


"Today I will not give any knowledge about spells, you have only one

task, that is to fight.

"But I have one condition, that is, no one is allowed to use the Iron

Armor Charm.35

The little wizard was in an uproar.

Don't use the Iron Armor Spell? What if you get hurt (Good Zhao's)!

Snape patted the box he brought, and said sadly:

"You don't have to worry about injuries, the potions here are all healing

potions specially refined for you by Professor Evans, which can deal with

any type of injury. 99

"After all, you can't cast any powerful spells at your level.

At the end, Snape sneered.

The little wizards in the audience were also very angry.

Who do you look down on!

In this anger, the atmosphere of this class has become a lot warmer.

The little wizards took out their strength to fight against their opponents,

and soon, exclamations, screams, and wailing sounds were heard in the


Snape's eyelids jumped.

Alvin doesn't say that he really didn't find out, these little wizards are

really stupid.

Without the Iron Armor Spell, will you only use the Spell and the body to

resist the opposite attack…

Chapter 451

Chapter 451 This Man Is A Real Dog

The next Hogwarts was a strange scene.

Many little wizards are more or less injured, which does not affect their

normal life, but they look very scary.

This was also deliberately done by Snape, just to teach these people a

lesson and know how to lose face, so that next time they won't use their

body to resist the spell.

And what he did was quite effective.

The wounds on the little wizards are getting less and less, and the control

of the spell has also improved a lot.

After all, everyone is not a fool. Anyone who is beaten every day will

grow up, at least they know that they are chopped.

Time has come to Christmas unknowingly.

Alvin was finally fed up with the hard work of the substitute teacher, and

decided to choose a suitable Transfiguration professor for the students

this holiday.

So…he called Grindelwald.

"Mr. Grindelwald, I need to trouble you with something."

In the principal's office, Alvin looked at Grindelwald's projection


And the eyelids of Grindelwald, who was far away in Durmstrang,


Based on what he knew about this little guy, if it wasn't too much, he

would never be what he is now.

He held the handle of the chair calmly for two, and he pretended to be

calm: "If you have any task, just say it, 370 is too much for me to


"How could it be?" Alvin waved his hands again and again, "If it wasn't

too much, I wouldn't need you."


Is this human talk!

Grindelwald couldn't be mad at Alvin's confident tone.

But he didn't have any way, because he knew it in his heart.

Even if you don't agree…

Alvin will also make him agree.

This man is such a dog.

"I'm also going to bring down the minister of Gaul, and I don't have much

time to play around with you."

Grindelwald opened his mouth faintly, trying to struggle.

"It won't waste too much of your time," Alvin said in a relaxed tone, "you

come to Hogs' Head in Hogsmeade tomorrow, and I have a deal with you.


"Huh? Pig's Head Bar?"

Grindelwald's eyes instantly sharpened, and he looked at Alvin who was

still in a lazy attitude.

"Tell me if you have anything to do, or I can go to your Hogwarts


He couldn't believe that Alvin didn't know the details of the bar and his

relationship with the owner there.

Aberforth Dumbledore, the owner of that pub, Dumbledore's younger

brother, and Grindelwald's… mortal enemy.

For a long time, Aberforth believed that his two months in Godric's

Hollow caused his sister's death and his brother's pain.

If there is a chance, he will definitely kill Grindelwald with a stroke of

Avada without hesitation.

But this is not the end, Aurelius Dumbledore, the most powerful silent

one in history, is also the son of Aberforth.

Also died because of him.

After these two grievances were settled, Grindelwald believed that even if

Dumbledore helped him speak, Aberforth would not hesitate to attack the

two of them together.

He thinks that Alvin is not trying to say things, but to kill!

"I know very well who exists there, and I also know some grudges

between you."

Alvin sat up a little bit, and his eyes became devoid of emotion.

"But that's a matter between you, I have done what I promised you, and

Ariana is sleeping quietly in the Philosopher's Stone at this time.

Grindelwald stood up suddenly and said in a deep voice, "Give her to me!

Send your people to receive the saints.

This is the agreement between him and Alvin, whenever, as long as he

resurrects Ariana, then Grindelwald can hand over everything except


For a long time, a large part of the strange relationship between him and

Dumbledore was caused by the accidental killing of Ariana in the first



As long as he can make up for this mistake, does it mean that

Dumbledore's relationship with him can be restored to the way it was


"Calm down." Alvin tapped his fingers on the table and reminded: "Our

transaction is to revive Ariana, but we didn't say that it will be handed

over to you.

"Besides, you and her are not related to each other, and rashly handing

over a little girl who is in the age of cardamom to you, I can't bear it."

Grindelwald almost vomited blood, what does Alvin mean, is he a


He is not interested in women at all!

Under his murderous gaze, Alvin said slowly: "So I want to find a witness,

someone related to Ariana, and give him the soul."

This guy…

From what Grindelwald knew of Alvin, he knew that the kid was never

good at no-nonsense things.

So why did he clearly promise himself, but also involve Aberforth?

"You want to use this guy Alforth?"

This is to… eat two fish?

No, thinking of Dumbledore who is far away in his own country, this is

one fish and three eats!

After figuring out some things, Grindelwald also regained his composure:

"That waste Aberforth is completely different from his brother, and his

strength is not worth mentioning at all."

This is a bit offensive.

As Dumbledore's younger brother and the father of the most silent man in

history, Aberforth would never be as bad as he said.

At least ten or eight Aurors are still no problem.

At the time of Grindelwald's heyday, he could not find a few figures

comparable to Aberforth.

"Everyone has his value…"

Alvin said slowly, "At least for now, he is an indispensable pawn for me.

Grindelwald sneered: "Then you need to reconsider, that guy is a

standard Gryffindor who never does things through the brain.

"If he sees you, the culprit who drove his brother away, I can guarantee

that he will draw out his wand as soon as possible and have a duel with


Then he persuaded bitterly: "Alvin, he is an existence who can screw up

no matter what, you can tell me anything."5

"Now I can do anything you need except killing Dumbledore.

Grindelwald was also a little tired, he had tried his best, and hoped that

Alvin would not go to that idiot.

He was pleasantly surprised to see that Alvin nodded slightly, just when

he thought he was successful, Alvin also spoke up.

"You said it very well, don't say it again next time."

Chapter 452

Chapter 452: Meeting At Pig Head Bar


Grindelwald took a deep breath and calmed the stirring emotions in his


By the way, let go of the wand in his hand.

He found that his temper had indeed improved ~ a lot.

If someone in the house dared to talk to him like this before, then this

person is guaranteed not to see the sun the next day.

But isn't Alvin still alive and well?

"What are you doing with Aberforth?"

Grindelwald tried his best to keep his tone calm, and since the matter

was irreversible, all he could do was to try his best to save this idiot's life.

"I find that being a professor is really torturous. Since Aberforth is a

member of the Dumbledore family, then Transfiguration must not be bad,


Alvin turned his back to the sky, his tone mournful.

"Just for this?" Grindelwald's tone was weird, he didn't believe that Alvin

had given up so much energy that even Ariana moved out just to hire a


A mere professor, he can't find anyone, does he have to find such a

sensitive person?

He killed Ariana and Aurelius back then…

If he involved Aberforth again, if he killed another, Dumbledore would

definitely look for him desperately.

"You think it's a trivial matter?" Alvin's tone was excited, the table top

thumping loudly.

"Do you know how painful it is for me every day to face the

encouragement of smiling little wizards who turn pears into water


He couldn't understand why everyone was a wizard and the gap was so


Alvin didn't expect everyone to be able to complete complex

transformations, but why can't anyone complete this second-grade exam

question until the fourth and fifth grades?

"You don't have to say so much, Mr. Grindelwald, come to Hogsmead's

Hogs' Head pub tomorrow night and invite Mr. Aberforth together.

Alvin waved his hand and hung up his communication with Grindelwald,

leaving the Dark Lord alone in contemplation.

"It's a headache…"

Grindelwald took out a photo, the two handsome young men were

smiling brightly, and there was a younger man behind him with a

reluctant expression.

Alvin, this little guy, is not an ordinary bad character.

But every time he wanted to do, he brought out enough benefits.

He doesn't believe that Alvin just needs a qualified Transfiguration

professor, and there must be a deeper plan in it,

Although I don't know exactly what it is, I know it with the mind of a

troll, and it must be aimed at Dumbledore.

Thinking of Ariana's imminent resurrection, Grindelwald felt that the

future became interesting again, and even the regrets of the past were

made up.

It would be even better if Alvin did something that was a little more


Grindelwald never realized that the education of young people is such an

important thing.

If Dumbledore cared more about his students, his relationship with Alvin

would have been better.

So is it a happy ending now?

The next day, Grindelwald went to England after instructing the vice-

principal of Durmstrang to strengthen the moral education of the


Leaving a bewildered subordinate.

When will the Dark Lord care about the character of the students?

On the other hand, Hogwarts has finally entered the holiday, and the

little wizards left the school after the exams.

This half school year is simply more than what they need to learn in the

previous school year, it is a nightmare experience.

Of course, they also realized the benefits, that is, their control of magic is

progressing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

With the help of homework and cram school, the spells that were

previously incapable of being learned have become less difficult, and the

understanding of various creatures and potions has become much clearer.

It can be said to be painful and happy.

Even Harry went to Athens this Christmas with Lily and Snape.

Although it was strange to bring this Snape, Harry could ignore this kind

of thing as long as he could stay with his mother now.

He could also see now that the relationship between his mother and

Snape was not easy, but he did not object.

Alvin had already told him that James was killed by the Avada Suo,

without even his soul, and could not be resurrected at all.

・・・・For flowers・0

Therefore, it is also a good thing for my mother to find someone to rely

on for the rest of her life.

Just don't make him call Snape Dad.

Hogsmeade Village.

At this time, Alvin was hanging out with Hermione and the others, and

they were going to spend a good holiday with Alvin this holiday before

returning to their home.

Seeing that the shops are decorated with a festive atmosphere, and the

magic stars are shining on the Christmas tree, the shopping nature of the

little witches is coming up.

"Boss? How much is this quill pen?"

"One Galleon, dear.

"Bought. Step by step

Alvin looked at Hermione helplessly, this was the fifth quill she bought

today, and it was more than enough for graduation.


Sure enough, even Xueba Min was not immune to shopping.

If it weren't for the space equipment, he would be covered with all kinds

of shopping bags now.

Looking at the clock hanging on the wall, it was almost time for him to

meet Grindelwald.

"Hermione, Qiu, I'm leaving here first. After you finish shopping, take

Luna and Astoria to Knockturn Alley, where today's dinner has been


After exhorting the two women, Alvin left the store and went to the Pig's

Head Bar.

On the other side of Hogsmeade, the figure of a middle-aged man with

white hair walked slowly on the lively street.


"Grindelwald is here!"

"How could he be here!"

Everyone who recognized him became nervous.

Although Grindelwald and Crouch signed a peace pact, not everyone can

keep calm when they see the Dark Lord face to face.

And he didn't care about the comments of these villagers, he looked at

each house on his own, and finally came to a very dilapidated tavern.

The tattered sign hangs on the rusted door, and a blood-stained pig's

head is painted on it.

"Aberforth…hope you're a little smarter today…"

After whispering softly, he walked in for ten.

Chapter 453

Chapter 453 I Am Waiting For Someone, Are You Waiting To Die?

The Hog's Head Bar is a historic pub.

Wizards familiar with history know that this was the headquarters of the

Goblin Rebellion in 1612.

Since then, this bar has become a gathering place for the three religions

and nine streams, and countless dark transactions and calculations have

occurred here.

It was here that Snape overheard Trelawney's prophecy and told


Because of this, he hated this place so much that he never came to the

pig's head bar again.

Compared with the bright and warm atmosphere of the Three Broom

Tavern, the lights in the Pig's Head Bar are extremely dim, and almost

everyone surrounds themselves tightly and chats with their companions

in a low voice.

And the biggest gap between the two sides is… the boss.

Mrs. Rosmerta is a well-known beauty in the magic world. Even Fudge is

fascinated by her. From time to time, "Three Seven Zeros" will come over

for a drink or two.

And what about the pig's head bar?

A bad old man, and a bad old man with a very bad temper.

When encountering unpleasant guests, they will be very rude to drive

them away.

This bad old man is Albus Dumbledore's younger brother, Aberforth


The two are actually eight-point similar in appearance, but Albus's beard

is so long that people ignore his appearance and are not associated with

the owner of this tavern.

At this time, Aberforth was bored holding a wine glass, wiping it back

and forth.

It was just his disguise, in fact, he was eavesdropping on the two wizards

next to him discussing how to obtain some contraband.

This is the purpose of his taking over this tavern. There will always be

people who are well-informed and well-informed, and he can often get

some unexpected news.

Then it was handed over to his brother, Albus Dumbledore.

But things changed a few months ago, when Albus was kicked out of

Hogwarts by his own students.

At first Aberforth thought he was listening to an April Fool's joke, but

when his older brother showed up here in embarrassment, he knew it

was true.

In the end, his brother left England with a group of people, and he

refused to leave, choosing to inquire more about Alvin here.

He remembered this little wizard. Last year, Alvin brought a group of

people here to set up a secret organization to train Defense Against the

Dark Arts.

And the source of his impression of Alvin was the praise of Ariana, which

gave him a lot of goodwill.

He couldn't figure out how such a gentle and courteous handsome guy

with a smile on his face had driven his brother away and established a

cooperative relationship with Grindelwald.

Most importantly, he has the ability to resurrect others.

When Aberforth learned that Lily appeared at Hogwarts and served as a

potions professor, the whole person's three views were split.

Now he doesn't care about the fight between Alvin and Albus, he just

wants to do everything in his power to figure out Alvin's secret.

"A glass of rum…"

Just when he was a little distracted, a magnetic and somewhat familiar

voice rang in his ears.

"Find a place to make it yourself, the wine has to wait…"

Aberforth dealt with it casually, but a panicked voice appeared in the



The entire bar's guests couldn't help but look up at the white-haired man

standing in front of the bar.

Why is the Dark Lord here?

Some people's legs even started to sway, trying to escape from the room,

but they didn't have any strength.

Only wizards who live on the dark side can better understand the gold

content of a Dark Lord.

When Aberforth heard the name, the movements in his hands stagnated.

He slowly raised his head and saw the face that he had killed countless

times in his dreams.


As he gritted his teeth and read the name, Aberforth already had a wand

in his hand.

In the face of the enemy who killed his sister and the enemy who killed

his son indirectly, he shot without hesitation.

"Avada Kedavra!

The blazing killing intent was enveloped by the green light and attacked

Grindelwald who was close at hand and expressionless.

Just when Aberforth's eyes widened in surprise, thinking that his spell

had hit the enemy, a magic wand resisted the green light and swept it

towards a chair.

In an instant, the chair was blown to pieces…

Without launching a counterattack, Grindelwald just sat at the bar,

staring at the melon-eating crowd who didn't dare to breathe.

Everyone who looked at him felt that he had fallen into the ice cellar,

and the bone-chilling chill was about to freeze his soul.

"I'm waiting for someone, what are you waiting for, are you waiting to


The melon eaters were startled, got up from their seats like a spring, and

ran out of the tavern with a tumble.

This is too scary, is it going to kill you if you don't agree?

Until they escaped from the tavern, many people still had lingering fears,

and some were dissatisfied with Grindelwald's domineering.

In fact, what they didn't know was that they just happened to bump into

it today.

Since being "tortured" by Alvin yesterday, his anger has not subsided.

At this time, there were only Grindelwald and Aberforth left in the Pig's

Head Bar, and even the waiter ran out with the crowd.

"You don't blame me for driving away your guests, do you?"

Grindelwald sighed slightly as he looked at the tightly covered portrait

that was guarded by Aberforth.

A portrait of Ariana Dumbledore.

And Aberforth also noticed his line of sight, and the calm mood that was

originally due to the huge gap in strength turned into a rage.

"Grindelwald, only one of you and I can get out of this room today!

After that, bursting fireballs spewed out 1.0 from the top of the wand.

Reluctantly reaching out to resolve all the offensive, Grindelwald had a


Why is Albus' younger brother so stupid, even knowing that he is not his

opponent and provoking him.

Do you really think that you dare not kill him?

Well, he really didn't dare…

"Calm down, Aberforth."

A Cruciatus Curse hit Aberforth, who had no mercy, without warning,

causing him to bow in pain and turn into a prawn.

Although he didn't do anything ruthless, the Dark Lord's Cruciatus was

not something that anyone could follow.

At this moment, a somewhat suspicious voice came from the door.

"What's the matter, has the business of the pig's head bar been so bad?"

Chapter 454

Chapter 454: Grey Devil

Grindelwald and Aberforth stopped their movements at the same time

and turned to look at the door.

Aberforth's expression changed slightly when he saw Alvin walking in in

a snow cape, and only then did he know the purpose of Grindelwald's

coming here.

Up to now, the relationship between Grindelwald and Alvin is no longer

a secret. The two almost cut off the continent from the whole world and

became their private land.

Although many people wanted to resist, they woke up too late.

Without top-notch wizards, in the face of Grindelwald who can shoot at

will, the actions of these people have no meaning at all.

As for Alvin, he is even more unfathomable.

He has only shown his edge twice throughout, beating Voldemort once at

the Ministry of Magic, and driving Dumbledore away the other time.

The style of both good and evil makes people unable to understand his


There are only wrong names in the world, no nicknames

Now Alvin already has the title of "Grey Demon King", because he is not

as ruthless and ruthless as the black wizard, nor is he stick to the rules

like the white wizard.

Everyone can only use a gray in between to give him a definition.

And today, Grindelwald and Alvin, the two demon kings, meet in his

Hog's Head bar.

Aberforth had already thought of countless conspiracies and intrigues.

"you are late."

Ignoring Abu Foley, whose expression was constantly changing,

Grindelwald lowered his eyes and played with the wand in his hand.

"I'm sorry, I just went shopping with Hermione and the others, and I

wasted some time."9

Hearing his complaint, Alvin smiled, moved casually to his side, and said

softly to Aberforth: "Thank you for a butterbeer."5

Aberforth wanted to stubbornly say no to the two of you, but after

weighing it, he silently walked to the kitchen and prepared drinks.

He is not cowardly, but wants to hear what the two of them are trying to


Right, that is it!

And Grindelwald's mind moved slightly.

He seems to have overlooked a problem for a long time, this kid Alvin

seems to be an LSP, no, a small SP.

There has always been a shortage of beautiful women around, and even

Nagini didn't know how to cure it.

Can he make some effort from here, not to mention controlling Alvin, as

long as he has some influence on him to a certain extent.

This little guy is too evil to do things, and even he can't stand it.

While his thoughts were turning, Grindelwald had decided to go back to

Durmstrang to see if there were any beautiful girls in his academy, and

then send them to Hogwarts after training them.

Aberforth put the wine ordered by the two in front of them, and then sat

expressionlessly at a place far away from the bar, took out a book and

read it.

Grindelwald glanced at him.

This idiot took the bait himself, and he really couldn't save it.

Taking a sip of butterbeer, Alvin frowned slightly.

Had Aberforth drugged him, why was it so unpleasant to drink?

In fact, Aberforth really had this plan. If he drugged himself in the wine,

would the two demon kings be solved?

It's a pity that it happened so suddenly, he wasn't ready yet, so he could

only give up and add some seasonings to disgust Alvin and Grindelwald.

"Forget it, stop drinking."

Glancing at Aberforth, Alvin silently wrote him down in his notebook,

and then looked at Grindelwald who had no intention of touching the

glass of wine at all.

"What's going on over there in Gaul?"

"You won't see him after Christmas." Grindelwald responded casually,

"You're right, this country surrenders the fastest.

If he had known that Gaul was this virtue, he would not have spent much

trouble doing things in Paris, and he would have lost the blood alliance.

Alvin nodded lightly, and after Gaul had been dealt with, the whole of

Europe fell into his hands.

And his next step can begin.

"I need a lot of wizards to help me refine potions. The level is not high, as

long as the wizards who have passed the N.E.W.S.T exam are competent."

Nico Lemay and Ravenclaw have thoroughly researched the awakening

potion, and they can mass-produce it without relying on the witch spirit

potion in Alvin's hands.

The appearance of the Mage Tower also solved the problem of raw

materials. Under the nourishment of magic power, medicinal materials

that originally needed several years to mature, now only takes half a

month to a month.

The only thing that restricts Alvin's development is the manpower for

refining pharmaceuticals. After all, there are so many people in the

world, Nico and others alone, they can't meet much demand if they are


Aberforth, who pretended to be reading, was actually eavesdropping.

Grindelwald's attack on the Gallic Ministry of Magic sounds like Alvin's


The Ministry of Magic of a big country is like a small person in the

mouths of the two, and their fate is arbitrarily decided.

"No, I have to tell my brother about this…"

Aberforth was rarely worried about his brother. He knew that A 370 was

preparing for a counter-offensive on the side of the Free Nation.

But at this rate, when Grindelwald expands his power to the Free Nation,

it is estimated that he is not ready.

"As long as you give me something, all the saints will obey you,"

Grindelwald pretended to raise his wand unintentionally, trying to set up

a soundproof barrier.

The next thing is not suitable for that idiot to eavesdrop….

However, Alvin stopped him with a smile, the good show has just been

staged, how can Grindelwald exclude the main supporting role like this.

"In order to show my sincerity, what you want, no, it should be said that

I have brought people."

Grindelwald's breathing was a little heavy, and his eyes were fixed on


Seeing him like this, Aberforth was also a little curious.

What was the deal the two negotiated, so that Grindelwald could use his

control over the Saints in exchange.

He couldn't care about hiding now, and looked straight at Alvin with

both eyes, and when he turned his right hand, a dark gem appeared in

front of the three of them.

Grindelwald reached out involuntarily, wanting to grab the gem in

Alvin's hand.

"Give him to me…

Chapter 455

Chapter 455 Ariana!

"Old…" Alvin retracted his palm, a little displeased: "I can't give you the

resurrection stone.

Grindelwald stopped, took a deep breath, and closed his eyes.

"I lost my way, sorry. 35

In fact, Grindelwald preferred the Resurrection Stone, and he knew in his

heart that even if Ariana's soul got into his hands, it would most likely be

controlled by the Resurrection Stone.

But Alvin's attitude is so firm, he can only think otherwise.

And Aberforth's eyes straightened.

What did he hear, the resurrection stone?

His older brother had owned the Elder Wand for so many years, and

naturally he knew something about the Deathly Hallows.

According to legend, the resurrection stone can summon the soul of the

dead back to reality.

Thinking that Lily was in Hogwarts at this time, Aberforth already

understood what means Alvin used to bring the dead back to life.

The next scene made his mind go blank for a moment.

I saw the gem in Alvin's hand emitting a soft light, and a milky white

figure slowly emerged from it, floating in the air.

The original Aberforth was incapable of seeing, but Alvin has already

studied the soul very deeply, and deliberately did some tricks to Ariana,

as long as wizards can see it.


Aberforth stood up abruptly, and the violent movement directly caused

him to overturn the table in front of him, but he didn't seem to notice,

and stumbled towards Alvin.

And Grindelwald's face remained calm.

It was just that he was holding the hand hidden under the stage tightly,

and blue veins had appeared, obviously not as calm as he was.

Ariana's eyes were tightly closed, her blond hair fell over her shoulders,

revealing a broad forehead.

Looking at the face that was somewhat similar to that of Albus when he

was young, Grindelwald had mixed feelings in his heart.

Although he has only seen this girl a few times, this is the person who

has influenced his life.

To put it simply, it was a woman who changed the pattern of the

wizarding world and saved countless Muggle lives.

At the beginning, he and Aberforth had a conflict, and the two sides

fought, and in the end, Albus also joined in, and it became a three-way


But no one thought that the three of them were unscathed, but they

accidentally killed the innocent Ariana.

From then on, he and Dumbledore parted ways, and the two sides

became mortal enemies.

And Aberforth hated him all his life.

But fate is so wonderful, the two culprits at the beginning are now

appearing beside this girl again at the same time.

"Ariana, Ariana…

Aberforth burst into tears and reached out to touch the sleeping girl.

Alvin saw that an old man his age was still out of control because of him,

and suddenly he couldn't bear it.

So he waved his hand understandingly and put Ariana's soul into the

resurrection stone.

"Boss, are you alright?

Aberforth looked at Alvin in disbelief.

In an instant, he experienced great sadness, great joy, and after being

furious, Aberforth felt that his heart seemed to stop mobilizing, and he

was unable to speak for a while.

Even Grindelwald looked at Alvin in confusion.

Is this man… is there something seriously ill?

You still don't know if Aberforth has something to do with him. Now that

he is directly pissed off, Grindelwald won't have the slightest accident.

After a long pause, Aberforth regained his ability to speak.

"Let me see Ariana, Gaunt. 35

"Aberforth, get out of here, it's none of your business here!"

Grindelwald scolded coldly, he knew that this idiot would do bad things.

Isn't this picture of you saying that your handle is sent to Alvin's hand?

"Shut up, Grindelwald!"

"If you feel a little guilty, help me subdue Alvin and grab the resurrection


Aberforth was like an angry lion, roaring at Grindelwald.

If it wasn't for Ariana's soul being too important, how could he think of

working with the person he hated the most?

But as long as he can resurrect his sister, he will endure it!

Alvin looked at Grindelwald with interest, wanting to see his options.


Grindelwald looked at Aberforth with red eyes coldly, and his

disappointment was beyond words.

"After a hundred years, can't you grow a little bit?"

"Even your brother was defeated by him and kicked out of Hogwarts,

why do you think I can deal with him? 99

"Not to mention, with such a burden as you!"

"Without Albus' existence, do you think I'll look at you in the eye?"

Grindelwald's words stabbed into his chest like a sharp blade, and bloody

revealed the reality in front of him.

That's right, how can he be able to accomplish what his brother can't do?

々Get out of here now!" Grindelwald walked behind Aberforth, pointed to

the door of the bar, and said sharply: "Ariana is my trade with Alvin, and

it has nothing to do with you!


Aberforth looked at Alvin expectantly as if he had grabbed the last straw.

"Gaunt, I can also make a deal with you, I can give you anything you

need, and if I can't do it, I have my brother.

This is his last resort. As long as he can come up with another bargaining

chip, will he give his sister's soul to himself?

Grindelwald watched this scene sadly, knowing that he could no longer

stop Aberforth from taking the bait.

Sure enough, except for Albus, the Dumbledore family is a bunch of


People in this family all yearn for family affection from the bottom of

their hearts. Once their relatives are involved, their IQ will quickly

become zero, or even a negative number.

The same was true of Aurelius, who was under him at the beginning.

Aurelius (good money and good money) never surrendered to him from

beginning to end, and the purpose of following him was just to find his

own relatives.

Sorry, Albus, I've tried my best…

Now, Alvin has pinched the lifeblood of Alfors.

Sure enough, hearing Aberforth's begging, Alvin's eyes flashed slightly,

looking at him with interest.

"Trade? Boss, there's something you might not know."

"Mr. Grindelwald didn't hesitate to use his 100,000 saints as a bargaining

chip for Ariana's soul.

"And you…"

Alvin looked up and down the somewhat sloppy Aberforth, with a hint of

suspicion in his tone.

"What do you think you can come up with to make a deal with me?"

(Some readers have asked where did Ariana's soul come from… I just

don't want to repeat the process, it must have come from the god of


Chapter 456

Chapter 456 Capitalists Cry When They See It

Aberforth had never once hated himself as much as he did now.

The younger sister was clearly in front of him, but he didn't have enough

bargaining chips to exchange her from this little devil.

"Aberforth Dumbledore. 35

Alvin also put away the smile on his face and looked directly at Aberforth

with a painful face.

"Do you know how much I paid to bring Ariana's soul back to this world?

"If it wasn't for the deal with Mr. Grindelwald, I would never have taken

such a risk."

Grindelwald was a little moved when he heard this.

The harvest is proportional to the effort. Resurrection is such a heaven-

defying thing. He believes that even if he has the resurrection stone, it

will be very difficult to resurrect a person.

Otherwise, wouldn't the world be in chaos?

And Alvin's face was slightly hot. Because it's half-truth.

In order to be able to use Aberforth, Arianna's soul is essential.

At the beginning, he was really ready to fight against the god of death. In

Alvin's heart, he relied on Susanoo's strong defense and Avalon's double


Even if he can't beat him, he can retreat calmly.

Anyway, the god of death wouldn't dare to chase 383 to the present


As for why he is so sure?

The reason is very simple, the giant hand from last time has the ability to

tear space completely.

But when he and Snape escaped into the space tunnel, the giant hand

also disappeared, leaving only a roar.

And after so long, there is no news about the appearance of the god of

death in this world.

That's why Alvin was convinced that, perhaps because of the constraints

of the rules, or for other reasons, the god of death cannot leave the


This is a paper tiger.

Besides, even if the god of death came to this world, and cooperated with

the mage tower and Osiris, he was sure to teach the other party a

profound lesson.

So now Alvin is not at all cowardly.

But when he aggressively blasted open the space passage to the

underworld, he did not encounter the battle he imagined.

Until the souls of Ariana and Mrs. Crouch were brought back to the

world, Death still did not move at all.

Alvin has a lot of doubts in his heart, but it's a good thing to be able to

accomplish his goal without doing anything, so he doesn't think about it

any more.


No matter what the conspiracy of Death, he will not be afraid.

The longer time passes, the more powerful he will become, and when he

becomes a legend, it is not the matter of the god of death looking for

trouble for him, but the problem of him going to the god of death to

settle accounts.

Of course, he certainly couldn't tell Grindelwald and Aberforth about


The more difficult it is to resurrect in their hearts, the better they can

hold everyone.

Just like now, a first-generation Dark Lord and the younger brother of the

strongest white wizard are willing to pay a huge price for the soul in his


Alvin said in a low voice: "Mr. Aberforth, I once asked a person the same


"What are you willing to give for your beloved?

Grindelwald raised his eyelids slightly, he knew it was Snape.

"The one who once told me he could give everything, everything. Just for

her to come back, and he did.

Looking at Aberforth who said nothing, Alvin slowly walked to his side:

"Actually, my deal with Mr. Grindelwald is to resurrect Ariana, not to

give him. 35

"So you still have a chance, as long as the chips you pay are satisfactory

to me, I can hand over your sister's soul to you for safekeeping.

"Even…I could make her a real person like Ms. Evans, not a ghost."

Like a demon's whisper, the scenes depicted by Alvin made Aberforth's

breath thicker, a temptation he couldn't refuse.

It's like Hermione, who is at the peak of her beauty, is lying beside the

dog author, without the slightest resistance.

"This little thing…is that what Muggles call a capitalist?"

Grindelwald thought silently in his heart that Ariana, an innocent soul,

had already fully utilized her value.

No, it should be the capitalists in the Muggle world who will cry when

they see it!

But he can't say half a word, because that's exactly what his deal with

Alvin was about.

As long as Ariana can be resurrected, he doesn't care where the girl will


What he cared about was that Dumbledore could see his efforts.

So there's nothing wrong with handing it over to this idiot, Aberforth, at

least in terms of taking care of his family, he's still qualified.


Aberforth took a lot of energy to keep himself calm.

The old man looked at Grindelwald, then at Alvin who was playing with

the resurrection stone, and finally asked, "What do you want…"

"I want you to be…"

As soon as Alvin's words came out, Aberforth was frightened and backed


He's not like his brother!

What happened to the little wizard now? He is over a hundred years old.

Does he have such a strong taste?

Seeing his actions, Alvin also had a black line on his forehead: "What are

you thinking, I want you to work for me! 35

Aberforth breathed a sigh of relief, but then became entangled again.

Now Alvin is his brother's worst enemy. If he really does things for Alvin,

will Albus be pissed?

As if he had guessed what he was thinking, Alvin waved his hand: "Don't

worry, Mr. Aberforth, I don't like your poor fighting ability."

"I just heard that the wizards of the Dumbledore family are very talented

in transfiguration. As long as you are the professor of transfiguration at

Hogwarts, I can guarantee that you and Professor Dumbledore will not be


This is really annoying.

Aberforth knew in his heart that he was far worse than his brother and

wizards like Grindelwald, but that definitely didn't mean he was weak.

Apart from these demon kings, there is really no one in the magic world

that he dares not compare.

But now to add an Alvin…

This kid is also a monster, and he can't beat it either.

It's like breaking into the enemy's interior and passing information for my


With self-comfort in his heart, Aberforth agreed.

It also brought a smile to Alvin's face.

He can finally get rid of those bear children!.

Chapter 457

Chapter 457 Christmas Banquet, Crouch'S Gratitude

When I came out of the pig's head bar, it was already dark.

After agreeing to be Professor of Transfiguration at Hogwarts, Alvin made

several more demands on Aberforth.

The first is that he cannot tell Professor Dumbledore about Ariana's

resurrection. He really wants to see if Dumbledore still has the courage to

shoot at him when he sees Ariana.

In the near future, Alvin will not completely resurrect Ariana, but first let

her observe the world in the form of a soul, and then give her a physical

body after she is thoroughly familiar with it.

The second is to make Aberforth a twenty-five boy.

After Snape's betrayal, he lost sight of Dumbledore's side, and could only

judge the movements of Dumbledore and others through outside news.

Although he has a strong predictive ability, the future is constantly

changing, and it is not advisable to blindly rely on the power of magic.

Now that he had Aberforth, he would definitely put it to good use.

Although this old man was very reluctant, after Alvin released Ariana, he

immediately followed suit.

No way, my sister is still in the hands of others.

"Alvin, is there really no turning back between you and Albus?

Looking at the stars in the sky, Grindelwald asked melancholy.

Seeing that Aberforth inevitably entered this vortex, he felt that the

situation was becoming more and more uncontrollable.

Albus's concern for family affection is beyond imagination. Once he finds

out the truth, even Grindelwald can't imagine how angry he will be.

By that time, Alvin will be irritated, and his goal of saving Dumbledore's

life will be even more difficult to achieve.

"Lao Ge, there are some things you shouldn't ask me." Alvin patted

Grindelwald on the shoulder, only to realize that he had grown a lot


When he released Grindelwald, he was still about the same height as the

opponent, and it has only been more than a year, and he is already half a

head taller.

"I never saw Professor Dumbledore as my enemy, just…he got in my


Alvin snapped his fingers, and Fury's figure appeared in front of him, and

then turned into a portal with sparks. The other end of the door was Arya


"If you can convince him not to be my enemy, I may even give him back

the position of Headmaster of Hogwarts.95

"But if he is still obsessed, I can see that he will save the professor's life

on the friendship of the past, but his old age will not be comfortable."

After leaving a warning similar to a threat, Alvin walked through the

portal and disappeared in Diagon Alley.

Grindelwald silently savored Alvin's words, shook his head, and Apparate


Knockturn Alley.

At this time, the Arya Manor was very lively. Hundreds of wizards, large

and small, gathered here, all of whom were the backbone and confidants

of the Arya family.

It's the same scene here every year, even before Alvin shows up, Arya

brings family members together on Christmas Eve to connect.

Now it's just that there are more people, and the wizard's strength is


In the main hall, Alvin also enjoyed a sumptuous dinner with the core

group of people.

In addition to his few girlfriends, there are only Arya and the Crouch


At this time, Crouch was a little restless, after all, he was the only man on

the table except Alvin.

Originally, Alvin had reserved places for Snape and Lily, but the two of

them took Harry on a trip and could not participate.

Fortunately, there was a slightly older woman by Crouch's side to

accompany him.

It was his wife, Royce Crouch.

Alvin, who has always been good to his own people, did not put forward

any conditions, and directly resurrected Royce Crouch as a Christmas


And when Crouch saw his wife, he was also in tears and swore that no

matter what Alvin asked him to do, he would not hesitate in the slightest.

Even the assassination of the Muggle Prime Minister, he will act

immediately tomorrow.

"By the way, Barty, come with me to meet the Muggle Prime Minister

after Christmas. 35

Alvin suddenly thought of something and said to Crouch who was cutting

steak for his wife.

・・・・For flowers・0

This surprised Crouch.

Are you going to assassinate the Prime Minister?

"What's the matter with you?" Seeing his reaction, Alvin was a little


Crouch hurriedly covered up: "It's nothing, I'm just a little surprised why

you are suddenly looking for the Muggle Prime Minister, and we have

nothing to do with him.

As the pinnacle of Muggle power, the Prime Minister naturally knows the

existence of wizards, but the two generally do not interfere with each


Unless there is a major event, the wizard will let out a breath and say

hello there.

Just like the last time Sirius fled, Fudge found the Muggle side and asked

them to publish the wanted notice together.

Normally, the Ministry of Magic really didn't want to have too much

contact with Muggles.

"Oh, it's not a big deal." Alvin didn't suspect him, handed Astoria a bowl

of onion soup, and carefully wiped the corners of her mouth for her

before explaining.

"The plan is about to start, I need some Muggle scientists to help me

complete some things, it's too much trouble to find it myself, it's better to

do things for us through official forces.

