Читать When I reincarnated, I was a commoner. I aim to be an aristocrat because I can't stand the standard of living / Когда я перевоплотился, стал простолюдином. Я стремлюсь быть аристократом, потому что не выношу уровня жизни: Глава 18 :: Tl.Rulate.ru - новеллы и ранобэ читать онлайн
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×Внимание! Этот перевод, возможно, ещё не готов, так как модераторы установили для него статус «идёт перевод»

Готовый перевод When I reincarnated, I was a commoner. I aim to be an aristocrat because I can't stand the standard of living / Когда я перевоплотился, стал простолюдином. Я стремлюсь быть аристократом, потому что не выношу уровня жизни: Глава 18

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Chapter 18: Ice Maker

While I'm at it, I should consult with Marcel-san about magical tools. If I have to conceal the fact that I possess all attributes, there might be limitations on the magic tools I can create.

"Marcel-san, may I consult with you about magical tools? If I'm not allowed to use all attributes, there's a possibility that I won't be able to create the magical tools I've been thinking about."

"Ah, sure. I'm interested in the magical tools you come up with, Leon."

"Thank you! I've been thinking of something like a cold box for storing food, like a refrigerator..."

"Ah, but that won't work because it can't produce ice."

"Well, the thing is, it can produce ice."


Marcel-san once again looks surprised and stops. I wonder if I've surprised Marcel-san too much today. I'm worried his heart might stop.

"Um, are you okay...?"

"A-ah, yeah, I'm fine. You've just been surprising me all day, so it's tiring."

"I'm sorry..."

"It's fine. So, how did you manage to make ice?"

"I create water that's on the verge of turning into ice using water magic, and when I give it a stimulus, it turns into ice."

"Can you show me once?"

I take out water on the verge of freezing in the container Marcel-san handed me, and I shake the container to stimulate it and freeze it.

After watching that, Marcel-san falls into deep thought, wearing a troubled expression for a while.

What's wrong? Did something go wrong?

"Do you think anyone who can use water magic can do this?"

I'm asked that question and start to think.

I have modern knowledge and can imagine it, so maybe I can create it. But I don't know if people in this world can make it...

No, maybe I should just think about freezing water and try to use magic. If I can do that, people in this world might be able to do it too.

"May I try using magic again?"

"Ah, you can do it as many times as you want."

I used magic without imagining, just thinking that this time I would freeze water on the verge of freezing in a new container. As a result, about five times the amount of magic power as before was used, but I was able to create water.

Did I succeed...? I cautiously took the container in my hand and shook it to give it a stimulus. Then the water turned into ice with a cracking sound.

I did it! Even an ordinary person might be able to do this! But it might be impossible unless you have a considerable amount of magical power.

"Marcel-san, I think it can be done if you have a lot of magical power. Just think of it as water on the verge of freezing and use magic. However, I think it requires quite a lot of magical power, so I don't know how much magical power is needed to do it."

"I see... You have a magical power level of five. Maybe I should ask someone with a magical power level of five and the water attribute to try it."

It seems Marcel-san will gather other people to try it. Maybe I can even make a refrigerator with this. That's great.

"I'll try it later with magic, but have you decided on the shape of the magical tool?"

"Yes! In general, it's already decided. It's a vertically long box shape with several shelves inside, and I want to add a function to make ice on the top part. So, I was thinking of using ordinary iron for the box part instead of magic iron, and making only the part that makes ice into a magical tool. What do you think?"

"Oh, it's better to save magic iron as much as possible. I think that's fine. But in that case, wouldn't it be better to call it an ice maker rather than a refrigerator?"

Indeed...! The magical tool part will be an ice maker. Or rather, it might be better to be able to make ice rather than promoting it as a refrigerator.

I won't make the iron part that was intended to be a refrigerator, and instead, I'll market only the magical tool part. It would be more convenient for each person to come up with their own ideas and use it.

