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12 Breakfast on the grass

Deny the monotony, support diversity, deny bans, maintain a frenzy, denies the unanimity, maintain hierarchy, deny the spinach, keep the oysters.

Salvador Dali

Passed noon. The autumn sun lit the street and the passers-by, casting light, as if painted with a brush artist shadow. The trees slowly surrendered to the mercy of autumn, the yellow leaves hung from the branches of a dried-up insects. The wind was fanned by the face, bringing a blessed coolness.

In ordinary life, all the events follow each other rapid succession, making you forget about the changing seasons and the transience of existence.

Tian-Tian has really gone to the Center for reproductive health, and the first time I decided to make it.

Inside the building was ugly, stuffy, and smelled of something astringent. The corridors, posters and the faces of the doctors seemed too sterile. The doctor's office primary inspection calmly looked at us through the massive glasses expressionless eyes. He asked Tiana-Tiana's questions about his condition and carefully recorded all the answers in history.

– When you first had nocturnal emission? In the morning you have never had an erection? If you read these books or watch these films, you respond to them? For once in your life you have had normal sexual intercourse, that is, you managed to insert his penis into the vagina and to maintain an erection for at least three minutes? In General, do you have any deviation?

Tian-Tian pale as chalk, his forehead tiny droplets of perspiration. He answered with difficulty, and barely audible monosyllables. I felt I now take it by the hand and help me up, he jumped and ran away without looking back. I was sitting in the hallway, and he was taken to the nearby therapy room. He looked awful, seemed about to faint. When he reached the door, he looked around at me, eyes terrified.

I covered my face with my hand. It was too cruel to Tian-Tian.

A long, tedious wait. Then the office door opened and the doctor appeared, and behind him, ponurovskii and without looking at me, walked Tian-Tian. The doctor has scribbled something in the medical form.

Your reproductive system is in order, he said of Tian-Tian their diagnosis. – The problem is purely psychological.

He recommended that Tian-Tian to visit them in the centre group sessions of psychotherapy as an additional treatment to take any medication.

Now in the life of Tian-Tian appeared a new occupation. Every week he went to a reproductive health Center and a few hours spent there. Perhaps he was attracted not so much the studies themselves, how to communicate with such sufferers, who shared with him their secrets. Everyone in the classroom sat in a circle and took turns telling a sympathetic listening audience about their experiences and problems. According to David, shared suffering helps to overcome personal fears.

Tian-Tian soon enough in the training Center, and a course of psychotherapy. But in the group he met and became friends with a young man named Lee-Laye, which was from time to time to join our company.


Autumn is good to get out in nature. So we decided to have a picnic on the lawn at the hotel "Shingo". The sun lazily caressed us with its rays, and nostrils tickled by the smell of Lysol thumps coming from a nearby clinic. From here the view was lovely: symmetric alternation of Islands of greenery and buildings, warmed by the autumn sun.

We spread out on the lawn on a blanket, spreading it on top of a tasty snack. All of our friends who are sitting, who's lying, imposingly situated around, like scattered around the Board like chess pieces. Our picnic reminded me of a picture of Manet's "luncheon on the grass" with its atmosphere of bourgeois serenity of the mid-nineteenth century, to which I always gravitated.

Permanent stay in the room gnatusha effect on emotional state. Reflections, work on the book, silence, dreams and imagination can lead a person to the brink of madness. In the course of absolutely inhuman experiments, scientists have proven that staying all alone in a confined space for four days is quite enough that man jumped out the window like a stone from a catapult. It turns out that to lose mind is not so difficult.

On one of the postcards sent by the father (he and his mother traveled to Guangzhou), it was written: "my Girl, try to walk more often. Grass and fresh air – the most wonderful gift that gives us life." Talking to me, he often resorted to maxims and aphorisms.

Came Li-Lo, dressed slovenly, but with a claim. It was a lean, pop-eyed guy with a shaved head. My first impression of communicating with them – inveterate foul-mouthed. He fingered the tip of his nose until he started to blush and not dwell. To me this guy just did not like. It was rumored that at the age of ten he started chasing Mature women and eleven years lost her virginity by sleeping with the mother of one of his classmates.