Crouch's heart froze, he naturally knew what the plan meant, but he

didn't expect Alvin to be ready so soon.

That's a big project…

But he had no objection at all.

The greater the number of wizards, the greater his power.

He is also an ambitious wizard himself, and is naturally happy to see it.

After the agreed time, the two didn't talk about business at the dinner


Alvin cherishes the time when his children are by his side. Usually, either

Fleur is not by his side, or Cassandra is not.

Now that everyone has finally gathered together, he is also very happy.

Only now suddenly there is a problem.

Whose room is he going to change to tonight…

After thinking for a long time, after the dinner was over, Alvin made up

his mind to work hard tonight and visit them one by one.

Astoria stopped him with a blushing face, and whispered something in

his ear.

Luna's ears also turned red.

Chapter 458

Chapter 458 It Is Against The Law To Employ Child Labor!

The next morning, when Alvin struggled to get up from Gentle Township,

Crouch was already waiting in the living room.

Looking at Astoria and Luna who were still sleeping, he was also a little


These two little girls were too crazy last night, and it is estimated that

they will not be able to get out of bed today.

However, this is the first time he has enjoyed this kind of blessing from

the Qi people, which is really exciting.

After sending a message to Arya, asking her to take care of Astoria and

Luna, Alvin took Crouch to No. 10 Downing Street.

10 Downing Street, Westminster, London.

For hundreds of years, it has been the official residence of the Muggle

Prime Minister of England, symbolizing the pinnacle of Muggle rights in

this land.

As the person in power today, Robert is in a very bad mood today.

"Three Eight Three"

Prime Ministers are human too, especially in the Western world, they

hate working overtime on weekdays.

Originally, today's Robert planned to relax and take his wife and young

son to Manchester for a circle, and by the way, he would show the public

his side of the people.

However, a letter from the Ministry of Magic last night completely

interrupted his plans.

When he took office a year ago, his predecessor had told him all about

the existence of the wizarding world, but Robert had never taken it to


But yesterday, when an owl brought a letter to his desk, Robert realized

that something was unusual.

Because his predecessor had said that the wizards used owls as postmen.

"I don't know what a real wizard looks like…"

Robert sighed, curious like a tickling in his heart.

There is no one who does not yearn for the existence of extraordinary

power, and so does Robert.

Even to a certain extent, he wants to pay attention to these things beyond

the scope of cognition more than the average person.

Ordinary people are troubled by trifles such as firewood, rice, oil and salt

every day. Even if they know the existence of wizards, they will at most

sigh and worry about whether it will affect them.

Then they will continue to put their energy into life, because the pressure

of various aspects has made them have no time to take care of these

things that are far away from themselves.

And Robert has reached a certain height, he already has power and


Only some things beyond his cognition can bring a touch of excitement

and novelty.

"Hasn't this Prime Minister ever seen a wizard?"

Just when he fell into reverie, a slightly suspicious voice sounded in the

empty and calm office.

Robert was also startled, and immediately came back to his senses,

looking up at the place where the sound came from.

Appearing in front of him were two unfamiliar men, a boy and a middle-

aged man to be precise, the way they appeared was really weird, and

there was no one there a few seconds ago.

Robert did not show panic, on the contrary, he was relieved.

Appearing in front of him so bizarrely, it seems that the existence of the

wizard is real.

"You're from the Ministry of Magic? Didn't anyone teach you how to visit


There is an idea in my heart, but when it comes to my mouth, it is


As the prime minister, how could he allow these outsiders to enter and

leave his official residence at will, which not only provokes the majesty

of palmistry, but more importantly threatens his health.

Robert didn't want to die at home unexplainably one day.

Facing his questioning, Crouch did not respond, but first answered Alvin's


"The Prime Minister has just been in office for less than a year. Fudge has

not been sent to contact him before, and I have been busy with other

things since I took office."

"Speaking of which, he really saw the existence of a wizard for the first

time today."

Alvin nodded, understood what had happened, and then said with a


"It doesn't matter, it's good to meet him for the first time, just to make a

good impression on him.

He looked at Robert: "Please allow me to introduce myself, Alvin Gaunt,

Chief Mage of Wizengamore, recipient of the Order of Merlin, First Class,

Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

"You may call me Mr. Gaunt.""

"As for the one next to me, Mr. Barty Crouch, he is the current Minister of

Magic, and in a sense, your positions are equal…"

"I'm sorry that our appearance seems to scare you a bit, but according to

the so-called secrecy law, other than you, the security personnel outside

are not qualified to know our existence.

After the introduction, Alvin explained the reason for their sudden


Crouch nodded in greeting.

And Robert didn't look at him, but looked at Alvin in disbelief.

Did he have hallucinations? Why does this seemingly underage child

have such a long title, or is he the headmaster of magic in a school?

"Little… Mr. Gaunt," Robert asked curiously, forcing his name to be

corrected, "How old are you?"

He had some doubts whether the little guy in front of him was an old


In the fairy tales he read as a child, old monsters disguised as children

often appeared.

Alvin tilted his head: "It seems that the Prime Minister has some doubts

about my identity, but I am not an adult this year, only sixteen years old.

Now Robert can't be at all, can he be a principal at the age of sixteen?

What is going on in the magical world, don't you know that it is illegal to

employ child labor?

Oh, Muggle laws don't seem to keep them in check.

That's fine.

Suppressing his inner shock 1.0, Robert ignored Alvin's identity and

turned to look at Crouch: "His Excellency Minister of Magic, what are you

looking for from me today?

In his subjective consciousness, Crouch's style of being an elite at first

glance is the one who wants to see him.

To his surprise, Crouch silently stepped back and highlighted Alvin.

"Mr. Gaunt is the most powerful man in our England, and he is a well-

known wizard in the whole world. It is he who needs your cooperation in

some matters. 39

Alvin smiled slightly, and sat across from Robert in a flash, startling him


"Your Excellency Prime Minister, I have one thing to ask you for today, I

have a study that requires the help of a large number of scientists in

physics and chemistry.

Chapter 459

Chapter 459 It'S Not So Much A Sorcerer As It Is… God!

How many steps does it take to turn a muggle into a wizard?

For Alvin, it's a two-step process.

The first step is to make an awakening potion.

The second step is to give the Awakening Potion to the Muggles to drink.

It sounds very simple, but Alvin's goal is definitely not one or two

Muggles, but billions of creatures in this world.

So how to deliver the medicine to everyone is a major problem faced by


It is impossible for him to make thousands of alchemy puppets, and then

feed them one by one according to the household registration book.

Besides, this group of people from Western countries do not have such a

thing as a hukou.

There is a well-known saying, use magic to defeat magic.

Conversely, it can also be said that use science to defeat science.

So, Alvin thought of Muggle scientists, and he was going to let the

smartest people in the Muggle world figure out a way for him.

This is the scene in the Prime Minister's residence today.

Borrow a scientist?

Robert frowned, he was a little confused about Alvin's intentions.

How does it sound weird that magic and scientists are involved?

But now that Alvin is begging him, he can offer some conditions.

He raised the teacup with a smile and motioned for Alvin to taste his

agent tea, Robert asked casually.

"Mr. Gaunt, speaking of which is the first time I have come into contact

with the existence of wizards, I have been very interested in the

legendary magic since I was a child, I wonder if I am fortunate enough to

see it today?

The corners of Alvin's mouth twitched slightly, and the Prime Minister's

curiosity was really heavy.

However, he also intends to show his strength.

Reaching out and snapping his fingers, Robert was horrified to find

himself bound by an invisible force.

"Since Your Excellency is interested, then I will show my ugliness.

Immediately, under Crouch's astonished eyes, Alvin and Robert

disappeared, leaving him alone.

River Thames, Victoria Tower.

There is also a well-known name in the world, Big Ben, also known as Big

Ben, which is an iconic building in London.

During the Christmas period, there was an endless stream of tourists

coming and going here, but no one noticed that two figures suddenly

appeared on the top of the tower where landing was forbidden.

Robert watched all this in shock, and a second before he had asked Alvin

to show him some magic in Number 10 Downing Street.

In the next second, he appeared several kilometers away.

"How do you feel, Mr. Robert.

The cold wind blowing Alvin's black hair fluttered, he waved and

arranged a protective shield to isolate them from the outside.

"Very good, I have never come up," Robert replied subconsciously, and

then he realized that now is not the time to be emotional.

"Is this… the power of magic?

Overlooking Westminster Bridge, Alvin introduced patiently.

"This magic is called Apparition, and it is a very convenient means of

transportation. Wizards can basically master this magic as long as they

pass the assessment of the Ministry of Magic after they reach adulthood."

There is a sentence Alvin did not say, although ordinary wizards have

mastered apparition, but the distance they can move is very limited, and

the accuracy is not well mastered.

But that's not what Robert needs to know.

Robert was silent, is this ability to move instantly, is it possible for every

wizard to master it?

In an instant, he raised the danger level of wizards by more than ten


He originally thought that no matter how powerful the wizards were, the

government with the army and various destructive weapons would not be

afraid of them.

But now Robert finds himself wrong.

If Alvin wanted to kill him, those ordinary security guards would be of no

use at all.

"Mr Robert, it's Christmas, don't you think you're missing something?

Alvin looked at the blue sky and asked softly.

"What's missing?"

Robert didn't understand what Alvin meant, but the next scene

completely shattered his three views.

I saw Alvin slowly raise a finger and softly read:


As his voice fell, the gust of wind that had stopped suddenly appeared

and was extremely violent.

Robert clearly saw that the hats of many tourists were blown away by the

sudden wind, and they shouted in panic.

But Alvin didn't stop at all, just spit out a word.


Originally, the sky was clear, but the endless sky turned gloomy in an


Clouds gathered from nowhere shrouded the whole of London, as if it

were evening in an instant.

"Since it's Christmas, without snow, I always feel that something is

missing, so let me add some festive atmosphere to the city."5


Alvin snapped his fingers, and flakes of snowflakes fell on the dark


It is foreseeable that, before long, London will become a city of frost and


Pedestrians and vehicles on the road are very strange. Obviously, the

weather forecast did not report that there would be 383 snowfall today.

The weather just now was very comfortable. How can it snow when it


There are even a lot of irritable old brothers who have taken out their big

brothers and angrily called the weather station to complain.

After doing all this, Alvin stopped his actions with satisfaction and looked

at Prime Minister Robert, who was already dumbfounded.

"Today's visit was too rushed, and I didn't bring you any gifts, so I could

only make a fool of myself. This heavy snow should be used as a

Christmas gift for the first meeting."

Robert swallowed a sip of water with difficulty, and felt a little tearful in

his heart.

Isn't this greeting a bit too big for him to bear?

He could already foresee that the sudden heavy snow would make the

front pages of various newspapers, triggering a series of speculations.

Robert now fully understands why Alvin can become the headmaster of a

magic school, and even the Minister of Magic will take him as the master.

He looked in awe at the boy who was about the same age as his son in

front of him, and there was no contempt in his heart.

Alvin had gone beyond what he understood as a wizard.

Call the wind and call the rain, change the world.

In just a few gestures, a snowfall can cover a city.

Such mighty…

It's not so much a sorcerer as it is… a god!.

Chapter 460

Chapter 460 I Am The General Trend!

"Mr Gaunt, how much of a wizard as powerful as you are in England."

After calming down for a while, Robert asked the question he was most

concerned about.

What he didn't notice himself was that he had unconsciously used the

honorific title when communicating with Alvin.

This is the deterrence of power.


Alvin tilted his head and thought for a moment before saying, "If you

only look at nationality, there should be three people in England who can

achieve this scene."

There is no doubt about Dumbledore, it is only a matter of time before

his power destroys a city of London.

Voldemort had to put a question mark, not that he was weak.

Alvin played against him a few times, and found that Voldemort prefers

single-target killing magic.

But give Li Huo enough time to expand, and I believe it is not a problem

to destroy half of London.


Robert was about to faint, this kind of battle force that seemed to be a

city-destroying city, there were actually three people in small England.

Small country with small bullets, what virtue and what ability!

And before, he didn't even know anything.

The thought of living a carefree life like a fool for decades made Robert

feel like crying without tears.

It turns out that ignorance is the greatest happiness.

"Don't worry," Alvin reassured him: "There were three before, but one

was beaten by me and fled England as a soul."5

"The other is my old principal, who was also driven to the Free Country

by me.

I have to thank you too!

Looking at Alvin, Robert was like looking at another monster.

What did this kid grow up on and how did he sound so terrifying?

However, he was indeed relieved, at least now he doesn't need to worry

so much, he just needs to deal with the boy in front of him.

Alvin naturally understood what Robert was thinking, and he understood

it very well.

People with higher status are less likely to want things that are not

within their control.

They allow wizards and wizards because, while some magic seems

magical, Muggles can easily do it through technology.

But at the level of Alvin, all he can bring is fear.

"Mr. Robert, the magic of the wizarding world is far more than that.

Originally, wizards did not intend to disturb the life of Muggles.

Alvin reached out, caught a snowflake, and watched as it melted into


"But just like the snowflakes here, in the hard ice there will always be a

day to melt, and in a secret life, there will be a day to be discovered. 35

His words seemed to have a deep meaning, which made Robert alarm


"If we discovered the existence of wizards, what would you do?"

He was a little panicked in his heart, and he thought of the so many

people who disappeared every year, wouldn't they be silenced because of

the discovery of the wizard's trace!

"Usually, we would cast an oblivion spell on Muggles, and they would

forget what they should forget and go on with their ordinary lives."

Robert was a little uneasy about the name Muggle. Although it was just a

word, he felt that it contained deep malice.

"What about unusual situations? 39

He continued to ask questions, and now is a great opportunity for him to

thoroughly understand the attitude of the magic world towards 'Muggles'.

"Not normal?" Alvin looked at him in surprise, like a fool.

"Is there no bad guy in the Muggle world?"

Robert suddenly realized, and then a little embarrassed, it turned out that

Alvin meant this.

Just like the villains in the Muggle world, it's not unusual for them to do


However, once a wizard in the magic world is evil, his destructive power

is far greater than that of a few gangsters.

This made Robert feel uneasy, when did his life become so fragile?

Fortunately, Alvin spoke sympathetically at this time.

"If Your Excellency the Prime Minister is concerned about his personal

safety, I can ask Mr. Crouch to send a team of Aurors by your side to

protect you."5

"The Aurors are the highest armed force of the Ministry of Magic, and if

you compare them, they are equivalent to the special forces of the

Muggle world.

Robert's eyes lit up: "Is it really possible? Will it be a bit too expensive."

Having said that, anyone could see the anticipation in his eyes.

"Of course no problem," Alvin smiled, "I can even make you a wizard if

you want.35

"Although wizards can't live forever, under normal circumstances,

wizards' lives far surpass that of Muggles, and it's easy to live more than a

hundred years."

This is not Alvin's nonsense. Although the magic power is not like the

spiritual power of the immortal world, it can live the same life as the sky,

but it can be done with a slight increase in lifespan.

Just like Grindelwald and Dumbledore, they seem to be only seventy or

eighty old men, but in fact, they are almost 120 years old.

There are no special circumstances, and it is not a problem for two old

guys to live for decades.

huh! huh!

Robert's breathing became heavy.

Long live!

This is what everyone yearns for, not to mention a person of his status.

In normal times, Robert pays great attention to maintaining his body, and

his diet and work and rest are also very regular.

Hearing Alvin's promise now, he admits, is heartbroken.

".々What do I need to pay?"

As expected of an existence that can reach the top of a country, even in

the face of the great temptation, Robert still suppressed his inner

throbbing (good money is good) and asked calmly.

Because he knows there is no free lunch in the world.

Alvin gave him the treatment these former prime ministers have never

had, so his request must be very terrifying.

"Your Excellency Prime Minister, do you think… eat"

The words behind Alvin were not spoken, but were sent into Robert's

mind in the form of sound transmission, and the other's eyes quickly


"You are!

Staggering back two steps, Robert stammered, unable to utter a complete


"Impossible! I will never promise you!"

Alvin was not surprised by his attitude at all, he waved his hand, and the

two disappeared on the top of the tower of Big Ben and returned to the

back garden of No. 10 Downing Street.

"Some things can't be stopped by refusing. The momentum is like a

torrent, and anyone's power is incomparably small."

"And I am the general trend!"

Chapter 461

Chapter 461 Is All Rolled Up For Me!

Now Alvin said this with great confidence.

In the magic world, he did not say that he covered the sky with one

hand, but he also covered half of the sky with one hand.

When you sneeze, the whole Continental trembles.

As long as it is what he wants to accomplish, there is really no one in this

world that can stop it.

The reason for the showdown with Robert, Alvin is also to save some

trouble in the future handover.

That's all.

In an instant, Alvin's image in Robert's eyes quickly grew taller, like a

giant spanning the sky and the earth, making him breathless.

"Think about it, if you agree to my request, you will not only get life

expectancy in the future, but also the protection from me.

"Even if you satisfy me, I promise you 300 years to live. 35

Alvin patted Robert on the shoulder, then left him in a daze, and went

into the room to find Crouch by himself.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, the Christmas holiday is over.

Until now, Crouch did not know what Alvin said to Prime Minister

Robert that day.

When he was leaving, he glanced hurriedly, and saw that the other party

was stunned in the same place as if he had been casted on a body-fixing


However, looking at the results, the two had a good talk. As soon as the

vacation was over, Robert assembled dozens of scientists as agreed for

Alvin to dispatch.

"This is your research goal."

In a spacious laboratory, Alvin told his request to two groups of people.

The physicist studies how to deliver a quantitative potion to everyone,

and the chemist, Alvin, gives them a bottle of diluted witch spirit potion

to see what they can study.

Alvin had this idea a long time ago, and he wanted to see if he could use

scientific analysis to understand some problems about wizards.

Although they were a little confused about his request, these people

wisely didn't ask anything.

This is the task assigned by the Prime Minister, and everyone has given a

generous scientific research fund, even if they are allowed to study

human excrement, they will also study a 123.

After instructing his subordinates to look after these people and follow

anyone who goes out, Alvin also left London and returned to Hogwarts.

At the same time, the little wizards also embarked on the express train to

prepare for their next semester.

In fact, many little wizards have both fear and expectation in their hearts.

What I fear is that the Hogwarts after Alvin's reform is too convoluted,

not to mention 996, even 007 people are also full of people.

In order not to lose face in front of my classmates, I did not allow myself

to be called a parent.

Those students who were just messing around in the past also had to

study hard.

What is expected is that everyone can clearly feel their progress, and the

smiles that parents show when they return home when they see their

transcripts also touches these simple-minded children.

Whether they are Muggles or wizards, the approval and praise of their

parents is always what they want most.

Therefore, when Alvin saw this group of students, each and every one of

them had a fan-shaped statistical chart on their faces.

He didn't ask any questions after he understood the thoughts of these

little wizards, and they would naturally figure it out in the future.

Even if the school does not force students to roll up, this generation will

let their children roll up when they become parents.

Laozi has suffered so much, how can you, a little bastard, be so


The prosperous world of the magic world has been opened from his


After saying some unnutritious words with satisfaction, Alvin introduced

Aberforth, who had been sullen, to everyone.

"This is the future professor of Transfiguration, and you may call him Mr.


Aberforth didn't stand up to express his compliments, he simply waved

his hand, and then there was no movement.

And Alvin did not introduce his surname, after all, Dumbledore is still

relatively sensitive in today's Hogwarts, and there is no need to let

irrelevant people (bdba) know.

It's just that Flitwick is a veteran who knows Aberforth, and has been a

little surprised since seeing him.

Some even doubted whether he was seeing the wrong person.

It was not until Alvin introduced his name that he finally affirmed his

inner thoughts.

Drive away the elder brother, and then invite the younger brother to be a


What is this operation?

The students in the audience were also relieved that Alvin was finally not

their teacher.

Although he is handsome, lectures well, and is still his peers, none of the

students would like the principal to be his teacher.

However, there are some people who stare at Aberforth suspiciously,

such as Harry.

He always felt that the face of this old man was very familiar, as if he

had seen it before.

"Isn't that the owner of the pig's head bar?"

Neville's exclamation evoked the memories of many people, especially

those who were the first members of the D.A club.

Only then did they remember that Aberforth was the boss at the time of

the secret meeting at the Pig's Head Bar.

Harry still frowned.

No, it wasn't for this reason that he was familiar with Aberforth, and he

must have seen it somewhere else.

After thinking about it for a long time, Harry didn't understand what was

going on, so he had to keep his doubts in his heart.

In the following time, Aberforth gradually gained recognition from


Although he often had a straight face, his unsmiling appearance

reminded many little wizards of Professor McGonagall.

However, his level of Transfiguration is still unspeakable, and he is very

patient in answering the doubts of the students. He is a qualified teacher.

Many people are still sighing, and sure enough, strange people in the

magic world are everywhere.

Who would have thought that the owner of an ordinary tavern was also a

master of transfiguration.

Although their vision is not high enough, it can be seen that the level of

this person is definitely not below Professor McGonagall.

It was just a little strange to many people that Aberforth always ran to

the principal's office when get out of class was over.

The frequency is even more exaggerated than Qiu, Hermione and other

Alvin's girlfriends.

In fact, the last person Aberforth wanted to see at this school was Alvin.

But there is no way, who let his sister still in his hands?

Now that Ariana has woken up, Alvin kept her by his side, chatting with

her, and teaching him some common sense in the magic world from time

to time.

In order to see his sister more often, Aberforth had no choice but to

endure the pain every day.

While looking at the angelic Ariana, and the demonic Alvin.

It's quite confusing.

Chapter 462

Chapter 462 The Root Of The Misfortune Of The Dumbledore Family

In the principal's office, Alvin, who had resigned as a professor of

Transfiguration, had nothing to do with it.

Although still serving as the principal, Nagini has become more adept at

handling day-to-day chores.

He only needs to act as a humanoid stamping machine once a day.

At this time, Alvin was teaching Ali~Anna.

"Ariana, you don't have magic power now, so you need to focus more on

magic theory."

"When I revive you, you will learn magic spells faster than ever."

Holding a copy of "Basic Spell Principle Analysis", Alvin explained

patiently to the blond girl floating aside.

Ariana nodded obediently: "I see, brother Alvin, I will listen to you and

memorize all this book. 35

Looking at the well-behaved ghost girl, Alvin also smiled gratified.

No wonder Albus and Aberforth Dumbledore both loved their sister so


Such a well-behaved and sensible sister, he wants one too.

However, Alvin did not consider a problem at all. If it is really calculated

by age, Ariana would be too young to be her great-grandmother.

It has been a while since Ariana woke up, and now she has realized that

nearly a hundred years have passed since her 'sleep'.

She is naturally grateful for Alvin who resurrected her.

The latter also promised to help her regain her body after a year. In this

case, Ariana is naturally obedient to Alvin.

Even though she learned a lot about what Alvin did, she even kicked her

brother out of Hogwarts.

But that didn't stop her from being on Alvin's side.

As a child, Ariana was bullied by three Muggle boys who discovered her

secret of magic.

Her father, Percival Dumbledore, was in a fit of rage and took revenge on

the little Muggle boys and was imprisoned in Azkaban.

A few years later, he died of depression in prison.

It is also because of this incident that Ariana's body was born silently and

often out of control.

In the worst case, her mother, Candela Dumbledore, died as a result of

her riot.

It can be said that the root of all the misfortunes of the Dumbledore

family are those Muggles.

In this case, Ariana's impression of Muggles will naturally not be

particularly good.

Don't you say I'm a monster?

Then I'll let brother Alvin turn you all into monsters!

She blinked and blinked at Alvin, showing a cute and cute smile.

At this time, Alvin had no idea that the little angel he thought had a

devilish side in his heart.

But even if he knew, he wouldn't say anything, and he might even

encourage Ariana.

"Brother Alvin," Ariana thought of something bad, a look of fear on her


"If you resurrect me, will that monster still appear in my body?"

"If that's the case, you'd better be brought back to life by me, that's fine

too. 35

Alvin naturally understood what the monster she was talking about

meant, and Kuansheng comforted: "Don't worry, Silent is essentially a

magical creature, and after you die, it also dies."

"Nothing will be born silently in the flesh I shape for you."

After listening to his repeated assurances, Ariana was relieved and

nodded vigorously, her face full of seriousness: "When I am resurrected, I

will help brother Alvin to beat Albus away."

It's so filial to me!

Alvin was dumbfounded, he didn't expect Ariana to say that.

Although he had some bad taste, he wanted to see Dumbledore's

repentant expression after seeing Ariana, but it didn't mean that he

needed such a cute little girl to do for him.

To deal with Dumbledore, he could not use such despicable means.

Forced or not!

"I understand your kindness, but that's your big brother, can you really

do it?"

"Of course," Ariana said, taking it for granted, "it's not Aberforth anyway.

If it were him, I'd have to think about it."

Aberforth took care of Ariana from an early age, and Albus was addicted

to magic in his early years.

At the end of the day, because of Grindelwald's relationship with his

sister, Ariana naturally didn't have deep feelings for him.

・・・・For flowers・0

"Cough cough!

At this moment, a very deliberate cough came from the door.

It turned out that Aberforth had arrived. Every day after class, he would

come to the principal's office to see Ariana.

This has become a daily punch card.

As the students murmured, Aberforth came to the principal's office too

often, if it wasn't for Alvin and Qiu who had explained Ariana's existence.

They almost thought that the old man might have some bad intentions

against Alvin.

"Ah, Aberforth."

Ariana, like a child who was caught doing something bad, hid behind

Alvin timidly, sticking out a small head.

"When did you come?"

"Just when you said to think about hitting me.

Aberforth said angrily, it had only been so long before his precious sister

defected, and even helping Alvin to deal with him only had to think

about it.

Is this no love?

Seeing that Aberforth heard this, Ariana was also a little embarrassed,

but she quickly put her arms on her hips confidently.

"As it is, brother Alvin has helped me resurrect, and his ideals are

completely fine, why do you have to help Albus deal with him.

"You call him brother? 35

Aberforth looked at his sister in disbelief, wondering if this generation

was a little messed up.

"What's wrong?" Ariana wrinkled her cute little nose, "I was only fourteen

when I died, what's wrong with being called Brother Alvin?"

Needless to say, the issue of age is taboo for any woman, even Ariana is


Nagini, who was eating melons silently, nodded in agreement.

She was only in her early twenties when she turned into a snake, and she

continued to count her age after being rescued by her master.

Very reasonable.

And Aberforth was choked, not knowing what to say.

Looking at Alvin who was staring at him with a smile, Aberforth let out a

sigh in his heart.

Brother, come back quickly, if you don't come back, our sister will be

kidnapped! Ten.

Chapter 463

Silent Voldemort

Aberforth looked at the happy Ariana and Alvin with a complicated


After spending a few days with Alvin, he discovered that this little wizard

was not as gloomy, sinister and cunning as rumored.

On the contrary, in the usual way of dealing with people, they are very


If it wasn't for knowing what this guy did, Aberforth felt that Alvin was

definitely a template for a great wizard.

Even better than his brother Albus.

But the fact is in front of him, the two are still hostile in nature, and the

harmony on the surface is only because of Ariana's existence.

Until now, he was a little hesitant.

If the world was what Alvin wanted it to be, wouldn't Ariana's tragedies

not happen?

After Aberforth fell into "Three Eight Three" and thought more deeply,

Dumbledore, who was far across the ocean, also received the news.

His younger brother became a professor of Transfiguration at Hogwarts.

In a letter from Aberforth to him, Alvin accidentally discovered his

identity and invited him to join Hogwarts.

In order to detect more information, he agreed after hesitating for a


Since he promised not to reveal Ariana's existence, Aberforth could only

use this reason to deceive his brother.

However, this is not a deception, and he did pass some news.

It's just that Dumbledore's brows are still frowning, he always feels that

things are not so simple.

In fact, with his wisdom, it is easy to think of Ariana.

It's just that sometimes the authorities are fans, or rather, he doesn't want

to believe that Ariana has been resurrected.

In that case, he would only be even more constrained against Alvin.

After all, the situation is already bad.

Since arriving in the Free State, Dumbledore has been attracting all the

forces that can stand on his side.

But in addition to Magnesia, Ouzhou has become Alvin's private plot, and

the situation in Philippine is too scattered.

There are many witchcraft tribes in every country, and they are very


There exists a Waggardu School of Witchcraft, where students even learn

to cast spells without wands.

Don't think that casting without a wand is more powerful than casting

with a wand. If the level is less than a certain level, casting without a

wand is equivalent to breaking one's arm.

The reason they do this is simply because the craft of making sticks in the

Philippines is too backward, and the wizards are very poor.

I can't even afford to eat, what magic wand do I need?

Therefore, on that continent, the fusion of wizards and Muggles is the


The sacrifices in many primitive tribes may be a wizard who is not very

good there to eat and drink.

As for Yazhou, Dumbledore also tried to contact some people, but with

little success.

Many thought he was old and confused.

Turning Muggles into wizards, or billions of people, is simply a fantasy.

It doesn't matter to them, after all, if there is no Mage Tower to ripen the

medicinal herbs, it will not be so easy for Alvin to accomplish his goal.

It's just that Dumbledore suffered, and he was busy for a long time, and

the people around him were still three or two big cats and kittens.

In a small town in Italy, Bellatrix is ​​living in a hotel with a baby.

"Master, there are still about three days to go before we can reach Africa.

Looking at the baby in her arms, Bella whispered.

"Very well, Bella, we will be dormant for a while after we arrive in the


At this time, Voldemort was gnashing his teeth. It was not that he was

dissatisfied with Bella, but that he was trying his best to suppress the

magic power that wanted to runaway in his body.

The silent formation is very harsh, it is a product of extreme depression

and darkness.

Little wizards must resist magic and suppress the magic in their own

bodies when they are young, so that it is possible to give birth to silence.

Therefore, it usually appears silently to those Muggles who have been

domestically abused, or who hate magic.

At this time, Voldemort's situation was very special. He somewhat

underestimated his daughter's magical talent.

As soon as he entered this body, Voldemort felt the active magic that

almost burst out, and it was only by virtue of his own powerful magical

attainments that he forcibly suppressed this impulse.

At this time, Voldemort was in great pain. He had to suppress his magical

instinct and control his urge to cast magic.

In this case, he can be said to be the most vulnerable period in history.

"A little bit… a little bit…

Voldemort muttered to himself, he could feel that the magic in his body

had been converted into a dark nature, as long as he was patient, it

would come out soon!

Think of the Death Eaters who betrayed him, and of Dumbledore, who

has been preventing him from ruling England.

Voldemort frantically recalled those unpleasant past events, making his

negative emotions infinitely expanded.

Only such outstanding talent, combined with extreme pain, can give birth

to the most powerful silent silence in history!

Finally, the figure of Alvin appeared in Voldemort's mind, it was a smile

but not a smile, as if he was making fun of an ant, and it made him go



The magic power in the body could not be suppressed completely, and

the overwhelming dark magic power surged out, instantly shattering all

the furnishings in the room.

It's just that the magic has not dissipated. Instead, they quickly

condensed together, forming a black monster that looked like fog but not

fog, like lines but not lines, and kept roaring.


Bella looked in horror at the silent 1.0 ran in the air who broke the wall

and instantly turned the guest next door into a mummified corpse. She

didn't expect that the newly formed silent 1.0 ran would be so terrifying.

"Finally successful…"

Voldemort's voice became a little hoarse and sounded a little tired.

He looked at the silent muggles who kept raging in the hotel, killing one

Muggle after another, and his heart was very happy.

Voldemort can feel the potential of silence, as long as his magic power

grows, with this monster, he will definitely surpass his previous self.

A flash of scarlet flashed in his eyes, and Voldemort said to Bella: "Get rid

of the surrounding Muggles, let's get out of here!

Although he has a bit of self-protection now, if he is discovered by Alvin

and Grindelwald's minions now, he will not be able to eat well.

Alvin, one day, the shame you brought to me, I will return one by one!

Chapter 464

Grindelwald: My Pattern Is Small

Soon, what happened in the border town of Italy also reached Alvin's


Looking at the newspaper in his hand, in a hotel, 36 Muggles have not


Although the official statement was that the gas pipeline in the hotel

exploded, Alvin always felt that something was wrong.

There is no basis, just an intuition in his heart.

Alvin did not use the power of prophecy, because he had not been to the

scene, and there was no person or event closely related to him in Italy, so

he could not make prophecy.

But with the improvement of his talent, his intuition gradually

approached the field of intuition.

At this time, the magic net register on the table rang, and with a flick of a

finger, Grindelwald's holographic projection appeared in front of Alvin.

After seeing Grindelwald, Ariana, who had been reading silently, rushed

into the resurrection stone as if she had seen some terrible bad guy.

She knew that the person in front of her was the one who kidnapped her

eldest brother and killed her.

Even though she knew that the other party couldn't see her through the

magic web registration device 13, she was still reluctant to meet him.

So, Lao Ge is really a sinner, and people hate ghosts.

"Do you know what happened to Idaly?"

Grindelwald, who didn't know what was going on, didn't talk nonsense

and went straight to the subject.

Alvin shook the newspaper in his hand: "I'm looking at it, what clues are


Now that he knew it, Grindelwald didn't bother to explain it.

"My men found traces of magic fluctuations there, and although the

murderer has tried his best to cover it up, he is still sure that it was done

by a wizard."

"Then I went to check it myself and confirmed what he thought.

"And… also found traces left silently.

As a prophecy of f*ck Gus, Grindelwald's intuition is just as good.

In the past, this kind of trivial matter was not worth his shot at all, but

the throbbing in his heart told him that there must be some secret hidden

in it.

After hearing the silence, Alvin's face twitched.

It has been a long time since the silent one appeared in the magical


After all, in times of peace, Ouzhou countries boasted the existence of

welfare again, and there have been many fewer cases of child abuse.

This is even lower when the abused child is a wizard.

Therefore, the silent silence recorded in history can be traced back to

before World War II.

Grindelwald said in a deep voice: "I have reason to suspect that this

matter has something to do with that little guy.

The little guy in his mouth naturally meant Voldemort.

Alvin thought for a moment, then shook his head helplessly.

"It's too difficult to find a few wizards who deliberately hide themselves

in the vast sea of ​​people, so there is no need to spend a lot of effort on


Although he also wants to completely solve Voldemort, as he said, if

Voldemort deliberately hides himself, it is not worth the manpower and

material resources to find him.

With Voldemort's temperament, as long as he feels sure he can win over

Alvin, he will definitely be in England.

All he had to do was wait for Tom to come to the door.

"Send a few people to the Philippines and pay more attention to where

strange things happen, and don't worry about the rest."

Since Voldemort chose to appear at the junction of Feigu, his purpose

must be to go to Feizhou.

Grindelwald also nodded slightly, and he didn't want to spend a lot of

time on this, because it was related to the second thing he said.

Someone down there is dishonest.

Now, his and Alvin's forces have brought the entire Ouzhou under

control, and even changing the Minister of Magic is a breeze.

It's called monstrous power.

However, where there is oppression, there is resistance.

There are also many people whose interests have been damaged because

of them. Many even have feuds with Grindelwald. Perhaps their ancestors

died at his hands.

Temporary surrender is just a lack of strength.

Therefore, the seemingly calm Ouzhou has long been undercurrent.

Especially Alvin's recent big moves have stimulated the existence of some


They can't sit still.

Grindelwald also wanted to hear Alvin's opinion. After all, he can only be

regarded as a senior wage earner today, and he can't make his own


However, with his temperament, as long as it is someone who gets in his

way, even a wizard, he will solve it without hesitation.

"Alas, give them a chance. 35

Alvin sighed lightly, and a look of sympathy appeared on his face.

"After all, everyone is a compatriot. Although they can't understand me, I

can't be so cruel."

"Let them make trouble, we'll be wrapping things up then."

Grindelwald looked at him incredulously: "You just let them go?"

Alvin spread his hands: "Or else? We can't kill them all, there is still a lot

of raw materials for Lemay to refine the awakening potion, let them help

when the time comes, and it will be atonement.

Grindelwald was silent.

It's that he's downsized.

He wondered just now, when did Alvin change sex and become 383 so


It wasn't until he heard that these people were being sent to LeMay to

help him that he understood that the little thing had gotten worse.

Where is this to help, it is to act as a blood cow.

You must know that one of the most important raw materials for refining

the awakening potion is the blood of the wizard.

The reason why the number of refining is limited now is that one is

because of a shortage of manpower, and the other is that there is too

much shortage of wizard blood.

After all, even if there is a potion to replenish qi and blood, wizards

always feel weak and dizzy, and no one likes this feeling.

But if you catch such a group of traitors, you don't have to worry about

the raw materials.

After all, who cares if the cows agree or not when it comes to milking?

"I'll go back and arrange for someone."

After scolding himself for worrying, Grindelwald was about to start, but

was stopped by Alvin.

"No, we'll just sit back and wait for the rabbit."

