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Готовый перевод Lord of Dreams - A Multiverse Fanfiction / Повелитель Грёз: Глава 31: 1000-летняя решимость и план Лориэна

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"In exchange, the Lord is willing to give everything..."

Hearing this Lorien felt puzzled as he didn't know what this 'everything' exactly ment


Seeing that he wanted further details Shinobu gave off a long sigh full of complex emotions as she continued

"All the industries his family has, all of its influence and...His life if needs be"

As she said this the atmosphere instantly quieted down

Lorien didn't know how to respond to this

'It seems that I really underestimated those demon slayers, their resolve and decisiveness are really...astonishing'

'Kagaya Ubuyashiki, Rengoku, and many other hashiras in the original sacrificed their lives without a second thought'

Truthfully speaking Lorien didn't have such willpower

Compared to those demon slayers he is really lacking in this aspect

He may be more powerful than them, but his power came relatively easy, he didn't have to work that hard to get it, nor did he face what many of them faced in the beginning

He really couldn't be compared to those who constantly lived on the edge between life and death

And apparently, he couldn't compare to Kagaya Ubuyashiki who carried a 1000-year-old mission without wavering, willing to lay his life for it

But even though Lorien felt fascinated by such resolve, he still analyzed things logically not letting emotions influence his decision

And it only took a few moments before he responded with a nod and said

"I Agree, I'll deal with him by the end of this year!"

Hearing this Shinobu finally heaved a sigh of relief and laughed lightly, After all, she wasn't sure he would agree

Even though no one was sure Lorien could kill Muzan, his ability to gather all of their information and his powerful strength still gave them some hope

Not to mention that the contract will only take effect if Muzan is killed

If Lorien doesn't kill him then the Demon Slayer Corps wouldn't lose anything

So whatever the result may be, they won't lose anything, on the contrary, they got someone who was neutral to join their side without paying anything

Thinking of this the smile on Shinobu's face grew even bigger as she responded, lightly clipping both of her hands together

"Then you could come with me to the headquarters for further details, moreover you could start the training there immediately"

But Lorien didn't agree to this as he had other plans

"I want to go to Urokodaki on Sagiri Mountain first!"


'How did he know where a past hashira lives?'

But even while feeling curious she didn't continue asking and agreed as it was also a part of the deal

Seeing everything go smoothly, Lorien tried his best to hold back his laugh


This trade is a huge gain for Lorien, mainly because even without them paying him to do it, he would have killed Muzan

If Shinobu asked him to do it 5 days ago he may not have agreed so easily or even agreed at all

Because at the time Lorien didn't consider Muzan as a true enemy that absolutely needs to be killed

But after 5days of brainstorming Lorien changed his mind, this is mainly because he got a new ideas

Afterall Lorien is a normal human being, his position and decisions change as new things pop up, if he finds a past plan bad, he'll just change it, after all, they are not set in stone

You cant expect a normal human being to act like a fixed computed program

In the past few days Lorien didn't absorb any dreams energy nor did he train, most of the time was passed either training Saiga, relaxing with her, or just chilling on and about thinking about the future

It was at that time he thought about the specialties of this world

They are the Demon Slayers with their 'Breathing Techniques' and 'Demon Slayer marks'

And Demon with their 'Flawed Immortality' and 'Blood Demon Arts'

From the Demon Slayer side, Lorien has gotten all they have to offer, all he needs to do now is just go and get it

But as he started thinking about the Demon side, it was then that an idea appeared, and this idea is the one that caused him to change his thoughts about Muzan

'What if I can modify the flawed immortal body of a demon using my abilities and perfect it, removing the fear of the sun, the decapitation weakness, the inability to eat normal human food, the need to devour humans...'

All in all, simply remove all the defects, perfect it and turn it into an immortal body for humans without the need for demon blood, basically an immortal body like Deadpool's

Moreover, it doesn't end there, as every demon awakens a Blood demon art

When thinking about this Lorien could conclude that it's the awakening of a physical talent

Talent can be either be derived from the origin/root (existence), From the Soul, or from the body

С тех пор как Лориен сразился с Аказой, он жаждал этой способности к регенерации, не говоря уже о продолжительности жизни (бессмертии) в качестве бонуса.

И не только для себя, ведь после совершенствования бессмертного тела Лориен мог скопировать его и передать близким людям, например Сайгай.

И тогда ему не придется беспокоиться о продолжительности жизни и безопасности по большей части.

К тому же у него уже есть кандидат, который победил слабость солнца в оригинале, и это Нэдзуко.

Итак, когда все будет готово, Лориену останется только начать использовать свои способности для модификации и совершенствования (кровь/тело демона...), а затем скопировать и вставить столько, сколько он захочет.

На самом деле, если бы это было возможно, он не хотел бы усложнять ситуацию. Если бы это было возможно, он бы сразу реализовал бессмертное тело и покончил с этим, но проблема, как обычно, в требуемой энергии.

Модифицировать и копировать вещи гораздо проще и требует меньше энергии, чем непосредственно создавать их.

И вот с этим планом Лориен вспомнил о ком-то, и это был Музан.

Музан всегда хотел стать совершенным, "победить солнце", и в оригинальной истории, когда Нэдзуко победила эту слабость, он сделал все возможное, чтобы поглотить ее.

И, конечно же, Лориен не допустил бы такого, если бы он проделал всю работу и довел тело до совершенства, а Музан просто пришел и получил последний "плод", то в тот момент Лориен должен был просто упасть со скалы.

И вот так Музан переместился из середины списка убийств Лориена на его абсолютную вершину.

А теперь пришел Корпус Истребителей Демонов и, по сути, заплатил ему за то, что он изначально собирался сделать.

По сути, заплатили за то, чтобы он ничего не делал.

Более того...


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