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Готовый перевод One Piece The Ship of Lust / Корабель хтивості: Дракон Хогвартса

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Адреса змісту:https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14027500/1/Hogwarts-




Гарри Поттер


Дракон Хогвартса



Гарри стал драконом вскоре после того, как его оставили на двери

Дурслей благодаря магии. После десятилетия жизни между дикой

природой и Лондоном, не взаимодействуя ни с одним человеком в

своей жизни, он испытывает удачу и садится в поезд,

отправляющийся с платформы 9 3/4.


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- Английский - Фэнтези/Приключения - Гарри П., Гермиона Г. -

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- id: 14027500

1. Chapter 1

I do not own nor possess any right over Harry Potter, all rights belongs to

J.K. Rowling.

Chapter 1

In Surrey, England, at the front door of the number 4 Privet Drive, a little

bundle had just been placed on the ground. Inside, gently placed between

a few small sheets and with a letter, a small baby with black hair was


"Good luck… Harry." The old wizard Albus Dumbledor said, looking at

the baby one last time before turning around.

He suddenly vanished in the night as the street lights turned on again,

waking up the little Harry. Too young to understand what was happening

now or what happened a few hours ago, he stirred in his little basket.

The small covers did little to warm him up in the cold of the night and he

started to cry silently, wishing from the warmth of his mother. Sadly his

mother would not come again, not now, never again.

But one who did come was one that had never been seen by regular

mortals and not much by the wizards of the world. A flow of blue magic,

like a small breeze in the wind, flew around Harry Potter who suddenly

dried his tears before the beautiful light. This wasn't a spell or a curse,

this was the essence of magic, replying to the call of this little one who

possessed a magic that no other wizard in this world would ever possess.

It came because of its fear, attracted by the lightning scar on his forehead

which was full of magic too.

The baby was scared so the magic gave him what he needed to defend

himself. The baby was cold so the magic gave him the fire to warm

himself. The baby was hungry so the magic gave him what he needed to


Slowly, the flow of magic flew around the baby like a small mist,

changing his body for one more suitable to survive. His tiny arms and

hands grew longer, taking the form of long and thin wings similar to a

bat. His entire body grew tiny yellow scales as his neck got longer, his

head stretched as sharp fangs appeared and he also grew a thin but long

tail. His little feet grew sharp claws and suddenly the magic vanished.

The only thing that remained from his old body was a scar with the form

of lightning, made out of white scales instead of gold.

The blue light disappeared as quickly as they came, leaving a little yellow

dragon no longer than a meter long in the basket that was now a bit too

tight for his large wings and his long tail and neck. His body was thin

and slender but in no way lacking of muscle, perfectly balanced to fly

and take to the skies.

Raising his neck to look around, his deep green eyes searching for

anything of interest, the instincts given to him by magic took over. Very

carefully, the little dragon got out of his basket using his wing-arms to

climb out before choosing a direction. With only a few powerful flaps of

his wings, he rose above the silent street and used his good eyes to fly

toward the closest forest, where his instincts told him he could find easy


It had already been four years since little Harry had become a dragon and

his life was a simple one. Now living on a forest not too far from London,

he was asleep and waiting for the night to go hunt. He learned that the

tall white creatures around him were humans and he did his best to avoid

them at all cost, after he almost got caught while someone screamed

about giant bats. His nocturnal hunts allowed him to go around humans

and learned a bit from them, observing how they lived and reacted while

he could feed on pigeons, small woodland critters and rats. He didn't

grew much in all these years and was now barely a meter long from head

to tail, nested in a small hole in a tall tree that had become his since two

years now.

All around him were small bones, a few leaves and shiny objects that

human called gold or something like that. He didn't had many of those

but for some reason he couldn't stop himself when he saw one of these

coins, necklace or watch made out of this magnificent colour that always

called to him. But of course he remained careful, not taking any chances

if there was a risk to get caught.

The sun went down that he woke up, stretching with a yawn and getting

his head out of his little nest to look around for a tasty prey. His eyes

locked on a deer but that was far too big for him, he could burn the prey

but what was the point if he couldn't pull it up in his nest. Opening his

large wings, he jumped in the air before flapping toward the sky, going

higher and moving toward the city to find a juicy rat or two.

Humans were fascinating creatures that he couldn't really understand.

They had so many weird tools and contraptions that he couldn't get what

they would be used for. Their decisions were not really good when

coming to survive even if he never saw one hunt, they all seemed to

always have food and exchanged it for some coins. They had no claws, no

sharp teeth and couldn't fly; to him they were completely unfit to their

environment and he felt superior for that. What was interesting was how

they communicate, not by simple sounds like other animals but with a

whole number of words that he could sometime understand when they

were simple and repeated many times, like a car.

A move on a roof suddenly got his attention, a small rat running away

from a cat that was chasing him. Cats were prey too but they were

sometimes too big and too dangerous for him so he tended to leave them

alone. But right now that didn't meant that the prey couldn't be taken.

Diving at high speed, he opened his mouth as he guessed the path

followed by the rat. In a single snap, the rat was caught between his teeth

as he pulled up in the air, the taste of blood spreading in his mouth as the

cat watched them fly away, annoyed to have to find another meal. The

little rodent tried to get away, trashing in all directions with his body and

squeaking loudly but incapable to remove the powerful jaw that trapped


Harry flew back to his tree and landed quickly before he trapped the rat

with his claws and killed him with a bite on the neck, blood covering his

teeth and lips as he got ready for his dinner.

Seven years later, Harry had unconsciously passed his eleventh birthday.

His routine didn't change much between eating, sleeping and observing

humans. He had a near fascination for them, for their intelligence and

tools even if he couldn't understand everything they said or did. While

they didn't change and he saw the time pass, a small pair of black horns

going backward covered his head, his body grew to reach one meter and

a half long, allowing him the choice of new preys as his hunting tactics

evolved and improved.

The years gave him the opportunity to travel, using the roof of trains and

buses to go further but always coming back after a few days. He learned

how humans got their meat, that his forest was only a little part of the

world and that he couldn't see its end. Things should have continued like

this for a while but it wouldn't happened.

Harry woke up startled by a loud bang and quickly looked pass his hole

to see a group of humans with rifles, hunting a prey that got away

between the bushes. Annoyed as he knew he wouldn't have the chance to

sleep before long and hungry as last night didn't gave him any rat or cat

to satisfy his hunger, he opened his wings wide and jumped in the air.

Time and experience taught him that humans almost never thought to

look above them so as long as he was careful he could hide between the

roofs and try to look for an easy meal.

His flight brought him high above the sky of London, using the warm

winds to go higher, both to look and to hide. Never stopping to flap his

wings, he continued until he saw the weird train station. For some reason

some humans couldn't see it and some could but it wasn't impossible for

him and it was something he discovered a two years ago. He never took

this train before as it was a bit different and apparently always full of

smoke but the people taking this specific train always looked funny and

more than once did he wondered where it lead.

But something between this sea of humans caught his attention, a family

of red hair humans was moving around the train with big trails full of

stuff and some very looking tasting owls. Hard preys with their beaks and

claws but always tasty if he managed to catch one. Once he even got a

letter with it that he promptly burned as he couldn't read what was


Since this train wasn't here all year, almost never actually, and having

nothing else to do, he was about to go for it when a small bird appeared

not too far from him, flying without care in the air. Such an easy prey

would not escape him and he took more speed before catching the small

bird and eating it in the air, enjoying the flesh and blood like always.

A sudden whistle forced him to look down and he saw the smoky train

starting to move. He didn't made a sound but internally his mind was

boiling about if he should go or not. On one wing he could go, explore

something new and discover who were these weird humans, on the other

he could stay here and keep his usual routine. Staying wasn't bad but it

had been a long time since he last moved and he still wished to see more.

So just like that, he flew toward the train that was slowly starting to

leave and take speed, ready to try his luck.

2. Chapter 2

I do not own nor possess any right over Harry Potter, all rights belongs to

J.K. Rowling.

Chapter 2

Flying as fast as he could, it didn't took long for Harry to land on the roof

of the train. And it was surprisingly comfortable as this train was quite

slower than the other ones he took before, quite different in appearance

and made out of wood rather than steel, something hard to understand as

every creature knew that it wouldn't resist fire. But he put that aside, he

saw humans make stupid decisions all the time so he wasn't surprised


Clutching tight to the roof with his claws, he moved away from the

smoky part of the train and jumped from one car to the other, before

stopping as he heard something, a voice from the train that went above

the winds.

"-what house you'll be in? I've been asking around, and I hope I'm in

Gryffindor." Said the voice of a young human female.

'Gryffindor?' Harry wondered before he walked toward the side of the car

from which he heard the voice

"M-me too." Said a smaller voice that he barely heard, a boy if he was


"Yeah, all my brothers got in Gryffindor so I'll probably go there too."

Another boy said.

Curious, Harry got closer to the edge of the roof and, using his claws to

not be blown away, slowly got closer to a window slightly ajar.

"I wouldn't mind going in Ravenclaw, apparently they are the only ones

to have a private library." Continued the girl from earlier.

"Everything but Slytherin." Said the boy who wasn't shy.

Even more curious with all those words he never heard of before, Harry

continued to get closer but stopped when he heard a new noise,

something rolling on the floor of the car.

"Anything off the cart, dears?" Said a definitely old woman.

"All I have are my mom's sandwiches."

"May I have Chocolate Frogs, please?" Asked the shy boy.

"Of course, dear." Replied the older voice.

Harry didn't heard the rest as the very distinguishable sound of coins

rolled in his ears like the sweetest of melodies. It took him a few seconds

to focus again but this time he had a new goal in mind: if those humans

had more shiny coins, then it was for him to take. They were apparently

young ones too, so it would be even easier. The sound of tearing paper

came from the car as he got closer to the window and finally got a look

at who was inside.

A boy with ginger hair was sitting, eating a weird looking bread without

much appetite, in the middle of the left bench. Across him another boy

with black hair and a baby face was looking at a card and holding a real

frog in one hand with another one made out of chocolate resting on the

couch and looking around, jumping everywhere. Next to him was a girl

with bushy brown hair and eating a little chocolate that was the

definition of normal.

"Careful with your frog!" Said the ginger haired boy.

Harry, who had his head hanging above the window, noticed the

chocolate frog climbing the window and coming directly toward him.

The fake animal barely got the time to reach the edge of the window that

Harry lunged forward, extending his neck and opening his jaw to gobble

the frog in a single bite.

The taste was nothing like he ever tasted before, very surprised by how

sweet it was, and it took a few seconds for him to notice that everyone in

the car was looking at him, perfectly immobile with wide eyes, doing

their best impression of a trio of paralyzed owls.

"Shite it's a baby dragon!" Said the ginger haired boy, instantly getting

the attention of Harry who looked at him.

The girl looked to be about to speak but something seemed to have

stopped her. The other boy was completely paralyzed and didn't even

blinked once.

Jumping from his position, Harry landed on the window and slowly got

inside, looking at every human and at the little pieces of food on the


"Don't move." Said the same boy as before now as white as snow.

Harry just looked at him and landed on the couch, looking at the food

and smelling everything in search of something edible as well as the

coins he heard earlier. His eyes landed on the rat held in the hands of the

ginger haired boy, who quickly saw the danger and teared up a part of

his sandwich, before giving it to him with a very shaky hand.

"Okay d-don't bite me and just g-go away." He said slowly.

With a quick move that got a yelp from the boy, Harry got the small

piece of bread and meat and ate it in a few bites before sniffing the air.

There were many scents around but one bot his attention, one that he

couldn't ignore.

Moving forward, he got closer to the boy and sniffed him as he looked to

be about to pass out before turning away, not smelling the distinct smell

of coin. Going toward the other boy, Harry stopped and got closer. His

eyes darted to the frog for a second but it wasn't his objective and his

nostrils guided him toward the pockets of the boy. Wary, Harry looked at

the boy and jumped next to his legs, getting a frightened squeak from the

child, and dived his head in a small pocket sewed in the pant.

"He smells your coins." Guessed the girl, her eyes fixed on the little


"Don't move, m-maybe he'll go away." Said the other boy.

Harry didn't listened as he put his head in the pocket as the boy

whimpered. But finally he got his prize, and bit down on a few coins

before taking them out, jumping on the couch before spreading them.

There were coins but not the golden ones, his favorites. Not satisfied, he

turned toward the girl who quickly understood and pull out a few coins

in her hands. He got closer and she tensed in reply but sadly there were

no golden ones again. Still he grabbed two of the most shiny ones and

placed them near the other coins to select which ones would be the best

for his nest.

"S-should we call a prefect?" Asked the ginger boy holding his rat closely.

"No. No sudden move." Instantly replied the girl.

As they spoke Harry made his choice, and looked outside before realizing

that he wouldn't be able to take the coins back with him, already too far

from his nest and now stuck with a small pile of coins. He didn't really

had a choice if he wanted to keep his coins rightfully taken, so he took all

of them in his mouth to the apparent relief on the humans.

"Okay now just -just go away." Said the boy.

'Why would I do that? It's my coins now.' Thought Harry before putting the

coins in the corner of the couch, near the door, and resting right on top

of it, keeping his eyes on the humans.

A near perfect silence followed as the children seemed to realize the

problem of a small dragon resting in their car, almost blocking the way to

the door. None of them moved but they all kept their eyes on him.

"What do we do?" Whispered the boy not relaxed at all with the dragon

right next to him.

"I don't know! There's nothing about that in my books." Replied the girl

as silently.

"What if someone pass and he gets angry?" Continued the boy getting

more scared by the second.

"Is there a spell against dragons?"

"I don't know!".

"My grandma told me about one but I don't know it." Whispered the boy

with black hair who hadn't spoke since Harry's arrival.

"Bloody brilliant."

"Ron! Language!" Said the girl a bit louder.

"Come on Hermione it's a dragon! Who cares about language!"

'These humans are so loud.' Harry thought before letting out a small growl

which immediately got him the silence he was looking for.

Several minutes passed before the boy next to him put his rat in a small

box, the animal apparently very happy to remain out of sight of the small

dragon. The girl in front of Harry, Hermione if he understood correctly,

slowly moved her hand toward a long stick and pulled it out.

"What are you doing?!" Asked the boy whispering loudly and panicking.

"I read about a spell to stupefy people."

"Yeah! People! And most spells don't work against dragons!"

"I-I don't know! We're not supposed to study how to deal with magical

creatures before a while and certainly not dragons!" The girl panicked.

Suddenly steps came from outside their cabin and a few people walked

right next to them. Harry looked up warily as no-one seemed to see him

as they were going in the other way, much to the children greatest

disappointment. More steps followed and suddenly the door opened on a

blond boy with pale skin followed by two other fatter boys.

"Weasley, I smelled your lack of soap from the other side of the train."

The boy said without even looking at Harry who sank in the corner of the

couch, looking straight at this intruder who was talking loudly.

"Shut up Malfoy! There's a -" Started the boy with ginger hair before

being interrupted.

"Who do you think you are to tell me to shut up Weasley? I am Draco

Malfoy and no one tells me to shut up!" The now named Malfoy almost

screamed pointing a finger at Ron who paled at the view of Harry.

Indeed, Harry was starting to have enough. Not only was he disturbed

many times in his nap but this loud human was just too much for his

ears. Slowly raising his neck and opening his wings to appear bigger, he

got ready to strike, eyeing the fleshy limbs pointed at the other human.

"Malfoy for the love of Merlin please shut up!" Repeated Ron in a loud


"I said-" Started Malfoy getting closer.

He didn't got the time to finish. A maw of sharp teeth came down on his

hand and bit him hard, blood coming out as Malfoy let out a scream of

pain. Shacking his arm, he quickly got rid of the dragon who remained

on his very small pile of gold and starring at the boy with his mouth wide

open, small drops of blood dripping around. All the children in the cart

instantly screamed loudly, the two fat humans accompanying Malfoy

turning around and leaving without their leader who was too busy

clutching his bloody hand.

This excess of noise was not to Harry's taste, ready to strike again shall

the human want retaliation.

"Who brought a stupid dragon?! I'm going to report you and my father

will have you all expelled!" He yelled as he grabbed his injured hand

close to his chest.

"It's a wild dragon! Go get a prefect!" Ron screamed while looking at


Harry prepared his fire and a bit of smoke came out of his mouth. At this

sight Malfoy quickly ran away after his goons, the door closing right

behind him and trapping the children with the dragon again. The three

kept screaming for a few seconds, trying to put as much distance between

themselves and the dragon, but quickly shut up when the dragon turned

toward them. Satisfied with this, the golden danger stood down and

stopped breathing smoke to their greatest relief, laying down on his


A near minute passed before one of them dared to speak again, and in a

tone no higher than a whisper.

"I hope they won't be dumb enough to not get a prefect!" Said Hermione,

keeping her eyes on the dragon.

Barely a minute passed in absolute silence, as Harry started to relax a bit,

before a loud set of steps came down toward them and a tall man opened

the door.

"Is it true that you have a dragon on board?" Asked the guy wearing a red

dress, with the same red hairs as Ron.

"Percy! Right here!" Said Ron pointing frantically at Harry.

"Bloody hell!" Exclaimed Percy before taking out his wand. "Stand back,

dragons are naturally resistant to magic so it needs to be done quickly

and precisely."

"Just hurry up!"

Feeling the danger, Harry stood up and bared his teeth at the new threat,

this substantially taller human, ready to face him directly.

"Petrificus Totalus!" Percy cast.

A shock of magic travelled through the air and ended-up inside the

dragon's mouth. Harry gave a little choke of surprise, not having

expected anything to come out of the stick, but found himself surprised

that it was actually good. Very heavy on his stomach, but good. All eyes

widened even more than they were already when nothing seemed to

happen and Harry was merely licking his lips, enjoying the taste of this

weird blue thing that he never saw before.

"That's impossible." Slowly said Percy as he moved backward.

"Percy?" Ron asked afraid.

"Don't move. I'll try again. Petrificus Totalus!"

Whatever this stuff was, Harry was happy to have another one and this

time aimed for it and ate it exactly like the previous one.

"He is eating magic." Percy concluded dumbfounded, realising that the

problem might be even bigger than he thought.

"What do we do?"Asked Neville, completely terrified.

"He looks calm for now so don't do any sudden movement. There's

nothing to contain him right now, just stand up slowly and get out of the


Hermione was the first to act, being the closest to the door, and stood up

very slowly as Harry kept his eyes on her. She moved one foot after the

other and got out of the cabin to release a big sigh that she had been

keeping since Harry's arrival. Neville was the next one and stood up like

Hermione but rushed outside, making all those outside the cabin gasp.

Thankfully Harry didn't react. It was obvious that the boy posed no threat

to him.

Things got harder for Ron as he was right next to Harry and wasn't

decided to move.

"Come on Ron." Encouraged him Percy.

"But Charlie said that dragons-" Ron said panicking again.

"Everything will be fine Ron. Get up slowly, go around him and get out."

Trembling, Ron grabbed his rat and got up, staring right at Harry who

was doing the same, still giving a glance towards Percy right next to him.

Preferring Neville's method, Ron ran outside and Percy instantly closed

the door behind him while glaring at Harry. But Harry didn't really cared

about them, he was finally alone and even if the humans were still

making a lot of noise outside at least the door blocked the majority of it.

"Tell me everything." Asked Percy with a harsh but caring voice.

"We were eating when the dragon came in by the window. He looked

around and I gave him a bit of my sandwich, he left me alone and took

some coins from Neville and Hermione before seating down on the

couch." Ron quickly explained.

"That's when Malfoy arrived." Said Hermione.

"Yes! The dragon bit him after Malfoy started yelling."

"I understand, he came to me with his hand covered in blood. Were it not

for the blood I wouldn't have believed him." Replied Percy.

"He looks very different from the dragons that Charlie talked about."

"Tell me about it. I don't think I ever heard of a dragon capable to eat

magic." Said Percy as he looked through the window, looking at the

dragon that one could have believed asleep. But he would bet anything

on earth that the fire breathing lizard was awake.

"What do we do about him?" Asked Hermione.

"We leave him here for now. I'll keep watch until we arrive and then I

will ask Hagrid to come help me, he have his ways with magical


"It's only a baby." Added Neville.

"I'm not sure. The size would suggest so but his reactions are those of an

near adult dragon, the hatchlings are normally not very agressive and not

territorial, and at that point they are already starting to be bigger than

that. I wouldn't be surprised if this is either a new species of dragon or

just a very small one." Explained Percy. "Anyway, you'll have to go find

another cabin. Go see the prefect room and tell them that I'm keeping an

eye on the dragon, stay there until we arrive."

"Okay." Said Ron turning around.

"You're coming Hermione?" Asked Neville.

"Yes." She replied after giving a last look at the napping dragon.

3. Chapter 3

I do not own nor possess any right over Harry Potter, all rights belongs to

J.K. Rowling.

Chapter 3

Harry was happy. He finally got the peace he wanted. It didn't meant that

he was completely relaxed, he was in a dangerous territory full of

humans and one was watching him since the younger ones left. Not that

he minded much but they had more coins, he was sure of that. At least

they left the food so he took a bite of the weird food that humans ate, not

bad but definitely not worth the meat he grown accustomed to.

At some point many other humans came outside his temporary nest,

looking from behind the glass door and chattering loudly. They only

reacted when he opened an eye to look at them, seeing them grow pale

before the taller human that was guarding the entry chase them away to

his greatest pleasure.

The train kept moving for a few hours where he managed to get a very

short nap, certain that no human would come take his coins. The night

was starting to fall when the train slowed down and he knew that it

would be time for him to leave, the humans left him alone for now but he

wouldn't give them the chance to trap him or to take his coins.

Opening his eyes and stretching, he saw that the human that kept the

door had left. Taking this opportunity, he stood up and took a mouthful

of the shiniest coins before jumping to the window with a little flap of his

wings. Harry was about to leave when the door opened and he looked

behind him to see the man with red hairs back with two other people of

the same age, all of them with their weird sticks in hands.

He didn't gave them the chance to do anything and flew away in the dark

of the night.

Percy looked at the dragon flapping his wings, too far to try any spell

now. He only got the time to go require the help of two other prefects

before coming back to see the dragon leaving with the stolen coins.

"What do we do?" Asked a brown hair Ravenclaw prefect.

"I'll go report the dragon to Hagrid and Professor McGonagall. Even if it

is a small one its still a dragon, we can't let one free so close to the

school." Replied Percy.

"He could even hide right here, in Hogsmeade." Added the third prefect, a

girl from Hufflepuff.

"Possibly. At least it's out of the train now, we should go back inform the


Staying high in the sky, Harry watched the humans leave the train to

embark small boats. However, he was a bit lost. Never did he travelled so

far and the surroundings were very different than the London he grew up

in. There were no loud cars, many humans who almost all wore dark

dresses and going through old streets. For a moment he pondered the

idea to remain in this small town but it was clear it wouldn't do, there

wasn't a single tree suitable to his needs and there were no high place

above the ground for him to hide.

Making his mind, he looked around before following the boats. It was

easy thanks to the torches carried on each one. His eyes darted for the

surroundings, looking at the forest located far to the left. Harry didn't

know why but his instincts screamed danger at the view of these dark

woods, there was some kind of aura that repulsed him by a single look.

Quickly looking away, his eyes landed on the lake that the boats were on,

a massive amount of water but it wasn't as impressive as the dark castle

coming out of the night, revealed by dozens of windows sharing light and

clearing the silhouette of the stone giant.

To him it seemed like the perfect place to hide. Even if all the humans

were going there, he could fly to the top of the massive towers and make

his new nest there. Humans were a danger that was a fact. He saw them

hunt and kill other animals with ease, he saw them make nests that

seemed indestructible and they were always grouped in massive packs.

But they were an easy source of food, Harry could easily find to eat

around them. And if all of them had the same coins as the two children of

the train then it meant that he was potentially looking at a massive

reserve of coins and maybe gold.

That argument alone was enough for him to choose this place as his new


Of course his instincts took him toward the highest tower, where he

would be able to dominate the skies and be out of reach of most humans.

He already saw some climbing trees and they could be fierce climbers, he

almost got caught once by one of them. But it was better than resting in a

hole like rabbits. Preys really were stupid to prefer the ground to hide, it

was so easy to kill them once stuck in a hole. That was the exact reason

why he was superior, he could fly and hide anywhere, out of reach of any

creature as long as it didn't had wings.

Pushing his wings harder and taking advantage of the air currents, he

climbed high in the sky until he made his way to the highest tower.

There were no apparent entrance at first, he looked on the roof for any

holes but couldn't find a single one. He then flew right beneath, arriving

at the small window of a very dark room, full of seats and tables with a

collection of cups of tea in one cupboard. There was even one female

human moving objects that he didn't recognize inside. It was annoying

but he couldn't select this room as his new nest.

Flying down, he looked at two other towers that shared the same

attributes before finding a suitable one. Sure, it wasn't the tallest and it

wasn't the most impressive looking one but at least it would hide him

well. The room on top of the tower was empty of all contents except a

few spiderwebs that seemed to have been here for a long time already.

All he had to do was break the very small window that was barely tall

enough for him, a good protection against climbing humans and

predators even if didn't knew of any.

He rammed the window with his head once and the glass cracked, still

standing in his way. Not shocked or anything, he repeated his attack and

flew right in the attic as a few shards of glass fell on the ground. He

would have to clean that later.

Harry stood in the air for a few seconds, taking in the appearance of the

room before landing on the wooden floor, breaking a few webs on his

way. The floor only had one distinctive feature, a sort of square in the

wood with a handle attached to it, but he didn't paid it much mind.

Harry went to one side of the room and put down the coins he gathered,

finally relieving his mouth of the little weight and stretching his jaw a


It wasn't a proper nest yet. There was much to do between gathering

more gold, clean the webs and the shattered glass and find where he

could feed himself.

Harry returned to the now fractured window and jumped in the air

before opening his wings wide, trying to find what the humans called

kitchen and where there was always all kinds of food. He flew down and

let his nose guide him and he quickly got the smell of food, lots of food

even judging by the incredible number of scents. This led him to a

window where he looked at the biggest room he ever saw, full of humans

but more importantly with tables loaded with food.

His mouth watered at the first sight of the many pieces of meat and he

knew that this place was really the best of he could have ever wished for.

He went from one window to another to find an entry but all were closed

and it would be too noisy to break one. Sadly he would need to be

patient. There were too many humans in the room for him to steal

anything. Happy with this new discovery, he flew back to his new nest in

order to get back the sleep he missed in the train.

In the great hall, the old headmaster Albus Dumbledore was looking at

the new group of students fondly but with a touch of sadness. He learned

a month ago that the young Harry Potter was nowhere to be found, that

the Dursley never saw him and that no owls would reach him as there

were no address in his magic book that displayed the addresses of all

future students of Hogwarts. However he did noticed that one of the owls

never returned and that the ones sent after this one refused to deliver the


He was looking at the Gryffindor table when a tap on his right got his

attention. Minerva McGonagall, usually happy to see the sorting the

ceremony and the new students, wore a slightly nervous expression that

didn't escaped the old wise eyes of Albus.

"Yes Minerva?" He asked softly.

"I received a few concerning news from three prefects who were on the

train. There was a dragon on board, in a cabin!" She explained quickly.

"Really? That is most curious."

"Albus this is serious! There is a dragon looming around the school, it

isn't safe for the children."

"If he fit in a cabin he must not have been too big. But you are right, it

wouldn't do to leave such a dangerous creature grow around us." Albus

conceded while brushing his his long white beard with a hand.

"So what do we do? Should we contact the dragon reserve?" Suggested


"That would be the preferable option, I will contact them shortly. Is there

any news about Harry Potter?"

"No, no one saw him in the train. I knew we shouldn't have left him with

those muggles."

"Now, now Minerva, we know that they wouldn't have lied to us about

him. It appears he vanished the very night we left him in front of their


"Which was a terrible idea." Commented Minerva with a scowl.

"I realise that this might not have been my brightest moment. But we

know he is alive, my book is simply incapable to tell us where he lives

and owls don't seem to arrive to him."

Albus was about to continue until he noticed a shadow where there

should be none, right next to a high window. He had to squint his eyes a

bit to see but the creature quickly revealed itself to be a small golden

dragon looking hungrily at the food displayed and shared between the

students and the staff. A faint smile covered his face as he watched the

dragon move from one window to another before giving up and

disappearing in the night.

"You know Minerva, I think this year will be a very interesting one." Said

the old headmaster before returning to his dinner.

4. Chapter 4

I do not own nor possess any right over Harry Potter, all rights belongs to

J.K. Rowling.

Chapter 4

The sun had already been up for a few hours when Harry woke up on his

little pile of coins. He fell asleep shortly after coming back and it was a

long rest well needed, but now he was ready for this new day.

Stretching his wings, he looked at his little treasure, observing with great

attention the tiniest details on each coin, learning their differences to

recognize them later. It took him a few minutes but he was satisfied,

there wasn't many coins or gold yet but it shouldn't be too hard to find

more inside this giant hive of young humans. Turning toward the

window, the feeling of hunger made him change his mind, feeling like

eating one or two rats.

Getting close to the humans would be risky, he hadn't found an entry yet

and where the food was prepared. That would a problem for later, right

now a rat or two would be enough and there was plenty of fields and

nature around for him to hunt.

Jumping on the window frame, he looked at the lake and the dark forest

that was on the other side. Harry knew he wouldn't go there, not even for

all the gold in the world. He jumped in the air and went toward the

opposite direction, where green grass and more regular forests stood in

the landscape where prey was certain to be abundant.

Hermione was sitting with Ron in the Transfiguration class, taught by the

severe looking Professor McGonagall. Hermione was having a lot of fun,

managing to cast her spells with ease like changing a match into a needle

where her red haired friend had a few difficulties, not helped by his bad

looking wand.

The bell rang the end of the class and only Hermione managed to change

her match into a needle. Almost all children were already starting to

leave the classroom that Hermione gathered her books to go toward the

desk of the professor. She had a question in mind that remained since

yesterday night, more precisely about a dangerous encounter in the train.

"Yes, Miss Granger?" Asked Professor McGonagall turning toward the

studious girl in front of her.

"Professor, I wanted to know if you have heard anything about the

dragon that was in the train yesterday." Stated Hermione.

The old woman let out a sigh, clearly annoyed about this issue.

"I'm afraid not Miss Granger. The entirety of the staff have been made

aware and is actively looking for this threat but it might take a while to

find him. Rest assured that there is no reason to be scared, we are all

perfectly safe in here."

"But that's what has been troubling me. The dragon wasn't aggressive

besides with Malfoy, he even went into Neville's pockets to take his coins.

Not once did he made any attempt to attack against us." Explained


"Miss Granger. I understand that seeing a dragon for the first time might

be very impressive but I assure you that they can be terrible creatures. I

ask of you to not try any attempt to befriend it should you find yourself

in its presence. We're very lucky that the only injury was a bite on Mr.

Malfoy's arm and Madam Pomfrey has already fixed his wound." Said

Professor McGonagall with a strict voice.

"Yes Professor."

"Good, now you should hurry up if you wish to be on schedule for your

next class."

It's a bit disappointed that Hermione left the Transfiguration class for the

Potions lesson. Even if she was scared when she found herself in front of

the small dragon, she couldn't admit that it looked beautiful with its

golden scales and it never did any aggressive move against her. Sure he

bit Malfoy but the rude and obnoxious Slytherin was clearly too loud and

too stupid to not notice the golden dragon had been right next to him.

"What were you doing?" Suddenly asked Ron coming to her right.

"Asking something to Professor McGonagall." She replied.

"Such an egghead, you're the only one who would do that." He said

before going forward, not realizing that his comment hurt Hermione


Harry was flying back from his hunt, a bird in his stomach and a small

rat in his mouth that he was finishing. As he expected, prey was indeed

abundant and it was reassuring to know that he could feed without the

need to go close to the humans, that was one less problem to think about.

But his hunt also taught him a lot as he saw many small creatures that he

never saw before, some looking like tiny humans with wings, others

complete mysteries that he was in no hurry to meet again.

He returned to his nest briefly, just to make sure that no one took his

coins. Thankfully no one did and he spent a few minutes to pick up the

broken glass and throwing it out the window, not even thinking about

what was beneath and he also took care to remove the rest of the

spiderwebs, burning them with a small flame that cleared the attic.

Satisfied with the look of his new nest, Harry returned to the window for

the second most important task of the day: acquire new coins and

potentially gold.

Flying in circles to slowly get closer to the ground, he flew to a smaller

tower and looked around many windows except when he saw humans

behind. His flight took him across the large castle and he found a few

transparent buildings, sadly filled with plants instead of any precious

minerals. He continued and went toward a bigger tower, looking through

the window of a medium size room with an impressive desk and many

books sprayed all around with dozen of objects that he couldn't even

guess the use.

But what got his attention were the many small golden rings, coins and

diverse tools that shone under the light of the room. Harry was almost

paralyzed, incapable to look away from the golden treasures that were

only a few meters away, separated by a sturdy window.

Such beauties could only be his, no one else could ever appreciate their

value more than him. Landing on the window sill, he looked at the glass

that dared to be in his way and recoiled his head, ready to smash the

glass to pieces.


Needless to say, such treasures were well protected. He felt like he hit the

ground at full speed and ended up with a little bit of pain on his skull,

nothing big but quite annoying. He glared at the glass to see that not a

crack had appeared, not a single dent or even a scratch. But nothing

would keep him away from the gold and certainly not an insulting

window made out of fragile glass.




Now his head was starting to spin a bit and was quite painful. His

opponent on the other hand was perfectly fine and ready for another

round. Harry was disappointed, never before was he ever stopped by a

window and now there was one just in front of him that kept the precious

gold out of his reach. He was ready to try again when the old white

bearded man he saw in the large room yesterday suddenly appeared in

front of him, staring right at him through the window.

Harry was so startled that he let out a little yelp of surprise before falling

backward. He quickly stabilized himself but he wouldn't go back near

that window today, the gold stocked in this room would become his later.

Albus Dumbledore looked at the little dragon until it disappeared out of

view. A small smile was stuck on his face as he recalled what just

happened. He was on his way back to his office when the distinct sound

of something hitting a window came out and he slowly got in, resting out

of sight for a few seconds until he found the culprit.

Never did he imagined a dragon to come up to his office but he was

agreeably surprised to recognize the dragon as the same one that was

spying on the students in the Great Hall last night. It didn't took long for

him to find what was the creature looking at and he amused himself at

seeing the annoyed look of the dragon, clearly pissed to not have access

to the objects of his desire. Albus had chuckled at the thought that the

dragon could try all day long for nothing as the windows of his office

were enchanted to resist the strongest assaults.

He put an end to the dragon attacks on his window by jumping out of the

shadow right in front of him and a new smile grew on his face when the

dragon, obviously startled, fell backward.

Even if he had to agree with Minerva that dragons were dangerous

creatures, he couldn't help but find this one amusing. In no case was he a

specialist but he learned quite a bit about dragons in his long life and

never did he read or heard about a dragon either this small or so

obsessed by gold and precious materials. It was even a myth in most

cases, an ancient story spread by muggles centuries ago and that stuck in

most minds.

In a better mood, he sat on his chair and took a pile of letters that

required his attention, the dragon turning in a thought in the back of his


Annoyed to have been denied his gold and to have spent so long looking

for more, Harry wasn't about to stop. He would not return to his nest

before getting at least a coin. Flying around the tower where his nest

was, he went to each window to find rooms full of beds and stuff without

any humans. He didn't know if the windows would be like the one who

stood up to him but he wasn't about to try his luck now.

And speaking about luck, his eyes caught the sight of an open window

leading to a room almost identical to the ones he just saw. Hovering in

front of it, he looked and didn't found a single human but beds with red

and golden covers along with clothes and stuff. Something that got his

attention though was the smell of the room, the same one than the

human girl in the train even if there was other smells mixed in the room.

This was a good lead, this girl gave him coins last time so there was

probably more hidden around. Harry looked around one more time

before landing on the window sill and entering the room, his small claws

clinking on the stone. He jumped on the bed and instantly started to sniff

everything around, trying to catch even the smallest scent of gold or

precious material. His nostrils lead him toward a small wooden construct

slightly ajar and he opened it up fully before sticking his head inside.

It was full of clothes of all sorts, perfectly stored in order and sharing the

same scent as the girl from the train. Some were long black robes, some

clothes that humans put on their feet and some small pink ones that he

couldn't guess the use for. But he was certain that some coins were here

or at the very least were here not long ago. He was reaching the end of

the drawer when a small scream almost startled him for the second time


"Who touched my stuff?!" Said an offended voice behind him.

It had been a long day for Hermione. She hadn't been able to forget the

little dragon and her conversation with Professor McGonagall but the

Potions class had been horrible, not only was the professor obviously

against Gryffindor but she had been shushed after she gave too much

good answers. And to make things worse, they had this class along with

the Slytherin who were making all Gryffindor students feel horrible, she

even heard a few whispers talking about her.

Hermione just entered her room in the dormitory only to see that a few

of her clothes were scattered on the ground and that someone clearly

went through her personal belongings.

"Who touched my stuff?!" She asked both feeling angry and sad that

someone would do this to her just a day after she arrived.

Her outrage turned short when a move in the open drawer got her

attention and she stopped when the head of the golden dragon from the

train appeared. Hermione blushed a bit at the idea that the dragon was

between her panties and socks before palling as the dragon got out and

approached her, barely tall enough to reach her stomach as he used the

small claws at the elbows of his wings to come toward her.

She stood perfectly still as the dragon sniffed her and quickly turned

toward the pocket where she kept a few Knuts. The creature used her

robes as a support and tried to pass his head in the pockets.

"No!" She yelled suddenly, slapping the dragon on the head like she did

with her cat, looking with wide eyes at the dragon and afraid that he

would attack her.

He moved backward with a growl, apparently not taking well her sudden

cry of fear and her little slap. Reacting quickly, Hermione took out the

first coins that she could grab in her pocket and handed them to the

dragon who instantly calmed down, his eyes fixed on the small pieces of

bronze. His deep green eyes locked on her for a second, apparently

looking for a sign of threat or danger before he grabbed them in his

mouth and moved backward as his target was secured.

Watching with a strange fascination, Hermione dared not to move and

looked at the dragon jump to the window with a flap of his wings and

stood on the window sill for a few seconds before leaving her alone. Not

losing an instant, she ran after the fire breathing lizard and saw him fly

around the Gryffindor tower for a second only to lose sight of him.

Taking a big breath, Hermione turned around to look at the mess left

behind, puzzled on what to do now and trying to put some order in her

mind. It looked like the dragon took the open window as an opportunity

and searched her belongings for coins.

Mechanically, she started to arrange back her clothes that had been

thrown out of the drawer, taking a few minutes to do so before leaving

the dormitory to go find her favourite professor. She went through the

long corridors and the moving stairs for a few minutes, the big castle

being hard to travel quickly, and reached the office of Professor

McGonagall where she knocked on the door.

"Come in." Replied the old woman's voice from the inside.

Hermione did as she was invited and opened the door to quickly close it

behind her, a gesture that didn't escaped the professor that rose her head

and caught the slightly lost look in Hermione's eyes.

"Is everything alright, Miss Granger?" Professor McGonagall asked.

"I saw the dragon from the train, he was in my room." Flatly said


"Oh dear, he didn't hurt you right?" Asked the professor concerned

standing up.

"No. He was looking through my drawers, he was looking for more coins

or gold I think. I didn't saw him at first but he came out and started to

sniff my pockets as I have a few Knuts inside." Started to explain the

brunette girl with bushy hair.

"What happened next?" Professor McGonagall said looking at her student

for any sign of injury.

"I...slapped him on the head when he tried to reach my pocket."

"You- Miss Granger I hope this is a joke, what could possibly make you

slap a dragon?" Asked Professor McGonagall as her stern face returned.

"He acted like my cat, it was a reflex." Hermione confessed lowering her


Professor McGonagall was about to reply but didn't got the time.

"I quickly gave him some of my coins. He grabbed them and left right

after that."

Minerva McGonagall was at a loss for words, not knowing if she should

take points away from her student for her recklessness or give her some

for her quick thinking. It took her a few seconds as she put some sense

behind Hermione's words before she could reply.

"Miss Granger, I would ask you to never do such a thing again. If you do

see the dragon again, please don't stay close to him and call either a

prefect or a teacher based on the most convenient. I'm going to have to

take five points from Gryffindor for reckless behavior, please note that I

never did such a thing only a day after the beginning of the classes." She

stated without mentioning the Weasley twins who had their own set of


Hermione could only lower her head in shame, conscious of her mistake

that, when looking at it from an outside perspective, was completely


"I'm also giving five points to Gryffindor for your good reaction after your

mistake which might have saved your life."

She almost broke her neck when she looked at her teacher, eyes wide

with a gobsmacked expression on her face.

"Please be careful, Miss Granger. It seems this dragon is closer than we

thought. I will notify the rest of the professors of this concerning news

and please try not to talk about this to the other students, it wouldn't do

well to panic now. You're allowed to return to your activities." Said

Professor McGonagall lifting her stern face a bit.

"Thank you." Simply replied Hermione before leaving the office, having a

hard time to believe what just happened.

She closed the door behind her and returned to her room where the

invasion and robbery of the little dragon, which was already in all minds

anyway since most first years saw him in the train, was once more shared

and quickly went through the whole castle.

Back in his nest, Harry gazed at his small pile of coins now bigger by five

bronze coins. He returned as soon as he left the human, happy to finally

having been able to find some precious and shiny for his growing hoard.

The girl had the audacity to attack him for some reason but then she

offered him some coins, probably as a token of peace for her aggressive


It took him a long time to find this window and get his teeth on more

coins and he pondered if this human would give him more since she

seemed to always have some.

5. Chapter 5

I do not own nor possess any right over Harry Potter, all rights belongs to

J.K. Rowling.

Chapter 5

The last week in Hogwarts went very normally for everyone in the school

of magic. Well almost everyone. The past few days, many students and

even a few teachers reported the disappearance of some of their personal

belongings, more specifically their money and jewellery with an estimate

of one or two robberies per day. Annoyance and suspicion quickly grew

in the school and everyone was very careful not to let their precious

valuables in sight, but even then coins and even a precious collar

belonging to a Hufflepuff girl still disappeared.

High in his tower, sat in his office, Albus Dumbledore already had a good

idea of who was behind this thefts but what he didn't came up yet was

what to do about it. Certainly, he could contact the Romanian dragon

reserve and have the dragon removed by professionals, but something

told him that it wasn't the right solution. After all the little dragon had

done no harm, except a bite on the young Malfoy, and kept to gathering

more for his hoard. But Minerval McGonagall wasn't sharing his views

and repetitively asked him to act and make sure that the little threat

wasn't around their students anymore.

Should he try to catch the dragon? Should he let him be free?

It didn't really matter in the end, but he already knew he would had to

address this issue soon as too many students had already complained and

he couldn't let the suspicion and fear take over his school.

But then a small idea came to his mind, a very simple one that wouldn't

require to capture the dragon but would explain everything. It wouldn't

only require the presence of one particular guest.

Hermione had just finished her last class today and was heading back to

her room. Many other students asked her why she returned there so early

everyday and she always replied that she just wanted to see something,

which was absolutely true.

The little dragon came back everyday, staying at the window for a few

minutes at the same time like a clock before flying away when he

understood that he would not be allowed to enter. Hermione saw him

twice do it and remained hidden, observing the small dragon from afar

with a great fascination for the mythical creature. She would be lying if

she said that she was not scared by his fangs and claws but after a bit of

reasoning she thought that her cat had the same characteristic but he

wasn't attacking her either.

She spent a lot of time in the library to read and learn more about

dragons. She found out a lot about them but, to her growing

disappointment, nothing on this species of dragon. The books said that

the smallest dragons were around three meters long when the one that

kept coming to her window was clearly not a young one since it already

had its horns and yet it was half the size, far less aggressive that other

dragons and not displaying the same behaviour.

After building up some courage, she even asked Professor McGonagall

about it and she said not knowing much about dragons as well as trying

to discourage her to get closer to the dragon.

But Hermione wasn't in Gryffindor for nothing, she would persevere and

find out this dragon's mysteries.

She already had her plan and had started to gather the equipment

required, being a pair of thick gloves and a brown apron from Pomona

Sprout, the teacher of Herbology, that would protect her should the

dragon reveal itself to be aggressive. Along with that she also prepared

some coins and even a slice of bacon that she kept from today's breakfast.

But for that she needed him to come back and that's why she was quickly

making her way toward her room to arrive before the creature.

Once there she immediately opened the window, not without a certain

apprehension, and readied herself in wait for the dragon.

Harry was just returning from his morning hunt. His past days passed

fairly quickly and simply but he was very happy with the growing size of

his hoard, managing to get on average five to ten coins everyday by

entering open rooms and he even got a collar and a pair of earrings.

Every morning he would go hunt, come back check on his hoard and

then hunt the school grounds in search for anything suitable for his

hoard. Thanks to those flights, he managed to get a rough map of the

castle and he found a few small passages that were big enough for him to

enter but too small for the humans to follow.

What he also did everyday was returning to the brown hair girl that gave

him coins twice already but he always ended up in front of a closed


Today was no different and so he headed for the window and was

happily surprised to see it opened. Flying around lazily, he landed on the

window sill and retracted his wings to fit inside before looking around.

His eyes landed on the girl that was sat on her bed, looking straight at

him with a heavy pair of gloves, an apron and a plate that smelled really

nice behind her.

"Hello." Shyly greeted Hermione not moving. She read that the best way

to interact with a dragon was to remain calm at all times and to avoid

any sudden movements. But that was true for dangerous, very big

dragons, so she could only speculate on what reactions this dragon would


Wary, Harry jumped on the floor and got closer. Hermione moved to grab

a Knut and offered it to him, extending her hand covered by the

dragonhide glove. Still careful, Harry walked to her and quickly caught

the coin before moving backward already thinking to go back to his


"Wait." Gently called Hermione.

Turning around, not at the word for he didn't know it, but rather at the

simple fact that she spoke, he saw that she had another coin in her hand.

Curious, and mostly attracted by the coin, he dropped the one that he

already had behind him and moved to grab the new coin offered to him.

But before he could reach it Hermione closed her hand and he looked at

her with an expecting look.

"No." She simply said.

'Give it to me!' He asked frustrated in a little cry.

"No. I heard how you stole everyone else and you need to learn that this

is not got good." She explained like if she understood what he said.

Annoyed, Harry got closer and tried to force her hand by pressing his

muzzle inside but Hermione simply retracted her hand while giving him

the sternest look she could master before repeating herself.


Now Harry was starting to get angry. She kept denying him of this coin

even after she showed it to him, he didn't understood everything she said

as his knowledge of humans words was very limited, but he understood

the message. He saw many times humans use this word to refuse each

others. He just didn't felt concerned and he let out a little growl to make

it known.

"No." Steeled herself Hermione, trying to remain stern even if she was

starting to panic when he growled. Even if he was small, the dragon in

front of her was still a dangerous predator that could either bite or burn


'Ugh, fine!' Conceded Harry retreating, ready to pick up the single coin he

got and leave the annoying girl alone.

"Yes, that's good." Happily sighed Hermione, letting the anxiousness go

down. She opened her hand and showed the coin to the little dragon.

Eyeing the coin, Harry stopped and looked straight into Hermione's eyes

looking for any form of trickery or malice.

"Go on." She encouraged him with a smile.

Slowly, Harry made his way back to her and carefully grabbed the coin,

giving a quick glance at Hermione and looking for her approval before

taking the coin as she did nothing else but smile.

"Good. Now, we're going to do that again and if you're a good dragon I'll

give you a treat at the end."

Hermione grabbed a Sickle, a coin made out of silver that got the interest

of Harry in less than a second. He knew this was more valuable than the

other ones, he didn't know how or why but he knew it was rarer. Putting

the Knut in his mouth with the first one, he went to grab the coin and

eyed Hermione who shifted quickly but didn't closed her hand.

"No." She said.

'I want it!' He whined getting closer.

"No." Repeated Hermione sternly, not giving any ground to the dragon.

Knowing he wouldn't get the coin otherwise, he stopped and waited for

her. Hermione was delighted and extended her arm, shoving the coin

right in front of him. She couldn't believe that she was doing it! She was

teaching the dragon how to behave and it was working! It also meant

that he was understanding her at some degree, something that wasn't

possible according to her books.

"Good." She complemented him.

Reacting quickly, Harry grabbed the Sickle and placed it with the two

Knuts before turning toward Hermione, expecting more from her.

Understanding, she grabbed another Knut and placed it in her hand.

"Yes, you can take it."

He took the coin and turned toward her again.

"One more time? Okay. No." Said Hermione handing him a second Sickle.

Harry stared at the coin but didn't made any movement, waiting for her

approval as he now knew this was the way to get the coins. A few

seconds passed before Hermione's smile widened and she gave him the

authorization he was eagerly waiting.

"Good dragon."

It didn't took long for him to get the coin and he turned toward her

again. This was awesome from his perspective, he was getting more coins

and learning how to get them from humans, a double win!

"Sorry but I don't have anymore coins for you, I don't want to end up

broke before the end of the month. But since you have been such a good

student I have a little reward for you." Hermione congratulated him

before reaching for the plate behind her and grasped the piece of bacon

to hand it to the little dragon.

The invasive and divine smell quickly got to him and he walked closer,

staring at it and already starting to open his mouth. But he suddenly

remembered what he just did with the girl and looked at her in the eye,

frozen barely a few centimeters from her.

"Yes." She simply said.

Not waiting for another second, he grabbed it and ate the small slice in

two clean bites. Hermione couldn't help but see her cat, maybe a bit

smarter than her cat, in the little dragon and she moved her hand by

reflex and stroked him on the head for a few seconds and taking care not

to touch his horns.

Harry froze for a second, eyeing her carefully and ready to attack at any

moment. Never did any creature touched him like this before. In fact, the

only creatures he ever entered in contact with ended up in his stomach.

Expecting a threat, he did not react at first but relaxed after a short

moment, appreciating the calming motion on his head.

Hermione was stuck in the motion, not only appreciating it herself but

also aware that she was taming a wild dragon. All her books said that it

was pure madness to even attempt approaching a dragon but she did it

and managed to have its trust!

"You're a nice dragon. Would you mind coming back later?" She asked.

'Hmmm.' He thought in bliss as he was starting to completely melt in the


Pulling her hand back, Hermione looked at him for a few seconds before

he managed to gather his spirits. Harry walked to the small pile of coins

and took them all in his mouth before walking back to the window and

he climbed the wall before giving Hermione a last glance and he jumped

in the air, extending his wings and flying back to his hoard.

Still sitting on her bed, Hermione was overjoyed as she removed the

gloves and the apron to place them next to her. She was replaying the

whole interaction in her head when she wondered if she should share

what she just did with Professor McGonagall. On one hand she did

managed to successfully tame the dragon, at least to a certain degree, but

on the other hand there was a high probability that she would be

punished for her rather dangerous decision.

In the end she settled to not reveal anything, not yet. She wanted to try

other things with the little dragon and understand why he was so

different from the others described in the books she read, she already

thought about the possibility that this was a brand new species of dragon.

6. Chapter 6

I do not own nor possess any right over Harry Potter, all rights belongs to

J.K. Rowling.

Chapter 6

The sun was already high when Harry woke up and he quickly

disappeared in the sky, flying high to avoid being seen and going to hunt

his daily meal over the forests and fields. His accurate eyes quickly

sighted a little mouse near a tree, close to a burrow that was too small for

him to fit in. Patient, he waited for the mouse to walk away from the

burrow before closing his wings and diving at high speed toward his

unsuspecting prey.

He slowed down only a few meters above the mouse that looked up at

the sound of his wings and make a run for the burrow. But it was already

too late for his sharp claws grabbed the animal in a swift move before

Harry rose into the hair. He kept the mouse in his claws, letting the

mouse struggle for nothing before it was too exhausted to fight the small

dragon who moved in the air to bit the mouse and ending its life.

Not really satisfied with such a small meal, Harry continued his hunt for

an hour but either no other prey showed up or the ones he was looking at

hid from him before he could strike.

So it's a bit hungry that he flew back to his hoard and like usual, checked

that nothing had even moved. He was a dragon, he would know if a

single coin would have been moved during his absence, he learned the

shape and details of each one to make sure to know if a thief thought he

could take away his treasure without him noticing.

Leaving his hoard again, he flew around the tower for a while before

flying toward the massive tower with the indestructible window where

many precious and shiny trinkets made out of gold where displayed.

Even if he couldn't access it, Harry couldn't help himself to go gaze upon

the beautiful pieces of gold that he wished to add to his hoard. He landed

on the window to see that the old human who kept the gold away was

here, sitting at his desk with a quill in one hand and the other holding a

parchment on the table, sometimes dipping the tip of the feather into a

ink bottle.

Harry's arrival didn't went unnoticed and Albus looked up to see the

golden dragon. He didn't managed to see him often but he knew that the

dragon was coming regularly at his window, with the only difference was

that now he wasn't trying anymore to break the window, apparently

content to stay and look at the various tools and jewels displayed in his


"Good morning." Greeted the old man with a small smile adorning his


Harry stopped looking at the treasures to stare at the man for no more

than a few seconds before his gaze returned on what really interested


"I'm sure you would like to look at me if I was made out of gold."

Chuckled the old headmaster.

Albus was not quite sure of what to do with the dragon since he wasn't

really bothering anyone except stealing from everyone around the castle.

But the issue still had to be addressed and Minerva was pressing him to

do something and now even Snape was also getting annoyed at him from

the moment the dragon had took a single Knut from the stiff man.

Looking at his little visitor, Albus grabbed a Galleon and moved closer to

the window, instantly attracting the attention of the golden dragon. In a

swift move, he unlocked the window and couldn't help but smile as the

little creature seemed puzzle to see the unbreakable glass give way that


"Here you go, my little friend. Please do keep this between us, I'm not

sure dear Minerva appreciates my liking to you."

Cautious, Harry who couldn't believe that he was finally able to have a

golden coin, looked at the old man before stretching his neck and was

about to take the coin when he remembered the lesson of the human girl

named Hermione and the proper way to get coins from humans. So he

looked at Albus, barely controlling his envy to simply take the coin right


"Yes my little friend, it is for you." Encouraged him Albus, surprised to

see the dragon seemingly waiting for his approval.

Not wasting another second, Harry took the coin with his teeth and

extended his wings to jump in the air and fly away from the old

headmaster who couldn't erase the small smile on his face. Harry quickly

went to his hoard and entered the window to directly go to his pile of

treasures and with the utmost carefulness placed the golden coin on top

of his pile, a stark difference of the many Knuts and few Sickles he

already managed to get.

Today was Saturday and Hermione was enjoying her day, patiently

waiting for the little dragon to come as she knew not a day passed

without his visit. He probably didn't even know about the concept of

weekend and the fact that Hermione would be waiting for him the whole


But her behaviour was starting to attract questions from Ron, Neville and

also Parvati who she shared her room with. All had noticed how much

she remained in the dormitory and at first the two boys thoughts she was

there studying but they could only wonder what she was really doing

once Parvati told them that she wasn't studying anything. A strange fact

in itself knowing how much the girl loved to study.

Even if she heard much and was grateful for her friends worries, she

wouldn't tell them the truth no matter how much they asked. Ask they

did and every time they got the same answer as she felt that the little

dragon was her secret and she knew the reactions wouldn't be very

positive should it be revealed. Just seeing how Professor McGonagall was

asking her about the dragon and her obvious view on how the dragon

should be dealt with didn't helped Hermione to decide.

And right now she was thinking about the little coin collector. He was

coming everyday and she felt like she couldn't keep calling him dragon,

he was already starting to appear as a pet, no a friend to her. Even if the

dragon was only coming for the coins, she did managed to teach him to

accept being refused his desire and even petted him, a most unusual feet

according to the many books on dragons she read.

Hermione was about to start thinking about a name when something got

her out of her thoughts.


She instantly stood up from her bed to see the dragon at the window,

obviously the one who made the noise, and she quickly walked to the

window to let the dragon in, just after giving one last glance behind her

to make sure no one else was coming.

Opening the window, she smiled as the dragon entered without even a

doubt and she moved back to her bed, sitting down on it as the dragon

remained in front of her, his emerald eyes staring right at her.

Harry didn't thought the human girl would be here already as he came

earlier than usual, but he was happy to see her nonetheless. He had to get

her attention by attacking the window and she did let him in, and now

he was waiting for his daily collect.

"Hello, how are you?" Asked Hermione putting on the gloves of Professor

Sprout, a simple safety even if she didn't felt threatened in any way.

Harry didn't replied as he barely understood what she said, merely

observing her. He did frown when she got her hand closer and thought

about moving away but stood still until the protected hand landed on his

head and started to stroke him nicely as he remembered the same feeling

a few days ago.

With a wide smile on her face, Hermione saw the dragon lean in her

stroke and she continued for a little minute, the two sharing a perfect

silence until she thought to hear a growl only to understand that it was

something close to a purr yet slightly different.

"You know, I've been thinking about a few names for you. Do you mind if

I give you one?" She asked gently turning the dragon's head toward her.

'Name?' Harry wondered. He knew what names were as he saw all

humans share different ones but he didn't know he could have one, it

never really seemed very important to him as he never really got into any

sort of conversation before.

"Since your obviously a male based on your spikes,"she said thinking

about the books she read, "we need a suitable name and luckily for you,

I've already got a few."

"First, I was thinking of Goldy seeing how much you like coins and how

your scales looks like."

'Goldy? It doesn't seem good. Humans have such weird names.' He thought

giving her a small hiss.

"Okay so not Goldy. Hmm... what about Precious? No, no, too cliché and

it doesn't suit a dragon." She interrupted herself.

'Do I need a name?... I am unique. A unique name.' He hissed in agreement

even if she couldn't understand.

"I know you wouldn't like it. What about Emerald? That's what your eyes

remind me of."

'I don't understand.' He hissed, having heard too many words too quickly.

"Tough to decide huh. Then what do you think about Shimmer? I know

it's not a scary name or very impressive, but you are really beautiful with

your golden scales so it would be a shame to not give you a name based

on them."

'Shimmer?' Thought Harry, stopped as he examined the name. He couldn't

understand the meaning but the sound of it pleased his ego and he knew

he would enjoy that name. Moving his head, he leaned into Hermione's

hand to purr lightly.

"I'm glad you like it, Shimmer." Widely smiled Hermione, stroking the

newly named dragon affectionately. Happy to have named him, they

remained like this with her stroking his head and him purring softly.

Suddenly Hermione got an idea. Since the dragon understood the concept

of yes and no, it might be possible to teach him his name and hers.

"Shimmer." She called and he turned to her for her greatest joy, and quite

a deal of shock at how fast Shimmer understood that this was his name.

But now came the hard part and she pointed a finger toward her.

"Hermione. My name is Hermione."

'What does she want me to do? Say it?' He pondered, understanding her

name but not the whole intention behind. He never spoke before, not

seeing the point of even learning about it.

"Your name is Shimmer. My name is Hermione." She repeated pointing at

him then at herself.

"Ion." He managed to said, frowning at how difficult it was, in a voice

that seemed to be between a real slightly squeaky voice and a feral


Hermione's eyes opened wide and her mouth fell agape, not capable to

process that the dragon was trying to speak. It took her a few seconds

before she recovered and even then she still had a hard time to accept

what she just saw and heard.

"You... speak. Say it again! Hermione." She repeated slowly.

"Ion." He said.

" .On.E." She repeated again and giving great care to separate the


"Her. " He attempted, dissatisfied with himself for not being capable to do

something that these humans could achieve with ease.

"We're getting there. .On.E." She approuved.


"Almost! Hermione."

"Hermione." The now named Shimmer managed to say, looking at

Hermione who instantly grew a wider smile.

"Yes! You did it. One more time, Hermione!" She cheered, bringing a

hand to pet his head.

Of course he succeeded, what kind of dragon would he be if he could

hunt a mouse but be incapable to speak with humans. It wasn't as hard

since the mouse could ran away but speaking was just moving his mouth

and tongue and make noises to form words. But, he had to concede that

it was harder than he expected.


"Perfect, still a bit hoarse but I suppose dragons don't have the same

vocal cords. Now let's try yours: Shimmer."

"Sheemer." Shimmer said.

"Almost on your first try! Come on, Shimmer." Hermione encouraged



"Perfect! You're a very smart dragon Shimmer!" She said before handing

him two Sickles, not forgetting to reward him for his efforts and to use

his name as much as possible to get him used to it.

Shimmer's eyes glinted for a second before he moved forward to grab the

coins but stopped right before, looking at Hermione for her approval.

"Go on, you deserve them". She said with a smile.

He didn't understood the word 'deserve', but the intent was clear both in

her eyes and in her voice, so he grabbed the two coins before walking

away toward the window. Using the small claws on his wings, he climbed

the little wall beneath the window and used his small but strong legs to

push himself on the window sill. He looked behind him and saw

Hermione looking at him from her bed with her usual smile. He wanted

to thank her, a first for him but he had no idea on either how to do that

or to how he could say it.

"Have a good day." She said.

"Hermione." He replied before leaving her.

Hermione kept a small smile for the next few minutes before she stood up

and closed the window, still thinking about what she had just done

before it finally sunk in. She made a dragon talk! Sure it was only two

words but the dragon understood the meaning of the words, that it was

their names, and managed to speak them, something that wasn't even

said in books as dragons were never thought to be able to speak at all. It

was supposed to be impossible and yet she succeeded. The more she

reflected on this the more she believed that this dragon was either unique

or from a species that was completely new.

This dragon was a mystery that only grew bigger and she would be the

one to uncover it.

7. Chapter 7

I do not own nor possess any right over Harry Potter, all rights belongs to

J.K. Rowling.

Chapter 7

Shimmer woke up as usual, stretched a bit and took off for his morning

hunt, flying through a very grey sky that looked ready to make rain fall

upon the castle. His wings quickly took him above the forest where he

often found mouses and other little prey. He remained high, keeping the

advantage of surprise and observing everything around with his excellent

sight for half an hour before he spotted a prey of the best quality.

A hare, a fine meal indeed. Not that it was rare but catching one was

always a bit tricky due to their speed on the ground. Of course he was

faster but he couldn't manoeuvre as fast as them so a bit of stealth was

always required when trying to catch one.

Settling on eating this prey, he positioned himself to be in the right

direction, observed for a few more seconds and waiting for the right

timing before diving at full speed with his wings closed. Shimmer was so

fast that the hare didn't got more than a few seconds to raise its head

before getting violently pushed on the ground, sharp claws keeping it

stuck. Sticking like lightning, a large number of fangs ended it's life

almost as fast as the attack happened and in less than a minute Shimmer

had his meal. His sharp and powerful fangs made it a child's play to eat

the hare and almost nothing remained in short time, a meal that he didn't

had in quite a while and would let him satiated for two days.

Returning to the air with a powerful flap of his wings, Shimmer returned

to the castle to see a little rain falling on the numerous roof tiles before

sliding on the ground. It wasn't the best feeling to be wet but Shimmer

didn't really mind as he didn't had the choice if he wanted to go back to

his lair. Going faster, he reached the window of his lair quickly and

shook himself a bit before resting on his hoard, the feeling and scent of

gold instantly making him forget about the water outside and it didn't

took long before he fell asleep.

He awoke only an hour latter from his digestive nap and looked outside

to see that the grey clouds were still there but at least it had stopped

raining. Satisfied so far with his morning, Shimmer reached the window

and jumped to go see his favorite human friend and flew down around

the tower to reach the room where she usually was.

But to his disappointment Hermione wasn't here today, he did knocked

on the window a few times in an attempt to get her attention but it was

all in vain as after ten minutes no one showed up. And that wouldn't do,

how would he get his daily coins if Hermione wasn't even present to gave

it to him?

'Hermione.' He thought briefly, thinking about how the use of name could

make it easier for him to get coins. It was indeed easier if he could call

the human so he gave it a try.

"Hermione!" He screeched loudly, looking through the window in another

attempt to see her but that was for naught as no one replied.

A bit grumpy, he jumped in the air and flew toward the tower of the old

man only to see that he was too absent. Even if Shimmer did like to stare

at the gold displayed in the office, it wasn't very interesting if he couldn't

access it. So it's an even grumpier dragon that left the headmaster's

window to fly down toward the other building of the castle, reaching for

a small hole in the wall that allowed him to enter the school unseen.

Looking around, he saw that the corridors were almost completely

empty, quite a luck for him. Staying close to the high ceiling, he moved

around and was as stunned as always when he passed near the many

paintings hanging on the walls. Not only were there people and creatures

moving inside them like if they weren't trapped but they also didn't

smelled like living creatures, an anomaly that he couldn't understand.

"The little burner is back!" Screamed one lady in a painting on the

opposite wall, quickly moving in other paintings as fear spread among

the paintings, all afraid of the flames of the dragon.

"Fear not! This one is no match for me, Sir Gallen Strongfeet!" Said

another painting, a man in armour rushing toward him with a sword in


Shimmer watched with amusement the man come in the painting right

beneath him and trying to force him to go away, even if he was just a

painting. He understood perfectly well why they were afraid but he didn't

felt threatened in any way, after all they were just moving colours to


"Shoo! Shoo! Go away!" Firmly said the probable knight.

Knowing that staying here would only be bad, he left and flew in another

part of the castle where the paintings were not aware yet of his presence

and just lazily moved around in the empty corridors. He did so until he

heard a voice that he recognized beyond a large wooden door and

stopped right above it to listen.

"It's Wing-gar-dium Levi-o-sa, make the 'gar' nice and long." Said the

obvious voice of Hermione.

"You do it, then, if you're so clever," Another voice that he barely

recognized said with a snarky tone.

"Wingardium Leviosa!" Hermione said.

"Oh, well done!" cried a cherry person, clapping. "Everyone see here, Miss

Granger's done it!"

Curious, Shimmer remained above the door for a few more minutes

before the classes apparently stopped and a flow of students entered the

corridors. Climbing slightly higher to remain unseen, he stood there until

the unmistakable hairs of Hermione appeared and he followed them,

keeping his eyes on her before leaving his spot and passing well above

the students, too taken in their own discussions to notice the golden

dragon flying above them.

As Hermione entered a new room with several students, he took

opportunity of a small gap in the door and entered in a flash before it

closed and he quickly reached the ceiling to hide and wait. Observing the

room, he was quite surprise to see a cat on the table and wondered if he

could eat it and saw that the animal was looking straight at him.

Little did he know, Minerva McGonagall was trying to remain calm. Her

students knew by now that she was the cat but by remaining in her

animagus form she could hide her fears a bit as she was starring at the

dragon who entered her class with her students. Thankfully the dragon

didn't seem to be hostile but she wouldn't take any risk and attacking it

was one of those risks. The first thing to do was to make sure that none

would even notice him in the first place and hope for the best, she was

good with spells and catching a dragon as small as this one wasn't outside

her capabilities but doing so with a full class of first years was too

dangerous. Transforming back to her human form, she made sure to keep

her eyes on her students.

"Hello children, today we will continue to transfigure a match into a

needle for those who didn't succeeded last time, that is everyone except

Miss Granger for whom I have prepared something different." Started

Professor McGonagall with a stern voice, making sure that no student

would even dare to think looking around in this class.

The whole lot of students remained silent and they all drew their wands

and notes as she gave each of them a match before addressing to

Hermione, placing a little mouse locked in a glass box before her.

"Miss Granger, I want you to try the Mice to Snuffboxes spell. This spell is

a bit trickier than the needle one as you will be changing a living

creature into a box. The prettier the box the better, I'm sure you can do it

but take your time reading these notes first." Advised Professor

McGonagall to her favorite student.

"Yes mam."

The Deputy Headmistress turned around and gave a subtle look toward

the dragon to see that he thankfully hadn't moved and seemed very

captivated by the mouse. She hoped it wouldn't gave him any idea and

made sure to keep an eye on him at all times.

Perched high near the ceiling, Shimmer was only looking at Hermione

and the strange woman who somehow managed to appear as a cat

before. Even five minutes after she did it he simply couldn't understand

how it was possible and wondered if all the other animals were human

disguised, it started to hurt his head just by thinking about it so he

focused on Hermione and the little snack before her, wondering what she

was waiting for to eat it. Since the mouse didn't changed into a human he

supposed that not all animals were humans, a reassuring feeling as he

didn't want to know if he ate one disguised as a hare.

But his eyes widened and he recoiled a bit when the mouse in front of

Hermione transformed into a golden box in an instant, right after a flick

of her wand.

Minerva couldn't help but let out a chuckle when she saw the face of the

dragon at Hermione's success, attracting the attention of her students for

a second before she managed to get back her straight face.

"Very good Miss Granger, five points for Gryffindor." She congratulated

her student with a smile. "Now change it back and keep practicing if you


Shimmer watched with fascination for an hour, seeing the mouse being

changed into a box before being returned to normal. He also gave a look

at the other humans who were changing a stick into a thinner and silvery

stick, even if he couldn't even understand why anyone would ever do

anything like this.

Soon the class ended and he moved to leave when he saw the eyes of the

professor on him, eyeing him with narrowed eyes that promised

something. But what he could only wonder. So he simply left and

remained in the corridor only to find out that Hermione had disappeared

and he now had nothing left to do beside going back to his hoard.

Minerva got out of her class quickly after the dragon and saw him fly

around the corridors for a bit before going inside a little hole that lead

outside judging by the dragon flying by a window ten seconds later. Even

if she didn't wanted to admit it, mainly to Dumbledore as he would not

stop to annoy her afterward, the little dragon was indeed a cute little

one. Plus, she never saw a dragon as calm and inquisitive as this one. He

was still stealing coins though.

Back in his lair, Shimmer remained there for only a short time before

feeling that it was time to meet with Hermione.

Making his way through the air, he arrived to see the window opened

this time for his greatest pleasure and landed right on the window sill.

His arrival didn't went unnoticed as Hermione quickly made her presence


"Shimmer! How are you today?" She asked cheerily.

"Hermione." He replied with his slightly raspy voice, jumping on the

ground with the help of his wing/arms to land.

"Right, we probably won't have a proper conversation before a while."

Hermione said more for herself than him as he didn't understood the

meaning of her statement.

"Hermione." He repeated as he got closer to the bed she was sat upon.

"Yes, yes. You want your coins but I want to try something new today."

The bushy brown hair girl replied, taking a sickle in her hand.

Shimmer stopped right in front of her, waiting patiently even if the

simple sight of the coin was enough to get his patience cut in half, and

extended his head to catch the coin under the watchful eyes of Hermione.

"Go on." She encouraged him.

He took the coin as usual and started to turn when he was stopped.


Turning around, he saw that she had her hand opened in front of him but

completely empty. Surprised and a bit confused, he looked at both her

empty hand and her head, trying to understand what she wanted.

"Give me the coin back please." She asked, making a motion with her

hand to go toward her.

'Why should I give you my coin?' He hissed angrily. If there was one thing

he never did before was to give a coin, he always took them but never

did he even thought about giving one. This was an absurd idea!

"Shimmer. Give me the coin please." She repeated with a strangely

authoritarian voice, one that he would not have expected from her.

A bit confused, he looked at her eyes to see that Hermione was frowning

at her and it made her look almost intimidating. He never considered the

young human as a danger but right now he realized that she towered

over him like any other human and that was one of the reasons he was

wary of them. Still, he wouldn't give the coin back since it was his now

and he had to bring it back to the hoard.