"If you make the first move, some teachers will be unknown. But as long

as they make the first move, we will save a lot of trouble."5

When Grindelwald heard it, it was such a truth that he laughed and

scolded before leaving.

"You kid, you grew up with a heart."

Chapter 465

Chapter 465 Conspiracy

Gaul, Paris, in a manor that covers an area of ​​ten acres.

At this time, Leno was pacing back and forth anxiously, looking at the

clock hanging on the wall from time to time.

At this time, the flames in the fireplace rose rapidly, the color changed to

green, and two figures came out of it.

After seeing them, Leno was also relieved: "I almost missed one of you.

One of the two figures said: "It took a while to get rid of the eyeliner,

what about the others?"

"They've all arrived, just the two of you, come with me."

With his right hand drawn forward, he led a few people into a secret


There were no less than twenty people sitting there.

After the two were seated, Leno also took his seat.

These people are all frustrated because of the existence of Grindelwald,

some are the Minister of Magic of a country, some are high officials.

But without exception, they are unwilling to submit to Grindelwald's

rule, or have a blood feud with him.

The same goes for Leno Dorian.

He was Minister of Magic for only a year, and was ousted within a few

months for offending Alvin.

"I'm not talking too much nonsense. We only have one goal today, and

that is how to deal with Grindelwald and Gaunt."

One person asked aloud: "Do you have any plans, Dorian, it's too difficult

for us people to deal with them."

"Grindelwald has saints, and behind Gaunt is the whole of England's

wizarding world, and I don't want to die in vain.35

There is hatred and hatred, but if they can live, they are not willing to

kill themselves.

Although Grindelwald made them lose a lot, he left a life for them


They were not willing to fight against Grindelwald unless it was


Leno naturally knew what he said.

"Everyone, not long ago, after paying a huge price, I finally understood

the purpose behind such a big move by Grindelwald and the others


Everyone present stared at him, very curious.

During this period of time, Grindelwald has been searching for talents

who can refine magical medicines. One is not too few, and two are not

too many.

As long as the level reaches a certain level, they will be invited by the


If you agree, it's okay to say, if you don't agree, you will be called to


But after these people were taken away, they never appeared in front of

the world again, and no one knows what the purpose of Grindelwald was

until now.

And today Leno said he had checked everything out, how could this not

make people curious?

Looking around at the wizards present, he said word by word:

"Grindelwald holds a potion in his hand that can turn Muggles into

wizard bloodlines, and has the power to cast magic."

A single stone stirred up a thousand waves, and the twenty people

present broke out into a noise of no less than a hundred people.

"Impossible, how could the world have this kind of potion.

"Are you crazy, Leno, to believe such unreliable news?"

"Why did Grindelwald do this? What does it do for him? 55

Questions are constantly being raised, that Leno is fooling them.

"Quiet! 35

With a loud roar, Leno suppressed the discussion.

"My son is an excellent pharmacist, and he was taken too, and just a few

days ago, he used this house elf to deliver this news, so it's absolutely


Speaking of his son, Leno's eyes were a little red.

This is the only seed of the Dorian family, so it was ruined by


"Everyone, Grindelwald's intention is very simple, he wants to cultivate a

group of wizards who are completely his own, and then dominate the

entire magic world.

"Imagine, when he has a group of subordinates who are completely his

own, and can continue to appear from afar, is it necessary for all of us to

sit again?"

"Now we are still alive, just because he still needs us to be alive. Once his

plan is achieved, then none of us will be able to run away!"

These words completely frightened everyone present, and only then did

they know that Leno was not joking.

Someone asked tremblingly: "Then what should we do?

"Grindelwald is too strong, we are no match for him at all.""

Back then, he had seen the confrontation between Grindelwald and

Dumbledore in Durmstrang, and even now he still can't forget the

devastating scene.

Unexpectedly, Leno shook his head: "',々 We don't deal with Grindelwald.

His words made everyone dumbfounded, didn't you say you were going

to deal with Grindelwald, why did you change your mind now.

"Let's deal with Gaunt, as long as we get rid of Gaunt, then we will invite

Dumbledore back to compete with Grindelwald. At worst, the situation

will be just a few decades ago, and it will be much stronger than it is


This was Leno's plan. In his heart, after all, Grindelwald's strength was

even more terrifying.

Although he has experienced the pressure brought by Alvin, but he

doesn't believe it anymore. At the same time, in the face of hundreds of

Avada Suo's life curse, can Alvin still live?

Even though Alvin's strength is against the sky and his talent is

enchanting, he is still a teenager in the end.

No matter how terrible it is, there will be no Grindelwald terrible, right?

And his proposal was supported.

After some careful discussion, this is the final plan.

At that time, Leno will use his contacts to let Booth (good money and

good) Patton invite Alvin to visit.

One of the links is a private meeting between the principals, and they

will eat at that time.

There are more than 20 people, and each family has ten Auror-level

wizards, that is, more than 200 Aurors.

In the face of so many Aurors, they believed that Alvin was absolutely

unable to fly.

"Will Maxim cooperate with our actions?"

At this time, someone raised a question.

It's no secret that Alvin and Maxim have always had a good relationship

because of Fleur's presence.

In this plan, Maxim's importance is self-evident.

Leno's eyes flashed fiercely: "Don't worry, I will use the Imperius Curse to

control Maxim, you just need to go back and gather your people.

Seeing that he was already prepared, everyone breathed a sigh of relief,

and a smile appeared on their faces.

Chapter 466

Chapter 466 Gaunt, You Are Destined To Fall Here Today!

Leno and others are still very fast.

Perhaps because he was afraid of long nights and dreams, in less than a

week, Beauxbatons' invitation was placed in front of Alvin's desk:

"Dear President Alvin Gaunt, your school has maintained a friendly

relationship with our school for nearly 600 years. In order to deepen the

cooperation between you and us,

Again, in the name of Principal Beauxbatons, I sincerely invite you to

visit our school.

Sincerely, your faithful Olim Maxime. "

After reading the contents of the letter, Alvin also slapped it.

"These people really can't wait for a second…"

Nagini, who didn't hear what he was muttering, frowned: "Master, I think

there must be some conspiracy here, this invitation from Beauxbatons is a

bit too abrupt.

Look, even the little maid in the house can see that something is wrong.

A group of people who can't even find a good brain?

Alvin shook his head, worried about the IQ of Leno and others. This is

also the norm in the magic world. The means of playing tricks and tricks

and their inferiority are simply appalling.

Also Dumbledore and Grindelwald can get on the table.

However, even if the trap was crude, he still had to jump.

"Don't worry Nagini, although there are people in this world who can

hurt me, they are definitely not the rats in the gutter. 99

Alvin comforted his little maid and left Hogwarts with Fleur.

In any case, it is considered to be returning to her parents' home, so how

can I not bring my daughter-in-law with me.

In the early morning of the next day, the two of them started a visit with

the warm welcome of Beauxbatons teachers and students.

"Welcome here, Alvin.

Maxim was very enthusiastic and gave Alvin a big hug as soon as they


"All the best, Madame Maxime."

Alvin's eyes flashed, and a playful smile appeared on the corner of his


Although Maxim's behavior was normal, he still found traces of the

Imperius Curse.

But Alvin didn't make a sound either, as if he really came to Beauxbatons

to communicate, he obeyed the master's arrangement.

After entering the campus, Maxim asked intentionally or unintentionally,

"Are you and Furong the only two here this time?"

"That's right," Alvin responded with a smile: "Other teachers have course

arrangements, even Furong, I asked another teacher (bdba) to help

temporarily, so that I could come back."5

Maxim also smiled and nodded without saying anything.

For the next two days, Alvin either listened to lectures every day, or

exchanged some teaching experience with some professors.

Every school has something to offer, and Beauxbatons has the advantage

that many of the little wizards in their school have the blood of magical


Therefore, it has done a good job in excavating the potential of such


Alvin learns from each other's strengths, and records all the experiences

that Hogwarts does not have, and keeps them as a background.

Furong also seemed to be returning home, not finding anything wrong.

Until the third day, Maxim invited Alvin to hold a separate meeting on

the grounds that it was necessary to discuss the issue of deepening

cooperation between the two universities.

Alvin readily agreed, but before he left, he asked the house-elf Hisoka to

bring Fleur to Niko's side.

He would not be foolish enough to leave his control in Beauxbatons,

although he was confident in ensuring Fleur's safety.

But it is best not to take this risk.

But when the door of the conference room was pushed open, there was

no sign of Maxim inside, but Leno Dorian instead.

"Yo, isn't this Minister Dorian, I haven't seen him for a while, and he still

looks so good."

"Oh, sorry I forgot, you are no longer the Minister of Magic and should be

called Mister Dorian.

Alvin didn't show the slightest surprise on his face, instead he greeted

Leno familiarly, and found a chair nearby and sat on it.

Hit people without slapping their faces, and swear without exposing


In this wave, Alvin undoubtedly hit Leno's sore spot.

You must know that Leno became Gaul's Minister of Magic with great

difficulty, but lost his position because of some small friction with Alvin.

During this time no one in his family dared to speak to him about

anything about the Ministry of Magic.

At this time, Alvin brought it up, which undoubtedly added fuel to the


Sure enough, his face turned green at a speed visible to the naked eye,

and he snorted coldly, "Thanks to Gaunt, you, and Grindelwald's shady


Although he didn't know what went wrong, Alvin's demeanor made it

clear to Leno that his plans had been exposed.

But it doesn't matter, he has not wasted these two days in vain. He has

confirmed that there is no movement in England, and the main force of

the Saints is also under surveillance.

To be sure, Alvin has absolutely no other back-up in Beauxbatons.

That being the case, he has no fear.

"Mr. Leno has misunderstood. I did not interfere in the matter of letting

you down. Grindelwald handled the whole process. 35

Seeing this, Leno thought that Alvin wanted to soften, and he couldn't

help showing a sarcastic smile on his face.

But Alvin's next sentence made his face completely gloomy.

"To deal with you, it's not enough for the two of us to do it together, you

are not worthy.

Coupled with the sincere expression on his face, he can make his

popularity half-dead.


Leno smiled instead: "Gaunt, you know what, you geniuses all have a

common problem.

"That's confidence!"

"You are like this, so is Grindelwald, and even Dumbledore is like that."

"In your eyes, you always think that we ordinary wizards are not worth

mentioning, but what you need to know is that too many ants can kill an


After speaking, Leno pulled out his wand, and a magical firework burst

on it, illuminating the darkened conference room.

Green flames rose to the sky, and wizards kept striding out of the

apparently remodeled fireplace, surrounding Alvin.

At the end, Alvin counted, there were more than 200 wizards, and

looking at their temperament, they were not comparable to ordinary


Obviously they are Aurors with extensive combat experience.

Seeing Alvin surrounded by circles, Leno's face also burst into a smile,

like a chrysanthemum.

"A full 220 Aurors, Gaunt, you are destined to die here today!"

Chapter 467

Chapter 467: Crush, As Long As I Have No Morality, No One Can Morally

Kidnap Me

To be honest, Alvin was a little disappointed.

He thought Leno could come up with something big, and that's it?

"Are you all together?"

Alvin asked kindly, leaving Leno in a daze.

"Is that not enough?"

He looked behind him, then at the wizards surrounding Alvin.

That's right, everyone is coming when he shouts.

"Forget it," Alvin waved his hands boredly. He thought that these people

could bring him some surprises, such as finding Dumbledore, or

possessing some combination of strikes.

But now it seems that no matter how large the crowd is, it is just a

crowd, thinking that the number of people can bring an absolute


And his attitude completely angered everyone present.


After Leno's loud shout, two hundred wizards pointed at Alvin with their

wands, and the magic surged out.

"Avada Kedavra!"

Hundreds of green lights illuminated the conference room, revealing awe-

inspiring killing intent.

Since ancient times, no one has faced the killing curse used by more than

two hundred Auror-level wizards at the same time as Alvin.

In a sense, he has set a new record.

Under everyone's attention, he didn't move at all, just quietly watched

the overwhelming life-suppressing curse attacking him and drowning it.

A triumphant smile appeared on Leno's face.

No matter how powerful a wizard is, he is still a human being, and he

may not be killed by one or two spells, but there are hundreds of them.

Even if Voldemort or Grindelwald face each other, he has to avoid the

edge for a while.

Alvin's performance seems to him to be the performance of giving up

after resignation.

But what does the smile on his face mean?

Just when Leno was a little confused, Alvin also opened his arms and said


"Far away from the world of Gensokyo!"

An invisible wave unfolded, drawing him into a wonderful space, and the

hundreds of Slaughter Curses also lost their targets and went straight

through the projection left in the world, unabated.

This scene completely stunned everyone, and even some people did not

respond, and were directly killed by their companion's spell without

making a sound.


Leno screamed, he couldn't believe it was all true.

"Attack! Keep attacking! This must be a powerful magic, as long as our

spell is strong enough, it can definitely be broken! 99

Hearing his order, those wizards who survived also bite the bullet and

continue to attack.

It's just that no one dared to use the Unforgivable Spell this time, and

only used regular spells to test Alvin.

What everyone else felt desperate was that no matter how dense and

powerful their attacks were, they couldn't touch the body that had been

standing still.

This is the strength of Avalon, as long as the attack can't penetrate the

space, then no matter how many they are, they can't hurt Alvin at all.

Watching 'self' being bombarded for so long, Alvin had had enough,

Susanohue's golden armor appeared out of thin air.

Instant third stage!

The giant Susa, dressed in the armor of Kotengu, swept the audience with

a huge sword burning with holy flames.

In addition, the wizards were a little surprised that their attack finally did

not land in the air, but hit the armor solidly.

What makes them even more desperate is that their magic spell can only

splash sparks on the armor, and it can't break through its defense at all.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

There was a constant roar in the small space, and the wall collapsed

under Alvin's attack.

In the past two minutes, all the Aurors were suppressed.

With a snap of his fingers, the gravel on the ground turned into flexible

ropes, binding all the wizards, and the wand was also collected by Alvin.

Self-control always, he has not moved a step.

Leno went to great lengths to contact almost all the wizards who wanted

to rebel against Grindelwald and Alvin.

There was no splash at all, and it completely collapsed.


"It's all fake…"

Looking at Leno, who was already a little insane, Alvin didn't care about

him, and looked at the wizards who were lying on the ground and could

never stand up, feeling a little regretful.

・・・・For flowers・0

He didn't care about the lives of these people, but it was a pity that there

were dozens of blood cows missing from Nico's side, and the refining

speed of the awakening potion had to be reduced.

"Come on someone who can talk, don't act like you're already dead."

A middle-aged wizard knelt in front of Alvin tremblingly and looked at

him in fear.

"Where is Madame Maxime now?"

"In the principal's office, it is estimated that he is still in a coma at this


Alvin breathed a sigh of relief quietly, as long as he didn't die, the only

thing he worried about was what irrational things Leno would do after

using Maxim.

Although he had confirmed countless times in the prophecy that Maxim

lived to the end, it is better to confirm this kind of thing in person.

Taking out a piece of parchment, Alvin handed it to him: "Write down

your identity and all the information about the wizards in your family.


Those who can be seen by Leno and others are definitely wizards from

the pure blood family. After all, how can the loose people have the skills

to resist him?

"What are you doing?" The middle-aged wizard swallowed, feeling a bad

premonition in his heart.

Alvin's face was taken for granted: "Arrest them and bring them to

justice, if they do something wrong, they will be punished.

"I'm not going to put you in jail either, as long as you serve me for ten

years, I'll set you free."

"This matter has nothing to do with them!" The middle-aged wizard was

very excited: "It's not the family's fault, Gaunt, kill or cut whatever you

want, don't involve innocent people!

"The whole thing was planned by Leno, we are just accomplices, the

people in the family don't even know about today's action!

"If you do this, you will definitely be accused by thousands of people!

Alvin sneered: "I've caught you now, and your family must hold grudges."

"Instead of keeping so many time bombs, it is better to solve them once

and for all.

"As for what other people think of me, don't worry about me."

Then he changed to a comfortable position again, staring at the middle-

aged wizard.

"As long as I have no morals, no one can morally kidnap me. 99+.

Chapter 468

Chapter 468 The Aftermath

Looking at the indifferent expression of the young man sitting above, the

middle-aged wizard finally collapsed.

He knew Alvin wasn't joking, and with his power it was easy to do it.

Now he regrets it very much. If he hadn't agreed to Leno's invitation at

the beginning and had been an obedient citizen, he would definitely not

have faced the current desperate situation.

"Please, let my family go, you can torture me as you want, but they are


The middle-aged wizard knelt humbly in front of Alvin and begged.

It was really sad for those who heard it, and tears for those who heard it.

But Alvin's face didn't show the slightest movement, and he was still


"This gentleman who doesn't know his name, forget it, you don't need to

introduce yourself.

"There are only two paths in front of you now. The first is to report the

information truthfully. 99

"Secondly, being poured in Veritaserum, and then reporting it truthfully.


"If you choose Article 2, I don't guarantee how your family will be


Since you dare to take action against him, you must be prepared to fail.

Do things unscrupulously, and then not be prepared to suffer the


How can there be such a good thing in the world?

However, Alvin can be regarded as a high-ranking hand, and he has only

been a blood cow for ten years. At that time, the whole world will be a

wizard, and these people will not make any waves if they are released.

"Devil, you are the devil…"

The middle-aged wizard whispered, and finally chose to write all his

family on the parchment.

He knew very well in his heart that if he chose the second option, he

would not only fail to protect his relatives and friends, but would also

make them suffer even more cruel torture.

Instead, it's better to gamble that Alvin's words are counted, and ten

years in prison will be over.

It's a pity that he still doesn't know what terrible encounters he will face

in the next ten years.

After the first person succumbed, the remaining wizards were also

defeated, and they obeyed Alvin's instructions obediently.

He gave all his old bottoms.

After casting a petrification spell on the group of wizards to ensure that

they would not cause any trouble, Alvin also left the conference room.

Looking at the empty hallway, Alvin knew that Leno and the others had

already taken everything into consideration.

Otherwise, there is such a big movement here, it is impossible for no one

to notice.

It's just that the only thing they didn't count was that Alvin's strength was

far beyond their imagination.

Led by a professor, Alvin also came to Beauxbatons' principal's office.

Seeing Maxim who was unconscious in his seat, the professor was also


"What the hell is going on here? Why did the principal's wife faint here?"

Ignoring the bluffing professor, Alvin directly awakened Madame

Maxime with a recovery spell.

The somewhat dazed Maxim opened his eyes and saw Alvin sitting

opposite him drinking tea, his mind was stunned, and then he said


"Alvin, get out of Beauxbatons, Leno is going to shoot at you!"

While helping to awaken, Alvin also lifted the Imperius Curse on her.

However, the Imperius Curse only allows the recipient to completely

obey the caster's instructions, and even after it is lifted, their memory

will not disappear.

So Maxim, she clearly remembered what happened these days.

Seeing that her subconscious reaction was to defend herself, Alvin felt

warm in her heart. It seems that her personality is still quite attractive.

"Don't worry, Madame Maxime." Alvin smiled and added a cup of tea to

her, "Leno's troubles have been solved by me."

"What you need most now is to replenish your spirit. Imperius Curse will

still damage a person's spirit power. This tea is specially made by me, and

there are many herbs in it that nourish spirit power."


Maxim took the teacup subconsciously, but was thinking about it in his


If she remembered correctly, Leno Dorian seemed to have assembled

more than two hundred wizards to deal with Alvin.

The professor who came with Alvin had long been frightened.

Maxim also noticed the existence of a person here, and ordered:

"Simeone, you go down first, don't go out and talk about what you just


The professor, that is, Simone, nodded again and again, and left the

principal's office without looking back…

Even if Maxim didn't say anything, he didn't dare to go out and say

nonsense, after all, the matter was too big.

With only the two of them left in the room, Maxime asked about the

details of what happened.

When Alvin said that more than 200 wizards cast the Killing Curse on

him at the same time, but accidentally killed dozens of their own, her

face was so wonderful.

"What about the rest, you won't be angry…"

Maxime asked worriedly, she was afraid that Alvin would be young and

vigorous, and he would kill so many people on a whim.

In this case, even if this matter spreads to the outside world, he will not

take care of it, and it will even cause even greater resistance.

The lives of wizards are very precious, and even Voldemort dared not do

such a slaughter of hundreds of wizards.

Alvin naturally knew what her worries were, and explained with a smile:

"Don't think about it, I haven't used any destructive magic from beginning

to end, except for the people they killed by mistake, the rest are alive and


"But I may still need to occupy your conference room for a day, and

tomorrow the saints will come and pick them up."

Hearing that those people were not dead, Maxim was also relieved, and

then looked at Alvin with complicated eyes.

The achievements of this young man were beyond her expectations. She

still remembered that when they first met, the other party was only a

first-year wizard whom 1.0 Nicole LeMay admired.

But in the past two years, he has become a master of alchemy first, and

then he has become the head of the Wizengamo Mage Corps.

Now it is even more amazing, driving Dumbledore away, and cooperating

with Grindelwald to rule the entire Gull Island.

It is foreseeable that after this group of rebels is resolved, the rest of the

people with strange thoughts will not dare to take any action.

At that time, the entire Ouzhou can be called a monolith.

If Beauxbatons wants to hold on to the big wave ahead, the relationship

with Alvin must be maintained.

"Be sure to keep in touch with Furong more in the future, and let her

blow the pillow wind."

Maxim made up his mind to carry out Madam's line to the end.

Chapter 469

Chapter 469 The Magic Net Is In Full Swing!

One day passed in a flash, and the next morning, more than a dozen

saints came to Beauxbatons.

As a result, the little wizard here saw an unforgettable scene.

More than a hundred wizards filed out, all of them handcuffed and their

faces numb.

A little wizard curiously stretched out his head to look inside, and within

two seconds, his face was white with fright.

A classmate curiously asked him what was in the conference room.

"Dead people, it's full of dead people!"

The little wizard said tremblingly, and fled here without looking back,

leaving a group of people looking at each other in dismay.

Hundreds of wizards attacked Alvin Gaunt and surrendered after being

killed by dozens.

The news quickly spread throughout the magical world, and for a time,

people with ghosts were shocked, and ordinary wizards were also

frightened by Alvin's ruthlessness.

For such rumors, Alvin naturally disdain to explain.

Does he have to go around saying that these people died under the curse

of his companions?

That's a little too cheap.

Moreover, it is not a bad thing to leave some vicious impressions to the

outside world, and it can also deter people with ghosts.

"Arrest all these people on the list and send them to Nico."

Alvin, who had left Beauxbatons, did not return to Hogwarts, but came to

Durmstrang and handed the parchment to Grindelwald.

Grindelwald frowned slightly, looking at the densely packed names in his


There are too many names on it, and even if all the saints are dispatched,

some are understaffed.

"Lao Ge, the pattern of being a man should be bigger!"

Alvin looked at Grindelwald with some iron and steel: "Now the whole

Gull Island is mine, these people are rebels!"

"Give their information to all the Ministry of Magic and have them send

Aurors out to arrest people.

"Whoever dares to resist, change a minister, just to see if there are any

fish that slip through the net!"

Grindelwald pondered for a moment, and it seemed to be the case.

All along, he involuntarily placed himself in the position of the villain,

and whenever there was something, he subconsciously asked the saints

under him to solve it.

Now it's different. He and Alvin have brought the entire Ministry of

Magic in Ouzhou into control. It can be said that he is the official.

Since it's all official, why don't you use the power of the official family

and stare at your subordinates every day?

After thinking about it, Grindelwald's eyes lit up and he was in a good


I didn't expect him to become a positive character one day.

"I'll do it right now.

"Oh, wait!

Alvin grabbed the excited Grindelwald and said, "Give me your magic

weave device. 35

Grindelwald was a little confused, but still handed the log to Alvin.

After fiddling with it for a while, Alvin returned the login device.

"There is a software I installed for you, and you can find his name by

entering the other party's name and number."

"Is there such a function?"

Grindelwald clicked on the newly appeared software, entered a name on

the list, and saw that the other party's coordinates were located in Lyon,


You can even watch what the other party is doing live through the

function that comes with the login device.

This made Grindelwald a little shocked. Can Alvin use the login device to

monitor himself at ordinary times?

Alvin spread his hands and said casually: "As the master of the magic net,

I still have such authority."

With the expansion of his influence, the promotion of the login device

has become more and more smooth.

At least from the current point of view, most wizards in Meizhou and

Ouzhou already have a login device of their own and integrate it into

their lives.

And Alvin also made full use of the magic net.

As long as it is a wizard holding a login device, he can monitor each

other's every move, as well as location information.

He is like an invisible big eye, silently observing the turbulence in the

magic world.

It's a pity that Dumbledore is very alert, not only himself, but also the

people around him are not allowed to use the login device.

And Grindelwald's expression was also in his eyes, and he comforted in a

wide voice: "Don't worry, Lao Ge, I will only use this function when


"Under normal circumstances, I would not casually spy on other people's



If you think it's a special situation, just read it casually?

Grindelwald, who felt that he was under surveillance all the time, was

instantly numb.

Stinky boy, not a human being!

Crouch suddenly held a meeting of the Europa League. No one outside

knew what was said this time, but when everyone came out, their faces

were very embarrassed.

At the meeting, Crouch stopped pretending, and directly tore his

hypocritical face and pulled Grindelwald over.

The two issued an ultimatum, either to obey their orders in the future, or

to be blacklisted now and directly destroyed.

In the face of the strong Grindelwald, no one dared to choose to resist.

They all know what happened to Leno and the hundreds of wizards, no

one wants to be the second 'chicken'


Besides, most of the 383 people here had already been 'persuaded to

surrender' by Grindelwald once, and now they are only putting things on

the surface, which is nothing.

After the meeting, the huge magical organization in the entire Ouzhou

moved, and countless Aurors were dispatched to arrest the wizards on the

list according to Grindelwald's instructions.

Naturally, this group of people will not sit still and be captured.

They rose up in resistance.

For a time, the smoke of war filled the sky above Ouzhou. In order to

prevent being affected, ordinary wizards dared not go anywhere except

commuting to get off work every day.

Some prudent people even fled the main continent and took refuge in

England or the Free Country.

The only place to be is England, and none of the shots against Alvin came

from there.

The reason is simple, after experiencing Voldemort and the Death Eaters,

ambitious wizards throughout England either surrendered to Alvin or

were imprisoned in Azkaban.

Some members of the Order of the Phoenix who did not leave with

Dumbledore were well aware of Alvin's horror and would not act easily.

This put England in good shape, a peaceful one, and everyone gathered

around Crouch.

Then Crouch hugged Alvin's thigh.

Very harmonious.

Chapter 470

Chapter 470 The Beginning

"Owen, are you alright?

Once out of the quiet forest, a witch supported a wizard and walked

forward with difficulty.

Owen clutched his abdomen with a painful expression, where blood was

dripping continuously, even if the witch had been trying to heal him with

a healing spell, to no avail.

"Hey! Not in a while, Alice, how far are we from the pier.

Alice looked up and measured it carefully, and said desperately: "Owen,

we may have to miss the flight, and we are at least three hundred miles

from the dock.

The two are family members of the group that surrounded and killed

Alvin, and they are a couple.

After the incident was revealed, the Aurors and the saints came to the


Owen and Alice refused to hold their hands, and the two sides fought

fiercely, but how could they be the opponents of those well-trained battle


"These goddamn lackeys! Why do we get found wherever we run!"

Owen angrily hammered the big tree next to him.

He and Alice had been running away for three days and three nights in a

row, but whenever they used Apparition to throw off the Aurors, they

always caught up with them in the shortest time possible.

Now they are only one step away from success. As long as they escape to

the dock and board the ship to the Free Country, those Aurors will

automatically give up their pursuit.

As for how did they know?

It's simple, and lucky people have already done it.

This is also because Alvin rashly reached out to other continents out of a

safe consideration, and he is not fully prepared yet.

Some trash fish ran away when they ran away, and the big plan should

not be affected because of them.

"Owen," Alice said with a tangled face, "or we should surrender, but I'm

only imprisoned for ten years, I don't want to live like this again.

For the past three days, she hadn't even had a good night's sleep, which

made Alice, who had been dressed in fine clothes and food since she was

a child, about to collapse.

She resented Owen's father in her heart, why should she fight against

Grindelwald and Alvin, and live a good life?

"What nonsense are you talking about, Alice?" Owen looked at his wife in

disbelief. "Do you really believe Gaunt's lies?"

"Once we are caught, they will torture us like crazy! 95

Owen's heart is very resentful for Alvin, because his father was one of the


He naturally did not believe this statement, in his heart, it must be Alvin

who killed his father, and now he is still sending someone to arrest him.

Seeing Owen's attitude so resolute, Alice could only sigh, and continued

to support him as she walked forward.

The magic power of the two is nearly exhausted, and it will take some

more time to Apparate.

And during this period of time, they could not stay in place to prevent

them from being caught up by the Aurors.

"Come on, they're right ahead!"

There were intermittent shouts in the distance, and getting closer and

closer, Alice and Owen's faces changed wildly, and ran in the opposite

direction without stopping.

But this is doomed to be futile, as long as they still have the magic net

login device on them, they will be caught sooner or later.

Sure enough, within a few minutes, the Aurors caught up with the two

who were somewhat inconvenient.

"Except your weapons! 99

"Armor protection!

A swift disarming spell hit Owen's protective shield, knocking him back,

and when he was about to counterattack, a full dozen red beams hit him

in unison.

Owen, who was in a panic, could only choose to use a lazy donkey to roll

around to avoid the curse, but the violent movement involved the


Alice was not so lucky. Her fighting power was normal. Before, Owen

was protecting her and she was able to run all the way here.

But at this time, Owen couldn't protect himself, and naturally he couldn't

help her, and was stunned by the saint in a few strokes.

"Do not!"

Owen's eyes were splitting, looking at his wife who was slumped to the

ground, and roared angrily.

He hadn't lost his mind and rushed to fight the Aurors, because it was


Gritting his teeth and draining the last trace of magic in his body, Owen

disregarded the danger of Apparition in the battle, forced it to perform,

and once again disappeared in front of the Auror.

"Captain, what should we do, are we still chasing?

A team member asked the leader of the team, and at the same time

looked at the logger in his hand.

This kid didn't know what kind of shit luck he had, but he went to Berlin

in the country of chariots in one fell swoop.

You must know that they care about Dailey now, and they are thousands

of kilometers away from there.

"What are you chasing, do you want to carry out missions across

borders?" the captain said angrily.

".々 Finish work, go home, hand this woman over to the ministry, and

then report on the wizard's situation, the rest will not be under our


Looking at Alice who fainted on the ground, the captain pouted in


At this level, he still dares to oppose Lord Gaunt and Lord Grindelwald.

On the other side, Owen stared blankly at the high-rise buildings on the

street, and a group of Muggles pointed at him who suddenly appeared.

"Why am I in Berlin all of a sudden?

I saw signs on the road all in German, and the words 'Berlin welcomes

you' appeared.

Owen was a little dumbfounded, how could he not know how far he had


At the same time, there was despair in his heart.

Berlin was too far away from the pier he knew, and in its current state,

before he left the country of the chariots, he would be caught by

Grindelwald's minions.

(good money is good)

This is the base camp of the Dark Lord!

And this is also a ridiculous pure blood family, in order to flaunt their

pure blood, they refuse to accept all Muggle knowledge.

So I don't even know how to eat something as simple as being able to go

abroad by plane.

In the midst of despair, a ruthlessness also climbed into Owen's heart.

Since I can't live, it can't make Gaunt and Grindelwald any better!

You can control the wizards in Ouzhou Continent, but what about


As long as a dispute between Muggles and wizards is provoked, they will

be the ones who will suffer!

"Hey, boy, do you really need to go to the hospital?"

A Muggle old man looked at Owen's still bleeding abdomen and

reminded kindly.

And Owen didn't speak, just raised his wand with a grin.

"Thunderbolt explosion!"

Chapter 471

Of The Era Of Berserk

"Shock! A wizard man did this on the streets of Berlin!"

This was the front page headline of the Daily Prophet on the second day,

attracting a lot of attention.

Although the title is very serious, but the content is appalling.

Fifteen Muggles were killed and dozens seriously injured by a wizard

standing on the streets of Berlin unscrupulously firing magic.

It was not until his magic power was exhausted that he was arrested by

the Ministry of Magic who came.

And it was Owen who caused it all.

By sacrificing himself, he succeeded in causing a lot of trouble for Alvin.

"Hundreds of thousands of people witnessed the scene, and with the

Muggle camera equipment, although it was not clear, it was successfully


In the principal's office, Crouch was reporting the situation to Alvin, and

the expression on his face was not very good.

"Now the Minister of Magic of the Chariot Country has asked me for your

opinion, and the Muggle chief over there has approached him several


This time the matter is very big, with the development of Muggle

technology, the speed of information dissemination is also accelerating


In less than a day, the incident had appeared on the front pages of the

news and newspapers.

Although the Muggle government worked hard to suppress it, many

people already knew about it.

Alvin didn't speak, his fingers kept tapping on the table, obviously

thinking about something.

It took him a long time to ask, "What are the Muggle leaders going to


Crouch said a little embarrassedly: "They wanted us to compensate for

the loss and handed over the murderer to him to deal with, which was

temporarily held up by me.

"But if we don't give a proper account, it's easy to start a war between

wizards and muggles."

"We can compensate for the loss, but no one can give it.

Alvin flatly refused, who knows what these people would do if they got a

live wizard.

Don't overestimate the floor of politicians, and don't underestimate the

cruelty of scientists.

Although Owen caused him such trouble, a wizard is a wizard, and there

is no room for blasphemy.

In the end, Alvin also gave a solution.

"Send a few people to control the media, try to suppress the impact of the

incident, and then clean up the memories of all those involved."

"Don't be afraid of trouble, even if there are 100,000 people, you must

remember each one clearly."

"As for the Muggle leader, take a tougher attitude and don't take a step

back after the compensation is full.

Crouch replied respectfully, and then asked with some doubts: "Is it really

necessary to control the media? It is not enough to rely on the power of

Muggle officials.

Alvin shook his head, "Mr. Crouch, things have gotten a little out of

control, and I've seen things similar to Owen happen quite often in the

coming period.

"You must not only control the media of the Chariot Nation, but even

those of other countries, and do not report any news about wizards."

When he said these words, Alvin's pupils turned into a glass color,

constantly flashing strange light.

Crouch looked a little palpitated, and nodded quickly to show that he


Alvin's prediction didn't go wrong, and Owen did get off to a bad start.

Those wizards who also saw no hope of escaping seemed to have found a

way to vent. Relying on the rules that Aurors did not dare to shoot in

front of Muggles, they all ran to the big cities.

Even before being caught in the end, he will unscrupulously release

magic, exposing the existence of the magic world to the world.

In just one month, no less than 20 similar incidents have occurred.

Fortunately, Alvin had foresight and controlled the spread of the

situation in the media and news.

Even if some individual small media reports, everyone will only think

that they are grandstanding.

There is no one in the world who can breathe fire and use polymorphism.

Do you think (bdba) you are making a movie?

However, the people at the bottom can be fooled, and those high-level

people, especially the leaders who know the existence of wizards, are not


They were very puzzled why these wizards appeared in front of the world

like crazy.

During this period of time, the Ministry of Magic of each country has no

idea how many times they have met with their own officials.

Alvin doesn't care about this, and his request is very simple, to stabilize

these politicians, no matter what method is available.

Times have gone mad, but Alvin still needs some time, he doesn't want

these Muggle politicians to come out and disrupt the situation.

"My grandfather said that the clock on the Magic Congress has become

extremely dangerous."

Cassandra propped her chin up and told Alvin about the intelligence on

the Free Nation side, with indescribable amazement in her eyes.

The last time exposure to this level was registered was in Grindelwald.

At that time, Newt, Grindelwald, and another silently staged a chase in

New York, and almost the whole city saw it.

And now, she actually encountered such a rare scene in a century.

Alvin pouted, where did he go, he would smash the clock with his own

hands, because then the wizard would be the master of the world and

would not need to hide.

At this moment, Nagini suddenly walked into the office and whispered

something in Alvin's ear.

"Sorry, Cassandra, you've finally come, and I have to leave.

Alvin said apologetically to Cassandra, in exchange for a considerate hug.

"It's nothing, we'll have time later.

I have to say that Sister Ka's temperament has changed a lot since she

was with Alvin, and the original Tsundere energy has been reduced a lot.

Instead, it's empathy.

After asking Cassandra to find Fleur and Hermione, Alvin left the school

and went to No. 10 Downing Street.

He left suddenly because Prime Minister Robert wanted to see him.

"Mr. Robert, what's the matter with me in such a hurry?

In the Prime Minister's residence, Robert, who was burying his head in

reading the emails, was startled by the sudden sound.

When he looked up and saw that it was Alvin, he breathed a sigh of


"When can you wizards change this haunting habit?"