After this he was carried to his bed more than fifty women of the same age mother and her older sister. A year ago Lee-Le caught with another man's wife. Husband thoroughly beat him and cut his long hair, which he was so proud. After that Li-Lo was impotent.

Li-Lo was from a family of intellectuals, sent from Shanghai, and lived without care. Worked as a salesman in a shop of "Adidas" on the streets of Nanjing. In his free time banging on the drum in some basement and even organized their own informal rock band. For some time the rock has replaced his sex, reassuring young body and delighting the soul. On Tian-Tian Lee-Lo made an impression not only a kind of attitude and demeanor, which he saw as the natural modesty, innocence and identity, as the passion for reading and an inquisitive mind.

Jose also accepted my invitation and came to the picnic. She brought me a gift of a bottle of tonic for the skin from Shiseido. Said he brought it from Hong Kong, where he had gone on a business trip. There he sold a hundred yuan cheaper than in Shanghai. It's been a long time since I saw her last, but her refined lady, demeanor has not changed. She seems to have recovered from feelings about the divorce.

– Heard from aunt, you started to write a novel, she said with a smile, through a straw sipping the juice from the package. Solar flare played on her face, and she smelled like young grass. – Oh, she said, pulling out and handing me a business card, I now work in this company.

I stared at the card, and for a moment was stupefied. This hour is not an investment Grade company?

– Right, I'm really writing a novel. I hope to write a bestseller and make enough money to travel through Europe, I replied.

– And your boyfriend? You still sit bezvylazno in the same room? Just don't know how to live! Surely none of you wishes to work outside the home? Harmful to stay locked. You can get sick, – said Jose carefully.

We often walk, sometimes we go to the bar to have a drink or go dance, ' I replied.

I thought that if you go to Europe, Tian-Tian will want to go with me. During travel vary not only in time and place, but thinking, mood and overall health. I dreamed about making love with Tian-Tian in a small hotel in a small French town (he was there just like you), in a roadside Motel somewhere in Germany, in a deserted Church in Vienna, the Roman Coliseum, on a motor boat in the Mediterranean... Our romance to develop gradually – while there are affection and passion. Love and freedom will always find shelter under the canopy of the forest, and the waters of the lake, and heaven.

I went to Tian-Tian, sat down beside her and kissed him. He ended the conversation with Lee-Laye and smiled at me in response.

– Let's play Frisbee [49] – I suggested.

– Okay, – he agreed, rising. In the light of the sun with slick black hair, black cotton shirt, striped and with childish clear eyes he looked very young, almost a schoolboy.

Our eyes momentarily crossed. I was overcome by a fit of passion, my heart began to pound. He laughed again. Plastic disc flew here and there, like a tiny UFO, until it fell to the feet of Zhushi. She smiled and handed it to Tian-Tian. Jose about something with enthusiasm talked with Ah-Dick, and, it seems, they were interested together.

After a conversation with one of your numerous friends staying in the hotel "Shingo", our company came Madonna and joined the game. Buck Number Five and his girlfriend Sisi sunbathing, turning their bare backs to the sun and playing a Board game called "Airplane". View shameless couple in matching dark glasses, in the middle of the day sprawled on the lawn and roasted in the sun naked pale back, didn't leave anyone around us no doubt that these two were just made for each other.

Suddenly we have been approached by an angry elderly woman, apparently a foreigner. The rest continued to play, and Madonna and I went over to her.

– Excuse me, – she addressed us in English with a very strong American accent, but I have to ask you all to leave.

– Why is this? – I asked in English.

– You see, my husband and I live in that building there, on the contrary, she said, and pointed his finger at the building in the French style, located at the opposite end of the lawn. It was a lovely three-story mansion with low-high fence with graceful, but completely useless the flue pipe on the roof, and colorful stained glass Windows and two balconies, the stair railing with floral stucco ornament was thickly overgrown with ivy. – We always admire from our balcony a beautiful view on the lawn

– And so what? – Probably English, my words sounded rude. But I was not going to be particularly polite. Why the hell did we need from this old American?


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