"Shimmer." She said again, her frown deepening even more.

Now he really felt like it would be a bad idea to disobey her. He briefly

wondered if she would stop giving him coins if he didn't obeyed, which

was troublesome. And more worrying, he also remembered seeing her

change a mouse into a box not even twenty minutes ago and he feared

that she might do the same to him if he made her angry.

Going against his most natural instincts, he slowly crossed the short

distance between the two of them, pondering at each step if he was doing

the right thing, and opened his mouth to place the coin in Hermione's

hand. As soon as he did so, he watched with surprise as her frown

vanished to be replaced with a wide smile and a little glint in her eyes.

"Very good Shimmer, I knew you could do it!" She cheered before giving

him not one but two coins.

More than shocked, he moved to take the coins and after a quick nod of

approval from Hermione grabbed them only to look at her, afraid that

she would take his coins again.

"Don't worry Shimmer, these ones are yours now." She said with a smile.

He placed the coins on the ground near the window and returned next to

her, placing his head on her lap as she let out a little coo of surprise.

"You're almost like my parent's cat you know?" Hermione said fondly,

stroking his head for a few seconds before he started to purr slowly,

remembering her even more of said cat.

They remained like that for a few minutes before footsteps and voice

came from the other side of the closed door and Hermione quickly

figured out that it would do her no good to be seen with Shimmer.

Standing up and ignoring the small indignant cry from the little dragon,

she took the coins on the ground and handed them to him as she pointed

the window.

"You need to leave Shimmer, nobody can know that you're here!" She

quickly whispered as Shimmer caught the coins.

A bit confused but understanding what she meant, he reached the

window and jumped barely a second before Parvati entered while waving

at another Gryffindor of second year.

"Hermione? What are you doing here? I swear you're deliberately trying

to stay here as much as you can." Said Parvati not really surprised at this


"I just like to be here." Replied Hermione very naturally.

"With the window wide open? It's starting to get cold you know."

"I like to watch the sky."

"Sure." Concluded Parvati before sitting on her own bed.

Focusing on Shimmer, Hermione wondered what she would be teaching

the dragon next time. Even if it might have not seem very important, she

managed to force the dragon to willingly give back the coin and this

meant that he could learn what was right and what was wrong. He would

need to know that if she wanted to teach him how to speak, the bases of

social and moral interactions would have to come later.

8. Chapter 8

I do not own nor possess any right over Harry Potter, all rights belongs to

J.K. Rowling.

Chapter 8

Another couple of nights had passed nicely that Shimmer woke up early

in the morning, yawning and stretching for a few seconds before

checking his ever growing hoard of coins and precious jewellery. He did

that every morning to be sure to find the same number than the day

before, a safety to make sure that no thief were coming at night while he

was asleep.

Satisfied with his hoard, he jumped on the window sill and looked at the

blue sky slightly covered with some white clouds, promising a beautiful

day ahead even if he wasn't very concerned by the weather as long as it

didn't stopped him to fly. He jumped in the void before opening his long

wings wide as he stared to glide down toward the fields to find his daily

meal. He flew above a few fields, a small forest and quite a few different

places but didn't managed to find anything even remotely interesting, the

only good prey he saw being a squirrel than ran away as soon as

Shimmer arrived.

After a whole hour trying to find food, he turned around quite hungry

and grumpy as he saw the castle grow taller as he picked up speed. His

flight took him above the school grounds and he noticed the giant man

that he saw a few times already, carrying a large axe in one hand and an

impressive quantity of logs on his shoulder, kept in place by his other

arm. Shimmer tried to remain far from him as much as possible, he didn't

know if the man was dangerous or not but his size made him quite

intimidating and Shimmer was already wary of regular humans. His

curiosity stirred by the giant bearded man, he started to follow him from

above until they reached a very large hut that was actually not that big

for the giant of a man that had his head almost reaching the top of the


But then he thought about something that could change everything about

this giant. 'Do taller humans have more gold?' He wondered as until now all

adults humans had more money than their youngsters, it actually made

sense to him. And following this theory this giant could possibly have the

most impressive hoard of the school. For what other reason could force

him to live so far from other humans if not to protect his gold.

Flying around to lose altitude, Shimmer gently landed on the window sill

of a closed window and started to look through it. Inside the hut the

giant had carried the logs near a fireplace and was now starting to

grossly cut down vegetables before putting them in a large bowl, making

a big mix for a few minutes until he took the bowl and crushed

everything inside with a large spoon. But even if it was interesting to see

the giant cook it wasn't why Shimmer was here and he gazed through the

whole room in search of coins or anything that could be precious only to

be disappointed. There wasn't a single object even remotely interesting

and not a single coin. Either the giant was the poorest human he ever

saw or he hid his hoard with greater skills than him.

His eyes fixed again of the giant that was now preparing some large piece

of meat, instantly reviving the hunger that he managed to forgot in his

search for gold. There was so much meat being processed, either into a

black cauldron over a fire or being cut in slices by the giant and the very

crude but very sharp knife in his hand, the sight of all of this being

enough for Shimmer to start drooling on the window as he had stuck his

face closer in an attempt to reach for the meat.

But his presence didn't went unnoticed as the giant finally caught sight of

him at his window and reacted in a way that the little dragon didn't


"Aren't you a little cutie?" Said the giant with a smile almost as wide as

his face, dropping the knife on the table before walking toward the

window that he quickly opened.

Shimmer remained there, wary and cautious at this giant man even if the

smile and happiness of the giant did great work to ease some of his fears.

The opened giant's right hand before him did puzzled him a bit and he

gave it a big sniff, looking for either coins or meat, only to be

disappointed to find nothing.

"Come on, I won't hurt you." The giant said, insisting with his hand.

As there was literally no other place for him to walk around, he hopped

on and tried to stand still, his tail circling the thick wrist for stability as

his talons dug lightly in the giant's skin who didn't seemed to mind, as

the massive hand moved backward and the giant's smile seemed to grow

even more than what Shimmer thought possible.

"You're not very big aren't you? Come on, I think I know what you were

looking at." Continued the giant as he let Shimmer get down on the table.

Without loosing a second, the giant reached for one of the slices of meat

he was preparing and handed it over to Shimmer who eyed the piece

eagerly, its size being big enough to make a good meal with only a single

portion. He lunged upward quickly as the meat dangled above his head

and bit hard into the meat, bringing it down as he started to tear it up

and chewing on it.

"Hungry aren't you? Well luckily for you I have plenty enough for the

both of us. I've been looking for you for quite a while now."

Shimmer was listening with only one ear, both focused on his meal and

not understanding the words the giant said.

"Professor Dumbledore asked me to find you but its you who found me

and I have to say that you're a bit smaller than I thought. Not a hatchling

but not much bigger, a male judging by your beautiful spikes and nothing

like that brat of a Malfoys says. He really didn't liked you biting his hand,

but you and I know that you had a good reason." Chuckled the giant as

he finished to prepare his meal and sat down in a very wide and

comfortable looking armchair, bringing the bowl on his knees as he used

a big fork to fish a big chunk of meat and a mush of vegetables.

They both continued to eat loudly, Shimmer tearing up his meat quite

loudly as the giant slurped almost as loudly every time he took some of

the liquid mush. Surprisingly, they also finished at the same time, the

giant putting the bowl back on his table and Shimmer licking his chops

as he felt fully satiated.

"Now, Minerva asked me to capture you and Snape want me to put

poisoned traps, but you don't seems like a bad dragon to me. Oy! I almost

forgot! My name's Hagrid, gatekeeper of Hogwarts. What am I going to

call you?" Smiled the now named Hagrid.

Even if he couldn't understand everything, it wasn't the first time that he

heard the word 'name' and he already knew its meaning thanks to


"Shimmer." He said looking at Hagrid.

The giant froze for a few seconds, mouth agape and eyes opened like if

he was crazy. His hands slowly went down and he took one extremely

careful step toward Shimmer who started to feel a bit uncomfortable in

front of the strange behaviour of the giant.

"Am I going nuts like Merlin or did you just talked?" Hagrid said very



"...Merlin... you can talk. Can you say anything else?" Hagrid asked now

far quicker than before as almost as excited with a small smile on his


"Shimmer." Shimmer repeated.

"Hmm, maybe not. But I've never heard of a dragon being capable to

speak at all. You have no idea how long I wanted to have a dragon, I'm

sure I could ask Dumbledore to let me keep you but I don't think the

other teachers would agree. Especially not Snape." Continued Hagrid who

reached for Shimmer's head with his massive hand and started to pet


While he was a bit sceptical at first of the massive hand, he quickly

melted into the petting and started to purr loudly as he nuzzled the rough

skin above his head, surprising Hagrid even more than he already was.

"Well I'll have seen everything with you, a purring dragon! Ha!" Hagrid

laughed boomed into the hut.

Satisfied with both the meat and the petting, Shimmer felt like it was

time to go hunt for more coins for his hoard. He couldn't smell a single

trace of gold in the hut between the numerous strong smells of either

food or simply Hagrid's smell, meaning that there was either no gold at

all or it was the most hidden treasure in the world. Leaving the comfort

of the petting hand, he flew to the window in a flew flaps of his wings

and got ready to leave.

"Shimmer wait!" Called Hagrid using his name.

Shimmer turned around for a second to see Hagrid handing him a small

cube of meat. He looked at it a bit unsure and then at Hagrid.

"You can come back anytime." Said the giant with a smile as Shimmer

grabbed the small piece of meat before flying away.

Hagrid watched him leave with a heavy heart, he would love to keep the

little dragon in his hut but it was clear that he was too old for that and

that he most likely had a nest somewhere around. He could only hope

that the little dragon was trusting him enough to come back at some

point. What he was certain of was that Shimmer was definitely not a bad

dragon and had nothing to do with the bloodthirsty predator described

by the young Malfoy heir.

Back in the airs, Shimmer was flying around the tower where Hermione

lived in hope to get a few coins. He already passed twice in front of her

closed window in an attempt to see if she was inside but it didn't

appeared so. He finally landed on the window sill and looked through the

glass of the empty room, looking for Hermione. Only having one last

resort, he recoiled his head slightly before slamming it forward.


He waited for a few seconds but, to his greatest displeasure, no one came.

Annoyed, he hopped from the window and flew around the school again,

looking for any open window. Sadly it seems the humans were learning

and almost all the windows were closed, the few opened having people in

their rooms.

Turning toward another direction, he was thinking about coming back

later to Hermione's window when he noticed something in one court

behind the castle. A few young humans were gathered in the grass and

listening to a older woman that was talking about brooms. His eyes went

from one human to another until his eyes stopped on the sight of one

unmistakable head covered by bushy brown hair. Happy to have found

Hermione, he remained in the sky above them as he saw the humans

lifting a hand over their brooms and suddenly a few of them went up like

pushed by an invisible wind. Sadly it appeared that Hermione couldn't

order her broom to lift in the air.

That was already quite a surprise to see flying brooms but then the

humans put the brooms between their legs and he could only wonder

about what they would do like that until the baby faced boy from the

train suddenly started to lifted up in the air. He always thought that

humans were inferior since they couldn't fly but it seems they could fly

with brooms, and he briefly wondered why he never saw any fly like

that, before focusing again on the boy. He watched in amusement as the

boy screamed as his broom took him in all directions, flying in complete

chaos until he fell down and got his life saved by the spear of a statue

that caught his robes, slowing down his fall. Shimmer had seen all sorts

of flying creatures before but he was certain that none of them ever flew

as badly as the boy before him that was being taken away by the older


He wondered what was going to happened next when two boys took to

the air with far greater skills than the first boy. He recognized them

quickly, having seen both of them in the train with the first one being the

one he bit because he was too loud and the other one was the boy with

ginger her that had an appetizing looking rat.

The boy with ginger hair chased after the other one, flying higher and

higher until Shimmer saw that they were coming directly toward him

even if none of the boys seemed to noticed. He barely had the time to

dive to his left that the first boy flew right next to him with the second

one following not too long after. But now it was clear that both of them

were well aware of his presence if the screams and scared faces were of

any indication. And he would not let two humans that barely knew how

to fly beat him into a flying skill race.

Flapping his wings as fast as possible, he dove behind the two boys that

were now trying to reach the safety of the ground as fast as possible as

the other students down there were trying to figure what was happening,

none seeing the small frame of Shimmer hidden behind the boys. Even if

he hated to admit it, the humans were very fast and he had to give his all

to keep up with them. But as they got closer to the ground he noticed

that they were going too fast and were probably going to crash painfully

at this speed.

Preferring to keep his wings whole, he slowed down and abandoned the

race. The same couldn't be said for the boys who were too focused on

him and touched the ground harshly, projected forward and rolling on

the ground until they stopped, groaning and holding themselves in a

failed attempt to contain the pain. Shimmer just flew above all the

humans, passing only a meter above their heads as almost all of them

screamed and ducked as he passed.

Taking a bit more height to be safe, he looked down to see a pair of

adults surround the two injured boys and taking them in the same

direction as the first one of earlier, as the other students looked both at

their injured friends or at him flying in circle. He remained there for a

few minutes to watch them and he noticed that Hermione was looking at

him intently and while he wasn't the best at human expressions, he

thought he recognized something like concern. But for who he had no


A bit tired after pushing himself against the boys and spending a good

part of the day in the air, he finally left to return to his hoard where he

knew he would take a good little nap. Although he didn't got any coin

today, he was happy with how it went and couldn't wait to just relax.

Back at the broomstick training grounds, it was still in a bit of chaos.

Students were loudly talking about the three injured students but mainly

about the golden dragon that chased them. Many didn't really believed

that there was really a dragon around the school but now there was no

doubts left after they all saw him chase the boys.

The teachers were quite pissed when they learned why they were in the

air in the first place. Draco Malfoy even tried to blame the dragon but

Madam Hooch quickly shut him up when she told him that if he hadn't

disobeyed her orders none of this would have happened, adding at the

same time that if the dragon had wanted his blood he would already be

covered in blood and not having a few bruised ribs because of his fall.

But in all this chaos, one didn't shared the same thoughts. Hermione

couldn't help but be worried for Shimmer, not that she feared that he

could have injured himself while flying, but because the teachers clearly

said that they wanted to get rid of him for being a danger to the school.

Permanently or not.

Thankfully she also knew that the headmaster shared her views on the

dragon and that he would prefer sending him away rather than let Snape

'hex the annoying pest'.

9. Chapter 9

I do not own nor possess any right over Harry Potter, all rights belongs to

J.K. Rowling.

Chapter 9

It had been a few days already since Shimmer got to fly with the two

human boys. He had made a good use of his time and managed to collect

23 coins, including 2 more precious and shinier than the rest but sadly no

golden ones, even with all his attempts against the old man living in his

tower. Every time he arrived to his window the man smiled and kept

writing but he didn't gave him any coins, merely giving him a glance

every now and then. But since there was a chance to maybe have a coin

he kept coming every day.

Something that surprised him a bit was how Hermione reacted when they

saw each other for the first time after the flight with the two boys. She

had been a bit too clingy to his taste and kept berating him about putting

himself in danger or something like that, personally he didn't saw any

danger other than crash to the ground and he knew very well how to fly

and avoid such silly accidents. But apparently he had to be careful about

a type of human called teachers, some of the older humans were

apparently called like that and could apparently harm him. Even if he

didn't believed it.

But worries weren't the only thing that Hermione had for him. She had

spent quite a lot of time trying to teach him how to speak human, it was

labouring and annoying but the perspective to have access to more coins

wasn't something he would reject, plus every session with the girl ended

with him getting at least one or two coins so he had to keep coming. He

had rarely felt this happy: his hoard was the biggest he ever had and it

kept growing everyday even when he couldn't see Hermione, there was

always an opened window or a hole in the wall that gave him access to

the interior of the castle.

And all of this led him to now stand in Hermione's room for his collect of

coins. And the coincidental lesson of human language. At least today's

subject was interesting as he was learning more about coins. They were

both sitting on her bed, her with a bag next to her and him listening

more or less attentively.

"Its 'This is my coin.'" Said Hermione for the second time today, showing

him the Knut hold between her fingers.

"Me coin." Shimmer said starring at the coin.

"No, no. Hmm... maybe it's still too hard so let's try something easier: 'My


"My coin." He said applying the necessary changes.

"Much better. Now on to the next step. There isn't a single type of coin

you know?" She said rummaging through her bag.

Shimmer intently looked at her, expectantly waiting for what she would

put out of the bag and he was not disappointed when she took out not

only one of the shiny coin but also a golden one that immediately

attracted his gaze as he stood fixed on this specific coin. He was so

focused on it that he almost drooled on the cover.

Of course, none of this escaped Hermione who smiled and let out a small

sigh at the dragon's obvious desire for coins and gold. She had already

guessed beforehand what would be his reaction to seeing a Galleon and

she was not disappointed, Shimmer's eyes following the golden coin as

she moved it in the air.

"Alright I know it's a pretty coin but I'm not giving you this one, my

parents would scold me hard if they learn that I lost a Galleon." She said

clutching her hand, hiding the coin and thus taking Shimmer out of his


Shaking his head, he kept looking at her hand for a few seconds before

focusing on her face again.

"So here you have a Knut. Knut." Hermione repeated holding out the

brown coin.

'Isn't it a coin?' He wondered slightly confused, looking at her and the

piece of metal.

"Coin?" He asked.

"Yes, but not only." She replied putting the Knut on the cover and then

the Sickle right next to it, starring at Shimmer to make sure that he

wouldn't take any of the coins.

"Knut." She said putting her finger on the bronze coin and then on the

silver one. "Sickle."

He simply stared at each one, not really getting what she was trying to

say, and then stared at her.

"Coin Knut. Coin Sickle." Hermione said repeating the motion.

'Do coins have different names? Different coins like different birds?' Shimmer

pondered before placing the small claws of his right wing on the bronze


"Knut?" He asked not sure if he got the correct idea.

The big smile on Hermione's face was all he needed to see to understand

that he got it right.

"Very good Shimmer!" She praised him by petting him slowly on his

head, not giving him the coin yet as she moved her finger on the second

coin. "Now the other one."

He looked at the silvery coin and placed his little claws on top of it.


"Perfect! One more time. Knut. Sickle."

"Knut. Sickle." He repeated.

"Very good! Now, I want to stay calm and focused. What am I saying, you

can't understand that yet." Hermione said to herself as she removed the

Knut and the Sickle out of Shimmer's sight only to get his full attention as

she showed him the golden Galleon in her hand.

The effects were instantaneous, his eyes widened slightly and remained

perfectly fixed upon the coin as his body unconsciously started to go

toward the golden piece of metal that represented everything in the

world for him at the moment. Hermione watched him carefully and

moved back her hand as he got closer, taking him out of his trance as he

stared at both her and the coin.

"Now that I have your attention we can talk about the Galleon. Coin

Galleon." She explained as she played with the coin in her hand.

'So that's the name of the most beautiful one...' Shimmer pondered in slight

shock and excitement, happy to have a name for the most beautiful coin

that only had a place in his hoard. He simply couldn't look away from it

and it took him a few seconds to come back to the reality as Hermione

moved the coin in front of her face to truly get his attention.

"Shimmer are you even listening to me?" She asked him a bit annoyed to

see him so distracted by the coin.

This did get a reaction as he stared directly at her, trying to forget the

coin for a few seconds. He knew that if he did what she asked from him

there was a chance for him to get the precious one.

"This is better. Shimmer this is a Galleon. Galleon." Hermione explained

quickly, wanting to use the short span of attention he had to its


"Galleon." He said almost hypnotized by the beauty of the word that

whispered beauty and richness in his ears, the name of the most beautiful

thing in existence. And the best part was that there were lots of them, his

mind wandered for a few seconds as he imagined himself in a cave filled

to the top with Galleons, where only he could admire their true beauty

and give them the rightful place they deserved, under his scales as the

best bed a dragon could ever ask.

"Very good Shimmer, I knew you could do it...and I lost you again."

Hermione praised him again before sighing as it was clear that Shimmer

was not here for the moment.

It took him a few more second for him to leave the dream-like trance he

was in and he looked intently, looking to and fro between the human girl

and the object of his desire, making his intention very obvious that he

only wanted to have the coin.

"Hermione. Coin. Galleon." Shimmer said eagerly, surprising Hermione

that didn't really got to see the dragon express many emotions.

"Sorry Shimmer but no, this is too much money for me to just give it up

to you." She said even if she would have liked to give it to him.

'What? But...but...Coin!' He thought dumbstruck as he really expected her

to give him the coin, for there was no other reason for her to bring it. He

moved forward glaring at the coin when Hermione retraced her hand and

put it behind her back, efficiently placing the coin outside of his reach.

"No Shimmer!" She stopped him with a stern and authoritative voice,

glaring down at him to make him understand that it was wrong, despite

being afraid of what Shimmer would do if he turned violent in an

attempt to get the coin. There wasn't much that she could do against him

if it would come down to this.

A sudden rush of anger ran through him and he screeched loudly, flaring

his wings to appear bigger and more threatening. This worked far better

than he thought as Hermione screamed, crawling backward on her bed

until she reached the wall, eyes wide and filled with terror at both the

sound of him snarling at her and at the sight of him displaying his sharp

fangs. The poor girl was so afraid that she didn't realized that she was

still keeping the Galleon clutched tight in her hand as she put her arms in

front of her as a last line of defence, breathing heavily.

However, she wasn't the one that stopped the angry little dragon.

Shimmer had stopped himself and was looking at her strangely, almost

frozen in a fighting stance but all traces of aggressiveness on his face and

body had vanished, leaving him just starring at her.

'It... doesn't feel good.' Shimmer realized as he looked at Hermione still

terrified albeit slightly relaxed at seeing him not attacking her. He

couldn't comprehend why but attacking her just didn't felt like the right

thing to do and he couldn't understand why, he always took whatever he

wanted whenever he wanted, but not with Hermione. She had taught him

to restrain himself and be patient and now that he tried to go back to his

old ways, where he would have simply taken the coin and left, he

understood that he couldn't do that. He didn't really understood why but

it simply felt wrong to see her afraid of him, because he was starting to

see her as more than just a human girl.

Shimmer wouldn't learn the word before a long time, but Hermione

became her friend.

Slowly, he lowered himself and quit appearing threatening and took a

hesitant step toward Hermione that was still scared. He kept his head low

and stopped only two dozens of centimetres in front of her legs, looking

at her with what was clearly concern.

"Shimmer?" Hermione called him with clear uncertainty in her voice with

a tinge of fear left.

"Hermione." He simply said not knowing what else he could say, he felt

bad but had no way to say it. But he could show it.

He pressed his head against her legs and purred softly as an apology,

keeping his eyes on her and acting submissive to show that he meant no


It took some time but Hermione finally relaxed and carefully moved her

hand that was empty to stroke his head very lightly, afraid that he would

bite her or something. She wouldn't talk but she was truly scared of how

Shimmer reacted to being denied the Galleon, showing that he was more

than just a little dragon that she had actually barely started to tame. A

couple of minutes passed like this, her petting his head and neck with a

bit more confidence at each stroke.

"That was very... very scary Shimmer. Please never do that again." She

pleaded almost whispering.

He kept nuzzling her leg and her hand whenever it was above his head,

feeling bad for what he did while trying to control himself as he could

still smell the distinct scent of the coin in her other hand that remained

far from him.

Hermione was still a bit scared and, as the tension started to disappear,

her usual train of thought came back and she couldn't stop herself to


"You need to say that you are sorry. It means that you apologize for what

you did and that you feel bad for it. 'Sorry'." Hermione said.

Shimmer would probably have never understood what she meant had he

not heard the word before. Maybe once from Hermione but his many

flights above London gave him plenty of opportunities to hear this

specific word and he remembered that it was for when one was feeling

bad for something that this same person had done.

"Shimmer sorry." He said before licking her hand with his forked tong as

an apology and Hermione realized that it was very much like dogs when

they wanted to show empathy.

"I- I was about to say that it's okay but not really. I think I forgot that you

were a dragon, it's partially my fault for not being careful enough so I'm

sorry too." She apologized.

He didn't really understood why she was sorry since he was the one who

got too aggressive but didn't lingered on it, continuing to purr instead. He

would have continued were it not for Hermione gently moving him aside

as she reached for the little bag that stood at the other side of the bed

and he got a glimpse of the Galleon being put back in the bag as she

looked for something in particular and he could hear the distinct sound

of coins being shaken together before she pulled out her hand. The bag

remained there as she came back next to him and handed him a Sickle.

He stared at it and at her for a few seconds, not understanding why she

would give him a coin after what just happened. Was she rewarding him

for being sorry?

"It's for you, I planned to give it to you anyway but it will also be my

apology gift." She said with a small smile on her face, the first since he

scared her.

Very gently, not to scare her again, he grabbed the Sickle between his

teeth and moved back to the end of the bed, jumped on the floor and

made his way to the window that he reached with a flap of his wings

before stopping on the window sill. He turned around to look at her, still

a bit uncertain about this whole situation.

"Bye-bye Shimmer." Encouraged him Hermione waving with a smile.

Happy to see her like that instead of being scared, he jumped in the air

and opened his wings at their maximum wingspan before flapping them

hard to carry himself around the tower and toward his hoard, eager to

add this new addiction to his pile of treasure.

Hermione let out a loud sigh right after Shimmer left her room, falling on

her back and relaxing on the comfortable cover of her bed. The whole...

conversation replayed again and again in her mind as she remembered

how Shimmer reacted and mainly why he did it, understanding that she

had been too trusting in the little dragon. Not that she should be more

strict or severe with him but she had clearly expected too much from him

and she forgot that he was a wild dragon that had never been tamed, that

while he was friendly, he could still be aggressive and unpredictable.

As she kept thinking she also thought about how he reacted after, how he

expressed a very human-like feeling of empathy and apology. None of the

books specialized in dragons that she had read had any dragon that

behaved the same way as Shimmer and today's meeting proved again that

he was unique, not only by being capable to learn speech, but by

displaying a larger array of emotions that regular animals and other


Shimmer was starting to take a bigger place in her life, not only by

visiting her regularly but also by helping her to get her mind away from

her everyday life. Not that it was bad, but quite a few other students had

been giving her a hard time recently, laughing about her long hairs but

mainly by insulting her eagerness to be a good student, shunning her at

every opportunity. Especially Ron Weasley after she tried to help him in


At least Shimmer seemed to love listening to her and he apologized

quicker than any other student that insulted her.


Hi, Valexto at the keyboard!

I forgot to put an AN in the previous chapter so I shall do so here.

I wanted to apologize for the long delay between chapter 7 and 8, nearly

3 months without updates. I forgot a bit about the story even if it

remained in a part of my mind, I focused on my work and some other

projects but now I'm back into the story.

Some of you asked me by PMs about the updates and the future of the

story. While I can't promise you to release as often as you would like, it

should be more frequent than before.

When I started this story I planned to do only the first year as it has been

nearly 10 years since I read the books and didn't felt very confident to go

further than that. I wasn't sure of what Harry/Shimmer's future could be.

But now I think it is possible to go at least at the second year, I can

already try to imagine the fight against the basilisk.

I'm not promising that we will go this far but if the story pleases you then

I shall carry you there.

Thanks a lot for the many messages of appreciation and support as well

as those of you who reminded me that this story couldn't be left like this.

See you soon!

10. Chapter 10

I do not own nor possess any right over Harry Potter, all rights belongs to

J.K. Rowling.

Chapter 10

It had been almost an entire month since Shimmer learned the difference

between a Knut, a Sickle and a Galleon. During this time Hermione

helped him a lot to work on his speech but it remained quite basic, just a

few words and some basics about making sentences but it wasn't going

much further than that as he was incapable to speak either too long or

too complicated words and he simply couldn't grasp most of the human

concepts that Hermione tried to taught him. These teachings also helped

him a lot to better understand humans and how they lived and while he

agreed with the concept of a school to teach the younglings how the

world around them worked, he didn't understand why none were taught

how to hunt. How would they be able to survive once they'll be adults?

He had no answer to that question.

Of course, in all this time his hoard had kept growing even more as he

got accustomed with the school and its many shortcuts, hidden entrances

and the nightmare of a labyrinth that was the inside of the castle. Now

his hoard was big enough that he slept on a pile of coins that was larger

than his whole body, enough to not touch the planks of the floor of his


The last days had been quite calm but he could tell that something was

bothering Hermione, she wasn't as happy as usual and she kept saying

words that he couldn't understand like this 'egghead' thing, whatever it

meant. He had tried to cheer her up by nuzzling her and purring and

while it worked every time, he always had to try even harder the next

time they met. He had never felt worry for anyone else other than

himself in his life so it was quite unsettling for him to care about

someone else and a human at that. But it didn't bothered him in the

slightest, Hermione was very nice, patient enough to teach him how to

speak human and always ended their meetings either by giving him a

coin or a little slice of meat. Or both.

Today had been quite the quiet day, spent hunting in the morning

without much success, watching the old man in his tower and his

amazing collection of precious objects and trinkets in the early afternoon.

The only thing that bothered him was when he went to see Hermione:

she wasn't at the window at the time they usually met, a bit unusual but

it happened before so he let it slide. Now he was taking a little flight in

the early hours of the night, relaxing in the air currents that allowed him

to fly without efforts for a few good long minutes.

He was however disturbed by a loud grunt followed by a few human

words that he didn't know but the tone made it clear that the human

saying them was angry. Curious, he flew down toward the direction he

heard the sounds come from and his eyes widened as they defined the

shadows going toward the castle. It was a creature that he never saw

before, walking on two legs like a human an carrying himself similarly

but that's where the similarities ended.

The creature was huge, walking clumsily on massive feet. His hands were

as big as his feet and he carried a large wooden club on his shoulder,

next to his small ugly head were a dumb expression laid between his eyes

and opened mouth that revealed large teeth. Quite surprisingly, a human

was hidden in the shadows near a door of the castle where he forced the

troll to go inside. All he could see about that human was that he

appeared to be male was wearing very long robes. The big creature

lowered himself to get in and the human gave a quick glance outside

before closing the door behind them.

Shimmer didn't really knew what to do of what just happened. He didn't

know what creature was with the human and had no idea if it was

normal or not, having never seen one before.

Perplex, he flew toward the main part of the castle and landed next to

the big windows where he could see the big room where the humans ate.

Their meals seemed to have already started, many were gorging

themselves with food, especially the red-haired boy that he saw in the

train and flew against a few weeks ago and Shimmer could only wonder

how he could eat that much food that fast. Even he wouldn't be able to

keep up.

The humans were all talking happily but he couldn't understand why the

little ones were separated by different tables, with different colours on

their clothes. He briefly remembered Hermione explained something

about that but he forgot what. His eyes went to the food displayed on the

tables and he wished so hard to at least be able to go down there at least

once to try the many plates of food that looked delicious, especially the

numerous meats that made him droll every time he got a catch of their


But what got his attention at the table of the students with red robes was

Hermione. And more especially the lack of Hermione. She was always sat

at the same spot so it wasn't hard for him to notice her absence and he

couldn't help but be worried; of all the times he watched over the dining

hall, Hermione had never been absent. He looked around the whole

place, hoping to find her at another seat but she was nowhere in sight.

Even the teachers table didn't had the girl and he noticed that another

seat was empty at their table, the one with the teacher wearing that

weird piece of rag on his head and that smelled like death, but he didn't

gave it anymore attention, focusing on finding Hermione.

He might have stayed there the whole night in a hope to see Hermione

when the great doors of the hall opened loudly and he recognized the

missing teacher coming in quickly and shouting something, a troll

apparently, before falling face first on the ground, completely exhausted

or terrorized. Frankly, Shimmer couldn't tell which one brought him


But whatever the teacher had said, the effects were instantaneous. All the

children in the hall started to scream and ran around when the old man

spoke far louder than Shimmer thought him capable of, stopping all the

students in their steps and reducing them to silence. He said a few more

words and some of the older humans started to organise the evacuation.

Shimmer remained there for a few seconds and then took off, worried for

Hermione as all the humans seemed to be afraid of something, until he

heard a sound that sounded like a heavy crash, like if a tree had just

broken down.

Slowing down as he passed around a few buildings, trying to get closer to

the sound he just heard, a loud scream suddenly pierced the night in one

building a bit behind him. Turning around, he passed in front of several

windows quickly until he saw one of them being broke down by a

massive club, wood, glass and stone falling toward the ground quickly

and leaving a small hole in the wall as another scream followed, coming

from a voice he instantly recognized.

"Ahhhh! Help!"

Folding his wings, he passed through the hole and instantly recognized

the weird creature that he saw earlier, the same one that had been let in

by a human. It was even uglier under the light of the room and appeared

even more stupid than before, not noticing Shimmer's presence and

focusing only on Hermione that crawled from under a pile of crushed


The monster raised his club, ready to strike again as Hermione tried in

vain to crawl away.

Not waiting a second longer, Shimmer let out a threatening screech and

dove straight on the monster's head, all claws and fangs out. He passed a

first time, trying to dig his talons in the scalp of its head but it didn't

appeared to do much and he passed a second time only to have the same

result. He tried to dig all of his sharp weapons on the creature's head but

it was completely useless, its skin was so hard that he barely managed to

leave a scratch. During all this time Hermione kept avoiding the club,

falling left and right and missing her by only a couple of centimeters.

At least his attacks seemed to annoy the creature a bit as it raised its

empty hand to push him away like one would try to remove an annoying

fly. Another scream from Hermione was all Shimmer needed to double

his assaults and he aimed for a softer and easier part of the monster: its

ears. Opening his mouth wide, he bit down hard on the overly big left ear

of the monster that let out a roar of pain as blood started to run on the

creature's head and neck, Shimmer tasting both the blood and the

disgusting skin of the ear.

"Shimmer! Help-me!" Screamed Hermione as she jumped to her right to

avoid another strike, falling hard on her stomach.

Figuring that he wouldn't beat the monster like that, Shimmer let go of

the ear right as the massive hand of the creature rushed to its ear, almost

catching him. He had no doubt that a single strike of the massive hand

would be enough crush his body but he was far more agile and kept

flying around, making himself a very hard target for the slow and clumsy


Opening his mouth again, Shimmer unleashed a stream of fire right in

the monster's face before moving away as the monster howled in pain

and dropped its club, putting one hand on its face to protect it from the

flames while using the other in a useless attempt to catch him. It was

hard to admit for the little dragon but the creature was incredibly

resilient, barely burned with only a few scorched black spots but at least

it was impossible to tell if it ever had any eyebrows.

Flying around, always staying on the move, Shimmer let out another jet

of flames on the monster's face but it didn't do much. Even this didn't

really helped Hermione as she was trapped in a corner of the room with

the monster flailing left and right, making it impossible for her to pass

next to it.

But he wasn't the only one changing tactic. The monster grabbed his club

again and tried to crush him only to smash the weapon into the wall,

stones falling on the ground as Hermione screamed again, terrified and

afraid to see Shimmer being crushed to death.

Returning to his original strategy, Shimmer stopped right in the face of

the ugly creature and bit down on his nose as hard as he could with a

small stream of blood following. Another scream of pain came from its

big mouth, almost deafening him in the process. He had no idea of what

was going on inside the creature's head but it raised its club and, right as

Shimmer moved away to not be crushed, smashed itself in the head with

a sickening crunch. Shimmer stood in the air near the monster's head as

it wobbled a bit before falling down hard on its belly, its body going

completely limp. Only for good measure, he landed on its head and bit on

the ear again but got no reaction, meaning that this fight was over.

He had won, proving that he was stronger that this monster. He fully

opened his wings and let out a roar of victory. Or it might have been a

roar if he had been a massive dragon which he was not, his scream being

closer to a loud screech than an actual roar.

With his victory, the pressure of the battle finally dropped and he smelled

the horrible scent of the monster. It was very strong and disgusting but

also mixed with another scent, one that he didn't know but felt terribly

wrong and close to the scent of death. It was so bad that it forced him to

close his nostrils in an attempt to block the smell.


That took him out of his musings and he turned to his left, looking at

Hermione that was still huddled in the corner of then room, looking at

him wide wide eyes and a shallow breath, covered in dust and broken

pieces of wood. Seeing the girl reminded him of the many times the

creature tried to harm her and he forgot everything about his victory,

opening his wings for a second, just the time to land in front of her. As

soon as his talons touched the ground, he started to sniff her entirely,

looking for any scent of blood as he looked at her arms, legs and head


But before he could even finish he got trapped between a pair of arms as

a sobbing sound came from above, letting out a small squeak at the

surprise attack. He raised his head and looked at Hermione that was

crying, hugging him tightly to the point it was almost hurting his

shoulder blades but he ignored it, returning to his checking as he

searched for injuries around her neck.

"I- I'm fine Shimmer... it was... I was so scared!" She cried getting louder

at the end as tears flowed freely on her cheeks.

He replied by licking her tears, trying to cheer her up.

"I thought that I... that no one was coming to help me." Hermione sobbed

tightening her hug slightly.

"Hermione okay?" Shimmer asked before nuzzling her chin.

"Yes. I'm okay. Just... very scared."

She finally let go of her hug, keeping him on her lap and petting his

head, more to reassure herself than him, as he turned to look at the body

of the creature that was thankfully still knocked out. He let out a small

snort as he could still smell its horrible scent but remained where he was,

appreciating the strokes on his head and neck.

"Thank you Shimmer." She said with a very small smile coming on her


Hermione really thought that it was over when she saw the giant troll

towering her as she exited the toilets. She had barely got the time to walk

back that the troll had tried to smash her with its club and she kept

avoiding his strikes by a few centimetres until Shimmer arrived,

defending her against the troll and ultimately vanquished it. She had

been so terrified that she didn't even thought about using her wand to

defend herself and she was certain that she would have died if not for

Shimmer's intervention. For just a second she thought about how on his

own, Shimmer was nicer than almost all of her class, excluding Lavender

and Parvati and the two other girls in her room that basically ignored her

most of the time. It wasn't much but it was better than being insulted all

the time for being a good student.

They remained in the rumbles of the bathroom for two more minutes

before the sound of voices and footsteps came from the corridor leading

here. While Hermione didn't know how she would explain everything to

the teachers, she couldn't let Shimmer be seen here or he would be in

even more troubles than he already was. Standing up, she carried him in

her arms even if he was pretty heavy for her 11 years old body and

walked toward the destroyed window.

"Shimmer you have to go now! No one must see you!" She said quickly,

pushing him toward the hole.

"Hermione?" He asked surprised to see her put him outside even if it

wasn't the first time that she said that. It took him only a few sessions

with Hermione to understand that he shouldn't be seen around her but he

didn't wanted to leave her alone after everything that just happened,

worried that another monster would come to harm her.

"Bye-bye Shimmer!" Hermione said using their usual farewell, knowing

he would understand like that.

He moved from her arms to the window and gave her a last look, a last

check to make sure that she was fine.

"Bye-bye." He said before jumping in the air and flying away from the

building, toward his hoard where he couldn't wait to fall asleep on. It had

been a very taxing evening and even if he could have kept fighting for far

longer, it had still taken a lot from him as he hadn't eaten anything since

this morning. But he would catch up later.

Now he just wanted to go to his hoard and profit of a well-deserved rest,

happy to know that Hermione was safe.

In the girl's bathroom, Hermione had just forced Shimmer to leave that

she turned around and a second later a few of the professors arrived,

including professor McGonagall followed by professor Snape, professor

Quirrell and lastly by headmaster Dumbledore. They all wore a look of

surprise and awe at seen the little girl standing next to the wall with a

hole inside, the troll knocked out between them as Quirrell sat down

apparently scared of the monster, clutching his heart.

"Miss Granger what are you doing here? Why are you not in your

dormitory?" Started Minerva McGonagall looking very strictly and sternly

at Hermione, barely hiding her fury.

"I- I'm sorry, I didn't know about that. I've been here for the last hour."

She answered lowering her head.

"And what were you doing here that stopped you to go eat with your

friends?" Continued the stern woman.

Hermione didn't replied. How could she tell them that she was crying

because said 'friends' preferred to be mean and cruel to her rather than

anything else. In shame, she kept her head down and remained silent,

avoid the stern gaze of both professor McGonagall and Snape.

"Speak girl! Why were you here?!" Harshly asked the head of the

Slytherin house.

Hermione winced under the order and she could barely contain herself

anymore, she was hiding the truth from her teachers and it went against

everything she ever did in a school.

"I- I came here b-because my classmates k-keeps laughing and insulting

me each time I'm trying to answer in class. They say that I... that I'm an

egghead and a nightmare." She said incapable to stop the small sobs.

At that the stern face of Minerva melted, replaced by empathy for a few

seconds and then again by anger but this time directed toward her own

house. She wouldn't allow this kind of behaviour to continue between the

members of her house.

"My apologies, Miss Granger, it seems that my outburst was uncalled for.

Rest assured that everything will be done to rectify this tomorrow, I only

ask of you to inform me sooner of such issues in the future." Said Minerva

putting a hand on the girl's shoulder, still a bit stern even if her eyes were

saying otherwise.

By now Hermione was breathing heavily and she nodded, incapable to

speak for now. She kept her head low until the unmistakable robes of the

headmaster appeared in front of her and she raised her head to look at

the headmaster. He was looking at her with his grandfatherly smile and

spoke with great care as she looked at him.

"It is good to know that you are safe Miss Granger. I believe it is the first

time a first year defeats a troll on her own, truly a remarkable feet.

Would you mind telling me how you managed to do that?" He asked with

a twinkle in his eyes.

Panic suddenly surged in her mind that went overcharged in an attempt

to find a solution but she wasn't good at all at lying and she had no idea

of what she could say that would not appear ridiculous or anything that

would be credible. She kept thinking for a few seconds as everyone

around her waited in a heavy silence that only made it harder for her to

come up with something.

"Well Miss Granger?" Asked professor Snape towering her with a cold


"I- I-..." No matter what she thought she had no idea of what she could

say beside the truth but she didn't wanted to put Shimmer in danger. He

had risked his life for her and she would be damned if she didn't do the

same for him.

She was however interrupted by the gentle hand falling on her shoulder

and she looked up again at Dumbledore that still had a smile plastered on

his face.

"I believe me and Miss Granger will have a little chat in my office." He

said very gently, only making it worse for Hermione that could already

see herself being expelled from the school for lying to the teachers.

She stood silent and refrained to cry as the old Headmaster took her

toward his office, fearing that she would never see Shimmer again.

The door of the headmaster closed behind her that she stood up in front

of his office, waiting for the old man to sit and invite her to do the same.

"Please take a seat, Miss Granger."

She obeyed and kept her head low, avoiding to look in his eyes.

"Now Miss Granger, can I call you Hermione?" He asked.

She replied by nodding quickly.

"Good. Sherbet lemon?" He asked showing a little bowl full of yellow


Now she shook her head even quicker.

"Hermione, I will first say that you are not in trouble. You will not be

excluded and I see no reason to contact your parents other than to tell

them that you are fine."

Her head snapped up so fast that she almost broke her neck. She stared at

him incredulously, not believing that he was saying the truth.

"I'm not? But I-" She started before stopping as Dumbledore raised his


"As I said, you're not in trouble. I believe that facing a troll is a

traumatizing enough experience for today, no need to go any further. I

promise you that nothing will happened to you, I simply want to know

what happened within the bathroom." He said smiling.

Even if she was apparently saved from any consequences, she couldn't

speak about Shimmer. It would either mean his death or him being taken

away and she didn't wanted her only friend to disappear. But she was

again stopped by the headmaster's next words.

"Now Hermione, far from me the idea of taking away the feet of taking

down a troll tonight, but we both know that you didn't do it alone. Our

little flying fire-breathing friend was there, Hermione." He continued

with a small smile.

At that her mouth dropped and it was all the old man needed to confirm

his doubts.

"The smell of dragon fire is something that I know very well, there's no

need to go around the bush. I've met him too you know? He keeps

coming at my window and spend a few minutes every day to stare at all

of this." He said pointing the many objects made out of gold lying on


"I- Really?" She asked in disbelief.

"Yes, and I can assure you that I have no wish to take him away, I

appreciate his regular visits and I believe that he has his place at

Hogwarts. All I want to know is what happened in the bathroom."

She took a long breathe, letting go of her fears and choosing to trust the

headmaster since there was no way to hide the truth. At least not all of it.

"I was crying in the toilets after being insulted again and I saw the troll

when I came out. He tried to crush me with his club until he made a hole

in the wall and that's when... the dragon came in. He attacked the troll,

bit him even if it didn't work until he breathed fire at it. The dragon kept

annoying him until the troll got enough and smashed itself in the head

with his club in an attempt to kill the dragon. After it was over the

dragon just looked at the body and flew away by the window." She

explained, omitting only the most important details like Shimmer's name

or that she hugged him when she was terrified.

The headmaster kept thinking silently for a few seconds, eyes closed and

passing his right hand through his long beard until his eyes focused again

on Hermione.

"I see. It seems our little friend is more active than I thought, not that it's

a bad thing mind you."

Hermione let out a small sigh of relief but it didn't last long.

"Now, would you mind telling me everything you know about our little

dragon? I believe you know a little more than that. It also reminds me

that Hagrid met him too and it appears that our friend is called Shimmer,

as he told Hagrid. Any idea why?" He asked as another twinkle appeared

in his eyes.

Hermione was panicking again at the thought of telling what she had

learned from the dragon and what she had taught him. While she trusted

Dumbledore, she was worried at the idea to reveal everything about

Shimmer since it might take her only friend at Hogwarts away. But it

could also make things easier for her to see Shimmer more frequently

without the fear of getting caught by a teacher or another student if

Shimmer was allowed on the school grounds.

She took a deep breath before giving her answer.

"Can I- do I have to answer this question sir?" She asked.

This seemed to genuinely surprise the old Headmaster if the fading smile

was of any indication.

"Well, you don't have to but I would like you to." He replied.

"Sir I want to tell you the truth but... I don't want to lose my friend." She

explained with a pleading look in her eyes.

Dumbledore remained silent for a few seconds and she felt like he was

looking into her soul for a couple of seconds. And suddenly it was over

and the old man let out a long sigh before relaxing in his chair.

"Alright Hermione, I understand and will respect your concerns for

Shimmer. Let me tell you that I plan to officially introduce him to the

school very soon, nothing excessive and I will make sure that nothing

happens to him. You're free to return to your dormitory, it is getting late

after all. A good night sleep will do you the best."

Hermione would have liked to know what he meant by introducing

Shimmer but the conversation was already over. She would have to wait

and see what Dumbledore was talking about, but she dreaded to think

about how wrong it could go. She wouldn't be able to forgive herself if

Shimmer was harmed because of her lack of faith in the headmaster or,

at the contrary, if she choose to trust him only to see Shimmer be put in a

cage and taken away. Her mind told her to trust the old Headmaster but

she couldn't, not with the life of Shimmer being at stake.

"Goodnight, sir." Hermione said standing up.

"Goodnight, Miss Granger."

11. Chapter 11

I do not own nor possess any right over Harry Potter, all rights belongs to

J.K. Rowling.

Chapter 11

Shimmer woke up as a ray of light pierced through the broken window of

the little attic that he called his lair. His eyelids opened slowly as he

yawned silently before shaking his head to finish waking himself up.

Standing up, he did his everyday routine of checking his hoard, moving a

few coins to put them where their beauty would be the best reflected

before he recalled what happened yesterday night.

The panic in the school, the ugly and smelly creature, helping Hermione

and winning the fight. He recalled all of it and wondered what happened

to Hermione, a bit worried as he had left her alone since apparently no

one else was allowed to see him because those 'teachers' were dangerous

for him. He highly doubted that but since it was reassuring Hermione he

chose to follow her advices. Focusing again on Hermione, Shimmer

would have flown directly to her window if it wasn't for his very angry

stomach that reminded him that he had to feed soon, having barely eaten

anything in more than a day.

Leaving his hoard, he flew toward the fields and forests away from the

castle and did quick work of his breakfast, his hunger pushing him as he

caught a small pigeon in the air, devouring the flying snack in three

bites. It wasn't much and he kept hunting until he caught a squirrel and

only then did he felt his hunger being satiated. At least for now.

Now truly ready to start the day, the first thing Shimmer did when he

arrived in sight of Hogwarts was to fly straight to Hermione's window.

Slowing down, he landed on the window sill and peaked through the old

glass, trying to see who was inside as he stuck the left side of his face to

the window. But it appeared that he was unlucky, no one was in the

room and there wasn't a single sign of Hermione. Knowing that knocking

on the window wouldn't bring Hermione, and also because she told him

to stop, he opened his wings and was about to jump back in the sky when

the door of the bedroom flung open, startling him a bit as he lost his

balance and fell.

But there was no reason to panic. He knew very well how to fly and it

took him only a second to stabilize himself before he flapped his wings

hard to carry himself back to the window where he saw the very

recognizable hair of Hermione, the girl laying in her bed and sobbing

silently in the middle of her cover. Had she been hurt again? He didn't

know why she was like that but he decided to make himself known by

gently taping his head against the window. The reaction was

instantaneous, Hermione's head sprung upward before turning toward

him, her eyes filled with tears as she briefly brushed away the tears on

her face with her hand before opening the window.

"Good morning, Shimmer." Hermione said with a small smile even if a

slight touch of sadness was present in her voice.

"Hermione okay?" He asked as she petted him on the head.

She let out a big sigh in reply before grabbing him in her arms to carry

him on the bed where she let him go. He quickly moved around to look

at her as she sat down next to him, her legs hanging from the border of

the bed. He waited a few seconds for her to reply before letting out a

small whimper to get her attention.

"Professor McGonagall asked me to come in her office this morning. She

asked me to tell her everything, why I was crying in the bathroom

yesterday and... she asked me to list what everyone did to me." Hermione

said as small tears returned on her face.

Shimmer didn't like to see Hermione cry and he mainly didn't understand

why she was crying. He had already guessed that something was wrong

but he couldn't understand all the words that his friend said, only that a

few of the words that she spoke of in the last days were about her being

attacked by other humans even if there was no physical traces of violence

on her. Maybe words could hurt too? He never thought about it before

but since there were words like 'sorry' when you did something wrong

then there might be words that could be used to harm. That was starting

to be a bit too much for him, trying to think like a human really was too

complicated. They created so much more problems than they already had

that he couldn't follow anymore if something was wrong or bad.

But right now it was obvious that Hermione was sad and that something

bad had happened to her and that it was still upsetting her. He didn't

really know what humans did to reassure each other but he could do

what he felt was the thing to do, nuzzling against her arm as he purred


"I didn't wanted to at first but then she convinced me and I told her

everything. How almost everyone was either insulting or ignoring me.

The only one that has always been nice to me is Neville but he is also

mocked because he is terrible at magic." Said Hermione continuing, still

stroking his head.

"Not." Shimmer replied. He wanted to say something but he forgot the

word that was coming next.

"Not? Not what?" She asked genuinely interested, taking her mind out of

her dark thoughts for now.

"Shimmer not." He tried again as a flash of recognition went through

Hermione's eyes.

"Is it that you don't understand?" She suggested.

"Yes! Shimmer not un-der-stand!" He exclaimed happily, finally getting

the word even if it was a hard one to say.

"Well, it might be a bit too hard for you. It's just silly, stupid human

things. Even back in primary school it was almost the same, not as bad

but other children don't like me because I always try to answer right.

Don't worry about all of that. Besides, if what professor McGonagall said

is true then I shouldn't have any more problems with my classmates, at

least from Gryffindor." Hermione said as she dried her tears.

Preferring to stay silent, partly because he wasn't used yet to talk and

didn't like it more than that, Shimmer simply purred as he rested his

head on Hermione's lap. A few moments passed like that, in a nice and

relaxing silence that did cheered up Hermione enough for her to focus on

something else.

"I just remembered; headmaster Dumbledore took me to his office

yesterday to talk about how you defeated the troll. I told him everything

except that I know you and he said that he will try to introduce you to

the rest of the school very soon." She explained.

Shimmer listened lazily, not that he didn't wanted to listen to Hermione

but simply because he didn't understood all the words she just used. He

did recognized a few bits like this Dumbledore that was apparently some

sort of human ranked above the teachers and he wondered if it was the

old man living with all the gold stuff as who else but the richest man in

the castle to control the rest of the human pack.

His musings got interrupted by Hermione who caught his head between

her hands and forced him to look at her in the eyes, he squirmed a bit

but she had a strong enough grip to stop him to move.

"Shimmer you must be very careful; I can't believe I'm saying that about a

teacher but I'm not sure if I can trust Dumbledore. I know he is a great

wizard and the headmaster of Hogwarts but I- you're my best friend here

Shimmer. I don't want to lose you." She said releasing his head only to

hug him gently.

As much as he liked Hermione, Shimmer wasn't used to hugs and very

close contacts so it was to no surprise that he squirmed even more until

he broke away from the hug, sitting down on the bed and looking warily

at the danger that were the two arms of Hermione. His reaction got a

chuckle from the girl that settled for a simple pet on his head before she

reached for her pocket with her other hand to offer him a Knut. By now

she was so used to his desire and love for coins that she always carried a

few on herself, just so that she would always have one for Shimmer.

"I need to prepare for my next class." Hermione said as he grabbed the

coin between his teeth.

By now Shimmer knew that those classes were where young humans

learned how to be adult humans. It was still a weird concept for him,

why their parents weren't teaching their children how to be good

humans. But he didn't bother thinking more than that, humans were

weird, had weird ideas and could do weird things. He wasn't interested in

the slightest about figuring the why.

Jumping from the bed to the window sill, helped by a few flaps of his

wings, Shimmer looked at Hermione that did looked happier than when

he came in.

"Bye-bye." He said, dropping the coin just for a moment before grabbing

it again.

"Bye-bye." Replied Hermione waving at him.

Opening his wings, Shimmer flew straight to his hoard to let the new

sickle join his hoard. He didn't really know what was bothering Hermione

but from what he understood things were going to be better for her so he

didn't worry more than that, focusing instead on how he would spend his

afternoon to loot the castle for more coins and precious things to add to

his hoard.

The day went slowly for Hermione, first her talk with professor

McGonagall, her short but very relaxing conversation with Shimmer even

if she was the one to do most of the talking, her next classes and the few

snarky and horrible comments about her that still hadn't stopped. Her

head of house told her that she would take care of the problem tonight

and this only served to make Hermione more nervous, she would be glad

once it would be over but now she just hoped that she wouldn't be

thrown into the spotlight. A part of her feared that it would only make

the attacks against her more frequent.

As she reached her seat at the Gryffindor table, Hermione noticed that a

small stone pedestal had been placed in the center of the room, in front

of the teachers table and with nothing on top of it. She, like most of the

other students around her, tried to figure out why the pedestal was there,

but most quickly put it on either a speech of the teachers or chalked it up

to magic.

When the last students finally arrived in the hall and took their seats,

Dumbledore stood up and silence fell as everyone got ready to listen to

him, if only to start eating sooner as the headmaster could sometimes

speak for far too long to their taste.

But before he started Hermione caught him looking quickly at one of the

windows before a small smile made its way on the headmaster's lips and

she could only wonder what he was looking at.

"Dear students of Hogwarts, there are three announcements that I would

like to make tonight. Do not worry, I won't be long." He assured.

"I bet he will." Whispered Ron.

"First of all, and probably the most obvious, the troll that entered the

castle yesterday."

A few whispers erupted around the hall but quickly silenced themselves,

waiting for the rest of the explanation.

"While you were very right to panic yesterday, I want to assure you that

no one got injured and that the troll has been defeated into the girl's

bathroom." Announced the headmaster a bit more cheerful.

A large sigh of relief washed through the students that didn't already

know, a few having already asked the teachers in the morning about the


"Yes, yes, it is good news but I am not over with our troll. You see, it

wasn't a teacher that saved our school yesterday but a student. A first

year like many of you."

This time the voices of the students weren't silent at all, many talking

about who could have done this and even more looking around in a hope

to identify the student that achieved this. As he kept talking, Hermione

had this inner feeling that the headmaster wouldn't hide the truth from

the students and she was already dreading the reaction of those around

her, especially Ron Weasley.

"Silence please." Called Dumbledore as the hall quieted down. "Thank

you. Now I would like to thank Miss Hermione Granger for her great

victory yesterday!"

The entire hall remained silenced for just a second before cheering fused

in the air and heads swirled toward Hermione that was trying her best to

make herself look smaller. She knew it was coming but it was still too

much for her and she just stood there as all those around her stared

speaking to her.

'I haven't done anything; Shimmer defeated the troll.' Hermione thought as

she looked at her hands embarrassed by the attention.

"No way..." Said Ron standing there mouth agape.

"Well, it looks like she is more Gryffindor than Ravenclaw right Fred?"

Smugly said the twin George.

"Well, it appears that she is more of a lion than a raven right George?"

Replied Fred.

"You really did that?" Asked Neville in awe.

Quite a lot of other people were congratulating her at her table and even

a from a few other tables but no praises came from the Slytherin table. It

was more of disbelieving glares and even one that almost look like hatred

from Malfoy. At least some things didn't change.

"Quiet please!" Called Dumbledore.

It took a few moments but everyone was finally back at their seats and

either looking at the headmaster or at Hermione that did her best to

focus on the old man and ignore the looks that some were giving her.

"While it is true that Miss Granger did something that most wouldn't had

been able to do in first year, other issues are to be addressed and for this

I will let professor McGonagall continue." Announced Dumbledore before

sitting down as professor McGonagall rose from her seat.

"Thank you Albus. Now, as much as it pains me to say so, I need to

explain why Miss Granger was in the bathroom that night when she

should have been eating with us." She started keeping a stern tone,

making sure that no one dared to interrupt her.

Hermione couldn't believe that her head of house was going to do that

but she listened silently as a few students looked at her again before

focusing back on the professor.

"It appears that quite a few students of my house have taken a liking to

harass and insult Miss Granger for her involvement in class. Let me say

that I am extremely disappointed by all of my Gryffindors, never in my

career did I ever had to say such words so soon after the beginning of the

year." She continued not mentioning how quickly the Weasley twins

broke that record last year.

At that many instantly understood what she was talking about and a few

heads lowered in shame, a guilty silence weighting heavily on the

Gryffindor table as the rest of the hall listened in silence to the teacher's


"I have talked in details with Miss Granger about this unacceptable

behaviour and a few of you will be called at a later date in my office so

that appropriate punishment can be given. In addition, I'm saddened to

say that I will be taking a hundred points from Gryffindor and hope that I

will never have to hear about such behaviour again." Finished professor

McGonagall, staring coldly at her students before sitting down.

Many of the Gryffindors were keeping their heads low, all those who

were mean to Hermione at some point and the rest were ashamed for not

having done anything. All of them were thinking about their behaviour

and how it costed them quite a lot of points while a few were white as

sheets and worried about what their punishment would be. Hermione

dared to look at her classmates and saw that Ron more than anyone else

was looking down at his empty plate.

"Now that this has been addressed, there is a last announcement that I

would like to make." Continued Dumbledore standing up again.

This got Hermione out of her thoughts and she listened with trepidation

as she feared what could be the last announcement.

"Hermione wasn't the only one to face the troll..."

'I knew it.' Sighed Hermione as she tensed, listening with attention the

headmaster's words.

Shimmer had been staying at the window of the great hall for a little

while now. He came to make sure that Hermione was there and was

relieved to see her in the mass of students. After that he listened to the

old man talking and he noticed that he was looking at him a few times,

even when he wasn't speaking and the other old female human talked. He

almost laughed when the young humans got agitated all of a sudden by

the old woman's word, going from quiet to excited only to do it again but

this time with all of them looking at Hermione.

He almost tried to break the window seeing how uncomfortable

Hermione was but it all calmed down when the old man talked again and

he listened to his words, not getting everything but trying to.

"Now that this has been addressed, there is a last announcement that I

would like to make." Said the old man.

That was too hard for him to understand, too many foreign words and

not having a clue of what he was talking about.

"Hermione wasn't the only one to face the troll, she had help and I would

like to introduce this other saviour to our school today for he is not a


Now he got Shimmer's attention at the mention of Hermione's name and

he understood that they were talking about the creature of last night, he

quickly associated the word troll with the creature as it had only started

to be used once the monster appeared in the school.

The entire hall was plunged in silence as everyone waited for the

headmaster to continue and Shimmer looked at Hermione and saw that

she was very clearly distressed even if couldn't tell why. His eyes quickly

darted back when the old man left his chair and walked in front of a

small pedestal of stone that he never saw before, standing in the middle

of the room and he waited expectantly to see what he would do.

But these thoughts changed quickly when the old man took out a golden

coin, a Galleon, and showed it to everyone around the room, lifting his

hand at his head level to be certain that all could see it. Shimmer's eyes

never lost sight of the beautiful coin and didn't saw the look of terror that

went through Hermione's face when she understood what the headmaster

was up to. He then placed the Galleon on the pedestal and Shimmer

stared at the coin as the headmaster brought the weird stick that

Hermione called wand on top of it and then nothing happened. No light

or nothing, the coin simply remained there while the headmaster

returned to his seat.

By now the entire hall's attention was focused on the coin and everyone

wondered why the coin was there but Shimmer feared that another

human would grab it before him. He was already starting to plan how to

get the Galleon when the window that blocked his way simply vanished

before his startled eyes, leaving nothing but emptiness as he stared at the

coin that was now in his reach.

"Now I ask of you to not panic and remain calm as our friend enters. We

wouldn't want to startle him after all." The man said with a twinkle in his

eyes as he glanced very briefly at Shimmer one more time.

"Albus, what are you doing?" Asked Minerva that knew he was about to

do something that would give her a headache.

"Don't worry dear Minerva, you will understand as soon as you see him."

He simply replied.

At the Gryffindor table, Hermione was sweating out of fear as she

understood what the headmaster wanted to do and she completely

ignored those around her that tried to ask her who was this mysterious

person that helped her defeat the troll. She knew that if Shimmer was

there he wouldn't be able to stop himself to take the galleon and it was

actually very likely that he didn't even saw that at a trap.

She was of course absolutely right as Shimmer prepared himself to jump,

stretching his wings a bit as he calculated the trajectory he would follow

to grab the coin and leave the room as fast as possible to bring the

Galleon back to his hoard. He knew the concept of ambushing his prey

but he never made any trap before so he didn't even consider the

possibility of being in danger.

"Please welcome Shimmer!" The headmaster's voice boomed in the hall as

everyone waited impatiently except Hermione.

As soon as the headmaster said his name, Shimmer figured that the coin

truly was for him to take and he jumped from the window.

He dove straight for the Galleon as he ignored the screaming students

and the shouts of surprise coming from the teachers, focusing only on the

coin as he extended his talons forward to grab it in flight. Time slowed

down as he moved through the air and in a few seconds he got close to

the Galleon and he could already see it resting in the middle of his hoard

with him asleep on top of it.

Just a meter. Then only half-a-meter. Ten centimetres.

Then his claws grasped the Galleon and he gave a powerful flap of his

wings to fly upward. But as soon as he flapped his wings he knew that

something was wrong as his talons were empty when he was sure that he

had the Galleon firmly in his grasp. He let out a little cry of indignation

as he turned around and saw the coin still on the pedestal, almost

taunting him to try again and that's exactly what he did.

He tried to grab it a second time and again he felt the coin between his

claws but it simply remained on the pedestal as he flew off. He tried

again, and again and even with his teeth but the Galleon seemed to be

stuck to the pedestal, impossible to move and resting on the stone.

By now the hall was a cacophony of shouts and whispers that he simply

ignored in favour of catching the coin. Many of the students and a few of

the teachers had fearful expressions on their face but others were simply

too surprised to react or in awe when they understood that the dragon

was only focused on the coin sticking to the pedestal. But all of them

were talking loudly as they never left the dragon out of their eyesight, a

few teachers even having drawn their wands out.

"Please be quiet!" Called Dumbledore with a strong, stern, yet calm voice,

having no need to appear angry as their fearful reactions were justified.

Even if his powerful voice did silenced the majority of the students, the

little dragon was just too much for some to listen to the headmaster.

"That's the dragon that was in the train!" Recognized Ron.

"Really? It doesn't seem very dangerous." Said Parvati a bit disappointed.

"Its the one that bit me! My father will have his head!" Almost screamed

Draco even if no one listened to him.

'Oh Shimmer.' Thought Hermione as she watched her friend try his very

best to take the Galleon that had obviously been enchanted to be stuck to

the pedestal. She glanced at the headmaster that bore a very satisfied

smile, also looking at Shimmer getting upset as he couldn't grab the coin.

Looking at the rest of the teachers, it was obvious that professor

McGonagall was containing herself very hard to not shout at Albus even

if the cold glare she had for him made it obvious that she had her own

opinion about this situation. Professor Snape looked absolutely furious

and had his wand in hand and would probably have used it if not for

professor Flitwick who was bearing a huge smile on his face and

excitedly pointing at Shimmer, a hand on Snape's wrist to stop him to do


Her eyes returned to Shimmer and she saw that he had landed on the

pedestal, trying to pull the Galleon with his mouth without success. Her

eyes widened as she realized what easy target he made for the teachers

were any of them to wish harm to him.

"There is nothing to be afraid of so please quiet down." Repeated

Dumbledore until the silence returned, only broken by Shimmer's talons

scrapping against the stone and his small growls of annoyance as he tried

to pull the coin. "As I said, Shimmer is completely harmless so please

remain calm for now."

"He bit me!" Exclaimed Draco getting the attention of everyone.

"While this is true Mr. Malfoy, I am certain that there was a good reason

for that and I believe that you won't make the same mistake again."

Scolded him the headmaster, his smile vanishing for a few seconds until

he was sure that Draco wouldn't interrupt him again.

Hermione watched everything happening in silence but she could hardly

contain herself much longer, the stress of tonight starting to be too much

for her to handle. And when she saw the headmaster pull out his wand,

she couldn't stop herself from intervening.

"Shimmer!" She called him loudly, standing up as everyone in the hall

looked at her.

Their gaze didn't lingered on her as all noticed that the little dragon had

actually listened to her and was watching her intently.

"No!" She firmly told him.

He let out a little whine of sadness at that, understanding that she

wanted him to give up the coin even if it had been put out for him. He

didn't understand why the Galleon wouldn't move but he would not let

such an easy catch escape him that easily.

"No Shimmer! Come here." She said softening her tone as she showed him

a Sickle.

Shimmer looked at the Galleon laying in front of him that wouldn't move

and then at the Sickle that Hermione was giving her. One very precious

but apparently unobtainable and the other less precious but a very easy

catch. Letting out a small whine at the idea of abandoning the Galleon,

he opened his wings and panic surged through the hall before he even

took to the air.

Everyone watched in fear and awe as the dragon left the pedestal and

flew straight toward Hermione, a few teachers screaming to intervene but

stopped by Dumbledore and the whole Gryffindor table lowering

themselves as Shimmer passed above them, most screaming in fear. He

slowed down before reaching Hermione and landed on the table, pushing

aside the empty plates and cutlery as his talons scrapped the table

slightly. All those sitting near Hermione had walked away from them and

everyone watched in trepidation as Shimmer looked at Hermione

expectantly, giving a few glances at the coin.

"Good." She said petting his head and giving him the Sickle as a large

number of gasps spread through the whole hall.

He grabbed the coin between his teeth and let it down on the table,

looking at Hermione with a look that she understood very well but didn't


"What do you say?" Hermione asked.

He knew the answer but it was still a bit annoying to say it every time he

got a coin, only the perspective that it might get him more coin forced

him to say it.

"Ank you." Shimmer said with his slightly not human voice, shocking the

entire room for the fourth time tonight/

"Almost, it's 'thank you'." She corrected him.

"Thank you."

"Very good, here you go." She said taking out a second Sickle and giving

it to him.

Adding it to the first one, he looked again at Hermione.

"Hermione. Sickle?" He asked.

"No, its enough." Hermione relied petting his head.

It had been worth asking.

Only now did Hermione remembered where she was and she looked

around to see that everyone, students and teachers included, were all

standing immobile and completely silent. They all had faces of clear

disbelief or awe and no one dared to speak until Dumbledore stood up

from his seat.

"Thank you for the introduction, Miss Granger, I knew I could count on

you." He said with his trademark smile.

Hermione groaned at first when she realized how the headmaster had set

her up until she noticed that everyone was still staring at her and she

blushed before quickly sitting down as Shimmer looked at his two

Sickles. The little dragon did so as everyone remained silent and when he

raised his head to look at the humans some flinched when his eyes passed

on them, much to his fun and stroking his ego at the sight of so many

humans cowering before him.

"Now, as you can see, Miss Granger knows very well how to handle our

little dragon neighbour and is still in the process of teaching him our

language. While I am certain that you have many questions, I will ask

you to keep them for later as I believe it is time to start our diner." The

headmaster said before clapping his hands and attending to his plate like

if everything was perfectly normal.

As soon as he had clapped, food started to appear out of nowhere and

landed on the tables. Shimmer let out a small squeak of surprise at seeing

the food appearing but quickly recovered when the many scents of meat

assaulted his nostrils and he looked with a ferocious glint in his eyes at

the nearest plate of pork that was barely half-a-meter away. He sprung

forward in an attempt to catch the food but was stopped by Hermione

who caught him by the neck with a surprising amount of strength.

"That's not how you should eat Shimmer." She scolded him.

"Not understand!" He replied loudly between two squeaks and trying to

get free without hurting her.

"Of course you don't. We haven't talked about table manners yet."

Hermione sighed.

No one had started to eat beside the headmaster and all were still staring

at them and Hermione was frankly getting fed up by all the attention.

She turned toward Neville that was sat to her right, whiter that a ghost.

"Neville, can you put some meat on a plate please?" She asked the

terrified boy.

More by mechanical reflexes than anything else, the child complied and

quickly handed her a plate with three slices of pork.

"Thank you. Here you go Shimmer." Hermione said grabbing the plate

and leaving it in front of Shimmer that she had just released.

Not waiting another second, Shimmer started to tear out the flesh from

the meat and that finally seemed to take out most of the humans in the

hall, many starting to talk in small groups but all still staring at him,

watching in slight horror at how easily his teeth cut through the meat

and the sound that it made. Hermione picked up a few vegetables and a

single slice of meat, such a normal action that took out of their stupor

many of her classmates all around.

"So Hermione..." Started George quite blankly.

"...it seems that you..." Continued Fred as expressionless.

"...found a very unique..."

"...dragon as a pet."

"He is not a pet, he is my friend." She said a bit harsher than necessary

but it was all those around needed to remember what they did to her.

That quickly put them all back into silence and they started to put food

on their plates as the rest of the hall did the same. Some now had a huge

respect for the girl who apparently tamed a dragon and who was also

teaching him speech, something that baffled both the students and the

teachers as talking dragons were completely unheard of. All only had a

single subject on their lips and it wasn't hard to guess which one. Yet one

did broke that silence.

"Can I pet him?"

Hermione turn around and looked incredulously at Neville that had just

asked this question. Him, probably the worst student between all the first

years and maybe even the whole school, was brave enough to ask such an

dangerous act barely minutes after seeing Shimmer so close to him again.

"I-I don't know, he doesn't like it when he is eating. Maybe after?" She

suggested still shocked.

"Oh okay." He agreed before turning to his own plate as he started to eat


Looking at Shimmer, Hermione brought her hand closer to the dragon

and she was barely twenty centimetres away that he started to growl

dangerously at her, seemingly frozen while keeping his eyes on her hand.