Robert complained angrily, and then his face became very serious: "What

is the matter with the recent terrorist attacks, are they related to


Chapter 472

Chapter 472 The Advantage Is In Me!

Before Alvin came, Robert was checking all kinds of strange information

that had happened on the Ouzhou Continent recently.

The conclusion he came to was a little startling.

Nearly 500 people have died in various accidents.

A series of car accidents, gas explosions, old circuits ~ disrepair.

It's a bit strange that all these reasons that sound very reasonable are

happening intensively during this time.

Coupled with the fact that some bystanders were vague about this and

could not tell the specifics of what happened, it was even more bizarre.

Robert, who had already come into contact with the mysterious side of

the world, naturally thought of the wizard, so he hurriedly found Alvin.

"Yes, these things are all the mess made by wizards." Alvin sat opposite

him, saw the dessert on the table, and picked up a piece.

Then his eyes lit up: "Robert, this dessert is good, is there any more?"

It's not that he is greedy, it's just that the little girl Hermione likes sweets

very much, and he is going to take some back for her to taste.

"My young master, is this the time to say this?"

Robert clutched his forehead helplessly, feeling a little helpless about

Alvin's escape.

"As a partner, I don't want to be like a headless fly, at least you're going

to tell me what happened?"

Alvin threw his hands helplessly: "Well, these things are indeed done by

wizards, to be precise, by my enemies."

Robert was very surprised: "Your enemy? Is that solved?"

He never thought that a powerful wizard like Alvin would have enemies,

and he was still making waves on the Ouzhou Continent.

And what worries him most is that this group of people won't go crazy

and go to England to make a fool of it?

Alvin was helpless and could only explain the ins and outs of the matter

from the beginning.

As for where to start?

Naturally, what happened in Grindelwald started, after all, that was the

root of everything.

Two hours later, Robert barely understood the general development of

the magic world and the current situation.

"So, that guy named Grindelwald really nearly destroyed Paris?

His eyes straightened: "then why did he fail in the end."

Alvin looked at Robert strangely, he seemed to hear a pity?

"Cough cough!" Robert also noticed the look in Alvin's eyes, and

concealed it with embarrassment.

It is a pity for him. After all, the relationship between Britain and France

is not very good. It is naturally a joy to see the old rivals unlucky.

"So Mr. Grindelwald is on our side now?"

Robert was a little overjoyed. Now that he and Alvin were in the same

boat, he naturally hoped that his own strength would be as strong as


Now that he knew that such a fierce man was his own, he naturally felt a

lot more at ease.

Dumbledore, and what Voldemort, against Alvin and Grindelwald.

Even the numbers are equal.

Not to mention that both Voldemort and Dumbledore were defeated by


Yes, this wave is my advantage!

After appeasing Robert, Alvin also left the Prime Minister's residence.

Although the whole afternoon was wasted, it was not without gain, at

least it made Robert's yearning for magic deeper.

No matter how big the waves are, they are just waves, and they will

eventually be submerged in the rolling torrent.

So Alvin didn't take what these people have done in his heart, and as the

number of arrests increases, there will be fewer and fewer people who

have the courage to fight hard.

In the future he sees, this unrest will soon cease.

At that time, Ouzhou is the real meaning without any hidden dangers,

and he can also accumulate strength and penetrate other areas.

By the time Alvin returned to school, it was already evening.

The students and staff were eating in the auditorium at this time, and he

was going to give Hermione the pastries he had brought from Robert.

Simply eat in the auditorium.

Since becoming the principal, Alvin seldom eats in the auditorium, and is

settled directly with Nagini in the office.

Sometimes Qiu and others would also go to him.

The last time I ate in the auditorium was when I introduced Aberforth

after returning from the Christmas break.

This also led to the students showing stunned expressions when they saw


・・・・For flowers・0

It has been a long time since they saw their headmaster.

Since Aberforth became professor of Transfiguration, Alvin has become

reclusive and rarely seen among his students.

He became the headmaster just to better control the future of these

magical worlds, and to kick Dumbledore out, not to restrain himself.

The situation is now, and he can no longer focus on a small school.

"Hello, principal."

"Hey Principal Gaunt! 95

The students greeted Alvin one by one, and he didn't put on airs and

responded with a smile.

Some people are excited, some people are afraid, and everyone looks at

him with different objections.

But the only thing not missing is awe.

Hogwarts students are roughly divided into three camps.

The first category is related to the Order of the Phoenix. Except for those

who followed Dumbledore to the Free Country, there are more members

of the Order of the Phoenix who cannot leave England with their

families, such as the Weasleys.

Their relationship with Alvin is the most delicate, in a sense, the two

sides are two camps.

The second category is the young wizards who work in the Ministry of

Magic, such as Susan Burns, Marietta, Ernie McMillan and others.

Their parents depended on Alvin's breath, and naturally told them to

listen to the headmaster's words and not to have anything to do with

Dumbledore's family.

As for the third camp, that is Alvin's hardcore, a group of Ravenclaw

brains, plus Harry and Qiu and others belong to this camp.

Originally, the atmosphere of the school was a bit weird because of the

existence of these camps. Just like Ron, he felt uncomfortable after seeing

Hermione, and he consciously stayed away every time.

After just over a semester, the three seemed to have a tendency to merge,

because they found that there was nothing wrong with Alvin being the


At least I have learned more and my strength has become stronger.

They don't understand the intrigue among adults, but the changes that

Alvin brings to them are real.

So, sometimes adults who think they are well-informed don't see it as

well as children.

Chapter 473

Chapter 473 Harry, The Organization Has A Difficult Task For You!

"Why do I feel like everyone is looking at me?"

Alvin sitting next to Hermione was a little strange. There was no one

around him, and everyone left a certain space for the two of them.

It's just that the little wizards still glanced at Alvin from time to time,

then turned their heads and muttered.

Hermione rolled her eyes, and as she grew older, Hermione's beauty was

fully revealed, and she was not inferior to Furong at all.

"If it weren't for me often going to the principal's office to look for you, I

would have forgotten that you are the principal.

"Now that you show up in public, people will naturally look at you."

Alvin smirked, and he was indeed wrong about this.

Although Dumbledore doesn't care about things, he often appears in front

of the students. It's good that he doesn't even show his face.

"Three Eight Three" Alvin changed the subject: "Try this, I brought it

specially for you. 99

He took out the dessert he had brought from the Prime Minister's

residence, and Hermione took a sip, her eyes lit up.

"It's delicious, where did you buy it?"

"From a man named Robert.

"All right,"

Hermione didn't have any reaction when she heard Robert's name. There

are too many people calling this name in England, just like Zhang Wei.

Alvin saw Harry, who was staring at him smirking and giggling from a

distance, and kicked him angrily.

"Are you doing nothing to do, and watch my jokes. Have you finished

your homework?"

Harry looked dazed: You dare not provoke Hermione, so you come to

bully me?

Hey, he really can't stand his petty temper.

But I can't bear it, I have to endure it, I can't help it, my mother is still

eating under others' hands.

Harry looked aggrieved: "Tomorrow weekend, I don't have to finish it


Alvin was startled. He was so busy lately that he forgot that it was

Friday. Looking at Harry, who had grievances written all over his face, he

couldn't help but smile.

"Seeing that you are quite free, you just happened to come to my office in

a while, and I need your help with some things.

Harry was confused and didn't know what Alvin needed his help with,

but nodded anyway.

After dinner, he and Alvin came to the office.

"How's Snape doing your tutoring lately?"

Alvin didn't get down to business, but chatted with Harry.

"Very well, Mr Snape said that I am now fully capable of being an Auror.

Harry's expression was filled with excitement, knowing that becoming an

Auror was his dream.

"Mr. Snape?" Alvin looked strange: "You respect Snape so much now?

The two were inseparable back then, and Harry had complained to him

countless times that if he had beaten Snape, he would have to lie down in

the school doctor's room for a week.

The world is impermanent, and I didn't expect the relationship between

the two to be so good now.

Harry was also a little embarrassed. As he learned more and more things,

Harry also understood Snape very well.

There were times when he was ashamed of what his father James did at


It's a typical example of school bullying.

After some chatter, Alvin asked, "There's something Snape and Ms. Evans

should tell you."

Harry said hesitantly, "You mean… all people are extraordinary?"

The national extraordinary is the name that Alvin gave to his big plan.

"Yes, I don't know what you think."

Harry shook his head and said nothing.

He thinks Alvin's approach is very good. After becoming a wizard, he

always thinks that the wizard's living habits are too conservative.

Obviously they are a group of people with powerful power, but doing

everything to avoid Muggles is really incredible.

In the novels and stories he read, the existences similar to wizards are all

admired or feared existences.

Alvin clapped his hands: "Very well, since you agree, then there is

something that needs your help. 35

He also asked as usual, since Harry chose to stay at Hogwarts and did not

go to the Freeland with Sirius and Dumbledore, his position was obvious.

"Since Snape says you're good enough to be an Auror, school knowledge

is a waste of time for you.

"From next week, you won't be going to class…"


Harry was dumbfounded and didn't go to class, so what was he going to


Alvin patted Harry's shoulder with a smile: "There are more important

tasks for you in the organization."

"Your mission is vital, to bridge the gap between wizards and Muggles.35

There was a bad premonition in Harry's heart, he was too familiar with

Alvin, and it was the expression on his face when he was cheating.

There was a smile that was more embarrassing than crying on his face:

"Alvin, just say it directly, what needs me to do, let me have a mental


"Also, don't laugh, I'll panic if you laugh.

Alvin's face stiffened.

Damn it, has the routine been seen through?

"Well, your next mission is to make movies. 95

Harry was stunned: "I heard it right, you asked me to make a movie?"

Alvin spread his hands, "You heard that right, it's for you to make a


"The fusion of the Muggle world and wizarding needs some help, and I

also need to expose the mysteries of the wizarding world to Muggles step

by step.99

"There's no better way to show this than a movie."

Harry was silent, he didn't expect Alvin's brain to be so big, so he came

up with such an idea.

What a clever one!

"But I've never been involved in making movies, let alone making movies.

1.0 means I haven't watched movies a few times."

Harry was a little embarrassed, and the industry span was too big. He

would rather fight other wizards than take this job.

"Don't worry about this, I have prepared a special teacher for you, and

the film is all related to the magic world, you can play in your true

colors. 99

Alvin waved his hand, directly blocking his back path.

"You are a child of a Muggle family, and you are the most suitable person

for this task. Apart from you, I can't find any other more suitable person."

Seeing that Alvin said this, Harry was also a little helpless: "Okay, but

don't blame me for messing up."

"By the way, what's the name of the movie you're going to make?

Alvin smiled slightly: "It's called Harry Potter and the Philosopher's


Chapter 474

Chapter 474: The World'S Strongest Second Ancestor

Finally, Harry walked out of the headmaster's office with a fan-shaped

statistic on his face.

With Harry Potter playing Harry Potter, what the hell is going on in

Alvin's mind.

Originally he was going to refuse, but Alvin gave too much.

Not only did he promise to exempt himself from the three-year internship

period after graduation, he directly became an official Auror.

He also promised that if he behaved well, he could be considered for the

position of Auror Office Director in the future.

How could he resist the temptation, who had always regarded the Auror

career as a dream?

I didn't expect that I, the stubborn Potter, would still succumb to the


Harry thought with some emotion.

However, Alvin gave him a stage name in order to prevent his real name

from overlapping with the name in the movie.

What is Daniel Radcliffe's name…

what a bad name…

And the other side.

Alvin is also very satisfied, his move is really a second move.

For a long time, he was thinking about how to make it easier for Muggles

to accept the existence of Wizard 13 after the exposure of the wizarding

world, and generate yearning.

It wasn't until he first saw Harry that a light flashed in his mind.

Like the previous life, wouldn't it be good to make a series of "Harry

Potter" movies?

Alvin still remembers the yearning in his heart when he saw such a

bizarre world.

No one can resist the magic of magic, no one.

At that time, when the movie makes waves around the world, the

exposure of the wizard will also reduce the inner resistance of many


When they know that they have the opportunity to learn magic, they will

be sought after by many people.

This wave, ah, this wave is called cultural invasion.

However, the script has to be changed, Hermione's presence needs to be

reduced, and it must have nothing to do with Ron.

As for Ron, Alvin had already discovered the jealousy and dissatisfaction

in his heart.

But he doesn't care at all, there are many people who hate him, what

kind of onion is Ron?

However, the role that belongs to him will not be given now, and he has

no role in the original work anyway.

At best, pour some chicken broth when Harry and Hermione get


Neville was much stronger than him, and he finally drew his sword and

killed Voldemort's last Horcrux.

Don't play chess with me in the first grade, if the other person in the trio

is Seamus, Dumbledore will surely be able to prepare a level that only

explosions can pass.

After a busy night, Alvin wrote the general plot. As for the specific script,

it will be handed over to professionals.

He wrote it according to the original plot line, deleted Ron, replaced

Hermione with Ginny, and made a CP for Harry by the way.

By the way, Dumbledore's role has been weakened a lot.

If Lao Deng's character image is too deeply rooted in the hearts of the

people, after all the incidents are exposed, some people will regard him

as a villain.

So sorry for you, old principal.

Alvin silently apologized in his heart for 0.1 seconds, and then handed

the outline to Nagini to send it to Robert tomorrow.

Originally it was just a small matter, and it didn't bother Robert at all.

However, Alvin plans to release the film during the summer vacation.

With Robert's help, the efficiency can be improved a lot.

Day by day, this semester is coming to an end.

Harry's departure naturally couldn't escape everyone's eyes. At first

everyone thought he had something to ask for leave.

But Harry hadn't come back after a week, plus his roommates were

saying that Harry would be less likely to show up at school in the future.

At this time, everyone wondered what he was doing.

Lily was a professor, and everyone dared not ask her, so Ginny became

the best target.

Finally, Ginny was a little impatient to be harassed, and helplessly

revealed some information.

"Harry is helping the principal, I don't know what it is, don't ask me

about the rest."

Ginny was telling the truth, there was still some shame in making movies

or something, and Harry didn't tell her.

Hearing this, everyone let Ginny go.

It's just that I can't help but feel the envy of Harry, which is simply the

template of a winner in life.

When he was born, he defeated Voldemort. After coming to school, he

not only attracted Dumbledore's attention, but also became Alvin's friend.

Now the dead mother has come back to life.

The mother is the dean, and there is another dean who is pursuing his

mother, and his friend is the Grey Devil.

Who else in the magic world would dare to provoke him?

He is the second strongest ancestor in the world, but Alvin is not his


Inside the office.

Alvin is also chatting with Nagini about the situation on Harry's side. As

his little secretary, Nagini knows many little things better than himself.

"Mr. Potter's filming progress is very good so far, and if it is released in

the summer, there will be no problem."

"It's just" Nagini's expression was a little weird, as if he was holding back

a smile: "He asked me to ask you when he will return to normal shape. 99

Alvin waved his hand: "At least until the movie is finished, but he has to

continue taking age reducers for the next movie."

"Otherwise, with a face of seventeen or eighteen, how can you make a


It turned out that in order to make Harry fit the role perfectly, Alvin

specially prepared a batch of age-reducing medicine for him, and the

effect of the medicine just made him back to eleven years old.

Hearing this, Nagini couldn't help but mourned for Harry.

He was really 'lucky' to meet such a bad friend as his master.

Just when she was about to report something, there was a sudden knock

on the door.

Alvin raised his eyebrows, the professors all knew the password, and only

the students would use this stupid method to find him.

This is the first time a student has come to him since he became the


With a wave of his hand, the stone lion at the door was automatically

divided into two halves, making way for a passage.

A seventh-grade student ran in with a terrified face.

Alvin remembered him as a Hufflepuff student.

"Robinson, what's wrong?"

Robinson took a few quick breaths, and it could be seen that he ran here

at full speed.

"Headmaster, something happened. The eight-eyed giant spider attacked

the students in the Protection of Magical Creatures class today. Professor

Delacour has taken them to the school doctor's office to find Madam


"She asked me to come here and invite you to the Forbidden Forest,

where Professor Snape is confronting a large number of magical


The smile on Alvin's face disappeared, becoming visibly gloomy.

This group of eight-eyed giant spiders, who do not know the heights of

the sky and the earth, are really courting death.

Bureau g

Chapter 475

Chapter 475 Tell Them Who Is The Master Of Hogwarts!

"What's going on?"

Alvin was in no hurry to leave, and since Snape was in charge of the

situation, nothing could go wrong.

The most important thing is to figure out what's going on first.

Robinson didn't dare to refute, and could only pick up the main thing and

tell the story.

It turned out that since Furong became a professor of protecting magical

creatures, she wanted to impart some practical knowledge to the


The Forbidden Forest became the best classroom.

Furong often leads the students to wander around the forbidden forest,

and will explain what magical creatures they encounter.

This way of teaching is unprecedented, and the little wizards also find it

very novel.

In the past, the forbidden forest was strictly forbidden for students to set

foot on. Except for the bear children of Gryffindor, few people had the

opportunity to enter the forbidden forest.

Even the bear children of Gryffindor only dared to look at the outer circle

of the Forbidden Forest, and did not dare to go deep.

Not everyone is named Fred and George after all.

Gradually, Furong's plan went further.

Upon encountering the right dangerous magical creature, she will have

students fight each other, gaining experience from practice.

Of course, she will also be in charge of healing those injured magical

animals, and finally give them some food.

It can be said that everyone is happy.

But today, Furong had made an appointment with the eight-eyed giant

spider, and sent a few young eight-eyed giant spiders to let the students

fight against them.

Seventh-grade students have no problem dealing with underage eight-

eyed giant spiders.

As a result, their patriarch, Aragog, was so angry that he shot and

wounded the two little wizards.

Furong had never encountered such a situation before, and her reaction

was half a beat before she repelled Aragog and killed several eight-eyed

giant spiders.

Her actions also completely angered the eight-eyed giant spider group,

and even other magical creatures living in the forbidden forest rushed


In fact, these magical creatures have long been dissatisfied with Furong's

actions. In their eyes, the Forbidden Forest is their private land.

Furong's behavior of bringing the students in and out has disturbed their

lives. For the sake of Hogwarts, they endured it.

As a result, they dared to kill today. Now they are eight-eyed giant

spiders, and they may be their ethnic group in the future.

Therefore, even though many ethnic groups have hatred against the

eight-eyed giant spider, this time they stood behind them.

And Snape happened to enter the forbidden forest today to look for some

herbs, and when he discovered the situation on the side of Hibiscus, he

rushed over and stayed there to preside over the overall situation.

After Alvin finished listening, he was silent.

He thought this time was an ordinary conflict, but he didn't expect it to

be a conflict that had been accumulated for a long time.

It just broke out today.

From a general point of view, it is true that the actions of Furong and the

little wizards disturbed the peaceful life in the Forbidden Forest, and they

were justified.

But would Alvin reason with a bunch of amazing creatures?

Not to mention, his fiancée was also involved in it, and he would have a

good temper if he didn't kill all those magical creatures.

"Dumbledore was too kind to these guys before…"

Alvin couldn't help but murmured, and accidentally heard Robinson bow

his head deeply.

Involving these two, how dare he comment.

After thinking for a while, Alvin took out the magic net login device, and

first sent Snape a message, asking him to hold on for a while.

And then called Hermione over.

Soon, Hermione appeared in the office.

Without much nonsense, Alvin told her what happened and asked:

"I'm going to talk about this and leave it to you, what do you think?"

Hermione was stunned, not expecting that Alvin would actually hand

over the matter to her, so she couldn't help but hesitate.

"I'm just a student, can I do it?"

Alvin was delighted, but did not expect that Hermione, who was not

afraid of the sky, would also hesitate to move forward.

"Certainly, you've spent a summer at the Ministry of Magic, and you'll be

fine with this trivial matter.

"Besides, you're here on my behalf, and I'm backing you, so there's

nothing to worry about."

Alvin is consciously cultivating Hermione. The little witch's innate

conditions are very good, and her ability is also good, but she lacks


This time is a good opportunity to exercise Hermione well.

Alvin is not a person with a strong desire to control, and he never

thought of tying Qiu, Hermione and the others to his side.

In his heart, if several women find a career they are interested in, he will

definitely support them.

In the future, when the time is right, let Crouch take the position of the

International Witch Federation, and Lockhart will temporarily serve as

Minister of Magic for a while to give Hermione room to grow.

Step by step, Alvin has paved a road for her.

And Hermione, seeing that Alvin said so, also made up her mind: "々

Okay, I'll go to the Forbidden Forest now, what's your bottom line. 35

Knowing Alvin's goals, she can grasp the scale of the negotiation.

"The leader of the eight-eyed giant spider must die, and the rest will be

kept in captivity, and the venom will be provided every month."

"As for the other groups, they must unconditionally cooperate with all

activities at Hogwarts. If what happened today, either migration or

extermination. 99

"I think they've been at ease for a long time, and I don't even know who

is the real owner of Hogwarts.

Hermione nodded, without the slightest surprise.

She knew that Alvin was such a person. He was usually peaceful, but if

his interests were violated, he would never let him go.

Especially this time it also involves Furong.

Hermione didn't think there was anything wrong with this, on the

contrary, it was such a man who could bring a better sense of security.

"Student Robinson, Ma (good money and good) please show me the way.


The area of ​​the Forbidden Forest was too large, and Hermione didn't

know where Snape and the others were.

Robinson was flattered: "You're welcome, I'll take you there."

The attitude is very low, he doesn't dare to rely on his freshman year to

put on airs.

In order to hurry, the two directly rode the flying sky and flew into the

forbidden forest, startling countless birds.

Soon, they reached their destination.

Hermione saw Snape holding a wand, as did Lily standing next to her,

and a group of angry students stood behind her.

On the other side, the eight-eyed giant spider Aragog was very

conspicuous, with a large group of magical creatures beside him.

Even the horsemen showed up.

Hermione pressed down on her broom and landed beside Snape,


"Professor, Alvin let me deal with it, how is the situation now."

Chapter 476

Chapter 476: The Strong Hermione

Snape frowned slightly, why it was Hermione who came, not Alvin.

Seeing what was on his mind, Hermione explained: "Alvin asked me to

solve the problem, I am in charge of everything here.

Hearing her say that, Snape nodded silently, wisely choosing not to ask


He should not speculate too much on the boss's thoughts.

"The Eight-Eyed Spider demanded that the students completely withdraw

from the Forbidden Forest in the future, and demanded the dismissal of

Professor Delacour.

His face was very ugly, and this group of magical creatures was a little


Hermione was taken aback.

No wonder the atmosphere at the scene was so tense, the two sides

confronted each other, and if they were not careful, they would miss out

and start a big battle.

Glancing at the group of magical creatures of various shapes, Hermione's

voice was crisp and sweet.

"Who among you is in charge?"

The magical creatures that can appear here have certain wisdom and can

naturally understand her words.

They looked at each other, and the last centaur stepped forward.

Centaurs are very intelligent and have their own civilization, especially

in astrology, and they are the ancestors of wizards.

However, they are very arrogant and never admit that they are one of the

magical creatures. 400

"Humanity sent a foal like you to negotiate with us?"

Little Pony, that's what they call underage wizards.

"Professor Firenze, hello."

Hermione politely said hello first. This centaur was Firenze who

temporarily acted for the divination class last semester.

After Trelawney was expelled from Umbridge, Dumbledore invited him

out, but at the end of the semester, the centaur professor returned to his


"Thank you for your contribution to Hogwarts last semester. The horses

have always maintained a good cooperative relationship with us. Why do

you want to come out this time? 35

Hermione has always been respectful to teachers, even though she has

never taken a divination class.

Firenze's tall body walked in front of Hermione and looked at her. Snape

quietly leaked out his wand, ready to cast a spell at any time.

He couldn't let Hermione lose the slightest here.

But obviously he thought too much, Firenze only came to them out of

negotiation etiquette.

"The pony (bdba) foal, that hybrid veela's lessons have seriously affected

the tranquility of the Forbidden Forest, and this is not a place you

humans can walk freely. 99

Hermione retorted: "The Forbidden Forest is the Forbidden Forest

belonging to Hogwarts. As the owners of this place, do we not even have

the right to enter?"

Firenze said blankly: "For more than a thousand years, the school rule of

Hogwarts is that students are not allowed to step into the Forbidden

Forest. There is nothing wrong with this."

"Besides, Dumbledore also signed a contract with us before to ensure the

interests of the creatures in the forbidden forest. You are now breaking

your promise."

Hermione was slightly surprised, but she didn't expect Dumbledore to be

involved, "What contract?"

"The centaurs will lend a helping hand in times of distress at Hogwarts,

and he is responsible for keeping the Forbidden Forest peaceful.95

The students whispered that they really didn't know about it.

In the past, they thought that Dumbledore's repeated emphasis not to

enter the Forbidden Forest was for their safety, but they did not expect

that there was another deep meaning.

Hermione is still strong: "Professor Dumbledore has left, and his promises

are only valid for the duration of his term."

Firenze was angry, and his forelegs kept stamping on the ground.

"Little pony, are you humans breaking the contract?"

For a time, the magical creatures behind him all looked at Hermione, as

long as he answered incorrectly, they would attack.

Not to be outdone, Snape and Lily pointed their wands at Firenze.

Although the little wizards behind them were nervous, no one flinched.

Hermione didn't panic at all, and said word by word: "Alvin Gaunt."

This name seemed to possess magical power, and the centaurs'

movements froze, and Firenze couldn't help but take a few steps back.

The name Alvin is a nightmare for the centaurs, who have performed

more than one divination since he rose like a comet.

But each time the result surprised them, the disaster star in troubled

times, the unparalleled savior, two completely different hexagrams

appeared in one person at the same time.

This is simply a challenge to their worldview.

In the end, they could not observe the fate of Alvin at all, and even

Ronan, who was in charge of divination, was attacked, and is still lying

half-dead in the tribe.

A triumphant smile appeared on Hermione's face: "I brought his will, and

this matter is too small to deserve his presence.

"But if you need it, I can call him too.

"No! No need!

Firenze, like a frightened foal, stopped Hermione in a panic.

If Gaunt came here, Mars over the Forbidden Forest would be brighter

than the moon.

In Centaur astrology, Mars represents war and disaster.

In their eyes, Alvin is simply a disaster star.

"Human foal, you won, we will not pursue this matter.

Firenze said in frustration, Aragog roared in dissatisfaction, but was

stopped by the rest of the centaurs.

Who knows that Hermione is still dissatisfied, "You misunderstood, this

matter is not solved by you without pursuing it, we have to investigate

the matter of the eight-eyed giant spider group hurting the little wizard.

"Humans, don't take an inch!"

Aragog couldn't bear it any longer, and he was about to rush forward

with his huge forelimbs raised.

At this moment, a bright red light erupted from the castle, rising into the


The huge movement could be heard even in the forbidden forest.

As a result, everyone present saw a bolide cut through the sky and hit

Aragog who wanted to attack Hermione.


The smoke and dust were everywhere, and Aragog's figure disappeared

directly, and the ground was also scorched black.


The sound of swallowing saliva appeared involuntarily, although no one

saw it, but with the toes, everyone knew who made this attack.

Especially in the camp of magical creatures, there are already quite a few

guys who have escaped when the situation is not good.

Even those who stayed on the scene were shivering, for fear that when

justice would come again, they would be smashed to pieces.

Firenze smiled wryly, he knew that today's negotiation had no suspense

at all.

Chapter 477

Chapters 477 Opening Ceremony In Bhutan

In the end, Hermione said all of Alvin's demands, and Firenze agreed

without hesitation.

Then turned back to the tribe and continued to be an otaku.

The Forbidden Forest is no longer the Forbidden Forest it used to be, and

he would warn all centaurs not to cause trouble.

The rest of the magical animals also left, leaving only the trembling

eight-eyed giant spiders present, who were taken away by Snape and

kept in captivity.

The venom of the eight-eyed giant spider is a scarce material, and it is

often used in alchemy or potion refining.

That's why Alvin kept them alive.

So far, the Forbidden Forest has fully returned to the control of

Hogwarts, but the students are still not allowed to enter without


After all, the dangerous magical creatures still exist inside, and they must

be accompanied by the teacher to enter and exit at will.

And Hermione was calm in the face of danger at that time, and she was

completely fired up in the school with reason and evidence.

Many girls are already envious and cry.

Where can you find a guy like Alvin who is domineering and has a

shortcoming, they also want one.

In the face of such compliments, the little witch was a little embarrassed,

she knew that all this was because Alvin stood behind her, so that she

could not be afraid.

"Darling, this is your advantage." Alvin stroked Hermione's hair, which

was no longer in a mess, and persuaded softly.

He didn't want Hermione to go to the horns and think it was unfair to

borrow his own power.

"It's like this in the world, everyone's situation is different, and no one

can force you to abandon all relationships and start over."

He said funny: "You can't abandon my boyfriend for the sake of fairness

in your heart, right?"

Hermione was amused by his exaggerated tone, and patted her angrily: "I

just don't think I can bear everyone's praise. 39

"Since I'm your girlfriend, I deserve all this, and I won't think about it too


As smart as she naturally understood what Alvin was worried about, she

was moved to bury herself in the warm chest.

After the Forbidden Forest was resolved, there was no more trouble at


The students also successfully completed the academic year and took the

final exam.

Alvin was very "caring" to announce the results before the holiday.

Some are happy and some are sad.

Originally, Hogwarts usually only mailed transcripts to their homes in the

middle of the summer vacation.

When he does this, some students feel uncomfortable.

The underachieving little wizard is already looking for a way to be more

comfortable with a beating.

At the year-end dinner.

Aberforth's low air pressure was terrifyingly low, and even the most

unresponsive little wizard could sense that something was wrong with

him, and glanced at Alvin from time to time.

He was so angry for a reason.

My sister was completely kidnapped. Before the final exam, she was

clamoring to go home with Alvin, not even her brother.

But there was no way he could say no to Ariana.

I can only put my anger on Alvin's body.

And Alvin doesn't care, the old man can blow his beard and stare here,

anyway, he will not hand it over.

Snape and Lily were also whispering, discussing going to see Harry's

movie together over the summer.

Alvin had already told them about it, and Lily was very interested and

wanted to see what little Harry looked like at that time.

The other professors also smiled and were very happy.

After the Hogwarts education reform, every professor is a lot more tired

than before, and he may have some complaints at ordinary times.

But it was all worth it when they saw their students' grades improve


Knowing that the inner scroll works so well, they would have made the

students scroll.

"Cough cough!"

After drinking the red wine Furong gave him, Alvin coughed twice and

entered the leadership speech session that is common to any world.

The little wizards put down their knives and forks obediently, waiting for

him to speak.

He stood up, glanced across the room, and smiled.

"I'm very happy that everyone had another great year at Hogwarts, and I

saw everyone's hard work.

The crowd looked strange.

Is this what we want to work hard for, or is it you forced…

Ignoring the mental activities of the students, Alvin said to himself:

"According to tradition, I will announce the winner of this year's

Academy Cup.

The auditorium at this time was occupied by the blue of Ravenclaw, and

to be precise, since Alvin became a student, the winner of the House Cup

every year has been Ravenclaw.


It's just that the situation this year is a little different. Without his help,

the gap between the four academies is very small.

Any small changes will affect the final ranking.

Nagini handed over a small note, Alvin glanced at it, and then read:

"Ravenclaw, 458 points. 99

"Slytherin, 446 points.""

"Gryffindor, 442 points.""

"Hufflepuff, 413 points.""

There were cheers from the Ravenclaw long table. This year's

competition was so fierce, and they still won the final victory, which is

indeed something to be proud of.


Only Alvin's next words interrupted their celebration.

"Just, there's one thing we need to recalculate.

"Miss Hermione Granger has done an excellent negotiation, so 20 points

for Gryffindor. 95

This time, Ravenclaw was on fire, but the Gryffindor children were

celebrating like crazy.

How many years have they not won the Academy Cup?

Before Alvin came, Snape operated behind the scenes every day, allowing

Slytherin to win consecutive championships, and after he came, the

Academy Cup had nothing to do with Gryffindor.

Every Ravenclaw wins by a desperate margin, every time it's more


Now that Alvin is the headmaster and can't get grades as students, they

finally won their first Academy Cup in nearly a decade.

Some people were wondering why Alvin hadn't kicked Dumbledore out


Really filial piety.

Alvin was in no hurry, waiting for the little lions in Gryffindor to

celebrate before continuing:

"One last thing."

"Because of some special circumstances, we will hold the opening

ceremony at the Tiger's Nest Temple in Bhutan.

"At that time, all the little wizards need to arrive at the Ministry of Magic

one day in advance, and the staff of the Ministry will escort you there."5

After speaking, Alvin waved his hand and led Furong out of the


Leaving a group of students who were at a loss at what to do, still in a



Chapter 478

Chapter 478 Without Such Talent And Strength, He Must Have Been

Beaten To Death Long Ago.

What the hell is going on here?

Professor Flitwick looked at Alvin who had left with some confusion.

The opening ceremony was held outside the school, and there was no

such precedent at Hogwarts.

Not to mention that this time Alvin chose Bhutan for the opening


Where is Bhutan.

That is the origin of magic in the records.

in many legends. Bhutan is the country closest to the sky. has a very

unique meaning.

even for a long time. The election site for the International Conference of

Wizards was also set up here.

They use the unicorn's ability to distinguish between good and evil to

find the most suitable leader.

Although he didn't know what Alvin wanted to do, Flitwick just sighed

and didn't care about the matter anymore. "400"


On the other side, Aberforth couldn't sit still.

This place in Bhutan is also very special to him.

It was here that he met his son and thwarted Grindelwald's conspiracy.

Now that Alvin has set up the opening ceremony in this place again,

there must be his purpose.

Most likely he was targeting Dumbledore.

After thinking hard for a long time, Aberforth didn't come up with a


He was going to tell Dumbledore the news

Alvin never stopped him from passing messages between him and

Dumbledore, and he could say anything but Ariana's presence.

It's just that Erwin's actions have been very few this year, and he has not

sent any important messages to his brother.

The students' reaction was the exact opposite of that of the professor.

They were very excited.

Many people have not even been out of England, but now they are going

to hold the opening ceremony on the other side of the world, which is

really exciting.

Early the next morning, all the little wizards at Hogwarts set foot on the

train home.

Ellen also returned to the residence with his girlfriends.

It's just that Qiu couldn't sit still after coming back. She has graduated

this year, and Ai Wen also told Qiu about her acquisition of Tornado.

Qiu was very excited to learn that his favorite team already belonged to


After not staying at home for a long time, I went to the Tornado team's

base through Floo powder.

As for the other little witches, Alvin also made arrangements.

Hermione is still the same and will be going to the Ministry of Magic for

an internship from tomorrow.

And Luna, when she learned that Alvin's mage tower has now collected

most of the magical creatures in the world, plunged in too.

For her, who has been fond of magical creatures since she was a child,

the Mage Tower is simply paradise.

Alvin is also not worried that Luna will encounter any danger in it,

because she has her own breath on her body, and all the small animals

will not harm her.

The rest is Astoria, a little follower, she can be said to be very resistant to

vacation, because Mrs. Greengrass's tutor is very strict.

Every summer vacation at home is inevitable.

So the little guy didn't want to go anywhere and wanted to stay with


Simply do as she wishes.

But Alvin didn't have so much time to play with him, because there were

still a lot of things to deal with.

On the third day after the holiday, Crouch came to the house.

"The goblin is ready and agrees to negotiate with us.

For a long time, Alvin did not understand that the wizard's financial

system was controlled by goblins.

Money is the most important part of any society.

If one day the fairies are not satisfied with the status quo, they will rebel.

It's easy to throw wizards into chaos through Gringotts' powerful


Even if they fail in the end, they can deal a heavy blow to the wizarding


Such a hidden thing is something that Alvin does not want to see.

The purpose of his negotiation is to bring the wizarding financial system

under his control.

Goblins can exist, but they must be attached to wizards, not even the

Ministry of Magic can't interfere in Gringotts affairs as they are now.

When the two arrived at Gringotts in Diagon Alley, there was already a

team of goblins waiting for them.…

"Mr. Gaunt, Minister Crouch."

A goblin who looked very old stood up and greeted the two of them.

"My name is Griphook. Head of Gringotts, England. 99

Alvin nodded and sat down, "Griphook, I know you, many people call

you the goblin of goblins.

In the magical world, goblins are synonymous with greed, and goblins

among goblins are not a good name.

However, Griphook is not ashamed but proud.

"Thank you for your compliment, I will continue to work hard, I don't

know why you are looking for me today?

Griphook knew who England was in charge, so he didn't ask Crouch, but

asked Alvin directly.

"It's very simple, I have a business I want to do with you."


Griphook's eyes flashed, "What business?

He knew that the business that could get Alvin to talk about was

definitely not a small business.

Anything that can make money is an unparalleled temptation for goblins.

Alvin looked at him with a smile, without the slightest disguise, "Give

Gringotts to the Ministry of Magic, and you become employees of the

Ministry of Magic.