"That's right. Let's call it an ice maker. Let's make it a magical tool that can make ice without limiting its usage. I think people will be able to use it freely."

"That's right. That's better. Then, let's try making one."

Marcel-san said that and lined up the magic stones and magic iron on the desk.

"How about Leon making it this time? If you have a magical power level of five, you can use magic iron too."

"Is that okay!? I want to try making it!"

"Then, first hold the magic iron and imagine the transformation you want. Then, if you let the magical power flow, it will change accordingly."

I thought it would be better to make large ice that doesn't melt easily, so I imagined a container that was thirty centimeters on each side. Then I imagined two places to embed the magic stones and let the magical power flow.

Then, the magic iron rapidly changed its shape, and soon the thing I imagined was completed.

Magic iron is amazing!!

"I did it!"

"Why is it shaped like this? I thought it would be in the form of a waterway, but why are there two places to embed magic stones?"

"I thought it would be better if the ice is larger, so it's harder to melt. But when I shape it like this, the stimulation doesn't reach the center, and the ice doesn't solidify properly. So, I use wind magic to send wind from both the center and the outside of the water at the same time to provide stimulation."

I tried making ice multiple times after creating the first one, but the more water I add, the less it freezes properly.

I don't know the reason, but I discovered that it solidifies nicely when I create wind using wind magic simultaneously from the center and the outside of the water.

I don't really understand why it solidifies nicely like that, but I try not to think about it because I don't understand the principles of magic in the first place.

Magic is amazing in that it can be arbitrary. Yeah, it suits me.

"Leon, it's the first time I've incorporated two attribute magics into a single magical tool. Well, I feel like it's pointless to explain common sense to you, so I'll stop..."

Marcel-san seems to be looking at me with an exasperated look.

How rude! I'm a sensible person! I am, right...? Could it be that things are different in this world...?

No, I should avoid thinking about it. It's too late now...

I received two magic stones and infused them with magical power while imagining the magic.

First, I embed the wind attribute magic stone. I noticed while making the ice that it's more efficient and produces better quality ice if I create a slight breeze before the water appears.

When I put my hand into the magical tool, a gentle breeze is generated. That's a success.

Next, I embed the water attribute magic stone. Then, a few seconds later, the ice is formed. It's probably a success!

I remove the magic stones and take out the ice from the box. It has become a beautifully square-shaped ice. It's a great success!

"Marcel-san! It's completed! What do you think?"

"This is amazing... With this, we can preserve ingredients without them rotting even in the summer. Many people will want it. Moreover, the quality seems much higher than the ice made with the container earlier."

That's right! When I generate water using only water magic and agitate it to turn it into ice, it becomes like sherbet or only the surface freezes. But when I create water in the place where a slight breeze was generated using wind magic, it becomes hard and beautiful ice.

"Which means even someone with a magic power of five in water magic can't create beautiful ice by themselves. They have to cooperate with someone with the wind attribute. This might sell well."

I'm glad! I wonder if I was able to repay Marcel-san's kindness a little...

"Then, after having someone with a Water attribute magic power of level five verify if they can create ice, I will take this to the royal palace and have it registered. Is that alright?"

"Yes! Um, but is there no risk of someone taking the idea from the person who verifies it...?"

"I'll ask a trusted friend, so it'll be fine. Besides, the fusion of Water and Wind attributes is not something that can be easily thought of and imitated. I'll go to register it within the day, so it'll be alright."

"In that case, it's fine! Well then, please take care of it."

"Yes, leave it to me. While I go to the royal palace, I'll also deposit money into Leon's account, so we'll check it later."

"Yes! Thank you very much!"

I finished my business and looked out the window when I suddenly noticed. Night operation is about to begin!!

"Marcel-san! I'm leaving now! I'll be late for the night operation."

"Ah, be careful."

"Yes! I'll come again!"

I said that and rushed out of Marcel-san's house, running all the way home.

Внимание! Этот перевод, возможно, ещё не готов.

Его статус: идёт перевод


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