"Definitely after." She said before returning to her meal.

"Was he... did you had him with you all this time? Since the train?" Asked

Ron still a bit in awe.

"No. Well almost. The next day after we arrived he was in my drawer

looking for coins, I gave him some and he left me alone. After that he

kept coming, not every day but once or twice a week at first and now he

is here almost all the time." Hermione answered even if she didn't want

to look at Ron.

"Wicked. Does he sleep in your room?"

"I hope not, I never saw it before so please don't tell me you were keeping

it somewhere in our bedroom." Stated Parvati looking at Hermione and


"I can assure you that he isn't, I don't even know where he sleeps. Or

maybe I should say where is his nest?" Wondered Hermione.

"Was he..." Started George.

"...the one..." Pursued Fred.

"...who took..." Continued the first twin.

"...all our valuables?" Finished the other twin.

Hermione flinched at that, looking at every other student that heard the

twins as a look of understanding passed on most of them. She had hoped

that no one would associate the loss of coins with Shimmer but both

Dumbledore and her threw that possibility away when they used coins to

get Shimmer's attention, there was no way to hide the truth and it might

actually be better to do it now than latter.

"Yes. I've been trying to get him to stop but he doesn't want to." She

explained looking at Shimmer attacking his last slice of meat.

"So you're the one who took all of our money!?" Exclaimed Dean Thomas,

one of her fellow Gryffindor classmates.

"No I-" Started Hermione.

"Really?!" Said a Ravenclaw student that was listening to the


"Not only does she have a dragon but she stole from everyone?" Added

another student.

"Its not me I-" Tried again Hermione getting flustered and upset, talking a

bit louder even if it didn't helped in front of the angered mass of students

around her.

"I've lost more than five Sickles!" Complained a student somewhere

behind her.

Overwhelmed, Hermione couldn't do anything else than looking down at

her plate with tears forming in her eyes. She had feared that tonight

would made things worst but now she couldn't imagine anything else

than the harsher words everyone was and would unleash on her.

A very loud growl pierced the cacophony, everyone silenced as they

looked at the dragon that a few had forgotten in their anger against


Shimmer didn't understood why the young humans were getting angry

and loud but he clearly saw how their words and anger was directed

toward Hermione and he didn't liked it one bit. Not only did it stopped

him to finish his meal but they were making his human friend cry.

Darting his head left and right, glaring and growling at a few students

that he judged too close to Hermione, he raised his head high and opened

his wings slightly to appear bigger, forcing almost all of them to take a

step back as Hermione looked at him with a thanking look in her eyes.

The tension was thick and many feared that the dragon would attack,

even Hermione wasn't sure how he would behave. But one voice cut

through it with a powerful tone that left no doubt nor to argument.

"Thank you, Shimmer. May I remind you that while Shimmer is quite

friendly, he remains a dragon that isn't fully tamed so please don't

antagonize him. I would also add that Shimmer is indeed the one that

took a few coins from all of us, even a Galleon from me, but Miss Granger

is in no way accountable for these thefts and is still trying to get him to

stop. Let it be clear that no one is to turn against Miss Granger for

Shimmer's actions, in fact it would partially be my fault since I allowed

him to remain here this long." Dumbledore explained, making it very

explicit that if anyone had a problem with Shimmer they would have to

talk about it with the Headmaster and not many would take the risk to

anger the most powerful magus alive.

The entire hall fell into silence as the words sunk into everyone's mind

until it was broken by Shimmer finishing his meal, the dragon not

carrying anymore about the humans since they returned to silence after

the words of their pack leader. He of course had no clue of what had

been said except that his name and Hermione's had been said a few times

and that he talked about coins.

"What about our coins?" Asked a voice from the Ravenclaw table.

"I understand your concerns but rest assured that you will get your coins

back at some point during the year. We have kept a record of every coin

and jewels stolen since the beginning of the year and if we can't take

them back from Shimmer then I shall see to it myself. Does this satisfy

your request?" Replied the Headmaster.

"Yes sir." Agreed Terry Boot, not wishing to remain the point of

everyone's attention any longer.

"Perfect! Now please continue your meal and let Miss Granger breathe a

bit, I believe that is enough questions for tonight and you will all have

the time to question her later." Said the Headmaster, no reassuring

Hermione in the slightest.

All returned to their meal except for the one who was already done,

Shimmer licking his teeth satiated. He had only smelled the meats

displayed on the tables before but now he was certain that there were

almost nothing better than that, the taste of cooked meat was simply

divine and he would have called it perfect if it had been a tad more

bloody. But he wouldn't complain since his stomach was full.

Looking around, he saw that the young humans had return to talking

even if they were now far quieter and a few were still looking at him,

probably admiring his scales or trembling in fear at the mere thought of

him being near them as many flinched or looked away when his gaze fell

on said students.

But now was the time for him to leave, it was quite late already, he was

completely satiated and getting a bit sleepy as he yawned loudly. He

glanced at Hermione, silently eating her meal and even he could see that

she wasn't perfectly fine, keeping her eyes fixed on the plate in front of

her and ignoring the few other students around her.

"Hermione." He said to get her attention.

"Yes Shimmer?" She replied instantly, looking at him as he somehow got

the attention of everyone around even if he wasn't talking to them.

"Bye-bye." Shimmer said before grasping the coins with his teeth.

"Already?" She said looking a bit sadder for a second before she let out a

sigh. "Okay, bye-bye Shimmer, have a good night."

"Hermione okay?" He still asked concerned.

"Yeah I- it should be okay." Hermione assured with a very faint smile that

barely convinced him that it was fine. But he was no human expert so he

let it go.

"Shimmer." Called the strong voice of the old human.

Shimmer turned around to see the pack leader of the school standing up

and coming close to the coin. He watched him take out his wand and tap

it on the coin before reaching for the coin and, under Shimmer's

incredulous eyes, took it away from the pedestal. Shimmer couldn't

believe how he did it but he could only suppose that it was thanks to the

weird stick that could apparently turn boxes into mouses and stick coins

everywhere, he was so surprised that he completely froze and kept

looking at the Galleon into the old man's hand.

"Come over here please, this is for you after all." Said the headmaster

handing the golden coin towards him, shocking many pupils who

couldn't believe how he was giving so much money to a simple dragon.

It was absolutely not greed that powered him to fly towards the old man

and landing right on the stone pedestal, looking expectantly at the coin.

He was so focused on the coin that he didn't noticed the twinkle shinning

into the old eyes of the human above him.

"What do you say?" Asked Dumbledore far too amused to not say it.

"Plea." Replied Shimmer still focused on the coin.

"Its 'Please', young Shimmer." Corrected Dumbledore much like Hermione


"Please. Galleon." Said Shimmer even if he didn't understood the meaning

of 'young'.

"Much better." Approved the headmaster, pushing his hand and the coin

right in front of him.

Not waiting any longer, Shimmer caught the Galleon and as soon as it

was resting next to the two Sickles already there he opened his wings

wide and flew toward the window he came from, leaving the hall under

the eyes of every human inside as the glass of the window magically

reappeared right after the dragon left. As soon as he left he flew toward

his hoard to add his three new rightfully acquired coins to the many

already gathered there, leaving behind the humans who suddenly started

to be noisy and loud again. He was exalted to know that he now had a

new Galleon, his second one ever.

Hermione spent the rest of the night to answer her classmates' questions

about Shimmer, how he was, how he defeated the troll, if he was really

dangerous and all sorts of other questions. It had been very hard for her

at first but when she realized that the questions weren't about her and

that no one seemed to have any bad or angry feelings for her she relaxed,

answering as many questions as possible. She even had the surprise to see

a few of her classmates apologize to her but it was only those who were

the least insulting or those who did nothing. It seemed like it would take

at least one more day for Ron Weasley to apologize. Their talks about

Shimmer continued until the teachers had to force them to go to their


Even on the way out, Hermione quickly caught the look in Professor

McGonagall's eyes, one that was both of disappointment but also some

sort of pride. Although she didn't had the time to talk with her head of

house, many classmates only begged to have more time to talk with her

but she was starting to feel tired herself and left the majority of the

chaotic Gryffindors behind as she finally sat on her bed, yawning already

and only asking for it to be over.

"He won't come tonight, right?" Asked her roommate Lavender Brown.

"He never did before, I don't think he will tonight." Replied Hermione

removing her robes for her much more comfortable nightwear, slipping

under the cover of her bed.

"Good. It would be creepy otherwise."

"Yeah, like a flying stalker." Agreed Parvati Patil.

"He isn't like that. Plus, he is a dragon, I'm pretty sure he don't even know

the concept of being a creep. Can we go sleep now?" Assured Hermione

starting to have enough of all these questions and only wishing to go to


"Sure, goodnight." Parvati said

"Goodnight." Continued Lavender.

"Thanks, goodnight." Whispered Hermione finally going towards the

dream realm.


Hi! Valexto at the Keyboard!

Sorry for the long wait but as you may have noticed, this is the longest

chapter yet and it carries a significant importance as the chapter

introducing Shimmer to the rest of Hogwarts. It took a long time to write,

to find the right way to write it and make it look good and even more

time spent to re-read and remove as many mistakes as possible even if I'm

certain there are a lot I must have missed. If you see any you're very

welcome to point them, it will only make the story better.

I'm a bit unsure about the next chapter, I think it will go towards the

winter break or something like this, maybe annoying a few teachers

along the way.

I just want to thank you all for the support given to this story and the

many suggestions that some of you have made.

See you next time!

12. Chapter 12

I do not own nor possess any right over Harry Potter, all rights belongs to

J.K. Rowling.

Chapter 12

The days were slowly starting to get colder, something that Shimmer

dreaded as his body wasn't made to face cold temperatures and always

had a harder time to survive through the cold winds of winter. It wasn't

snowing yet but he knew it wouldn't be long before the castle and

everything around would be covered in snow.

But it wasn't too bad yet, he could still go fly around without problem

and just had to deal with the slightly colder weather. Stretching himself

to revive his blood flow, warming up his body in a few seconds, he left

the warmth of his hoard to reach the window and he flew down from

there directly to Hermione's window, knowing that it was time for their

daily meeting.

He landed on the window sill and stopped in front of the glass

obstructing his way. Looking through it, he saw that Hermione didn't

seemed to be here but two of the other human females she shared her

room with were, sitting on their bed leisurely and looking at some kind

of book, not noticing him. He resolved this issue very quickly with his

simple yet effective solution.


The two human girls jumped out of surprise before looking at him and

the one with curly brown hair stood up to come at the window,

muttering something that he didn't understood with a scowl on her face.

"That's the second time you're scaring us like that." She said not very

happy as she opened the window.

"Hermione?" Shimmer asked looking around.

"She is downstairs in the common room. Come on." She replied gesturing

him to get in.

He hopped down from the window and started to sniff for Hermione's

most recent scent, not understanding what this 'common room' was,

which only seemed to make the human girls even more annoyed at him

for some reason.

"I'll take him there." Said the other girl with long black hairs and a

slightly darker skin colour, standing up and walking to the door. "Come

on Shimmer."

Following the girl, Shimmer looked around curiously as he tried to

identify the numerous smells around him. It had been a few days since

his introduction to the school and apparently the human pack leader told

the rest that he was to be left alone and had access to pretty much the

whole castle. It didn't mean that everyone let him in all the time or that

he was welcome everywhere but many started to relax around him and

considered him as some kind of resident in the castle, much like the

ghosts wandering the corridors. He actually didn't get to interact with

many humans for he spent most of his time outside of the school and he

always stood with Hermione the rest of the time.

Rare where the moments like right now where he followed another

human without his human friend, most young humans still preferring to

stay far from him as long as Hermione wasn't there. Like if she could

control him! That was a funny thought that he always got when seeing

humans avoid him and treating him like the great predator that he was.

His thoughts got interrupted by the human girl starting to go down some

stairs and he followed, hopping down the steps one by one, until they

reached the big room where the young humans wearing gold and red

robes gathered sometimes. At some point Hermione must have told him

about why they wore different colours but he couldn't remember what

she said, he just figured it was because they either had different ranks in

the pack or different roles but so far he saw no differences between all

the young humans, no matter their robes. It was quite confusing to him;

all those weird things humans did make very little sense to him and he

always explained it by humans being humans.

"Here you go, Hermione is right over there." Said his guide as the girl

pointed to a corner of the room before going back toward the stairs.

Looking in that direction, he noticed Hermione in an armchair, with a big

book in hands, silently turning the pages. What he didn't noticed was

how tensed many of the Gryffindor students became when they saw him

arrive, they didn't feared him anymore as much as the first day but he

was still a dragon and thus a dangerous creature that had to be

approached with carefulness.

Walking toward her, he reached the side of her sofa and let out a little

cry as he jumped on the armrest, looking at her intensely.

Hermione jumped when she first heard and then saw him arrived. He

didn't sneak on her but she had been so engrossed in her book that she

hadn't been paying attention to anything around her, but she relaxed

when she noticed that it was Shimmer. Glancing at the clock, she saw

that it was slightly passed the time of their usual meeting time. She had

no idea how he did it but Shimmer always knew when it was time even if

he had no watch, not that it could have been useful since he couldn't read


"Hello Shimmer. I'm sorry, I didn't see the time pass." Hermione said with

a smile, noting at which page she was before placing the book on the


"Hello." He said looking at her, standing on the armrest as she reached for

him and started petting his head.

"Is everything alright? Are you hungry?" She asked as Shimmer purred

under her strokes.


"Sure, we still have time for a late breakfast." Agreed Hermione, standing

up and picking up the book to put it back on the bookshelf.

She barely had the time to retract her arm that Shimmer jumped on her

shoulders, taking her by surprise as he was no featherweight, bending

forward for a second, before she managed to get her balance back. He

was slightly longer than she was tall and even if his body was made to be

light enough to fly, it was still quite the weight for a eleven years old girl.

Even more for a bookworm such as Hermione that had no particular

physical strength.

"Oomph! Shimmer don't do that." She scolded him as she felt him move

to be more comfortable for the both of them.

"Shimmer sorry." He replied coiling his tail around her arm for support.

But Hermione wouldn't let him do that. Even if, and that was a big if, she

was able to carry him right now, she wouldn't be able to do so all the

way up to the great hall. Moving around, she caught him as he tried to

steady himself even further and let out a small cry of indignation as she

put him back on the armrest of the sofa she was previously sat on.

"No Shimmer, you're too big for that. Plus, you have wings, you can just

fly around." She clarified as she petted his head.

"Shimmer not understand." He did understood that she didn't wanted him

on her shoulder, not the why.

"Just no, Shimmer. Now come on, we need to be quick if you want to eat

something." Hermione replied making her way for the door of the

Gryffindor dormitory.

With just a little growl of annoyance, he flapped his wings spread wide

and followed Hermione who had already opened the door. He passed

through the opening, leaving behind a lot of Gryffindor students talk

about what the two just did even if none of them had realized that the

other students were looking at them the whole time.

"Humph! That little dragon again." Grumbled the portrait of the fat lady

as Hermione closed the door.

"He is very nice you know." Commented Hermione as she walked toward

the stairs.

"He will burn all of us down!" She said as several other paintings shared

her opinion.

Shimmer didn't listened to what the weird flat-non-human said, he wasn't

sure if they were real or not as he couldn't smell any living scent from

them but they still moved and talked like other humans, really something

inexplicable that he quickly put as another weird human thing.

He followed Hermione as she got down the stairs, some moving and some

staying in place, flying slightly above her and keeping a steady flight as

he looked at the many portraits and objects displayed in the corridors.

This school was really a place unlike any other, so many things that

didn't make any sense except for humans apparently. They continued

their walk toward the great hall, a few students looking warily at him

when they noticed him passing above their heads and a few even giving a

slow berth as Hermione passed next to them. Shimmer had to admit that

while he was usually cautious of everything, most of the young humans

in this school were far shyer and more careful than him.

After a few more minutes to go down the stairs and going toward the

great hall, they finally reached their destination. Looking around,

Shimmer saw that only a few students were still there, finishing their

meal under the watchful eyes of the very little, old teacher and the

broom teacher, both of them instantly catching sight of Hermione and

Shimmer as they sat down at the Gryffindor Table, him standing directly

on the table between a few plates still there.

A few full plates appeared and Hermione quickly gathered a few slices of

meat before giving them to Shimmer who didn't lose a second to start

eating under Hermione watchful eyes, the girl having already eaten

earlier this morning. Just a few seats away, on the other side of the table,

Shimmer briefly noticed the red-haired boy that he saw a few times

already, also eating what could be considered a heavy breakfast.

They ate almost as loudly as the other, something that almost impressed

Hermione and not for any good reason. She had to remind herself that

Shimmer was a dragon and thus couldn't have the same table manners as

humans, if he could even understand what it was, and that Ron was

just... well, being Ron. And yet the boy's meal suddenly stopped and

Hermione watched him standing up, bringing his plate with him as he sat

right in front of Hermione with a uneasy expression on his face.

"Hum... there is something that I want to tell you." Started Ron glancing

at Shimmer.

"I'm listening." Replied Hermione, not really liking where this was going.

Shimmer just stood there, almost between the two, and not caring for

what they were saying as long as no one tried to take his meal away.

"So, I got punished by Professor McGonagall to clean all the damages

done by the troll and fixing all of it. Without magic. She explained to me

how wrong I was with you and how I was to never do anything like that

again... but that's not what I want to tell you." He said a bit clumsily.

"And what is it?" Asked Hermione thinking that he apparently didn't

understood the lesson.

"My brothers told me before all of this that I had been a real git with you

and I wanted to apologize but... I just didn't want to admit that I was

wrong. I knew I had to but I was too stubborn to do it. You almost got

killed because of me and I acted like a Slytherin, not doing anything

instead of being a true Gryffindor. I want to say that I'm sorry for treating

you like I did and that I was just being an idiot for insulting you when

you tried to help me." Confessed Ron as he looked at her and then down

at his plate when he was finished.

If Hermione thought she would have been surprised today, she would

have never expected it to come from Ron. She had truly thought that he

hadn't retained anything from his punishment but if what he said was the

truth then he had already understood, he simply didn't get the courage to

put his thoughts into actions and words. At least until now. She looked at

him intensely, trying to see if it was only a lie or an attempt to escape

further punishment from their head of house, but she couldn't find

anything else besides honest remorse and guilt on his face.

"I accept your apology." Decided Hermione. While she truly hated how

she had been treated by him an some of her other classmates, Hermione

had never been capable to hold grudges against anyone for long and

especially when someone presented her some truly apologetic excuses.

"Wait really?" Asked Ron lifting his head up very quickly, almost

snapping his neck in the process.

"Yes, I can see that you're really sorry so I accept your apology." Clarified


"Oh...hm thanks." Said Ron looking at her sheepishly.

"Sorry?" Asked Shimmer, recognising the word and wondering why the

boy apologised to Hermione. Had he done something wrong?

"Ron is sorry because of bad words. It's okay." Told him Hermione having

to use easier words for him to understand.

Looking at the boy, Ron if he understood well, Shimmer tried to find

anything on him that appeared dangerous but couldn't find anything. It

might have been true that words could be used to harm, just not by

making the skin bleed. Another weird thing only with humans.

Ron looked away from the unnerving gaze of the dragon and returned to

his breakfast, eating slightly less loudly until Shimmer returned to his

own piece of meat.

"Are you training him?" Asked Ron looking quickly at Shimmer.

"I'm teaching him how to behave and how to speak. It is a bit slow but he

needs to learn more words first before we can move to anything more

advanced, right now he still can't understand most concepts. I tried to

make him understand that he didn't needed coins but I'm starting to think

that this will never change, its like some kind of instinctual behaviour

but all the books I read said that dragon's attractiveness for gold was only

a myth." Hermione explained, getting into her lecture mode as Shimmer

tuned her out, incapable to understand the flow of words.

"Sure. Have you tried to make him blow fire on command?" Asked Ron

obviously not interested into the advancement that represented the

possibility to speak with dragons.

"I- No. I've seen him blew fire on the troll before but I never thought

about that." Admitted Hermione looking as Shimmer finished his last

slice of meat, licking his teeth.

"Do you think it would be possible?" Continued Ron even more

enthusiastic as he imagined Shimmer fighting the troll.

"Yes, but why would you do that?" Asked Hermione.

"Well, it would be pretty cool to have him light everything up on


"You can work on your pyromaniac tendencies later M. Weasley, I would

advise you to go to your next class now if you don't want to lose points

for being late." Said the stern and cold voice of Severus Snape behind the


Ron didn't dare turn around and quickly finished his breakfast before

leaving, imitated soon after by Hermione who forced Shimmer to come

with her even if the dragon wanted more meat. Snape looked sharply at

the little creature with a hard glare, not liking at all that he was

forbidden by the headmaster to hex the dragon on sight and that he had

to tolerate the lizard presence for now.

At least he had the right to block the dragon to access his classroom. He

certainly didn't wanted to deal with a pestering dragon in addition to all

of those annoying Gryffindors that kept being utter fools when practicing

potion making.

Barely fifteen minutes later, Ron, Hermione and Shimmer were standing

in the transfiguration classroom, waiting for professor McGonagall that

was surprisingly not here yet. Up on the table, right in front of Hermione

and Ron that sat together for the first time in a while, Shimmer looked at

the room they were in and where the humans learned how to change

things into other things. Even in animals sometimes. He briefly wondered

if they tasted as good as the real ones.

"Shimmer you need to behave, okay? We're in class so you must be

silent." Asked Hermione.

"What behave?" Asked the golden dragon not knowing this word.

"Hum... how to explain that..." Pondered the girl aloud.

"You need to stay silent, no talking." Tried Ron.

At that moment professor McGonagall entered the classroom, instantly

reducing the chattering to perfect silence as every student took their seat

and waited for the old teacher to start her class.

"Like this." Whispered Ron right after professor McGonagall passed next

to him.

Shimmer could only admire the respect that the young had for their

elders and this one really seemed to be one not to mess with, he already

got this impression the first times he saw her but it was impressive how

her presence affected the young humans. He stood silent too and watched

her turn to the class before starting to instruct the younglings.

"Good day children. Today we shall continue our transfiguration

exercises. Everyone will start working on transfiguring a match into a

needle, those who can manage do to so without problem shall continue

onto the Mice to Snuffboxes spell." Introduced professor McGonagall.

A few students gave a few sighs of annoyance at the idea to keep working

on this spell but they were already well aware that their teacher wouldn't

let them go any further without knowing this one first. A few tens of

matches were taken out by the children that started to work on them,

wands out and pointed at the wooden sticks. Shimmer watched with

great fascination as Hermione instantly turned her match into a perfectly

thin needle, a proud smile on her face. Turning sideways Shimmer

observed Ron doing the same only to come up with a larger needle, not

as small and pointy as Hermione's.

"Very good Miss Granger and I can see that you seem to be improving too

Mr. Weasley. Please work together until you've mastered this spell and

then you can move on to the Mice to Snuffboxes spell." Congratulated

them the professor before eyeing Shimmer that was doing the same.

In fact, he didn't stop there and walked in front of the woman and started

to smell her in an attempt to figure if she did smelled like a cat. She

stiffened as he approached and he wasn't surprised to find out that she

did smell like one. He might have done it longer if not for the woman's


"Miss Granger, could you move Shimmer away please? I don't want to

risk angering him by doing so myself."

"Of course professor. Shimmer, come here please." Hermione replied,

embarrassed by how Shimmer acted with her teacher.

Shimmer complied; his curiosity satisfied. He looked at Hermione for a

few seconds and opened his wings wide before taking out to the air,

flying toward ceiling for a few seconds until he landed on one beam, high

enough to look at the entire class that was actually doing the same. He

wondered why but didn't gave it much thoughts and the human teacher

quickly regained control.

"Quiet please! Focus on your matches." Sternly said Minerva.

The students instantly obeyed under her strict order and returned to their

magical exercises. Shimmer watched them all doing so, some better than

others but still giving a special attention to Ron and Hermione who

worked on the boy's transfiguration spell for a few minutes until he

managed to get a perfect one under the guidance of Hermione.

"You're free to start working on your Mice to Snuffboxes spell." Said

McGonagall as she noticed their progress.

Shimmer watched them go tot the side of the class where they opened a

closet and took out a mouse each, placed in a little cage that they

brought to their table. He suddenly remembered what Hermione did last

time with one of these and it was with great fascination that he observed

them do the same. Hermione managed to get her mouse changed into a

very pretty golden box while Ron's mouse turned into a wooden box with

whiskers and a tail.

"I don't get how you always manage to get it on your first try." Frowned

Ron looking at his box.

"It's because I read everything about the spell and practiced the wand

movement before coming to class." Answered Hermione a bit uncertainly,

still afraid that things would return as it was before the troll incident.

"Right." Said Ron.

Hermione waved her wand again and now the box was a mouse once

more, looking around calmly as if nothing happened. Shimmer didn't let

it out of his field of view, eyes fixed on the animal that started to walk

away as Hermione turned to help Ron transfiguring his box back into a

mouse but visibly struggling as it didn't appeared to do anything.

But Shimmer was attentive and he wouldn't let such an easy snack get

away that easily, especially one that was completely unaware of his

presence. He opened his wings slightly and aimed for the mouse that was

now on the ground, walking between the humans that were still

practicing without a clue about the fleeing rodent, his mouth ready

watering at the prospective of this meal.

He didn't noticed, too focused on the mouse, but professor McGonagall

was eyeing him very seriously, waiting to see what he would do until he

started to prepare for his attack and she could do nothing but watched as

the dragon jumped from the beam he was standing on and dived straight

for the mouse at great speed.

Shimmer remained completely focused on the mouse, forgetting

everything else around him as he slashed through the air toward his

meal. He opened his mouth as the students around took notice of him

and some started to scream as they feared that he was coming for them.

A single, yet loud, squeak was everything that came out from the mouse

as he bid down on its neck, killing it in a few seconds as blood started to

drip on its fur and on his neck. He pressed harder for a few seconds to

make sure that it was dead before stretching his wings as he flew toward

one corner of the ceiling and started to eat his meal under the disgusted

and terrified eyes of the students.

"Ew that's disgusting!" Loudly complained Pansy Parkinson, a Slytherin


"It seems only pureblood's pets have manners." Added Malfoy between

the many chatters going on in the class.

"Quiet please, I will not have my classroom become a zoo." Ordered

Minerva looking warily at Shimmer that was finishing his mouse, blood

dripping from the beam he was on to the ground.

"Shimmer." Whispered Hermione ashamed that she let him eat the mouse

without even noticing it leaving.

"That was bloody deadly you mean." Cheered Ron in a half-whisper.

Shimmer for his part didn't cared about their talks, mainly because he

couldn't understand them but also because he was busy licking the blood

on his lips. Satisfied with this additional snack after the breakfast that

was a bit too light for him, he flew down and landed near Hermione that

looked him with some kind of sad expression in her eyes even if he knew

it wasn't the sadness he saw her display before.

"What am I going to do with you? It was very bad Shimmer." Hermione

tried to explain even if she didn't see how, mice were a very common

prey in nature after all and she was certain that it wasn't Shimmer's first


"Bad? Eat good." He replied confused, much like Hermione expected.

"Ugh this is going to take a while." Sighed Hermione looking at him.

"And you shall take the time to do so later Miss Granger. Meanwhile you

shall continue working on the match to needle spell." Said professor

McGonagall as she looked sternly at Shimmer that was completely

unaware of the glare sent toward him.

After their class of transfiguration, they had to go in the dungeon for the

potion class and despite Hermione many attempts to send him away or to

make him understand that he wouldn't be welcome, Shimmer didn't

wanted to go anywhere else for now and stuck with them, flying above

the group of Gryffindors and Slytherins that did their best to ignore each


They entered the classroom where professor Snape was waiting and it

didn't took more than a second for his scowl to deepened even more,

which many of the students didn't thought possible.

"What is that annoying flying lizard doing here?" He instantly asked, cold

yet slightly angry.

"He doesn't want to leave, sir." Replied Hermione very carefully.

The head of the Slytherin House looked at Shimmer that flew landed on

top of a shelf, head upside down as he looked through the glass of the

shelf he was standing on and staring at the many weird plants and animal

parts displayed there. He was already far less excited to be here than he

was originally, mainly because of the many strong smells mixed in the

room that didn't do any good to his nostrils but he found that the teacher

covered in black clothing and with very greasy hair looked like a black

tree with old, oily leaves.

"A dragon shouldn't be the one to make the rules, Miss Granger, you

should discipline him until he obeys your every command." Snape said

even if he knew very well that dragons were usually too untamed to

follow any order in the first place. He would never admit it, but he was

impressed to see that she was somehow managing to keep Shimmer in

check and even teaching him the human language.

Standing up, Snape walked in front of his shelf where Shimmer was still

looking at the ingredients for his potions, his eyes temporarily focused on

some lionfish spines. Scowling at the dragon's carelessness who could

very well poison himself if he ate the spines, he reached for it when

Shimmer's eyes turned toward him, hissing and showing his teeth in a

threatening stance at the sudden approach.

Snape froze at that and many students around believed that he was

scared of the dragon but they couldn't be more wrong.

'Lily.' Snape thought, looking into the green eyes of Shimmer who

reminded him so much of his deceased friend. Never did he thought he

would see these eyes again if not into the young Potter child that had

disappeared so long ago, the child of a man that he truly hated and of a

woman that he had loved with all his heart and that he remembered

seeing the jade like eyes. If it wasn't for the fact that the dragon

obviously had diagonal slits, it could have really be Lily's eyes. He didn't

stood frozen for long but it was enough to make him doubt and by now

Shimmer was just hissing a bit lower, keeping his green eyes on Snape's


"Shimmer will be allowed to remain as long as he behaves." Said Snape

turning around, secretly wishing to have more time to gaze into those

eyes that brought back so many memories.

The class stood silent as they watched Snape, the inflexible teacher that

only favoured his Slytherin students and hissed at everyone else all the

time, tolerate the presence of Shimmer that he had been pestering about

him since the dragon's first apparition.

After this strange interaction from their teacher, they returned to their

usual potion classes with the cold and stern teacher checking on every

student and their potion, doing his usual favouritism much to the

pleasure of the Slytherins that smirked to the Gryffindors, stuck with only

doing their best to only end up with either a negative comment about

their potion or a barely acceptable in the case of Hermione and Ron.

It was the middle of the class when Shimmer finally hopped down from

his perch and landed on the table right next to Hermione who quickly

shuffled aside the ingredients for the potion to leave him enough space

and not have any of them damaged. They had learned during the last

class that professor Snape was not kind with students using damaged or

rotten ingredients.

"Hermione." Said Shimmer as he landed, bored after watching the

humans spending so long just to change the colour of their weird waters

in what they called cauldrons.

"Shimmer. Be silent and behave." Whispered harshly Hermione who

glanced at Snape only to see him starring at them.

"Shimmer. Fly. Coin. Bye-bye." He replied not lowering his voice at all,

not that he was talking loudly but it was enough to be above the other

students talks.

"I- what?" She replied not understanding if he wanted to leave or stay for

a coin.

"Miss Granger, would you mind sharing what Shimmer is talking about

with us?" Asked Snape from his office.

"I'm sorry sir but I'm not sure of what he wants." Hermione replied


"Really? Now that is a surprise. What do you want Shimmer?" He asked

the dragon directly after mocking Hermione who looked down.

"Shimmer want fly... go coin. Want bye-bye." Tried to explain Shimmer,

forcing himself to remember as many words as possible which made

Hermione proud of both her friend and her successful teachings.

"Am I wrong to believe that he wishes to go steal more valuables for his

own pleasure?"

"No sir." Replied Hermione looking at Shimmer that was looking

expectantly at the door.

"Hmph, you ought to correct this habit of him soon. I don't want him to

steal from me again. Now out of my dungeon!" Said Snape as he walked

to the classroom's door and opened it fully for Shimmer to go through,

frowning and angry looking even if it wasn't really towards the dragon.

He would welcome him again if just to stare into his eyes.

Finally having his will obeyed, Shimmer flew through the door and

quickly went all the way back to the surface before finding an open

window, startling many students and paintings on his way even if he

didn't cared. They were in no danger from him as long as they didn't try

to steal his coins.

Speaking of coins, it was time to do his daily collect even if it was harder

now that everyone knew about him. All the humans were now hiding

their coins and except for Hermione and a very few teachers that gave

him a few, he wasn't getting as much as he used to.


Hi! Valexto at the keyboard!

Sorry for the wait, I'm preparing a trip before finally returning to my

home country after two years. This means that it took longer to write this

chapter and I wont have as much time as before to write the next one,

don't expect any update before a week or two but don't despair either for

I am not abandoning the story in any way.

As you've probably noticed, I've forgiven Ron for his harsh words and

behaviour. This is because he is only a 11 years old kid, not that smart

and pretty brash but ultimately with a good heart. I have read many

fictions where is completely bashed and hated and while it is not wrong,

I simply feel like his behaviour is simply because he is young and hadn't

realized until now just how wrong a few harsh words could harm.

The next chapter is already planned in my mind and will refocused a bit

on the original storyline, it needs to keep going after all.

Thanks for the support and the many comments.

See you soon!

13. Chapter 13

I do not own nor possess any right over Harry Potter, all rights belongs to

J.K. Rowling.

Chapter 13

When Shimmer woke up today, he instantly felt the cold.

He had been quite aware of how cold the last days had become, and

understood that it would soon be time for him to go sleep through the

winter. He stretched a bit, looking at his hoard of exactly 2 Galleons, 11

Sickles and 79 Knuts, along with a collar of white pearls, two pairs of

earrings and a silver bracelet. There was a bit of sadness in his eyes, as

the last week had been quite bad in his collect of valuables.

The first reason was Hermione who told him, to his great shock and

horror, that he couldn't steal any other coin or jewel. She explained that

these belonged to the humans who had them, and that he couldn't keep

taking any from anyone else. It was such a mind-blowing concept, so

absurd that he blanked out for a few seconds once Hermione finally made

him understand what she was trying to say. And the worst was, that she

used a very good argument: what if someone was to take his coins away

from him? Now, that was ridiculous because he would bite anyone

trying, but once Hermione got him to look past that, he was very

concerned for his coins and quickly told Hermione that he didn't wanted

to lose his coins. His worries skyrocketed when she told him that the

humans wanted their coins back but that they wouldn't do anything if no

more coins or jewels were being stolen.

So, very, very reluctantly, he accepted not trying to steal anymore. It

pained him to say it, but was slightly recomforted by Hermione who said

that if he found a coin on the ground, then he had the right to take it.

And then there was the second reason, that made the first one work. The

humans learned to hide their valuables in places where he couldn't take

them: horrible, evil things called chests that once closed, would be

impossible for him to open. He knew. He tried many times.

Now left to only get coins from Hermione, and rarely from some of the

teachers and even one or two students, Shimmer saw his hoard grow at a

pitiful rate. But, he was still happy with it, since he never had such a big

hoard in his entire life.

Reaching the window, he looked at the first snowflakes falling in the sky,

almost glaring at them as he hated the feeling of cold that spread through

his body whenever he had to fly through them. But he had to today, for

he absolutely had to see Hermione. He had no idea how to say it, but he

had to tell her that he was going to sleep for a long time.

Jumping in the cold sky, he quickly made his way toward an open

window in one of the lower floors of the castle, relishing in the heat that

assaulted him once he was inside. He didn't know where Hermione was,

but at this time of the day she was usually eating, so he made his way

toward the Great Hall. Soon, students, teachers and terrified paintings

noticed his presence and he quickly entered the Great Hall, where most

of the students were eating their breakfast, including Hermione who was

at her usual seat.

Flying a bit faster, he let out a small screech and landed right next to her

plate, alerting most humans of his presence even if it was quickly ignored

by most, now starting to get used to the dragon's presence. But one who

didn't ignored him was Hermione, smiling brightly at his arrival.

"Good morning, Shimmer. How are you?" She asked, picking up two

slices of bacon for him.

"Hello. Shimmer okay." He replied, happy that he was starting to

understand longer sentences and harder words. He was still very far from

understanding the human language, but he was progressing.

"This morning we have Charms and Defence Against the Dark Arts." Said

Hermione, finishing her own breakfast consisting of scrambled eggs, toast

and orange juice.

Shimmer noticed that, while it wouldn't be his first class of Charms, he

never saw the other one. He was slightly curious about it, especially since

Hermione told him that they were learning about dark creatures,

dangerous spells and objects, meaning learning how to defend

themselves. At least that's how he imagined it.

His bacon didn't last long against his sharp teeth, and he soon followed

Hermione who stood up from her seat.

"Miss Granger? A moment of your time, please." Asked the recognisable

voice of the headmaster.

Both the girl and the dragon turned around, even if Shimmer was doing

so in the air. Hermione gave Shimmer a brief, slightly worried look,

wondering if he did anything wrong, before walking in front of the

teacher's table as the students around her started to whisper while

glancing in her direction.

"Yes, professor Dumbledore?" She asked once in front of him.

"How are you this morning, Miss Granger?" He replied with his usual


"Good, thank you."

"And you Shimmer?" Dumbledore turned to the flying dragon.

"Shimmer okay." He replied, landing in front of the headmaster, right in

his thankfully empty plate.

"Good, good. Now, correct me if I'm wrong Miss Granger, but you are

going back to your family for Christmas?" *

"Yes." She answered, not seeing where this was going.

"And I assume that our dear Shimmer will remain here?" He said to her


"I've never thought about that. I expected him to still be here after the

holidays." She replied sincerely, now starting to be truly concerned for

her friend.

"Then let ask the most concerned one." Said Dumbledore as he looked

down at Shimmer. "Young Shimmer, what will you do in Hermione's


The only thing that Shimmer understood, was that a question was being

asked to him and that it regarded Hermione.

"Shimmer not understand." He answered.

"That may be a bit too hard for him sir." Said Hermione for him.

"So I see. Hmm... how to simplify this." The headmaster started to


"May I?" She asked. "Shimmer? I am going bye-bye."

Now Shimmer wasn't quite expecting that. Usually, he was the one going

bye-bye, so he didn't understood why she was saying it.

"Hermione bye-bye? Not understand." He said.

"Its called Holidays. .Days. Children go bye-bye to their parents."

Simplified Hermione, doing her best to recall which words Shimmer


Oh! That made some sense to him. She had explained, not without

difficulties, that her parents and the ones of all the other students, were

sending them here to learn how to be adult humans. But now that he

made that connection, he was starting to worry if she was going to come

back. He didn't want to leave her, even less abandoning his now

considerable hoard.

"Hermione. Here. Here, again?" He managed to say after a very hard time

recalling the words and placing them in the right order.

"Yes, I'll be back here again." She nodded with a smile, petting his head

as a small reward.

"Now. I'm going bye-bye. Are you bye-bye too?" She asked.

He barely managed to understand, but he did. He tried to figure a way to

answer, but he simply didn't know the words to say that he was going to

stay asleep for a long time, until the winter was over.

Looking at his claws, then Hermione, then his claws again, he tried his

best to find the way to make her understand what he meant.

"Shimmer not bye-bye. Shimmer... bye-bye?" He tried, knowing he wasn't

clear but without any way to make it better.

The confused faces he got from Hermione and the Headmaster told him

that he failed.

"You're staying here?" Tried to clarify Hermione, to which he nodded.

"I must confess, that it is harder than I thought to teach a dragon to

speak. You've done a really great job so far, Miss Granger."

Complimented Dumbledore, also trying to guess what Shimmer was

trying to say.

"Thank you professor." Glowed Hermione, happy to be praised.

Meanwhile, Shimmer was trying to figure a way to convey what he

wanted to say. He was going to sleep for a long time, but didn't know the

words for either sleeping or for a long time or winter.

"Shimmer. Not Hermione. Shimmer. Coins. Coins. Coins. Bye-bye." He

attempted, trying to convey the fact that he wouldn't see Hermione

because he'd be sleeping in his hoard.

"Huh..." Blanked Hermione. "I think we already know that you're not me

and that you like coins."

Shimmer huffed in frustration, blowing out a little bit of smoke, at his

second failed attempt. He really wasn't good enough with human words.

Why did they had to use so many words?

"It's okay Shimmer, I know that you're not fully voluble yet." Coaxed

Hermione, petting his head as she saw how much he struggled. She

realised how much work she still had to do.

Instead, going for another tactic, he lied down and took his usual

sleeping position, even going as far as giving a fake yawn.

"You're going to sleep?" Guessed Hermione.

"Ah! I remember!" Suddenly cheered the Headmaster, standing slightly

more upright with a large smile on his face. "Some species of dragon

hibernate when winter comes. Our young Shimmer is probably going to

do the same."

"Oh." Simply said Hermione, understanding what hibernating meant, but

simply not having expected that. "Will he hibernate for a long time?"

"It does usually last the whole winter. I do not know for sure, but he

might be absent until February. Maybe the early days of March."

"Will he hibernate soon?" Asked Hermione.

"Most likely. It is getting quite cold after all. Now, you probably have a

class very soon, so don't let me keep you any longer." Indicated the

Headmaster, waving at the door of the Great Hall. "Oh, before I forget,

does Shimmer knows my name?" He asked quite curious.

Dumbledore didn't expected to see Hermione's cheeks reddened for a

brief second as she looked at Shimmer in shame, just as Shimmer was

starting at her with no real intent.

"He can't say it well. It would be better to wait a little bit." Deflected


"Oh? Why is that?" Asked the Headmaster, amused at his student's


The lack of reply told him that she really thought it would be a bad idea

for him to hear Shimmer call him, so obviously, he now really wanted to

hear that.

"Shimmer." Said the Headmaster, pointing at the little dragon before

turning toward Hermione. "Hermione." And then toward himself. "What

is my name?"

"Dumb." Replied Shimmer instantly.

Hermione's hands flew to her face, hiding herself as she couldn't bear

how Shimmer was incapable to say the Headmaster's name.

"Really now? I believe that it's the first time I'm called dumb on a first

name basis. People usually call me dumb after they learn my name."

Smiled the Headmaster, falling back a bit in his chair and staring amused

at the little dragon who didn't even understand what was wrong. Nor did

he understood much, too many words in one sentence.

"I'm really sorry professor, I tried but he has difficulties with long words."

Hermione apologised before looking at Shimmer, pointing an opened

hand at the headmaster. "Its Dumbledore. Dumbledore."

"Dumb. Dor." Said Shimmer, attempting to use the word even if his lips

had difficulties with the sound of the middle.

"Hmm, I do believe that no one called me 'dumb door' before." Mused

aloud Dumbledore. "I guess I'll have to wait before he can properly

address me. Be on your way, Miss Granger."

Not wanting to embarrass herself any longer, Hermione nudged Shimmer

toward the door and quickly left the Great Hall, Shimmer flying right

next to her.

"That was bad Shimmer, you can't call the Headmaster dumb. Out of all

the people to say this to." She admonished as he flew around her head.

"Dumb dor not Dumb dor?" He guessed, not really sure what he did


"I'll make sure to make you a lesson on bad words." Hermione affirmed,

right before stopping as she realised her words. "Or maybe not. Giving

you the bad words now is definitely a bad idea."

Not really knowing what she was talking about, Shimmer simply

followed her as they went back to the Gryffindor tower for Hermione to

get her classroom books and feathers.

They made it in time for the Charms class, Hermione sitting next to a

slightly sleepy Ron, while she was busy opening her book the page they

stopped at during the last lesson, only to have Shimmer walk right on it.

"Shimmer! Don't walk on my books." She pushed him away gently, yet

keeping her voice stern.

"Shimmer sorry." Apologised the little dragon.

"Apology accepted." Instantly replied Hermione.

"I was wondering..." Cut them off Ron. "Don't he have a mother? He is

very, very small for a dragon."

"I thought about that, but its more likely that he simply differs from the

other dragons. I've read every book in the library about dragons, at least

the ones not in the forbidden section, and all states that a hatchling

doesn't have horns." Started to explain Hermione, entering teacher mode.

Shimmer, having grown used to her speaking like this, not capable of

following her speed or the words used, chose to fly up to the ceiling

beams where he lied down, enjoying the view he had on the whole class

from up there.

"But he isn't an adult yet. Most dragon species adults are very agressive,

and are distinguishable thanks to many details either on the horns, tail,

wings or claws. But Shimmer have none of them." Continued Hermione.

"So... he's like us? An adolescent dragon?" Understood Ron.

"Pretty much, yes." Agreed Hermione, happy to see that he followed her

until the end. She was trying to work on her tendency to speak too much,

in an effort to be more friendly with everyone else, but being heard was

quite a pleasing feeling. "He's probably going to grow a little bit more,

but I think he'll probably be among the smallest dragons species."

"Good morning children!" Came the cheerful voice of professor Flitwick,

the very small wizard barely coming to the level of the tables as he got

up the aisle, before reaching the pile of books around his desk that

allowed him to be visible by the whole class. "Today, we will continue on

the Wand-Lighting Charm, also known as the Lumos spell. I hope you all

read the last chapter as I asked you, otherwise we may have a few


A few of the students shared uneasy glances, well aware that the jovial

nature of the little wizard meant that they sometimes had to face

unwanted consequences for badly done spells. And among these students,

were mainly those who never read the said chapter.

Shimmer watched, not without some enjoyment, as the young humans

started using their wands to cast magic spells. Even after Hermione gave

him a brief explanation of the wands and magic, he still had a very hard

time picturing how it worked, quickly giving up as he simply couldn't

follow all the concepts involved. He let out a little huff of laughter when

Ron, who apparently didn't revised the last chapter of the book, lit up his

wand. But instead of having a clear ball of light at the tip of the wand,

the wood of the wand itself was flashing between red and yellow lights,

providing quite the show.

In contrast, Hermione, who did everything asked by her teacher,

managed a perfectly cast Lumos. She wasn't the only one who managed

the spell on her first try, but it was enough for the little teacher to be

happy with his students.

"Very good! I see that some of you still require further practice. For those

who succeeded to cast the spell right, please help your neighbours until

you all are capable of casting it." Ordered professor Flitwick, coming

down from his tower of books to go help Neville who still hadn't cast any


"Ron?" Tentatively reached out Hermione, not wanting to have the same

reaction where he got mad at her.

"I'm sure I spelled it right." Complained Ron, though without any bad

feelings against Hermione.

"It would be hard on a two syllable word. Can you cast it again? It's

probably your wand movements that are wrong."

"Sure. Lumos!" He said, casting the spell, only to have his wand turn into

a bright purple colour.

Amused, Shimmer jumped from the rafter he was on, flying down and

landing right before Ron, who was scowling at his wand. Shimmer looked

at the wand, feeling a continuous scent coming from it that tingled his


"What is he doing?" Asked Ron.

"I don't know, he never did that before." Replied Hermione as puzzled.

"Can you stop your spell?"

"Nox!" Said Ron, finally grinning as his wand successfully returned to its

usual appearance.

And just as it did, the scent that Shimmer smelled disappeared, leaving

him a bit disappointed. But he didn't got the time to do more that

professor Flitwick came to their table, his short head standing a little bit

above the table.

"So? Still having troubles with your wand, Mister Weasley?" Asked the

professor, bringing a hand toward Shimmer who gave a little growl. Only

Hermione could touch him, and Shimmer was proud to see the hand

being retracted at his threat.

"Yes, professor." Admitted Ron, looking down at the wand resting in his


"He used the correct movements professor, I don't know why it didn't

work." Added Hermione, certain of herself.

"Hmm. May I see your wand, Mister Weasley?" Asked professor Flitwick.

Ron didn't protested and handed him the wand, carefully examined by

the experienced professor who gave it back shortly after. "It is most

confusing, I can't see anything wrong with your wand. May I ask where

you got it? Perhaps it has a defect?"

"I- huh... it comes from Ollivanders sir, I don't think it has a problem."

Nervously replied Ron.

"If it really does come from his shop, then there's no chance for your

wand to not be working. Is there anything else you could tell me about

this wand?" Continued the professor.

"Well... my mom said that I shouldn't speak about it." Mumbled Ron as a

weak counter.

"Mister Weasley, I only want to help you and I cannot do that if you don't

tell me what's wrong with your wand. Wouldn't you like to be able to cast

spells like your friend here?" Asked Flitwick, pointing at Hermione.

"Yes, but... It's my brother's wand." Finally let out Ron in a big sigh.

"Ron! The books of 'Wands and Everything about them' says that you must

not use another wizard's wand or the spells won't be cast properly!"

Gasped Hermione.

"Indeed Miss Granger. Five points to Gryffindor for knowing the safety

aspects of your wand. Now, why would you use your brother's wand?"

Asked Flitwick.

"We're poor." Harshly whispered Ron, not glaring but almost, at the two.

"We couldn't afford another wand, so Charlie gave me his."

"I'm sorry to hear about this, Mister Weasley." Sympathised the little

teacher. "I don't really know how to help you, but I will note this and

bring it to the attention of the Headmaster. Perhaps, you could convince

your mother of how important it is for you to have a wand of your own?"

"I tried, but she said it wasn't important." Dejectedly replied Ron.

"Well, let's hope the Headmaster will have something to help you then.

Meanwhile, I want you to learn the wand movements and spelling as

much as possible. I will be holding on on you in the future, but as soon as

you have a wand of your own, I'll make sure that you're knowledgeable

in your spells." Demanded the little professor before walking to another

table, not without a last glance at Shimmer who was busy licking his


Sighing again, Ron fell down on his desk, looking at the wand still

clutched in his hand.

"I'm sorry Ron, I didn't know." Said Hermione, not really knowing what to

say in this situation.

"It's not the first time, you know?" Said Ron sadly, turning a bit to look at

her. "Before it was my brother's clothes, their stuff, their books. And now

Charlie's wand. I'm tired to always have their old, broken stuff.

"I wouldn't know. I'm an only child."


With that said, the rest of the class went with a small, uncomfortable

silence between the two of them, until it was time to move to the next

one. The Defence Against the Dark Arts.

Shimmer started coughing as soon as he entered the DADA's room, his

nostrils assaulted by the overwhelming scent of garlic and so many other

things that it overwhelmed him a bit. But, even if this was annoying, the

worst was the scent of death that lingered in the room. And not the scent

of a dead animal, but of death, simply wrong and disgusting.

"Shimmer? Are you okay?" Asked Hermione worried, seeing the little

dragon retching as he landed.

"Is he sick?" Asked Ron.

"P-p-please, g-g-go to your s-s-seats." Said professor Quirrell as he came

in, only to jump backward at Shimmer's sight. "W-w-what is that d-d-

dragon doing here?!"

Hermione knew that their professor was easily scared, especially when

she was told that he fainted when he entered the Great Hall to warn them

about the troll in the castle, but she couldn't help but think that he was


"I can take him outside?" Suggested Hermione.

"Yes! T-t-that will do!" Shakingly agreed Quirrell as he took a wide berth

around Shimmer to join his desk.

As he did so, Shimmer's head snapped upward as he frowned at the man,

instantly noticing how the scent of death came from him. He started to

growl which only prompted the teacher to go away faster. He didn't

know how it was possible for a human to have this scent, but it was clear

that he was dangerous and shouldn't be anywhere near young humans.

Shimmer only felt this distinctive smell a very few times, and it always

came from either some parts of the dark forest that he did his best to

avoid, or some of the more abandoned parts of the castle. And the scent

of this teacher in particular, he remembered it well. He smelled it on the

troll, mixed with the filthy stench of the troll.

"Come on, Shimmer. You can't stay here." Said Hermione, doing quite the

effort of grabbing Shimmer as he was still glaring fiercely at the man.

And even while he was being carried away, he kept glaring until

Hermione put him down outside the classroom, huffing as he was no

light weight.

"What's going on Shimmer?" She asked curious, lowering herself to his

level, not having seen that specific behaviour before.

"Hermione not understand. Human..." He said before looking for the right

word. "...bad."

"That's not very nice." Frowned Hermione.

"Shimmer understand. Hermione not understand. Human bad." He tried

again, slightly angry.

"I'm sorry Shimmer, but I don't think I can understand what you're trying

to say." She said before standing up.

"No!" Shouted Shimmer, biting down on her robe to stop her from going

back to that death smelling human. "Human bad!" He growled through

gritted teeth.

"Don't bite me Shimmer! Bad dragon!" Hermione sternly said as she gave

him a light tap on the head.

Well, if she didn't want to understand, it was her problem. He still had

more important to do, like stuffing his belly before taking his long sleep

tonight. Letting go of her robe, he gave her a small glare as she did the


"Shimmer bye-bye. Sleep." He spat, showing his teeth a bit, barely

recalling the word used by Hermione this morning.

Without leaving her the time to reply, he left her alone, frustrated at not

being understood and that Hermione couldn't see what was wrong with

staying near such a dangerous human. He flew through several corridors

before reaching the Great Hall, where there was actually nobody.

Landing on a table, he waited for a few seconds for the food to appear

but nothing did. Getting even more frustrated, he let out a small roar.

"Meat!" He shouted.

A small clatter next to him made him look to his left, where five slices of

meat had suddenly appeared. He quickly got to work and ate them all.

"Meat!" He called again.

Another plate appeared, replacing the previous one. He ate it all and

repeated the process one more time before being satiated.

Taking flight again, he flew to an open window that was usually left open

for him, and went back straight to his lair. The snow was even thicker

than earlier, and he pushed himself to go faster until he reached the

window of his lair. Getting inside, he shook himself of the snowflakes and

started working on his winter nest.

Where the coins, jewels and precious trinkets, were previously stacked in

the center of the room, he moved them all toward the side opposite the

window, as far away from the source of cold. It took a little while to

move them all, and to put them all back in the exact order he wanted,

before he turned toward the window. He had been gathering dried wood,

hay and grass for a couple of days now, and he promptly put himself to

work, using all of it to seal the hole and cut the cold wind from coming


After half an hour of placing, pressing and strengthening his seal, he was

happy with the sight of a stuffed window.

Walking toward his nest, he thought about Hermione. The human that

smelled of death was bad, there was no doubt in his mind, but he had

been here since the beginning and no humans were harmed. Though

there was still the fact that he had smelled him on the troll.

For the umpteenth time, he cursed his lack of human skills. He wanted to

warn Hermione, but couldn't do it. He told himself that he would have to

learn more once his long sleep over.

Yawning, he curled around himself, laying on his comfortable pile of

coins, ready to sleep.

The end of the day had come, and Shimmer still hadn't come back.

Hermione was in tears, sobbing, sitting on her bed with Parvati trying to

cheer her up, without success. Hermione was constantly remembering her

last words to Shimmer, the little slap she gave him, and how angry he

had been.

How could she not blame herself? He even told her bye-bye. She knew he

probably went to hibernate, but she was crying over the possibility that

he may have left for good.

She didn't know what she would do without her best friend.


Hi! Valexto at the keyboard!

Its been a while, hasn't it? Yeah, two years.


Really, really sorry for not updating since last time. Life took its way, I

came back to my home country, had a grandfather dying, and simply

moving on. I forgot about the story for quite some time, but I've started

going back to my stories and my writings in general. So, I don't know

when the next update will be, but you won't have to wait two more years

for the next chapter, this I swear.

I hope you enjoyed this one, our little Shimmer is going for quite the nap.

While Hermione will not have the happiest of Christmas.

See you soon!

14. Chapter 14

I do not own nor possess any right over Harry Potter, all rights belongs to

J.K. Rowling.

Chapter 14

Tonight was the 20th of December, and it was the last day of class before

the holidays.

Hermione, like most of the students at Hogwarts, would be going home

in the Hogwarts Express, the train that brought them all here.

Yet, despite being happy at the thought of seeing her parents again after

so long, she couldn't find it in herself to be happy.

Nearly two weeks had passed since Shimmer disappeared, and wasn't

seen again. Hermione had felt terrible during those two weeks, blaming

herself for her harsh words to her little friend, and how they parted ways

with Shimmer clearly being angry. It took her a couple of hours of crying,

an unrestful night of sleep, and a barely touched breakfast the next day,

to realise that Shimmer had been trying to tell her something.

She had been so focused on being afraid of not seeing him again, that she

didn't thought about his reaction to professor Quirrell and how he tried

to stop her from going back to his class. Her rational mind quickly got

back to work, and she started to wonder why Shimmer reacted like that,

when he had never been openly hostile to anyone. Even stranger, why

did he saw the stuttering, easy to afraid professor Quirrell as a threat?

Hermione didn't had the answers to this, but, after an excruciatingly long

day of class, which was definitely normal for her, she rushed outside the

class of Transfiguration and made her way to the library, the only place

that she could feel slightly more relaxed at the time.

There, she read for the second time everything she could on dragons. It

took her three days, and being chased out by the librarian after staying

too long, but she finally could put an answer on Shimmer's behaviour.

Dragons were quite mysterious creatures and a lot was still unknown

about them, but it had been observed several times in the past, that their

instincts might be slightly stronger than for other animals. Some dragons

escaped wizards' traps when they shouldn't have been able to see, hear

and smell said wizards. It was still subject to debate in the wizard

community, but it was the best explanation Hermione could find for

Shimmer's wariness against professor Quirrell.

She was still putting the blame of his disparition on herself, and even

Ron's attempts of recomfort didn't do much to alleviate the guilt.

Hermione might have been the reason why Shimmer left, even if she kept

the hope that he went to hibernate, but she would be ready for the next

time they meet. She would do her best to know why Shimmer reacted

like he did, so that she could both apologise and try to understand what

he was trying to say.

Hermione spent the return trip to her parents in a cabin shared with

Neville Longbottom. Said trip was mostly done in silence, even if Neville

and her did got to discuss their Christmas plans and even talk a bit about

Shimmer. Neville may have been a very shy boy, but he was surprisingly

forward when asking about the little dragon, quite curious himself and

not particularly liking how depressed Hermione had been in the last

couple of days.

But finally, the train entered the terminus in London. Picking up her

trunk, she said her farewells and good wishes to Neville and his

grandmother, before heading out of the magical station to join the

normal one, where her parents were waiting on the other side.

"Hermione! How's our little girl?" Greeted her father, Edward Granger, as

he gave her a tight hug.

"Good. I'm happy to see you again." She returned the hug, but even then,

her parents could feel the lack of happiness that was usually around their

daughter. Even if she was truly happy to see her mom and dad again.

"Come on, let's go home." Nudged her Susan Granger, her mother.

With her dad carrying her trunk, Hermione followed them to the car

before they headed to their home.

"So sweet tooth, how was your first term at Hogwarts?" Asked her


"Very surprising. Wizards are very different from muggles, even the

children are. There are so many strange objects, so many spells and

creatures, its amazing." Replied Hermione, her happiness finally starting

to cut through her melancholy. "Its only been four months and it feels

like I've learned more there than in the rest of my life."

"Well, it was expected. I mean, wizards." Laughed Edward a bit as he took

a turn toward the middle class neighbourhoods.

"And did you make any friends?" Asked Susan, finally going to the point

that was worrying both parents the most.

The lack of response prompted her to turn around in her seat, looking at

her daughter who was looking down at her hands, smile gone. Susan

instantly reached out, placing a hand on her daughter's knee.

"Oh sweety, I'm so sorry that it didn't worked out." She said, assuming

that it was the same as in her previous school.

Even Edward, as busy as he was with driving, was looking in the rear-

view mirror with a concerned look, worried that his daughter might be

ostracised even in that apparently wonderful magical school.

"No, it's not like that." She replied weakly, not really knowing how to

explain that she became friend with a dragon. "I had a friend but... I'm

not sure if he wants to see me again."

"What happened? I can't see what you could have done wrong." Tried to

comfort her mother.

"Wait a little, we'll be home in five minutes. We'll talk then." Cut off


These five minutes went by quickly, and the three of them soon found

themselves in the living room of the Granger home, with both parents

slightly worried and facing their daughter who was coming up with a

way to explain everything.

"When I took the train to Hogwarts, I ended up in a cabin with two boys

named Ron Weasley and Neville Longbottom. We were talking about our

future classes and in which House we wanted to go, when a little dragon

came in by the window." She started.

"A dragon?! You saw a dragon before you even arrived at Hogwarts?"

Gasped Susan in horror.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Asked Edward, thinking about all the letters

they exchanged.

"I'm sorry, it was a secret at first and by the time it got out, I forgot to tell

you." Explained Hermione ashamed.

"Never mind that, what happened with that dragon?" Pressed her mother.

"He was small, around a meter long, and not aggressive against us. We

gave him coins to leave him alone and then..."

It took half-an-hour for Hermione to tell all her story and encounter with

Shimmer, and she was nearing the end, the part that she was worried to

tell her parents. Thankfully, they had calmed down after she went into

more detail about how she started taming and teaching the dragon, not

without a few apprehensions when Hermione mentioned the part where

Shimmer brought down a troll.

"But three weeks ago, we got into an argument. He was trying to stop me

from going in the Defence Against the Dark Arts class, and I called him a

bad dragon before slapping him on the head. He got angry and then he

left. I haven't seen him since." Concluded Hermione, small tears coming

out of her eyes as her parents were staying next to her, her mom

massaging her back to appease her.

"Oh, Hermione. You couldn't know he'd react like that." Said Susan.

"I should have." Sobbed Hermione, brushing a sleeve against her eyes to

get rid of the moisture. "I'm a horrible friend."

"You're not sweetheart. You may have been a bit harsh, but friends are

not friends all the time. Sometime they fight, and then they get back

together." Tried Edward.

"But how can I try if he never comes back?"

"Don't think like that. You told us he was going to hibernate, right? Then

he's probably sleeping right now, he he would be sleeping no matter if

you fought or not."

Hermione mulled over his words, having already told herself similar

things, but it felt good to hear it from someone else. Especially her


"I just, I want to see him again." She dried her tears again, starting to

calm down from her emotional roller-coaster.

"You will sweety, I know it." Assured Susan before giving her a short kiss

on her forehead.

"What should I do?" Hermione asked.

"Well, I am no expert on dragons, but an apology would be a good start.

After that... you said that he wasn't very smart so-" Started Edward.

"He is smart!" Interrupted him Hermione. "All the books said that dragons

aren't even supposed to understand humans."

"My bad, sorry. As I was about to say, he probably don't understand

humans very well yet. I was thinking of a gift, but I'm sure he wouldn't

understand the concept."

"I would have to teach him first. It's not too hard, Shimmer is smart

enough to draw conclusions himself. But I'm not sure if a gift is a good

idea, he only likes precious things and meat." Said Hermione, starting to

think about how she could make Shimmer understand what a gift was.

She already gave him coins and meat before, but these were either

rewards or to feed him, not as proper gifts.

"I'm sure you'll figure it out, you're our smart baby girl after all." Susan

tightened her hug a little, smiling at her daughter's resourcefulness.

"As your mother say, you'll have something for him by the time he wakes

up. Maybe it won't be a gift, but you know we're here for you if you

need." Added Edward.

"I know dad. Thank you." She sighed in release, hugging them both

tightly back.

Christmas was unusually long for Hermione.

She was very happy with her Christmas, the feast shared with her parents

and her maternal grandparents went very well, she got a few gifts that

truly made her day. These gifts were mostly books, which were very

welcome, but another one that was given to her in private, was a

Galleon. She tried to tell her parents that she didn't need more money at

school, but they replied that if she wanted to, she could use this one as

an apology gift for Shimmer. Her dad even said, in extreme seriousness,

that 'if you can't get your friend back with an apology, then buy him.' to

which she proceeded to give him a small push before hugging both her

parents, thanking them profusely for their generosity.

And once Christmas was over, she had to be patient and wait until the

return to school, where she was hoping to find a waiting Shimmer

expecting her. She wouldn't know before going back though, so waiting

for school was both a pleasure to be alongside her parents, and a torture

of having to wait to see her friend again.

Among her talks with her parents, she also came to realise, that while he

hadn't been nice on several occasions, Ron was becoming someone that

she could start to think of as a friend. Not like Shimmer, but close.

So when her parents dropped her at the 9 3/4 station on the 12th of

January, she was a bit sad to leave her parents again, but overjoyed at

the idea of seeing Shimmer again.

He wasn't here.

Hermione arrived in Hogwarts in the early night, so she didn't expected

to see Shimmer that day. It damaged her confidence and hope a bit, but

didn't let it fall.

The next day though, she had waited for him at breakfast, only for him to

not show up. She went to the see professor Dumbledore, who sadly

replied that he had not seen the little dragon of the holidays, but that it

was still early for hibernating creatures to wake up and that she should

wait a little bit more.

Much to her regret and guilt, she found it very hard to keep hoping for

Shimmer. Hermione waited the whole day, hoping to see Shimmer fly in

a classroom or appear at the window of her bedroom, but there were no

signs of the dragon.

And none the next day.

And the next.

And again.


Hi! Valexto at the Keyboard!

Little chapter about Hermione's holidays. I thought at first to jump

straight to Shimmer waking up and meeting with Hermione again, but

thought it'd be better and more interesting to see how Hermione deals

with Shimmer's absence and her guilt over their last meeting.

So you can probably guess what's going to happen in the next chapter.

Told you I wouldn't take 2 years to update again!

The only problem I have right now, is how Harry/Shimmer is going to

have to face Quirrell and Voldemort at the end of the year. I have a

beginning of a plan to get there, but it needs a lot more work and

thoughts on how to pull it right. And I somehow need to have Hermione

do most of the work, since our beloved Shimmer isn't capable of

understanding much of what's going to happen.

I wrote all of this today, thanks to a more opened schedule, but I'll be

busy this weekend, so maybe the next chapter will come next week.

See you soon!

15. Chapter 15

I do not own nor possess any right over Harry Potter, all rights belongs to

J.K. Rowling.

Chapter 15

The sound of a beating heart was the first thing Shimmer felt.

Very slowly, over the course of thirty minutes, his heart started beating

faster as his stiff muscles were being reinvigorated. Everything was numb

for quite a time before his consciousness woke up too, the little dragon

opening his eyes slowly. Every move was stiff, being nearly paralysed

after spending so long in the same position, but it was coming back to

normal quickly.

For Shimmer, since it was his eleventh great sleep, it was perfectly fine

and he gave himself the time to properly wake up, first moving his head

and neck as he yawned, then this arms and legs as his body warmed up.

Stretching his slightly sore body, he moved around for a few seconds,

finishing to wake up completely, before going back to his hoard to count

if all of it was still there. It wouldn't do to have anyone thinking that him

being asleep would make for a good excuse to take his hoard.

Remembering perfectly the location of every coin and jewel, it didn't took

him long before being satisfied to count the same numbers than before he

went to sleep.

And now that the important things were done, he turned toward the still

blocked window with a single objective: filling his screaming stomach.

Because after all this time sleeping, his body consuming his strengths to

keep him alive, he had to go eat now.

Using his fire, he burned down the seal of wood and grass, not caring in

the least if it fell on anything below. As soon as the path was clear, he

hopped on the windowsill and looked down at the castle, the lake and

the surrounding forests, thankfully all empty of snow.

Stretching his wings one more time, he jumped in the air and made his

way toward the forests, now a little bit green again in the early spring,

ready to start his hunt. His absence made the animals who normally hid

from him overconfident, and he had no trouble finding two unsuspecting

squirrels and a small rabbit. Both of these were usually a normal meal

each, but he was quite hungry, and only felt satiated once the last bit of

the rabbit eaten.

Only then, as he took to the air again, did he started to recall what

happened before his long sleep. Hermione being stubborn and refusing to

listen to him, even if he was aware that he couldn't be clearer than saying

'Human bad'.

It didn't matter to him. He may have found the girl annoying for not

listening to him, he didn't really had any notion of grudge. For him, she

refused to listen, called him a bad dragon when she was wrong, and he

left her to do whatever she wanted. He cared for her, that much he

already had difficulties admitting it, because he was a dragon and she

was human, but she could do whatever she wanted. He was angry with

her on the moment for not listening, but he went to sleep without ever

thinking of Hermione as anything different than a good human.

Now sated and his mind clear, he flew down toward the Great Hall,

despite the hour being later than usual when he went to find Hermione

for breakfast. His entrance in one of the corridors spooked a couple of

students who were walking there, but he didn't gave them any attention,

going straight for the room with lots of food.

Thankfully the large doors were still opened and he flew in, only to

notice that a really low number of students were chatting around,

waiting for lunch time, and Hermione was not among them. Most, if not

all the students, looked up at him in slight surprise, not having seen him

since before the holidays. And one who recognised the little dragon

instantly was the headmaster, sitting at the teacher's table along with the

oily human, still dressed in black.

"Oh! Shimmer! Please, come here." Called him the headmaster, happy to

finally see the golden dragon again.

Responding to the call, Shimmer flew toward them and landed on the

empty table.

"Hello. Dumb." Greeted Shimmer.

"Ah yes, you probably haven't got the time to work on that." Chuckled the

old teacher.

"If that is how he calls you, then I'm worried how he calls everyone else."

Said professor Snape, looking at the curious little dragon.

"Hermione. Here?" Shimmer asked, wanting to see her.

"Yes, Hermione is here. In... Charm class, I believe." Answered

Dumbledore, recalling the first year's planning.

"Here?" He asked, wanting to know where it was. He may have know the

name of the class, he couldn't recall where it was.

"I believe it might be better for you to wait Hermione here. It wouldn't do

to disturb the class after all."

"Shimmer not understand."

"I can't believe that this little Gryffindor actually managed to teach

anything to a dragon. Being capable to learn a lot is one thing, teaching,

is another." Commented Snape, impressed with the little dragon's

growing capabilities.

"Yes, I believe this is the first time anyone has tried to teach a dragon

how to talk. But, back to you." Replied Dumbledore as he tried to come

up with a way to make Shimmer understand that he had to wait. But

then, he got another idea, rising from his chair. "Would you mind coming

with me, Shimmer? There are a few things that I'd like to show you."

Shimmer tilted his head, not understanding what the old human said.

"What about this: Do you want a coin?"

"Shimmer. Coin. Galleon!" Exclaimed Shimmer, jumping in front of the


"I didn't think it was possible to see greedier than the goblins." Said

Snape as he stood up, a very faint smile at the corner of his lips.

"Perhaps not greed per say, but you may be correct. Come on Shimmer, I

have coins to show you." Offered Dumbledore as he offered his arm to


Not sure why he did that, especially since Hermione kept telling him not

to climb on her shoulders, he sniffed his arm looking for anything. Very

gently, Dumbledore moved his hand beneath Shimmer's claws, slowly

placing him on his arm, not without a warning growl from the little


"Now, now, I am an old man Shimmer. Would you mind going on my

shoulder instead?" Asked Dumbledore, patting his shoulder and pushing

Shimmer with a hand.

Another long growl followed, but the Headmaster gently kept pushing

Shimmer until he was on his shoulder, where his weight was the most

bearable for the old wizard.

"Much better. Thank you, Shimmer."

With that said, Dumbledore started walking around the Great Hall, much

to the surprise of the few students not in class, who couldn't believe the

sight of their old professor with a dragon on his shoulder. Shimmer, at

first annoyed by the touches of the old human, quickly grew calmer as

the old man walked, enjoying the sensation of being moved around by

someone else. This definitely was less exhausting that flying!

"How are you, Shimmer?" Asked Dumbledore.

"Okay. Dumb okay?" Replied Shimmer, recalling that he should ask back

if someone asked him first.

"I'm perfectly fine, thank you." Said Dumbledore satisfied. "You may not

know this, but your absence has been weighting quite heavily on

Hermione's shoulders. She hasn't been quite as happy since you left."