Griphook's face changed. "Are you kidding me? Is the Ministry of Magic

going to embezzle our property?"

The rest of the fairies also looked at Alvin badly, and any wizard who

wanted to take advantage of the fairies in 1.0 would be met with hostility

from them.

And now, Alvin is not taking advantage, he is simply digging their

ancestral graves!

If it hadn't been beaten, they would have already started by now.

And Alvin smiled the same: "You got a concept wrong, Gringotts is yours,

but those properties belong to wizards, you are just gatekeepers.

Crouch looked up at him.

Alvin has long been disliked by goblins, and this angered them and found

a reason to shoot.

How can a normal person negotiate like this, and compare the other

party to a watchdog.

He thinks it makes sense that Alvin is so talented.

If he didn't have such talent and strength, he would have been beaten to

death long ago.

Chapter 479

Chapter 479 He Gave Too Much

Griphook pointed at Alvin with trembling fingers: "Mr. Gaunt. Although

your strength is strong, our goblins are not bullied."

"If you insist on doing this, I can only report to Gringotts headquarters.

Did you bear the consequences?"

Alvin didn't panic at all, but asked with a smile. "Griphook, do you think

wizards in England are rich?"

Griphook didn't know what he wanted to do, but answered honestly:

"England, as one of the world's leading magical powers, is naturally rich.

"How much wealth do you think goblins hold?" Alvin continued to ask.

Speaking of this pull ring is even more proud. "Of course, Gringotts has

more than 700 exclusive vaults, and more than 30 dragons are guarded

here. This is the safest place in the world."

Shit, Alvin complained silently in his heart.

Voldemort's coming here is like shopping.

But he didn't say it, lest these goblins become angry.

"Then" there was a hint of delusion in his voice, "what if I leave Gringotts

all over Europe to you?"

Griphook was taken aback, and his breathing became a little heavy.

The entire Ouzhou? How many Golden Galleons are there!

And the same goes for the goblins behind him.

"What exactly do you want to do?"

Griphook looked at Alvin inexplicably, not understanding his true


"I know that your goblins are not monolithic, as long as you agree to my

conditions, you will be the master of Gringotts throughout Europe in the


Alvin throws his chips.

After pulling it, he fell silent, because he knew that this was not a

rhetoric, the other party possessed this strength.

Because of the special nature of Gringotts, goblins know more than

ordinary wizards.

The relationship between Grindelwald and Alvin is very delicate, and in

the eyes of outsiders they are a cooperative relationship.

But the fairies know that things are far from simple. From a series of

clues, Grindelwald is Alvin's subordinate.

Not only that, Alvin also pulled out another big killer.

He took out the magic net lander and said to Griphook: "Do you know

what this is?"

Griphook nods.

"Well. I can install a piece of software on it so wizards don't have to use

cash for every transaction, and this software connects their vaults."

"Every transaction will debit the corresponding amount from his account.

"In this case, the gold coins are only converted into the vaults stored in

Gringotts, and you don't have to watch the wizards take a lot of gold

Galleons from Gringotts every day.

Griphook looked back at his companions, and the goblins looked at each

other, and finally agreed to Alvin's request.

Sorry, he gave too much.

"Gringotts is willing to accept the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Magic if

you can fulfill your promise.

Seeing this, Alvin was not surprised at all.

Just like the legendary dragon, the fairies in the magic world are madly

infatuated with treasures.

And what he wants to do is to make these fairies obedient, not to deprive

them of their right to guard the treasury.

In the past, Gringotts had a very large authority, and even the Ministry of

Magic could not search the vaults of those prisoners at will.

Alvin would not allow this to happen to him.

Whoever offends him will immediately freeze the property and take it

back to me… ahhh, state-owned.

"I don't know where you've learned so much. 35

The negotiation is over, Crouch said with emotion.

He knew how difficult these goblins were.

But Alvin just drew a big pie, plus a function of the magic net login

device, and docile these guys to clean up.

The high means made him a little dumbfounded.

Alvin smiled and said nothing.

Could he still tell Crouch that these were invented by an expert named

Ma more than ten years later?

Then Crouch asked another question.

"Why did you suddenly arrange the school's opening dinner in Bhutan?"

Alvin squinted his eyes: "Of course, he wanted to lead Dumbledore out,

and by the way, borrowed his hand to announce the existence of the

magical world to the world."5

"I'll tell you the specific plan for this matter when I go back, and prepare

for the coming storm.

Crouch was silent, he knew that now has come to the most critical


With his prestige, Dumbledore gathered a group of people to his side


The reason why he has not launched a counterattack is that he is waiting

for a suitable time.

And there is no doubt that Alvin's action is to clearly tell them that he

has to act.

If you don't show up, you won't be able to keep up with the heat.

Alvin's mighty Crouch knew it all too well, but there was still a tinge of

concern in his heart.

That is Grindelwald.

"Are you really sure he's on our side?"

No call was made, but Alvin knew who he was talking about.

"I believe that Mr. Grindelwald will make the right choice, knowing in his

heart that only by side with me can Dumbledore be saved.55

Alvin said quietly, as if in his eyes, Dumbledore was not worth


He was very clear about Grindelwald's thoughts.

In his heart, of course, he had concerns about the future of the wizard, so

he chose to side with Alvin.

But Dumbledore's safety was more important.

This has been a tacit secret, and Grindelwald has been so serious lately. I

also hope that he can leave his hand a little in his face.


He understands that this little wizard has gone farther and farther on the

road of magic, and facing the enemy is the most stupid choice.

This is how the curve saves the country.

Seeing that Alvin was so confident, Crouch stopped talking.

As a subordinate, it is enough to express one's own views properly, and

don't influence the boss's choice.

After the two parted, Alvin went to check the progress of the movie.

With Robert's full support, it has now entered the post-production stage

of special effects.

"Don't worry, the movie will be released in about two weeks, and the

publicity work has already started."

The staff spoke to Alvin cautiously.

He doesn't know what Alvin's origins are, but the energy revealed so far

is scary enough.

Now the entire Ouzhou and America are crazy to promote their films, as

long as they are released, they will immediately become a hit this year.

Looking at the actor who played Voldemort, Alvin shook his head.

The crew is still conservative, and this makeup is not scary at all.

At the beginning, Tom saw some psychological shadows on him.

It's so ugly.

If there is a chance, he must capture Tom back and play a true character.

Then kill him.

Chapter 480

Movie Release

Gringotts announced its incorporation into the Ministry of Magic. And

joined the newly established Finance Division.

This matter did not make much waves among ordinary wizards.

However, the Gringotts headquarters in the Pyramid Country was


Gringotts has always maintained a high reputation in the wizarding

world, and all wizards are safe to deposit their money because they have

never participated in the internal struggle of wizards.

Always maintain a neutral position.

But in doing so, England is undoubtedly trampling on their most

fundamental principles.

They hurriedly sent people to the Ministry of Magic in England to

question them. But it was pushed back firmly by Crouch.

"As long as it is a magical creature in England. It must obey the orders of

the Ministry of Magic.

The strong attitude made the fairies from the Pyramid Nation half-dead,

but they had no way of doing it.

If nothing else, the dozen or so Aurors, who were staring at them, made

them dare not act rashly.

I can only go back to the headquarters to report in dismay.

But what they don't know is, it's just the beginning.

Over the next two days, almost every country in Europe announced that

Gringer would be brought under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Magic.

And these Gringotts also joined together to leave the headquarters and

re-established a Gull Island headquarters in England.

"Alvin, come on, we're going to be late.""

On the road, Astoria hurriedly urged her boyfriend.

Alvin rolled his eyes, who do you think is the fault of being late?

If you hadn't seen a snack shop along the way and wanted to go in and

have a look, we'd be there long ago.

Today is the day of the release of Harry Potter, and Alvin has nothing to

do and is ready to come and see.

Originally, he wanted to invite his children to come with him.

But Autumn went to training at the Tornado Club, Hermione went to

work at the Ministry of Magic, and Luna was picked up by her own


The only one left by his side was Astoria.

So today has become a date that belongs only to the two of them.

For movies, the little witch has shown full interest.

She knew that Muggle pictures didn't move, but they had an amazing

technique to bring out the stories in their minds.

Especially when Alvin said that this happened in his first year, Astoria

was even more curious.

She and Luna were a year younger than Alvin, so when they entered,

Alvin was already in second grade.

As for the first-year magic stone, she only heard from the seniors, and did

not know the specific process.

Finally got a chance to find out today.

When the two felt the cinema, the cinema was almost full of people.

Harry Potter's early publicity is in place, almost overwhelming, and the

movie's promotional posters can be seen everywhere.

Alvin saw that many adults brought their children to watch the movie

together. Obviously, the children are more curious about the fantasy


Soon the movie starts.

The caustic Dursleys frowned as they watched.

And when Hagrid appeared, conjured a pig's tail for Dali, and introduced

Harry to the existence of magic, the film entered the topic.

Immediately following the lively Diagon Alley, the magical platform 9

3/4 immersed the audience completely.

And Harry's life at Hogwarts is the highlight of the film.

When Alvin watched a movie in his previous life, he also remembered the

wonderful things in Hogwarts.

A light floating spell. With complicated transformation spells and

passionate Quidditch, the movie presents the real magical world step by

step to everyone's eyes.

Both adults and children are staring at the screen. Eyes do not blink.

When encountering a wonderful scene, I can't help but exclaim.

Until the end, Harry made continuous breakthroughs and successfully

defeated Voldemort to get the Philosopher's Stone, and the film ended.

The audience in the auditorium is still immersed in the world of the


It took a long time to remember the warm applause.


"How long the screenwriter's brain can think of so many magical spells

and magic. 35

"Yeah, I almost think the magic world really exists.

"Mom, is there really a platform 9 3/4 in the world?"

"Baby, I don't know either, I'll take you to try it tomorrow. 35

"I want to be a wizard, I want to learn magic, I want to play Quidditch!"

Listening to the heated discussions around, a smile appeared on the

corner of Alvin's mouth.

At least so far it looks good.

In order to show the splendor of the magic world in more detail, the film

is three hours long, and a lot of special effects are applied.

Although the cost has increased a lot, it is all worth it.

He successfully turned his yearning for magic into a seed and buried it in

the hearts of all the audience.

I believe that after the exposure of the magic world, all people who have

seen the movie will not have any disgust for the existence of wizards.

On the other hand, Astoria was a little gloomy.

".々What, I thought I could see you as a child in the movie, but only

Potter appeared.

She came to the movie not to see Harry Potter, but to see Alvin at that


In the end, let alone Alvin, even Qiu and Hermione didn't see it.

Nodding her little head angrily, Alvin said helplessly:

"I told you a long time ago that this movie is about Harry, and then I'll

make some adaptations."

"You don't think that when me and Hermione and the others go, they will

be surrounded by people, right? 35

(What's wrong) "Okay." Astoria pursed her lips.

This movie is absolutely tongue-in-cheek for Muggles.

But for the little witch, the movie doesn't even show half of the magic of

the wizarding world, but it's a bit boring.

Holding Astoria's hand, the two walked out of the cinema to Diagon


It was still early, and he and his twin brothers made an appointment to

visit their store.

Today's twins can be described as mixed.

Especially in the summer vacation, the business is even hotter.

The two are already planning to open a new store in Hogsmeade next

year, with the goal of crushing the old Joko joke shop.

The arrival of Alvin can be regarded as completely changed the fate of

the two.

Fred did not die at the hands of the Death Eaters, and George kept his


I wonder if the two will give him a knock after they know the truth?

Chapter 481

Chapter 481 Gentlemen, I Think The Decisive Battle Is About To Begin…

As Alvin expected, the film was a huge success.

It broke countless box office records on its first day.

In the following time, a wave of magic was set off throughout Europe.

Walking on the street, you can see children wearing wizard hats and

holding a small wand everywhere.

There were still words in his mouth, and he waved his wand from time to


Many people have been discussing whether magic really exists and

whether wizards live by their side.

After all, the worldview in the movie is too perfect, so perfect as if there

really is such a world.

Even some movie fanatics set up a magic club. , the purpose is to find the

wizard in reality.

And this wave of magic also swept the Free Nation.

When Dumbledore finished watching the movie, he was silent.

Alvin's trick of boiling the frog in warm water exceeded his expectations.

He knew very well that this was a movie made for the fusion of two


Once Muggles accept the existence of wizards, he will face much less


"It's not easy to find you, Albus."

In the dark night of 400, a voice suddenly came from the hut, it was


Dumbledore's eyes flashed with surprise: "I didn't expect you to come to

me at this time, Gellert.

walk in front of him. Grindelwald spread his hands helplessly: "I also took

a lot of risk to come here. If he finds out, I will not have good fruit to


"But, I don't want you to die at the hands of your own students, so here I

am. 99

Dumbledore's expression remained unchanged, and these words did not

affect him in the slightest.

"If this is my destiny, I choose to accept him.""

"Death is not the end, but a great adventure. 99

A flash of anger flashed in Grindelwald's eyes. What he hated the most

was the way Dumbledore looked.

"Death? That's just an excuse for cowards!"

"Come on, Abus, you are not our opponent."

"You don't understand the horror of that kid Alvin.

Yes, Grindelwald is here today to persuade him to surrender.

Alvin had already informed Grindelwald and Crouch of his arrangement

and asked them to cooperate.

If Dumbledore does not repent, there is really no chance.

"Gellert, after so many years, you still don't know me." A hint of

helplessness flashed in Dumbledore's eyes.

"There are things I have to do, and if Gaunt is successful, there will be

countless deaths in this riot."

"I admit that your ideals are great, but that's not a reason why you can

disregard the lives of others.

Grindelwald's tone was very excited: "You know what, if we succeed,

there will no longer be a distinction between wizards and muggles in this

world, and all people can live under the sun.

"What's the harm in sacrificing some for the greater good!"

Dumbledore tit for tat: "Why do you decide the fate of others?"

"Because I am strong!"9

The atmosphere became very depressed, and neither of them were


After a long time, Dumbledore said, "You didn't come here today to

quarrel with me, did you?"

A cold hum sounded, Grindelwald did not speak.

Dumbledore didn't care, and continued: "Why did you choose to hold the

opening ceremony in Bhutan?"

That's what he's most concerned about right now.

Ever since Aberforth got the news back, he'd been thinking about what

Alvin was doing.

He knew that he, a student, would never do something useless.

The emergence of Grindelwald also proves this.

"I think you got it wrong.

"September 1st is not just your Hogwarts opening ceremony. Even

Durmstrombes Barton students will be there.

"And all the key officials of the European Ministry of Magic will also be

there. That day will be the beginning of an earth-shattering change."

Dumbledore's eyes flashed with solemnity.

He heard a lot from Grindelwald's words.

"Can you be more specific?"

Grindelwald shook his head, "I've said so much, it's the limit, let's not say

it's you, even I can't escape. 55

He was well aware of Alvin's attitude.

"If you still remember our agreement at the beginning. You don't come

over that day, just take it as my request.

"Alvin won't do anything to you until it's over, he's not the type to kill.

It's a pity that Dumbledore didn't accept his kindness after all, "Some

things should be settled, I hope you don't interfere, this is an internal

matter at Hogwarts. 35

Green waited for me to sneer. "Albus, you never know what you're about

to face. 99

After saying that, he will leave.

This time he went to the Free Country secretly. In order to prevent being

discovered by Alvin, he didn't even dare to bring the magic net lander.

The longer the time away, the greater the risk of exposure.

"Wait a minute," Dumbledore stopped him. "One last favor for me. 99

Grindelwald did not speak, apparently tacitly.

"Use your prophecy to help me divination the result of that day.

This time, Grindelwald couldn't stand, and looked back at his old friend

in surprise.

You want me to die!

"Sorry, Abus, I'm afraid I can't help you with this." He refused with some


"I tried to observe the future a long time ago, but my actions were

discovered by Alvin who was in the future, and one of his eyes seriously

hurt me."5

After that, Grindelwald didn't stop and disappeared in place.

Even Grindelwald's prophecy can be detected. One can imagine how

powerful Alvin has become.

And he must also have a very deep divination ability.

This situation reminded him of decades ago.

Also in Bhutan, he Newt successfully brought the Kirin to the election site

of the International Conference of Wizards. But a lot of effort wasted.

Dumbledore couldn't help but feel a little dazed, is this a reincarnation?

All night, Dumbledore sat in his place without moving.

He kept thinking about countermeasures, until the sun slowly rose, and

there was probably an idea in his mind.

All the members of the Order of the Phoenix who will stay by their side

are called together. Dumbledore said solemnly:

"Gentlemen, I think the decisive battle is about to begin…"


Chapter 482

Chapter 482: The Largest Wizarding Gathering In History

Time is like flowing water, in the blink of an eye, July is fleeting, and

August is also coming to an end.

Since finding Dumbledore once, Grindelwald also thinks that he has done

his best, and the rest can only be left to fate.

Alvin's has been unstoppable.

All the saints in his hands have completed the handover, except for some

old people who are loyal to him, the team of so-called 100,000 saints is

all controlled by Alvin~.

After completing the cleaning again and again, there is only Alvin's voice

in the entire Ouzhou.

What is surprising is that, overnight, the traces of the saints disappeared

in front of the world.

No one knew where they went or what they were doing.

And Alvin's joint three-school opening ceremony in Bhutan was also


The Ministry of Magic of each country has jointly issued a declaration

that all wizards are welcome to participate, and all wizards who come to

Bhutan can get reimbursement for their round-trip fares.

Now the enthusiasm of countless people has been ignited. Who wouldn't

go if there is a good thing about free travel?

You must know that although most wizards live a carefree life, traveling

abroad is also a very burdensome thing, let alone going to the distant


Back then, the Weasley family was only after winning the Daily Prophet's

grand prize before they went to the Pyramid Country once, and took a

look at Bill by the way.

At the same time, everyone wants to know what Alvin is going to do to

make such a big fight.

Even without the subsidy from the Ministry of Magic, the curiosity of a

considerable number of people has already been piqued,

Thus, the largest wave of wizard tourism in history began.

Not only the wizards of Ouzhou, but also some people in the Free

Country and even Africa got the news, and they packed their bags with

great interest and embarked on the journey.

The Daily Prophet called it an 'unprecedented feat' because never before

had wizards gathered together with such fanfare.

It's so big that it can't even match the Quidditch World Cup.

Other media also reported it.

"Name, country, mode of travel. 35

In the Ministry of Magic of the Chariot State, an Auror is brought in as a

strongman to register for the wizards who are about to travel to Bhutan.

There are dozens of tables around him, all of which are temporarily

added to deal with the huge crowd of tourists.

"Pamar von Pagani, from the country of chariots, through the birds… um,

out of the country, is that what it is called?"

A wizard standing in front of him tried his best to recall the name of the

tool he was going to ride, and it took a long time to say.

"That's called a plane," said the Auror, without looking up, took out a

small badge, tapped it on it, and handed it to the wizard.

"Keep this well, it has your information on it, you can travel unimpeded

in Bhutan, and you can come to the Ministry of Magic to reimburse you

for your travel expenses when you come back.

The wizard thanked him hastily, carefully put the badge in his personal

pocket, and turned to leave.

Finally, after a busy afternoon and dealing with the departure of

hundreds of wizards, the Auror was able to breathe.

"I really don't know why I went to Bhutan, if that adult wants to do

something different, he can find a suitable place in Ouzhou.

Rubbing his sore wrist, the Auror complained to the colleague next to


He'd been doing this repetitive activity for two days in a row, and he

couldn't even hold his wand.

"You don't want to die, dare to question that person's order!"

The colleague was startled and quickly covered the Auror's mouth.

And the Auror also realized his gaffe, raised his hands apologetically,

saying that he would not do it again, and the colleague released him.

If you want to say who is the most feared person by these wizards in

Ouzhou, it is undoubtedly Alvin.

During the turmoil not long ago, more than 10,000 wizards were arrested

in total, and this number has exceeded the total number of wizards in

some small countries.

The most frightening thing is that these people were not put into prisons

in various countries, but disappeared after being sent to a place by the


Live without people, dead without corpses.

This kind of weird thing makes countless people feel chills in their hearts,

and they dare not think about what will happen to those who are caught.

And Alvin, who caused all this, has also become a taboo.

·For flowers ·0

Just like Voldemort back then, most people didn't even dare to mention

his name.

Colleagues looked around and found that everyone was busy with their

own affairs, and no one noticed the movements of the two of them, so

they put down their hearts and said quietly to the Auror:

"There are some things you can't control, so don't inquire."

The Auror was a little dissatisfied when he heard it: "I can't control it,

you can do it?"

"I guess you don't know anything, just scare me here.""

"Fart." The colleague gave the Auror a disdainful look: "My uncle's family

is a loyal supporter of Lord Grindelwald, he is a powerful saint, no, it

should be called a pioneer now. 35

Since Alvin took over the power of Grindelwald, he felt that it was a little

inappropriate to call him Saints again.


After all, saints were the names of the original Dark Lord, and now they

had to have a new name.

The pioneer is the name that Alvin gave to his group of followers, which

means very simply, the leader of the new era.

The Auror looked at him in astonishment. He didn't expect his friend to

have such a background. It was really hidden.

You must know that in the Chariot Country, the vast majority of wizards

admired Grindelwald very much. At the beginning, countless people were

expecting him to come out of Nurmengard and restore the glory of


Auror licked his face and approached his colleague, "Then you must have

some inside information? Tell me quickly.

What Alvin wants to do is not just curious about ordinary wizards, but

also the elites of the wizarding world.

Glancing at the Auror with a smug look, the colleague said mysteriously:

"I don't dare to tell you a lot. It involves the master's plan. I can only tell

you that nearly 100,000 pioneers have been scattered all over the world."

"Wait until September 1st, when they shake the world.

The Auror listened with a stern look on his face, but when he asked for

more details, his colleague was mysterious and kept his mouth shut.

Nonsense, his uncle said so much, and if he goes on, it will be revealed.

(As mentioned earlier, the population of the wizarding world has been set

up twice, and it has increased a lot.) Ten.

Chapter 483

Chapter 483 The Eve Of Dawn!

August 30th, late at night.

Free Nation Magic Congress.

In a fantastic room, hundreds of hourglasses are suspended out of thin

air, and crystal-like quicksand flows slowly, illuminating the entire room,

and illusory scenes flash by from time to time.

Although the Free State does not have a Department of Mysteries, it also

has a room for storing time converters.

When Grindelwald told Dumbledore that Alvin had powerful prophetic

abilities, he took action to remodel it.

Using the unique time-space characteristics of the Sands of Time (the

sand in the time converter), this piece of time and space has been

distorted without any rules.

No matter how advanced the magic is, it is impossible to spy on what is

going on in this room.

The price of doing this is that hundreds of hourglasses can only last for

less than a month, and their energy will be depleted and completely


The wizard who enters the room also needs to be very careful and must

follow a specific route to reach the safe area.

If you are not careful, you will be involved in the turbulent flow of time

and space that is densely covered around you, and there will be no bones


At this time, the small room was already full of people.

McGonagall, Sirius, Lupin, Tonks, Kingsley, these members of the Order

of the Phoenix.

Newt, Tina, Queenie, the Speaker of the Free Nation, the Chief of Staff of

the Auror, and some wizards from other nations.

And Dumbledore sitting in the middle…and Jacob.

These people are the helpers that Dumbledore can find. Compared with

Alvin's current hand covering the sky, it is really a bit shabby.

"Don't be nervous Jacob, we've been through this kind of thing a long

time ago, you should have the experience.

Seeing the restlessness of the people around him, Dumbledore made a

witty remark, trying to ease the atmosphere.

The fat old man beside him shook his head with a wry smile, "It's

different, Albus, I was just a Muggle at the time, just playing soy sauce.

"And now you want me to be the protagonist, the concept of the two is

completely different.

"Besides, I really don't want to be enemies with old Mr. Lemay and that

little guy."

For Nicole Lemay and Alvin for fulfilling his wizarding dreams, Jacob is

grateful from the bottom of his heart.

In the past, as a Muggle, he participated in various big worlds in the

wizarding world. Perhaps in the eyes of outsiders, this is very enviable.

But only he is clear in his own mind. When facing wizards, the inferiority

complex in his heart always exists.

If it weren't for the decades of friendship with Newt, and Dumbledore's

repeated persuasion, he would not have served as this'stained witness

anyway. '

Seeing him embarrassed, Newt couldn't bear it, but he didn't know how

to comfort him because he was sluggish by nature, so he could only hold

back for a long time:

"You won't die, Jacob."

Tina pushed her husband angrily. If you can talk, talk more.

Dumbledore smiled slightly, and didn't care about Jacob, the time was

getting more and more urgent, and he also needed to arrange the action

plan for the day.

At the same time, in Bhutan, far away in Yazhou, Alvin was sitting on the

roof of a house, looking up at the stars.

So far, Alvin has gone through seventeen springs and autumns.

At first, he thought that this was just an ordinary world, and that he

could make money by virtue of some foresighted advantages, and then he

could become a rich man safely and live an ordinary life.

However, a Scottish chubby chicken broke into his life and completely

disrupted his plans.

Fortunately, the spicy chicken system also awakened, giving Alvin a

power to protect himself.

The original Alvin intends to develop peacefully and stabilize without


As for Voldemort or something, it will be left to the White Devil and his

Destiny Child to deal with.

However, things are impermanent, and as he becomes stronger day by

day, his involvement with this world becomes deeper and deeper, and

many things are beyond his control.

Of course, his own thoughts have also changed.

At first, he only knew Harry in books and movies, and the death, life and

suffering of the other party had nothing to do with him.

But with subsequent contacts, he also has his own friends, Harry, twin

brothers, Roger Davis, Cedric.

Some people's fate is very tragic, and he is still involved in the whirlpool

and has become the focus.

Alvin is not the decisive character of Shuangwen's male protagonist. He is

an ordinary person who can be cold to the enemy, but he is also affected

by emotions to his own people.

Since you have the ability, then change everything and make the world

completely different!

The eyes that were originally scattered, condensed together at this

moment, shooting out the divine light.

Alvin got up and jumped from the roof to the ground, but saw an

unexpected figure…


He looked at the Biren standing in front of him in surprise, "How long

have you been here, why didn't you call me? 95

Qiu smiled gently, and took his arm very naturally, "I see that you are

thinking about things above, so I didn't bother you.

"I don't disturb anything, I'm just bored and in a daze. 35

Alvin shook his head and said nothing.

"Just when you're here, take a walk with me.

The two were hanging out in Thimphu (the capital of Bhutan), which is

full of religious atmosphere.

So far, more than 100,000 sorcerers have come to Bhutan, and a steady

stream of people are coming from all over the world.

To cope with such a large number of wizards, the pioneers cast the

largest Muggle exorcism spell in history, and hundreds of thousands of

Muggles were temporarily relocated to other areas.

This has also become a city purely composed of wizards.

Walking on the lively street, Alvin and Qiu also chatted about the details

between the two.

From the encounter at the wand shop to the surprise at the sorting


From the first visit to Qiu's house, to the absurdity between the two at

the Quidditch World Cup.

Alvin suddenly realizes that this girl has gone through the most

important journey of his life.

The relationship between the two is not vigorous, but this kind of

delicacy like clear spring water is even more intoxicating.

"When I'm done with everything, I'll resign as the 1.0 principal of the

school and accompany you around the world.

Taking Cho to the hotel where her parents lived, Alvin assured her.

He was also a little tired from calculating over the years, and it was time

to enjoy life.

Qiu's eyes brightened, he gave him a big hug, and then ran into the hotel.

Seeing the disappearing back of the girl, Alvin's mouth twitched slightly.

With them standing behind him, he would have no reason to lose.

No matter who the enemy is…

Alvin's figure also disappeared, leaving only a sentence echoing in place.

"System, draw a card."

Chapter 484

Chapter 484 Towards The Top, Forward!

All day long, no one has seen Alvin.

It was not until September 1 that he appeared in front of several women.

Seeing that Alvin with a smile on his face was not at all different, the

girls were relieved.

They know very well how much pressure Alvin is facing right now, and

they accidentally stand against the world.

But they were powerless.

Although they are distressed, their ability is limited and they cannot give

Alvin more help.

Seeing that Alvin is still calm now, Qiu and others are also relieved.

Arya held a wizard robe in hand, and Nagini and Nagini came to him,

and thoughtfully changed Alvin's clothes.

This wizard robe is not simple. It was carefully crafted by dozens of

masters and took two months to complete.

The various materials used are also of great value, and if they were

replaced by Firebolts, they would be able to arm four varsity teams.

Alvin is also very satisfied with this dress, the main color of black is very

suitable for today's occasion.

The lion, raven, little badger, and giant snake embroidered on the cuffs

represent his identity as Hogwarts headmaster.

And the fire phoenix behind him who wants to spread his wings and soar

in the sky is the new emblem he chose for the Gaunt family.

"At present, we have 500 people in Shambhala, and 3,000 people stay in

the city to maintain order. If there is any unexpected situation, we can

instantly summon 10,000 absolute loyalists to ensure that nothing goes


While helping Alvin get dressed, Nagini also reported the current

situation in Bhutan.

More than 3,000 wizards, although the number is a little less for the

more than 100,000 spectators, but it is definitely more than enough to

maintain the situation.

Alvin nodded lightly, "Set up the live broadcast equipment and make sure

that there are no dead spots. 99

"Also, if you encounter Dumbledore and others, you just need to delay

and don't kill.

Nagini replied in a low voice, then stepped aside.

"You are so handsome today!"

Astoria let out an exclamation and then covered her small mouth.

This was accidentally saying what was in my heart.

Alvin was also amused by her, "When am I not handsome?"

The little witch hurriedly shook her head and nodded her head quickly.

Now, everyone was amused by her appearance, and the atmosphere

became much more relaxed.

Furong looked at her watch and said to the crowd: "It's getting late, we

should leave. 35

The sons and daughters nodded, each of them has their own task and

must be present in advance.

As for Alvin, as the protagonist, he will appear at the most shining


Shambhala, this fantastic name.

In the Muggle world, Shambhala is the paradise of Buddhism, known as

the legendary paradise.

In the magical world, Shambhala really exists, located in Bhutan.

This is the source of many magic, the holy place in the hearts of countless


For hundreds of years, whenever the International Confederation of

Wizards needed to choose a new Speaker, an election ceremony was held

in Shambhala.

Through the purest creature in the magic world, the unicorn (I do not

admit that it is a unicorn), choose the most suitable one among several


It's just that in modern society, the International Witch Federation has

switched to voting by parliamentarians, and the status of Shambhala has

declined more and more, and has gradually been forgotten.

Today, this place has once again become the focus of the magic world,

except for the hundreds of thousands of wizards who came to the scene.

Major wizarding gatherings around the world are live-streaming today's


To the east of Mount Everest, there is a precipitous mountain that is

inaccessible and casts a powerful Muggle exorcism spell.

What the world does not know is that on top of this is the legendary

Shambhala, with 9,999-level corridors connecting the sky and the


On the huge platform at the top of the displacement, the temple of Freya

has existed quietly for thousands of years (the second design, no specific

name was given in Fantastic Beasts 3, the author found it according to

Western mythology.)

Perhaps out of a pilgrimage mentality, even though most wizards have

the ability to Apparate, they just slowly climb up on foot.

In order to grab a good spot, many people set off before dawn.

It's a pity that the top position has never belonged to the ordinary class.

Under the arrangement of the pioneers who maintained the order, the

students of the three major magic academies and the officials of the

Ministry of Magic of various countries naturally stood in the best


The Hogwarts students were very excited to see the big figures who

rarely showed up.

"Look, that is the Minister of Magic of Gaul, and next to him is the

Minister of Chariots. I didn't expect them to appear today."

"What's this, didn't you see Mr. Nicole Lemay and his wife standing

beside Grindelwald? The two of them together are over a thousand years


"Fuck, it's true, the principal has such a big face, these two can be


The little wizards were discussing in whispers, and Grindelwald didn't

care about it.

At this time, he was busy lining up with Aberforth, and Shambhala was a

sad place for both of them.

Here, he once tried to manipulate the election of the International

Wizarding Conference through the unicorn, and as a result, he was

destroyed by more than 400 Dumbleley and Newt, and he also

completely cracked the blood alliance.

It can be said that he lost his wife and lost his army.

And although Aberforth recognized his son at that time, Aurelius's body

had been silently destroyed and riddled with holes.

He died a few days after returning.

So, if it wasn't for Alvin's request, they really didn't want to be here.

Especially Aberforth, his heart is very complicated.

One is his brother, the other is his sister.

Coupled with Alvin's ability, Aureli's resurrection is also in his mind.

At this time, Aberforth didn't know if he was going to fight for a while,

and who he was going to help.

In a state of irritability, he saw Grindelwald even more unpleasantly.

If it weren't for so many people watching, he wouldn't be able to beat

Grindelwald. Nine times out of ten, he would have taken out his wand

and started fighting.

At this time, there was a commotion from the crowd below.

At the same time, footage appeared on both live and live broadcast

screens around the world.

Alvin, showed up.

Stepping on the steps made of white jade, under the gaze of almost half

of the wizards in the world.

Step by step towards the top, move forward.

Chapter 485

Chapter 485 Raising The Power!

A cicada wing-like cloud shrouds this mountain with an altitude of nearly

7,000 meters all year round.

Looking down from the top of the mountain, the sight is often blocked by

clouds, and the visibility is very low.

But this situation has changed since Alvin appeared.

People were surprised to find that, as if someone was directing, the

clouds at the ladder moved obediently to both sides, leaving a

passageway with very high visibility.

No matter where you stand, you can witness Alvin's ascent to the top.

In this way, step by step, he calmly approached the throne that belonged

to him under the gaze of hundreds of thousands of pairs of eyes.

The speed is not fast, but the pace is firm, and there is a look of high

spirits in his eyes from time to time.

All the wizards Alvin passed by lowered their heads subconsciously,

daring not to make a sound.

When he is gone, some people

He dared to raise his head and looked at the tall figure with a

complicated expression.

The power of ancient and modern power has never been seen before.

The entire territory of Ouzhou, nearly half of the country in Yazhou, and

the entire Nanmei, almost all rely on his breath.

Grindelwald, 100,000 pioneers, and Aurors from dozens of countries are

all forces in his hands.

Before Alvin, no one believed that the power of wizards could be so

powerful, let alone that all this came from the hand of this young man

who just turned seventeen.

But the truth is in front of everyone, even in the unthinkable, but Alvin

just did it.

When someone is a little better than you, you get jealous, but when his

excellence is beyond your comprehension, then the rest is worship.

Countless people were in awe of Alvin, but also madly worshipped him.

Of course, everything has two sides. Since there are admirers, there are

people who hate them deeply.

"Avada Kedavra!"

In the crowd, several voices rang out at the same time, and under the

horrified eyes of the people around, the green curse wiped their bodies

and attacked Alvin.

These people were survivors of that purge, and they knew that today was

their best chance.

They are among the hundreds of thousands of wizards, just like a wave, it

is the best way to hide.

And Alvin just like this, passing by them unprepared, it is simply the best

time to do it!

But the expected shock did not come, and Alvin continued to walk

forward as if he had not noticed the magic spell that was so close at

hand, even the frequency of his steps did not change.

A dozen defensive spells suddenly appeared in the air, blocking the

killing spell, and a brief commotion broke out in the crowd, which was

quickly subsided.

The pioneers who had been in the audience for a long time subdued the

enemy in a few moments, and then frantically looked at Alvin who had

no intention of looking back.

Because just two days ago, he told his subordinates what would happen

here and let them perform their duties.

At first, the pioneers were still a little skeptical, and they didn't realize

until today that the positions of these people's shots were not bad at all.

Never doubt Alvin, it will only appear ignorant.

9999 steps, soon to the end.

To everyone's dismay, Alvin's momentum grew stronger with every step

he took.

Although, this change is not clear, but it adds up.

Thousands of steps down, even if this momentum is hidden deep in his

body, but it is enough to make people feel stuffy in the chest and can't


Grindelwald on the high platform frowned, and his tone was also a little


"This kid, are you so cautious?""

He could see that Alvin was gaining momentum.

Momentum, a very illusory thing, but it really exists.

Like many wizards facing Voldemort, the other party just stood there,

and his heart was angry and fearful, afraid and other negative emotions.

This was because of the psychological oppression formed by Voldemort's

slaughter, which had accumulated little by little.

And Alvin brought the power to unify most of the magic world, and

through the ladder, he completely developed his own power in a short

period of time.

The most terrifying thing is that he accumulated this momentum and

kept it hidden.

Then, the first person to make his move will face unimaginable pressure.

This is why he didn't do it himself just now, but asked the pioneers to

stop the chaotic wizards.

As for who that person will be, do you still need to think?

"Albus, you must think about it…"

Grindelwald sighed silently in his heart, and now he really wants to leave

Shambhala and stop Dumbledore outside Bhutan.

Rather than letting this pair of 'master and apprentice' teach, he might as

well do it himself.

