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Готовый перевод Heavy object / Тяжелый объект: Intermission (ENG)

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She still had a present she had failed to give. She had concerns she couldn’t share with anyone.

But none of that mattered anymore.

The Princess saw it all from the cockpit of the Baby Magnum. Her Object was equipped with countless radars, sensors, and lenses, so she may have gathered more information than the soldiers actually fleeing in a panic through Rome.

“Oh ho ho… What in the world is happening here!? Rome is engulfed in flames. Are you saying that I…that we caused this with our Objects!?”

Lava spewed forth.

Flames burned bright.

The catastrophe stretched as far as the eye could see.


She lamented, but she could not speak it out loud.

Because she knew she didn’t have the right.

(It wasn’t just an unproven theory. It was true. And now our Objects have started a world war.)

A new world war had begun.

Leaving one girl’s heart in tatters.


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