"Hermione okay?" Wondered Shimmer, understanding from Dumbledore's

tone that something wasn't okay with Hermione.

"Its my hope that she will be, once she saw you. Yes, Hermione will be

okay." He simplified.

Dumbledore took them through a long part of the castle, before moving

up a lot of stairs to finally reach a ugly statue that took Shimmer by

surprise, snarling and growling at it.

"Nothing to worry about, young Shimmer. This old gargoyle won't hurt

you." Chuckled the Headmaster. "Ahem, Tender Gum."

The statue started to turn on itself, revealing a staircase that the

headmaster climbed up, entering his office.

This gave quite the shock to Shimmer, to finally find himself on the other

side of the window from which he spent so much time staring at all the

golden and precious objects scattered in the office. So shocked he was,

that he barely felt Dumbledore move forward as he turned his head left

and right to find all the valuables in the room.

"I know, I know. It must be quite the pretty sight to you, but please

refrain from taking my instruments, I still need them." Said Dumbledore

as he came to his desk.

A melodious thrill suddenly came from a corner in the room, prompting

Shimmer to turn his head toward it, expecting an attack. He got another

surprise at seeing the most colourful bird he ever saw, but he soon found

himself relaxing at the chant of the bird, almost entranced.

"Now, Fawkes. No need to be jealous. I was only bringing our new friend

for a visit, I am not replacing you." Smiled Dumbledore as he sat down in

his chair.

Fawkes, both curious and indeed slightly jealous at seeing another

creature on his friend's shoulder, flew down from his perch to land on

Dumbledore's other shoulder, effectively trapping the headmaster

between the two. An almost purring dragon at the left and an intrigued

phoenix on the right.

"Shimmer, may I present you Fawkes, my phoenix. Fawkes, this is

Shimmer, the dragon I told you about." Introduced them Dumbledore.

Fawkes squawked in response, taking Shimmer out of his reverie. He

shook his head for a second, before examining the bird before him. It was

slightly old, that much was true with the dark feathers, a number of these

a bit damaged, but there was still quite a lot of life in its eyes. Shimmer

had never seen such a bird before, and wondered if the taste was

different than other birds.

"Faaw?" He tried.

"Fawkes." Corrected Dumbledore.


"Almost there."


Said phoenix sang in agreement.

"Well done, Shimmer. Now, would you be interested in this?" Asked

Dumbledore, placing a Sickle on the desk.

His first coin since his long sleep! Shimmer quickly, and without care for

how his claws dug into the old wizard's arms, went down on the desk,

taking the Sickle and putting it away from the two who were watching


"Sickle. Shimmer." He stated, wanting to make his point clear.

"Yes, indeed. Feel free to look around, I believe Hermione should be free

in fifteen minutes." Invited Dumbledore as he took a small stack of papers

that he started to fill in with a long feather.

Understanding that Hermione was coming, not that he had any notion of

minutes, Shimmer took the Sickle in his mouth and flew on a shelf filled

with many instruments. Most were uninteresting to him, despite moving

on their own and making small noises. What got his interest was

something that he never saw before. It was gold, which was good, but he

had no idea what the rest was. Shaped like a small tower, getting thinner

at the top, was a bloc of pure gold with many veins of crystal mixed

inside it, giving the object quite the original appearance.

"Ah, you found my old Tremoron. This used to detect tremors in the

ground, mainly earthquakes, but it sadly stopped working a few decades

ago. It's only a memory now, a souvenir from an old friend." Explained

Dumbledore, watching from the corner of his eyes the little dragon.

Not having a clue what he just spoke about, Shimmer got closer, dropped

his Sickle, and started sniffing the thing. The smell of gold, that he knew

very well, but the other thing mixed in it, was eluding his senses and

knowledge. But he faintly recognised the smell, similar to the one red

headed human's wand, when he kept it alight.

"Magic?" Asked Shimmer, recalling the particular word Hermione used to

describe how the sticks worked.

"Yes, but I'm afraid there isn't any left in it. Tremorons are quite rare

today, and sadly no one knows how to recharge them. I believe there are

only eleven left in the world, with maybe four still working." Replied


What Shimmer got, was that there was magic in it.

He suddenly made a connection. Back on the train, another red headed

human sent magic at him, and it tasted good. He hadn't thought about it

since, but maybe wands and other magic objects were tasty too. Ready to

prove his theory, he bit down on the tower, his teeth surrounding it as he

started to feel some taste alongside the gold.

"Shimmer, no!" Sternly said Dumbledore, standing up as Fawkes flew

back to his perch, coming to move Shimmer away from the Tremoron.

The taste was good, but very faint. Shimmer guessed that there must not

have much magic left. He let go of the thing just as Dumbledore arrived

next to him.

"Not magic." Explained Shimmer.

"As I said, it is empty." Grumbled a bit the old wizard, taking a look at

the Tremoron, sighing in relief when he saw only some very small

scratches where Shimmer bit it. "You are quite the handful, you know?"

"Not understand."

The next ten minutes were tough for the old Headmaster. He may be a

very strong wizard, even considered the strongest alive by many, but his

body wasn't made to keep watch on a curious little dragon that kept

flying from one side of his office to the other.

Thankfully, nothing got permanently damaged, but he did had to use his

wand to pick up a couple of things that fell down. And meanwhile,

Fawkes kept laughing at his master, very amused to see him running

around like that when the old man usually preferred the comfort of his


"No Shimmer, you can't have it." Repeated Dumbledore for the sixth time,

looking at a Galleon that he stuck to the table with a charm, with

Shimmer standing right above it and trying to move the coin with his

claws and teeth.

"Shimmer. Galleon." Stubbornly repeated the golden dragon.

"Would you want me to take the Sickle back?" Warned the Headmaster.

Shimmer's reply was a furious hiss as he moved back to his Sickle,

standing on it to make sure that it wouldn't be stolen.

"As I thought. I believe that Hermione's should be over now, why don't

you go see her?" Suggested Dumbledore, now wishing to get rid of the

little dragon. He liked Shimmer, don't get him wrong, but he was too old

for this.

"Hermione?" Asked Shimmer.

"Yes. Come with me, it is time for lunch." Invited Dumbledore, patting his


Recognising the gesture, Shimmer took his Sickle in his mouth and flew

on his shoulder, digging his claws slightly in the thick robe of the wizard

and using his long tail to wrap it around his arm for more stability.

Satisfied with his grasp, he looked at Dumbledore who nodded before

starting his descent toward the Great Hall.

Many students were now starting to fill the corridors, all eager to go for

lunch, and all those who caught sight of their Headmaster walking

around with the little dragon on his shoulder were either shocked, in

awe, or trying to avoid the little dragon who was trying to look at every

faces passing by. Dumbledore, who was smiling brightly, nodding at the

students as he took the last stairs toward the ground floor.

They soon reached the Great Hall among the other students, and

Dumbledore instantly noticed Hermione sitting with Ron Weasley and

Neville Longbottom, all three looking to be in some kind of conversation.

Making his way there, not seen by Ron and Hermione who had their back

toward him, only Neville saw him and didn't dare speak up.

"My apologies, Miss Granger, Mister Weasley, but I believe there is

someone that wish to see you." Grinned Dumbledore behind his thick

beard, knowingly waiting a reaction.

Both pupils instantly turned around at the Headmaster's voice, and he

wasn't surprised to see Hermione's eyes widening comically, as if a dying

spark had been reignited.

"Shimmer!" Exclaimed Hermione, standing up on the second and reaching

for him, not aware of how everyone's attention was on one. "You came


Not wanting to interfere any longer, Dumbledore lowered himself a bit

and let Shimmer jump from his shoulder to the table, before quickly

making his way toward the teacher's table.

"Hello." Greeted Shimmer, placing his Sickle on the table, happy to see

Hermione too. Even if he didn't know why she was that excited.

"I missed you so much! I thought that you left." She said, a bright smile

on her face as she started petting him extensively. "You've grown! Not a

lot, but I can tell. Maybe ten centimeters longer?"

"Shimmer not understand. Shimmer okay. Hermione okay?" He asked as

he purred, enjoying the hand stroking his neck, saying one of the longest

sentence he ever said yet.

"I am okay. And I'm happy that you're not mad at me." She continued her

smile dimming just a little.

"Mad?" He questioned.

"Angry at me." She tried, even if Shimmer's face showed that it didn't

helped. She started to frown exaggeratedly, glaring at him as she pointed

her face. "Angry. When you don't like something or someone."

Oh, so that was the word to describe how she was when he left, he

realised. Was she still angry?

"Hermione angry?"

"No, no. I'm sorry Shimmer, I was too harsh on you. I don't think you can

understand yet, but I missed you a lot. I thought that you didn't want to

see me again. I was very sad." Hermione explained, even if she was aware

that it was a bit too much for Shimmer, as she wanted to let it all out.

"Hermione sorry?" Asked Shimmer, surprised that she apologised. He

hadn't thought about that.

"I was bad to you. I am sorry." She simplified.

"Hermione not bad. Good human. Not bad human." He replied, not

thinking that she was bad. Wrong, perhaps, but he didn't know how to

say that. "Shimmer not sorry."

"I... thank you Shimmer. You don't know what this means for me." She

said, bringing him in a hug as he screeched slightly in surprise, before

trying to squirm out of her arms. Laughing a bit, she let him go and

focused on the last thing he said. "But why are you not sorry?"

Looking at the bad human she was mentioning, he growled at the death-

smelling human sitting at the teachers table, not understanding how they

could stand being near something with such a horrible smell. Yes, it

smelled like a human but there was something more, another scent of

death that shouldn't belong with anyone.

"Bad human." He added, growling even harder, making Hermione, Ron

and Neville look at where the professors were eating, with only Neville

not knowing who Shimmer was talking about.

"I know. I read that dragons have such good instincts, that they can see

and smell things a wizard never could. I'll never doubt your instincts

again." She assured, going back to petting him, enjoying his presence as

much as she could. She needed this.

"We don't even know why he dislikes Quirrell so much." Commented Ron,

breaking the moment between the two.

"Quirrell? Why? He don't really look that bad." Said Neville a bit


"Yes. I don't know why Shimmers reacted like he did, but I'm certain that

its because he must see Quirrell as a danger. Don't you find it strange

how, out of all the other teachers who are scarier like professor Snape or

powerful like professor Dumbledore, Shimmer is wary of Quirrell?"

Pushed Hermione, who spent a lot of time to research Shimmer's


"Well, yeah. Snape is way scarier." Agreed Ron. "Plus, I know that he is

scared of his own shadow, but some students swear they heard him

talking to himself a few times. When he thought he was alone."

"Dean also said that he spends a lot of time on the third-floor corridor."

Added Neville.

"I think he's completely barmy." Said Ron just as his meal appeared.

"The third-floor? Isn't that where the headmaster said it was out of

bounds?" Suddenly realised Hermione.

"Yes?" Tentatively said Neville.

"Maybe he was just looking for students." Shrugged Ron.

"That's Filch's job. You're right Neville, there's something wrong with that


"Thank you?" Agreed Neville even if he didn't know why.

"Dumbledore did say that we'd die if we go there. Looks quite wrong to

me." Said Ron as he attacked, not ate, attacked his lunch.

Shimmer, who had spent the last minute turning his head toward each

speaking human, let out a small whine at the sight of Ron eating, still

having some place for more even with his heavier than usual breakfast.

"Oh, there you go Shimmer." Corrected Hermione, putting a small prime

rib in a plate for him. "And I know what Dumbledore said. But then, why

would Quirrell be there catching students if he is so easy to scare?

Anybody could just scare him off and enter the room. It doesn't' make


Shimmer started to tear into the rib, and to the slight disgust of some of

the surrounding students, started loudly crunching the bones. But one

look at Ron and they decided that somehow, the dragon was the less

messy eater between the two.

"Do you want to go see what's in that room?" Asked Ron surprised by

Hermione's dedication to break a rule.

"I- well- it is forbidden." She denied quite weakly.

"But what if what's inside is the reason why Shimmer don't like Quirrell?"

Suggested the boy with red hair, really wanting to know what was in that


"I don't know. Its not a good idea."

"What if be bring Shimmer in front of it?" Said Neville.

The two turned toward him in slight surprise, having almost forgotten

about it.

"What?" The two asked.

"Well, if Shimmer smells what's in that room, maybe he'll know if what's

inside is the reason why he doesn't like Quirrell." Explained Neville.

Knowing they were talking about him, Shimmer looked up at them,

wondering what they were talking about.

"If, and I mean it, if we do this, we must do it at night, when no one can

see us." Started to plan Hermione.

"How?" Bluntly said Hermione. "We're not invisible and the fat lady will

see us leave. She'll either refuse to open or she'll tell a prefect."

"I... give-me some time, I'll think of something."

They started to eat their own plates in silence, except for Ron and

Shimmer, who had no notions of manners. It took longer than usual for

Shimmer to finish, starting to feel quite full, but they all finished around

the same time.

"Should we warn Dumbledore, about Quirrell?" Asked Neville.

That was a good question, thought Hermione. But should they warn the

old professor? Would he deny their claims? Tell them that it was

perfectly normal for Quirrell to anger dragons? Sharing their concerns

was maybe taking a risk, but having the Headmaster's confirmation, or

warning him of something he wasn't aware of, wasn't a bad idea.

"He's going to think we're as barmy as Quirrell." Quickly replied Ron.

"Its not a bad idea. At worst, he'll think we're exaggerating, but he

wouldn't punish us for so little." Pushed Hermione.

"How do you know?"

"I don't, but its improbable." She replied.

"Sure." Mumbled Ron.

"Then let's wait for the end of lunch, we'll tell him once Quirrell is gone."

Patiently, the saw that their suspect was actually trying to eat as fast as

possible, even though he was stuck next to the very talkative Flitwick.

Thus, they didn't had to wait long before the DADA professor stood up,

leaving the table first. Hermione then tried to go immediately, but was

stopped by Ron who wanted to wait for Snape to leave too. And only

once the extremely strict teacher left, did Hermione, Ron, Neville and a

flying Shimmer went to the table.

"Excuse-me Minerva." Politely said Dumbledore before turning to the

four. "Yes?"

"Professor, could we speak with you in private? Its very important."

Asked Hermione.

"Is it now? Does this have anything to do with Shimmer?"

"Partially." Agreed Hermione.

"Very well. I won't be long." Dumbledore said to Minerva before standing

up, taking the four away from the racket that was the Great Hall.

Once in a smaller corridor, empty of all presence but their own, did they

shared their concerns. Shimmer, not wanting to fly on the spot, landed on

the ground, barely reaching the student's midsection.

"We have reasons to believe that professor Quirrell is either doing

something bad, or is a bad person." She started, well aware how bad it


"That is quite the serious accusation, Miss Granger." Dumbledore replied,

all traces of his cherry attitude replaced with a strict and serious face.

"Shimmer is the one who told me."

"Really?" Wondered Dumbledore with a new look for the dragon, eyes

filled with curiosity.

"Shimmer? What was it about the DADA teacher?" Asked Hermione,

looking down at Shimmer.

"Bad human." He growled.

The headmaster looked at Shimmer for a few seconds before asking a

new question.

"Tell me, young Shimmer. Why is he a bad human?"

Not knowing how to say this, Shimmer sniffed the air several times.

"He smells?" Guessed Hermione, mimicking the gesture. "Smelling."

"Yes! Human smell bad. Not okay." Agreed Shimmer, his tail wagging a

bit, happy that he got understood.

"Hmm." Hummed Dumbledore, looking down at the little dragon.

"Professor?" Asked Hermione.

"As much as I trust Shimmer, this is a rather poor evidence. He is a

professor of Dark Arts, which sometimes cling to the wizard who uses

them. I don't really see how this would make professor Quirrell a bad

person." Replied Dumbledore, turning his gaze on the three students.

"Could it be because of the third corridor?" Asked Ron before he could

stop himself.

"What do you mean, Mister Weasley?"

"Well, many students say that he spends a lot of time around the third

floor." Said Ron even if he was slightly uncomfortable.

"Ah. That is indeed concerning, but not in the way you believe. May I

take the opportunity to remind you that the right room on the third

corridor is out of bounds under risk of a most painful death?" Reminded


Feeling that his point wasn't being clear, or not really knowing if he

wasn't understood correctly, Shimmer came right to the foot of

Dumbledore's robe, looking up at him.

"Bad smell. Bad. Not Human." Tried to explain Shimmer, suddenly

knowing what to say. "Not human! Not human!"

"Not human? Now that is more interesting. What was this smell like?"

Asked Dumbledore, lowering himself to Shimmer's level.

Shimmer looked at Hermione, not knowing what word to use to answer.

"The smell, Shimmer. What smell?" She tried to help him.

Relying on mimicking, since it worked quite well up until now, Shimmer

suddenly fell down on the ground, completely limp and immobile.

"Whoa!" Exclaimed Ron, taking a step back.

"If I'm correct, Mister Weasley, there is nothing to worry about.

Shimmer?" Assured the Headmaster.

Moving his eyes again, Shimmer moved his head toward the old human,

still on the ground.

"Does professor Quirrell smells like death?" He asked the little dragon.

"More like garlic." Whispered Ron to Neville.

"Human bad smell." Said Shimmer.

"Hmm, a moment please." Replied Dumbledore as he took out his wand.

"Accio, painting 'The old hunter.'"

A small gust of air blew out in the corridor and in seconds a painting

came flying at great speed, much to the surprise of the children and

Shimmer who jumped away, sending a blast of fire that missed the

painting by only a few seconds.

"No fire in the school! Bad Shimmer!" Shot out Hermione by reflex, her

and everyone else taking a step back in fear of the long spear of flame.

There was no reply from Shimmer, who was glaring at the painting in

Dumbledore's hands.

"He is quite the handful, isn't he?" Smiled Dumbledore, much to

Hermione's nerves, happy to see the Headmaster not taking it too badly.

"But, is this what you meant, Shimmer?"

Dumbledore moved the painting before Shimmer, who growled at it

before realising that it was one of those things were creatures and people

not alive but alive were moving in. In this one, a burly man with a large

riffle on the should, was crying over a large dead dog, a long gash in the

animal's side. What made the image more striking, was that everything

but the dog was moving. And Dumbledore was placing a finger right on

the dog.

"Yes. Smell bad." Agreed Shimmer.

"Death, young Shimmer. You smelled death, on professor Quirrell."

Concluded Dumbledore.

"How could he smell that? We'd know if he smelled like a dead animal."

Wondered Ron.

"Maybe that's why he wears garlic?" Suggested Neville with a shrug.

"You understand Shimmer? That's a dead dog. Dead." Pointed Hermione,

taking the opportunity to teach him. She had missed that.

"Shimmer understand. Bad human smell dead." Confirmed Shimmer.

"I must thank you for bringing this to my attention." Said Dumbledore as

he waved his wand at the painting, sending it back where it was.

"However, there are still reasons that explain why professor Quirrell may

have such a unique scent. I'm going to ask you to not speak of any of

these to your classmates and to not mention any of this to professor

Quirrell. I will do an investigation on my side, but I insist for your to not

take any further action."

"Yes professor." Nodded Hermione.

"Yes sir." Added Ron and then Neville.

"Good. Now, go along. I'm sure you have classes to attend to." Smiled the


With that said, Dumbledore made his way back to the Great Hall, leaving

the three students and one dragon to go in the other way, toward the


"Do you think he believed us?" Asked Neville.

"I think he did. Thanks to Shimmer."

"But how can Shimmer smell death on professor Quirrell? He reeks of

garlic!" Exclaimed Ron, looking at Shimmer who flew before them,

arriving at an intersection and scaring a few unsuspecting students.

"Like dogs. They have a much better sense of smell than humans. It's the

same for Shimmer." Explained Hermione, laughing at Shimmer and the

fleeing student, even if the dragon was waiting for their little group to


"Oh. What class do we have now?"

"Potions with the Slytherins." Replied Ron.

"Bloody hell." He grumbled.

"Ron! Language!"

The end of the day came after two more classes, but finally Hermione

was able to return to her room with Shimmer. She asked Parvati and

Lavender if she could be alone with Shimmer for a bit, and with only a

little bit of teasing from the other girls, was she allowed her private time.

Shimmer, for once, didn't really want to be here anymore. He was still a

bit tired, and the afternoon had been exceptionally boring. More than

once he tried to leave, but Hermione told him to wait, saying that she

had a surprise for him. Whatever a surprise was.

"Shimmer?" Called Hermione to get his attention. "I wanted to apologise

again. I refused to listen to you when you were only trying to protect me,

and that was wrong."

"Hermione sorry?" He asked.

"Yes. I shouldn't have slapped you, and I shouldn't have called you a bad

dragon." She explained.

Shimmer's brain was starting to overheat with all the foreign words and

simply not getting what she meant. She was sorry, that he understood, he

knew why, but didn't understand why she had to justify herself and say it


"Shimmer not bad. Hermione not bad. Bad human bad." He replied.

"I know. But I don't want to talk about professor Quirrell. My parents told

me, that you may not understand what this is, but I'll try to explain as

best as I can." She wanted to apologise a bit more, but felt like Shimmer

simply wasn't like humans and didn't know about grudges. Not that she

didn't like it, she preferred him to think of her as a good person.

Hermione turned around and caught a small cubic shape, wrapped in a

bright red paper, putting it before Shimmer who could only stare at it


"This is my surprise. It's a gift. Gift." She repeated.

"Gift?" He asked.

"Yes. A gift, is what a friend give to another. This one is both a Christmas

and an apology gift. You're my friend Shimmer, and I want you to know


"Gift? Friend?"

"Right. A friend. A good human and a good human are friends. A good

human and a good dragon are friends." She said pointing at a picture of

her parents that served as good illustration, before pointing both at

herself and at him.

"Shimmer Hermione friend?" He started to understand.

"Yes." She eagerly nodded. "And friends share gifts. Come on, open it."

He simply started at it, even when Hermione pointed at the gift and

pushed it toward him. It took a little bit more before he obliged her,

getting closer to the box and taking a sniff at it. His pupils and nostrils

opened wide at the very, very recognisable smell of gold. Looking up, he

looked at Hermione with a questioning look.

"Go on." She invited him with an excited smile, pushing the gift toward

him again.

Not waiting any longer, he tore appart the paper, exposing the Galleon

within. His eyes remained stuck on it for a few seconds, before looking

up at Hermione.

"Hermione good friend." He said, getting closer and giving her a small

nuzzle on the leg. For the first time, he was starting to understand that

coins may not only be obtainable as rewards or from stealing,

"Thank you Shimmer, you're a good friend too." She whispered, delighted

for so many reasons that she found it hard to speak.

Shimmer was back. He wasn't angry at her. He was still her friend. What

more could she ask?

She would do her best to work on his speech though, that was quickly

becoming an issue as it looked like Shimmer would need to speak more

in the future. But, she had to be realistic and knew that it would take a

long, long time before Shimmer would be able to perfectly speak English.

And at that thought, she wondered how he would take the news that not

all humans spoke the same language. She'd tell him later.

These were thoughts for later indeed. For now, she would enjoy his

dearly missed presence until he left, knowing that he would return



Hi! Valexto at the Keyboard!

Whoo! I'm on a rush! I didn't thought I'd have this chapter finished before

the week-end, but I did it.

First, a huge, huge thanks to your many positive reviews and all the great

ideas that have been shared. I've read them all, and can definitely said

that I'll be implementing some of them with a few modifications to fit the


I was asked in PM if the story would be as long as the Harry Potter

books. I hope not. Don't get me wrong, I like writing, but I don't think the

story will be that long. Year 2, year 3, and year 4 are a must, I want to

have them.

But for the latter two to work, if I'm correct (and correct me if I'm wrong,

I haven't read these books in ten years, even if I keep looking up on the

internet to not make mistakes in the lore), Harry Potter has to be known

to work. Sirius Black would probably still come to Hogwarts, expecting

his godson to be there, but what will happen when he will learn that

Harry has been missing for thirteen years?

And for year 4, with the goblet of fire, where Barty Crouch Junior takes

the opportunity to slip Harry's name in the goblet, which requires him to

know of Harry, cannot happen right now. I'm mainly saying that, because

I want to do a Shimmer against Hungarian Horntail fight scene. If the

story ends, it's probably going to be in year 4.

In these two years, Shimmer will either remain a dragon and no one will

ever suspect anything else until the end, or he his found out earlier with

one way or another. In that case, it would probably be kept secret. After

all, who would believe that the Boy-who-lived spent his entire life as a


I think year 3 can happen with Shimmer being Shimmer and not Harry

Potter, but year 4 somewhat requires him to be known as Harry to work.

Or I could just not care about that, and have Shimmer be himself at the

tournament, maybe not liking the presence of other dragons, maybe one

of said dragons could see him as a hatchling if he doesn't grow too much.

Also need to consider the horcruxes, can't forget about those. Can they be

destroyed with dragon fire?

As you can see, there's much to consider.

Sadly, don't expect anything more this week, I have a train tomorrow

afternoon and won't have access to my computer before Monday, so the

next chapter will come after that.

See you soon!

16. Chapter 16

I do not own nor possess any right over Harry Potter, all rights belongs to

J.K. Rowling.

Chapter 16

Shimmer's morning hunt hadn't gone as smoothly as usual, it had taken

him longer than usual to find prey, and he was now heading to the Great


Two weeks had passed since his awakening, and things were going pretty

well for the little dragon. The income for his hoard was smaller than

before, but he still got a Knut from Hermione every now and then, with

the surprising addition of the human called Neville who sometimes

managed to give him one too. Apparently, Ron wanted to but couldn't

and was a little saddened about it, but there was nothing he could do

about it.

Whenever Hermione had to go to DADA class, Shimmer would give her a

warning growl, not directed at her of course, and stubbornly refused to

go with her. He liked his human friend, but he wouldn't be able to stand

the stench of the evil human for the whole class.

This surprised a bit Hermione and her friends, since professor

Dumbledore had apparently done nothing to stop Quirrell from teaching

or simply investigating what they brought up. He never came back to

them either, so the three humans felt a bit lost about what to do.

Shimmer had suggested, thanks to Hermione giving him the right words,

to get rid of him for good with fire, but his idea wasn't welcomed by the

three. He was still wondering why.

And, speaking of words, Hermione used much of the time they spent

together to teach him more words. Everything was fine at first, and he

enjoyed these learning sessions, but now he was starting to mix up some

words. There were just so many of them, that he wondered how humans

did to remember them all. He was even more shocked when Hermione

told him he was barely coming up to the level of a human hatchling,

which he took as an insult and it motivated him to learn even harder.

Now, he was ready for another day in the human hive called school.

Going in by the window left open for him, he went to the Great Hall first

but as he expected, it was mostly empty. He was later than normal, so he

went in another direction, flying through the mostly empty corridors as

most student were in their classes. The worst was, even after spending

quite some time around Hermione, he was still not capable to remember

where she was supposed to be at each moment of the day. This wasn't

help by the fact that he didn't know anything about hours, only the time

of the day thanks to the sun.

Flying in one way, then in another, only to take some stairs to another

level, he went through a large portion of the castle, frustrated that he

could neither find Hermione nor anything even remotely interesting to

do. He couldn't steal coins anymore, so he had to find something else to


His flight took him down toward the lower parts of the castle, where the

air was moist and the light rarer. He found himself standing in front of

the potions classroom with the door closed, and wondered if Hermione

was there. She told him many times that he simply couldn't come in

whenever he wanted, and that seemed truer with the oily human of this

specific classroom. This human didn't like to be interrupted.

"Hey! You abhorrent lizard!" Suddenly came a voice from another


Shimmer barely got the time to turn his head that something smashed

him in the face. He squeaked and growled in surprise, not hurt but not

having expected an attack, and turned his head toward a group of three

human boys, laughing at him with large smiles. He recognised the main

one, the loud one of the train with pale hairs, surrounded by two fat


He was about to attack, taking a big breath, only to cough violently at

the horrid smell. It wasn't like the horrible scent of death that was wrong.

No, this smell was just an awfully strong, pestilent and acidique smell,

that it hurt his nostrils and his lungs at each breath he took, trying to get

rid of it. And then a small liquid started running on his face, doubling the

strength of the stench. It really, really didn't took long for him to

understand that this slightly yellow liquid was the source of the stench,

and that it came from the three boys still laughing.

Now, one thing about dragons that Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle didn't

know but should have been wary of, was that dragons didn't reacted the

same ways than humans. They only knew one answer to aggression, and

that was to counterattack even harder. No mercy, no excuses, only

fighting back.

This, combined with the thing they threw at him that still burned his

nostrils, made for a very, very, angry dragon.

What came out of Shimmer's throat was not a simple growl. He usually

growled to warn, to deter his ennemies from attacking or scare a prey

into a run where it would be easier to catch. This time, it was a terrible

snarl, promising death and blood.

At that sound, the three boys stopped laughing even if the smiles didn't

fade from their face completely.

"Oh, is the little dragon angry?" Mocked Drago.

"He's all stinky." Added Goyle.

Showing his teeth, growling louder by the second and with smoke

coming out of his nostrils, Shimmer suddenly made one thing happened

for the first time in history.

Vincent Crabbe understood something without explanations.

"Hum... he looks very angry." He said.

"Of course he would be, he's-" Started Drago before stopping, realising the

threat before them.

"Maybe we should go." Added Crabbe.

They didn't got more time to think about what to do, because Shimmer

shrieked loudly and took off, flying straight at them, teeth and talons out.

Screaming in fear, they ran around the corridor, hoping to escape the

danger coming at them. But, Shimmer was flying, far faster than them

and catching on extremely fast, snarling with only one idea in mind. Kill.

In just a couple of seconds he was behind the three students screaming

like headless chickens, desperately trying to go away from him, only to

lose more ground between them.

Shimmer was about to breath fire on them, smoke rising from his throat,

that a large open chest suddenly materialised out of nothing, right in his

path, leaving him no room to avoid it. He rammed the chest head on,

caught inside it, and let out a spear of flamme for a second before the lid

closed, removing all exterior light as his fire burned the wood without

breaking it. Even more angry, he trashed around, scrapping, biting and

trying to burn the cursed thing to get out of here and have his revenge on

those humans.

"You can stop running now!" Called a strong, controlled, dark voice from


Malfoy and his two bodyguards turned around to face a very stern, very

angry professor Snape, wand out and pointed at the chest on the ground.

Said chest, that was being shaken by the fury of the dragon inside it.

"What, were you dunderheads thinking?!" He spat at the three.

"It's not us sir, that-" Started Malfoy, sweating profusely both from the

fear of the dragon, and from their head of house.

"Don't even try to lie your way out of this, Malfoy." Shut him up Snape

with a terrible glare. "I could hear you laughing from my classroom. Tell-

me, how stupid are you to go anger a dragon?"

The three, for once, wisely kept silent and started at their shoes, with a

few glances at the chest where snarls were still coming from.

"Isn't the motto of our school simple? Draco Dormiens Nunquam

Titillandus. Which means, 'never tickle a sleeping dragon', if you idiots

didn't know. How did you thought that throwing a stink bomb at a

dragon, no matter its size, was a good idea, shall forever remain

unknown, for their is no good reason."

"Sir, we were just pranking him." Tried Goyle.

"Silence! There is no pranking a dragon, you fools! Be glad that I was

there to stop him, or there wouldn't be much to remember you beside

blood and ashes." Nearly growled Snape before the three cowering

Slytherins. "I would expect such a brash, foolish action from Gryffindor,

not from my snakes renowned for their cunning. I'll take ten points from

each of you, and I hope it will be enough for you to remember to never

do such a thing ever again."

"Yes, sir." Agreed in chorus the three.

"Go back to your dormitory. And I better not hear a word about you

before the end of the week."

No waiting for anymore punishment to come, they quickly walked

around him, leaving the professor with a hissing and thrashing chest.

With a very loud, very exasperated sigh, he waved his wand at the chest,

raising it in the air as he turned around, the chest following behind him.

Thought of more punishments ran wild in Snape's head, but he kept them

to himself, hoping that his godson would finally grow and try to put an

end to his own life every month by angering someone or something he

shouldn't. A particularly violent knock from the chest prompted him to

go faster, and he soon arrived before the Transfiguration class, knocking

briefly on the door before coming in.

"Professor McGonagall, I require Miss Granger's presence immediately."

He announced, taking everyone by surprise. Especially the named girl.

"I suppose this is urgent. Very well. Miss Granger, if you please." Replied

the stern woman, giving a look at her students to remain silent.

"Do not bother with your belongings Miss Granger, it won't be long."

Added Snape.

A bit taken aback, even if she had an idea about why she was being

called, Hermione quickly followed Snape outside the classroom before

closing the door behind her. But, out of everything she might have

expected, a furious chest resting on the ground wasn't it.

"Miss Granger, if you would be so kind as to calm your friend." Snape

said, pointing at the chest just as it shook again.

A bit worried, Hermione lowered herself before the chest.

"Shimmer? Is that you?" She called.

A small snarl was her reply, right before the chest stopped moving.

"Hermione." Came the angry, darker voice of Shimmer from the chest.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"No!" Instantly shouted Shimmer.

"Professor, what happened?" Asked Hermione, looking up to Snape.

"Mister Malfoy, Goyle and Crabbe found it funny to throw a stink bomb

at Shimmer. He would most certainly have killed them had I not

intervened." Explained the teacher, keeping an eye on the chest.

Hermione did a double take at that, briefly wondering how someone

could be stupid enough to do that, before focusing again on Shimmer.

"Could you let him out please?"

Nodding, Snape waved his wand and the chest opened, letting out a

gasping Shimmer, trying desperately to catch some fresh air. He took

many big breaths, just as Hermione waved a hand before her, trying to

ignore the disgusting smell.

"Let's get rid of this." Muttered Snape, a sleeve on his nose. "Scourgify."

In a second, the putrid liquid on Shimmer's neck and face vanished,

relieving him of the constant assault on his nostrils.

"Shimmer? Are you alright?" Asked Hermione again.

"No! Bad boys! Kill! Meat!" Spat Shimmer, teeth showing and growling

again as he got out of the chest. His point couldn't be clearer.

Hermione stood, mouth agape, as she realised what he just said. She

never imagined that he could be so mad to the point of killing. Not after

being here for so long. She thought that she had stopped this side of him,

this aggressivity, but with hindsight it was a foolish assumption.

"Let me remind you, Miss Granger, that it is extremely important our

young dragon learns not to do anything... regrettable." Cut off Snape,

glaring at the dragon who didn't even noticed, too busy growling and

taking heavy breaths to clean his lungs.

"Shimmer, you can't kill them. They are bad boys, yes, but you can't kill

them." Tried Hermione, shocked by the aggressiveness of her friend.

"Why?" Asked Shimmer, not understanding why he couldn't take his

revenge. They would think him weak otherwise.

"We don't kill others. Even if they are annoying or attacking you, its

wrong to kill." She attempted.

"No." He refused.

"Shimmer, you can't attack anyone. You understand? Attacking is wrong."

"No. Attaack bad boys. Kill."

"It's 'attack'." She couldn't stop herself from correcting. "And if you attack

humans, then you are a bad dragon."

That stopped him for a second, before he turned to glare at her, even if

the glare wasn't directed at her.

"Human attack human, bad human?" He asked.

"Yes." Agreed Hermione, feeling like she was starting to succeed.

"Human attack dragon, bad human?"

"Yes." She said it, but was well aware that with the exception of

Shimmer, there was no 'good' dragon.

"Shimmer attack human, bad Shimmer?" He finally asked.


"No! Shimmer kill bad boys. Shimmer good dragon." He said with

absolute certainty.

"No Shimmer." She hardened herself, her brain working overtime to find

a way to calm him down. "Do you want to be a bad dragon?"

"Shimmer good dragon! Not- not- smell! Kill bad boys!" He said, even

though his speech was starting to deteriorate with his emotions.

"I'm afraid that if Shimmer cannot control himself, I will have to put him

aside for the students safety." Said Snape who had remained silent until

now, seeing that Hermione's method wasn't working.

"I- yes sir." She agreed, gulping in worry. "Shimmer. If you kill the bad

boys, its bye-bye for you. You won't come back here."

That stopped his rage a little bit, as if water had been poured over a

bonfire. Not extinguishing it, but dimming its flames. How could he leave

when he was merely defending himself?

"Why Shimmer bye-bye?" He asked, frowning.

"Its the same for humans. If a human kills another human, then they are

sent to prison or executed."

"Pris-on? Exxecuted?"

"When you are in prison, you can't leave." She looked briefly at the chest.

"Like that. Stuck in a room. And executed means killed."

He turned to the chest, not liking the idea. Plus, he was aware that he

probably didn't understood everything that it meant, but he got the main

idea. And executed? Why would they kill him for defending himself?

That didn't make any sense.

"Hermione kill bad Shimmer?" He asked saddened, wondering if she was

the one who would do it.

"No!" She shouted, horrified at the very idea. "No, I'll never do that to

you. You're my friend. But if you attack humans, someone, another

human, will kill you."

"Shimmer friend. Shimmer... kill bad. Human attack Shimmer. Shimmer

kill." He tried to say that he wanted to defend himself, but didn't know

the words.

"You can't kill humans." Hermione said in the strictest of voice.

"Bad human? Dead smell human?" He still asked.

"If Dumbledore say so. But no, you can't kill humans." She repeated.

"Shimmer." Said Snape, getting both his and Hermione's attention. "I can

assure you that they won't attack you again. They are young and stupid,

and I'll make sure that they learn their lesson. But, if you cannot control

yourself, you will be put down."

The little dragon tilted his head a bit, understanding the first part but less

of the rest.

"You understand Shimmer? You can't kill anyone, or we will never see

each other again." She sadly simplified.

"Shimmer not kill. Shimmer attack?" He asked.

"No. But if a bad human try to kill you, you can attack. But never kill

anyone." She said just as Snape frowned a bit at her words.

"Bad boys. Not kill. Bad boy attack again. Kill." Shimmer replied slowly.

He wouldn't kill them. Not unless they tried again.

"That will suffice, for now." Said Snape, placing his wand back in robes.

"Miss Granger, I believe it would be in everyone's interests if Shimmer

doesn't interact anymore with Mister Malfoy."

"Yes, sir. But, I can't always watch him." Agreed Hermione.

"Indeed. I will emphasise on Malfoy and his friends the importance of

leaving Shimmer alone in the future. If Shimmer ever cross that line,

there will be no saving him. The ministry will want his head." Replied

Snape, looking down at Shimmer who was trying hard to understand


"I understand, sir." She said.

"Good. Go back to your class and keep your eyes on him at all times

today." He said, vanishing the chest before quickly making his way back

to the dungeon.

Letting out a very loud sigh, Hermione sat down for a second, still

processing everything that just happened. She could hardly believe that

Shimmer tried to kill Malfoy, even if she hated him too. But now, an old

fear, one that she hadn't felt in a few months, came back. The fear of

losing Shimmer, for good this time. It wouldn't take much to anger the

dragon, who had no degrees of restreint whatsoever, and have Shimmer

do the irreparable, condemning him to be hunted and killed. She couldn't

imagine herself having to ever see that.

"Hermione okay?" Asked Shimmer, noticing her shaken face.

"Don't scare me like that again, Shimmer." She sighed again, pushing

herself up. "Come on, classes aren't over yet."

She made her way to the classroom's door, eyeing Shimmer who was

following her closely.

Lunchtime came not long after, and she and Shimmer were the talk of the

Gryffindor table. Hermione shared what happened, and while most of the

Gryffindors agreed that Malfoy was a prick, they too were a bit taken

aback by the extreme reaction of Shimmer. Though, after a few minutes

of talking about it, most found the reaction somewhat expectable from a

dragon. They were renowned for their ferocity after all. So, many

concluded that Malfoy got a good scare and that he would be truly stupid

to ever do that again.

Especially with the way Shimmer kept growling toward the Slytherin

table for most of lunch. Hermione spent a lot of time coddling him,

petting him and trying to divert his attention away from the Slytherins,

only managing to get a few minutes of peace when he started eating, only

to have him glare at Malfoy again. For once, the Slytherin table was

particularly silent, with Malfoy and his two bodyguards keeping a low


The afternoon classes went by quickly, with them only having an hour of

Charms and Herbology.

With their free time, Hermione chose to go outside so that Shimmer

could relax a bit. She, Ron and Neville got to watch as Shimmer flew

around, enjoying the outdoor for a few dozen of minutes while the three

humans sat down in the grass and talked about their classes and

Shimmer's dangerousness, with Hermione defending him fervently

against a sceptical Ron and a undecided Neville.

"He wasn't trying to defend himself." Said Ron. "Everyone saw how badly

he wanted to hurt Malfoy."

"Maybe but he didn't do it. He understands that he'll be killed if he tries

again." Countered Hermione.

"Didn't you say that he would kill them if they tried again?" He reminded


"I know he said that, but as long as we do everything so that it doesn't

happen, he'll be safe."

"Hermione, do you think Shimmer would really kill someone?" Asked

Neville, looking at said dragon that was currently flying in circles around

the lake, apparently intrigued by it or whatever was inside it.

"Before today, I would have said no. But... he was really, really angry. I

think, that he simply doesn't understand the situation like we do. I

believe that he thought himself attacked, which he was, and he counter-

attacked like he must have done before, trying to kill its attacker. Its hard

to say, I'm only guessing, but he probably never felt pity. Why would he?

He's a predator." She detailed, shrugging at the end.

"A very dangerous predator. What if he gets as big as a normal dragon?

He'll be even harder to control." Continued Ron.

"Then we have to teach him before he gets there. If he even becomes that


Shimmer landed next to them, reaching their eye level with them sitting

down, which was quite the change of point of view. Being at the same

level, it was easy to not see a dragon of half their size, but a very

dangerous creature that could kill them extremely quickly. But Hermione

didn't felt that, she already saw Shimmer at eye level before.

"Hermione. Hagrid. Meat." He said.

"Hagrid?" Wondered Hermione.

She and the boys turned around to see Hagrid, entering his large hut with

a large package on his shoulder. And considering Shimmer's words, they

could guess what it was.

"Should we go see him?" Asked Neville.

"Why not? We don't have anything else to do." Shrugged Ron, standing


Following him, the group of four reached the hut's door and Ron knocked

a few times.

"Hagrid? Can we come in?" He asked.

"Yes, yes. Come in!" Came the voice of Hogwarts' groundkeeper.

Pushing the door open, Ron was the first to enter, followed closely by

Hermione and Neville with Shimmer flying above their head.

Hagrid turned toward them, a large butcher knife in his hands that was

closer to a short sword for the young humans, busy chopping down large

pieces of meats before putting them in buckets. His face brightened at

Shimmer's sight, putting down his knife.

"Shimmer! Am I glad to see you. How have you been?" He asked as

Shimmer landed on the table, eyeing the meat.

"Shimmer okay. Hagrid okay?"

"I am, thanks for asking. Here, take a bite." Said Hagrid, putting a small

slice of meat in front of Shimmer that instantly started eating it.

"Hum, excuse-me Hagrid, but why do you have so much meat?" Asked

Neville, slightly uncomfortable with the very large amount of flesh.

When they saw Hagrid entering his hut, they guessed that there was meat

in his bag. They weren't wrong, but there was also four more bags

opened on his kitchen table.

"It's for Fluffy. Eating a lot that one, I prefer to feed him myself." He

answered, going back to his chopping.

"Who's Fluffy?" Asked Hermione.

"Fluffy's my Cerberus. Huge dog with three heads, kinder than a kitten."

The three students stood there flabbergasted, looking at each other before

looking at Hagrid again.

"You have a Cerberus?" Asked Ron.

"How come we haven't seen it?" Asked Hermione.

"Dumbledore asked me to put him in the room on the third corridor, has

been guarding it since the beginning of school. He's a bit lonely there so I

try to go see him everyday, even if Dumbledore said I shouldn't." Simply

replied Hagrid, invested in his work.

"The third corridor? Isn't that where Dumbledore told us not to go?"

Whispered hurriedly Neville.

"It is." Realised Hermione, looking at Hagrid with a sharper look but

without changing her voice. "What is Fluffy doing there? Wouldn't he

prefer to be outside?"

"Guarding the entrance to-" Hagrid stopped himself right before saying

anymore, frowning and looking down at his meat. "Shouldn't have said


"So there's something in there?" Guessed Ron.

"And whatever it is, Quirrell is very interested by it." Added Hermione,

already starting to put some pieces of the puzzle together.

"Quirrell?" Stopped Hagrid, a bit surprised. "Why would he be interested

in Fluffy? Man's frightened enough already by me walking around."

"Shimmer told us that he was smelling of death."

"Now, listen you three." Warned Hagrid, lowering himself without being

threatening. "You're meddling with something that you shouldn't meddle

with. Forget about all this."

"Dead. Bad human." Suddenly cut in Shimmer, getting closer to a large

piece of meat.

"Hey, that's for Fluffy." Stopped him Hagrid, gently pushing Shimmer

back with his hand. Many wouldn't have dared to put themselves

between a dragon and its meal, but Hagrid was completely unbothered

by Shimmer's small growl.

With Hagrid busy, the three students huddled close to each other.

"Whatever's in that room, it must be very important to guard it with a

Cerberus." Whispered Hermione.

"Why don't we listen to Hagrid? It doesn't concern us." Countered Neville,

already quite worried just at the idea of seeing Fluffy.

"How could someone name a Cerberus 'Fluffy'? Its not threatening at all."

Said Ron.

"Boys, it's important. We know that Quirrell is spending a lot of time

around that room. Dumbledore knows it too. So why isn't he doing

anything?" Hermione tried to refocus the conversation on what was really


"Maybe because Quirrell is just barmy? Or maybe Dumbledore was right

and he simply do too much dark magic." Suggested Ron, not really


"I don't think Shimmer is wrong. He doesn't know a lot, but he clearly

feels like professor Quirrell is dangerous." Assured Hermione.

"Hermione." Startled them Shimmer, taking them by surprise as he was

standing right next to them.


"Shimmer sleep. Bye-bye." He told her, satiated and ready for a good nap.

"Oh. Hum, see you tomorrow. Have a good night." She said, not really

having expected him to go away that early.

She went to the door and opened it for him, moving aside to let him pass,

and he took to the air. With Ron and Neville still talking with Hagrid, she

was the only one to watch Shimmer fly high toward the castle, toward

the Gryffindor tower, vanishing right as he turned around the top.

Hermione had for quite a time now guessed that he was living directly in

Hogwarts' castle, but it was the first time that she saw him go to his nest.

She couldn't help but wonder what it looked like, and how to reach it.

Suddenly reminded of what was happening behind her, her mind shifted

toward Quirrell and the room on the third corridor. What could be

precious enough to protect it with a Cerberus? And why put it in the

middle of a school, with hundreds of students around?


Hi! Valexto at the Keyboard!

So as promised, here's the new chapter.

My festival went very well, so much so that I got a tattoo on a whim, first

one I ever got. I had been thinking about one for a while, three years in

fact, but I saw one of those displayed and just had to get it. So I now

have a tattoo on my forearm. Of a Dragon. Predicable I guess.

Back to the story, our team is getting closer to the truth. There are a few

things to go through before coming to the end, especially Norbert which

will be quite the interesting experience for Shimmer, to see another

dragon for the first time in his life. Then there will be the detention

following that. I think that's it for the cannon events, unless I'm forgetting

any and if so you're welcome to remind me. I may also put some originals

events, so we will see.

Malfoy didn't get the lesson the first time it seems.

I want to finish the first year before the 23rd of March, as I'll be too busy

after that to write for many months. I think the first year should be

finished by next week or maybe the next one.

See you soon!

17. Chapter 17

I do not own nor possess any right over Harry Potter, all rights belongs to

J.K. Rowling.

Chapter 17

April came five days ago, and Spring was everywhere. The air was

warmer, not too much but enough to be felt, the nature around Hogwarts

was taking a more healthy green and the end of the cold days brought

back some warmth in the hearts of Hogwarts' inhabitants.

Nothing much happened since they went to see Hagrid, just a few things

that Shimmer didn't really understood. Hermione, Ron and Neville spent

a lot of time looking around, researching what could be in the room on

the third corridor, but so far they didn't found anything interesting. Yet

as time passed, they noticed that professor Quirrell started to look

unhealthy, pale and quite weaker than before. Again, they speculated and

tried to find out why, but they had nothing truly concluding so far.

That morning, Shimmer was flying outside, not really wanting to stay in

a classroom today, and simply looked for things to do or if, per chance,

someone lost a coin that was free for taking. He spent a long time, flying

around the whole school, before returning towards Hagrid's hut.

The giant human wasn't in sight, and so he didn't thought about getting

closer, but when he flew close to the smoke coming out of the chimney,

he nearly dropped one meter in the air. What he smelled, was a very

distinctive smell, instantly getting all his attention. This was strange,

because the scent mixed in the smoke was familiar, as if he had an idea

of it's origin without being able to recall where he could have smell such

a scent. And then, there was a taint, a very, very faint trace of a very bad

smell that he also recalled.

A bit perplexed, he went to the hut's window, wanting to find out what

this was about, but was surprised by the curtains that stopped him from

looking in. He went to each window, and was surprised to see that all the

curtains were closed. With a small huff of annoyance, he took off, still

trying to remember about the two smells. The second one, the bad one,

was easier, he knew he faced it not long ago. The first and familiar one,

he was quite certain that he never had the chance to smell it before, yet

it still appeared familiar to him.

He entered the school and went to the classroom where Hermione was

supposed to be, with the very small human teacher. Then he had to wait,

perched on the ceiling beams of the corridor, until the door opened.

Thankfully, his wait was quickly over when the door was opened and a

small flow of students poured out, all going to the right. Taking his

chance as soon as he saw Hermione, he dropped from his perch,

surprising a few students, before flying straight in Hermione's face,

hovering on the spot.

"Oh, you're back already?" Happily asked Hermione, since they already

saw each other at breakfast.

"Hagrid. Smell good. Smell bad. Not know." He replied.

"What's he saying?" Wondered Ron.

"I don't know. We still have Potion class to go before lunch. We'll have to

go later, Shimmer." She told him.

Satisfied with that, Shimmer went after them to the Potion classroom,

where Snape frowned very slightly at the sight of Shimmer, since the

Slytherins, hence, Malfoy, were there too. He was concerned about how

the small dragon was around his godson, but since nothing happened

since their last interaction he pushed it aside. That didn't stop Shimmer

of reminding Malfoy that he wasn't liked by the dragon, who gave him a

small growl before he went next to Hermione, laying down on the ground

as he started cleaning his scales.

Busy as Shimmer was, he didn't gave any attention to the class except

when professor Snape came walking around Hermione's table, glancing at

the man but not doing more.

"Miss Granger." Said the strict professor.

"Yes, sir?"

"The Headmaster told me that your presence would soon be required in

his office, along with Shimmer. Do so at your earliest convenience." He

told her.

"Yes, sir." She agreed.

Their interactions went no further except for grading Hermione's potion,

and they soon found themselves in the Great Hall for lunch, which they

rushed a bit to have the time to go see Hagrid. She, Ron, Neville and

Shimmer came to Hagrid's hut and knocked on the door, only to be very

surprised by the unusual reply they got.

"Busy! Go away!" Shouted Hagrid from the inside.

"Hagrid? It's Hermione, Ron, Neville and Shimmer. Can we come in

please?" She asked, giving a small concerned look to her friends who only

shrugged in reply, not having a clue about what was going on.


The large footsteps of Hagrid echoed before he opened the door, his eyes

going straight to Shimmer who was tilting his head, already feeling the

scent double with the opened door.

"Come in, come in." He ushered them in, closing the door tightly behind


"Hagrid? What's going on?" Asked Ron.

Shimmer wasn't interested by the words. In the hut, the scent was quite

strong and he appreciated the far warmer temperatures than usual.

Walking around the group, he went to the chimney and started sniffing

around the fire, certain that the smell was coming from there, until he

looked up at a small thing attached over the fire. Not caring for the heat,

not bothering him in the slightest, he placed the small claws of his wings

on the edge of the perched thing and saw a small, oval thing.

The three students, as well as Hagrid, all watched him look around until

he stopped over the fire. The very smooth appearance of the thing and its

black colour was a bit surprising, but it was quite obviously an egg.

"What kind of egg is that?" Asked Neville.

"I know what it is." Affirmed Ron, amazed by the egg as he looked at

Hagrid. "But, how did you get one? It's illegal."

"Won it at a bar last night. It's previous owner wasn't interested." He

mumbled as he added coal on the fire.

"I think I saw one in my books about dragons." Said Hermione, starting to

recognise the egg.

"Not just any dragon. Its a Norwegian Ridgeback." Said Ron, still awed to

see such a rare breed of dragon.

"That it is." Confirmed Hagrid.

"Is?" Asked Shimmer, fervently sniffing around the egg as the smell was

so strong that he could only wonder why it was familiar. All the eggs he

ate before never had such a scent.

"It's a dragon egg." Replied Hermione with a small smile.

"Dragon? Shimmer?" He tried to confirm, eyes wide open as he started to

realise what it was.

"Yes, not like you, but another type of dragon. Which reminds me that we

still don't know what species you are." Answered Hermione before

mumbling to herself.

Eyes filled with wonder, Shimmer explored every side of the egg, trying

to memorise it. He couldn't ever remember seeing another dragon egg,

even any other dragon at all, but he was excited at the idea of meeting

another dragon.

But then, there was the bad scent. That close, it was unmistakable.

"Hermione." He called his friend.


"Smell. Bad human." He said, looking at the egg.

This instantly got Hermione's attention and, after making sure Hagrid

wouldn't hear her, lowered herself next to Shimmer.

"Are you talking about professor Quirrell?" She asked.

"Yes. Bad human. Quirrell."

She frowned heavily, wanting to discuss this more with Ron and Neville,

but couldn't do so with Hagrid standing right there. But that wouldn't

stop her to ask some questions.

"Hagrid? Why would someone have a dragon egg if its illegal?" She


"Don't know. That man was actually very interested in Cerberuses,

wanted to adopt one he said. So I told him I had Fluffy." Proudly

explained Hagrid, much to Hermione's consternation as she realised what

happened then.

"And what did you tell him about Fluffy?"

"Sorry, I can't tell you that." He stopped her.

"No, I'm not interested by what's in that room. Just Fluffy. Is he

dangerous? What does he like?" Hermione said, aware that she was

probably using the same tactic than Quirrell to get information out of


"Oh! Then it's alright, I guess. Fluffy's a bit boy, but he's all bark and no

bite. Sure, he could hurt you, but he's just like any dog." He answered.

"A dog with three heads." Said Ron to Neville, who nodded.

"Really? And, let's imagine, that he was angry with me. Is there

something that calms him down?" Continued Hermione.

"Well... lots of meat of course, makes him lazy. Or music. I've been

putting him to bed with a music-box since he was a cub, the big loaf falls

asleep with just that." Added Hagrid, using a large bellows.

"And you've said all of that to that man last night?"

"Sure did! The poor man knew some things, but he was no expert. He did

well to come to me." Said Hagrid, please of himself.

Hermione could only shake her head as she realised what happened, how

easily professor Quirrell bought Hagrid's informations on Fluffy with a

dragon egg. The large man's love for exotic creatures being well know in

the school.

She turned to Shimmer, still busy examining the dragon egg, wondering

if Quirrell would be able to go around Fluffy with what Hagrid told him.

She was also wondering if there might be something more to protect

whatever was in that room. A dog, no matter how many heads or how

big it is, must not be a hard challenge for a professor knowledgeable in

the Dark Arts.

"When will it hatch?" Asked Ron.

"Shouldn't be long. Need to be kept warm at all times. I'll sent you an owl

whenever it's ready." Replied Hagrid.

"Alright. Come on boys, we still have the afternoon classes."

With a small groan from Ron, they left the hut, with many, many things

to talk about.

"So Quirrell knows how to avoid Fluffy? But why would he be barmy

enough to even get close to one?" Wondered Ron.

"I don't know, but it has to be because of what's Fluffy keeping." Replied

Hermione, slightly frustrated that after so long, they still didn't know

what was inside that room.

"But Quirrell is the most scared professor of the whole school. I really

can't see him getting even close to that thing." Said Neville.

"It could be acting." Assured Hermione. "Though, now that I recall,

Dumbledore really didn't do anything since we talk with him. He said

that he would investigate."

"Yeah? Well he isn't doing anything at all. I'm pretty sure he just

dismissed us as soon as we were done." Replied Ron.

"That's not very wise." Said Hermione concerned.

"Dumbledore is a magical genius, but like Percy says, he's quite mad too."


The three stopped at that, turning around to see Shimmer retching

something half-digested in a small bush.

"Shimmer! That's disgusting!" Recoiled Hermione, trying to forget what

she just saw.

"Maybe he ate something in Hagrid's hut?" Suggested Neville, also not

comfortable at the sight.

"Bad meat." Said Shimmer once he was done, flying away with the

intention to find a better meal than the last one. He had wondered if

some of the weird creatures filled with magic had good taste. So that

morning, for breakfast, he found some magical, flying, small humanish

creature with blue skin, and ate it as the rest of these blue things fled in

terror. The magic part was delicious, the flesh, not so much.

"I never want to see that again." Muttered Hermione as the three students

walked back to the castle for their afternoon classes.

The next day was a Saturday, so Hermione was free to go see the

Headmaster early in the morning, accompanied by Shimmer. They

reached the stairs to Dumbledore's office, which were thankfully opened,

and they arrived in front of his office. The old Headmaster was busy

reading a letter when they came in and he quickly put it aside as he saw

who entered, a smile on his face.

"Ah! Miss Granger, Shimmer. Good to see you." He welcomed them.

"Good morning, sir." Politely greeted Hermione.

"Dumb door." Said Shimmer, landing on his office.

"Not quite there yet?" Dumbledore asked with a chuckle.

"Not yet." Agreed Hermione with a small sigh.

"I'm sure you'll have corrected him in no time. But he calling me names

isn't why I asked for you. You see, there is still one unsolved problem

around our dear Shimmer, this being all the coins and precious jewels he

took." Said Dumbledore.

"What should we do?" Asked Hermione, not really having considered that

problem. Honestly though? She had mostly forgotten about it.

"I wanted to ask if Shimmer could give the coins he took back to their

original owners."

Shimmer may not be the smartest dragon, nor the most well versed in

human speech, not knowing he actually was, but he understood what the

old man said. And he could only disagree with him. How mad could he

be? To ask for him to give away his hoard? That was madness!

"No! Shimmer coins!" He hissed at the Headmaster.

"Shimmer." Sighed Dumbledore. "I think Hermione told you already, that

taking coins is bad, right?"

"Yes." He said firmly, not seeing what was wrong with the coins he

already have.

"Except for the coins that someone gave to you, or that you found on the

ground, you need to give the rest back. It's bad to steal from others."

Continued Dumbledore.

"But. Shimmer sleep coins. Shimmer want coins. Need coins." He whined

and growled at the same time.

"Shimmer, professor Dumbledore is right. You need to give the coins

back." Gently said Hermione.

He mulled over the idea, but no matter how many times or how he

thought about it, the answer was still the same. He wouldn't give up his

coins, they were his and his only.


"Professor, what's going to happen if Shimmer doesn't give the coins

back?" Asked Hermione worried.

"I could take some of my personal funds to replace the money lost, but

I'm afraid this wouldn't be considered either fair or legal for the ministry.

Same for Hogwarts' funds. We do have a policy of reimbursing destroyed

items, and stolen ones can be recovered with magic, but I'm afraid that it

wouldn't work in Shimmer's case since he took so many from different

students." Explained Dumbledore who looked a bit more tired. "If they

can't be recovered, and the student's parents ask for a refund, I'll have no

choice but call the ministry, who will call the dragon reserve to take

Shimmer away and recover the stolen properties."

Hermione froze for a second, before realising that they couldn't let that

happen. Her brain went into overcharge as she tried to come up with a

way to convince Shimmer to give the money back. But she was

interrupted by Shimmer himself. He had to nearly burn his brain to recall

so many different words, but defending his hoard was worth it.

"If Shimmer no coins. No more coins. Shimmer go bye-bye. Go coins not


It felt like another stone dropped in Hermione's stomach. She wasn't

certain if Shimmer was bluffing or not, simply because he wasn't even

supposed to know that concept yet, but she knew he liked coins very

much. She could see him leaving if he had to lose his hoard. And that

was something she couldn't agree with.

"Professor Dumbledore! We can't-" She started to panic.

"Calm down, Miss Granger." Waved Dumbledore with a hand, silencing

the young student. "I do not want to see Shimmer leave too."

Taking a deep breath, Hermione looked at Shimmer who looked even

more adamant than usual. And that was with him having a dragon face,

not extremely expressive compared to humans.

"Shimmer." Continued Dumbledore. "All the coins that I gave you, that

Hermione gave you, you can keep them. They are yours. The Galleons are

yours. But the rest must be returned to the other students."

Knowing that he could keep the Galleons helped Shimmer calm down a

bit, but he was still very unsure about giving up the other coins. Even if

they were less interesting than the Galleons, he still wanted to keep


"Shimmer want coins." He whined.

"I know, young Shimmer, I know. But you must learn to do the right

thing. What you did, stealing from my students and staff, would normally

have you arrested and in prison." Explained Dumbledore.

"Prison?" He said, recalling what it was. He didn't like it. He still wanted

to keep his coins though. He made an effort to come up with a suitable

idea, something that wouldn't leave him losing. "Shimmer back coins.

Shimmer Galleon?"

"Negotiating now? Well I suppose it fits you." Laughed a bit Dumbledore

before taking a letter from a drawer. "Let me see... hmm, that would be

more beneficial for us."

"Professor?" Asked Hermione.

"Shimmer. If I give you one Galleon, will you give back the coins that you

stole?" Offered Dumbledore.

"Two Galleon." Instantly shot out Shimmer.

"From my list, what you stole doesn't equal to two Galleons. One Galleon

is already a lot you know."

Shimmer was partially convinced already. He didn't wanted to lose so

many coins. They made for a nice bed after all. But having one more

Galleon would be worth it. He would only have the Galleons, three

Sickles and some Knuts from Hermione. It wouldn't be that bad. Horrible,

sad and devastating, but still with one more Galleon.

"Shimmer okay." He nodded hardly, forcing himself to agree and keeping

the Galleon in mind.

"Perfect! Thank you Shimmer, you're taking a thorn out of my side."

Thanked Dumbledore happily.

"Excuse-me professor, but will the Galleon be coming from you?" Asked


"Don't worry, Miss Granger. I have plenty more to spare that are

currently useless to me. Not to brag, but being Hogwarts' Headmaster

pays well." He said with a smile.

"Oh. I understand."

"Shimmer? I will give you this Galleon once all the objects on my list

have been returned. Do you think you could do this today?"

"Yes!" Agreed Shimmer as he ran to the window, waiting for someone to

open it.

He spent the morning going back and forth a few times from his lair to

the old human, but at the end he was free to leave with a new Galleon.

His fourth one. He was saddened by the horrible sight of his hoard, his

bed, his everything, being almost naked against the ground, four

Galleons, three Sickles and thirty Knuts. Not enough for him to sleep on

entirely without touching the ground, but he would remake it. He would

be patient. No matter if he had to stay perched on the roofs of Hogwarts

waiting for someone to lose a coin, but he would get his hoard back.

The month of April went by quietly, with not much happening except a

few visits to see if the dragon in Hagrid's hut had hatched, but no success

yet. This did nothing to deter Hagrid, and the end of the month was

coming without sign of a small dragon. Smaller than Shimmer that is.

But finally, at lunch, they got an owl from Hagrid with only two words:

It's hatching.

The rest of the day was long, as they excitedly whispered between them

about the little dragon, with Shimmer being the most excited as soon as

Hermione got him to understand what was happening. Sadly, in their joy

and trepidation, they saw that one Drago Malfoy had heard nearly

everything being said.

That night, right after lunch, the four ran, or flew, outside toward

Hagrid's hut who opened it quickly, giving a small look behind them to

see if anyone else was coming before closing the door.

"Where is it?" Asked Ron ecstatic.

"Right on the table." Replied Hagrid, as they could all see the egg shaking

on the table.

Spreading out around it, they watched with excitement as the egg was

about to hatch. Shimmer was right next to it, taking a good space around

the egg with only Hagrid being the other one right next to it. It didn't

took much longer for a crack to appear on the egg, and withing a few

more seconds, it fell appart to reveal the creature inside it.

Awe, joy and a little bit of fear went through the three students. Hagrid

was in heaven, already cooing at the little dragon who was slipping a bit

on the shells of its egg.

And Shimmer was... surprised. Almost disappointed even. He expected to

see a dragon much like himself, and even if Hermione repeated many

times that it was another breed of dragon, he thought it would still look

like him. But no. This dragon had dark green scales that looked too

fleshy, a much rounder snout, and was perhaps three times smaller than


"Isn't he beautiful." Sighed Hagrid just as the dragon turned toward him.

"Bless him, look, he knows his mommy!"

The dragon's head snapped at him, curious. Hagrid brought one of his

large hands toward the small Norwegian Ridgeback but had to retreat it

promptly as it snapped at his fingers.

"Isn't it a bit dangerous?" Cautiously said Ron.

"Of course it is! His bite's poisonous and he can already breath fire. But

he would never hurt his mommy." Said Hagrid, trying again to pet the

little dragon.

The answer he got was a little puff of flames that burned part of his


That didn't made Shimmer happy at all. This young dragon wasn't being

taught anything but bad manners. He would have to fix that.

While Hagrid was busy extinguishing his beard, Shimmer stood next to

the small dragon and gave her a warning growl. He got one back in reply

but wasn't impressed by this hatching still covered by egg shells.

"What are they doing?" Asked Neville confused.

"Don't know. Shimmer, leaves Norbert alone. He's just a little baby."

Hagrid tried to shoo Shimmer away.

"Not boy. Girl." Replied Shimmer, having a staring, or rather glaring,

contest with the Norwegian Ridgeback.

"A girl? Oh well. Norberta it is then." Cheered Hagrid.

"He's lost his marbles." Whispered Ron to Neville, both admiring and

truly surprised by how Hagrid could sometime be so simple.

Shimmer didn't listen. He was busy making this hatchling understand

who was the strongest dragon around. He suddenly jumped in front of

Norberta and growled harshly. The newborn cowed before her elder,

taking a step back and retracting her neck as she let out a small whine,

submitting. Satisfied, he walked back to his spot on the side of the table,

content with watching from afar.

It all happened in front of the three students and Hagrid, who were a bit

tensed as they watched Shimmer seemingly attack, only to move back as

soon as Norberta submitted.

"Its a bit like dogs." Noted Ron. "Show who the boss is."

"It's actually a bit strange. I read that dragons didn't do well with

hatchlings that aren't their own." Added Hermione, glancing at Shimmer.

"What do you mean?" Asked Neville.

"It ends up with the hatchling killed. Sometimes eaten." She didn't said it,

but she was glad that Shimmer didn't do that. It would have been a

nightmare to make him understand how wrong it was.

"Bloody hell." Gasped Ron a bit green at the thought.

"Language." Said Hermione by reflex.

Hagrid was picking up a small slice of bacon and was about to give it to

her that she jumped toward the piece of bacon, nearly biting Hagrid as

she missed, not quite used to move around yet. No one got the time to

say anything that Shimmer was standing right above Norberta, snarling

and showing his teeth. That quickly brought Norberta to a perfect state of

immobility, waiting as Shimmer glared at her a little bit more before

moving back to let her stand up.

"He's gonna be a better parent then you." Joked Ron toward Hagrid.

"Well, he is a dragon. But I'm his mommy. You hear that Shimmer? I'm

his mommy." Hagrid tried to validate his point to Shimmer, who didn't


"What mommy?" He asked, looking around.

"Shimmer? We got that covered already." Said Hermione, knowing that

he should know what it meant.

"Hagrid. Not mommy. Mommy girl. Hagrid boy. Hagrid daddy." Surmised

Shimmer, quite certain of himself.

"I- that's very good Shimmer!" Praised him Hermione, petting his head,

happy to see he was remembering well as well as being capable more

complex reasoning.

"It's a figure of speech. I'm his daddy." Nodded Hagrid, understanding the

little dragon's mistake.

Purring under Hermione's hand, Shimmer turned to look at her, and just

as he did so, his eyes passed on an opened window. And the boy behind


Screeching loudly, scaring everyone, he leapt from his place on the table

to the window, making the boy fall.

"There's someone outside!" Realised Neville.

Rushing to the door, Ron and Hermione got the time to see the shape of

another student running away in the night, quickly vanishing in the

shadows of the night. But even that far away, it was impossible not to

recognise the very unique blond hair on the student's head. Closing the

door again, they looked at Hagrid that was positively ashen.

"Oh dear." He said, letting discouragement colour his voice.

Malfoy had seen the dragon.

"It was Malfoy." Sombrely said Ron.

"Do you think he'll tell a teacher?" Wondered Neville.

"Maybe?" Tentatively said Hermione. "Hagrid?"

"I- it's just, I don't want to lose Norberta." He said with a small tear in his


"He's already crazy about her." Said Ron impressed.

Shimmer was growling in his corner. He recognised both the face and the

name of the human boy, and was starting to be really angry at him. His

tail was lashing out angrily behind him, and in the middle of it all

Norberta was devouring her bacon without a care in the world, only

wary of those who might steal her bacon. At least, Shimmer thought, she

had the good reaction about keeping her food.

"What should we do?" Asked Neville.

"You've already done enough. It's already late, you should be in your

dormitory. Here, I'll give you a note." Firmly said Hagrid, standing up

and taking a large feather to write down a few words on a bit of


"Are you going to be okay?" Asked Hermione.

"Ay. I'll be fine. I'll see you tomorrow." He said, handing Hermione the


A bit forced out of the hut, the four friends made their way back to their

beds. Three humans toward the dormitory, one dragon to his hoard.

Shimmer was wondering if this new dragon, Norberta if he heard

correctly, would need to be shown how to get a proper hoard. He

wouldn't give her a single coin, not even to demonstrate anything, yet he

would happily go coin hunting with her. But there was one thing that

worried him a lot.

Hermione gave him coins almost everyday. She would do well not to do

the same with Norberta. He wouldn't share coins with her.


Hi! Valexto at the Keyboard!

Thanks a lot for the great reviews, as always! It's good to see the story

being appreciated.

Some of the ideas I see in the reviews are quite interesting. Some, like

Hoodedgenius98 's idea, are similar to some of the possibilities I have

either thought of or read. I hadn't thought yet of having Shimmer

guarding the stone, it would probably be efficient as no one would know

where to look at or even know that he has the stone, but getting it back

would indeed be a pain.

I should probably gather all the ideas I saw in the reviews, to not forget

about them. I could pass next to some great possibilities otherwise.

Today's chapter was supposed to be longer, but it's because I want to take

a bit more time for Shimmer and Norberta to interact with each other, so

this chapter is more about the birth of Norberta. And how Shimmer

reacted to her. Like this, I'll be free to make another chapter or two with


See you soon!

18. Chapter 18

I do not own nor possess any right over Harry Potter, all rights belongs to

J.K. Rowling.

Chapter 18

The next day, Shimmer came earlier than usual to Hermione's window.

"Good morning Shimmer." She welcomed him, putting on her robes.