At least you know how to measure…

Finally, Alvin walked through the sky steps, passed through the queues of

several schools, and took his own seat.

And the suppressed aura in his body was finally as round as one, hidden


But it is conceivable that once it erupts, it must be earth-shattering.

Until then, everyone felt that the usual Alvin was back, and they greeted

him one after another, and Alvin responded with a smile.

Looking at the time, because of his reasons, the ceremony originally

scheduled to start at ten o'clock has been postponed for more than an


Just as he was about to speak for Professor Flitwick to start, Alvin looked

up at the sky with a sense of it.

The eyes also turned into colored glass, and strange fluctuations

circulated on their own.

".々So it was…"

Alvin smiled playfully and looked at Grindelwald playfully, staring at

him a little hairy.

"Why is this kid crazy, why are you looking at me like that?"

Grindelwald's heart beat a drum, and a trace of unease flashed, but he

couldn't catch it.

"Professor Flitwick, please.

Leaving aside Grindelwald's psychological activity, Alvin had Flitwick

begin today's sorting ceremony.

And those little wizards who were about to enter school could not hold

back their excitement, and quickly lined up, waiting for Professor

Flitwick to read their names.

Seeing the power of the headmaster and the magic of magic, whether it is

a wizard or a child from a Muggle family can't wait.

Although countless wizards are gathered here today, Alvin used the

pretext of the opening ceremony.

But many understand that it's just an excuse and no one cares which

academy these little guys go to.

They just want to know what Alvin's purpose is today.

Soon, when the last little wizard was sorted into Ravenclaw.

Both the audience present and the wizards watching the live broadcast

were all energized, and their eyes stared straight at Alvin who had stood


They know that the main event is the tongue.

Chapter 486

Chapter 486: Secrecy Law Repealed? I Disagree!

On the top of the mountains, the stars arch the moon.

No amplification spell was used, but Alvin's voice was clearly transmitted

to the ears of everyone present.

"Eighty-five countries, 173,396 wizards. I never imagined that the

students of Hogwarts would one day complete their opening ceremony in

the presence of so many people. 99

Hearing these two numbers, many people were startled and looked


Although they saw the crowds, they never thought that there are already

so many wizards here.

In the wizarding world, the living area of ​​wizards is very irregular,

and you may see their existence anywhere.

But because of the population, there may be only a few wizards in a


Except for places like Diagon Alley, Hogsmeade, or the School of

Witchcraft and Wizardry, few people see hundreds of people gathered


Not to mention the scene where hundreds of thousands of wizards are

together now.

After Alvin pointed it out, everyone discovered that there were so many

wizards in small Bhutan.

And the Hogwarts students had even more smiles on their faces.

Too lined up!

With this one thing alone, Alvin could be selected as the greatest

headmaster ever at Hogwarts.

Although Hogwarts in the past was also known as the 400 best wizarding

schools in the world, his enrollment was only in England, and his

influence was very limited.

But after today, whoever mentions Hogwarts will think of today's

opening ceremony.

This makes them proud and proud of these students.

Not only them, but Professor Flitwick and others also had smiles on their

faces, and even Snape became more energetic.


Just when everyone was shocked, Alvin sighed.

Stepping off the staff seat, dodging, then came to the step closest to the

onlookers, and sat down without any image.

His actions were very rude, but he did it without causing anyone's ill

feelings. On the contrary, there was a kind of uninhibited freedom.

As if in small talk, Alvin pointed to a wizard and asked, "This friend,

which country are you from?

The wizard named by Alvin did not expect to be asked, and his head was

stunned, and then he quickly reacted.

"Speaker Gaunt, I am from the Windmill Country, Amsterdam."

He respectfully said that the current Alvin has the title of honorary

speaker of the Ouzhou United Council (bdba), so he will call him that.

Alvin nodded, "The Windmill Country, um, a beautiful country, do you

know how many wizards and how many Muggles are there in your


The wizard thought about it for a long time, and then said a little

embarrassedly: "Sorry, I really don't know much about this. 99

He's just an ordinary wizard, and he has no time to pay attention to

population issues, let alone Muggle populations.

Alvin was not surprised by his answer, nor did he expect this person to


"Then let me tell you, there are about 25,000 wizards in the Windmill


"As for Muggles… it's more than 150 million. 35

The math of the wizards is generally poor, and it took a long time for

them to realize what a huge number 1.5 billion is.

It's not that I don't know, but I'm surprised that the population of

Muggles is so huge.

"My compatriots present, you can also think about the comparison

between the number of wizards and the number of Muggles in your


"That's why I sigh. 35

"When Muggles can gather hundreds of thousands of people to watch just

because of a concert, our gathering of hundreds of thousands of wizards

has already made history.

At this moment, both the audience present and those watching the live

broadcast from all over the world were silent.

After all, this huge numerical gap made the wizards feel their hearts sink.

At the same time, a doubt emerged from the minds of countless people.

Why does Alvin bring this up?

He just listened to him and continued: "A hundred years ago, the Muggle

population was a quarter of what it is now. After two wars, their number

increased instead of decreasing, and now it has reached 6.8 billion.

"And wizards? We're half as many now as we were a hundred years ago,

though we've had a war too."

Grindelwald's face turned black, and this kid was throwing the pot.

At that time, he was very careful about protecting the wizards.

It took a few decades to add up to only a few thousand wizards who died.

Seeing that the faces of many people became more and more ugly, Alvin

did not retreat but went forward, and continued to make violent


"The most frightening thing is that the Muggle population is still growing

rapidly, while the number of new wizards is gradually decreasing."

"Perhaps in a hundred years, you will find that there are less than double

digits of new mathematics students at Hogwarts every year, as will other

schools of wizardry.

Standing up from the ground, Alvin's wand swept away, and the dust that

had just been stained disappeared.

He paced slowly, with a hint of heaviness in his voice, and continued:

"I'm constantly thinking about what I can do for the current state of


"It is no exaggeration to say that I am the most powerful wizard in the

world, and even Grindelwald couldn't compare to me."

Hard, fist hard.

Lao Ge is very angry, and he says what he says! Why does this kid keep

flogging himself repeatedly?

Alvin didn't care about his bad behavior at all, "but right means

responsibility, and I have an obligation to be responsible for the future of


"So, today, while everyone is here and there are countless compatriots

from far away paying attention to this great opportunity, I have

something to announce.

"Starting today, in Ouzhou, South Magnesium, West Asia, and the

Philippines, the International Law of Wizarding Secrecy will be officially


"As long as it doesn't harm the interests of others, you can cast magic at

will, regardless of the existence of Muggles."

In an instant, hundreds of thousands of eyes turned to Alvin.

They couldn't believe what they heard was true.

"Sir…you…do you mean that wizards are going to be fully exposed to


A wizard who was relatively close stuttered and confirmed.

"Sure," Alvin smiled. "This is the first step in revitalizing wizards, hidden

for hundreds of years, and I'm sure everyone is tired of it. 35

"It's time to let the world know that there are such amazing people who

need a life under the sun too."


There was a thunder in the distant sky, where the clouds had turned

pitch black, and a storm visible to the naked eye was brewing.

And at this moment, an old but full of energy voice came from the sky.

"I disagree!"

Chapter 487

Chapter 487 Let'S Welcome The Arrival Of The New Era Together!


The sound of birdsong became clearer and clearer, and along with the

thunder and lightning, a huge thunderbird quickly approached the high



"It appears that my distinguished guest has arrived. 35

Seeing Dumbledore pulling a fat old man from above Thunderbird's head

to Apparate to him, Alvin said with a smile.

"Fuck! Headmaster Dumbledore! 39

"Wrong, it should be called professor now, and Gaunt is the principal."

"Yes, yes, I'm just used to it. 39

The little wizards at Hogwarts were also shocked. Before they woke up

from the big melon released by Alvin, they saw Dumbledore fall from the


"Professor, you are welcome to the opening ceremony of Hogwarts, but

you seem to be a little late."

Ignoring Alvin's ridicule, Dumbledore said in a deep voice:

"Gaunt, needless to say nonsense, I'm here today to expose your


The fat old man beside him greeted Alvin with a smirk.

"Hello, Gaunt, I have heard of your name for a long time, and I only met


He glanced at the unforgettable crowd below, swallowed a mouthful of

saliva: "You guys are fine too."

The scene was really big, and he said that he couldn't hold it!

"Is this Mr. Kowalski?"

It was also the first time that Alvin saw a successful 'experimental

product', so he couldn't help but take a second look.

Well, yes, the magic power in the body is still active, and it is also at the

level of the fourth and fifth grades of ordinary little wizards.

To be able to reach this point in just over two years, it seems that he has

the talent to be a wizard.

Dumbledore was about to say something, but was interrupted by Alvin

reaching out.

"Not yet, Professor, wait a moment. 95

After speaking, Alvin took out his wand and launched a few magic

fireworks into the sky.

Then he didn't see any movement from him, just looked at the ladder


It didn't take long for a wizard to disapparate continuously, crossing the

vast sea of ​​people and arriving on the rooftop.

Under the leadership of Fleur, dozens of pioneers escorted Professor

McGonagall and others to the back of Dumbledore.

Seeing Alvin nod, he returned the wand to Mag and the others, and then

stepped aside.

"Sorry, Dumbledore, we screwed up.

Newt said very embarrassedly.

According to the original plan, they would show up after Dumbledore

announced Alvin's plan, win over those who opposed the crowd, and

defeat the pioneers here with more fights and less.

As a result, he died before his apprenticeship.

They lurked in the city according to Dumbledore's instructions, but the

pioneers seemed to have known their location for a long time, and they

quickly surrounded them before they started to move.

However, the current situation is a bit strange, why Alvin brought them

here and returned the wand.

"It's okay, Newt, you've done your best.

Dumbledore reassured that he had long known that Alvin would not be

so easy to deal with, and had expected their failure.

I just didn't expect it to be so fast.

It hasn't even started yet.

But it doesn't matter, as long as he makes everything public, there will

naturally be countless people on his side.

"Professor, you can start your performance."

Alvin stretched out his hand, not intending to stop it at all.

Dumbledore gave him a deep look, wondering why Alvin had such

confidence, but this was his only chance.

Slowly exhaling a suffocating breath, he pulled Jacob Kowalski to the

face of the bewildered audience.

"This guy next to me, his name is Jacob Kowalski.

"He's a huge stranger to you, but what I'm saying is that, decades ago,

Jacob was just a Muggle…"

At the same time, the pioneers hidden all over the world appeared in

various Muggle cities at almost the same time.


Due to the time difference, it was already late at night in London, and

countless people were immersed in sweet dreams.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!

A violent explosion sounded, awakening the sleeping people, with a state

of half-dreamer and half-awake, they hurriedly clawed at the windows,

or walked out of the house, wanting to see what happened.

In the sky, gorgeous fireworks bloomed and made a huge roar.

・・・・For flowers‥0

"Did my eyes dazzle? Or because it was so dark, why did I see a piece of

cloth flying in the sky. 35

A gray-haired old man rubbed his eyes vigorously, and asked his wife

beside him with uncertainty.

However, his wife also grew his mouth and muttered to himself: "Old

man, you should really look at your eyes."

"This is not a piece of cloth… this, the sky is full of black cloth!""

A huge roar, a wonder in the sky.

People who have witnessed everything with their own eyes call friends

and friends, and watch this magical world together.

Paris, Berlin, New York, Tokyo…

All over the world, cities with a population of more than one million are

shrouded in black curtains floating in the sky at this moment.


The pioneers made huge movements to attract people's attention, and

then released magic, summoning pieces of black gauze-like cloth, floating

in the air.

Some people saw them with sharp eyes, screamed in horror, and even

shot and tried to attack them.

But they were ignored by the pioneers, and they used Apparition to

quickly change their position.

Their task is to make everyone in their city notice the changes in the sky.

When Dumbledore began to introduce Jacob's existence, these black

cloths turned into display screens one by one.

Clearly present the scene image and sound in front of the world.

"God…what the hell is this…"

10 Downing Street, inside the Prime Minister's Residence.

A group of staff and officials surrounded Robert, stunned at the wonders

of the sky.

With a sigh, Robert ordered to the secretary beside him: "Let the army

enter the city to prevent someone from taking the opportunity to cause

chaos, although it is already enough chaos now."

The secretary nodded blankly, his eyes still reluctant to leave the screen,

he took out his Nokia and made a call.

Although he knew what would happen today, Robert's heart was still


Wizards, really are a bunch of amazing people.

At the same time, he also silently uttered a sentence, and at the same

time, there were countless pioneers' fanatical shouts.

"Let's welcome the arrival of a new era together! 35+.

Chapter 488

Chapter 488 The Mortals Who Go Up The Mountain, How Dare To

Question The Gods Who Go Down The Mountain!

Unbeknownst to Dumbledore, he had the privilege of giving a speech in

the presence of billions of people.

But Alvin believes that even if he knows, he will not be happy.

With his enthusiastic help, the existence of wizards and the possibility of

Muggles becoming wizards were completely exposed.

Maybe people around the world don't know much about wizards right


But don't worry, they'll see the real world in no time.


"With the help of Nicole LeMay, their two master alchemists and master

potions successfully developed this unprecedented potion.

"And Mr. Jacob Kowalski was the first product they tried.

"The reason why Gaunt wants to abolish the Statute of Secrecy is because

only when Muggles believe in the existence of wizards and in the power

of magic, the potions they developed by "400" can take effect."

Dumbledore is worthy of being a master of magic. Without knowing the

principle of the awakening potion, he even guessed things closely.

all around the world.

"Is what this old man said true? Are there really wizards in the world? 55

"I think it should be true, otherwise how can you explain the current


"That little brother is so handsome! His clothes are so pretty!

"Dumbledore? Why is that name so familiar…"

"Brother, you feel the same way, and so do I, but I don't know the person

with this name.

"Damn it, Dumbledore, isn't that the name of the headmaster in Harry

Potter, and Nicole Lemay, the master alchemist who invented the

Philosopher's Stone!"

A stone stirred up a thousand waves.

At first, no one thought of the movie, but now once someone proposes it,

everyone's blocked thinking is completely opened.

Dumbledore, Nicole May, can be regarded as important characters in the

film, although they do not appear a few times, but they run through the

whole picture.

"Mom, there really is Hogwarts, you see, the living Headmaster


"Baby, the current headmaster is that young handsome brother,

Dumbledore is no longer headmaster.

"Then I'll go even more!"

Alvin's strategy has been successful, because because of the "Harry Potter"

movie, countless people have the appearance of a wizard in their minds,

and there is no fear.

After hearing Dumbledore say that they have developed a potion that can

turn Muggles into wizards, his eyes light up.

Who can resist wielding a broken wooden stick and unleashing all kinds

of magical magic?

The top of Bhutan, Shambhala.

Hundreds of thousands of wizards, no one to speak, fell into an eerie


What Dumbledore said is too bizarre. How could they possibly have a

potion that could turn a Muggle into a wizard?

Clap! Clap! Clap!

There was a sudden applause, and Alvin looked at Dumbledore with a


"As expected of a professor, I clearly know that the information is limited,

but I can feel almost everything."

"Mr. Kowalski, I don't know if it's convenient for you to show the magic

you know?"

Jacob was a little embarrassed: "I usually practice with Queenie's wand,

and I don't have my own wand yet. 35

"It's alright, I prepared a greeting for you a long time ago, Nagini!"

Alvin beckoned, and Nagini walked over to him and handed over an

exquisite wooden box.

Opening the box, there was a very delicate wand in it, and Jacob was a

little bit incredulous.

"This is for me?"

"Certainly, walnut, the heart of a fire dragon, eleven inches and one-

third, suitable for brave wizards."

Alvin carefully introduced the wand to Jacob: "Although it's not made by

Ollivander, but my craft is not bad, you can try it. 99

Inside the mage tower, Ollivander, who was also invited to watch the

ceremony, smiled bitterly.

Alvin is really flattering, his skills can't compare to Alvin today.

Taking the wand, Jacob clearly sensed that the magic in his body became

very active.

He knew it was a real wand, not the one that Dumbledore had given him

at the time.

"Wengardim Leviosa!"

Accompanied by his spell, a water glass not far away swayed and flew

up, perhaps because of the unfamiliar reason, the juice inside was spilled.

Seeing Jacob's successful spell casting, no one doubts his identity


The crowd gradually boiled, and they looked at Alvin in shock.

"Gaunt! Why are you doing this!"

The wizards with pure blood families were angry, they felt that Alvin was

sullying the blood of wizards.

This is taboo!

In fact, not only them, but also many wizards can't understand, in their

opinion, wizards are born superior.

Alvin is pulling them down from the clouds, shattering the arrogance in

his heart.

For a time, the crowd was excited, and countless people were questioning



The wild laughter resounded through the sky, and the sound was so loud

that it shook the distant mountain peaks into an avalanche.

The wizards covered their ears in pain, and some even fainted.

"How dare the mortals who go up the mountain question the gods who

go down the mountain!"

Arrogant, very arrogant.

But the people present looked at the hundreds of followers standing

behind him, Grindelwald in the heights, and countless pioneers hiding

beside them.

No one dared to say no.

Ironically, Alvin looked at the suddenly silent crowd with disdain.

"In your mind, Muggles are just a group of Mudbloods, and they are not

the same species as wizards at all."

"But in my case, they also lack an opportunity, an opportunity to see

something more splendid. 35

"And now I'm giving them the opportunity to 1.0, and you'll benefit from

it too.

Alvin opened his palm, and a miniature globe appeared in his palm,

spinning continuously.

"Imagine, if one day everyone becomes a wizard, you don't have to hide

yourselves wherever you go, how splendid the magical civilization will


"Don't ruin your glorious future because of short-term shortness. This is

my last advice to you. 99

After Alvin finished speaking, he ignored these tool people and looked at

Dumbledore like electricity.

"Professor, you are the only person in the world who has a chance to stop

me. As long as you defeat me, the world can still return to its original


"In this case, I will give you this opportunity to beat me according to the

rules of my game.

"How about it, do you dare?".

Chapter 489

Chapter 489 I'M Just… Harry Potter!

Dumbledore looked at the crowd below who dared not move, and sighed

in his heart.

The trend is done, the trend is done.

He wrongly underestimated the power of Alvin today, and also misjudged

the courage of ordinary people.

In the face of a giant that covers the sky with one hand, many people

can't raise the heart of resistance at all, because they don't know when

they will become 'cannon fodder'


By this time Dumbledore was already regretting why he didn't make

Alvin's plot public in the first place.

Just because of the reason for estimating Grindelwald, he chose a safe


The result is to sit back and watch Alvin grow stronger day by day.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but glanced at Grindelwald who had

been silent for a while, the meaning was very complicated.

Grindelwald was also a little puzzled, but he still Apparated to Alvin's


"Do you need me to take action? I can help you hold Albus back, and you

can finish what you haven't finished.

Alvin shook his head and refused: "Since I said to give him a chance, I

won't break my promise.

"Professor, this is also a matter of our internal Hogwarts, you and I will

have a wizard duel, and the winner will be king.

There was a huge roar in the distance, and everyone looked at the 13th

sound, and a gorgeous mage tower flew in front of them.

"Now, everyone has entered my mage tower, and the space expansion

spell has been cast inside, which is large enough to accommodate all of


Hearing this, everyone rushed into the mage tower in a hurry, with

apparition and flying carpets with brooms.

Once Dumbledore and Alvin go to war, staying put is definitely not a safe


And if they were to leave like this, they would naturally feel unwilling.

No one wants to miss the battle that will determine the fate of the world.

Soon, only the Hogwarts professors, Grindelwald, and Dumbledore were

left on the grounds.

Alvin raised his eyebrows, "Why, the professor can't trust me? Think

there is a trap in my mage tower?"

Dumbledore shook his head, "No, I just think that since it's an internal

matter at Hogwarts, we can't let the two of us decide.

"It's better that we get more people involved and win three out of five


He paused, and then added: "Aberforth is one of our people, and Ms.

Rozier should be from Grindelwald. Let's get rid of the two of them."

Alvin sneered, "Professor, your wishful thinking is quite loud. 35

"Knowing that most of the professors are young people newly recruited

by me, you still do this.

"But who made you my most respected professor, I agree.

Dumbledore blushed, he knew he was taking advantage, but in order to

stop Alvin, he couldn't care less.

"In the first game, we sent Sirius to fight, you can choose someone."

After all, he was still a decent person, and Dumbledore took the lead in

sending out the battle, which was considered room for Alvin to arrange.

But that's not even water.

Sirius's magic power is definitely not the strongest among a group of

people, although his talent is good, but after all, he is not old enough,

and he has been wasted in Azkaban for more than ten years.

But he is a fighting wizard, even if he has more magic power than him, a

wizard with powerful spells will be constrained by his crazy fighting


Now, among the professors at Hogwarts, only Snape and Flitwick can

stabilize him.

Dumbledore was sure that Alvin would not embarrass Flitwick and let

him shoot, so even if Snape won the shot, he would have a great chance

of winning the next few matches.

Hearing Dumbledore calling his name, Sirius couldn't wait to jump out.

"Snape! Stand up and leave Lily's side if you're a man!

"And you, Lily, why are you on Alvin's side? You and James are both

members of the Order of the Phoenix!"

He had wanted to question Lily these words for a long time, but because

he didn't have the opportunity, he was really unhappy when they met.

Lily was not moved at all when she heard Sirius' words, "Sirius, I have

dedicated my life to the Order of the Phoenix once, and now I just want

to live a good life for Harry."

These words can be described as 'kill on the face'.

Sirius couldn't say that Lily was not at all, because it was all true.

After being dead for so many years, do people still want to come out and

fight again when they are resurrected?

Somewhat embarrassed, he pointed his finger at Snape: "Snot! You

betrayed Professor Dumbledore and fought me to the death!

Snape's face suddenly turned ugly, and the nickname of Snotling was a

shame for his life.

Immediately, he pulled out his wand and taught Sirius a lesson.

However, Alvin did stop him.

"I don't need you to shoot, I have a more suitable candidate. 35

He turned his head to look at the mage tower in mid-air, "Harry, how

about you coming in the first game?

Dumbledore's eyes widened.

There was a voice of resistance from the mage tower: "Alvin, can you

change someone, Sirius is my godfather anyway…"

Alvin said lightly: "Three numbers, one…three."9

"I'm coming.

Harry's voice was a little flustered, and he flew out of the mage tower

while riding his Firebolt.

"How can you count like that, two?"

Falling next to Alvin, Harry whispered.

"Don't talk nonsense, you know the consequences if you lose.

Alvin 'instructed' and left the venue to Harry.

With a sigh, Harry also knew that once Alvin decided something, it

couldn't be changed.

When looking at Sirius, his eyes also became firm: "Godfather, let you see

my progress in the past two years! 35

He knew in his heart that it was actually the best choice to take action


The grudge between the two is now clear to him.

When Sirius saw that his opponent was Harry, he was stunned at first,

and then turned into a cheerful smile.

Now Harry is seventeen years old, and he looks more and more like

James in his memory. Except for the eyes, the two of them are carved out

of the same mold.

"Harry, you remind me of the time when I practiced dueling with James."

"Since you have decided your future path, come on!"

Harry shook his head slowly, "I am who I am, not my father, nor any boy

who survives.

Why are people always eager to put some weird labels on him?

"I'm just, Harry Potter!"

Chapter 490

Chapter 490 Father And Son

After entering the wizarding world, Harry's living environment has not

been very 'friendly'

It's not that everyone around him is bullying him and pushing him away.

On the contrary, everyone's sudden enthusiasm is the reason why he's not

used to it.

In the eyes of countless people, Harry is the boy who survived the

disaster and the savior who saves the wizarding world.

People appreciated him, adored him, and had high hopes for him, but

they didn't realize it was putting a lot of pressure on Harry.

In the eyes of Sirius, there are also some professors who have intersection

with his parents.

He is often considered a continuation of James.

Even Snape used to look at him very badly because of this.

Harry loved his father, and his mother dearly, and it was their sacrifice

that kept him alive.

But because of this, he didn't want to be used as a substitute for others.

He wanted to be a really great wizard, so that his dead father could be

proud of him.

Not what James II.

Today, in the presence of everyone, he will defeat Sirius and fight for

himself and for Alvin's ideals.

The others retreated a certain distance, leaving space for the two of them.

Inside the mage tower, the Hogwarts students were nervously lying on

the fence, looking at Harry and Sirius who were only a dozen meters


"Who do you think will win?"

400 Hannah Aibo excitedly asked her classmates around, and the battle

between the two sides made her blood boil.

"I think Professor Sirius can win, you forget, he has the Unforgivable

Curse." A freckled girl judged.

"I think Harry will win, and if you don't believe in Harry, you should

believe in Headmaster Gaunt, right? Ravenclaw's Anthony Goldstein


He is Alvin's classmate and a fanatical admirer, and naturally stands firm

on his side.

In fact, it's not just them, the countless Muggles and wizards in the world

who are watching the live broadcast are all staring at the screen.

Wizards know that this is a battle to decide the fate of the wizarding

world, but Muggles are a little skeptical.

But this does not delay them from watching the fun. After all, what kind

of people the wizards are, they will soon be reflected in the battle.

"Harry, you go first."

As soon as Sirius entered the fighting state, he became a lot more

arrogant, showing a provocative smile at Harry.

"Fast back!

Without continuing nonsense, Harry turned his wrist, and a light blue

streamer was emitted.

It is worth mentioning that he did not use the Elder Wand against his


Because after Alvin told the history of the Elder Wand, he developed a

disgust for this wand.

Even if the power of his wand is a little smaller, he is used to it after

using it for so many years, at least there is no risk of backing the master.

Sirius directly used his magic power to offset the spell, feeling a little

numb in his wrist, and was surprised.

How did Harry's magic grow so fast?

"Break apart!

"Leg-lock tongue!

"Passed out!""

In Harry's hands, a series of conventional attacking spells were used by

him in different ways. Although the power was not as powerful as the

crushing spell and the explosion spell, it was better than the continuous


Sirius lost his first move and was temporarily unable to counterattack, so

he could only resolve them one by one with his rich experience.

"God is invisible!

Harry's voice suddenly increased a notch, and Sirius felt a little scalp


He had seen Snape's spell, which was powerful and extremely difficult to


But he was not surprised, only someone as insidious as Snape could

develop such a vicious spell.

"Armor protection!

He waved his wand vigorously, and a circular armor spell surrounded

him without dead ends.

"Boom! 35 There was a sound like the morning bell, and Sirius staggered

back a few steps. Shen Feng Wuying's power was unparalleled. Even if

the Iron Armor Curse he released with all his strength successfully

blocked it, the physical impact was still almost there. blow him away.

"The shield is flying!

A huge shield flew from the hands of the guard statue at the entrance of

the temple and lay between the two of them, and Sirius manipulated it

(bdba) to fly all over the sky, blocking Harry's subsequent attack.

The sound of gold and iron clashing was endless, and the situation on the

field was gradually brought back by Sirius. With the strong defensive

power of the shield, most of Harry's attacks were ineffective.

"Shen Feng has no shadow!"

The invisible air blade shot out again, leaving a few marks on the shield.

Harry frowned, dodging Sirius' counterattack.

I don't know what material this shield is made of, Shen Feng Wuying,

who has always been unfavorable, has been smashed into the sand.

Although it took some time, Harry was sure to smash the shield, but this

kind of anxious situation was not what he wanted to see.

After thinking about it, Harry took a deep breath and couldn't hide it.

Having known Alvin for so long, Harry was also used to hiding a hand of

trump cards, but he didn't expect that this method would actually be used

on Sirius.

"God Guard!" Harry tapped his wand, and strands of white mist quickly

emerged from the top of the wand, forming a huge stag.

But the white mist still did not stop, and it continued to pour out from

the top of the wand, turning into silk threads to mend the stag's body,

making it even more magical.


Harry murmured in a low voice, accompanied by a crisp neigh, the stag

charged straight towards Sirius in the void.

Sirius didn't know why Harry wanted to release the Patronus, but he

cautiously placed the shield in front of him and took a few steps back


"Smashed to pieces!"

To his surprise, the Smashing Curse did hit Harry's Patronus, but it only

took away the chance fog and disappeared.

The stag raised his hooves high, stepped on it hard, and the shield was

smashed to the ground mercilessly. With this reaction force, the stag

jumped even higher.

It swooped down toward Sirius like a mountain topping down.

The stunned Sirius had nowhere to dodge at all, reluctantly cast a

protective spell on himself, and then was kicked away.

"Except your weapons!"

Harry naturally wouldn't give up this great opportunity, the wand moved

forward, and the surging magic power blew up the hem of the mage's


Three disarming spells flew in front of Sirius in no particular order.

The first set, smashes the remaining defenses.

The second, was desperately blocked by Sirius who was in the air.

But facing the third way, Sirius had completely lost his ability to resist,

and the wand came out of his hand and flew into Harry's hand in a whirl.

The man also fell heavily to the ground.

"Cough cough!

Sirius coughed in pain, the Patronus's foot was not light, he felt two of

his ribs were broken.

Holding his chest and struggling to get up from the ground, he looked at

Harry who was holding two wands with a complicated expression.

"Congratulations, Harry, I lost."

Chapter 491

Master And Apprentice

Are you trash yourself?

Sirius has fallen into deep self-doubt.

To be honest, he actually despised Harry a little bit. As a godfather, he

thought he knew Harry's strength very well.

Although Harry was not weak at that time, he could already defeat many

adult wizards, but in his opinion, this was worth it~ What?

You must know that at that time, he was fighting with the elite among

the Death Eaters. Most of those people were born in pure blood families,

and everyone had the qualifications to become Aurors.

But just over a year had passed, and Harry was in the middle of the

battle, crushing him dignifiedly.

Thinking of this, Sirius wanted to die.

There was thunderous cheers from within the wizard tower, and it was

the Hogwarts students celebrating.

Harry's performance in the battle just now was really wonderful, familiar

with the basic magic spell, and a special patron saint.

There are also three last consecutive powerful disarming spells.

It's too much for their group of students.

"Professor, I won the first game.""

Alvin walked up to Harry with a smile and patted him on the shoulder in


It's different from running away when you encounter a Death Eater in the

original book. Harry's strength is now considered an elite Auror.

The reason for such a big change is that the effect of the magic potion he

gave him is very good, and the second is Snape's words and deeds.

The third generation reserve is no joke.

Why is Harry's Patronus so powerful?

Alvin glanced at Lily, who was relieved to tears.

The answer is of course self-evident.

What is the happiest thing in the world than the joy of being lost and


And Dumbledore's look at Harry was also very complicated, mixed with


"Sorry Professor, I let you down.

Shaking his head, Sirius said helplessly, although he was very happy that

Harry had become so powerful, but they are now on opposite sides.

"You've done a great job, Sirius, leave the rest to us."

After comforting him, Dumbledore packed up his mood and prepared for

the next duel.

It's just a game of gain and loss, and he can still bear it.

"Professor!" Harry called out to Dumbledore, with earnestness in his eyes,

"why don't you choose to try and trust us?"

Although he stood firmly by Alvin's side, wouldn't it be better if he could

persuade Dumbledore to stop the war?

Dumbledore was startled, a bit of bitterness appeared at the corner of his

mouth, "Harry, I'm glad you have changed so much, but you're still too


"Wizards and Muggles don't make water in the river, and once they

merge, countless people will die.

Alvin interrupted the two, "It's useless to talk about it, anyway, there will

be a result today.

Seeing him say this, Dumbledore also gave up and continued to talk,

looked behind him, and selected candidates for the second battle.

"I'll come." Professor McGonagall stood up, his expression as serious as

ever, "Here I have the highest strength, even if Snape shoots, I have a

great chance of winning.

Aberforth opened his mouth, wanting to say something.

Although he can't beat his brother, Grindelwald, and that little monster.

But hitting you with a McGonagall is fine.

After all, his surname is Dumbledore too!

Dumbledore thought for a moment, and then agreed to Professor

McGonagall's request.

Seeing Professor McGonagall appear, Alvin didn't move, and a man

Apparated from the mage tower and fell in front of him.

"This one, I'm coming!"

Hermione looked firmly at her most respected professor and stood in

front of Alvin.

"Hermione, you?"

Alvin originally wanted to just send his personal meaning, after all, he

was his former professor, so it didn't matter if he had one.

But Hermione jumped out.

"I'm going to tell the professor our resolve with my own hands!

There was trembling in her voice, but her words revealed a meaning that

could not be rejected.

Looking at Hermione's back, Alvin was also silent for a long time before

he reluctantly confessed his fate: "Be careful.

He knew how much courage Hermione needed to stand up now.

On the opposite side, Professor McGonagall saw that the opponent turned

out to be the student he admired the most in recent years, and a smile

appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Miss Granger, you are worthy of a Gryffindor."

Hearing Mag's compliment, Hermione's face also showed joy, and then

she realized that something was wrong, and quickly raised her face.

"You are also my most respected professor.

The voice fell, Hermione waved her wand, and a table was blown to

pieces. Under the effect of Transfiguration, the pieces turned into birds

and surrounded Professor McGonagall, trying to block her sight.

・・・・For flowers・0

"Very exquisite group metamorphosis." "Professor McGonagall took no

hassle, and also used the surrounding objects to turn into a big net,

catching the birds in one go.

Since students use Transfiguration to meet the enemy, how can a teacher

take the lead in using other magic?

As a result, the old man started a battle dedicated to Transfiguration.

The goshawk blinded the lion, and the giant bear smashed the


Feather turned into a sword, and the gravel turned into a spear.

Almost everything that can be used around has been used by the two of


Unlike Harry and Sirius, who had a direct and passionate confrontation,

Hermione and McGonagall's master-apprentice battle was more inclined

to an academic exchange.


So far, they have never cast any spells other than Transfiguration.

The competition is about their control over deformed objects and the

flexibility of their minds.

"Get up! 35

Hermione let out a soft drink, and the shield that Sirius had used flew up

and turned into a giant palm.

It's just that this palm looks a little crude.

In fact, Hermione had already noticed the extraordinaryness of this

shield. When she was fighting with Mag, she was distracted and used her

magic power to analyze the elements of the shield.

Some deformations have barely been made until now.

Looking at the palm that was slapped straight down, Mag took it


If you can use a knockback spell to resist, or simply Apparate to avoid it,

these are all very simple solutions.

But now it is a competition of Transfiguration, whoever uses other magic

spells first will undoubtedly admit defeat.

The dignity of a professor for so many years would not allow her to do


Quickly tap the ground with the wand, and the floor around Mag quickly

rises upwards, in the shape of raising his hands to support the sky.

The two met.

Boom! Zizzi! Crack!

Harry covered his ears in pain, like the sound of chalk rubbing against

the blackboard in Muggle school, it was too harsh.

But even so, his eyes were still fixed on the middle of the field.

There was smoke and dust everywhere, and he was a little worried that

Professor McGonagall would be injured. After all, Harry had a deep

understanding of the hardness of that shield.

After more than ten seconds, the smoke dissipated.

exposed… ten.

Chapter 492

Chapter 492 Teachers And Apprentices – Meritorious Funny Cat Sticks

All over the world, there are definitely not a few people who are looking

forward to the follow-up like Harry.

The two battles have fully demonstrated the charm of wizards and spells.

Those who have seen the film also realize that the power of the magic

spell shown in the film is definitely weakened many times over.

"I want to be a wizard…"

A young man in pajamas looked nervously at the screen in the sky with

his binoculars, and muttered to himself the voices of countless people.

The smoke and dust dissipated, and everyone could clearly see that the

defense built by Mag was torn apart by the big hand that turned into a


In terms of this confrontation alone, Hermione is slightly better.

"Hermione, you won't smash Professor McGonagall, will you?"

Harry shouted in horror, and in his mind there was already the

appearance of "four zero zeros" flowing from Mag's head.

"Shut up!" Alvin snapped angrily, "Didn't you see Hermione still being


Before the words fell, a sturdy tabby cat jumped at Hermione from the

ruins, startling her.

For so long, forget that McGonagall is still a f*ck Gus.

Hermione had wanted Alvin to teach her a f*ck Gus, but was


Alvin thinks that f*ck Gus is a very tasteless magic, which is very useful

for sneaking and snooping, but it is hardly helpful for frontal combat.

The most important thing is that after learning Af*ck Gus, he will

inevitably get some animal habits, which is unacceptable to him.

Hermione quickly transformed into a few magical animals to chase and


But the tabby cat transformed by Professor McGonagall is small in size,

flexible in movement, and has the wisdom of a human being, and can get

rid of the siege in a few moments.

In desperation, Hermione could only flick her hand, and her wand turned

into a… cat wand with a bell.

Miss Xueba obviously remembered the influence of Af*ck Gus on the

wizard, and thought of a solution so quickly.

"I'm sorry, Professor McGonagall." Looking apologetically at the tabby cat

whose eyes were already straight, she gently shook the cat-fuck stick in

her hand.

