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Готовый перевод StarseT - Начало начал / StarseT - Beginning: Глава I - Появление силы

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The story begins on the planet Earth, inhabited by creatures known as "humans." There is a country where a young man resides, and his life is about to take a completely different turn, unlike that of ordinary people...

City - Onyx, District - Starry

At first glance, it seemed like an ordinary day for our hero, but things were far from simple.

A group of guys stood by the pull-up bar, ready to compete in the number of pull-ups. The best among them were Quasar and Specter. They started first, even though a storm was approaching. But that didn't deter them, and the competition began. They did more pull-ups than anyone else and asked:

- Who can do as many or more?

- Let's go! - said Nick and Tim. After those words, Nick immediately grabbed the bar and started pulling up. Nick did 18 pull-ups. Following him, Tim also began pulling up. He managed 16 pull-ups. They were praised and impressed. They asked, "Who can do as many or more?" Om and Saban exclaimed, "Pfft, we can do more!" After these words, Om went first, grabbed the bar, and started pulling up. He did 10 pull-ups. Then Saban went, grabbed the bar, and started pulling up. Saban managed 12 pull-ups. After this, Specter and Quasar laughed and said, "Have you shown off enough? Okay, Stars, it's your turn." And Stars went last. He stood under the bar, and the storm intensified, but it didn't stop him. He began pulling up, and with each pull-up, lightning flashed! On the seventh repetition, he displayed extraordinary strength. At that moment, lightning struck him directly, and he fell unconscious. Everyone was horrified and carried him home.

Explaining to his parents what had happened, they immediately called an ambulance. After 30 minutes, the doctors told his parents that he was in a coma. His parents, in tears, asked if this would last long. The doctors themselves couldn't give a definite answer...

Six months later...

It had been six months since the tragedy, and our hero woke up from his coma! Looking around, he asked himself, "Where am I? What happened to me?" On that day, his sister wanted to visit him with her little child. How happy she was to see her beloved brother awake! After she explained what had happened to him, he couldn't wait to see his parents. After a while, he was discharged from the hospital. The doctors were very surprised that his muscles hadn't atrophied. "Why do I feel so good and can move normally?" asked the hero. The doctors replied, "You have an incredible regeneration ability that others don't have! Perhaps it appeared when you were struck by lightning!" The hero thanked the doctors and left with his sister to visit his parents. On the way home, he smiled and looked at familiar streets. When he arrived home, he was warmly welcomed by his parents and relatives. Everyone greeted him with open arms! After a while, he went to sleep.

It was early in the morning when Stars woke up from a noise in his head. He got up, washed his face, and then looked in the mirror. He saw that his body had become significantly bulkier and more muscular, and his eyes had changed color from brown to bright blue, resembling stars and the cosmos. He thought he was hallucinating and went back to sleep.

The next morning, he realized that it wasn't a hallucination! He grabbed the pull-up bar and did 50 pull-ups without getting tired. Then he did 100 different types of push-ups and still didn't tire. He was so amazed and happy that he told his parents. They were also surprised and happy for him.

At 2:15 in the afternoon, he met his friends Quasar and Specter and immediately challenged them to a pull-up competition. They didn't refuse because they knew that before the lightning strike, Stars couldn't do more than 5 pull-ups. His friends managed 25 pull-ups each and quickly got tired. Then it was our hero's turn. He grabbed the bar and did 50 pull-ups without pausing, and he wasn't tired.

After that, his friends were in shock and said, "I think you were in a coma and trained." They laughed together and started training. All simple exercises his friends did with a break, but our Hero did it so easy.

Several hours later, our hero and his future team decided to go up to the rooftop to admire the city at night, but they didn't expect that when they reached the top, they would see an approaching Evil! When the heroes reached the rooftop, they were amazed by the sight of the city at night, and then It appeared!


End of chapter.


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