"Hello. Shimmer. Hagrid. Dragon." He told her.

"I know, I know. But you can't talk about that, okay?" She whispered,

quickly looking at the door where Patil just left.


"It's a secret." She said as if it solved everything.

"What secret?"

"A secret means that you can't say it to anyone. Only me, Ron, Neville

and Hagrid. It's something that can't be shared with everyone." She


Oh! That was something new! Words only for some people! He found the

idea incredibly fun.

"Shimmer understand." He affirmed. "Shimmer bye-bye. Shimmer


"Alright, see you later." She said, pushing him gently in the air, closing

the window behind him.

Letting out a squeak of indignation, he flew down toward Hagrid's hut,

thinking about the little hatchling.

He had quite a lot to think about, and was still quite divided about it.

First, it was good that it was a female. Another male and he would have

had to defend his territory. It didn't meant that females didn't had

territories of their own, but he preferred not to have to share it with a


Second, Hagrid being the one to take care of the hatchling. While

Shimmer didn't know much about hatchlings, he thought the idea of

Hagrid trying to take care of it quite ridiculous. He himself survived on

his own for quite literally forever, so he couldn't see any upside to this.

Even worse, the hatchling wouldn't learn much with Hagrid feeding her

and coddling her. She needed to learn how to catch her own prey, how to

survive, how to be a dragon. How could she become any of this with a

giant human? He simply couldn't see it.

Third, what would this leave him? Having another dragon around meant

sharing the food, the territory, the humans, but worse, the coins. If

Norberta remained, then he would not get as many coins as before. This

he knew, and he couldn't accept it. If she wanted coins, she would have

to do it on her own. He wouldn't teach her how to get any and would...

dissuade the humans from giving her any.

Landing near one of the large house's windows, he knocked a few times

with his head until he saw movement inside.

"Shimmer! Come in." Welcomed him Hagrid, opening the window for


"Hello. Shimmer. Dragon. Norberta." He replied.

"Ay, ay. She's resting right here." Pointed the giant.

Indeed, Norberta was currently resting between a few rocks disposed like

a bed, right next to the fire that kept her warm. She was awake, looking

at Shimmer with a slightly wary look. That was good, thought Shimmer,

happy to see that she wasn't too coddled yet and still mindful of her


Walking closer, he stopped right in front of Norberta, who shrank slightly

in submission, all under the supervision of Hagrid. The giant was indeed

careful of Shimmer, the books he read were quite clear that adult dragons

often attacked hatchlings that weren't their. Even if it went rather well

yesterday, he was still cautious.

"I'll get you something to eat." He said, turning around and getting one of

the bags of meat, starting to cut some small slices with his knife.

Bending down, Shimmer gave a few curious sniffs at Norberta, who did

the same, both getting used to the smell of the other. It was quite

surprising for Shimmer, because he recognised her smell as one of a

dragon, like his, but at the same time it was different of a few levels. First

was the fact that she was female, then that she was a hatchling, and

lastly that her smell of being a dragon wasn't like his. He was quite

curious, since she was the first other dragon that he met.

Norberta was a bit better than last night, cleaned of the eggshells and the

flew fluids that covered her back then. But he still found her appearance

slightly unsettling, so different that his own. He wasn't quite sure what to

think about that.

"Come here." Called Hagrid.

Turning around, Shimmer used his wing to jump on the table, ready to

have his meat. Norberta stood up, following him before trying to jump

too, only to barely leave the ground for a few centimeters. Shimmer

knew she was young, but it was truly pitiful to see this hatchling fail. He

doubted she would survive on her own.

He was interrupted by the slice of meat placed before him and he dug in

with gusto, while keeping an eye on Norberta. She was still trying, but

clearly wouldn't succeed anytime soon.

Hagrid had just cut another slice for Norberta, and was about to pick her

up, that Shimmer jumped between them, growling at Hagrid.

"Now, now Shimmer. I don't want to hurt her." Tried to reassure Hagrid.

"No. Norberta. Learn." He refused.

"Learn? She's too young to do anything. That's why I'm here to take care

of her." Happily replied Hagrid, trying to go around Shimmer.

"No! Norberta learn! Norberta not learn, Norberta bad dragon." He

countered, still growling, placing himself before Hagrid again.

"She's too young. And you're quite special yourself." Sighed the half-giant.

"Special?" Stopped Shimmer, not knowing that word.

"Different? Unique? Other dragons are not like you. For one, they don't

talk." Explained Hagrid.

Was it true? Was he so much better than the rest of dragons? He was

divided between preening before the praise, and being ashamed of the

idiocy of the rest of his kind. But the biggest thing, was that he was

apparently the only one to talk. He didn't understand why, talking wasn't

easy, but he managed to learn it quite quickly. This also brought another



"Don't know. You're different Shimmer, that's all I know. But Norberta

needs someone to take care of her. Do you think she could catch a rabbit

like that?" Asked Hagrid, pointing at Norberta who was trying to go

around Shimmer too, only to be pushed back by his tail.

"No." He conceded, seeing that the size difference wouldn't let her catch a

prey as small as a rabbit easily. But there were others. "Bird?"

"She can't fly yet. Give her a few days, she'll get there. Now, please move

aside." Waved Hagrid.

Reluctantly, Shimmer jumped back on the table as Hagrid finally gave his

slice of meat to Norberta, who caught it between her sharp teeth and

quickly getting started on her meal. Shimmer really had a hard time

understanding why Norberta was so different. Why couldn't she fly now?

Why was she so weak? Was she a bad hatchling, unfit to survive?

Why was he so different?

He didn't know, and he had no idea what to do to find out the answer.

"Hagrid. Shimmer good. Kill, eat good. Norberta not kill, Norberta bad?"

He asked.

"No. She's too young. Doesn't mean she's bad. You know all the students

who eat in the castle?" Replied Hagrid, sitting in his large chair.

"Yes." He understood even if he had to process all the words for a few

seconds to figure it out.

"They don't kill. Hermione don't kill and she's not bad." Tried to explain

Hagrid, aware of the dragon's difficulties in language.

"Hermione not bad." Agreed Shimmer. But he always wondered where

the food came from. "Where meat?" He asked.

"This one?" Asked Hagrid, pointing at the bags near the table.

"No. Who kill meat humans?"

"Ah. Other humans, far away. They take care of fields, orchards, herds of

cows. Human can kill, but not all of them do. Young humans don't."

Huh. So the meat was still coming from preys killed by humans. Weird

how he never thought much about it before. Hermione always said that

the food came by magic, so he believed her. After all, he thought that the

meat was coming out of nowhere.

Norberta walked around a little bit before biting down on Hagrid's shoes,

which were thankfully not of the feet of their owner.

"Hey! Norberta, come here." Called Hagrid, not harshly at all. If anything,

he sounded a bit proud of her even if he was trying to reprimand her.

He obviously got no reaction, and Shimmer had anticipated that. If the

other dragons were really as stupid as he thought, then there was only

one way that Norberta would understand.

Quickly descending from the table, he rushed at the little hatchling who

tried to get away but Norberta wasn't even fast enough to try. He opened

his jaw and bit down on her neck, not hard enough to seriously hurt her,

but enough to make her understand that she wasn't allowed to do that.

He growled at her hard as she started to squeal and trash around, and

applied slightly more pressure until she stopped.

"Shimmer! Let her go!" Commanded Hagrid who had jumped after them,

standing right next to Shimmer with a very concerned frown on his head,

hands reaching toward them but getting any closer. He didn't want to risk

Norberta's life.

Not listening to Hagrid, even though he clearly understood him, Shimmer

kept his position a few more seconds before releasing Norberta. She

slowly turned around and gave him a few licks on the chest and

shoulders, attempting to appease him and submitting to the stronger


Letting out a very, very loud sigh, Hagrid bent down, which was

apparently a bit hard for him to do, and gave a look at Shimmer just as

Norberta turned toward him.

"That wasn't nice, Shimmer. Norberta is just a baby, she's just discovering

the world. It's okay if she wants to gnaw on my shoes." Tried to explain

Hagrid, checking over Norberta and relieved to find no wounds on her


"Not good. Bad learn." Started Shimmer, obviously more knowledgeable

on dragons than the big human before him. "Shimmer good dragon. Good

learn. Shimmer learn Norberta."

"I get it, Shimmer. But, as much as I appreciate you helping, I'm not sure

if that's the right way to do this. And you teaching Norberta is good, but

attacking her is not."

Shimmer frowned, not really liking Hagrid's way to handle the hatchling.

But who was he to judge? He didn't really care for Norberta. He had been

curious about learning about other dragons, but found himself

disappointed. And if Hagrid wanted to teach Norberta how to be a

dragon himself, no matter how much Shimmer thought it was a terrible

idea that would result in a weak, unfit for survival Norberta, he would let

the half-giant have his ways.

He flew to the window, wanting to go eat on his own and find coins. This

appeared to sadden Hagrid, even if Shimmer didn't know why.

"I didn't mean to insult you, Shimmer. Sorry if I made you angry." Said

Hagrid, opening the window.

"Shimmer not angry." He replied, even if it didn't convinced Hagrid.

Free to go, he went high in the sky, flying over Hogwarts and going

toward the greener forest where he knew easy preys were hiding.

Hermione had lectured him once she heard what he did to Norberta, but

he adamantly refused to apologised. After all, he knew better than

humans how to take care of a hatchling. Hermione, noticing how he

wasn't bulging on that, gave up and instead tried to explain how human

children were raised.

It was quite interesting. He learned that Humans aged slowly, that most

would never kill anything in their life even if they ate meat, that humans

spent years learning about how to be adult, like Hermione was doing

right now, and that once they were adult, they would find a job for the

rest of their life. Until they were too old to work.

Shimmer was very happy to complete his knowledge of humans, and

delighted that he could understand his friend a bit more, but was still

confused by a few of the things she said. For exemple, he simply couldn't

understand the concept of jobs. In his mind, he just had to go find food,

eat, find coins, sleep and then start again. But humans? They apparently

found or created these things called 'jobs', working for themselves or

other humans. The reason why made sense, since they got coins for

working. He vaguely compared them to bees and ants, doing something

together, with each specialised for some jobs, to earn something at the

end while perpetuating their race.

Another thing he couldn't really get his head around the fact that humans

needed to learn how to be adults. And that it took years. He thought that

showing a hatchling how to survive was enough, since he himself

managed to survive on his own with no one showing him how to do

anything, and couldn't comprehend that humans needed so long to

become adults.

On the contrary, he was completely amazed by how humans managed to

capture preys, gather them in once place, teach them to be docile and

used to their presence, to better eat them later. How cunning! He knew

he couldn't do that, and despite being reluctant to admit it, humans were

far better than him at keeping food for them.

Back to Norberta's education, if Hagrid and Hermione said his methods

and ideas were wrong, then he wouldn't interfere.

Not much.

He was still quite curious about the hatchling.

So he went to see her, visiting Norberta the next three days, before he

noticed something. Norberta was growing.

Since it took so long for him to reach his actual size, he hadn't expected

her to start growing so soon. It wasn't an impressive growth, but enough

to be noticeable. He asked Hagrid, who answered that Norberta would

grow very quickly for the first few weeks of her life, before stabilising for

a few months. And then she would grow again.

"Big?" He repeated what Hagrid had said when he confronted the half-

giant about Norberta's growth.

"Very big. Once adult, she should grow to ten meters long." Jovially

replied Hagrid.

To reach around ten meters long.


Once Shimmer understood how long she would be, because he didn't

know what a meter was and Hagrid had to explain, mainly by measuring

with his hands, it shocked him so much that he froze for a little while,

and then flew straight to see Hermione in panic. He didn't know exactly

where to find her, so he barged in a couple of classes, angering a few

human teachers, especially the tall one covered in black who threatened

to turn him into a coat if he didn't leave, before finally finding Hermione

and the other two humans males in the room all the young humans

wearing red gathered. He barged in by a window, breaking it, making

everyone jump in fright.

"What the-!"


"Bloody hell!"

"Shimmer!" Screamed Hermione amongst all the shouts, sitting on one of

the sofas.

"Hermione! Why Shimmer not big?!" He nearly screeched in her face,

landing right before her.

"Shimmer! Not so loud!" She complained, bringing her hands to cover her


"Why Shimmer not big?!" He repeated at a slightly lower volume.

"Some dragons are small, some are big." She sort of shrugged, not

understanding why he was so unnerved. "What's going on?"

"Norberta small. Shimmer not small, Big. Hagrid... Hagrid speak,

Norberta later, big! Shimmer not big! Why?!" He continued, much to the

confusion of Hermione, and every other student in the room that was

trying to understand.

A small mix of shock and worry washed over Hermione's face, right

before she lowered herself to his level, whispering.

"It's a secret Shimmer! You can't speak of Norberta." She reminded him.

"Shimmer not big! Why?!"

"You understand something?" Asked Ron, standing next to Hermione.

"Not at all." She replied. "Shimmer, you were with Hagrid, right?"

"Hagrid speak! Norberta later big. Shimmer not later. Not big!" Replied

the dragon, not helping her much.

"Should we go see Hagrid?" Suggested Neville, as confused as everyone


"I don't think we have a choice." Sighed Hermione, standing up.

Almost pushed by Shimmer, the three students were led outside by a

frantic dragon, much to the surprise of the other students, before they

reached Hagrid's hut.

"Hagrid? Are you there?" Asked Ron as he knocked on the door.

"Come in!" Came the gruff reply.

They entered to see Norberta, maybe two centimeters taller than when

she hatched, happily munching on a bone with some meat left on it.

Shimmer flew right next to them, landing on the table and frantically

moving his head between Hagrid and Norberta.

"Hagrid speak. Norberta big later. Shimmer not big. Why? Not

understand?" He said quickly.

"Hmm, Hagrid? Do you know what he's talking about?" Asked Hermione.

"I sure do. He came earlier this morning, noticed how Norberta was

bigger than before. I explained that she was growing, and he ran away

right after that." He explained.

"How big will she get?" Asked Neville.

"Should be around ten meters long." He shrugged, giving a look of

parental love to Norberta.

"Ten meters?!" Shrieked Neville.

"Hagrid, how are you going to hide a ten meter long dragon?" Calmly

asked Hermione, even as she was trying to figure out if Hagrid wasn't a

little bit insane.

"She won't be that long before a year. She may be two or three meters

long in a week, maybe two." Hagrid tried to reassure them.

That did nothing to comfort the three students, and Shimmer still had no

answer to his question.

"Hermione! Why Shimmer not big?"

"I- well, dragons can grow up to different sizes, depending on the species.

Do you know how old you are?" She asked, suddenly realising that she

didn't know how old he was.

"Shimmer... one... two... three...four...five...six...seven...eight...nine...ten...

Shimmer is ten long sleep." He answered after taking a long time to recall

the numbers.

"Ten years old? My, you should be grown up already." Said Hagrid


"Should be?" Asked Ron.

"Aye. Shimmer's growth isn't over yet. See his horns? If he was an adult,

they would be twice as long. And his body would probably be a bit

bulkier too." Explained the half-giant, pointing at the nervous dragon.

"Right." Considered Hermione as she started to piece together Shimmer's

worries. "Shimmer, you... are worried that Norberta will be bigger than


"Yes! Shimmer not big. Not good." He stated as a fact, a little big angry

and frustrated.

"Oh, Shimmer." She cooed with a small smile, petting his head gently.

"It's not important. It doesn't matter if you're big or not."

"Shimmer want big!" He sternly replied, even if he was starting to be

mollified by the movements of her hand.

"You're not an adult. You still-"

"Shimmer not small Norberta!" He spat.

"Let me finish. I'm not saying you're an hatchling, but you can still grow

up." She said patiently, knowing how hard it was to teach him some


He mulled over what she just said for a few seconds, before coming up

with a comforting conclusion.

"Shimmer big later?" He asked.

"Yes. I don't know how much, but I'm sure you will grow up a bit more."

She smiled at him.

"So all of this was because he didn't wanted to be small?" Said Ron a bit


"Looks like." Mumbled Neville.

Pointing her little head from where she was, Norberta reached Hagrid's

feet, and she was just about to pounce on them that a loud, dangerous

growl echoed in the hut. Everyone froze, especially Hermione who was

next to Shimmer as he snarled toward the hatchling, not expecting that.

"Calm down, Shimmer. What's wrong with you today?" Asked Hermione,

retreating her hand away from Shimmer. She knew he didn't wanted to

hurt her, but she was still prudent.

"He did that a few days ago." Grumbled Hagrid, not happy to see how

Shimmer was intimidating Norberta, before sternly addressing the golden

dragon. "Stop that Shimmer."

Looking at the big man for a second, barely acknowledging him,

Shimmer growled a little more to make his point clear, waiting until

Norberta walked away from Hagrid's shoes before relenting.

"That's scary." Noted Neville, cowed by the intensity of the growl. Even if

it hadn't be directed toward him.

"Awesome you mean!" Instantly replied Ron in a whisper of awe.

"You shouldn't do that Shimmer. Norberta needs to learn, but there is no

need for violence. We already talked about that." Reminded Hermione to

her draconic friend, a little scowl on her forehead.

"Shimmer dragon. Understand dragon. Know dragon. Hermione not

dragon. Not know dragon." He simply replied, still keeping an eye on

Norberta who went around the table and intrigued by the warmth of the


"Use 'is', Shimmer. Hermione is not a dragon. And yes, we are not

dragons, that much is true-" Agreed Hermione.

"That would be awesome though." Cut her Ron.

"-but we know a lot about dragons." She finished with a small glare at

Ron who completely missed it.

"No. Hermione is human. Know human. Shimmer is dragon. Know

dragon." He persisted.

"It's endless." Sighed Hermione. "No matter what I say, he isn't listening."

"He has a point." Said Neville, blushing as everyone looked at him. "I

mean, he is a dragon, so, it makes sense that he knows how to raise a

dragon. No?"

"We have many books about dragons. We know them better than they

know themselves." Pushed Hermione, feeling slightly insulted that her

knowledge was being disregarded so easily.

"Now, I wouldn't say that, Hermione." Said Hagrid. "Even today, dragons

remain quite mysterious creatures. I know that they're still studied a lot,

despite many wizards saying that we already know enough to control


"Hermione know dragon good. Shimmer know dragon good good." Said

Shimmer, starting to get a bit confused by all the humans were saying.

"Listen, Shimmer. I understand that you want to do good. But please, let

us do this." Asked Hagrid.

Just as he always thought, Shimmer had no problems with that. He could

already see that the cuddling Hagrid gave the hatchling would make her

unbearable very soon. She was growing and didn't show any sign of

starvation, so he knew that she would survive as long as Hagrid fed her,

but without the strict watch and intransigent attitude of an adult dragon,

it was clear that Norberta wouldn't listen to the humans soon. Maybe

even him, if she kept growing until the day where she would challenge


They wanted to raise a weak and turbulent hatchling? Then it was their


Snorting a bit in frustration, he turned to his friend.

"Hermione, coin." He demanded.

"I- sure." Hermione replied, reaching for a Knut in her pockets, a bit

surprised by the sudden change of attitude of her friend.

Taking his due, he went to the door and waited for Hermione to open it.

She did so with a worried expression on her face, sharing a glance with

her friends and Hagrid beforehand. Hermione was slightly concerned that

she may have offended him, even if she truly thought that his method of

being agressive with Norberta was wrong. She wanted to listen to him,

but when she thought about what the books about dragon said, she knew

that Shimmer couldn't know that much about dragons.

Not waiting any longer for the nightmare that would become that

hatchling, he flew up to his hoard, slightly happy to at least have a coin

for his troubles, leaving behind a small group of four humans and a little

dark green dragon who found it interesting to tear through one of the

bags of meat.


Hi! Valexto at the Keyboard!

That was a tough chapter to write, mainly because I spent so much time

reading other stories, and because I have to think about the next


Just a little clarification, Shimmer thinks he's ten years old, when he's

actually eleven, because he doesn't remember that he was already one

year old when he became a dragon.

I have three ideas for the next chapter.

It can follows the canon story, with Ron being bitten by Norberta and

having to send Norberta to the dragon reserve.

Or, Norberta is revealed to the teachers, who come to the conclusion to

send Norberta to the reserve too, but with this there is no reason to have

Hermione, Ron, Neville, Shimmer and Draco go into the forbidden forest.

Or, Norberta gets to stay, most likely in the forbidden forest.

Realistically, it would be very hard for Norberta to stay in Hogwarts, as

Norwegian Ridgebacks are very agressive even against their own kind, so

Humans would be easy preys.

Still thinking about how I'm going to do this, I'll take more time than I

thought to make the next chapter.

What do you think? Which idea sounds best? Or do you have your own


I need to check the last reviews, I think someone said something

interesting about Norberta.

See you soon!

19. Chapter 19

I do not own nor possess any right over Harry Potter, all rights belongs to

J.K. Rowling.

Chapter 19

It was two days later, with a happy Hagrid and a slightly bigger Norberta

busy trying to flap her wings, that Shimmer finally heard a great news!

"Dragons don't collect coins, tis a myth." Nonchalantly said Hagrid.

"You're the only one doing that."

"Norberta no coin?" He asked, flabbergasted.

"No. She might be curious about it, but she wouldn't try to collect coins."


If other dragons truly couldn't see the beauty of coins, gold and jewels,

then Shimmer didn't want to be associated with them. Other dragons

were truly dumb.

"Shimmer... not understand." Sighed Shimmer, not quite sure what to feel

about all of this. At least he wouldn't have to share coins with Norberta.

"Don't think too much about it, you're- hey! Norberta. No, no, no." Started

Hagrid until he saw Norberta using her claws to climb on a chair,

spreading her wings and ready to jump.

"Is good." Said Shimmer, a bit satisfied to see Norberta do things on her


"She could hurt herself!" Countered Hagrid, stepping toward Norberta.

The hatchling jumped from her chair, wings opened wide, and barely got

the time to fall down before Hagrid's large hands caught her. Sighing in

relief, Hagrid brought her close to his chest where she started attacking

his beard.

"Aouch! No, Norberta. Don't pull!" He said as he kept her in his hands,

bringing her back down on the ground.

Shimmer watched it happen with a disappointed look. Why couldn't

Hagrid and Hermione listen to him, he didn't know, but it was plainly

obvious to him that Norberta was barely listening to Hagrid. Shimmer

wasn't even sure if she knew her own name.

Stupid thing.

But, she was growing, quickly, just like Hagrid said, and with all the food

being gifted to her Shimmer had doubts she would become a good

huntress. Again, not his problem, but he didn't want to see her die so


So he got an idea. He watched for a few times Hagrid leave the hut or

open his windows, careful of how he did it, and once he was sure of his

plan, waited for Hagrid to leave. Which didn't take long, as Hagrid was

the gamekeeper of the school and was understandably busy with many

chores through the day.

And as soon as he left him and Norberta alone, Shimmer flew at one of

the windows and unlatched it, leaving it open for him and Norberta. He

tried to have her follow him by commands, growling and hissing, but he

was starting to consider her really stupid since she didn't do anything

except be wary of him. Exasperated, he caught her in his claws and,

despite her thrashing around and even attempting to bite him, lifted her

in the air and took her outside.

She wasn't big enough that he couldn't carry her, but she was already

quite heavy and her frenetic attempts of getting away from him forced

Shimmer to fly as fast as possible to the safe forest, not the dangerous

one. As soon as he landed, feeling his wings being a bit sore, Norberta

lunged at him.

He let out a small growl at her attack, having expected something like

that, and quickly used his larger size and more developed body to force

her to submit. They rolled around in the grass a bit, trying to bite and

claw at each other's throat and head as they growled and hissed. But he

was the older one, stronger and more experienced, and he managed to

tackled her on her stomach, effectively rendering her incapable of

sticking back.

As soon as she saw her defeat coming, Norberta let out panicked

whimpers, accepting the victory of Shimmer. Taking a few seconds to

catch his breath, he bit down again on her neck along with a warning

growl to not start again, and he stood up to let her go.

He was already starting to regret getting involved.

They walked up for a little while, Norberta quite curious about this brand

new world and stopping at nearly anything that caught her interest,

much to Shimmer's exasperation. But he froze on the spot when he heard

what he was looking for, Norberta imitating him instantly.

Crawling on the ground, he slowly made his way through the bushes as

silently as possible, Norberta right on his tail, until a small opening in the

foliage revealed his target. A small rabbit, young and inexperienced, just

like Norberta. He waited for her to see it too, and then he let her go. He

wouldn't show her how to hunt, she should already know, but he was

willing to at least bring her to a prey that she should be able to catch

without problem.

And Norberta required no prodding to act, silently and slowly walking

around the bushes to get closer to the rabbit who was still unaware of the

danger lurking around it. Shimmer had to concede it, Norberta was doing

a good job at being stealthy.

She soon reached another bush and stopped there, having closed the

distance between the rabbit and her at its maximum. From there, she

would only have to be quick and efficient, go for the throat in a single

rush and kill the rabbit before it even had a chance to flee. Easy and

simple, so he wasn't worried.

Yet, Norberta still ended up disappointing him.

She rushed out of the bush with a quick jump of her legs, and spat a

small stream of fire that completely missed the rabbit. Now quite aware

of the threat, it wasted no time and with only a couple of very quick

jumps and bursts, disappeared in the forest, leaving behind a Norberta

blinded by her the fire before her. The fire didn't touch anything, so at

least they wouldn't have to worry about that, but it blocked her view of

the rabbit. And once she stopped, she was surprised to see her prey gone.

Norberta started to go after it, but it was already too late. Getting out of

his hideout, he growled at her in frustration. How could she have thought

that fire would be a good idea, he didn't know, but he was frustrated and

disappointed. He walked up next to her and nipped her on the neck.

"Bad Norberta. No fire." He growled.

She cowed a bit, but it was very clear she failed to understand what he


He was quite angry at her for missing such an easy kill. Sure, it would

have been easier in-

Shimmer nearly smacked his head in the ground as he realised that he

forgot the most important aspect of hunting for a dragon: attacking from

above. He knew that Norberta wasn't flying yet, but she had been trying

for a few days now, stopped only by Hagrid. She was probably ready to

learn. And once she would know how to fly, diving down on a rabbit

would be as easy as taking a coin from a human baby.

Since Norberta was not as brilliant and great as him, incapable of talking,

and apparently not experienced enough to hunt on her own, he had to

growl at her for her to follow. Once she got it, he went to a relatively

small tree and used his claws to quickly climb on its trunk, reaching the

closest branch and sitting there. Norberta watched him go up and he

nodded for her to do the same. She thankfully didn't need more

commands and she got close to the base of the tree, looking at the trunk

for a couple of seconds before jumping like he did.

It didn't went as well, but he couldn't expect a hatchling to succeed at

everything, especially on her first attempt. She fell down after planting

the claws of her back legs in the trunk, not using her fore-claws as well.

She quickly collected herself and tried again, this time managing to

actually climb the trunk only to fall down again at its middle.

Shimmer patiently watched her go, trying to remember if he was ever

that bad at climbing trees, but his memories weren't very clear about this.

He mainly did the same thing every day for nearly ten years after all.

But after a couple of minutes, Norberta finally managed to reached the

branch he was resting on. She did looked a bit tired already, and he

thought that perhaps Hagrid was trying to make her fat like he was, but

he didn't gave it much attention. Norberta walked up next to him and, as

soon as she was within reach, he pushed her off the branch.

She growled at his move but it quickly became a scream as she fell.

He watched, with no hate, no animosity, no curiosity, as she fell,

expecting her to open her wings at any seconds she got closer to the

ground. He was only doing what was right, helping her learning how to

fly. After all, if she wasn't good enough to fly, then she wouldn't be a real


She was flailing around, not opening her wings as she was supposed to,

and still letting out a shrill of fear as the distance between her and the

hard dirt beneath shrank.

And yet, she ended up hitting the ground hard, her scream momentarily

cut as her lungs were forced to exhale all the air the had, before she

started to whimper and cry, not moving much.

Sighing at the poor instincts of the hatchling, yet sympathetic to her pain,

Shimmer jumped from the branch and flew down to land right next to

Norberta. It didn't took more than a glance at her left wing to see a most

unnatural bent, along with a few drops of blood that made it very clear

she was no longer capable to fly.

"Norberta bad. Fall. No fly." He said, disappointed in her flying

capabilities. But he wasn't about to abandon her like he probably should,

since having a broken wing was pretty much a death sentence. No, he

would bring her back to Hagrid, since she was his. Or maybe Hermione

knew better? She was better with dragons than Hagrid, that was for sure.

In his opinion, that was.

Not caring much about her suffering, he picked her up in his claws again,

ignoring the short, pained shrill and the bite that she tried to gave him,

and took off toward Hogwarts. He had to stabilize himself several times,

as Norberta never stopped thrashing and trying to bit him, but since she

wasn't doing much damages he simply kept going until he reached

Hagrid's hut.

He stopped before the window, hovering in front of it, and quickly

concluded that Hagrid hadn't returned yet. Ir maybe he was searching for

them somewhere else. It didn't matter much, and Shimmer simply went

to Hogwarts to find Hermione. More than one head turned toward him as

he flew in the corridors, the students used to see him, but far less

accustomed to the angry dark green dragon in his claws, and gave him a

wide berth as he went from the empty great hall to the Gryffindor tower

before going back down.

It was just as he took a turn toward one of the classrooms, that he

noticed Hermione and her friends walking away with their backs looking

at him.

"Hermione!" He called.

She turned around, slightly surprised, but that soon changed to horror as

she saw who he had between his claws.

"Shimmer?! What is Norberta doing here?!" She whispered harshly, not

really doing a good job of hiding Norberta as many other Gryffindor

students stared at the second dragon.

"Norberta not fly. Shimmer help. Norberta fly bad." He replied, dropping

Norberta before them as she screamed again, curling up around herself.

"I- what?" Hermione stopped herself, looking for a few seconds at

Norberta and noticing the blood and obviously broken wing. "What have

you done Shimmer?"

"Shimmer help." He simply replied, not seeing the problem.

"If that's him helping, then I don't want to see him attacking."

Commented Ron, giving Shimmer a slightly worried look.

"Oh Shimmer, what am I doing to do with you?" Lamented Hermione.

"Maybe we should bring Norberta to Madam Pomfrey? She really doesn't

look good." Said Neville, more concerned for Norberta.

"But... what should we tell her? She'll know we hid the truth!" Started to

panic Ron.

"Then we tell her the truth. That Norberta is Hagrid's dragon. I'm sure we

won't get in trouble for bringing Hagrid's dragon to the infirmary."

Suggested Hermione, ever the more thoughtful one.

"But she will ask why she never heard of Norberta before, and then she'll

know that we lied to hide her!" Ron continued.

"That's not true. We never lied, since no one ever asked us about

Norberta." Corrected Hermione.

"That's true." He conceded, slowly calming down.

"We should hurry up, I don't think Norberta likes being hurt." Said


"Oh! Right. Let's go. Neville, could you carry her?" Hermione said,

turning toward the infirmary.

"W-what? No! She'll bite me!" He fearfully replied.


"Nah, I have to agree with Neville, I'm not carrying to dangerous, injured

dragon." He adamantly refused.

Sighing at their unwillingness, and herself not wanting to carry the

clearly angry Norberta, Hermione turned to the only one who could do it.

Even if it wasn't a great idea.

"Shimmer, can you take her please?" She asked her draconic friend.

"Yes." He instantly replied, picking up Norberta who instantly tried to

bite him.

"See what I mean?" Added Ron.

"Yes, yes. Let's go."

The trip to the hospital wing was short, but punctuated by the many

growls and pained whimpers of Norberta, clearly not being carried well

by Shimmer who didn't really thought about it. But as soon as they came

in the infirmary, they were met with a stern look from Madam Pomfrey

who was busy taking a look at a bandaged arm of an older Ravenclaw


"Don't run in my infirmary! Why are you here?" She asked sternly,

flicking her wand around the students arm that moved a little in reaction.

"Sorry to bother you Madam Pomfrey, but Hagrid's dragon is hurt. She

broke her wing." Started Hermione with an apology.

That was enough to make the old woman blank for a second, but she

recovered surprisingly quickly.

"Excuse-me, what did you say?"

"Shimmer, put Norberta here please." Instructed Hermione, putting a

hand on a nearby bed. Shimmer obeyed and soon Norberta was freed

from his grasp, once again busy trying to lick her wounded wing. "This is

Hagrid's dragon Norberta. Her wing is broken and we wanted to know if

you could help her."

The old healer gave Norberta a quite distrustful look, as well as a short

one toward Shimmer, before focusing on the older student still standing

before her.

"You're good to go, so get back in class. I have a lot to do." She ordered,

and the Ravenclaw didn't stay a second longer, before she focused on

Norberta. "I will need Professor Snape's help with this, healing dragons is

far different from humans and magic is often inefficient on them. You, go

get professor Snape, tell him that I want him here with a Wound-

Cleaning potion, a potion of Dreamless Sleep, some Essence of Dittany

and a Skelegrow potion." She said, pointing at Neville.

The poor boy quickly looked between his friends and the old matron, and

with a small whimper, not wanting to get even close to the Potion

teacher, turned toward the dungeons where he knew he would be hashed

out for interrupting Professor Snape's class.

"Now, tell me what happened." Madam Pomfrey asked in a no-nonsense


"Well, we don't really know, Shimmer brought her like that." Squirmed

Hermione under the matron's gaze. "Shimmer, can you tell us what


"Shimmer take Norberta. Norberta not fly. Take Norberta fly. Norberta no

fly. Fall." He tried to explain.

"What is this gibberish?" Asked Madam Pomfrey.

"I think, he went to teach her to fly? And then she fell? I'm not sure, he

doesn't know that many words yet." Apologised Hermione.

"Hmph! Then she's probably lucky to be alive, she looks quite young. And

you said she was Hagrid's?"

"Yes." Nodded Ron.

"Then maybe you should go find him. He knows more than me about

magical creatures."

Not waiting to get another mission, Ron ran out of the infirmary in hopes

to find Hagrid.

"Well, at least she isn't chocking or coughing, which is good." Noted

Madam Pomfrey.

"She's just a few weeks old, mam."

"And you know this how?" Asked Madam Pomfrey with a raised eyebrow.

"...Hagrid invited us to see her hatch." Hermione shylily replied.

"I see." She said before sighing. "That man's carelessness will be the death

of me. Please keep an eye on her, I have a message to send."

Hermione and Shimmer watched as Madam Pomfrey went into her office,

followed by a small flash of green light.

Now alone, Hermione turned toward her friend, intending to know

exactly what happened.

"Shimmer, you must tell me what happened." She sternly said.

"Norberta fly bad. Shimmer take Norberta, hunt, fly. Norberta bad hunt.

Shimmer want Norberta fly. Shimmer help, take Norberta..." He

struggled, trying to find a word for the branch he took her to, not

knowing what it was called.

"Continue." Pressed Hermione.

"Shimmer take Norberta fly. Norberta not fly. Fall." He finished.

Despite his attempt to clarify things, it didn't help Hermione much to

understand how Norberta got hurt. But it was clear that whatever

happened, it was Shimmer's fault.

"Shimmer, me and Hagrid told you that you shouldn't try to help

Norberta. What you did was bad. Very bad. Look how hurt she is now."

She said, pointing at the injured hatchling.

"Norberta bad. Not fly. Shimmer help, Shimmer good." He tried.

"No Shimmer, not this time. You're a bad dragon." She sternly countered,

not backing down.

"Shimmer not bad!" He nearly screeched. He hated being called bad.

"Yes! Yes you are! You injured Norberta! That's bad!" Hermione

continued, shouting at him for the first time in a very, very long time.

He growled but didn't spoke again, glaring at the hatchling for a moment,

not liking how her poor instincts and incapability to hunt and fly were

making Hermione call him bad.

They were interrupted by a small 'woosh' sound coming from Madam

Pomfrey's office, and then both her and Dumbledore came out, stopping a

bit as they noticed the tension in the air.

"Is everything alright, miss Granger?" Asked Dumbledore.

"Shimmer got Norberta injured, and I was trying to explain how that

made him a bad dragon.

"Shimmer not bad!" He screamed again.

"Yes you are!" She shouted back.

"Now, now, no need to shout. Miss Granger, if you could step outside for

a moment, I would like to speak with our young friend." Dumbledore

asked calmly.

With a small glare at Shimmer, Hermione gave a small bow to the

headmaster and left the room, closing the door behind her.

"Now, Shimmer, I've come to understand that you and... Norberta?" He

stopped, looking at Madam Pomfrey for a second who nodded. "That you

and Norberta had an accident."

Shimmer gave a small growl, tired of repeating himself, but still


"Norberta not fly. Shimmer help Norberta, but Norberta not fly. Fall. Not


"Yes, I can see that. Far from me to insult you, but what you did was bad,

Shimmer." He continued with a slightly sterner tone.

"Shimmer not bad." Growled Shimmer again.

"I know. You're not a bad dragon, but what you did was bad. I don't know

exactly how Norberta got injured, but I know that much."

Still growling, Shimmer tried to understand what was so bad about

helping a hatchling try to fly. She got hurt in the end, sure, but that

wasn't his fault. Norberta was the one dumb enough to not open her


"How did you help Norberta fly?" Asked Dumbledore.

"Take Norberta..." He still didn't know the word. Looking around, he

looked at the tree visible through the windows and flew right in front of

them. "Here. Shimmer take Norberta here."

"In the forest? Would it be-" Started Dumbledore before stopping as the

sound of rushing, very heavy steps, echoed from the corridors before the

doors opened in a bang, Hagrid standing right there, the breath short and

looking exhausted. A far more tired Ron arrived just a couple seconds

later, stopping to put his hands on his legs as he tried to catch his breath.

"Norberta!" Shouted Hagrid, running to the dragon's side and, thankfully

for the little dragon, stopped right before picking her up, shaky hands

hovering over her as he tried to figure out what to do. "Look at your

wing. Don't worry, mama's here for you." He cooed gently.

"I'm sorry for what happened, Hagrid." Sincerely said Dumbledore. "Could

you tell us if you know what happened?"

"Ah'm sorry sir, I don't. I- I left her at home with Shimmer, thought she

was safe there." The half-giant slowly replied, looking at the wing under

the careful watch of Madam Pomfrey, ready to intervene at any second.

"She probably was. But I'm afraid our friend Shimmer tried to help her

flying in the forest, and got hurt there. A fall if I understood correctly."

Explained Dumbledore.

"Shimmer?" Said Hagrid as he turned toward the little golden dragon that

was sitting on the bed next to Norberta's. "Why would you do this?"

"Shimmer want help Norberta fly." He explained, not seeing the danger

that Hagrid could be for him should the giant want to take revenge for

his little protege.

"I... Shimmer, I told you that I didn't wanted you to help. You shouldn't

have done that." Hagrid replied, slightly angry at the dragon but more

concerned for Norberta. Hagrid would never hurt Shimmer, but that

didn't mean he couldn't be disappointed by him.

"Shimmer help! Shimmer good!" Angrily said Shimmer, having enough of


"No. Not this time. I don't want you to come next to my house again, not

as long as you'll be a danger to Norberta."

"Come with me, Shimmer. This isn't the place to settle this." Said

Dumbledore, waving to the door where a wheezing Ron and a slightly

anxious Hermione were waiting. "Before I go, Hagrid, could you please

tell me since when has Norberta been in your possession?"

"Barely a week sir. I'm sorry for not telling you, thought you'd want me to

get rid of her." Mumbled the gentle giant.

"I know, my friend, I know. Don't worry, I won't do anything to get rid of

Norberta now, but we will have to speak about her soon. I'm sure you'll

understand why she can't stay in Hogwarts." Said Dumbledore, patting

Hagrid's back.

"But sir, she's just a baby."

"I'm aware, and that's why I haven't called the dragon reserve yet. Don't

worry, we'll talk about this later."

Standing up, Dumbledore walked to the door and was nearly bowled over

by a rushing Professor Snape and a tired Neville both carrying a handful

of potions in their arms.

"Headmaster. I've been told that we have another flying monstrosity."

Snape blankly said. "An injured one."

"That we do, my boy. Hagrid's dragon is in dear need of your skills."

Answered Dumbledore as he exited.

"Hagrid's- what am I not surprised." Muttered darkly Snape as he went in,

followed by Neville who gave a glance at Ron and Hermione, silently

begging for help but unable to leave without incurring the Potion

teacher's wrath.

"Now, would you three please give me a moment?" Asked Dumbledore,

addressing Ron, Hermione and Shimmer.

"Yes sir." Replied Hermione.

"Y-yes, sir." Let out Ron, finally managing to gather his breath.

"Dumb Door." Grumbled Shimmer.

"Moody I see." Noted the old headmaster with a small smile.

"He's being difficult." Sighed Hermione.

"I've noticed, Miss Granger. Would you perchance have an idea of what

we should do concerning Shimmer's actions?"

"Me?" She asked a bit surprised.

"You are his friend and the one who understands him best, I believe that

you should know best how to handle this." Kindly smiled Dumbledore.

"Well, um, Shimmer was wrong, and Norberta was hurt because of him,

so... I really don't know how to punish him, sir. I don't want him to hate

me." Pleaded Hermione, not wanting a repeat of what happened last

Christmas, when she thought Shimmer left because of her.

"I understand Miss Granger. But, let me ask you this. Was he wrong?"

"I- yes, Norberta was hurt because of him." She frowned, not

understanding how the headmaster couldn't see how what Shimmer did

was wrong.

"Yes, that much is true. His actions resulted in the consequence of

Norberta being hurt. Yet I don't believe he wanted to do wrong." He



"Shimmer, you wanted to help Norberta fly, right?" Asked Dumbledore.

"Yes. Norberta not fly, Shimmer help Norberta fly. Shimmer not bad

dragon!" He added ferociously at the end.

"No, you are not. Miss Granger, would you blame someone for helping

you standing up, only to fall and break your leg?"

"I- no, sir." She admitted, before quickly recomposing herself. "But we

don't know what exactly happened. Shimmer isn't capable of explaining

himself yet."

"That much is true. I'm afraid that we will probably not know before

quite a long time, but this isn't really important. What I'm getting from

this, Miss Granger, is that Shimmer wanted to help, which is a

commendable trait that everyone should pursue, but his methods were

most likely wrong, as it ended up with Norberta being injured." Explained

Dumbledore, to which both Hermione and Ron nodded.

"I understand, sir." Said Hermione, seeing how things might have

happened. "But, how can we make Shimmer understand that? He

shouldn't be left unpunished or he will do it again."

"That is the tricky part. And Shimmer must indeed not repeat what he

did." Agreed Dumbledore before turning toward Shimmer. "Would you

like to try, Miss Granger?"

Looking at Shimmer, who was clearly angry as his tail was moving to and

fro faster than usual, frowning and glaring at the three humans before

him, ready to defend himself against being called a bad dragon.

"I'll try." Said Hermione. She didn't think it was her responsibility, as

Shimmer was still a wild dragon despite being quite used to human

contact, and she was rather motivated by a want to see him improve. To

see her work on him paying up. "Shimmer, I'm sorry for calling you a bad

dragon." She started.

That caught him a bit off-guard, as he understood most of what had been

said but thought Hermione would still be angry with him.

"Shimmer not bad?" He asked to confirm.

"No, you're not bad."

"Good." He nodded, happy to see they had finally come to reason.

"But!" Hermione quickly added. "What you did, was wrong."

He frowned again, starring at her and trying to see what he did that was

so wrong.


"You wanted to help Norberta, right?" She asked, even if the Headmaster

asked him this very question barely a minute ago.


"That's good. But do you remember what me and Hagrid told you about

helping Norberta?"

And now that she said it, he did recalled the many times where they told

him that Hagrid would be the one deciding how to raise Norberta, with

Shimmer even agreeing to let them do as they pleased. And he was fine

with that, truly, but he thought that Norberta could use some help to get

better at surviving on her own.

"Yes." He conceded, calming down some more.

"Listen, Shimmer. We're happy with you wanting to help Norberta grow

up, but it's how you did it that is wrong. If you want to help Norberta the

next time, I want you to tell me or Hagrid before, okay?"

Well that wasn't a big deal, if he just had to talk with them before. He

could do that.


Sighing in relief, Hermione closed her eyes for a long second before

turning toward the headmaster.

"Should we give him a punishment, sir? I don't know what punishment

would work on him."

"We must, else he'll do it again. But I don't think making him copy a few

hundred lines would work with him. In addition, his mind is slightly

different than ours, and require a slightly different approach." Said


"Well...besides not giving him any coins for a while, I don't really see

what to do." She suggested.

"A simple idea, but one that I believe will be most effective. Shimmer,

since your actions got Norberta injured, I forbid anyone to give you any

coins until the next week." Announced Dumbledore.

Shimmer may not know the word 'forbid', but he understood that

something was wrong. Very, very wrong, since it was about his coins.

"Not understand. Forbid?" He asked.

"It means no coins for you. Until the next week." Explained Hermione.

"What?!" He screeched, his head snapping back in shock.

"Keep it quiet!" Shouted back Snape's voice from the infirmary, which still

had its doors opened.

"It is as I said, Shimmer. No coins for you until next week." Repeated


"What? What? Week?"

"It means four days without coins, Shimmer." Simplified Hermione.

"One... Two... Three... Four... Four!" He shouted, outraged as soon as he

understood how long it would be.

"Yes. And it will happen every time you do something bad or wrong."

Added Hermione, wanting to really make sure he understood the threat.

"Shimmer sorry!" He whined, not ready to spend so long without getting

a single coin.

"No means no Shimmer. No coins until next week." Adamantly refused


Shimmer was starting to understand the danger he was in, and how he

was powerless in that matter. He could still go try to find coins laying on

the ground, but those were rare. Hermione was by far the biggest source

of coins he had, with her giving him a coin on average twice or thrice a

week. And he only got one coin this week, meaning that he would miss

out two coins. Not much, but it still mattered a lot to him.

Defeated, lowered his head, understanding that he wouldn't get coins.

"Now that this matter is settled, I will have a lot to talk about with our

gamekeeper. Please go back to your class." Waved them Dumbledore as

he went back to the infirmary.

"We're late for charms!" Suddenly realised Hermione, having forgotten

about their lessons in the rush to bring Norberta to the healing wing.

"Oh boy." Sighed Ron, knowing what was about to happen as Hermione

grabbed him by the sleeve.

"We're so late!" She said, starting to pull Ron with her.

Shimmer was left alone, the infirmary behind him where he could hear

the humans talking, and a few whimpers of Norberta here and there, and

the fading footsteps of Ron and Hermione in front of him. He didn't

wanted to be surrounded by humans right now.

Taking flight, he went to the nearest open window and went back to his

tower, saddened over the thought of at least two precious coins lost.

He was still blaming Norberta for all of this. He was the one who knew

best how to train another dragon, since he was one himself. How could

the humans not see that, he didn't know, but he wouldn't interfere

anymore with Norberta's training, seeing where it got him today. She

should have known how to open her wings!


Hi! Valexto at the Keyboard!

That chapter... that chapter was a pain to write.

Sorry for taking so long, not only am I back to full time work, I spent a

really, really long time to decide how to decide Norberta's fate.

To me, it's only logical to have her being revealed to the headmaster and

the rest of the school as it would have become impossible to hide her

forever since she would have become huge very quickly. Next chapter,

you'll see what will happen to Norberta.

I had many ideas and several suggestions of yours to think about, all

were interesting but some simply didn't fit in the story or couldn't be

worked in the way this story is going. Some of your ideas could work as

Omakes or one-shots, but I don't plan to do any of this now.

As for Shimmer, well, he is a dragon. Don't expect him to completely

understand human concepts and views of the world. I like him this way,

slightly confused about the why of human things and simply being of a

slightly grey side of morality. He's not really moral, just thinking about

survival of the fittest, and thus clashes with Hermione's views of having

him being a proper, well mannered dragon. It doesn't mean he can't

learn, but no one should expect him to simply accept everything she says

as truth. He's also quite prideful, as you've probably noticed, and doesn't

take well a certain duo of words.

Well I'm off to bed. I made some notes for the next chapters, so I should

be able to work something faster than for this chapter.

See you soon!

20. Chapter 20

I do not own nor possess any right over Harry Potter, all rights belongs to

J.K. Rowling.

Chapter 20

Only a day passed before Dumbledore called for Hermione and Hagrid to

visit his office to discuss Norberta's future. Shimmer was here too, of

course, but Dumbledore wasn't able to call him in any way, and Shimmer

simply followed Hermione when she told him where they were going.

"Thank you for coming." Started Dumbledore, sitting behind his large

desk as Hagrid and Hermione stood before him, with Shimmer resting

next to Fawkes' perch, void of the phoenix's presence. "Before we begin,

Hagrid, how is Norberta doing?"

"She's well sir, thanks for asking. It's been a bit harder to heal since

dragons are magic resistant, but both Professor Snape and Madam

Pomfrey says that she won't have any after-effects." Replied Hagrid with

a small smile.

"Good, good. Now, Miss Granger, have you managed to explain our little

friend what he did wrong?"

"I'm sorry sir, but I can't." Sighed Hermione, both a bit disappointed at

Shimmer and at herself for not succeeding. "No matter what I say, he

doesn't want to accept he's wrong."

"Hmm... that is slightly troublesome." Hummed Dumbledore. "Shimmer,

can you tell me what you did that was wrong?"

"Shimmer good dragon! Not bad." Instantly replied Shimmer,

understanding where this might be going.

"We know, Shimmer. You're not a bad dragon, far from it. But, do you

understand why we are upset with you?"


"Not happy." Briefly explained Hermione.

Shimmer stopped for a few seconds at he understood. And he truly did.

He should have left Norberta alone, left her to the care of Hagrid even if

he found his methods lacking and not efficient for the hatchling. But he

was certain that what he did, meaning trying to teach her how to hunt

and fly, was the right thing to do.

"Shimmer understand. Norberta is Hagrid dragon. Shimmer not help

Norberta. Again." He concluded.

"Now, now, Shimmer, we are not saying that we don't appreciate your

help. Only that what you did was wrong." Continued Dumbledore.

"No! Shimmer help Norberta fly. Good. Norberta not fly. Bad Norberta."

He countered.

"You hurt her, Shimmer." Hagrid replied in a slow tone, missing some of

his usual jolliness. "That was bad."

"Shimmer sorry Norberta hurt. But Shimmer want help, help Norberta.

Shimmer understand not help Norberta." Explained Shimmer, agreeing

again to not help Norberta. He would never do it again since it was

costing him precious coins.

"I don't think we are going to get much more from him." Dumbledore said

as he shook his head.

"Professor Dumbledore, what's going to happen to Norberta?" Asked

Hermione, giving a small annoyed glance at Shimmer.

"Ah, excellent question miss Granger!" Cheered the old man a bit.

"Sir, you're not going to send her away. Right, sir?" Pleaded Hagrid.

"I'm sorry, Hagrid, but even without taking into account what happened

with Shimmer, Norberta can't stay at Hogwarts. She will soon be too

dangerous to be around humans and the Hospital Wing is no place for a

dragon." Replied Dumbledore with a saddened voice. As much as he

would like to have another dragon in the school, Norberta wasn't docile

and unique like Shimmer. He knew that she would soon become a very

serious problem and wanted to avoid any regrettable incident.

"But, sir, she's just a baby. I can't let her go now." Continued the half-

giant, ready to say anything to keep his precious dragon.

"I understand how much she means to you, Hagrid. You've told me so

many times how much you wanted to own a dragon that I can see how

hard it is for you. But it sadly has to be done. I contacted the Romanian

dragon reserve; they will send some of their handlers tomorrow morning

and take Norberta with them."

"Sir... I- please." Begged Hagrid.

"It has to be done, Hagrid. And truthfully, I'm certain that she will prefer

staying in the dragon reserve. She will have plenty of space, other

dragons to be with and many handlers to take care of her." Tried

Dumbledore with a soft smile.

"Yes, Hagrid. I'm sure Norberta will love it there. And I'm sure Professor

Dumbledore could help you see her again." Added Hermione with her

own smile.

"Could I?" Asked Hagrid, unsure yet a bit calmer.

"Of course, my old friend. I don't see any reason why you shouldn't be

allowed to go see her again. As long you don't try to bring her back here."

Playfully assured Dumbledore.

"Norberta?" Asked Shimmer, not sure if he understood what they were


"Ah, another challenge. Young Shimmer, Norberta cannot stay at

Hogwarts. She will leave tomorrow morning."

"Norberta bye-bye? Why?" He asked, surprised, not getting why she

couldn't stay.

"Norberta is dangerous, she could bite and injure anyone. And if that

happens, she will be put down by the ministry." Added Dumbledore.

That made Shimmer think a bit more than usual. Norberta was

dangerous, as she should since she was a dragon, but so was he. He was

even more dangerous than her, so did it meant that he would have to

leave too?

"Shimmer dangerous. Shimmer bye-bye?" The golden dragon asked,

jumping from his perch to land on Dumbledore's office.

"There is a difference between you and Norberta, Shimmer. She is not

sapient like you, not capable to be taught what is right and what is

wrong. I'm sure that with time, it could be possible to make sure she

would never attack anyone, but it won't be before a long time."

Continued Dumbledore.

"Shimmer smart, Shimmer not bye-bye?"

"That is one way to say it, yes."

He wasn't sure what to think about that. It meant that, should he try to

attack someone, he would have to leave. He had already been told such a

thing not too long ago, but it was a reminder that humans apparently

didn't like to have dragons around them. Perhaps Hagrid was an

exception then.

"Norberta where?" He wished to know.

"May I?" Asked Hermione.

"Of course, go ahead miss Granger." Welcomed Dumbledore with a wave

of his hand.

"Thank you. Shimmer, Norberta is going to a dragon reserve. It's a place

where all dragons are being taken care of, fed, healed, where they can fly

and live freely." Explained Hermione.

That didn't sound bad at all to the ears of Shimmer. A place with free

food? Perfect! Though the idea of being around other dragons bothered

him a bit, it meant sharing coins and food, and that's something that he

had absolutely no interest in. Though it did bring one question.

"Re-zer-ve. Coins?"

"Reserve. And no, I don't think they have any coins there." Replied

Hermione with a slightly pensive look.

That one sentence crushed all the will he might have had to go there. No

coins? He'd rather leave on his own.

"No! No coins not good! Shimmer not go." He warned.

"We're not going to send you there, that's silly." Smiled Hermione as she

petted his head, much to his pleasure.

"Sir?" Interrupted them Hagrid.

"Yes?" Replied Dumbledore.

"I understand that Shimmer and Norberta are different dragons, that he's

the only dragon like him that we know of, but do you think there might

be others like him? I mean, a dragon that I could keep?" He asked


"That is a question which bears no answers for now." Sighed Dumbledore,

sharing a similar desire.

"Shimmer, do you know other dragons like you? Smart? That like coins?"

Asked Hermione.

"No. Shimmer one dragon. Not know. Only Norberta." He answered while

he kept purring.

"I see. May I go see Norberta?" Requested Hagrid.

"You're free to go, my friend. I believe that we are done for today."

Assured Dumbledore.

"Thank you, sir." Said Hagrid as he turned to leave.

"Can I go too, Professor?" Asked Hermione.

"Of course. I just would like you to bring Shimmer tomorrow morning, at

Hagrid's hut around nine AM if that's alright." Agreed Dumbledore with a


"Thank you. Have a good day."

"You too, miss Granger."

"Dumb Door." Added Shimmer as he jumped in the air to follow

Hermione out of the headmaster's office.

"You need to stop saying that, Shimmer, that's very rude." Hermione

scolded him.

"Shimmer like Dumb Door!" He protested.

"His name is Dumbledore. You know this." Hermione rolled her eyes.

"Shimmer like." He replied stuborn.



The young girl turned around at Hagrid's voice, seeing the gamekeeper

who had apparently waited for them.

"Yes Hagrid?"

"I just wanted to say a few things to Shimmer."

Oh." Said Hermione as she let Shimmer hover on the spot, right in front

of Hagrid's face.

"Hagrid? Shimmer sorry Norberta hurt." Said Shimmer, knowing that his

actions didn't please the giant human.

"I understand Shimmer, I know you wanted to help. And whatever you

did that injured Norberta, I know you did it with good intentions. But

you disobeyed me when I asked you to not help me with Norberta."

Explained Hagrid before taking a big breath. "That's to say, I'm not mad

at you. I know you're a good dragon, but I don't want you to come to my

hut for some time. I need time for myself."

Before even giving time for Shimmer to reply, Hagrid turned around and

left him and Hermione standing in the corridor. Shimmer wasn't quite

sure of what just happened, but he got that Hagrid didn't want him at his

nest. Which was fine with him, he wouldn't have many reasons to go

there anymore since Norberta was leaving.

"Hermione?" He asked.


"Shimmer understand Hagrid not happy. Shimmer understand Norberta

hurt not good. Shimmer not understand why help not good." He was still

slightly stuck on that.

"I- helping others is a very good thing to do Shimmer, but sometimes,

people don't want help. For example, Ron doesn't like me helping him

with magic because he wants to do it himself, even if he is terrible at it.

Hagrid wanted to raise Norberta himself, without your help. I know it's

not easy to understand, but sometimes, help is bad. That's why you

should ask before helping, so that you know if your help can be

appreciated or not." Hermione tried to say, understanding that the

concept of help being bad could be hard to grasp.

"Help bad. Help good. Shimmer ask?" He continued.

"Yes. It will help you understand people." She said as she started walking

toward the Gryffindor tower to get her class books.

Shimmer was stuck for a few seconds, trying to get his head around what

Hermione just explained, with some difficulties.

"Shimmer? Are you coming?" She called for him after a few seconds.

"Humans hard understand." He said this to himself before flying after her.

"So we won't see Norberta again?" Asked Neville as he took a plate full of

mash potato and a slice of ham.

"No, she will leave tomorrow for a dragon reserve, in Romania,

apparently." Replied Hermione.

"Really?! My brother works there!" Exclaimed Ron, devouring a steak

with terrifying efficiency.

"Please don't speak while you're eating, it's disgusting." Said Hermione as

she looked away, only to see Shimmer crunching on a bone. And once

again, she was surprised to see that Shimmer was the less messy eater of

the two.

"What about Shimmer? They won't take him, right?" Asked Neville.

"No! Shimmer not go no coins!" Shimmer snarled, scaring a few of the

other students sitting around.

"Huh... what did he say?"

"He doesn't want to leave because there are no coins in the dragon

reserve. And no, Professor Dumbledore said that Shimmer didn't have to

go since he can be reasoned with." Translated Hermione as she planted

her fork into a slice of potato.


A loud snarl from Shimmer interrupted them, and they were surprised to

see Shimmer snarling at Hermione and Neville. And Ron, who was sitting

on the other side of the table, looked up before scowling.

"What do you want, Malfoy?" He asked.

Turning around so fast that they might have broken their neck, Hermione

and Neville finally noticed Draco and his two bodyguards standing right

there, with the blond boy wearing a satisfied smirk on his lips.

"I just wanted to see your dear dragon for the last time, since it will be

removed soon." Draco said, his voice filled with mirth.

"What are you talking about?" Asked Hermione.

"Silence, mudblood. I am not talking to you." He sneered for a moment,

glaring at Hermione who looked about to burst into tears, before focusing

on Ron. "And I'm saying that I sent a letter to my father about what

you're doing here. He will be calling for the removing of this illegal

dragon breeding grounds."

"Breeding grounds?" Repeated Ron incredulous.

"Indeed, Weasley. I saw how you and Hagrid started hatching dragon

eggs, which is highly illegal. My father will soon have both the aurors

and the Department of Magical Creature Regulation on you." He added in

his very pompous way, gathering many glares from the Gryffindors

around the table. The other students may not know what this was all

about, but they weren't happy to have the Slytherin boy parade like this

so close to them.

But no matter who might have answered him, or the words that might

have been spoken, the very loud growl that Shimmer gave at him made it

extremely clear that he wasn't appreciating his presence.

"Rein your dragon, mudblood. Or else he might have to be removed

definitely." Sneered Draco, even though it was clear from his posture and

tone that he wasn't as sure of himself as he had been barely a few

seconds ago.

Hermione's sob broke through the tension in the air and from the way

that Shimmer was standing up, read to pounce, it was clear that Draco

wouldn't escape unarmed.

"Shimmer kill bad boy." Growled Shimmer ever harder.

Draco took a sudden step back, finally understanding the danger he was


But before anything could happen, a boom echoed in the hall, taking

everyone by surprise, with many students shouting in fear and ducking at

the sound that was similar to thunder. Shimmer too was taken by

surprise, and he whirled around only to find Professor Snape standing

close to their table, wand out.

"What is going on here?" Asked a very irate Snape coldly.

"Professor Snape, I was just reminding them that their dragon would be-"

Started Draco.

"This wouldn't have angered Shimmer that much. And I recall telling you

to never antagonise him again. Was I not clear the first time?" Towered

Snape as he walked up to them.

"No- I- yes, sir." Stammered Draco.

"I see. Go back to your seat, mister Malfoy."

With but a glance at the Gryffindor, Draco turned around and went back

to the Slytherin table, silent and ignoring the glares from his own table.

"Now, I trust Shimmer wasn't about to act on his words?" Asked Snape

toward the golden dragon.

"Bad boys!" Snarled Shimmer, glaring at Draco.

"Mister Malfoy has indeed been a rather constant source of worry

recently, but calling someone names isn't worth death." Snape glared at

Shimmer, which didn't do anything to him.

"Sir, m-may I?" Asked Hermione, still a bit emotive but not wanting to

see Shimmer reprimanded or punished.

"Go ahead, miss Granger."

"Thank you for standing up to me, Shimmer, but I don't want you to harm

them." Told Hermione after taking a big breath.

Shimmer only growled in reply, before lying down again, still glaring at


"That will be enough. Now, would you please explain what prompted all

of this?" Asked Snape, satisfied with not having to humiliate his own

house further and stopping the probable rampage that would have

ensued if he hadn't intervened to stop Shimmer.

"Draco came to us, saying that Norberta and Shimmer would be removed

from the school by his father." Replied Hermione, trying to avoid the

teacher's gaze.

"Did he now? Well, I suppose a rectification is in order." Replied Snape

before walking to the teacher's table, only to turn toward the students.

"Children, since the Headmaster decided not to disclose it, it is my duty

to inform you that a second dragon has been found on Hogwarts's

grounds. Unlike Shimmer, it is unable to talk and hasn't shown any

unusual behaviour. The Romanian Dragon Reserve has been called, and

they will take away this dragon tomorrow morning. However, the

Headmaster also decided to keep Shimmer around as he can be reasoned

with, in addition to Shimmer's own displeasure of leaving." Explained

Snape as he glared at everyone in the room, before focusing a little bit

longer on Draco. "I would also like to recall you all to not anger

Shimmer, for only a teacher could save you from him."

With that said, Snape took his seat at the teacher's table, keeping an eye

on the students in the hall, who all went into furious whispers.

"What say?" Asked Shimmer, having heard too many words for him to

process everything.

"Nothing bad Shimmer, only good things." Assured Hermione calmly,

petting his head.

That's all that mattered to Shimmer right now. In addition to glaring at

the bad boys.

"I hope nothing bad will happen with Draco's dad." Mumbled Neville.

"Why?" Asked Hermione.

"His father, Lucius Malfoy, used to be a follower of You-Know-Who, and

he still has a lot of power at the Wizengamot. And he'll use anything to

take down Dumbledore. Like a dragon inside his precious son's school."

Replied Ron, frowning. "I actually thought we would hear about him

when Draco was bitten on the train."

"Is he dangerous for Shimmer?" Continued Hermione, now looking

worriedly at Shimmer.

"Very. I'm sure he'll at least try something to get Shimmer out of

Hogwarts. Or, he could just say that Shimmer is too dangerous, ask his

supporters to agree with him, and have him condemned to death on the

grounds of being a dangerous dark creature." Explained Ron.

"That's horrible!"

By now, Hermione was almost hugging Shimmer, much to the dragon's


"Yeah." Simply added Ron.

Their talks continued on the same track for a few minutes before they

had to go to their afternoon's classes.

The next morning, Hermione was up early and quickly prepared herself

for what would take place soon. Norberta would be given to the dragon

handler's, who would bring her to the reserve. She knew that Hagrid

would most certainly cry heavy tears, but she knew it was too dangerous

to have her around any longer.

In a way, she felt lucky that Shimmer was so smart and sapient, since it

was saving him the same fate. But now she was also aware that he was in

danger of suffering the same fate, or worse. It was a very concerning

thought for the small, bushy brown hair girl, to know that her best friend

might be taken away or killed if Draco's father decided to act against

Shimmer. She was hoping that Dumbledore wouldn't let that happen.

But right now, she was making her way to the common room of the

Gryffindor tower and found only Neville waiting for her.

"Good morning Neville." She greeted him.

"Good morning." He replied with a yawn.

"Where's Ron?"

"I tried to wake him up, but he says it's too early." Shrugged

apologetically Neville.

"Oh." She simply replied, quickly putting it aside. "Well, we should go.

The dragon handlers won't wait for us otherwise."

They started to leave, opening the fat lady's door, that they were stopped

by a small, quick shout.


They both turned around to find Ron, precipitately putting on his robes,

rushing toward them.

"I forgot that Charlie would be here today." Ron said as he reached them.

"That's all it took to get you out of bed?" Asked Neville surprised.

"Well, yeah, he's my brother. We don't get to see him often, since he's in

Romania most of the time."

"Thanks for joining us, Ron, but could we please go now? I don't want to

be late." Interrupted then Hermione, frowning slightly.

"Sure." Shrugged Ron.

The trio reunited, they quickly made their way to the Great Hall, quite

empty that early in the morning. A couple of older students were already

there, along with Professor Pomona Sprout watching over them all.

Pressed by Hermione, breakfast was a quick affair much to Ron's dismay,

all three of them talking about what might happen to Norberta and how

the dragon handlers would react to Shimmer, and she took the two boys

with her to go to Hagrid's hut.

They reached the half-giant's hut not long after and knocked on the door,

only to be greeted by a Hagrid with slightly red eyes.

"Good morning, please, come in." He welcomed them, missing some of his

usual jolliness.

"Thank you, Hagrid." "Hi." Politely replied Neville and Hermione, Ron

only giving a smaller, shorter greeting.

"How are you doing?" Asked Neville.

"Am' alright. I know it's better for her this way, but... I still want to keep

her with me." Replied Hagrid as he sank into his large couch.

"Where is Norberta?" Asked Hermione.

"Asleep in my shed. Professor Dumbledore said it would be safer that

way." He explained, not without pain.

"I'm sorry Hagrid." Sympathized Hermione.

"We know that you like Norberta a lot." Continued Neville.

"At least Shimmer will still be here." Added Ron, instantly getting a glare

from Hermione and making Hagrid frown a bit.

"Ron!" Hermione admonished him.

"What? It's true." Replied the young boy, not getting what he said that

angered her so much.

"Shimmer is why Norberta has to leave." She explained curtly.

"Ts'alright, Hermione. Even if I don't like what Shimmer did, I can't hate

the little guy. He thought he was doing the right thing." Stopped her

Hagrid, gently placing his large hand on her shoulder.

"I-" She started.


All four of them turned toward the windows, with one of them having a

golden dragon waiting on the other side.

"Speaking of the dragon." Sighed Hermione as she made her way toward


Opening the window, Hermione stepped aside for Shimmer to come in.

"Hello." Greeted them Shimmer, stopping to give a brief nuzzle to

Hermione's hand.

"Good morning Shimmer." She still welcomed him warmly, not managing

to stay mad at him.

"Coin?" Asked Shimmer.

"No. We told you that you wouldn't get any coins before next week."

Reminded him Hermione.

He let out a small whine at that. At least he tried.

"Shimmer? Could you come here, please?" Asked Hagrid.

Not seeing any reason to refuse, Shimmer briefly flapped his wings and

landed on the armrest of Hagrid's chair, looking at the troubled giant.

"Do you know what's happening today?" Continued Hagrid.

"Norberta bye-bye?" He guessed, recalling what they told him yesterday.

"Yes, because of you. I'm not saying that it's what you wanted, but it's still

your fault. Do you understand what I'm saying?" Hagrid really tried to

press, wanting to make sure Shimmer understood his mistake.

"Shimmer not help. Ask." Shimmer replied with confidently.

"What? No, no." Stopped him Hagrid.

"Sorry Hagrid, what Shimmer means is that he'll ask before helping, right,

Shimmer?" Intervened Hermione, seeing the misunderstanding.

"Yes. Shimmer ask. Shimmer help." Replied the little dragon, not knowing

what he said that was unclear.

"Oh. That's good." Sighed Hagrid before focusing again on Hermione.

"That's probably the best we'll get, ain't it?"

"Yes." Agreed Hermione

A few knocks on the door stopped them from restarting the conversation.

Hagrid stood up, letting Shimmer jump from the armrest to the table, and

went to open the door, which revealed a happy Professor Dumbledore

and an ever stern-looking Professor Snape.

"Good morning Hagrid. And you as well, children. I wasn't expecting you

to be ready so soon." Greeted Dumbledore.

"Dumb door! Shimmer is!" Squawked angrily Shimmer.

"My bad, dear Shimmer. Good morning to you, too." Continued

Dumbledore, still smiling, not disturbed in the least by Shimmer's small


"Good morning, Professor Dumbledore. Good morning, professor Snape."

Said all three children dutifully.

"Good morning Professors. Please, come in." Waved them Hagrid.

"Thank you, old friend." Replied Dumbledore as he and Professor Snape

stepped in, with the potion teacher closing the door behind him.

"Now, I trust that Norberta is ready to leave?" Continued the old


"She's sleeping in my shed, just like you said." Assured Hagrid, losing a

bit of his happiness.

"Again, I'm sorry for you. I know how much she means to you."

"I brought a few Sleeping Draughts, in case the handlers needs it." Added


"I- thank you, Severus." Said Hagrid as he returned to his sofa chair.

"Good, good. Then we only have to wait." Cheerfully said Dumbledore as

he sat on one of the chairs available for guests.

They made small talks for a few minutes, the three students a little less

than the adults as they were careful of what they said in front of

Professor Snape, that looked like he would scowl at them for any reason.

Hermione kept close to Shimmer, petting him gently as he simply

enjoyed it.

Soon though, Dumbledore's head stood up sharply as a smile returned to

his lips.

"I can feel Hogwarts' wards warning me of an incoming group. It appears

that our handlers have arrived." He explained.

They quickly filled out the small cottage, with Hagrid grabbing his large

coat before leaving, and watched as a team of four wizards flew in the

air, flying above their heads at high speed before landing right in front of

the small group.

Three of them were completely unknown to them, but one with very

recognizable red hair was instantly called out.

"Charlie!" Shouted Ron.

"Hey, Ron!" Grinned the now identified Charlie, who was coming toward

them quickly before stopping at the sight of Shimmer hovering above the

little group. "Is that the dragon you want us to take?" He asked more


The angry squawk of indignation that Shimmer gave him instantly

prompted him to take out his wand. Shimmer would never go to a place

where there were no coins.

The other dragon handlers were on their guards as well, wands out,

which was quite normal since dragons were not known to be the friendly


"Ah, mister Weasley! Good to see you again." Welcomed them

Dumbledore, a hand in the air as a sign to be peaceful, wanting to disarm

the situation quickly. "And I'm afraid there is a small confusion. This

dragon is Shimmer, and he will be staying at Hogwarts in the foreseeable


"Really?" Asked Charlie, eyebrows raised high at the headmaster's

declaration. The surprise of allowing a dragon on Hogwarts' grounds was

something he would have liked to have years ago. "Could you tell us

what kind of dragon he is? I don't recall ever seeing this species of

dragon before."