Almost subconsciously, Mag wanted to pounce on it, threw the cat-fuck

stick to the ground, and 'pampered' it.

Fortunately, she was only affected and did not lose her rationality as a

human being. With her strong perseverance, Mag transformed into a

human body and glared at Hermione fiercely.

"Miss Granger, if I were still the head of Gryffindor, I would definitely

deduct ten points from you."

Thinking of how well-behaved and sensible Hermione was at the time,

she had heard of the nickname Magog.

McGonagall was not annoyed at all, but rather relieved, she had seen the

picture of Hermione becoming the new Gryffindor dean in her place after

she retired.

But it's only been so long that he dared to tease himself with a cat stick.

Thinking of this, Mag looked at Alvin badly.

Must be taught by Alvin, this kid is full of bad water.

"I'm sorry, Professor, your Af*ck Gus is still too difficult to deal with

simply using Transfiguration." Hermione sneered, feeling a little


Nearly let Professor McGonagall die.

Sorry for the apology, but this duel, she must win.

"Professor McGonagall, this is my most powerful transformation magic. If

you crack it, I can only admit defeat."

After finishing speaking, the cat wand in Hermione's hand also changed

back to a magic wand, bursting with incomparably bright light, and two

golden threads flew towards the statue, covering them.

"Shidun is dispatched!

Click! Click!

The two guard statues seemed to be alive, striding forward, waving their

great swords and charging towards Mag.

Heavy footsteps stepped on the ground, making a loud rumbling sound,

like a conquest knight walking out of a fairy tale.

Mag's face changed slightly, and when he waved his wand, a group of

beasts greeted the two knights recklessly.

But they were soon beheaded one by one.

The magic that Shi Dun dispatched belongs to the high-level application

of Transfiguration, and when combined with the extraordinary material

of the statue itself, it is simply unrivaled.

Professor McGonagall felt even more depressed. She had wanted to use

this spell for a long time, but she never had the chance.

Who would have guessed that Hermione was the first to use it today.

The most important thing is… She looked around and found that there

are only two statues on this huge platform, and now she can't use it even

if she wants to.

Gritting his teeth, Mag finally took the lead in using other magic spells…


"Shock!" 5

"Burning flames!

"Fast back!

One curse after another blocked the path of the knight, and Hermione

finally gave up after seeing this.

Lightweight mantra, strong mantra, sharp mantra.

Hermione knew that Chunpin's control of the spell was by no means an

opponent of Mag, so she made a wise choice to strengthen the two

knights, constantly brushing the buff.

In that case, put hope on the knights!

With her blessing, the two knights also became more brave, even though

there were many damages on their bodies, they still charged forward

regardless of their health.

Professor McGonagall constantly uses Apparition to change directions,

forming a kite flying situation.

But the continuous teleportation was very heavy on the wizard's body,

and gradually, the frequency of her teleportation decreased.

After all, she was an old man who was nearly a hundred years old.

Although her magic power was still sufficient, her energy was not enough

to support her to continue fighting.

Finally, at the cost of one knight being completely blown to pieces, the

other surviving knight put his sword around McGonagall's neck.

Lost, lost completely.

The chest was bullied violently, and the wand in Mag's hand hung down



The little witch jumped into Alvin's arms happily, "I defeated Professor

McGonagall! I defeated Professor McGonagall!

The tone was very excited, and 1.0 Hermione did not expect that she

would actually win.

Patting her long smooth hair, Alvin's eyes were full of smiles.

"Nice job, Hermione, you've made a big showing now.

This is actually beyond Alvin's expectations, Mag is not like Sirius.

Three words at the professor level are enough to explain everything.

There are not many people in the entire magic world who dare to say

that they can win McGonagall.

Although Hermione often came to find her to open a small stove, she still

had a certain distance from that level.

If it hadn't been the first to use Shi Dun to seize the advantage, it would

be difficult to say the outcome.

Holding the little witch, Alvin laughed and teased while watching

Dumbledore, who was a little lost.

"Professor, how do you think I am the principal? Is it still competent?"

Chapter 493

Chapter 493 Ancestors And Grandsons

Shrimp pork heart.

Alvin's words stinged the old man's heart that had been riddled with


How ironic that two students beat two former professors.

Dumbledore looked at Harry, who was standing behind Alvin, and

Hermione with mixed feelings.

He knew it was all due to Alvin.

As a principal for decades, his ability to train students is not as strong as

a minor.

It's a bit of a blow.

'It would be great if he could be a principal at ease and not do dangerous


Such thoughts flashed across Dumbledore's mind.

"Professor, you lose one more game and it's over, you don't even have a

chance to shoot. 35

"Have you decided on the candidate for the next round? 35

Alvin didn't know what Dumbledore was thinking. He looked up at the

sun. After two duels, it was already afternoon.

If it drags on, it will be night when it is his turn to shoot.

That's right, Alvin will definitely let the duel go to the fifth inning, and

make a complete break with Dumbledore.

After all, he also counted on completing the legendary promotion task


"Gaunt 13, we have already decided on the candidates for two

consecutive games, and then it's your turn."

Packing up his mood, Dumbledore decided to make a decision. The two

consecutive losses made him understand that he should not

underestimate anyone around Alvin.

Not paying attention to Dumbledore's careful thoughts, Alvin whispered a

few words to Grindelwald.

Lao Ge frowned tightly: "Are you sure you want to do this, wouldn't it be

better to deal with Dumbledore's team in one go?"

He was a little unhappy, and quickly resolved the matter. Dumbledore

had no reason to take action, and everyone was simply happy.

Why are you doing all this bullshit?

Alvin looked at him with a half-smile, "Old Ge, some things can't be

avoided, let's go.

Seeing that he insisted so, Grindelwald was helpless. He entered the mage

tower and came to the students of Hogwarts.

Ignoring the young wizards who were startled by his sudden appearance,

Grindelwald said the purpose directly: "Who is Neville Longbottom.

Hearing his words, Neville was stunned at first, and then cowered to the


"I, I am Neville.

Glancing at the little fat man, Grindelwald directly reached out to grab

his shoulder, and Apparated back to Alvin's side.

"Neville," Alvin looked at Neville, who was at a loss, and whispered in a

low voice, "You come to fight this time, and if you do well, I will rescue

your parents."

"You don't want them to live in such a slack life, do you?

Hearing Alvin's condition, Neville was instantly excited for a few seconds,

and then became dejected, "Headmaster, my spell level is too poor to


"Who said you must win," Alvin waved his hands carelessly, "What I want

to see is your determination and your worth.

"How far will it go?

"It's up to you, I won't set any standards.

After speaking, Alvin kept his mouth shut, waiting for Neville's choice.

After hesitating for a while, he finally clenched his fists when he

remembered his parents who had been sinned for more than ten years in

St. Mungo's.

"I do!

"Okay," Alvin said with satisfaction, "I really saw you right."

After he finished speaking, he felt that something was wrong, why did

this dialogue sound like what the villain said.

After making up his mind, Neville no longer hesitated, strode forward,

and waited for Dumbledore's men.

"Neville, what are you doing? Come back!

An old woman dressed very strangely with a stuffed eagle on her head

appeared in front of Neville, her tone extremely stern.


The courage that Neville had just mentioned was instantly frightened. He

was most afraid of his grandmother, who had been very strict with him

since he was a child.

"I, I am the candidate for the next duel.

"Do you want to help the tyrant too!" Augusta Longbottom reached out

and grabbed Neville's arm, pulling him away.

"Gaunt has gone mad, it's incomprehensible that he has turned the whole

world into a wizard!35

"I'll transfer you when I go back, and you'll go to Ilvermorny to finish my

last year!

As a pure-blooded family of twenty-eight Longbottoms, although their

attitude towards Muggles is not as bad as most Slytherins.

But until now they still maintain pure blood, it is enough to see that the

Longbottom family still discriminates against Muggles.

Originally, Augusta was full of hostility towards Alvin and refused to win

over him. Now that he learned the whole picture of the matter, he simply

regarded Alvin as an enemy.

Or the kind of enemy of life and death.

Neville didn't know where the strength came from, and shook off

Augusta's pull: "Grandma! As long as I behave well, the principal

promises to treat my parents!"5

"This is my only chance!"

Augusta felt ashamed of being refuted by Neville in front of so many

people, and her face became even more angry.

"They're sick even the best doctor at St Mungo's, how could you believe


Neville looked firm, "I believe in Alvin400, he has no reason to deceive


Augusta was so angry that her hands were shaking, "Okay, okay, you

have grown up and dared to talk to me like this."

After speaking, she took off her hat and took out her wand.

"Don't you want to duel, then let me be your opponent!"

"Even if the opponent is you, I will not back down!

Although his hands were shaking, Neville remained firm.

Seeing this, Alvin, who was originally scolded and a little unhappy,

immediately became interested and shouted at Dumbledore:

"Professor, what do you think, let Neville fight this old stubborn?"

Augusta looked at Alvin badly and called her old stubborn?

"Dumbledore, leave this to me, and I will teach this incompetent

grandson a good lesson!

Dumbledore couldn't refuse, so he had to agree. "Augusta, then please.

Grindelwald looked at the grandfather and grandson who were pulling

away, and looked at Alvin with the eyes of a rare beast. "You're really…


He could understand why Alvin asked Neville to play by name, purely to

satisfy his own bad taste.

Grindelwald was somewhat impressed.

When is this all, and there are still some who do not have time to do

these things.

The heart is really big.

Chapter 494

Chapter 494 Neville'S 'Victory'!

It's a fight without suspense.

Neville's talent is relatively poor among all the students at Hogwarts.

Not to mention that compared to Harry or Hermione, even Ron is

stronger than Neville.

In addition, now facing his own grandma, Neville's performance is even


Soon, Augusta beat Neville to the ground, with several curses on his

body, snot and tears flowing together.

"Neville! Look at you now, your parents are elite Aurors, why can't you

even master a small disarming charm!"

Sweeping away a spell, Augusta not only taught his grandson physically,

but also launched a verbal attack.

Seeing Neville who had been beaten so badly, she was getting more and

more angry.

Ever since he was a child, has Neville ever disobeyed her so much and

humiliated the Longbottom family in front of hundreds of thousands of


Augusta, who knew that it would only be more embarrassing to fight,

raised his hand with a disarming spell to completely defeat Neville and

end this farce.

To her surprise, the wand was not out of Neville's grasp, but was

desperately held in his hand.

Wiping away a handful of tears that shed involuntarily, Neville turned

back to see Alvin's expressionless face, and his heart sank.

He's done so badly, who would want to help such a waste?

Augusta released the Disarming Charm again, and Neville rolled over to

dodge the attack, shouting piercingly.

"Confringo! (Thunderbolt))"

Two crimson fireballs shot out from the top of the wand, rapidly

expanding to a diameter of nearly one meter.

Augusta did not expect that Neville would actually use the Explosion

Charm, and he never thought that he would use this type of spell to

attack himself.

The Iron Armor Curse that was placed off guard could not resist the

powerful fireball at all, and it only lasted for a second before being


However, this also bought her time, and a sideways pass with the fireball,

but her sheepskin coat was rubbed, and a small flame was ignited.

Augusta hurriedly used the Clear Spring Charm to put out the flames.

"You can actually use the Explosion Spell,?"

The words were full of inconceivables. Augusta knew his grandson. He

even used the disarming spell. How could he suddenly learn this high-

level magic?

Neville scratched his head a little embarrassedly: "This is what my good

friend Seamus taught me, he is very gifted with this kind of magic."

Alvin almost laughed out loud when he heard it, Simona had some talent,

he just filled up the explosive talent.

No matter what kind of magic spell is placed on his hand, it can have an

explosive effect.

Just a blasting genius.

Augusta snorted coldly, did not speak again, and launched an attack


It's just that this time she took a lot of seriousness, and the power of the

spell became much stronger. Soon Neville was covered in bruises and


She has made up her mind to teach her grandson a lesson and let him

know her authority.


At this moment, the Sorting Hat flew out of Snape's hands uncontrollably,

screaming as it flew.

"What's the matter! How do I feel like something's coming out of my

stomach, what the hell did you guy do to me, Godric!"

"I'm just a hat!

Seeing the hat that suddenly fell in his hand, Neville was also a little

confused, feeling that his hand sank, and he slowly pulled out

Gryffindor's sword.

Seeing this, Dumbledore's eyes widened.

Alvin smiled, and Neville didn't disappoint him.

His tenacity and will, moved the Gryffindor sword, and took the initiative

to show up to help him.

The function and power of the Gryffindor sword was sent into Neville's

ears through magic, and a look of surprise appeared on his face.

Augusta only thought that this was an ordinary sword, and did not take it

to heart.

However, the facts are often unexpected.

Facing Augusta's spell, Neville swung the Gryffindor sword and slashed


Holding the sword in the left and the staff in the right, his confidence

also increased greatly, and he launched a counterattack for the first time.

Relying on the powerful magic-breaking effect of the Gryffindor sword,

Neville briefly gained the upper hand.

It is a pity that his own strength is limited, and even if he has an

advantage in equipment, he is definitely not his grandmother's opponent.

"We admit defeat in this game!"

When Alvin got the result he wanted, he no longer made Neville suffer.

With a wave of his hand, the armor spell protected Neville.

"Headmaster, I can still fight!

Neville was anxious and wanted to say something, but was interrupted by

Alvin, "Enough Neville, you have fully proved yourself. 55

".々 When today's business is over, I'll go to St. Mungo's."

Seeing Neville covered in injuries, he asked Lily to take Neville away for

good treatment.

After doing this, Alvin looked up at Dumbledore, "Professor, we lost this

game. 95

Dumbledore's mouth curled into a wry smile, this is not a loss, and it is a

huge profit for a student to draw Gryffindor's sword.

He never thought that Neville, who had always been inconspicuous,

could achieve such a step.

Snape stepped out and was about to step forward when Alvin stopped


"What are you doing? 99

"Go to battle.

"Who said the fourth game needs your shot?"

The two stared at each other, and Snape was at a loss.

Who else is more suitable for him now, is it Flitwick?

At this time, Grindelwald smiled sullenly, "Let me do this, Newt, we are

old rivals, why don't we have a good communication? (Yes)"

Newt, who was staring at him, felt a little numb and subconsciously hid

behind his wife.

Dumbledore couldn't sit still, "Gellert, don't meddle in the internal affairs

of our Hogwarts at this time.""

If Grindelwald gets involved, no matter how strong he is, he can't deal

with the two of them.

"Albus, why continue to be stubborn, you are over, it's good for everyone

to admit defeat now."5

Grindelwald was bitter, and he didn't want the worst to happen.

"You two stop flirting," Alvin waved his hand, motioning to wait for

Grindelwald to stop talking.

"I have already chosen the candidate for the fourth game."

After he finished speaking, he snapped his fingers, and the familiar fire

light appeared. Phoenix Furui appeared in front of the world with a

fourteen- or fifteen-year-old blond girl.

"Ariana, I'll leave it to you next!"

Chapter 495

Brother And Sister

"Leave it to me, brother Alvin, I won't let you down!"

The girl's voice was clear and sweet, but his appearance completely made

the two old people present lose their temper.

"Gaunt, you are despicable!

Aberforth yelled, he didn't expect Alvin to completely resurrect Ariana

during the summer vacation.

And also use her to deal with his own group!

And Dumbledore was choked up and speechless.

"Ariana… Ariana…"

Tears of joy and guilt overflowed in his eyes, and it was great to see

Ariana again after a hundred years.

And Ariana did wrinkle her cute little nose, and said dissatisfiedly:

"Aberforth, you are not allowed to say that Alvin, this is all my own


"And you, Albus, you're so old now.""

Looking at Dumbledore's long white beard, Ariana was also a little


Back then, his eldest brother was a well-known young man in eight


Seeing his sister calling him, Dumbledore also regained his senses and

reluctantly smiled: "My brother is over a hundred years old, it's normal.

At the same time, he looked at Aberforth with bad eyes, "What the hell is

going on here? When did Ariana resurrect?"

It seemed that Aberforth had known about his sister for a long time, but

he hadn't spoken to him for so long!

400 "Sorry, Albus." Aberforth looked ugly, "Just last Christmas, Ariana's

soul was summoned back to the world by Alvin. 35

"He asked me not to tell you, I really can't tell.

"As for when Ariana's body will recover, I don't know, but it must have

happened this summer. 35

He is also very helpless, his sister is in Alvin's hands, and he is also

controlled by others.

"This matter, let's go back to discuss, if we can go back." Dumbledore

took a deep look at his brother and turned to Alvin who had been

watching the play.

"What the hell do you mean, Gaunt. 99

The tone was a bit deep, Grindelwald knew, and Dumbledore was angry.

He would never allow his family to be a bargaining chip.

But Alvin was indifferent, but spread his hands innocently.

"It's not interesting, didn't you listen to Ariana, this is what she asked, I

never thought of using her to achieve any purpose. 35

"But it's just right, I also want to see her learning results in the past two

months, and in this fourth game, she will be the one to play.

(bdba) "That's right!" Ariana tried to make a serious expression, "Albus, I

know exactly what I'm doing."

"I don't hate Muggles, but I hate the way a lot of people treat wizards and

if they say I'm a monster, I'll turn them all into monsters!"

Dumbledore was silent. After Ariana's resurrection, her personality

changed so much that he couldn't accept it for a while.

Outside, when I heard Aberforth tell about Ariana's origins, I was

completely blown away!


Can wizards do such a thing?

Is it possible to live forever?!

Thinking of this, the breathing of those big men became rapid, they no

longer had worldly pursuits, and longevity was one of the few things that

could make their hearts move.

Must be a wizard!

If Alvin saw this scene, he would also smile knowingly.

This is his plan, through Dumbledore's hand, a little bit to show the

superiority of the wizard.


Ariana's battle is a foregone conclusion, which no one can change.

Dumbledore hesitated for a long time, not knowing who to send.

"I'm coming!" Aberforth stood up and looked around, "I'm not at ease if

you take action, what if you hurt her? 99

Even now, he doesn't want Ariana to be hurt a little bit, and if the

original tragedy happens again, he doesn't want to live anymore.

"Aberforth, think carefully, protect Ariana, and at the same time ensure

that this game is won.

Dumbledore exhorted that he had some regrets now that he proposed a

best-of-five game.

Wouldn't it be better to fight Alvin to the death directly?

Seeing that her opponent was Aberforth, Ariana was even more excited.

"Brother, you have to be careful, I don't want to hurt you!

Saying so, she launched an attack without hesitation.

Aberforth smashed the curse away with a bit of a laugh, but he was also

a little happy in his heart.

It seems that my sister still cares about herself!

Ariana is worthy of being a member of the Dumbledore family, and she is

very talented.

Although it has only been resurrected for two months, she has mastered a

lot of magic. After a few minutes, she has never used repeated magic.

It is completely to use Aberforth as a strength testing machine, constantly

experimenting with various magics.

Harry looked envious.

He has been studying magic for seven years, and he has not learned more

spells than Ariana in two months.

Sure enough, talent is the most unreasonable thing.

It's a pity that the strength of the wizard is not who has more spells, and

whoever is stronger than others.

Ariana's talent is good, but after all, the resurrection time is too short,

and many spells are only to the extent that they can be released, which

cannot bring pressure to Aberforth at all.

Aberforth was not in a hurry to fight back, but simply defended and let

his sister act.

After a while, the magic power in Arianna's body was exhausted, and the

success only broke the defense of the iron armor a few times.

Had to reluctantly admit defeat.

"I'm sorry I let you down. 35

Back at Alvin's side, Ariana was still sullen and dissatisfied with her loss.

"It's alright, you've done a good job." Alvin stroked her little head lightly,

seeing Aberfu thought rushing up to fight Alvin.

"Come to Hogwarts next term and you'll make more friends there.

Alvin really regards Ariana as his sister, and considers issues very


Being locked at home since she was a child, what she lacks most now is

the friendship of her peers.

"Really! I'm going to Ravenclaw!"

Arianna blinked her big eyes excitedly, and Aberforth couldn't sit still,

"Ariana, our Dumbledore family are all Gryffindors!"

Unexpectedly, Ariana shook her head quickly and refused: "I don't want,

I'm going to Ravenclaw, and brother Alvin came out from there."

"Aberforth, this is not the time to talk about this." Dumbledore stopped

Aberforth, who was about to say something, and stretched out a finger


"Except your weapons!

Under the astonished eyes of a group of people, he actually used the

Disarming Charm on Harry!


Chapter 496

Chapter 496: The Elder Wand, Return! Grindelwald, Join The War!

A few seconds ago, it would have been impossible to tell everyone that

Dumbledore would make a sneak attack.

However, the outrageous thing happened like this.

Harry didn't react, and was struck by the Disarming Charm.

However, Dumbledore's sense of proportion was very good, he was not

hurt, just staggered back two steps.

But both the wand in his hand and the Elder Wand in his pocket flew

towards Dumbledore uncontrollably.

"Sorry Harry, Gaunt is a formidable adversary, and to be on the safe side,

I have to take what was given to you. 39

Stroking his lost and found elder wand, Dumbledore apologized to Harry.

In the original plan, he had planned to completely entrust the Elder

Wand to Harry. After all, after Voldemort was removed, the entire

wizarding world would be considered peaceful.

He also doesn't need such a powerful wand as a weapon, so he might as

well give it to Harry.

But now, he had to take back his original thoughts.

There is no other reason, it is that Alvin is too scary.

Dumbledore would not give up any chance that could increase his odds.

Harry also regained his senses, and he couldn't help laughing, "Professor,

that is your wand originally, but do you want to return my wand to me?

Anyway, he didn't intend to use such a wicked wand, and it didn't matter

if he returned it to Dumbledore.

But don't lose your wand!

Dumbledore returned Harry's original wand directly, and then looked at

Alvin strangely.

"Why didn't you stop me?"

The new Alvin was definitely capable of doing something before he got

the wand, and Dumbledore was already ready to do it.

Just unexpectedly, Alvin just watched him get the Elder Wand so quietly,

without the slightest movement.

Alvin's face was calm: "To stop you from doing anything, I would rather

you get the Elder Wand back."

"It's more interesting to beat you in this situation, isn't it?"

Alvin waved his hand and told Harry and the others to leave the high

platform. Although the place was huge, it wasn't enough for him and

Dumbledore to toss.

The members of the Order of the Phoenix were also sent away by

Dumbledore, and there were only three people on the huge ground.

Seeing this scene, audiences all over the world were also a little confused.

"Why did the wizards leave?"

"I don't think it's necessary either, the place there is already big enough,

are you still afraid of being accidentally injured? 55′

"Never mind them, we'll just keep watching, but I hope that handsome

guy wins, so I have a chance to become a wizard."

"That's right! I'm going to learn perspective!"

"? You're wrong!

People talked a lot, and some didn't understand the meaning of Harry

and others leaving.

But only their client understands that sometimes the gap between

wizards and wizards is bigger than between humans and ants.

Dumbledore stroked his lost Elder Wand and muttered to himself.

"Old man, I know that you have not experienced a decent battle after

following me for so many years, and you are very dissatisfied."

"But today, please show your power thoroughly!

Along with his actions and words, the Elder Wand trembled constantly,

as if responding to his expectations.

And Dumbledore gradually straightened his hunched waist, staring at

Alvin like electricity.

"Gaunt! Thank you for giving me, an old man who has been lingering for

half my life, a chance to take a shot with all my strength!"

Alvin also smiled, a gorgeous robe was blown, and at some point, the

Deviance Wand appeared in his hand.

"Professor, you have also spoken from my heart, since I have learned

something, I haven't fought to the fullest.

"Depressed! Too depressing! 35

"In the entire magical world, only if you hold the Elder Wand in your

hand, can you bring me any interest!"

Alvin laughed wildly, and he felt joy from the bottom of his heart.

As he said, the world is too depressing, Grindelwald is his own, and

Voldemort is too weak.

So far, Alvin hasn't really shot at full strength.

Two momentum surged into the sky, the white clouds floating in the sky

were completely torn apart, and red electric arcs flickered from time to


Grindelwald was a little numb, and Alvin, the stinky boy, released his

aura indiscriminately and included him.

He's now in a dilemma, either stand up to Alvin and he'll likely be


・・・・For flowers・0

Either leave here honestly and enter the Mage Tower to watch the battle.

But he still wanted to watch here, in case Dumbledore was accidentally


After thinking for a long time, Alvin finally made a choice for him.

"Stella!" A golden light arrow as thick as an arm did not shoot at

Dumbledore, but at Grindelwald.

The Dark Lord's expression changed, and he disappeared in a flash, the

arrow hit a mountain peak, and it blew up the top of the mountain


"You're crazy! Alvin!

Grindelwald had lingering fears when he looked at the mountain that

was a little shorter. He didn't expect that Alvin would suddenly shoot at



If it wasn't for the timely response, it would be him who is unlucky now.

Ignoring Grindelwald's roar, the smile on Alvin's face grew wilder.

"Stop pretending, Lao Ge, I know you agree with my ideals, and I don't

cut corners in what I tell you to do."5

"But, that's Dumbledore!"

"Anyway, you will shoot sooner or later, why don't you let me try your

weight now.

Grindelwald was silent, he didn't know if Alvin was lying to him or if he

meant it.

"Gellert, help me!"

Dumbledore looked at his old friend, and rarely asked for his help.

"Alvin, don't blame me!

Seeing Dumbledore's gesture for the first time in his life, Grindelwald

finally made a choice, Apparated to Dumbledore's side, and the two stood

side by side.

"This is the first time you and I have joined forces to fight against the

enemy, right?"

Grindelwald sighed a little. He had fought with Dumbledore all his life,

but now facing the oppression of a teenage boy, he would even choose to

join forces.


"Isn't it okay to deal with Tom in the first place?" With his help,

Dumbledore was relieved a lot, and he was in the mood to make a joke.

"That counts as a shot?" Grindelwald was very disdainful, and then

looked at Alvin opposite with a solemn expression.

This is the real big guy!

"Old man, don't be careless, if you're not careful, both of us may die

here!" Ten.


Chapter 497

Chapter 497 The Great War! The Collapsed Temple!

"Two old things, too much nonsense!"

Perhaps it was the reason why he had been looking forward to this day

for too long. Alvin was uncharacteristically excited and launched the

attack recklessly and arrogantly.

Swinging the wand forcefully, the purple light whip shattered the ground

directly, and the cracked boulders smashed towards the two of them like


"I'll come first!"

Grindelwald let out a cold snort, and several dark flames emerged from

his wand, burning it to pieces as soon as it touched the boulder.

Dumbledore was not idle, he continued to cast powerful ancient spells,

and the strange runes shone in the audience. The wizard who had studied

the ancient magic patterns was relaxed and happy.

All of these magic patterns are incomparably esoteric, and anyone who

masters one of them can greatly increase the power of a specific magic


Dumbledore used so much at one time, and the power of the spell almost

broke through the sky.

"400" "Shield of Achilles!"

A shield the size of a city wall protected Alvin in all directions. The

magic spell hit the shield and made a ding sound, and it was bounced


The square in front of the Shambhala Temple was completely destroyed,

and it was quickly bombed and crumbling.

This is just the beginning of the battle. If it takes a while, the holy land of

the magic world may be completely destroyed by the three of them.

In the Mage Tower, hundreds of thousands of people would have been

very noisy here.

But when the battle below began, all the quarrels and discussions

gradually disappeared, and everyone stared at what was happening


"Sirius… I found that our battle just now was really like a family…"

Seeing another spell being smashed by Alvin and shattering a stone pillar

in the temple, Harry swallowed and said to Sirius next to him.

Harry, who was a little proud of defeating his godfather, is now

completely sober.

He is just a decent existence among ordinary people. Compared with the

three monsters below, a simple spell can turn him into scum.

In fact, Alvin and Dumbledore have also shot before, but the Ministry of

Magic's battle against Voldemort and in the school auditorium are due to

space restrictions, and many powerful spells cannot be cast.

This time, the three greatest wizards of this century are the ones who

have thoroughly demonstrated their might.

It also completely exploded the three views of the wizards.

Not only them, but the billions of Muggles in the world who are watching

the battle are even more at a loss.

London, Prime Minister's Residence.

Robert took a group of cabinet ministers to look at the screen in the sky,

wanting to know more about the strength and specific abilities of the


After the first few battles, the Minister of Military Aircraft made an oath.

Excluding the wizard's teleportation, there are still some strange abilities.

Their destructive power is similar to that of tanks, but their mobility and

endurance are stronger.

He is confident that he can protect the safety of the people.

It's just that Robert has not made a statement, just said to take a look.

And now…

Looking at the already pale-faced military minister, Robert grinned and

laughed silently.

"Is this a channel change…"

The Chancellor of the Exchequer murmured in a low voice, not quite

believing that the previous battles were quite normal.

How did the three of them turn into a war of gods and demons?

The foreign minister next to him was so hung up that he sprayed a sip of


Do you think you should stop watching TV shows and change the


"Ray! 55

Alvin stretched out his hand, and the silver snakes flew in the sky,

smashing the rain cover built by Grindelwald.

However, Dumbledore directly pulled Grindelwald's arm and Apparated,

appearing in the distance.

Top wizards have mastered the skills of Apparition in battle. As long as

the reaction is fast enough, the spell of single attack is very difficult to


That's why Alvin fights with massive spells.

But although Grindelwald and Dumbledore have never fought side by

side, they cooperate very well.

The two shot together, resulting in the effect of 1+1 being greater than

2, defusing Alvin's offensive countless times.

"And said you and you have no relationship! 35

Alvin muttered, and with a wave of his hand, a house-sized gravel

smashed towards the two of them, cut in half by the wind blade, and fell

to the ground.

The expressions of the three of them changed in unison.

After enduring the attack for so long, this huge platform finally couldn't

bear it and began to collapse and disintegrate.

Alvin's thoughts moved, and two wings of light appeared behind him,

rising into the sky.

Dumbledore also turned the ruins around him into a silver dragon and

rode with Grindelwald…

The battlefield has become wider and wider, and it has become a full-

scale sky.

Looking at the Shambhala Temple, which was broken into pieces,

Grindelwald and Dumbledore looked at each other and nodded.

"Meteor shower!"

Dumbledore controlled the boulder, and Grindelwald added fiery fire to

it, and a combination of magic created temporarily by the Dark Lord and

the White Devil was born.

Dragging a long blue flame, these boulders really cut through the sky like

shooting stars.

Alvin swung his deviance wand, and blue mist spewed out, and the

surrounding temperature dropped rapidly.

The flaming meteors shrouded in mist were frozen in a very short time,

and fell one after another after losing their kinetic energy.

"It can even freeze a fierce fire!

Grindelwald's expression was solemn, and it was incredible to see that

the spell cast by his Dumbledore was so easily cracked.

With such terrifying ice magic, how many cards Alvin has not shown.

Looking at the direction in which the frozen boulder was falling, Alvin

frowned, if he didn't take care of it, the whole of Bhutan would be bad.

There are still many wizards and Muggles there, and this is definitely a

disaster they can't deal with.

Dumbledore obviously found this problem too, and was not launching an

attack, thinking anxiously about a solution.

"Osiris, out to work! 35

El 1.0 Wen let out a long whistle, and the top floor of the Mage Tower lit

up with a bright red light.


The dragon roared through the sky, and Osiris swung down with his

crimson wings!

With Alvin in mind, she naturally knew what she needed to do.

Light bombs were continuously sprayed out of his mouth, blasting the

huge stone into powder.

Soon, the disaster that was enough to destroy a city was wiped out.

It's just that Grindelwald and Dumbledore are not happy, they don't know

that Alvin still has such a powerful pet.

Seeing the serious expressions on the two of them, Alvin smiled.

Especially Dumbledore, when he saw this dragon at Hogwarts, it was

only the size of a palm.

How did it become so big after two years of absence.

Does Alvin usually take hormones?.

Chapter 498

Chapter 498 Phoenix'S Last Elegy, There Is No Fox In The World!

When Osiris completely removed all the falling rocks, another thunderous

roar flew to Alvin's side, looking at Grindelwald and Dumbledore with

bad eyes.

All enemies of the master should be utterly destroyed!

Immediately, the two of them were like a formidable enemy, and they

quickly cast countless defensive magics.

One Alvin is tough enough, another dragon that's just as outrageous

Alvin smiled, took their look into his eyes, and patted Osiris on the head.

"Don't worry, I don't need Osiris to deal with you, I alone will be


Seeing that the master had said so, Osiris glared at them unkindly before

unfolding his red wings and flying back to the sky above the mage tower.

Putting his attention back on the battlefield, Alvin also used his first

black magic of the day.


The silver flames flew all over the sky, and without the restraint of space,

the expansion speed of Lihuo was extremely terrifying.

Grindelwald was unbearable, and he also released a fierce fire.

Last time I was a little inferior to Alvin in the fierce competition, I must

not lose again today!

The giant beasts turned into countless flames roared and roared, catching

and killing each other.

Alvin stretched out his hand and held it 13 times, and a big hand above

his head tore through the clouds, overwhelming the sky, like the wrath of

the gods.

Terrifying and terrifying!

Just when it was revealed, the scene where the palm was pressed made

the expressions of everyone present suddenly change.

Can Li Huo play like this?


Countless flame beasts shattered directly under this palm, wailed, and

turned into the most primitive flames.

Grindelwald looked tense, and Dumbledore was ready.

At the same time, golden light emerged from their elder wands, forming

an ultimate defense.

"All curses end!

The golden barrier guarded their whole body, preventing the flames from

entering, and at the same time, one of Grindelwald's free hands

manipulated his own flames to attack Alvin.

Don't ask for one hit kill, just to distract Alvin from defense.

But in the face of this situation, Alvin was well prepared, and the magic

power surged out of his body, turning into a huge kotengu armor,

isolating all attacks.

The confrontation between the two sides gradually became a real fire,

but the wizards in the wizard tower were trembling.

They are now unsure if it is safe to stay here.

Fortunately, the tower's defense is not covered, and some escaping

aftermath did not cause the slightest impact.

Dumbledore also summoned Fox, and with the cooperation of one person

and one bird, Alvin's fierce fire was finally cleaned up.

Looking at the figure standing above the sky, guarded by the Crow

Tengu, it was like a god descending into the world.

Dumbledore and Grindelwald were silent.

This battle is impossible to fight at all, and neither of them has made a

threatening attack until now.

It was Alvin, whose almost endless magic was suffocating.

The same question emerged from the bottom of their hearts at the same


Was Merlin, the god of wizards, so powerful?


Fox, who was resting on Dumbledore's shoulders, let out a squeak,

causing his eyes to widen.

"No! Fox!"

Dumbledore shook his head gravely, "I will never allow you to do this! 35

Grindelwald looked at them strangely, not understanding what Fox was


"Tweet! 35

Fox called out twice, ignoring Dumbledore's obstruction, and flew

straight into the sky.

The loud singing sounded, and the body swayed gracefully, drawing

beautiful arcs.

There seems to be some kind of ceremony going on.


Alvin was not in a hurry to attack, and looked curiously at Fox, who was

singing with some fascination.

"What the hell is this doing?"

Grindelwald was equally curious as to why Dumbledore's expression was

so painful.

"All along, whenever members of the Dumbledore family are running out

of time, the phoenix will appear around them and accompany them on

their last journey."

Dumbledore's voice was hoarse, his eyes fixed on Fox in the sky.

"You also know that when Fox accompanied Aurelius to death, he did not

leave, but instead became my partner, which is rare in history.

Grindelwald was silent, he naturally knew Fox's origin.

He also used Fox as evidence to deceive Aurelius and Dumbledore into


Dumbledore continued, "For decades, Fox has mastered a very special


"Now, he will use his life to help me one last time…"

Grindelwald's pupils shrank, looking at Fox who was still singing.

With the passage of time, the scorching phoenix holy flame burned all

over his body, and the momentum on his body became stronger and


Alvin looked at the growing vitality and understood something.

He sighed lightly and moved his index finger slightly.

And then silently appreciate the last elegy.

Finally, when Fox dazzled like the second round of the sun, the charming

singing finally disappeared.

He took a nostalgic look at Dumbledore, who was already in tears, and

let out a last long cry, his body turned into flames, and finally condensed

into a drop of fiery red tears that flew to Dumbledore and immersed in

his body.

"Fu 400ks, goodbye…"

Dumbledore tremblingly bid farewell to his partner who had

accompanied him for decades.

Then the body changed.

Some of the hunched waists straightened up, the white hair on the head

gradually turned red, and the iconic long beard kept falling off, replaced

by a red beard.

The muscles that had atrophied due to aging also swelled again, and a

wizard's robe was no longer suitable.

But it didn't matter, with a little bit of his wand, the dark purple mage

robe turned into a slim-fitting English suit.

Most jaw-droppingly, the age-marked wrinkles were also rapidly

receding, and cheeks plumped back.

These changes were made in mere tens of seconds, but they took decades

away from Dumbledore.

Unlike Grindelwald who used Transfiguration to maintain his appearance

in middle age, his body completely "degenerated" to the peak period.