"That can wait. We're here to secure a dragon, aren't we?" Intervened

another dragon handler, who spoke with a heavy Romanian accent.

"Oh, sorry. Headmaster, Professor Snape, Hagrid, let me introduce you to

my colleagues. This is Anton Nedelcu," He started, pointing at the man

who just spoke. "Next you have Doina Silaghi and finally Liviu Enescu.

Both of them only speaks Romanian." He finished, pointing at the only

female handler and then to another man slightly older than the rest.

The three either nodded or waved as they recognised their names, before

Charlie turned toward Dumbledore again.

"And Anton's right. We'd rather secure the other dragon first if that's not

an issue."

"Of course. Hagrid?" Called Dumbledore.

"Yes sir." Sighed Hagrid as he started to walk toward his shed. "She's

sleeping right there."

"Sedated?" Asked Charlie as he and his team followed the half-giant.

"No, I just put her to bed last night."

"And it's a female Norwegian Ridgeback, not a month old yet, correct?"

Continued Charlie.

"That she is." Hagrid stopped right before the door. "You won't hurt her,

right?" He asked.

"Of course not. We're here to take care of her. You have my word that

she'll fit right in at the reserve. Plenty of other dragons, food and

territory in abundance." Smiled Charlie as he tried to cheer up Hagrid.

"Alright. Ya ready?"

"A moment." Stopped Charlie, turning to his teammates. "Ești Gata?" He

asked, getting three nods in return as well as raised wands. "We're ready."

With a last small sigh, stopping a moment in doubt with the handle in

hand, Hagrid finally made his decision and opened the shed.

A small squeak came out, and the four dragon handlers stood ready,

watching Norberta slowly coming out of the shed, giving careful glances

at all the surrounding humans. Shimmer could understand her wariness,

he would be quite angry should any human come to wake him up in his


With just a flick of their wands, ropes gathered in a flash around

Norberta and immobilised her in a matter of seconds, bounding her

wings to her back and her legs together. A third rope took care of her

muzzle just as she had started to open it, and lastly a blindfold covered

her eyes, cutting out her sight.

It left for a very angry dragon furiously shacking on the ground, trashing

around and growling loudly despite the rope tightened around her


"Perfect!" Exclaimed Charlie, happily lowering his wand as his teammates

walked to stand next to Norberta, casting a few other spells on her.

On the other hand, Hagrid was watching with a heavy heart as he took a

small step toward Norberta, only to force himself to stop. As sad and

guilty as he was, he knew it was better like this.

"What are they doing?" Asked Hermione, watching the spells flying from

the handler's wands to Norberta.

"Casting a few scanning spells, to give us an idea of her health and a few

other information like that." He replied. A few words spoken by Doina

distracted him for a second before he looked again at Hagrid, translating

his colleague's question. "Was she hurt? Her right wing show signs of

being mended recently."

"A most unfortunate incident, of which we sadly do not have much

information." Started Dumbledore. "Our young friend Shimmer took her

to the nearby woods, wanting to help her learn how to fly. It somehow

ended up with her breaking her wing, and Shimmer carrying her back to


"That's a lot of information. How do you know so much? Was someone

watching over them?" Anton asked impressed.

"No, Shimmer went against Hagrid's wishes of letting Norberta grow by

herself." Added the old wizard.

"I can't help but wonder what species of dragon he belongs to, I can't

recall ever seeing one like him before." Continued Charlie, staring at

Shimmer in an attempt to identify what species he belonged to.

"We were hoping that you knew." Said Hermione, a bit disappointed as

she had been quite eager to know too.

"There is something about Shimmer that makes him quite different from

any other breed of dragon." Added Dumbledore, who's eyes were

twinkling as a mirthful smile appeared on his lips.

"And that is?" Asked Charlie, recognising the face the old headmaster had

whenever he knew something that you didn't and was definitely amused

of what your reaction would be.

"Miss Granger? If you could do us the honour?" Asked Dumbledore.

"I- of course." Assured Hermione, briefly taken by surprise but recovering

quickly. "Shimmer? Can you say hello?"

"Hello." He repeated.

Four gobsmacked expression, a dropped wand, and a gapping Charlie

were the result of that simple word. Shimmer didn't know how saying

hello could have them react like that, but he found it funny.

"I- did he?" Stammered Charlie.

"Dragonul a vorbit!" Nearly shouted Anton, switching back to his native


"Indeed." Confirmed Dumbledore. "And make no mistake, Shimmer is no

parrot. He is completely sapient and can answer various questions, even

if miss Granger is still teaching him how to talk."

"Y-you taught him how to talk?!" Charlie asked, incredulous.

"I- it took some time, and he still makes lots of mistakes, but he is starting

to be good enough for small conversations." She explained, blushing a bit

as she was the centre of attention.

"Shimmer good dragon." Confirmed Shimmer, further impressing and

shocking the dragon handlers.


"We wanted to profit of you being here to confirm a few things about

Shimmer. That is, if you have the time?" Said Dumbledore, still smiling


"If- of course! I have so many questions!" He exclaimed just as the

Romanian handlers started to talk between themselves, just as frantically

as Charlie. They said a few things, and seeing how Charlie frowned, it

wasn't what he wanted to hear. "Ugh, right. We can stay a couple of

minutes, but we will have to leave soon. Picking up Norberta is already

messing up a bit with our schedule, and we have other dragons that

needs to be checked on."

"You are welcome to come back anytime to study him. As long as miss

Granger doesn't have to miss classes." Quickly added Dumbledore.

"Of course." Promptly swore Charlie.

"Perfect! Then, perhaps you can guess how Norberta ended up injured? I

have the feeling you have a few ideas of your own."

"You said he took her out to teach her how to fly? Correct?" Asked

Charlie, giving a brief glance at Norberta who was still under the careful

watch of two of the handlers.

"That's what he said." Replied Hermione.

"It does match some dragon's behaviour, though, not exactly like this.

First, Shimmer is a male, right?"


"Then it doesn't fit most dragon species. The female is the one to take

care of the hatchlings, including teaching them how to fly."

"What does that mean?" Asked Ron.

"Not much, just that he has different instincts than most dragons. The

Peruvian Vipertooth is a good example. It's actually a pretty small breed

of dragon, like Shimmer. Does he have venom?" Continued Charlie,

summoning a feather and a quill that started to take notes by itself.

"Huh... no, I don't think so." Replied Hermione, unsure, as she never tried

to find out if Shimmer had venom.

"May I have a look at his teeth?"

"You need to ask Shimmer." She replied, pointing at Shimmer who was

still hovering in the air and watching the humans speak with curiosity,

wondering what this was all about as well as being confused by the

unknown words being used.

"I- right. That's going to take some time to get used to." Started Charlie

before looking straight at Shimmer, a bit confused about what to do.

"Shimmer, could I have a look at your teeth?"

Shimmer simply looked back at him, a bit confused about the question.

He knew what teeth were, but he didn't understand why that human that

looked a lot like the smaller red-headed one wanted to look at his teeth.

Why would you look at teeth? Was he wishing to be bitten?

"Shimmer not understand. Why?" He asked, flying to Hermione and about

to land on her shoulder.

"No, Shimmer, you can't sit on my shoulders. You're too heavy. And

Charlie only wants to see if you have venom." Said Hermione as she

pushed him away.

With a bit of frustration, he left Hermione alone and took everyone by

surprise by attempting to sit on Professor Snape's shoulder, who glared at

the little dragon. And cast a small Flipendo that sent Shimmer backward,

squawking angrily.

"I am not a piece of furniture for you to stay on." Coldly warned Snape.

"Come here, Shimmer." Invited him Dumbledore, patting his own


Finally being offered a perch, Shimmer flew to the headmaster and dug

his talons a little in the thick robes, not harming the old man but

definitely adding quite a weight on his back.

"What venom?" Shimmer asked as soon as he was comfortably resting on

Dumbledore's shoulders, much to the continuous shock of the dragon


"Venom is something that snakes have, it kills their preys quickly and is

located in their fangs." Explained Dumbledore.

"Shimmer venom?" He asked in surprise.

"That's what mister Weasley wants to find out."

"Okay." Agreed Shimmer, opening his maw wide, eager to know if he

could have a new way to kill prey.

"Good." Said Charlie, both for Shimmer and for himself.

Stepping closer, Charlie warily got in reach of Shimmer's teeth and

started looking at the teeth. And it barely took a few seconds for him to

recognise the teeth, or rather, recognising if these teeth were poisonous

or not.

"No risk of being poisoned here." Declared Charlie slightly relieved.

"Shimmer no venom?" Asked Shimmer disappointed.

"No. May I have a look at you? I don't think I've ever seen a dragon

smaller than you before. Are you an adult?" Charlie continued his

interrogation, even as he kept writing more details about Shimmer's


"Shimmer ten." Proudly replied Shimmer.

"Strange. Most dragons of that age are already adult since a couple of

years already. He still has a young body, the way his horns grow

indicates that he hasn't finished growing, his body mass isn't fully

developed either. That's both very confusing and very exciting."

"Can you guess how much bigger he will get?" Asked Dumbledore.

"Hard to estimate without any scale of time, but not that much. Perhaps

he'll gain another meter in length." Vaguely replied Charlie.

"How does he talk? Why is he so smart?" Asked Anton, far more

preoccupied with this aspect of Shimmer than his biology.

"Shimmer smart!" Affirmed Shimmer.

"Yes you are." Instantly replied Hermione. "And I don't think we've found

an explanation of why he's so smart, but I'm still teaching him how to


"Right. And where does he come from?" Continued Charlie.

"I don't know." Realised Hermione. "Shimmer, where do you come from?"

Shimmer frowned a bit, not understanding what she was talking about.

"Not understand."

"Hmm... You live here now, where were you living before?" She tried to


"Shimmer live big human nest. Many, many humans. Many car." He

replied, recalling his life in the small forest in the heart of London.

"In a muggle city?" Guessed Dumbledore.

"Then it's a miracle he's never been discovered before. Most dragons have

a passive magic that makes them hard to detect by muggles, but it isn't

perfect." Stated Charlie.

"Ah!" Recalled Hermione, shouting for a moment before quickly calming

down. "Shimmer also reacts strangely to magic. Do you know why?"

"Dragons are naturally resistant to magic. Some spells simply do not work

on them. It doesn't help that the bigger and older they are, the more

resistant they'll get." Expertly explained Anton.

"Indeed, but miss Granger was referring to another unique ability of our

dear Shimmer. Have you ever heard of a dragon capable of eating

magic?" Asked Dumbledore, who was genuinely without answer on this

particular point.

"Eating magic?" Frowned Charlie, staring again at Shimmer, who was

trying to follow the conversation. "How so?"

"If someone cast a direct spell at him, he sometimes eats it." Described


"It doesn't ring a bell." Mumbled Charlie, looking at Anton who shook his

head in answer, lost too. "Can he show us how he does it?"

"We never tried, but it shouldn't be too hard." She almost shrugged.

"Shimmer, could you please stand over there?" Asked Dumbledore,

pointing at the grass next to him.

"No." Instantly replied Shimmer, taking them all by surprise.

"No? Why?" Questioned Hermione.

"Shimmer not go no coin." He replied, glaring at Hermione and

Dumbledore, even if he was on the latter's shoulder.

"Is there a problem?" Asked Anton.

"Urgh! You're still stuck on that." Groaned Hermione. "It's only until next

week, Shimmer. You will get coins after."

"What's this about coins?"

"He likes everything precious, much like dragons in muggles books."

Answered Dumbledore.

"Really? Do you want coins now?" Asked Charlie, amused by the

comparison and how ludicrous it sounded. Sure, a few dragons liked

shiny things, but it was always an unusual behaviour not repeated by the

rest of their species.

"Yes! No! Shimmer want coins. Reserve no coins. Shimmer not want go

reserve." Angrily replied Shimmer, glaring at the dragon handlers.

"You're not going with them, we just want to make you eat magic."

Chided Hermione.

"Shimmer not go no coin?" He truly wanted to be certain.


"Good. Shimmer like eat magic." Shimmer added, jumping from

Dumbledore's shoulder to gently land on the ground.

"May I?" Asked Charlie, taking his wand out.

"Go ahead, mister Weasley. A simple stupefy charm would probably be

enough and won't harm him should it affect him." Agreed Dumbledore,

taking a step away from Shimmer.

Wand raised, Charlie stared at Shimmer who was expectantly waiting for

the magic, licking his chops. Shimmer really liked its taste, strong and

slightly sweet with some slight variations that he couldn't explain. Some

magic tasted different from others.

"Stupefy!" Cast Charlie, waving his wand with the correct motions,

sending a red wine coloured shot of magic straight at Shimmer.

Reacting with lots of skills and instincts, Shimmer almost instantly placed

his head in the path of the spell and opened his mouth, eating the spell in

but a moment. Appreciating the tingle that ran in his mouth, a light taste

of something akin to spices but not too strong. It also filled him up a bit,

not in a hungry way, but something slightly different. He stared at

Charlie some more, waiting for another.

At the same time, Charlie and most of those who watched this happen,

were processing this nearly unbelievable sight. It made Shimmer appear

even more dangerous to some, as it would make it far harder to cast

spells on him if he could simply eat them in mid-air. But to others, it also

made him an incredible creature that they couldn't wait to figure out.

"Is good. Again." Asked Shimmer.

"Stupefy." Cast again Charlie, not really knowing what to do beside trying

to please the dragon.

With as much dexterity, he gobbled the red spell with a snap of his jaw,

happily absorbing the magic. It also filled him up further, so much so

that he felt the magic coursing through him and an undesired sensation

of being too full.

"Stupefy." Unexpectedly continued Charlie, taking Shimmer by surprise.

He still had the same reaction, and ate it all the same, but it was a bit too

much magic for him. Where he felt full just a few seconds ago, he felt

almost bloated and about to explode, along with a small sensation of

lightheadedness. He didn't understand why though, feeling a bit sick.

Tilting his head to the side, he felt his stomach rebel and started retching,

gagging for a few seconds before vomiting on the grass.

"Eww! Shimmer, that's disgusting!" She complained, looking away from

the gross gooey mess.

"What's that?" Asked Ron, far less disturbed and rather curious of the

shiny, slimy pile of blue goo that Shimmer just threw up.

"Do not. Touch that. Mister Weasley." Instantly warned Snape, already

using his wand to gather the liquid in a flask. He even had to take a

second one to get everything, but once it was safely gathered inside the

vials, he gave it a good look.

"How strange." Mused Dumbledore.

"Do you know what this is, headmaster?" Asked the potion teacher.

"Not at all. I'm afraid that I've never seen such a thing before. And yet, I

can feel some powerful magic in this."

"Ruugh." Groaned Shimmer, shacking his head before focusing on what

just happened. And the first thing he noticed was that the feeling of being

full vanished, leaving him just as he had been before eating the magic,

with a slightly upset stomach in addition. "Where magic?" He asked.

"Headmaster." Called Snape, flicking his wand at the blue stuff. "I believe

that your statement is incorrect about magic being in this goo. This is

magic, only that it isn't around us like usual but rather somewhat


This brought down an absolute silence on the group, most simply

freezing at this revelation. Only Ron, Shimmer, and the two handlers who

didn't speak English didn't understand what this was about or didn't

understand the implications.

"That's impossible!" Nearly shouted Hermione, frantically looking

between the vials of blue magic and Shimmer. "The book of Magic,

Environments, and Planes states that magic cannot take a physical form."

She recited perfectly.

"Magic?" Asked Shimmer, looking at the vials.

"Another mystery to add to Shimmer's unique nature." Sighed

Dumbledore with a soft smile. "How are you feeling, Shimmer?"

"Shimmer good. Good magic. Like. Big big magic, not like." He tried to

explain, not really disgusted by what just happened. He could feel just

how much magic was gathered in the greasy human's hands, and it made

him hungry again. Even though he now knew he couldn't eat as much

magic as he wanted.

"That's relieving to hear." Agreed Hermione.

"I'm so confused." Said Charlie, just as lost as the other dragon handlers,

who couldn't understand how the little dragon before them did so many

incredible or even impossible things.

"You're not the only one." Added Ron.

"Charlie, we have to go. We're already starting to be a little late." Called


"Ah bollocks." Swore Charlie, shacking his head for a second. "Sorry, but

it looks like we have to go. I'd love to give Shimmer a full examination,

but it will have to wait."

"As I said earlier, you're more than welcome to come back to talk with

Shimmer." Reminded the headmaster.

"Thank you. We'll be sure to come back with a whole team. This is

ground-breaking, it might change how we understand dragons as a

whole!" He got excited again.

"That it is."

The other dragon handlers used their wands together and summoned a

rather large metallic box, in which they levitated Norberta inside. The

green dragon was still angrily trying to get out of her bonds, but there

was nothing she could have done as the lid of the box closed above her.

"My sweet Norberta." Cried a bit Hagrid, reminding the others that it

wasn't a happy moment for everyone.

"We'll take good care of her, Hagrid. As soon as she will be settled in, I'll

send you an owl so that you can come see her. Alright?" Offered Charlie.

"You're a good lad." Replied Hagrid as he stepped forward and trapped

Charlie in a near literal bear-hug, with the Weasley boy tapping his back

in reply as he endured the hug until he was released.

"Bye-bye Norberta." Added Shimmer, understanding that it was the thing

to say.

"Before we leave, would it be safe to pet Shimmer? We don't really get

the chance to pet dragons when they're not sedated." Asked Charlie


"Shimmer like. Good." Said Shimmer before anyone else could reply.

"Well, here I go."

Crouching down to be at Shimmer's height, Charlie very cautiously

brought his hand above Shimmer's head, who was waiting for it. Then it

made contact, and the hand slowly brushed against his scales. A small

smile graced Charlie's lips, aware of the chance he had right now, and he

gave a brief look at the other dragon handlers.

In a few seconds, it wasn't just one but four hands that fought to pet

Shimmer's head and back. And while Shimmer preened at being the

centre of attention, he didn't really like being touched so much.

"Stop." He warned, not ready to attack but a bit wary.

And then the four hands simply pulled back, giving him the space needed

to take flight. He almost went for Dumbledore but since Hagrid was

closer, in addition to having broader shoulders, he settled for the half-

giant. Perched there, he had a very nice view of everyone.

He didn't notice, but Hagrid wasn't frowning at him any more. Instead, he

was pleased to know the little dragon trusted him enough to think of him

as a suitable perch.

"I guess we will be on our way. I will have a formal request sent to you as

soon as possible." Continued Charlie, looking at the headmaster.

"Very well." Agreed the headmaster.

"And I will make sure to have a report for you about this... magic goo."

Added Snape, very interested in the blue stuff and all the possible tests

and uses that came to his mind.

"That would be nice, Professor Snape." Respectfully replied Charlie,

before turning to the rest of the group. "Thank you all for your warm

welcome, we will send news of Norberta shortly."

With that said, the four dragon handlers climbed on their brooms and

used their wands once more to summon ropes that tied themselves

around the box and linked to their brooms. With a small, coordinated

jump, the box was smoothly lifted in the air.

"Bye Charlie!" Waved Ron with a big smile.

"Goodbye Norberta! Daddy will come see you soon!" Shouted Hagrid,

bringing his large hands to his mouth, too loudly for Shimmer's taste who

gave an angry squawk, using his wings so stabilise himself.

Above the waving hands of the children, Hagrid and Dumbledore, the

four dragon handlers started to fly in formation, doing a large turn in the

air with the box barely shacking thanks to their coordination. In a few

seconds, the handlers and their charge disappeared above the tree line,

on their way back to Romania.

Hagrid kept looking at the sky a little longer, with sorrowful eyes, as he

was already missing Norberta's presence. He was still seeing her being

gagged and roped, taken away from him. He had wanted a dragon for so

very long, he had one for a few days, and now she was already gone.

A little shift from Shimmer brought Hagrid back to the present, and a

small smile appeared on his lips, simply happy to have Shimmer standing

so close to him. He was no Norberta, he couldn't replace her, but he

would never be able to stay mad at such a wonderful creature. He also

knew that, despite being far smarter than other dragons, Shimmer wasn't

wise or capable of thinking like a human. Shimmer thought he was doing

the right thing, not that he was wrong, but he went against Hagrid's

command of leaving Norberta's education to him. That was something he

could work on, help the dragon grow and understand that other's wishes

and needs had to be respected.

It made sense, after all, since Shimmer appeared to have lived his whole

life alone. How could he know how to respect others, when he simply

followed his instincts of being a predator. He never had any reason to

care about anyone else before.

"Shimmer." Called Hagrid.

"Yes?" Replied Shimmer, angling his long neck toward Hagrid's face.

"I would like you to stay with me today. I think there are a few things

that I could teach you." Offered Hagrid.

"Meat?" Asked Shimmer.

"Of course." Grinned Hagrid.

"Then I believe we all have activities to resume. Miss Granger, mister

Weasley, I believe your next class should begin shortly." Gently nudged


"Of course, Professor." Nodded Hermione, walking up to Hagrid and then

looking up at Shimmer. "Have a good day, Shimmer. Be nice with


"Shimmer good dragon." Reminded her Shimmer.

"That you are." She fondly agreed, trying to reach up to him but falling

up short. Much to Shimmer's amusement.

"Thank you, Hermione. You're a very special girl." Thanked Hagrid,

bending down so that she could pet Shimmer's head, which she quickly


With a last look at the half-giant and the dragon on his shoulder,

Hermione, Ron, and Neville, that remained silent during the whole

encounter, returned to the school to get their books for their first class of

the day.

Snape pocketed the vials into his robes, eager to experiment with them.

"I have students that await for me, too." Said Snape.

"I'm coming Severus. Are you alright, old friend?" Asked Dumbledore,

turning to face Hagrid.

"Still hurts a bit, but I think I'll be alright. And I have a few ideas for our

little friend." Smiled brightly Hagrid in reply.

"Good. Then I'll see you for lunch. Have a good day."

Dumbledore and Snape walked back to toward the castle, starting a new

conversation about the vials filled with magic, leaving Shimmer and

Hagrid alone in front of the man's hut.

"So? Want to have a second breakfast?" Invited Hagrid.

"Meat!" Agreed Shimmer.

"I hear ya, I hear ya. And I have a few things to teach you." Smiled

Hagrid, walking back to his house.

"Meat first?" Still asked Shimmer, enjoying the balancing movement on

Hagrid's shoulder.



Hi! Valexto at the Keyboard!

Thank you for waiting. As you can see, that chapter is quite heavier than

usual and took me more time to write. It sort of closes the Norberta

phase, and we will be going back to the Voldemort issues shortly.

Shimmer don't know it yet, but I'm certain that he won't enjoy the

examination the dragon handlers will give him in the future.

Just a little question: I've noticed far fewer views/reviews in the last

weeks. I, for some reason, can't see any notifications on my email despite

trying to reconnect Fanfiction with it, meaning that I don't know when

new chapters are out. Are you having the same issues?

I also found a spell checking app, so this chapter should be cleaner than

the previous ones. Tell me if it worked.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

See you soon!

21. Chapter 21

I do not own nor possess any right over Harry Potter, all rights belongs to

J.K. Rowling.

Chapter 21

A few days passed since Norberta was sent to the dragon reserve.

A few things happened to Shimmer. No one seemed to be upset with him

anymore, and Hermione even started to give him coins again!

Hagrid had been very helpful to better understand humans. It took some

time, especially since Shimmer still wasn't capable of understanding all

the words humans used, and he was starting to wonder if there was an

end to the numerous words humans had. The half-giant mainly told him

that respecting human words was important. Not only did humans value

words a lot, this he simply couldn't understand, even if he kind of got the

point of communicating with them being easier. But apparently, using

the right words and following what the humans said would be better for


He didn't understand why until Hagrid mentioned that using bad words

and not obeying words could have Shimmer sent to prison. That wasn't

that bad, but when he learned that there was also a fine with it, and after

Hagrid explained what a fine was, he really didn't want to not follow

words anymore. Just the thought of losing coins for mere words was

frightening enough.

Hermione had been a bit annoying though, always bothering him as soon

as he was near her, a book in hand, and trying to find something about

him and magic. Even the greasy man came once, looked at him with a

weird expression that Shimmer didn't understand, and left. Apparently,

other dragons not only couldn't eat magic, but they also couldn't vomit

magic. He truly was superior to all other dragons.

Right now though, he was munching on some bird that he caught in its

nest, finishing his breakfast as he flew back toward the great hall. He

reached it quickly, the winds being favorable to him, and flew in by the

window that was usually left open for him. It was a bit later than usual,

though, so he wasn't surprised to see more of the young humans gathered

in the big room.

And just like usual, Hermione was sitting at the same place she always

did, with Ron in front of her and the shy boy Neville at her right. They

appeared to have finished their breakfast, and were in the process of

reading letters. That was another difficulty that he learned of recently,

and it physically pained his brain to figure out that words could not only

be said but also written. The fact that the humans could communicate

with these weird symbols confused him a lot, but Hermione told him not

to worry about this yet, so he didn't.

Slowing down a bit, he reached the Gryffindor table and landed on the

table, right as Hermione moved away a few things to give him some


"Good morning, Shimmer." She greeted him.

"Good morning Hermione. Good morning Ron. Good morning Nevilllle."

He replied.

"Huh, it's Neville." Corrected the shy boy, who was surprisingly not that

shy anymore around Shimmer.

"And you don't have to greet everyone, even if it's very nice of you."

Added Hermione.

"Shimmer understand. Hermione paper?"Asked Shimmer.

"Yes, it's a letter from my parents. They say that they're thinking about

me a lot, and they're excited to see me again." She replied, showing him

the letter.

He gave it a very brief, uninterested look since he couldn't read anything

and rather looked at the few late owls that were bringing the students

their mail. He didn't really understand why these rather big birds were

used to carry papers, but apparently they had some magic like him, and

their magic made them very good at knowing where to bring the papers.

In the end, he didn't give it much thought, thinking himself as better than

a simple paper carrier.

Neville was also reading a letter, though he didn't appear as excited as

Hermione but rather slightly nervous, and Ron's letter was discarded next

to him, opened but apparently not very important since he pushed it


"Charlie said that the dragon reserve started negotiating with Hogwarts

to have a few specialists, including Charlie, come to study Shimmer."

Supplied Ron.

"Shimmer not want." He growled lightly, not very enthusiastic about this

since Hagrid told him what it was about.

"They won't force you to do anything, if you don't like it you just have to

tell them." Explained Hermione.

"Shimmer not like. Shimmer dragon, not paper." He replied.

"Use 'is' Shimmer, I told you before." Chided Hermione lightly, still trying

to get him to a higher level of speech. "And everyone knows you're not

paper, they're not going to write over you. They're going to write about


"Is. Is. Is. Shimmer is dragon. Hermione is Human. Food is good." He said,

repeating a few of the examples that Hermione gave him in their last


"Good. Now, we have Defense Against the Dark Arts next. Do you want to


He thought about it, weighting the pros and cons. On one side, he really

didn't like the smell of the classroom with all the weird plants, weird

objects, and especially the horrible scent of death on the Quirrell. But on

the other side, he didn't want to leave Hermione and her friends alone

with him.

"Yes. Shimmer go." He agreed.

They soon made their way to their next class, along with most of the

Gryffindors that were also in the hall, and quickly filled the classroom

with everyone taking their seats, waiting for their stuttering teacher to


"Think he'll be scared of Shimmer again?" Asked Ron.

"Probably? He's scared by his own shadow." Agreed Neville, finding it

hard to believe that there was someone even more cowardly than


"Shimmer not like bad man. Smell dead, is bad." Added Shimmer,

appreciating that the disgusting smelly man feared him.

Instead of staying on Hermione's table, he flew up in the rafters and

remained there, glaring at the door where the teacher would come from.

He didn't have to wait long when Professor Quirrell's shivering body

crossed the threshold of the class. It didn't look like he noticed Shimmer

hiding in the rafters, but Shimmer certainly saw him and, most

importantly, smelled his horrible scent from the moment the door


But there was something slightly different this time. Where before the

smell of death had been strong and imposing, it was now weakened, not

assaulting his senses as strongly as before. And for someone who had

such a great sense of smell as well as a knowledge of prey, Shimmer

knew that all of this meant that the man below him was dying. Which

was weird, because he still smelled like he was already dead for a long

time, but now that he was closer to dying, the smell of death was


Maybe he wouldn't have to kill the human, perhaps he would die by

himself. And Shimmer certainly wouldn't want to eat anything that

smelled that bad.

Was eating humans bad? He never asked Hermione if it was a thing.

Nonetheless, he still glared at Quirrell as the man stood by his office,

bringing out a very light amount of papers, before writing a few words

on the board behind him. Not that Shimmer could read it.

"G-g-good morning, ch-children." He greeted them.

"Good morning." Replied the class halfheartedly.

"Morning." Added Shimmer politely, applying the rules about greeting

that Hermione taugth him.

Quirrell's eyes snapped upward toward him, and he froze at the sight of

the dragon hiding above them, stuttering like crazy and pointing a

wavering finger at Shimmer.


"Not again." Sighed Hermione in a whisper.

"It's bloody fun!" Cheered Ron, whispering but certainly not hiding his


"G-g-g-get it ou-ou-out of here!" Ordered Quirrell, retreating behind the

small cover offered by his desk.

"Come on, Shimmer." Guided him Hermione, standing up and walking to

the door.

"Shimmer not like." He complained, not wanting to leave.

"You don't have a choice. Come on." She repeated, opening the door.

"Not like." He repeated too, but complying reluctantly.

He jumped from the rafters and flew right through the door, which

Hermione closed right as he passed.

Left with nothing to do and a bit grumpy at being dismissed so casually,

he certainly didn't want to go nap so soon. Not that he dislikes sleeping,

but time spent sleeping was time spent not collecting coins.

Orienting himself a bit, he flew through the corridors as the paintings,

which got slightly used to him, gave him nasty and wary looks, not that

he cared, and went up the very long stairs. He went up and up and up

until he reached the last floor, where the ugly monster guarding the old

human's office stood.

He hovered in front of it, not knowing how to open it, as he recalled that

it moved on its own after a few words. Though he couldn't remember

what word it was, he also knew that it was sometimes different words.

But he could try.

"Door!" He shouted.

Nothing happened.


Still nothing.












"Shimmer!" Came a shout from behind.

He turned around, watching as the strict old female human came in,

frowning heavily at him. It's a good thing that she came in right now, he

was running out of words to try.

"What are you doing here? How long have you been shouting? And why

are you shouting?" Professor McGonagall questioned him, stopping a

small distance away from him. She might know that Shimmer was

friendly, but she would never stop being careful around a potentially

dangerous creature.

"Shimmer want open door. Dumb Door." He replied.

"You need a password to enter." She grumbled before muttering to

herself. "And I'll be sure to have a word with Severus, teaching such

language to a dragon."


"It's a secret word." She briefly explained, straightening herself as she

looked at the gargoyle. "Gnomish-Gum."

And just like that, the statue started to turn around itself, almost sinking

into the ground as the spiral staircase hidden behind appeared.

He didn't even get the time to enter that Professor McGonagall went in

first, and he quickly followed through, staying slightly behind her until

they reached the headmaster's office. And the old human was indeed

there, busy writing down on some papers that he put aside the moment

Shimmer and Professor McGonagall came in.

"Good morning, Shimmer. I trust that Professor McGonagall isn't

accompanying you because you did something wrong." Greeted them


"He was shouting insults at the stairs, trying to find the password. How is

it possible that you didn't hear him?" McGonagall asked, slightly

frustrated, watching as Shimmer landed on Dumbledore's desk.

"Ah, I fear that I'm finally getting old." He deflated a bit, though

recovering twice as fast. "But it doesn't tell us why Shimmer was so busy."

"I don't know. If you would like to explain yourself, Shimmer."

"Smell dead man not want Shimmer in class. Shimmer come see

Dumbdoor. Would like coin." Replied Shimmer, a but annoyed that he

spent so much time in front of the door for nothing when he could have

been trying to collect coins.

"Really? That's not surprising." Replied Dumbledore, and Shimmer didn't

know if the old human was talking about the dead-not-dead man or

about his request for coins.

"What's this I hear about a dead man?" Critically asked Minerva.

"Do you remember my worries about professor Quirrell?" He asked back.


"Shimmer here told us that he smelled of death, yet he appears to be

quite alive. A fascinating fact, don't you think?"

By the way the old woman stiffened, it was clear that something bad was

said by Dumbledore. But not only had Shimmer barely listened to the old

man, he was still waiting for his coins.


"Yes, yes. What an insatiable greed." Sighed playfully Dumbledore,

opening a drawer on his left and taking out two sickles.

"Does someone knows how much money Shimmer possesses now?" Asked

Minerva, appreciating Shimmer's presence but not his need for coins,

which she found most infuriating.

"I know that I have a list somewhere. I'll have to remember to add two

sickles to it." He replied, slightly lost in his thoughts for a moment, before

focusing again on Shimmer with a more pleased gleam in his eyes. "That

reminds me, I have an offer for you, Shimmer."

"Offer? Coins?" He asked excited, not understanding that the offer wasn't

the same type as the ones he had previously.

"In a way. I would like you to accompany Hagrid on a little patrol in the

Forbidden Forest. For the past few weeks, unicorns, magical creatures

like you, have been attacked and killed, and their blood drank. Drinking

a unicorn's blood is a terrible, terrible thing to do, for your life will

become forfeited, with only the unicorn's blood keeping you alive from

that point. Only someone at the gate of Death would dare to do

something so evil." Explained Dumbledore, talking a bit slower than

usual for the dragon standing before him.

Most words went a bit over Shimmer's head, but he got the main idea.

Something was killing these creatures called unicorns, and Dumbledore

wanted to stop that. Simple. But what he didn't like was the mention that

this was in the Forbidden Forest. He always had a feeling that he

shouldn't go to this place, and after hearing from Hermione and a few

others what creatures were in there, he was even more determined to

avoid it.

Yet Hagrid, the giant human, apparently had no issue going inside the

dark forest.

"Why Shimmer?" He asked.

"Because I believe your acute awareness of magic and your greater sense

of smell could help Hagird track down the one killing unicorns. And of

course, you would be payed for your help."

"Coins?" He eagerly asked, already happy with the two sickles he had, but

being all for getting more coins.

"Yes. What do you say about five sickles per day where you will assist

Hagrid in the Forbidden Forest?" Offered Dumbledore.

"Galleon!" Countered Shimmer.

"Please do not accept, Hogwarts already have enough expenses as it is."

Instantly intervened Minerva.

"Dear Minerva, you know me too well." He chuckled before turning

toward Shimmer again. "Six sickles."

"More!" Replied Shimmer, wanting to see high he could go.

"Fine, seven sickles. But no more."



"Aw. Shimmer okay. Seven sickles is good." He accepted, still wanting

more but aware that seven sickles was a very, very good amount right

now. He could already imagine how it would improve his collection.

"I'm glad that we agreed on your payment. Now, simply goes to Hagrid's

hut tonight. He will guide you in the forest." Smiled Dumbledore.

"Okay. Bye-bye Dumb-door." Replied Shimmer, grabing his coins and

flying to the window.

With a flick of his wrist, Dumbledore opened the window, and Shimmer

quickly left toward his hoard, already dreaming of how the sickles in his

mouth and the new ones he would get tonight would make his hoard


In Dumbledore's office, the old wizard was just closing the window when

Minerva questioned him.

"Do you really think a dragon can help us catch You-Know-Who?"

"Indeed. I'm certain that his unique talents will help us track him down."

Replied Dumbledore.

"It's You-Know-Who that we're talking about. As unique as he is, Shimmer

is just a dragon." The scottish woman argued.

"Perhaps." Conceded Dumbledore.

"Have you found anything about Harry Potter?"

Albus let out a tired sighed at that question, well aware of all the troubles

he had regarding Harry Potter. There were still no signs of Harry, and

since he disappeared on the very night he let him out on the Dudley's

front porch, there was no clue about where he might be. At this point,

Albus Dumbledore wasn't sure if he should consider Harry Potter dead or


"I'm afraid not. I put Alastor and a few others on his track, but so far they

have found nothing. Any magical traces that might have been left then

have since long vanished, and no one has heard of him ever since." He

regretfully confessed, well aware and ashamed of his faults.

"You know that I was against putting him in his relatives' place, but

couldn't you at least have knocked at their door?" She replied a bit angry,

also feeling a certain degree of responsibility over what happened to

Harry Potter.

"Alas, I can only acknowledge my mistakes too late. I won't stop looking

for him; I believe we all own him and his family far too much, but it's the

least I can do." He was assured and determined.

"I hope we'll find him Albus." Minerva sadly said.

"Me too Minerva, me too." He could only agree.

That same day, a bit later in the afternoon, Shimmer was standing in

front of the door where Hermione was having her class of transfiguration.

He arrived too late to enter and thus decided to wait. His patience was

rewarded when the door finally opened, and he let the flow of students

pass until he spotted Hermione and her friends, jumping from the rafters

to stop right in front of her face, hovering in the air.

"Hello Hermione."

"Ah! Please don't do this, Shimmer." Shouted Hermione, quickly realising

who just scared her.

"Shimmer is sorry. Shimmer go Dumb-Door, got sickles." He replied,

moving back a little as Hermione stepped forward.

"Blimey. He came out of nowhere." Commented Ron to Neville, the two

also having been surprised by Shimmer's unexpected entrance.

"It's Dumbledore, Shimmer. I swear you're doing it on purpose. And did

you at least thank him?" Asked Hermione.

"... Shimmer not rem-em-ber." He answered, not recalling if he did or not.

"You have to say 'thank you', Shimmer. It's important." She chided him.

"Shimmer is sorry."

"It's alright, you just have to think about it next time." Hermione smiled,

both happy to see him understand and that her lessons were paying off.

"He'll be more polite than you at the end." Joked Ron.

"And what's wrong with being polite?" She questioned, a bit offended.

"Huh, nothing, it's just, it makes you sound like a pureblood." Ron


"Being polite is not a matter of blood, only of education."

"Blood? Where?" Asked Shimmer, looking to see if Hermione was injured.

"No, no, we're just talking about blood. And it's not even blood that you

can see." Quickly corrected Hermione, pushing back Shimmer gently.

That left him even more confused, and it must have been quite obvious

since Hermione promptly continued.

"It's not something you need to worry about."

That he understands.

"Okay." Shimmer said, before recalling what he had agreed with the old

human. He felt like sharing it with Hermione. "Shimmer go night bad

forest. Help Hagrid."

That instantly stopped the three children, who stared at him with wide


"You're going in the Forbidden Forest?!" Asked Hermione, horrified.

"Hagrid goes in there?" Wondered Ron, not knowing how anyone could

willingly enter such a creepy place.

Neville only stood there, mouth agape and not saying a word, looking

between the three others, completely terrified just at the thought of the

Forbidden Forest.

"Shimmer go, help Hagrid, get seven sickles." Confirmed Shimmer.

"But why? It's very dangerous!" Exclaimed Hermione, furiously trying to

figure out the reasons why the headmaster would ask Shimmer to go to

such a dreadful place. Not only that, but she was starting to imagine the

worst things that could happen to Shimmer in there. Especially with all

the terrible stories she heard from other students about it, along with all

the books she read that detailed a few of the terrifying creatures that

lived there.

"Dumb-Door need Shimmer help kill bad creature. Shimmer help Hagrid.

Shimmer coins." He continued, not seeing the problem.

"Shimmer, the Forbidden Forest is a very dangerous place; you could get

killed!" Almost pleaded Hermione, wishing to make him understand the

danger he would be in.

"Shimmer knows." He replied.

"W-what?" She stammered for a second.

"Shimmer not like bad forest. Shimmer know bad forest is danger. But

Shimmer get coins!" He added at the end, wanting to make them see how

profitable this was.

The three students shared another moment in silence before it was

broken again.

"But, it doesn't scare you?"

"No. Shimmer kill, Shimmer is not kill." Shimmer persisted. Why would

he be scared? He knew the forest was a bad and dangerous place, and he

tried to avoid it, but he wasn't afraid of the creatures he might find there.

He was stronger than most creatures anyway, and he could just fly away

if he ever found something too dangerous.

"I think it's like he's paid to make this job." Noted Ron.

"Shimmer, you don't have to go in the Forbidden Forest to get coins."

Continued Hermione.

"Shimmer want coins, Shimmer want help Hagrid." The golden dragon

said, landing on the ground as he was tired of hovering for nothing.

"I—well, that's a very nice thing to do Shimmer. But I don't want you to

get hurt. Or killed." She pleaded, kneeling down to be more at his level

and petting his head gently.

"Shimmer is good hunt. Shimmer is good kill. Shimmer say Hermione

hello tomorrow."

"It's 'hunter' and 'killer'. But... I understand what you say, I just don't want

you to go."

Lunging forward, taking Shimmer by surprise, Hermione caught him in a

tight hug. He hadn't been as tightly hugged since the troll attacked


"I want to see you tomorrow morning." She said, very seriously.

"Shimmer is here tomorrow morning." He replied, trying to get out of her


"You promise?" Hermione asked, looking at him sternly.

"What is promise?" Shimmer questioned, briefly stopping his attempts to

get free.

"A promise is a very, very important word. When someone ask you to

promise something, it means that they want you to do something very,

very important. That you must do everything to do it. Do you

understand?" She explained.

"Yes. Promize is big word."

"It's 'promise'." She couldn't help but correct him.

"Promise." He repeated.

"Good. Now, do you promise me to come back?" She asked, taking his

head in her hands to make sure he looked straight in her eyes.

"Yes. Shimmer promise." He agreed.

With that said, Hermione took a deep breath before slowly exhaling,

standing back up, relieved to know that Shimmer at least promised to

return. She was aware that he probably didn't understand yet the

meaning of a promise like humans did, but it was the best she would get

for now.

And as they started walking again toward their next class, she couldn't

help but trying to find out what sort of dangerous creature the

headmaster wanted to remove.

That evening, just like Dumbledore said, Hagrid was waiting for Shimmer

in front of his hut. He had a large crossbow on his back, a decent-sized

lantern in one hand, and a massive dog right next to him, kept on a tight

leash by his other hand.

"Shimmer! There you are!" Happily greeted him Hagrid.

"Hello Hagrid. Shimmer help Hagrid, Shimmer get coins." Replied

Shimmer, staying a little bit above Hagrid and wary of the large dog.

"Aye, aye, Dumbledore mentioned that. You'll get your coins once we're

back. And don't be scared of Fang here; he's softer than a kitten and as

easily scared." Hagrid continued, shaking Fang's leash as he stepped

toward the Forbidden Forest.

Giving the dark woods before him a wary look, Shimmer promptly

followed the half-giant and his giant dog. They followed a small path that

went deeper in the forest, with only the light of the moon and the lantern

lighting up their way. Even though Shimmer could see far further than

Hagrid in the darkness thanks to his nocturnal eyesight.

"So, do you remember what we're doing here?" Asked Hagrid.

"Shimmer not dumb!" Instantly exclaimed Shimmer.

"I didn't say that you were!" Retorted Hagrid, a bit taken aback by

Shimmer's reply.

"Shimmer smart. Shimmer and Hagrid find bad creature, save corns."

"That's about it, except it's unicorns, not corn."

"U-ni-corn. Unicorn. Shimmer knows." Tried Shimmer, very annoyed that

he made a mistake. He should be better than that.

"Here ya go." Congratulated him Hagrid, right before the half-giant pulled

on Fang's leash. "Come on, ya big lug, there's nothing to be scared of yet."


Hi! Valexto at the Keyboard!

I apologise for the shorter chapter, but it works better like this for the

next one.

We're about to be at the confrontation between Shimmer and Voldemort/

Quirrell. Want to guess how it will go?

Also, sorry about the delay, both for this story and the other one. The last

few weeks have been very busy, and I just now have some time and focus

to write again.

Thanks for all the support and see you soon!

22. Chapter 22

I do not own nor possess any right over Harry Potter, all rights belongs to

J.K. Rowling.

Chapter 22

Well, that night proved to be both enlightening and boring.

Shimmer and Hagrid, plus Fang, who kept whimpering the whole time

and tried to turn back at every sound, spent the night patrolling the

forest in search of the creature killing unicorns.

The night was boring because pretty much nothing happened. They

walked around, Hagrid kept telling Shimmer a few things about the forest

and the creatures within. Some of these, like the centaurs, confused

Shimmer quite a lot, but others simply made him raise a non-existent

eyebrow, like some sort of nasty human butterfly called fairy. They

walked around for hours, stopped whenever they heard a sound,

investigated, and continued when it proved to either be nothing or not

what they were looking for.

But at the same time, and for the same reasons, that night proved to be

very interesting. Shimmer spent a long time avoiding this forest, and the

many, many scents he got only confirmed his will to keep avoiding it.

Some scents were evil and dark, others had the distinct smell of a

predator and some others of preys. It almost overloaded his nose at first,

and it took him a little while to get used to it, but now he could

somewhat tell what scent to ignore and which ones should be pursued.

A few of the creatures they encountered were large wolves, extremely

malnourished horses called thestrals that strangely registered as

predators instead of preys. A very, very large amount of variation of the

same scent, that being of spiders. He wasn't scared of spiders, but the

number of scents told him that there were far more spiders than he

would be willing to go against.

And in the end, when Hagrid called off their patrol, they returned to

Hogwarts with no new information of the creature killing unicorns. And

Hagrid also explained what unicorns were, so at least he would be able to

recognise them later.

It was past midnight when they returned to Hagrid's hut, and Shimmer

got his pay.

Seven sickles for basically nothing? One of the best deal he ever had, and

he only wished for this to go on. Seven sickles per night? He could

already picture what his hoard would look like at this rate.

The next morning, Shimmer arrived in the Great Hall and, as soon as he

landed next to Hermione, realised his mistake.

"Shimmer!" Almost shouted Hermione, grabbing him in a very tight hug,

much to the surprise of those around them.

"No hug! Shimmer not like! Not want no hug!" He struggled, his wings

caught by Hermione and incapable of freeing himself without attacking.

And he didn't want to attack Hermione.

"I was so worried, I almost didn't sleep." She continued.

"Shimmer okay! Hermione Shimmer go!"

"Alright, calm down." Hermione relented, freeing him from her grasp.

Shimmer kept his distances with her arms, glaring at them warily.

"So? How was the Forbidden Forest? Did you see monsters in there?"

Asked Ron.

"Montser?" Repeated Shimmer.

"Monsters. It's very, very bad creatures." Supplied Hermione.

"Oh! Shimmer see horse. Meat hungry horse. Hagrid say horse is the-

stral." Replied Shimmer, trying his best to repeat the new word correctly.

"Thestrals? I read that they could eat humans." Shivered Hermione.

"Bloody hell." Whispered Ron, both amazed and a bit scared. "And they

didn't attack you?"

"No. Thestral know Hagrid. Shimmer and Hagrid look unicorn bad

creature. No see." Continued Shimmer.

"Are you going back there tonight?" Asked Hermione, turning a little


"Yes!" Exclaimed Shimmer happily. "Hagrid give seven sickles Shimmer.

Shimmer want more. Go again."

"I- well, if everything went well last night, I suppose it would be alright

to continue." Replied Hermione a bit unsure, not wanting Shimmer to put

himself at risk.

"It's great! They'll see more creatures. Did you see something else last

night?" Kept asking Ron.

"Shimmer not see, scent. Bad creature. Many, many, many, many-"

Started Shimmer.

"We get it Shimmer, there was a lot of bad creatures. Do you know which

ones?" Stopped him Hermione, knowing he might go on forever


"Not know name. Many legs. Dangerous."

"Many legs? Like the centaurs?" Tried Neville, who gathered enough

courage to ask his question.

"No. More legs."

"What can have more legs than a centaur?" Wondered Ron aloud.

"I think I know what it is. Acromantulas." Said Hermione, disgusted and

terrified just at the thought.

"A what?" Asked Ron.

"Acromantulas are giant spiders, and I read that there's a whole colony in

the Forbidden Forest."

That left Ron completely terrified, his mouth a bit agape, and looking at

his plate deep in thoughts.

"Giant spiders." Whispered Neville.

"What spider? Many legs?" Asked Shimmer, not at all bothered by the

reactions of the children before him.

"Yes, Shimmer. Spiders are creatures that have eight legs, and there are

many of them in the forest." Replied Hermione, now not really wanting

to let Shimmer go back.

"Shimmer not like many legs. Taste bad."

"These spiders are very big Shimmer. Bigger than Hagrid."

"Big big spider? Shimmer not like." He replied, determined to avoid

following the scent of spiders.

"Good. Do you plan to do anything today?" Asked Hermione.

"Shimmer sleep. Want go forest, sickles."

"I swear, you can make him do anything as long as you have coins."

Nonchalantly said Ron.

"Ron." Said Hermione, mustering some authority in her voice.

"Hey, I wasn't going to do anything." Complained Ron.

"But we can!" Interrupted them a duo of voices behind them.

"They turned around and looked at the two Weasley twins, who stood

right there with a massive grin on their face.

"Can you see it, George?"

"Of course, Fred."

"A dragon that you can recruit?"

"Perhaps to send a package or light a few candles?"

"Or rather create a masterpiece of a prank?"

"To scare a teacher? Or a student?"

"I don't want you to do that with Shimmer, you'll give him bad ideas."

Interrupted them Hermione, frowning at them.

"Ow! It seems our reputation is doing us harm, wouldn't you say,

George?" The one apparently called Fred said.

"Certainly. And we would never do something to harm our dear

Shimmer, simply teach him that there's more to life than words." Replied


Shimmer was a bit unsure about these two humans. He wasn't disturbed

by the idea of a creature existing in many variations, but he never saw

two humans looking exactly the same, and that seemed strange to him.

They also behaved a bit differently, so he was not sure what to expect

from them, but he was a bit wary seeing how Hermione was frowning at


"Cor, can you picture it? My brothers with a dragon." A very pale Ron

said, looking at his brothers.

"Now, now, dear brother. We take a great care to preserve futur partners

in crime, isn't that right George?" Said Fred, not seeing how the three

children before them, as well as many other Gryffindors, suddenly looked

in their direction in silence.

"Absolutely, Fred. A dragon firing above the toilets or perhaps having

him drop stinky bombs in the stairs. The possibilities are endless!"

"I hope for you, Weasleys, that you are not discussing how to weaponise

Shimmer, correct?" Asked a cold voice right behind them.

The two twins exchanged a worried look, before turning around to face

the towering frame of Snape, glaring down at them coldly.

"Professor Snape, you mistake our intentions." Instantly said Fred in a

completely sincere voice.

"Indeed! We were only thinking of teaching Shimmer new things,

different ways to enjoy life." Added George in the exact same voice.

"Would you two appreciate staying with me one hour Saturday morning?

I'm certain that I can find a new way for you to enjoy life." Continued

Snape, glaring down ever more.

"Not at all, professor!" Assured Fred happily.

"We would be delighted." Nodded George.

"My office, Saturday morning. Go back to your seats."

"Yes sir." The two instantly agreed, walking back to their plates.

"And you." Started Snape, turning toward the three children and


"Hello, Dunderhead." Replied Shimmer.

The whole table, and all those who heard him speak, stood either

completely silent or mouth wide open. None could believe what came out

of Shimmer's mouth. The only ones smiling were the two Weasley twins,

as well as some teachers, including Dumbledore and Minerva, who had a

feeling that Snape should have seen this coming.

"What, did you just say?" Glared Snape, lowering himself just a bit

toward Shimmer.

"Dunderhead? Is name?" Wondered Shimmer, confused.

"Shimmer! You can't say that!" Hermione hurriedly said, having finally

recovered from her shock, embarrassed beyond belief that Shimmer just

called a teacher like that.

"A moment, miss Granger. I'll let you the care of correcting Shimmer

later. My name, Shimmer, is not dunderhead. My name is Severus Snape,

and you would do well to remember it." Strongly said Snape.

"What name is? Severus? Snape?" Continued Shimmer, still confused.

"If you need to use one, call me Professor Snape."

"Shimmer understand. Human name is Snape. Hello Snape." Said

Shimmer, happy to have it right this time.

"Much better." Nodded the stiff professor, right before turning toward

Hermione again. "That will be five points from Gryffindor, miss Granger.

I'd advise you to correct his vocabulary soon, unless you wish to lose

more points."

He didn't let Hermione have the time to reply, turning around and

walking back to the teacher's table, where he was welcomed with many

smirks that he completely ignored. Shimmer looked at him take his seat,

and gave a quick glance at Quirrell, who looked a little weak and sick.

Perhaps his state would finally match his scent?

The poor Hermione, though, stood perfectly still, shocked that she lost

points for this, when it was clearly Professor Snape's fault. And she also

couldn't believe that Shimmer insulted him so casually.

"Shimmer..." She started, looking angrily at the little dragon.

"Shimmer go sleep. Goodbye!" He promptly took off, recognising the look

on her face.

"Shimmer! Come back here, right now!" She almost shouted.

"Bye-bye!" He replied, quickly flying up toward the windows and making

his way to his hoard. He had to rest, after all, he couldn't stay here with

Hermione all day long. It definitely wasn't at all because he didn't want

to hear the many words she would tell him as a lesson.

And, as he flew away, he didn't hear Professor Snape's words.

"Two points for shouting in the hall, miss Granger."

Shimmer was once again flying alongside Hagrid, having just entered the

Forbidden Forest.

Fang, as scared as he was and ready to run away as soon as possible, was

at least helpful in pointing out the direction of the school, doing his best

to turn around. Yet, the large dog could do nothing as Hagrid's grip on

his leash stopped him from leaving.

"Ah swear that a Blast-Ended Skrewt would be enough to scare you."

Grumbled Hagrid a little as he forced Fang to keep going deeper in the


Shimmer didn't even try to understand what he said, and to be fair the

giant humans often said a lot of weirds words. Which apparently was a

bit of a normal for him.

Tonight the moon was quite bright, and it made their way in the forest

far easier, along with the small lantern that Hagrid carried. Even more

for Shimmer who didn't even had to touch the ground and the many

roots that only waited to trip someone. Hagrid, with his large feet, wasn't

too bothered either.

Their progression was steady, and just like the first night, there was not

that much to do. There were a few dangerous creatures, but they

apparently knew to stay far away from Hagrid. Shimmer mainly watched

them, learned what they were and how dangerous they could be from

Hagrid, and kept looking for their target. And even if they didn't find

anything tonight, he would still get seven sickles. That was the best deal

he ever got.

Their little trek in the forest lasted for a couple of hours, with nothing

fascinating. They had reached a quite deep part of the woods, where the

fog was deeper and the trees closer to each other, reducing their

visibility. With still no sign of the creatures they were tracking, Hagrid

said they would turn back soon, when the sound of cracking branches

and quick, heavy footsteps reached them.

Instantly turning to the right, where he heard the sounds coming from,

Shimmer's eyes quickly scanned the whole area, looking for the source of

the noise. Hagrid stood ready too, crossbow in hands and aiming it

toward the danger. Only Fang reacted badly, scraping at the ground

fiercely, trying to get away as fast as possible. The fog hid whatever it

was, but by the footsteps getting louder, they knew it was coming in their


In a few seconds, a unicorn appeared through the fog. It would have been

tall and majestic, if not for the fact that it was breathing heavily and

running at full speed, with a bit of shiny silver liquid running down it's

left hind leg. Shimmer, already in the air, had no issue evading it, while

Hagrid was forced to take a few steps back to avoid being hit by the

charging animal. He only got a few seconds to look at it, but Shimmer

knew a terrified and wounded prey when he sees one.

The fleeing unicorn quickly disappeared in the other way, and what was

chasing it followed. A shadow, swirling darkness hiding whatever it was,

pierced through the fog, and promptly stopped upon seeing them.

Shimmer wasted no time, already recognising the shape of the shadow as

being nearly human, meaning it was an easy target. At that moment, he

wasn't thinking like a human, but like wild predator, pouncing first to

take the advantage and looking for the best way to put an end to the

fight as soon as possible.

Rushing toward it, pushing himself with his wings, Shimmer got close

enough to unleash his flames upon their foe.

What was his surprise, when the creature before him raised a hand,

hidden beneath shadow too with a wand in it, and a shield appeared

around it, protecting it from the fire. That brief moment of shock was just

what the shadow needed, and a sudden, invisible push of magic, sent

Shimmer fumbling in the air, before he felt something grab him. He

looked and tried to bite it by reflex, only there was nothing to bite.

Shimmer was dangling in the air, held by his tail by an invisible grasp.

Trapped in the air, there was nothing he could do beside screeching and

trying to get free by shacking himself as much as he could, snarling and

growling at the shadow. It raised its wand again, ready to unleash

another spell, when a massive bolt almost hit the shadow's head, forcing

it to focus on Hagrid, who glared at it with another bolt already in hand.

"Get away from Shimmer!" He shouted, readying his crossbow again.

Free from the magical clutch, Shimmer fell a little in the air before

stabilising himself. Furious at being played like that, he used the

opportunity given by Hagrid, shooting another bolt at the shadow that

was forced to quickly dodge, to rush at it. Taking it by surprise, Shimmer

got in reach of his target and bit as strongly as he could the creature

around where it's arm appeared to be.

It screamed in pain, in a very human way, but also with another voice,

acute and a near screech of pain that didn't felt human. And as he bit it,

Shimmer also got its taste. And what a foul, horrible taste it was. It was a

taste of rotten blood, that belonged in a dead creature, mixed with the

taste of death. There was only one person that he knew with that smell,

and he didn't like him much.

Yet, even though it smelled and tasted like it was dead, the human was

clearly in great pain as he shook his arm, trying to free himself.

"Blast him away! Fool!" Came another voice, angry and raspy.

The wand was aimed at him again, and Shimmer had to let go, flying

away just as a first spell almost hit him.

Another followed, a dark purple one, that Shimmer couldn't dodge.

Opening his mouth, he used his only option available, and ate it. Unlike

the other spells he ate before, this one tasted very, very bad, and the

strength behind it sent Shimmer flying in the air and tumbling on the

ground. He heaved, retched and vomited violently, trying to purge

himself of the horrible spell, letting out a stinky dark goop. Down on the

ground, there wasn't much he could do as he was still trying to remove

all the dark spell, and Hagrid rescued him again from the shadow that

started to advance threateningly toward him.

Not having the time to reload, he threw one of the bolts at the shadow,

hitting it with the shaft of the bolt. And since the bolt was rather large, it

was enough to send the man stumbling a little backward. Shacking his

head a little bit more, and taking a deep breath to both get rid of the

smell in his lungs and to prepare himself, Shimmer jumped in the air and

flew very close to the shadow once more.

That close, the man probably expected him to bite, and he moved his

arms back in precaution. Yet, Shimmer had another idea in mind, and he

blasted the man with his fire at a very close range. The screams and

screech of suffering were terrible. The man waved his arms around in an

attempt to remove the fire from himself, even as his cloak of shadow

started to burn away, revealing a singed red turban and a burned wizard

robes beneath. What looked worse, though, was that the flesh beneath it

looked like ashes, around his stomach, with parts of it already flying

away in the air.

"Quirrell? What are you doing here?" Asked Hagrid, confused, as he

recognised the clothes.

"The stone! We don't have the time! Get... the stone!" Roared the weak

and raspy voice in rage.

With a flick of his wand, water surged from its tip, extinguishing the

flames. Another flick, and both Harry and Shimmer were sent backward.

With another spell fired at them, this one raising a small wall of fire

between them, the man quickly left, stumbling a little and clutching at

his burned chest, toward the castle. He took a few steps before turning

into shadows, moving at great speeds.

Shimmer stared at the shadow for a second, before bolting right after it,

using his wings to push himself as fast as possible after it.

"Shimmer! Come back! Don't go alone!" Shouted Hagrid in vain.

After all that human did to him, and the fact that he was the one paid to

kill, Shimmer wouldn't let him get away. Not when his prey was

weakened and wounded. He went after Quirrell as fast as possible, but

the shadow was still far ahead and even going faster than him, flying

between the trees with an agility that equalled his own. He lost track of

him as he reached the castle grounds, but the scent of death was heavy,

and he knew he would have no trouble finding it. Shimmer wondered for

a few seconds if he should wait for Hagrid, but decided against it,

preferring not to let Quirrell get more time to get away.

But there were others that could help. Without loosing a second, he flew

to Hermione's window, and bashed against it far harder than he ever did.

"Ah!" Came three shouts of fear from the room.

Hermione, Parvati and Lavender all shrieked in fear at the sound,

clutching their bedsheets tightly. They looked at each other for a second,

before another loud bash of Shimmer against the window got their


"What's he doing here? It's way too late." Growled Lavender as she

realised who just woke them up.

"I don't know." Replied Hermione, tired but forced awake by Shimmer, as

she walked to the window and opened it. "What is it Shimmer? It's late."

"Shimmer bad bad man! Smell dead! Attack Hagrid! Quick!" He loudly

said, stepping inside the dormitory.

"What are you talking about?" She mumbled.

"What bad man?" Asked Parvati, rubbing her eyes.

"Shimmer forest. Bad creature is dead smell man. Quirrell. Danger! Kill!"

He desperately tried to warn them, once more regretting that he didn't

know how to speak well enough with humans. His speech even started to

degrade a little as excitement and worry ran through him.

"Quirrell? He's the one who attacked unicorns?" Managed to understand


"Yes! Quirrell here! Kill! Quick!" He continued, nodding at the same time.

"I- it's-" Fumbled a little Hermione, her brain finally completely waking

up, as she thought about what was the best thing to do. Obviously the

first thing was to warn the teachers. "Go wake up Ron and Neville, I'll

join you in a minute." She told him, picking up some clothes and starting

to dress up.

"What's this all about?" Asked Lavender just as Shimmer left the room.

He flew down the stairs, crossed the common room, and went straight to

Ron and Neville's bedroom. As soon as he came in, he jumped on the first

of the two that he found, that being Neville.

The poor boy screamed in terror, woke up by a weight on his stomach

and a dragon's face only a few centimetres away, even if he knew that


"Hermione say you wake! Go! Up!" Shimmer shouted, much to Neville's

terror and confusion.

"Ah! Dragon!" He screamed, completely terrified, waking up all his


"Bloody hell!" Shouted Ron, fumbling with his cover for a second.

"What was that?!" Also said Dean Thomas.

"Hermione say wake up. Quirrell. Kill!" Tried to explain Shimmer.

"What?" Mumbled Ron.

"I- I think he's talking about p-professor Quirrell." Said Neville, not daring

to move with Shimmer on top of him.

"Get down, Shimmer." Assisted Ron. "And why do we need to wake up in

the middle of the night?"

"Quirrell bad! Kill!" Repeated Shimmer, jumping from the bed to the


"I think we should go see Hermione." Said Neville.

"Right, right. Just, let me wake up." Reluctantly agreed Ron, slowly

getting out of bed.

"No! Quick!" Pressed Shimmer.

"At least give us the time to wake up."

"No! Ron not move, Shimmer attack Ron!" Threatened Shimmer.

"What? Why?" Questioned Ron, taking a step back.

"Ron quick!" Said Shimmer, getting closer and opening his mouth,

showing his teeth.

"Okay, okay! I'm coming!" Quickly squeaked Ron, rushing to grab his


"Do I need to do anything?" Asked Dean, still in his bed and warrily

watching Shimmer.

"I don't think so." Replied Neville, not sure of himself.

Happy to see that the two boys were moving, Shimmer jumped in the air

and returned to the common room, where Hermione was already waiting,

simply wearing her robes on top of her pyjamas.

"Are they awake?" She asked.

"Yes." He simply replied. "Quick! Go kill Quirrell!" He pressed her,

grabbing her robes by the sleeve and pulling her toward the door.

"Wait Shimmer! We need to wait for Ron and Neville!" She pulled

backward, barely managing to slow him down.

A rumble in the stairs preceded the two boys, who entered to see

Shimmer still pulling Hermione.

"What's he doing now?" Asked Ron.

"I think Professor Quirrell is the one who attacked unicorns in the

Forbbiden Forest, and now he's back in the school. We need to tell the

teachers." She said, stopping to resist and letting Shimmer take her

toward the door.

"No time. Go now!" Ordered Shimmer, promptly taking Hermione toward

the scent. It was so strong now, that he had no problem following it.

Maybe Quirrell hid his smell before, but now that he was wounded, there

was no need.

"What?! No! Shimmer we can't do that! It's too dangerous!" Cried

Hermione, once more stopping in her tracks.

"Shimmer want go kill Quirrell now!" He said.

"And we need to wait. And stop pulling me! Help me!" She called to her

two friends.

Exchanging a glance, the boys caught up with her and grabbed her by the

shoulders and robes, pulling too and completely stopping Shimmer.

"Human don't understand! Shimmer need go now!" Shimmer tried to

make them see reason.

"And Quirrell is an adult wizard that is far too dangerous for us. We need

to go see a professor!" Countered Hermione.

He growled at them, mad that they couldn't see why it was so important

to not lose time. And if they didn't want to wait, then he would go alone.

He lost enough time here already, he wouldn't allow himself to let

Quirrell get away alive.

"Shimmer go kill Quirrell!" He shouted, letting go of Hermione.

"Wait!" Called Hermione as she fell on the two boys, caught in their

momentum. "Shimmer! Come back!" Screamed Hermione.

He couldn't wait any more. Pushing himself as fast as possible, he rushed

toward the stairs and went up, following the scent. He could still hear

Hermione, Ron and Neville, not very far behind him as they appeared to

be following him. He caught a glance of them at the bottom of the stairs,

but kept going.

Soon, he smelled and noticed blood on the ground, leaving a perfect trail

to track. Only having to follow the trace, he quickly reached the door

where the big dog was staying, only that it was open. And, inside, the big

three-headed dog was lying against the wall, covered in blood and

unconscious, as it was still breathing. The trap that it had been guarding

was wide open, and Shimmer jumped in without waiting a second.

His eyes provided him the necessary vision, and he had no issue avoiding

the ground, covered by the burned crisps of a large plant. Diving further

in the tunnel that continued, he reached a large room, where a large

flock of flying keys were erratically moving around, with a door on the

other side, with a small pool of blood at its foot. Shimmer's first reaction

was to go for the door, and he did so without problem, but once there, he

realised that it was closed.

Even by pulling down on the handle with all his weight, it did nothing to

open the door. But by now, he knew that humans used keys to open and

close doors. Looking at the keys, he couldn't know which one was the

right one, so he attacked the first one in range. He caught it in his teeth,

removed the wings, and tried to insert it in the lock, but even when he

did, he didn't know how to manipulate the key.

Growling in anger and frustration, he jumped at the nearest key and

removed its wings as well. He repeated it, attacking all keys until they

were all on the ground, twitching and trying to fly but simply stuck

there. Yet, it did nothing to help Shimmer to get past the door.

A few sounds from the tunnel got his attention, and he watched as Ron,

Hermione and then Neville, came out of the tunnel, out of breath and

exhausted by this late run.

"Shimmer! You're... alright." Panted Hermione, relieved beyond belief

that her friend was fine.

"Why did we have to jump." Complained Neville, massaging his bum.

"Shimmer... door! Dumb!" He complained in answer.

"Bloody... hell. Look at all these wings." Said Ron, picking one of the

wingless keys.

"Let's get to it." Interrupted Hermione, reaching the door and trying to

twist the key, before pulling it out and observing the door. "That key is

too recent for a door like that. Look for an old one."

They all tried to find a matching key, and Neville pulled one of them,

that didn't exactly appear to be that old, but it was the only one that had

blue feathers.

"Maybe this one?" He suggested.

The rest of the keys started to angry twitch on the ground, and Hermione

wasted no time, grabbing the key and inserting it in the lock, that

thankfully twisted and opened the door.

"Let's go!" Hermione encouraged them.

"Hermione? No teacher?" Asked Shimmer as they left the room behind.

"No, and that's your fault!" She glared at him, fear and concern clearly

displayed on her face.

"Hermione not know! Shimmer know kill!" He countered.

"I- of course, I don't know how to kill." She replied, horrified.

"Hermione listen Shimmer. Shimmer go, kill Quirrell! Shimmer coin,

Shimmer good dragon!" He summed up.

"This is so, so wrong." Commented Neville meekly.

"We'll work on that later, look!" Shouted Ron as they reached the next


This room was filled with chess pieces, larger than the humans, and

facing each other. The room looked fairly normal, if one ignored the

blood trail and the destroyed pieces. Professor Quirrell really wasn't

loosing time with this.

"Cor, he completely wrecked it." Whispered Ron, a bit pale.

"Shimmer go!" Said Shimmer, flying above the board and landing near

the door.

As soon as he was on the other side, the pieces suddenly moved and

started to rebuild themselves. In a few seconds, the board and the pieces

were back to a pristine state, with the three children stuck on the other


"I guess, that we have to play, to reach the other side." Hermione said,

looking warily at the chess pieces.

"I'll do it!" Jumped forward Ron. "Pawn E4."

"Shimmer go!" Repeated Shimmer, still not wanting to wait. His prey was

close, he could smell it, but there was still a chance that Quirrell might

run away.

"What? No! You're going to wait for us!" Ordered Hermione, shouting

from the other side.

"Shimmer not want. Need kill Quirrell." He countered.

"Why would you even need to kill him? We can capture him, and let the

teachers deal with him." She tried, sparing but a glance at Ron, who kept

playing against the magic chess board.

"No. Quirrell is bad, bad man. Shimmer want kill bad man." Shimmer

replied, grabbing the handle of the door with his talons and pushing

down, opening the door.

"Shimmer please! Professor Quirrell could kill you, it's too dangerous!"

She kept going, wanting to cross the board and catch Shimmer, barely

refraining herself from going after him.

"It won't be long, this board isn't that good." Commented Ron.

"Why did I have to come?" Whispered Neville to himself, looking between

the other three.

Shimmer was just about to cross the door, having managed to open it,

that Hermione resorted to her last option.

"Shimmer! If you wait, I'll give you a Galleon!" She offered, showing a

golden coin in her right hand.

That stopped Shimmer dead in his tracks. He turned around, looking at

the Galleon with envy and greed, his brain was working overtime, trying

to decide what was best. On one hand, he really, really wanted the

Galleon, already capable to see it being added to his hoard. On the other

hand, he really, really didn't want Quirrell to get away, as he never

before gave up such a hunt. Shimmer remained there for a few seconds,

his eyes darting between the doorway and the Galleon, not quite sure of

what was best, much to Hermione's dismay.

She had hoped that the Galleon would have been enough to stop him, but

it looked like even one wasn't enough to deter him from going after their

teacher. Not wanting to risk seeing him leave again, as she didn't think

she could take seeing him disappear like that one more time, she reached

into her pocket.

"I'll give you a Galleon and three Sickles if you stay." She said, showing

him the coins.

Shimmer whined, almost painfully, at the hard choice before him. The

Sickles were less interesting than the Galleon, but it was still more coins

to add to his hoard, and that was a very good reason to stay with them.

And he hoped he would still get his other seven Sickles for finding

Quirrell, back in the forest. That would make a lot of coins...

"Shimmer stay." He finally relented, flying up above the board and

landing right before Hermione. Apparently, the chess board didn't care

for him going in the other direction, as it didn't attack him.

She instantly came down on him, grabbing him in a tight hug, just as he

tried to grab the coins with his mouth.

"Please stop making me worry like that, Shimmer. You're my best friend."

Hermione sighed, relieving a little the pressure that she had been under.

"Hey! What about us?" Complained Ron. "Queen H5."

"You're great friends, too." She replied, petting Shimmer's head. "I'll keep

your coins for now, alright? I don't think you'd like to keep them while


He was just about to say that he still wanted them, that he started to

process her words, and he found himself agreeing with her, albeit a little


"Hermione promize." He remembered the word.

"It's 'promise'. And I promise to give you the coins, don't worry." She

reassured him.

"Checkmate!" Cheered Ron.

They turned around, looking at the red haired boy, who was grinning,

himself looking at a destroyed black king.

"We can continue."

"Thank you, Ron." Said Hermione.

"You're really good at chess." Praised Neville.

"I am." Ron preened under the compliments.

"Go! Go!" Shimmer pressed them.

"Right." Agreed Hermione.

They walked over the chess board, reaching the other side and entering

the doorway. They kept walking for a moment before a strong smell

assaulted their noses. One that both Hermione and Shimmer recognised


"Troll." Warned Shimmer.

"There's a troll?!" Neville whispered, eyes bulging in fear as he almost

stopped on the spot.

"Bloody hell." Groaned Ron.

"Can we turn around?" Begged the other boy.

"It might be better." Agreed Hermione, really not wanting to get even

close to a troll again.

"Smell blood." Added Shimmer, smelling more scents as they came closer.

A small door met them at the end of the corridor. Very carefully, and as

silently as possible, Ron, with a small look at his friends, gulped, and

pushed down on the handle. The door opened, thankfully in complete

silence, and he dared to look in the gap. He could only gasp loudly at the


There was indeed a troll, though it wouldn't harm them. Lying on the

floor on the left side of the room, the troll was immobile, eyes wide open

with a frozen expression of pain on his face. Dead.

"Oh. He's dead." Simply said Ron, opening the door fully.

"You're sure?" Tentatively asked Neville, daring to look at the troll.

Shimmer flew at the troll, hovered around its head for a few seconds, and

viciously bit down on its nose.

"That's gross." Complained Ron.

"Troll dead." Confirmed Shimmer, as the creature didn't even react.

"That's one less problem for us. We should continue, Professor Quirrell

can't be far." Advised Hermione, though she was getting very, very

worried about this. Seeing the dead troll, it meant that their stuttering

professor was strong enough to kill without issue.

All three children took a wide berth from the troll, staying as far away as

possible, even if it was dead. Shimmer went after them as they reached

the door, and entered the next room. This one looked relatively simple, in

comparison to the last ones. There was only bottles, seven of them, of

different sizes, shapes and colours, with a little note placed in front of

them. And at the other side of the room, another corridor.

As soon as all four entered the room, flames appeared at both entrances,

taking them by surprise. Purple ones at the doorway they came in, and

black ones at the one they needed to cross.

"Bloody hell!" Jumped Ron.

"We're trapped." Whispered Neville, looking at the two walls of flames.

"Children. They're sending children after me." Came a voice from their


One more time, they jumped in fear, and Shimmer was instantly growling

at the direction, before noticing the man who hid himself in a corner.

Quirrell came out of his hiding spot, wand in right hand and the other

hand holding his stomach, even as blood flowed down his hand.

"Accio wands!" He shouted. In a single second, the three children's wands

flew out of their pockets, and flew behind Quirrell, far out of their reach.

"Bloody..." Ron couldn't even finish, eyes stuck on the teacher's stomach.

It was clear that his life was near his end. Sweat was running down his

face, his eyes lacked the sparkle of life that all living beings have, and the

wound on his stomach was more than strange. Blood was flowing out,

but there was also a mix of ashes with it.

"And how could I forget Shimmer. That stupid, useless creature." Spat


"Bad man, smell dead. Shimmer kill." Warned Shimmer, flying higher to

have the advantage.

"Hmph. At least, you don't hesitate to kill." Acknowledged Quirrell,

before scrunching his face in pain.

"We don't... have time... to waste. Release me." Suddenly returned the

raspy voice, sounding far weaker than before. Shimmer looked around

but still couldn't see who was talking.

"Who?" Dared to say Neville, looking around as well, just like Ron and


"Master, you're too weak." Pleaded Quirrell.

"We won't have time... to get the stone. I want to see... that dragon...

before killing him."

"Be glad, dragon, for you will witness the dark lord himself." Preened

Quirrell, turning around and removing the turban that had partially

burned away.

Shimmer was more than surprised, when the last bit of the turban was

removed, revealing a face, cold, inhuman and glaring at Shimmer with

angry red eyes. It was something that Shimmer could have never

imagined, and he couldn't understand what he saw.

For the three children, though, this was a face straight out of a

nightmare. The lack of nose, the skin colour looking just like ashes, the

eyes were something evil, and they tried to look everywhere but at them.

Yet, the worse was seeing a face at the back of somebody else's head. The

sight was just horrible, and they either took a step back or tried to,

rooted by fear.

"See... what you did to me... puny lizard. To think that I... was so close to

complete... a year's work." Sneered the face, focusing on Shimmer, even

though it was clearly obvious that pain was restraining him.

"What is you? Not know. Quirrell?" Asked Shimmer, still having no idea

what he was looking at.

"I am Lord Voldemort!" Tried to scream the creature, offended that this

thing didn't know of him.

Three loud gasps came from the children, recognising the name and the

monster that was before them. None could utter a word, too shocked and

terrified to act.

"Not know. Shimmer kill Voldemort and kill Quirrell." Shimmer replied,

not impressed at all by a name.

"Such confidence. I'll enjoy watching you die. All of you." Said

Voldemort, raising Quirrell's wand. "Kill them!"

Shimmer didn't even wait for the two-man creature to speak, and rushed

at it, letting a stream of flame toward them, forcing them to create a

shield to protect themselves. That took the three students out of their

shocked state, and they ran away, hiding behind the table where the

potions were resting, shouting and crying in terror. They might have

been brave enough to face the challenges before coming here, but the

monster that was before them wasn't something they wanted to face.

Even more when they didn't have their wands, not that it could have

helped them much against a wizard like Quirrell. They knew only a spell

or two, after all.

Still breathing fire, Shimmer was forced to stop when a stream of water

pierced through the shield, sending him backward and spitting water.

Angrily, he tried to reach for Quirrell, but was once again thrown away

by a wave of his wand.

"Incarcerous!" Shouted Quirrell, wand aimed straight at Shimmer.

There was no magic light, nothing that he could see, but the golden

dragon was taken by surprise, when ropes suddenly appeared around

him. He tried, for the two seconds where he was free, to get away, but it

was in vain. The ropes tightened around his wings, and he fell to the

ground harshly. Trapped, he moved around and tried to free himself,

only for the rope to reach his muzzle and stop him from opening his


"There you go. Down and at our mercy." Said Quirrell, keeping his wand

aimed at Shimmer.

"Kill him." Ordered Voldemort, snarling in delight.

Snarling and glaring, Shimmer kept trashing around, but there was

nothing he could do.

Quirrell raised his wand, and was just about to cast another spell, ready

to end Shimmer's life.

"Leave him alone!" Shouted Hermione.

Quirrell turned to look at her, but didn't get the time to react, as two

bottles were already in the air and aimed at him, courtesy of Ron and

Hermione. One bounced against him, hurting him a little, but the second

exploded on his robes. A second later, he screamed in pain, clutching

himself as nettle wine ran down on his open wounds, with also a few

pieces of glass stuck in his skin.

Surprised at their own attack and its efficacy, the two threw more bottles

at him, taking advantage of the fact that he was too subjugated by pain

to react.

"Neville! Go free Shimmer!" Said Ron, throwing a third bottle.

"How?!" Asked the chubby boy, clutching his head between his hands and

not daring to look up.

"Take a piece of glass! Cut his ropes!" Completed Hermione.

Neville dared a look, and seeing that all the glass was near Quirrell,

quickly backed down again.

"I can't do this!" He said, crying.

"Merlin's-! I'll do it!" Resolved himself Ron, taking a big breath, before

rushing out to the left, taking a wide turn around Quirrell. The man was

still in extreme pain, resting on his knees, and Ron used the opportunity

to grab Shimmer by the tail, pulling him away. As soon as he got him, he

reached for a piece of broken glass that was of adequate size, and got to

work on cutting the ropes, starting by the muzzle.

"Get up you fool! Kill them!" Screeched Voldemort, looking at Ron from

the back of Quirrell's head, much to the red-haired boy horror, who tried

to cut the ropes faster.

"Master! We need to leave!" Begged Quirrell, even as his arms twisted

against his will. Voldemort took over his body, with his arms raised in

the opposite direction in a way that was extremely disturbing to the


"Silence! I'll do it... myself!" Growled Voldemort, aiming his wand at Ron.

Another flying bottle, narrowly missing him, got his attention for a few


"Too bad that a witch... as smart as you... can't see the power of that

dragon. Harnessed, it would be an incredible asset." Said Voldemort,

glaring at Hermione, his breath short and heavy. "I have a new spell for

you: Expulso!"

Right as he finished his incantation, Hermione was blasted away by the

spell, as well as Neville who had been hiding right next to her. The two

screamed as they flew in the air, right before hitting the walls. They fell

to the ground harshly, groaning in pain and slowly twisting on the

ground, reaching for their head and back.

"Hermione!" Snarled Shimmer, just as Ron was removing the last layer of

rope that was bounding his wings to his body.

Free, and completely enraged, Shimmer jumped in the air and in a

second, was right in Voldemort's face. A second later, fire bathed the two-

human creature, who let out a duo of screams, one human and one that

only belonged to a monster. Trashing around, waving them in an attempt

to dissipate the flames or reach for him, he didn't know. But, at the

moment, his hand holding the wand was left exposed, and Shimmer

reached forward, biting on hit and taking his wand away.

Ron, the only one capable of watching beside Shimmer, witnessed with

horror as fire burned Quirrell's body. Yet, it didn't burn like it should

have. Shimmer's flames attacked his body far faster than it should have,

and grey ashes flew right after it burned him. Another inhuman scream

echoed in the room, right as the man's body starting to completely turn

to ashes, falling on the ground as his legs couldn't hold him any more.

Through the fire, Shimmer saw the red eyes of Voldemort glaring at him

despite the pain, even as the body he was occupying crumbled to ashes.

Quirrell fell to the ground, and only a pile of ashes, ruined clothes and

blood remaining behind.

Yet, they didn't have the time to do anything, that a dark cloud rose from

the ashes. It took the form of Voldemort's face, right before it unleashed

an unholy scream, a roar of anger and suffering, and dashed right out of

the room, passing through the purple flames and disappearing.

Shimmer didn't know if he won, because on one side Quirrell was

definitely dead, but on the other, Voldemort appeared to have fly away.

But, right now, he had more pressing problems. Dropping from the air, he

landed right next to Hermione, and nuzzled her, trying to push her on

her back even as she kept her eyes closed.

"Hermione okay? Hermione? Hermione?" He asked, concerned for her


She groaned in response, clutching her head a bit more for a few seconds,

before letting out a sob as she opened her eyes.

"My head hurts a lot." She said through clenched teeth, even as tears

rolled on her cheeks. "I hope I don't have a concussion."

"Me too." Replied Neville, still down, too. "What's a concussion?"

"I'll tell you, later." Hermione replied, not feeling like talking much, her

head being far too heavy for that.

"Shimmer kill Quirrell and Voldemort." Shimmer told them.

"What?" She asked, looking up a little at the room.

The pile of ashes was still there, with Quirrell's clothes resting in it. She

looked at it, horrified for a second, before falling unconscious.

"Hermione?! Hermione! Hermione wake! Shimmer bite Hermione!"

Repeated Shimmer, nuzzling her even more frenetically, even going as far

as threatening her.

A sudden swoosh coming from behind him got all his attention, expecting

Voldemort to come back through the fire. To his surprise, the purple

flames extinguished themselves, right before many humans came in,

wands out. He recognised Dumb Door, Snape, old human female and very

small old human. Their eyes quickly brushed out the whole room, right

before focusing on the snarling dragon resting next to Hermione's

unconscious body, Neville still moaning in pain, and Ron still shell


"Shimmer, what happened?" Asked Dumb Door.


Hi! Valexto at the Keyboard!

Sorry for the delay, but I was more focused on my other story for a while.

This chapter took a lot of time, because I had to rewrite it a few times

before coming up with something satisfactory.

But, finally, Voldemort is revealed and put down, by Shimmer and his

friends. What will follow though? What will be the aftermath of all this?

Give me your thoughts, if it's good or terrible.

Thanks for all the support and see you soon!

23. Chapter 23

I do not own nor possess any right over Harry Potter, all rights belongs to

J.K. Rowling.

Chapter 23

"Shimmer, what happened?" Asked Dumbledore gravely, as he walked up

to him.

Staring at the old human, Shimmer didn't really know what to say. Shall

he say in which order everything happened? Absolutely everything?

"Shimmer Hagrid, bad creature want kill unicorn. Shimmer want kill bad

creature, smell dead, is Quirrell. Shimmer speak Hermione help, not want

stay is want go. Shimmer blood, is go blood. Shimmer go not go, eat wing

Dumb Door! Ron do. Troll dead. Quirrell bad, attack Shimmer. Shimmer

attack. Kill Quirrell."

"Thank you Shimmer." Interrupted him Dumbledore, who felt that it

would perhaps be better to ask someone else for details, even if he

thought to have the most important ones.

"That can wait, Albus. There are two injured students here!" Scolded

Minerva as she went in, reaching Hermione and kneeling beside her. She

brought a hand before her face, before sighing in relief. "She's alive."

"Mister Longbottom, how are you feeling?" Said Flitwick, walking up to

the boy.

"My head and my back hurts." Moaned Neville, still clutching his head.

"Take them to the infirmary. Mr. Weasley, are you with us?" Replied

Dumbledore, noticing how shocked Ron was.

"I- there- there was- it-" He mumbled weakly, looking back at what

remained of Quirrell's body before turning away, closing his eyes and

taking a deep breath.

"Calm down, everything will be alright. Minerva, Filius, would you mind

taking them all back to the infirmary? Severus, with me." Commanded

Dumbledore, a brief look of pain in his eyes as he looked at the pile of

ashes, keeping his wand in hand as they went toward the corridor of


"Tsk. They destroyed everything." Said Snape, looking at the broken

potions littering on the ground. "Reparo."

With a flick of his wand, the vials fixed themselves and returned to their

original place, albeit empty of their content. Taking two small vials from

his robes, Snape shared one with Dumbledore and they drank it in one

go, before going into the flames, unbothered by their heat.

Shimmer watched them go, but remained close to Hermione. Minerva

flicked her wand and Hermione's body rose in the air, levitating a metre

off the ground. Neville had tried to stand up, only to be stopped by

professor Flitwick, who told him to drink a potion and wait. He did so,

and instantly fell limply on the ground. He was soon levitated too,

following behind Hermione.

"Mr. Weasley, can you stand up?" Kindly asked Minerva.

"I- yes, professor." He managed to reply, pushing himself up.

"Good. Now, everyone goes to the infirmary. Poppy will be having a fit

over you three." She muttered at the end.

Not waiting for the two men that went into the fire, Shimmer took off

and flew next to Hermione, flying slightly above her.

"Hermione okay?" He asked.

"That's what we are going to find out, Shimmer." Replied Minerva as they

walked past the dead troll.

"Children! How could they be that stupid to put themselves in such

danger!" Raged Poppy Pomfrey as she frantically walked between the

three students in the infirmary. She had already taken care of Hermione

and Neville's concussions, eased the pain in their back, and ensured they

remained asleep as the treatments took place. Ron was both in a better

and a worse case, having no health issues but also being forced to endure

all of the matron's rant.

"I'm sure they'll be able to explain themselves when the Headmaster

comes back, Poppy." Tried to appease her Flitwick.

"Oh, they better explain themselves. Going alone at night after a

dangerous creature!" She kept going. No one told her who the creature in

question was.

Shimmer was kept aside, lying down at the end of Hermione's bed. He

tried to stay closer, but the human taking care of Hermione forbade him

to, not even scared when he threatened her. She had to explain that

Hermione had to sleep to get better before he was allowed to stay at the

end of her bed.

"Shimmer, can you come here?" Asked Ron, sitting on the bed next to


A bit surprised, Shimmer didn't ask himself any question, and used his

wings to make a long jump between the two beds, landing right next to


"Ron okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, I think." Answered Ron, staying silent for a few seconds. "Did we-

did I kill him?"

"Shimmer kill." Instantly confirmed Shimmer, not seeing the problem.

"I know, but, I freed you, and we were all trying to get away. It's- we

killed him." He continued, horrified both by what they did and what they


"Shimmer kill Quirrell." Repeated Shimmer, not wanting to have his kill


"But we helped you. We're criminals!" He whispered harshly.

"Is everything alright, Mister Weasley?" Asked professor Flitwick, who

had come up silently.

"I- professor- '' Started Ron, stopping as the tiny professor raised his hand.

"I understand, Mister Weasley. What you've seen and what happened, was

most certainly horrifying. However, I can assure you that you're not in

trouble." Said Filius.

"How?" Simply asked Ron, baffled.

"We may not know yet what exactly happened, but from what we knew

beforehand and what we saw down there, I believe that you did your best

to stay alive. No one can fault you for this." Assured Filius with a smile.

"Professor Quirrell-" Ron started again.

"Tried to kill you." Finished Filius. "Everything will be alright, Mister

Weasley. Let us take care of this."

A series of footsteps came from outside the infirmary and the door

opened, revealing Dumbledore, Snape and Hagrid, who looked quite


"Albus! There you are! Could you please explain how these children

ended up like this?" Instantly asked Poppy, glaring at the old man.

"Now, now, Poppy, I can assure you that I had no part in this." He tried to

defend himself, smiling lightly at her.

"I do not know if that's a good or a bad thing." She replied angrily.

Dumbledore lost his smile, looking a bit stumped at her comment, before

focusing on more pressing matters.

"Ah, Mister Weasley. I was hoping you could tell us what happened?" The

headmaster said, walking up next to his bed and giving a small glance at

the other two students lying in the other beds.

"Headmaster, it was Quirrell, he was trying to-" Ron went on quickly.

"A moment, please. Tell us from the beginning. How did you end up

following Quirrell?" He asked the boy, raising his right hand in an

appeasing gesture.

"Shimmer came up in the dormitory, saying that Professor Quirrell was

the bad creature killing unicorns." He restarted.

"That matches what Hagrid said. Continue please." Acknowledged

Dumbledore, sharing a small look with the half giant that was sitting on

another bed, almost crushing it beneath him.

"Hermione wanted to go tell a teacher, but Shimmer didn't want to wait,

so we followed him. He went into the room you forbade us to go in, and

there was so much blood everywhere." Ron looked a bit pale at that.

"Aye. He hurt Fluffy real good, but he's alive. Thanks to Snape." Said

Hagrid, sounding quite tired.

"Indeed." Nodded Snape.

"Continue." Nodded Dumbledore at Ron.

"Well, after that, we jumped in the hole and almost broke our back on


"You-" Poppy got mad again.

"Not now, Poppy." Interrupted her Dumbledore.

"We found Shimmer stuck at that first door, with lots of keys. We found

one key with blue wings and went through."

"Dumb Door!" Growled Shimmer, recalling the door.

"For once, he's not wrong." Laughed a little Filius.

"Yes, yes. I presume you did the chess task? You are most knowledgeable

at chess, if I recall." Said Dumbledore, doing his best to keep Ron


"I- yes." Agreed Ron, briefly asking himself how the headmaster knew

this, but instead deciding to keep going with his tale. "After, we saw the

dead troll and came up to the room where there were a lot of potions. We

didn't get the time to do anything when Quirrell came out from where he

was hiding and took our wands."

"I see. Did he attack you instantly?"

"No. He- professor, he looked so bad. There was blood and ashes mixed

together all over his stomach." Explained Ron, shivering as the picture of

what he saw came back.

"From his fight in the forest, against Shimmer." Supplied Hagrid.

"Ah, thank you Hagrid. And did Quirrell attack you?" Repeated


"No, but there was a voice. And- and Quirrell talked back to it. And then

he removed his turban. On his head. It was him." At that point, Ron was

white as a ghost, recalling the red, evil eyes glaring at him. The face that

looked like a demon more than a human.

"Who was it?" Pressed Dumbledore, suddenly far more serious.

"Him. He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named." He whispered in fear.

The intake of breath that all the adults took surprised Shimmer. He tried

to follow what Ron was saying, and he got most of it, but there were a

few things that escaped him. Just like what Ron just said that appeared

to have scared the humans, even if he couldn't understand how.

"Are you certain?" Asked Dumbledore, sighing loudly and tiredly.

"Yes. He was terrifying. He said it himself, and Quirrell even said it was

his master. He tried to kill us, but Shimmer attacked first, trying to burn

him down."

The eyes of the adults turned to Shimmer, and he didn't like it.

"What is?" He asked, frowning at them.

"As much as I would like to ask Shimmer, without Hermione, it would

take too long to translate his words. Mister Weasley, would you mind

continuing." Said Dumbledore, looking at Shimmer with interest.

"Quirrell used his wand to protect himself, and we hid behind the table

with the potions, and Quirrell immobilised Shimmer with ropes. He was

about to kill him, so we grabbed the potions and threw them on Quirrell."

Ron tried to do his best to recall everything correctly.

"I recognise here the talents of Gryffindor. Some of these vials contained

precious poisons and potions." Sneered Snape at the Weasley boy.

"They did what they had to do to stay alive, Severus." Chidded

Dumbledore, letting Snape grumble a little.

"Shimmer kill bad man." Intervened Shimmer.

"Did he now?"

"Yes professor. I went to free him from the ropes, and Y- You-Know-Who

blasted Hermione and Neville. They hit the wall hard, and he was about

to hurt them more, but then I freed Shimmer and he attacked Quirrell

and... him. They screamed. He burned them alive and they… they

screamed so much." Ron stopped after that, a horrified expression in his


Once again, the eyes of everyone returned to Shimmer, some with fear of

the dragon.

"What? Shimmer kill bad man." He reminded them.

"You did, Shimmer. That you did. I believe that you saved their lives."

Replied Dumbledore, patting Shimmer's head.

"Sickles." Added Shimmer.


"Shimmer go forest. Seven Sickles. Shimmer kill bad creature. Sickles?

Galleon?" He stared at the old human, waiting for his payment.

"Right. You have quite the memory for such things, Shimmer. You will

get your money, seven Sickles for the night and a Galleon for hunting

down Voldemort." Agreed Dumbledore, even as the teachers stood stiffly

at the dark lord's name.

"Albus!" Minerva scoffed.

"Let me deal with this quickly Minerva, so that we may focus on what

matters." Dumbledore took note of her indignation, but didn't give it any

more attention.

"Shimmer want coins." Shimmer said, not wanting to wait.

"Later, Shimmer. I promise to give you your coins later."

Well at least the old human promised.

"So, what happens now?" Asked Ron, a bit lost.

"Well, Mister Weasley, I'm afraid that tonight means dark times ahead for

Great Britain. Hopefully, Voldemort was vanquished for good tonight by

Shimmer, but I have doubts. I will also ask you to not speak about all

that happened tonight to anyone." Dumbledore added.

"What? Why?"

"Because the world isn't ready to face such dark news. Even the ministry

of magic would rather ignore this than face the reality. It would also send

a message to his followers that he is still alive. We can't allow this. Can I

count on you, mister Weasley?"

"I- can I talk to my family about this?" He hopefully asked.

"I will warn them about what happened myself, but until I do so, I will

ask you to be patient." Offered Dumbledore, stroking his beard.

"Alright." Ron begrudgingly accepted.

"So, back to you, Shimmer."

"Dumb Door." Nodded Shimmer.

"It's Dumbledore." Tried to correct the headmaster, finally starting to get

a bit annoyed by the name. Much to the amusement of the other


"Hard. Dumb Door. Shimmer like." He replied.

"Another time then. Shimmer, do you know why Quirrell and Voldemort

were together? Why did your fire hurt him so much?" Asked Dumbledore,

talking just a touch slower to be sure that the dragon understood his


"Shimmer not know. Quirrell smell dead dead. Blood. Shimmer fire

Quirrell and fire Voldemort. Shimmer Kill. Voldemort not dead." He said,

much to the shock of the teachers.

"How do you know?" Asked Minerva.

"Shimmer saw Voldemort. Not human. Fly. Shimmer not know word." As

much as Shimmer wanted to explain, he simply didn't know how to say

what he knew.

"It's alright. But you're certain that he's not dead, correct?" Dumbledore

got closer to Shimmer's face.

"Shimmer not know. Quirrell dead. See Voldemort fly. Shimmer not think

Voldemort dead." He tried.

"That is quite helpful already."

"Are you done? I have patients that need to rest. And I need to check for

any signs of possession now." Briskly said Poppy, tapping her foot.

"I believe so, yes. The rest can wait until tomorrow morning. Rest well,

children. And you, too, Shimmer." Agreed Dumbledore, both having the

information he wanted and not wanting to be in the matron's way any

longer than necessary.

He waved at his colleagues to follow him outside, but they were

interrupted before they even reached the door.

"Coins!" Jumped Shimmer, taking to the air and ready to follow the

headmaster until he could get his precious coins.

"Not now, Shimmer. Besides, wouldn't you prefer to stay with your

friends?" Dumbledore pointed at Hermione and the two boys.

Shimmed looked back at Hermione, Ron, and Neville. He really, really

wanted to get his coins, but at the same time he didn't want to leave

them here. Especially Hermione. And then he remembered that she

promised him coins too. Would she remember that if she remained

asleep? He didn't know, but it would be better to be sure.

"Shimmer stay." He flew back to Hermione's bed, laying down close to

her feet.

"Good. Then I wish you a good night in Poppy's care." Dumbledore


"Good. Now, out!" Almost pushed them out Poppy, more than fed up that

her work had been interrupted so long.

The teachers played the game, knowing how the matron was with her

patients, and left the room.

With only the grumbling matron left, Shimmer looked at Ron who was

still quite pale, and soon taken care of by the woman who gave him a

sleeping draught that promptly sent him to sleep. With only Shimmer left

awake, he looked at the room a little longer, watching the matron move a

few things and prepare some more potions, until she gave him a stern

look and turned off the lights.

Alone, Shimmer thought back to what happened in the last few hours.

First the hunt in the forest, which had been boring at first and then more

exciting once they found Quirrell. His tracking skills were still excellent,

and he was quite proud of that, even if he got stuck a few times with

stupid things, like that stupid door. Except for the old human, he really

didn't like doors.

And his fight against Quirrell was certainly shocking. A face behind a

head? He couldn't even understand how this worked, but he was certain

that this Voldemort was why Quirrell reeked of death, even when being

alive. It also revealed some very unfair things that wizards could do, like

shouting water in his mouth which he really didn't like, or the way ropes

caught him and made it impossible to defend himself. He would have to

be more careful in fights with wizards from now on.

Also, that was the first time his fire ever burned someone like it did with

Quirrell. Sure, with time, he could burn things to ashes, but not that

quickly and not before leaving bones and other things. Was it because of

Voldemort? Being dead but not dead? Shimmer didn't know, but he had a

feeling this Voldemort creature wasn't dead.

Finally, after thinking this much after such a long night where he usually

slept, Shimmer tightened his wings closer to his body and promptly fell

asleep, thinking of the future coins waiting for him.

Hermione woke up exhausted. She wasn't tired, but her body was a bit

sore and her mind was slowly starting to come back to its usual speed.

She blinked a few times, just as memories from last night came back.

Following Shimmer, being caught by Professor Quirrell, him removing


She choked as she recalled the face, a sob leaving her lips as her

breathing accelerated. She could still see so, so many horrible things.

Their professor, bloody with his stomach burned. The monster at the

back of the professor's head. Its red eyes, its sneer, its dark skin, and an

evil, a will to hurt others so great that it still made her tremble now.

She could feel a hand on her shoulder and hear a voice somewhere, but

they were so far away for her that she ignored them.

After that, came the memory of Shimmer fighting Quirrell who dealt with

him quite easily, along with herself and Ron and Neville, throwing

bottles at the amalgamation. And then she remembered being blasted

away, sent into a wall, and the pain in her body almost seemed to surge

as she recalled.

But then, after all this, she heard once more the screams of terror of the

two beings merged in one, as a brief image of fire flashed in her mind.

"Miss Granger!"

Hermione jumped, looking around for a second, startled, before her eyes

locked with the matron next to her bed, who was shaking her shoulders.

"I- professor." She said, feeling small tears running down her cheeks.

"Ah, glad to see back, Miss Granger." Said Madame Pomfrey.

"What happened?" Hermione asked, her memory being quite blurry

toward the end.

"Well, after you and your friends decided to go after a possessed teacher,

without telling anyone, you should simply be lucky to be alive! Do you

know how stupid this was? That could almost be called suicide!" Madame

Pomfrey glared at her, admonishing her harshly.

The realisation of what they did, and their consequences, instantly surged

in her mind, and Hermione started hyperventilating.

'Oh my god! We were outside during the curfew! We didn't warn any

teacher about where we went! We went into the forbidden room! And we

killed a teacher! I'm a criminal! I'm a murderer! I'm going to be expelled!'

She thought quickly.

"Miss Granger!" Called her again Madame Pomfrey, strongly, but also

much kinder than before. "Calm down, Miss Granger! Everything is going

to be alright."

"No it won't! We killed a teacher! I'll never see my parents again, and I'll

be expelled!" She cried loudly.

"Drink this Miss Granger, it will make things better." Madame Pomfrey

said, handing the terrified girl a calming draught.

Reacting more than reflex than anything else, Hermione grabbed the

glass and drank it in one go. Almost instantly, her hands relaxed and the

glass fell on the cover of her bed. She eased herself back into her bed,

looking at the matron a bit slowly.

"Now, are you calm enough to listen to me, Miss Granger?" Asked the


Hermione could only nod in reply.

"Good. Now, as I was saying everything is going to be alright. You're not

injured, even if your body may feel a bit sore. How is your head?"

"A bit heavy." Slowly said Hermione.

"Good. What about your back?" Continued Madame Pomfrey, taking

notes at the same time.

"A bit painful, but it's okay." She replied.

"Perfect! Then you'll recover. Now, about what's going to happen to you."

Madame Pomfrey clapped her hands. "First, based on what happened last

night, the Headmaster and your head of house believe that you have

suffered enough and that points shouldn't be taken for this. Although

there might be something involving Shimmer."

"Is he alright?" Asked Hermione, wondering what happened to him.

"Oh, more than alright I would say. He wouldn't leave your bed this

morning, saying something about a promise, but I forced him to go

outside. His place isn't in the infirmary." Sternly said the matron.

"Oh. And what happened last night? I don't remember very well."

Continued Hermione, reassured that Shimmer was alright.

"You and your friends went after a possessed teacher, and if it wasn't for

that dragon, you would probably be dead. Yet at the same time, without

him, you wouldn't have been there, so he put you in danger." Mused the

woman for a few seconds. "Anyway, to calm your fears, you are not going

to be expelled."

"I'm not?" Hermione couldn't say how reassuring that was to hear.

"No. You may have disobeyed a few rules, but not enough to warrant

that. And you did what you had to to survive, so they won't be too hard

on you for what happened to Professor Quirrell. Shimmer on the other

hand..." She trailed off.

"What? What do you mean?" Hermione asked a bit faster.

"He killed a human. It was in self defence, against a possessed teacher,

but still a human. Should the department of magical creatures hear of

this, they will put him down." Madame Pomfrey explained.

"But he was saving us." Hermione tried to explain, feeling a bit of panic

come back.

"And he did. Don't worry, I'm certain the Headmaster won't let anything

happen to him. Now, I want you to rest a little, alright? The Headmaster

will want to talk with you and I'm sure your friends will too."

With her piece said, the matron walked back to her office and kept the

door open, in case there was an emergency.

Hermione leaned back into her bed, thoughts swirling in her head

quickly despising the calming draught. Between all the problems she

thought she would have by killing a teacher, and being told that

Shimmer might be in trouble for killing a human, she didn't really know

what to think about. He did everything to save them, so they couldn't

ignore that. Right? As much as she hated it, she was more than aware

that sometimes dangerous animals had to be put down, and most of the

magicals in England would probably agree that Shimmer is exactly that,

regardless of his unique abilities.

And what could she even do about this? Sure, she is an eyewitness and

could testify for Shimmer. But would they take her words into account?

She didn't know. And not knowing scared her.

Stuck in a loop of worrying thoughts, Hermione didn't know how long

she remained there, but a loud noise coming from the windows got her



"Hermione!" Called Shimmer, standing right behind the glass of one of

the infirmary's windows.

"Shimmer." She calmly called back, still under the effect of the calming


"What in the- oh, you flying pest." Madame Pomfrey rushed out of her

office, wand in hand, only to groan at the sight of the golden dragon.

With a flick of her wrist, the window opened and Shimmer instantly

came in, landing right on Hermione's bed, beside her left hand.

"I'm glad to see that you're alright, Shimmer. What's on your lips?" She

asked, seeing red around his mouth.

"Lips?" He asked, not knowing that word.

"Your mouth." Hermione clarified.

"Is squeerel." Shimmer replied, licking his lips.

"Hold on a second." Stopped them the matron, using her wand to send a

quick scourgify at the dragon's mouth. "Much better, and much more


"Not like." Grumbled Shimmer, angrily licking his lips in an attempt to

remove the mildly annoying sensation.

"I decide who likes what in my infirmary. Now, miss Granger, I trust you

to make sure he behaves well." Warned Madame Pomfrey.

"Yes, Madame Pomfrey." She replied seriously.

"Shimmer not like." Stubbornly said Shimmer even as the matron walked

away returning to her office.

"She's not bad. How are you Shimmer? And it's Squirrel, by the way."

Hermione couldn't even stop herself from correcting him.

"Squirrel. Squirrel. Shimmer eat squirrel. Shimmer okay." He repeated the

word to get it right.

"I'm glad to hear it." She sighed in relief.

"Hermione coins? Promise." He told her, wanting to deal with the

important things first.

"Coins? What coins?" Hermione honestly couldn't remember.

"Hermione promise! Hermione give Shimmer coins! One Galleon and

three Sickles!" He screeched in indignation.

"I- I don't remember that." She weakly replied.

"Hermione promise!" Shimmer whined and growled at the same time.

"You did." A sleepy voice came from their right.

Hermione and Shimmer looked in the direction the voice came from and

saw Ron, still in his bed and looking at them. They had completely forgot

about him, and from the look on his face, they probably woke him up. Or

he simply tried to remain asleep. Hermione didn't know.

"I did?" Asked Hermione.

"Yeah. Shimmer was about to go on without us, and you said you would

give him coins if he stayed. And he did." Explained Ron.

"Oh. I'm sorry, Shimmer, I didn't remember that." Hermione apologised.

"Shimmer want coins." Continued the golden dragon, adamant about

getting his money.

"Alright. Let me look." She replied, standing up a little and reaching into

her pockets.

"Hermione give one Galleon and three Sickles." Repeated Shimmer.

"Give me a moment, please." She said as she dug into her pockets, taking

out the sickles and then the galleon, realising that the amount that

Shimmer said was the exact amount she had on her. "Here you go. One

Galleon and three Sickles."

Quickly reaching with his neck, he carefully grabbed the coins with his

mouth and put them at the end of the bed, where Hermione's feet were

beneath the cover, and counted them. He also admired them, knowing

very well exactly where he planned to put them in his hoard.

"And what happened to V- to You-Know-Who?" Hermione asked, realising

that she completely forgot about this quite important detail. She would

have freaked out at that realisation, but she was still under the effect of

the calming draught.

"Don't know. Shimmer killed Quirrell and then he... flew away. It was

like a ball of smoke, with his face screaming. It was horrible." Ron

replied, a haunting look in his eyes as he recalled what he saw.

"Shimmer kill bad man and Voldemort. Voldemort dead not dead. Not

know. Fly not wing. Not fire, smoke. Shimmer not know word not know

creature. Not wizard but wizard. " Confirmed Shimmer, though his words

became confusing toward the end.

"I see." Nodded Hermione, even though she only got parts of what he

said. Something about You-Know-Who not being completely dead, if the

little dragon was right.

A knock on the doors of the infirmary got their attention and they turned

to look at it. Madame Pomfrey came out of her office with a small frown

on her face and opened the door, revealing a smiling Dumbledore as well

as the ever strict looking Minerva McGonagall.

"I got your message, Poppy. I also asked Minerva to accompany me, if

that's not a problem." The old headmaster said.

"It's alright. Come in."

The two walked in and Madame Pomfrey closed the door behind them.

The three adults then made their way toward Hermione's bed, stopping a

bit more than a metre away when Shimmer growled at them, wary of

losing his coins.

"Ah, young Shimmer, good to see you back. I see that you were already

paid." Chuckled the headmaster.

"Hermione promise. Dumb Door promise. One Galleon, seven sickles."

Shimmer said, looking up at the headmaster greedily, his tail wagging a

little behind him at the idea of getting more coins.

"Yes, yes. You know that you're starting to cost me a lot, don't you?"

Dumbledore said as he grabbed all the coins in one of the pockets of his

robes, that he had prepared before coming.

"I'm sorry, Headmaster. I'll try to make him stop." Hermione calmly


"On the contrary my dear, I find that quite amusing. He's the only dragon

that corresponds to the ones seen in muggles' books if I'm correct." The

headmaster laughed lightly.

Shimmer was purring as he grabbed the new coins, adding them to the

small pile that was forming before him. He then lay on it, moving them a

little until they were all covered by him and out of reach from the

humans around him. When he looked up, he saw that everyone was

looking at him with either amusement, annoyance, or curiosity.

"What? No take back. Shimmer coins." He warned them, pressing himself

down on the coins.

"They are all yours, Shimmer. Don't mind us." Chuckled Dumbledore,

right before looking at Hermione. "And how are you feeling, Miss


"A bit tired, but good, Headmaster." The student replied.

"Good, good. Ron already told us much of what happened, and I'm aware

you were knocked out during your confrontation with Professor Quirrell.

But, is there anything that you remember that might be of importance?"

Asked the headmaster.

Hermione remained silent for a few seconds, recalling everything she

could about the previous night, but didn't find anything that important. If

Ron already told them all that happened, then there wasn't much more

that she could add.

"No, Headmaster. Though, I do have a few questions." She replied.

"Ah, of course. Go ahead, Miss Granger, I'll try to answer them."

Dumbledore smiled at her, appreciating how smart the young witch was.

"Did you know that Quirrell was hidding You-Know-Who?" She asked.

"I had doubts, yes. But no proof. I knew, thanks to Shimmer's nose, that

Quirrell's situation was far worse than I expected. It made me a little

more wary of him, but I didn't want to confront him directly until I had

the absolute proof that he had fallen under Voldemort's lies." Explained

the old wizard.

"Nose?" Asked Shimmer, knowing they were talking about him and last

night. Though he couldn't remember why his nose might have been

important last night.

"Yes, Shimmer. Your nose and your description of Quirrell smelling of

death while being alive."

"Dead not dead." Instantly said Shimmer.

"Yes. Back to you, Miss Granger. Do you have any other question?"

"Yes, Headmaster. Everything we found down there, they were trials,

made to stop someone to go in. What was Quirrell looking for? What

could have made him rush there while he was about to die?" She asked, a

slight note of fear colouring her voice as she spoke.

The heavy sigh from the headmaster and his slightly tired expression

stopped the young girl to continue. It was clear the answer wouldn't be

an easy one, and with a glance at the deputy headmistress, Hermione

knew that she too knew what this was about.

"I will answer this question, but only once we're back to my office. Does

this satisfies you?" He answered.

"Yes, Headmaster. I only have one more question. What will happen to

Shimmer? He killed Professor Quirrell, so isn't he in big trouble?"

Hermione asked.

"An excellent question, my dear. You see, were this a normal situation, I

would agree that Shimmer would have to be put down by the

Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. But,

this situation is more than unique on several points." Dumbledore started

to explain, with a small smile on his face and slighly more fervent in his

speech. "First, Shimmer acted in self defense. He saved all of you from

lethal danger, and thus cannot be condemned as a rabid and dangerous

creature. Secondly, Shimmer's sapience makes him capable of analysing

the situation more than a regular dragon, meaning that he didn't act out

of cruelty or as a feral beast, but as a creature acting to defend itself and

its friends. And lastly, only your friends, Shimmer and Hogwart's staff

knows what truly happened down there. And I plan for the truth to

remain hidden as long as possible."

Hermione listened, and as the headmaster finished, she wasn't quite sure

of what to think about. He would lie to the whole world? To protect

Shimmer? She understood and agreed with him, but she knew that she

would never be able to lie like this. Was this normal for someone like the

headmaster? This only made her ask herself more questions.

But one took the upper hand.

"So Shimmer will be fine?" She asked.

"As long as no one knows what truly happened, then yes. I will explain

that Professor Quirrell unfortunately died fighting a troll. There might be

questions from DMLE, but I'm certain I will be able to explain myself

with their director, Amelia Bones. Don't worry about Shimmer, Miss

Granger, he will be perfectly safe as long as none of us speaks about what

happened last night." Dumbledore finished, smiling at Hermione and


"Shimmer okay? Shimmer good dragon?" Asked the golden dragon,

understanding that he did something right.

"That's not exactly what I was saying, but it's close enough. Though, it

does remind me of something. Miss Granger, Mr Wealsey, I believe that

your head of house has something to tell you." He said, steping aside to

let her get all their attention.

"Thank you, Albus. For your reckless actions last night, and disregard of

all safety rules and comon sense, I will be taking thirty points from

Gryffindor. For each student." Minerva McGonagall sternly said, glaring

at her students but also at Shimmer.

"What?! Why? We were only trying to help!" Protested Ron, standing up

in his bed.

"And that is the only reason why you're not losing fifty points each, in

addition of returning alive." She glared at him, cowing him into silence,

before turning back toward Hermione. "And I thought that you, of all my

students, Miss Granger, would have been smart enough to alert a teacher

of what was going on. I don't believe I need to say how disapointed I am

by your lack of cautiousness."

"We didn't have the time. Shimmer left us, and I couldn't let him go

alone." Simply said Hermione, still calm thanks to the draught.

"I understand, but Shimmer is a dragon. Not a student. He can defend

himself, and as much as I hate saying it, he managed to do so remarkably

well until now. Not only were you not even supposed to leave your

dormitory, but you recklessly went after a wizard that you knew to be


"Shimmer dragon. Not human." Confirmed Shimmer, even though he

didn't even understand what the last part was about.

"I know, Professor. I'm sorry for what happened and how we acted, but

we didn't have the time. I panicked, and thought that helping Shimmer

was more important." Hermione poorly justified herself.

"That is no excuse. You could have told another student or even a portrait

to go and warn me. Your behaviour last night is truly terrible compared

to your usual exemplary attitude." Minerva shook her head.

"I'm sorry." Was all Hermione could say, even as tears rolled down her

cheecks and her voice wavered a little.

A growl interrupted them, and all eyes turned toward Shimmer who was

growling at Minerva. The witch took out her wand by reflex, but didn't

do anything, standing ready to defend herself.

"Hermione cry not good. Not make Hermione cry." Her growled harder.

"Shimmer, stand down." Dumbledore warned, all traces of amusement

replaced by a rigid seriousness.

"Apologise." Asked Shimmer.

"Shimmer." Hermione called her, making him look at her. She smiled a

little, even as she cried. "Everything's all right. I'm sad, but it's because I

did bad things. Not because of Professor McGonagall."

"No." Shimmer replied, much to her surprise, Ron's and the teacher's.

"You no cry. Old woman speak, Hermione cry."

"Old woman." Indignantly repeated McGonagall, more than offended by

the dragon's words. She knew them to be true, but to hear it from

Shimmer was quite annoying.

"Now, now Shimmer. Minerva may have been a bit hard, but it's because

we care for Hermione's wellness." Tried to temper Dumbledore.

"Old woman apo-" Started again Shimmer.

"It's not a nice way to adress someone, Shimmer. You should call her

Professor McGonagall or Minerva." Dumbledore interrupted him, keeping

control of the conversation and trying to divert the dragon's anger. He

too was wary. Shimmer may have acted nicely compared to any other

dragon, but he was still a dragon and still a wild one.

"Minerva not nice Hermione. Apologise." Shimmer said.

"Shimmer, it's okay." Hermione tried to calm him down.

"Apologise!" Growled Shimmer, standing up and glaring at Minerva.

The witch almost unleashed a spell, and Poppy was also pointing her

wand at him, but Minerva refrained herslef just in time. She looked at

Dumbledore, looking for confirmation, but he only shook his head.

"I believe that Miss Granger and her friends learned their lesson and

won't be doing anything of the sort. Am I right, Miss Granger?" Asked

Dumbledore, looking at the young girl, while also keeping an eye on


"Yes Headmaster, I promise." Hermione said, her eyes fixed on Shimmer

and worried about what was happening.

"Stop talk! Apologise!" Demanded Shimmer, smoke coming out of his


"Minerva. Would you mind apologising before our young friend become

too agitated?" Asked Dumbledore, keeping an eye on Shimmer.

"Very well." Huffed Minerva, both feeling angry and defeated at the same

time. And she was also agreeing with Shimmer, she was hard with

Hermione even though she didn't like it, but it was for the young witch's

good. "I'm sorry for being so harsh with you, Miss Granger. Please,

believe me when I say that I do not enjoy saying such things."

Shimmer's angry gaze turned to Hermione,

"I- It's alright Professor. I accept your apology." Hermione replied


"Good." With a satisfied hum, Shimmer sat down again, the smoke

coming out of his nose stopping and scattering in the air.

Everyone let out a sigh of relief as the situation de-escalated. Though the

adults remained wary of the little dragon, reminded that the creature

before them, despite being nice and calm most of the time, was still a

partially tamed dangerous creature.

"Are you certain I shouldn't throw him out, Albus?" Asked Poppy.

"No, it's alright. I believe that it might be beneficial for him to stay with

us for now. Minerva, is there anything else you would like to add?" Asked


"Not while some ears are here, no." The stern headmistress replied,

glancing at Shimmer with a bit of anger.

"Alright. Poppy, would you mind if I took Mister Weasley and Miss

Granger to my office?"

"They should be capable of handling this much, but I want them back for

tonight." The matron ordered more than asked.

"Perfect. Would you mind following me?" Dumbledore said, looking at

the two students and the dragon.

"Shimmer take coins. Fly Dumb Door." Shimmer replied, already starting

to pick up the coins between his teeth. In a rare moment, as in he never

had this problem before, he almost couldn't pick up all the coins in his

mouth. Yet, not wanting to leave a single one behind, he managed to get

them all. He tried to talk, but didn't even realised that having so many

coins in his mouth would make it way harder. "Shaaer o. Ay."

"We can't understand what you're saying, Shimmer. Even less than usual."

Hermione told him.

A bit angry at being told his vocal capabilities were bad, he flew to the

window and waited for the wizards to open it. Poppy was all too eager to

see him go, and promptly opened the window where he flew away. The

little dragon was

"Finally. I was afraid we would have to contain him." The matron said,

sighing in relief.

"Between the three of us, I have no doubt it would have been possible.

Snape did it with a simple chest, after all. But, that would have been a

most detrimental outcome. Now, if we're done here, I'd like to move to

my office." Replied Dumbledore.

A grumble got their attention and all eyes were aimed at a bed on the

other side of the room, where a black haired Gryffindor was waking up.

The boy blinked his eyes a few times to remove the effects of sleep, and

was more than surprised to see all the people in the room.

"What did I miss?" Asked Neville as he stood up.

It took a little while to explain what happened to Neville, but they did so

on the way to the Headmaster's office. They climbed up the stairs behind

the gargoyle and before they even put a foot in the office, they knew that

someone was waiting for them.



"Well, he is certainly as quick as he is stubborn." Dumbledore chuckled,

reaching his office and flicking his wand in the air.

He, the students following him, and Minerva, all got to see Shimmer walk

in by the window, looking as if everything was perfectly normal.

"Hello." Greeted them Shimmer, more by reflex than anything else.

"Good to see you too, Shimmer. Now, please take a seat." Said

Dumbledore as three chairs flew from behind a shelf and landed in a half

circle before his desk.

The three students did just as they were told, and Minerva walked around

the desk to stand tall next to Albus who sat down in his comfortable

chair. Shimmer flew up to the perch where he met Fawkes, though he

looked slightly less bright than before, with some of his feathers being a

bit darker. He sniffed around the phoenix, and was surprised to smell a

little bit of death on him, though it looked like the phoenix was filled

with more life than other creatures. How could that even be possible?

"Now, before I go any further, I would like you to know that what I'm

about to say must not leave this room. Am I clear?" Asked Dumbledore.

"Yes, Headmaster, I promise." Swore Hermione.

"Yes, Professor Dumbledore." Agreed Neville.

"Yes, sir." Said Ron a bit more casually.

"Shimmer promise." Also said Shimmer, before adding something else.

"Promise what?"

"It's a secret. You must not tell anyone else." Clarified Hermione.

"Shimmer promise secret word." Nodded Shimmer.

"Good. Now, I do not know how or when Quirrell was possessed by

Voldemort, but it was definitely some time before the start of the year. I

had... suspicions that Voldemort was still alive, and I created a plan to

capture him. By making sure the right rumour reached the right ears, I

got him to fall on a chase for a mystical object that could bring him back

to life." Dumbledore Explained, a grave look on his face and a hand

running through his beard. "That's what he was doing in Gringotts, as I

hid that very object there for a while. A chance that I had Hagrid retrieve

it before he acted."

"And then you decided to hide it in Hogwarts? Isn't that dangerous?"

Questioned Hermione, a bit sceptical at the plan of the headmaster.

"It wasn't without risks, I'll admit it." Conceded Dumbledore. "But

Hogwarts is the safest place on Earth behind Gringotts. Plus, Voldemort

knows that I would personally guard the school, making his attempts to

get the stone even harder."

"Not without risks." Scoffed Minerva. "I told you from day one that this

was a ridiculous idea, one that would put our dear students' lives in

danger. And he almost killed some of them!"

"I'm aware, Minerva, and I would have never forgiven myself if that ever

happened." Sighed Dumbledore, knowing that his deputy-headmistress

was right.

"Professor?" Neville asked, raising his hand.

"Yes, Mister Longbottom?" Dumbledore replied.

"What was You-Know-Who looking for?" The boy asked.

"Yeah. What could have made him do... this." Added Ron, still thinking of

Quirrell's body and his death.

"The answer is right here." Said Dumbledore, reaching for one of his


His hand came out with a small cloth bag, one that he opened and gently

reached inside to pull out a shiny ruby-red stone, almost oval in shape

and with smooth curves. The students' eyes were stuck on the jewel

before them, not believing that there was a real ruby before them.

But one specific pair of eyes looked at the stone with more than awe.

Shimmer couldn't help but be overwhelmed by the scent of magic that

came from such a tiny rock. And what a rock it was. The smell of magic,

life and gold, all combined it one, making a most unique cocktail of

scents. He never saw one like this before, so beautiful and so enticing. He

was already salivating at the thought of owning it, but couldn't decide if

it would be better to either keep it in his hoard or to eat it to enjoy its


Fawkes looked at him with concern, wondering what was happening in

the young dragon's mind.

"A ruby?" Questioned Ron, confused that Voldemort would have been

after a single stone. Sure, such a stone could allow his family to live

comfortably for a while, but it was just a ruby.

"No, not a ruby. This, my young students, is the renowned Philosopher's

Stone, created by my old friend Nicholas Flamel. Capable of turning

metals into gold, and of extending one's life. With this, Voldemort would

have been able to get a new body." Dumbledore revealed.

"Woah." Let out Ron.

"Does it really work?" Wondered Neville.

"It certainly does. Nicholas Flamel and his wife are both more than six

hundred years old." Nodded Dumbledore.

Fawkes squeaked lightly, trying to get Shimmer's attention, but it did

nothing to remove the gaze of the dragon from the stone.

How could he? Shimmer leaned forward a little, the extremely powerful

scent of magic entering his nostrils and filling him with an absolute need

to get this stone for himself, no matter the consequences.

"What are you going to do with it?" Asked Hermione.

"Well, me and Nicholas talked about it, and perhaps it's time for the stone

to disappear. The chance that Voldemort or any other dark wizard tries

to take it for themselves is too great, and its power is sincerely too much

for humans." Dumbledore sighed, knowing that his friend's choice was

the right one, as sad and painful as it was.

"Oh. Does that mean that-" Started Hermione again.

She didn't get the time to finish, as Shimmer had jumped from his perch.

Fawkes squawked in warning, but couldn't do anything as the dragon

dived straight at the stone. Taking everyone by surprise, he caught the

stone between his teeth and flew away with it.

"Shimmer!" Squeaked Hermione, startled by his rush.

"Shimmer, give me back the stone." Dumbledore strongly yet calmly

demanded, his wand in hand. He only realised now that the dragon, who

could smell magic and liked to eat it, was a risk for the stone.

He heard the words, and normally he would give back whatever he took,

even coins if needed. But not that rock. Now that it was in his mouth, he

could taste how the gold and the magic mixed together in a wonderful

flavour. Flying higher and closer to the ceiling, trying to put some

distance between him and the wizards, he looked for an exit. He also

found himself forced to avoid Fawkes, the phoenix trying to catch him

with his claws. Though, even if Fawkes was older and more experienced,

Shimmer was currently the faster one, and he managed to avoid each of

Fawkes attempts to catch him.

"Shimmer! Give the stone back, right now!" Ordered Hermione.

"Shimmer like! Gold! Magic!" He managed to say even as his eyes aimed

at the stairs. He clutched the stone harder between his teeth, and felt the

taste of magic become even stronger. Even though he didn't know about

drugs, the effect was roughly the same, the more he kept it in his mouth,

the more addicted he was to the stone's magic.

Dumbledore saw where he might be going, and before Shimmer was able

to escape, used his wand to move a shelf in the way of the stairs,

effectively stopping Shimmer from leaving the room. Growling in

frustration, Shimmer turned around and frantically flew in the air, trying

to find another way out.

"Shimmer, I really don't want to do this. Please, give me back the stone."

Dumbledore warned, aiming his wand at the dragon.

"Shimmer!" Hermione shouted once more, now very worried about her

friend's safety. Would the headmaster really shoot down Shimmer? She

could barely imagine this and simply kept her eyes on Shimmer, trying to

force him to come down. "Wingardium Leviosa!"

Hermione's spell was rightly cast, of course, but the power behind it

wasn't enough to affect a being capable of resisting magic like a dragon.

Even if Shimmer was focusing on keeping the stone, he saw and felt

Hermione's spell on him. It did nothing physically, but knowing that his

friend shot magic at him hurt him in another way.

"No! Shimmer like like! Good! Shimmer take!" He countered.

"Albus! Do something!" Minerva called, also aiming at Shimmer, but

afraid of what the dragon's reaction would be.

"Accio Philosopher's Stone!" Dumbledore unleashed his spell.

The effect was instant, and Shimmer could feel the stone in mouth being

pulled toward the headmaster. It briefly stopped him in his flight before

he stabilised himself, and then he pulled as hard as possible to keep the

stone, growling at the same time.

"Let go, Shimmer! That's an order!" The headmaster said, putting more

power in his spell.

"No!" Refused Shimmer between gritted teeth. The stone was stuck

between his teeth, and he bit down hard to keep it. Where his teeth met

the surface of the stone, small holes and cracks appeared, leaking an

incredible amount of magic that fueled Shimmer to not let go. It felt too

good to give it up.

He couldn't let them have it.

"You too Minerva!" Called Dumbledore.

"Accio Philosopher's Stone!" The deputy-headmistress shouted, standing

next to Dumbledore.

Shimmer grunted under the effort, feeling the stone starting to be pulled

toward the two wizards along with the stone. He hadn't used all his

strength yet, not wanting to damage the stone, but he didn't have the

choice anymore. Biting down with everything he had, larger cracks

appeared on all sides of the stone, much to the teachers' horror.

"Stop casting! The stone is going to-" Hurriedly ordered Dumbledore,

horrified at what was happening, lowering his wand.

It was too late though. Shimmer's sharp teeth broke through the stone,

and almost all of its pieces went down his throat. The taste was

incredible, by far the best thing he ever ate, and he barely registered as

he flew backward, no longer being pulled by the magic of the wizard and

the witch.

An awed and horrified silence took over the room, everyone looking at

Shimmer as the dragon landed on one of the shelves. They couldn't

believe that what happened before them truly happened, but the few

broken pieces of the stone on the ground proved that this was real.

"What have you done?" Dumbledore asked in a near whisper, watching as

Shimmer started to retch.

Indeed, Shimmer felt bloated. Or even more than bloated, if that was

even possible. The magic of the stone instantly filled him, and it was too

much. He tried to expel the magic, but it was for naught, as nothing came

out of his mouth. A sudden wave of energy washed over him, and then

his whole body felt far too heavy, completely exhausted. His vision was

tainted with red as he felt like a specific spot on his forehead was

burning, making him briefly shriek in pain as he experienced a pain

unlike anything he ever had before.

He quickly lost consciousness, his claws released the shelf he was holding

on and he fell forward.

"Shimmer!" Called Hermione, too slow to catch the falling dragon.

"Wingardium Leviosa!" Dumbledore casted, stopping Shimmer's body just

a couple of centimetres above the ground, completely limp.

"Shimmer! Wake up! Please!" Begged Hermione, taking his head in her

hands and trying to shake him so that he would wake up.

"Let me look, Miss Granger." Dumbledore said, putting Shimmer's body

on the ground and using his wand to cast a diagnosis spell.

The young dragon was burning, as if he was on fire, and a small line on

his scaled forehead was quite literally as red as hot iron. But, as much as

Dumbledore wanted to find out about this, if it was an effect of the stone

or not, they didn't have time to focus on that.

"Is he alright?" Asked Ron.

"It appears so, he looks to be merely unconscious. But, there's something

wrong within him. We better take him to the infirmary, now." Ordered

Dumbledore, picking up Shimmer with his magic. "Minerva, send a

message to Severus. I fear that we might need his expertise."

"Is he going to be okay?" Asked Hermione, crying rivers of tears.

"I'm afraid this is a unique situation, Miss Granger. I have no idea what

eating the Philosopher's Stone could do, we will have to find out."

Dumbledore replied, quickly going down the stairs with Shimmer flying

in the air right before him.

As Minerva used her wand to cast a spell summoning a cat made out of

pure light, something that escaped the three students too preoccupied

with Shimmer's health, Dumbledore and said students rushed toward the

infirmary, hoping that the little dragon would be alright.

Dumbledore also couldn't help but think about the consequences of this.

Not only for the health of Shimmer, but the consequences for Nicholas

and his wife, as well as how he would explain this to the couple of


Bur for now, he had a dragon to save.

Hi! Valexto at the keyboard!

Sorry for not releasing anything sooner, my last week was very, very

busy, and I didn't have my computer with me. I'm back to normal now.

Though I got many problems with Fanfiction, as I suddenly got hundreds

of old notifications, doubles if you prefer, that polluted my email.

Yeah, I made Shimmer eat the Philosopher's Stone.

Were any of you expecting this with the Philosopher's Stone? Tell me

what you think.

And what do you think will happen to Shimmer next? I'm curious to

know what you think or expect.

Also, as you can see, Voldemort isn't dead yet. This promises more

challenges ahead for our young dragon and potentatially a Voldemort

quite mad at a 'mere beast' for taking away his vessel and his chance at

coming back to life.

Thanks for all the support and see you soon!

24. Chapter 24

I do not own nor possess any right over Harry Potter, all rights belongs to

J.K. Rowling.

Chapter 24

The infirmary was buzzing with activity, even if the patient was not one

usually seen in that sort of place, as Snape, Madam Pomfrey and

Dumbledore discussed what the best course of action would be. Their

initial diagnosis was rather simple, both concerning and reassuring.

Shimmer appeared to be fine, despite being unconscious, but eating the

Philosopher's Stone was still having unknown effects on him.

Both Snape and Dumbledore were unanimous: an evil tried or managed

to possess Shimmer, before being banished and destroyed by the

overcharge of magic from the Stone. They would have to wait for the

dragon to wake up to see if that possession had any effects on him. Yet,

what was most concerning at the moment was the amount of magic they

could feel in Shimmer's body. It was slowly going down, either

dissipating or being absorbed by Shimmer, but they simply couldn't guess

what the consequences would be in the future.

Madam Pomfrey used some of Snape's potions to force Shimmer's body to

expel the surplus of magic, and a small bucket filled with red goo, itself

overcharged with magic, was vomited by Shimmer.

Should he awake, they expected him to be either lethargic or completely

out of control, so for everyone's safety they tied his wings, feet, and neck

to the bed. Not too tightly, of course, but enough to hold him down.

They didn't say it, but they didn't even know if Shimmer would survive

and wake up. He was fine now, but absorbing so much magic, and one so

unique and unknown, left them wondering what it would do.

"I suppose there's nothing else we can do now." Dumbledore shighed,

putting his wand down, looking at the unconscious dragon resting on the


"Is he going to be alright?" Hermione asked, who had remained at the

dragon's side at all times, with tears rolling down her cheeks from her red


She, Ron and Neville remained in the infirmary, both because they were

worried about Shimmer and also because Madam Pomfrey wanted to

keep an eye on Hermione and Neville for one more night.

"I cannot say, Miss Granger. Eating the Philosopher's Stone is a first in

history, and we can only wait for his condition to stabilise." The

Headmaster regretfully answered.

"Alright." Hermione accepted, even if that was very hard to hear.

"I will send a message to the Flamels, both to tell them about the

regrettable loss of the Stone and to ask if they could give us some insight

about this delicate situation. For now, I want all of you to rest and be

patient." He told the students.

"Yes, Professor." All three replied.

"Good. Severus, can I count on you to help Poppy take care of our guest?"

"I will ensure the stupid animal lives." Coldly said the potion master,

glaring at the dragon. The idea of what just happened was so ridiculous

that it seemed impossible, yet the golden menace managed to do it.

"He's not stupid." Hermione couldn't help but mutter.

"While I don't doubt his mental capabilities, what he did was careless and

far too dangerous. We will have to be more mindful of such problems in

the future." Dumbledore replied, a small smile on his face. "Now, please

go rest."

Having much to do, Dumbledore left, alongside Minerva who remained

silent during the whole debacle, and Snape, who had a few potions in

mind he wanted to prepare. The potion teacher also took two vials of red

goo with him, most curious about its particularities and effects, as well as

wanting to compare them with the blue goo he got from Shimmer a little

while ago.

"You heard the Headmaster. I know all of you are worried about

Shimmer, but I believe he will be fine. If you're hungry, I can ask for a

late lunch to be delivered here, since we're still in the early afternoon."

Madam Pomfrey said, looking sternly at the students and the dragon,

though her voice showed that she was somewhat concerned about them.

"That would be very nice, thank you." Replied Hermione while Neville


"Oh, and Mister Weasley? You're more than capable of going back to

class." Glared the matron.

The boy sighed, knowing there was no arguing with the matron, and

turned toward his friends.

"Guess I have to go. I'll try to take some notes for you two." He said,

which was most unusual for him.

So unusual, that Hermione looked at him with wide eyes, not believing

her ears. Even Neville was looking at him in surprise.

"Really?" She asked, flabbergasted.

"Yeah. I just- yeah." Ron replied a bit awkwardly.

The two watched him leave, still barely believing what they just


"Why do so many strange things happen today?" Neville asked, sitting on

his bed.

"I don't know." Hermione slowly replied, looking at the infirmary's door

and then at Shimmer.

She remained silent, feeling tired and worried, thinking about what

would happen to Shimmer. The effects of the Calming Draught she drank

had disappeared, and she was once more in control of her emotions, but

she was so tired that she couldn't express most of them. There was a

single question in her mind: why would Shimmer do that? She knew he

liked precious things and magic, but she could never have imagined that

he would go steal something like the Stone in front of everyone.

Of course, he was a creature that, while sapient and intelligent, wasn't

thinking like a human. Depending on the moment, Hermione could either

know what he would do before he knew him himself, or he would take

her completely by surprise. That's what happened this time, and she was

trying to find an explanation. What worried her as well was how

Shimmer refused to give back the Stone, saying that he liked it and its

magic. He normally would obey their orders.

Was the Stone so magical and precious that her friend couldn't help but

take it? That's the conclusion she was reaching, and she didn't know what

to think about it.

But most of all, she was worried about him. His body wasn't burning hot

anymore, even it was warmer than usual, maybe akin to a fever, but the

fact that the teachers found traces of dark magic and possession on him

was the worst news so far. Did Voldemort tried to take over Shimmer?

Did it work? Would her friend still be himself when he'll wake up? She

didn't know.

And that was without mentioning the fact that he was still unconscious

and that the Stone's magic was still affecting him with unknown effects.

They didn't know how long it would take for him to wake up, if it would

impact him in a positive or negative way. The teachers remained hopeful,

so Hermione managed to hold on to that thought to remain confident as


With her exhaustion catching up, Hermione laid back down in her bed.

Even as she fell asleep for a restful nap, her thoughts remained focused

on her friend.

And Ron. A small part of her was almost concerned with the strange

behaviour of the boy with ginger hair.

To Hermione's worry, Shimmer didn't wake up that day. She and Neville

were allowed to return to class the next day, still having to remain silent

about that part with Professor Quirrell. There was no news from the

teachers on that side, which may have been a good thing, but that wasn't

what preoccupied Hermione most.

And, just like he said, much to Hermione and Neville utter shock, Ron

brought back some notes from their classes. It wasn't much, nowhere

near the level of detailed notes that Hermione used to take, but the fact

that he willingly took some was concerning. It's not to say that he never

took notes, but his assiduity in class wasn't exceptional, and he mostly

listened to the teachers without writing down much. What he brought to

his two friends summed up what happened in class, which was the

minimum needed for them to follow what happened in the courses.

They asked Ron what prompted this most unusual behaviour of his, but

he replied that he would tell them later. That he required some time.

Ron's return to class also gave them some insight about their fellow

students. Dumbledore announced that Quirrell left most suddenly, citing

a panic attack as the reason, and most students brought it. Some rumours

came, though, that Hermione, Ron, and Neville did a prank on the

teacher with Shimmer as their weapon. This was why the three had been

missing, and also the reason Gryffindor lost some points since last night.

So when all three of them arrived in the Great Hall the next morning,

they were promptly asked by the members of their house what truly


"Is it true that you scared Quirrell so much that he left?" Asked George.

"What? No!" Hermione replied, scandalised.

"Or did you scare him so much that he died?" Fred asked next.

"Come on, I already told you we didn't do anything like this." Ron

groaned, taking his head between his hands.

"Well, was what Dumbledore said true?" Asked Parvati.

"Yeah. We haven't seen Shimmer since Quirrell left. Was he taken by the

ministry?" Dean continued.

"Shimmer ate something bad and the teachers are keeping him in the

infirmary." Hermione replied, hoping that giving them some truth would

get the other students from their back.

"It's not a surprise, really." A haughty voice came from behind them.

Nearly the whole of the first year's Gryffindor table groaned as they

looked behind them, finding without surprise Malfoy and his two

bodyguards. The boy with blond hair was looking down at them, a smirk

on his face.

"What do you want, Malfoy?" Ron asked in a tone of exasperation, as if

he really didn't want to deal with the Slytherin boy.

"You will speak to me with manners, Weasley." Sneered Malfoy for a

second, stopping when he noticed that it had no effect on his rival. "And

about your lizard, well, eating poison is exactly what a stupid creature

like him would do."

"He didn't eat poison. Just something bad." Countered Hermione.

"You do not speak back to me, Granger." Malfoy spat at her, before

smirking once more. "And now that I think about it, your pet isn't here to

take care of you anymore. You should be careful of what you say."

"Is that a threat? God, you're boring. Only a Slytherin could make threats

without actual meaning." Ron retorted.

"What happened to you, Weasley? Lost your courage with Professor

Quirrell? Did you get special classes with him?" Draco taunted while his

goons snickered.

"Now, now, dear little boy of bad faith." Smiled Fred as he walked up

next to Draco, instantly putting him and the two other boys on their

guards. "You don't want to go down that road, now, would you?"

"That would be dangerous, dear brother. Insulting and teasing Ickle

Ronnie is for us only, and there's no sharing." George continued, joining

up his brother. "Unless, you would like to enjoy the same treatment?"

Draco looked like he wanted to retort, but he bit his tongue and backed

off, returning to his table with a frown and a glare as only rewards from

his taunting. Hermione let out a sigh of relief, really not wanting to listen

anymore to the arrogant Slytherin.

"Back to you!" Fred cheered. "What happened to Shimmer?"

"We already told you. He ate something bad and has been sick ever

since." Ron said.

"He can't even wake up." Neville added.

"My, my! That must be something really, really awful, to put down a

dragon." Noted George.

"And we know a lot about bad ingredients. Perhaps you could share what

put this poor Shimmer in the infirmary?" Fred followed.

"Sorry, but Madam Pomfrey was adamant that we don't say what it was."

Hermione politely refused.

"Ah! And here we thought to get the final ingredient to put Snape in a

century long coma!" George complained.

"A most noble plan, put down for such a simple reason!" Fred added.

"I have a plan for you, Weasleys." Professor Snape said, almost coming

out of nowhere and appearing behind the twins.

The two looked at each other with worry for a second, before sharing a

smile and turning toward the potion teacher, who wasn't fooled and

glaring at them.

"Professor Snape, you just happen to hear about a most fascinating tale."

Fred started.

"About a ridiculous yet amusing idea." George added.

"Then you won't mind joining me to write down a tale about how you

shouldn't put your nose where it doesn't belong." Sneered the professor.

"Of course not! We love spending time with you."

"Only if our relationship remains of students and teacher, of course." Fred


"Saturday morning, in my office." Snape said, not amused at all by their


"Of course!" The twins replied.

With a last glare at them, the potion teacher turned around, flicking his

cape as he did so, and returned to the teacher's table.

The Gryffindor students let out a sigh of relief as the tension broke, and

only the twins kept smiling all along.

"How can you two even say something like that?" Hermione asked,


"It's a skill." Fred revealed.

"A talent." George divulged.

"You have to admit, Snape has one hell of a patience for these two. To

not snap at them after that…" Dean trailed off.

"Yeah, but he knows that they can actually be serious with their pranks.

He won't back down, but so will they." Ron explained.

"Right you are, dear brother." Both twins confirmed at the same time,

creeping out most of the table. Except Ron, who was used to it.

"Can we actually take our breakfast now?! I don't want to go to class

hungry." Hermione complained, shutting down most of the questions that

the others wanted to ask them.

Their talks had to be stopped shortly after, though, as classes were about

to start for the day. Knowing that they wouldn't be able to go see

Shimmer until their classes were over, Hermione resolved to be patient

and try to think only about the good outcomes. Like Shimmer waking up.