The Elder Wand shuddered with excitement, and that's what he needed in

this mighty master!

Dumbledore's closed eyes suddenly opened, and even his voice became

magnetic and charming.

"Gaunt, thank you so much for waiting, but for Fox, I've decided to do my


"kill you!"


Chapter 499

Chapter 499 Dumbledore'S Trump Card, One-Man Army!

Standing within Susanoo, Alvin smiled.

This is the first time Dumbledore has shown murderous intent to him

since the war.

It seems Fox's sacrifice did have a big impact on him.

That's right, how can you exert the strongest strength without holding the

belief of killing the enemy?

After several consecutive apparitions, Dumbledore and Grindelwald also

returned to the ground, and the disadvantage of the two in the sky was

too great.

Not to be outdone, Alvin followed with Susanoo fanning his wings.

Looking at him chasing after him, Dumbledore waved his wrist lightly,

and the elder wand responded with an excited Weng Ming.

The two fierce spells pointed directly at Alvin, so powerful that Alvin had

to look at them.

In essence, he is in the same pseudo-legendary position as Dumbledore


With the Elder Wand, Dumbledore now has the ability to hurt him.

"Avada Kedavra!"

Grindelwald also moved, it seemed that he saw his old friend regain his

youth, and his quiet heart became active again.

The dark green Killing Curse was like an entity, and several trees that

penetrated along the way withered quickly and turned into dust.

This is the real life and death. The strong murderous intent scared the

nearby animals to pieces, desperate to escape.

In the face of the fierce counterattacks from the two, Alvin's expression

remained unchanged, the red lines on the Deviance Wand flickered, and

he made a large stroke.

Hundreds of invisible sharp blades formed, severing everything in front

of them.

His Shenfeng Wuying had far surpassed Snape, and perhaps the founder

could not have imagined that his own magic spell could reach such a


After all, it is a mortal body, even if Grindelwald and Dumbledore are hit

by the invisible blade, they will lose their skin.

Alvin's attack is so unreasonable, his magic seems endless, can be poured


But they can't, and if they continue to resist, they will only let themselves

die slowly.

After a little thought, Dumbledore saw two bottles of potions in his


"Fuling agent may bring unexpected benefits.

Grindelwald resisted, the pride of the Dark Lord made him and

Dumbledore join forces to the limit.

It's a shame to be cheating on drugs now.

But seeing dozens of fireballs bigger than the house rushing over, he

quickly took it and took a sip.

As the most expensive and high-level potion in the magic world, the

effect of Fuling is self-evident.

In an instant, Grindelwald felt that his responsiveness, magic activity,

and brain thinking speed had all reached a new level.

Alvin naturally noticed the small movements of the two, and did not say

anything condemning.

It's normal to take a medicine when it's all hit this point.

However, he also gave his own response, and Susanoh, who had been in

a defensive posture, finally took action.

Several golden hook jade formed in the hand, and then were thrown out.

The violent magic fluctuations made it impossible for everyone present to

Apparate, and Dumbledore and Grindelwald could only choose to resist.

Just looking at the size of this attack, they knew it wasn't something to

mess with.

Dumbledore took a deep breath and waved his wand like a conductor.

The surrounding trees and boulders merged into one under his control,

turning into a giant knight no less than the size of Susanoo.

His Transfiguration has been superb, completely changing the material

structure, converting the knight's entire body into extremely hard metal.

Holding a shield the size of the Hogwarts gate, the knight stood firmly in

front of the two of them.


The dazzling explosion was completely unable to open his eyes, a circle

of terrifying air waves surged up, and the trees and rubble fell in

response to the sound.

Dumbledore and Grindelwald were also blown away by this powerful

impact, and they quickly cast a floating spell on themselves before they

could land smoothly.

And the originally majestic giant knight was even more miserable, the

sturdy shield was torn apart, and most of the armor was damaged,

revealing the empty interior.

"Ahem! 99

Grindelwald coughed twice, clutching his aching chest, and finally spit

out two mouthfuls of blood stasis.

He had never been so frustrated when he fought Dumbledore.

Why is the magic spell on this kid's hand so strange? Not to mention its

enormous power, it is still a range attack, and it is impossible to escape.

And Dumbledore was in a better state. He took out a roll of quaint

parchment and threw it into the sky, and the old wand pointed at the

parchment. There are still words in the mouth.

A magnificent picture scroll slowly unfolded.

In the void, a ferocious aura burst out from it, and from a distance, it

seemed that some monster was about to emerge from the parchment.

". 々 groan!"


Almost at this moment, Alvin heard hundreds of different roars at the

same time, and his expression became solemn.

This must be Dumbledore's trump card, he could clearly see that there

were a few deep wrinkles on his face that had just recovered from his


Suddenly, a giant dragon 'drilled' out of the parchment, followed by

countless magical animals.

Thestral, unicorn, viper, three-headed dog…

There are even various magical creatures emerging from it, such as

werewolves, vampires, goblins.

Hundreds of these monsters with a four-star danger level and above

appeared, and the dozens of fire dragons flying in the sky alone can scare

people into fear.

Under the command of Dumbledore, they charged in an orderly manner.

"When did you hide this hand?"

Grindelwald looked at the scene in front of him in amazement, this magic

is really terrible.

If it is just a pure magical creature, there are many ways to solve it


But he just saw clearly that Alvin's smashing spell directly blew up half of

a fire dragon's body.

But after a while, the fire dragon has recovered!

Obviously, this is not a mere magical creature, but a creation of


Dumbledore also slowed down for a while before regaining his ability to


"Now is not the time to say that, they alone can't deal with Gaunt.35

"We have to seize this opportunity and chase after the victory.

There seemed to be flames in Dumbledore's eyes, and he knew this was

his last chance.

If Alvin cannot be completely defeated in this wave, then only defeat

awaits him and Grindelwald.

Chapter 500

Chapter 500 The End Of All Things, Deviance!

It has to be said that Dumbledore did surprise Alvin.

Facing the magic army that lays the groundwork, he fell into a passive

situation for the first time.


Pointing with one hand, the boundless thunder shone in the sky, and the

mercury slashed down like a slash to the ground, with great power.

All the hit magical creatures were severely injured and screamed


But this is just useless work, and it will not take long for those damaged

creatures to return to their original state and rejoin the ranks of the siege.

Alvin's eyesight can naturally see that these magical creatures are not

only products of Transfiguration, but also mixed with special alchemy

techniques to have such self-healing properties.

If he hadn't seen them, Alvin would have almost forgotten that

Dumbledore was also a master alchemist.

The worst thing is that Grindelwald and Dumbledore did not stand by

and cooperated to suppress Alvin.

It didn't take long for the originally majestic third form, Susanoo, to be

beaten to pieces.

Alvin had no choice but to disintegrate Susanoo. Such a big Susan is a

living target, consuming his magic power in vain.

"Away from the world of Gensokyo!", a quaint scabbard phantom

flickered behind him, and an invisible wave rippling 417.

In an instant, Alvin was in absolute defense, and countless attacks were

all in vain, creating potholes in the ground.

Dumbledore's attack failed several times in a row, and he couldn't figure

out what kind of magic it was, or what kind of alchemy tool it was.

"Gellert, do you know what this is?"

He looked at Grindelwald, who had worked with Alvin for so long, what

information should he have.

"I don't know," Grindelwald shook his head angrily, "this kid has too

many tricks, I can't understand him at all,"

He tried to Apparate close to Alvin for a melee attack, but every time he

landed, the landing point was strangely twisted, and the two always kept

a distance.

"It's like he's in another space, and you and I can't do any harm to Alvin

without breaking the space.

Ultimately, Grindelwald came to a conclusion.

But this conclusion is useless, and he has no means to break the space.

Just when the two were worried, Alvin's voice seemed to come from an

endless distance.

"Professor, Lao Ge, I originally wanted to keep it, after all, I don't want to

see you all die.

"It's a pity that you are too capable and forced me to this step."

"Final blow, I hope you can survive. 35

There was a bit of helplessness and a bit of regret in his voice.

Dumbledore and Grindelwald looked at each other, and invariably

clenched their wands, ready to meet the next attack.

The Deviance Wand shone with red-gold light, and its shape gradually

changed, becoming something like a sword but not a sword.

Perhaps at this time, it is more appropriate to call it the Deviance Sword.

Although they haven't chanted the spell yet, Dumbledore and

Grindelwald have been keenly aware that something is wrong, and the

two quickly dodged and retreated into the distance.

At the same time, Dumbledore also manipulated his army to stand in

front of the giant knight.

"Telling about the original, the separation of heaven and earth, the

opening up without hesitation, and the splitting of the world.

"This is the star of the world's deviation and development!"

Alvin recited the liberation language softly, and the sword body was

divided into three sections, which were rotated in different directions.

His eyes flickered with glazed brilliance, and he smiled silently as he

looked at the two people who had already fled thousands of meters.

Can you dodge?

With a forceful slash forward, a red-black crescent slash formed silently,

as if moving forward slowly and quickly.

Dumbledore's scalp was numb, the cold sweat on his body broke out

unconsciously, and his inner madness warned him.

If you can't escape, if you can't catch it, you will die!

Everything along the way turned into nothingness, and the magical

creatures that were originally (bdba) that could be repaired automatically

were all annihilated.



The two subconsciously called each other's names, desperately squeezing

the magic in their bodies.

No, it wasn't just magic, red lines appeared in Dumbledore's body, and

his expression became very painful.

Grindelwald spit out blood, which was evaporated as soon as it appeared,

and he used black magic.

"Call God Guard!"

"Magic Dragon!

A silver-white phoenix and a blue mythical dragon emerged from the tip

of their wands. This was the pinnacle of their life.

It can even be said that this is the strongest blow after their sublimation.

Under the threat of death, the two legendary wizards also went a step


The deviant slash that annihilated everything was finally stopped, the

Phoenix Patronus let out a painful whimper, and the silver-white mist on

his body continued to flow away.

The mythical dragon's body also showed cracks, and their master stood

behind him with difficulty holding his wand and used magic to support


Click! Click! Click!

There was a crisp cracking sound, and it was Grindelwald who couldn't

hold on to it. He himself was a little weaker than Dumbledore, plus the

disadvantage of the wand.

His magic was completely shattered, and the giant dragon turned into

flames and fell to the ground powerlessly.

And the Phoenix Patronus lost its help and quickly disappeared.

Dumbledore and Grindelwald were briefly incapacitated by the backlash

caused by the magic flashback.

They closed their eyes in despair, quietly waiting for death to come.


The sky-high explosion once again occurred in this land, and the

deplorable forest that had been devastated completely disappeared.

Alvin waved his wand, dispelling the dust in the sky, and walked towards

Dumbledore and the others like a walk.

He walked very slowly, because he was carefully comprehending the

insights brought by this battle in his heart.

This is the most hearty battle Alvin has had since he entered the

wizarding world.

Even the Avalon and the Deviance Sword have been used, and naturally

they have gained a lot.

It can be said that he is one step closer to the legend.

A bottomless pit appeared in front of Alvin's eyes, and he knew that

Dumbledore and Grindelwald were buried here.

"Yo, are you still alive?"

Looking a little surprised, Alvin jumped down, only to understand what

was going on.

Grindelwald and Dumbledore fell into a coma, unaware of his arrival.

And in Lao Ge's hand, a locket was firmly held in his hand.

Chapter 501

Chapter 501: The Relieved Old Deng, The Funeral.

The locket was also a Christmas present from Alvin to Grindelwald last


The desperate resistance of the two has already weakened a lot of the

power of the slash, and a strong protective spell is sealed in the locket.

Unexpectedly, this was the last straw that kept them alive.

Does this count as saving them?

Alvin laughed dumbly, waved his hand, and two phoenix tears fell on the

two of them.

"Cough! Cough!"

Dumbledore opened his eyes and looked at Grindelwald beside him, "I

didn't expect us to end up like this.

"Also, death is just a great adventure, as for the present, leave it to Gang-t

to toss.

Alvin was happy, but Dumbledore hadn't given up on his idea.

"Professor, if you want to go on an adventure, I might be able to give you

a ride."

"But Grindelwald's words will leave me for a while, and he still has a lot

of things to do.

Hearing the voice next to him, Dumbledore was startled, "Gaunt?

He felt it carefully again, "I and Gellert are not dead? 35

"Of course," Alvin nodded, pointing to the locket in Grindelwald's hand,

"it just so happens that it was my work that saved you."

"But even so, you have already lost."

"Don't blame me for being cruel if you're jumping out to stop what I'm

going to do."

Alvin's half-warning persuasion made Dumbledore shake his head with a

wry smile.

"Forget it, I won't bother.

"However, Gaunt, I still hope that you will pay more attention to the

interests of ordinary people, and not let too many people be sacrificed in

this revolution.

After what happened today, he also knew that Alvin was unstoppable.

If he insists on fighting, it will only make more people involved in this

whirlpool and eventually be crushed to death.

Now he just wants Alvin to do things more moderately and not be too


Alvin was a little happy to see that he finally looked away, and

responded seriously: "You can rest assured that my current strength is

enough to minimize the loss, and everyone will usher in a new era. 35

"I hope so," Dumbledore sighed.

The two chatted a few more times, and Alvin left, while Dumbledore

stayed here.

It didn't take long for Grindelwald to wake up too, but unlike

Dumbledore, he knew he was alive.

When he learned that Dumbledore gave up completely, he was as happy

as a hundred-year-old child.

"You should have figured it out, Albus. 35

"Alvin is a monster, don't use your own thinking to speculate on a

monster's ability. 99

Grindelwald danced, and he also put down a big stone in his heart.

Without being mixed up between ideals and personal feelings, the whole

person is much more relaxed.

He said enthusiastically, "I have also entrusted all the saints to him, and

then you and I will completely put aside trivial matters and travel around

the world.

"When I went to the Free Country and Yazhou, I was a wanted criminal,

and I haven't had a good walk."

Seeing him enjoying the future, Dumbledore also smiled and listened,

nodded from time to time, and finally said.

"I forgot to tell you, Gaunt said you owe him another favor this time, and

he has a lot left for you to do."

"Old man, I'm afraid your plan will be delayed for a few years."

Grindelwald was dumbfounded, never expecting Alvin to be waiting for

him here.

After a long while, he gritted his teeth and said, "This little rascal has a

really dark heart! 33

Turning his head, seeing Dumbledore's expression of schadenfreude,

Grindelwald also broke the jar.

"Albus, you still have a smile on your face!"

"If it wasn't for you and me this time, I could be beaten so hard that I

almost lost my life?"

"I can't handle it, and you don't want to be comfortable! I'll find Alvin

when I go back, and tell him you want to do your part too!

Dumbledore was dumbfounded.

Not to mention the "flirting" of the two old men, Alvin returned to the

Mage's Tower after leaving Dumbledore.

The Shambhala Temple had been completely destroyed by the battle just

now, so he simply dragged Mage Tara to Bhutan and released the wizard


The live broadcast only saw the final big explosion, and did not show the

final conversation between the two of them.

・・・・For flowers・0

Grindelwald and Dumbledore died, and no one else knew.

"The professor and Grindelwald are not dead, you can see him later.

Hearing this news, Mag and the others and several saints who insisted on

staying with Grindelwald were completely relieved.

Alvin called Qiu over and gave her control over the mage tower.

He still has some things to deal with. The students at Hogwarts are just

here for the opening ceremony, and they need to go back to class as soon

as possible.

As for the other wizards, Alvin left it alone.

After today, I believe that no fool will oppose him in the open.

As for the actions in the dark, Alvin is not afraid of the existence of the

magic net.

However, there is one more thing to do.

Alvin looked up at the void, where there was a live broadcast device.

"I know you're still watching the live stream, Ministers of Magic of the


"Give you three days. In three days, I will meet you at the Ministry of

Magic in England to discuss the future of the wizarding world."

At this moment, all the Ministers of Magic in the world were silent.

Alvin's invitation, do they dare not go?

The battle just now completely made people recognize the gap between

them. Even if there are idiots like Fudge among them, they will not do

anything like Shi Lezhi.

Ignoring the feelings of these people, Alvin directly closed the live


At this time, several saints also came to Alvin's side with the president of

the Free State Congress and his men.

These people came with the members of the Order of the Phoenix, but

they were not as lucky as Mag and the others, and many people died in

the process of resisting.

"I am willing to follow your command, Mr. Gaunt, I was just bewitched

by Dumbledore!"

As soon as he saw him, Speaker Singed begged for mercy in a hurry.

Alvin smiled disdainfully, now begging for mercy, what did he do in the

first place.

You dance the most in the entire magic world.

"Ask the head of House Walley to see if he is interested in being the new


"As for these people, send them to Nico and be cows." Ten.

Chapter 502

Chapter 502: The Deterrent Power Of The God In The World

September 1, 1997.

This is destined to be a day that will go down in history.

On this day, billions of people's worldviews were collectively shattered,

and a sudden global live broadcast let them know.

In this world, not only science, but also magic?

Under the arrangement of Alvin, five consecutive battles between wizards

gave Muggles a general understanding of wizards.

Of course, they didn't admit that the fifth duel was a duel between


Whether in the wizarding world or the Muggle world, the three Alvins

have been expelled from wizarding.

Nonsense, how can a normal wizard be so perverted!

Professor Flitwick was getting bored by the new wizards.

They were chattering and clamoring to learn the magic that appeared in

the last battle, and some little guys even called "417" clamoring to

become a strong man like the principal.

He immediately made a few deans laugh angrily.

They still want to learn, can they learn?

However, this also stimulates the students' enthusiasm for learning. I

believe that even without their encouragement, this study will work


On the other hand, after Alvin closed the live broadcast, it did not mean

that everything was over.

On the contrary, this is just the beginning, and the impact of the event is

just beginning to ferment.

Three doubts lingered in everyone's mind.

First, although the number of wizards is rare, every country has a certain


As little as a few thousand, as many as tens of thousands, hundreds of


So does the government know about the existence of these people? If so,

why not tell the people.

This violates their freedom! It's their right to know!

Second, after seeing the destructive power of wizards, especially the

destructive scene of the last three people fighting.

If it happens in any city, it will cause immeasurable losses.

Many people find themselves living in a completely insecure world,

maybe one day provoked a wizard, and then die without knowing it.

Third, that's Alvin's rhetoric at the beginning, he wants to give everyone

a chance to become a wizard.

No one does not yearn for great power to be attributed to oneself, not to

mention that magic has various magical effects, and it can even prolong


They just wanted to know, how did Alvin get them to become wizards

and have the opportunity to study at Hogwarts as well?

It's a pity that even those higher-ups couldn't answer them before

Muggles established a complete connection with the magical world.

Countless people spontaneously took to the streets to march and protest,

setting off a wave all over the world for a while.

What they don't know is that those government officials are more anxious

than them.

Alvin has disappeared since that day, sending officials from the Ministry

of Magic to England before he disappears.

Before getting his permission, no one dared to make a statement easily.

Even if these officials wanted to find some wizards to understand the

situation and negotiate, they could not find anyone.

Inside the Muggle United Parliament.

At this time, officials from all over the world were arguing vigorously to

make the place that should be tall and high like the vegetable market.

Everyone here is a hand-picked elite, but there are serious disagreements

over how to treat wizards.

Some people want to live in peace with wizards, while others see them as

monstrous beasts.

"They can't be considered human anymore, those wizards are monsters!"

"I suggest that all countries unite and send out the army to suppress


The person who said this is the representative of the Free Nation. What

this country completely controlled by the big conglomerate is most afraid

of is the emergence of this kind of existence beyond its control.

Wizards worship power, and being able to live incognito in the world for

so many years means that they have no pursuit of material things.

Or rather, nothing to pursue for their Muggle wealth.

This also means that the Jin Yuan offensive, which has always been

unfavorable, has lost its effect, coupled with the magic that is enough to

threaten anyone's life.

It can be said that what these big financial groups are most afraid of is

the appearance of a large number of wizards.

But on the other side, they frantically sent people to find the traces of

Alvin and Nick Lemay, wanting to get the way to immortality.

In their opinion, becoming a wizard and immortality can be enjoyed by

them alone, and ordinary civilians should just live their lives honestly.

"I agree, if you can find traces of those monsters and have the courage to

bomb your own cities together…"

The representative of the Chariot Country rolled his eyes in disdain and

said angrily.

"You!" The representative of the Free Nation was furious, but could not


This is also a thing that troubles all high-level executives. The ability of

Apparition is the lore of restraining weapons of large-scale destruction.

Unless they cover a large area with firepower and carry out

indiscriminate bombardment, it is simply impossible to catch wizards


It was because they didn't know the existence of the Muggle Banishing

Charm, and if they knew it would be even more troublesome.

The representative of the Gaul Kingdom stood up, "We can first try to

catch a few wizards for research to see if there is any solution.

His proposal has been approved by many people, hoping to analyze the

power of magic through scientific principles.

Those crazy scientists might be able to come up with something useful.

I just don't know who whispered.

"In case that boy finds out, aren't you afraid that your country will be

destroyed by him?"

The defense was broken, and the venue fell into silence for a short time.

Which representative of this company is so incapable of speaking, can

you hope for something better?

At this time, Robert finally spoke. "Actually, before coming here, the

trustee brought me a sentence.

He didn't dare to talk about his relationship with Aier 1.0, indicating that

he was just a talker.

But that was enough, and everyone was staring at him, wanting to know

what Alvin had said.

"Mr. Gaunt said that if he knows of any country or force that has taken

action to arrest wizards and conduct research, he will definitely find time

to come and have a good chat when he is done."

"I advise everyone, don't doubt Mr. Gaunt's ability and power, he has at

least hundreds of thousands of wizard troops."

The corners of countless people's mouths twitched. If this guy came to

chat, would he die without a corpse?

Faced with such warnings, even those countries that resolutely resisted

wizards became miserable.

This is the deterrent power of the gods on earth.

Chapter 503

Chapter 503 The Legend

In the end, under the heavy scruples, the Muggle side still did not dare to

choose a tough attitude to face the magical world.

They hope to make tentative contact with the wizards first, and then

change their strategies at any time when they know more about them.

During this period, there were still some smart people who thought of the

existence of the Holy See.

"You said, should we go to the Vatican and ask the Pope how they dealt

with wizards in the past.

"In the history of the Middle Ages, the Holy See has carried out many

witch-hunting operations, and professional things should be left to

professional people."

"Idiot," a representative finally couldn't help it, and stood up and snorted,

"Is your history taught by a physical education teacher?"

"The witch hunt refers to the persecution of innocent women by the Holy

See to consolidate its position!""

"Do you really think those fat-headed guys can't do anything?'

Naturally, this is not a suggestion.

After all, the virtues of the Holy See, everyone knows what happened to

13, and it would be boring to talk about it.

And Robert became the representative of this time because Alvin was an


He answered the errand expressionlessly, and then left the conference


Well, it's time to report the situation to the boss

On the other hand, Alvin still did not appear in front of the public.

He is closing.

After defeating Dumbledore and Grindelwald, the system sound came as



'Congratulations to the host, for completing the first stage of the mission

of the long stage of ascending to the gods – to overwhelm the world!

"Get the quest reward: Seed of the World."

"The Seed of the World: A seed of the original world, integrated into one's

own body can automatically perceive the existence of the realm.

"Not only is it very helpful to advance to the legend, but with the growth

of the seeds, you can finally harvest an incomparably huge world.""

Alvin looked at the wrinkled seeds in his hands, but he didn't expect this

thing to sound quite tall.

He also thought that the system would directly come to a so-called Chuan

Gong empowerment, allowing him to directly break through to the

legendary rank, but he did not expect that he would have to work hard

on his own.

It really is a spicy chicken system.

As usual, he complained about his own plug-in, Alvin pondered for a long

time and did not figure out how to integrate this seed into his body, and


Opened his mouth.

Well, this is considered to be integrated into the body, there is nothing

wrong with it.

As soon as it enters the mouth, the seed of the world automatically flows

into the body like a liquid.

He immediately felt a mysterious power tumbling in his body, even with

his huge magic power, it was boiling endlessly.

If he can combine these two energies into one, then he will completely

enter the realm of legend.

Alvin sat steadily, his heart was empty, as if everything that happened in

his body had nothing to do with him.

Trying to use magic to get close to the energy brought by the seeds, he

entered a mysterious realm where he could clearly see everything that

happened in his body.

As a magician, whether it is a little wizard who has just mastered one or

two magics, or a big magician like Alvin and Dumbledore.

They all use magic through the magic in their bodies, the difference is

only in the size of the power.

The legend, on the other hand, has completely entered another world,

which is a transition of life level.

The most obvious difference is the realm.

By deepening his understanding of the world, the legendary mage can

control a world, and in this world, all elements of the world will obey his


Manpower is poor, but heaven and earth are infinite.

Therefore, in the high-magic world, even hundreds of pseudo-legends will

feel a sense of powerlessness in the face of real legendary mages, because

they are fighting against heaven and earth.

At this moment, with the slow fusion of the two energies, the world has

also changed in his eyes.

The colorful elements appeared in front of his eyes, and they bounced

around him, but the simple tables and chairs were resolved into their

most primitive state in front of him.

As long as Alvin is willing, even without using the magic in his body, all

kinds of spells can now be cast at his fingertips and released out of thin


That's the power of the realm.

Just when Alvin thought he was about to become a legend in a smooth

and steady way, something happened.

Avalon, who had been guarding him silently, drilled out, and the quaint

scabbard slowly melted, turning into a third energy and joining the

fusion team.

This situation made Alvin a little stunned, but he felt a lot more at ease

when he felt that the area that was still a little fragile was instantly

strengthened because of Avalon's addition.

With a heartbeat, Alvin's deviance wand appeared in his hand.

Since Avalon can be assimilated by the power of the domain, is it also

possible to deviate from the source?

Looking at the wand that has been with him for five or six years, Alvin's

heart is ruthless.

The magic wand cracked inch by inch, leaving only a mass of red-black

energy that was sucked into the body.

To his relief, Devi Origin also joined the fusion army smoothly, and the

leading 417 domain also had a shattered aura.

As time passed, Alvin's aura became weaker and weaker.

Originally, after defeating Dumbledore and Grindelwald, he was so

strong that even those closest to him dared not look directly at him for a

long time.

But now Alvin is like the wind and the rain, moisturizing things silently,

gentle and incomparable.

But on the contrary, his body turned into a volcano that was about to

erupt, and he was extremely restless.

Suddenly, Alvin stood up, disappeared into the secret room, and

appeared on an island thousands of kilometers away in the Atlantic


At this time, the magic power in his body, the seed of the world, Avalon,

and the four energies of being away from the source were also

completely merged together.


This brand new force broke out completely. With Alvin as the center, the

sea level for dozens of miles in a radius was forcibly pressed down by ten

meters, forming a bizarre reverse flow.

He screamed in the sky, coordinating with the release of energy in his


Finally, the huge amount of energy began to flow back, pouring into his

body like flowing water, and Alvin's body was like a black hole,

swallowing up the energy completely.

Alvin opened his eyes and stretched out his pure white hands.

"This is… legend."5

Chapter 504

Control The Magic World

The world is the same world, but Alvin is not the Alvin he was a few

minutes ago.

"This is the realm in Taoist legends that looking at mountains is not a

mountain, and looking at water is not water. 99

He didn't use any magic power, Alvin just relied on his understanding of

the rules, and stood quietly in mid-air, as if walking on the ground.

After thinking for a moment, he gently extended his index finger to a

mountain not far away.

Without the slightest astonishing vision, the mountain seemed to be

erased from this world with an eraser.

No trace was left.

That's the power of the realm.

He felt that this mountain should not exist, then the mountain would


In the past, Alvin could also raze a mountain to the ground, but he

definitely couldn't do it like it is now.

Of course, his domain strength is not comparable to ordinary legends.

The Seed of the World, Avalon, Deviating from the Origin, three high-

level energies strengthen his domain to an incredible quality.


"Am I still a wizard?"

Alvin looked a little weird, his wand was destroyed by his own hands,

not even the scum was left.

Although for him now, a magic wand is not necessary, but after coming

here for so many years, he is used to having a stick in his hand.

"The source of deviation is only integrated into the field, not disappearing

out of thin air. 35

"Then can I summon him again?

With this in mind, Alvin released the realm and carefully felt every

change in the realm.

Slowly, the red and black stray source was slowly 'squeezed out',

constantly changing its shape in his hands.

It's okay, at least you don't have to fight empty-handed in the future.

Alvin looked at the lost and found wand with joy.

It wasn't a real wand, just a look of domain power, but it was enough for


Next, he spent another half a day getting acquainted with the new power.

until you have complete control. just returned to England.

Once back, Alvin went to find Crouch.

Although I don't know how long I have been in retreat, I must have

missed the joint meeting, and I must find someone to understand the


When Alvin met Crouch, he was working on a hill of documents in the

minister's office.

"Seeing how busy you are, I'm really embarrassed.

Alvin was also a little embarrassed. He clearly called those people over

by himself, but he disappeared.

Crouch was startled by the intruding voice, and only relaxed after seeing

Alvin, and said angrily:

"Who made you the boss, I'm just a part-time worker, what have you

been doing these days, countless people are going crazy looking for you.

"There was a breakthrough in strength, so I closed it at will." Alvin sat on

the sofa, looking at Crouch who was somewhat resentful, and quickly

changed the subject.

"I came to you as soon as I left the customs, what's the situation now?"

Breakthrough in strength?

Crouch looked at him with a complicated face. The original strength of

Alvin had already made countless people a little desperate, and the speed

of becoming stronger was so fast.

What a monster.

With a sigh, Crouch was talking about what had happened in recent days.

It turned out that a week had passed since the opening ceremony, and

during this week, a lot of turmoil had really occurred in the magic world.

The first was the meeting four days ago. On that day, all the Ministers of

Magic from all countries in the world came to England, which was even

more crowded than when the International Witch Federation held its


Although Alvin did not appear, Crouch was his confidant, and he was

surrounded by a great victory, and there were also 100,000 pioneers who

were eyeing him.

There was no big mess either.

However, because he did not appear, some countries still showed

resistance to the wizards of the whole people.

This is also inevitable, Alvin's step is too big, not everyone can accept it.

Especially many conservative pure-blood families, if they hadn't seen

Alvin's power, they would have risen up long ago.

"You still got one thing wrong, Crouch." After listening, Alvin shook his

head and sighed instead of making a comment.

"I asked them to come over because I needed them to cooperate with me,

not to negotiate with them. 99

"You don't need to ask for their opinion, just pass on my request.

Crouch was a little puzzled, "Then some people act like yin and yin, and

they agree on the surface, but what if they don't work hard?"

Alvin was also polite, ".々Then I'll send them on their way.

Crouch was silent, and he found that he was still somewhat limited by

the thinking of politicians and wanted to achieve his goals through

normal means.

But Alvin's existence itself is not normal.

With his deterrent power, why bother trying to convince others?

For a time, Crouch was also somewhat enlightened.

"Well, you first become the president of the International Witch

Federation, and then quickly reach out to the Ministry of Magic of each


"Just like what we should do with the Europa League countries, whoever

doesn't obey will be replaced."

"As for things in England, you should choose Lockhart as your next one.

He has been at the Ministry of Magic for so many years, and he should be

more than enough to handle domestic affairs."

Alvin thought for a while, and felt that Crouch's position was a bit

complicated, and he must be allowed to devote his energy to a higher

level (Made Zhao).

Once the witch spirit potion began to be released, countless people would

violently riot every day.

At this time, when the Ministry of Magic of each country is working, they

must guide and record these people, so as not to cause greater confusion.

Therefore, before this, he must completely control the magic world.

Crouch nodded, "I actually want to tell you, there are too many things, I

really can't handle it. 95

Next, he told Alvin some other trivia.

For example, there are countless people looking for wizards on the streets

of London, and the people of the Holy See declare that they are heretics

and should all be burned to death.

Alvin laughed when he heard this.

"Are the people of the Holy See really stupid or are they being used as


Those in power have all sent people to negotiate, and it is really tired of a

gangster who dares to talk to him like this.

Chapter 505

Chapter 505: Putting The Awakening Potion

Crouch understood the sarcasm in his eyes and recorded the matter


It's time to teach those gods a lesson.

"Okay, do as I say, all problems will be solved by me, you don't need to

worry too much.

"And you told Grindelwald that I didn't let him retire by letting him and

Dumbledore go.

"As soon as the injury heals, let him come back to work with you."

Alvin stood up, ready to leave.

Crouch also got up to say goodbye, and with Alvin's support, he was able

to let go.

When he got to the door, he remembered something again, "Ms. Arya told

me last time that the Muggle lab you brought in seems to be looking for


Alvin was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered the scientist

he had asked for from Robert before.

He hasn't been there since the first appearance, and almost forgot.

"Okay, I see.

Alvin, who had originally planned to return directly to Hogwarts, also

directly changed his schedule and came to the place where the group of

scientists were.

The two guards guarding the door saw Alvin and hurried up to meet him.

"Big 417, you are finally here."

Alvin is a little strange, isn't it easy to see the door, why are these two

people looking after the rest of their lives.

"What happened, there was trouble inside?

The guard shook his head repeatedly and explained the reason.

It turned out that these scientists also saw the live broadcast that shocked

the world a few days ago, when they learned about Alvin's identity and


This group of smart people quickly understood what they were invited to


Scientists are a group of people with excess curiosity. Faced with a new

"species" of human beings like wizards, how can they endure their


So the only wizards at the door they could get in touch with were bad


I can't beat me, I can't scold me, I can only make a living by giving myself

a closed earplug to listen to the curse every day.

And Alvin was a little dumbfounded when he learned what happened to

the two.

"You have worked hard these days, double your salary this month, and

then go to Arya to get two spells, and say (bdba) I made it."9

The two guards looked overjoyed. They responded in unison, "Thank you,


The doubling of the salary is not very important to them. The treatment

that Arya usually gives is not low. More money and less money is a


But having them pick two spells is different.

These spells are all optimized by Alvin, and their power is incomparable

to the power recorded in the textbook.

That's why Alvin is able to hold onto so many elite wizards.

As long as you accumulate enough merits, you can continue to become


Walking into the laboratory, Alvin was stared at by dozens of pairs of


It not only contains awe, but more, is the unknown exploration and


This group of scientists did not understand why a small human body

could burst out with such earth-shattering power.

Alvin didn't care, and glanced around, "I heard that you are looking for

me, what's the matter?"

An old man with gray hair and glasses came back to his senses and

explained: "Mr. Gaunt, we have basically got our eyes on the two tasks

you assigned. 35

"Say something I can understand, don't say technical terms." Alvin is very


He is here for solutions, not for academic discussion.

The old man was choked for a while, and after a long time of internal

organization, he spoke slowly

"For the delivery of the chemicals you require, the best way is to go

through the national water conservancy system, which can cover

everyone in the widest possible way.

"As long as we obtain more detailed data, we can accurately distribute

the diluted medicine at a certain time."

"The downside of this is that there is some waste, and the drinking habits

of different groups of people are different, which means that the doses

are not the same for everyone."

Alvin nodded, "This is indeed a good method, and you don't have to

worry about wasting things.

With the perfect cultivation environment of the Mage Tower, it will only

take a few more months.

Alvin didn't care about the different doses everyone took.

The Awakening Potion is just an introduction, and its effect is to dig out

the magic factor that is deeply buried in the human body.

As for the amount of magic power in the body, it completely depends on

each person's aptitude and bloodline concentration.

It is not something that can be determined by drinking more awakening

potions, it depends on the witch spirit potion.

"Then have you researched the witch spirit potion and found anything?"

The old man was a little embarrassed when he mentioned this. After a

while, he said: "This is also progressing. We have used up the samples

you gave us in the past few months."

"But after analyzing it for so long, we haven't found any abnormality at

all, and it's a complete waste of effort.

Alvin was stunned, and looked at him incomprehensibly, "What kind of

progress is this?

The old man blushed, "The progress is that you don't need to find

someone to waste your manpower and material resources in the future,

magic matters should be solved by magic!

Well, Alvin got beat by him.

Really want to face ah.

But he wasn't disappointed either, this was just an idle move.

It's best if you can research something, and it doesn't matter if you don't.

Patting the old man on the shoulder, Alvin affirmed their work and gave

the task for the next stage.

"The next thing you need to do is to calculate the number of awakening

potions that each country needs, as well as the operating procedures."

"The information you want will be sent to you soon, I will give you a

month, can you do it?

The old man hesitated, "We have too few people, and we can't finish it in

a month. 39

This is a big project, hundreds of countries in the world, dozens of them

are completely overwhelmed.

Alvin thought about it for a while, and it seemed that he was a little too

strong. He changed his mind and said, "Then before Christmas, I will find

some help for you."

The old man was relieved to see Alvin speak so well.

At this moment, Alvin took out the magic net login device and looked at

the news above, his face became a little strange.

Did Dumbledore actually look for him?.

Внимание! Этот перевод, возможно, ещё не готов.

Его статус: идёт перевод


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