It was the middle of the afternoon, in the Hospital Wing, and Shimmer

was still lying unconscious in his bed. Madam Pomfrey was in her office,

and regularly checked upon the dragon, noting that his temperature was

almost completely back to normal. At least, while her skills in dark arts

weren't the best, the effects of the possession looked to have been quite


But, at that moment, when she wasn't looking, she didn't watch as

Shimmer's body changed, finally stabilising the effects of the

Philosopher's Stone. His golden scales, pristine and beautiful, took on an

even better aspect, almost shining under the light and taking the look of

real gold. Slowly, so slowly that it was unnoticeable unless you were to

keep watching for several minutes straight, he grew a little. He got about

five centimetres taller and maybe a bit more than double in length and

width, which didn't make him into an impressive dragon, but still bigger

than he previously was.

That was it for the apparent physical changes, but a few more happened,

especially on his magic. While Shimmer had magic before, it had been

one slightly better than a regular dragon. Now, though, his magic rose

up, not tremendously, but enough to make a change.

And then, very suddenly, his eyes opened.

Shimmer didn't know what happened to him, but he felt tied down to

something, and his panic exploded as he thought himself in danger.

Snarling and growling furiously, he twisted around in an attempt to free

himself. The noise instantly got the attention of the matron, who saw

from her office the dragon awake and in a very, very dangerous mood.

Not taking any risk, she acted quickly.

"Fidi!" She called.

A house elf appeared next to her.

"Yes Ma'am?" Asked the female house elf.

"Go tell Dumbledore that the dragon woke up and that I need help to

contain him. Quickly!"

"Yes Ma'am!" Fidi squeaked, vanishing.

Stepping out of her office, Madam Pomfrey saw that Shimmer already

managed to free his neck, a piece of rope still around it, and was

currently in the process of removing the ropes on his wings.

"Shimmer!" She called out strongly, keeping her wand in hand.

Recognising his name, he turned toward her and calmed down a little,

right before the feeling of the ropes on his body got his attention again,

and he attacked them once more. He was thrashing around so quickly

and furiously that getting closer would have been far too dangerous.

"Not like! Human let Shimmer go!" He warned her, glaring at her and at

the ropes.

"Shimmer, listen to me! You need to calm down!" Madam Pomfrey

continued, walking around Shimmer while keeping a good distance

between them.

Shimmer's sudden moves made his stomach turn, and a feeling of

sickness washed over him. He suddenly spat a few globs of red goo,

coughing dryly as he was forced to stop thrashing around for a couple of


"Shimmer not like!" He growled, smoke coming out of his nostrils and the

light of a powerful fire shining through his chest.

"Stop that!" Madam Pomfrey shouted, panicking and raising her wand.

She had experience with annoying children putting themselves in

dangerous situations, but taking care of a dragon was something she was

never taught.

Opening his jaws wide, Shimmer unleashed his fire on the ropes. Aiming

at his right wing first, the fire didn't hurt him as usual, but the flame

seemed stronger and warmer than before. It burned the rope all the same,

though, so he attacked all the others ropes.

Madam Pomfrey, who had taken a step back, didn't know what to do and

was expecting the dragon to attack her next.

Shimmer finished burning away the last rope holding his leg, that the

door of the Hospital Wing was busted open by Dumbledore, instantly

pointing his wand at Shimmer. He noticed how brighter and shinier the

dragon was, but didn't focus on it right now.

"Shimmer!" He called out, walking up to the distraught matron and

stepping in front of her. "Calm down, Shimmer!

"Dumb Door. Shimmer not like." Acknowledged Shimmer for a moment,

trying to remove the rope around his neck with his hind legs' claws,


"Let me take care of this." With a flick of the headmaster's wand, the

hanging piece of rope was untied and removed.

"Good! Shimmer not like. Want fly." Shimmer snarled, wanting to get out

of here. He needed to check if his coins didn't move, as he couldn't

remember very well what happened after he brought the last ones to his


"A moment, Shimmer. We need to check a few things with you."

Dumbledore stopped him. "How do you feel, Shimmer? Are you tired?

Anything with your head?"

"Shimmer is okay. Not bad. Why head?" He asked angrily.

"A little problem that we had. Can I use my magic to check on you?"

Dumbledore asked, knowing Shimmer might eat any of his spells.

"Yes. Quick. Shimmer want bye-bye. Want go see coin." Shimmer replied,

tail whipping in the air as a sign of his annoyance.

"I'm sure Miss Granger would like to see you. Perhaps you could wait for

her?" Dumbledore tempted him.

"No! Shimmer want go coin!" Shimmer adamantly refused.

Knowing he didn't have much time against the dragon's patience,

Dumbledore began casting the appropriate spells, and he went from the

most concerning issues they had to the smaller ones. First, and to his

greatest relief, there was no more sign of possession. If Voldemort really

tried to possess Shimmer, he was purged out of him by the incredible

magic stored in the Philosopher's Stone. Secondly, the magic inside

Shimmer was stabilised, and it seemed far less chaotic than Dumbledore

thought it would be. The Flamels were due to arrive soon, as they were

aware of the urgency of the situation, and he was really counting on their

expertise. What the magic in Shimmer was, however, surprised him. It

felt similar to the Stone, but also different.

Were the effects of the Stone transferred to Shimmer? Or did his body

alter them? They would have to test this, but it would have to wait.

Shimmer was clearly in no mood to listen to them, and Dumbledore

didn't want to antagonise him even more.

"You appear to be fine, young Shimmer. You're free to go, but please

come back to see us soon, for we have a lot to discuss. I'm certain Miss

Granger and your other friends would be delighted to see you."

Dumbledore asked, flicking his wand and opening a window for the

dragon to fly in.

Without waiting, Shimmer took to the air and went straight to the

window. Focused on securing his hoard, not knowing if something or if

another dragon found his precious pile of coins, he went straight up to

the window of the little attic where he lived. And, surprisingly, he had to

break a bit of glass to fit in. Not that he couldn't have entered without

doing it, but his body was slightly bigger.

Thankfully, as soon as he came in, his sharp eyes and mind caught the

sight of his hoard, apparently left untouched. But even then, he still went

right in it and started to inspect every coin he had, counting them and

checking if they were at the right places. It took a couple of minutes, but

he quickly managed to determine that all of his precious possessions were


Letting out a sigh of relief, he now addressed a new problem. One that

wasn't exactly one, but that messed up with his nose, tongue, and brain.

There was more gold around him, and he couldn't find it. He went to

every corner of the room, checked everywhere, but no matter where he

went, the scent of gold was just as strong. It wasn't a perfect smell either,

as there was definitely the scent of gold, but it was lessened and

somewhat diluted with something he couldn't identify.

It only frustrated him more, and he kept searching. The whole day.


"I don't want to ever see that blasted animal here ever again!" Madam

Pomfrey screamed at Albus, still on her high of panic.

"I understand, Poppy, and you don't have to worry about this. I will work

with Hagrid so that we may have a spare room allocated to taking care of

Shimmer, should something like this happen again." Dumbledore assured,

wanting to reassure their dear matron, who remained quite shaken by

this most frightening moment. It took him quite a few minutes to

reassure his best nurse, and even now she remained adamant in her wish

to never see Shimmer again.

"And- and don't ever ask me again to take care of a dragon!" She added


"I won't, Poppy. Take a break and relax, alright? I'm sorry I have to leave

you, but there's much I need to prepare for."

"Get out!"

Not waiting to be told twice, Hogwarts' headmaster quickly fled the

hospital wing, closing the doors behind him.

Alone, he sighed in relief. Shimmer was safe and looked to be fine, even

though there were some apparent changes that happened to him, like his

slight increase in size and the scales that looked different. He would have

to perform some more precise spells later to establish a proper diagnosis,

but the most important was that the dragon wasn't possessed and

appeared to be fine, if only very moody for now.

Now he would have to find Miss Granger to give her the good news, as

well as warning her and her friends that Shimmer may be a bit hard to

approach for now. And perhaps that they would have to keep the young

dragon calm so they could cast their spells on him. They would also have

to explain to him that what he did was wrong, incredibly dangerous, and

that there would be a punishment for this.

He would have to convince Miss Granger first, but knew he wouldn't

have any issue, as the young witch was more than eager to teach

Shimmer how to behave properly and wasn't afraid to punish him if

necessary. Forbidding him to have new coins for a week or two should be


A little vibration in Hogwarts' magic wards told him that visitors were at

the gates, and he smiled knowing reinforcements just arrived.

Since he was at the hospital wing, he didn't have to walk down the stairs

from his tower, and made his way toward the entrance while authorising

the access to the newcomers. Letting the castle guide him, he quickly

reached his objective and saw two figures walking on the long bridge

leading to the castle's grounds.

The first was a man of old age, with clean white hair and wearing white

robes beneath a white coat. His face was sunken, and his eyes held a

powerful weight that silently spoke of a life filled with experience.

The second, a woman just as old, wearing a darker outfit yet just as clean

as her partner. Her hair reached her shoulders in a ponytail, just as white

as the man's hair, and she had a kind air to her that was contrasted by

her eyes as well.

"Nicolas. Pernelle. It's a pleasure to see you again, despite the

circumstances." Albus greeted them warmly.

"Albus Dumbledore. It hasn't been long since our last meeting." Nicolas

Flamel replied in kind, raising his hand toward the headmaster who

shook it.

"A moment, one could say." Pernelle added.

"For people like you, perhaps. But, I'm afraid time is running out. There

has been some new development since my last letter, good ones as far as

I could tell." Albus replied.

"Really? This is truly fascinating. The dragon is still here, correct?"

Nicolas mused aloud, a feeling of excitement in his voice that didn't quite

match his old age.

"He is, but I'm afraid he woke up quite moody and should be back later.

If you would like to follow me, we can get you settled." Albus offered,

starting to walk toward Hogwarts.

"That would be most appreciated." Pernelle nodded.

"Good. Excuse my curiosity, but have you managed to put your affairs in

order, as you said?"

"We were taken by surprise by your news, but we were aware of the

risks. A few more owls to send, and we should be ready." Nicolas smiled.

Albus didn't reply, and simply led them toward some rooms left for the

occasional guests that the castle had.

"What happened to that trace of possession you found?"

"Cleansed by the Stone, it appears. The traces of dark magic are almost

gone, and I couldn't find anything wrong when I checked this morning.

Your help would be most appreciated on his body and magic, since there

seems to have been some changes." Albus replied.

"Of course. By the way, did your potion master find anything interesting

about your dragon's magical rejects?" Nicolas continued.

"He confirmed that it was indeed magic in a somewhat solidified state.

While we haven't found any uses for them yet, tests showed that we

could either solidify the goo which doesn't really affect its nature, or we

could try to burn it and then the effects are rather… explosive, to say the

least." Albus said, recalling Severus' report about the goo. He witnessed

one use of the goo placed on a plate above a fire, and the drop seized

sample was enough to blew up the entire plate as well as knocking out

several objects in the room.

"Is it now? Fascinating. And that was before he ate the Stone, correct?"

"Indeed. This new goo he spat out, we don't know if he'll ever be able to

create it again. The original one was created, for lack of a better term, by

the use of regular magic spells. Since there is almost nothing left of the

Stone, I'm afraid we don't know if Shimmer will be able to produce this

goo at will or if it's going to be completely unique." Albus went into

detail. "As for the first vials of goo, we can use them as powerful

explosives for now, but we're hoping that further experimentation will

reveal other properties. One theory could be to manage to use the magic

stored in the goo to power spells, runes, and wards. This may strengthen

the effects of the basic spells, drawing the magic from the goo rather than

the surroundings. Or maybe, in addition to the surroundings."

"I cannot wait to experiment with this. A brand-new form of magic, after

so long spent working on a magical system that barely changed in ten

centuries, sounds exhilarating." Nicolas replied with an excited smile. "I

almost want to stay alive a little longer to work on this."

"May I ask how much time you have left?" Albus asked with a slightly

pained look.

"About a week. It may be short, but I believe we can do great work in so

little time." Nicolas assured.

Reaching the guest rooms, Albus let them in and gave them the keys.

"Would you like to join us for dinner? I'm sure our young dragon will

show up then. He likes to spend time with Miss Granger." The

headmaster invited them.

"Certainly. It will be nice to be around the sound of dozens of children

once more. I find this a particularly pleasing way to go, leaving the world

for the younger generations to take care of." Pernelle happily agreed.

"Do you remember the way to the Great Hall?"

"We are old, Albus. Not senile." Nicolas grinned. "We will see you there."

"Then I bid you good afternoon. Dinner is between 6 PM and 8 PM."

Albus said, closing the door behind him.

Taking a pocket watch out of his coat, he looked at the time. The hands

of the watch showed three thirty-seven pm, meaning that students were

still in class until four. As he started walking, Albus thought about how

he could approach the situation with Miss Granger and the need to teach

Shimmer to never steal again. He would prefer to speak of all of this

privately, so he would wait for her and her friend's class with Flitwick to

be over and take them to his office to devise a plan of action. Something

else that he would prefer to do privately was to admonish the dragon, but

he was quite sure that Shimmer wouldn't show up until dinner, which

would take place in the Great Hall as usual.

This would require planning and a very, very careful wording to the

young dragon. As smart as Shimmer was, some words and especially

expressions and meanings could go over his head, which would defeat

the purpose of the scolding.

That evening, Shimmer was both tired and frustrated. He spent the whole

afternoon looking for the scent of new gold, only to never find it. He

looked in his room, checked his entire hoard twice, and even went

outside to hunt. At all times the scent of gold remained, and he never

managed to find it. Even in the forest, he could smell gold!

He recalled half-way in the afternoon that he ate the shiny rock, and was

very, very disappointed that he could barely remember its taste. He

recalled eating it, but the taste and magic had been so much that he just

couldn't remember what happened next.

So it's a frustrated dragon that gave up after hours of searching, and who

went to see Hermione at dinner. He was still hungry, a bit more than

usual actually, and he wanted to know how his friends were doing.

His usual window was opened, and he went right in. Stopping briefly on

the rafters, looking at the room with more attention than usual, he

noticed that there were two new humans at the old humans table, and

somehow these two looked even older than the rest. But it didn't really

matter, and he looked down toward the Gryffindor table, quickly finding

Hermione and her friends already seated.

A bit strange, though, was that the surrounding seats had been left

mostly empty, leaving plenty of space for him to land on the table with

Hermione and Neville on one side and Ron on the other.

Just as he was about to jump, Shimmer noticed how Dumb Door pointed

at him and old humans all looked at him, some with curiosity and others

with wariness. Not caring, Shimmer jumped in the air and glided down

toward Hermione's table, landing almost right in front of her. A few

students shouted in surprise, but quickly calmed down once they realised

it was their neighbouring dragon.

"Shimmer!" Hermione exclaimed at his landing, brightening up instantly

and reaching for a hug, only to stop at the last second. "Wow, you grew


"Hello." Shimmer greeted rather casually.

"Come here!" She said, opening her arms for a hug.

"No. Shimmer not like hug. Is prison." He replied, staying slightly out of

reach and eyeing her arms warily.

"Please? I was so scared, I thought you were dying." Hermione pleaded.

"Shimmer strong. Not dead." He countered.


Looking at her, and then at Neville who ducked a little under his gaze,

before looking at Ron who wasn't eating his plate like a savage.

"Ron not hungry?" He asked, a bit surprised by this change of behaviour.

"No. Not really. You better let her hug you, though, because she will

catch you one day." Ron advised him, lightly poking his piece of ham

with his fork.

Turning back toward Hermione, he saw that she had small tears in her

eyes, despite her smile and her still open arms. A bit annoyed, Shimmer

choose to accept it and reluctantly got close to her. Humans and their

high maintenance cost.

"You have no idea how happy I am to see you." Hermione let out a breath

of relief, catching him in a tight hug.

"Shimmer happy not happy." He replied, annoyed.

A bit to his surprise, and Hermione's, the hug didn't feel the same as

usual. Shimmer's scales had always been rather tough, but they were also

somewhat soft underneath. Now, though, Hermione could feel that his

scales seemed tougher and harder. Poking at them with her finger, she

marvelled at the change that took place over most of his body. Some

places, like beneath his jaw and neck, were still quite soft and flexible.

"What happened to you, Shimmer? Was it the Stone?" She asked, petting

his head calmly.

"Shimmer not know. Shimmer like. Shiny like gold." He replied, using his

teeth to bite on his tail's scales and indeed finding them tougher. And

also something far, far more interesting. He tasted gold.

Seeing how he stopped, still biting his tail, Hermione nudged him.

"Shimmer? Are you alright?" She asked, a bit concerned.

"What's going on?" Neville also asked, looking at the golden dragon.

"Shimmer is gold." Shimmer replied, letting go of his tail, confused.

He was gold. He liked gold and it was precious and shiny. Now he too

was precious and shiny. And Shimmer liked to collect gold. Should he

collect this gold too? Could he collect himself?

Taking everyone by surprise, Shimmer attacked his own tail once more,

though this time with far more strength and ferocity.

"Shimmer?! What are you doing?" Hermione screamed, almost daring to

reach him.

"Shimmer want gold." Shimmer said through gritted teeth.

He was trying, but his teeth were barely managing to pierce his own

hide. He didn't remember it to be so tough. A few people were starting to

watch the strange show taking place, and that included some teachers as


"My, my. You keep surprising us every day, Shimmer." Dumbledore said,

chuckling as he watched the dragon attempting to remove his own scales.

"Though, removing your own scales does seem like a strange idea."

"Professor Dumbledore." Hermione, Ron, and Neville greeted the


"Dumb Door. Shimmer not know. Want gold. Can't get gold. Shimmer is

gold." Shimmer said, letting go of his tail in frustration.

"Indeed. A most fascinating development. I don't think I asked before, but

do you shed scales, Shimmer?" Dumbledore asked.

"Shed? Not know word." Shimmer said.

"Ah, do you sometimes lose some of your scales?" Dumbledore


"Scale is strong. Scale… is dead, fall. More scale, is long." Shimmer tried

to reply, not certain he had the right words to answer.

"I don't think he sheds, professor. He just regrows the broken ones."

Hermione translated.

"Right. Then perhaps one day, we will be able to examine these new

scales of his." Dumbledore said, quite amused but not losing sight of his

objective. "But I'm afraid this is a problem for another day. Miss Granger,

could you please remind Shimmer of what he should and shouldn't do?"

"Oh, right, of course, professor." Hermione quickly said, turning back

toward Shimmer. Taking a deep breath, she steeled herself for the

upcoming storm that she was about to unleash. "Shimmer, you've been a

very, very bad dragon."

Shimmer's reaction was instant, growling lightly at her works. Even if he

didn't move, that was enough to scare most students, a few shuffling

away as far as possible.

"Shimmer is good dragon. Is not bad. Bad is Quirrell. Shimmer not bad

like Quirrell." He growled, glaring a little at Hermione.

"Now, now Shimmer, that's not what I said. You are not an evil dragon,

but your latest act of defiance was definitely bad." Dumbledore tripped to

tamper the young dragon.

"Professor Dumbledore is right, Shimmer. You shouldn't have stolen the

Stone. We told you to give it back, and you didn't, which makes you a

bad dragon." Hermione sternly said, frowning a little at the dragon.

"Shimmer want nice stone. Smell very good. Smell gold. Smell magic.

Shimmer like, like more." Shimmer replied angrily, justifying his actions.

"And it wasn't your stone, Shimmer. It belonged to my good friends,

Nicolas and Pernelle." Dumbledore said, pointing a hand toward the two

very old humans that followed behind him. "You stole their stone,

Shimmer. That was very, very bad."

Shimmer observed the two old humans, and found himself growing

curious at their smell. Letting go of his anger a little, he got close to them

and started to identify different smells, but two were far different from

the rest.

"Shimmer sorry stone. Shimmer want smell." He told the two old humans.

"It was time for it to disappear anyway. And, well, who am I to refuse?"

Nicolas smiled, very amused, and reached toward Shimmer with his right


Taking in more of the smells, Shimmer could only open his jaw and

salivate a little. These two humans smelled like the stone, shared its

specific scent of magic, but fainter and more diluted. Yet, they were filled

with it and the scent was both young and old. Lastly, they had the scent

of death, not like Quirrell but like something that should be dead for a

long time but isn't. He was confused by that last one.

"Smell like stone. Shimmer like. Smell small gold. Smell lot magic. Alive

magic. Smell old dead." Shimmer told them, wanting to eat the hand

before him to see if the taste was good but refraining himself because he

knew Hermione said he shouldn't do something like that. He already had

enough problems as it was.

"What a good nose. I indeed have many reason to smell like the stone.

And look at what it did to you." Nicolas admired Shimmer's body, gently

brushing his gold scales with his hand.

"He is quite pretty like this. I believe this is the first time I'm seeing a

creature that is quite literally made out of gold and that isn't a golem."

Pernelle added, also petting Shimmer with a hand.

"Right. Shimmer, there are a few spells that we would like to cast on you,

as well as a few tests that we have in mind. Would you mind coming to

see me tomorrow?" Dumbledore asked the young dragon.

"Coin?" Shimmer eagerly asked.

"No, Shimmer." Hermione intervened, instantly getting his attention and

a small frown. "Since you stole the stone and destroyed it, you won't be

getting any coins for two weeks."

It took a few seconds for Shimmer to calculate how long it was, mainly

counting the days one by one twice, before his eyes widened a little, and

he glared at Hermione with horror.

"No! Shimmer good dragon. Shimmer sorry stone. Really want stone,

stone is good smell good." He countered, not wanting to go so long

without new coins.

"You still destroyed it. If you can't stop when we tell you to stop, just like

with the stone, you will never get any new coins." Hermione remained


Whining in despair, Shimmer quickly did a few turns around himself,

trying to find words to change Hermione's mind. His movements forced

everyone to move back a little, but only Hermione stood motionless, and

he didn't have any idea of how he could get out of this.

"One week?" He offered.

"I suppose that if Shimmer can help us with our tests, one week will be

enough." Dumbledore mused aloud, amusing the Flamels and Hermione

who watched Shimmer fall in the trap head first.

"One week! Shimmer no coin one week, Shimmer help magic. Help test."

Shimmer eagerly agreed, happy to see his loss of coins being cut in half.

"Very good! Then we will see you tomorrow. Before we leave you in Miss

Granger's care, can you tell us if you felt anything wrong this afternoon?"

"Shimmer okay. Like new fire. Shimmer big, shimmer strong." The golden

dragon boasted, standing proudly and spreading his wings/arms a little

to display his new size.

"Good. We will see about this new fire tomorrow. Have a good evening,

Miss Granger, Mister Weasley, Mister Longbottom." Dumbledore said as

he and the Flamels returned to the teacher's table.

Many of the whispers that took place during the exchange blew out in

loud conversations, everyone wondering what happened and trying to

guess what changed the appearance of the dragon. Only a few knew the

truth, though, and they planned for it to stay that way.

Letting out a sigh of relief, Hermione looked at Shimmer who was now

more interested in Ron's plate, still half full. Frowning a little, she

watched as her friend gave up his plate to Shimmer, who happily started

to tear into it with gusto.

"What's wrong, Ron? You usually never stop eating." She asked, pointing

at his abandoned plate.

"She is right, you know." Neville added, a bit shy but not cowed by

Shimmer's presence like some other Gryffindors. "You don't even speak as

much as before."

Ron looked up from his plate that was almost completely cleaned by

now, with Shimmer licking it until not a crumb remained. He still had a

lot on his heart and on his mind, and between what happened with the

stone and what they learned about the Flamels, his thoughts were

growing more concerning.

"It's- do you recall what happened with Quirrell?" Ron asked quietly, his

eyes appearing to look at something out of reach.

"Yes." Hermione said, not seeing his point.

"Did you see him die?" Ron continued.

"I- no. I don't think so." She conceded.

"I know I didn't." Neville admitted.

"It was horrible. I can't help it, I still see him die. How Shimmer burned

them alive, how they screamed and then how he- how You-Know-Who

escaped." Ron quickly whispered, looking far more shaken in only a few

seconds. The worst were the screams of absolute pain, terrible and still

echoing in his head. It had been a few days and the nightmares he had

hadn't abated.

Processing his words, Hermione realised that she didn't know what to

answer. What Ron saw, she never saw it and hoped to never have to see

it. She could barely imagine what it must have been like, and she didn't

want to try.

"Did you tell anyone?" Neville asked, concerned.

"No. I mean, I can't speak about this to my family yet." Ron replied,

slumping down on the bench.

"Well, maybe you could talk about this to Madam Pomfrey? I know that

she can contact Saint Mungo, and they have some doctors who you can

talk to who help to heal with… problems like this." Neville suggested.

"I'm not crazy." Ron protested with a bit more energy.

"I'm not saying you are crazy. What you have, I think a lot of people from

the last war have it too. If you tell professor Dumbledore, he will know

what it is."

"I- I'm sorry, Ron, but I don't know how to help you." Hermione

conceded, a bit defeated.

"Why sad? Bad?" Shimmer asked, noticing how sadder and gloomy it got.

He didn't understand how words could make them feel like that.

"I don't think you'll ever understand, Shimmer." Hermione tried to

reassure him.

"Shimmer smart! Not dumb!" He growled.

"I didn't say that! I said that it wasn't something you could understand."

She replied, offended.

"It's okay, Shimmer. It's not about you. Here." Ron said, taking his empty

plate and filling it again with more cooked ham.

With that offer, Shimmer hungrily abandoned the subject and went back

to devour more meat. Sighing, Hermione gave Ron a thankful look.

"He can be a bit much sometimes." She said with a small smile, looking at

the dragon, right before looking back at Ron. "But don't think we'll forget

about you."

"Yeah, yeah. I suppose I can tell McGonagall." He relented.

The three went back to their meals, listening to some of the whispers and

talks going on around them. Most were about what just happened, some

still focused on Shimmer's new appearance, and a few more still stuck on

Quirrell's disappearance and how it must be tied to Shimmer.

Hermione was mulling over the conversation that took place a couple of

minutes ago. She was slightly unsatisfied, and would work harder with

Shimmer to teach him a few more things and remind him how important

it was to follow the rules and to not steal things. Seeing him comforted

her tremendously, but she couldn't forget seeing Shimmer lying down

unconscious and uncertain of his survival. She would have to work twice

harder with him to make sure he understood the lesson.

Ron's words, though, gave her a lot to think about. She was worried

about him and noticed how he had become a bit recluse, silent, and

overall less active the past few days, and it somehow didn't occur to her

that he could be stuck thinking about You-Know-Who. In a way, she was

thankful to have been knocked out that day, as it spared her that sight

that traumatised Ron.

Neville was still silent and shy, and while he only asked to turn around

and kept saying it was a bad idea to go after Quirrell, he wasn't shocked.

Hermione could only guess why, and wondered if it had anything to do

with his parents being in a hospital. He didn't speak a lot about them, so

Hermione didn't know a lot, but something terrible happened during the

last war and his parents were now taken care of in a magic hospital.

Looking at Shimmer who was licking his plate clean with his tongue,

which wasn't forked by the way, Hermione could only be glad that

everything turned out to be fine in the end. Sure, Shimmer would still

have to go through a few tests to see if he was really fine, but it wasn't as

scary anymore.

"Hermione. Shimmer bye-bye. Want go sleep." Shimmer told her, licking

his lips clean.

"Alright. I'll see you tomorrow. Be careful, okay?" She replied, using a

hand to pet his head.

"Okay." He purred in reply.

Retracting his head, Shimmer opened his wings and jumped in the air,

surprising some students who weren't paying attention. His departure

took place under the eyes of everyone in the hall, and he quickly flew to

the window before making his way toward his hoard. There was some

wind tonight, and he could feel that a storm would arrive soon.

Reaching the ledge of the broken window giving access to his lair, he

wished that he would have the time to fix it before the storm, but it was

too late. And then, before his confused eyes, the broken window shifted

and transformed. The shape remained roughly the same, but instead of a

full glass window, it became a protected hole, aimed slightly outward

and toward the ground to stop the rain from coming in. Amazed,

Shimmer wondered how this happened, if it was really that simple, and if

all human houses were like that.

Using the new window, he got it without problem and went straight to

his hoard, happily lying down on it. Knowing he was himself a precious

part of his hoard pleased him immensely, and it also meant that he would

be transporting a part of his hoard with him at all times. A bit risky, but

he could defend his golden scales very easily. Easier than a piece of gold

stuck in his mouth or claws.

Suddenly, he looked at the window, and wondered if this change could

apply to other things. Imagining the biggest pile of gold ever, his

disappointment was great when no golden coins appeared. He would

have to try something else, since he was persuaded there was a way to

convince the human home to give him gold or precious things.

Closing his eyes, sleep came to him easily, ignoring the conflict that took

place in some wizards and witches' minds as they wondered what could

be done about the dragon and what the future had in store for them.

Hi! Valexto at the keyboard!

Almost two weeks to write that chapter, but it's done.

A wild shiny Shimmer appeared!

Looks like Shimmer's going to be fine, even if he's partially made out of

gold now, but there's more to find out about the changes that affected


Also, Ron may have been slightly traumatised by Quirrell's death. Who

could have imagined that an eleven year old seeing someone burn alive

to ash could be traumatised? Not me.

I really appreciate all the positive comments, so thanks a lot and keep

them coming!

Thanks for all the support and see you soon!

25. Chapter 25

I do not own nor possess any right over Harry Potter, all rights belongs to

J.K. Rowling.

Chapter 25

The next day, Shimmer found himself tearing up a pork's leg, courtesy of

Hermione who preferred a more normal breakfast. Surprisingly, Ron

wasn't here to eat with them, but Neville told Hermione that Ron

managed to get a word with professor McGonagall. The teacher took the

young Weasley with her and they hadn't been seen since.

But, both to his annoyance and a bit of curiosity, Shimmer was forced to

wait for the humans to take him for tests. He didn't even know what he

agreed to last night, and it took Hermione explaining to him what could

happen for him to not be fond of the idea. Hermione did say she didn't

exactly know what they would do, but the concept wasn't thrilling in the


"Could you make less noise when you eat, please?" Hermione asked,

frowning and ticked by the disturbing sounds of chewing and cracking


"Rrr." A growl was Shimmer's reply, not happy to be disturbed in his


"I just want you to be a bit more quiet and polite." Hermione replied with

a huff, a bit frustrated.

"Eat." Shimmer said, breaking the bone and reaching for the delicious

bone marrow inside.

"I don't know if that's a good idea." Neville commented, glancing at

Shimmer with a bit of worry.

"I will teach him manners." Hermione replied, determined to accomplish


Shimmer didn't bother with a reply and simply kept eating. That was the

moment the headmaster chose to arrive.

"Good morning, Shimmer. Are you ready?" Dumbledore asked, tranquilly

walking up to Shimmer, Hermione and Neville.

"Shimmer eat." Shimmer growled.

"I'm sorry, Headmaster. He is very stubborn this morning, since I told him

about what tests are." Hermione apologised.

"Really? Shimmer, you don't want to do tests?" Dumbledore asked,


"Shimmer not like."

"Oh? So you want to spend two weeks without coins?" The old wizard


Shimmer froze as he recalled why he agreed to take part in these tests.

"Shimmer do test. Not want go no coin." Shimmer quickly replied,

abandoning his bone and walking up in front of the headmaster.

"Ah, much better. If you could follow me." Dumbledore invited him.

"Okay." Shimmer replied, jumping in the air.

He took the old man by surprise, flying on his right shoulder.

Dumbledore let out a huff, not expecting this nor the new weight of the

golden dragon, which was a bit too much for his old shoulders.

"I'm sorry, Shimmer, but you're too heavy for me. Please, get down."

Dumbledore said, gently pushing him away with his left hand.

A small growl came from Shimmer, but he didn't challenge his place on

the old man's shoulder and returned to the air, his wings flying quickly as

he hovered on the spot.

"Thank you. Now, please, follow me. Miss Granger, Mister Longbottom, I

wish you a good day." Dumbledore said, massaging his sore shoulder.

"Thank you Headmaster." The two students replied.

Taking the lead, Dumbledore walked toward the doors of the Great hall,

Shimmer following closely behind him. They crossed a few corridors and

actually went a bit deeper, a path that Shimmer recognised as the one for

the man in black with oily hair.

Just as he thought, they entered the potion teacher's room and went

straight to his private office. There, they were met with professor Snape

and the Flamel couple, already in a discussion.

"Your conclusion seems correct, Professor Snape." Nicolas said, a vial

filled with blue goo in hand. "Too much magic, exposed to any quick

heating element, will produce an explosion. This leaves a few uses,

especially in warfare, but that's not much."

"I am aware. Smaller doses only reduce the effects, and don't change the

results. The most interesting use so far is the capacity to be used as a

battery for runes, even if runes are already powered by the ambiant

magic. There are things I haven't tried yet, such as its influence on spells

and if it's edible." Professor Snape replied, much more focused and

invested than usual, revealing a more curious side to the man that wasn't

often shown.

Perenelle was sipping on a cup of tea, watching the two scientists discuss

with mild interest. Her eyes went to Shimmer as they walked in, and a

faint smile appeared on her lips, as if she knew what was coming.

"Severus, Nicolas, Perenelle. I've brought our test subject." Dumbledore

interrupted them.

"Hello." Shimmer greeted them, attempting to land on Snape's shoulder.

"No." Snape glared at him, pointing at a small perch stand. "You can

stand there."

It was Shimmer's turn to glare.

"Shimmer no bird. Eat bird." He said, preferring to land on the table.

"Fascinating." Nicolas said, finding the exchange very enlightening. "And

he was that smart before eating the stone, correct?"

"Indeed. That's the reason why we kept him around. Now, I must

apologise, but I won't be able to stay for the tests this morning. I trust

Severus to be an excellent assistant." Dumbledore said.

"I am more than a mere assistant." Snape replied coldly.

"That you are, my boy." Dumbledore acknowledged.

"Shimmer want test. Now." Shimmer said, wanting to get this over with


"My, my, so eager. Very well. Since we are quite short on time, we will

begin with physical, biological and magical tests of your body. We can

work on the goo later on our own time." Nicolas explained.

"Stand here, Shimmer. And don't eat the spells." Snape warned.

"Okay." Shimmer replied, staying immobile.

"Have fun." Dumbledore wished them, closing the door as he left.

"Now, let's see what these scales are about." Snape said.

A small glow appeared on Shimmer's scales, giving even more shine to

them, much to the dragon's pleasure.

"This is gold. His scales are made out of gold." Snape said, just as a

floating quill started to write down the results.

"Indeed. The question is how much gold there is in them." Nicolas said.

"But we won't know until we have one that we can do more advanced

tests with."

"Not take scale. Mine." Shimmer warned.

"We're not going to take your scales, stupid lizard. Unless you behave

badly." Snape replied as cold as usual.

"Now, now, we're not here to fight." Nicolas tempered, just as he flicked

his wand.

Shimmer felt something around him, but there was no light, only a strong

scent of magic.

"What do? Smell magic." He said, licking the magic off of him.

"He can smell our spells. I don't believe there are many other creatures

capable of such things." Nicolas said, impressed. "There is nothing wrong

with his body, but I can't say what's normal or not with him. There is a

pouch near his stomach that is partially filled with magic, separated from

the rest of his organs. And it's not what powers his fire either."

"Hmm. Shimmer, I want you to eat this spell, understand?" Snape said,

aiming his wand at Shimmer.

"Okay." Shimmer agreed, mouth already open.

A light purple ball flew from the tip of the wand toward Shimmer, and he

caught it flawlessly. Instantly, Nicolas used the same spell as before,

getting a new diagnosis directly from Shimmer's body.

"The pouch filled up a lot, but there's still some space left. And it appears

that it is where the magic he eats goes." The ancient man explained.

"Does it affect him?" Snape asked.

"Besides warming him up a little, there are no notable effects."

"Shimmer like. Good magic. Eat too much." Shimmer said just as he

started to retch.

Acting quickly, Snape summoned a pan that flew from the back of his

office and landed right in front of Shimmer's head. The dragon then

expelled the excess of magic, vomiting red goo in the pan.

"Shimmer not like." Shimmer growled a little.

"I was expecting blue goo. Either he still has some of the Stone's magic in

him, or the Stone altered the way he consumes magic." Snape replied,

staring at the small quantity of goo. There was enough to fill up a glass.

"Fascinating." Nicolas whispered, staring at the goo intently. "May I?"

Snape handed him the pan, and Nicolas wasted no time using his wand to

cast several spells in a row, getting all sorts of information about the

goo's potency and quantity of magic. It was less than the goo Shimmer

rejected directly after consuming the Stone, but definitely far more than

the blue one, maybe twice as strong.

And, just like the other samples he got, Nicolas felt and recognised the

magic that allowed him to live for so long. The goo itself wasn't exactly

like the Stone, and Nicolas could tell the effects wouldn't be the same.

"Professor Snape, I believe this goo can produce an effect that is similar

to the Stone, even if it's not perfect." He said, pouring the liquid in a vial.

"How so?" Snape replied.

"Allowing someone to live longer should be possible with this, albeit less

than me and my dear Perenelle. Maybe it could be used as an extremely

powerful healing balm." Nicolas explained.

Severus stared at Shimmer with a new eye, one of both wonder and

worry. What if someone ill-intended learned about Shimmer's ability to

produce an elixir of life? What if a certain dark lord were to hear of this?

It only made Shimmer's interest and value grow exponentially, and it

would require far more protection from now on.

He hoped that this ability wouldn't stay, and that Shimmer would be

back to simply vomit "normal" magical goo. It would be better for his


"That is concerning." The potion teacher replied.

"In a way." Nicolas agreed.

"Could you use it?" Severus asked, looking between the goo and the old



"The goo. Would you use it to expand your life again?"

Nicolas remained silent at that, starting down at the ground and then at

Shimmer, who was busy sniffing the vial of goo. A small smile crept up

on the old man's lips, and he looked back at Severus.

"I would lie if I said no. Just to get enough time to understand this

marvelous, young creature. But, we already prepared ourselves, and it is

time for us to retire. Even if we were to walk this year five hundred more

years, we wouldn't have seen all of its magnificent creatures and

wonders." Nicolas answered, brushing Shimmer's head with his wrinkly


Severus nodded, understanding the man's endless curiosity.

"Shimmer smell good magic. Want eat but not eat. Too." Shimmer got

their attention, still focused on the vial.

"You are insufferably hard to understand without Miss Granger,

Shimmer." Severus glared lightly at the golden dragon.

"Shimmer not understand. Too hard word." Shimmer replied, leaving the

vial to look at the potion teacher.

"Words are hard." Perenelle nodded, talking for the first time since

Shimmer entered the room, taking him a bit by surprise. She smiled at

how fast his head turned toward her, and patted the table next to her.

"Come here, young Shimmer."

He obliged her, expanding his wings and, with a single jump, flew over to

her, his claws scraping lightly the wooden table.

"Old human. Smell magic. Smell gold." He said.

"Thank you, it's better than saying that I smell like an old woman." She

smiled a bit more, petting his head. Raising her other hand, she pointed it

at the fresh vial of goo. "And, can you tell what you smell in this?"

"Thank god you're here. I seem to forget an awful lot to ask the more

competent people, as I often am the most competent one." Nicolas smiled

lovingly at his wife. "My beloved Perenelle saved me numerous times

from dire problems by pointing out what I seem to forget so easily."

"Shimmer smell magic. Life." Shimmer replied, enjoying the hand

brushing against the scales on his neck. "Not gold."

"Really?" Nicolas exclaimed, getting curious once more. "Hmm. Since he

is more golden than before, could it be possible he absorbed the ability to

create gold? By becoming gold himself? Hmm."

"An interesting theory, but then why isn't he completely made out of

gold?" Severus pointed out.

"Dragon scales are naturally magic absorbent, it seems logical that they

took it before the rest of his body did." Nicolas pointed out

absentmindedly. "And if he absorbed this, he could have absorbed more."

"What do you mean?"

"The Stone extended our lives immensely, but didn't make us immortal."

Nicolas explained as he focused once more on Shimmer, though with far

more graveness. "We became dependent on the Stone's ability to survive.

If he absorbed the Stone, his life could have been extended immensely.

Perhaps indefinitely, though I doubt it. He wouldn't need to use the

Stone, as it became a part of him."

"Immortality." Severus said gravely, staring at Shimmer.

"In the purest, most natural way possible. A life extended indefinitely. No

dark magic, no ritual, only limited by his new biology." Nicolas said,

before shaking his head. "Of course, this is only a theory, and it will be

hard to prove or disprove without threatening his life."

The three humans stared at Shimmer, contemplating what may be a new

lifeform that was created artificially. The dragon stared back, not really

sure what was going on. Shimmer knew they were talking about the red

thing he regurgitated, but he didn't know why. It smelled good, but that

was it.

"It might be better that, of all creatures living on this world, it wasn't a

human who got that ability." Perenelle said after a few seconds, sipping

her cup of tea. "A sapient creature like Shimmer, both untamed and

untainted by man's desire for exploring, conquering, or dominating,

seems more fitting of such an incredible gift."

"Perhaps. But it will not protect him from humanity's desire for

immortality. People will want him." Severus warned.

"Indeed." Nicolas agreed.

"Shimmer want… Shimmer want… do?" Shimmer tried to say that he

wanted them to do something, but didn't know how.

"Speak, Shimmer."

"Shimmer try. Is hard." Shimmer growled in reply.

"Calm down, Shimmer. Try again." Perenelle said, attempting to calm him

down with pats.

"Shimmer want… test." He said, recalling that new word.

"Well, aren't you eager to continue? Very well." Nicolas chuckled. "Do

you have any suggestions, professor Snape?"

"A few. Miss Granger provided me with a satisfactory report of his diet

and habits, but it was lacking on the physiological and biological aspect.

Something I plan to solve with the assistance of dragonologists from the

Romanian Dragon Sanctuary. Most of the tests and experiments I have

left can be done without Shimmer's presence, but I would like to work on

his ability to smell and taste magic." Severus went on, grabbing a small

notebook with a gryffindor symbol on it.

"A fascinating trait of his. Could you help me set these up?" The old

french man said as he went to pull out a metre long tube, embedded

gemstones on the upper part with the flat part beneath to hold it up.

"What is that?" Severus asked as he helped the man move it on the table.

"A detectus-magicae. An antique, almost as old as me. I've seen a few

curse-breakers use them to identify cursed objects, but it can be used to

detect all kinds of spells and magics." Nicolas replied.

Shimmer, intrigued by the new object, quickly made his way to the other

side of the table where it rested. A couple of sniffs were enough for him

to smell many, many different smells of magic that were both good and


"What is?" Shimmer asked.

"Something that will help us find out how your nose works." Nicolas

answered, using his wand and slowly casting a spell on the detector.


The gemstone closest to the detector's end lit up, a light white glow

coming out of it.

"Shimmer, can you tell us what this smells like?"

Approaching the stone, the golden dragon took a deep breath and was

surprised by how good it smelled.

"Is magic. Magic feel good. Smell like candy." He replied, happy to know

the word thanks to Hermione.

"Really? How curious."

"I see." Severus said, letting his enchanted quill write down the

conclusion of this first test. "Maybe something he already tried before?


A red bolt flew from Severus' wand to the detector, lighting up another

stone in a very light red colour. Shimmer wasted no time to smell it, and

recognised it.

"Is magic. Good magic feel. Smell hard, not bad not good. Like fish."

Shimmer liked this a lot. He was learning about magic spells, which

would make him better at understanding what the humans did and what

spells tasted good or bad. And it was a fun game for a creature as simple

as he was, not needing much to spend a nice moment.

"Good, even if I was expecting something else." Nicolas noted.

"Well, I will leave you to this. There are a few things I'd like to discuss

with Madam Pomfrey." Perenelle said, leaving her tea cup on the table

before standing up, walking toward the door.

"Have a good afternoon dear." Nicolas wished her, readying his wand for

another spell.

With that said, Nicolas, Severus and Shimmer resumed their tests.

Shimmer liked it a lot, and even if the experiments variated as time went

on, he didn't notice the hours pass.

It was early in the evening, and the three just stopped. They might have

continued, had Shimmer not stopped the two men. They cast so many

spells that he had to smell, he got tired at the end. And then they moved

on to the goo, and asked if he could produce it on demand, which they

found out he couldn't.

So, to test how much he could produce, they made him eat spells after

spells, good tasting ones thankfully. He regurgitated so much of it,

enough to fill a whole cauldron, in many different vials and glasses. It left

him tired, in a bad mood, and with an awful taste in his mouth.

"Shimmer want go! No test." He growled at the two, just as they prepared

another container.

Nicolas looked up at the window, and noticed how the twilight was

starting to come. Testing if he vomited different goos was inconclusive so

far, as he only regurgitated the same red goo over and over again. Its

properties remained the same, with equivalent potency and amount of

magic. The only thing they found was that the more magic he ate, the

less goo he would vomit, like if his stomach got tired.

This wasn't bidding well for Shimmer, who hadn't realised yet that there

was a problem in the first place.

"Perhaps we can stop for today." Nicolas agreed, actually starting to feel

how tired he was. He may have used the Stone to extend his life, he was

still an extremely old man with a body that wasn't as young.

"Indeed." Professor Snape nodded as well, letting his quill rest on the

page filled with notes. He looked at the many vials of red goo, aware of

the potential value they had. Potential, because they weren't crazy

enough to taste it. Not before cleaning it, which was something they

would do another day.

"Shimmer want eat!" Shimmer almost shouted, flying up to the door.

"Stop shouting, you damn lizard." Snape growled, flicking his wand and

letting the door open.

Without wasting a second, Shimmer flew out and crossed all the

dungeons back to the first floor, where he went straight for the Great

Hall. He had enough tests, and hoped he wouldn't have to do more

tomorrow. But, even if it was uncomfortable, he learned a lot and wanted

to share it with Hermione.

Reaching the Great Hall, the doors thankfully opened, he swished in and

aimed for the Gryffindor table, where Hermione, Ron and Neville were

already eating. With little care for the humans around, and thankfully

Hermione left an open space for him to land, knowing he would just push

everything aside otherwise, he landed right on the table. Even after

almost a year of classes, his random arrivals could still take most of them

by surprise.

"Shimmer! How are you?" Hermione asked instantly, a bright smile on

her face as she was very happy to get her friend back.

"Shimmer not like test. Is hard, is bad, taste bad. Smell is fun. Shimmer

no want more test." He growled, much to the Gryffindors' surprise, as he

laid down on the table.

"Oh. I'm sorry to hear that, but it's only for a few more days." She tried to

cheer him up.

Another growl came from him, still not happy at the prospect of doing

more tests.

"I get it, I don't like tests either." Ron replied a bit nonchalantly.

"Ron is?" Shimmer asked, intrigued.

"It's not the same." Hermione noted, frowning at her friend's words.

"I don't like any tests." Ron clarified.

"That's not helpful." Hermione said.

"Shimmer like Ron not like test. Shimmer want eat like Ron." Shimmer

continued, staring at Neville's plate that was the only one filled with


"Huh, Hermione?" Neville called, a bit worried as he didn't dare to pull

his plate away from Shimmer.

"You are not going to be eating like Ron. It would actually be a

downgrade." She said with absolute certainty, picking up a plate and

filling it with a bit of steak and a few bones.

Shimmer was most happy to get this, as he never got to eat cows before

coming to Hogwarts since they were too big for him to hunt. He loved

the taste of this new meat, far better than rats, and promised himself to

hunt cows when he would be big enough to do so.

For now though, he was happy to get smaller bits as he teared in the

meat with gusto.

"Hey!" Ron complained.

"It's true and you know it." Hermione replied, not ready to let this go.

"Hmph!" Ron harrumphed, reaching for a generous serving of beef


With everyone going back to eat, they fell in silence as the students

around them had their own discussions. The meal went on for a little

while, with a few more talks here and there about their classes and the

upcoming holidays. They still had a few exams to take, and with

Quirrell's disappearance the teachers had to improvise a few things, but

they would come to an end shortly.

"Shimmer?" Hermione called him as he finished his bone, cleaned of all


"Yes?" He replied.

"Would you like to take a small break with me? Maybe tomorrow

morning? It's Saturday so I'm free and it's been a while." She asked,

longing for a moment with her friend. It had been a while since they

spent a moment together.

"Shimmer not know brek, and Shimmer like, but Shimmer test, and

Shimmer not want no coin." He whined in reply.

"It's 'break', Shimmer. And a break is some time spent relaxing, not doing,

well, tests. I'm sure I can ask Headmaster Dumbledore to give you a small

break." Hermione assured him.

"Shimmer like. Shimmer thank you Hermione." He said.

"You're welcome." She replied as she petted his head. Hermione was quite

proud of how her lessons improved Shimmer's speech. Even if there was a

lot more work to do.

The dinner lasted until eight, where the students were forced to return to

their dormitory for the night. Shimmer went along with the Gryffindors,

something he hadn't done in a while, and remained in the common room

for a few more minutes as some of the students got to talk in the couches

and where others, like Hermione, focused on their notes and books in

preparation for the upcoming exams.

Shimmer watched as she wrote a few things, and how it seemingly made

sense for the human girl. He couldn't understand how these lines, strange

shapes and things, could be used to translate something that was spoken,

even if he sort of understood the interest.

He remained there, laying on the table next to Hermione, resting in

silence and watching over the students in the room. As time passed, most

of them returned to their bedrooms, and soon Hermione was one of the

last ones there, with Neville who was also working hard on his notes.

Thankfully for him, Hermione was there to help him with a few more

obscure subjects.

Hermione was forced to stop herself at some point, aware that staying

awake longer would risk getting a warning from Professor McGonagall

for staying up too late. Again.

"Thank you for staying with me, Shimmer. That was very nice." She told

him as they went to her bedroom.

"Shimmer want sleep. Is bye-bye." He replied, feeling a bit more tired

than usual.


Coming into the bedroom, where her roommates were busy removing

some make-up or reading a magazine, she made a beeline for her bed and

dropped her belongings next to it.

"He grew a bit." Lavender Brown noted as Shimmer flew in.

"Yes. We actually don't know how big he will get." Hermione replied.

"Really?" Parvati Patil asked, surprised.

"Yes. When the dragon handlers come back, we will try to find out how

much more he will grow."

"Huh. Well I hope he won't get much bigger, otherwise he won't be able

to come back to the castle." Lavender said, brushing her hairs.

"I hope not, but that's a possibility." Hermione agreed with a small frown.

She actually didn't want her friend to get too big, otherwise it would be

hard to have him around.

"Shimmer want big. Big is good. Big Shimmer is more danger, is more

hunt." The golden dragon replied as he landed on the window.

"He's almost as smart as a Slytherin." Parvati mocked.

"He's smarter than that!" Hermione came to her friend's defence, outraged

by that ridiculous comparison.

"Smarter than Draco at least." Lavender said.

"Shimmer want bye-bye." Shimmer cut them off, whipping his tail against

the window, making it rattle a bit.

"Alright, alright." Hermione quickly made her way to the window,

opening it quickly.

Shimmer had no trouble passing through the window, even with his

slight increase in size, and he stopped right as he was outside, standing

on the window sill.

"Bye-bye." He said to his friend.

"Goodnight, Shimmer. See you tomorrow." Hermione wished him a smile

on her face.

Spreading his wings wide, he jumped in the air and quickly found the

right air current, flying straight to his tower and his hoard.

The following morning, Shimmer went to Headmaster Dumbledore's

office first thing in the morning. He wanted a break, and he would get it,

but sadly for him the old man wasn't there. A bit disappointed but by no

means defeated, he went to Hermione's window, and though the glass

was a bit blurry, he saw that the bed was still occupied.

"Hermione." He called, landing on the window sill.

No answer came, but maybe it wasn't a surprise as it was still quite early,

with the sun barely up above the forbidden forest.

Pulling his head backward, he readied himself and then smacked his head

in the glass. A bit to his surprise though, the entire window broke under

the impact, shattering into a hundred fragments in a loud clatter.

"Ahh!" Three voices shouted at the same time.

Sitting up in their beds, covering themselves at the same time, the three

gryffindor girls looked at each other in panic, trying to find out what

woke them up.

Exchanging a few words of confusion, blinking quickly to remove the

sleepiness from their eyes, they soon found the source of their fear and


"Shimmer!" Hermione shouted, completely incredulous at what he did.

"That stupid lizard." Lavender groaned as she flopped back down on her


"Why did you do that?!" Parvati shouted as well, quite pissed off.

"Shimmer sorry. Not want." Shimmer apologised, head down, still at the

window. He wasn't bothered by the glass at all, but was conscious that he

did something bad.

"You broke our window!" Parvati continued.

"Shimmer want see Hermione. Shimmer say Hermione, not wake

Hermione." He tried to apologise.

"Well you should have waited for me to wake up. Come on, now." She

said quite sternly, grabbing her wand.

Still head down, Shimmer walked in the bedroom and walked up to

Hermione's bed, without jumping on it like usual.

"fenestra Reparo." Hermione casted her spell, allowing the pieces of

broken glass to slowly rise into the air and all finding their place,

completely fixing the window. "There we go."

"Thank you, Hermione." Lavender said, ready to go back to sleep.

"Get him out." Parvati spat, also wanting to get a bit more sleep.

"You heard them, Shimmer. Go wait for me downstairs." Hermione told


"Okay." He nodded.

Flying to the door, he opened it with his claws and then went down the

stairs. He was quite happy, since apparently Hermione wouldn't take any

coins from him nor give him any punishment even if he broke their

window. But it wasn't broken anymore, so he couldn't be punished for it.

That logic made an awful lot of sense for him.

Once in the common room, he went for the table at first, but found the

cushions more inviting. With but a flap of his wings, he was on an

armchair aimed toward the stairs, and made himself comfortable,

pushing the cushion with his wings and head a little until he was


It was a very nice thing, comfortable and soft, but it lacked the scent of

gold and its addictive presence. He wouldn't mind getting one of these

cushions in his room, as long as he could keep all of his hoard as well.

Hermione wasn't the first person to come down though, as a few students

from all years came down before her. Most passed right next to him

without even noticing him, but it took a fourth year student almost

sitting on him to be found.

He growled as the boy came next to his chair, almost about to fall into its

comfortableness, and that quickly pushed him back.

"Merlin!" He swore, almost reaching for his wand but deciding to step

back instead. Since Shimmer didn't react, beside keeping his eyes on him,

the boy got some assurance back. "Who forgot to let the dragon out last


The sentence was ridiculous enough as it was, but none of the few

students already awake had an answer to give him. It wasn't until

Hermione came down that Shimmer looked up from his place.

"Hermione." He called her.

Her eyes looked through the room and fell on him, and she started to

frown as she walked up to him.

"Granger, did you let him sleep here?" Asked the boy who got growled at

by Shimmer.

"I- no. He broke through our window this morning and I told him to wait

for me in the common room." Hermione answered, losing a bit of her

confidence by the

sudden interruption.

"Really?" The fourth year said, actually more impressed by what Shimmer

did rather than angry for what happened to him.

"Yes. I fixed the window, but I need to have a few more words with him."

She said.

"Don't worry, it's fine. I just wasn't expecting to see him on a chair." He

said before walking away, joining up with a few of his friends.

Focusing back on Shimmer, Hermione gathered her thoughts for a second

before walking up to Shimmer, who was still laying on the cushion.

"Shimmer, what you did was very, very bad." She started, glaring down at


"Shimmer know. Not bad dragon." He replied, a bit by reflex at the end.

"You scared me, Parvati and Lavender and broke our window. I want you

to promise to never do that again." Hermione said very seriously.

"Shimmer promise. Shimmer is sorry, not want scare." Shimmer

apologised again. "Shimmer good dragon!"

"I know you're a good dragon, but you sometimes do bad things. From

now on, I want you to wait at the window for me to wake up." She


"Okay." He nodded.

"And, because you broke the window, you will have to wait one more day

before getting more coins from me." Hermione said that last part more

slowly, aware of what would happen next.

"What?! Hermione say Shimmer not not go no coin again! Shimmer want

coins!" He shouted quite loudly, getting the attention of everyone in the

room, as he stood up on his wings and legs.

"No, Shimmer. You break something, you need to pay for it." She recited

a lesson she learned from her parents.

"Window not break. Hermione magic window good!" He protested,

standing up on the arm of the chair.

"Yes, but only because we needed the window fixed immediately. You

still broke the window, so I'm taking one more day from you." Hermione

didn't give up any ground.

"No! Shimmer want coins! Shimmer- Hermione say Shimmer not go no

coin again!" Shimmer wasn't ready to give up as well.

"You did something wrong, Shimmer. You need to accept that when

someone does something wrong, they need to pay for that." Hermione

repeated. "And it's only one more day. I'm not asking you to give me your

coins to pay for the window."

Just the thought of losing coins, not just not getting any new coins, but

truly seeing a coin be taken from his hoard, was enough to horrify him. It

made him stop, thinking about this possible danger, and he had to relent.

As much as he hated it, he would rather not get new coins rather than

give up any of the coins he had.

"Shimmer not take coin?" He asked warily.

"No, but you won't get new ones." Hermione reminded him.

He growled a bit more, his tail whipping the air angrily behind him,

though it was partially aimed at himself for doing something that would

cost him coins.

"Shimmer okay." He let out.

"You understand that you won't get coins for one more day, right?" She


"Yes." Shimmer nodded.

"Good! Now let's go get breakfast." She replied, much more cheerful.

A bit surprised by her sudden change of emotion, Shimmer didn't lose

time to follow after her. She didn't see it, but quite a lot of students were

staring at her, whispering about how she definitely had her place in

Gryffindor for being able to talk like that to a dragon.

Going down the stairs, Shimmer had to slow down as he had to wait for

Hermione to actually walk them down where he was only flying over

them. They soon reached the ground floor and made their way to the

Great Hall, filled with only a small number of students, the majority still

being in bed or on their way to get their breakfast as well.

Sitting down at the table, Hermione watched as Shimmer landed in front

of her, on the table. She frowned as she saw him like this, not liking the

fact that he was on the table and not on the benches like everyone

around. Sure, he wasn't human and couldn't stand up like them, but he

shouldn't walk on the table.

"Shimmer, come here, please." She called him, patting the spot right next

to her.

Wondering what she had in mind, and a bit worried she wasn't done with

him for breaking the window, he obeyed and used his nimble body to

reach the bench with the claws on his wings before bringing the rest of

his body.

"Good. Now, what would you like to eat?" Hermione asked as she

prepared herself some black pudding with bread and bacon.


"You need to say the nice words if you want something, Shimmer." She

told him, really intending to work harder on his education.

"Thank you?" He risked it.

"No, the other one." She corrected him.

"Meat please?" He tried again.

"Very good. Here." Hermione congratulated him, putting some slices of

ham on a plate. She was about to hand it to him, and stopped as she

watched him lay down on the bench. "Shimmer, have you grown fatter?"

"Shimmer not understand. Is big. Big is strong." He replied, looking at

himself and wondering what she was talking about.

"Hmm. I didn't realise that feeding you directly would impact your diet so

much. You should hunt more." She said, taking away one slice of ham

from the plate before giving it to him.

Shimmed hadn't even noticed the missing slice, focused on himself, and

simply tore in the meat when it was placed in front of him.

The breakfast was well on its way, they finished quickly and didn't wait

for Ron and Neville. While Neville should already be up by now, he

wouldn't come down without Ron, and the Weasley boy wouldn't be

awake for a little while longer.

"Let's go see Headmaster Dumbledore." Hermione said when they were

done, wanting to negotiate some free time for Shimmer.

Walking up between the tables, they stopped in front of the table where

only the headmaster, professor McGonagall and professor Sprout resided.

"Ah, Miss Granger, Shimmer. Good morning." Dumbledore greeted them,

a smile on his lips.

"Good morning, Headmaster, Professor." Hermione greeted them back


"Hello Dumb Door." Shimmer replied, focused on the old human as he

hovered in the air.

"Shimmer, stop saying that!" Hermione harshly scolded him.

"Now, now, Miss Granger. I believe we could excuse Shimmer for not

being fully capable of speaking correctly yet. Now, what can we do for

you on this nice morning?" Dumbledore calmed her down, a hand in the


"Yes, professor. I wanted to ask if Shimmer could be exempted from

doing any test this morning." Hermione asked, collecting herself.

"Hmm, I suppose that, as long as he comes back this afternoon, it

shouldn't be a problem. Professor Snape and Nicolas already made quite a

few interesting discoveries yesterday, and I believe they also found

something last night. But I digress, don't let me stop you from enjoying

some time together." Dumbledore answered.

"As long as this doesn't impact your studies, Miss Granger." Professor

McGonagall added with a very light stare, not wanting to see her prized

student wander too much.

"It won't, professor. Thank you very much." Hermione swore, nodding her

head in gratitude.

"Thank you." Shimmer repeated.

"Now, get on your day, Miss Granger." Dumbledore waved them off.

Leaving the table, Hermione and Shimmer exited the Great Hall and

continued in the corridor, even as more students were coming in for


"Shimmer, there's something really important I want to talk about with

you." She said, navigating in the other direction as most students.

"What say?" Shimmer asked, distracted by the flow of students.

"Let's go to my room." She replied instead of repeating herself, wanting

some privacy about this.

"Okay." He nodded.

It took them a moment to go back to the Gryffindor tower and then go up

to her bedroom, where there were no more signs of Lavender and

Parvati. Hermione sat down on her bed, and Shimmer joined her there,

laying down on the neatly folded covers.

"So, Shimmer, do you know what is going to happen soon?" She asked


Was there something important? He couldn't remember much about what

was going on right now, except on a day to day basis, so if it was

something he was told long ago, he certainly wouldn't be able to

remember today.

"No? Shimmer do test." Shimmer finally said.

"Yes, but after that?" She pressed on.

"Shimmer not know. Not remember." He replied.

"Do you remember what happened when you went to hibernate last

time? When do you go to sleep because it's too cold?" She tried to give

him enough hints to find out what she was looking for.

"Shimmer sleep long cold." He nodded, knowing what this was about.

"Good. Now, while you slept, I was not here. Do you remember that?"

Hermione continued.

"Little." He acknowledged, barely remembering Hermione telling him that

she was with her family far from Hogwarts.

"Perfect. Now, listen carefully. Me, and all the other students here, are

going back home for the summer. Only the teachers will remain here,

and not all of them." She slowly explained.

"Dumb Door, Snape, stay. Not Hermione?" He asked, a bit unsure.

"Yes, that's it. I'm going back to my family for the summer, so I won't see

you for a long time." She went on.

"Many day?"

"It's… quite long, three months at least. That's about ninety days." She


"Shimmer cold sleep. Many days?" Shimmer tried to compare the two.

"It's actually about the same, I suppose. I'll be away a bit more."

Hermione nodded.

Well, Shimmer didn't really know how long he actually slept during his

long sleeps, since he wasn't awake to count the days, but he knew it was

long. And, as he thought about this, he realised what Hermione was

saying, much to his horror.

"Hermione not here many days?!" He exclaimed.

"Don't shout!" Hermione complained a hand on each ear, taken aback by

his sudden cry. "And yes, I won't be here for at least three months."


"I told you, students go back to their families in the summer." She


He thought about this, and he only had one logical question in mind.

"Shimmer not here summer?" He kept asking.

"I don't know. That's what I wanted to ask you: is there something you do

in the summer? Somewhere you stay?"

"Shimmer kill, eat, sleep. Not move." He shook his head vigorously.

"Well, I was wondering, if the teachers agree, that maybe you could come

to my house this summer?" Hermione suggested with an hopeful look.

"Shimmer not here? Why?" Shimmer said, confused.

"No, no. Hmm, how to say this. Do you want to stay here without me?

Just Shimmer, no Hermione." She reformulated.

"Shimmer like Hermione. Is good friend. Shimmer like go Hermione." He


"Aww, thank you Shimmer." Hermione reached for him, ready to hug him

as she felt overjoyed at his acceptance.

"Shimmer not want go no coin." He added right as she hugged him.

"What?" She said startled, pulling back a little.

"Shimmer want coins. Shimmer not go Hermione Shimmer no coin."

I- I don't understand." Hermione replied, confused and slightly


Shimmer whipped his tail on the bed in frustration, wanting to say that

he wouldn't leave without his hoard. He didn't mind going with

Hermione to her house, in fact he was very curious and spending more

time with Hermione meant more coins for him. But at the same time, he

simply couldn't leave his hoard behind, unattended and alone against all

kinds of thieves. Well, he was never stolen, but it was something he

feared more than anything else.

But, maybe there was a way to show Hermione what he meant?

"Hermione fly." He said, staring at her.

"What?" She said, surprised.

"Hermione come." Shimmer kept going, reaching for Hermione's sleeve

and pulling it with his teeth.

"Shimmer! Stop that, you'll tear it!" Hermione shouted, pushing his head


"Hermione fly!" He repeated, still pulling.

"Alright, I'll follow you, just stop!" She agreed.

Letting go of her sleeve, Shimmer turned around and went toward the

stairs. Hermione grumbled as she looked at her sleeve, relieved to see the

damages were very minor, before going after Shimmer. They quickly

went down the stairs, Hermione reaching the ground flour completely

winded, barely keeping up with the flying dragon.

"Shimmer… slow down." Hermione begged as they went outside.

Turning around, Shimmer looked at her and then continued on his way,

flying to the shed where the brooms were kept and landing right on top

of it.

"Hermione fly." He repeated again.

Still catching her breath, Hermione managed to get paler despite her red


"What? No. I can't fly." She instantly denied.

"Shimmer want go Hermione, Shimmer go coin. Shimmer no coin no go."

He once again repeated, getting annoyed by this.

"I told you, I don't understand." Hermione also repeated.

"Hermione fly. Hermione no fly, Shimmer fly Hermione."

"Please don't. Shimmer, I'm scared of flying, I just can't do that." She


Angry, Shimmer jumped from his perch and landed right in front of

Hermione, who took a small step back in surprise.

"Shimmer coins, yes?" He asked.

"You have coins?" Hermione guessed.

"Yes. Shimmer go Hermione, not want mine coins here." Shimmer went

on, doing his best to put the words in the right order.

"You want to come and- Oh! Ooh. You don't want to leave your coins

here!" Hermione jumped as she understood, an excited gleam in her eyes.

"Yes." Shimmer nodded several times.

"And… you wanted to show me your coins?" Hermione realised, calming

down a little, aware of the opportunity that was given to her.


"Mmm." Hermione glanced at the shed, thinking about the tools inside.

But, as much as she wanted to witness where Shimmer lived, going on a

broom and fly atop the Gryffindor tower, she couldn't do that. "No, I can't

break in, I need to ask a teacher first. And I haven't told my parents

anything yet."

Shimmer stared at her, wondering what she was talking about.

"Alright. I'll need to ask my parents first if they would be ready with you

coming, and then ask Headmaster Dumbledore. Or maybe it would be

better to ask the teachers first?" She wondered aloud. "Yes, definitely ask

the teachers first. Come, Shimmer."

A bit lost, Shimmer still followed after her as they went to the Great Hall.

Many students were still there, including Ron and Neville, but there was

no sign of Dumbledore nor Professor McGonagall. There was professor

Snape though, and Hermione was ready to try her luck.

"Miss Granger." Snape welcomed them as they reached the teacher's


"Shimmer here, Snape." Shimmer growled, not liking being ignored.

Professor Snape only glared at Shimmer, which had absolutely no effect,

and Hermione mustered her courage to defuse the situation.

"Good morning, Professor Snape. We were looking for the Headmaster."

She explained a bit weakly.

"The Headmaster is currently in a meeting in his office."

"Oh." Hermione simply let out, a bit disappointed.

"Was this everything, Miss Granger?" Professor Snape curtly asked.

"Yes, thank you, Professor. Come, Shimmer. We're going to see

Headmaster Dumbledore." She said as she turned around.

"Miss Granger, I would advise that you do not take Shimmer to the

Headmaster's office. Shimmer's presence would be incredibly detrimental

to himself." Professor Snape stopped them before Hermione even took

two steps.

"Really?" She asked, surprised.

Shimmed, who remained in the air until now, and went back and forth a

few times, had enough and landed on the table right next to Professor

Snape's place.

"The people he's meeting with could be dangerous for Shimmer. It would

be wiser to have him stay here until they leave." Professor Snape warned.

"In fact, since we will resume our tests soon, Shimmer should come with


Hermione was a bit saddened by the request, but there wasn't much she

could do about it. She wanted to spend more time with Shimmer, and

even if they did a few things together, it wasn't nearly as much as she

hoped, especially since the case of Shimmer's place during the summer

hadn't been discussed with Dumbledore yet.

"Shimmer not like test." Shimmer growled.

"Like every student here. With perhaps the exception of Miss Granger."

Professor Snape replied with a glance at said student. "And I assure you

that it will be nothing like yesterday."

"It's okay, Shimmer. We can still see Professor Dumbledore later. The

Flamel won't be there too long, so you should spend more time with them

until then." Hermione told Shimmer, a sad look on her face.

Intrigued, Shimmer looked at her.


"Why indeed, Miss Granger." Professor Snape repeated after Shimmer.

"I looked up their name in the library, and the history of the Stone. I

know what is going to happen to them soon without it." Hermione

answered sadly.

Professor Snape stared at her with his usual frown, though there was

something slightly different this time.

"Glad to see that there are some Gryffindors capable of thinking. The

smartest one from your house died years ago." He replied, staring into

Shimmer's eyes, his face relaxing slightly and letting out some hidden

feelings of longing and grief.

Hermione dared not speak up, because she recognised the professor was

thinking heavily about something very important to him, and didn't want

to get his attention. Shimmer had no troubles doing so, though.

"Shimmer test?" He asked, blinking.

That was enough to pull Professor Snape out of his trance, and he

instantly resumed his normal appearance.

"Tests, yes. Miss Granger, I'll take care of Shimmer. You're free to enjoy

your day." Professor Snape said.

"Very well, Professor. See you later, Shimmer." Hermione smiled at the

golden dragon, already starting to think of the arguments she would need

to convince Headmaster Dumbledore that her idea was the best.

"Bye bye." Shimmer said.

Hermione waved in reply, and Shimmer started at her some more as she

joined Ron and Neville, before looking again at professor Snape.

"Snape smell. Fish and plant." He stated emotionless.

"I can already tell this is going to be a long day." Severus sighed with a

frown as he stood up. "Follow me, stupid lizard. We have much to do."

"Shimmer smart! Snape dumb like dumb door." Shimmer growled in

answer even as he jumped in the air, going after the teacher.

"I resent that."

Hi! Valexto at the keyboard!

First of all, I would like to thank you all for your very kind comments

and your understanding.

I'm very glad to have such an understanding community, and thank you

all for this.

My new schedule is starting to get a bit more stable, so I should be able

to write occasionally, as you can see with the chapter above. I left

university behind me two years ago, so going back is a bit of a hassle, but

important nonetheless.

It doesn't mean I'll be releasing new chapters as much as I used to, but at

least once every now and then.

IMPORTANT! Do you think Shimmer going to Hermione's place for the

summer is a good idea? Should I have him stay at Hogwarts instead? Tell

me what you think.

I read all of your comments and it really drove me to write this chapter

faster in some of my spare time, as I really wanted to show that I wasn't

abandoning the story in any way.

Thanks for all the support and see you soon!

Also, Rest In Peace to Maggie Smith, who passed away yesterday. I may

not have watched all the Harry Potter movies, but she was incredible as

Minerva McGonagall.

Внимание! Этот перевод, возможно, ещё не готов.

Его статус: идёт перевод


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